C A3. /O ■ */f3 <^ ° F c °< V \ in Q J NBS SPECIAL PUBLICATION 483 *<"*au o* * U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/ National Bureau of Standards Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS The National Bureau of Standards 1 was established by an act of Congress March 3, 1901. The Bureau's overall goal is to strengthen and advance the Nation's science and technology and facilitate their effective application for public benefit. To this end, the Bureau conducts research and provides: (1) a basis for the Nation's physical measurement system, (2) scientific and technological services for industry and government, (3) a technical basis for equity in trade, and (4) technical services to pro- mote public safety. The Bureau consists of the Institute for Basic Standards, the Institute for Materials Research, the Institute for Applied Technology, the Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, the Office for Information Programs, and the Office of Experimental Technology Incentives Program. THE INSTITUTE FOR BASIC STANDARDS provides the central basis within the United States of a complete and consist- ent system of physical measurement; coordinates that system with measurement systems of other nations; and furnishes essen- tial services leading to accurate and uniform physical measurements throughout the Nation's scientific community, industry, and commerce. The Institute consists of the Office of Measurement Services, and the following center and divisions: Applied Mathematics — Electricity — Mechanics — Heat — Optical Physics — Center for Radiation Research — Lab- oratory Astrophysics- — ■ Cryogenics 2 — Electromagnetics 1 ' — Time and Frequency 3 . THE INSTITUTE FOR MATERIALS RESEARCH conducts materials research leading to improved methods of measure- ment, standards, and data on the properties of well-characterized materials needed by industry, commerce, educational insti- tutions, and Government; provides advisory and research services to other Government agencies; and develops, produces, and distributes standard reference materials. The Institute consists of the Office of Standard Reference Materials, the Office of Air and Water Measurement, and the following divisions: Analytical Chemistry — Polymers — Metallurgy — Inorganic Materials — Reactor Radiation — Physical Chemistry. THE INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED TECHNOLOGY provides technical services developing and promoting the use of avail- able technology; cooperates with public and private organizations in developing technological standards, codes, and test meth- ods; and provides technical advice services, and information to Government agencies and the public. The Institute consists of the following divisions and centers: Standards Application and Analysis — Electronic Technology — Center for Consumer Product Technology: Product Systems Analysis; Product Engineering — ■ Center for Building Technology: Structures, Materials, and Safety; Building Environment; Technical Evaluation and Application — Center for Fire Research: Fire Science; Fire Safety Engineering. THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY conducts research and provides technical services designed to aid Government agencies in improving cost effectiveness in the conduct of their programs through the selection, acquisition, and effective utilization of automatic data processing equipment; and serves as the principal focus wthin the exec- utive branch for the development of Federal standards for automatic data processing equipment, techniques, and computer languages. The Institute consist of the following divisions: Computer Services — Systems and Software — Computer Systems Engineering — Information Technology. THE OFFICE OF EXPERIMENTAL TECHNOLOGY INCENTIVES PROGRAM seeks to affect public policy and process to facilitate technological change in the private sector by examining and experimenting with Government policies and prac- tices in order to identify and remove Government-related barriers and to correct inherent market imperfections that impede the innovation process. THE OFFICE FOR INFORMATION PROGRAMS promotes optimum dissemination and accessibility of scientific informa- tion generated within NBS; promotes the development of the National Standard Reference Data System and a system of in- formation analysis centers dealing with the broader aspects of the National Measurement System; provides appropriate services to ensure that the NBS staff has optimum accessibility to the scientific information of the world. The Office consists of the following organizational units: Office of Standard Reference Data — Office of Information Activities — Office of Technical Publications — Library — Office of International Standards — Office of International Relations. 1 Headquarters and Laboratories at Gaithersburg, Maryland, unless otherwise noted; mailing address Washington, D.C. 20234. 2 Located at Boulder, Colorado 80302. C /& /O ■ */&*>/ erratic^ o o a Q ERRATA TO ACCOMPANY National Bureau of Standards Special Pulbication 483, "Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards," by William J. Slattery On page vi, Section 3.1,, after IES, change Illiminating Engineering Society to Institute of Environmental Sciences. On page vii, Section 3.2., change: Illuminating Engineering Society 345 47th Street New York, New York 10017 TO Institute of Environmental Sciences 940 East Northwest Highway Mount Prospect, Illinois 60065 ■d Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards William J. Slattery Institute for Applied Technology National Bureau of Standards Washington, D.C. 20234 > o o Cl Q *<"*au ov H U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Juanita M. Kreps, Secretary Dr. Sidney Harman, Under Secretary Jordan J. Baruch, Assistant Secretary for Science and Technology NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, Ernest Ambler, Acting Director Issued August 1977 National Bureau of Standards Publication 483 Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Spec. Publ. 483, 127 pages (Aug. 1977) CODEN: XNBSAV U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1977 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price $2.76 Stock No. 003-003-01822-8 Acknowledgements The editor appreciates the efforts of the following for their contributions to this Index: the American Nuclear Society (ANS) which initiated the idea; Mrs. Annette Rachlin, former Nuclear Coordinator with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI); Ms. Mary Monty, former Assistant Program Administrator, ANSI; Mrs. Mary Crehan Vaca, Assistant Program Administra- tor-Nuclear, ANSI, for her editorial review of the Index; Mrs. Ethelene Lewis, Library Technician, Standards Information and Analysis Section (SIAS), National Bureau of Standards (NBS), for keypunching the standards data; and Paul Majewski, Computer Specialist (SIAS), for programming assistance. in Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards William J. Slattery, Editor This Index contains the permuted titles of more than 1,200 nuclear and nuclear-related standards, specifications, test methods, codes and recommended practices published by 34 U.S. government agencies, technical societies, professional organizations and trade associations. Each title can be found under all the significant key words which it contains. These key words are arranged alphabetically down the center of each page together with their surrounding context. Each entry includes the date of publication or last revision, the standard number, an acronym designating the standards-issuing organization, any cross reference standard number, and price. Key words: Engineering standards, index of; index of nuclear standards; nuclear standards; KWIC index of standards 1. Introduction 1.1. Background In 1974, the American Nuclear Society (ANS) asked NBS to cooperate in the publication of a Key- Word-In-Context (KWIC) Index of U.S., foreign national and international standards. That Index would update the 1974 "Catalog of Nuclear Industry Standards" published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). After a series of meet- ings and correspondence between NBS and ANS, and NBS and ANSI, NBS decided it would compile the present index with ANSI as the co-sponsoring organization. An earlier publication, the Compilation of Nucle- ar Standards, was a project of the Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC) and was prepared under the auspices of ANSI's Nuclear Technical Advisory Board (NTAB). That compilation, which was pub- lished by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), consisted of two parts, one on U.S. activities in 1973 and the other on foreign and international activities in 1972. Each part included information on commit- tee activities and projects, and a KWIC Index of the standards themselves. The ORNL compilation was discontinued upon the recommendation of the NTAB Executive Committee and the USAEC Stan- dards Program because a new document was avail- able to replace it. The new document, the "Catalog of Nuclear Industry Standards," referenced above, was also prepared under the NTAB and published at ANSI. The catalog greatly expanded the informa- tion contained in the original compilation and em- ployed subject headings rather than a KWIC index. 1.2. Scope This Index, which includes only U.S. industry and government standards, is designed to serve as an interim reference tool for the nuclear community. The standards are current as of July 31, 1976. NBS plans to format ANSI's Catalog of Nuclear Stan- dards into a more comprehensive Key-Word-Out-of- Context (KWOC) Index. Both NBS and ANSI hope that this present Index will meet the needs for the immediate future of all who are interested in nuclear standards. NBS plans to prepare a separate Index of foreign national and international standards. Please send all comments on this index to the Editor, William J. Slattery, National Bureau of Standards, Room B-162, Technology Building, Washington, D.C. 20234, or Dr. Irving G. Young, Program Administrator^Nuclear, American National Stand- ards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018. 2. How To Use The KWIC Index 2.1. Index Entries An index entry contains at least four items of information, and may contain as many as eight, e.g.,: (4) d 1X9(1 196 (5) 1471 ) (8) ,1 '5 Beta Particle Beta Particle Alpha Particle Applications ( 1961 I $3.00 a Manual of hcmiciil. M.iv, Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and (1) (2) (3) Radioactivity of Water. Method of Test for (1973) ASTM Radioactivity of Water, Test for ( 1 966 ) ( R 1 97 I ) $1.75 Radioactivity of Water, Test for ( I 966 )( R 1 97 I ) $ I 75 Radioactivity Procedures (A) Stds (B) Medical and Biol Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal (6) (7) ANSI NI5I ASTM D 1X9(1 ASTM DI943 NCRP R28 ANSI N572 (1) Title (2) Date of Approval (3) Acronym for issuing organization (4) Standard no. of issuing organization (5) Date of Standard of issuing organization (6) Acronym of organization from which available (7) Standard no. of organization from which avail- able (8) Price Occasionally both ends of a title will be truncated. When this condition occurs, the virgule will be omitted. Missing portions of a title can be found by locating in the Index one or more of the title's other key words. SAMPLE ENTRIES- ement of Patients Who Have Received Therapeutic Amounts of Support a Rule Making Petition Seeking an Exemption for A 1970 $1.75 Radionuclides of Radionuclides of Radionuclides ( 1970) $4.00 Precautions in the Manag NCRP R37 Radionuclide-Containing Product (Revision I, 6/76) /O NRC RG 6.7 Radium in Water, Method of Test for ( 1973) ASTM D2460- ANSI NI6I Radium in Water, Test for ( 1970) $1.75 ASTM D2460 2.2. Reading the KWIC Index The title of each standard can be found under all the significant key words which it contains. These key words are arranged alphabetically down the center of each page together with their surrounding context. Each such permuted title is assigned, only one line per key word entry in the Index; therefore, titles longer than one line have been cut by the computer. This truncation is indicated by a virgule (/) at the point where the title was cut. All standards in this index should be ordered from the organizations listed in section 3.2., except stand- ards with CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) as part of their designation, for example, USCG 46 CFR 146. This designation means that the standard was prepared by the U.S. Coast Guard, appears in Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 146, and is available in that Title for the price shown from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Print- ing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. In some cases, it may be possible to obtain such standards directly from the responsible organization. 3. List of Organizations 3.1. Alphabetical by Acronym ABS American Bureau of Shipping ACI American Concrete Institute ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Associ- ation AISC American Institute of Steel Construc- tion ANS American Nuclear Society ANSI American National Standards Institute API American Petroleum Institute ASME American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers ASNT American Society for Nondestructive Testing ASTM American Society for Testing and Ma- terials AWS American Welding Society BRH Bureau of Radiological Health CMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America DOL Department of Labor DOT Department of Transportation EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration FDA Food and Drug Administration HMI Hoist Manufacturers Institute IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IES Illuminating Engineering Society ISA Instrument Society of America MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry NAS National Academy of Sciences NCRPM National Council on Radiation Protec- tion and Measurements NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Asso- ciation NFPA National Fire Protection Association NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSF National Sanitation Foundation SAE Society of Automotive Engineers SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers USCG United States Coast Guard USPS United States Postal Service VI 3.2. Alphabetical by Organization American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) 45 Broad Street New York, New York 10004 American Concrete Institute (ACI) Box 19150, Redford Station Detroit, Michigan 48219 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) P.O. Box 1937 Cincinnati, Ohio 45201 American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) 66 S. Miller Road Akron, Ohio 44313 American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (AISC) 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10020 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 1430 Broadway New York, New York 10018 American Nuclear Society (ANS) 555 North Kensington Avenue La Grange Park, Illinois 60525 American Petroleum Institute (API) 2101 L Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20037 American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. (ASNT) 3200 Riverside Drive Columbus, Ohio 43221 and Materials American Society for Testing (ASTM) 1916 Race Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 345 East 47th Street New York, New York 10017 American Welding Society, Inc. (AWS) 2501 NW., 7th Street Miami, Florida 33125 Bureau of Radiological Health (BRH) 12720 Twinbrook Parkway Rockville, Maryland 20852 Crane Manufacturers Association of America, Inc. (CMAA) 1326 Freeport Road Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 Department of Labor (DOL) Occupational Safety and Health Administration 200 Constitution Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20210 Department of Transportation (DOT) Materials Transportation Bureau 2100-2nd Street, SW. Washington, D.C. 20595 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 401 M Street, SW. Washington, D.C. 20460 Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) Reactor Development and Demonstration Route 270 Germantown, Maryland 20767 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Bureau of Foods 200 C Street, SW. Washington, D.C. 20204 Hoist Manufacturers Institute (HMI) 1326 Freeport Road Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) 345 East 47th Street New York, New York 10017 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 Instrument Society of America (ISA) 400 Stanwix Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS) 1815 North Fort Myer Drive Arlington, Virginia 22209 National Academy of Sciences (NAS) 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20418 National Council on Radiation Protection and Meas- urements (NCRPM) 7910 Woodmont Avenue Suite 1016 Washington, D.C. 20014 National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 2101 L Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20037 vn 3.2. Alphabetical by Organization — Continued National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 470 Atlantic Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02110 Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Nuclear Reactor Regulation 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20555 National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) NSF Building, 3475 Plymouth Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (SAE) 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, Pennsylvania 15096 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) 74 Trinity Place New York, New York 10006 U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Merchant Marine Technical Division 400-7th Street, SW. Washington, D.C. 20590 U.S. Postal Service (USPS) 475 L'Enfant Plaza West, SW. Washington, D.C. 20260 4. Abbreviations AEC Atomic Energy Commission AMS Aerospace Material Specification BD Bound CFR Code of Federal Regulations DIH Delta-In-Hours EMF Electromotive Force FFTF Fast Flux Test Facility GM Geiger Muller HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air IEC International Electrotechnical Commis- sion ISO International Organization for Standard- ization LL Loose-Leaf LMFBR Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor MC Metal Containment MSV Mean Square Voltage NA Nuclear Power Plant Components, Sub- section A, Section III, Division I, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code NB Subsection B, etc. (see NA) NF Subsection F, etc. (see NA) NG Subsection G, etc. (see NA) NBS National Bureau of Standards NB-T See NB; T refers to ERDA's supplement NC NC-T ND ND-T NE NE-T NF NG PTC RDT RG RP SA SB SEC SFA TA UN UNR UNS to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Subsection C, etc. (see NA) See NB-T Subsection D, etc. (see NA) See NB-T Subsection E, etc. (see NA) See NB-T Subsection F, etc. (see NA) Subsection G, etc. (see NA) Power Test Code Reactor Development and Technology Regulatory Guide Recommended Practice Section II , Part A, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section II, Part B, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section Section II, Part C, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Technology (Reactor) Analysis — Branch of ERDA Unified Inch Screw Thread Unified Inch External Screw Thread Unified Numbering System 5. Stop List addenda additional against agrees amendment all appendix between booklet comment committee draft edition eight following free have inches includes including issued lbs. leaf loose method methods needed occur only partial per practice reasonably received recommended redesignation relating requirements revised revision section see separately sold specification standard subpart subsections supersedes superseded supplement supplementary test testing tests through trial where which who vin KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 2.00 os Angeles Machine, Method of Test for ( 19/ Resistance to ement System, Flush Mounted, Eddy Current Type, Inductive, 970 $1.75 Rec. Practice for Calculation of Gamma Rays (1961 ) $2.00 Measurement of ic Sulfate Dosimeter, Method of Test for (1973) (ASTM D3/ rous Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter, Method of Test F/ rous Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter, Test for (1971) 1972) $1.75 Std. Method of Test for .3 / Use of Borosilicate Glass Raschig Rings as a Neutron Use of Borosilicate-Glass Raschig Rings as a Neutron ntrol of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories for Control Rod Analytical Chemistry Methods for Boron Carbide -30T, (8-71) ersedes E6-25T, (11-71) Control Rod g the (J971) $1.75 Thermal Neutron or ( 1 973 ) ASTM C626- 1971/ Estimating the Thermal Neutron 1972) $1.75 Test for Impedance and ms (1972) $1.75 Test for Sound 1 .75 Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Metals in Water and Waste Water by Atomic Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations and Isotopic 1.75 Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations and Isotopic aterial Licenses (3/76) Guidance to de as Used in Sheathed Type Electric Heating Elements ( 1/ astm Dl 149-1970 $1.75 Method of Test for Sheilding for High Energy Electron adiological Safety in the Design and Operation of Particle (Revision 6, 5/76) Code Case 5/76) Code Case for a Bioassay Program (9/73) ts (10/73) Guide for ly Licensed Items Containing Byproduct Material (6/74) ts (Revision 1, 12/28/72) Structural Visual Surveillance of Individuals in Material onnel Access to Protected Areas, Vital Areas, and Material cess Areas (6/73) Control of Personnel ium/ Welder Qualification for Welding in Areas of Limited Welder Qualification for Areas of Limited Criticality Criticality e Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Potential Radiological Consequences of a Steam Line Break e Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Assumptions Used for Evaluating a Control Rod Ejection the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Fuel Handling Concentrations in Containment Following a Loss of Coolant Plants to Assess Plant Conditions During and Following an of Impl/ Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from n of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Operators Against an Dosimetry for Criticality Methods for the Control and Methods for the eduresfor (1972) $4.50 ceduresfor (1972) $6.00 inology and Notation for Special Nuclear Materials Control t and Content for the Special Nuclear Material Control and nology (1975) $4.00 Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere ng Occupational Radiation Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably ng Occupational Radiation Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably for (1974) $1.75 erating Performance of Anion Exchange Materials for Strong 5 Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers for Test for Impedance and Absorption of 5 Test for Sound Absorption of Test for Airflow Resistance of s (1973) $1.75 Definition of Terms Relating to systems for Material Protection Measurements, Part I: Data 137 Contamination (1965) Protective Test for Buffering Manual Initiation of Protective Recommended Practice for Liquid Phase Evaluation of ) $1.75 Apparent Density of Particle Size Distribution of Granular Total Ash Content of Moisture in t for (1974) ASTM/ Oxygen Content Using a 14-MeV Neutron t for (1973) $1.7/ Oxygen Content Using a 14-MeV Neutron 1973) $1.75 Neutron 19-1973 $1.75 Selection of Neutron f Test for Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum-99 Abbreviations for Use in Drawings and in Text (1972) $1 ANSI Yl.l Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the L ANSI A37.7 Absolute or Gage (10-70) Amendment 1 (10-71) - /Measur ERDA RDT C6-3T Absorbed Dose from Gamma Radiation (1971) ASTM D2568- 1 ANSI K65.218 Absorbed Dose of Neutrons, and Mixtures of Neutrons and NCRP R25 Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Cer ANSI K65.230 Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Fer ANSI K65.229 Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Fer ASTM D2954 Absorbed Gamma Radiation Dose in the Fricke Dosimeter ( ASTM D1671 Absorber in Solutions of Fissile Material ( 1 97 1 ) ANS-8 ANSI N 1 6.4 Absorber in Solutions of Fissile Material (1/73) NRC RG 3.1 Absorber Material Analysis (7-73) /Alification and Co ERDA RDT F2-8T Absorber Material (7-73) ERDA RDT Fl 1-2T Absorber Pin Boron Carbide Pellet (5-73) Supersedes E6 ERDA RDT E6-30T Absorber Pin for Liquid Metal Fast Reactors (5-73) Sup ERDA RDT E6-25T Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Graphite, Estimatin ASTM C626 Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Graphite, Methods F ANSI K90.10 Absorption of Acoustical Materials by the Tube Method ( ASTM C384 Absorption of Acoustical Materials in Reverberation Roo ASTM C423 Absorption of Coarse Aggregate (1974) ASTM C127-1973 $ ANSI A37.5 Absorption of Fine Aggregate (1973) $1.75 ASTM C128 Absorption Spectrophotometry (1970) $1.75 ASTM D2576 Abundances, Method of Test for (1970) $1.75 ASTM E267 Abundances, Method of Test for ( 1 973 ) ASTM E267- 1 970 $ ANSI N 1 1 5 Academic Institutions Applying for Specific Byproduct M NRC RG 10.2 Accelerated Life Test of Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxi ASTM D2900 Accelerated Ozone Cracking of Vulcanized Rubber ( 1971 ) ANSI J4.5 Accelerator Installations (1964) $2.00 NCRP R31 Accelerators (1969) NBS Handbook 107 $3.00 ANSI N43.1 Acceptability: ASME Section III Design and Fabrication NRC RG 1.84 Acceptability: ASME Section III Materials (Revision L, NRC RG1.85 Acceptable Concepts, Models, Equations, and Assumptions NRC RG 8.9 Acceptable Waste Storage Methods at UF 6 Production Plan NRC RG3.13 Acceptance Sampling Plans ( 1 1-73) ERDA RDT F2-7T Acceptance Sampling Procedures for Exempted and General NRC RG 6.6 Acceptance Test for Concrete Primary Reactor Containmen NRC RG 1.18 Access Areas (11/73) NRC RG5.14 Access Areas (6/73) Control of Pers NRC RG 5.7 Access to Protected Areas, Vital Areas, and Material Ac NRC RG 5.7 Accessibility in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Pluton NRC RG 3.28 Accessibility (12/73) NRC RG1.71 Accident Alarm System (1969) ANS-8. 5 $3.00 ANSI N16.2 Accident Alarm Systems (12/74) NRC RG8.12 Accident for Boiling Water Reactors (Revision 2, 6/74) NRC RG1.3 Accident for Boiling Water Reactors (Safety Guide 5, 3/ NRC RG 1.5 Accident for Pressurized Water Reactors (Revision 2, 6/ NRC RG 1.4 Accident for Pressurized Water Reactors (5/74) NRC RG1.77 Accident in the Fuel Handling and Storage Facility for NRC RG 1 .25 Accident (Safety Guide 7, 3/10/71) Supplement to (Safet NRC RG 1.7 Accident (12/75) /R Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power NRC RG1.97 Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose NRC RG 1.113 Accidental Chlorine Release (2/75) Protectio NRC RG1.95 Accidents (1969) $4.25 ANSI N13.3 Accountability of Plutonium Dioxide Powder (12/74) NRC RG 5.40 Accountability of Plutonium in Waste Material (2/75) NRC RG 5.47 Accountability of Plutonium Nitrate Solutions (1/74) NRC RG 5.19 Accountability of Uranium Hexafluoride, Analytical Proc ANSI N15.7 Accountability of Uranium Tetrafluoride, Analytical Pro ANSI N15.6 Accountability (2/2/73) Statistical Term NRC RG 5.3 Accounting Section of a Special Nuclear Material Licens NRC RG 5.45 Accumulation, Biological Significance, and Control Tech NCRP R44 Accumulators, Class 2 Pressure Vessel (3-73) ERDA RDT E10-4T Achievable (Nuclear Power Reactors) (Revision 1, 9/75) NRC RG 8.8 Achievable (Revision 1, 9/75) /Hilosophy for Maintaini NRC RG 8.10 Acid Insoluble Content of Copper and Iron Powders, Test ASTM El 94 Acid Removal (1972) $1.75 Op ASTM D3087 Acoustical and Airflow Performance, Testing (1973) $1.7 ASTM E477 Acoustical Materials by the Tube Method (1972) $1.75 ASTM C384 Acoustical Materials in Reverberation Rooms ( 1972) $1.7 ASTM C423 Acoustical Materials (1969) $1.75 ASTM C522 Acoustical Tests of Building Constructions and Material ASTM C634 Acquisition Systems (Revision 1, 5/74) / Spectroscopy NRC RG 5.9 Action Guides for Environmental Sr-89, Sr-90, and Cs- EPA FRC7 Action of Metal Cleaners ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 ASTM D 1 279 Actions (10/73) NRC RG 1 .62 Activated Carbon (1970) $1.75 ASTM D2355 Activated Carbon, Definition of Terms Relating to (1974 ASTM D2652 Activated Carbon, Test for (1970) $1.75 ASTM D2854 Activated Carbon, Test for (1970) $1.75 ASTM D2862 Activated Carbon, Test for (1970) $1.75 ASTM D2866 Activated Carbon, Test for (1970) $1.75 ASTM D2867 Activation and Direct Counting Technique, Method of Tes ANSI N637 Activation and Direct Counting Technique, Method of Tes ASTM E385 Activation Detector Materials, Guide for Selection of ( ASTM E419 Activation Detector Materials, Guide for (1974) ASTM E4 ANSI N640 Activity from Uranium-238 Fission (1974) ASTM E343-19 ANSI N636 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 75 Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum -99 Recommended Practice for Measurement of Low Level Periodic Testing of Protection System iodic Testing of Fuel Reprocessing Plant Protection System .75 Test for Evaluating ntended for Use in the Production, Processing, and / Food s (1974) $1.75 Test for Practice for Preparation of Metal Surfaces for 5 Peel or Stripping Strength of Recommended Practice for Determination of Corrosivity of or (1973) ASTM D 1879- 1970 $1.75 Exposure of ice for (1970) $1.75 Exposure of ratures (Metal-to-Metal), Meth/ Strength Properties of Test for Fatigue Properties of n (1969) $1.75 Testing Test for Shear Strength and Shear Modulus of Structural 3) Guide for ANS-3.2 $10.00 Shipping Nuclear Materials (1973) $3.50 ain NRC Requirements Over Radioactive Material Shipments/ ioactive Material (6/74) ials (1973) $4.50 aging Requirements for Shipments of Radioactive Material/ ation Special Permits for Radioactive Materials Shipments, de for Management) (1969) $4.25 for (1975) $1.75 Water Soluble Chlorides Present as Sampling and Testing Fly Ash for Use as an Specification for Air Entraining Air Entraining ompounds (10-73) Supersedes M16-1T, (6-72) Gas Phase High Efficiency Gas Phase Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and eview of Operating License App/ Information Needed by the .00 Radiological Factors as Used in Construct/ Practice for Inspection and Testing Sodium Carbonate, Low Chloride Fire Extinguishing hreshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical -75) Supersedes M8-1T, (2-73) Helical and Shape/ Specification for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished test for ( 19/ Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse 1971) $1.75 Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement- Test for (1972) $1.75 Moisture Content of Soil and Soil 197/ Method of Test for Moisture Content of Soil and Soil tests for ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 Density of Soil and Soil- 70) ASTM C87-1969 / Effect of Organic Impurities in Fine Scratch Hardness of Coarse Water Soluble Chlorides Present as Admixes in Graded Method of Test for Lightweight Pieces in method of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine thod of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse e, Method of Test for (1973) $1.75 Soundness of 1 17-1969 / Materials Finer Than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Petrographic Examimation of ve Nomenclature of ( 1973) Constituents of (1973) $1.75 ve Nomenclature of ( 1 975 ) ASTM C638- 1 97/ Constituents of tion for (1975) ASTM C637-I973 $1.75 1970) ASTM C330-1969 $1.75 Lightweight ASTM C289-1971 $1.75 Potential Reactivity of 1.75 Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse 1.75 Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Recommended Practice for General Ambient and Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Radionuclides in particles (1972) $2.50 Efficiency Testing of particles (1/73) Efficiency Testing of Nuclear ethod. Method of Test for (1975) $1.75 Method, Method of Test for (1975) $1.75 Test for Unit Weight, Yield, and stems (3-71 ) Laminar-Flow Clean Specification for $1.75 ng, and Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System r Power Plants (12/73) Additional Information: ment 2 (12-72), Amendment 3 ( 1 1-73), Amendme/ Sodium to sical Measurements, Method of Test for (1973)/ Density in Test for Average Particle Size of Alumina and Silica by pheric Containments, 4th Edition (1972) $12.50 Preoperational Testing of Instrument equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above Ambient equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above Ambient uide to (1969) ISO 2889 $7.00 Sampling or Measurement (1971) $1.75 r Materials and Prefabricated Silencers for Acoustical and Test for Activity from Uranium-238 Fission, Test for (1972) $1. Activity in Water (1972T $1.75 Actuation Functions (Safety Guide 22, 2/17/72) Actuation Functions (6/74) Per Acute Toxicity of Water to Fresh Water Fishes ( 1970) $1 Additives, Subpart G. Radiation and Radiation Sources I Adhesion or Cohesive Strength of Flame-Sprayed Coating Adhesive Bonding (1973) ASTM D265 1-1973 $1.75 Adhesive Bonds, Standard Method of Test for (1972) $1.7 Adhesive Materials (1974) $1.75 Adhesive Specimens to High Energy Radiation, Practice F Adhesive Specimens to High Energy Radiation, Rec. Pract Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading at Elevated Tempe Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading (1973) $1.75 Adhesives Relative to Their Use as Electrical Insulatio Adhesives (1970) $1.75 Administration Practices in Radiation Monitoring (2/2/7 Administrative Controls for Nuclear Power Plants ( 1972) Administrative Guide for Liability Insurance Aspects of Administrative Guide for Obtaining Exemptions from Cert Administrative Guide for Packaging and Transporting Rad Administrative Guide for Transporting Radioactive Mater Administrative Guide for Verifying Compliance with Pack Administrative Guide for (1973) $3.00 /Nt of Transport Administrative Practices in Radiation Monitoring (A Gui Admixes in Graded Aggregate Road Mixes, Method of Test Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete (1974) $1.75 Admixtures for Concrete (1974) $1.75 Admixtures for Concrete, Testing (1973) $1.75 Adsorbents for Trapping Radioactive Iodine and Iodine C Adsorber Cells-Including Amendment 1973 (1972) $2.00 Adsorption Units of Light— Water Cooled Nuclear Power AEC Regulatory Staff in Connection with Its Antitrust R Affecting Decision Making in a Nuclear Attack ( 1974) $4 Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and Bituminous Materials Agent (12-73) Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Change Age-Hardenable Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Springs (5 Age-Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine, Method of Aggregate Combinations (Mortar-Bar Method), Test for ( Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depths), Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) ( Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth), Aggregate on Strength of Mortar, Method of Test for ( 19 Aggregate Particles, Method of Test for (1968) $1.75 Aggregate Road Mixes, Method of Test for (1975) $1.75 Aggregate (1970) ASTM CI 23- 1969 $1.75 Aggregate (1973) $1.75 Aggregate (1974) ASTM C127-1973 $1.75 Me Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfat Aggregates by Washing, Method of Test for (1970) ASTM C Aggregates for Concrete, Rec. Practice for ( 1973) $1.75 Aggregates for Radiation-Sheilding Concrete, Descripti Aggregates for Radiation-Sheilding Concrete, Spec, for Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding Concrete, Descripti Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding Concrete, Specifica Aggregates for Structural Concrete, Specification for ( Aggregates (Chemical Method), Method of Test for (1973) Aggregates, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM CI 36- 1971 $ Aggregates, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM CI 42- 1971 $ Air Analyzer Procedures (1973T) $1.75 Air and in Water for Occupational Exposure ( 1959) $2.00 Air Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for Removal of Air Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for Removal of Air Cleaning Systems, Testing of (1975) $5.00 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure M Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete (1975) $1.75 Air Cooled Heat Exchanger for Nuclear Steam Supplied Sy Air Devices (1968) $1.50 Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete ( 1974) $1.75 Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete, Testing ( 1973) Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Light— Water Co Air Filtration Systems and Containment Sumps for Nuclea Air Heat Exchanger (6-71), Amendment 1 (10-71), Amend Air of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles by Phy Air Permeability (1972) $1.75 Air Sampling Instruments Manual for Evaluation of Atmos Air Systems (6/74) Air (1972) $1.75 /D Reflective Insulation Systems for Air (1974) ASTM C667-1972 $1.75 /Ulation Systems for Airborne Radioactive Materials in Nuclear Facilities, G Airborne Sound Insulation in Buildings, Rec. Practice F Airflow Performance, Testing (1973) $1.75 Duct Line Airflow Resistance of Acoustical Materials (1969) $1.75 ASTM E343 ASTM D3085 NRC RG 1.22 NRC RG 3.22 ASTM D1345 FDA 21CFR 121 ASTM C633 ANSI Z197.28 ASTM D903 ASTM D3310 ANSI N141 ASTM D1879 ANSI Z197.5 ASTM D3166 ASTM D1304 ASTM E229 NRC RC 8.2 ANSI N18.7 ANSI N14 GUIDE NRC RG 7.5 NRC RG 7.1 ANSI N14.10.1 ANSI N14.10.3 ANSI N14.10.2 ANSI N13.2 ASTM D1411 ASTM C311 ASTM C260 ASTM C233 ERDA RDT M16-1T IES CS-8T NRC RG 1.52 NRC RG 9.3 NCRP R42 ANSI Z267.1 ERDA RDT M17-1T ACGIH *1 ERDA RDT M8-1T ASTM A564 ANSI A37.7 ASTM C227 ASTM D3017 ANSI A37.184 ASTM D2922 ANSI A37.129 ASTM C235 ASTM D1411 ANSI A37.25 ASTM C128 ANSI A37.5 ASTM C88 ANSI A37.4 ASTM C295 ASTM C638 ASTM C637 ANSI N649 ANSI N648 ANSI A37.88 ANSI A37.133 ANSI A37.8 ANSI A37.28 ASTM D3249 NCRP R22 ANSI N101.1 NRC ' RG 3.2 ANSI N510 ASTM C231 ASTM C173 ASTM C138 ERDA RDT E4-18T IES CS-2T ASTM C260 ASTM C233 NRC RG 1.52 NRC RG 1.70.2 ERDA RDT E4-7T ANSI K90.2 ASTM C721 ACGIH *4 NRC RG 1.80 ASTM C667 ANSI Z98.48 ANSI N13.1 ASTM E336 ASTM E477 ASTM C522 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Expansion Joint Containment Vessel Inflatable Seal Containment Vessel Gaskets Containment Vessel Criticality Accident Criticality Accident Perimeter Intrusion rtar-Bar Method), Test for (1971) $1.75 Potential ce for Testing for Leaks Using the Halogen Leak Detectors or General Requirements for ( 1974A) $1./ Carbon, Ferritic aws A5.6-1969 $2.50 Copper and Copper- Copper and Copper- with Additional Requirements) (3-75)/ Nickel and Nickel- Titanium and Titanium- es M1-15T, (1-72) Amendme/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium t 1 (1/ 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, I -Percent-Molybdenum or (1973) AWS A5. 14-1969 $2.50 Nickel and Nickel- or (1974) Nickel and Nickel- uirements) (1-72) Supersedes Ml/ Zirconium and Zirconium ) Cobalt-Chromium ature Serv/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Nickel Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Cobalt Containing ature Service (ASTM a 637/ Precipitation Hardening Nickel th Additional Requirements) (4-76) Sup/ Nickel-Chromium istant Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta)-/ Spec, for n for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium fie/ Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium quirements) (1-72) Supersedes M/ Zirconium and Zirconium Specification for Aluminum- ) (10-75) Supersedes M4-5/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Cobalt-Chromium Titanium and Titanium Nickel and Nickel-Base and Strip, Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low for (1974) $ 1 .75 Seamless Nickel and Nickel dditional Requirements) (3-75) Supers/ Nickel and Nickel 73) AWS A5.1 1-1969 $2.50 Nickel and Nickel- 74) Nickel and Nickel- 5 Specification for Aluminum- 1.75 Aluminum- Std. Spec, for Copper and Copper angers, Specification for (1974) ASTM B234 197/ Aluminum- .75 Aluminum- 9-75) 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, I -Percent-Molybdenum m B221-73 $1.75 Specification for Aluminum- Spec, for Copper and Copper al Requirements) (1-72) Superse/ Zirconium and Zirconium ts) (7-75) Supersedes M2-/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Specification for Titanium and Titanium Spec, for Titanium and Titanium r (1973) $1.75 Zirconium and Zirconium- (1974) ASTM B350-1973 $1.75 Zirconium and Zirconium (1-72) Supersedes M10-1T, (5-/ Zirconium and Zircoi.ium Specification for Columbium and Columbium Columbium and Columbium on for (1975A) $1.75 Copper-Nickel (1971) ASTM B509-/ Supplementary Requirements for Nickel entary Requirements for (1970) $1.75 Nickel Requirements) (/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium onal Requirements) (1-75) Supers/ Nickel-Chromium-Iron onal Requirements) (9-75) Supers/ Nickel-Iron-Chromium al Requirements) (1-72) Superse/ Zirconium and Zirconium irements) (8-75/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium ASTM B 1 68- 1 970 $ 1 .75 Nickel-Chromium-Iron (ASTM B443-197/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium ASTM B409-I973 $1.75 Nickel-Iron-Chromium upplementary Requirements for (1970) $1.75 Nickel ments) (3-75) Supersedes M7-4T,/ Nickel-Chromium-Iron ments) (9-75) Supersedes M/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium ments) (9-75) Supersedes M7-10T/ Nickel-Iron-Chromium Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Specification for Copper-Silicon Spec, for Copper Wrought Zirconium and Zirconium Wrought Zirconium and Zirconium Columbium and Columbium Copper and Copper- Specification for Aluminum- specification for / Supplementary Requirements for Nickel spec, for Supplementary Requirements for (1970) $/ Nickel 75 Specification for Nickel-Chromium-lron onal Requirements) (7-75) / Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium ional Requirements) (7-75) Super/ Nickel-Iron-Chromium ents) (7-75) Su/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium ents) (8-75) Su/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium uirements) (4-76) Supersed/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium 75 ecification for ( 1973) A/ ec. for (1971) $1.75 3) ASTM B394-1970 $1.75 fication for (1974A) $1.75 stm B241 1973 $1.75 Airlock (3-72) Amendment 1 (8-73) Airlock (6-72) Airlock (6-72) Alarm System (1969) ANS-8.5 $3.00 Alarm Systems (12/74) Alarm Systems (1/75) Alkali Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate Combinations (Mo (Alkali-Ion Diode) (1971) $1.75 Recommended Practi Alloy and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes, Specification F Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1973) Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1974) Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.14 Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) $3.00 Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (7-75) Supersed Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (9-75) Amendmen Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes, Specification F Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes, Specification F Alloy Bare Welding Rods (ASTM B 351 with Additional Req Alloy Bars and Rods, Tantalum (90Ta-10W) (1975) $3.00 Alloy Bars and Shapes (4-75) Supersedes M7-7T, (7-71 Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temper Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temper Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temper Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock (ASME SA 637 Wi Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Res Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire for Nuclear Application ( 1973) Alloy Bars, Rod and Wi;e for Nuclear Application, Speci Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire (ASTM B 351 with Additional Re Alloy Bars, Rods, and Wire (1974) ASTM B21 1-1973 $1.75 Alloy Castings (ASTM a 494 with Additional Requirements Alloy Castings (7-75) Supersedes M4-3T, (6-72) Alloy Castings, Spec, for (1969) $1.75 Alloy Clad Steel Plate, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium, Specification for ( 197 Alloy Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes, Specification Alloy Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.1 1 with a Alloy Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification for (19 Alloy Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification for (19 Alloy Die and Hand Forgings (1974) ASTM B247-I973 $1.7 Alloy Die and Hand Forgings, Specification for ( 1974) $ Alloy Die Forgings (Hot Pressed) (1974) $1.75 Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exch Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes, Specification for (1975) $1 Alloy Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding ( Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes ( 1974) Ast Alloy Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974) $1.75 Alloy Forgings and Extrusions (ASTM B 356 with Addition Alloy Forgings (ASME SA-182 with Additional Requiremen Alloy Forgings (1970) ASTM B381-1969 $1.75 Alloy Forgings (1975) $1.75 Alloy Ingots for Nuclear Applications, Specification Fo Alloy Ingots for Nuclear Application, Specification for Alloy Ingots (ASTM B 350 with Additional Requirements) Alloy Ingots (1973) ASTM B391-64 $1.75 Alloy Ingots, Specification for (1964) $1.75 Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels, Specificati Alloy Plate for Nuclear Applications, Specification for Alloy Plate for Nuclear Applications, Spec, for Supplem Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (AMS 5596 with Additional Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASME SB-168 with Additi Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASME SB-409 with Additi Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASTM B 352 with Addition Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip 5597 with Additional Requ Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1973) Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1973) Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1974) Alloy Rod and Bar for Nuclear Applications, Spec, for S Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB-166 with Additional Require Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB-336 with Additional Require Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB-408 with Additional Require Alloy Rod and Bar, (1974) ASTM B408-1973 $1.75 Alloy Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974A) $1.75 Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications (1974) $1. Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes for Nuclear Service, Sp Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes for Nuclear Service, Sp Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes, Specification for (197 Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Stock, Speci Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube (1974) a Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube for Nuclear Applications, Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube for Nuclear Applications, Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1973) ASTM Bl 67-1970 $1. Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tubes (ASME SB-167 with Additi Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tubing (ASME SB-407 with Addit Alloy Seamless Tubes (AMS 5589 with Additional Requirem Alloy Seamless Tubes (AMS 5590 with Additional Requirem Alloy Seamless Tubes (ASME SB -163 with Additional Req ERDA RDT E10-5T ERDA RDT E14-5T ERDA RDT E14-6T ANSI N16.2 NRC RG 8.12 NRC RG 5.44 ASTM C227 ASTM E427 ASTM A450 ANSI W3.6 ASME SFA-5.6 ERDA RDT Mil IT AWS A5.16 ERDA RDT M1-15T ERDA RDT M1-23T ANSI W3.14 ASME SFA-5.14 ERDA RDT M1-I6T SAE AMS7848A ERDA RDT M7-7T ANSI G81.44 ANSI G81.46 ERDA RDT M2-18T ERDA RDT M2-15T ANSI G87.146 ASTM B351 ANSI N122 ERDA RDT M7-9T ANSI H38.4 ERDA RDT M4-5T ERDA RDT M4-3T ASTM B367 ASTM A265 ANSI G24.32 ASTM B163 ERDA RDT MI-10T ANSI W3.ll ASME SFA-5.1 1 ANSI H38.8 ASTM B247 ASTM B283 ANSI H38.6 ASTM B210 ERDA RDT M1-22T ANSI H38.5 ASTM B124 ERDA RDT M2-9T ERDA RDT M2-11T ANSI Z179.3 ASTM B381 ASTM B350 ANSI N583 ERDA RDT M10-1T ANSI Z179.18 ASTM B391 ASTM B402 ANSI H34.33 ASTM B509 ERDA RDT M5-21T ERDA RDT M5-4T ERDA RDT M5-7T ERDA RDT M5-6T ERDA RDT M5-20T ANSI H34.10 ANSI H34.19 ANSI H34.40 ASTM B510 ERDA RDT M7-4T ERDA RDT M7-11T ERDA RDT M7-10T ANSI H34.39 ASTM B98 ASTM B584 ANSI N124 ASTM , B353 ANSI H53.1 ASTM Bill ANSI H38.7 ANSI H34.29 ASTM B513 ANSI H34.3 ERDA RDT M3-10T ERDA RDT M3-9T ERDA RDT M3-29T ERDA RDT M3-30T ERDA RDT M3-18T Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards irements) (7-75) Supersedes M3-4T, (1-74) Nickel quirements) (1/-75) Supers/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium 34-1971 $1.75 Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium-Iron 09-1973 $1.75 Aluminum- specification for (1973) ASTM B3/ Zirconium and Zirconium specification for (1967) $1.75 Zirconium and Zirconium tant Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-07 tant Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5. 1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0./ Helical Age-Hardenable Nickel-Chromium-Iron 974) ASTM B308-1973 $1.75 Specification for Aluminum- Specification for Hot Rolled Exchanger Tubes, Speci/ Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic ce (ASME SA-193 with Additional Requirements) (2-75) S/ e (ASME SA-320 with Additional Requirements) (2-75) Su/ asme SA-540 with Additional Requirements) (2-75) Super/ Specification for (1970) $1.75 ation for (1975) $1.75 Quenched and Tempered longitudinal-Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Low Control of Stainless Steel Weld Cladding of Low on for (1973) AWS A5. 5-1969 $3.50 Low on for (1974) Low ith Additional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes Ml-/ Low std. Spec, for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and t and Interpass Temperature Control for the Welding of Low service. Specification for (1975) $1.75 Ferritic Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Vacuum Treated Carbon and irements) (4-76) Supersedes M2-2T, (/ Stainless and Low irements) (11-74) Supersedes M2-4T, (4-72) irements) (7-75) Supersedes M2-8T, (7-71) Carbon and Additional Requirements) (4-76) Supersedes / Carbon and eci/ Seamless and Welded Carbon, Ferritic, and Austenitic Temperature Service (ASME SA-194 with Additional Requi/ ge Outside Diameter Light-Wall Austenitic Chromium Nickel ation for (1974A) $1.75 Seamless-Ferritic ati/ Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel ation for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Centrifugally Cast Ferritic ents) (4-76) Supersedes M3-16T, (8-75) Carbon and ents) (4-76) Supersedes M3-12T, (12-/ Seamless Ferritic Specification for Specialized Carbon and for (1974A) $1.75 Molybdenum, ements/ 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum ements) (5-75) Supersedes M5-5T, (7-71) Low onal Requirements) (12-74) Supersedes M5-3T, (5-7/ Low 1 Requirements) (4-76) Supersedes M3-2T,/ Stainless and 1 Requ/ 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum ation for (1974) $1.75 Seamless and Welded Carbon and Specification for Seamless Ferritic-Austenitic ional / 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum ts for (1974A) $1./ Carbon, Ferritic Alloy and Austenitic equirements) (5-75) Supersedes M 3-1 IT,/ Carbon and Low nal Requirements) (5-75) Supersedes M2-3T, / Carbon and Control of Preheat Temperature for Welding of Low 974A) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, num. Specification for (1972A) A/ Pressure Vessel Plates, ification for (1974A) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, denum-Nickel, Specification For/ Pressure Vessel Plates, , Specification for (1974) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, ent Nickel (1974)/ Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, um and Mangane/ Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, ybdenum-Chromium, Specification/ Pressure Vessel Plates, ng Components/ Specification for Forgings, Carbon and Low ASTM B265-1972 $1.75 Titanium and Titanium Titanium and Titanium (1973) ASTM B393-1964 $1.75 Columbium and Columbium Descaling and Cleaning Titanium and Titanium cation for (19/ Seamless and Welded Titanium and Titanium 1-72) Supersedes M3-8T, (5-70/ Zirconium and Zirconium res. Spec/ Centrifugally Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel High ckel Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 195/ umable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750F (954. 4C) Tantalum and Tantalum ments) (7-75) Supersedes M/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium b366-l972) $1./ Factory-Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel- Factory Made Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum or (1973) AWS A5. 10-1969 $2.50 Aluminum and Aluminum or (1974) Aluminum and Aluminum 1969 $2.50 Copper and Copper- Copper and Copper- n for (1974) $1.75 Nickel-Copper Specification for Nickel-Copper Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Specification for Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Specification for Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium onents (197/ Specification for Steel Forgings, Carbon and 74) Piston Rings of High Strength Alloy Seamless Tubes (ASME SB-163 with Additional Requ Alloy Sheet and Plate (ASME SB -434 with Additional Re Alloy Sheet and Plate, Specification for (1973) ASTM B4 Alloy Sheet and Plate, Specification for (1974) ASTM B2 Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate for Nuclear Application, Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate for Nuclear Application, Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resis Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resis Alloy Springs (5-75) Supersedes M8-1T, (2-73) Alloy Standard Structural Shapes, Rolled or Extruded ( 1 Alloy Steel Bars (1976) ASTM A322— 1975 $1.75 Alloy Steel Boiler, (1974B) $1.75 Superheater, and Heat Alloy Steel Bolting Material for High Temperature Servi Alloy Steel Bolting Material for Low Temperature Servic Alloy Steel Bolting Material for Special Applications ( Alloy Steel Bolting Materials for Special Applications, Alloy Steel Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Specific Alloy Steel Castings, Specification for (1973) ASTM A60 Alloy Steel Components (5/73) Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specificati Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specificati Alloy Steel Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.5 W Alloy Steel for Low Temperature Service (1975) $1.75 Alloy Steel for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High Temperature Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessels (1974A) $1.75 Alloy Steel Forgings (ASME SA-182 with Additional Requ Alloy Steel Forgings (ASME SA-336 with Additional Requ Alloy Steel Forgings (ASME SA-541 with Additional Requ Alloy Steel Forgings, Vacuum Treated (ASME SA-508 with Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins, Sp Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolting for High Pressure and High Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperature Serv Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specific Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specific Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specific Alloy Steel Pipe (ASME SA-333 with Additional Requirem Alloy Steel Pipe (ASME SA-335 with Additional Requirem Alloy Steel Pipe (1975) $1.75 Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels, Specification Alloy Steel Plates (ASME SA-387 with Additional Requir Alloy Steel Plates (ASME SA-387 with Additional Requir Alloy Steel Plates (ASME SA-533 with Additional Additi Alloy Steel Seamless Tubes (ASME SA-213 with Additiona Alloy Steel Seamless Tubes (ASME SA-213 with Additiona Alloy Steel Tubes for Low Temperature Service, Specific Alloy Steel Tubes (1974) ASTM A669-1972 $1.75 Alloy Steel Tubesheet Forgings (ASME SA-336 with Addit Alloy Steel Tubes, Specification for General Requiremen Alloy Steel Welded Pipe (ASME SA-155 with Additional R Alloy Steel Welding Fittings (ASME SA-234 with Additio Alloy Steel (5/73) Alloy Steel, Chromium-Molybdenum, Specification for (1 Alloy Steel, Five Percent Chromium, 0.5 Percent Molybde Alloy Steel, High Strength, Quenched and Tempered, Spec Alloy Steel, Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molyb Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered Chromium-Molybdenum Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Eight and Nine Perc Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Manganese-Molybden Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Nickel-Cobalt-Mol Alloy Steel, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Pipi Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate, Specification for (1973) Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate, Spec, for (1974) $1.75 Alloy Strip, Sheet, Foil, and Plate, Specification for Alloy Surfaces, Rec. Practice for (1974) $1.75 Alloy Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers, Specifi Alloy Tubes (ASTM B 353 with Additional Requirements) ( Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at High Temperatu Alloy Tubing (Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Ni Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Ni Alloy Tubing, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Alloy Welded Pipe (ASME SA-358 with Additional Require Alloy Welding Fittings, Specification for ( 1973) (ASTM Alloy Welding Fittings, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification F Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification F Alloy Welding Rods, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.7- Alloy Welding Rods, Specification for (1974) Alloy (UNS N04400) Plate, Sheet and Strip, Specificatio Alloy (UNS N04400) Seamless Pipe and Tube (1971) $1.75 Alloy (UNS N08800) Rod and Bar, (1974) $1.75 Alloy (UNS N08800) Seamless Pipe and Tube (1974) $1.75 Alloy (1973) $1.75 Alloy (1974) ASTM C752-1973 $1.75 Alloy, Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Vessel Comp Alloys for Core Components for Liquid Metal Service (5- ERDA RDT M3-4T ERDA RDT M5-8T ANSI H34.44 ANSI H38.2 ANSI N123 ASTM B352 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.85 ERDA RDT M8-1T ANSI H38.10 ANSI G24.ll ASTM A213 ERDA RDT M6-3T ERDA RDT M6-1T ERDA RDT M6-5T ASTM A540 ASTM A490 ANSI G52.7 NRC RG 1.43 ANSI W3.5 ASME SFA-5.5 ERDA RDT M1-4T ASTM A420 NRC RG 3.29 ASTM A369 ASTM A508 ERDA RDT M2-2T ERDA RDT M2-4T ERDA RDT M2-8T ERDA RDT M2-7T ASTM A498 ERDA RDT M6-4T ASTM A409 ASTM A335 ASTM A358 ASTM A426 ERDA RDT M3-16T ERDA RDT M3-12T ASTM A530 ASTM A204 ERDA RDT M5-22T ERDA RDT M5-5T ERDA RDT M5-3T ERDA RDT M3-2T ERDA RDT M3-33T ASTM A334 ANSI B125.52 ERDA RDT M2-19T ASTM A450 ERDA RDT M3-11T ERDA RDT M2-3T NRC RG 1.50 ASTM A387 ANSI G35.16 ASTM A517 ASTM A302 ASTM A542 ASTM A553 ASTM A533 ANSI G35.26 ASTM A350 ANSI Z179.1 ASTM B265 ANSI Z 179.20 ASTM B600 ASTM B338 ERDA RDT M3-8T ANSI G82.1 ANSI G87.78 ANSI G87.77 ASTM B521 ERDA RDT M3-17T ANSI H34.15 ASTM B361 ANSI W3.10 ASME SFA-5.10 ANSI W3.7 ASME SFA-5.7 ASTM B127 ASTM B165 ASTM B408 ASTM B407 ASTM C752 ANSI N571 ASTM A541 ERDA RDT E6-40T Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards $1.75 Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and phy as Applied to Preparation of Micrographs of Metals and al Analysis of Nickel-Chromium and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Macroetching Metals and chemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium ic Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper and Copper Base Titanium and Titanium-Base magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt-Base Zirconium and Zirconium-Base granular Attack in Wrought Nickel-Rich, Chromium-Bearing spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Silver — Cadmium us Corrosion Testing of Samples of Zirconium and Zirconium d, Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel ement of (1973) ASTM D1943-1966 $1.75 (R1971) $1.75 1972T) $1.75 Determination of Fuel Pellet Homogeneity by (1975) IEEE 28-1974 $5.00 Pressure Vessels Division 2: d Sheathed Over Fi/ Thermocouple Material, Chromel-P and uple Material and Thermocouple Assembly, Chromel-P Versus Test for Average Particle Size of ions (1972) $1.75 Specification for Factory Made Wrought Aluminum and ication for (1973) AWS A5. 10-1969 $2.50 Aluminum and ication for (1974) Aluminum and (1973) $1.75 Factory Made Wrought rodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 10-1969 $2.50 rodes, Specification for (1974) Specification for vision 1, / Quality Verification for Plate-Type Uranium- Quality Control for Plate-Type Uranium- thod for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of 1973 $1.75 Specification for 1973 $1.75 Specification for r (1974) $1.75 Heat Exchangers, Specification for (1974) ASTM B234 197/ (1975) $1.75 (1974) ASTM B221-73 $1.75 Specification for e (1974) ASTM B241 1973 $1.75 Specification for 4) ASTM B209-1973 $1.75 xtruded (1974) ASTM B308-1973 $1.75 Specification for Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Recommended Practice for General ems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above ems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above n the Management of Patients Who Have Received Therapeutic n Detectors, Test Procedures for (1969) IEEE Std. 301-1/ 72T) $1.75 Recommended Practice for Constant 1972T)/ Recommended Practice for Presentation of Constant echanical and Electrical Equipment Qualification Tests and elides in the Environment: Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 special Nuclear Material (6/74) Radiation Safety for X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Nuclear Power Reactors (3/76) Cost-Benefit on, Measuring (1973) $1.75 Fast Neutron Flux by m C560-1969 $1.75 Chemical Photometric Methods for Chemical 6-1971 $1.75 Applying Statistics to s of Terms Relating to Fatigue Testing and the Statistical for (1973) ASTM C136-1971 $1.75 Sieve or Screen Rec. Practice for Sampling Atmospheres for 114-1969 $1.75 Chemical 1)$1.75 , Chemical Measurements of Radionuclides in the Environment- 75 Photometric Methods for Chemical ission ( 1974) As/ Method of Test for Fast Neutron Flux by ission, Test for (1972) $1.75 Fast Neutron Flux by Chemical Alloys (1973) $1.75 Chemical men Equilibration Device (Or Multipurpose Sampler) for the hods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical s Spectrometric, Spectrochemical Nuclear and Radiochemical ods for ( 1974) ASTM C760-I/ Chemical and Spectrochemical s (1974) $1.75 Chemical and Spectrochemical hods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical hods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical hods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Chemical and Spectro Photometr /Lectrical, /O Inter /and Aqueo Alloys for Determination of Chemical Composition (1972) Alloys (Including Metallography) (1974) $1.75 /Hotogra Alloys (1973) $1.75 Chemic Alloys (1974) $1.75 Alloys (1974) $1.75 Alloys (1975) $1.75 Alloys, Chemical Analysis of ( 1971 ) $1.75 Alloys, Chemical Analysis of ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 Alloys, Chemical Analysis of ( 1 974 ) $ 1 .75 Alloys, Method of (1973) ASTM G28-1972 $1.75 Alloys, Methods for (1974) ASTM C760-1974 $1.75 Alloys, Practice for (1974) $1.75 Alloy, (1974) $1.75 /Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempere Alpha Emitting Particles in Lungs (1975) $3.00 Alpha Particle Radioactivity of Water, Method of Measur Alpha Particle Radioactivity of Water, Test for ( 1966) Alpha Spectrometry of Water, Recommended Practice for ( Alpha-Autoradiography (5-75) Alternating Current Power Circuits, Surge Arresters for Alternative Rules (1977) bd ($65.00), 11 ($95.00) Alumel, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, an Alumel, Stainless Steel Sheathed, Magnesium Oxide Insul Alumina and Silica by Air Permeability ( 1972) $1.75 Alumina Ceramics for Electrical and Electronic Applicat Aluminum Alloy Welding Fittings, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 Aluminum Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specif Aluminum Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specif Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Fittings, Spec, for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Elect Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Elect Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974) $1.75 Aluminum Fuel Elements for Use in Research Reactors (Re Aluminum Fuel Elements (1974) ANS 15.2 $8.50 Aluminum (1973) ASTM E266-I970 $1.75 Aluminum-Alloy Bars, Rods, and Wire (1974) ASTM B2I 1- Aluminum-Alloy Die and Hand Forgings (1974) ASTM B247- Aluminum-Alloy Die and Hand Forgings, Specification Fo Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes, Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tub Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate, Specification for ( 197 Aluminum-Alloy Standard Structural Shapes, Rolled or E Aluminum, Measuring ( 1970) $1.75 Amoient Air Analyzer Procedures ( 1973T) $1.75 Ambient Air (1972) $1.75 /D Reflective Insulation Syst Ambient Air (1974) ASTM C667-1972 $1.75 /Ulation Syst Ammonia Nitrogen in Water, Tests for ( 1974) $1.75 Amounts of Radionuclides ( 1970) $4.00 Precautions I Amplifiers and Preamplifiers for Semiconductor Radiatio Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials ( 19 Amplitude Fatigue Test Results for Metallic Materials ( Analyses (2/75) /Is Reports: Environmental Design of M Analyses (5/74) Measurements of Radionu Me 75 urements of Radionuclides in the Environment: Sampling and General Methods for Chemical Analys: Analys Analys Analys: Analys Analysi Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analys Analysi Analys Analysi Analysi Analys Analys: Analysi Analys Analys s and Use of Process Data for the Protection of s Equipment (1971) NBS Handbook 1 1 1 $3.00 s for Radwaste Systems for Light-Water — Cooled s of Barium-140 Produced by Uranium — 238 Fissi s of Carbon and Graphite, Methods for (1973) Ast s of Copper and Copper Base Alloys (1975) $1.75 s of Corrosion Data, Practice for (1973) ASTM Gl s of Fatigue Data (1973) (ASTM E206-I972) $1.75 s of Fine and Coarse Aggregates, Method of Test s of Gases and Vapors ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 s of Hydraulic Cement," Methods for (1970) ASTM C s of Industrial Metal Cleaning Compositions (197 s of 1-131 in Milk (9/73) s of Metals, Recommended Practice for (1974) $1. s of Molybdenum-99 Activity from Uranium-238 F s of Molybdenum-99 Activity from Uranium-238 F s of Nickel (1975) $1.75 s of Nickel-Chromium and Nickel-Chromium-Iron s of Nonmetals in Liquid Sodium ( 1-72) Amendmen s of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and s of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal, Methods for s of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions ( s of Nuclear Grade Silver— Cadmium Alloys, Meth s of Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloy s of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and P s of Nuclear Grade (1973) ASTM C696-1972 $2.00 s of Nuclear Grade ( 1973) ASTM C697-1972 $2.00 s of Nuclear (Revision 1, 5/75) /Chemical, Mass s of Phosphorus-32, Methods for (1974) $1.75 s of Plutonium in Soil (5/74) Meas s of Radioisotopes (1973) ASTM El 81-1962 $1.75 s of Reactor and Commercial Columbium ( 1974) $1. ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM NCRP ANSI ASTM ASTM ERDA ANSI ASME ERDA ERDA ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASME ASTM ANSI ASME ASTM NRC ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM NCRP ANSI ASTM ASTM NRC NRC NRC ANSI NRC ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM NRC ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ERDA NRC ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM NRC ANSI ANSI NRC ASTM NRC ANSI ASTM E55 E2 E38 E340 C760 E62 E120 E354 El 46 G80.4 N574 G2 A533 R46 N152 D1943 D3084 RDT F11-5T C62.1 SEC-VIII/2 RDT C7-5T RDT C7-6T C721 D2442 B361 W3.10 SFA-5.10 B361 W3.I0 SFA-5.10 B150 RG 2.3 N398 N114 H38.4 H38.8 B247 H38.6 B210 H38.5 H38.7 H38.2 H38.10 E266 D3249 C667 Z98.48 D1426 R37 N42.2 E466 E468 RG 1.70.24 RG 4.6 RG 5.24 N43.2 RG 1.110 E393 K90.3 E62 G80.3 Z92.2 A37.8 D1605 A1.5 D800 RG 4.3 E60 N636 E343 E39 E38 RDT C8-8T RG 5.6 N572 C759 N574 C760 RG 5.5 N103 N104 RG 5.16 E182 RG 4.5 N148 E195 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards or (1973) (ASTM E195-1968) $1.75 Chemical 40T, (1-73) Amendment 1 (5-76) Methods for the ormed (1973) $1.75 ought Iron (1975) $1.75 Chemical Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical c Distribution, and Impurity Det/ General Methods for the 75 Reporting Results of Radioisotopes, ide Carrier D-C Arc Technique, Method for Spectrochemical Titanium and Titanium-Base Alloys, Chemical oxide Carrier DC Arc Technique, Method for Spectrochemical hods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Phosphorus-32, Methods for er Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt-Base Alloys, Chemical Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Zirconium and Zirconium-Base Alloys, Chemical u)o(2)), Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical pellets. Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical pellets, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Grade Uranyl Nitrate Solutions, Nuclear and Radiochemical carbide. Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical, powders. Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical powders, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Standard Format and Content of Safety (9/75) Standard Fw^mat and Content of Safety 74) Standard PAJrnat and Content of Safety ant Pressure Boundary Components Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety Information for Safety modal Responses and Spatial Components in Seismic Response Test for Nickel on Steel by Photometric of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories for Mixed Oxide Fuel 1 Chemistry Laboratories for Control Rod Absorber Material ber Material Analysis (7-7/ Qualification and Control of analysis (7-73) Qualification and Control of Material (7-73) ts (9-75) 3) Amendment 1 (12-74) fluoride (UF 4 ) and Uranium Hexafluoride (UF 6 ) 2/ Standard Accountability of Uranium Hexafluoride, Accountability of Uranium Tetrafluoride, Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual Gas Recommended Practice for General Ambient Air Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Stainless Steel Globe and for (1973) $1.75 Ultrasonic $1.75 Operating Performance of ) ASTM E509-74 $1.75 Guide for in Service ) $1.75 Recommended Guide for in Service fluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Com/ Calculation of 8-73) r Reactor Plants (Issued Fo/ Draft Standard Evaluation of Regulatory Staff Position Statement on information Needed by the NRC Staff in Connection with Its Needed by the AEC Regulatory Staff in Connection with Its 4) (R1970) IEEE 21-1964 $4.00 Outdoor Mechanical Power Transmission 1.75 onents (1977) bd ($70.00) II ($90.00) cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Analysis of Reactor and Commercial Columbium, Methods F Analysis of Sodium and Cover Gas ( 1-76) Supersedes F3- Analysis of Solvent Systems Used for Removal of Water F Analysis of Steel, Cast Iron, Open-Hearth Iron, and Wr Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride, Methods for ( 1974) as Analysis of Uranyl Nitrate Solutions for Assay, Isotopi Analysis of Waste Water, Standard Method for ( 1974) $1. Analysis of (1962) (R1968) $1.75 Analysis of ( 1 970) $ 1 .75 Uranium Oxide by Gallium Ox Analysis of (1971) $1.75 Analysis of (1972) ASTM E402-1970 $1.75 / by Gallium Analysis of (1973) ASTM C698-1972a $1.75 /)o(2)), Met Analysis of ( 1 973 ) ASTM E 1 82— 1 962 ( 1 968 ) $ 1 .75 d Electrical Equipment Qualificat/ Plants (12/74) ss 2 and 3 Components (2/75) 75) ety Features (2/75) /74) 6/75) hase (12/74) rials and Inservice Inspection ( 1/ ion and Electrical Equipment (2/7/ (4/75) /Lectrical, Magnetic, and Oth /Tonium Metal, Chemical, Mass /Ear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U, P /Uranium Dioxide Powders and /Utonium Dioxide Powders and Nuclear Nuclear Grade Boron /Exafluoride, Chemical, Mass Analysis of (1973) $1.75 Analysis of (1973) $1.75 Analysis of (1974) $1.75 Analysis of (1974) $1.75 Analysis of (1974) $1.75 Analysis of (1974) $1.75 Analysis of (1975) $1.75 Analysis of (1975) $1.75 Analysis of (1975) $1.75 Analysis Of, and Physical Tests on ( 1972) $1.75 /Xide Analysis Of, and Physical Tests on (1973) ASTM C699-19 Analysis Reports for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/75) Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 2, Analysis Reports for Uranium Enrichment Facilities (12/ Analysis Reports: Code Cases Applicable to Reactor Cool Analysis Reports: Electric Power (6/75) Analysis Reports: Emergency Planning (12/74) Analysis Reports: Environmental Design of Mechanical an Analysis Reports: Fuel System Design (5/75) Analysis Reports: Hydrologic Engineering (1/75) Analysis Reports: Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Analysis Reports: Initial Test Programs (5/75) Analysis Reports: Inservice Inspection of ASME Code Cla Analysis Reports: Instrumentation and Controls (2/75) Analysis Reports: Internally Generated Missiles (6/75) Analysis Reports: Mechanical Systems and Components (1/ Analysis Reports: Metallic Materials for Engineered Saf Analysis Reports: Meteorology (4/75) Analysis Reports: Missile Barrier Design Procedures (12 Analysis Reports: Plant Procedures (5/75) Analysis Reports: Pressurizer Relief Discharge System ( Analysis Reports: Pump Flywheel Integrity (4/75) Analysis Reports: Quality Assurance During Operations P Analysis Reports: Radioactive Waste Management (4/75) Analysis Reports: Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Mate Analysis Reports: Reactor Materials (12/74) Analysis Reports: Reactor Vessels (1975) Analysis Reports: Reactor Water Cleanup System (5/75) Analysis Reports: Seismic Qualification of Instrumental Analysis Reports: Steam and Feedwater System Materials Analysis Reports: Steam Generators (1/75) Analysis Reports: Training (6/75) Analysis (Revision 1,2/76) Combining Analysis (1972) $1.75 Analysis (7-73) Qualification and Control Analysis (7-73) /Alification and Control of Analytica Analytical Chemistry Laboratories for Control Rod Absor Analytical Chemistry Laboratories for Mixed Oxide Fuel Analytical Chemistry Methods for Boron Carbide Absorber Analytical Chemistry Methods for Metallic Core Componen Analytical Chemistry Methods for Mixed Oxide Fuel (7-7 Analytical Methods for the Measurement of Uranium Tetra Analytical Procedures for (1972) $4.50 Analytical Procedures for (1972) $6.00 Analyzer in the Tracer Probe Mode (1973) $1.75 / Leaks Analyzer Procedures (1973T) $1.75 Angeles Machine, Method of Test for (1970) ASTM CHI- Angle Valves, Manual and Power Operated (3-72) Angle-Beam Examination of Steel Plates, Specification Anion Exchange Materials for Strong Acid Removal (1972) Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear Reactor Vessels ( 1974 Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1974 Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Ef Annunciators for Control Systems (10-72) Amendment 1 ( Anticipated Transients Without Trip on Pressurized Wate Antitrust Matters (12/73) Antitrust Review of Construction Permit Applications Fo Antitrust Review of Operating License Applications for Apparatus Bushings, Requirements and Test Code for (196 Apparatus, Safety Standard for (1972) $4.00 Apparent Density of Activated Carbon, Test for (1970) $ Appendices to Sec. Ill Div. 1, Nuclear Power Plant Comp Application at High Temperatures, Specification for (19 ANSI Z258.1 ERDA RDT F3-40T ASTM D2790 ASTM E30 ANSI N575 NRC RG 5.39 ASTM D596 ASTM E181 ASTM E402 ASTM E120 ANSI Z128.27 ANSI N139 ANSI NI49 ASTM E354 ASTM C758 ASTM E146 ASTM C698 ASTM C696 ASTM C697 ASTM C799 ASTM C791 ASTM C761 ASTM C699 ANSI N140 NRC RG 3.26 NRC RG 1.70 NRC RG 3.25 NRC RG 1.70.13 NRC RG 1.70.36 NRC RG 1.70.14 NRC RG 1.70.24 NRC RG 1.70.34 NRC RG 1.70.17 NRC RG 1.70.15 NRC RG 1.70.33 NRC RG 1.70.25 NRC RG 1.70.22 NRC RG 1.70.35 NRC RG 1.70.18 NRC RG 1.70.26 NRC RG 1.70.29 NRC RG 1.70.16 NRC RG 1.70.31 NRC RG 1.70.37 NRC RG 1.70.30 NRC RG 1.70.11 NRC RG 1.70.27 NRC RG 1.70.20 NRC RG 1.70.12 NRC RG 1.70.21 NRC RG 1.70.32 NRC RG 1.70.23 NRC RG 1.70.28 NRC RG 1.70.19 NRC RG 1.70.38 NRC RG 1.92 ASTM C715 ERDA RDT F2-6T ERDA RDT F2-8T ERDA RDT F2-8T ERDA RDT F2-6T ERDA RDT F11-2T ERDA RDT F11-3T ERDA RDT F11-1T NRC RG 5.4 ANSI N15.7 ANSI N15.6 ASTM E498 ASTM D3249 ANSI A37.7 ERDA RDT E1-21T ASTM A577 ASTM D3087 ANSI N577 ASTM E509 NRC RG 1.109 ERDA RDTC17-8T ANSI N661 NRC RG 9.1 NRC RG 9.2 NRC RG 9.3 ANSI C76.1 ANSI B15.1 ASTM D2854 ASME SEC-III-A ANSI G82.1 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 72) Amendment 1 (11-74) Preparation and power Generating Station Protection Syste/ Draft Standard Power Plant Protection Systems (6/73) 7/ Calculation of Neutron Dose to Polymeric Materials and d Accounting Section of a Special Nuclear Material License Pipe Hangers and Supports-Selection and rconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire for Nuclear rements for Bolting Material for Nuclear and Other Special /76) Guide for the Preparation of onnection with Its Antitrust Review of Construction Permit Connection with Its Antitrust Review of Operating License ion Plants (1/76) Standard Format and Content of License ess Than Critical Mass Quan/ Guide for the Preparation of uel and Associate/ Standard Format and Content of License Guide to the Contents of ) (2-75) Super/ Alloy Steel Bolting Material for Special irements for Materials Used in Reactor Coolant System Wear nt of Neutron Flux and Spectra for Physical and Biological ioactivity Procedures (A) Stds. (B) Medical and Biological ication for Alumina Ceramics for Electrical and Electronic irements for Pipe and Tubing for Nuclear and Other Special uirements for Steel Castings for Nuclear and Other Special ec. for Homogeneous Tool Resisting Steel Bars for Security spec, for Tool Resisting Composite Steel Bars for Security for Tool Resisting Steel Flat Bars and Shapes for Security equirements for Steel Plates for Nuclear and Other Special ought Steel Welding Fittings for Nuclear and Other Special ements for Forgings and Bars for Nuclear and Other Special Spec, for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General ifications for Thermoluminescence Dosimetry-Environmental of Radioisotopic Power Generators for Certain Land and Sea Elastomeric Materials for Automotive r (1973/ Steel Castings for the Nuclear and Other Special r ( 1973) / Bolting Material for Nuclear and Other Special r (1973) $1.7/ Steel Plates for Nuclear and Other Special ought Steel Welding Fittings for Nuclear and Other Special r (1973)/ Forgings and Bars for Nuclear and Other Special sheathed. Type K for Nuclear or for Other High Reliability Alloy Steel Bolting Materials for Special plementary Requirements for Nickel Alloy Plate for Nuclear ements for Nickel Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube for Nuclear nic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special heathed, Type K, for Nuclear or for Other High Reliability Zirconium and Zirconium-Alloy Ingots for Nuclear irements for Pipe and Tubing for Nuclear and Other Special (1970) $1.75 Nickel Alloy Plate for Nuclear (1970) $1.75 Nickel Alloy Rod and Bar for Nuclear (1970) $/ Nickel Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube for Nuclear nts) for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (6/75) Selection, n Independent Spent Fuel Storage/ Guidance on the License urn and Zirconium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate for Nuclear rconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire for Nuclear urn and Zirconium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate for Nuclear rconium Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Metal for Nuclear 1.75 Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Ingots for Nuclear rconium Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Metal for Nuclear ) Guidance to Academic Institutions tice for (1973) ASTM G16-1971 $1.75 tine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Impl/ Estimating irconium Alloys, Practice for (1974) $1.75 Colorimetric Determination of Uranium in Method for Colorimetric Determination of Uranium in ommended Practices for Volatile Organic Matter in Water by 1972) ASTM E40/ Uranium Oxide by Gallium Oxide Carrier DC 1970) $1.75 Uranium Oxide by Gallium Oxide Carrier D-C Tungsten .1-1969 $3.50 Mild Steel Covered .5-1969 $3.50 Low Alloy Steel Covered .6-1969 $2.50 Copper and Copper-Alloy Mild Steel Covered Low Alloy Steel Covered Copper and Copper-Alloy ts) (7-75) Supers/ Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored s) (3-75/ Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged s) (4-75) Supersede/ Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal cent-Molybdenum Alloy Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged 2.50 Bare Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged 2.50 Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal 2.50 Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored specification for (1974) $1.75 Electric-Fusion Instrument Purging for Reduction of Hazardous Selection of Material Balance Application of RDT Stds. (12-73) Supersedes Fl-1, (7- Application of the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Application of the Single-Failure Criterion to Nuclear Application of Threshold-Foil Measurements (1968) (R19 Application (Including That for a Uranium Enrichment Fa Application (1966) $4.00 Application ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 / Rolled and Cold Finished Zi Applications ASTM A6 1 4-73 ( 1 974 ) $ 1 .75 /Special Requi Applications for Licenses to Process Source Material (7 Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 6/76 Applications for Nuclear Power Plants ( 10/74) /Taff in Applications for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabricat Applications for Special Nuclear Material Licenses of L Applications for Storage Only of Unirradiated Reactor F Applications for Uranium Milling Licenses (2/73) Applications of Bioassay for Uranium (6/74) Applications (ASME SA-540 with Additional Requirements Applications (10-67) Inspection Requ Applications (1960) $2.00 Measureme Applications (1961) $3.00 a Manual of Rad Applications (1972) $1.75 Specif Applications (1973) $1.75 /Cification for Special Requ /R Special Req Std. Sp Std. Std. Spec. /R Special R /Tion for Wr /Pecial Requir /Ouples, Applications (1974) ASTM A6 13-73 $1.75 Applications (1974) ASTM A627-1968 $1.75 Applications (1974) ASTM A628-1973 $1.75 Applications (1974) ASTM A629-1971 $1.75 Applications (1974) ASTM A647-1973 $1.75 Applications (1974) ASTM A652-1973 $1.75 Applications (1974) ASTM A654-73 $1.75 Applications (1974) $1.75 Applications (1975) $4.00 /Esting, and Procedural Spec Applications (3/74) Design, Construction, and Use Applications, Classification System for (1975) $1.75 Applications, Specification for Special Requirements Fo Applications, Specification for Special Requirements Fo Applications, Specification for Special Requirements Fo Applications, Specification for Special Requirements Fo Applications, Specification for Special Requirements Fo Applications, Specification for (1967) $1.75 Applications, Specification for (1970) $1.75 Applications, Specification for (1971) ASTM B509-1970) Applications, Specification for (1971) $1.75 ASTM B513- Applications, Specification for (1973) ASTM A578-1971B Applications, Specification for (1973) ASTM E235— 1973 Applications, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Applications, Specification for (1974) ASTM A655-1973 Applications, Spec, for Supplementary Requirements for Applications, Spec, for Supplementary Requirements for Applications, Spec, for Supplementary Requirements for Application, and Inspection of Protective Coatings (Pai Application, Siting, Design, and Plant Protection for a Application, Specification for (1967) $1.75 Zirconi Application, Specification for (1973) ASTM B351-1967 $ Application, Specification for (1973) ASTM B352-1967 $ Application, Specification for (1973) (ASTM B349-1967) Application, Specification for (1974) ASTM B350-1973 $ Application, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 Applying for Specific Byproduct Material Licenses (3/76 Applying Statistics to Analysis of Corrosion Data, Prac Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Rou Aqueous Corrosion Testing of Samples of Zirconium and Z Aqueous Solutions Standard Method for (1975) $1.75 Aqueous Solutions (1973) ASTM E3 1 8- 1 969 $ 1 .75 Aqueous-Injection Gas Chromatography (1974) $1.75 Arc Technique, Method for Spectrochemical Analysis of ( Arc Technique, Method for Spectrochemical Analysis of ( Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) $2.00 Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5 Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5 Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5 Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1974) Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for ( 1974) Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for ( 1974) Arc Welding (ASME SFA -5.20 with Additional Requiremen Arc Welding (ASME SFA-5.17 with Additional Requirement Arc Welding (ASME SFA-5.18 with Additional Requirement Arc Welding (9-75) 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1-Per Arc Welding, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 17-1969 $ Arc Welding, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 18-1969 $ Arc Welding, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 20-1969 $ Arc Welding, Specification for (1974) Arc Welding, Specification for ( 1974) Arc Welding, Specification for ( 1974) (Arc)-Welded Steel Plate Pipe (Sizes 16 in. and Over), Area Classification (1970) $3.00 Areas and Item Control Areas (Revision 1, 4/75) Zi /Ec ERDA ANSI NRC ASTM NRC MSS ASTM ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ERDA ERDA NCRP NCRP ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI NRC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM NRC NRC ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM NRC ANSI NRC ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM AWS ANSI ANSI ANSI ASME ASME ASME ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ANSI ANSI ANSI ASME ASME ASME ASTM ISA NRC RDT Fl-1 N41.2 RG 1.53 D2365 RG 5.45 SP-69 B351 N265 RG 10.4 RG 9.2 RG 9.3 RG 3.39 RG 10.3 RG 3.15 RG 3.5 RG 8.11 RDT M6-5T RDT F3-7T R23 R28 D2442 A655 N558 G24.45 G24.46 G24.47 N559 N560 N561 B584 N545 RG 6.3 D2000 A613 A614 A647 A652 A654 E235 A540 H34.33 H34.29 G35.25 N142 B350 N564 B509 B510 B513 RG 3.30 RG 3.24 B352 N122 N123 N121 N583 B349 RG 10.2 G80.3 RG 1.113 G2 E318 N116 D2908 Z128.27 E402 A5.12 W3.1 W3.5 W3.6 SFA-5.1 SFA-5.5 SFA-5.6 RDT M1-20T RDT M1-17T RDT M1-6T RDT M1-22T W3.17 W3.18 W3.20 SFA-5.17 SFA-5.18 SFA-5.20 A134 S12.4 RG 5.26 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards nts and in Plutonium/ Welder Qualification for Welding in Welder Qualification for Selection of Material Balance Areas and Item Control Visual Surveillance of Individuals in Material Access ccess to Protected Areas, Vital Areas, and Material Access Control of Personnel Access to Protected Areas, Vital Control of Personnel Access to Protected ial (Revision 1, 4/75) Specially Designed Vehicle and Test for Hydrolyzable Chlorine Compounds in Chlorinated sels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $1/ Special Construction, t Components (1975) $4.40 Special Construction, els (Ships and Barges) ( 1975) $27 Special Consideration, Storage of Explosives or Other Da/ Special Construction, articles as Ships, Stores and Supp/ Special Construction, Vessels (Ships and Barges) ( 1975)/ Special Construction, Alternating Current Power Circuits, Surge Transportation of Dangerous Matter Nonmailable on. Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Use of Dangerous electrical Resistivity of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite 1973)/ Density in Air of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite transportation or Storage of Explosives or Other Dangerous transportation or Storage of Explosives or Other Dangerous uctions Assisted by Grants from National Endowment for the e Chlorine Compounds in Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons Administrative Guide for Liability Insurance Nondestructive Uranium-235 Enrichment ssion Detection (6/74) Nondestructive In situ Nondestructive In situ Calorimetric Calorimetric Nondestructive Nondestructive I Methods for the Analysis of Uranyl Nitrate Solutions for -196/ Providing High Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip) on A386-1973 $1.75 Zinc-Coating (Hot-Dip) on ors ( 12/20/72) Serial Numbering of Fuel ray Spectrometry (9/74) aterials Control, Calibration Techniques Fo/ d Waste (10/73) mendment 1 (4-72), Amendment 2 (/ -74) Electrical Penetration Simulated Core Orifice Fuel Vapor Trap Electrical Penetration Electric Penetration ment 1 (5-72) 3), Amendment 2 (1-74) Power Generating Stations ( 1973)/ uclear Power Plants (10/73) ainless Steel Hexagonal Duct Tubes for Core Components and Welding of Reactor Core Components and Test dated Edition (Includes ANSI C37.20A-1970, CI Switchgear Sheathed ( 1-72) Thermocouple Surveillance Program for New Fuel Open Test dment 2 (1-74) FFTF Closed Loop in Reactor des E6-33T, (11-71) Amendment 1 (12-73),/ Control Rod (5-72) Supersedes E5-2T/ Electric Heater and Connector sedes E4-5T, ( 12-70) Forced Circulation Cold Trap Plugging Temperature Indicator Fuel Fuel and Control ent 1 (8-73, Amend/ Gamma Compensated Ionization Chamber Fission Type Neutron Detector Driver Fuel response Test for Sheathed, Mineral Insulated Thermocouple athed. Magnesium / Thermocouple Material and Thermocouple mentation for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to dividual Observed Values) (1974) $4.00 dividual Observed Values) (4/74) nuclear Power Plants ( 1973/ Cleaning of Fluid Systems and lity Assurance Requirements for Cleaning Fluid Systems and 7-73) Visual in Service Inspection System and ications for Storage Only of Unirradiated Reactor Fuel and values) (1974) $4.00 Assessment of the values) (4/74) Assessment of the Acceptable Concepts, Models, Equations, and power Plant Control Room During a Postulated Hazardous CI accident for Pressurized Water Reactors (5/74) cal Consequences of a Pressurized Water Reactor Radioact/ cal Consequences of a Fuel Handling Accident in the Fuel/ cal Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Boili/ cal Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Press/ cal Consequences of a Steam Line Break Accident for Boil/ cal Consequences of a Radioactive Offgas System Failure / Additional Information: Quality Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Quality cilities (1972) $3.00 Quality ants and for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabri/ Quality Areas of Limited Accessibility in Fuel Reprocessing Pla Areas of Limited Accessibility ( 12/73) Areas (Revision 1, 4/75) Areas (11/73) Areas (6/73) Control of Personnel a Areas, and Material Access Areas (6/73) Areas, Vital Areas, and Material Access Areas (6/73) Armed Guards for Road Shipment of Special Nuclear Mater Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Askarels) by Refluxing (1972) $1 Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Cargo Ves Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Powerplan Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Tank Vess Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Transportation or Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Use of Dangerous Arrangenent, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Passenger Arresters for (1975) IEEE 28-1974 $5.00 Articles and Magnetized Materials (1975) $5.00 Articles and Substances Under Special Rules ( 1975) Articles as Ships, Stores and Supplies on Board Vessels Articles at Room Temperature, Method of Test for (1973) Articles by Physical Measurements, Method of Test for ( Articles or Substances and Combustible Liquids on Board Articles or Substances and Combustible Liquids on Board Arts (1975) $6.85 /ND Health Stds. on Projects or Prod (Askarels) by Refluxing (1972) $1.75 /T for Hydrolyzabl Aspects of Shipping Nuclear Materials ( 1973) $3.50 Assay by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (4/74) Assay for Plutonium in Scrap Material by Spontaneous Fi Assay of Enriched Uranium Residual Holdup (8/74) Assay of High Enrichment Uranium Fuel Plates by Gamma- Assay of Plutonium Residual Holdup (5/74) Assay of Plutonium (6/74) Assay of Plutonium-Bearing Solids Applied to Nuclear M Assay of Special Nuclear Material Contained in Scrap an Assay Systems, Guide to Calibrating (1975) $5.75 Assay, Isotopic Distribution, and Impurity Determinatio Assembled Products, Specification for (R1973) ASTM A385 Assembled Steel Products, Specification for (1974) ASTM Assemblies for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power React Assemblies for Nuclear Reactor Containment Structures a Assemblies for Nuclear Reactors (3-73) Amendment 1 (12 Assemblies for Nuclear Systems (8-73) Assemblies for Pressurized Water Reactors (7-71 ) Amend Assemblies for Sodium Service (4-72) Amendment 1 (5-7 Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Fueled Assemblies in Containment Structures for Water Cooled N Assemblies (5-76) Supersedes E6-20T, (12-71) /Ic St Assemblies (7-73) Assemblies, Including Metal Enclosed Bus (1974) Consoli Assemblies, Magnesium-Oxide Insulated, Stainless Steel Assembly Designs (6/76) Assembly Fabrication (10-73) Assembly Fabrication (12-71) Amendment 1 (5-72), Amen Assembly for Liquid Metal Fast Reactors (5-73) Superse Assembly for Pressurizer for Pressurized Water Reactors Assembly for Removal of Sodium Impurities ( 1-76) Super Assembly for Sodium Service Supersedes E4-19T, (8-71 ) Assembly Identification (1972) ANS-13.8 $5.00 Assembly Tag Gas ( 10-72) Assembly (Fixed Electrical Compensation) (7-71) Amendm Assembly (12-71) Amendment 1 (10-73) Assembly (4-73) Assembly (6-72) Time Assembly, Chromel-P Versus Alumel, Stainless Steel She Assess Plant Conditions During and Following an Acciden Assessment of the Assumption of Normality (Employing in Assessment of the Assumption of Normality (Employing in Associated Components During the Construction Phase of Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power PI Associated Equipment for the Reactor Enclosure System ( Associated Radioactive Material (10/73) / License Appl Assumption of Normality (Employing Individual Observed Assumption of Normality (Employing Individual Observed Assumptions for a Bioassay Program (9/73) Assumptions for Evaluating the Habitability of Nuclear Assumptions Used for Evaluating a Control Rod Ejection Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiologi Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiologi Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiologi Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiologi Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiologi Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiologi Assurance During Design and Construction (7/74) Assurance During Operations Phase (12/74) Assurance for Protective Coatings Applied to Nuclear Fa Assurance Program Requirements for Fuel Reprocessing PI NRC RG 3.28 NRC RG 1.71 NRC RG 5.26 NRC RG 5.14 NRC RG 5.7 NRC RG 5.7 NRC RG 5.7 NRC RG 5.31 ASTM D2441 USCG 46CFR99 USCG 46CFR55 USCG 46CFR37 USCG 46CFR146 USCG 46CFR147 USCG 46CFR79 ANSI C62.1 DOT 14CFR 103 USPS POSTL124 USCG 46CFR147 ANSI K90.7 ANSI K90.2 DOT 46CFR 146 USCG 46CFR146 DOL 29CFR 505 ASTM D2441 ANSI N14 GUIDE NRC RG 5.21 NRC RG 5.34 NRC RG 5.37 NRC RG 5.38 NRC RG 5.23 NRC RG 5.35 ANSI N15.22 NRC RG 5.11 ANSI N15.20 NRC RG 5.39 ANSI G8.17 ANSI G8.18 NRC RG 5.1 ERDA RDT P3-1T ERDA RDT E6-11T ERDA RDT C4-8T ERDA RDT E13-15 ERDA RDT E4-14T ANSI N45.3 NRC RG 1.63 ERDA RDT E6-20T ERDA RDT F6-2T ANSI C37.20 ERDA RDTC7-16T NRC RG 1.119 ERDA RDT E8-19T ERDA RDT E8-11T ERDA RDT E6-33T ERDA RDT E5-2T ERDA RDT E4-5T ERDA RDT E4-19T ANSI N18.3 ERDA RDT M14-2T ERDA RDTC15-7T ERDA RDTC15-5T ERDA RDT E13-16 ERDA RDT C2-3T ERDA RDT C7-6T NRC RG 1.97 ANSI N15.15 NRC RG 5.22 ANSI N45.2.1 NRC RG 1.37 ERDA RDT E8-12T NRC RG 3.15 ANSI N15.15 NRC RG 5.22 NRC RG 8.9 NRC RG 1.78 NRC RG 1.77 NRC RG 1.24 NRC RG 1.25 NRC RG 1.3 NRC RG 1.4 NRC RG 1.5 NRC RG 1.98 NRC RG 1.70.6 NRC RG 1.70.11 ANSI N101.4 NRC RG 3.3 X Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards (1971) $4.00 Quality r Power Plants (Revision 2, (6/76) Quality ) (Safety Guide 28, 6/7/72) Quality e 33, 11/3/72) Quality 73), Amendment 2 (3-74), Amendment 3 (7-75), / Quality ements for Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Quality n. Storage, and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant Quality ssociated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Po/ Quality Testing of Structural Concrete and Structural S/ Quality d Testing of Structural Concrete A/ Supplementary Quality d Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems (6/ Quality ng, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water Coo/ Quality to Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (6/73) Quality to Fuel Reprocessing Plants and to Plutonium Pro/ Quality plants (1974) $5.50 Quality g of Instrumentation and Electric Equipment (Saf/ Quality ction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants, Supplementary Quality Quality Quality Reliability ontrol Technology (1975) $4.00 Krypton-85 in the Units of/ Design, Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for $1.75 Test for Particulate Matter in the Test for Content of Oxidizing Substances in the Rec. Practice for Planning the Sampling of the 75 Rec. Practice for Sampling Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for Air Sampling Instruments Manual for Evaluation of ts in Routine Releases from Light/ Methods for Estimating s Spectrometric Method), Method of Test for (1973) ASTM / s Spectrometric Method) (1974) $1.75 Test for dymium-148 Method) (1973) ASTM E321 / Method of Test for dymium 148 Method), Standard Method of Test for (1974) $/ hod), Method of Test for (1973) ASTM E219-1969 $1.75 hod), Standard Method of Test for ( 1974) $1.75 Metals in Water and Waste Water by 1.75 Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular s. Method of (/ Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular adiological Factors Affecting Decision Making in a Nuclear Method for Soil Investigation and Sampling by r, and Heat Exchanger Tubes, Speci/ Seamless Ferritic and al Fins, Speci/ Seamless and Welded Carbon, Ferritic, and 75 Specification for Seamless Ferritic- Requirements for (1974A) $1/ Carbon, Ferritic Alloy and ve or High Tern/ Welded Large Outside Diameter Light-Wall emperature Service, Specificati/ Electric-Fusion-Welded 73) Amendment 1 (4-74) additional Requirements) (11-74) Supersedes M4-2T, (6-/ r Avoiding Intergranular Corrosion and Stress Corrosion in e Components and Assemblies (5-76) Supersedes E6-20T, / tional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes M3-6T, (1 1-73) 4) $1.75 Seamless and Welded core Components (3-73) with Additional Requirements) ( 1 1-74) Supersedes M3-3T/ specification for (1974) $1.75 Seamless and Welded ents (5-72) tional Requirements) / Seamless and Welded Small Diameter General Service (/ Specification for Seamless and Welded netic Instruments to Measure the Delta Ferritic Content of asme SA-358 with Additional Requirements) (4-75) Super/ with Additional Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M3-5T,/ 03 with Additional Requirements) ( 1-75) Supersedes M2-/ 73) t Requirements for Thermal Insulating Materials for Use on Nonmetallic Thermal Insulation for nd Condenser Tubes, Specification for (1974A) $1./ Welded ture Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 ion Service, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Seamless cification for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Centrifugally Cast and Duties for (1975) $3.00 Qualifications and Duties for ts (1966) (R1972) $4.75 Std. Spec, for 1 (1-73) 5) $1.75 Elastomeric Materials for Determination of Fuel Pellet Homogeneity by Alpha- y Radioactivation Techniques, / Neutron-Flux Density and dioactivatio/ Method of Test for Neutron Flux Density and Estimating the eability (1972) $1.75 Test for ) $1.75 Choice of Sample Size to Estimate the 1 .75 Test for n Austenitic Stainless Steel Components of / Guidance for Recommended Practice for Constant Amplitude Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants Assurance Program Requirements for the Design of Nuclea Assurance Program Requirements (Design and Construction Assurance Program Requirements (Operation) (Safety Guid Assurance Program Requirements (8-73) Amendment 1 (12- Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants (1974) $4.00 Assurance Records (Revision 1, 12/75) Collectio Assurance Requirements for Cleaning Fluid Systems and a Assurance Requirements for Installation Inspection, and Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, an Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection, an Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receivi Assurance Requirements for Protective Coatings Applied Assurance Requirements for Protective Coatings Applied Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Assurance Requirements for the Installation, and Testin Assurance Requirements for ( 1975) $4.00 /R the Constru Assurance Terms and Definitions ( 1973) $3.00 Assurance Terms and Definitions (2/74) Assurance (6-74) Atmosphere Accumulation, Biological Significance, and C Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Atmosphere (Optical Density of Filtered Deposit) (1969) Atmosphere (1970) $1.75 Atmosphere (1973) ASTM D 1357- 1967 $1.75 Atmospheres for Analysis of Gases and Vapors ( 1973) $1. Atmospheres (1960) $3.00 Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures (1974) ASTM A671-19 Atmospheric Containments, 4th Edition (1972) $12.50 Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluen Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mas Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mas Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Neo Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Neo Atom Percent Fission in Uranium Fuel (Radiochemical Met Atom Percent Fission in Uranium Fuel (Radiochemical Met Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (1970) $1.75 Attack in Stainless Steels, Rec. Practices for (1975) $ Attack in Wrought Nickel-Rich, Chromium-Bearing Alloy Attack (1974) $4.00 Auditing Nuclear Materials Statements ( 1973) $3.50 Auger Borings (1972) (ASTM D1452-1966) $1.75 Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler, (1974B) $1.75 Superheate Austenitic Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integr Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes (1974) ASTM A669-1972 $1. Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes, Specification for General Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosi Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High T Austenitic Stainless Steel Bar for Core Components (3- Austenitic Stainless Steel Castings (ASME SA-351 with Austenitic Stainless Steel Components of Fuel Reprocess Austenitic Stainless Steel Hexagonal Duct Tubes for Cor Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe (ASME SA-312 with Addi Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe, Specification for ( 197 Austenitic Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Austenitic Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe (ASME SA-376 Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service, Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for LMFBR Core Compon Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing (ASTM a 632 with Addi Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing (Small-Diameter) for Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal ( 1974) $3.00 /Ag Austenitic Stainless Steel Welded Pipe Large Diameter ( Austenitic Stainless Steel Welded Tubing (ASME SA-249 Austenitic Stainless Steel Welding Fittings (ASME SA-4 Austenitic Stainless Steel Wire for Core Components (3- Austenitic Stainless Steel (10-72) Supersedes M12-1T, Austenitic Stainless Steel (2/23/73) Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat Exchanger, a Austenitic Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High Tempera Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Central Stat Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service, Spe Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspection, Qualifications Authorized Nuclear Inspection (1974) $3.50 Automatic Null Balancing Electrical Measuring Instrumen Automatic Spring Loaded Safety Valves (3-72) Amendment Automotive Applications, Classification System for (197 Autoradiography (5-75) Availability of Electric Power Sources ( 12/74) Average Energy from 3 H(d,n)' l He Neutron Generators B Average Energy from 3H(D, N)4He Neutron Generators by Ra Average Grain Size of Metals, Methods for ( 1974) $1.75 Average Particle Size of Alumina and Silica by Air Perm Average Quality of a Lot or Process, Practice for ( 1972 Average Velocity in a Duct (Pitot Tube Method) (1972) $ Avoiding Intergranular Corrosion and Stress Corrosion I Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials (1972T) $1.75 ANSI N45.2 NRC RG 1.64 NRC RG 1.28 NRC RG 1.33 ERDA RDT F2-2 ANSI N45.2.9 NRC RG 1.88 NRC RG 1.37 NRC RG 1.94 ANSI N45.2.5 NRC RG 1.116 NRC RG 1.38 NRC RG 1.54 NRC RG 3.21 ANSI N45.2.11 NRC RG 1.30 ANSI N45.2.8 ANSI N45.2.10 NRC RG 1.74 ERDA RDT F2 J NCRP R44 NRC RG 1.52 ASTM D1704 ASTM D2912 ANSI Z257.1 ASTM D1605 ISA RP12.1 ANSI BI25.53 ACGIH *4 NRC RG 1.111 ANSI N108 ASTM E244 ANSI Nl 18 ASTM E321 ANSI N107 ASTM E219 ASTM D2576 ASTM A262 ANSI G80.4 NCRP R42 ANSI N15.ll ANSI A37.147 ASTM A213 ASTM A498 ANSI B125.52 ASTM A450 ASTM A409 ASTM A358 ERDA RDT M7-23T ERDA RDT M4-2T NRC RG 3.37 ERDA RDT E6-20T ERDA RDT M3-6T ASTM A312 ERDA RDT M5-19T ERDA RDT M3-3T ASTM A269 ERDA RDT M3-28T ERDA RDT M3-27T ANSI B125.49 AWS A4.2 ERDA RDT M3-7T ERDA RDT M3-5T ERDA RDT M2-5T ERDA RDT M7-24T ERDA RDT Ml 2- IT NRC RG 1.36 ASTM A249 ASTM A430 ASTM A376 ASTM A451 ANSI N626.1 ANSI N626 ANSI C39.4 ERDA RDT E1-6T ASTM D2000 ERDA RDT F11-5T NRC RG 1.93 ASTM E496 ANSI N580 ASTM El 12 ASTM C721 ASTM E122 ASTM D3154 NRC RG 3.37 ASTM E466 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards nt Relationship for Individual Vertical Piles Under Static t (Safety Guide 7, 3/10/71 ) Supplement to (Safety Guide 7, tion Stds. (1960) tion Std. (1961) 964) Natural Film Film ance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for X-Ray Selection of Material 2) $4.75 Std. Spec, for Automatic Null of Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricating Grease (Four hod of Test for (1964) (R1969) ASTM C360-1963 $1.75 General Purpose Austenitic Stainless Steel equirements for (1970) $1.75 Nickel Alloy Rod and Notched kali Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate Combinations (Mortar- Supersedes M7-4T,/ Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Rod and Supersedes M/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Rod and Supersedes M7-10T/ Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and ents) (3-75) Supersede/ Stainless Steel Welding Rods and 69 $2.50 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Rods and sting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Rods and sting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Welding, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 17-1969 $2.50 dditional Requirements) (3-75)/ Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Titanium and Titanium-Alloy 19T, (3-75) Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium 15T, (1-72) Amendme/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy 73) AWS A5. 14-1969 $2.50 Nickel and Nickel-Alloy 74) Nickel and Nickel-Alloy nts) (1-72) Supersedes Ml/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy ermocouple Material, Iron and Constantan, Solid Conductor mocouple Material, Copper and Constantan, Solid Conductor mocouple Material, Chromel-P and Alumel, Solid Conductor and Other Provisions for Nuclear Cargo Vessels (Ships and Other Provisions for Nuclear Passenger Vessels (Ships and , and Other Provisions for Nuclear Tank Vessels (Ships and method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2038-1968 $/ Radioactive test for (1974) $1.75 Radioactive E393-1973 $/ Method for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux for g (1973) $1.75 Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Missile ) Confinement Recommended Practice for Selection of Vapor destructive Examination of Welds in the Liners of Concrete Alloy 629-1971 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Tool Resisting Steel Flat ess/ Specification for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel nts) ( 1 1-74) Supersedes M7-3T, ( 10-73/ Stainless Steel finished Age-Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Cobalt-Chromium Alloy cts Fabricated/ Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, /28/72) Testing of Reinforcing Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel astm A65/ Spec, for Special Requirements for Forgings and ication for Special Requirements for (1973)/ Forgings and 1.75 Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Tool Resisting Steel 1.75 Std. Spec, for Tool Resisting Composite Steel /73 Safety G/ Mechanical (Cadweld) Splices in Reinforcing supersedes M7-1T/ Martensitic Stainless Steel (Type 403) Specification for Hot Rolled Alloy Steel serv/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy td. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Cobalt Containing Alloy service (ASTM a 637/ Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy itional Requirements) (4-76) Sup/ Nickel-Chromium Alloy Nickel Base- 19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta)-/ Spec, for Alloy .1 (Cb+Ta) 0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable Electrode or Vacuum/ hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy ents) (1-72) Supersedes M/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Specification for Aluminum-Alloy 5 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded I Requirements)/ Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Rod, Spec, for Copper and Copper Alloy Forging Rod, Specification for Aluminum Bronze Rod, Copper, Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and tion for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy (UNS N08800) Rod and $1.75 Nickel and Nickel- Axial Load ( 1 974 ) $ 1 .75 Test for Load Settleme Backfitting Considerations, 10/27/71 / Coolant Acciden Background Material for Development of Radiation Protec Background Material for Development of Radiation Protec Background Material for the Development of Radiation ( 1 Background Radiation in the United States (1975) $5.00 Badge Performance Criteria (2/2/73) Badge Performance, Criteria for ( 1972) $4.25 Baggage Inspection Systems { 1975) $2.95 Perform Bags, Drop Test for (1973) $1.75 Balance Areas and Item Control Areas (Revision 1, 4/75) Balancing Electrical Measuring Instruments (1966) (R197 Ball Method) (1974) $1.75 Measurement Ball Penetration in Fresh Portland Cement Concrete, Met Ball Valves (1970) $4.00 Bar for Core Components (3-73) Amendment 1 (4-74) Bar for Nuclear Applications, Spec, for Supplementary R Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials (1972) $1.75 Bar Method), Test for (1971) $1.75 Potential Al Bar (ASME SB-166 with Additional Requirements) (3-75) Bar (ASME SB-336 with Additional Requirements) (9-75) Bar (ASME SB-408 with Additional Requirements) (9-75) Bare Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.9 with Additional Requirem Bare Electrodes, Specification for ( 1973) AWS A5. 10-19 Bare Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 9-196 Bare Electrodes, Specification for (1974) Bare Electrodes, Specification for (1974) /Osion-Resi Bare Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.14 with a Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) $3.00 Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (6-75) Supersedes Mi- Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (7-75) Supersedes Mi- Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (9-75) Amendment 1 (1 Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes, Specification for (19 Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes, Specification for (19 Bare Welding Rods (ASTM B 351 with Additional Requireme (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglas (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglas (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglas Barges) (1975) $1.95 /Ecial Construction, Arrangement, Barges) (1975) $2.05 /L Construction, Arrangenent, and Barges) (1975) $2.15 /Ecial Consideration, Arrangement Barium in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Barium in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Barium 140 Produced by Uranium-288 Fission (1974) ASTM Barium-140 Produced by Uranium— 238 Fission, Measurin Barrier Design Procedures (12/74) Barriers and Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74 Barriers for Thermal Insulations (1973) $1.75 Barriers in Fuel Reprocessing Plants (5/75) Non Bars and Rods, Tantalum (90Ta-10W) (1975) $3.00 Bars and Shapes for Security Applications ( 1974) ASTM a Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure V Bars and Shapes (ASME SA-479 with Additional Requireme Bars and Shapes (1974) $1.75 /for Hot Rolled and Cold Bars and Shapes (4-75) Supersedes M7-7T, (7-71) Bars and Strip, Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Produ Bars for Category 1 Concrete Structures (Revision 1, 12 Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (1975) $1.75 Bars for Nuclear and Other Special Applications (1974) Bars for Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specif Bars for Security Applications (1974) ASTM A627-1968 $ Bars for Security Applications ( 1974) ASTM A628-1973 $ Bars of Category 1 Concrete Structures (Revision 1,1/2 Bars (ASTM a 276 with Additional Requirements) (4-75) Bars (1976) ASTM A322— 1975 $1.75 Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock (ASME SA 637 with Add Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Nickel- 19Cr-19Fe-3.1Mo-5 Bars, Rod and Wire for Nuclear Application (1973) $1.75 Bars, Rod and Wire for Nuclear Application, Specificati Bars, Rod and Wire (ASTM B 351 with Additional Requirem Bars, Rods, and Wire (1974) ASTM B21 1-1973 $1.75 Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes (1974) ASTM B221-73 $1.7 Bars, Shapes, and Forgings (ASME SA-564 with Additiona Bar, and Shapes (1974A) $1.75 Bar, and Shapes (1974) $1.75 Bar, and Shapes (1974) $1.75 Bar, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Bar, (1974) ASTM B408-1973 $1.75 Bar, (1974) $1.75 Specifica Base Alloy Clad Steel Plate, Specification for ( 1974A) ASTM D1143 NRC RG 1.7 EPA FRC1 EPA FRC2 EPA FRC5 NCRP R45 NRC RG 8.3 ANSI N13.7 BRH 21CFR1020G ASTM D959 NRC RG 5.26 ANSI C39.4 ASTM D2596 ANSI A37.92 MSS SP-72 ERDA RDT M7-23T ASTM B510 ASTM E23 ASTM C227 ERDA RDT M7-4T ERDA RDT M7-11T ERDA RDT M7-10T ERDA RDT M1-2T ANSI W3.10 ANSI W3.9 ASME SFA-5.10 ASME SFA-5.9 ANSI W3.17 ERDA RDT M1-11T AWS A5.16 ERDA RDT M1-19T ERDA RDT M1-15T ERDA RDT M1-23T ANSI W3.14 ASME SFA-5.14 ERDA RDTM1-16T ERDA RDTC7-1T ERDA RDT C7-3T ERDA RDT C7-5T USCG 46CFR99 USCG 46CFR79 USCG 46CFR37 ANSI N155 ASTM D2038 ANSI N638 ASTM E393 NRC RG 1.70.16 NRC RG 3.18 ASTM C755 NRC RG 3.27 SAE AMS7848A ANSI G24.47 ASTM A479 ERDA RDT M7-3T ASTM A564 ERDA RDT M7-7T ANSI G8.1 NRC RG 1.15 ASTM A615 ANSI N561 ASTM A654 ANSI G24.45 ANSI G24.46 NRC RG 1.10 ERDA RDT M7-1T ANSI G24.ll ANSI G81.44 ANSI G81.45 ANSI G81.46 ERDA RDT M2-18T ERDA RDT M2-15T ANSI G87.146 SAE AMS5662D ASTM B351 ANSI N-122 ERDA RDT M7-9T ANSI H38.4 ANSI H38.5 ERDA RDT M7-6T ASTM B98 ASTM B124 ASTM B150 ASTM B152 ANSI H34.39 ASTM B408 ASTM A265 10 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ometric Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper and Copper Titanium and Titanium- cal, Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt- Zirconium and Zirconium- igh Temperat/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Iron .6 Are Contained in One Booklet Priced at $3.00 nuclear Power G/ Draft Standard for Preparation of Design (1065.6C) Solution Treated (1973) SAE AMS 5590-1966 3.00 eet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel eet. Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Hoy Tubing, Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel , Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel ) Design Shock and Vibration in Truck Transport (2-75) Design fects of Postulated Pipe Ruptu/ Draft Standard for Design Design Fuel Storage Facility Design ge Stationary Type Power Plant and Substation Lead Storage ) $1.75 Thickness and Density of Blanket-Type or 73) $1.75 Ultrasonic Angle- tes for Special Applications, Specification Fo/ Straight- 1 Castings, Specification for ( 1973) ASTM / Longitudinal- 6) (R1973) A/ Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple 75 Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed to Intergranular Attack in Wrought Nickel-Rich, Chromium- ings(1972) (ASTM Dl 194-1972) $1.75 Method of Test for Proximity Measurement System (1-76) Liquid Sodium libration Techniques Fo/ Calorimetric Assay of Plutonium- holdup of Special Nuclear Material in Drying and Fluidized (2/76) Guidance on tm E290-1968 $1.75 Methods for Semi-Guided $1.75 Method for Guided -Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors (3/76) Cost- Specification for Nuclear Grade Specification for Nuclear Grade and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and Physical Tests on (/ and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and Physical Tests on (/ r (1973) ASTM D1890-1966 (1971) $1.75 rl971) $1.75 .00 Protection Against .75 Specification for Deformed and Plain Applications of eptable Concepts, Models, Equations, and Assumptions for A Measurement of Neutron Flux and Spectra for Physical and nual of Radioactivity Procedures (A) Stds. (B) Medical and packaging and Transportation of Radioactively Contaminated packaging and Transportation of Radioactively Contaminated or ( 1972) ANS-6.3 $5.00 Testing (5/73) Shield Test Program for Evaluation of Installed $4.00 Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere Accumulation, r Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and stm D 1 603- 1 968 $ 1 .75 Carbon s, Test for (1970) $1.75 Thickness and Density of Spec, for Mineral Fiber tional Requirements) (6-71) Amendment / Calcium Silicate 972) $1.75 Calcium Silicate ) (R1973) ASTM CI 65-1/ Compressive Strength of Preformed reaking Load and Calculated Flexural Strength of Preformed Density of Preformed ed Practice for Fabrication and Control of Steel Reference ) Fans, Spec, for Mineral Fiber Block and use of Dangerous Articles as Ships, Stores and Supplies on angerous Articles or Substances and Combustible Liquids on angerous Articles or Substances and Combustible Liquids on ted to Predict Heated Effluent Dispersion in Natural Water radionuclides in Air and in Water Fo/ Maximum Permissible Price for AH Sections: Bound Edition $1200.00: Lo/ Asme n/ (NB-T) Class 1 Nuclear Components (Supplement to Asme n/ (NC-T) Class 2 Nuclear Components (Supplement to Asme n/ (ND-T) Class 3 Nuclear Components (Supplement to Asme (NE-T) Class MC Nuclear Components (Supplement to Asme p/ Welding and Brazing Qualifications (Supplement to Asme persedes / Nondestructive Examination (Supplement to Asme nal Requirements) (7-75) S/ Seamless Medium Carbon Steel $1.75 Seamless Medium-Carbon Steel Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel inless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in loose-Leaf ($55.00) Power Recommended Rules for Care and Operation of Heating Recommended Rules for Care of Power Heating s, Specification for ( 1974A) $1./ Welded Austenitic Steel ubes, Speci/ Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel Base Alloys (1975) $1.75 Phot Base Alloys, Chemical Analysis of ( 1971 ) $1.75 Base Alloys, Chemical Analysis of ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 /Lectri Base Alloys, Chemical Analysis of (1974) $1.75 Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for H Bases for GM Counter Tubes (1965) (R1971) $3.00 and N42 Bases for Systems That Perform Protective Functions in Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al /0 F Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Consum Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Consum Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Soluti Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al-19-Fe Basic Radiation Protection Criteria ( 1971 ) $4.00 Basis Floods for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 4/76 Basis for Fuel and Irradiations Experiment Resistance T Basis for Protection of Nuclear Power Plants Against Ef Basis Tornado for Nuclear Power Plants (4/74) Basis (Revision 1, 12/75) Batteries, Rec. Practice for (1972) $5.40 /Ment of Lar Batt-Type Thermal Insulating Material's, Test for ( 1970 Beam Examination of Steel Plates, Specification for (19 Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Pla Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Low Alloy Stee Beam with Third Point Loading), Method of Test for ( 196 Beams of Concrete, Method of ( 1 969 ) ASTM C42- 1 968 $ 1 . Bearing Alloys, Method of ( 1973) ASTM G28-1972 $1.75 Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread Foot Bearing Film Thickness, Variable Reluctance Transducer, Bearing Solids Applied to Nuclear Materials Control, Ca Bed Operations (Revision 1,5/74) /Inimizing Residual Being Operator at the Controls of a Nuclear Power Plant Bend Test for Ductility of Metallic Materials ( 1969) as Bend Test for Ductility of Welds (1973) ASTM El 90- 1971 Benefit Analysis for Radwaste Systems for Light-Water Beryllium Oxide Powder ASTM C708-72a (1973) $1.75 Beryllium Oxide Powder (1972A) $1.75 Beryllium Oxide Powders, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Beryllium Oxide Powders, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Beta Particle Radioactivity of Water, Method of Test Fo Beta Particle Radioactivity of Water, Test for (1966) ( Betatron-Synchrotron Radiation Up to 100 MeV (1954) $2 Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (1975) $1 Bioassay for Uranium (6/74) Bioassay Program (9/73) Biological Applications (1960) $2.00 Biological Applications ( 1961 ) $3.00 Biological Materials (1973) $3.50 Biological Materials (6/74) Biological Sheilding in Nuclear Power Plants, Program F Biological Shielding in Research and Training Reactors Biological Significance, and Control Technology (1975) Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction (1973) Ast Black in Ethylene Plastics, Method of Test for ( 1 97 1 ) a . Blanket-Type or Batt-Type Thermal Insulating Material Block and Board Thermal Insulation (1970) $1.75 Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation (ASTM C 533 with Addi Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation, Specification for ( 1 Block Type Thermal Insulation, Method of Test for (1963 Block Type Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.75 Block Type Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.75 Blocks Used in Ultrasonic Inspection (1975) $1.75 /End Blowdown Suppression Tank (5-72) Blowers, and Compressors for Dry Gas Circulation (4-73 Board Thermal Insulation (1970) $1.75 Board Vessels (1975) $7.50 / and Other Provisions for Board Vessels (1975) $7.50 /E of Explosives or Other D Board Vessels (1975) $7.50 /E of Explosives or Other D Bodies (5/74) /Procedure for Mathematical Models Selec Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code — 1977 Edition; Special Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Hi, Subsectio Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsectio Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsectio Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsectio Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX) (8-74) Su Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V) (10-75) Su Boiler and Superheater Tubes (ASME SA-210 with Additio Boiler and Superheater Tubes, Specification for (1973) Boiler Tubes, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels ( 1975) $1.75 /R Sta Boilers Material Specifications (1977) Bound ($40.00), Boilers (1977) bd ($25.00), II ($30.00) Boilers (1977) bd ($25.00), II ($30.00) Boilers (1977) bd ($50.00), 11 ($70.00) Boiler, Superheater, Heat Exchanger, and Condenser Tube Boiler, (1974B) $1.75 Superheater, and Heat Exchanger T Ace a Ma ASTM E62 ASTM El 20 ASTM E354 ASTM El 46 ANSI G81.45 ANSI N42.5 ANSI N18.8 ANSI G87.78 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.85 ANSI G87.77 ANSI G87.146 NCRP R39 NRC RG 1.59 ERDA RDT F8-9T ANSI NI76 NRC RG 1.76 NRC RG 1.13 IEEE 450 ASTM C167 ASTM A577 ANSI G35.25 ANSI G52.7 ANSI A37.22 ANSI A37.20 ANSI G80.4 ANSI A37.158 ERDA RDT C8-2T ANSI N15.22 NRC RG 5.8 NRC RG 1.114 ANSI Z168.ll ANSI Zl 15.4 NRC RG 1.110 ANSI N138 ASTM C708 ANSI N140 ASTM C699 ANSI N151 ASTM D1890 NCRP R14 ASTM A615 NRC RG 8.11 NRC RG 8.9 NCRP R23 NCRP R28 ANSI N14.3 NRC RG 7.2 ANSI N18.9 NRC RG 2.1 NCRP R44 ANSI Z267.1 ANSI K65.89 ASTM C167 ASTM C612 ERDA RDT M12-2T ASTM C533 ANSI Z98.6 ASTM C203 ASTM C303 ASTM E428 ERDA RDT E10-7T ERDA RDT E9-7T ASTM C612 USCG 46CFR147 DOT 46CFR 146 USCG 46CFR146 NRC RG 4.4 NCRP R22 ASME CODE-77 ERDA RDT E15-2B ERDA RDT E15-2C ERDA RDT E15-2D ERDA RDT E15-2E ERDA RDT F6-5T ERDA RDT F3-6T ERDA RDT M3-32T ASTM A210 ASTM A178 ASTM A479 ASME SEC-I ASME SEC-VI ASME SEC-VII ASME SEC-IV ASTM A249 ASTM A213 Standards Application and Analysis Division 11 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ing Accident in the Fuel Handling and Storage Facility for of Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Control Systems for d for Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary al Startup Testing of Feedwater and Condensate Systems for 1 Consequences of a Radioactive Offgas System Failure in A adiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for diological Consequences of a Steam Line Break Accident for Maintenance of Water Purity in (ASME SA-194 with Additional Requi/ Alloy Steel Nuts for 193 with Additional Requirements) (2-75) S/ Alloy Steel 320 with Additional Requirements) (2-75) Su/ Alloy Steel ions ASTM A61/ Specification for Special Requirements for ions, Specification for Special Requirements for (1973) / with Additional Requirements) (2-75) Super/ Alloy Steel on for (1970) $1.75 Alloy Steel ments) (8-75) Supersede/ High Strength, High Temperature uts and Plain Hardened Washers, Specificat/ High Strength 975) $1.75 Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel pecification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Steel Sheet, Corrosion Resistant, Laminated Surface Practice for Preparation of Metal Surfaces for Adhesive Peel or Stripping Strength of Adhesive for (1975) $1.75 Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and for (1975) $1.75 Austenitic Steel Forged and Method for Soil Investigation and Sampling by Auger Analytical Chemistry Methods for ) Absorber Pin Specification for Nuclear Grade ochemical Analysis of ( 1 975 ) $1.75 Nuclear Grade in Solutions of Fissile Material ( 1971 ) ANS-8.3 / Use of in Solutions of Fissile Material ( 1/73) Use of essel Code— 1977 Edition; Special Price for All Sections: Power Boilers Material Specifications (1977) reports: Code Cases Applicable to Reactor Coolant Pressure Reactor Coolant Pressure tion for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Coolant Pressure mittance of Built-Up Sections by Means of the Guarded Hot Leak Testing Radioactive Integrity and Test Specifications for Selected Integrity and Test Specifications for Selected Leak Testing Radioactive Spec, of Gamma Ray Protection Against Radiation from Test for Strontium Ion uirements) (7-75) Supersedes M1-9T, (7-71) -1969 $2.50 gs (1970) $3.00 ressure Vessel Code, Section IX) (8-74) Sup/ Silver Welding and Welding and ng the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Steam Line rmed Block Type Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.7/ ardness Conversion Tables for Metals (Relationship Between Test for Strontium Ion Brackish Water, Sea Water, and Specification for Aluminum s (1973) $3.50 Cast Testing for Leaks Using Test for PPS eluding Supp. A89.IA-1975 $13.50 Reinforced Concrete, Definition of Terms Relating to Acoustical Tests of e Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Airborne Sound Insulation in -1974 (ACI 301-1972) $3.50 Structural Concrete for hod of Test For/ Thermal Conductance and Transmittance of art Amendment 1 / Metal Sheathed, Mineral Insulated Cable nuclides in Air and in Water Fo/ Maximum Permissible Body 1970, C/ Switchgear Assemblies, Including Metal Enclosed IEEE 21-1964 $4.00 Outdoor Apparatus dment 1 (5-74) Factory Made Wrought Steel Wrought Stainless Steel Valve, Isolation, Std. for ower Plant Safety Systems (5/73) Guidance to Academic Institutions Applying for Specific dures for Exempted and Generally Licensed Items Containing erformance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for , in Part Amendment 1 / Metal Sheathed, Mineral Insulated Testing of High Temperature Foil Shielded Instrumentation r Generating Stations ( 19/ Type Test of Class IE Electric Specification for Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium- Specification for Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium- Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium- Boiling and Pressurized Water Reactors (Safety Guide 25 Boiling Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, Boiling Water Reactor Plants: Issued for Trial Use and Boiling Water Reactor Power Plants ( 12/75) / and Initi Boiling Water Reactor (3/76) /He Potential Radiologica Boiling Water Reactors (Revision 2, 6/74) /Potential R Boiling Water Reactors (Safety Guide 5, 3/10/71 ) /L Ra Boiling Water Reactors (6/73) Bolting for High Pressure and High Temperature Service Bolting Material for High Temperature Service (ASME SA- Bolting Material for Low Temperature Service (ASME SA- Bolting Material for Nuclear and Other Special Applicat Bolting Material for Nuclear and Other Special Applicat Bolting Material for Special Applications (ASME SA-540 Bolting Materials for Special Applications, Specificati Bolting Materials (ASME SA-453 with Additional Require Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Including Suitable N Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Specification for ( 1 Bolts (Approved February 1976) $1.50 Bonded (1973) SAE AMS5500A-1969 $3.00 Bonding (1973) ASTM D2651-1973 $1.75 Bonds, Standard Method of Test for (1972) $1.75 Bored Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification Bored Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification Borings (1972) (ASTM D1452-1966) $1.75 Boron Carbide Absorber Material (7-73) Boron Carbide Pellet (5-73) Supersedes E6-30T, (8-71 Boron Carbide Powder (1974) $1.75 Boron Carbide, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectr Borosilicate Glass Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber Borosilicate-Giass Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber Bound Edition $1200.00: Loose-Leaf Edition $1700.00 (1 Bound ($40.00), Loose-Leaf ($55.00) Boundary Components ( 12/74) /Tion for Safety Analysis Boundary Leakage Detection Systems (5/73) Boundary Materials and Inservice Inspection (1/75) /Rma Box, Method of Test for (1967) (R1973) ASTM C236-1966 Brachytherapy Sources (Revision 1, 7/74) Brachytherapy Sources (Revision 1, 7/74) Brachytherapy Sources (1973) $3.50 Brachytherapy Sources (1973) $3.50 Brachytherapy Sources (1974) $3.00 Brachythreapy Sources (1972) $4.00 Brackish Water, Sea Water, and Brines (1974) $1.75 Brazing Filler Metal (ASME SFA-5.8 with Additional Req Brazing Filler Metal, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.8 Brazing Filler Metal, Specification for (1974) Brazing Joints for Cast and Wrought Solder Joint Fittin Brazing Qualifications (Supplement to ASME Boiler and P Brazing Qualifications (1977) bd ($40.00), 11 ($55.00) Break Accident for Boiling Water Reactors (Safety Guide Breaking Load and Calculated Flexural Strength of Prefo Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Brines (1974) $1.75 Bronze Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974) $1.75 Bronze Solder Joint Fittings for Sovent Drainage System Bubble Emission Techniques (1974) $1.75 Buffering Action of Metal Cleaners ( 1971 ) $1.75 Buffers (10-71) Amendment 1 (12-71) Building Code Requirements for (1972) ACI 318-1971, in Building Constructions and Materials ( 1973) $1.75 Buildings (Adopted February 12, 1969) $5.00 /on for th Buildings, Rec. Practice for Measurement (1971) $1.75 Buildings, Specification For, Including Addenda A 138. la Built-Up Sections by Means of the Guarded Hot Box, Met Bulk Material (2-73) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70), in P Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Radio Bus (1974) Consolidated Edition (Includes ANSI C37.20A- Bushings, Requirements and Test Code for ( 1964) (R 1970) Butt Welding Ends (1972) $4.00 Butt Welding Fittings ( 1971 ) $4.00 Butt Welding Fittings (1971) $4.00 Butterfly Type (8-72 Supersedes E1-13T, (12-70) Amen Butterfly Valves (1970) $3.00 Bypass and Drain Connection (1971) $3.00 Bypassed and Inoperable Status Indication for Nuclear P Byproduct Material Licenses (3/76) Byproduct Material (6/74) Acceptance Sampling Proce Cabinet X-Ray Systems (1975) $2.95 Cable Bulk Material (2-73) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70) Cable for Nuclear Detectors (8-71) Cable (6-74) Cables, Field Splices, and Connections for Nuclear Powe Cadmium Alloy (1973) $1.75 Cadmium Alloy (1974) ASTM C752-1973 $1.75 Cadmium Alloys (1974) $1.75 Chemical and NRC RG 1.25 NRC RG 1.96 ANSI N212 NRC RG 1.68.1 NRC RG 1.98 NRC RG 1.3 NRC RG 1.5 NRC RG 1.56 ERDA RDT M6-4T ERDA RDT M6-3T ERDA RDT M6-1T ANSI N265 ASTM A614 ERDA RDT M6-5T ASTM A540 ERDA RDT M6-6T ASTM A325 ASTM A490 AISC S314 ANSI G87.1 ANSI Z197.28 ASTM D903 ASTM A369 ASTM A430 ANSI A37.147 ERDA RDT F11-2T ERDA RDT E6-30T ASTM C750 ASTM C791 ANSI N16.4 NRC RG 3.1 ASME CODE-77 ASME SEC-I NRC RG 1.70.13 NRC RG 1.45 NRC RG 1.70.20 ANSI Z98.2 NRC RG 6.1 NRC RG 6.2 ANSI N44.1 ANSI N44.2 NCRP R41 NCRP R40 ASTM D3352 ERDA RDT M1-9T ANSI W3.8 ASME SFA-5.8 MSS SP-73 ERDA RDT F6-5T ASME SEC-IX NRC RG 1.5 ASTM C203 ANSI Z76.4 ASTM D3352 ASTM B150 ANSI B16.32 ASTM E515 ASTM D1279 ERDA RDTC16-3T ANSI A89.1 ASTM C634 AISC S310 ASTM E336 ANSI A138.1 ANSI Z98.2 ERDA RDTC17-5T NCRP R22 ANSI C37.20 ANSI C76.1 ANSI B16.25 ANSI B16.9 MSS SP-43 ERDA RDT E1-13T MSS SP-67 MSS SP-45 NRC RG 1.47 NRC RG 10.2 NRC RG 6.6 BRH 21CFR1020F ERDA RDTC17-5T ERDA RDT F3-39T ERDA RDTC17-9T ANSI N41.10 ASTM C752 ANSI N571 ASTM C760 12 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards cal and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Silver - rete Structures (Revision 1, 1/2/73 Safety G/ Mechanical oncrete (1973) ASTM/ Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or m C 533 with Additional Requirements) (6-71) Amendment / cification for (1972) $1.75 ermal Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.7/ Breaking Load and Limit of Error Concepts and Principles of Limit of Error Concepts and Principles of ) ASTM D2568-1970 $1.75 Rec. Practice for s of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Com/ application of Threshold-Foil Measurements (1968) (R197/ eous and Liquid Effluents from Light- Water-Cooled Powe/ 975) ANS-8.1 1 Validation of /76) Validation of Nuclear Data Sets for Reactor Design erritic Content of Austenitic St/ Standard Procedures for Nondestructive Assay Systems, Guide to Recommended Practice for Standard optical Pyrometer (1973) ASTM E452-1972 $1.7/ Method for nsulating Materials Testing (19/ Recommended Practice for 1972) $1.75 2T, (2-69) 975) $5.50 Volume nium-Bearing Solids Applied to Nuclear Materials Control, Nuclear Material Control, Mass Recommended Practice for Rotameter to Nuclear Materials Control, Calibration Techniques Fo/ p (6-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Vertical, amendment 1 (1-74) Shield Plug and Closure 10/71 ) Selection of Diesel Generator Set 72) (ASTM Dl 194-1972) $1.75 Method of Test for Bearing Fast Flux Facility Driver Fuel Pin End Analytical Chemistry Methods for Boron Absorber Pin Boron Specification for Nuclear Grade Boron cal Analysis of (1975) $1.75 Nuclear Grade Boron 974A/ Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Vacuum Treated tional Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M2-8T, (7-71) a-508 with Additional Requirements) (4-76) Supersedes / al Requirements) (4-76) Supersedes M3-16T, (8-75) Specification for Specialized e, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Seamless and Welded ith Additional Requirements) (5-75) Supersedes M2-3T, / vessel Components ( 197/ Specification for Steel Forgings, d of Test for ( 1 9/ Electrical Resistivity of Manufactured method of Test for ( 1973)/ Density in Air of Manufactured f Test for (1973) ASTM C7 14- 1972/ Thermal Diffusivity of (1972) $1.75 Thermal Diffusivity of $1./ Moduli of Elasticity and Fundamental Frequencies of Standard Definitions and Terms Relating to Manufactured $1.75 Chemical Analysis of (1973) ASTM / Longitudinal-Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of th Additional Requirements) (5-75) Supersedes M 3-1 IT,/ esting for Piping Components/ Specification for Forgings, 1971) ASTM D1603-1968 $1.75 ASTM C565- 1 97 1 $ 1 .75 Tension Testing of Sodium (1-72) Diffusion e (1975) $1.75 Std. Spec, for Piping Fittings of Wrought with Additional Requirements) (7-75) S/ Seamless Medium n for (1973) $1.75 Seamless Medium- 75 Electric-Resistance-Welded uirements) (8-75) Supersedes M4-1T, (7-71) for (1975) $1.75 Seamless service, Specification for (1974/ Pressure Vessel Plates, , Specification for (1974A) $1.7/ Pressure Vessel Plates, 05 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M2-/ her Pressure Vessel Components (1970) Ast/ Std. Spec, for ication for (1973) $1.75 Seamless Cold Drawn Low 4) n for (1975) $1.75 Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength rements) (8-75) Supersedes M5-2T, (5-73) I Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M3-1T, (5-73) 14-1971 $1.75 Std. Spec, for for (1972) $1.75 Cold Rolled al Killed, Specification for (1975) $1.75 tion for (1974A) $1.75 specification for (1974A) $1.75 74A) $1.75 ommended Practice for Liquid Phase Evaluation of Activated 3) Sodium Method of Test for Tensile Stress-Strain of .75 Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat Treated Recommendations for Disposal of 6-1972 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Steel, Pressure Vessel Plates, Pressure Vessel Plates, Pressure Vessel Plates, Cadmium Alloys, Methods for (1974) ASTM C760-1974 $1.7 (Cadweld) Splices in Reinforcing Bars of Category 1 Cone Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland Cement C Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation (Ast Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation, Spe Calculated Flexural Strength of Preformed Block Type th Calculation in Nuclear Materials Control (1974) $3.00 Calculation in Nuclear Materials Control ( 1.74) Calculation of Absorbed Dose from Gamma Radiation (1971 Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Release Calculation of Neutron Dose to Polymeric Materials and Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gas Calculational Methods for Nuclear Criticality Safety ( 1 Calculational Methods for Nuclear Criticality Safety (6 Calculations (1975) ANS-19.1 $12.50 Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Measure the Delta F Calibrating (1975) $5.75 Calibration and Format for Nuclear Logs (1974) $1.00 Calibration of Refractory Metal Thermocouples Using an Calibration of Standards and Equipment for Electrical I Calibration of Thermocouples by Comparison Techniques ( Calibration Program Requirements (2-73) Supersedes F3- Calibration Techniques for Nuclear Materials Control ( 1 Calibration Techniques for the (1975) $5.75 / of Pluto Calibration Techniques for (1975) $5.50 Calibration (1973) $1.75 Calorimetric Assay of Plutonium (6/74) Calorimetric Assay of Plutonium-Bearing Solids Applied Canned or Wet Motor Driven Single Stage Centrifugal Pum Cap for Penetrations LMFBR Reactor Vessel Head (4-73) Capacity for Standby Power Supplies (Safety Guide 9, 3/ Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread Footings ( 19 Caps (6-71) Carbide Absorber Material (7-73) Carbide Pellet (5-73) Supersedes E6-30T, (8-71) Carbide Powder (1974) $1.75 Carbide, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemi Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessels ( 1 Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings (ASME SA-541 with Addi Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings, Vacuum Treated (ASME S Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe (ASME SA-333 with Addition Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe (1975) $1.75 Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Low Temperature Servic Carbon and Alloy Steel Welding Fittings (ASME SA-234 W Carbon and Alloy, Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Carbon and Graphite Articles at Room Temperature, Metho Carbon and Graphite Articles by Physical Measurements, Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal Pulse Method, Method O Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal Pulse Method, Test for Carbon and Graphite Materials by Sonic Resonance ( 1974) Carbon and Graphite (1975) $1.75 Carbon and Graphite, Methods for (1973) ASTM C560-1969 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Castings, Specification for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Welded Pipe (ASME SA-155 Wi Carbon and Low Alloy Steel, Requiring Notch Toughness T Carbon Black in Ethylene Plastics, Method of Test for ( Carbon Graphite Mechanical Materials, Methods of ( 1973) Carbon Meter Equilibration Module for Service in Liquid Carbon Meter for Service in Liquid Sodium (1-72) Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low Temperature Servic Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes (ASME SA-210 Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes, Specificatio Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes, Specification for (1973) $1. Carbon Steel Castings (ASME SA-216 with Additional Req Carbon Steel for High Temperature Service Specification Carbon Steel for Intermediate-and Higher-Temperature Carbon Steel for Moderate and Lower Temperature Service Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Components (ASME SA-1 Carbon Steel Forgings for Seamless Drums, Heads, and Ot Carbon Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tubes, Specif Carbon Steel Isolation Valves (4-73) Amendment 1 (5-7 Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality, Specificatio Carbon Steel Plates (ASME SA-516 with Additional Requi Carbon Steel Seamless Pipe (ASME SA-1 06 with Additiona Carbon Steel Sheets for Pressure Vessels (1972) ASTM A4 Carbon Steel Sheets, Commercial Quality, Specification Carbon Steel Sheet, Cold Rolled, Drawing Quality, Speci Carbon Steel, Improved Transition Properties, Specifica Carbon Steel, Low and Intermediate— Tensile Strength, Carbon Steel, Manganese-Silicon, Specification for (19 Carbon (197C) $1.75 Rec Carbonate, Low Chloride Fire Extinguishing Agent (12-7 Carbons and Graphite (1974) ASTM C749-75 $1.75 Carbon-Manganese-Silicon, Specification for (1975) $1 Carbon- 14 Wastes (1953) $2.00 Carbon, Cold Rolled, Commercial Quality (1974) ASTM A36 ANSI N574 NRC RG 1.10 ANSI A37.122 ERDA RDT M12-2T ASTM C533 ASTM C203 ANSI N15.16 NRC RG 5.18 ANSI K65.218 NRC RG 1.109 ASTM D2365 NRC RG 1.112 ANSI N16.9 NRC RG 3.41 ANSI N411 AWS A4.2 ANSI N15.20 API RP33 ANSI N144 ASTM D2865 ASTM E220 ERDA RDT F3-2T ANSI N15.19 ANSI N15.22 ANSI N15.18 ASTM D3195 NRC RG 5.35 ANSI N15.22 ERDA RDT E3-1T ERDA RDT E2-4T NRC RG 1.9 ANSI A37.158 ERDA RDT E13-9T ERDA RDT F11-2T ERDA RDT E6-30T ASTM C750 ASTM C791 ASTM A508 ERDA RDT M2-8T ERDA RDT M2-7T ERDA RDT M3-16T ASTM A530 ASTM A334 ERDA RDT M2-3T ASTM A541 ANSI K90.7 ANSI K90.2 ANSI K90.12 ASTM C714 ASTM C747 ASTM C709 ANSI K90.3 ANSI G52.7 ERDA RDT M3-11T ASTM A350 ANSI K65.89 ANSI K90.6 ERDA RDT E8-14T ERDA RDT C8-7T ASTM A420 ERDA RDT M3-32T ASTM A210 ASTM A178 ERDA RDT M4-1T ASTM A106 ASTM A515 ASTM A516 ERDA RDT M2-1T ANSI G55.1 ASTM A 179 ERDA RDT E1-31T ASTM A283 ERDA RDT M5-2T ERDA RDT M3-1T ANSI G33.4 ASTM A366 ASTM A620 ASTM A442 ASTM A285 ASTM A299 ASTM D2355 ERDA RDT M17-1T ANSI K90.I5 ASTM A537 NCRP R12 ANSI G24.34 Standards Application and Analysis Division 13 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Activated , Specification for General Requirements for (1974A) $1./ nger Tubes with Integral Fins, Speci/ Seamless and Welded Apparent Density of Activated Particle Size Distribution of Granular Activated Total Ash Content of Activated Moisture in Activated ), II ($30.00) Recommended Rules for Recommended Rules for onstruction. Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuclear alysis of (1972) ASTM E40/ Uranium Oxide by Gallium Oxide analysis of (1970) $1.75 Uranium Oxide by Gallium Oxide Rail Freight Rail Express tion (Revision 6, 5/76) Code n L, 5/76) Code Large Shipping omponents / Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Code mponents at Elevated Temperatures (Supplement to ASME Code Temperature Reactors (Supplement to ASME Section III Code 1 (11-73) , Specification for (1975) $1.75 ystems (1973) $3.50 vice, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Shielded Shipping Silver Brazing Joints for Centrifugally Centrifugally 150 lb. Corrosion Resistant 150 lb. Corrosion Resistant $4.00 (1970) $3.00 ure Application at High Temperatures, Spec/ Centrifugally 1.75 Chemical Analysis of Steel, 4-76) Supersedes M3-31T,/ Stainless Steel Centrifugally Spec, for Copper Alloy Sand 74) Ast/ Specification for Special Requirements for Steel , Specification for Special Requirements for ( 1973/ Steel aphs for (1973) $1.75 Steel -75) Supersedes M4-1T, (7-71 ) Carbon Steel 1-74) Supersedes M4-2T, (6-/ Austenitic Stainless Steel 75) Supersedes M4-5/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy radiographic Inspection Method, Quality Standard for Steel cle Magnetic Inspection Method, Quality Standard for Steel Visual Method, Quality Standard for Steel ence Radiographs for Heavy Walled (4-1/2 to 12 in.) Steel rence Radiographs for Heavy Walled (2 to 4-1/2 in.) Steel Depleted Uranium Cobalt-Chromium Alloy El 25- 1963 $1./ Magnetic Particle Indications on Ferrous -Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Titanium and Titanium Alloy Radioactive Waste Testing of Reinforcing Bars for ty G/ Mechanical (Cadweld) Splices in Reinforcing Bars of Design Limits and Loading Combinations for Seismic Additional Information: Design of Seismic Concrete Placement in ance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Cold- Stopping Powers for Use with High Efficiency Gas Phase Adsorber 5 Sponge and Expanded Fineness of Portland Time of Setting of Hydraulic and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland ng and Testing Fly Ash for Use as an Admixture in Portland C360-1963 $1.75 Ball Penetration in Fresh Portland Slump of Portland Structures ( 1 1/75) Qualifications for est for (1973) $1.75 Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing st for (1971) $1.75 Potential Alkali Reactivity of Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature rive (5-71) Amendment 1 (2-72), Amendment 2 (6-74) Horizontal, Electric Motor Driven, Single Stage Vertical, Canned or Wet Motor Driven Single Stage mendm/ Vertical, Shaft Sealed, Motor Driven, Single Stage Performance Test Code for rature Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 emperature Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 bing for Pressure Application at High Temperatures, Spec/ equirements) (4-76) Supersedes M3-31T,/ Stainless Steel t, (7-70) Fast Flux Test Facility 74) Determination of Insulation Compaction in 72) $1.75 Specification for Alumina Carbon, Definition of Terms Relating to ( 1974) $1.75 Carbon, Ferritic Alloy and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes Carbon, Ferritic, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Heat Excha Carbon, Test for (1970) $1.75 Carbon, Test for (1970) $1.75 Carbon, Test for (1970) $1.75 Carbon, Test for (1970) $1.75 Care and Operation of Heating Boilers (1977) bd ($25.00 Care of Power Boilers (1977) bd ($25.00), 11 ($30.00) Cargo Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $1.95 /Ecial C Carrier DC Arc Technique, Method for Spectrcc t r . an Carrier D-C Arc Technique, Method for Spectroc.is i .1 Carriers Regulations (1975) $6.80 Carriers Regulations (1975) $6.80 Case Acceptability: ASME Section III Design and Fabrica Case Acceptability: ASME Section III Materials (Revisio Cases and Crates, Testing (1973) $1.75 Cases Applicable to Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary C Cases 1592, 1593, 1594, 1595, and 1596) Supersedes F9- Cases 1592, 1593, 1594, 1595, and 1596) (Revision 1, 6/ Cask for Spent Reactor Fuel Elements (8-73) Amendment Cast and Wrought Solder Joint Fittings (1970) $3.00 Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service Cast Bronze Solder Joint Fittings for Sovent Drainage S Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Ser Cast Flanged Valves (1959) $3.00 Cast Flanges and Flanged Fittings (1965) $3.00 Cast Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends ( 1970) Cast Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Press Cast Iron, Open-Hearth Iron, and Wrought Iron (1975) $ Cast Pipe (ASME SA-451 with Additional Requirements) ( Castings for General Applications (1974) $1.75 Castings for Nuclear and Other Special Applications ( 19 Castings for the Nuclear and Other Special Applications Castings Up to 2 Inches in Thickness, Reference Radiogr Castings (ASME SA-216 with Additional Requirements) (8 Castings (ASME SA-351 with Additional Requirements) (1 Castings (ASTM a 494 with Additional Requirements) (10- Castings (1971) $2.00 Castings ( 1971 ) $3.00 Dry Parti Castings (1971) $8.00 Castings (1973) ASTM E280-1972 $1.75 Refer Castings (1974) ASTM E186-1973 $1.75 Refe Castings (1975) $3.00 Castings (7-75) Supersedes M4-3T, (6-72) Castings, Reference Photographs for ( 1969) (R1973) ASTM Castings, Specification for (1973) ASTM A609-1970 $1.7 Castings, Spec, for (1969) $1.75 Categories, Definition of (1967) $3.00 Category 1 Concrete Structures (Revision 1, 12/28/72) Category 1 Concrete Structures (Revision 1, 1/2/73 Safe Category 1 Fluid System Components (5/73) Category 1 Structures (1 1/74) Category 1 Structures (6/73) Cathode Gas Discharge Tubes (1975) $2.95 Perform Cavity Chambers (1961) $2.00 Cells-Including Amendment 1973 (1972) $2.00 Cellular Rubber Products, Specification for (1973) $1.7 Cement by the Turbidimeter, Test for (1974) $1.75 Cement by Vicat Needle, Test for (1974) $1.75 Cement Concrete (1973) ASTM C6 18— 1972 $1.75 /Fly Ash Cement Concrete ( 1 974 ) $1.75 Sampli Cement Concrete, Method of Test for ( 1964) (R 1969) ASTM Cement Concrete, Method of Test for (1974) $1.75 Cement Grouting for Prestressing Tendons in Containment Cement Mortars (Using 2-in (50-mm) Cube Specimens), T Cement (ASTM C 449 with Additional Requirements) (10-7 Cement-Aggregate Combinations (Mortar-Bar Method), Te Cement, Methods for (1970) ASTM CI 14-1969 $1.75 Cement, Specification for ( 1 970 ) $ 1 .75 Mineral Central Station Service, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Centrifugal Free Surface, Sodium Pump with Electrical D Centrifugal Pump (2-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Centrifugal Pump (6-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Centrifugal Pump (7-72) Supersedes E3-3T, (10-70), a Centrifugal Pumps (1965) $5.00 Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Tempe Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High T Centrifugally Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel High Alloy Tu Centrifugally Cast Pipe (ASME SA-451 with Additional R Ceramic Electrical Insulators (8-74) Supersedes C18-1 Ceramic Grade Plutonium Dioxide (6-71) Ceramic Grade Uranium Dioxide (6-71) Amendment 1 (12- Ceramic Insulated Conductors (8/70) Amendment 1 (9/73) Ceramics for Electrical and Electronic Applications ( 19 ASTM D2652 ASTM A450 ASTM A498 ASTM D2854 ASTM D2862 ASTM D2866 ASTM D2867 ASME SEC-VI ASME SEC-VII USCG 46CFR99 ANSI Z128.27 ASTM E402 DOT 49CFR 174 DOT 49CFR 175 NRC RG 1.84 NRC RG 1.85 ASTM D1083 NRC RG 1.70.1? ERDA RDT F9-4T NRC RG 1.87 ERDA RDT E12-4T MSS SP-73 ASTM A451 ANSI B16.32 ASTM A426 MSS SP-42 MSS SP-51 MSS SP-70 MSS SP-71 ANSI G82.1 ASTM E30 ERDA RDT M3-31T ASTM B584 ANSI N558 ASTM A613 ASTM E446 ERDA RDT M4-1T ERDA RDT M4-2T ERDA RDT M4-5T MSS SP-54 MSS SP-53 MSS SP-55 ANSI Z166.19 ANSI Z166.10 SAE AMS7730B ERDA RDT M4-3T ANSI Z166.4 ANSI G52.7 ASTM B367 ANSI N5.8 NRC RG 1.15 NRC RG 1.10 NRC RG 1.48 NRC RG 1.70.9 NRC RG 1.55 BRH 21CFR1020B NCRP R27 IES CS-8T ASTM D1056 ASTM CU5 ASTM C191 ANSI A37.122 ASTM C311 ANSI A37.92 ASTM C143 NRC RG 1.107 ASTM C109 ERDA RDT M12-3T ASTM C227 ANSI A1.5 ASTM C449 ASTM A376 ERDA RDT E3-2T ERDA RDT E3-6T ERDA RDT E3-1T ERDA RDT E3-3T ASME PTC8.2 ASTM A451 ASTM A426 ANSI G82.1 ERDA RDT M3-31T ERDA RDTC18-1T ERDA RDT E13-1T ERDA RDT E13-2T ERDA RDTC2-1T ASTM D2442 14 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 1-73) m D3/ Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the ment Properties of Sealed Radioactive Sources Contained in onstruction, and Use of Radioisotopic Power Generators for ments/ Administrative Guide for Obtaining Exemptions from Testing and Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification and 1969 $1.75 Radioactive Radioactive 1970 $1.75 Methods for Radiochemical Determination of for (1970) $1.75 Radiochemical Determination of aining (1974) $3.50 Cobalt-60 and Std. Specifications for Electric Std. Specifications for Hand Operated Std. Specifications for Manually Lever Operated ) Amendment 1 (8-73, Amend/ Gamma Compensated Ionization Stopping Powers for Use with Cavity posed to High Energy Radiation, Rec. Practice for Determ/ Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Wide Range (10 Decade) Neutron Flux Monitoring s (1969) ASTM E317-/ Practice for Evaluating Performance Requirements for Inspection of Dimensional fiber Electrometer Type Dosimeters and Companion Dosimeter Stainless Steel Cast Iron Swing 1973) ASTM C560-1969 $1.75 5) $1.75 Photometric Methods for 0) ASTM CI 14-1969 $1.75 ions (1971) $1.75 1974) $1.75 Photometric Methods for ium-Iron Alloys (1973) $1.75 1974) $1.75 methods for (1973) (ASTM E195-1968) $1.75 n, and Wrought Iron ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Titanium and Titanium-Base Alloys, , and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt-Base Alloys, Zirconium and Zirconium-Base Alloys, silver— Cadmium Alloys, Methods for (1974) ASTM C760-1/ silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloys (1974) $1.75 Wrought Nonferrous Metals and Alloys for Determination of th Lens Gaskets (1968) $4.00 High Pressure 1971 $1.75 Potential Reactivity of Aggregates ( 1973) $1.75 ASTM D2 1 87/ Methods of Test for Physical and (1974) $1.75 Tests for Physical and gh Energy Radiation, Rec. Practice for Determ/ Changes in ear Power Plant Control Room During a Postulated Hazardous Environment with Intended Ch/ Threshold Limit Values for Hygienic Guides (For Hazard Evaluation of Industrial sis of / Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Methods for sis O/ Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Methods for sis/ Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Methods for sis Of, and Physical Tests on (/ Beryllium Oxide Powders, sis O/ Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, sis/ Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, sis of ( 1974) $/ Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), sis Of, and Physical Tests on (/ Beryllium Oxide Powders, sis of ( 1 975 ) $1.75 Nuclear Grade Boron Carbide, sis of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxid/ Standard Methods for sis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Diox/ Standard Methods for nd Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nit/ and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Me/ grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions, Methods for (1974) As/ and Radiochemical Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride, Meth/ and Radiochemical Analysi/ Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal, and Radiochemical, Analysis of (19/ Uranium Hexafluoride, nitrate Solutions and Plutonium Metal Standard Methods for 1 Analysis (7-7/ Qualification and Control of Analytical -73) Qualification and Control of Analytical 7-73) Analytical Analytical t 1 (12-74) Analytical ive Substances and Ionizing Radiations ( 1971 ) $6.85 Sodium Carbonate, Low Water and Waste Water, Tests for ixes, Method of Test for (1975) $1.75 Water Soluble ng (1972) $1/ Test for Hydrolyzable Chlorine Compounds in (Askarels) by Refluxing (1972) $1/ Test for Hydrolyzable Test for Residual Tests for Residual r Power Plant Control Room Operators Against an Accidental fa Lot or Process, Practice for (1972) $1.75 73) $1.75 General Gas volatile Organic Matter in Water by Aqueous-Injection Gas s Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fi/ Thermocouple Material, Ceramic-Insulated Magnet Wire (7-70) Ceramographic Preparation Cf Mixed Oxide Fuel Pellets ( Ceric Sulfate Dosimeter, Method of Test for (1973) (Ast Certain Devices to Be Distributed for Use Under General Certain Land and Sea Applications (3/74) Design, C Certain NRC Requirements Over Radioactive Material Ship Certification of Particulate Clean Rooms (1970) $5.00 Certification, Recommended Practice for $10.50 Cesium in Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2577- Cesium in Water, Test for (1972) $1.75 Cesium-137 in Nuclear Fuel Solutions (1973) ASTM E320- Cesium-137 in Nuclear Fuel Solutions, Standard Method Cesium-137 Teletherapy Equipment, Guidelines for Maint Chain Hoists (1971) $0.50 Chain Hoists (1974) $0.50 Chain Hoists (1974) $0.50 Chamber Assembly (Fixed Electrical Compensation) (7-71 Chambers (1961) $2.00 Changes in Chemical Reactivity of Inorganic Material Ex Changes ( 1975) $.75 /Alues for Chemical Substances and Channel (2-71) Characteristics of Pulse Echo Ultrasonic Testing System Characteristics (8-73) Chargers (1965) (R1971 ) $3.00 /Elationship of Quartz- Check Valves (3-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends (1970) $3.00 Chemical Analysis of Carbon and Graphite, Methods for ( Chemical Analysis of Copper and Copper Base Alloys (197 Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement, Methods for ( 197 Chemical Analysis of Industrial Metal Cleaning Composit Chemical Analysis of Metals, Recommended Practice for ( Chemical Analysis of Nickel (1975) $1.75 Chemical Analysis of Nickel-Chromium and Nickel-Chrom Chemical Analysis of Reactor and Commercial Columbium ( Chemical Analysis of Reactor and Commercial Columbium, Chemical Analysis of Steel, Cast Iron, Open-Hearth Iro Chemical Analysis of (1971) $1.75 Chemical Analysis of (1973) $1.75 /Lectrical, Magnetic Chemical Analysis of (1974) $1.75 Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Chemical Composition (1972) $1.75 Sampling Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use Wi (Chemical Method), Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C289- Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion Exchange Resins Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion Exchange Resins Chemical Reactivity of Inorganic Material Exposed to Hi Chemical Release (6/74) /Ting the Habitability of Nucl Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Chemicals and Materials) (1955-1975) $1.00 ea. Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analy Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical Nuclear a Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Chemistry Laboratories for Control Rod Absorber Materia Chemistry Laboratories for Mixed Oxide Fuel Analysis (7 Chemistry Methods for Boron Carbide Absorber Material ( Chemistry Methods for Metallic Core Components (9-75) Chemistry Methods for Mixed Oxide Fuel (7-73) Amendmen Child Labor Regulations Section 57 Exposure to Radioact Chloride Fire Extinguishing Agent (12-73) Chloride Ion in (1974) $1.75 Chlorides Present as Admixes in Graded Aggregate Road M Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Askarels) by Refluxi Chlorine Compounds in Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons Chlorine in Waste Water (1974) $1.75 Chlorine in Water (1974) $1.75 Chlorine Release (2/75) Protection of Nuclea Choice of Sample Size to Estimate the Average Quality O Chromatography Procedures, Recommended Practice for (19 Chromatography (1974) $1.75 /Ecommended Practices for Chromel-P and Alumel, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglas Standards Application and Analysis Division ERDA RDT M7-13T ERDA RDT F11-6T ANSI K65.230 NRC RG 6.4 NRC RG 6.3 NRC RG 7.5 IES CS-6T ASNT SNT-TC-1A ANSI N165 ASTM D2577 ANSI Nl 17 ASTM E320 ANSI N449 HMI 400 HMI 200 HMI 300 ERDA RDT C15-7T NCRP R27 ASTM E183 ACGIH *1 ERDA RDT C15-2T ANSI Z166.21 ERDA RDT F3-15T ANSI N42.6 ERDA RDT E1-12T MSS SP-7I ANSI K90.3 ASTM E62 ANSI A1.5 ASTM D800 ASTM E60 ASTM E39 ASTM E38 ASTM E195 ANSI Z258.1 ASTM E30 ASTM E120 ASTM E354 ASTM E146 ANSI N574 ASTM C760 ASTM E55 MSS SP-65 ANSI A37.133 ANSI Zl 1 1.11 ASTM D2187 ASTM E183 NRC RG 1.78 ACGIH *1 AIHA A-Z ANSI N103 ANSI N104 ANSI N139 ANSI N140 ASTM C696 ASTM C697 ASTM C698 ASTM C699 ASTM C791 NRC RG 5.5 NRC RG 5.6 ASTM C759 ANSI N572 ANSI N573 ANSI N575 ASTM C758 ASTM C761 NRC RG 5.16 ERDA RDT F2-8T ERDA RDT F2-6T ERDA RDT F11-2T ERDA RDT F11-3T ERDA RDT F11-1T DOL 29CFR 70 ERDA RDT M17-1T ASTM D512 ASTM D1411 ASTM D2441 ASTM D2441 ASTM D1427 ASTM D1253 NRC RG 1.95 ASTM EI22 ASTM E260 ASTM D2908 ERDA RDT C7-5T 15 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards nesium / Thermocouple Material and Thermocouple Assembly, Supersedes M1-15T. (1-72) Amendme/ Nickel-Molybdenum- t, (7-71) Cobalt- sa 637 with Additional Requirements) (4-76) Sup/ Nickel- uirements) (10-75) Supersedes M4-5/ Nickel-Molybdenum- 72) Cobalt- equirements) (7-75) Supersedes M2-/ Nickel-Molybdenum- th Additional Requirements) (9-75) Supers/ Nickel-Iron- or (1974) ASTM B409-1973 $1.75 Nickel-Iron- 1 Requirements) (9-75) Supersedes M/ Nickel-Molybdenum- 1 Requirements) (9-75) Supersedes M7-10T/ Nickel-Iron- 5 Specification for Nickel-Iron- th Additional Requirements) (7-75) / Nickel-Molybdenum- ith Additional Requirements) (7-75) Super/ Nickel-Iron- ional Requirements) (4-76) Supersed/ Nickel-Molybdenum- tional Requirements) (1/-75) Supers/ Nickel-Molybdenum- I Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M/ Nickel-Molybdenum- Specification for Nickel-Iron- 4) $1.75 Specification for Nickel-Iron- ctrodes, Specification for (1973) A/ Corrosion-Resisting ctrodes, Specification for ( 1974) Corrosion-Resisting 3.50 Flux Core Corrosion-Resisting re Electrodes, Specification for (1/ Corrosion-Resisting re Electrodes, Specification for ( 1 / Corrosion-Resisting Chemical Analysis of Nickel- tern/ Welded Large Outside Diameter Light-Wall Austenitic on for (1974A) $1.75 Corrosion-Resisting or ( 1975) $1.75 Stainless and Heat Resisting ptibility to Intergranular Attack in Wrought Nickel-Rich, 168 with Additional Requirements) (1-75) Supers/ Nickel- tion for (1973) ASTM B 168- 1970 $1.75 Nickel- itional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes M7-4T,/ Nickel- B 167- 1970 $1.75 Specification for Nickel- (1973) ASTM B434-1971 $1.75 Nickel-Molybdenum- (2-73) Helical Age-Hardenable Nickel- Chemical Analysis of Nickel-Chromium and Nickel- Strip, Specification for (1973) (ASTM B443-197/ Nickel- Strip 5597 with Additional Requirements) (8-75/ Nickel- Strip (AMS 5596 with Additional Requirements) (/ Nickel- ms 5589 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) Su/ Nickel- ms 5590 with Additional Requirements) (8-75) Su/ Nickel- lectrodes (6-75) Supersedes M1-19T, (3-75) Nickel- Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered service, Specificati/ Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic tion at High Temperatures, Spec/ Centrifugally Cast Iron- p for Fusion-Welded Unfired Pressure Ves/ Heat Resisting ecification for ( 1974A) $1.75 Stainless ification for (1973) A/ Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and ification for (1974) Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Flux Core Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and cation for (1974) $1.75 Stainless and Heat Resisting , Specification for (1/ Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and , Specification for (1/ Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Nickel-Cobalt-Molybdenum- 72A) A/ Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Five Percent s and Electrodes (9-75) Amendment 1 (1/ 2-1/4-Percent- luxes for Submerged Arc Welding (9-75) 2-1/4-Percent- me SA-387 with Additional Requirements/ 2-1/4-Percent- ubes (ASME SA-213 with Additional Requ/ 2-1/4-Percent- forgings (ASME SA-336 with Additional / 2-1/4-Percent- Alternating Current Power standard Criteria for Separation of Class IE Equipment and purities (1-76) Supersedes E4-5T, (12-70) Forced Fans, Blowers, and Compressors for Dry Gas $1.75 Corrosion-Resisting Chromium Steel $1.75 Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel on Fo/ Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloy properties (197/ Practice for Examination of Fuel Element properties, Rec. Practice for Examination O/ Fuel Element Control of Stainless Steel Weld Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Seamless $55.00), II ($85.00) and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsectio/ (NE-T) Classification for Determination of Sound Transmission 55.00), II ($85.00) upplement to ASME Section 1/ Guidance for Construction of nerating Stations, Trial Use/ Draft Standard Type Test of ear Power Generating Stati/ Type Tests of Continuous Duty nd Pressure Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsection/ (NB-T) des E1-18T, (2-71) ing Stations, (Trial Guide Issued for Use/ Draft Std. for s for Nuclear Power Generating Stations ( 19/ Type Test of Use and Comme/ Draft Standard Criteria for Separation of Qualification of Chromel-P Versus Alumel, Stainless Steel Sheathed, Mag Chromium Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (7-75) Chromium Alloy Bars and Shapes (4-75) Supersedes M7-7 Chromium Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock (ASME Chromium Alloy Castings (ASTM a 494 with Additional Req Chromium Alloy Castings (7-75) Supersedes M4-3T, (6- Chromium Alloy Forgings (ASME SA-182 with Additional R Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASME SB-409 Wi Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification F Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB-336 with Additiona Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB-408 with Additiona Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar, (1974) ASTM B408-1973 $1.7 Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tubes (ASME SB-167 Wi Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tubing (ASME SB-407 W Chromium Alloy Seamless Tubes (ASME SB -163 with Addit Chromium Alloy Sheet and Plate (ASME SB -434 with Addi Chromium Alloy Welded Pipe (ASME SA-358 with Additiona Chromium Alloy (UNS NO880O) Rod and Bar, (1974) $1.75 Chromium Alloy (UNS N08800) Seamless Pipe and Tube ( 197 Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Welding Ele Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Welding Ele Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Electrodes (1974) $ Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Ba Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Ba Chromium and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (1973) $1.75 Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Chromium Steel Clad Plate, Sheet and Strip, Specificati Chromium Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification F Chromium-Bearing Alloys, Method of (1973) ASTM G28-19 Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASME SB- Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specifica Chromium-Iron Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB-166 with Add Chromium-Iron Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1973) ASTM Chromium-Iron Alloy Sheet and Plate, Specification for Chromium-Iron Alloy Springs (5-75) Supersedes M8-1T, Chromium-Iron Alloys (1973) $1.75 Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Seamless Tubes (A Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Seamless Tubes (A Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Bare Welding Rods and E Chromium-Molybdenum, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Chromium-Molybdenum, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Chromium-Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Chromium-Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Applica Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Stri Chromium-Nickel Steel Clad Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Sp Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Welding Electrodes, Spec Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Welding Electrodes, Spec Chromium-Nickel Steel Electrodes (1974) $3.50 Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specifi Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes Chromium, Specification for (1973) ASTM A605-1972 $1.7 Chromium, 0.5 Percent Molybdenum, Specification for (19 Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Bare Welding Rod Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Electrodes and F Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates (As Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Steel Seamless T Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Steel Tubesheet Circuits, Surge Arresters for (1975) IEEE 28-1974 $5.0 Circuits, (Trial Std. Issued for Use and Comment) (1974 Circulation Cold Trap Assembly for Removal of Sodium Im Circulation (4-73) Clad Plate, Sheet and Strip, Specification for (1974A) Clad Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for ( 1974A) Clad Steel Plates for Special Applications, Specificati Clad Steel Plate, Specification for ( 1974A) $1.75 Cladding Including the Determination of the Mechanical Cladding Including the Determination of the Mechanical Cladding of Low Alloy Steel Components (5/73) Cladding Tube (6-71) Class MC Components for Nuclear Power Plant (1977) bd ( Class MC Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler Class (1973) $1.75 Class 1 Components for Nuclear Power Plant (1977) bd ($ Class 1 Components in Elevated-Temperature Reactors (S Class 1 Electrical Valve Operators for Nuclear Power Ge Class 1 Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Nucl Class 1 Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler a Class 1 Valves for Liquid Metal Service (5-75) Superse Class IE Control Switchboards for Nuclear Power Generat Class IE Electric Cables, Field Splices, and Connection Class IE Equipment and Circuits, (Trial Std. Issued for Class IE Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants ( 1 1/74) ERDA RDT C7-6T ERDA RDT M1-15T ERDA RDT M7-7T ERDA RDT M2-15T ERDA RDT M4-5T ERDA RDT M4-3T ERDA RDT M2-11T ERDA RDT M5-7T ANSI H34.40 ERDA RDT M7-11T ERDA RDT M7-10T ANSI H34.39 ERDA RDT M3-10T ERDA RDT M3-9T ERDA RDT M3-18T ERDA RDT M5-8T ERDA RDT M3-17T ASTM B408 ASTM B407 ANSI W3.4 ASME SFA-5.4 AWS A5.22 ANSI W3.9 ASME SFA-5.9 ASTM E38 ASTM A409 ASTM A263 ASTM A176 ANSI G80.4 ERDA RDT M5-4T ANSI H34.10 ERDA RDT M7-4T ANSI H34.3 ANSI H34.44 ERDA RDT M8-1T ASTM E38 ANSI H34.19 ERDA RDT M5-20T ERDA RDT M5-21T ERDA RDT M3-29T ERDA RDT M3-30T ERDA RDT M1-19T ASTM A387 ASTM A542 ASTM A358 ANSI G82.1 ASTM A240 ASTM A264 ANSI W3.4 ASME SFA-5.4 AWS A5.22 ASTM A167 ANSI W3.9 ASME SFA-5.9 ANSI G35.26 ANSI G35.16 ERDA RDT M1-23T ERDA RDT M1-22T ERDA RDT M5-22T ERDA RDT M3-33T ERDA RDT M2-19T ANSI C62.1 ANSI N41.14 ERDA RDT E4-5T ERDA RDT E9-7T ASTM A263 ASTM A264 ANSI G35.25 ASTM A265 ANSI N147 ASTM E453 NRC RG 1.43 ERDA RDT E13-8T ASME SEC-IIINE ERDA RDT E15-2E ASTM E413 ASME SEC-IIINB NRC RG 1.87 ANSI N41.6 ANSI N41.9 ERDA RDT E15-2B ERDA RDT E1-18T ANSI N41.17 ANSI N41.10 ANSI N41.14 NRC RG 1.89 16 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards tions, Criteria for (19 75) IEEE Std. 308-1974 $4.00 Heat Exchanger, safety Analysis Reports: Inservice Inspection of ASME Code 55.00), ($85.00) nd Pressure Vessel Code, Section Hi, Subsection/ desEl-19T, (9/70) (NC-T) Accumulators, Heat Exchanger, 55.00), 11 ($85.00) nd Pressure Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsection/ (ND-T) class (1973) $1.75 ation Plants (10/73) Seismic Design oactive Sources Contained in Certain Devices to Be Distr/ 1.00 (ASTM D2487-1969) $1.75 rap (12/20/72) Unirradiated Uranium Scrap, Unirradiated Plutonium Scrap, Radioactive Self-Luminous Light Sources, 7/ Polymeric Materials for Service in Ionizing Radiation, Polymeric Materials for Service in Ionizing Radiation, Elastomeric Materials for Automotive Applications, Seismic Design Instrument Purging for Reduction of Hazardous Area Tornado Design Radioactive-Waste-Containing Components/ Quality Group of Test for (1973) ASTM CI 42- 1971 $1.75 Laminar-Flow Testing and Certification of Particulate Method of Test for the Test for Buffering Action of Metal Total Immersion Corrosion Test for Soak Tank Metal Test for Rinsing Properties of Metal nents (2-72) Supersedes F5-1T, (3-69) Amendment 1 (4-/ Chemical Analysis of Industrial Metal er-Cooled Nuclear Po/ Quality Assurance Requirements for ing the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973/ icles (1972) $2.50 Efficiency Testing of Air icles ( 1/73) Efficiency Testing of Air Nuclear Air ctice for ( 1 974 ) $ 1 .75 Descaling and Supersedes F5-1T, (3-69) Amendment 1 (4-1 Cleaning and Design, Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Water endment 1 (5-72), Amendment 2-( 1-74) FFTF (4-73) Amendment 1 (1-74) Shield Plug and Materials and Inspection for Reactor Vessel Preloading Threaded Fasteners and Std. Spec, for High Temperature Glass 973) ASTM El 1-1970 $1.75 Wire- hod of Test for ( 19/ Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size 1.75 Scratch Hardness of Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of 1971 $1.75 Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Test for Hydrogen Permeability of Rubber (1969) (R197/ Std. Spec, for Fully Cured Silicone Rubber electromagnetic) Test/ Recommended Practice for Measuring cation for (1974) ASTM A386-1973 $1.75 Zinc- ation for (1973) $1.75 Zinc tonium Pro/ Quality Assurance Requirements for Protective Quality Assurance for Protective 6/73) Quality Assurance Requirements for Protective ng (R1973) ASTM C536-1/ Method of Test for Continuity of 1971 $1.75 Electrodeposited Itage ASTM C537-/ Method of Test for Reliability of Glass teel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip, Zinc (Hot Galvanized) n for (R1973) ASTM A385-196/ Providing High Quality Zinc Selection, Application, and Inspection of Protective inment Facilities (1972) $3.00 Protective Protective Test for Adhesion or Cohesive Strength of Flame-Sprayed Measuring Neutron Flux Density by Radioactivation of ck for High Tempe/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and es M7-7T, (7-71) 3T, (6-72) vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Nickel- lines for Maintaining (1974) $3.50 brication (Revision 6, 5/76) vision L, 5/76) ary Components / Information for Safety Analysis Reports: em Components at Elevated Temperatures (Supplement to Asme ated-Temperature Reactors (Supplement to ASME Section Iii for Safety Analysis Reports: Inservice Inspection of Asme Performance Test 7) bd ($75.00), II ($100.00) Class IE Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Sta Class 1, Water to Water, Straight or U Tube (6-73) Class 2 and 3 Components (2/75) Information for Class 2 Components for Nuclear Power Plant (1977) bd ($ Class 2 Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler a Class 2 Pressure Vessel (3-73) Class 2 Valves for Liquid Metal Service (6-74) Superse Class 2, Water to Water, Straight or U Tube (7-71 ) Class 3 Components for Nuclear Power Plant (1977) bd ($ Class 3 Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler a Classification for Determination of Sound Transmission Classification for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabric Classification of Containment Properties of Sealed Radi Classification of Nuclear Ships, Guide for the ( 1962) $ Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (1972) Classification of Unirradiated Plutonium and Uranium Sc Classification of (1970) $3.25 Classification of (1972) $4.25 Classification of (1975) NBS Handbook 116 $2.00 Classification System for (ASTM D2953-1971) (1973) $1. Classification System for (1971) $1.75 Classification System for (1975) $1.75 Classification (Revision 2, 2/76) Classification (1970) $3.00 Classification (6/76) Classifications and Standards for Water-, Steam-, and Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregates, Method Clean Air Devices (1968) $1.50 Clean Rooms (1970) $5.00 Cleanability of Surface Finishes (1973) $1.75 Cleaners (1971) $1.75 Cleaners (1972) $1.75 Cleaners (1972) $1.75 Cleaning and Cleanliness Requirements for Nuclear Compo Cleaning Compositions (1971) $1.75 Cleaning Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Wat Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components Dur Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for Removal of Part Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for Removal of Part Cleaning Systems, Testing of ( 1975) $5.00 Cleaning Titanium and Titanium Alloy Surfaces, Rec. Pra Cleanliness Requirements for Nuclear Components (2-72) Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of L Cleanup System (5/75) Closed Loop in Reactor Assembly Fabrication ( 12-71 ) Am Closure Cap for Penetrations LMFBR Reactor Vessel Head Closure Studs (10/73) Closures (2-69) Amendment 1 (10-71) Cloth Pressure Sensitive Electrical Tape (1973) $1.75 Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes, Specification for ( 1 Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine, Met Coarse Aggregate Particles, Method of Test for ( 1968) $ Coarse Aggregate (1974) ASTM C127-1973 $1.75 Coarse Aggregates, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM CI 36- Coated Fabrics (1973) $1.75 Coated Glass Fabric and Tapes for Electrical Insulation Coating Thickness by Magnetic-Field or Eddy-Current ( Coating (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Steel Products, Specifi Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware, Specific Coatings Applied to Fuel Reprocessing Plants and to Plu Coatings Applied to Nuclear Facilities (1972) $3.00 Coatings Applied to Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants ( Coatings in Glassed Steel Equipment by Electrical Testi Coatings of Zinc on Steel, Specification for ASTM A 164- Coatings on Glassed Steel Reaction Equipment by High Vo Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled, Specificat Coatings (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Products, Specificatio Coatings (Paints) for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (6/75) Coatings (Paints) for Light Water Nuclear Reactor Conta Coatings (Paints) for the Nuclear Industry (1974) $14.0 Coatings (1974) $1.75 Cobalt and Silver (1973T) Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Sto Cobalt-Base Alloys, Chemical Analysis of (1973) $1.75 Cobalt-Chromium Alloy Bars and Shapes (4-75) Supersed Cobalt-Chromium Alloy Castings (7-75) Supersedes M4- Cobalt-Molybdenum-Chromium, Specification for (1973) Cobalt-60 and Cesium-137 Teletherapy Equipment, Guide Code Case Acceptability: ASME Section III Design and Fa Code Case Acceptability: ASME Section III Materials (Re Code Cases Applicable to Reactor Coolant Pressure Bound Code Cases 1592, 1593, 1594, 1595, and 1596) Supersedes Code Cases 1592, 1593, 1594, 1595, and 1596) (Revision Code Class 2 and 3 Components (2/75) Information Code for Centrifugal Pumps (1965) $5.00 Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments ( 197 ANSI N41.12 ERDA RDT E4-2T NRC RG 1.70.25 ASME SEC-IIINC ERDA RDT E15-2C ERDA RDT E10-4T ERDA RDT E1-19T ERDA RDT E4-17T ASME SEC-HIND ERDA RDT E15-2D ASTM E413 NRC RG 3.14 NRC RG 6.4 ABS *1 ANSI A37.173 NRC RG 5.2 ANSI N15.1 ANSI N15.10 ANSI N540 ANSI N4.1 ASTM D2953 ASTM D2000 NRC RG 1.29 ISA S12.4 NRC RG 1.117 NRC RG 1.26 ANSI A37.28 IES CS-2T IES CS-6T ASTM C756 ASTM D1279 ASTM D1280 ASTM D1281 ERDA RDT F5-1T ASTM D800 NRC RG 1.37 ANSI N45.2.1 ANSI N101.1 NRC RG 3.2 ANSI N510 ASTM B600 ERDA RDT F5-1T NRC RG 1.52 NRC RG 1.70.32 ERDA RDT E8-11T ERDA RDT E2-4T NRC RG 1.65 ERDA RDT F8-1T ASTM D2754 ANSI Z23.1 ANSI A37.7 ASTM C235 ANSI A37.5 ANSI A37.8 ASTM D815 ANSI C59.89 ASTM E376 ANSI G8.18 ASTM A153 NRC RG 3.21 ANSI N101.4 NRC RG 1.54 ANSI Z167.8 ANSI G53.1 ANSI Z167.15 ANSI G8.1 ANSI G8.17 NRC RG 3.30 ANSI N101.2 ANSI N512 ASTM C633 ASTM E481 ANSI G81.46 ASTM E354 ERDA RDT M7-7T ERDA RDT M4-3T ANSI G35.26 ANSI N449 NRC RG 1.84 NRC RG 1.85 NRC RG 1.70.13 ERDA RDT F9-4T NRC RG 1.87 NRC RG 1.70.25 ASME PTC8.2 ASME SEC-IH/2 Standards Application and Analysis Division 17 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards additional Requirements) (/ ional Requirements) (8-75/ for (1973) (ASTM B443-197/ Performance Test Safety Color Outdoor Apparatus Bushings, Requirements and Test up/ Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers, Test upp. A89.1A-1975 $13.50 Reinforced Concrete, Building und Edition $1200.00: Lo/ ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Structural Welding National Electrical Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel lifications (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel examination (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Identification of Piping Systems by Color Test for Relative Density of Tests for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Method of Test for Unconsolidated, Undrained Strength of 75 Test for Adhesion or r Tubes, Specification for ( 1973) $1.75 Seamless ng Steel Bars and Shape/ Specification for Hot Rolled and nd Wire for Nuclear Application, Specific/ Hot Rolled and nd Wire for Nuclear App/ Specification for Hot Rolled and ecification for (1972) $1.75 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Steel, Carbon, tion for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Carbon Steel Sheet, vanadium. Specific/ Steel Sheet and Strip, Hot Rolled and 76) Supersedes E4-5T, (12-70) Forced Circulation 1966) $1.50 erformance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for sm for Sodium Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (12-72), Amen/ lant Quality Assurance Records (Revision 1, 12/75) ce Records for Nuclear Power Plants ( 19/ Requirements for Safety Identification of Piping Systems by ons (1973) ASTM E3I8-1969 $1.75 Method for ons Standard Method for (1975) $1.75 Specification for Columbium and Columbium and Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum- Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum- Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum- n for (1973) ASTM B394-1970 $1.75 Columbium and 1 Requirements) (7-75) Su/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum- I Requirements) (8-75) Su/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum- ation for (1973) ASTM B393-1964 $1.75 Columbium and 64 $1.75 Specification for (1964) $1.75 , Specification for (1973) ASTM B394-1970 $1.75 late. Specification for (1973) ASTM B393-1964 $1.75 trip. Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low Alloy rsedes M1-19T, (3-75) Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum- 964 $1.75 Primary Chemical Analysis of Reactor and Commercial Chemical Analysis of Reactor and Commercial em Components (6/73) Design Limits and Loading ents (5/73) Design Limits and Loading 5 Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate smic Response Analysis (Revision 1, 2/76) a Loss of Coolant Accident (Safety Guide 7, / Control of d Fuel Fabrication Plants (3/73) Monitoring of f Explosives or Other Dangerous Articles or Substances and f Explosives or Other Dangerous Articles or Substances and Chemical Analysis of Reactor and 68) $1.75 Chemical Analysis of Reactor and Std. Spec, for Steel, Carbon, Cold Rolled, Cold Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets, 0/75) Preparation of Environmental Reports for Irreversible and Irretrievable ) ment 1 (9/73) Determination of Insulation tionship of Quartz-Fiber Electrometer Type Dosimeters and Protection System Calibration of Thermdcouples by al Compensation) (7-71 ) Amendment 1 (8-73, Amend/ Gamma Compensated Ionization Chamber Assembly (Fixed Electrical Radioactive Material/ Administrative Guide for Verifying eleases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating ect to NRC Regulations (Revision 2, 8/75) Food and Drugs: Notification of Defects or Failure to dment 1 (12-73), Amendment 2 (6-74) Mixing t 1 (3-74) Fabrication of Core Austenitic Stainless Steel Hexagonal Duct Tubes for Core Transportation of Critical 4) Marking of Code for Displacement Pumps (1962) $4.00 ASME PTC7.1 Code for Marking Physical Hazards (1971) $3.00 ANSI Z53.1 Code for (1964) (R1970) IEEE 21-1964 $4.00 ANSI C76.1 Code for (1973) (IEEE Std 262-1973), Including Draft S ANSI C57. 12.90 Code Requirements for (1972) ACI 318-1971, Including S ANSI A89.1 Code— 1977 Edition; Special Price for All Sections: Bo ASME CODE-77 Code (1975) $24.00 AWS Dl.l Code (1975) $5.50 NFPA 70 Code, Section Iii, Subsection NA and Nb) Supersedes E15 ERDA RDT E15-2B Code, Section Iii, Subsection N A and Nc) Supersedes E15 ERDA RDT E15-2C Code, Section Iii, Subsections NA and Nd) (3-75) Super ERDA RDTE15-2D Code, Section Iii, Subsections NA Ne) (8-75) Supersede ERDA RDT E15-2E Code, Section IX) (8-74) Supersedes F6-5T, (7-71 ) Am ERDA RDT F6-5T Code, Section V ) ( 1 0-75 ) Supersedes F3-6T, ( 1 2-74 ) a ERDA RDT F3-6T Coding, Scheme for the (1975) $3.00 ANSI A13.1 Cohesionless Soils (1972) (ASTM D2049-1969) $1.75 ANSI A37.169 Cohesive Soil (1972) (ASTM D1266-1972) $1.75 ANSI A37.148 Cohesive Soils in Triaxial Compression (1972) (ASTM D28 ANSI A37.177 Cohesive Strength of Flame-Sprayed Coatings ( 1 974 ) $ 1 . ASTM C633 Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel Heat Exchanger and Condense ASTM A 179 Cold Finished Age-Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisti ASTM A564 Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod a ANSI N122 Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod a ASTM B351 Cold Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets, Commercial Quality, Sp ASTM A366 Cold Rolled, Commercial Quality (1974) ASTM A366- 1972 ANSI G24.34 Cold Rolled, Drawing Quality, Special Killed, Specifica ASTM A620 Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low Alloy Columbium and/or ANSI G24.32 Cold Trap Assembly for Removal of Sodium Impurities ( 1- ERDA RDT E4-5T Cold Weather Concreting, Practice for ( 1968) (ACI 306- ANSI A144.1 Cold-Cathode Gas Discharge Tubes (1975) $2.95 BRH 21CFR1020B Collapsible Rotor, Roller Nut Control Rod Drive Mechani ERDA RDT E6-5T Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Nuclear Power P NRC RG 1.88 Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Quality Assuran ANSI N45.2.9 Color Code for Marking Physical Hazards (1971) $3.00 ANSI Z53.1 Color Coding, Scheme for the (1975) $3.00 ANSI A13.1 Colorimetric Determination of Uranium in Aqueous Soluti ANSI Nl 16 Colorimetric Determination of Uranium in Aqueous Soluti ASTM E318 Columbium Alloy Ingots (1973) ASTM B39 1-64 $1.75 ANSI Z179.18 Columbium Alloy Ingots, Specification for (1964) $1.75 ASTM B391 Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (AMS 5596 with ERDA RDT M5-21T Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip 5597 with Addit ERDA RDT M5-20T Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification ANSI H34.19 Columbium Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes, Specificatio ANSI H53.1 Columbium Alloy Seamless Tubes (AMS 5589 with Additiona ERDA RDT M3-29T Columbium Alloy Seamless Tubes (AMS 5590 with Additiona ERDA RDT M3-30T Columbium Alloy Strip, Sheet, Foil, and Plate, Specific ANSI Z179.20 Columbium and Columbium Alloy Ingots (1973) ASTM B39 1 - ANSI Z 1 79. 1 8 Columbium and Columbium Alloy Ingots, Specification for ASTM B391 Columbium and Columbium Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes ANSI H53.1 Columbium and Columbium Alloy Strip, Sheet, Foil, and P ANSI Z 179.20 Columbium and/or Vanadium, Specification for (1973) Ast ANSI G24.32 Columbium Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (6-75) Supe ERDA RDTM1-19T Columbium Metal, Specification for (1973) ASTM B383—1 ANSI Z179.17 Columbium (1974) $1.75 ASTM E195 Columbium, Methods for (1973) (ASTM E195-1968) $1.75 ANSI Z258.1 Combinations for Metal Primary Reactor Containment Syst NRC RG 1.57 Combinations for Seismic Category 1 Fluid System Compon NRC RG 1.48 Combinations (Mortar-Bar Method), Test for (1971) $1.7 ASTM C227 Combining Modal Responses and Spatial Components in Sei NRC RG 1.92 Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following NRC RG 1 .7 Combustible Gases and Vapors in Plutonium Processing an NRC RG 3.7 Combustible Liquids on Board Vessels (1975) $7.50 /E O DOT 46CFR 146 Combustible Liquids on Board Vessels (1975) $7.50 /E O USCG 46CFR146 Commercial Columbium (1974) $1.75 ASTM E195 Commercial Columbium, Methods for (1973) (ASTM E195-19 ANSI Z258.1 Commercial Quality (1974) ASTM A366-1972 $1.75 ANSI G24.34 Commercial Quality, Specification for (1972) $1.75 ASTM A366 Commercial Uranium Enrichment Facilities (Revision 1, 1 NRC RG 4.9 Commitments of Material Resources (Revision 1, 6/76) NRC RG 4.10 Commodity List of Hazardous Materials (1975) $6.80 DOT 49CFR 172 Communication with Transport Vehicles (Revision 1, 5/75 NRC RG 5.32 Compaction in Ceramic Insulated Conductors (8/70) Amend ERDA RDT C2-1T Companion Dosimeter Chargers (1965) (R1971) $3.00 /Ela ANSI N42.6 Comparator (4-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) ERDA RDTC16-4T Comparison Techniques (1972) $1.75 ASTM E220 Compensated Ionization Chamber Assembly (Fixed Electric ERDA RDT C15-7T Compensation) (7-71) Amendment 1 (8-73, Amendment 2 ( ERDA RDT C15-7T Compliance with Packaging Requirements for Shipments of • ANSI N14.10.3 Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I (3/76) /E R NRC RG 1.109 Complication of Reporting Requirements for Persons Subj NRC RG 10.1 Comply (1975) $2.95 BRH 21CFR1003 Component for Liquid Metal Piping Systems (11-71) Amen ERDA RDT E7-4T Component Pot for Liquid Metal Service (3-72) Amendmen ERDA RDT E6-34T Components and Assemblies (5-76) Supersedes E6-20T, ( ERDA RDT E6-20T Components and Equipment (1-76) ERDA RDT F8-7T Components and Parts (6-75) (Supersedes F7-3T, (11-7 ERDA RDT F7-3T 18 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards (7-75) Supersedes M2-/ 73) el Code, Section Hi, Subsection/ el Code, Section Iii, Subsection/ el Code, Section Iii, Subsection/ el Code, Section Iii, Subsectio/ 0-72), Amendment 2 (1-1 Hoisting and Rigging of Critical Welding of Reactor Core 9/ Guidelines and Procedures for Design of Nuclear System Code Ca/ Requirements for Construction of Nuclear System 5.00) General Requirements for Nuclear Power Plant er Plants (1973/ Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Associated Piston Rings of High Strength Alloys for Core 11 ($85.00) Class 1 ($85.00) Class 2 11 ($85.00) Class 3 11 ($85.00) Class Mc f7-2T, (2-69) Amend/ Packaging, Packing, and Marking of t to ASME Section 1/ Guidance for Construction of Class 1 76) Combining Modal Responses and Spatial rrosion and Stress Corrosion in Austenitic Stainless Steel s for Water-, Steam-, and Radioactive-Waste-Containing nee Requirements for Cleaning Fluid Systems and Associated Nuclear Power Plant Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Welding of Structural (NB-T) Class 1 Nuclear (NC-T) Class 2 Nuclear (ND-T) Class 3 Nuclear (NE-T) Class MC Nuclear Guard Vessel for Primary Sodium Containing code Cases Applicable to Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary gings for Seamless Drums, Heads, and Other Pressure Vessel bon and Alloy, Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Vessel Alloy Steel, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping ing Products) for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems and Their Major , Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Powerplant Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Appendices to Sec. Ill Div. 1, Nuclear Power Plant mation for Safety Analysis Reports: Mechanical Systems and ectrometer Helium Leak Detection for Instruments and Small 1 (4-/ Cleaning and Cleanliness Requirements for Nuclear Threaded Fasteners for Nuclear s Reports: Inservice Inspection of ASME Code Class 2 and 3 ustenitic Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Core Austenitic Stainless Steel Wire for Core Austenitic Stainless Steel Bar for Core Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for LMFBR Core Low Friction Hard Surface for Core ontrol of Stainless Steel Weld Cladding of Low Alloy Steel d Loading Combinations for Seismic Category 1 Fluid System Combinations for Metal Primary Reactor Containment System Analytical Chemistry Methods for Metallic Core stm A628-1973 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Tool Resisting $2.50 Coolant nonferrous Metals and Alloys for Determination of Chemical Chemical Analysis of Industrial Metal Cleaning s) by Refluxing (1972) $1/ Test for Hydrolyzable Chlorine 1674-1967) $/ Methods of Testing Polymerizable Embedding hase Adsorbents for Trapping Radioactive Iodine and Iodine ained, Method of Marking ( 1954) (R 1971 ) CGA C4 / Portable ons (1965) CGA V-l-1965 $7.00 tatic Young's Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson's Ratio in osure to High Energy Nuclear Radiation, Methods of Test / osure to High Energy Nuclear Radiation, Testing (1968) (/ r (1968) ACI 214-1965 $1.75 Evaluation of cefor (1968) (ACI 214-1965) $1.75 Evaluation of hod of Tests for Stress Relaxation of Vulcanized Rubber in test for Elastic Moduli of Rock Core Specimens in Uniaxial olidated, Undrained Strength of Cohesive Soils in Triaxial Creep of Concrete in Field, Method of ( 1970) ASTM/ Making and Curing Concrete 6-1972) $1.75 Tests for Unconfined Method of Test for (1974) ASTM C39-1972 $1.75 2-in (50-mm) Cube Specimens), Test for (1973) $1.75 sulation, Method of Test for (1963) (RI973) ASTM C165-1/ m D2938-1971A) $1.75 Method of Test for Unconfined ithout Pore Pressure Measurements (197/ Test for Triaxial test for (1973) ASTM C695-1971T $1.75 1975) $1.75 Fans, Blowers, and Radioactive Gas 66 (1972) $1.75 Spectrochemical programming Practices to Facilitate Interchange of Digital Guidelines for the Documentation of Digital for (1973) ASTM E267-1970 $1.75 Uranium and Plutonium for (1970) $1.75 Uranium and Plutonium nt Accident (Safety Guide 7, / Control of Combustible Gas Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Differences in the Transfer of Special Nuclear Materials, ials Control (1974) $3.00 Limit of Error Components and Related Equipment (8-72) Amendment 1 (1 Components and Test Assemblies (7-73) Components at Elevated Temperature (9-74) Supersedes F Components at Elevated Temperatures (Supplement to ASME Components Div. I and Div. 2 (1977) bd ($40.00), 11 ($6 Components During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Pow Components for Liquid Metal Service (5-74) Components for Nuclear Power Plant (1977) bd ($55.00), Components for Nuclear Power Plant (1977) bd ($55.00), Components for Nuclear Power Plant (1977) bd ($55.00), Components for Nuclear Power Plant (1977) bd ($55.00), Components for Shipment and Storage (9-75) Supersedes Components in Elevated-Temperature Reactors (Supplemen Components in Seismic Response Analysis (Revision 1, 2/ Components of Fuel Reprocessing Plants (9/75) /Ular Co Components of Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 3, 2/76) Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/ Components Supports (1977) bd ($30.00), II ($40.00) Components (ASME SA-105 with Additional Requirements) Components (AWS Dl.l with Additional Requirements) (6- Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vess Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vess Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vess Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vess Components (11-70) Amendment 1 (7-70) Components (12/74) /Tion for Safety Analysis Reports: Components (1970) ASTM A266— 1969 $1.75 /on Steel for Components (1973) $1.75 /Ation for Steel Forgings, Car Components ( 1974) $1.75 / for Forgings, Carbon and Low Components (1975) $2.95 /Td. (Ionizing Radiation Emitt Components (1975) $4.40. Special Construction Components (1977) bd ($60.00); 11 ($90.00) Components (1977) bd ($70.00) 11 ($90.00) Components ( 1/75) Infor Components (2-72) Mass Sp Components (2-72) Supersedes F5-1T, (3-69) Amendment Components (2-75) Supersedes E8-18T, (10-71) Components (2/75) Information for Safety Analysi Components (3-73) Components (3-73) Components (3-73) Amendment 1 (4-74) Components (5-72) Components (5-73) Amendment 1 (9-73) Components (5/73) Components (5/73) Design Limits an Components (6/73) Design Limits and Loading Components (9-75) Composite Steel Bars for Security Applications ( 1974) a Composite Surfacing Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) Composition in Pressurized Water Reactors ( 10/71 ) Composition (1972) $1.75 Sampling Wrought Compositions (1971) $1.75 Compounds in Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Askarel Compounds Used for Electrical Insulation (1970) (ASTM D Compounds (10-73) Supersedes Ml 6- IT, (6-72) Gas P Compressed Gas Containers to Identify the Material Cont Compressed Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet and Inlet Connecti Compression of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Method O Compression Set Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exp Compression Set Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exp Compression Test Results of Field Concrete, Practice Fo Compression Test Results of Field Concrete, Rec. Practi Compression (1971) ASTM D 1 390 1 968 $ 1 .75 Met Compression (1972) $1.75 Compression (1972) (ASTM D2850— 1970) $1.75 /R Uncons Compression, Test for ( 1974) $1.75 Compressive and Flexural Strength Test Specimens in the Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil (1972) (ASTM D126 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using Compressive Strength of Preformed Block Type Thermal in Compressive Strength of Rock Core Specimens ( 1972) (Ast Compressive Strength of Undrained Rock Core Specimens W Compressive (Crushing) Strength of Graphite, Method of Compressive (Crushing) Strength of Graphite, Test for ( Compressors for Dry Gas Circulation (4-73) Compressors (8-73) Computations, Practice for (1968) (R1973) ASTM E158-19 Computer Programs (1971) $7.50 Recommended Computer Programs (1974) ANS 10.3 $8.50 Concentrations and Isotopic Abundances, Method of Test Concentrations and Isotopic Abundances, Method of Test Concentrations in Containment Following a Loss of Coola Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for Concepts and Principles for the (1975) $2.75 /Receiver Concepts and Principles of Calculation in Nuclear Mater ERDA RDT F8-6T ERDA RDT F6-2T ERDA RDT F9-5T ERDA RDT F9-4T ASME SEC-III-R ANSI N45.2.1 ERDA RDT E6-40T ASME SEC-II1NB ASME SEC-IIINC ASME SEC-IIIND ASME SEC-IIINE ERDA RDT F7-2T NRC RG 1.87 NRC RG 1.92 NRC RG 3.37 NRC RG 1.26 NRC RG 1.37 ASME SEC-IIINF ERDA RDT M2-1T ERDA RDT F6-6T ERDA RDT E15-2B ERDA RDT E15-2C ERDA RDT E15-2D ERDA RDT E15-2E ERDA RDT E10-2T NRC RG 1.70.13 ANSI G55.1 ASTM A541 ASTM A350 BRH 21CFR1020C USCG 46CFR55 ASME SEC-XI ASME SEC-III-A NRC RG 1.70.18 ERDA RDT F3-11T ERDA RDT F5-1T ERDA RDT E8-18T NRC RG 1.70.25 ERDA RDT M5-19T ERDA RDT M7-24T ERDA RDT M7-23T ERDA RDT M3-28T ERDA RDT E6-38T NRC RG 1.43 NRC RG 1.48 NRC RG 1.57 ERDA RDT F11-3T ANSI G24.46 AWS A5.21 ERDA RDT A1-1T ASTM E55 ASTM D800 ASTM D2441 ANSI C59.47 ERDA RDT Ml 6- IT ANSI Z48.1 ANSI B57.1 ANSI A37.94 ANSI J2.33 ASTM D2309 ANSI B 146.1 ANSI A146.1 ANSI J2.23 ASTM D3148 ANSI A37.177 ASTM C512 ANSI A37.17 ANSI A37.148 ANSI A37.18 ASTM C109 ANSI Z98.6 ANSI A37.182 ASTM D2664 ANSI K90.ll ASTM C695 ERDA RDT E9-7T ERDA RDT E3-12T ANSI Z128.8 ANS STD. 3 ANSI N413 ANSI Nl 15 ASTM E267 NRC RG 1.7 NCRP R22 ANSI N15.17 ANSI N15.16 Standards Application and Analysis Division 19 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ials Control ( 1 .74) Limit of Error ssay Program (9/73) Acceptable ts for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Structural nts for Installation Inspection, and Testing of Structural Nondestructive Examination of Welds in the Liners of 75) $1.75 Air Content of Freshly Mixed 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Air Content of Freshly Mixed ns in the Field, Method of (1970) ASTM/ Making and Curing 1/74) Inservice Inspection of Prestressed Inservice Inspection of Ungrouted Tendons in Prestressed denda A138.1A-1974 (ACI 301-1972) $3.50 Structural $2.50 Creep of .50 8/72) /73) Structural Acceptance Test for Post-Tensioned Prestressing Systems for 5.00), II ($100.00) Code for pecification for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for -1971 $1.75 Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical 1972 $1.75 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical asticity and Poisson's Ratio in Compression of Cylindrical Testing of Reinforcing Bars for Category 1 anical (Cadweld) Splices in Reinforcing Bars of Category 1 973) ASTM C192-1969 $1.75 Making and Curing method of Test for (1966) (R1973) A/ Flexural Strength of Recommended Practice for Consolidation of w or Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland Cement Specification for Air Entraining Admixtures for testing Fly Ash for Use as an Admixture in Portland Cement t for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of -1971, Including Supp. A89.1A-1975 $13.50 Reinforced Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation-Sheilding Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding Ball Penetration in Fresh Portland Cement Slump of Portland Cement Sampling Fresh Proportions for Normal and Heavy Weight Evaluation of Compression Test Results of Field Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing of Selecting Proportions for No-Slump Evaluation of Compression Test Results of Field Petrographic Examimation of Aggregates for Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding 197/ 1963 $1.75 $2.75 1969(1975) $1.75 Sheet Materials for Curing Aggregates for Radiation-Sheilding nstruct/ Practice for Inspection and Testing Agencies for Organic Impurities in Sand for Air Entraining Admixtures for Cold Weather Hot Weather reoperational and Initial Startup Testing of Feedwater and 1974) $1.75 Seamless Nickel and Nickel Alloy 974A) $1.75 Copper and Copper-Alloy Seamless Seamless Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel Heat Exchanger and Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat Exchanger, and ) ASTM B234 197/ Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Seamless and Welded Titanium and Titanium Alloy Tubes for Eddy Current Flowmeter Power Supply and Signal Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained ) means of the Guarded Hot Box, Method of Test For/ Thermal uations of Fallout in the United States from Weapons Test. y Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels ( 1970) ASTM / nts in Situ, Safety in (1975) ANS-8.6 $6.50 late, Method of Test for (1975) ASTM CI 77- 1971 / Thermal late, Test for (1971) $1.75 Thermal er, Test for (1970) $1.75 Thermal 67) (R1969) ASTM C335-1969 $1.75 Thermal Electrical rmal Insulation, Flexible or Molded, High Temperature, Low r Fibe/ Thermocouple Material, Iron and Constantan, Solid r Fi/ Thermocouple Material, Copper and Constantan, Solid r Fi/ Thermocouple Material, Chromel-P and Alumel, Solid etermination of Insulation Compaction in Ceramic Insulated plants (2/74) 1974) $2./ Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and ping Valves (1969) $2.00 rmit Applications/ Information Needed by the NRC Staff in Concepts and Principles of Calculation in Nuclear Mater Concepts, Models, Equations, and Assumptions for a Bioa Concrete and Structural Steel During the Construction P Concrete and Structural Steel During the Construction P Concrete Barriers in Fuel Reprocessing Plants (5/75) Concrete by the Pressure Method, Method of Test for (19 Concrete by the Volumetric Method, Method of Test for ( Concrete Compressive and Flexural Strength Test Specime Concrete Containment Structures with Grouted Tendons ( 1 Concrete Containment Structures (Revision 2, 1/76) Concrete for Buildings, Specification For, Including Ad Concrete Form Work, Practice for (1968) (ACI 347-1968 Concrete in Compression, Test for ( 1974) $1.75 Concrete Inspection, Recommended Practice for (1975) $7 Concrete Placement in Category 1 Structures (6/73) Concrete Primary Reactor Containments (Revision 1, 12/2 Concrete Radiation Shields for Nuclear Power Plants ( 12 Concrete Radiation Shields (1972) ANS- 11.13 $10.00 Concrete Radiation Shields (6/73) Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments ( 1 1/75) Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments ( 1977) bd ($7 Concrete Reinforcement (1975) $1.75 Concrete Specimens, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C496 Concrete Specimens, Method of Test for (1974) ASTM C39- Concrete Specimens, Method of Test (1967) (R1973) ASTM Concrete Structures (Revision 1, 12/28/72) Concrete Structures (Revision 1, 1/2/73 Safety Guide 10 Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory, Method of ( 1 Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third Point Loading), Concrete (1972) $9.50 Concrete (1973) ASTM C6 18— 1972 $1.75 /Fly Ash and Ra Concrete (1974) $1.75 Concrete ( 1 974 ) $ 1 .75 Sampling and Concrete (1975) $1.75 Tes Concrete, Method of (1969) ASTM C42-1968 $1.75 Concrete, Building Code Requirements for ( 1972) ACI 318 Concrete, Descriptive Nomenclature of (1973) Concrete, Descriptive Nomenclature of ( 1975) ASTM C638- Concrete, Method of Test for (1964) (R1969) ASTM C360- Concrete, Method of Test for (1974) $1.75 Concrete, Method of (1973) ASTM CI 72- 1971 $1.75 Concrete, Practice for Selecting (1974) ACI 211.1-1974 Concrete, Practice for (1968) ACI 214-1965 $1.75 Concrete, Practice for (1971) ACI 211.2-1969 $2.75 Concrete, Practice for (1973) ACI 304-1973 $2.75 Concrete, Recommended Practice for (1975) $9.50 Concrete, Rec. Practice for (1968) (ACI 214-1965) $1.7 Concrete, Rec. Practice for (1973) $1.75 Concrete, Specification for (1970) ASTM C330-1969 $1.7 Concrete, Specification for (1975) ASTM C637-1973 $1.7 Concrete, Specifications for (1970) (R1975) ASTM CHI- Concrete, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 Concrete, Steel, and Bituminous Materials as Used in Co Concrete, Test for (1973) $1.75 Concrete, Testing (1973) $1.75 Concreting, Practice for (1968) (ACI 306-1966) $1.50 Concreting, Practice for (1972) ACI 305-1972 $2.50 Condensate Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Power Plan Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes, Specification for ( Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Stock, Specification for (1 Condenser Tubes, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Condenser Tubes, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 /Lded Condensers and Heat Exchangers, Specification for ( 1974 Condensers and Heat Exchangers, Specification for ( 1974 Conditioning Electronics (2-73) Conditions During and Following an Accident (12/75) /R Conditions (1973) (ASTM D3080-1972) $1.75 /Od of Test Conduct of Nuclear Material Physical Inventories ( 1 1/73 Conductance and Transmittance of Built-Up Sections by Conducted Through 1962 (1963) Estimates and Eval Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductilit Conducting Subcritical Neutron Multiplication Measureme Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Guarded Hot P Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Guarded Hot P Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Heat Flow Met Conductivity of Pipe Insulation, Method of Test for ( 19 Conductivity of Water, Tests for ( 1 97 1 ) $1.75 Conductivity (5-72) Amendment 1 (4-73) the Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Ove Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Ove Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Ove Conductors (8/70) Amendment 1 (9/73) Confinement Barriers and Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Connecting End Flanges of Ferrous Valves and Fittings ( Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tap Connection with Its Antitrust Review of Construction Pe NRC RG 5.18 NRC RG 8.9 ANSI N45.2.5 NRC RG 1.94 NRC RG 3.27 ASTM C231 ASTM C173 ANSI A37.17 NRC RG 1.90 NRC RG 1.35 ANSI A138.1 ANSI A145.1 ASTM C512 ACI 311 NRC RG 1.55 NRC RG 1.18 NRC RG 1.69 ANSI N101.6 NRC RG 3.9 NRC RG 1.103 ASME SEC-III/2 ASTM A615 ANSI A37.121 ANSI A37.18 ANSI A37.94 NRC RG 1.15 NRC RG 1.10 ANSI A37.81 ANSI A37.22 ACI 309 ANSI A37.122 ASTM C260 ASTM C311 ASTM C138 ANSI A37.20 ANSI A89.1 ASTM C638 ANSI N649 ANSI A37.92 ASTM C143 ANSI A37.30 ANSI A167.1 ANSI B146.1 ANSI A164.1 ANSI A186.1 ACI 211.3 ANSI A146.1 ASTM C295 ANSI A37.88 ANSI N648 ANSI A37.79 ASTM C637 ANSI Z267.1 ASTM C40 ASTM C233 ANSI A144.1 ANSI A170.1 NRC RG 1.68.1 ASTM B163 ASTM Bill ASTM A179 ASTM A249 ANSI H38.6 ASTM B338 ERDA RDTC10-5T NRC RG 1.97 ANSI A37.185 NRC RG 5.13 ANSI Z98.2 EPA FRC4 ANSI Z178.5 ANSI N16.3 ANSI Z98.1 ASTM C177 ASTM C518 ANSI Z98.3 ASTM D1125 ERDA RDT M12-5T ERDA RDT C7-1T ERDA RDT C7-3T ERDA RDT C7-5T ERDA RDTC2-1T NRC RG 3.18 MSS SP-6 MSS SP-60 NRC RG 9.2 20 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards se App/ Information Needed by the AEC Regulatory Staff in Std. for Bypass and Drain Type Test of Class IE Electric Cables, Field Splices, and Compressed Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet and Inlet r Reactors (5-72) Supersedes E5-2T/ Electric Heater and Thermocouple Connectors and Thermocouple High Temperature Electrical endment 1 (1-73) Thermocouple Signal High Voltage assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological 1 Nuclear Materials in Equipment for Wet Process / Design I Nuclear Material in Equipment for Dry Process O/ Design 1 Nuclear Material in Drying and Fluidized Bed Op/ Design ps (1965) $7.50 Safety 75) Additional Information: Hydrological Additional Information: Fire Protection Additional Information: Geography and Demography ds (2/75) Design ide 7, 3/10/71) Supplement to (Safety Guide 7, Backfitting clear Tank Vessels (Ships and Barges) ( 1975) $2./ Special 2) $/ Method of Test for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under switchgear Assemblies, Including Metal Enclosed Bus (1974) Recommended Practice for 970 ) $1.75 Method of Test for One Dimensional rials (1972T) $1.75 Recommended Practice for terials (1972T)/ Recommended Practice for Presentation of upersedes C7-14T, (3-70), / Thermocouple Material, Iron supersedes C7-14T, (3-7/ Thermocouple Material, Copper- , and Sheathed Over Fibe/ Thermocouple Material, Iron and , and Sheathed Over Fi/ Thermocouple Material, Copper and y Determination of Pulse Velocities and Ultrasonic Elastic crete. Descriptive Nomenclature of ( 1973) crete, Descriptive Nomenclature of (1975) ASTM C638-197/ ture Reactors (Supplement to ASME Section 1/ Guidance for ks (1973) $4.00 Recommended Rules for Design and ce. Practice for ( 1971 ) $1.75 Design and allati/ Instrumentation and Electric Equipment During the emperatures (Supplement to ASME Code Ca/ Requirements for y the NRC Staff in Connection with Its Antitrust Review of ing of Structural Concrete and Structural Steel During the ning of Fluid Systems and Associated Components During the Housekeeping During the s of Inspection, Examination and Testing Personnel for the ing of Structural Concrete and Structural Steel During the n, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems for the and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plants (During the s for Concrete, Steel, and Bituminous Materials as Used in Manual of Steel dditional Information: Quality Assurance During Design and finition of Terms Relating to Acoustical Tests of Building Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Design and for Certain Land and Sea Applications (3/74) Design, lear Powerplant Components ( 1975) $4.40 Special lear Cargo Vessels (Ships and Barges) ( 1975) $17 Special nsportation or Storage of Explosives or Other Da/ Special of Dangerous Articles as Ships, Stores and Supp/ Special lear Passenger Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975)/ Special ngs, Nickel-19Cr-19Fe-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta) 0.90Ti-0.50Al kel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50AI-19-Fe nt Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al 954.4C) Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resis/ Hoy Tubing (Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel nt Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al (4-74) Amendment 1 (5-75) deuterium Oxide, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2033-1/ deuterium Oxide (1973) $1.75 Test for 75 Ultrasonic s of Ferrous Valves and Fittings ( 1974) $27 Finishes for Method, Using Pulsed Longitudinal Waves Induced by Direct Fuel Shipping Water Vapor Transmission of Shipping als (7/ Selection and Use of Pressure-Sensitive Seals on f Marking (1954) (R1971) CGA C4 / Portable Compressed Gas Operating Manuals for Fuel Shopping Inspection and Preventive Maintenance of Fuel Shipping ded Practice for Controlled Shock Input Tests for Shipping Shipping Cylindrical Shipping Shipping Connection with Its Antitrust Review of Operating Licen Connection (1971) $3.00 Connections for Nuclear Power Generating Stations ( 1975 Connections (1965) CGA V-l-1965 $7.00 Connector Assembly for Pressurizer for Pressurized Wate Connector Panels (1-72) Amendment 1 (1-73) Connectors and Hermetic Seals (3-70) Connectors and Thermocouple Connector Panels ( 1-72) Am Connectors for Nuclear Instruments (1968) (R1973) $2.50 Connectors for Nuclear Instruments ( 1971 ) $3.00 Consequences of a Fuel Handling Accident in the Fuel Ha Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Boiling Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Pressuri Consequences of a Pressurized Water Reactor Radioactive Consequences of a Radioactive Offgas System Failure in Consequences of a Steam Line Break Accident for Boiling Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Specia Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Specia Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Specia Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants on Merchant Shi Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1,1/ Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants (2/74) Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants (8/74) Considerations: Systems for Measuring the Mass of Liqui Considerations, 10/27/71 / Coolant Accident (Safety Gu Consideration, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nu Consolidated Drained Conditions (1973) (ASTM D3080-197 Consolidated Edition (Includes ANSI C37.20A-1970, C37. Consolidation of Concrete ( 1972) $9.50 Consolidation Properties of Soils (1972) (ASTM D2435-1 Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Mate Constant Amplitude Fatigue Test Results for Metallic Ma Constantan, Mineral Oxide Insulated, Sheathed (4-70) S Constantan, Mineral-Oxide Insulated, Sheathed (4-70) Constantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated Constantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated Constants of Rock (1972) (ASTM D2845-1969) $1.75 /Tor Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation-Sheilding Con Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding Con Construction of Class 1 Components in Elevated-Tempera Construction of Large, Welded, Low Pressure Storage Tan Construction of Nonmetallic Gaskets for Corrosive Servi Construction of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Inst Construction of Nuclear System Components at Elevated T Construction Permit Applications for Nuclear Power Plan Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973) $4.00 Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants ( 1973) $4.00 Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973) $4.00 Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants ( 1974) $4.50 Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants, Supplementa Construction Phase) (1972) $4.50 / Receiving, Storage Construction (1973) ASTM E329- 1 972 $ 1 .75 /Ing Agencie Construction (1973) $20.00 Construction (7/74) Constructions and Materials (1973) $1.75 De Construction) (Safety Guide 28, 6/7/72) Construction, and Use of Radioisotopic Power Generators Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuc Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuc Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Tra Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Use Construction, Arrangenent, and Other Provisions for Nuc Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Solutio Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750F ( Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 F Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 F Consumable Welding Inserts (3-75) Supersedes Ml -2 IT, Consumption of Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in Consumption of Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in Contact Examination of Weldments, Method for (1974) $1. Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting End Flange Contact, Practice for ( 1969) (R1973) ASTM El 14-1963 (1 Container Packaging Spec. (1975) $6.80 Container Tiedown for Truck Transport (1-75) Containers by Cycle Method, of Test for (1973) $1.75 Containers for Onsite Storage of Special Nuclear Materi Containers to Identify the Material Contained, Method O Containers ( 1-75) Containers ( 1-75) Containers ( 1971 ) $1.75 Recommen Containers, Drop Test for (1973) $1.75 Containers, Drop Test for (1973) $1.75 Containers, Incline Impact Test for (1973) $1.75 NRC RG 9.3 MSS SP-45 ANSI N41.10 ANSI B57.1 ERDA RDT E5-2T ERDA RDT C7-15T ERDA RDTC17-1T ERDA RDTC7-15T ANSI N544 ANSI N42.4 NRC RG 1.25 NRC RG 1.3 NRC RG 1.4 NRC RG 1.24 NRC RG 1.98 NRC RG 1.5 NRC RG 5.25 NRC RG 5.42 NRC RG 5.8 SNAME 3-18 NRC RG 1.70.1 NRC RG 1.70.4 NRC RG 1.70.7 NRC RG 5.48 NRC RG 1.7 USCG 46CFR37 ANSI A37.185 ANSI C37.20 ACI 309 ANSI A37.170 ASTM E466 ASTM E468 ERDA RDT C7-2T ERDA RDT C7-4T ERDA RDTC7-1T ERDA RDT C7-3T ANSI A37.176 ASTM C638 ANSI N649 NRC RG 1.87 API STD. 620 ASTM F336 ANSI N45.2.4 ERDA RDT F9-4T NRC RG 9.2 NRC RG 1.94 ANSI N45.2.1 ANSI N45.2.3 ANSI N45.2.6 ANSI N45.2.5 ANSI N45.2.8 ANSI N45.2.2 ANSI Z267.1 AISC *1 NRC RG 1.70.6 ASTM C634 NRC RG 1.28 NRC RG 6.3 USCG 46CFR55 USCG 46CFR99 USCG 46CFR146 USCG 46CFR147 USCG 46CFR79 SAE AMS5662D ANSI G87.146 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.77 ANSI G87.78 ANSI G87.85 ERDA RDT M1-21T ANSI N154 ASTM D2033 ASTM E164 MSS SP-6 ANSI Z166.3 DOT 49CFR 178 ERDA RDT F8-11T ASTM D1276 NRC RG 5.10 ANSI Z48.1 ERDA RDT E12-5T ERDA RDT E12-7T ASTM D2956 ASTM D775 ASTM D997 ASTM D880 Standards Application and Analysis Division 21 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Penetration of Liquids into Submerged Shipping high Tempe/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Cobalt pling Procedures for Exempted and Generally Licensed Items nd Standards for Water-, Steam-, and Radioactive-Waste- Guard Vessel for Primary Sodium Efficiency Testing of Air Cleaning Systems Efficiency Testing of Air Cleaning Systems e Making Petition Seeking an Exemption for a Radionuclide- es for Transient Reactor Test Facility (Treat) Experiments otective Coatings (Paints) for Light Water Nuclear Reactor y Guide 7, / Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Guide 19) Nondestructive Examination of Primary sts of Continuous Duty Class 1 Motors Installed Inside the ion Tests of Electric Valve Operators Installed Inside the tion Tests of Continuous-Duty Motors Installed Inside the ntained in Certain Devices to Be Distr/ Classification of Sumps for Emergency Core Cooling and (/ Electrical Penetration Assemblies for Nuclear Reactor ing Stations ( 1973)/ Electrical Penetration Assemblies in 7.60 $7.50 Leakage-Rate Testing of lants ( 10/73) Electric Penetration Assemblies in Inservice Inspection of Prestressed Concrete ce Inspection of Ungrouted Tendons in Prestressed Concrete ifications for Cement Grouting for Prestressing Tendons in Additional Information: Air Filtration Systems and Limits and Loading Combinations for Metal Primary Reactor Expansion Joint Inflatable Seal Gaskets Steel Instrument Lines Penetrating Primary Reactor Protection Against Pipe Whip Inside Structural Acceptance Test for Concrete Primary Reactor oned Prestressing Systems for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Packaging and Transportation of Radioactively Packaging and Transportation of Radioactively Control and Removal of Radioactive ction Guides for Environmental Sr-89, Sr-90, and Cs-137 Sampling Instruments Manual for Evaluation of Atmospheric counting Section of a Special Nuclea/ Standard Format and Total Ash brating Magnetic Instruments to Measure the Delta Ferritic 75 Acid Insoluble Air Air Standard Format and Standard Format and Test for Standard Format and Standard Format and Standard Format and d. Method of Test for (1975) $1.75 hod. Method of Test for ( 1975) $1.75 g and Fuel Fabrication Plants ( 1/76) rradiated Reactor Fuel and Associate/ ) $1.75 g Plants (2/75) ants (Revision 2, (9/75) nt Facilities (12/74) methods (Shallow Depth) (197/ Method of Test for Moisture methods (Shallow Depths), Test for (1972) $1.75 Moisture Determining Inclusion ng Plants (4/73) ounting Technique, Method of Test for ( 1974) ASTM/ Oxygen ounting Technique, Method of Test for (1973) $1.7/ Oxygen Test for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air 2/73) Guide to the ufacturing Plants (6/74) Materials Protection ectrical Testing (R1973) ASTM C536-1/ Method of Test for ndment 1 (6-73) Electrical ctive Electrode (1973) $1.75 tainment of Nuclear Power Generating Stati/ Type Tests of cification and Performance / On-Site Instrumentation for t of Water Cooled Nuclear Power P/ Qualification Tests of Safety and Health Stds. for Federal Supply cal Terminology and Notation for Special Nuclear Materials al(2/75) andard Format and Content for the Special Nuclear Material oratories (1951) $2.00 Selection of Material Balance Areas and Item Fuel and Instrumentation and Quality Preheat and Interpass Temperature Temperature and Liquid Level Qualification and Qualification and Inservi Qual Design Post-Tensi 73) Amendment 1 (1/75) (1974) ANS 15.2 $8.50 uel Reprocessing Plant/ amendment 1 (12-74) I Rod Absorber Material Analysis (7-7/ oxide Fuel Analysis (7-73) t Following a Loss of Coolant Accident (Safety Guide 7, / /73) General Use of Locks in the Protection and reas, and Material Access Areas (6/73) Containers, Test for (1973) $1.75 Containers, Vibration Test for (1975) $1.75 Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for Containing Byproduct Material (6/74) Acceptance Sam Containing Components of Nuclear Power Plants (Revision Containing Components (1 1-70) Amendment 1 (7-70) Containing Devices for Removal of Particles ( 1972) $2.5 Containing Devices for Removal of Particles (1/73) Containing Product (Revision 1, 6/76) /O Support a Rul Containing Sodium (8-74) Test Vehicl Containment Facilities (1972) $3.00 Pr Containment Following a Loss of Coolant Accident (Safet Containment Heat Removal System Pumps (Safety Guide 1, Containment Liner Welds (Revision 1,8/1 1/72, of Safety Containment of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Guide Containment of Nuclear Power Plants ( 1/74) Qualificat Containment of Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/ Containment Properties of Sealed Radioactive Sources Co Containment Spray Systems (6/74) Containment Structures Amendment 1 (4-72), Amendment 2 Containment Structures for Nuclear Fueled Power Generat Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors (1971) ANS- Containment Structures for Water Cooled Nuclear Power P Containment Structures with Grouted Tendons ( 1 1/74) Containment Structures (Revision 2, 1/76) Containment Structures ( 1 1/75) Containment Sumps for Nuclear Power Plants (12/73) Containment System Components (6/73) Containment Vessel Airlock (3-72) Amendment 1 (8-73) Containment Vessel Airlock (6-72) Containment Vessel Airlock (6-72) Containment Vessel (12-73) Containment (Safety Guide 11, 3/10/71 Containment (5/73) Containments (Revision 1, 12/28/72) Containments ( 1 1/75) Containments (1977) bd ($75.00), II ($100.00) Contaminated Biological Materials (1973) $3.50 Contaminated Biological Materials (6/74) Contamination in Laboratories ( 1951 ) $2.00 Contamination ( 1965). Protective a Contaminents, 4th Edition (1972) $12.50 Air Content for the Special Nuclear Material Control and Ac Content of Activated Carbon, Test for (1970) $1.75 Content of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metal ( 1974) Content of Copper and Iron Powders, Test for (1974) $1. Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Metho Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Met Content of License Applications for Plutonium Processin Content of License Applications for Storage Only of Uni Content of Oxidizing Substances in the Atmosphere (1970 Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Fuel Reprocessin Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power PI Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Uranium Enrichme Content of Soil and'Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Content of Soil and Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Content of Steel, Recommended Practice for (1974) $1.75 Content of Technical Specifications for Fuel Reprocessi Content Using a 14-MeV Neutron Activation and Direct C Content Using a 1 4-MeV Neutron Activation and Direct C Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete ( 1975) $1.75 Contents of Applications for Uranium Milling Licenses ( Contingency Measures for Uranium and Plutonium Fuel Man Continuity of Coatings in Glassed Steel Equipment by El Continuity Type Liquid Metal Leak Detector (10-72) Ame Continuous Determination of Sodium in Water by Ion Sele Continuous Duty Class 1 Motors Installed Inside the Con Continuously Monitoring Radioactivity in Effluents, Spe Continuous-Duty Motors Installed Inside the Containmen Contracts (1975) $3.25 Control Accountability (2/2/73) Statisti Control and Accountability of Plutonium in Waste Materi Control and Accounting Section of a Special Nuclear Mat Control and Removal of Radioactive Contamination in Lab Control Areas (Revision 1, 4/75) Control Assembly Tag Gas ( 10-72) Control Equipment Grounding and Sheilding Practices ( 1/ Control for Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Elements Control for the Welding of Low Alloy Steel for Use in F Control Monitor, Port Plug (Fabrication Only) (10-73) Control of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories for Contro Control of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories for Mixed Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containmen Control of Electroslag Weld Properties (12/28/72) Control of Facilities and Special Nuclear Materials ( 1 1 Control of Personnel Access to Protected Areas, Vital a ASTM ASTM ANSI NRC NRC ERDA ANSI NRC NRC ERDA ANSI NRC NRC NRC ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC ERDA ANSI ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA NRC NRC NRC NRC ASME ANSI NRC NCRP EPA ACGIH NRC ASTM AWS ASTM ASTM ASTM NRC NRC ASTM NRC NRC NRC ANSI ASTM ASTM NRC ANSI ASTM ASTM NRC NRC ANSI ERDA ASTM ANSI ANSI NRC DOL NRC NRC NRC NCRP NRC ERDA ERDA ANSI NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA NRC NRC NRC NRC D998 D999 G81.46 RG 6.6 RG 1.26 RDTE10-2T N101.1 RG 3.2 RG 6.7 RDTE16-1T N101.2 RG 1.7 RG 1.1 RG 1.19 N41.9 RG 1.73 RG 1.40 RG 6.4 RG 1.82 RDTP3-1T N45.3 N45.4 RG 1.63 RG 1.90 RG 1.35 RG 1.107 RG 1.70.2 RG 1.57 RDTE10-5T RDTE14-5T RDTE14-6T RDT E10-8T RG 1.11 RG 1.46 RG 1.18 RG 1.103 SEC-III/2 N14.3 RG 7.2 R8 FRC7 *4 RG 5.45 D2866 A4.2 E194 C231 C173 RG 3.39 RG 3.15 D2912 RG 3.26 RG 1.70 RG 3.25 A37.184 D3017 E45 RG 3.6 N637 E385 C138 RG 3.5 RG 5.30 Z167.8 RDT C8-4T D2791 N41.9 N13.10 RG 1.40 41CFR50 RG 5.3 RG 5.47 RG 5.45 R8 RG 5.26 RDTM14-2T RDTCI-1T N398 RG 3.29 RDT E6-10T RDT F2-8T RDT F2-6T RG 1.7 RG 1.34 RG 5.12 RG 5.7 22 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Steel (5/73) Guidance for the Security Seals for the Protection and teel Components (5/73) spection (1975)/ Recommended Practice for Fabrication and ation and Control of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories for (5-73) Supersedes E6-25T, (11-71) 73) Supersedes E6-33T, (11-71) Amendment 1 (12-73), / amendment 1 (12-72), Amen/ Collapsible Rotor, Roller Nut ) Amendment 1 (3-74) Fabrication of ctors (5/74) Assumptions Used for Evaluating A ons for Evaluating the Habitability of Nuclear Power Plant elease (2/75) Protection of Nuclear Power Plant ons, (Trial Guide Issued for Use/ Draft Std. for Class IE Plants (Re/ Design of Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage ctice (1971) $4.50 Nuclear Material e to Practice) (1975) $3.00 Nuclear Material /75) Nuclear Material Nuclear Power Reactors, Nuclear Material Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, Nuclear Material Annunciators for the Atmosphere Accumulation, Biological Significance, and Electronic Product Radiation Records and Reporting Units for Nuclear Materials oncepts and Principles of Calculation in Nuclear Materials Volume Calibration Techniques for Nuclear Materials oncepts and Principles of Calculation in Nuclear Materials 70) $1.75 Uranium by 971) $1.75 Recommended Practice for 973) ASTM E217-1970 $1.75 Uranium by (1973) ASTM E142-1972 $1.75 Industrial Administrative el (1975) ANS 8/ Criteria for Nuclear Criticality Safety Guidance on Being Operator at the formation for Safety Analysis Reports: Instrumentation and of Plutonium-Bearing Solids Applied to Nuclear Materials Nuclear Material gnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, Definitions, Symbols, Nuclear Material Control Systems for ell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwe/ Standard Hardness ating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss of ating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss of ible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a Loss of 1) 73) Safety Analysis Reports: Code Cases Applicable to Reactor Reactor tion (1/ Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Reactor Inspection Requirements for Materials Used in Reactor ayed Neutron-Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor layed Neutron Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor safety Related Systems, Structures and Equipment for Water stures (3-71 ) Air during and Following A/ Instrumentation for Light-Water- terials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water- ystem Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Light— Water penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Water Housekeeping Requirements for Water pping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water ous-Duty Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Water cleaning Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water- ance Requirements for Protective Coatings Applied to Water Serial Numbering of Fuel Assemblies for Light-Water- -Benefit Analysis for Radwaste Systems for Light-Water - 75 Guide for in Service Annealing of Water Recommended Guide for in Service Annealing of Water preoperational and Initial Startup Test Programs for Water terials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Light-Water- Amendment 2 (3-74) Instrument Tree for Sodium ( 12-72), Amendment 2 / Core Support Structure for Sodium (3-74) Core Restraint Mechanism for Sodium (4-73) Core Radial Reflector for Sodium 2 (7-73), Amendment 3 (3/ Core Radial Shield for Sodium f Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water- Fabrication of Control Rod Driveline for Sodium Heat Exchanger for Gas ty Guide 1,/ Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Sumps for Emergency Core n 1, 1/75) Preoperational Testing of Emergency Core Std. Spec, for Copper and Spec, for Copper and Spec, for 74) $1.75 fication for (1974) $1.75 Nickel- Control of Preheat Temperature for Welding of Low Alloy Control of Radiation Hazards in Uranium Mining (1967) Control of Special Nuclear Material ( 1/74) Control of Stainless Steel Weld Cladding of Low Alloy S Control of Stainless Steel Welding (Revision 1, 6/73) Control of Steel Reference Blocks Used in Ultrasonic in Control of the Use of Sensitized Stainless Steel (5/73) Control Rod Absorber Material Analysis (7-73) /Alific Control Rod Absorber Pin for Liquid Metal Fast Reactors Control Rod Assembly for Liquid Metal Fast Reactors (5- Control Rod Drive Mechanism for Sodium Service (3-71) Control Rod Driveline for Sodium Cooled Reactors (4-73 Control Rod Ejection Accident for Pressurized Water Rea Control Room During a Postulated Hazardous Chemical Rel Control Room Operators Against an Accidental Chlorine R Control Switchboards for Nuclear Power Generating Stati Control Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Nuclear Power Control Systems for Conversion Facilities, Guide to Pra Control Systems for Fuel Fabrication Facilities (A Guid Control Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 6 Control Systems for (1974) $3.50 Control Systems (A Guide to Practice) (1974) $3.00 Control Systems (10-72) Amendment 1 (8-73) Control Technology (1975) $4.00 Krypton-85 in Control (1968) $5.15 Control (1971) $3.25 Control (1974) $3.00 Limit of Error C Control (1975) $5.50 Control ( 1.74) Limit of Error C Controlled Potential Coulometry, Method of Test for ( 19 Controlled Shock Input Tests for Shipping Containers ( 1 Controlled-Potential Coulometry, Method of Test for ( 1 Controlling Quality of Radiographic Testing, Method for Controls and Systems (1970) $16.00 Controls for Nuclear Power Plants (1972) ANS-3.2 $10.0 Controls in Operations Where Shielding Protects Personn Controls of a Nuclear Power Plant (2/76) Controls (2/75) in Control, Calibration Techniques for the (1975) $5.75 Control, Mass Calibration Techniques for ( 1975) $5.50 Conventions, and References Relating to (1974) $1.75 Conversion Facilities, Guide to Practice (1971) $4.50 Conversion Tables for Metals (Relationship Between Brin Coolant Accident for Boiling Water Reactors (Revision 2 Coolant Accident for Pressurized Water Reactors (Revisi Coolant Accident (Safety Guide 7, 3/10/71 ) Supplement T Coolant Composition in Pressurized Water Reactors ( 10/7 Coolant Pressure Boundary Components ( 12/74) /Tion for Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage Detection Systems (5/ Coolant Pressure Boundary Materials and Inservice Inspec Coolant Pump Flywheel Integrity (Revision 1, 8/75) Coolant System Wear Applications ( 10-67) Coolant Water During Reactor Operation, Measurement of Coolant Water During Reactor Operation, Method for Meas Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power Generating Plants, F Cooled Heat Exchanger for Nuclear Steam Supplied System Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant Conditions Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 6/74) /Ive Ma Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 7/76) /Anup S Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (10/73) Electric Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) / Packaging, Shi Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) /Ests of Continu Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) /Quirements for Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (6/73) Quality Assur Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors (12/20/72) Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors (3/76) Cost Cooled Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1974) ASTM E509-74 $1. Cooled Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1974) $1.75 Cooled Power Reactors ( 1 1/73) Cooled Power Reactors (4/76) /Leases of Radioactive Ma Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) Amendment 1 (8-73), Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) (1-72) Amendment 1 Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) (10-72) Amendment 1 Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) (8-72) Amendment 1 Cooled Reactors (12-71) Amendment 1 (4-72), Amendment Cooled Reactors (3/76) /Ric Transport and Dispersion O Cooled Reactors (4-73) Amendment 1 (3-74) Cooler (5-72) Amendment 1 (3-73, Amendment 2 (10-73) Cooling and Containment Heat Removal System Pumps (Safe Cooling and Containment Spray Systems (6/74) Cooling Systems for Pressurized Water Reactors (Revisio Copper Alloy Die Forgings (Hot Pressed) (1974) $1.75 Copper Alloy Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974) $1.75 Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications ( 19 Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Plate, Sheet and Strip, Speci NRC EPA NRC NRC NRC ASTM NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA NRC NRC NRC ANSI NRC ANSI ANSI NRC ANSI ANSI ERDA NCRP USCG ANSI ANSI ANSI NRC ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI NEMA ANSI ANSI NRC NRC ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI NRC NRC NRC ERDA NRC NRC NRC NRC ERDA ASTM ANSI ANSI ERDA NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ANSI ASTM NRC NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA NRC ERDA ERDA NRC NRC NRC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM RG 1.50 FRC8 RG 5.15 RG 1.43 RG 1.31 E428 RG 1.44 RDT F2-8T RDT E6-25T RDT E6-33T RDT E6-5T RDT E6-26T RG 1.77 RG 1.78 RG 1.95 N41.17 RG 1.96 N15.4 N15.9 RG 5.29 N15.8 N15.13 RDT C17-8T R44 42CFR78 N15.2 N15.16 N15.19 RG 5.18 E217 D2956 N106 Z166.7 ICS N18.7 N16.8 RG 1.114 RG 1.70.22 N15.22 N 1 5.18 E386 N15.4 Z76.4 RG 1.3 RG 1.4 RG 1.7 RDT A1-1T RG 1.70.13 RG 1.45 RG 1.70.20 RG 1.14 RDT F3-7T D2470 N163 NI8.10 RDT E4-18T RG 1.97 RG 1.21 RG 1.52 RG 1.63 RG 1.39 RG 1.38 RG 1.40 RG 1.37 RG 1.54 RG 5.1 RG 1.110 N577 E509 RG 1.68 RG 1.112 RDT E6-18T RDT E6-13T RDT E6-17T RDT E6-19T RDT E6-23T RG 1.111 RDT E6-26T RDT E4-20T RG 1.1 RG 1.82 RG 1.79 B283 B124 B584 B127 Standards Application and Analysis Division 23 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards $1.75 Specification for Nickel- s Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fi/ Thermocouple Material, 4) $1.75 Std. Spec, for 974) $1.75 Spec, for Photometric Methods for Chemical Analysis of ication for (1973) AWS A5. 6-1969 $2.50 ication for ( 1974) errule Stock, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 r (1973) AWS A5. 7-1969 $2.50 r (1974) Acid Insoluble Content of Photometric Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper and Specification for Standard Sizes of Seamless (1973) AWS A5. 6-1969 $2.50 (1974) k. Specification for (1974A) $1.75 s A5. 7-1969 $2.50 (4-70) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-7/ Is, Specification for (1975 A) $1.75 ion for ( 1974A) $1.75 1 (12-74) ndment 1 (3-74) 0T, / Copper and Copper and Copper and Copper and Copper and Thermocouple Material, Specification for Seamless Specification for Simulated Fabrication of Austenitic Stainless Steel Hexagonal Duct Tubes for Welding of Reactor Piston Rings of High Strength Alloys for Austenitic Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Austenitic Stainless Steel Wire for Austenitic Stainless Steel Bar for Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for LMFBR Low Friction Hard Surface for Analytical Chemistry Methods for Metallic (Safety Guide 1,/ Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Sumps for Emergency vision I, 1/75) Preoperational Testing of Emergency Steel Electrodes ( 1974) $3.50 Flux iquid Metal Service (4-73) in cation Only) (8-72) Amendment 1 (4-73) amendment I (4-72), Amendment 2 (7-73), Amendment 3 (3/ brication Only) ( 10-72) Amendment I (3-74) Recommended Practice for Test for Elastic Moduli of Rock Test for Triaxial Compressive Strength of Undrained Rock Method of Test for Direct Tensile Strength of Rock method of Test for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Rock ication Only) (1-72) Amendment 1 ( 12-72), Amendment 2 / irements) (7-75) Supers/ 1969 $2.50 Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux- Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux- Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux- tm C42-1968 $1.75 Obtaining and Testing Drilled 5.1 (Cb+Ta)-/ Spec, for Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, um Induction Melted 1750F (954. 4C) Alloy Tubing, Seamless, 5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0./ Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, 5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0./ Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, e or Vacuum Induction Melted 195/ Alloy Tubing (Seamless, steel Components of / Guidance for Avoiding Intergranular 5 Applying Statistics to Analysis of n Stainless Steel (1971) $1.75 Evaluating Stress Guidance for Avoiding Intergranular Corrosion and Stress 150 lb. 1965) $3.00 150 1b. e AMS55O0A- 1969 $3.00 Steel Sheet, 5 Total Immersion Alloys, Practice for (1974) $1.75 Aqueous I Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification for ( 1973) A/ 1 Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for (1/ I Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification for ( 1974) I Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for (1/ 1 Electrodes (1974) $3.50 Flux Core nd Strip, Specification for ( 1974A) $1.75 ight-Wall Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Design and Construction of Nonmetallic Gaskets for Recommended Practice for Determination of water— Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors (3/76) Uranium by Controlled Potential 1.75 Uranium by Controlled-Potential (7-71) Logarithmic ned in One Booklet Priced at $3.00 Bases for GM iple Input Preamplifier/Discriminator for Use with Neutron Standard Test Procedure for Geiger-Muller 74) Current Pulse Preamplifiers for Use with Fission 301-1970 $3.00 Geiger-Muller d Test Procedures for Photo-Multipliers for Scintillation Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Seamless Pipe and Tube (1971) Copper and Constantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglas Copper and Copper Alloy Die Forgings (Hot Pressed) (197 Copper and Copper Alloy Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1 Copper and Copper Base Alloys (1975) $1.75 Copper and Copper-Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes, Specif Copper and Copper-Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes, Specif Copper and Copper-Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and F Copper and Copper-Alloy Welding Rods, Specification Fo Copper and Copper-Alloy Welding Rods, Specification Fo Copper and Iron Powders, Test for ( 1974) $1.75 Copper Base Alloys (1975) $1.75 Copper Pipe (1975) $1.75 Copper-Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for Copper-Alloy Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for Copper-Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Stoc Copper-Alloy Welding Rods, Specification for (1973) Aw Copper-Alloy Welding Rods, Specification for (1974) Copper-Constantan, Mineral-Oxide Insulated, Sheathed Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vesse Copper-Nickel Pipe and Tube (1975) $1.75 Copper-Silicon Alloy Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974A) $1.7 Copper, Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar, Specificat Core Assemblies for Nuclear Reactors (3-73) Amendment Core Component Pot for Liquid Metal Service (3-72) Ame Core Components and Assemblies (5-76) Supersedes E6-2 Core Components and Test Assemblies (7-73) Core Components for Liquid Metal Service (5-74) Core Components (3-73) Core Components (3-73) Core Components (3-73) Amendment 1 (4-74) Core Components (5-72) Core Components (5-73) Amendment I (9-73) Core Components (9-75) Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal System Pumps Core Cooling and Containment Spray Systems (6/74) Core Cooling Systems for Pressurized Water Reactors (Re Core Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Core Permanent Magnet Flow Through Type Flowmeter for L Core Radial Reflector for Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabri Core Radial Shield for Sodium Cooled Reactors ( 12-71 ) Core Restraint Mechanism for Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fa Core Sampling of Graphite Electrodes, (1974) $1.75 Core Specimens in Uniaxial Compression ( 1972) $1.75 Core Specimens Without Pore Pressure Measurements (1974 Core Specimens (1972) (ASTM D2936-1971) $1.75 Core Specimens (1972) (ASTM D2938-1971A) $1.75 Core Support Structure for Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabr Core Support Structures (1977) bd ($40.00), 11 ($70.00) Cored Arc Welding (ASME SFA -5.20 with Additional Requ Cored Arc Welding, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.20- Cored Arc Welding, Specification for ( 1974) Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete, Method of (1969) as Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Base- 19Cr-3.1 Mo- Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Base- 19Cr-3.1 Mo- Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Base- 19Cr-3.1 Mo- Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Base- 1 9Cr-3.1 Mo- Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Consumable Electrod Corrosion and Stress Corrosion in Austenitic Stainless Corrosion Data, Practice for (1973) ASTM G 16- 1971 $1.7 Corrosion Effect of Wicking-Type Thermal Insulations O Corrosion in Austenitic Stainless Steel Components of F Corrosion Resistant Cast Flanged Valves (1959) $3.00 Corrosion Resistant Cast Flanges and Flanged Fittings ( Corrosion Resistant, Laminated Surface Bonded (1973) SA Corrosion Test for Soak Tank Metal Cleaners ( 1972) $1.7 Corrosion Testing of Samples of Zirconium and Zirconium Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stee Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stee Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stee Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stee Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stee Corrosion-Resisting Chromium Steel Clad Plate, Sheet a Corrosive or High Temperature Service, Specification Fo Corrosive Service, Practice for (1971) $1.75 Corrosivity of Adhesive Materials (1974) $1.75 Cost-Benefit Analysis for Radwaste Systems for Light- Coulometry, Method of Test for (1970) $1.75 Coulometry, Method of Test for ( 1973) ASTM E217-1970 $ Count Rate Source Range Neutron Flux Monitoring System Counter Tubes (1965) (R1971) $3.00 and N42.6 Are Contai Counters (12-75) Supersedes C10-3T, (3-72) Mult Counters (5/73) Counters (8-71 ) Amendment 1 (6-73), Amendment 2 ( 10- Counters, Test Procedures for ( 1969) (R 1974) IEEE Std. Counting and Glossary for Scintillation Counting Field ASTM B165 ERDA RDT C7-3T ASTM B283 ASTM B124 ASTM E62 ANSI W3.6 ASME SFA-5.6 ASTM Bill ANSI W3.7 ASME SFA-5.7 ASTM El 94 ASTM E62 ASTM B42 ANSI W3.6 ASME SFA-5.6 ASTM Bill ANSI W3.7 ASME SFA-5.7 ERDA RDT C7-4T ASTM B402 ASTM B466 ASTM B98 ASTM B152 ERDA RDT E6-11T ERDA RDT E6-34T ERDA RDT E6-20T ERDA RDT F6-2T ERDA RDT E6-40T ERDA RDT M5-19T ERDA RDT M7-24T ERDA RDT M7-23T ERDA RDT M3-28T ERDA RDT E6-38T ERDA RDT F11-3T NRC RG 1.1 NRC RG 1.82 NRC RG 1.79 AWS A5.22 ERDA RDT C4-6T ERDA RDT E6-19T ERDA RDT E6-23T ERDA RDT E6-17T ASTM C783 ASTM D3148 ASTM D2664 ANSI A37.180 ANSI A37.182 ERDA RDT E6-13T ASME SEC-IIING ERDA RDT M1-20T ANSI W3.20 ASME SFA-5.20 ANSI A37.20 ANSI G87.146 ANSI G87.77 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.85 ANSI G87.78 NRC RG 3.37 ANSI G80.3 ASTM C692 NRC RG 3.37 MSS SP-42 MSS SP-51 ANSI G87.1 ASTM D1280 ASTM G2 ANSI W3.4 ANSI W3.9 ASME SFA-5.4 ASME SFA-5.9 AWS A5.22 ASTM A263 ASTM A409 ASTM F336 ASTM D3310 NRC RG 1.110 ASTM E217 ANSI N106 ERDA RDTC15-10 ANSI N42.5 ERDA RDTC10-3T NRC RG 8.6 ERDA RDT C15-3T ANSI N42.3 ANSI N42.9 24 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards for Scintillation Counting and Glossary for Scintillation ygen Content Using a 14-MeV Neutron Activation and Direct ygen Content Using a 14-MeV Neutron Activation and Direct 1-75) Sodium 1 (5-76) Methods for the Analysis of Sodium and ) AWS A5. 1-1969 $3.50 Mild Steel ) AWS A5.5-1969 $3.50 Low Alloy Steel ) Mild Steel ) Low Alloy Steel al Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes M1-3T, (/ Mild Steel nal Requirements) (3-75) Supers/ Nickel and Nickel Alloy al Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes Ml-/ Stainless Steel al Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes Ml-/ Low Alloy Steel s A5.1 1-1969 $2.50 Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Density of Preformed Pipe ) ASTM D 1 693- 1 970 $ 1 .75 Environmental Stress- 1.75 Method of Test for Accelerated Ozone Overhead Specifications for Electric Overhead Traveling nd Under Running Single Girder Electric Overhead Traveling Large Shipping Cases and ion Systems ( 12-69) Supplementary nd Adsorption Units of / Design, Testing, and Maintenance rations Where Shielding Protects Personnel (1975) ANS 8./ Earthquake Instrumentation General Site Suitability Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 6/73) its, (Trial Std. Issued for Use and Comme/ Draft Standard ctor Plants: Issued Fo/ Draft Standard for Nuclear Safety Reactor Plants (1973) ANS-51.1 $30.50 Nuclear Safety Reactor Plants (1975) $5.50 Standard Nuclear Safety ng of Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Systems, Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Film Badge Performance, ar Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, Guide to Principle Design ss IE Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, moderated Nuclear Power Generating Plants, Fire Protection Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Trial Use protective Functions in Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Basic Radiation Protection Film Badge Performance n Syste/ Draft Standard Application of the Single Failure 73) Application of the Single-Failure Transportation of ment 1 (10-72), Amendment 2 (1-1 Hoisting and Rigging of of (1975) ANS-1 $8.00 cations for Special Nuclear Material Licenses of Less Than Dosimetry for ng Protects Personnel (1975) ANS 8./ Criteria for Nuclear ials Outside Reactors (1975) ANS-8.1 $10.00 Nuclear ials Outside Reactors ( 1/73) Nuclear Guide for (1975) ANS-8.7 $12.00 Nuclear Validation of Calculational Methods for Nuclear Validation of Calculational Methods for Nuclear ) $1.75 Thermal Neutron Absorption stm C626-1971/ Estimating the Thermal Neutron Absorption 3>ASTM C695-1971T $1.75 Compressive Compressive strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in (50-mm) amma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate- amma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate- Electrical Insulation (1969) (R 197/ Std. Spec, for Fully specimens in the Field, Method of ( 1970) ASTM/ Making and d of (1973) ASTM C192-1969 $1.75 Making and C17 1-1969 (1975) $1.75 Sheet Materials for electronics (2-73) Eddy 28-1974 $5.00 Alternating 71) Direct (6-73) Eddy rs (8-71) Amendment 1 (6-73), Amendment 2 (10-74) $3.00 Review of the Saturation, Practice for (1973) ASTM E309-1971 $/ Eddy- uid Metal Pressure Measurement System, Flush Mounted, Eddy or Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic-Field or Eddy- Welding and Water Vapor Transmission of Shipping Containers by Method of Test for Density of Soil in Place by the Drive v-1-1965 $7.00 Compressed Gas 3) ASTM C496-1971 $1.75 Splitting Tensile Strength of 4) ASTM C39-1972 $1.75 Compressive Strength of Counting Field (1972) IEEE Std. 398-1972 $5.40 /Liers ANSI N42.9 Counting Technique, Method of Test for (1973) $1.75 /X ASTM E385 Counting Technique, Method of Test for (1974) ASTM E385 ANSI N637 Cover Gas Purchase Specifications (7-72) Amendment 1 ( ERDA RDT M14-1T Cover Gas (1-76) Supersedes F3-40T, (1-73) Amendment ERDA RDT F3-40T Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for ( 1973 ANSI W3.I Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1973 ANSI W3.5 Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1974 ASME SFA-5.1 Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for ( 1974 ASME SFA-5.5 Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.1 with Addition ERDA RDTM1-3T Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.1 1 with Additio ERDA RDTM1-10T Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.4 with Addition ERDA RDT Ml -IT Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.5 with Addition ERDA RDTM1-4T Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1973) Aw ANSI W3.ll Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification for ( 1973) Aw ANSI W3.4 Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification for ( 1974) ASME SFA-5.11 Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1974) ASME SFA-5.4 Covering Type Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.75 ASTM C302 Cracking of Ethylene Plastics, Method of Test for (1971 ANSI K65.226 Cracking of Vulcanized Rubber (1971) ASTM D 1 1 49- 1 970 $ ANSI J4.5 Crane Handling Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (2/76) NRC RG 1.104 Crane (1971) $3.00 CMAA 70 Cranes (1974) $3.00 Spec, for Top Running a CMAA 74 Crates, Testing (1973) $1.75 ASTM D1083 Creep of Concrete in Compression, Test for (1974) $1.75 ASTM C512 Criteria and Requirements for RDT Reactor Plant Protect ERDA RDT C16-1T Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration a NRC RG 1.52 Criteria for Nuclear Criticality Safety Controls in Ope ANSI N16.8 Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants (1974) ANS 2.2 $10.00 ANSI N18.5 Criteria for Nuclear Power Stations (Revision 1, 11/75) NRC RG 4.7 Criteria for Safety-Related Electric Power Systems for NRC RG 1.32 Criteria for Separation of Class IE Equipment and Circu ANSI N41.14 Criteria for the Design of Stationary Boiling Water Rea ANSI N212 Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water ANSI NI8.2 Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water ANSI N18.2A Criteria for the (1975) $5.00 Periodic Testi IEEE 338 Criteria for (1972) IEEE Std. 279-1971 $4.00 ANSI N42.7 Criteria for (1972) $4.25 ANSI N13.7 Criteria for (1973) $5.00 Nucle ANSI N101.3 Criteria for (1975) IEEE Std. 308-1974 $4.00 Cla ANSI N41.12 Criteria For, Issued for Trial Use and Comment (ANS-59 ANSI N 1 8.10 Criteria (Issued for Trial Use and Comment) IEEE 387-1 ANSI N41.13 Criteria (Issued for Trial Use and Comment) (ANS 4.1) $ ANSI N18.8 Criteria (1971) $4.00 NCRP R39 Criteria (2/2/73) NRC RG 8.3 Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station Protectio ANSI N41.2 Criterion to Nuclear Power Plant Protection Systems (6/ NRC RG1.53 Critical Components and Equipment (1-76) ERDA RDT F8-7T Critical Components and Related Equipment (8-72) Amend ERDA RDT F8-6T Critical Experiments, Safety Guide for the Performance ANSI N405 Critical Mass Quantities (7/76) / Preparation of Appli NRC RG 10.3 Criticality Accident Alarm System (1969) ANS-8. 5 $3.00 ANSI N16.2 Criticality Accident Alarm Systems (12/74) NRC RG8.12 Criticality Accidents (1969) $4.25 ANSI N13.3 Criticality Safety Controls in Operations Where Shieldi ANSI N16.8 Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissionable Mater ANSI N16.1 Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissionable Mater NRC RG 3.4 Criticality Safety in the Storage of Fissile Materials, ANSI N16.5 Criticality Safety (1975) ANS-8. 1 1 ANSI N 1 6.9 Criticality Safety (6/76) NRC RG 3.41 Cross Section of Nuclear Graphite, Estimating the (1971 ASTM C626 Cross Section of Nuclear Graphite, Methods for (1973) a ANSI K90.10 (Crushing) Strength of Graphite, Method of Test for (197 ANSI K90.ll (Crushing) Strength of Graphite, Test for (1975) $1.75 ASTM C695 Cube Specimens), Test for (1973) $1.75 Compressive ASTM C109 Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter, Method of Test for (1973) (As ANSI K65.229 Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter, Test for (1971) Absorbed G ASTM D2954 Cured Silicone Rubber Coated Glass Fabric and Tapes for ANSI C59.89 Curing Concrete Compressive and Flexural Strength Test ANSI A37.17 Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory, Metho ANSI A37.81 Curing Concrete, Specifications for (1970) (R1975) ASTM ANSI A37.79 Current Flowmeter Power Supply and Signal Conditioning ERDA RDTC10-5T Current Power Circuits, Surge Arresters for ( 1975) IEEE ANSI C62.1 Current Power Range Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7- ERDA RDT C15-8T Current Probe Type Flow Sensor for Liquid Metal Service ERDA RDT C4-7T Current Pulse Preamplifiers for Use with Fission Counte ERDA RDTC15-3T Current State of Radiation Protection Philosophy (1975) NCRP R43 Current Testing of Steel Tubular Products with Magnetic ANSI Z 166.27 Current Type, Inductive, Absolute or Gage ( 10-70) Amen ERDA RDT C6-3T Current (Electromagnetic) Test Methods (1974) $1.75 /F ASTM E376 Cutting, Safety in (1973) $5.00 ANSI Z49.1 Cycle Method, of Test for (1973) $1.75 ASTM D1276 Cylinder Method (1972) (ASTM D2937-1971) $1.75 ANSI A37.181 Cylinder Valve Outlet and Inlet Connections ( 1965) CG A ANSI B57.1 Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Method of Test for ( 197 ANSI A37.121 Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Method of Test for (197 ANSI A37.18 Standards Application and Analysis Division 25 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards odulus of Elasticity and Poisson's Ratio in Compression of Preferred Limits and Fits for 1.75 Effects of Residual Elements on Predicted Radiation ts (10/73) Transportation of construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Use of s on Bo/ Transportation or Storage of Explosives or Other sions for Transportation or Storage of Explosives or Other copy Systems for Material Protection Measurements, Part I: 74) Analysis and Use of Process 9.1 $12.50 Nuclear to Fatigue Testing and the Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Applying Statistics to Analysis of Corrosion Recommended Practice for Wide Range (10 Radiological Factors Affecting Food and Drugs: Notification of Iding Constructions and Materials ( 1973) $1.75 Dosimetry, Thermal Insulating Materials, Activated Carbon, Radioactive Waste Categories, Terms and Symbols Relating to Emission Spectroscopy, nd Graphite ( 1975) $1.75 Standard 975A) $1.75 Methods and el70-1963 (1968) $1.75 975B) $1.75 ANSI C59. 75 (1973) Std. g (1974) ASTM E268 1968 $1.75 e Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data (1973) (ASTM E206/ ction (1974) $1.75 ection (1974) $1.75 Materials (1975A) $1.75 t (1974) $1.75 74) $1.75 power Generating Stations (1972) $4.00 Terms Relating to Leak Testing, Quality Assurance Terms and Quality Assurance Terms and Food and Drugs: Subpart A, General Provisions ing to ( 1/ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, forcement (1975) $1.75 Specification for actor Coolant Water During Reactor Operation, Method For/ eactor Coolant Water During Reactor Operation, Measureme/ edures for Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Measure the od of Test for ( 1 973 ) ASTM C624- 1971 $1.75 for (1971) $1.75 4) Additional Information: Geography and generators by Radioactivation Techniques, / Neutron-Flux rators by Radioactivatio/ Method of Test for Neutron Flux Measuring Neutron Flux cles by Physical Measurements, Method of Test for (1973)/ Apparent ng Materials, Test for (1970) $1.75 Thickness and $1.75 Test for Relative Test for Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere (Optical t for (1972) $1.75 ion, Test for (1972) $1.75 Methods (Shallow Depth), Tests for (1971) $1.75 1972) (ASTM D2937-1971) $1.75 Method of Test for and 18 (457 mm) 1/ Standard Methods of Test for Moisture mmer and 12-in. (304.8-mm) Drop, Tests for (/ Moisture- X-Ray Protection in ctive Materials Shipments, Administrative Guid/ Obtaining Sodium and Potassium in Water and Water Formed late Matter in the Atmosphere (Optical Density of Filtered il and Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow il and Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow I and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow aces, Rec. Practice for (1974) $1.75 Preparation of System Design stituents of Aggregates for Radiation-Sheilding Concrete, stituents of Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding Concrete, nt ANS 58.1 $12.00 Draft Standard for Plant storage Tanks (1973) $4.00 Recommended Rules for osive Service, Practice for (1971) $1.75 Additional Information: Quality Assurance During Quality Assurance Program Requirements Protection for Energies Up to 10 MeV Structural Sheilding Code Case Acceptability: ASME Section Iii Pipe Hangers and Supports-Material, s Handbook 107 $3.00 Radiological Safety in the s for Type a Quantities of Radioactive Materials, Guide to Gamma Ray Protection for Energies Up to 10 Mev: Equipment Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Method of Test (1967) ( Cylindrical Parts (1967) (R1974) $4.00 Cylindrical Shipping Containers, Drop Test for (1973) $ Damage to Reactor Vessel Materials (7/75) Damping Values for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plan Dangerous Articles and Magnetized Materials (1975) $5.0 Dangerous Articles as Ships, Stores and Supplies on Boa Dangerous Articles or Substances and Combustible Liquid Dangerous Articles or Substances and Combustible Liquid Data Acquisition Systems (Revision 1, 5/74) / Spectros Data for the Protection of Special Nuclear Material (6/ Data Sets for Reactor Design Calculations ( 1975) ANS-1 Data (1973) (ASTM E206-1972) $1.75 /F Terms Relating Data, Practice for (1973) ASTM G16-1971 $1.75 Dealing with Outlying Observations (6/74) Decade) Neutron Flux Monitoring Channel (2-71) Decision Making in a Nuclear Attack (1974) $4.00 Defects or Failure to Comply (1975) $2.95 Definition of Terms Relating to Acoustical Tests of Bui Definition of Terms Relating to Water ( 1974) $1.75 Definition of Terms Relating to ( 1963) (R 1968) $1.75 Definition of Terms Relating to (1967) $1.75 Definition of Terms Relating to (1974) $1.75 Definition of (1967) $3.00 Definition of (1975A) $1.75 Definitions and Terms Relating to Manufactured Carbon a Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products ( I Definitions of Terms Relating to Dosimetry (1973) ASTM Definitions of Terms Relating to Electric Insulation ( 1 Definitions of Terms Relating to Electromagnetic Testin Definitions of Terms Relating to Fatigue Testing and th Definitions of Terms Relating to Liquid Penetrant Inspe Definitions of Terms Relating to Magnetic Particle Insp Definitions of Terms Relating to Rubber and Rubber Like Definitions of Terms Relating to Temperature Measuremen Definitions of Terms Relating to Ultrasonic Testing (19 Definitions of Terms Used in IEEE Standards on Nuclear Definitions of (1973) ASTM E425— 1971 $1.75 Definitions (1973) $3.00 Definitions (2/74) (Definitions) (1975) $2.95 Definitions, Symbols, Conventions, and References Relat Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Rein Delayed Neutron Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Re Delayed Neutron-Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear R Delta Ferritic Content of Austenitic Stainless Steel We Delta-In-Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Graphite, Meth Delta-In-Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Graphite, Test Demography Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants (8/7 Density and Average Energy from 3 H(d,n) 4 He Neutron Density and Average Energy from 3H(D, N)4He Neutron Gene Density by Radioactivation of Cobalt and Silver (1973T) Density in Air of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Arti Density of Activated Carbon, Test for (1970) $1.75 Density of Blanket-Type or Batt-Type Thermal Insulati Density of Cohesionless Soils (1972) (ASTM D2049-1969) Density of Filtered Deposit) (1969) $1.75 Density of Preformed Block Type Thermal Insulation, Tes Density of Preformed Pipe Covering Type Thermal Insulat Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Density of Soil in Place by the Drive Cylinder Method ( Density Relations of Soils Using 10 lb. (4.5 mg) Rammer Density Relations of Soils, Using 5.5-lb. (2.5-kg) Ra Dental Offices (1970) $4.00 Department of Transportation Special Permits for Radioa Depleted Uranium Castings (1975) $3.00 Deposits by Flame Photometry, Tests for (1971) $1.75 Deposit) (1969) $1.75 Test for Particu Depths), Test for (1972) $1.75 Moisture Content of So Depth) (1972) $1.75 (ASTM D3017-1972) $1.75 /Nt of So Depth), Tests for (1971) $1.75 Density of Soi Descaling and Cleaning Titanium and Titanium Alloy Surf Descriptions (12-75) Supersedes (3-72) Descriptive Nomenclature of (1973) Con Descriptive Nomenclature of ( 1975) ASTM C638-1973 $1.7 Design Against Missiles-Issued for Trial Use and Comme Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low Pressure Design and Construction of Nonmetallic Gaskets for Corr .Design and Construction (7/74) (Design and Construction) (Safety Guide 28, 6/7/72) Design and Evaluation ( 1970) $4.00 /-Ray and Gamma Ray Design and Fabrication (Revision 6, 5/76) Design and Manufacture (1967) $4.00 Design and Operation of Particle Accelerators ( 1969) NB Design and Use of ( 1 975 ) $5.00 Shipping Package Design and Use (1968) $3.00 Medical X-Ray and ANSI A37.94 ANSI B4.1 ASTM D997 NRC RG 1.99 NRC RG 1.61 DOT 14CFR 103 USCG 46CFR147 DOT 46CFR 146 USCG 46CFR146 NRC RG 5.9 NRC RG 5.24 ANSI N411 ANSI Z92.2 ANSI G80.3 NRC RG 5.36 ERDA RDT C15-2T NCRP R42 BRH 21CFR1003 ASTM C634 ASTM D1129 ASTM E170 ASTM C168 ASTM D2652 ANSI N5.8 ASTM E135 ASTM C709 ASTM A370 ANSI N105 ASTM D1711 ANSI Z166.31 ANSI Z92.2 ASTM E270 ASTM E269 ASTM D1566 ASTM E344 ASTM E500 IEEE 380 ANSI Z166.25 ANSI N45.2.10 NRC RG 1.74 BRH 21CFR1000A ASTM E386 ASTM A615 ANSI N163 ASTM D2470 AWS A4.2 ANSI K90.8 ASTM C624 NRC RG 1.70.7 ASTM E496 ANSI N580 ASTM E481 ANSI K90.2 ASTM D2854 ASTM C167 ANSI A37.169 ASTM D1704 ASTM C303 ASTM C302 ASTM D2922 ANSI A37.181 ASTM D1557 ASTM D698 NCRP R35 ANSI N14.10.2 SAE AMS7730B ASTM D1428 ASTM D1704 ASTM D3017 ANSI A37.184 ASTM D2922 ASTM B600 ERDA RDT F1-2T ASTM C638 ANSI N649 ANSI N177 API STD. 620 ASTM F336 NRC RG 1.70.6 NRC RG 1.28 NCRP R34 NRC RG 1.84 MSS SP-58 ANSI N43.1 ANSI N14.7 NCRP R33 26 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ons in Nuclear Power G/ Draft Standard for Preparation of 1,4/76) tance to Shock and Vibration in Truck Transport (2-75) inst Effects of Postulated Pipe Ruptu/ Draft Standard for Fabrication Plants (10/73) t/ 74) Fuel Storage Facility Nuclear Data Sets for Reactor Seismic Seismic Tornado Special Nuclear Materials in Equipment for Wet Process / Special Nuclear Material in Equipment for Dry Process O/ Special Nuclear Material in Drying and Fluidized Bed Op/ f Liquids (2/75) Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, Guide to Principle Preparation of System Additional Information: Water Level (Flood) ion Plants (6/73) Liquid Waste Treatment System ing Systems (9/75) General ssing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (8/73) General y Reactor Containment System Components (6/73) gory 1 Fluid System Components (5/73) Handling and Storage Facilities in a Reprocessing Plant/ stems for Boiling Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants (Re/ Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Environmental Seismic Requirements for Design Response Spectra for Seismic Quality Assurance Program Requirements for the Damping Values for Seismic Quality Assurance Requirements for the ture (9-74) Supersedes F9/ Guidelines and Procedures for Additional Information: ed Fo/ Draft Standard for Nuclear Safety Criteria for the 1973) ANS-51.1 $30.50 Nuclear Safety Criteria for the 1975) $5.50 Standard Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Missile Barrier ower Plants (Revision 1, 12/73) anium Mills (6/73) Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Fuel System , Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2295-1972 (Revision and Electrical and Electronics Parts and Equipment, Reference special Nuclear Material (Revision 1, 4/75) Specially Surveillance Program for New Fuel Assembly uel Storage/ Guidance on the License Application, Siting, nerators for Certain Land and Sea Applications (3/74) r Buildings (Adopted February 12, / Specification for the e Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of / dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for inless Steels, Rec. Practices for (1975) $1.75 ught Nickel-Rich, Chromium-Bearing Alloys, Method of (/ Mass Spectrometer Helium Leak Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage say for Plutonium in Scrap Material by Spontaneous Fission Fission Type Neutron Testing for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Tests for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Neutron Activation .75 Selection of Neutron Activation ode (/ Testing for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the BF3 Gamma Tolerant Neutron Electrical Continuity Type Liquid Metal Leak nded Practice for Testing for Leaks Using the Halogen Leak Testing of High Temperature Cable for Nuclear 300-1969 (Agrees with IEC 333)/ Semiconductor Radiation Amplifiers and Preamplifiers for Semiconductor Radiation 71 $4.00 Geranium Gamma-Ray ellet Homogeneity by Use of an Electron Microprobe (9-7/ (1973) ASTM E320- 1970 $1.75 Methods for Radiochemical Standard Method for (1970) $1.75 Radiochemical Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and Alloys for 4) $1.75 Recommended Practice for r Fuels (1973T) $1/ Method of Test for Spectrophotometric radiography (5-75) ated Conductors (8/70) Amendment 1 (9/73) 9 on Water (1972) $1.75 Recommended Practice for c Constants of Rock (1972) (ASTM D2845-1969)/ Laboratory rode ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 Continuous Classification for ice for Examination of Fuel Element Cladding Including the ce for Examination O/ Fuel Element Cladding Including the method for ( 1 975 ) $1.75 Colorimetric tm E3 1 8- 1 969 $1.75 Method for Colorimetric ion Rate Distributions and Reactivity of Nuclear Reactors, e Solutions for Assay, Isotopic Distribution, and Impurity itic Steels (1970) ASTM / Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Design Bases for Systems That Perform Protective Functi Design Basis Floods for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision Design Basis for Fuel and Irradiations Experiment Resis Design Basis for Protection of Nuclear Power Plants Aga Design Basis Tornado for Nuclear Power Plants (4/74) Design Basis (Revision 1, 12/75) Design Calculations ( 1 975 ) ANS- 1 9. 1 $ 1 2.50 Design Classification for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Design Classification (Revision 2, 2/76) Design Classification (6/76) Design Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Design Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Design Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Design Considerations: Systems for Measuring the Mass O Design Criteria for (1973) $5.00 Design Descriptions (12-75) Supersedes (3-72) Design for Nuclear Power Plants (5/74) Design Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabricat Design Guide for Ventilation Systems for Fuel Reprocess Design Guide for Ventilation Systems of Plutonium Proce Design Limits and Loading Combinations for Metal Primar Design Limits and Loading Combinations for Seismic Cate Design Objectives for Highly Radioactive Solid Material Design of Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Control Sy Design of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Qualifica Design of Nuclear Power Plants and Test Facilities ( 1- Design of Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 12/73) Design of Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 2, (6/76) Design of Nuclear Power Plants ( 10/73) Design of Nuclear Power Plants (1974) $5.50 Design of Nuclear System Components at Elevated Tempera Design of Seismic Category 1 Structures ( 1 1/74) Design of Stationary Boiling Water Reactor Plants: Issu Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Reactor Plants ( Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Reactor Plants ( Design Procedures (12/74) Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Nuclear P Design Stability of Embankment Retention Systems for Ur Design (5/75) Designation of Z208.1 — 1970) $1.75 /Etal-to-Metal) Designations for (1975) IEEE 200 $6.00 Designed Vehicle and Armed Guards for Road Shipment of Designs (6/76) Design, and Plant Protection for an Independent Spent F Design, Construction, and Use of Radioisotopic Power Ge Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel Fo Design, Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for Atmospher Detecting Embrittlement, Rec. Practice for (1974) $1.75 Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Sta Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Wro Detection for Instruments and Small Components (2-72) Detection Systems (5/73) Detection (6/74) Nondestructive as Detector Assembly (12-71) Amendment 1 (10-73) Detector in the Detector Probe Mode (1973) $1.75 Detector in the Inside-Out Testing Mode (1973) $1.75 Detector Materials, Guide for Selection of (1973) $1.75 Detector Materials, Guide for (1974) ASTM E419-1973 $1 Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe M Detector Probe Mode (1973) $1.75 Testing Detector Tubes (12-75) Supersedes C 1 5- 1 1 T, ( 8-72 ) Detector (10-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) Detectors (Alkali-Ion Diode) (1971) $1.75 Recomme Detectors (8-71) Detectors, Test Procedures for (1968) (R1974) IEEE Std. Detectors, Test Procedures for (1969) IEEE Std. 301-19 Detectors, Test Procedures for (1972) IEEE Std. 325-19 Determination of a Figure of Merit for Pu0 2 -U0 2 Fuel P Determination of Cesium- 137 in Nuclear Fuel Solutions Determination of Cesium-137 in Nuclear Fuel Solutions, Determination of Chemical Composition (1972) $1.75 Determination of Corrosivity of Adhesive Materials (197 Determination of Fission Zirconium in Irradiated Nuclea Determination of Fuel Pellet Homogeneity by Alpha-Auto Determination of Insulation Compaction in Ceramic Insul Determination of Precision of Methods of Committee D-l Determination of Pulse Velocities and Ultrasonic Elasti Determination of Sodium in Water by Ion Selective Elect Determination of Sound Transmission Class (1973) $1.75 Determination of the Mechanical Properties (1973) ASTM Determination of the Mechanical Properties, Rec. Practi Determination of Uranium in Aqueous Solutions Standard Determination of Uranium in Aqueous Solutions (1973) as Determination of (1975) ANS 19.3 $7.50 Neutron React Determinations (12/74) / the Analysis of Uranyl Nitrat Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferr ANSI N18.8 NRC RG 1.59 ERDA RDT F8-9T ANSI N176 NRC RG 1.76 NRC RG 1.13 ANSI N411 NRC RG 3.14 NRC RG 1.29 NRC RG 1.117 NRC RG 5.25 NRC RG 5.42 NRC RG 5.8 NRC RG 5.48 ANSI N101.3 ERDA RDT F1-2T NRC RG 1.70.5 NRC RG 3.10 NRC RG 3.32 NRC RG 3.12 NRC RG 1.57 NRC RG 1.48 ANSI N305 NRC RG 1.96 NRC RG 1.70.24 ERDA RDT F9-2T NRC RG 1.60 NRC RG 1.64 NRC RG 1.61 ANSI N45.2.11 ERDA RDT F9-5T NRC RG 1.70.9 ANSI N212 ANSI N18.2 ANSI N18.2A NRC RG 1.70.16 NRC RG 1.60 NRC RG 3.11 NRC RG 1.70.34 ANSI Z197.5 ANSI Y32.16 NRC RG 5.31 NRC RG 1.119 NRC RG 3.24 NRC RG 6.3 AISC S310 NRC RG 1.52 ASTM A143 ASTM A262 ANSI G80.4 ERDA RDT F3-11T NRC RG 1.45 NRC RG 5.34 ERDA RDT C15-5T ASTM E499 ASTM E493 ASTM E419 ANSI N640 ASTM E498 ASTM E499 ERDA RDT CI 5- 11 ERDA RDT C8-4T ASTM E427 ERDA RDT F3-39T ANSI N42.1 ANSI N42.2 ANSI N42.8 ERDA RDT F11-4T ANSI N 1 17 ASTM E320 ASTM E55 ASTM D3310 ASTM E495 ERDA RDT F11-5T ERDA RDT C2-1T ASTM D2777 ANSI A37.176 ASTM D2791 ASTM E413 ANSI N147 ASTM E453 ASTM E318 ANSI Nl 16 ANSI N412 NRC RG 5.39 ANSI Z178.5 Standards Application and Analysis Division 27 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ctice for (1974) $1.75 sulation (1973) ASTM C447-1971 $1.75 Method of Test for terial Exposed to High Energy Radiation, Rec. Practice for for Consumption of Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in 1/ Consumption of Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in 968 $1.75 968 $1.75 Testing Background Material for Background Material for Background Material for the in Research Reactors (1 1/73) 15.1 $12.00 Research Reactors, nmetals in Liquid Sodium (1-72) / Specimen Equilibration Efficiency Testing of Air Cleaning Systems Containing Efficiency Testing of Air Cleaning Systems Containing perties of Sealed Radioactive Sources Contained in Certain Installation of Overpressure Protection Laminar-Flow Clean Air Mechanical Locking Logic Diagrams (Two State erformance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for t to ANSI Y14. 15-1966 (R1970), Electrical and Electronics ) IEEE 91-1973 $6.00 Logic b $8.00 Electrical and Electronics 00 Electrical and Electronics aboratory Use, Test for ( 1969) $1.75 Maximum Pore with Additional Requirements) / Seamless and Welded Small teel Pipe for Corrosive or High Tern/ Welded Large Outside -75) Super/ Austenitic Stainless Steel Welded Pipe Large mless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing (Small- Test for Evaluating Inhibitory Toxicity of Waters to Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Aluminum- Alloy Std. Spec, for Copper and Copper Alloy 1969 $5.00 s (Safety Guide 9, 3/10/71 ) Selection of s for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, / Draft Standard s, Concepts / Statistical Evaluation of Shipper-Receiver s (6/74) Evaluation of Shipper-Receiver c Output Signal (4-74) nbs Handbook 1 1 1 $3.00 Radiation Safety for X-Ray 72) ethod. Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C714-1972/ Thermal ethod, Test for (1972) $1.75 Thermal mmended Programming Practices to Facilitate Interchange of Guidelines for the Documentation of Requirements for Inspection of stm D2435-1970) $1.75 Method of Test for One 1973) $10.00 Face-to-Face and End-to-End (R1973) $1.75 Unfired Pressure Vessel Flange ng for Leaks Using the Halogen Leak Detectors (Alkali-Ion Methods for the Accountability of Plutonium Specification for Nuclear Grade Sinterable Uranium Specification for Nuclear Grade Sinterable Plutonium Specification for Nuclear Grade, Sinterable Uranium Specification for Nuclear Grade, Sinterable Uranium c, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium ric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Uranium ic, and Spectrochemical Analysis O/ Nuclear Grade Uranium ic, and Spectrochemical Analysis/ Nuclear Grade Plutonium Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of/ Uranium Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis O/ Plutonium Fast Flux Test Facility Ceramic Grade Plutonium Ceramic Grade Uranium for Detecting / Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot stm A385-I96/ Providing High Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot- 74) ASTM A386-1973 $1.75 Zinc-Coating (Hot- 3 ) $ 1 .75 Zinc Coating ( Hot- lection Method, Using Pulsed Longitudinal Waves Induced by .7/ Oxygen Content Using a 14-MeV Neutron Activation and tm/ Oxygen Content Using a 14-MeV Neutron Activation and em (7-71) or X and Gamma Radiation, Performance, Specification For/ onditions (1973) (ASTM D3080-1972) $/ Method of Test for astm D2936-1971) $1.75 Method of Test for (2/26/73) nformation for Safety Analysis Reports: Pressurizer Relief onizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Cold-Cathode Gas sonic Inspection of Metal Pipe and Tubing for Longitudinal or Mathematical Models Selected to Predict Heated Effluent ctor Releases for the Purpose of Impl/ Estimating Aquatic m Light/ Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Determining Inclusion Content of Steel, Recommended Pra Determining the Maximum Use Temperature of Preformed in Determining ( 1962) (R 1968) $1.75 /Vity of Inorganic Ma Deuterium Oxide ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 Test Deuterium Oxide, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2033- Deuterium Oxide, Method of Testing (1973) ASTM D2 184-1 Deuterium Oxide, Specification for (1973) ASTM D2032-1 Deuterium Oxide, Spec, for (1968) (R1975) $1.75 Deuterium Oxide, Standard Method of ( 1972) $1.75 Development of Radiation Protection Stds. (1960) Development of Radiation Protection Std. ( 1961 ) Development of Radiation ( 1964) Development of Technical Specifications for Experiments Development of Technical Specifications for (1974) ANS- Device (Or Multipurpose Sampler) for the Analysis of No Devices for Removal of Particles (1972) $2.50 Devices for Removal of Particles (1/73) Devices to Be Distributed for Use Under General License Devices (10/73) Devices (1968) $1.50 Devices (3-69) Amendment 1 (10-71) Devices), Graphic Symbols for (1973) IEEE 91-1973 $6.0 Diagnostic X-Ray Systems and Their Major Components ( 19 Diagrams Sold Separately $1.75 Supplemen Diagrams (Two State Devices), Graphic Symbols for (1973 Diagrams ( 1966) Includes Supplements Y 14. 15a and Y14.15 Diagrams, Graphic Symbols for (1975) IEEE 315-1975 $8. Diameter and Permeability of Rigid Porous Filters for L Diameter Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing (ASTM a 632 Diameter Light-Wall Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy S Diameter (ASMBSA-358 with Additional Requirements) (4 Diameter) for General Service (1974) ASTM A632-1969 $1 Diatoms (1973) $1.75 Die and Hand Forgings (1974) ASTM B247-1973 $1.75 Die and Hand Forgings, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Die Forgings (Hot Pressed) ( 1974) $1.75 Dielectric Tests, Techniques for ( 1968) (R 1973) IEEE 4- Diesel Generator Set Capacity for Standby Power Supplie Diesel Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplie Differences in the Transfer of Special Nuclear Material Differences in the Transfer of Special Nuclear Material Differential Pressure Transmitter, Pneumatic or Electri Diffraction and Fluorescence Analysis Equipment ( 1971 ) Diffusion Carbon Meter for Service in Liquid Sodium ( 1- Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal Pulse M Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal Pulse M Digital Computer Programs ( 1971 ) $7.50 Reco Digital Computer Programs (1974) ANS 10.3 $8.50 Dimensional Characteristics (8-73) Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils ( 1972) (A Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Engineering Drawings ( Dimensions of Ferrous Valves ( 1973) $4.00 Dimensions of Plastic Pipe Fittings, Symbols for (1968) Dimensions (1969) $4.00 Diode ) (1971) $1.75 Recommended Practice for Testi Dioxide Powder (12/74) Dioxide Powder (1973) $1.75 Dioxide Powder (1974A) $1.75 Dioxide Powder ( 1974) ASTM C753-1973 $1.75 Dioxide Powder (1975) ASTM C757- 1974a $1.75 Dioxide Powders and Pellets and Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxi Dioxide Powders and Pellets (2/9/73) / Mass Spectromet Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Mass Spectrometr Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Mass Spectrometr Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Methods for Chemical, Mass Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Methods for Chemical, Mass Dioxide (6-71) Dioxide (6-71) Amendment 1 (12-74) Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure Dip) on Assembled Products, Specification for (R1973) a Dip) on Assembled Steel Products, Specification for (19 Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware, Specification for ( 197 Direct Contact, Practice for (1969) (R1973) ASTM E114- Direct Counting Technique, Method of Test for (1973) $1 Direct Counting Technique, Method of Test for ( 1974) as Direct Current Power Range Neutron Flux Monitoring Syst Direct Reading and Indirect Reading Pocket Dosimeters F Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained C Direct Tensile Strength of Rock Core Specimens ( 1972) ( Direct-Reading and Indirect-Reading Pocket Dosimeters Discharge System (6/75) Discharge Tubes ( 1975) $2.95 Performance Std. (I Discontinuities, Method for ( 1974) $1.75 Ultra Dispersion in Natural Water Bodies (5/74) /Procedure F Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Rea Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases Fro ASTM E45 ANSI Z98.28 ASTM E183 ASTM D2033 ANSI N154 ANSI N157 ANSI N153 ASTM D2032 ASTM D2184 EPA FRC1 EPA' FRC2 EPA FRC5 NRC RG 2.2 ANSI N378 ERDA RDT C8-8T ANSI N101.1 NRC RG 3.2 NRC RG 6.4 NRC RG 1.67 IES CS-2T ERDA RDT M6-2T ANSI Y32.14 BRH 21CFR1020C ANSI Y14.15A ANSI Y32.14 ANSI Y14.15 ANSI Y32.2 ASTM E128 ERDA RDT M3-27T ASTM A409 ERDA RDT M3-7T ANSI B 125 .49 ASTM D2037 ANSI H38.8 ASTM B247 ASTM B283 ANSI C68.1 NRC RG 1.9 ANSI N41.13 ANSI N15.17 NRC RG 5.28 ERDA RDT C6-2T ANSI N43.2 ERDA RDT C8-7T ANSI K90.12 ASTM C714 ANS STD. 3 ANSI N413 ERDA RDT F3-15T ANSI A37.170 ANSI Y14.5 ANSI B16.10 ASTM D2749 ANSI B16.30 ASTM E427 NRC RG 5.40 ASTM C753 ASTM C757 ANSI N567 ANSI N568 NRC RG 5.6 NRC RG 5.5 ASTM C696 ASTM C697 ANSI N103 ANSI N104 ERDA RDT E13-1T ERDA RDTE13-2T ASTM A143 ANSI G8.17 ANSI G8.18 ASTM A153 ANSI Z166.3 ASTM E385 ANSI N637 ERDA RDTC15-8T ANSI N13.5 ANSI A37.I85 ANSI A37.180 NRC RG 8.4 NRC RG 1.70.37 BRH 21CFR1020B ASTM E213 NRC RG 4.4 NRC RG 1.113 NRC RG 1.111 28 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards use (1951) $2.00 d of Tests for (1974) $1.75 Reciprocating Positive Performance Test Code for Radioactive Waste Recommendations for Recommendations for Waste Particulate and Tests for led Radioactive Sources Contained in Certain Devices to Be 70) $1.75 Particle Size redundant Standby (Onsite) Power Sources and Between Their mination of (1975) ANS 19.3 $7.50 Neutron Reaction Rate e Analysis of Uranyl Nitrate Solutions for Assay, Isotopic ode for (1973) (IEEE Std 262-1973), Including Draft Sup/ 0.3 $8.50 Guidelines for the Special Nuclear Material Rec. Practice for Calculation of Absorbed Std. Method of Test for Absorbed Gamma Radiation ys ( 1961 ) $2.00 Measurement of Absorbed d-Foil Measurements (1968) (R197/ Calculation of Neutron or (1973) (ASTM D3/ Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation , Method of Test F/ Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation , Test for (1971) Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation for the Purpose of Evaluating Com/ Calculation of Annual f Quartz-Fiber Electrometer Type Dosimeters and Companion Std. Relating to Personnel od of Test for Absorbed Gamma Radiation Dose in the Fricke 71)/ Interrelationship of Quartz-Fiber Electrometer Type ification For/ Direct Reading and Indirect Reading Pocket 3.50 Personnel Neutron Direct-Reading and Indirect-Reading Pocket Personnel Neutron on Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate d Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ceric Sulfate on Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate r Reporting (1974) $1.75 Definitions of Terms Relating to ting, and Procedural Specifications for Thermoluminescence 8) $1.75 Std. for Bypass and Cast Bronze Solder Joint Fittings for Sovent of Test for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated 5) $1.75 Carbon Steel Sheet, Cold Rolled, Abbreviations for Use in Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Engineering es, Specification for ( 1973) $1.75 Seamless Cold , Specification for (1974) ASTM B234 197/ Aluminum-Alloy Aluminum-Alloy 1 969 ) ASTM C42- 1 968 $ 1 .75 Obtaining and Testing Method of Test for Density of Soil in Place by the (12-72), Amen/ Collapsible Rotor, Roller Nut Control Rod Centrifugal Free Surface, Sodium Pump with Electrical 1 (3-74) Fabrication of Control Rod 1 (5-74) Vertical, Canned or Wet Motor 1 (5-74) Horizontal, Electric Motor s E3-3T, (10-70), Amendm/ Vertical, Shaft Sealed, Motor Fast Flux Facility Fast Flux Test Facility nt 1 (12-74) Fast Flux Test Facility Fast Flux Test Facility Fast Flux Test Facility Fast Flux Test Facility Fast Flux Test Facility Fast Flux Test Facility Fast Flux Facility Shipping Containers, Bags, Cylindrical Shipping Containers, of Soils Using 10 lb. (4.5 mg) Rammer and 18 (457 mm) in. (1974) $1.75 n Temperature of Ferritic Steels ( 1970) ASTM / Conducting s, Using 5.5-lb. (2.5-kg) Rammer and 12-in. (304.8-mm) 75) $2.95 Food and Food and 5) $2.95 Food and on (1975) $2.95 Food and 0) Ast/ Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Forgings for Seamless Fans, Blowers, and Compressors for rd for Steel Castings ( 1971 ) $3.00 69) (R1973) ASTM E109-1963 (1971) $1.75 sidual Holdup of Special Nuclear Material in Equipment for er Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat Sealed Packages for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Material in Displacement Pump (3-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Displacement Pumps (1962) $4.00 Disposal in the Ocean (1954) $2.00 Disposal of Carbon-14 Wastes (1953) $2.00 Disposal of Phosphorus-32 and Iodine-131 for Medical Dissolved and Gaseous Hydrogen in Water, Standard Metho Dissolved Matter in Water, Tests for (1974) $1.75 Dissolved Oxygen in Waste Water (1974) $1.75 Dissolved Oxygen in Water, Tests for (1971 ) $1.75 Distributed for Use Under General License (Revision 1, Distribution of Granular Activated Carbon, Test for ( 19 Distribution Systems (Safety Guide 6, 3/10/71) /Tween Distributions and Reactivity of Nuclear Reactors, Deter Distribution, and Impurity Determinations ( 12/74) / th Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers, Test C Documentation of Digital Computer Programs (1974) ANS 1 Doorway Monitors (6/74) Dose from Gamma Radiation (1971) ASTM D2568-1970 $1.75 Dose in the Fricke Dosimeter (1972) $1.75 Dose of Neutrons, and Mixtures of Neutrons and Gamma Ra Dose to Polymeric Materials and Application of Threshol Dose with the Ceric Sulfate Dosimeter, Method of Test F Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents Dosimeter Chargers (1965) (R1971) $3.00 /Elationship O Dosimeter Service ( 1971 ) $0.50 Dosimeter (1972) $1.75 Std. Meth Dosimeters and Companion Dosimeter Chargers (1965) (R19 Dosimeters for X and Gamma Radiation, Performance, Spec Dosimeters (Neutron Energies) Less Than 20 MeV (1976) $ Dosimeters (2/26/73) Dosimeters (6/76) Dosimeter, Method of Test for (1973) (ASTM D2954-1971) Dosimeter, Method of Test for (1973) (ASTM D3001-1971) Dosimeter, Test for ( 1971 ) Absorbed Gamma and Electr Dosimetry for Criticality Accidents (1969) $4.25 Dosimetry Results on Nuclear Graphite, Rec. Practice Fo Dosimetry (1973) ASTM El 70- 1963 (1968) $1.75 Dosimetry-Environmental Applications (1975) $4.00 /Es Dosimetry, Definition of Terms Relating to (1963) (R196 Drain Connection (1971) $3.00 Drainage Systems (1973) $3.50 Drained Conditions (1973) (ASTM D3080-1972) $1.75 /Od Drawing Quality, Special Killed, Specification for (197 Drawings and in Text (1972) $12.00 Drawings (1973) $10.00 Drawn Low Carbon Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tub Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers Drawn Seamless Tubes, Specification for ( 1975) $1.75 Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete, Method of ( Drive Cylinder Method (1972) (ASTM D2937-1971) $1.75 Drive Mechanism for Sodium Service (3-71 ) Amendment 1 Drive (5-71) Amendment 1 (2-72), Amendment 2 (6-74) Driveline for Sodium Cooled Reactors (4-73) Amendment Driven Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (6-72) Amendment Driven, Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (2-72) Amendment Driven, Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (7-72) Supersede Driver Fuel Assembly (4-73) Driver Fuel Pin End Caps (6-71 ) Driver Fuel Pin Insulator Pellet (6-71) Driver Fuel Pin Mixed Oxide Fuel Pellet (6-71 ) Amendme Driver Fuel Pin Plenum Spacer (6-71) Driver Fuel Pin Plenum Spring (6-71 ) Driver Fuel Pin Reflectors (6-71 ) Driver Fuel Pin Seamless Cladding Tube (6-71 ) Driver Fuel Pin Wrap Wire (6-71 ) Driver Fuel Pin (6-71) Drop Test for (1973) $1.75 Drop Test for (1973) $1.75 Drop Test for (1973) $1.75 Drop ( 1970) $1.75 /Test for Moisture Density Relations Drop-Weight Tear Tests of Ferritic Steels, Method for Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transitio Drop, Tests for (1970) $1.75 /Ensity Relations of Soil Drugs: Notification of Defects or Failure to Comply ( 19 Drugs: Records and Reports (1975) $2.95 Drugs: Subpart A, General Provisions (Definitions) (197 Drugs: Subpart B, Statements of Policy and Interpretati Drums, Heads, and Other Pressure Vessel Components ( 197 Dry Gas Circulation (4-73) Dry Particle Magnetic Inspection Method, Quality Standa Dry Powder Magnetic Particle Inspection, Method for ( 19 Dry Process Operations ( 1/75) /Tions for Minimizing Re Dry Products (1972) $1.75 Test for Wat Drying and Fluidized Bed Operations (Revision 1, 5/74) ERDA RDT E3-7T ASME PTC7.I NCRP RI6 NCRP RI2 NCRP R9 ASTM D1588 ASTM D1888 ASTM D1589 ASTM D888 NRC RG 6.4 ASTM D2862 NRC RG 1.6 ANSI N412 NRC RG 5.39 ANSI C57. 12.90 ANSI N413 NRC RG 5.27 ANSI K65.218 ASTM D1671 NCRP R25 ASTM D2365 ANSI K65.230 ANSI K65.229 ASTM D2954 NRC RG 1.109 ANSI N42.6 NSF 16 ASTM D1671 ANSI N42.6 ANSI N13.5 ANSI N319 NRC RG 8.4 NRC RG 8.14 ANSI K65.229 ANSI K65.230 ASTM D2954 ANSI N13.3 ASTM E525 ANSI N105 ANSI N545 ASTM E170 MSS SP-45 ANSI B16.32 ANSI A37.185 ASTM A620 ANSI Yl.l ANSI Y14.5 ASTM A 179 ANSI H38.6 ASTM B210 ANSI A37.20 ANSI A37.181 ERDA RDT E6-5T ERDA RDT E3-2T ERDA RDT E6-26T ERDA RDT E3-1T ERDA RDT E3-6T ERDA RDT E3-3T ERDA RDT El 3- 16 ERDA RDT E13-9T ERDA RDT E13-7T ERDA RDT E13-6T ERDA RDT E13-11 ERDA RDT E13-12 ERDA RDT El 3- 10 ERDA RDT E13-8T ERDA RDT E13-13 ERDA RDT E13-5T ASTM D775 ASTM D959 ASTM D997 ASTM D1557 ASTM E436 ANSI Z178.5 ASTM D698 BRH 21CFR1003 BRH 21CFR1002 BRH 21CFR1000A BRH 21CFR1000B ANSI G55.1 ERDA RDT E9-7T MSS SP-53 ANSI Z166.1 NRC RG 5.42 ASTM D3079 NRC RG 5.8 Standards Application and Analysis Division 29 _,„ KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Pipe Threads (Except oustical and Airflow Performance, Testing (1973) $1.75 upersedes E6-20T, / Austenitic Stainless Steel Hexagonal Test for Average Velocity in A $1.75 Methods for Semi-Guided Bend Test for Method for Guided Bend Test for 70) ASTM / Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil- Qualifications and uthorized Nuclear Inservice Inspection, Qualifications and Plant Security Nuclear Power Generating Stati/ Type Tests of Continuous ooled Nuclear Power P/ Qualification Tests of Continuous- lants (1974) ANS 2.2 $10.00 (2/74) Instrumentation for measuring Ground Resistance and Potential Gradients in the actice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Pulse ning Electronics (2-73) rvice (6-73) Liquid Metal Pressure Measurement System, Flush Mounted, gnetic Saturation, Practice for (1973) ASTM E309-1971 $/ tice for Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic-Field or $1200.00: Lo/ ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code— 1977 Radiation Protection in gth of Mortar, Method of Test for (1970) ASTM C87-1969 / s Steel (1971) $1.75 Evaluating Stress Corrosion Supplement No. 2 to the AISC Specification (S3 10) Supplement No. 3 to the AISC Specification (S3 10) Supplement No. 1 to the AISC Specification (S3 10) erties of Metallic Materials, Practice for ( 1973) ASTM E/ erties of Metallic Materials, Rec. Practice for (1962) (/ esign Basis for Protection of Nuclear Power Plants Against age to Reactor Vessel Materials (7/75) t 1973 (1972) $2.00 High evices for Removal of Particles ( 1972) $2.50 evices for Removal of Particles ( 1/73) ocedure for Mathematical Models Selected to Predict Heated on of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor for the Purpose of Impl/ Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of nd Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous strumentation for Continuously Monitoring Radioactivity in Assumptions Used for Evaluating a Control Rod aboratory Determination of Pulse Velocities and Ultrasonic ession (1972) $1.75 Test for aphite Materials by Sonic Resonance (1974) $1/ Moduli of rical Concrete Specimens, Meth/ Static Young's Modulus of sification System for (1975) $1.75 lear Power Generating Stations (19/ Type Test of Class IE Std. Specifications for Instrumentation and Seismic Qualification of Seismic Qualification of s for the Installation, and Testing of Instrumentation and for Pressurized Water Reactors (5-72) Supersedes E5-2T/ ower Generating Stations, Installati/ s. Guide for (1975) $5.00 Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxide as Used in Sheathed Type Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to -72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Horizontal, Thermal Overload Protection for Differential Pressure Transmitter, Pneumatic or Specifications for Spec, for Top Running and Under Running Single Girder es for Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (10/73) Availability of on 1,6/73) Criteria for Safety-Related Information for Safety Analysis Reports: s (1973) $1.75 Test for Thermal Failure Under revision I, 1/75) Shared Emergency and Shutdown Physical Independendence of nt of Nuclear Power Plants (1/74) Qualification Tests of Std. Specifications for Specification for Alumina Ceramics for 75 Supplement to ANSI Y14. 15-1966 (R1970), plements Y 1 4. 1 5a and Y 1 4. 1 5B $8.00 r (1975) IEEE 315-1975 $8.00 ce Designations for (1975) IEEE 200 $6.00 National end/ Gamma Compensated Ionization Chamber Assembly (Fixed 5 High Temperature 10-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) 2 (6-74) Centrifugal Free Surface, Sodium Pump with y Analysis Reports: Environmental Design of Mechanical and ysis Reports: Seismic Qualification of Instrumentation and Dryseal) (1968) $4.75 Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers for Ac Duct Tubes for Core Components and Assemblies (5-76) S Duct (Pitot Tube Method) (1972) $1.75 Ductility of Metallic Materials (1969) ASTM E290-1968 Ductility of Welds (1973) ASTM El 90- 1971 $1.75 Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels ( 19 Duties for Authorized Nuclear Inspection (1974) $3.50 Duties for (1975) $3.00 Duties (1/75) Duty Class 1 Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Duty Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Water C Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria for Nuclear Power P Earthquake Instrumentation for Fuel Reprocessing Plants Earthquakes (Revision 1, 4/74) Earth, Guide for (1962) $3.60 Echo Ultrasonic Testing Systems (1969) ASTM E3 17- 1968 Eddy Current Flowmeter Power Supply and Signal Conditio Eddy Current Probe Type Flow Sensor for Liquid Metal Se Eddy Current Type, Inductive, Absolute or Gage ( 10-70) Eddy-Current Testing of Steel Tubular Products with Ma Eddy-Current (Electromagnetic) Test Methods (1974) $1. Edition; Special Price for All Sections: Bound Edition Educational Institutions (1966) $3.00 Effect of Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate on Stren Effect of Wicking-Type Thermal Insulations on Stainles (Effective December 8, 1971) $.75 (Effective June 12, 1974) $1.00 (Effective November 1, 1970) $.75 EffeT*>sof High Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Prop Fffprtv ijy High Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Prop Effects oFPostulated Pipe Rupture (Issued for Trial Us Effects of Residual Elements on Predicted Radiation Dam Efficiency Gas Phase Adsorber Cells-Including Amendmen Efficiency Testing of Air Cleaning Systems Containing D Efficiency Testing of Air Cleaning Systems Containing D Effluent Dispersion in Natural Water Bodies (5/74) /Pr Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plant Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Power Reactors (4/7 Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Effluents, Specification and Performance of ( 1974) $5.0 Ejection Accident for Pressurized Water Reactors (5/74) Elastic Constants of Rock (1972) (ASTM D2845-1969) $1. Elastic Moduli of Rock Core Specimens in Uniaxial Compr Elasticity and Fundamental Frequencies of Carbon and Gr Elasticity and Poisson's Ratio in Compression of Cylind Elastomeric Materials for Automotive Applications, Clas Electric Cables, Field Splices, and Connections for Nuc Electric Chain Hoists ( 1971 ) $0.50 Electric Equipment During the Construction of Nuclear P Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Station Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants (3/76) Electric Equipment (Safety Guide 30, 8/1 1/72) /Irement Electric Heater and Connector Assembly for Pressurizer Electric Heaters: Simulated LMFBR Fuel Pins (3-72) Electric Heating Elements (1970) $1.75 /D Life Test of Electric Insulation (1975B) $1.75 ANSI C59.75 (1973) Electric Motor Driven, Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (2 Electric Motors on Motor Operated Valves ( 1 1/75) Electric Output Signal (4-74) Electric Overhead Traveling Crane ( 1971 ) $3.00 Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes (1974) $3.00 Electric Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structur Electric Power Sources (12/74) Electric Power Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (Revisi Electric Power (6/75) Electric Stress of Solid Electrical Insulating Material Electric Systems for Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plants ( Electric Systems (Revision 1, 1/75) Electric Valve Operators Installed Inside the Containme Electric Wire Rope Hoists (1974) $3.00 Electrical and Electronic Applications (1972) $1.75 Electrical and Electronics Diagrams Sold Separately $1. Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (1966) Includes Sup Electrical and Electronics Diagrams, Graphic Symbols Fo Electrical and Electronics Parts and Equipment, Referen Electrical Code (1975) $5.50 Electrical Compensation) (7-71) Amendment 1 (8-73, Am Electrical Conductivity of Water, Tests for ( 1971 ) $1.7 Electrical Connectors and Hermetic Seals (3-70) Electrical Continuity Type Liquid Metal Leak Detector ( Electrical Drive (5-71) Amendment 1 (2-72), Amendment Electrical Equipment Qualification Tests and Analyses ( Electrical Equipment (2/75) /Formation for Safety Anal ANSI B2.1 ASTM E477 ERDA RDT E6-20T ASTM D3154 ANSI Z168.ll ANSI Zl 15.4 ANSI Z178.5 ANSI N626 ANSI N626.1 NRC RG 5.43 ANSI N41.9 NRC RG 1.40 ANSI N18.5 NRC RG 3.17 NRC RG 1.12 IEEE 81 ANSI Z 166.21 ERDA RDTC10-5T ERDA RDT C4-7T ERDA RDT C6-3T ANSI Z166.27 ASTM E376 ASME CODE-77 NCRP R32 ANSI A37.129 ASTM C692 AISC S320 AISC S321 AISC S319 ANSI N145 ASTM E184 ANSI N176 NRC RG 1.99 IES CS-8T ANSI N101.1 NRC RG 3.2 NRC RG 4.4 NRC RG 1.109 NRC RG 1.113 NRC RG 1.21 NRC RG 1.112 NRC RG 1.111 ANSI N13.10 NRC RG 1.77 ANSI A37.176 ASTM D3148 ASTM C747 ANSI A37.94 ASTM D2000 ANSI N41.10 HMI 400 ANSI N45.2.4 IEEE 344 NRC RG 1.100 NRC RG 1.30 ERDA RDT E5-2T ERDA RDT P4-1T ASTM D2900 ASTM D1711 ERDA RDT E3-6T NRC RG 1.106 ERDA RDT C6-2T CMAA 70 CMAA 74 NRC RG 1.63 NRC RG 1.93 NRC RG 1.32 NRC RG 1.70.36 ASTM D3151 NRC RG 1.81 NRC RG 1.75 NRC RG 1.73 HMI 100 ASTM D2442 ANSI Y14.15A ANSI Y14.15 ANSI Y32.2 ANSI Y32.16 NFPA 70 ERDA RDTC15-7T ASTM DU25 ERDA RDTC17-1T ERDA RDT C8-4T ERDA RDT E3-2T NRC RG 1.70.24 NRC RG 1.70.23 30 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards pe Electric Heating Elements ( 1/ Accelerated Life Test of $3.00 Intrinsically Safe and Non Incendive ed Practice for Calibration of Standards and Equipment for Test for Thermal Failure Under Electric Stress of Solid Testing Adhesives Relative to Their Use as ly Cured Silicone Rubber Coated Glass Fabric and Tapes for hods of Testing Polymerizable Embedding Compounds Used for 0) Ceramic Std. Spec, for Automatic Null Balancing ontainment Structures Amendment 1 (4-72), Amendment 2 (/ ures for Nuclear Fueled Power Generating Stations (1973)/ Periodic Testing of (2-74) Metal Sheathed, Mineral-Insulated cialized Service (1973) ASTM / Specification for Sheathed cialized Service, Specification for ( 1971 ) $1.7/ Sheathed ite Articles at Room Temperature, Method of Test for ( 19/ Spec, for High Temperature Glass Cloth Pressure Sensitive t for Continuity of Coatings in Glassed Steel Equipment by 5) $5.00 Stations, Trial Use/ Draft Standard Type Test of Class 1 nd Cobalt-Base Alloys, Chemical Analy/ High Temperature, 16 in. and Over), Specification for (1974) $1.75 loy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specificati/ Lower Temperatures (1974) ASTM A671-/ Specification for ervice, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Specification for (1973) $1.75 Specification for urn (1-72) -19Cr-19Fe-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta) 0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable 9Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al-19-Fe Consumable ase-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable oy Tubing, Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resis/ Consumable ase-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable (Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Consumable ntinuous Determination of Sodium in Water by Ion Selective on for ASTM A164-1971 $1.75 0.00) Part C-Welding Rods, fa-5.17 with Additional Requirements) (3-75/ Mild Steel 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy ication for (1973) AWS A5. 17-1969 $2.50 Bare Mild Steel ication for (1974) Mild Steel with Additional Requirements) (7-75) Supers/ Mild Steel or (1973) AWS A5. 20-1969 $2.50 Mild Steel or (1974) Mild Steel th Additional Requirements) (4-75) Supersede/ Mild Steel (1973) AWS A5. 18-1969 $2.50 Mild Steel (1974) Mild Steel (3-75) Supersedes M1-3T, (/ Mild Steel Covered Welding ) (3-75) Supers/ Nickel and Nickel Alloy Covered Welding ) (3-75)/ Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and (3-75) Supersedes Ml-/ Stainless Steel Covered Welding (3-75) Supersedes Ml-/ Low Alloy Steel Covered Welding (3-75) Supersede/ Stainless Steel Welding Rods and Bare Tungsten Arc Welding Composite Surfacing Welding Rods and Titanium and Titanium-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and e Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel kel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Bare Welding Rods and Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Bare Welding Rods and romium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Bare Welding Rods and 50 Mild Steel Covered Arc Welding .50 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Rods and Bare .50 Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Covered Welding .00 Surface Welding Rods and .50 Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and isting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Welding 50 Low Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding 50 Copper and Copper-Alloy Arc Welding Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare Mild Steel Covered Arc Welding Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Rods and Bare Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Covered Welding Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Low Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Copper and Copper-Alloy Arc Welding isting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Welding Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare ements) (3-75) Supersedes M1-5T, (1-1 Welding Rods and Recommended Practice for Core Sampling of Graphite Std. Spec, for Precision mendment 1 (9-71), Amendment 2 (1-74), Amendment 3 (5-/ Definitions of Terms Relating to ing Coating Thickness by Magnetic-Field or Eddy-Current argers ( 1 965 ) ( R 1 97 1 )/ Interrelationship of Quartz-Fiber 3) ASTM E230-1972 $3.00 Temperatures: Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxide as Used in Sheathed Ty ASTM D2900 Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Atmospheres ( 1960) ISA RP12.1 Electrical Instruments (1965) $5.00 ISA RP12.2 Electrical Insulating Materials Testing (1971) $1.75 ASTM D2865 Electrical Insulating Materials (1973) $1.75 ASTM D3151 Electrical Insulation ( 1 969 ) $ 1 .75 ASTM D 1 304 Electrical Insulation (1969) (R 1974) ASTM DI93 1-1973 ANSI C59.89 Electrical Insulation (1970) (ASTM D1674-1967) $1.75 ANSI C59.47 Electrical Insulators (8-74) Supersedes CI 8- IT, (7-7 ERDA RDTC18-1T Electrical Measuring Instruments (1966) (R1972) $4.75 ANSI C39.4 Electrical Penetration Assemblies for Nuclear Reactor C ERDA RDT P3-1T Electrical Penetration Assemblies in Containment Struct ANSI N45.3 Electrical Power and Protection Systems (6/76) NRC RG 1.118 Electrical Resistance Heater (3-75) Supersedes P4-3T, ERDA RDT P4-3T Electrical Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Spe ANSI N143 Electrical Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Spe ASTM E420 Electrical Resistivity of Manufactured Carbon and Graph ANSI K90.7 Electrical Tape (1973) $1.75 Std. ASTM D2754 Electrical Testing (R1973) ASTM C536-1972 $1.75 / Tes ANSI Z167.8 Electrical Transducer Nomenclature and Terminology ( 197 ISA S37.1 Electrical Valve Operators for Nuclear Power Generating ANSI N41.6 Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, a ASTM E354 Electric-Fusion (Arc )-Welded Steel Plate Pipe (Sizes ASTM A134 Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Al ASTM A358 Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and ANSI B 1 25.53 Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure S ASTM A155 Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes, ASTM A 178 Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe ( 1973A) $1.75 ASTM A 135 Electrochemical Oxygen Meter for Service in Liquid Sodi ERDA RDT C8-5T Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Solution Heat Trea SAE AMS5662D Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) S ANSI G87.146 Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) S ANSI G87.84 Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750F (954.4C) All ANSI G87.77 Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 F ( 1065.6 C) ANSI G87.85 Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 F ( 1065. 6C) S ANSI G87.78 Electrode (1973) $1.75 Co ASTM D2791 Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Steel, Specificati ANSI G53.1 Electrodes and Filler Metals (1977) bd ($30.00), 11 ($4 ASME SEC-IIC Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding (ASME S ERDA RDTM1-17T Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding (9-75) ERDA RDTM1-22T Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding, Specif ANSI W3.17 Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding, Specif ASME SFA-5. 17 Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Welding (ASME SFA -5.20 ERDA RDTM1-20T Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Welding, Specification F ANSI W3.20 Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Welding, Specification F ASME SFA-5. 20 Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding (ASME SFA-5. 18 Wi ERDA RDTM1-6T Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding, Specification for ANSI W3.18 Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding, Specification for ASME SFA-5. 18 Electrodes (ASME SFA-5. 1 with Additional Requirements) ERDA RDTM1-3T Electrodes (ASME SFA-5. 11 with Additional Requirements ERDA RDTM1-10T Electrodes (ASME SFA-5. 14 with Additional Requirements ERDA RDT Ml-1 IT Electrodes (ASME SFA-5. 4 with Additional Requirements) ERDA RDT Ml -IT Electrodes (ASME SFA-5. 5 with Additional Requirements) ERDA RDTM1-4T Electrodes (ASME SFA-5. 9 with Additional Requirements) ERDA RDTM1-2T Electrodes (1969) $2.00 AWS A5.12 Electrodes (1970) $2.50 AWS A5.21 Electrodes (1970) $3.00 AWS A5.16 Electrodes (1974) $3.50 Flux Cor AWS A5.22 Electrodes (6-75) Supersedes Ml-1 9T, (3-75) Nic ERDA RDTM1-19T Electrodes (7-75) Supersedes M1-15T, (1-72) Amendmen ERDA RDTM1-15T Electrodes (9-75) Amendment 1 (10-75) /-Percent-Ch ERDA RDTM1-23T Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 1-1969 $3. ANSI W3.1 Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.1 0-1 969 $2 ANSI W3.10 Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 11-1969 $2 ANSI W3.ll Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 13- 1970 $3 ANSI W3.13 Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 14- 1969 $2 ANSI W3.14 Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.4— 1969 $2 ANSI W3.4 Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 5-1969 $3. ANSI W3.5 Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 6- 1969 $2. ANSI W3.6 Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 9-1969 $2. ANSI W3.9 Electrodes, Specification for (1974) ASME SFA-5. 1 Electrodes, Specification for (1974) ASME SFA-5. 10 Electrodes, Specification for ( 1974) ASME SFA-5. 1 1 Electrodes, Specification for (1974) ASME SFA-5. 14 Electrodes, Specification for ( 1974) ASME SFA-5. 5 Electrodes, Specification for (1974) ASME SFA-5. 6 Electrodes, Specification for ( 1974) Corrosion-Res ASME SFA-5. 4 Electrodes, Specification for (1974) /Osion-Resisting ASME SFA-5. 9 Electrodes, Surfacing (AWS A5.13 with Additional Requir ERDA RDT M1-5T Electrodes, (1974) $1.75 ASTM C783 Electroformed Sieves (1973) ASTM El 6 1 — 1970 ANSI Z168.5 Electromagnetic Pump for Liquid Metal Service (3-71 ) a ERDA RDT E3-9T Electromagnetic Testing (1974) ASTM E268 1968 $1.75 ANSI Z166.31 (Electromagnetic) Test Methods (1974) $1.75 /for Measur ASTM E376 Electrometer Type Dosimeters and Companion Dosimeter Ch ANSI N42.6 Electromotive Force (EMF) Tables for Thermocouples (197 ANSI C96.2 Standards Application and Analysis Division 31 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Sheilding for High Energy f Merit for Pu0 2 -U0 2 Fuel Pellet Homogeneity by Use of an r, Method of Test for (1973) (ASTM D3/ Absorbed Gamma and c Sulfate Dosimeter, Method of Test FY Absorbed Gamma and c Sulfate Dosimeter, Test for ( 1971 ) Absorbed Gamma and Specification for Alumina Ceramics for Electrical and Repurchase, Repairs, or Replacement of Importation of Performance Stds. for Supplement to ANSI Y14. 15-1966 (R1970), Electrical and a and Y 14.1 5B $8.00 Electrical and 15-1975 $8.00 Electrical and for (1975) IEEE 200 $6.00 Electrical and ddy Current Flowmeter Power Supply and Signal Conditioning Control of hanical Properties ( 197/ Practice for Examination of Fuel hanical Properties, Rec. Practice for Examination O/ Fuel uality Verification for Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel I Materials ( 7/75 ) Effects of Residual Magnesium Oxide as Used in Sheathed Type Electric Heating Quality Control for Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Shielded Shipping Cask for Spent Reactor Fuel s, Practice for (1970) $1.75 and Procedures for Design of Nuclear System Components at gth Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading at uirements for Construction of Nuclear System Components at ion 1/ Guidance for Construction of Class 1 Components in Design Stability of 0) (ASTM DI674-1967) $/ Methods of Testing Polymerizable oducts and Procedure for Detecting / Safeguarding Against ized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 1/75) Shared tern Pumps (Safety Guide I,/ Net Positive Suction Head for /74) Sumps for actors (Revision 1, 1/75) Preoperational Testing of Information for Safety Analysis Reports: ants (9/75) .00 Temperatures: Electromotive Force Terms and Symbols Relating to Testing for Leaks Using Bubble Internal ter During Reactor Operation, Method For/ Delayed Neutron ter During Reactor Operation, Measureme/ Delayed Neutron- Alpha ation Emitting Products) for Microwave and Radio Frequency 95 s (1975) $2.95 ir Major Components/ .95 itting Products (19/ .95 5 (1975) $2.95 C37.20A-1970, C/ Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Assessment of the Assumption of Normality Assessment of the Assumption of Normality Switchgear Assemblies, Including Metal inspection System and Associated Equipment for the Reactor Fast Flux Facility Driver Fuel Pin Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting n Projects or Productions Assisted by Grants from National Cast Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded Cast Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Butt Welding (1974) ASTM A255-1974 $1.75 Face-to-Face and valuation (19/ Medical X-Ray and Gamma Ray Protection for $3.00 Medical X-Ray and Gamma Ray Protection for ons Using Non-Medical X-Ray and Sealed Gamma Ray Sources, Personnel Neutron Dosimeters (Neutron Sheilding for High ctivation Techniques, / Neutron-Flux Density and Average atio/ Method of Test for Neutron Flux Density and Average n Set Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to High n Set Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to High ic Materials, Practice for (1973) ASTM E/ Effects of High ic Materials, Rec. Practice for ( 1962) (/ Effects of High 2-1966 (1971) $/ Exposure of Polymeric Materials to High $1.75 Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to High Chemical Reactivity of Inorganic Material Exposed to High 5 Exposure of Polymeric Materials to High Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to High mation for Safety Analysis Reports: Metallic Materials for Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Classification of Soils for Electron Accelerator Installations (1964) $2.00 Electron Microprobe (9-72) /Termination of a Figure O Electron Radiation Dose with the Ceric Sulfate Dosimete Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate-Cupri Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate-Cupri Electronic Applications (1972) $1.75 Electronic Product Radiation Control (1968) $5.15 Electronic Products (1975) $2.95 Electronic Products (1975) $2.95 Electronic Products: General (1975) $2.95 Electronics Diagrams Sold Separately $1.75 Electronics Diagrams ( 1966) Includes Supplements Y14.15 Electronics Diagrams, Graphic Symbols for ( 1975) IEEE 3 Electronics Parts and Equipment, Reference Designations Electronics (2-73) Electroslag Weld Properties (12/28/72) Element Cladding Including the Determination of the Mec Element Cladding Including the Determination of the Mec Elements for Use in Research Reactors (Revision 1, 7/76 Elements on Predicted Radiation Damage to Reactor Vesse Elements (1970) $1.75 /D Life Test of Electrical Grade Elements (1974) ANS 15.2 $8.50 Elements (8-73) Amendment 1 (11-73) Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Material Elevated Temperature (9-74) Supersedes F9-5T, (3-74) Elevated Temperatures (Metal-to-Metal), Method of Te Elevated Temperatures (Supplement to ASME Code Cases 15 Elevated-Temperature Reactors (Supplement to ASME Sect Embankment Retention Systems for Uranium Mills (6/73) Embedding Compounds Used for Electrical Insulation (197 Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Pr Embrittlement, Rec. Practice for (1974) $1.75 / Galvan Emergency and Shutdown Electric Systems for Multi-Unit Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal Sys Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Spray Systems (6 Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Pressurized Water Re Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants ( 1 1/75) Emergency Planning (12/74) Emergency Water Supply Systems for Fuel Reprocessing PI (EMF) Tables for Thermocouples (1973) ASTM E230-1972 $3 Emission Spectroscopy, Definition of (1975A) $1.75 Emission Techniques (1974) $1.75 Emitters (1961) Free Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Wa Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Wa Emitting Particles in Lungs (1975) $3.00 Emitting Products (1975) $2.95 /Ce Std. (Ionizing Radi Emitting Products) for Cabinet X-Ray Systems (1975) $2. Emitting Products) for Cold-Cathode Gas Discharge Tube Emitting Products) for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems and the Emitting Products) for Fluoroscopic Equipment (1975) $2 Emitting Products) for Microwave and Radio Frequency Em Emitting Products) for Radiographic Equipment (1975) $2 Emitting Products) for Television Receivers ( 1975) $2.9 Emitting Products) for X-Ray Baggage Inspection Systems (Employing Individual Observed Values) (1974) $4.00 (Employing Individual Observed Values) (4/74) Enclosed Bus (1974) Consolidated Edition (Includes ANSI Enclosure System (7-73) Visual in Service End Caps (6-71) End Flanges of Ferrous Valves and Fittings ( 1974) $2.00 Endowment for the Arts (1975) $6.85 /ND Health Stds. O Ends (1970) $3.00 Ends (1970) $4.00 Ends (1972) $4.00 End-Quench Test for Hardenability of Steel, Method of End-to-End Dimensions of Ferrous Valves ( 1973) $4.00 Energies Up to 10 MeV Structural Sheilding Design and E Energies Up to 10 Mev: Equipment Design and Use (1968) Energies Up to 10-Mev, General Safety Standard for (19 Energies) Less Than 20 MeV (1976) $3.50 Energy Electron Accelerator Installations (1964) $2.00 Energy from 3 H(d,n) 4 He Neutron Generators by Radioa Energy from 3H(D, N)4He Neutron Generators by Radioactiv Energy Nuclear Radiation, Methods of Test for ( 1971 ) as Energy Nuclear Radiation, Testing (1968) (R1974) $1.75 Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Metall Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Metall Energy Radiation, Practice for (1968) (R1973) ASTM D167 Energy Radiation, Practice for (1973) ASTM D 1879- 1970 Energy Radiation, Rec Practice for Determining (1962) Energy Radiation, Rec. Practice for ( 1966) (R1971 ) $1 .7 Energy Radiation, Rec. Practice for (1970) $1.75 Engineered Safety Features (2/75) Infor Engineering Drawings ( 1973) $10.00 Engineering Purposes (1972) (ASTM D2487-1969) $1.75 NCRP R3I ERDA RDT F11-4T ANSI K65.230 ANSI K65.229 ASTM D2954 ASTM D2442 USCG 42CFR78 BRH 21CFR1004 BRH 21CFR1005 BRH 21CFR1010 ANSI Y14.15A ANSI Y14.15 ANSI Y32.2 ANSI Y32.16 ERDA RDT CT0-5T NRC RG 1.34 ANSI N147 ASTM E453 NRC RG 2.3 NRC RG 1.99 ASTM D2900 ANSI N398 ERDA RDT E12-4T ASTM E21 ERDA RDT F9-5T ANSI Z197.5 ERDA RDT F9-4T NRC RG 1.87 NRC RG 3.11 ANSI C59.47 ASTM A143 ASTM A143 NRC RG 1.81 NRC RG 1.1 NRC RG 1.82 NRC RG 1.79 NRC RG 1.101 NRC RG 1.70.14 NRC RG 3.31 ANSI C96.2 ASTM E135 ASTM E515 NAS NRC883 ANSI N163 ASTM D2470 NCRP R46 BRH 21CFR1030 BRH 21CFR1020F BRH 21CFR1020B BRH 21CFR1020C BRH 21CFR1020E BRH 21CFR1030 BRH 21CFR1020D BRH 21CFR1020A BRH 21CFR1020G ANSI N15.15 NRC RG 5.22 ANSI C37.20 ERDA RDT E8-12T ERDA RDT E13-9T MSS SP-6 DOL 29CFR 505 MSS SP-71 MSS SP-70 ANSI B16.25 ANSI G58.1 ANSI B16.10 NCRP R34 NCRP R33 ANSI N543 ANSI N319 NCRP R31 ASTM E496 ANSI N580 ANSI J2.33 ASTM D2309 ANSI N145 ASTM El 84 ANSI C59.83 ANSI N141 ASTM E183 ASTM D1672 ASTM D1879 NRC RG 1.70.26 ANSI Y14.5 ANSI A37.173 32 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Hydrologic In Situ Assay of Nondestructive Uranium-235 reparation of Environmental Reports for Commercial Uranium Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Uranium material License Application (Including That for a Uranium ry (9/74) Nondestructive Assay of High Specification for Air 5 Air Sealability of or Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom rocedural Specifications for Thermoluminescence Dosimetry- ment Qualificat/ Information for Safety Analysis Reports: seeking an Exemption for a Radionuclid/ Preparation of an Facilities (Revision 1, 10/75) Preparation of ion 1, 1/75) Preparation of Preparation of (1965) Protective Action Guides for thod of Test for ( 1 97 1 ) ASTM D 1 693- 1 970 $ 1 .75 Terrestrial r Plants (12/75) Measurements of Radionuclides in the (5/74) Measurements of Radionuclides in the 5/74) Measurements of Radionuclides in the Programs for Monitoring Radioactivity in the ) Acceptable Concepts, Models, analysis of Nonmetals in Liquid Sodium ( 1-72) / Specimen 2) Carbon Meter comme/ Draft Standard Criteria for Separation of Class IE actice for Prefabricated Reflective Insulation Systems for actice for Prefabricated Reflective Insulation Systems for lear/ Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical ts for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical method of Test for Continuity of Coatings in Glassed Steel or Reliability of Glass Coatings on Glassed Steel Reaction X-Ray and Gamma Ray Protection for Energies Up to 10 Mev: rating Stations, Installati/ Instrumentation and Electric Minimizing Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Material in 19/ Recommended Practice for Calibration of Standards and for ( 1975) $5.00 Seismic Qualification of Electric Qualification of Class 1 E Seismic Qualification of Electric Visual in Service Inspection System and Associated gel Draft Standard Safety Related Systems, Structures and minimizing Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Materials in dment 1 (1/75) Instrumentation and Control reports: Environmental Design of Mechanical and Electrical Installation, and Testing of Instrumentation and Electric Transportation of Critical Components and ion Safety for X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Analysis d. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Radiographic d. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Fluoroscopic s: Seismic Qualification of Instrumentation and Electrical Hoisting and Rigging of Critical Components and Related Cobalt-60 and Cesium- 137 Teletherapy 6.00 Electrical and Electronics Parts and Training, ruary 12, / Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Materials Control (1974) $3.00 Limit of Materials Control (1.74) Limit of ice for (1972) $1.75 Choice of Sample Size to es from Weapons Test. Conducted Through 1962 ( 1963) ctions ( 1964) Revised Fallout tal and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Impl/ ous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light/ Methods for r (1974) $1.75 of Nuclear Graphite, Methods for (1973) ASTM C626-1971/ rmal Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Graphite, Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by Track- Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by Track- -1968 $1.75 Carbon Black in -1970 $1.75 Environmental Stress-Cracking of here Radiation Exposure May Occur (1967) $3.25 Immediate Immediate zed Water Reactors (5/74) Assumptions Used for s (1970) $1.75 Test for m Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of 73) $1.75 Test for trasonic Testing Systems ( 1969) ASTM E317-/ Practice for bber-Like Materials (1974) $1.75 Test for rmal Insulations on Stainless Steel (1971) $1.75 rol Room During a Postulated Hazardous C/ Assumptions for Pressurized Water Reactor Radioact/ Assumptions Used for Fuel Handling Accident in the Fuel/ Assumptions Used for Loss of Coolant Accident for Boili/ Assumptions Used for Loss of Coolant Accident for Press/ Assumptions Used for Engineering (1/75) NRC Enriched Uranium Residual Holdup (8/74) NRC Enrichment Assay by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (4/74) NRC Enrichment Facilities (Revision 1, 10/75) NRC Enrichment Facilities (12/74) Standard NRC Enrichment Facility) ( 12/74) /on of a Special Nuclear NRC Enrichment Uranium Fuel Plates by Gamma-Ray Spectromet NRC Entraining Admixtures for Concrete (1974) $1.75 ASTM Entraining Admixtures for Concrete, Testing (1973) $1.7 ASTM Enveloped Gaskets, Test for (1974) $1.75 ASTM Environment with Intended Changes ( 1975) $.75 /Alues F ACGIH Environmental Applications (1975) $4.00 /Esting, and P ANSI Environmental Design of Mechanical and Electrical Equip NRC Environmental Report to Support a Rule Making Petition NRC Environmental Reports for Commercial Uranium Enrichment NRC Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Stations (Revis NRC Environmental Reports for Uranium Mills (4/73) NRC Environmental Sr-89, Sr-90, and Cs-137 Contamination EPA Environmental Stress-Cracking of Ethylene Plastics, Me ANSI Environmental Studies for Nuclear Power Stations (7/76) NRC Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Powe NRC Environment-Analysis of 1-131 in Milk (9/73) NRC Environment: Sampling and Analysis of Plutonium in Soil NRC Environment: Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 Analyses ( NRC Environs of Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 2/75) NRC Equations, and Assumptions for a Bioassay Program (9/73 NRC Equilibration Device (Or Multipurpose Sampler) for the ERDA Equilibration Module for Service in Liquid Sodium (1-7 ERDA Equipment and Circuits, (Trial Std. Issued for Use and ANSI Equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above Ambi ANSI Equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above Ambi ASTM Equipment and Systems for the Construction Phase of Nuc ANSI Equipment and Systems (6/76) /Ity Assurance Requiremen NRC Equipment by Electrical Testing (R1973) ASTM C536-1972 ANSI Equipment by High Voltage ASTM C537-72 (1973) $1.75 ANSI Equipment Design and Use (1968) $3.00 Medical NCRP Equipment During the Construction of Nuclear Power Gene ANSI Equipment for Dry Process Operations ( 1/75) /Tions for NRC Equipment for Electrical Insulating Materials Testing ( ASTM Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Guide IEEE Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants ( 1 1/74) NRC Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants (3/76) NRC Equipment for the Reactor Enclosure System (7-73) ERDA Equipment for Water Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power ANSI Equipment for Wet Process Operations (6/74) /Ions for NRC Equipment Grounding and Sheilding Practices ( 1/73) Amen ERDA Equipment Qualification Tests and Analyses (2/75) /Is NRC Equipment (Safety Guide 30, 8/1 1/72) /Irements for the NRC Equipment (1-76) ERDA Equipment (1971) NBS Handbook 1 11 $3.00 Radiat ANSI Equipment (1975) $2.95 Performance St BRH Equipment (1975) $2.95 Performance St BRH Equipment (2/75) /Formation for Safety Analysis Report NRC Equipment (8-72) Amendment 1 (10-72), Amendment 2 (7- ERDA Equipment, Guidelines for Maintaining ( 1974) $3.50 ANSI Equipment, Reference Designations for (1975) IEEE 200 $ ANSI Equipping, and Qualifying of Guards and Watchmen ( 1/74) NRC Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings (Adopted Feb AISC Error Concepts and Principles of Calculation in Nuclear ANSI Error Concepts and Principles of Calculation in Nuclear NRC Estimate the Average Quality of a Lot or Process, Pract ASTM Estimates and Evaluations of Fallout in the United Stat EPA Estimates for 1964-1965 and Verification of 1963 Predi EPA Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Acciden NRC Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gase NRC Estimating the Average Grain Size of Metals, Methods Fo ASTM Estimating the Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section ANSI Estimating the (1971) $1.75 the ASTM Etch Technique (1973) $1.75 ASTM Etch Technique, Method for (1974) ASTM E4 18- 1973 $1.75 ANSI Ethylene Plastics, Method of Test for ( 1 97 1 ) ASTM D 1 603 ANSI Ethylene Plastics, Method of Test for ( 1 97 1 ) ASTM D 1 693 ANSI Evacuation Signal for Use in Industrial Installations W ANSI Evacuation Signal (2/16/73) NRC Evaluating a Control Rod Ejection Accident for Pressuri NRC Evaluating Acute Toxicity of Water to Fresh Water Fishe ASTM Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I ( NRC Evaluating Inhibitory Toxicity of Waters to Diatoms ( 19 ASTM Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Pulse Echo Ul ANSI Evaluating Pressure Sealing Properties of Rubber and Ru ASTM Evaluating Stress Corrosion Effect of Wicking Type the ASTM Evaluating the Habitability of Nuclear Power Plant Cont NRC Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a NRC Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a NRC Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a NRC Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a NRC RG 1.70.17 RG 5.37 RG 5.21 RG 4.9 RG 3.25 RG 5.45 RG 5.38 C260 C233 FI 12 *1 N545 RG 1.70.24 RG 6.7 RG 4.9 RG 4.2 RG 3.8 FRC7 K65.226 RG 4.11 RG 4.8 RG 4.3 RG 4.5 RG 4.6 RG 4.1 RG 8.9 RDT C8-8T RDT E8-14T N41.14 Z98.48 C667 N45.2.8 RG 1.116 Z167.8 Z167.15 R33 N45.2.4 RG 5.42 D2865 344 RG 1.89 RG 1.100 RDT E8-12T N18.10 RG 5.25 RDT C1-1T RG 1.70.24 RG 1.30 RDT F8-7T N43.2 21CFR1020D 21CFR1020E RG 1.70.23 RDT F8-6T N449 Y32.16 RG 5.20 S310 N15.16 RG 5.18 E122 FRC4 FRC6 RG 1.113 RG 1.111 El 12 K90.10 C626 E418 N639 K65.89 K.65.226 N2.3 RG 8.5 RG 1.77 D1345 RG 1.109 D2037 Z166.21 D1081 C692 RG 1.78 RG 1.24 RG 1.25 RG 1.3 RG 1.4 Standards Application and Analysis Division 33 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Steam Line Break Accident for Boil/ Assumptions Used for Radioactive Offgas System Failure / Assumptions Used for and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liq/ Measuring, Recommended Practice for Liquid Phase essurized Water Reactor Plants (Issued Fo/ Draft Standard 72) $ 1 2.50 Air Sampling Instruments Manual for e, Rec. Practice for (1968) (ACI 214-1965) $1.75 e, Practice for (1968) ACI 214-1965 $1.75 rtation Routes Near Nuclear Power Plant Sites ( 1/75) -1975) $1.00 ea. Hygienic Guides (For Hazard h and Training Reactors (5/73) Shield Test Program for Statistical sfer of Special Nuclear Materials, Concepts / Statistical sfer of Special Nuclear Materials (6/74) for Energies Up to 10 MeV Structural Sheilding Design and s Test. Conducted Through 1962 ( 1963) Estimates and or (1973) $1.75 Petrographic phase of Nuclear Power Pla/ Qualifications of Inspection, rmination of the Mechanical Properties (197/ Practice for ) ASTM A388-1971 $1.75 Ultrasonic applications, Specification Fo/ Straight-Beam Ultrasonic n 1, 8/11/72, of Safety Guide 19) Nondestructive Magnetic Particle 1.75 Ultrasonic Angle-Beam ssing Plants and in Plutonium Processing / Nondestructive Nondestructive Ultrasonic Contact in Fuel Reprocessing Plants (5/75) Nondestructive ermination of the Mechanical Properties, Rec. Practice for sel Code, Section V) ( 10-75) Supersedes / Nondestructive Nondestructive Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Operating Performance of Anion Methods of Sampling of Particulate Ion st for Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion ts for Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion $1.75 Seamless Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel Heat endment 2 (10-73) Heat 4-6T, (1-72), Amendment 1 (1-72) Intermediate Heat Air Cooled Heat d Welded Carbon, Ferritic, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Heat ic Alloy Steel Boiler, (1974B) 1.75 Superheater, and Heat Seamless Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and Heat 2-72), Amendment 3 ( 1 1-73), Amendme/ Sodium to Air Heat uminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Heat Titanium and Titanium Alloy Tubes for Condensers and Heat a) $1./ Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat (6-73) Heat (7-71) Heat Ion uct Material (6/74) Acceptance Sampling Procedures for mental Report to Support a Rule Making Petition Seeking an ve Material Shipments/ Administrative Guide for Obtaining 973) $1.75 Sponge and dment 1 (8-73) ransport (2-75) Design Basis for Fuel and Irradiations Test Vehicles for Transient Reactor Test Facility (Treat) Review of Research Reactors, Review of Development of Technical Specifications for ANS-1 $8.00 Critical Near Nuclear Power Plant Sites ( 1/75) Evaluation of d Combustible Liquids on Bo/ Transportation or Storage of ent, and Other Provisions for Transportation or Storage of erm/ Changes in Chemical Reactivity of Inorganic Material information Relevant to Maintaining Occupational Radiation perating Philosophy for Maintaining Occupational Radiation signal for Use in Industrial Installations Where Radiation , Practice for (1973) ASTM D 1879- 1970 $1.75 , Rec. Practice for (1970) $1.75 n, Practice for (1968) (R1973) ASTM D1672-1966 (1971) $/ n, Rec. Practice for ( 1966) (Rl 971 ) $1.75 Occupational Radiation nd Redesignation of N2. 2-1966) (/ Occupational Radiation est / Compression Set Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During 8) (/ Compression Set Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During ons (1971) $6.85 Child Labor Regulations Section 57 Instruction Concerning Prenatal Radiation ions of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for Occupational Rail Sodium Carbonate, Low Chloride Fire Ball Method) (1974) $1.75 Measurement of -73 $1.75 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy ecification for Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless for Aluminum-Alloy Standard Structural Shapes, Rolled or Nylon Injection Molding and Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes Evaluation of Activated Carbon (1970) $1.75 Evaluation of Anticipated Transients Without Trip on Pr Evaluation of Atmospheric Containments, 4th Edition (19 Evaluation of Compression Test Results of Field Concret Evaluation of Compression Test Results of Field Concret Evaluation of Explosions Postulated to Occur on Transpo Evaluation of Industrial Chemicals and Materials) ( 1955 Evaluation of Installed Biological Shielding in Researc Evaluation of Material Unaccounted for (6/74) Evaluation of Shipper-Receiver Differences in the Tran Evaluation of Shipper-Receiver Differences in the Tran Evaluation (1970) $4.00 /-Ray and Gamma Ray Protection Evaluations of Fallout in the United States from Weapon Examimation of Aggregates for Concrete, Rec. Practice F Examination and Testing Personnel for the Construction Examination of Fuel Element Cladding Including the Dete Examination of Heavy Steel Forgings, Practice for ( 1973 Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special Examination of Primary Containment Liner Welds (Revisio Examination of Steel Forgings, Method for ( 1974) $1.75 Examination of Steel Plates, Specification for ( 1973) $ Examination of Tubular Products for Use in Fuel Reproce Examination of Tubular Products ( 10/73) Examination of Weldments, Method for (1974) $1.75 Examination of Welds in the Liners of Concrete Barriers Examination of (1972) $1.75 /Ladding Including the Det Examination (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Ves Examination (1977) bd ($50.00), 11 ($70.00) Examination, and Testing Personnel (8/73) Exchange Materials for Strong Acid Removal (1972) $1.75 Exchange Materials (1973) ASTM D2687-1972 $1.75 Exchange Resins (1973) $1.75 ASTM D2187— 1972 $1.75 Exchange Resins (1974) $1.75 Tes Exchanger and Condenser Tubes, Specification for ( 1973) Exchanger for Gas Cooler (5-72) Amendment 1 (3-73, Am Exchanger for Liquid Metal Systems (5-74) Supersedes E Exchanger for Nuclear Steam Supplied Systems (3-71 ) Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins, Specification for ( Exchanger Tubes, Specification for /Ritic and Austenit Exchanger Tubes, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Exchanger ( 6-7 1 ), Amendment 1 ( 1 0-7 1 ), Amendment 2 ( 1 Exchangers, Specification for (1974) ASTM B234 1973 $1. Exchangers, Specification for (1974) $1.75 /and Welded Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes, Specification for (1974 Exchanger, Class 1, Water to Water, Straight or U Tube Exchanger, Class 2, Water to Water, Straight or U Tube Exchanger, Non Regenerative Type (5-72) Exempted and Generally Licensed Items Containing Byprod Exemption for a Radionuclide-Containing Product (Revis Exemptions from Certain NRC Requirements Over Radioacti Expanded Cellular Rubber Products, Specification for ( 1 Expansion Joint Containment Vessel Airlock (3-72) Amen Experiment Resistance to Shock and Vibration in Truck T Experiments Containing Sodium (8-74) Experiments for Research Reactors (7/76) Experiments for (1974) ANS 15.6 $8.50 Experiments in Research Reactors (11/73) Experiments, Safety Guide for the Performance of ( 1975) Explosions Postulated to Occur on Transportation Routes Explosives or Other Dangerous Articles or Substances an Explosives or Other Dangerous Articles or Substances an Exposed to High Energy Radiation, Rec. Practice for Det Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably Achievable (Nuclear Po Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably Achievable (Revision 1 Exposure May Occur (1967) $3.25 Immediate Evacuation Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to High Energy Radiation Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to High Energy Radiation Exposure of Polymeric Materials to High Energy Radiatio Exposure of Polymeric Materials to High Energy Radiatio Exposure Records Systems (5/73) Exposure Records Systems, Practice for (Reaffirmation a Exposure to High Energy Nuclear Radiation, Methods of T Exposure to High Energy Nuclear Radiation, Testing (196 Exposure to Radioactive Substances and Ionizing Radiati Exposure (Revision 1, 11/75) Exposure (1959) $2.00 / Maximum Permissible Concentrat Express Carriers Regulations (1975) $6.80 Extinguishing Agent (12-73) Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricating Grease (Four Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes (1974) ASTM B221 Extruded Tube (1974) ASTM B241 1973 $1.75 Sp Extruded (1974) ASTM B308-1973 $1.75 Specification Extrusion Materials, Specification for (1973) $1.75 NRC RG 1.5 NRC RG 1.98 NRC RG 1.21 ASTM D2355 ANSI N661 ACGIH *4 ANSI A146.1 ANSI B146.1 NRC RG 1.91 AIHA A-Z NRC RG 2.1 NRC RG 5.33 ANSI N15.17 NRC RG 5.28 NCRP R34 EPA FRC4 ASTM C295 ANSI N45.2.6 ANSI N147 ANSI G60.7 ANSI G35.25 NRC RG 1.19 ASTM A275 ASTM A577 NRC RG 3.36 NRC RG 1.66 ASTM E164 NRC RG 3.27 ASTM E453 ERDA RDT F3-6T ASME SEC-V NRC RG 1.58 ASTM D3087 ANSI Z111.12 ANSI Zlll.ll ASTM D2187 ASTM A179 ERDA RDT E4-20T ERDA RDT E4-6T ERDA RDT E4-18T ASTM A498 ASTM A213 ASTM B163 ERDA RDT E4-7T ANSI H38.6 ASTM B338 ASTM A249 ERDA RDT E4-2T ERDA RDT E4-17T ERDA RDT E11-1T NRC RG 6.6 NRC RG 6.7 NRC RG 7.5 ASTM D1056 ERDA RDT E10-5T ERDA RDT F8-9T ERDA RDT E16-1T NRC RG 2.4 ANSI N401 NRC RG 2.2 ANSI N405 NRC RG 1.91 DOT 46CFR 146 USCG 46CFR146 ASTM E183 NRC RG 8.8 NRC RG 8.10 ANSI N2.3 ANSI N141 ASTM D1879 ANSI C59.83 ASTM D1672 NRC RG 8.7 ANSI N13.6 ANSI J2.33 ASTM D2309 DOL 29CFR 70 NRC RG 8.13 NCRP R22 DOT 49CFR 175 ERDA RDT M17-1T ASTM D2596 ANSI H38.5 ANSI H38.7 ANSI H38.10 ASTM D789 34 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Polyethylene Plastics Molding and Measuring Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by -72) Superse/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Forgings and Std. Spec, for Fully Cured Silicone Rubber Coated Glass bars and Strip, Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products in Ultrasonic Inspection (1975)/ Recommended Practice for ngs (Adopted February 12, / Specification for the Design, r Liquid Metal Service ( 8-7 1 ) Amendment 1 (11-72), Ame/ 00 Nuclear Material Control Systems for Fuel reactors (4-73) Amendment 1 (3-74) ice (3-72) Amendment 1 (3-74) 74) nt 2 / Instrument Tree for Sodium Cooled Reactors Core Support Structure for Sodium Cooled Reactors Core Restraint Mechanism for Sodium Cooled Reactors Temperature and Liquid Level Control Monitor, Port Plug 1 Flux Monitor Mechanical System for Liquid Metal Service Core Radial Reflector for Sodium Cooled Reactors Reprocessing Plants and for Plutonium Processing and Fuel ic Design Classification for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Radiation Protection in Nuclear Reactor Fuel al Fire Protection Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel of License Applications for Plutonium Processing and Fuel bustible Gases and Vapors in Plutonium Processing and Fuel 1 Reprocessing Plants and to Plutonium Processing and Fuel I Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing and Fuel I Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing and Fuel ment System Design Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel e for Ventilation Systems of Plutonium Processing and Fuel 1 Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing and Fuel Code Case Acceptability: ASME Section III Design and Open Test Assembly 1-74) FFTF Closed Loop in Reactor Assembly Test for Hydrogen Permeability of Rubber Coated rous Valves and Fittings ( 1974) $2/ Finishes for Contact s (1973) $4.00 71) $7.50 Recommended Programming Practices to General Use of Locks in the Protection and Control of fire Protection Practice for (1975) $2.50 for Highly Radioactive Solid Material Handling and Storage Nuclear Material Control Systems for Fuel Fabrication of Environmental Reports for Commercial Uranium Enrichment c Requirements for Design of Nuclear Power Plants and Test Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Uranium Enrichment ality Assurance for Protective Coatings Applied to Nuclear tings (Paints) for Light Water Nuclear Reactor Containment formation: Nearby Industrial, Transportation, and Military Nuclear Material Control Systems for Conversion 3) $5.00 Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Sampling Airborne Radioactive Materials in Nuclear o Practice) (1974) $3.00 Fuel Reprocessing Fast Flux Test Fuel Storage Fast Flux Fast Flux Test ) Amendment 1 (12-74) Fast Flux Test Fast Flux Test Fast Flux Test Fast Flux Test Fast Flux Test Fast Flux Test Fast Flux a Fuel Handling Accident in the Fuel Handling and Storage Fast Flux Fast Flux Test Test Vehicles for Transient Reactor Test cense Application (Including That for a Uranium Enrichment Spot 1974) $4.00 Radiological g Fittings, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 $4.00 fittings, Specification for (1973) (ASTM B366-1972) $1./ rotection Syste/ Draft Standard Application of the Single terns (6/73) Application of the Single- I Radiological Consequences of a Radioactive Offgas System Food and Drugs: Notification of Defects or ating Materials (1973) $1.75 Test for Thermal f a Pressurized Water Reactor Radioactive Gas Storage Tank 63 Predictions (1964) Revised Health Implications of ed Through 1962 ( 1963) Estimates and Evaluations of (4-73) (6-71) t(6-71) Gener Standard Format and Content Monitoring of Com live Coatings Applied to Fue / Alloy Steel for Use in Fue /Imited Accessibility in Fue Liquid Waste Treat General Design Guid /Lar Products for Use in Fue /Ives Extrusion Materials, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Extrusion Plastometer (1973) $1.75 Extrusions (ASTM B 356 with Additional Requirements) (1 Fabric and Tapes for Electrical Insulation ( 1969) (R197 Fabricated from Rolled, Specification for ( 1974) ASTM a Fabrication and Control of Steel Reference Blocks Used Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildi Fabrication and Installation of Piping Subassemblies Fo Fabrication Facilities (A Guide to Practice) (1975) $3. Fabrication of Control Rod Driveline for Sodium Cooled Fabrication of Core Component Pot for Liquid Metal Serv (Fabrication Only) Amendment 1 (8-73), Amendment 2 (3- (Fabrication Only) (1-72) Amendment 1 (12-72), Amendme (Fabrication Only) (10-72) Amendment 1 (3-74) (Fabrication Only) (10-73) Amendment 1 (12-74) (Fabrication Only) (7-72) Amendment 1 (7-73), Amendmen (Fabrication Only) (8-72) Amendment 1 (4-73) Fabrication Plants (Revision 1, 3/74) /Ements for Fuel Fabrication Plants (10/73) Seism Fabrication Plants (1963) $5.50 Fabrication Plants (1/74) Fabrication Plants (1/76) Fabrication Plants (3/73) Fabrication Plants (3/74) Fabrication Plants (5/75) Fabrication Plants (5/75) Fabrication Plants (6/73) Fabrication Plants (8/73) Fabrication Plants (8/75) Fabrication (Revision 6, 5/76) Fabrication (10-73) Fabrication (12-71) Amendment 1 (5-72), Amendment 2 ( Fabrics (1973) $1.75 Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting End Flanges of Fer Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Ferrous Valve Facilitate Interchange of Digital Computer Programs ( 19 Facilities and Special Nuclear Materials ( 1 1/73) Facilities Handling Radioactive Materials, Recommended Facilities in a Reprocessing Plant (1975) $7.50 Facilities (A Guide to Practice) (1975) $3.00 Facilities (Revision 1, 10/75) Preparation Facilities ( 1-74) Seismi Facilities (12/74) Standard Format and Facilities (1972) $3.00 Qu Facilities (1972) $3.00 Protective Coa Facilities (9/74) Additional in Facilities, Guide to Practice (1971) $4.50 Facilities, Guide to Principle Design Criteria for ( 197 Facilities, Guide to (1969) ISO 2889 $7.00 Facilities, Nuclear Material Control Systems (A Guide T Facility Ceramic Grade Plutonium Dioxide (6-71 ) Facility Design Basis (Revision 1, 12/75) Facility Driver Fuel Pin End Caps (6-71 ) Facility Driver Fuel Pin Insulator Pellet (6-71) Facility Driver Fuel Pin Mixed Oxide Fuel Pellet (6-71 Facility Driver Fuel Pin Plenum Spacer (6-71) Facility Driver Fuel Pin Plenum Spring (6-71) Facility Driver Fuel Pin Reflectors (6-71) Facility Driver Fuel Pin Seamless Cladding Tube (6-71 ) Facility Driver Fuel Pin Wrap Wire (6-71 ) Facility Driver Fuel Pin (6-71) Facility for Boiling and Pressurized Water Reactors (SA Facility Plutonium Nitrate Solution (6-71 ) Facility Uranyl Nitrate Solution (6-71) Facility (Treat) Experiments Containing Sodium (8-74) Facility) (12/74) /on of a Special Nuclear Material Li Facing Std. (1970) $2.00 Factors Affecting Decision Making in a Nuclear Attack ( Factory Made Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Weldin Factory Made Wrought Steel Butt Welding Fittings ( 1971 ) Factory-Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Welding Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station P Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Plant Protection Sys Failure in a Boiling Water Reactor (3/76) /He Potentia Failure to Comply (1975) $2.95 Failure Under Electric Stress of Solid Electrical Insul Failure (Safety Guide 24, 3/23/72) /Cal Consequences O Fallout Estimates for 1964-1965 and Verification of 19 Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Test. Through 1961 (1962) Fallout in the United States from Weapons Test. Conduct Fans, Blowers, and Compressors for Dry Gas Circulation Fast Flux Facility Driver Fuel Pin End Caps (6-71 ) Fast Flux Facility Driver Fuel Pin (6-71) Fast Flux Facility Plutonium Nitrate Solution (6-71) Fast Flux Test Facility Ceramic Grade Plutonium Dioxide Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Insulator Pelle ASTM D1248 ASTM D1238 ERDA RDT M2-9T ANSI C59.89 ANSI G8.1 ASTM E428 AISC S310 ERDA RDT F6-11T ANSI N15.9 ERDA RDT E6-26T ERDA RDT E6-34T ERDA RDT E6-18T ERDA RDT E6-13T ERDA RDT E6-17T ERDA RDT E6-10T ERDA RDT E6-36T ERDA RDT E6-19T NRC RG 3.3 NRC RG 3.14 ANSI N7.2 NRC RG 3.16 NRC RG 3.39 NRC RG 3.7 NRC RG 3.21 NRC RG 3.29 NRC RG 3.28 NRC RG 3.10 NRC RG 3.12 NRC RG 3.36 NRC RG 1.84 ERDA RDT E8-19T ERDA RDT E8-11T ASTM D815 MSS SP-6 ANSI B16.10 ANS STD. NRC RG 5.12 NFPA 801 ANSI N305 ANSI N15.9 NRC RG 4.9 ERDA RDT F9-2T NRC RG 3.25 ANSI N101.4 ANSI N101.2 NRC RG 1.70.8 ANSI NI5.4 ANSI N101.3 ANSI N13.1 ANSI N15.13 ERDA RDT E13-1T NRC RG 1.13 ERDA RDT E13-9T ERDA RDT E13-7T ERDA RDT E13-6T ERDA RDT H 1 3-1 1 ERDA RDT E13-12 ERDA RDT E13-10 ERDA RDT E13-8T ERDA RDT E13-13 ERDA RDT E13-5T NRC RG 1.25 ERDA RDT E13-4T ERDA RDT E13-3T ERDA RDT El 6- IT NRC RG 5.45 MSS SP-9 NCRP R42 ASTM B361 ANSI BI6.9 ANSI H34.15 ANSI N41.2 NRC RG 1.53 NRC RG 1.98 BRH 21CFR1003 ASTM D3151 NRC RG 1.24 EPA FRC6 EPA FRC3 EPA FRC4 ERDA RDT E9-7T ERDA RDT E13-9T ERDA RDT E13-5T ERDA RDT E13-4T ERDA RDT E13-1T ERDA RDT E13-7T Standards Application and Analysis Division 35 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 1 Pellet (6-71) Amendment 1 (12-74) 6-71) 6-71) 71) ng Tube (6-71 ) 1) y Uranium — 238 Fission, Measuring (1973) $1 .75 y from Uranium-238 Fission ( 1974) As/ Method of Test for y from Uranium-238 Fission, Test for ( 1972) $1.75 ASTM E266-1970 $1.75 Method for Measuring ring (1970) $1.75 (1970) $1.75 m E263-1970 $1.75 Methods for Measuring 1.75 stm E264-1970 $1.75 Method for Measuring ng (1970) $1.75 stm E265-1970 $1.75 Method for Measuring astm E262-70 $1.75 Method for Measuring 88 Fission (1974) ASTM E393-I973 $/ Method for Measuring , Method for (1974) ASTM E418-1973 $1.75 (1973) $1.75 Operation of Control Rod Absorber Pin for Liquid Metal dment 1 (12-73), / Control Rod Assembly for Liquid Metal Preloading Threaded 18T, (10-71) Threaded elating to Fatigue Testing and the Statistical Analysis of ding (1973) $1.75 Test for ecommended Practice for Presentation of Constant Amplitude Data (1973) (ASTM E206/ Definitions of Terms Relating to Recommended Practice for Constant Amplitude Axial analysis Reports: Metallic Materials for Engineered Safety Safety and Health Stds. for tor Power / Preoperational and Initial Startup Testing of Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Steam and ication for General Requirements for ( 1974A) $1./ Carbon, perature Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Seamless- Specification for (1975) $1.75 Centrifugally Cast Requirements) (4-76) Supersedes M3-12T, (12-/ Seamless 75 Superheater, and Heat Exchanger Tubes, Speci/ Seamless for Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Measure the Delta test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Drop-Weight Tear Tests of -1972 $1.75 Specification for Seamless es with Integral Fins, Speci/ Seamless and Welded Carbon, 73) ASTM El 25- 1963 $1/ Magnetic Particle Indications on Part A: st F/ Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the 71 ) Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the ontact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting End Flanges of Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Copper and Copper-Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and 1) Amendment I (5-72), Amendment 2 (1-74) Spec, for Mineral ter Chargers (1965) (R1971)/ Interrelationship of Quartz- ng Cement, Specification for ( 1970) $1.75 Mineral ng Cement (ASTM C 449 with Additional Requiremen/ Mineral ible and Loose Fill (ASTM C 612 with Additional / Mineral requirements) (3-74) HEPA Filter Medium, Glass uple Material, Iron and Constantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, le Material, Copper and Constantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, le Material, Chromel-P and Alumel, Solid Conductor (Bare, d Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over d Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over d Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over bd ($40.00), II ($60.00) Evaluation of Compression Test Results of ) $1.75 Evaluation of Compression Test Results of nded Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic- ting Stations ( 19/ Type Test of Class IE Electric Cables, filiation Counting and Glossary for Scintillation Counting te Compressive and Flexural Strength Test Specimens in the y Use of an Electron Microprobe (9-7/ Determination of A imiting Values, Recommended P/ Indicating Which Places of al Insulation, High Temperature, Rigid, Flexible and Loose s) (7-75) Supersedes M1-9T, (7-71) Brazing Part C-Welding Rods, Electrodes and $2.50 Brazing Brazing ty Measurement System (1-76) Liquid Sodium Bearing tions and Additional Requirements) (3-74) Hepa Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Mixed Oxide Fue Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Plenum Spacer ( Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Plenum Spring ( Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Reflectors (6- Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Seamless Claddi Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Wrap Wire (6-7 Fast Flux Test Facility Uranyl Nitrate Solution (6-71) Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of Barium- 140 Produced B Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum-99 Activit Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum-99 Activit Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Aluminum ( 1973) Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Aluminum, Measu Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Iron Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Iron (1973) Ast Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel ( 1970) $ Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel (1973) a Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel, Measuri Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Sulfur (1973) a Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniques (1973) Fast Neutron Flux for Barium 140 Produced by Uranium-2 Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by Track-Etch Technique Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by Track-Etch Technique Fast Pulse Reactors (1975) ANS 14.1 $7.50 Fast Reactors (5-73) Supersedes E6-25T, (11-71) Fast Reactors (5-73) Supersedes E6-33T, (11-71) Amen Fasteners and Closures (2-69) Amendment 1 (10-71) Fasteners for Nuclear Components (2-75) Supersedes E8- Fatigue Data (1973) (ASTM E206-1972) $1.75 /F Terms R Fatigue Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loa Fatigue Test Results for Metallic Materials (1972T) $1. Fatigue Testing and the Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials (1972T) $1.75 Features (2/75) Information for Safety Federal Supply Contracts (1975) $3.25 Feedwater and Condensate Systems for Boiling Water Reac Feedwater System Materials (4/75) Ferritic Alloy and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes, Specif Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High Tern Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service, Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service, Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe (ASME SA-335 with Additional Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler, (1974B) $1. Ferritic Content of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Met Ferritic Steels ( 1 970 ) ASTM E208- 1 969 $ 1 .75 / Weight Ferritic Steels, Method for (1974) $1.75 Ferritic-Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes (1974) ASTM A669 Ferritic, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger Tub Ferrous Castings, Reference Photographs for (1969) (R19 Ferrous Materials (1977) bd ($90.00), II ($125.00) Ferrous Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter, Method of Te Ferrous Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter, Test for (19 Ferrous Valves and Fittings (1974) $2.00 /Nishes for C Ferrous Valves (1973) $4.00 Ferrule Stock, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 FFTF Closed Loop in Reactor Assembly Fabrication (12-7 Fiber Block and Board Thermal Insulation (1970) $1.75 Fiber Electrometer Type Dosimeters and Companion Dosime Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishi Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishi Fiber Thermal Insulation, High Temperature, Rigid, Flex Fiber (MIL-F-51079 with Modifications and Additional Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglass Insu Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglass Insu Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglass Insu Fiberglass Insulation) (1-73) /El-P and Alumel, Soli Fiberglass Insulation) (4-70) /N and Constantan, Soli Fiberglass Insulation) (4/70) /Er and Constantan, Soli Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels (1977) Field Concrete, Practice for (1968) ACI 214-1965 $1.75 Field Concrete, Rec. Practice for (1968) (ACI 214-1965 Field or Eddy-Current (Electromagnetic) Test Methods ( Field Splices, and Connections for Nuclear Power Genera Field (1972) IEEE Std. 398-1972 $5.40 /Liers for Scin Field, Method of (1970) ASTM C31-1969 $1.75 /G Concre Figure of Merit for Pu0 2 -U0 2 Fuel Pellet Homogeneity B Figures Are to Be Considered Significant in Specified L Fill (ASTM C 612 with Additional Requirements) (3-73) Filler Metal (ASME SFA-5.8 with Additional Requirement Filler Metals (1977) bd ($30.00), II ($40.00) Filler Metal, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.8— 1969 Filler Metal, Specification for (1974) Film Badge Performance Criteria (2/2/73) Film Badge Performance, Criteria for (1972) $4.25 Film Thickness, Variable Reluctance Transducer, Proximi Filter for Sodium Service ( 1-73) Filter Medium, Glass Fiber (MIL-F-51079 with Modifica ERDA RDT E13-6T ERDA RDT El 3-1 1 ERDA RDT E13-12 ERDA RDT E13-10 ERDA RDT E13-8T ERDA RDT E13-13 ERDA RDT E13-3T ASTM E393 ANSI N636 ASTM E343 ANSI N114 . ASTM E266 ASTM E263 ANSI Nlll ASTM E265 ANSI Nl 12 ASTM E264 ANSI Nl 13 ANSI N110 ANSI N638 ANSI N639 ASTM E418 ANSI N394 ERDA RDT E6-25T ERDA RDT E6-33T ERDA RDT F8-1T ERDA RDT E8-18T ANSI Z92.2 ASTM D3166 ASTM E468 ANSI Z92.2 ASTM E466 NRC RG 1.70.26 DOL 41CFR 50 NRC RG 1.68.1 NRC RG 1.70.28 ASTM A450 ASTM A369 ASTM A335 ASTM A426 ERDA RDT M3-12T ASTM A213 AWS A4.2 ANSI Z178.5 ASTM E436 ANSI B125.52 ASTM A498 ANSI Z166.4 ASME SEC-IIA ANSI K65.229 ASTM D2954 MSS SP-6 ANSI B16.10 ASTM Bill ERDA RDT E8-11T ASTM C612 ANSI N42.6 ASTM C449 ERDA RDT M 1 2-3T ERDA RDT M12-6T ERDA RDT M16-3T ERDA RDTC7-1T ERDA RDT C7-3T ERDA RDT C7-5T ERDA RDT C7-5T ERDA RDT C7-1T ERDA RDT C7-3T ASME SEC-X ANSI B 146.1 ANSI A146.1 ASTM E376 ANSI N41.10 ANSI N42.9 ANSI A37.17 ERDA RDT F11-4T ASTM E29 ERDA RDT M12-6T ERDA RDT M1-9T ASME SEC-HC ANSI W3.8 ASME SFA-5.8 NRC RG 8.3 ANSI N13.7 ERDA RDT C8-2T ERDA RDT E11-2T ERDA RDT M16-3T 36 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards r Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere (Optical Density of Maximum Pore Diameter and Permeability of Rigid Porous Hepa Hepa and Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air wer Plants (12/73) Additional Information: Air r (1970) ASTM C87-1969 / Effect of Organic Impurities in Method of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of stm CI 36- 1971 $1.75 Sieve or Screen Analysis of .75 Method of Test for Rockwell Hardness of or (1974) $1.75 ng. Method of Test for (1970) ASTM CI 17-1969 / Materials of Test for Moisture-Penetration Resistance Relations of eel Bars and Shape/ Specification for Hot Rolled and Cold re for Nuclear Application, Specific/ Hot Rolled and Cold re for Nuclear App/ Specification for Hot Rolled and Cold ng End Flanges of Ferrous Valves and Fittings ( 1974) $2/ Method of Test for the Cleanability of Surface Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Austenitic Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral Sodium Carbonate, Low Chloride (2/74) Additional Information: ater Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power Generating Plants, 6) General Fabrication Plants ( 1/74) General 76) Nuclear Reactors, Recommended Facilities Handling Radioactive Materials, Recommended test for Evaluating Acute Toxicity of Water to Fresh Water Glass Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Solutions of Glass Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Solutions of Nuclear Criticality Safety in the Storage of 2 (10-74) Current Pulse Preamplifiers for Use with ctive Assay for Plutonium in Scrap Material by Spontaneous ic Method), Method of Test for (1973) ASTM / Atom Percent ic Method) (1974) $1.75 Test for Atom Percent thod), Standard Method of Test for ( 1974) $/ Atom Percent ethod) (1973) ASTM E321 / Method of Test for Atom Percent of Test for (1973) ASTM E2 19- 1969 $1.75 Atom Percent d Method of Test for (1974) $1.75 Atom Percent g Reactor Operation, Method For/ Delayed Neutron Emitting g Reactor Operation, Measureme/ Delayed Neutron-Emitting nt 1 (10-73) 1/ Method of Test for Spectrophotometric Determination of x by Analysis of Molybdenum-99 Activity from Uranium-238 Fast Neutron Flux for Barium 140 Produced by Uranium-288 $10.00 Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Flux by Analysis of Barium-140 Produced by Uranium— 238 x by Analysis of Molybdenum-99 Activity from Uranium-238 Preferred Limits and 74) ASTM A652-1/ Specification for Wrought Steel Welding ecification for Special Requiremen/ Wrought Steel Welding Cast Bronze Solder Joint w Temperature Service (1975) $1.75 Std. Spec, for Piping -75) Supersedes M2-3T, / Carbon and Alloy Steel Welding -75) Supersedes M2-/ Austenitic Stainless Steel Welding 150 lb. Corrosion Resistant Cast Flanges and Flanged Silver Brazing Joints for Cast and Wrought Solder Joint Factory Made Wrought Steel Butt Welding Wrought Stainless Steel Butt Welding Steel Pipe Flanges, Flanged Valves and e Flanges and Connecting End Flanges of Ferrous Valves and Standard Marking System for Valves, Forged Steel High Test Wrought Welding ./ Factory-Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Welding Factory Made Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Dimensions of Plastic Pipe 73, Amend/ Gamma Compensated Ionization Chamber Assembly Requirements for sodium and Potassium in Water and Water Formed Deposits by Test for Adhesion or Cohesive Strength of 74) $1.75 Unfired Pressure Vessel (1969) $2.00 Connecting Cast Iron Swing Check Valves, Cast Iron Gate Valves, 150 lb. Corrosion Resistant Cast Flanges and Steel Pipe Flanges, 150 lb. Corrosion Resistant Cast d Fittings ( 1974) $2./ Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe 150 lb. Corrosion Resistant Cast Filtered Deposit) (1969) $1.75 Test Fo Filters for Laboratory Use, Test for (1969) $1.75 Filters (AACC CS1 with Additional Requirements) (8-74) Filters (1968) $1.50 Filtration and Adsorption Units of Light— Water Cooled Filtration Systems and Containment Sumps for Nuclear Po Fine Aggregate on Strength of Mortar, Method of Test Fo Fine Aggregate (1973) $1.75 Fine and Coarse Aggregates, Method of Test for (1973) a Fine Grained Graphite Materials (1974) ASTM C748-73 $1 Fineness of Portland Cement by the Turbidimeter, Test F Finer Than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washi Fine-Grained Soils (1972) (ASTM DI558-1971) $1.75 /D Finished Age-Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting St Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wi Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wi Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecti Finishes (1973) $1.75 Finishing Cement (ASTM C 449 with Additional Requiremen Finishing Cement, Specification for (1970) $1.75 Fins, Specification for (1973) $1.75 /N, Ferritic, and Fire Extinguishing Agent (12-73) Fire Protection Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants Fire Protection Criteria For, Issued for Trial Use and Fire Protection Guide for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (6/7 Fire Protection Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fire Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants (6/ Fire Protection Practice for ( 1974) $3.50 Fire Protection Practice for (1975) $2.50 Fishes (1970) $1.75 Fissile Material Symbol ( 1971 ) $2.75 Fissile Material (1971) ANS-8.3 $7.50 /F Borosilicate Fissile Material ( 1/73) Use of Borosilicate- Fissile Materials, Guide for (1975) ANS-8.7 $12.00 Fission Counters (8-71 ) Amendment 1 (6-73), Amendment Fission Detection (6/74) Nondestru Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mass Spectrometr Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mass Spectrometr Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Neodymium 148 Me Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Neodymium-148 M Fission in Uranium Fuel (Radiochemical Method), Method Fission in Uranium Fuel (Radiochemical Method), Standar Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water Durin Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water Durin Fission Type Neutron Detector Assembly (12-71 ) Amendme Fission Zirconium in Irradiated Nuclear Fuels (1973T) $ Fission (1974) ASTM E343-1972 $1.75 /Fast Neutron Flu Fission (1974) ASTM E393-1973 $1.75 /Od for Measuring Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors ( 1975) ANS-8.1 Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors (1/73) Fission, Measuring (1973) $1.75 Fast Neutron Fission, Test for ( 1 972 ) $1.75 Fast Neutron Flu Fits for Cylindrical Parts (1967) (R1974) $4.00 Fittings for Nuclear and Other Special Applications ( 19 Fittings for Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Sp Fittings for Sovent Drainage Systems (1973) $3.50 Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Lo Fittings (ASME SA-234 with Additional Requirements) (5 Fittings (ASME SA-403 with Additional Requirements) ( 1 Fittings (1965) $3.00 Fittings (1970) $3.00 Fittings (1971) $4.00 Fittings (1971) $4.00 Fittings (1973) $12.00 Fittings (1974) $2.00 /Nishes for Contact Faces of Pip Fittings, Flanges and Unions (1964) $4.00 Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded (1973) $3.00 Fittings, Specification for (1970) $4.00 Fittings, Specification for (1973) (ASTM B366-1972) $1 Fittings, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 Fittings, Symbols for (1968) (R1973) $1.75 (Fixed Electrical Compensation) (7-71) Amendment 1 (8- Fixed Industrial Stairs (1968) $2.75 Fixed Ladders, Safety Requirements for (1974) $5.50 Flame Photometry, Tests for ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 Flame-Sprayed Coatings (1974) $1.75 Flammability of Self-Supporting Plastics, Test for (19 Flange Dimensions (1969) $4.00 Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves Flanged and Threaded Ends (1970) $3.00 Flanged and Threaded Ends (1970) $4.00 Flanged Fittings (1965) $3.00 Flanged Valves and Fittings (1973) $12.00 Flanged Valves (1959) $3.00 Flanges and Connecting End Flanges of Ferrous Valves an Flanges and Flanged Fittings (1965) $3.00 ASTM D1704 ASTM E128 ERDA RDT E9-1T IES CS-1T NRC RG 1.52 NRC RG 1.70.2 ANSI A37.129 ASTM C128 ANSI A37.8 ANSI K90.14 ASTM CI 15 ANSI A37.4 ANSI A37.157 ASTM A564 ANSI N122 , ASTM B351 MSS SP-6 ASTM C756 ERDA RDT M12-3T ASTM C449 ASTM A498 ERDA RDT M17-1T NRC RG 1.70.4 ANSI N18.10 NRC RG 3.38 NRC RG 3.16 NRC RG 1.120 NFPA 802 NFPA 801 ASTM D1345 ANSI N12.1 ANSI N16.4 NRC RG 3.1 ANSI N16.5 ERDA RDTC15-3T NRC RG 5.34 ANSI N108 ASTM E244 ASTM E321 ANSI Nl 18 ANSI N107 ASTM E219 ANSI N163 ASTM D2470 ERDA RDT C15-5T ASTM E495 ANSI N636 ANSI N638 ANSI N16.1 NRC RG 3.4 ASTM E393 ASTM E343 ANSI B4.1 ANSI N560 ASTM A652 ANSI B16.32 ASTM A420 ERDA RDT M2-3T ERDA RDT M2-5T MSS SP-51 MSS SP-73 ANSI B16.9 MSS SP-43 ANSI B16.5 MSS SP-6 MSS SP-25 ANSI BI6.11 MSS SP-75 ANSI H34.15 ASTM B361 ASTM D2749 ERDA RDTC15-7T ANSI A64.1 ANSI AI4.3 ASTM D1428' ASTM C633 ASTM D635 ANSI B16.30 MSS SP-60 MSS SP-71 MSS SP-70 MSS SP-51 ANSI B16.5 MSS SP-42 MSS SP-6 MSS SP-51 Standards Application and Analysis Division 37 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 968) $4.00 High Pressure Chemical Industry Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, ishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting End . for (1976) $1.75 Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe Steel Pipe stm A629-1971 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Tool Resisting Steel 1970 $1.75 Tantalum Ingots and Tantalum Ingots and mineral Fiber Thermal Insulation, High Temperature, Rigid, 1.75 Test for Water Vapor Transmission of (5-72) Amendment I (4-73) Thermal Insulation, Test for Leaks in Heat Sealed hird Point Loading), Method of Test for (1966) (R1973) A/ ation, Test for (1972) $1.7/ Breaking Load and Calculated f ( 1970) ASTM/ Making and Curing Concrete Compressive and Design Basis Additional Information: Water Level Requirements for (1973) $3.00 r(6-72) Amendment 1 (9-73), Amendment 2 (6-74) Laminar- Thermal Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Heat ures, Measurement of ( 1973) $1.75 1973) $1.75 Measuring Eddy Current Probe Type -73) in Core Permanent Magnet (1-71) Venturi sedes C4-5T, (8-71 ) Permanent Magnet in Core Permanent Magnet Flow Through Type ics(2-73) Eddy Current ign Limits and Loading Combinations for Seismic Category 1 truction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants ( 1973/ Cleaning of d Nuclear Po/ Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Material in Drying and $3.00 Radiation Safety for X-Ray Diffraction and 72) $1.75 Microquantities of Uranium in Water by erformance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for r Gage ( 10-70/ Liquid Metal Pressure Measurement System, ns ( 1960) $2.00 Measurement of Neutron 38 Fission, Measuring (1973) $1.75 Fast Neutron m-238 Fission (1974) As/ Method of Test for Fast Neutron m-238 Fission, Test for (1972) $1.75 Fast Neutron 970 $1.75 Method for Measuring Fast Neutron 1 .75 Fast Neutron Fast Neutron $1.75 Methods for Measuring Fast Neutron Fast Neutron $1.75 Method for Measuring Fast Neutron 75 Fast Neutron $1.75 Method for Measuring Fast Neutron 70 $1.75 Method of Measuring Neutron $1.75 Method for Measuring Fast Neutron .75 Thermal Neutron Neutron ickel Steel Electrodes (1974) $3.50 tron Generators by Radioactivation Techniques, / Neutron- Generators by Radioactivatio/ Method of Test for Neutron 973T) Measuring Neutron Fast Fast Fast 974) ASTM E393-1973 $/ Method for Measuring Fast Neutron Fast Neutron (1974) ASTM E418-1973 $1.75 Fast Neutron (Fabrication Only) (7-72) Amendment 1 (7-73/ Low Level Wide Range (10 Decade) Neutron Logarithmic Count Rate Source Range Neutron Direct Current Power Range Neutron thmic Mean Square Voltage (MSV) Intermediate Range Neutron 7 1 ) Fast 71) Fast let (6-71 ) Amendment 1 (12-74) Fast ) Fast ) Fast Fast be (6-71) Fast Fast Fast dditional Requirements) (3-75/ Mild Steel Electrodes and ent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Electrodes and 73) AWS A5. 17-1969 $2.50 Bare Mild Steel Electrodes and 74) Mild Steel Electrodes and 1 Requirements) (7-75) Supers/ Mild Steel Electrodes for 5.20-1969 $2.50 Mild Steel Electrodes for Mild Steel Electrodes for Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens Gaskets (1 Flanges and Unions (1964) $4.00 Flanges of Ferrous Valves and Fittings ( 1974) $2.00 /N Flanges, and Valves and Parts for General Service, Spec Flanges, Flanged Valves and Fittings (1973) $12.00 Flat Bars and Shapes for Security Applications ( 1974) a Flat Mill Products, Specification for (1973) ASTM B364- Flat Mill Products, Spec, for (1970) $1.75 Flexible and Loose Fill (ASTM C 612 with Additional Req Flexible Heat Sealed Packages for Dry Products (1972) $ Flexible or Molded, High Temperature, Low Conductivity Flexible Packages ( 1972) $1.75 Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with T Flexural Strength of Preformed Block Type Thermal Insul Flexural Strength Test Specimens in the Field, Method O Flood Protection for Nuclear Power Plants ( 10/75 Floods for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 4/76) (Flood) Design for Nuclear Power Plants (5/74) Floor and Wall Openings, Railings and Toeboards, Safety Floor Valve, Reactor Refueling and Maintenance for Lmfb Flow Clean Air Devices (1968) $1.50 Flow Meter, Test for (1970) $1.75 Flow Properties of Lubricating Greases at High Temperat Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer ( Flow Sensor for Liquid Metal Service (6-73) Flow Through Type Flowmeter for Liquid Metal Service (4 Flow Tube for Liquid Sodium (8-74) Supersedes C4-4T, Flowmeter for Liquid Metal Piping Systems (4-74) Super Flowmeter for Liquid Metal Service (4-73) Flowmeter Power Supply and Signal Conditioning Electron Fluid System Components (5/73) Des Fluid Systems and Associated Components During the Cons Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Coole Fluidized Bed Operations (Revision 1, 5/74) /Inimizing Fluorescence Analysis Equipment ( 1971 ) NBS Handbook 1 1 1 Fluoride Ion in Water, Standard Method of Tests for (19 Fluorometry, Test for (1975) $1.75 Fluoroscopic Equipment (1975) $2.95 Flush Mounted, Eddy Current Type, Inductive, Absolute O Flux and Spectra for Physical and Biological Applicatio Flux by Analysis of Barium-140 Produced by Uranium— 2 Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum-99 Activity from Uraniu Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum-99 Activity from Uraniu Flux by Radioactivation of Aluminum (1973) ASTM E266-1 Flux by Radioactivation of Aluminum, Measuring (1970) $ Flux by Radioactivation of Iron Measuring (1970) $1.75 Flux by Radioactivation of Iron (1973) ASTM E263-1970 Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel (1970) $1.75 Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel (1973) ASTM E264-197 Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel, Measuring ( 1970) $1. Flux by Radioactivation of Sulfur (1973) ASTM E265-197 Flux by Radioactivation Techniques (1973) ASTM E261-19 Flux by Radioactivation Techniques (1973) ASTM E262-70 Flux by Radioactivation Techniques, Measuring (1970) $1 Flux by Radioactivation (1970) $1.75 Flux Core Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-N Flux Density and Average Energy from 3 H(d,n) 4 He Neu Flux Density and Average Energy from 3H(D, N)4He Neutron Flux Density by Radioactivation of Cobalt and Silver ( 1 Flux Facility Driver Fuel Pin End Caps (6-71 ) Flux Facility Driver Fuel Pin (6-71) Flux Facility Plutonium Nitrate Solution (6-71) Flux for Barium 140 Produced by Uranium-288 Fission (1 Flux Measurements by Track-Etch Technique ( 1973) $1.75 Flux Measurements by Track-Etch Technique, Method for Flux Monitor Mechanical System for Liquid Metal Service Flux Monitoring Channel (2-71) Flux Monitoring System (7-71) Flux Monitoring System (7-71) Flux Monitoring System (7-71) Logari Flux Test Facility Ceramic Grade Plutonium Dioxide (6- Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Insulator Pellet (6- Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Mixed Oxide Fuel Pel Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Plenum Spacer (6-71 Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Plenum Spring (6-71 Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Reflectors (6-71 ) Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Seamless Cladding Tu Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Wrap Wire (6-71) Flux Test Facility Uranyl Nitrate Solution (6-7 i) Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding (ASME SFA-5.17 with a Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding (9-75) 2-1/4-Perc Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding, Specification for ( 19 Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding, Specification for (19 Flux-Cored Arc Welding (ASME SFA -5.20 with Additiona Flux-Cored Arc Welding, Specification for (1973) AWS a Flux-Cored Arc Welding, Specification for (1974) MSS SP-65 MSS SP-25 MSS SP-6 ASTM A181 ANSI B16.5 ANSI G24.47 ANSI Z179.14 ASTM B364 ERDA RDT M12-6T ASTM D3079 ERDA RDT M12-5T ASTM D3078 ANSI A37.22 ASTM C203 ANSI A37.17 NRC RG 1.102 NRC RG 1.59 NRC RG 1.70.5 ANSI A12.1 ERDA RDT E1-36T IES CS-2T ASTM C518 ASTM D3232 ASTM D1238 ERDA RDT C4-7T ERDA RDT C4-6T ERDA RDT C4-4T ERDA RDT C4-5T ERDA RDT C4-6T ERDA RDTC10-5T NRC RG 1.48 ANSI N45.2.1 NRC RG 1.37 NRC RG 5.8 ANSI N43.2 ASTM D1179 ASTM D2907 BRH 21CFR1020E ERDA RDT C6-3T NCRP R23 ASTM E393 ANSI N636 ASTM E343 ANSI Nl 14 ASTM E266 ASTM E263 ANSI Nl 1 1 ASTM E265 ANSI Nl 12 ASTM E264 ANSI Nl 13 ANSI N109 ANSI N110 ASTM E262 ASTM E261 AWS A5.22 ASTM E496 ANSI N580 ASTM E481 ERDA RDT E13-9T ERDA RDT E13-5T ERDA RDT E13-4T ANSI N638 ASTM E418 ANSI N639 ERDA RDT E6-36T ERDA RDTC15-2T ERDA RDT C15-10 ERDA RDT C15-8T ERDA RDT C15-6T ERDA RDT E13-1T ERDA RDT E13-7T ERDA RDT E13-6T ERDA RDT E13-U ERDA RDT E13-12 ERDA RDT E13-10 ERDA RDT E13-8T ERDA RDT E13-13 ERDA RDT E13-3T ERDA RDT M1-17T ERDA RDT M1-22T ANSI W3.17 ASME SFA-5.17 ERDA RDT M1-20T ANSI W3.20 ASME SFA-5.20 38 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards n Portland Cement Concrete ( 1973) ASTM/ Specification for rete ( 1974) $1.75 Sampling and Testing Reactor Coolant Pump Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Pump Dose to Polymeric Materials and Application of Threshold- 64 $1.75 Columbium and Columbium Alloy Strip, Sheet, ces Intended for Use in the Production, Processing, and / omply (1975) $2.95 ons) (1975) $2.95 erpretation (1975) $2.95 ded for Use in the Production, Processing, and Handling of est for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Spread 1972 $3.00 Temperatures: Electromotive dium Impurities (1-76) Supersedes E4-5T, (12-70) Recommended Practice for cification for (1975) $1.75 Ferritic Alloy Steel cification for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Austenitic Steel ts for General Service, Spec, for ( 1976) $1 .75 73) $3.00 galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated/ Pressed, and Tungsten Forgings-Pressed, Sintered, and Spec, for Copper and Copper Alloy Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and r Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and itation Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and tion Hardening Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and ) (4-76) Sup/ Nickel-Chromium Alloy Bars, Forgings, and tions (1974) ASTM A65/ Spec, for Special Requirements for tions, Specification for Special Requirements for ( 1973)/ uirements) (1-72) Superse/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy ional Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M2-/ Carbon Steel uenched and Tempered Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel vessel Components ( 1970) Ast/ Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel -75) Supersedes / Martensitic Stainless Steel (Type 403) -76) Supersedes M2-2T, (/ Stainless and Low Alloy Steel -75) Supersedes M2-/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy 1-74) Supersedes M2-4T, (4-72) Alloy Steel nt-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Steel Tubesheet -75) Supersedes M2-8T, (7-71 ) Carbon and Alloy Steel precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel Bars, Shapes, and Std. Spec, for Copper and Copper Alloy Die Specification for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Die and Hand Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Spec, for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Tungsten Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, ec. for Precipitation Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Bars, for Precipitation Hardening Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, e (ASTM a 637/ Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, I Requirements) (4-76) Sup/ Nickel-Chromium Alloy Bars, I Base-19Cr-3.IMo-5.1 (Cb+Ta)-/ Spec, for Alloy Bars, &ta) 0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable Electrode or Vacuum/ Bars, Pressure Vessel Components (197/ Specification for Steel oughness Testing for Piping Components/ Specification for Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Ultrasonic Examination of Heavy Steel Aluminum-Alloy Die and Hand requirements) (4-76) Supersedes / Carbon and Alloy Steel Concrete trol and Accounting Section of a Special Nuclea/ Standard m Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (1/76) Standard only of Unirradiated Reactor Fuel and Associate/ Standard reprocessing Plants (2/75) Standard ar Power Plants (Revision 2, (9/75) Standard urn Enrichment Facilities ( 12/74) Standard Recommended Practice for Standard Calibration and 1.75 Sodium and Potassium in Water and Water Analysis of Solvent Systems Used for Removal of Water ation for (1973) (ASTM B349-/ Zirconium Sponge and Other r (1973) $1.75 Zirconium Sponge and Other Unified Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Remelted Lithium Metal in Ingot ment of Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricating Grease 74) $1.75 Test for Plane-Strain 71), Amendment 2 (12-71) Rail esonance (1974) $1/ Moduli of Elasticity and Fundamental izing Radiation Emitting Products) for Microwave and Radio Sampling 4) (R 1969) ASTM C360-I963 $1.75 Ball Penetration in Test for Evaluating Acute Toxicity of Water to f Test for (1975) $1.75 Air Content of of Test for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Air Content of Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use I Fly Ash for Use as an Admixture in Portland Cement Cone Flywheel Integrity (Revision 1, 8/75) Flywheel Integrity (4/75) Foil Measurements ( 1968) (R1973) $1.75 /Ion of Neutron Foil Shielded Instrumentation Cable (6-74) Foil, and Plate, Specification for (1973) ASTM B393-19 Food Additives, Subpart G. Radiation and Radiation Sour Food and Drugs: Notification of Defects or Failure to C Food and Drugs: Records and Reports (1975) $2.95 Food and Drugs: Subpart A, General Provisions (Definiti Food and Drugs: Subpart B, Statements of Policy and Int Food (1975) $6.75 /Diation and Radiation Sources Inten Footings (1972) (ASTM Dl 194-1972) $1.75 Method of T Force (EMF) Tables for Thermocouples (1973) ASTM E230- Forced Circulation Cold Trap Assembly for Removal of So Forced Vibration Testing of Vulcanizates (1971) $1.75 Forged and Bored Pipe for High Temperature Service, Spe Forged and Bored Pipe for High Temperature Service, Spe Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe Flanges, and Valves and Par Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded ( 19 Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip, Zinc (Hot Forged (1966) $3.00 Forging Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974) $1.75 Forging Stock for High Temperature Service (ASTM a 637 Forging Stock for High Temperature Service ( 1973) ASTM Forging Stock for High Temperature Service ( 1973) ASTM Forging Stock for High Temperature Service ( 1973) ASTM Forging Stock (ASME SA 637 with Additional Requirements Forgings and Bars for Nuclear and Other Special Applica Forgings and Bars for Nuclear and Other Special Applica Forgings and Extrusions (ASTM B 356 with Additional Req Forgings for Piping Components (ASME SA-105 with Addit Forgings for Pressure Vessels ( 1974A) $1.75 /Ec. for Q Forgings for Seamless Drums, Heads, and Other Pressure Forgings (ASME SA-182 with Additional Requirements) (3 Forgings (ASME SA-182 with Additional Requirements) (4 Forgings (ASME SA-182 with Additional Requirements) (7 Forgings (ASME SA-336 with Additional Requirements) (1 Forgings (ASME SA-336 with Additional Requirements) (2 Forgings (ASME SA-541 with Additional Requirements) (7 Forgings (ASME SA-564 with Additional Requirements) (5 Forgings (Hot Pressed) (1974) $1.75 Forgings (1970) ASTM B381-1969 $1.75 Forgings (1974) ASTM B247-1973 $1.75 Forgings (1975) $1.75 Forgings (1975) $1.75 Forgings-Pressed, Sintered, and Forged (1966) $3.00 Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Servic Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Servic Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Servic Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Servic Forgings, and Forging Stock (ASME SA 637 with Additiona Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nicke Forgings, and Rings, Nickel-19Cr-19Fe-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, Quenched and Tempered, for Forgings, Carbon and Low Alloy Steel, Requiring Notch T Forgings, Method for (1974) $1.75 Forgings, Practice for (1973) ASTM A388-1971 $1.75 Forgings, Specification for ( 1974) $1.75 Forgings, Vacuum Treated (ASME SA-508 with Additional Form Work, Practice for (1968) (ACI 347-1968 $2.50 Format and Content for the Special Nuclear Material Con Format and Content of License Applications for Plutoniu Format and Content of License Applications for Storage Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Fuel Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nucle Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Urani Format for Nuclear Logs (1974) $1.00 Formed Deposits by Flame Photometry, Tests for ( 1971 ) $ Formed (1973) $1.75 Forms of Virgin Metal for Nuclear Application, Specific Forms of Virgin Metal for Nuclear Application, Spec. Fo Form) (1974) $15.00 Form, Specification for ( 1972) $1.75 (Four Ball Method) (1974) $1.75 Measure Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials, Method of ( 19 Freeze Vent for Sodium Service (2-71 ) Amendment 1 (9- Freight Carriers Regulations (1975) $6.80 Frequencies of Carbon and Graphite Materials by Sonic R Frequency Emitting Products (1975) $2.95 /Ce Std. (Ion Fresh Concrete, Method of (1973) ASTM C172-1971 $1.75 Fresh Portland Cement Concrete, Method of Test for (196 Fresh Water Fishes (1970) $1.75 Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method, Method O Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method, Method ANSI A37.122 ASTM C311 NRC RG 1.14 NRC RG 1.70.30 ASTM D2365 ERDA RDT C17-9T ANSI Z179.20 FDA 21CFR 121 BRH 21CFR1003 BRH 21CFRI002 BRH 21CFR1000A BRH 21CFR1000B FDA 21CFR 121 ANSI A37.158 ANSI C96.2 ERDA RDT E4-5T ASTM D2231 ASTM A369 ASTM A430 ASTM A18I ANSI B16.ll ANSI G8.1 SAE AMS7897 ASTM B124 ERDA RDT M2-18T ANSI G81.44 ANSI G81.45 ANSI G81.46 ERDA RDT M2-15T ANSI N561 ASTM A654 ERDA RDT M2-9T ERDA RDT M2-1T ASTM A508 ANSI G55.1 ERDA RDT M2-6T ERDA RDT M2-2T ERDA RDT M2-11T ERDA RDT M2-4T ERDA RDT M2-19T ERDA RDT M2-8T ERDA RDT M7-6T ASTM B283 ANSI Z179.3 ANSI H38.8 ASTM A473 ASTM B381 SAE AMS7897 ANSI G81.44 ANSI G81.45 ANSI G81.46 ERDA RDT M2-18T ERDA RDT M2-15T ANSI G87.146 SAE AMS5662D ASTM A541 ASTM A350 ASTM A275 ANSI G60.7 ASTM B247 ERDA RDT M2-7T ANSI A145.1 NRC RG 5.45 NRC RG 3.39 NRC RG 3.15 NRC RG 3.26 NRC RG 1.70 NRC RG 3.25 API RP33 ASTM D1428 ASTM D2790 ANSI N121 ASTM B349 ANSI Bl.l ASTM B357 ASTM D2596 ASTM E399 ERDA RDT E4-13T DOT 49CFR 174 ASTM C747 BRH 21CFR1030 ANSI A37.30 ANSI A37.92 ASTM D1345 ASTM C231 ASTM C173 Standards Application and Analysis Division 39 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 73) ASTM CI 42- 1971 $1.75 Clay Lumps and d. Method of Test for Absorbed Gamma Radiation Dose in the ment 1 (9-73) Low ntrol of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories for Mixed Oxide ense Applications for Storage Only of Unirradiated Reactor d Vibration in Truck Transport (2-75) Design Basis for reactors (12/20/72) Serial Numbering of amendment 1 (5-72) Surveillance Program for New Driver e Mechanical Properties (197/ Practice for Examination of e Mechanical Properties, Rec. Practice for Examination O/ / Quality Verification for Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Quality Control for Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Shielded Shipping Cask for Spent Reactor ) $3.00 Nuclear Material Control Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Plants and for Plutonium Processing and seismic Design Classification for Plutonium Processing and Radiation Protection in Nuclear Reactor general Fire Protection Guide for Plutonium Processing and ntent of License Applications for Plutonium Processing and f Combustible Gases and Vapors in Plutonium Processing and o Fuel Reprocessing Plants and to Plutonium Processing and n Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing and n Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing and treatment System Design Guide for Plutonium Processing and Guide for Ventilation Systems of Plutonium Processing and n Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing and or Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of A diological Consequences of a Fuel Handling Accident in the Protection Contingency Measures for Uranium and Plutonium 5) Determination of e (9-7/ Determination of a Figure of Merit for Pu0 2 -U0 2 Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Mixed Oxide Ceramographic Preparation Cf Mixed Oxide Fast Flux Facility Driver Fast Flux Test Facility Driver 2-74) Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fast Flux Facility Driver Electric Heaters: Simulated LMFBR Nondestructive Assay of High Enrichment Uranium Criteria for (1973) $5.00 Nuclear systems (A Guide to Practice) (1974) $3.00 ctions (6/74) Periodic Testing of nd Fuel Fabri/ Quality Assurance Program Requirements for ification for Welding in Areas of Limited Accessibility in ture Control for the Welding of Low Alloy Steel for Use in Nondestructive Examination of Tubular Products for Use in Assurance Requirements for Protective Coatings Applied to Earthquake Instrumentation for Confinement Barriers and Systems for Reporting of Operating Information for Process Offgas Systems for standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Content of Technical Specifications for examination of Welds in the Liners of Concrete Barriers in cation, and Inspection of Protective Coatings (Paints) for General Fire Protection Guide for Emergency Water Supply Systems for ress Corrosion in Austenitic Stainless Steel Components of General Design Guide for Ventilation Systems for 75) Inspection and Preventive Maintenance of Operating Manuals for for Radiochemical Determination of Cesium- 137 in Nuclear Radiochemical Determination of Cesium- 137 in Nuclear ing. Design, and Plant Protection for an Independent Spent Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Test for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium 973) ASTM / Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium r (1974) $/ Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium of Test for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium astm E2 19- 1969 $1.75 Atom Percent Fission in Uranium r (1974) $1.75 Atom Percent Fission in Uranium Analytical Chemistry Methods for Mixed Oxide netration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear c Determination of Fission Zirconium in Irradiated Nuclear es for Electrical Insulation ( 1969) (R 197/ Std. Spec, for Standard Format and Co Monitoring O /Ive Coatings Applied T / Alloy Steel for Use I /Imited Accessibility I Liquid Waste General Design /Lar Products for Use I Friable Particles in Aggregates, Method of Test for (19 Fricke Dosimeter (1972) $1.75 St Friction Hard Surface for Core Components (5-73) Amend Fuel Analysis (7-73) Qualification and Co Fuel and Associated Radioactive Material (10/73) / Lie Fuel and Control Assembly Tag Gas ( 10-72) Fuel and Irradiations Experiment Resistance to Shock an Fuel Assemblies for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Fuel Assemblies for Pressurized Water Reactors (7-71) Fuel Assembly Designs (6/76) Fuel Assembly Identification (1972) ANS-13.8 $5.00 Fuel Assembly (4-73) Fuel Element Cladding Including the Determination of th Fuel Element Cladding Including the Determination of th Fuel Elements for Use in Research Reactors (Revision 1, Fuel Elements (1974) ANS 15.2 $8.50 Fuel Elements (8-73) Amendment 1 (11-73) Fuel Fabrication Facilities (A Guide to Practice) ( 1975 Fuel Fabrication Plants (Revision 1, 3/74) /Ements for Fuel Fabrication Plants ( 10/73) Fuel Fabrication Plants ( 1963) $5.50 Fuel Fabrication Plants (1/74) Fuel Fabrication Plants ( 1/76) Fuel Fabrication Plants (3/73) Fuel Fabrication Plants (3/74) Fuel Fabrication Plants (5/75) Fuel Fabrication Plants (5/75) Fuel Fabrication Plants (6/73) Fuel Fabrication Plants (8/73) Fuel Fabrication Plants (8/75) Fuel Handling Accident in the Fuel Handling and Storage Fuel Handling and Storage Facility for Boiling and Pres Fuel Manufacturing Plants (6/74) Materials Fuel Pellet Homogeneity by Alpha-Autoradiography (5-7 Fuel Pellet Homogeneity by Use of an Electron Microprob Fuel Pellet (6-71) Amendment 1 ( 1 2-74) Fuel Pellets (1-73) Fuel Pin End Caps (6-71) Fuel Pin Insulator Pellet (6-71) Fuel Pin Mixed Oxide Fuel Pellet (6-71) Amendment 1 (1 Fuel Pin Plenum Spacer (6-71) Fuel Pin Plenum Spring (6-71) Fuel Pin Reflectors (6-71 ) Fuel Pin Seamless Cladding Tube (6-7 1 ) Fuel Pin Wrap Wire (6-71) Fuel Pin (6-71) Fuel Pins (3-72) Fuel Plates by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (9/74) Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, Guide to Principle Design Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, Nuclear Material Control Fuel Reprocessing Plant Protection System Actuation Fun Fuel Reprocessing Plants and for Plutonium Processing a Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing an Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing an Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing an Fuel Reprocessing Plants and to Plutonium Processing an Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/75) Fuel Reprocessing Plants (4/73) Fuel Reprocessing Plants (5/75) Fuel Reprocessing Plants (6/75) Fuel Reprocessing Plants (6/76) Fuel Reprocessing Plants (9/75) Fuel Reprocessing Plants (9/75) Fuel Reprocessing Systems (9/75) Fuel Shipping Container Tiedown for Truck Transport ( 1- Fuel Shipping Containers ( 1-75) Fuel Shopping Containers (1-75) Fuel Solutions (1973) ASTM E320-1970 $1.75 Methods Fuel Solutions, Standard Method for (1970) $1.75 Fuel Storage Facility Design Basis (Revision 1, 12/75) Fuel Storage Installation ( 12/74) /Se Application, Sit Fuel System Design (5/75) Fuel (Mass Spectrometric Method) (1974) $1.75 Fuel (Mass Spectrometric Method), Method of Test for ( 1 Fuel (Neodymium 148 Method), Standard Method of Test Fo Fuel (Neodymium-148 Method) (1973) ASTM E321 — 1969) $ Fuel (Radiochemical Method), Method of Test for (1973) Fuel (Radiochemical Method), Standard Method of Test Fo Fuel (7-73) Amendment 1 (12-74) Fueled Power Generating Stations (1973) IEEE 317-1972 Fuels (1973T) $1.75 /Hod of Test for Spectrophotometri Fully Cured Silicone Rubber Coated Glass Fabric and Tap Nondestructive Selection, Appli /Ular Corrosion and St ANSI ASTM ERDA ERDA NRC ERDA ERDA NRC ERDA NRC ANSI ERDA ANSI ASTM NRC ANSI ERDA ANSI NRC NRC ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA NRC ANSI ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA ANSI ASTM NRC NRC NRC ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ERDA ANSI ASTM ANSI A37.28 D1671 RDT E6-38T RDT F2-6T RG 3.15 RDT M14-2T RDT F8-9T RG 5.1 RDT E13-15 RG 1.119 N18.3 RDT E13-16 N147 E453 RG 2 3 N398 RDT E12-4T NI5.9 RG 3.3 RG 3.14 N7.2 RG 3.16 RG 3.39 RG 3.7 RG 3.21 RG 3.29 RG 3.28 RG 3.10 RG 3.12 RG 3.36 RG 1.25 RG 1.25 RG 5.30 RDT F11-5T RDT F11-4T RDT E13-6T RDT F11-6T RDT E13-9T RDT E13-7T RDT E13-6T RDT El 3-1 1 RDT E13-12 RDT E13-10 RDT E13-8T RDT El 3- 13 RDT E13-5T RDT P4-1T RG 5.38 N101.3 N15.13 RG 3.22 RG 3.3 RG 3.28 RG 3.29 RG 3.36 RG 3.21 RG 3.17 RG 3.18 RG 3.19 RG 3.20 RG 3.26 RG 3.6 RG 3.27 RG 3.30 RG 3.38 RG 3.31 RG 3.37 RG 3.32 RDT F8-11T RDT E12-7T RDT E12-5T NU7 E320 RG 1.13 RG 3.24 RG 1.70.34 E244 N108 E321 Nl 18 N107 E219 RDT F11-1T N45.3 E495 C59.89 40 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Self Operated and Power Operated Safety Related Valves ration of Design Bases for Systems That Perform Protective Periodic Testing of Protection System Actuation ing of Fuel Reprocessing Plant Protection System Actuation s by Sonic Resonance (1974) $1./ Moduli of Elasticity and Reference Radiographs for Steel Over), Specification for (1974) $1.75 Electric- pipe for High Temperature Service, Specificati/ Electric - peratures (1974) ASTM A671-/ Specification for Electric- ecification for (1975) $1.75 Electric- romium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for , Flush Mounted, Eddy Current Type, Inductive, Absolute or trochemical Analysis of ( 1972) ASTM E40/ Uranium Oxide by ectrochemical Analysis of ( 1970) $1.75 Uranium Oxide by detecting / Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot Dip and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip, Zinc (Hot e Dosimeter, Method of Test for (1973) (ASTM D3/ Absorbed ate-Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter, Method of Test F/ Absorbed ate-Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter, Test for ( 1971 ) Absorbed ectrical Compensation) (7-71) Amendment 1 (8-73, Amend/ 75 Std. Method of Test for Absorbed 971) $4.40 Portable X or Rec. Practice for Calculation of Absorbed Dose from t Reading and Indirect Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X and waste Water, Method for Measurement of (1973) ASTM D1690/ Test for Measurement of Spec, of al Sheilding Design and Evaluation (19/ Medical X-Ray and nt Design and Use (1968) $3.00 Medical X-Ray and ty Sta/ Installations Using Non-Medical X-Ray and Sealed of Absorbed Dose of Neutrons, and Mixtures of Neutrons and 459—1969 $1.75 esC15-HT, (8-72) BF3 td. 325-1971 $4.00 Geranium Safety Standard for Installations Using Nonmedical Sealed Nondestructive Uranium-235 Enrichment Assay by estructive Assay of High Enrichment Uranium Fuel Plates by eaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual (1973) $1.75 General for Volatile Organic Matter in Water by Aqueous-Injection Fans, Blowers, and Compressors for Dry Radioactive oolant Accident (Safety Guide 7, / Control of Combustible od of Marking ( 1 954 ) ( R 1 97 1 ) CGA C4 / Portable Compressed 73) Heat Exchanger for cga V-l-1965 $7.00 Compressed . (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Cold-Cathode equirements) (4-75) Supersede/ Mild Steel Electrodes for 18-1969 $2.50 Mild Steel Electrodes for Mild Steel Electrodes for d Iodine Compounds ( 10-73) Supersedes Ml 6- IT, (6-72) 2) $2.00 High Efficiency Sodium Cover Tank for al Consequences of a Pressurized Water Reactor Radioactive Inert Iron and Steel 76) Methods for the Analysis of Sodium and Cover Fuel and Control Assembly Tag powe/ Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and ods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of (1974) $1.75 Dissolved and cation Plants (3/73) Monitoring of Combustible Rec. Practice for Sampling Atmospheres for Analysis of 5 Design and Construction of Nonmetallic ical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens Sealability of Enveloped Cast Iron t 1 (5-74) Stainless Steel Standard Test Procedure for 974) IEEE Std. 301-1970 $3.00 Recommended Practice for Spec, for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for eprocessing Systems (9/75) um Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (8/73) nts (6/76) and Fuel Fabrication Plants ( 1/74) tice for (1973) $1.75 ntained in Certain Devices to Be Distributed for Use Under tm E181-1962 $1.75 tions for Assay, Isotopic Distribution, and Impurity Det/ Functional Specification Standard (1975) $3.00 Functions in Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Criteri Functions (Safety Guide 22, 2/17/72) Functions (6/74) Periodic Test Fundamental Frequencies of Carbon and Graphite Material Fusion Welds (1973) ASTM E390— 1969 $1.75 Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Plate Pipe (Sizes 16 in. and Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Alloy Steel Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Tern Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Service, Sp Fusion-Welded Unfired Pressure Vessels, Specification Gage (10-70) Amendment 1 (10-71) /Measurement System Gallium Oxide Carrier DC Arc Technique, Method for Spec Gallium Oxide Carrier D-C Arc Technique, Method for Sp Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ceric Sulfat Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulf Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulf Gamma Compensated Ionization Chamber Assembly (Fixed El Gamma Radiation Dose in the Fricke Dosimeter (1972) $1. Gamma Radiation Survey Instruments, Specification of ( 1 Gamma Radiation ( 1971 ) ASTM D2568-1970 $1.75 Gamma Radiation, Performance, Specification for (1972) Gamma Radioactivity of Industrial Water and Industrial Gamma Radioactivity of Water (1973) $1.75 Gamma Ray Brachytherapy Sources ( 1974) $3.00 Gamma Ray Protection for Energies Up to 10 MeV Structur Gamma Ray Protection for Energies Up to 10 Mev: Equipme Gamma Ray Sources, Energies Up to 10-Mev, General Safe Gamma Rays ( 1961 ) $2.00 Measurement Gamma Spectrometry of Water, Method of Test for ASTM D2 Gamma Spectrometry of Water, Test for (1972) $1 .75 Gamma Tolerant Neutron Detector Tubes (12-75) Supersed Gamma-Ray Detectors, Test Procedures for (1972) IEEE S Gamma-Ray Sources (6/74) General Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (4/74) Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (9/74) Nond Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe Mode ( 1973) $1.75 / L Gas Chromatography Procedures, Recommended Practice for Gas Chromatography (1974) $1.75 /Ecommended Practices Gas Circulation (4-73) Gas Compressors (8-73) Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a Loss of C Gas Containers to Identify the Material Contained, Meth Gas Cooler (5-72) Amendment 1 (3-73, Amendment 2 ( 10- Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet and Inlet Connections ( 1965) Gas Discharge Tubes (1975) $2.95 Performance Std Gas Metal Arc Welding (ASME SFA-5.18 with Additional R Gas Metal Arc Welding, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. Gas Metal Arc Welding, Specification for ( 1974) Gas Phase Adsorbents for Trapping Radioactive Iodine an Gas Phase Adsorber Cells-Including Amendment 1973 (197 Gas Purchase Specifications (7-72) Amendment 1 (1-75) Gas Service (11-72) Amendment 1 (1-74) Gas Storage Tank Failure (Safety Guide 24, 3/23/72) /C Gas Valves (5-72) Amendment 1 (1-74) Gas Welding Rods (1969) $2.50 Gas (1-76) Supersedes F3-40T, (1-73) Amendment 1 (5- Gas (10-72) Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Pow Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water Gaseous Hydrogen in Water, Standard Method of Tests for Gases and Vapors in Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabri Gases and Vapors (1973) $1.75 Gaskets Containment Vessel Airlock (6-72) Gaskets for Corrosive Service, Practice for ( 1971 ) $1.7 Gaskets (1968) $4.00 High Pressure Chem Gaskets, Test for (1974) $1.75 Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends (1970) $4.00 Gate Valves, Manual and Power Operated (3-72) Amendmen Geiger-Muller Counters (5/73) Geiger-Muller Counters, Test Procedures for ( 1969) (Rl General Ambient Air Analyzer Procedures (1973T) $1.75 General Applications (1974) $1.75 General Design Guide for Ventilation Systems for Fuel R General Design Guide for Ventilation Systems of Plutoni General Fire Protection Guide for Fuel Reprocessing Pla General Fire Protection Guide for Plutonium Processing General Gas Chromatography Procedures, Recommended Prac General Information and Regulations (1975) $6.80 General Instrumentation (2-72) Amendment 1 (5-73) General License (Revision 1, 5/75) /Oactive Sources Co General Methods for Analysis of Radioisotopes ( 1973) as General Methods for the Analysis of Uranyl Nitrate Solu ANSI N278.1 ANSI N18.8 NRC RG 1.22 NRC RG 3.22 ASTM C747 ANSI Z166.24 ASTM A134 ASTM A358 ANSI B125.53 ASTM A155 ASTM A240 ERDA RDT C6-3T ANSI Z128.27 ASTM E402 ASTM A143 ANSI G8.1 ANSI K65.230 ANSI K65.229 ASTM D2954 ERDA RDT C15-7T ASTM DI671 ANSI N13.4 ANSI K65.218 ANSI N13.5 ANSI N150 ASTM D1690 NCRP R41 NCRP R34 NCRP R33 ANSI N543 NCRP R25 ANSI N160 ASTM D2459 ERDA RDT C15-11 ANSI N42.8 NRC RG 6.5 NRC RG 5.21 NRC RG 5.38 ASTM E498 ASTM E260 ASTM D2908 ERDA RDT E9-7T ERDA RDT E3-12T NRC RG 1.7 ANSI Z48.1 ERDA RDT E4-20T ANSI B57.1 BRH 21CFR1020B ERDA RDT M1-6T ANSI W3.18 ASME SFA-5.18 ERDA RDT M16-1T IES CS-8T ERDA RDT M14-1T ERDA RDT E10-6T NRC RG 1.24 ERDA RDT E1-35T AWS A5.2 ERDA RDT F3-40T ERDA RDT M14-2T NRC RG 1.112 NRC RG 1.21 NRC RG 1.111 ASTM D1588 NRC RG 3.7 ASTM D1605 ERDA RDT E14-6T ASTM F336 MSS SP-65 ASTM Fl 12 MSS SP-70 ERDA RDT E1-9T NRC RG 8.6 ANSI N42.3 ASTM D3249 ASTM B584 NRC RG 3.32 NRC RG 3.12 NRC RG 3.38 NRC RG 3.16 ASTM E260 DOT 49CFR 171 ERDA RDT C17-4T NRC RG 6.4 ANSI N148 NRC RG 5.39 Standards Application and Analysis Division 41 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Food and Drugs: Subpart A, Div. I and Div. 2 (1977) bd ($40.00), II ($65.00) Alloy and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes, Specification for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels, Specification for cal Sealed Gamma-Ray Sources (6/74) -Ray and Sealed Gamma Ray Sources, Energies Up to 10-Mev, ed Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing (Small-Diameter) for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for ged or Rolled Steel Pipe Flanges, and Valves and Parts for tions (Revision 1, 11/75) acilities and Special Nuclear Materials ( 1 1/73) Performance Stds. for Electronic Products: (6/74) Acceptance Sampling Procedures for Exempted and Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Internally and Equipment for Water Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power ( 1975) $5.00 Periodic Testing of Nuclear Power plication of the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power finitions of Terms Used in IEEE Standards on Nuclear Power emblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Fueled Power c Cables, Field Splices, and Connections for Nuclear Power 1971 $4.00 Protection Systems for Nuclear Power 1974 $4.00 Class IE Power Systems for Nuclear Power systems That Perform Protective Functions in Nuclear Power smic Qualification of Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power I Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power lectric Equipment During the Construction of Nuclear Power Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power st of Class 1 Electrical Valve Operators for Nuclear Power t Std. for Class IE Control Switchboards for Nuclear Power sedes E4- IT, (10-69) Steam ty Guide 9,3/10/71) Selection of Diesel Inservice Inspection of Pressurized Water Reactor Steam uclear Power Generating Stations, / Draft Standard Diesel Sodium Heated Steam on Flux Density and Average Energy from 3H(D, N)4He Neutron lux Density and Average Energy from ^Hfd.nCHe Neutron Design, Construction, and Use of Radioisotopic Power Motors and Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Steam Polyphase Induction Motors and er Plants (8/74) Additional Information: 2) IEEE Std. 325-1971 $4.00 surements. Part I: Data Acquisition Sy/ Specifications of Spec, for Top Running and Under Running Single 1.75 Std. Spec, for High Temperature igh Voltage ASTM C537-/ Method of Test for Reliability of (R197/ Std. Spec, for Fully Cured Silicone Rubber Coated ional Requirements) (3-74) HEPA Filter Medium, of Fissile Material ( 1971 ) ANS-8.3 / Use of Borosilicate of Fissile Material (1/73) Use of Borosilicate- stm C536-I/ Method of Test for Continuity of Coatings in 537-/ Method of Test for Reliability of Glass Coatings on 2) Stainless Steel ures for Photo-Multipliers for Scintillation Counting and 67) $7.95 5 Specification for Nuclea Specification for Nuclea Specification for Nuclea spectrochemical Analysis of ( 1975) $1.75 Nucleai Heating Elements ( 1/ Accelerated Life Test of Electrical ar Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets and Nucleai metric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of ( 1974) $/ Nuclea mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis/ Nuclea ass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclea mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis/ Nucleai Fast Flux Test Facility Ceramic ectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysi/ Nucleai trochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclea 01-1972 $1.75 Nuclea Nuclea tandard Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectr/ ctrochemical Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclea s/ Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclea c760-l/ Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclea Specification for Nuclea 973 $1.75 Specification for Nuclea Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclea Specification for Nuclea Specification for Nuclea ass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclea ss Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis O/ Nuclea Ceramic al Analysis of (1975) $1.75 Nucleai ass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclea ass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclea /D Ap De /N Ass Sei General Provisions (Definitions) (1975) $2.95 General Purpose Ball Valves (1970) $4.00 General Requirements for Nuclear Power Plant Components General Requirements for (1974A) $1.75 /Rbon, Ferritic General Requirements for (1975) $1.75 General Safety Standard for Installations Using Nonmedi General Safety Standard for (1974) NBS Handbook 1 14 $2. General Service (1974) ASTM A632-1969 $1.75 /and Weld General Service, Specification for (1974) $1.75 General Service, Spec, for (1976) $1.75 for General Site Suitability Criteria for Nuclear Power Sta General Use of Locks in the Protection and Control of F General (1975) $2.95 Generally Licensed Items Containing Byproduct Material Generated Missiles (6/75) Generating Plants, Fire Protection Criteria For, Issued Generating Station Protection Systems, Criteria for the Generating Station Protection Systems, Trial Use Generating Stations (1972) $4.00 Generating Stations (1973) IEEE 317-1972 $3.00 Generating Stations (1975) IEEE Std. 383-1974 $4.00 Generating Stations, Criteria for ( 1972) IEEE Std. 279- Generating Stations, Criteria for (1975) IEEE Std. 308- Generating Stations, Criteria (Issued for Trial Use and Generating Stations, Guide for (1975) $5.00 Generating Stations, Guide For, (1976) IEEE 334-1971 $ Generating Stations, Installation, Inspection and Testi Generating Stations, Trial Use Criteria (Issued for Tri Generating Stations, Trial Use Guide (Issued for Trial Generating Stations, (Trial Guide Issued for Use and Co Generator for Pressurized Water Reactors (12-71 ) Super Generator Set Capacity for Standby Power Supplies (Safe Generator Tubes (Revision 1, 7/75) Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for N Generator (2-74), Supersedes E4-16T, (5-72) Generators by Radioactivation Techniques (1974) ASTM E4 Generators by Radioactivation Techniques, Test for (197 Generators for Certain Land and Sea Applications (3/74) Generators (1972) $22.50 Generators ( 1/75) Generators, Test Procedure for (1964) $3.80 Geography and Demography Considerations for Nuclear Pow Geranium Gamma-Ray Detectors, Test Procedures for (197 Ge(Li) Spectroscopy Systems for Material Protection Mea Girder Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes (1974) $3.00 Glass Cloth Pressure Sensitive Electrical Tape (1973) $ Glass Coatings on Glassed Steel Reaction Equipment by H Glass Fabric and Tapes for Electrical Insulation ( 1969) Glass Fiber (MIL-F-51079 with Modifications and Addit Glass Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Solutions Glass Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Solutions Glassed Steel Equipment by Electrical Testing (R1973) a Glassed Steel Reaction Equipment by High Voltage ASTM C Globe and Angle Valves, Manual and Power Operated (3-7 Glossary for Scintillation Counting Field ( 1972) IEEE S Glossary of Terms in Nuclear Science and Technology (19 Grade Beryllium Oxide Powder ASTM C708-72a (1973) $1.7 Grade Beryllium Oxide Powder (1972A) $1.75 Grade Boron Carbide Powder (1974) $1.75 Grade Boron Carbide, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Grade Magnesium Oxide as Used in Sheathed Type Electric Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0 2 ) (5/73) /Nalysis of Nucle Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Chemical, Mass Spectro Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Methods for Chemical, Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets and Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Grade Plutonium Dioxide (6-71) Grade Plutonium Metal, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Sp Grade Plutonium Metal, Methods for (1974) ASTM C758-19 Grade Plutonium Metal, Specification for (1973) ASTM C7 Grade Plutonium Metal, Spec, for (1972) $1.75 Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions and Plutonium Metal S Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions (1973) $1.75 /C, Spe Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions, Methods for (1974) a Grade Silver— Cadmium Alloys, Methods for (1974) ASTM Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloy (1973) $1.75 Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloy (1974) ASTM C752-1 Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloys (1974) $1.75 Grade Sinterable Plutonium Dioxide Powder (1974A) $1.75 Grade Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder (1973) $1.75 Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets (2/9/73) / M Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Ma Grade Uranium Dioxide (6-71) Amendment 1 (12-74) Grade Uranyl Nitrate Solutions, Nuclear and Radiochemic Grade (1973) ASTM C696-I972 $2.00 /Ds for Chemical, M Grade (1973) ASTM C697-1972 $2.00 /Ds for Chemical, M BRH MSS ASME ASTM ASTM NRC ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM NRC NRC BRH NRC NRC ANSI IEEE ANSI IEEE ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI IEEE ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ERDA NRC NRC ANSI ERDA ANSI ASTM NRC NEMA NRC IEEE NRC ANSI NRC CMAA ASTM ANSI ANSI ERDA ANSI NRC ANSI ANSI ERDA ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NRC ASTM ANSI NRC ASTM ERDA ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM NRC ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM NRC ASTM ERDA ASTM ANSI ANSI 21CFR1000A SP-72 SEC-III-R A450 A20 RG 6.5 N543 B 125.49 A269 A181 RG 4.7 RG 5.12 21CFR1010 RG 6.6 RG 1.70.35 N18.10 338 N41.2 380 N45.3 N41.10 N42.7 N41.12 N18.8 344 N41.9 N45.2.4 N41.13 N41.6 N41.17 RDT E4-1T RG 1.9 RG 1.83 N41.13 RDT E4-16T N580 E496 RG 6.3 MG 1 RG 1.70.19 112A RG 1.70.7 N42.8 RG 5.9 74 D2754 Z167.I5 C59.89 RDT M16-3T N16.4 RG 3.1 Z167.8 Z167.15 RDT E1-21T N42.9 Nl.l N138 C708 C750 C791 D2900 RG 5.6 C698 N139 RG 5.6 C697 RDT E13-1T C758 N572 N136 C701 RG 5. C759 N573 N574 C752 N571 C760 C757 C753 RG 5.5 C696 RDT E13-2T C799 N103 N104 .16 42 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards and Platinum 10 Percent Rhodium Wires, Noninsulated, Std. $1.75 Water Soluble Chlorides Present as Admixes in 53-1973 $1.75 Specification for Nuclear 57-1974a $1.75 Specification for Nuclear Measuring Ground Resistance and Potential Estimating the Average Method of Test for Rockwell Hardness of Fine st for Moisture-Penetration Resistance Relations of Fine- ty and Health Stds. on Projects or Productions Assisted by Particle Size Distribution of Nonmailable Matter: Written, Printed and Logic Diagrams (Two State Devices), Electrical and Electronics Diagrams, or ( 19/ Electrical Resistivity of Manufactured Carbon and est for (1973)/ Density in Air of Manufactured Carbon and (1973) ASTM C7 14-1972/ Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and 75 Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and Recommended Practice for Core Sampling of li of Elasticity and Fundamental Frequencies of Carbon and Method of Test for Rockwell Hardness of Fine Grained 565-1971 $1.75 Tension Testing of Carbon Method of Test for Tensile Stress-Strain of Carbons and Definitions and Terms Relating to Manufactured Carbon and Method of Test for Lubricating Qualities of Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Lattice Spacing of Nuclear Measurement of Lattice Spacing of Nuclear 75 Ash in 75 Moisture in 75 Delta-In-Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear .75 Compressive (Crushing) Strength of Chemical Analysis of Carbon and ng the Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Reporting Irradiation Results on Irradiation Results on Dosimetry Results on Nuclear Delta-In-Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Compressive (Crushing) Strength of Test for Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content C127-1973 $1.75 Method of Test for Specific Method of Test for Specific Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricating 75 Flow Properties of Lubricating Guide for (1962) $3.60 Measuring /75) Instrumentation and Control Equipment , and Radioactive-Waste-Containing Components/ Quality ection of Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures with ures ( 1 1/75) Qualifications for Cement 11-70) Amendment 1 (7-70) ce and Transmittance of Built-Up Sections by Means of the 1971 / Thermal Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Thermal Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Training, Equipping, and Qualifying of evision 1, 4/75) Specially Designed Vehicle and Armed s Corrosion in Austenitic Stainless Steel Components of / ated-Temperature Reactors (Supplement to ASME Section 1/ m Mining (1967) Power Plant (2/76) d Plant Protection for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage/ Byproduct Material Licenses (3/76) ction Plants (10/73) ing (2/2/73) General Fire Protection reactor Vessels (1974) ASTM E509-74 $1.75 reactor Vessels (1974) $1.75 Recommended ar Materials (1973) $3.50 Administrative Administrative Practices in Radiation Monitoring (A ments Over Radioactive Material Shipments/ Administrative al (6/74) Administrative nts (6/73) Liquid Waste Treatment System Design nts (1/74) General Fire Protection 73) $1.75 Rec. Neutron Activation Detector Materials, Critical Experiments, Safety to Process Source Material (7/76) uclear Material Licenses of Less Than Critical Mass Quan/ Classification of Nuclear Ships, Selection of a Leak Testing Method, .90 (Published May, 1969) (IEEE Std. 93-1968) $6.00 50 Administrative tems(9/75) General Design nd Fuel Fabrication Plants (8/73) General Design nts for Shipments of Radioactive Material/ Administrative ng Ground Resistance and Potential Gradients in the Earth, ermits for Radioactive Materials Shipments, Administrative Selection of Neutron Activation Detector Materials, Grade (8-72) Amendment 1 (11-74) /Aterials, Platinum Graded Aggregate Road Mixes, Method of Test for (1975) Grade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder (1974) ASTM C7 Grade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder (1975) ASTM C7 Gradients in the Earth, Guide for ( 1962) $3.60 Grain Size of Metals, Methods for (1974) $1.75 Grained Graphite Materials (1974) ASTM C748-73 $1.75 Grained Soils (1972) (ASTM D1558-1971) $1.75 /D of Te Grants from National Endowment for the Arts (1975) $6.8 Granular Activated Carbon, Test for ( 1970) $1.75 Graphic Matter (1975) Graphic Symbols for (1973) IEEE 91-1973 $6.00 Graphic Symbols for (1975) IEEE 315-1975 $8.00 Graphite Articles at Room Temperature, Method of Test F Graphite Articles by Physical Measurements, Method of T Graphite by a Thermal Pulse Method, Method of Test for Graphite by a Thermal Pulse Method, Test for (1972) $1. Graphite Electrodes, (1974) $1.75 Graphite Materials by Sonic Resonance (1974) $1.75 /Du Graphite Materials (1974) ASTM C748-73 $1.75 Graphite Mechanical Materials, Methods of (1973) ASTM C Graphite (1974) ASTM C749-75 $1.75 Graphite ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Standard Graphites (1964) (R1974) ASTM D1367-1964 (R1973) $1.75 Graphite, Estimating the (1971) $1.75 Graphite, Measurement of (1969) (R1975) $1.75 Graphite, Method for (1973) ASTM C558-1969 $1.75 Graphite, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C561-1969 $1. Graphite, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C562-1969 $1. Graphite, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C624-1971 $1. Graphite, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C695-1971T $1 Graphite, Methods for (1973) ASTM C560-1969 $1.75 Graphite, Methods for ( 1 973 ) ASTM C626- 1 97 1 $ 1 .75 /Ti Graphite, Practice for (1973) ASTM C625-1972 $1.75 Graphite, Rec. Practice for Reporting (1972) $1.75 Graphite, Rec. Practice for Reporting (1974) $1.75 Graphite, Test for (1971) $1.75 Graphite, Test for (1975) $1.75 (Gravimetric) of Concrete (1975) $1.75 Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate ( 1 974 ) ASTM Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate (1973) $1.75 Grease (Four Ball Method) (1974) $1.75 Greases at High Temperatures, Measurement of (1973) $1. Ground Resistance and Potential Gradients in the Earth, Grounding and Sheilding Practices ( 1/73) Amendment 1 ( 1 Group Classifications and Standards for Water-, Steam- Grouted Tendons (1 1/74) Inservice Insp Grouting for Prestressing Tendons in Containment Struct Guard Vessel for Primary Sodium Containing Components ( Guarded Hot Box, Method of Test for (1967) (R1973) ASTM Guarded Hot Plate, Method of Test for (1975) ASTM CI 77- Guarded Hot Plate, Test for (1971) $1.75 Guards and Watchmen ( 1/74) Guards for Road Shipment of Special Nuclear Material (R Guidance for Avoiding Intergranular Corrosion and Stres Guidance for Construction of Class 1 Components in Elev Guidance for the Control of Radiation Hazards in Uraniu Guidance on Being Operator at the Controls of a Nuclear Guidance on the License Application, Siting, Design, an Guidance to Academic Institutions Applying for Specific Guide for Acceptable Waste Storage Methods at UF 6 Produ Guide for Administration Practices in Radiation Monitor Guide for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (6/76) Guide for in Service Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear Guide for in Service Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear Guide for Liability Insurance Aspects of Shipping Nucle Guide for Management) (1969) $4.25 Guide for Obtaining Exemptions from Certain NRC Require Guide for Packaging and Transporting Radioactive Materi Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Pla Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Pla Guide for Preparation of Leak Testing Specification ( 19 Guide for Selection of (1973) $1.75 Guide for the Performance of (1975) ANS-1 $8.00 Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Licenses Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Special N Guide for the (1962) $1.00 Guide for the (1973) ASTM E432-1971 $1.75 Guide for Transformer Impulse Tests, Appendix to C57.12 Guide for Transporting Radioactive Materials (1973) $4. Guide for Ventilation Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Sys Guide for Ventilation Systems of Plutonium Processing a Guide for Verifying Compliance with Packaging Requireme Guide for (1962) $3.60 Measuri Guide for (1973) $3.00 /Nt of Transportation Special P Guide for (1974) ASTM E419-1973 $1.75 ERDA RDT C7-7T ASTM D1411 ANSI N567 ANSI N568 IEEE 81 ASTM El 12 ANSI K90.14 ANSI A37.157 DOL 29CFR 505 ASTM D2862 USPS POSTL123 ANSI Y32.14 ANSI Y32.2 ANSI K90.7 ANSI K90.2 ANSI K90.12 ASTM C714 ASTM C783 ASTM C747 ANSI K90.14 ANSI K90.6 ANSI K90.15 ASTM C709 ANSI Z11.138 ASTM C626 ASTM C558 ANSI K90.1 ANSI K90.4 ANSI K90.5 ANSI K90.8 ANSI K90.ll ANSI K90.3 ANSI K90.10 ANSI K90.9 ASTM C625 ASTM E525 ASTM C624 ASTM C695 ASTM C138 ANSI A37.5 ASTM C128 ASTM D2596 ASTM D3232 IEEE 81 ERDA RDTC1-1T NRC RG 1.26 NRC RG 1.90 NRC RG 1.107 ERDA RDT E10-2T ANSI Z98.2 ANSI Z98.1 ASTM CI 77 NRC RG 5.20 NRC RG 5.31 NRC RG 3.37 NRC RG 1.87 EPA FRC8 NRC RG 1.114 NRC RG 3.24 NRC RG 10.2 NRC RG 3.13 NRC RG 8.2 NRC RG 3.38 ANSI N577 ASTM E509 ANSI N14 GUIDE ANSI N13.2 NRC RG 7.5 NRC RG 7.1 NRC RG 3.10 NRC RG 3.16 ASTM E479 ASTM E419 ANSI N405 NRC RG 10.4 NRC RG 10.3 ABS *1 ANSI Z 166.26 ANSI C57.98 ANSI N14.10.1 NRC RG 3.32 NRC RG 3.12 ANSI N14.10.3 IEEE 81 ANSI N14.10.2 ANSI N640 Standards Application and Analysis Division 43 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ar Criticality Safety in the Storage of Fissile Materials, Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, side the Containment of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, switchboards for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, (Trial Nondestructive Assay Systems, g Packages for Type a Quantities of Radioactive Materials, uclear Material Control Systems for Conversion Facilities, processing Facilities, Nuclear Material Control Systems (A aterial Control Systems for Fuel Fabrication Facilities (A Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, ng Licenses (2/73) ling Airborne Radioactive Materials in Nuclear Facilities, operators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Trial Use Metric Practice Cooling and Containment Heat Removal System Pumps (Safety Category 1 Concrete Structures (Revision I, 1/2/73 Safety ment Lines Penetrating Primary Reactor Containment (Safety ry Containment Liner Welds (Revision 1, 8/1 1/72, of Safety Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels (Safety c Testing of Protection System Actuation Functions (Safety Onsite Meteorological Programs (Safety water Reactor Radioactive Gas Storage Tank Failure (Safety acility for Boiling and Pressurized Water Reactors (Safety nee Program Requirements (Design and Construction) (Safety Testing of Instrumentation and Electric Equipment (Safety quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation) (Safety earn Line Break Accident for Boiling Water Reactors (Safety wer Sources and Between Their Distribution Systems (Safety t Accident (Safety Guide 7, 3/10/71 ) Supplement to (Safety n Containment Following a Loss of Coolant Accident (Safety Generator Set Capacity for Standby Power Supplies (Safety 969) ASTM E290-1968 $1.75 Methods for Semi- 0-1971 $1.75 Method for components at Elevated Temperature (9-74) Supersedes F9/ Cobalt-60 and Cesium- 137 Teletherapy Equipment, Fire Protection ograms(1974) ANS 10.3 $8.50 ntamination (1965) Protective Action nd Materials) (1955-1975) $1.00 ea. Hygienic a Postulated Hazardous C/ Assumptions for Evaluating the Recommended Practice for Testing for Leaks Using the Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Die and * Aluminum-Alloy Die and Std. Specifications for aluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Fuel Design Objectives for Highly Radioactive Solid Material gical Consequences of a Fuel Handling Accident in the Fuel ources Intended for Use in the Production, Processing, and construction/ Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage and uirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Safe tion Practice for (1975) $2.50 Facilities Overhead Crane (1967) $4.00 Pipe $4.00 Pipe (5-72) Pipe -73) Low Friction 4 $1.75 End-Quench Test for Supersedes M8-1T, (2-73) Helical Age- structural Steel Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and Plain orging Stock for High Tempe/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation ing Stock for High Temperat/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation k for High Temperature Serv/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation k for High Temperature Service (ASTM a 637/ Precipitation hape/ Specification for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Age- sme SA-564 with Additional Requirements)/ Precipitation- materials, Methods of Test for (1974) $1.75 Rockwell ween Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwe/ Standard for (1968) $1.75 Scratch C748-73 $ 1 .75 Method of Test for Rockwell ters ( 1 974 ) ASTM E 1 1 197/ Method of Test for Indentation E92- 1972 $1.75 Vickers 74) $1.75 Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Recommended Practice for Scleroscope ockwell Hardness, Rockwell Superficial Hardness, and Knoop Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Rockwell Superficial for Metals (Relationship Between Brinell Hardness, Vickers nship Between Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell conversion Tables for Metals (Relationship Between Brinell Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel ) ( 1 955- 1 975 ) $ 1 .00 ea. Hygienic Guides ( For Instrument Purging for Reduction of Electrical Instruments in ty of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room During a Postulated Guide for (1975) ANS-8.7 $12.00 Nude Guide for (1975) $5.00 Seismic Qualification of Guide For, (1976) IEEE 334-1971 $4.40 /S Installed in Guide Issued for Use and Comment) (1973) IEEE Std. 420- Guide to Calibrating (1975) $5.75 Guide to Design and Use of (1975) $5.00 Shippin Guide to Practice (1971) $4.50 Guide to Practice) (1974) $3.00 Fuel Re Guide to Practice) (1975) $3.00 Nuclear M Guide to Principle Design Criteria for ( 1973) $5.00 Guide to the Contents of Applications for Uranium Milli Guide to (1969) ISO 2889 $7.00 Samp Guide (Issued for Trial Use and Comment) (IEEE 379— Guide (Issued for Trial Use and Comment) (1974) IEEE 38 Guide (1976) ASTM E380-1976 $1.75 Guide 1, 1 1/2/70) /Ive Suction Head for Emergency Core Guide 10) /Al (Cadweld) Splices in Reinforcing Bars of Instru Nondestructive Examination of Prima Guide 11, 3/10/71 Guide 19) Guide 2, 11/2/70) Guide 22, 2/17/72) Guide 23, 2/17/72) Guide 24, 3/23/72) Guide 25, 3/23/72) Guide 28, 6/7/72) Guide 30, 8/11/72) Guide 33, 11/3/72) Guide 5, 3/10/71) Guide 6, 3/10/71) Periodi /Cal Consequences of a Pressurized /in the Fuel Handling and Storage F Quality Assura /Irements for the Installation, and /L Radiological Consequences of a St /Tween Redundant Standby (Onsite) Po Guide 7, Backfitting Considerations, 10/27/71 / Coolan Guide 7, 3/10/71 ) Supplement to (Safety Guide 7, Backfi Guide 9,3/10/71) Selection of Diesel Guided Bend Test for Ductility of Metallic Materials ( 1 Guided Bend Test for Ductility of Welds (1973) ASTM El 9 Guidelines and Procedures for Design of Nuclear System Guidelines for Maintaining (1974) $3.50 Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants (6/76) Guidelines for the Documentation of Digital Computer Pr Guides for Environmental Sr-89, Sr-90, and Cs-137 Co Guides (For Hazard Evaluation of Industrial Chemicals a Habitability of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room During Halogen Leak Detectors (Alkali-Ion Diode) (1971) $1.75 Hand Forgings (1974) ASTM B247-1973 $1.75 Hand Forgings, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Hand Operated Chain Hoists (1974) $0.50 Handling Accident in the Fuel Handling and Storage Faci Handling and Storage Facilities in a Reprocessing Plant Handling and Storage Facility for Boiling and Pressuriz Handling of Food (1975) $6.75 /Diation and Radiation S Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plants (During the Handling of Items for Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants Handling of Radioactive Materials (1964) $2.00 Handling Radioactive Materials, Recommended Fire Protec Handling Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (2/76) Hangers and Supports-Material, Design and Manufacture Hangers and Supports-Selection and Application (1966) Hangers, Supports and Snubbers for Liquid Metal Service Hard Surface for Core Components (5-73) Amendment 1 (9 Hardenability of Steel, Method of (1974) ASTM A255-197 Hardenable Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Springs (5-75) Hardened Washers, Specification for (1974) $1.75 /for Hardening Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and F Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forg Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stoc Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stoc Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and S Hardening Stainless Steel Bars, Shapes, and Forgings (A Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals (Relationship Bet Hardness of Coarse Aggregate Particles, Method of Test Hardness of Fine Grained Graphite Materials (1974) ASTM Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Hardness Tes Hardness of Metallic Materials, Method of Test for ASTM Hardness of Metallic Materials, Methods of Test for (19 Hardness Testers (1974) ASTM El 10 1972 $1.75 /of Test Hardness Testing of Metallic Materials (1972) $1.75 Hardness ) ( 1 973 ) ASTM E 1 40- 1 972 $ 1 .75 /Rs Hardness, R Hardness, and Knoop Hardness) (1973) ASTM E140-1972 $1 Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Rockwell Superficial Hardn Hardness, Rockwell Superficial Hardness, and Knoop Hard Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Rockwell Hardware, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Hazard Evaluation of Industrial Chemicals and Materials Hazardous Area Classification (1970) $3.00 Hazardous Atmospheres (1960) $3.00 Hazardous Chemical Release (6/74) /Ting the Habitabili ANSI N16.5 IEEE 344 ANSI N41.9 ANSI N41.17 ANSI N15.20 ANSI N14.7 ANSI N15.4 ANSI N15.13 ANSI N15.9 ANSI N101.3 NRC RG 3.5 ANSI N13.1 ANIS N41.2 ANSI N41.6 ANSI Z210.1 NRC RG 1.1 NRC RG 1.10 NRC RG 1.11 NRC RG 1.19 NRC RG 1.2 NRC RG 1.22 NRC RG 1.23 NRC RG 1.24 NRC RG 1.25 NRC RG 1.28 NRC RG 1.30 NRC RG 1.33 NRC RG 1.5 NRC RG 1.6 NRC RG 1.7 NRC RG 1.7 NRC RG 1.9 ANSI Z168.ll ANSI ZI 15.4 ERDA RDT F9-5T ANSI N449 NRC RG 1.120 ANSI N413 EPA FRC7 AIHA A-Z NRC RG 1.78 ASTM E427 ANSI H38.8 ASTM B247 HMI 200 NRC RG 1.25 ANSI N305 NRC RG 1.25 FDA 21CFR 121 ANSI N45.2.2 NRC RG 1.38 NCRP R30 NFPA 801 NRC RG 1.104 MSS SP-58 MSS SP-69 ERDA RDT E7-6T ERDA RDT E6-38T ANSI G58.1 ERDA RDT M8-1T ASTM A325 ANSI G81.46 ANSI G81.45 ANSI G81.44 ERDA RDT M2-18T ASTM A564 ERDA RDT M7-6T ASTM E18 ANSI Z76.4 ASTM C235 ANSI K90.14 ANSI Z115.9 ANSI Zl 15.7 ASTM E18 ANSI Zl 15.9 ASTM E448 ANSI Z76.4 ANSI Z76.4 ANSI Z76.4 ANSI Z76.4 ANSI Z76.4 ASTM A153 AIHA A-Z ISA S12.4 ISA RP12.1 NRC RG 1.78 44 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Commodity List of Guidance for the Control of Radiation Safety Color Code for Marking Physical moval System Pumps (Safety Guide 1,/ Net Positive Suction plug and Closure Cap for Penetrations LMFBR Reactor Vessel Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Forgings for Seamless Drums, t. Through 1961 (1962) Safety and nts from National Endowment for the Arts ( 1 97/ Safety and Chemical Analysis of Steel, Cast Iron, Open- 1973) $1.75 Seamless Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel 3, Amendment 2 (10-73) des E4-6T, (1-72), Amendment 1 (1-72) Intermediate 1 ) Air Cooled ss and Welded Carbon, Ferritic, and Austenitic Alloy Steel tenitic Alloy Steel Boiler, (1974B) 1.75 Superheater, and Seamless Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and 2 (12-72), Amendment 3 (I 1-73), Amendme/ Sodium to Air Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless Tubes for Condensers and elded Titanium and Titanium Alloy Tubes for Condensers and ( 1974A) $1./ Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, tube (6-73) tube (7-71) Thermal Conductivity of Materials by Means of the (ASTM C312-1955) $1.75 Mean Specific 75 Mean Specific ve Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment elted 1750F (954. 4C) Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Corrosion and 0.90Ti-0./ Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and 0.90TM)./ Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Spec, for Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and duction Melted 195/ Alloy Tubing (Seamless, Corrosion and specification for (1975) $1.75 Stainless and sheet, and Strip for Fusion-Welded Unfired Pressure Ves/ Strip, Specification for ( 1974) $1.75 Stainless and and Other Pressure Vess/ Specification for Stainless and Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Age-Hardening Stainless and Std. Spec, for Stainless and Test for Leaks in Test for Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Ultimate for (1975) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, trode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) Solution trode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) Solution 1 Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Solution d High Temperature Thermal Insulation Subjected to Soaking ting Procedure for Mathematical Models Selected to Predict 72) Sodium urized Water Reactors (5-72) Supersedes E5-2T/ Electric Metal Sheathed, Mineral-Insulated Electrical Resistance Electric ) ASTM / Specification for Sheathed Electrical Resistance ification for ( 1971 ) $1.7/ Sheathed Electrical Resistance Recommended Rules for Care and Operation of al Grade Magnesium Oxide as Used in Sheathed Type Electric 71 $1.75 Ultrasonic Examination of tm El 86- 1973 $1.75 Reference Radiographs for stm E280-1972 $1.75 Reference Radiographs for i 21 1.1-1974 $2.75 Proportions for Noimal and rings (5-75) Supersedes M8-1T, (2-73) nts (2-72) Mass Spectrometer ifications and Additional Requirements) (3-74) -74) High Temperature Electrical Connectors and Square and Uranium the Measurement of Uranium Tetrafluoride (UF 4 ) and Uranium Accountability of Uranium ical, Nuclear and Radiochemical, Analysis of ( 19/ Uranium trochemical. Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Uranium (5-76) Supersedes E6-20T, / Austenitic Stainless Steel eratures, Spec/ Centrifugally Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel' ndment 1973 (1972) $2.00 2.00 Sheilding for ession Set Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to ession Set Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to etallic Materials, Practice for (1973) ASTM E/ Effects of etallic Materials, Rec. Practice for (1962) (/ Effects of D 1 672- 1 966 ( 1 97 1 ) $/ Exposure of Polymeric Materials to 1970 $1.75 Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to es in Chemical Reactivity of Inorganic Material Exposed to $1.75 Exposure of Polymeric Materials to Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to rometry (9/74) Nondestructive Assay of Hazardous Materials (1975) $6.80 Hazards in Uranium Mining (1967) Hazards (1971) $3.00 Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Re Head (4-73) Amendment 1 (1-74) Shield Heads, and Other Pressure Vessel Components (1970) ASTM Health Implications of Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Tes Health Stds. for Federal Supply Contracts (1975) $3.25 Health Stds. on Projects or Productions Assisted by Gra Hearth Iron, and Wrought Iron (1975) $1.75 Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tubes, Specification for ( Heat Exchanger for Gas Cooler (5-72) Amendment 1 (3-7 Heat Exchanger for Liquid Metal Systems (5-74) Superse Heat Exchanger for Nuclear Steam Supplied Systems (3-7 Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins, Specification Heat Exchanger Tubes, Specification for /Ritic and Aus Heat Exchanger Tubes, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Heat Exchanger (6-71), Amendment 1 (10-71), Amendment Heat Exchangers, Specification for (1974) ASTM B234 197 Heat Exchangers, Specification for (1974) $1.75 /and W Heat Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes, Specification for Heat Exchanger, Class 1 , Water to Water, Straight or U Heat Exchanger, Class 2, Water to Water, Straight or U Heat Flow Meter, Test for (1970) $1.75 Heat of Thermal Insulation, Practice for (1963) (R1975) Heat of Thermal Insulation, Test for (1961) (R1973) $1. Heat Removal System Pumps (Safety Guide 1, 1 1/2/70) /I Heat Resistant Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Taj- Heat Resistant Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Taj- Heat Resistant Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Taj- Heat Resistant Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta)-0 Heat Resistant Nickel Consumable Electrode or Vacuum in Heat Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes (1974) $1.75 Heat Resisting Steel Forgings (1975) $1.75 Heat Sealed Flexible Packages (1972) $1.75 Heat Sealed Packages for Dry Products (1972) $1.75 Heat Sink for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 2, 1/76) Heat Treated Carbon-Manganese-Silicon, Specification Heat Treated (1973) SAE AMS 5596C-1968 $3.00 Heat Treated (1973) SAE AMS 5662C-1972 $3.00 Heat Treated (1975) $3.00 /-5.1 (Cb+Ta) 0.90Ti-0.50a Heat (1963) (R1969) ASTM C356-1960 (1967) $1.75 /Orme Heated Effluent Dispersion in Natural Water Bodies (5/7 Heated Steam Generator (2-74), Supersedes E4-16T, (5- Heater and Connector Assembly for Pressurizer for Press Heater (3-75) Supersedes P4-3T, (2-74) Heaters: Simulated LMFBR Fuel Pins (3-72) Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Specialized Service ( 1973 Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Specialized Service, Spec Heating Boilers (1977) bd ($25.00), II ($30.00) Heating Boilers (1977) bd ($50.00), II ($70.00) Heating Elements (1970) $1.75 /D Life Test of Electric Heavy Steel Forgings, Practice for (1973) ASTM A388-19 Heavy Walled (2 to 4-1/2 in.) Steel Castings (1974) as Heavy Walled (4-1/2 to 12 in.) Steel Castings (1973) a Heavy Weight Concrete, Practice for Selecting ( 1974) Ac Helical Age-Hardenable Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Sp Helium Leak Detection for Instruments and Small Compone HEPA Filter Medium, Glass Fiber (MIL-F-51079 with Mod HEPA Filters (AACC CS1 with Additional Requirements) (8 HEPA Filters (1968) $1.50 Hermetic Seals (3-70) Hex Nuts (1972) $4.50 Hexafluoride for Transport, Packaging of ( 1971 ) $6.75 Hexafluoride (UF 6 ) 2/2/73) /Rd Analytical Methods for Hexafluoride, Analytical Procedures for (1972) $4.50 Hexafluoride, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochem Hexafluoride, Methods for (1974) ASTM C761-1973 $1.75 Hexagonal Duct Tubes for Core Components and Assemblies High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at High Temp High Efficiency Gas Phase Adsorber Cells-Including Ame High Energy Electron Accelerator Installations (1964) $ High Energy Nuclear Radiation, Methods of Test for (197 High Energy Nuclear Radiation, Testing (1968) (R1974) $ High Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of M High Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of M High Energy Radiation, Practice for (1968) (R1973) ASTM High Energy Radiation, Practice for (1973) ASTM D1879- High Energy Radiation, Rec. Practice for Determining (1 High Energy Radiation, Rec. Practice for (1966) (R1971) High Energy Radiation, Rec. Practice for ( 1970) $1.75 High Enrichment Uranium Fuel Plates by Gamma-Ray Spect /for /Le Elec /Le Elec DOT EPA ANSI NRC ERDA ANSI EPA DOL DOL ASTM ASTM ERDA ERDA ERDA ASTM ASTM ASTM ERDA ANSI ASTM ASTM ERDA ERDA ASTM ANSI ASTM NRC ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NRC ASTM ANSI ANSI SAE ANSI NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ANSI ASTM ASME ASME ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA IES ERDA ANSI ANSI NRC ANSI ASTM ANSI ERDA ANSI IES NCRP ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM NRC 49CFR 172 FRC8 Z53.1 RG 1.1 RDT E2-4T G55.1 FRC3 41CFR 50 29CFR 505 E30 A179 RDT E4-20T RDT E4-6T RDT E4-18T A498 A2I3 B163 RDT E4-7T H38.6 B338 A249 RDT E4-2T RDT E4-17T C518 Z98.15 C351 RG 1.1 G87.77 G87.84 G87.85 G87.146 G87.78 A176 A240 A167 A479 A564 A473 D3078 D3079 RG 1.27 A537 G87.84 G87.146 AMS5662D Z98.19 RG 4.4 RDT E4-16T RDT E5-2T RDT P4-3T RDT P4-1T N143 E420 SEC-VI SEC-IV D2900 G60.7 Z166.10 Z166.19 A167.1 RDT M8-1T RDT F3-11T RDT M16-3T RDT E9-1T CS-1T RDT C17-1T B18.2.2 N14.1 RG 5.4 N15.7 C761 N575 RDT E6-20T G82.1 CS-8T R31 J2.33 D2309 N145 E184 C59.83 N141 E183 D1672 D1879 RG 5.38 Standards Application and Analysis Division 45 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Powered Industrial Trucks Low Lift and 4 with Additional Requi/ Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolting for ubs for Use with Lens Gaskets (1968) $4.00 Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for ucts. Specification for (R1973) ASTM A385-196/ Providing Thermocouples, Sheathed, Type K for Nuclear or for Other Thermocouples, Sheathed, Type K, for Nuclear or for Other al Service (5-74) Piston Rings of ing Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers, Specificat/ Sharp-Notch Tension Testing of SA-453 with Additional Requirements) (8-75) Supersede/ cific/ Steel Sheet and Strip, Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled, (1974A) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, dditional Requirements) (8-75) Supersede/ High Strength, Testing of for (1974) $1.75 Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for Is (3-70) cal Tape ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 Std. Spec, for service (3-71) Amendment 1 (5-71); Su/ Nak Transmission Seamless Carbon Steel for requirements) (2-75) S/ Alloy Steel Bolting Material for requi/ Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolting for High Pressure and rdening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for rdening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for alt Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for 75 Seamless-Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for n-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for 5 Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for stenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or 5 Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for 5 Austenitic Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for 5 Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for g Heat / Method of Test for Linear Shrinkage of Preformed (1963) (R1969) ASTM C411-19/ Hot Surface Performance of Flow Properties of Lubricating Greases at mium-Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at ar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt-Base Alloys, Chemical Analy/ (4-73) Thermal Insulation, Flexible or Molded, c 612 with Additional ,' Mineral Fiber Thermal Insulation, 1970) $4.00 y of Glass Coatings on Glassed Steel Reaction Equipment by $3.00 pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel for Intermediate-and facilities in a Reprocessing Plant/ Design Objectives for Equipment (8-72) Amendment 1 (10-72), Amendment 2 (1-1 Std. Specifications for Electric Chain Std. Specifications for Hand Operated Chain Std. Specifications for Manually Lever Operated Chain Std. Specifications for Electric Wire Rope Design Considerations for Minimizing Residual Design Considerations for Minimizing Residual Design Considerations for Minimizing Residual In Situ Assay of Plutonium Residual In Situ Assay of Enriched Uranium Residual Determination of Fuel Pellet termination of a Figure of Merit for Pu0 2 -U0 2 Fuel Pellet ications (1974) ASTM A627-1968 $1.75 Std. Spec, for ugal Pump (2-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) ransmittance of Built-Up Sections by Means of the Guarded ure for Detecting / Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of ed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip, Zinc Thermal Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Guarded Thermal Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Guarded Std. Spec, for Copper and Copper Alloy Die Forgings 75 Specification for nd Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shape/ Specification for Ioy Bars, Rod and Wire for Nuclear Application, Specific/ loy Bars, Rod and Wire for Nuclear App/ Specification for lumbium and/or Vanadium, Specific/ Steel Sheet and Strip, ulation, Method of Test for ( 1963) (R 1969) ASTM C411-19/ 72 $2.50 73) ASTM A385-196/ Providing High Quality Zinc Coatings zed Bed Op/ Process O/ t Process / Zinc-Coating Zinc Coating Delta-In- Delta-In- r (1974) ASTM A386-1973 $1.75 (1973) $1.75 for (1973) ASTM C624-1971 $1.75 $1.75 ower Plants (1973) $4.00 r Plants (3/16/73) cimens), Test for (1973) $1.75 .75 ent, Specification for (1970) $1.75 ent (ASTM C 449 with Additional Requiremen/ Mineral Fiber Time of Setting of Compressive Strength of Chemical Analysis of Mineral Fiber High Lift, Safety Std. for (1975) $6.50 High Pressure and High Temperature Service (ASME SA-19 High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded St High Pressure Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 High Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Prod High Reliability Applications, Specification for (1967) High Reliability Applications, Specification for (1973) High Strength Alloys for Core Components for Liquid Met High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Includ High Strength Sheet Materials (1973) $1.75 High Strength, High Temperature Bolting Materials (ASME High Strength, Low Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium, Spe High Strength, Quenched and Tempered, Specification for High Temperature Bolting Materials (ASME SA-453 with a High Temperature Cable for Nuclear Detectors (8-71 ) High Temperature Central Station Service, Specification High Temperature Electrical Connectors and Hermetic Sea High Temperature Glass Cloth Pressure Sensitive Electri High Temperature Pressure Transmitter for Liquid Metal High Temperature Service Specification for ( 1975) $1.75 High Temperature Service (ASME SA-193 with Additional High Temperature Service (ASME SA-194 with Additional High Temperature Service (ASTM a 637 with Additional Re High Temperature Service (1973) ASTM A637-1970 $1.75 High Temperature Service (1973) ASTM A638-1970 $1.75 High Temperature Service (1973) ASTM A639-1970 $1.75 High Temperature Service, Specification for (1974A) $1. High Temperature Service, Specification for (1975) $1.7 High Temperature Service, Specification for (1975) $1.7 High Temperature Service, Specification for (1975) $1.7 High Temperature Service, Specification for (1975) $1.7 High Temperature Service, Specification for (1975) $1.7 High Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1975) $1.7 High Temperature Thermal Insulation Subjected to Soakin High Temperature Thermal Insulation, Method of Test for High Temperatures, Measurement of ( 1973) $1 .75 High Temperatures, Specification for (1973) ASTM A608- High Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Simil High Temperature, Low Conductivity (5-72) Amendment 1 High Temperature, Rigid, Flexible and Loose Fill (ASTM High Test Wrought Welding Fittings, Specification for ( High Voltage ASTM C537-72 (1973) $1.75 /or Reliabilit High Voltage Connectors for Nuclear Instruments ( 1971 ) Higher-Temperature Service, Specification for (1974B) Highly Radioactive Solid Material Handling and Storage Highway Regulations (1975) $6.80 Hoisting and Rigging of Critical Components and Related Hoists (1971) $0.50 Hoists (1974) $0.50 Hoists (1974) $0.50 Hoists (1974) $3.00 Holdup of Special Nuclear Material in Drying and Fluidi Holdup of Special Nuclear Material in Equipment for Dry Holdup of Special Nuclear Materials in Equipment for We Holdup (5/74) Holdup (8/74) Homogeneity by Alpha-Autoradiography (5-75) Homogeneity by Use of an Electron Microprobe (9-72) Homogeneous Tool Resisting Steel Bars for Security Appl Horizontal, Electric Motor Driven, Single Stage Centrif Hot Box, Method of Test for (1967) (R1973) ASTM C236-1 Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Proced (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Ro Hot Plate, Method of Test for (1975) ASTM C177-1971 $1 Hot Plate, Test for (1971) $1.75 (Hot Pressed) (1974) $1.75 Hot Rolled Alloy Steel Bars (1976) ASTM A322— 1975 $1. Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Age-Hardening Stainless a Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Al Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Al Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low Alloy Co Hot Surface Performance of High Temperature Thermal Ins Hot Weather Concreting, Practice for (1972) ACI 305-19 (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Products, Specification for (R19 (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Steel Products, Specification Fo (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware, Specification for Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Graphite, Method of Test Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Graphite, Test for (1971) Housekeeping During the Construction Phase of Nuclear P Housekeeping Requirements for Water Cooled Nuclear Powe Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle, Test for (1974) $1.75 Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in (50-mm) Cube Spe Hydraulic Cement, Methods for (1970) ASTM CI 14-1969 $1 Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cem Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cem Hydrazine in Water, Test for (1972) $1.75 ANSI B56.1 ERDA RDT M6-4T MSS SP-65 ASTM A155 ANSI G8.17 ASTM E235 ANSI N142 ERDA RDT E6-40T ASTM A325 ASTM E338 ERDA RDT M6-6T ANSI G24.32 ASTM A517 ERDA RDT M6-6T ERDA RDT F3.39T ASTM A376 ERDA RDTC17-1T ASTM D2754 ERDA RDTC6-1T ASTM A 106 ERDA RDT M6-3T ERDA RDT M6-4T ERDA RDT M2-18T ANSI G81.44 ANSI G81.45 ANSI G81.46 ASTM A335 ASTM A358 ASTM A369 ASTM A409 ASTM A426 ASTM A430 ASTM A451 ANSI Z98.19 ANSI Z98.23 ASTM D3232 ANSI G82.1 ASTM E354 ERDA RDT M12-5T ERDA RDT M12-6T MSS SP-75 ANSI Z167.15 ANSI N42.4 ASTM A515 ANSI N305 DOT 49CFR 177 ERDA RDT F8-6T HMI 400 HMI 200 HMI 300 HMI 100 NRC RG 5.8 NRC RG 5.42 NRC RG 5.25 NRC RG 5.23 NRC RG 5.37 ERDA RDT F11-5T ERDA RDT F11-4T ANSI G24.45 ERDA RDT E3-6T ANSI Z98.2 ASTM A143 ANSI G8.1 ANSI Z98.1 ASTM C177 ASTM B283 ANSI G24.ll ASTM A564 ANSI N122 ASTM B351 ANSI G24.32 ANSI Z98.23 ANSI A170.1 ANSI G8.17 ANSI G8.18" ASTM A153 ANSI K90.8 ASTM C624 ANSI N45.2.3 NRC RG 1.39 ASTM C191 ASTM C109 ANSI A1.5 ASTM C449 ERDA RDT M12-3T ASTM D1385 46 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards or Hydrolyzable Chlorine Compounds in Chlorinated Aromatic $1.75 Dissolved and Gaseous 72) Oxygen- 1.75 Test for Information for Safety Analysis Reports: evision 1, 1/75) Additional Information: Hydrocarbons (Askarels) by Refluxing (1972) $1/ Test for emicals and Materials) (1955-1975) $1.00 ea. Truck e for the (1975) $3.00 organisms and Microscopic Matter in Water and Waste Water, Fuel Assembly Instrumentation Symbols and llations Where Radiation Exposure May Occur (1967) $3.25 pulsed Longitudinal Waves ( 1974/ 1972) $1.75 Recommended Practice for Total Shipping Containers, Incline Notched Bar Tube Method (1972) $1.75 Test for accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of ugh 1961 (1962) Health a) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, 69) (IEEE Std. 93-1968) $6.00 Guide for Transformer Test for Consumption of Potassium Permanganate by ) ASTM D2033-1/ Consumption of Potassium Permanganate by hod of Test for (1970) ASTM C87-1969 / Effect of Organic Organic orced Circulation Cold Trap Assembly for Removal of Sodium yl Nitrate Solutions for Assay, Isotopic Distribution, and Intrinsically Safe and Non Shipping Containers, 974) $1.75 Determining hardness Testers (1974) ASTM El 10 197/ Method of Test for ources and Between Their Distribution Systems (Safety Gu/ Physical e Application, Siting, Design, and Plant Protection for an Significant in Specified Limiting Values, Recommended P/ ) Bypassed and Inoperable Status for (1969) (R1973) ASTM E125-1963 $1./ Magnetic Particle t, (8-71 ) Plugging Temperature ation, Performance, Specification For/ Direct Reading and Direct-Reading and Specification for Nuclear Grade Silver- Specification for Nuclear Grade Silver- ical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Silver- Assessment of the Assumption of Normality (Employing Assessment of the Assumption of Normality (Employing ) $1.75 Test for Load Settlement Relationship for Visual Surveillance of by the Reflection Method, Using Pulsed Longitudinal Waves ergy Nuclear Radiation, Methods of Test / Compression Set ergy Nuclear Radiation, Testing (1968) (/ Compression Set 5.1 (Cb+Ta) 0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable Electrode or Vacuum ta)-0.90Ti-0.50AI-19-Fe Consumable Electrode or Vacuum 1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Corrosion and Heat Resis/ Consumable Electrode or Vacuum 1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable Electrode or Vacuum n and Heat Resistant Nickel Consumable Electrode or Vacuum 64) $3.80 Polyphase tal (3-75) Supersedes C5-1T, (4-70) sure Measurement System, Flush Mounted, Eddy Current Type, ea. Hygienic Guides (For Hazard Evaluation of ccur (1967) $3.25 s-3.3) $10.00 Immediate Evacuation Signal for Use in Chemical Analysis of Protection of Nuclear Plants Against Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Requirements for Fixed Powered or (1975) $6.50 e, 13th Edition (1974) $5.00 ) ASTM D1690/ Gamma Radioactivity of Industrial Water and d2038-1968 $/ Radioactive Barium in Industrial Water and D2334-1968 / Radioactive Iodine in Industrial Water and Radioactive Barium in Industrial Water and Radioactive Iodine in Industrial Water and Measurement of (1973) ASTM D1690/ Gamma Radioactivity of test for (1973) ASTM D2038-1968 $/ Radioactive Barium in Test for ( 1973) ASTM D2 3 34- 1968 / Radioactive Iodine in 1974) $1.75 Radioactive Barium in (1973) $1.75 Radioactive Iodine in Hydrocarbons (Askarels) by Refluxing (1972) $1.75 /T F Hydrogen in Water, Standard Method of Tests for (1974) Hydrogen Meter Module for Service in Liquid Sodium (1- Hydrogen Permeability of Rubber Coated Fabrics ( 1973) $ Hydrologic Engineering (1/75) Hydrological Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants (R Hydrolyzable Chlorine Compounds in Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrostatic Testing of Steel Valves (1961) $3.00 Hygienic Guides (For Hazard Evaluation of Industrial Ch Identification Markings (1/74) Identification of Piping Systems by Color Coding, Schem Identification of (1974) $1.75 Types of Micro Identification (1972) ANS-13.8 $5.00 Identification (1975) $7.00 Immediate Evacuation Signal for Use in Industrial Insta Immediate Evacuation Signal (2/16/73) Immersed Ultrasonic Testing by Reflection Method Using Immersion Corrosion Test for Soak Tank Metal Cleaners ( Impact Test for (1973) $1.75 Impact Testing of Metallic Materials ( 1972) $ 1.75 Impedance and Absorption of Acoustical Materials by the Implementing Appendix I (5/76) /Ion of Effluents from Implications of Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Test. Thro Importation of Electronic Products (1975) $2.95 Improved Transition Properties, Specification for (1974 Impulse Tests, Appendix to C57. 12.90 (Published May, 19 Impurities in Deuterium Oxide (1973) $1.75 Impurities in Deuterium Oxide, Method of Test for (1973 Impurities in Fine Aggregate on Strength of Mortar, Met Impurities in Sand for Concrete, Test for ( 1973) $1.75 Impurities (1-76) Supersedes E4-5T, (12-70) Impurity Determinations ( 12/74) / the Analysis of Uran Incendive Electrical Instruments (1965) $5.00 Incline Impact Test for (1973) $1.75 Inclusion Content of Steel, Recommended Practice for ( 1 Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Independence Between Redundant Standby (Onsite) Power S Independendence of Electric Systems (Revision 1, 1/75) Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (12/74) /S Indicating Which Places of Figures Are to Be Considered Indication for Nuclear Power Plant Safety Systems (5/73 Indications on Ferrous Castings, Reference Photographs Indicator Assembly for Sodium Service Supersedes E4-19 Indirect Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X and Gamma Radi Indirect-Reading Pocket Dosimeters (2/26/73) Indium-Cadmium Alloy (1973) $1.75 Indium-Cadmium Alloy (1974) ASTM C752-1973 $1.75 Indium-Cadmium Alloys (1974) $1.75 Chem Individual Observed Values) (1974) $4.00 Individual Observed Values) (4/74) Individual Vertical Piles Under Static Axial Load (1974 Individuals in Material Access Areas ( 1 1/73) Induced by Direct Contact, Practice for (1969) (R1973) Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to High En Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to High En Induction Melted Solution Heat Treated (1975) $3.00 Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) Solution Heat Treated Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) Solution Heat Treated Induction Melted 1750F (954. 4C) Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Induction Melted 1950 F (1065.6 C) Solution Treated (19 Induction Melted 1950 F (1065.6C) Solution Treated (197 Induction Motors and Generators, Test Procedure for ( 19 Inductive Level Measurement Sensor for Use in Liquid Me Inductive, Absolute or Gage (10-70) Amendment 1 (10-7 Industrial Chemicals and Materials) (1955-1975) $1.00 Industrial Controls and Systems (1970) $16.00 Industrial Installations Where Radiation Exposure May O Industrial Laminated Thermosetting Products (1971) $9.5 Industrial Lighting, Rec. Practice for (1973) $4.00 Industrial Metal Cleaning Compositions (1971) $1.75 Industrial Sabotage (Revision 1, 6/73) Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Plants ( 12/74) Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Plants ( 1973) (An Industrial Stairs (1968) $2.75 Industrial Trucks Low Lift and High Lift, Safety Std. F Industrial Ventilation: a Manual of Recommended Practic Industrial Waste Water, Method for Measurement of ( 1973 Industrial Waste Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM Industrial Waste Water, Methods of Test for (1973) ASTM Industrial Waste Water, Test for (1974) $1.75 Industrial Waste Water, Tests for ( 1973) $1.75 Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Method for Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Method of Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Methods of Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Test for ( Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Tests for ASTM D2441 ASTM D1588 ERDA RDT E8-13T ASTM D815 NRC RG 1.70.17 NRC RG 1.70.1 ASTM D2441 MSS SP-61 AIHA A-Z NRC RG 5.17 ANSI A13.1 ASTM Dl 128 ANSI N18.3 ISA S 5.1 ANSI N2.3 NRC RG 8.5 ASTM E214 ASTM D1280 ASTM D880 ASTM E23 ASTM C384 NRC RG 1.113 EPA FRC3 BRH 21CFRI005 ASTM A442 ANSI C57.98 ASTM D2033 ANSI N154 ANSI A37.129 ASTM C40 ERDA RDT E4-5T NRC RG 5.39 ISA RP12.2 ASTM D880 ASTM E45 ANSI Zl 15.9 NRC RG 1.6 NRC RG 1.75 NRC RG 3.24 ASTM E29 NRC RG 1.47 ANSI Z166.4 ERDA RDT E4-19T ANSI N13.5 NRC RG 8.4 ASTM C752 ANSI N571 ASTM C760 ANSI N15.15 NRC RG 5.22 ASTM Dl 143 NRC RG 5.14 ANSI Z166.3 ANSI J2.33 ASTM D2309 SAE AMS5662D ANSI G87.146 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.77 ANSI G87.85 ANSI G87.78 IEEE 112A ERDA RDT C5-1T ERDA RDT C6-3T AIHA A-Z NEMA ICS ANSI N2.3 NEMA LI-1 ANSI Al 1.1 ASTM D800 NRC RG 1.17 NRC RG 1.70.15 ANSI N18.17 ANSI A64.1 ANSI B56.1 ACGIH *13 ANSI N150 ANSI N155 ANSI N159 ASTM D2038 ASTM D2334 ANSI N150 ANSI N155 ANSI N159 ASTM D2038 ASTM D2334 Standards Application and Analysis Division 47 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 74) Additional Information: Nearby askets ( 1968) $4.00 High Pressure Chemical Protective Coatings (Paints) for the Nuclear General Reporting of Operating licable to Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Components / (6/75) ning (12/74) design of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Qualificat/ sign (5/75) ineering ( 1/75 ) urity for Nuclear Power Plants ( 12/74) rograms (5/75) ection of ASME Code Class 2 and 3 Components (2/75) n and Controls (2/75) erated Missiles (6/75) terns and Components ( 1/75) ials for Engineered Safety Features (2/75) /75) r Design Procedures ( 12/74) es (5/75) lief Discharge System (6/75) integrity (4/75) nee During Operations Phase ( 12/74) ste Management (4/75) t Pressure Boundary Materials and Inservice Inspection (1/ als (12/74) s(1975) cleanup System (5/75) ication of Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment (2/7/ water System Materials (4/75) rs(l/75) ) ction with Its Antitrust Review of Operating License App/ its Antitrust Review of Construction Permit Applications/ ion Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably Achievable (Nuclear/ ps for Nuclear Power Plants ( 12/73) Additional ion 4, 8/75) 1/74) Power Plants (2/74) r Nuclear Power Plants (8/74) wer Plants (Revision 1, 1/75) itary Facilities (9/74) uction (7/74) er Plants (5/74) ASTM B364-1970 $1.75 3) $1.75 ) ASTM B350-1973 $1.75 ) Supersedes M10-1T, (5-/ Reporting of Operating Additional Additional Additional Additional Additional Additional Additional Additional Additional Remelted Lithium Metal in Tantalum Tantalum Zirconium and Zirconium-Alloy Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Specification for Columbium and Columbium Alloy Columbium and Columbium Alloy Test for Evaluating actors (I 1/73) Preoperational and terns for Boiling Water Reactor Power / Preoperational and Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Manual practices for Volatile Organic Matter in Water by Aqueous- n for (1973) $1.75 Nylon Compressed Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet and fety Systems (5/73) Bypassed and c. Practice for Determ/ Changes in Chemical Reactivity of ounters (12-75) Supersedes C10-3T, (3-72) Multiple Recommended Practice for Controlled Shock Socket-Welding Reducer (5-75) Consumable Welding nts (2/75) Information for Safety Analysis Reports: (1977) bd ($60.00); II ($90.00) Rules for Generator Tubes (Revision 1, 7/75) t Structures with Grouted Tendons ( 1 1/74) d Concrete Containment Structures (Revision 2, 1/76) is Reports: Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Materials and 75) $3.00 Authorized Nuclear 0) $2.75 70) $2.25 Protection Against Pipe Whip i/ Type Tests of Continuous Duty Class 1 Motors Installed Qualification Tests of Electric Valve Operators Installed Qualification Tests of Continuous-Duty Motors Installed for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the (1974) $1.75 Acid Industrial, Transportation, and Military Facilities (9/ Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens G Industry (1974) $14.00 Inert Gas Valves (5-72) Amendment 1 (1-74) Inflatable Seal Containment Vessel Airlock (6-72) Information and Regulations (1975) $6.80 Information for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Code Cases App Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Electric Power Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Emergency Plan Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Environmental Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Fuel System De Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Hydrologic Eng Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Industrial Sec Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Initial Test P Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Inservice Insp Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Instrumentatio Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Internally Gen Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Mechanical Sys Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Metallic Mater Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Meteorology (4 Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Missile Barrie Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Plant Procedur Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Pressurizer Re Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Pump Flywheel Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Quality Assura Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Radioactive Wa Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Coolan Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Mated Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Vessel Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Water Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Seismic Qualif Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Steam and Feed Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Steam Generato Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Training (6/75 Information Needed by the AEC Regulatory Staff in Conne Information Needed by the NRC Staff in Connection with Information Relevant to Maintaining Occupational Radiat Information: Air Filtration Systems and Containment Sum Information: Appendix a Technical Specifications (Revis Information: Design of Seismic Category 1 Structures ( 1 Information: Fire Protection Considerations for Nuclear Information: Geography and Demography Considerations Fo Information: Hydrological Considerations for Nuclear Po Information: Nearby Industrial, Transportation, and Mil Information: Quality Assurance During Design and Constr Information: Radiation Protection (Revision 1, 11/74) Information: Water Level (Flood) Design for Nuclear Pow Information: Wind and Tornado Loadings ( 1 1/74) Ingot Form, Specification for (1972) $1.75 Ingots and Flat Mill Products, Specification for ( 1973) Ingots and Flat Mill Products, Spec, for ( 1970) $1.75 Ingots for Nuclear Applications, Specification for ( 197 Ingots for Nuclear Application, Specification for ( 1974 Ingots (ASTM B 350 with Additional Requirements) (1-72 Ingots (1973) ASTM B391-64 $1.75 Ingots, Specification for (1964) $1.75 Inhibitory Toxicity of Waters to Diatoms (1973) $1.75 Initial Startup Test Programs for Water Cooled Power Re Initial Startup Testing of Feedwater and Condensate Sys Initial Test Programs (5/75) Initiation of Protective Actions ( 10/73) Injection Gas Chromatography (1974) $1.75 /Ecommended Injection Molding and Extrusion Materials, Specificatio Inlet Connections (1965) CGA V-l-1965 $7.00 Inoperable Status Indication for Nuclear Power Plant SA Inorganic Material Exposed to High Energy Radiation, Re Input Preamplifier/Discriminator for Use with Neutron C Input Tests for Shipping Containers (1971) $1.75 Inserts (1974) $4.00 Inserts (3-75) Supersedes Ml -2 IT, (4-74) Amendment 1 Inservice Inspection of ASME Code Class 2 and 3 Compone Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components Inservice Inspection of Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Inservice Inspection of Prestressed Concrete Containmen Inservice Inspection of Ungrouted Tendons in Prestresse Inservice Inspection (1/75) /Rmation for Safety Analys Inservice Inspection, Qualifications and Duties for (19 Inservice Testing of Pumps in Nuclear Power Plants (197 Inservice Testing of Valves in Nuclear Power Plants ( 19 Inside Containment (5/73) Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Generating Stat Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Plants ( 1/74) Inside the Containment of Water Cooled Nuclear Power PI Inside-Out Testing Mode (1973) $1.75 Tests Insoluble Content of Copper and Iron Powders, Test for NRC RG 1.70.8 MSS SP-65 ANSI N512 ERDA RDT E1-35T ERDA RDT E14-5T DOT 49CFR 171 NRC RG 3.19 NRC RG 1.70.13 NRC RG 1.70.36 NRC RG J. 70. 14 NRC RG 1.70.24 NRC RG 1.70.34 NRC RG 1.70.17 NRC RG 1.70.15 NRC RG 1.70.33 NRC RG 1.70.25 NRC RG 1.70.22 NRC RG 1.70.35 NRC RG 1.70.18 NRC RG 1.70.26 NRC RG 1.70.29 NRC RG 1.70.16 NRC RG 1.70.31 NRC RG 1.70.37 NRC RG 1.70.30 NRC RG 1.70.11 NRC RG 1.70.27 NRC RG 1.70.20 NRC RG 1.70.12 NRC RG 1.70.21 NRC RG 1.70.32 NRC RG 1.70.23 NRC RG 1.70.28 NRC RG 1.70.19 NRC RG 1.70.38 NRC RG 9.3 NRC RG 9.2 NRC RG 8.8 NRC RG 1.70.2 NRC RG 1.16 NRC RG 1.70.9 NRC RG 1.70.4 NRC RG 1.70.7 NRC RG 1.70.1 NRC RG 1.70.8 NRC RG 1.70.6 NRC RG 1.70.3 NRC RG 1.70.5 NRC RG 1.70.10 ASTM B357 ANSI Z179.14 ASTM B364 ASTM B350 ANSI N583 ERDA RDT M10-1T ANSI Z179.18 ASTM B391 ASTM D2037 NRC RG 1.68 NRC RG 1.68.1 NRC RG 1.70.33 NRC RG 1.62 ASTM D2908 ASTM D789 ANSI B57.1 NRC RG 1.47 ASTM E183 ERDA RDT C10-3T ASTM D2956 MSS SP-79 ERDA RDT Ml -2 IT NRC RG 1.70.25 ASME SEC-XI NRC RG 1.83 NRC RG 1.90 NRC RG 1.35 NRC RG 1.70.20 ANSI N626.1 ASME PTC 3 5 ASME PTC34 NRC RG 1.46 ANSI N41.9 NRC RG 1.73 NRC RG 1.40 ASTM E493 ASTM E194 48 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards containers ( 1-75) d Bituminous Materials as Used in Construct/ Practice for uction of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Installation, Materials and nspection of Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels, Method and (1971) $3.00 Dry Particle Magnetic (1971) $2.00 Radiographic Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Inservice ification for (1973) ASTM / Longitudinal-Beam Ultrasonic Requirements for ipe and Tubing (1969) ASTM E273-1/ scontinuities. Method for (1974) $1.75 ($60.00); II ($90.00) Tubes (Revision 1, 7/75) es with Grouted Tendons ( 1 1/74) rocessing Plants (6/75) Method for Ultrasonic Ultrasonic Rules for Inservice Inservice Inservice Selection, Application, and and Inspection for ( 1974A/ Longitudinal-Wave Ultrasonic Containment Structures (Revision 2, 1/76) Inservice oolant System Wear Applications ( 10-67) tor Enclosure System (7-73) Visual in Service . (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for X-Ray Baggage Wet Magnetic Particle Reference Photographs for Liquid Penetrant Definitions of Terms Relating to Magnetic Particle Definitions of Terms Relating to Liquid Penetrant Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Nuclear n and Control of Steel Reference Blocks Used in Ultrasonic : Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Materials and Inservice terns for the Construction Phase of Nuclear/ Installation, terns (6/ Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, lementary Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, ctural S/ Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation onstruction Phase of Nuclear Power Pla/ Qualifications of Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant 1971) $1.75 Dry Powder Magnetic Particle ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 Liquid Penetrant Authorized Nuclear Inservice Concrete rete and Structural S/ Quality Assurance Requirements for ervice (8-71) Amendment 1 (11-72), Ame/ Fabrication and and Plant Protection for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage s (6/74) General Safety Standard for Ray Sources, Energies Up to 10-Mev, General Safety Sta/ $3.25 Immediate Evacuation Signal for Use in Industrial Sheilding for High Energy Electron Accelerator ic Equipment (Saf/ Quality Assurance Requirements for the ing the Construction of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, ipment and Systems for the Construction Phase of Nuclear/ ipment and Systems (6/ Quality Assurance Requirements for crete A/ Supplementary Quality Assurance Requirements for Reactors (5/73) Shield Test Program for Evaluation of ating Stati/ Type Tests of Continuous Duty Class 1 Motors s ( 1/74) Qualification Tests of Electric Valve Operators r Power P/ Qualification Tests of Continuous-Duty Motors icenses (3/76) Guidance to Academic Radiation Protection in Educational ision I, 11/75) t (Safety Guide 11, 3/10/71 sification (1970) $3.00 Preoperational Testing of Only) Amendment 1 (8-73), Amendment 2 (3-74) ilding Practices (1/73) Amendment 1 (1/75) Information for Safety Analysis Reports: ruction of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Installati/ ssurance Requirements for the Installation, and Testing of tion for Safety Analysis Reports: Seismic Qualification of Foil Shielded ) ANS 2.2 $10.00 Earthquake ty in Effluents, Specification and Performance / On-Site Earthquake plants to Assess Plant Conditions During and Following A/ General Mass Spectrometer Helium Leak Detection for Electrical Materials for inents, 4th Edition (1972) $12.50 Air Sampling stenitic St/ Standard Procedures for Calibrating Magnetic Radiological Monitoring Methods and Intrinsically Safe and Non Incendive Electrical d. Spec, for Automatic Null Balancing Electrical Measuring Signal Connectors for Nuclear Inspection and Preventive Maintenance of Fuel Shipping Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, an Inspection and Testing Requirements for ( 1972 IEEE 336- Inspection for Reactor Vessel Closure Studs ( 10/73) Inspection for (1974A) $1.75 /Dinal-Wave Ultrasonic I Inspection Method, Quality Standard for Steel Castings Inspection Method, Quality Standard for Steel Castings Inspection of ASME Code Class 2 and 3 Components (2/75) Inspection of Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Castings, Spec Inspection of Dimensional Characteristics (8-73) Inspection of Longitudinal and Spiral Welds of Welded P Inspection of Metal Pipe and Tubing for Longitudinal Di Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components ( 1977) bd Inspection of Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Inspection of Prestressed Concrete Containment Structur Inspection of Protective Coatings (Paints) for Fuel Rep Inspection of Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels, Method Inspection of Ungrouted Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Inspection Requirements for Materials Used in Reactor C Inspection System and Associated Equipment for the Reac Inspection Systems (1975) $2.95 Performance Std Inspection (1971) $1.75 Inspection (1971) $1.75 Inspection (1974) $1.75 Inspection (1974) $1.75 Inspection (1974) $3.50 Inspection (1975) $1.75 /Ended Practice for Fabricatio Inspection (1/75) /Rmation for Safety Analysis Reports Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Sys Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Sys Inspection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Stru Inspection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Stru Inspection, Examination and Testing Personnel for the C Inspection, Examination, and Testing Personnel (8/73) Inspection, Method for ( 1969) (R 1973) ASTM El 09- 1963 ( Inspection, Methods for (1969) (R1973) ASTM E165-1965 Inspection, Qualifications and Duties for (1975) $3.00 Inspection, Recommended Practice for (1975) $7.50 Installation Inspection, and Testing of Structural Cone Installation of Overpressure Protection Devices (10/73) Installation of Piping Subassemblies for Liquid Metal S Installation (12/74) /Se Application, Siting, Design, Installations Using Nonmedical Sealed Gamma-Ray Source Installations Using Non-Medical X-Ray and Sealed Gamma Installations Where Radiation Exposure May Occur (1967) Installations (1964) $2.00 Installation, and Testing of Instrumentation and Electr Installation, Inspection and Testing Requirements for ( Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equ Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equ Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Structural Con Installed Biological Shielding in Research and Training Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Gener Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Plant Installed Inside the Containment of Water Cooled Nuclea Institutions Applying for Specific Byproduct Material L Institutions (1966) $3.00 Instruction Concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure (Rev Instrument Air Systems (6/74) Instrument Lines Penetrating Primary Reactor Containmen Instrument Purging for Reduction of Hazardous Area Clas Instrument Spans and Setpoints ( 1 1/75) Instrument Tree for Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Instrument Valves (4-72) Instrumentation and Control Equipment Grounding and She Instrumentation and Controls (2/75) Instrumentation and Electric Equipment During the Const Instrumentation and Electric Equipment (Safety Guide 30 Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment (2/75) /Forma Instrumentation Cable (6-74) Instrumentation Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants (1974 Instrumentation for Continuously Monitoring Radioactivi Instrumentation for Earthquakes (Revision 1, 4/74) Instrumentation for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Instrumentation for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Instrumentation Symbols and Identification (1975) $7.00 Instrumentation (2-72) Amendment 1 (5-73) Instruments and Small Components (2-72) Instruments in Hazardous Atmospheres (1960) $3.00 Instruments in Radiation Service (1957) $5.00 Instruments Manual for Evaluation of Atmospheric Contam Instruments to Measure the Delta Ferritic Content of Au Instruments (1952) $2.00 Instruments (1965) $5.00 Instruments ( 1 966 ) ( R 1 972 ) $4.75 St Instruments (1968) (R1973) $2.50 ERDA RDT E12-7T ANSI Z267.1 ANSI N45.2.4 NRC RG 1.65 ASTM A435 MSS SP-53 MSS SP-54 NRC RG 1.70.25 ANSI G52.7 ERDA RDT F3-I5T ANSI Z 166. 18 ASTM E213 ASME SEC XI NRC RG 1.83 NRC RG 1.90 NRC RG 3.30 ASTM A435 NRC RG 1.35 ERDA RDT F3-7T ERDA RDT E8-12T BRH 21CFR1020G ASTM E138 ASTM E433 ASTM E269 ASTM E270 ANSI N626 ASTM E428 NRC RG 1.70.20 ANSI N45.2.8 NRC RG 1.116 ANSI N45.2.5 NRC RG 1.94 ANSI N45.2.6 NRC RG 1.58 ANSI Z166.1 ANSI Z166.9 ANSI N626.1 AC I 311 NRC RG 1.94 NRC RG 1.67 ERDA RDT F6-11T NRC RG 3.24 NRC RG 6.5 ANSI N543 ANSI N2.3 NCRP R31 NRC RG 1.30 ANSI N45.2.4 ANSI N45.2.8 NRC RG 1.116 ANSI N45.2.5 NRC RG 2.1 ANSI N41.9 NRC RG 1.73 NRC RG 1.40 NRC RG 10.2 NCRP R32 NRC RG 8.13 NRC RG 1.80 NRC RG 1.11 ISA S12.4 NRC RG 1.105 ERDA RDT E6-18T ERDA RDT E1-25T ERDA RDT C1-1T NRC RG 1.70.22 ANSI N45.2.4 NRC RG 1.30 NRC RG 1.70.23 ERDA RDT C17-9T ANSI N18.5 ANSI N13.10 NRC RG 1.12 NRC RG 3.17 NRC RG 1.97 ISA S 5.1 ERDA RDTC17-4T ERDA RDT F3-I1T ISA RP12.1 ISA RP25.1 ACGIH *4 AWS A4.2 NCRP R10 ISA RP12.2 ANSI C39.4 ANSI N544 Standards Application and Analysis Division 49 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards High Voltage Connectors for Nuclear Portable X or Gamma Radiation Survey t, (3-70), in Part Amendment 1 / Metal Sheathed, Mineral Determination of Insulation Compaction in Ceramic es P4-3T, (2-74) Metal Sheathed, Mineral- Ceramic- Time Response Test for Sheathed, Mineral p Versus Alumel, Stainless Steel Sheathed, Magnesium Oxide , Chromel-P and Alumel, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass al, Iron and Constantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass , Copper and Constantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass , / Thermocouple Material, Iron Constantan, Mineral Oxide Thermocouple Material, Copper-Constantan, Mineral-Oxide Thermocouple Assemblies, Magnesium-Oxide onal Requiremen/ Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal 0) $1.75 Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal eel ( 10-72) Supersedes M 1/ Test Requirements for Thermal for Calibration of Standards and Equipment for Electrical Thermal Failure Under Electric Stress of Solid Electrical 1967) $1.75 Thermal ickness and Density of Blanket-Type or Bait-Type Thermal 8/70) Amendment 1 (9/73) Determination of Nonmetallic Thermal (1971) $1.75 Airborne Sound for Linear Shrinkage of Preformed High Temperature Thermal temperatures Above/ Practice for Prefabricated Reflective temperatures / Rec. Practice for Prefabricated Reflective -71 ) Amendment / Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Reflective Testing Adhesives Relative to Their Use as Electrical licone Rubber Coated Glass Fabric and Tapes for Electrical Spec, for Mineral Fiber Block and Board Thermal ting Polymerizable Embedding Compounds Used for Electrical Sampling Preformed Thermal t for Determining the Maximum Use Temperature of Preformed Std. Definitions of Terms Relating to Electric valuating Stress Corrosion Effect of Wicking-Type Thermal ended Practice for Selection of Vapor Barriers for Thermal (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglass (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglass (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglass onductivity (5-72) Amendment 1 (4-73) Thermal Fill (ASTM C 612 with Additional / Mineral Fiber Thermal -19/ Hot Surface Performance of High Temperature Thermal -1/ Compressive Strength of Preformed Block Type Thermal -1969 $1.75 Thermal Conductivity of Pipe 5 ) $ 1 .75 Mean Specific Heat of Thermal Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Mean Specific Heat of Thermal Density of Preformed Pipe Covering Type Thermal Density of Preformed Block Type Thermal Iculated Flexural Strength of Preformed Block Type Thermal Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Ceramic Electrical $3.50 Administrative Guide for Liability itic, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger Tubes with erapy Sources (1973) $3.50 erapy Sources (Revision 1, 7/74) Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Pump Flywheel ances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with food Additives, Subpart G. Radiation and Radiation Sources Recommended Programming Practices to Facilitate s for ( 1 975 ) $1.75 Detecting Susceptibility to Bearing Alloys, Method of (/ Detecting Susceptibility to tic Stainless Steel Components of / Guidance for Avoiding -74) Supersedes E4-6T, (1-72), Amendment 1 (1-72) 1) Logarithmic Mean Square Voltage (MSV) ructural Quality, Specification for ( 1975) $1.75 Low and 4A) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low and ation for ( 1974/ Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel for Information for Safety Analysis Reports: loy Steel for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plant/ Preheat and Food and Drugs: Subpart B, Statements of Policy and simeters and Companion Dosimeter Chargers (1965) (R1971)/ ents (1965) $5.00 Perimeter Physical Conduct of Nuclear Material Physical m D1452-1966) $1.75 Method for Soil est for (1973) ASTM C624-1971 $1.75 Delta- 971)51.75 Delta- , (6-72) Gas Phase Adsorbents for Trapping Radioactive Gas Phase Adsorbents for Trapping Radioactive Iodine and Instruments (1971) $3.00 ANSI N42.4 Instruments, Specification of (1971) $4.40 ANSI N13.4 Insulated Cable Bulk Material (2-73) Supersedes C7-14 ERDA RDTC17-5T Insulated Conductors (8/70) Amendment 1 (9/73) ERDA RDT C2-1T Insulated Electrical Resistance Heater (3-75) Supersed ERDA RDT P4-3T Insulated Magnet Wire (7-70) ERDA RDTM7-13T Insulated Thermocouple Assembly (6-72) ERDA RDT C2-3T Insulated (2-75) Supersedes C 7-6T, (4-72), Amendmen ERDA RDT C7-6T Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglass Insulation) (1- ERDA RDT C7-5T Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglass Insulation) (4- ERDA RDT C7-1T Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fiberglass Insulation) (4/ ERDA RDT C7-3T Insulated, Sheathed (4-70) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70) ERDA RDT C7-2T Insulated, Sheathed (4-70) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70) ERDA RDT C7-4T Insulated, Stainless Steel Sheathed (1-72) ERDA RDTC7-I6T Insulating and Finishing Cement (ASTM C 449 with Additi ERDA RDTM12-3T Insulating and Finishing Cement, Specification for ( 197 ASTM C449 Insulating Materials for Use on Austenitic Stainless St ERDA RDTM12-1T Insulating Materials Testing (1971) $1.75 /Ed Practice ASTM D2865 Insulating Materials (1973) $1.75 Test for ASTM D3151 Insulating Materials, Definition of Terms Relating to ( ASTM CI 68 Insulating Materials, Test for (1970) $1.75 th ASTM C167 Insulation Compaction in Ceramic Insulated Conductors ( ERDA RDT C2-1T Insulation for Austenitic Stainless Steel (2/23/73) NRC RG1.36 Insulation in Buildings, Rec. Practice for Measurement ASTM E336 Insulation Subjected to Soaking Heat (1963) (R1969) Ast ANSI Z98.19 Insulation Systems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at ANSI Z98.48 Insulation Systems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at ASTM C667 Insulation (ASTM C 533 with Additional Requirements) (6 ERDA RDTM12-2T Insulation (1-72) Amendment 1 (10-74) ERDA RDTM12-4T Insulation (1969) $1.75 ASTM D1304 Insulation (1969) (R1974) ASTM D1931 — 1973 $1.75 / Si ANSI C59.89 Insulation (1970) $1.75 ASTM C612 Insulation (1970) (ASTM D1674-1967) $1.75 /OdsofTes ANSI C59.47 Insulation (1972) $1.75 ASTM C390 Insulation (1973) ASTM C447- 1971 $1.75 Method of Tes ANSI Z98.28 Insulation (1975B) $1.75 ANSI C59. 75 (1973) ASTM D1711 Insulations on Stainless Steel ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 ASTM C692 Insulations (1973) $1.75 Recomm ASTM C755 Insulation) (1-73) /El-P and Alumel, Solid Conductor ERDA RDT C7-5T Insulation) (4-70) /N and Constantan, Solid Conductor ERDA RDT C7-1T Insulation) (4/70) /Er and Constantan, Solid Conductor ERDA RDT C7-3T Insulation, Flexible or Molded, High Temperature, Low C ERDA RDT M12-5T Insulation, High Temperature, Rigid, Flexible and Loose ERDA RDT M12-6T Insulation, Method of Test for (1963) (R1969) ASTM C411 ANSI Z98.23 Insulation, Method of Test for (1963) (R1973) ASTM C165 ANSI Z98.6 Insulation, Method of Test for (1967) (R1969) ASTM C335 ANSI Z98.3 Insulation, Practice for (1963) (R1975) (ASTM C312-195 ANSI Z98.15 Insulation, Specification for (1972) $1.75 ASTM C533 Insulation, Test for (1961) (R1973) $1.75 ASTM C351 Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.75 ASTM C302 Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.75 ASTM C303 Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.75 /Reaking Load and Ca ASTM C203 Insulator Pellet (6-71) ERDA RDT E13-7T Insulators (8-74) Supersedes C18-1T, (7-70) ERDA RDT C18-1T Insurance Aspects of Shipping Nuclear Materials ( 1973) ANSI N 14 GUIDE Integral Fins, Specification for (1973) $1.75 /N, Ferr ASTM A498 Integrity and Test Specifications for Selected Brachyth ANSI N44.1 Integrity and Test Specifications for Selected Brachyth NRC RG 6.2 Integrity (Revision 1, 8/75) NRC RG1.14 Integrity (4/75) NRC RG 1.70.30 Intended Changes (1975) $.75 /Alues for Chemical Subst ACGIH *1 Intended for Use in the Production, Processing, and Han FDA 21CFR 121 Interchange of Digital Computer Programs ( 1971 ) $7.50 ANS STD. 3 Intergranular Attack in Stainless Steels, Rec. Practice ASTM A262 Intergranular Attack in Wrought Nickel-Rich, Chromium- ANSI G80.4 Intergranular Corrosion and Stress Corrosion in Austeni NRC RG 3.37 Intermediate Heat Exchanger for Liquid Metal Systems (5 ERDA RDT E4-6T Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7-7 ERDA RDT C15-6T Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of St ASTM A283 Intermediate— Tensile Strength, Specification for ( 197 ASTM A285 Intermediate-and Higher-Temperature Service, Specific ASTM A515 Internal Emitters (1961) Free NAS NRC883 Internal Transfers of Special Nuclear Material (3/75) NRC RG 5.49 Internally Generated Missiles (6/75) NRC RG 1.70.35 Interpass Temperature Control for the Welding of Low Al NRC RG 3.29 Interpretation (1975) $2.95 BRH 21CFR1000B Interrelationship of Quartz-Fiber Electrometer Type Do ANSI N42.6 Intrinsically Safe and Non Incendive Electrical Instrum ISA RP12.2 Intrusion Alarm Systems (1/75) NRC RG 5.44 Inventories of Nuclear Materials (1972) $3.25 ANSI N15.3 Inventories (11/73) NRC RG5.13 Investigation and Sampling by Auger Borings ( 1972) (Ast ANSI A37.147 In-Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Graphite, Method of T ANSI K90.8 In-Hours (DIH) Purity of Nuclear Graphite, Test for ( 1 ASTM C624 Iodine and Iodine Compounds (10-73) Supersedes M16-1T ERDA RDTM16-1T Iodine Compounds (10-73) Supersedes M16-1T, (6-72) ERDA RDT M16-IT 50 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards methods of Test for (1973) ASTM D2334-1968 / Radioactive tests for (1973) $1.75 Radioactive Recommendations for Waste Disposal of Phosphorus-32 and Test for Strontium esting for Leaks Using the Halogen Leak Detectors (Alkali- Methods of Sampling of Particulate f Test for Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Tests for Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Sulfate Nitrate Fluoride Water and Waste Water, Tests for Chloride Continuous Determination of Sodium in Water by ion) (7-71) Amendment 1 (8-73, Amend/ Gamma Compensated Systems (1975) $2.95 Performance Std. Gas Discharge Tubes (1975) $2.95 Performance Std. ray Systems and Their Major Components/ Performance Std. equipment (1975) $2.95 Performance Std. Radio Frequency Emitting Products (19/ Performance Std. equipment (1975) $2.95 Performance Std. ceivers (1975) $2.95 Performance Std. Inspection Systems (1975) $2.95 Performance Std. ulations Section 57 Exposure to Radioactive Substances and 53-1971) (1973) $1.7/ Polymeric Materials for Service in .75 Polymeric Materials for Service in dditional Requirements) (1-75) Supers/ Nickel-Chromium- 1973) ASTM B168-1970 $1.75 Nickel-Chromium- quirements) (3-75) Supersedes M7-4T,/ Nickel-Chromium- $1.75 Specification for Nickel-Chromium- tm B434-1971 $1.75 Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium- Helical Age-Hardenable Nickel-Chromium- hemical Analysis of Nickel-Chromium and Nickel-Chromium- insulated, and Sheathed Over Fibe/ Thermocouple Material, Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on for High Temperat/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening 70) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70), / Thermocouple Material, Cast for (1974) $1.75 Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Acid Insoluble Content of Copper and 0) $3.00 Cast $3.00 Malleable hods for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of alysis of Steel, Cast Iron, Open-Hearth Iron, and Wrought 409 with Additional Requirements) (9-75) Supers/ Nickel- tion for (1974) ASTM B409-1973 $1.75 Nickel- itional Requirements) (9-75) Supersedes M7-10T/ Nickel- 3 $1.75 Specification for Nickel- 407 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) Super/ Nickel- 1.75 Specification for Nickel- e (1974) $1.75 Specification for Nickel- pplication at High Temperatures, Spec/ Centrifugally Cast -1969 $1.75 Chemical Analysis of Steel, Cast Iron, Open-Hearth High Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Chemical Analysis of Steel, Cast r Spectrophotometric Determination of Fission Zirconium in tm C625-1972 $1.75 Reporting rting (1972) $1.75 on in Truck Transport (2-75) Design Basis for Fuel and on 1, 6/76) Irreversible and resources (Revision 1, 6/76) er Reactor Nuclear Power Plants (Re/ Design of Main Steam Carbon Steel 2-70) Amendment I (5-74) Valve, Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations and 7-1970 $1.75 Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations and ds for the Analysis of Uranyl Nitrate Solutions for Assay, Selection of Material Balance Areas and ce Sampling Procedures for Exempted and Generally Licensed Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of r Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of $2.00 Connecting Flange -73) Expansion Cast Bronze Solder Silver Brazing Joints for Cast and Wrought Solder ) $3.00 Silver Brazing 1976) $1.50 Specification for Structural ers, Specificat/ High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel enched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for Structural Steel Carbon Steel Sheet, Cold Rolled, Drawing Quality, Special ess, Rockwell Hardness, Rockwell Superficial Hardness, and significance, and Control Technology (1975) $4.00 Iodine in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Iodine in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Iodine-131 for Medical Use (1951) $2.00 Ion Brackish Water, Sea Water, and Brines (1974) $1.75 Ion Diode) (1971) $1.75 Recommended Practice for T Ion Exchange Materials (1973) ASTM D2687-1972 $1.75 Ion Exchange Resins (1973) $1.75 ASTM D2 187— 1972 $1.7 Ion Exchange Resins ( 1974) $1.75 Ion Exchanger, Non Regenerative Type (5-72) Ion in Water and Waste Water, Tests for (1974) $1.75 Ion in Water, Standard Method of Test for ( 1971 ) $1.75 Ion in Water, Standard Method of Tests for (1972) $1.75 Ion in (1974) $1.75 Ion Selective Electrode (1973) $1.75 Ionization Chamber Assembly (Fixed Electrical Compensat (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Cabinet X-Ray (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Cold-Cathode (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Diagnostic X- ( Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Fluoroscopic (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Microwave and (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Radiographic (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Television Re (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for X-Ray Baggage Ionizing Radiations ( 1971 ) $6.85 Child Labor Reg Ionizing Radiation, Classification System for (ASTM D29 Ionizing Radiation, Classification System for ( 1971 ) $1 Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASME SB- 168 with a Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for ( Iron Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB- 166 with Additional Re Iron Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (1973) ASTM B 167- 197 Iron Alloy Sheet and Plate, Specification for ( 1973) as Iron Alloy Springs (5-75) Supersedes M8-1T, (2-73) Iron Alloys (1973) $1.75 Iron and Constantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Iron and Steel Gas Welding Rods (1969) $2.50 Iron and Steel Hardware, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock Iron Constantan, Mineral Oxide Insulated, Sheathed (4- Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends (1970) $4.0 Iron in Water and Waste Water, Standard Method of Tests Iron Measuring (1970) $1.75 Iron Powders, Test for (1974) $1.75 Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends ( 197 Iron Threaded Pipe Unions 150, 250, and 300 lbs. (1970) Iron (1973) ASTM E263-1970 $1.75 Met Iron (1975) $1.75 Chemical an Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASME SB- Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specifica Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB-408 with Add Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar, (1974) ASTM B408-197 Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tubing (ASME SB- Iron-Chromium Alloy (UNS N08800) Rod and Bar, (1974) $ Iron-Chromium Alloy (UNS N08800) Seamless Pipe and Tub Iron-Chromium-Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure a Iron-59 in Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2461 Iron-59 in Water, Test for ( 1969) (R 1975) $1.75 Iron, and Wrought Iron (1975) $1.75 Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt-Base Alloys, Chemical Analysi Iron, Open-Hearth Iron, and Wrought Iron ( 1975) $1.75 Irradiated Nuclear Fuels (1973T) $1.75 /Hod of Test Fo Irradiation Results on Graphite, Practice for (1973) as Irradiation Results on Graphite, Rec. Practice for Repo Irradiations Experiment Resistance to Shock and Vibrati Irretrievable Commitments of Material Resources (Revisi Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Material Isolation Valve Leakage Control Systems for Boiling Wat Isolation Valves (4-73) Amendment 1 (5-74) Isolation, Butterfly Type (8-72)supersedes E1-13T, (1 Isotopic Abundances, Method of Test for (1970) $1.75 Isotopic Abundances, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM E26 Isotopic Distribution, and Impurity Determinations (12/ Item Control Areas (Revision 1, 4/75) Items Containing Byproduct Material (6/74) Acceptan Items for Nuclear Power Plants (During the Construction Items for Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves ( 1969) Joint Containment Vessel Airlock (3-72) Amendment 1 (8 Joint Fittings for Sovent Drainage Systems (1973) $3.50 Joint Fittings (1970) $3.00 Joints for Cast and Wrought Solder Joint Fittings (1970 Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts (Approved February Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Wash Joints, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Qu Killed, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Knoop Hardness) (1973) ASTM E140-I972 $1.75 /Rs Hardn Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere Accumulation, Biological ANSI N159 ASTM D2334 NCRP R9 ASTM D3352 ASTM E427 ANSI Zl 1 1.12 ANSI Zl 11.11 ASTM D2187 ERDA RDT E11-1T ASTM D516 ASTM D992 ASTM Dl 179 ASTM D512 ASTM D2791 ERDA RDTC15-7T BRH 21CFR1020F BRH 21CFR1020B BRH 21CFR1020C BRH 21CFR1020E BRH 21CFR1030 BRH 21CFRI020D BRH 21CFR1020A BRH 21CFR1020G DOL 29CFR 70 ANSI N4.1 ASTM D2953 ERDA RDT M5-4T ANSI H34.10 ERDA RDT M7-4T ANSI H34.3 ANSI H34.44 ERDA RDT M8-1T ASTM E38 ERDA RDT C7-1T AWS A5.2 ASTM A153 ANSI G8I.45 ERDA RDT C7-2T MSS SP-70 ASTM D1068 ASTM E263 ASTM E194 MSS SP-71 MSS SP-76 ANSI Nlll ASTM E30 ERDA RDT M5-7T ANSI H34.40 ERDA RDT M7-10T ANSI H34.39 ERDA RDT M3-9T ASTM B408 ASTM B407 ANSI G82.1 ANSI N162 ASTM D2461 ASTM E30 ASTM E354 ASTM E30 ASTM E495 ANSI K.90.9 ASTM C625 ERDA RDT F8-9T NRC RG 4.10 NRC RG 4.10 NRC RG 1.96 ERDA RDT E1-31T ERDA RDT E1-13T ASTM E267 ANSI Nl 15 NRC RG 5.39 NRC RG 5.26 NRC RG 6.6 ANSI N45.2.2 NRC RG 1.38 MSS SP-60 ERDA RDT E10-5T ANSI B16.32 MSS SP-73 MSS SP-73 AISC S314 ASTM A325 ASTM A490 ASTM A620 ANSI Z76.4 NCRP R44 Standards Application and Analysis Division 51 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards bstances and Ionizing Radiations (1971 ) $6.85 Child (7-7/ Qualification and Control of Analytical Chemistry Qualification and Control of Analytical Chemistry Control and Removal of Radioactive Contamination in onic Elastic Constants of Rock (1972) (ASTM D2845-1969)/ pore Diameter and Permeability of Rigid Porous Filters for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Safety Requirements for Portable Metal Safety Requirements for Portable Wood Fixed Steel Sheet, Corrosion Resistant, Industrial ion, and Use of Radioisotopic Power Generators for Certain ts) (4-75) Super/ Austenitic Stainless Steel Welded Pipe nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Tern/ Welded torage Batterie/ Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Recommended Rules for Design and Construction of Nomenclature for Rubbers and Rubber 69) (R1975) $1.75 astm C558-1969 $1.75 Measurement of cement of Large Stationary Type Power Plant and Substation 72) Mass Spectrometer Helium Testing for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer .75 Tests for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer obe Mode (/ Testing for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Electrical Continuity Type Liquid Metal commended Practice for Testing for Leaks Using the Halogen 71 $1.75 Selection of A n 1,7/74) 3.50 Rec. Guide for Preparation of .75 Terms Relating to ar Power Plants (Re/ Design of Main Steam Isolation Valve Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary aterials (Issued for Trial Use and Commen/ Draft Std. for aterials (6/75) lear Reactors (1971) ANS-7.60 $7.50 Test for Testing for de) (1971) $1.75 Recommended Practice for Testing for inside-Out Testing Mode (1973) $1.75 Tests for detector Probe Mode (1973) $1.75 Testing for dual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe Mode (/ Testing for Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs for Use with Recommended Practice for Measurement of Low -73) Amendment 1 (12-74) Temperature and Liquid ervice (Fabrication Only) (7-72) Amendment 1 (7-73/ Low ) Supersedes C5-1T, (4-70) Inductive (Amendment I (10-71) Resistive Additional Information: Water Power Std. Specifications for Manually Is (1973) $3.50 Administrative Guide for ntrol and Accounting Section of a Special Nuclear Material staff in Connection with Its Antitrust Review of Operating fabrication Plants ( 1/76) Standard Format and Content of eactor Fuel and Associate/ Standard Format and Content of on for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage/ Guidance on the in Certain Devices to Be Distributed for Use Under General Acceptance Sampling Procedures for Exempted and Generally Termination of Operating e Preparation of Applications for Special Nuclear Material Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Guide to the Contents of Applications for Uranium Milling emic Institutions Applying for Specific Byproduct Material n Sheathed Type Electric Heating Elements ( 1/ Accelerated Powered Industrial Trucks Low Powered Industrial Trucks Low Lift and High 6 $2.00 Radioactive Self-Luminous 2) $3.00 Protective Coatings (Paints) for here Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of ) $4.50 Protective Industrial cation for (1970) ASTM C330-1969 $1.75 69 $2.75 Selecting Proportions for Structural $1.75 Method of Test for for Corrosive or High Tern/ Welded Large Outside Diameter Cost-Benefit Analysis for Radwaste Systems for nt Conditions During and Following A/ Instrumentation for radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Serial Numbering of Fuel Assemblies for radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from d Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from n Nuclear Materials Control (1974) $3.00 Labor Regulations Section 57 Exposure to Radioactive Su Laboratories for Control Rod Absorber Material Analysis Laboratories for Mixed Oxide Fuel Analysis (7-73) Laboratories (1951) $2.00 Laboratory Determination of Pulse Velocities and Ultras Laboratory Use, Test for (1969) $1.75 Maximum Laboratory, Method of (1973) ASTM C192-1969 $1.75 Ladders (1972) $4.25 Ladders (1975) $5.00 Ladders, Safety Requirements for (1974) $5.50 Laminar-Flow Clean Air Devices (1968) $1.50 Laminated Surface Bonded (1973) SAE AMS5500A-1969 $3.0 Laminated Thermosetting Products (1971) $9.50 Land and Sea Applications (3/74) Design, Construct Large Diameter (ASME SA-358 with Additional Requiremen Large Outside Diameter Light-Wall Austenitic Chromium Large Shipping Cases and Crates, Testing (1973) $1.75 Large Stationary Type Power Plant and Substation Lead S Large, Welded, Low Pressure Storage Tanks (1973) $4.00 Latices, Practice for (1972B) $1.75 Lattice Spacing of Nuclear Graphite, Measurement of (19 Lattice Spacing of Nuclear Graphite, Method for ( 1973) Lead Storage Batteries, Rec. Practice for (1972) $5.40 Leak Detection for Instruments and Small Components (2- Leak Detector in the Detector Probe Mode (1973) $1.75 Leak Detector in the Inside-Out Testing Mode ( 1973) $1 Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Pr Leak Detector (10-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) Leak Detectors (Alkali-Ion Diode) (1971) $1.75 Re Leak Testing Method, Guide for the (1973) ASTM E432-19 Leak Testing Radioactive Brachytherapy Sources (Revisio Leak Testing Radioactive Brachytherapy Sources (1973) $ Leak Testing Specification (1973) $1.75 Leak Testing, Definitions of (1973) ASTM E425— 1971 $1 Leakage Control Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Nucle Leakage Detection Systems (5/73) Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of Radioactive M Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of Radioactive M Leakage-Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuc Leaks in Heat Sealed Flexible Packages (1972) $1.75 Leaks Using Bubble Emission Techniques (1974) $1.75 Leaks Using the Halogen Leak Detectors (Alkali-Ion Dio Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or Resi Lens Gaskets ( 1968) $4.00 High Pressure Level Activity in Water (1972T $1.75 Level Control Monitor, Port Plug (Fabrication Only) (10 Level Flux Monitor Mechanical System for Liquid Metal S Level Measurement Sensor for Use in Liquid Metal (3-75 Level Measurement Sensor for Use in Liquid Metal (4-70 Level (Flood) Design for Nuclear Power Plants (5/74) Levels of Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 12/73) Lever Operated Chain Hoists (1974) $0.50 Liability Insurance Aspects of Shipping Nuclear Materia License Application (Including That for a Uranium Enric License Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (10/74) License Applications for Plutonium Processing and Fuel License Applications for Storage Only of Unirradiated R License Application, Siting, Design, and Plant Protecti License (Revision 1, 5/75) /Oactive Sources Contained Licensed Items Containing Byproduct Material (6/74) Licenses for Nuclear Reactors (6/74) Licenses of Less Than Critical Mass Quantities (7/76) Licenses to Process Source Material (7/76) Licenses (2/73) Licenses (3/76) Guidance to Acad Life Test of Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxide as Used I Lift and High Lift, Safety Std. for (1975) $6.50 Lift. Safety Std. for (1975) $6.50 Light Sources, Classification of (1975) NBS Handbook 1 1 Light Water Nuclear Reactor Containment Facilities (197 Light — Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, Lighting, Practice for (1956) (R1970) (IES RP 10—1956 Lighting, Rec. Practice for (1973) $4.00 Lightweight Aggregates for Structural Concrete, Specifi Lightweight Concrete, Practice for (1971) ACI 211.2-19 Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate (1970) ASTM C123-1969 Light-Wall Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe Light-Water — Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors (3/76) Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Pla Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors (12/20/72) Light-Water-Cooled Power Reactors (4/76) /Leases of Light-Water-Cooled Reactors (3/76) /Ric Transport an Limit of Error Concepts and Principles of Calculation I DOL 29CFR 70 ERDA RDT F2-8T ERDA RDT F2-6T NCRP R8 ANSI A37.I76 ASTM E128 ANSI A37.81 ANSI A14.2 ANSI A14.1 ANSI A14.3 IES CS-2T ANSI G87.1 NEMA LI-1 NRC RG 6.3 ERDA RDT M3-7T ASTM A409 ASTM D1083 IEEE 450 API STD. 620 ASTM D1418 ASTM C558 ANSI K90.1 IEEE 450 ERDA RDT F3-11T ASTM E499 ASTM E493 ASTM E498 ERDA RDT C8-4T ASTM E427 ANSI Z 166.26 NRC RG 6.1 ANSI N44.2 ASTM E479 ANSI Z166.25 NRC RG 1.96 NRC RG 1.45 ANSI N14.5 NRC RG 7.4 ANSI N45.4 ASTM D3078 ASTM E515 ASTM E427 ASTM E493 ASTM E499 ASTM E498 MSS SP-65 ASTM D3085 ERDA RDT E6-10T ERDA RDT E6-36T ERDA RDTC5-1T ERDA RDT C5-2T NRC RG 1.70.5 NRC RG 1.49 HMI 300 ANSI N14 GUIDE NRC RG 5.45 NRC RG 9.3 NRC RG 3.39 NRC RG 3.15 NRC RG 3.24 NRC RG 6.4 NRC RG 6.6 NRC RG 1.86 NRC RG 10.3 NRC RG 10.4 NRC RG 3.5 NRC RG 10.2 ASTM D2900 ANSI B56.1 ANSI B56.1 ANSI N540 ANSI N101.2 NRC RG 1.52 ANSI A85.1 ANSI Al 1.1 ANSI A37.88 ANSI A 164.1 ANSI A37.25 ASTM A409 NRC RG 1.110 NRC RG 1.97 NRC RG 1.21 NRC RG 5.1 NRC RG 1.112 NRC RG 1.111 ANSI N15.16 52 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards n Nuclear Materials Control (1.74) s in the Workroom Environment with Intended Ch/ Threshold n Plutonium/ Welder Qualification for Welding in Areas of Welder Qualification for Areas of s of Figures Are to Be Considered Significant in Specified .00 Preferred or Containment System Components (6/73) Design fluid System Components (5/73) Design luating the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Steam insulation Subjected to Soaking Heat / Method of Test for cal and Airflow Performance, Testing (1973) $1.75 Duct Nondestructive Examination of Primary Containment (5/75) Nondestructive Examination of Welds in the uide 11, 3/10/71 Instrument y in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in lation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and ly) (10-73) Amendment 1 (12-74) Temperature and (11-71) Control Rod Absorber Pin for (11-71) Amendment 1 (12-73), / Control Rod Assembly for Electrical Continuity Type 3), Amendment 2 (6-74) Mixing Component for (8-71) Permanent Magnet Flowmeter for , Eddy Current Type, Inductive, Absolute or Gage (10-70/ nt 1 (7-73/ Low Level Flux Monitor Mechanical System for dment 1 (12-74) Reactor Vessel for nak Transmission High Temperature Pressure Transmitter for ment 2 (1-74), Amendment 3 (5-/ Electromagnetic Pump for Fabrication of Core Component Pot for in Core Permanent Magnet Flow Through Type Flowmeter for Pipe Hangers, Supports and Snubbers for ston Rings of High Strength Alloys for Core Components for ) Class 1 Valves for Eddy Current Probe Type Flow Sensor for Class 2 Valves for Fabrication and Installation of Piping Subassemblies for ment 2 (5-74) Thermowell Systems for ) Amendment 1 (3-72), Amendment 2 (11-72), Amendm/ Tank , Amendment 1 (1-72) Intermediate Heat Exchanger for Inductive Level Measurement Sensor for Use in Resistive Level Measurement Sensor for Use in Reference Photographs for Definitions of Terms Relating to ASTM E165-1965 (1971) $1.75 5 Recommended Practice for ce Transducer, Proximity Measurement System ( 1-76) Electrochemical Oxygen Meter for Service in Diffusion Carbon Meter for Service in Oxygen-Hydrogen Meter Module for Service in Carbon Meter Equilibration Module for Service in (Or Multipurpose Sampler) for the Analysis of Nonmetals in Venturi Flow Tube for m Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (6/73) 5 Penetration of or Other Dangerous Articles or Substances and Combustible or Other Dangerous Articles or Substances and Combustible Design Considerations: Systems for Measuring the Mass of Commodity 1.75 Remelted Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for Electric Heaters: Simulated Shield Plug and Closure Cap for Penetrations Floor Valve, Reactor Refueling and Maintenance for k Type Thermal Insulation, Test for ( 1972) $1.7/ Breaking Method of Test for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static les Under Static Axial Load (1974) $1.75 Test for ationship for Individual Vertical Piles Under Static Axial Automatic Spring eth/ Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension ent System Components (6/73) Design Limits and m Components (5/73) Design Limits and st for Fatigue Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Additional Information: Wind and Tornado I Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third Point Mechanical pecial Nuclear Materials ( 1 1/73) General Use of ring System (7-71 ) e Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7-71) (1973) IEEE 91-1973 $6.00 Protection System d Practice for Standard Calibration and Format for Nuclear (1969) ASTM E273-1/ Method for Ultrasonic Inspection of Ultrasonic Inspection of Metal Pipe and Tubing for Ultrasonic Testing by the Reflection Method, Using Pulsed ersed Ultrasonic Testing by Reflection Method Using Pulsed low Alloy Steel Castings, Specification for (1973) ASTM / s for Pressure Vessels, Method and Inspection for ( 1974A/ Limit of Error Concepts and Principles of Calculation I Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agent Limited Accessibility in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and I Limited Accessibility (12/73) Limiting Values, Recommended Practice for (1973) $1.75 Limits and Fits for Cylindrical Parts ( 1967) (R 1974) $4 Limits and Loading Combinations for Metal Primary React Limits and Loading Combinations for Seismic Category 1 Line Break Accident for Boiling Water Reactors (Safety Linear Shrinkage of Preformed High Temperature Thermal Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers for Acousti Liner Welds (Revision 1, 8/1 1/72, of Safety Guide 19) Liners of Concrete Barriers in Fuel Reprocessing Plants Lines Penetrating Primary Reactor Containment (Safety G Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Liquid Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Power Reacto Liquid Level Control Monitor, Port Plug (Fabrication on Liquid Metal Fast Reactors (5-73) Supersedes E6-25T, Liquid Metal Fast Reactors (5-73) Supersedes E6-33T, Liquid Metal Leak Detector (10-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) Liquid Metal Piping Systems (11-71) Amendment 1 (12-7 Liquid Metal Piping Systems (4-74) Supersedes C4-5T, Liquid Metal Pressure Measurement System, Flush Mounted Liquid Metal Service (Fabrication Only) (7-72) Amendme Liquid Metal Service (12-73) Supersedes (10-72), Amen Liquid Metal Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (5-71); Super Liquid Metal Service (3-71 ) Amendment 1 (9-71 ), Amend Liquid Metal Service (3-72) Amendment 1 (3-74) Liquid Metal Service (4-73) Liquid Metal Service (5-72) Liquid Metal Service (5-74) Pi Liquid Metal Service (5-75) Supersedes E1-18T, (2-71 Liquid Metal Service (6-73) Liquid Metal Service (6-74) Supersedes E1-19T, (9/70) Liquid Metal Service (8-71) Amendment 1 (1 1-72), Amen Liquid Metal Service (8-72) Amendment 1 (8-73), Amend Liquid Metal Service (9-71) Supersedes E10-3T, (9-70 Liquid Metal Systems (5-74) Supersedes E4-6T, (1-72) Liquid Metal (3-75) Supersedes C5-1T, (4-70) Liquid Metal (4-70) Amendment 1 (10-71) Liquid Penetrant Inspection (1971) $1.75 Liquid Penetrant Inspection (1974) $1.75 Liquid Penetrant Inspection, Methods for (1969) (R1973) Liquid Phase Evaluation of Activated Carbon (1970) $1.7 Liquid Sodium Bearing Film Thickness, Variable Reluctan Liquid Sodium (1-72) Liquid Sodium (1-72) Liquid Sodium (1-72) Liquid Sodium (1-72) Liquid Sodium (1-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) /Ion Device Liquid Sodium (8-74) Supersedes C4-4T, (1-71) Liquid Waste Treatment System Design Guide for Plutoniu Liquids into Submerged Containers, Test for (1973) $1.7 Liquids on Board Vessels (1975) $7.50 /E of Explosives Liquids on Board Vessels (1975) $7.50 /E of Explosives Liquids (2/75) List of Hazardous Materials (1975) $6.80 Lithium Metal in Ingot Form, Specification for (1972) $ LMFBR Core Components (5-72) LMFBR Fuel Pins (3-72) LMFBR Reactor Vessel Head (4-73) Amendment 1 (1-74) LMFBR(6-72) Amendment 1 (9-73), Amendment 2 (6-74) Load and Calculated Flexural Strength of Preformed Bloc Load on Spread Footings (1972) (ASTM Dl 194-1972) $1.75 Load Settlement Relationship for Individual Vertical Pi Load (1974) $1.75 Test for Load Settlement Rel Loaded Safety Valves (3-72) Amendment 1 (1-73) Loading at Elevated Temperatures (Metal-to-Metal), M Loading Combinations for Metal Primary Reactor Containm Loading Combinations for Seismic Category 1 Fluid Syste Loading (1973) $1.75 Te Loadings (11/74) Loading), Method of Test for (1966) (R1973) ASTM C78— Locking Devices (3-69) Amendment 1 (10-71) Locks in the Protection and Control of Facilities and S Logarithmic Count Rate Source Range Neutron Flux Monito Logarithmic Mean Square Voltage (MSV) Intermediate Rang Logic Diagrams (Two State Devices), Graphic Symbols for Logic (4-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) Logs (1974) $1.00 Recommende Longitudinal and Spiral Welds of Welded Pipe and Tubing Longitudinal Discontinuities, Method for (1974) $1.75 Longitudinal Waves Induced by Direct Contact, Practice Longitudinal Waves (1974) $1.75 /Nded Practice for Imm Longitudinal-Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Longitudinal-Wave Ultrasonic Inspection of Steel Plate NRC RG 5.18 ACGIH *1 NRC RG 3.28 NRC RG 1.71 ASTM E29 ANSI B4.1 NRC RG 1.57 NRC RG 1.48 NRC RG 1.5 ANSI Z98.19 ASTM E477 NRC RG 1.19 NRC RG 3.27 NRC RG 1.11 NRC RG 1.21 NRC RG 1.112 ERDA RDT E6-10T ERDA RDT E6-25T ERDA RDT E6-33T ERDA RDT C8-4T ERDA RDT E7-4T ERDA RDT C4-5T RDT C6-3T ERDA ERDA RDT E6-36T ERDA RDT E2-3T ERDA RDT C6-1T ERDA RDT E3-9T ERDA RDT E6-34T ERDA RDT C4-6T ERDA RDT E7-6T ERDA RDT E6-40T ERDA RDT E1-18T ERDA RDT C4-7T ERDA RDT E1-19T ERDA RDT F6-11T ERDA RDTC7-18T ERDA RDT E10-3T ERDA RDT E4-6T ERDA RDTC5-1T ERDA RDT C5-2T ASTM E433 ASTM E270 ANSI Z166.9 ASTM D2355 ERDA RDT C8-2T ERDA RDT C8-5T ERDA RDT C8-7T ERDA RDT E8-13T ERDA RDT E8-14T ERDA RDT C8-8T ERDA RDT C4-4T NRC RG 3.10 ASTM D998 DOT 46CFR 146 USCG 46CFR146 NRC RG 5.48 DOT 49CFR 172 ASTM B357 ERDA RDT M3-28T ERDA RDT P4-1T ERDA RDT E2-4T ERDA RDT E1-36T ASTM C203 ANSI A37.158 ASTM Dl 143 ASTM D1143 ERDA RDT E1-6T ANSI Z197.5 NRC RG 1.57 NRC RG 1.48 ASTM D3166 NRC RG 1.70.10 ANSI A37.22 ERDA RDT M6-2T NRC RG 5.12 ERDA RDT CI 5- 10 ERDA RDTC15-6T ANSI Y32.14 ERDA RDT C16-2T API RP33 ANSI Z 166. 18 ASTM E213 ANSI Z166.3 ASTM E214 ANSI G52.7 ASTM A435 Standards Application and Analysis Division 53 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 1 (5-72), Amendment 2 (1-74) FFTF Closed e to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the or Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of A or Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of A Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following A choice of Sample Size to Estimate the Average Quality of A heet and Strip, Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled, High Strength, / Longitudinal-Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Control of Stainless Steel Weld Cladding of cation for (1973) AWS A5. 5-1969 $3.50 cation for (1974) .5 with Additional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes Ml-/ eheat and Interpass Temperature Control for the Welding of requirements) (4-76) Supersedes M2-2T, (/ Stainless and quirements) (5-75) Supersedes M5-5T, (7-71) ditional Requirements) (12-74) Supersedes M5-3T, (5-7/ al Requirements) (5-75) Supersedes M 3-1 IT,/ Carbon and Control of Preheat Temperature for Welding of piping Components/ Specification for Forgings, Carbon and es of Structural Quality, Specification for (1975) $1.75 for (1974A) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, relevant to Maintaining Occupational Radiation Exposure as losophy for Maintaining Occupational Radiation Exposure as ecification for (1973) $1.75 Seamless Cold Drawn Sodium Carbonate, Thermal Insulation, Flexible or Molded, High Temperature, mendment 1 (9-73) Recommended Practice for Measurement of al Service (Fabrication Only) (7-72) Amendment 1 (7-73/ Powered Industrial Trucks mended Rules for Design and Construction of Large, Welded, equirements) (2-75) Su/ Alloy Steel Bolting Material for Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for iping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Protection Against .11 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel for Moderate and or Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of f (1973) $1.75 Flow Properties of d 1 367- 1 964 ( R 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 Method of Test for ndbook 1 16 $2.00 Radioactive Self- stfor (1973) ASTM CI 42- 1971 $1.75 Clay Alpha Emitting Particles in n of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles gs, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 Specification for (1973) (ASTM B366-1972) $1/ Factory Factory- Factory ng Elements ( 1/ Accelerated Life Test of Electrical Grade embly, Chromel-P Versus Alumel, Stainless Steel Sheathed, Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or -72) Thermocouple Assemblies, vice (4-73) in Core Permanent ) Supersedes C4-5T, (8-71 ) Permanent Ceramic-Insulated castings ( 1971 ) $3.00 Dry Particle ent of Austenitic St/ Standard Procedures for Calibrating for (1974) $1.75 rence Photographs for (1969) (R1973) ASTM E125-1963 $1./ Wet Definitions of Terms Relating to ASTM E 1 09- 1 963 ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 Dry Powder bols, Conventions, and References Relating to ( 1/ Nuclear 1 $/ Eddy-Current Testing of Steel Tubular Products with Recommended Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by ase Alloys, Chemical Analy/ High Temperature, Electrical, Transportation of Dangerous Articles and als (1975) boiling Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants (Re/ Design of s Reasonably Achievable (Revisi/ Operating Philosophy for s Reasonably Achievable (Nuclear/ Information Relevant to -60 and Cesium- 1 37 Teletherapy Equipment, Guidelines for filtration and Adsorption Units of/ Design, Testing, and ment 2 (6-74) Floor Valve, Reactor Refueling and Operation and Inspection and Preventive cords (Revision 1, 12/75) Collection, Storage, and wer Plants ( 19/ Requirements for Collection, Storage, and 6/73) ry Type Power Plant and Substation Lead Storage Batterie/ Emitting Products) for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems and Their ength Test Specimens in the Field, Method of ( 1970) ASTM/ tory. Method of (1973) ASTM C192-1969 $1.75 Radiological Factors Affecting Decision Preparation of an Environmental Report to Support a Rule Loop in Reactor Assembly Fabrication (12-71 ) Amendment Los Angeles Machine, Method of Test for (1970) ASTM C13 Loss of Coolant Accident for Boiling Water Reactors (Re Loss of Coolant Accident for Pressurized Water Reactors Loss of Coolant Accident (Safety Guide 7, 3/10/71 ) Supp Lot or Process, Practice for (1972) $1.75 Low Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium, Specification for Low Alloy Steel Castings, Specification for (1973) ASTM Low Alloy Steel Components (5/73) Low Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specifi Low Alloy Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specifi Low Alloy Steel Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5 Low Alloy Steel for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and Low Alloy Steel Forgings (ASME SA-182 with Additional Low Alloy Steel Plates (ASME SA-387 with Additional Re Low Alloy Steel Plates (ASME SA-533 with Additional Ad Low Alloy Steel Welded Pipe (ASME SA-155 with Addition Low Alloy Steel (5/73) Low Alloy Steel, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plat Low and Intermediate— Tensile Strength, Specification Low as Is Reasonably Achievable (Nuclear Power Reactors Low as Is Reasonably Achievable (Revision 1, 9/75) /Hi Low Carbon Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tubes, Sp Low Chloride Fire Extinguishing Agent (12-73) Low Conductivity (5-72) Amendment 1 (4-73) Low Friction Hard Surface for Core Components (5-73) a Low Level Activity in Water (1972T $1.75 Low Level Flux Monitor Mechanical System for Liquid Met Low Lift and High Lift, Safety Std. for (1975) $6.50 Low Pressure Storage Tanks (1973) $4.00 Recom Low Temperature Service (ASME SA-320 with Additional R Low Temperature Service (1975) $1.75 Low Temperature Service (1975) $1.75 Std. Spec, for P Low Temperature Service, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Low Trajectory Turbine Missiles (3/76) Lower Temperature Service, Specification for (1974A) $1 Lower Temperatures (1974) ASTM A67 1 - 1 972 $ 1 .75 /Ion F Lubricating Grease (Four Ball Method) (1974) $1.75 Lubricating Greases at High Temperatures, Measurement O Lubricating Qualities of Graphites (1964) (R1974) ASTM Luminous Light Sources, Classification of ( 1975) NBS Ha Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregates, Method of Te Lungs (1975) $3.00 Machine, Method of Test for (1970) ASTM C131 — 1969 $1. Macroetching Metals and Alloys (1974) $1.75 Made Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Fittin Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Welding Fittings, Made Wrought Steel Butt Welding Fittings ( 1971 ) $4.00 Magnesium Oxide as Used in Sheathed Type Electric Heati Magnesium Oxide Insulated (2-75) Supersedes C 7-6T, ( Magnesium Sulfate, Method of Test for (1973) $1.75 Magnesium-Oxide Insulated, Stainless Steel Sheathed ( 1 Magnet Flow Through Type Flowmeter for Liquid Metal Ser Magnet Flowmeter for Liquid Metal Piping Systems (4-74 Magnet Wire (7-70) Magnetic Inspection Method, Quality Standard for Steel Magnetic Instruments to Measure the Delta Ferritic Cont Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Forgings, Method Magnetic Particle Indications on Ferrous Castings, Refe Magnetic Particle Inspection (1971) $1.75 Magnetic Particle Inspection (1974) $1.75 Magnetic Particle Inspection, Method for (1969) (R1973) Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, Definitions, Sym Magnetic Saturation, Practice for (1973) ASTM E309-197 Magnetic-Field or Eddy-Current (Electromagnetic) Test Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt-B Magnetized Materials (1975) $5.00 Mailable Matter Under Special Rules, Radioactive Materi Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Control Systems for Maintaining Occupational Radiation Exposure as Low as I Maintaining Occupational Radiation Exposure as Low as I Maintaining (1974) $3.50 Cobalt Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Maintenance for LMFBR(6-72) Amendment 1 (9-73), Amend Maintenance Manuals (10-71) Maintenance of Fuel Shipping Containers ( 1-75) Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant Quality Assurance Re Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Po Maintenance of Water Purity in Boiling Water Reactors ( Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Large Stationa Major Components (1975) $2.95 /Td. (Ionizing Radiation Making and Curing Concrete Compressive and Flexural Str Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Labora Making in a Nuclear Attack (1974) $4.00 Making Petition Seeking an Exemption for a Radionuclide ERDA RDT E8-11T ANSI A37.7 NRC RG 1.3 NRC RG 1.4 NRC RG 1.7 ASTM E122 ANSI G24.32 ANSI G52.7 NRC RG 1.43 ANSI W3.5 ASME SFA-5.5 ERDA RDT M1-4T NRC RG 3.29 ERDA RDT M2-2T ERDA RDT M5-5T ERDA RDT M5-3T ERDA RDT M3-11T NRC RG 1.50 ASTM A350 ASTM A283 ASTM A285 NRC RG 8.8 NRC RG 8.10 ASTM A179 ERDA RDT Ml 7- IT ERDA RDT M12-5T ERDA RDT E6-38T ASTM D3085 ERDA RDT E6-36T ANSI B56.1 API STD. 620 ERDA RDT M6-1T ASTM A333 ASTM A420 ASTM A334 NRC RG 1.115 ASTM A516 ANSI B125.53 ASTM D2596 ASTM D3232 ANSI Zl 1.138 ANSI N540 ANSI A37.28 NCRP R46 ANSI A37.7 ASTM E340 ASTM B361 ANSI H34.15 ANSI B16.9 ASTM D2900 ERDA RDT C7-6T ASTM C88 ERDA RDTC7-16T ERDA RDT C4-6T ERDA RDT C4-5T ERDA RDT M7-13T MSS SP-53 AWS A4.2 ASTM A275 ANSI Z 166.4 ASTM E138 ASTM E269 ANSI Z166.1 ASTM E386 ANSI Z166.27 ASTM E376 ASTM E354 DOT 14CFR 103 USPS POSTL 124.2 NRC RG 1.96 NRC RG 8.10 NRC RG 8.8 ANSI N449 NRC RG 1.52 ERDA RDT E1-36T ERDA RDT F4-20T ERDA RDT E12-7T NRC RG 1.88 ANSI N45.2.9 NRC RG 1.56 IEEE 450 BRH 21CFR1020C ANSI A37.17 ANSI A37.81 NCRP R42 NRC RG 6.7 54 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards bs. (1970) $3.00 purpose of Evaluating Com/ Calculation of Annual Doses to ounts of Radionuclides (1970) $4.00 Precautions in the statistical Terminology and Notation for Nuclear Materials information for Safety Analysis Reports: Radioactive Waste inistrative Practices in Radiation Monitoring (A Guide for 9-1971 $1.75 Radioactive Radioactive , Specification For/ Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, ressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, oy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Manganese-Molybdenum and sure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Manganese-Molybdenum and Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat Treated Carbon- Stainless Steel Globe and Angle Valves, Stainless Steel Gate Valves, edition (1972) $12.50 Air Sampling Instruments 1 and Biological Applications ( 1961 ) $3.00 00 Industrial Ventilation Std. Specifications for Operating Operation and Maintenance Pipe Hangers and Supports-Material, Design and rature, Method of Test for ( 1 9/ Electrical Resistivity of easurements, Method of Test for ( 1973)/ Density in Air of Standard Definitions and Terms Relating to ection Contingency Measures for Uranium and Plutonium Fuel 3T, (11-74) supersedes F7-2T, (2-69) Amend/ Packaging, Packing, and Safety Color Code for (1964) $4.00 Standard s Containers to Identify the Material Contained, Method of Truck Identification with Additional Requirements) (4-75) Supersedes M7-1T/ a- 182 with Additional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes / Nuclear Material Control, Design Considerations: Systems for Measuring the or Special Nuclear Material Licenses of Less Than Critical and Small Components (2-72) ode (1973) $1.75 Testing for Leaks Using the ing Mode ( 1973) $1.75 Tests for Leaks Using the r in the Tracer Probe Mode (/ Testing for Leaks Using the st for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel stm / Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Methods for Chemical, utonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Methods for Chemical, lear Grade Uranium Dioxid/ Standard Methods for Chemical, lear Grade Plutonium Diox/ Standard Methods for Chemical, ear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Methods for Chemical, clear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, ear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, 74) $/ Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Chemical, 75) $1.75 Nuclear Grade Boron Carbide, Chemical, d Physical Tests on (/ Beryllium Oxide Powders, Chemical, d Physical Tests on (/ Beryllium Oxide Powders, Chemical, emical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nit/ Chemical, hemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Me/ Chemical, hemical Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride, Meth/ Chemical, hemical Analyst/ Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal, Chemical, hemical, Analysis of ( 19/ Uranium Hexafluoride, Chemical, lutions and Plutonium Metal Standard Methods for Chemical, onium Nitrate Solutions, Methods for (1974) As/ Chemical, Visual Surveillance of Individuals in 1 of Personnel Access to Protected Areas, Vital Areas, and analytical Chemistry Laboratories for Control Rod Absorber lumel, Stainless Steel Sheathed, Magnesium / Thermocouple 1,4/75) Selection of Nondestructive Assay for Plutonium in Scrap Nondestructive Assay of Special Nuclear a C4 / Portable Compressed Gas Containers to Identify the clea/ Standard Format and Content for the Special Nuclear de to Practice (1971) $4.50 Nuclear s (A Guide to Practice) (1975) $3.00 Nuclear sion 1, 6/75) Nuclear Nuclear Power Reactors, Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, Nuclear Nuclear Special Nuclear Changes in Chemical Reactivity of Inorganic Background Background h Additional Requirements) (2-75) S/ Alloy Steel Bolting Additional Requirements) (2-75) Su/ Alloy Steel Bolting m A61/ Specification for Special Requirements for Bolting 3.00 ) $5.50 e for Determ/ (1960) 1961) Malleable Iron Threaded Pipe Unions 150, 250, and 300 L Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Management of Patients Who Have Received Therapeutic Am Management (1972) $3.00 Management (4/75) Management) (1969) $4.25 Adm Manganese in Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D203 Manganese in Water, Test for (1974) $1.75 Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel Alloy, (1974) $1.75 /All Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel, Specification for (1974a Manganese-Silicon, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Manganese-Silicon, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Manual and Power Operated (3-72) Manual and Power Operated (3-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Manual for Evaluation of Atmospheric Contaminents, 4th Manual Initiation of Protective Actions ( 10/73) Manual of Radioactivity Procedures (A) Stds (B) Medica Manual of Recommended Practice, 13th Edition (1974) $5. Manual of Steel Construction (1973) $20.00 Manually Lever Operated Chain Hoists ( 1974) $0.50 Manuals for Fuel Shopping Containers (1-75) Manuals (10-71) Manufacture (1967) $4.00 Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles at Room Tempe Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles by Physical M Manufactured Carbon and Graphite (1975) $1.75 Manufacturing Plants (6/74) Materials Prot Marking of Components and Parts (6-75) (Supersedes F7- Marking of Components for Shipment and Storage (9-75) Marking Physical Hazards ( 1971 ) $3.00 Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions Marking ( 1 954 ) ( R 1 97 1 ) CGA C4 $2.00 /Ble Compressed Ga Markings (1/74) Martensitic Stainless Steel (Type 403) Bars (ASTM a 276 Martensitic Stainless Steel (Type 403) Forgings (ASME S Mass Calibration Techniques for ( 1975) $5.50 Mass of Liquids (2/75) Mass Quantities (7/76) / Preparation of Applications F Mass Spectrometer Helium Leak Detection for Instruments Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Detector Probe M Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Inside-Out Test Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyze ( Mass Spectrometric Method ) ( 1974) $1.75 Te (Mass Spectrometric Method), Method of Test for (1973) a Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuc Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuc Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuc Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuc Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of (19 Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of ( 19 Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of ( 19 Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of (19 Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of (19 Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, an Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, an Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical Nuclear and Radioch Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radioc Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radioc Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radioc Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radioc Mass Spectrome;tric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radioc Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Grade Plut Material Access Areas ( 1 1/73) Material Access Areas (6/73) Contro Material Analysis (7-73) /Alification and Control of Material and Thermocouple Assembly, Chromel-P Versus a Material Balance Areas and Item Control Areas (Revision Material by Spontaneous Fission Detection (6/74) Material Contained in Scrap and Waste (10/73) Material Contained, Method of Marking (1954) (R1971) Cg Material Control and Accounting Section of a Special Nu Material Control Systems for Conversion Facilities, Gui Material Control Systems for Fuel Fabrication Facilitie Material Control Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (Revi Material Control Systems for ( 1974) $3.50 Material Control Systems (A Guide to Practice) (1974) $ Material Control, Mass Calibration Techniques for (1975 Material Doorway Monitors (6/74) Material Exposed to High Energy Radiation, Rec. Practic Material for Development of Radiation Protection Stds. Material for Development of Radiation Protection Std. ( Material for High Temperature Service (ASME SA-193 Wit Material for Low Temperature Service (ASME SA-320 with Material for Nuclear and Other Special Applications Ast MSS SP-76 NRC RG 1.109 NCRP R37 ANSI N15.5 NRC RG 1.70.27 ANSI N13.2 ANSI N156 ASTM D2039 ASTM A302 ASTM A533 ASTM A533 ASTM A302 ASTM A299 ASTM A537 ERDA RDT El -2 IT ERDA RDT E1-9T ACGIH *4 NRC RG 1.62 NCRP R28 ACGIH *13 AISC *1 HMI 300 ERDA RDT E12-5T ERDA RDT F4-20T MSS SP-58 ANSI K90.7 ANSI K90.2 ASTM C709 NRC RG 5.30 ERDA RDT F7-3T ERDA RDT F7-2T ANSI Z53.1 MSS SP-25 ANSI Z48.1 NRC RG 5.17 ERDA RDT M7-1T ERDA RDT M2-6T ANSI N15.18 NRC RG 5.48 NRC RG 10.3 ERDA RDT F3-11T ASTM E499 ASTM E493 ASTM E498 ASTM E244 ANSI N108 ANSI N103 ANSI N104 NRC RG 5.5 NRC RG 5.6 ANSI N139 ASTM C696 ASTM C697 ASTM C698 ASTM C791 ANSI N140 ASTM C699 ASTM C759 ANSI N572 ANSI N575 ASTM C758 ASTM C761 NRC RG 5.16 ANSI N573 NRC RG 5.14 NRC RG 5.7 ERDA RDT F2-8T ERDA RDT C7-6T NRC RG 5.26 NRC RG 5.34 NRC RG 5.11 ANSI Z48.1 NRC RG 5.45 ANSI N15.4- ANSI N15.9 NRC RG 5.29 ANSI N15.8 ANSI N15.13 ANSI N15.18 NRC RG 5.27 ASTM E183 EPA FRC1 EPA FRC2 ERDA RDT M6-3T ERDA RDT M6-1T ANSI N265 Standards Application and Analysis Division 55 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ecification for Special Requirements for ( 1973) / Bolting Materia ditional Requirements) (2-75) Super/ Alloy Steel Bolting Materia Background Materia ing Plant/ Design Objectives for Highly Radioactive Solid Materia erations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Materia erations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Materia terial Control and Accounting Section of a Special Nuclear Materia de for the Preparation of Applications for Special Nuclear Materia e to Academic Institutions Applying for Specific Byproduct Materia Conduct of Nuclear Materia ion Sy/ Specifications of Ge( Li) Spectroscopy Systems for Materia Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Materia Exemptions from Certain NRC Requirements Over Radioactive Materia eaf ($55.00) Power Boilers Materia Fissile Materia Statistical Evaluation of Materia icle and Armed Guards for Road Shipment of Special Nuclear Materia ly of Unirradiated Reactor Fuel and Associated Radioactive Materia aschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Solutions of Fissile Materia aschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Solutions of Fissile Materia ty Seals for the Protection and Control of Special Nuclear Materia mendment 1 / Metal Sheathed, Mineral Insulated Cable Bulk Materia Control and Accountability of Plutonium in Waste Materia Internal Transfers of Special Nuclear Materia dures for Picking Up and Receiving Packages of Radioactive Materia istrative Guide for Packaging and Transporting Radioactive Materia Use of Process Data for the Protection of Special Nuclear Materia exempted and Generally Licensed Items Containing Byproduct Materia Analytical Chemistry Methods for Boron Carbide Absorber Materia preparation of Applications for Licenses to Process Source Materia ts ( 1968) (R 197/ Calculation of Neutron Dose to Polymeric Materia Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Materia ds (10/73) Materia d Airflow Performance, Testing ( 1973) $1.75 Duct Liner Materia n and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel, and Bituminous Materia test for (1975) ASTM CI 77- 1971 / Thermal Conductivity of Materia 1971) $1.75 Thermal Conductivity of Materia 70) $1.75 Thermal Conductivity of Materia 197/ Method of Test for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materia sticity and Fundamental Frequencies of Carbon and Graphite Materia Test for Impedance and Absorption of Acoustical Materia Statistical Terminology and Notation for Special Nuclear Materia Records and Reporting Units for Nuclear Materia of Error Concepts and Principles of Calculation in Nuclear Materia Volume Calibration Techniques for Nuclear Materia of Error Concepts and Principles of Calculation in Nuclear Materia trie Assay of Plutonium-Bearing Solids Applied to Nuclear Materia s by Washing, Method of Test for (1970) ASTM CI 17-1969 / Materia ystem for ( 1975) $1.75 Elastomeric Materia ) (R1975) ASTM C171-1969 (1975) $1.75 Sheet Materia Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Metallic Materia 5.00 Materia tion System for (ASTM D2953-1971) (1973) $1.7/ Polymeric Materia tion System for (1971) $1.75 Polymeric Materia 1970) $1.75 Alloy Steel Bolting Materia Operating Performance of Anion Exchange Materia ) Supersedes M 1/ Test Requirements for Thermal Insulating Materia erations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Materia ater-Cooled Powe/ Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materia Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materia 89 $7.00 Sampling Airborne Radioactive Materia Test for Sound Absorption of Acoustical Materia Statistical Terminology and Notation for Nuclear Materia Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materia Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materia nd Plutonium Fuel Manufacturing Plants (6/74) Materia partment of Transportation Special Permits for Radioactive Materia Auditing Nuclear Materia ation of Standards and Equipment for Electrical Insulating Materia (R1973) ASTM D1672-1966 (1971) $/ Exposure of Polymeric Materia 1966) (R197I) $1.75 Exposure of Polymeric Materia ons (10-67) Inspection Requirements for Materia 8-75) Supersede/ High Strength, High Temperature Bolting Materia for Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of Radioactive Materia Code Case Acceptability: ASME Section Iii Materia e Protection and Control of Facilities and Special Nuclear Materia Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Materi Safe Handling of Radioactive Materi thods for Semi-Guided Bend Test for Ductility of Metallic Materi Test for Airflow Resistance of Acoustical Materi Tension Testing of Metallic Materi ice for Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materi on of Constant Amplitude Fatigue Test Results for Metallic Materi Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materi nded Practice for Scleroscope Hardness Testing of Metallic Materi Physical Inventories of Nuclear Materi 56 for Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Sp ASTM A614 for Special Applications (ASME SA-540 with Ad ERDA RDT M6-5T for the Development of Radiation (1964) EPA FRC5 Handling and Storage Facilities in a Reprocess ANSI N305 in Drying and Fluidized Bed Operations (Revisi NRC RG 5.8 in Equipment for Dry Process Operations ( 1/75) NRC RG 5.42 License Application (Including That for a Uran NRC RG 5.45 Licenses of Less Than Critical Mass Quantities NRC RG 10.3 Licenses (3/76) Guidanc NRC RG 10.2 Physical Inventories (11/73) NRC RG 5 . 1 3 Protection Measurements, Part I: Data Acquisit NRC RG 5.9 Resources (Revision 1, 6/76) NRC RG 4.10 Shipments (6/75) /Trative Guide for Obtaining NRC RG 7.5 Specifications (1977) Bound ($40.00), Loose-L ASME SEC-I Symbol (1971) $2.75 ANSI N12.1 Unaccounted for (6/74) NRC RG 5.33 (Revision 1, 4/75) Specially Designed Veh NRC RG5.31 (10/73) / License Applications for Storage on NRC RG 3.15 (1971) ANS-8.3 $7.50 /F Borosilicate Glass R ANSI N16.4 (1/73) Use of Borosilicate-Glass R NRC RG 3.1 (1/74) Securi NRC RG5.15 (2-73) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70), in Part a ERDA RDTC17-5T (2/75) NRC RG 5.47 (3/75) NRC RG 5.49 (5/75) Proce NRC RG 7.3 (6/74) Admin NRC RG 7.1 (6/74) Analysis and NRC RG 5.24 (6/74) Acceptance Sampling Procedures for NRC RG 6.6 (7-73) ERDA RDTF11-2T (7/76) Guide for the NRC RG 10.4 s and Application of Threshold-Foil Measuremen ASTM D2365 s and Inservice Inspection (1/75) /Rmation for NRC RG 1.70.20 s and Inspection for Reactor Vessel Closure Stu NRC RG 1.65 s and Prefabricated Silencers for Acoustical an ASTM E477 s as Used in Construction (1973) ASTM E329- 197 ANSI Z267.1 s by Means of the Guarded Hot Plate, Method of ANSI Z98.1 s by Means of the Guarded Hot Plate, Test for ( ASTM C177 s by Means of the Heat Flow Meter, Test for (19 ASTM C518 s by Portable Hardness Testers (1974) ASTM El 10 ANSI Zl 15.9 s by Sonic Resonance (1974) $1.75 /Duli of Ela ASTM C747 s by the Tube Method (1972) $1.75 ASTM C384 s Control Accountability (2/2/73) NRC RG 5.3 s Control (1971) $3.25 ANSI N15.2 s Control (1974) $3.00 Limit ANSI N15.16 s Control (1975) $5.50 ANSI N15.19 s Control (1.74) Limit NRC RG 5.18 s Control, Calibration Techniques for the (1975 ANSI N15.22 s Finer Than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregate ANSI A37.4 s for Automotive Applications, Classification S ASTM D2000 s for Curing Concrete, Specifications for (1970 ANSI A37.79 s for Engineered Safety Features (2/75) NRC RG 1.70.26 s for Instruments in Radiation Service (1957) $ ISA RP25.1 s for Service in Ionizing Radiation, Classifica ANSI N4.1 s for Service in Ionizing Radiation, Classifica ASTM D2953 s for Special Applications, Specification for ( ASTM A540 s for Strong Acid Removal (1972) $1.75 ASTM D3087 s for Use on Austenitic Stainless Steel (10-72 ERDA RDTM12-1T s in Equipment for Wet Process Operations (6/74 NRC RG 5.25 s in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Light-W NRC RG 1.112 s in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-W NRC RG 1.21 s in Nuclear Facilities, Guide to (1969) ISO 28 ANSI N13.1 s in Reverberation Rooms (1972) $1.75 ASTM C423 s Management (1972) $3.00 ANSI N15.5 s Outside Reactors (1975) ANS-8.1 $10.00 ANSI N16.1 s Outside Reactors (1/73) NRC RG 3.4 s Protection Contingency Measures for Uranium a NRC RG 5.30 s Shipments, Administrative Guide for (1973) $3 ANSI N14.10.2 s Statements (1973) $3.50 ANSI N15.ll s Testing ( 1971 ) $1.75 /Ed Practice for Calibr ASTM D2865 s to High Energy Radiation, Practice for (1968) ANSI C59.83 s to High Energy Radiation, Rec. Practice for ( ASTM D1672 s Used in Reactor Coolant System Wear Applicati ERDA RDT F3-7T s (ASME SA-453 with Additional Requirements) ( ERDA RDT M6-6T s (Issued for Trial Use and Comment) (1973) $4. ANSI N14.5 s (Revision L, 5/76) NRC RG1.85 s (11/73) General Use of Locks in th NRC RG 5.12 s (12/74) NRC RG 1.70.12 s (1964) $2.00 NCRP R30 s (1969) ASTM E290-1968 $1.75 Me ANSI Z168.ll s( 1969) $1.75 ASTM C522 s (1969) $1.75 ASTM E8 s (1972T) $1.75 Recommended Pract ASTM E466 s (1972T) $1.75 /Ended Practice for Presentati ASTM E468 s (1972) $1.75 ASTM E23 s (1972) $1.75 Recomme ASTM E448 s (1972) $3.25 ANSI N15.3 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Methods of Sampling of Particulate Ion Exchange Sharp-Notch Tension Testing of High Strength Sheet Recommended Practice for Ultrasonic Velocity in ilure Under Electric Stress of Solid Electrical Insulating relating to Acoustical Tests of Building Constructions and nd Transportation of Radioactively Contaminated Biological Guide for Liability Insurance Aspects of Shipping Nuclear Administrative Guide for Transporting Radioactive hod of Test for Rockwell Hardness of Fine Grained Graphite nded Practice for Determination of Corrosivity of Adhesive ing Pressure Sealing Properties of Rubber and Rubber-Like Definitions of Terms Relating to Rubber and Rubber Like Nonmailable Matter, Radioactive Mailable Matter Under Special Rules, Radioactive e with Packaging Requirements for Shipments of Radioactive Transportation of Dangerous Articles and Magnetized Commodity List of Hazardous Part A: Ferrous Part B: Nonferrous on for Safety Analysis Reports: Steam and Feedwater System nd Transportation of Radioactively Contaminated Biological r-Receiver Differences in the Transfer of Special Nuclear Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of Radioactive Seals on Containers for Onsite Storage of Special Nuclear I Elements on Predicted Radiation Damage to Reactor Vessel Guides (For Hazard Evaluation of Industrial Chemicals and r-Receiver Differences in the Transfer of Special Nuclear Thermal Insulating Neutron Activation Detector Selection of Neutron Activation Detector Nuclear Criticality Safety in the Storage of Fissile Shipping Packages for Type a Quantities of Radioactive Vickers Hardness of Metallic Test for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic ell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Tension Testing of Carbon Graphite Mechanical es, Noninsulated, Std. Grade (8-72) Amendm/ Thermocouple Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic 75) $2.50 Facilities Handling Radioactive Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Nylon Injection Molding and Extrusion Polyethylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Density of Blanket-Type or Batt-Type Thermal Insulating Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fi/ Thermocouple Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fi/ Thermocouple Sheathed (4-70) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-7/ Thermocouple Pipe Hangers and Supports- iberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fibe/ Thermocouple athed (4-70) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70), / Thermocouple Dispersion in Natural Water Bod/ Reporting Procedure for eposit) (1969) $1.75 Test for Particulate 4) $1.75 Types of Microorganisms and Microscopic y (1974) $1.7/ Recommended Practices for Volatile Organic Particulate and Dissolved 1 Rules (1975) ) Mailable Radioactive Std. Method for Sampling Stacks for Particulate Nonmailable Matter: Written, Printed and Graphic Regulatory Staff Position Statement on Antitrust Nonmailable Nonmailable e Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water Fo/ air and in Water Fo/ Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and filters for Laboratory Use, Test for (1969) $1.75 astm C447-1971 $1.75 Method of Test for Determining the (1963) (R^S) (ASTM C312-1955) $1.75 1) (R1973) $1.75 ux Monitoring System (7-71) Logarithmic mal Conductance and Transmittance of Built-Up Sections by 5) ASTM CI 77- 1 971 / Thermal Conductivity of Materials by Thermal Conductivity of Materials by Thermal Conductivity of Materials by tandard Procedures for Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to of Neutrons and Gamma Rays ( 1961 ) $2.00 ng Grease (Four Ball Method) (1974) $1.75 5 Test for hod for (1973) ASTM C558-1969 $1.75 Recommended Practice for d Biological Applications (1960) $2.00 hexafluoride (UF 6 ) 2/ Standard Analytical Methods for the Lattice Spacing of Nuclear Graphite, in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During Reactor Operation, of Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Method for Alpha Particle Radioactivity of Water, Method of Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia Materia s (1973) ASTM D2687-1972 $1.75 s (1973) $1.75 s (1973) $1.75 s (1973) $1.75 s (1973) $1.75 s (1973) $3.50 s (1973) $3.50 s (1973) $4.50 s (1974) ASTM C748-73 $1.75 s (1974) $1.75 Test for Thermal Fa Definition of Terms Packaging a Administrative Met Recomme Test for Evaluat / Guide for Verifying Complianc Informati Packaging a Evaluation of Shippe s, s, s (1974) $1.75 s (1975A) $1.75 s (1975) s (1975) s (1975) $4.50 s (1975) $5.00 s (1975) $6.80 s (1977) bd ($90.00), II ($125.00) s (1977) bd ($90.00), 11 ($125.00) s(4/75) s (6/74) s (6/74) s(6/75) s (7/73) /Ction and Use of Pressure-Sensitive s (7/75) Effects of Residua s) (1955-1975) $1.00 ea. Hygienic s, Concepts and Principles for the (1975) $2.75 Definition of Terms Relating to (1967) $1.75 s, Guide for Selection of ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 s, Guide for (1974) ASTM E419-1973 $1.75 s, Guide for (1975) ANS-8.7 $12.00 s. Guide to Design and Use of (1975) $5.00 Method of Test for ASTM E92-I972 $1.75 s, Method of (1974) $1.75 s. Methods of Test for (1974) $1.75 Rockw s, Methods of (1973) ASTM C565-1971 $1.75 Platinum and Platinum 10 Percent Rhodium Wir Practice for (1970) $1.75 Practice for (1973) ASTM E184-1962 $1.75 Recommended Fire Protection Practice for (19 Rec. Practice for (1962) (R1968) $1.75 /Igh Specification for (1973) $1.75 Specification for (1974) $1.75 Test for (1970) $1.75 Thickness and Chromel-P and Alumel, Solid Conductor (Bare, Copper and Constantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, Copper-Constantan, Mineral-Oxide Insulated, Design and Manufacture (1967) $4.00 Iron and Constantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, F Iron Constantan, Mineral Oxide Insulated, She Mathematical Models Selected to Predict Heated Effluent Matter in the Atmosphere (Optical Density of Filtered D Matter in Water and Waste Water, Identification of ( 197 Matter in Water by Aqueous-Injection Gas Chromatograph Matter in Water, Tests for (1974) $1.75 Matter Nonmailable Articles and Substances Under Specia Matter Under Special Rules, Radioactive Materials (1975 Matter (1971) Free Matter (1973) ASTM D2928- 1971 $1.75 Matter (1975) Matters (12/73) Matter: Written, Printed and Graphic Matter (1975) Matter, Radioactive Materials (1975) Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissibl Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Radionuclides in Maximum Pore Diameter and Permeability of Rigid Porous Maximum Use Temperature of Preformed Insulation (1973) Mean Specific Heat of Thermal Insulation, Practice for Mean Specific Heat of Thermal Insulation, Test for (196 Mean Square Voltage (MSV) Intermediate Range Neutron FI Means of the Guarded Hot Box, Method of Test for (1967) Means of the Guarded Hot Plate, Method of Test for (197 Means of the Guarded Hot Plate, Test for ( 1971 ) $1.75 Means of the Heat Flow Meter, Test for (1970) $1.75 Measure the Delta Ferritic Content of Austenitic Stainl Measurement of Absorbed Dose of Neutrons, and Mixtures Measurement of Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricati Measurement of Gamma Radioactivity of Water (1973) $1.7 Measurement of Lattice Spacing of Nuclear Graphite, Met Measurement of Low Level Activity in Water (1972T $1.75 Measurement of Neutron Flux and Spectra for Physical an Measurement of Uranium Tetrafluoride (UF 4 ) and Uranium Measurement of (1969) (R1975) $1.75 Measurement of ( 1970) $1.75 /Mitting Fission Products Measurement of (1973) ASTM D1690-1961 (1969) $1.75 / Measurement of (1973) ASTM D 1943- 1966 $1.75 ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM USPS USPS ANSI DOT DOT ASME ASME NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC AIHA ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI ERDA ASTM ANSI NFPA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ERDA ERDA ERDA MSS ERDA ERDA NRC ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM USPS USPS USPS ANSI USPS NRC USPS USPS NCRP NCRP ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ERDA ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM AWS NCRP ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM NCRP NRC ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI Z111.12 E338 E494 D3151 C634 N14.3 N14 GUIDE N14.10.1 K90.14 D3310 D1081 D1566 POSTL123.2 POSTL124.2 N14.10.3 14CFR 103 49CFR 172 SEC-IIA SEC-IIB RG 1.70.28 RG 7.2 RG 5.28 RG 7.4 RG 5.10 RG 1.99 A-Z N15.17 C168 E419 N640 N16.5 N14.7 Z115.7 E399 E18 K90.6 RDT C7-7T E21 N145 801 E184 D789 D1248 C167 RDT C7-5T RDT C7-3T RDT C7-4T SP-58 RDT C7-1T RDT C7-2T RG 4.4 D1704 Dl 128 D2908 D1888 POSTL124 POSTL124.2 PUB. 6 Z257.3 POSTL123 RG 9.1 POSTL123 POSTL123.2 R22 R22 E128 Z98.28 Z98.15 C351 RDTC15-6T Z98.2 Z98.1 C177 C518 A4.2 R25 D2596 D1690 K90.1 D3085 R23 RG 5.4 C558 D2470 N150 N152 Standards Application and Analysis Division 57 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards reactor Coolant Water During Reactor Operation, Method for ow Properties of Lubricating Greases at High Temperatures, rsedes C5-1T, (4-70) Inductive Level dment 1 (10-71) Resistive Level Film Thickness, Variable Reluctance Transducer, Proximity nductive, Absolute or Gage ( 10-70/ Liquid Metal Pressure Temperature Airborne Sound Insulation in Buildings, Rec. Practice for Definitions of Terms Relating to Temperature Fast Neutron Flux ) ASTM E4 18- 1973 $1.75 Fast Neutron Flux Conducting Subcritical Neutron Multiplication sis of 1-131 in Milk (9/73) ing and Analysis of Plutonium in Soil (5/74) tium-89 and Strontium-90 Analyses (5/74) Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake to Polymeric Materials and Application of Threshold-Foil gth of Undrained Rock Core Specimens Without Pore Pressure r of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles by Physical ons of Ge(Li) Spectroscopy Systems for Material Protection lants (6/74) Materials Protection Contingency Current (Electromagnetic) Test/ Recommended Practice for num (1973) ASTM E266-1970 $1.75 Method for (1973) ASTM E263-1970 $1.75 Methods for I (1973) ASTM E264-1970 $1.75 Method for r (1973) ASTM E265-1970 $1.75 Method for es (1973) ASTM E262-70 $1.75 Method for uranium-288 Fission (1974) ASTM E393-1973 $/ Method for stometer (1973) $1.75 the Earth, Guide for (1962) $3.60 Std. Spec, for Automatic Null Balancing Electrical 973) ASTM E261-1970 $1.75 Method of bait and Silver (1973T) Design Considerations: Systems for Thermal Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniques, Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Iron Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel, Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Aluminum, analysis of Barium-140 Produced by Uranium— 238 Fission, olid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liq/ , Practice for (1973) ACI 304-1973 $2.75 ation for Safety Analysis Reports: Environmental Design of hase of Nuclear/ Installation, Inspection, and Testing of Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of $1.75 Tension Testing of Carbon Graphite dfor (1972) $4.00 or (1973) ASTM E/ Effects of High Energy Radiation on the ice for ( 1962) (/ Effects of High Energy Radiation on the f Fuel Element Cladding Including the Determination of the Fuel Element Cladding Including the Determination of the Only) (7-72) Amendment 1 (7-73/ Low Level Flux Monitor Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Methods and Definitions for Standard Methods for Seamless Stainless Steel egory 1 Concrete Structures (Revision 1, 1/2/73 Safety G/ (10-72) Amendment 1 (3-74) Core Restraint 2), Amen/ Collapsible Rotor, Roller Nut Control Rod Drive a Manual of Radioactivity Procedures (A) Stds. (B) s for Waste Disposal of Phosphorus-32 and Iodine-131 for to 10 Mev: Equipment Design and Use (1968) $3.00 to 10 MeV Structural Sheilding Design and Evaluation (19/ to 10-Mev, General Safety Sta/ Installations Using Non- Radiation in Veterinary sa-210 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) S/ Seamless 2-73) ification for (1973) $1.75 Seamless nd Additional Requirements) (3-74) HEPA Filter a) 0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction i-0.50AI-19-Fe Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction )-0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction and Heat Resis/ Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction )-0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Resistant Nickel Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Safety Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants on Method of Test for Total n Electron Microprobe (9-7/ Determination of a Figure of rements) (4-75) Supersede/ Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas 1969 $2.50 Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Test for Buffering Action of Total Immersion Corrosion Test for Soak Tank Test for Rinsing Properties of Chemical Analysis of Industrial s ANSI C37.20A-1970, C/ Switchgear Assemblies, Including Measurement of (1973) ASTM D2470-1970 $1.75 /Nuclear Measurement of (1973) $1.75 Fl Measurement Sensor for Use in Liquid Metal (3-75) Supe Measurement Sensor for Use in Liquid Metal (4-70) Amen Measurement System (1-76) Liquid Sodium Bearing Measurement System, Flush Mounted, Eddy Current Type, I Measurement Thermocouples (1964) (R1969) $6.00 Measurement (1971) $1.75 Measurement (1974) $1.75 Measurements by Track-Etch Technique (1973) $1.75 Measurements by Track-Etch Technique, Method for ( 1974 Measurements in Situ, Safety in (1975) ANS-8.6 $6.50 Measurements of Radionuclides in the Environment-Analy Measurements of Radionuclides in the Environment: Sampl Measurements of Radionuclides in the Environment: Stron Measurements Using a Neck Phantom (1973) $3.00 Measurements ( 1968) (R 1973) $1.75 /Ion of Neutron Dose Measurements (1974) $1.75 / Triaxial Compressive Stren Measurements, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C559-1969 Measurements, Part I: Data Acquisition Systems (Revisio Measures for Uranium and Plutonium Fuel Manufacturing P Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic-Field or Eddy- Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Alumi Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Iron Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Nicke Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Sulfu Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniqu Measuring Fast Neutron Flux for Barium 140 Produced by Measuring Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Pla Measuring Ground Resistance and Potential Gradients in Measuring Instruments (1966) (R1972) $4.75 Measuring Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniques (1 Measuring Neutron Flux Density by Radioactivation of Co Measuring the Mass of Liquids (2/75) Measuring (1970) $1.75 Measuring (1970) $1.75 Measuring (1970) $1.75 Measuring (1970) $1.75 Measuring (1973) $1.75 Fast Neutron Flux by Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in S Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing of Concrete Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Qualification Tests Mechanical Equipment and Systems for the Construction P Mechanical Equipment and Systems (6/76) /Ity Assurance Mechanical Locking Devices (3-69) Amendment 1 (10-71) Mechanical Materials, Methods of (1973) ASTM C565-1971 Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus, Safety Standar Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials, Practice F Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials, Rec. Pract Mechanical Properties (1973) ASTM E453— 1972 $1.75 /O Mechanical Properties, Rec. Practice for Examination of Mechanical System for Liquid Metal Service (Fabrication Mechanical Systems and Components ( 1/75) Mechanical Testing of Steel Products (1975A) $1.75 Mechanical Testing of Welds (1974) $5.00 Mechanical Tubing, Specification for ( 1974) $1.75 Mechanical (Cadweld) Splices in Reinforcing Bars of Cat Mechanism for Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) Mechanism for Sodium Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (12-7 Medical and Biological Applications (1961) $3.00 Medical Use (1951) $2.00 Recommendation Medical X-Ray and Gamma Ray Protection for Energies Up Medical X-Ray and Gamma Ray Protection for Energies Up Medical X-Ray and Sealed Gamma Ray Sources, Energies Up Medicine (1970) $4.00 Medium Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes (ASME Medium Voltage Switchgear (10-75) Supersedes P2-5T, ( Medium-Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes, Spec Medium, Glass Fiber (MIL-F-51079 with Modifications a Melted Solution Heat Treated (1975) $3.00 /-5.1 (Cb&t Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) Solution Heat Treated (1973) SA Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) Solution Heat Treated (1973) SA Melted 1750F (954. 4C) Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Corrosion Melted 1950 F (1065.6 C) Solution Treated (1973) SAE Am Melted 1950 F (1065.6C) Solution Treated (1973) SAE AMS Merchant Ships (1965) $7.50 Mercury in Water (1973) $1.75 Merit for Pu0 2 -U0 2 Fuel Pellet Homogeneity by Use of a Metal Arc Welding (ASME SFA-5.18 with Additional Requi Metal Arc Welding, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.18- Metal Arc Welding, Specification for (1974) Metal Cleaners (1971) $1.75 Metal Cleaners (1972) $1.75 Metal Cleaners (1972) $1.75 Metal Cleaning Compositions (1971) $1.75 Metal Enclosed Bus (1974) Consolidated Edition (Include ANSI N163 ASTM D3232 ERDA RDT C5-1T ERDA RDT C5-2T ERDA RDT C8-2T ERDA RDT C6-3T ANSI C96.1 ASTM E336 ASTM E344 ASTM E418 ANSI N639 ANSI N16.3 NRC RG 4.3 NRC RG 4.5 NRC RG 4.6 ANSI N44.3 ASTM D2365 ASTM D2664 ANSI K90.2 NRC RG 5.9 NRC RG 5.30 ASTM E376 ANSI Nl 14 ANSI Nlll ANSI N112 ANSI Nl 13 ANSI N110 ANSI N638 ASTM D1238 IEEE 81 ANSI C39.4 ANSI N109 ASTM E481 NRC RG 5.48 ASTM E262 ASTM E263 ASTM E264 ASTM E266 ASTM E393 NRC RG 1.21 ANSI A 186.1 NRC RG 1.70.24 ANSI N45.2.8 NRC RG 1.116 ERDA RDT M6-2T ANSI K90.6 ANSI B15.1 ANSI N145 ASTM E184 ANSI N147 ASTM E453 ERDA RDT E6-36T NRC RG 1.70.18 ASTM A370 AWS B4.0 ASTM A511 NRC RG 1.10 ERDA RDT E6-17T ERDA RDT E6-5T NCRP R28 NCRP R9 NCRP R33 NCRP R34 ANSI N543 NCRP R36 ERDA RDT M3-32T ERDA RDT P2-5T ASTM A210 ERDA RDT M16-3T SAE AMS5662D ANSI G87.146 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.77 ANSI G87.85 ANSI G87.78 SNAME 3-18 ASTM D3223 ERDA RDT F11-4T ERDA RDT M1-6T ANSI W3.18 ASME SFA-5.18 ASTM D1279 ASTM D1280 ASTM D1281 ASTM D800 ANSI C37.20 58 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ) Control Rod Absorber Pin for Liquid ) Amendment 1 (12-73), / Control Rod Assembly for Liquid (ASTM B349-/ Zirconium Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Zirconium Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Remelted Lithium Safety Requirements for Portable Electrical Continuity Type Liquid Method for (1974) $1.75 Ultrasonic Inspection of ndment 2 (6-74) Mixing Component for Liquid Permanent Magnet Flowmeter for Liquid current Type, Inductive, Absolute or Gage (10-70/ Liquid 73) Design Limits and Loading Combinations for -73/ Low Level Flux Monitor Mechanical System for Liquid (12-74) Reactor Vessel for Liquid nsmission High Temperature Pressure Transmitter for Liquid (1-74), Amendment 3 (5-/ Electromagnetic Pump for Liquid Fabrication of Core Component Pot for Liquid re Permanent Magnet Flow Through Type Flowmeter for Liquid Pipe Hangers, Supports and Snubbers for Liquid ngs of High Strength Alloys for Core Components for Liquid Class 1 Valves for Liquid Eddy Current Probe Type Flow Sensor for Liquid Class 2 Valves for Liquid cation and Installation of Piping Subassemblies for Liquid (5-74) Thermowell Systems for Liquid ment 1 (3-72), Amendment 2 (1 1-72), Amendm/ Tank Liquid 2-73) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70), in Part Amendment 1 / e Heater (3-75) Supersedes P4-3T, (2-74) , Spectr/ Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions and Plutonium 1973 $1.75 Practice for Preparation of ment 1 (1-72) Intermediate Heat Exchanger for Liquid stm E452-1972 $1.7/ Method for Calibration of Refractory ar by Tension Loading at Elevated Temperatures (Metal-to- 75 ) Supersedes M 1 -9T, ( 7-7 1 ) Brazing Filler Delta Ferritic Content of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Inductive Level Measurement Sensor for Use in Liquid Resistive Level Measurement Sensor for Use in Liquid Analytical Chemistry Methods for astm El 10 197/ Method of Test for Indentation Hardness of ) Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Methods for Semi-Guided Bend Test for Ductility of Tension Testing of ded Practice for Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of resentation of Constant Amplitude Fatigue Test Results for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Recommended Practice for Scleroscope Hardness Testing of 1.75 Vickers Hardness of Test for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of s of High Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of s of High Energy Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Preparation of preparation of Micrographs of Metals and Alloys (Including tion (1972) $1.75 Sampling Wrought Nonferrous or Photography as Applied to Preparation of Micrographs of Macroetching ectrophotometry (1970) $1.75 hardness, Rockwe/ Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Part C-Welding Rods, Electrodes and Filler Estimating the Average Grain Size of Photometric Methods for Chemical Analysis of ives in Shear by Tension Loading at Elevated Temperatures uclear and Radiochemical Analyst/ Nuclear Grade Plutonium lear and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Primary Columbium Nuclear Grade Plutonium Brazing Filler Brazing Filler Nuclear Grade Plutonium Onsite Information for Safety Analysis Reports: (1-72) Carbon Electrochemical Oxygen Diffusion Carbon Oxygen-Hydrogen hernial Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Heat Flow nded Practice for Photography as Applied to Preparation of e Water, Identification of (1974) $1.75 Types of or Pu0 2 -U0 2 Fuel Pellet Homogeneity by Use of an Electron t for (1975) $1.75 tion of ( 1974) $ 1.75 Types of Microorganisms and erformance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for n for (1973) AWS A5. 1-1969 $3.50 nfor (1974) Metal Fast Reactors (5-73) Supersedes E6-25T, (11-71 Metal Fast Reactors (5-73) Supersedes E6-33T, (11-71 Metal for Nuclear Application, Specification for ( 1973) Metal for Nuclear Application, Spec, for ( 1973) $1.75 Metal in Ingot Form, Specification for (1972) $1.75 Metal Ladders (1972) $4.25 Metal Leak Detector (10-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) Metal Pipe and Tubing for Longitudinal Discontinuities, Metal Piping Systems (11-71) Amendment 1 (12-73), Ame Metal Piping Systems (4-74) Supersedes C4-5T, (8-71) Metal Pressure Measurement System, Flush Mounted, Eddy Metal Primary Reactor Containment System Components (6/ Metal Service (Fabrication Only) (7-72) Amendment 1 (7 Metal Service (12-73) Supersedes (10-72), Amendment 1 Metal Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (5-71 ); Superseded B Metal Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (9-71), Amendment 2 Metal Service (3-72) Amendment 1 (3-74) Metal Service (4-73) in Co Metal Service (5-72) Metal Service (5-74) Piston Ri Metal Service (5-75) Supersedes E1-18T, (2-71) Metal Service (6-73) Metal Service (6-74) Supersedes E1-19T, (9/70) Metal Service (8-71) Amendment 1 (11-72), Amendment 2 Metal Service (8-72) Amendment 1 (8-73), Amendment 2 Metal Service (9-71) Supersedes E10-3T, (9-70) Amend Metal Sheathed, Mineral Insulated Cable Bulk Material ( Metal Sheathed, Mineral-Insulated Electrical Resistanc Metal Standard Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric Metal Surfaces for Adhesive Bonding (1973) ASTM D2651- Metal Systems (5-74) Supersedes E4-6T, (1-72), Amend Metal Thermocouples Using an Optical Pyrometer ( 1973) a Metal), Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2295-1972 (Re Metal (ASME SFA-5.8 with Additional Requirements) (7- Metal ( 1974) $3.00 /Agnetic Instruments to Measure the Metal (3-75) Supersedes C5-1T, (4-70) Metal (4-70) Amendment 1 (10-71) Metallic Core Components (9-75) Metallic Materials by Portable Hardness Testers ( 1974) Metallic Materials for Engineered Safety Features (2/75 Metallic Materials (1969) ASTM E290-1968 $1.75 Metallic Materials (1969) $1.75 Metallic Materials (1972T) $1.75 Recommen Metallic Materials ( 1972T) $1.75 /Ended Practice for P Metallic Materials (1972) $1.75 Metallic Materials (1972) $1.75 Metallic Materials, Method of Test for ASTM E92-1972 $ Metallic Materials, Method of (1974) $1.75 Metallic Materials, Methods of Test for (1974) $1.75 Metallic Materials, Practice for (1970) $1.75 Metallic Materials, Practice for (1973) ASTM E184-1962 Metallic Materials, Rec. Practice for (1962) (R1968) $1 Metallographic Specimens (1974) $1.75 Metallography) (1974) $1.75 /Hotography as Applied to Metals and Alloys for Determination of Chemical Composi Metals and Alloys (Including Metallography) (1974) $1.7 Metals and Alloys (1974) $1.75 Metals in Water and Waste Water by Atomic Absorption Sp Metals (Relationship Between Brinell Hardness, Vickers Metals (1977) bd ($30.00), 11 ($40.00) Metals, Methods for (1974) $1.75 Metals, Recommended Practice for (1974) $1.75 (Metal-to-Metal), Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D229 Metal, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, N Metal, Methods for (1974) ASTM C758-1973 $1.75 /, Nuc Metal, Specification for (1973) ASTM B383— 1964 $1.75 Metal, Specification for (1973) ASTM C701-1972 $1.75 Metal, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.8— 1969 $2.50 Metal, Specification for ( 1974) Metal, Spec, for (1972) $1.75 Meteorological Programs (Safety Guide 23, 2/17/72) Meteorology (4/75) Meter Equilibration Module for Service in Liquid Sodium Meter for Service in Liquid Sodium (1-72) Meter for Service in Liquid Sodium (1-72) Meter Module for Service in Liquid Sodium (1-72) Meter, Test for (1970) $1.75 Metric Practice Guide (1976) ASTM E380-1976 $1.75 Micrographs of Metals and Alloys (Including Metallograp Microorganisms and Microscopic Matter in Water and Wast Microprobe (9-72) /Termination of a Figure of Merit F Microquantities of Uranium in Water by Fluorometry, Tes Microscopic Matter in Water and Waste Water, Identifica Microwave and Radio Frequency Emitting Products (1975) Mild Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specificatio Mild Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specificatio ERDA RDT E6-25T ERDA RDT E6-33T ANSI N121 ASTM B349 ASTM B357 ANSI AI4.2 ERDA RDT C8-4T ASTM E213 ERDA RDT E7-4T ERDA RDT C4-5T ERDA RDT C6-3T NRC RG 1.57 ERDA RDT E6-36T ERDA RDT E2-3T ERDA RDT C6-1T ERDA RDT E3-9T ERDA RDT E6-34T ERDA RDT C4-6T ERDA RDT E7-6T ERDA RDT E6-40T ERDA RDT E1-18T ERDA RDT C4-7T ERDA RDT E1-19T ERDA RDT F6-I1T ERDA RDTC7-18T ERDA RDT E10-3T ERDA RDTC17-5T ERDA RDT P4-3T NRC RG 5.16 ANSI Z197.28 ERDA RDT E4-6T ANSI N144 ANSI Z197.5 ERDA RDT M1-9T AWS A4.2 ERDA RDTC5-1T ERDA RDT C5-2T ERDA RDT F11-3T ANSI Zl 15.9 NRC RG 1.70.26 ANSI Z168.ll ASTM E8 ASTM E466 ASTM E468 ASTM E23 ASTM E448 ANSI ZI 15.7 ASTM E399 ASTM E18 ASTM E21 ANSI N145 ASTM E184 ASTM E3 ASTM E2 ASTM E55 ASTM E2 ASTM E340 ASTM D2576 ANSI Z76.4 ASME SEC-I1C ASTM El 12 ASTM E60 ANSI Z197.5 ASTM C758 ANSI N572 ANSI Z179.17 ANSI N136 ANSI W3.8 ASME SFA-5.8 ASTM C701 NRC RG 1.23 NRC RG 1.70.29 ERDA RDT E8-14T ERDA RDT C8-5T ERDA RDT C8-7T ERDA RDT E8-13T ASTM C518 ANSI Z210.1 ASTM E2 ASTM Dl 128 ERDA RDT F11-4T ASTM D2907 ASTM D1128 BRH 21CFR1030 ANSI W3.1 ASME SFA-5.1 Standards Application and Analysis Division 59 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards th Additional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes M1-3T, (/ ing, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 17-1969 $2.50 Bare ing, Specification for (1974) ing (ASME SFA-5.17 with Additional Requirements) (3-75/ SFA -5.20 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) Supers/ ification for (1973) AWS A5.20-1969 $2.50 ification for ( 1974) fa-5.18 with Additional Requirements) (4-75) Supersede/ ication for (1973) AWS A5. 18-1969 $2.50 ication for (1974) tional Information: Nearby Industrial, Transportation, and of Radionuclides in the Environment- Analysis of 1-131 in $1.75 Tantalum Ingots and Flat Tantalum Ingots and Flat Guide to the Contents of Applications for Uranium Stabilization of Uranium-Thorium ) $ 1 .50 Uranium-Thorium Preparation of Environmental Reports for Uranium sign Stability of Embankment Retention Systems for Uranium ) ASTM CI 17-1969 / Materials Finer Than No. 200 Sieve in $1.75 Spec, for Finishing Cement, Specification for (1970) $1.75 Finishing Cement (ASTM C 449 with Additional Requiremen/ id, Flexible and Loose Fill (ASTM C 612 with Additional / s C7-14T, (3-70), in Part Amendment 1 / Metal Sheathed, Time Response Test for Sheathed, -14T, (3-70), / Thermocouple Material, Iron Constantan, Supersedes P4-3T, (2-74) Metal Sheathed, 7-14T, (3-7/ Thermocouple Material, Copper-Constantan, and N7.1A-1973 $5.00 Radiation Protection in Uranium in Equipment for Dry Process OV Design Considerations for in Drying and Fluidized Bed Op/ Design Considerations for in Equipment for Wet Process / Design Considerations for Guidance for the Control of Radiation Hazards in Uranium Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Protection Against Low Trajectory Turbine ormation for Safety Analysis Reports: Internally Generated .00 Draft Standard for Plant Design Against or (1975) $1.75 Air Content of Freshly for (1975) $1.75 Air Content of Freshly ation and Control of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories for Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Ceramographic Preparation Cf Analytical Chemistry Methods for de Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets and Nuclear Grade , and Spectrochemica! Analysis of ( 1974) $/ Nuclear Grade pectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis/ Nuclear Grade uble Chlorides Present as Admixes in Graded Aggregate Road 1 ) Amendment 1 ( 12-73), Amendment 2 (6-74) for ( 1973) ACI 304-1973 $2.75 Measuring, Measurement of Absorbed Dose of Neutrons, and nse Analysis (Revision 1,2/76) Combining the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Detector Probe mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Inside-Out Testing leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe n Natural Water Bod/ Reporting Procedure for Mathematical am (9/73) Acceptable Concepts, or ( I974A) $1.7/ Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel for ted Systems, Structures and Equipment for Water Cooled and HEPA Filter Medium, Glass Fiber (MIL-F-51079 with Oxygen-Hydrogen Meter Carbon Meter Equilibration bon and Graphite Materials by Sonic Resonance ( 1974) $1/ 1972) $1.75 Test for Elastic n of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Meth/ Static Young's Test for Shear Strength and Shear Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) (197/ Method of Test for Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depths), Test for (1972) $1.75 g) Rammer and 18 (457 mm) 1/ Standard Methods of Test for 62-1969 $1.75 5-kg) Rammer and 12-in. (304.8-mm) Drop, Tests for (/ ined Soils (1972) (ASTM D1558-1971) / Method of Test for dment 1 (4-73) Thermal Insulation, Flexible or 4) $1.75 Polyethylene Plastics 3) $1.75 Nylon Injection 5) Amendment I (1/ 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1-Percent- c Welding (9-75) 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1-Percent- onal Requirements/ 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1-Percent- h Additional Requ/ 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1-Percent- with Additional / 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1-Percent- sel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Manganese- tion For/ Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Manganese- odes (7-75) Supersedes M1-I5T, (1-72) Amendme/ Nickel- ditional Requirements) ( 10-75) Supersedes M4-5/ Nickel- additional Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M2-/ Nickel- Mild Steel Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.1 Wi Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Weld Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Weld Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Weld Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Welding (ASME Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Welding, Spec Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Welding, Spec Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding (ASME S Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding, Specif Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding, Specif Military Facilities (9/74) Addi Milk (9/73) Measurements Mill Products, Specification for (1973) ASTM B364-1970 Mill Products, Spec, for (1970) $1.75 Milling Licenses (2/73) Milling Waste Retention Systems (1 1/74) Milling Waste Retention Systems, Stabilization of ( 1974 Mills (4/73) Mills (6/73) De Mineral Aggregates by Washing, Method of Test for (1970 Mineral Fiber Block and Board Thermal Insulation (1970) Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Mineral Fiber Thermal Insulation, High Temperature, Rig Mineral Insulated Cable Bulk Material (2-73) Supersede Mineral Insulated Thermocouple Assembly (6-72) Mineral Oxide Insulated, Sheathed (4-70) Supersedes C7 Mineral-Insulated Electrical Resistance Heater (3-75) Mineral-Oxide Insulated, Sheathed (4-70) Supersedes C Mines Operation (1973), Partial Revision of N7. 1-1960 Minimizing Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Material Minimizing Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Material Minimizing Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Materials Mining (1967) Missile Barrier Design Procedures (12/74) Missiles (3/76) Missiles (6/75) Inf Missiles-Issued for Trial Use and Comment ANS 58.1 $12 Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method, Method of Test F Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method, Method of Test Mixed Oxide Fuel Analysis (7-73) Qualific Mixed Oxide Fuel Pellet (6-71 ) Amendment 1 (12-74) Mixed Oxide Fuel Pellets ( 1-73) Mixed Oxide Fuel (7-73) Amendment 1 (12-74) Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0 2 ) (5/73) /Nalysis of Nuclear Gra Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Chemical, Mass Spectrometric Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Methods for Chemical, Mass S Mixes, Method of Test for (1975) $1.75 Water Sol Mixing Component for Liquid Metal Piping Systems (11-7 Mixing, Transporting and Placing of Concrete, Practice Mixtures of Neutrons and Gamma Rays ( 1961 ) $2.00 Modal Responses and Spatial Components in Seismic Respo Mode (1973) $1.75 Testing for Leaks Using Mode (1973) $1.75 Tests for Leaks Using the Mode (1973) $1.75 / Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Models Selected to Predict Heated Effluent Dispersion I Models, Equations, and Assumptions for a Bioassay Progr Moderate and Lower Temperature Service, Specification F Moderated Nuclear Power Generating Plants, Fire Protect Modifications and Additional Requirements) (3-74) Module for Service in Liquid Sodium (1-72) Module for Service in Liquid Sodium ( 1-72) Moduli of Elasticity and Fundamental Frequencies of Car Moduli of Rock Core Specimens in Uniaxial Compression ( Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson's Ratio in Compressio Modulus of Structural Adhesives (1970) $1.75 Moisture Content of Soil and Soil Aggregate in Place by Moisture Content of Soil and Soil Aggregate in Place by Moisture Density Relations of Soils Using 10 lb. (4.5 M Moisture in Activated Carbon, Test for (1970) $1.75 Moisture in Graphite, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C5 Moisture-Density Relations of Soils, Using 5.5-lb. (2 Moisture-Penetration Resistance Relations of Fine-Gra Molded, High Temperature, Low Conductivity (5-72) Amen Molding and Extrusion Materials, Specification for (197 Molding and Extrusion Materials, Specification for (197 Molybdenum Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (9-7 Molybdenum Alloy Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Ar Molybdenum Alloy Steel Plates (ASME SA-387 with Additi Molybdenum Alloy Steel Seamless Tubes (ASME SA-213 Wit Molybdenum Alloy Steel Tubesheet Forgings (ASME SA-336 Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel Alloy, (19 Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel, Specifica Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electr Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Castings (ASTM a 494 with Ad Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Forgings (ASME SA-182 with ERDA RDT M1-3T ANSI W3.17 ASME SFA-5.17 ERDA RDT M1-17T ERDA RDT M1-20T ANSI W3.20 ASME SFA-5.20 ERDA RDT M1-6T ANSI W3.18 ASME SFA-5.1 8 NRC RG 1.70.8 NRC RG 4.3 ANSI Z179.14 ASTM B364 NRC RG 3.5 NRC RG 3.23 ANSI N313 NRC RG 3.8 NRC RG 3.11 ANSI A37.4 ASTM C612 ASTM C449 ERDA RDT M12-3T ERDA •RDT M12-6T ERDA RDT C17-5T ERDA RDT C2-3T ERDA RDT C7-2T ERDA RDT P4-3T ERDA RDT C7-4T ANSI N13.8 NRC RG 5.42 NRC RG 5.8 NRC RG 5.25 EPA FRC8 NRC RG 1.70.16 NRC RG 1.115 NRC RG 1.70.35 ANSI N177 ASTM C231 ASTM C173 ERDA RDT F2-6T ERDA RDT E13-6T ERDA RDT F11-6T ERDA RDT F11-1T NRC RG 5.6 ASTM C698 ANSI N139 ASTM D1411 ERDA RDT E7-4T ANSI A186.1 NCRP R25 NRC RG 1.92 ASTM E499 ASTM E493 ASTM E498 NRC RG 4.4 NRC RG 8.9 ASTM A516 ANSI N18.10 ERDA RDT M16-3T ERDA RDT E8-13T ERDA RDT E8-14T ASTM C747 ASTM D3148 ANSI A37.94 ASTM E229 ANSI A37.184 ASTM D3017 ASTM D1557 ASTM D2867 ANSI K90.5 ASTM D698 ANSI A37.157 ERDA RDT M12-5T ASTM D1248 ASTM D789 ERDA RDT M1-23T ERDA RDT M1-22T ERDA RDT M5-22T ERDA RDT M3-33T ERDA RDT M2-19T ASTM A533 ASTM A302 ERDA RDT M1-15T ERDA RDT M4-5T ERDA RDT M2-11T 60 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards th Additional Requirements) (9-75) Supersedes M/ e SB-167 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) / 3 with Additional Requirements) (4-76) Supersed/ 34 with Additional Requirements) (1/-75) Supers/ th Additional Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M/ fication for (1973) ASTM B434-1971 $1.75 Nickel- Nickel- Nickel- Nickel- Nickel- Nickel- lates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Nickel-Cobalt- s 5596 with Additional Requirements) (/ Nickel-Chromium 7 with Additional Requirements) (8-75/ Nickel-Chromium- ecification for (1973) (ASTM B443-197/ Nickel-Chromium- th Additional Requirements) (7-75) Su/ Nickel-Chromium- th Additional Requirements) (8-75) Su/ Nickel-Chromium- (6-75) Supersedes M1-19T, (3-75) Nickel-Chromium- ched and Tempered, Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese- Plates, Alloy Steel, Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese- ) As/ Method of Test for Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of for (1972) $1.75 Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of ecification for ( 1974A) $1.75 el Plates, Alloy Steel, Five Percent Chromium, 0.5 Percent Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Chromium- essel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered Chromium- rication Only) (7-72) Amendment 1 (7-73/ Low Level Flux Wide Range (10 Decade) Neutron Flux Radiological Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (3/73) d Performance / On-Site Instrumentation for Continuously er Plants (Revision 1,2/75) Programs for Logarithmic Count Rate Source Range Neutron Flux Direct Current Power Range Neutron Flux Mean Square Voltage (MSV) Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Administrative Practices in Radiation Guide for Administration Practices in Radiation Special Nuclear Material Doorway t 1 (12-74) Temperature and Liquid Level Control (1973) $1.75 Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement ntial Alkali Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate Combinations ect of Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate on Strength of dment 1 (5-74) Vertical, Canned or Wet ndment 1 (5-74) Horizontal, Electric ersedes E3-3T, ( 10-70), Amendm/ Vertical, Shaft Sealed, Thermal Overload Protection for Electric Motors on Polyphase Induction Type Tests of Continuous Duty Class 1 Qualification Tests of Continuous-Duty Thermal Overload Protection for Electric Liquid Metal Pressure Measurement System, Flush Logarithmic Mean Square Voltage Standard Test Procedure for Geiger- Geiger- SupersedesC10-3T, (3-72) Conducting Subcritical Neutron Standard Test Procedures for Photo- Specimen Equilibration Device (Or Shared Emergency and Shutdown Electric Systems for for Liquid Metal Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (5-71); Su/ r Generating Stati/ Nuclear Power P/ (10-70/ (7-71) e Std. 301-1970 $3.00 neutron Counters (12-75 ns-8.6 $6.50 Scintillation Count/ liquid Sodium ( 1-72) / h Stds. on Projects or Productions Assisted by Grants from ) $5.00 1973) ASTM/ Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined I Models Selected to Predict Heated Effluent Dispersion in • of Explosions Postulated to Occur on Transportation Routes ies (9/74) Additional Information: Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake Measurements Using A Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat 4) $/ Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel st for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel d Containment Heat Removal System Pumps (Safety Guide 1,/ ) ANS-8.3 / Use of Borosilicate Glass Raschig Rings as A ) Use of Borosilicate-Glass Raschig Rings as A stimating the ( 1 97 1 ) $1.75 Thermal ethods for ( 1 97 3 ) ASTM C626- 1971/ Estimating the Thermal d of Test for (1974) ASTM/ Oxygen Content Using a 14-Mev d of Test for ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .7/ Oxygen Content Using a 1 4-Mev ion of (1973) $1.75 ASTM E4 1 9- 1 973 $ 1 .75 Selection of Multiple Input Preamplifier/Discriminator for Use with Fission Type -72) BF3 Gamma Tolerant threshold-Foil Measurements (1968) (R197/ Calculation of (1976) $3.50 Personnel Personnel olant Water During Reactor Operation, Method For/ Delayed Personnel Neutron Dosimeters plications ( I960) $2.00 Measurement of nium— 238 Fission, Measuring (1973) $1.75 Fast Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB-336 Wi Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tubes (Asm Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Seamless Tubes (ASME SB -16 Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Sheet and Plate (ASME SB -4 Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Welded Pipe (ASME SA-358 Wi Molybdenum-Chromium-lron Alloy Sheet and Plate, Speci Molybdenum-Chromium, Specification for (1973) ASTM A60 Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (Am Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip 559 Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Sp Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Seamless Tubes (AMS 5589 Wi Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Seamless Tubes (AMS 5590 Wi Molybdenum-Columbium Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes Molybdenum-Nickel Alloy, (1974) $1.75 /Alloy Steel, Quen Molybdenum-Nickel, Specification for ( 1974A) $1.75 /L Molybdenum-99 Activity from Uranium-238 Fission (1974 Molybdenum-99 Activity from Uranium-238 Fission, Test Molybdenum, Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels, Sp Molybdenum, Specification for (1972A) ASTM A357-1972 $ Molybdenum, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Molybdenum, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Pressure V Monitor Mechanical System for Liquid Metal Service (Fab Monitoring Channel (2-71 ) Monitoring Methods and Instruments (1952) $2.00 Monitoring of Combustible Gases and Vapors in Plutonium Monitoring Radioactivity in Effluents, Specification an Monitoring Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear Pow Monitoring System (7-71 ) Monitoring System (7-71) Monitoring System (7-71) Logarithmic Monitoring (A Guide for Management) (1969) $4.25 Monitoring (2/2/73) Monitors (6/74) Monitor, Port Plug (Fabrication Only) (10-73) Amendmen Mortars (Using 2-in (50-mm) Cube Specimens), Test for (Mortar-Bar Method), Test for (1971 ) $1.75 Pote Mortar, Method of Test for (1970) ASTM C87-1969 $1.75 Motor Driven Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (6-72) Amen Motor Driven, Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (2-72) Ame Motor Driven, Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (7-72) Sup Motor Operated Valves ( 1 1/75) Motors and Generators (1972) $22.50 Motors and Generators, Test Procedure for (1964) $3.80 Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Powe Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Water Cooled Motors on Motor Operated Valves (1 1/75) Mounted, Eddy Current Type, Inductive, Absolute or Gage (MSV) Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Monitoring System Muller Counters (5/73) Muller Counters, Test Procedures for ( 1969) (R 1974) lee Multiple Input Preamplifier/Discriminator for Use with Multiplication Measurements in Situ, Safety in (1975) a Multipliers for Scintillation Counting and Glossary for Multipurpose Sampler) for the Analysis of Nonmetals in Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 1/75) Nak Transmission High Temperature Pressure Transmitter National Electrical Code (1975) $5.50 National Endowment for the Arts (1975) $6.85 /ND Healt Natural Background Radiation in the United States (1975 Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland Cement Concrete ( Natural Water Bodies (5/74) /Procedure for Mathematica Near Nuclear Power Plant Sites (1/75) Evaluation Nearby Industrial, Transportation, and Military Facilit Neck Phantom (1973) $3.00 Needle, Test for (1974) $1.75 (Neodymium 148 Method), Standard Method of Test for (197 (Neodymium-148 Method) (1973) ASTM E321 — 1969) $1.75 Net Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling an Neutron Absorber in Solutions of Fissile Material (1971 Neutron Absorber in Solutions of Fissile Material (1/73 Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Graphite, E Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Graphite, M Neutron Activation and Direct Counting Technique, Metho Neutron Activation and Direct Counting Technique, Metho Neutron Activation Detector Materials, Guide for Select Neutron Activation Detector Materials, Guide for (1974) Neutron Counters (12-75) Supersedes CI 0-3T, (3-72) Neutron Detector Assembly (12-71) Amendment 1 (10-73) Neutron Detector Tubes (12-75) Supersedes CI 5-1 IT, (8 Neutron Dose to Polymeric Materials and Application of Neutron Dosimeters (Neutron Energies) Less Than 20 MeV Neutron Dosimeters (6/76) Neutron Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Co (Neutron Energies) Less Than 20 MeV (1976) $3.50 Neutron Flux and Spectra for Physical and Biological Ap Neutron Flux by Analysis of Barium- 140 Produced by Ura ERDA RDT M7-11T ERDA RDT M3-10T ERDA RDT M3-18T ERDA RDT M5-8T ERDA RDT M3-17T ANSI H34.44 ANSI G35.26 ERDA RDT M5-21T ERDA RDT M5-20T ANSI H34.19 ERDA RDT M3-29T ERDA RDT M3-30T ERDA RDT M1-19T ASTM A533 ASTM A302 ANSI N636 ASTM E343 ASTM A204 ANSI G35.16 ASTM A387 ASTM A542 ERDA RDT E6-36T ERDA RDTC15-2T NCRP R10 NRC RG 3.7 ANSI N13.10 NRC RG 4.1 ERDA RDT C15-10 ERDA RDTC15-8T ERDA RDT C15-6T ANSI N13.2 NRC RG 8.2 NRC RG 5.27 ERDA RDT E6-10T ASTM C109 ASTM C227 ANSI A37.129 ERDA RDT E3-1T ERDA RDT E3-6T ERDA RDT E3-3T NRC RG 1.106 NEMA MG 1 IEEE 112A ANSI N41.9 NRC RG 1.40 NRC RG 1.106 ERDA RDT C6-3T ERDA RDT C15-6T NRC RG 8.6 ANSI N42.3 ERDA RDT C10-3T ANSI N16.3 ANSI N42.9 ERDA RDTC8-8T NRC RG 1.81 ERDA RDTC6-1T NFPA 70 DOL 29CFR 505 NCRP R45 ANSI A37.122 NRC RG 4.4 NRC RG 1.91 NRC RG 1.70.8 ANSI N44.3 ASTM C191 ASTM E321 ANSI Nl 18 NRC RG 1.1 ANSI N16.4 NRC RG 3.1 ASTM C626 ANSI K90.10 ANSI N637 ASTM E385 ASTM E419 ANSI N640 ERDA RDT C10-3T ERDA RDT C15-5T ERDA RDT C15-11 ASTM D2365 ANSI N319 NRC RG 8.14 ANSI N163 ANSI N319 NCRP R23 ASTM E393 Standards Application and Analysis Division 61 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards m Uranium-238 Fission (1974) As/ Method of Test for Fast m Uranium-238 Fission, Test for ( 1972) $1.75 Fast E266-1970 $1.75 Method for Measuring Fast (1970) $1.75 Fast ) $1.75 Fast 3-1970 $1.75 Methods for Measuring Fast Fast 264-1970 $1.75 Method for Measuring Fast 970) $1.75 Fast 265-1970 $1.75 Method for Measuring Fast e26 1 - 1 970 $ 1 .75 Method of Measuring e262-70 $1.75 Method for Measuring Fast 1970) $1.75 Thermal Neutron Generators by Radioactivatio/ Method of Test for ilver(1973T) Measuring ssion (1974) ASTM E393-1973 $/ Method for Measuring Fast 3) $1.75 Fast hod for (1974) ASTM E4 18- 1973 $1.75 Fast Wide Range (10 Decade) Logarithmic Count Rate Source Range Logarithmic Mean Square Voltage (MSV) Intermediate Range Direct Current Power Range or Neutron Flux Density and Average Energy from 3H(D, N)4He utron-Flux Density and Average Energy from 3 H(d,n)' l He (1975) ANS-8.6 $6.50 Conducting Subcritical Protection Against uclear Reactors, Determination of (1975) ANS 19.3 $7.50 Measurement of Absorbed Dose of Neutrons, and Mixtures of ) $2.00 Measurement of Absorbed Dose of oolant Water During Reactor Operation, Measureme/ Delayed (4)he Neutron Generators by Radioactivation Techniques, / Temperature Serv/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Temperature Service (ASTM a 637/ Precipitation Hardening ication for (1974) $1.75 Seamless Nickel and with Additional Requirements) (3-75) Supers/ Nickel and ification for ( 1975A) $1.75 Copper- ion for ( 1971 ) ASTM B509-/ Supplementary Requirements for supplementary Requirements for (1970) $1.75 . for Supplementary Requirements for ( 1970) $1.75 tions, Specification for / Supplementary Requirements for tions, Spec, for Supplementary Requirements for ( 1970) $/ al Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M3-4T, (1-74) ded Large Outside Diameter Light-Wall Austenitic Chromium pecificati/ Electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium- tempered, Manganese-Molybdenum anfMMphgenoiB- bes, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Seamless e SFA-5.1 1 with Additional Requirements) (3-75) Supers/ es, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 14-1969 $2.50 es, Specification for ( 1974) es (ASME SFA-5.14 with Additional Requirements) (3-75)/ ecification for (1973) AWS A5. 11-1969 $2.50 ecification for ( 1974) n for (1973) (ASTM B366-I972) $1./ Factory-Made Wrought cation for (1974A) $1.75 4.4C) Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant lloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Hoy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant oy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant 195/ Alloy Tubing (Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant gh Temperatures, Spec/ Centrifugally Cast Iron-Chromium- Radioactive 1.75 Test for Specification for Seamless Copper- ) $1.75 .75 Specification for on-Welded Unfired Pressure Ves/ Heat Resisting Chromium- n for (1974A) $1.75 Stainless Chromium- for (1973) A/ Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium- for (1974) Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium- Flux Core Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium- (1974) $1.75 Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium- ation for (1/ Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium- ation for (1/ Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium- Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of thod for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Eight and Nine Percent Chemical Analysis of a-5.14 with Additional Requirements) (3-75)/ Nickel and cation for (1973) AWS A5. 14-1969 $2.50 Nickel and cation for (1974) Nickel and for (1973) AWS A5. 11-1969 $2.50 Nickel and for (1974) Nickel and ) (ASTM B366-1972) $17 Factory-Made Wrought Nickel and Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum-99 Activity Fro Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum-99 Activity Fro Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Aluminum (1973) ASTM Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Aluminum, Measuring Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Iron Measuring (1970 Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Iron (1973) ASTM E26 Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel (1970) $1.75 Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel (1973) ASTM E Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Nickel, Measuring ( 1 Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of Sulfur (1973) ASTM E Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniques (1973) ASTM Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniques ( 1973) ASTM Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniques, Measuring ( Neutron Flux by Radioactivation (1970) $1.75 Neutron Flux Density and Average Energy from 3H(D, N)4He Neutron Flux Density by Radioactivation of Cobalt and S Neutron Flux for Barium 140 Produced by Uranium-288 Fi Neutron Flux Measurements by Track-Etch Technique (197 Neutron Flux Measurements by Track-Etch Technique, Met Neutron Flux Monitoring Channel (2-71) Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7-71) Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7-71) Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7-71) Neutron Generators by Radioactivation Techniques ( 1974) Neutron Generators by Radioactivation Techniques, Test Neutron Multiplication Measurements in Situ, Safety in Neutron Radiation (1971 ) $5.00 Neutron Reaction Rate Distributions and Reactivity of N Neutrons and Gamma Rays ( 1961 ) $2.00 Neutrons, and Mixtures of Neutrons and Gamma Rays (1961 Neutron-Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor C Neutron-Flux Density and Average Energy from (3)h(D, N) Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Nickel Alloy Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes, Specif Nickel Alloy Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.1 1 Nickel Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels, Spec Nickel Alloy Plate for Nuclear Applications, Specificat Nickel Alloy Plate for Nuclear Applications, Spec, for Nickel Alloy Rod and Bar for Nuclear Applications, Spec Nickel Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube for Nuclear Applica Nickel Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube for Nuclear Applica Nickel Alloy Seamless Tubes (ASME SB- 163 with Addition Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperatu Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service, S Nickel Alloy, ( 1974) $1.75 /Alloy Steel, Quenched and Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tu Nickel and Nickel Alloy Covered Welding Electrodes (Asm Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrod Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrod Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrod Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Covered Welding Electrodes, Sp Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Covered Welding Electrodes, Sp Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Welding Fittings, Specificatio Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloy Clad Steel Plate, Specifi Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al- Nickel Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at Hi Nickel in Water (1974T) $1.75 Nickel in Water, Standard Methods of Tests for ( 1971 ) $ Nickel on Steel by Photometric Analysis (1972) $1.75 Nickel Pipe and Tube ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Nickel Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1974 Nickel Seamless Pipe and Tube (1971) ASTM B 167- 1970 $1 Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusi Nickel Steel Clad Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specificatio Nickel Steel Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification Nickel Steel Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification Nickel Steel Electrodes (1974) $3.50 Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specific Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specific Nickel Wire (3-70) Nickel (1970) $1.75 Nickel (1973) ASTM E264-1970 $1.75 Me Nickel (1974) $1.75 /Pec. for Pressure Vessel Plates, Nickel (1975) $1.75 Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (ASME Sf Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes, Specifi Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes, Specifi Nickel-Alloy Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification Nickel-Alloy Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification Nickel-Alloy Welding Fittings, Specification for (1973 ANSI N636 ASTM E343 ANSI N114 ASTM E266 ASTM E263 ANSI Nlll ASTM E265 ANSI Nl 12 ASTM E264 ANSI Nl 13 ANSI N109 ANSI N110 ASTM E262 ASTM E261 ANSI N580 ASTM E481 ANSI N638 ASTM E418 ANSI N639 ERDA RDTC15-2T ERDA RDTC15-10 ERDA RDTC15-6T ERDA RDTC15-8T ANSI N580 ASTM E496 ANSI N16.3 NCRP R38 ANSI N412 NCRP R25 NCRP R25 ASTM D2470 ASTM E496 ANSI G81.44 ERDA RDT M2-18T ASTM B163 ERDA RDT M1-10T ASTM B402 ANSI H34.33 ASTM B509 ASTM B510 ANSI H34.29 ASTM B513 ERDA RDT M3-4T ASTM A409 ASTM A358 ASTM A533 ASTM B163 ERDA RDT M1-10T ANSI W3.14 ASME SFA-5.14 ERDA RDT M1-11T ANSI W3.ll ASME SFA-5.1 1 ANSI H34.15 ASTM A265 ANSI G87.77 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.85 ANSI G87.146 ANSI G87.78 ANSI G82.1 ASTM D3357 ASTM D1886 ASTM C715 ASTM B466 ASTM B162 ANSI H34.1 ASTM A240 ASTM A264 ANSI W3.4 ASME SFA-5.4 AWS A5.22 ASTM A 167 ANSI W3.9 ASME SFA-5.9 ERDA RDT M7-12T ASTM E265 ANSI N112 ASTM A553 ASTM E39 ERDA RDT M1-11T ANSI W3.14 ASME SFA-5.14 ANSI W3.ll ASME SFA-5.11 ANSI H34.15 62 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards (1974A) $1.75 Nickel and k (ASME SA 637 with Additional Requirements) (4-76) Sup/ 3) $1.75 Chemical Analysis of sme SB- 168 with Additional Requirements) (1-75) Supers/ pecification for (1973) ASTM B 168- 1970 $1.75 with Additional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes M7-4T,/ 73) ASTM B167-1970 $1.75 Specification for M8-1T, (2-73) Helical Age-Hardenable Chemical Analysis of Nickel-Chromium and eet, and Strip, Specification for (1973) (ASTM B443-197/ eet, and Strip 5597 with Additional Requirements) (8-75/ eet, and Strip (AMS 5596 with Additional Requirements) (/ tubes (AMS 5589 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) Su/ tubes (AMS 5590 with Additional Requirements) (8-75) Su/ ds and Electrodes (6-75) Supersedes M1-19T, (3-75) ressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, p, Specification for (1974) $1.75 e (1971) $1.75 Specification for sme SB-409 with Additional Requirements) (9-75) Supers/ pecification for (1974) ASTM B409-1973 $1.75 with Additional Requirements) (9-75) Supersedes M7-10T/ 408-1973 $1.75 Specification for asme SB-407 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) Super/ (1974) $1.75 Specification for and Tube (1974) $1.75 Specification for d Electrodes (7-75) Supersedes M1-15T, (1-72) Amendme/ with Additional Requirements) (10-75) Supersedes M4-5/ 82 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M2-/ -336 with Additional Requirements) (9-75) Supersedes M/ bes (ASME SB-167 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) / SB -163 with Additional Requirements) (4-76) Supersed/ e SB -434 with Additional Requirements) ( 1/-75) Supers/ -358 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M/ 2, Specification for (1973) ASTM B434-1971 $1.75 etecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Wrought insumable Electrode or Vacuum/ Bars, Forgings, and Rings, temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of oy Steel, Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum- i (1970) ASTM / Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine ssel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Eight and ) $1.75 Fast Flux Test Facility Uranyl Fast Flux Facility Plutonium 'or Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectr/ Grade Plutonium Specification for Plutonium Impurity Det/ General Methods for the Analysis of Uranyl lear and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Methods for the Accountability of Plutonium ss Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Grade Plutonium f ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Nuclear Grade Uranyl Plutonium Ammonia nd References Relating to (1/ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Electrical Transducer or (1972B) $1.75 Aggregates for Radiation-Sheilding Concrete, Descriptive Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding Concrete, Descriptive Intrinsically Safe and Ion Exchanger, Spontaneous Fission Detection (6/74) ates by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (9/74) ned in Scrap and Waste (10/73) 5) $5.75 Welds (Revision 1, 8/1 1/72, of Safety Guide 19) in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing / ncrete Barriers in Fuel Reprocessing Plants (5/75) nd Pressure Vessel Code, Section V) ( 10-75) Supersedes / 00) Standard Welding and ification, Recommended Practice for $10.50 ray Spectrometry (4/74) Part B: cal Composition (1972) $1.75 Sampling Wrought materials, Platinum and Platinum 10 Percent Rhodium Wires, (1975) Matter (1975) General Safety Standard for Installations Using ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 Design and Construction of Steel (2/23/73) ation Device (Or Multipurpose Sampler) for the Analysis of es Up to 10-Mev, General Safety Sta/ Installations Using g (1974) ACI 211.1-1974 $2.75 Proportions for $4.00 Assessment of the Assumption of Nickel-Base Alloy Clad Steel Plate, Specification for Nickel-Chromium Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stoc Nickel-Chromium and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (197 Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (A Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, S Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB- 166 Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube (19 Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Springs (5-75) Supersedes Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (1973) $1.75 Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sh Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sh Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sh Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Seamless Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Seamless Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Bare Welding Ro Nickel-Cobalt-Molybdenum-Chromium, Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Plate, Sheet and Stri Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Seamless Pipe and Tub Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (A Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip, S Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB-408 Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar, (1974) ASTM B Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tubing ( Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy (UNS N08800) Rod and Bar, Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy (UNS N08800) Seamless Pipe Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Bare Welding Rods an Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Castings (ASTM a 494 Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Forgings (ASME SA-1 Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar (ASME SB Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tu Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Seamless Tubes (ASME Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Sheet and Plate (Asm Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Welded Pipe (ASME SA Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium-Iron Alloy Sheet and Plat Nickel-Rich, Chromium-Bearing Alloys, Method of ( 1973 Nickel- 19Cr-19Fe-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta) 0.90Ti-0.50Al C Nickel, and Cobalt-Base Alloys, Chemical Analysis of ( Nickel, Measuring (1970) $1.75 Nickel, Specification for ( 1974A) $1.75 /L Plates, All Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steel Nine Percent Nickel (1974) $1.75 /Pec. for Pressure Ve Nitrate Ion in Water, Standard Method of Test for (1971 Nitrate Solution (6-71) Nitrate Solution (6-71) Nitrate Solutions and Plutonium Metal Standard Methods Nitrate Solutions ASTM C7 10-72 (1973) $1.75 Nitrate Solutions for Assay, Isotopic Distribution, and Nitrate Solutions (1973) $1.75 /C, Spectrochemical Nuc Nitrate Solutions (1/74) Nitrate Solutions, Methods for (1974) ASTM C759— 1973 Nitrate Solutions, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis O Nitrate Solutions, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Nitrogen in Water, Tests for (1974) $1.75 (NMR) Spectroscopy, Definitions, Symbols, Conventions, a Nomenclature and Terminology (1975) $5.00 Nomenclature for Rubbers and Rubber Latices, Practice F Nomenclature of ( 1973) Constituents of Nomenclature of (1975) ASTM C638-1973 $1.75 /Uents of Non Incendive Electrical Instruments (1965) $5.00 Non Regenerative Type (5-72) Nondestructive Assay for Plutonium in Scrap Material by Nondestructive Assay of High Enrichment Uranium Fuel PI Nondestructive Assay of Special Nuclear Material Contai Nondestructive Assay Systems, Guide to Calibrating (197 Nondestructive Examination of Primary Containment Liner Nondestructive Examination of Tubular Products for Use Nondestructive Examination of Tubular Products (10/73) Nondestructive Examination of Welds in the Liners of Co Nondestructive Examination (Supplement to ASME Boiler a Nondestructive Examination (1977) bd ($50.00), 11 ($70. Nondestructive Symbols Testing (1976) $5.00 Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification and Cert Npndestructive Uranium-235 Enrichment Assay by Gamma- Nonferrous Materials (1977) bd ($90.00), 11 ($125.00) Nonferrous Metals and Alloys for Determination of Chemi Noninsulated, Std. Grade (8-72) Amendment 1 (11-74) Nonmailable Articles and Substances Under Special Rules Nonmailable Matter: Written, Printed and Graphic Matter Nonmailable Matter, Radioactive Materials (1975) Nonmedical Sealed Gamma-Ray Sources (6/74) Nonmetallic Gaskets for Corrosive Service, Practice for Nonmetallic Thermal Insulation for Austenitic Stainless Nonmetals in Liquid Sodium (1-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) Non-Medical X-Ray and Sealed Gamma Ray Sources, Energi Normal and Heavy Weight Concrete, Practice for Selectin Normality (Employing Individual Observed Values) (1974) ASTM A265 ERDA RDT M2-15T ASTM E38 ERDA RDT M5-4T ANSI H34.10 ERDA RDT M7-4T ANSI H34.3 ERDA RDT M8-1T ASTM E38 ANSI H34.19 ERDA RDT M5-20T ERDA RDT M5-21T ERDA RDT M3-29T ERDA RDT M3-30T ERDA RDT M1-19T ANSI G35.26 ASTM B127 ASTM B165 ERDA RDT M5-7T ANSI H34.40 ERDA RDT M7-10T ANSI H34.39 ERDA RDT M3-9T ASTM B408 ASTM B407 ERDA RDT M1-15T ERDA RDT M4-5T ERDA RDT M2-11T ERDA RDT M7-11T ERDA RDT M3-10T ERDA RDT M3-18T ERDA RDT M5-8T ERDA RDT M3-17T ANSI H34.44 ANSI G80.4 SAE AMS5662D ASTM E354 ASTM E264 ASTM A302 ANSI Z178.5 ASTM A553 ASTM D992 ERDA RDT E13-3T ERDA RDT E13-4T NRC RG 5.16 ANSI N137 NRC RG 5.39 ASTM C759 NRC RG 5.19 ANSI N573 ASTM C799 ASTM C710 ASTM D1426 ASTM E386 ISA S37.1 ASTM D1418 ASTM C638 ANSI N649 ISA RP12.2 ERDA RDT E11-1T NRC RG 5.34 NRC RG 5.38 NRC RG 5.11 ANSI N15.20 NRC RG 1.19 NRC RG 3.36 NRC RG 1.66 NRC RG 3.27 ERDA RDT F3-6T ASME SEC-V AWS A2.4 ASNT SNT-TC-1A NRC RG 5.21 ASME SEC-IIB ASTM E55 ERDA RDT C7-7T USPS POSTL124 USPS POSTL123 USPS POSTL 123.2 NRC RG 6.5 ASTM F336 NRC RG 1.36 ERDA RDT C8-8T ANSI N543 ANSI A167.1 ANSI N15.15 Standards Application and Analysis Division 63 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Assessment of the Assumption of Statistical Terminology and bility (2/2/73) Statistical Terminology and (1973) $1.75 Sharp- cation for Forgings, Carbon and Low Alloy Steel, Requiring $1.75 95 Food and Drugs: 50 Selecting Proportions for fication for Special Requirements for Bolting Material for ideation for Special Requirements for Pipe and Tubing for cification for Special Requirements for Steel Castings for -19/ Spec, for Special Requirements for Steel Plates for -1/ Specification for Wrought Steel Welding Fittings for Spec, for Special Requirements for Forgings and Bars for or (1974) A/ Special Requirements for Pipe and Tubing for or Special Requirements for ( 1973/ Steel Castings for the or Special Requirements for ( 1973) / Bolting Material for or Special Requirements for (1973) $1.7/ Steel Plates for or Special Requiremen/ Wrought Steel Welding Fittings for or Special Requirements for (1973)/ Forgings and Bars for tonium Me/ Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, tonium Nit/ Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, ide, Meth/ Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, nium Metal, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Grade Uranyl Nitrate Solutions, xafluoride. Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, ished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire for 9-1 Supplementary Requirements for Nickel Alloy Plate for y Requirements for Nickel Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube for Zirconium and Zirconium-Alloy Ingots for nts for (1970) $1.75 Nickel Alloy Plate for nts for (1970) $1.75 Nickel Alloy Rod and Bar for nts for ( 1970) $/ Nickel Alloy Seamless Pipe and Tube for Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate for ished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire for Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate for 9-/ Zirconium Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Metal for -1973 $1.75 Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Ingots for Zirconium Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Metal for Radiological Factors Affecting Decision Making in A pecial Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for ure Vessel Code, Section Hi, Subsection/ (NB-T) Class 1 ure Vessel Code, Section Hi, Subsection/ (NC-T) Class 2 ure Vessel Code, Section Hi, Subsection/ (ND-T) Class 3 ure Vessel Code, Section Hi, Subsectio/ (NE-T) Class Mc mendment 1 (4-/ Cleaning and Cleanliness Requirements for Threaded Fasteners for Shielding Protects Personnel ( 1975) ANS 8./ Criteria for le Materials Outside Reactors (1975) ANS-8.1 $10.00 le Materials Outside Reactors (1/73) terials, Guide for (1975) ANS-8.7 $12.00 Validation of Calculational Methods for Validation of Calculational Methods for ) ANS-19.1 $12.50 Testing of High Temperature Cable for Quality Assurance for Protective Coatings Applied to Sampling Airborne Radioactive Materials in e Design Criteria for (1973) $5.00 Methods for Radiochemical Determination of Cesium-137 in 5 Radiochemical Determination of Cesium-137 in rical Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for otometric Determination of Fission Zirconium in Irradiated 73) $1.75 Specification for Specification for Specification for ic, and Spectrochemical Analysis of (1975) $1.75 of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets and Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of ( 1974) $/ emical. Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis/ mical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of emical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis/ trie, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysi/ ic, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of ASTM C701-1972 $1.75 ric, Spectrochemical Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of (1974) As/ Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, 4) ASTM C760-1/ Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of 5 Specification for C752-1973 $1.75 Specification for 75 Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of a) $1.75 Specification for $1.75 Specification for mical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Normality (Employing Individual Observed Values) (4/74) Notation for Nuclear Materials Management (1972) $3.00 Notation for Special Nuclear Materials Control Accounta Notch Tension Testing of High Strength Sheet Materials Notch Toughness Testing for Piping Components ( 1974) $1 Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials (1972) Notification of Defects or Failure to Comply ( 1975) $2. No-Slump Concrete, Recommended Practice for (1975) $9. Nuclear Air Cleaning Systems, Testing of ( 1975) $5.00 Nuclear and Other Special Applications ASTM A6 14-73 (1 Nuclear and Other Special Applications (1973) $1.75 /C Nuclear and Other Special Applications (1974) ASTM A613 Nuclear and Other Special Applications (1974) ASTM A647 Nuclear and Other Special Applications ( 1974) ASTM A652 Nuclear and Other Special Applications (1974) ASTM A654 Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specification F Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specification F Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specification F Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specification F Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specification F Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specification F Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plu Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plu Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear (Revision Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Uranium Hexafluor Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of (1973) $1.75 /to Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of (1975) $1.75 Nuclear and Radiochemical, Analysis of ( 1975) $1.75 /E Nuclear Application (1973) $1.75 / Rolled and Cold Fin Nuclear Applications, Specification for (1971) ASTM B50 Nuclear Applications, Specification for (1971) $1.75 as Nuclear Applications, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Nuclear Applications, Spec, for Supplementary Requireme Nuclear Applications, Spec, for Supplementary Requireme Nuclear Applications, Spec, for Supplementary Requireme Nuclear Application, Specification for (1967) $1.75 Nuclear Application, Specification for (1973) ASTM B351 Nuclear Application, Specification for (1973) ASTM B352 Nuclear Application, Specification for (1973) (ASTM B34 Nuclear Application, Specification for (1974) ASTM B350 Nuclear Application, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 Nuclear Attack (1974) $4.00 Nuclear Cargo Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $1.95 Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Press Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Press Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Press Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Press Nuclear Components (2-72) Supersedes F5-1T, (3-69) a Nuclear Components (2-75) Supersedes E8-18T, (10-71) Nuclear Criticality Safety Controls in Operations Where Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissionab Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissionab Nuclear Criticality Safety in the Storage of Fissile Ma Nuclear Criticality Safety (1975) ANS-8.1 1 Nuclear Criticality Safety (6/76) Nuclear Data Sets for Reactor Design Calculations ( 1975 Nuclear Detectors (8-71 ) Nuclear Facilities (1972) $3.00 Nuclear Facilities, Guide to (1969) ISO 2889 $7.00 Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, Guide to Principl Nuclear Fuel Solutions (1973) ASTM E320-1970 $1.75 Nuclear Fuel Solutions, Standard Method for (1970) $1.7 Nuclear Fueled Power Generating Stations (1973) IEEE 31 Nuclear Fuels ( 1 973T) $ 1 .75 /Hod of Test for Spectroph Nuclear Grade Beryllium Oxide Powder ASTM C708-72a (19 Nuclear Grade Beryllium Oxide Powder (1972A) $1.75 Nuclear Grade Boron Carbide Powder (1974) $1.75 Nuclear Grade Boron Carbide, Chemical, Mass Spectrometr Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0 2 ) (5/73) /Nalysis Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Chemical, Mass Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Methods for Ch Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets and Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Ch Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal, Chemical, Mass Spectrome Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal, Methods for (1974) ASTM Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal, Specification for (1973) Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal, Spec, for (1972) $1.75 Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions (1973) $1.75 Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions, Methods for Nuclear Grade Silver— Cadmium Alloys, Methods for (197 Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloy (1973) $1.7 Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloy (1974) ASTM Nuclear Grade Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloys (1974) $1. Nuclear Grade Sinterable Plutonium Dioxide Powder (1974 Nuclear Grade Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder (1973) Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets (2/9/ NRC RG 5.22 ANSI N15.5 NRC RG 5.3 ASTM E338 ASTM A350 ASTM E23 BRH 21CFR1003 ACI 211.3 ANSI N510 ANSI N265 ASTM A655 ANSI N558 ANSI N559 ANSI N560 ANSI N561 ' ANSI N564 ASTM A613 ASTM A614 ASTM A647 ASTM A652 ASTM A654 ANSI N572 ASTM C759 NRC RG 5.16 ANSI N575 ASTM C758 ASTM C799 ASTM C761 ASTM B351 ANSI H34.33 ANSI H34.29 ASTM B350 ASTM B509 ASTM B510 ASTM B513 ASTM B352 ANSI N122 ANSI N123 ANSI N121 ANSI N583 ASTM B349 NCRP R42 USCG 46CFR99 ERDA RDTE15-2B ERDA RDT E15-2C ERDA RDT E15-2D ERDA RDT E15-2E ERDA RDT F5-1T ERDA RDT E8-18T ANSI N16.8 ANSI N16.1 NRC RG 3.4 ANSI N16.5 ANSI N16.9 NRC RG 3.41 ANSI N411 ERDA RDT F3-39T ANSI N101.4 ANSI N13.1 ANSI N101.3 ANSI N117 ASTM E320 ANSI N45.3 ASTM E495 ANSI N138 ASTM C708 ASTM C750 ASTM C791 NRC RG 5.6 ASTM C698 ANSI N139 NRC RG 5.6 ASTM C697 ASTM C758- ANSI N572 ANSI N136 ASTM C701 ASTM C759 ANSI N573 ANSI N574 ASTM C752 ANSI N571 ASTM C760 ASTM C757 ASTM C753 NRC RG 5.5 64 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis O/ iochemical Analysis of (1975) $1.75 mical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of mical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of ASTM C753-1973 $1.75 Specification for ASTM C757- 1974a $1.75 Specification for Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Lattice Spacing of 75 Measurement of Lattice Spacing of 1971 $1.75 Delta-In-Hours (D1H) Purity of estimating the Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section of .75 Dosimetry Results on Delta-In-Hours (DIH) Purity of Protective Coatings (Paints) for the for (1975) $3.00 Authorized Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Signal Connectors for High Voltage Connectors for commended Practice for Standard Calibration and Format for ons, Symbols, Conventions, and References Relating to (1/ Nondestructive Assay of Special ecial Nuclea/ Standard Format and Content for the Special ies, Guide to Practice (1971) $4.50 acilities (A Guide to Practice) (1975) $3.00 is (Revision 1, 6/75) Nuclear Power Reactors, (1974) $3.00 Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, or (1975) $5.50 Special n Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Special n Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Special clear Material Control and Accounting Section of a Special an/ Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Special Conduct of gned Vehicle and Armed Guards for Road Shipment of Special Security Seals for the Protection and Control of Special Internal Transfers of Special ysis and Use of Process Data for the Protection of Special Statistical Terminology and Notation for Special Records and Reporting Units for Limit of Error Concepts and Principles of Calculation in Volume Calibration Techniques for Limit of Error Concepts and Principles of Calculation in calorimetric Assay of Plutonium-Bearing Solids Applied to n Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Special Statistical Terminology and Notation for Auditing ks in the Protection and Control of Facilities and Special Physical Inventories of strative Guide for Liability Insurance Aspects of Shipping f Shipper-Receiver Differences in the Transfer of Special ensitive Seals on Containers for Onsite Storage of Special f Shipper-Receiver Differences in the Transfer of Special Moisture Content of Soil and Soil Aggregate in Place by or Moisture Content of Soil and Soil Aggregate in Place by Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by cification for ( 197/ Thermocouples, Sheathed, Type K, for cification for (1967/ Thermocouples, Sheathed, Type K for cification for Sheathed Electrical Resistance Heaters, for (1971) $1.7/ Sheathed Electrical Resistance Heaters, for pecial Construction, Arrangenent, and Other Provisions for 6/73) Protection of s, Structures and Equipment for Water Cooled and Moderated iteria for the (1975) $5.00 Periodic Testing of ft Standard Application of the Single Failure Criterion to Definitions of Terms Used in IEEE Standards on ass IE Electric Cables, Field Splices, and Connections for ieee Std. 279-1971 $4.00 Protection Systems for ieee Std. 308-1974 $4.00 Class IE Power Systems for ign Bases for Systems That Perform Protective Functions in 00 Seismic Qualification of Electric Equipment for us Duty Class 1 Motors Installed Inside the Containment of entation and Electric Equipment During the Construction of esel Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for andard Type Test of Class 1 Electrical Valve Operators for for Use/ Draft Std. for Class IE Control Switchboards for bd ($40.00), II ($65.00) General Requirements for 00), 11 ($40.00) $90.00) Rules for Inservice Inspection of 90.00) Appendices to Sec. Ill Div. 1, zardous C/ Assumptions for Evaluating the Habitability of ccidental Chlorine Release (2/75) Protection of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Chem Nuclear Grade Uranyl Nitrate Solutions, Nuclear and Rad Nuclear Grade ( 1973) ASTM C696-1972 $2.00 /Ds for Che Nuclear Grade (1973) ASTM C697-1972 $2.00 /Ds for Che Nuclear Grade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder (1974) Nuclear Grade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder (1975) Nuclear Graphite, Estimating the ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 Nuclear Graphite, Measurement of ( 1969) (R 1975) $1.75 Nuclear Graphite, Method for (1973) ASTM C558-1969 $1. Nuclear Graphite, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C624- Nuclear Graphite, Methods for (1973) ASTM C626-1971 $1 Nuclear Graphite, Rec. Practice for Reporting (1974) $1 Nuclear Graphite, Test for ( 1 97 1 ) $1.75 Nuclear Industry (1974) $14.00 Nuclear Inservice Inspection, Qualifications and Duties Nuclear Inspection (1974) $3.50 Nuclear Instruments (1968) (R1973) $2.50 Nuclear Instruments (1971) $3.00 Nuclear Logs (1974) $1.00 ' Re Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, Defmiti Nuclear Material Contained in Scrap and Waste (10/73) Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Section of a Sp Nuclear Material Control Systems for Conversion Facilit Nuclear Material Control Systems for Fuel Fabrication F Nuclear Material Control Systems for Nuclear Power Plan Nuclear Material Control Systems for ( 1974) $3.50 Nuclear Material Control Systems (A Guide to Practice) Nuclear Material Control, Mass Calibration Techniques F Nuclear Material Doorway Monitors (6/74) Nuclear Material in Drying and Fluidized Bed Operations Nuclear Material in Equipment for Dry Process Operation Nuclear Material License Application (Including That Fo Nuclear Material Licenses of Less Than Critical Mass Qu Nuclear Material Physical Inventories (11/73) Nuclear Material (Revision 1, 4/75) Specially Desi Nuclear Material ( 1/74) Nuclear Material (3/75) Nuclear Material (6/74) \nal Nuclear Materials Control Accountability (2/2/73) Nuclear Materials Control (1971) $3.25 Nuclear Materials Control (1974) $3.00 Nuclear Materials Control (1975) $5.50 Nuclear Materials Control (1.74) Nuclear Materials Control, Calibration Techniques for T Nuclear Materials in Equipment for Wet Process Operatio Nuclear Materials Management (1972) $3.00 Nuclear Materials Statements (1973) $3.50 Nuclear Materials ( 1 1/73) General Use of Loc Nuclear Materials (1972) $3.25 Nuclear Materials (1973) $3.50 Admini Nuclear Materials (6/74) Evaluation O Nuclear Materials (7/73) /Ction and Use of Pressure-S Nuclear Materials, Concepts and Principles for the (197 Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depths), Test for (1972) $1.75 Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) (1972) $1.75 (ASTM D301 Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth), Tests for (1971) $1.75 Nuclear or for Other High Reliability Applications, Spe Nuclear or for Other High Reliability Applications, Spe Nuclear or Other Specialized Service (1973) ASTM E420— Nuclear or Other Specialized Service, Specification for Nuclear Passenger Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $2. Nuclear Plants Against Industrial Sabotage (Revision 1, Nuclear Power Generating Plants, Fire Protection Criter Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Systems, Cr Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Systems, Tr Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1972) $4.00 Nuclear Power Generating Stations (1975) IEEE Std. 383- Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Criteria for (1972) Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Criteria for (1975) Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Criteria (Issued for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Guide for ( 1975) $5. Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Guide For, (1976) Ie Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Installation, Inspec Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Trial Use Criteria ( Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Trial Use Guide (Iss Nuclear Power Generating Stations, (Trial Guide Issued Nuclear Power Piping Sold Separately (1971) $4.25 Nuclear Power Piping with Addenda (1969) $19.00 Nuclear Power Piping, Sold Separately ( 1971 ) $4.25 Nuclear Power Piping, Sold Separately (1972) $1.25 Nuclear Power Plant Components Div. I and Div. 2 (1977) Nuclear Power Plant Components Supports (1977) bd ($30. Nuclear Power Plant Components (1977) bd ($60.00); 11 ( Nuclear Power Plant Components (1977) bd ($70.00) II ($ Nuclear Power Plant Control Room During a Postulated Ha Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Operators Against an a ASTM C696 ASTM C799 ANSI N103 ANSI N104 ANSI N567 ANSI N568 ASTM C626 ASTM C558 ANSI K90.1 ANSI K90.8 ANSI K90.10 ASTM E525 ASTM C624 ANSI N512 ANSI N626.1 ANSI N626 ANSI N544 ANSI N42.4 API RP33 ASTM E386 NRC RG 5.11 NRC RG 5.45 ANSI N15.4 ANSI N15.9 NRC RG 5.29 ANSI N15.8 ANSI N15.13 ANSI N15.18 NRC RG 5.27 NRC RG 5.8 NRC RG 5.42 NRC RG 5.45 NRC RG 10.3 NRC RG 5.13 NRC RG 5.31 NRC RG 5.15 NRC RG 5.49 NRC RG 5.24 NRC RG 5.3 ANSI N15.2 ANSI N15.16 ANSI N15.19 NRC RG 5.18 ANSI N15.22 NRC RG 5.25 ANSI N15.5 ANSI N15.ll NRC RG 5.12 ANSI N15.3 ANSI N14 GUIDE NRC RG 5.28 NRC RG 5.10 ANSI N15.17 ASTM D3017 ANSI A37.184 ASTM D2922 ANSI N142 ASTM E235 ANSI N143 ASTM E420 USCG 46CFR79 NRC RG 1.17 ANSI N18.10 IEEE 338 ANSI N41.2 IEEE 380 ANSI N41.10 ANSI N42.7 ANSI N41.12 ANSI N18.8 IEEE 344 ANSI N41.9 ANSI N45.2.4 ANSI N41.13 ANSI N41.6 ANSI N41.17 ANSI B31.7C ANSI B31.7 ANSI B31.7B ANSI B31.7A ASME SEC-III-R ASME SEC-IIINF ASME SEC-XI ASME SEC-III-A NRC RG 1.78 NRC RG 1.95 Standards Application and Analysis Division 65 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards g Personnel (8/73) Qualification of Application of the Single-Failure Criterion to 1, 12/75) Collection, Storage, and Maintenance ol Bypassed and Inoperable Status Indication fo: plosions Postulated to Occur on Transportation Routes Nea Class 1 Components fo Class 3 Components fo Class MC Components fo Class 2 Components fo Guidance on Being Operator at the Controls of A Ruptu/ Draft Standard for Design Basis for Protection of Seismic Requirements for Design o Safety Considerations fo: and Following A/ Instrumentation for Light-Water-Cooled ng, Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of Items fo: on Valve Leakage Control Systems for Boiling Water Reactoi Power Levels o Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design o Additional Information: Hydrological Considerations fo; ed Emergency and Shutdown Electric Systems for Multi-Uni Programs for Monitoring Radioactivity in the Environs o Design Basis Floods fo rete and Structural Steel During the Construction Phase o Criteria for Safety-Related Electric Power Systems fo: in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Material Control Systems fo s Antitrust Review of Construction Permit Applications fo: ir Filtration and Adsorption Units of Light — Water Cooled Quality Assurance Program Requirements for the Design of standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports fo: Ultimate Heat Sink fo Steam-, and Radioactive-Waste-Containing Components o Damping Values for Seismic Design o: tion Assemblies in Containment Structures for Water Cooled its Antitrust Review of Operating License Applications fo: Flood Protection fo Qualification of Class IE Equipment fo Emergency Planning fo Concrete Radiation Shields fo ormation: Air Filtration Systems and Containment Sumps fo ation for Safety Analysis Reports: Industrial Security fo Environmental Technical Specifications fo: Inservice Testing of Valves in Inservice Testing of Pumps in Selection and Training of Personnel fo: Quality Assurance Program Requirements fo Administrative Controls fo: Housekeeping During the Construction Phase o nation and Testing Personnel for the Construction Phase o and Associated Components During the Construction Phase o Industrial Security fo: Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria fo Storage, and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records fo: rete and Structural Steel During the Construction Phase o Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design o ectric Valve Operators Installed Inside the Containment o: additional Information: Fire Protection Considerations fo: Overhead Crane Handling Systems fo: Housekeeping Requirements for Water Cooled receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water Cooled ty Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Water Cooled g Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Seismic Qualification of Electric Equipment for Design Basis Tornado for Additional Information: Water Level (Flood) Design for quirements for Protective Coatings Applied to Water Cooled Fire Protection Guidelines for I Information: Geography and Demography Considerations for Testing Biological Sheilding in anical Equipment and Systems for the Construction Phase of rial Numbering of Fuel Assemblies for Light-Water-Cooled it Analysis for Radwaste Systems for Light-Water— Cooled nal Radiation Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably Achievable sfor (1974) $3.50 General Site Suitability Criteria for Preparation of Environmental Reports for Terrestrial Environmental Studies for pecial Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for nduced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to High Energy nduced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to High Energy Protective Coatings (Paints) for Light Water 72), Amendment 2 (/ Electrical Penetration Assemblies for Method For/ Delayed Neutron Emitting Fission Products in Measureme/ Delayed Neutron-Emitting Fission Products in Radiation Protection in Practice for Surveillance Tests for Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea: Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea: Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea: Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea: Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea: Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea: Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea: Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea: Nuclea: Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea: Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea: Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea (Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Nuclea Power Plant Inspection, Examination, and Testin Power Plant Protection Systems (6/73) Power Plant Quality Assurance Records (Revision Power Plant Safety Systems (5/73) Power Plant Sites (1/75) Evaluation of Ex Power Plant (1977) bd ($55.00), II ($85.00) Power Plant (1977) bd ($55.00), II ($85.00) Power Plant (1977) bd ($55.00), II ($85.00) Power Plant (1977) bd ($55.00), ($85.00) Power Plant (2/76) Power Plants Against Effects of Postulated Pipe Power Plants and Test Facilities (1-74) Power Plants on Merchant Ships (1965) $7.50 Power Plants to Assess Plant Conditions During Power Plants (During the Construction Phase) ( 1 Power Plants (Revision 1, (6/76) /Team Isolati Power Plants (Revision 1, 12/73) Power Plants (Revision 1, 12/73) Power Plants (Revision 1, 1/75) Power Plants (Revision 1, 1/75) Power Plants (Revision I, 2/75) Power Plants (Revision 1, 4/76) Power Plants (Revision 1, 4/76) Power Plants (Revision 1, 6/73) Power Plants (Revision 1, 6/74) Power Plants (Revision 1, 6/75) Power Plants (Revision 1, 6/76) Power Plants (Revision 1, 7/76) Power Plants (Revision 2, (6/76) Power Plants (Revision 2, (9/75) Power Plants (Revision 2, 1/76) Power Plants (Revision 3, 2/76) Power Plants (10/73) Power Plants (10/73) Power Plants (10/74) Power Plants (10/75 Power Plants (11/74) Power Plants (11/75) Power Plants (12/73) Power Plants (12/73) Power Plants (12/74) Power Plants (12/75) Power Plants (1970) $2.25 Power Plants (1970) $2.75 Power Plants (1971) ANS-3.1 $10.00 Power Plants (1971) $4.00 Power Plants (1972) ANS-3.2 $10.00 Power Plants (1973) $4.00 Power Plants (1973) $4.00 /F Inspection, Exami Power Plants (1973) $4.00 /G of Fluid Systems Power Plants (1973) (ANS-3.3) $10.00 Power Plants (1974) ANS 2.2 $10.00 Shar /Ructural Cone /Ive Materials /Ction with It /Anup System a / for Water-, Electric Penetra /Taff in Connection with Additional Inf Inform /Nts for Collection, / of Structural Cone Qualification Tests of El / Packaging, Shipping, /Ests of Continuous-Du /Quirements for Cleanin Quality Assurance Re Additiona Power Plants (1974) $4.00 Power Plants (1974) $4.50 Power Plants (1974) $5.50 Power Plants (1/74) Power Plants (2/74) Power Plants (2/76) Power Plants (3/16/73) Power Plants (3/16/73) Power Plants (3/16/73) Power Plants (3/16/73) Power Plants (3/76) Power Plants (4/74) Power Plants (5/74) Power Plants (6/73) Power Plants (6/76) Power Plants (8/74) Power Plants, Program for (1972) ANS-6.3 $5.00 Power Plants, Supplementary Quality Assurance R Power Reactors ( 1 2/20/72 ) Se Power Reactors (3/76) Cost-Benef Power Reactors) (Revision 1, 9/75) / Occupatio Power Reactors, Nuclear Material Control System Power Stations (Revision 1, 11/75) Power Stations (Revision I, 1/75) Power Stations (7/76) Powerplant Components ( 1975) $4.40 Radiation, Methods of Test for ( 1971 ) ASTM D230 Radiation, Testing (1968) (R1974) $1.75 /Set I Reactor Containment Facilities (1972) $3.00 Reactor Containment Structures Amendment 1 (4- Reactor Coolant Water During Reactor Operation, Reactor Coolant Water During Reactor Operation, Reactor Fuel Fabrication Plants (1963) $5.50 Reactor Vessels (1973) ASTM E185-1970 $1.75 NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ASME ASME ASME ASME NRC ANSI ERDA SNAME NRC ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ASME ASME ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ANSI ANSI NRC NRC NRC ANSI NRC NRC NRC USCG ANSI ASTM ANSI ERDA ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI RG 1.58 RG 1.53 RG 1.88 RG 1.47 RG 1.91 SEC-IIINB SEC-HIND SEC-IIINE SEC-IIINC RG 1.114 N176 RDT F9-2T 3-18 RG 1.97 N45.2.2 RG 1.96 RG 1.49 RG 1.60 RG 1.70.1 RG 1.81 RG 4.1 RG 1.59 RG 1.94 RG 1.32 RG 1.21 RG 5.29 RG 9.2 RG 1.52 RG 1.64 RG 1.70 RG 1.27 RG 1.26 RG 1.61 RG 1.63 RG 9.3 RG 1.102 RG 1.89 RG 1.101 RG 1.69 RG 1.70.2 RG 1.70.15 RG 4.8 PTC34 PTC 3 5 N18.1 N45.2 N18.7 N45.2.3 N45.2.6 N45.2.1 N18.17 N18.5 N45.2.9 N45.2.5 N45.2.11 RG 1.73 RG 1.70.4 RG 1.104 RG 1.39 RG 1.38 RG 1.40 RG 1.37 RG 1.100 RG 1.76 RG 1.70.5 RG 1.54 RG 1.120 RG 1.70.7 N18.9 N45.2.8 RG 5.1 RG 1.110 RG 8.8 N15.8 RG 4.7 RG 4.2 RG 4.11 46CFR55 J2.33 D2309 N101.2 RDT P3-1T N163 D2470 N7.2 N146 66 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Guide for in Service Annealing of Water Cooled recommended Guide for in Service Annealing of Water Cooled Surveillance Tests for Leakage-Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Simulated Core Assemblies for Termination of Operating Licenses for Neutron Reaction Rate Distributions and Reactivity of for (1974) $3.50 iling Water Reactor Plants: Issued Fo/ Draft Standard for essurized Water Reactor Plants (1973) ANS-51.1 $30.50 essurized Water Reactor Plants (1975) $5.50 Standard Glossary of Terms in irconium and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes for irconium and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes for Classification of Air Cooled Heat Exchanger for 4) Supersedes F9/ Guidelines and Procedures for Design of plement to ASME Code Ca/ Requirements for Construction of Orifice Assemblies for ecial Consideration, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Health Implications of Fallout from ic, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of (R1972) $4.75 Std. Spec, for Automatic uclear Power Reactors ( 12/20/72) Serial 71) Amendment 1 (12-72), Amen/ Collapsible Rotor, Roller ngth Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Including Suitable Service (ASME SA-194 with Additional Requi/ Alloy Steel Square and Hex ication for (1973) $1.75 ng and Storage Facilities in a Reprocessing Plant/ Design Recommended Practice for Dealing with Outlying sment of the Assumption of Normality (Employing Individual sment of the Assumption of Normality (Employing Individual concrete, Method of (1969) ASTM C42-1968 $1.75 for Radioactive Materials Shipments, Administrative Guid/ Radioactive Material Shipments/ Administrative Guide for le Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for Achievable (Revisi/ Operating Philosophy for Maintaining Achievable (Nuclear/ Information Relevant to Maintaining ce for (Reaffirmation and Redesignation of N2. 2-1966) (/ nt 2 ( 1 1-75) Preparation of Unusual Radioactive Waste Disposal in the g the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Radioactive Process X-Ray Protection in Dental Welded Steel Tanks for nter Tubes ( 1965) (R 1971 ) 3.00 and N42.6 Are Contained in ) (ASTM D2435-1970) $1.75 Method of Test for 2) ion and Use of Pressure-Sensitive Seals on Containers for stems (Safety Gu/ Independence Between Redundant Standby dioactivity in Effluents, Specification and Performance / or (1973) $3.00 Floor and Wall Chemical Analysis of Steel, Cast Iron, ional Specification Standard (1975) $3.00 Self Std. Specifications for Hand Std. Specifications for Manually Lever Standard (1975) $3.00 Self Operated and Power Thermal Overload Protection for Electric Motors on Motor Stainless Steel Globe and Angle Valves, Manual and Power Stainless Steel Gate Valves, Manual and Power cated Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipment and Pipe cated Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipment and Pipe 4) Reporting of ons (Revision 4, 8/75) Reporting of egulatory Staff in Connection with Its Antitrust Review of Termination of trong Acid Removal (1972) $1.75 tion Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably Achievable (Revisi/ 5T, 5-73 Purity Requirements for 0.00) Recommended Rules for Care and 107 $3.00 Radiological Safety in the Design and .1A-1973 $5.00 Radiation Protection in Uranium Mines tion for Safety Analysis Reports: Quality Assurance During s 8./ Criteria for Nuclear Criticality Safety Controls in (1975) ANS-8.1 $10.00 Nuclear Criticality Safety in (1/73) Nuclear Criticality Safety in up of Special Nuclear Material in Drying and Fluidized Bed p of Special Nuclear Material in Equipment for Dry Process of Special Nuclear Materials in Equipment for Wet Process Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1974) ASTM E509-74 $1.75 ANSI N577 Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1974) $1.75 ASTM E509 Nuclear Reactor Vessels, Rec. Practice for (1973) $1.75 ASTM E185 Nuclear Reactors (1971) ANS-7.60 $7.50 ANSI N45.4 Nuclear Reactors (3-73) Amendment 1 (12-74) ERDA RDT E6-1 IT Nuclear Reactors (6/74) NRC RG1.86 Nuclear Reactors, Determination of (1975) ANS 19.3 $7.5 ANSI N412 Nuclear Reactors, Recommended Fire Protection Practice NFPA 802 Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Bo ANSI N212 Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pr ANSI NI8.2 Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pr ANSI N18.2A Nuclear Science and Technology ( 1 967 ) $7.95 ANSI N 1 . 1 Nuclear Service, Specification for (1973) ASTM B353-19 ANSI N124 Nuclear Service, Spec, for (1971) $1.75 Wrought Z ASTM B353 Nuclear Ships, Guide for the ( 1 962 ) $ 1 .00 ABS * 1 Nuclear Steam Supplied Systems (3-71) ERDA RDT E4- 1 8T Nuclear Steam Supply Systems (1974) $5.50 ASME PTC32.1 Nuclear System Components at Elevated Temperature (9-7 ERDA RDT F9-5T Nuclear System Components at Elevated Temperatures (Sup ERDA RDT F9-4T Nuclear Systems (8-73) ERDA RDT C4-8T Nuclear Tank Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $2.15 USCG 46CFR37 Nuclear Weapons Test. Through 1961 (1962) EPA FRC3 Nuclear (Revision 1, 5/75) /Chemical, Mass Spectrometr NRC RG 5.16 Null Balancing Electrical Measuring Instruments ( 1966) ANSI C39.4 Numbering of Fuel Assemblies for Light-Water-Cooled N NRC RG 5.1 Nut Control Rod Drive Mechanism for Sodium Service (3- ERDA RDT E6-5T Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers, Specification for (197 ASTM A325 Nuts for Bolting for High Pressure and High Temperature ERDA RDT M6-4T Nuts (1972) $4.50 ANSI B18.2.2 Nylon Injection Molding and Extrusion Materials, Specif ASTM D789 Objectives for Highly Radioactive Solid Material Handli ANSI N305 Observations (6/74) NRC RG 5.36 Observed Values) (1974) $4.00 Asses ANSI N15.15 Observed Values) (4/74) Asses NRC RG 5.22 Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of ANSI A37.20 Obtaining Department of Transportation Special Permits ANSI N14.10.2 Obtaining Exemptions from Certain NRC Requirements Over NRC RG 7.5 Occupational Exposure (1959) $2.00 / Maximum Permissib NCRP R22 Occupational Radiation Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably NRC RG 8.10 Occupational Radiation Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably NRC RG 8.8 Occupational Radiation Exposure Records Systems (5/73) NRC RG 8.7 Occupational Radiation Exposure Records Systems, Practi ANSI N13.6 Occurrence Reports (2-74) Amendment 1 (1-75), Amendme ERDA RDT F1-3T Ocean (1954) $2.00 NCRP R16 Offgas System Failure in a Boiling Water Reactor (3/76) NRC RG 1.98 Offgas Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) NRC RG 3.20 Offices (1970) $4.00 NCRP R35 Oil Storage (1973) $4.00 API STD. 650 One Booklet Priced at $3.00 Bases for GM Cou ANSI N42.5 One Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils ( 1972 ANSI A37.170 Onsite Meteorological Programs (Safety Guide 23, 2/17/7 NRC RG 1.23 Onsite Storage of Special Nuclear Materials (7/73) /Ct NRC RG 5.10 (Onsite) Power Sources and Between Their Distribution Sy NRC RG 1.6 On-Site Instrumentation for Continuously Monitoring Ra ANSI N13.10 Open Test Assembly Fabrication (10-73) ERDA RDT E8-19T Openings, Railings and Toeboards, Safety Requirements F ANSI A 12.1 Open-Hearth Iron, and Wrought Iron (1975) $1.75 ASTM E30 Operated and Power Operated Safety Related Valves Funct ANSI N278.1 Operated Chain Hoists (1974) $0.50 HMI 200 Operated Chain Hoists (1974) $0.50 HMI 300 Operated Safety Related Valves Functional Specification ANSI N278.1 Operated Valves (11/75) NRC RG 1.106 Operated (3-72) ERDA RDTE1-21T Operated (3-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) ERDA RDT E1-9T Operating at Temperatures Above Ambient Air ( 1972) $1 .7 ASTM C667 Operating at Temperatures Above Ambient Air (1974) ASTM ANSI Z98.48 Operating Information for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/7 NRC RG 3.19 Operating Information: Appendix a Technical Specificati NRC RG 1.16 Operating License Applications for Nuclear Power Plants NRC RG 9.3 Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors (6/74) NRC RG 1.86 Operating Manuals for Fuel Shopping Containers (1-75) ERDA RDT E12-5T Operating Performance of Anion Exchange Materials for S ASTM D3087 Operating Philosophy for Maintaining Occupational Radia NRC RG 8.10 Operating Sodium Reactor Systems (3/76) Supersedes A 1- ERDA RDT A1-5T Operation and Maintenance Manuals (10-71) ERDA RDT F4-20T Operation of Fast Pulse Reactors (1975) ANS 14.1 $7.50 ANSI N394 Operation of Heating Boilers (1977) bd ($25.00), II ($3 ASME SEC-VI Operation of Particle Accelerators (1969) NBS Handbook ANSI N43.1 Operation (1973), Partial Revision of N7. 1-1960 and N7 ANSI N13.8 Operations Phase (12/74) Informa NRC RG 1.70.11 Operations Where Shielding Protects Personnel (1975) an ANSI N16.8 Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors ANSI N16.1 Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors NRC RG 3.4 Operations (Revision 1, 5/74) /Inimizing Residual Hold NRC RG 5.8 Operations (1/75) /Tions for Minimizing Residual Holdu NRC RG 5.42 Operations (6/74) /Ions for Minimizing Residual Holdup NRC RG 5.25 Standards Application and Analysis Division 67 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Quality Assurance Program Requirements n Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During Reactor n Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During Reactor ) Guidance on Being Protection of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room use/ Draft Standard Type Test of Class 1 Electrical Valve ower Plants ( 1/74) Qualification Tests of Electric Valve Test for Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere for Calibration of Refractory Metal Thermocouples Using an tar, Method of Test for (1970) ASTM C87-1969 / Effect of ) $1.75 atography (1974) $1.7/ Recommended Practices for Volatile s Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Inside- for (1964) (R1970) IEEE 21-1964 $4.00 Compressed Gas Cylinder Valve Recommended Practice for Dealing with Differential Pressure Transmitter, Pneumatic or Electric Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Tern/ Welded Large riticafity Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materials riticality Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materials Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed ide for Obtaining Exemptions from Certain NRC Requirements s (2/76) Specifications for Electric . for Top Running and Under Running Single Girder Electric ed Valves (11/75) Thermal Installation of c-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Plate Pipe (Sizes 16 in. and Test for s ( 1/ Accelerated Life Test of Electrical Grade Magnesium for Spectrochemical Analysis of ( 1972) ASTM E40/ Uranium od for Spectrochemical Analysis of (1970) $1.75 Uranium cal Analysis of (1972) ASTM E40/ Uranium Oxide by Gallium mical Analysis of (1970) $1.75 Uranium Oxide by Gallium and Control of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories for Mixed Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Mixed Ceramographic Preparation Cf Mixed Analytical Chemistry Methods for Mixed omel-P Versus Alumel, Stainless Steel Sheathed, Magnesium 3-70), / Thermocouple Material, Iron Constantan, Mineral 3-7/ Thermocouple Material, Copper-Constantan, Mineral- Thermocouple Assemblies, Magnesium- Specification for Nuclear Grade Beryllium Specification for Nuclear Grade Beryllium ochemical Analysis Of, and Physical Tests on (/ Beryllium ochemical Analysis Of, and Physical Tests on (/ Beryllium ption of Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in Deuterium tonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets and Nuclear Grade Mixed spectrochemical Analysis of ( 1974) $/ Nuclear Grade Mixed metric, and Spectrochemical Analysis/ Nuclear Grade Mixed ption of Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in Deuterium Deuterium Deuterium Deuterium Testing Deuterium Test for Content of irect Counting Technique, Method of Test for (1974) ASTM/ irect Counting Technique, Method of Test for (1973) $1.7/ Tests for Dissolved Dissolved Electrochemical ium (1-72) 1970 $1.75 Method of Test for Accelerated Test for Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat Sealed for Trial Use and Commen/ Draft Std. for Leakage Tests on Leakage Tests on , Guide to Design and Use of (1975) $5.00 Shipping Procedures for Picking Up and Receiving Test for Leaks in Heat Sealed Flexible ted Biological Materials (1973) $3.50 ted Biological Materials (6/74) Administrative Guide for Uranium Hexafluoride for Transport, erial/ Administrative Guide for Verifying Compliance with Container ent and Storage (9-75) Supersedes F7-2T, (2-69) Amend/ Items for Nuclear Power Plants (During the Construction/ f Items for Water Coo/ Quality Assurance Requirements for rage (9-75) Supersedes F7-2T, (2-69) Amend/ Packaging, ction. Application, and Inspection of Protective Coatings ilities (1972) $3.00 Protective Coatings Protective Coatings (Operation) (Safety Guide 33, 11/3/72) NRC RG 1.33 Operation, Measurement of (1970) $1.75 /Mining Fissio ASTM D2470 Operation, Method for Measurement of (1973) ASTM D2470- ANSI N163 Operator at the Controls of a Nuclear Power Plant (2/76 NRC RG 1.114 Operators Against an Accidental Chlorine Release (2/75) NRC RG 1.95 Operators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Trial ANSI N41.6 Operators Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear P NRC RG 1.73 (Optical Density of Filtered Deposit) (1969) $1.75 ASTM D1704 Optical Pyrometer (1973) ASTM E452- 1972 $1.75 /Ethod ANSI N144 Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate on Strength of Mor ANSI A37.129 Organic Impurities in Sand for Concrete, Test for (1973 ASTM C40 Organic Matter in Water by Aqueous-Injection Gas Chrom ASTM D2908 Orifice Assemblies for Nuclear Systems (8-73) ERDA RDT C4-8T Out Testing Mode (1973) $1.75 Tests for Leak ASTM E493 Outdoor Apparatus Bushings, Requirements and Test Code ANSI C76.1 Outlet and Inlet Connections (1965) CGA V-l- 1965 $7.0 ANSI B57.1 Outlying Observations (6/74) NRC RG 5.36 Output Signal (4-74) ERDA RDT C6-2T Outside Diameter Light-Wall Austenitic Chromium Nickel ASTM A409 Outside Reactors (1975) ANS-8.1 $10.00 Nuclear C ANSI N16.1 Outside Reactors (1/73) Nuclear C NRC RG 3.4 Over Fiberglass Insulation) (1-73) /El-P and Alumel, ERDA RDT C7-5T Over Fiberglass Insulation) (4-70) /N and Constantan, ERDA RDT C7-1T Over Fiberglass Insulation) (4/70) /Er and Constantan, ERDA RDT C7-3T Over Radioactive Material Shipments (6/75) /Trative Gu NRC RG 7.5 Overhead Crane Handling Systems for Nuclear Power Plant NRC RG 1.104 Overhead Traveling Crane ( 1 97 1 ) $3.00 CMAA 70 Overhead Traveling Cranes (1974) $3.00 Spec CMAA 74 Overload Protection for Electric Motors on Motor Operat NRC RG 1.106 Overpressure Protection Devices (10/73) NRC RG1.67 Over), Specification for (1974) $1.75 Electri ASTM A134 Oxidation-Reduction Potential of Water ( 1 970) $ 1 .75 ASTM D 1 498 Oxide as Used in Sheathed Type Electric Heating Element ASTM D2900 Oxide by Gallium Oxide Carrier DC Arc Technique, Method ANSI Z 128.27 Oxide by Gallium Oxide Carrier D-C Arc Technique, Meth ASTM E402 Oxide Carrier DC Arc Technique, Method for Spectrochemi ANSI Z128.27 Oxide Carrier D-C Arc Technique, Method for Spectroche ASTM E402 Oxide Fuel Analysis (7-73) Qualification ERDA RDT F2-6T Oxide Fuel Pellet (6-71) Amendment 1 (12-74) ERDA RDT E13-6T Oxide Fuel Pellets (1-73) ERDA RDT F 1 1 -6T Oxide Fuel (7-73) Amendment 1 (12-74) ERDA RDT FU-1T Oxide Insulated (2-75) Supersedes C 7-6T, (4-72), Am ERDA RDT C7-6T Oxide Insulated, Sheathed (4-70) Supersedes C7-14T, ( ERDA RDT C7-2T Oxide Insulated, Sheathed (4-70) Supersedes C7-14T, ( ERDA RDT C7-4T Oxide Insulated, Stainless Steel Sheathed (1-72) ERDA RDTC7-16T Oxide Powder ASTM C708-72a (1973) $1.75 ANSI N138 Oxide Powder (1972A) $1.75 ASTM C708 Oxide Powders, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectr ANSI N140 Oxide Powders, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectr ASTM C699 Oxide (1973) $1.75 Test for Consum ASTM D2033 Oxides ((U,Pu)O z ) (5/73) /Nalysis of Nuclear Grade Plu NRC RG 5.6 Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and ASTM C698 Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectro ANSI N139 Oxide, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2033- 1968 $1.75 ANSI N154 Oxide, Method of Testing (1973) ASTM D2 184- 1968 $1.75 ANSI N157 Oxide, Specification for (1973) ASTM D2032- 1968 $1.75 ANSI N153 Oxide, Spec, for ( 1968) (R1975) $1.75 ASTM D2032 Oxide, Standard Method of(1972)$1.75 ASTM D2 1 84 Oxidizing Substances in the Atmosphere (1970) $1.75 ASTM D2912 Oxygen Content Using a 14-MeV Neutron Activation and D ANSI N637 Oxygen Content Using a 14-MeV Neutron Activation and D ASTM E385 Oxygen in Waste Water (1974) $1.75 ASTM D1589 Oxygen in Water, Tests for ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 ASTM D888 Oxygen Meter for Service in Liquid Sodium (1-72) ERDA RDT C8-5T Oxygen-Hydrogen Meter Module for Service in Liquid Sod ERDA RDT E8-13T Ozone Cracking of Vulcanized Rubber (1971) ASTM Dl 149- ANSI J4.5 Packages for Dry Products (1972) $1.75 ASTM D3079 Packages for Shipment of Radioactive Materials (Issued ANSI N14.5 Packages for Shipment of Radioactive Materials (6/75) NRC RG 7.4 Packages for Type a Quantities of Radioactive Materials ANSI N14.7 Packages of Radioactive Material (5/75) NRC RG 7.3 Packages (1972) $1.75 ASTM D3078 Packaging and Transportation of Radioactively Contamina ANSI N14.3 Packaging and Transportation of Radioactively Contamina NRC RG 7.2 Packaging and Transporting Radioactive Material (6/74) NRC RG 7.1 Packaging of (1971) $6.75 ANSI N14.1 Packaging Requirements for Shipments of Radioactive Mat ANSI N14.10.3 Packaging Spec. (1975) $6.80 DOT 49CFR Packaging, Packing, and Marking of Components for Shipm ERDA RDT F7-2T Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of ANSI N45.2.2 Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling O NRC RG 1.38 Packing, and Marking of Components for Shipment and Sto ERDA RDT F7-2T (Paints) for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (6/75) Sele NRC RG 3.30 (Paints) for Light Water Nuclear Reactor Containment Fac ANSI NI01.2 (Paints) for the Nuclear Industry (1974) $14.00 ANSI N512 Pallets, Standard Methods of Testing (1973) $1.75 ASTM D1185 68 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Thermocouple Connectors and Thermocouple Connector Radiological Safety in the Design and Operation of 4) $1.75 Magnetic tographs for (1969) (R1973) ASTM E125-1963 $1./ Magnetic Wet Magnetic Definitions of Terms Relating to Magnetic 9-1963 (1971) $1.75 or Steel Castings (1971) $3.00 of (1973) ASTM D1943-1966 $1.75 73) ASTM D1890-1966 (1971) $1.75 ) $1.75 ) $1.75 , Test for (1970) $1.75 (1972) $1.75 C142-1971 $1.75 Dry Powder Magnetic Dry Alpha Beta Beta Alpha Test for Average Clay Lumps and Friable Alpha Emitting of Air Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for Removal of of Air Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for Removal of Scratch Hardness of Coarse Aggregate 974) $1.75 Testing and Certification of 972 $1.75 Methods of Sampling of Methods of Test for Physical and Chemical Properties of Tests for Physical and Chemical Properties of f Filtered Deposit) ( 1 969) $ 1 .75 Test for Std. Method for Sampling Stacks for ieee 200 $6.00 Electrical and Electronics Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe Flanges, and Valves and Preferred Limits and Fits for Cylindrical Marking of Components and onstruction, Arrangenent, and Other Provisions for Nuclear nuclides (1970) $4.00 Precautions in the Management of method of Test for (1972) $1.75 Determination of Fuel 7/ Determination of a Figure of Merit for Pu0 2 -U0 2 Fuel Absorber Pin Boron Carbide Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Insulator Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Mixed Oxide Fuel al Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Ceramographic Preparation Cf Mixed Oxide Fuel ical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide powders and cal Analysis O/ Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders nd cal Analysis/ Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and spectrochemical Analysis of / Uranium Dioxide Powders and spectrochemical Analysis O/ Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Reference Photographs for Liquid Definitions of Terms Relating to Liquid 165-1965 (1971) $1.75 Liquid 1, 3/10/71 Instrument Lines structures Amendment 1 (4-72), Amendment 2 (/ Electrical clear Fueled Power Generating Stations ( 1973)/ Electrical ter Cooled Nuclear Power Plants ( 10/73) Electric f Test for (1964) (R1969) ASTM C360-1963 $1.75 Ball for (1973) $1.75 (1972) (ASTM D1558-1971) / Method of Test for Moisture- t I (1-74) Shield Plug and Closure Cap for ations for (1973) ASTM E323-1970 $1.75 Standard for Preparation of Design Bases for Systems That sting Systems (1969) ASTM E3 1 1-1 Practice for Evaluating Film Badge Removal (1972) $1.75 Operating hod of Test for ( 1 963 ) ( R 1 969 ) ASTM C4 1 1 - 1 9/ Hot Surface y Monitoring Radioactivity in Effluents, Specification and Critical Experiments, Safety Guide for the 5) $2.95 for Television Receivers (1975) $2.95 for Cold-Cathode Gas Discharge Tubes (1975) $2.95 for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems and Their Major Components/ for Radiographic Equipment (1975) $2.95 for Fluoroscopic Equipment ( 1975) $2.95 for Cabinet X-Ray Systems (1975) $2.95 for X-Ray Baggage Inspection Systems (1975) $2.95 for Microwave and Radio Frequency Emitting Products ( 19/ 00 Film Badge irect Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X and Gamma Radiation, als and Prefabricated Silencers for Acoustical and Airflow Thermoluminescence Dosimetry-Environmental Application/ terns (6/76) system Actuation Functions (6/74) otection Systems, Criteria for the (1975) $5.00 ns (Safety Guide 22, 2/17/72) Metal Service (4-73) in Core ems (4-74) Supersedes C4-5T, (8-71) Panels (1-72) Amendment 1 (1-73) Particle Accelerators (1969) NBS Handbook 107 $3.00 Particle Examination of Steel Forgings, Method for (197 Particle Indications on Ferrous Castings, Reference Pho Particle Inspection (1971) $1.75 Particle Inspection (1974) $1.75 Particle Inspection, Method for (1969) (R1973) ASTM E10 Particle Magnetic Inspection Method, Quality Standard F Particle Radioactivity of Water, Method of Measurement Particle Radioactivity of Water, Method of Test for (19 Particle Radioactivity of Water, Test for (1966) (R1971 Particle Radioactivity of Water, Test for ( 1966) (R 1971 Particle Size Distribution of Granular Activated Carbon Particle Size of Alumina and Silica by Air Permeability Particles in Aggregates, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM Particles in Lungs (1975) $3.00 Particles (1972) $2.50 Efficiency Testing Particles (1/73) Efficiency Testing Particles, Method of Test for (1968) $1.75 Particulate and Dissolved Matter in Water, Tests for ( 1 Particulate Clean Rooms (1970) $5.00 Particulate Ion Exchange Materials (1973) ASTM D2687-1 Particulate Ion Exchange Resins (1973) $1.75 ASTM D2187 Particulate Ion Exchange Resins (1974) $1.75 Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere (Optical Density O Particulate Matter (1973) ASTM D2928-1971 $1.75 Parts and Equipment, Reference Designations for (1975) Parts for General Service, Spec, for (1976) $1.75 Parts (1967) (R1974) $4.00 Parts (6-75) (Supersedes F7-3T, (11-74) Passenger Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $2.05 /L C Patients Who Have Received Therapeutic Amounts of Radio Peel or Stripping Strength of Adhesive Bonds, Standard Pellet Homogeneity by Alpha-Autoradiography (5-75) Pellet Homogeneity by Use of an Electron Microprobe (9- Pellet (5-73) Supersedes E6-30T, (8-71) Pellet (6-71) Pellet (6-71) Amendment 1 (12-74) Pellets and Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0 2 ) (5/73 Pellets (1-73) Pellets (2/9/73) / Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochem Pellets, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemi Pellets, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemi Pellets, Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Pellets, Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Penetrant Inspection (1971) $1.75 Penetrant Inspection (1974) $1.75 Penetrant Inspection, Methods for (1969) (R1973) ASTM E Penetrating Primary Reactor Containment (Safety Guide 1 Penetration Assemblies for Nuclear Reactor Containment Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nu Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Wa Penetration in Fresh Portland Cement Concrete, Method O Penetration of Liquids into Submerged Containers, Test Penetration Resistance Relations of Fine-Grained Soils Penetrations LMFBR Reactor Vessel Head (4-73) Amendmen Perforated-Plate Sieves for Testing Purposes, Specific Perform Protective Functions in Nuclear Power Generatin Performance Characteristics of Pulse Echo Ultrasonic Te Performance Criteria (2/2/73) Performance of Anion Exchange Materials for Strong Acid Performance of High Temperature Thermal Insulation, Met Performance of ( 1974) $5.00 /Mentation for Continuous! Performance of (1975) ANS-1 $8.00 Performance Stds. for Electronic Products: General (197 Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) Performance Test Code for Centrifugal Pumps ( 1965) $5.0 Performance Test Code for Displacement Pumps ( 1962) $4. Performance, Criteria for (1972) $4.25 Performance, Specification for (1972) $3.00 /G and Ind Performance, Testing (1973) $1.75 Duct Liner Materi Performance, Testing, and Procedural Specifications for Perimeter Intrusion Alarm Systems (1/75) Periodic Testing of Electrical Power and Protection Sys Periodic Testing of Fuel Reprocessing Plant Protection Periodic Testing of Nuclear Power Generating Station Pr Periodic Testing of Protection System Actuation Functio Permanent Magnet Flow Through Type Flowmeter for Liquid Permanent Magnet Flowmeter for Liquid Metal Piping Syst ERDA RDT C7-15T ANSI N43.1 ASTM A275 ANSI Z166.4 ASTM E138 ASTM E269 ANSI Z166.1 MSS SP-53 ANSI N152 ANSI N151 ASTM D1890 ASTM D1943 ASTM D2862 ASTM C721 ANSI A37.28 NCRP R46 ANSI N101.1 NRC RG 3.2 ASTM C235 ASTM D1888 IES CS-6T ANSI Zl 1 1.12 ANSI. Zlll.11 ASTM D2187 ASTM D1704 ANSI Z257.3 ANSI Y32.16 ASTM A181 ANSI B4.1 ERDA RDT F7-3T USCG 46CFR79 NCRP R37 ASTM D903 ERDA RDT F11-5T ERDA RDT F11-4T ERDA RDT E6-30T ERDA RDT E13-7T ERDA RDT E13-6T NRC RG 5.6 ERDA RDT F11-6T NRC RG 5.5 ASTM C696 ASTM C697 ANSI N103 ANSI N104 ASTM E433 ASTM E270 ANSI Z166.9 NRC RG 1.11 ERDA RDT P3-1T ANSI N45.3 NRC RG 1.63 ANSI A37.92 ASTM D998 ANSI A37.157 ERDA RDT E2-4T ANSI Z168.12 ANSI N18.8 ANSI Z166.21 NRC RG 8.3 ASTM D3087 ANSI Z98.23 ANSI N13.10 ANSI N405 BRH 21CFR1010 BRH 21CFR1020A BRH 21CFR1020B BRH 21CFR1020C BRH 21CFR1020D BRH 21CFR1020E BRH 21CFR1020F BRH 21CFR1020G BRH 21CFR1030 ASME PTC8.2 ASME PTC7.1 ANSI N13.7 ANSI N13.5 ASTM E477 ANSI N545 NRC RG 5.44 NRC RG 1.118 NRC RG 3.22 IEEE 338 NRC RG 1.22 ERDA RDT C4-6T ERDA RDT C4-5T Standards Application and Analysis Division 69 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards .75 Test for Consumption of Potassium fTestfor (1973) ASTM D2033-1/ Consumption of Potassium , Test for (1969) $1.75 Maximum Pore Diameter and Test for Hydrogen est for Average Particle Size of Alumina and Silica by Air trations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water Fo/ Maximum in Water Fo/ Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum ff in Connection with Its Antitrust Review of Construction tive Guid/ Obtaining Department of Transportation Special aterial Access Areas (6/73) Control of Std. Relating to 00 Selection and Training of la/ Qualifications of Inspection, Examination and Testing an 20 MeV (1976) $3.50 practice for $10.50 Nondestructive Testing ity Safety Controls in Operations Where Shielding Protects f Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examination, and Testing Complication of Reporting Requirements for ration of an Environmental Report to Support a Rule Making c. Practice for (1973) $1.75 Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake Measurements Using a Neck dine Compounds (10-73) Supersedes M16-1T, (6-72) Gas 2.00 High Efficiency Gas Recommended Practice for Liquid ural Concrete and Structural Steel During the Construction Housekeeping During the Construction on, Examination and Testing Personnel for the Construction Systems and Associated Components During the Construction ural Concrete and Structural Steel During the Construction g of Mechanical Equipment and Systems for the Construction fety Analysis Reports: Quality Assurance During Operations of Items for Nuclear Power Plants (During the Construction ure as Low as Is Reasonably Achievable (Revisi/ Operating Review of the Current State of Radiation Protection 2.00 Recommendations for Waste Disposal of 2—1962 (1968) $1.75 Analysis of 5 Reference gnetic Particle Indications on Ferrous Castings, Reference Metals and Alloys (Including M/ Recommended Practice for Test for Nickel on Steel by Copper Base Alloys (1975) $1.75 commended Practice for (1974) $1.75 and Potassium in Water and Water Formed Deposits by Flame ary for Scintillation Count/ Standard Test Procedures for ed Ch/ Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Measurement of Neutron Flux and Spectra for hange Resins (1973) $1.75 ASTM D2187/ Methods of Test for hange Resins (1974) $1.75 Tests for Safety Color Code for Marking 1. 1/75) Conduct of Nuclear Material ity in Air of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles by , Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and , Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and al (5/75) Procedures for Method of Test for Lightweight t for Load Settlement Relationship for Individual Vertical -71.) Absorber Fast Flux Facility Driver Fuel 6-25T, (11-71) Control Rod Absorber Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel ) Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Fast Flux Facility Driver Fuel Electric Heaters: Simulated LMFBR Fuel 1.75 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Seamless or / Supplementary Requirements for Nickel Alloy Seamless ementary Requirements for ( 1970) $/ Nickel Alloy Seamless Specification for Nickel Seamless ecification for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Seamless Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Seamless ion for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy (UNS N08800) Seamless Specification for Seamless Copper-Nickel ts) (7-75) / Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Seamless d for (1974) $1.75 Ultrasonic Inspection of Metal ons. Specification for (1974) A/ Special Requirements for ons / Standard Specification for Special Requirements for nts) (7-75) Super/ Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Permanganate by Impurities in Deuterium Oxide (1973) $1 Permanganate by Impurities in Deuterium Oxide, Method O Permeability of Rigid Porous Filters for Laboratory Use Permeability of Rubber Coated Fabrics (1973) $1.75 Permeability (1972) $1.75 Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concen Permissible Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and Permit Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision Permits for Radioactive Materials Shipments, Administra Personnel Access to Protected Areas, Vital Areas, and M Personnel Dosimeter Service (1971) $0.50 Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants (1971) ANS-3.1 $10. Personnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power P Personnel Neutron Dosimeters (Neutron Energies) Less th Personnel Neutron Dosimeters (6/76) Personnel Qualification and Certification, Recommended Personnel Selection and Training (Revision 1, 1/9/75) Personnel (1975) ANS 8.10 $8.00 / for Nuclear Critical Personnel (8/73) Qualification O Persons Subject to NRC Regulations (Revision 2, 8/75) Petition Seeking an Exemption for a Radionuclide-Conta Petrographic Examimation of Aggregates for Concrete, Re Phantom (1973) $3.00 Phase Adsorbents for Trapping Radioactive Iodine and Io Phase Adsorber Cells-Including Amendment 1973 (1972) $ Phase Evaluation of Activated Carbon (1970) $1.75 Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 4/76) /Ruct Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973) $4.00 Phase of Nuclear Power Plants ( 1973) $4.00 /F Inspecti Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973) $4.00 /G of Fluid Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1974) $4.50 / of Struct Phase of Nuclear Power Plants, Supplementary Quality as Phase (12/74) Information for SA Phase) ( 1972) $4.50 / Receiving, Storage and Handling Philosophy for Maintaining Occupational Radiation Expos Philosophy (1975) $3.00 Phosphorus-32 and Iodine-131 for Medical Use (1951) $ Phosphorus-32, Methods for Analysis of (1973) ASTM El 8 Phosphorus-32, Methods for (1974) $1.75 Photographs for Liquid Penetrant Inspection (1971) $1.7 Photographs for ( 1969) (R 1973) ASTM El 25- 1963 $1.75 Photography as Applied to Preparation of Micrographs of Photometric Analysis (1972) $1.75 Photometric Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper and Photometric Methods for Chemical Analysis of Metals, Re Photometry, Tests for ( 1 97 1 ) $1.75 Sodium Photo-Multipliers for Scintillation Counting and Gloss Physical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intend Physical and Biological Applications (1960) $2.00 Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion Exc Physical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion Exc Physical Hazards ( 1971 ) $3.00 Physical Independendence of Electric Systems (Revision Physical Inventories of Nuclear Materials (1972) $3.25 Physical Inventories (1 1/73) Physical Measurements, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C Physical Tests on (1972) $1.75 /Xide Powders, Chemical Physical Tests on (197.3) ASTM C699-1972 $1.75 /Emical Picking Up and Receiving Packages of Radioactive Materi Pieces in Aggregate (1970) ASTM C123-1969 $1.75 Piles Under Static Axial Load (1974) $1.75 Tes Pin Boron Carbide Pellet (5-73) Supersedes E6-30T, (8 Pin End Caps (6-71) Pin for Liquid Metal Fast Reactors (5-73) Supersedes E Pin Insulator Pellet (6-71) Pin Mixed Oxide Fuel Pellet (6-71) Amendment 1 (12-74 Pin Plenum Spacer (6-71) Pin Plenum Spring (6-71) Pin Reflectors (6-71) Pin Seamless Cladding Tube (6-71 ) Pin Wrap Wire (6-71) Pin (6-71) Pins (3-72) Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube (1974) ASTM B241 1973 $ Pipe and Tube for Nuclear Applications, Specification F Pipe and Tube for Nuclear Applications, Spec, for Suppl Pipe and Tube ( 1 97 1 ) ASTM B 1 67- 1 970 $ 1 .75 Pipe and Tube (1971) $1.75 Sp Pipe and Tube (1973) ASTM B167-1970 $1.75 Pipe and Tube (1974) $1.75 Specificat Pipe and Tube (1975) $1.75 Pipe and Tubes (ASME SB-167 with Additional Requiremen Pipe and Tubing for Longitudinal Discontinuities, Metho Pipe and Tubing for Nuclear and Other Special Applicati Pipe and Tubing for Nuclear and Other Special Applicati Pipe and Tubing (ASME SB-407 with Additional Requireme ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM NCRP NCRP NRC ANSI NRC NSF ANSI ANSI ANSI NRC ASNT NRC ANSI NRC NRC NRC ASTM ANSI ERDA IES ASTM NRC ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI NRC ANSI NRC NCRP NCRP ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ACGIH NCRP ANSI ASTM ANSI NRC ANSI NRC ANSI ASTM ANSI NRC ANSI ASTM ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ERDA ASTM ANSI ASTM ERDA D2033 N154 E128 D815 C721 R22 R22 RG 9.2 N14.10.2 RG 5.7 16 N18.1 N45.2.6 N319 RG 8.14 SNT-TC-1A RG 1.8 N16.8 RG 1.58 RG 10.1 RG 6.7 C295 N44.3 RDT M16-1T CS-8T D2355 RG 1.94 N45.2.3 N45.2.6 N45.2.1 N45.2.5 N45.2.8 RG 1.70.11 N45.2.2 RG 8.10 R43 R9 N149 E182 E433 Z166.4 E2 C715 E62 E60 D1428 N42.9 *1 R23 Zlll.ll D2187 Z53.1 RG 1.75 N15.3 RG 5.13 K90.2 C699 N140 RG 7.3 A37.25 D1143 RDT E6-30T RDT E13-9T RDT E6-25T RDT E13-7T RDT E13-6T RDT E13-11 RDT E13-12 RDT E13-10 RDT E13-8T RDT E13-13 RDT E13-5T RDT P4-1T H38.7 H34.29 B513 H34.1 B165 H34.3 B407 B466 RDT M3-10T E213 N564 A655 RDT M3-9T 70 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards onic Inspection of Longitudinal and Spiral Welds of Welded $ l .75 Density of Preformed Dimensions of Plastic es and Fittings (1974) $2./ Finishes for Contact Faces of Spec, for (1976) $1.75 Forged or Rolled Steel Steel A671-/ Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel iameter Light-Wall Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel ) $1.75 Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel ification for (1974) $1.75 Seamless Austenitic Steel 974A) $1.75 Seamless-Ferritic Alloy Steel ic-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Alloy Steel 975) $1.75 Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored 975) $1.75 Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel 975) $1.75 Austenitic Steel Forged and Bored 975) $1.75 Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel ture (1967) $4.00 966) $4.00 rvice (5-72) C335-1969 $1.75 Thermal Conductivity of rements) (4-75) Super/ Austenitic Stainless Steel Welded fabricated Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipment and fabricated Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipment and tion of Nuclear Power Plants Against Effects of Postulated uirements) (6-71) Amendment / Calcium Silicate Block and Calcium Silicate Block and Malleable Iron Threaded Protection Against ) Supersedes M3-1T, (5-73) Carbon Steel Seamless ) Supersedes M 3-1 IT,/ Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Welded ) Supersedes M3-6T, (1 1-73) Austenitic Stainless Steel ) Supersedes M3-16T, (8-75) Carbon and Alloy Steel ) Supersedes M3-12T, (12-/ Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel ) Supersedes M/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Welded 4) Supersedes M3-3T/ Austenitic Stainless Steel Seamless ) Supersedes M 3-3 IT,/ Stainless Steel Centrifugally Cast $1.75 Electric-Fusion (Arc)- Welded Steel Plate Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Specification for Welded and Seamless Steel Specification for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Specification for Standard Sizes of Seamless Copper Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Qualification of Welding Procedures and Welders for ments) (7-75) Supersedes M2-/ Carbon Steel Forgings for and Low Alloy Steel, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for for Low Temperature Service (1975) $1.75 Std. Spec, for Nuclear Power mendment 1 (11-72), Ame/ Fabrication and Installation of 3.00 Identification of 2 (6-74) Mixing Component for Liquid Metal Permanent Magnet Flowmeter for Liquid Metal Nuclear Power Spray Pond Plastic Power Nuclear Power Nuclear Power s for Liquid Metal Service (5-74) Test for Average Velocity in a Duct 72) $1.75 Moisture Content of Soil and Soil Aggregate in of Test for Moisture Content of Soil and Soil Aggregate in 71 ) $1.75 Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in 1971) $1.75 Method of Test for Density of Soil in Concrete pecified Limiting Values, Recommended P/ Indicating Which $2.75 Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and petrification Fo/ Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of 75) $1.75 Specification for Deformed and s for Structural Steel Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and Method of (1974) $1.75 Test for Emergency 57-1967 $1.75 Rec. Practice for Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Emergency Acceptance Sampling e, Testing, and Replacement of Large Stationary Type Power II ($65.00) General Requirements for Nuclear Power 0) Nuclear Power Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Appendices to Sec. Ill Div. 1 , Nuclear Power on for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess sumptions for Evaluating the Habitability of Nuclear Power rine Release (2/75) Protection of Nuclear Power Comment ANS 58.1 $12.00 Draft Standard for /73) Qualification of Nuclear Power Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Pipe and Tubing (1969) ASTM E273-1968 $1.75 /R Ultras Pipe Covering Type Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972) Pipe Fittings, Symbols for (1968) (R1973) $1.75 Pipe Flanges and Connecting End Flanges of Ferrous Valv Pipe Flanges, and Valves and Parts for General Service, Pipe Flanges, Flanged Valves and Fittings (1973) $12.00 Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures ( 1974) ASTM Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperature Service, Specifi Pipe for High Pressure Service, Specification for (1975 Pipe for High Temperature Central Station Service, Spec Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1 Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1 Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1 Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1 Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1 Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1 Pipe for Low Temperature Service (1975) $1.75 Pipe Hangers and Supports-Material, Design and Manufac Pipe Hangers and Supports-Selection and Application ( 1 Pipe Hangers, Supports and Snubbers for Liquid Metal Se Pipe Insulation, Method of Test for (1967) (R1969) ASTM Pipe Large Diameter (ASME SA-358 with Additional Requi Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above Ambient Air (1972) Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above Ambient Air ( 1974) Pipe Rupture (Issued for Trial Use and Comment) ANS 55. Pipe Thermal Insulation (ASTM C 533 with Additional Req Pipe Thermal Insulation, Specification for (1972) $1.75 Pipe Threads (Except Dryseal) (1968) $4.75 Pipe Unions 150, 250, and 300 lbs. (1970) $3.00 Pipe Whip Inside Containment (5/73) Pipe (ASME SA-106 with Additional Requirements) (7-75 Pipe (ASME SA-155 with Additional Requirements) (5-75 Pipe (ASME SA-312 with Additional Requirements) (3-75 Pipe (ASME SA-333 with Additional Requirements) (4-76 Pipe (ASME SA-335 with Additional Requirements) (4-76 Pipe (ASME SA-358 with Additional Requirements) (7-75 Pipe (ASME SA-376 with Additional Requirements) (11-7 Pipe (ASME SA-45 1 with Additional Requirements) (4-76 Pipe (Sizes 16 in. and Over), Specification for (1974) Pipe (1973A) $1.75 Pipe (1973) $1.75 Pipe (1975) $1.75 Pipe (1975) $1.75 Pipe, Specification for ( 1 974 ) $ 1 .75 Piping and Tubing, Standard for (1969) $6.00 Piping Components (ASME SA-105 with Additional Require Piping Components ( 1974) $1.75 / for Forgings, Carbon Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel Piping Sold Separately (1971) $4.25 Piping Subassemblies for Liquid Metal Service (8-71) a Piping Systems by Color Coding, Scheme for the (1975) $ Piping Systems (11-71) Amendment 1 (12-73), Amendment Piping Systems (4-74) Supersedes C4-5T, (8-71) Piping with Addenda (1969) $19.00 Piping (12/73) Piping (1973) $40.00 Piping, Sold Separately (1971) $4.25 Piping, Sold Separately (1972) $1.25 Piston Rings of High Strength Alloys for Core Component (Pitot Tube Method) (1972) $1.75 Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depths), Test for (19 Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) (1972) $1.75 ( Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth), Tests for (19 Place by the Drive Cylinder Method (1972) (ASTM D2937- Placement in Category 1 Structures (6/73) Places of Figures Are to Be Considered Significant in S Placing of Concrete, Practice for (1973) ACI 304-1973 Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special Applications, S Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (19 Plain Hardened Washers, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials, Planning for Nuclear Power Plants ( 1 1/75) Planning the Sampling of the Atmosphere (1973) ASTM D13 Planning (12/74) Plans (11-73) Plant and Substation Lead Storage Batteries, Rec. Pract Plant Components Div. I and Div. 2 (1977) bd ($40.00), Plant Components Supports (1977) bd ($30.00), 11 ($40.0 Plant Components (1977) bd ($60.00); II ($90.00) Plant Components (1977) bd ($70.00) 11 ($90.00) Plant Conditions During and Following an Accident (12/7 Plant Control Room During a Postulated Hazardous Chemic Plant Control Room Operators Against an Accidental Chlo Plant Design Against Missiles-Issued for Trial Use and Plant Inspection, Examination, and Testing Personnel (8 Plant Procedures (5/75) ANSI Z166.18 ASTM C302 ASTM D2749 MSS SP-6 ASTM A181 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B125.53 ASTM A409 ASTM A155 ASTM A376 ASTM A335 ASTM A358 ASTM A369 ASTM A426 ASTM A430 ASTM A451 ASTM A333 MSS SP-58 MSS SP-69 ERDA RDT E7-6T ANSI Z98.3 ERDA RDT M3-7T ASTM C667 . ANSI Z98.48 ANSI N176 ERDA RDT M12-2T ASTM C533 ANSI B2.1 MSS SP-76 NRC RG 1.46 ERDA RDT M3-1T ERDA RDT M3-I1T ERDA RDT M3-6T ERDA RDT M3-16T ERDA RDT M3-12T ERDA RDT M3-17T ERDA RDT M3-3T ERDA RDT M3-31T ASTM A134 ASTM A135 ASTM A53 ASTM A530 ASTM B42 ASTM A312 AWS D10.9 ERDA RDT M2-1T ASTM A350 ASTM A420 ANSI B31.7C ERDA RDT F6-11T ANSI A13.1 ERDA RDT E7-4T ERDA RDT C4-5T ANSI B31.7 NRC RG 1.72 ANSI B31.1 ANSI B31.7B ANSI B31.7A ERDA RDT E6-40T ASTM D3154 ASTM D3017 ANSI A37.184 ASTM D2922 ANSI A37.181 NRC RG 1.55 ASTM E29 ANSI A186.1 ANSI G35.25 ASTM A615 ASTM A325 ASTM E399 NRC RG 1.101 ANSI Z257.1 NRC RG 1.70.14 ERDA RDT F2-7T IEEE 450 ASME SEC-III-R ASME SEC-IIINF ASME SEC-XI ASME SEC-III-A NRC RG 1.97 NRC RG 1.78 NRC RG 1.95 ANSI N177 NRC RG 1.58 NRC RG 1.70.31 Standards Application and Analysis Division 71 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Guidance on the License Application, Siting, Design, and Plan Periodic Testing of Fuel Reprocessing Plan Supplementary Criteria and Requirements for RDT Reactor Plan lication of the Single-Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Plan Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plan ypassed and Inoperable Status Indication for Nuclear Power Plan Plan lated to Occur on Transportation Routes Near Nuclear Power Plan material Handling and Storage Facilities in a Reprocessing Plan Class 1 Components for Nuclear Power Plan Class 3 Components for Nuclear Power Plan Class MC Components for Nuclear Power Plan Class 2 Components for Nuclear Power Plan dance on Being Operator at the Controls of a Nuclear Power Plan Standard for Design Basis for Protection of Nuclear Power Plan Protection of Nuclear Plan ality Assurance Program Requirements for Fuel Reprocessing Plan ing in Areas of Limited Accessibility in Fuel Reprocessing Plan he Welding of Low Alloy Steel for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plan amination of Tubular Products for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plants Seismic Requirements for Design of Nuclear Power Plan ments for Protective Coatings Applied to Fuel Reprocessing Plan Safety Considerations for Nuclear Power Plan Instrumentation for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plan receiving. Storage and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plan pated Transients Without Trip on Pressurized Water Reactor Plan ge Control Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plan Power Levels of Nuclear Power Plan esign Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plan information: Hydroiogical Considerations for Nuclear Power Plan nd Shutdown Electric Systems for Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plan Monitoring Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear Power Plan g Plants and for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plan Design Basis Floods for Nuclear Power Plan tural Steel During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plan r Safety-Related Electric Power Systems for Nuclear Power Plan Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plan Nuclear Material Control Systems for Nuclear Power Plan view of Construction Permit Applications for Nuclear Power Plan and Adsorption Units of Light— Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plan ranee Program Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plan t and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plan Ultimate Heat Sink for Nuclear Power Plan radioactive-Waste-Containing Components of Nuclear Power Plan Damping Values for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plan ide for Acceptable Waste Storage Methods at UF 6 Production Plan assification for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plan s in Containment Structures for Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plan review of Operating License Applications for Nuclear Power Plan Flood Protection for Nuclear Power Plan Qualification of Class 1 E Equipment for Nuclear Power Plan Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plan Concrete Radiation Shields for Nuclear Power Plan filtration Systems and Containment Sumps for Nuclear Power Plan ty Analysis Reports: Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Plan Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plan ter and Condensate Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Power Plan Radiation Protection in Nuclear Reactor Fuel Fabrication Plan Inservice Testing of Valves in Nuclear Power Plan Inservice Testing of Pumps in Nuclear Power Plan Selection and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plan Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Plan Administrative Controls for Nuclear Power Plan ria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Reactor Plants ousekeeping During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plan ting Personnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plan Components During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plan Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Plan Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria for Nuclear Power Plan maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants (1974) $4.00 tural Steel During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1974) $4.50 ity Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants (1974) $5.50 ria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water Reacjor Plants ( 1975) $5.50 ection Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (1/74) perators Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Plants (1/74) applications for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants ( 1/76) Earthquake Instrumentation for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Confinement Barriers and Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Reporting of Operating Information for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Process Offgas Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) ormation: Fire Protection Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants (2/74) d Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/75) Overhead Crane Handling Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (2/76) Housekeeping Requirements for Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) rage, and Handling of Items for Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) ailed Inside the Containment of Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) Protection for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Protection System Actuation Functions (6/74) Protection Systems (12-69) Protection Systems (6/73) App Quality Assurance Records (Revision 1, 12/75) Safety Systems (5/73) Security Duties (1/75) Sites (1/75) Evaluation of Explosions Postu (1975) $7.50 /Ives for Highly Radioactive Solid (1977) bd ($55.00), 11 ($85.00) (1977) bd ($55.00), II ($85.00) (1977) bd ($55.00), 11 ($85.00) (1977) bd ($55.00), ($85.00) (2/76) Gui s Against Effects of Postulated Pipe Rupture (Issu s Against Industrial Sabotage (Revision 1, 6/73) s and for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabricatio s and in Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication s and in Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication and in Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication s and Test Facilities (1-74) s and to Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication s on Merchant Ships (1965) $7.50 s to Assess Plant Conditions During and Following s (During the Construction Phase) ( 1972) $4.50 / s (Issued for Trial Use and Comment) $10.00 /Tici s (Revision 1, (6/76) s (Revision 1, 12/73) s (Revision 1, 12/73) s (Revision 1, 1/75) s (Revision 1, 1/75) s (Revision 1, 2/75) s (Revision 1, 3/74) s (Revision 1, 4/76) s (Revision 1, 4/76) s (Revision 1, 6/73) s (Revision 1, 6/74) s (Revision 1, 6/75) s (Revision 1, 6/76) s (Revision 1, 7/76) s (Revision 2, (6/76) s (Revision 2, (9/75) s (Revision 2, 1/76) s (Revision 3, 2/76) (10/73) s (10/73) s (10/73) s (10/73) s (10/74) s (10/75 s (11/74) s (1 1/75) s (12/73) s (12/73) s (12/74) s (12/75) s (12/75) s (1963) $5.50 s (1970) $2.25 s (1970) $2.75 :s (1971) ANS-3.1 $10.00 s (1971) $4.00 s (1972) ANS-3.2 $10.00 (1973) ANS-51.1 $30.50 s (1973) $4.00 s ( 1973) $4.00 /F Inspection, Examination and Tes s (1973) $4.00 /G of Fluid Systems and Associated s (1973) (ANS-3.3) $10.00 s (1974) ANS 2.2 $10.00 /Nts for Collection, Storage, and / of Structural Concrete and Struc Qual Standard Nuclear Safety Crite General Fire Prot Qualification Tests of Electric Valve O Standard Format and Content of License /Team Isolation Valve Leaka Additional Shared Emergency a Programs for /Ements for Fuel Reprocessin /Ructural Concrete and Struc Criteria Fo /Ive Materials in Liquid and /Ction with Its Antitrust Re /Anup System Air Filtration Quality Assu Standard Forma / for Water-, Steam-, and Gu Seismic Design CI Electric Penetration Assemblie /Taff in Connection with Its Antitrust Additional Information: Air Information for Safe / and Initial Startup Testing of Feedwa Nuclear Safety Crite Additional Inf Standard Format an / Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Sto /Ests of Continuous-Duty Motors Inst NRC NRC ERDA NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ANSI ASME ASME ASME ASME NRC ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ERDA NRC SNAME NRC ANSI ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ANSI ASME ASME ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC RG 3.24 RG 3.22 RDT C16-1T RG 1.53 RG 1.88 RG 1.47 RG 5.43 RG 1.91 N305 SEC-IIINB SEC-IIIND SEC-IIINE SEC-IIINC RG 1.114 N176 RG 1.17 RG 3.3 RG 3.28 RG 3.29 RG 3.36 RDT F9-2T RG 3.21 3-18 RG 1.97 N45.2.2 N661 RG 1.96 RG 1.49 RG 1.60 RG 1.70.1 RG 1.81 RG 4.1 RG 3.3 RG 1.59 RG 1.94 RG 1.32 RG 1.21 RG 5.29 RG 9.2 RG 1.52 RG 1.64 RG 1.70 RG 1.27 RG 1.26 RG 1.61 RG 3.13 RG 3.14 RG 1.63 RG 9.3 RG 1.102 RG 1.89 RG 1.101 RG 1.69 RG 1.70.2 RG 1.70.15 RG 4.8 RG 1.68.1 N7.2 PTC 3 4 PTC35 N18.1 N45.2 N18.7 N18.2 N45.2.3 N45.2.6 N45.2.1 N18.17 N18.5 N45.2.9 N45.2.5 N45.2.11 N18.2A RG 3.16 RG 1.73 RG 3.39 RG 3.17 RG 3.18 RG 3.19 RG 3.20 RG 1.70.4 RG 3.26 RG 1.104 RG 1.39 RG 1.38 RG 1.40 72 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards s and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power es and Vapors in Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication ng Plants and to Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication smic Qualification of Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Content of Technical Specifications for Fuel Reprocessing Design Basis Tornado for Nuclear Power Information: Water Level (Flood) Design for Nuclear Power ds in the Liners of Concrete Barriers in Fuel Reprocessing ng Plants and in Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication ng Plants and in Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication design Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Protective Coatings Applied to Water Cooled Nuclear Power ency Measures for Uranium and Plutonium Fuel Manufacturing tion of Protective Coatings (Paints) for Fuel Reprocessing Fire Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power General Fire Protection Guide for Fuel Reprocessing ation Systems of Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Geography and Demography Considerations for Nuclear Power ng Plants and in Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Emergency Water Supply Systems for Fuel Reprocessing austenitic Stainless Steel Components of Fuel Reprocessing riteria for the Design of Stationary Boiling Water Reactor nt for Water Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power Generating Testing Biological Sheilding in Nuclear Power nt and Systems for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Dimensions of Spray Pond ) Fiberglass-Reinforced for ( 1 974 ) $ 1 .75 Polyethylene .75 Carbon Black in Ethylene .75 Environmental Stress-Cracking of Ethylene Flammability of Self-Supporting Measuring Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion (1975A)$1.75 Copper-Nickel Alloy ) ASTM B509-/ Supplementary Requirements for Nickel Alloy Requirements for (1970) $1.75 Nickel Alloy $1.75 Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and ASTM B3/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and 1974) $1.75 Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel 1973) ASTM E323-1970 $1.75 Perforated- 75) Supers/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Sheet and Nondestructive Assay of High Enrichment Uranium Fuel ) ASTM A647-19/ Spec, for Special Requirements for Steel ification for Special Requirements for ( 1973) $1.7/ Steel (1974A/ Longitudinal-Wave Ultrasonic Inspection of Steel requirements for (1975) $1.75 Steel $1.75 Molybdenum, Alloy Steel aight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel $1.75 Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel 1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Steel 75) Supersedes M5-5T, (7-71 ) Low Alloy Steel 75) Supersedes M5-2T, (5-73) Carbon Steel ments) (12-74) Supersedes M5-3T, (5-7/ Low Alloy Steel n for ( 1974A) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Molybdenum, Specification for (1972A) A/ Pressure Vessel ed, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Pressure Vessel e-Molybdenum-Nickel. Specification For/ Pressure Vessel lybdenum, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Pressure Vessel ine Percent Nickel (1974)/ Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel molybdenum and Mangane/ Specification for Pressure Vessel alt-Molybdenum-Chromium, Specification/ Pressure Vessel on Products Fabricated/ Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, erature Service, Specification for (1974/ Pressure Vessel Service, Specification for (1974A) $1.7/ Pressure Vessel pecification for (1974A) $1.75 Pressure Vessel rength, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Pressure Vessel for (1974A) $1.75 Pressure Vessel ication for (1975) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Examination of Steel research Reactors (Revision 1, / Quality Verification for 15.2 $8.50 Quality Control for Copper, Sheet, Strip, 3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0./ Alloy Sheet, Strip, and 3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0./ Alloy Sheet, Strip, and rmal Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Guarded Hot Corrosion-Resisting Chromium Steel Clad Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Austenitic Stainless Steel sure Ves/ Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel rements) (/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy equirements) ( 1 1-74) Supersedes M5-1T,/ Stainless Steel equirements) (1-75) Supers/ Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy equirements) (9-75) Supers/ Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy uirements) (1-72) Superse/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy ts) (8-75/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy b 168- 1970 $1.75 Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy /Quirements for Cleaning Fluid System Monitoring of Combustible Gas /Ive Coatings Applied to Fuel Reprocessi Sei Additional Nondestructive Examination of Wei / Alloy Steel for Use in Fuel Reprocessi /Imited Accessibility in Fuel Reprocessi Liquid Waste Treatment System Quality Assurance Requirements for Materials Protection Conting Selection, Application, and Inspec General Design Guide for Ventil Additional Information: /Lar Products for Use in Fuel Reprocessi Plants (3/16/73) Plants (3/73) Plants (3/74) Plants (3/76) Plants (4/73) Plants (4/74) Plants (5/74) Plants (5/75) Plants (5/75) Plants (5/75) Plants (6/73) Plants (6/73) Plants (6/74) Plants (6/75) Plants (6/76) Plants (6/76) Plants (8/73) Plants (8/74) Plants (8/75) Plants (9/75) Plants (9/75) /Ular Corrosion and Stress Corrosion in Plants: Issued for Trial Use and Comment ANS 52.1 $22.5 Plants, Fire Protection Criteria For, Issued for Trial Plants, Program for (1972) ANS-6.3 $5.00 Plants, Supplementary Quality Assurance Requirements Fo Plastic Pipe Fittings, Symbols for ( 1968) (R 1973) $1.75 Plastic Piping (12/73) Plastic Pressure Vessels (1977) bd ($40.00), II ($60.00 Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials, Specification Plastics, Method of Test for (1971) ASTM D 1603- 1968 $1 Plastics, Method of Test for (1971) ASTM D 1693- 1970 $1 Plastics, Test for (1974) $1.75 Plastometer (1973) $1.75 Plate and Sheet for Pressure Vessels, Specification for Plate for Nuclear Applications, Specification for (1971 Plate for Nuclear Applications, Spec, for Supplementary Plate for Nuclear Application, Specification for ( 1967) Plate for Nuclear Application, Specification for ( 1973) Plate Pipe (Sizes 16 in. and Over), Specification for ( Plate Sieves for Testing Purposes, Specifications for ( Plate (ASME SB -434 with Additional Requirements) (1/- Plates by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (9/74) Plates for Nuclear and Other Special Applications ( 1974 Plates for Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Spec Plates for Pressure Vessels, Method and Inspection for Plates for Pressure Vessels, Specification for General Plates for Pressure Vessels, Specification for ( 1974A) Plates for Special Applications, Specification for ( 197 Plates of Structural Quality, Specification for ( 1975) Plates (ASME SA-387 with Additional Requirements) (2- Plates (ASME SA-387 with Additional Requirements) (5- Plates (ASME SA-516 with Additional Requirements) (8- Plates (ASME SA-533 with Additional Additional Require Plates, Alloy Steel, Chromium-Molybdenum, Specificatio Plates, Alloy Steel, Five Percent Chromium, 0.5 Percent Plates, Alloy Steel, High Strength, Quenched and Temper Plates, Alloy Steel, Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganes Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered Chromium-Mo Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Eight and N Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Manganese- Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Nickel-Cob Plates, Bars and Strip, Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings Plates, Carbon Steel for Intermediate-and Higher-Temp Plates, Carbon Steel for Moderate and Lower Temperature Plates, Carbon Steel, Improved Transition Properties, S Plates, Carbon Steel, Low and Intermediate — Tensile St Plates, Carbon Steel, Manganese-Silicon, Specification Plates, Heat Treated Carbon-Manganese-Silicon, Specif Plates, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Elements for Use in Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Elements (1974) ANS Plate, and Rolled Bar, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Base-19Cr- Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Base-19Cr- Plate, Method of Test for (1975) ASTM CI 77- 1971 $1.75 Plate, Sheet and Strip, Specification for ( 1974A) $1.75 Plate, Sheet and Strip, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Core Components (3-73) Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusion-Welded Unfired Pres Plate, Sheet, and Strip (AMS 5596 with Additional Requi Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASME SA-240 with Additional R Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASME SB-168 with Additional R Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASME SB-409 with Additional R Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASTM B 352 with Additional Req Plate, Sheet, and Strip 5597 with Additional Requiremen Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1973) ASTM NRC RG 1.37 NRC RG 3.7 NRC RG 3.21 NRC RG 1.100 NRC RG 3.6 NRC RG 1.76 NRC RG 1.70.5 NRC RG 3.27 NRC RG 3.29 NRC RG 3.28 NRC RG 3.10 NRC RG 1.54 NRC RG 5.30 NRC RG 3.30 NRC RG 1.120 NRC RG 3.38 NRC RG 3.12 NRC RG 1.70.7 NRC RG 3.36 NRC RG 3.31 NRC RG 3.37 ANSI N212 ANSI N18.10 ANSI N18.9 ANSI N45.2.8 ASTM D2749 NRC RG 1.72 ASME SEC-X ASTM D1248 ANSI K65.89 ANSI K65.226 ASTM D635 ASTM D1238 ASTM B402 ANSI H34.33 ASTM B509 ASTM B352 ANSI N123 ASTM A134 ANSI Z168.12 ERDA RDT M5-8T NRC RG 5.38 ANSI N559 ASTM A647 ASTM A435 ASTM A20 ASTM A204 ANSI G35.25 ASTM A283 ERDA RDT M5-22T ERDA RDT M5-5T ERDA RDT M5-2T ERDA RDT M5-3T ASTM A387 ANSI G35.16 ASTM A517 ASTM A302 ASTM A542 ASTM A553 ASTM A533 ANSI G35.26 ANSI G8.1 ASTM A515 ASTM A516 ASTM A442 ASTM A285 ASTM A299 ASTM A537 ASTM A577 NRC RG 2.3 ANSI N398 ASTM B152 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.85 ANSI Z98.1 ASTM A263 ASTM B127 ERDA RDTM5-19T ASTM A240 ERDA RDT M5-21T ERDA RDT M5-1T ERDA RDT M5-4T ERDA RDT M5-7T ERDA RDT M5-6T ERDA RDT M5-20T ANSI H34.10 Standards Application and Analysis Division 73 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards B443-197/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy 5 Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel Clad b409-1973 $1.75 Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Nickel Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Steel Titanium and Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Columbium and Columbium Alloy Strip, Sheet, Foil, and Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium-Iron Alloy Sheet and Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloy Clad Steel Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Titanium and Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and rmal Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Guarded Hot lated, Std. Grade (8-72) Amendm/ Thermocouple Materials, 17T, (3-73) rade (8-72) Amendm/ Thermocouple Materials, Platinum and Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin sel Head (4-73) Amendment 1 (1-74) Shield Temperature and Liquid Level Control Monitor, Port ice Supersedes E4-I9T, (8-71) Classification of Unirradiated d of Test for (1973) ASTM E267-1970 $1.75 Uranium and d of Test for (1970) $1.75 Uranium and Methods for the Accountability of Specification for Nuclear Grade Sinterable ectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade pectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis/ Nuclear Grade ical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis O/ Fast Flux Test Facility Ceramic Grade Materials Protection Contingency Measures for Uranium and Test for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and est for (1973) ASTM / Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and of Test for (1974) $/ Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and / Method of Test for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and ction (6/74) Nondestructive Assay for radionuclides in the Environment: Sampling and Analysis of Control and Accountability of ctrometric, Spectr/ Grade Plutonium Nitrate Solutions and hemical. Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysi/ Nuclear Grade mical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade 72 $1.75 Nuclear Grade Nuclear Grade Fast Flux Facility d Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectr/ Grade Specification for emical Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Methods for the Accountability of emical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Grade 1.75 Program Requirements for Fuel Reprocessing Plants and for ) Seismic Design Classification for General Fire Protection Guide for Standard Format and Content of License Applications for Monitoring of Combustible Gases and Vapors in ective Coatings Applied to Fuel Reprocessing Plants and to f Limited Accessibility in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in low Alloy Steel for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Liquid Waste Treatment System Design Guide for General Design Guide for Ventilation Systems of ubular Products for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in In Situ Assay of Unirradiated Calorimetric Assay of control, Calibration Techniques Fo/ Calorimetric Assay of Differential Pressure Transmitter, e, Specification For/ Direct Reading and Indirect Reading Direct-Reading and Indirect-Reading lexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third specimens, Meth/ Static Young's Modulus of Elasticity and Food and Drugs: Subpart B, Statements of specification for (1974) $1.75 measurements ( 1968) (R197/ Calculation of Neutron Dose to classification System for (ASTM D2953-1971) (1973) $1.7/ classification System for (1971) $1.75 for ( 1 968 ) ( R 1 973 ) ASTM D 1 672- 1 966 ( 1 97 1 ) $/ Exposure of tice for (1966) (R1971) $1.75 Exposure of nsulation (1970) (ASTM D1674-1967) $/ Methods of Testing re for (1964) $3.80 Spray for Laboratory Use, Test for (1969) $1.75 Maximum pressive Strength of Undrained Rock Core Specimens Without 5 Maximum Pore Diameter and Permeability of Rigid 74) Temperature and Liquid Level Control Monitor, rial Contained, Method of Marking ( 1954) (R 1971 ) CGA C4 / of Test for Indentation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1973) (ASTM Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (I974A) $1.7 Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1974) ASTM Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Plate, Specification for (1973) ASTM B265-1972 $1.75 Plate, Specification for (1973) ASTM B393-1964 $1.75 Plate, Specification for (1973) ASTM B434-1971 $1.75 Plate, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Plate, Specification for (1974) ASTM B209-1973 $1.75 Plate, Spec, for (1974) $1.75 Plate, Test for (1971) $1.75 the Platinum and Platinum 10 Percent Rhodium Wires, Noninsu Platinum Resistance Thermometer (4-75) Supersedes C7- Platinum 10 Percent Rhodium Wires, Noninsulated, Std. G Plenum Spacer (6-71 ) Plenum Spring (6-71) Plug and Closure Cap for Penetrations LMFBR Reactor Ves Plug (Fabrication Only) (10-73) Amendment 1 (12-74) Plugging Temperature Indicator Assembly for Sodium Serv Plutonium and Uranium Scrap (12/20/72) Plutonium Concentrations and Isotopic Abundances, Metho Plutonium Concentrations and Isotopic Abundances, Metho Plutonium Dioxide Powder (12/74) Plutonium Dioxide Powder (1974A) $1.75 Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets and Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Mass S Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Methods for Chem Plutonium Dioxide (6-71) Plutonium Fuel Manufacturing Plants (6/74) Plutonium Fuel (Mass Spectrometric Method) (1974) $1.75 Plutonium Fuel (Mass Spectrometric Method), Method of T Plutonium Fuel (Neodymium 148 Method), Standard Method Plutonium Fuel (Neodymium-148 Method) (1973) ASTM E321 Plutonium in Scrap Material by Spontaneous Fission Dete Plutonium in Soil (5/74) Measurements of Plutonium in Waste Material (2/75) Plutonium Metal Standard Methods for Chemical, Mass Spe Plutonium Metal, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectroc Plutonium Metal, Methods for (1974) ASTM C758-1973 $1. Plutonium Metal, Specification for (1973) ASTM C701-19 Plutonium Metal, Spec, for (1972) $1.75 Plutonium Nitrate Solution (6-71) Plutonium Nitrate Solutions and Plutonium Metal Standar Plutonium Nitrate Solutions ASTM C7 10-72 (1973) $1.75 Plutonium Nitrate Solutions (1973) $1.75 /C, Spectroch Plutonium Nitrate Solutions (1/74) Plutonium Nitrate Solutions, Methods for (1974) ASTM C7 Plutonium Nitrate Solutions, Specification for (1973) $ Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (Revis Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (10/73 Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (1/74) Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (1/76) Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (3/73) Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (3/74) Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (5/75) Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (5/75) Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (6/73) Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (8/73) Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants ( 8/75 ) Plutonium Residual Holdup (5/74) Plutonium Scrap, Classification of (1972) $4.25 Plutonium (6/74) Plutonium-Bearing Solids Applied to Nuclear Materials Pneumatic or Electric Output Signal (4-74) Pocket Dosimeters for X and Gamma Radiation, Performanc Pocket Dosimeters (2/26/73) Point Loading), Method of Test for (1966) (R1973) ASTM Poisson's Ratio in Compression of Cylindrical Concrete Policy and Interpretation (1975) $2.95 Polyethylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials, Polymeric Materials and Application of Threshold-Foil Polymeric Materials for Service in Ionizing Radiation, Polymeric Materials for Service in Ionizing Radiation, Polymeric Materials to High Energy Radiation, Practice Polymeric Materials to High Energy Radiation, Rec. Prac Polymerizable Embedding Compounds Used for Electrical I Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators, Test Procedu Pond Plastic Piping (12/73) Pore Diameter and Permeability of Rigid Porous Filters Pore Pressure Measurements ( 1974) $1.75 / Triaxial Com Porous Filters for Laboratory Use, Test for (1969) $1.7 Port Plug (Fabrication Only) (10-73) Amendment 1 (12- Portable Compressed Gas Containers to Identify the Mate Portable Hardness Testers (1974) ASTM El 10 1972 $1.75 ANSI H34.19 ASTM A264 ANSI H34.40 ASTM A 167 ASTM B162 ASTM A 176 ANSI Z179.1 ANSI Z179.20 ANSI H34.44 ASTM A265 ANSI H38.2 ASTM B265 ASTM C177 ERDA RDT C7-7T ERDA RDTC7-17T ERDA RDT C7-7T ERDA RDT E13-11 ERDA RDT E13-12 ERDA RDT E2-4T ERDA RDT E6-10T ERDA RDT E4-19T NRC RG 5.2 ANSI Nl 15 ASTM E267 NRC RG 5.40 ASTM C757 NRC RG 5.6 ASTM C697 ANSI N104 ERDA RDT E13-1T NRC RG 5.30 ASTM E244 ANSI N108 ASTM E321 ANSI Nl 18 NRC RG 5.34 NRC RG 4.5 NRC RG 5.47 NRC RG 5.16 ASTM C758 ANSI N572 ANSI N136 ASTM C701 ERDA RDTE13-4T NRC RG 5.16 ANSI N137 ASTM C759 NRC RG 5.19 ANSI N573 ASTM C710 NRC RG 3.3 NRC RG 3.14 NRC RG 3.16 NRC RG 3.39 NRC RG 3.7 NRC RG 3.21 NRC RG 3.28 NRC RG 3.29 NRC RG 3.10 NRC RG 3.12 NRC RG 3.36 NRC RG 5.23 ANSI N15.10 NRC RG 5.35 ANSI N15.22 ERDA RDT C6-2T ANSI N13.5 NRC RG 8.4 ANSI A37.22 ANSI A37.94 BRH 21CFR1000B ASTM D1248 ASTM D2365 ANSI N4.1 ASTM D2953 ANSI C59.83 ASTM D1672 ANSI C59.47 IEEE 112A NRC RG 1.72 ASTM E128 ASTM D2664 ASTM E128 ERDA RDT E6-10T ANSI Z48.1 ANSI Zl 15.9 74 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Safety Requirements for Safety Requirements for fication of (1971) $4.40 .75 Fineness of r Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use in Sampling and Testing Fly Ash for Use as an Admixture in 969) ASTM C360-1963 $1.75 ' Ball Penetration in Fresh 75 Slump of Regulatory Staff Reciprocating ntainment Heat Removal System Pumps (Safety Guide 1,/ Net Habitability of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room During A for Protection of Nuclear Power Plants Against Effects of ar Power Plant Sites (1/75) Evaluation of Explosions or Vessels and Containments ( 1 1/75) ) Fabrication of Core Component hotometry. Tests for (1971) $1.75 Sodium and , Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2033-1/ Consumption of (1973) $1.75 Test for Consumption of ations (Mortar-Bar Method), Test for (1971) $1.75 Uranium by Controlled 17-1970 $1.75 Uranium by Controlled- Measuring Ground Resistance and Test for Oxidation-Reduction Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Assumptions Used for Evaluating the ASTM C289-1971 $1.75 accident in the Fuel/ t Accident for Boili/ t Accident for Press/ ter Reactor Radioact/ fgas System Failure / ak Accident for Boil/ ethod of Test for (1973 Specification for Nuclear Grade Beryllium Oxide (R1973) ASTM E109-1963 (1971) $1.75 Dry Methods for the Accountability of Plutonium Dioxide Specification for Nuclear Grade Beryllium Oxide specification for Nuclear Grade Sinterable Uranium Dioxide ecification for Nuclear Grade Sinterable Plutonium Dioxide pecification for Nuclear Grade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Specification for Nuclear Grade Boron Carbide pecification for Nuclear Grade, Sinterable Uranium Dioxide pectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide spectrochemical Analysis OV Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide spectrochemical Analysis/ Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dioxide metric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of / Uranium Dioxide metric, and Spectrochemical Analysis O/ Plutonium Dioxide cal Analysis Of, and Physical Tests on (/ Beryllium Oxide cal Analysis Of, and Physical Tests on (/ Beryllium Oxide Acid Insoluble Content of Copper and Iron Periodic Testing of Electrical (IEEE Std 262-1973), Including Draft Sup/ Distribution, .00), Loose-Leaf ($55.00) Recommended Rules for Care of 4 $5.00 Alternating Current tures and Equipment for Water Cooled and Moderated Nuclear or the (1975) $5.00 Periodic Testing of Nuclear ard Application of the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Definitions of Terms Used in IEEE Standards on Nuclear on Assemblies in Containment Structures for Nuclear Fueled lectric Cables, Field Splices, and Connections for Nuclear .279-1971 $4.00 Protection Systems for Nuclear . 308-1974 $4.00 Class IE Power Systems for Nuclear s for Systems That Perform Protective Functions in Nuclear Seismic Qualification of Electric Equipment for Nuclear class 1 Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear and Electric Equipment During the Construction of Nuclear erator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear ype Test of Class 1 Electrical Valve Operators for Nuclear Draft Std. for Class IE Control Switchboards for Nuclear (3/74) Design, Construction, and Use of Radioisotopic ) cation Standard (1975) $3.00 Self Operated and Stainless Steel Globe and Angle Valves, Manual and Stainless Steel Gate Valves, Manual and Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear tenance, Testing, and Replacement of Large Stationary Type .00), II ($65.00) General Requirements for Nuclear ($40.00) Nuclear Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Appendices to Sec. Ill Div. 1, Nuclear c/ Assumptions for Evaluating the Habitability of Nuclear I Chlorine Release (2/75) Protection of Nuclear Portable Metal Ladders (1972) $4.25 Portable Wood Ladders (1975) $5.00 Portable X or Gamma Radiation Survey Instruments, Speci Portland Cement by the Turbidimeter, Test for ( 1974) $1 Portland Cement Concrete (1973) ASTM C618— 1972 $1.75 Portland Cement Concrete (1974) $1.75 Portland Cement Concrete, Method of Test for (1964) (Rl Portland Cement Concrete, Method of Test for (1974) $1. Position Statement on Antitrust Matters ( 12/73) Positive Displacement Pump (3-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Positive Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Co Postulated Hazardous Chemical Release (6/74) /Ting the Postulated Pipe Rupture (Issued for Trial Use and Comme Postulated to Occur on Transportation Routes Near Nucle Post-Tensioned Prestressing Systems for Concrete React Pot for Liquid Metal Service (3-72) Amendment 1 (3-74 Potassium in Water and Water Formed Deposits by Flame P Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in Deuterium Oxide Potassium Permanganate by Impurities in Deuterium Oxide Potential Alkali Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate Combin Potential Coulometry, Method of Test for (1970) $1.75 Potential Coulometry, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM E2 Potential Gradients in the Earth, Guide for (1962) $3.6 Potential of Water (1970) $1.75 Potential Radiological Consequences of a Fuel Handling Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolan Potential Radiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolan Potential Radiological Consequences of a Pressurized Wa Potential Radiological Consequences of a Radioactive of Potential Radiological Consequences of a Steam Line Bre Potential Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Method), M Powder ASTM C708-72a (1973) $1.75 Powder Magnetic Particle Inspection, Method for (1969) Powder (12/74) Powder (1972A) $1.75 Powder (1973) $1.75 Powder (1974A) $1.75 Sp Powder (1974) ASTM C753-1973 $1.75 Powder (1974) $1.75 Powder (1975) ASTM C757-1974a $1.75 Powders and Pellets and Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U, Powders and Pellets (2/9/73) / Mass Spectrometric, and Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Powders and Pellets, Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectro Powders and Pellets, Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectro Powders, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemi Powders, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemi Powders, Test for (1974) $1.75 Power and Protection Systems (6/76) Power and Regulating Transformers, Test Code for ( 1973) Power Boilers Material Specifications ( 1977) Bound ($40 Power Boilers (1977) bd ($25.00), 11 ($30.00) Power Circuits, Surge Arresters for (1975) IEEE 28-197 Power Generating Plants, Fire Protection Criteria For, Power Generating Station Protection Systems, Criteria F Power Generating Station Protection Systems, Trial Use Power Generating Stations (1972) $4.00 Power Generating Stations (1973) IEEE 317-1972 $3.00 Power Generating Stations ( 1975) IEEE Std. 383-1974 $4 Power Generating Stations, Criteria for ( 1972) IEEE Std Power Generating Stations, Criteria for ( 1975) IEEE Std Power Generating Stations, Criteria (Issued for Trial U Power Generating Stations, Guide for (1975) $5.00 Power Generating Stations, Guide For, ( 1976) IEEE 334- Power Generating Stations, Installation, Inspection and Power Generating Stations, Trial Use Criteria (Issued F Power Generating Stations, Trial Use Guide (Issued for Power Generating Stations, (Trial Guide Issued for Use Power Generators for Certain Land and Sea Applications Power Levels of Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 12/73 Power Operated Safety Related Valves Functional Specifi Power Operated (3-72) Power Operated (3-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Power Piping Sold Separately ( 1971 ) $4.25 Power Piping with Addenda (1969) $19.00 Power Piping (1973) $40.00 Power Piping, Sold Separately (1971 ) $4.25 Power Piping, Sold Separately (1972) $1.25 Power Plant and Substation Lead Storage Batteries, Rec. Power Plant Components Div. I and Div. 2 ( 1977) bd ($40 Power Plant Components Supports (1977) bd ($30.00), II Power Plant Components (1977) bd ($60.00); 11 ($90.00) Power Plant Components (1977) bd ($70.00) II ($90.00) Power Plant Control Room During a Postulated Hazardous Power Plant Control Room Operators Against an Accidenta ANSI A14.2 ANSI A14.1 ANSI N13.4 ASTM CI 15 ANSI A37.122 ASTM C311 ANSI A37.92 ASTM C143 NRC RG 9.1 ERDA RDT E3-7T NRC RG 1.1 NRC RG 1.78 ANSI N176 NRC RG 1.91 NRC RG 1.103 ERDA RDT E6-34T ASTM D1428 ANSI N154 ASTM D2033 ASTM C227 ASTM E217 ANSI N106 IEEE 81 ASTM D1498 NRC RG 1.25 NRC RG 1.3 NRC RG 1.4 NRC RG 1.24 NRC RG 1.98 NRC RG 1.5 ANSI A37.133 ANSI N138 ANSI Z166.1 NRC RG 5.40 ASTM C708 ASTM C753 ASTM C757 ANSI N567 ASTM C750 ANSI N568 NRC RG 5.6 NRC RG 5.5 ASTM C696 ASTM C697 ANSI N103 ANSI N104 ANSI N140 ASTM C699 ASTM E194 NRC RG 1.118 ANSI C57.12.90 ASME SEC-I ASME SEC-VII ANSI C62.1 ANSI N18.10 IEEE 338 ANSI N41.2 IEEE 380 ANSI N45.3 ANSI N41.10 ANSI N42.7 ANSI N41.12 ANSI N18.8 IEEE 344 ANSI N41.9 ANSI N45.2.4 ANSI N41.13 ANSI N41.6 ANSI N41.17 NRC RG 6.3 NRC RG 1.49 ANSI N278.1 ERDA RDT E1-21T ERDA RDT E1-9T ANSI B31.7C ANSI B31.7 ANSI B31.1 ANSI B31.7B ANSI B31.7A IEEE 450 ASME SEC-IH-R ASME SEC-IIINF ASME SEC-XI ASME SEC-III-A NRC RG 1.78 NRC RG 1.95 Standards Application and Analysis Division 75 r KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards nel (8/73) Qualification of Nuclear Power Application of the Single-Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power 5) Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Bypassed and Inoperable Status Indication for Nuclear Power Postulated to Occur on Transportation Routes Near Nuclear Power Class 1 Components for Nuclear Power Class 3 Components for Nuclear Power Class MC Components for Nuclear Power Class 2 Components for Nuclear Power Guidance on Being Operator at the Controls of a Nuclear Power Draft Standard for Design Basis for Protection of Nuclear Power Seismic Requirements for Design of Nuclear Power Safety Considerations for Nuclear Power owing A/ Instrumentation for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power ping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Leakage Control Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Nuclear Power Power Levels of Nuclear Power Design Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power ional Information: Hydrological Considerations for Nuclear Power ency and Shutdown Electric Systems for Multi-Unit Nuclear Power ms for Monitoring Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear Power Design Basis Floods for Nuclear Power Structural Steel During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power ria for Safety-Related Electric Power Systems for Nuclear Power id and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Nuclear Material Control Systems for Nuclear Power ust Review of Construction Permit Applications for Nuclear Power ation and Adsorption Units of Light — Water Cooled Nuclear Power y Assurance Program Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Ultimate Heat Sink for Nuclear Power , and Radioactive-Waste-Containing Components of Nuclear Power Damping Values for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power emblies in Containment Structures for Water Cooled Nuclear Power trust Review of Operating License Applications for Nuclear Power Flood Protection for Nuclear Power Qualification of Class IE Equipment for Nuclear Power Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Concrete Radiation Shields for Nuclear Power : Air Filtration Systems and Containment Sumps for Nuclear Power r Safety Analysis Reports: Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Environmental Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power feedwater and Condensate Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Power Inservice Testing of Valves in Nuclear Power Inservice Testing of Pumps in Nuclear Power Selection and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Administrative Controls for Nuclear Power Housekeeping During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power nd Testing Personnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power ciated Components During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Earthquake Instrumentation Criteria for Nuclear Power , and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Structural Steel During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Quality Assurajce Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power alve Operators Installed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power al Information: Fire Protection Considerations for Nuclear Power Overhead Crane Handling Systems for Nuclear Power Housekeeping Requirements for Water Cooled Nuclear Power g, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water Cooled Nuclear Power s Installed Inside the Containment of Water Cooled Nuclear Power systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Seismic Qualification of Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Design Basis Tornado for Nuclear Power tional Information: Water Level (Flood) Design for Nuclear Power ts for Protective Coatings Applied to Water Cooled Nuclear Power Fire Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power ation: Geography and Demography Considerations for Nuclear Power Testing Biological Sheilding in Nuclear Power quipment and Systems for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Direct Current Power ational and Initial Startup Test Programs for Water Cooled Power bering of Fuel Assemblies for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power sis for Radwaste Systems for Light-Water — Cooled Nuclear Power in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Power ation Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably Achievable (Nuclear Power 974) $3.50 Nuclear Power afety Gu/ Independence Between Redundant Standby (Onsite) Power Availability of Electric Power General Site Suitability Criteria for Nuclear Power Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Terrestrial Environmental Studies for Nuclear Power Draft Standard Diesel Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Selection of Diesel Generator Set Capacity for Standby Power ) Eddy Current Flowmeter Power Plant Inspection, Examination, and Testing Person Plant Protection Systems (6/73) Plant Quality Assurance Records (Revision 1, 12/7 Plant Safety Systems (5/73) Plant Sites ( 1/75) Evaluation of Explosions Plant (1977) bd ($55.00), II ($85.00) Plant (1977) bd ($55.00), II ($85.00) Plant ( 1977) bd ($55.00), II ($85.00) Plant (1977) bd ($55.00), ($85.00) Plant (2/76) Plants Against Effects of Postulated Pipe Rupture Plants and Test Facilities ( 1-74) Plants on Merchant Ships (1965) $7.50 Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants Plants o Assess Plant Conditions During and Foil During the Construction Phase) (1972) $4. /Team Isolation Valve Revision 1, (6/76) Revision 1, 12/73) Revision 1, 12/73) Revision 1, 1/75) Revision 1, 1/75) Revision 1, 2/75) Revision I, 4/76) Revision 1, 4/76) Revision 1 , 6/73) Revision 1, 6/74) Revision 1 , 6/75) Revision 1, 6/76) Revision 1 , 7/76) Revision 2, (6/76) Revision 2, (9/75) Revision 2, 1/76) Revision 3, 2/76) 10/73) 10/73) 10/74) 10/75 11/74) 11/75) 12/73) 12/73) 12/74) 1-2/75) 12/75) 1970) $2.25 1970) $2.75 1971) ANS-3.1 $10.00 1971) $4.00 1972) ANS-3.2 $10.00 1973) $4.00 1973) $4.00 /F Inspection, Examination a 1973) $4.00 /G of Fluid Systems and Asso 1973) (ANS-3.3) $10.00 1974) ANS 2.2 $10.00 Addit Shared Emerg Progra /Ructural Concrete and Crite /Ive Materials in Liqu /Ction with Its Antitr /Anup System Air Filtr Qualit Standard / for Water-, Steam- Electric Penetration Ass /Taff in Connection with Its Anti Additional Information Information Fo / and Initial Startup Testing of 1974) $4.00 1974) $4.50 1974) $5.50 1/74) 2/74) 2/76) 3/16/73) 3/16/73) 3/16/73) 3/16/73) 3/76) 4/74) 5/74) 6/73) 6/76) 8/74) /Nts for Collection, Storage / of Structural Concrete and Qualification Tests of Electric V Addition / Packaging, Shipping, Receivin /Ests of Continuous-Duty Motor /Quirements for Cleaning Fluid Addi Quality Assurance Requiremen Additional Inform Plants, Program for (1972) ANS-6.3 $5.00 Plants, Supplementary Quality Assurance Requireme Range Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7-71) Reactors (1 1/73) Preoper Reactors (12/20/72) Serial Num Reactors (3/76) Cost-Benefit Analy Reactors (4/76) /Leases of Radioactive Materials Reactors) (Revision 1, 9/75) / Occupational Radi Reactors, Nuclear Material Control Systems for ( 1 Sources and Between Their Distribution Systems (S Sources (12/74) Stations (Revision 1, 11/75) Stations (Revision 1, 1/75) Stations (7/76) Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, T Supplies (Safety Guide 9, 3/10/71) Supply and Signal Conditioning Electronics (2-73 NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ASME ASME ASME ASME NRC ANSI ERDA SNAME NRC ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ASME ASME ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ANSI ANSI ERDA NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ANSI NRC ERDA RG 1.58 RG 1.53 RG 1.88 RG 1.47 RG 1.91 SEC-IIINB SEC-IIIND SEC-IIINE SEC-IIINC RG 1.114 N176 RDT F9-2T 3-18 RG 1.97 N45.2.2 RG 1.96 RG 1.49 RG 1.60 RG 1.70.1 RG 1.81 RG 4.1 RG 1.59 RG 1.94 RG 1.32 RG 1.21 RG 5.29 RG 9.2 RG 1.52 RG 1.64 RG 1.70 RG 1.27 RG 1.26 RG 1.61 RG 1.63 RG 9.3 RG 1.102 RG 1.89 RG 1.101 RG 1.69 RG 1.70.2 RG 1.70.15 RG 4.8 RG 1.68.1 PTC34 PTC 3 5 N18.1 N45.2 N18.7 N45.2.3 N45.2.6 N45.2.1 N18.17 N18.5 N45.2.9 N45.2.5 N45.2.11 RG 1.73 RG 1.70.4 RG 1.104 RG 1.39 RG 1.38 RG 1.40 RG 1.37 RG 1.100 RG 1.76 RG 1.70.5 RG 1.54 RG 1.120 RG 1.70.7 N18.9 N45.2.8 RDTC15-8T RG 1.68 RG 5.1 RG 1.110 RG 1.112 RG 8.8 N15.8 RG 1.6 RG 1.93 RG 4.7 RG 4.2 RG 4.11 N41.13 RG 1.9 RDT C10-5T 76 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards iteria for (1975) IEEE Std. 308-1974 $4.00 Class IE 3) Criteria for Safety-Related Electric ) $4.00 Mechanical Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Electric y Std. for (1975) $6.50 onstruction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Stopping tm/ Specification for Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural us-Injection Gas Chromatography (1974) $1.7/ Recommended tibility to Intergranular Attack in Stainless Steels, Rec. nt) (1969) $4.25 Administrative Guide for Administration Programs (1971) $7.50 Recommended Programming trumentation and Control Equipment Grounding and Sheilding st Procedures for (1969) IEEE Std. 301-1/ Amplifiers and ndment 1 (6-73), Amendment 2 (10-74) Cunent Pulse s (12-75) Supersedes CI 0-3T, (3-72) Multiple Input ived Therapeutic Amounts of Radionuclides (1970) $4.00 orgings, and Forging Stock for High Tempe/ Std. Spec, for ings, and Forging Stock for High Temperat/ Std. Spec, for d Forging Stock for High Temperature Serv/ Std. Spec, for d Forging Stock for High Temperature Service (ASTM a 637/ and Forgings (ASME SA-564 with Additional Requirements)/ Std. Spec, for $1.75 Recommended Practice for Determination of Reporting Procedure for Mathematical Models Selected to (7/75) Effects of Residual Elements on Fallout Estimates for 1964-1965 and Verification of 1963 nt and Pipe Operating at Temperatures Above/ Practice for nt and Pipe Operating at Temperatures / Rec. Practice for ormance, Testing (1973) $1.75 Duct Liner Materials and (R1974) $4.00 for (1963) (R1973) ASTM C165-1/ Compressive Strength of ) $1.7/ Breaking Load and Calculated Flexural Strength of ) $1.75 Density of to Soaking Heat / Method of Test for Linear Shrinkage of hod of Test for Determining the Maximum Use Temperature of or (1972) $1.75 Density of Sampling ng of Low Alloy Steel for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plant/ 3) Control of dment 1 (10-71) Instruction Concerning ter Cooled Power Reactors ( 1 1/73) and Condensate Systems fcr Boiling Water Reactor Power / s for Pressurized Water Reactors (Revision 1, 1/75) sedes Fl-1, (7-72) Amendment 1 (11-74) Ceramographic e Making Petition Seeking an Exemption for a Radionuclid/ rce Material (7/76) Guide for the I Licenses of Less Than Critical Mass Quan/ Guide for the otective Functions in Nuclear Power G/ Draft Standard for nium Enrichment Facilities (Revision 1, 10/75) stations (Revision 1, 1/75) (4/73) Rec. Guide for 3) ASTM D265 1-1973 $1.75 Practice for ing M/ Recommended Practice for Photography as Applied to rsedes (3-72) ment 1 (1-75), Amendment 2 (11-75) od of Test for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Water Soluble Chlorides for Metallic Materials (1972T)/ Recommended Practice for Std. Spec, for Copper and Copper Alloy Die Forgings (Hot p, Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated/ Tungsten Forgings- h Additional Requi/ Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolting for High ifugally Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel High Alloy Tubing for analysis Reports: Code Cases Applicable to Reactor Coolant Reactor Coolant Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Coolant or Use with Lens Gaskets (1968) $4.00 High t Type, Inductive, Absolute or Gage (10-70/ Liquid Metal ive Strength of Undrained Rock Core Specimens Without Pore Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the thod) (1974) $1.75 Measurement of Extreme materials ( 1974) $1.75 Test for Evaluating Std. Spec, for High Temperature Glass Cloth Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High ed Rules for Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low mendment 1 (5-71); Su/ Nak Transmission High Temperature al (4-74) Differential all Sections: Bound Edition $1200.00: Lo/ ASME Boiler and Class 1 Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Cr Power Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 6/7 Power Transmission Apparatus, Safety Standard for (1972 Power (6/75) Powered Industrial Trucks Low Lift and High Lift, Safet Powerplant Components (1975) $4.40 Special C Powers for Use with Cavity Chambers ( 1961 ) $2.00 Pozzolans for Use in Portland Cement Concrete ( 1973) as PPS Buffers (10-71) Amendment 1 (12-71) Practices for Volatile Organic Matter in Water by Aqueo Practices for (1975) $1.75 Detecting Suscep Practices in Radiation Monitoring (A Guide for Manageme Practices in Radiation Monitoring (2/2/73) Practices to Facilitate Interchange of Digital Computer Practices (1/73) Amendment 1 (1/75) Ins Preamplifiers for Semiconductor Radiation Detectors, Te Preamplifiers for Use with Fission Counters (8-71 ) Ame Preamplifier/Discriminator for Use with Neutron Counter Precautions in the Management of Patients Who Have Rece Precipitation Hardening Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, F Precipitation Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forg Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, an Precipitation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, an Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel Bars, Shapes, Precision Electroformed Sieves (1973) ASTM E161 — 1970 Precision of Methods of Committee D-19 on Water (1972) Predict Heated Effluent Dispersion in Natural Water Bod Predicted Radiation Damage to Reactor Vessel Materials Predictions ( 1964) Revised Prefabricated Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipme Prefabricated Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipme Prefabricated Silencers for Acoustical and Airflow Perf Preferred Limits and Fits for Cylindrical Parts ( 1967) Preformed Block Type Thermal Insulation, Method of Test Preformed Block Type Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972 Preformed Block Type Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972 Preformed High Temperature Thermal Insulation Subjected Preformed Insulation (1973) ASTM C447-1971 $1.75 Met Preformed Pipe Covering Type Thermal Insulation, Test F Preformed Thermal Insulation (1972) $1.75 Preheat and Interpass Temperature Control for the Weldi Preheat Temperature for Welding of Low Alloy Steel (5/7 Preloading Threaded Fasteners and Closures (2-69) Amen Prenatal Radiation Exposure (Revision 1, 11/75) Preoperational and Initial Startup Test Programs for Wa Preoperational and Initial Startup Testing of Feedwater Preoperational Testing of Emergency Core Cooling System Preoperational Testing of Instrument Air Systems (6/74) Preparation and Application of RDT Stds. (12-73) Super Preparation Cf Mixed Oxide Fuel Pellets (1-73) Preparation of an Environmental Report to Support a Rul Preparation of Applications for Licenses to Process Sou Preparation of Applications for Special Nuclear Materia Preparation of Design Bases for Systems That Perform Pr Preparation of Environmental Reports for Commercial Ura Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Preparation of Environmental Reports for Uranium Mills Preparation of Leak Testing Specification ( 1973) $1.75 Preparation of Metal Surfaces for Adhesive Bonding (197 Preparation of Metallographic Specimens (1974) $1.75 Preparation of Micrographs of Metals and Alloys (Includ Preparation of System Design Descriptions (12-75) Supe Preparation of Unusual Occurrence Reports (2-74) Amend Present as Admixes in Graded Aggregate Road Mixes, Meth Presentation of Constant Amplitude Fatigue Test Results Pressed) (1974) $1.75 Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Stri Pressed, Sintered, and Forged (1966) $3.00 Pressure and High Temperature Service (ASME SA-194 Wit Pressure Application at High Temperatures, Specificatio Pressure Boundary Components (12/74) /Tion for Safety Pressure Boundary Leakage Detection Systems (5/73) Pressure Boundary Materials and Inservice Inspection (1/ Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Stubs F Pressure Measurement System, Flush Mounted, Eddy Curren Pressure Measurements ( 1974) $1.75 / Triaxial Compress Pressure Method, Method of Test for (1975) $1.75 Pressure Properties of Lubricating Grease (Four Ball Me Pressure Sealing Properties of Rubber and Rubber-Like Pressure Sensitive Electrical Tape (1973) $1.75 Pressure Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Pressure Storage Tanks (1973) $4.00 Recommend Pressure Transmitter for Liquid Metal Service (3-71 ) a Pressure Transmitter, Pneumatic or Electric Output Sign Pressure Vessel Code— 1977 Edition; Special Price for Pressure Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsection NA and NB ANSI N41.12 NRC RG 1.32 ANSI B15.1 NRC RG 1.70.36 ANSI B56.1 USCG 46CFR55 NCRP R27 ANSI A37.122 ERDA RDT C16-3T ASTM D2908 ASTM A262 ANSI N13.2 NRC RG 8.2 ANS STD. ERDA RDTC1-1T ANSI N42.2 ERDA RDTC15-3T ERDA RDT C10-3T NCRP R37 ANSI G81.46 ANSI G81.45 ANSI G81.44 ERDA RDT M2-18T ERDA RDT M7-6T ANSI Z168.5 ASTM D2777 NRC RG 4.4 NRC RG 1.99 EPA FRC6 ANSI Z98.48 ASTM C667 ASTM E477 ANSI B4.1 ANSI Z98.6 ASTM C203 ASTM C303 ANSI Z98.19 ANSI Z98.28 ASTM C302 ASTM C390 NRC RG 3.29 NRC RG 1.50 ERDA RDT F8-1T NRC RG 8.13 NRC RG 1.68 NRC RG 1.68.1 NRC RG 1.79 NRC RG 1.80 ERDA RDT Fl-1 ERDA RDT F11-6T NRC RG 6.7 NRC RG 10.4 NRC RG 10.3 ANSI N18.8 NRC RG 4.9 NRC RG 4.2 NRC RG 3.8 ASTM E479 ANSI Z197.28 ASTM E3 ASTM E2 ERDA RDT FI-2T ERDA RDT F1-3T ASTM D1411 ASTM E468 ASTM B283 ANSI G8.1 SAE AMS7897 ERDA RDT M6-4T ANSI G82.1 NRC RG 1.70.13 NRC RG 1.45 NRC RG 1.70.20 MSS SP-65 ERDA RDT C6-3T ASTM D2664 ASTM C231 ASTM D2596 ASTM D1081 ASTM D2754 ASTM A155 API STD. 620 ERDA RDT C6-1T ERDA RDT C6-2T ASME CODE-77 ERDA RDT E15-2B Standards Application and Analysis Division 77 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Class 2 Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Class 3 Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and class MC Nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and and Brazing Qualifications (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Nondestructive Examination (Supplement to ASME Boiler and carbon Steel Forgings for Seamless Drums, Heads, and Other el Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, Quenched and Tempered, for Unfired urn. Specification for (1974A) $1.75 ium, 0.5 Percent Molybdenum, Specification for (1972A) A/ nched and Tempered, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 num and Manganese-Molybdenum-Nickel, Specification For/ red, Nickel-Cobalt-Molybdenum-Chromium, Specification/ red, Manganese-Molybdenum and Mangane/ Specification for red Chromium-Molybdenum, Specification for (1974) $1.75 red, Eight and Nine Percent Nickel ( 1974)/ Std. Spec, for and Higher-Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1974/ ower Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1974A) $1.7/ on Properties, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 ate— Tensile Strength, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 n. Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Silicon, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Accumulators, Class 2 .00) d ($65.00), II ($95.00) Thermal Shock to Reactor Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Sheets for empered Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for sisting Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ngitudinal-Wave Ultrasonic Inspection of Steel Plates for s for (1975) $1.75 Steel Plates for Molybdenum, Alloy Steel Plates for Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate and Sheet for s Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusion-Welded Unfired age of Special Nuclear Materials (7/ Selection and Use of ndard Evaluation of Anticipated Transients Without Trip on Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary ndard Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary or Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of A on 1, 7/75) Inservice Inspection of eoperational Testing of Emergency Core Cooling Systems for adiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for in the Fuel Handling and Storage Facility for Boiling and Coolant Composition in (10-69) Steam Generator for electric Heater and Connector Assembly for Pressurizer for ns Used for Evaluating a Control Rod Ejection Accident for 12-70) Pressurizer for Fuel Assemblies for rsedes E5-2T/ Electric Heater and Connector Assembly for rsedes E5-1T, (12-70) Information for Safety Analysis Reports: d Tendons ( 1 1/74) Inservice Inspection of , 1/76) Inservice Inspection of Ungrouted Tendons in ontainments ( I 1/75) Post-Tensioned Qualifications for Cement Grouting for 75) Inspection and b383-1964 $1.75 f Safety Guide 19) Nondestructive Examination of Design Limits and Loading Combinations for Metal Instrument Lines Penetrating Structural Acceptance Test for Concrete 1 (7-70) Guard Vessel for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, Guide to in the Transfer of Special Nuclear Materials, Concepts and ( 1974) $3.00 Limit of Error Concepts and (1.74) Limit of Error Concepts and Nonmailable Matter: Written, Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Detector meter Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Eddy Current try-Environmental Application/ Performance, Testing, and lement of Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Standard Test eated Effluent Dispersion in Natural Water Bod/ Reporting Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators, Test for (1969) $6.00 Qualification of Welding ure the Delta Ferritic Content of Austenitic St/ Standard levated Temperature (9-74) Supersedes F9/ Guidelines and ntaining Byproduct Material (6/74) Acceptance Sampling nting and Glossary for Scintillation Count/ Standard Test ioactive Material (5/75) es with IEC 333)/ Semiconductor Radiation Detectors, Test Preamplifiers for Semiconductor Radiation Detectors, Test Geiger-Muller Counters, Test Pressure Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsection NA and NC Pressure Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsections NA and N Pressure Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsections NA Ne) ( Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX) (8-74) Supersedes F6 Pressure Vessel Code, Section V) (10-75) Supersedes F3 Pressure Vessel Components (1970) ASTM A266— 1969 $1.7 Pressure Vessel Components (1973) $1.75 /Ation for Ste Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions (1969) $4.00 Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Chromium-Molybden Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Five Percent Chrom Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, High Strength, Que Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Manganese-Molybde Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempe Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempe Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempe Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempe Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel for Intermediate- Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel for Moderate and L Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Improved Transiti Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low and Intermedi Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Manganese-Silico Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat Treated Carbon-Manganese- Pressure Vessel (3-73) Pressure Vessels Division 1 (1977) bd ($65.00), II ($95 Pressure Vessels Division 2: Alternative Rules (1977) B Pressure Vessels (Safety Guide 2, 1 1/2/70) Pressure Vessels (1972) ASTM A4 14- 1 971 $1.75 Pressure Vessels (1974A) $1.75 /Ec. for Quenched and T Pressure Vessels (1975) $1.75 /R Stainless and Heat Re Pressure Vessels (1977) bd ($40.00), II ($60.00) Pressure Vessels, Method and Inspection for (1974A) $1. Pressure Vessels, Specification for General Requirement Pressure Vessels, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Pressure Vessels, Specification for (1975A) $1.75 Pressure Vessels, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Pressure-Sensitive Seals on Containers for Onsite Stor Pressurized Water Reactor Plants (Issued for Trial Use Pressurized Water Reactor Plants (1973) ANS-51.1 $30.5 Pressurized Water Reactor Plants (1975) $5.50 Pressurized Water Reactor Radioactive Gas Storage Tank Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator Tubes (Revisi Pressurized Water Reactors (Revision 1, 1/75) Pressurized Water Reactors (Revision 2, 6/74) Pressurized Water Reactors (Safety Guide 25, 3/23/72) Pressurized Water Reactors (10/71) Pressurized Water Reactors ( 12-71 ) Supersedes E4-1T, Pressurized Water Reactors (5-72) Supersedes E5-2T, ( Pressurized Water Reactors (5/74) Assumptio Pressurized Water Reactors (6-72) Supersedes E5-1T, ( Pressurized Water Reactors (7-71) Amendment 1 (5-72) Pressurizer for Pressurized Water Reactors (5-72) Supe Pressurizer for Pressurized Water Reactors (6-72) Supe Pressurizer Relief Discharge System (6/75) Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures with Groute Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures (Revision 2 Prestressing Systems for Concrete Reactor Vessels and C Prestressing Tendons in Containment Structures ( 1 1/75) Preventive Maintenance of Fuel Shipping Containers (1- Primary Columbium Metal, Specification for (1973) ASTM Primary Containment Liner Welds (Revision 1, 8/1 1/72, O Primary Reactor Containment System Components (6/73) Primary Reactor Containment (Safety Guide 1 1, 3/10/71 Primary Reactor Containments (Revision I, 12/28/72) Primary Sodium Containing Components ( 1 1-70) Amendment Principle Design Criteria for (1973) $5.00 Principles for the (1975) $2.75 /Receiver Differences Principles of Calculation in Nuclear Materials Control Principles of Calculation in Nuclear Materials Control Printed and Graphic Matter (1975) Probe Mode (1973) $1.75 Testing for Leaks Probe Mode (1973) $1.75 / Leaks Using the Mass Spectro Probe Type Flow Sensor for Liquid Metal Service (6-73) Procedural Specifications for Thermoluminescence Dosime Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement, Rec. Practice Fo Procedure for Geiger-Muller Counters (5/73) Procedure for Mathematical Models Selected to Predict H Procedure for (1964) $3.80 Procedures and Welders for Piping and Tubing, Standard Procedures for Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Meas Procedures for Design of Nuclear System Components at E Procedures for Exempted and Generally Licensed Items Co Procedures for Photo-Multipliers for Scintillation Cou Procedures for Picking Up and Receiving Packages of Rad Procedures for (1968) (R1974) IEEE Std. 300-1969 (Agre Procedures for (1969) IEEE Std. 301-1969 (Agrees with Procedures for (1969) (R1974) IEEE Std. 301-1970 $3.00 /Nles Sta Pr /Ntial R ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ERDA ASME ASME NRC ANSI ASTM ASTM ASME ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NRC ANSI ANSI ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ERDA ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC ERDA ANSI ANSI ANSI NRC USPS ASTM ASTM ERDA ANSI ASTM NRC NRC IEEE AWS AWS ERDA NRC ANSI NRC ANSI ANSI ANSI RDT E15-2C RDT E15-2D RDT E15-2E RDT F6-5T RDT F3-6T G55.1 A541 B16.30 A387 G35.16 A517 A302 G35.26 A533 A542 A553 A515 A516 A442 A285 A299 A537 RDT E10-4T SEC-VIII/1 SEC-VIII/2 RG 1.2 G33.4 A508 A479 SEC-X A435 A20 A204 B402 A240 RG 5.10 N661 N18.2 N18.2A RG 1.24 RG 1.83 RG 1.79 RG 1.4 RG 1.25 RDT A1-1T RDT E4-1T RDT E5-2T RG 1.77 RDT E5-1T RDT E13-15 RDT E5-2T RDT E5-1T RG 1.70.37 RG 1.90 RG 1.35 RG 1.103 RG 1.107 RDT E12-7T Z179.17 RG 1.19 RG 1.57 RG 1.11 RG 1.18 RDT E10-2T N101.3 N15.17 N15.16 RG 5.18 POSTL123 E499 E498 RDT C4-7T N545 A143 RG 8.6 RG 4.4 112A D10.9 A4.2 RDT F9-5T RG 6.6 N42.9 RG 7.3 N42.1 N42.2 N42.3 78 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Geranium Gamma-Ray Detectors, Test Accountability of Uranium Hexafluoride, Analytical Accountability of Uranium Tetrafluoride, Analytical tions ( 1961 ) $3.00 a Manual of Radioactivity mation for Safety Analysis Reports: Missiie Barrier Design Recommended Practice for General Ambient Air Analyzer Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Plant General Gas Chromatography rial (6/74) Analysis and Use of 74) al Holdup of Special Nuclear Material in Equipment for Dry I Holdup of Special Nuclear Materials in Equipment for Wet Guide for the Preparation of Applications for Licenses to equirements for Fuel Reprocessing Plants and for Plutonium Seismic Design Classification for Plutonium General Fire Protection Guide for Plutonium d Format and Content of License Applications for Plutonium Monitoring of Combustible Gases and Vapors in Plutonium tings Applied to Fuel Reprocessing Plants and to Plutonium steel for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium accessibility in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Liquid Waste Treatment System Design Guide for Plutonium General Design Guide for Ventilation Systems of Plutonium ducts for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium and Radiation Sources Intended for Use in the Production, of Sample Size to Estimate the Average Quality of a Lot or Electronic tition Seeking an Exemption for a Radionuclide-Containing Guide for Acceptable Waste Storage Methods at Uf6 for the Arts ( 197/ Safety and Health Stds. on Projects or g. Radiation and Radiation Sources Intended for Use in the ainst Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Plates, Bars and Strip, Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on tonium Processing / Nondestructive Examination of Tubular r Operation, Method For/ Delayed Neutron Emitting Fission r Operation, Measureme/ Delayed Neutron-Emitting Fission astm E309-1971 $/ Eddy-Current Testing of Steel Tubular Nondestructive Examination of Tubular Industrial Laminated Thermosetting apor Transmission of Flexible Heat Sealed Packages for Dry Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Repurchase, Repairs, or Replacement of Electronic Importation of Electronic tting Products) for Microwave and Radio Frequency Emitting Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Performance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Performance Stds. for Electronic oviding High Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip) on Assembled 5 Tantalum Ingots and Flat Mill Sponge and Expanded Cellular Rubber 5 Zinc-Coating (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Steel Tantalum Ingots and Flat Mill g in Research and Training Reactors (5/73) Shield Test Surveillance Testing Biological Sheilding in Nuclear Power Plants, or Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabri/ Quality Assurance .00 Quality Assurance ants (Revision 2, (6/76) Quality Assurance guide 28, 6/7/72) Quality Assurance /72) Quality Assurance 9) Quality Verification Calibration dment 2 (3-74), Amendment 3 (7-75), / Quality Assurance oncepts. Models, Equations, and Assumptions for a Bioassay tal Computer Programs (1971) $7.50 Recommended f Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 2/75) Preoperational and Initial Startup Test Onsite Meteorological ng Practices to Facilitate Interchange of Digital Computer Guidelines for the Documentation of Digital Computer Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Initial Test I Endowment for the Arts ( 197/ Safety and Health Stds. on elevated Temperatures (Metal-to-Metal), Meth/ Strength 73) $1.75 Test for Fatigue 74) $1.75 Measurement of Extreme Pressure Measurement of ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 Flow Test for Rinsing stm E/ Effects of High Energy Radiation on the Mechanical 62) (/ Effects of High Energy Radiation on the Mechanical .75 ASTM D2187/ Methods of Test for Physical and Chemical Infor $2.95 components/ oducts (19/ 2.95 Standar live Coa / Alloy /Imited /Lar Pro /Diation Choice Procedures for (1972) IEEE Std. 325-1971 $4.00 Procedures for (1972) $4.50 Procedures for (1972) $6.00 Procedures (A) Stds. (B) Medical and Biological Applica Procedures (12/74) Procedures (1973T) $1.75 Procedures (5/75) Procedures, Recommended Practice for (1973) $1.75 Process Data for the Protection of Special Nuclear Mate Process Offgas Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (21 Process Operations (1/75) /Tions for Minimizing Residu Process Operations (6/74) /Ions for Minimizing Residua Process Source Material (7/76) Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (Revision 1, 3/7 Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (10/73) Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants ( 1/74) Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (1/76) Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (3/73) Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (3/74) Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (5/75) Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (5/75) Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (6/73) Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (8/73) Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (8/75) Processing, and Handling of Food ( 1975) $6.75 Process, Practice for (1972) $1.75 Product Radiation Control (1968) $5.15 Product (Revision 1, 6/76) /O Support a Rule Making Pe Production Plants (10/73) Productions Assisted by Grants from National Endowment Production, Processing, and Handling of Food ( 1975) $6. Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement, Rec Products Fabricated from Rolled, Specification for (197 Products for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plu Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During Reacto Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During Reacto Products with Magnetic Saturation, Practice for ( 1973) Products (10/73) Products (1971) $9.50 Products (1972) $1.75 Test for Water V Products (1975 A) $1.75 Products (1975) $2.95 Products (1975) $2.95 Products (1975) $2.95 /Ce Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emi Products) for Cabinet X-Ray Systems (1975) $2.95 Products) for Cold-Cathode Gas Discharge Tubes ( 1975) Products) for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems and Their Major Products) for Fluoroscopic Equipment (1975) $2.95 Products) for Microwave and Radio Frequency Emitting Pr Products) for Radiographic Equipment (1975) $2.95 Products) for Television Receivers (1975) $2.95 Products) for X-Ray Baggage Inspection Systems (1975) $ Products: General (1975) $2.95 Products, Specification for (R1973) ASTM A385-1962 $1. Products, Specification for (1973) ASTM B364-1970 $1.7 Products, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Products, Specification for (1974) ASTM A386-1973 $1.7 Products, Spec, for (1970) $1.75 Program for Evaluation of Installed Biological Shieldin Program for New Fuel Assembly Designs (6/76) Program for (1972) ANS-6.3 $5.00 Program Requirements for Fuel Reprocessing Plants and F Program Requirements for Nuclear Power Plants ( 1971 ) $4 Program Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power PI Program Requirements (Design and Construction) (Safety Program Requirements (Operation) (Safety Guide 33, 11/3 Program Requirements (12-74) Supersedes F2-4T, (10-6 Program Requirements (2-73) Supersedes F3-2T, (2-69) Program Requirements (8-73) Amendment 1 (12-73), Amen Program (9/73) Acceptable C Programming Practices to Facilitate Interchange of Digi Programs for Monitoring Radioactivity in the Environs O Programs for Water Cooled Power Reactors (1 1/73) Programs (Safety Guide 23, 2/17/72) Programs (1971) $7.50 Recommended Programmi Programs (1974) ANS 10.3 $8.50 Programs (5/75) Projects or Productions Assisted by Grants from Nationa Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading at Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading (19 Properties of Lubricating Grease (Four Ball Method) (19 Properties of Lubricating Greases at High Temperatures, Properties of Metal Cleaners (1972) $1.75 Properties of Metallic Materials, Practice for (1973) a Properties of Metallic Materials, Rec. Practice for ( 19 Properties of Particulate Ion Exchange Resins (1973) $1 ANSI ANSI ANSI NCRP NRC ASTM NRC ASTM NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC FDA ASTM USCG NRC NRC DOL FDA ASTM ANSI NRC ANSI ASTM ANSI NRC NEMA ASTM ASTM BRH BRH BRH BRH BRH BRH BRH BRH BRH BRH BRH BRH ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM NRC NRC ANSI NRC ANSI NRC NRC NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA NRC ANS NRC NRC NRC ANS ANSI NRC DOL ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI N42.8 N15.7 N15.6 R28 RG 1.70.16 D3249 RG 1.70.31 E260 RG 5.24 RG 3.20 RG 5.42 RG 5.25 RG 10.4 RG 3.3 RG 3.14 RG 3.16 RG 3.39 RG 3.7 RG 3.21 RG 3.29 RG 3.28 RG 3.10 RG 3.12 RG 3.36 21CFR 121 E122 42CFR78 RG 6.7 RG 3.13 29CFR 505 21CFR 121 A143 G8.1 RG 3.36 N163 D2470 Z166.27 RG 1.66 LI-1 D3079 A370 21CFR1004 21CFR1005 21CFR1030 21CFR1020F 21CFR1020B 21CFR1020C 21CFR1020E 21CFR1030 21CFR1020D 21CFR1020A 21CFR1020G 21CFR1010 G8.17 Z179.14 D1056 G8.18 B364 RG 2.1 RG 1.119 N18.9 RG 3.3 N45.2 RG 1.64 RG 1.28 RG 1.33 RDT F2-4T RDT F3-2T RDT F2-2 RG 8.9 STD. 3 RG 4.1 RG 1.68 RG 1.23 STD. 3 N413 RG 1.70.33 29CFR 505 Z197.5 D3166 D2596 D3232 D1281 NHS E184 Zlll.ll Standards Application and Analysis Division 79 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards .75 Tests for Physical and Chemical $1.75 Test for Evaluating Pressure Sealing ertain Devices to Be Distr/ Classification of Containment Method of Test for One Dimensional Consolidation Control of Electroslag Weld ent Cladding Including the Determination of the Mechanical ent Cladding Including the Determination of the Mechanical Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Improved Transition ice for Selecting (1974) ACI 211.1-1974 $2.75 e for (1975) $9.50 Selecting ce for (1971) ACI 211.2-1969 $2.75 Selecting (6/73) Control of Personnel Access to o 100 MeV (1954) $2.00 6) (1972) $4.00 r Materials ( 1 1/73) General Use of Locks in the 4) Security Seals for the 4) Additional Information: Fire um Fuel Manufacturing Plants (6/74) Materials cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power Generating Plants, Fire Basic Radiation Installation of Overpressure ance on the License Application, Siting, Design, and Plant (11/75) Thermal Overload ng Design and Evaluation ( 19/ Medical X-Ray and Gamma Ray and Use (1968) $3.00 Medical X-Ray and Gamma Ray Flood General Fire ication Plants ( 1/74) General Fire Fire X-Ray Radiation 1963) $5.50 Radiation evision of N7. 1-1960 and N7.1A-1973 $5.00 Radiation specifications of Ge(Li) Spectroscopy Systems for Material e (Revision 1, 6/73) s Against an Accidental Chlorine Release (2/75) ostulated Pipe Ruptu/ Draft Standard for Design Basis for Analysis and Use of Process Data for the Review of the Current State of Radiation Nuclear Reactors, Recommended Fire acilities Handling Radioactive Materials, Recommended Fire Background Material for Development of Radiation Background Material for Development of Radiation 2/17/72) Periodic Testing of Periodic Testing of Fuel Reprocessing Plant ) s, Criteria for (1972) IEEE Std. 279-1971 $4.00 plementary Criteria and Requirements for RDT Reactor Plant on of the Single-Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Plant Periodic Testing of Electrical Power and Periodic Testing of Nuclear Power Generating Station ngle Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station Additional Information: Radiation 90, and Cs-137 Contamination (1965) Manual Initiation of and to Plutonium Pro/ Quality Assurance Requirements for ) $3.00 Quality Assurance for er Plants (6/73) Quality Assurance Requirements for ts (6/75) Selection, Application, and Inspection of actor Containment Facilities ( 1972) $3.00 1974) $14.00 d for Preparation of Design Bases for Systems That Perform p 10—1956) $4.50 Criticality Safety Controls in Operations Where Shielding mbled Products, Specification for (R1973) ASTM A385-196/ (1975) $1./ ges) (1975)/ 40 (1975) $2./ or Other Da/ es and Supp/ Special Construction, Arrangement, and Other Special Construction, Arrangenent, and Other Special Construction, Arrangement, and Other Special Consideration, Arrangement, and Other Special Construction, Arrangement, and Other Special Construction, Arrangement, and Other Food and Drugs: Subpart A, General um Bearing Film Thickness, Variable Reluctance Transducer, / Practice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal 1 ) Amendment 1 (6-73), Amendment 2 ( 10-74) Current Operation of Fast ck (1972) (ASTM D2845-1969)/ Laboratory Determination of actic/ Ultrasonic Testing by the Reflection Method, Using for Immersed Ultrasonic Testing by Reflection Method Using Reactor Coolant Properties of Particulate Ion Exchange Resins ( 1974) $1 Properties of Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials (1974) Properties of Sealed Radioactive Sources Contained in C Properties of Soils (1972) (ASTM D2435-1970) $1.75 Properties (12/28/72) Properties (1973) ASTM E453-1972 $1.75 /of Fuel Elem Properties, Rec. Practice for Examination of (1972) $1. Properties, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Proportions for Normal and Heavy Weight Concrete, Pract Proportions for No-Slump Concrete, Recommended Practic Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete, Practi Protected Areas, Vital Areas, and Material Access Areas Protection Against Betatron-Synchrotron Radiation Up T Protection Against Low Trajectory Turbine Missiles (3/7 Protection Against Neutron Radiation (1971) $5.00 Protection Against Pipe Whip Inside Containment (5/73) Protection Against Radiation from Brachythreapy Sources Protection and Control of Facilities and Special Nuclea Protection and Control of Special Nuclear Material (1/7 Protection Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants (2/7 Protection Contingency Measures for Uranium and Plutoni Protection Criteria For, Issued for Trial Use and Comme Protection Criteria (1971) $4.00 Protection Devices (10/73) Protection for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Instal Protection for Electric Motors on Motor Operated Valves Protection for Energies Up to 10 MeV Structural Sheildi Protection for Energies Up to 10 Mev: Equipment Design Protection for Nuclear Power Plants (10/75 Protection Guide for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (6/76) Protection Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabr Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants (6/76) Protection in Dental Offices (1970) $4.00 Protection in Educational Institutions (1966) $3.00 Protection in Nuclear Reactor Fuel Fabrication Plants ( Protection in Uranium Mines Operation (1973), Partial R Protection Measurements, Part I: Data Acquisition Syste Protection of Nuclear Plants Against Industrial Sabotag Protection of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Operator Protection of Nuclear Power Plants Against Effects of P Protection of Special Nuclear Material (6/74) Protection Philosophy (1975) $3.00 Protection Practice for (1974) $3.50 Protection Practice for (1975) $2.50 Protection Stds. (1960) Protection Std. (1961) Protection System Actuation Functions (Safety Guide 22, Protection System Actuation Functions (6/74) Protection System Comparator (4-72) Amendment 1 (6-73 Protection System Logic (4-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Systems (12-69) Sup Protection Systems (6/73) Applicati Protection Systems (6/76) Protection Systems, Criteria for the (1975) $5.00 Protection Systems, Trial Use /D Application of the Si Protection (Revision 1, 11/74) Protective Action Guides for Environmental Sr-89, Sr- Protective Actions (10/73) Protective Coatings Applied to Fuel Reprocessing Plants Protective Coatings Applied to Nuclear Facilities (1972 Protective Coatings Applied to Water Cooled Nuclear Pow Protective Coatings (Paints) for Fuel Reprocessing Plan Protective Coatings (Paints) for Light Water Nuclear Re Protective Coatings (Paints) for the Nuclear Industry ( Protective Functions in Nuclear Power Generating Statio Protective Lighting, Practice for (1956) (R1970) (IES R Protects Personnel (1975) ANS 8.10 $8.00 / for Nuclear Providing High Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip) on Asse Provisions for Nuclear Cargo Vessels (Ships and Barges) Provisions for Nuclear Passenger Vessels (Ships and Bar Provisions for Nuclear Powerplant Components ( 1975) $4. Provisions for Nuclear Tank Vessels (Ships and Barges) Provisions for Transportation or Storage of Explosives Provisions for Use of Dangerous Articles as Ships, Stor Provisions (Definitions) (1975) $2.95 Proximity Measurement System (1-76) Liquid Sodi Pulse Echo Ultrasonic Testing Systems (1969) ASTM E317- Pulse Method, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C7 1 4- 1972 Pulse Method, Test for (1972) $1.75 Pulse Preamplifiers for Use with Fission Counters (8-7 Pulse Reactors (1975) ANS 14.1 $7.50 Pulse Velocities and Ultrasonic Elastic Constants of Ro Pulsed Longitudinal Waves Induced by Direct Contact, Pr Pulsed Longitudinal Waves (1974) $1.75 /Nded Practice Pump Flywheel Integrity (Revision 1, 8/75) ASTM D2187 ASTM D1081 NRC RG 6.4 ANSI A37.170 NRC RG 1.34 ANSI N147 ASTM E453 ASTM A442 ANSI A167.1 ACI 211.3 ANSI A164.1 NRC RG 5.7 NCRP R14 NRC RG 1.115 NCRP R38 NRC RG 1.46 NCRP R40 NRC RG 5.12 NRC RG 5.15 NRC RG 1.70.4 NRC RG 5.30 ANSI N18.10 NCRP R39 NRC RG 1.67 NRC RG 3.24 NRC RG 1.106 NCRP R34 NCRP R33 NRC RG 1.102 NRC RG 3.38 NRC RG 3.16 NRC RG 1.120 NCRP R35 NCRP R32 ANSI N7.2 ANSI N13.8 NRC RG 5.9 NRC RG 1.17 NRC RG 1.95 ANSI N176 NRC RG 5.24 NCRP R43 NFPA 802 NFPA 801 EPA FRC1 EPA FRC2 NRC RG 1.22 NRC RG 3.22 ERDA RDTC16-4T ERDA RDTC16-2T ANSI N42.7 ERDA RDTC16-1T NRC RG 1.53 NRC RG 1.118 IEEE 338 ANSI N41.2 NRC RG 1.70.3 EPA FRC7 NRC RG 1.62 NRC RG 3.21 ANSI N101.4 NRC RG 1.54 NRC RG 3.30 ANSI N101.2 ANSI N512 ANSI N18.8 ANSI A85.1 ANSI N16.8 ANSI G8.17 USCG 46CFR99 USCG 46CFR79 USCG 46CFR55 USCG 46CFR37 USCG 46CFR146 USCG 46CFR147 BRH 21CFR1000A ERDA RDT C8-2T ANSI Z166.21 ANSI K90.12 ASTM C714 ERDA RDTC15-3T ANSI N394 ANSI A37.176 ANSI Z166.3 ASTM E214 NRC RG 1.14 80 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Information for Safety Analysis Reports: 1), Amendment 2 (1-74), Amendment 3 (5-/ Electromagnetic Amendment 2 (6-74) Centrifugal Free Surface, Sodium orizontal. Electric Motor Driven, Single Stage Centrifugal Reciprocating Positive Displacement tical, Canned or Wet Motor Driven Single Stage Centrifugal ical, Shaft Sealed, Motor Driven, Single Stage Centrifugal Inservice Testing of emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal System Performance Test Code for Displacement Performance Test Code for Centiifugal Sodium Cover Gas 73) Sodium (1970) $3.00 Instrument Maintenance of Water stm C624- 1971 $1.75 Delta-In-Hours ( DIH ) Delta-In-Hours (DIH) s (3/76) Supersedes A1-5T, 5-73 General to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the uents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Classification of Soils for Engineering Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing 75 Perforated-Plate Sieves for Testing bralion of Refractory Metal Thermocouples Using an Optical or $10.50 Nondestructive Testing Personnel atories for Mixed Oxide Fuel Analysis (7-73) atories for Control Rod Absorber Material Analysis (7-7/ ) Welder lity in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium/ Welder lants (11/74) enerating Stations, Guide for (1975) $5.00 Seismic lants (3/76) Seismic nt (2/7/ Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Seismic ation, and Testing Personnel (8/73) ing and Tubing, Standard for (1969) $6.00 nvironmental Design of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment d Inside the Containment of Water Cooled Nuclear Power P/ ed Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Plants ( 1/74) tion (1974) $3.50 Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspection, dons in Containment Structures ( 1 1/75) ersonnel for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Pla/ vessel Code, Section IX) (8-74) Sup/ Welding and Brazing Welding and Brazing Training, Equipping, and (R1973) $1.75 Method of Test for Lubricating Additional Information: Information for Safety Analysis Reports: clear Facilities (1972) $3.00 ssing Plants and for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabri/ r Plants (1971) $4.00 f Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 2, (6/76) truction) (Safety Guide 28, 6/7/72) ety Guide 33, 11/3/72) t 1 (12-73), Amendment 2 (3-74), Amendment 3 (7-75), / Requirements for Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of ollection, Storage, and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant ms and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nuclear Po/ ion, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Structural S/ tion, and Testing of Structural Concrete A/ Supplementary tion, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems (6/ Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water Coo/ applied to Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (6/73) applied to Fuel Reprocessing Plants and to Plutonium Pro/ r Power Plants ( 1974) $5.50 d Testing of Instrumentation and Electric Equipment (Saf/ Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants, Supplementary elements (1974) ANS 15.2 $8.50 , Steam-, and Radioactive-Waste-Containing Components/ Choice of Sample Size to Estimate the Average E142-1972 $1.75 Controlling Radiographic Inspection Method, Dry Particle Magnetic Inspection Method, Visual Method, fuel Elements for Use in Research Reactors (Revision 1, / rsedes F2-4T, (10-69) Specification for (R1973) ASTM A385-196/ Providing High Std. Spec, for Steel, Carbon, Cold Rolled, Commercial Carbon Steel Sheet, Cold Rolled, Drawing Cold Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets, Commercial mediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural d Use of (1975) $5.00 Shipping Packages for Type A ecial Nuclear Material Licenses of Less Than Critical Mass Pump Flywheel Integrity (4/75) Pump for Liquid Metal Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (9-7 Pump with Electrical Drive (5-71) Amendment 1 (2-72), Pump (2-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Pump (3-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Pump (6-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Ver Pump (7-72) Supersedes E3-3T, (10-70), Amendment 1 ( Pumps in Nuclear Power Plants (1970) $2.75 Pumps (Safety Guide 1, 1 1/2/70) live Suction Head for Pumps (1962) $4.00 Pumps (1965) $5.00 Purchase Specifications (7-72) Amendment 1 (1-75) Purchase Specifications (9-73) Supersedes M13-1T, (4- Purging for Reduction of Hazardous Area Classification Purity in Boiling Water Reactors (6/73) Purity of Nuclear Graphite, Method of Test for (1973) a Purity of Nuclear Graphite, Test for (1971) $1.75 Purity Requirements for Operating Sodium Reactor System Purpose Ball Valves (1970) $4.00 Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, a Purpose of Implementing Appendix I (5/76) /Ion of Effl Purposes (1972) (ASTM D2487-1969) $1.75 Purposes, Specification for (1973) ASTM El 1-1970 $1.75 Purposes, Specifications for (1973) ASTM E323-1970 $1. Pyrometer (1973) ASTM E452-1972 $1.75 /Ethod for Cali Qualification and Certification, Recommended Practice F Qualification and Control of Analytical Chemistry Labor Qualification and Control of Analytical Chemistry Labor Qualification for Areas of Limited Accessibility ( 12/73 Qualification for Welding in Areas of Limited Accessibi Qualification of Class IE Equipment for Nuclear Power P Qualification of Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power G Qualification of Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power P Qualification of Instrumentation and Electrical Equipme Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examin Qualification of Welding Procedures and Welders for Pip Qualification Tests and Analyses (2/75) /Is Reports: E Qualification Tests of Continuous-Duty Motors Installe Qualification Tests of Electric Valve Operators Install Qualifications and Duties for Authorized Nuclear Inspec Qualifications and Duties for ( 1975) $3.00 Qualifications for Cement Grouting for Prestressing Ten Qualifications of Inspection, Examination and Testing P Qualifications (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure Qualifications (1977) bd ($40.00), 11 ($55.00) Qualifying of Guards and Watchmen (1/74) Qualities of Graphites (1964) (R1974) ASTM D1367-1964 Quality Assurance During Design and Construction (7/74) Quality Assurance During Operations Phase (12/74) Quality Assurance for Protective Coatings Applied to Nu Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Fuel Reproce Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Powe Quality Assurance Program Requirements for the Design O Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Design and Cons Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation) (Saf Quality Assurance Program Requirements (8-73) Amendmen Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants ( 197 Quality Assurance Records (Revision 1, 12/75) Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning Fluid Syste Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation Inspect Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspec Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspec Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Quality Assurance Requirements for Protective Coatings Quality Assurance Requirements for Protective Coatings Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclea Quality Assurance Requirements for the Installation, an Quality Assurance Requirements for (1975) $4.00 /R the Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions ( 1973) $3.00 Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions (2/74) Quality Control for Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Quality Group Classifications and Standards for Water- Quality of a Lot or Process, Practice for (1972) $1.75 Quality of Radiographic Testing, Method for (1973) ASTM Quality Standard for Steel Castings (1971) $2.00 Quality Standard for Steel Castings ( 1971 ) $3.00 Quality Standard for Steel Castings ( 1971 ) $8.00 Quality Verification for Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Quality Verification Program Requirements (12-74) Supe Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Products, Quality (1974) ASTM A366-1972 $1.75 Quality, Special Killed, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Quality, Specification for (1972) $1.75 Quality, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Low and Inter Quantities of Radioactive Materials, Guide to Design an Quantities (7/76) / Preparation of Applications for Sp NRC RG 1.70.30 ERDA RDT E3-9T ERDA RDT E3-2T ERDA RDT E3-6T ERDA RDT E3-7T ERDA RDT E3-1T ERDA RDT E3-3T ASME PTC 3 5 NRC RG 1.1 ASME PTC7.1 ASME PTC8.2 ERDA RDT M14-1T ERDA RDT M13-1T ISA S12.4 NRC RG 1.56 ANSI K90.8 ASTM C624 ERDA RDT A1-5T MSS SP-72 NRC RG 1.109 NRC RG 1.113 ANSI A37.173 ANSI Z23.1 ANSI Z168.12 ANSI N144 ASNT SNT-TC-1A ERDA RDT F2-6T ERDA RDT F2-8T NRC RG 1.71 NRC RG 3.28 NRC RG 1.89 IEEE 344 NRC RG 1.100 NRC RG 1.70.23 NRC RG 1.58 AWS D10.9 NRC RG 1.70.24 NRC RG 1.40 NRC RG 1.73 ANSI N626 ANSI N626.1 NRC RG 1.107 ANSI N45.2.6 ERDA RDT F6-5T ASME SEC-IX NRC RG 5.20 ANSI Zl 1.138 NRC RG 1.70.6 NRC RG 1.70.11 ANSI N101.4 NRC RG 3.3 ANSI N45.2 NRC RG 1.64 NRC RG 1.28 NRC RG 1.33 ERDA RDT F2-2 ANSI N45.2.9 NRC RG 1.88 NRC RG 1.37 NRC RG 1.94 ANSI N45.2.5 NRC RG 1.116 NRC RG 1.38 NRC RG 1.54 NRC RG 3.21 ANSI N45.2 11 NRC RG 1.30 ANSI N45.2.8 ANSI N45.2.10 NRC RG 1.74 ANSI N398 NRC RG 1.26 ASTM E122 ANSI Z166.7 MSS SP-54 MSS SP-53 MSS SP-55 NRC RG 2.3 ERDA RDT F2-4T ANSI G8.17 ANSI G24.34 ASTM A620 ASTM A366 ASTM A283 ANSI N14.7 NRC RG 10.3 Standards Application and Analysis Division 81 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards n Dosimeter Chargers ( 1965) (R197I)/ Interrelationship of ) ASTM A255-1974 $1.75 End- steel Joints, Specification for (1975) $1.75 on for ( i974) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, teel Forgings for Pressure Vessels (1974A/ Std. Spec, for 974)/ Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, 197/ Specification for Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, el Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, mium, Specification/ Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, High Strength, n Only) (8-72) Amendment 1 (4-73) Core ment 1 (4-72), Amendment 2 (7-73), Amendment 3 (3/ Core Production, Processing, and / Food Additives, Subpart G. Electronic Product Effects of Residual Elements on Predicted IEEE Std. 300-1969 (Agrees with IEC 333)/ Semiconductor d. 301-1/ Amplifiers and Preamplifiers for Semiconductor Std. Method of Test for Absorbed Gamma of Test for (1973) (ASTM D3/ Absorbed Gamma and Electron Dosimeter, Method of Test F/ Absorbed Gamma and Electron Dosimeter, Test for ( 1971 ) Absorbed Gamma and Electron (1975) $2.95 harge Tubes (1975) $2.95 ms and Their Major Components/ (1975) $2.95 equency Emitting Products (19/ (1975) $2.95 1975) $2.95 on Systems (1975) $2.95 revisi/ nuclear/ Performance Std. (Ionizing Performance Std. (Ionizing Performance Std. (Ionizing Performance Std. (Ionizing Performance Std. (Ionizing Performance Std. (Ionizing Performance Std. (Ionizing Performance Std. (Ionizing Operating Philosophy for Maintaining Occupational Information Relevant to Maintaining Occupational vacuation Signal for Use in Industrial Installations Where Occupational irmation and Redesignation of N2. 2-1966) (/ Occupational Instruction Concerning Prenatal Protection Against Guidance for the Control of Natural Background .25 Administrative Practices in Guide for Administration Practices in rials, Practice for (1973) ASTM E/ Effects of High Energy rials, Rec. Practice for ( 1962) (/ Effects of High Energy Basic $3.00 n Plants (1963) $5.50 Partial Revision of N7. 1-1960 and N7.1A-1973 $5.00 Review of the Current State of Background Material for Development of Background Material for Development of Additional Information: Analysis Equipment ( 1971 ) NBS Handbook 1 1 1 $3.00 Materials for Instruments in Concrete Concrete Concrete rocessing, and / Food Additives, Subpart G. Radiation and 4.40 Portable X or Gamma Protection Against Betatron-Synchrotron Background Material for the Development of Rec. Practice for Calculation of Absorbed Dose from Gamma Protection Against Neutron section 57 Exposure to Radioactive Substances and Ionizing of ( 1973) Constituents of Aggregates for Aggregates for of (1975) ASTM C638-197/ Constituents of Aggregates for ASTM C637-1973 $1.75 Aggregates for (1973) $1.7/ Polymeric Materials for Service in Ionizing Polymeric Materials for Service in Ionizing n Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to High Energy Nuclear ing and Indirect Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X and Gamma ( 1971 ) $/ Exposure of Polymeric Materials to High Energy Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to High Energy al Reactivity of Inorganic Material Exposed to High Energy Exposure of Polymeric Materials to High Energy Exposure of Adhesive Specimens to High Energy n Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to High Energy Nuclear . (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Microwave and 5 Method for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Fast Neutron Flux by Measuring Neutron Flux Density by Fast Neutron Flux by Methods for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Fast Neutron Flux by Quartz-Fiber Electrometer Type Dosimeters and Companio Quench Test for Hardenability of Steel, Method of (1974 Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for Structural Quenched and Tempered Chromium-Molybdenum, Specificati Quenched and Tempered Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy S Quenched and Tempered, Eight and Nine Percent Nickel (1 Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Vessel Components ( Quenched and Tempered, Manganese-Molybdenum and Mangan Quenched and Tempered, Nickel-Cobalt-Molybdenum-Chro Quenched and Tempered, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Radial Reflector for Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabricatio Radial Shield for Sodium Cooled Reactors ( 12-71 ) Amend Radiation and Radiation Sources Intended for Use in the Radiation Control (1968) $5.15 Radiation Damage to Reactor Vessel Materials (7/75) Radiation Detectors, Test Procedures for (1968) (R1974) Radiation Detectors, Test Procedures for (1969) IEEE St Radiation Dose in the Fricke Dosimeter ( 1972) $1.75 Radiation Dose with the Ceric Sulfate Dosimeter, Method Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate Radiation Emitting Products) for Cabinet X-Ray Systems Radiation Emitting Products) for Cold-Cathode Gas Disc Radiation Emitting Products) for Diagnostic X-Ray Syste Radiation Emitting Products) for Fluoroscopic Equipment Radiation Emitting Products) for Microwave and Radio Fr Radiation Emitting Products) for Radiographic Equipment Radiation Emitting Products) for Television Receivers ( Radiation Emitting Products) for X-Ray Baggage Inspecti Radiation Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably Achievable ( Radiation Exposure as Low as Is Reasonably Achievable ( Radiation Exposure May Occur (1967) $3.25 Immediate E Radiation Exposure Records Systems (5/73) Radiation Exposure Records Systems, Practice for (Reaff Radiation Exposure (Revision 1, 11/75) Radiation from Brachythreapy Sources (1972) $4.00 Radiation Hazards in Uranium Mining (1967) Radiation in the United States (1975) $5.00 Radiation in Veterinary Medicine (1970) $4.00 Radiation Monitoring (A Guide for Management) (1969) $4 Radiation Monitoring (2/2/73) Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Mate Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Mate Radiation Protection Criteria (1971) $4.00 Radiation Protection in Educational Institutions (1966) Radiation Protection in Nuclear Reactor Fuel Fabricatio Radiation Protection in Uranium Mines Operation (1973), Radiation Protection Philosophy (1975) $3.00 Radiation Protection Stds. (1960) Radiation Protection Std. (1961) Radiation Protection (Revision 1, 11/74) Radiation Safety for X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Radiation Service (1957) $5.00 Radiation Shields for Nuclear Power Plants (12/73) Radiation Shields (1972) ANS-11.13 $10.00 Radiation Shields (6/73) Radiation Sources Intended for Use in the Production, P Radiation Survey Instruments, Specification of ( 1971 ) $ Radiation Symbol (1969) $2.75 Radiation Symbol (2/2/73) Radiation Up to 100 MeV (1954) $2.00 Radiation (1964) Radiation (1971) ASTM D2568-1970 $1.75 Radiation (1971) $5.00 Radiations (1971) $6.85 " Child Labor Regulations Radiation-Sheilding Concrete, Descriptive Nomenclature Radiation-Sheilding Concrete, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 Radiation-Shielding Concrete, Descriptive Nomenclature Radiation-Shielding Concrete, Specification for (1975) Radiation, Classification System for (ASTM D2953-1971) Radiation, Classification System for (1971) $1.75 Radiation, Methods of Test for (1971) ASTM D2309-1968 Radiation, Performance, Specification for (1972) $3.00 Radiation, Practice for (1968) (R1973) ASTM D1672-1966 Radiation, Practice for (1973) ASTM D1879-1970 $1.75 Radiation, Rec. Practice for Determining (1962) (R1968) Radiation, Rec. Practice for (1966) (R1971) $1.75 Radiation, Rec. Practice for (1970) $1.75 Radiation, Testing (1968) (R1974) $1.75 /Set Induced I Radio Frequency Emitting Products (1975) $2.95 /Ce Std Radioactivation of Aluminum (1973) ASTM E266-1970 $1.7 Radioactivation of Aluminum, Measuring (1970) $1.75 Radioactivation of Cobalt and Silver ( 1973T) Radioactivation of Iron Measuring (1970) $1.75 Radioactivation of Iron (1973) ASTM E263-1970 $1.75 Radioactivation of Nickel (1970) $1.75 ANSI N42.6 ANSI G58.1 ASTM A490 ASTM A542 ASTM A508 ASTM A553 ASTM A541 ASTM A533 ANSI G35.26 ASTM A517 ERDA RDT E6-19T ERDA RDT E6-23T FDA 21CFR 121 USCG 42CFR7« NRC RG 1.99 ANSI N42.1 ANSI N42.2 ASTM D1671 ANSI K65.230 ANSI K65.229 ASTM D2954 BRH 21CFR1020F BRH 21CFR1020B BRH 21CFR1020C BRH 21CFR1020E BRH 21CFR1030 BRH 21CFR1020D BRH 21CFR1020A BRH 21CFR1020G NRC RG 8.10 NRC RG 8.8 ANSI N2.3 NRC RG 8.7 ANSI N13.6 NRC RG 8.13 NCRP R40 EPA FRC8 NCRP R45 NCRP R36 ANSI N13.2 NRC RG 8.2 ANSI NHS ASTM E184 NCRP R39 NCRP R32 ANSI N7.2 ANSI N13.8 NCRP R43 EPA FRC1 EPA FRC2 NRC RG 1.70.3 ANSI N43.2 ISA RP25.1 NRC RG 1.69 ANSI N101.6 NRC RG 3.9 FDA 21CFR 121 ANSI N13.4 ANSI N2.1 NRC RG 8.1 NCRP R14 EPA FRC5 ANSI K65.218 NCRP R38 DOL 29CFR 70 ASTM C638 ASTM C637 ANSI N649 ANSI N648 ANSI N4.1 ASTM D2953 ANSI J2.33 ANSI N13.5 • ANSI C59.83 ANSI N141 ASTM E183 ASTM D1672 ASTM D1879 ASTM D2309 BRH 21CFR1030 ANSI N114 ASTM E266 ASTM E481 ASTM E263 ANSI N1I1 ASTM E265 82 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Method for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Fast Neutron Flux by Method for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Method of Measuring Neutron Flux by Method for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by y and Average Energy from 3H(D, N)4He Neutron Generators by Thermal Neutron Flux by d Average Energy from 3 H(d,n) 4 He Neutron Generators by Neutron Flux by aste Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2038-1968 $/ aste Water, Test for (1974) $1.75 Leak Testing Leak Testing astm D2577-1969 $1.75 Control and Removal of 1 Radiological Consequences of a Pressurized Water Reactor edes M16-1T, (6-72) Gas Phase Adsorbents for Trapping aste Water, Methods of Test for (1973) ASTM D2334-1968 / aste Water, Tests for (1973) $1.75 3) ASTM D2039-1971 $1.75 or Obtaining Exemptions from Certain NRC Requirements Over r Storage Only of Unirradiated Reactor Fuel and Associated Procedures for Picking Up and Receiving Packages of Administrative Guide for Packaging and Transporting rom Light-Water-Cooled Powe/ Calculation of Releases of nd Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of 1969) ISO 2889 $7.00 Sampling Airborne obtaining Department of Transportation Special Permits for Draft Std. for Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of Safe Handling of Administrative Guide for Transporting Nonmailable Matter, Mailable Matter Under Special Rules, ng Compliance with Packaging Requirements for Shipments of Leakage Tests on Packages for Shipment of ) $5.00 Shipping Packages for Type a Quantities of tice for (1975) $2.50 Facilities Handling or Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of A n of ( 1 975 ) NBS Handbook 1 1 6 $2.00 ies in a Reprocessing Plant/ Design Objectives for Highly distr/ Classification of Containment Properties of Sealed 6.85 Child Labor Regulations Section 57 Exposure to ASTM D2476-1970 $1.75 Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Method of Test of $3.50 Packaging and Transportation of Packaging and Transportation of up Classifications and Standards for Water-, Steam-, and ce / On-Site Instrumentation for Continuously Monitoring ve Materials in Liq/ Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting revision 1 , 2/75 ) Programs for Monitoring water, Method for Measurement of (1973) ASTM D1690/Gamma Test for Measurement of Gamma ASTM D 1 943- 1 966 $ 1 .75 Alpha Particle d 1 890- 1 966 ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 Beta Particle Beta Particle Alpha Particle ogical Applications ( 1961 ) $3.00 a Manual of chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical Nuclear and chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Nuclear Grade Uranyl Nitrate Solutions, Nuclear and uel Solutions (1973) ASTM E320-1970 $1.75 Methods for uel Solutions, Standard Method for (1970) $1.75 219-1969 $1.75 Atom Percent Fission in Uranium Fuel 4) $1.75 Atom Percent Fission in Uranium Fuel chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and erformance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for eel Castings (1971) $2.00 $1.75 Controlling Quality of stings (1974) ASTM El 86- 1 973 $1.75 Reference astings (1973) ASTM E280-1972 $1.75 Reference 969 $1.75 Reference Steel Castings Up to 2 Inches in Thickness, Reference 973) $3.00 Thyroid General Methods for Analysis of Radioactivation of Nickel (1973) ASTM E264-1970 $1.75 Radioactivation of Nickel, Measuring (1970) $1.75 Radioactivation of Sulfur (1973) ASTM E265-1970 $1.75 Radioactivation Techniques (1973) ASTM E26 1-1970 $1.75 Radioactivation Techniques (1973) ASTM E262-70 $1.75 Radioactivation Techniques (1974) ASTM E496-1973 $1.75 Radioactivation Techniques, Measuring (1970) $1.75 Radioactivation Techniques, Test for (1973) $1.75 / an Radioactivation (1970) $1.75 Radioactive Barium in Industrial Water and Industrial W Radioactive Barium in Industrial Water and Industrial W Radioactive Brachytherapy Sources (Revision 1, 7/74) Radioactive Brachytherapy Sources (1973) $3.50 Radioactive Cesium in Water, Method of Test for (1973) Radioactive Cesium in Water, Test for (1972) $1.75 Radioactive Contamination in Laboratories (1951) $2.00 Radioactive Gas Compressors (8-73) Radioactive Gas Storage Tank Failure (Safety Guide 24, Radioactive Iodine and Iodine Compounds (10-73) Supers Radioactive Iodine in Industrial Water and Industrial W Radioactive Iodine in Industrial Water and Industrial W Radioactive Manganese in Water, Method of Test for ( 1 97 Radioactive Manganese in Water, Test for ( 1974) $1.75 Radioactive Material Shipments (6/75) /Trative Guide F Radioactive Material (10/73) / License Applications Fo Radioactive Material (5/75) Radioactive Material (6/74) Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents F Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents F Radioactive Materials in Nuclear Facilities, Guide to ( Radioactive Materials Shipments, Administrative Guide F Radioactive Materials (Issued for Trial Use and Comment Radioactive Materials (1964) $2.00 Radioactive Materials (1973) $4.50 Radioactive Materials (1975) Radioactive Materials (1975) Radioactive Materials (1975) $4.50 / Guide for Verifyi Radioactive Materials (6/75) Radioactive Materials, Guide to Design and Use of (1975 Radioactive Materials, Recommended Fire Protection Prac Radioactive Matter (1971) Free Radioactive Nickel in Water (1974T) $1.75 Radioactive Offgas System Failure in a Boiling Water Re Radioactive Self-Luminous Light Sources, Classificatio Radioactive Solid Material Handling and Storage Facilit Radioactive Sources Contained in Certain Devices to Be Radioactive Substances and Ionizing Radiations (1971) $ Radioactive Tritium in Water, Method of Test for (1973) Radioactive Waste Categories, Definition of (1967) $3.0 Radioactive Waste Disposal in the Ocean (1954) $2.00 Radioactive Waste Management (4/75) Radioactive Zirconium in Water (1973T) $ 1 .75 Radioactively Contaminated Biological Materials (1973) Radioactively Contaminated Biological Materials (6/74) Radioactive-Waste-Containing Components of Nuclear Po Radioactivity in Effluents, Specification and Performan Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioacti Radioactivity in the Environs of Nuclear Power Plants ( Radioactivity of Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Radioactivity of Water (1973) $1.75 Radioactivity of Water, Method of Measurement of ( 1973) Radioactivity of Water, Method of Test for ( 1973) ASTM Radioactivity of Water, Test for (1966) (R1971) $1.75 Radioactivity of Water, Test for (1966) (R1971) $1.75 Radioactivity Procedures (A) Stds. (B) Medical and Biol Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nitra Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear (Revision 1, 5/75) Radiochemical Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride, Methods Radiochemical Analysis of (1973) $1.75 /Tonium Metal, Radiochemical Analysis of ( 1 975 ) $1.75 Radiochemical Determination of Cesium- 137 in Nuclear F Radiochemical Determination of Cesium- 137 in Nuclear F (Radiochemical Method), Method of Test for (1973) ASTM E (Radiochemical Method), Standard Method of Test for (197 Radiochemical, Analysis of (1975) $1.75 /Exafluoride, Radiographic Equipment (1975) $2.95 Radiographic Inspection Method, Quality Standard for St Radiographic Testing, Method for (1973) ASTM El 42- 1972 Radiographic Testing, Practice for (1974) $1.75 Radiographs for Heavy Walled (2 to 4-1/2 in.) Steel Ca Radiographs for Heavy Walled (4-1/2 to 12 in.) Steel C Radiographs for Steel Fusion Welds (1973) ASTM E390— 1 Radiographs for (1973) $1.75 Radioiodine Uptake Measurements Using a Neck Phantom ( I Radioisotopes (1973) ASTM El 8 1-1962 $1.75 ANSI Nl 12 ASTM E264 ANSI N113 ANSI N109 ANSI Nl 10 ANSI N580 ASTM E262 ASTM E496 ASTM E261 ANSI N155 ASTM D2038 NRC RG 6.1 ANSI N44.2 ANSI N165 ASTM D2577 NCRP R8 ERDA RDT E3-12T NRC RG 1.24 ERDA RDT M16-1T ANSI N159 ASTM D2334 ANSI N156 ASTM D2039 NRC RG 7.5 NRC RG 3.15 NRC RG 7.3 NRC RG 7.1 NRC RG 1.112 NRC RG 1.21 ANSI N13.I ANSI N14.10.2 ANSI N14.5 NCRP R30 ANSI N14.10.1 USPS POSTL 123.2 USPS POSTL124.2 ANSI N14.10.3 NRC RG 7.4 ANSI N14.7 NFPA 801 USPS PUB. 6 ASTM D3357 NRC RG 1.98 ANSI N540 ANSI N305 NRC RG 6.4 DOL 29CFR 70 ANSI N164 ANSI N5.8 NCRP R16 NRC RG 1.70.27 ASTM D3315 ANSI N14.3 NRC RG 7.2 NRC RG 1.26 ANSI N13.10 NRC RG 1.21 NRC RG 4.1 ANSI N150 ASTM D1690 ANSI N152 ANSI N151 ASTM D1890 ASTM D1943 NCRP R28 ANSI N572 ASTM C759 NRC RG 5.16 ANSI N575 ASTM C758 ASTM C799 ANSI Nl 17 ASTM E320 ANSI N107 ASTM E219 ASTM C761 BRH 21CFR1020D MSS SP-54 ANSI Z166.7 ASTM E94 ANSI Z166.10 ANSI Z166.19 ANSI Z166.24 ASTM E446 ANSI N44.3 ANSI N148 Standards Application and Analysis Division 83 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Applications (3/74) Design, Construction, and Use of n the Fuel/ Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential for Boili/ Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential for Press/ Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential r Radioact/ Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential m Failure / Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential t for Boil/ Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential lear Attack (1974) $4.00 $2.00 icle Accelerators (1969) NBS Handbook 107 $3.00 ble Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Milk (9/73) Measurements of of Plutonium in Soil (5/74) Measurements of ontium-90 Analyses (5/74) Measurements of 973) ASTM D2460-1970 $1.75 ement of Patients Who Have Received Therapeutic Amounts of Support a Rule Making Petition Seeking an Exemption for A 1 970 $ 1 .75 Radionuclides of Radionuclides of r Reactors (3/76) Cost-Benefit Analysis for $3.00 Floor and Wail Openings, ture-Density Relations of Soils, Using 5.5-lb. (2.5-kg) Moisture Density Relations of Soils Using 10 lb. (4.5 mg) Logarithmic Count Rate Source Logarithmic Mean Square Voltage (MSV) Intermediate Direct Current Power 1 ) Wide sile Material ( 197 1 ) ANS-8.3 / Use of Borosilicate Glass sile Material (1/73) Use of Borosilicate-Glass determination of (1975) ANS 19.3 $7.50 Neutron Reaction ) Logarithmic Count tors (1971) ANS-7.60 $7.50 Leakage- $1.75 Measuring Flow Meth/ Static Young's Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson's ement Concrete ( 1973) ASTM/ Specification for Fly Ash and Spec, of Gamma -1971 $4.00 Geranium Gamma- ilding Design and Evaluation ( 19/ Medical X-Ray and Gamma ign and Use ( 1968) $3.00 Medical X-Ray and Gamma Standard for Installations Using Nonmedical Sealed Gamma- Installations Using Non-Medical X-Ray and Sealed Gamma Nondestructive Uranium-235 Enrichment Assay by Gamma- ive Assay of High Enrichment Uranium Fuel Plates by Gamma- orbed Dose of Neutrons, and Mixtures of Neutrons and Gamma of Test for Reliability of Glass Coatings on Glassed Steel eactors, Determination of ( 1975) ANS 19.3 $7.50 Neutron est for (1973) ASTM C289-1971 $1.75 Potential ar Method), Test for (1971 ) $1.75 Potential Alkali Radiation, Rec. Practice for Determ/ Changes in Chemical ANS 19.3 $7.50 Neutron Reaction Rate Distributions and Chemical Analysis of stm E 1 95- 1 968 ) $ 1 .75 Chemical Analysis of 2), Amendment 2 (1-74) FFTF Closed Loop in Protective Coatings (Paints) for Light Water Nuclear ndment 2 (/ Electrical Penetration Assemblies for Nuclear Design Limits and Loading Combinations for Metal Primary Instrument Lines Penetrating Primary Structural Acceptance Test for Concrete Primary tion for Safety Analysis Reports: Code Cases Applicable to terns (5/73) e Inspection (1/ Information for Safety Analysis Reports: 75 > Inspection Requirements for Materials Used in me/ Delayed Neutron-Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear for/ Delayed Neutron Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Welding of Nuclear Data Sets for alculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of service Inspection System and Associated Equipment for the t of License Applications for Storage Only of Unirradiated Shielded Shipping Cask for Spent Radiation Protection in Nuclear Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Isolation Valve Leakage Control Systems for Boiling Water g Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During g Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water During Supplementary Criteria and Requirements for RDT f Anticipated Transients Without Trip on Pressurized Water ty Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water ty Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized Water safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Boiling Water ting of Feedwater and Condensate Systems for Boiling Water Radioisotopes, Analysis of ( 1962) (R 1968) $1.75 Radioisotopic Power Generators for Certain Land and Sea Radiological Consequences of a Fuel Handling Accident I Radiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident Radiological Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident Radiological Consequences of a Pressurized Water Reacto Radiological Consequences of a Radioactive Offgas Syste Radiological Consequences of a Steam Line Break Acciden Radiological Factors Affecting Decision Making in a Nuc Radiological Monitoring Methods and Instruments (1952) Radiological Safety in the Design and Operation of Part Radionuclides in Air and in Water for Occupational Expo Radionuclides in the Environment-Analysis of 1-131 in Radionuclides in the Environment: Sampling and Analysis Radionuclides in the Environment: Strontium-89 and Str Radionuclides of Radium in Water, Method of Test for ( 1 Radionuclides of Radium in Water, Test for (1970) $1.75 Radionuclides (1970) $4.00 Precautions in the Manag Radionuclide-Containing Product (Revision 1, 6/76) /O Radium in Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2460- Radium in Water, Test for (1970) $1.75 Radwaste Systems for Light-Water— Cooled Nuclear Powe Rail Express Carriers Regulations ( 1975) $6.80 Rail Freight Carriers Regulations (1975) $6.80 Railings and Toeboards, Safety Requirements for (1973) Rammer and 12-in. (304.8-mm) Drop, Tests for (1970) $ Rammer and 18 (457 mm) in. Drop (1970) $1.75 /Test for Range Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7-71) Range Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7-71) Range Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7-71) Range ( 10 Decade) Neutron Flux Monitoring Channel (2-7 Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Solutions of Fis Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Solutions of Fis Rate Distributions and Reactivity of Nuclear Reactors, Rate Source Range Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7-71 Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reac Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer (1973) Ratio in Compression of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland C Ray Brachytherapy Sources (1974) $3.00 Ray Detectors, Test Procedures for (1972) IEEE Std. 325 Ray Protection for Energies Up to 10 MeV Structural She Ray Protection for Energies Up to 10 Mev: Equipment Des Ray Sources (6/74) General Safety Ray Sources, Energies Up to 10-Mev, General Safety Sta Ray Spectrometry (4/74) Ray Spectrometry (9/74) Nondestruct Rays ( 1961 ) $2.00 Measurement of Abs Reaction Equipment by High Voltage ASTM C537-72 (1973) Reaction Rate Distributions and Reactivity of Nuclear R Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Method), Method of T Reactivity of Cement-Aggregate Combinations (Mortar-B Reactivity of Inorganic Material Exposed to High Energy Reactivity of Nuclear Reactors, Determination of ( 1975) Reactor and Commercial Columbium (1974) $1.75 Reactor and Commercial Columbium, Methods for (1973) (A Reactor Assembly Fabrication (12-71) Amendment 1 (5-7 Reactor Containment Facilities (1972) $3.00 Reactor Containment Structures Amendment 1 (4-72), Ame Reactor Containment System Components (6/73) Reactor Containment (Safety Guide 11, 3/10/71 Reactor Containments (Revision 1, 12/28/72) Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Components ( 12/74) Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage Detection Sys Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Materials and Inservic Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Integrity (Revision 1, 8/ Reactor Coolant System Wear Applications (10-67) Reactor Coolant Water During Reactor Operation, Measure Reactor Coolant Water During Reactor Operation, Method Reactor Core Components and Test Assemblies (7-73) Reactor Design Calculations (1975) ANS- 19.1 $12.50 Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Complia Reactor Enclosure System (7-73) Visual in Reactor Fuel and Associated Radioactive Material ( 10/73 Reactor Fuel Elements (8-73) Amendment 1 (11-73) Reactor Fuel Fabrication Plants (1963) $5.50 Reactor Materials (12/74) Reactor Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, (6/76) /Team Reactor Operation, Measurement of (1970) $1.75 /Mittin Reactor Operation, Method for Measurement of (1973) Ast Reactor Plant Protection Systems (12-69) Reactor Plants (Issued for Trial Use and Comment) $10.0 Reactor Plants (1973) ANS-51.1 $30.50 Nuclear Safe Reactor Plants (1975) $5.50 Standard Nuclear Safe Reactor Plants: Issued for Trial Use and Comment ANS 52 Reactor Power Plants (12/75) / and Initial Startup Tes ASTM E181 NRC RG 6.3 NRC RG 1.25 NRC RG 1.3 NRC RG 1.4 NRC RG 1.24 NRC RG 1.98 NRC RG 1.5 NCRP R42 NCRP R10 ANSI N43.1 NCRP R22 NRC RG 4.3 NRC RG 4.5 NRC RG 4.6 ANSI N161 ASTM D2460 NCRP R37 NRC RG 6.7 ANSI N161 ASTM D2460 NRC RG 1.110 DOT 49CFR 175 DOT 49CFR 174 ANSI A12.1 ASTM D698 ASTM D1557 ERDA RDTC15-10 ERDA RDTC15-6T ERDA RDTC15-8T ERDA RDTC15-2T ANSI N16.4 NRC RG 3.1 ANSI N412 ERDA RDT C15-10 ANSI N45.4 ASTM D1238 ANSI A37.94 ANSI A37.122 NCRP R41 ANSI N42.8 NCRP R34 NCRP R33 NRC RG 6.5 ANSI N543 NRC RG 5.21 NRC RG 5.38 NCRP R25 ANSI Z167.15 ANSI N412 ANSI A37.133 ASTM C227 ASTM E183 ANSI N412 ASTM E195 ANSI Z258.1 ERDA RDT E8-11T ANSI N101.2 ERDA RDT P3-1T NRC RG 1.57 NRC RG 1.11 NRC RG 1.18 NRC RG 1.70.13 NRC RG 1.45 NRC RG 1.70.20 NRC RG 1.14 ERDA RDT F3-7T ASTM D2470 ANSI N163 ERDA RDT F6-2T ANSI N411 NRC RG 1.109 ERDA RDT E8-12T NRC RG 3.15 ERDA RDT E12-4T ANSI N7.2 NRC RG 1.70.12 NRC RG 1.96 ASTM D2470 ANSI N163 ERDA RDTC16-1T ANSI N661 ANSI N18.2 ANSI N18.2A ANSI N212 NRC RG 1.68.1 84 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Thermal Shock to potential Radiological Consequences of a Pressurized Water dment 1 (9-73), Amendment 2 (6-74) Floor Valve, quatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Inservice Inspection of Pressurized Water Purity Requirements for Operating Sodium dium (8-74) Test Vehicles for Transient Materials and Inspection for edes (10-72), Amendment 1 (12-74) Shield Plug and Closure Cap for Penetrations LMFBR ects of Residual Elements on Predicted Radiation Damage to Post-Tensioned Prestressing Systems for Concrete ( $ 1 00.00 ) Code for Concrete Practice for Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Guide for in Service Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear ded Guide for in Service Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Information for Safety Analysis Reports: of a Radioactive Offgas System Failure in a Boiling Water ent 2 (3-74) Instrument Tree for Sodium Cooled ), Amendment 2 / Core Support Structure for Sodium Cooled ) Core Restraint Mechanism for Sodium Cooled Core Radial Reflector for Sodium Cooled ng of Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Pressurized Water -Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Elements for Use in Research uences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Pressurized Water nsequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Boiling Water ing and Storage Facility for Boiling and Pressurized Water sequences of a Steam Line Break Accident for Boiling Water onstruction of Class 1 Components in Elevated-Temperature Coolant Composition in Pressurized Water nt of Technical Specifications for Experiments in Research I and Initial Startup Test Programs for Water Cooled Power 73), Amendment 3 (3/ Core Radial Shield for Sodium Cooled Steam Generator for Pressurized Water of Fuel Assemblies for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power eakage-Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuclear Records and Reports for Research Operation of Fast Pulse ty Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside ty Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Simulated Core Assemblies for Nuclear r Radwaste Systems for Light-Water— Cooled Nuclear Power us Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Fabrication of Control Rod Driveline for Sodium Cooled seous and Liquid Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Power d Connector Assembly for Pressurizer for Pressurized Water Control Rod Absorber Pin for Liquid Metal Fast 1 (12-73), / Control Rod Assembly for Liquid Metal Fast of Installed Biological Shielding in Research and Training ting a Control Rod Ejection Accident for Pressurized Water Pressurizer for Pressurized Water Maintenance of Water Purity in Boiling Water Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Fuel Assemblies for Pressurized Water Review of Experiments for Research exposure as Low as Is Reasonably Achievable (Nuclear Power tron Reaction Rate Distributions and Reactivity of Nuclear 1 974 ) ANS- 1 5 . 1 $ 1 2.00 Research 3.50 Nuclear Power 4) $3.50 Nuclear 50 Research d Gamma Radiation, Performance, Specification For/ Direct 3) Direct- rformance, Specification For/ Direct Reading and Indirect Direct-Reading and Indirect- Materials, Concepts / Statistical Evaluation of Shipper- Materials (6/74) Evaluation of Shipper- std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Television Procedures for Picking Up and wer Plants (During the Construction/ Packaging, Shipping, Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, ent 1 (5-74) ) $2.00 d Iodine-131 for Medical Use (1951) $2.00 ol (1971) $3.25 .3 $8.50 Food and Drugs: Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Occupational Radiation Exposure gnation of N2. 2-1966) (/ Occupational Radiation Exposure , and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant Quality Assurance Socket-Welding Instrument Purging for Test for Oxidation- Reactor Pressure Vessels (Safety Guide 2, 1 1/2/70) NRC RG 1.2 Reactor Radioactive Gas Storage Tank Failure (Safety Gu NRC RG 1.24 Reactor Refueling and Maintenance for LMFBR(6-72) Amen ERDA RDT E1-36T Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Append NRC RG 1.113 Reactor Steam Generator Tubes (Revision 1, 7/75) NRC RG 1.83 Reactor Systems (3/76) Supersedes A 1-5T, 5-73 ERDA RDTA1-5T Reactor Test Facility (Treat) Experiments Containing So ERDA RDT El 6- IT Reactor Vessel Closure Studs (10/73) NRC RG1.65 Reactor Vessel for Liquid Metal Service ( 1 2-73) Supers ERDA RDT E2-3T Reactor Vessel Head (4-73) Amendment 1 (1-74) ERDA RDT E2-4T Reactor Vessel Materials (7/75) Eff NRC RG 1 .99 Reactor Vessels and Containments (11/75) NRC RG 1 . 1 03 Reactor Vessels and Containments ( 1977) bd ($75.00), II ASME SEC-III/2 Reactor Vessels (1973) ASTM El 85- 1970 $1.75 ANSI N146 Reactor Vessels (1974) ASTM E509-74 $1.75 ANSI N577 Reactor Vessels (1974) $1.75 Recommen ASTM E509 Reactor Vessels (1975) NRC RG 1.70.21 Reactor Vessels, Rec. Practice for (1973) $1.75 ASTM E185 Reactor Water Cleanup System (5/75) NRC RG 1.70.32 Reactor (3/76) /He Potential Radiological Consequences NRC RG1.98 Reactors (Fabrication Only) Amendment 1 (8-73), Amendm ERDA RDT E6-18T Reactors (Fabrication Only) (1-72) Amendment 1 (12-72 ERDA RDT E6-13T Reactors (Fabrication Only) (10-72) Amendment 1 (3-74 ERDA RDTE6-17T Reactors (Fabrication Only) (8-72) Amendment 1 (4-73) ERDA RDT E6-19T Reactors (Revision 1, 1/75) Preoperational Testi NRC RG 1 .79 Reactors (Revision 1, 7/76) /Ty Verification for Plate NRC RG 2.3 Reactors (Revision 2, 6/74) /Ntial Radiological Conseq NRC RG1.4 Reactors (Revision 2, 6/74) /Potential Radiological Co NRC RG 1.3 Reactors (Safety Guide 25, 3/23/72) /in the Fuel Handl NRC RG 1.25 Reactors (Safety Guide 5, 3/10/71) /L Radiological Con NRC RG1.5 Reactors (Supplement to ASME Section III Code Cases 159 NRC RG 1.87 Reactors (10/71) ERDA RDT A 1 - 1 T Reactors (11/73) Developme NRC RG 2.2 Reactors (11/73) Preoperationa NRC RG1.68 Reactors (12-71) Amendment 1 (4-72), Amendment 2 (7- ERDA RDT E6,23T Reactors (12-71) Supersedes E4- 1 T, ( 1 0-69 ) ERDA RDT E4- 1 T Reactors (12/20/72) Serial Numbering NRC RG5.1 Reactors (1971) ANS-7. 60 $7.50 ANSI N45.4 Reactors (1974) ANS 15.3 $8.50 ANSI N399 Reactors (1975) ANS 14.1 $7.50 ANSI N394 Reactors (1975) ANS-8.1 $10.00 Nuclear Criticali ANSI N16.1 Reactors (1/73) Nuclear Criticali NRC RG 3.4 Reactors (3-73) Amendment 1 (12-74) ERDA RDT E6-11T Reactors (3/76) Cost- Benefit Analysis Fo NRC RG 1.110 Reactors (3/76) /Ric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseo NRC RG 1.111 Reactors (4-73) Amendment 1 (3-74) ERDA RDT E6-26T Reactors (4/76) /Leases of Radioactive Materials in Ga NRC RG 1.112 Reactors (5-72) Supersedes E5-2T, (12-70) /Eater an ERDA RDT E5-2T Reactors (5-73) Supersedes E6-25T, (11-71) ERDA RDT E6-25T Reactors (5-73) Supersedes E6-33T, (11-71) Amendment ERDA RDT E6-33T Reactors (5/73) Shield Test Program for Evaluation NRC RG 2.1 Reactors (5/74) Assumptions Used for Evalua NRC RG1.77 Reactors (6-72) Supersedes E5-1T, (12-70) ERDA RDT E5-1T Reactors (6/73) NRC RG1.56 Reactors (6/74) NRC RG1.86 Reactors (7-71) Amendment 1 (5-72) ERDA RDTE13-15 Reactors (7/76) NRC RG 2.4 Reactors) (Revision 1, 9/75) / Occupational Radiation NRC RG 8.8 Reactors, Determination of (1975) ANS 19.3 $7.50 Neu ANSI N412 Reactors, Development of Technical Specifications for ( ANSI N378 Reactors, Nuclear Material Control Systems for (1974) $ ANSI N15.8 Reactors, Recommended Fire Protection Practice for (197 NFPA 802 Reactors, Review of Experiments for (1974) ANS 15.6 $8. ANSI N401 Reading and Indirect Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X an ANSI N13.5 Reading and Indirect-Reading Pocket Dosimeters (2/26/7 NRC RG 8.4 Reading Pocket Dosimeters for X and Gamma Radiation, Pe ANSI N13.5 Reading Pocket Dosimeters (2/26/73) NRC RG 8.4 Receiver Differences in the Transfer of Special Nuclear ANSI N 1 5.1 7 Receiver Differences in the Transfer of Special Nuclear NRC RG 5.28 Receivers (1975) $2.95 Performance BRH 21CFR1020A Receiving Packages of Radioactive Material (5/75) NRC RG 7.3 Receiving, Storage and Handling of Items for Nuclear Po ANSI N45.2.2 Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Water Coo NRC RG1.38 Reciprocating Positive Displacement Pump (3-72) Amendm ERDA RDT E3-7T Recommendations for Disposal of Carbon- 1 4 Wastes (1953 NCRP R 1 2 Recommendations for Waste Disposal of Phosphorus-32 an NCRP R9 Records and Reporting Units for Nuclear Materials Contr ANSI N15.2 Records and Reports for Research Reactors (1974) ANS 15 ANSI N399 Records and Reports (1975) $2.95 BRH 21CFR1002 Records for Nuclear Power Plants (1974) $4.00 /Nts for ANSI N45.2.9 Records Systems (5/73) NRC RG 8.7 Records Systems, Practice for (Reaffirmation and Redesi ANSI N13.6 Records (Revision 1, 12/75) Collection, Storage NRC RG1.88 Reducer Inserts (1974) $4.00 MSS SP-79 Reduction of Hazardous Area Classification (1970) $3.00 ISA S12.4 Reduction Potential of Water (1970) $1.75 ASTM D1498 Standards Application and Analysis Division 85 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards eir Distribution Systems (Safety Gu/ Independence Between Recommended Practice for Fabrication and Control of Steel Electrical and Electronics Parts and Equipment, 1971) $1.75 3 $1./ Magnetic Particle Indications on Ferrous Castings, ) Steel Castings (1974) ASTM E186-1973 $1.75 .) Steel Castings (1973) ASTM E280-1972 $1.75 m E390-1969 $1.75 Steel Castings Up to 2 Inches in Thickness, (NMR) Spectroscopy, Definitions, Symbols, Conventions, and Recommended Practice for Immersed Ultrasonic Testing by ced by Direct Contact, Practic/ Ultrasonic Testing by the erating at Temperatures Above/ Practice for Prefabricated erating at Temperatures / Rec. Practice for Prefabricated (8-72) Amendment 1 (4-73) Core Radial Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin mpounds in Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Askarels) by er (1973) ASTM E452-1972 $1.7/ Method for Calibration of (9-73), Amendment 2 (6-74) Floor Valve, Reactor Ion Exchanger, Non 262-1973), Including Draft Sup/ Distribution, Power and es and Ionizing Radiations ( 1971 ) $6.85 Child Labor ation of Reporting Requirements for Persons Subject to NRC General Information and Shippers Rail Freight Carriers Rail Express Carriers Highway w of Operating License App/ Information Needed by the Aec s (12/73) 72) ACI 318-1971, Including Supp. A89.1A-1975 $13.50 II ($60.00) Fiberglass- ion for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete vision 1, 12/28/72) Testing of ision 1, 1/2/73 Safety G/ Mechanical (Cadweld) Splices in (Revision 1,6/73) Criteria for Safety- nt 2 (1-1 Hoisting and Rigging of Critical Components and led and Moderated Nuclear Power Gel Draft Standard Safety $3.00 Self Operated and Power Operated Safety 71) / Method of Test for Moisture-Penetration Resistance (457 mm) 1/ Standard Methods of Test for Moisture Density 12-in. (304.8-mm) Drop, Tests for (/ Moisture-Density , Rockwe/ Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals Axial Load ( 1 974) $ 1 .75 Test for Load Settlement 49-1969) $1.75 Test for 1.75 Testing Adhesives stm D1390 1968 $1.75 Method of Tests for Stress lant Control Room Operators Against an Accidental Chlorine Plant Control Room During a Postulated Hazardous Chemical ispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor c Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Powe/ Calculation of valuating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and ting Com/ Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine as Low as Is Reasonably Achievable (Nuclear/ Information rmocouples, Sheathed, Type K for Nuclear or for Other High mocouples, Sheathed, Type K, for Nuclear or for Other High Equipment by High Voltage ASTM C537-/ Method of Test for Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Pressurizer 76) Liquid Sodium Bearing Film Thickness, Variable (1972) $1.75 ncy Testing of Air Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for ncy Testing of Air Cleaning Systems Containing Devices for 951) $2.00 Control and (12-70) Forced Circulation Cold Trap Assembly for Analysis of Solvent Systems Used for ction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat ng Performance of Anion Exchange Materials for Strong Acid 2.95 Repurchase, Repurchase, Repairs, or bstation Lead Storage Batterie/ Maintenance, Testing, and mption for a Radionuclid/ Preparation of an Environmental (1973) ASTM C625-1972 $1.75 g Plants (2/74) 1 Specifications (Revision 4, 8/75) Predict Heated Effluent Dispersion in Natural Water Bod/ Radioactive Materials in Liq/ Measuring, Evaluating, and ations (Revision 2, 8/75) Complication of method for (1974) $1.75 .25 Records and Irradiation Results on Graphite, Rec. Practice for Dosimetry Results on Nuclear Graphite, Rec. Practice for evision 1, 10/75) Preparation of Environmental Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Redundant Standby (Onsite) Power Sources and Between th NRC RG 1.6 Reference Blocks Used in Ultrasonic Inspection (1975) $ ASTM E428 Reference Designations for (1975) IEEE 200 $6.00 ANSI Y32.16 Reference Photographs for Liquid Penetrant Inspection ( ASTM E433 Reference Photographs for (1969) (R1973) ASTM E125-196 ANSI Z166.4 Reference Radiographs for Heavy Walled (2 to 4-1/2 in. ANSI Z166.10 Reference Radiographs for Heavy Walled (4-1/2 to 12 in ANSI Z166.19 Reference Radiographs for Steel Fusion Welds ( 1973) Ast ANSI Z166.24 Reference Radiographs for (1973) $1.75 ASTM E446 References Relating to (1974) $1.75 /Gnetic Resonance ASTM E386 Reflection Method Using Pulsed Longitudinal Waves ( 1974 ASTM E214 Reflection Method, Using Pulsed Longitudinal Waves Indu ANSI Z 166.3 Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipment and Pipe Op ANSI Z98.48 Reflective Insulation Systems for Equipment and Pipe Op ASTM C667 Reflective Insulation (1-72) Amendment 1 (10-74) ERDA RDT M12-4T Reflector for Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) ERDA RDT E6-19T Reflectors (6-71) ERDA RDT E 1 3- 1 Refluxing (1972) $1.75 /T for Hydrolyzable Chlorine Co ASTM D2441 Refractory Metal Thermocouples Using an Optical Pyromet ANSI N144 Refueling and Maintenance for LMFBR(6-72) Amendment 1 ERDA RDT E1-36T Regenerative Type (5-72) ERDA RDT E11-1T Regulating Transformers, Test Code for (1973) (IEEE Std ANSI C57. 12.90 Regulations Section 57 Exposure to Radioactive Substanc DOL 29CFR 70 Regulations (Revision 2, 8/75) Complic NRC RG 10.1 Regulations (1975) $6.80 DOT 49CFR171 Regulations (1975) $6.80 DOT 49CFR 173 Regulations (1975) $6.80 DOT 49CFR 174 Regulations (1975) $6.80 DOT 49CFR 175 Regulations (1975) $6.80 DOT 49CFR 177 Regulatory Staff in Connection with Its Antitrust Revie NRC RG 9.3 Regulatory Staff Position Statement on Antitrust Matter NRC RG 9.1 Reinforced Concrete, Building Code Requirements for ( 19 ANSI A89.1 Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels (1977) bd ($40.00), ASME SEC-X Reinforcement (1975) $1.75 Specificat ASTM A615 Reinforcing Bars for Category 1 Concrete Structures (Re NRC RG 1.15 Reinforcing Bars of Category 1 Concrete Structures (Rev NRC RG 1.10 Related Electric Power Systems for Nuclear Power Plants NRC RG 1.32 Related Equipment (8-72) Amendment 1 (10-72), Amendme ERDA RDT F8-6T Related Systems, Structures and Equipment for Water Coo ANSI N18.10 Related Valves Functional Specification Standard (1975) ANSI N278.1 Relations of Fine-Grained Soils (1972) (ASTM D1558-19 ANSI A37.157 Relations of Soils Using 10 lb. (4.5 mg) Rammer and 18 ASTM D1557 Relations of Soils, Using 5. 5-lb. (2. 5-kg) Rammer and ASTM D698 (Relationship Between Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness ANSI Z76.4 Relationship for Individual Vertical Piles Under Static ASTM Dl 143 Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils (1972) (ASTM D20 ANSI A37.169 Relative to Their Use as Electrical Insulation ( 1969) $ ASTM D1304 Relaxation of Vulcanized Rubber in Compression ( 1971) a ANSI J2.23 Release (2/75) Protection of Nuclear Power P NRC RG1.95 Release (6/74) /Ting the Habitability of Nuclear Power NRC RG 1.78 Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I (5/ NRC RG 1.113 Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors (3/76) /Ri NRC RG 1.111 Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid NRC RG 1.112 Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous NRC RG 1.21 Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evalua NRC RG 1.109 Relevant to Maintaining Occupational Radiation Exposure NRC RG 8.8 Reliability Applications, Specification for (1967) $1.7 ASTM E235 Reliability Applications, Specification for (1973) ASTM ANSI N142 Reliability Assurance (6-74) ERDA RDT F2-9T Reliability of Glass Coatings on Glassed Steel Reaction ANSI Z 167. 15 Relief Discharge System (6/75) NRC RG 1.70.37 Reluctance Transducer, Proximity Measurement System (1- ERDA RDT C8-2T Remelted Lithium Metal in Ingot Form, Specification for ASTM B357 Removal of Particles (1972) $2.50 Efficie ANSI N101.1 Removal of Particles (1/73) Efficie NRC RG 3.2 Removal of Radioactive Contamination in Laboratories (1 NCRP R8 Removal of Sodium Impurities (1-76) Supersedes E4-5T, ERDA RDT E4-5T Removal of Water Formed (1973) $1.75 ASTM D2790 Removal System Pumps (Safety Guide 1, 11/2/70) /Ive Su NRC RG1.1 Removal (1972) $1.75 Operati ASTM D3087 Repairs, or Replacement of Electronic Products (1975) $ BRH 21CFR1004 Replacement of Electronic Products (1975) $2.95 BRH 21CFR1004 Replacement of Large Stationary Type Power Plant and Su IEEE 450 Report to Support a Rule Making Petition Seeking an Exe NRC RG 6.7 Reporting Irradiation Results on Graphite, Practice for ANSI K90.9 Reporting of Operating Information for Fuel Reprocessin NRC RG 3.19 Reporting of Operating Information: Appendix a Technica NRC RG1.16 Reporting Procedure for Mathematical Models Selected to NRC RG 4.4 Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of NRC RG 1 .2 1 Reporting Requirements for Persons Subject to NRC Regul NRC RG 10.1 Reporting Results of Analysis of Waste Water, Standard ASTM D596 Reporting Units for Nuclear Materials Control (1971) $3 ANSI N15.2 Reporting (1972) $1.75 ASTM C625 Reporting (1974) $1.75 ASTM E525 Reports for Commercial Uranium Enrichment Facilities (R NRC RG 4.9 Reports for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/75) NRC RG 3.26 86 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Preparation of Environmental Records and Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Preparation of Environmental Food and Drugs: Records and Preparation of Unusual Occurrence ure Boundary Components / Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis Information for Safety Analysis eria for ( 1 973 ) $5.00 Nuclear Fuel ms (A Guide to Practice) (1974) $3.00 Fuel s (6/74) Periodic Testing of Fuel active Solid Material Handling and Storage Facilities in A el Fabri/ Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Fuel tion for Welding in Areas of Limited Accessibility in Fuel control for the Welding of Low Alloy Steel for Use in Fuel estructive Examination of Tubular Products for Use in Fuel ranee Requirements for Protective Coatings Applied to Fuel Earthquake Instrumentation for Fuel Confinement Barriers and Systems for Fuel Reporting of Operating Information for Fuel Process Offgas Systems for Fuel ard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Fuel Content of Technical Specifications for Fuel nation of Welds in the Liners of Concrete Barriers in Fuel n, and Inspection of Protective Coatings (Paints) for Fuel General Fire Protection Guide for Fuel Emergency Water Supply Systems for Fuel corrosion in Austenitic Stainless Steel Components of Fuel General Design Guide for Ventilation Systems for Fuel cts (1975) $2.95 Specification for Forgings, Carbon and Low Alloy Steel, rogram for Evaluation of Installed Biological Shielding in for Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Elements for Use in development of Technical Specifications for Experiments in Records and Reports for 5) cal Equipment Qualificat/ 12/74) 3 Components (2/75) res (2/75) 74) Inservice Inspection ( 1 / lectrical Equipment (2/7/ ons for (1974) ANS-15.1 $12.00 15.6 $8.50 Review of Experiments for tor Vessel Materials (7/75) Test for Tests for Effects of ing for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or nd Fluidized Bed Op/ Design Considerations for Minimizing t for Dry Process O/ Design Considerations for Minimizing nt for Wet Process / Design Considerations for Minimizing In Situ Assay of Plutonium In Situ Assay of Enriched Uranium ysical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion Exchange ysical and Chemical Properties of Particulate Ion Exchange for (1962) $3.60 Measuring Ground Metal Sheathed, Mineral-Insulated Electrical rvice (1973) ASTM / Specification for Sheathed Electrical rvice, Specification for ( 1971 ) $1.7/ Sheathed Electrical Test for Airflow m D 1558- 1971) / Method of Test for Moisture-Penetration 73) Platinum y Use of the Los Angeles Machine, Method of Test for ( 19/ -75) Design Basis for Fuel and Irradiations Experiment tion for ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 Electric- Reports for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 2, (9/75) Reports for Nuclear Power Stations (Revision 1, 1/75) Reports for Research Reactors (1974) ANS 15.3 $8.50 Reports for Uranium Enrichment Facilities (12/74) Reports for Uranium Mills (4/73) Reports (1975) $2.95 Reports (2-74) Amendment 1 (1-75), Amendment 2 (11-7 Reports: Code Cases Applicable to Reactor Coolant Press Reports: Electric Power (6/75) Reports: Emergency Planning (12/74) Reports: Environmental Design of Mechanical and Electri Reports: Fuel System Design (5/75) Reports: Hydrologic Engineering (1/75) Reports: Industrial Security for Nuclear Power Plants ( Reports: Initial Test Programs (5/75) Reports: Inservice Inspection of ASME Code Class 2 and Reports: Instrumentation and Controls (2/75) Reports: Internally Generated Missiles (6/75) Reports: Mechanical Systems and Components ( 1/75) Reports: Metallic Materials for Engineered Safety Featu Reports: Meteorology (4/75) Reports: Missile Barrier Design Procedures (12/74) Reports: Plant Procedures (5/75) Reports: Pressurizer Relief Discharge System (6/75) Reports: Pump Flywheel Integrity (4/75) Reports: Quality Assurance During Operations Phase (12/ Reports: Radioactive Waste Management (4/75) Reports: Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Materials and Reports: Reactor Materials (12/74) Reports: Reactor Vessels (1975) Reports: Reactor Water Cleanup System (5/75) Reports: Seismic Qualification of Instrumentation and E Reports: Steam and Feedwater System Materials (4/75) Reports: Steam Generators (1/75) Reports: Training (6/75) Reprocessing Facilities, Guide to Principle Design Crit Reprocessing Facilities, Nuclear Material Control Syste Reprocessing Plant Protection System Actuation Function Reprocessing Plant (1975) $7.50 /Ives for Highly Radio Reprocessing Plants and for Plutonium Processing and Fu Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing and Fue Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing and Fue Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium Processing and Fue Reprocessing Plants and to Plutonium Processing and Fue Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Reprocessing Plants (2/75) Reprocessing Plants (4/73) Reprocessing Plants (5/75) Reprocessing Plants (6/75) Reprocessing Plants (6/76) Reprocessing Plants (9/75) Reprocessing Plants (9/75) Reprocessing Systems (9/75) Repurchase, Repairs, or Replacement of Electronic Produ Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping Components Research and Training Reactors (5/73) Shield Test P Research Reactors (Revision 1, 7/76) /Ty Verification Research Reactors (11/73) Research Reactors (1974) ANS 15.3 $8.50 Research Reactors (7/76) Research Reactors, Development of Technical Specificati Research Reactors, Review of Experiments for (1974) ANS Residual Chlorine in Waste Water (1974) $1.75 Residual Chlorine in Water (1974) $1.75 Residual Elements on Predicted Radiation Damage to Reac Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe Mode (1973) $ Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Material in Drying a Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Material in Equipmen Residual Holdup of Special Nuclear Materials in Equipme Residual Holdup (5/74) Residual Holdup (8/74) Resins ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 ASTM D2 1 87— 1 972 $ 1 .75 /St for pH Resins (1974) $1.75 Tests for pH Resistance and Potential Gradients in the Earth, Guide Resistance Heater (3-75) Supersedes P4-3T, (2-74) Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Specialized Se Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Specialized Se Resistance of Acoustical Materials (1969) $1.75 Resistance Relations of Fine-Grained Soils ( 1972) (Ast Resistance Thermometer (4-75) Supersedes C7-17T, (3- Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate B Resistance to Shock and Vibration in Truck Transport (2 Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes, Specifica Stand Nondestructive Exami Selection, Applicatio /Ular Corrosion and Stress NRC RG 1.70 NRC RG 4.2 ANSI N399 NRC RG 3.25 NRC RG 3.8 BRH 21CFR1002 ERDA RDT F1-3T NRC RG 1.70.13 NRC RG 1.70.36 NRC RG 1.70.14 NRC RG 1.70.24 NRC RG 1.70.34 NRC RG 1.70.17 NRC RG 1.70.15 NRC RG 1.70.33 NRC RG 1.70.25 NRC RG 1.70.22 NRC RG 1.70.35 NRC RG 1.70.18 NRC RG 1.70.26 NRC RG 1.70.29 NRC RG 1.70.16 NRC RG 1.70.31 NRC RG 1.70.37 NRC RG 1.70.30 NRC RG 1.70.11 NRC RG 1.70.27 NRC RG 1.70.20 NRC RG 1.70.12 NRC RG 1.70.21 NRC RG 1.70.32 NRC RG 1.70.23 NRC RG 1.70.28 NRC RG 1.70.19 NRC RG 1.70.38 ANSI N101.3 ANSI N15.13 NRC RG 3.22 ANSI N305 NRC RG 3.3 NRC RG 3.28 NRC RG 3.29 NRC RG 3.36 NRC RG 3.21 NRC RG 3.17 NRC RG 3.18 NRC RG 3.19 NRC RG 3.20 NRC RG 3.26 NRC RG 3.6 NRC RG 3.27 NRC RG 3.30 NRC RG 3.38 NRC RG 3.31 NRC RG 3.37 NRC RG 3.32 BRH 21CFR1004 ASTM A350 NRC RG 2.1 NRC RG 2.3 NRC RG 2.2 ANSI N399 NRC RG 2.4 ANSI N378 ANSI N401 ASTM D1427 ASTM D1253 NRC RG 1.99 ASTM E498 NRC RG 5.8 NRC RG 5.42 NRC RG 5.25 NRC RG 5.23 NRC RG 5.37 ANSI Zl 1 1.11 ASTM D2187 IEEE 81 ERDA RDT P4-3T ANSI N143 ASTM E420 ASTM C522 ANSI A37.157 ERDA RDTC7-17T ANSI A37.7 ERDA RDT F8-9T ASTM A178 Standards Application and Analysis Division 87 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Specification for Electric- 150 lb. Corrosion 150 lb. Corrosion 1750F (954.4C) Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Corrosion and Heat ti-0./ Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat ti-07 Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat c. for Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings, Corrosion and Heat on Melted 195/ Alloy Tubing (Seamless, Corrosion and Heat -1969 $3.00 Steel Sheet, Corrosion elding Electrodes, Specification for (1973) A/ Corrosion- elding Electrodes, Specification for (1974) Corrosion- s (1974) $3.50 Flux Core Corrosion- ods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for (1/ Corrosion- ods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for (1/ Corrosion- pecification for (1974A) $1.75 Corrosion- fication for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Stainless and Heat , and Strip for Fusion-Welded Unfired Pressure Ves/ Heat p, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Stainless and Heat s (1974) ASTM A628-1973 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Tool other Pressure Vess/ Specification for Stainless and Heat rolled and Cold Finished Age-Hardening Stainless and Heat stm A627-1968 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Tool cations (1974) ASTM A629-1971 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Tool Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat tal (4-70) Amendment 1 (10-71) s at Room Temperature, Method of Test for (19/ Electrical Ultrasonic Testing by the ventions, and References Relating to (1/ Nuclear Magnetic ntal Frequencies of Carbon and Graphite Materials by Sonic Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Material ombining Modal Responses and Spatial Components in Seismic ants (Revision 1, 12/73) Design pie Assembly (6-72) Time alysis (Revision 1,2/76) Combining Modal tion Only) (10-72) Amendment 1 (3-74) Core actice for Presentation of Constant Amplitude Fatigue Test (1974) $1.75 Reporting 1965 $1.75 Evaluation of Compression Test i 2 1 4- 1 965 ) $ 1 .75 Evaluation of Compression Test 2 $1.75 Reporting Irradiation $1.75 Irradiation g (1974) $1.75 Dosimetry Design Stability of Embankment Stabilization of Uranium-Thorium Milling Waste Uranium-Thorium Milling Waste Test for Sound Absorption of Acoustical Materials in n Needed by the NRC Staff in Connection with Its Antitrust Research Reactors, the AEC Regulatory Staff in Connection with Its Antitrust losophy (1975) $3.00 Thermocouple Materials, Platinum and Platinum 10 Percent Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Wrought Nickel- -72) Amendment 1 (10-72), Amendment 2 {1-1 Hoisting and ) $1.75 Maximum Pore Diameter and Permeability of nal / Mineral Fiber Thermal Insulation, High Temperature, erial ( 1971 ) ANS-8.3 / Use of Borosilicate Glass Raschig erial (1/73) Use of Borosilicate-Glass Raschig iquid Metal Service (5-74) Piston 3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta)-/ Spec, for Alloy Bars, Forgings, and .50A1 Consumable Electrode or Vacuum/ Bars, Forgings, and Test for r Soluble Chlorides Present as Admixes in Graded Aggregate 4/75) Specially Designed Vehicle and Armed Guards for 5 Test for Elastic Moduli of (197/ Test for Triaxial Compressive Strength of Undrained Method of Test for Direct Tensile Strength of Method of Test for Unconfined Compressive Strength of on of Pulse Velocities and Ultrasonic Elastic Constants of metallic Materials, Methods of Test for (1974) $1.75 974) ASTM C748-73 $1.75 Method of Test for (Relationship Between Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, thods of Test for (1974) $1.75 Rockwell Hardness and een Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, d Control of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories for Control Supersedes E6-25T, (11-71) Control entary Requirements for (1970) $1.75 Nickel Alloy (3-75) Supersedes M7-4T,/ Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy (9-75) Supersedes M/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy (9-75) Supersedes M7-10T/ Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy pecification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy (UNS N08800) lied and Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, lied and Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, (1-72) Supersedes M/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Tantalum Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe (1973A) $1.75 Resistant Cast Flanged Valves (1959) $3.00 Resistant Cast Flanges and Flanged Fittings ( 1965) $3.0 Resistant Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90 Resistant Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90 Resistant Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90 Resistant Nickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta)-0.90Ti Resistant Nickel Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Inducti Resistant, Laminated Surface Bonded (1973) SAE AMS5500A Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered W Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered W Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Electrode Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding R Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding R Resisting Chromium Steel Clad Plate, Sheet and Strip, S Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Speci Resisting Chrornium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Stri Resisting Composite Steel Bars for Security Application Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes (1974) $1.75 /for Hot Resisting Steel Bars for Security Applications (1974) a Resisting Steel Flat Bars and Shapes for Security Appli Resisting Steel Forgings ( 1975) $1.75 Resistive Level Measurement Sensor for Use in Liquid Me Resistivity of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Article Resonance Method, Practice for (1974) $1.75 Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, Definitions, Symbols, Con Resonance (1974) $1.75 /Duli of Elasticity and Fundame Resources (Revision 1, 6/76) Response Analysis (Revision 1, 2/76) Response Spectra for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power PI Response Test for Sheathed, Mineral Insulated Thermocou Responses and Spatial Components in Seismic Response an Restraint Mechanism for Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabrica Results for Metallic Materials (1972T) $1.75 /Ended Pr Results of Analysis of Waste Water, Standard Method for Results of Field Concrete, Practice for (1968) ACI 214- Results of Field Concrete, Rec. Practice for ( 1968) (Ac Results on Graphite, Practice for (1973) ASTM C625-197 Results on Graphite, Rec. Practice for Reporting (1972) Results on Nuclear Graphite, Rec. Practice for Reportin Retention Systems for Uranium Mills (6/73) Retention Systems (1 1/74) Retention Systems, Stabilization of (1974) $1.50 Reverberation Rooms (1972) $1.75 Review of Construction Permit Applications for Nuclear Review of Experiments for Research Reactors (7/76) Review of Experiments for (1974) ANS 15.6 $8.50 Review of Operating License Applications for Nuclear Po Review of the Current State of Radiation Protection Phi Rhodium Wires, Noninsulated, Std. Grade (8-72) Amendme Rich, Chromium-Bearing Alloys, Method of (1973) ASTM G Rigging of Critical Components and Related Equipment (8 Rigid Porous Filters for Laboratory Use, Test for ( 1969 Rigid, Flexible and Loose Fill (ASTM C 612 with Additio Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Solutions of Fissile Mat Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Solutions of Fissile Mat Rings of High Strength Alloys for Core Components for L Rings, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Base-19Cr- Rings, Nickel-19Cr-19Fe-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta) 0.90Ti-0 Rinsing Properties of Metal Cleaners (1972) $1.75 Road Mixes, Method of Test for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Wate Road Shipment of Special Nuclear Material (Revision 1, Rock Core Specimens in Uniaxial Compression (1972) $1.7 Rock Core Specimens Without Pore Pressure Measurements Rock Core Specimens (1972) (ASTM D2936-1971) $1.75 Rock Core Specimens (1972) (ASTM D2938-1971A) $1.75 Rock (1972) (ASTM D2845-1969) $1.75 /Tory Determinati Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Rockwell Hardness of Fine Grained Graphite Materials ( 1 Rockwell Hardness, Rockwell Superficial Hardness, and K Rockwell Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials, Me Rockwell Superficial Hardness, and Knoop Hardness) (197 Rod Absorber Material Analysis (7-73) /Alification an Rod Absorber Pin for Liquid Metal Fast Reactors (5-73) Rod and Bar for Nuclear Applications, Spec, for Supplem Rod and Bar (ASME SB- 166 with Additional Requirements) Rod and Bar (ASME SB-336 with Additional Requirements) Rod and Bar (ASME SB-408 with Additional Requirements) Rod and Bar, (1974) ASTM B408-1973 $1.75 Rod and Bar, (1974) $1.75 Rod and Wire for Nuclear Application ( 1973) $1.75 / Ro Rod and Wire for Nuclear Application, Specification for Rod and Wire (ASTM B 351 with Additional Requirements) Rod and Wire, Spec, for (1970) $1.75 ASTM A135 MSS SP-42 MSS SP-51 ANSI G87.77 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.85 ANSI G87.146 ANSI G87.78 ANSI G87.1 ANSI W3.4 ASME SFA-5.4 AWS A5.22 ANSI W3.9 ASME SFA-5.9 ASTM A263 ASTM A176 ASTM A240 ASTM A167 ANSI G24.46 ASTM A479 ASTM A564 ANSI G24.45 ANSI G24.47 ASTM A473 ERDA RDT C5-2T ANSI K90.7 ASTM El 13 ASTM E386 ASTM C747 NRC RG 4.10 NRC RG 1.92 NRC RG 1.60 ERDA RDT C2-3T NRC RG 1.92 ERDA RDT E6-17T ASTM E468 ASTM D596 ANSI B146.1 ANSI A146.1 ANSI K90.9 ASTM C625 ASTM E525 NRC RG 3.11 NRC RG 3.23 ANSI N313 ASTM C423 NRC RG 9.2 NRC RG 2.4 ANSI N401 NRC RG 9.3 NCRP R43 ERDA RDT C7-7T ANSI G80.4 ERDA RDT F8-6T ASTM E128 ERDA RDT M12-6T ANSI N16.4 NRC RG 3.1 ERDA RDT E6-40T ANSI G87.146 SAE AMS5662D ASTM D1281 ASTM D1411 NRC RG 5.31 ASTM D3148 ASTM D2664 ANSI A37.180 ANSI A37.182 ANSI A37.176 ASTM E18 ANSI K90.14 ANSI Z76.4 ASTM E18 ANSI Z76.4 ERDA RDT F2-8T ERDA RDT E6-25T ASTM B510 ERDA RDT M7-4T ERDA RDT M7-11T ERDA RDT M7-10T ANSI H34.39 ASTM B408 ASTM B351 ANSI N122 ERDA RDT M7-9T ASTM B365 88 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ersedes E6-33T, (11-71) Amendment 1 (12-73),/ Control t 1 (12-72), Amen/ Collapsible Rotor, Roller Nut Control ent 1 (3-74) Fabrication of Control /74) Assumptions Used for Evaluating a Control Requirements) (3-75) Supersede/ Stainless Steel Welding a5. 10-1969 $2.50 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding ion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding ion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding uirements) (3-75)/ Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Composite Surfacing Welding Titanium and Titanium-Alloy Bare Welding Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Bare Welding Amendme/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Bare Welding rcent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Bare Welding -1970 $3.00 Surface Welding -1969 $2.50 Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Welding al Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes M1-5T, (1-1 Welding supersedes Ml/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bare Welding Iron and Steel Gas Welding Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Bars, II ($40.00) Part C-Welding Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Copper and Copper-Alloy Welding Copper and Copper-Alloy Welding Alloy Bars and Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Spec, for Copper and Copper Alloy Forging Specification for Aluminum Bronze Specification for Hot eat Resisting Steel Bars and Shape/ Specification for Hot bars, Rod and Wire for Nuclear Application, Specific/ Hot bars, Rod and Wire for Nuclear App/ Specification for Hot ium and/or Vanadium, Specific/ Steel Sheet and Strip, Hot Copper, Sheet, Strip, Plate, and cation for (1972) $1.75 Cold cification for Aluminum-Alloy Standard Structural Shapes, eral Service, Spec, for (1976) $1.75 Forged or Std. Spec, for Steel, Carbon, Cold for (1975) $1.75 Carbon Steel Sheet, Cold ium, Specific/ Steel Sheet and Strip, Hot Rolled and Cold zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from ce (3-71) Amendment 1 (12-72), Amen/ Collapsible Rotor, evaluating the Habitability of Nuclear Power Plant Control 2/75 ) Protection of Nuclear Power Plant Control esistivity of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles at Testing and Certification of Particulate Clean Sound Absorption of Acoustical Materials in Reverberation Std. Specifications for Electric Wire Recommended Practice for m Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (12-72), Amen/ Collapsible uation of Explosions Postulated to Occur on Transportation mating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and mospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in f Evaluating Com/ Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Definitions of Terms Relating to Test for Evaluating Pressure Sealing Properties of Test for Hydrogen Permeability of ulation (1969) (R197/ Std. Spec, for Fully Cured Silicone , Methods of Test / Compression Set Induced in Vulcanized , Testing (1968) (/ Compression Set Induced in Vulcanized Method of Tests for Stress Relaxation of Vulcanized Nomenclature for Rubbers and Definitions of Terms Relating to Rubber and Sponge and Expanded Cellular ethod of Test for Accelerated Ozone Cracking of Vulcanized Nomenclature for t for Evaluating Pressure Sealing Properties of Rubber and did/ Preparation of an Environmental Report to Support A bd ($25.00), II ($30.00) Recommended ($30.00) Recommended Pressure Storage Tanks ( 1973) $4.00 Recommended omponents (1977) bd ($60.00); II ($90.00) Matter Nonmailable Articles and Substances Under Special Pressure Vessels Division 2: Alternative Mailable Matter Under Special ad Traveling Cranes (1974) $3.00 Spec, for Top s (1974) $3.00 Spec, for Top Running and Under of Nuclear Power Plants Against Effects of Postulated Pipe Protection of Nuclear Plants Against Industrial .00 Intrinsically d Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting / /75) Standard Format and Content of ion 2, (9/75) Standard Format and Content of /Os /-Pe Spe Rod Assembly for Liquid Metal Fast Reactors (5-73) Sup Rod Drive Mechanism for Sodium Service (3-71) Amendmen Rod Driveline for Sodium Cooled Reactors (4-73) Amendm Rod Ejection Accident for Pressurized Water Reactors (5 Rods and Bare Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.9 with Additional Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for (1974) Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for ( 1974) Rods and Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.14 with Additional Req Rods and Electrodes (1970) $2.50 Rods and Electrodes (1970) $3.00 Rods and Electrodes (6-75) Supersedes M1-19T, (3-75) Rods and Electrodes (7-75) Supersedes M 1-1 5T, ( 1-72) Rods and Electrodes (9-75) Amendment 1 (10-75) Rods and Electrodes, Specification for ( 1973) AWS A5.13 Rods and Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.14 Rods and Electrodes, Specification for (1974) Rods and Electrodes, Surfacing (AWS A5.13 with Addition Rods (ASTM B 351 with Additional Requirements) (1-72) Rods (1969) $2.50 Rods, and Wire (1974) ASTM B21 1-1973 $1.75 Rods, Electrodes and Filler Metals (1977) bd ($30.00), Rods, Shapes, and Tubes (1974) ASTM B221-73 $1.75 Rods, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 7-1969 $2.50 Rods, Specification for (1974) Rods, Tantalum (90Ta-10W) (1975) $3.00 Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974A) $1.75 Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974) $1.75 Rod, Bar, and Shapes (1974) $1.75 Rolled Alloy Steel Bars (1976) ASTM A322— 1975 $1.75 Rolled and Cold Finished Age-Hardening Stainless and H Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Rolled and Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low Alloy Columb Rolled Bar, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Rolled Carbon Steel Sheets, Commercial Quality, Specifi Rolled or Extruded (1974) ASTM B308-1973 $1.75 Rolled Steel Pipe Flanges, and Valves and Parts for Gen Rolled, Commercial Quality (1974) ASTM A366-1972 $1.75 Rolled, Drawing Quality, Special Killed, Specification Rolled, High Strength, Low Alloy Columbium and/or Vanad Rolled, Specification for (1974) ASTM A123-1973 $1.75 Roller Nut Control Rod Drive Mechanism for Sodium Servi Room During a Postulated Hazardous Chemical Release (6/ Room Operators Against an Accidental Chlorine Release ( Room Temperature, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C61 1- Rooms (1970) $5.00 Rooms (1972) $1.75 Test for Rope Hoists (1974) $3.00 Rotameter Calibration (1973) $1.75 Rotor, Roller Nut Control Rod Drive Mechanism for Sodiu Routes Near Nuclear Power Plant Sites (1/75) Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementin Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors (3/ Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose O Rubber and Rubber Like Materials (1975 A) $1.75 Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials ( 1974) $1.75 Rubber Coated Fabrics (1973) $1.75 Rubber Coated Glass Fabric and Tapes for Electrical Ins Rubber During Exposure to High Energy Nuclear Radiation Rubber During Exposure to High Energy Nuclear Radiation Rubber in Compression (1971) ASTM D1390 1968 $1.75 Rubber Latices, Practice for (1972B) $1.75 Rubber Like Materials (1975A) $1.75 Rubber Products, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Rubber (1971) ASTM Dl 149-1970 $1.75 Rubbers and Rubber Latices, Practice for (1972B) $1.75 Rubber-Like Materials (1974) $1.75 Rule Making Petition Seeking an Exemption for a Radionu Rules for Care and Operation of Heating Boilers ( 1977) Rules for Care of Power Boilers ( 1977) bd ($25.00), 11 Rules for Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant C Rules (1975) Rules (1977) bd ($65.00), II ($95.00) Rules, Radioactive Materials (1975) Running and Under Running Single Girder Electric Overhe Running Single Girder Electric Overhead Traveling Crane Rupture (Issued for Trial Use and Comment) ANS 55.2 $8. Sabotage (Revision 1, 6/73) Safe and Non Incendive Electrical Instruments (1965) $5 Safe Handling of Radioactive Materials (1964) $2.00 Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanize Safety Analysis Reports for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2 Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants (Revis Eval Tes ERDA RDT E6-33T ERDA RDT E6-5T ERDA RDT E6-26T NRC RG 1.77 ERDA RDT M1-2T ANSI W3.10 ANSI W3.9 ASME SFA-5.10 ASME SFA-5.9 ERDA RDT M1-11T AWS A5.21 AWS A5.16 ERDA RDT M1-19T ERDA RDT M1-15T ERDA RDT M1-23T ANSI W3.13 ANSI W3.14 ASME SFA-5.14 ERDA RDT M1-5T ERDA RDT M1-16T AWS A5.2 ANSI H38.4 ASME SEC-IIC ANSI H38.5 ANSI W3.7 ASME SFA-5.7 SAE AMS7848A ASTM B98 ASTM B124 ASTM B150 ANSI G24.ll ASTM A564 ANSI N122 ASTM B351 ANSI G24.32 ASTM B152 ASTM A366 ANSI H38.10 ASTM A181 ANSI G24.34 ASTM A620 ANSI G24.32 ANSI G8.1 ERDA RDT E6-5T NRC RG 1.78 NRC RG 1.95 ANSI K90.7 IES CS-6T ASTM C423 HMI 100 ASTM D3195 ERDA RDT E6-5T NRC RG 1.91 NRC RG 1.113 NRC RG 1.111 NRC RG 1.109 ASTM D1566 ASTM D1081 ASTM D815 ANSI C59.89 ANSI J2.33 ASTM D2309 ANSI J2.23 ASTM D1418 ASTM D1566 ASTM D1056 ANSI J4.5 ASTM D1418 ASTM D1081 NRC RG 6.7 ASME SEC-VI ASME SEC-VII API STD. 620 ASME SEC-XI USPS POSTL124 ASME SEC-VIII/2 USPS POSTL124.2 CMAA 74 CMAA 74 ANSI N176 NRC RG 1.17 ISA RP12.2 NCRP R30 ASTM A143 NRC RG 3.26 NRC RG 1.70 Standards Application and Analysis Division 89 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards es (12/74) or Coolant Pressure Boundary Components / Standard Format and Content of ical and Electrical Equipment Qualificat/ r Power Plants (12/74) ode Class 2 and 3 Components (2/75) 2/75) (6/75) nts (1/75) red Safety Features (2/75) res (12/74) ystem (6/75) tions Phase (12/74) 4/75) ry Materials and Inservice Inspection (1/ 5/75) umentation and Electrical Equipment (2/7/ erials (4/75) Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for Information for 975) $3.25 sted by Grants from National Endowment for the Arts ( 197/ 3.00 ant Ships (1965) $7.50 personnel (1975) ANS 8/ Criteria for Nuclear Criticality ter Reactor Plants: Issued Fo/ Draft Standard for Nuclear d Water Reactor Plants (1973) ANS-5 1.1 $30.50 Nuclear d Water Reactor Plants (1975) $5.50 Standard Nuclear safety Analysis Reports: Metallic Materials for Engineered equipment (1971) NBS Handbook 111 $3.00 Radiation Critical Experiments, cy Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal System Pumps bars of Category 1 Concrete Structures (Revision 1, 1/2/73 Instrument Lines Penetrating Primary Reactor Containment f Primary Containment Liner Welds (Revision 1, 8/1 1/72, of Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels periodic Testing of Protection System Actuation Functions Onsite Meteorological Programs urized Water Reactor Radioactive Gas Storage Tank Failure orage Facility for Boiling and Pressurized Water Reactors Assurance Program Requirements (Design and Construction) on, and Testing of Instrumentation and Electric Equipment Quality Assurance Program Requirements (Operation) of a Steam Line Break Accident for Boiling Water Reactors ite) Power Sources and Between Their Distribution Systems Coolant Accident (Safety Guide 7, 3/10/71) Supplement to tions in Containment Following a Loss of Coolant Accident Diesel Generator Set Capacity for Standby Power Supplies Reactors (1975) ANS-8.1 $10.00 ' Nuclear Criticality Reactors (1/73) Nuclear Criticality tors (1969) NBS Handbook 107 $3.00 Radiological 1975) ANS-8.7 $12.00 Nuclear Criticality Welding and Cutting, g Subcritical Neutron Multiplication Measurements in Situ, ter Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power Ge/ Draft Standard (1975) $3.00 Self Operated and Power Operated 4.25 .00 Floor and Wall Openings, Railings and Toeboards, Fixed Ladders, ed Gamma-Ray Sources (6/74) General Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus, Sealed Gamma Ray Sources, Energies Up to 10-Mev, General Powered Industrial Trucks Low Lift and High Lift, d and Inoperable Status Indication for Nuclear Power Plant Automatic Spring Loaded alidation of Calculational Methods for Nuclear Criticality alidation of Calculational Methods for Nuclear Criticality r Plants (Revision 1, 6/73) Criteria for Process, Practice for (1972) $1.75 Choice of (1-72) / Specimen Equilibration Device (Or Multipurpose (1974) $1.75 Aqueous Corrosion Testing of lities, Guide to ( 1969) ISO 2889 $7.00 Measurements of Radionuclides in the Environment: Portland Cement Concrete (1974) $1.75 1973) $1.75 Rec. Practice for 75 Method for Soil Investigation and Safety Analysis Reports for Uranium Enrichment Faciliti Safety Analysis Reports: Code Cases Applicable to React Safety Analysis Reports: Electric Power (6/75) Safety Analysis Reports: Emergency Planning (12/74) Safety Analysis Reports: Environmental Design of Mechan Safety Analysis Reports: Fuel System Design (5/75) Safety Analysis Reports: Hydrologic Engineering (1/75) Safety Analysis Reports: Industrial Security for Nuclea Safety Analysis Reports: Initial Test Programs (5/75) Safety Analysis Reports: Inservice Inspection of ASME C Safety Analysis Reports: Instrumentation and Controls ( Safety Analysis Reports: Internally Generated Missiles Safety Analysis Reports: Mechanical Systems and Compone Safety Analysis Reports: Metallic Materials for Enginee Safety Analysis Reports: Meteorology (4/75) Safety Analysis Reports: Missile Barrier Design Procedu Safety Analysis Reports: Plant Procedures (5/75) Safety Analysis Reports: Pressurizer Relief Discharge S Safety Analysis Reports: Pump Flywheel Integrity (4/75) Safety Analysis Reports: Quality Assurance During Opera Safety Analysis Reports: Radioactive Waste Management ( Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Coolant Pressure Bounda Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Materials (12/74) Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Vessels ( 1975) Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Water Cleanup System ( Safety Analysis Reports: Seismic Qualification of Instr Safety Analysis Reports: Steam and Feedwater System Mat Safety Analysis Reports: Steam Generators (1/75) Safety Analysis Reports: Training (6/75) Safety and Health Stds. for Federal Supply Contracts ( 1 Safety and Health Stds. on Projects or Productions Assi Safety Color Code for Marking Physical Hazards (1971) $ Safety Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants on Merch Safety Controls in Operations Where Shielding Protects Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Boiling Wa Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurize Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurize Safety Features (2/75) Information for Safety for X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Analysis Safety Guide for the Performance of (1975) ANS-1 $8.00 (Safety Guide 1, 1 1/2/70) /Ive Suction Head for Emergen Safety Guide 10) /Al (Cadweld) Splices in Reinforcing (Safety Guide 11, 3/10/71 Safety Guide 19) (Safety Guide 2, 11/2/70) (Safety Guide 22, 2/17/72) (Safety Guide 23, 2/17/72) (Safety Guide 24, 3/23/72) (Safety Guide 25, 3/23/72) (Safety Guide 28, 6/7/72) (Safety Guide 30, 8/11/72) (Safety Guide 33, 11/3/72) (Safety Guide 5, 3/10/71) (Safety Guide 6, 3/10/71) Nondestructive Examination O /Cal Consequences of a Press /in the Fuel Handling and St Quality /Irements for the Installati /L Radiological Consequences /Tween Redundant Standby (Ons (Safety Guide 7, Backfitting Considerations, 10/27/71 (Safety Guide 7, 3/10/71) Supplement to (Safety Guide 7, (Safety Guide 9, 3/10/71 ) Selection of Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Safety in the Design and Operation of Particle Accelera Safety in the Storage of Fissile Materials, Guide for ( Safety in (1973) $5.00 Safety in (1975) ANS-8.6 $6.50 Conductin Safety Related Systems, Structures and Equipment for Wa Safety Related Valves Functional Specification Standard Safety Requirements for Portable Metal Ladders (1972) $ Safety Requirements for Portable Wood Ladders (1975) $5 Safety Requirements for (1973) $3.00 Safety Requirements for (1974) $5.50 Safety Standard for Installations Using Nonmedical Seal Safety Standard for (1972) $4.00 Safety Standard for (1974) NBS Handbook 1 14 $2.50 /and Safety Std. for (1975) $6.50 'Safety Systems (5/73) Bypasse Safety Valves (3-72) Amendment 1 (1-73) Safety (1975) ANS-8.1 1 Safety (6/76) Safety-Related Electric Power Systems for Nuclear Powe Sample Size to Estimate the Average Quality of a Lot or Sampler) for the Analysis of Nonmetals in Liquid Sodium Samples of Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys, Practice for Sampling Airborne Radioactive Materials in Nuclear Faci Sampling and Analysis of Plutonium in Soil (5/74) Sampling and Testing Fly Ash for Use as an Admixture in Sampling Atmospheres for Analysis of Gases and Vapors ( Sampling by Auger Borings (1972) (ASTM D1452-1966) $1. NRC RG 3.25 NRC RG 1.70.13 NRC RG 1.70.36 NRC RG 1.70.14 NRC RG 1.70.24 NRC RG 1.70.34 NRC RG 1.70.17 NRC RG 1.70.15 NRC RG 1.70.33 NRC RG 1.70.25 NRC RG 1.70.22 NRC RG 1.70.35 NRC RG 1.70.18 NRC RG 1.70.26 NRC RG 1.70.29 NRC RG 1.70.16 NRC RG 1.70.31 NRC RG 1.70.37 NRC RG 1.70.30 NRC RG 1.70.11 NRC RG 1.70.27 NRC RG 1.70.20 NRC RG 1.70.12 NRC RG 1.70.21 NRC RG 1.70.32 NRC RG 1.70.23 NRC RG 1.70.28 NRC RG 1.70.19 NRC RG 1.70.38 DOL 41CFR 50 DOL 29CFR 505 ANSI Z53.1 SNAME 3-1S ANSI N16.8 ANSI N212 ANSI N18.2 ANSI N18.2A NRC RG 1.70.26 ANSI N43.2 ANSI N405 NRC RG 1.1 NRC RG 1.10 NRC RG 1.11 NRC RG 1.19 NRC RG 1.2 NRC RG 1.22 NRC RG 1.23 NRC RG 1.24 NRC RG 1.25 NRC RG 1.28 NRC RG 1.30 NRC RG 1.33 NRC RG 1.5 NRC RG 1.6 NRC RG 1.7 NRC RG 1.7 NRC RG 1.9 ANSI N16.1 NRC RG 3.4 ANSI N43.1 ANSI N16.5 ANSI Z49.1 ANSI N16.3 ANSI N18.10 ANSI N278.1 ANSI A14.2 ANSI A14.1 ANSI A12.1 ANSI A14.3 NRC RG 6.5 ANSI B15.1 ANSI N543 ANSI B56.1 NRC RG 1.47 ERDA RDT E1-6T ANSI N16.9 NRC RG 3.41 NRC RG 1.32 ASTM E122 ERDA RDT C8-8T ASTM G2 ANSI N13.1 NRC RG 4.5 ASTM C311 ASTM D1605 ANSI A37.147 90 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 71 $1.75 ic Contaminents, 4th Edition ( 1972) $12.50 Air Recommended Practice for Core stm D2687- 1 972 $ 1 .75 Methods of 5 Rec. Practice for Planning the Acceptance Items Containing Byproduct Material (6/74) Acceptance 8-1971 $1.75 Std. Method for mination of Chemical Composition (1972) $1.75 Steam, Spec, for Copper Alloy Organic Impurities in y-Current Testing of Steel Tubular Products with Magnetic 68 $1.75 Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Identification of Piping Systems by Color Coding, Glossary of Terms in Nuclear ount/ Standard Test Procedures for Photo-Multipliers for o-Multipliers for Scintillation Counting and Glossary for 2) $1.75 Recommended Practice for destructive Assay of Special Nuclear Material Contained in Nondestructive Assay for Plutonium in Classification of Unirradiated Plutonium and Uranium Unirradiated Uranium Unirradiated Plutonium of Test for (1968) $1.75 f Test for (1973) ASTM C136-1971 $1.75 Sieve or Unified use of Radioisotopic Power Generators for Certain Land and Test for Strontium Ion Brackish Water, Inflatable Test for Leaks in Heat al Safety Sta/ Installations Using Non-Medical X-Ray and general Safety Standard for Installations Using Nonmedical Test for Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat to Be Distr/ Classification of Containment Properties of 72) Supersedes E3-3T, (10-70), Amendm/ Vertical, Shaft (1974) $1.75 Test for Evaluating Pressure Material (1/74) Security ar Materials (7/ Selection and Use of Pressure-Sensitive High Temperature Electrical Connectors and Hermetic ecification for (1974) $1.75 or General Service, Specification for (1974) $1.75 small-Diameter) for General Service (/ Specification for w Temperature Service, Specification for (1974) $1.75 loy Steel Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins, Speci/ Steel Tubing (ASTM a 632 with Additional Requirements) / ice (1975) $1.75 Specification for or Condensers and Heat Exchangers, Specification for ( 19/ ation for ( 1973) A/ Wrought Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy r (1971) $1.75 Wrought Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy m B394-1970 $1.75 Columbium and Columbium Alloy tral Station Service, Specification for ( 1974) $1.75 ification for (1975) $1.75 Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Condenser Tubes, Specification for (1973) $1.75 on for (1974A) $1.75 Copper and Copper-Alloy Specification for Standard Sizes of ■' k Specification for ents (1970) Ast/ Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Forgings for Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and dditional Requirements) (4-76) Supersedes M3-12T, (12-/ 974B) $1.75 Superheater, and Heat Exchanger Tubes, Speci/ astm A669-1972 $1.75 Specification for es (ASME SA-210 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) S/ bes, Specification for (1973) $1.75 hanger Tubes, Specification for ( 1974) $1.75 41 1973 $1.75 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy ication for / Supplementary Requirements for Nickel Alloy for Supplementary Requirements for ( 1970) $/ Nickel Alloy Specification for Nickel Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Specification for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy pecification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy (UNS N08800) equirements) (7-75) / Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy requirements) (7-75) Super/ Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy s) (7-75) Supersedes M3-1T, (5-73) Carbon Steel s) (1 1-74) Supersedes M3-3T/ Austenitic Stainless Steel on for (1974) $1.75 Specification for Welded and ification for (1974) ASTM B234 197/ Aluminum-Alloy Drawn (7-75) Su/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy (8-75) Su/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy ts) (4-76) Supersedes M3-2T,/ Stainless and Alloy Steel 1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Steel Sampling Fresh Concrete, Method of (1973) ASTM C172-19 Sampling Instruments Manual for Evaluation of Atmospher Sampling of Graphite Electrodes, (1974) $1.75 Sampling of Particulate Ion Exchange Materials (1973) a Sampling of the Atmosphere (1973) ASTM D 1357- 1967 $1.7 Sampling Plans ( 1 1-73) Sampling Preformed Thermal Insulation (1972) $1.75 Sampling Procedures for Exempted and Generally Licensed Sampling Stacks for Particulate Matter (1973) ASTM D292 Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and Alloys for Deter Sampling (1975) $1.75 Sand Castings for General Applications ( 1974) $1.75 Sand for Concrete, Test for (1973) $1.75 Saturation, Practice for (1973) ASTM E309-1971 $1.75 Sawed Beams of Concrete, Method of (1969) ASTM C42-19 Scheme for the (1975) $3.00 Science and Technology (1967) $7.95 Scintillation Counting and Glossary for Scintillation C Scintillation Counting Field (1972) IEEE Std. 398-1972 Scleroscope Hardness Testing of Metallic Materials (197 Scrap and Waste (10/73) Non Scrap Material by Spontaneous Fission Detection (6/74) Scrap (12/20/72) Scrap, Classification of (1970) $3.25 Scrap, Classification of (1972) $4.25 Scratch Hardness of Coarse Aggregate Particles, Method Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates, Method O Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form) (1974) $15.00 Sea Applications (3/74) Design, Construction, and Sea Water, and Brines (1974) $1.75 Seal Containment Vessel Airlock (6-72) Sealability of Enveloped Gaskets, Test for (1974) $1.75 Sealed Flexible Packages (1972) $1.75 Sealed Gamma Ray Sources, Energies Up to 10-Mev, Gener Sealed Gamma-Ray Sources (6/74) Sealed Packages for Dry Products (1972) $1.75 Sealed Radioactive Sources Contained in Certain Devices Sealed, Motor Driven, Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (7- Sealing Properties of Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials Seals for the Protection and Control of Special Nuclear Seals on Containers for Onsite Storage of Special Nucle Seals (3-70) Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe, Sp Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing F Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing ( Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Lo Seamless and Welded Carbon, Ferritic, and Austenitic Al Seamless and Welded Small Diameter Austenitic Stainless Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low Temperature Serv Seamless and Welded Titanium and Titanium Alloy Tubes F Seamless and Welded Tubes for Nuclear Service, Specific Seamless and Welded Tubes for Nuclear Service, Spec. Fo Seamless and Welded Tubes, Specification for ( 1973) Ast Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Cen Seamless Carbon Steel for High Temperature Service Spec Seamless Cladding Tube (6-71 ) Seamless Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel Heat Exchanger and Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Stock, Specificati Seamless Copper Pipe (1975) $1.75 Seamless Copper-Nickel Pipe and Tube (1975) $1.75 Seamless Drums, Heads, and Other Pressure Vessel Compon Seamless Extruded Tube (1974) ASTM B241 1973 $1.75 Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe (ASME SA-335 with a Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler, ( 1 Seamless Ferritic-Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes ( 1974) Seamless Medium Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tub Seamless Medium-Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater Tu Seamless Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and Heat Exc Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube (1974) ASTM B2 Seamless Pipe and Tube for Nuclear Applications, Specif Seamless Pipe and Tube for Nuclear Applications, Spec. Seamless Pipe and Tube (1971) ASTM B 167- 1970 $1.75 Seamless Pipe and Tube (1971) $1.75 Seamless Pipe and Tube (1973) ASTM B167-1970 $1.75 Seamless Pipe and Tube (1974) $1.75 Seamless Pipe and Tubes (ASME SB- 167 with Additional R Seamless Pipe and Tubing (ASME SB-407 with Additional Seamless Pipe (ASME SA-106 with Additional Requirement Seamless Pipe (ASME SA-376 with Additional Requirement Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing, Specificati Seamless Steel Pipe (1973) $1.75 Seamless Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers, Spec Seamless Tubes (AMS 5589 with Additional Requirements) Seamless Tubes (AMS 5590 with Additional Requirements) Seamless Tubes (ASME SA-213 with Additional Requiremen Seamless Tubes (ASME SA-213 with Additional Requiremen ANSI A37.30 ACGIH *4 ASTM C783 ANSI Zl 1 1.12 ANSI Z257.1 ERDA RDT F2-7T ASTM C390 NRC RG 6.6 ANSI Z257.3 ASTM E55 ASTM D1066 ASTM B584 ASTM C40 ANSI Z166.27 ANSI A37.20 ANSI A13.1 ANSI Nl.l ANSI N42.9 ANSI N42.9 ASTM E448 NRC RG 5.11 NRC RG 5.34 NRC RG 5.2 ANSI N15.1 ANSI N15.10 ASTM C235 ANSI A37.8 ANSI Bl.l NRC RG 6.3 ASTM D3352 ERDA RDT E14-5T ASTM Fl 12 ASTM D3078 ANSI N543 NRC RG 6.5 ASTM D3079 NRC RG 6.4 ERDA RDT E3-3T ASTM D1081 NRC RG 5.15 NRC RG 5.10 ERDA RDTC17-1T ASTM A3 12 ASTM A269 ANSI B 125.49 ASTM A334 ASTM A498 ERDA RDT M3-27T ASTM A333 ASTM B338 ANSI N124 ASTM B353 ANSI H53.1 ASTM A376 ASTM A 106 ERDA RDT E13-8T ASTM A179 ASTM Bill ASTM B42 ASTM B466 ANSI G55.1 ANSI H38.7 ERDA RDT M3-12T ASTM A213 ANSI B125.52 ERDA RDT M3-32T ASTM A210 ASTM B163 ANSI H38.7 ANSI H34.29 ASTM B513 ANSI H34.1 ASTM B1&5 ANSI H34.3 ASTM B407 ERDA RDT M3-10T ERDA RDT M3-9T ERDA RDTM3-1T ERDA RDT M3-3T ASTM A511 ASTM A53 ANSI H38.6 ERDA RDT M3-29T ERDA RDT M3-30T ERDA RDT M3-2T ERDA RDT M3-33T Standards Application and Analysis Division 91 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards nts) (4-76) Supersed/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy ts) (7-75) Supersedes M3-4T, (1-74) ' Nickel Alloy Aluminum-Alloy Drawn e Service, Specification for ( 1974A) $1 .75 de or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750F (954.4C) Alloy Tubing, e Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 195/ Alloy Tubing t For/ Thermal Conductance and Transmittance of Built-Up pressure Vessel Code— 1977 Edition; Special Price for All Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Tool Resisting Steel Bars for Std. Spec, for Tool Resisting Composite Steel Bars for d. Spec, for Tool Resisting Steel Flat Bars and Shapes for Plant Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Industrial .00 Industrial 1 Nuclear Material (1/74) bd ($70.00) II ($90.00) Appendices to an Environmental Report to Support a Rule Making Petition Design Limits and Loading Combinations for Additional Information: Design of and Fuel Fabrication Plants (10/73) 73) Design Response Spectra for Damping Values for Power Generating Stations, Guide for ( 1975) $5.00 Power Plants (3/76) Equipment (2/7/ Information for Safety Analysis Reports: and Test Facilities (1-74) Combining Modal Responses and Spatial Components in Integrity and Test Specifications for Integrity and Test Specifications for al Water Bod/ Reporting Procedure for Mathematical Models ed Practice for (1975) $9.50 te. Practice for (1971) ACI 211.2-1969 $2.75 ortions for Normal and Heavy Weight Concrete, Practice for Pipe Hangers and Supports- lants (1971) ANS-3.1 $10.00 Personnel iners for Onsite Storage of Special Nuclear Materials (II ) ASTM E432-1971 $1.75 power Supplies (Safety Guide 9, 3/10/71) eas (Revision 1, 4/75) de for (1974) ASTM E4 19- 1973 $1.75 73) $1.75 Recommended Practice for Neutron Activation Detector Materials, Guide for atings (Paints) for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (6/75) Continuous Determination of Sodium in Water by Ion functional Specification Standard (1975) $3.00 nbs Handbook 116 $2.00 Radioactive Flammability of (1968) (RI974) IEEE Std. 300-1969 (Agrees with IEC 333)/ (1969) IEEE Std. 301-1/ Amplifiers and Preamplifiers for als ( 1 969 ) ASTM E290- 1 968 $ 1 .75 Methods for Std. Spec, for High Temperature Glass Cloth Pressure cial Nuclear Materials (7/ Selection and Use of Pressure- Control of the Use of Eddy Current Probe Type Flow t, (4-70) Inductive Level Measurement 71) Resistive Level Measurement td. Issued for Use and Comme/ Draft Standard Criteria for ooled Nuclear Power Reactors ( 12/20/72) Is ( 1974) ASTM E509-74 $1.75 Guide for in Is (1974) $1.75 Recommended Guide for in r (ASTM D2953-1971) (1973) $1.7/ Polymeric Materials for r ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 Polymeric Materials for Electrochemical Oxygen Meter for Diffusion Carbon Meter for Oxygen-Hydrogen Meter Module for Carbon Meter Equilibration Module for the Reactor Enclosure System (7-73) Visual in Seamless Carbon Steel for High Temperature Plugging Temperature Indicator Assembly for Sodium 75) S/ Alloy Steel Bolting Material for High Temperature el Nuts for Bolting for High Pressure and High Temperature 75) Su/ Alloy Steel Bolting Material for Low Temperature loy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature Low Level Flux Monitor Mechanical System for Liquid Metal Filter for Sodium Tank for Gas 74) Reactor Vessel for Liquid Metal Materials for Instruments in Radiation Std. Relating to Personnel Dosimeter loy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature loy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature loy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Temperature rical Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Specialized nitic Stainless Steel Tubing (Small-Diameter) for General Seamless Tubes (ASME SB -163 with Additional Requireme Seamless Tubes (ASME SB-163 with Additional Requiremen Seamless Tubes, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Seamless-Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperatur Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Base-19C (Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Consumabl Sections by Means of the Guarded Hot Box, Method of Tes Sections: Bound Edition $ 1 200.00: Loose-Leaf Edition $ Security Applications (1974) ASTM A627-1968 $1.75 Security Applications (1974) ASTM A628-1973 $1.75 Security Applications (1974) ASTM A629-1971 $1.75 St Security Duties (1/75) Security for Nuclear Power Plants (12/74) Security for Nuclear Power Plants ( 1973) (ANS-3.3) $10 Security Seals for the Protection and Control of Specia Sec. Ill Div. 1, Nuclear Power Plant Components (1977) Seeking an Exemption for a Radionuclide-Containing Pro Seismic Category 1 Fluid System Components (5/73) Seismic Category 1 Structures ( 1 1/74) Seismic Design Classification for Plutonium Processing Seismic Design Classification (Revision 2, 2/76) Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 12/ Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants ( 10/73) Seismic Qualification of Electric Equipment for Nuclear Seismic Qualification of Electric Equipment for Nuclear Seismic Qualification of Instrumentation and Electrical Seismic Requirements for Design of Nuclear Power Plants Seismic Response Analysis (Revision 1, 2/76) Selected Brachytherapy Sources (Revision 1, 7/74) Selected Brachytherapy Sources (1973) $3.50 Selected to Predict Heated Effluent Dispersion in Natur Selecting Proportions for No-Slump Concrete, Recommend Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concre Selecting ( 1974) ACI 21 1.1-1974 $2.75 Prop Selection and Application (1966) $4.00 Selection and Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power P Selection and Training (Revision 1, 1/9/75) Selection and Use of Pressure-Sensitive Seals on Conta Selection of a Leak Testing Method, Guide for the ( 1973 Selection of Diesel Generator Set Capacity for Standby Selection of Material Balance Areas and Item Control Ar Selection of Neutron Activation Detector Materials, Gui Selection of Vapor Barriers for Thermal Insulations ( 19 Selection of (1973) $1.75 Selection, Application, and Inspection of Protective Co Selective Electrode (1973) $1.75 Self Operated and Power Operated Safety Related Valves Self-Luminous Light Sources, Classification of ( 1975) Self-Supporting Plastics, Test for (1974) $1.75 Semiconductor Radiation Detectors, Test Procedures for Semiconductor Radiation Detectors, Test Procedures for Semi-Guided Bend Test for Ductility of Metallic Materi Sensitive Electrical Tape (1973) $1.75 Sensitive Seals on Containers for Onsite Storage of Spe Sensitized Stainless Steel (5/73) Sensor for Liquid Metal Service (6-73) Sensor for Use in Liquid Metal (3-75) Supersedes C5-1 Sensor for Use in Liquid Metal (4-70) Amendment 1 (10- Separation of Class IE Equipment and Circuits, (Trial S Serial Numbering of Fuel Assemblies for Light-Water-C Service Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear Reactor Vesse Service Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear Reactor Vesse Service in Ionizing Radiation, Classification System Fo Service in Ionizing Radiation, Classification System Fo Service in Liquid Sodium (1-72) Service in Liquid Sodium (1-72) Service in Liquid Sodium (1-72) Service in Liquid Sodium (1-72) Service Inspection System and Associated Equipment for Service Specification for (1975) $1.75 Service Supersedes E4-19T, (8-71) Service (ASME SA-193 with Additional Requirements) (2- Service (ASME SA-194 with Additional Requirements) (2- Service (ASME SA-320 with Additional Requirements) (2- Service (ASTM a 637 with Additional Requirements) (12- Service (Fabrication Only) (7-72) Amendment 1 (7-73), Service (1-73) Service (11-72) Amendment 1 (1-74) Service (12-73) Supersedes (10-72), Amendment 1 (12- Service (1957) $5.00 Service (1971) $0.50 Service (1973) ASTM A637-1970 $1.75 /Dening Nickel Al Service (1973) ASTM A638-1970 $1.75 /Ron Base Superal Service (1973) ASTM A639-1970 $1.75 /Lt Containing Al Service (1973) ASTM E420— 1971 $1.75 / Sheathed Elect Service (1974) ASTM A632-1969 $1.75 /and Welded Auste ERDA RDT M3-18T ERDA RDT M3-4T ASTM B210 ASTM A335 ANSI G87.77 ANSI G87.78 ANSI Z98.2 ASME CODE-77 ANSI G24.45 ANSI G24.46 ANSI G24.47 NRC RG 5.43 NRC RG 1.70.15 ANSI N18.17 NRC RG 5.15 ASME SEC-III-A NRC RG 6.7 NRC RG 1.48 NRC RG 1.70.9 NRC RG 3.14 NRC RG 1.29 NRC RG 1.60 NRC RG 1.61 IEEE 344 NRC RG 1.100 NRC RG 1.70.23 ERDA RDT F9-2T NRC RG 1.92 NRC RG 6.2 ANSI N44.1 NRC RG 4.4 ACI 211.3 ANSI A164.1 ANSI A167.1 MSS SP-69 ANSI N18.1 NRC RG 1.8 NRC RG 5.10 ANSI Z166.26 NRC RG 1.9 NRC RG 5.26 ANSI N640 ASTM C755 ASTM E419 NRC RG 3.30 ASTM D2791 ANSI N278.1 ANSI N540 ASTM D635 ANSI N42.1 ANSI N42.2 ANSI Z168.ll ASTM D2754 NRC RG 5.10 NRC RG 1.44 ERDA RDT C4-7T ERDA RDT C5-1T ERDA RDT C5-2T ANSI N41.14 NRC RG 5.1 ANSI N577 ASTM E509 ANSI N4.1 ASTM D2953 ERDA RDT C8-5T ERDA RDT C8-7T ERDA RDT E8-13T ERDA RDT E8-14T ERDA RDT E8-12T ASTM A106 ERDA RDT E4-19T ERDA RDT M6-3T ERDA RDT M6-4T ERDA RDT M6-1T ERDA RDT M2-18T ERDA RDT E6-36T ERDA RDT E11-2T ERDA RDT E10-6T ERDA RDT E2-3T ISA RP25.1 NSF 16 ANSI G81.44 ANSI G81.45 ANSI G81.46 ANSI N143 ANSI B 125.49 92 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ion for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low Temperature f Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low Temperature 1 ) Freeze Vent for Sodium e Rotor, Roller Nut Control Rod Drive Mechanism for Sodium ion High Temperature Pressure Transmitter for Liquid Metal ), Amendment 3 (5-/ Electromagnetic Pump for Liquid Metal Fabrication of Core Component Pot for Liquid Metal ) Vapor Trap Assemblies for Sodium manent Magnet Flow Through Type Flowmeter for Liquid Metal Pipe Hangers, Supports and Snubbers for Liquid Metal High Strength Alloys for Core Components for Liquid Metal Class 1 Valves for Liquid Metal Eddy Current Probe Type Flow Sensor for Liquid Metal Class 2 Valves for Liquid Metal and Installation of Piping Subassemblies for Liquid Metal ) Thermowell Systems for Liquid Metal (3-72), Amendment 2 (11-72), Amendm/ Tank Liquid Metal sign and Construction of Nonmetallic Gaskets for Corrosive rical Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other Specialized and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes for Nuclear Seamless-Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature el Plates, Carbon Steel for Moderate and Lower Temperature es, Carbon Steel for Intermediate-and Higher-Temperature s and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Central Station nd Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Low Temperature Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure ustenitic Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High Temperature trifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature tic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High Temperature ugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature tic Chromium-Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High Temperature Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperature and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes for Nuclear oiled Steel Pipe Flanges, and Valves and Parts for General , 3/10/71) Selection of Diesel Generator h Energy Nuclear Radiation, Methods of Test / Compression h Energy Nuclear Radiation, Testing (1968) (/ Compression Instrument Spans and 12.50 1974) $1.75 449 with Additional Requiremen/ ication for (1970) $1.75 nder Static Axial Load (1974) $1.75 mp (7-72) Supersedes E3-3T, (10-70), Amendm/ Vertical, nt of Soil and Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods nt of Soil and Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods y of Soil and Soil- Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods $1.75 Std. Spec, for Tool Resisting Steel Flat Bars and cification for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and 74) Supersedes M7-3T, (10-73/ Stainless Steel Bars and Specification for Copper-Silicon Alloy Rod, Bar, and Spec, for Copper and Copper Alloy Forging Rod, Bar, and Specification for Aluminum Bronze Rod, Bar, and age-Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Cobalt-Chromium Alloy Bars and irements)/ Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steel Bars, Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, oatings on Products Fabricated/ Pressed, and Forged Steel Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Standard Structural i-Unit Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 1/75) erials (1973) $1.75 1-to-Metal), Meth/ Strength Properties of Adhesives in Test for Fatigue Properties of Adhesives in Test for Shear Strength and s (1970) $1.75 Test for ns (1973) (ASTM D3080-1972) $/ Method of Test for Direct other Specialized Service (1973) ASTM / Specification for other Specialized Service, Specification for (1971) $1.7/ d Alumel, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and nstantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and nstantan, Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and d Life Test of Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxide as Used in le Assemblies, Magnesium-Oxide Insulated, Stainless Steel couple Material, Iron Constantan, Mineral Oxide Insulated, le Material, Coppor-Constantan, Mineral-Oxide Insulated, couple Assembly, Chromel-P Versus Alumel, Stainless Steel Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70), in Part Amendment 1 / Metal 2) Time Response Test for er (3-75) Supersedes P4-3T, (2-74) Metal ity Applications, Specification for ( 1 967/ Thermocouples, lity Applications, Specification for (197/ Thermocouples, ents) (I/-75) Supers/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy 71 $1.75 Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium-Iron Alloy 73 $1.75 Aluminum-Alloy gth, Low Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium, Specific/ Steel Nuclear Data Time of Mineral Fiber Hydraulic- Mineral Fiber Hydraulic- Test for Load /Ressure Vess / Vessel Plat Seamles Seamless Seamless a Cen Ferri Centrif /Elded Austeni /Itic Chromium Wrought Zirconium Forged or R Service ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Specificat Service (1975) $1.75 Std. Spec, for Piping Fittings O Service (2-71) Amendment 1 (9-71), Amendment 2 (12-7 Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (12-72), Amendment 2 (8-7 Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (5-71); Superseded by Amen Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (9-71 ), Amendment 2 ( 1-74 Service (3-72) Amendment 1 (3-74) Service (4-72) Amendment 1 (5-73), Amendment 2 (1-74 Service (4-73) in Core Per Service (5-72) Service (5-74) Piston Rings of Service (5-75) Supersedes E1-18T, (2-71) Service (6-73) Service (6-74) Supersedes E1-19T, (9/70) Service (8-71) Amendment 1 (11-72), Amendment 2 (6-7 Service (8-72) Amendment 1 (8-73), Amendment 2 (5-74 Service (9-71) Supersedes E10-3T, (9-70) Amendment 1 Service, Practice for ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 De Service, Specification for (1971) $1.75 /Heathed Elect Service, Specification for (1973) ASTM B353-1971 $1.75 Service, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1974B) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Service, Spec, for (1971) $1.75 Service, Spec, for (1976) $1.75 Set Capacity for Standby Power Supplies (Safety Guide 9 Set Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to Hig Set Induced in Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to Hig Setpoints (11/75) Sets for Reactor Design Calculations (1975) ANS-19.1 $ Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle, Test for ( Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cement (ASTM C Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cement, Specif Settlement Relationship for Individual Vertical Piles U Shaft Sealed, Motor Driven, Single Stage Centrifugal Pu (Shallow Depths), Test for (1972) $1.75 Moisture Conte (Shallow Depth) (1972) $1.75 (ASTM D3017-1972) $1.75 (Shallow Depth), Tests for (1971) $1.75 Densit Shapes for Security Applications (1974) ASTM A629-1971 Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels ( 1 Shapes (ASME SA-479 with Additional Requirements) (11- Shapes (1974A) $1.75 Shapes (1974) $1.75 Shapes (1974) $1.75 Shapes (1974) $1.75 /for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Shapes (4-75) Supersedes M7-7T, (7-71) Shapes, and Forgings (ASME SA-564 with Additional Requ Shapes, and Tubes ( 1 974 ) ASTM B22 1 -73 $ 1 .75 Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip, Zinc (Hot Galvanized) C Shapes, Rolled or Extruded (1974) ASTM B308-1973 $1.75 Shared Emergency and Shutdown Electric Systems for Mult Sharp-Notch Tension Testing of High Strength Sheet Mat Shear by Tension Loading at Elevated Temperatures (Meta Shear by Tension Loading (1973) $1.75 Shear Modulus of Structural Adhesives ( 1970) $1.75 Shear Strength and Shear Modulus of Structural Adhesive Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditio Sheathed Electrical Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Sheathed Electrical Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Sheathed Over Fiberglass Insulation) (1-73) /El-P an Sheathed Over Fiberglass Insulation) (4-70) /N and Co Sheathed Over Fiberglass Insulation) (4/70) /Er and Co Sheathed Type Electric Heating Elements (1970) $1.75 Sheathed (1-72) Thermocoup Sheathed (4-70) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70), in Part a Sheathed (4-70) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70), in Part a Sheathed, Magnesium Oxide Insulated (2-75) Supersedes Sheathed, Mineral Insulated Cable Bulk Material (2-73) Sheathed, Mineral Insulated Thermocouple Assembly (6-7 Sheathed, Mineral-Insulated Electrical Resistance Heat Sheathed, Type K for Nuclear or for Other High Reliabil Sheathed, Type K, for Nuclear or for Other High Reliabi Sheet and Plate (ASME SB -434 with Additional Requirem Sheet and Plate, Specification for (1973) ASTM B434-19 Sheet and Plate, Specification for (1974) ASTM B209-19 Sheet and Strip, Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled, High Stren ASTM ASTM ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM NRC ANSI ASTM NRC ANSI ASTM ERDA ASTM ASTM ERDA ASTM ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ERDA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ERDA ERDA ANSI ANSI ANSI NRC ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ERDA ERDA ERDA ASTM ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ASTM ANSI ERDA ANSI ANSI ANSI A333 A420 RDT E4-13T RDT E6-5T RDTC6-1T RDT E3-9T RDT E6-34T RDT E4-14T RDT C4-6T RDT E7-6T RDT E6-40T RDT E1-18T RDT C4-7T RDT E1-19T RDT F6-11T RDTC7-18T RDT E10-3T F336 E420 N124 A335 A516 A515 A269 A376 A334 A155 A430 A451 A369 A426 A358 A409 B353 A181 RG 1.9 J2.33 D2309 RG 1.105 N411 C191 RDT M12-3T C449 D1143 RDT E3-3T D3017 A37.184 D2922 G24.47 A479 RDT M7-3T B98 B124 B150 A564 RDT M7-7T RDT M7-6T H38.5 G8.1 H38.10 RG 1.81 E338 Z197.5 D3166 E229 E229 A37.185 N143 E420 RDT C7-5T RDTC7-1T RDT C7-3T D2900 RDT C7-16T RDT C7-2T RDT C7-4T RDT C7-6T RDTC17-5T RDT C2-3T RDT P4-3T E235 N142 RDT M5-8T H34.44 H38.2 G24.32 Standards Application and Analysis Division 93 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Corrosion-Resisting Chromium Steel Clad Plate, Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Plate, 1.75 Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate and (1970) (R1975) ASTM C171-1969 (1975) $1.75 Sharp-Notch Tension Testing of High Strength 5 Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel .75 Cold Rolled Carbon Steel 972 $1.75 Titanium and Titanium Alloy Strip, Titanium and Titanium Alloy Strip, Austenitic Stainless Steel Plate, s/ Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, ) (/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, ents) ( 1 1-74) Supersedes M5-1T,/ Stainless Steel Plate, ents) (1-75) Supers/ Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate, ents) (9-75) Supers/ Nickel-lron-Chromium Alloy Plate, ts) (1-72) Superse/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Plate, 75/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, 970 $1.75 Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate, 197/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel Clad Plate, 973 $1.75 Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Nickel Plate, Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, ecification for (1975) $1.75 Carbon Steel 973) SAE AMS5500A-1969 $3.00 Steel 393-1964 $1.75 Columbium and Columbium Alloy Strip, ication for (1973) ASTM B3/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy ication for (1967) $1.75 Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy ickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0./ Alloy ickel Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0./ Alloy (1974A)$1.75 Copper, Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation- Aggregates for Radiation- Gamma Ray Protection for Energies Up to 10 MeV Structural tions (1964) $2.00 ns-6.3 $5.00 Testing Biological Instrumentation and Control Equipment Grounding and (4-72), Amendment 2 (7-73), Amendment 3 (3/ Core Radial tor Vessel Head (4-73) Amendment I (1-74) cal Shielding in Research and Training Reactors (5/73) Foil (8-73) Amendment 1 (11-73) astm C638-197/ Constituents of Aggregates for Radiation- 1973 $1.75 Aggregates for Radiation- shield Test Program for Evaluation of Installed Biological or Nuclear Criticality Safety Controls in Operations Where Concrete Radiation Concrete Radiation Concrete Radiation Amend/ Packaging, Packing, and Marking of Components for and Commen/ Draft Std. for Leakage Tests on Packages for Leakage Tests on Packages for Specially Designed Vehicle and Armed Guards for Road e for Verifying Compliance with Packaging Requirements for ns from Certain NRC Requirements Over Radioactive Material f Transportation Special Permits for Radioactive Materials Statistical Evaluation of Evaluation of Large Shielded Fuel Water Vapor Transmission of Inspection and Preventive Maintenance of Fuel Recommended Practice for Controlled Shock Input Tests for Cylindrical I Nuclear Materials, Concepts / I Nuclear Materials (6/74) mendment 1 ( 11-73) $1.75 75 Administrative Guide for Liability Insurance Aspects of materials, Guide to Design and Use of (1975) $5.00 nuclear Power Plants (During the Construction/ Packaging, Water Coo/ Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, rangement, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Cargo Vessels enent, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Passenger Vessels rrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Tank Vessels safety Considerations for Nuclear Power Plants on Merchant Classification of Nuclear ent, and Other Provisions for Use of Dangerous Articles as n Basis for Fuel and Irradiations Experiment Resistance to Recommended Practice for Controlled /70) Thermal Operating Manuals for Fuel ion Subjected to Soaking Heat / Method of Test for Linear Plants (Revision I, 1/75) Shared Emergency and Sheet and Strip, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Sheet and Strip, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Sheet for Pressure Vessels, Specification for (1975A) $ Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete, Specifications for Sheet Materials (1973) $1.75 Sheets for Pressure Vessels (1972) ASTM A4 14- 1971 $1.7 Sheets, Commercial Quality, Specification for ( 1972) $1 Sheet, and Plate, Specification for (1973) ASTM B265-1 Sheet, and Plate, Spec, for (1974) $1.75 Sheet, and Strip for Core Components (3-73) Sheet, and Strip for Fusion-Welded Unfired Pressure Ve Sheet, and Strip (AMS 5596 with Additional Requirements Sheet, and Strip (ASME SA-240 with Additional Requirem Sheet, and Strip (ASME SB- 168 with Additional Requirem Sheet, and Strip (ASME SB-409 with Additional Requirem Sheet, and Strip (ASTM B 352 with Additional Requiremen Sheet, and Strip 5597 with Additional Requirements) (8- Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1973) ASTM B168-1 Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1973) (ASTM 8443- Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1974) ASTM B409-1 Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Sheet, Cold Rolled, Drawing Quality, Special Killed, Sp Sheet, Corrosion Resistant, Laminated Surface Bonded ( 1 Sheet, Foil, and Plate, Specification for (1973) ASTM B Sheet, Strip, and Plate for Nuclear Application, Specif Sheet, Strip, and Plate for Nuclear Application, Specif Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant N Sheet, Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant N Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar, Specification for Sheilding Concrete, Descriptive Nomenclature of ( 1973) Sheilding Concrete, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 Sheilding Design and Evaluation (1970) $4.00 /-Ray and Sheilding for High Energy Electron Accelerator Installa Sheilding in Nuclear Power Plants, Program for (1972) a Sheilding Practices (1/73) Amendment 1 (1/75) Shield for Sodium Cooled Reactors (12-71) Amendment 1 Shield Plug and Closure Cap for Penetrations LMFBR Reac Shield Test Program for Evaluation of Installed Biologi Shielded Instrumentation Cable (6-74) Shielded Shipping Cask for Spent Reactor Fuel Elements Shielding Concrete, Descriptive Nomenclature of (1975) Shielding Concrete, Specification for (1975) ASTM C637- Shielding in Research and Training Reactors (5/73) Shielding Protects Personnel (1975) ANS 8.10 $8.00 / F Shields for Nuclear Power Plants ( 12/73) Shields (1972) ANS-11.13 $10.00 Shields (6/73) Shipment and Storage (9-75) Supersedes F7-2T, (2-69) Shipment of Radioactive Materials (Issued for Trial Use Shipment of Radioactive Materials (6/75) Shipment of Special Nuclear Material (Revision 1, 4/75) Shipments of Radioactive Materials (1975) $4.50 / Guid Shipments (6/75) /Trative Guide for Obtaining Exemptio Shipments, Administrative Guide for (1973) $3.00 /Nt O Shippers Regulations (1975) $6.80 Shipper-Receiver Differences in the Transfer of Specia Shipper-Receiver Differences in the Transfer of Specia Shipping Cases and Crates, Testing (1973) $1.75 Shipping Cask for Spent Reactor Fuel Elements (8-73) a Shipping Container Tiedown for Truck Transport ( 1-75) Shipping Containers by Cycle Method, of Test for ( 1973) Shipping Containers (1-75) Shipping Containers (1971) $1.75 Shipping Containers, Drop Test for (1973) $1.75 Shipping Containers, Drop Test for (1973) $1.75 Shipping Containers, Incline Impact Test for (1973) $1. Shipping Containers, Vibration Test for ( 1975) $1.75 Shipping Nuclear Materials (1973) $3.50 Shipping Packages for Type a Quantities of Radioactive Shipping, Receiving, Storage and Handling of Items for Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for (Ships and Barges) (1975) $1.95 /Ecial Construction, Ar (Ships and Barges) (1975) $2.05 /L Construction, Arrang (Ships and Barges) (1975) $2.15 /Ecial Consideration, a Ships (1965) $7.50 Ships, Guide for the (1962) $1.00 Ships, Stores and Supplies on Board Vessels (1975) $7.5 Shock and Vibration in Truck Transport (2-75) Desig Shock Input Tests for Shipping Containers ( 1971 ) $1.75 Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels (Safety Guide 2, 1 1/2 Shopping Containers (1-75) Shrinkage of Preformed High Temperature Thermal Insulat Shutdown Electric Systems for Multi-Unit Nuclear Power ASTM A263 ASTM B127 ASTM B402 ANSI A37.79 ASTM E338 ANSI G33.4 ASTM A366 ANSI Z179.1 ASTM B265 ERDA RDT M5-19T ASTM A240 ERDA RDT M5-21T ERDA RDT M5-1T ERDA RDT M5-4T ERDA RDT M5-7T ERDA RDT M5-6T ERDA RDT M5-20T ANSI H34.10 ANSI H34.19 ASTM A264 ANSI H34.40 ASTM A167 ASTM B162 ASTM A176 ASTM A620 ANSI G87.1 ANSI Z 179.20 ANSI N123 ASTM B352 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.85 ASTM B152 ASTM C638 ASTM C637 NCRP R34 NCRP R31 ANSI N18.9 ERDA RDTC1-1T ERDA RDT E6-23T ERDA RDT E2-4T NRC RG 2.1 ERDA RDTC17-9T ERDA RDT E12-4T ANSI N649 ANSI N648 NRC RG 2.1 ANSI N16.8 NRC RG 1.69 ANSI N101.6 NRC RG 3.9 ERDA RDT F7-2T ANSI N14.5 NRC RG 7.4 NRC RG 5.31 ANSI N14.10.3 NRC RG 7.5 ANSI N14.10.2 DOT 49CFR 173 ANSI N15.17 NRC RG 5.28 ASTM D1083 ERDA RDT E12-4T ERDA RDT F8-11T ASTM D1276 ERDA RDT E12-7T ASTM D2956 ASTM D775 ASTM D997 ASTM D880 ASTM D999 ANSI N14 GUIDE ANSI N14.7 ANSI N45.2.2 NRC RG 1.38 USCG 46CFR99 USCG 46CFR79 USCG 46CFR37 SNAME 3-18 ABS *1 USCG 46CFR147 ERDA RDT F8-9T ASTM D2956 NRC RG 1.2 ERDA RDT E12-5T ANSI Z98.19 NRC RG 1.81 94 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards for (1970) ASTM CI 17-1969 / Materials Finer Than No. 200 Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C136-1971 $1.75 stm El 1-1970 $1.75 Wire-Cloth astm E323-1970 $1.75 Perforated-Plate Std. Spec, for Precision Electroformed Eddy Current Flowmeter Power Supply and ) $2.50 ion Exposure May Occur ( 1967) $3.25 Immediate Evacuation Thermocouple Immediate Evacuation rential Pressure Transmitter, Pneumatic or Electric Output Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere Accumulation, Biological Indicating Which Places of Figures Are to Be Considered ng (1973) $1.75 Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Test for Average Particle Size of Alumina and with Additional Requirements) (6-71) Amendment / Calcium on for (1972) $1.75 Calcium Specification for Copper- rical Insulation (1969) (R197/ Std. Spec, for Fully Cured Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Manganese- Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat Treated Carbon-Manganese- Fittings (1970) $3.00 1/ Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade ring Neutron Flux Density by Radioactivation of Cobalt and Specification for Nuclear Grade .75 Specification for Nuclear Grade Chemical and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Analy/ High Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other or (1966) (R1973) A/ Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using amendment 1 (12-74) Electric Heaters: ation Protection Syste/ Draft Standard Application of the $3.00 Spec, for Top Running and Under Running 4) 4) , (10-70), Amendm/ tion Systems (6/73) 3 $1.75 4a $1.75 Horizontal, Electric Motor Driven. Vertical, Canned or Wet Motor Driven Vertical, Shaft Sealed, Motor Driven, Application of the Ultimate Heat Specification for Nuclear Grade Specification for Nuclear Grade Specification for Nuclear Grade, Specification for Nuclear Grade, Tungsten Forgings-Pressed, ctivity in Effluents, Specification and Performance / On- evision 1, 11/75) General to Occur on Transportation Routes Near Nuclear Power Plant Spent Fuel Storage/ Guidance on the License Application, In In ducting Subcritical Neutron Multiplication Measurements in , Method of Test for (19/ Resistance to Abrasion of Small r (1970) $1.75 Particle 1.75 Test for Average Particle Estimating the Average Grain s, Practice for (1972) $1.75 Choice of Sample Specification for Standard Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Plate Pipe Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Selecting Proportions for No- 1974) $1.75 ass Spectrometer Helium Leak Detection for Instruments and a 632 with Additional Requirements) / Seamless and Welded achine, Method of Test for ( 1 9/ Resistance to Abrasion of for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing Pipe Hangers, Supports and Total Immersion Corrosion Test for preformed High Temperature Thermal Insulation Subjected to Forged Steel Fittings, ) Amendment 1 (5-76) Methods for the Analysis of by Flame Photometry, Tests for ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 sducer, Proximity Measurement System (1-76) Liquid (12-73) o) Guard Vessel for Primary 8-73), Amendment 2 (3-74) Instrument Tree for ment I (12-72), Amendment 2 / Core Support Structure for dment 1 (3-74) Core Restraint Mechanism for ment 1 (4-73) Core Radial Reflector for endment 2 (7-73), Amendment 3 (3/ Core Radial Shield for Fabrication of Control Rod Driveline for ent 1 (1-75) 6T, (5-72) Forced Circulation Cold Trap Assembly for Removal of Continuous Determination of 2-72), Amendment 2 (6-74) Centrifugal Free Surface, IT, (4-73) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing, Method of Test Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates, Sieves for Testing Purposes, Specification for (1973) a Sieves for Testing Purposes, Specifications for ( 1973) Sieves (1973) ASTM E161 — 1970 Signal Conditioning Electronics (2-73) Signal Connectors for Nuclear Instruments ( 1968) (R1973 Signal for Use in Industrial Installations Where Radiat Signal Transmitter (11-71) Signal (2/16/73) Signal (4-74) Diffe Significance, and Control Technology (1975) $4.00 Significant in Specified Limiting Values, Recommended P Silencers for Acoustical and Airflow Performance, Testi Silica by Air Permeability (1972) $1.75 Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation (ASTM C 533 Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation, Specificati Silicon Alloy Rod, Bar, and Shapes ( 1974A) $1.75 Silicone Rubber Coated Glass Fabric and Tapes for Elect Silicon, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Silicon, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Silver Brazing Joints for Cast and Wrought Solder Joint Silver— Cadmium Alloys, Methods for (1974) ASTM C760- Silver (1973T) Measu Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloy (1973) $1.75 Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloy (1974) ASTM C752-1973 $1 Silver-Indium-Cadmium Alloys (1974) $1.75 Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt-Base Alloys, Chemical Simple Beam with Third Point Loading), Method of Test F Simulated Core Assemblies for Nuclear Reactors (3-73) Simulated LMFBR Fuel Pins (3-72) Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating St Single Girder Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes ( 1974) Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (2-72) Amendment 1 (5-7 Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (6-72) Amendment 1 (5-7 Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (7-72) Supersedes E3-3T Single-Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Plant Protec Sink for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 2, 1/76) Sinterable Plutonium Dioxide Powder (1974A) $1.75 Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder (1973) $1.75 Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder (1974) ASTM C753-197 Sinterable Uranium Dioxide Powder (1975) ASTM C757-197 Sintered, and Forged (1966) $3.00 Site Instrumentation for Continuously Monitoring Radioa Site Suitability Criteria for Nuclear Power Stations (R Sites (1/75) Evaluation of Explosions Postulated Siting, Design, and Plant Protection for an Independent Situ Assay of Enriched Uranium Residual Holdup (8/74) Situ Assay of Plutonium Residual Holdup (5/74) Situ, Safety in ( 1975) ANS-8.6 $6.50 Con Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine Size Distribution of Granular Activated Carbon, Test Fo Size of Alumina and Silica by Air Permeability (1972) $ Size of Metals, Methods for (1974) $1.75 Size to Estimate the Average Quality of a Lot or Proces Sizes of Seamless Copper Pipe ( 1975) $1.75 (Sizes 16 in. and Over), Specification for (1974) $1.75 Sleeves and Tapping Valves (1969) $2.00 Slump Concrete, Recommended Practice for (1975) $9.50 Slump of Portland Cement Concrete, Method of Test for ( Small Components (2-72) Small Diameter Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing (ASTM Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles M (Small-Diameter) for General Service (1974) ASTM A632- Snubbers for Liquid Metal Service (5-72) Soak Tank Metal Cleaners (1972) $1.75 Soaking Heat (1963) (R1969) ASTM C356-1960 (1967) $1.7 Socket-Welding and Threaded (1973) $3.00 Socket-Welding Reducer Inserts (1974) $4.00 Sodium and Cover Gas ( 1-76) Supersedes F3-40T, (1-73 Sodium and Potassium in Water and Water Formed Deposits Sodium Bearing Film Thickness, Variable Reluctance Tran Sodium Carbonate, Low Chloride Fire Extinguishing Agent Sodium Containing Components (1 1-70) Amendment 1 (7-7 Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) Amendment 1 ( Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) (1-72) Amend Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) (10-72) Amen Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) (8-72) Amend Sodium Cooled Reactors (12-71) Amendment 1 (4-72), Am Sodium Cooled Reactors (4-73) Amendment 1 (3-74) Sodium Cover Gas Purchase Specifications (7-72) Amendm Sodium Heated Steam Generator (2-74), Supersedes E4-1 Sodium Impurities (1-76) Supersedes E4-5T, (12-70) Sodium in Water by Ion Selective Electrode (1973) $1.75 Sodium Pump with Electrical Drive (5-71) Amendment 1 ( Sodium Purchase Specifications (9-73) Supersedes M13- ANSI A37.4 ANSI A37.8 ANSI Z23.1 ANSI Z168.12 ANSI Z168.5 ERDA RDT C10-5T ANSI N544 ANSI N2.3 ERDA RDT C10-1T NRC RG 8.5 ERDA RDT C6-2T NCRP R44 ASTM E29 ASTM E477 ASTM C721 ERDA RDT M12-2T ASTM C533 ASTM B98 ANSI C59.89 ASTM A299 ASTM A537 MSS SP-73 ANSI N574 ASTM E481 ASTM C752 ANSI N571 ASTM C760 ASTM E354 ANSI A37.22 ERDA RDT E6-11T ERDA RDT P4-1T ANSI N41.2 CMAA 74 ERDA RDT E3-6T ERDA RDT E3-1T ERDA RDT E3-3T NRC RG 1.53 NRC RG 1.27 ASTM C757 ASTM C753 ANSI N567 ANSI N568 SAE AMS7897 ANSI N13.10 NRC RG 4.7 NRC RG 1.91 NRC RG 3.24 NRC RG 5.37 NRC RG 5.23 ANSI N16.3 ANSI A37.7 ASTM D2862 ASTM C721 ASTM El 12 ASTM E122 ASTM B42 ASTM A134 MSS SP-60 ACI 211.3 ASTM C143 ERDA RDT F3-11T ERDA RDT M3-27T ANSI A37.7 ANSI B 125.49 ERDA RDT E7-6T ASTM D1280 ANSI Z98.19 ANSI B16.ll MSS SP-79 ERDA RDT F3-40T ASTM D1428 ERDA RDT C8-2T ERDA RDT M17-1T ERDA RDT E10-2T ERDA RDT E6-18T ERDA RDT E6-13T ERDA RDT E6-17T ERDA RDT E6-19T ERDA RDT E6-23T ERDA RDT E6-26T ERDA RDT M14-1T ERDA RDT E4-16T ERDA RDT E4-5T ASTM D2791 ERDA RDT E3-2T ERDA RDT M13-1T Standards Application and Analysis Division 95 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Purity Requirements for Operating Plugging Temperature Indicator Assembly for Filter for (12-71) Freeze Vent for lapsible Rotor, Roller Nut Control Rod Drive Mechanism for (1-74) Vapor Trap Assemblies for (1973) $1.75 Soundness of Aggregates by Use of 71 ), Amendment 2 ( 12-72), Amendment 3 (11-73), Amendme/ Electrochemical Oxygen Meter for Service in Liquid Diffusion Carbon Meter for Service in Liquid Oxygen-Hydrogen Meter Module for Service in Liquid Carbon Meter Equilibration Module for Service in Liquid tipurpose Sampler) for the Analysis of Nonmetals in Liquid sient Reactor Test Facility (Treat) Experiments Containing Venturi Flow Tube for Liquid th) (197/ Method of Test for Moisture Content of Soil and ths), Test for (1972) $1.75 Moisture Content of Soil and allow Depth) ( 197/ Method of Test for Moisture Content of allow Depths), Test for (1972) $1.75 Moisture Content of hallow Depth), Tests for (1971) $1.75 Density of 194-1972) $1.75 Method of Test for Bearing Capacity of D2937-1971) $1.75 Method of Test for Density of (ASTM D1452-1966) $1.75 Method for Tests for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive in the Environment: Sampling and Analysis of Plutonium in ) $ 1 .75 Classification of of Test for Unconsolidated, Undrained Strength of Cohesive m D3080-1972) $/ Method of Test for Direct Shear Test of standard Methods of Test for Moisture Density Relations of oisture-Penetration Resistance Relations of Fine-Grained Test for Relative Density of Cohesionless od of Test for One Dimensional Consolidation Properties of 8-mm) Drop, Tests for (/ Moisture-Density Relations of pth). Tests for (1971) $1.75 Density of Soil and ) $3.50 Cast Bronze Silver Brazing Joints for Cast and Wrought ed Over Fibe/ Thermocouple Material, Iron and Constantan, ed Over Fi/ Thermocouple Material, Copper and Constantan, ed Over Fi/ Thermocouple Material, Chromel-P and Alumel, Test for Thermal Failure Under Electric Stress of rocessing Plant/ Design Objectives for Highly Radioactive iq/ Measuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in n Techniques Fo/ Calorimetric Assay of Plutonium-Bearing e Road Mixes, Method of Test for (1975) $1.75 Water able Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) able Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) ti-0.50AI Consumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted able Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 F (1065.6C) ble Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 F ( 1065.6 C) nt Nickel Base-19Cr-3. lMo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Fast Flux Test Facility Uranyl Nitrate Fast Flux Facility Plutonium Nitrate ical, Mass Spectrometric, Spectr/ Grade Plutonium Nitrate Specification for Plutonium Nitrate y Det/ General Methods for the Analysis of Uranyl Nitrate Borosilicate Glass Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in borosilicate-Glass Raschig Rings as a Neutron Absorber in Colorimetric Determination of Uranium in Aqueous ethod for Colorimetric Determination of Uranium in Aqueous radiochemical Determination of Cesium- 137 in Nuclear Fuel Radiochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nitrate Methods for the Accountability of Plutonium Nitrate rometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nitrate $1.75 Nuclear Grade Uranyl Nitrate Plutonium Nitrate radiochemical Determination of Cesium- 137 in Nuclear Fuel $1.75 Analysis of undamental Frequencies of Carbon and Graphite Materials by on Rooms ( 1972) $1.75 Test for ement (1971 ) $1.75 Airborne Classification for Determination of nesium Sulfate, Method of Test for (1973) $1.75 or the Preparation of Applications for Licenses to Process Logarithmic Count Rate gu/ Independence Between Redundant Standby (Onsite) Power sification of Containment Properties of Sealed Radioactive and / Food Additives, Subpart G. Radiation and Radiation Leak Testing Radioactive Brachytherapy tegrity and Test Specifications for Selected Brachytherapy Availability of Electric Power Protection Against Radiation from Brachythreapy Leak Testing Radioactive Brachytherapy tegrity and Test Specifications for Selected Brachytherapy Spec, of Gamma Ray Brachytherapy ndard for Installations Using Nonmedical Sealed Gamma-Ray Radioactive Self-Luminous Light Sodium Reactor Systems (3/76) Supersedes A1-5T, 5-73 ERDA RDTA1-5T Sodium Service Supersedes E4-19T, (8-71) ERDA RDT E4-19T Sodium Service (1-73) ERDA RDTE11-2T Sodium Service (2-71) Amendment 1 (9-71), Amendment 2 ERDA RDT E4-13T Sodium Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (12-72), Amendment ERDA RDT E6-5T Sodium Service (4-72) Amendment 1 (5-73), Amendment 2 ERDA RDT E4-14T Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate, Method of Test for ASTM C88 Sodium to Air Heat Exchanger (6-71), Amendment 1 (10- ERDA RDT E4-7T Sodium (1-72) ERDA RDT C8-5T Sodium (1-72) ERDA RDT C8-7T Sodium (1-72) ERDA RDT E8-13T Sodium (1-72) ERDA RDT E8-14T Sodium (1-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) /Ion Device (Or Mul ERDA RDT C8-8T Sodium (8-74) Test Vehicles for Tran ERDA RDT El 6- IT Sodium ( 8-74 ) Supersedes C4-4T, (1-71) ERDA RDT C4-4T Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Dep ANSI A37.184 Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Dep ASTM D3017 Soil and Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Sh ANSI A37.184 Soil and Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Sh ASTM D3017 Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (S ASTM D2922 Soil for Static Load on Spread Footings (1972) (ASTM Dl ANSI A37.158 Soil in Place by the Drive Cylinder Method (1972) (ASTM ANSI A37.18I Soil Investigation and Sampling by Auger Borings ( 1972) ANSI A37.147 Soil (1972) (ASTM D1266-1972) $1.75 ANSI A37.148 Soil (5/74) Measurements of Radionuclides NRC RG 4.5 Soils for Engineering Purposes (1972) (ASTM D2487-1969 ANSI A37.173 Soils in Triaxial Compression (1972) (ASTM D2850— 1970 ANSI A37.177 Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions (1973) (Ast ANSI A37.185 Soils Using 10 lb. (4.5 mg) Rammer and 18 (457 mm) in. ASTM D1557 Soils (1972) (ASTM D1558-1971) $1.75 /D of Test for M ANSI A37.157 Soils (1972) (ASTM D2049-1969) $1.75 ANSI A37.169 Soils (1972) (ASTM D2435-1970) $1.75 Meth ANSI A37.170 Soils, Using 5.5-lb. (2.5-kg) Rammer and 12-in. (304 ASTM D698 Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow De ASTM D2922 Solder Joint Fittings for Sovent Drainage Systems ( 1973 ANSI B16.32 Solder Joint Fittings (1970) $3.00 MSS SP-73 Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheath ERDA RDT C7-1T Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheath ERDA RDT C7-3T Solid Conductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheath ERDA RDT C7-5T Solid Electrical Insulating Materials (1973) $1.75 ASTM D3151 Solid Material Handling and Storage Facilities in a Rep ANSI N305 Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in L NRC RG 1.21 Solids Applied to Nuclear Materials Control, Calibratio ANSI N 15.22 Soluble Chlorides Present as Admixes in Graded Aggregat ASTM D141 1 Solution Heat Treated ( 1973) SAE AMS 5596C-1968 $3.00 ANSI G87.84 Solution Heat Treated (1973) SAE AMS 5662C-1972 $3.00 ANSI G87.146 Solution Heat Treated (1975) $3.00 /-5.1 (Cb+Ta) 0.90 SAE AMS5662D Solution Treated (1973) SAE AMS 5590-1966 $3.00 Base- ANSI G87.78 Solution Treated (1973) SAE AMS 5597A-1967 $3.00 /Uma ANSI G87.85 Solution Treated (1973) (SAE AMS 5589-1966 $3.00 /Sta ANSI G87.77 Solution (6-71) ERDA RDT E13-3T Solution (6-71) ERDA RDT E13-4T Solutions and Plutonium Metal Standard Methods for Chem NRC RG 5.16 Solutions ASTM C7 10-72 (1973) $1.75 ANSI N137 Solutions for Assay, Isotopic Distribution, and Impurit NRC RG 5.39 Solutions of Fissile Material (1971) ANS-8. 3 $7.50 /F ANSI N16.4 Solutions of Fissile Material (1/73) Use of NRC RG 3.1 Solutions Standard Method for (1975) $1.75 ASTM E318 Solutions (1973) ASTM E3 18- 1969 $1.75 ANSI N116 Solutions (1973) ASTM E320- 1970 $1.75 Methods for ANSI N117 Solutions (1973) $1.75 /C, Spectrochemical Nuclear and ASTM C759 Solutions (1/74) NRC RG 5.19 Solutions, Methods for (1974) ASTM C759— 1973 $1.75 ANSI N573 Solutions, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of ( 1975) ASTM C799 Solutions, Specification for (1973) $1.75 ASTM C710 Solutions, Standard Method for (1970) $1.75 ASTM E320 Solvent Systems Used for Removal of Water Formed (1973) ASTM D2790 Sonic Resonance (1974) $1.75 /Duli of Elasticity and F ASTM C747 Sound Absorption of Acoustical Materials in Reverberati ASTM C423 Sound Insulation in Buildings, Rec. Practice for Measur ASTM E336 Sound Transmission Class (1973) $1.75 ASTM E4 1 3 Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Mag ASTM C88 Source Material (7/76) Guide F NRC RG 10.4 Source Range Neutron Flux Monitoring System (7-71) ERDA RDT C15-10 Sources and Between Their Distribution Systems (Safety NRC RG 1.6 Sources Contained in Certain Devices to Be Distributed NRC RG 6.4 Sources Intended for Use in the Production, Processing, FDA 21CFR 121 Sources (Revision 1, 7/74) NRC RG 6.1 Sources (Revision 1, 7/74) in NRC RG 6.2 Sources (12/74) NRC RG1.93 Sources (1972) $4.00 NCRP R40 Sources (1973) $3.50 ANSI N44.2 Sources (1973) $3.50 in ANSI N44.1 Sources (1974) $3.00 NCRP R41 Sources (6/74) General Safety Sta NRC RG 6.5 Sources, Classification of (1975) NBS Handbook 1 16 $2.0 ANSI N540 96 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards nstallations Using Non-Medical X-Ray and Sealed Gamma Ray Cast Bronze Solder Joint Fittings for Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Plenum 75) $1.75 Lattice 8-1969 $1.75 Measurement of Lattice Instrument on 1, 2/76) Combining Modal Responses and al Requirements for Bolting Material for Nuclear and Other irements) (2-75) Super/ Alloy Steel Bolting Material for ial Requirements for Pipe and Tubing for Nuclear and Other cial Requirements for Steel Castings for Nuclear and Other pecial Requirements for Steel Plates for Nuclear and Other n for Wrought Steel Welding Fittings for Nuclear and Other 1 Requirements for Forgings and Bars for Nuclear and Other ments for ( 1973/ Steel Castings for the Nuclear and Other merits for (1973) / Bolting Material for Nuclear and Other ments for ( 1973) $1.7/ Steel Plates for Nuclear and Other men/ Wrought Steel Welding Fittings for Nuclear and Other ments for (1973)/ Forgings and Bars for Nuclear and Other Alloy Steel Bolting Materials for Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for ial Requirements for Pipe and Tubing for Nuclear and Other s for Nuclear Tank Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $2./ for Transportation or Storage of Explosives or Other Da/ for Use of Dangerous Articles as Ships, Stores and Supp/ for Nuclear Powerplant Components ( 1975) $4.40 for Nuclear Cargo Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $1/ for Nuclear Passenger Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975)/ Carbon Steel Sheet, Cold Rolled, Drawing Quality, 10/73) Nondestructive Assay of of a Special Nuclea/ Standard Format and Content for the Design Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of Design Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of ecial Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Section of A Mass Quan/ Guide for the Preparation of Applications for lly Designed Vehicle and Armed Guards for Road Shipment of Security Seals for the Protection and Control of Internal Transfers of Analysis and Use of Process Data for the Protection of 3) Statistical Terminology and Notation for Design Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup of e of Locks in the Protection and Control of Facilities and uation of Shipper-Receiver Differences in the Transfer of ssure-Sensitive Seals on Containers for Onsite Storage of uation of Shipper-Receiver Differences in the Transfer of ministrative Guid/ Obtaining Department of Transportation Lo/ ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code— 1977 Edition; nd Other Special Applications ASTM A61/ Specification for and Other Special Applications (1974) ASTM A65/ Spec, for d Other Special Applications, Specification for ( 1974) A/ d Other Special Applications / Standard Specification for Other Special Applications ( 1974) Ast/ Specification for ther Special Applications (1974) ASTM A647-19/ Spec, for Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specification for Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specification for Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specification for Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specification for Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Specification for Matter Nonmailable Articles and Substances Under Mailable Matter Under Specification for eathed Electrical Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other eathed Electrical Resistance Heaters, for Nuclear or Other ipment of Special Nuclear Material (Revision 1, 4/75) Guidance to Academic Institutions Applying for 74) ASTM C127-1973 $1.75 Method of Test for ) $ 1 .75 Method of Test for ) (R1975) (ASTM C312-1955) $1.75 Mean 1973) $1.75 Mean hich Places of Figures Are to Be Considered Significant in for the Analysis of Nonmetals in Liquid Sodium ( 1-72) / and Curing Concrete Compressive and Flexural Strength Test -1969 $1.75 Making and Curing Concrete Test Test for Elastic Moduli of Rock Core ASTM D 1 879- 1 970 $ 1 .75 Exposure of Adhesive 1970) $1.75 Exposure of Adhesive t for Triaxial Compressive Strength of Undrained Rock Core Method of Test for Direct Tensile Strength of Rock Core d of Test for Unconfined Compressive Strength of Rock Core Preparation of Metallographic gth of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in (50-mm) Cube .75 Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete 75 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete and Poisson's Ratio in Compression of Cylindrical Concrete $2.00 Measurement of Neutron Flux and Sources, Energies Up to 10-Mev, General Safety Standar Sovent Drainage Systems (1973) $3.50 Spacer (6-71 ) Spacing of Nuclear Graphite, Measurement of ( 1969) (R19 Spacing of Nuclear Graphite, Method for (1973) ASTM C55 Spans and Setpoints ( 1 1/75) Spatial Components in Seismic Response Analysis (Revisi Special Applications ASTM A614-73 (1974) $1.75 /Speci Special Applications (ASME SA-540 with Additional Requ Special Applications (1973) $1.75 /Cification for Spec Special Applications (1974) ASTM A6 13-73 $1.75 /R Spe Special Applications (1974) ASTM A647-1973 $1.75 /R S Special Applications (1974) ASTM A652-1973 $1.75 /Tio Special Applications (1974) ASTM A654-73 $1.75 /Pecia Special Applications, Specification for Special Require Special Applications, Specification for Special Require Special Applications, Specification for Special Require Special Applications, Specification for Special Require Special Applications, Specification for Special Require Special Applications, Specification for (1970) $1.75 Special Applications, Specification for (1973) ASTM A57 Special Applications, Specification for (1974) ASTM A65 Special Consideration, Arrangement, and Other Provision Special Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions Special Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions Special Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions Special Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions Special Construction, Arrangenent, and Other Provisions Special Killed, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Special Nuclear Material Contained in Scrap and Waste ( Special Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Section Special Nuclear Material Doorway Monitors (6/74) Special Nuclear Material in Drying and Fluidized Bed Op Special Nuclear Material in Equipment for Dry Process O Special Nuclear Material License Application (Including Special Nuclear Material Licenses of Less Than Critical Special Nuclear Material (Revision 1,4/75) Specia Special Nuclear Material (1/74) Special Nuclear Material (3/75) Special Nuclear Material (6/74) Special Nuclear Materials Control Accountability (2/2/7 Special Nuclear Materials in Equipment for Wet Process Special Nuclear Materials (11/73) General Us Special Nuclear Materials (6/74) Eval Special Nuclear Materials (7/73) /Ction and Use of Pre Special Nuclear Materials, Concepts and Principles for Special Permits for Radioactive Materials Shipments, Ad Special Price for All Sections: Bound Edition $1200.00: Special Requirements for Bolting Material for Nuclear a Special Requirements for Forgings and Bars for Nuclear Special Requirements for Pipe and Tubing for Nuclear an Special Requirements for Pipe and Tubing for Nuclear an Special Requirements for Steel Castings for Nuclear and Special Requirements for Steel Plates for Nuclear and O Special Requirements for (1973) $1.75 /Astings for the Special Requirements for (1973) $1.75 /Gs and Bars for Special Requirements for (1973) $1.75 /Ng Fittings for Special Requirements for ( 1973) $1.75 /Ng Material for Special Requirements for ( 1973) $1.75 /Teel Plates for Special Rules (1975) Special Rules, Radioactive Materials (1975) Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe (1975) $1.75 Specialized Service (1973) ASTM E420— 1 97 1 $ 1 .75 / Sh Specialized Service, Specification for (1971) $1.75 /H Specially Designed Vehicle and Armed Guards for Road Sh Specific Byproduct Material Licenses (3/76) Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate ( 1 9 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate ( 1973 Specific Heat of Thermal Insulation, Practice for (1963 Specific Heat of Thermal Insulation, Test for ( 1961 ) (R Specified Limiting Values, Recommended Practice for (19 Specimen Equilibration Device (Or Multipurpose Sampler) Specimens in the Field, Method of (1970) ASTM C31-1969 Specimens in the Laboratory, Method of (1973) ASTM CI 92 Specimens in Uniaxial Compression (1972) $1.75 Specimens to High Energy Radiation, Practice for ( 1973) Specimens to High Energy Radiation, Rec. Practice for ( Specimens Without Pore Pressure Measurements (1974) $1. Specimens (1972) (ASTM D2936-1971) $1.75 Specimens (1972) (ASTM D2938-1971A) $1.75 Metho Specimens (1974) $1.75 Specimens), Test for (1973) $1.75 Compressive Stren Specimens, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C496-1971 $1 Specimens, Method of Test for (1974) ASTM C39-1972 $1. Specimens, Method of Test (1967) (R1973) ASTM C469-196 Spectra for Physical and Biological Applications (1960) ANSI ANSI ERDA ASTM ANSI NRC NRC ANSI ERDA ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI USCG usee USCG USCG USCG USCG ASTM NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ANSI ANSI ASME ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM USPS USPS ASTM ANSI ASTM NRC NRC ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ERDA ANSI ANSI ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI NCRP N543 B16.32 RDT E13-11 C558 K90.1 RG 1.105 RG 1.92 N265 RDT M6-5T A655 N558 N559 N560 N561 A613 A614 A647 A652 A654 A540 G35.25 N564 46CFR37 46CFR146 46CFR147 46CFR55 46CFR99 46CFR79 A620 RG 5.11 RG 5.45 RG 5.27 RG 5.8 RG 5.42 RG 5.45 RG 10.3 RG 5.31 RG 5.15 RG 5.49 RG 5.24 RG 5.3 RG 5.25 RG 5.12 RG 5.28 RG 5.10 N15.17 N14.10.2 CODE-77 N265 N561 N564 A655 N558 N559 A613 A654 A652 A614 A647 POSTL124 POSTL 124.2 A530 N143 E420 RG 5.31 RG 10.2 A37.5 C128 Z98.15 C351 E29 RDT C8-8T A37.17 A37.81 D3148 N141 D1879 D2664 A37.180 A37.182 E3 C109 A37.121 A37.18 A37.94 R23 Standards Application and Analysis Division 97 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ode (1973) $1.75 the Tracer Probe Mode (/ ision 1 , 12/7 3) Design Response x/ Standard Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and ium Alloys, Methods for (1974) ASTM C760-1/ Chemical and m-Cadmium Alloys (1974) $1.75 Chemical and d/ Standard Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and and Pellets, Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and and Pellets, Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and de by Gallium Oxide Carrier D-C Arc Technique, Method for xide by Gallium Oxide Carrier DC Arc Technique, Method for (U, Pu)o(2)), Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and xed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and ide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and ide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and ear Grade Boron Carbide, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and beryllium Oxide Powders, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and beryllium Oxide Powders, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and 3) ASTM E158-1966 (1972) $1.75 uclear Grade Plutonium Nit/ Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, nuclear Grade Plutonium Me/ Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, uranium Hexafluoride, Meth/ Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, clear Grade Plutonium Metal, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, m Metal Standard Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, (19/ Uranium Hexafluoride, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, ons. Methods for ( 1974) As/ Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, small Components (2-72) Mass 1973) $1.75 Testing for Leaks Using the Mass Tests for Leaks Using the Mass Testing for Leaks Using the Mass r Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mass Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mass um Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Methods for Chemical, Mass um Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Methods for Chemical, Mass grade Uranium Dioxid/ Standard Methods for Chemical, Mass grade Plutonium Diox/ Standard Methods for Chemical, Mass rade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Methods for Chemical, Mass Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Mass rade Plutonium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Mass Nuclear Grade Mixed Oxides ((U,Pu)0( 2 )), Chemical, Mass 1.75 Nuclear Grade Boron Carbide, Chemical, Mass sical Tests on (/ Beryllium Oxide Powders, Chemical, Mass sical Tests on (/ Beryllium Oxide Powders, Chemical, Mass 1 Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nit/ Chemical, Mass al Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Me/ Chemical, Mass al Analysis of Uranium Hexafluoride, Meth/ Chemical, Mass al Analysi/ Nuclear Grade Plutonium Metal, Chemical, Mass al, Analysis of ( 19/ Uranium Hexafluoride, Chemical, Mass ns and Plutonium Metal Standard Methods for Chemical, Mass Nitrate Solutions, Methods for (1974) As/ Chemical, Mass 1969 $1.75 Gamma $1.75 Alpha Gamma nondestructive Uranium-235 Enrichment Assay by Gamma-Ray assay of High Enrichment Uranium Fuel Plates by Gamma-Ray n Irradiated Nuclear Fuels ( 1973T) $1/ Method of Test for Metals in Water and Waste Water by Atomic Absorption ts, Part I: Data Acquisition Sy/ Specifications of Ge(Li) Terms and Symbols Relating to Emission ferences Relating to ( 1/ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) n, Siting, Design, and Plant Protection for an Independent ) Shielded Shipping Cask for -1/ Method for Ultrasonic Inspection of Longitudinal and ctures (Revision 1, 1/2/73 Safety G/ Mechanical (Cadweld) tations ( 1 9/ Type Test of Class 1 E Electric Cables, Field imens, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C496-1971 $1.75 tion for (1973) $1.75 ication, Specification for (1973) (ASTM B349-/ Zirconium ication, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 Zirconium Titanium Nondestructive Assay for Plutonium in Scrap Material by Sumps for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Test for Adhesion or Cohesive Strength of Flame- od of Test for Bearing Capacity of Soil for Static Load on Automatic Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Plenum Helical Age-Hardenable Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy nitoring System (7-71) Logarithmic Mean Protective Action Guides for Environmental Protective Action Guides for Environmental Sr-89, ills (6/73) Design on Systems ( 1 1/74) Uranium-Thorium Milling Waste Retention Systems, 1.75 Std. Method for Sampling uction Permit Applications/ Information Needed by the NRC Spectra for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants (Rev Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Plutonium Dio Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Silver— Cadm Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Silver-Indiu Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxi Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade ( 1973) ASTM C Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade ( 1973) ASTM C Spectrochemical Analysis of ( 1970) $1.75 Uranium Oxi Spectrochemical Analysis of (1972) ASTM E402-1970 $1.7 Spectrochemical Analysis of (1973) ASTM C698- 1972a $1. Spectrochemical Analysis of ( 1 974) $1.75 /Ear Grade Mi Spectrochemical Analysis of (1974) $1.75 /Uranium Diox Spectrochemical Analysis of (1974) $1.75 /Utonium Diox Spectrochemical Analysis of ( 1 975 ) $1.75 Nucl Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and Physical Tests on (197 Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and Physical Tests on (197 Spectrochemical Computations, Practice for (1968) (R197 Spectrochemical Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of N Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical, Analysis of Spectrochemical, Nuclear Grade Plutonium Nitrate Soluti Spectrometer Helium Leak Detection for Instruments and Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Detector Probe Mode ( Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Inside-Out Testing M Spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in Spectrometric Method) (1974) $1.75 Test Fo Spectrometric Method), Method of Test for (1973) ASTM E Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of (1973) a Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of (1974) $ Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of (1974) $ Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of (1974) $ Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of (1975) $ Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and Phy Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis Of, and Phy Spectrometric, Spectrochemical Nuclear and Radiochemica Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemic Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemic Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemic Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemic Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemic Spectrometric, Spectrochemical, Nuclear Grade Plutonium Spectrometry of Water, Method of Test for ASTM D2459— Spectrometry of Water, Recommended Practice for (1972T) Spectrometry of Water, Test for (1972) $1.75 Spectrometry (4/74) Spectrometry (9/74) Nondestructive Spectrophotometric Determination of Fission Zirconium I Spectrophotometry (1970) $1.75 Spectroscopy Systems for Material Protection Measuremen Spectroscopy, Definition of (1975A) $1.75 Spectroscopy, Definitions, Symbols, Conventions, and Re Spent Fuel Storage Installation (12/74) /Se Applicatio Spent Reactor Fuel Elements (8-73) Amendment 1 (11-73 Spiral Welds of Welded Pipe and Tubing (1969) ASTM E273 Splices in Reinforcing Bars of Category 1 Concrete Stru Splices, and Connections for Nuclear Power Generating S Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Spec Sponge and Expanded Cellular Rubber Products, Specifica Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Metal for Nuclear Appl Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Metal for Nuclear Appl Sponge, Spec, for (1974) $1.75 Spontaneous Fission Detection (6/74) Spot Facing Std. (1970) $2.00 Spray Pond Plastic Piping (12/73) Spray Systems (6/74) Sprayed Coatings (1974) $1.75 Spread Footings ( 1 972 ) ( ASTM D 1 1 94- 1 972 ) $ 1 .75 Meth Spring Loaded Safety Valves (3-72) Amendment 1 (1-73) Spring (6-71 ) Springs (5-75) Supersedes M8-1T, (2-73) Square and Hex Nuts (1972) $4.50 Square Voltage (MSV) Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Mo Sr-89, Sr-90, and Cs-137 Contamination (1965) Sr-90, and Cs-137 Contamination (1965) Stability of Embankment Retention Systems for Uranium M Stabilization of Uranium-Thorium Milling Waste Retenti Stabilization of (1974) $1.50 Stacks for Particulate Matter (1973) ASTM D2928-1971 $ Staff in Connection with Its Antitrust Review of Constr NRC RG 1.60 NRC RG 5.6 ANSI N574 ASTM C760 NRC RG 5.5 ANSI N103 ANSI N104 ASTM E402 ANSI Z128.27 ANSI N139 ASTM C698 ASTM C696 ASTM C697 ASTM C791 ANSI N140 ASTM C699 ANSI Z128.8 ASTM C759 ANSI N572 ANSI N575 ASTM C758 NRC RG 5.16 ASTM C761 ANSI N573 ERDA RDT F3-11T ASTM E499 ASTM E493 ASTM E498 ASTM E244 ANSI N108 ANSI N103 ANSI N104 NRC RG 5.5 NRC RG 5.6 ANSI N139 ASTM C696 ASTM C697 ASTM C698 ASTM C791 ANSI N140 ASTM C699 ASTM C759 ANSI N572 ANSI N575 ASTM C758 ASTM C761 NRC RG 5.16 ANSI N573 ANSI N160 ASTM D3084 ASTM D2459 NRC RG 5.21 NRC RG 5.38 ASTM E495 ASTM D2576 NRC RG 5.9 ASTM E135 ASTM E386 NRC RG 3.24 ERDA RDTE12-4T ANSI Z166.18 NRC RG 1.10 ANSI N41.10 ANSI A37.121 ASTM D1056 ANSI N121 ASTM B349 ASTM B299 NRC RG 5.34 MSS SP-9 NRC RG 1.72 NRC RG 1.82 ASTM C633 ANSI A37.158 ERDA RDT E1-6T ERDA RDT E13-12 ERDA RDT M8-1T ANSI B 18.2.2 ERDA RDTC15-6T EPA FRC7 EPA FRC7 NRC RG 3.11 NRC RG 3.23 ANSI N313 ANSI Z257.3 NRC RG 9.2 98 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ing License App/ Information Needed by the AEC Regulatory Regulatory Horizontal, Electric Motor Driven, Single Vertical, Canned or Wet Motor Driven Single 70), Amendm/ Vertical, Shaft Sealed, Motor Driven, Single with Additional Requirements) (4-76) Supersedes M3-2T,/ t, and Strip, Specification for (1975) $1.75 te, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1974) $1.75 use in Boilers and Other Pressure Vess/ Specification for cification for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Age-Hardening 5 Std. Spec, for th Additional Requirements) (4-76) Supersedes M2-2T, (/ Strip, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 nt 1 (4-74) Austenitic tional Requirements) (11-74) Supersedes M7-3T, (10-73/ 4 with Additional Requirements)/ Precipitation-Hardening Wrought requirements) (11-74) Supersedes M4-2T, (6-/ Austenitic ith Additional Requirements) (4-76) Supersedes M3-31T,/ ) intergranular Corrosion and Stress Corrosion in Austenitic .4 with Additional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes Ml-/ (3-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) r Operated (3-72) s and Assemblies (5-76) Supersedes E6-20T, / Austenitic 974) $1.75 Seamless irements) (3-75) Supersedes M3-6T, (11-73) Austenitic Seamless and Welded Austenitic ents (3-73) Austenitic ded Unfired Pressure Ves/ Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel ith Additional Requirements) (1 1-74) Supersedes M5-1T,/ onal Requirements) ( 1 1-74) Supersedes M3-3T/ Austenitic Thermocouple Assemblies, Magnesium-Oxide Insulated, erial and Thermocouple Assembly, Chromel-P Versus Alumel, on for (1974) $1.75 Seamless and Welded Austenitic ) Austenitic irements) / Seamless and Welded Small Diameter Austenitic rvice (/ Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic ents (5/73) Control of uments to Measure the Delta Ferritic Content of Austenitic 8 with Additional Requirements) (4-75) Super/ Austenitic onal Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M3-5T,/ Austenitic itional Requirements) (1-75) Supersedes M2-/ Austenitic sfa-5.9 with Additional Requirements) (3-75) Supersede/ Control of Austenitic onal Requirements) (4-75) Supersedes M7-1T/ Martensitic additional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes / Martensitic nts for Thermal Insulating Materials for Use on Austenitic s Corrosion Effect of Wicking-Type Thermal Insulations on Nonmetallic Thermal Insulation for Austenitic Control of the Use of Sensitized Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Requirements for Fixed Industrial tions, / Draft Standard Diesel Generator Units Applied as Selection of Diesel Generator Set Capacity for bution Systems (Safety Gu/ Independence Between Redundant I 1/73) Preoperational and Initial Boiling Water Reactor Power / Preoperational and Initial 3 $6.00 Logic Diagrams (Two Review of the Current Regulatory Staff Position Food and Drugs: Subpart B, Auditing Nuclear Materials Estimates and Evaluations of Fallout in the United Natural Background Radiation in the United ettlement Relationship for Individual Vertical Piles Under ) $1.75 Method of Test for Bearing Capacity of Soil for o in Compression of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Meth/ 00 Periodic Testing of Nuclear Power Generating f the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating eamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Temperature Central aft Standard for Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design, of 51.1 $30.50 Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Standard Nuclear Safety Criteria for the Design of Batterie/ Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Large General Site Suitability Criteria for Nuclear Power Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power f Terms Used in IEEE Standards on Nuclear Power Generating containment Structures for Nuclear Fueled Power Generating ield Splices, and Connections for Nuclear Power Generating Terrestrial Environmental Studies for Nuclear Power Protection Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Class IE Power Systems for Nuclear Power Generating t Perform Protective Functions in Nuclear Power Generating ication of Electric Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Staff in Connection with Its Antitrust Review of Operat Staff Position Statement on Antitrust Matters (12/73) Stage Centrifugal Pump (2-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Stage Centrifugal Pump (6-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Stage Centrifugal Pump (7-72) Supersedes E3-3T, (10- Stainless and Alloy Steel Seamless Tubes (ASME SA-213 Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, Shee Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Pla Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes for Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes (197 Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Forgings ( 1975) $1.7 Stainless and Low Alloy Steel Forgings (ASME SA-182 Wi Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel Clad Plate, Sheet, and Stainless Steel Bar for Core Components (3-73) Amendme Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes (ASME SA-479 with Addi Stainless Steel Bars, Shapes, and Forgings (ASME SA-56 Stainless Steel Butt Welding Fittings ( 1971 ) $4.00 Stainless Steel Castings (ASME SA-351 with Additional Stainless Steel Centrifugally Cast Pipe (ASME SA-451 W Stainless Steel Check Valves (3-72) Amendment 1 (5-74 Stainless Steel Components of Fuel Reprocessing Plants Stainless Steel Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5 Stainless Steel Gate Valves, Manual and Power Operated Stainless Steel Globe and Angle Valves, Manual and Powe Stainless Steel Hexagonal Duct Tubes for Core Component Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing, Specification for ( 1 Stainless Steel Pipe (ASME SA-312 with Additional Requ Stainless Steel Pipe, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Core Compon Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusion-Wei Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASME SA-240 W Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe (ASME SA-376 with Additi Stainless Steel Sheathed (1-72) Stainless Steel Sheathed, Magnesium Oxide Insulated (2- Stainless Steel Tubing for General Service, Specificati Stainless Steel Tubing for LMFBR Core Components (5-72 Stainless Steel Tubing (ASTM a 632 with Additional Requ Stainless Steel Tubing (Small-Diameter) for General Se Stainless Steel Weld Cladding of Low Alloy Steel Compon Stainless Steel Weld Metal (1974) $3.00 /Agnetic Instr Stainless Steel Welded Pipe Large Diameter (ASME SA-35 Stainless Steel Welded Tubing (ASME SA-249 with Additi Stainless Steel Welding Fittings (ASME SA-403 with Add Stainless Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes (ASME Stainless Steel Welding (Revision 1, 6/73) Stainless Steel Wire for Core Components (3-73) Stainless Steel (Type 403) Bars (ASTM a 276 with Additi Stainless Steel (Type 403) Forgings (ASME SA-182 with Stainless Steel (10-72) Supersedes M12-1T, (2-69) Stainless Steel (1971) $ 1 .75 Evaluating Stres Stainless Steel (2/23/73) Stainless Steel (5/73) Stainless Steels, Rec. Practices for (1975) $1.75 Stairs (1968) $2.75 Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Sta Standby Power Supplies (Safety Guide 9, 3/10/71) Standby (Onsite) Power Sources and Between Their Distri Startup Test Programs for Water Cooled Power Reactors ( Startup Testing of Feedwater and Condensate Systems for State Devices), Graphic Symbols for (1973) IEEE 91-197 State of Radiation Protection Philosophy (1975) $3.00 Statement on Antitrust Matters ( 12/73) Statements of Policy and Interpretation (1975) $2.95 Statements (1973) $3.50 States from Weapons Test. Conducted Through 1962 (1963) States (1975) $5.00 Stat Stat: Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat Stat: Stat Stat Stat c Axial Load (1974) $1.75 Test for Load S c Load on Spread Footings (1972) (ASTM Dl 194-1972 c Young's Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson's Rati on Protection Systems, Criteria for the (1975) $5. on Protection Systems, Trial Use /D Application O on Service, Specification for (1974) $1.75 onary Boiling Water Reactor Plants: Issued for Tri onary Pressurized Water Reactor Plants (1973) ANS- onary Pressurized Water Reactor Plants (1975) $5.5 onary Type Power Plant and Substation Lead Storage ons (Revision 1, 11/75) ons (Revision 1, 1/75) ons (1972) $4.00 Definitions O ons (1973) IEEE 317-1972 $3.00 /N Assemblies in ons (1975) IEEE Std. 383-1974 $4.00 /C Cables, F ons (7/76) ons, Criteria for (1972) IEEE Std. 279-1971 $4.00 ons, Criteria for (1975) IEEE Std. 308-1974 $4.00 ons, Criteria (Issued for Trial Use and Comment) ( ons, Guide for (1975) $5.00 Seismic Qualif NRC NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ERDA ASTM ERDA ERDA ERDA MSS ERDA ERDA ERDA NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ASTM ERDA ASTM ERDA ASTM ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ASTM ERDA ERDA ANSI NRC AWS ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA NRC ERDA ERDA ERDA ERDA ASTM NRC NRC ASTM ANSI ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC ANSI NCRP NRC BRH ANSI EPA NCRP ASTM ANSI ANSI IEEE ANSI ASTM ANSI ANSI ANSI IEEE NRC NRC IEEE ANSI ANSI NRC ANSI ANSI ANSI IEEE RG 9.3 RG 9.1 RDT E3-6T RDT E3-1T RDT E3-3T RDT M3-2T A 176 A167 A479 A564 A473 RDT M2-2T A264 RDT M7-23T RDT M7-3T RDT M7-6T SP-43 RDT M4-2T RDT M3-31T RDT E1-12T RG 3.37 RDT MI-IT RDT E1-9T RDT E1-21T RDT E6-20T A511 RDT M3-6T A312 RDT M5-19T A240 RDT M5-1T RDT M3-3T RDT C7-16T RDT C7-6T A269 RDT M3-28T RDT M3-27T B125.49 RG 1.43 A4.2 RDT M3-7T RDT M3-5T RDT M2-5T RDT M1-2T RG 1.31 RDT M7-24T RDT M7-1T RDT M2-6T RDT M12-1T C692 RG 1.36 RG 1.44 A262 A64.1 N41.13 RG 1.9 RG 1.6 RG 1.68 RG 1.68.1 Y32.14 R43 RG 9.1 21CFR1000B N15.ll FRC4 R45 Dl 143 A37.158 A37.94 338 N41.2 A376 N212 N18.2 N18.2A 450 RG 4.7 RG 4.2 380 N45.3 N41.10 RG 4.11 N42.7 N41.I2 N18.8 344 Standards Application and Analysis Division 99 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 4) stalled Inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Generating ipment During the Construction of Nuclear Power Generating ied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating 1 Electrical Valve Operators for Nuclear Power Generating class IE Control Switchboards for Nuclear Power Generating Definitions of Terms Relating to Fatigue Testing and the in the Transfer of Special Nuclear Materials, Concepts / als Management (1972) $3.00 r Materials Control Accountability (2/2/73) (1973) ASTM G16-1971 $1.75 Applying s (5/73) Bypassed and Inoperable Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Supersedes E4-1T, (10-69) Inservice Inspection of Pressurized Water Reactor Sodium Heated Information for Safety Analysis Reports: ng Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants (Re/ Design of Main or Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of A Air Cooled Heat Exchanger for Nuclear Nuclear Quality Group Classifications and Standards for Water-, ) $1.75 Std. Spec, for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon 4) Austenitic Stainless sure Vess/ Specification for Stainless and Heat Resisting uirements) ( 1 1-74) Supersedes M7-3T, (10-73/ Stainless Cold Finished Age-Hardening Stainless and Heat Resisting Specification for Deformed and Plain Billet- 1968 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Homogeneous Tool Resisting 1973 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Tool Resisting Composite Specification for Hot Rolled Alloy itional Requirements)/ Precipitation-Hardening Stainless dditional Requirements) (7-75) S/ Seamless Medium Carbon 1973) $1.75 Seamless Medium-Carbon Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon r Tubes, Specification for ( I974A) $1./ Welded Austenitic nger Tubes, Speci/ Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy me SA-193 with Additional Requirements) (2-75) S/ Alloy e SA-320 with Additional Requirements) (2-75) Su/ Alloy a-540 with Additional Requirements) (2-75) Super/ Alloy fication for (1970) $1.75 Alloy for (1975) $1.75 Quenched and Tempered Alloy Factory Made Wrought Wrought Stainless Test for Nickel on ns (1974) Ast/ Specification for Special Requirements for ations, Specification for Special Requirements for (1973/ adiographs for (1973) $1.75 ts) (8-75) Supersedes M4-1T, (7-71) Carbon ts) (1 1-74) Supersedes M4-2T, (6-/ Austenitic Stainless Radiographic Inspection Method, Quality Standard for Particle Magnetic Inspection Method, Quality Standard for Visual Method, Quality Standard for Reference Radiographs for Heavy Walled (4-1/2 to 12 in.) Reference Radiographs for Heavy Walled (2 to 4-1/2 in.) udinal-Beam Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Low Alloy onal Requirements) (4-76) Supersedes M3-31T,/ Stainless Stainless 974A) $1.75 Corrosion-Resisting Chromium 1974A) $1.75 Stainless Chromium-Nickel lar Corrosion and Stress Corrosion in Austenitic Stainless Control of Stainless Steel Weld Cladding of Low Alloy Manual of (1973) AWS A5. 1-1969 $3.50 Mild (1973) AWS A5. 5-1969 $3.50 Low Alloy (1974) Mild (1974) Low Alloy ditional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes M1-3T, (/ Mild ditional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes Ml-/ Stainless ditional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes Ml-/ Low Alloy 73) A/ Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel 74) Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel pection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Structural pection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Structural asme SFA-5.17 with Additional Requirements) (3-75/ Mild specification for (1973) AWS A5. 17-1969 $2.50 Bare Mild specification for (1974) Mild -5.20 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) Supers/ Mild tion for (1973) AWS A5.20-1969 $2.50 Mild tion for (1974) Mild .18 with Additional Requirements) (4-75) Supersede/ Mild on for (1973) AWS A5. 18-1969 $2.50 Mild on for (1974) Mild ux Core Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stations, Guide For, (1976) IEEE 334-1971 $4.40 /S in Stations, Installation, Inspection and Testing Requirem Stations, Trial Use Criteria (Issued for Trial Use and Stations, Trial Use Guide (Issued for Trial Use and Com Stations, (Trial Guide Issued for Use and Comment) (197 Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data ( 1973) (ASTM E206- Statistical Evaluation of Material Unaccounted for (6/7 Statistical Evaluation of Shipper-Receiver Differences Statistical Terminology and Notation for Nuclear Materi Statistical Terminology and Notation for Special Nuclea Statistics to Analysis of Corrosion Data, Practice for Status Indication for Nuclear Power Plant Safety System Steam and Feedwater System Materials (4/75) Steam Generator for Pressurized Water Reactors ( 1 2-7 1 ) Steam Generator Tubes (Revision 1, 7/75) Steam Generator (2-74), Supersedes E4-16T, (5-72) Steam Generators ( 1/75) Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Control Systems for Boili Steam Line Break Accident for Boiling Water Reactors (S Steam Supplied Systems (3-71) Steam Supply Systems (1974) $5.50 Steam-, and Radioactive-Waste-Containing Components Steam, Sampling (1975) $1.75 Steel and Alloy Steel for Low Temperature Service (1975 Steel Bar for Core Components (3-73) Amendment 1 (4-7 Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pres Steel Bars and Shapes (ASME SA-479 with Additional Req Steel Bars and Shapes (1974) $1.75 /for Hot Rolled and Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement (1975) $1.75 Steel Bars for Security Applications ( 1974) ASTM A627- Steel Bars for Security Applications (1974) ASTM A628- Steel Bars (1976) ASTM A322— 1975 $1.75 Steel Bars, Shapes, and Forgings (ASME SA-564 with Add Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes (ASME SA-210 with a Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes, Specification for ( Steel Boiler Tubes, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat Exchanger, and Condense Steel Boiler, (1974B) $1.75 Superheater, and Heat Excha Steel Bolting Material for High Temperature Service (As Steel Bolting Material for Low Temperature Service (Asm Steel Bolting Material for Special Applications (ASME S Steel Bolting Materials for Special Applications, Speci Steel Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Specification Steel Butt Welding Fittings (1971) $4.00 Steel Butt Welding Fittings ( 1971 ) $4.00 Steel by Photometric Analysis (1972) $1.75 Steel Castings for Nuclear and Other Special Applicatio Steel Castings for the Nuclear and Other Special Applic Steel Castings Up to 2 Inches in Thickness, Reference R Steel Castings (ASME SA-216 with Additional Requiremen Steel Castings (ASME SA-351 with Additional Requiremen Steel Castings (197!) $2.00 Steel Castings (1971) $3.00 Dry Steel Castings (1971) $8.00 Steel Castings (1973) ASTM E280-1972 $1.75 Steel Castings (1974) ASTM E186-1973 $1.75 Steel Castings, Specification for (1973) ASTM A609-197 Steel Centrifugally Cast Pipe (ASME SA-45I with Additi Steel Check Valves (3-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Steel Clad Plate, Sheet and Strip, Specification for ( 1 Steel Clad Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for ( Steel Components of Fuel Reprocessing Plants (9/75) /U Steel Components (5/73) Steel Construction (1973) $20.00 Steel Containment Vessel ( 12-73) Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for Steel Covered Arc Welding Electiodes, Specification for Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes, Specification for Steel Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.1 with Ad Steel Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.4 with Ad Steel Covered Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.5 with Ad Steel Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification for (19 Steel Covered Welding Electrodes, Specification for ( 1 9 Steel During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power PI Steel During the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power PI Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding ( Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding, Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding, Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Welding (ASME SFA Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Welding, Specifica Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Welding, Specifica Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding (ASME SFA-5 Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding, Specificati Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding, Specificati Steel Electrodes (1974) $3.50 Fl ANSI N41.9 ANSI N45.2.4 ANSI N41.13 ANSI N41.6 ANSI N41.17 ANSI Z92.2 NRC RG 5.33 ANSI N15.17 ANSI N15.5 NRC RG 5.3 ANSI G80.3 NRC RG 1.47 NRC RG 1.70.28 ERDA RDT E4-1T NRC RG 1.83 ERDA RDT E4-16T NRC RG 1.70.19 NRC RG 1.96 NRC RG 1.5 ERDA RDT E4-18T ASME PTC32.1 NRC RG 1.26 ASTM D1066 ASTM A420 ERDA RDT M7-23T ASTM A479 ERDA RDT M7-3T ASTM A564 ASTM A615 ANSI G24.45 ANSI G24.46 ANSI G24.ll ERDA RDT M7-6T ERDA RDT M3-32T ASTM A210 ASTM A178 ASTM A249 ASTM A213 ERDA RDT M6-3T ERDA RDT M6-1T ERDA RDT M6-5T ASTM A540 ASTM A490 ANSI B16.9 MSS SP-43 ASTM C715 ANSI N558 ASTM A613 ASTM E446 ERDA RDT M4-1T ERDA RDT M4-2T MSS SP-54 MSS SP-53 MSS SP-55 ANSI Z166.19 ANSI Z166.10 ANSI G52.7 ERDA RDT M3-31T ERDA RDT E1-12T ASTM A263 ASTM A264 NRC RG 3.37 NRC RG 1.43 AISC *1 ERDA RDT E10-8T ANSI W3.1 ANSI W3.5 ASME SFA-5.1 ASME SFA-5.5 ERDA RDT-M1-3T ERDA RDT MI-IT ERDA RDT M1-4T ANSI W3.4 ASME SFA-5.4 ANSI N45.2.5 NRC RG 1.94 ERDA RDT M1-17T ANSI W3.17 ASME SFA-5.17 ERDA RDT M1-20T ANSI W3.20 ASME SFA-5.20 ERDA RDT M1-6T ANSI W3.18 ASME SFA-5. 18 AWS A5.22 100 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards -1/ Method of Test for Continuity of Coatings in Glassed Stee 00 Forged Stee 974) ASTM A629-1971 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Tool Resisting Stee ion for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Stee 975) $1.75 Seamless Carbon Stee , Specification for ( 1974/ Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Stee pec. for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Stee fication for (1974A) $1.7/ Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Stee interpass Temperature Control for the Welding of Low Alloy Stee e, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Ferritic Alloy Stee e. Specification for ( 1975) $1.75 Austenitic Stee Additional Requirements) (7-75) Supersedes M2-/ Carbon Stee for Quenched and Tempered Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Stee ssure Vessel Components ( 1970) Ast/ Std. Spec, for Carbon Stee is) (4-76) Supersedes M2-2T, (/ Stainless and Low Alloy Stee ts) (1 1-74) Supersedes M2-4T, (4-72) Alloy Stee ts) (7-75) Supersedes M2-8T, (7-71) Carbon and Alloy Stee Std. Spec, for Stainless and Heat Resisting Stee d, for Pressure Vessel Components ( 197/ Specification for Stee Magnetic Particle Examination of Stee 75 Ultrasonic Examination of Heavy Stee ional Requirements) (4-76) Supersedes / Carbon and Alloy Stee Reference Radiographs for Stee Iron and Stee endment 1 (5-74) Stainless Stee (3-72) Stainless Stee Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Stee for (1973) $1.75 Seamless Cold Drawn Low Carbon Stee seamless and Welded Carbon, Ferritic, and Austenitic Alloy Stee mblies (5-76) Supersedes E6-20T, / Austenitic Stainless Stee Carbon Stee d Washers, Specificat/ High Strength Bolts for Structural Stee Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for Structural Stee Seamless Stainless Stee rature Service (ASME SA-194 with Additional Requi/ Alloy Stee rvice, Spec, for (1976) $1.75 Forged or Rolled Stee $12.00 Stee ) ASTM A671-/ Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Stee side Diameter Light-Wall Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Stee (1975) $1.75 Electric-Fusion-Welded Stee , Specification for (1974) $1.75 Seamless Austenitic Stee for (1974A) $1.75 Seamless-Ferritic Alloy Stee electric-Fusion-Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Alloy Stee for (1975) $1.75 Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Stee for (1975) $1.75 Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Stee Specification for Seamless and Welded Stee (3-75) Supersedes M3-6T, (1 1-73) Austenitic Stainless Stee (4-76) Supersedes M3-16T, (8-75) Carbon and Alloy Stee (4-76) Supersedes M 3-1 2T, ( 12-/ Seamless Ferritic Alloy Stee Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Stee Specification for Welded and Seamless Stee Specification for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Stee Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Stee for (1974) $1.75 Electric-Fusion (Arc (-Welded Stee (1974) ASTM A647-19/ Spec, for Special Requirements for Stee , Specification for Special Requirements for (1973) $1.7/ Stee n for ( 1 974A/ Longitudinal-Wave Ultrasonic Inspection of Stee neral Requirements for (1975) $1.75 Stee 974A)$1.75 Molybdenum, Alloy Stee Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Stee 1975) $1.75 Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Stee 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Stee ) (5-75) Supersedes M5-5T, (7-71) Low Alloy Stee ) (8-75) Supersedes M5-2T, (5-73) Carbon Stee equirements) ( 12-74) Supersedes M5-3T, (5-7/ Low Alloy Stee Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Examination of Stee 3) Austenitic Stainless Stee d Pressure Ves/ Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel Stainless Stee onal Requirements) ( 1 1-74) Supersedes M5-1T,/ Stainless Stee $1.75 Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel Stee $1.75 Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Stee Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloy Clad Stee ing Against Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Stee Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Stee 3 $1.75 Zinc-Coating (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Stee ethod of Test for Reliability of Glass Coatings on Glassed Stee 975)/ Recommended Practice for Fabrication and Control of Stee rements) (7-75) Supersedes M3-1T, (5-73) Carbon Stee rements) (1 1-74) Supersedes M3-3T/ Austenitic Stainless Stee irements) (4-76) Supersedes M3-2T,/ Stainless and Alloy Stee 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Stee zed) Coatings on Products Fabricated/ Pressed, and Forged Stee mocouple Assemblies, Magnesium-Oxide Insulated, Stainless Stee thermocouple Assembly, Chromel-P Versus Alumel, Stainless Stee Strength, Low Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium, Specific/ Stee 1 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Carbon Stee I Equipment by Electrical Testing (R1973) ASTM C536 I Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded (1973) $3. 1 Flat Bars and Shapes for Security Applications ( 1 1 for Buildings (Adopted February 12, 1969) $5.00 1 for High Temperature Service Specification for ( 1 1 for Intermediate-and Higher-Temperature Service 1 for Low Temperature Service (1975) $1.75 I for Moderate and Lower Temperature Service, Speci 1 for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Pluton I Forged and Bored Pipe for High Temperature Servic 1 Forged and Bored Pipe for High Temperature Servic 1 Forgings for Piping Components (ASME SA-105 with 1 Forgings for Pressure Vessels (1974A) $1.75 1 Forgings for Seamless Drums, Heads, and Other Pre 1 Forgings (ASME SA-182 with Additional Requiremen 1 Forgings (ASME SA-336 with Additional Requiremen 1 Forgings (ASME SA-541 with Additional Requiremen 1 Forgings (1975) $1.75 1 Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, Quenched and Tempere 1 Forgings, Method for (1974) $1.75 I Forgings, Practice for (1973) ASTM A388-1971 $1. 1 Forgings, Vacuum Treated (ASME SA-508 with Addit I Fusion Welds (1973) ASTM E390— 1969 $1.75 1 Gas Welding Rods (1969) $2.50 1 Gate Valves, Manual and Power Operated (3-72) Am 1 Globe and Angle Valves, Manual and Power Operated 1 Hardware, Specification for (1973) $1.75 1 Heat Exchanger and Condenser Tubes, Specification I Heat Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins, Specific 1 Hexagonal Duct Tubes for Core Components and Asse 1 Isolation Valves (4-73) Amendment 1 (5-74) 1 Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardene 1 Joints, Specification for (1975) $1.75 1 Mechanical Tubing, Specification for (1974) $1.75 1 Nuts for Bolting for High Pressure and High Tempe 1 Pipe Flanges, and Valves and Parts for General Se I Pipe Flanges, Flanged Valves and Fittings ( 1973) I Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures ( 1974 I Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperature Service, S 1 Pipe for High Pressure Service, Specification for I Pipe for High Temperature Central Station Service 1 Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification 1 Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification 1 Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification 1 Pipe for High Temperature Service, Specification I Pipe for Low Temperature Service ( 1975) $1.75 1 Pipe (ASME SA-312 with Additional Requirements) 1 Pipe (ASME SA-333 with Additional Requirements) 1 Pipe (ASME SA-335 with Additional Requirements) 1 Pipe (1973A) $1.75 1 Pipe (1973) $1.75 1 Pipe (1975) $1.75 1 Pipe, Specification for (1974) $1.75 I Plate Pipe (Sizes 16 in. and Over), Specification I Plates for Nuclear and Other Special Applications 1 Plates for Nuclear and Other Special Applications 1 Plates for Pressure Vessels, Method and Inspectio 1 Plates for Pressure Vessels, Specification for Ge 1 Plates for Pressure Vessels, Specification for ( 1 I Plates for Special Applications, Specification Fo 1 Plates of Structural Quality, Specification for ( 1 Plates (ASME SA-387 with Additional Requirements 1 Plates (ASME SA-387 with Additional Requirements 1 Plates (ASME SA-516 with Additional Requirements I Plates (ASME SA-533 with Additional Additional R 1 Plates, Specification for (1973) $1.75 1 Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Core Components (3-7 1 Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusion-Welded Unfire 1 Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASME SA-240 with Additi I Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1974) I Plate, Sheet, and Strip, Specification for (1975) 1 Plate, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 1 Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlemen I Products (1975A) $1.75 1 Products, Specification for (1974) ASTM A386-197 1 Reaction Equipment by High Voltage ASTM C537-72 1 Reference Blocks Used in Ultrasonic Inspection ( 1 1 Seamless Pipe (ASME SA-106 with Additional Requi 1 Seamless Pipe (ASME SA-376 with Additional Requi 1 Seamless Tubes (ASME SA-213 with Additional Requ I Seamless Tubes (ASME SA-213 with Additional Requ 1 Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip, Zinc (Hot Galvani 1 Sheathed (1-72) I Sheathed, Magnesium Oxide Insulated (2-75) Super I Sheet and Strip, Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled, High I Sheets for Pressure Vessels (1972) ASTM A414-197 Std. S /Ec. Ther ANSI Z167.8 ANSI B16.ll ANSI G24.47 AISC S310 ASTM A 106 ASTM A515 ASTM A420 ASTM A516 NRC RG 3.29 ASTM A369 ASTM A430 ERDA RDT M2-1T ASTM A508 ANSI G55.1 ERDA RDT M2-2T ERDA RDT M2-4T ERDA RDT M2-8T ASTM A473 ASTM A541 ASTM A275 ANSI G60.7 ERDA RDT M2-7T ANSI Zl 66.24 AWS A5.2 ERDA RDT E1-9T ERDA RDT E1-21T ASTM A153 ASTM A179 ASTM A498 ERDA RDT E6-20T ERDA RDT E1-31T ASTM A325 ASTM A490 ASTM A511 ERDA RDT M6-4T ASTM A181 ANSI B16.5 ANSI B125.53 ASTM A409 ASTM A155 ASTM A376 ASTM A335 ASTM A358 ASTM A426 ASTM A451 ASTM A333 ERDA RDT M3-6T ERDA RDT M3-16T ERDA RDT M3-12T ASTM A135 ASTM A53 ASTM A530 ASTM A312 ASTM A134 ANSI N559 ASTM A647 ASTM A435 ASTM A20 ASTM A 204 ANSI G35.25 ASTM A283 ERDA RDT M5-22T ERDA RDT M5-5T ERDA RDT M5-2T ERDA RDT M5-3T ASTM A577 ERDA RDT M5-19T ASTM A240 ERDA RDT M5-1T ASTM A167 ASTM A176 ASTM A265 ASTM A143 ASTM A370 ANSI G8.18 ANSI Z167.15 ASTM E428 ERDA RDT M3-1T ERDA RDT M3-3T ERDA RDT M3-2T ERDA RDT M3-33T ANSI G8.I ERDA RDTC7-16T ERDA RDT C7-6T ANSI G24.32 ANSI G33.4 Standards Application and Analysis Division 101 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 72) $1.75 Cold Rolled Carbon ed, Specification for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Carbon ded (1973) SAE AMS5500A-1969 $3.00 Welded for (1974) $1.75 Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy Specification for Seamless Ferritic-Austenitic Alloy 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy ( 1974A) $1./ Carbon, Ferritic Alloy and Austenitic Alloy 74) $1.75 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Austenitic Stainless Seamless and Welded Small Diameter Austenitic Stainless specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless ce for (1973) ASTM E309-1971 $/ Eddy-Current Testing of Hydrostatic Testing of ) Control of Stainless measure the Delta Ferritic Content of Austenitic Stainless itional Requirements) (4-75) Super/ Austenitic Stainless ments) (5-75) Supersedes M 3-1 IT,/ Carbon and Low Alloy rements) (7-75) Supersedes M3-5T,/ Austenitic Stainless plications (1974) ASTM A652-1/ Specification for Wrought plications, Specification for Special Requiremen/ Wrought quirements) (5-75) Supersedes M2-3T, / Carbon and Alloy quirements) (1-75) Supersedes M2-/ Austenitic Stainless ith Additional Requirements) (3-75) Supersede/ Stainless or (1/ Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel or (1/ Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Control of Stainless Austenitic Stainless rements) (4-75) Supersedes M7-1T/ Martensitic Stainless Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes / Martensitic Stainless ermal Insulating Materials for Use on Austenitic Stainless n Effect of Wicking-Type Thermal Insulations on Stainless Nonmetallic Thermal Insulation for Austenitic Stainless Control of the Use of Sensitized Stainless Control of Preheat Temperature for Welding of Low Alloy etermine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Drop-Weight Tear Tests of Ferritic ecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Stainless practice for Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete, stm A366-1972 $1.75 1975) $1.75 $1.75 pecification for (1972A) A/ ion for (1974A) $1.75 r (1974A) $1.75 cation for (1974A) $1.75 Nickel, Specification For/ .75 Std. Spec, for Chemical Analysis of Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon End-Quench Test for Hardenability of ification for ( 1974) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy ckel (1974)/ Std. Spec, for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Mangane/ Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy m-Chromium, Specification/ Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Determining Inclusion Content of ponents/ Specification for Forgings, Carbon and Low Alloy Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Structural itation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging itation Hardening Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging hardening Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging dening Cobalt Containing Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging ) Sup/ Nickel-Chromium Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging per and Copper-Alloy Seamless Condenser Tubes and Ferrule 00 (During the Construction/ Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, t of Large Stationary Type Power Plant and Substation Lead ectives for Highly Radioactive Solid Material Handling and Fuel ences of a Fuel Handling Accident in the Fuel Handling and design, and Plant Protection for an Independent Spent Fuel Guide for Acceptable Waste bstances and Combustible Liquids on Bo/ Transportation or n, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Transportation or $12.00 Nuclear Criticality Safety in the Use of Pressure-Sensitive Seals on Containers for Onsite Standard Format and Content of License Applications for onsequences of a Pressurized Water Reactor Radioactive Gas for Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low Pressure Welded Steel Tanks for Oil aging. Packing, and Marking of Components for Shipment and assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Assurance Records (Revision 1, 12/75) Collection, or Nuclear Power Plants (19/ Requirements for Collection, d Other Provisions for Use of Dangerous Articles as Ships, Heat Exchanger, Class 1, Water to Water, Heat Exchanger, Class 2, Water to Water, Steel Sheets, Commercial Quality, Specification for (19 Steel Sheet, Cold Rolled, Drawing Quality, Special Kill Steel Sheet, Corrosion Resistant, Laminated Surface Bon Steel Tanks for Oil Storage (1973) $4.00 Steel Tubes for Low Temperature Service, Specification Steel Tubes (1974) ASTM A669-1972 $1.75 Steel Tubesheet Forgings (ASME SA-336 with Additional Steel Tubes, Specification for General Requirements for Steel Tubing for General Service, Specification for (19 Steel Tubing for LMFBR Core Components (5-72) Steel Tubing (ASTM a 632 with Additional Requirements) Steel Tubing (Small-Diameter) for General Service (197 Steel Tubular Products with Magnetic Saturation, Practi Steel Valves (1961) $3.00 Steel Weld Cladding of Low Alloy Steel Components (5/73 Steel Weld Metal (1974) $3.00 /Agnetic Instruments to Steel Welded Pipe Large Diameter (ASME SA-358 with Add Steel Welded Pipe (ASME SA-155 with Additional Require Steel Welded Tubing (ASME SA-249 with Additional Requi Steel Welding Fittings for Nuclear and Other Special Ap Steel Welding Fittings for Nuclear and Other Special Ap Steel Welding Fittings (ASME SA-234 with Additional Re Steel Welding Fittings (ASME SA-403 with Additional Re Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.9 W Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification F Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification F Steel Welding (Revision 1, 6/73) Steel Wire for Core Components (3-73) Steel (Type 403) Bars (ASTM a 276 with Additional Requi Steel (Type 403) Forgings (ASME SA-182 with Additional Steel (10-72) Supersedes M12-1T, (2-69) /Nts for th Steel (1971) $1.75 Evaluating Stress Corrosio Steel (2/23/73) Steel (5/73) Steel (5/73) Steels (1970) ASTM E208-1969 $1.75 / Weight Test to D Steels, Method for (1974) $1.75 Steels, Rec. Practices for (1975) $1.75 Det Steel, and Bituminous Materials as Used in Construction Steel, Carbon, Cold Rolled, Commercial Quality (1974) a Steel, Cast Iron, Open-Hearth Iron, and Wrought Iron ( Steel, Chromium-Molybdenum, Specification for (1974A) Steel, Five Percent Chromium, 0.5 Percent Molybdenum, S Steel, High Strength, Quenched and Tempered, Specificat Steel, Improved Transition Properties, Specification Fo Steel, Low and Intermediate — Tensile Strength, Specifi Steel, Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum- Steel, Manganese-Silicon, Specification for (1974A) $1 Steel, Method of (1974) ASTM A255-1974 $1.75 Steel, Quenched and Tempered Chromium-Molybdenum, Spec Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Eight and Nine Percent Ni Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Manganese-Molybdenum and Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Nickel-Cobalt-Molybdenu Steel, Recommended Practice for (1974) $1.75 Steel, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping Com Steel, Specification for ASTM A 164- 1971 $1.75 Steel, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Stock for High Temperature Service (ASTM a 637 with Add Stock for High Temperature Service (1973) ASTM A637-19 Stock for High Temperature Service (1973) ASTM A638-19 Stock for High Temperature Service (1973) ASTM A639-19 Stock (ASME SA 637 with Additional Requirements) (4-76 Stock, Specification for ( 1974A) $1.75 Cop Stopping Powers for Use with Cavity Chambers ( 1961 ) $2. Storage and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plants Storage Batteries, Rec. Practice for ( 1972) $5.40 /Men Storage Facilities in a Reprocessing Plant (1975) $7.50 Storage Facility Design Basis (Revision 1, 12/75) Storage Facility for Boiling and Pressurized Water Reac Storage Installation (12/74) /Se Application, Siting, Storage Methods at UF 6 Production Plants ( 10/73) Storage of Explosives or Other Dangerous Articles or Su Storage of Explosives or Other Dangerous Articles or Su Storage of Fissile Materials, Guide for (1975) ANS-8.7 Storage of Special Nuclear Materials (7/73) /Ction and Storage Only of Unirradiated Reactor Fuel and Associate Storage Tank Failure (Safety Guide 24, 3/23/72) /Cal C Storage Tanks (1973) $4.00 Recommended Rules Storage (1973) $4.00 Storage (9-75) Supersedes F7-2T, (2-69) Amendment 1 Storage, and Handling of Items for Water Cooled Nuclear Storage, and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant Quality Storage, and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records F Stores and Supplies on Board Vessels (1975) $7.50 / an Straight or U Tube (6-73) Straight or U Tube (7-71) ASTM A366 ASTM A620 ANSI G87.1 API STD. ASTM A334 ANSI B125.52 ERDA RDTM2-19T ASTM A450 ASTM A269 ERDA RDT M3-28T ERDA RDT M3-27T ANSI B 125.49 ANSI Z166.27 MSS SP-61 NRC RG 1.43 AWS A4.2 ERDA RDT M3-7T ERDA RDT M3-11T ERDA RDT M3-5T ANSI N560 ASTM A652 ERDA RDT M2-3T ERDA RDT M2-5T ERDA RDT M1-2T ANSI W3.9 ASME SFA-5.9 NRC RG 1.31 ERDA RDT M7-24T ERDA RDT M7-1T ERDA RDT M2-6T ERDA RDT Ml 2- IT ASTM C692 NRC RG 1.36 NRC RG 1.44 NRC RG 1.50 ANSI Z178.5 ASTM E436 ASTM A262 ANSI Z267.1 ANSI G24.34 ASTM E30 ASTM A387 ANSI G35.16 ASTM A517 ASTM A442 ASTM A285 ASTM A302 ASTM A299 ANSI G58.1 ASTM A542 ASTM A553 ASTM A533 ANSI G35.26 ASTM E45 ASTM A350 ANSI G53.1 ASTM A36 ERDA RDT M2-18T ANSI G81.44 ANSI G81.45 ANSI G81.46 ERDA RDT M2-15T ASTM Bill NCRP R27 ANSI N45.2.2 IEEE 450 ANSI N305 NRC RG 1.13 NRC RG 1.25 NRC RG 3.24 NRC RG 3.13 DOT 46CFR 146 USCG 46CFR146 ANSI N16.5 NRC RG 5.10 NRC RG 3.15 NRC RG 1.24 API STD. 620 API STD. 650 ERDA RDT F7-2T NRC RG 1.38 NRC RG 1.88 ANSI N45.2.9 USCG 46CFR147 ERDA RDT E4-2T ERDA RDT E4-17T 102 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Steel Plates for Special Applications, Specification Fo/ of (1974) $1.75 Test for Plane- 75 Method of Test for Tensile Stress- rvice (5-74) Piston Rings of High 0) $1.75 Test for Shear uitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers, Specificat/ High cification for (1975) $1.75 Low and Intermediate Tensile ( 1 972 ) $ 1 .75 Peel or Stripping 75 Tests for Unconfined Compressive 2) (ASTM D2/ Method of Test for Unconsolidated, Undrained t Loading), Method of Test for (1966) (R1973) A/ Flexural est for (1973) ASTM C496-1971 $1.75 Splitting Tensile est for (1974) ASTM C39-1972 $1.75 Compressive Test for Adhesion or Cohesive 95-1971T $1.75 Compressive (Crushing) Compressive (Crushing) mm) Cube Specimens), Test for (1973) $1.75 Compressive 1969 / Effect of Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate on thod of Test for ( 1963) (R 1973) ASTM CI 65-1/ Compressive st for (1972) $1.7/ Breaking Load and Calculated Flexural 1 ) $1 .75 Method of Test for Direct Tensile 1A) $1.75 Method of Test for Unconfined Compressive pressure Measurements (197/ Test for Triaxial Compressive ading at Elevated Temperatures (Metal-to-Metal), Meth/ Sharp-Notch Tension Testing of High astm/ Making and Curing Concrete Compressive and Flexural 453 with Additional Requirements) (8-75) Supersede/ High Steel Sheet and Strip, Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled, High 4A) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, High essel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low and Intermediate — Tensile tions on Stainless Steel (1971) $1.75 Evaluating ts of / Guidance for Avoiding Intergranular Corrosion and $ 1 .75 Test for Thermal Failure Under Electric 1971) ASTM D1390 1968 $1.75 Method of Tests for or (1971) ASTM D 1693- 1970 $1.75 Environmental -75 $ 1 .75 Method of Test for Tensile Austenitic Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and sisting Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and 1-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and 74) Supersedes M5-1T,/ Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and 5) Supers/ Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and 5) Supers/ Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Superse/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and 1-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and f Test for (1972) $1.75 Peel or for (1973) ASTM B3/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Sheet, for (1967) $1.75 Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Sheet, ase-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0./ Alloy Sheet, ase-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0./ Alloy Sheet, Hoy Columbium and/or Vanadium, Specific/ Steel Sheet and $1.75 Copper, Sheet, b265-1972 $1.75 Titanium and Titanium Alloy Titanium and Titanium Alloy ASTM B393-1964 $1.75 Columbium and Columbium Alloy Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Plate, Sheet, and l-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Corrosion-Resisting Chromium Steel Clad Plate, Sheet and Stainless Chromium-Nickel Steel Clad Plate, Sheet, and Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Plate, Sheet and Nickel Plate, Sheet, and nd Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and inless and Heat Resisting Chromium Steel Plate, Sheet, and cated/ Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Operating Performance of Anion Exchange Materials for 74) $1.75 Test for Measurements of Radionuclides in the Environment: nts of Radionuclides in the Environment: Strontium-89 and Containments (Revision 1, 12/28/72) Test for Shear Strength and Shear Modulus of ments) (6-73) Welding of Requirements for Installation, Inspection, and Testing of e Requirements for Installation Inspection, and Testing of ncluding Addenda A138.1A-1974 (ACI 301-1972) $3.50 -1969 $1.75 Lightweight Aggregates for ed February 1976) $1.50 Specification for i 21 1.2-1969 $2.75 Selecting Proportions for w and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of 1973 $1.75 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Standard 1 X-Ray and Gamma Ray Protection for Energies Up to 10 Mev lation, Inspection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and llation Inspection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of ain Hardened Washers, Specificat/ High Strength Bolts for Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanized Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials, Method Strain of Carbons and Graphite (1974) ASTM C749-75 $1. Strength Alloys for Core Components for Liquid Metal Se Strength and Shear Modulus of Structural Adhesives (197 Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Including S Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality, Spe Strength of Adhesive Bonds, Standard Method of Test for Strength of Cohesive Soil (1972) (ASTM D1266-1972) $1. Strength of Cohesive Soils in Triaxial Compression ( 1 97 Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third Poin Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Method of T Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Method of T Strength of Flame-Sprayed Coatings (1974) $1.75 Strength of Graphite, Method of Test for ( 1973) ASTM C6 Strength of Graphite, Test for (1975) $1.75 Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in (50- Strength of Mortar, Method of Test for (1970) ASTM C87- Strength of Preformed Block Type Thermal Insulation, Me Strength of Preformed Block Type Thermal Insulation, Te Strength of Rock Core Specimens (1972) (ASTM D2936-197 Strength of Rock Core Specimens (1972) (ASTM D2938-197 Strength of Undrained Rock Core Specimens Without Pore Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Lo Strength Sheet Materials (1973) $1.75 Strength Test Specimens in the Field, Method of ( 1970) Strength, High Temperature Bolting Materials (ASME SA- Strength, Low Alloy Columbium and/or Vanadium, Specific Strength, Quenched and Tempered, Specification for (197 Strength, Specification for ( 1974A) $1.75 Pressure V Stress Corrosion Effect of Wicking-Type Thermal Insula Stress Corrosion in Austenitic Stainless Steel Componen Stress of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials (1973) Stress Relaxation of Vulcanized Rubber in Compression ( Stress-Cracking of Ethylene Plastics, Method of Test F Stress-Strain of Carbons and Graphite (1974) ASTM C749 Strip for Core Components (3-73) Strip for Fusion-Welded Unfired Pressure Vessels, Spec Strip (AMS 5596 with Additional Requirements) (4-75) S Strip (ASME SA-2.40 with Additional Requirements) (11- Strip (ASME SB-168 with Additional Requirements) (1-7 Strip (ASME SB-409 with Additional Requirements) (9-7 Strip (ASTM B 352 with Additional Requirements) (1-72) Strip 5597 with Additional Requirements) (8-75) Supers Stripping Strength of Adhesive Bonds, Standard Method O Strip, and Plate for Nuclear Application, Specification Strip, and Plate for Nuclear Application, Specification Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel B Strip, and Plate, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel B Strip, Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low a Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar, Specification for (1974A) Strip, Sheet, and Plate, Specification for (1973) ASTM Strip, Sheet, and Plate, Spec, for (1974) $1.75 Strip, Sheet, Foil, and Plate, Specification for (1973) Strip, Specification for (1973) ASTM B 168- 1970 $1.75 Strip, Specification for (1973) (ASTM B443-1972) $1.75 Strip, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Strip, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Strip, Specification for (1974) ASTM B409-1973 $1.75 Strip, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Strip, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Strip, Specification for ( 1974) $1.75 Stainless a Strip, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Sta Strip, Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabri Strong Acid Removal (1972) $1.75 Strontium Ion Brackish Water,. Sea Water, and Brines (19 Strontium-89 and Strontium-90 Analyses (5/74) Strontium-90 Analyses (5/74) Measureme Structural Acceptance Test for Concrete Primary Reactor Structural Adhesives (1970) $1.75 Structural Components (AWS Dl.l with Additional Require Structural Concrete and Structural Steel During the Con Structural Concrete and Structural Steel During the Con Structural Concrete for Buildings, Specification For, I Structural Concrete, Specification for (1970) ASTM C330 Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts (Approv Structural Lightweight Concrete, Practice for (1971) Ac Structural Quality, Specification for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Lo Structural Shapes, Rolled or Extruded (1974) ASTM B308- Structural Sheilding Design and Evaluation (1970) $4.00 Structural Steel During the Construction Phase of Nucle Structural Steel During the Construction Phase of Nucle Structural Steel for Buildings (Adopted February 12, 19 Structural Steel Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and PI Structural Steel Joints, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting E ANSI G35.25 ASTM E399 ANSI K90.15 ERDA RDT E6-40T ASTM E229 ASTM A325 ASTM A283 ASTM D903 ANSI A37.148 ANSI A37.177 ANSI A37.22 ANSI A37.12I ANSI A37.18 ASTM C633 ANSI K90.ll ASTM C695 ASTM C109 ANSI A37.129 ANSI Z98.6 ASTM C203 ANSI A37.180 ANSI A37.182 ASTM D2664 ANSI Z197.5 ASTM E338 ANSI A37.17 ERDA RDT M6-6T ANSI G24.32 ASTM A517 ASTM A285 ASTM C692 NRC RG 3.37 ASTM D3151 ANSI J2.23 ANSI K65.226 ANSI K90.15 ERDA RDT M5-19T ASTM A240 ERDA RDT M5-21T ERDA RDT M5-1T ERDA RDT M5-4T ERDA RDT M5-7T ERDA RDT M5-6T ERDA RDT M5-20T ASTM D903 ANSI N123 ASTM B352 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.85 ANSI G24.32 ASTM B152 ANSI Z179.1 ASTM B265 ANSI Z179.20 ANSI H34.10 ANSI H34.19 ASTM A263 ASTM A264 ANSI H34.40 ASTM B127 ASTM B162 ASTM A167 ASTM A176 ANSI G8.1 ASTM D3087 ASTM D3352 NRC RG 4.6 NRC RG 4.6 NRC RG 1.18 ASTM E229 ERDA RDT F6-6T ANSI N45.2.5 NRC RG 1.94 ANSI A138.1 ANSI A37.88 AISC S314 ANSI A164.1 ASTM A283 ANSI H38.10 NCRP R34 ANSI N45.2.5 NRC RG 1.94 AISC S310 ASTM A325 ASTM A490 ASTM A143 Standards Application and Analysis Division 103 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards (1-72) Amendment 1 (12-72), Amendment 2 / Core Support cal Penetration Assemblies for Nuclear Reactor Containment Nuclear Power Ge/ Draft Standard Safety Related Systems, (1973)/ Electrical Penetration Assemblies in Containment Leakage-Rate Testing of Containment ) Electric Penetration Assemblies in Containment Inservice Inspection of Prestressed Concrete Containment Testing of Reinforcing Bars for Category 1 Concrete adweld) Splices in Reinforcing Bars of Category 1 Concrete n of Ungrouted Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Containment Additional Information: Design of Seismic Category 1 or Cement Grouting for Prestressing Tendons in Containment Core Support Concrete Placement in Category 1 High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Threaded Terrestrial Environmental Materials and Inspection for Reactor Vessel Closure t 1 (11-72), Ame/ Fabrication and Installation of Piping , Safety in (1975) ANS-8.6 $6.50 Conducting Complication of Reporting Requirements for Persons shrinkage of Preformed High Temperature Thermal Insulation equirements) (3-75/ Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for urn, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Electrodes and Fluxes for 17-1969 $2.50 Bare Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Penetration of Liquids into on or Storage of Explosives or Other Dangerous Articles or on or Storage of Explosives or Other Dangerous Articles or child Labor Regulations Section 57 Exposure to Radioactive ent with Intended Ch/ Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Test for Content of Oxidizing Matter Nonmailable Articles and , and Replacement of Large Stationary Type Power Plant and Heat Removal System Pumps (Safety Guide 1 ,/ Net Positive on 1, 11/75) General Site high Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, Including d Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate-Cupric Absorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ceric d Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous Sulfate-Cupric $1.75 $1.75 Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium bsorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous bsorbed Gamma and Electron Radiation Dose with the Ferrous ndness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium thod for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation of systems (6/74) tional Information: Air Filtration Systems and Containment emperat/ Std. Spec, for Precipitation Hardening Iron Base test for ( 1974) $1.75 Rockwell Hardness and Rockwell II Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Rockwell ments) (7-75) S/ Seamless Medium Carbon Steel Boiler and Seamless Medium-Carbon Steel Boiler and Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel Boiler, (1974B) 1.75 fication for ( 1974A) $1./ Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (1966) Includes Air Cooled Heat Exchanger for Nuclear Steam t Standard Diesel Generator Units Applied as Standby Power visions for Use of Dangerous Articles as Ships, Stores and lection of Diesel Generator Set Capacity for Standby Power Eddy Current Flowmeter Power Safety and Health Stds. for Federal Emergency Water Nuclear Steam a Radionuclid/ Preparation of an Environmental Report to on Only) (1-72) Amendment 1 (12-72), Amendment 2 / Core Core Flammability of Self- Pipe Hangers, Nuclear Power Plant Components Pipe Hangers and Pipe Hangers and Blowdown Steel Sheet, Corrosion Resistant, Laminated Method of Test for the Cleanability of Low Friction Hard ion, Method of Test for (1963) (R1969) ASTM C411-19/ Hot (1973) AWS A5. 13-1970 $3.00 1.75 Practice for Preparation of Metal Descaling and Cleaning Titanium and Titanium Alloy dment 1 (2-72), Amendment 2 (6-74) Centrifugal Free Composite 75) Supersedes M1-5T, (1-1 Welding Rods and Electrodes, Alternating Current Power Circuits, Structural Steel, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Structural Welding Code (1975) $24.00 Structure for Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) Structures Amendment 1 (4-72), Amendment 2 (3-73), Am Structures and Equipment for Water Cooled and Moderated Structures for Nuclear Fueled Power Generating Stations Structures for Nuclear Reactors (1971) ANS-7.60 $7.50 Structures for Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (10/73 Structures with Grouted Tendons ( 1 1/74) Structures (Revision 1, 12/28/72) Structures (Revision 1, 1/2/73 Safety Guide 10) /Al (C Structures (Revision 2, 1/76) Inservice Inspectio Structures (11/74) Structures ( 1 1/75 ) Qualifications F Structures (1977) bd ($40.00), II ($70.00) Structures (6/73) Stubs for Use with Lens Gaskets (1968) $4.00 Studies for Nuclear Power Stations (7/76) Studs (10/73) Subassemblies for Liquid Metal Service (8-71) Amendmen Subcritical Neutron Multiplication Measurements in Situ Subject to NRC Regulations (Revision 2, 8/75) Subjected to Soaking Heat (1963) (R1969) ASTM C356-196 Submerged Arc Welding (ASME SFA-5.17 with Additional R Submerged Arc Welding (9-75) 2-1/4-Percent-Chromi Submerged Arc Welding, Specification for ( 1973) AWS A5. Submerged Arc Welding, Specification for ( 1974) Submerged Containers, Test for (1973) $1.75 Substances and Combustible Liquids on Board Vessels (19 Substances and Combustible Liquids on Board Vessels (19 Substances and Ionizing Radiations ( 1971 ) $6.85 Substances and Physical Agents in the Workroom Environm Substances in the Atmosphere (1970) $1.75 Substances Under Special Rules (1975) Substation Lead Storage Batteries, Rec. Practice for (1 Suction Head for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Suitability Criteria for Nuclear Power Stations (Revisi Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers, Specification Sulfate Dosimeter, Method of Test for (1973) (ASTM D295 Sulfate Dosimeter, Method of Test for (1973) (ASTM D300 Sulfate Dosimeter, Test for ( 1971 ) Absorbed Gamma an Sulfate Ion in Water and Waste Water, Tests for (1974) Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate, Method of Test for (1973) Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter, Method of Test for ( Sulfate-Cupric Sulfate Dosimeter, Test for ( 1971 ) Sulfate, Method of Test for (1973) $1.75 Sou Sulfur (1973) ASTM E265-1970 $1.75 Me Sumps for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Spray Sumps for Nuclear Power Plants (12/73) Addi Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High T Superficial Hardness of Metallic Materials, Methods of Superficial Hardness, and Knoop Hardness) (1973) ASTM E Superheater Tubes (ASME SA-210 with Additional Require Superheater Tubes, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Superheater, and Heat Exchanger Tubes, Specification Fo Superheater, Heat Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes, Speci Supplements Y14.15a and Y14.15B $8.00 Supplied Systems (3-71 ) Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Trial U Supplies on Board Vessels (1975) $7.50 / and Other Pro Supplies (Safety Guide 9, 3/10/71 ) Supply and Signal Conditioning Electronics (2-73) Supply Contracts (1975) $3.25 Supply Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (9/75) Supply Systems (1974) $5.50 Support a Rule Making Petition Seeking an Exemption for Support Structure for Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabricati Support Structures (1977) bd ($40.00), 11 ($70.00) Supporting Plastics, Test for (1974) $1.75 Supports and Snubbers for Liquid Metal Service (5-72) Supports (1977) bd ($30.00), II ($40.00) Supports-Material, Design and Manufacture (1967) $4.00 Supports-Selection and Application (1966) $4.00 Suppression Tank (5-72) Surface Bonded (1973) SAE AMS5500A-1969 $3.00 Surface Finishes (1973) $1.75 Surface for Core Components (5-73) Amendment 1 (9-73) Surface Performance of High Temperature Thermal Insulat Surface Texture (1962) (R1971) $4.50 Surface Welding Rods and Electrodes, Specification for Surfaces for Adhesive Bonding (1973) ASTM D265 1-1973 $ Surfaces, Rec. Practice for (1974) $1.75 Surface, Sodium Pump with Electrical Drive (5-71) Amen Surfacing Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) $2.50 Surfacing (AWS A5.13 with Additional Requirements) (3- Surge Arresters for (1975) IEEE 28-1974 $5.00 Se ASTM AWS ERDA ERDA ANSI ANSI ANSI NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC ASME NRC MSS NRC NRC ERDA ANSI NRC ANSI ERDA ERDA ANSI ASME ASTM DOT USCG DOL ACGIH ASTM USPS IEEE NRC NRC ASTM ANSI ANSI ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ASTM ASTM ANSI NRC NRC ANSI ASTM ANSI ERDA ASTM ASTM ASTM ANSI ERDA ANSI USCG NRC ERDA DOL NRC ASME NRC ERDA ASME ASTM ERDA ASME MSS MSS ERDA ANSI ASTM ERDA ANSI ANSI ANSI ANSI ASTM ERDA AWS ERDA ANSI A36 Dl.l RDT E6-13T RDT P3-IT N18.10 N45.3 N45.4 RG 1.63 RG 1.90 RG 1.15 RG 1.10 RG 1.35 RG 1.70.9 RG 1.107 SEC-IIING RG 1.55 SP-65 RG 4.11 RG 1.65 RDT F6-11T N16.3 RG 10.1 Z98.19 RDT M1-17T RDT M1-22T W3.17 SFA-5.17 D998 46CFR 146 46CFR146 29CFR 70 *1 D2912 POSTL124 450 RG 1.1 RG 4.7 A325 K65.229 K65.230 D2954 D516 C88 K65.229 D2954 C88 Nl 13 RG 1.82 RG 1.70.2 G81.45 E18 Z76.4 RDT M3-32T A210 A213 A249 Y14.15 RDT E4-18T N41.13 46CFR147 RG 1.9 RDTC10-5T 41CFR 50 RG 3.31 PTC32.1 RG 6.7 RDT E6-13T SEC-IIING D635 RDT E7-6T SEC-IIINF SP-58 SP-69 RDT E10-7T G87.1 C756 RDT E6-38T Z98.23 B46.1 W3.13 Z197.28 B600 RDT E3-2T A5.21 RDT M1-5T C62.1 104 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 1/73) Visual 6) stm E185-1970 $1.75 Practice for actice for (1973) $1.75 Portable X or Gamma Radiation els, Rec. Practices for ( 1 975 ) $1.75 Detecting 1-Rich, Chromium-Bearing Alloys, Method of (/ Detecting .00 Cast Iron ial Guide Issued for Use/ Draft Std. for Class IE Control 74) Consolidated Edition (Includes ANSI C37.20A-1970, C/ Medium Voltage Radiation Fissile Material Radiation Instrumentation Dimensions of Plastic Pipe Fittings, Logic Diagrams (Two State Devices), Graphic Electrical and Electronics Diagrams, Graphic f (1975A) $1.75 Terms and Standard Welding and Nondestructive uclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, Definitions, Protection Against Betatron- Periodic Testing of Protection Periodic Testing of Fuel Reprocessing Plant Protection , Testing, and Maintenance Criteria for Atmosphere Cleanup re System (7-73) Visual in Service Inspection Protection sedes F9/ Guidelines and Procedures for Design of Nuclear to ASME Code Ca/ Requirements for Construction of Nuclear mits and Loading Combinations for Seismic Category 1 Fluid loading Combinations for Metal Primary Reactor Containment Preparation of abrication Plants (6/73) Liquid Waste Treatment Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Fuel otential Radiological Consequences of a Radioactive Offgas 72) Amendment 1 (7-73/ Low Level Flux Monitor Mechanical $4.00 Standard Marking aterials for Service in Ionizing Radiation, Classification aterials for Service in Ionizing Radiation, Classification eric Materials for Automotive Applications, Classification Protection formation for Safety Analysis Reports: Steam and Feedwater ad for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Heat Removal pection Requirements for Materials Used in Reactor Coolant ess. Variable Reluctance Transducer, Proximity Measurement Criticality Accident Alarm rmation for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor Water Cleanup for Safety Analysis Reports: Pressurizer Relief Discharge ogarithmic Count Rate Source Range Neutron Flux Monitoring Direct Current Power Range Neutron Flux Monitoring e Voltage (MSV) Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Monitoring System and Associated Equipment for the Reactor Enclosure on Phase of Nuclear Power Plants (1973/ Cleaning of Fluid ear Po/ Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning Fluid Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Mechanical (12/73) Additional Information: Air Filtration ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Diagnostic X-Ray Identification of Piping 72) $2.50 Efficiency Testing of Air Cleaning 73) Efficiency Testing of Air Cleaning (Re/ Design of Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Control al and Initial Startup Testing of Feedwater and Condensate 11/75) Post-Tensioned Prestressing 971) $4.50 Nuclear Material Control s Above/ Practice for Prefabricated Reflective Insulation s / Rec. Practice for Prefabricated Reflective Insulation ctice) (1975) $3.00 Nuclear Material Control Confinement Barriers and Process Offgas Emergency Water Supply General Design Guide for Ventilation s (3/76) Cost-Benefit Analysis for Radwaste -73), Amendment 2 (5-74) Thermowell ata Acquisition Sy/ Specifications of Ge(Li) Spectroscopy Design Considerations: 1, 1/75) Shared Emergency and Shutdown Electric for (1975) IEEE Std. 308-1974 $4.00 Class IE Power for (1972) IEEE Std. 279-1971 $4.00 Protection Criteria for Safety-Related Electric Power Nuclear Material Control Overhead Crane Handling 5) Preoperational Testing of Emergency Core Cooling ation, Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Design Stability of Embankment Retention Nuclear Power Reactors, Nuclear Material Control ants (8/73) General Design Guide for Ventilation Surveillance of Individuals in Material Access Areas ( 1 Surveillance Program for New Fuel Assembly Designs (6/7 Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1973) a Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Reactor Vessels, Rec. Pr Survey Instruments, Specification of (1971 ) $4.40 Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Stainless Ste Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in Wrought Nicke Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends (1970) $3 Switchboards for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, (Tr Switchgear Assemblies, Including Metal Enclosed Bus (19 Switchgear (10-75) Supersedes P2-5T, (2-73) Symbol (1969) $2.75 Symbol (1971) $2.75 Symbol (2/2/73) Symbols and Identification (1975) $7.00 Symbols for (1968) (R1973) $1.75 Symbols for (1973) IEEE 91-1973 $6.00 Symbols for (1975) IEEE 315-1975 $8.00 Symbols Relating to Emission Spectroscopy, Definition O Symbols Testing ( 1976) $5.00 Symbols, Conventions, and References Relating to ( 1974) Synchrotron Radiation Up to 100 MeV (1954) $2.00 System Actuation Functions (Safety Guide 22, 2/17/72) System Actuation Functions (6/74) System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Light — W System and Associated Equipment for the Reactor Enclosu System Comparator (4-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) System Components at Elevated Temperature (9-74) Super System Components at Elevated Temperatures (Supplement System Components (5/73) Design Li System Components (6/73) Design Limits and System Design Descriptions (12-75) Supersedes (3-72) System Design Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel F System Design (5/75) System Failure in a Boiling Water Reactor (3/76) /He P System for Liquid Metal Service (Fabrication Only) (7- System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions ( 1964) System for (ASTM D2953-1971) (1973) $1.75 /Olymeric M System for ( 1971 ) $1.75 Polymeric M System for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Elastom System Logic (4-72) Amendment 1 (6-73) System Materials (4/75) in System Pumps (Safety Guide 1, 1 1/2/70) /Ive Suction He System Wear Applications ( 10-67) Ins System (1-76) Liquid Sodium Bearing Film Thickn System (1969) ANS-8.5 $3.00 System (5/75) Info System (6/75) Information System (7-71) System (7-71) System (7-71) Logarithmic Mean Squar System (7-73) Visual in Service Inspection Systems and Associated Components During the Constructi Systems and Associated Components of Water-Cooled Nucl Systems and Components (1/75) Systems and Containment Sumps for Nuclear Power Plants Systems and Their Major Components (1975) $2.95 /Td. ( Systems by Color Coding, Scheme for the (1975) $3.00 Systems Containing Devices for Removal of Particles (19 Systems Containing Devices for Removal of Particles ( 1/ Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Power Plants (12/75) Systems for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments ( Systems for Conversion Facilities, Guide to Practice ( 1 Systems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperature Systems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at Temperature Systems for Fuel Fabrication Facilities (A Guide to Pra Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (2/74) Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (9/75) Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Systems (9/75) Systems for Light-Water— Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Systems for Liquid Metal Service (8-72) Amendment 1 (8 Systems for Material Protection Measurements, Part I: D Systems for Measuring the Mass of Liquids (2/75) Systems for Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plants (Revision Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Criteria Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Criteria Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 6/73) Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 6/75) Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (2/76) Systems for Pressurized Water Reactors (Revision 1, 1/7 Systems for the Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Pla Systems for Uranium Mills (6/73) Systems for (1974) $3.50 Systems of Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication PI NRC RG 5.14 NRC RG 1.119 ANSI NI46 ASTM E185 ANSI NI3.4 ASTM A262 ANSI G80.4 MSS SP-71 ANSI N41.17 ANSI C37.20 ERDA RDT P2-5T ANSI N2.1 ANSI N12.1 NRC RG 8.1 ISA S 5.1 ASTM D2749 ANSI Y32.14 ANSI Y32.2 ASTM E135 AWS A2.4 ASTM E386 NCRP R14 NRC RG 1.22 NRC RG 3.22 NRC RG 1.52 ERDA RDT E8-12T ERDA RDT C16-4T ERDA RDT F9-5T ERDA RDT F9-4T NRC RG 1.48 NRC RG 1.57 ERDA RDT Fl -2T NRC RG 3.10 NRC RG 1.70.34 NRC RG 1.98 ERDA RDT E6-36T MSS SP-25 ANSI N4.1 ASTM D2953 ASTM D2000 ERDA RDT C16-2T NRC RG 1.70.28 NRC RG 1.1 ERDA RDT F3-7T ERDA RDT C8-2T ANSI N16.2 NRC RG 1.70.32 NRC RG 1.70.37 ERDA RDTC15-10 ERDA RDT C15-8T ERDA RDT C15-6T ERDA RDT E8-12T ANSI N45.2.1 NRC RG 1.37 NRC RG 1.70.18 NRC RG 1.70.2 BRH 21CFR1020C ANSI A13.1 ANSI N101.1 NRC RG 3.2 NRC RG 1.96 NRC RG 1.68.1 NRC RG 1.103 ANSI N15.4 ANSI Z98.48 ASTM C667 ANSI N15.9 NRC RG 3.18 NRC RG 3.20 NRC RG 3.31 NRC RG 3.32 NRC RG 1.110 ERDA RDTC7-18T NRC RG 5.9 NRC RG 5.48 NRC RG 1.81 ANSI N41.12 ANSI N42.7 NRC RG 1.32 NRC RG 5.29 NRC RG 1.104 NRC RG 1.79 ANSI N45.2.8 NRC RG 3.11 ANSI N15.8 NRC RG 3.12 Standards Application and Analysis Division 105 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards wer G/ Draft Standard for Preparation of Design Bases for Analysis of Solvent Fuel Reprocessing Facilities, Nuclear Material Control Physical Independendence of Electric material Protection Measurements, Part I: Data Acquisition ndby (Onsite) Power Sources and Between Their Distribution Annunciators for Control 74) Mixing Component for Liquid Metal Piping Stabilization of Uranium-Thorium Milling Waste Retention criteria and Requirements for RDT Reactor Plant Protection Criticality Accident Alarm rformance Characteristics of Pulse Echo Ultrasonic Testing Industrial Controls and Cast Bronze Solder Joint Fittings for Sovent Drainage Nuclear Steam Supply . (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Cabinet X-Ray Radiation Emitting Products) for X-Ray Baggage Inspection Perimeter Intrusion Alarm Air Cooled Heat Exchanger for Nuclear Steam Supplied Purity Requirements for Operating Sodium Reactor Permanent Magnet Flowmeter for Liquid Metal Piping (1-72) Intermediate Heat Exchanger for Liquid Metal Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage Detection Occupational Radiation Exposure Records noperable Status Indication for Nuclear Power Plant Safety ingle-Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Plant Protection Preoperational Testing of Instrument Air Sumps for Emergency Core Cooling and Containment Spray Periodic Testing of Electrical Power and Protection ation. Inspection, and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Orifice Assemblies for Nuclear design Guide for Ventilation Systems for Fuel Reprocessing die Testing of Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection Nondestructive Assay of N2. 2- 1966) (/ Occupational Radiation Exposure Records Uranium-Thorium Milling Waste Retention moderated Nuclear Power Ge/ Draft Standard Safety Related Nuclear Air Cleaning e Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station Protection solute or Gage ( 10-70/ Liquid Metal Pressure Measurement s, Vickers Hardness, Rockwe/ Standard Hardness Conversion Temperatures: Electromotive Force (EMF) Fuel and Control Assembly ces of a Pressurized Water Reactor Radioactive Gas Storage 9-70) Amendment 1 (3-72), Amendment 2 (1 1-72), Amendm/ Total Immersion Corrosion Test for Soak nsideration, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Blowdown Suppression Welded Steel gn and Construction of Large, Welded, Low Pressure Storage Tantalum and 1974) $1.75 or (1973) ASTM B364-1970 $1.75 ) $1.75 Alloy Bars and Rods, high Temperature Glass Cloth Pressure Sensitive Electrical c. for Fully Cured Silicone Rubber Coated Glass Fabric and Connecting Flange Joint Between Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Drop-Weight actors ( 1 1/73) Development of 4/73) Content of 5) Environmental Research Reactors, Development of Reporting of Operating Information: Appendix A Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by Track-Etch Volume Calibration g Solids Applied to Nuclear Materials Control, Calibration Dielectric Tests, Nuclear Material Control, Mass Calibration Calibration of Thermocouples by Comparison Method of Measuring Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Method for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux by Radioactivation ergy from 3H(D, N)4He Neutron Generators by Radioactivation Testing for Leaks Using Bubble Emission Thermal Neutron Flux by Radioactivation from 3 H(d,n) 4 He Neutron Generators by Radioactivation ) $1.75 Uranium Oxide by Gallium Oxide Carrier D-C Arc ) ASTM E40/ Uranium Oxide by Gallium Oxide Carrier DC Arc Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by Track-Etch ent Using a 14-MeV Neutron Activation and Direct Counting ent Using a 14-MeV Neutron Activation and Direct Counting Glossary of Terms in Nuclear Science and osphere Accumulation, Biological Significance, and Control Systems That Perform Protective Functions in Nuclear Po ANSI N18.8 Systems Used for Removal of Water Formed (1973) $1.75 ASTM D2790 Systems (A Guide to Practice) (1974) $3.00 ANSI N15.13 Systems (Revision 1, 1/75) NRC RG1.75 Systems (Revision 1, 5/74) / Spectroscopy Systems for NRC RG 5.9 Systems (Safety Guide 6, 3/10/71) /Tween Redundant Sta NRC RG 1.6 Systems (10-72) Amendment 1 (8-73) ERDA RDT C17-8T Systems (11-71) Amendment 1 (12-73), Amendment 2 (6- ERDA RDT E7-4T Systems (11/74) NRC RG 3.23 Systems (12-69) Supplementary ERDA RDT CI 6- IT Systems (12/74) NRC RG 8.12 Systems (1969) ASTM E317-1968 $1.75 /or Evaluating Pe ANSI Z166.21 Systems (1970) $16.00 NEMA ICS Systems (1973) $3.50 ANSI B16.32 Systems (1974) $5.50 ASME PTC32.1 Systems (1975) $2.95 Performance Std BRH 21CFR1020F Systems (1975) $2.95 Performance Std. (Ionizing BRH 21CFR1020G Systems (1/75) NRC RG 5.44 Systems (3-71) ERDA RDTE4-18T Systems (3/76) Supersedes A1-5T, 5-73 ERDA RDTA1-5T Systems (4-74) Supersedes C4-5T, (8-71 ) ERDA RDT C4-5T Systems (5-74) Supersedes E4-6T, (1-72), Amendment 1 ERDA RDT E4-6T Systems (5/73) NRC RG1.45 Systems (5/73) NRC RG 8.7 Systems (5/73) Bypassed and I NRC RG 1.47 Systems (6/73) Application of the S NRC RG 1.53 Systems (6/74) NRC RG 1.80 Systems (6/74) NRC RG 1.82 Systems (6/76) NRC RG 1.118 Systems (6/76) /Ity Assurance Requirements for Install NRC RG 1.116 Systems (8-73) ERDA RDT C4-8T Systems (9/75) General NRC RG 3.32 Systems, Criteria for the (1975) $5.00 Perio IEEE 338 Systems, Guide to Calibrating (1975) $5.75 ANSI N15.20 Systems, Practice for (Reaffirmation and Redesignation ANSI N13.6 Systems, Stabilization of (1974) $1.50 ANSI N313 Systems, Structures and Equipment for Water Cooled and ANSI N18.10 Systems, Testing of (1975) $5.00 ANSI N510 Systems, Trial Use /D Application of the Single Failur ANSI N41.2 System, Flush Mounted, Eddy Current Type, Inductive, Ab ERDA RDT C6-3T Tables for Metals (Relationship Between Brinell Hardnes ANSI Z76.4 Tables for Thermocouples (1973) ASTM E230-1972 $3.00 ANSI C96.2 Tag Gas ( 10-72) ERDA RDT M14-2T Tank Failure (Safety Guide 24, 3/23/72) /Cal Consequen NRC RG 1.24 Tank for Gas Service (1 1-72) Amendment 1 (1-74) ERDA RDT E10-6T Tank Liquid Metal Service (9-71) Supersedes El 0-3T, ( ERDA RDT E10-3T Tank Metal Cleaners (1972) $1.75 ASTM D1280 Tank Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $2.15 /Ecial Co USCG 46CFR37 Tank (5-72) ERDA RDT E10-7T Tanks for Oil Storage (1973) $4.00 API STD. Tanks (1973) $4.00 Recommended Rules for Desi API STD. 620 Tantalum Alloy Tubing, Specification for (1974) $1.75 ASTM B521 Tantalum and Tantalum Alloy Tubing, Specification for ( ASTM B52 1 Tantalum Ingots and Flat Mill Products, Specification F ANSI Z 179. 14 Tantalum Ingots and Flat Mill Products, Spec, for (1970 ASTM B364 Tantalum Rod and Wire, Spec, for (1970) $1.75 ASTM B365 Tantalum (90Ta-10W) (1975) $3.00 SAE AMS7848A Tape (1973) $1.75 Std. Spec, for ASTM D2754 Tapes for Electrical Insulation (1969) (R1974) ASTM D19 ANSI C59.89 Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Valves (1969) $2.00 MSS SP-60 Tapping Valves (1969) $2.00 MSS SP-60 Tear Tests of Ferritic Steels, Method for (1974) $1.75 ASTM E436 Technical Specifications for Experiments in Research Re NRC RG 2.2 Technical Specifications for Fuel Reprocessing Plants ( NRC RG 3.6 Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants ( 1 2/7 NRC RG 4.8 Technical Specifications for (1974) ANS-1 5.1 $12.00 ANSI N378 Technical Specifications (Revision 4, 8/75) NRC RG1.16 Technique (1973) $1.75 ASTM E418 Techniques for Nuclear Materials Control ( 1975) $5.50 ANSI N15.19 Techniques for the (1975) $5.75 / of Plutonium-Bearin ANSI N15.22 Techniques for (1968) (R 1973) IEEE 4-1969 $5.00 ANSI C68.1 Techniques for (1975) $5.50 ANSI N15.18 Techniques (1972) $1.75 ASTM E220 Techniques (1973) ASTM E261-1970 $1.75 ANSI N109 Techniques (1973) ASTM E262-70 $1.75 ANSI N110 Techniques (1974) ASTM E496-1973 $1.75 /ND Average En ANSI N580 Techniques (1974) $1.75 ASTM E515 Techniques, Measuring (1970) $1.75 ASTM E262 Techniques, Test for ( 1973) $1.75 / and Average Energy ASTM E496 Technique, Method for Spectrochemical Analysis of ( 1970 ASTM E402 Technique, Method for Spectrochemical Analysis of ( 1972 ANSI Z128.27 Technique, Method for (1974) ASTM E4 18- 1973 $1.75 ANSI N639 Technique, Method of Test for (1973) $1.75 /Xygen Cont ASTM E385 Technique, Method of Test for (1974) ASTM E385-1973 $ ANSI N637 Technology (1967) $7.95 ANSI Nl.l Technology (1975) $4.00 Krypton-85 in the Atm NCRP R44 106 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ) $3.50 Cobalt-60 and Cesium- 137 erformance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for (Fabrication Only) (10-73) Amendment 1 (12-74) onal Requirements) (8-75) Supersede/ High Strength, High Testing of High (1974) $1.75 Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plant/ Preheat and Interpass -70) High Control of Preheat ape (1973) $1.75 Std. Spec, for High sedes E4- 1 9T, ( 8-7 1 ) Plugging .00 Definitions of Terms Relating to g Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition 971 $1.75 Method of Test for Determining the Maximum Use ce (3-71) Amendment 1 (5-71); Su/ Nak Transmission High idance for Construction of Class 1 Components in Elevated- Seamless Carbon Steel for High rements) (2-75) S/ Alloy Steel Bolting Material for High Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolting for High Pressure and High rements) (2-75) Su/ Alloy Steel Bolting Material for Low ng Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High ng Nickel Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High ontaining Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low g Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low Seamless-Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High ressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel for Moderate and Lower Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel for Intermediate-and Higher- Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Low Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High Centrifugally Cast Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High Austenitic Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High Centrifugally Cast Austenitic Steel Pipe for High Ided Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for High tic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High ce for (1970) $1.75 Elevated t / Method of Test for Linear Shrinkage of Preformed High 3) (R1969) ASTM C411-19/ Hot Surface Performance of High edures for Design of Nuclear System Components at Elevated ive Insulation Systems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at ive Insulation Systems for Equipment and Pipe Operating at rties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading at Elevated for Construction of Nuclear System Components at Elevated ctric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower mocouples (1973) ASTM E230-1972 $3.00 Flow Properties of Lubricating Greases at High Nickel High Alloy Tubing for Pressure Application at High on, Nickel, and Cobalt-Base Alloys, Chemical Analy/ High 3) Thermal Insulation, Flexible or Molded, High ivity of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles at Room with Additional / Mineral Fiber Thermal Insulation, High Specification for (1975) $1.75 Quenched and $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and for Pressure Vessels (1974A/ Std. Spec, for Quenched and pec. for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and cation for Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, Quenched and tion for Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and cation/ Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and re Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, High Strength, Quenched and Qualifications for Cement Grouting for Prestressing (Revision 2, 1/76) Inservice Inspection of Ungrouted f Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures with Grouted ity, Specification for (1975) $1.75 Low and Intermediate hod of Test for (1973) ASTM C496-1971 $1.75 Splitting 936-1971) $1.75 Method of Test for Direct essure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low and Intermediate - stm C749-75 $ 1 .75 Method of Test for tal), Meth/ Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Test for Fatigue Properties of Adhesives in Shear by , Methods of ( 1 973 ) ASTM C565- 1 97 1 $1.75 $1.75 Sharp-Notch Elevated Temperature Post- ) $1.75 sels and Containments ( 1 1/75) (6/74) nt (1972) $3.00 Statistical control Accountability (2/2/73) Statistical Electrical Transducer Nomenclature and Quality Assurance Quality Assurance finition of (1975 A) $1.75 Glossary of tions and Materials (1973) $1.75 Definition of 8) $1.75 Definitions of Teletherapy Equipment, Guidelines for Maintaining ( 1974 ANSI N449 Television Receivers (1975) $2.95 BRH 21CFR1020A Temperature and Liquid Level Control Monitor, Port Plug ERDA RDT E6-10T Temperature Bolting Materials (ASME SA-453 with Additi ERDA RDT M6-6T Temperature Cable for Nuclear Detectors (8-71 ) ERDA RDT F3-39T Temperature Central Station Service, Specification for ASTM A376 Temperature Control for the Welding of Low Alloy Steel NRC RG 3.29 Temperature Electrical Connectors and Hermetic Seals (3 ERDA RDT CI 7- IT Temperature for Welding of Low Alloy Steel (5/73) NRC RG1.50 Temperature Glass Cloth Pressure Sensitive Electrical T ASTM D2754 Temperature Indicator Assembly for Sodium Service Super ERDA RDT E4-19T Temperature Measurement Thermocouples (1964) (R 1969) $6 ANSI C96.1 Temperature Measurement (1974) $1.75 ASTM E344 Temperature of Ferritic Steels (1970) ASTM E208-1969 $ ANSI Z178.5 Temperature of Preformed Insulation (1973) ASTM C447-1 ANSI Z98.28 Temperature Pressure Transmitter for Liquid Metal Servi ERDA RDT C6-1T Temperature Reactors (Supplement to ASME Section III Co NRC RG1.87 Temperature Service Specification for (1975) $1.75 ASTM A106 Temperature Service (ASME SA-193 with Additional Requi ERDA RDT M6-3T Temperature Service (ASME SA-194 with Additional Requi ERDA RDT M6-4T Temperature Service (ASME SA-320 with Additional Requi ERDA RDT M6-1T Temperature Service (ASTM a 637 with Additional Require ERDA RDTM2-18T Temperature Service (1973) ASTM A637-I970 $1.75 /Deni ANSI G8I.44 Temperature Service (1973) ASTM A638-1970 $1.75 /Ron ANSI G81.45 Temperature Service (1973) ASTM A639- 1970 $1.75 /Lt C ANSI G81.46 Temperature Service (1975) $1.75 ASTM A333 Temperature Service (1975) $1.75 Std. Spec, for Pipin ASTM A420 Temperature Service, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 ASTM A335 Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1974A) $1.75 ASTM A516 Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1974B) $1.75 ASTM A515 Temperature Service, Specification for (1974) $1.75 ASTM A334 Temperature Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 ASTM A369 Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1975) $1.75 ASTM A426 Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 ASTM A430 Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1975) $1.75 ASTM A45 1 Temperature Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 /E ASTM A358 Temperature Service, Specification for (1975) $1.75 /I ASTM A409 Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Materials, Practi ASTM E2 1 Temperature Thermal Insulation Subjected to Soaking Hea ANSI Z98.19 Temperature Thermal Insulation, Method of Test for ( 196 ANSI Z98.23 Temperature (9-74) Supersedes F9-5T, (3-74) /D Proc ERDA RDT F9-5T Temperatures Above Ambient Air (1972) $1.75 /D Reflect ASTM C667 Temperatures Above Ambient Air (1974) ASTM C667-1972 $ ANSI Z98.48 Temperatures (Metal-to-Metal), Method of Test for ( 1 ANSI Z197.5 Temperatures (Supplement to ASME Code Cases 1592, 1593, ERDA RDT F9-4T Temperatures (1974) ASTM A671-1972 $1.75 /Ion for Ele ANSI B125.53 Temperatures: Electromotive Force (EMF) Tables for Ther ANSI C96.2 Temperatures, Measurement of (1973) $1.75 ASTM D3232 Temperatures, Specification for (1973) ASTM A608-1970 ANSI G82.1 Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Ir ASTM E354 Temperature, Low Conductivity (5-72) Amendment 1 (4-7 ERDA RDT M12-5T Temperature, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C61 1-1969 ANSI K90.7 Temperature, Rigid, Flexible and Loose Fill (ASTM C 612 ERDA RDT M12-6T Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, ASTM A490 Tempered Chromium-Molybdenum, Specification for ( 1974) ASTM A542 Tempered Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings ASTM A508 Tempered, Eight and Nine Percent Nickel (1974) $1.75 ASTM A553 Tempered, for Pressure Vessel Components (1973) $1.75 ASTM A541 Tempered, Manganese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybden ASTM A533 Tempered, Nickel-Cobalt-Molybdenum-Chromium, Specifi ANSI G35.26 Tempered, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Pressu ASTM A517 Tendons in Containment Structures (1 1/75) NRC RG 1.107 Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures NRC RG 1.35 Tendons (11/74) Inservice Inspection O NRC RG1.90 Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Qual ASTM A283 Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Met ANSI A37.121 Tensile Strength of Rock Core Specimens (1972) (ASTM D2 ANSI A37.180 Tensile Strength, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Pr ASTM A285 Tensile Stress-Strain of Carbons and Graphite (1974) a ANSI K90.15 Tension Loading at Elevated Temperatures (Metal-to-Me ANSI Z197.5 Tension Loading (1973) $1.75 ASTM D3166 Tension Testing of Carbon Graphite Mechanical Materials ANSI K90.6 Tension Testing of High Strength Sheet Materials (1973) ASTM E338 Tension Testing of Metallic Materials (1969) $1.75 ASTM E8 Tension Tests of Metallic Materials, Practice for ( 1 970 ASTM E2 1 Tensioned Prestressing Systems for Concrete Reactor Ves NRC RG 1.103 Termination of Operating Licenses for Nuclear Reactors NRC RG 1.86 Terminology and Notation for Nuclear Materials Manageme ANSI N15.5 Terminology and Notation for Special Nuclear Materials NRC RG 5.3 Terminology (1975) $5.00 ISA S37.1 Terms and Definitions (1973) $3.00 ANSI N45.2.10 Terms and Definitions (2/74) NRC RG1.74 Terms and Symbols Relating to Emission Spectroscopy, De ASTM El 35 Terms in Nuclear Science and Technology (1967) $7.95 ANSI Nl.l Terms Relating to Acoustical Tests of Building Construe ASTM C634 Terms Relating to Dosimetry (1973) ASTM E170-1963 (196 ANSI N105 Standards Application and Analysis Division 107 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards i C59.75 (1973) Std. Definitions of 268 1968 $1.75 Definitions of nalysis of Fatigue Data (1973) (ASTM E206/ Definitions of stm E425-1971 $1.75 .75 Definitions of 1.75 Definitions of 5) $1.75 Standard Definitions and 5A) $1.75 Definitions of Definitions of Definitions of Definition of Dosimetry, Definition of Thermal Insulating Materials, Definition of Activated Carbon, Definition of g Stations (1972) $4.00 Definitions of tions (7/76) tation Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Hardness standard Analytical Methods for the Measurement of Uranium Accountability of Uranium Abbreviations for Use in Drawings and in Surface recautions in the Management of Patients Who Have Received ions by Means of the Guarded Hot Box, Method of Test For/ ed Hot Plate, Method of Test for (1975) ASTM CI 77- 1971 / ed Hot Plate, Test for (1971) $1.75 flow Meter, Test for (1970) $1.75 for (1967) (R1969) ASTM C335-1969 $1.75 Pulse Method, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C714-1972/ Pulse Method, Test for ( 1 972 ) $ 1 .75 al Insulating Materials ( 1973) $1.75 Test for h Additional Requiremen/ Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting for ( 1970) $1.75 Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting nless Steel ( 10-72) Supersedes Ml/ Test Requirements for ing to (1967) $1.75 Thickness and Density of Blanket-Type or Batt-Type /73) Nonmetallic of Test for Linear Shrinkage of Preformed High Temperature ents) (6-71 ) Amendment / Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Spec, for Mineral Fiber Block and Board Sampling Preformed Evaluating Stress Corrosion Effect of Wicking-Type Recommended Practice for Selection of Vapor Barriers for e, Low Conductivity (5-72) Amendment 1 (4-73) nd Loose Fill (ASTM C 612 with Additional / Mineral Fiber stm C41 1-19/ Hot Surface Performance of High Temperature stm CI 65-1/ Compressive Strength of Preformed Block Type 312-1955) $1.75 Mean Specific Heat of Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Mean Specific Heat of Density of Preformed Pipe Covering Type Density of Preformed Block Type d and Calculated Flexural Strength of Preformed Block Type phite, Methods for (1973) ASTM C626-1971/ Estimating the phite, Estimating the ( 1 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 suring (1970) $1.75 r Operated Valves (11/75) 14-1972/ Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by A Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by A 2, 11/2/70) ainless Steel Sheathed ( 1-72) Time Response Test for Sheathed, Mineral Insulated ess Steel Sheathed, Magnesium / Thermocouple Material and 3) Thermocouple Connectors and Is (1-72) Amendment 1 (1-73) l-P Versus Alumel, Stainless Steel Sheathed, Magnesium / t Rhodium Wires, Noninsulated, Std. Grade (8-72) Amendm/ ductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fi/ ductor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fi/ de Insulated, Sheathed (4-70) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-7/ ctor (Bare, Fiberglass Insulated, and Sheathed Over Fibe/ nsulated, Sheathed (4-70) Supersedes C7-14T, (3-70), / Calibration of 52-1972 $1.7/ Method for Calibration of Refractory Metal Temperature Measurement Temperatures: Electromotive Force (EMF) Tables for r High Reliability Applications, Specification for ( 1967/ er High Reliability Applications, Specification for (197/ Performance, Testing, and Procedural Specifications for Platinum Resistance Measuring Flow Rates of Industrial Laminated ndment 1 (8-73), Amendment 2 (5-74) ermal Insulating Materials, Test for (1970) $1.75 agnetic) Test/ Recommended Practice for Measuring Coating Steel Castings Up to 2 Inches in Terms Relating to Electric Insulation (1975B) $1.75 ANS ASTM D1711 Terms Relating to Electromagnetic Testing (1974) ASTM E ANSI Z 166.31 Terms Relating to Fatigue Testing and the Statistical a ANSI Z92.2 Terms Relating to Leak Testing, Definitions of (1973) a ANSI Z 166.25 Terms Relating to Liquid Penetrant Inspection ( 1974) $1 ASTM E270 Terms Relating to Magnetic Particle Inspection (1974) $ ASTM E269 Terms Relating to Manufactured Carbon and Graphite ( 197 ASTM C709 Terms Relating to Rubber and Rubber Like Materials ( 197 ASTM D1566 Terms Relating to Temperature Measurement (1974) $1.75 ASTM E344 Terms Relating to Ultrasonic Testing (1974) $1.75 ASTM E500 Terms Relating to Water (1974) $1.75 ASTM Dl 129 Terms Relating to (1963) (R1968) $1.75 ASTM El 70 Terms Relating to (1967) $1.75 ASTM CI 68 Terms Relating to (1974) $1.75 ASTM D2652 Terms Used in IEEE Standards on Nuclear Power Generatin IEEE 380 Terrestrial Environmental Studies for Nuclear Power Sta NRC RG 4.1 1 Testers (1974) ASTM El 10 1972 $1.75 /of Test for Inden ANSI Zl 15.9 Tetrafluoride (UF„) and Uranium Hexafluoride (UF 6 ) 2/2/ NRC RG 5.4 Tetrafluoride, Analytical Procedures for (1972) $6.00 ANSI N15.6 Text (1972) $12.00 ANSI Yl.l Texture (1962) (R1971) $4.50 ANSI B46.1 Therapeutic Amounts of Radionuclides (1970) $4.00 NCRP R37 Thermal Conductance and Transmittance of Built-Up Sect ANSI Z98.2 Thermal Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Guard ANSI Z98.1 Thermal Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Guard ASTM CI 77 Thermal Conductivity of Materials by Means of the Heat ASTM C518 Thermal Conductivity of Pipe Insulation, Method of Test ANSI Z98.3 Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal ANSI K90.12 Thermal Diffusivity of Carbon and Graphite by a Thermal ASTM C714 Thermal Failure Under Electric Stress of Solid Electric ASTM D3151 Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cement (ASTM C 449 Wit ERDA RDTM12-3T Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cement, Specification ASTM C449 Thermal Insulating Materials for Use on Austenitic Stai ERDA RDTM12-1T Thermal Insulating Materials, Definition of Terms Relat ASTM CI 68 Thermal Insulating Materials, Test for ( 1 970 ) $ 1 .75 ASTM C 1 67 Thermal Insulation for Austenitic Stainless Steel (2/23 NRC RG 1.36 Thermal Insulation Subjected to Soaking Heat (1963) (Rl ANSI Z98.19 Thermal Insulation (ASTM C 533 with Additional Requirem ERDA RDT M12-2T Thermal Insulation (1970) $1.75 ASTM C612 Thermal Insulation (1972) $1.75 ASTM C390 Thermal Insulations on Stainless Steel (1971) $1.75 ASTM C692 Thermal Insulations (1973) $1.75 ASTM C755 Thermal Insulation, Flexible or Molded, High Temperatur ERDA RDT M12-5T Thermal Insulation, High Temperature, Rigid, Flexible a ERDA RDT M12-6T Thermal Insulation, Method of Test for (1963) (R 1969) a ANSI Z98.23 Thermal Insulation, Method of Test for (1963) (R 1973) a ANSI Z98.6 Thermal Insulation, Practice for (1963) (R1975) (ASTM C ANSI Z98.15 Thermal Insulation, Specification for (1972) $1.75 ASTM C533 Thermal Insulation, Test for (1961) (R1973) $1.75 ASTM C351 Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.75 ASTM C302 Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.75 ASTM C303 Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.75 /Reaking Loa ASTM C203 Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Gra ANSI K90.10 Thermal Neutron Absorption Cross Section of Nuclear Gra ASTM C626 Thermal Neutron Flux by Radioactivation Techniques, Mea ASTM E262 Thermal Overload Protection for Electric Motors on Moto NRC RG 1.106 Thermal Pulse Method, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM C7 ANSI K.90.12 Thermal Pulse Method, Test for (1972) $1.75 ASTM C714 Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels (Safety Guide NRC RG 1.2 Thermocouple Assemblies, Magnesium-Oxide Insulated, St ERDA RDT C7-16T Thermocouple Assembly (6-72) ERDA RDT C2-3T Thermocouple Assembly, Chromel-P Versus Alumel, Stainl ERDA RDT C7-6T Thermocouple Connector Panels (1-72) Amendment 1 (1-7 ERDA RDT C7-15T Thermocouple Connectors and Thermocouple Connector Pane ERDA RDT C7-15T Thermocouple Material and Thermocouple Assembly, Chrome ERDA RDT C7-6T Thermocouple Materials, Platinum and Platinum 10 Percen ERDA RDT C7-7T Thermocouple Material, Chromel-P and Alumel, Solid Con ERDA RDT C7-5T Thermocouple Material, Copper and Constantan, Solid Con ERDA RDT C7-3T Thermocouple Material, Copper-Constantan, Mineral-Oxi ERDA RDT C7-4T Thermocouple Material, Iron and Constantan, Solid Condu ERDA RDT C7-1T Thermocouple Material, Iron Constantan, Mineral Oxide I ERDA RDT C7-2T Thermocouple Signal Transmitter (11-71) ERDA RDTC10-1T Thermocouples by Comparison Techniques (1972) $1.75 ASTM E220 Thermocouples Using an Optical Pyrometer (1973) ASTM E4 ANSI N144 Thermocouples (1964) (R1969) $6.00 ANSI C96.1 Thermocouples (1973) ASTM E230-1972 $3.00 ANSI C96.2 Thermocouples, Sheathed, Type K for Nuclear or for Othe ASTM E235 Thermocouples, Sheathed, Type K, for Nuclear or for Oth ANSI N142 Thermoluminescence Dosimetry-Environmental Application ANSI V545 Thermometer (4-75 ) Supersedes C7- 1 7T, ( 3-73 ) ERDA RDT C7- 1 7T Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer (1973) $1.75 ASTM D1238 Thermosetting Products (1971) $9.50 NEM A LI- 1 Thermowell Systems for Liquid Metal Service (8-72) Ame ERDA RDTC7-18T Thickness and Density of Blanket-Type or Batt-Type th ASTM CI 67 Thickness by Magnetic-Field or Eddy-Current (Electrom ASTM E376 Thickness, Reference Radiographs for (1973) $1.75 ASTM E446 108 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards asurement System (1-76) Liquid Sodium Bearing Film A/ Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with 973) ASTM D2333-1968 $1.75 Stabilization of Uranium- of (1974) $1.50 Uranium- Unified Screw Threads (UN and Unr Cast Iron Swing Check Valves, Flanged and Cast Iron Gate Valves, Flanged and -71) Preloading sedes E8-18T, (10-71) Malleable Iron High Pressure Chemical Industry Flanges and Forged Steel Fittings, Socket-Welding and Pipe Unified Screw ical Agents in the Workroom Environment with Intended Ch/ of Neutron Dose to Polymeric Materials and Application of antom (1973) $3.00 Fuel Shipping Container st for (1974) $1.75 mocouple Assembly (6-72) Titanium and Specification for Titanium and Spec, for Titanium and or (1973) ASTM B265-1972 $1.75 Titanium and ) $1.75 Titanium and Descaling and Cleaning Titanium and , Specification for ( 19/ Seamless and Welded Titanium and $1.75 1969 $1.75 Specification for Spec, for ecification for (1973) ASTM B265-1972 $1.75 ec. for (1974) $1.75 (1974) $1.75 Descaling and Cleaning at Exchangers, Specification for (19/ Seamless and Welded trodes (1970) $3.00 f (1971) $1.75 $3.00 Titanium and 5 Titanium and Floor and Wall Openings, Railings and Dimensioning and -1 IT, (8-72) BF3 Gamma ations (1974) ASTM A628-1973 $1.75 Std. Spec, for 74) ASTM A627-1968 $1.75 Std. Spec, for Homogeneous applications (1974) ASTM A629-1971 $1.75 Std. Spec, for erhead Traveling Cranes (1974) $3.00 Spec, for Design Basis Additional Information: Wind and $1.75 ners (1972) $1.75 Method of Test for Test for Plane-Strain Fracture for Forgings, Carbon and Low Alloy Steel, Requiring Notch Test for Evaluating Acute Test for Evaluating Inhibitory Shear by Tension Loading at Elevated Temperatures (Metal- spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by 3 $1.75 Fast Neutron Flux Measurements by ns-3.1 $10.00 Selection and aluation of Installed Biological Shielding in Research and Personnel Selection and Information for Safety Analysis Reports: men (1/74) Protection Against Low Electrical Liquid Sodium Bearing Film Thickness, Variable Reluctance Evaluation of Shipper-Receiver Differences in the istical Evaluation of Shipper-Receiver Differences in the Internal shed May, 1969) (IEEE Std. 93-1968) $6.00 Guide for , Including Draft Sup/ Distribution, Power and Regulating taining Sodium (8-74) Test Vehicles for ants (Issued Fo/ Draft Standard Evaluation of Anticipated Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Improved Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Mechanical Power Classification for Determination of Sound liquid Metal Service (3-71) Amendment 1 (5-71); Su/ Nak roducts (1972) $1.75 Test for Water Vapor Test for (1973) $1.75 Water Vapor rded Hot Box, Method of Test For/ Thermal Conductance and 1 (5-71); Su/ Nak Transmission High Temperature Pressure Thickness, Variable Reluctance Transducer, Proximity Me Third Point Loading), Method of Test for (1966) (R1973) Thorium in Water and Waste Water, Method of Test for ( 1 Thorium in Water and Waste Water, Test for (1974) $1.75 Thorium Milling Waste Retention Systems (1 1/74) Thorium Milling Waste Retention Systems, Stabilization Thread Form) (1974) $15.00 Threaded Ends (1970) $3.00 Threaded Ends (1970) $4.00 Threaded Fasteners and Closures (2-69) Amendment 1 (10 Threaded Fasteners for Nuclear Components (2-75) Super Threaded Pipe Unions 150, 250, and 300 lbs. (1970) $3.0 Threaded Stubs for Use with Lens Gaskets (1968) $4.00 Threaded (1973) $3.00 Threads (Except Dryseal) (1968) $4.75 Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form) (1974) $15.00 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Phys Threshold-Foil Measurements ( 1968) (R 1973) $1.75 /Ion Thyroid Radioiodine Uptake Measurements Using a Neck pH Tiedown for Truck Transport (1-75) Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle, Te Time Response Test for Sheathed, Mineral Insulated Ther Titanium Alloy Castings, Spec, for (1969) $1.75 Titanium Alloy Forgings (1970) ASTM B381-1969 $1.75 Titanium Alloy Forgings (1975) $1.75 Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate, Specification F Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate, Spec, for ( 1974 Titanium Alloy Surfaces, Rec. Practice for (1974) $1.75 Titanium Alloy Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers Titanium and Titanium Alloy Castings, Spec, for (1969) Titanium and Titanium Alloy Forgings (1970) ASTM B381- Titanium and Titanium Alloy Forgings ( 1975) $1.75 Titanium and Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate, Sp Titanium and Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate, Sp Titanium and Titanium Alloy Surfaces, Rec. Practice for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Tubes for Condensers and He Titanium and Titanium-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Elec Titanium and Titanium-Base Alloys, Chemical Analysis O Titanium Sponge, Spec, for (1974) $1.75 Titanium-Alloy Bare Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) Titanium-Base Alloys, Chemical Analysis of ( 1 97 1 ) $1.7 Toeboards, Safety Requirements for (1973) $3.00 Tolerancing for Engineering Drawings (1973) $10.00 Tolerant Neutron Detector Tubes ( 12-75) Supersedes C15 Tool Resisting Composite Steel Bars for Security Applic Tool Resisting Steel Bars for Security Applications ( 1 9 Tool Resisting Steel Flat Bars and Shapes for Security Top Running and Under Running Single Girder Electric Ov Tornado Design Classification (6/76) Tornado for Nuclear Power Plants (4/74) Tornado Loadings ( 1 1/74) Total Ash Content of Activated Carbon, Test for (1970) Total Immersion Corrosion Test for Soak Tank Metal Clea Total Mercury in Water (1973) $1.75 Toughness of Metallic Materials, Method of (1974) $1.75 Toughness Testing for Piping Components (1974) $1.75 Toxicity of Water to Fresh Water Fishes (1970) $1.75 Toxicity of Waters to Diatoms (1973) $1.75 to-Metal), Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2295-1972 Tracer Probe Mode (1973) $1.75 / Leaks Using the Mass Track-Etch Technique (1973) $1.75 Track-Etch Technique, Method for (1974) ASTM E418-197 Training of Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants ( 1971 ) a Training Reactors (5/73) Shield Test Program for Ev Training (Revision I, 1/9/75)- Training (6/75) Training, Equipping, and Qualifying of Guards and Watch Trajectory Turbine Missiles (3/76) Transducer Nomenclature and Terminology ( 1975) $5.00 Transducer, Proximity Measurement System (1-76) Transfer of Special Nuclear Materials (6/74) Transfer of Special Nuclear Materials, Concepts and Pri Transfers of Special Nuclear Material (3/75) Transformer Impulse Tests, Appendix to C57. 12.90 (Publi Transformers, Test Code for (1973) (IEEE Std 262-1973) Transient Reactor Test Facility (Treat) Experiments Con Transients Without Trip on Pressurized Water Reactor PI Transition Properties, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels (1970) ASTM E Transmission Apparatus, Safety Standard for (1972) $4.0 Transmission Class (1973) $1.75 Transmission High Temperature Pressure Transmitter for Transmission of Flexible Heat Sealed Packages for Dry P Transmission of Shipping Containers by Cycle Method, of Transmittance of Built-Up Sections by Means of the Gua Transmitter for Liquid Metal Service (3-71 ) Amendment ERDA RDT C8-2T ANSI A37.22 ANSI N158 ASTM D2333 NRC RG 3.23 ANSI N313 ANSI Bl.l MSS SP-71 MSS SP-7.0 ERDA RDT F8-1T ERDA RDT E8-18T MSS SP-76 MSS SP-65 ANSI B16.ll ANSI B2.1 ANSI Bl.l ACGIH *1 ASTM D2365 ANSI N44.3 ERDA RDT F8-11T ASTM C191 ERDA RDT C2-3T ASTM B367 ANSI Z179.3 ASTM B381 ANSI Z179.1 ASTM B265 ASTM B600 ASTM B338 ASTM B367 ANSI Z179.3 ASTM B38I ANSI Z179.1 ASTM B265 ASTM B600 ASTM B338 AWS A5.16 ASTM E120 ASTM B299 AWS A5.16 ASTM E120 ANSI A12.1 ANSI Y14.5 ERDA RDTC15-11 ANSI G24.46 ANSI G24.45 ANSI G24.47 CMAA 74 NRC RG 1.117 NRC RG 1.76 NRC RG 1.70.10 ASTM D2866 ASTM D1280 ASTM D3223 ASTM E399 ASTM A350 ASTM D1345 ASTM D2037 ANSI Z197.5 ASTM E498 ASTM E418 ANSI N639 ANSI N18.1 NRC RG 2.1 NRC RG 1.8 NRC RG 1.70.38 NRC RG 5.20 NRC RG 1.115 ISA S37.1 ERDA RDT C8-2T NRC RG 5.28 ANSI N15.17 NRC RG 5.49 ANSI C57.98 ANSI C57. 12.90 ERDA RDT E16-1T ANSI N661 ASTM A442 ANSI Z178.5 ANSI B15.1 ASTM E413 ERDA RDTC6-1T ASTM D3079 ASTM D1276 ANSI Z98.2 ERDA RDTC6-1T Standards Application and Analysis Division 109 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Thermocouple Signal ) Differential Pressure e Releases from Light/ Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Communication with Fuel Shipping Container Tiedown for Truck ions Experiment Resistance to Shock and Vibration in Truck 76) erials (1975) $5.00 Materials ( 1973) $3.50 Packaging and Materials (6/74) Packaging and ous Articles or Substances and Combustible Liquids on Bo/ pecial Construction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for /75) Evaluation of Explosions Postulated to Occur on s Shipments, Administrative Guid/ Obtaining Department of Additional Information: Nearby Industrial, 3) ACI 304-1973 $2.75 Measuring, Mixing, Administrative Guide for Packaging and Administrative Guide for Uranium Hexafluoride for (5-73), Amendment 2 (1-74) Vapor supersedes E4-5T, ( 12-70) Forced Circulation Cold 3) Supersedes Ml 6- IT, (6-72) Gas Phase Adsorbents for Specifications for Electric Overhead Running and Under Running Single Girder Electric Overhead ssels (1974A/ Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered Vacuum 1975) $1.75 Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat 76) Supersedes / Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings, Vacuum trode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 F (1065.6C) Solution or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) Solution Heat rode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 F ( 1065.6 C) Solution or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) Solution Heat Base-19Cr-3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Solution sumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted Solution Heat and Fuel Fabrication Plants (6/73) Liquid Waste Test Vehicles for Transient Reactor Test Facility dment 1 (8-73), Amendment 2 (3-74) Instrument or Unconsolidated, Undrained Strength of Cohesive Soils in ecimens Without Pore Pressure Measurements ( 197/ Test for raft Standard Evaluation of Anticipated Transients Without 1970 $1.75 Radioactive Fuel Shipping Container Tiedown for radiations Experiment Resistance to Shock and Vibration in 6.50 Powered Industrial 1 ) Venturi Flow plementary Requirements for Nickel Alloy Seamless Pipe and requirements for ( 1970) $/ Nickel Alloy Seamless Pipe and or Impedance and Absorption of Acoustical Materials by the Test for Average Velocity in a Duct (Pitot Specification for Nickel Seamless Pipe and on for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS N04400) Seamless Pipe and ication for Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy Seamless Pipe and on for Aluminum-Alloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded ickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy (UNS N08800) Seamless Pipe and Specification for Seamless Copper-Nickel Pipe and Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Seamless Cladding Heat Exchanger, Class 1 , Water to Water, Straight or U Heat Exchanger, Class 2, Water to Water, Straight or U 5 Copper and Copper-Alloy Seamless Condenser for (1974) ASTM B234 197/ Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless for (19/ Seamless and Welded Titanium and Titanium Alloy edes E6-20T, / Austenitic Stainless Steel Hexagonal Duct 974) $1.75 Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Wrought Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Welded Wrought Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Welded arbon, Ferritic, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Heat Exchanger u/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Seamless u/ Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Alloy Seamless 5) S/ Seamless Medium Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater ent-Chromium, 1 -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Steel Seamless 6) Supersedes M3-2T,/ Stainless and Alloy Steel Seamless 76) Supersed/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Seamless 5) Supersedes M3-4T, (1-74) Nickel Alloy Seamless 5) / Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe and Supersedes M3-8T, (5-70/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy ce Inspection of Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generator BF3 Gamma Tolerant Neutron Detector ne Booklet Priced at $3.00 Bases for GM Counter pecification for Seamless Ferritic-Austenitic Alloy Steel ation for Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and diation Emitting Products) for Cold-Cathode Gas Discharge 1/4-Percent-Chromium, I -Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Steel teel Boiler, (1974B) 1.75 Superheater, and Heat Exchanger a) $1./ Carbon, Ferritic Alloy and Austenitic Alloy Steel Columbium and Columbium Alloy Seamless and Welded Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel Boiler Transmitter (11-71) Transmitter, Pneumatic or Electric Output Signal (4-74 Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routin Transport Vehicles (Revision 1, 5/75) Transport ( 1-75) Transport (2-75) Design Basis for Fuel and Irradiat Transportation of Critical Components and Equipment ( 1 - Transportation of Dangerous Articles and Magnetized Mat Transportation of Radioactrvely Contaminated Biological Transportation of Radioactively Contaminated Biological Transportation or Storage of Explosives or Other Danger Transportation or Storage of Explosives or Other Danger Transportation Routes Near Nuclear Power Plant Sites ( 1 Transportation Special Permits for Radioactive Material Transportation, and Military Facilities (9/74) Transporting and Placing of Concrete, Practice for (197 Transporting Radioactive Material (6/74) Transporting Radioactive Materials (1973) $4.50 Transport, Packaging of ( 1971 ) $6.75 Trap Assemblies for Sodium Service (4-72) Amendment 1 Trap Assembly for Removal of Sodium Impurities (1-76) Trapping Radioactive Iodine and Iodine Compounds (10-7 Traveling Crane ( 1971 ) $3.00 Traveling Cranes ( 1974) $3.00 Spec, for Top Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Ve Treated Carbon-Manganese-Silicon, Specification for ( Treated (ASME SA-508 with Additional Requirements) (4- Treated (1973) SAE AMS 5590-1966 $3.00 Base-19Cr-3.1 Treated ( 1973) SAE AMS 5596C-1968 $3.00 /Le Electrode Treated (1973) SAE AMS 5597A-1967 $3.00 /Umable Elect Treated (1973) SAE AMS 5662C-1972 $3.00 /Le Electrode Treated ( 1973) (SAE AMS 5589-1966 $3.00 /Slant Nickel Treated (1975) $3.00 /-5.1 (Cb+Ta) 0.90Ti-0.50Al Con Treatment System Design Guide for Plutonium Processing (Treat) Experiments Containing Sodium (8-74) Tree for Sodium Cooled Reactors (Fabrication Only) Amen Triaxial Compression (1972) (ASTM D2850— 1970) $1.75 Triaxial Compressive Strength of Undrained Rock Core Sp Trip on Pressurized Water Reactor Plants (Issued for Tr Tritium in Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2476- Truck Identification Markings (1/74) Truck Transport ( 1-75) Truck Transport (2-75) Design Basis for Fuel and Ir Trucks Low Lift and High Lift, Safety Std. for ( 1975) $ Tube for Liquid Sodium (8-74) Supersedes C4-4T, (1-7 Tube for Nuclear Applications, Specification for (1971) Tube for Nuclear Applications, Spec, for Supplementary Tube Method (1972) $1.75 Tube Method) (1972) $1.75 Tube (1971) ASTM B167-1970 $1.75 Tube (1971) $1.75 Tube (1973) ASTM B 167- 1970 $1.75 Tube (1974) ASTM B241 1973 $1.75 Tube (1974) $1.75 Tube (1975) $1.75 Tube (6-71) Tube (6-73) Tube (7-71) Tubes and Ferrule Stock, Specification for (1974A) $1.7 Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers, Specification Tubes for Condensers and Heat Exchangers, Specification Tubes for Core Components and Assemblies (5-76) Supers Tubes for Low Temperature Service, Specification for ( 1 Tubes for Nuclear Service, Specification for ( 1973) Ast Tubes for Nuclear Service, Spec, for (1971) $1.75 Tubes with Integral Fins, Specification for (1973) $1.7 Tubes (AMS 5589 with Additional Requirements) (7-75) S Tubes (AMS 5590 with Additional Requirements) (8-75) S Tubes (ASME SA-210 with Additional Requirements) (7-7 Tubes (ASME SA-213 with Additional Requirements) (2-7 Tubes (ASME SA-213 with Additional Requirements) (4-7 Tubes (ASME SB -163 with Additional Requirements) (4- Tubes (ASME SB-163 with Additional Requirements) (7-7 Tubes (ASME SB-167 with Additional Requirements) (7-7 Tubes (ASTM B 353 with Additional Requirements) (1-72) Tubes (Revision 1,7/75) Inservi Tubes (12-75) Supersedes C15-1 IT, (8-72) Tubes (1965) (R 1971) $3.00 and N42.6 Are Contained in O Tubes (1974) ASTM A669-1972 $1.75 Tubes (1974) ASTM B221-73 $1.75 Specific Tubes (1975) $2.95 Performance Std. (Ionizing Ra Tubesheet Forgings (ASME SA-336 with Additional Requir Tubes, Specification for /Ritic and Austenitic Alloy S Tubes, Specification for General Requirements for ( 1974 Tubes, Specification for (1973) ASTM B394-1970 $1.75 Tubes, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Test F Specificati Specif Specificati Specification for N ERDA RDTC10-1T ERDA RDT C6-2T NRC RG 1.111 NRC RG 5.32 ERDA RDT F8-11T ERDA RDT F8-9T ERDA RDT F8-7T DOT 14CFR 103 ANSI N14.3 NRC RG 7.2 DOT 46CFR 146 USCG 46CFR146 NRC RG 1.91 ANSI N14.10.2 NRC RG 1.70.8 ANSI A186.1 NRC RG 7.1 ANSI N14.10.1 ANSI N14.1 ERDA RDT E4-14T ERDA RDT E4-5T ERDA RDT M16-1T CMAA 70 CMAA 74 ASTM A508 ASTM A537 ERDA RDT M2-7T ANSI G87.78 ANSI G87.84 ANSI G87.85 ANSI G87.146 ANSI G87.77 SAE AMS5662D NRC RG 3.10 ERDA RDTE16-1T ERDA RDTE6-18T ANSI A37.177 ASTM D2664 ANSI N661 ANSI N164 NRC RG 5.17 ERDA RDT F8-11T ERDA RDT F8-9T ANSI B56.1 ERDA RDT C4-4T ANSI H34.29 ASTM B513 ASTM C384 ASTM D3154 ANSI H34.1 ASTM B165 ANSI H34.3 ANSI H38.7 ASTM B407 ASTM B466 ERDA RDT E13-8T ERDA RDT E4-2T ERDA RDT E4-17T ASTM Bill ANSI H38.6 ASTM B338 ERDA RDT E6-20T ASTM A334 ANSI N124 ASTM B353 ASTM A498 ERDA RDT M3-29T ERDA RDT M3-30T ERDA RDT M3-32T ERDA RDT M3-33T ERDA RDT M3-2T ERDA RDTM3-18T ERDA RDT M3-4T ERDA RDT M3-10T ERDA RDT M3-8T NRC RG 1.83 ERDA RDTC15-11 ANSI N42.5 ANSI B125.52 ANSI H38.5 BRH 21CFR1020B ERDA RDT M2-19T ASTM A213 ASTM A450 ANSI H53.1 ASTM A178 110 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Seamless Medium-Carbon Steel Boiler and Superheater s Cold Drawn Low Carbon Steel Heat Exchanger and Condenser c Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat Exchanger, and Condenser mless Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser and Heat Exchanger Aluminum-Alloy Drawn Seamless .75 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Austenitic Stainless Steel 74) $1.75 Ultrasonic Inspection of Metal Pipe and andard Specification for Special Requirements for Pipe and ification for (1974) A/ Special Requirements for Pipe and pec/ Centrifugally Cast Iron-Chromium-Nickel High Alloy 75) Supersedes M3-5T,/ Austenitic Stainless Steel Welded 75) Super/ Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe and mless and Welded Small Diameter Austenitic Stainless Steel onsumable Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 195/ Alloy ication for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel ection of Longitudinal and Spiral Welds of Welded Pipe and Electrode or Vacuum Induction Melted 1750F (954. 4C) Alloy Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical Tantalum and Tantalum Alloy ification of Welding Procedures and Welders for Piping and d in Plutonium Processing / Nondestructive Examination of (1973) ASTM E309- 1971 $/ Eddy-Current Testing of Steel Nondestructive Examination of $3.00 $1.75 Fineness of Portland Cement by the Protection Against Low Trajectory 1973 $6.00 Logic Diagrams sign and Use of ( 1975) $5.00 Shipping Packages for (R1971)/ Interrelationship of Quartz-Fiber Electrometer st of Electrical Grade Magnesium Oxide as Used in Sheathed Eddy Current Probe in Core Permanent Magnet Flow Through ations, Specification for (1967/ Thermocouples, Sheathed, cations. Specification for (197/ Thermocouples, Sheathed, -73) Electrical Continuity -73) Fission or (1970) $1.75 Thickness and Density of Blanket- Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Large Stationary lear Power Generating Stations, Trial Use/ Draft Standard nd Connections for Nuclear Power Generating Stations ( 19/ inside the Containment of Nuclear Power Generating Stati/ 5 Thickness and Density of Blanket-Type or Batt- 5 Evaluating Stress Corrosion Effect of Wicking- 73) ASTM CI 65-1/ Compressive Strength of Preformed Block Density of Preformed Pipe Covering Density of Preformed Block g Load and Calculated Flexural Strength of Preformed Block h Reactors (Revision 1, / .50 -74) ) (4-75) Supersedes M7-1T/ ements) (3-75) Supersedes / Quality Verification for Plate Quality Control for Plate- Ion Exchanger, Non Regenerative Valve, Isolation, Butterfly Martensitic Stainless Steel Martensitic Stainless Steel and Waste Water, Identification of (1974) $1.75 1 Pressure Measurement System, Flush Mounted, Eddy Current , 1/76) cification for (1973) $1.75 (1974) $1.75 -1969)/ Laboratory Determination of Pulse Velocities and e for (1973) ASTM A388-1971 $1.75 or Special Applications, Specification Fo/ Straight-Beam tings, Specification for (1973) ASTM / Longitudinal-Beam of Welded Pipe and Tubing (1969) ASTM E273-1/ Method for itudinal Discontinuities, Method for (1974) $1.75 els, Method and Inspection for (1974A/ Longitudinal-Wave Fabrication and Control of Steel Reference Blocks Used in ngitudinal Waves (1974/ Recommended Practice for Immersed ed Longitudinal Waves Induced by Direct Contact, Practic/ r(1974) $1.75 e for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Pulse Echo Definitions of Terms Relating to Recommended Practice for Statistical Evaluation of Material (ASTM D1266-1972) $1.75 Tests for (1972) (ASTM D2938-1971A) $1.75 Method of Test for Triaxial Compression (1972) (ASTM D2/ Method of Test for surements (197/ Test for Triaxial Compressive Strength of ssion (1972) (ASTM D2/ Method of Test for Unconsolidated, stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusion-Welded tmctures (Revision 2, 1/76) Inservice Inspection of Test for Elastic Moduli of Rock Core Specimens in 15.00 Tubes, Specification for (1973) $1.75 ASTM Tubes, Specification for (1973) $1.75 Seamles ASTM Tubes, Specification for ( 1974A) $1.75 /Lded Austeniti ASTM Tubes, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Sea ASTM Tubes, Specification for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 ASTM Tubing for General Service, Specification for ( 1974) $1 ASTM Tubing for LMFBR Core Components (5-72) ERDA Tubing for Longitudinal Discontinuities, Method for (19 ASTM Tubing for Nuclear and Other Special Applications ( 1973 ASTM Tubing for Nuclear and Other Special Applications, Spec ANSI Tubing for Pressure Application at High Temperatures, S ANSI Tubing (ASME SA-249 with Additional Requirements) (7- ERDA Tubing (ASME SB-407 with Additional Requirements) (7- ERDA Tubing (ASTM a 632 with Additional Requirements) (4-76 ERDA Tubing (Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel C ANSI Tubing (Small-Diameter) for General Service (1974) Ast ANSI Tubing (1969) ASTM E273-1968 $1.75 /R Ultrasonic Insp ANSI Tubing, Seamless, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel B ANSI Tubing, Specification for (1974) $1.75 ASTM Tubing, Specification for (1974) $1.75 ASTM Tubing, Standard for (1969) $6.00 Qual AWS Tubular Products for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Plants an NRC Tubular Products with Magnetic Saturation, Practice for ANSI Tubular Products (10/73) NRC Tungsten Arc Welding Electrodes (1969) $2.00 AWS Tungsten Forgings-Pressed, Sintered, and Forged (1966) SAE Turbidimeter, Test for (1974) $1.75 ASTM Turbidity of Water, Standard Method of Tests for ( 197 1 ) ASTM Turbine Missiles (3/76) NRC (Two State Devices), Graphic Symbols for (1973) IEEE 91- ANSI Type a Quantities of Radioactive Materials, Guide to De ANSI Type Dosimeters and Companion Dosimeter Chargers (1965) ANSI Type Electric Heating Elements (1970) $1.75 /D Life Te ASTM Type Flow Sensor for Liquid Metal Service (6-73) ERDA Type Flowmeter for Liquid Metal Service (4-73) ERDA Type K for Nuclear or for Other High Reliability Applic ASTM Type K, for Nuclear or for Other High Reliability Appli ANSI Type Liquid Metal Leak Detector (10-72) Amendment 1 (6 ERDA Type Neutron Detector Assembly (12-71) Amendment 1 (10 ERDA Type or Batt-Type Thermal Insulating Materials, Test F ASTM Type Power Plant and Substation Lead Storage Batteries, IEEE Type Test of Class 1 Electrical Valve Operators for Nuc ANSI Type Test of Class IE Electric Cables, Field Splices, a ANSI Type Tests of Continuous Duty Class 1 Motors Installed ANSI Type Thermal Insulating Materials, Test for ( 1970) $1.7 ASTM Type Thermal Insulations on Stainless Steel ( 1971 ) $1.7 ASTM Type Thermal Insulation, Method of Test for (1963) (R19 ANSI Type Thermal Insulation, Test for ( 1972) $1.75 ASTM Type Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.75 ASTM Type Thermal Insulation, Test for (1972) $1.75 /Reakin ASTM Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Elements for Use in Researc NRC Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Elements (1974) ANS 15.2 $8 ANSI Type (5-72) ERDA Type (8-72 Supersedes E1-13T, (12-70) Amendment 1 (5 ERDA (Type 403) Bars (ASTM a 276 with Additional Requirements ERDA (Type 403) Forgings (ASME SA-182 with Additional Requir ERDA Types of Microorganisms and Microscopic Matter in Water ASTM Type, Inductive, Absolute or Gage ( 10-70) Amendment 1 ERDA Ultimate Heat Sink for Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 2 NRC Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Examination of Steel Plates, Spe ASTM Ultrasonic Contact Examination of Weldments, Method for ASTM Ultrasonic Elastic Constants of Rock (1972) (ASTM D2845 ANSI Ultrasonic Examination of Heavy Steel Forgings, Practic ANSI Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates F ANSI Ultrasonic Inspection of Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Cas ANSI Ultrasonic Inspection of Longitudinal and Spiral Welds ANSI Ultrasonic Inspection of Metal Pipe and Tubing for Long ASTM Ultrasonic Inspection of Steel Plates for Pressure Vess ASTM Ultrasonic Inspection (1975) $1.75 /Ended Practice for ASTM Ultrasonic Testing by Reflection Method Using Pulsed Lo ASTM Ultrasonic Testing by the Reflection Method, Using Puis ANSI Ultrasonic Testing by the Resonance Method, Practice Fo ASTM Ultrasonic Testing Systems (1969) ASTM E317-1968 $1.75 ANSI Ultrasonic Testing (1974) $1.75 ASTM Ultrasonic Velocity in Materials (1973) $1.75 ASTM Unaccounted for (6/74) NRC Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cohesive Soil (1972) ANSI Unconfined Compressive Strength of Rock Core Specimens ANSI Unconsolidated, Undrained Strength of Cohesive Soils in ANSI Undrained Rock Core Specimens Without Pore Pressure Mea ASTM Undrained Strength of Cohesive Soils in Triaxial Compre ANSI Unfired Pressure Vessel Flange Dimensions (1969) $4.00 ANSI Unfired Pressure Vessels, Specification for (1975) $1.7 ASTM Ungrouted Tendons in Prestressed Concrete Containment S NRC Uniaxial Compression (1972) $1.75 ASTM Unified Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form) (1974) $ ANSI Standards Application and Analysis Division A210 A 179 A249 B163 B210 A269 RDT M3-28T E213 A655 N564 G82.L RDT M3-5T RDT M3-9T RDT M3-27T G87.78 B125.49 Z166.18 G87.77 A511 B521 D10.9 RG 3.36 Z166.27 RG 1.66 A5.12 AMS7897 CI 1 5 D1889 RG 1.115 ' Y32.14 N14.7 N42.6 D2900 RDT C4-7T RDT C4-6T E235 N142 RDT C8-4T RDT C15-5T C167 450 N41.6 N41.10 N41.9 C167 C692 Z98.6 C302 C303 C203 RG 2.3 N398 RDT E11-1T RDT E1-13T RDT M7-1T RDT M2-6T Dl 128 RDT C6-3T RG 1.27 A577 E164 A37.176 G60.7 G35.25 G52.7 Z 166. 18 E213 A435 E428 E214 Z166.3 El 13 Z 166.21 E500 E494 RG 5.33 A37.148 A37.182 A37.177 D2664 A37.177 B16.30 A240 RG 1.35 D3148 Bl.l 111 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards $4.25 .25 Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Malleable Iron Threaded Pipe Classification of at and Content of License Applications for Storage Only of Shared Emergency and Shutdown Electric Systems for Multi- ncrete (1975) $1.75 Test for ( 1963) Estimates and Evaluations of Fallout in the Natural Background Radiation in the er Generating Stations, / Draft Standard Diesel Generator Records and Reporting or Atmosphere Cleanup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Unified Screw Threads (UN and 1 974) $ 1 .75 Nickel-Copper Alloy Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Specification for Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Amendment 2 ( 1 1-75) Preparation of Thyroid Radioiodine ances, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM E267-1970 $1.75 ances. Method of Test for (1970) $1.75 Materials Protection Contingency Measures for (1974) $1.75 Test for Atom Percent Fission in Method of Test for (1973) ASTM / Atom Percent Fission in dard Method of Test for ( 1974) $/ Atom Percent Fission in 3) ASTM E321 / Method of Test for Atom Percent Fission in est for (1970) $1.75 test for (1973) ASTM E2 17- 1970 $1.75 Depleted Specification for Nuclear Grade Sinterable Specification for Nuclear Grade, Sinterable Specification for Nuclear Grade, Sinterable ectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade ctrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis O/ Nuclear Grade al, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of/ Ceramic Grade Preparation of Environmental Reports for Commercial standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for nuclear Material License Application (Including That for A Nondestructive Assay of High Enrichment (1973) ASTM E2 19- 1969 $1.75 Atom Percent Fission in Test for ( 1974) $1.75 Atom Percent Fission in $6.75 ods for the Measurement of Uranium Tetrafluoride (UF 4 ) and $4.50 Accountability of ctrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical, Analysis of ( 19/ ic, Spectrochemical, Nuclear and Radiochemical Analysis of $1.75 Colorimetric Determination of 75 Method for Colorimetric Determination of Microquantities of Guide to the Contents of Applications for Preparation of Environmental Reports for Design Stability of Embankment Retention Systems for 1-1960 and N7.1A-1973 $5.00 Radiation Protection in Guidance for the Control of Radiation Hazards in , Method for Spectrochemical Analysis of (1972) ASTM E40/ ue, Method for Spectrochemical Analysis of ( 1970) $1.75 In Situ Assay of Enriched Classification of Unirradiated Plutonium and Unirradiated f6) 2/ Standard Analytical Methods for the Measurement of $6.00 Accountability of Fast Neutron Flux by Analysis of Barium- 140 Produced by Applications of Bioassay for ctors (Revision I, / Quality Verification for Plate-Type Quality Control for Plate-Type ) Stabilization of ilzation of (1974) $1.50 y (4/74) Nondestructive t Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum-99 Activity from t Neutron Flux by Analysis of Molybdenum-99 Activity from for Measuring Fast Neutron Flux for Barium 140 Produced by Fast Flux Test Facility on, and Impurity Det/ General Methods for the Analysis of lysis of (1975) $1.75 Nuclear Grade 3.1Mo-5.1 (Cb+Ta) 0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable Electrode or .1 (Cb+Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50AI-19-Fe Consumable Electrode or lMo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable Electrode or amless, Corrosion and Heat Resis/ Consumable Electrode or lMo-5.1 (Cb & Ta)-0.90Ti-0.50Al Consumable Electrode or orrosion and Heat Resistant Nickel Consumable Electrode or sure Vessels ( 1974A/ Std. Spec, for Quenched and Tempered ts) (4-76) Supersedes / Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings, lity Safety (1975) ANS-8.11 lity Safety (6/76) Unions (1964) $4.00 MSS Unions 150, 250, and 300 lbs. (1970) $3.00 MSS Unirradiated Plutonium and Uranium Scrap (12/20/72) NRC Unirradiated Plutonium Scrap, Classification of ( 1972) ANSI Unirradiated Reactor Fuel and Associated Radioactive Ma NRC Unirradiated Uranium Scrap, Classification of (1970) $3 ANSI Unit Nuclear Power Plants (Revision I, 1/75) NRC Unit Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Co ASTM United States from Weapons Test. Conducted Through 1962 EPA United States ( 1975) $5.00 NCRP Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Pow ANSI Units for Nuclear Materials Control (1971) $3.25 ANSI Units of Light— Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (Rev NRC UNR Thread Form) (1974) $15.00 ANSI (UNS N04400) Plate, Sheet and Strip, Specification for ( ASTM (UNS N04400) Seamless Pipe and Tube ( 1971 ) $1.75 ASTM (UNS N08800) Rod and Bar, (1974) $1.75 ASTM (UNS N08800) Seamless Pipe and Tube (1974) $1.75 ASTM Unusual Occurrence Reports (2-74) Amendment 1 (1-75), ERDA Uptake Measurements Using a Neck Phantom ( 1973) $3.00 ANSI Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations and Isotopic Abund ANSI Uranium and Plutonium Concentrations and Isotopic Abund ASTM Uranium and Plutonium Fuel Manufacturing Plants (6/74) NRC Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mass Spectrometric Method) ASTM Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Mass Spectrometric Method), ANSI Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Neodymium 148 Method), Stan ASTM Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Neodymium- 148 Method) (197 ANSI Uranium by Controlled Potential Coulometry, Method of T ASTM Uranium by Controlled-Potential Coulometry, Method of ANSI Uranium Castings (1975) $3.00 SAE Uranium Dioxide Powder ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 ASTM Uranium Dioxide Powder (1974) ASTM C753-1973 $1.75 ANSI Uranium Dioxide Powder (1975) ASTM C757-1974a $1.75 ANSI Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets (2/9/73) / Mass Sp NRC Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Chemical, Mass Spe ASTM Uranium Dioxide Powders and Pellets, Methods for Chemic ANSI Uranium Dioxide (6-71) Amendment 1 (12-74) ERDA Uranium Enrichment Facilities (Revision 1, 10/75) NRC Uranium Enrichment Facilities' ( 12/74) NRC Uranium Enrichment Facility) (12/74) /on of a Special NRC Uranium Fuel Plates by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (9/74) NRC Uranium Fuel (Radiochemical Method), Method of Test for ANSI Uranium Fuel (Radiochemical Method), Standard Method of ASTM Uranium Hexafluoride for Transport, Packaging of ( 1971 ) ANSI Uranium Hexafluoride (UF e ) 2/2/73) /Rd Analytical Meth NRC Uranium Hexafluoride, Analytical Procedures for (1972) ANSI Uranium Hexafluoride, Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, Spe ASTM Uranium Hexafluoride, Methods for (1974) ASTM C761-197 ANSI Uranium in Aqueous Solutions Standard Method for (1975) ASTM Uranium in Aqueous Solutions (1973) ASTM E3 1 8- 1 969 $ 1 . ANSI Uranium in Water by Fluorometry, Test for (1975) $1.75 ASTM Uranium Milling Licenses (2/73) NRC Uranium Mills (4/73) NRC Uranium Mills (6/73) NRC Uranium Mines Operation (1973), Partial Revision of N7. ANSI Uranium Mining (1967) EPA Uranium Oxide by Gallium Oxide Carrier DC Arc Technique ANSI Uranium Oxide by Gallium Oxide Carrier D-C Arc Techniq ASTM Uranium Residual Holdup (8/74) NRC Uranium Scrap (12/20/72) NRC Uranium Scrap, Classification of (1970) $3.25 ANSI Uranium Tetrafluoride (UF 4 ) and Uranium Hexafluoride (U NRC Uranium Tetrafluoride, Analytical Procedures for (1972) ANSI Uranium— 238 Fission, Measuring (1973) $1.75 ASTM Uranium (6/74) NRC Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Elements for Use in Research Rea NRC Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Elements (1974) ANS 15.2 $8.50 ANSI Uranium-Thorium Milling Waste Retention Systems (11/74 NRC Uranium-Thorium Milling Waste Retention Systems, Stabl ANSI Uranium-235 Enrichment Assay by Gamma-Ray Spectrometr NRC Uranium-238 Fission (1974) ASTM E343-1972 $1.75 /Fas ANSI Uranium-238 Fission, Test for (1972) $1.75 Fas ASTM Uranium-288 Fission (1974) ASTM E393-1973 $1.75 /Od ANSI Uranyl Nitrate Solution (6-71) ERDA Uranyl Nitrate Solutions for Assay, Isotopic Distributi NRC Uranyl Nitrate Solutions, Nuclear and Radiochemical Ana ASTM Vacuum Induction Melted Solution Heat Treated (1975) $3 SAE Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) Solution Heat ANSI Vacuum Induction Melted 1750 F (954.4 C) Solution Heat ANSI Vacuum Induction Melted 1750F (954.4C) Alloy Tubing, Se ANSI Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 F (1065.6 C) Solution Trea ANSI Vacuum Induction Melted 1950 F (1065.6C) Solution Treat ANSI Vacuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pres ASTM Vacuum Treated (ASME SA-508 with Additional Requiremen ERDA Validation of Calculational Methods for Nuclear Critica ANSI Validation of Calculational Methods for Nuclear Critica NRC SP-25 SP-76 RG 5.2 N15.10 RG 3.15 N15.1 RG 1.81 C138 FRC4 R45 N41.13 N15.2 RG 1.52 Bl.l B127 B165 B408 B407 RDT F1-3T N44.3 Nl 15 E267 RG 5.30 E244 N108 E321 Nl 18 E217 N106 AMS7730B C753 N567 N568 RG 5.5 C696 N103 RDT E13-2T RG 4.9 RG 3.25 RG 5.45 RG 5.38 N107 E219 N14.1 RG 5.4 N15.7 C761 N575 E318 N116 D2907 RG 3.5 RG 3.8 RG 3.11 N13.8 FRC8 Z128.27 E402 RG 5.37 RG 5.2 N15.1 RG 5.4 N15.6 E393 RG 8.11 RG 2.3 N398 RG 3.23 N313 RG 5.21 N636 E343 N638 RDT E13-3T RG 5.39 C799 AMS5662D G87.146 G87.84 G87.77 G87.85 G87.78 A508 RDT M2-7T N16.9 RG 3.41 112 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards he Workroom Environment with Intended Ch/ Threshold Limit 3) Damping the Assumption of Normality (Employing Individual Observed the Assumption of Normality (Employing Individual Observed res Are to Be Considered Significant in Specified Limiting Nuclear Power Plants (Re/ Design of Main Steam Isolation trial Use/ Draft Standard Type Test of Class 1 Electrical lear Power Plants (1/74) Qualification Tests of Electric 5 $7.00 Compressed Gas Cylinder Steel Pipe Flanges, Flanged aces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting End Flanges of Ferrous $1.75 Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe Flanges, and 18T, (2-71) Class 1 19T, (9/70) Class 2 Self Operated and Power Operated Safety Related Inservice Testing of Overload Protection for Electric Motors on Motor Operated 150 lb. Corrosion Resistant Cast Flanged Hydrostatic Testing of Steel onnecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and Tapping Butterfly General Purpose Ball Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Ferrous Automatic Spring Loaded Safety Stainless Steel Check Instrument Carbon Steel Isolation Inert Gas Standard Marking System for Cast Iron Swing Check Cast Iron Gate Stainless Steel Globe and Angle 5-74) Stainless Steel Gate 13T, (12-70) Amendment 1 (5-74) 2) Amendment 1 (9-73), Amendment 2 (6-74) Floor and Cold Rolled, High Strength, Low Alloy Columbium and/or Recommended Practice for Selection of Dry Products ( 1 972 ) $ 1 .75 Test for Water od, of Test for (1973) $1.75 Water ent 1 (5-73), Amendment 2 (1-74) nts (3/73) Monitoring of Combustible Gases and ractice for Sampling Atmospheres for Analysis of Gases and ystem (1-76) Liquid Sodium Bearing Film Thickness, uclear Material (Revision 1, 4/75) Specially Designed periments Containing Sodium (8-74) Test Communication with Transport 72) (ASTM D2845-1969)/ Laboratory Determination of Pulse Test for Average Recommended Practice for Ultrasonic endment 2 ( 1 2-7 1 ) Freeze ) General Design Guide for brication Plants (8/73) General Design Guide for tion (1974) $5.00 Industrial C4-4T, (1-71) ments for Use in Research Reactors (Revision 1, / Quality Revised Fallout Estimates for 1964-1965 and 2-4T, (10-69) Quality ipments of Radioactive Material/ Administrative Guide for hermocouple Material and Thermocouple Assembly, Chromel-P Test for Load Settlement Relationship for Individual ifugal Pump (6-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) rifugal Pump (7-72) Supersedes E3-3T, (10-70), Amendm/ Expansion Joint Containment Inflatable Seal Containment Gaskets Containment Materials and Inspection for Reactor ons: Bound Edition $1200.00: Lo/ ASME Boiler and Pressure nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure nuclear Components (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure ing Qualifications (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure uctive Examination (Supplement to ASME Boiler and Pressure eel Forgings for Seamless Drums, Heads, and Other Pressure gs, Carbon and Alloy, Quenched and Tempered, for Pressure Unfired Pressure -72), Amendment 1 (12-74) Reactor ) Amendment 1 (7-70) Guard shield Plug and Closure Cap for Penetrations LMFBR Reactor residual Elements on Predicted Radiation Damage to Reactor fication for (1974A) $1.75 Pressure percent Molybdenum, Specification for (1972A) A/ Pressure Tempered, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Pressure anganese-Molybdenum-Nickel, Specification For/ Pressure ium-Molybdenum, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Pressure t and Nine Percent Nickel (1974)/ Std. Spec, for Pressure Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in T Values for Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants (10/7 Values) (1974) $4.00 Assessment of Values) (4/74) Assessment of Values, Recommended Practice for (1973) $1.75 /of Figu Valve Leakage Control Systems for Boiling Water Reactor Valve Operators for Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Valve Operators Installed Inside the Containment of Nuc Valve Outlet and Inlet Connections (1965) CGA V-l-196 Valves and Fittings (1973) $12.00 Valves and Fittings (1974) $2.00 /Nishes for Contact F Valves and Parts for General Service, Spec, for (1976) Valves for Liquid Metal Service (5-75) Supersedes El- Valves for Liquid Metal Service (6-74) Supersedes El- Valves Functional Specification Standard (1975) $3.00 Valves in Nuclear Power Plants (1970) $2.25 Valves (11/75) Thermal Valves (1959) $3.00 Valves (1961) $3.00 Valves (1969) $2.00 Valves (1970) $3.00 Valves (1970) $4.00 Valves (1973) $4.00 Valves (3-72) Amendment 1 (1-73) Valves (3-72) Amendment 1 (5-74) Valves (4-72) Valves (4-73) Amendment 1 (5-74) Valves (5-72) Amendment 1 (1-74) Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions (1964) $4.00 Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends (1970) $3.00 Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends (1970) $4.00 Valves, Manual and Power Operated (3-72) Valves, Manual and Power Operated (3-72) Amendment 1 ( Valve, Isolation, Butterfly Type (8-72)supersedes El- Valve, Reactor Refueling and Maintenance for LMFBR(6-7 Vanadium, Specification for (1973) ASTM A607-1970 $1.7 Vapor Barriers for Thermal Insulations (1973) $1.75 Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat Sealed Packages for Vapor Transmission of Shipping Containers by Cycle Meth Vapor Trap Assemblies for Sodium Service (4-72) Amendm Vapors in Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Pla Vapors (1973) $1.75 Rec. P Variable Reluctance Transducer, Proximity Measurement S Vehicle and Armed Guards for Road Shipment of Special N Vehicles for Transient Reactor Test Facility (Treat) Ex Vehicles (Revision 1, 5/75) Velocities and Ultrasonic Elastic Constants of Rock ( 19 Velocity in a Duct (Pitot Tube Method) (1972) $1.75 Velocity in Materials (1973) $1.75 Vent for Sodium Service (2-71) Amendment 1 (9-71), Am Ventilation Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Systems (9/75 Ventilation Systems of Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fa Ventilation: a Manual of Recommended Practice, 13th Edi Venturi Flow Tube for Liquid Sodium (8-74) Supersedes Verification for Plate-Type Uranium-Aluminum Fuel Ele Verification of 1963 Predictions (1964) Verification Program Requirements (12-74) Supersedes F Verifying Compliance with Packaging Requirements for Sh Versus Alumel, Stainless Steel Sheathed, Magnesium Oxid Vertical Piles Under Static Axial Load (1974) $1.75 Vertical, Canned or Wet Motor Driven Single Stage Centr Vertical, Shaft Sealed, Motor Driven, Single Stage Cent Vessel Airlock (3-72) Amendment 1 (8-73) Vessel Airlock (6-72) Vessel Airlock (6-72) Vessel Closure Studs (10/73) Vessel Code — 1977 Edition; Special Price for All Secti Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsection NA and Nb) Superse Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsection NA and Nc) Superse Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsections NA and Nd) (3-75 Vessel Code, Section Iii, Subsections NA Ne) (8-75) Su Vessel Code, Section IX) (8-74) Supersedes F6-5T, (7- Vessel Code, Section V) (10-75) Supersedes F3-6T, (12 Vessel Components (1970) ASTM A266— 1969 $1.75 /on St Vessel Components (1973) $1.75 /Ation for Steel Forgin Vessel Flange Dimensions (1969) $4.00 Vessel for Liquid Metal Service (12-73) Supersedes (10 Vessel for Primary Sodium Containing Components (11-70 Vessel Head (4-73) Amendment 1 (1-74) Vessel Materials (7/75) Effects of Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Chromium-Molybdenum, Speci Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Five Percent Chromium, 0.5 Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, High Strength, Quenched and Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Manganese-Molybdenum and M Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered Chrom Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Eigh ACGIH *1 NRC RG 1.61 ANSI N15.15 NRC RG 5.22 ASTM E29 NRC RG 1.96 ANSI N41.6 NRC RG 1.73 ANSI B57.1 ANSI B16.5 MSS SP-6 ASTM A181 ERDA RDT E1-18T ERDA RDT E1-19T ANSI N278.I ASME PTC 3 4 NRC RG 1.106 MSS SP-42 MSS SP-61 MSS SP-60 MSS SP-67 MSS SP-72 ANSI B16.10 ERDA RDT E1-6T ERDA RDT E1-12T ERDA RDT E1-25T ERDA RDT E1-31T ERDA RDT E1-35T MSS SP-25 MSS SP-71 MSS SP-70 ERDA RDT El -2 IT ERDA RDT E1-9T ERDA RDT E1-13T ERDA RDT E1-36T ANSI G24.32 ASTM C755 ASTM D3079 ASTM D1276 ERDA RDT E4-14T NRC RG 3.7 ASTM D1605 ERDA RDT C8-2T NRC RG 5.31 ERDA RDT E16-1T NRC RG 5.32 ANSI A37.176 ASTM D3154 ASTM E494 ERDA RDT E4-13T NRC RG 3.32 NRC RG 3.12 ACGIH *13 ERDA RDT C4-4T NRC RG 2.3 EPA FRC6 ERDA RDT F2-4T ANSI N14.10.3 ERDA RDT C7-6T ASTM D1143 ERDA RDT E3-1T ERDA RDT E3-3T ERDA RDT E10-5T ERDA RDT E14-5T ERDA RDT E14-6T NRC RG 1.65 ASME CODE-77 ERDA RDT E15-2B ERDA RDT E15-2C ERDA RDT E15-2D ERDA RDT E15-2E ERDA RDT F6-5T ERDA RDT F3-6T ANSI G55.1 ASTM A541 ANSI B16.30 ERDA RDT E2-3T ERDA RDT E10-2T ERDA RDT E2-4T NRC RG 1.99 ASTM A387 ANSI G35.16 ASTM A517 ASTM A302 ASTM A542 ASTM A553 Standards Application and Analysis Division 113 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards anese-Molybdenum and Mangane/ Specification for Pressure el-Cobalt-Molybdenum-Chromium, Specification/ Pressure r-Temperature Service, Specification for (1974/ Pressure erature Service, Specification for (1974A) $1.7/ Pressure ties, Specification for (I974A) $1.75 Pressure sile Strength, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Pressure ication for (197.4A) $1.75 Pressure Specification for (1975) $1.75 Pressure Steel Containment Accumulators, Class 2 Pressure Post-Tensioned Prestressing Systems for Concrete Reactor 0) Code for Concrete Reactor Pressure ), 11 ($95.00) Pressure Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure ction, Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Cargo n, Arrangenent, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Passenger ration. Arrangement, and Other Provisions for Nuclear Tank Std. Spec, for Carbon Steel Sheets for Pressure Practice for Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Reactor acuum Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure e for in Service Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear Reactor e for in Service Annealing of Water Cooled Nuclear Reactor Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor teel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure Dangerous Articles as Ships, Stores and Supplies on Board us Articles or Substances and Combustible Liquids on Board us Articles or Substances and Combustible Liquids on Board Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Pressure 1-Wave Ultrasonic Inspection of Steel Plates for Pressure Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Reactor 75) $1.75 Steel Plates for Pressure Molybdenum, Alloy Steel Plates for Pressure Copper-Nickel Alloy Plate and Sheet for Pressure late, Sheet, and Strip for Fusion-Welded Unfired Pressure Radiation in r Fuel and Irradiations Experiment Resistance to Shock and Shipping Containers, Recommended Practice for Forced Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by for ASTM E92-1972 $1.75 Tables for Metals (Relationship Between Brinell Hardness, (1973) (ASTM B349-/ Zirconium Sponge and Other Forms of $1.75 Zirconium Sponge and Other Forms of pment for the Reactor Enclosure System (7-73) 1) $8.00 reas (11/73) Control of Personnel Access to Protected Areas, gas Chromatography ( 1974) $1.7/ Recommended Practices for glass Coatings on Glassed Steel Reaction Equipment by High High Medium g System (7-71 ) Logarithmic Mean Square trol (1975) $5.50 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Recommended Practice for Forced Vibration Testing of r Radiation, Methods of Test / Compression Set Induced in r Radiation, Testing (1968) (/ Compression Set Induced in $1.75 Method of Tests for Stress Relaxation of Method of Test for Accelerated Ozone Cracking of rrosive or High Tern/ Welded Large Outside Diameter Light- nts for (1973) $3.00 Floor and 6-1973 $1.75 Reference Radiographs for Heavy 80-1972 $1.75 Reference Radiographs for Heavy I Steel Joints, Including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened aterials Finer Than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Radioactive Radioactive dical Use (1951) $2.00 Recommendations for Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Radioactive Control and Accountability of Plutonium in Stabilization of Uranium-Thorium Milling Uranium-Thorium Milling Guide for Acceptable ssing and Fuel Fabrication Plants (6/73) Liquid 0) $1.75 Metals in Water and Test for Residual Chlorine in Tests for Dissolved Oxygen in ypes of Microorganisms and Microscopic Matter in Water and 0/ Gamma Radioactivity of Industrial Water and Industrial $/ Radioactive Barium in Industrial Water and Industrial $1.75 Thorium in Water and 8 / Radioactive Iodine in Industrial Water and Industrial Reporting Results of Analysis of Iron in Water and pH of Water and Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Mang Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Quenched and Tempered, Nick Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel for Intermediate-and Highe Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel for Moderate and Lower Temp Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Improved Transition Proper Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low and Intermediate— Ten Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Manganese-Silicon, Specif Vessel Plates, Heat Treated Carbon-Manganese-Silicon, Vessel (12-73) Vessel (3-73) Vessels and Containments (1 1/75) Vessels and Containments (1977) bd ($75.00), 11 ($100.0 Vessels Division I (1977) bd ($65.00), II ($95.00) Vessels Division 2: Alternative Rules (1977) bd ($65.00 Vessels (Safety Guide 2, 1 1/2/70) Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $1.95 /Ecial Constru Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $2.05 /L Constructio Vessels (Ships and Barges) (1975) $2.15 /Ecial Conside Vessels (1972) ASTM A4 14- 1971 $1.75 Vessels (1973) ASTM E185-1970 $1.75 Vessels (1974A) $1.75 /Ec. for Quenched and Tempered V Vessels (1974) ASTM E509-74 $1.75 Guid Vessels (1974) $1.75 Recommended Guid Vessels (1975) Vessels ( 1975) $ 1 .75 /R Stainless and Heat Resisting .S Vessels (1975) $7.50 / and Other Provisions for Use of Vessels ( 1975) $7.50 /E of Explosives or Other Dangero Vessels (1975) $7.50 /E of Explosives or Other Dangero Vessels (1977) bd ($40.00), 11 ($60.00) Vessels, Method and Inspection for (1974 A) $1.75 /Dina Vessels, Rec. Practice for (1973) $1.75 Vessels, Specification for General Requirements for ( 19 Vessels, Specification for (1974A) $1.75 Vessels, Specification for (1975 A) $1.75 Vessels, Specification for (1975) $1.75 /Nless Steel P Veterinary Medicine (1970) $4.00 Vibration in Truck Transport (2-75) Design Basis Fo Vibration Test for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Vibration Testing of Vulcanizates (1971) $1.75 Vicat Needle, Test for (1974) $1.75 Vickers Hardness of Metallic Materials, Method of Test Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Rockwell Superfici Virgin Metal for Nuclear Application, Specification for Virgin Metal for Nuclear Application, Spec, for (1973) Visual in Service Inspection System and Associated Equi Visual Method, Quality Standard for Steel Castings (197 Visual Surveillance of Individuals in Material Access a Vital Areas, and Material Access Areas (6/73) Volatile Organic Matter in Water by Aqueous-Injection Voltage ASTM C537-72 (1973) $1.75 /or Reliability of Voltage Connectors for Nuclear Instruments ( 1971 ) $3.00 Voltage Switchgear (10-75) Supersedes P2-5T, (2-73) Voltage (MSV) Intermediate Range Neutron Flux Monitorin Volume Calibration Techniques for Nuclear Materials Con Volumetric Method, Method of Test for (1975) $1.75 Vulcanizates (1971) $1.75 Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to High Energy Nuclea Vulcanized Rubber During Exposure to High Energy Nuclea Vulcanized Rubber in Compression (1971) ASTM D1390 1968 Vulcanized Rubber (1971) ASTM D 1 1 49- 1 970 $ 1 .75 Wall Austenitic Chromium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Co Wall Openings, Railings and Toeboards, Safety Requireme Walled (2 to 4-1/2 in.) Steel Castings (1974) ASTM E18 Walled (4-1/2 to 12 in.) Steel Castings (1973) ASTM E2 Washers, Specification for (1974) $1.75 /for Structura Washing, Method of Test for (1970) ASTM CI 17-1969 $1.7 Waste Categories, Definition of (1967) $3.00 Waste Disposal in the Ocean (1954) $2.00 Waste Disposal of Phosphorus-32 and Iodine-131 for Me Waste Management (4/75) Waste Material (2/75) Waste Retention Systems (11/74) Waste Retention Systems, Stabilization of (1974) $1.50 Waste Storage Methods at UF 6 Production Plants (10/73) Waste Treatment System Design Guide for Plutonium Proce Waste Water by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (197 Waste Water (1974) $1.75 Waste Water (1974) $1.75 Waste Water, Identification of (1974) $1.75 Waste Water, Method for Measurement of (1973) ASTM D169 Waste Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2038-1968 Waste Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2333-1968 Waste Water, Methods of Test for (1973) ASTM D2334-196 Waste Water, Standard Method for (1974) $1.75 Waste Water, Standard Method of Tests for (1974) $1.75 Waste Water, Test for (1970) $1.75 ASTM A533 ANSI G35.26 ASTM A515 ASTM A516 ASTM A442 ASTM A285 ASTM A299 ASTM A537 ERDA RDT E10-8T ERDA RDT E10-4T NRC RG 1.103 ASME SEC-III/2 ASME SEC-VIII/1 ASME SEC-VIII/2 NRC RG 1.2 USCG 46CFR99 USCG 46CFR79 USCG 46CFR37 ANSI G33.4 ANSI N146 ASTM A508 ANSI N577 ASTM E509 NRC RG 1.70.21 ASTM A479 USCG 46CFR147 DOT 46CFR 146 USCG 46CFR146 ASME SEC-X ASTM A435 ASTM E185 ASTM A20 ASTM A204 ASTM B402 ASTM A240 NCRP R36 ERDA RDT F8-9T ASTM D999 ASTM D2231 ASTM C191 ANSI Zl 15.7 ANSI Z76.4 ANSI N121 ASTM B349 ERDA RDT E8-12T MSS SP-55 NRC RG 5.14 NRC RG 5.7 ASTM D2908 ANSI Z167.15 ANSI N42.4 ERDA RDT P2-5T ERDA RDTC15-6T ANSI N15.19 ASTM C173 ASTM D2231 ANSI J2.33 ASTM D2309 ANSI J2.23 ANSI J4.5 ASTM A409 ANSI A12.1 ANSI Z166.10 ANSI Z166.19 ASTM A325 ANSI A37.4 ANSI N5.8 NCRP R16 NCRP R9 NRC RG 1.70.27 NRC RG 5.47 NRC RG 3.23 ANSI N313 NRC RG 3.13 NRC RG 3.10 ASTM D2576 ASTM D1427 ASTM D1589 ASTM D1128 ANSI N150 ANSI N155 ANSI N158 ANSI N159 ASTM D596 ASTM D1068 ASTM D1293 114 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Radioactive Barium in Industrial Water and Industrial Thorium in Water and Water and Radioactive Iodine in Industrial Water and Industrial Sulfate Ion in Water and e Assay of Special Nuclear Material Contained in Scrap and easuring, Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Recommendations for Disposal of Carbon- 14 tions and Standards for Water-, Steam-, and Radioactive- Training, Equipping, and Qualifying of Guards and t of (1973) ASTM D1690/ 973) ASTM D2038-1968 $/ 1973) ASTM D2334-1968 / metry (1970) $1.75 1.7/ 75 74) 00 Gamma Radioactivity of Industrial Radioactive Barium in Industrial Radioactive Iodine in Industrial Radioactive Barium in Industrial Radioactive Iodine in Industrial Metals in Types of Microorganisms and Microscopic Matter in 2333-1968 $1.75 Thorium in 74) $1.75 Iron in pH of Thorium in $1.75 Sulfate Ion in sts for (1971) $1.75 Sodium and Potassium in Selected to Predict Heated Effluent Dispersion in Natural Recommended Practices for Volatile Organic Matter in Metals in Water and Waste Microquantities of Uranium in Continuous Determination of Sodium in Information for Safety Analysis Reports: Reactor ndard Safety Related Systems, Structures and Equipment for anup System Air Filtration and Adsorption Units of Light - ctric Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures for Housekeeping Requirements for g, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for ontinuous-Duty Motors Installed Inside the Containment of Assurance Requirements for Protective Coatings Applied to 74 $1.75 Guide for in Service Annealing of Recommended Guide for in Service Annealing of Preoperational and Initial Startup Test Programs for tron-Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant utron Emitting Fission Products in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Test for Evaluating Acute Toxicity of Water to Fresh Permissible Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in 971) $1.75 Sodium and Potassium in Water and Analysis of Solvent Systems Used for Removal of Additional Information: Protective Coatings (Paints) for Light Maintenance of Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Control Systems for Boiling tion of Anticipated Transients Without Trip on Pressurized r Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized r Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Pressurized clear Safety Criteria for the Design of Stationary Boiling up Testing of Feedwater and Condensate Systems for Boiling g the Potential Radiological Consequences of a Pressurized Inservice Inspection of Pressurized uences of a Radioactive Offgas System Failure in a Boiling Testing of Emergency Core Cooling Systems for Pressurized consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Pressurized cal Consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident for Boiling Handling and Storage Facility for Boiling and Pressurized al Consequences of a Steam Line Break Accident for Boiling Coolant Composition in Pressurized Steam Generator for Pressurized ter and Connector Assembly for Pressurizer for Pressurized evaluating a Control Rod Ejection Accident for Pressurized Pressurizer for Pressurized Maintenance of Water Purity in Boiling Fuel Assemblies for Pressurized gregate Road Mixes, Method of Test for (1975) $1.75 ) Emergency Test for Evaluating Acute Toxicity of Heat Exchanger, Class 1, Heat Exchanger, Class 2, es for Dry Products ( 1 972 ) $ 1 .75 Test for e Method, of Test for ( 1 973 ) $ 1 .75 Cost-Benefit Analysis for Radwaste Systems for Light- Test for Oxidation-Reduction Potential of ommended Practice for Measurement of Low Level Activity in etermination of Precision of Methods of Committee D-19 on Method of Test of Radioactive Zirconium in Test for Measurement, of Gamma Radioactivity of Method of Test for Total Mercury in Radioactive Nickel in Definition of Terms Relating to Waste Water, Test for (1974) $1.75 Waste Water, Test for (1974) $1.75 Waste Water, Tests for Chloride Ion in (1974) $1.75 Waste Water, Tests for (1973) $1.75 Waste Water, Tests for (1974) $1.75 Waste ( 1 0/73 ) Nondestructiv Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials in Liquid Wastes (1953) $2.00 Waste-Containing Components of Nuclear Power Plants (R Watchmen (1/74) Water and Industrial Waste Water, Method for Measuremen Water and Industrial Waste Water, Method of Test for ( 1 Water and Industrial Waste Water, Methods of Test for ( Water and Industrial Waste Water, Test for (1974) $1.75 Water and Industrial Waste Water, Tests for (1973) $1.7 Water and Waste Water by Atomic Absorption Spectrophoto Water and Waste Water, Identification of (1974) $1.75 Water and Waste Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D Water and Waste Water, Standard Method of Tests for (19 Water and Waste Water, Test for ( 1970) $1.75 Water and Waste Water, Test for (1974) $1.75 Water and Waste Water, Tests for Chloride Ion in (1974) Water and Waste Water, Tests for (1974) $1.75 Water and Water Formed Deposits by Flame Photometry, Te Water Bodies (5/74) /Procedure for Mathematical Models Water by Aqueous-Injection Gas Chromatography (1974) $ Water by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (1970) $1. Water by Fluorometry, Test for (1975) $1.75 Water by Ion Selective Electrode (1973) $1.75 Water Cleanup System (5/75) Water Cooled and Moderated Nuclear Power Generating Pla Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 7/76) Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (10/73) Ele Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) / Packagin Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) /Ests of C Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (6/73) Quality Water Cooled Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1974) ASTM E509- Water Cooled Nuclear Reactor Vessels (1974) $1.75 Water Cooled Power Reactors ( 1 1/73) Water During Reactor Operation, Measurement of ( 1970) $ Water During Reactor Operation, Method for Measurement Water Fishes (1970) $1.75 Water for Occupational Exposure ( 1959) $2.00 / Maximum Water Formed Deposits by Flame Photometry, Tests for ( 1 Water Formed (1973) $1.75 Water Level (Flood) Design for Nuclear Power Plants (5/ Water Nuclear Reactor Containment Facilities (1972) $3. Water Purity in Boiling Water Reactors (6/73) Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, (6/76) Water Reactor Plants (Issued for Trial Use and Comment) Water Reactor Plants (1973) ANS-51.1 $30.50 Nuclea Water Reactor Plants (1975) $5.50 Standard Nuclea Water Reactor Plants: Issued for Trial Use and Comment Water Reactor Power Plants (12/75) / and Initial Start Water Reactor Radioactive Gas Storage Tank Failure (Saf Water Reactor Steam Generator Tubes (Revision 1, 7/75) Water Reactor (3/76) /He Potential Radiological Conseq Water Reactors (Revision 1, 1/75) Preoperational Water Reactors (Revision 2, 6/74) /Ntial Radiological Water Reactors (Revision 2, 6/74) /Potential Radiologi Water Reactors (Safety Guide 25, 3/23/72) /in the Fuel Water Reactors (Safety Guide 5, 3/10/71 ) /L Radiologic Water Reactors (10/71) Water Reactors (12-71) Supersedes E4-IT, (10-69) Water Reactors (5-72) Supersedes E5-2T, (12-70) /Ea Water Reactors (5/74) Assumptions Used for Water Reactors (6-72) Supersedes E5-1T, (12-70) Water Reactors (6/73) Water Reactors (7-71) Amendment 1 (5-72) Water Soluble Chlorides Present as Admixes in Graded Ag Water Supply Systems for Fuel Reprocessing Plants (9/75 Water to Fresh Water Fishes (1970) $1.75 Water to Water, Straight or U Tube (6-73) Water to Water, Straight or U Tube (7-71) Water Vapor Transmission of Flexible Heat Sealed Packag Water Vapor Transmission of Shipping Containers by Cycl Water — Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors (3/76) Water (1970) $1.75 Water (1972T $1.75 Rec Water (1972) $1.75 Recommended Practice for D Water (1973T) $1.75 Water (1973) $1.75 Water (1973) $1.75 Water (1974T) $1.75 Water (1974) $1.75 ASTM D2038 ASTM D2333 ASTM D512 ASTM D2334 ASTM D516 NRC RG 5.11 NRC RG 1.21 NCRP R12 NRC RG 1.26 NRC RG 5.20 ANSI N150 ANSI N155 ANSI N159 ASTM D2038 ASTM D2334 ASTM D2576 ASTM Dl 128 ANSI N158 ASTM DI068 ASTM D1293 ASTM D2333 ASTM D512 ASTM D516 ASTM D1428 NRC RG 4.4 ASTM D2908 ASTM D2576 ASTM D2907 ASTM D2791 NRC RG 1.70.32 ANSI N18.10 NRC RG 1.52 NRC RG 1.63 NRC RG 1.39 NRC RG 1.38 NRC RG 1.40 NRC RG 1.54 ANSI N577 ASTM E509 NRC RG 1.68 ASTM D2470 ANSI N163 ASTM D1345 NCRP R22 ASTM D1428 ASTM D2790 NRC RG 1.70.5 ANSI N101.2 NRC RG 1.56 NRC RG 1.96 ANSI N661 ANSI N18.2 ANSI N18.2A ANSI N212 NRC RG 1.68.1 NRC RG 1.24 NRC RG 1.83 NRC RG 1.98 NRC RG 1.79 NRC RG 1.4 NRC RG 1.3 NRC RG 1.25 NRC RG 1.5 ERDA RDT A1-1T ERDA RDT E4-1T ERDA RDT E5-2T NRC RG 1.77 ERDA RDT E5-1T NRC RG 1.56 ERDA RDT El 3- 15 ASTM D1411 NRC RG 3.31 ASTM D1345 ERDA RDT E4-2T ERDA RDT E4-17T ASTM D3079 ASTM D1276 NRC RG 1.110 ASTM D1498 ASTM D3085 ASTM D2777 ASTM D3315 ASTM D1690 ASTM D3223 ASTM D3357 ASTM Dl 129 Standards Application and Analysis Division 115 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards Tests for Residual Chlorine in Test for Residual Chlorine in Waste Tests for Dissolved Oxygen in Waste Test for Evaluating Inhibitory Toxicity of itions During and Following A/ Instrumentation for Light- tive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light- ts for Cleaning Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Serial Numbering of Fuel Assemblies for Light- tive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Light- rsion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light- mponents/ Quality Group Classifications and Standards for Test for Strontium Ion Brackish Water, Sea f Microorganisms and Microscopic Matter in Water and Waste mma Radioactivity of Industrial Water and Industrial Waste $1.75 Alpha Particle Radioactivity of Gamma Spectrometry of ) $1.75 Beta Particle Radioactivity of adioactive Barium in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Radioactive Manganese in Thorium in Water and Waste Radionuclides of Radium in Iron-59 in Radioactive Tritium in Radioactive Cesium in adioactive Iodine in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Alpha Spectrometry of Test for Strontium Ion Brackish Reporting Results of Analysis of Waste Nitrate Ion in Turbidity of Fluoride Ion in Iron in Water and Waste Dissolved and Gaseous Hydrogen in Nickel in Heat Exchanger, Class 1, Water to Heat Exchanger, Class 2, Water to Beta Particle Radioactivity of Alpha Particle Radioactivity of Iron-59 in pH of Water and Waste Radionuclides of Radium in Hydrazine in Gamma Spectrometry of Radioactive Cesium in adioactive Barium in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Radioactive Manganese in Thorium in Water and Waste Water and Waste Electrical Conductivity of Dissolved Oxygen in adioactive Iodine in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Ammonia Nitrogen in Particulate and Dissolved Matter in Sulfate Ion in Water and Waste Vessels, Method and Inspection for (1974A/ Longitudinal- esting by the Reflection Method, Using Pulsed Longitudinal nic Testing by Reflection Method Using Pulsed Longitudinal mates and Evaluations of Fallout in the United States from Health Implications of Fallout from Nuclear Requirements for Materials Used in Reactor Coolant System $1.50 Cold 2.50 Hot 1-1974 $2.75 Proportions for Normal and Heavy $1.75 Drop- erature of Ferritic Steels (1970) ASTM / Conducting Drop- e (1975) $1.75 Test for Unit Control of Stainless Steel e the Delta Ferritic Content of Austenitic Stainless Steel Control of Electroslag Specification for High Temperature Service, Specificati/ Electric-Fusion- or (1974) $1.75 Seamless and rvice, Specification for (1974) $1.75 Seamless and er) for General Service (/ Specification for Seamless and nger, and Condenser Tubes, Specification for (1974A) $1/ Service, Specification for ( 1974) $1.75 Seamless and 73) $1.75 Electric-Resistance- t Exchanger Tubes with Integral Fins, Speci/ Seamless and romium Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Tern/ Ultrasonic Inspection of Longitudinal and Spiral Welds of I Requirements) (4-75) Super/ Austenitic Stainless Steel (5-75) Supersedes M 3-1 IT,/ Carbon and Low Alloy Steel (7-75) Supersedes M/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy (ASTM a 632 with Additional Requirements) / Seamless and s (1974) ASTM A671-/ Specification for Electric-Fusion- ion for ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Electric-Fusion- Water (1974) $1.75 Water (1974) $1.75 Water (1974) $1.75 Waters to Diatoms (1973) $1.75 Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant Cond Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (Revision 1, 6/74) Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants (3/16/73) /Quiremen Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactors (12/20/72) Water-Cooled Power Reactors (4/76) /Leases of Radioac Water-Cooled Reactors (3/76) /Ric Transport and Dispe Water-, Steam-, and Radioactive-Waste-Containing Co Water, and Brines (1974) $1.75 Water, Identification of (1974) $1.75 Types O Water, Method for Measurement of (1973) ASTM D 1690- 196 Water, Method of Measurement of ( 1 973 ) ASTM D 1 943- 1 966 Water, Method of Test for ASTM D2459— 1969 $1.75 Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D 1890- 1966 (1971 Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2038-1968 $1.75 Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2039-1971 $1.75 Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2333-1968 $1.75 Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2460-1970 $1.75 Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2461-1969 $1.75 Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2476-1970 $1.75 Water, Method of Test for (1973) ASTM D2577-1969 $1.75 Water, Methods of Test for (1973) ASTM D2334-1968 $1.7 Water, Recommended Practice for (1972T) $1.75 Water, Sea Water, and Brines ( 1974) $1.75 Water, Standard Method for (1974) $1.75 Water, Standard Method of Test for (1971) $1.75 Water, Standard Method of Tests for (1971) $1.75 Water, Standard Method of Tests for (1972) $1.75 Water, Standard Method of Tests for (1974) $1.75 Water, Standard Method of Tests for (1974) $1.75 Water, Standard Methods of Tests for ( 1971 ) $1.75 Water, Straight or U Tube (6-73) Water, Straight or U Tube (7-71) Water, Test for (1966) (R1971) $1.75 Water, Test for (1966) (R1971) $1.75 Water, Test for (1969) (R1975) $1.75 Water, Test for (1970) $1.75 Water, Test for (1970) $1.75 Water, Test for (1972) $1.75 Water, Test for (1972) $1.75 Water, Test for (1972) $1.75 Water, Test for (1974) $1.75 Water, Test for (1974) $1.75 Water, Test for (1974) $1.75 Water, Tests for Chloride Ion in (1974) $1.75 Water, Tests for (1971) $1.75 Water, Tests for (1971) $1.75 Water, Tests for (1973) $1.75 Water, Tests for (1974) $1.75 Water, Tests for (1974) $1.75 Water, Tests for (1974) $1.75 Wave Ultrasonic Inspection of Steel Plates for Pressure Waves Induced by Direct Contact, Practice for ( 1969) (R Waves (1974) $1.75 /Nded Practice for Immersed Ultraso Weapons Test. Conducted Through 1962 (1963) Esti Weapons Test. Through 1961 (1962) Wear Applications (10-67) Inspection Weather Concreting, Practice for ( 1968) (ACI 306-1966) Weather Concreting, Practice for (1972) ACI 305-1972 $ Weight Concrete, Practice for Selecting ( 1974) ACI 211. Weight Tear Tests of Ferritic Steels, Method for ( 1974) Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temp Weight, Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concret Weld Cladding of Low Alloy Steel Components (5/73) Weld Metal (1974) $3.00 /Agnetic Instruments to Measur Weld Properties (12/28/72) Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe (1973) $1.75 Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Alloy Steel Pipe for Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe, Specification F Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General Se Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing (Small-Diamet Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat Excha Welded Carbon and Alloy Steel Tubes for Low Temperature Welded Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes, Specification for (19 Welded Carbon, Ferritic, and Austenitic Alloy Steel Hea Welded Large Outside Diameter Light-Wall Austenitic Ch Welded Pipe and Tubing (1969) ASTM E273-1968 $1.75 /R Welded Pipe Large Diameter (ASME SA-358 with Additiona Welded Pipe (ASME SA-155 with Additional Requirements) Welded Pipe (ASME SA-358 with Additional Requirements) Welded Small Diameter Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperature Welded Steel Pipe for High Pressure Service, Specificat ASTM D1253 ASTM D1427 ASTM D1589 ASTM D2037 NRC RG 1.97 NRC RG 1.21 NRC RG 1.37 NRC RG 5.1 NRC RG 1.112 NRC RG 1.111 NRC RG 1.26 ASTM D3352 ASTM Dl 128 ANSI N150 ANSI N152 ANSI N160 ANSI N151 ANSI N155 ANSI N156 ANSI N158 ANSI N161 ANSI N162 ANSI N164 ANSI N165 ANSI N159 ASTM D3084 ASTM D3352 ASTM D596 ASTM D992 ASTM D1889 ASTM D1179 ASTM D1068 ASTM D1588 ASTM D1886 ERDA RDT E4-2T ERDA RDT E4-17T ASTM D1890 ASTM D1943 ASTM D2461 ASTM D1293 ASTM D2460 ASTM D1385 ASTM D2459 ASTM D2577 ASTM D2038 ASTM D2039 ASTM D2333 ASTM D512 ASTM D1125 ASTM D888 ASTM D2334 ASTM D1426 ASTM D1888 ASTM D516 ASTM A435 ANSI Z166.3 ASTM E214 EPA FRC4 EPA FRC3 ERDA RDT F3-7T ANSI A144.1 ANSI A170.1 ANSI A167.1 ASTM E436 ANSI Z178.5 ASTM C138 NRC RG 1.43 AWS A4.2 NRC RG 1.34 ASTM A53 ASTM A358 ASTM A3 12 ASTM A269 ANSI B 125.49 ASTM A249 ASTM A334 ASTM A178 ASTM A498 ASTM A409 ANSI Z166.18 ERDA RDT M3-7T ERDA RDT M3-11T ERDA RDT M3-17T ERDA RDT M3-27T ANSI B125.53 ASTM A155 116 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards .75 ication for (1974) $1.75 Specification for Seamless and Specification for Electric-Resistance- Electric-Fusion (Arc)- and Heat Exchangers, Specification for (19/ Seamless and 73) A/ Wrought Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and 5 Wrought Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and $1.75 Columbium and Columbium Alloy Seamless and s) (7-75) Supersedes M3-5T,/ Austenitic Stainless Steel nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Fusion- Recommended Rules for Design and Construction of Large, (12/73) cessibility in Fuel Reprocessing Plants and in Plutonium/ Qualification of Welding Procedures and boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX) (8-74) Sup/ II ($55.00) Standard Forged Steel Fittings, Socket- Structural rements) (3-75) Supersedes M1-3T, (/ Mild Steel Covered irements) (3-75) Supers/ Nickel and Nickel Alloy Covered rements) (3-75) Supersedes Ml-/ Stainless Steel Covered rements) (3-75) Supersedes Ml-/ Low Alloy Steel Covered Tungsten Arc 1969 $3.50 Mild Steel Covered Arc 1969 $2.50 Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Covered ion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered 1969 $3.50 Low Alloy Steel Covered Arc 1969 $2.50 Copper and Copper-Alloy Arc Mild Steel Covered Arc Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Covered Low Alloy Steel Covered Arc Copper and Copper-Alloy Arc ion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Butt ions (1974) ASTM A652-1/ Specification for Wrought Steel ions, Specification for Special Requiremen/ Wrought Steel ents) (5-75) Supersedes M2-3T, / Carbon and Alloy Steel ents) (1-75) Supersedes M2-/ Austenitic Stainless Steel Factory Made Wrought Steel Butt Wrought Stainless Steel Butt High Test Wrought 1972) $1./ Factory-Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Factory Made Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy cessing Plants and in Plutonium/ Welder Qualification for ndment 1 (5-75) Consumable Plant/ Preheat and Interpass Temperature Control for the Control of Preheat Temperature for (7-73) nal Requirements) (6-73) tandard for ( 1 969 ) $6.00 Qualification of Socket- ditional Requirements) (3-75) Supersede/ Stainless Steel 73) AWS A5. 10-1969 $2.50 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel 74) Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel onal Requirements) (3-75)/ Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Composite Surfacing Titanium and Titanium-Alloy Bare (3-75) Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium Bare (1-72) Amendme/ Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Alloy Bare 1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1-Percent-Molybdenum Alloy Bare ws A5. 13-1970 $3.00 Surface ws A5. 14-1969 $2.50 Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Bare additional Requirements) (3-75) Supersedes M1-5T, (1-1 (1-72) Supersedes Ml/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bare Iron and Steel Gas 30.00), II ($40.00) PartC- 2.50 Copper and Copper-Alloy Copper and Copper-Alloy (7-75) Supers/ Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc 3-75/ Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc 4-75) Supersede/ Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Control of Stainless Steel -Molybdenum Alloy Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Bare Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Mild Steel Electrodes for Flux-Cored Arc Ultrasonic Contact Examination of essing Plants (5/75) Nondestructive Examination of Welded Steel Pipe for Low Temperature Service (1975) $1 Welded Steel Pipe (1973 A) $1.75 Welded Steel Plate Pipe (Sizes 16 in. and Over), Specif Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage (1973) $4.00 Welded Titanium and Titanium Alloy Tubes for Condensers Welded Tubes for Nuclear Service, Specification for ( 19 Welded Tubes for Nuclear Service, Spec, for ( 1971 ) $1.7 Welded Tubes, Specification for (1973) ASTM B394-1970 Welded Tubing (ASME SA-249 with Additional Requirement Welded Unfired Pressure Vessels, Specification for (197 Welded, Low Pressure Storage Tanks (1973) $4.00 Welder Qualification for Areas of Limited Accessibility Welder Qualification for Welding in Areas of Limited Ac Welders for Piping and Tubing, Standard for (1969) $6.0 Welding and Brazing Qualifications (Supplement to ASME Welding and Brazing Qualifications (1977) bd ($40.00), Welding and Cutting, Safety in (1973) $5.00 Welding and Nondestructive Symbols Testing (1976) $5.00 Welding and Threaded (1973) $3.00 Welding Code (1975) $24.00 Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.1 with Additional Requi Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.1 1 with Additional Requ Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.4 with Additional Requi Welding Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.5 with Additional Requi Welding Electrodes (1969) $2.00 Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.1- Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.U- Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.4— Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.5- Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.6- Welding Electrodes, Specification for ( 1974) Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1974) Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1974) Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1974) Welding Electrodes, Specification for (1974) Corros Welding Ends (1972) $4.00 Welding Fittings for Nuclear and Other Special Applicat Welding Fittings for Nuclear and Other Special Applicat Welding Fittings (ASME SA-234 with Additional Requirem Welding Fittings (ASME SA-403 with Additional Requirem Welding Fittings ( 1971 ) $4.00 Welding Fittings ( 1971 ) $4.00 Welding Fittings, Specification for (1970) $4.00 Welding Fittings, Specification for (1973) (ASTM B366- Welding Fittings, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 Welding in Areas of Limited Accessibility in Fuel Repro Welding Inserts (3-75) Supersedes M1-21T, (4-74) Ame Welding of Low Alloy Steel for Use in Fuel Reprocessing Welding of Low Alloy Steel (5/73) Welding of Reactor Core Components and Test Assemblies Welding of Structural Components (AWS Dl.l with Additio Welding Procedures and Welders for Piping and Tubing, S Welding Reducer Inserts (1974) $4.00 Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.9 with Ad Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for (19 Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for (19 Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for (19 Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes, Specification for (19 Welding Rods and Electrodes (ASME SFA-5.14 with Additi Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) $2.50 Welding Rods and Electrodes (1970) $3.00 Welding Rods and Electrodes (6-75) Supersedes M1-19T, Welding Rods and Electrodes (7-75) Supersedes M1-15T, Welding Rods and Electrodes (9-75) Amendment 1 (10-75 Welding Rods and Electrodes, Specification for (1973) a Welding Rods and Electrodes, Specification for (1973) a Welding Rods and Electrodes, Specification for (1974) Welding Rods and Electrodes, Surfacing (AWS A5.13 with Welding Rods (ASTM B 351 with Additional Requirements) Welding Rods (1969) $2.50 Welding Rods, Electrodes and Filler Metals (1977) bd ($ Welding Rods, Specification for (1973) AWS A5.7-1969 $ Welding Rods, Specification for (1974) Welding (ASME SFA -5.20 with Additional Requirements) Welding (ASME SFA-5.1 7 with Additional Requirements) ( Welding (ASME SFA-5.18 with Additional Requirements) ( Welding (Revision 1, 6/73) Welding (9-75) 2-1/4-Percent-Chromium, 1 -Percent Welding, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 17-1969 $2.50 Welding, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 18-1969 $2.50 Welding, Specification for (1973) AWS A5. 20-1969 $2.50 Welding, Specification for (1974) Welding, Specification for (1974) Welding, Specification for (1974) Weldments, Method for ( 1 974 ) $ 1 .75 Welds in the Liners of Concrete Barriers in Fuel Reproc ASTM A333 ASTM A135 ASTM A134 API STD. ASTM B338 ANSI NI24 ASTM B353 ANSI H53.1 ERDA RDT M3-5T ASTM A240 API STD. 620 NRC RG 1.71 NRC RG 3.28 AWS D10.9 ERDA RDT F6-5T ASME SEC-1X ANSI Z49.1 AWS A2.4 ANSI B16.ll AWS Dl.l ERDA RDT M1-3T ERDA RDT M1-10T ERDA RDT MI-IT ERDA RDT M 1 -4T AWS A5.12 ANSI W3.1 ANSI W3.ll ANSI W3.4 ANSI W3.5 ANSI W3.6 ASME SFA-5.1 ASME SFA-5.1 1 ASME SFA-5.5 ASME SFA-5.6 ASME SFA-5.4 ANSI B16.25 ANSI N560 ASTM A652 ERDA RDT M2-3T ERDA RDT M2-5T ANSI B16.9 MSS SP-43 MSS SP-75 ANSI H34.15 ASTM B361 NRC RG 3.28 ERDA RDT M1-21T NRC RG 3.29 NRC RG 1.50 ERDA RDT F6-2T ERDA RDT F6-6T AWS D10.9 MSS SP-79 ERDA RDT M1-2T ANSI W3.10 ANSI W3.9 ASME SFA-5.10 ASME SFA-5.9 ERDA RDT M1-11T AWS A5.2I AWS A5.16 ERDA RDT M1-19T ERDA RDT M1-15T ERDA RDT M1-23T ANSI W3.13 ANSI W3.14 ASME SFA-5.14 ERDA RDT M1-5T ERDA RDT M1-16T AWS A5.2 ASME SEC-IIC ANSI W3.7 ASME SFA-5.7 ERDA RDT M1-20T ERDA RDT M1-17T ERDA RDT M1-6T NRC RG 1.31 ERDA RDT M1-22T ANSI W3.17 ANSI W3.18 ANSI W3.20 ASME SFA-5.17 ASME SFA-5.18 ASME SFA-5.20 ASTM El 64 NRC RG 3.27 Standards Application and Analysis Division 117 KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards ethod for Ultrasonic Inspection of Longitudinal and Spiral Nondestructive Examination of Primary Containment Liner Method for Guided Bend Test for Ductility of Reference Radiographs for Steel Fusion Standard Methods for Mechanical Testing of amendment 1 (5-74) Vertical, Canned or idual Holdup of Special Nuclear Materials in Equipment for Protection Against Pipe 97 1 ) $ 1 .75 Evaluating Stress Corrosion Effect of (2-71) Additional Information: Austenitic Stainless Steel Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Cold Finished Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Std. Specifications for Electric supersedes M/ Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Bars, Rods, and Nickel Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Wrap Ceramic-Insulated Magnet couple Materials, Platinum and Platinum 10 Percent Rhodium for (1973) ASTM El 1-1970 $1.75 Tantalum Rod and Safety Requirements for Portable Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the Concrete Form Fast Flux Test Facility Driver Fuel Pin Nonmailable Matter: pec. for (1973) $1.75 Factory Made e Service (1975) $1.75 Std. Spec, for Piping Fittings of mical Analysis of Steel, Cast Iron, Open-Hearth Iron, and ification for (1973) (ASTM B366-1972) $1./ Factory-Made of (/ Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack in of Chemical Composition (1972) $1.75 Sampling Silver Brazing Joints for Cast and .00 Factory Made ecial Applications (1974) ASTM A652-1/ Specification for ecial Applications, Specification for Special Requiremen/ High Test ed Tubes for Nuclear Service, Specification for ( 1973) A/ ed Tubes for Nuclear Service, Spec, for (1971) $1.75 v: Equipment Design and Use (1968) $3.00 Medical v Structural Sheilding Design and Evaluation ( 19/ Medical mev, General Safety Sta/ Installations Using Non-Medical erformance Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for 1971) NBS Handbook 1 1 1 $3.00 Radiation Safety for std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Diagnostic ce Std. (Ionizing Radiation Emitting Products) for Cabinet $ 1 .75 Test for Unit Weight, mpression of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens, Meth/ Static cification for (1973) $1.75 cation for (R1973) ASTM A385-196/ Providing High Quality Electrodeposited Coatings of Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip, purification for (1974) ASTM A386-1973 $1.75 tional Requirements) (1-72) Supersedes Ml/ Zirconium and ion, Specific/ Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and ecification for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished Zirconium and itional Requirements) (1-72) Supersedes M/ Zirconium and h Additional Requirements) (1-72) Superse/ Zirconium and cation for (1974) ASTM B350-1973 $1.75 Zirconium and irements) (1-72) Supersedes M10-1T, (5-/ Zirconium and h Additional Requirements) (1-72) Superse/ Zirconium and ervice, Specification for (1973) A/ Wrought Zirconium and ervice, Spec, for (1971) $1.75 Wrought Zirconium and lication, Specification for (1973) ASTM B3/ Zirconium and lication, Specification for (1967) $1.75 Zirconium and rements) (1-72) Supersedes M3-8T, (5-70/ Zirconium and Aqueous Corrosion Testing of Samples of Zirconium and 351 with Additional Requirements) (1-72) Supersedes Ml/ clear Application, Specific/ Hot Rolled and Cold Finished clear App/ Specification for Hot Rolled and Cold Finished b 351 with Additional Requirements) (1-72) Supersedes M/ astm B 356 with Additional Requirements) (1-72) Superse/ ation, Specification for (1974) ASTM B350-1973 $1.75 dditional Requirements) (1-72) Supersedes M10-1T, (5-/ astm B 352 with Additional Requirements) (1-72) Superse/ for Nuclear Service, Specification for (1973) A/ Wrought for Nuclear Service, Spec, for (1971) $1.75 Wrought or Nuclear Application, Specification for (1973) ASTM B3/ or Nuclear Application, Specification for (1967) $1.75 ditional Requirements) (1-72) Supersedes M3-8T, (5-70/ 75 Aqueous Corrosion Testing of Samples of Welds of Welded Pipe and Tubing (1969) ASTM E273-1968 Welds (Revision 1, 8/1 1/72, of Safety Guide 19) Welds (1973) ASTM El 90- 1971 $1.75 Welds (1973) ASTM E390-1969 $1.75 Welds (1974) $5.00 Wet Magnetic Particle Inspection (1971) $1.75 Wet Motor Driven Single Stage Centrifugal Pump (6-72) Wet Process Operations (6/74) /Ions for Minimizing Res Whip Inside Containment (5/73) Wicking-Type Thermal Insulations on Stainless Steel ( 1 Wide Range (10 Decade) Neutron Flux Monitoring Channel Wind and Tornado Loadings ( 1 1/74) Wire for Core Components (3-73) Wire for Nuclear Application (1973) $1.75 / Rolled and Wire for Nuclear Application, Specification for (1973) Wire Rope Hoists (1974) $3.00 Wire (ASTM B 351 with Additional Requirements) (1-72) Wire (1974) ASTM B21 1-1973 $1.75 Wire (3-70) Wire (6-71) Wire (7-70) Wires, Noninsulated, Std. Grade (8-72) Amendment 1(11 Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes, Specification Wire, Spec, for (1970) $1.75 Wood Ladders (1975) $5.00 Workroom Environment with Intended Changes (1975) $.75 Work, Practice for (1968) (ACI 347-1968 $2.50 Wrap Wire (6-71) Written, Printed and Graphic Matter (1975) Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Welding Fittings, S Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low Temperatur Wrought Iron ( 1 975 ) $ 1 .75 Che Wrought Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Welding Fittings, Spec Wrought Nickel-Rich, Chromium-Bearing Alloys, Method Wrought Nonferrous Metals and Alloys for Determination Wrought Solder Joint Fittings (1970) $3.00 Wrought Stainless Steel Butt Welding Fittings ( 1971 ) $4 Wrought Steel Butt Welding Fittings (1971) $4.00 Wrought Steel Welding Fittings for Nuclear and Other Sp Wrought Steel Welding Fittings for Nuclear and Other Sp Wrought Welding Fittings, Specification for (1970) $4.0 Wrought Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Weld Wrought Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Weld X-Ray and Gamma Ray Protection for Energies Up to 10 Me X-Ray and Gamma Ray Protection for Energies Up to 10 Me X-Ray and Sealed Gamma Ray Sources, Energies Up to 10- X-Ray Baggage Inspection Systems (1975) $2.95 X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Analysis Equipment ( X-Ray Protection in Dental Offices (1970) $4.00 X-Ray Systems and Their Major Components (1975) $2.95 X-Ray Systems (1975) $2.95 Performan Yield, and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete (1975) Young's Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson's Ratio in Co Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware, Spe Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Products, Specifi Zinc on Steel, Specification for ASTM A 164- 1971 $1.75 Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated F Zinc-Coating (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Steel Products, S Zirconium Alloy Bare Welding Rods (ASTM B 351 with Addi Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire for Nuclear Applicat Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire for Nuclear Applicat Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire (ASTM B 351 with Add Zirconium Alloy Forgings and Extrusions (ASTM B 356 Wit Zirconium Alloy Ingots for Nuclear Application, Specifi Zirconium Alloy Ingots (ASTM B 350 with Additional Requ Zirconium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip (ASTM B 352 Wit Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes for Nuclear S Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes for Nuclear S Zirconium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate for Nuclear App Zirconium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate for Nuclear App Zirconium Alloy Tubes (ASTM B 353 with Additional Requi Zirconium Alloys, Practice for (1974) $1.75 Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bare Welding Rods (ASTM B Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire for Nu Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire for Nu Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Bars, Rod and Wire (ASTM Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Forgings and Extrusions ( Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Ingots for Nuclear Applic Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Ingots (ASTM B 350 with a Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip ( Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Seamless and Welded Tubes Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate F Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate F Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Tubes (ASTM B 353 with Ad Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys, Practice for (1974) $1. ANSI Z166.18 NRC RG 1.19 ANSI Zl 15.4 ANSI Z 166.24 AWS B4.0 ASTM E138 ERDA RDT E3-1T NRC RG 5.25 NRC RG 1.46 ASTM C692 ERDA RDTC15-2T NRC RG 1.70.10 ERDA RDT M7-24T ASTM B351 ANSI N122 HMI 100 ERDA RDT M7-9T ANSI H38.4 ERDA RDT M7-12T ERDA RDT E13-13 ERDA RDT M7-13T ERDA RDT C7-7T ANSI Z23.1 ASTM B365 ANSI A 14.1 ACGIH *1 ANSI A145.1 ERDA RDT E13-13 USPS POSTL123 ASTM B361 ASTM A420 ASTM E30 ANSI H34.15 ANSI G80.4 ASTM E55 MSS SP-73 MSS SP-43 ANSI B16.9 ANSI N560 ASTM A652 MSS SP-75 ANSI N124 ASTM B353 NCRP R33 NCRP R34 ANSI N543 BRH 21CFR1020G ANSI N43.2 NCRP R35 BRH 21CFR1020C BRH 21CFR1020F ASTM C138 ANSI A37.94 ASTM A153 ANSI G8.17 ANSI G53.1 ANSI G8.1 ANSI G8.18 ERDA RDT M1-16T ANSI N122 ASTM B351 ERDA RDT M7-9T ERDA RDT M2-9T ANSI N583 ERDA RDT M10-1T ERDA RDT M5-6T ANSI N124 ASTM B353 ANSI N123 ASTM B352 ERDA RDT M3-8T ASTM G2 ERDA RDT M1-16T ANSI N122 ASTM B351 ERDA RDT M7-9T ERDA RDT M2-9T ANSI N583 ERDA RDTM10-1T ERDA RDT M5-6T ANSI N124 ASTM B353 ANSI N123 ASTM B352 ERDA RDT M3-8T ASTM G2 118 Standards Application and Analysis Division KWIC Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards cations, Specification for (1973) $1.75 of (1974) $1.75 od of Test for Spectrophotometric Determination of Fission Method of Test of Radioactive clear Application, Specification for (1973) (ASTM B349-/ clear Application, Spec, for (1973) $1.75 fication for (1973) $1.75 Zirconium and 75 Zirconium and Zirconium and Zirconium-Alloy Ingots for Nuclear Appli Zirconium and Zirconium-Base Alloys, Chemical Analysis Zirconium in Irradiated Nuclear Fuels (1973T) $1.75 Zirconium in Water (1973T) $1.75 Zirconium Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Metal for Nu Zirconium Sponge and Other Forms of Virgin Metal for Nu Zirconium-Alloy Ingots for Nuclear Applications, Speci Zirconium-Base Alloys, Chemical Analysis of (1974) $1. /H ASTM B350 ASTM E146 ASTM E495 ASTM D3315 ANSI N121 ASTM B349 ASTM B350 ASTM E146 Standards Application and Analysis Division 119 NBS-114A (REV. 7-73) U.S. DEPT. OF COMM. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 1. PUBLICATION OR REPORT NO. NBS SP-483 2. Gov't Accession No. 3. Recipient's Accession No. 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Index of U.S. Nuclear Standards 5. Publication Date August 1977 6. Perfotming Organization Code 7. AUTHOR(S) William J. Slattery 8. Performing Organ. Report No. 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20234 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract/Grant No. 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Complete Address (Street, City, State, ZIP) Same as item No. 9. 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Final 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 16. ABSTRACT (A 200-word or less tactual summary ol most significant information. If document includes a significant bibliography or literature survey, mention it here.) This Index contains the permuted titles of more than 1,200 nuclear and nuclear-related standards, specifications, test methods, codes and recommended practices published by 34 U.S. Government agencies, technical societies, professional organizations, and trade associations. Each title can be found under all the significant key words which it contains. These key words are arranged alphabetically down the center of each page together with their surrounding context. Each entry includes the date of publication or last revision, the standard number, an acronym designating the standards-issuing organization, any cross reference standard number, and price. 17. KEY WORDS (six to twelve entries; alphabetical order; capitalize only the first letter of the first key word unless a proper name; separated by semicolons) Engineering standards, index of; index of nuclear standards; nuclear standards; KWIC index of standards. 18. AVAILABILITY |xX Unlimited ^ For Official Distribution. Do Not Release to NTIS JQ£ Order From Sup. of Doc, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402, SD Cat. No. C13 . 10:483 _J Order From National Technical Information Service (NTIS) Springfield, Virginia 22151 19. SECURITY CLASS (THIS REPORT) UNCLASSIFIED 20. SECURITY CLASS (THIS PAGE) UNCLASSIFIED 21. NO. OF PAGES 12 7 22. Price $2.75 USCOMM.DC 29042-P74 ■ir U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1977 O— 237-231 NBS TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS PERIODICALS JOURNAL OF RESEARCH reports National Bureau of Standards research and development in physics, mathematics, and chemistry. It is published in two sections, available separately: • Physics and Chemistry (Section A)