£ SI -8 : rr\ 3 1 Federal Quality Institute's Information Network How to Establish a Local TQM Information Center MAY 1991 PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSr ^ OBK. UtfQ^ JUNO 6 1991 OCUMENTStU'._ > U.S. Oepos'to^y Copy 4s ION ^3N UO\i.^° $ Federal Quality Institute Information Network P.O. Box 99 Washington, DC 20044-0099 Table of Contents Introduction 1 The FQI Information Network 1 FQI Assistance 2 Reference Books 3 Videotapes 5 Journals, Periodicals and Newsletters 6 Professional Societies 7 General Guides and Reports 8 A Guide for Establishing a TQM Information Center Introduction The Federal Quality Institute was established in June 1988. Its mission is to promote and facilitate the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) throughout the Federal government. TQM has proven to be an excellent strategy for organizations that want to improve the quality of their services. As President Bush has stated, " the improvement of quality in products and the improvement of quality in service — these are national priorities as never before." To accomplish its mission the Federal Quality Institute provides services in five major areas: technical assistance quality awareness briefings and seminars research and publications leadership, guidance, and coordination information and referrals FQI Information Network As part of the Institute's efforts to promote the principles and practices of TQM, and to provide information services to as many Federal employees as possible, the Federal Quality Institute has established an Information Network. This network includes: • a centralized database of case studies, articles, and handbooks focusing on the practical application of TQM in government. • an electronic bulletin board providing timely and easily acces- sible information on quality efforts to all government organiza- tions. • an Information Center located at the FQI, providing referrals and information on TQM from its collection of articles, books and videotapes. • plans to promote the establishment of similar TQM Information Centers located at: (a) OPM's Federal Executive Institute (FEI) and Executive Seminar Centers (b) agency headquarters, regional, and field locations, as needed This Guide lists the following information resources: (1) reference books to acquire for a local TQM library; (2) videotapes to intro- duce the concepts of TQM; (3) journals, periodicals, and newslet- ters oriented toward the concepts of TQM and continuous im- provement; (4) professional societies to inform you of develop- ments in TQM; and (5) Federal guides and reports to illustrate TQM implementation within the Federal government. Each section also contains sources from which to acquire this material. FQI Assistance The FQI Information Center staff is available to assist you in establishing an Information Center. Assistance can be provided in: (1) selecting a location for the Center, (2) estimating space, furniture and equipment needs, and (3) ways to allocate scarce resources. The staff is available for telephone consultations Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (EST). On-site assistance is also available on a cost-reimbursable basis. For additional information, contact Jeff Manthos or Jim Perine at (202) 376-3753 or FTS 376-3753, or write to the Federal Quality Institute, P.O. Box 99, Washington, D.C. 20044-0099. Reference Books The following books are recom- mended to form the core of a TQM Information Center. They are not listed in priority order: 1 . Crosby, Philip B. Quality is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain. New York: McGraw- Hill, 1979. 2. Crosby, Philip B. Quality Without Tears: The Art of Hassle-Free Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984. 3. Deming, W. Edwards. Out of the Crisis. Cambridge, Massa- chusetts: MIT Center For Advanced Engineering Study, 1982. 4. Harrington, James A. The Improvement Process - How America's Leading Companies Improve Quality. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987. 5. Imai, Masaki. Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success . New York: Random House, Inc., 1986. 6. Ishikawa, Kaoru. What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1985. 7. Juran, Joseph M. Juran on Leadership for Quality: An Executive Handbook. New York: The Free Press, 1989. 8. Juran, Joseph M. Juran on Planning for Quality. New York: The Free Press, 1989. 9. Scherkenbach, William W. The Deming Route to Quality and Productivity. Rockville, Maryland: Mercury Press, 1988. 10. Walton, Mary. The Deming Management Method. New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1986. Additional Reference Book Recommendations The following are also recom- mended reference books: 1 1 . Albrecht, Karl. At America's Service: How Corporations Can Revolutionize the Way They Treat Their Customers. Homewood, Illinois: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1988. 12. Albrecht, Karl and Zemke, Ron. Service America: Doing Business in the New Economy. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Publisher's Quality Press, 1985. 13. AT&T Technologies. AT&T Bell Laboratories: Pro- cess Quality Management & Improvement Guidelines. Greensboro, 1988. 14. AT&T Technologies. AT&T Bell Laboratories: Quality by Design. Greensboro, 1986. 15. Aubrey II, Charles A. and Felkins, Patricia K. Teamwork: Involving People in Quality and Productivity Improvement. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Quality Press, 1988. 16. Bennis, Warren and Nanus, Burt. Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge. New York: Harper and Row, 1985. 17. Berry, Thomas H. Managing the Total Quality Transforma- tion. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990. 18. Camp, Robert C. Benchmarking: The Search for Industry Best Practices that Lead to Superior Performance. Quality Press, 1989. 19. Ernst & Young Quality Improvement Consulting Group. Total Quality: An Executive's Guide for the 1990's. Homewood, Illinois: The Dow Jones-lrwin/APICS Series in Production Management, 1990. 20. Garvin, David A. Managing Quality: The Strategic and Competitive Edge. New York: The Free Press, 1988. 21. Goldratt, Eliyahu M. and Robert E. Fox. The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improve- ment. North River Press, 1986. 22. Harrington, H. James. Excellence — The IBM Way. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Publisher's Quality Press, 1988. 23. Hickman, Craig R. and Silva. Michael A. Creating Excellence. New York: New American Library, 1984. 24. Ishikawa, Kaoru. Guide to Quality Control. White Plains, New York: Kraus International Publications, 1982. 25. King, Bob. Hoshin Plan- ning — The Developmental Approach. GOAL/QPC, 1989. 26. McGregor, Douglas. The Human Side of Enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985. 27. Ouchi, William G. Theory Z. Reading. MA.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1981. 28. Peters, Tom. Thriving on Chaos. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1987. 29. Scholtes, Peter., et. al. The Team Handbook — How to Use Teams to Improve Quality. Madison. Wisconsin: Joiner Associates, Inc., 1988. 30. Townsend, Patrick L. Commit to Quality. New York: John Wiley And Sons, 1986. 31 . Walton. Mary. Deming Management at Work. New York: Putnam Publishing Group. 1990. 32. Zemke, Ron and Schaaf, Dick. The Service Edge: 101 Companies that Profit from Customer Care. New York: New American Library, 1989. Possible Sources for Reference Books George Washington University Continuing Engineering Educa- tion Program School of Engineering and Applied Science Attn: Books and Videos Washington, D.C. 20052 1 -800-424-9773 Productivity Press Productivity, Inc. P.O. Box 3007 Cambridge, MA 02140 1-800-274-9911 Quality Press American Society For Quality Control (ASQC) 310 West Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, Wl 53203 1-800-952-6587 4 Videotapes To introduce the concepts of quality management, the following videotapes are recom- mended. They are not listed in priority order. 1 . Building High Performance Teams with Dr. Ken Blanchard. Video Publishing House. Length: 60 mins. Source: Films Inc. 2. A Chorus for Quality. Allan C. Olin Production. Length: 30 mins. Source: Britannica Train- ing and Development. 3. The Deming Library, Vol. 2: The 14 Points. CC-M Produc- tions. Length: 40 mins., 2 parts. Source: Films Inc. 4. Discovering the Future: The Business of Paradigms. Joel Barker. Charthouse Learning Corp. Length: 43 mins. Source: Films Inc. 5. Juran on Quality Leadership. Dr. J.M. Juran. Juran Institute Inc. Length: 45 mins. Source: Films Inc. 6. Leadership Alliance. Tom Peters. CC-M Productions. Length: 30 or 60 mins. Source: Films Inc. 7. Managing the Journey with Dr. Ken Blanchard. Video Publishing House. Length: 75 mins. Source: Films Inc. 8. A Passion for Customers. Tom Peters. CC-M Productions. Length: 30 or 60 mins. Source: Films Inc. 9. TQC: The Customer, the Process, the Data. Chuck Olin Associates. Length: 18 mins. Source: Britannica Training and Development. 1 0. The Quality Man. Phil Crosby. British Broadcasting Corp. Length: 25 mins. Source: Films Inc. The following additional tapes are in the Federal domain and may be repro- duced: 1 1 . Journey Towards Quality. 1988 Quality Improvement Prototype Award Winners. Length: 15 mins. Source: Federal Quality Institute. 12. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Winners. 1988. Length: 13 mins. Source: Federal Quality Institute. 13. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Winners. 1989. Length: 15 mins. Source: Federal Quality Institute. 1 4. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Winners. 1990. Length: 13 mins. Source: Federal Quality Institute. 1 5. Quality, Journey Without End. 1989 Quality Improvement Prototype Award Winners. Length: 30 mins. Source: Federal Quality Institute. 16. Untitled. 1990 Quality Improvement Prototype Win- ners. Length: 30 mins. Source: Federal Quality Institute. Possible Sources for Videotapes AMA Video American Management Asso- ciation Nine Galen Street Watertown, MA 021 72 1-800-225-3215 Britannica Training and Devel- opment 310 South Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60604 1-800-554-9862 Coronet/MTI Film & Video 108 Wilmont Rd. Deerfield, IL 6001 5-9925 1-800-621-2131, (312)940- 1260 Films Incorporated 5547 N. Ravenswood Ave. Chicago, IL 60640-1 199 1-800-323-4222, (312)878- 2600, EXT. 381 for Gov. Acct. Rep. Salenger Films Inc. 1635 12th Street Santa Monica, CA 90404 (213)450-1300 For Federal Domain Videotapes Only: Federal Quality Institute (FQI) P.O. BOX 99 Washington, D.C. 20044-0099 (202) 376-3753. (FTS) 376- 3753 A000017S7i fl «, Journals, Periodicals, Newsletters The following is a list of jour- nals, periodicals, and newslet- ters oriented toward the con- cepts of quality management and continuous improvement: Core Journals, Periodicals, Newsletters Commitment Plus Newsletter, Monthly. Quality and Productivity Man- agement Association (QPMA) 300 Martingale Rd., Suite 230, Schaumburg, IL 60173 (708)619-2909 The Journal for Quality and Participation Journal, Issued 6 times/yr. The Association for Quality and Participation (AQP) 801 B West 8th Street, Suite 501 Cincinnati, OH 45203-1601 (513)381-1959 Quality Progress Magazine, Monthly. American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) 310 West Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, Wl 53203 (404) 272-8575 Additional Journals, Periodicals, Newsletters (Not Listed in Priority Order) The Letter Newsletter, Monthly American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC) 123 North Post Oak Lane Houston, TX 77024 (713)681-4020 Government Productivity News Newsletter, Issued 10 Times/yr. P.O. Box 27435 Austin, TX 78755-0435 (512)343-1884 National Productivity Review Magazine, Quarterly Executive Enterprises Co., Inc. 22 West 21st Street New York, NY 10010-6904 1-800-332-8804, (212)645- 7880, Ext.208 Productivity Inc. Newsletter, Monthly Productivity, Inc. P.O. Box 3007 Cambridge, MA 02140 (617)497-5146 The Service Edge Newsletter, Monthly Lakewood Publications 50 S. Ninth St. Minneapolis, MN 55402 1-800-328-4329, (612)333- 0471 Quality Magazine, Monthly Hitchcock Publishing Co. 191 S.Gary Ave. Carol Stream, IL 60188 (312)655-1000 Quality Digest Magazine, Monthly QCI International 1425 Vista Way Red Bluff, CA 96080 (916)527-8875 Membership in some profes- sional societies entitles you to subscriptions to their journals. (See page 7). 6 Professional Societies The following professional societies, informing you of developments in TQM, are recommended: American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) 310 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, Wl 53203 (414)272-8575 Conferences, educational courses, seminars," The Quality Review" magazine and "Quality Progress" journal, book service, professional certification, technical divisions and commit- tees, and local chapters. American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC) 1 23 North Post Oak Lane Houston, TX 77024 (713)681-4020 Educational and advisory services to organizations in the private and public sectors. Courses, research publications, case studies, "The Letter" newsletter, resource guide, library, and consulting. Quality and Productivity Man- agement Association (QPMA) 300 Martingale Rd., Suite 230, Schaumburg, IL 60173 (708)619-2909 Network of North American quality and productivity coordi- nators, operating managers and staff managers; conferences, workshops, journal, "Commit- ment Plus" newsletter, re- sources guide, and local chap- ters. Association for Quality and Participation (AQP) 801 -B West 8th Street Cincinnati, OH 45023 (513)383-1959 Focus on quality circles, self- managing teams, union-man- agement committees, and other aspects of employee involve- ment. Conferences, library and research service, "Quality and Participation Journal", newslet- ter, resource guide, and local chapters. General Guides and Reports The following guides and reports provide basic informa- tion on the Federal govern- ment-wide quality improvement effort: Available through the Government Printing Office Federal Total Quality Manage- ment Handbook: Introduction Book 1 , How To Get Started Book 1 A, Appendix, How To Get Started Book 2. President's Award Criteria and Scoring Guidelines Available through the National Technical Information Service Quality Improvement Prototype Award Case Studies. Available through the Federal Quality Institute The Catalog of Federal TQM Documents. Federal Supply Schedule Guide of TOM Training and Consulting Suppliers. The Federal TQM Database Users Guide. The Federal TQM Electronic Bulletin Board Users Guide. Quality Improvement Prototype Award Criteria. To Order, Contact: Federal Quality Institute (FQI) P.O. Box 99 Washington, D.C. 20044- 0099 (202) 376-3753, FTS 376- 3753, FAX: (202) 376-3765 Government Printing Office (GPO) 8660 Cherry Lane Laurel, MD 20707 (301)953-7974 National Technical Informa- tion Service (NTIS) U.S. Department of Com- merce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650, FAX: (703)321-8547 6 in A0000l?S71fl«, PR-896 5/91