d S\. 11/5- W ^0-/977-^ PB80-105513 A DIRECTORY OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS MINICOMPUTERS & MICROCOMPUTERS August 1977-1980 mm ani *S ■■*•■■'■•■■'■' ^■i ■;.,..',■■.■',.. 1111 ^^HMH U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service NHS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/directoOOunit DIRECTORY OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS MINICOMPUTERS & MICROCOMPUTERS CONTENTS Introduction How to Use How to Order NTIS Price Codes Report Documentation Page iv SECTION ONE April 1 977 — November 1 979 1 Abstracts 3 Keyword Index 59 Corporate Author Index 75 SECTION TWO December 1 979 — April 1 980 83 Abstracts 85 Keyword Index 151 Corporate Author Index 171 Order Blank.... 181 Foreign Dealers Inside back cover 1 5> INTRODUCTION r® The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) of the U.S. Department of Commerce is the central source for the public sale and announcement of Government-sponsored research, develop- ment, and engineering reports and analyses prepared by Federal agencies, their contractors, or grantees. NTIS supplies the public with approximately 4 million documents and microforms annually. Many of the technical reports announced by NTIS contain listings of computer programs and/or documentation; the programs cover a wide variety of applications. To help scientists, systems analysts, and programmers locate reports in their areas of interest, NTIS has prepared this directory, which lists reports containing computer programs and/or documentation for a specific application. The reports listed in the directory are available in paper copy or microfiche and provide the use with software at an exceptionally low price. Please direct questions, comments, or suggestions to the Product and Program Management Division, NTIS, (703) 557-4734. The computer software offered by NTIS was created by a variety of Federal agencies to meet their diverse but quite specific objec- tives. It is provided without installation, support, or maintenance ser- vices and sometimes requires customer modifications to run effec- tively in customer environments. HOW TO USE Arrangement of Citations Bibliographic entries are arranged alphanumerically by NTIS order number. Specific citations can be located by searching the indexes either by keyword or corporate author name. Each index entry gives the NTIS order number, which is used to locate the main entry. Product Formats Products listed are available in a variety of formats. Paper copy (PC) — copies or reprints of the original report. Microfiche (MF) — 105 x 148.57 mm microfiche sheets (about 4x6 inches), 24X. Microfilm — 16 mm Microfilm — 35 mm Magnetic tape — 7- or 9-track recording modes HOW TO ORDER Availability Copies of most items announced by NTIS are available from NTIS; reports that must be obtained from other sources are noted. In the first section of this publication, each bibliographic entry shows where the report may be obtained. Reports available from NTIS have price codes, actual prices, or the word "Subscription" printed to the right of the boldfaced NTIS order number. Reports not available from NTIS have the words "Not Available NTIS" printed. Paper and Microfiche Copies If the bibliographic citation has a price code entry such as PC A04/MF A01, an order can be placed directly with NTIS. A report may be available in paper copy (PC), microfiche (MF), or both; if both forms are available, a price code is given for each. To deter- mine the price, consult a current price-code table (see contents page for location of one in this publication). Please use the order form bound as the last page (or a copy) to place your order. Be sure ii to include the NTIS order number, the quantity desired, form (PC or MF), and any special instructions, such as special mailing. Magnetic Tapes Some bibliographic and numerical data files and computer software are available as machine-readable magnetic tapes. There are several options from which to choose in placing orders for magnetic tape files. It is suggested that you consult NTIS prior to placing an order by calling (703) 557-4763. Not Available NTIS To find where to order reports listed as "Not Available NTIS," look to the entry just before the abstract for the secondary availability state- ment. Statements on availability vary from an entry that tells where reports were published to specific ordering instructions such as "Paper copy available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service." When NTIS can supply specific ordering instructions, it does so. When such information is not available from NTIS, your local librarian may be able to help you. Ordering Options NTIS offers three order-fulfillment options: REGULAR, PREMIUM, and RUSH. Regular Service. An order can be placed by mail, by telephoning (703) 557-4650, or in person at one of our sales desks. Payment may be made by check, NTIS deposit account, VISA, Master Charge, or American Express. Current U.S. Postal Service parcel post delivery time is from 9 to 30 days. Delivery by first-class mail (surcharge of $3 for each copy ordered) to North American Conti- nent addresses or foreign airmail (surcharge of $4 per copy or- dered) to addresses outside of the North American Continent can be requested. You may arrange to pick up orders at the NTIS Springfield sales desk, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, telephone (703) 557-4650, or at the NTIS District of Colum- bia sales desk Suite 620, 425 13th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004, telephone (202) 724-3382. If you choose to pick up your order, the receptionist will call you when it is ready. Premium Service. This service is available only to NTIS Deposit Account customers. The service uses first-class mail delivery (rather than fourth class) to expedite delivery. The surcharge is $3.50 for each copy ordered. If you order three copies of one report or one copy each of three reports, the surcharge in either case would be $10.50. Rush Handling Service. NTIS fills these orders within eight working hours of receipt; no mail orders for rush handling are accepted. Your order can be placed using NTIS's toll-free number (800) 336- 4700; by telegram, Telex (89-9405), or Telecopier (703) 321-8547; or in person at one of NTIS's sales desks. Rush orders are accepted only from customers with NTIS Deposit Accounts, American Ex- press, Master Charge, or VISA accounts. The surcharge is $10 for each copy ordered. If an order is for personal pickup at one of NTIS's sales desks, the surcharge is $6 for each copy ordered. Ordering from outside the U.S. To better serve overseas clients, NTIS has more than 30 organiza- tions around the world to provide local access to NTIS products and services. For a list of these agencies, please refer to the inside back cover. PRICE CODES r « Most NTIS products are announced with price codes. The table below lists the codes and equivalent dollar prices at time of publication. You can obtain copies of new tables from NTIS. Also, current code-price tables appear in many NTIS publications. NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT PRICE SCHEDULE Customers in Canada, U.S., and Mexico please use this price schedule; other addressees write for Folder PR-360-4. AOI . $3 50 E0I . $5.50 T01 .... 110.00 402 5 00 E02. ... . 6 50 T02 12500 A03. 6 00 E03... 8.50 T03. 21000 A04. .... 7.00 E04. ... 1050 T04 300 00 405 ... 8.00 EOS 12.50 T05 360 00 406 .... 9.00 E06 .... . 1450 106. .... 420.00 A07 1000 E07 .... 1650 107 480.00 408 11.00 EOS. 18 50 108 540 00 409 .... 12.00 E09. . 2050 T09 600 00 410 ... 13.00 £10 22.50 110 .... 660 00 411 1400 Ell. 2450 111 720.00 412 15 00 E12... 2750 T12 780 00 413 1600 E13 3050 TU 840 00 414 17.00 E14 .... 3350 T14 900.00 415 1800 EI5 3650 115 960 00 416 .... 19.00 116... 3950 116 1,020.00 417 20 00 E17 ... 4250 117 1.08000 418 21 00 E18... 4550 T18 1,14000 419 22 00 E19 50.50 119 1,20000 420 23.00 E20 6050 T99 * 421 ...24.00 E99 .... * 422 .25.00 423 26 00 N01 3000 424 27 00 N02 ... 5000 425 28 00 499 * "Contort NTIS for price quote PRICES EFFECTIVE JANUARY t. 1980 III 50272-101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE l.__ REPORT NO. NTIS/SA -80/03 3. Recipient's Accession No. PB80-105513 4. Title and Subtitle A Directory of Computer Software Applications - Minicomputers and Microcomputers, 1977-1980 5. Report Date April, 1980 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 11. Contract(C) or Grant(G) No. (C) (G) 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Same 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Aug. 1977-Apr. 1980 14. 15. Supplementary Notes See also the 1977 edition, PB-272 972, covering 1970-1977. 16. Abstract (Limit: 200 words) Minicomputer and microcomputer reports that list computer programs and/or their documentation are cited. These software applications pertain to topics such as electronics, computer graphics, computer-aided instruction, pattern recognition, mathematical modeling, and computer systems programs. The directory contains complete bibliographic data for each report as well as a subject and a corporate author index. The computer software offered by NTIS was created by a variety of Federal agencies to meet their diverse but quite specific objectives. It is provided without installation, support, or maintenance services and sometimes requires customer modifications to run effectively in customer environments. 17. Document Analysis a. Descriptors b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms c. COSATI Field/Group 62B, 63A, B, c, D, E, F, H, and I 18. Availability Statement 19. Security Class (This Report) 21. No. of Pages 189 20. Security Class (This Page) 22. Price $35.00 (See ANSI-Z39.18) See Instructions on Reverse OPTIONAL FORM 272 (4-77) (Formerly NTIS-35) Department of Commerce SECTION ONE — MINICOMPUTERS & MICROCOMPUTERS SEPTEMBER 1977 — NOVEMBER 1979 ABSTRACT ENTRY The full bibliographic report entries are arranged alphanumerically by NTIS order number. SAMPLE ENTRY PB-274 532/1CP PCA05/MFA01 Wisconsin Univ. -Madison. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The Filtering of Images Using a New Fidelity Criterion. Interim rept. Kelly A. Miller. Jul 77, 78p Rept no. ECE-77-7 Grant NSF-ENG75-10545 Descriptors: 'Image processing, "Visual per- ception, Fourier transformation, Bionics, Data compression, Computer programs, Power spectra. Indentifiers: 'Linear filtering, "Fidelity criterion. A new error criterion for image processing is derived from a parallel, spatial channel model of the human visual system. The new error criterion is compared to the common squared intensity error criterion in optimal linear filtering of images in additive noise. There is a slight im- provement in filtering using the new criterion. NTIS order number availability/price codes Corporate or performing organization Report title Personal authors Date No. Pages Report No. Contract or grant number(s) Keywords Abstract MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER AD-A040 227/1 Federal Cobol Compiler Testing Service Washing- ton D C Validation Summary Report, DECSystem-20 COBOL 4 May 77, 76p Rept no. CCVS74-VSR195 Descriptors: 'Compilers, 'Computer program ver- ification, 'Computer program documentation, Pro- gramming languages, Validation, Standards, High level languages, Executive routines, Syntax, Ma- chine coding. Identifiers: 'Cobel, Software engineering. This VAIidation Summary Report (VSR) for the DECSYSTEM-20 (CBL74) COBOL Compiler Ver- sion 1A (TOPS-20 Version V2) provides a consoli- dated summary of the results obtained from the validation of the subject compiler against the 1974 COBOL Standard (X3.23-1974/FIPS PUB 21-1). The compiler was validated at the High level of FIPS PUB 21-1. The VSR is made up of several sections showing the discrepancies found. These include an overview of the validation which lists all categories of discrepancies by level/module within X3. 23-1 974; a section relating the categories of discrepancies to each of the Federal levels of the language; and a detailed listing of discrepancies together with the tests which were failed. (Author) AO-A040 416/0 Aerospace Systems Inc Burlington Mass Pilot Modeling for Manned Simulation. Volume II. Program PIREP User Manual Final rept. Apr 75-Feb 76 Kristine M. Doyle, and William C. Hoffman. Dec 76, 52p ASI-TR-76-29-Vol-2, AFFDL-TR-76-124- Vol-2 Contract F33615-75-C-3069 Descriptors: 'Man machine systems, 'Pilots, Com- puterized simulation, Visual perception, Scanning, Cues(Stimuli), Attention, Flight control systems, Control theory, Optimization, Closed loop systems, Performance(Human), Mathematical prediction, FORTRAN, Flight simulation, Digital computers, Man computer interface, Instruction manuals, User needs, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Pirep computer program, User man- uals, Fortran 4 programming language, CDC 6600 computers, PDP 1 1 computers. A digital computer program (PIREP) has been de- veloped to implement the extended optimal control pilot model discussed in Volume I. The user manual describes the program organization, pre- sents the input formats and program options, pro- vides general comments to assist the user, and presents results for a sample run. The program is written entirely in FORTRAN IV, for operation on the Wright-Patterson computer facility. (Author) AO-A040 588/6 Gaertner (W W) Research Inc Stamford Conn Design, Construction and Installation of Data Manipulator Final technical rept. W. W. Gaertner, D. T. W. Lee, C. T. Retter, and I. M. Singh. May 77, 90p RADC-TR-77-166 Contract F30602-75-C-0290 See also Rept. no. RADC-TR-73-292, AD-773 172. Descriptors: 'Parallel processing, 'Associative processing, 'Computer architecture, Parallel pro- cessors, Manipulators, Complementary metal oxide semiconductors, Shift registers, Masking, Debugging(Computers), Subroutines, Chips(Electronics), Gates(Circuits), Data manage- ment, Multiplexing. Identifiers: 'Data manipulators, PDP 11 comput- ers, STARAN computers. It is by now well recognized that most parallel proc- essing systems require a versatile communication facility to pass data (a) between the different proc- essing elements, (b) between and processing ele- ments as a group and the memory modules and (c) between the input/output devices and memory and/or processing elements. This communication capbility is used to exchange data (such as interim results) between processing elements, to rear- range data in memory, and even to rearrange bits within the same parallel word. The term Data Ma- nipulation has been introduced to define this func- tion which must be considered a computer-system building block of equal importance to the process- ing element array, the high speed memory, the mass storage and the system control. Surprisingly, this fact has not been recognized adequately in the design of several existing parallel-processor sys- tems, with the result that the execution of many important algorithms is slowed down significantly. This report describes the design, construction, in- stallation and performance of a Data Manipulator which, while integrated specifically into a STARAN computer system, is applicable to any other paral- lel computer architecture. AD-A040 923/5 North Carolina Univ At Chapel Hill Dept of Comput- 6r Sci©nc© SATMODEL User's Guide James D. Foley, and Victor L. Wallace. Sep 76, 71p Contract F30602-76-C-0117 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Computer graphics, 'Computer pro- grams, Digital computers, Interactions, Minicom- puters, Computer files, Optimization, Display sys- tems. Identifiers: IBM-360 computers, IBM-370 comput- ers, Honeywell-645 computers, Honeywell-6045 computers, SATMODEL computer program. During the past several years a set of programs has been developed at the University of North Carolina to model and optimize the performance of satellite graphics systems. The programs, original- ly executed as batch jobs on an IBM 360 or 370 with OS/360, have now been converted, ex- tended, and augmented to execute interactively on a Honeywell 645 or 6045 with the MULTICS oper- ating system. This guide describes the basic con- cepts involved in using the interactive programs, which are herein referred to as SATMODEL. A companion document, The SATMODEL Refer- ence Manual, gives details of the system's use. AD-A040 926/8 Electronics Engineering Group (1842nd) Richards- GebaurAFBMo Design Specification for AFCS Universal Per- formance Assessment and Control System Final rept. David R. Wortendyke, and Richard J. Steele. 17 Mar 77, 36p Rept no. 1842 EEG/EEIMM-TR-77- 17 Descriptors: 'Computer applications, 'Communi- cations networks, 'Minicomputers, 'Computer program documentation, 'Control systems, Moni- tors, Real time, Computer programs, Communica- tion satellite terminals, Interfaces, Data acquisi- tion, Performance(Engineering), Specifications. Identifiers: Computer networks, Computer soft- ware, Design. A prototype data acquisition system that utilizes commercial software and hardware design con- cepts, for use in the development of performance monitoring systems of communication networks, has been designed, assembled, and checked out for the use of the USAF/AFCS. This document provides the design specifications for this univer- sal performance assessment and control system (UPACS). Features emphasized are the use of a real-time software operating system, distributed processing, and the IEEE 488-1975 Digital Inter- face for Programmable Instrumentation. A central- ized minicomputer controls multiple distributed sat- ellite processors by means of a multipoint asyn- chronous telemetry channel. All data acquisition takes place at the satellite terminals by controlling data acquisition devices connected to the IEEE 488 interface. A detailed description is given of hardware and operating system software. No spe- cific data acquisition software is discussed. (Author) AD-A041 000/1 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A General Purpose Mini-Computer Based Digi- tal Signal Processing Laboratory Interim rept. Theo W. Hodge, and Anita P. Skelton. May 77, 31 p Rept no. NRL-MR-3502 Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, 'Signal processing, Electronics laboratories, Computer programs, Digi- tal systems, Delay lines, Plotting, Laboratories, Re- search facilities. Identifiers: Disk storage. The general design approach of hardware and software systems and the present performance capability of a digital signal processing laboratory is given. Block diagrams of the hardware and soft- ware systems are provided along with an example of a recent task. (Author) AD-A041 090/2 Minnesota Univ Minneapolis Dept of Psychology A Rapid Item-Search Procedure for Bayesian Adaptive Testing Research rept. C. David Vale, and David J. Weiss. May 77, 17p Rept no. RR-77-4 Contract N00014-76-C-0243 Descriptors: 'Search theory, Adaptive systems, Bayes theorem, Computer applications, Sequen- tial analysis, Test methods, Minicomputers, Com- puter programs, Efficiency, Computerized simula- tion, Estimates. Identifiers: Branched testing, Run time, Psycho- metric methods. * An alternative item-selection procedure for use with Owen's Bayesian adaptive testing strategy is proposed. This procedure is, by design, faster than Owen's original procedure because it searches only part (as compared with all) of the total item pool. Item selections are, however, identical for both methods. After a conceptual development of the rapid-search procedure, the supporting math- ematics are presented. In a simulated comparison with three item pools, the rapid-search procedure required as little as one-tenth the computer time as Owen's technique. (Author) AD-A041 154/6 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Decision Logic Table Preprocessor Master's thesis Joseph Franklin Keller, and Robert William Roesch, Jr. Jun 77, 141 p Descriptors: 'Computer logic, 'Computer pro- gramming, Tables(Data), Preprocessing, Transla- tors, Computer programs, Flow charting, Algo- rithms, Programming manuals, Machine coding, Theses. Identifiers: PDP 11/50 computers, 'Preproces- sors. This document presents an introduction to deci- sion logic table terminology, structure, theory, and preprocessor historical development. Advantages of decision tables and flowcharts have been sur- veyed and contrasted. Techniques of decision table preparation have been enumerated. DEL- TRANS, a rule mask logic table preprocessor for the C language, has been proposed for use on the PDP-1 1 /50 system at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. (Author) AD-A041 186/8 Charles Stark Draper Lab Inc Cambridge Mass Development of a Hierarchical, Dynamically Reconfigurable Input/Output Network Master's thesis James R. Seeley. Jun 77, nip Rept no. T-644 Contract N00014-76-C-0502, Grant NSF-DCR- 74-24116 Descriptors: 'Communications networks, Mes- sage processing, Microprocessors, Algorithms, Computer programs, Control systems, Reliability(Electronics). Identifiers: 'Computer networks, Theses. This thesis traces the development of the hierar- chical, dynamically reconfigurable, input/output network which has been constructed at the Draper Laboratory. It presents a summary of the design procedures used in determining the network archi- tecture, communication methods, message for- mats, and overall topology. Further, it describes both the hardware and software features that have been implemented in the network's microproces- MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER sor-based nodes. In addition, the centrally located software algorithms developed to configure, repair, and monitor the network have been exten- sively discussed. Finally, the thesis also includes a reliability analysis of the network in a typical appli- cation, and a performance evaluation of the effec- tiveness of the configuration and control pro- grams. AD-A041 192/6 Oklahoma State Univ Stillwater Fluid Power Re- search Center Development of a Stability Monitor/Controller for Material Handling Equipment. Phase II. Hardware Development Final rept. 21 Jun 76-28 Feb 77. Apr 77, 80p Contract DAAG53-76-C-0144 See also Phase 1 , AD-A040 842. Descriptors: "Materials handling equipment, Loading(Handling), Microcomputers, Transducers, Interfaces, Algorithms, Safety, Stability, Computer program documentation, Computer programs, Lo- gistics support, Monitors, Printed circuit boards, Lift. Identifiers: Controllers, Computer software, Safety exploratory system, 'Automatic control. The purpose of this two-phased study is to investi- gate the feasibility of developing a stability monitor or controller suitable for material handling equip- ment (MHE). Recommendations were to be made as to the optimal method (Phase 1). Phase 2 re- quired the design, fabrication, and testing of an ex- ploratory system to demonstrate feasibility. This report documents Phase 1 of the investigation. The exploratory system is a microcomputer-based system which performs calculations as derived in Phase 1. The system hardware is documented. In- stallation instructions for the exploratory system are provided such that the system can be installed on a vehicle different from the one used in testing. The results of the test program are presented. (Author) AD-A041 195/9 Raytheon Co Sudbury Mass Equipment Div Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Interface Adapter. Volume I Equipment Information rept. Peter C. Dunham, William Solimeno, Alfred Bordogna, and Charles Smith. 30 Jan 75, 157p Rept no. ER75-4084-1 Contract F19628-73-C-0279 See also Volume 2, AD-A041 196. Descriptors: "Meteorological radar, "Data proc- essing equipment, "Weather forecasting, "Mini- computers, "Display systems, Computer pro- grams, Interfaces, Adapters, Meteorological data, Data displays, Resolution, Colors. This report presents the final configuration of hard- ware and software. It provides all data necessary to maintain the equipment. It contains theory of op- eration, functional descriptions, schematics, and part specifications. (Author) AD-A041 196/7 Raytheon Co Sudbury Mass Equipment Div Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Interface Adapter. Volume II Equipment information rept. Peter C. Dunham, William Solimeno, Alfred Bordogna, and Charles Smith. 30 Jan 75, 24p Rept no. ER75-4084-2 Contract F19628-73-C-0279 See also Volume 1, AD-A041 195. Descriptors: "Meteorological radar, "Data proc- essing equipment, "Weather forecasting, "Mini- computers, "Display systems, Real time, On line systems, Computer programs, Interfaces, Adapt- ers, Meteorological data, Data displays, Resolu- tion, Colors. This report contains the information necessary to operate the Weather Radar Processor and Display Equipment. (Author) AD-A041 502/6 Texas Instruments Inc Dallas Equipment Group System Avionic Architectures for RPVs Final technical rept. 2 Feb-2 Aug 76 R. Allen, L. Chamberlin, J. Early, J. Graham, and W. Grimes. Apr 77, 198p AFAL-TR-76-245 Contract F33615-76-C-1215 Descriptors: "Avionics, "Remotely piloted vehi- cles, Data processing, Memory devices, Micro- processors, Life cycle costs, Computer programs, Cost analysis, Programming languages. Identifiers: Cost of ownership. Results are presented from a 6-month study to design an avionic digital processing system for the multi-mission Advanced Remotely Piloted Vehicle (ARPV) application. The recommended approach is a microprocessor-based design consisting of a distributed processing network with modular pro- cessor/memory elements (PEs) interconnected via a MIL-STD-1553A data bus. The objective was to design a digital processing system providing not only adequate performance for the anticipated ARPV missions but also the lowest possible life cycle cost (LCC). Three different processing sys- tems were designed to meet performance require- ments for specific postulated ARPV missions. The total LCC for each candidate system was then esti- mated using a postulated 10-year life-cycle sce- nario. The 'optimum' design was selected on the basis of minimum LCC. In addition to the minimum LCC, the recommended system also provides the best performance in terms of flight-critical reliabil- ity. The extensive use of standard modules throughout the distributed network provides flexi- ble system performance by allowing throughput capacity and/or memory capacity to be increased readily as processing requirements demand. The use of standard modules is also important in achieving a low LCC. Results from this study, in particular the modular design of the basic PE, are applicable not only to the ARPV problem but other Air Force avionic processing applications as well. (Author) AD-A041 514/1 Honeywell Information Systems Inc Mclean Va Federal Systems Operations Multics Security Integration Requirements, 1 January 1976-31 December 1980 Technical rept. N. Adleman, R. Ziller, and J. Whitmore. Mar 76, 99p ESD-TR-76-354 Contract F19628-74-C-0193 Descriptors: "Data processing security, Front end processors, Programming languages, Digital com- puters, Kernel functions, Computer communica- tions, Military applications, Interfaces, Data proc- essing terminals, Computer program documenta- tion, Computer programs, Data bases, Minicom- puters. Identifiers: Multics system, Computer software, Design, Firmware. This report presents the results of a study to identi- fy a technical approach for the design, develop- ment and certification of a secure general purpose computer system. (Author) AD-A041 759/2 Threshold Technology Inc Delran N J Alpha/Numeric Extraction Technique Phase II Final technical rept. Phillips B. Scott. May 77, 35p RADC-TR-77-184 Contract F30602-76-C-0309 Descriptors: "Speech recognition, "Man computer interface, "Word recognition, Alphanumeric data, Phonetics, Acoustic data, Digitizers, Bathymetry, Position(Location), Depth, Plotters, Voice commu- nications, Microphones, Speech, Preprocessing, Syntax, Vocabulary, Hydrographic surveying, Mini- computers, Computer programs, Subroutines, Flow charting. Identifiers: Nova 1200 computers, Speech under- standing systems. This report describes a 2-part program (1) to inter- face an existing word recognition system (WRS) to a bathymetric digitizer and (2) to develop a new word recognition system for a large vocabulary. The first program provides an improved means for entering bathymetric readings from smooth sheets to punched cards. The WRS allows a cartographer simultaneously to obtain X-Y coordinate locations and provide voice data entry of depth reading for each coordinate location. With the operator's hands free to concentrate on the X-Y position sensing cursor he can speak the depth numbers. If they are correctly recognized, he can enter them onto punched cards without losing sight of the smooth sheet. The cartographic WRS which was interfaced to the digitizer is described in AD-B008 303L. The complete system has been installed at the Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center at Suitland, MD. The large vocabulary WRS will be used to explore other cartographic applica- tions. This system is based upon the VIP-100,- a WRS system with capability of recognizing up to 200 separate words in a syntactic structure. The structure allows up to 30 words in any node of the structure. AD-A042 145/3 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind School of Electrical En- gineering Microprocessor Utilization in Communications System Monitoring Phase rept. J. J. Kirby, R. A. Meyer, and S. C. Crist. Jun 77, 136p RADC-TR-77-218 Contract F30602-75-C-0082 Prepared in cooperation with Clarkson Coll., Pots- dam, N. Y. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering. Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Communication and radio systems, "Electromagnetic compatibility, "Communications networks, Monitoring, Europe, West Germany, Computer programs, Digital sys- tems, Voice communications, Radio links, Transis- tor transistor logic. Identifiers: European Defense Communications System. This report illustrates how a microprocessor may be used to monitor the operating performance of the Frankfurt-Koenigstuhl-Vaihingen (FKV) area of the European Defense Communications System (EDCS). Specifically described are the interfaces and software routines necessary to carry out the monitoring function and the advantages and limita- tions of the proposed microprocessor system. Background information is also given which de- scribes various monitoring methods previously suggested for EDCS. Also described are the var- ious communications devices which are deployed in the FKV area and a non-microprocessor-con- trolled monitoring system which is currently pro- posed for that area. (Author) AD-A042 263/4 Aerodyne Research Inc Bedford Mass MRDA - A Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code for the HP 2100 Computer Final rept. 26 Mar-31 Dec 76 D. Kryger, and D. Robertson. Jan 77, 89p ARI- RR-97, AFGL-TR-77-0044 Contract F19628-76-C-0173, ARPA Order-2656 See also Rept. no. AFCRL-TR-73-0096, AD-762 904, and Rept. no. AFCRL-TR-75-0255, AD-A017 734. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Atmosphere models, "Computer programs, Transmittance, Data reduction, Mini- computers, Light transmission, Radiative transfer, Infrared radiation, Radiation attenuation, Resolu- tion. Identifiers: HP 2100 computers, "Atmospheric transmissivity, Atmospheric attenuation, MRDA computer program. This report describes the Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code (MRDA) which is a computer soft- ware code developed to run on the HP2100 mini- computer at the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory. The code calculates the atmosphere transmit- tance of radiation in the 1 800-6000/cm range. The code can be used for a variety of paths(horizontal, vertical, downward, to space, etc). The user has the option of using either the 1962 U.S. Standard Model atmosphere or radiosonde data. Because of size restriction on the HP2100, MRDA is dividied into seven overlays. The spectral absorption coef- ficients, which are calculated from the AFGL com- pilation of molecular line parameters (HITRAN), are accessed from a data tape. The transmittance MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER calculated for horizontal paths near sea level agree with those calculated with HITRAN, but MRDA tends to overestimate the absorption in the neighborhood of strongly absorbing lines. Some recommendations for further upgrading of the code are given. (Author) AD-A042 332/7 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Microprocessor Implementation of Extended Basic Master's thesis Gordon Edwin Eubanks, Jr. Dec 76, 194p Descriptors: "Programming languages, 'Micro- processors, "Compilers, "Interpreters, Expansion, Disks, Memory devices, Parsers, Theses. Identifiers: "Basic programming language, Ex- tended Basic programming language, Diskettes, PL/M programming language. The design and implementation of an extension to the BASIC programming language for use on a mi- croprocessor-based system has been described. The implementation is comprised of two subsys- tems, a compiler which generates code for a hypo- thetical zero-address machine and a run-time monitor which interprets this code. The design goals, solutions, and recommendations for further expansion of the system have been presented. The system was implemented in PL/M for use in a diskette-based environment. (Author) AD-A042 377/2 Lockheed-Georgia Co Marietta Investigation of Electro-Hydraulic Pulse Motors for Aircraft Utility Functions Final rept. 3 Feb 75-Dec 76 Edwin W. Rumrill, Jr, and Frank D. Lewis. May 77, 147p LG77ER0099, AFAPL-TR-77-14 Contract F33615-75-C-2005 Descriptors: "Aircraft equipment, "Hydraulic actu- ators, Hydraulic servomechanisms, Pulse gener- ators, Electric motors, Airborne, Digital computers, Circuits, Stepper motors, Loads(Forces), Flight control systems, Hydraulic valves, Hydraulic power, Prototypes, Microcomputers, Input output devices, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Electrohydraulic pulse motor, *EHMP(Electrohydrauhc pulse motor), Altair 8800 computers, C-5 aircraft, EPM(Electric pulse motor), Electric pulse motor. The purpose of this electrohydraulic pulse motor (EHPM) technology-development project was to investigate feasibility and applicability and demon- strate capability of the EHPM concept for mating the power of hydraulics with the 'intelligence' of the digital computer for use in future aircraft utility systems. Recent dramatic developments in elec- tronic circuit manufacturing necessitates the review of control concepts for the purpose of rede- fining the optimum mix of technologies. The signifi- cant reduction in cost, size, and weight and in- crease in reliability of digital computers offers the potential for performing the bulk of control func- tions within the electronic circuit in lieu of the hy- draulic circuit. The EHPM concept is highly com- patible with this concept, but existing units are used in machine tools and are not configured to achieve maximum power and minimum weight as needed for aircraft use. In this program the designs of EHPM's for aircraft use was investigated; an EHPM was designed and constructed using an air- craft type hydraulic motor; an input system consist- ing of a micro computer, an interface board, input and output position encoders, an electric pulse motor (EPM) driver, and a software program was designed and constructed; the EHPM and the input system were tested as components and as a system; the system was used to control the C-5 iron bird flap system with simulated loading; the EHPM unit was subjected to a durability test; and a survey of various aircraft subsystems where the EHPM could be a viable alternative was accom- plished. AD-A042 466/3 Raytheon Co Bedford Mass Missile Systems Div Modular Digital Missile Guidance Phase III Technical rept. 20 Nov 75-31 Dec 76 Frank J. Langley. 4 May 77, 262p BR-9448, ONR-CR233-052-3 Contract N00014-75-C-0549 See also Phase 2, AD-B010 399L. Descriptors: "Guidance, "Modules(Electronics), "Digital systems, "Microcomputers, "Integrated circuits, "Air to air missiles, Memory devices, Com- puter architecture, Computer programs, Flow charting, Diagrams, Signal processing, Central processing units, Bus conductors, Packaging. Identifiers: Very large scale integrated circuits. This report presents the results of the third phase of a study to investigate the feasibility of modular digital guidance and control systems for air-to-air missile applications. The studies involved the anal- ysis of functions for digital implementation in all classes of air-to-air missiles and the derivation of computer requirements in terms of throughput memory, architectural features, modularity and compatible software characteristics. Phase III vali- dated the performance and effectiveness of the macromodular microcomputer family defined in Phase II, on an individual module basis; as whole microcomputers; and as federated microcomputer systems applied to specific generic missile types, using digital simulation techniques. In summary, the studies have shown that modular digital guid- ance and control is both feasible and effective in improving missile performance and flexibility to counteract changing threat situations and advanc- ing technology. Using a common microcomputer bus interface, (microbus), a family of fourteen mi- crocomputer macromodules, in various configura- tions, will support the entire range of air-to-air mis- sile functions. Further, the Navy standard electron- ic module (SEM), in either SEM-1A or SEM-2A configurations, provides a practical means of packaging the macromodules and maintaining the standard microbus interface. AD-A042 494/5 Stanford Univ Calif Dept of Computer Science SAIL Tutorial Technical rept. Nancy W. Smith. Oct 76, 56p Rept nos. STAN- CS-76-575, AIM-290 Contract MDA903-76-C-0206, ARPA Order-2494 Descriptors: "Programming languages, Computer programming, Computer program documentation, Learning. Identifiers: "Sail programming language, PDP 10 computers. This tutorial is designed for a beginning user of Sail, an ALGOL-like language for the PDP-10. The first part covers the basic statements and expres- sions of the language; remaining topics include macros, records, conditional compilation, and input/output. Detailed examples of Sail program- ming are included throughout, and only a minimum of programming background is assumed. (Author) AD-A042 562/9 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md ARMS Remote Programmer's Manual Special rept. David J. Buscher, and Marc A. Ressler. Jul 77, 121p Rept no. HDL-SR-77-1 Descriptors: "Programming manuals, Power meters, Assembly languages, Microprocessors, Automatic, Solid state electronics, Computer pro- gram documentation, Computer programs, Sub- routines, Teletype systems, Real time, Clocks, Te- lemeter systems. Identifiers: Computer software, ARMS system, Util- ity functions. A general description of the Automatic Revenue Metering System (ARMS) Remote Metering Device is given. This description includes the func- tions of the various system hardware devices and their associated software modules. There is also detailed documentation for each subroutine of the ARMS Remote software. This software includes a real-time interrupt-driven operating system and all the necessary utility functions for performing reve- nue metering and the associated reporting func- tions. (Author) AO-A042 626/2 Polytechnic Inst of New York Brooklyn Microwave Research Inst Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Software Engineering Held at New York, N. Y. on 20-22 April 1976. Volume XXIV Final rept. Jerome Fox. Apr 76, 605p AFOSR-TR-77-0899 Grant AF-AFOSR-2891-75 Availability: Paper copy available from Polytechnic Institute of New York, HC $32.50 (No copies fur- nished by DDC). Descriptors: "Computer program documentation, Computer programs, Minicomputers, Computer programming, Debugging(Computers), Fault toler- ant computing, Computer program reliability, Real time, Automatic, Algorithms. Identifiers: "Computer software, Software engi- neering, "Meetings. No abstract available. AD-A042 997/7 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Development of a User Oriented Interface for a Computer Driven Graphics Device Master's thesis Charles Estus McNeil, and Dan Patrick Houston. Jun 77, 21 1p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Computer graphics, "Computer pro- grams, "Programming manuals, User needs, Man computer interface, Computers, Display systems, Computer program verification, Theses. Identifiers: Design, PDP-1 1 computers, PDP-1 1 /50 computers. The design, development and implementation of a user-oriented graphics software system is de- scribed. The over-all considerations involved in such a design process are discussed, along with the major factors affecting design decisions. The object display system is a RAMTEK GX-100A hosted by a PDP-1 1 /50 computer. Implementation techniques are also presented. A detailed user's manual is appended, and recommendations for further system expansion are offered. (Author) AD-A043 008/2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif MICRO-COBOL. An Implementation of Navy Standard HYPO-COBOL for a Microprocessor- Based Computer System Master's thesis Alan Scott Craig. Mar 77, 171p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Programming languages, "Compil- ers, "Microcomputers, Microprocessors, Gram- mars, Files(Records), Input output processing, Computer programs, Subroutines, Theses. Identifiers: COBOL, Hypocobol programming lan- guage, Intel 8080 computers. A compiler for ADPESO standard HYPO-COBOL has been implemented on a microcomputer. The implementation provides nucleus level constructs and file options from the ANSII COBOL package along with the PERFORM UNTIL construct from a higher level to give increased structural control. The language was implemented through a self- hosted compiler and run-time package on an 8080 microcomputer-based system. Both compiler and interpreter can be executedd in a 12K bytes of user storage. (Author) AD-A043 048/8 E-Systems Inc Falls Church Va Melpar Div Application of Microprocessors for Miniatur- ized TMDE Final rept. 23 Jul 75-23 Dec 76 Frank E. Lanham. Jun 77, 60p 5073, ECOM-76- 1279-F Contract DAAB07-76-C-1279 Descriptors: "Test equipment, "Ground support equipment, "Maintenance equipment, "Micro- processors, "Maintenance, Automatic, Miniaturiza- tion, Computer programs, Cassettes, Read only memories. Identifiers: Automatic test equipment. MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER The goal of this project was to establish the feasi- bility of developing miniaturized, automatic contact and repair test equipment (CARTE) using a micro- processor as the control and computational ele- ment. By changing the firmware via either cassette tapes or plug-in ROM's, the CARTE could be used by contact teams in the field to diagnose and repair a variety of operational equipment. The use of third generation automatic test equipment (ATE) tech- niques was to be emphasized in order to minimize the amount of hardware required. A laboratory demonstration system was assembled to provide basic stimulus, measurement, and testing capabili- ties based on a microprocessor and using third generation ATE techniques. The system hardware consisted of the microprocessor and its memory and I/O bus, a digitally synthesized software con- trolled stimulus generator, a software controlled amplitude sampling unit, a frequency counter under remote control via an IEEE bus, and various peripherals. The peripherals included two cassette transports for data storage, a special function key- board, a CRT terminal, and a serial printer for hard- copy of the CRT screen contents. The special hardware designs of the digitally synthesized stimulus generator and amplitude sampling units permit the microprocessor software to control both the setup and operation of both the stimulus and measurement functions of the laboratory model. AD-A043 193/2 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Devel- opment Center Bethesda Md A Paged Hardware Associative Memory Preliminary rept. James R. Carlberg. Aug 77, 37p Rept no. DTNSRDC-77-0083 See also report dated Feb 76, AD-A025 292. Descriptors: * Random access computer storage, 'Associative processing, 'Paging, Parallel proc- essing, Addressing, Computers, High rate, Com- puter programs, Flow charting, Microprocessors, Shift registers, Adaptive systems, Cost effective- ness, Cost analysis. Identifiers: Associative storage, Computer storage management. A hardware associative memory is a device that can be employed to enhance the performance of computers. The associative memory described in this report is a paged system which exploits the speed inherent in parallel (random) access capa- bilities of software associative memories and the storage capacity of lower cost but slower memo- ries. The described system is designed to run as peripheral equipment to a host computer which issues information requests to the memory system. These requests are of a form that permits one to conveniently manipulate information em- bedded in graph structures. A paged associative memory system is an attractive method of imple- menting associative memory capabilities. This ap- proach is a cost effective, flexible alternative to other approaches such as software simulations or non-paged associative memory implementations. AD-A043 349/0 Aeronautical Research Labs Melbourne (Australia) The Simulation Language CSMP-IO(ARL) Aerodynamics note N. E. Gilbert, and P. G Nankivell. May 76, 60p Rept no. ARL/Aero. 362 Descriptors: 'Simulation languages, Computer programs, Computer files, Core storage, Subrou- tines, Fortran, Data storage systems, Debugging(Computers), Australia. Identifiers: Fortran 4 programming language, PDP 10 computers. A description is given of the 'block oriented' simu- lation language CSMP-IO(ARL), which has been developed from CSMP-10 and is written mainly in FORTRAN IV for a PDP-10 computer. The major improvement made has been to incorporate 'user- defined' blocks, which are written as FORTRAN subroutines. A large number of outputs may be de- fined within these subroutines by using 'dummy' or 'user output' blocks. Two other major improve- ments have been made, both enabling the saving of appreciable core storage. Firstly, arrays neces- sary to store information on each block used are automatically expanded to the size determined by the user. Secondly, the language is divided into a modelling program, which is used to perform the model simulation and store the output in a binary file on a specified storage device, and an output program, which is used to print and plot the char- acter conversion of the binary file. (Author) AD-A043 658/4 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md A Simple Computer-Driven Analog-to-Digital Converter for Use with an 8-Bit Microcomputer Memorandum rept. Louis M. Colonna-Romano. Aug 77, 10p Rept no. BRL-MR-2780 Descriptors: 'Analog to digital converters, 'Micro- computers, Microprocessors, Computer programs, Input, Costs. Identifiers: Intel 8080 computers. A very simple and inexpensive computer-driven analog-to-digital converter is described for use with an 8-bit microcomputer. Characteristics of the device are discussed along with possible improve- ments. A computer program written for an 8080A microprocessor to drive the device is given. (Author) AD-A044 103/0 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi MD An Assembly-Language Digital Division Com- puter Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spec- troscopy Technical memo. Craig R. Heimbach. Sep 77, 12p Rept no. HDL- TM-77-20 Descriptors: 'Assembly languages, 'Computer programs, 'Proton reactions, 'Recoil particles, 'Pulse height analyzers, 'Neutron spectrometers, Minicomputers, Gamma rays, Digital systems, Analog systems, Voltage dividers, Discrimination. Identifiers: Proton recoil spectroscopy. A computer program has been modified to circum- vent the need for an analog divider for a neutron- energy spectrometer in use at the Harry Diamond Laboratories. The spectrometer is a proton-recoil system, and some division process is necessary to discriminate against gamma sensitivity of the gas proton-recoil detectors. The program is written in basic machine language for the minicomputer that controls spectrometer operation and collects and analyzes data. Coincident dual-parameter data (energies of recoiling protons and pulse rise times) are acquired by the program. The rise-time pulse- height distribution is divided by the energy distribu- tion before storage in the computer memory. This normalization facilitates subtraction of the unwant- ed gamma sensitivity of the proton-recoil detec- tors, particularly at low neutron energies. The elimination of the analog divider improves perform- ance and simplifies the operation of the spectrom- eter. (Author) AD-A044 126/1 Army Missile Research and Development Com- mand Redstone Arsenal Ala Advanced Sensors Directorate Optical Contrast Variable Gate Centroid Track- er for the Intel 3000 Micro Processor Technical rept. S Richard, and F. Sims. 17 Jun 77, 79p Rept no. DRDMI-TE-77-13 Descriptors: 'Optical tracking, 'Computer applica- tions, Gates(Circuits), Control systems, Contrast, Center of gravity, Microprocessors, Machine coding, Charge coupled devices, Flow charting, Computer programs. Identifiers: lntel-3000 computers. This report presents a description of the optical contrast variable gate centroid tracker. Tracking flow charts and computer listings are also present- ed. (Author) AD-A044 130/3 North Carolina State Univ Raleigh Investigation of Microprogrammable Micro- processors Final rept. 1 Oct 75-30 Jan 77 Yale N. Patt, and James W. Hanson. 16 May 77, 4p ARO-13632.1-A-EL Grant DAAG29-76-G-0071 Descriptors: 'Microprogramming, 'Microproces- sors, Computer programming, Binary notation, Input output devices, Teletype systems, Simula- tion, Grants, Universities. Identifiers: lntel-3000 computers, CDC-469 com- puters. This report briefly summarizes the work performed under Grant DAAG-29-76-G-0071 Extensive tech- nical reports covering the simulator package and the CDC-469 emulated developed under this con- tract have been submitted to Frankford Arsenal for publication. (Author) AD-A044 200/4 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System. I. Design Consid- erations Interim rept. Carl A. Sunshine. Jun 77, 36p Rept no. R-2064/ 1-AF Contract F49620-77-C-0023 See also AD-A044 201. Descriptors: 'Data transmission systems, 'Com- munications networks, 'Minicomputers, Data proc- essing, Multichannel communications, Message processing, Coding, Synchronization(Electronics), Buffer storage, Byte functional modules, Computer files, Input output processing, Time sharing, Multi- processors, Communication terminals. Identifiers: 'UNIX operating system, Computer networks, PDP-11 computers, 'Operating systems(Computers). The UNIX operating system for the PDP-11 series of minicomputers has gained wide popularity in academic and government circles. This report con- siders interprocess communication (IPC) facilities with the goal of developing an improved IPC capa- bility for UNIX. An outline of the major issues in- volved in providing IPC is developed based on a survey of the literature, and UNIX IPC facilities are described in terms of this outline. By considering new applications being developed under UNIX, several shortcomings in the standard IPC facilities are identified, including the inability of 'unrelated' processes to communicate, the inability to wait for multiple inputs, and primitive synchronization facili- ties. Techniques to provide desirable improve- ments are suggested, including named ports, mes- sage ports, improved signals, and message facili- ties. Ports appear to have the highest benefit/cost ratio, and their implementation is described in a companion report, R-2064/2-AF. (Author) AD-A044 201/2 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System. II. Implementation Interim rept. Steven Zucker. Jun 77, 24p Rept no. R-2064/2- AF Contract F49620-77-C-0023 See also AD-A044 200. Descriptors: 'Data transmission systems, 'Com- munications networks, 'Minicomputers, Communi- cation terminals, Input output processing, Time sharing, Buffer storage, Computer files, Coding, Multiplexing, Data processing, Message process- ing, Byte functional modules, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'UNIX operating system, Computer networks, 'Operating systems(Computers), PDP- 1 1 computers. The UNIX operating system for the PDP-1 1 series of minicomputers has gained wide popularity in academic and government circles. This report con- siders interprocess communication (IPC) facilities with the goal of developing an improved IPC capa- bility for UNIX. A companion report outlines the major issues involved in providing IPC, describes the standard UNIX IPC facilities, and points out several of their weaknesses. The present report describes the 'port' mechanism developed at Rand to overcome some of those weaknesses. It presents details of the implementation as well as sufficient background material to enable the UNIX MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER programmer to understand how ports work and how to use them. (See R-2064/1-AF). (Author) AD-A044 366/3 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calit An Extended Basic Compiler with Graphics In- terface for the PDP-1 1/50 Computer Master's thesis Michael David Robertson. Jun 77, 208p Descriptors: "Compilers, 'Digital computers, "Computer graphics, "Programming languages, In- terfaces, Theses, Assembly, Machine coding. Identifiers: Basic computer language, "PDP-11/50 computers, UNIX operating system. The design and implementation of an extension to the Basic programming language for use on the PDP-1 1 /50 computer system has been described. The implementation consists of a compiler which generates code to be assembled and loaded into the computer system. An interface with C pro- grams in the system library, which allows extended Basic to perform as an extensive graphics lan- guage, has been discussed. The design goals, so- lutions, and recommendations for further expan- sion of the system have been presented. The com- piler was implemented in the C-programming lan- guage with the UNIX operating system as support- ed by the PDP-1 1/50 at the Naval Postgraduate School Computer Laboratory. (Author) AD-A044 415/8 California Univ Santa Cruz Information Sciences Highlights of L011 Technical rept. Daniel Ross, and W. M. McKeeman. 3 Aug 77, 21 p Rept no. TR-77-8-005 Contract N00014-76-C-0682 Descriptors: "Compilers, "Programming lan- guages, "Digital computers, Low level, High level languages. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /20 computers. This paper outlines the main features of a low-level language compiler for the PDP-1 1/20. Some of these features are applicable to the design of system implementation languages, or of high-level languages in general. (Author) AD-A044 419/0 University Coll London (England) Dept of Statistics and Computer Science University College London ARPANET Project Annual rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 76 Peter T. Kirstein. Feb 77, 188p Rept no. TR-34 Contract N00014-74-C-0280, Grant N00014-77- G-0005 Descriptors: "Communications networks, "Data transmission systems, Satellite networks, Mini- computers, Computer programs, Computer files, Communication satellite terminals, Communica- tion switching centers, Front end processors, Great Britain, Coding, Message processing, Time sharing, Data processing, Multichannel communi- cations. Identifiers: "Computer networks, "ARPA computer network. Research activities covered in this document in- clude the interconnection of hosts and networks, the development of a system SWITCH for virtual network connection, and our connction to the UK Post Office Experimental Packet Switched Serv- ice. Two topics covered in particular detail are the packet satellite project and the Transmission Con- trol Program (TCP) experiments. These have par- ticular relevance to other ARPA supported pro- jects and so are treated in space depth. Finally, our measurement and facsimile activities are de- scribed, and UK use of ARPANET through the ULC TIP is evaluated. A list of conclusions that may be drawn from our research activities during 1976 is given at the end of the report. (Author) AD-A044 476/0 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Interactive, Incremental Assembly Lan- guage Processor for the INTEL 8080 Master's thesis John L. Cuzzocrea, and Michael Charles Thomas. Jun 77, 74p Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Assembly lan- guages, "Microcomputers, "Compilers, "Computer programs, High level languages, Syntax, Errors, Corrections, Man computer interface, Debugging(Computers), Data processing equip- ment. Identifiers: "Assembly language processors, Inter- active development, "INTEL 8080 computers. The design and implementation of an interactive, incremental assembly system on the INTEL 8080- based microcomputer has been described. Instead of requiring separate editing, assembling and de- bugging steps, the system allows entry, translation and error checking simultaneously. The implemen- tation is comprised of an integrated set of modules which assemble and execute the source code. The design goals, solutions, and recommendations for further expansion of the system have been pre- sented. The system was implemented in PL/M for use in the diskette-based environment. (Author) AO-A044 607/0 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Hardware Design and Construction of a Micro- processor Laboratory Master's thesis James Harold Hill, Jr. 1976, 11 Op Rept no. AFIT- CI-77-9 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Systems analy- sis, Laboratories, Experimental design, Proto- types, Construction, Man computer interface, Computer programs, Digital systems, Data trans- mission systems, Data links, Bus conductors, Standards, Microcomputers, Theses. This thesis describes the design and realization of a microprocessor laboratory that provides a capa- bility to train students in computer interfacing, digi- tal design using microprocessors, and software development. Four data transmission interface standards (SDLC, HDLC, CAMAC, GPIB) are dis- cussed followed by a description of the unified bus structure chosen for the University of Florida mi- croprocessor laboratory. Also included is a de- scription of the M6800 microcomputer system used in the laboratory prototype along with details on bus data transfer operations. (Author) AD-A044 752/4 Army Aviation Systems Command St Louis MO Minicomputer System Study Final rept. Mark E. Barkley. Jul 77, 47p Rept no. USAAVSCOM-TR-77-40 Descriptors: "Minicomputers, "Systems analysis, Military applications, Army equipment, User needs, Real time, Time sharing, Microcomputers, Com- puter programs, Compatibility, Memory devices, Military requirements, Forecasting, Work func- tions, Cost benefits, Literature surveys, Vendors. Minicomputers were observed in light of United States Army Aviation Systems Command (AVSCOM), Systems Analysis Office (SAO), Scien- tific and Engineering (S and E) current and fore- casted computer requirements. The SAO comput- er requirements were isolated based on its present and programmed work load. Commensurate with those computer requirements and the SAO work load, compelling considerations in selecting a mini- computer were amassed and analyzed. That anal- ysis resulted in criteria and a method for selecting the appropriate minicomputer to provide general- ized S and E computer support to the United States Army Aviation REsearch and Development Command (AVRADCOM), and in particular the AV- RADCOM Directorate for Plans and Analysis, Sys- tems and Cost Analysis Division. (Author) AD-A045 002/3 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md A Machine-Language Computer Program to Obtain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton- Recoil Spectrum Technical memo. Craig R. Heimbach. Sep 77, 27p Rept no. HDL- TM-77-18 Descriptors: "Proton scattering, "Neutron irradia- tion, "Recoil particles, "Computer programs, Neu- tron flux, Neutron spectrum, Radiation damage, Spectrum analysis, On line systems, Minicom- puters, Subroutines, Assembly languages. An assembly-language computer program has been written for an ND812 minicomputer The pro- gram allows rapid analysis of proton-recoil data by calculation of the neutron flux directly on the mini- computer. An oscilloscope displays the results. The data may then be examined without their being transferred to an external computer. (Author) AD-A045 137/7 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Microcomputer Based Generator of Recur- ring Operational Reports Master's thesis John Bartlett Godley. Jun 77, 124p Descriptors: "Minicomputers, "Text processing, Reports, Information processing, Computer appli- cations, Shipboard, Navy, Fleets(Ships), Error analysis, Editing, Modification, Computer pro- grams, Programming languages, Programming manuals, Data management, Standardization, Theses. Identifiers: "Report generators, Updating, CREATE computer program, Text editing systems. This thesis proposes a Report Originating System to provide afloat and small commands with the ca- pability of automatic data processing assistance in report generation. The discussed system is com- pletely implementable in small, inexpensive gener- al purpose microcomputer hardware. The principal benefit of the system lies in its ability to prompt the user to solicit the information required to be sub- mitted in the report and to partially analyze the user's responses for correctness of form and con- tent. Such computerized assistance should result in higher report quality and the concomitant reduc- tion of correcting message traffic. The Report Originating System incorporates a line editing ca- pability which lends itself to any text editing proc- ess. Thus, frequently modified locally prepared documents such as unit instructions and directives can be originated and updated with this system. (Author) AD-A045 452/0 Honeywell Inc St Petersburg Fla Security Kernel Specification for a Secure Communications Processor C. H. Bonneau. Sep 76, 148p ESD-TR-76-359 Contract F19628-74-C-0193 Descriptors: "Data processing security, "Commu- nication equipment, "Secure communications, Kernel functions, Security, Interfaces, Minicom- puters, Specifications, Computer programs, Modules(Electronics). Identifiers: Honeywell-6/40 computers This report presents a formal top level interface specification of a kernel for a secure communica- tions processor based on a Honeywell Level 6/40 minicomputer enhanced with a security protection module (SPM). (Author) AD-A045 472/8 Johns Hopkins Univ Laurel Md Applied Physics Lab Macro Instructions and Their Processor for Structured Programming with Assembly Lan- ?uages echnical memo. S. W. Kahng. Jun 77, 39p Rept no. APL/JHU/ TG-1308 Contract N00017-72-C-4401 Descriptors: "Computer programming, "Assembly languages, "Macroprogramming, Compilers, High level languages, FORTRAN Identifiers: "Structured programming, PDP-11 computers, IBM-360 computers, Transportability. The description of macro instructions for struc- tured programming and the organization of their processor are presented. The macro instructions generate if-then-else, repeat-while, and for state- ments with the assembly language programming, MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER and the processor translates these macro state- ments into the assembly codes. (Author) AD-A046 468/5 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Data Acquisition System for Unsteady Aerody- namic Investigation Master's thesis Cleveland Duane Englehardt. Jun 77, 129p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, Wind tunnels. Data acquisition, Data reduction, Flow fields, Analog to digital converters, Magnetic disks, Computer pro- grams. Programming languages, Random access computer storage, Oscillation, Aerodynamic forces, Theses. Identifiers: Unsteady flow. This paper describes the design and implementa- tion of a microprocessor based high-speed digital data acquisition and reduction system suitable for use in time-varying signal analysis as encountered in unsteady aerodynamic investigation. A micro- processor, flexible disk drive and an analog-to-digi- tal conversion module were the main components which were integrated to form a 32 channel, 12 bit resolution data acquisition system capable of 1000 Hz sampling rate and permanently storing over 250,000 bytes of data on magnetic diskette. Sub- sequent to the data logging process, the same system was capable of serving as a general pur- pose computer utilizing the popular BASIC scientif- ic programming language. The system was quali- fied for accuracy and functional performance through a series of controlled exercises, and was then applied to an actual investigative task to fur- ther determine its utility and value. (Author) AD-A046 627/6 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif RITA Reference Manual Interim rept. R. H. Anderson, Margaret Gallegos, J. J. Gillogly, R. Greenberg, and R. Villanueva. Sep 77, 85p Rept no. R-1808-ARPA Contract DAHC15-73-C-0181, ARPA Order-189 Original contains color plates: All DDC and NTIS reproductions will be in black and white. Includes envelope with chart. See also Rept. no R-1809- ARPA dated Feb 76, AD-A022 053. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Minicom- puters, *Data processing terminals, Information systems, Text processing, Artificial intelligence, Communications networks, Data bases, Inter- faces, User needs. Identifiers: PDP-11/45 computers, *RITA system, Rand Intelligent Terminal Agent. A detailed reference manual for the RITA system, a set of computer programs which enable a user to develop user agents to perform such tasks as pro- viding a simple interface to remote data systems. The system makes available a language for writing rules describing those agents behavior and an op- erating environment in which the rules are inter- preted. It also provides some heuristic modeling capability. The report describes the RITA con- cepts, keywords, and commands. A complete syntax chart for the system, with tables of reserved words and builtin functions, is also included, along with an illustrative example of a RITA rule set. AD-A047 011/2 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Generalized Multi-Channel Analysis Programs for the DART (Digital Analysis in Real Time) Computer System Final rept. Curtis A. Shively. 2 Feb 77, 50p Rept no. NSWC/ WOL-TR-77-3 Descriptors: 'Computer programming, Signal processing, Real time, Minicomputers, Narrow- band, Spectrum analysis, Fast fourier transforms, Flow charting, Subroutines. Identifiers: NOVA-computers, Discrete Fourier transform, Interpreters, BASIC programming lan- guage, Computer programs, DART system. This report describes software programs for a system of NOVA computers to accumulate multi- channel input time samples and generate their Fourier transform coefficients in real time. Also de- scribed are programs to receive the DFT coeffi- cients for further processing under a Basic inter- preter. Program Listings and comments on usage are included. (Author) AD-A047 100/3 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab A Minicomputer/Microprocessor Programming Interface Project rept. Susan N. Landon. 19 Sep 77, 21 p ETS-18, ESD- TR-77-232 Contract F19628-76-C-0002 Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Minicomputers, 'Computer programming, Interfaces, Air Force re- search, Data transmission systems, Assemblers, Loaders, Magnetic disks, Data storage systems. Identifiers: High speed printers, Motorola-6800 computers, MODCOMP-4 computers. A unique solution to the problem of a microcom- puter development system is described here. Spe- cial-purpose hardware was built for communica- tions between the Motorola 6800 microprocessor and the MODCOMP IV computer. This hardware allows for the transmission of 8 bits of data in either direction at the initiative of the microproces- sor. Computer programs were then written for both the microprocessor and the minicomputer to permit the use of the microprocessor Loader and Assembler on source and binary program files stored on the MODCOMP. This system allows the programmer to take advantage of the editing, disc storage and high speed line printer capabilities of the MODCOMP while using the actual M6800 Loader, Assembler, and MPU. Sufficiently fast and reliable data transfer rates were achieved such that this system has provided us with an effective development tool. Further, by additions to the pro- grams in the two machines, this interface can easily be expanded to include the M6800 Macro Assembler and Link Loader. (Author) AD-A047 128/4 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Development of a COBOL 'Calculator' for High-Performance Bit-Slice Microprocessors Master's thesis Elizabeth K. Conley, and Ronald W. Modes. Sep 77, 111p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Microprocessors, Algorithms, Programming languages, Calculators, Computer programs, Editing, Input output process- ing. Identifiers: 'Cobol, Design, 'Interpreters, 'Editors. The design of a COBOL editor and interpreter is explored which uses simple, straightforward algo- rithms similar to the approach found in program- mable calculators. The algorithms are designed to be implemented using the microinstructions of a high-performance bit-slice microprocessor. A pos- sible machine design using a family of micropro- grammable four-bit-slice bipolar circuits is outlined. (Author) AD-A047 129/2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Implementation of an Operating System for a Shared Microcomputer Environment Master's thesis Stephen J. Carro, and Barry L. Knouse. Sep 77, 198 Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, Timesharing, Data processing terminals, Data displays, Computer programs, Subroutines, Theses. Identifiers: Sycor-440 computers, lntel-8080 com- puters, 'Operating systems(Computers), 'Micro- computers. An implementation of a multiuser timeshared oper- ating system for the Sycor 440 Clustered Terminal Processing System has been described. Utilizing an 8080 microprocessor, this system provides a virtual operating environment consisting of a con- sole device, eight floppy disk drives, and up to 32 virtual floppy disk images on a five megabyte mov- able-head disk. In addition a Centronix serial print- er is incorporated into the system as a dedicated device for any one of up to four concurrent users. The operating system supports utility programs in- cluding an editor, assembler, and debugger which facilitate microcomputer program development at the Naval Postgraduate School. (Author) AD-A047 169/8 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Microprocessor Controlled Automatic Data Logging System (ADL) Master's thesis John David Casko. Jun 77, 124p Descriptors: 'Data processing, 'Data acquisition, 'Automation, 'Microprocessors, Digital recording systems, Control systems, Feedback, Man com- puter interface, Input output processing, Wind tunnel tests, Angle of attack, Computer programs, Flow charting, Theses. Identifiers: Automatic Data Logging Systems. This paper describes a digital, microprocessor controlled data acquisition system which optimizes man/machine communications. The processor provides digital feedback control, data collection over any number of channels (up to 8), 32 BIT floating point (7 significant digit) mathematics, and a variety of output formats. The main features of the device are the ability to work in any numerical unit desired by the user, mathematical noise filter- ing and automatic feedback control. The particular application under consideration is automatic data collection and angle-of-attack control of a subson- ic wind-tunnel. Data are presented to demonstrate the data logging capabilities of the system. (Author) AD-A047 170/6 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Development of a Segmented Memory Manager for the UNIX Operating System with Applications in a Multiported Memory Environ- ment Master's thesis James M. O'Dell. Sep 77, 79p Descriptors: 'Memory devices, 'Minicomputers, 'Time sharing, Signal processing, Real time, Dis- play systems, Computer graphics, Multiple oper- ation, Alignment, Computer programming, Theses. Identifiers: 'UNIX operating system, PDP-11/50 computers, 'Computer storage management. This thesis reports the development of a segment- ed memory manager for the UNIX operating system on a PDP-11/50 minicomputer. Consid- ered in detail is the application of this memory manager to data segment boundary alignment and system protection in a multiported memory con- figuration. Recommendations are provided for the integration of this operating system into the total Naval Postgraduate School Signal Processing and Display Laboratory Environment. (Author) AD-A047 240/7 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y The Development of a Computer Speech Proc- essing System and Its Use for the Study and Development of Processing Methods for En- hancing the Intelligibility of Speech in Noise Interim rept. 6 Jun-26 Aug 77 Russell J. Niederjohn, and Robert A. Curtis. Oct 77, 95p Rept no. RADC-TR-77-310 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Speech transmission, 'Signal proc- essing, 'Intelligibility, Optimization, Speech, Spec- trum analysis, Computer applications, Background noise, Broadband, Speech analysis, Transformations(Mathematics), Algorithms, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: "Speech processing, INTELflntelligibility Enhancement by Littering), In- telligibility enhancement by littering, Speech intelli- gibility enhancement, Spectral subtraction, Noise spectra. This report describes results of an examination of four methods for processing speech so as to en- 8 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER hance its intelligibility in the presence of wideband random noise at the source. The four methods were: (1) INTEL, a method which involves process- ing in both the first and second order spectral do- mains; (2) Spectral subtraction, which involves a simple subtraction of the average noise spectrum from the first-order spectrum; (3) Minimum mean square error filtering, which involves filtering speech in such a way as to minimize the mean square error between a signal and its expected value in noise; and (4) Methods based upon sup- pressing the frequency content of a speech plus noise signal between pitch harmonics of the speech signal. To carry out a study of methods of enhance speech intelligibility in noise, two general- purpose computer processing systems were im- plemented. The first, a terminal interactive system for generation, analysis, and graphic display of synthetic voiced speech sounds, provided consid- erable insight into the effect of various processing algorithms upon speech and upon speech in noise. The second computer processing system has been developed for the processing of real speech. It involves use of a DDP-1 16 data converter and a Honeywell 6000 Computer. AD-A047 266/2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif ALGOL-M. An Implementation of a High-level Block Structured Language for a Microproces- sor-based Computer System Master's thesis John P. Flynn, and Mark S. Moranville. Sep 77, 188p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Programming languages, "Micro- computers, Compilers, Interpreters, High level lan- guages, Machine coding, Data storage systems, User needs, Monitors, Input output processing, Subroutines, Theses. Identifiers: Algol, *Algol-M programming language, lntel-8080 computers, PL/M programming lan- guage. The design and implementation of the ALGOL-M programming language for use on a microproces- sor-based system is described. The implementa- tion is comprised of two subsystems, a compiler which generates code for a hypothetical zero-ad- dress machine and a run-time monitor which ex- ecutes this code. The system was implemented in PL/M to run on an 8080 microcomputer in a dis- kette-based environment with at least 20K bytes of user storage. (Author) AD-A047 317/3 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass MITRE Preprocessor Technical rept. D. R. Bungard. Nov 77, 89p MTR-3387, ESD-TR- 77-257 Contract F19628-76-C-0001 Descriptors: "Preprocessing, "Space surveillance systems, Moving target indicators, Real time, Mul- tiprocessors, Minicomputers, Signal processing, Buffer storage, Read only memories, Data proc- essing, Television systems, Control systems, Input output processing, Schematic diagrams, Circuit analysis. Identifiers: "Preprocessors, GEODSS system. A high-speed, special-purpose preprocessor has been designed tor the GEODSS (Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance) system during the experimental test and evaluation phase of this program. The preprocessor is part of snap- shot MTI technique presently being tested and evaluated at the GEODSS Experimental Test Site (ETS). The preprocessor provides the interface between a low light level TV sensor and the MITRE multi-minicomputer processor. The primary func- tions performed by the preprocessor are: input signal processing, buffer memory data storage, output data processing, and preprocessor and TV sensor timing and control. This report provides a detailed system level description of the preproces- sor concept, function and implementation. De- tailed schematics and logic diagrams of the pre- processor are documented separately. AD-A047 530/1 Aeronautical Research Labs Melbourne (Australia) A General Purpose Output Program for Use in Simulation P. G. Nankivell, and N. E. Gilbert. Dec 76, 34p Rept no. ARL/AERO Note-367 Descriptors: "Computer graphics, "Computer pro- gramming, "Simulation languages, Block oriented random access memories, Fortran, Binary nota- tion, Input output processing, Computerized simu- lation, Dynamics, Mathematical models, Australia. Identifiers: PDP-10 computers, Fortran 4 program- ming language. The 'block oriented' simulation language CSMP- 10(ARL) consists of a modeling program, which performs the model simulation and stores the output in a binary file, and an output program, which prints and plots the character conversion of the binary file. The output program which is de- scribed here, is written mainly in Fortran 4 for a PDP-10 computer and is controlled interactively from a Teletype. Although the output program has been written primarily to be used in conjunction with the modelling program, it may also be used as a general purpose output program by using a sup- plied subprogram package. The program provides teletype and line printer output in either tabular or graphical form and incremental plotter output in the form of 'strip' or 'overlay' plots. (Author) AD-A048 023/6 Weapons Research Establishment Salisbury (Aus- tralia) A Finite-State Parser for PDP-11 and NOVA Computers Technical rept. G. S. Brimble. Jul 77, 43p Rept no. WRE-TR- 1842(A) Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Parsers, Sub- routines. Assembly languages, Formats, Decod- ing, Decoders, Australia. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, NOVA computers. Minicomputers. A method is described for creating computer pro- grams to analyse text for compliance with a speci- fied structure; examples of such programs are command decoders and format checkers. The paper shows how analysis programs are easily produced by constructing a table directly from a specification of the intended data format and pre- senting this as input to a non-specific parser sub- routine which has been written and is described. Facilities are included to execute user-written sub- routines when key structures are recognized in the input. Programs have been written in PDP-11 and NOVA assembly language to implement the parser, and instructions for use of these programs, examples and listing are included. (Author) AD-A048 124/2 Clemson Univ S C Dept of Mathematical Sciences Constraints in the Design and Implementation of Interactive Statistical Systems for Minicom- puters Technical rept. Robert F. Ling. May 77, 19p Rept nos. N84, TR- 251 Contract N00014-75-C-0451 Descriptors: "Statistical analysis, "Minicomputers, Interactive graphics, Experimental design, Data processing, Formats, Programming languages, Ef- ficiency, Input output processing, Man computer interface. Identifiers: "Computer software. In this paper, attention is focussed on issues and problems relating to the design and implementa- tion of interactive statistical systems (as opposed to batch systems or small batch or interactive pro- grams) for mini-computers. In particular, con- straints imposed by certain characteristics of exist- ing mini-computers (such as size of main storage and data format) as well as related operating sys- tems software and programming languages are discussed. Efforts to relax or eliminate these con- straints may be considered as prospects for statis- tical systems for future generations of mini-com- puters. (Author) AD-A048 156/4 White Sands Missile Range N Mex Instrumentation Directorate Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real- Time Video Target Tracking Final rept. May-Aug 77 K. Fukunaga, A. L. Gilbert, M. K. Giles, O. R Mitchell, and R. D. Short. Oct 77, 285p Rept no. STEWS-ID-77-1 Descriptors: "Guided missile tracking systems, "Optical tracking, "Video signals, "Image process- ing, Real time, Microprocessors, Target discrimina- tion, Target signatures, Digitizers, Frames(Photographs), Segmented, Magnetic disks, Magnetic tape, Algorithms, Computerized simulation, Computer programs. Processing techniques for image segmentation and structure analysis were investigated at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) during the period May through August 1977. An image processing facility was established at WSMR and used to de- velop and evaluate image processing algorithms for implementation in future real-time video track- er/processor systems. A simulation of a Real-Time Video Tracker, developed under contract by New Mexico State University, was also implemented at WSMR's image processing laboratory, and a li- brary of 20 digitized tracking images was created. Additional tracking imagery, including sequential video frames, is now being added to the digitized image library which will be used to test and evalu- ate real-time processing algorithms. Detailed de- scriptions of the systems hardware and software used in the image processing laboratory are pre- sented along with the segmentation and structure analysis algorithms and the results obtained by processing a few of the digitized images. (Author) AD-A048 210/9 Air Force Avionics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Specklegram Data Reduction Using Optical and Digital Techniques Final rept. May 74-Sep 76 Charles Richard Lane. Nov 77, 260p Rept no. AFAL-TR-77-203 Descriptors: "Image processing, "Specular reflec- tion, "Optical processing, Lasers, Computer pro- grams, Minicomputers. Identifiers: "Speckle patterns, "Specklegrams, PDP-11 computers. This report describes the development of a speck- legram data reduction system for automatically analyzing specklegram output. The basic design incorporates a PDP-1 1 minicomputer as an overall control center with various optical and electronic components interfaced to the computer. Typical data runs yielded 1-2 second turn around time for each specklegram data point and approximately 1- 2 fringe resolution over a specific output halo. (Author) AD-A048 290/1 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Lab for Computer Science Simulation of Packet Communication Architec- ture Computer Systems Master's thesis Randal Everitt Bryant. Nov 77, 123p Rept no. MIT/LCS/TR-188 Contract N00014-75-C-0661, Grant NSF-DCR75- 04060 Descriptors: "Computer architecture, Asynchro- nous systems, Algorithms, Systems analysis, Models, Networks, Microprocessors, Asynchro- nous computers, Theses. Identifiers: Packet communication, Computerized simulation, Deadlock. Simulations of computer systems have traditionally been performed on a single, sequential computer, even if the system to be simulated contains a number of components which operate concurrent- ly. An alternative would be to simulate these sys- tems on a network of processors. With this ap- proach, each processor would simulate one com- ponent of the system, hence the component simu- lations could proceed concurrently. By exploiting the modularity and concurrency in the system to be simulated, the simulation would itself be modu- MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER lar and concurrent. An accurate simulation must model the time behavior of the system as well as its input-output behavior. In order to avoid real-time constraints on the processors and communication network in the simulation facility, the simulation of the timing must use a time-independent algorithm. That is, the simulated behavior of each component should not depend on the speed at which the simu- lation is performed. With this time-independent ap- proach, additional coordination operations are re- quired to prevent a deadlock of the simulation. This coordination can be provided without any cen- tralized control. Instead, the program for the simu- lation of each component is modified, so that each component simulation will communicate status in- formation to other component simulations. Addi- tional termination operations are also required to assure that the simulation will terminate under the exact same conditions that the system being simu- lated would terminate. These operations can also be provided without any centralization of control or real-time constraints. Furthermore, a simulation which uses these coordination and termination op- erations is probably correct. AD-A048 596/1 Hughes Aircraft Co Culver City Calif Display Sys- tems Lab Programmable In-Raster Symbol Generator Final rept. 1 Apr 75-1 Jun 76 G. Wolfson. Nov 77, 66p HAC-P77-380, HAC- REF-D4846, NADC-77259-30 Contract N62269-75-C-0274 Descriptors: "Character generators, "Display sys- tems, "Random access computer storage, Cath- ode ray tube screens, Liquid crystal display sys- tems, Computer programming, Buffer storage, Rasters, Colors, Control systems, Advanced weapons, Military requirements, Reliability(Electronics), Microcomputers, AN/UYK- 30. Identifiers: Mean time between failures. A programmable symbol generator, in-raster buffer refresh memory and software development station was designed, fabricated and tested. The system was developed to meet the Navy's needs for im- proved reliability vertical situation displays for ad- vanced weapon systems. This report documents the last phase of a four phase study and develop- ment program sponsored by NADC. Also included in this report is a discussion of color requirements and a survey of color display technology. (Author) AD-A048 664/7 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Cambridge Mass Distributed Computation and TENEX-Related Activities Quarterly progress rept. no. 9, 1 Nov 76-31 Jan 77 R. Schantz, and R. Thomas. Dec 76, 33p Rept no. BBN-3736 Contract N00014-75-C-0773, ARPA Order-2935 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Message processing, "Communications networks, Informa- tion processing, Data transmission systems, Ma- chine coding, AN/UYK-20, Minicomputers, Debugging(Computers). Identifiers: "TENEX system, ARPA computer net- work, Design, National Software Works system. This report describes efforts in the design of the National Software Works system and efforts to in- tegrate TENEX into the National Software Works system. AD-A048 774/4 RAND Corp Santa Monica Calif Framework and Functions of the 'MS' Personal Message System Interim rept. David H. Crocker. Dec 77, 72 Rept no. RAND/R- 2134-ARPA Contract DAHC15-73-C-0181, ARPA Order-189 Descriptors: "Mail, "Message processing, "Mini- computers, "Communications networks, "Tele- communication, Systems engineering, Computer programs, Message processing. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, Electronic mail, PMS(Personal Message System), Personal Mes- sage System. This report describes the design, framework, and functions of a system that enables the manipula- tion of electronic mail, or messages, for users of PDP-1 1 minicomputers. In the past, electronic mail was available only to users of larger scale comput- ers. The 'MS' Personal Message System transfers the capabilities of electronic mail technology to the Unix operating system, which runs on the DEC PDP-1 1 hardware. It consists of several pieces of software to compose, transmit, receive, review, and manipulate messages. The system attempts to provide functions which conform to user's pre- existing models of paper based office communica- tions. This report is not a user's manual, but rather a discussion of the functions available, and the issues involved in designing message-processing systems. AD-A049 043/3 School of Aerospace Medicine Brooks AFB Tex General Purpose Data Conversion Programs for the PDP-1 2 Computer Final rept. Jan 76-Jan 77 Kenneth W. Stevens. Nov 77, 92p* Rept no. SAM-TR-77-25 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Analog to digi- tal converters, "Digital to analog converters, Data acquisition, Magnetic tape transport. Identifiers: "PDP-1 2 computers. An analog-digital conversion program has been written for the PDP-1 2 computer. A time code tape search unit has been interfaced with the computer to provide program control of an analog tape trans- port. A coordinated digital-analog program pro- vides tape duplication, tape monitoring, and map- ping of the digitized data. (Author) AD-A049 465/8 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md A Versatile User-Oriented Closed Bomb Data Reduction Program (CBRED) C. Price, and A. Juhasz. Sep 77, 158p BRL-2018, AD-E400-051 Descriptors: "Burning rate, "Solid propellants, "Computer programs, Gun propellants, Closed bomb tests, Combustion, Heat loss, Convection(Heat transfer), Radiant cooling, Igni- tion, Variations, Geometry, Surfaces, Heat trans- fer, Interior ballistics, Flow charting, Subroutines, Data reduction, Computerized simulation, Thermo- chemistry, Igniters, Propellant grains, Propelling charges, Combustion products, Test methods. Identifiers: PDP-1 1/20 computers, PDP-11 com- puters. A versatile digital computer program was devel- oped to provide linear burning rate information on propellants based on pressure-time records ob- tained from closed bomb firing. Some of the unique features of the program are: a treatment of heat loss based on radiative and convective heat trans- fer, capability of using single valued or tabular ther- modynamic input, allowance for web deviation in the propellant sample, allowance for ignition devi- ation (flame spread) of the propellant sample, al- lowance for possible simultaneous burning of pro- pellant and ignition aid, allowance for tabular input of propellant surface versus mass fraction burned (to accommodate unusual geometries), and capa- bility to treat vented vessel operations. The pro- gram was set up to operate on an interactive basis on a PDP 11/20 laboratory computer. In practice, once the program is called, the operator is guided in his choice of parameters (thermochemistry, heat loss, ignition deviation, etc.) by a series of prompts. A program overview is presented along with a de- scription of equations, a derivation of the equa- tions, and copies of program output and program listing. (Author) AD-A049 466/6 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Summary rept. William E. Burr, Aaron H. Coleman, and William R. Smith. Sep 77, 31 p* Rept no. ECOM-4525 See also rept. no. ECOM-4526 dated Aug 77, AD- A049 468. Descriptors: "Computer architecture, "Digital com- puters, "Computer applications, Computer pro- grams, Selection, Compatibility, Life cycle costs, Joint military activities, Military procurement. Identifiers: IBM-370 computers, PDP-11 comput- ers, lnterdata-8/32 computers. An Army/Navy Computer Family Architecture (CFA) Selection Committee, comprising ten Army and seventeen Navy Organizations was organized by the Naval Research Laboratory and the Army Electronics Command in 1975 to select a proven, well-known computer architecture to be the basis of a Military Computer Family (MCF). The Selec- tion Committee met five times in the period be- tween October, 1 975, and August, 1 976 and evalu- ated nine computer architecture candidates in ac- cordance with criteria established by the Commit- tee. The Committee applied a preliminary screen- ing process to select three candidates (IBM S/ 370, DEC PDP-11, and Inter-data 8/32) for more intensive evaluation. This final evaluation process considered experimentally determined architectur- al efficiency, support software availability, life cycle cost, and architecture licensing. As a result of this process, the Committee ranked the three architec- ture finalists. AD-A049 482/3 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Final Report. Volume III. Evaluation of Computer Architecture via Test Programs Research and development technical rept. William E. Burr, Samuel H. Fuller, Paul S. Shaman, and David A. Lamb. Sep 77, 141p* Rept no. ECOM-4528 See also Volume 4, AD-A049 483. Descriptors: "Computer architecture, "Digital com- puters, "Standardization, "Computer applications, Military requirements, Test and evaluation, Com- puter programming, Life cycle costs, Computer personnel, Programming languages, Computer program documentation, Cyclic rate, Comparison, Ranking, Selection, Compatibility, Procurement, Maintenance, Training. Identifiers: Execution time, lnterdata-8/32 comput- ers, PDP-11 computers, IBM-370 computers, Computer software, Computer program transfera- bility. This volume presents the evaluation of the Com- puter Family Architecture (CFA) candidate ma- chines via a set of test programs. The measures used to rank the computer architectures were S, the size of the test program, and M and R, two measures designed to estimate the principle com- ponents contributing to the nominal execution speed of the architecture. The S, M, and R mea- surements are discussed in detail in this report, but the following numbers are the most important, summary results of our evaluation process. These results are the composite performance of the can- didate architectures for the set of 12 test programs specified by the CFA committee. Each test pro- gram was coded from two to four times on each architecture to minimize the effect of programmer variability. Analysis of Variance procedure was used to determine the overall relative performance of the three computer architectures. AD-A049 483/1 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Final Report. Volume IV. Architectural Research Facility; ISP Description, Simula- tions, Data Collection Research and development technical rept. Mario Barbacci, Robert Gordon, Rosemary Howbrigg, Daniel Siewiorek, and Susan Zuckerman. Sep 77, 225p Rept no. ECOM-4529 See also Volume 5, AD-A049 484. Descriptors: "Computer architecture, "Computer- ized simulation, "Compilers, "Data processing equipment, "Computer programming, Memory de- vices, Data acquisition, Shift registers, Data reduc- tion, Programming languages, Experimental data, 10 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Supervisors, Automation, Counters, Comparison, Compatibility, Selection, Procurement. Identifiers: ISP(lnstruction Set Processor), IBM- 360 computers, lnterdata-8/32 computers, PDP- 1 1 computers, Bench marks. This volume describes the process of automatical- ly gathering architectural data from the benchmark programs. Formal descriptions of the candidate ar- chitectures were written and run under a simulator. Assembly listings of the benchmark programs were used to generate simulation command files containing absolute code. These command files were then used to initialize the simulated memory. The result of the simulated benchmarks were col- lected into a data base for post-processing. Auto- mating the data collection process not only elimi- nated tedious and potentially error prone hand cal- culations, but also provided the means to gather dynamic program behavior information that would be almost impossible to calculate manually. (Author) AD-A049 484/9 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Final Report. Volume V. Procedure For and Results of the Evaluations of Software Bases of the Candidate Architectures for the Military Computer Family Research and development technical rept. E. Lieblein, J. Wagner, H. Stone, J. Rodrigues, and A. Clearwaters. Sep 77, 115p Rept no. ECOM-4530 See also Volume 6, AD-A049 487. Descriptors: * Computer architecture, * Digital com- puters, 'Standardization, 'Computer applications, Military requirements, Test and evaluation, Com- puter programming, Programming languages, Computer personnel, Life cycle costs, Computer program documentation, Procurement, Compari- son, Ranking, Selection, Compatibility, Mainte- nance. Identifiers: Computer software, lnterdata-8/32 computers, PDP-1 1 computers, IBM-370 comput- ers, Computer program transferability. One of the primary reasons for adopting the archi- tecture of an existing successful computer family as the architecture for a future Military Computer Family is the potential utility of the existing support software base. As such, the evaluation of the amount of support software for each of the three finalist architectures was deemed to constitute a very important factor in the overall selection proc- ess. This paper details the software evaluation process utilized as well as the quantitative results of that process. (Author) AD-A049 485/6 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Final Report. Volume VIII. CFA Final Se- lection Research and development technical rept. Allan Clearwaters, Robert Gordon, and Daniel Siewiorek. Sep 77, 18p Rept no. ECOM-4531 See also Volume 9, AD-A049 486. Descriptors: 'Computer architecture, 'Digital com- puters, 'Standardization, 'Computer applications, Memory devices, Programming languages, Military requirements, Life cycle costs, Procurement, Se- lection, Compatibility, Cost effectiveness, Con- tracts, Military organizations, Input output devices, Interruption, Cost models. Identifiers: Virtual memories, IBM-370 computers, PDP-11 computers, lnterdata-8/32 computers, Computer software, Computer program transfera- bility. The Computer Family Architecture (CFA) final se- lection process was divided into four phases: (1) Data Review. Data developed by the CFA Selec- tion Committee in connection with initial absolute/ quantitative criteria, architecture test results, sup- port software evaluation, licensing terms/condi- tions and life cycle cost analyses were reviewed and summarized. (2) Manufacturer's Presentation. Representatives of each finalist were invited to give brief presentations about future plans for their architecture. Questions from the Committee probed areas of concern. (3) Discussion. The dis- cussion centered around contributing factors, both pro and con, to the selection of each architecture. (4) Summation. Each Architecture Subcommittee chairman provided a summation of the case for se- lection of his architecture. AD-A049 487/2 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Final Report. Volume VI. Life Cycle Cost Models Research and development technical rept. Aaron H. Coleman, William Svirsky, Allen T. Irwin, Thomas Giles, and John J. Cornyn. Sep 77, 11 Op* Rept no. ECOM-4535 See also Volume 8, AD-A049 485. Descriptors: 'Computer architecture, 'Digital com- puters, 'Standardization, 'Life cycle costs, Math- ematical models, Military requirements, Test and evaluation, Computer programming, Compatibility, Memory devices, Command and control systems, Communication equipment, Military requirements, Guidance computers, Data management, Procure- ment, Selection. Identifiers: lnterdata-8/32 computers, PDP-11 computers, IBM-370 computers, Computer soft- ware, Computer program transferability. This report describes the mathematical informa- tion, input data, and results of a methodology and two life-cycle requirements models for comparing computer architectures with respect to life-cycle costs: the Top Down (TD) model and the Bottom- Up (BU) model. The methodology and models were formulated to help the Army and Navy select a single computer architecture for a software-com- patible family of military computers for the 1980's. Three candidate architectures were compared: The IBM System/370, the Digital Equipment Cor- poration PDP-1 1 , and the Interdata 8/32. AD-A049 559/8 Colorado State Univ Fort Collins Dept of Electrical Engineering Proceedings of the Annual Rocky Mountain Symposium on Microcomputers: Systems, Software, Architecture (1st) August 31 • Sep- tember 2, 1977 Fort Collins, Colorado Final rept. 1 Jun 77-31 May 78 Michael Andrews, and Steve McCormick. 2 Sep 77, 31 6p* AFOSR-TR-78-0017 Grant AFOSR-77-3367 Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, Computer pro- gramming, Computer architecture, Numerical anal- ysis, Microprogramming, Multiprocessors, High level languages, Fourier transformation. Identifiers: 'Meetings. The Rocky Mountain symposia on microcomputers are organized as a forum for presentation and dis- cussion of basic research in the field of microcom- puters. The aim is to encourage a broad base of interaction between the industrial, governmental, and academic communities, thus providing guid- ance and feedback for the directions of basic re- search and for the effective implementation of re- search achievements. (Author) AD-A049 586/1 Maryland Univ College Park Computer Science Center PDP 1 1 1mage Processing Software Technical rept. Kenneth C. Hayes, Jr, Martin Herman, and Russell Smith. Dec 77, 60p Rept no. TR-612 Contract DAAG53-76-C-0138, ARPA Order-3206 Descriptors: 'Image processing, Minicomputers, Subroutines, Instruction manuals, Printers(Data processing), Cathode ray tubes, Display systems, Arrays, Read out techniques, Floating point oper- ation, Polarity, Binary notation, Vector spaces, FORTRAN. Identifiers: PDP-1 1/45 computers, LISP program- ming language, String processing, UNIX operating systems, VAP(Virtual Array Package). The implementation of two different image han- dling systems for use on PDP 11/45 minicom- puters is documented. Micro-XAP is an image access facility for UNIX FORTRAN users. Virtual Arrays are a more general image access facility for UNIX LISP users. This report serves as a user's guide for users who will interact with Micro-XAP or Virtual Arrays. (Author) AD-A049 715/6 Logos Development Corp Middletown N Y Feasibility Test of LOGOSCAN System Final technical rept. May-Sep 77 Charles E. Byrne, and John C. Byrne. Dec 77, 32p RADC-TR-77-378 Contract F30602-77-C-0102 Descriptors: 'Optical character recognition, 'Text processing, 'Russian language, Reading ma- chines, Input output processing, Pattern recogni- tion, Computer logic, Computer programs, Algo- rithms, Throughput, Optical scanning, Micro- processors, Systems engineering, Operational test and evaluation. Identifiers: LOGOSCAN system, Transliteration. The report documents results of a two-month test of LOGOSCAN System to establish its applicability as an OCR device in the Russian text input proc- essing. All design objectives of the System have been met in its prototype version. Most of the OCR problems encountered during the test are directly traceable to hardware limitations. Problems of this nature can be easily eliminated by transferring the LOGOSCAN recognition logic to a new hardware environment within the current state-of-the-art. (Author) AD-A049 941/8 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Personal Computing Master's thesis Henry Paul Libuda. Sep 77, 79p Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Man computer in- terface, Microprocessors, Industrial production, Compatibility, Computer programming, Civilian population, Consumers, low costs, Theses. Identifiers: Electronics industry, Personal comput- ing systems. The advent of the LSI microprocessor and inex- pensive memory introduces a new field in the com- puter industry-the field of personal computer ap- plications and small scale computer systems. An entirely new group of manufacturers are marketing microcomputer related items, products that range from computer system kits with peripheral devices to software and literature on the subject. The wide ranging versatility of small scale microcomputer systems has caused a tremendous expansion from what was strictly a hobbyist computer market to growth areas in school educational markets and commercial applications. The costs, capabilities, problems encountered by personal computer en- thusiasts, and the future implications of personal computers are investigated. (Author) AD-A050 224/5 Washington Univ Seattle Dept of Chemistry A Low-Cost, General Purpose Data Acquisition and Control System for the PDP-11 Minicom- puter Technical rept. J. D. S. Danielson, Steven D. Brown, Carl J. Appellof, and B. R. Kowalski. 10 Feb 78, 23p* Rept no. TR-1 1 Contract N00014-75-C-0536 Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, 'Data acquisition, 'Control systems, Man computer interface, Com- puter programs, Fortran, Input output processing, Low costs, Registers(Circuits), Multiplexing, Analog to digital converters. Identifiers: 'PDP-11 computers, Computer pro- gram transferability. A general-purpose interface for the PDP-1 1 family of minicomputers is described. The interface, ori- ented towards laboratory data-acquisition and ex- perimental control applications, can be built in a relatively short time with low materials costs. A general purpose, FORTRAN-compatible software package capable of driving the interface is also discussed. (Author) 11 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER AD-A051 468/7 Air Force Armament Lab Eglin AFB Fla Stability Analysis Program for the Hewlett- Packard 9830A Calculator Final rept. Sep-Dec 74 Kenneth A. Gale, Robert D. Green, and Jesse M. Gonzalez. Jul 75, 107p Rept no. AFATL-TR-75- 94 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Calculators, "Computer programs, Guided weapons, Control systems, Stability, Linear programming, Computerized simulation, Debugging(Computers), Systems analysis, Sub- routines, Executive routines, Flow charting, Feed- back, Transfer functions, Mathematical analysis. Identifiers: *HP-9830A computers, Microcom- puters. The stability analysis pac for the Hewlett-Packard 9830 calculator is a collection of programs to aid the engineer in performing the linear analysis of control systems. One of the programs will reduce a complex block diagram of a control system to a simple equivalent forward and feedback transfer function. The second series of programs will gen- erate the root locus, the Bode stability and fre- quency responses, and the time response to a step input. In all instances, the program will gener- ate plots in addition to numerical printouts. The programs will handle up to 10th order systems. This report contains a complete description of the programs, including flow charts and program list- ings, and examples of the use of the programs. (Author) AD-A051 780/5 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Development of a User Oriented Interface for a Computer Driven Graphics Device Master's thesis Charles Estus McNeil, and Dan Patrick Houston. Jun 77, 21 1p AFIT-CI-78-41 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Computer graphics, "Man computer interface, User needs, Experimental design, Com- puter programs, Decision making, Manuals, Dis- play systems, Interactive graphics, Control sys- tems, Programming languages. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /50 computers. The design, development and implementation of a user-oriented graphics software system is de- scribed. The over-all considerations involved in such a design process are discussed, along with the major factors affecting design decisions. The object display system is a RAMTEK GX-100A hosted by a PDP-1 1 /50 computer. Implementation techniques are also presented. A detailed user's manual is appended, and recommendations for further system expansion are offered. (Author) AD-A052 087/4 Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough (Eng- land) Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers Technical rept. G. Sharpies, and G. F. Drury. Jul 77, 56p RAE- TR-77010, DRIC-BR-59871 Descriptors: "Computers, "Data links, "Interfaces, Digital systems, User needs, Computer files, Multi- ple access, Memory devices, Computer programs, Input output devices, Intercommunication sys- tems, Simulators, Great Britain. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /40 computers, GEORGE-4 op- erating system. An ICL 1906S running under the GEORGE 4 oper- ating system and a Digital Equipment PDP 11/40 have been linked using British Standard Interfaces. The PDP 11 user is given access to the 1906S basic peripherals and filestore via the multi-access facilities of GEORGE. He also has the capability of transmitting files between the filestores of the two machines. This Report describes the implementa- tion of the inter-machine link giving specifications for the hardware and software involved. (Author) AD-A052 305/0 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Artificial Intelligence Lab Data Representations in PDP-1 MacLISP Memorandum rept. Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. Sep 77, 14p Rept no. Al-M- 420 Contract N00014-75-C-0643, E(11-1)-3070 Supported in part by Grant NSG-1323. Presented at MACSYMA Users Conference, Berkeley, CA. Jul 77. Descriptors: "Digital computers, "Programming languages, "Data storage systems, Addressing, Accumulators, Word organized storage, Subject in- dexing, Efficiency. Identifiers: Internal representation, PDP-1 com- puters, LISP programming language, MACSYMA system, CONNIVER system, MacLISP system. The internal representations of the various Ma- cLISP data types are presented and discussed. Certain implementation tradeoffs are considered. The ultimate decisions on these tradeoffs are dis- cussed in the light of implementation of large sys- tems such as MACSYMA. The basic strategy of garbage collection is outlined, with reference to the specific representations involved. Certain 'clever tricks' are explained and justified. The 'ad- dress space crunch' is explained and some alter- native solutions explored. (Author) AD-A052 445/4 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Artificial Intelligence Lab The Incremental Garbage Collection of Proc- esses Memorandum rept. Henry G. Baker, Jr, and Carl Hewitt. Dec 77, 13p Rept no. AI-M-454 Contract N00014-75-C-0643, N00014-75-C-0522 Descriptors: "Multiprocessors, "Parallel process- ing, Programming languages, Algorithms, Graphs, Memory devices, Minicomputers, Microproces- sors, Communications networks, Sorting, Message processing, User needs, Computations, Subrou- tines, Data bases, Resource management, Prob- lem solving. Identifiers: LISP programming language, Garbage collection(Computers). This paper investigates some problems associated with an expression evaluation order that we call 'future' order, which is different from call-by-name, call-by-value, and call-by-need. In future order evaluation, an object called a 'future' is created to serve as the value of each expression that is to be evaluated and separate process is dedicated to its evaluation. This mechanism allows the fully paral- lel evaluation of the expressions in a programming language. The authors discuss an approach to a problem that arises in this context: futures which were thought to be relevant when they were cre- ated become irrelevant through not being needed later in the computation. The problem of irrelevant processes also appears in multiprocessing prob- lem-solving systems which start several proces- sors working on the same problem but with differ- ent methods, and return with the solution which fin- ishes first. This parallel method strategy has the drawback that the processes which are investigat- ing the e losing methods must be identified, cleanly stopped, and the processors they are using re-as- signed to more useful tasks. The solution we pro- pose is that of incremental garbage collection. The goal structure of the solution plan should be explic- itly represented in memory as part of the graph memory (like Lisp's heap) so that a garbage collec- tion algorithm can discover which processes are performing useful work, and which can be recycled for a new task. An incremental algorithm for the unified garbage collection of storage and process- es is described. (Author) AD-A052 615/2 Polytechnic Inst of New York Brooklyn Dept of Electrical Engineering and Electrophysics Software Modeling Studies. Volume I. Sum- mary of Technical Progress Final technical rept. 1 Apr 74-1 Oct 77 Martin L. Shooman, and Henry Ruston. Jan 78, 50p POLY-EE77-042-VOL-1, SRS-1 12-VOL-1, RADC-TR-78-4-VOL-1 Contract F30602-74-C-0294 Descriptors: "Computer software, Mathematical models, Systems analysis, Predictions, Reliability, Error analysis, Debugging(Computers), Statistical tests, Markov processes, Microprocessors, Micro- programming, Programming languages, Cost ef- fectiveness, Command and control systems, Avionics, Military applications, Conferencing(Communications). This report documents research performed under RADC contract by Polytechnic Institute of New York in the area of software modeling. Research in the areas of software error, reliability, and availabil- ity models (such as Markov availability models, bug tagging estimates of initial error counts and error models incorporating error generation), test models and techniques (such as determination of the number of the tests necessary to execute all program paths and statistical test models), and complexity models (such as component measures like testedness and natural language theory meas- ures) that was described in previous progress and technical reports is summarized and unfinished re- search (in areas such as acceptance test models and automatic programming techniques) not previ- ously reported is described. The significant results are highlighted along with their interrelations and potential. AD-A052 751/5 Kansas State Univ Manhattan Dept of Computer Science Project Report for Functionally Distributed Computer Systems Development: Software and Systems Structure. Part I Interim rept. 15 Jan 76-1 Nov 77 Virgil E. Wallentine. Oct 77, 75p ARO-13835.1-A- EL-PT-1 Grant DAAG29-76-G-0108 Descriptors: "Computer networks, Multiproces- sors, Minicomputers, Microcomputers, Data man- agement, Data bases, Computer programs, Hierar- chies, Information transfer. Identifiers: Data base management systems. This is the first of a two-part report of the research performed by Kansas State University in multiple processor computer systems and networks. This report covers the research effort through the design phase. The known problems are defined and alternative solutions are developed. An alter- native solution is selected for the building of a pro- totype network. (Author) AD-A052 752/3 Kansas State Univ Manhattan Dept of Computer Science Project Report for Functionally Distributed Computer Systems Development: Software and Systems Structure. Part II Final rept. 1 Nov 76-15 Jan 77 Virgil E. Wallentine. 7 Feb 78, 100p ARO- 13835.1-A-EL-PT-2 Grant DAAG29-76-G-0108 Descriptors: "Computer networks, Minicomputers, Microcomputers, Bus conductors. Identifiers: Data Buses, Distributed processing systems, Data base management systems, MIMICS model. This is the second and final part of the report of research performed by Kansas State University in multiple processor computer systems and net- works. Part I covered the Design Phase of the effort; and this report covers the follow-on imple- mentation, integration, test, and demonstration of a prototype model of the network. The network model consists of a cluster of minicomputers and microcomputers with supporting software. The model has been named MIMICS (Mlni-MlcroCom- puter System) and uses a high-speed vendor-inde- pendent data bus, named KSUBUS, that was de- signed, developed, and built for this network. Net- work hardware included Interdata's 85, 7/32, 8/32 and IBM 370/158. The principal network software is a message system which is capable of residing in a variety of computers. The hardware indepen- dence is achieved by design and by coding the software in Concurrent PASCAL. A specification of a distributed data base management system was 12 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER developed and implemented in the MIMICS net- work. A DBMS named TOTAL was used in the pro- totype. The general problems of DDBMS were studied, and solution syntheses are presented as well as a simulation model for a back-end DBMS. (Author) AD-A052 766/3 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Operators' and Users' Handbook, Ver- sion 2 Technical rept. Walter J. Scott, John R. Hiller, and Robert Puttcamp. Mar 78, 89p Rept no. HDL-TR-1843 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Electromag- netic pulses, 'Waveforms, "Data acquisition, "Signal processing, Minicomputers, Data reduc- tion, Handbooks, Response, Analog to digital con- verters User needs. Identifiers: SKYNET program, SGEMP(Systems Generated Electromagnetic Pulses). Data acquisition and reduction on a large-scale systems generated electromagnetic pulse (SGEMP) test program are traditionally costly and tedious. The most widely used methods of acquir- ing and recording the system response waveforms involve the use of oscilloscopes and cameras, the waveforms being captured on Polaroid film. This method requires that the analog waveforms(oscillograms) be digitized, usually by hand, into a computer-compatible format prior to applying automated data analysis techniques. The amount of manual data handling and the need for many skilled technicians make this an error-sensi- tive and costly procedure. This report presents a new procedure for capturing and processing com- plex SGEMP transients. The.method is incorporat- ed into an SGEMP transportable Automated Re- cording System (STARS). It reduces manual data handling significantly (a major source of errors); outputs data as computer compatible magnetic tapes, annotated hard copies, or both; and lessens the manpower requirements for data acquisition and processing. The software implementation, SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP), is discussed here to provide STARS operators and users with the detailed information needed to ef- fectively utilize the system. AD-A052 767/1 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Programmers' Handbook, Version 2 Technical rept. Robert Puttcamp. Feb 78, 127p Rept no. HDL- TR-1844 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Electromag- netic pulses, "Data acquisition, Minicomputers, Recording systems, Computer graphics, Automa- tion. Identifiers: "SKYNET program, SGEMP(System Generated Electromagnetic Pulses), PDP-11/40 computers. The assessment of satellite vulnerability to system generated electromagnetic pulses (SGEMP) and the development of a methodology for this assess- ment are the prime objectives of the Defense Nu- clear Agency sponsored SKYNET program. An automated procedure for this has resulted in the assembling of the SGEMP Transportable Automat- ed Recording System (STARS) data van. The STARS is controlled by a PDP 11/40 computer using the SASP as its software implementation. This report gives a detailed description of each program and subroutine used in the SASP, exclud- ing descriptions of purchased graphic software (Tektronix Plot-10 package and Versaplot pack- age). It is intended to provide the programmer with the information required to effectively utilize the system. (Author) AD-A052 861/2 Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and De- velopment Neuilly-Sur-Seine (France) The Application of Inexpensive Minicomputers to Information Work Lecture series. Mar 78, 89p Rept no. AGARD-LS-92 Presented in Delft (Netherlands) on 17-20 Apr 78 and in Ankara (Turkey) on 20-21 Apr 78. Descriptors: "Minicomputers, Information retrieval, Technical information centers, Libraries, Informa- tion processing, Cost analysis, Editing, Lectures. Identifiers: NATO furnished, Information systems, Libraries. Minicomputers are now extremely powerful and can be equipped with large access stores. These features make them ideally suited to information work and their cost is sufficiently low that an infor- mation centre or service can even justify having one solely for its own use. This avoids all the prob- lems inherent in the sharing of a main frame com- puter, either in an associated organization or at a commercial bureau. This report outlines the ways in which many computers can be used in informa- tion work and includes examples of their current use in a number of different areas, such as editing and publishing information bulletins, SDI(Selective Dissemination of Information) and retrospective retrieval and library housekeeping. AD-A052 876/0 Naval Surface Weapons Center Dahlgren Lab Va A Comparison of Approaches to Provide a De- bugging System for the AN/UYK-20 Final rept. Ronald L. Hartung. Nov 77, 28p Rept no. NSWC/DL-TR-3729 Descriptors: "Minicomputers, "Debugging(Computers), Naval equipment, Sub- routines, External, Internal, Validation, Cost analy- sis. Identifiers: AN/UYK-20, Virtual memory systems, Computer software. This study was conducted to establish feasible ap- proaches to debugging programs for the AN/UYK- 20, the Navy's standard minicomputer. Five ap- proaches are identified and compared: internal, ex- ternal, hybrid, software, and virtual machine. The results of this study can be generalized to cover the problems of program debugging for all digital computers. (Author) AD-A052 891/9 Science Applications Inc Mclean Va Documentation of PDP 11/70 Software for De- termining Travel-Time Differences from Cross Covariances L S. Blumen. 23 Dec 77, 44p Rept no. SAI-78- 713-WA Contract N00039-76-C-0326 Descriptors: "Acoustic tracking, "Time lag theory, Computer programs, Time series analysis, Phase shift, Cross correlation, Paths, Ships, Passive sonar, Flow charting, FORTRAN, Computer pro- gram documentation. Identifiers: NAVELEX, PDP-1 1 /70 computers. The Navelex 320 Surface Shipping problem is re- solved by the development of a method of corre- lating signals received from two widely spaced hy- drophones, in an effort to locate the source. An exposition of the theoretical approach to this prob- lem has been documented previously. This report deals with the actual implementation of the solu- tion, through the use of current computer technol- ogy. AD-A053 345/5 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Design of the Processor for Software Compati- ble Avionic Computer Family Master's thesis. Frederick G. Thourot. Dec 77, 234p Rept no AFIT/GCS/EE/77-10 Descriptors: "Microprogramming, "Avionics, "Mi- croprocessors, Digital computers, Floating point operation, Integrated circuits, Compatibility. Identifiers: AM-2900 computers, Emulators, Theses. This report presents the design of a microprogram- mable processor which emulates the baseline in- struction set of the Software-Compatible Avionic Computer Family. The general architecture of this processor includes 16/32 bit word lengths, hard- ware fixed point arithmetic, firmware floating point arithmetic, and hardware vectored interrupts. The processors uses a flexible internal bus (l-BUS) to interface with memory modules, programmed input/output channels, and DMA channels. Inte- grated circuit devices from the AM 2900 family are used to realize the design. The processor's arith- metic and logic unit contains four AM 2901 A bit slice devices which are cascaded by an AM 2902 carry look-ahead generator. The processor's con- trol unit uses an AM 2910 microsequencer to ad- dress control memory in a first level pipeline mode. The processor's hardware vectored interrupt system is managed by two AM 2914 priority inter- rupt encoders. Evaluation of the processor design determined that the processor's operational speed falls below the design goal of 200 to 500 KOPS. The report concludes with recommendations for improving the processor's speed by adding hard- ware to facilitate floating point arithmetic and to pipeline I/O transfers over the l-BUS. (Author) AD-A054 098/9 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass Security Kernel Verification Techniques: Algor- ithmic Representation D. K. Kallman, and J. K. Millen. Apr 78, 37p MTR-3289, ESD-TR-78-123 Contract F19628-77-C-0001 Descriptors: "Data processing security, "Computer program verification, Algorithms, Access, Pro- gramming languages, Information transfer, Valida- tion, Digital computers, Classified materials, Speci- fications. Identifiers: "Security kernels, PDP-1 1/45 comput- ers. A security kernel is a hardware and software mechanism that enforces access controls to infor- mation within a computer system. Given a formal specification for a kernel, this report shows how to construct an algorithmic or programming language representation of the kernel. A technique is sug- gested for proving that the algorithmic representa- tion exhibits the specified user-visible behavior. A sequence of lower levels of specification, formaliz- ing the levels of abstraction of Dijkstra, is essential to the construction and proof technique. (Author) AD-A054 180/5 Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio A Calculator Program for Analyzing Airloads on a Wing of Arbitrary Planform and Camber in Subsonic Flow Final rept. 1 Apr-31 Aug 76 John C. Sparks. Jan 78, 53p Rept no. AFFDL- TR-77-136 Descriptors: "Aerodynamic loading, "Wings, "Sub- sonic flow, Computer programs, Minicomputers, Subroutines, Programming manuals, Computer program verification, Aerodynamic configurations, Planform, Calculators, Microprocessors, Man com- puter interface, Read only memories, Plotters. Identifiers: BASIC programming language, HP- 9830 calculators, HP-9831 calculators. A subsonic airloads program for small (8-K) calcu- lators is presented. Features include good man- machine interaction and quick turn-around which speed preliminary design. The program is written in BASIC for the HP9830 or HP9831 calculator sys- tems equipped with Matrix ROM and 9862A plot- ter. Programming techniques illustrated may be applied to any small system having special func- tion keys or an equivalent capability. (Author) AD-A054 247/2 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass Computer Program Specification for Security Kernel for PDP-1 1/45. Volume I Technical rept. S. R. Harper. Apr 78, 339p MTR-3178-VOL-1, ESD-TR-76-288-VOL-1 Contract F19628-75-C-0001 Descriptors: "Data processing security, "Computer programs, Digital computers, Security, Limitations, 13 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Access, Classified materials, Information transfer, Specifications. Identifiers: 'Security kernels, PDP-11/45 comput- ers. This report presents the Type C5, Computer Pro- gram Product Specification for the Security Kernel for the PDP-1 1 /45. It specifies the configuration in- formation that fully describes the Security Kernel as an established program product. A detailed de- scription of each individual function of the program is given. Also induced are the requirements which provide the basis for development of verification prodedures and a section of informal notes for the potential user Flow charts are included in an ad- denda to this report for the convenience of the reader. A complete listing of the Security Kernel program is presented in Section 10, Volume II. (Author) AD-A055 115/0 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Investigation of Real-Time Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Using Extended Kalman Filters Master's thesis Henry J. Laughlin. Mar 78, 116p Rept no. AFIT/ GCS/EE/78-3 Descriptors: "Satellite tracking systems, "Kalman filtering, Measurement, Real time, Linear systems, Nonlinear systems, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /45 computers, Fortran. The feasibility of adapting an extended Kalman filter to the real-time satellite-to-satellite tracking problem is investigated. A filter using linear propa- gation and nonlinear measurements is formulated. This filter accepts tracker measurements to pro- vide the state estimates (position, velocity, and ac- celeration) of the tracked satellite in the local iner- tial reference frame. Six different filters are pro- grammed in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) FORTRAN. These filters employ various covariance update techniques and methods of processing the measurement vector. The pro- grams are compared for computer program stor- age requirements, program execution speeds, and computational precision. The computer program storage requirements are determined by utilizing the FORTRAN IV-PLUS compiler on a PDP-1 1 /45 minicomputer. The program execution speeds are found by timing on the PDP-1 1 /45 the filter's reac- tion to a typical renedvous between two space ve- hicles. AD-A055 118/4 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Validation of Closed Queueing Network Models for the Decsystem-10 Master's thesis Harold E. Saxton. Mar 78, 135p Rept no. GCS/ EE/77-7 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: "Queueing theory, "Computer pro- gramming, Time sharing, Networks, Performance(engineering), Algorithms, Fortran, Input output processing, Data storage systems, Computer program verification, Predictions, Accu- racy, Mathematical models, Theses. Identifiers: "Decsystem 10 computers. A validation study was performed on Closed Queueing Network Models for the DECsystem-10 located at the Air Force Avionics Laboratory (AFAL). The purpose of this study was to provide the personnel of AFAL with an understanding of the accuracy with which this class of model can predict computer performance. A previously devel- oped Fortran program was used to implement the product form solution and the computational algo- rithms required for performance evaluation. A review of the solution technique is presented with a discussion of the consequences resulting from assumptions required to arrive at the closed form solution. The validation results are described for a series of experiments which investigated the accu- racy of the models for several system configura- tions and under a variety of workloads. These re- sults indicate that Closed Queueing Network Models are a flexible means of representing the DECsystem-10 and that the product form solution provides performance predictions which are useful for evaluation of the system. (Author) AD-A055 200/0 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Design of a Microprocessor Based System for Testing of the NCR 2051 MNOS Memory Master's thesis Joel W. Robertson. 17 Mar 78, 152p Rept no. AFIT/GE/EE/78-7 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: "Metal nitride oxide semiconductors, "Test sets, Microprocessors, Acceptance tests, Computer applications, Algorithms, Schematic dia- grams. Computer programs, Ultrahigh frequency, Radio equipment, Memory devices, Theses. Identifiers: Assembly languages. The U.S. Air Force has begun using MNOS memo- ries in ultrahigh frequency radios to provide nonvo- latile storage of preset frequencies. The NCR 2051 is one such memory and it is necessary that the USAF have the capability to perform acceptance testing of these devices as well as to economically perform laboratory tests which may be very time consuming. This report develops a microproces- sor-based computer system which will provide the necessary capabilities economically. The design of the Motorola M6800-based system is presented with both hardware and software considerations. The development decisions are discussed and a user's manual is provided. Complete assembly lan- guage software listings, which realize the accept- ance testing requirements, are included. Flow- charts for all test algorithms and schematic dia- grams for all interface circuits are also provided. (Author) AD-A055 235/6 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Simulation of the Direct Execution of a Higher Order Language Master's thesis David L. Akin, and Brian C. Allen. Mar 78, 229p Rept no. AFIT/GCS/EE/78-1 Descriptors: "High level languages, Assembly lan- guages, Machine translation, Computerized simu- lation, Computer architecture, Computer program- ming, Transfer, Theses. Identifiers: Space programming language ma- chine, JOVIAL programming language. Metacom- pilers, Decsystem-10 computers. This thesis lists the results of a follow-on study of Phase II of the Space Programming Language Ma- chine (SPLM) Architecture Study (AD-A002 798). In this foHow-on study, the Clock Level Simulator (CLS) was translated to JOVIAL/J73 and improve- ments were made to decrease execution times and memory requirements of the simulator. This work was accomplished using the DEC-10 system of the AF Avionics Lab. at Wright-Patterson AFB. CLS simulates the direct execution of SPLML (Space Programming Language Machine Lan- guage) on an SPLM. SPLML is a higher order lan- guage that was developed especially for avionic applications CLS was developed as a design tool where the memory word size, memory address size, etc are design parameters which represents a specific configuration of an SPLM. CLS, there- fore, is a preliminary model for a family of ma- chines (SPLM) with varying capabilities and com- plexities. An example program execution is given in detail. AD-A055 278/6 Utah Univ Salt Lake City Graduate School of Archi- tecture Services to Develop Pocket Computers to Per- form PF Calculating by DCPA Standard Method and to Provide Training For Use Technical rept. Stanley W. Crawley. 16 Jan 78, 97p Contract DCPA01-76-C-0325 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: "Calculators, Mathematical models, Computer aided instruction, Computations, Train- ing devices, Hand held, Computer programs, Mini- computers, Radiation shielding. Identifiers: Pocket calculators, HP-67 programma- ble calculators, TI/SR-52 programmable calcula- tors. Detailed programs for utilizing the Hewlett-Packard (HP) 67 and 97 and Texas Instruments SR-52 pro- grammable pocket calculators for calculating the shielding capability of buildings by the DCPA Standard method. AD-A055 426/1 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Microcomputer Based Plasma Display System Master's thesis Ordale Paul Babin, Jr, and Ronald Ray Seaman Mar 78, 300p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Microcomputers, "Display systems, "Plasma devices, Man computer interface, Control systems, Computer graphics, Alphanumeric dis- plays, Input output devices, Computer programs, Theses Identifiers: AN/UYQ-10. An overview of plasma display technology and op- eration is presented. Advantages and disadvan- tages of plasma graphics are explored. Some ap- plications that are particularly appropriate for a plasma display are listed. Hardware and software developed to interface the AN/UYQ-10 plasma display with an Intellec Microcomputer Develop- ment System are discussed. (Author) AD-A055 522/7 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering MIME: Microprogrammable Minicomputer Emu- lator Master's thesis Richard E. Purvis, and Ronald D. Yoho. Mar 78, 224p Rept no. AFIT/GE/EE/78-6 Descriptors: "Minicomputers, "Computer aided in- struction, "Microprogramming, User needs, Man computer interface, Programmers, Digital comput- ers, Computerized simulation, Machine coding, Control sequences, Microprocessors, Computer architecture, Programming manuals, Theses. Identifiers: MIME(Microprogrammable Minicom- puter Emulators), 'Emulators(Computers). This report addresses the design and fabrication of a microprogrammable, general purpose minicom- puter specifically configured for use in an educa- tional environment (AFIT's Digital Engineering Laboratory). In order to have utility as an instruc- tional aid in the areas of computer control and mi- croprogramming, it was determined that such a machine must have the following attributes: educa- tionally oriented human interface, educationally oriented design, and user-microprogrammability. These high level attributes were then used as a basis for deriving functional and detail require- ments. The Am2900 Bipolar Microprocessor Family was used as the basis for realizing the design which satisfied the defined requirements. The project resulted in hardware which was used by students in digital engineering classes and labo- ratory to investigate microprogramming and its ap- plication to emulation This report includes repre- sentative microcode necessary to emulate sample PDP-1 1/03 instructions as a demonstration of MIME capabilities. AD-A055 527/6 University of Southern California Marina Del Rey Information Sciences Inst Multi-Microprocessor Emulation: Annual Report for 1977 Final rept. for fiscal year 1 977-1 97T Charles Hayden, Peter W. Alfvin, and Stephen D. Crocker. Apr 78, 38p Rept no. ISI/SR-78-12 Contract DAHC15-72-C-0308, ARPA Order-2223 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Multiprocessors, "Debugging(Computers), Networks, Computer program verification, Computer architecture, Com- puter programming. Identifiers: * Emulators(Computers). 14 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER The goal of the Multi-Microprocessor Emulation (MMPE) project is to develop modeling and emula- tion techniques for assemblies of microproces- sors. An extension to an existing computer de- scription language (ISPS) is proposed for repre- senting the architecture of multi-microprocessor systems, and the results of some preliminary stud- ies on the design of an emulation facility are de- scribed. This effort will eventually lead to a high- speed emulation facility based on the QPRIM system. The emulation facility is one component of the SAEF under development at RADC. (Author) AD-A055 591/2 Research Triangle Inst Research Triangle Park N C AFAL Simulation Facility/Capability Manual. Volume I. Executive Summary and Systems Avionics Division Final technical rept. Jul 76-Jun 77 Richard A. Whisnant, W. Howard Ruedger, Ronald L. Earp, and James Haidt. 30 Jun 77, 41 1p AFAL-TR-77-118-VOL-1 Contract F33615-76-C-1308 Descriptors: 'Avionics, *Air Force operations, 'Mission profiles, Computerized simulation, Man- uals, Test facilities, Electronic equipment, Elec- tronic warfare, Reconnaissance, Weapon delivery, Systems engineering, User needs, Real time, Computer programs, Communication and radio systems, Digital computers, Computer aided design. Identifiers: PDP 1 1 computers. The Air Force Avionics Laboratory (AFAL) at Wright-Patterson AFB is the focal point for devel- opment of new avionics technology for the Air Force. In order to carry out this responsibility, a sig- nificant capability to simulate physical avionics systems and components has been created by the AFAL divisions. Of prime concern is the effective use of these simulation facilities in the face of con- tinually increasing performance requirements, technological advances and rising flight-test costs. AD-A055 597/9 Defense Systems Management School Fort Bel- voir Va Estimating Computer Software Development Costs » Study project rept. Albert W. Andres. 1975, 69p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Cost estimates, 'Computer program- ming, Methodology, Costs, Data bases, Parametric analysis, Department of Defense, Systems man- agement, Minicomputers. Identifiers: 'Computer software. The purpose of this study was to identify, define, and evaluate techniques for estimating computer software development costs. The reasons for the high cost of computer software and poor computer software estimates are discussed. Existing esti- mating techniques and rules of thumb are present- ed and their applicability to cost estimating mini- computer software development in the DoD Pro- gram Office is considered. The writer concludes that there is no single technique that will give an accurate estimate for all situations. A large number of factors that affect the cost of computer software development have been identified. Therefore, it is mandatory that the estimator have the best possi- ble handle on the most important of these factors. He recommends that the Program Office establish data bases from which estimates can be made by parametric methods. AD-A055 777/7 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Software Tool(s) for Evaluating the Effects of Finite Wordlength Master's thesis Gary A. Klein. Dec 77, 185p Rept no. AFIT/ GCS/EE/77-6 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Algorithms, Accuracy, User needs, FORTRAN, Minicomputers, Computer architec- ture, Word organized storage, Length, Precision, Simulation, Preprocessing, Arithmetic units, Con- trol systems, Theses. Identifiers: 'Word lengths, Emulators(Computers), Assessment, CDC 6600 computers, CYBER 74 computers, 'Computer software. In developing estimation and control systems, the algorithms developed are, in general, very sensi- tive to the wordlength of the onboard computer. Representation of the desired design can be great- ly affected by the quantization resulting from trun- cation or round off. The result can be even more severe than numerical imprecision: numerical in- stability can be generated that render algorithms totally useless. An important part of algorithm de- velopment is determining the appropriate word- length. Proper wordlength can be determined by running the algorithm on a simulated n-bit machine for several values of n; Results can then be evalu- ated against performance specification to deter- mine the wordlength and precision requirements. The objective of this thesis was to process algo- rithms written in FORTRAN on the CDC 6600/ CYBER 74 computer systems such that the results obtained were similar to those obtainable on an n- bit machine. A preprocessor was designed which would modify the algorithm's code so that the nu- merical effects of n-bit wordlength could be real- ized. An n-bit simulation tool was successfully de- veloped and implemented at the FORTRAN level. AD-A055 877/5 Naval Station Norfolk Va Wang Mini-Computer Automatic Database Management System AUTO-SYSTEM User's Manual Mar 77, 118p Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, Instruction manuals, Data bases, Automation, Programming manuals. Identifiers: 'AUTO-SYSTEM data base manage- ment system, User manuals, 'Wang 2200 comput- ers, 'Data base management systems. AUTO-SYSTEM is an automated data base man- agement system. It is a management tool to more efficiently create and control informational data bases, and the available ADP resources. The AUTO-SYSTEM eliminates, for many, the need of hiring their own programmers to write repetious soft-ware for 'standard' informational data bases. Programmers will still be needed to create custom- ized or analytical software The major emphasis of the AUTO-SYSTEM is on data base indepen- dence. The AUTO-SYSTEM was designed to be run on a 'WANG' 2200 T/C/VP or the 2200 WCS series CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU) with a 32 K core. This system is disk operated and must have either a 2230 series disk (5 mega-bytes) or a 2260 series disk (10 mega-bytes). A 2270 series disk (a 1/2/3 drive floppy-diskette) may be inte- grated into the system for use as the system disk. It is also desirable that a 132 character, per line, high speed printer be available for outputting data. The major purpose of this manual is to introduce the AUTO-SYSTEM to managers, programmers and operators. AD-A056 057/3 Office of the Comptroller (Navy) Washington Dc Generalized Report Generation and Analysis Package, Adaptable to Mini-Computers Software Sheryl Masiello. 20 Apr 78, mag tape DOD/DF- 78/003 Magnetic Tape. Source tape is in ASCII Character set. Character set restricts preparation to 9 track one-half inch tape only. Identify recording mode by specifying density only. Call NTIS Computer Products, if you have questions. $250 00. Descriptors: Computer programming, Fortran, Computations, Data bases Identifiers: 'Software, 'MINIGAP system, Report generators, Magnetic tapes, Minicomputers, For- tran 5 programming language. This software package allows a user to access data from a database, perform arithmetic calcula- tions of the data, and output the data in a user- designed report. It allows the user much flexibility with a minimum amount of input. It requires less than 30 minutes to format and output a new report from the same database. THe FORTRAN used to write this system is fairly simple, and does not rely on machine dependent functions. ...Software De- scription: The program is written in the FORTRAN V programming language for implementation on a Interdata computer using the OS32MT operating system 167.25k bytes of core storage are required to operate the model. (Author) AD-A056 068/0 Carnegie-Mellon Univ Pittsburgh Pa Dept of Com- puter Science Performance Evaluation of High-Level Lan- guage Systems Interim rept. Bruce Leverett. Nov 77, 42p AFOSR-TR-78-1088 Contract F44620-73-C-0074, ARPA Order-2466 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'High level languages, Compilers, Computer programming, Comparison, Methodolo- gy- Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, ALGOL 68 pro- gramming language, Assessment. One of the concerns of the compiler writer is the quality of object programs produced by the compil- er, and in particular their performance at execution time. A survey of methods for measuring this per- formance, and experiments with the use of those methods, is presented. We examine two general categories of evaluation: comparative evaluation, in which benchmark programs are run on groups of language systems; and analytic evaluation, in which a single system is measured in terms deter- mined by its own structure. Besides surveying the results of various evaluation experiments, we pres- ent in detail the results of a series of experiments on a particular language system (PDP11 ALGOL 68-S). (Author) AD-A056 231/4 Logicon Inc San Diego Calif LISTEN: A System for Recognizing Connected Speech Over Small, Fixed Vocabularies, In Real Time Final rept. Jul 77-Mar 78 J. E. Porter. Apr 78, 98p NAVTRAEQUIPC-77-C- 0096-1 Contract N61339-77-C-0096 Descriptors: 'Speech recognition, Speech, Pre- processing, Algorithms, Real time, Accuracy, De- coding, Minicomputers, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN, Vocabulary, Limitations, Word recognition, Classification, Sequences, Dynamic programming, Training devices, Error analysis. Identifiers: LISTEN computer program. This report describes the development of a system for recognizing connected speech in real time using a commercially available speech preproces- sor, a minicomputer and programs written in FOR- TRAN. The system was tested on two speakers using the digits and the word 'point' with inconclu- sive results. Recognition accuracy of 86% was achieved for one speaker whereas accuracy for the other speaker was lower (39%) due to an anomalous difference between training and test data for that speaker's voice. (Author) AD-A056 323/9 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Design and Implementation of Instruc- tional Software Information System (ISIS) Master's thesis Ataman Yildirim. Jun 78, 1 01 p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Information systems, 'Computer programs, 'Instructional materials, User needs, Programming languages, On line systems, Cata- logs, Data management, Data bases, Flow chart- ing, Theses. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, Instructional soft- ware information systems. This thesis describes the design, implementation and user interface for an Instructional Software In- formation System (ISIS). The existing volume and increasing rate of growth of computer software production suggests the need for a catalogue pro- 15 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER cedure to help programmers find existing software to reduce redundant programming. The purpose of the ISIS is to provide an online software catalogue which does not require either prior instruction or familarity with keyword lexicons. Using ISIS, a user may record the characteristics of new software, and make searches for existing software by speci- fying its characteristics. Characteristics are speci- fied by selection from a succession of menus. ISIS is implemented on a PDP-11 computer operating under the UNIX operating system using the INGRES data base management system. It is writ- ten in the QUEL query language embedded in the programming language C. (Author) AD-A056 375/9 General Electric Co Schenectady N Y Research and Development Center MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000 Volume I Final technical rept. 14 Jun 76-14 Jun 77 D. E. D. Phillips, J. M. Brown, and J. P. Kellerman. Jun 78, 29p RADC-TR-78-8-VOL-1 Contract F30602-76-C-0321 Descriptors: 'Data bases, Command and control systems, Hierarchies, Networks, FORTRAN, Com- puter programming, Compilers. Identifiers: *Honeywell-6000 computers, PDP-11 computers, 'Data base management systems, 'MADMAN data base management system. MADMAN is a multi-access data base manage- ment system that exists on both the PDP-11 and the H6000. This report describes the version that exists on the H6000 under GCOS Versions 1/G, 2/H and 3/I. MADMAN is implemented in such a manner that only one copy of the data base man- ager is resident on the system for each data base that has been opened. That copy can support a maximum of 16 application programs at one time. The application programs are written in FORTRAN using the CALL statement to access the data base manager. Data is transferred core-to-core between the application programs and the data base man- ager. Three key features of MADMAN are: com- plete implementation of the CODASYL network data base standard (except for SELECT UNIQUE MASTER); sophisticated concurrency control with automatic rollback in case of data base conflicts; and automatic rollbacks of processes that were active when systems crashed. (Author) AD-A056 376/7 General Electric Co Schenectady N Y Research and Development Center MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000. Volume II Final technical rept. 14 Jun 76-14 Jun 77 D. E. D. Phillips, J. M. Brown, and J. P. Kellerman. Jun 78, 147p RADC-TR-78-8-VOL-2 Contract F30602-76-C-0321 Descriptors; 'Data bases, Input output processing, FORMATS, Computer programming, Programming languages, Syntax, Subroutines, FORTRAN, Com- puter program documentation. Identifiers: *Honeywell-6000 computers, PDP-11 computers, 'Data base management systems, 'MADMAN data base management system. SeeAD-A056 375. AD-A056 902/0 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass Implementation of a Secure Data Management System for the Secure UNIX Operating System B. N. Wagner. Jul 78, 41 p MTR-3524, ESD-TR- 78-154 Contract F19628-78-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Secure communications, Man com- puter interface, Data bases, Command and control systems, Computer applications, Information re- trieval, Interactive graphics. Identifiers: PDP 11/45 computers, Multics system, Unix operating system, 'Data base management systems. A secure data management system that achieves a multilevel capability for building and accessing relations has been implemented to run on the Secure UNIX Operating System for the DEC PDP- 11/45. The secure DMS is an adaptation of INGRES. This paper addresses the effect of multi- level security on the design of the INGRES data base system and its user interface, including im- plementation details and an evaluation of the system. AD-A056 960/8 Electronics Engineering Group (1842nd) Scott AFB III Data Network Referee (DNR) Concept Report Technical rept. John F. Hynes. 26 May 78, 65p Rept no. 1842 EEG/EETS-TR-78-2 Descriptors: 'Computer communications, 'Com- munications networks, 'Data links, Data transmis- sion systems, Failure(Electronics), Reliability(Electronics), Monitoring, Malfunctions, Faults, Error detection codes, Computer programs, Computer architecture, Data processing terminals, Minicomputers. A concept is presented for monitoring, detecting, and identifying faults and subsystem failures, on the functional level, in Data Communications Net- works. A brief review is included of the operating conditions of some existing data comm systems. (Author) AD-A057 899/7 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Design of Software Package for Incorporation of Random Load Testing and Data Processing on Materials Testing System Machine Master's thesis Frederick Martin Blakely, Jr. Jun 78, 132p Descriptors: 'Naval aircraft, 'Loads(Forces), Com- puter programs, Test equipment, Test methods, Data processing, Microprocessors, Microcom- puters, Data acquisition, monitoring, Random var- iables, Input output processing, Analog systems, Modules(Electronics), Magnetic tape, Tape re- corders, Theses. This thesis describes the software design and im- plementation of a microprocessor-based, random load drive and data acquisition system on a Materi- al Testing System (MTS) machine. A microproces- sor, combination analog input/output module, magnetic cassette tape recorder, and strain gage network form a strain data acquisition system for recording sequential strain peaks and throughs on specimens subjected to flight load histories. The data will be used to estimate the fraction of the fatigue life expended in a test specimen. A high speed digital computer is linked by telephone line to a microcomputer development system to create the randomization of fatigue loads specified in Mil Spec 8866 Spectrum A for use by the MTS ma- chine. (Author) AD-A057 990/4 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Microcomputer Based Flight Data Recorder/ Monitor with Solid State Memory Master's thesis Darl Eugene Easton. Jun 78, 144p Descriptors: 'Flight recorders, Bubble memories, Nonvolatile memories, Digital systems, Microcom- puters, Accident investigations, Aviation accidents, Data acquisition, Computer programs, Lightweight, Standardization, Theses. Identifiers: Digital flight data recorders. The design, breadboard implementation and func- tional testing of a Digital Flight Data Recorder/ Monitor prototype is reported. Microcomputer in- terfacing to Magnetic Bubble Memory and a digital data bus was accomplished. The microcomputer is to be used to collect and analyze flight parameters and record only significant data for later use in an accident investigation or maintenance debriefings for accident prevention. The Magnetic Bubble Memory is the nonvolatile recording media. The digital data bus interface to the IEEE 488 instru- ment bus will allow operational testing of the re- corder on an aircraft equipped with a complete data acquisition system. (Author) AD-A058 047/2 Stanford Univ Calif Stanford Electronics Labs The Formal Definition of a Real-Time Language Technical rept. John L. Hennessy, and Richard B. Kieburtz. Jul 78, 57p Rept nos. SU-SEL-78-024, DSL-TR-155 Contract N00014-75-C-0601, Grant NSF-JO- 42203 Prepared in cooperation with State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Computer Science. Descriptors: 'Programming languages, 'Seman- tics, Minicomputers, Computer programming, Real time, Boolean algebra. Identifiers: TOMAL programming language. This paper presents the formal definition of TOMAL (Task-Oriented Microprocessor Applica- tions Language), a programming language intend- ed for real-time systems running on small proces- sors. The formal definition addresses all aspects of the language. Because some modes of semantic definition seem particularly well-suited to certain aspects of a language, and not as suitable for others, the formal definition employs several, com- plementary modes of definition. AD-A058 095/1 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind Purdue Lab for Applied Industrial Control Annual Meeting of International Purdue Work- shop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6, 1977. Minutes. Part I. Narrative - Chapters I - X and Technical Appendices I 1977, 387p Contract N00014-78-C-0127 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: 'Computer applications, 'Workshops, Industrial equipment, International relations. FOR- TRAN, Microcomputers, Computer programs, Real time, Reports, Man machine systems, Foreign technology, State of the art. Identifiers: 'Meetings. This document presents the minutes and reports of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the International Purdue Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems which met at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A., on October 3-6, 1977. AD-A058 096/9 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind Purdue Lab for Applied Industrial Control Annual Meeting of International Purdue Work- shop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6, 1977. Minutes. Part II. Technical Appendices II - X 1977, 342p Contract N00014-78-C-0127 Descriptors: 'Computers, 'Workshops, Interna- tional, Industrial equipment, Computer programs, Microprocessors, Minicomputers, Fiber optics, Re- ports, Real time, Standardization, Safety, Reliability(Electronics), Foreign technology, State of the art. Identifiers: 'Meetings. This document contains minutes (Part II) and Technical Appendices 2-10 of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the International Purdue Workshop of Industrial Computer Systems. AD-A058 111/6 Data Solutions Corp Vienna Va In-Depth Assessment of the Status of Distrib- uted Data Bases and Potential U.S. Navy Re- quirements Final rept. Allen M Pargellis, Theodore W. Coffey, and Richard M. Moraski. 16 Jun 78, 63p Contract N00014-77-C-0626 Descriptors: 'Data bases, 'Naval tactical data system, 'Decentralization, Military organizations, Minicomputers, Computer programs, Bibliogra- phies, Test and Evaluation, Military requirements, Tactical warfare, Strategic warfare, Missions, Naval operations, Systems analysis, Data man- agement. Identifiers: Distributed data bases, 'Distributed processing. 16 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER This report consists of an In-depth Assessment of the Status of Distributed Data Bases and Potential U.S. Navy Requirements with two accompanying bibliographies. Following a discussion of the dis- tributed computer systems technology and its very considerable significance, the report proceeds to point out the implications of adoption of this de- centralized approach. Proceeding further, the report concludes that the question of distributed processing applications to Navy strategic and tac- tical requirements must be approached from a more fundamental basis than system conversion. The authors recommend an analysis of Navy re- quirements from a functional frame of reference, during the course of which the functions and activi- ties necessary to fulfill the Navy's missions and ob- jectives under various modes of operation must be studied and specified. When completed, this analy- sis will serve as a basis from which to move direct- ly to decisions as to areas for which distributed systems are appropriate as well as those areas for which retention of more centralized system control is desirable. (Author) AD-A058 193/4 Dayton Univ Ohio Research Inst AFML Scientific and Engineering Computer Support Final rept. 15 May 75-15 Nov 76 Dale L. Ford, Thomas Wood, Michael Dennis, and Duane G. Leet. Dec 77, 189p UDRI-TR-77- 10, AFML-TR-77-231 Contract F33615-75-C-5191 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Computer applications, Materials laboratories, Metallurgy, Computer programs, Mi- crocomputers, Digital computers, Data processing, Ablative materials, Atmosphere entry, Lasers, Mi- crostructure, Titanium alloys, Computerized simu- lation, Crack propagation, Stress analysis. This report summarizes the work performed in pro- viding scientific and engineering computer support to various projects within AFML during this time period. This work includes exploitation of all com- puters available to AFML researchers. This report is divided into major topics: (1) Automated Experi- ments and Data Acquisition, (2) Computer Pro- grams for Reentry and Laser Applications of Abla- tion/Thermal Effects, (3) Computer Analysis of Mi- crostructures, and (4) General User Programs and Education. AD-A058 434/2 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio SIMPL-M Code Generation for the Intel 8080 Microcomputer Master's thesis James B. Bladen. 23 Nov 77, 91 p Rept no. AFIT- CI-78-65 Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Computer archi- tecture, Programming languages, Computer com- munications, Compilers, Machine coding, High level languages, Theses. Identifiers: lntel-8080 computers, CDC-6000 com- puters, SIMPL compiler. Microcomputers add a new dimension to modern computers. However, since microcomputers are not well-suited to running large compilers, the medium of communication between the program- mer and micros has traditionally been assembly language. The computer software industry realized some time ago that the most effective means of generating a software system is by using a compil- er capable of communicating clearly both with the programmer and the computer hardware. Such compilers are necessarily large, and are generally used to create machine code for the big machines they run on. However, by replacing a compiler's code generator with the code generator of a small machine, a compiler can run on the large machine and generate code for a small one, and the size limitation problem is eliminated. This thesis pre- sents just such a cross-compiler. The large ma- chine is the CDC 6000 and the compiler is the SIMPL compiler. AD-A059 041/4 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md A Fixed-Point Arithmetic Compiler Final rept. Paul III Craun. 1 Jul 77, 123p Rept no. NSWC/ WOL/TR-77-65 Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Compilers, 'Minicomputers, Parsers, Formats, Input, Real time, Point theorem, Algo- rithms, Computer programming, Theses. Minicomputers used within real time digital sys- tems require mathematical operations to be per- formed at maximum speed. The most efficient use of their fixed point arithmetic units is made while manipulating fixed point data. Software simulation of floating point mathematics is too slow and re- quires additional core. A fixed point arithmetic compiler is designed to allow the programmer to express fixed point mathematical processes in equation form. Only the description of the original equation arguments is required. All intermediate results of the equation realization are scaled by the compiler to avoid clipping and truncation errors. (Author) AD-A059 196/6 Army Communications Research and Develop- ment Command Fort Monmouth Nj Phase II Comparative Evaluation of the MCF Computer Architectures Research and development technical rept. S. H. Fuller, G. Mathew, and L. Szewerenko. Jul 78, 53p Rept no. CORADCOM-78-9-VOL-2 Descriptors: 'Computer architecture, 'Digital com- puters, Test and evaluation, Computer programs, Executive routines, Algorithms. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, AN/UPK-20, AN/ UYK-19, AN/GYK-12, AN/UYK-7. Comparing alternative computer architectures is a topic of concern to both users and designers of computer systems. This paper presents the results of a second study undertaken to try and quantita- tively evaluate alternative computer architectures. The first study compared the INTERDATA 8/32, PDP 11, and IBM 370 architectures. Subsequent interest in additional architectures has allowed us to initiate a second study covering the PDP-11, AN/UYK-20, AN/UYK-19, AN/GYK-12 and AN/ UYK-7. This second study has allowed us to ad- dress a number of limitations and shortcomings of the first study. AD-A059 390/5 Carnegie-Mellon Univ Pittsburgh PA Dept of Com- puter Science Evaluation of the Bitstring Algorithm Interim rept. Peter H. Feiler. 1 2 Apr 78, 39 CMU-CS-78-1 1 1 , AFOSR-TR-78-1252 Contract F44620-73-C-0074, ARPA Order-2466 Descriptors: 'Computer programming, Algorithms, Resource management, Microprogramming, Data storage systems, Dynamic programming. Identifiers: 'Bitstring algorithm, PDP-11 /40E com- puters, Data structures. A resource allocation technique based on an alter- native data representation to the list structure, i.e. the bitvector, is discussed in this paper. The data structure provides for implicit collapsing of availa- ble resources, and the algorithm, called Bitstring, can be applied to any type of resource without per- formance loss. An optimized implementationof Bitstring is compared with a corresponding list structure algorithm (Firstfit). Two bitvector algo- rithms for special resource allocation environ- ments, Exactstring and Quickstring, are presented. The implementation of Bitstring in microcode on a PDP-11 /40E and the resulting performance im- provement relative to the assembly code imple- mentation are discussed. (Author) AD-A059 435/8 Honeywell Inc St Petersburg FL Avionics Div GEO-SPIN (Trademark) Precision Inertial Survey Contract rept. Richard H. Roller, Jr. 1 Apr 78, 453p ETL-0135 Contract DAAK70-77-C-0070 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Geodetic surveys, 'Inertial naviga- tion, 'Navigation computers, Gyroscopes, Acce- lerometers, Trucks, Direction finding, Electrostatic fields, Computer programs, Errors, Accuracy, Thermal stability. Identifiers: Electrostatic suspension gyroscopes, Minicomputers. A surveying feasibility system was assembled using a modified Honeywell GEANS Airborne Navi- gation System utilizing Electrostatically suspended gyros. The system utilized a conventional mini- computer and was mounted in a truck. The unit was then used to survey at St. Petersburg, Florida and at White Sands, New Mexico. This test pro- gram showed performance of one meter with the identification of several error source in the soft- ware area, which, when incorporated, should reduce the errors to less than 0.1 meters. (Author) AD-A059 601/5 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA A Real-Time Operating System for Single Board Computer Based Distributed Naval Tac- tical Data Systems Master's thesis Wolfgang Niemann. Jun 78, 347p Descriptors: 'Naval tactical data system, "Micro- processors, Real time, Microcomputers, Circuit boards, Cathode ray tubes, Debugging(Computers), User needs, Central proc- essing units, Computer programs, Theses. The microprocessor revolution has produced a ca- pable computer on a single printed circuit board. The design and development of a real-time operat- ing system for a distributed system of Single Board Computers is presented in this paper. There are user manuals and program descriptions for the op- erating system, a debug module, a CRT module and a line printer module. The operating systems has been developed for a Multibus system with three INTEL Single Board Computers SBC80/20-4 and 64K bytes of common memory. The system has been designed specifically for Naval Tactical Data Systems applications and the feasibility of such applications are evaluated with respect to currently available Single Board Computers and with respect to Single Board Computers that should be available in the near future. (Author) AD-A059 603/1 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA A Microcomputer Based Shipboard Surface- Subsurface Contact Plotter System Master's thesis Antonio Luiz Soares Goncalves, and Javier Enrique De la Cuba Bravo. Jun 78, 509p Descriptors: 'Plotters, 'Microcomputers, 'Ship auxiliary equipment, Display systems, Computer programs, Position finding. Microprocessors, Ma- neuverability, Floating point operation, Computer programming, Navigational aids, Theses. Identifiers: Surface subsurface contact plotter system. Today, in most shipboard Combat Information Centers, true mption plots of own ship's motion and or surface/subsurface contacts are provided with the aid of electromechanical devices like the dead-reckoning tracer ('DRT') or the NC-2 plotter. These devices suffer a variety of drawbacks, such as inflexibility and the need to 'track' the light- spots manually. This thesis has developed a flexi- ble, labor-saving, true-motion plotter using con- temporary microcomputer and plasma display technologies. An automatic display of contact data, analogous to the plexiglass 'surface status board' is also provided. Contact course, speed, and CPA information are computed automatically and, unlike the DRT or the NC-2 plotter, both the geographic and tabular displays can be easily du- plicated on the bridge and elsewhere. ( UTHOR) AD-A059 692/4 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA A Design for a Function-Descriptive Program- ming Language Master's thesis Jerry Gregory Paccassi, II, and Carl Eric Wick. Jun 78, 21 4p Rept no. NPS52-78-003 17 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Descriptors: "Programming languages, Problem solving, Compilers, Reliability, Microcomputers, Computer programming, SYNTAX, Computer logic, Theses. Identifiers: Abstraction. A design for a function-descriptive programming language is described. The language is based upon a software design model which uses the process of abstraction and successive refinement in problem solving. The resulting programming lan- guage provides mechanisms and structures con- ducive to language extension, ease of program de- velopment and enhancement of software reliabil- ity. A system's library expands the capability of the base language to satisfy the needs of a user or user group. The user, therefore, does not need to carry the burden of those features of the language which he does not use. Because of its potentially small size, the translator or compiler of the base language may be feasibly implemented on micro- computer developmental systems. (Author) AD-A059 936/5 University of Southern California Los Angeles Electronic Sciences Lab Analysis and Design of Fault-Tolerant Comput- er Systems Interim rept. John P. Hayes. 1 Aug 78, 29p AFOSR-TR-78- 1355 Grant AFOSR-77-3352 Descriptors: 'Fault tolerant computing, 'Multi- processors, Microprocessors, Recovery, Test and Evaluation, Design to cost, Communications net- works, Personnel, Computer aided design. This report describes the first-year results of an in- vestigation of fault-tolerant computer systems. A new method for measuring recovery time in fault- tolerant multiprocessors was developed. A com- plete characterization of optimally t-step recover- able systems was obtained, and certain graph transformations that simplify recovery analysis were studied. Some diagnosability properties of n- cube interconnection networks were derived. A study of fault tolerance in large connecting net- works was initiated using a new concept of dynam- ic full access. A design theory based on recursive component expansion capabilities was developed for MSI/LSI systems. The use of similar recursive methods for test pattern generation was also initi- ated. Promising results were obtained for testing bit-sliced microprocessors and related compo- nents. (Author) AD-A060 210/2 Army Military Personnel Center Alexandria Va ARIAN -- An Implementation of a Microcom- puter Operating System Final rept. Richard Lee Conn. May 78, 190p Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, On line systems, User needs, Computer programs, Files(Records), Programming languages, Programming manuals. Identifiers: ARIAN operating system, Z-80 comput- ers, 'Operating systems(Computers), Floppy disks. ARIAN is a microcomputer operating system de- veloped for use with the Z80 microprocessor. A floppy-disk based operating system, ARIAN was designed to be used as a software development system. Its features include a dual file system for memory and disk files, a built-in assembler input line and intra-line editing facilities, and a host of utilities which may be used for system control and program debugging. Although ARIAN was de- signed specifically for the Z80 microprocessor, the basic concepts learned during its creation and im- plementation are of general application. These concepts are discussed in the first part of the thesis, while the following sections describe ARIAN in detail and function as a user's manual. (Author) AD-A060 667/3 Digital Technology Inc Champaign IL INFE Software Functional Description Over- view Gary R. Grossman, Steven F. Holmgren, and Richard H. Howe. 20 Mar 78, 38p DTI-2, AD- E 100-081 Contract DCA100-77-C-0069 Report on Phase B Network Front-End Research and Development. Descriptors: "Computer communications, 'Com- munications networks, 'Digital computers, Com- mand and control systems, Military requirements. Identifiers: H 6000 computers, ARPANET, PDP- 11 /70 computers, WWMCC(Worldwide Military Command and Control Systems), Protocols, INFE(INterim Network Front End), AUTODIN 2, Network front ends, Computer networks, Comput- er programming. Digital Technology Incorporated is developing an IOC Network Front End (INFE) to connect a WWMCCS H6000 to AUTODIN II. A DEC PDP-1 1 / 70 running under a modified Network UNIX system is being used for the INFE. This document de- scribes the data routes through the INFE, the INFE protocol modules, and the flow of data vis-a-vis protocol staging in the INFE. (Author) AD-A060 668/1 Digital Technology Inc Champaign IL INFE Program Design Specifications. Phase B. NFE Software Program Design Specifications Steven F. Holmgren, David C. Healy, and David A. Willcox. 15 May 78, 115p DTI-6, AD-E1 00-082 Report on Phase B Network Frontend Research and Development. Descriptors: 'Computer communications, 'Com- munications networks, Command and control sys- tems, Military requirements. Communication termi- nals. Identifiers: WWMCCS(Worldwide Military Com- mand and Control Systems), Protocols, INFE(lnterim Network Front End), Honeywell-6000 computers, Network front ends, PDP-1 1/70 com- puters, AUTODIN, Computer networks, Computer software. Digital Technology Incorporated is developing an IOC Network Front End (INFE) to connect a WWMCCS H6000 to AUTODIN II. A DEC PDP-1 1 / 70 running under a modified Network UNIX system is being used for the INFE. This document con- tains the program design specifications for the AU- TODIN II protocol software used in the INFE. (Author) AD-A060 944/6 Army Communications Research and Develop- ment Command Fort Monmouth NJ A Comparison of the Existing Support Soft- ware Bases of the AN/GYQ-21 Architecture and the Current Military Architectures Research and development technical rept. James Wagner, and H. Stone. Jul 78, 79p Rept no. CORADCOM-78-10 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: 'Data processing equipment, Com- puter architecture, Data processing, Data bases, Data management, Life cycle costs, Data process- ing terminals, Compilers, Military applications, Digi- tal computers, Deficiencies, Comparison. Identifiers: 'AN/GYQ-21, Computer software, PDP-1 1 computers, Mathematical models. A comparison of the support software bases of the four currently utilized military architectures and the AN/GYQ-21 (DEC PDP-11) is described. Ap- proach taken in this evaluation is to model the soft- ware development process, hypothesize an ideal support software structure for the model, and then apply that structure against each of the architec- tures in turn. The support software available for each architecture can then be listed and, by esti- mating the development cost of each tool, the total software bases and deficiencies in dollars of each architecture can be determined. This evaluation is one of the major inputs to a life cycle cost analysis, reported separately, of 78 Army/Navy military computer based systems which attempts to deter- mine the cost-effective approach to standardiza- tion of computer architectures. AD-A061 040/2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA NPS-PASCAL. A Partial Implementation of PASCAL Language for a Microprocessor- based Computer System Master's thesis Joaquin C. Gracida, and Robert R. Stilwell. Jun 78, 228p Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Programming lan- guages, Compilers, Microprocessors, High level languages, Theses. Identifiers: 'PASCAL programming language, PL/ M programming language, INTEL-8080 comput- ers, Translators. The design and partial implementation of the PASCAL programming language, for use on a mi- croprocessor-based system, is described. The framework for the implementation is comprised of two subsystems, a compiler which generates code for a hypothetical zero-address machine, and a translator that generates code for the target 8080 microcomputer. The portions of the system which are implemented are written in the PL/M program- ming language to run in a diskette-based environ- ment with at least 32K bytes of memory. (Author) AD-A061 052/7 Sharp (I P) Associates Ltd Ottawa (Ontario) EUCLID Compiler for PDP-1 1 Quarterly technical rept. no. 2, 1 Apr-30 Jun 78 David Bonyun, and R. C. Holt. 24 Jul 78, 28p Rept no. IPSA-381 9-002 Contract MDA903-78-C-0037, ARPA Order-3475 Descriptors: 'Compilers, Computer communica- tions, Data processing security, Data processing equipment, Data storage systems, Data transmis- sion systems. Identifiers: EUCLID, 'PDP-11 computers, Canada, Minicomputers. The work towards a EUCLID compiler is progress- ing satisfactorily. Communication with Ford Aero- space (KSOS team) has resulted in very slight di- rection changes in the short run to satisfy their im- mediate needs. (Author) AD-A061 277/0 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA MICRO-COBOL A Subset of Navy Standard HYPO-COBOL for Micro-Computers Master's thesis Philip Russell Mylet. Sep 78, 170p Descriptors: 'Programming languages, Microcom- puters, Computer architecture, Computer files, Theses. Identifiers: COBOL, MICRO COBOL programming language, lntel-8080 computers, Z-80 computers. A MICRO-COBOL interpretive compiler has been implemented on an 8080 micro-computer based system running under CP/M. The implementation is a subset of ADPESO standard HYPO-COBOL in that the interprogram communication module has not been included. HYPO-COBOL provides nucle- us level constructs and file options from the ANSII COBOL package along with the PERFORM UNTIL construct from a higher level to give increased structural control. MICRO-COBOL can be execut- ed on an 8080 or Z-80 micro-computer system with 16K of memory. Although largely completed and tested, all features are not implemented. File I/O features have not been tested and the numeric edit instruction has not been implemented in the interpreter. (Author) AD-A061 344/8 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA The Development and Implementation of Algo- rithms for an A-7E Performance Calculator Master's thesis Gary Lang Koger. Sep 78, 158p Descriptors: 'Flight simulation, 'Attack bombers, Algorithms, Calculators, Performance(Engineering), Computer programs, Data reduction, Graphs, Microprocessors, Theses. Identifiers: A-7 aircraft, A-7E aircraft. In this thesis, the algorithms for an A-7E perform- ance calculator were developed and then imple- 18 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER merited on three small data processors of different programming levels and storage capabilities. The utility of data is a function of several variables in- cluding accuracy and availability. Nine perform- ance chart groups, yielding the data usually con- sidered necessary for flight, were reduced to a series of analytical expressions. These analytical expressions were demonstrated to reproduce NATOPS Manual data to a high degree of accura- cy. Implementation was demonstrated on a deck computer, a hand held calculator and a micro- processor. AD-A061 402/4 Sharp (I P) Associates Ltd Ottawa (Ontario) EUCLID Compiler for PDP-1 1 Quarterly technical rept. no. 1, 1 Oct 77-31 Mar 78 David A. Bonyun, and R. C. Holt. 21 Apr 78, 31 p Rept no. IPSA-381 9-001 Contract MDA903-78-C-0037, ARPA Order-3475 Descriptors: 'Compilers, Information processing, Programming languages, Canada. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, EUCLID compiler, Computer software. The work towards a EUCLID compiler for the PDP- 11 is proceeding satisfactorily although it has changed somewhat as the result of effort put into stabilizing the language. (Author) AD-A061 406/5 Sharp (I P) Associates Ltd Ottawa (Ontario) EUCLID Compiler for PDP-1 1 Quarterly technical rept. no. 3. 1 Jul-30 Sep 78 David A. Bonyun, and R. C. Holt. 24 Oct 78, 10p Rept no. IPSA-381 9-003 Contract MDA903-78-C-0037, ARPA Order-3475 Descriptors: 'Compilers, '-Information processing, Programming languages, Canada. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, EUCLID compiler, Computer software. Work on the EUCLID compiler is progressing well although the amount of work required is substan- tially greater than expected. This is because the complexity of the language is finally being fully ex- perienced as the individual passes are being coded. (Author) AD-A062 151/6 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Devel- opment Center Bethesda MD CHECK: A Computer Model for Establishing Data Bounds Final rept. George R. Humfeld. Dec 78, 55p Rept no. DTNSRDC-78/112 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, Statistical data, Statistical distributions, Data acquisition, Fortran. Identifiers: 'Data bounds, CHECK computer pro- gram, PDP-1 1/03 computers, Minicomputers, Naval ships. The Shipsystem Maintenance Monitoring and Sup- port Office (SMMSO) is establishing a new proce- dure whereby data collected by a SMMS Site Team will be typed into a DEC PDP-1 1/03 mini- computer at or near the data collection site. A rou- tine in the PDP-11 will check to see that each number entered lies within the bounds established for its data field. This report documents a FOR- TRAN computer model, called CHECK, which has been used to analyze existing data for each nu- merical field and to suggest sets of bounds for use in the PDP-1 1 . Each data set examined by CHECK is tested for possible adherance to assumptions of exponentiality or normality. Bounds are suggested based on the results of these tests. In addition, CHECK indicates the expected probability that an- other data value from the same distribution will lie within the suggested bounds. (Author) AD-A062 373/6 Defence and Civil Inst of Environmental Medicine Downsview (Ontario) Guide to Landsat Image Enhancement Pro- grams on the CCRS DECsystem-10/MAD Dis- ¥S echnical rept. M. M. Taylor, and S. Schlien. 1978, 59p Rept no. DCIEM-TR-78X22 Descriptors: 'Image intensification, Computer pro- grams, Reconnaissance satellites, Remote detec- tors, Photographic analysis, Color photography, Computer programming, Spatial filtering, Canada. Identifiers: 'Landsat satellites, Programming man- uals, Image processing. This report describes a suite of programs for color enhancement of Landsat images. The report is both a user's guide and an aid for programmers who may wish to understand, alter, or transport the routines. By following the guide, a user should be able to take any Landsat image on a Computer Compatible Tape (CCT) and produce on the Multi- spectral Analyser Display (MAD) display screen an enhanced image suited to his own individual re- quirements. The enhancement uses a principal components transformation of the Landsat spec- tra, determined by the statistics of an interesting area, and followed by another transformation which reduces the data to color values. This report is intended to aid users in handling the routines which implement the enhancement, not as a scien- tific or technical description of the underlying the- ories. AD-A062 551/7 Lundy Electronics and Systems Inc Glen Head NY Digital Data Editing System Final rept. 26 Feb 76-25 Feb 77 William E. Handler. Sep 77, 28p ETL-0146 Contract DAAG53-76-C-0095 Descriptors: 'Digital maps, 'Editing, 'Interactive graphics, Input output devices, Subroutines, Real time, Automation. Identifiers: Digital Data Editing System, PDP-1 1 /45 computers, Plotters, Computer graphics, Comput- er aided mapping. A requirement within a computerized map and chart production process is editing of the digitized data prior to the final copy. This paper describes an off-line editing subsystem of the semi-automat- ed cartography system developed by the U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratory (USAETL) at Fort Belvoir and the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) production centers. (Author) AD-A062 831/3 Army Missile Research and Development Com- mand Redstone Arsenal AL Technology Lab Software Development for Interfacing AN HP- 21 MX with a Tektronix 4051 Technical rept. Jerrel R. Mitchell. 29 Sep 78, 45p Rept no. DRDMI-T-78-102 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: 'Computer graphics, 'Minicomputers, Fortran, Data processing terminals, Data process- ing equipment. Identifiers: 'Computer software, Tektromix 4051 Graphic System, HP-21 MX computers, Computer programs, Data transmission. In this report, software developments for fully utiliz- ing the marriage between a Tektronix 4051 Graph- ic System, an HP-21 MX minicomputer, and an HP- 9885M flexible disc are presented. First, software necessary (or this combination is presented in sev- eral tables. Then three programs that were specifi- cally tailored for transferring data between the three devices are presented and discussed. The use of each program is illustrated with one or more examples. (Author) AD-A062 939/4 Army Military Personnel Center Alexandria VA Microprocessor Control of the Blood Flow Plethysmograph Final rept. Walter E. Seiberling. 15 Dec 78, 151 Master's thesis. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Blood circulation, 'Plethysmo- graphy, 'Microprocessors, Automatic, Real time, Floating point operation, Measurement, Accuracy, Theses, Time intervals, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Medical computer applications. The Blood Flow Plethysmograph, an instrument to measure blood flow through non-invasive tech- niques, is automated with an Intel SBC 80/10 single board computer. The automated system provides a real-time output capability, reduces op- erator's error, and improves the accuracy of the measurement. (Author) AD-A063 004/6 Questran Corp San Diego CA Radiation Hardened Microprocessor. Volume II Final rept. Oct 76-Dec 77 V. V. Nickel, and P. A. Rosenberg. May 78, 206p AFAL-TR-78-55-VOL-2 Contract F33615-77-C-1001 Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, 'Radiation har- dening, 'Integrated circuits, 'Microprogramming, Subroutines, Complementary metal oxide semi- conductors, Gates(Circuits), Arrays, Read only memories, Random access computer storage, Minicomputers, Microcomputers, Simulation, Throughput, Semiconductors, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: 'Emulators(Computers), Silicon on sapphire, Large scale integrated circuits, Intel 8080 computers. The basic conclusion of this emulation analysis effort is that the GPU and its supporting devices (GUA, ROM and RAM) constitute a viable micro- processor bit slice device family. However, defi- ciencies were found in the GPU and its family members that must be rectified to ensure a truely competitive product line capable handling Air Force requirements. GPU design deficiencies are presently being corrected. Deficiencies in the breadth of the device family were also found to exist and recommendations for additional part types for the family are proposed. The most impor- tant additional device type required is a micropro- gram controller. Building a CMOS/SIS version of the AMD 2910 is recommended. A parallel effort was undertaken to define and design, to the gate level, a particular computer for emulation using the device family. This effort provided a test of the emulation capabilities of the device family. Further deficiencies in the devices were found as a result of this effort. The computer selected for emulation was the 8080-a microprocessor representative of the higher performance microprocessors on the market. A major accomplishment of this program was the detailed design of an 8080 emulator using the device family. AD-A063 160/6 Army Aviation Research and Development Com- mand St Louis MO Automatic Null Steering/Surveillance Array System (ANSAS) for Global Positioning System (GPS) Application Final rept. Jack Gray, Charles M. DeSantis, and Thomas J. Brown. Dec 78, 48p Rept no. USAAVRADCOM- TR-78-57 Descriptors: 'Global positioning system, 'Naviga- tion aids, Automatic, Antenna arrays, Microwave receivers, Phased arrays, Microprocessors, Com- puter programs, Antenna radiation patterns, Elec- tronic counter countermeasures, Antijamming, Manportable equipment. Identifiers: Null steering, Signal to jam ratio. Global Positioning System Receivers can be af- fected by interference from unfriendly jammers. The ANSAS Automatic Null Steering/Surveillance array System for Global Positioning System (GPS) application is an ECM addition for GPS application which reduces GPS performance degradation by generating a spatial null in the antenna pattern in the direction of the interference source. Both auto- matic and manual modes of operation are availa- ble to the operator. ANSAS operates by sensing the interference environment and optimizes S/J ratio via spatial null formation under the guidance of a microprocessor controller. Control signals originating in the microprocessor drive Phase-Am- plitude adjustments (Complex Weights) at the an- tenna elements such that a reduction in interfer- ence occurs after the summation of the antenna outputs. (Author) 19 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER AD-A063 174/7 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA A Preliminary Investigation of Aural Input/ Output Systems for In-Flight Information Re- trieval Master's thesis Albert George Mertz. Sep 78, 164p Descriptors: "Speech recognition, "Microproces- sors, Input output processing, Inflight, Pilots, Cock- pits, Background noise, Patrol aircraft, Man ma- chine systems, Voice communications, Command and control systems. Flight control systems, Algo- rithms, Computer programs, Avionics, Theses. Identifiers: Workloads, Speech synthesis, Speech understanding systems, INTEL-8080 computers. An analysis of two commercially available Speech Understanding Systems (SUS) was conducted. Each system was tested against various back- ground noise conditions. Results obtained were compared with current criteria for SUS application in aircraft. Additionally, since the P-3 Orion aircraft is being considered as a SUS test aircraft, a survey of Fleet P-3 pilots was conducted. Their opinion was sought on what a SUS equipped microproces- sor should be capable of accomplishing as an aid to the flight crew. (Author) AD-A063 303/2 Naval Research Lab Washington DC REMOS: A Remote Communications Operating System for Real-Time Activities Final rept. Stephen Sutton. 20 Dec 78, 21 p Rept no. NRL- 8275 Descriptors: Data acquisition, Data processing equipment, Display systems, Minicomputers, Mi- crocomputers, Time sharing, Real time. Identifiers: "Computer networks, "Real time sys- tems, Process control, REMOS system, Dedicated computers, Distributed processing, Satellite com- puters, Host computers. REMOS is a software system that allows a host computer, usually a large time-shared computer, to serve as a background operating system for a smaller satellite dedicated to some real-time activi- ty such as data acquisition or process control. REMOS allows the bulk of the processing associ- ated with an entire real-time activity to be per- formed as background processing in the host, where a wide variety of services and utilities is available for data processing, storage, display, etc. The system also can, through the satellite comput- ers, be dedicated as needed for many real-time ap- plications. The REMOS software was designed for a high degree of host transferability, so that a mini- mal investment in the satellite and access to any large time-shared system gives the user a versatile real-time system. REMOS is an open-ended system whose goal is to provide a fundamentally sound frame-work upon which more complicated, specialized systems can be constructed. (Author) AD-A063 312/3 IBM Federal Systems Div Owego NY Program Documentation for the Helmet- Mounted-Display Processor Flight Software J. Mras, W. E. Brandt, J. L. Nagel, and G. M. Sebasky. Feb 78, 53p AMRL-HESS-78-3 Contract F33615-75-C-5152 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Helmet mounted displays, "Head up displays, Computer programs. Television systems, Optical images, Target desig- nators, Navigational aids, Graphics, Aiming, Servo- mechanisms, Formats, Input output processing, Flow charting, Data processing equipment, Control systems. The flight software executes in the Helmet-Mount- ed-Display Processor (HMDP) to provide vector- graphic displays that may be viewed on a helmet- mounted display (HMD), or a heads-up display (HUD). There are several different display formats, each of which is selectable via pushbutton switch- es mounted in a cockpit mockup. In addition, to these display selection inputs, the program is re- sponsive to data value inputs which can be ex- pressed using these same pushbuttons under var- ious modes. Dynamic data received from actual aircraft electronics units are accommodated by an analog input capability and a synchro input capa- bility. These dynamic inputs define the aircraft state and the helmet pointing angles to the flight software program. The various display generation routines that comprise the flight software program use these dynamic and static inputs to derive meaningful flight displays in several specific orien- tations, all of which are dynamically responsive to aircraft translation and rotation, as well as head pointing angle. In addition, the vector-graphics dis- plays when viewed on the HMD may be mixed with aT.V. image. AD-A063 370/1 Burroughs Corp Paoli PA Federal and Special Sys- tems Group Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Maintenance Manual Final rept. Jul 75-Apr 77. Apr 77, 22bp AD-E100-145 Contract DCA100-75-C-0054 Descriptors: "Communications networks, "Control systems, "Systems management, "Computer ar- chitecture, Computer programs, Communication terminals, Nodes, Input output devices, Micro- processors, Maintenance, Closed loop systems, Department of Defense, Global communication systems, Simulation. Identifiers: "Defense Communication System, Sys- tems engineering. This publication is the Hardware Maintenance Manual for the Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). It provides the information needed for maintenance of all hardware items contained in ESM cabinets numbers 1 , 2, and 3. AD-A063 407/1 Burroughs Corp Paoli PA Federal and Special Sys- tems Group Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Book 1. FORTRAN. Software Maintenance Manual Final rept. Jul 75-Apr 77. Apr 77, 252p Rept no. 66143-3 Contract DCA100-75-C-0054 Descriptors: "Communications networks, "Control systems, "Computer architecture, Systems man- agement, FORTRAN, Computer programs, Flow charting, Data management, Microprocessors, As- semblers, Microprogramming, Closed loop sys- tems, Department of Defense, Global communica- tion systems, Simulation. Identifiers: "Defense communication system, Man- uals, Systems engineering. The software described in this Software Mainte- nance Manual is contained on four TU10 mag- tapes. Book 1 contains description, flowcharts, and listings for programs written in FORTRAN. Tape 1 contains the source, object, task, overlay description language, message, system, ATEC simulation, and command files used for the User Language, Record Move Utility, and Interprocess Communication and Resource Sharing Demon- stration Programs for host processors A and B. Tape 2 contains microcode source and object files for loading the eleven B7* CIE microprocessors, and the microcode loader utility. Tape 3 contains the task, source, object, and overlay description language files for the Mini-D Micro Programming Language Assembler. Tape 4 contains the ESM Diagnostic Library. AD-A063 572/2 Defence Research Establishment Valcartier (Quebec) An Improved Version of an Assembler and Simulator for the 8080 J. N. Berube, R. Carbonneau, B. Montminy, and P. Cote. Nov 78, 37p Rept no. DREV-R-4124/78 Descriptors: "Assemblers, "Simulators, Computer programs, Fortran, Machine translation, Machine coding, Microprocessors, Tables(Data). Identifiers: lntel-8080 computers, Canada. This report describes an improved version of an assembler and simulator being used to translate man-readable statements into machine understan- dable code. This program, written in Fortran, allows programming of the 8080 microprocessor in symbolic language as well as the use of labels for jump instructions while the simulator duplicates ex- actly the behavior of the microprocessor in real ap- plications. It is also possible to simulate interrupts and print out intermediate results. This new version may be used on any computer with a Fortran com- piler while the former APL version was slower by a factor of ten and limited to a computer with an APL interpreter. (Author) AD-A063 729/8 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Cambridge MA Command and Control Related Computer Technology: Packet Radio Quarterly progress rept. No. 15, 1 Jun-31 Aug 78 M. Beeler, J. Burchfiel, R. Perlman, W. W. Plummer, and V. Strazisar. Jan 79, 43p Rept no. BBN-3961 Contract MDA903-75-C-0180, ARPA Order-2935 Descriptors: "Radio equipment, "Computer com- munications, "Command and control systems, Computer programs, Communications networks, Digital computers, Labels, Routing. Identifiers: Transmission Control Program, PDP-1 1 computers, Point to point routing, Packet radio communication, Packet switching. This document describes progress on develop- ment of a packet radio network. Activities reported include work on Station Software and Inter- networking Research and Development. (Author) AD-A063 802/3 Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc., Cambridge, MA. Improvements to the BCPL Programming System Final rept. 13 Apr-30 Nov 78 Harry C. Forsdick, Arthur Evans, Jr, and Robert H. Thomas. Dec 78, 71 p Rept no. BBN-3983 Contract N00039-78-C-0313, ARPA Order-3567 Descriptors: "Programming languages, Optimiz- ation, Compilers, Assembly languages. Subrou- tines, Algorithms, Optimization. Identifiers: BCPL programming language, PDP-1 computers, TENEX system, TOPS-20 system. No abstract available. AD-A064 059/9 Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering. Preliminary Design of a Universal Network In- terface Device Master's thesis Sam C Sluzevich. Dec 78, 274p Rept no. AFIT/ GE/EE/78-41 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Interfaces, Digital systems, Communications networks, Input output processing, Life cycles, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Universal network interface devices. A preliminary design was developed for a special microprocessor based interface called the univer- sal network interface device. The universal net- work interface device accepts peripheral inouts, formats these inputs into a message structure es- tablished by the link control protocol, and transmits the messages over the communication network. Conversely, it accepts messages from the net- work, determines if the message to the subscriber or back on the network. The design of the univer- sal network interface device was modularized to allow the device to be configured based upon the user local network requirements. AD-A064 347/8 Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Jacksonville, FL. Energy Monitoring and Control System. (Report Update -1978) Final rept. Ewell E. Menge. Jul 78, 195p USAFESA-RT- 2056 Contract DAAK70-77-C-0296 Descriptors: "Military facilities, "Military facilities, Control systems, Monitoring, Automation, Energy conservation, Heating, Cooling, Cost analysis, 20 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Savings, Computer programs, Minicomputers, Maintenance. Identifiers: Hydronic heating systems, Energy monitoring and control systems. This report provides guidance for the selection and evaluation of both applications and equipment for energy monitoring and control system (EMCS) at U. S. Army installations. The guidance is in the form of information relative to the potential appli- cation and their associated savings, the various types of EMCS available and their costs, and a method of comparing the costs to the potential savings in order to determine economic feasibility. (Author) AD-A064 396/5 Air Force 'nst. of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering. Design of a SEL 86/LSI-1 1 Interface Monitor Master's thesis Janet E. Baralli. Dec 78, 1 1 3p Rept no. AFIT/ GCS/EE/78-9 Descriptors: 'Computer architecture, * Interfaces, Monitors, Minicomputers, Data transmission sys- tems, Fortran, Computer programming, Formats, Input output processing, Theses. Identifiers: SEL-86 computers, LSI-11 computers, Computer networks, Computer software. The Air Force Materials Laboratory (AFML) uses LSI- 1 1 microcomputers as one of several comput- er systems available for collecting test data. For conducting these tests, LSI-11 programs must be loaded into and data collected from the LSI-11 using paper tapes. Data is later stored on a larger computer system at AFML, the SEL 86. The pur- pose of this investigation has been to design a SEL 86/LSI-1 1 interface that will automate manual pro- cedures. The interface design enhances the cur- rent LSI-11 system by providing the following ca- pabilities: load binary programs and data residing on a SEL 86 file into LSI-1 1 memory; transmit data stored in LSI-11 memory to one or more SEL 86 files, and place the LSI-1 1 memory into a transpar- ency mode such that it is a peripheral as viewed by the SEL 86. The principles of software engineering have been applied in both the analysis and design phases. Formal tools have been used in defining the requirements and developing the structured design. The resulting design is an interface monitor with software residing on both the LSI-11 and the SEL 86. The added capabilities are provided using either a series of commands entered at the LSI-1 1 console or as call statements in LSI-1 1 Fortran compiled programs. (Author) AD-A064 633/1 Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering. Electrical Engineering Digital Design Labora- tory Communications Network. Part 3 Master's thesis Donald L. Ravenscroft. Dec 78, 52p Rept no. AFIT/GCS/EE/78-16-PT-3 Descriptors: "Communications networks, 'Mini- computers, 'Communications traffic, 'Data links, Instruction manuals, Interfaces, Routing, Algo- rithms, Theses. Identifiers: ALTAIR-8800B computers, CYBER-74 computers, Distributed networks, Protocols, CY- BERSCP computer program. This manual provides instructions on how to oper- ate the CYBER System Computer Program (CY- BERSCP). The primary purpose of the CYBERSCP is to provide a software interface that allows direct transfer of user created data files between the Altair 8800b minicomputer and the ASD/AFIT CDC CYBER 74 computer. The CYBERSCP also provides the capability to execute SCOPE com- mands using the CYBER 74 INTERCOM System. The CYBERSCP is composed of five computer programs implemented on the Altair 8800b com- puter in the Electrical Engineering Digital Engineer- ing Laboratory. The five programs are: (1) DOSCYB, (2) CYBER, (3) CIN3, (4) BASIC and (5) TIME. All of these programs working together es- tablish and maintain the CYBER 74 to Altair data interface. AD-A064 728/9 Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering. Microprocessor Based Data Acquisition and Processing System Master's thesis Saleem Iftekhar. Dec 78, 239p Rept no. AFIT/ GE/EE/78-29 Descriptors: 'Data acquisition, 'Microcomputers, 'Data processing, Microprocessors, Signal proc- essing, Computer programs, Damage, Fatigue(Mechanics), Systems engineering, Real time, Theses. Identifiers: LSI-1 1 M computerd. The Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, plans to design a constrained layer damping treatment for aircraft components. This design requires the knowledge of vibration and temperature variations that a component encounters in service. The de- velopment of a microprocessor based data acqui- sition and processing system (MIBDAPS) to moni- tor the vibration and temperature variations of a component under test is discussed in this paper. The designed system is capable of acquiring and processing data in real time and generating cumu- lative damage factor versus frequency and tem- perature contours. These contours are used in the design of the damping treatment. The system uses an LSI-1 1M microcomputer as its central proces- sor. The support hardware for this microcomputer includes an analog-to-digital converter, core memory, real time clock, and serial line interface module. The software developed for this system handles the acquisition and processing of data. The real time processing includes the computation of the FFT and power spectrum of the vibration signal and subsequent calculation of the cumula- tive damage factor versus frequency and tempera- ture contours. The bench model of the designed system was implemented and tested for functional performance. (Author) AD-A064 795/8 Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA. Dept. of Computer Science. Reliability in Multiprocessor Systems. A Case Study of a Multi-Minicomputer, a Modular Multi- Microprocessor and a Voted Multiprocessor Daniel P. Siewiorek, and Vittal Kini. Sep 78, 141 p CMU-CS-78-143, AFOSR-TR-79-0067 Contract F44620-73-C-0074 Descriptors: 'Multiprocessors, Reliability, Fault tol- erant computing, Case studies, Computer architec- ture. Identifiers: Computer systems hardware, Comput- er software, Minicomputers, Microcomputers, Fail- ure. This report consists of two papers that treat reli- ability of the multiprocessor systems at CMU. The first paper discusses the multiprocessor architec- tures, reliability features (hardware and software), and measured reliability data. The second paper presents hard failure data from one of the systems, calibrates a hard failure rate model, and analytical- ly models the reliability of the three systems. AD-A065 222/2 Electronics Engineering Group (1842nd), Scott AFB, IL. A Microprocessor-Based Control Event Scan- ner Final rept. James R. Hammer, and Michael D. Verstegen. 31 Jan 79, 58p Rept no. 1842-EEG/EETET-TR- 79-6 Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, 'Data links, 'Counters, 'Warning systems, Electric relays, False alarms, Analog to digital converters, Timing circuits, Data acquisition, Computer programs, Standardization. Identifiers: Timers, Event scanners, Performance monitoring, Dedicated instruments, Standard buses. The Control Event Scanner (CES) is a micro- processor-based device which will control and sense relay contract closures via the IEEE Stand- ard 488-1975 Interface Bus, hereafter known as the General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB). Through the use of a microcomputer, other func- tions such as pulse counting, analog to digital con- version, digital timing, etc., are easily implemented. With a fully implemented unit, the capability exists to realize a low-cost, fully programmable automat- ed test fixture suitable for use in a distributed per- formance assessment network (DPAN). With the use of the GPIB and an internal microcomputer, on-line reconfiguration is possible to implement a variety of dedicated performance assessment in- struments. Performance assessment and a fault" isolation example are discussed. (Author) AD-A065 542/3 Decisions and Designs Inc McLean VA Users Guide to the Early Warning and Monitor- ing System Users guide Thomas R. Davies, and Brenda D. Bell. Nov 78, 56p Rept no. UG-78-3-39 Contract N00014-76-C-0712 Prepared in cooperation with International Public Policy Research Corp. Descriptors: 'Crisis management, 'Early warning systems, 'Monitors, 'Interactions, Forecasting, Digital computers, Computer programs, Interna- tional relations, Indicators. Identifiers: Early Warning and Monitoring System, Crisis Forecasting, International Crises, Political In- dicators, Economic Indicators, Military Indicators, Crisis management program, PDP-11/70 comput- ers. The Early Warning and Monitoring System(EWAMS) is being developed, tested and transferred at the direction of the Cybernetics Technology Office of the Defense Advanced Re- search Projects Agency (DARPA/CTO). The EWAMS is being developed to assist the intelli- gence community by providing them with an inter- active computer-based system of political, eco- nomic, and domestic indicators for daily monitoring of international and intranational affairs and for warning of crisis and conflict. The EWAMS has been designed to fulfill three basic needs of poten- tial users. First, it can be used as an information retrieval system. The EWAMS allows users to re trieve data on the historical, political actions taken by countries as far back as 1966. Second, the system can be used as a monitoring system. Users can monitor the entire international political envi- ronment on a daily basis. Third, the EWAMS can be used as warning system. It allows users to re- ceive numerical assessments of the probability of a crisis on a monthly basis. The EWAMS is com- prised of several independent computer programs. This users guide contains an overview of these programs and a description of their operation. The EWAMS program is designed to be implemented on a Tektronix 4051 in interaction with a PDP/11- 70 computer. (Author) AD-A065 644/7 Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ Blacks- burg Dept of Computer Science Transfer of APL Workspaces: A Useful Solu- tion Technical rept. Karl Rautenkranz, and Richard J. Orgass. Sep 78, 30p CS78006-T, AFOSR-TR-79-0238 Grant AFOSR-79-0021 Prepared in cooperation with Arizona Univ., Tucson. Grant no. AFOSR-78-3499. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Computer architecture, Computer files, Computer programs, Data links, Data proc- essing. Data processing terminals. Identifiers: APL Workspace Interchange, Program- ming languages, APL programming language, Decsystem-1 computers, STAPL convention. Most suppliers of APL have not yet implemented the STAPL convention for transmitting workspaces from one installation to another. This report de- scribes three workspace representations which may be used on a DECsystem-10 for this purpose. Two are partial implementations of the STAPL convention: one for level 2 of the convention, the other for level 3. The third representation is a ter- minal transcript file which is to be used as an input file. In addition, these representations may be used 21 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER to reduce the disk storage required for APL work- spaces on the DECsystem-1 0. (Author) AD-A066 142/1 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Cambridge MA lnterlisp-11 Final technical rept. 1 Jul 77-31 Jun 78 Alice K. Hartley. Mar 79, 43p Rept no. BBN-4076 Contract N00014-77-C-0480 Descriptors: Computer programs, Communica- tions networks, Addressing, Data rate, Interpret- ers, Interfaces, Compatibility, Compilers, Clocks. Identifiers: *PDP-11/40 computers, PDP-10 com- puters, LISP programming language, Interlisp 11 system, Minicomputers, Virtual memory. This report describes the implementation of an In- terlisp system on a PDP-11/40 with writable con- trol store and an extended virtual address space. The system provides on a minicomputer the capa- bility and performance previously available only on large time sharing systems. (Author) AD-A066 197/5 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB OH School of Engineering A Development System for Microprocessor Based Pattern Recognizers. Volume II Msstsr's thssis John R. Leary. Dec 78, 147p Rept no. AFIT/ GCS/EE/78-12-VOL-2 See also Volume 1 , AD-A064 1 94. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Pattern recognition, 'Microproces- sors, Microprogramming, Computer program docu- mentation, Subroutines, Interactive graphics, Character recognition, Signal processing, Comput- er files, Read only memories, Theses. Identifiers: CDC-6600 computers, Computer pro- grams, Box 80 system. This volume contains documentation for the BOX80 System. This documentation is presented in a series of appendices. Each contains a set of charts, tables, or program listings which describe the BOX 80 System. (Author) AD-A066 743/6 Maryland Univ College Park Dept of Aerospace Engineering Structural Mathematics Modeling Final rept. Harry Schaeffer. 16 Mar 79, 7p Contract N00014-75-C-0902 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, Computer pro- grams, Structural engineering, Mathematical models, Computer applications, Central process- ing units, Core storage, Mass storage, Random access computer storage, Fortran. Identifiers: 'Structural analysis. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the poten- tial of microcomputers for supporting engineering analysis. The study was motivated by the introduc- tion of low-cost microcomputers and associated peripheral equipment. (Author) AD-A067 175/0 Lehigh Univ Bethlehem PA Structuring of Data Systems: Psychophysiolo- gical Data from the Dynamic Flight Simulator Final rept. Bruce D. Fritchman, and John G. Nelson. 9 Mar 79, 39p NADC-79052-60 Contract N62269-77-C-0347 Descriptors: 'Flight simulators, 'Psychophysio- logy, 'Data reduction, 'Computer applications, Data compression, Data acquisition, Analog to digital converters, Pattern recognition. Dynamics, Computer programs, Minicomputers, Data proc- essing equipment. Identifiers: Feature extraction, CDC 6600 comput- ers, Data collection, Data processing, 'Information systems. This investigation considered the methods and problems of collection, storage, processing and display of psychophysiological data from dynamic flight simulation in the Naval Air Development Center human centrifuge, using analog, mini, and remote main-frame computers. An integrated data processing system is described. Problems associ- ated with data collection and storage are evaluat- ed, and alternate solutions discussed. Anticipated problems in the development of data processing software are examined, and the applicable basic technology identified. Approaches to the critical problem of orderly and systematic development and maintenance of software for semi-open-shop operations is examined. (Author) AD-A067 249/3 Wharton School Philadelphia PA Dept of Decision Sciences Exploring the Concept of a CODASYL Data- base Machine Technical rept. Jan-Dec 78 Richard D. Hackathorn. Jan 79, 34p Rept no. 78- 12-04 Contract N00014-75-C-0440 Descriptors: 'Data management, 'Data bases, In- formation processing, Computer applications, Input output processing, Hierarchies, Files(Records), Subroutines, Algorithms, Syntax. Identifiers: CODASYL model, Decsystem-10 com- puters. This paper explores the concept of a database ma- chine using the approach of the CODASYL data model. A database machine is defined as an inte- gration of hardware and software for providing generalized database management capability in a physically separate device. The advantages of a database machine, along with functional specifica- tions, are presented. Next, an illustration of using a database machine is given through an example of invoice processing using the SEED database man- agement system on a DECsystem-10 computer. Finally, the implications of several design alterna- tives arising from the illustration are discussed. (Author) AD-A067 402/8 Naval Weapons Center China Lake CA Navy Laboratory Interactive Graphics Study Final rept. for FY78 Dale Oliver Christensen. Mar 79, 45p Rept no. NWC-TP-6083 Descriptors: 'Interactive graphics, 'Minicom- puters, Information systems, Naval research labo- ratories, Costs, Standardization, Graphics, Data acquisition, Naval planning. Identifiers: Navy Laboratory Interactive Graphics Study. The objective of the Navy Laboratory Interactive Graphics Study (nligs) was to define the interactive graphics needs of the Navy laboratories in the present and in the future. In this study, interactive graphics refers to the minicomputer-based turnkey interactive graphics systems (MTIGSs). The seven Navy laboratories formally requested a total of 1 10 work stations under NLIGS. The application areas are documentation and drafting, mechanical design and layout, integrated circuit design, design and fabrication of printed circuit boards, and tape preparation for numerical control machines. The recommendations of the NLIGS are that S10M in funds be identified over a 2-fiscal-year period to procure a Navy laboratory MTIGS, that a support organization be established to increase overall system productivity, that a productive study be initi- ated to develop the methods of monitoring system productivity, that each Navy laboratory submit an interactive graphics implementation plan, and that a national graphics information interchange stand- ard be pursued. (Author) AD-A067 538/9 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB NY Modem Identification Experiments Rept. for Jan-Aug 78 Jorge A. Fernandez. Feb 79, 79p Rept no. RADC-TR-79-55 Descriptors: 'Modems, 'Pattern recognition, Data acquisition, Digital computers, Computer pro- grams, Input output devices, Pseudo random sys- tems, Phase shift keyers, On line systems, Classifi- cation, Algorithms. Identifiers: Feature extraction, Interactive process- ing, PARLAN computer program, PDP-1 1 /45 com- puters, Message switching, Pulse communication, Identifying. This report describes the design and evaluation of classifiers for distinguishing four types of modems: the CODEX LXI-9600, the HUGHES HC-276, the PARADYNE LSI-96, and LENKURT 26-C. The data used to develop these classifiers consisted of many digitized time sample waveforms for each modem and was collected by RADC's Digital Com- munication Experimental Facility (DICEF). With the Waveform Processing System (WPS) capabilities, the Interactive Processing Section of the Informa- tion Sciences Division (ISCP) analyzed this wave- form data and extracted an initial set of eighty fea- tures. This initial set was later modified to fifty fea- tures. The On-Line Pattern Analysis and Recogni- tion System (OLPARS) was then used to develop a number of classifier designs which are based on different subsets of the initial fifty features. (Author) AD-A067 551/2 United Technologies Research Center East Hart- ford CT Microprocessor Requirements for Implement- ing Modern Control Logic Final rept. 1 Feb 78-31 Jan 79 Florence A. Farrar, and Richard S. Eidens. Mar 79, 79p UTRC/R79-944258-2, AFOSR-TR-79- 0449 Contract F49620-78-C-0017 Presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Com- mittee Meeting, 28 Sep 78, Cambridge, MA. Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, Computer logic, Control theory, Closed loop systems, Algorithms, Stochastic control, Linear programming, Memory devices, Operational effectiveness, Turbofan en- gines. Identifiers: F-100 engines, Feedback control, Intel- 8080 computers, LSI-1 1 12 computers. Analytical procedures for establishing micro- processor requirements for multivariable feedback control of linear stochastic dynamic systems were developed and evaluated. Key issues in micro- processor implementation of modern estimation and control logic include (1) accuracy, (2) compu- tational capability including arithmetic as well as in- terface speed, and (3) memory requirements. Compatibility of current microprocessor technol- ogy with the established implementation require- ments was assessed. The analytical method to es- tablish microprocessor accuracy requirements for closed-loop digital control of linear stochastic sys- tems is based upon defining a quadratic perform- ance index that provides a quantitative measure of performance degradation. This method is em- ployed to determine closed-loop system time re- sponse sensitivity to (1) microprocessor word length and (2) system structure (standard, Jordan canonical or companion forms) within the control logic. The developed procedures were evaluated and illustrated by application to (1) a second-order system and (2) a linearized fifth-order F100 turbo- fan engine model. Results were verified using a digital simulation of a continuous system/micro- processor controller. Microprocessors considered were the Intel 8080 microprocessor (an 8 bit micro- processor) and the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) LSI 11/2 microprocessor (a 16 bit micro- processor). AD-A067 744/3 Battelle Columbus Labs OH A Preliminary Study of Built-in-Test for the Mili- tary Computer Family (MCF) Final rept. 14 Feb- 16 Oct 78 J. B. Clary, Atul Jai, Scott Weikel, Richard Soeks, and Dan Siewiorek. Mar 79, 203p CORADCOM- 76-0100-F Contract DAAG29-76-D-0100 Prepared in cooperation with Research Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park, NC. Rept. no. RTI/ 1600/00-05F. Descriptors: 'Error detection codes, Computer program reliability, Monitoring, Test methods, 22 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Performance(Engineering), Microprocessors, Input output processing. Identifiers: AN/UYK-41, PDP 11/40 computers, "Computer performance evaluation. This study has addressed the use of built-in-test (BIT) for fault detection, isolation, and repair in the Military Computer Family (MCF). Particular empha- sis was given to the identification and assessment of BIT techniques applicable to the MCF-AN/UYK- 41 (V). The MCF-AN/UYK-41(V) is software com- patible with Digital Equipment Corporation's PDP- 11/70. The approach taken in this study was to assume a fault population, predict where in the system these faults are most likely to occur and develop a rationale for deploying built-in fault de- tection and localization resources accordingly. The fault population assumed included both stuck-at and transient faults. It was determined using a fail- ure prediction program based on MIL-HDBK-217B that for related computers, it is likely that 60% of all faults will occur in memory, 30% will be in the CPU and the remainder will happen throughout the rest of the computer including the power supply. AD-A067 892/0 Arizona Univ Tucson Dept of Chemistry Advanced Software Concepts for Employing Microcomputers in the Laboratory Interim rept. Scott B. Tilden, and M. Bonner Denton. 4 Apr 79, 26p Rept no. TR-18 Contract N00014-75-C-0513 Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, Computer pro- grams, Chemical laboratories, Input output proc- essing, Compilers, High level languages, Comput- er architecture, Read only memories, Machine coding, Flowcharting. Identifiers: CONVERS compiler, Computer soft- ware. Current trends in the computerization of special- ized custom chemical instrumentation indicate the increasing utilization of dedicated microproces- sors. Conventional software techniques often pos- sess serious limitations in regard to initial develop- ment effort, execution speed, flexibility, and/or hardware required. A high-level interpretive com- piler software package CONVERS is described which offers numerous advantages compared to conventional approaches including high speed op- eration, high level I/O, language flexibility, superior memory efficiency and a variety of other desirable characteristics. (Author) AD-A068 037/1 Naval Research Lab Washington DC Multiport RS232 to NTDS Multiplexor for AN/ UYK-20 Final rept. L. E. Russo. 23 Apr 79, 59p Rept no. NRL-MR- 3980 Descriptors: "Multiplexing, *Naval tactical data system, "Computer communications, "Minicom- puters, Channels, Computer programs, Modules(Electronics), Read only memories, Micro- processors, Debugging(Computers), Standardiza- tion. Identifiers: AN/UYK-20, Protocols, INTEL-8080 computers, Packet communications. A multiport RS232-NTDS Multiplexor will be dis- cussed. This microprocessor driven hardware device has the capability of multiplexing up to 48 RS232 ports into a single parallel NTDS channel obeying intercomputer protocol. Each RS232 port has software programmable functions similar to AN/UYK-20 RS232 functions. The device is modu- lar so that RS232 ports may be added incremental- ly as needed. The device is flexible: a very general priority interrupt structure is provided by a combi- nation hardware logic and microprocessor firm- ware. As a result of this flexibility and modularity, the device can easily accommodate special pur- pose peripheral devices. The motivation for con- struction of the device will be discussed along with possible applications. Salient design features af- fecting flexibility, modularity and throughput will be discussed. This is a final report on this phase of the problem. (Author) AD-A068 158/5 Federal Cobol Compiler Testing Service Washing- ton DC FORTRAN Compiler Validation Summary Report DECSYSTEM 10. FORTRAN , Version 5A 17 Apr 79, 17p Rept no. FCCTS/FCVS66- VSR370 Descriptors: "Compilers, Fortran, Standards, Time sharing, Input output processing. Identifiers: Proving, Verifying, Decsystem-10 com- puters. This Validation Summary Report (VSR) for the DECSYSTEM - 10 FORTRAN Compiler Version 5A (TOPS-10 Version 6.03A) provides a consoli- dated summary of the results obtained from the validation of the subject compiler against the 1966 FORTRAN Standard (X3.9-1966). The VSR is made up of several sections showing the discrep- ancies found. These include an overview of the validation which lists all categories of discrepan- cies; a section relating the categories of discrepan- cies to the language; and a detailed listing of dis- crepancies together with the tests which were failed. (Author) AD-A068 159/3 Federal Cobol Compiler Testing Service Washing- ton DC Fortran Compiler Validation Summary Report. DECSYSTEM 20. FORTRAN, Version 5A 17 Apr 79, 16p Rept no. FCCTS/FCVS66- VSR375 Descriptors: "Compilers, Fortran, Standards, Time sharing, Input output processing. Identifiers: Proving, Verifying, Decsystem-20 com- puters. This Validation Summary Report (VSR) for the DECSYSTEM 20 FORTRAN Compiler Version 5A (TOPS-20 MONITOR Version 3A) provides a con- solidated summary of the results obtained from the validation of the subject compiler against the 1966 FORTRAN Standard (X3.9-1966). The VSR is made up of several sections showing the discrep- ancies found. These include an overview of the validation which lists all categories of discrepan- cies; a section relating the categories of discrepan- cies to the language; and a detailed listing of dis- crepancies together with the tests which were failed. (Author) AD-A068 204/7 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Devel- opment Center Bethesda MD GIRS (Graph Information Retrieval System) Users Manual Research and development rept. Irving S. Zaritsky. Apr 79, 192p Rept no. DTNSRDC-79/036 Descriptors: "Data management, Information re- trieval, Associative processing, Data bases, Nodes, Graphs, Magnetic disks, Data storage sys- tems, Computer programs, Subroutines, Fortran, Programming manuals. Identifiers: Graph information retrieval system, "Data base management systems, Fortran 4 pro- gramming language, CDC-6700 computers, PDP- 1 1 /45 computers, Univac-1 108 computers. The Graph Information Retrieval System (GIRS) provides a convenient and efficient technique for the insertion, retrieval, modification, and deletion of data in a data base. This technique is based on a scheme of representing the various data items as nodes and establishing the relationships be- tween the nodes by linking them together into node-link-node triples which are assembled into a graph that can be stored on disk. GIRS is made up of 15 FORTRAN subroutines It has been imple- mented on the CDC 6700, the PDP 1 1 /45, and the UNIVAC 1108 computing systems, and can easily be adapted to other machines having FORTRAN IV compilers. The implementation and use of GIRS are described. (Author) AD-A068 367/2 Army Communications Research and Develop- ment Command Fort Monmouth NJ Running an Ionospheric Ray Tracing Program on the PDP-11/40 Mini-Computer - instruction Book Research and development technical rept. Abraham Shuval, and Francis J. Gorman. Apr 79, 123p Rept no. CORADCOM-79-1 # Descriptors: "Ionospheric propagation, "Ray trac- ing, Computer programming, High frequency, Elec- tromagnetic wave reflections, Azimuth, lono- sondes, Transmitters, Direction finding, Real time, Electron density, Tilt, Ionosphere, Drift, Doppler effect, Minicomputers, Instruction manuals, For- tran, Computer programs. Identifiers: Digisondes, PDP-11/40 computers, Programming manuals. Locating the source of transmission is one of the tasks of military intelligence, In VHF frequencies and above, the technique is straight forward. In HF (2-30 MHz), the situation is different since the main mode of propagation is by reflection from the ion- osphere. This enables the use of a different tech- nique where the azimuth and elevation of the in- coming wave are measured together with the state of the ionosphere at the time of reception. All this information is presented as an input to an ionos- pheric ray tracing program that calculates the ray's trajectory from the reception site to the transmit- ting point. The actual system needed is quite com- plicated and elaborate. Apart from the equipment to measure the direction of the arrival of the incom- ing wave, there is a requirement to measure in real-time the structure of the ionosphere at the area of interest. It is required, therefore, to meas- ure the electron density profile and the tilts of the ionospheric layers. This can be accomplished by using a Digisonde together with a special 'Drift At- tachment' equipment that can measure ionos- pheric tilts by Doppler techniques. This report is essentially an instruction book that shows how to run the ray tracing program on the PDP-1 1 /40. The first part describes generally how to write into the machine, edit, debug, and run a FORTRAN pro- gram. The second part depicts the oepration of the ray tracing program itself. AD-A068 370/6 Aeronautical Research Labs Melbourne (Australia) A Cassette Tape Recorder/Reader Interface for Microprocessors Technical memo. P. Ferrarotto. Nov 78, 31 p Rept no. ARL/AERO- TM-311 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Cassettes, "Data storage systems, Magnetic tape, Tape recorders, Computer programs, Australia. Identifiers: Interfaces, Input output devices(Computers) . This unit was designed to enable digital data or computer programs to be recorded on domestic quality cassette tape recorders, and thus provide an inexpensive and convenient method for the ex- change or long-term storage of data or programs. It was specifically designed for use with micro- processors as an alternative to paper tape. This unit has been built to conform with the require- ments of the RS. 232 standard, and may be con- nected to terminals or computers which conform to this standard. (Author) AO-A068 405/0 Wayne State Univ Detroit Ml Dept of Mechanical Engineering Sciences Automotive Suspension Control Final rept. Herbert K. Sachs. Oct 78, 105p TARADCOM-TR- 12377 Contract DAAK30-77-C-0066 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Automotive engineering, "Suspen- sion devices, Computer programs, Terrain, Vibra- tion, Minicomputers, Microprocessors, Fast fourier transforms, Military vehicles, Road tests, Param- eters. Identifiers: Terrain analysis. This report contains the software package for an adaptive optimal suspension control system rela- tive to terrain random vibration disturbances. The proposed problem solution is shown to fall into two 23 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER separate program categories: (a) recognition of the terrain and parameter selection, by means of an on-board minicomputer or microprocessor, (b) op- timization of suspension parameters for arbitrary terrain configurations obtained from terrain statis- tics and executed on a centrally located stationary computer facility. The interface between the sta- tionary computer facility and the on-board micro- processor is accomplished by means of a data bank prepared at the stationary facility and perma- nently stored in the memory of the on-board micro- processor. The suspension parameters are set by a servo-control on the vehicle which is activated by the microprocessor. The servo-control unit regu- lates the supply and release of air in the hydrop- neumatic suspension system, thereby increasing or decreasing the spring rate according to the opti- mal requirements. In a similar manner the damper orifice size is increased or diminished depending on the required effective damping parameter. If need arises, the vehicle can operate at fixed sus- pension parameters. The results of the investiga- tion are shown in graph form. (Author) AD-A068 538/8 Stanford Univ CA Dept of Computer Science Considerations for Microprocessor-Based Ter- minal Design Technical rept. Reid G. Smith, and Tom M. Mitchell. Dec 78, 17p Rept nos. STAN-CS-78-696, HPP-78-22 Contract MDA903-77-C-0322 Presented at the Annual Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and Computers (12th), 6-8 Nov 78, Pacific Grove, CA. Descriptors: 'Data processing terminals, 'Micro- processors, Microcomputers, Computer programs. Identifiers: INTEL-8080 computers, ARPA comput- er network. We discuss the design of hardware and software for inexpensive microprocessor-based terminal/ microcomputers. Such devices are fundamentally microcomputers that have been adapted, with spe- cialized software, to operate as remote terminals for a host computer. The discussion centers on a specific video terminal designed and constructed by the authors. This terminal is based on the INTEL 8080 microprocessor and is equipped with software sufficient to emulate the characteristics of standard video terminals required by several available screen-oriented text editors in common use at sites through the ARPAnet. We have found that the microprocessor adequately serves as the controller for such terminals, and that a software- based approach to the design of such terminals offers substantial advantages in capabilities, flexi- bility, and cost over the hardware-based approach. We suggest guidelines for future designs of micro- processor-based terminals on the basis of our ex- perience designing and using the terminal de- scribed here. (Author) AD-A068 542/0 ShPrp (I P) Associates Ltd Ottawa (Ontario) Euclid Compiler for PDP-1 1 Quarterly rept. no. 4, 1 Oct-31 Dec 78 David A. Bonyun. 30 Jan 79, 10p Rept no. IPSA- 3819-004 Contract MDA903-78-C-0037, ARPA Order-3475 Descriptors: "Compilers, Programming languages. Identifiers: EUCLID programming language, PDP- 1 1 computers, Canada. The full Euclid compiler will define a subset of Euclid between Small Euclid (the subset for boot- strapping) and Middle Euclid (the subset requested by the KSOS team). Complexities in this language, as defined, have appeared only during this writing of the compiler and some redefinition of the lan- guage seems indicated. (Author) AD-A068 625/3 Honeywell Inc Hopkins MN Defense Systems Div Development of a Prototype Automated As- sembly Machine Production Line for the Area Denial Artillery Munition (ADAM) Final technical rept. 5 Jul 73-30 Nov 77 C. B. Christensen. Nov 77, 114p Rept no. 47435 Contract DAAA21-73-C-0770 Descriptors: 'Artillery ammunition, "Area denial, 'Manufacturing, Munitions industry, Machines, Machine tool industry, Assembly, Automation, Pro- totypes, Control systems, Computer programs, Mi- croprocessors, Memory devices, Industrial produc- tion, Projectiles. Identifiers: ADAM(Area Denial Artillery Munition), M-692 projectiles, XM-692 projectiles, 155-mm projectiles. A two-phase program developed a prototype line of automated assembly machines for production of ADAM. An engineering study was conducted to review all the assembly operations and to ensure that the list of machines was feasible. With the completion of the study and the establishment of a line of prototype machines, complete sets of gen- eral and detailed machine specifications were writ- ten. Machine manufacturers were then solicited, and the bid presented by the Honeywell Machine Development Laboratory was ultimately accepted. The machine design, development, and build ef- forts then started. Contract modification P00007 called for station-by-station and function reviews of each machine. Contract modification P00009 authorized the retooling of the machines to reflect the latest concepts and design changes. The Hon- eywell Machine Development Laboratory proceed- ed with making the changes and delivered the completed machines to the manufacturing facility for use in the production of ADAM A second ma- chine concept study was initiated under contract modification P0001 1 to establish the number and types of machines required to balance the line and support a production rate of 140,000 units per month. The manufacture of machines proposed in this concept studv was ultimately funded under Contract DAAK10-77-C-0018. AD-A068 701/2 Naval Research Lab Washington DC Military Message Experiment Quick Look Report Interim rept. S. H. Wilson, J. W. Kallander, N. M. Ill Thomas, L. C. Klitzkie, and J. R. Bunch, Jr. 30 Apr 79, 117p Rept no. NRL-MR-3992 Descriptors: 'Message processing, Computer pro- grams, Statistical analysis, Specialists, Training. Identifiers: PDP-10 computers, SIGMA computer program, 'Computer communications, MME system, TENEX system. The Military Message Experiment (MME) is de- signed to evaluate the utility of user-oriented mes- sage processing systems in a military environment and to aid in determining the features useful in such a system. The experiment is a cooperative effort between the Commander-in-Chief, Pacific, the Naby, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. To conduct the experiment, a PSP-10-based system has been installed at CINC- PAC Headquarters for use by a portion of the Op- erations Directorate. The message processing functionality is provided by SIGMA, a program writ- ten by the Information Sciences Institue of the Uni- versity of Southern California. It is supported by the TENEX operating system, and the user terminals are modified HP-2649A CRTs. The Staff began limited experimental use of the system in July 1978. This interim report discusses the impres- sions gained during this period; two additional re- ports are planned, the final to be published in De- cember 1979. The MME system is designed to give the user the capability to handle his message traffic (both incoming and outgoing, formal and in- formal) on the system. AD-A068 950/5 George Washington Univ Washington DC School of Engineering and Applied Science Development of Experimental Compilers to Generate Emulators for the BMD DDP Test Bed From High Level Language Final rept. Aug 78-Mar 79 R. E. Merwm. 1 Apr 79, 125p Contract DASG60-78-C-01 15 Availability: Microfiche copier only. Descriptors: 'Compilers, 'Microprogramming, High level languages, Feasibility studies, Machine coding, Computer architecture, Semantics. Identifiers: PL/1 programming language, PDP-11 computers, PDP-1 1/45 computers, 'Emulators(Computers), PLM programming lan- uage. The use of compilers to go from high level lan- guages to microprograms is not commonplace. A few experimental compilers have been described but no support of this concept is provided by man- ufacturers of user microprogrammable computers. In this feasibility study two existing compilers ac- cepting dialects of P1/1 were considered for gen- erating microprograms for computers with a hori- zontally encoded control word format. One of the compilers which accepts the PLM language as input and produces quadruple intermediate text formats and DEC PDP 1 1 assembly language statements as outputs, was selected for modifica- tion to produce microprograms. A post processor is described which was added to this compiler to produce microcode for the DEC PDP 11/45 mini- computer. A performance analysis of this compiler concludes the report. (Author) AD-A068 965/3 Integrated Sciences Corp Santa Monica CA Post Detection Target State Estimation Using Heuristic Information Processing - A Prelimi- nary Investigation George J. Rebane, Walter C. Gish, Michael D. Schechterman, and Gary W. Irving. Sep 77, 104p Rept no. ISC-260-1 Contract N00123-77-C-1260 Descriptors: 'Command and control systems, 'In- formation processing, 'Antiswimmer defense sys- tems, Heuristic methods, Interpolation, Algorithms, Probability density functions, Interactive graphics, Tactical data systems, Tactical analyses, Decision making, Computer programs, Target acquisition. Harbor defense systems, Microprocessors, Con- tours. This report discusses methods of using heuristical- ly derived representations of uncertainty to im- prove the performance of military command and control systems. Two algorithms are derived to permit system operators to define and evolve non- parametric probability density functions. These al- gorithms have been instrumented on an interactive computer-graphics system. This preliminary effort is posed as an initial step of a more extended re- search and development program. (Author) AD-A069 028/9 Harvard Univ Cambridge MA Aiken Computation Lab Studies on the Feasibility of System Software Debugging Final technical rept. Jun 77-Oct 78 Rajendra K. Jain, and Ugo Gagliardi. Apr 79, 226 RADC-TR-79-20 Contract F30602-77-C-0058 Descriptors: 'Debugging(Computers), Resource management, Control theory, Monitoring, Performance(Engineering), Feasibility studies, Queueing theory, Boolean algebra, Input output processing, Costs. Identifiers: PDP-1 1/40 computers, PDP-10 com- puters. This report is two separate but parallel efforts on system software debugging studies. The first study describes a theoretical approach on defining new resources management algorithms that can be uti- lized in an operating system. The second report describes an experimental work station for per- forming sophisticated operating system software debugging. The actual experimentation is per- formed by connecting a PDP 11/40 to a PDP-10 through a high speed data bus and installing on the PDP 1 1 /40 a virtual machine monitor. (Author) AD-A069 193/1 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB OH School of Engineering The Design and Development of a Hybrid Moni- tor/Debugger System for the Microprogram- mable Minicomputer Emulator (MIME) Master's thesis Joseph J. Zelasco, Jr. Mar 79, 156p Rept no. AFIT/GE/EE/79-3 24 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Descriptors: "Debugging(Computers), Micropro- gramming, Minicomputers, Monitors, Hybrid com- puters, Computer aided instruction, Real time, Input output processing, Programming manuals, Theses. Identifiers: Emulators(Computers), MIME comput- ers. This report describes the design and development of a monitor/debugger system for the Micropro- grammable Minicomputer Emulator (MIME). The MIME is an educationally oriented, user-micropro- grammable, general purpose minicomputer that will be used in classroom and laboratory instruc- tion and student design projects in the areas of computer control, emulation, and microprogrm- ming. The MIME Monitor/Debugger System will assist students in developing microprograms to run on the MIME and will also assist in the final integration and checkout of the MIME hardware. This report analyzes the conceptual implementa- tions of monitor/debugger systems and applies these implementations to the MIME computer. The analysis results are presented which recommend that a dual processor hybrid monitor/debugger im- plementatin should be developed for the MIME. This implementation of a hybrid system combines the flexibility of software with the speed of hard- ware. The MIME Monitor/Debugger System design presented in this report when fabricated and tested, will produce a monitor/debugger system that is interactive with the system user, has the flexibility to encompass changing user require- ments, and has the speed to monitor and control the real-time operation of the MIME computer. (Author) AD-A069 210/3 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB OH School of Engineering Evaluation of an Existing Computer System Using Structured Analysis Techniques Master's thesis Dennis L. Schweitzer. Mar 79, 161 p Rept no. AFIT/GCS/EE/79-3 Descriptors: "Computer graphics, Computer pro- grams, Minicomputers, Flow charting, Computer logic, Efficiency, Requirements, Computer aided design, Theses. Identifiers: PDS-4 computers. This thesis is an evaluation of an existing computer graphics system using structured analysis tech- niques. The system evaluated is the IMLAC PDS-4 minicomputer. The technique used in the evalua- tion is performed in three steps. First, the existing system is modeled into its logical equivalent using bubble charts. This model shows the flow of data through the system, and the activities performed on that data. Second, a similar model is produced describing the required system as defined by the users. This model is a representation of the users' desires and requirements, and is similar to a model which might be produced during the requirements definition phase of a computer's life cycle. The third step is to compare the two models to evaluate the existing system's effectiveness, and reveal areas requiring modification for full utilizatin of the system. Following the evaluation, several recom- mendations and changes are proposed to in- crease the system's capability to meet the user re- quirements. AD-A069 393/7 Kansas State Univ Manhattan Dept of Computer Science Functionally Distributed Computing Systems: User Facility Development Final rept. 1 Jan 78-31 Jan 79 Fred Maryanski. 31 Jan 79, 13p ARO-15552.1-EL Grant DAAG29-78-G-0018 Descriptors: Minicomputers, Data processing, Data management, Distribution, Computer com- munications, Networks, Data Bases, On line sys- tems, Computer architecture, Computer programs, Computerized simulation, Systems engineering, Computer applications. Identifiers: "Distributed computer systems, Distrib- uted data bases, PDP-11/70 computers, PDP-11/ 34 computers, Computer networks. Under a grant from the Army Research Office, Kansas State University investigated and studied the feasibility of establishing the multiple minicom- puters of the School of Aerospace Medicine into a network of computer resources. A PDP 1 1 /70 and a PDP 1 1 /34 were acquired for use as host com- puter in a distributed processing configuration. Simulations were written to test the network con- cept prior to installation. The report describes the result of the investigation. (Author) AD-A069 458/8 Rochester Univ NY Dept of Computer Science VTMS: A Virtual Terminal Management System for RIG Technical rept. Keith A. Lantz, and Richard F. Rashid. May 79, 41 p Rept no. TR-44 Contract N00014-78-C-0164, Grant NSF-MCS76- 10825 Descriptors: 'Computer communications, "Mini- computers, "Communications networks, Data processing terminals, Communication terminals, Input output devices, Rasters, Computer graphics, Multiprocessors, Distribution, Remote terminals, Data management. Identifiers: ARPA computer network, Virtual termi- nals, VTMS system. Rochester's Intelligent Gateway provides its users with the facilities for communicating simultaneous- ly with a large number of processes spread out among various computer systems. We have adopt- ed the philosophy that the user should be able to manage any number of concurrent tasks or jobs, viewing their output on his display device as he de- sires. To achieve this goal a single physical termi- nal is converted in multiple virtual terminals, each of which may be written into or queried for user input. Virtual terminals are device-independent and provide extensive editing facilities and the ca- pacity to maintain all output on disk. (Author) AD-A069 539/5 System Development Corp Santa Monica CA Software Debugging Methodology. Volume I Final technical rept. Sep 77-Oct 78 Marcia Finfer, Jon Fellows, and Dan Casey. Apr 79, 170p RADC-TR-79-57-VOL-1 Contract F30602-77-C-0165 Descriptors: "Debugging(Computers), Computer programming, Systems analysis, Editing, Program- ming languages, Data acquisition, Models, Mini- computers, Microcomputers. Identifiers: Computer software. A debugging study was conducted which surveyed current research being performed in the area of software debugging during integration-level test- ing. Particular emphasis was placed on assessing debugging tools and techniques which were appli- cable to embedded software developments. The purpose of the debugging study was to define a software debugging methodology applicable to di- verse environments to be utilized during integra- tion testing of system software. The results of the study are contained in three volumes. This volume presents a discussion of generic debugging infor- mation requirements which are used in the activi- ties needed for integration-level debugging. Those activities are described in a debugging methodolo- gy which defines a logical progression of steps, or processes, deemed necessary to solve complex errors in system software. Many of the steps in the methodology are characterized as human thought processes and are, at best, rudimentarily de- scribed. Other processes are presented as support activities to these thought processes and include information identification, derivation, and collec- tion. These processes require the use of debug- ging tools, which are generically described, for op- timizing the efficiency of debugging activities. Con- siderations of the effect of different hardware/soft- ware environments on the debugging methodology and information requirements are also described. AD-A069 540/3 System Development Corp Santa Monica CA Software Debugging Methodology. Volume II. Handbook for Debugging in the MULTICS/ GCOS/RTM Environments Final technical rept. Sep 77-Oct 78 Marcia Finfer, Jon Fellows, and Dan Casey. Apr 79, 122p RADC-TR-79-57-VOL-2 Contract F30602-77-C-0165 Descriptors: "Debugging(Computers), Systems analysis, Data processing, Computer aided instruc- tion, Editing, Data acquisition, Handbooks, Compil- ers, Fortran, Minicomputers, Computer program- ming. Identifiers: MULTICS system, GCOS system, RTM system, Computer software. A debugging study was conducted which surveyed current research being performed in the area of software debugging during integration level test- ing. Particular emphasis was placed on assessing debugging tools and techniques which were appli- cable to embedded software developments. The purpose of the debugging study was to define a software debugging methodology applicable to di- verse environments to be utilized during integra- tion testing of system software. The results of the study are contained in three volumes. This volume presents the application of the debugging method- ology to three specific environments. (Author) AD-A069 604/7 Science Applications Inc Englewood CO A Comparative Study of Flowcharts and Pro- gram Design Languages for the Detailed Pro- cedural Specification of Computer Programs Technical rept. 12 Jul 76-11 Nov 77 H. Rudy Ramsey, Michael E. Atwood, and James R. Van Doren. Sep 78, 173p SAI-78-078-DEN, ARI-TR-78-A22 Contract DAHC19-76-C-0040 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: Computer programming, Flow chart- ing, Specifications, Programming languages, Mini- computers, Human factors engineering, Accuracy, Information systems, Military applications. Identifiers: PL/1 programming language, "Soft- ware engineering, Program design languages. An experiment was performed to assess the rela- tive merits of Program Design Languages (PDLs) and flowcharts as techniques for the development and documentation of detailed designs for com- puter programs. Twenty students in a computer science graduate course participated in this ex- periment. Working individually, the students de- signed a two-pass assembler for a simple mini- computer. Half the students expressed their design for the first pass of the assembler in the form of a flowchart, and expressed their design for the second pass in a Program Design Language. The other half of the students used a PDL for pass one, and a flowchart for pass two. Flowcharts and PDLs were compared on the basis of various measures of overall design quality, design errors, level of detail of designs, time expended in devel- oping designs, and subjective preferences. Over- all, the results suggest that software design per- formance and designer-programmer communica- tion might be significantly improved by the adop- tion of informal Program Design Languages, rather than flowcharts, as a standard documentation method for detailed computer program designs. AD-A069 971/0 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab A New Design for the Programmable Button System at the GEODSS ETS Project rept. Lawrie E. Eaton. 14 Mar 79, 17p ETS-39, ESD- TR-79-42 Contract F19628-78-C-0002 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, Computer logic, Computer programs, Integrated circuits, Input output processing, Intercommunication systems. Identifiers: GEODSS project, "Equipment inter- faces, Motorola computers. Two new design approaches are presented for up- grading the programmable button interface at the GEODSS ETS. These designs make use of the Motorola microprocessors. The design simplifies the logic, standardizes the interface to the host 25 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER computer, and provides increased versatility with the microprocessor software. This document as- sumes the reader is familiar with the GEODSS Ex- perimental Test System (ETS) and its basic oper- ational configuration. (Author) AD-A070 141/7 TRW Defense and Space Systems Group Redon- do Beach CA Multilevel Security for Intelligence Data Proc- essing Systems Final technical rept. J. Cotrell, C. Shu, and G. Short Apr 79, 227p RADC-TR-79-88 Contract F30602-77-C-0119 Descriptors: 'Data processing security, 'Military intelligence, Computer communications, Secure communications, Executive routines. Kernel func- tions, Computer program verification, Computer files, Time sharing, Communications networks, Computer architecture, Data processing equip- ment, Data management, Input output processing, Military requirements, Mathematical models, Com- puter programs Identifiers: ARPA computer network, PDP-11/45 computers, KSOS system, UNIX system. This technical report summarizes the major results of a study to determine the feasibility of integrating a security kernel (enforcing DOD security policy) with the IAS operating system installable on the PDP 11/45 and other computers. The report con- tains sections on the following: Background and Problem Description; Computer System Security Requirements; Current IAS Architecture; Secure IAS Design Considerations; Secure IAS Architec- ture; Verification Plan; Development Plan; and Conclusions and Recommendations. The latter section is tempered by the DARPA sponsored de- velopment of KSOS, a 'kernalized Secure Operat- ing System' version of UNIX. Possible options are suggested for follow-up study and development effort applicable to the AF Intelligence Community, in regard to the question of remaining with IAS/ RSX or migrating to KSOS in all systems or select- ed ones. (Author) AD-A070 286/0 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Lab for Computer Science Distributed Computer Systems: Structure and Semantics Liba Svobodova, Barbara Liskov, and David Clark. Mar 79, 64p Rept no. MIT/LCS/TR-215 Contract N00014-75-C-0661 Descriptors: Computer programming, High level languages, Information processing, Data bases, Distribution, Time sharing, Message processing, Error analysis, Systems engineering, Minicom- puters, Computer communications, Remote termi- nals, Communications networks, Data processing, Computer programs, Computer applications, Multi- purpose. Identifiers: 'Distributed computer systems, 'Dis- tributed processing. This report describes an ongoing project in the area of design of distributed systems. The goal is to develop an effective programming system that will support well-structured design, implementa- tion, maintenance and control of distributed proc- essing applications. This programming system combines a powerful high level language and oper- ating system features, and addresses the underly- ing system problems that affect the reliability and security perceived on the application level. The report presents a conceptual model of distributed computation, and, in the context of this model, dis- cusses our approaches to inter-node communica- tion and cooperation, reliability, and protection. One of the basic goals of our project is to allow the application programmer to work with application- oriented entities. Thus, inter-node messages, error handling and protection constraints will all be ex- pressible in application oriented terms. The report concludes with some examples of the language constructs and an outline of the future research under this project. (Author) AD-A070 447/8 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Cambridge MA Command and Control Related Computer Technology: Packet Radio Quarterly progress rept. no. 16, 1 Sep-30 Nov 78 M. Beeler, J. Burchfiel, R. Perlman, W. W. Plummer, and V. Strazisar. May 79, 22p Rept no. BBN-4124 Contract MDA903-75-C-0180, ARPA Order-2935 Descriptors: 'Computer communications, 'Com- mand and control systems, 'Communications net- works, Radio equipment, Computer programs, Digital computers, Access, Routing, Labels. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, Packet radios, Pro- tocols, Packet switching. This document describes progress on develop- ment of a packet radio network. Activities reported include work on Station Software and Inter- networking Research and Development. (Author) AD-A070 487/4 Naval Aerospace Medical Research Lab Pensaco- laFL Documentation and User's Manual for the Visual Detection Simulator (VDS) Interim rept. Julie A. Hopson. Apr 79, 348p Rept no. NAMRL- SR-79-2 Descriptors: 'Flight simulators, 'Target acquisi- tion, 'Visual targets, Still projectors, Minicom- puters, Computer programs, Subroutines, Con- soles, Screens(Displays), Instruction manuals. The Visual Detection Simulator (VDS) is comprised of three individual subsystems: A Link GAT-1 train- er, a projection system, and a PDP 8/e controller. These systems have been custom interfaced to permit the study of target acquisition in a simulated in-flight environment. The purpose of this report is to provide an operational and maintenance manual for the VDS system. Subsystems and their interre- lationships are described, and operational proce- dures for the total system are provided. Computer programs for the simulator operation, data trans- fer, and the maintenance, and testing procedures are included. (Author) AD-B015 698/4 Anderson (James P) and Co Fort Washington PA Structured Software Study Final rept. 1 May 72-Feb 74 J. David McGonagle. 31 Oct 74, 94p AFAL-TR- 73-40 Contract F33615-72-C-1972 Prepared in cooperation with McGonagle (J. David) and Co., Media, Pa., Rept. no. JDM 73-5. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Structured programming, Computer software, Computer program documentation, Computer programming, Computer programs, Computer program reliability, Computerized simu- lation, Central processing units, Flow charting, Digital computers. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers. This study reports an evaluation of Structured Pro- gramming as an aid in the production of highly reli- able computer programs. An approach to problem analysis and program composition which orga- nizes the program text to clearly reflect the order of execution for the program. The resultant pro- gram text reflects the subdivision of the problem into smaller tasks which are clearly identifiable. The rules for performance and ordering of these sub-tasks are reflected in the limited but sufficient set of controls used in the program construction. A set of Principles of Structured Programming are developed together with guides for determining an optimal upper and lower bounds on a program size. The applications of the Principles to a pro- gram are illustrated in the study report. A set of observations and conclusions drawn from the ex- perience of developing a program in this way are presented. A bibliography of structured program- ming is reported. (Author) AERE-R-8933 UKAEA, Harwell (England). Atomic Energy Re- search Establishment SABRE: A System for the Assessment of Body Radioactivity. Part 2. Main Features of SABRE 3 J. B. Venn. Jan 78, 31p U.S. Sales Only Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Data acquisition systems, 'Personnel dosimetry, 'Radionuclide ki- netics, Body, Data processing. Display devices. Gamma spectra, Pdp computers, Radioactivity, S codes Identifiers: ERDA/5601 71, Great Britain. The development of the PDP-11/10 computer system, used- for the measurement of body radio- activity, during a period of use under operational conditions is described. Methods of safeguarding acquired data have been implemented, command sequences have been simplified, two-console op- eration has been introduced, and a number of new facilities for data processing and for development work have been provided. (Atomindex citation 09:398359) ANL-AMD-TM-308 Argonne National Lab., III. Argonne Tape Production Facility Systems De- scriptions R. Foster, and W Lidinsky. Jun 77, 64p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Microprocessors, ANL, Logic circuits, Magnetic tapes, Operation, Programming, T codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. This memorandum describes the operation of the Tape Production Facility After a brief overview, first the system hardware and then the system software are described. The software consists of two parts, the systems software for the Tape Pro- duction Facility and microcode that executes on a SMS Microcontroller. The Microcontroller and some interface hardware implement a dual incre- mental digital tape transport controller. Logic dia- grams and listings for all software are also given. 8 figures. (ERA citation 03:009492) ANL-78-XX-94 Argonne National Lab., IL Environmental Working Level Monitor. Final Report D Keefe, W. P. McDowell, and P. G. Groer. 29 Sep 78, 140p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Descriptors: 'Radiation monitors, Air, Alpha detec- tion, Beta detection, Bismuth 214, Lead 214, Polo- nium 214, Polonium 218, Radiation monitoring, Automation, Calibration, Computer codes, Micro- processors, Operation, Programming, Radioactiv- ity. Identifiers: ERDA/500300, ERDA/440101, 'Ra- dioactive aerosols, Airborne wastes, Radon, Daughter products, Basic programming language The Environmental Working Level Monitor (EWLM) is an instrument used to automatically monitor airborne Rn-daughter concentrations and the Working Level (WL). It is an ac powered, micro- processor-based instrument with an external in- verter provided for dc operation if desired. The mi- croprocessor's control processor unit (CPU) con- trols the actuation of the detector assembly and processes its output signals to yield the measure- ments in the proper units. The detectors are fully automated and require no manual operations once the instrument is programmed. They detect and separate the alpha emitters of RaA and RaC as well as detecting the beta emitters of RaB and RaC. The resultant pulses from these detected ra- dioisotopes are transmitted to the CPU. The pro- grammed microprocessor performs the mathemat- ical manipulations necessary to output accurate Rn-daughter concentrations and the WL. A special subroutine within the system program enables the EWLM to run a calibration procedure on command which yields calibration data. This data can then be processed in a separate program on most comput- ers capable of BASIC programming. This calibra- tion program results in the derivation of coeffi- cients and beta efficiencies which provides the calibrated coefficients and beta efficiencies re- quired by the main system program to assure 26 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER proper calibration of the individual EWLM's. (ERA citation 04:024499) BNL-23277 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Use of DBMS-10 for Storage and Retrieval of Evaluated Nuclear Data Files C. L. Dunford. 1977, 7p Rept no. CONF-771062- 3 Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 OECD/NEA working group on nuclear information, Berkeley, CA, USA, 5 Oct 1977. Descriptors: "Nuclear data collections, 'Informa- tion retrieval, Data processing, Management, Processing. Identifiers: ERDA/990300, *Data base manage- ment systems, Decsystem-10 computers, 'Mini- computers. The use of a data base management system (DBMS) for storage of, and retrieval from, the many scientific data bases maintained by the Na- tional Nuclear Data Center is currently being inves- tigated. It would appear that a commercially availa- ble DBMS package would save the Center consid- erable money and manpower when adding new data files to the library and in the long-term mainte- nance of current data files. Current DBMS technol- ogy and experience with an internal DBMS system suggests an inherent inefficiency in processing large data networks where significant portions are accessed in a sequential manner. Such a file is the Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF/B), which con- tains many large data tables, each one normally accessed in a sequential manner. After gaining some experience and success in small applica- tions of the commercially available DBMS pack- age, DBMS-10, on the Center's DECsystem-10 computer, it was decided to select a large data base as a test case before making a final decision on the implementation of DBMS-10 for all data bases. The obvious approach is to utilize the DBMS to index a random-access file. In this way one is able to increase the storage and retrieval efficiency at the one-time cost of additional pro- graming effort. 2 figures. (ERA citation 03:020834) BNL-23363 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Conversion on an Operating System Oriented Towards Transaction Processing from Two to Three Modes of Logical Address Space F. W. Stubblefield. Oct 77, 13p Rept no. CONF- 771023-12 Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 Nuclear science symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, 19 0c* 1977. Descriptors: 'On-line control systems, Data acqui- sition systems, Reactor experimental facilities, On- line measurement systems, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/440300, ERDA/ 220600, 'Transaction processing, 'Operating systems(Computers), PDP-1 1 /40 computers, PDP-1 1/45 computers. A computer system to control and acquire data from a set of ten neutron and x-ray scattering and diffraction experiments located at the High Flux Beam Reactor at Brookhaven National Laboratory has operated in a routine manner for over two years. The system was constructed according to a functionally distributed architecture, and thus con- sists of a set of functional nodes. Ten of these nodes, the private or application nodes, perform the function "execute programs to control and ac- quire data from experiment number x." An addi- tional function node, the common or shared serv- ice node, performs the function "provide a set of shared services to the application nodes." The shared service node was successfully implement- ed in software with in-house code oriented towards transaction processing and in hardware with a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-1 1/40 com- puter. However.recent demands that this node provide an expanded set of services have required that its implementation elements be modified and extended. In particular, the node hardware has been changed to a PDP-1 1 /45 processor, and the software present at the node has been extended from operation in two modes of logical address space to three modes. A discussion of the systems analysis principles which influenced the manner in which these modifications and extensions were carried out is given. The structure of the old two- mode software is briefly reviewed in order to pro- vide a basis for an examination of its three-mode replacement. Finally, the possibility of extending the technique to operation in many modes of logi- cal address space is indicated. 1 figure, 4 tables. (ERA citation 03:016309) BNL-50741 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Hopi: On-Line Injection Optimization Program J. L. LeMaire. 26 Oct 77, 30p Contract EY-76-C-02-00 16 Descriptors: 'Brookhaven ags, 'Computer codes, Beam emittance, Beam injection, H codes, Linear accelerators, On-line control systems, Particle boosters, Pdp computers. Identifiers: ERDA/430302. A method of matching the beam from the 200 MeV linac to the AGS without the necessity of making emittance measurements is presented. An on-line computer program written on the PDP10 computer performs the matching by modifying independently the horizontal and vertical emittance. Experimental results show success with this method, which can be applied to any matching section. (ERA citation 03:024961) BNWL-MA-508 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. PLT: A Graphics Package for Casual Users of the Biometrics PDP 1 1/70 Computer J. R. Tadlock, and C. R. Watson. Dec 77, 38p Contract EY-76-C-06-1830 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer graph- ics, Basic, Fortran, P codes, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, PLT computer pro- gram, PREPLT computer program, PDP-1 1/70 computers. This report describes a SIMPLE approach to the use of GRAPHICS on the Biometrics computer. The programs allow use of the resources provided by FORTRAN-callable plot control routines without the user's knowledge of those routines. The pro- grams allow the casual user to obtain two-dimen- sional linear or logarithmic plots quickly and easily. These assume the user has no knowledge of FOR- TRAN, although familiarity with PDS, the interac- tive control language of the PDP 11/70, is neces- sary. In addition, the user need not be concerned with the physical size of the display device, as all axis scaling is done automatically in the logical units of the data. That is, the user designs the plot in terms of grams, hours, microcuries, or whatever, rather than in terms of inches on the plot device. The key to the package is a special type of data file which contains titles, scale factors, and symbol codes in addition to the data. The FORTRAN pro- gram which generates the plots is called PLT. A BASIC program, PREPLT, is an optional method of constructing the special type of file needed by PLT. This report describes use of the two pro- grams, and explains in detail the format of the data file. Then several example files and resulting plots are shown. Listings of the two programs are includ- ed. (ERA citation 03:029982) BNWL-SA-6473 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, WA. COMP: A Basic Non-Linear Least Squares Curve Fitting Package C. R. Watson, M. I. Cochran, J. M. Thomas, and L. L. Eberhardt. Nov 77, 6p Rept no. CONF- 771144-6 Contract EY-76-C-06-1830 DECUS meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, 28 Nov 1977, Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: Mathematical models, Basic, C codes, Least square fit, Nonlinear problems, PDP computers, Series expansion. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Curve fitting, Comput- er programming, BASIC programming language, PDP-1 1 /34 computers, PDP-1 1 /70 computers. To find a mathematical model which describes (fits) data from a process which is fundamentally nonlinear, one usually uses nonlinear least- squares techniques on maxicomputers. These usually run in batch mode with the user supplying a model and initial "guesstimates" of its parameters. However, fitting the model to the data can be con- sidered an art because computer algorithms either converge to true solutions, or converge to errone- ous solutions, or fail to converge, depending on the quality of the guesstimates. It is slow and ex- pensive to try enough runs to obtain a logical solu- tion (unless one makes lucky initial guesses). An interactive BASIC procedure was developed which runs on either the PDP-1 1 /34 under RT-1 1 or the PDP-1 1/70 under IAS. These programs help the investigator quickly fit the model to the data and statistically evaluate the differences between the two. The parameter estimates thus determined may then be used as guesstimates for the more precise maxicomputer codes. The key to the system is the re-enterant nature of the curve fitting routine (allowed only with a language such as IN- TERPRETED BASIC). The user supplies estimates of the parameters for the selected model (18 are currently available, and users can easily write their own). The computer tries a few iterative refine- ments (by using Taylor series expansion of partial derivatives to obtain linearization) of the estimates in an attempt to minimize the deviations between the values predicted by the model and the ob- served data. The user can observe as the program executes whether the result is a logical solution. If not, he may stop the process, enter new guessti- mates, and examine those results, try again, or select a new model. (ERA citation 03:0541 92) BNWL-2193 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. SAP3: A Computer Program for X-Ray Fluores- cence Data Reduction for Environmental Sam- ples K. K. Nielson. Apr 77, 49p Contract EY-76-C-06-1830 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Sea bed, *X-ray fluorescence analysis, Automation, Calibration, Computer calculations. Corrections, Data analysis, Data processing, Fortran, Li-drifted si detectors, Matrices, Pdp computers, S codes, Sample prepa- ration, Self-absorption, X-ray fluorescence analyz- ers, X-ray spectrometers. Identifiers: ERDA/400103, ERDA/440105, ERDA/ 440103, 'Chemical analysis, 'Environmental sur- veys, SAP 3 computer program. A FORTRAN computer program is presented for quantitative multielement analysis of spectral data from both isotope- and x-ray tube-excited x-ray flu- orescence systems. The program is designed for analysis of pelletized environmental samples (20 to 200 mg/cm exp 2 ) using thin film spectrometer calibrations and subsequent mathematical matrix corrections for seld absorption, particle size ef- fects and enhancement. A background-independ- ent direct peak analysis method permits rapid de- termination of net peak areas and peak overlap corrections. Matrix-corrected quantities of 24 ele- ments can be determined from 1024 channels of raw spectral data in 20 to 40 sec with relative accu- racies of a few percent. Options for applying the program to spectra from in-situ seabed analyses are also included. (ERA citation 02:045966) BNWL-2236 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. Comprehensive Information Retrieval and Model Input Sequence (Cirmis): User's Manual D. R. Friednchs. Apr 77, 99p Contract EY-76-C-06-1830 Descriptors: 'Wells, 'Information retrieval, Com- puter codes, C codes, Manuals, Maps, On-line sys- tems, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990300, ERDA/990200, Water resources, 'Information systems, Data processing. This manual describes the user interaction with the CIRMIS System. The portions of the system are divided into three sections: Well-based Data Re- trieval System describes the procedures involved in the retrieval of well-based data. Capabilities are available to display graphically various types of in- formation relating to wells and/or obtain hard copy plots and line printer listings of these data. Special Applications and Manipulations describes the pro- 27 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER cedures involved in the generation and manipula- tion of surface files, the generation and use of map boundary files, special computer models that uti- lize these aata, and special utility programs. Model Input Sequencing describes the procedures in- volved in setting up of input parameters and con- trol of Major Predictive Models controlled by the CIRMIS system. Due to the size of these models and the large amounts of data required, they are run on a PDP-11/45 computer with large mass storage capabilities Control of these programs is provided through the use of a smaller computer with visual interactive capabilities. 59 figures. (ERA citation 02:050544) CONF-770884-1 Argonne National Lab., III. Challenge in Numerical Software for Micro- computers W. J. Cody. 1977, 24p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Symposium on microcomputers: systems, soft- ware, architecture, Pingree Park, CO, USA, 31 Aug 1977. Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, Calculation meth- ods, Programming, Recommendations, Transla- tors. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Computer software. Microcomputers are now capable of serious nu- merical computation using programmed floating- point arithmetic and Basic compilers. Unless nu- merical software designers for these machines ex- ploit experience gained in providing software for larger machines, history will repeat with the initial spread of treacherous software. This paper dis- cusses good software, especially for the elemen- tary functions, in terms of reliability and robust- ness. The emphasis is on insight rather than de- tailed algorithms, to show why certain things are important and how they may be achieved. (ERA citation 03:042086) CONF-780441-2 Argonne National Lab., IL. Method for Semi-Automatic Software Docu- mentation J. W. Tippie. 1978, 6p Contract W-31-109-ENG-48 Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, Chica- go, IL, USA, 24 Apr 1978, Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Programming, 'Documentation, Automation, Computer codes, D codes, Pdp com- puters, Recommendations. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. Documenting large software systems raises nasty problems. Programers and system designers are typically under pressure to develop and maintain software rather than document what they have done. Furthermore, once the software is oper- ational, there is little challenge to the programer to document it. The subject of this paper is a method (and supporting software) that was developed to reduce the documenting drudgery of the system designer and programer while providing reason- able and timely documentation at all levels. The method was employed in the development of sys- tems based on both RSX and DOS. 6 figures. (ERA citation 03:0541 93) CONF-781061-2 Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, TN. Computer Sciences Div. Terminal Usage System at Oak Ridge National Laboratory D. R. Winkler. 17 Oct 78, 2p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 AESOP-SCIE symposium on advanced computing, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 1 9 Oct 1 978. Descriptors: 'On-line systems, ORNL. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Decsystem-10 comput- ers. Management information systems. A DECsystem 10 timesharing system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory was upgraded a factor of three in CPU power in February 1977. This paper describes a terminal usage system to monitor dialup and hardwired terminal usage. The DECsys- tem 10's terminal control hardware consists of two host multiplexors and five remote concentrators. The host multiplexors control 47 dialup lines, 153 hardwired lines, and the five remote concentrators. Two programs comprise the system. The first pro- gram reads the monthly accounting files and gen- erates a data file composed of session records. The second program produces two basic types of reports-one set based on terminal usage and the other set based on users' activities. These reports can be used as the basis for many management decisions. (ERA citation 04:01 7635) CONF-7811112-1 Argonne National Lab., IL. Software Development System for Small Dedi- cated and Front-End Microcomputer (LSI-11) Applications J. W. Tippie, and P. E. Rynes. 1978, 6p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Descriptors: Electric-powered vehicles, Micro- processors, Target chambers, Electric batteries, On-line control systems, PDP computers, Pro- gramming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/430303, ERDA/ 250904, ERDA/330300, 'Microcomputers, Com- puter applications, Computer software, Operating systems, Utility routines, Auxiliary equipment(Computers). The development of software for small dedicated microcomputer applications is frequently impeded or complicated by lack of adequate peripherals, utilities, and operating systems. A software devel- opment system for the LSI-1 1 microcomputer is described, along with some of its anticipated appli- cations and some of the software problems. The term "small dedicated application" is used here to refer to one- or few-of-a-kind systems based on the LSI-1 1 that lack a device suitable to support an operating system, and that are not subject to fre- quent software changes. 5 figures. (ERA citation 04:025120) CONF-781 159-3 Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. NET--A Powerful File-Transfer Facility R. D Burris, C. E. Hammons, and C. O. Kemper. 1978, 8p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Fall DECUS U.S. symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, 27 Nov 1978. Descriptors: 'Computer networks, 'Data transmis- sion, Equipment interfaces, Programming, ORNL. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, DECSYSTEM-10 com- puters, PDP-11 computers, PDP-12 computers, PDP-8 computers, IBM-360 computers, CDC-7600 computers, PDP-11/45 computers, NET systems. The NET command and system provide access to a network that includes DECsystem-10s, PDP-1 1s, PDP-12S, PDP-8s, IBM System/360s, and a CDC 7600. A DECNET-style command syntax is used. Full wildcard capability is provided for transmis- sion, retrievals, and third-party transfers. The NET command was made to interface to existing pro- grams transmitting to the IBM and CDC equipment. For transfers between DECsystem-10s, a spooler was written to support file transfer through asyn- chronous (teletype) lines, a DAS78 fron end, or a DL10 link to a PDP-1 1 /45. The PDP-1 1 /45 is itself a node in the network. Users on many nodes can direct files to the 11/45 for storage, printing, plot- ting, or routing to some other node. It is between DECsystem-10s that the most powerful and free interchange of data is possible. Possible source devices include all directory devices and ersatz de- vices. Destination devices include all devices and queues that do not require operator intervention. 2 figures. (ERA citation 04:014902) COO-1 198-1215 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. FORTRAN Programs for Data Fitting Using Orthogonal Polynomials B. C. Gibson. May 78, 44p Contract EY-76-C-02-1198 Descriptors: 'Least square fit, 'Thermometers, Calibration, Computer codes, Cryogenics, F codes, Fortran, Germanium, Low temperature, O codes, PDP computers, T codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/440300, ORFIT subroutine, TFIT computer program, FIT computer program, Orthogonal functions, Polynomials, Re- sistance thermometers. The use of orthogonal functions in least-squares data fitting is discussed, and a FORTRAN subrou- tine (ORFIT) which uses orthogonal polynomials in data fitting is presented. Also described are two FORTRAN programs for fitting data which use the subroutine ORFIT. The first one, FIT, is a general- purpose data fitting program. The second one, TFIT, is specifically intended for use in calibrating cryogenic germanium resistance thermometers. TFIT fits InT to a polynomial in InR (where T and R are the temperature and resistance, respectively). (ERA citation 03:058087) COO-2245-36TR Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. of Nuclear Engineering. Collection and Evaluation of Salt Mixing Data with the Real Time Data Acquisition System S. Glazer, C. Chiu, and N. E. Todreas. Sep 77, 331p Contract EY-76-S-02-2245 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Fuel element clusters, 'Lmfbr type reactors, Computer codes, Fluid flow, Mixing, Mockup, S codes, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/210500, ERDA/420400, SU- PERENERGY computer program, Minicomputers, Data acquisition, Real time. A minicomputer based real time data acquisition system was designed and built to facilitate data collection during salt mixing tests in mock ups of LMFBR rod bundles. The system represents an expansion of data collection capabilities over pre- vious equipment. It performs steady state and tran- sient monitoring and recording of up to 512 individ- ual electrical resistance probes. Extensive real time software was written to govern all phases of the data collection procedure, including probe defi- nition, probe calibration, salt mixing test data ac- quisition and storage, and data editing. Offline soft- ware was also written to permit data examination and reduction to dimensionless salt concentration maps. Finally, the computer program SUPEREN- ERGY was modified to permit rapid extraction of parameters from dimensionless salt concentration maps. The document describes the computer system, and includes circuit diagrams of all custom built components. It also includes descriptions and listings of all software written, as well as extensive user instructions. (ERA citation 03:044689) COO-2383-0052 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. DRAGON Technical Manual P. Watterberg, and G. Lo. Aug 78, 81 p Contract EY-76-S-02-2383 Descriptors: 'Computer graphics, 'Network analy- sis, D codes, Manuals, Mathematical models, PDP computers, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, DRAGON computer program, GIML programming language. The design and structure of the DRAGON program are described in detail. A discussion of the organi- zation and usage of the various files used by DRAGON is given first. The information in this sec- tion is summarized for quick reference. Then each of the routines comprising the DRAGON program is explained; this section is most useful if one has a listing of the DRAGON code. In both sections it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the GIML programing language and the GIML data struc- tures. (ERA citation 04:01 4903) COO-2383-41 Illinois Univ., Urbana. Dept. of Computer Science. Software Systems Reseach Annual Report, July 16, 1976--July 15, 1977 1977, 18p Contract EY-76-S-02-2383 Descriptors: 'Programming, Differential equations, Research programs, Simulators, Translators. 28 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Identifiers: ERDA/990200, MODEL programming language, PDP-1 1 computers. Highlights of the work include substantial progress on the oscillating ODE problem, completion of the MAP compiler for the MODEL generalized simula- tion language, completion of the simulator for the interactive graphical pseudo-computer, and the in- tegration of the Interdata 732 computer into the in- teractive PDP-1 1 system used by the group. Pro- jects which have been documented in reports or papers in preparation or already published are only summarized, while current projects yet to be docu- mented are described in greater detail. (ERA cita- tion 02:061826) DOE/NASA/CR-1 50535 Rho Sigma, Inc., North Hollywood, CA. System Design and Installation for RS600 Pro- grammable Control System for Solar Heating and Cooling Jan 78, 169p Contract EX-76-A-29-1037 Descriptors: "Control systems, "Solar cooling sys- tems, 'Solar heating systems, *Solar water heat- ers, Computer codes, Design, Diagrams, Installa- tion, Maintenance, Manuals, Microprocessors, Op- eration, Specifications. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140901, ERDA/ 140907, Sys- tems engineering, Control equipment. The installation, operation and maintenance manual, the system design drawings, installation drawings and the system design data brochure are presented. It provides detailed information neces- sary for the building/purchase and installation of the RS600 Programmable Control System for solar heating, combined heating and cooling and/or hot water systems. Included are such items as general specifications, user configuration and options, dis- plays, theory of operation, trouble-shooting proce- dures, parts lists, drawings, diagrams, wiring lists and warranty and assistance. (ERA citation 04:007711) DOE/NASA/CR-150747 Andover Control Corp., MA. Installation Package for Integrated Program- mable Electronic Controller and Hydronic Sub- system: Solar Heating and Cooling Aug 78, 165p Contract EX-76-A-29-1037 Descriptors: 'Control systems, 'Solar cooling sys- tems, 'Solar heating systems, Computer codes, Data acquisition, Installation, Logic circuits, Main- tenance, Manuals, Microprocessors, Monitoring, Operation, Programming, Solar collectors, Specifi- cations. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140901, Controllers, Hot water heating. The Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual and information on the power panel and programmable microprocessor, a hydronic solar pump system, and a hydronic heating hot water pumping system are included. These systems are integrated into various configurations for usages in solar energy management, control and monitoring, lighting control, data logging, and other solar relat- ed applications. (ERA citation 04:007728) DP-MS-76-74 Du Pont de Nemours (E.I.) and Co., Aiken, S.C. Sa- vannah River Lab. Interactive Display Program for a PDP-1 1 Satel- lite Graphics System J. C. Jensen, H. C. Honeck, and J. H. Hightower. 6p Rept no. CONF-761216-1 Contract E(07-2)-1 Symposium of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America (USA), 6 Dec 1 976. Descriptors: 'Interactive display devices, Comput- er codes, Pdp computers, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/440300, PDP 1 1 computers. A general-purpose interactive graphics system was developed at the Savannah River Laboratory. This system was designed to be used by personnel of different discipliness, both technical and busi- ness, as a data processing aid. An overview of the host-satellite system, a discussion of the data structure that is used, and a description of the in- teractive facilities provided by the PDP-11 display program are presented. 4 figures. (ERA citation 02:031724) DP-1506 Du Pont de Nemours (E.I.) and Co., Aiken, SO Sa- vannah River Lab. MC6800 Cross-Assembler for the PDP-8/E Digital Computer R. J. Sand. Aug 78, 87p Contract EY-76-C-09-0001 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Microprocessors, M codes, Manuals, Translators. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, PDP-8/E computers, Minicomputers, MC-6800 computers. A cross-assembler was developed to assemble Motorola MC6800 microprocessor programs on a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-8/E minicom- puter. This cross-assembler runs in 8K of core under the OS/8 operating system. The advan- tages of using the cross-assembler are the large user symbol table and the convenience and speed of program development. User's instructions for the cross-assembler are given. The design of the cross-assembler and examples of its use are de- scribed. 12 figures. (ERA citation 04:007141) ED-160 068 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Sec- ondary Education. MC Painting-A New Medium for Art Education Bruce Hicks, and Melanie Zibit. Mar 78, 1 1 Report on Illinois Series on Educational Applica- tion of Computers, Rept. no. ISEAC-16. Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service (Computer Microfilm International Corpo- ration), Arlington, VA. 22210, PCS1.67, MFS0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Art education, 'Display systems, 'Painting, Computer programs, Computer science. Identifiers: 'Microcomputers. The MC (microcomputer) paint brush and other parts of the MC painting medium can be used easily by the student, teacher, or artist, young or old, to produce color pictures on a TV screen and store them for later viewing or modification. The 1 5 colors available-two intensities of each of six colors, black, and two whites-can be painted with any one of four 'brushes'-one narrow and three wide-making continuous strokes or one dab at a time. The essential element of decision-making that is inherent in the artistic creative process is present in each step of MC painting; this element is easily controlled by the artist-user, who can be as spontaneous or as calculating, as fast or as slow, in his artistic activity as he wishes. ED-160 081 An Interactive Testing/Teaching System for Microcomputers Alvin J. Surkan, and Richard M. Evans. 30 Nov 77, 15p Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the As- sociation for the Development of Computer Based Instructional Systems, Dallas, TX. March 1-4, 1978. Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service (Computer Microfilm International Corpo- ration), Arlington, VA. 22210, MF$0.83 Only, Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Computer assisted instruction, 'In- structional systems, 'Testing, Computer pro- grams, Cost effectiveness, Man machine systems, Mastery learning, Pacing. Identifiers: API programming language, 'Minicom- puters. Results of the experience gained in designing and using an autonomous computer-assisted testing system are reported, including conclusions based on more than two years testing with typical classes. In this system, definitely expandable auxil- iary storage for testing items and programs or scores is provided. Cathode ray tube display of questions and reinforcement, and real-time check- ing of answers is followed by recording partial scores and updating the number of trials by each student on each exam. The system provides a self- contained, potable, and economical facility well suited to variable-paced, proficiency-based courses of study. ED-160 082 A Microprocessor Based CAI System with Graphic Capabilities Frank J. Mabry. Mar 78, 19p Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the As- sociation for the Development of Computer Based Instructional Systems, Dallas, TX. March 1-4, 1978. Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service (Computer Microfilm International Corpo- ration), Arlington, VA. 22210, MFS0.83 Only, Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Computer assisted instruction, 'Computer graphics, Computer programs, Dia- grams, Man machine systems, On line systems, Programming languages. Identifiers: 'Microprocessors. This paper describes a system which operates on an independent basis as well as connected to communications network, e.g., PLATO and ASCII based communication systems. The system also has facilities for local production and use of PILOT lessons, for support of a generalized programming language (NSEASIC), and for development of graphic sequences. The following topics are dis- cussed: background, NSBASIC, microprocessor- supported PILOT, graphic source generation, sized writing and user defined special characters, and programming support. A description of the hardware features is appended as well as the lan- guage guide, programming notes, and program- ming options for NSBASIC. EGG-1 183-1733 EG and G, Inc., Las Vegas, NV. Energy Measure- ments Group. LASL/EG And G General Purpose IEEE-488 Bus Device Driver (GPDRV) I. J. Brower. 1 Nov 78, 48p Contract EY-76-C-08-1183 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, PDP computers, Equipment interfaces, G codes, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, GPDRV computer pro- gram, Fortran. GPDRV is a device driver for the RSX-1 1 M Operat- ing System designed as a software interface be- tween RSX-1 1M and the IEEE-488 Bus via a Tek- tronix CP1 100 interface. GPDRV allows communi- cation with the IEEE-488 bus by use of the RSX- 11M standard FORTRAN READ, WRITE, QIO Statements. The Tektronix CP1100 Interface must be modified so all 8 interrupts will interrupt through the same vector and bit 14 of the bus address reg- ister will indicate if the CP1 100 interface is system controller. The CP1100 interface may be further modified if it is system controller (bit 14 of the bus address register equals a zero) so that interface clear and remote enable cannot be sent by the in- terface. A more detailed explanation of the CP1100 may be found the the "TEKTRONIX CP1100/IEEE 488 INTERFACE" instruction manual. (ERA citation 04:031974) E77- 10234 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Lower Hutt (New Zealand). Physics and Engineer- ing Lab. Seismotectonic, Structural, Voicanologic, and Geomorphic Study of New Zealand: Indigenous Forest Assessment in New Zealand. Mapping, Land Use, and Environmental Studies in New Zealand. Volume 2 Final rept. Mervyn Probine, Richard P. Suggate, Michael G. McGrevy, and Ian F. Stirling. Sep 77, 134p 587- Vol-2, NASA-CR-1 55024 See also Volume 3, E77-10235. Original contains color imagery. Original photogra- phy may be purchased from the EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, S.D. 29 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Descriptors: *New Zealand, "Ships, 'Crop identifi- cation, *Snow, 'Sediments, Distortions, Maps, Digital data, Earth resources program, Multispec- tral band scanners, Computer programs, Fortran, Minicomputers, Image enhancement. The author has identified the following significant results. Ship detection via LANDSAT MSS data was demonstrated. In addition, information on ship size, orientation, and movement was obtained. Band 7 was used for the initial detection followed by confirmation on other MSS bands. Under low turbidity, as experienced in open seas, the detec- tion of ships 100 m long was verified and detection of ships down to 30 m length theorized. High turbi- dity and sea state inhibit ship detection by de- creasing S/N ratios. The radiance effect from snow of local slope angles and orientation was also studied. Higher radiance values and even overloading in three bands were recorded for the sun-facing slope. Local hot spots from solar reflec- tion appear at several locations along transect D-C in Six Mile Creek Basin during September 1976. FEI-562 Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atom- noi Energii SSSR, Obninsk. Fiziko-Energeticheskii Inst. NEXT Module System for the M-220 Computer S. Kh. Saherov, B. A. Efimenko, T. D. Terekhova, and G. A. Zhuravleva. 1975, 10p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Microprocessors, 'Programming, 'Translators, Algol, Algorithms. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR, NEXT system, M-220 computers. The "NEXT" system is described realized on the M-220 computer. The system makes it possible to combine programs compiled by a translator from the ALGOL-60 (TA-2M) language into a single computer complex. The principles used in the in- vestigation permit applying the term of a module system to the "NEXT". The "NEXT" system has been included into software for the M-220 type computers and has been successfully tested in op- eration. (Atomindex citation 09:350449) HMI-B-228 Hahn-Meitner-lnst. fuer Kernforschung Berlin G.m.b.H. (West Germany). Bereich Datenverarbei- tung und Elektronik. MUMTI A Multi-User-Multi-Task-lnterpreter for Process-Control Applications with CAMAC E. Busse, K. H. Degenhardt, H. U. Eichner, V. Tschammer, and U. Vidic. Feb 77, 114p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'On-line control systems, PDP com- puters, Camac system, Equipment interfaces, M codes, Programming languages, Real time sys- tems, Translators, Uses. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, West Germany, Proc- ess control, PDP-1 1 computers, Interpreters, MUMTI system. The interactive, interpretative programming- system MUMTI runs on PDP11-RSX11M/D-sys- tems. Its main application fields are industrial and process-control applications. The MUMTI lan- guage is described in detail. (Atomindex citation 08:348531) HMI-B-229 Hahn-Meitner-lnst. fuer Kernforschung Berlin G.m.b.H. (West Germany). Bereich Datenverarbei- tung und Elektronik. Computer Network of the Hahn-Meitner Insti- tute for Nuclear Research H.J. Toepfer. Feb 77, 17p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computers, German Fr organiza- tions, Camac system, Computer codes, Computer networks, Data acquisition systems, Data process- ing, Data transmission, Design, Digital computers, Electronic guidance, On-line control systems, PDP computers, Programming, Real time systems, Sie- mens computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, West Germany. The report describes the topology, the hardware and the software of the HMI integrated computer system. The possibilities open to users are out- lined. Communication among processes, which may even occur in various host computers of the system, is achieved through the Extended Inter- task Communication (EITC) software component. (Atomindex citation 08:341 1 51) IAE-2513 Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atom- noi Energii SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Atomnoi Energii. Solution of the Kinetic Equation in the PS-Ap- proximation in a Plane Geometry Yu. A. Vlasov. 1975, 36p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Layers, 'Neutron transport theory, Algol, Besm computers, Bound- ary conditions, Factorization, Finite difference method, Kinetic equations, Microprocessors, Neu- tron transport, One-group theory, P codes, PS-ap- proximation, Two-dimensional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/654003, USSR. A method and a program are described for solving single-velocity kinetic equations of neutron trans- port for plane geometry in the finite-difference ap- proximation. A high-accuracy difference scheme and a matrix factorization method are used for the differential-difference equation systems. The pro- gram is written in the ALGOL-60 language and is adapted for M-20, M-220, M-222 and BESM-4 computers. (Atomindex citation 08:341279) IEA-TI-57 Instituto de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo (Brazil). Div. de Engenharia Nuclear. GENFIT: A General Least Squares Curve Fitting Program for Mini-Computer S. Shalev. Jun 77, 20p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Least square fit, Computer codes, Data processing, Errors, Functions, G codes, Itera- tive methods, Nonlinear problems, Plotters, Pro- gramming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Brazil, GENFIT com- puter program, Minicomputers, Curve fitting. GENFIT is a basic data processing program, suit- able for small on-line computers. In essence the program solve the curve fitting problem by using the non-linear least squares method. A data set consisting of a series of points in the X-Y plane is fitted to a selected function whose parameters are adjusted to give the best fit in the least-squares sence. Convergence may be accelerated by modi- fying (or interchanging) the values of the constant parameters in accordance with results of previous calculations. (Atomindex citation 09:366218) INIS-mf-3618 Nijmegen Univ. (Netherlands). Measurement of K exp - /sub p/ 4.2 Gev/C In- teractions with a Pepr Vertex Guidance System T. E. Schouten. 18 Feb 77, 207p Available in microfiche only. 66 refs., 49 figs., 15 tables, Thesis. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Cathode ray tube digitizers, 'Kaon minus-proton interactions, Accuracy, Automation, Bubble chambers, Calibration, Computer codes, Consoles, Data processing, Efficiency, Gev range 01-10, Image scanners, Kaons minus, Particle kinematics, Particle tracks, Pattern recognition, Pdp computers, Performance testing, Program- ming. Identifiers: ERDA/440104, Netherlands. For the K exp - sub(p) 4.2 GeV/c experiment more than three million bubble chamber pictures were taken and analyzed by a collaboration of laborato- ries in CERN, Amsterdam, Oxford and Nijmegen. The analysis of such a large amount of pictures requires a large degree of automatization in the processing chain. In this thesis a description is pre- sented of the hardware and software of a pattern recognition system for the automatic measure- ment of bubble chamber pictures: the PEPR Vertex Guidance system. PEPR stands for Preci- sion Encoding and Pattern Recognition. The re- sults of this system are analyzed in terms of speed, throughput, accuracy and efficiency of the mea- surements. (Atomindex citation 08:313644) IS-T-830 Ames Lab., IA. Special Purpose Computer to Computer Inter- face B. F. Ill Carter. Jan 79, 56p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Thesis. Descriptors: *PDP computers, *SDS computers, "Equipment interfaces, Design, On-line measure- ment systems, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/220600, Proto- cols. The specific design criteria for interfacing two dis- similar computers are presented. The discussion also includes hardware and software protocol for communication between the systems. 14 figures, 2 tables. (ERA citation 04:017636) IS-4105 Ames Lab., Iowa. Users Manual for DISKORG: The Disk Organi- zation Subsystem for the PDP-1 5 Computer K. R. Brobst, L. C. Moon, and T. Ekberg. Feb 77, 20p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *Pdp computers, D codes, Magnetic disks, Manuals, PI-1 language, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, DISKORG computer program, ALECS programming language, PDP-1 5 computers. DISKORG is the name given to a set of programs written in the ALECS language which forms the disk organization subsystem of the ALECS operat- ing system. The ALECS operating system is a time-sharing multi-tasking operating system for the DEC PDP-1 5 computer. The ALECS language is a subset of PL/1. The ALECS compiler (cross-com- piler) runs on an IBM 360/370 OSMVT computer in about 132K Bytes of main core. (ERA citation 02:040303) IS-4169 Ames Lab., Iowa. Users Guide to Finger, Thumb, and Triple Axis Real Time Experiment Control Programs T. G. Pinter, and E. M. Notis. Apr 77, 52p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Neutron spec- trometers, Manuals, On-line control systems, Op- eration, Pdp computers, Programming, Real time systems, Recording systems. Identifiers: ERDA/4401 03. This manual provides the user with instructions for using the real time control system for the neutron scattering spectrometers: finger, thumb, and triple axis. The input requirements of the various pro- grams are described in detail. Logging on proce- dures, program loading, and data set organization are also discussed. (ERA citation 02:057335) IS-4312 Ames Lab., Iowa. Programmer's Guide for DISKORG: the Disk Organization Subsystem for the PDP-15 Com- puter K. R. Brobst, L. C. Moon, T. Ekberg, and T. G. Pinter. Dec 77, 47p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Descriptors: 'Programming manuals, PDP com- puters, Algorithms, Ames laboratory, Computer codes, D codes, Magnetic disks, PI-1 language, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'PDP-15 computers, Data structures, 'File organization, 'DISKORK system. The disk organization package used with the Ames Laboratory Experimental Control System devel- oped for a Digital Equipment Company's PDP-15 computer is described. The directory and data set 30 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER structure are described. Algorithms are given for the individual routines in the package. 4 figures. (ERA citation 03:032500) IS-4378 Ames Lab., Iowa. Programmers Guide to Finger, Thumb, and Triple Axis Real Time Experiment Control Pro- ?rams . G. Pinter, and E. M. Notis. Mar 78, 97p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Neutron diffracto- meters, Algorithms, Control systems, Crystals, Elastic scattering, Inelastic scattering, Manuals, Neutron reactions, Pdp computers, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, PDP-1 5 computers. This manual describes the algorithms and codes written to control the neutron scattering real-time experiments. These experiments consist of three diffractometers, called Thumb, Finger, and Triple Axis, as well as an x-y Plotter. The basic control system consists of an experiment interfaced to an SDS-910 which is in turn interfaced to a PDP-1 5. All direct experiment control is performed in the 910, e.g., setting angles, handling experiment in- terrupts, etc. Thus, all three experiments "look" the same to the 15. The Thumb diffractometer consists of a sample table of rotation for the crystal being studied and a detector arm which is rotated about the sample table axis. All other angles are fixed. Thus, only elastic scattering can be per- formed on this diffractometer. The Finger diffracto- meter has an analyzing crystal where the Thumb detector is located. This crystal can be rotated to select a given energy from the beam scattered by the sample before it enters the detector. Thus, in- elastic scattering can be performed. The Triple Axis resembles the Finger except the monochro- mator and drum angles as well as the detector and analyzer crystal angles can all move independent- ly. (ERA citation 03:043523) JEN-412 Junta de Energia Nuclear, Madrid (Spain). Automatic Storage of Single gamma Spectra on Magnetic Tape. Programs LONGO, DIRE J. M. Los Arcos Merino. 1978, 22p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Gamma spectra, Computer codes, D codes, Data processing, Fortran, L codes, Magnet- ic tapes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Data storage, Multi-8 computers, Minicomputers, LONGO computer pro- gram, DIRE computer program, Spain. The program LONGO provides the block size and the block number in a binary file on magnetic tape. It has been applied to analyse the structure of the nine-track magnetic tapes storing single or coinci- dence gamma spectra files, recorded in octet form by a Multi-8 minicomputer in the Nuclear Spec- trometry Laboratory of J.E.N. Then the program DIRE has been written to transform the single gamma spectra into a new Fastrand disk file, stor- ing the information in 36 bit words. A copy of this file is obtained on magnetic tape and the single gamma spectra are then availables by standard Fortran V reading sentences. (Atomindex citation 09:399295) JINR-R-10-10479 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Neutron Physics. Software for a Magnetic Disk Drive Unit Con- nected with a Computer Tpa-1001-l O. I. Elizarov, A. Mateeva, and I. M. Salamatin. 1977, 21p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Magnetic disks, "PDP computers, Al- gorithms, Computer codes, Data transmission, Diagrams, Equipment interfaces, Operation, Pro- gramming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR. The disk drive unit with capacity 1250 K and mini- mal addressing part of memory 1 sector (128 sub 10 12-bit words) is connected with a TPA-1001-i computer. The operation regimes of the controller, functions and formats of the commands used are described as well as the software. The data trans- fer between the computer and magnetic disk drive unit is realized by means of programs relocatable in a binary form. These are inserted in a standard program library with modular structure. The manner of control handling and data transfer be- tween programs stored in the library on a magnetic disk drive are described. The resident program (100 sub 8 words) inserted in a monitor takes into account special features of the disk drive unit being used. The algorithms of correction programs for a disk drive unit, of programs for rewriting the library from paper tape to disk drive unit and of the program for writing and reading the monitor are de- scribed. (Atomindex citation 08:338524) JINR-R-10-9484 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). OrganizaTRAn of a Library of Standard Reloca- table Programmes, or a Processing Measure- ment Data Module Based on Computers of the TRA Types K. Dadi, L. Dadi, A. Mateeva, and I. M. Salamatin. 1976, 18p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "PDO computers, Computer codes, Data processing, Magnetic disks, Operation, Pro- gramming, Programming languages. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR, PDP-8 comput- ers. The paper describes the organization of a library of standard programs with binary code. The library was developed for a measurement module on the basis of a TRA-1001-i computer (Elektronika-100, PDP-8). The library is placed on a external memory (magnetic disk) and has a module structure. The external memory assigned for the library is divided into pages. When loaded into the computer inter- nal memory, several pages are taken as one whole to represent the loading module. The magnetic disk storage capacity being 1.25 million words, the library has a total of ca. 50 sub 10 thousand words (eight cylinders). The wck provides regulations for compiling standard programs in SLANG. The li- brary is characterized by the following main fea- tures: possibility of being used in memory dynamic distribution mode; possibility of being used for computers with internal memory capacity 4K; no need for intermediary-language coding of dis- placed program; and possibility of autonomous shift of standard program. The above library is compared with a comprising DES programs library. (Atomindex citation 08:338522) JINR-R-10-9949 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR) Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation. Image Processing System Taken from a High- Pressure Streamer Chamber V. V. Ermolaev, L. P. Kalmykova, D. B. Pontekorvo, I. I. Skryl', and I. V. Falomkin. 1976, 16p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Charged particle detection, "Stream- er spark chambers, Algorithms, Computer codes, Image processing, Medium pressure, Microproces- sors, On-line measurement systems, Particle tracks, Scanning measuring projectors. Identifiers: ERDA/440104, USSR. A system is described for processing pictures from a high pressure streamer chamber. The system contains a TPA-1001 computer, 6 scanning meas- uring devices and software. A number of programs has been prepared for calculating and controlling the optical parameters of the streamer chamber, and also for the analysis of the pion beam param- eters and the geometric reconstruction of the events taken. (Atomindex citation 09:4021 51 ) JINR-10-11120 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation. Operational System for Image Processing from a gamma Telescope A. Ya. Astakhov, and G. V. Navasardyan. 1977, 14p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Spark chambers, Algorithms, Com- puter codes, Image processing, Magnetic storage devices, Microprocessors, On-line measurement systems, Scanning measuring projectors. Identifiers: ERDA/440104, USSR. The measuring system for image processing from spark chambers is described which is based on two BPS-75 projectors line with a mini-computer (PDP-8 tape). The operating system controls the measuring process and contains the initiating rou- tine, the dispatcher, the interrupt priority request servicing device routine. There are 5 priorities: real time clock, magnetic tape transport, store, projec- tors, teletype. At present the system is being tested with the single BPS-75 projector and images from the spark chamber "Gamma-1" model. (Atomindex citation 09:3961 96) JINR-10-11232 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of High Energy. Off-Line Programming CAMAC System Based on a Microprocessor T. Nemesh. 1978, 14p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Data acquisition systems, Camac system, Data processing, Data transmission, Equipment interfaces, Flowsheets, Memory de- vices, Microprocessors, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, lntel-8080 computers, USSR. Off-line programming Camac system for data ac- quisition and data processing is described. It con- tains an off-line controller, memory modules and user modules. The controller is based on the Intel 8080 microprocessor and memory units. It is de- signed for data collection, primary data processing and data transmission to a central computer. All the modules are connected with the Camac/8080 dataway and are made in Camac standards. (Ato- mindex citation 09:405313) JINR-10-8787 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Modification of a Translator of Mnemocode the M-6000 Computer N. V. Kurkina, S. V. Medved, O. V. Pshenichnikov, and A. G. Shchirov. "'975, 10p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Translators, Data processing, Errors, Microprocessors. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR, M-6000 com- puters. A modification of the mnemonic code translator for the M-6000 computer is described. The modified translator provides diagnostics in the source pro- gram and efficient translation-time error recovery and editing procedures. This increases the produc- tivity of programmers labour and decreases the debugging time. (Atomindex citation 08:344337) JINR-10-9553 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Translator for Symbolic Language of Printed Plate Description N. Yu. Shkobin. 1976, 19p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Printed circuits, Algorithms, Computer aided design, Manufactur- ing, Microprocessors, Optimization, Performance, T codes, Translators. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, Computer aided manu- facturing, TROPA computer program, USSR. The structure, operating principle and manuals on utilization of the 'Tropa' program are described. The program transforms symbolic description of a printed circuit card into control codes of the 'ADMAR' semiautomatic device. An algorithm is given with respect to optimization of 'idle running' of semiautomatic device technological compo- nents. -The algorithm provides a 30-40% time saving for manufacture of printed circuit cards. The 'Tropa' program is oriented for a small-size com- puter of a PDP-8 type operating in dialogue with an operator. Equipped with trouble-shooting and edit- ing systems, the program is well accommodated 31 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER for industrial use and easy in operation. (Atomin- dex citation 08:341 273) JINR-10-9768 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Description of the COPLAN Special-Purpose Language Description for the Programming Automation on Control Minicomputers G. E. Babayan, and G. A. Ososkov. 1976, 31 p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Microprocessors, On-line control systems, Programming, Programming languages. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR, COPLAN pro- gramming language, Minicomputers. The specialized COPLAN language is a simple and sufficiently flexible instrument enabling the user to reformat the available control subroutines into standard language functions. The basic limitations are considered of the COPLAN language on the size of constants and number of letters and digits in identifiers and characters. Rules are given for programming in the COPLAN language, and a de- scription of the card format is presented. (Atomin- dex citation 09:396197) JINR-11-10818 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Nuclear Problems. "NAIRI-2" Computer Plotter Software E. K. Aksenova, V. V. Kol'ga, and Z. Trejbal. 1977, 21p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Plotters, Algorithms, Computer codes, D codes, Data processing, Flowsheets, G codes, Interpolation, Microprocessors, On-line measurement systems. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Computer graphics, Mairi-2 computers, Machine coding, BESM-6 com- puters, DCD-6500 computers, Plot system, Com- puter software, USSR. The software is described for the grapher of the computer "Nairi-2". The system of subprograms "Plot" written in the machine language of "Nairi-2" allows to present graphically the information ob- tained with the computer "Nairi-2" and with basis computers (BESM-6. CDC-6500) through the infor- mation processing system. The graphic depen- dence can be represented on a pre-selected scale either as a continuous line with a program linear interpolation between the points with the plotting of coordinates of the x, y axes, or as separate points with the construction of the x, y coordinates axes, in any prescribed direction. The system of subprograms is operated in a language of autopro- gramming with the application of a number of new operators introduced into the translator of "Nairi- 2". (Atomindex citation 09:396195) JINR-1 1-9558 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Computer Code Simulating Minicomputer Op- eration on a Large Computer A. V. Kavchenko, A. A. Karlov, A. D. Polyntsev, and T. F. Smolyakova. 1976, 9p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Microprocessors, Besm computers, Computer codes, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, "Emulators, M-6000 computers, BESM-6 computers, Computerized simulation, Productivity, USSR. A program emulator of a small M-6000 computer is described which is actually a program, simulating operation of a small M-6000 computer on a large BESM-6 computer. Capabilities of the emulator as well as its functional structure are considered. An example is given, illustrating emulator operation. Utilization of the emulator provides higher labour productivity of programmers in the course of pro- gram preparation and check-out. (Atomindex cita- tion 09:376757) JINR-11-9616 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Interactive Editing Program Using Display I. Lang, J. Ehsenski, Yu. Namsrai, and B. V. Fefilov. 1976, 8p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Computer codes, Computer net- works, D codes, Display devices, Microprocessors, Minsk computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Text editing systems, Interactive systems, TRA-1001 computers, TRA-1 computers, MINSK-32 computers, DOSE system, USSR. A general description is given as well as principal functions are considered of 'DOSE' interactive editor program with a display involved. The pro- gram has been elaborated for TRA/1-1001 com- puter. This program enables one to edit and cor- rect texts in algorithmical languages on a raster display screen as well as to provide perforated tapes for their further usage. 'DOSE' program is regarded as a basic program system for a set of TRA/1 and MINSK-32 computers. (Atomindex ci- tation 08:341259) JINR-1 1-9766 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Translator from the COPLAN Language into the "Electronics-100'' Computer Code G. E. Babayan, and G. A. Ososkov. 1976, 16p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Translators, BESM computers, Algo- rithms, Flowsheets, Fortran, Microprocessors. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR, COPLAN pro- gramming language. A translator from the COPLAN language into "Electronics-100" computer code is described. The translator has been compiled in the FOR- TRAN language. The principal tasks for translator elaboration are as follows: to combine the COPLAN translator, automatic code and assem- bler in one program; to ensure a simple transition to another automatic code. These tasks have been solved by applying an interpretation method in the course of translation as well as owing to a simpler paging. The paging method suggested is dis- cussed in detail. As a result of the translator oper- ation, a program written in machine language in absolute addresses is delivered onto a magnetic or paper tape. Translation rate is 1 1 oper/s. (Atomin- dex citation 09:380149) K/CSD/TM-12 Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Tenn. REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data D. C. Elrod. Aug 77, 70p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Heat transfer, Fortran, H codes, IBM computers, One-dimension- al calculations, PDP computers, R codes, Three- dimensional calculations, Two-dimensional calcu- lations. Identifiers- ERDA/990200, "REGPLOT computer program, "HEATING5 computer program, IBM- 360 computers, IBM-370 computers, Decsystem- 10 computers, "Conduction. The plotting program, REGPLOT, was written to allow users of HEATING5, a generalized heat con- duction code, to graphically check their HEAT- INGS input data. REGPLOT reads HEATING5 input data and plot specification data for one-, two- , and three-dimensional models. The program then creates maps of the regions, the materials, the heat generation function numbers, the initial condi- tion function numbers, and the boundary condition function numbers by drawing the region bound- aries and labeling each region appropriately. The user can then check his modeling data visually. The plot specification data allow the user to input the planes that are to be plotted if the model is three-dimensional, the type of map that is to be created, the area of the plane that is to be drawn, and the scaling factors that are to be used. Default values will be used if the area of the plane to be drawn and the scaling factors are not specified. The REGPLOT program is operational in the batch mode on the IBM 360/370 computer systems, and in the timesharing mode on the DEC PDP-10 system accessed by a graphics terminal. 19 fig- ures, 3 tables. (ERA citation 03:00201 8) K/CSD/TM-18 Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Tenn. BUDGET: A Program for Evaluating a Project's Budget over Several Years. Phase I User's Manual R. C. DeLozier. Dec 77, 89p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Budgets, "Computer codes, Algo- rithms, Allocations, B codes, Computer calcula- tions, Documentation, Financing, Fortran, On-line systems, PDP computers, Planning. Identifiers: ERDA/990100, ERDA/290200, BUDGET computer program, PDP-10 computers. The BUDGET program was developed to provide a computer-based method of preparing and docu- menting a project's money allocation over some time interval. This interactive program is intended to simplify the task of analyzing many subalterna- tives, such as those concerned with design and specification, before a major project is finalized. In summary, it was designed to aid in making deci- sions as to how much and where resources will be allocated. Resources or money can be allocated by BUDGET in 50 cost accounts for up to 18 time periods. The number of cost accounts can be ex- panded easily; however, in order to use the maxi- mum time capabilities that are provided, a printer capable of 158 characters per line is used. Line printers with less capability simply restrict the number of periods that can be studied in one cal- culation; a 133-characters-per-line printer accom- modates 14 periods, and an 80-characters-per-line printer can produce only a seven-period study. An example set of data is provided with the program, and several example problems shown in this report are run using this sample budget. A second set of example problems is formed around the creation of a new budget. The program and example data file are available on the real-time PDP-10 computer system located at the Oak Ridge National Labora- tory and are compatible with phone-coupled termi- nals produced by many vendors (several terminal types are shown along with output results). 36 fig- ures. (ERA citation 03:038705) LA-UR-77-2583 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. HELPER: A Superintelligent Terminal Based on RT-1 1 D. E. Schultz. 1977, 5p Rept no. CONF-771 144-3 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 DECUS meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, 28 Nov 1977. Descriptors: "Computer codes, "PDP computers, Equipment interfaces, H codes, Joining, Program- ming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "HELPER system, "Minicomputers, Computer software. The HELPER minicomputer hardware and soft- ware capabilities are thoroughly explained and critically reviewed. HELPER is a cost-effective as- sistant to an interactive host system. The recom- mendations are to assign specific types of tasks to HELPER and to study the resulting effects on users. Improvements to the present HELPER hardware are also suggested. 2 figures. (ERA cita- tion 03:020802) LA-UR-77-2649 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Floating Point Hardware Emulator for RSX-1 1D M. Kellogg, and M. Long. 1977, 5p Rept no. CONF-771 144-2 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 DECUS meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, 28 Nov 1977. Descriptors: "PDP computers, "Programming, Per- formance, Computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Floating point oper- ation, Emulators, Bench marks. An RSX-1 1D task was written to simulate the FP- 11 floating point hardware on systems that lack this hardware. The simulation is transparent to tasks using floating point instructions. All normal features of the hardware are simulated exactly, in- cluding its action on exception conditions. The emulator is a privileged task occupying about 2.7K words of memory. When it is loaded and run, it sets 32 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER up a linkage to intercept the reserved instruction trap before it reaches the executive, and route it to a service routine that can decode and simulate the floating point instruction set. The results of a benchmark timing test are given, as are notes on converting the emulator to run under RSX-11M. 1 figure, 2 tables. (ERA citation 03:020804) LA-UR-78-179 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. CAD--CAM Interactive Graphics System De- signed by Users D. J. Lauer. 1978, 20p Rept no. CONF-780411-1 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 15. numerical control conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 9 Apr 1978. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer graph- ics, 'Computer aided design, A codes, Automa- tion, CDC computers, Economics, Equipment, For- tran, HP computers, IBM computers, Interactive display devices, LASL, Manufacturing, PDP com- puters, Specifications, Three-dimensional calcula- tions, Two-dimensional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Interactive graphics. The Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) is a large, multidisciplined research laboratory. An in- teractive graphics system was specified and devel- oped to integrate design, drafting, testing, analysis, ?nd manufacturing operations to achieve efficient and effective Laboratory-wide services. To accom- plish this, the graphics system is hardware inde- pendent and has an associative data base struc- tured on two- and three-dimensional, bounded ge- ometry. The data base allows for levels of attri- butes that can be attached or deleted and interro- gated. This graphics system is described with em- phasis on its capability and efficiencies and the effect of the associative data base on the "design-build-test" cycle. The capability of at- taching attributes is explored as the means of communicating the design and manufacturing data base to the management data base. The graphic system is shown to be cost effective for the big as well as small user. (ERA citation 03:029994) LA-6775-MS Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Evaluation of the UNIX Time-Sharing System K. J. Melendez, and R. T. Johnson. Apr 77, 14p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *Pdp computers, Basic, Fortran, Operation, Performance testing, Programming, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, UNIX system, Time sharing. In April, 1976, the Applications Support and Re- search Group of the Los Alamos Scientific Labora- tory (LASL) was assigned the task of performing a six-month evaluation of UNIX, a time-sharing system developed by Bell Laboratories. This report is the final evaluation of the system, covering avail- ability, reliability, and maintainability; system usage; potential UNIX usage; and recommenda- tions. The evaluation team concluded that UNIX would be a valuable addition to the computer net- work at LASL. (ERA citation 02:040306) LA-6789-MS Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. RSX-11M Versus RSX-11D: Compatibility and Conflict J. M. Gallup, E. G. Lieberman, and S. Shlaer. May 77, 23p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: *Pdp computers, 'Programming, Data acquisition systems, Management. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Computer software maintenance, Operating systems(Computers). As RSX-11M and RSX-11D continue to diverge, more and more users are finding it necessary to run both systems for similar ranges of applications. This situation can impose an unacceptable cost in software development and maintenance. Compati- bility in utilities, system files, system features, and code at source and object level offers a realistic first step to reduce this burden. This report pre- sents a discussion of the incompatibilities uncov- ered in converting a large volume of software from one operating system to the other, as well as the techniques developed to circumvent these prob- lems. Code conversion and long-term software maintenance are discussed with respect to specif- ic system incompatibilities. Finally, management and software engineering tools are discussed as they apply to the conversion and maintenance effort. (ERA citation 02:053574) LA-6803-MS Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Central Computing Facility Operator Training System C. Douglass, T. Locke, M. Maestas, and D. Schultz. May 77, 26p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, C codes, Educa- tion, Operation, Pdp computers, Personnel. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Minicomputers, Train- ing, The problems of providing operational support and operator training for a large-scale computing facili- ty are described. Solutions to the training problem are outlined, and a minicomputer-based training system is discussed. This training system incorpo- rates reference material and multiple choice ques- tions covering all aspects of the computing facility operations. Operator acceptance and test results indicate that this new training method is success- ful. 2 figures. (ERA citation 02:053575) LA-6836 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Data-Entry-3: Some Observations and Prag- matics of a Structured Design D. Sparks. Aug 77, 13p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Programming, Data processing, D codes, Pdp computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Structured program- ming, PDP-11/10 computers, 'DATA-ENTRY3 computer program. The Fortran program DATA-ENTRY-3 was devel- oped from the Cobol program DATA-ENTRY-1, which solves a large class of elementary data-cap- ture, data-formating, and data-editing problems of managerial accounting. Most of the work involved finding methods to make DATA-ENTRY-3, which is written for a small-machine environment (PDP-1 1 / 10 under the RT-11 operating system), logically equivalent to DATA-ENTRY-1, which is written for a large-machine environment (CDC 6600 under a time-sharing operating system). This report ex- plains how structured programing helped, and briefly describes the function of each subroutine. (ERA citation 03:005742) LA-6920-M Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. System for Histogram Entry, Retrieval, and Plotting M. Kellogg, J. M. Gallup, S. Shlaer, and N. Spencer. Oct 77, 32p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'LAMPF linac, 'Computer graphics, D codes, Data acquisition, Data acquisition systems, Data processing, For- tran, H codes, Pdp computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/430303, Plot- ting. This manual describes the systems for producing histograms and dot plots that were designed for use in connection with the Q general-purpose data-acquisition system. These systems allow for the creation of histograms; the entry, retrieval, and plotting of data in the form of histograms; and the dynamic display of scatter plots as data are ac- quired. Although the systems are designed for use with Q, they can also be used as a part of other applications. 3 figures. (ERA citation 03:01 1391) LA-tr-76-14 Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule, Zurich (Switzerland). Microscope Fluorometer with Sequence Con- trol and a PDP-8/E Computer. Software. Cyto- fluorometric Analysis CYFLAN 108. Program Description U. Leemann, and F. Ruch. 1976, 37p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Translation of Mikroskop-fluorometer mit schaltfol- gesteuerung und computer PDP 8 E. Software. Zy- tofluorometrische analyse CYFLAN 108. Pro- grammbeschreibung, 1973. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Fluorimeters, Automation, C codes, On-line control systems, Op- tical microscopes, PDP computers, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, ERDA/400104, Trans- lations, Switzerland, CYFLAN 108 computer pro- gram, PDP-8/E computers. The CYFLAN 108 program is presented for users of microscope fluorometers with sequence control. The program requires a PDP-8/E computer with at least 4K core storage, a buffered DR8 E/A digital- l/O-interface, and an AD8-E/A analog-to-digital converter with an AM8-E/A multiplexer. (ERA cita- tion 02:060822) LBL-8381 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Electronic Controller Development and Evalua- tion of Control Strategies M. Wahlig, and M. Warren. Sep 78, 5p Rept no. CONF-780983-6 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Solar heating and cooling R and D branch contrac- tors' meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 24 Sep 1978. Descriptors: 'Solar cooling systems, 'Solar heat- ing systems, Buildings, Computer codes, Control systems, Cooling load, Heating load, Microproces- sors, Simulators, T codes, Test facilities. Identifiers: ERDA/ 140901. The major activities during FY 1978 involved im- provements of the experimental test facility. The facility is being equipped with simulators for the heat from solar collectors and for the building load, driven by the same input meteorological data. In- strumentation has been added to the facility, and heat balance tests using solar collector and simu- lator heat input have been carried out. In addition, heat loss experiments have been conducted with- out any heat input or load. The TRNSYS computer program was employed to predict system perform- ance and the results were compared with experi- mental measurements. (ERA citation 04:022211) LBL-8755 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Computer System Cross-Fertilization: Making Your Tl 980 Play Your TMS 9900 J. D. Meng. Feb 79, 13p Rept no. CONF-790333- 1 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Texas Instruments - members information ex- change conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 27 Mar 1979. Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, X-ray fluorescence analysis, Data acquisition systems, On-line control systems, On-line measurement systems, Program- ming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/400100, TMS- 9900 system, TI-980 system. The desire to use TMS 9900 devices in several small control and data acquisition applications without paying for a development system to do it led to the development of several simple, effective techniques for doing TMS 9900 programing and debugging on a Tl 980 system. The 980 assembler lends itself easily to the redefinition of operation codes required to assemble programs for the 9900. Also, a simple interconnection between the 980 and the 9900 allows operation of the 9900 and monitoring of the operation of the 980. Finally, spe- cial operation codes were developed within the 980 assembler which allow programing of hard- ware control on the 9900 system via a macro-lan- guage tailored to a particular 9900 hardware con- figuration. 4 figures. (ERA citation 04:038025) MLM-2400 Mound Lab., Miamisburg, Ohio. 33 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Program for Calculating X-Ray Powder Diffrac- tion Interplanar (D) Spacings with a Tektronix- 31 Desk Top Programmable Calculator R. R. Eckstein, and Y. G. Ishida. 22 Feb 77, 16p Contract EY-76-C-04-0053 Descriptors: "Crystal structure, *X-ray diffraction, Computer calculations, Computer codes, Debye- scherrer method, Equations, Powders. Identifiers: ERDA/360202, ERDA/990200, Tek- tronix 31 programmable calculators, PDP 8/I com- puters. A Tektronix-31 (Tektronix Inc. Beaverton, Oregon) desk top calculator program, which is used as a backup to the PDP-8/I computer program, is de- scribed. The program yields interplanar (d) spac- ings and (2theta) angle values from measurements made on an x-ray diffraction film of a powdered sample of a crystalline material. Use of the calcula- tor provides accurate computations in a relatively rapid time interval when the PDP-8/I is not func- tioning because of downtime for repairs, mainte- nance, etc. (ERA citation 02:032847) MLM-2564 Mound Facility, Miamisburg, OH. Utility and Math Subroutmee for the M6800 Mi- croprocessor R. E. Bowman. 31 Oct 78, 91 p Contract EY-76-C-04-0053 Descriptors: *Data acquisition systems, "Micro- processors, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Computer programs, Subroutines, Assembly languages, M6800 com- puters. Programing the M6800 microprocessor for data acquisition and instrument control is of necessity done in assembly language. Presented in this report are a large group of subroutines in a single package that will simplify the work of the assembly language programer. The routines available in- clude utility routines for input/output, code inter- conversion, delay, etc., and math routines for both integer and floating-point arithmetic. 3 figures. (ERA citation 04:02861 6) N77-22063/0 Ohio Univ., Athens. Avionics Engineering Center. A Microcomputer-Based Low-Cost omega Sensor Processor. M.S. Thesis. R. J. Salter, Jr. Feb 77, 146p Rept nos. NASA- CR-145178, OU-TM-47(NASA) Contract NGR-36-009-017 Descriptors: *Air navigation, 'Digital navigation, 'Microprocessors, "Omega navigation system, Data acquisition, Low cost, Computer program- ming, Data bases, Data processing, Fortran, Mod- ules. Identifiers: "Navigational computers. The engineering approach used in the design of a low cost Omega sensor processor is discussed. The processor and its operations are described, as well as the system hardware and software. Circuit details of the hardware modules and program list- ings for the FORTRAN and microcomputer soft- ware are included. N77-22848/4 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Savloc, Computer Program for Automatic Con- trol and Analysis of X-Ray Fluorescence Ex- periments. R. F. Leonard. Apr 77, 45p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-8398, E-9000 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Spectrum analysis, "Trace elements, "X ray fluorescence, Automatic control, Chemical analysis, Pdp com- puters, X ray spectra. Identifiers: PDP-15 computers, SAVLOC computer program. A program for a PDP-15 computer is presented which provides for control and analysis of trace element determinations by using X-ray fluores- cence. The program simultaneously handles data accumulation for one sample and analysis of data from previous samples. Data accumulation con- sists of sample changing, timing, and data storage. Analysis requires the locating of peaks in X-ray spectra, determination of intensities of peaks, identification of origins of peaks, and determina- tion of a real density of the element responsible for each peak. The program may be run in either a manual (supervised) mode or an automatic (unsu- pervised) mode. N77-23291/6 Texas A&M Univ., College Station. Remote Sens- ing Center. Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scat- terometer Radar Signal Processor. Final Report. Dec 76, 60p Rept nos. NASA-CR-151345, PR- 3182-3 Contract NAS9- 14493 Descriptors: "Airbome/spaceborne computers, "Microprocessors, "Radar cross sections, Com- puter design, Computer programs, Real time oper- ation, Signal processing. A hardware /software system which incorporates a microprocessor design and software for the calcu- lation of normalized radar cross section in real time was developed. Interface is provided to decommu- tate the NASA ADAS data stream for aircraft pa- rameters used in processing and to provide output in the form of strip chart and pern compatible data recording. N77-23801/2 Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Rome (Italy). Front- and Back-End Minicomputer Arrange- ment in Multiprogramming Environment. D. Grillo, and A. Perugia. 15 May 76, 45p Conf-Presented at the 2ND Intern. Workshop on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Comput- er Systems, Stresa, Italy, 4-6 Oct. 1 976. Descriptors: "Computer systems design, "Mini- computers, "Multiprogramming, Data manage- ment, Input/output routines, Scheduling, Systems analysis, Traffic. Identifiers: Italy, Front end processors, Back end processors. The throughput of an arrangement made up of two minicomputers, one dedicated to manage the pe- riphery and to carry out a portion of the computing requirements (front-end function), the other dedi- cated to carry out the remainder of the computing requirements (back-end function) was investigat- ed. Every job arriving at the system has to be proc- essed first by the front-end and again before it may leave the system. The queueing discipline is FCFS for the jobs waiting to be serviced by the back-end, whereas jobs waiting to be serviced by the front- end have different scheduling, according to wheth- er they have not yet been processed (priority) or have already been processed (preempty-resume). N77-24806/0 Freiburg Univ. (West Germany). Inst, fuer Physik. Basex: A Programming Language for Process Automation with Minicomputers. Development and Experience Basex: Eine Programmiers- prache Zur Prozessautomation MIT Kleinrech- nern - Entwicklung und Erfahrungen. W. Schupp. Oct 76, 121p Rept no. REPT-C-35 Language in German. Descriptors: "Automatic control, "Basic program- ming language, "Minicomputers, Real time oper- ation. Identifiers: "Basex programming language, West Germany. An extension of BASIC called BASEX (Basic for experiments), this language is intended for real time, small scale applications, e. g., laboratory automation for physical experiments. The BASEX language was implemented on a MINCAL 621 min- icomputer and has been applied since 1 974. N77-25821/8 Florence Univ. (Italy). Istituto di Elettronica. Rpm/8. Experimental Study for a Programming Language Rpn/8. Uno Studio Sperimentale Per UN Linguaggio di Programmazione. G. Becattini, S. Giusti, and F. Pirri. 1976, 33 Rept no. R-6-76 Partly in Italian and English. Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Programming lan- guages, User manuals (Computer programs), Grammars, Interpretation. Identifiers: Italy, "RPN/8 programming language. The objectives of an interpretative language called RPN/8, for use with microcomputers of the 8-bit Child series are explained. The general working principles are outlined, and an operation descrip- tion of the RPN/8 commands and operations is given. The Lukasiewicz notation is dealt with, and the object list of the RPN/8 program is presented. A survey is given of a theoretical study concerning the grammar of the language. N77-26013/1 Teledyne Brown Engineering, Huntsville, Ala. Sys- tems Div. Study of Systems and Techniques for Data Base Management. Interim Report. Dec 76, 61 p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 150278, SD76- MSFC-2060 Contract NAS8-31488 Descriptors: "Computer networks, "Data bases, "Information systems, Management methods, Systems analysis, Data retrieval, Low cost, Mini- computers, Operations research, User require- ments. Identifiers: "Data base management systems. Data management areas were studied to identify pertinent problems and issues that will affect future NASA data users in terms of performance and cost. Specific topics discussed include the identifications of potential NASA data users other than those normally discussed, consideration af- fecting the clustering of minicomputers, low cost computer system for information retrieval and analysis, the testing of minicomputer based data base management systems, ongoing work related to the use of dedicated systems for data base management, and the problems of data inter- change among a community of NASA data users. N77-26182/4 Transemantics, Inc., Washington, D.C. Manual for Adjustment and Handling of Plat- forms for Data Collection Via Satellite (Cdcp). O. B. Handal. Jun 77, 58p Rept no. NASA-TM- 75020 Contract NASW-2792 Tran-Transl. Into English from Manual Para El Ajuste Y Manejo de Las Pataformas de Coleccion de Datos Via Satellite (Cdcp) (La Paz), Feb. 1977 p 1-49. Descriptors: "Data collection platforms, "Data processing, "Microprocessors, "Satellite transmis- sion, "User manuals (Computer programs), Analog to digital converters, Computer programming, Goe satellites, Landsat satellites, Tables (Data). Identifiers: Translations. The LANDSAT and GOES data collection systems are described as well as the components of their convertible data collection platforms (CDCP). Methods are given for coding platform data, ad- justing input, and operating both the LANDSAT and the GOES system. A glossary of terms is in- cluded with a bibliography. N77-26843/1 Oxford Univ. (England). Dept. of Engineering Sci- ence. Extended System Modelling Program - Esmp Simulation of a Large Analog Computer on a Pdp 11. D. W. Clarke. 1976, 54p Rept no. OUEL-1 178/76 Descriptors: "Analog computers, "Computerized simulation, Dynamic models, PDP 11 computer, Computer programming, Dynamic response, Pro- gramming languages, Systems analysis. Identifiers: Great Britain, ESMP computer program. 34 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER The extended system modelling program ESMP for simulating continuous dynamic processes, is described, and its implementation on a PDP 1 1 is detailed. The program uses a block-oriented struc- ture to describe systems, rather like that of an analog computer patching diagram, and the key- board data entry and graphical display allow the user to develop and test his system model rapidly and accurately. The program is an adaptation and enhancement of IBM 1130 CSMP, making it feasi- ble to handle more complex processes and obviat- ing the need for an analog computer in many types of investigation, particularly when several nonlin- ear elements are required. N77-29358/7 Centre National d' Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse (France). Study of a Digital Phase Locked Loop in Very Low Frequencies Etude et Realisation d'Une Boucle de Phase Numerique Tres Basse Fre- quence. D. Dassaud. Dec 76, 101p Rept no. CNES-NT-62 In French; English Summary. Descriptors: "Phase locked systems, "Wiener fil- tering, Digital systems, Synchronism, Very low fre- quencies, Computer programs, Computerized sim- ulation, European space programs, Flow charts, Microprocessors, Spin stabilization, Synchronous satellites. Identifiers: France. The study and the implementation of a very low frequency digital phase locked loop in the specific application of the synchronization of image taking in the geostationary Meteosat satellite are de- scribed. Wiener's method was used to obtain the optimum filter and the implementation of this filter was achieved with the M 6800 microprocessor. The results are adaptable for any spinned satellite in which phases or frequencies slaved to the spin rate are desired. N77-30367/5 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Huntsville, Ala. Marshall Space Flight Center. Concept Report: Microprocessor Control of Electrical Power System. E. Perry. Aug 77, 22p Rept nos. NASA-TP-1016, M-227 Descriptors: "Electric power supplies, "Micro- processors, Real time operation, Breadboard models, Computer programs, Energy conversion, Optimization. An electrical power system which uses a micro- processor for systems control and monitoring is described. The microprocessor controlled system permits real time modification of system param- eters for optimizing a system configuration, espe- cially in the event of an anomaly. By reducing the components count, the assembling and testing of the unit is simplified, and reliability is increased. A resuable modular power conversion system capa- ble of satisfying a large percentage of space appli- cations requirements is examined along with the programmable power processor. The PC global controller which handles systems control and ex- ternal communication is analyzed, and a software description is given. A systems application sum- mary is also included. N77-31012/6 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD. Goddard Space Flight Center. Atmospheric and Oceanographic Information Processing System (Aoips) System Descrip- tion. P. A. Bracken, J. T. Dalton, J. B. Billingsley, and J. J. Quann. Mar 77, 118p Rept nos. NASA-TM- X-71342, X-933-77-148 Conf-Presented at Machine Process. Of Remotely Sensed Data, West Lafayette, Ind., 21-23 Jun. 1977. Descriptors: "Information management, "Meteoro- logical parameters, "Oceanographic parameters, "Optical data processing, Systems engineering, Computer programs, Data processing terminals, Imagery, Minicomputers, Pdp computers. The development of hardware and software for an interactive, minicomputer based processing and display system for atmospheric and oceanograph- ic information extraction and image data analysis is described. The major applications of the system are discussed as well as enhancements planned for the future. N77-82112/2 Auburn Univ., Ala. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simula- tion of Sequential Logic Circuits Interim rept. B. D. Carroll. 16 May 77, 84p NASA-CR-1 50304 Contract NAS8-31572 Descriptors: "Logic circuits, "Logic design, "Com- puterized simulation, Computer programs, Flip flops, Gates(Circuits), Computation, Boolean func- tions. Identifiers: "SIMLOG computer program, PDP-11/ 40 computers, IBM-370/ 1 58 computers. This report contains a description of the latest ver- sion of the SIMLOG logic simulation program. New features contained in the latest version include automatic race analysis, fault simulation, and a flexible starting state specification procedure. Problems that remain in the simulator are also dis- cussed. A proposed reorganization of the program to overcome some of these problems is described. Flow charts and listings of the current program are included. N78- 11430/3 Stuttgart Univ. (West Germany). Inst, fuer Statik und Dynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrtkonstruktionen. Xb Experimental Bus System. Development of a Universal Computer Supported Multiple User Test Control System Xb Experimental Bus System. Entwicklung Einer Universellen Rech- nergestuetzten Mehrfachbenutzer-Versuchs- steuerung. J. H. Argyris, W. Aicher, and M. Mueller. 1977, 193p Rept no. ISD-200 Language in German. Descriptors: "Control equipment, "Finite element method, "Pdp 11/50 computer, "Structural analy- sis, Computer programs, Computer systems design, Digital techniques, Fortran, Terminal facili- ties. Identifiers: West Germany. A new test control system for structural analysis, including the latest hardware and software devel- opments, is described. The system supports multi- ple use and is based on the finite element method. The software was developed for the PDP 11-50 computer and operating system RSX-11 D. For test control and measured data collection FOR- TRAN subroutines are available. The X-bus is an 80 channel cable with address and data lines for the digital information transfer. The X-bus is con- nected via the X-bus controller to the central proc- essing unit. Up to 8 measuring terminals can be connected to the XB-controller. N78-14866/5 Max-Planck-lnstitut fuer Stroemungsforschung, Goettingen (West Germany). Camac Program System (Csys). Reference Manual Camac-Programm-System (Csys) Re- ferenz-Manual. H. Huebner. Apr 77, 113 Rept no. MPIS-8/1977 Misc-Supplement to Mpis-8/1977, See Esa- 99717. Language in German. Descriptors: "Computer systems programs, Data systems, User manuals (Computer programs), Automatic control, Data processing, Interruption, Minicomputers, Subroutines. Identifiers: West Germany, CSYS system, Camac. The operation of the CAMAC program system (CSYS) is detailed. The operating mode of the pro- grams and the required data are described as well as the necessary programming details for produc- ing a CSYS program. The following topics are high- lighted: CAMAC processor (CAMAC interpreter and code generator), interrupt processor, control element handling, and auxiliary programs. N78-16392/0 National Aeronautical Establishment, Ottawa (On- tario). Modifications to Falstaff That Were Required for Operation on a 16 K Pdp-8E Minicomputer. R. Hangartner. 15 Feb 77, 19p Rept nos. LTR- ST-899, ICAF-977 Descriptors: "Computerized simulation, Minicom- puters, Pdp 8 computer, Computer programs, Fighter aircraft, Fortran, Markov chains. Identifiers: PDP-8E computers, FALSTAFF com- puter program, Canada. The FALSTAFF (fighter aircraft loading standard for fatigue evaluation) is a computer program that utilizes a Markov chain method to generate a simu- lation of a service load history for a typical fighter aircraft. This service load history consisted of 200 flights of varying length and severity and was char- acterized by some 36,000 values in a sequence of maximum and minimum loads. The sequence of loads was generated from a set of matrices repre- senting the bivariate distributions of load for three characteristic flight missions and from other statis- tical data concerning flight duration, aircraft con- figuration, and ground loads by means of a com- puter program written in FORTRAN. This program may be adapted to output the load sequence in a form appropriate to a particular fatigue testing system, i.e. punched tape, magnetic tape, or direct machine output. N78-17734/2 Max-Planck-lnstitut fuer Stroemungsforschung, Goettingen (West Germany). Camac Program System (Csys). Reference Manual Camac-Programm-System (Csys) Ref- erence Manual. H. Huebner. Apr 77, 113p Rept no. MPIS-8/1977 Misc-Supplement to Mpis-8/1977. Language in German. Descriptors: "Computer systems programs, "Data systems, "User manuals (Computer programs), Automatic control, Data processing, Interruption, Minicomputers, Subroutines. The operation of the CAMAC program system (CSYS) is detailed. The operating mode of the pro- grams and the required data are described as well as the necessary programming details for produc- ing a CSYS program. The following topics are high- lighted: CAMAC processor (CAMAC interpreter and code generator), interrupt processor, control element handling, and auxiliary programs. N78-18980/0 National Physical Lab., Teddington (England). Div. of Computer Science. Augmentation of a Text Retrieval System with an Intelligent Graphics Terminal. S. E. Olding. Jan 77, 23p Rept no. NPL-COM-86 Subm-Sponsored by Computer Systems and Elec- tron. Requirements Board. Descriptors: "Display devices, "Information re- trieval, "Microprocessors, Computerized design, Remote consoles, Computer programs, Machine oriented languages, Networks, Picture tubes, Texts. Identifiers: Text processing, "Computer graphics, Great Britain. A graphics system is described which is added on to an intelligent terminal and consists of a visual display unit, a microprocessor, and a storage tube display. The terminal is linked to the Scrapbook text retrieval system through a network. The com- mand language, software, and applications are outlined. N78-21752/8 Technology, Inc., Houston, Tex. Life Sciences Div. Microprocessor-Based Cardiopulmonary Mon- itoring System. 1978, 295p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 51 688 Contract NAS9- 14880 35 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Descriptors: 'Aerospace medicine, "Bioinstrumen- tation, "Cardiology, 'Microprocessors, "Pulmon- ary functions, Airborne/spaceborne computers, Computer programs, Data acquisition, Systems analysis. Weightlessness. Identifiers: Monitors, Data processing, Medical computer applications. The system uses a dedicated microprocessor for transducer control and data acquisition and analy- sis. No data will be stored in this system, but the data will be transmitted to the onboard data system. The data system will require approximate- ly 12 inches of rack space and will consume only 100 watts of power. An experiment specific control panel, through a series of lighted buttons, will guide the operator through the test series provid- ing a smaller margin of error. The experimental va- lidity of the system was verified, and the reproduc- ibility of data and reliability of the system checked. In addition, ease of training, ease of operator inter- action, and crew acceptance were evaluated in actual flight conditions. N78-23650/2 Geophysical Observatory, Christchurch (New Zea- land). Physics and Engineering Lab. A Program for Reading Ionospheric Data. L. A. Tomlinson. Nov 77, 109p Rept no. REPT- 540 Descriptors: "Computer programs, "lonospherics, Data systems, PDP computers, Data acquisition, Data storage, Fortran, Minicomputers, Subrou- tines. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 computers, New Zealand. A PDP 1 1 minicomputer with an XY digitising table was programmed so that the relevant points from a record were directly entered into the computer. The data were stored in a file on disk for subse- quent processing and, finally, the production of tabulated data sheets for publication. N78-28827/1 Laboratorio di Ricerca e Technologia per lo Studio del Plasma nello Spazio, Frascati (Italy). Assembler Compiler for the Intel 8080 Micro- processor Compilatore Assembler Per II Micro- caicolatore Intel 8080. P. Cerulliirelli. Jul 77, 52 Rept no. LPS-77-18 Language in Italian. Descriptors: "Assembler routines, "Compilers, Intel 8080 microprocessor, Computer programs, Hewlett-Packard computers, Minicomputers. Identifiers: HP-2116B computers, lntel-8080 com- puters, Italy. The implementation criterions and the user instruc- tions for an assembler compiler for the Intel 8080 microprocessor realized on the HP 2116 B com- puter are presented. N78-28831/3 M and S Computing, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Collection System User's Manual. Final Report. G. R. Smith. 6 Jun 78, 40p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 150745, REPT-78-066 Contract NAS8-32490 Descriptors: "Data acquisition, "Signal processing, "Ultrasonics, "User manuals (Computer pro- grams), Display devices, PDP 1 1 computer, Real time operation. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /45 computers. The interactive signal analysis and ultrasonic data collection system (ECH01) is a real time data ac- quisition and display system. ECH01 executed on a PDP-1 1/45 computer under the RT1 1 real time operating system. Extensive operator interaction provided the requisite parameters to the data col- lection, calculation, and data modules. Data were acquired in real time from a pulse echo ultrasonic system using a Biomation Model 81 00 transient re- corder. The data consisted of 2084 intensity values representing the amplitude of pulses trans- mitted and received by the ultrasonic unit. N78-28931/1 Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome (Italy). Lab. delle Radiazioni. A General Purpose Nova-Camac Data Handling System for High Energy Physics Experiments. R. Biancastelli. 2 May 77, 19p Rept no. ISS-T- 77/3 Descriptors: "Data systems, "High energy interac- tions, Data management, Minicomputers, Nuclear research, Data acquisition, Data processing, Sub- routines. Identifiers: Computer software, Italy. A basic software package for NOVA computers specifically designed for high energy physics ex- periments with on-line data processing is de- scribed. N78-29580/5 Andover Control Corp., Mass. Installation Package for Integrated Program- mable Electronic Controller and Hydronic Sub- system - Solar Heating and Cooling. Aug 78, 154p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 50747 Contract NAS8-32257 Subm-Prepared for Doe. Descriptors: "Installation manuals, "Microproces- sors, "User manuals(Computer programs), Solar energy, Heat pumps, Maintenance, Systems engi- neering, Water temperature. Identifiers: Pumps. A description is given of the Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual and information on the power panel and programmable microprocessor, a hydronic solar pump system and a hydronic heat- ing hot water pumping system. These systems are integrated into various configurations for usages in solar energy management, control and monitoring, lighting control, data logging and other solar relat- ed applications. N78-29779/3 Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen (West Ger- many). The Microprocessor Intel 8080 a and Its Use as Digital Filter der Mikroprozessor Intel 8080 a und Sein Einsatz als Digitales Filter. K. H. Moser, and J. Schott. 29 Nov 77, 48p Rept no. DLR-IB-552-77/22 Language in German. Descriptors: "Digital filters, "Intel 8080 micro- processor, "Signal processing, Computer pro- grams, Extrapolation, Assembler routines, Dynam- ic control, Equipment specifications. Identifiers: lntel-8080 computers, West Germany The structure of the INTEL 8080 microprocessor and particularly the properties of the calculation module SBC 80/ 1 and of the 80/ 1 system is dis- cussed. The construction of a digital filter for data recovery (extrapolation filter) in software and hard- ware is described. N78-30842/6 European Space Agency, Paris (France). The Intel 8080 a Microprocessor and Its Appli- cation as a Digital Filter. K. H. Moser, and J. Schott. Jun 78, 50p Rept nos. ESA-TT-484, DLR-IB-552-77/22 Tran-Transl. Into English of 'Der Mikroprozessor Intel 8080 a und Sein Einsatz als Digitales Filter', Dfvlr, Oberpfaffenhofen, West Ger. Report Dlr-lb- 552-77/22, 29 Nov. 1977. Descriptors: "Digital filters, "Extrapolation, "Intel 8080 microprocessor, "Signal processing, Com- puter programs, Assembler routines, Dynamic con- trol, Equipment specifications. Identifiers: Translations, West Germany, lntel- 8080 computers. The structure of the INTEL 8080 microprocessor and particularly the properties of the calculation module SBC 80/10 and the 80/10 system is dis- cussed. The construction of a digital filter for data recovery (extrapolation filter) in software and hard- ware is described. N78-30843/4 Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough (Eng- land). Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers. G. Sharpies, and G. F. Drury. Jul 77, 55p Rept nos. RAE-TR-77010, BR59871 Descriptors: "Data links, "ICL computers, "Inter- faces, "PDP 11 computer, Computer programs, Computer systems programs, Specifications, Standards. Identifiers: GEORGE-4 operating system, PDP-1 1 / 40 computers, ICL-1906S computers, Great Brit- ain. An ICL 1906S running under the GEORGE 4 oper- ating system and a digital equipment PDP 11/40 were linked using British standard interfaces. The PDP 11 user is given access to the 1906S basic peripherals and filestore via the multi-access facili- ties of GEORGE. He also has the capability of transmitting files between the filestores of the two machines. The implementation of the inter-ma- chine link is described and specifications for the hardware and software involved are given. N78-30862/4 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif. A Decoding Procedure for the Reed-Solomon Codes. R. S. Lim. Aug 78, 25p Rept nos. NASA-TP- 1286, A-7372 Descriptors: "Decoding, "Error correcting codes, Magnetic storage, Arithmetic, Microprocessors, Microprogramming, Polynomials, Shift registers. Identifiers: Reed-Solomon codes. A decoding procedure is described for the (n,k) t- error-correcting Reed-Solomon (RS) code, and an implementation of the (31,15) RS code for the 14- TENEX central system. This code can be used for error correction in large archival memory systems. The principal features of the decoder are a Galois field arithmetic unit implemented by microprogram- ming a microprocessor, and syndrome calculation by using the g(x) encoding shift register. Complete decoding of the (31,15) code is expected to take less than 500 microsecs. The syndrome calcula- tion is performed by hardware using the encoding shift register and a modified Chien search. The error location polynomial is computed by using Lin's table, which is an interpretation of Berle- kamp's iterative algorithm. The error location num- bers are calculated by using the Chien search. Fi- nally, the error values are computed by using For- ney's method. N78-31763/3 M and S Computing, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Collection System User's Manual. Final Report. G. R. Smith. 6 Jun 78, 40p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 150798, REPT-78-066 Contract NAS8-32490 Descriptors: "Data acquisition, "Nondestructive tests, "Signal analysis, "Ultrasonic tests, "User manuals(Computer programs), Computer graph- ics, Fast fourier transformations, PDP 1 1 comput- er, Pulsed radiation. Real time operation. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /45 computers. The operation of a real time data acquisition and display system (ECHO 1) developed for the non- destructive testing laboratory at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center is described. The system ex- ecutes on a PDP-1 1/45 computer with extensive operator interaction providing the requisite param- eters to the data collection, calculation, and dis- play modules. Data is obtained in real time from a pulse echo ultrasonic system using a transient re- corder. The data consists of 2084 intensity values representing the amplitude of pulses transmitted and received by the ultrasonic unit. Calculations are performed using an MFFT-11 hardware arith- metic processor and fast Fourier transform soft- ware. Data display provides near real time plots of all collected and calculated data. 36 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER N78-31794/8 Vought Corp., Hampton, Va. Modeling of a Latent Fault Detector in a Digital System. P. M. Nagel. Sep 78, 28p Rept no. NASA-CR- 145371 Contract NASI -13500 Descriptors: "Computer programs, Digital systems, Error detection codes, Faults, Microprocessors, Models, Reliability analysis, Self repairing devices, Time lag. Methods of modeling the detection time or latency period of a hardware fault in a digital system are proposed that explain how a computer detects faults in a computational mode. The objectives were to study how software reacts to a fault, to account for as many variables as possible affect- ing detection, and to forecast a given program's detecting ability prior to computation. A series of experiments were conducted on a small emulated microprocessor with fault injection capability. Re- sults indicate that the detecting capability of a pro- gram largely depends on the instruction subset used during computation and the frequency of its use and has little direct dependence on such varia- bles as fault mode, number set, degree of branch- ing and program length. A model is discussed which employs an analog with balls in an urn to explain the rate of which subsequent repetitions of an instruction or instruction set detect a given fault. N78-3I795/5 M and S Computing, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. Rsx-1 1D/DX 1 1-B Interface User's Guide. 23 Aug 78, 25p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 50809, REPT-78-084 Contract NAS8-31949 Descriptors: "IBM 360 computer, *IBM 370 com- puter, "Interfaces, *PDP 11 computer, "User manualsfComputer programs), Computer pro- gramming, Systems engineering, User require- ments. A functional description of the DX interface sub- system is given and the commands, procedures, and conventions for its use are described. The manual is divided into the following topics: (1) an overview of the subsystem; (2) guidelines on writ- ing user programs which communicate with IBM 360/370 via the DX11-B interface; (3) the require- ments for maintaining and using the DX11-B device handler; (4) considerations for enabling the IBM 360/370 to use the device emulated by the PDP-11/DX11-B; and (5) a guide for isolating system faults. N79-12417/8 Control Technology Associates, Cupertino, CA. Laboratory Demonstration of Aircraft Estima- tion Using Low-Cost Sensors. Final Report. J. A. Sorensen. 1978, 84p Rept no. NASA-CR- 152049 Contract NAS2-9382 Descriptors: *Attitude(lnclination), *Cv-990 air- craft, Computer programs, Computerized simula- tion, Estimating, Attitude indicators, Cessna air- craft, Correlation, Fortran, Measuring instruments, Minicomputers. Four nonlinear state estimators were devised which provide techniques for obtaining the angular orientation (attitude) of the aircraft. An extensive FORTRAN computer program was developed to demonstrate and evaluate the estimators by using recorded flight test data. This program simulates the estimator operation, and it compares the state estimates with actual state measurements. The program was used to evaluate the state estimators with data recorded on the NASA Ames CV-990 and CESSNA 402B aircraft. A preliminary assess- ment was made of the memory, word length, and timing requirements for implementing the selected state estimator on a typical microcomputer. N79-12773/4 Green Research, Madison, AL. Microcomputer Technology Applications: Charger and Regulator Software for a Bread- board Programmable Power Processor. Final Report. D. M. Green. 26 Oct 78, 74p Rept nos. NASA- CR-1 50862, REPT-0011 Contract NAS8-32896 Descriptors: "Assembly language, 'Microcom- puters, 'User manuals (Computer programs), 'Voltage regulators, Algorithms, Breadboard models, Computer programming, Teleprinters. Identifiers: 'Power conditioning. Software programs are described, one which im- plements a voltage regulation function, and one which implements a charger function with peak- power tracking of its input. The software, written in modular fashion, is intended as a vehicle for fur- ther experimentation with the P-3 system. A con- trol teleprinter allows an operator to make param- eter modifications to the control algorithm during experiments. The programs require 3K ROM and 2K ram each. User manuals for each system are included as well as a third program for simple I/O control. N79-16038/8 IBM Federal Systems Div., Huntsville, AL. Com- mand and Space Systems. Power Module Data Management System (Dms) Study. Final Report, 15 May 1978-1 Dec. 1978. 30 Nov 78, 144p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 50883, K42-78-001 Contract NAS8-31747 Descriptors: 'Command modules, 'Data manage- ment, Computer systems programs, Computer programs, Flight simulators, Flight tests, Maneu- verability, Microprocessors, Skylab program, Sys- tems analysis. Computer trades and analyses of selected Power Module Data Management Subsystem issues to support concurrent inhouse MSFC Power Study are provided. The charts which summarize and de- scribe the results are presented. Software require- ments and definitions are included. N79-16585/8 National Electrical Engineering Research Inst., Pretoria (South Africa). Real-Time Interactive Multiprogramming. A. D. Heher. Jun 78, 31 1p Rept nos. CSIR-SR- ELEK-150, ISBN-0-7988-1 345-8 Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, 'Multiprogramming, 'Real time operation, Data management, Data storage, File maintenance(Computers). Identifiers: Virtual memory, Computer software, South Africa. A method is described for constructing a real-time interactive software system for a minicomputer, to enable the interactive facilities to be extended and improved in a multitasking environment which sup- ports structured programming concepts. A memory management technique called Software Virtual Memory Management, which is implement- ed entirely in software, is used to extend the con- cept of hardware virtual memory management. This extension unifies the concepts of memory space allocation and control and file system man- agement, resulting in a system which is simple and safe for the application oriented user. The memory management structures are also used to provide exceptional protection facilities. A system is imple- mented using an interpreter and significant im- provements in the performance of interpretive sys- tems are shown to be possible using the structures presented. N79-17594/9 Research Inst, of National Defence, Linkoeping (Sweden). Fips Software for Fast Fourier Transform, Fil- tering and Image Rotations. S. Seeman. Oct 78, 92p Rept no. FOA-C-30148- E1 Descriptors: 'Fast Fourier transformations, 'Image processing, Computer programs, Digital fil- ters. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /40 computers, Sweden. Some computer programs for Fourier transforma- tion of imagery data are reported. The programs which are implemented on PDP 11/40 are based upon parts of a program system for image proc- essing. N79-18808/2 Computer Sciences Corp., Huntsville, AL. Minis: Multipurpose Interactive NASA Informa- tion System. Dec 76, 31 5p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 50405 Contract NAS8-30775 Descriptors: 'Data management, 'Earth resources program, Remote sensors, Data bases, Informa- tion retrieval, Minicomputers, User requirements. Identifiers: 'Information systems, MINI system. The Multipurpose Interactive NASA Information Systems (MINIS) was developed in response to the need for a data management system capable of operation on several different minicomputer sys- tems. The desired system had to be capable of performing the functions of a LANDSAT photo de- scriptive data retrieval system while remaining general in terms of other acceptable user defin- able data bases. The system also had to be capa- ble of performing data base updates and providing user-formatted output reports. The resultant MINI system provides all of these capabilities and sever- al other features to complement the data manage- ment system. The MINI system is currently imple- mented on two minicomputer systems and is in the process of being installed on another minicom- puter system. The MINIS is operational on four dif- ferent data bases. N79-18976/7 Shaker Research Corp., Ballston Lake, NY. Turbojet Blade Vibration Data Acquisition Design and Feasibility Testing. Final Report. J. L. Frarey, N. J. Petersen, and D. A. Hess. Nov 78, 72p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 59505, SRC-78- TR-36 Contract NAS3-21015 Descriptors: 'Data acquisition, 'Turbine blades, 'Turbojet engines, 'Vibration measurement, Sys- tems engineering, Breadboard models, Computer programs, Flutter, Gas turbine engines, Micro- processors, Optical memory (Data storage), Struc- tural vibration. Identifiers: Feasibility. A turbojet blade vibration data acquisition system was designed to allow the measurement of blade vibration. The data acquisition system utilizing 96 microprocessors to gather data from optical probes, store, sort, and transmit to the central computer is described. Areas of high technical risk were identified, and a two-microprocessor system was breadboarded and tested to investigate these areas. Results show that the system was feasible and that low technical risk would be involved in proceeding with the complete system fabrication. N79-20142/2 Southampton Univ. (England). Dept. of Aeronau- tics and Astronautics. Studies of Self Streamlining Wind Tunnel Real and Imaginary Flows. Semiannual Progress Report, Jan. - Jul. 1978. S. W. D. Wolf, and M. J. Goodyer. 1978, 76p Grant NSG-7172 Descriptors: 'Flow distribution, 'Laminar flow, 'Wind tunnel tests, Airfoil profiles, Algorithms, Angle of attack, Computer programs, Data proc- essing, Data reduction, High altitude, Low speed wind tunnels, Pdp computers, Transonic flow, Wind tunnel walls. Identifiers: Great Britain. Testing in the low speed flexible walled tunnel in an effort to explain the reasons for data discrepan- cies at high angles of attack are presented. Auto- mated transonic test sections were developed. 37 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER The flexible walled tunnel was used in a new oper- ating mode to a generated curved flow around the airfoil, allowing the extraction of purely rotary de- rivatives. Some straight wall, low speed pressure data, for wall and model, which is used for check- ing interference correction methods were report- ed. Computer software which includes an old streamlining algorithm and a prediction algorithm was examined. N79-2 1780/8 Louisville Univ., KY. Dept. of Electrical Engineer- ing. Microprocessor Realizations of Range Rate Fil- ters. Final Report. 28 Feb 79, 21 6p Rept no. NASA-CR-160157 Contract NAS9-15347 Descriptors: 'Digital filters, 'Microprocessors, Computer programs, Data processing, Computer- ized simulation, Data reduction, IBM 370 comput- er, Noise reduction, Performance prediction, Range(Extremes), Signal processing, Systems en- gineering. Identifiers: IBM-370 computers. The performance of five digital range rate filters is evaluated. A range rate filter receives an input of range data from a radar unit and produces an output of smoothed range data and its estimated derivative range rate. The filters are compared through simulation on an IBM 370. Two of the filter designs are implemented on- a 6800 microproces- sor-based system. Comparisons are made on the bases of noise variance reduction ratios and con- vergence times of the filters in response to simulat- ed range signals. N79-23586/7 M and S Computing, Inc., Huntsville, AL. Study of Software Application of Airborne Laser Doppler System for Severe Storms Mea- surement. Final report P. L. Alley. Apr 79, 50p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 161212, REPT-79-015 Contract NAS8-33089 Descriptors: 'Airborne equipment, 'Laser Doppler velocimeters, 'Storms(Meteorology), Computer programs, Optical radar, Data acquisition, Data correlation, Data storage, Error analysis, Flow dis- tribution, Measuring instruments, Minicomputers, Real time operation. Identifiers: Severe storms. Significant considerations are described for per- forming a Severe Storms Measurement program in real time. Particular emphasis is placed on the sizing and timing requirements for a minicomputer- based system. Analyses of several factors which could impact the effectiveness of the system are presented. The analyses encompass the problems of data acquisition, data storage, data registration, correlation, and flow field computation, and error induced by aircraft motion, moment estimation, and pulse integration. N79-26711/8 M and S Computing, Inc., Huntsville, Ala. Cat Information Display System Users Manual. Final Report. P. L. Alley, and E. L. Lucas. 30 Apr 79, 56p Rept nos. NASA-CR-161243, REPT-79-017 Contract NAS8-33089 Descriptors: 'Clear air turbulence, 'Display de- vices, Computer programs, Real time operation, User manuals (Computer programs), Data proc- essing, Laser Doppler velocimeters, PDP 1 1 com- puter, Signal to noise ratios, Wind shear, X-y plot- ters. Identifiers: 'Data acquisition systems. Executed on a PDP-1 1 /35 computer, the clear air turbulence (CAT) real-time data acquisition and display system collects, stores, and processes wind shear data obtained from laser Doppler velo- cimeters. The hardware and software configura- tions required to execute the CAT program are de- scribed as well as the operator control program, the data collection task, and the magnetic tape format. The data display provides near real-time feedback of wind shear activity within the viewing volume. The flexible X-Y plot routine which pro- vides a variety of displays for examining the wind shear characteristics is also examined. Examples of displays from the execution of the real-time sim- ulation program are included. N79-27232/4 Computer Sciences Corp., Houston, TX. Applied Technology Div. Preliminary Trend Monitoring System Data Manager's Guide. Final Report. L. Turberville, and D. Mccormick. May 79, 91 p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 60251, CSC-0286 Contract NAS9-15700 Descriptors: Computer graphics, Data manage- ment, In-flight monitoring, Real time operation, Space shuttles, Space transportation system, Data bases, Data storage, Information retrieval, Mini- computers, On-line programming, Space shuttle orbiters. Identifiers: 'Data base administrators, 'Data base management. The functions and data base structures that the data base manager will be responsible for main- taining are documented. All normal and error se- quences are included. N79-27872/7 McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics Co., Huntington Beach, CA. Avionics Control and Information Sys- tems. Meta Assembler Enhancements and General- ized Linkage Editor. Final Report. Jun 79, 98p Rept nos. NASA-CR-161255, MDC- G8027 Contract NAS8-32570 Descriptors: 'Computer systems programs, Architecture(Computers), Assembly language, PDP computers, Performance tests, Raytheon computers, User manuals (Computer programs). Identifiers: 'Assembler routines, PDP-1 1 comput- ers, Modcomp-2 computers, Raytheon-706 com- puters. A meta Assembler for NASA was developed. The initial development of the Meta Assembler for the SUMC was performed. The capabilities included assembly for both main and micro level programs. A period of checkout and utilization to verify the performance of the Meta Assembler was undertak- en. Additional enhancements were made to the Meta Assembler which expanded the target com- puter family to include architectures represented by the PDP-11, MODCOMP 2, and Raytheon 706 computers. N79-27874/3 Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil). Emulador de Memorias de Microcontrole Auxi- liado Por Computador (Correcting Memory of Microcontrol System Aided by a Computer). P. F. S. Amaral. May 79, 163p Rept no. INPE- 1489-TDL/009 In Portuguese; English Summary. Descriptors: 'Microprogramming, 'Support sys- tems, Operating systems (Computers), Computer programs, Computerized simulation, Minicom- puters, Real time operation, Systems engineering. Identifiers: HP-2116B computers, Read only memories, Punched tapes, Emulators(Computers). The design and simulation of a very useful micro- programming support system is presented. It is op- erated under the operating system of the minicom- puter HP2116B or in a stand alone fashion. The user is allowed to load, test, modify and debug a microprogram in its real time environment, during the design phase of the microprogrammed device, and to make the diagnosis and maintenance of the final prototype. Once a microprogram is certified, the system generates a paper tape so that it can be directly loaded in PROM's by a PROM program- mer. ORNL/CSD/TM-21 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. User's Manual for the Pattern Recognition Code RECOG-ORNL C. L. Begovich, and N. M. Larson. May 77, 132p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Pattern recogni- tion, Data analysis, Fortran, Ibm computers, R codes, Pdp computers, S codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'RECOG-ORNL com- puter program. RECOG-ORNL is a general-purpose pattern rec- ognition code which is an ORNL modification of the program RECOG, written and implemented at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. The code con- tains various pattern recognition methods for data analysis, preprocessing and display of data, plus unsupervised and supervised learning. The algo- rithms used and the input data required are de- scribed for each available option. A sample run is included. An auxiliary program which calculates the array sizes needed for a data set is also listed. 2 figures, 12 tables. (ERA citation 02:044676) ORNL/CSD/TM-34 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. TEK8 Graphics User's Guide R. J. Sentell, and D. R. Overbey. Aug 77, 43p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer graph- ics, Fortran, Pdp computers, T codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, PDP-8 computers, TEK8 computer program, Fortran 2 programming language, SABR programming language. The TEK8 graphics library is intended for use on PDP-8 minicomputers operating under the OS/8 operating system to drive Tektronix 4006 graphics display terminals. Library subroutines are coded in FORTRAN II and SABR. The library includes rou- tines to draw axes (either linear or semilog), to plot data in terms of logical values without first scaling to screen coordinates, to label graphs, and to plot into a maximum of four regions on the screen. Modes of plotting may be point plot with any char- acter at the point, vector plot, or bar plot. Two fea- tures, automatic scaling and windowing, permit the researcher to use computer graphics without spending time first to learn about scaling or "Tek points," and preparing long parameter lists for sub- routines. Regions on the screen are defined simply by specifying minima and maxima logical coordi- nates, i.e., exp K or milliseconds, and a region number. After definition, a region may be activated for plotting by calling REGN with the region number as an argument. (ERA citation 03:005746) ORNL/CSD/TM-44 Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, TN. Computer Sciences Div. Revised Version of SLIDES: a Program to Draw Slides and Posters D. H. McCollough, and K. N. Fischer. Sep 78, 79p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Computer graphics, 'Computer codes, Manuals, S codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Interactive graphics, PDP-10 computers, IBM-360/75 computers, IBM- 360/91 computers, SLIDES computer program, DISSPLA system. SLIDES is a program which takes text and com- mands as input and prepares lettered slides and posters. Originally written by Richard Bertrand and John Schofield at Argonne National Laboratory, SLIDES has been modified to operate in an inter- active design mode on the PDP-10 as well as in a batch production mode on IBM 360/75 and 360/ 91 computers. When run on the time-sharing com- puter, the program can display its output on a graphics terminal; in batch, in can direct its output to a variety of plotters. The program uses DISSPLA graphical subroutines. This report, revised from ANL-77-26, contains material written for the begin- ning user, who should be able to produce useful slides or posters by following the examples. This report also serves as a complete reference for the SLIDES program. 12 figures. (ERA citation 04:007156) 38 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER ORNL/CSD/TM-45 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. OPRODF, A Decsystem-10 Data Manipulation Program for ORELA Data Formatted Files J. G. Craven. May 78, 112p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *Orela, Data proc- essing, Fortran, O codes, Pdp computers. Identifiers: ERDA/430303. OPRODF allows the user to perform mathematical operations on his/her disk ORELA data formatted files by simply typing mathematical equations on his/her terminal. Expressions contained in the equations define the file, the starting position in the file, the ending position in the file, and the values such as content, time, energy, etc., associated with position in the file. If several equations are used, the order of execution of the equations can be controlled by FORTRAN control statements. In- corporated into OPRODF are statements for creat- ing ODF files and listing selected data on a line printer, displaying selected data on TEKTRONIX or PDP-15 scopes, plotting selected data on a CALCOMP plotter, and dumping selected data on to magnetic tape. (ERA citation 03:04861 2) ORNL/CSD/TM-46 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. ADENTR: A Program for Interactive Data Entry J. S. Stanton. Oct 77, 26p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Information sys- tems, A codes, Cobol, Data processing, M codes, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990300, "ADENTR computer program, "ORCHIS system. The ADENTR program was designed for use as an interactive data input path to the Oak Ridge Com- puterized Hierarchical Information System (ORCHIS). The ADENTR program will prompt for entry of fields, check the response for correctness, replace a code with an expanded string, and permit input of nonprompted fields. The output of ADENTR is a sequence of ADSEP add card images. The card images are passed to the ADSEP file maintenance program for inclusion in the user's ORCHIS data base. A companion pro- gram, MAKATH, maintains the authority files used by ADENTR and is also described in this report. These programs form part of the Oak Ridge Com- puterized Hierarchical Information System. (ERA Citation 03:005762) ORNL/CSD/TM-59 Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, TN. Computer Sciences Div. CONTUR: A Subroutine to Draw Contour Lines for Randomly Located Data M. R. Patterson. Jul 78, 44p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer graphics, Computer codes, C codes, Fortran, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, CONTUR computer program. A set of routines collectively called CONTUR was written to draw contour lines for data given at arbi- trary positions in a plane. Rather than requiring that the interconnections among the data points be known, the CONTUR routine connects the points with triangles. The path of a given contour can be traced from knowing the connectivity of the triangles that are generated. Smoothed parametric spline routines are used to draw a smooth contour line. The boundary lines connecting points on the periphery or excluding an inner region can be de- fined, if necessary. 7 figures. (ERA citation 04:002128) ORNL/CSD/TM-66 Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, TN. Computer Sciences Div. Universal Plotting Facility R. D. Burris. Aug 78, 56p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer graphics, "Plotters, Com- puter codes, Computer output devices, P codes, PDP computers, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. A plotting system was implemented which sepa- rates the user interface and the data manipulation and conversion phases of conventional plotting software. Implementation of this system permits the plotting of any supported data format upon any supported device while requiring the user to learn only one command. The system features powerful error detecting and correcting features, extensive defaulting capability, and simple maintenance. 1 figure. (ERA citation 04:002129) ORNL/NUREG/TM-99 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. ORCODE77: A Computer Routine to Control a Nuclear Physics Experiment by a PDP-15 + Camac System, Written in Assembler Lan- guage and Including Many New Routines of General Interest J. K. Dickens, and J. W. McConnell. 29 Mar 77, 95p Contract W-7405-ENG-26, NRC-INA-40-55 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Data analysis, Control systems, Nuclear instrument modules, Nu- clear physics, O codes. Identifiers: ERDA/656100, ERDA/990200, ORCODE77 computer program, Camac, PDP-15 computers, Fortran 4 programming language. ORCODE.77 is a versatile data-handling computer routine written in MACRO (assembler) language for a PDP-15 computer with EAE (extended arith- metic capability) connected to a CAMAC interface. The Interrupt feature of the computer is utilized. Al- though the code is oriented for a specific experi- mental problem, there are many routines of gener- al interest, including a CAMAC Scaler handler, an executive routine to interpret and act upon three- character teletype commands, concise routines to type out double-precision integers (both octal and decimal) and floating-point numbers and to read in integers and floating-point numbers, a routine to convert to and from PDP-15 FORTRAN-IV float- ing-point format, a routine to handle clock inter- rupts, and our own DECTAPE handling routine. Routines having specific applications which are applicable to other very similar applications include a display routine using CAMAC instructions, con- trol of external mechanical equipment using CAMAC instructions, storage of data from an Analog-to-digital Converter, analysis of stored data into time-dependent pulse-height spectra, and a routine to read the contents of a Nuclear Data 5050 Analyzer and to prepare DECTAPE output of these data for subsequent analysis by a code writ- ten in PDP-15-compiled FORTRAN-IV. (ERA cita- tion 02:061 529) ORNL/TM-5476 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Automatic Neutron PSD Transmission from a Process Computer to a Timeshare System J. B. Bullock, and W. H. Sides, Jr. Apr 77, 100p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Hfir reactor, Cdc computers, Com- puter codes, Data processing, Data transmission, Pdp computers, Power density. Identifiers: ERDA/220700, PDP-10 computers, Time sharing, "Neutron spectrum, CDC-1700 com- puters. A method for automatically telephoning, connect- ing, and transmitting neutron power-spectral den- sity data from a CDC-1700 process control com- puter to a PDP-10 time-share system is described. Detailed program listings and block diagrams are included. (ERA citation 02:048700) ORNL/TM-5875/V2 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. ORIS: The Oak Ridge Imaging System Oper- ation's Manual P. R. Bell, and R. S. Dillon. Dec 77, 131p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Image process- ing, "Nuclear medicine, Data processing, Manuals, O codes, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ORIS system. The Oak Ridge Imaging System (ORIS) programs are briefly described. This volume is intended as an operators manual, but it includes program ab- stracts and instructions for assembling the mod- ules and adding new ones. The instructions are specifically for the RK8E version, but they apply with minor changes to versions for other OS/8 de- vices. The system provides for access, storage, processing, and display of nuclear medicine images and for any other type of data displayable in image form. The system is not limited to square image arrays or to any specific size of data arrays below 16K elements. The complete code package for ORIS is available as MED-8/ORIS from the Bio- medical Computing Technology Information Center (BCTIC), Oak Ridge National Laboratory. (ERA citation 03:01 631 6) ORNL/TM-5875/V3 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. ORIS: The Oak Ridge Imaging System Program Listings P. R. Bell, and J. M. Dougherty. Apr 78, 41 7p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Images, "Nuclear medicine, "Radioi- sotope scanning, Computer calculations, Comput- er codes, Data processing, Diagnostic techniques, Display devices, Gamma cameras, O codes, P codes, Patients, Radioisotope scanners, Radionu- clide administration. Identifiers: ERDA/550601, ERDA/440101, "Medi- cal computer applications, ORIS system, PDP-8/E computers. The Oak Ridge Imaging System (ORIS) is a gener- al purpose access, storage, processing and dis- play system for nuclear medicine imaging with rec- tilinear scanner and gamma camera. This volume contains listings of the PDP-8/E version of ORIS Version 2. The system is designed to run under the Digital Equipment Corporation's OS/8 monitor in 16K or more words of core. System and image file mass storage is on RK8E disk; longer-time image file storage is provided on DECtape. Another ver- sion of this program exists for use with the RF08 disk, and a more limited version is for DECtape only. This latter version is intended for non-medical imaging. (ERA citation 03:036068) ORNL/TM-6062 Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. Least-Squares Dosimetry Unfolding: The Pro- gram STAY'SL F. G. Perey. Oct 77, 69p Rept no. ENDF-254 Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Shielding, Com- puter calculations, Least square fit, Neutron dosi- metry, Numerical solution, Reactor safety, S codes, Spectra unfolding. Identifiers: ERDA/220100, ERDA/654002, STAY'SL computer program, PDP-10 computers, Fortran. A PDP-10 FORTRAN IV computer program STAY'SL, which solves the dosimetry unfolding problem by the method of least squares, is de- scribed. The solution (the output spectrum and its covariance matrix) is calculated by minimizing chi- square based on the input data (the activation data, the input spectrum, the dosimetry cross sec- tions and their uncertainties given by covariance matrices). The solution reflects therefore the un- certainties in all of the input data and their correla- tions. The correlations among the various dosi- metry cross sections are taken into account; how- ever, the activation data, input spectrum and cross sections as classes are assumed to be uncorrect- ed with each other. (ERA citation 03:01 2324) ORNL/TM-6477 Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. User's Guide to the CALVEC Software Library: A Computer Program for Emulation of CAL- COMP Graphics on a Versatec Printer/Plotter W. H. Gray. Aug 78, 33p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Computer codes, Plasma, C codes, Computer calculations, Fortran. 39 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Identifiers: ERDA/700105, CALVEC subroutines, Calcomp plotters, Decsystem-10 computers, Emu- lators, Subroutines. This document describes a set of FORTRAN sub- routines collectively called the CALVEC subpro- gram library. The purpose of the CALVEC software library is the emulation of CALCOMP pen and ink graphics on a DECsystem 10. A user level inter- face with CALVEC software allows standard CAL- COMP subprogram calls to produce a VECtor file, SEGMNT.VEC. This vector file may subsequently be postprocessed into an image in a variety of ways. (ERA citation 04:001987) ORNL/TM-6477/R1 Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. User's Guide to the CALVEC Software Library: A Computer Program for Emulation of CAL- COMP Graphics on a Versatec Printer/Plotter W. H. Gray. Mar 79, 33p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: Computer codes, Bibliographies, C codes, Fortran, PDP computers, Plasma, Thermo- nuclear devices. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, "Subroutine libraries, 'Computer graphics, Decsystem -10 computers, CALVEC system. This document describes a set of FORTRAN sub- routines collectively called the CALVEC subpro- gram library. The purpose of the CALVEC software library is the emulation of CALCOMP pen and ink graphics on a DECsystem 10. A user level inter- face with CALVEC software allows standard CAL- COMP subprogram calls to produce a VECtor file, FOR24.VEC. This vector file may subsequently be postprocessed into an image in a variety of ways. (ERA citation 04:037805) ORNL/TM-6500 Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. NCMART: Algorithms and Computer Codes for a Modified Algebraic Spatial Reconstruction of Spectroscopic Emissivities for ELMO Bumpy Torus K. H. Carpenter, and N. H. Lazar. Nov 78, 68p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Elmo bumpy torus, Algorithms, Com- puter codes, Emission spectra, Impurities, Two-di- mensional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, Plasma diagnostics, PDP-10 computers, NCMART technique. NCMART (normalized continuous multiplicative al- gebraic reconstruction technique) is a modification of the algebraic reconstruction technique first used in tomography. It is applied to two-dimensional spatial resolution of spectroscopic data from the ELMO Bumpy Torus (EBT) taken in two fan views from ports at the top and side of the midplane of a mirror section. The reconstruction algorithms are derived and a description is given of the code im- plementing them for the EBT data on a PDP-10 computer. Test problem results show that reliable information on impurity distributions in the cross section viewed may be obtained by this method. Instructions for use of the computer codes are in- cluded, along with source program listings and sample output from a run using experimental data. (ERA citation 04:01 7549) ORNL/TM-6531 Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. Microcomputer-Controlled Ultrasonic Data Ac- quisition System W. A. Simpson, Jr. Nov 78, 55p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Data acquisition systems, "Lmfbr type reactors, "Ultrasonic testing, Reactor instru- mentation. Identifiers: ERDA/210500, Microcomputers, Intel- 8080A computers, Assembly languages, Machine coding. The large volume of ultrasonic data generated by computer-aided test procedures has necessitated the development of a mobile, high-speed data ac- quisition and storage system. This approach offers the decided advantage of on-site data collection and remote data processing. It also utilizes stand- ard, commercially available ultrasonic instrumenta- tion. This system is controlled by an Intel 8080A microprocessor. The MCS80-SDK microcomputer board was chosen, and magnetic tape is used as the storage medium. A detailed description is pro- vided of both the hardware and software devel- oped to interface the magnetic tape storage sub- system to Biomation 8100 and Biomation 805 wa- veform recorders. A boxcar integrator acquisition system is also described for use when signal aver- aging becomes necessary. Both assembly lan- guage and machine language listings are provided for the software. (ERA citation 04:01 3307) ORNL/TM-6545 Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. LSFODF: A Generalized Nonlinear Least- Squares Fitting Program for Use with ORELA ODF Files D. M. Wharton, and D. K. Olsen. Dec 78, 59p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: "Least square fit, Computer codes, Reactor kinetics, L codes, Neutron flux. Identifiers: ERDA/220100, Nonlinear problems, LSFODF computer program, FORTRAN, FOR- TRAn 10 programming language, Ordinary differ- ential equations, PDP-10 computers. The Fortran-10 program LSFODF has been written on the ORELA PDP-10 in order to perform non- linear least-squares curve fitting with user supplied functions and derivatives on data which can be read directly from ORELA-data-format (ODF) files. LSFODF can be used with any user supplied func- tion and derivatives; has its storage requirements specified in this function; has P-search and eta- search capabilities; and can output the input data and fitted curve in an ODF file which then can be manipulated and plotted with the existing ORELA library of ODF programs. A description of the fitting formalism, input instructions, five test cases, and a program listing are given. (ERA citation 04:022957) ORNL/TM-6546 Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. TEK1 1 Graphics User's Guide C. R. Stewart, Jr, W. D. Joubert, D. R. Overbey, and K. A. Stewart. Oct 78, 34p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: Plasma, Thermonuclear devices, Computer codes, Fortran, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, "Computer graphics, Minicomputers, PDP-11 computers, Assembly lan- guages, Subroutines, TEK1 1 system. The TEK1 1 graphics library was written for use on PDP-11 minicomputers running the RT-11 operat- ing system to drive Tektronix 4010 graphics dis- play terminals. Library subroutines are coded in FORTRAN and assembly language. The library in- cludes routines to draw axes, either linear or semi- log, to plot data in terms of logical values without first scaling to screen coordinates, to label graphs, and to plot in a maximum of four regions on the screen. Modes of plotting may be point plot with any character at the point, vector plot, or bar plot. Two features, automatic scaling and windowing, permit the researcher to use computer graphics without spending time first to learn about scaling or "Tek points" and preparing long parameter lists for subroutines. Regions on the screen are defined by specifying minima and maxima logical coordinates, i.e., exp K or milliseconds, and a region number. After definition, a region may be activated for plot- ting by calling REGN with the region number as an argument. (ERA citation 04:028481 ) PAT-APPL-835 089 Department of the Navy Washington D C Remote Plotter Control System Patent Application John C. Moore. Filed 21 Sep 77, 16p AD-D004 460/2 Availability: This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for for- eign licensing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: "Patent applications, "Plotters, "Mi- croprocessors, "Computer graphics, Digital sys- tems, Remote control, Display systems, Data proc- essing, Digital computers. A digital plotter is controlled via a teletypewriter channel of a general purpose computer. A pro- grammable plotter controller (microprocessor) is interposed between the teletypewriter output of the computer and the teletypewriter. In normal op- eration, the microprocessor acts as a buffer in the computer output line to the teletypewriter. Howev- er, upon receiving a special 'plotter on' command, the microprocessor decodes and converts the input teletypewriter characters into plotter com- mands and places the appropriate signals on the microprocessor data output lines. An interface means converts the signals to the proper logic level for use by the plotter and transmits the sig- nals to the plotter. (Author) PB-267 785/4 Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, Pa. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Time Domain Reflectometry Microcomputer Final rept. Jan 75-Mar 77 Roger A. Dworak, Angel G. Jordan, and John S. Thorne. Mar 77, 113 BuMines-OFR-1 06-77 Contract H0346138 Descriptors: "Electrical fault location, "Microcom- puters, "Reflectometers, Computer programs, Power lines, Transmission lines. Identifiers: Time domain, Intel 8080 computers, TDRM computer program, Trailing cables. Faults which occur in electrical coal mine trailing cables as either short circuits or open circuits have been successfully located in the past by a variety of simple techniques. On the other hand resistive faults require the use of more sophisticated tech- niques to provide accurate fault location, especial- ly in the range of 50 ohms to 1 megohm. The report describes the work done on the develop- ment of the time domain reflectometry microcom- puter (TDRM). Modifications to the FMC-model 302A cable fault locator is described in appendix D. The TDRM unit uses an 8080 microcomputer to accurately locate major faults in low capacitance cables to within plus or minus one foot when prop- erly calibrated. Major faults in high capacitance cables are usually located within plus or minus 5 feet. The upper limits of fault detection are <1 kilohm shunt fault and 7 ohm series fault. In prac- tice fault detection limits are reduced to <300 ohms shunt fault and 30 ohms series fault because of discontinuities caused by cable repair. PB-268 033/8 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colo. Wave Propagation Lab. Microcomputer-Controlled Acoustic Echo Sounder Technical memo. Edward J. Owens. Apr 77, 85p NOAA-TM-ERL- WPL-21, NOAA-77050104 Descriptors: "Atmospheric sounding, "Meteoro- logical instruments, Acoustics, Measuring instru- ments, Remote sensing, Doppler radar, Signal processing, Atmospheric temperature, Turbulent boundary layer, Wmd(Meteorology), Computers, Digital to analog converters, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Atmospheric echo sounding, Acoustic detection and ranging, Planetary boundary layer, Microcomputers. This report is the result of research into new con- cepts of remote sensing of the atmosphere and in- cludes a literature survey of the theory and practi- cal application of atmospheric sounding using acoustic methods. The 'state of the art' has been advanced in that a new type of system was de- signed, fabricated, and tested using modern digital methods. The major advances of replacing the typically troublesome facsimile recorder with a dot- matrix line printer using special characters called 'tonels' and the development of a new and novel method of digital Doppler signal processing using a real covariance technique, is presented in detail. The ecosonde is capable of monitoring and dis- playing in real time the temperature fluctuations, turbulent velocity inhomogeneities, and vertical wind profile of the planetary boundary layer to a height of 680 meters and includes a microcom- puter, a high-speed line printer, and various 40 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER author-designed and-constructed digital and analog circuits. User control of various system pa- rameters and a wide choice of display possibilities make this a versatile and desirable atmospheric re- search tool. PB-268 153/4 Mathematics and Computation Lab. (EDM), Wash- ington, D.C. Information Science Div. PDP-11 STAMOS Time-Sharing System Interac- tive User's Guide Final rept. David L. Parrish, and Nathan J. Ray. Jun 77, 13p Rept no. GSA/FPA/MCL-TM-266 Descriptors: *Time sharing, 'Minicomputers, Pro- gramming manuals. Identifiers: *PDP 11 computers, *STAMOS system, On line interactive systems. This manual provides guidelines for interactive users on the PDP-11 computer, operating under the STAMOS Time-Sharing System. A brief de- scription of STAMOS is given in the introduction in order to familiarize users with the nature of the time-sharing facilities provided. Subsequent sec- tions of this manual discuss sign-on procedures, sign-off procedures, and system convention. PB-268 156/7 Mathematics and Computation Lab. (EDM), Wash- ington, D.C. Information Science Div. Resource Interruption Projection System Final rept. Dennis R. Elkin. Apr 77, 27p Rept no. GSA/FPA/ MCL-TM-255 Descriptors: "Information systems, 'Economic analysis, Industrial production, Random access computer storage. Identifiers: PDP 11/45 computers, Univac 1108 computers, *On line interactive systems, 'Multire- gional input output models, Query languages, Rips computer program, Vulcan programming lan- guage. This query system is designed and implemented to provide economists and other analysts with a tool with which they can evaluate more easily intrare- gional and interregional effects of input/output changes within the Multi-regional Input-Output (MRIO) data base. The system operates on either a Univac 1 1 08 or a PDP 1 1 /45 computer in an on- line, interactive mode, and applies an advanced random-access strategy to minimize response time. PB-268 879/4 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus De- tector/Intersection Priority System Develop- ment. Volume I. Project Overview and Techni- cal Discussion Final rept. P. Anderson, R. Larson, R. Lubke, G. Putnam, and D. Wick. Dec 75, 21 2p 2551 -40274- Vol-1, FHWA/RD-76-66 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8149 Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E1 6, PB-268 878-SET. Descriptors: 'Vehicle detection, 'Vehicular traffic control, Buses(Vehicles), Passive detection, Inter- sections, Urban transportation, Microprocessors, Computer programs, Fortran, Signal processing, Traffic signals, Automatic control, Adaptive sys- tems, Magnetic detection, Automatic control equipment. Identifiers: Magnetic loop detection, Fortran 4 pro- gramming language, 'Traffic actuated traffic con- trol, Electronic traffic control, Signalized intersec- tions, Priorities, Preemptive control, BPCU com- puter program. The Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System was developed under this project. The system functions as a fully independent traffic con- troller with completely passive bus detection capa- bility using inductive-loop detectors (ILD) placed in the roadway. Bus detection is based on ILD signal processing (classifier) techniques, thereby elimi- nating need for any modifications or additions to the bus. Passive bus detection hardware includes special ILD electronics, a high-speed programma- ble processor, and a microprocessor. Using the same microprocessor, plus programming panel, stored programs, and switching and safety units, the system design is sufficient to exercise bus pri- ority control at urban intersections containing up to 23 signal circuits and 16 ILD transducers. In addi- tion, the system has capability of commanding the traffic signals in either one of three fixed timing pat- terns, selected at the system by the traffic engi- neer or controlled by a loop master. PB-268 880/2 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus De- tector/Intersection Priority System Develop- ment. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation Final rept. P. Anderson, R. Larson, R. Lubke, G. Putnam, and D. Wick. Dec 75, 31 9p 2551-40274-Vol-2-Pt- 1, FHWA/RD-76-67 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8149 See also Volume 1 , PB-268 879. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E16, PB-268 878-SET. Descriptors: 'Vehicle detection, 'Vehicular traffic control, 'Computer programs, Buses(Vehicles), Passive detection, Intersections, Urban transpor- tation, Microprocessors, Fortran, Signal process- ing, Traffic signals, Automatic control, Adaptive systems, Magnetic detection, Automatic control equipment. Identifiers: 'Computer program documentation, Magnetic loop detection, Fortran 4 computer lan- guage, Traffic actuated traffic control, Electronic traffic control, Signalized intersections, Priorities, Preemptive control, BPCU computer program. The volume contains the description of the soft- ware developed for the Passive Bus Detector/In- tersection Priority System. The program documen- tation is formatted according to the Program Docu- mentation section of the FHWA Documentation Standards. The computer program documentation is referenced in other volumes of this report as the following appendices: Appendix A. Fortran IV Ver- sion of the Vehicle Classification Algorithm; Ap- pendix B. BPCU Program for Minneapolis Installa- tion; Appendix C. BPCU Program for Washington Installation. Appendix C is to be treated as an ad- dendum to Appendix B and contains documenta- tion of only those modules which are different from the Minneapolis Installation program in Appendix B. Appendix D, Software and Computer Printouts, is presented separately as Part II of this volume. PB-268 881/0 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus De- tector/Intersection Priority System Develop- ment. Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Computer Program Listings Final rept. P. Anderson, R. Larson, R. Lubke, G. Putnam, and D. Wick. Dec 75, 41 3p 2551-40274-Voi-2-Pt- 2, FHWA/RD-76-68 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8149 See also Volume 2, Part 2, PB-268 880. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E16, PB-268 878-SET. Descriptors: 'Vehicle detection, 'Vehicular traffic control, 'Computer programs, Buses(Vehicles), Passive detection, Intersection, Urban transporta- tion, Microprocessors, Fortran, Signal processing, Traffic signals, Automatic control, Adaptive sys- tems, Magnetic detection, Automatic control equipment. Identifiers: Magnetic loop detection, Fortran 4 computer language, Traffic actuated traffic control, Electronic traffic control, Signalized intersections, Priorities, Preemptive control, 'BPCU computer program. This volume contains the description of the soft- ware developed for the Passive Bus Detector/In- tersection Priority System. The program documen- tation is formatted according to the Program Docu- mentation section of the FHWA Documentation Standards. Appendix D, Software and Computer Printouts, is presented. (Portions of this document are not fully legible.) PB-269 344/8 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Inst, for Computer Sciences and Technology. Crossi - A Univac Processor Which Assembles Code for Interdata Minicomputers Carol V. Young. Apr 77, 34p* Rept no. NBSIR- 77-1230 Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, 'Assembler rou- tines, Computer programming, Programming man- uals. Identifiers: 'Crossi computer program, Preproces- sors, Univac 1108 computers, 'Interdata 70 mini- computers. Instructions are given for the use of Crossi, a com- puter program which assembles Interdata assem- bler code on the Univac 1108, producing an as- sembler listing and relocatable code for the mini- computer. The assembler statements, relocatable output formats and the structure of the processor are described. A preprocessor is given for convert- ing Crossi's zoned relocatable format to Interda- ta's zoned relocatable format. A method of reconfi- guring the Crossi processor to assemble code for newer upward compatible minicomputer models is explained. PB-270 055/7 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Management Information and Data Systems Div. Operations Guide to Remote Job Entry Mini- computers May 77, 94p* Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, 'Data processing, Scheduling, Maintenance. Identifiers: 'Remote job entry. This operations manual has been prepared to assist EPA personnel establish and operate Remote Job Entry (RJE) minicomputers by provid- ing standard operations and management guide- lines. PB-270 056/5 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Management Information and Data Systems Div. Guidelines for Preparing Minicomputers Feasi- bility Studies Apr 77, 42 Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, 'Procurement, Feasibility, Benefit cost analysis, Systems analy- sis, Requirements, Computer systems hardware. Identifiers: Computer architecture, Computer soft- ware, PDP 1 1 /70 computers. This document describes the procedure for pre- paring a feasibility study for procurement of a mini- computer. PB-270 057/3 Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Management Information and Data Systems Div. Implementing Procedures for Minicomputers Apr 77, 58p* Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, 'Procurement, Leas- ing, Purchasing, Requirements, Maintenance, Bud- geting, Specifications. Identifiers: Computer software. This document describes the major activities in- volved in acquiring a minicomputer, once the feasi- bility study has been approved. These guidelines include ordering the equipment, planning and con- trolling the implementation, developing and ex- ecuting a training program, preparing the site for hardware installation, and taking delivery of, in- stalling and accepting the digital minicomputer. PB-270 265/2 Western Scientific Services, Inc., Fort Collins, Colo. Development of an Experimental Hydrometeorological Data Collection Network Final rept. 1 Jul 74-30 Apr 77 James H. Wagner. 30 Apr 77, 190p Rept no. FR- 807-55 41 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Contract DI-14-06-D-7551 See also PB-248 865. Descriptors: *Rain gages, Collecting methods, Data acquisition, Surveys, Automatic control equipment, Precipitation(Meteorology), Telemeter- ing data, Remote control, Meteorological satel- lites, Weather stations, Performance evaluation, Feasibility, Diagrams, Computer programs. Identifiers: LANDSAT satellites, Remote areas, Mi- croprocessors. This final report describes the development of an automatic microprocessor based data collection system using VHF telemetry links capable of col- lecting hydrometeorological data from remote sites distributed over a wide area or in relatively inaccessible terrain. Results of an extensive test program are included along with recommendations for improving the reliability and performance of the system. Detailed schematics for all equipment de- veloped are provided and the operation of each piece of equipment is described. PB-270 400/5 California State Dept. of Transportation, Sacra- mento. Mini-Computer Software Data Acquisition and Process Control System for Air Pollution Moni- toring Interim rept. Walter A. Winter, and Manoucher Farrockhrooz. Sep 76, 144p* CA-DOT-TL-7080-3-76-39, FHWA/RD-76-145 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-7730 Descriptors: * Air pollution monitors, "Minicom- puters, 'Computer programs, Air quality data, As- sembly languages, Fortran, Analog to digital con- verters, Multiplexers, Mathematical models. Identifiers: HP 21 1 5 computers. This report gives an overview of the systems soft- ware and individual programs used to program a Hewlett Packard minicomputer to control the proc- esses within a mobile air pollution monitoring labo- ratory and to acquire and store aerometric data. The mobile laboratories were constructed for use in microscale modeling studies along active high- ways. The appendix contains listings of the devel- oped programs which were coded in Assembly lan- guage and Fortran. PB-270 715/6 California Univ., San Francisco. Guide to 8080 PILOT, Version 1.1 Final rept. John A. Starkweather. Mar 77, 42p NLM/LHC- 77/04 Descriptors: "Computer programming, Microcom- puters, Interpreters, Syntax. Identifiers: "Pilot computer program, Intel 8080 computers, "Conversational programming, Com- puter aided instruction. Pilot is a programming system for controlling inter- active conversation. It has most commonly been used as an authoring language for computer-as- sisted instruction, was first developed at U.C. San Francisco, and has been implemented on a variety of large and small computers. This guide provides a description and operating procedures for a ver- sion of Pilot that will run on computers using the Intel 8080 microprocessor. It is an interpreter writ- ten in assembly language that requires less than 4K bytes of memory for the interpreter code. PB-270 744/6 National Inst, of Mental Health, Poolesville, Md. Lab. of Brain Evolution and Behavior. CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acqui- sition/Reduction Software Richard J. Radna, and William J. Vaughn. Jun 77, mag tape* NIMH/LBEB/1, NIH/DF-77/003 Source tape is in ASCII character set. Character set restricts preparation to 9 track one-half inch tape only. Identify recording mode by specifying density only. Call NTIS Computer Products, if you have questions. Price includes documentation PB- 270 745. (CPT10) Descriptors: "Software, "Data acquisition, "Data reduction, "Computer programs, "Nerve cells, Magnetic tapes, Fortran, Assembly languages, Waveform recognition. Identifiers: PDP 1 1 /40 computers, Medical com- puter applications, Neurons, Spike potential. A computer system for unit data acquisition and reduction (CAUDAR) is presented. Caudar deals with the general problem of the acquisition and re- duction of data on activity of single neurons. This system digitally processes uninterrupted, continu- ous unit data with significant attention to waveform detail. High speed computer graphics generates quality figures with minimal experimenter interven- tion. The system affords a great economy of the user's time because the computer performs all re- petitive data processing. ..Software Description: The program is written in the Fortran and Assem- bly programming languages for implementation on a PDP 1 1 /40 computer using the RT 1 1 operating system. 64K bytes of core storage are required to operate the model. PB-270 745/3 National Inst, of Mental Health, Poolesville, Md. Lab. of Brain Evolution and Behavior. CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acqui- sition/Reduction Richard J. Radna, and William J. Vaughn. Jun 77, 419p NIH/DF-77/003a For system on magnetic tape, see PB-270 744. Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Data acquisi- tion, "Data reduction, "Nerve cells, Fortran, As- sembly languages, Waveform recognition. Identifiers: PDP 1 1 /40 computers, Medical com- puter applications, Neurons, Spike potential. Caudar deals with the general problem of the ac- quisition and reduction of data on activity of single neurons. The CAUDAR (Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/Reduction) system represents a departure from amplitude-discriminator ap- proaches to spike recognition, in that a computer totally performs data acquisition and reduction through use ot waveform recognition. Using high- speed computer graphics, the system provides: (i) graphic display simulating photographic film of spikes, (ii) post-stimulus histogram, (iii) inter-spike interval histogram, (iv) iso-spike amplitude-time contour plot, (v) print-out of a unit's firing rate, spike amplitude range and spike polarity, and (vi) statistical analysis of unit firing. PB-271 333/7 California State Dept. of Transportation, Sacra- mento. Transportation Lab. Traffic Responsive Ramp Control Through the Use of Microcomputer Final rept. May 73-Dec 76 B. C. Fong. Feb 77, 126p 631639, FHWA-CA-TL- 1639-77-04 Descriptors: "Microcomputers, "Vehicular traffic control, "Freeways, Computer systems hardware, Computer programming, Central processing units, Design, Specifications, Automatic control, Random access computer storage, Read only storage, Real time operations, Traffic engineering. Identifiers: Ramp control, Ramp metering, Pro- grammable read only memories, Traffic flow. The research was involved in the investigation, de- velopment, and implementation of ramp control hardware and software through the use of micro- computer. A prototype controller consisting of a 4- bit Intel microprocessor and 2096 x 8 bit of pro- grammable read-only-memory was developed for exploratory study. It was concluded that the second generation N-MOS microprocessors have superior instruction power and hardware capabili- ties than their P-MOS predecessors. The Type 1 40 Controller design specification was prepared under this research. The first 200 units of the Type 140 Controller, have been purchased for imple- mentation. Programs for traffic responsive ramp control have been developed to be implemented with the Type 1 40 Controller. PB-271 978/9 Colorado School of Mines, Golden. Excavation En- gineering and Earth Mechanics Inst. Mechanical Tunnel Boring Prediction and Ma- chine Design Annual rept. Levent Ozdemir, Russell Miller, and Fun-Den Wang. 1977, 332p NSF/RA-770199 Grant NSF-APR73-07776-A03 Descriptors: "Tunneling(Excavation), "Tunneling machines, "Cutting tools, Cutters, Wear, Predic- tions, Design, Computer programs. Identifiers: PDP-10 computers. A comprehensive theoretical analysis of the inter- action of a disc roller cutter with hard, brittle rocks was undertaken. Predictor equations were modi- fied to consider the effect of cutter wear. Testing was undertaken both with sharp and artificially dulled disc cutters. Results indicated that penetra- tion, spacing, and edge angle are highly significant variables affecting cutter performance. To simu- late, the multiple cutter patterns found in the field were undertaken to experimentally study the ef- fects of different modes of cutting. Theoretical force values calculated by using the developed predictor equations were found to agree with labo- ratory observations. The scaling of the small and large-scale cutting results appeared to be possi- ble. The field boring data from an experimental tunnel boring site was used to check the validity of the predictor equations for field boreability predic- tions. A computer program designed to predict field boring performance was written. PB-272 024/1 General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. Lo- gistics and Communications Div. Planning for Source Data Automation in Gov- ernment Industrial Activities-Coordination Needed: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life. Department of De- fense 23 Sep 77, 38p Rept no. LCD-77-441 Descriptors: "Data acquisition, "Data processing, "Automation, Industrial production, Computer ap- plications, Minicomputers, Optical character rec- ognition device, Speech recognition, Data proc- essing terminals, Costs. Identifiers: "Source data automation, Data entry techniques, Magnetic readers. 'Source data automation' (SDA) is a term used to describe various means of collecting data about an event in computer readable form at the point and time of the event's occurrence. SDA techniques are among several advanced data entry methods that are currently being used in Government and private industrial facilities, as well as in such serv- ice sector activities as hospitals, schools, and retail stores. This report addresses the use of SDA in the industrial environment because of the signifi- cant investment and cost of operating industrial facilities and the increasing need for better and more accurate data to manage the facilities. Sev- eral successful service sector applications are in- cluded in this report. Coupled with other advances in technology, such as using computers to control manufacturing processes and to automate materi- al handling, SDA techniques can benefit the entire industrial management environment. PB-272 072/0 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Inst, for Computer Sciences and Technology. Computer Science and Technology: Proceed- ings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (13th) Held at New Or- leans, Louisiana on October 11-14, 1977 Dennis M. Conti, and Josephine L. Walkowicz. Sep 77, 245p* Rept no. NBS Special Pub-500-18 Library of Congress catalog card no. 77-600040. See also report dated Sep 75, PB-252 1 74. Descriptors: "Central processing units, "Computer programming, "Performance evaluation, "Meet- ings, Queueing theory, Network analysis theory, Computerized simulation, Mathematical models, Statistical analysis, Scheduling, Monitors, Mini- computers, Data processing terminals, Bench marks, Clustering. Identifiers: "Computer performance evaluation, On line systems, Response time, Hardware monitors, Software monitors, Bubble memories. 42 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Contents: Functional Workload Characteristics and Computer Response Time in the Design of On-line Systems; Functional Workload Character- ization; Some results on the Clustering Approach To Workload Modelling; Workload Characteriza- tion and Performance Measurement for a CDC Cyber 74 Computer System; Selection of ADPS for The Air Force Academy-A Case Study; Valida- tion-All Important in Benchmarking; Determination of Non-steady State Conditions in Performance Measurement Runs; Capturing Terminal Traffic Using a Hardware Monitor; A New Tool for Meas- uring Response Time; Comparative Study of Task Dispatching Algorithms in An IBM MVT/ASP Envi- ronment; Computer Performance Comparisons; A Study on The Effectiveness of Data Blocking in an MVS Environment; A New Methodology for Com- puter System Data Gathering; The Use of a Vali- dated Event Model in a Comprehensive Perform- ance Evaluation of an On-line Minicomputer System; Approximate Evaluation of the Effect of a Bubble Memory in a Virtual Memory System; The Use of Measured Utilizations in Queueing Network Analysis; Applications of Queuing Models to ADP System Performance Prediction-A Workshop Summary; A Simulation Study of Initiator/Termina- tor Policy in OS/MVT. PB-272 130/6 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Lab. of Statistical and Mathematical Methodology. Mlab - an Online Modeling System. Software. 1972, mag tape NIH/DF-77/004 Includes documentation. (CP TOO) Source tape is in ASCII character set. Character set restricts preparation to 9 track one-half inch tape only. Identify recording mode by specifying density only. Call NTIS Computer Products, if you have questions. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Curve fitting, "Software, Online interactive systems, Tenex system, Mathematical models, Computations, Dif- ferential equations, Matrices(Mathematics). Identifiers: Decsystem 10 computers, Decsystem 20 computers, Operating system = PDP, Software type = System, Interactive processing mode, System application = Scientific/engineering, Mlab programming language, Computer memories = 80k, Program statements = 75k. Mlab is an interactive system for mathematical modeling. The heart of the system is a nonlinear curve-fitting procedure. Facilities for differential equation models, symbolic differentiation, root- finding, graphic display and plotting, function eval- uation including sums and integrals, matrix calcula- tion, and saving and restoring data between ses- sions are included. PB-272 131/4 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Lab. of Statistical and Mathematical Methodology. MLAB - An Online Modeling Laboratory. Sev- enth Edition Gary D. Knott, and Doug Reece. Jul 77, 333p* NIH/DF-77/004a For system on magnetic tape see PB-272 1 30. Descriptors: 'Curve fitting, 'Mathematical models, 'Computer programming, Computation, Differen- tial equations, Matrices(Mathematics), Numerical integration. Identifiers: 'MLAB system, Tenex system, Decsys- tem 10 computers, Decsystem 20 computers. MLAB is an interactive system for mathematical modeling. The heart of the system is a non-linear curve-fitting procedure. Facilities for differential equation models, symbolic differentiation, root- finding, graphic display and plotting, function eval- uation including sums and integrals, matrix calcula- tion, and saving and restoring data between ses- sions are included. PB-272 706/3 Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Purdue Lab. for Ap- plied Industrial Control. An Investigation on Man/Computer Interactive versus an Automatic Heuristic in Scheduling Job Shops S. Wali Haider, Colin L. Moodie, and James R. Buck. Oct 76, 225p 87, NSF/RA-760599 Grant NSF-APR73-07822 Also pub. as Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. Engi- neering Experiment Station Bulletin-143-Ser. Descriptors: 'Scheduling, 'Manufacturing, 'Heu- ristic methods, Minicomputers, Computer pro- grams. Real time operations, Experimental design, Computerized simulation, Algorithms, Statistical analysis, Theses. Identifiers: 'Computer applications, 'Job shop scheduling. This research investigates the advantages of scheduling the manufacturing of discrete parts in a job shop in an environment where intimate interac- tion is permitted between the scheduler and the computer. The minicomputer used is supplement- ed with a real time disc operating system (RDOS) for storing the relevant information about the job statistics and shop status, etc. Many subjects are used in an experimental situation. Each subject runs a set of eight problems that represent a dis- tinct job and shop characteristic. The effective- ness of the solution yielded interactively is com- pared with the solution provided by the slack/re- maining operations heuristic. Included in this paper are: (1) a review of some of the significant work done in the development of analytical, heuristic, and simulation methods of scheduling; (2) a de- scription of the job shop used for experimentation and a detailed explanation of the simulation pro- gram; (3) an account of the experimental design developed to analyze the results of the experimen- tation; and (4) a discussion of the merits and de- merits of the interactive model. PB-272 972/1 National Technical Information Service, Spring- field, Va. A Directory of Computer Software Applica- tions - Minicomputer and Microcomputers Rept. for 1964-Aug 77 David W. Grooms. Oct 77, 90p* Descriptors: 'Computer programming, 'Minicom- puters, 'Microcomputers, Compilers, Operating systems(Computers), Translator routines, Assem- bler routines, Computer graphics, Pattern recogni- tion, Computer networks, Telecommunication. Identifiers: 'Computer software, Computer appli- cations, Computer program documentation. The computer programs or the computer program documentation cited in this directory has been de- veloped to satisfy minicomputer/microcomputer systems needs as well as minicomputer/micro- computer applications needs. Included in the appli- cations area is mini-microcomputer software for avionics, medicine, electronics design, chemistry and chemical engineering, physics, pattern recog- nition, computer graphics, energy, environmental studies and others. Minicomputer/ microcomputer systems software cited in the directory includes compilers, operating systems, translators and cross assemblers. Also cited is mini-microcom- puter software used in computer networks and communications networks. PB-273 921/7 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colo. Wave Propagation Lab. Stellar Scintillometer Model II for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles Technical memo. G. R. Ochs, Ting-i Wang, and F. Merrem. Apr 77, 24p NOAA-TM-ERL-WPL-25, NOAA-77092205 Sponsored in part by Rome Air Development Center, Griffiss AFB, N.Y. Descriptors: 'Optical measuring instruments, 'Scintillation counters, Telescopes, Atmospheric attenuation, Computer programs, Minicomputers, Light transmission, Optical detectors, Refractive index, Remote sensing, Spatial filtering, Instru- mentation, BASIC programming language. Identifiers: 'Atmospheric transmissivity, 'Scintillo- meters. An optical system for measuring refractive-turbu- lence profiles in the atmosphere is described. The instrument measures the profile along the light path to a star by analyzing the scintillation of the star by the atmosphere, and is an improved ver- sion of an earlier system. The circuit diagram, com- puter program, and operating instructions for the instrument are included. PB-276 108/8 Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo. Engineering and Research Center. An Assembly-Language Minicomputer Soft- ware Development System T. R. Whittemore. Oct 77, 23p* Rept no. REC- ERC-77-12 Descriptors: 'Assembler routines, 'Minicom- puters, 'Assembly languages, Editing routines, Programming manuals. Identifiers: 'Cross assemblers, Computer soft- ware. Problems of designing a memory resident software development system for use with minicomputers are presented. A combination editor and assem- bler program is decribed; a user's guide is includ- ed. Conversion of the assembler into a cross-as- sembler is discussed. PB-278 994/9 Geological Survey, Denver, Colo. Transcription of Gould 6100 Data Logger Car- tridges Using the HP-9640-A System Final rept. David V. Fitterman, and Charles O. Stearns. 7 Feb 78, 56p Rept no. USGS/GD-78/007 Descriptors: 'Tape to tape converters, Input output routines, Computer programs, Fortran, As- sembly languages, Data processing, Multiprogram- ming, Minicomputers. Identifiers: CART computer program, HP-9640A computers, RTE-2 operating system. Software for transcribing magnetic cartridges re- corded on Gould 6100 data loggers is described. Transcription consists of three parts: (1) reading of data logger block, (2) unpacking and reformatting of data into ASCII character string, (3) writing of character string on 9-track magnetic tape. These tasks are performed using a Hewlett-Packard 9640A Data Acquisition System and are written in FORTRAN and HP Assembly Language. A driver program is included which allows the multi-pro- gramming capability of the system to be main- tained during transcription. This software runs under the RTE-II Operating System. PB-279 939/3 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Inst, for Computer Sciences and Technology. Computer Science and Technology: FORTRAN IV Enhanced Character Graphics Norman M. Wolcott. Apr 78, 60p* Rept no. NBS- SP-500-32 Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 78-606027. Descriptors: 'Computer graphics, 'Computer pro- grams, Plotting, Composing, Forts, Alphabets, Symbols, Automation. Identifiers: 'Typesetting, 'Alphanumeric symbols, 'Computer aided typesetting, 'Typography, Com- puter output microfilm, Fortran 4 programming lan- guage, Fortran 5 programming language, Univac 1108 computers, Univac 1110 computers, IBM- 360 computers, IBM-370 computers, PDP-10 com- puters, PDP-11 computers. A FORTRAN IV subroutine is described which allows the drawing of six styles of alphabetic char- acters, three styles of numbers, and 48 special mathematical symbols from the enhanced graphic character set of Dr. A.V. Hershey. Twenty-two symbols for graph plotting are also provided. Output is by linkage to an external subroutine PLOT. The program requires a computer which can accommodate a 30 bit word-length. PB-280 370/8 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 43 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Computer Science and Statistics: Annual Sym- posium on the Interface. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium (10th) Held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 14-15, 1977 Final rept. David Hogben, and Dennis W. Fife. Mar 78, 468p* Rept no. NBS-SPECIAL PUB 503 Grant NSF-MCS77-04441 Descriptors: 'Computer programming, 'Statistical analysis, 'Meetings, Computer graphics, Minicom- puters, Computerized simulation, Analysis of vari- ance, Regression analysis, Time series analysis, Numerical analysis, Linear programming, Approxi- mation. Identifiers: Interactive graphics, Computer soft- ware, Data files, Robust procedures, Integer pro- gramming. The Proceedings of Computer Science and Statis- tics: Tenth Annual Symposium on the Interface contains 36 invited and 36 contributed poster ses- sion papers. The invited papers were presented in six workshops on Evaluation of Statistical Soft- ware, Nonlinear Models, Graphics, Large Data Files, Numerical Analysis in Statistics, and Mainte- nance and Distribution of Statistical Software. The Evaluation of Statistical Software Workshop was divided into two sessions on Statistical Program Packages for Small Computers and Computing Approaches to the Analysis of Variance for Unbal- anced Data. PB-280 550/5 Cambridge Systems Corp., Mass. Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readability and Scanner Performance Final rept. Feb-Jun 77 Hector C. Ingrao, and William I. Ill Thompson. Mar 78, 209p CSC-77-101, FRA/ORD-78/15.II Contract DOT-FR-74292 Descriptors: 'Railroad terminals, 'Railroad cars, 'Identification systems, 'Optical scanners, Cali- bration, Legibility, Labels, Railroad trains, Elec- trooptics, Fortran, Computer programs, Decoders, Multiplexers, Data processing, Railroads, Informa- tion systems, Networks. Identifiers: 'Automatic railroad car identification systems, 'Optical automatic car identification, 'Rail scanners, Readability, TRAIN FOR computer program, Fortran 4 programming language, Dec- system-1 computers. The results of the Optical Automatic Car Identifica- tion (OACI) study on readability and scanner per- formance conducted on the Chicago Railroad Ter- minal Information System (CRTIS) data which in- cludes operation from February 1 to June 1 5, 1 977 are presented. The main purpose of the study was to determine the scanner non-read and error-read contributions to overall OACI readability measure- ments, the use of the calibration train concept as a method of OACI network analysis, and possible network automatic checkout. The study attempts to separate the non-read and error-read compo- nents due to the scanner performance from other label factors which affect the readability measure- ments The scanner performance contribution to non-read and error-reads was estimated on the basis of scanner readability differences observed by means of calibration trains. The calibration train concept is suggested as an effective tool to evalu- ate OACI scanner network performance. (Portions of this document are not fully legible) PB-280 719/6 Stanford Univ., Calif. Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab. AL Users' Manual Shahid Mujtaba, and Ron Goldman. Nov 77, 113p NSF/RA-770481 Grant NSF-APR74-01390-A04 Descriptors: 'Computer programming, Compilers, Programming languages. Identifiers: *AL system, POINTY system, PDP-10 computers, PDP-11 computers, AL programming language. This document describes the current state of the AL system now in operation at the Stanford Artifi- cial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL) and provides instructions to users. The AL system is geared toward batch manufacturing where setup time is a key factor. In addition to meeting the requests made by other research organizations for detailed information on the current status and configuration of the system at SAIL, it updates the original AL document which was a design specification of the language. The AL programming system and the re- lated hardware and software configuration at SAIL are described in an overview for the general reader. An example based tutorial is presented il- lustrating the use of simple AL instructions. The AL language and the complete set of currently imple- mented AL instructions are given. The execution of AL programs is described. POINTY, a system which allows the user to generate interactively the frame tree data structure for AL programs, is pre- sented. Errors are described that might occur in the different stages of compiling and executing the AL program. Appendices include a list of AL re- served words and brief summaries of AL and POINTY commands and instructions. PB-280 760/0 Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass. Automotive Fleet Fuel Consumption Model: FUEL.FOR Final rept. Jun-Sep 77 Jerry Horton. Mar 78, 56p DOT-TSC-NHTSA-78- 1, DOT-HS-803-223 Descriptors: 'Fuel economy, 'Automobiles, 'Com- puter programs, Fuel consumption, Operating costs, Cost effectiveness, Savings, Economics, Energy conservation, Fortran. Identifiers: FUEL computer program, Decsystem- 10 computers. The computer model described in this report is a tool for determining the fuel conservation benefits arising from various hypothetical schedules of new car fuel economy standards. (Portions of this docu- ment are not fully legible) PB-281 549/6 Rochester Univ., NY. Production Automation Proj- ect. Dissemination of the PADL-1.0/n Processor. (Part and Assembly Description Language (PADL) PADL administrative document H. B. Peirce, and H. B. Voelcker. Oct 77, 33p PADL/ADM-01, NSF/RA-770464 Grant NSF-APR76-01034 Descriptors: 'Computer programming, 'Engineer- ing drawings, Solid geometry, Industrial engineer- ing, Assembly languages, Fortran, Minicomputers, Automation, Computer graphics. Identifiers: Production automation project, 'Geo- metric modelling, PADL-1 -0/n system, PADL sys- tems, FLECS programming language, Mechanical parts, PDP-1 1 computers, Three dimensional. This document introduces the PADL-1. 0/n Sys- tems <1-1. Part and Assembly Description Lan- guage (PADL) is a convenient language for de- scribing 'simple' (unsculptured) mechanical parts and assemblies in a precise and geometrically complete manner. The processor for PADL-1 .0 is a suite of computer programs written in Structured FORTRAN, and is capable of generating automati- cally, on command, mechanical drawings of any part or assembly describable in PADL-1. 0. Includ- ed in this report is a brief discussion of PADL's his- tory and its prospective role in industry. Also dis- cussed are the constraints that affect dissemina- tion, the 'package' specifications to be disseminat- ed, the License Agreement that defines the condi- tions incumbent on users, the current eligibility cri- teria, and the procedure for obtaining the PADL package. PB-281 550/4 Rochester Univ., N.Y. Production Automation Proj- ect. The PADL-1.0/n Processor: Overview and System Documentation PADL system document W. B. Fisher, E. E. Hartquist, A. A. Requicha, and H. B. Voelcker. Oct 77, 54p PADL/SD-01, NSF/ RA-770465 Grant NSF-GI-34274, NSF-APR76-01034 Report on PADL: Part and Assembly Description Language. Descriptors: 'Computer programming, Computer graphics, Solid geometry, Industrial engineering, Engineering drawings, Assembly languages, For- tran, Minicomputers, Automation. Identifiers: Production automation project, Geo- metric modelling, PADL-1 -0/n system, PADL sys- tems, PDP-1 1/40 computers, FLECS program- ming language, Three dimensional. This is the first document in a series (the PADL/SD series) that provides system documentation for the PADL-1. 0/n processor. The series is directed at system programmers, analysts, and software de- signers, not at ordinary users of PADL systems. This document provides an overview of the PADL system and the PADL processor's internal organi- zation. It also explains the approach to documen- tation and contains a guide to other relevant docu- ments. PB-282 510/7 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Inst, for Computer Sciences and Technology. Computer Science and Technology: The Design and Implementation of the National Bureau of Standards' Network Access Machine (NAM) Interim rept. Jun 77-Jun 78 Robert Rosenthal, and Bruce D. Lucas. Jun 78, 54p* Rept no. NBS SPECIAL PUB-500-35 Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 78-600055. Descriptors: 'Computer networks, Minicomputers, Interpreters. Identifiers: 'Network access machines, PDP-11/ 45 computers, Protocols, Command languages(Computers), On line systems, Access methods. The Network Access Machine (NAM), a pro- grammed minicomputer designed to assist interac- tive on-line terminal users of computer network services and resources, is discussed in detail The minicomputer allows the user to specify (or to have specified) network command sequences for ex- ecution on a specified network and host connect- ed to that network. Computer responses are ana- lyzed to assure agreement with those anticipated for specific commands. Experience with the NAM and specific examples of NAM use including a common command language for bibliographic re- trieval are presented. PB-283 088/3 National Weather Service, Honolulu, Hawaii. Pacif- ic Region. An Operational Message Composition System Using the N.W.S. Automatic Data Acquisition System (ADAS) Computer System Technical memo. G. H. Hirata. Apr 78, 27p NOAA-NWSTM-PR-18, NOAA-78051501 Descriptors: 'Data processing systems, 'Weather forecasting, Data acquisition. Minicomputers, Data processing terminals, Automation. Identifiers: 'Message composition systems, ADAS system, IRIS system. A simple but effective 'sand-alone' system consist- ing of: a Beehive Model 3 KCRT; a Sykes 3220 Cassette tape system; and a Fredericks Universal Converter Model 720 (ASCII to Baudot Converter) was implemented. The system was designed for use by personnel with varying degrees of exposure to computers in general, and KCRTs in particular. The process of accessing, preparation/updating, and transmission of messages is simple and straightforward. It consists of logging on, access- ing the format desired, editing the format and transmitting the format to the computer by press- ing a single 'Enter' key. The computer prefixes and appends all of the necessary teletype function codes required by the different crcuits. The com- pleted message together with all of the necessary teletype function codes are then automatically transmitted to the Fredericks Converter at 2400 bauds where it is queued into the converters 5000 character buffer. The converter then transmits the characters onto the teletype paper tape punch 44 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER where it is punched at approximately 1 characters per second or 1 1 bauds. PB-283 490/1 Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park. Dept. of Mineral Engineering. Coal Mine Electrical System Evaluation. Volume I. Continuous Monitoring Annual rept. Lloyd A. Morley, and Jeffery L. Kohler. 22 Jan 77, 273p BUMINES-OFR-61(1)-78 Grant G01 55003 Also available in set of 8 reports PC E13, PB-283 489-SET. Descriptors: *Coal mines, 'Power systems, Moni- toring, Electrical faults, Safety, Pattern recognition, Minicomputers, Evaluation, Forecasting, Failure, Computer programs, Systems engineering. Identifiers: Mine safety, ANALGP computer pro- gram, SEDAPS computer program. A concept is presented to improve underground coal mine electrical system safety and availability. This proposed technique is based upon the ability to predict incipient failures in the mine power system. Prediction is made possible by a new method, developed during this research, which uses a minicomputer to implement pattern recogni- tion algorithms. The theoretical basis of the predic- tion system is discussed, along with synthesis of the hardware and software sections. The deterio- ration modes which could be detected are exam- ined, and an evaluation of the system's ability to predict incipient failure is presented. Typical re- sults of the system's performance during labora- tory simulation of power system deterioration are given. PB-283 678/1 Environmental Sciences Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, N.C. A Microcomputer-Modified Particle Size Spec- trometer. Description and Program Listings Report for Sep 76-Dec 77 Charles W. Lewis. May 78, 71 p Rept no. EPA/ 600/2-78/099 Descriptors: "Air pollution, "Particle size distribu- tion, Aerosols, Light scattering, Laboratory equip- ment, Microcomputers, Spectrometers, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Air pollution detection, MCA computer program. A fully automated aerosol particle size spectrom- eter system is described that consists of a light scattering particle sensor, an analog to digital con- verter, and a microcomputer with associated print- out device. The system is capable of acquiring a differential particle size distribution, printing the re- sulting spectrum in one of three representations, and repeating the procedure at preselected inter- vals. An example of the application of the system for measuring an outdoor aerosol size distribution is presented. The appendices contain documented microcomputer program listings and flow charts for Program Sizer (the program that operates the spectrometer system and the principal result of this study) and Program MCA (a program that con- verts part of the spectrometer system to a conven- tional 256-channel pulse height analyzer). PB-283 892/8 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Coordinated Science Lab. Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing. Volume 1. Map- ping of Chemical Data Bases and Mapping of Data Base Elements Using a Relational Data Base Structure Final rept. Martha E. Williams, Scott E. Preece, Sandra H. Rouse, and Keth MacLaury. Dec 77, 342p Rept no. T-56-VOL-1 Grant NSF-SIS74-18558 Descriptors: "Information systems, Computer net- works, Information retrieval. Identifiers: "Data bases, "Chemical information systems, Data files, Resource allocation, Decsys- tem-10 computers, Distributed processing, DBMMSS project, Chemical nomenclature, Biblio- graphic data elements. The coordinated use of multiple data resources in computer networks has been inhibited by the het- erogeneity of data types and forms used by various data providers. Research has indicated the feasi- bility of automatic mapping of data to required forms as an approach to two incompatibility prob- lems. A study of the chemical identifiers used in 161 machine-readable bibliographic, numeric, and algorithmic sources of chemical data has indicated that direct linkage by shared identifier between any particular pair of data bases is unlikely. Computer programs forming a prototype mapping system have been constructed and used to generate indi- rect linkages joining virtually all pairs of data re- sources by mapping paths of direct linkages to and among resources that can function as translators, changing the form of the supplied data so they can function as input to the desired data resource or to another translator. A study of a set of bibliographic data bases has identified a generalized set of data elements capable of containing the majority of in- formation contained in existing data bases. Those data elements were formed into a hierarchical structure of compound and simple elements, and the feasibility of automatically mapping existing data bases into that structure was demonstrated. A 'Directory of Chemical Data Bases' has been as- sembled using the data gathered for this project and is available as Volume 2 of this report. PB-283 893/6 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Coordinated Science Lab. Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing. Volume 2. Di- rectory of Chemical Data Bases Final rept. Martha E. Williams, Scott E. Preece, Sandra H. Rouse, and Keith MacLaury. Dec 77, 446p Rept no. T-56-VOL-2 Grant NSF-SIS74-18558 Descriptors: "Information systems, "Directories, Computer networks, Information retrieval, Organi- zations, Data sources, Information services. Identifiers: "Chemical information systems, "Data bases, Data files, Resource allocation, Distributed processing, Decsystem-10 computers, DBMMSS project, Chemical nomenclature, Bibliographic data elements. Research into the generation of maps between data bases and data base elements was per- formed using data describing the format and con- tents of 161 chemical data bases. Volume 2 of the final report contains that descriptive data, forming a directory of chemical data bases. Data about data bases includes the following: (1) Basic Infor- mation; (2) Producer/Distributor/Generator Infor- mation; (3) Availability and Charges for Data Base Tapes; (4) Subject Matter and Scope of Data on Tape; (5) Subject Analysis/Indexing Data Including all Types of Chemical Identifiers Used in the Data Base; (6) Bibliographic Data Base Elements on Tape; (7) Tape Specifications; (8) Search Pro- grams; (9) Data Base Services Offered and (10) User Aids Offered by Data Base Producer. PB-284 155/9 ADP/First Data, Inc., Washington, DC. Federal Systems Div. A Primer for MLAB (Mathematical Modeling Laboratory). An On-Line Modeling Laboratory Emile Tobenfeld, C. John McCann, and Robert M. Young. Apr 78, 120p Sponsored in part by Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. Management Informa- tion and Data Systems Div. Descriptors: "Computer programming, Differential equations, Numerical integration, Curve fitting, Matrices(Mathematics), Roots of equations. Identifiers: Mathematical modeling laboratory, MLAB programming language, Decsystem-10 computers, Decsystem-20 computers. The Mathematical Modeling Laboratory (MLAB), described in this PRIMER, was developed as a tool for experimentation with, and evaluation of, math- ematical models or functions. It runs on a DEC SYSTEM 10 or 20 timesharing system and is avail- able for public distribution. Chapters 2 and 3 deal with curve fitting and differential equations and proceed from elementary examples to the more complex. Chapter 4 introduces a few of the special commands in MLAB: the ROOT operator, the SUM command and the FOR command. These are basic commands and do not depend on anything in Chapters 2 and 3. Chapter 5 contains a discussion of files and in particular a description of DO FILES. DO FILES are the mechanism within MLAB to de- velop a programming language; that is, a se- quence of executable commands which can be called in as a package to operate on data. Chapter 6 is essentially comprised of detailed examples il- lustrating the contents of the first five chapters. PB-284 459/5 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. Computer Systems Engineering Div. Computer Science and Technology: Common Command Language for File Manipulation and Network Job Execution: An Example Special pub. M. L. Fitzgerals. Aug 78, 37p* Rept no. NBS-SP- 500-37 Descriptors: "Computer networks, "Programming languages, Minicomputers. Identifiers: "Network access machines, "Com- mand languages(Computers), PDP-1 1 /45 comput- ers, Honeywell-6180 computers, PDP-1 comput- ers, MULTICS system, TENEX system, UNIX system, TOPS-10 system, Access methods. Computer networks provide the capability for shar- ing resources across many diverse computer sys- tems. Utilizing this capability is inhibited by the re- quirement that the user become familiar with all the varied command languages and protocols of each accessed system. This report presents a general approach to solving this problem using an intermediary system to support a set of Common Commands for File Manipulation and Network Job Execution. To show the feasibility of this approach, common commands were implemented for four systems using the NBS Network Access Machine. PB-285 433/9 Southern Research Inst., Birmingham, Ala. A Computer-Based Cascade Impactor Data Re- duction System Final rept. for Feb 77-Jan 78 J. W. Johnson, G. I. Clinard, L. G. Felix, and J. D. McCain. Mar 78, 604p SORI-EAS-78-422, EPA/ 600/7-78/042 Contract EPA-68-02-2131 Descriptors: "Air pollution control, "Data reduc- tion, "Computer programs, Impactors, Fortran, Data analysis, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: "Cascade impactors, PDP-1 5/76 com- puters, MPPROG computer program, SPLIN1 computer program, GRAPH computer program, STATIS computer program, PENTRA computer program, PENLOG computer program. The report describes a cascade impactor data re- duction system written in the Fortran IV language. The overall system incorporates six programs: MPPROG, SPLIN1, GRAPH, STATIS, PENTRA, and PENLOG. Impactor design, particulate catch information, and sampling conditions from single impactor runs are used to calculate particle size distributions. MPPROG and SPLIN1 perform data analyses and make curve fits. GRAPH is totally de- voted to various forms of graphical presentation of the calculated distributions. The particle size distri- butions can be output in several forms. STATIS averages data from multiple impactor runs under a common condition. PENTRA or PENLOG calcu- lates the control device penetration and/or effi- ciency. The plotting routines have been written for a PDP1 5/76 computer and are not compatible with other computing systems without modification. PB-286 162/3 Stanford Univ., CA. Communications Satellite Planning Center. A Demand Assignment Multiple Access (DAMA) Control System for Thin-Route Satel- lite Telephone Systems Technical rept. 45 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER M. J. Sites, B. B. Lusignan, Warren Tan, Simon Chu, and James Swytu. Dec 76, 194p Rept no. TR-10 Descriptors: 'Controllers, "Telephone systems, 'Radio relay systems, Communication satellites, Telecommunication, Routing, Executive routines, Assembly languages, Computer programs. Identifiers: Satellite networks, Multiple access, Communication satellite terminals, Microproces- sors, Message processing, Computer applications, DAMA system. A review of alternative approaches to Demand As- signed Multiple Access (DAMA) controllers is given. These controllers route telephone calls be- tween different ground stations in a communica- tions satellite network. The approach recommend- ed uses a random access signaling channel with low data rate signaling and microprocessors at each station. The control system would cost less than S4000 per station. The system controls over 500 simultaneous calls in the satellite and will work with any number of stations in a network. Detailed microprocessor program flow charts are given for the recommended approach. (Portions of this doc- ument are not fully legible) PB-286 323/1 Geological Survey, Denver, CO A Computer Program for Calculating the Direct Current Resistivity Response for Electrodes Buried in a Horizontally Stratified Earth Final rept. Jeffrey J. Daniels. 1978, 67p Rept no. USGS/ GD-78/010 Descriptors: 'Resistivity exploration, 'Computer programs, Electrical resistivity, Computation, Direct current, Stratification, Fortran. Identifiers: BURDCLAY computer program, PDP- 10 computers. The report presents the theory, and a listing of a computer program, to calculate the direct current resistivity response for electrodes buried within a horizontally layered earth. The program is de- signed to calculate the response for the following electrode configurations: (1) hole-to-hole fixed source, (2) hole-to-hole moving source, (3) hole-to- surface with a fixed borehole source and a surface bipole receiver, (4) normal well logging array, (5) dipole-dipole well logging array, and (6) lateral well logging array. Examples are given for each of these arrays. PB-286 349/6 Industrial Environmental Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC. A Mathematical Model of Electrostatic Precipi- tation: Revision 1 Model-Simulation Jack R. McDonald, and Leslie E. Sparks. Jun 78, magtape* EPA/600/7-78/11 1C, EPA/DF-78/ 008 Source tape is in IBCDIC character set. Tapes can be prepared in most standard 7 or 9 track record- ing modes for one-half inch tape. Identify recording mode desired by specifying character set, track, density, and parity. Call NTIS Computer Products if you have questions. Price includes documentation, PB-284 61 4 and PB-284 61 5. Descriptors: 'Models-simulation, 'Electrostatic precipitation, 'Mathematical models, Particle size distribution, Computer programs, Revisions, Per- formance evaluation, Electric fields, Numerical analysis, Magnetic tapes, Fortran. Identifiers: PDP-15/76 computers, IBM-370/158 computers, CDC-7600 computers, Univac-1100 computers, Fortran 4 programming language. The computer program performs the calculations in the mathematical model of electrostatic precipi- tation and is documented in other publications. The program predicts collection efficiency in an electrostatic precipitator as a function of particle diameter, electrical operating conditions, collec- tion plate area, and gas properties. It calculates electric field distributions and voltage-current char- acteristics for wire-plate geometries. It determines particle as a function of particle diameter, electrical conditions, and residence time. It accounts for the nonideal effects of nonuniform gas velocity distri- bution, gas bypassage of electrified regions, and particle reentrainment by using empirically deter- mined, particle-size-dependent correction factors to reduce the ideal collection efficiency for each particle diameter. The program can predict trends in overall mass collection efficiency caused by changes in specific collection area, applied volt- age, current density, inlet mass loading, inlet parti- cle size distribution, and nonideal conditions. The program contains an estimation procedure which can be used in lieu of the rigorous procedure of calculation in order to obtain estimates without having to use large amounts of computer time. ..Software Description: The program is written in the Fortran IV programming language for imple- mentation on a DEC PDP 15/76 computer, using the DOS- 15 V3B operating system. The program has also been implemented on an IBM 370/158, a CDC 7600, and a UNIVAC 1100 with minor changes. It requires 86,334 octal words of core, plus an additional 10,276 octal words of core for system software on the DEC PDP 1 5/76. PB-287 069/9 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. Inst, for Computer Sciences and Technology. Computer Science and Technology: Proceed- ings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (14th) Held at Boston, Massachusetts on October 24-27, 1978 Final rept. James E. Weatherbee. Oct 78, 357p* Rept no. NBS-SPECIAL PUB-500-41 Library of Congress Catalog Card no. 78-600118. Descriptors: "Central processing units, 'Computer programming, 'Meetings, Performance evaluation, Simulation, Queueing theory, Network analysis theory, Computerized simulation, Mathematical models, Statistical analysis, Scheduling, Monitors, Minicomputers, Data processing terminals, Bench marks, Clustering. Identifiers: 'Computer performance evaluation, On line systems, Response time(Computers). The Proceedings record the papers that were pre- sented at the Fourteenth Meeting of the Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) held October 24-27, 1978 in Boston. The technical presentations were organized around the three phases of the ADP Life Cycle: the Requirements Phase (workload definition), the Acquisition Phase (computer system and service selection), and the Operational Phase (performance) measurement and prediction methods. The program of CPEUG 78 is also included and serves as an Appendix to the Proceedings. PB-288 323/9 Massachusetts Univ., Amherst. Dept. of Mechani- cal Engineering. Design for Manufacturability: The Implementa- tion and Usage of PADL on a PDP-11/34 Com- puter Along with a Survey of Languages for Geometric Modeling and a Computer Aided Design Program for the Coding of Small Parts by Their Feeding and Orienting Characteristics Rept. no. 1 J. P. Laiosa, and L. E. Murch. Aug 78, 194p NSF/RA-780296 Grant NSF-APR77-10197 Descriptors: 'Computer graphics, 'Programming languages, Solid geometry, Automation, Computer programs, Fortran, Orientation, Manufacturing. Identifiers: 'Geometric modelling, PADL system, PRTCOD computer program, PDP-11/34 comput- ers, Mechanical parts, Computer aided design. A review of computer graphics languages available for the geometric modeling of mechanical parts is presented. The review is used for comparison in choosing a language for use in engineering design. The PADL processor was chosen and purchased from the Production Automation Project of the Uni- versity of Rochester as a result of this review. The PADL processor was implemented on a PDP-11/ 34 DECLAB and an outline of the dissemination procedure is included along with a description of the problems and an example of the PADL proces- sor in operation. In addition, an interactive comput- er program is developed to aid a designer in deter- mining the 3 digit part code for feeding and orient- ing small parts according to the UMass Coding System. An example of this program is provided along with the flowcharts and program listings. PB-288 483/1 Rochester Univ., NY. Production Automation Proj- ect. Processes in the PADL-1.0/n Processor: The Drawing File Processor PADL system document W. A. Hunt. Aug 78, 35p PADL/SD-15, NSF/RA- 780295 Grant NSF-GI-34274X, NSF-APR76-01034 Report on Part and Assembly Decription Language (PADL). Descriptors: 'Computer graphics, 'Computer pro- gramming, Solid geometry, Automation, Engineer- ing drawings, Fortran. Identifiers: 'Geometric modelling, PADL-1.0/n system, PDP-1 1 computers, PADL system, Draw- ing files, FLECS programming language, Produc- tion automation project. The Drawing File Processor (DFP) produces standard engineering drawings from PADL-stand- ard Drawing Files. It does this by translating Draw- ing Files into sequences of plotter-specific com- mands, which may be saved on files or executed immediately to produce drawings. The current DFP, which is an independent FLECS/FORTRAN program containing some thirty-five subroutines, drives a Versatec 2160A plotter under the DEC PDP-1 1/RT-11 operating system. Other plotters, computers, and operating systems may be accom- modated by modifying or replacing various low- level procedures within the DFP. This document describes the structure and current status of the DFP and suggests procedures for customizing and commissioning it. PB-289 425/1 Stanford Univ., CA. Dept. of Computer Science. Exploratory Study of Computer Integrated As- sembly Systems Progress rept. no. 4, 1 Aug 76-31 Mar 77 T. O. Binford, C. R. Liu, G. Gini, M. Cini, and T. Ishida. Mar 77, 256p NSF/RA-770690 Descriptors: 'Production engineering, 'Automa- tion, Automatic control, Assembly languages, Arti- ficial intelligence, Manipulators, Pattern recogni- tion, Minicomputers, Algorithms, Computer pro- grams, Computer systems programs. Identifiers: AL programming language, Computer Integrated Assembly System Project. The Computer Integrated Assembly System proj- ect is concerned with developing the software technology of programmable assembly devices. A primary part of the research has been designing and building the AL language for assembly. A first level version of AL is now implemented and de- bugged, with user interfaces. Some of the steps involved in completing the system are described. The AL parser has been completed and is docu- mented in this report. A preliminary interface with vision is in operation. Several extensions to AL are described. A new interactive program for building models by teaching is running and undergoing fur- ther development. Algorithms for force compliance have been derived. A software system for force compliance has been implemented and is running in the AL runtime system. New algorithms have been derived for cooperative manipulation using two manipulators. Preliminary results are de- scribed for path calculation. These results are steps along the way to a runtime path calculator which will be important in making an export version of AL. Results are described of the analysis of sev- eral complex assemblies. These results show that two manipulators are necessary in a significant fraction of assembly operations. Studies are de- scribed which focus on making AL meet the reali- ties of industrial research and production use. Re- sults of a questionnaire of leading industrial and research laboratories are presented. PB-290 017/3 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. The Agonies of Automating Almost Anything Final rept. Don R. Boyle. 1978, 3p Pub. in Agri. Eng., p50-52 Oct 78. 46 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Descriptors: 'Automation, 'Laboratory equipment, Laboratories, Control equipment, Minicomputers, Systems engineering, Systems management. Identifiers: Reprints. This paper is written to the scientist or engineer who would like to use automation in his laboratory but who is not a computer specialist. The discus- sion attempts to illuminate some of the major prob- lem areas which are commonly encountered in the development of a minicomputer based automation system, and to give suggestions for reducing their adverse impact. Problem areas discussed include: system design, procurement, hardware and soft- ware aspects of system integration, and mainte- nance. PB-291 985/0 Boeing Computer Services Co., McLean, VA. LHC-PILOT, User Guide Technical rept. Glen I. Chapman, and William H. Ford, Jr. May 78, 78p NLM/LHC-TR-7801 Contract N01-LM-6-4755 Descriptors: "Computer programming, 'Instruc- tional materials, Programming manuals, Program- ming languages, Programmed instruction, Mini- computers, Education. Identifiers: "Computer aided instruction, LHC- PILOT programming language, PILOT system. LHC-PILOT is a computer based education pro- gramming language designed for easy control of interactive conversations between a computer system and a user terminal. The LHC-PILOT devel- opment objectives were to examine the feasibility of providing a single and multi-user PILOT system capable of running on a wide variety of minicom- puter hardware configurations. Version 1.1 of the 'LHC-PILOT User Guide' describes the language as it is implemented on Data General Minicom- puters. Two additional manuals may be obtained. The 'LHC-PILOT Systems Guide - Version 1.1' documents the general structure, installation, and maintenance of the system. The 'LHC-PILOT Logic Manual - Version 1.1' describes in detail the PILOT implementation process on a module by module basis. A draft version of this manual is available from the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications. A final version will be available from NTIS as subsequent revisions of LHC-PILOT are published. PB-291 986/8 Boeing Computer Services Co., McLean, VA. LHC-PILOT, Systems Guide Technical rept. Glen I. Chapman, and William H. Ford, Jr. May 78, 43p NLN/LHC-TR-7802 Contract N01-LM-6-4755 Descriptors: "Computer programming, "Instruc- tional materials, Programming manuals, Program- ming languages, Programmed instruction, Mini- computers, Education. Identifiers: "Computer aided instruction, LHC- PILOT programming language, PILOT system. LHC-PILOT is a computer based education pro- gramming language designed for easy control of interactive conversations between a computer system and a user terminal. Version 1.1 of the 'LHC-PILOT System Guide' has been prepared for PILOT administrators who would be responsible for installing the system. The document describes installation, system generation, the logging facility, device specification, user authorization file, and terminal handlers. The manual assumes the user has knowledge of both Data General Corporation's RDOS Operating System and hardware, and is fa- miliar with LHC-PILOT as presented in Version 1.1 of the 'LHC-PILOT User Guide.' For the user that has a need to modify and/or understand the actual structure of LHC-PILOT, a draft 'LHC-PILOT Logic Manual' is available from LHNCBC. A final version will be available through NTIS as subsequent revi- sions of the LHC-PILOT are published. PB-292 714/3 Idaho Univ., Moscow. Effects of Availability of Water on Irrigation Systems Operations Master's thesis James R. Worstell. Oct 78, 102p OWRT-B-039- IDA(2) Contract DI-14-34-0001-7152 Descriptors: "Water supply, "Irrigation, Water stor- age, Water distribution, Irrigation canals, Leaching. Evapotranspiration, Seepage, Water loss, Correla- tion techniques, Seasonal variations, Comparison, Droughts, Pumping, Estimating, Computer pro- grams, Minicomputers, Theses, Idaho. Identifiers: "Irrigation efficiency, Consumptive use. An analysis was made of the effects of water shortage on two different irrigation systems. Irriga- tion diversion and delivery data were analyzed. Es- timates were made of consumptive use, of convey- ance efficiencies. The analysis was made for dif- ferent periods of time during the irrigation season and results reported for each time period for proj- ect irrigation efficiencies, unit irrigation efficiencies, and conveyance efficiencies. PB-292 894/3 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Div. of Computer Research and Technology. MLAB: An On-Line Modeling System Software Gary D. Knott. Jan 79, mag tape* NIH/DF-79/ 001 Source tape is in ASCII character set. Character set restricts preparation to 9 track one-half inch tape only. Identify recording mode by specifying density only. Call NTIS Computer Products, if you have questions. Price includes documentation PB- 272 131, PB-292 895, PB-292 896, and PB-292 897. Descriptors: "Software, Curve fitting, Differential equations, Matrices(Mathematics), Roots of equa- tions, Magnetic tapes. Identifiers: "MLAB system, SAIL programming lan- guage, Decsystem-10 computers, Decsystem-20 computers, TENEX system, Mathematical Model- ing Laboratory. MLAB is an interactive system for mathematical modeling. The heart of the system is a non-linear curve-fitting procedure. Facilities for differential equation models, symbolic differentiation, rootfmd- ing, graphic display and plotting, function evalua- tion including sums and integrals, matrix calcula- tion, and saving and restoring data between ses- sions are included. ..Software Description: The system is written in the SAIL programming lan- guage for implementation on a DECsystem 10 or 20 OP system, or TENEX system. 80k bytes of core storage are required to operate the model. PB-292 895/0 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Div. of Computer Research and Technology. A Primer for MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Labo- ratory Emile Tobenfeld, John McCann, and Robert Young. Nov 78, 116p* NIH/DF-79/001A Descriptors: "Computer programming, "Program- ming manuals, Differential equations, Numerical integration, Curve fitting, Matrices(Mathematics), Roots of equations. Identifiers: "MLAB system, MLAB programming language, Decsystem-10 computers, Decsystem- 20 computers, Mathematical Modeling Laboratory. MLAB was developed as a tool for experimenta- tion with, and evaluation of, mathematical models or functions. Its power and flexibility allow it to be used cost effectively for a wide spectrum of math- ematical problems ranging from elementary arith- metic operations, systems of linear and non-linear equations, differential equations, and, in particular, curve fitting and graphics. The true power of MLAB resides in its simplicity and in the fact that it is used interactively by the researcher. Many different models or variants of a single model can be tried out in a single session since the computer re- sponse is immediate. Sophisticated operations can be accomplished on-line by issuing a few rela- tively simple commands and since results are available immediately to the user, he can update his model and proceed to the next operation based on the results he has received. PB-292 896/8 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Div. of Computer Research and Technology. MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory. Refer- ence Manuel (Seventh Edition) Gary D. Knott. Jan 79, 192p* NIH/DF-79/001B Descriptors: "Mathematical models, "Computer programming, Differential equations, Matrices(Matnematics), Numerical integration, Curve fitting. Identifiers: "MLAB system, TENEX system, Dec- system-10 computers, Decsystem-20 computers, PDP-10 computers. MLAB is a computer program whose name is an acronym for 'Modeling Laboratory'. It is a tool for experimentation with and evaluation of mathemat- ical models (Functions). MLAB is an interactive system for mathematical modeling. The heart of the system is a curve fitting program which will adjust the parameters of a model function to mini- mize the sum of the squared errors. A repertoire of mathematical operators and functions, a collection of routines for teletype and CRT plotting, and mechanisms for saving data between sessions provide a powerful and convenient environment for data manipulation, anthematic calculations, and for building and testing models. PB-292 897/6 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Div. of Computer Research and Technology. MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory. Appli- cations Manual Gary D. Knott. Jan 79, 200p* NIH/DF-79/001C Descriptors: "Computer programming, "Applica- tions of mathematics, Differential equations, Curve fitting, Numerical integration, Matrices(Mathematics). Identifiers: "MLAB system, Mathematical Modeling Laboratory, Decsystem-10 computers, Decsys- tem-20 computers. This manual is the result of dividing the MLAB manual into two parts, the MLAB Reference Manual, which contains the defining specifications of the MLAB language, and this MLAB applications manual, which contains material on the theory of curve-fitting and a number of examples and short theoretical development of common applications of MLAB. The examples include a number of tutori- al sequences which are useful for learning MLAB. PB-294 017/9 Texas Governor's Energy Advisory Council, Austin. Forecasting and Policy Analysis Div. An Improved Computer Program for Calculat- ing the Theoretical Performance Parameters of a Propeller Type Wind Turbine. An Appendix to the Final Report on Feasibility of Using Wind Power to Pump Irrigation Water (Texas) Robert E. Barieau. Mar 77, 71 p Rept no. TR-77/ 101-A Prepared in cooperation with West Texas State Univ., Canyon. Dept. of Physics. Descriptors: "Water services, "Irrigation, "Wind power generation, Turbines, Propellers, Newton- Raphson method, Computer programs, Fortran. Identifiers: "Wind turbines, PROP computer pro- gram, PDP-10 computers. The PROP Program of Wilson and Lissaman has been modified by adding the Newton-Raphson Method and a Step Wise Search Method, as op- tions for the method of solution. In addition, an op- timization method is included. Twist angles, tip speed ratio and the pitch angle may be varied to produce maximum power coefficient. The comput- er program listing is presented along with sample input and output data. Further improvements to the program are discussed. PB-295 789/2 National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. Mathematical Modeling and New Experiments on Durability of Paper: A Progress Report Rept for 1 Feb 77-30 Sep 78 47 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Jeffrey T. Fong, Ivan K. Fong, Elizabeth E Toth, and Edmond L. Graminski. 11 Apr 79, 83p Rept no. NBSIR-79-1746 Sponsored in part by Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Washington, DC. Prepared in cooperation with Seneca Valley High School, Germantown, MD. Descriptors: 'Papers, Durability, Pulps, Fibers. Data retrieval. BASIC programming language, Computer graphics, Manuals. Identifiers: Data bases, Data base management systems, PDP-10 computers, COLLIN system. As a necessary step towards the modeling of the microstructural changes of paper due to environ- mental and mechanical loadings, a computer- aided data file for a collection of 47 NBS reports (1953-1976) is created Using an in-house experi- mental database management system (COLLIN) as implemented on an NBS computer (DEC PDP- 10), a mini-data bank for the 47 technical reports is set up with the following searchable parameters: (a) repod number, (b) author's name, (c) keyword, (d) test sample label, and (e) primary test variable. Each search will yield a complete record contain- ing all the searchable information as well as (f) title of report, (g) citation, (h) the abstract, and (i) the so-called secondary test variable. To obtain quan- titative information from any specific report for some combinations of sample labels and test var- iables for which experimental data were reported, a data tape is prepared and implemented for re- trieval on a leased mini-computer graphical system (Tektronix 4051 with printer 4641 and plotter 4662). The operating system using the computer language BASIC is general enough to assist any scientist or engineer to create a personal data file at a reasonable cost. It is clearly demonstrated that no prior training in the use of a computer is necessary for the implementation of this project. During this reporting period, experiments on relat- ing the quantity of water in the cellulose walls of pulp fibers to the cross-sectional morphology of fibers in paper were in progress. A brief discussion of this aspect of work is included in this report. PB-296 265/2 National Engineering Lab. (NBS), Washington, DC. Electron Devices Div. Semiconductor Measurement Technology: Spreading Resistance Analysis for Silicon Layers with Nonuniform Resistivity Final rept. 1 Oct 75-30 Sep 76 James R. Ehrstem, and David H. Dickey. May 79, 75p Rept no NBS-SP-400/48 Contract ARPA Order-2397 Prepared in cooperation with Solecon Labs , Costa Mesa, CA Descriptors: 'Semiconductor doping, 'Electrical resistivity. Electrical resistance, Electrical mea- surement, Silicon, Semiconductor devices, Accu- racy, Algorithms, Computer programs, Mathemat- ical models, Microcomputers. Identifiers: Impurity profiles(Semiconductors), Spreading resistance, Electrical resistance, Elec- trical resistivity method, Electrical resistivity probes, One dimensional calculations, Two dimen- sional calculations, HP-9830A programmable cal- culators. A simple mathematical algorithm is developed for the calculation of resistivity depth profiles from spreading resistance measurements on sectioned silicon device structures It is applicable to struc- tures consisting of one or more layers of the same or differing conductivity types. The algorithm ac- counts for modification of the sampling volume of the spreading resistance probes arising from nearby variations, in depth, of specimen resistivity whether resulting from graded dopant distribution or electrical boundaries, either insulating or con- ducting Compared with the traditional spreading resistance analysis algorithm, the present work offers greatly reduced execution times even with a microcomputer, making real time analysis for proc- ess control possible. An experiment to test the ac- curacy of one of the limiting models used is de- scribed. In addition, computer experiments are used for simple layer models to compare results based on this algorithm with results from the Schu- mann-Gardner approach PB-296 568/9 Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO. Engineering and Research Center. A Microcomputer Software Development System S. C. Stitt. and T R. Whittemore. Sep 78, 34p* Rept no. REC-ERC-78-9 Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Minicomputers, 'Computer systems programs. Assembly lan- guages, Assembler routines, Editing routines, Pro- gramming manuals Identifiers: Computer software, HP-2100A comput- ers. The rapid growth of the microcomputer field has spawned a growing need for software develop- ment capability. Distributed processing concepts requiring several small processors are gaining wide acceptance. In the research environment where single quantity production is common as op- posed to the large quantity productions of a manu- facturing environment, the cost of procuring a new software development system with each micro- computer is prohibitive. The systems described here have been very successful in operation. The concepts contained in this report are applicable for use by anyone involved in developing software for a small microcomputer using absolute assembly language. The software packages described in this report were designed for use on the HP 2100A minicomputer; thus, this software could readily be used by someone possessing an HP 2100A mini- computer. PB-297 874/0 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. NIH Telephone Service Directory and Informa- tion Locator System Software Joseph G. Whitlock. Jun 79, mag tape NIH/DF- 79/003 Source Diskette is in EBCDIC character set and was recorded with the IBM Series I Event Driven Executive (EDX) Operating System Copying is lim- ited to the EBCDIC character set and the EDX Dis- kette format. Call NTIS Computer Products if you have questions. Price includes documentation, PB- 297 875. Descriptors: 'Software, 'Directories, Telephone systems, Information retrieval, Personnel, Magnet- ic tapes, Minicomputers. Identifiers: 'Telephone directories, EDX program- ming language. The information locator was originally designed as a low cost version of the large Directory Assist- ance package used by many telephone compa- nies. A main concern was for up-to-date camera- ready copy to be available for publication of the telephone directory Two methods of information retrieval are supported: One is for the alphabetic files (the employees and patients), the other is for those files which have no logical method of organi- zation. An example of such a file would be the or- ganizational listing found in most government tele- phone books, which are organized by position within division. These files may be accessed as re- lated records and viewed by scrolling backward or forward to locate information desired. The alpha- betic files are accessed by keying in the first 3 let- ters of the last name (ex: SMI would cause display- ing of all records from SMIA to SMIZ.) All additions, deletions or changes to the file are available immediately. ..Software Description: The program is written in the Event Driven Executive (EDX) pro- gramming language for implementation on an IBM Series I minicomputer using the EDX operating system 48k bytes of core storage are required to operate the system. At least one 4979 Display Ter- minal and a 4974 Printer is required for successful operation of the system. PB-297 875/7 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. NIH Telephone and Service Directory and In- formation Locator System, User's Guide Jun 79, 159p* NIH/DF-79/003A Descriptors: 'Directories, Information retrieval, Personnel, Organizations, Telephone systems. Minicomputers, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Telephone directories, EDX program- ming language. The Systems Design is for a generalized telephone directory and/or personnel locator information re- trieval and update system. It is comprised of two entirely separate systems of retrieval and update depending upon whether the informational files are organized in alphabetical order or in some other order meaningful to the user With appropriate tai- loring it can be made to serve either or both means of file organization. The design shown here as- sumes both types of file organization. The System runs on a 4955 Series 1 computer with 9 8Mb. 4962 M2 Disk/Diskette unit, 4979 displays and a 4974 printer. It will support multiple 4979 Display Units requiring approximately 4 5K of memory for each terminal. The minimum machine configura- tion is 48K with 1-4979 Display Terminal The System runs under the EDX Operating System V2.1. Programming language is EDX. A single 4979 Display Terminal is designated as the super- visor terminal and it is from this terminal that all file maintenance and report generation is accom- plished. All other terminals are restricted to the in- formation retrieval function. These terminals are activated by the supervisor terminal at IPL time via a command screen. PB-298 194/2 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, MN. Vehicle Detection, Phase III: Passive Bus De- tector/Intersection Priority System Develop- ment. Option II: Manufacturing Drawings and Prototype Development Final rept. 30 Nov 76-31 Oct 77 Roger A Lubke, and D. George Putnam. Oct 77, 301p F2186-FR3, FHWA/RD-77/122 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8149 Descriptors: 'Vehicle detection, 'Vehicular traffic control, Buses(Vehicles), Passive detection, Inter- sections, Field tests, Classifiers, Urban transporta- tion, Magnetic detection, Automatic control equip- ment, Microcomputers, Computer programs, Com- puter programming, Drawings. Identifiers: Magnetic loop detection. Traffic actu- ated traffic control, Signalized intersections, Pre- emptive control. A production prototype 16-channel Passive Bus Detector (PBD) was developed, based on the engi- neering model Passive Bus Detector/Intersection Priority System. The PBD is functionally the same as the engineering model except that the traffic controller function was not carried along into the production prototype mode. The PBD was repack- aged to facilitate production and evaluated in an intersection with a typical traffic controller Oper- ation in the intersection for a 2-month period was successful. PNL-2405 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. NEWCAS: An Interactive Computer Program for Particle Size Analysis M. A. Hill, C. R. Watson, and O. R. Moss. Dec 77, 76p Contract EY-76-C-06-1830 Portions of document are illegible. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Particle size clas- sifiers, Cascade impactors, Computer graphics, Data processing, Fortran, N codes, PDP comput- ers. Identifiers: ERDA/420200, NEWCAS computer program. NEWCAS, a FORTRAN program executable on PDP 11/70, was used to calculate the respirable fraction of aerosols from cascade impactor data. This report describes how NEWCAS works and how to use it. Included is a complete program list- ing. A novel feature of the program is the method used to display a log-normal probability plot on an ordinary (non-graphics) computer terminal Calcu- lations are independent of how the stage activity is measured NEWCAS always assumes a log- normal distribution. 8 figures. (ERA citation 03:024826) RI-34 Radievyi Inst., Leningrad (USSR). 48 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Use of M-6000 Minicomputer for Preliminary Processing of a Gamma Spectra V. V. Berdikov, N. S. Kalentarov, Eh. N. Lazyanin, R. I. Lyubtsev, and V. M. Mosyazh. 1975, 16p Available in microfiche only. In Russian, 4 refs.; 3 figs. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Gamma spectrometers, Algol, Algo- rithms, Computer codes, Computers, Data proc- essing, Data transmission, Diagrams, Gamma spectra, Li-drifted ge detectors, Spectra unfolding. Identifiers: ERDA/440103, USSR, Algol, ALC, Min- icomputers, RAPID computer program. An algorithm is described of gamma spectra proc- essing on the basis of a simple method with the use of a minicomputer. The computer program has been written an ALGOL and ASSEMBLER for the basic set of modules of the M-6000 computer. The operational description of a device for the rapid binary code output of information from a multi- channel analyser through a puncher on paper tape is given. The data output speed is 40 channels per second. The speed of information processing using the program RAPID is 0.5 photopeaks per second. The program provides the complete anal- ysis of multi-component Ge(Li) type gamma spec- tra and the quantitative determination of up to 16 isotopes. (Atomindex citation 08:322768) RISO-M-1907 Research Establishment Risoe, Roskilde (Den- mark). Algorithms and Programs for Consequence Diagram and Fault Tree Construction E. Hollo, and J. R. Taylor. Dec 76, 47p Available in microfiche only. 1 refs. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Failure mode analysis, 'Fault tree analysis, Algorithms, Diagrams, Pdp computers, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Denmark, PDP-8 com- puters, LISP programming language. A presentation of algorithms and programs for consequence diagram and sequential fault tree construction that are intended for reliability and disturbance analysis of large systems. The system to be analyzed must be given as a block diagram formed by mini fault trees of individual system components. The programs were written in LISP programming language and run on a PDP8 com- puter with 8k words of storage. A description is given of the methods used and of the program construction and working. (Atomindex citation 08:311358) SAND-76-0597 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. EASI on the HP-25, HP-65, and HP-67 D. W. Sasser. May 77, 18p Rept no. NUREG- 0231 Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Nuclear facilities, 'Nuclear power plants, 'Microprocessors, 'Security, Computer codes, E codes, Hp computers. Identifiers: ERDA/220900, ERDA/055001, 'EASI computer program, HP-25 computers, HP-65 com- puters, HP-67 computers. EASI (Estimate of Adversary Sequence Interrup- tion) is an effective, simple method which has been developed for use in evaluating physical se- curity systems. The usefulness of the method is enhanced by the fact that it can be implemented on a programmable pocket calculator. A program for the Texas Instruments SR-52 programmable pocket calculator has been developed and report- ed upon elsewhere. The purpose of this report is to provide programs for the Hewlett-Packard pro- grammable pocket calculators. (ERA citation 02:048745) SAND-76-0743 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 60 Com- parison of Applicon Disk Files W. C. Burd. Jan 77, 15p Contract E(29-1)-789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Magnetic disks, 'Programming, Operation, PDP computers, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, UCMD-60 computer program. This document describes program UCMD 60--an Applicon AGS/870/880 User Command for com- paring AGS disk files. (ERA citation 03:02081 0) SAND-76-8265 Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. FORODT: Fortran Debug Routine for the PDP- 11 (RT-11) D. N. Tanner. Jan 77, 28p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *Pdp computers, Corrections, Errors, F codes, Fortran, Program- ming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Forodt computer pro- gram, PDP 11 computers, 'Debugging(Computers). FORODT provides run-time debug features to PDP-11 Fortran programs running with the RT-11 operating system. Digital Equipment Corporation's ODT program has been extended to include For- tran breakpoints, decimal integer and floating point data input, and output options. 3 figures. (ERA cita- tion 02:031 730) SAND-77-0128 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Sandia FOCAL-77 W. F. Chambers. Feb 77, 47p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: *Pdp computers, X-ray diffracto- meters. Electron microprobe analysis, Electron probes, On-line control systems, Programming, Programming languages. Identifiers: " ERDA/990200, 'Operating system(Computers), PDP-8 computers, *Focal-77 programming language. A computer-based operating system for the Sandia Electron Microprobe and X-ray Diffraction Laboratories has been developed. The system, which is built around Digital Equipment Corpora- tion's interpretive language FOCAL (FOrmula CALculator) for the PDP-8 series computer, utilizes 16K, 20K, or 24K core and incorporates computed line number, tabulation, file handling, doubly di- mensioned variable, modulo, logical IF, multiplica- tive congruence random number, extended text editing, American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) string, extended line length, disc variable storage, X-Y plotter, and nuclear mul- tichannel data acquisition and display routines. It also includes hardware driver routines for the counters, multiplexers, digital-to-analog convert- ers, and stepping motors associated with an elec- tron microprobe or an X-ray diffractometer and for an optical densitometer. The floating point, push- down list, variable lookup, sorting, and branching routines were recoded to improve execution speed. The extended arithmetic element (EAE) was used whenever possible. Most features, in- cluding hardware driver selection, amount of core, presence or absence of the EAE, disc variable storage, and output line length, are conditionally assembled and are selectable at assembly time. Several subroutines are included to facilitate adding additional commands or functions. These include subroutines for branching to a new com- mand, evaluating an argument, and floating integer data. SANDIA FOCAL-77 replaces SANDIA FOCAL-76. It differs from SANDIA FOCAL-76 by having expanded subscripted variable storage, a modulo function, a logical IF command, and ex- panded plotter commands. 7 figures, 9 tables. (ERA citation 02:047034) SAND-77-0295 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 41: Gerber Assistance Program K. E. Wiegandt. Apr 77, 25p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Plotters, Fortran, Pdp computers, Programming, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, UCMD41 computer program. This document describes program UCMD 41 -an Applicon AGS/870 User Command for determin- ing the variable parameters required to Gerber photo-plot AGS drawings. 2 figures. (ERA citation 02:050511) SAND-77-1051 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 81: Map of Drawing Dictionary D. K. Robbms. Jul 77, 23p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Magnetic disks. Computer graphics, HP computers, PDP comput- ers, Programming, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, UCMD81 computer program. This document describes program UCMD 81 -an Applicon AGS/870 User Command for mapping the contents of a drawing dictionary. Input is either from a drawing file or from a drawing on the table. Output is either hard or soft copy. (ERA citation 02:061841) SAND-77-1054 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 84: Edit of a Macro for a Drawing on the Table D. K. Robbins. Feb 78, 20p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer aided design. Computer graphics, Modifications, PDP computers, V codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, UCMD-84 computer program. This document describes program UCMD 84-an Applicon AGS/870 User Command for editing a MACRO using the HP 2644/5 and returning it to the drawing on the table. (ERA citation 03:029995) SAND-77-1088 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 64: Dump- ing Drawing Files to Tape D. K. Robbins, and W. C. Burd. Jul 77, 24p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer aided design, Computer graphics, Diagrams, Magnetic tapes, Pdp computers, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. This document describes program UCMD 64-an Applicon AGS/870/880 User Command for selec- tively dumping drawing files onto magnetic tape, by using an Applicon System. (ERA citation 03:009506) SAND-77-1350 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 43: Zero Core Program W. C. Burd. Sep 77, 11p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *PDP computers, Operation, Programming, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'PDP-11 computers, 'Computer storage management. UCMD 43, version 1.0, is a MADD system user command that clears core in the PDP-1 1 equipped with Applicon memory management hardware. The clearing of core, which is performed in a spe- cial way, is required whenever the machine is to be powered down for any length of time, such as at the end of the work day or when uncleared person- nel need access to the system. The process em- ployed is approved by the security group. Since the program has the ability to determine the available processor core size automatically, it can function on any size configuration without modification. (ERA citation 03:009508) 49 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER SAND-77-1492 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. General Purpose Magnetic Tape Handler N. A. Bourgeois, Jr. Oct 77, 13p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Magnetic tapes, E codes, PDP computers, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, PDP-11 computers, Fortran. A recently developed Fortran-callable general pur- pose magnetic tape handler is presented. The handler operates under the RT-11 operating system on a Digital Corporation PDP-11 family computer. Also included is a sample Fortran pro- gram. (ERA citation 03:013580) SAND-77-1609 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 87: Genera- tion of Windows D. K. Robbins. Jan 78, 21 p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, 'Computer graph- ics, Computer aided design, PDP computers, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, UCMD-87 computer program. This document describes program UCMD 87-an Applicon AGS/870 User Command for generating windows with input from the dimensions contained in Window 0. 4 tables. (ERA citation 03:025600) SAND-77-1683 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 85 D. K. Robbins. Jan 78, 17p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer graph- ics, 'Computer aided design, PDP computers, U codss Identifiers: ERDA/990200, UCMD-85 computer program, Macros. This document describes program UCMD 85-an Applicon AGS/870 User Command for extracting a MACRO from a file drawing and appending it to a drawing on the table, nondialogue version. (ERA citation 03:029998) SAND-77-1684 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Software Development of a Real Time Signal Processing System N. A. Bourgeois, Jr. Dec 77, 36p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Programming, Algorithms, Data processing, Digital filters, PDP computers, Secu- rity. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Signal processing, Real time, Assembly languages, Fixed point method. A method of developing real-time signal process- ing assembly language code is described. The technique presented includes the use of fixed- point arithmetic. A sample program of a real-time nonrecursive adaptive filter followed by an averag- ing detector is also included. 5 figures. (ERA cita- tion 03:025601) SAND-77-1684C Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Software Development of a Real Time Signal Processing System N. A. Bourgeois, Jr. 1977, 66p Rept no. CONF- 771206-3 Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Digital signal processing symposium, Albuquer- que, NM, USA, 6 Dec 1 977. Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Signal processing, Real time sys- tems, Algorithms, Analog-to-digital converters, Data processing, Electric cables, Fortran, PDP computers, Security, Signals, Underground. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Adaptive filters, As- sembly languages. A method of developing real time signal process- ing assembly language code is described. The technique presented includes the use of fixed point arithmetic. A sample program of a real time nonrecursive adaptive filter followed by an averag- ing detector is also included. (ERA citation 03:027707) SAND-77-1798 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 88: Store User Dictionary N. J. Nelson. Dec 77, 14p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer graph- ics, Pdp computers, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, UCMD-88 computer program. This document describes program UCMD88-an Applicon AGS/870 User Command to store the dictionary from a drawing file loaded on the table to a file called USERDIC created in the user's area. (ERA citation 03:029999) SAND-77-1874C Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Portable Data Acquisition System R. P. Kromer. 1977, 30p Rept no. CONF-771206- 10 Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Digital signal processing symposium, Albuquer- que, NM, USA, 6 Dec 1977. Descriptors: 'Data acquisition systems, 'Physical protection devices, Amplifiers, Background noise, Computer codes, Data processing, Design, Elec- tronic equipment, Libraries, Microprocessors, Se- curity, Signals. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, Intrusion detectors, Signal processing, BISS program. The Air Force Base and Installation Security Sys- tems (BISS) Program is funding a project at Sandia Laboratories to improve the performance of perim- eter intrusion detection sensors by using state-of- the-art signal processing techniques. The tech- niques being investigated require a signal frequen- cy bandwidth that is considerably wider (up to 500 Hz) than that used in the present sensor electron- ics. For this reason, there was very little sensor data available when the project was started, and it was necessary to develop a special data library to be used in this signal processing development. Ini- tial efforts at developing the data library involved the use of an analog tape recorder with a commer- cial amplifier front end. Even though high quality equipment was used, instrumentation and ground loop noise still complicated the analysis of the sensor signals. It was at this point that the decision was made to develop a low-noise data acquisition system specifically for use in the signal processing development project. The requirements dictated, in addition to being low-noise, that the system handle input signals down to a microvolt necessi- tating amplification of 110 to 120 dB; and that the entire system be sufficiently portable to allow ship- ping as airline baggage. This report describes the data acquisition system which resulted. (ERA cita- tion 03:029279) SAND-77-2024 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 65: Adding Text from Disc to AGS Drawings W. C. Burd. Oct 77, 23p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer graph- ics, PDP computers, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200., 'Text processing. This document describes program UCMD 65-an Applicon AGS/870 User Command for adding text from an AGS disc file to an AGS/870 drawing file. 5 figures. (ERA citation 03:01 3582) SAND-77-2035 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 47: Thin Film Resistor Layout K. E. Wiegandt. Dec 77, 35p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Resistors, Com- puter-aided design, Films, Microelectronic circuits, Pdp computers, Printed circuits, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, UCMD 47 computer program, 'Film resistors, Layout. This document describes program UCMD 47-an Applicon AGS/870 User Command for parametri- cally producing thin-film resistor layouts in three generalized configurations. (ERA citation 03:026775) SAND-77-8271 Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. RT11LIB: A Library of Subroutines for Trans- ferring Data Between a PDP-11 and CDC-6600 H. D. Jones. Jan 78, 14p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, CDC computers, PDP computers, Data transmission, R codes, Translators. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, RT11LIB computer program, CDC-6600 computers, PDP-11 comput- ers, Subroutine libraries. RT11LIB is a library of subroutines available to CDC 6600 users for the purpose of transferring data or program listings between a PDP-11 and a CDC 6600. These subroutines, operating on a CDC 6600 under the NOS/BE or SCOPE 3.4 oper- ating systems, read or write magnetic tapes that are compatible with the PDP-1 1's RT1 1 operating system. Data written on the tape by the PDP-1 1 can be read by these subroutines and then trans- lated into CDC 6600 format for subsequent data analysis. The translation process provides for many data formats, including byte, integer, floating point, and character string formats. Alternatively, data from the CDC 6600 can be translated into PDP-1 1 format then written onto the tape for sub- sequent use on the PDP-11. This facility allows a program punched on a card deck by a keypunch operator to be transferred to the PDP-11, even though the PDP-1 1 is not itself equipped with a card reader. (ERA citation 03:025603) SAND-77-8717 Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. R7912 Transient Digitizer FORTRAN Compati- ble Subroutines for the PDP-11 (RT-11) L. M. Watkins. Mar 78, 19p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Cathode ray tube digitizers, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, DPD-11 computers, Assembly languages, Subroutines. Assembly-language software subroutines were de- veloped for the Tektronix R7912 waveform digi- tizer which are RT-11 FORTRAN compatible and run on the PDP-11. Data collected from the digi- tizer are stored on a file in both raw and normalized form, and the level of confidence to be expected in the normalized data is available to the user. These capabilities are achieved by three routines which set the transient digitizer for operation in the repet- itive or single-sweep mode, unload raw data from the R7912 memory, and normalize raw data for signal processing or plotting. 5 figures, 2 tables. (ERA citation 03:03251 7) SAND-78-0039 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. DPLIB.1: A Library of Data Processing Rou- tines for the PDP1 1 Computer L. Toliver. Feb 78, 15p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer graph- ics, 'Computer aided design, D codes, Data proc- essing, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'PDP-11 computers, Assembly languages, Fortran. This library was created for use in the development of user commands for the Applicon Graphic System. Data processing routines in the library can be called by PDP1 1 assembly language or FOR- TRAN programs. (ERA citation 03:032518) 50 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER SAND-78-0101 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, NM. Operation and Maintenance Instructions: Tower Alarm Signaling System C. Kraft. May 78, 125p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: "Alarm systems, Communications, Computer codes, Electronic circuits, Equipment in- terfaces, Logic circuits, Maintenance, Manuals, Mi- croprocessors, Multiplexers, Operation, Oscilla- tors. Identifiers: ERDA/440300. The Alarm Signaling System is a set of seven unique circuit cards with a chassis unit which pro- vides power supplies and card mounting facilities. The system is designed to provide a multi-node communications network. At each node a chassis along with selected circuit cards can be configured to perform various functions, from simple data re- laying to complex data modification. The one cir- cuit card required at every node is the Special Pur- pose Logic Component (SPLC) card. This card is a microprocessor which is programmed to perform the data manipulations of the node. The theory of operation and microprocessor program are de- scribed in detail. (ERA citation 04:001 278) SAND-78-0390C Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. SALOGS Digital Logic Simulator G. R. Case. 1978, 6p Rept no. CONF-780518-2 Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 IEEE symposium on circuits and systems, New York, NY, USA, 17 May 1978. Descriptors: "Computer codes, * Logic circuits, Al- gorithms, CDC computers, Computer-aided design, Digital systems, Electronic circuits, Inte- grated circuits, PDP computers, S codes, Simula- tion, Testing. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, SALOGS computer program, Computerized simulation. SALOGS, Version IV, is the latest in a series of programs designed to simulate and test digital net- works. The network description language, simula- tion control language, simulation algorithm, and method used for fault diagnosis are described. (ERA citation 03:041335) SAND-78-0595 Sandia Labs., Tonopah, NV. Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking R. T. Finnell. Sep 78, 23p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Data acquisition systems, "Radar, "Trajectories, Computer calcula- tions, Design, Errors, Tonopah test range. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, "Tracking, Minicom- puters. A minicomputer program for remote tracking was written that will execute 100 times per second and provide smoothing and look-ahead for azimuth and elevation angles. Pointing angle errors are typically less than 0.01 degrees, and the range accuracy is within 1 meter. 8 figures, 3 tables. (ERA citation 04:014478) SAND-78-0643 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. COLORS Reference Manual D. B. Saylors. Apr 78, 50p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Computer graph- ics, C codes, CDC computers, Color, Manuals, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, COLORS computer program. A package of subroutines was added to the Sandia Interactive Graphics System to display shaded sur- face color pictures on the Comtal 8300. This refer- ence manual describes the general framework of the package and gives a detailed description of each user-callable subroutine. 3 figures, 1 table. (ERA citation 03:049321) SAND-78-1646 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, NM. User/Programmer Guide for UCMD59: Store Drawing File Index Information N. J. Nelson. Sep 78, 21 p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: Computer codes, Computer-aided design, Computer graphics, PDP computers, Text editors, U codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Data storage, UCMD59 computer program, Magnetic disks. This document describes program UCMD59-an Applicon AGS/870 User Command to read infor- mation from the file index table of a drawing file and store it in a text file, create the formal filename for the file, and store the file under that filename in a release area on disk. 3 figures. (ERA citation 04:017639) SAND-78-8205 Sandia Labs., Livermore, Calif. EDITOR: A Text Editor for the PDP-11 (RT-11) D. N. Tanner. Mar 78, 54p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Text editors, E codes, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "EDITOR computer program, Text editing systems, "PDP-11 comput- ers, Minicomputers. EDITOR is a program used to create and modify any text or source program. The program runs on the PDP-1 1 with the RT-1 1 operating system (V2C or V3). EDITOR is a line editor with an emphasis on text safety and ease of use. Character string search and substitution, selective input and output, line printer and terminal listing features are pro- vided. (ERA citation 03:03431 8) SAND-79-0292 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, NM. Some PDP-11 BASIC-11 Extension Routines N. A. Bourgenis, Jr. Mar 79, 70p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "PDP computers, G codes, I codes, N codes, P codes, Programming, S codGS T codss Identifiers: ERDA/990200, BASIC-11 program- ming language, PDP-11 computers, Basic pro- gramming language. Some extension routines to Digital Equipment Cor- poration's BASIC-11 V2 interpreter running under RT-1 11 V03 are described. They provide the means for reading (GET, GETB, TBIT) and writing (PUT, PUTB, SBIT) words, bytes, and bits at any implemented UNIBUS address, identifying (IDEN) the extended BASIC-11 interpreter, and zeroing (NULL) arrays. 34 figures, 3 tables. (ERA citation 04:038032) SGAE-2725 Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Ato- menergie G.m.b.H., Vienna. RSPLOT, A Program Group for Evaluation of the Data past Temperatures and Stress Values of the "Prestressed Concrete Pressure Vessel- High Temperature Helium Test Rig" W. Beierl, and G M. Jakubczyk. Mar 77, 45p Rept nos. MA-32/77, RS-1 10/77 U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Helium cooled re- actors, "Pressure vessels, Fortran, Helium, IBM computers, Measuring methods, PDP computers, Plotters, Prestressed concrete, R codes, Strain gages, Stress analysis, Temperature measure- ment. Identifiers: ERDA/220900, ERDA/210300, Aus- tria, RSPLOT computer program, PDP-8 comput- ers. From the Austrian Project "Prestressed Concrete Pressure Vessel-High Temperature Helium Test Rig" the measured data are stored on an Industry Compatible Magnetic-Tape using a PDP-8 as data acquisition facility. The described programs facili- tate the reading of the tape into the IBM-System sorting the data past temperatures and stress values. They are stored on disk from where a fur- ther evaluation and calculation takes place and graphs via the BENSON-Plotter are produced. (Atomindex citation 09:367929) SLAC-PUB-2103 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Calif. IBM 370/360 Software Package for Developing Stand Alone LSI-1 1 Systems R. L. A. Cottrell, and C. A. Logg. Apr 78, 19p Contract EY-76-S-03-0326-039 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Programming, Computer codes, Ibm computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, IBM-360 computers, IBM-370 computers, Structured programming, Compilers, Assemblers, Macros. A software package for the IBM 360/370 system at SLAC was implemented for use in the develop- ment of stand alone LSI-1 1 software systems. In- cluded in this package are the following: XASM1 1 , a cross assembler which handles a substantial subset of MACRO-11; PL-11, a cross compiler for a structured programing language designed around the PDP-11 instruction set; FORTRAN, complied under RT-1 1 and transmitted to the IBM 360/370 for translation and integration; XLCVT, a conversion program which takes as input standard DEC DOS/RT-1 1 object modules or LIBR files or object modules produced by PL-11 and XASM11 and converts them to a form suitable for input to XLINK11; XLINK11, a cross linker which takes in relocatable object modules and outputs a DEC DOS/RT-1 1 absolute loader format module, or a format suitable for an IBM 360/370 PDP-11 simu- lator; REFORM/EPROM, conversion programs which take as input a DEC DOS absolute loader format module generated by XLINK1 1 and convert it to a format suitable for downloding into an LSI-1 1 or for burning into EPROM's; XREF, a cross refer- ence program which takes as input a PDS of XLINK11 type object modules, and outputs cross reference tables and information on each of the modules; WYLBUR execute files, files executed from the terminal to create jobs in response to simple prompts; and KERNEL, a set of MACRO-1 1 and PL-1 1 routines which have been burnt into 2780 EPROM's and include a terminal emulator, a down line loader, and several routines for the LSI- 1 1 . This work was accomplished by using the facili- ties already available on the IBM 360/370 system. Most of this package has been in regular use since Spring 1976, although new features are still being added. The manpower cost of researching, orga- nizing, developing, and integrating the tools has paid off well. 3 figures. (ERA citation 03:049324) SLAC-PUB-2205 Stanford Univ., CA. Software for Microcircuit Systems P. F. Kunz. Oct 78, 15p Contract EY-76-C-03-0515 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, Integrated circuits, Programming, Translators. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Large scale integrated circuits, Microelectronics, Microcicuits, Computer software. Modern Large Scale Integration (LSI) microcircuits are meant to be programed in order to control the function that they perform. The basics of micropro- graming and new microcircuits have already been discussed. In this course, the methods of develop- ing software for these microcircuits are explored. This generally requires a package of support soft- ware in order to assemble the microprogram, and also some amount of support software to test the microprograms and to test the microprogramed circuit itself. 15 figures, 2 tables. (ERA citation 04:017640) SLAC-PUB-2302 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, CA. Simulation of LSI-1 1/PDP-11 Series Minicom- puters J. R. Myers, R. L. A. Cottrell, and B. M. Bricaud. Apr 79, 6p Rept no. CONF-790454-1 Contract EY-76-C-03-0515 DECUS spring mini/midi symposium. New Or- leans, LA, USA, 17 Apr 1979. 51 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Descriptors: PDP computers, Fortran, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Simulator routines, PDP-11 computers, LSI-11 computers, Minicom- puters, IBM-370 computers, Debugging(Computers). A functional simulation of the PDP-1 1 series mini- computers was implemented to run either interacti- vely or as a batch job on an IBM 370 computer. The simulator operates in two modes, the supervi- sor mode and the run mode. In the supervisor mode, the simulator implements a command lan- guage, which allows users to examine and change the contents of memory or other addressable reg- isters in the simulated machine. Optionally, an in- struction trace may also be turned on or off. In the run mode, the simulation of the instruction set is tested by successfully running DEC'S MAINDEC basic instruction test on the simulated machine. The interrupt structure is modeled. The simulation is open ended in the sense that users may define new peripheral devices, by including their own FORTRAN callable subroutines for each simulated device. Currently the following devices are sup- ported: floppy disks, a console terminal, a card reader, a card punch, a line printer, and a commu- nications multiplexer (DH11). With these devices DEC'S RT-1 1 versions 2C and 3B have been suc- cessfully run on the simulator. At SLAC this simula- tor is proving useful in debugging software for one- of-a-kind hardware configurations, such as com- munications front end processors, that are not readily accessible for stand alone testing. 5 fig- ures. (ERA citation 04:0441 83) SU-326-P.39-19 Stanford Univ., Calif. Digital Systems Lab. EMMY/UNIBUS Interface Design Specification. Technical Note No. 109 M. Shin. Jan 77, 21 p Contract EY-76-S-03-0326-039 Descriptors: 'Computers, "Equipment interfaces, *Pdp computers, Design, Simulation, Specifica- tions. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, *Emmy system, 'UNIBUS system, PDP-1 1 computers. The interface, named "MATCH" (a bus translation unit), is designed to allow communication between the Emmy system bus and a DEC PDP-1 1 Unibus. The translation unit consists of five functionally in- dependent modules: an Emmy I/O interface unit, an address translation unit, two-ported data path, a microprogramed translation sequencer, and a Unibus I/O interface unit. The Emmy I/O interface unit allows the Emmy system to act as bus master on the Unibus. The 32-bit Emmy bus address is truncated to 18 bits for use on the Unibus. The command field provides the control information for the transfer. The Unibus I/O interface unit allows the Unibus device to act as master on the Emmy bus. The 18-bit Unibus address is mapped into the 24-bit Emmy address space through the address translation unit, where the command field is also generated. A mapping scheme is used which uti- lizes a page setup register file to associate dynami- cally one of fifty-four 2K halfword pages with a 1 K fullword Emmy page. The microprogramed se- quencer receives commands from the master Unit on either bus system and provides all the se- quence control for the specified operation. Data path is designed into two parts; one is the halfword part for most of the transfers, and the other, full- word part, is used mainly for transfer to/from the control store and other high-speed devices. The address translation facility provides mapping of pages in the Unibus address space other than the base pages (occupied by 4K core memory) and the upper pages which by convention are reserved for use as device registers. The entire address space of each bus system is available to the other system. 5 figures. (ERA citation 02:05781 5) SU-326-P.39-20 Stanford Univ., Calif. Stanford Electronics Labs. EMMY Based Pdp-11/20 Emulation. Technical Note No. 110 C. Neuhauser. Mar 77, 41 p Contract EY-76-S-03-0326 Descriptors: *Pdp computers, Performance, Simu- lation, Simulators. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'PDP-11/20 comput- ers, 'EMMY computer program, 'Emulators. An EMMY-based stand-alone PDP-1 1/20 emula- tor and its support system are described. The emu- lator reflects nearly all user-accessible aspects of the PDP-1 1/20 architecture as tested by the system diagnostic routines. I/O is emulated to the extent necessary to support paper tape-based software packages, and the system has executed unmodified EDIT-1 1 , BASIC and PAL-1 1 A (assem- bler) programs. This report serves two purposes: first, to describe the emulator and its performance, and second, to provide a guide to EMMY Labora- tory users wishing to use the emulation system. 14 figures. (ERA citation 02:047040) UCID-17090(Rev.1) California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. User's Guide to the LLL BASIC Interpreter T. Allison, R. Eckard, and J. Barber. 9 Jun 77, 22p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Basic, 'Microprocessors, Manuals, Programming, Programming languages. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Interpreters. Scientists are finding increased applications for mi- crocomputers as process controllers in their ex- periments. However, while microcomputers are small and inexpensive, they are difficult to program in machine or assembly language. A high-level lan- guage is needed to enable scientists to develop their own microcomputer programs for their experi- ments on location. Recognizing this need, LLL contracted to have such a language developed. This report describes the result-the LLL BASIC in- terpreter, which operates with LLL's 8080-based MCS-80 microcomputer system. 4 tables. (ERA ci- tation 02:057816) UCID-17375 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. AMPS Automated Message Processing System, LER76-101701A W. Benge, and J. Spann. 3 Dec 76, 40p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer net- works, A codes, Communications, Microproces- sors, Operation. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Communications net- works. This report describes the operation and use of the LLL Automated Message Processing System (AMPS), which is used for off-line preparation of messages for SACNET (Secure Automatic Com- munications Network). The preparation of teletype messages before AMPS required typing on a tele- type to create a paper tape in ASCII code compati- ble with SACNET. AMPS uses a MCS-80 micro- processor, CRT with keyboard, and a teletype to create the SACNET messages. Through proces- sor control and CRT edit capabilities, through-put of the system was increased about 50 percent. 1 1 figures. (ERA citation 02:047041) UCID-17477 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Fortran Interface to Vector Programming N. Maron, and G. G. Sutherland. 20 May 77, 11p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, Vectors, Cdc com- puters, Computer calculations, F codes, Fortran, Mathematics, Microprocessors, Pdp computers, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Vector programming. With the advent of vector programing it becomes necessary to provide FORTRAN users a conven- ient method to utilize the vector capabilities of a computer in such a way that the impact is minimal to the user. We propose to do this through four simple-to-use subroutines called the FIVE pack- age. (ERA citation 02:050518) UCID-17477(Rev.1) California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Fortran Interface to Vector Programming N. Maron, and G. G. Sutherland. 1 Jun 78, 10p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Programming, CDC computers, Computer codes, PDP computers, F codes, Pro- gramming languages, Vectors. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Vector programming. With the advent of vector programing it becomes necessary to provide FORTRAN users a conven- ient method to utilize the vector capabilities of a computer in such a way that the impact is minimal to the user. Four simple-to-use subroutines called the FIVE package are proposed to accomplish this. (ERA citation 03:049325) UCID-17524(Rev.1) California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Microcomputer Standardization Program at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory A. J. Stripeika. 8 Aug 77, 18p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Lawrence livermore laboratory, 'Mi- croprocessors, Computers, Standardization. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Microcomputers. The history and development of transistorized computers and microcomputers in the context of LLL is recounted. The following sorts of microcom- puter standardization support are available: small computer users library, software licensing agree- ments, LSI-1 1 bulletin, EE bulletin, users meetings, stores stock and documentation, publications, educational facilities, hardware designs, memory programing center, simulators, and application as- sistance. 6 figures. (ERA citation 03:002021 ) UCID-17685 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. REBEL/BASIC: Commands. A User's Guide J. R. Greenwood, and M. C. Zarnstorff. Dec 77, 20p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: *PDP computers, 'Programming lan- guages, Manuals, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'REBEL/BASIC system, Operating systems(Computers). This user's guide, one in a series of manuals docu- menting the REBEL/BASIC programing language and operating system. Functional operations called commands perform operations related to REBEL system performance; they typically deal with l/O-related operations and system status. The use of each of these commands is explained individually. (ERA citation 03:020822) UCID-17722 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. ACT: An 8080 Macro Processor A. Cecil. 6 Feb 78, 14p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, 'Translators, A codes. Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ACT computer pro- gram, Macros, lntel-8080 computers. ACT is a macro text interpreter which runs under the CP/M floppy disk operating system on a micro- computer which can execute the Intel 8080 in- struction set. ACT uses the same scanning algo- rithm as TRAC (registered trademark of Rockford Research Institute), but ACT has a modified set of primitive functions. ACT has been used to program "smart" terminal operations and to process dis- kette files. (ERA citation 03:02771 0) UCID-17745 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Design and Implementation of a High-Level Language for a Programmable Frame Buffer D. R. Faul. 29 Oct 77, 129p 52 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, 'Programming lan- guages, Cathode ray tubes, Design, Equipment in- terfaces, Memory devices, Television. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Syntax. The design and implementation of a language for a programmable trame buffer are presented. The language provides the facilities of a symbolic ma- chine language, yet displays high-level block and control structure. This report describes the hard- ware peculiarities of the Programmable Picture Processor (PPP), the programmable module of the frame buffer, and how the language design com- pensates for its restrictions and utilizes its special characteristics. The implementation of the lan- guage, as outlined in this report, is structured around the use of a syntax analyzer/parser gener- ator program for SLR(f) and LALR(1) grammars. Translated code is compared to hand-code for a representative PPP program. The results indicate the language allows quick, concise, and readable PPP programming. The translated programs are also compact in storage and reasonably efficient in execution time compared to hand-code. A lan- guage description, implementation description, and hardware summary are included in separate appendices. 2 figures. (ERA citation 03:032524) (Portions of this document are not fully legible) UCID-17750 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Data Director RTOS Manual D. N. Butner, and P. R. McGoldrick. 16 Mar 78, 168p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Text editors, D codes, Manuals, On-line systems. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Time sharing, OCTO- PUS computer network, Minicomputers The Data Director is a multi-user timesharing com- puter system which allows file manipulation (i.e. editing, printing, punching, etc.) and file transport between it and the OCTOPUS computer system. The heart of the Data Director is an Interdata 7/16 HSALU minicomputer with a 10-megabyte disk. Data Director users use 9600-baud CRT terminals to interact with the Data Director. The main pur- poses of the Data Director are to provide a fast, stable, and reliable system for editing and to pro- vide remote punching of files. (ERA citation 03:042093) UCID-17752 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. LLL 8080 BASIC-II Interpreter User's Manual P. R. McGoldrick, J. Dickinson, and T. G. Allison. 3 Apr 78, 46p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, Manuals. Pro- gramming, Translators. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Basic programming language, "Interpreters, lntel-8080 computers. Scientists are finding increased applications for mi- croprocessors as process controllers in their ex- periments. However, while microprocessors are small and inexpensive, they are difficult to program in machine or assembly language. A high-level lan- guage is needed to enable scientists to develop their own microcomputer programs for their experi- ments on location. Recognizing this need, LLL contracted to have such a language developed. This report describes the resulting LLL BASIC in- terpreter, which opeates with LLL's 8080-based MCS-8 microcomputer system. All numerical oper- ations are done using Advanced Micro Device's Am951 1 arithmetic processor chip or optionally by using a software simulation of that chip. 1 figure. (ERA citation 03:049326) UCID-17779 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Tektronix GS-4051: MCS-8080 Software System K. A. Gertz. 18 May 78, 27p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Data acquisition systems, "Micro- processors, "Programming, Data transmission, Logic circuits. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. This package contains a basic description of the software system, an assembled listing, and a set of schematics relating to the hardware implementa- tion of the system. It is a more descriptive package of information relating to the article published in Electronic Design, January 18, 1978, titled "When One mu P Controls Another". 5 figures. (ERA cita- tion 03:049327) UCID-17779(Rev.1) California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Tektronix GS-4051: MCS-8080 Software System K. A. Gertz, and A. M. Kray. 16 Jun 78, 40 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Microfiche copies only. Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Data acquisition systems, "Micro- processors, "On-line measurement systems, Com- puter codes, Electronic circuits, Equipment inter- faces, On-line control systems, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, ERDA/990200, Basic programming language, Computer software, MCS- 8080 computers. This is a more descriptive package of information relating to the article published in Electronic Design, January 18, 1978, titled "When One mu P Controls Another." This package contains a basic description of the software system, an assembled listing, and a set of schematics relating to the hard- ware implementation of the system. An addendum contains the GS-4051 analysis and graphics pro- gram which the chemist uses to drive the entire system. It is written in BASIC language, and is easily modifiable to handle special requirements for unusual tasks. It consists of programs and sub- routines which prompt the operator to enter perti- nent parameters, perform mathematical analysis of various types, graphically display data and re- sults of analysis, and communicate with the MCS- 8080. 5 figures. (ERA citation 03:057498) UCID-17795 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. MAGIC: A One-Dimensional Magneto-Inductive Particle Code T. A. Brengle, and B. I. Cohen. 23 May 78, 48p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Plasma, Algo- rithms, Electric currents, Fortran, Kinetics, M codes, Magnetic fields, Magnetic flux, One-dimen- sional calculations, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/700105, ERDA/640430, MAGIC computer program, Computerized simulation. MAGIC, a new one-dimensional particle code, sim- ulates magneto-inductive phenomena in a cylindri- cal^ symmetric magnetized plasma The physical model and the computational algorithm used for the code are described. A user's guide to and a listing of MAGIC are also included. (ERA citation 03:054082) UCID-17810 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. N7912Z: A Normalize Routine for the R7912 Transient Digitizer on the PDP-1 1 J. R. Greenwood, and J. T. Ozawa. Jan 78, 53p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Data processing, Computer codes, Digitizers, N codes, Transients. Identifiers: ERDA/700102, ERDA/440300, N7912Z computer program, Fortran, REBEL/ BASIC programming language, Subroutines, PDP- 1 1 computers, Assembly languages. A PDP-11 assembly language program which processes raw data from a Tektronix R7912 tran- sient digitizer is described. The irregularities of the R7912 instrument and the data readout format are discussed. The subroutine produces an integer array of values representing the digitized trace. The internal details of the subroutine are de- scribed, as well as the calling sequence, either from Fortran or REBEL/BASIC (ERA citation 04:014834) UCID-17841 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. File Management System H. H. Loomis, Jr. 29 Jun 78, 46p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Memory devices, "Pdp computers, Lawrence livermore laboratory, Management, Pro- gramming, Storage. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Octopus system, "File management systems. A file management system is proposed which will operate within the existing LLL Octopus system, and yet give many desired file handling character- istics. The basic philosophy of the system is to use storage of multiple copies of a given file as the means for increasing the likelihood of successful recovery of a given file. Furthermore, the use of different type file storage devices to store the copies will improve accessibility by permitting access to at least one copy of the file even in the event of failure of any single type of storage device. The body of the paper presents a discus- sion of current and planned Octopus storage char- acteristics, the definition of the details of the pro- posed file management system, a discussion of the system from the user's point of view, and im- plementation costs and some implementation al- ternatives. 3 figures, 8 tables. (ERA citation 03:051652) UCID-17886 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. DDT (Dynamic Debugging Technique) and TDT (Tracing Debugging Technique) for PDP-11 Systems D. E. Bering. 14 Jun 78, 36p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, D codes, Manuals, Programming, T codes. Identifiers: * ERDA/990200, 'Debuggmg(Computers), PDP-11 computers, Dy- namic Debugging Technique, Tracing Debugging Technique. Two debugging aids for developers of applications and systems software on PDP-11 series comput- ers are described. Both debuggers are extensions of Digital Equipment Corporation's ODT (Octal De- bugging Technique), and are based on an undocu- mented, unsupported debugger obtained through DEC. The intent of this paper is to describe these debuggers in a functional sense, discuss the modi- fications made at LLL to enhance the operation of these debuggers, and to serve as a user's manual for persons developing PDP-1 1 software. (ERA ci- tation 04:007164) UCID-17921 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. PL/M RT-11 Floppy Diskette Program R. E. Werner. Oct 78, 60p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Microprocessors. Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Diskettes, Floppy disks, Microcomputers. A program for an 8080 Microcomputer System with floppy diskettes is described. The program en- ables the system to read and write directory and file information on the floppy diskettes. The format of the 8080 system diskette is compatible with Digital Equipment Corporation's (DEC) RT-11 floppy diskettes. File names may be written into the directory. Files may be found on the diskette from information in the directory. Reference to files may be deleted from the directory. A list of filen- ames may be obtained from the directory. The di- 53 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER rectory may be initialized to indicate no files. Ex- tensive error checking is done. Usage and oper- ation of these functions is described and a listing of the program is included. 13 figures, 5 tables. (ERA citation 04:014927) UCID-17970 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab REBEL/BASIC: What, Why, and Getting Start- ed, a User's Guide J. R. Greenwood, and M. C. Zarnstorff Dec 77, 25p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: PDP computers, Manuals, Program- ming, Univac computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Basic programming language, REBEL/BASIC programming language, Programming manuals. This report describes features of the REBEL/ BASIC programing language and operating system. The following topics necessary for first use of the system are discussed: booting the system, getting in REBEL/BASIC, introduction to control-C commands, introduction to input/output, reading programs from other systems, general I/O subroutines, system restart, and rebooting RT-11. (ERA citation 04:014931) UCID-17971 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. REBEL/BASIC: Writing CALLable Subroutines. A User's Guide J. R. Greenwood, and M. C. Zarnstorff. Oct 78, 83p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: PDP computers, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, BASIC programming language, Data processing, REBEL/BASIC pro- gramming language, Subroutines. The writing of CALLable subroutines in the REBEL/BASIC language is discussed. Various available subroutine packages are listed. (ERA ci- tation 04:01 4932) UCID-30077(Rev.1) California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. EISPACK: User's Guide R. P. Dickinson, Jr, and F. N. Fritsch. Nov 76, 46p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, "Eigenvalues, "Ei- genvectors, "Matrices, Burroughs computers, Cdc computers, E codes, Fortran, Honeywell comput- ers, Ibm computers, Pdp computers, Univac com- puters. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Eispack computer program, Ansi Fortran. EISPACK is a collection of subroutines, written in ANSI Standard Fortran, designed to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a variety of matrix problems. These codes form a complete ei- gensystem package, are representative of the state-of-the-art in speed and accuracy, and have been thoroughly tested and certified. This report is intended to simplify the task of determining which of the routines are to be used for solving the partic- ular problem at hand. 5 tables. (ERA citation 02:033572) UCID-30163 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. ROBOT: A User's Manual of the ENTERPRISE Communicator J. E. Ramus. 18 Apr 78, 17p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "PDP computers, Programming, R codes, Text editors. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ROBOT computer pro- gram, PDP-10 computers, ENTERPRISE system. ROBOT is an interactive routine available on the LLL Octopus Network PDP-10 computer. The rou- tine serves as an interface between the user at a terminal and the ENTERPRISE central storage system. ROBOT permits the user to do file trans- port and directory manipulations using the KIRK and SPOCK modules, respectively, of the ENTER- PRISE system. This user's manual describes the ROBOT commands and how to execute them on the Octopus PDP-10 (P-machine) computer. 1 table. (ERA citation 03:049329) UCID-30169 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. LLL Software for the HP-2645 Terminal on Oc- topus H. Moll, B. Judd, J. Kohn, and J. Fletcher. 8 Aug 78, 24p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: PDP computers, Text editors, CDC computers, Computer output devices, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Programming Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "OCTOPUS computer network, "Computer software, HP-2645 terminals, Data displays. This collection of reports describes programs to be used with the HP-2645 terminal. It covers text edit- ing, tape handling, display enhancement, and function-key preloading routines. (ERA citation 04:014935) UCLA-34P214-50 California Univ., Los Angeles. Dept. of Computer Science. Annual Progress Report Apr 77, 38p Contract EY-76-S-03-0034-214 Descriptors: "Programming, Computer networks, Interactive display devices, Microprocessors, Pro- gramming languages, Research programs, Simula- tion. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Interactive program- ming, "Information systems, SARA system, Design. During the 1976-77 year significant progress was made in development of an interactive program- ming system, SARA, to support reliable informa- tion system design. Studies continued to clarify the basic control and data primitives used in behavior- al models as well as refinement and abstraction processes used in multilevel modeling. SARA was given major exercise in design of virtual architec- ture emulation system and in design of an experi- mentation environment for a microcomputer net- work. Methods for verification of programs were advanced and tested. Experimentation to enhance networking between ERDA laboratories was con- tinued. A relatively intense collaboration to pro- duce a report on the four years of networking became a prime example of resource sharing. This experience increased incentives for success in theoretical studies related to realization of a uni- versal job control language and for work on a standard command language. Progress was made in development of an intelligent terminal to cus- tomize the process of access to selected remote resources for individual users. (ERA citation 02:050526) UCRL-52360 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Development of a Minicomputer System for on-Line Processing of gamma-Gamma Coinci- dence Events and Measurements of E2/M1 Mixing Ratios in exp 1 10 Cd and exp 134 Ba W. D. Ruhter. Dec 77, 168p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Thesis. Descriptors: "Barium 134, "Cadmium 1 10, "Coinci- dence spectrometry, "Gamma spectra, Angular correlation, Energy resolution, Energy-level transi- tions, Gamma radiation, Mixing ratio, Multi-channel analyzers, Multipolarity, On-line measurement sys- tems, PDP computers, Performance testing, Time resolution. Identifiers: ERDA/651100, ERDA/651723, PDP- 8/E computers, Minicomputers. A megachannel pulse-height analysis system using a 32,000-word PDP-8/E minicomputer and two moving-head disk memories was developed. The system has a storage capacity of 2 exp 18 events at any of 2 exp 20 data locations, is capable of processing 1 ,040 events/s, and provides on-line sorting and disk storage An X- or Y- pulse-height spectrum in coincidence with one to four arithmeti- cally combined pulse-height windows can be as- sembled in core for scope display and spectral analysis within 2 to 20 seconds. The software for the system was written extensively in machine lan- guage. Excellent energy and timing resolution were achieved. An energy resolution of 2 3 keV fwhm and a timing resolution of 8.5 ns fwhm were obtained for exp 60 Co at a singles rate of 10,000 counts/s. The prompt timing peak remained Gaus- sian down to the fwtm by gating the TAC with SCAs which discriminated against low-energy events The coincidence electronics also allowed on-line subtraction of accidental coincidence events. Alignment of the detectors and tests of the system's performance were made by measuring solid-angle correction factors for the Ge(Li) detec- tors through the correlation measurements of the exp + -2 exp ■+■ -0 exp + cascade in exp 106 Pd, and by measuring the angular spread of positron annihilation radiation coincidences. These experi- mental results were in excellent agreement with theoretical solid-angle correction factors calculat- ed. Directional correlation data were obtained for gamma-ray cascades in exp 134 Ba and exp 110 Cd. Analyses of these data gave E2/M1 mixing ratios which are in excellent agreement with re- sults obtained by other investigators. The im- proved resolution and data processing capabilities of this system gave new results for the 563-keV transition in exp 134 Ba and the 1505-keV transi- tion in exp 110 Cd. E2/M1 mixing ratios of 13.3/ sup +2 3/sub -1.8/ for the 563-keV transition and -1.24 + - 0.20 for the 1505-keV transition were measured. (ERA citation 03:013205) UCRL-52474 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Automation of the Jarrell-Ash Model 70-314 Emission Spectrometer W. F. Morris, E. R. Fisher, and L. Taber. 17 Apr 78, 68p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Optical spectrometers, Algorithms, Automation, Calibration, Computer codes, Data processing, Equipment interfaces, Flowsheets, Mi- croprocessors, Operation, Readout systems Identifiers: ERDA/440300, "Chemical analysis, Design, Performance evaluation, Emission spec- troscopy, NOVA-840 computers, Minicomputers, BASIC programming language. Automation of the Jarrell-Ash 3.4-Meter Ebert direct-reading emission spectrometer with digital scaler readout is described. The readout is inter- faced to a Data General NOVA 840 minicomputer The automation code consists of BASIC language programs for interactive routines, data processing, and report generation. Call statements within the BASIC programs invoke assembly language rou- tines for real-time data acquisition and control In addition, the automation objectives as well as the spectrometer-computer system functions, coding, and operating instructions are presented. (ERA ci- tation 04:014482) UCRL-52560 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. VuGRAPH: a Code for Generating Presentation Viewgraphs R. J. Knox 6 Sep 78, 62p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Computer graphics, Color, Computer codes, Manuals, V codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Minicomputers, HP- 9825A computers, VUGRAPH computer program The VuGRAPH code offers possibly the fastest method of generating professional-quality view- graph transparencies. The viewgraphs are con- structed on a four-color plotter controlled by a HP- 9825A desk-top minicomputer. The program uses a unique line enhancement scheme to produce 54 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER bold characters optimally suited for projection in most auditoriums. Twenty-four "single-key"com- mands simplify operation for users. This feature and the fast-response typewriter keyboard have proved attractive to both technical and clerical per- sonnel. This document, which includes 16 illustra- tions, explains the program methods and serves as a user's manual. Several examples of comput- er/user responses relative to the program are pre- sented. 2 tables. (ERA citation 04:014941) UCRL-52646 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. REBEL/BASIC: Real-Time Language Exten- sions. A User's Guide J. R. Greenwood, and M. C. Zarnstorff. 5 Feb 79, 47p Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Descriptors: "Programming languages, Manuals, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Programming manuals, REBEL/BASIC programming language, BASIC programming language, PDP-11 computers, LSI- 1 1 computers, Real time. Real-time language constructs in the REBEL/ BASIC language are described as implemented on the PDP-11 /LSI-11 series of computers at LLL. The currently implemented ideas are documented. A general discussion of the underlying concepts and features is followed by a detailed description of each of the REBEL/BASIC statements. This manual is designed to serve as both a learning and a reference manual for the real-time features. (ERA citation 04:038037) UCRL-77503 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. BASIC for Intel's 8080 M. D. Maples, and E. R. Fjsher. 15 Dec 76, 5p Rept no. CONF-770410-1 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Microcomputer '77, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States of America (USA), 6 Apr 1 977. Available from ERDA, P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Attn: TIC. Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Basic, Compara- tive evaluations, Economics, Lawrence livermore laboratory, Programming languages. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "INTEL-8080 comput- ers. High-level languages for microprocessors were in- troduced in 1973 with Intel's 8008 PLM. Since then, a controversy has raged over the worthiness or unworthiness of high-level languages in micro- processor applications. Now, in 1976, most micro- processor vendors have already announced plans for high-level languages. They range from PLM compilers to the BASIC interpreters. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory's BASIC combines the best features of both compilers and interpreters. LLL's BASIC consists of a 5K-byte PROM resident inter- preter, used for program generation and debug- ging, and a cross-compiler used to convert the lengthy, inefficient interpretive program into an effi- cient object code The finalized object code ex- ecutes faster than an equivalent PDP-8e FOCAL program, which indicates BASIC'S capabilities in the areas of data acquisition and control, where FOCAL has been so well accepted 3 figures, 3 tables. (ERA citation 02:044688) UCRL-79160 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. RDM: A Relational Database Machine H. S. Ames. 8 Feb 77, 18p Rept no. CONF- 770805-2 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 SIGMOD international conference on manage- ment data, Toronto, Canada, 3 Aug 1 977. Descriptors: "Information retrieval, Data process- ing, Design, Microprocessors. Identifiers: ERDA/990300, ERDA/990200, "Rela- tional data bases, Data base management sys- tems. There is felt a need in the data processing industry for computing machines which are designed spe- cifically to handle information retrieval and stor- age. One concept of such a database machine, called a Relational Database Machine (RDM), is presented. The architecture of RDM is based on a collection of microprocessors, each independently processing a subset of the database. The oper- ation of RDM depends on the distributed database software which performs decentralized control of the database using Codd's relational data model (CACM, 13(6), June 1970). First, the role of distrib- uted processing in the evolution of database ma- chines is presented. Then several sections are de- voted to the objectives, details, and evaluation of RDM. Finally, a summary is presented. 5 figures. (ERA citation 02:053601) UCRL-80025 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Finite Difference Programs and Array Proces- sors T. E. Rudy. Aug 77, 11p Rept no CONF-771032- 1 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 EPRI seminar: exploring applications of digital par- allel processing to power systems analysis prob- lems, Palo Alto, California, USA, 4 Oct 1977. Descriptors: "Finite difference method, CDC com- puters, Comparative evaluations, Joining, PDP computers, Performance. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Floating point operat- ing, "Array processors, "Computer programming. An alternative to maxi computers for high-speed floating-point processing capabilities is the cou- pling of a host computer to a programable array processor. This paper compares the performance of two finite difference programs on various com- puters and their expected performance on com- mercially available array processors. The signifi- cance of balancing array processor computation, host-array processor control traffic, and data transfer operations is emphasized. 3 figures, 1 table. (ERA citation 03:007794) UCRL-80228 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Optimal Implementation of 2-D Nonrecursive Digital Filters Via Sectioning R. E. Twogood. 10 Nov 77, 30p Rept no. CONF- 771206-2 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Digital signal processing symposium, Albuquer- que, NM, USA, 6 Dec 1977. Descriptors: "Algorithms, Digital filters, CDC com- puters, Computer calculations, Data processing, PDP computers, Two-dimensional calculations. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "CDC-7600 computers, "Input/output processing. An optimal sectioning algorithm is presented and completely characterized in terms of both CPU and I/O requirements. A procedure is then given to enable the optimal choice of sectioning param- eters for an arbitrary computer system. This proce- dure is illustrated for a large scientific computer (CDC 7600), and the sectioning algorithm is shown to be superior to the 2-D FFT implementation for most problems of practical interest. 1 figure, 4 tables. (ERA citation 03:013585) UCRL-80664 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Multiciass Arbitrating Scheduler for the BOSS Operating System J. E. Requa. 3 Feb 78, 19p Rept no CONF- 781023-1 Symposium on operating systems, Le Chesnay, France, 2 Oct 1978. Descriptors: CDC computers, Algorithms, Law- rence Livermore Laboratory, Operation, Program- ming, Queues. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Scheduling, Star-100 computers, Minicomputers, BOSS operating system. A method is given for deriving a set of multiciass scheduling equations that can arbitrate class allo- cations according to class loads. The method is illustrated by deriving a set of equations utilized in the BOSS operating system for the CDC STAR- 100 computer system. A brief description is given of how the equations are interfaced to the environ- ment provided by the BOSS operating system. (ERA citation 04:007167) UCRL-81160 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Use of Scientific Data with the "MASTER CON- TROL" And "INGRES" Data Management Sys- tems V. E. Hampel, K. McGrogan, and J. E. Swanson. 18 May 78, 41 p Rept no. CONF-780578-1 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Conference on engineering and scientific data management, Hampton, VA, USA, 18 May 1978. Descriptors: "Data base management, Compara- tive evaluations, Computer codes, Computers, Fortran, I codes, M codes, Pdp computers, Text editors. Identifiers: ERDA/990300, MASTER CONTROL system, INGRES system. Experiences with the two systems, which span a decade of development and use of data manage- ment, are compared. This comparison includes, therefore, not only the evolution in approach but also very different hardware and software environ- ments. Most significant, perhaps, is the change in the user community. In earlier years, it was primar- ily the programer or computer-knowledgeable person who translated the requests of the scien- tist, engineer, or administrator into data manage- ment commands. Today, the professional and pro- gram administrator expect to use the system them- selves. Master Control is essentially a flat-file, direct random access system with secondary indi- ces. Its strengths are highly developed routines for the manipulation of variable-length text and nu- merical data. It is written in an advanced version of Fortran. It has been used during the past ten years with a variety of diversified, medium-sized, textual and numeric data bases ranging from large collec- tions of bibliographic citations of the scientific lit- erature, to the San Francisco Bay Area Atmos- pheric Pollution model and the ecological study of the San Bernardino Forest near Los Angeles. Ingres is a relational system for essentially fixed- length data, written in the "C" computer language. It is closely linked to the highly flexible and unique Unix operating system of the PDP-1 1 family of ma- chines. A novel Meta-Machine concept for data management was designed and implemented. 28 figures, 1 table. (ERA citation 03:054219) UCRL-81636 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Array Processing on the PDP-10 N. Maron. 25 Aug 78, 7p Rept no. CONF- 780945-1 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Workshop on vector and parallel processors, Los Alamos, NM, USA, 20 Sep 1978. Descriptors: PDP computers, Computer calcula- tions, Mathematics, Operation, Performance test- ing, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "PDP-10 computers, Minicomputers. Array Processors have been on the market for a number of years. They could offer a cost effective way to enhance the floating point number capabili- ty of a PDP-10. The results of attaching one such device to the M-division PDP-KI10 of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory are reported. An evaluation of the library software delivered with the array pro- cessor, as well as the operating system overhead, is presented. 2 figures, 1 table. (ERA citation 04:009377) UCRL-81808 California Univ. Lab. Livermore. Lawrence Livermore 55 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER LSI-11 Writable Control Store Enhancements to U.C.S.D. Pascal G. Smith, and R. Anderson. 31 Oct 78, 7p Rept no. CONF-781 159-1 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Fall DECUS U.S. symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, 27 Nov 1978. Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, Efficiency, Per- formance, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Programming lan- guages, PASCAL programming language. The DEC KUV11-AA Writable Control Store was used to implement selected portions of the U.C.S.D. Pascal P-machine in firmware. The fre- quency and execution speed of P-machine instruc- tions were measured in a battery of test programs to guide the selection process. A 32 to 46% reduc- tion in execution time was obtained for these test programs. 1 figure, 2 tables. (ERA citation 04:025140) UNI-SA-60 United Nuclear Industries, Inc., Richland, WA. Micro/Mini and Hybrid Computer Costs for Solving Dynamic Models R. D. Benham. 9 Feb 79, 6p Rept no. CONF- 790223-1 Contract EY-76-C-06-1857 Northwest meeting-combined meeting of the Soci- ety for Computer Simulation and sigsim chapter of ACM, Seattle, WA, USA, 9 Feb 1979. Descriptors: Hybrid computers, Microprocessors, Programming languages, Comparative evalua- tions, Cost, Mathematical models, Numerical solu- tion. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Dynamic program- ming, Minicomputers, Analog computers, BASIC programming language, ISL programming lan- guage, W-5 model. Micro/mini computer hardware and software are effecting and will continue to influence the cost of solving dynamic models. A simplified comparison of the capabilities and costs for solving problems with BASIC, ISL, and analog/hybrid computers is presented. Three models are used: a simple add, multiply, divide, subtract loop; Forrester's World Dynamic Model W-5; and a six-degree-of-freedom missile simulation. 3 figures, 3 tables. (ERA citation 04:035492) 56 KEYWORD INDEX Index entries in this section are selected to indicate important ideas and concepts presented in a report. When using this index, be sure to look under terms narrower than, broader than, or related to a particular topic. Although some of the keywords are not selected from a controlled vocabulary of terms, most of them have been selected from the DoD, DoE, NASA, or NTIS con- trolled vocabularies. The entries are arranged by keyword and then by NTIS order number. SAMPLE ENTRY IMAGE PROCESSING The Filtering of Images Using a New Fidelity Criterion PB-274532 Keyword term Title NTIS order number 58 KEYWORD INDEX ACOUSTIC TRACKING Documentation of PDP 11/70 Software for Determin- ing Travel-Time Differences from Cross Covariances AD-A052 891/9 ADENTR COMPUTER PROGRAM ADENTR; A Program for Interactive Data Entry ORNL/CSD/TM-46 AERODYNAMIC LOADING A Calculator Program for Analyzing Airloads on a Wing of Arbitrary Planform and Camber in Subsonic Flow AD-A054 180/5 AEROSPACE MEDICINE Microprocessor-Based Cardiopulmonary Monitoring System. N78-21 752/8 AIR FORCE OPERATIONS AFAL Simulation Facility/Capability Manual. Volume I. Executive Summary and Systems Avionics Division AD-A055 591/2 AIR NAVIGATION A Microcomputer-Based Low-Cost omega Sensor Processor. N77-22063/0 AIR POLLUTION A Microcomputer-Modified Particle Size Spectrom- eter. Description and Program Listings PB-283 678/1 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL A Computer-Based Cascade Impactor Data Reduc- tion System PB-285 433/9 AIR POLLUTION DETECTION A Microcomputer-Modified Particle Size Spectrom- eter. Description and Program Listings PB-283 678/1 AIR POLLUTION MONITORS Mini-Computer Software Data Acquisition and Proc- ess Control System for Air Pollution Monitoring PB-270 400/5 AIR TO AIR MISSILES Modular Digital Missile Guidance Phase III AD-A042 466/3 AIRBORNE EQUIPMENT Study of Software Application of Airborne Laser Doppler System for Severe Storms Measurement. N79-23586/7 AIRBORNE/SPACEBORNE COMPUTERS Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scattero- meter Radar Signal Processor. N77-23291/6 AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT Investigation of Electro-Hydraulic Pulse Motors for Aircraft Utility Functions AD-A042 377/2 AL SYSTEM AL Users' Manual PB-280 719/6 ALARM SYSTEMS Operation and Maintenance Instructions: Tower Alarm Signaling System SAND-78-0101 ALGOL-M PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE ALGOL-M. An Implementation of a High-level Block Structured Language for a Microprocessor-based Computer System AD-A047 266/2 ALGORITHMS Software Tool(s) for Evaluating the Effects of Finite Wordlength AD-A055 777/7 Optimal Implementation of 2-D Nonrecursive Digital Filters Via Sectioning UCRL-80228 ALPHANUMERIC SYMBOLS Computer Science and Technology: FORTRAN IV Enhanced Character Graphics PB-279 939/3 AN/GYQ-21 A Comparison of the Existing Support Software Bases of the AN/GYQ-21 Architecture and the Cur- rent Military Architectures AD-A060 944/6 ANALOG COMPUTERS Extended System Modelling Program - Esmp Simula- tion of a Large Analog Computer on a Pdp 11. N77-26843/1 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTERS A Simple Computer-Driven Analog-to-Digital Convert- er for Use with an 8-Bit Microcomputer AD-A043 658/4 General Purpose Data Conversion Programs for the PDP-12 Computer AD-A049 043/3 ANTISWIMMER DEFENSE SYSTEMS Post Detection Target State Estimation Using Heuris- tic Information Processing - A Preliminary Investiga- tion AD-A068 965/3 APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory Applications Manual PB-292 897/6 AREA DENIAL Development of a Prototype Automated Assembly Machine Production Line for the Area Denial Artillery Munition (ADAM) AD-A068 625/3 ARPA COMPUTER NETWORK University College London ARPANET Project AD-A044 419/0 ARRAY PROCESSORS Finite Difference Programs and Array Processors UCRL-80025 ART EDUCATION MC Paintmg~A New Medium for Art Education ED-160 068 ARTILLERY AMMUNITION Development of a Prototype Automated Assembly Machine Production Line for the Area Denial Artillery Munition (ADAM) AD-A068 625/3 ASSEMBLER ROUTINES Assembler Compiler for the Intel 8080 Microproces- sor Compilatore Assembler Per II Microcalcolatore Intel 8080. N78-28827/1 Meta Assembler Enhancements and Generalized Linkage Editor. N79-27872/7 Crossi - A Univac Processor Which Assembles Code for Interdata Minicomputers PB-269 344/8 An Assembly-Language Minicomputer Software De- velopment System PB-276 108/8 ASSEMBLERS An Improved Version of an Assembler and Simulator for the 8080 AD-A063 572/2 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE Microcomputer Technology Applications: Charger and Regulator Software for a Breadboard Program- mable Power Processor. N79-1 2773/4 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROCESSORS An Interactive, Incremental Assembly Language Pro- cessor for the INTEL 8080 AD-A044 476/0 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGES An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/0 An Interactive, Incremental Assembly Language Pro- cessor for the INTEL 8080 AD-A044 476/0 Macro Instructions and Their Processor for Struc- tured Programming with Assembly Languages AD-A045 472/8 An Assembly-Language Minicomputer Software De- velopment System PB-276 108/8 ASSOCIATIVE PROCESSING Design, Construction and Installation of Data Manip- ulator AD-A040 588/6 A Paged Hardware Associative Memory AD-A043 193/2 ATMOSPHERE MODELS MRDA - A Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code for the HP 2100 Computer AD-A042 263/4 ATMOSPHERIC ECHO SOUNDING Microcomputer-Controlled Acoustic Echo Sounder PB-268 033/8 ATMOSPHERIC SOUNDING Microcomputer-Controlled Acoustic Echo Sounder PB-268 033/8 ATMOSPHERIC TRANSMISSIVITY MRDA - A Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code for the HP 2100 Computer AD-A042 263/4 Stellar Scintillometer Model II Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-273 921/7 for Measurement of ATTACK BOMBERS The Development and Implementation of Algorithms for an A-7E Performance Calculator AD-A061 344/8 ATTITUDE (INCLINATION) Laboratory Demonstration Using Low-Cost Sensors. N79-12417/8 AUTO-SYSTEM DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Wang Mini-Computer Automatic Database Manage- ment System AUTO-SYSTEM User's Manual AD-A055 877/5 of Aircraft Estimation AUTOMATIC CONTROL Development of a Stability Monitor/Controller for Ma- terial Handling Equipment, Phase II Hardware Devel- opment AD-A041 192/6 Basex: A Programming Language for Process Auto- mation with Minicomputers Development and Experi- ence Basex: Eine Programmiersprache Zur Prozes- sautomation MIT Kleinrechnern - Entwicklung und Erfahrungen. N77-24806/0 AUTOMATIC RAILROAD CAR IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readabi- lity and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5 AUTOMATION A Microprocessor Controlled Automatic Data Logging System (ADL) AD-A047 169/8 Planning for Source Data Automation in Government Industrial Activities-Coordination Needed: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life Department of Defense PB-272 024/1 Exploratory Study of Computer Integrated Assembly Systems PB-289 425/1 The Agonies of Automating Almost Anything PB-290 017/3 AUTOMOBILES Automotive Fleet Fuel Consumption Model: FUEL.FOR PB-280 760/0 AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING Automotive Suspension Control AD-A068 405/0 AVIONICS System Avionic Architectures for RPVs AD-A041 502/6 Design of the Processor for Software Compatible Avionic Computer Family AD-A053 345/5 AFAL Simulation Facility/Capability Manual. Volume I, Executive Summary and Systems Avionics Division AD-A055 591/2 BARIUM 134 Development of a Minicomputer System for on-Line Processing of gamma-Gamma Coincidence Events and Measurements of E2/M1 Mixing Ratios in exp 110 Cd and exp 134 Ba UCRL-52360 BASEX PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Basex: A Programming Language for Process Auto- mation with Minicomputers Development and Experi- ence Basex: Eine Programmiersprache Zur Prozes- sautomation MIT Kleinrechnern - Entwicklung und Erfahrungen. N77-24806/0 BASIC User's Guide to the LLL BASIC Interpreter UCID-17090(Rev 1) BASIC for Intel's 8080 UCRL-77503 BASIC PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE A Microprocessor Implementation of Extended Basic AD-A042 332/7 Basex: A Programming Language for Process Auto- mation with Minicomputers. Development and Experi- ence Basex: Eine Programmiersprache Zur Prozes- sautomation MIT Kleinrechnern - Entwicklung und Erfahrungen. N77-24806/0 LLL 8080 BASIC-II Interpreter User's Manual UCID-17752 REBEL/BASIC: What, Why, and Getting Started, a User's Guide UCID-17970 BIOINSTRUMENTATION Microprocessor-Based Cardiopulmonary Monitoring System. N78-21 752/8 BITSTRING ALGORITHM Evaluation of the Bitstring Algorithm AD-A059 390/5 BLOOD CIRCULATION Microprocessor Control of the Blood Flow Plethys- mograph AD-A062 939/4 BPCU COMPUTER PROGRAM Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Computer Program Listings PB-268 881/0 BROOKHAVEN AGS Hopi: On-Line Injection Optimization Program BNL-50741 59 BUDGETS BUDGET: A Program for Evaluating a Project's Budget over Several Years. Phase I User's Manual K/CSD/TM-18 BURNING RATE A Versatile User-Oriented Closed Bomb Data Reduc- tion Program (CBRED) AD-A049 465/8 CADMIUM 110 Development of a Minicomputer System for on-Line Processing of gamma-Gamma Coincidence Events and Measurements of E2/M1 Mixing Ratios in exp 110 Cd and exp 134 Ba UCRL-52360 CALCULATORS Stability Analysis Program for the Hewlett-Packard 9830A Calculator AD-A051 468/7 Services to Develop Pocket Computers to Perform PF Calculating by DCPA Standard Method and to Provide Training For Use AD-A055 278/6 CARDIOLOGY Microprocessor-Based Cardiopulmonary Monitoring System N78-21752/8 CASCADE IMPACTORS A Computer-Based Cascade Impactor Data Reduc- tion System PB-285 433/9 CASSETTES A Cassette Tape Recorder/Reader Interface for Mi- croprocessors AD-A068 370/6 CATHODE RAY TUBE DIGITIZERS Measurement of K exp - /sub p/ 4.2 Gev/C Interac- tions with a Pepr Vertex Guidance System INIS-mf-3618 R7912 Transient Digitizer FORTRAN Compatible Subroutines for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-77-8717 CDC-7600 COMPUTERS Optimal Implementation of 2-D Nonrecursive Digital Filters Via Sectioning UCRL-80228 CENTRAL PROCESSING UNITS Computer Science and Technology: Proceedings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (13th) Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on October 11-14. 1977 PB-272 072/0 Computer Science and Technology: Proceedings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (14th) Held at Boston. Massachusetts on October 24-27, 1978 PB-287 069/9 CHARACTER GENERATORS Programmable In-Raster Symbol Generator AD-A048 596/1 CHARGED PARTICLE DETECTION Image Processing System Taken from a High-Pres- sure Streamer Chamber JINR-R-10-9949 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SAP3: A Computer Program for X-Ray Fluorescence Data Reduction for Environmental Samples BNWL-2193 Automation of the Jarrell-Ash Model 70-314 Emis- sion Spectrometer UCRL-52474 CHEMICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing. Volume 1 Mapping of Chemical Data Bases and Mapping of Data Base Elements Using a Relational Data Base Structure PB-283 892/8 Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing. Volume 2. Directory of Chemical Data Bases PB-283 893/6 CLEAR AIR TURBULENCE Cat Information Display System Users Manual. N79-26711/8 COAL MINES Coal Mine Electrical System Evaluation. Volume I Continuous Monitoring PB-283 490/1 COBEL Validation Summary Report, DECSystem-20 COBOL AD-A040 227/1 COBOL The Development of a COBOL 'Calculator' for High- Performance Bit-Slice Microprocessors AD-A047 128/4 COINCIDENCE SPECTROMETRY Development of a Minicomputer System for on-Line Processing of gamma-Gamma Coincidence Events and Measurements of E2/M1 Mixing Ratios in exp 110 Cd and exp 134 Ba UCRL-52360 COMMAND AND CONTROL SYSTEMS Command and Control Related Computer Technol- ogy: Packet Radio AD-A063 729/8 Post Detection Target State Estimation Using Heuris- tic Information Processing - A Preliminary Investiga- tion AD-A068 965/3 Command and Control Related Computer Technol- ogy: Packet Radio AD-A070 447/8 COMMAND LANGUAGES (COMPUTERS) Computer Science and Technology: Common Com- mand Language for File Manipulation and Network Job Execution: An Example PB-284 459/5 COMMAND MODULES Power Module Data Management System (Dms) Study. N79-16038/8 COMMUNICATION AND RADIO SYSTEMS Microprocessor Utilization in Communications System Monitoring AD-A042 145/3 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Security Kernel Specification for a Secure Communi- cations Processor AD-A045 452/0 COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS Design Specification for AFCS Universal Perform- ance Assessment and Control System AD-A040 926/8 Development of a Hierarchical, Dynamically Reconfi- gurable Input/Output Network AD-A041 186/8 Microprocessor Utilization in Communications System Monitoring AD-A042 145/3 Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System. I. Design Considerations AD-A044 200/4 Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System II. Implementation AD-A044 201/2 University College London ARPANET Proiect AD-A044 419/0 Distributed Computation and TENEX-Related Activi- ties AD-A048 664/7 Framework and Functions of the 'MS' Personal Mes- sage System AD-A048 774/4 Data Network Referee (DNR) Concept Report AD-A056 960/8 INFE Software Functional Description Overview AD-A060 667/3 INFE Program Design Specifications. Phase B. NFE Software Program Design Specifications AD-A060 668/1 Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Mainte- nance Manual AD-A063 370/1 Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM) Book 1 FORTRAN. Software Maintenance Manual AD-A063 407/1 Electrical Engineering Digital Design Laboratory Communications Network Part 3 AD-A064 633/1 VTMS A Virtual Terminal Management System for RIG AD-A069 458/8 Command and Control Related Computer Technol- ogy: Packet Radio AD-A070 447/8 COMMUNICATIONS TRAFFIC Electrical Engineering Digital Design Laboratory Communications Network Part 3 AD-A064 633/1 COMPILERS Validation Summary Report, DECSystem-20 COBOL AD-A040 227/1 A Microprocessor Implementation of Extended Basic AD-A042 332/7 MICRO-COBOL An Implementation of Navy Stand- ard HYPO-COBOL for a Microprocessor-Based Com- puter System AD-A043 008/2 An Extended Basic Compiler with Graphics Interface for the PDP-1 1/50 Computer AD-A044 366/3 Highlights of L011 AD-A044 415/8 An Interactive, Incremental Assembly Language Pro- cessor for the INTEL 8080 AD-A044 476/0 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report Volume IV. Architectural Research Fa- cility; ISP Description, Simulations, Data Collection AD-A049 483/1 A Fixed-Point Arithmetic Compiler AD-A059 041/4 EUCLID Compiler for PDP-11 AD-A061 052/7 EUCLID Compiler for PDP-1 1 AD-A061 402/4 EUCLID Compiler for PDP-1 1 AD-A061 406/5 FORTRAN Compiler Validation Summary Report DECSYSTEM 10. FORTRAN , Version 5A AD-A068 158/5 Fortran Compiler Validation Summary Report. DEC- SYSTEM 20. FORTRAN, Version 5A AD-A068 159/3 Euclid Compiler for PDP-1 1 AD-A068 542/0 Development of Experimental Compilers to Generate Emulators for the BMD DDP Test Bed From High Level Language AD-A068 950/5 Assembler Compiler for the Intel 8080 Microproces- sor Compilatore Assembler Per II Microcalcolatore Intel 8080. N78-28827/1 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN CAD-CAM Interactive Graphics System Designed by Users LA-UR-78-179 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 84: Edit of a Macro for a Drawing on the Table SAND-77-1054 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 64: Dumping Drawing Files to Tape SAND-77-1088 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 85 SAND-77-1683 DPLIB.1: A Library of Data Processing Routines for the PDP11 Computer SAND-78-0039 COMPUTER AIDED INSTRUCTION MIME: Microprogrammable Minicomputer Emulator AD-A055 522/7 LHC-PILOT, User Guide PB-291 985/0 LHC-PILOT, Systems Guide PB-291 986/8 COMPUTER AIDED TYPESETTING Computer Science and Technology: FORTRAN IV Enhanced Character Graphics PB-279 939/3 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Design Specification for AFCS Universal Perform- ance Assessment and Control System AD-A040 926/8 Optical Contrast Variable Gate Centroid Tracker for the Intel 3000 Micro Processor AD-A044 126/1 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee AD-A049 466/6 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume III Evaluation of Computer Ar- chitecture via Test Programs AD-A049 482/3 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume V. Procedure For and Results of the Evaluations of Software Bases of the Candi- date Architectures for the Military Computer Family AD-A049 484/9 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report Volume VIII CFA Final Selection AD-A049 485/6 Annual Meeting of International Purdue Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6. 1977. Minutes. Part I. Nar- rative - Chapters I - X and Technical Appendices I AD-A058 095/1 AFML Scientific and Engineering Computer Support AD-A058 193/4 Structuring of Data Systems: Psychophysiological Data from the Dynamic Flight Simulator AD-A067 175/0 An Investigation on Man/Computer Interactive versus an Automatic Heuristic in Scheduling Job Shops PB-272 706/3 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Design, Construction and Installation of Data Manip- ulator AD-A040 588/6 Simulation of Packet Communication Architecture Computer Systems AD-A048 290/1 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee AD-A049 466/6 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume III. Evaluation of Computer Ar- chitecture via Test Programs AD-A049 482/3 60 COMPUTER GRAPHICS Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume IV. Architectural Research Fa- cility; ISP Description, Simulations, Data Collection AD-A049 483/1 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume V. Procedure For and Results of the Evaluations of Software Bases of the Candi- date Architectures for the Military Computer Family AD-A049 484/9 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report Volume VIII. CFA Final Selection AD-A049 485/6 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume VI. Life Cycle Cost Models AD-A049 487/2 SIMPL-M Code Generation for the Intel 8080 Micro- computer AD-A058 434/2 Phase II Comparative Evaluation of the MCF Com- puter Architectures AD-A059 196/6 Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM) Mainte- nance Manual AD-A063 370/1 Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Book 1 FORTRAN. Software Maintenance Manual AD-A063 407/1 Design of a SEL 86/LSM 1 Interface Monitor AD-A064 396/5 Transfer of APL Workspaces: A Useful Solution AD-A065 644/7 COMPUTER ASSISTED INSTRUCTION An Interactive Testing/Teaching System for Micro- computers ED-160 081 A Microprocessor Based CAI System with Graphic Capabilities ED- 160 082 COMPUTER CODES SABRE: A System for the Assessment of Body Ra- dioactivity. Part 2. Main Features of SABRE 3 AERE-R-8933 Argonne Tape Production Facility Systems Descrip- tions ANL-AMD-TM-308 Hopi: On-line Injection Optimization Program BNL-50741 PLT: A Graphics Package for Casual Users of the Biometrics POP 11/70 Computer BNWL-MA-508 SAP3: A Computer Program for X-Ray Fluorescence Data Reduction for Environmental Samples BNWL-2193 MC6800 Cross-Assembler for the PDP-8/E Digital Computer DP-1506 LASL/EG And G General Purpose IEEE-488 Bus Device Driver (GPDRV) EGG-1 183-1733 Solution of the Kinetic Equation in the P3-Approxima- tion in a Plane Geometry IAE-2513 Users Manual for DISKORG: The Disk Organization Subsystem for the PDP-1 5 Computer IS-4105 Users Guide to Finger, Thumb, and Triple Axis Real Time Experiment Control Programs IS-4169 Programmers Guide to Finger, Thumb, and Triple Axis Real Time Experiment Control Programs IS-4378 Translator for Symbolic Language of Printed Plate Description JINR-10-9553 Interactive Editing Program Using Display JINR-11-9616 REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 BUDGET: A Program for Evaluating a Project's Budget over Several Years. Phase I User's Manual K/CSD/TM-18 Microscope Fluorometer with Sequence Control and a PDP-8/E Computer. Software. Cytofluorometric Analysis CYFLAN 108 Program Description LA-tr-76-14 HELPER: A Superintendent Terminal Based on RT- 11 LA-UR-77-2583 CAD-CAM Interactive Graphics System Designed by Users LA-UR-78-179 Evaluation of the UNIX Time-Sharing System LA-6775-MS Central Computing Facility Operator Training System LA-6803-MS Data-Entry-3: Some Observations and Pragmatics of a Structured Design LA-6836 System for Histogram Entry, Retrieval, and Plotting LA-6920-M User's Manual for the Pattern Recognition Code RECOG-ORNL ORNL/CSD/TM-21 TEK8 Graphics User's Guide ORNL/CSD/TM-34 Revised Version of SLIDES: a Program to Draw Slides and Posters ORNL/CSD/TM-44 OPRODF, A Decsystem-10 Data Manipulation Pro- gram for ORELA Data Formatted Files ORNL/CSD/TM-45 ADENTR: A Program for Interactive Data Entry ORNL/CSD/TM-46 ORCODE77: A Computer Routine to Control a Nu- clear Physics Experiment by a PDP-1 5 + Camac System, Written in Assembler Language and Includ- ing Many New Routines of General Interest ORNL/NUREG/TM-99 ORIS: The Oak Ridge Imaging System Operation's Manual ORNL/TM-5875/V2 Least-Squares Dosimetry Unfolding: The Program STAY'SL ORNL/TM-6062 User's Guide to the CALVEC Software Library: A Computer Program for Emulation of CALCOMP Graphics on a Versatec Printer/Plotter ORNL/TM-6477 NEWCAS: An Interactive Computer Program for Par- ticle Size Analysis PNL-2405 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 60 Comparison of Applicon Disk Files SAND-76-0743 FORODT: Fortran Debug Routine for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-76-8265 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 41: Gerber As- sistance Program SAND-77-0295 User/ Programmer Guide for UCMD 81: Map of Drawing Dictionary SAND-77-1051 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 84: Edit of a Macro for a Drawing on the Table SAND-77-1054 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 64: Dumping Drawing Files to Tape SAND-77-1088 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 43: Zero Core Program SAND-77-1350 General Purpose Magnetic Tape Handler SAND-77-1492 User/ Programmer Guide for UCMD 87: Generation of Windows SAND-77-1609 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 85 SAND-77-1683 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 88: Store User Dictionary SAND-77-1798 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 65: Adding Text from Disc to AGS Drawings SAND-77-2024 User/ Programmer Guide for UCMD 47: Thin Film Resistor Layout SAND-77-2035 RT11LIB: A Library of Subroutines for Transferring Data Between a PDP-1 1 and CDC-6600 SAND-77-8271 DPLIB.1: A Library of Data Processing Routines for the PDP1 1 Computer SAND-78-0039 SALOGS Digital Logic Simulator SAND-78-0390C Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking SAND-78-0595 COLORS Reference Manual SAND-78-0643 EDITOR: A Text Editor for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-78-8205 Some PDP-11 BASIC-11 Extension Routines SAND-79-0292 RSPLOT, A Program Group for Evaluation of the Data past Temperatures and Stress Values of the "Prestressed Concrete Pressure Vessel-High Tem- perature Helium Test Rig" SGAE-2725 AMPS Automated Message Processing System, LER 76-101701A UCID-17375 Fortran Interlace to Vector Programming UCID-17477 Data Director RTOS Manual UCID-17750 MAGIC: A One-Dimensional Magneto-Inductive Parti- cle Code UCID-17795 DDT (Dynamic Debugging Technique) and TDT (Tracing Debugging Technique) for PDP-11 Systems UCID-17886 PL/M RT-11 Floppy Diskette Program UCID-17921 EISPACK: User's Guide UCID-30077(Rev.1) ROBOT: A User's Manual of the ENTERPRISE Com- municator UCID-30163 COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS Data Network Referee (DNR) Concept Report AD-A056 960/8 INFE Software Functional Description Overview AD-A060 667/3 INFE Program Design Specifications. Phase B. NFE Software Program Design Specifications AD-A060 668/1 Command and Control Related Computer Technol- ogy: Packet Radio AD-A063 729/8 Multiport RS232 to NTDS Multiplexor for AN/UYK-20 AD-A068 037/1 Military Message Experiment Quick Look Report AD-A068 701/2 VTMS: A Virtual Terminal Management System for RIG AD-A069 458/8 Command and Control Related Computer Technol- ogy: Packet Radio AD-A070 447/8 COMPUTER GRAPHICS SATMODEL User's Guide AD-A040 923/5 The Development of a User Oriented Interface for a Computer Driven Graphics Device AD-A042 997/7 An Extended Basic Compiler with Graphics Interface for the PDP-1 1 /50 Computer AD-A044 366/3 A General Purpose Output Program for Use in Simu- lation AD-A047 530/1 The Development of a User Oriented Interface for a Computer Driven Graphics Device AD-A051 780/5 Software Development for Interfacing AN HP-21 MX with a Tektronix 4051 AD-A062 831/3 Evaluation of an Existing Computer System Using Structured Analysis Techniques AD-A069 210/3 PLT: A Graphics Package for Casual Users of the Biometrics PDP 11/70 Computer BNWL-MA-508 DRAGON Technical Manual COO-2383-0052 A Microprocessor Based CAI System with Graphic Capabilities ED- 160 082 "NAIRI-2" Computer Plotter Software JINR-11-10818 CAD-CAM Interactive Graphics System Designed by Users LA-UR-78-179 System for Histogram Entry, Retrieval, and Plotting LA-6920-M Augmentation of a Text Retrieval System with an In- telligent Graphics Terminal N78-1 8980/0 TEK8 Graphics User's Guide ORNL/CSD/TM-34 Revised Version of SLIDES: a Program to Draw Slides and Posters ORNL/CSD/TM-44 CONTUR: A Subroutine to Draw Contour Lines for Randomly Located Data ORNL/CSD/TM-59 Universal Plotting Facility ORNL/CSD/TM-66 User's Guide to the CALVEC Software Library: A Computer Program for Emulation of CALCOMP Graphics on a Versatec Printer/Plotter ORNL/TM-6477/R1 TEK11 Graphics User's Guide ORNL/TM-6546 Remote Plotter Control System PAT-APPL-835 089 61 Computer Science and Technology: FORTRAN IV Enhanced Character Graphics PB-279 939/3 Design for Manufacturability: The Implementation and Usage of PADL on a PDP- 11/34 Computer Along with a Survey of Languages for Geometric Modeling and a Computer Aided Design Program for the Coding of Small Parts by Their Feeding and Ori- enting Characteristics PB-288 323/9 Processes in the PADL-10/n Processor: The Draw- ing File Processor PB-288 483/1 User/ Programmer Guide for UCMD 87: Generation of Windows SAND-77-1609 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 85 SAND-77-1683 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 88: Store User Dictionary SAND-77-1798 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 65: Adding Text from Disc to AGS Drawings SAND-77-2024 DPLIB.1: A Library of Data Processing Routines for the PDP1 1 Computer SAND-78-0039 COLORS Reference Manual SAND-78-0643 VuGRAPH: a Code for Generating Presentation Viewgraphs UCRL-52560 COMPUTER LOGIC A Decision Logic Table Preprocessor AD-A041 154/6 COMPUTER NETWORKS Development of a Hierarchical, Dynamically Reconfi- gurable Input/Output Network AD-A041 186/8 ""University College London ARPANET Project AD-A044 419/0 Project Report for Functionally Distributed Computer Systems Development: Software and Systems Struc- ture. Part I AD-A052 751/5 Project Report for Functionally Distributed Computer Systems Development: Software and Systems Struc- ture. Part II AD-A052 752/3 REMOS: A Remote Communications Operating System for Real-Time Activities AD-A063 303/2 NET--A Powerful File-Transfer Facility CONF-781 159-3 Study of Systems and Techniques for Data Base Management. N77-26013/1 Computer Science and Technology: The Design and Implementation of the National Bureau of Standards' Network Access Machine (NAM) PB-282 510/7 Computer Science and Technology: Common Com- mand Language for File Manipulation and Network Job Execution: An Example PB-284 459/5 AMPS Automated Message Processing System, LER 76-101701A UCID-17375 COMPUTER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION A Preliminary Study of Built-in-Test for the Military Computer Family (MCF) AD-A067 744/3 Computer Science and Technology: Proceedings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (13th) Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on October 11-14, 1977 PB-272 072/0 Computer Science and Technology: Proceedings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (14th) Held at Boston, Massachusetts on October 24-27, 1978 PB-287 069/9 COMPUTER PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION Validation Summary Report, DECSystem-20 COBOL AD-A040 227/1 Design Specification for AFCS Universal Perform- ance Assessment and Control System AD-A040 926/8 Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Soft- ware Engineering Held at New York, N. Y. on 20-22 April 1976. Volume XXIV AD-A042 626/2 Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation PB-268 880/2 COMPUTER PROGRAM VERIFICATION Validation Summary Report, DECSystem-20 COBOL AD-A040 227/1 Security Kernel Verification Techniques: Algorithmic Representation AD-A054 098/9 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING A Decision Logic Table Preprocessor AD-A041 154/6 Macro Instructions and Their Processor for Struc- tured Programming with Assembly Languages AD-A045 472/8 Generalized Multi-Channel Analysis Programs for the DART (Digital Analysis in Real Time) Computer System AD-A047 011/2 A Minicomputer/Microprocessor Programming Inter- AD-A047 100/3 A Genera! Purpose Output Program for Use in Simu- lation AD-A047 530/1 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report Volume IV. Architectural Research Fa- cility; ISP Description, Simulations, Data Collection AD-A049 483/1 Validation of Closed Queueing Network Models for the Decsystem-10 AD-A055 118/4 Estimating Computer Software Development Costs AD-A055 597/9 Evaluation of the Bitstring Algorithm AD-A059 390/5 Guide to 8080 PILOT, Version 1.1 PB-270 715/6 Computer Science and Technology: Proceedings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (13th) Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on October 11-14, 1977 PB-272 072/0 MLAB - An Online Modeling Laboratory. Seventh Edition PB-272 131/4 A Directory of Computer Software Applications - Min- icomputer and Microcomputers PB-272 972/1 Computer Science and Statistics: Annual Symposium on the Interface. Proceedings of the Annual Sympo- sium (10th) Held at the National Bureau of Stand- ards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 14-15, 1977 PB-280 370/8 AL Users' Manual PB-280 719/6 Dissemination of the PADL-1.0/n Processor. (Part and Assembly Description Language (PADL) PB-281 549/6 The PADL-1.0/n Processor: Overview and System Documentation PB-281 550/4 A Primer for MLAB (Mathematical Modeling Labora- tory). An On-Line Modeling Laboratory PB-284 155/9 Computer Science and Technology. Proceedings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (14th) Held at Boston, Massachusetts on October 24-27, 1978 PB-287 069/9 Processes in the PADL-1.0/n Processor: The Draw- ing File Processor PB-288 483/1 LHC-PILOT, User Guide PB-291 985/0 LHC-PILOT, Systems Guide PB-291 986/8 A Primer for MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory PB-292 895/0 MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory. Reference Manuel (Seventh Edition) PB-292 896/8 MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory. Applications Manual PB-292 897/6 Finite Difference Programs and Array Processors UCRL-80025 COMPUTER PROGRAMS SATMODEL User's Guide AD-A040 923/5 MRDA - A Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code for the HP 2100 Computer AD-A042 263/4 The Development of a User Oriented Interface for a Computer Driven Graphics Device AD-A042 997/7 An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/0 An Interactive, Incremental Assembly Language Pro- cessor for the INTEL 8080 AD-A044 476/0 A Machine-Language Computer Program to Obtain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton-Recoil Spectrum AD-A045 002/3 RITA Reference Manual AD-A046 627/6 A Finite-State Parser for PDP-1 1 and NOVA Comput- ers AD-A048 023/6 Distributed Computation and TENEX-Related Activi- ties AD-A048 664/7 General Purpose Data Conversion Programs for the PDP-1 2 Computer AD-A049 043/3 A Versatile User-Oriented Closed Bomb Data Reduc- tion Program (CBRED) AD-A049 465/8 Stability Analysis Program for the Hewlett-Packard 9830A Calculator AD-A051 468/7 SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Op- erators' and Users' Handbook, Version 2 AD-A052 766/3 SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Pro- grammers' Handbook, Version 2 AD-A052 767/1 Computer Program Specification for Security Kernel for PDP-1 1/45. Volume I AD-A054 247/2 The Design and Implementation of Instructional Soft- ware Information System (ISIS) AD-A056 323/9 CHECK: A Computer Model for Establishing Data Bounds AD-A062 151/6 Savloc, Computer Program for Automatic Control and Analysis of X-Ray Fluorescence Experiments. N77-22848/4 A Program for Reading Ionospheric Data. N78-23650/2 Modeling of a Latent Fault Detector in a Digital System. N78-31 794/8 Vehicle Detection - Phase III, Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation PB-268 880/2 Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Computer Program Listings PB-268 881/0 Mini-Computer Software Data Acquisition and Proc- ess Control System for Air Pollution Monitoring PB-270 400/5 CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/ Reduction PB-270 744/6 CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/ Reduction PB-270 745/3 Mlab - an Online Modeling System. PB-272 130/6 Computer Science and Technology: FORTRAN IV Enhanced Character Graphics PB-279 939/3 Automotive Fleet Fuel Consumption Model: FUEL.FOR PB-280 760/0 A Computer-Based Cascade Impactor Data Reduc- tion System PB-285 433/9 A Computer Program for Calculating the Direct Cur- rent Resistivity Response for Electrodes Buried in a Horizontally Stratified Earth PB-286 323/1 COMPUTER SOFTWARE Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Soft- ware Engineering Held at New York, N. Y. on 20-22 April 1976. Volume XXIV AD-A042 626/2 Constraints in the Design and Implementation of In- teractive Statistical Systems for Minicomputers AD-A048 124/2 Software Modeling Studies. Voiume I. Summary of Technical Progress AD-A052 615/2 Estimating Computer Software Development Costs AD-A055 597/9 Software Tool(s) for Evaluating the Effects of Finite Wordlength AD-A055 777/7 Software Development for Interfacing AN HP-21 MX with a Tektronix 4051 AD-A062 831/3 Challenge in Numerical Software for Microcomputers CONF-770884-1 62 DATA LINKS A Directory of Computer Software Applications - Min- icomputer and Microcomputers PB-272 972/1 LLL Software for the HP-2645 Terminal on Octopus UCID-30169 COMPUTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE RSX-11M Versus RSX-11D: Compatibility and Con- flict LA-6789-MS COMPUTER STORAGE MANAGEMENT The Development of a Segmented Memory Manager for the UNIX Operating System with Applications in a Multiported Memory Environment AD-A047 170/6 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 43: Zero Core Program SAND-77-1350 COMPUTER SYSTEMS DESIGN Front- and Back-End Minicomputer Arrangement in Multiprogramming Environment. N77-23801/2 COMPUTER SYSTEMS PROGRAMS Camac Program System (Csys). Reference Manual Camac-Programm-System (Csys) Referenz-Manual. N78-1 4866/5 Camac Program System (Csys). Reference Manual Camac-Programm-System (Csys) Reference Manual. N78-1 7734/2 Meta Assembler Enhancements and Generalized Linkage Editor. N79-27872/7 A Microcomputer Software Development System PB-296 568/9 COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume IV. Architectural Research Fa- cility; ISP Description, Simulations, Data Collection AD-A049 483/1 Extended System Modelling Program - Esmp Simula- tion of a Large Analog Computer on a Pdp 1 1 . N77-26843/1 Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simulation of Sequential Logic Circuits N77-82112/2 Modifications to Falstaff That Were Required for Op- eration on a 16 K Pdp-8E Minicomputer. N78-1 6392/0 COMPUTERS Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers AD-A052 087/4 Annual Meeting of International Purdue Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6, 1977. Minutes. Part II. Technical Appendices II - X AD-A058 096/9 Computer Network of the Hahn-Meitner Institute for Nuclear Research HMI-B-229 EMMY/UNIBUS Interface Design Specification. Technical Note No. 109 SU-326-P.39-19 CONDUCTION REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 CONTROL EQUIPMENT Xb Experimental Bus System. Development of a Uni- versal Computer Supported Multiple User Test Con- trol System Xb Experimental Bus System. Entwick- lung Einer Universellen Rechnergestuetzten Mehr- fachbenutzer-Versuchssteuerung. N78-1 1430/3 CONTROL SYSTEMS Design Specification for AFCS Universal Perform- ance Assessment and Control System AD-A040 926/8 A Low-Cost, General Purpose Data Acquisition and Control System for the PDP-11 Minicomputer AD-A050 224/5 Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Mainte- nance Manual AD-A063 370/1 Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Book 1. FORTRAN. Software Maintenance Manual AD-A063 407/1 System Design and Installation for RS600 Program- mable Control System for Solar Heating and Cooling DOE/NASA/CR-1 50535 Installation Package for Integrated Programmable Electronic Controller and Hydronic Subsystem: Solar Heating and Cooling DOE/NASA/CR-1 50747 CONTROLLERS A Demand Assignment Multiple Access (DAMA) Control System for Thin-Route Satellite Telephone Systems PB-286 162/3 CONVERSATIONAL PROGRAMMING Guide to 8080 PILOT, Version 1.1 PB-270 715/6 COST ESTIMATES Estimating Computer Software Development Costs AD-A055 597/9 COUNTERS A Microprocessor-Based Control Event Scanner AD-A065 222/2 CRISIS MANAGEMENT Users Guide to the Early Warning and Monitoring System AD-A065 542/3 CROP IDENTIFICATION Seismotectonic. Structural, Volcanologic, and Geo- morphic Study of New Zealand: Indigenous Forest Assessment in New Zealand. Mapping, Land Use, and Environmental Studies in New Zealand Volume 2 E77-10234 CROSS ASSEMBLERS An Assembly-Language Minicomputer Software De- velopment System PB-276 108/8 CROSSI COMPUTER PROGRAM Crossi - A Univac Processor Which Assembles Code for Interdata Minicomputers PB-269 344/8 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE Program for Calculating X-Ray Powder Diffraction In- terplanar (D) Spacmgs with a Tektronix-31 Desk Top Programmable Calculator MLM-2400 CURVE FITTING COMP: A Basic Non-Linear Least Squares Curve Fit- ting Package BNWL-SA-6473 Mlab - an Online Modeling System. PB-272 130/6 MLAB - An Online Modeling Laboratory. Seventh Edition PB-272 131/4 CUTTING TOOLS Mechanical Tunnel Boring Prediction and Machine Design PB-271 978/9 CV-990 AIRCRAFT Laboratory Demonstration of Aircraft Estimation Using Low-Cost Sensors. N79-12417/8 DATA ACQUISITION A Microprocessor Controlled Automatic Data Logging System (ADL) AD-A047 169/8 A Low-Cost, General Purpose Data Acquisition and Control System for the PDP-11 Minicomputer AD-A050 224/5 SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Op- erators' and Users' Handbook, Version 2 AD-A052 766/3 SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Pro- grammers' Handbook, Version 2 AD-A052 767/1 Microprocessor Based Data Acquisition and Process- ing System AD-A064 728/9 Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User's Manual. N78-28831/3 Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User'S Manual. N78-31 763/3 Turbojet Blade Vibration Data Acquisition Design and Feasibility Testing. N79-1 8976/7 CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/ Reduction PB-270 744/6 CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/ Reduction PB-270 745/3 Planning for Source Data Automation in Government Industrial Activities-Coordination Needed: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life. Department of Defense PB-272 024/1 DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS SABRE: A System for the Assessment of Body Ra- dioactivity Part 2. Mam Features of SABRE 3 AERE-R-8933 Off-Line Programming CAMAC System Based on a Microprocessor JINR-10-11232 Utility and Math Subroutinee for the M6800 Micro- processor MLM-2564 Cat Information Display System Users Manual. N79-26711/8 Microcomputer-Controlled Ultrasonic Data Acquisi- tion System ORNL/TM-6531 Portable Data Acquisition System SAND-77-1874C Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking SAND-78-0595 Tektronix GS-4051: MCS-8080 Software System UCID-17779 Tektronix GS-4051: MCS-8030 Software System UCID-17779(Rev.1) DATA ANALYSIS ORCODE77: A Computer Routine to Control a Nu- clear Physics Experiment by a PDP-15 + Camac System, Written in Assembler Language and Includ- ing Many New Routines of General Interest ORNL/NUREG/TM-99 DATA BASE ADMINISTRATORS Preliminary Trend Monitoring System Data Manag- er's Guide. N79-27232/4 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT Preliminary Trend Monitoring System Data Manag- er's Guide. N79-27232/4 Use of Scientific Data with the "MASTER CON- TROL" And "INGRES" Data Management Systems UCRL-81160 DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Wang Mini-Computer Automatic Database Manage- ment System AUTO-SYSTEM User's Manual AD-A055 877/5 MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000 Volume I AD-A056 375/9 MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000. Volume II AD-A056 376/7 Implementation of a Secure Data Management System for the Secure UNIX Operating System AD-A056 902/0 GIRS (Graph Information Retrieval System) Users Manual AD-A068 204/7 Use of DBMS- 10 for Storage and Retrieval of Evalu- ated Nuclear Data Files BNL-23277 Study of Systems and Techniques for Data Base Management. N77-26013/1 DATA BASES MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000 Volume I AD-A056 375/9 MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000. Volume II AD-A056 376/7 In-Depth Assessment of the Status of Distributed Data Bases and Potential U.S. Navy Requirements AD-A058 111/6 Exploring the Concept of a CODASYL Database Ma- chine AD-A067 249/3 Study of Systems and Techniques for Data Base Management. N77-26013/1 Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing. Volume 1. Mapping of Chemical Data Bases and Mapping of Data Base Elements Using a Relational Data Base Structure PB-283 892/8 Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing. Volume 2. Directory of Chemical Data Bases PB-283 893/6 DATA BOUNDS CHECK: A Computer Model for Establishing Data Bounds AD-A062 151/6 DATA COLLECTION PLATFORMS Manual for Adjustment and Handling of Platforms for Data Collection Via Satellite (Cdcp). N77-26182/4 DATA-ENTRY3 COMPUTER PROGRAM Data-Entry-3: Some Observations and Pragmatics of a Structured Design LA-6836 DATA LINKS Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers AD-A052 087/4 Data Network Referee (DNR) Concept Report AD-A056 960/8 Electrical Engineering Digital Design Laboratory Communications Network. Part 3 AD-A064 633/1 A Microprocessor-Based Control Event Scanner AD-A065 222/2 63 Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers N78-30843/4 DATA MANAGEMENT Exploring the Concept of a CODASYL Database Ma- chine AD-A067 249/3 GIRS (Graph Information Retrieval System) Users Manual AD-A068 204/7 Power Module Data Management System (Dms) Study N79-16038/8 Minis: Multipurpose Interactive NASA Information System. N79-18808/2 DATA MANIPULATORS Design, Construction and Installation of Data Manip- ulator AD-A040 588/6 DATA PROCESSING A Microprocessor Controlled Automatic Data Logging System (ADL) AD-A047 169/8 Microprocessor Based Data Acquisition and Process- ing System AD-A064 728/9 Manual for Adjustment and Handling of Platforms for Data Collection Via Satellite (Cdcp) N77-26182/4 Operations Guide to Remote Job Entry Minicom- puters PB-270 055/7 Planning for Source Data Automation in Government Industrial Aciivities-Coordination Needed: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life. Department of Defense PB-272 024/1 N7912Z: A Normalize Routine for the R7912 Tran- sient Digitizer on the PDP-1 1 UCID-17810 DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter Volume I AD-A041 195/9 Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter Volume II AD-A041 196/7 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume IV Architectural Research Fa- cility; ISP Description, Simulations, Data Collection AD-A049 483/1 A Comparison of the Existing Support Software Bases of the AN/GYQ-21 Architecture and the Cur- rent Military Architectures AD-A060 944/6 DATA PROCESSING SECURITY Multics Security Integration Requirements, 1 January 1976-31 December 1980 AD-A041 514/1 Security Kernel Specification for a Secure Communi- cations Processor AD-A045 452/0 Security Kernel Verification Techniques: Algorithmic Representation AD-A054 098/9 Computer Program Specification for Security Kernel for PDP-1 1/45. Volume I AD-A054 247/2 Multilevel Security for Intelligence Data Processing Systems AD-A070 141/7 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS An Operational Message Composition System Using the NWS Automatic Data Acquisition System (ADAS) Computer System PB-283 088/3 DATA PROCESSING TERMINALS RITA Reference Manual AD-A046 627/6 Considerations for Microprocessor-Based Terminal Design AD-A068 538/8 DATA REDUCTION Structuring of Data Systems: Psychophysiological Data from the Dynamic Flight Simulator AD-A067 175/0 CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/ Reduction PB-270 744/6 CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/ Reduction PB-270 745/3 A Computer-Based Cascade Impactor Data Reduc- tion System PB-285 433/9 DATA STORAGE Automatic Storage of Single gamma Spectra on Magnetic Tape Programs LONGO, DIRE JEN-412 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD59: Store Drawing File Index Information SAND-78-1646 DATA STORAGE SYSTEMS Data Representations in PDP-1 MacLISP AD-A052 305/0 A Cassette Tape Recorder/Reader Interface for Mi- croprocessors AD-A068 370/6 DATA SYSTEMS Camac Program System (Csys). Reference Manual Camac-Programm-System (Csys) Reference Manual. N78-1 7734/2 A General Purpose Nova-Camac Data Handling System for High Energy Physics Experiments. N78-28931/1 DATA TRANSMISSION NET--A Powerful File-Transfer Facility CONF-781 159-3 DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System I Design Considerations AD-A044 200/4 Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System II Implementation AD-A044 201/2 University College London ARPANET Proiect AD-A044 419/0 DEBUGGING (COMPUTERS) A Comparison of Approaches to Provide a Debug- ging System for the AN/UYK-20 AD-A052 876/0 Multi-Microprocessor Emulation: Annual Report for 1977 AD-A055 527/6 Studies on the Feasibility of System Software De- bugging AD-A069 028/9 The Design and Development of a Hybrid Monitor/ Debugge. System for the Microprogrammable Mini- computer Emulator (MIME) AD-A069 193/1 Software Debugging Methodology. Volume I AD-A069 539/5 Software Debugging Methodology. Volume II. Hand- book for Debugging in the MULTICS/GCOS/RTM Environments AD-A069 540/3 FORODT: Fortran Debug Routine for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-76-8265 DDT (Dynamic Debugging Technique) and TDT (Tracing Debugging Technique) for PDP-11 Systems UCID-17886 DECENTRALIZATION In-Depth Assessment of the Status of Distributed Data Bases and Potential US Navy Requirements AD-A058 111/6 DECODING A Decoding Procedure for the Reed-Solomon Codes. N78-30862/4 DECSYSTEM 10 COMPUTERS Validation of Closed Queuemg Network Models for the Decsystem-10 AD-A055 118/4 DEFENSE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Mainte- nance Manual AD-A063 370/1 Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Book 1. FORTRAN. Software Maintenance Manual AD-A063 407/1 DIGITAL COMPUTERS An Extended Basic Compiler with Graphics Interface for the PDP-1 1/50 Computer AD-A044 366/3 Highlights of L011 AD-A044 415/8 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee AD-A049 466/6 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report Volume III Evaluation of Computer Ar- chitecture via Test Programs AD-A049 482/3 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report Volume V Procedure For and Results of the Evaluations of Software Bases of the Candi- date Architectures for the Military Computer Family AD-A049 484/9 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume VIII CFA Final Selection AD-A049 485/6 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume VI Life Cycle Cost Models AD-A049 487/2 Data Representations in PDP-1 MacLISP AD-A052 305/0 Phase II Comparative Evaluation of the MCF Com- puter Architectures AD-A059 196/6 INFE Software Functional Description Overview AD-A060 667/3 DIGITAL FILTERS The Microprocessor Intel 8080 a and Its Use as Digi- tal Filter der Mikroprozessor Intel 8080 a und Sem Emsatz als Digitales Filter N78-29779/3 The Intel 8080 a Microprocessor and Its Application as a Digital Filter. N78-30842/6 Microprocessor Realizations of Range Rate Filters N79-21 780/8 DIGITAL MAPS Digital Data Editing System AD-A062 551/7 DIGITAL NAVIGATION A Microcomputer-Based Low-Cost omega Sensor Processor. N77-22063/0 DIGITAL SYSTEMS Modular Digital Missile Guidance Phase III AD-A042 466/3 DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERTERS General Purpose Data Conversion Programs for the PDP-1 2 Computer AD-A049 043/3 DIRECTORIES Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing Volume 2. Directory of Chemical Data Bases PB-283 893/6 NIH Telephone Service Directory and Information Lo- cator System PB-297 874/0 NIH Telephone and Service Directory and Informa- tion Locator System, User's Guide PB-297 875/7 DISKORK SYSTEM Programmer's Guide for DISKORG: the Disk Organi- zation Subsystem for the PDP-1 5 Computer IS-4312 DISPLAY DEVICES Augmentation of a Text Retrieval System with an In- telligent Graphics Terminal N78-1 8980/0 Cat Information Display System Users Manual N79-26711/8 DISPLAY SYSTEMS Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume I AD-A041 195/9 Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume II AD-A041 196/7 Programmable In-Raster Symbol Generator AD-A048 596/1 A Microcomputer Based Plasma Display System AD-A055 426/1 MC Pamting-A New Medium for Art Education ED-160 068 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTER SYSTEMS Functionally Distributed Computing Systems: User Facility Development AD-A069 393/7 Distributed Computer Systems: Structure and Se- mantics AD-A070 286/0 DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING In-Depth Assessment of the Status of Distributed Data Bases and Potential U S. Navy Requirements AD-A058 111/6 Distributed Computer Systems: Structure and Se- mantics AD-A070 286/0 DOCUMENTATION Method for Semi-Automatic Software Documentation CONF-780441-2 DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING Micro/Mini and Hybrid Computer Costs for Solving Dynamic Models UNI-SA-60 EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS Users Guide to the Early Warning and Monitoring System AD-A065 542/3 EARTH RESOURCES PROGRAM Minis: Multipurpose Interactive NASA Information System. N79-18808/2 EASI COMPUTER PROGRAM EASI on the HP-25, HP-65, and HP-67 SAND-76-0597 64 HONEYWELL-6000 COMPUTERS ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Resource Interruption Proiection System PB-268 156/7 EDITING Digital Data Editing System AD-A062 551/7 EDITOR COMPUTER PROGRAM EDITOR: A Text Editor for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-78-8205 EDITORS The Development of a COBOL 'Calculator' for High- Performance Bit-Slice Microprocessors AD-A047 128/4 EHMP (ELECTROHYDRAULIC PULSE MOTOR) Investigation of Electro Hydraulic Pulse Motors for Aircraft Utility Functions AD-A042 377/2 EIGENVALUES EISPACK: User's Guide UCID-30077(Rev.1) EIGENVECTORS EISPACK: User's Guide UCID-30077(Rev.1) EISPACK COMPUTER PROGRAM EISPACK: User's Guide UCID-30077(Rev.1) ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLIES Concept Report: Microprocessor Control of Electrical Power System. N77-30367/5 ELECTRICAL FAULT LOCATION Time Domain Reflectometry Microcomputer PB-267 785/4 ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY Semiconductor Measurement Technology: Spreading Resistance Analysis for Silicon Layers with Nonuni- form Resistivity PB-296 265/2 ELECTROHYDRAULIC PULSE MOTOR Investigation of Electro-Hydraulic Pulse Motors for Aircraft Utility Functions AD-A042 377/2 ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY Microprocessor Utilization in Communications System Monitoring AD-A042 145/3 ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSES SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Op- erators' and Users' Handbook, Version 2 AD-A052 766/3 SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Pro- grammers' Handbook, Version 2 AD-A052 767/1 ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATION A Mathematical Model of Electrostatic Precipitation: Revision 1 PB-286 349/6 ELMO BUMPY TORUS NCMART: Algorithms and Computer Codes for a Modified Algebraic Spatial Reconstruction of Spec- troscopic Emissivities for ELMO Bumpy Torus ORNL/TM-6500 EMMY COMPUTER PROGRAM EMMY Based Pdp-11/20 Emulation, Technical Note No. 110 SU-326-P.39-20 EMMY SYSTEM EMMY/UNIBUS Interface Design Specification. Technical Note No. 109 SU-326-P 39-19 EMULATORS Computer Code Simulating Minicomputer Operation on a Large Computer JINR-1 1-9558 EMMY Based Pdp-11/20 Emulation. Technical Note No. 110 SU-326-P.39-20 EMULATORS (COMPUTERS) MIME: Microprogrammable Minicomputer Emulator AD-A055 522/7 Multi-Microprocessor Emulation: Annual Report for 1977 AD-A055 527/6 Radiation Hardened Microprocessor. Volume II AD-A063 004/6 Development of Experimental Compilers to Generate Emulators for the BMD DDP Test Bed From High Level Language AD-A068 950/5 ENGINEERING DRAWINGS Dissemination of the PADL-1.0/n Processor. (Part and Assembly Description Language (PADL) PB-281 549/6 ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYS SAP3: A Computer Program for X-Ray Fluorescence Data Reduction for Environmental Samples BNWL-2193 EQUIPMENT INTERFACES A New Design for the Programmable Button System at the GEODSS ETS AD-A069 971/0 Special Purpose Computer to Computer Interface IS-T-830 EMMY/UNIBUS Interlace Design Specification, Technical Note No 109 SU-326-P.39-19 ERROR CORRECTING CODES A Decoding Procedure for the Reed-Solomon Codes. N78-30862/4 ERROR DETECTION CODES A Preliminary Study of Built-in-Test for the Military Computer Family (MCF) AD-A067 744/3 EXTRAPOLATION The Intel 8080 a Microprocessor and Its Application as a Digital Filter. N78-30842/6 FAILURE MODE ANALYSIS Algorithms and Programs for Consequence Diagram and Fault Tree Construction RISO-M-1907 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORMATIONS Fips Software for Fast Fourier Transform, Filtering and Image Rotations. N79-1 7594/9 FAULT TOLERANT COMPUTING Analysis and Design of Fault-Tolerant Computer Sys- tems AD-A059 936/5 FAULT TREE ANALYSIS Algorithms and Programs for Consequence Diagram and Fault Tree Construction RISO-M-1907 FILE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS File Management System UCID-17841 FILE ORGANIZATION Programmer's Guide for DISKORG: the Disk Organi- zation Subsystem for the PDP-15 Computer IS-4312 FILM RESISTORS User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 47: Thin Film Resistor Layout SAND-77-2035 FINITE DIFFERENCE METHOD Finite Difference Programs and Array Processors UCRL-80025 FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Xb Experimental Bus System. Development of a Uni- versal Computer Supported Multiple User Test Con- trol System Xb Experimental Bus System. Entwick- lung Einer Universellen Rechnergestuetzten Mehr- fachbenutzer-Versuchssteuerung. N78-1 1430/3 FLIGHT RECORDERS Microcomputer Based Flight Data Recorder/ Monitor with Solid State Memory AD-A057 990/4 FLIGHT SIMULATION The Development and Implementation of Algorithms for an A-7E Performance Calculator AD-A061 344/8 FLIGHT SIMULATORS Structuring of Data Systems: Psychophysiological Data from the Dynamic Flight Simulator AD-A067 175/0 Documentation and User's Manual for the Visual De- tection Simulator (VDS) AD-A070 487/4 FLOW DISTRIBUTION Studies of Self Streamlining Wind Tunnel Real and Imaginary Flows. N79-20142/2 FLUORIMETERS Microscope Fluorometer with Sequence Control and a PDP-8/E Computer. Software. Cytofluorometric Analysis CYFLAN 108. Program Description LA-tr-76-14 FOCAL-77 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Sandia FOCAL-77 SAND-77-0128 FORODT COMPUTER PROGRAM FORODT: Fortran Debug Routine for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-76-8265 FREEWAYS Traffic Responsive Ramp Control Through the Use of Microcomputer PB-271 333/7 FUEL ECONOMY Automotive Fleet Fuel Consumption Model: FUEL.FOR PB-280 760/0 FUEL ELEMENT CLUSTERS Collection and Evaluation of Salt Mixing Data with the Real Time Data Acquisition System COO-2245-36TR GAMMA SPECTRA Automatic Storage of Single gamma Spectra on Magnetic Tape. Programs LONGO, DIRE JEN-412 Development of a Minicomputer System for on-Lme Processing of gamma-Gamma Coincidence Events and Measurements of E2/M1 Mixing Ratios in exp 110 Cd and exp 134 Ba UCRL-52360 GAMMA SPECTROMETERS Use of M-6000 Minicomputer for Preliminary Proc- essing of a Gamma Spectra RI-34 GEODETIC SURVEYS GEO-SPIN (Trademark) Precision Inertial Survey AD-A059 435/8 GEOMETRIC MODELLING Dissemination of the PADL-1.0/n Processor (Part and Assembly Description Language (PADL) PB-281 549/6 Design for Manufacturability: The Implementation and Usage of PADL on a PDP-11/34 Computer Along with a Survey of Languages for Geometric Modeling and a Computer Aided Design Program for the Coding of Small Parts by Their Feeding and Ori- enting Characteristics PB-288 323/9 Processes in the PADL-1.0/n Processor: The Draw- ing File Processor PB-288 483/1 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM Automatic Null Steering/Surveillance Array System (ANSAS) for Global Positioning System (GPS) Appli- cation AD-A063 160/6 GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT Application of Microprocessors for Miniaturized TMDE AD-A043 048/8 GUIDANCE Modular Digital Missile Guidance Phase III AD-A042 466/3 GUIDED MISSILE TRACKING SYSTEMS Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real-Time Video Target Tracking AD-A048 156/4 HEAD UP DISPLAYS Program Documentation for the Helmet-Mounted- Display Processor Flight Software AD-A063 312/3 HEAT TRANSFER REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 HEATING5 COMPUTER PROGRAM REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 HELIUM COOLED REACTORS RSPLOT, A Program Group for Evaluation of the Data past Temperatures and Stress Values of the "Prestressed Concrete Pressure Vessel-High Tem- perature Helium Test Rig" SGAE-2725 HELMET MOUNTED DISPLAYS Program Documentation for the Helmet-Mounted- Display Processor Flight Software AD-A063 312/3 HELPER SYSTEM HELPER: A Superintendent Terminal Based on RT- 11 LA-UR-77-2583 HEURISTIC METHODS An Investigation on Man/Computer Interactive versus an Automatic Heuristic in Scheduling Job Shops PB-272 706/3 HFIR REACTOR Automatic Neutron PSD Transmission from a Proc- ess Computer to a Timeshare System ORNL/TM-5476 HIGH ENERGY INTERACTIONS A General Purpose Nova-Camac Data Handling System for High Energy Physics Experiments. N78-28931/1 HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGES Simulation of the Direct Execution of a Higher Order Language AD-A055 235/6 Performance Evaluation of High-Level Language Systems AD-A056 068/0 HONEYWELL-6000 COMPUTERS MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000 Volume I AD-A056 375/9 65 MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000. Volume II AD-A056 376/7 HP-9830A COMPUTERS Stability Analysis Program for the Hewlett-Packard 9830A Calculator AD-A051 468/7 HYDRAULIC ACTUATORS Investigation of Electro-Hydraulic Pulse Motors for Aircraft Utility Functions AD-A042 377/2 IBM 360 COMPUTER Rsx-1 1 D/DX 1 1 -B Interface User'S Guide. N78-31795/5 IBM 370 COMPUTER Rsx-1 1D/DX11-B Interface User'S Guide. N78-31795/5 ICL COMPUTERS Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers. N78-30843/4 IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readabi- lity and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5 IMAGE INTENSIFICATION Guide to Landsat Image Enhancement Programs on the CCRS DECsystem-10/MAD Display AD-A062 373/6 IMAGE PROCESSING Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real-Time Video Target Tracking AD-A048 156/4 Specklegram Data Reduction Using Optical and Digi- tal Techniques AD-A048 210/9 PDP 1 1 Image Processing Software AD-A049 586/1 Fips Software for Fast Fourier Transform, Filtering and Image Rotations. N79-17594/9 ORIS: The Oak Ridge Imaging System Operation's Manual ORNL/TM-5875/V2 IMAGES ORIS: The Oak Ridge Imaging System Program List- ings ORNL/TM-5875/V3 INERTIAL NAVIGATION GEO-SPIN (Trademark) Precision Inertial Survey AD-A059 435/8 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Atmospheric and Oceanographic Information Proc- essing System (Aoips) System Description. N77-31012/6 INFORMATION PROCESSING EUCLID Compiler for PDP-1 1 AD-A061 406/5 Post Detection Target State Estimation Using Heuris- tic Information Processing - A Preliminary Investiga- tion AD-A068 965/3 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Use of DBMS-10 for Storage and Retrieval of Evalu- ated Nuclear Data Files BNL-23277 Comprehensive Information Retrieval and Model Input Sequence (Cirmis): User's Manual BNWL-2236 Augmentation of a Text Retrieval System with an In- telligent Graphics Terminal. N78-1 8980/0 RDM: A Relational Database Machine UCRL-79160 INFORMATION SYSTEMS The Design and Implementation of Instructional Soft- ware Information System (ISIS) AD-A056 323/9 Structuring of Data Systems: Psychophysiological Data from the Dynamic Flight Simulator AD-A067 175/0 Comprehensive Information Retrieval and Model Input Sequence (Cirmis): User's Manual BNWL-2236 Study of Systems and Techniques for Data Base Management. N77-26013/1 Minis: Multipurpose Interactive NASA Information System. N79-18806/2 ADENTR: A Program for Interactive Data Entry ORNL/CSD/TM-46 Resource Interruption Projection System PB-268 156/7 Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing. Volume 1. Mapping of Chemical Data Bases and Mapping of Data Base Elements Using a Relational Data Base Structure PB-283 892/8 Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing. Volume 2. Directory of Chemical Data Bases PB-283 893/6 Annual Progress Report UCLA-34P214-50 INPUT/OUTPUT PROCESSING Optimal Implementation of 2-D Nonrecursive Digital Filters Via Sectioning UCRL-80228 INSTALLATION MANUALS Installation Package for Integrated Programmable Electronic Controller and Hydronic Subsystem - Solar Heating and Cooling. N78-29580/5 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS The Design and Implementation of Instructional Soft- ware Information System (ISIS) AD-A056 323/9 LHC-PILOT, User Guide PB-291 985/0 LHC-PILOT, Systems Guide PB-291 986/8 INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS An Interactive Testing/Teaching System for Micro- computers ED-160 081 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Modular Digital Missile Guidance Phase III AD-A042 466/3 Radiation Hardened Microprocessor. Volume II AD-A063 004/6 INTEL 8080 COMPUTERS An Interactive, Incremental Assembly Language Pro- cessor for the INTEL 8080 AD-A044 476/0 BASIC for Intel's 8080 UCRL-77503 INTEL 8080 MICROPROCESSOR The Microprocessor Intel 8080 a and Its Use as Digi- tal Filter der Mikroprozessor Intel 8080 a und Sein Einsatz als Digitales Filter. N78-29779/3 The Intel 8080 a Microprocessor and Its Application as a Digital Filter. N78-30842/6 INTELLIGIBILITY The Development of a Computer Speech Processing System and Its Use for the Study and Development of Processing Methods for Enhancing the Intelligibil- ity of Speech in Noise AD-A047 240/7 INTERACTIONS Users Guide to the Early Warning and Monitoring System AD-A065 542/3 INTERACTIVE DISPLAY DEVICES Interactive Display Program for a PDP-11 Satellite Graphics System DP-MS-76-74 INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS Digital Data Editing System AD-A062 551/7 Navy Laboratory Interactive Graphics Study AD-A067 402/8 INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING Annual Progress Report UCLA-34P214-50 INTERDATA 70 MINICOMPUTERS Crossi - A Univac Processor Which Assembles Code for Interdata Minicomputers PB-269 344/8 INTERFACES Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers AD-A052 087/4 Preliminary Design of a Universal Network Interface Device AD-A064 059/9 Design of a SEL 86/LSI-1 1 Interface Monitor AD-A064 396/5 Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers N78-30843/4 Rsx-1 1D/DX11-B Interface User'S Guide. N78-31 795/5 INTERPRETERS A Microprocessor Implementation of Extended Basic AD-A042 332/7 The Development of a COBOL 'Calculator' for High- Performance Bit-Slice Microprocessors AD-A047 128/4 User's Guide to the LLL BASIC Interpreter UCID-17090(Rev.1) LLL 8080 BASIC-II Interpreter User's Manual UCID-17752 IONOSPHERIC PROPAGATION Running an Ionospheric Ray Tracing Program on the PDP-1 1/40 Mini-Computer - Instruction Book AD-A068 367/2 IONOSPHERICS A Program for Reading Ionospheric Data. N78-23650/2 IRRIGATION Effects of Availability of Water on Irrigation Systems Operations PB-292 714/3 An Improved Computer Program for Calculating the Theoretical Performance Parameters of a Propeller Type Wind Turbine. An Appendix to the Final Report • on Feasibility of Using Wind Power to Pump Irrigation Water (Texas) PB-294 017/9 IRRIGATION EFFICIENCY Effects of Availability of Water on Irrigation Systems Operations PB-292 714/3 JOB SHOP SCHEDULING An Investigation on Man/Computer Interactive versus an Automatic Heuristic in Scheduling Job Shops PB-272 706/3 KALMAN FILTERING Investigation of Real-Time Satellite-to-Satellite Track- ing Using Extended Kalman Filters AD-A055 115/0 KAON MINUS-PROTON INTERACTIONS Measurement of K exp - /sub p/ 4.2 Gev/C Interac- tions with a Pepr Vertex Guidance System INIS-mf-3618 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT The Agonies of Automating Almost Anything PB-290 017/3 LAMINAR FLOW Studies of Self Streamlining Wind Tunnel Real and Imaginary Flows. N79-20142/2 LAMPF LINAC System for Histogram Entry, Retrieval, and Plotting LA-6920-M LANDSAT SATELLITES Guide to Landsat Image Enhancement Programs on the CCRS DECsystem-10/MAD Display AD-A062 373/6 LASER DOPPLER VELOCIMETERS Study of Software Application of Airborne Laser Doppler System for Severe Storms Measurement N79-23586/7 LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LABORATORY Microcomputer Standardization Program at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory UCID-17524(Rev.1) LAYERS Solution of the Kinetic Equation in the PS-Approxima- tion in a Plane Geometry IAE-2513 LEAST SQUARE FIT FORTRAN Programs for Data Fitting Using Ortho- gonal Polynomials COO-1 198-1215 GENFIT: A General Least Squares Curve Fitting Pro- gram for Mini-Computer IEA-TI-57 LSFODF: A Generalized Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting Program for Use with ORELA ODF Files ORNL/TM-6545 LIFE CYCLE COSTS Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume VI Life Cycle Cost Models AD-A049 487/2 LMFBR TYPE REACTORS Collection and Evaluation of Salt Mixing Data with the Real Time Data Acquisition System COO-2245-36TR Microcomputer-Controlled Ultrasonic Data Acquisi- tion System ORNL/TM-6531 LOADS (FORCES) Design of Software Package for Incorporation of Random Load Testing and Data Processing on Ma- terials Testing System Machine AD-A057 899/7 LOGIC CIRCUITS Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simulation of Sequential Logic Circuits N77-82112/2 SALOGS Digital Logic Simulator SAND-78-0390C 66 MICROPROCESSORS LOGIC DESIGN Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simulation of Sequential Logic Circuits N77-82112/2 MACROPROGRAMMING Macro Instructions and Their Processor for Struc- tured Programming with Assembly Languages AD-A045 472/8 MADMAN DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000 Volume I AD-A056 375/9 MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000. Volume II AD-A056 376/7 MAGNETIC DISKS Software for a Magnetic Disk Drive Unit Connected with a Computer Tpa-1001-l JINR-R-10-10479 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 60 Comparison of Applicon Disk Files SAND-76-0743 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 81: Map of Drawing Dictionary SAND-77-1051 MAGNETIC TAPES General Purpose Magnetic Tape Handler SAND-77-1492 MAIL Framework and Functions of the 'MS' Personal Mes- sage System AD-A048 774/4 MAINTENANCE Application of Microprocessors for Miniaturized TMDE AD-A043 048/8 MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT Application of Microprocessors for Miniaturized TMDE AD-A043 048/8 MAN COMPUTER INTERFACE Alpha/Numeric Extraction Technique Phase II AD-A041 759/2 Personal Computing AD-A049 941/8 The Development of a User Oriented Interface for a Computer Driven Graphics Device AD-A051 780/5 MAN MACHINE SYSTEMS Pilot Modeling for Manned Simulation. Volume II. Program PIREP User Manual AD-A040 416/0 MANUFACTURING Development of a Prototype Automated Assembly Machine Production Line for the Area Denial Artillery Munition (ADAM) AD-A068 625/3 An Investigation on Man/Computer Interactive versus an Automatic Heuristic in Scheduling Job Shops PB-272 706/3 MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT Development of a Stability Monitor/Controller for Ma- terial Handling Equipment. Phase II. Hardware Devel- opment AD-A041 192/6 MATHEMATICAL MODELS MLAB - An Online Modeling Laboratory. Seventh Edition PB-272 131/4 A Mathematical Model of Electrostatic Precipitation: Revision 1 PB-286 349/6 MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory. Reference Manuel (Seventh Edition) PB-292 896/8 MATRICES EISPACK: User's Guide UCID-30077(Rev.1) MEDICAL COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Microprocessor Control of the Blood Flow Plethys- mograph AD-A062 939/4 ORIS: The Oak Ridge Imaging System Program List- ings ORNL/TM-5875/V3 MEETINGS Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Soft- ware Engineering Held at New York, N. Y. on 20-22 April 1976. Volume XXIV AD-A042 626/2 Proceedings of the Annual Rocky Mountain Sympo- sium on Microcomputers: Systems, Software, Archi- tecture (1st) August 31 - September 2, 1977 Fort Collins, Colorado AD-A049 559/8 Annual Meeting of International Purdue Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6, 1977. Minutes. Part I. Nar- rative - Chapters I - X and Technical Appendices I AD-A058 095/1 Annual Meeting of International Purdue Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6, 1977. Minutes. Part II. Technical Appendices II - X AD-A058 096/9 Computer Science and Technology: Proceedings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (13th) Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on October 11-14, 1977 PB-272 072/0 Computer Science and Statistics: Annual Symposium on the Interface. Proceedings of the Annual Sympo- sium (10th) Held at the National Bureau of Stand- ards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 14-15, 1977 PB-280 370/8 Computer Science and Technology: Proceedings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (14th) Held at Boston, Massachusetts on October 24-27, 1978 PB-287 069/9 MEMORY DEVICES The Development of a Segmented Memory Manager for the UNIX Operating System with Applications in a Multiported Memory Environment AD-A047 170/6 File Management System UCID-17841 MESSAGE COMPOSITION SYSTEMS An Operational Message Composition System Using the N.W.S. Automatic Data Acquisition System (ADAS) Computer System PB-283 088/3 MESSAGE PROCESSING Distributed Computation and TENEX-Related Activi- ties AD-A048 664/7 Framework and Functions of the 'MS' Personal Mes- sage System AD-A048 774/4 Military Message Experiment Quick Look Report AD-A068 701/2 METAL NITRIDE OXIDE SEMICONDUCTORS Design of a Microprocessor Based System for Test- ing of the NCR 2051 MNOS Memory AD-A055 200/0 METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS Microcomputer-Controlled Acoustic Echo Sounder PB-268 033/8 METEOROLOGICAL PARAMETERS Atmospheric and Oceanographic Information Proc- essing System (Aoips) System Description. N77-31012/6 METEOROLOGICAL RADAR Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume I AD-A041 195/9 Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter Volume II AD-A041 196/7 MICROCOMPUTERS Modular Digital Missile Guidance Phase III AD-A042 466/3 MICRO-COBOL. An Implementation of Navy Stand- ard HYPO-COBOL for a Microprocessor-Based Com- puter System AD-A043 008/2 A Simple Computer-Driven Analog-to-Digital Convert- er for Use with an 8-Bit Microcomputer AD-A043 658/4 An Interactive, Incremental Assembly Language Pro- cessor for the INTEL 8080 AD-A044 476/0 A Minicomputer/Microprocessor Programming Inter- AD-A047 100/3 The Development of a COBOL 'Calculator' for High- Performance Bit-Slice Microprocessors AD-A047 128/4 The Implementation of an Operating System for a Shared Microcomputer Environment AD-A047 129/2 ALGOL-M. An Implementation of a High-level Block Structured Language for a Microprocessor-based Computer System AD-A047 266/2 Proceedings of the Annual Rocky Mountain Sympo- sium on Microcomputers: Systems, Software, Archi- tecture (1st) August 31 - September 2, 1977 Fort Collins, Colorado AD-A049 559/8 Personal Computing AD-A049 941/8 A Microcomputer Based Plasma Display System AD-A055 426/1 SIMPL-M Code Generation for the Intel 8080 Micro- computer AD-A058 434/2 A Microcomputer Based Shipboard Surface-Subsur- face Contact Plotter System AD-A059 603/1 NPS-PASCAL. A Partial Implementation of PASCAL Language for a Microprocessor-based Computer System AD-A061 040/2 Microprocessor Based Data Acquisition and Process- ing System AD-A064 728/9 Advanced Software Concepts for Employing Micro- computers in the Laboratory AD-A067 892/0 Software Development System for Small Dedicated and Front-End Microcomputer (LSI-11) Applications CONF-7811112-1 MC Painting-A New Medium for Art Education ED- 160 068 Microcomputer Technology Applications: Charger and Regulator Software for a Breadboard Program- mable Power Processor. N79-1 2773/4 Time Domain Reflectometry Microcomputer PB-267 785/4 Traffic Responsive Ramp Control Through the Use of Microcomputer PB-271 333/7 A Directory of Computer Software Applications - Min- icomputer and Microcomputers PB-272 972/1 A Microcomputer Software Development System PB-296 568/9 MICROPROCESSORS Microprocessor Utilization in Communications System Monitoring AD-A042 145/3 A Microprocessor Implementation of Extended Basic AD-A042 332/7 Application of Microprocessors for Miniaturized TMDE AD-A043 048/8 Investigation of Microprogrammable Microprocessors AD-A044 130/3 An Interactive, Incremental Assembly Language Pro- cessor for the INTEL 8080 AD-A044 476/0 Hardware Design and Construction of a Microproces- sor Laboratory AD-A044 607/0 Data Acquisition System for Unsteady Aerodynamic Investigation AD-A046 468/5 The Development of a COBOL 'Calculator' for High- Performance Bit-Slice Microprocessors AD-A047 128/4 The Implementation of an Operating System for a Shared Microcomputer Environment AD-A047 129/2 A Microprocessor Controlled Automatic Data Logging System (ADL) AD-A047 169/8 Design of the Processor for Software Compatible Avionic Computer Family AD-A053 345/5 Multi-Microprocessor Emulation: Annual Report for 1977 AD-A055 527/6 A Real-Time Operating System for Single Board Computer Based Distributed Naval Tactical Data Systems AD-A059 601/5 ARIAN - An Implementation of a Microcomputer Op- erating System AD-A060 210/2 Microprocessor Control of the Blood Flow Plethys- mograph AD-A062 939/4 Radiation Hardened Microprocessor. Volume II AD-A063 004/6 A Preliminary Investigation of Aural Input/Output Systems for In-Flight Information Retrieval AD-A063 174/7 Program Documentation for the Helmet-Mounted- Display Processor Flight Software AD-A063 312/3 Preliminary Design of a Universal Network Interface Device AD-A064 059/9 A Microprocessor-Based Control Event Scanner AD-A065 222/2 A Development System for Microprocessor Based Pattern Recognizers. Volume II AD-A066 197/5 Structural Mathematics Modeling AD-A066 743/6 67 Microprocessor Requirements for Implementing Modern Control Logic AD-A067 551/2 A Cassette Tape Recorder/ Reader Interlace for Mi- croprocessors AD-A068 370/6 Considerations for Microprocessor-Based Terminal Design AD-A068 538/8 A New Design for the Programmable Button System at the GEODSS ETS AD-A069 971/0 Argonne Tape Production Facility Systems Descrip- tions ANL-AMD-TM-308 Challenge in Numerical Software for Microcomputers CONF-770884-1 MC6800 Cross-Assembler for the PDP-8/E Digital Computer DP-1506 A Microprocessor Based CAI System with Graphic Capabilities ED- 160 082 NEXT Module System for the M-220 Computer FEI-562 Description of the COPLAN Special-Purpose Lan- guage Description for the Programming Automation on Control Minicomputers JINR-10-9768 Computer Code Simulating Minicomputer Operation on a Large Computer JINR-1 1-9558 Computer System Cross-Fertilization: Making Your Tl 980 Play Your TMS 9900 LBL-8755 Utility and Math Subroutinee for the M6800 Micro- processor MLM-2564 A Microcomputer-Based Low-Cost omega Sensor Processor. N77-22063/0 Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scattero- meter Radar Signal Processor. N77-23291/6 Rpm/8. Experimental Study for a Programming Lan- guage Rpn/8. Uno Studio Spenmentale Per UN Lin- guaggio di Programmazione. N77-25821/8 Manual for Adjustment and Handling of Platforms for Data Collection Via Satellite (Cdcp). N77-26182/4 Concept Report: Microprocessor Control of Electrical Power System. N77-30367/5 Augmentation of a Text Retrieval System with an In- telligent Graphics Terminal. N78-18980/0 Microprocessor-Based Cardiopulmonary Monitoring System N78-21752/8 Installation Package for Integrated Programmable Electronic Controller and Hydronic Subsystem - Solar Heating and Cooling. N78-29580/5 Microprocessor Realizations of Range Rate Filters. N79-21780/8 Remote Plotter Control System PAT-APPL-835 089 EASI on the HP-25. HP-65, and HP-67 SAND-76-0597 IBM 370/360 Software Package for Developing Stand Alone LSI- 11 Systems SLAC-PUB-2103 Software for Microcircuit Systems SLAC-PUB-2205 User's Guide to the LLL BASIC Interpreter UCID-17090(Rev1) Microcomputer Standardization Program at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory UCID-17524(Rev.1) ACT: An 8080 Macro Processor UCID-17722 Design and Implementation of a High-Level Lan- guage for a Programmable Frame Buffer UCID-17745 LLL 8080 BASIC-II Interpreter User's Manual UCID-17752 Tektronix GS-4051: MCS-8080 Software System UCID-17779 Tektronix GS-4051: MCS-8080 Software System UCID-17779(Rev.1) PL/M RT-11 Floppy Diskette Program UCID-17921 BASIC for Intel's 8080 UCRL-77503 LSI-11 Writable Control Store Enhancements to U.C.S.D. Pascal UCRL-81808 MICROPROGRAMMING Investigation of Microprogrammable Microprocessors AD-A044 130/3 Design of the Processor for Software Compatible Avionic Computer Family AD-A053 345/5 MIME: Microprogrammable Minicomputer Emulator AD-A055 522/7 Radiation Hardened Microprocessor Volume II AD-A063 004/6 Development of Experimental Compilers to Generate Emulators for the BMD DDP Test Bed From High Level Language AD-A068 950/5 Emulador de Memonas de Microcontrole Auxihado Por Computador (Correcting Memory of Microcontrol System Aided by a Computer) N79-27874/3 MILITARY FACILITIES Energy Monitoring and Control System. (Report Update - 1978) AD-A064 347/8 MILITARY INTELLIGENCE Multilevel Security for Intelligence Data Processing Systems AD-A070 141/7 MINICOMPUTERS Design Specification for AFCS Universal Perform- ance Assessment and Control System AD-A040 926/8 A General Purpose Mini-Computer Based Digital Signal Processing Laboratory AD-A041 000/1 Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter Volume I AD-A041 195/9 Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter Volume II AD-A041 196/7 Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System. I. Design Considerations AD-A044 200/4 Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System. II Implementation AD-A044 201/2 Minicomputer System Study AD-A044 752/4 A Microcomputer Based Generator of Recurring Operational Reports AD-A045 137/7 RITA Reference Manual AD-A046 627/6 A Minicomputer/Microprocessor Programming Inter- AD-A047 100/3 The Development of a Segmented Memory Manager for the UNIX Operating System with Applications in a Multiported Memory Environment AD-A047 170/6 Constraints in the Design and Implementation of In- teractive Statistical Systems for Minicomputers AD-A048 124/2 Framework and Functions of the 'MS' Personal Mes- sage System AD-A048 774/4 A Low-Cost, General Purpose Data Acquisition and Control System for the PDP-11 Minicomputer AD-A050 224/5 The Application of Inexpensive Minicomputers to In- formation Work AD-A052 861/2 A Comparison of Approaches to Provide a Debug- ging System for the AN/UYK-20 AD-A052 876/0 MIME: Microprogrammable Minicomputer Emulator AD-A055 522/7 Wang Mini-Computer Automatic Database Manage- ment System AUTO-SYSTEM User's Manual AD-A055 877/5 A Fixed-Point Arithmetic Compiler AD-A059 041/4 Software Development for Interfacing AN HP-21 MX with a Tektronix 4051 AD-A062 831/3 Electrical Engineering Digital Design Laboratory Communications Network Part 3 AD-A064 633/1 Navy Laboratory Interactive Graphics Study AD-A067 402/8 Multiport RS232 to NTDS Multiplexor for AN/UYK-20 AD-A068 037/1 VTMS: A Virtual Terminal Management System for RIG AD-A069 458/8 Use of DBMS-10 for Storage and Retrieval of Evalu- ated Nuclear Data Files BNL-23277 An Interactive Testing/Teaching System for Micro- computers ED-160 081 HELPER: A Superintendent Terminal Based on RT- 11 LA-UR-77-2583 Central Computing Facility Operator Training System LA-6803-MS Front- and Back-End Minicomputer Arrangement in Multiprogramming Environment N77-23801/2 Basex: A Programming Language for Process Auto- mation with Minicomputers. Development and Experi- ence Basex: Eme Programmiersprache Zur Prozes- sautomation MIT Kleinrechnern - Entwicklung und Erfahrungen. N77-24806/0 Real-Time Interactive Multiprogramming N79-16585/8 PDP-11 STAMOS Time-Sharing System Interactive User's Guide PB-268 153/4 Crossi - A Univac Processor Which Assembles Code for Interdata Minicomputers PB-269 344/8 Operations Guide to Remote Job Entry Minicom- puters PB-270 055/7 Guidelines for Preparing Minicomputers Feasibility Studies PB-270 056/5 Implementing Procedures for Minicomputers PB-270 057/3 Mini-Computer Software Data Acquisition and Proc- ess Control System for Air Pollution Monitoring PB-270 400/5 A Directory of Computer Software Applications - Min- icomputer and Microcomputers PB-272 972/1 An Assembly-Language Minicomputer Software De- velopment System PB-276 108/8 A Microcomputer Software Development System PB-296 568/9 MINIGAP SYSTEM Generalized Report Generation and Analysis Pack- age, Adaptable to Mini-Computers AD-A056 057/3 MISSION PROFILES AFAL Simulation Facility/Capability Manual. Volume I. Executive Summary and Systems Avionics Division AD-A055 591/2 MLAB SYSTEM MLAB - An Online Modeling Laboratory Seventh Edition PB-272 131/4 MLAB: An On-Lme Modeling System PB-292 894/3 A Primer for MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory PB-292 895/0 MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory Reference Manuel (Seventh Edition) PB-292 896/8 MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory Applications Manual PB-292 897/6 MODELS-SIMULATION A Mathematical Model of Electrostatic Precipitation: Revision 1 PB-286 349/6 MODEMS Modem Identification Experiments AD-A067 538/9 MODULES (ELECTRONICS) Modular Digital Missile Guidance Phase III AD-A042 466/3 MONITORS Users Guide to the Early Warning and Monitoring System AD-A065 542/3 MULTIPLEXING Multiport RS232 to NTDS Multiplexor for AN/UYK-20 AD-A068 037/1 MULTIPROCESSORS The Incremental Garbage Collection of Processes AD-A052 445/4 Multi-Microprocessor Emulation: Annual Report for 1977 AD-A055 527/6 Analysis and Design of Fault-Tolerant Computer Sys- tems AD-A059 936/5 68 PDP-11 COMPUTERS Reliability in Multiprocessor Systems. A Case Study of a Multi-Minicomputer, a Modular Multi-Micro- processor and a Voted Multiprocessor AD-A064 795/8 MULTIPROGRAMMING Front- and Back-End Minicomputer Arrangement in Multiprogramming Environment. N77-23801/2 Real-Time Interactive Multiprogramming. N79-16585/8 MULTIREGIONAL INPUT OUTPUT MODELS Resource Interruption Projection System PB-268 156/7 NAVAL AIRCRAFT Design of Software Package for Incorporation of Random Load Testing and Data Processing on Ma- terials Testing System Machine AD-A057 899/7 NAVAL TACTICAL DATA SYSTEM In-Depth Assessment of the Status of Distributed Data Bases and Potential U.S. Navy Requirements AD-A058 111/6 A Real-Time Operating System for Single Board Computer Based Distributed Naval Tactical Data Systems AD-A059 601/5 Multiport RS232 to NTDS Multiplexor for AN/UYK-20 AD-A068 037/1 NAVIGATION AIDS Automatic Null Steering/Surveillance Array System (ANSAS) for Global Positioning System (GPS) Appli- cation AD-A063 160/6 NAVIGATION COMPUTERS GEO-SPIN (Trademark) Precision Inertia! Survey AD-A059 435/8 NAVIGATIONAL COMPUTERS A Microcomputer-Based Low-Cost omega Sensor Processor. N77-22063/0 NERVE CELLS CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/ Reduction PB-270 744/6 CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/ Reduction PB-270 745/3 NETWORK ACCESS MACHINES Computer Science and Technology: The Design and Implementation of the National Bureau of Standards' Network Access Machine (NAM) PB-282 510/7 Computer Science and Technology: Common Com- mand Language for File Manipulation and Network Job Execution: An Example PB-284 459/5 NETWORK ANALYSIS DRAGON Technical Manual COO-2383-0052 NEUTRON DIFFRACTOMETERS Programmers Guide to Finger, Thumb, and Triple Axis Real Time Experiment Control Programs IS-4378 NEUTRON IRRADIATION A Machine-Language Computer Program to Obtain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton-Recoil Spectrum AD-A045 002/3 NEUTRON SPECTROMETERS An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/0 Users Guide to Finger, Thumb, and Triple Axis Real Time Experiment Control Programs IS-4169 NEUTRON SPECTRUM Automatic Neutron PSD Transmission from a Proc- ess Computer to a Timeshare System ORNL/TM-5476 NEUTRON TRANSPORT THEORY Solution of the Kinetic Equation in the P3-Approxima- tion in a Plane Geometry IAE-2513 NEW ZEALAND Seismotectonic, Structural, Volcanologic. and Geo- morphic Study of New Zealand: Indigenous Forest Assessment in New Zealand. Mapping, Land Use, and Environmental Studies in New Zealand. Volume 2 E77-10234 NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTS Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User's Manual. N78-31 763/3 NUCLEAR DATA COLLECTIONS Use of DBMS-10 for Storage and Retrieval of Evalu- ated Nuclear Data Files BNL-23277 NUCLEAR FACILITIES EASI on the HP-25, HP-65, and HP-67 SAND-76-0597 NUCLEAR MEDICINE ORIS: The Oak Ridge Imaging System Operation's Manual ORNL/TM-5875/V2 ORIS: The Oak Ridge Imaging System Program List- ings ORNL/TM-5875/V3 NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS EASI on the HP-25, HP-65, and HP-67 SAND-76-0597 OCEANOGRAPHIC PARAMETERS Atmospheric and Oceanographic Information Proc- essing System (Aoips) System Description. N77-31012/6 OCTOPUS COMPUTER NETWORK LLL Software for the HP-2645 Terminal on Octopus UCID-30169 OCTOPUS SYSTEM File Management System UCID-17841 OMEGA NAVIGATION SYSTEM A Microcomputer-Based Low-Cost omega Sensor Processor. N77-22063/0 ON-LINE CONTROL SYSTEMS Conversion on an Operating System Oriented To- wards Transaction Processing from Two to Three Modes of Logical Address Space BNL-23363 MUMTI A Multi-User-Multi-Task-lnterpreter for Proc- ess-Control Applications with CAMAC HMI-B-228 ON LINE INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS Resource Interruption Projection System PB-268 156/7 ON-LINE MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS Tektronix GS-4051: MCS-8080 Software System UCID-17779(Rev.1) ON-LINE SYSTEMS Terminal Usage System at Oak Ridge National Labo- ratory CONF-781061-2 OPERATING SYSTEM (COMPUTERS) Sandia FOCAL-77 SAND-77-0128 OPERATING SYSTEMS (COMPUTERS) Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System. I. Design Considerations AD-A044 200/4 Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System II Implementation AD-A044 201/2 The Implementation of an Operating System for a Shared Microcomputer Environment AD-A047 129/2 ARIAN - An Implementation of a Microcomputer Op- erating System AD-A060 210/2 Conversion on an Operating System Oriented To- wards Transaction Processing from Two to Three Modes of Logical Address Space BNL-23363 OPTICAL AUTOMATIC CAR IDENTIFICATION Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readabi- lity and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5 OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION Feasibility Test of LOGOSCAN System AD-A049 715/6 OPTICAL DATA PROCESSING Atmospheric and Oceanographic Information Proc- essing System (Aoips) System Description. N77-31012/6 OPTICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS Stellar Scintillometer Model II for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-273 921/7 OPTICAL PROCESSING Specklegram Data Reduction Using Optical and Digi- tal Techniques AD-A048 210/9 OPTICAL SCANNERS Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readabi- lity and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5 OPTICAL SPECTROMETERS Automation of the Jarrell-Ash Model 70-314 Emis- sion Spectrometer UCRL-52474 OPTICAL TRACKING Optical Contrast Variable Gate Centroid Tracker for the Intel 3000 Micro Processor AD-A044 126/1 Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real-Time Video Target Tracking AD-A048 156/4 ORCHIS SYSTEM ADENTR: A Program for Interactive Data Entry ORNL/CSD/TM-46 ORELA OPRODF, A Decsystem-10 Data Manipulation Pro- gram for ORELA Data Formatted Files ORNL/CSD/TM-45 PAGING A Paged Hardware Associative Memory AD-A043 193/2 PAINTING MC Painting-A New Medium for Art Education ED- 160 068 PAPERS Mathematical Modeling and New Experiments on Du- rability of Paper: A Progress Report PB-295 789/2 PARALLEL PROCESSING Design, Construction and Installation of Data Manip- ulator AD-A040 588/6 The Incremental Garbage Collection of Processes AD-A052 445/4 PARSERS A Finite-State Parser for PDP-11 and NOVA Comput- 6TS AD-A048 023/6 PARTICLE SIZE CLASSIFIERS NEWCAS: An Interactive Computer Program for Par- ticle Size Analysis PNL-2405 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION A Microcomputer-Modified Particle Size Spectrom- eter. Description and Program Listings PB-283 678/1 PASCAL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE NPS-PASCAL. A Partial Implementation of PASCAL Language for a Microprocessor-based Computer System AD-A061 040/2 PATTERN RECOGNITION A Development System for Microprocessor Based Pattern Recognizers. Volume II AD-A066 197/5 Modem Identification Experiments AD-A067 538/9 User's Manual for the Pattern Recognition Code RECOG-ORNL ORNL/CSD/TM-21 PDO COMPUTERS OrganizaTRAn of a Library of Standard Relocatible Programmes, or a Processing Measurement Data Module Based on Computers of the TRA Types JINR-R-1 0-9484 PDP-10 COMPUTERS Array Processing on the PDP-10 UCRL-81636 PDP-11/20 COMPUTERS EMMY Based Pdp-11/20 Emulation. Technical Note No. 110 SU-326-P.39-20 PDP-11/40 COMPUTERS lnterlisp-1 1 AD-A066 142/1 POP 11/50 COMPUTER Xb Experimental Bus System. Development of a Uni- versal Computer Supported Multiple User Test Con- trol System Xb Experimental Bus System. Entwick- lung Einer Universellen Rechnergestuetzten Mehr- fachbenutzer-Versuchssteuerung. N78-1 1430/3 PDP- 11/50 COMPUTERS An Extended Basic Compiler with Graphics Interface for the PDP-1 1 /50 Computer AD-A044 366/3 PDP 11 COMPUTER Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers. N78-30843/4 Rsx-11D/DX11-B Interface User's Guide. N78-31 795/5 PDP-11 COMPUTERS A Low-Cost, General Purpose Data Acquisition and Control System for the PDP-11 Minicomputer AD-A050 224/5 EUCLID Compiler for PDP-11 AD-A061 052/7 PDP-11 STAMOS Time-Sharing System Interactive User's Guide PB-268 153/4 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 43: Zero Core Program SAND-77-1350 DPLIB.1: A Library of Data Processing Routines for the PDP1 1 Computer SAND-78-0039 EDITOR: A Text Editor for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-78-8205 69 PDP-12 COMPUTERS General Purpose Data Conversion Programs for the PDP-12 Computer AD-A049 043/3 PDP-15 COMPUTERS Programmer's Guide for DISKORG: the Disk Organi- zation Subsystem for the PDP-15 Computer IS-4312 PDP COMPUTERS Special Purpose Computer to Computer Interface IS-T-830 Users Manual for DISKORG: The Disk Organization Subsystem for the PDP-15 Computer IS-4105 Software for a Magnetic Disk Drive Unit Connected with a Computer Tpa-1001-l JINR-R-10-10479 HELPER: A Superintendent Terminal Based on RT- 11 LA-UR-77-2583 Floating Point Hardware Emulator for RSX-11D LA-UR-77-2649 Evaluation of the UNIX Time-Sharing System LA-6775-MS RSX-11M Versus RSX-11D: Compatibility and Con- flict LA-6789-MS FORODT: Fortran Debug Routine for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-76-8265 Sandia FOCAL-77 SAND-77-0128 User/ Programmer Guide for UCMD 43: Zero Core Program SAND-77-1350 Some PDP-11 BASIC- 11 Extension Routines SAND-79-0292 EMMY/UNIBUS Interface Design Specification. Technical Note No. 109 SU-326-P.39-19 EMMY Based Pdp-11/20 Emulation Technical Note No. 110 SU-326-P.39-20 REBEL/BASIC: Commands. A User's Guide UCID-17685 File Management System UCID-17841 ROBOT: A User's Manual of the ENTERPRISE Com- municator UCID-30163 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Computer Science and Technology: Proceedings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (13th) Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on October 11-14, 1977 PB-272 072/0 PERSONNEL DOSIMETRY SABRE: A System for the Assessment of Body Ra- dioactivity. Part 2. Main Features of SABRE 3 AERE-R-8933 PHASE LOCKED SYSTEMS Study of a Digital Phase Locked Loop in Very Low Frequencies Etude et Realisation d'Une Boucle de Phase Numerique Tres Basse Frequence. N77-29358/7 PHYSICAL PROTECTION DEVICES Portable Data Acquisition System SAND-77-1874C PILOT COMPUTER PROGRAM Guide to 8080 PILOT, Version 1.1 PB-270 715/6 PILOTS Pilot Modeling for Manned Simulation. Volume II. Program PIREP User Manual AD-A040 416/0 PIREP COMPUTER PROGRAM Pilot Modeling for Manned Simulation. Volume II. Program PIREP User Manual AD-A040 416/0 PLASMA MAGIC: A One-Dimensional Magneto-Inductive Parti- cle Code UCID-17795 PLASMA DEVICES A Microcomputer Based Plasma Display System AD-A055 426/1 PLETHYSMOGRAPHY Microprocessor Control of the Blood Flow Plethys- mograph AD-A062 939/4 PLOTTERS A Microcomputer Based Shipboard Surface-Subsur- face Contact Plotter System AD-A059 603/1 "NAIRI-2" Computer Plotter Software JINB-1 1-10818 Universal Plotting Facility ORNL/CSD/TM-66 Remote Plotter Control System PAT-APPL-835 089 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 41: Gerber As- sistance Program SAND-77-0295 POWER CONDITIONING Microcomputer Technology Applications: Charger and Regulator Software for a Breadboard Program- mable Power Processor. N79-1 2773/4 POWER SYSTEMS Coal Mine Electrical System Evaluation Volume I. Continuous Monitoring PB-283 490/1 PREPROCESSING MITRE Preprocessor AD-A047 317/3 PREPROCESSORS A Decision Logic Table Preprocessor AD-A041 154/6 MITRE Preprocessor AD-A047 317/3 PRESSURE VESSELS RSPLOT, A Program Group for Evaluation of the Data past Temperatures and Stress Values of the "Prestressed Concrete Pressure Vessel-High Tem- perature Helium Test Rig" SGAE-2725 PRINTED CIRCUITS Translator for Symbolic Language of Printed Plate Description JINR-1 0-9553 PROCUREMENT Guidelines for Preparing Minicomputers Feasibility Studies PB-270 056/5 Implementing Procedures for Minicomputers PB-270 057/3 PRODUCTION ENGINEERING Exploratory Study of Computer Integrated Assembly Systems PB-289 425/1 PROGRAMMING Method for Semi-Automatic Software Documentation CONF-780441-2 Software Systems Reseach Annual Report, July 16, 1976-July 15, 1977 COO-2383-41 NEXT Module System for the M-220 Computer FEI-562 Floating Point Hardware Emulator for RSX-11D LA-UR-77-2649 RSX-11M Versus RSX-11D: Compatibility and Con- flict LA-6789-MS Data-Entry-3: Some Observations and Pragmatics of a Structured Design LA-6836 User/ Programmer Guide for UCMD 60 Comparison of Applicon Disk Files SAND-76-0743 Software Development of a Real Time Signal Proc- essing System SAND-77-1684 IBM 370/360 Software Package for Developing Stand Alone LSI-1 1 Systems SLAC-PUB-2103 Fortran Interface to Vector Programming UCID-17477(Rev.1) Tektronix GS-4051: MCS-8080 Software System UCID- 17779 Annual Progress Report UCLA-34P214-50 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES A Microprocessor Implementation of Extended Basic AD-A042 332/7 SAIL Tutorial AD-A042 494/5 MICRO-COBOL. An Implementation of Navy Stand- ard HYPO-COBOL for a Microprocessor-Based Com- puter System AD-A043 008/2 An Extended Basic Compiler with Graphics Interface for the PDP-11/50 Computer AD-A044 366/3 Highlights of L011 AD-A044 415/8 ALGOL-M. An Implementation of a High-level Block Structured Language for a Microprocessor-based Computer System AD-A047 266/2 Data Representations in PDP-10 MacLISP AD-A052 305/0 The Formal Definition of a Real-Time Language AD-A058 047/2 A Design for a Function-Descriptive Programming Language AD-A059 692/4 NPS-PASCAL. A Partial Implementation of PASCAL Language for a Microprocessor-based Computer System AD-A061 040/2 MICRO-COBOL A Subset of Navy Standard HYPO- COBOL for Micro-Computers AD-A061 277/0 Improvements to the BCPL Programming System AD-A063 802/3 Rpm/8. Experimental Study for a Programming Lan- guage Rpn/8. Uno Studio Sperimentale Per UN Lin- guaggio di Programmazione. N77-25821/8 Computer Science and Technology: Common Com- mand Language for File Manipulation and Network Job Execution: An Example PB-284 459/5 Design for Manufacturability: The Implementation and Usage of PADL on a PDP-11/34 Computer Along with a Survey of Languages for Geometric Modeling and a Computer Aided Design Program for the Coding of Small Parts by Their Feeding and Ori- enting Characteristics P8-288 323/9 REBEL/BASIC: Commands. A User's Guide UCID-17685 Design and Implementation of a High-Level Lan- guage for a Programmable Frame Buffer UCID- 17745 REBEL/BASIC: Real-Time Language Extensions. A User's Guide UCRL-52646 LSI-1 1 Writable Control Store Enhancements to U.C.S.D. Pascal UCRL-81808 PROGRAMMING MANUALS ARMS Remote Programmer's Manual AD-A042 562/9 The Development of a User Oriented Interface for a Computer Driven Graphics Device AD-A042 997/7 Programmer's Guide for DISKORG: the Disk Organi- zation Subsystem for the PDP-15 Computer IS-4312 A Primer for MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory PB-292 895/0 PROTON REACTIONS An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/0 PROTON SCATTERING A Machine-Language Computer Program to Obtain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton-Recoil Spectrum AD-A045 002/3 PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY Structuring of Data Systems: Psychophysiological Data from the Dynamic Flight Simulator AD-A067 175/0 PULMONARY FUNCTIONS Microprocessor-Based Cardiopulmonary Monitoring System. N78-21 752/8 PULSE HEIGHT ANALYZERS An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/0 QUEUEING THEORY Validation of Closed Queueing Network Models for the Decsystem-10 AD-A055 118/4 RADAR Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking SAND-78-0595 RADAR CROSS SECTIONS Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scattero- meter Radar Signal Processor N77-23291/6 RADIATION HARDENING Radiation Hardened Microprocessor. Volume II AD-A063 004/6 RADIATION MONITORS Environmental Working Level Monitor. Final Report ANL-78-XX-94 RADIO EQUIPMENT Command and Control Related Computer Technol- ogy: Packet Radio AD-A063 729/8 RADIO RELAY SYSTEMS A Demand Assignment Multiple Access (DAMA) Control System for Thin-Route Satellite Telephone Systems PB-286 162/3 RADIOACTIVE AEROSOLS Environmental Working Level Monitor. Final Report ANL-78-XX-94 70 SOURCE DATA AUTOMATION RADIOISOTOPE SCANNING ORIS: The Oak Ridge Imaging System Program List- ings OR NL/TM-5875/V3 RADIONUCLIDE KINETICS SABRE: A System for the Assessment of Body Ra- dioactivity. Part 2. Main Features of SABRE 3 AERE-R-8933 RAIL SCANNERS Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readabi- lity and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5 RAILROAD CARS Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readabi- lity and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5 RAILROAD TERMINALS Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readabi- lity and Scanner Performance PB-280 550/5 RAIN GAGES Development of an Experimental Hydrometeorological Data Collection Network PB-270 265/2 RANDOM ACCESS COMPUTER STORAGE A Paged Hardware Associative Memory AD-A043 193/2 Programmable In-Raster Symbol Generator AD-A048 596/1 RAY TRACING Running an Ionospheric Ray Tracing Program on the PDP-11/40 Mini-Computer - Instruction Book AD-A068 367/2 REAL TIME OPERATION Real-Time Interactive Multiprogramming. N79-16585/8 REAL TIME SYSTEMS REMOS: A Remote Communications Operating System for Real-Time Activities AD-A063 303/2 REBEL/BASIC SYSTEM REBEL/BASIC: Commands. A User's Guide UCID- 17685 RECOG-ORNL COMPUTER PROGRAM User's Manual for the Pattern Recognition Code RECOG-ORNL ORNL/CSD/TM-21 RECOIL PARTICLES An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/0 A Machine-Language Computer Program to Obtain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton-Recoil Spectrum AD-A045 002/3 REFLECTOMETERS Time Domain Reflectometry Microcomputer PB-267 785/4 REGPLOT COMPUTER PROGRAM REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 RELATIONAL DATA BASES RDM: A Relational Database Machine UCRL-79160 REMOTE JOB ENTRY Operations Guide to Remote Job Entry Minicom- puters PB-270 055/7 REMOTELY PILOTED VEHICLES System Avionic Architectures for RPVs AD-A041 502/6 REPORT GENERATORS A Microcomputer Based Generator of Recurring Operational Reports AD-A045 137/7 RESISTIVITY EXPLORATION A Computer Program for Calculating the Direct Cur- rent Resistivity Response for Electrodes Buried in a Horizontally Stratified Earth PB-286 323/1 RESISTORS User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 47: Thin Film Resistor Layout SAND-77-2035 RITA SYSTEM RITA Reference Manual AD-A046 627/6 RPN/8 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Rpm/8. Experimental Study for a Programming Lan- guage Rpn/8. Uno Studio Sperimentale Per UN Lin- guaggio di Programmazione. N77-25821/8 RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Feasibility Test of LOGOSCAN System AD-A049 715/6 SAIL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE SAIL Tutorial AD-A042 494/5 SATELLITE TRACKING SYSTEMS Investigation of Real-Time Satellite-to-Satellite Track- ing Using Extended Kalman Filters AD-A055 115/0 SATELLITE TRANSMISSION Manual for Adjustment and Handling of Platforms for Data Collection Via Satellite (Cdcp). N77-26182/4 SCHEDULING An Investigation on Man/Computer Interactive versus an Automatic Heuristic in Scheduling Job Shops PB-272 706/3 Multiclass Arbitrating Scheduler for the BOSS Oper- ating System UCRL-80664 SCINTILLATION COUNTERS Stellar Scintillometer Model II for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-273 921/7 SCINTILLOMETERS Stellar Scintillometer Model II for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles PB-273 921/7 SDS COMPUTERS Special Purpose Computer to Computer Interface IS-T-830 SEA BED SAP3: A Computer Program for X-Ray Fluorescence Data Reduction for Environmental Samples BNWL-2193 SEARCH THEORY A Rapid Item-Search Procedure for Bayesian Adap- tive Testing AD-A041 090/2 SECURE COMMUNICATIONS Security Kernel Specification for a Secure Communi- cations Processor AD-A045 452/0 Implementation of a Secure Data Management System for the Secure UNIX Operating System AD-A056 902/0 SECURITY EASI on the HP-25, HP-65, and HP-67 SAND-76-0597 SECURITY KERNELS Security Kernel Verification Techniques: Algorithmic Representation AD-A054 098/9 Computer Program Specification for Security Kernel for PDP-11 /45. Volume I AD-A054 247/2 SEDIMENTS Seismotectonic, Structural, Volcanologic, and Geo- morphic Study of New Zealand: Indigenous Forest Assessment in New Zealand. Mapping, Land Use, and Environmental Studies in New Zealand. Volume 2 E77-10234 SEMANTICS The Formal Definition of a Real-Time Language AD-A058 047/2 SEMICONDUCTOR DOPING Semiconductor Measurement Technology: Spreading Resistance Analysis for Silicon Layers with Nonuni- form Resistivity PB-296 265/2 SHIELDING Least-Squares Dosimetry Unfolding: The Program STAY'SL ORNL/TM-6062 SHIP AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT A Microcomputer Based Shipboard Surface-Subsur- face Contact Plotter System AD-A059 603/1 SHIPS Seismotectonic, Structural, Volcanologic, and Geo- morphic Study of New Zealand: Indigenous Forest Assessment in New Zealand. Mapping, Land Use, and Environmental Studies in New Zealand. Volume 2 E77-10234 SIGNAL ANALYSIS Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User's Manual. N78-31 763/3 SIGNAL PROCESSING A General Purpose Mini-Computer Based Digital Signal Processing Laboratory AD-A041 000/1 The Development of a Computer Speech Processing System and Its Use for the Study and Development of Processing Methods for Enhancing the Intelligibil- ity of Speech in Noise AD-A047 240/7 SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Op- erators' and Users' Handbook, Version 2 AD-A052 766/3 Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User'S Manual. N78-28831/3 The Microprocessor Intel 8080 a and Its Use as Digi- tal Filter der Mikroprozessor Intel 8080 a und Sein Einsatz als Digitales Filter N78-29779/3 The Intel 8080 a Microprocessor and Its Application as a Digital Filter. N78-30842/6 Software Development of a Real Time Sigrial Proc- essing System SAND-77-1684 Software Development of a Real Time Signal Proc- essing System SAND-77-1684C SIMLOG COMPUTER PROGRAM Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simulation of Sequential Logic Circuits N77-82112/2 SIMULATION LANGUAGES The Simulation Language CSMP-10(ARL) AD-A043 349/0 A General Purpose Output Program for Use in Simu- lation AD-A047 530/1 SIMULATOR ROUTINES Simulation of LSI-11 /PDP-11 Series Minicomputers SLAC-PUB-2302 SIMULATORS An Improved Version of an Assembler and Simulator for the 8080 AD-A063 572/2 SKYNET PROGRAM SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Pro- grammers' Handbook, Version 2 AD-A052 767/1 SNOW Seismotectonic, Structural, Volcanologic, and Geo- morphic Study of New Zealand: Indigenous Forest Assessment in New Zealand. Mapping, Land Use, and Environmental Studies in New Zealand Volume 2 E77-10234 SOFTWARE Generalized Report Generation and Analysis Pack- age, Adaptable to Mini-Computers AD-A056 057/3 CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/ Reduction PB-270 744/6 Mlab - an Online Modeling System. PB-272 130/6 MLAB: An On-Line Modeling System PB-292 894/3 NIH Telephone Service Directory and Information Lo- cator System PB-297 874/0 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING A Comparative Study of Flowcharts and Program Design Languages for the Detailed Procedural Speci- fication of Computer Programs AD-A069 604/7 SOLAR COOLING SYSTEMS System Design and Installation for RS600 Program- mable Control System for Solar Heating and Cooling DOE/NASA/CR-1 50535 Installation Package for Integrated Programmable Electronic Controller and Hydronic Subsystem: Solar Heating and Cooling DOE/NASA/CR-1 50747 Electronic Controller Development and Evaluation of Control Strategies LBL-8381 SOLAR HEATING SYSTEMS System Design and Installation for RS600 Program- mable Control System for Solar Heating and Cooling DOE/NASA/CR-1 50535 Installation Package for Integrated Programmable Electronic Controller and Hydronic Subsystem: Solar Heating and Cooling DOE/NASA/CR-1 50747 Electronic Controller Development and Evaluation of Control Strategies LBL-8381 SOLAR WATER HEATERS System Design and Installation for RS600 Program- mable Control System for Solar Heating and Cooling DOE/NASA/CR-1 50535 SOLID PROPELLANTS A Versatile User-Oriented Closed Bomb Data Reduc- tion Program (CBRED) AD-A049 465/8 SOURCE DATA AUTOMATION Planning for Source Data Automation in Government Industrial Activities-Coordination Needed: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life Department of Defense PB-272 024/1 71 SPACE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS MITRE Preprocessor AD-A047 317/3 SPARK CHAMBERS Operational System for Image Processing from a gamma Telescope JINR-10-11120 SPECKLE PATTERNS Specklegram Data Reduction Using Optical and Digi- tal Techniques AD-A048 210/9 SPECKLEGRAMS Specklegram Data Reduction Using Optical and Digi- tal Techniques AD-A048 210/9 SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Savloc, Computer Program for Automatic Control and Analysis of X-Ray Fluorescence Experiments. N77-22848/4 SPECULAR REFLECTION Specklegram Data Reduction Using Optical and Digi- tal Techniques AD-A048 210/9 SPEECH PROCESSING The Development of a Computer Speech Processing System and Its Use for the Study and Development of Processing Methods for Enhancing the Intelligibil- ity of Speech in Noise AD-A047 240/7 SPEECH RECOGNITION Alpha/Numeric Extraction Technique Phase II AD-A041 759/2 LISTEN: A System for Recognizing Connected Speech Over Small, Fixed Vocabularies, In Real Time AD-A056 231/4 A Preliminary Investigation of Aural Input/Output Systems for In-Flight Information Retrieval AD-A063 174/7 SPEECH TRANSMISSION The Development of a Computer Speech Processing System and Its Use for the Study and Development of Processing Methods for Enhancing the Intelligibil- ity of Speech in Noise AD-A047 240/7 STAMOS SYSTEM PDP-11 STAMOS Time-Sharing System Interactive User's Guide PB-268 153/4 STANDARDIZATION Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume III. Evaluation of Computer Ar- chitecture via Test Programs AD-A049 482/3 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume V Procedure For and Results of the Evaluations of Software Bases of the Candi- date Architectures for the Military Computer Family AD-A049 484/9 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume VIII CFA Final Selection AD-A049 485/6 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume VI. Life Cycle Cost Models AD-A049 487/2 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Constraints in the Design and Implementation of In- teractive Statistical Systems for Minicomputers AD-A048 124/2 Computer Science and Statistics: Annual Symposium on the Interface Proceedings of the Annual Sympo- sium (10th) Held at the National Bureau of Stand- ards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 14-15, 1977 PB-280 370/8 STORMS (METEOROLOGY) Study of Software Application of Airborne Laser Doppler System for Severe Storms Measurement. N79-23586/7 STREAMER SPARK CHAMBERS Image Processing System Taken from a High-Pres- sure Streamer Chamber JINR-R-10-9949 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Structural Mathematics Modeling AD-A066 743/6 Xb Experimental Bus System. Development of a Uni- versal Computer Supported Multiple User Test Con- trol System Xb Experimental Bus System. Entwick- lung Emer Universellen Rechnergestuetzten Mehr- fachbenutzer-Versuchssteuerung. N78-1 1430/3 STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING Macro Instructions and Their Processor for Struc- tured Programming with Assembly Languages AD-A045 472/8 Structured Software Study AD-B015 698/4 Data-Entry-3: Some Observations and Pragmatics of a Structured Design LA-6836 SUBROUTINE LIBRARIES User's Guide to the CALVEC Software Library: A Computer Program for Emulation of CALCOMP Graphics on a Versatec Printer/Plotter ORNL/TM-6477/R1 SUBSONIC FLOW A Calculator Program for Analyzing Airloads on a Wing of Arbitrary Planform and Camber in Subsonic Flow AD-A054 180/5 SUPPORT SYSTEMS Emulador de Memorias de Microcontrole Auxiliado Por Computador (Correcting Memory of Microcontrol System Aided by a Computer). N79-27874/3 SURFACE SUBSURFACE CONTACT PLOTTER SYSTEM A Microcomputer Based Shipboard Surface-Subsur- face Contact Plotter System AD-A059 603/1 SUSPENSION DEVICES Automotive Suspension Control AD-A068 405/0 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Hardware Design and Construction of a Microproces- sor Laboratory AD-A044 607/0 Minicomputer System Study AD-A044 752/4 SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Mainte- nance Manual AD-A063 370/1 TAPE TO TAPE CONVERTERS Transcription of Gould 6100 Data Logger Cartridges Using the HP-9640-A System PB-278 994/9 TARGET ACQUISITION Documentation and User's Manual for the Visual De- tection Simulator (VDS) AD-A070 487/4 TELECOMMUNICATION Framework and Functions of the 'MS' Personal Mes- sage System AD-A048 774/4 TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES NIH Telephone Service Directory and Information Lo- cator System PB-297 874/0 NIH Telephone and Service Directory and Informa- tion Locator System, User's Guide PB-297 875/7 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS A Demand Assignment Multiple Access (DAMA) Control System for Thin-Route Satellite Telephone Systems PB-286 162/3 TENEX SYSTEM Distributed Computation and TENEX-Related Activi- ties AD-A048 664/7 TEST EQUIPMENT Application of Microprocessors for Miniaturized TMDE AD-A043 048/8 TEST SETS Design of a Microprocessor Based System for Test- ing of the NCR 2051 MNOS Memory AD-A055 200/0 TESTING An Interactive Testing/Teaching System for Micro- computers ED-160 081 TEXT EDITING SYSTEMS Interactive Editing Program Using Display JINR-1 1-9616 TEXT EDITORS EDITOR: A Text Editor for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-78-8205 Data Director RTOS Manual UCID-17750 TEXT PROCESSING A Microcomputer Based Generator of Recurring Operational Reports AD-A045 137/7 Feasibility Test of LOGOSCAN System AD-A049 715/6 User/ Programmer Guide for UCMD 65: Adding Text from Disc to AGS Drawings SAND-77-2024 THERMOMETERS FORTRAN Programs for Data Fitting Using Ortho- gonal Polynomials COO-1 198-1215 TIME LAG THEORY Documentation of PDP 11/70 Software for Determin- ing Travel-Time Differences from Cross Covanances AD-A052 891/9 TIME SHARING The Development of a Segmented Memory Manager for the UNIX Operating System with Applications in a Multiported Memory Environment AD-A047 170/6 PDP-11 STAMOS Time-Sharing System Interactive User's Guide PB-268 153/4 TRACE ELEMENTS Savloc. Computer Program for Automatic Control and Analysis of X-Ray Fluorescence Experiments N77-22848/4 TRACKING Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking SAND-78-0595 TRAFFIC ACTUATED TRAFFIC CONTROL Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Proiect Overview and Technical Discussion PB-268 879/4 TRAJECTORIES Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking SAND-78-0595 TRANSACTION PROCESSING Conversion on an Operating System Oriented To- wards Transaction Processing from Two to Three Modes of Logical Address Space BNL-23363 TRANSLATORS NEXT Module System for the M-220 Computer FEI-562 Modification of a Translator of Mnemocode the M- 6000 Computer JINR-10-8787 Translator from the COPLAN Language into the "Electronics-100" Computer Code JINR-1 1-9766 ACT: An 8080 Macro Processor UCID-17722 TUNNELING (EXCAVATION) Mechanical Tunnel Boring Prediction and Machine Design PB-271 978/9 TUNNELING MACHINES Mechanical Tunnel Boring Prediction and Machine Design PB-271 978/9 TURBINE BLADES Turbojet Blade Vibration Data Acquisition Design and Feasibility Testing N79-18976/7 TURBOJET ENGINES Turbojet Blade Vibration Data Acquisition Design and Feasibility Testing. N79-18976/7 TYPESETTING Computer Science and Technology: FORTRAN IV Enhanced Character Graphics PB-279 939/3 TYPOGRAPHY Computer Science and Technology: FORTRAN IV Enhanced Character Graphics PB-279 939/3 ULTRASONIC TESTING Microcomputer-Controlled Ultrasonic Data Acquisi- tion System ORNL/TM-6531 ULTRASONIC TESTS Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User'S Manual. N78-31 763/3 ULTRASONICS Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User'S Manual N78-28831/3 UNIBUS SYSTEM EMMY/UNIBUS Interface Design Specification. Technical Note No. 109 SU-326-P.39-19 UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System. I. Design Considerations AD-A044 200/4 Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System II. Implementation AD-A044 201/2 The Development of a Segmented Memory Manager for the UNIX Operating System with Applications in a Multiported Memory Environment AD-A047 170/6 USER MANUALS (COMPUTER PROGRAMS) Manual for Adjustment and Handling of Platforms for Data Collection Via Satellite (Cdcp). N77-26182/4 Camac Program System (Csys). Reference Manual Camac-Programm-System (Csys) Reference Manual N78-1 7734/2 72 X-RAY FLUORESCENCE ANALYSIS Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User's Manual N78-28831/3 Installation Package for Integrated Programmable Electronic Controller and Hydronic Subsystem - Solar Heating and Cooling. N78-29580/5 Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User'S Manual N78-31 763/3 Rsx-11D/DX11-B Interface User'S Guide. N78-31 795/5 Microcomputer Technology Applications: Charger and Regulator Software for a Breadboard Program- mable Power Processor. N79-1 2773/4 VECTOR PROGRAMMING Fortran Interlace to Vector Programming UCID-17477 Fortran Interface to Vector Programming UCID-17477(Rev.1) VEHICLE DETECTION Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Project Overview and Technical Discussion PB-268 879/4 Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation PB-268 880/2 Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Computer Program Listings PB-268 881/0 Vehicle Detection, Phase III: Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Option II: Manufacturing Drawings and Prototype Development PB-298 194/2 VEHICULAR TRAFFIC CONTROL Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Project Overview and Technical Discussion PB-268 879/4 Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation PB-268 880/2 Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Computer Program Listings PB-268 881/0 Traffic Responsive Ramp Control Through the Use of Microcomputer PB-271 333/7 Vehicle Detection, Phase III: Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Option II: Manufacturing Drawings and Prototype Development PB-298 194/2 VIBRATION MEASUREMENT Turbojet Blade Vibration Data Acquisition Design and Feasibility Testing. N79-1 8976/7 VIDEO SIGNALS Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real-Time Video Target Tracking AD-A048 156/4 VISUAL TARGETS Documentation and User's Manual for the Visual De- tection Simulator (VDS) AD-A070 487/4 VOLTAGE REGULATORS Microcomputer Technology Applications: Charger and Regulator Software for a Breadboard Program- mable Power Processor. N79-1 2773/4 WANG 2200 COMPUTERS Wang Mini-Computer Automatic Database Manage- ment System AUTO-SYSTEM User's Manual AD-A055 877/5 WARNING SYSTEMS A Microprocessor-Based Control Event Scanner AD-A065 222/2 WATER SERVICES An Improved Computer Program for Calculating the Theoretical Performance Parameters of a Propeller Type Wind Turbine. An Appendix to the Final Report on Feasibility of Using Wind Power to Pump Irrigation Water (Texas) PB-294 017/9 WATER SUPPLY Effects of Availability of Water on Irrigation Systems Operations PB-292 714/3 WAVEFORMS SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Op- erators' and Users' Handbook, Version 2 AD-A052 766/3 WEATHER FORECASTING Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume I AD-A041 195/9 Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter Volume II AD-A041 196/7 An Operational Message Composition System Using the NWS Automatic Data Acquisition System (ADAS) Computer System PB-283 088/3 WELLS Comprehensive Information Retrieval and Model Input Sequence (Cirmis): User's Manual BNWL-2236 WIENER FILTERING Study of a Digital Phase Locked Loop in Very Low Frequencies Etude et Realisation d'Une Boucle de Phase Numenque Tres Basse Frequence. N77-29358/7 WIND POWER GENERATION An Improved Computer Program for Calculating the Theoretical Performance Parameters of a Propeller Type Wind Turbine. An Appendix to the Final Report on Feasibility of Using Wind Power to Pump Irrigation Water (Texas) PB-294 017/9 WIND TUNNEL TESTS Studies of Self Streamlining Wind Tunnel Real and Imaginary Flows. N79-20142/2 WIND TURBINES An Improved Computer Program for Calculating the Theoretical Performance Parameters of a Propeller Type Wind Turbine. An Appendix to the Final Report on Feasibility of Using Wind Power to Pump Irrigation Water (Texas) PB-294 017/9 WINGS A Calculator Program for Analyzing Airloads on a Wing of Arbitrary Planform and Camber in Subsonic Flow AD-A054 180/5 WORD LENGTHS Software Tool(s) for Evaluating the Effects of Finite Wordlength AD-A055 777/7 WORD RECOGNITION Alpha/Numeric Extraction Technique Phase II AD-A041 759/2 WORKSHOPS Annual Meeting o1 International Purdue Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6, 1977. Minutes. Part I. Nar- rative - Chapters I - X and Technical Appendices I AD-A058 095/1 Annual Meeting of International Purdue Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6, 1977. Minutes. Part II. Technical Appendices II - X AD-A058 096/9 X-RAY DIFFRACTION Program for Calculating X-Ray Powder Diffraction In- terplanar (D) Spacings with a Tektronix-31 Desk Top Programmable Calculator MLM-2400 X RAY FLUORESCENCE Savloc, Computer Program for Automatic Control and Analysis of X-Ray Fluorescence Experiments. N77-22848/4 X-RAY FLUORESCENCE ANALYSIS SAP3: A Computer Program for X-Ray Fluorescence Data Reduction for Environmental Samples BNWL-2193 73 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX This index lists the name of the company, university, or government agency that performed the research or prepared the report. Entries are arranged first by the organization's name, then alphanumerically by the performaing organization report or series number. If no report or series number is included, the subarrangement is by NTIS order number. SAMPLE ENTRY WISCONSIN UNIV-MADISON DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTERENGINEERING ECE-77-7 The Filtering of Images Using a New Fidelity Criterion PB-274532 Corporate or performing organization Report or series number Title NTIS order number 74 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ADP/FIRST DATA, INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. FEDERAL SYSTEMS DIV. A Primer for MLAB (Mathematical Modeling Labora- tory). An On-Line Modeling Laboratory PB-284 155/9 ADVISORY GROUP FOR AEROSPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE (FRANCE) AGARD-LS-92 The Application of Inexpensive Minicomputers to In- formation Work AD-A052 861/2 AERODYNE RESEARCH INC BEDFORD MASS ARI-RR-97 MRDA - A Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code for the HP 2100 Computer (AFGL-TR-77-0044) AD-A042 263/4 AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH LABS MELBOURNE (AUSTRALIA) ARL/AERO Note-367 A General Purpose Output Program for Use in Simu- lation AD-A047 530/1 ARL/AERO-TM-311 A Cassette Tape Recorder/Reader Interface for Mi- croprocessors AD-A068 370/6 ARL/Aero 362 The Simulation Language CSMP-IO(ARL) AD-A043 349/0 AEROSPACE SYSTEMS INC BURLINGTON MASS ASI-TR-76-29-Vol-2 Pilot Modeling for Manned Simulation. Volume II. Program PIREP User Manual (AFFDl - TR- 76- 124- Vol-2) AD-A040 416/0 AIR FORCE ARMAMENT LAB EGLIN AFB FLA AFATL-TR-75-94 Stability Analysis Program for the Hewlett-Packard 9830A Calculator AD-A051 468/7 AIR FORCE AVIONICS LAB WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO AFAL-TR-77-203 Specklegram Data Reduction Using Optical and Digi- tal Techniques AD-A048 210/9 AIR FORCE FLIGHT DYNAMICS LAB WRIGHT- PATTERSON AFB OHIO AFFDL-TR-77-136 A Calculator Program for Analyzing Airloads on a Wing of Arbitrary Planform and Camber in Subsonic Flow AD-A054 180/5 AIR FORCE INST. OF TECH., WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, OH. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. AFIT/GCS/EE/78-9 Design of a SEL 86/LSI-1 1 Interface Monitor AD-A064 396/5 AFIT/GCS/EE/78-1 2-VOL-2 A Development System for Microprocessor Based Pattern Recognizers. Volume II AD-A066 197/5 AFIT/GCS/EE/78-16-PT-3 Electrical Engineering Digital Design Laboratory Communications Network. Part 3 AD-A064 633/1 AFIT/GCS/EE/79-3 Evaluation of an Existing Computer System Using Structured Analysis Techniques AD-A069 210/3 AFIT/GE/EE/78-29 Microprocessor Based Data Acquisition and Process- ing System AD-A064 728/9 AFIT/GE/EE/78-41 Preliminary Design of a Universal Network Interface Device AD-A064 059/9 AFIT/GE/EE/79-3 The Design and Development of a Hybrid Monitor/ Debugger System for the Microprogrammable Mini- computer Emulator (MIME) AD-A069 193/1 AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO AFIT-CI-77-9 Hardware Design and Construction of a Microproces- sor Laboratory AD-A044 607/0 AFIT-CI-78-65 SIMPL-M Code Generation for the Intel 8080 Micro- computer AD-A058 434/2 AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AFIT/GCS/EE/77-6 Software Tool(s) for Evaluating the Effects of Finite Wordlength AD-A055 777/7 AFIT/GCS/EE/77-10 Design of the Processor for Software Compatible Avionic Computer Family AD-A053 345/5 AFIT/GCS/EE/78-1 Simulation of the Direct Execution of a Higher Order Language AD-A055 235/6 AFIT/GCS/EE/78-3 Investigation of Real-Time Satellite-to-Satellite Track- ing Using Extended Kalman Filters AD-A055 115/0 AFIT/GE/EE/78-6 MIME: Microprogrammable Minicomputer Emulator AD-A055 522/7 AFIT/GE/EE/78-7 Design of a Microprocessor Based System for Test- ing of the NCR 2051 MNOS Memory AD-A055 200/0 GCS/EE/77-7 Validation of Closed Queueing Network Models for the Decsystem-10 AD-A055 118/4 AMES LAB., IA. Special Purpose Computer to Computer Interface IS-T-830 AMES LAB., IOWA. Users Manual for DISKORG: The Disk Organization Subsystem for the PDP-15 Computer IS-4105 Users Guide to Finger, Thumb, and Triple Axis Real Time Experiment Control Programs IS-4169 Programmer's Guide for DISKORG: the Disk Organi- zation Subsystem for the PDP-15 Computer IS-4312 Programmers Guide to Finger, Thumb, and Triple Axis Real Time Experiment Control Programs IS-4378 ANDERSON (JAMES P) AND CO FORT WASHINGTON PA Structured Software Study (AFAL-TR-73-40) AD-B015 698/4 ANDOVER CONTROL CORP., MA. Installation Package for Integrated Programmable Electronic Controller and Hydronic Subsystem: Solar Heating and Cooling DOE/NASA/CR-1 50747 ANDOVER CONTROL CORP., MASS. NASA-CR-1 50747 Installation Package for Integrated Programmable Electronic Controller and Hydronic Subsystem - Solar Heating and Cooling. N78-29580/5 ARGONNE NATIONAL LAB., IL. Environmental Working Level Monitor. Final Report ANL-78-XX-94 Method for Semi-Automatic Software Documentation CONF-780441-2 Software Development System for Small Dedicated and Front-End Microcomputer (LSI-11) Applications CONF-7811112-1 ARGONNE NATIONAL LAB., ILL. Argonne Tape Production Facility Systems Descrip- tions ANL-AMD-TM-308 Challenge in Numerical Software for Microcomputers CONF-770884-1 ARIZONA UNIV TUCSON DEPT OF CHEMISTRY TR-18 Advanced Software Concepts for Employing Micro- computers in the Laboratory AD-A067 892/0 ARMY AVIATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND ST LOUIS MO USAAVRADCOM-TR-78-57 Automatic Null Steering/Surveillance Array System (ANSAS) for Global Positioning System (GPS) Appli- cation AD-A063 160/6 ARMY AVIATION SYSTEMS COMMAND ST LOUIS MO USAAVSCOM-TR-77-40 Minicomputer System Study AD-A044 752/4 ARMY COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND FORT MONMOUTH NJ CORADCOM-78-9-VOL-2 Phase II Comparative Evaluation of the MCF Com- puter Architectures AD-A059 196/6 CORADCOM-78-10 A Comparison of the Existing Support Software Bases of the AN/GYQ-21 Architecture and the Cur- rent Military Architectures AD-A060 944/6 CORADCOM-79-1 Running an Ionospheric Ray Tracing Program on the PDP- 11/40 Mini-Computer - Instruction Book AD-A068 367/2 ARMY ELECTRONICS COMMAND FORT MONMOUTH N J ECOM-4525 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee AD-A049 466/6 ECOM-4528 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume III. Evaluation of Computer Ar- chitecture via Test Programs AD-A049 482/3 ECOM-4529 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume IV. Architectural Research Fa- cility; ISP Description, Simulations, Data Collection AD-A049 483/1 ECOM-4530 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume V. Procedure For and Results of the Evaluations of Software Bases of the Candi- date Architectures for the Military Computer Family AD-A049 484/9 ECOM-4531 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume VIII. CFA Final Selection AD-A049 485/6 ECOM-4535 Computer Family Architecture Selection Committee Final Report. Volume VI. Life Cycle Cost Models AD-A049 487/2 ARMY MILITARY PERSONNEL CENTER ALEXANDRIA VA ARIAN - An Implementation of a Microcomputer Op- erating System AD-A060 210/2 Microprocessor Control of the Blood Flow Plethys- mograph AD-A062 939/4 ARMY MISSILE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL AL TECHNOLOGY LAB DRDMI-T-78-102 Software Development for Interfacing AN HP-21 MX with a Tektronix 4051 AD-A062 831/3 ARMY MISSILE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA ADVANCED SENSORS DIRECTORATE DRDMI-TE-77-13 Optical Contrast Variable Gate Centroid Tracker for the Intel 3000 Micro Processor AD-A044 126/1 AUBURN UNIV., ALA. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Simulation of Sequential Logic Circuits (NASA-CR-1 50304) N77-82112/2 BALLISTIC RESEARCH LABS ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND MD BRL-MR-2780 A Simpie Computer-Driven Analog-to-Digital Convert- er for Use with an 8-Bit Microcomputer AD-A043 658/4 BRL-2018 A Versatile User-Oriented Closed Bomb Data Reduc- tion Program (CBRED) (AD-E400-051) AD-A049 465/8 BATTELLE COLUMBUS LABS OH A Preliminary Study of Built-in-Test for the Military Computer Family (MCF) (CORADCOM-76-0100-F) AD-A067 744/3 BATTELLE PACIFIC NORTHWEST LABS., RICHLAND, WA. CONF-77 1144-6 COMP: A Basic Non-Linear Least Squares Curve Fit- ting Package BNWL-SA-6473 BATTELLE PACIFIC NORTHWEST LABS., RICHLAND, WASH. PLT: A Graphics Package for Casual Users of the Biometrics PDP 11/70 Computer BNWL-MA-508 SAP3: A Computer Program for X-Ray Fluorescence Data Reduction for Environmental Samples BNWL-2193 Comprehensive Information Retrieval and Model Input Sequence (Cirmis): User's Manual BNWL-2236 NEWCAS: An Interactive Computer Program for Par- ticle Size Analysis PNL-2405 BOEING COMPUTER SERVICES CO., MCLEAN, VA. LHC-PILOT, User Guide 75 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX (NLM/LHC-TR-7801) PB-291 985/0 LHC-PILOT, Systems Guide (NLN/LHC-TR-7802) PB-291 986/8 BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC CAMBRIDGE MA BBN-3961 Command and Control Related Computer Technol- ogy: Packet Radio AD-A063 729/8 BBN-3983 Improvements to the BCPL Programming System AD-A063 802/3 BBN-4076 lnterlisp-11 AD-A066 142/1 BBN-4124 Command and Control Related Computer Technol- ogy: Packet Radio AD-A070 447/8 BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC CAMBRIDGE MASS BBN-3736 Distributed Computation and TENEX-Related Activi- ties AD-A048 664/7 BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, N.Y. CONF-771023-12 Conversion on an Operating System Oriented To- wards Transaction Processing from Two to Three Modes of Logical Address Space BNL-23363 CONF-771 062-3 Use of DBMS-10 for Storage and Retrieval of Evalu- ated Nuclear Data Files BNL-23277 Hopi: On-Line Inaction Optimization Program BNL-50741 BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, DENVER, CO. ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH CENTER. REC-ERC-78-9 A Microcomputer Software Development System PB-296 568/9 BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, DENVER, COLO. ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH CENTER. REC-ERC-77-12 An Assembly-Language Minicomputer Software De- velopment System PB-276 108/8 BURROUGHS CORP PAOLI PA FEDERAL AND SPECIAL SYSTEMS GROUP 66143-3 Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Book 1. FORTRAN. Software Maintenance Manual AD-A063 407/1 Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Mainte- nance Manual (AD-E100-145) AD-A063 370/1 CALIFORNIA STATE DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION, SACRAMENTO. CA-DOT-TL-7080-3-76-39 Mini-Computer Software Data Acquisition and Proc- ess Control System for Air Pollution Monitoring (FHWA/RD-76-U5) PB-270 400/5 CALIFORNIA STATE DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION, SACRAMENTO. TRANSPORTATION LAB. 631639 Traffic Responsive Ramp Control Through the Use of Microcomputer (FHWA-CA-TL- 1639-77-04) PB-271 333/7 CALIFORNIA UNIV., BERKELEY. LAWRENCE BERKELEY LAB. CONF-780983-6 Electronic Controller Development and Evaluation of Control Strategies LBL-8381 CONF-790333-1 Computer System Cross-Fertilization: Making Your Tl 980 Play Your TMS 9900 LBL-8755 CALIFORNIA UNIV., LIVERMORE. LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB. CONF-770410-1 BASIC for Intel's 8080 UCRL-77503 CONF-770805-2 RDM: A Relational Database Machine UCRL-79160 CONF-771032-1 Finite Difference Programs and Array Processors UCRL-80025 CONF-771206-2 Optimal Implementation of 2-D Nonrecursive Digital Filters Via Sectioning UCRL-80228 CONF-780578-1 Use of Scientific Data with the "MASTER CON- TROL" And "INGRES" Data Management Systems UCRL-81160 CONF-780945-1 Array Processing on the PDP-10 UCRL-81636 CONF-781023-1 Multiclass Arbitrating Scheduler for the BOSS Oper- ating System UCRL-80664 CONF-781 159-1 LSI-11 Writable Control Store Enhancements to U.C.S.D. Pascal UCRL-81808 User's Guide to the LLL BASIC Interpreter UCID-17090(Rev.1) AMPS Automated Message Processing System, LER 76-101701A UCID-17375 Fortran Interface to Vector Programming UCID-17477 Fortran Interface to Vector Programming UCID-17477(Rev.1) Microcomputer Standardization Program at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory UCID-17524(Rev.1) REBEL/BASIC: Commands. A User's Guide UCID-17685 ACT: An 8080 Macro Processor UCID-17722 Design and Implementation of a High-Level Lan- guage for a Programmable Frame Buffer UCID-17745 Data Director RTOS Manual UCID-17750 LLL 8080 BASIC-II Interpreter User's Manual UCID-17752 Tektronix GS-4051: MCS-8080 Software System UCID-17779 Tektronix GS-4051: MCS-8080 Software System UCID-17779(Rev.1) MAGIC: A One-Dimensional Magneto-Inductive Parti- cle Code UCID-17795 N7912Z: A Normalize Routine for the R7912 Tran- sient Digitizer on the PDP-1 1 UCID-17810 File Management System UCID-17841 DDT (Dynamic Debugging Technique) and TDT (Tracing Debugging Technique) for PDP-11 Systems UCID-17886 PL/M RT-11 Floppy Diskette Program UCID-17921 REBEL/BASIC: What, Why, and Getting Started, a User's Guide UCID-17970 REBEL/BASIC: Writing CALLable Subroutines. A User's Guide UCID-17971 EISPACK: User's Guide UCID-30077(Rev.1) ROBOT: A User's Manual of the ENTERPRISE Com- municator UCID-30163 LLL Software for the HP-2645 Terminal on Octopus UCID-30169 Development of a Minicomputer System for on-Lme Processing of gamma-Gamma Coincidence Events and Measurements of E2/M1 Mixing Ratios in exp 110 Cd and exp 134 Ba UCRL-52360 Automation of the Jarrell-Ash Model 70-314 Emis- sion Spectrometer UCRL-52474 VuGRAPH: a Code for Generating Presentation Viewgraphs UCRL-52560 REBEL/BASIC: Real-Time Language Extensions. A User's Guide UCRL-52646 CALIFORNIA UNIV., LOS ANGELES. DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE. Annual Progress Report UCLA-34P214-50 CALIFORNIA UNIV., SAN FRANCISCO. Guide to 8080 PILOT, Version 1.1 (NLM/LHC-77/04) PB-270 715/6 CALIFORNIA UNIV SANTA CRUZ INFORMATION SCIENCES TR-77-8-005 Highlights of L011 AD-A044 415/8 CAMBRIDGE SYSTEMS CORP., MASS. CSC-77-101 Optical Automatic Car Identification (OACI) Readabi- lity and Scanner Performance (FRA/ORD-78/15.II) PB-280 550/5 CARNEGIE-MELLON UNIV PITTSBURGH PA DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE CMU-CS-78-111 Evaluation of the Bitstring Algorithm (AFOSR-TR-78-1252) AD-A059 390/5 CMU-CS-78-143 Reliability in Multiprocessor Systems A Case Study of a Multi-Minicomputer, a Modular Multi-Micro- processor and a Voted Multiprocessor (AFOSR- TR-79-0067) AD-A064 795/8 Performance Evaluation of High-Level Language Systems (AFOSR-TR-78-1088) AD-A056 068/0 CARNEGIE-MELLON UNIV., PITTSBURGH, PA. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Time Domain Reflectometry Microcomputer (BuMines-OFR- 106-77) PB-267 785/4 CENTRE NATIONAL DETUDES SPATIALES, TOULOUSE (FRANCE). CNES-NT-62 Study of a Digital Phase Locked Loop in Very Low Frequencies Etude et Realisation d'Une Boucle de Phase Numenque Tres Basse Frequence. N77-29358/7 CHARLES STARK DRAPER LAB INC CAMBRIDGE MASS T-644 Development of a Hierarchical, Dynamically Reconfi- gurable Input/Output Network AD-A041 186/8 CLEMSON UNIV S C DEPT OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES N84 Constraints in the Design and Implementation of In- teractive Statistical Systems for Minicomputers AD-A048 124/2 TR-251 Constraints in the Design and Implementation of In- teractive Statistical Systems for Minicomputers AD-A048 124/2 COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES, GOLDEN. EXCAVATION ENGINEERING AND EARTH MECHANICS INST. Mechanical Tunnel Boring Prediction and Machine Design (NSF/RA-770199) PB-271 978/9 COLORADO STATE UNIV FORT COLLINS DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Proceedings of the Annual Rocky Mountain Sympo- sium on Microcomputers: Systems, Software, Archi- tecture (1st) August 31 - September 2, 1977 Fort Collins, Colorado (AFOSR-TR-78-0017) AD-A049 559/8 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP., HOUSTON, TX. APPLIED TECHNOLOGY DIV. CSC-0286 Preliminary Trend Monitoring System Data Manag- er's Guide. N79-27232/4 NASA-CR-160251 Preliminary Trend Monitoring System Data Manag- er's Guide N79-27232/4 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP., HUNTSVILLE, AL. NASA-CR-1 50405 Minis: Multipurpose Interactive NASA Information System. N79-18808/2 CONTROL TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, CUPERTINO, CA. NASA-CR-1 52049 Laboratory Demonstration of Aircraft Estimation Using Low-Cost Sensors. N79-12417/8 DATA SOLUTIONS CORP VIENNA VA In-Depth Assessment of the Status of Distributed Data Bases and Potential U.S. Navy Requirements AD-A058 111/6 DAVID W TAYLOR NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESDA MD DTNSRDC-77-0083 A Paged Hardware Associative Memory AD-A043 193/2 DTNSRDC-78/112 CHECK: A Computer Model for Establishing Data Bounds AD-A062 151/6 DTNSRDC-79/036 GIRS (Graph Information Retrieval System) Users Manual AD-A068 204/7 DAYTON UNIV OHIO RESEARCH INST UDRI-TR-77-10 AFML Scientific and Engineering Computer Support 76 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX HONEYWELL INC ST PETERSBURG FL AVIONICS DIV (AFML-TR-77-231) AD-A058 193/4 DECISIONS AND DESIGNS INC MCLEAN VA UG-78-3-39 Users Guide to the Early Warning and Monitoring System AD-A065 542/3 DEFENCE AND CIVIL INST OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE DOWNSVIEW (ONTARIO) DCIEM-TR-78X22 Guide to Landsat Image Enhancement Programs on the CCRS DECsystem-10/MAD Display AD-A062 373/6 DEFENCE RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT VALCARTIER (QUEBEC) DREV-R-41 24/78 An Improved Version of an Assembler and Simulator for the 8080 AD-A063 572/2 DEFENSE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT SCHOOL FORT BELVOIR VA Estimating Computer Software Development Costs AD-A055 597/9 DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, LOWER HUTT (NEW ZEALAND). PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING LAB. 587-Vol-2 Seismotectonic, Structural, Volcanologic, and Geo- morphic Study of New Zealand: Indigenous Forest Assessment in New Zealand. Mapping. Land Use, and Environmental Studies in New Zealand. Volume 2 (NASA-CR- 155024) E77-10234 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON D C AD-D004 460/2 Remote Plotter Control System PAT-APPL-835 089 DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGS- UND VERSUCHSANSTALT FUER LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRT, OBERPFAFFENHOFEN (WEST GERMANY). DLR-IB-552-77/22 The Microprocessor Intel 8080 a and Its Use as Digi- tal Filter der Mikroproztssor Intel 8080 a und Sein Einsatz als Digitales Filter. N78-29779/3 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY INC CHAMPAIGN IL DTI-2 INFE Software Functional Description Overview (AD-E100-081) AD-A060 667/3 DTI-6 INFE Program Design Specifications. Phase B. NFE Software Program Design Specifications (AD-E100-082) AD-A060 668/1 DU PONT DE NEMOURS (E.I.) AND CO., AIKEN, S.C. SAVANNAH RIVER LAB. CONF-761216-1 Interactive Display Program for a PDP-1 1 Satellite Graphics System DP-MS-76-74 DU PONT DE NEMOURS (E.I.) AND CO., AIKEN, SO SAVANNAH RIVER LAB. MC6800 Cross-Assembler for the PDP-8/E Digital Computer DP- 1506 E-SYSTEMS INC FALLS CHURCH VA MELPAR DIV 5073 Application of Microprocessors for Miniaturized TMDE (ECOM-76-1279-F) AD-A043 048/8 EG AND G, INC., LAS VEGAS, NV. ENERGY MEASUREMENTS GROUP. LASL/EG And G General Purpose IEEE-488 Bus Device Driver (GPDRV) EGG-1 183-1733 EIDGENOESSISCHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE, ZURICH (SWITZERLAND). Microscope Fluorometer with Sequence Control and a PDP-8/E Computer. Software. Cytofluorometric Analysis CYFLAN 108. Program Description LA-tr-76-14 ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING GROUP (1842ND) RICHARDS-GEBAUR AFB MO 1842 EEG/EEIMM-TR-77-17 Design Specification for AFCS Universal Perform- ance Assessment and Control System AD-A040 926/8 ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING GROUP (1842ND), SCOTT AFB, IL. 1 842-EEG/EETET-TR-79-6 A Microprocessor-Based Control Event Scanner AD-A065 222/2 ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING GROUP (1842ND) SCOTT AFB ILL 1842 EEG/EETS-TR-78-2 Data Network Referee (DNR) Concept Report AD-A056 960/8 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, WASHINGTON, D.C. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION AND DATA SYSTEMS DIV. Operations Guide to Remote Job Entry Minicom- puters PB-270 055/7 Guidelines for Preparing Minicomputers Feasibility Studies PB-270 056/5 Implementing Procedures for Minicomputers PB-270 057/3 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES RESEARCH LAB., RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. EPA/600/2-78/099 A Microcomputer-Modified Particle Size Spectrom- eter. Description and Program Listings PB-283 678/1 EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY, PARIS (FRANCE). DLR-IB-552-77/22 The Intel 8080 a Microprocessor and Its Application as a Digital Filter N78-30842/6 ESA-TT-484 The Intel 8080 a Microprocessor and Its Application as a Digital Filter. N78-30842/6 FEDERAL COBOL COMPILER TESTING SERVICE WASHINGTON D C CCVS74-VSR195 Validation Summary Report, DECSystem-20 COBOL AD-A040 227/1 FEDERAL COBOL COMPILER TESTING SERVICE WASHINGTON DC FCCTS/FCVS66-VSR370 FORTRAN Compiler Validation Summary Report DECSYSTEM 10. FORTRAN , Version 5A AD-A068 158/5 FCCTS/FCVS66-VSR375 Fortran Compiler Validation Summary Report DEC- SYSTEM 20 FORTRAN, Version 5A AD-A068 159/3 FLORENCE UNIV. (ITALY). ISTITUTO Dl ELETTRONICA. R-6-76 Rpm/8. Experimental Study for a Programming Lan- guage Rpn/8. Uno Studio Spenmentale Per UN Lin- guaggio di Programmazione. N77-25821/8 FONDAZIONE UGO BORDONI, ROME (ITALY). Front- and Back-End Minicomputer Arrangement in Multiprogramming Environment. N77-23801/2 FREIBURG UNIV. (WEST GERMANY). INST. FUER PHYSIK. REPT-C-35 Basex: A Programming Language for Process Auto- mation with Minicomputers. Development and Experi- ence Basex: Eine Programmiersprache Zur Prozes- sautomation MIT Kleinrechnern - Entwicklung und Ertahrungen N77-24806/0 GAERTNER (W W) RESEARCH INC STAMFORD CONN Design, Construction and Installation of Data Manip- ulator (RADC-TR-77-166) AD-A040 588/6 GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. LOGISTICS AND COMMUNICATIONS DIV. LCD-77-441 Planning for Source Data Automation in Government Industrial Activities-Coordination Needed: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life. Department of Defense PB-272 024/1 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO SCHENECTADY N Y RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000 Volume I (RADC- TR-78-8- VOL- 1) AD-A056 375/9 MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000. Volume II (RADC- TR- 78-8- VOL -2) AD-A056 376/7 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, DENVER, CO. USGS/GD-78/010 A Computer Program for Calculating the Direct Cur- rent Resistivity Response for Electrodes Buried in a Horizontally Stratified Earth PB-286 323/1 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, DENVER, COLO. USGS/GD-78/007 Transcription of Gould 6100 Data Logger Cartridges Using the HP-9640-A System PB-278 994/9 GEOPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY, CHRISTCHURCH (NEW ZEALAND). PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING LAB. REPT-540 A Program for Reading Ionospheric Data. N78-23650/2 GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIV WASHINGTON DC SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE Development of Experimental Compilers to Generate Emulators for the BMD DDP Test Bed From High Level Language AD-A068 950/5 GOSUDARSTVENNYI KOMITET PO ISPOL'ZOVANIYU ATOMNOI ENERGII SSSR, MOSCOW. INST. ATOMNOI ENERGII. Solution of the Kinetic Equation in the P3-Approxima- tion in a Plane Geometry IAE-2513 GOSUDARSTVENNYI KOMITET PO ISPOL'ZOVANIYU ATOMNOI ENERGII SSSR, OBNINSK. FIZIKO- ENERGETICHESKII INST. NEXT Module System for the M-220 Computer FEI-562 GREEN RESEARCH, MADISON, AL. NASA-CR-1 50862 Microcomputer Technology Applications: Charger and Regulator Software for a Breadboard Program- mable Power Processor. N79-1 2773/4 REPT-0011 Microcomputer Technology Applications: Charger and Regulator Software for a Breadboard Program- mable Power Processor. N79-12773/4 HAHN-MEITNER-INST. FUER KERNFORSCHUNG BERLIN G.M.B.H. (WEST GERMANY). BEREICH DATENVERARBEITUNG UND ELEKTRONIK. MUMTI A Multi-User-Multi-Task-lnterpreter for Proc- ess-Control Applications with CAMAC HMI-B-228 Computer Network of the Hahn-Meitner Institute for Nuclear Research HMI-B-229 HARRY DIAMOND LABS ADELPHI MD HDL-SR-77-1 ARMS Remote Programmer's Manual AD-A042 562/9 HDL-TM-77-18 A Machine-Language Computer Program to Obtain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton-Recoil Spectrum AD-A045 002/3 HDL-TM-77-20 An Assembly-Language Digital Division Computer Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spectroscopy AD-A044 103/0 HDL-TR-1843 SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Op- erators' and Users' Handbook. Version 2 AD-A052 766/3 HDL-TR-1844 SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Pro- grammers' Handbook, Version 2 AD-A052 767/1 HARVARD UNIV CAMBRIDGE MA AIKEN COMPUTATION LAB Studies on the Feasibility of System Software De- bugging (RADC-TR-79-20) AD-A069 028/9 HONEYWELL INC HOPKINS MN DEFENSE SYSTEMS DIV 47435 Development of a Prototype Automated Assembly Machine Production Line for the Area Denial Artillery Munition (ADAM) AD-A068 625/3 HONEYWELL, INC., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 2551-40274-VoM Vehicle Detection - Phase III Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Proiect Overview and Technical Discussion (FHWA/RD-76-66) PB-268 879/4 2551-40274-Vol-2-Pt-1 Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation (FHWA/RD-76-67) PB-268 880/2 2551-40274-Vol-2-Pt-2 Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II, Part II. Appendix D Computer Program Listings (FHWA/RD-76-68) PB-268 881/0 HONEYWELL, INC., MINNEAPOLIS, MN. F2186-FR3 Vehicle Detection, Phase III: Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Option II: Manufacturing Drawings and Prototype Development (FHWA/RD-77/122) PB-298 194/2 HONEYWELL INC ST PETERSBURG FL AVIONICS DIV GEO-SPIN (Trademark) Precision Inertial Survey 77 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX (ETL-0135) AD-A059 435/8 HONEYWELL INC ST PETERSBURG FLA Security Kernel Specification for a Secure Communi- cations Processor (ESD-TR-76-359) AD-A045 452/0 HONEYWELL INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC MCLEAN VA FEDERAL SYSTEMS OPERATIONS Multics Security Integration Requirements, 1 January 1976-31 December 1980 (ESD-TR- 76-354) AD-A041 514/1 HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO CULVER CITY CALIF DISPLAY SYSTEMS LAB HAC-P77-380 Programmable In-Raster Symbol Generator (NADC-77259-30) AD-A048 596/1 HAC-REF-D4846 Programmable In-Raster Symbol Generator (NADC-77259-30) AD-A048 596/1 IBM FEDERAL SYSTEMS DIV., HUNTSVILLE, AL. COMMAND AND SPACE SYSTEMS. K42-78-001 Power Module Data Management System (Dms) Study. N79-16038/8 NASA-CR-1 50883 Power Module Data Management System (Dms) Study. N79-16038/8 IBM FEDERAL SYSTEMS DIV OWEGO NY Program Documentation for the Helmet-Mounted- Display Processor Flight Software (AMRL-HESS-78-3) AD-A063 312/3 IDAHO UNIV., MOSCOW. Effects of Availability of Water on Irrigation Systems Operations (OWRT-B-039-IDA(2)) PB-292 714/3 ILLINOIS UNIV. AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. FORTRAN Programs for Data Fitting Using Ortho- gonal Polynomials COO-1198-1215 DRAGON Technical Manual COO-2383-0052 ILLINOIS UNIV. AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. COORDINATED SCIENCE LAB. T-56-VOL-1 Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing. Volume 1. Mapping ot Chemical Data Bases and Mapping of Data Base Elements Using a Relational Data Base Structure PB-283 892/8 T-56-VOL-2 Data Base Mapping Model and Search Scheme to Facilitate Resource Sharing. Volume 2. Directory of Chemical Data Bases PB-283 893/6 ILLINOIS UNIV. AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. DEPT. OF SECONDARY EDUCATION. MC Painting--A New Medium for Art Education ED-160 068 ILLINOIS UNIV., URBANA. DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE. Software Systems Reseach Annual Report, July 16, 1976- July 15, 1977 COO-2383-41 INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LAB., RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC. EPA/600/7-78/1 11C A Mathematical Model of Electrostatic Precipitation: Revision 1 (EPA/DF-78/008) PB-286 349/6 INSTITUTO DE ENERGIA ATOMICA, SAO PAULO (BRAZIL). DIV. DE ENGENHARIA NUCLEAR. GENFIT: A General Least Squares Curve Fitting Pro- gram for Mini-Computer IEA-TI-57 INSTITUTO DE PESQUISAS ESPACIAIS, SAO JOSE DOS CAMPOS (BRAZIL). INPE-1489-TDL/009 Emulador de Memonas de Microcontrole Auxiliado Por Computador (Correcting Memory of Microcontrol System Aided by a Computer). N79-27874/3 INTEGRATED SCIENCES CORP SANTA MONICA CA ISC-260-1 Post Detection Target State Estimation Using Heuris- tic Information Processing - A Preliminary Investiga- tion AD-A068 965/3 ISTITUTO SUPERIORE Dl SANITA, ROME (ITALY). LAB. DELLE RADIAZIONI. ISS-T-77/3 A General Purpose Nova-Camac Data Handling System for High Energy Physics Experiments. N78-28931/1 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV LAUREL MD APPLIED PHYSICS LAB APL/JHU/TG-1308 Macro Instructions and Their Processor for Struc- tured Programming with Assembly Languages AD-A045 472/8 JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA (USSR). OrganizaTRAn of a Library of Standard Relocatible Programmes, or a Processing Measurement Data Module Based on Computers of the TRA Types JINR-R-10-9484 Modification of a Translator of Mnemocode the M- 6000 Computer JINR-10-8787 Translator for Symbolic Language of Printed Plate Description JINR-10-9553 Description of the COPLAN Special-Purpose Lan- guage Description for the Programming Automation on Control Minicomputers JINR-10-9768 Computer Code Simulating Minicomputer Operation on a Large Computer JINR-1 1-9558 Interactive Editing Program Using Display JINR-11-9616 Translator from the COPLAN Language into the "Electronics-100" Computer Code JINR-1 1-9766 JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA (USSR). LAB. OF COMPUTING TECHNIQUES AND AUTOMATION. Image Processing System Taken from a High-Pres- sure Streamer Chamber JINR-R-1 0-9949 Operational System for Image Processing from a gamma Telescope JINR-10-11120 JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA (USSR). LAB. OF HIGH ENERGY. Off-Line Programming CAMAC System Based on a Microprocessor JINR-10-11232 JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA (USSR). LAB. OF NEUTRON PHYSICS. Software for a Magnetic Disk Drive Unit Connected with a Computer Tpa-1001-l JINR-R-10-10479 JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA (USSR). LAB. OF NUCLEAR PROBLEMS. "NAIRI-2" Computer Plotter Software JINR-11-10818 JUNTA DE ENERGIA NUCLEAR, MADRID (SPAIN). Automatic Storage of Single gamma Spectra on Magnetic Tape. Programs LONGO, DIRE JEN-412 KANSAS STATE UNIV MANHATTAN DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Project Report for Functionally Distributed Computer Systems Development: Software and Systems Struc- ture. Part I (ARO- 13835 1-A-EL-PT- 1) AD-A052 751/5 Project Report for Functionally Distributed Computer Systems Development: Software and Systems Struc- ture. Part II (ARO- 13835. 1-A-EL-PT-2) AD-A052 752/3 Functionally Distributed Computing Systems: User Facility Development (ARO- 15552.1 -EL) AD-A069 393/7 LABORATORIO Dl RICERCA E TECHNOLOGIA PER LO STUDIO DEL PLASMA NELLO SPAZIO, FRASCATI (ITALY). LPS-77-18 Assembler Compiler for the Intel 8080 Microproces- sor Compilatore Assembler Per II Microcaicolatore Intel 8080 N78-28827/1 LEHIGH UNIV BETHLEHEM PA Structuring of Data Systems: Psychophysiological Data from the Dynamic Flight Simulator (NADC-79052-60) AD-A067 175/0 LOCKHEED-GEORGIA CO MARIETTA LG77ER0099 Investigation of Electro-Hydraulic Pulse Motors for Aircraft Utility Functions (AFAPL-TR-77-14) AD-A042 377/2 LOGICON INC SAN DIEGO CALIF LISTEN: A System for Recognizing Connected Speech Over Small, Fixed Vocabularies, In Real Time (NA VTRAEQUIPC-77-C-0096- 1) AD-A056 231/4 LOGOS DEVELOPMENT CORP MIDDLETOWN N Y Feasibility Test of LOGOSCAN System (RADC-TR- 77-378) AD-A049 715/6 LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LAB., N.MEX. CONF-771 144-2 Floating Point Hardware Emulator for RSX-11D LA-UR-77-2649 CONF-771 144-3 HELPER: A Superintendent Terminal Based on RT 11 LA-UR-77-2583 CONF-780411-1 CAD-CAM Interactive Graphics System Designed b) Users LA-UR-78-179 Evaluation of the UNIX Time-Sharing System LA-6775-MS RSX-11M Versus RSX-11D: Compatibility and Con- flict LA-6789-MS Central Computing Facility Operator Training System LA-6803-MS Data-Entry-3: Some Observations and Pragmatics of a Structured Design LA-6836 LOUISVILLE UNIV., KY. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. NASA-CR-160157 Microprocessor Realizations of Range Rate Filters N79-21 780/8 LUNDY ELECTRONICS AND SYSTEMS INC GLEN HEAD NY Digital Data Editing System (ETL-0146) AD-A062 551/7 M AND S COMPUTING, INC., HUNTSVILLE, AL. NASA-CR-161212 Study of Software Application of Airborne Laser Doppler System for Severe Storms Measurement. N79-23586/7 REPT-79-015 Study of Software Application of Airborne Laser Doppler System for Severe Storms Measurement. N79-23586/7 M AND S COMPUTING, INC., HUNTSVILLE, ALA. NASA-CR-1 50745 Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User'S Manual. N78-28831/3 NASA-CR-1 50798 Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User'S Manual. N78-31 763/3 NASA-CR-1 50809 Rsx-11D/DX11-B Interface User'S Guide. N78-31 795/5 NASA-CR-161243 Cat Information Display System Users Manual. N79-26711/8 REPT-78-066 Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User'S Manual. N78-28831/3 REPT-78-066 Interactive Signal Analysis and Ultrasonic Data Col- lection System User'S Manual. N78-31 763/3 REPT-78-084 Rsx-11D/DX11-B Interface User'S Guide. N78-31 795/5 REPT-79-017 Cat Information Display System Users Manual. N79-26711/8 MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK COMPUTER SCIENCE CENTER TR-612 PDP 1 1 Image Processing Software AD-A049 586/1 MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK DEPT OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Structural Mathematics Modeling AD-A066 743/6 MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CAMBRIDGE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LAB AI-M-420 Data Representations in PDP- 10 MacLISP AD-A052 305/0 AI-M-454 The Incremental Garbage Collection of Processes AD-A052 445/4 MASSACHUSETTS INST. OF TECH., CAMBRIDGE. DEPT. OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING. Collection and Evaluation of Salt Mixing Data with the Real Time Data Acquisition System COO-2245-36TR 78 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH CAMBRIDGE LAB FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE MIT/LCS/TR-188 Simulation of Packet Communication Architecture Computer Systems AD-A048 290/1 MIT/LCS/TR-215 Distributed Computer Systems: Structure and Se- mantics AD-A070 286/0 MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH LEXINGTON LINCOLN LAB ETS-18 A Minicomputer/Microprocessor Programming Inter- (ESD-TR-77-232) AD-A047 100/3 ETS-39 A New Design for the Programmable Button System at the GEODSS ETS (ESD-TR-79-42) AD-A069 971/0 MASSACHUSETTS UNIV., AMHERST. DEPT. OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Design for Manufacturability: The Implementation and Usage of PADL on a PDP-11/34 Computer Along with a Survey of Languages for Geometric Modeling and a Computer Aided Design Program for the Coding of Small Parts by Their Feeding and Ori- enting Characteristics (NSF/RA-780296) PB-288 323/9 MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION LAB. (EDM), WASHINGTON, D.C. INFORMATION SCIENCE DIV. GSA/FPA/MCL-TM-255 Resource Interruption Projection System PB-268 156/7 GSA/FPA/MCL-TM-266 PDP-11 STAMOS Time-Sharing System Interactive User's Guide PB-268 153/4 MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUT FUER STROEMUNGSFORSCHUNG, GOETTINGEN (WEST GERMANY). MPIS-8/1977 Camac Program System (Csys)- Reference Manual Camac-Programm-System (Csys) Referenz-Manual. N78-1 4866/5 MPIS-8/1977 Camac Program System (Csys). Reference Manual Camac-Programm-System (Csys) Reference Manual. N78-1 7734/2 MCDONNELL-DOUGLAS ASTRONAUTICS CO., HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA. AVIONICS CONTROL AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS. MDC-G8027 Meta Assembler Enhancements and Generalized Linkage Editor. N79-27872/7 NASA-CR-161255 Meta Assembler Enhancements and Generalized Linkage Editor. N79-27872/7 MINNESOTA UNIV MINNEAPOLIS DEPT OF PSYCHOLOGY RR-77-4 A Rapid Item-Search Procedure for Bayesian Adap- tive Testing AD-A041 090/2 MITRE CORP BEDFORD MASS MTR-3178-VOL-1 Computer Program Specification for Security Ke.nel for PDP-11 /45. Volume I (ESD- TR- 76-288- VOL ■ 1) AD-A054 247/2 MTR-3289 Security Kernel Verification Techniques: Algorithmic Representation (ESD-TR-78-123) AD-A054 098/9 MTR-3387 MITRE Preprocessor (ESD-TR-77-257) AD-A047 317/3 MTR-3524 Implementation of a Secure Data Management System for the Secure UNIX Operating System (ESD-TR-78-154) AD-A056 902/0 MOUND FACILITY, MIAMISBURG, OH. Utility and Math Subroutinee for the M6800 Micro- processor MLM-2564 MOUND LAB., MIAMISBURG, OHIO. Program for Calculating X-Ray Powder Diffraction In- terplanar (D) Spacings with a Tektronix-31 Desk Top Programmable Calculator MLM-2400 NATIONAL AERONAUTICAL ESTABLISHMENT, OTTAWA (ONTARIO). ICAF-977 Modifications to Falstaff That Were Required for Op- eration on a 16 K Pdp-8E Minicomputer. N78-1 6392/0 LTR-ST-899 Modifications to Falstaff That Were Required for Op- eration on a 16 K Pdp-8E Minicomputer. N78-16392/0 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. AMES RESEARCH CENTER, MOFFETT FIELD, CALIF. A-7372 A Decoding Procedure for the Reed-Solomon Codes. N78-30862/4 NASA-TP-1286 A Decoding Procedure for the Reed-Solomon Codes N78-30862/4 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, GREENBELT, MD. GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER. NASA-TM-X-71342 Atmospheric and Oceanographic Information Proc- essing System (Aoips) System Description. N77-31012/6 X-933-77-148 Atmospheric and Oceanographic Information Proc- essing System (Aoips) System Description. N77-31012/6 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, HUNTSVILLE, ALA. MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER. M-227 Concept Report: Microprocessor Control of Electrical Power System. N77-30367/5 NASA-TP-1016 Concept Report: Microprocessor Control of Electrical Power System. N77-30367/5 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER, CLEVELAND, OHIO. E-9000 Savloc, Computer Program for Automatic Control and Analysis of X-Ray Fluorescence Experiments. N77-22848/4 NASA-TN-D-8398 Savloc, Computer Program for Automatic Control and Analysis of X-Ray Fluorescence Experiments N77-22848/4 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. NBS-SPECIAL PUB 503 Computer Science and Statistics: Annual Symposium on the Interface. Proceedings of the Annual Sympo- sium (10th) Held at the National Bureau of Stand- ards, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 14-15, 1977 PB-280 370/8 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DIV. NBS-SP-500-37 Computer Science and Technology: Common Com- mand Language for File Manipulation and Network Job Execution: An Example PB-284 459/5 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, D.C. INST. FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY. NBS-SP-500-32 Computer Science and Technology: FORTRAN IV Enhanced Character Graphics PB-279 939/3 NBS Special Pub-500-18 Computer Science and Technology: Proceedings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (13th) Held at New Orleans, Louisiana on October 11-14, 1977 PB-272 072/0 NBS SPECIAL PUB-500-35 Computer Science and Technology: The Design and Implementation of the National Bureau of Standards' Network Access Machine (NAM) PB-282 510/7 NBSIR-77-1230 Crossi - A Univac Processor Which Assembles Code for Interdata Minicomputers PB-269 344/8 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, DC. NBSIR-79-1746 Mathematical Modeling and New Experiments on Du- rability of Paper: A Progress Report PB-295 789/2 The Agonies of Automating Almost Anything PB-290 017/3 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, WASHINGTON, DC. INST. FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY. NBS-SPECIAL PUB-500-41 Computer Science and Technology: Proceedings of Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) (14th) Held at Boston, Massachusetts on October 24-27, 1978 PB-287 069/9 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH INST., PRETORIA (SOUTH AFRICA). CSIR-SR-ELEK-150 Real-Time Interactive Multiprogramming. N79-16585/8 ISBN-0-7988-1345-8 Real-Time Interactive Multiprogramming. N79-16585/8 NATIONAL ENGINEERING LAB. (NBS), WASHINGTON, DC. ELECTRON DEVICES DIV. NBS-SP-400/48 Semiconductor Measurement Technology: Spreading Resistance Analysis for Silicon Layers with Nonuni- form Resistivity PB-296 265/2 NATIONAL INST. OF MENTAL HEALTH, POOLESVILLE, MD. LAB. OF BRAIN EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR NIMH/LBEB/1 CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/ Reduction (NIH/DF-77/003) PB-270 744/6 CAUDAR - Computer Assisted Unit Data Acquisition/ Reduction (NIH/DF-77/003a) PB-270 745/3 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, BETHESDA, MD. NIH Telephone Service Directory and Information Lo- cator System (NIH/DF-79/003) PB-297 874/0 NIH Telephone and Service Directory and Informa- tion Locator System, User's Guide (NIH/DF-79/003A) PB-297 875/7 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, BETHESDA, MD. DIV. OF COMPUTER RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY. MLAB: An On-Line Modeling System (NIH/DF-79/001) PB-292 894/3 A Primer for MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory (NIH/DF-79/001 A) PB-292 895/0 MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory. Reference Manuel (Seventh Edition) (NIH/DF-79/001 B) PB-292 896/8 MLAB: An On-Line Modeling Laboratory Applications Manual (NIH /OF- 79/00 1C) PB-292 897/6 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, BETHESDA, MD. LAB. OF STATISTICAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODOLOGY. Mlab - an Online Modeling System. (NIH/DF-77/004) PB-272 130/6 MLAB - An Online Modeling Laboratory. Seventh Edition (NIH/DF-77/004a) PB-272 131/4 NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, BOULDER, COLO. WAVE PROPAGATION LAB. NOAA-TM-ERL-WPL-21 Microcomputer-Controlled Acoustic Echo Sounder (NOAA-77050104) PB-268 033/8 NOAA-TM-ERL-WPL-25 Stellar Scintillometer Model II for Measurement of Refractive-Turbulence Profiles (NO A A- 77092205) PB-273 921/7 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LAB., TEDDINGTON (ENGLAND). DIV. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE. NPL-COM-86 Augmentation of a Text Retrieval System with an In- telligent Graphics Terminal. N78-1 8980/0 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGFIELD, VA. A Directory of Computer Software Applications - Min- icomputer and Microcomputers PB-272 972/1 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE, HONOLULU, HAWAII. PACIFIC REGION. NOAA-NWSTM-PR-18 An Operational Message Composition System Using the N.W.S. Automatic Data Acquisition System (ADAS) Computer System (NOAA-78051501) PB-283 088/3 NAVAL AEROSPACE MEDICAL RESEARCH LAB PENSACOLA FL NAMRL-SR-79-2 Documentation and User's Manual for the Visual De- tection Simulator (VDS) AD-A070 487/4 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA NPS52-78-003 A Design for a Function-Descriptive Programming Language 79 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX AD-A059 692/4 A Real-Time Operating System for Single Board Computer Based Distributed Naval Tactical Data Systems AD-A059 601/5 A Microcomputer Based Shipboard Surface-Subsur- face Contact Plotter System AD-A059 603/1 NPS-PASCAL A Partial Implementation of PASCAL Language for a Microprocessor-based Computer System AD-A061 040/2 MICRO-COBOL A Subset of Navy Standard HYPO- COBOL for Micro-Computers AD-A061 277/0 The Development and Implementation of Algorithms for an A-7E Performance Calculator AD-A061 344/8 A Preliminary Investigation of Aural Input/Output Systems for In-Flight Information Retrieval AD-A063 174/7 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CALIF A Decision Logic Table Preprocessor AD-A041 154/6 A Microprocessor Implementation of Extended Basic AD-A042 332/7 The Development of a User Oriented Interface for a Computer Driven Graphics Device AD-A042 997/7 MICRO-COBOL. An Implementation of Navy Stand- ard HYPO-COBOL for a Microprocessor-Based Com- puter System AD-A043 008/2 An Extended Basic Compiler with Graphics Interface for the PDP-1 1 /50 Computer AD-A044 366/3 An Interactive, Incremental Assembly Language Pro- cessor for the INTEL 8080 AD-A044 476/0 A Microcomputer Based Generator of Recurring Operational Reports AD-A045 137/7 Data Acquisition System for Unsteady Aerodynamic Investigation AD-A046 468/5 The Development of a COBOL 'Calculator' for High- Performance Bit-Slice Microprocessors AD-A047 128/4 The Implementation of an Operating System for a Shared Microcomputer Environment AD-A047 129/2 A Microprocessor Controlled Automatic Data Logging System (ADL) AD-A047 169/8 The Development of a Segmented Memory Manager for the UNIX Operating System with Applications in a Multiported Memory Environment AD-A047 170/6 ALGOL-M. An Implementation of a High-level Block Structured Language for a Microprocessor-based Computer System AD-A047 266/2 Personal Computing AD-A049 941/8 The Development of a User Oriented Interface for a Computer Driven Graphics Device (AFIT-CI-78-41) AD-A051 780/5 A Microcomputer Based Plasma Display System AD-A055 426/1 The Design and Implementation of Instructional Soft- ware Information System (ISIS) AD-A056 323/9 Design of Software Package for Incorporation of Random Load Testing and Data Processing on Ma- terials Testing System Machine AD-A057 899/7 Microcomputer Based Flight Data Recorder/Monitor with Solid State Memory AD-A057 990/4 NAVAL RESEARCH LAB WASHINGTON D C NRL-MR-3502 A General Purpose Mini-Computer Based Digital Signal Processing Laboratory AD-A041 000/1 NAVAL RESEARCH LAB WASHINGTON DC NRL-MR-3980 Multiport RS232 to NTDS Multiplexor for AN/UYK-20 AD-A068 037/1 NRL-MR-3992 Military Message Experiment Quick Look Report AD-A068 701/2 NRL-8275 REMOS: A Remote Communications Operating System for Real-Time Activities AD-A063 303/2 NAVAL STATION NORFOLK VA Wang Mini-Computer Automatic Database Manage- ment System AUTO-SYSTEM User's Manual AD-A055 877/5 NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER DAHLGREN LAB VA NSWC/DL-TR-3729 A Comparison of Approaches to Provide a Debug- ging System for the AN/UYK-20 AD-A052 876/0 NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER WHITE OAK LAB SILVER SPRING MD NSWC/WOL-TR-77-3 Generalized Multi-Channel Analysis Programs for the DART (Digital Analysis in Real Time) Computer System AD-A047 011/2 NSWC/WOL/TR-77-65 A Fixed-Point Arithmetic Compiler AD-A059 041/4 NAVAL WEAPONS CENTER CHINA LAKE CA NWC-TP-6083 Navy Laboratory Interactive Graphics Study AD-A067 402/8 NIJMEGEN UNIV. (NETHERLANDS). Measurement of K exp - /sub p/ 4.2 Gev/C Interac tions with a Pepr Vertex Guidance System INIS-mf-3618 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV RALEIGH Investigation of Microprogrammable Microprocessors (ARO-13632.1-A-EL) AD-A044 130/3 NORTH CAROLINA UNIV AT CHAPEL HILL DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE SATMODEL User's Guide AD-A040 923/5 OAK RIDGE GASEOUS DIFFUSION PLANT, TENN. REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data K/CSD/TM-12 BUDGET: A Program for Evaluating a Project's Budget over Several Years. Phase I User's Manual K/CSD/TM-18 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB., TENN. ENDF-254 Least-Squares Dosimetry Unfolding: The Program STAY'SL ORNL/TM-6062 System for Histogram Entry, Retrieval, and Plotting LA-6920-M User's Manual for the Pattern Recognition Code RECOG-ORNL ORNL/CSD/TM-21 TEK8 Graphics User's Guide ORNL/CSD/TM-34 OPRODF, A Decsystem-10 Data Manipulation Pro- gram for ORELA Data Formatted Files ORNL/CSD/TM-45 ADENTR: A Program for Interactive Data Entry ORNL/CSD/TM-46 ORCODE77: A Computer Routine to Control a Nu- clear Physics Experiment by a PDP-1 5 + Camac System, Written in Assembler Language and Includ- ing Many New Routines of General Interest ORNL/NUREG/TM-99 Automatic Neutron PSD Transmission from a Proc- ess Computer to a Ttmeshare System ORNL/TM-5476 ORIS: The Oak Ridge Imaging System Operation's Manual ORNL/TM-5875/V2 ORIS: The Oak Ridge Imaging System Program List- ings ORNL/TM-5875/V3 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB., TN. NET-A Powerful File-Transfer Facility CONF-781 159-3 User's Guide to the CALVEC Software Library: A Computer Program for Emulation of CALCOMP Graphics on a Versatec Printer/Plotter ORNL/TM-6477 User's Guide to the CALVEC Software Library. A Computer Program for Emulation of CALCOMP Graphics on a Versatec Printer/ Plotter ORNL/TM-6477/R1 NCMART: Algorithms and Computer Codes for a Modified Algebraic Spatial Reconstruction of Spec- troscopic Emissivities for ELMO Bumpy Torus ORNL/TM-6500 Microcomputer-Controlled Ultrasonic Data Acquisi- tion System ORNL/TM-6531 LSFODF: A Generalized Nonlinear Least-Squares Fitting Program for Use with ORELA ODF Files ORNL/TM-6545 TEK11 Graphics User's Guide ORNL/TM-6546 OESTERREICHISCHE STUDIENGESELLSCHAFT FUER ATOMENERGIE G.M.B.H., VIENNA. MA-32/77 RSPLOT, A Program Group for Evaluation of the Data past Temperatures and Stress Values of the "Prestressed Concrete Pressure Vessel-High Tem- perature Helium Test Rig" SGAE-2725 RS-110/77 RSPLOT, A Program Group for Evaluation of the Data past Temperatures and Stress Values of the "Prestressed Concrete Pressure Vessel-High Tem- perature Helium Test Rig" SGAE-2725 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER (NAVY) WASHINGTON DC Generalized Report Generation and Analysis Pack- age, Adaptable to Mini-Computers (DOD/DF-78'003) AD-A056 057/3 OHIO UNIV., ATHENS. AVIONICS ENGINEERING CENTER. NASA-CR-145178 A Microcomputer-Based Low-Cost omega Sensor Processor. N77-22063/0 OU-TM-47(NASA) A Microcomputer-Based Low-Cost omega Sensor Processor. N77-22063/0 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIV STILLWATER FLUID POWER RESEARCH CENTER Development of a Stability Monitor/Controller for Ma- terial Handling Equipment. Phase II, Hardware Devel- opment AD-A041 192/6 OXFORD UNIV. (ENGLAND). DEPT. OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE. OUEL-1 178/76 Extended System Modelling Program - Esmp Simula- tion of a Large Analog Computer on a Pdp 1 1. N77-26843/1 PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV., UNIVERSITY PARK. DEPT. OF MINERAL ENGINEERING. Coal Mine Electrical System Evaluation Volume I. Continuous Monitoring (BUMINES-OFR-6 1(1)- 78) PB-283 490/1 POLYTECHNIC INST OF NEW YORK BROOKLYN DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ELECTROPHYSICS POLY-EE77-042-VOL-1 Software Modeling Studies Volume I. Summary of Technical Progress (RADC- TR-78-4- VOL- 1) AD-A052 615/2 SRS-112-VOL-1 Software Modeling Studies Volume I. Summary of Technical Progress (RADC-TR-78-4-VOL-1) AD-A052 615/2 POLYTECHNIC INST OF NEW YORK BROOKLYN MICROWAVE RESEARCH INST Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Soft- ware Engineering Held at New York, N. Y. on 20-22 April 1976. Volume XXIV (AFOSR-TR-77-0899) AD-A042 626/2 PURDUE UNIV., LAFAYETTE, IND. PURDUE LAB. FOR APPLIED INDUSTRIAL CONTROL. 87 An Investigation on Man/Computer Interactive versus an Automatic Heuristic in Scheduling Job Shops (NSF/RA-760599) PB-272 706/3 Annual Meeting of International Purdue Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6, 1977. Minutes. Part I. Nar- rative - Chapters I - X and Technical Appendices I AD-A058 095/1 Annual Meeting of International Purdue Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6, 1977. Minutes. Part II. Technical Appendices II - X AD-A058 096/9 PURDUE UNIV LAFAYETTE IND SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Microprocessor Utilization in Communications System Monitoring (RADC-TR-77-218) AD-A042 145/3 OUESTRON CORP SAN DIEGO CA Radiation Hardened Microprocessor. Volume II (AFAL-TR-78-55-VOL-2) AD-A063 004/6 RADIEVYI INST., LENINGRAD (USSR). Use of M-6000 Minicomputer for Preliminary Proc- essing of a Gamma Spectra RI-34 RAND CORP SANTA MONICA CALIF R-1808-ARPA RITA Reference Manual AD-A046 627/6 R-2064/1-AF Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System. I. Design Considerations 80 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX STANFORD UNIV CALIF STANFORD ELECTRONICS LABS AD-A044 200/4 R-2064/2-AF Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System. II. Implementation AD-A044 201/2 RAND/R-2134-ARPA Framework and Functions of the 'MS' Personal Mes- sage System AD-A048 774/4 RAYTHEON CO BEDFORD MASS MISSILE SYSTEMS DIV BR-9448 Modular Digital Missile Guidance Phase III (ONR-CR233-052-3) AD-A042 466/3 RAYTHEON CO SUDBURY MASS EQUIPMENT DIV ER75-4084-1 Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume I AD-A041 195/9 ER75-4084-2 Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume II AD-A041 196/7 RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT RISOE, ROSKILDE (DENMARK). Algorithms and Programs for Consequence Diagram and Fault Tree Construction RISO-M-1907 RESEARCH INST. OF NATIONAL DEFENCE, LINKOEPING (SWEDEN). FOA-C-30148-E1 Fips Software for Fast Fourier Transform, Filtering and Image Rotations. N79-17594/9 RESEARCH TRIANGLE INST RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK N C AFAL Simulation Facility/Capability Manual. Volume I. Executive Summary and Systems Avionics Division (AFAL-TR-77- 1 18- VOL- 1) AD-A055 591/2 REYNOLDS, SMITH AND HILLS, JACKSONVILLE, FL. Energy Monitoring and Control System (Report Update- 1978) (USAFESA-RT-2056) AD-A064 347/8 RHO SIGMA, INC., NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA. System Design and Installation for RS600 Program- mable Control System for Solar Heating and Cooling DOE/NASA/CR-150535 ROCHESTER UNIV., N.Y. PRODUCTION AUTOMATION PROJECT. PADL/ADM-01 Dissemination of the PADL-1.0/n Processor (Part and Assembly Description Language (PADL) (NSF/RA-770464) PB-281 549/6 PADL/SD-01 The PADL-1.0/n Processor: Overview and System Documentation (NSF/RA-770465) PB-281 550/4 ROCHESTER UNIV NY DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE TR-44 VTMS: A Virtual Terminal Management System for RIG AD-A069 458/8 ROCHESTER UNIV., NY. PRODUCTION AUTOMATION PROJECT. PADL/SD-15 Processes in the PADL-1.0/n Processor: The Draw- ing File Processor (NSF/RA-780295) PB-288 483/1 ROME AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER GRIFFISS AFB N Y RADC-TR-77-310 The Development of a Computer Speech Processing System and Its Use for the Study and Development of Processing Methods for Enhancing the Intelligibil- ity of Speech in Noise AD-A047 240/7 ROME AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER GRIFFISS AFB NY RADC-TR-79-55 Modem Identification Experiments AD-A067 538/9 ROYAL AIRCRAFT ESTABLISHMENT, FARNBOROUGH (ENGLAND). BR59871 Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers. N78-30843/4 RAE-TR-77010 Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers (DRIC-BR-59871) AD-A052 087/4 RAE-TR-77010 Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers. N78-30843/4 SANDIA LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, N.MEX. CONF-771206-3 Software Development of a Real Time Signal Proc- essing System SAND-77-1684C CONF-771 206-10 Portable Data Acquisition System SAND-77-1874C CONF-780518-2 SALOGS Digital Logic Simulator SAND-78-0390C NUREG-0231 EASI on the HP-25. HP-65. and HP-67 SAND-76-0597 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 60 Comparison of Applicon Disk Files SAND-76-0743 Sandia FOCAL-77 SAND-77-0128 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 41: Gerber As- sistance Program SAND-77-0295 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 81: Map of Drawing Dictionary SAND-77-1051 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 84: Edit of a Macro for a Drawing on the Table SAND-77-1054 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 64: Dumping Drawing Files to Tape SAND-77-1088 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 43: Zero Core Program SAND-77-1350 General Purpose Magnetic Tape Handler SAND-77-1492 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 87: Generation of Windows SAND-77-1609 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 85 SAND-77-1683 Software Development of a Real Time Signal Proc- essing System SAND-77-1684 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 88: Store User Dictionary SAND-77-1798 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 65: Adding Text from Disc to AGS Drawings SAND-77-2024 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD 47: Thin Film Resistor Layout SAND-77-2035 DPLIB.1: A Library of Data Processing Routines for the PDP1 1 Computer SAND-78-0039 COLORS Reference Manual SAND-78-0643 SANDIA LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, NM. Operation and Maintenance Instructions: Tower Alarm Signaling System SAND-78-0101 User/Programmer Guide for UCMD59: Store Drawing File Index Information SAND-78-1646 Some PDP-1 1 BASIC-1 1 Extension Routines SAND-79-0292 SANDIA LABS., LIVERMORE, CALIF. FORODT: Fortran Debug Routine for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-76-8265 RT11LIB: A Library of Subroutines for Transferring Data Between a PDP-11 and CDC-6600 SAND-77-8271 R7912 Transient Digitizer FORTRAN Compatible Subroutines for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-77-8717 EDITOR: A Text Editor for the PDP-11 (RT-11) SAND-78-8205 SANDIA LABS., TONOPAH, NV. Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking SAND-78-0595 SCHOOL OF AEROSPACE MEDICINE BROOKS AFB TEX SAM-TR-77-25 General Purpose Data Conversion Programs for the PDP-1 2 Computer AD-A049 043/3 SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC ENGLEWOOD CO SAI-78-078-DEN A Comparative Study of Flowcharts and Program Design Languages for the Detailed Procedural Speci- fication of Computer Programs (ARI-TR-78-A22) AD-A069 604/7 SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC MCLEAN VA SAI-78-713-WA Documentation of PDP 11/70 Software for Determin- ing Travel-Time Differences from Cross Covanances AD-A052 891/9 SHAKER RESEARCH CORP., BALLSTON LAKE, NY. NASA-CR-1 59505 Turbojet Blade Vibration Data Acquisition Design and Feasibility Testing. N79-18976/7 SRC-78-TR-36 Turbojet Blade Vibration Data Acquisition Design and Feasibility Testing. N79-18976/7 SHARP (I P) ASSOCIATES LTD OTTAWA (ONTARIO) IPSA-381 9-001 EUCLID Compiler for PDP-1 1 AD-A061 402/4 IPSA-381 9-002 EUCLID Compiler for PDP-1 1 AD-A061 052/7 IPSA-381 9-003 EUCLID Compiler for PDP-11 AD-A061 406/5 IPSA-381 9-004 Euclid Compiler for PDP-1 1 AD-A068 542/0 SOUTHAMPTON UNIV. (ENGLAND). DEPT. OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS. Studies of Self Streamlining Wind Tunnel Real and Imaginary Flows. N79-20142/2 SOUTHERN RESEARCH INST., BIRMINGHAM, ALA. SORI-EAS-78-422 A Computer-Based Cascade Impactor Data Reduc- tion System (EPA/600/7-78/042) PB-285 433/9 STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CENTER, CA. CONF-790454-1 Simulation of LSI- 1 1 /PDP-1 1 Series Minicomputers SLAC-PUB-2302 STANFORD LINEAR ACCELERATOR CENTER, CALIF. IBM 370/360 Software Package for Developing Stand Alone LSI- 1 1 Systems SLAC-PUB-2103 STANFORD UNIV., CA. Software for Microcircuit Systems SLAC-PUB-2205 STANFORD UNIV., CA. COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE PLANNING CENTER. TR-10 A Demand Assignment Multiple Access (DAMA) Control System for Thin-Route Satellite Telephone Systems PB-286 162/3 STANFORD UNIV CA DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE HPP-78-22 Considerations for Microprocessor-Based Terminal Design AD-A068 538/8 STAN-CS-78-696 Considerations for Microprocessor-Based Terminal Design AD-A068 538/8 Exploratory Study of Computer Integrated Assembly Systems (NSF/RA- 770690) PB-289 425/1 STANFORD UNIV CALIF DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AIM-290 SAIL Tutorial AD-A042 494/5 STAN-CS-76-575 SAIL Tutorial AD-A042 494/5 STANFORD UNIV., CALIF. DIGITAL SYSTEMS LAB. EMMY/UNIBUS Interface Design Specification. Technical Note No. 109 SU-326-P.39-19 STANFORD UNIV., CALIF. STANFORD ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LAB. AL Users' Manual (NSF/RA-770481) PB-280 719/6 STANFORD UNIV CALIF STANFORD ELECTRONICS LABS DSL-TR-155 The Formal Definition of a Real-Time Language AD-A058 047/2 SU-SEL-78-024 The Formal Definition of a Real-Time Language AD-A058 047/2 EMMY Based Pdp-11/20 Emulation. Technical Note No. 110 81 SU-326-P 39-20 STUTTGART UNIV. (WEST GERMANY). INST. FUER STATIK UND DYNAMIK DER LUFT- UND RAUMFAHRTKONSTRUKTIONEN. ISD-200 Xb Experimental Bus System. Development of a Uni- versal Computer Supported Multiple User Test Con- trol System Xb Experimental Bus System Entwick- lung Emer Universellen Rechnergestuetzten Mehr- fachbenutzer-Versuchssteuerung. N78-1 1430/3 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CORP SANTA MONICA CA Software Debugging Methodology. Volume I (RADC-TR-79-57-VOL-1) AD-A069 539/5 Software Debugging Methodology. Volume II. Hand- book for Debugging in the MULTICS/GCOS/RTM Environments (ft ADC- TR- 79-57- VOL -2) AD-A069 540/3 TECHNOLOGY, INC., HOUSTON, TEX. LIFE SCIENCES DIV. NASA-CR-151688 Microprocessor-Based Cardiopulmonary Monitoring System. N78-21752/8 TELEDYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, HUNTSVILLE, ALA. SYSTEMS DIV. NASA-CR-1 50278 Study of Systems and Techniques for Data Base Management. N77-26013/1 SD76-MSFC-2060 Study of Systems and Techniques for Data Base Management. N77-26013/1 TEXAS A&M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. REMOTE SENSING CENTER. NASA-CR-151345 Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scattero- meter Radar Signal Processor. N77-23291/6 PR-3182-3 Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scattero- meter Radar Signal Processor. N77-23291/6 TEXAS GOVERNOR'S ENERGY ADVISORY COUNCIL, AUSTIN. FORECASTING AND POLICY ANALYSIS DIV. TR-77/101-A An Improved Computer Program for Calculating the Theoretical Performance Parameters of a Propeller Type Wind Turbine An Appendix to the Final Report on Feasibility of Using Wind Power to Pump Irrigation Water (Texas) PB-294 017/9 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC DALLAS EQUIPMENT GROUP System Avionic Architectures for RPVs (AFAL-TR-76-245) AD-A041 502/6 THRESHOLD TECHNOLOGY INC DELRAN N J Alpha/Numeric Extraction Technique Phase II (RADC-TR-77-184) AD-A041 759/2 TRANSEMANTICS, INC., WASHINGTON, D.C. NASA-TM-75020 Manual for Adjustment and Handling of Platforms for Data Collection Via Satellite (Cdcp). N77-26182/4 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS CENTER, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. DOT-TSC-NHTSA-78-1 Automotive Fleet Fuel Consumption Model: FUEL.FOR (DOT-HS-803-223) PB-280 760/0 TRW DEFENSE AND SPACE SYSTEMS GROUP REDONDO BEACH CA Multilevel Security for Intelligence Data Processing Systems (RADC-TR-79-88) AD-A070 141/7 UKAEA, HARWELL (ENGLAND). ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT. SABRE: A System for the Assessment of Body Ra- dioactivity. Part 2 Mam Features of SABRE 3 AERE-R-8933 UNION CARBIDE CORP., OAK RIDGE, TN. COMPUTER SCIENCES DIV. Terminal Usage System at Oak Ridge National Labo- ratory CONF-781061-2 Revised Version of SLIDES: a Program to Draw Slides and Posters ORNL/CSD/TM-44 CONTUR: A Subroutine to Draw Contour Lines for Randomly Located Data ORNL/CSD/TM-59 Universal Plotting Facility ORNL/CSD/TM-66 UNITED NUCLEAR INDUSTRIES, INC., RICHLAND, WA. CONF-790223-1 Micro/Mini and Hybrid Computer Costs for Solving Dynamic Models UNI-SA-60 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES RESEARCH CENTER EAST HARTFORD CT UTRC/R79-944258-2 Microprocessor Requirements for Implementing Modern Control Logic (AFOSR-TR-79-0449) AD-A067 551/2 UNIVERSITY COLL LONDON (ENGLAND) DEPT OF STATISTICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE TR-34 University College London ARPANET Project AD-A044 419/0 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ELECTRONIC SCIENCES LAB Analysis and Design of Fault-Tolerant Computer Sys- tems (AFOSR-TR-78-1355) AD-A059 936/5 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MARINA DEL REY INFORMATION SCIENCES INST ISI/SR-78-12 Multi-Microprocessor Emulation. Annual Report for 1977 AD-A055 527/6 UTAH UNIV SALT LAKE CITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Services to Develop Pocket Computers to Perform PF Calculating by DCPA Standa'd Method and to Provide Training For Use AD-A055 278/6 VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INST AND STATE UNIV BLACKSBURG DEPT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE CS78006-T Transfer of APL Workspaces A Useful Solution (AFOSR- TR- 79-0238) AD-A065 644/7 VOUGHT CORP., HAMPTON, VA. NASA-CR-145371 Modeling of a Latent Fault Detector in a Digital System. N78-31 794/8 WASHINGTON UNIV SEATTLE DEPT OF CHEMISTRY TR-11 A Low-Cost. General Purpose Data Acquisition and Control System for the PDP-11 Minicomputer AD-A050 224/5 WAYNE STATE UNIV DETROIT Ml DEPT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Automotive Suspension Control (TARADCOM- TR- 12377) AD-A068 405/0 WEAPONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT SALISBURY (AUSTRALIA) WRE-TR-1842(A) A Finite-State Parser for PDP-11 and NOVA Comput- ers AD-A048 023/6 WESTERN SCIENTIFIC SERVICES, INC., FORT COLLINS, COLO. FR-807-55 Development of an Experimental Hydrometeorological Data Collection Network PB-270 265/2 WHARTON SCHOOL PHILADELPHIA PA DEPT OF DECISION SCIENCES 78-12-04 Exploring the Concept of a CODASYL Database Ma- chine AD-A067 249/3 WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE N MEX INSTRUMENTATION DIRECTORATE STEWS-ID-77-1 Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real-Time Video Target Tracking AD-A048 156/4 82 ECTIONTWO — 1INICOMPUTERS & MICROCOMPUTERS ECEMBER 1979 — APRIL 1980 83 ABSTRACT ENTRY The full bibliographic report entries are arranged alphanumerically by NTIS order number. SAMPLE ENTRY PB-274 532/1CP PCA05/MFA01 Wisconsin Univ. -Madison. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The Filtering of Images Using a New Fidelity Criterion. Interim rept. Kelly A. Miller. Jul 77, 78p Rept no. ECE-77-7 Grant NSF-ENG75-10545 Descriptors: 'Image processing, "Visual per- ception, Fourier transformation, Bionics, Data compression, Computer programs, Power spectra. Indentifiers: 'Linear filtering, 'Fidelity criterion. A new error criterion for image processing is derived from a parallel, spatial channel model of the human visual system. The new error criterion is compared to the common squared intensity error criterion in optimal linear filtering of images in additive noise. There is a slight im- provement in filtering using the new criterion. NTIS order number availability/price codes Corporate or performing organization Report title Personal authors Date No. Pages Report No. Contract or grant number(s) Keywords Abstract 84 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER AD-A040 227/1 Federal Cobol Compiler Testing Service Washing- ton DC Validation Summary Report, DECSystem-20 COBOL 4 May 77. 76p Rept no. CCVS74-VSR195 Descriptors: "Compilers, 'Computer program ver- ification, 'Computer program documentation, Pro- gramming languages, Validation, Standards, High level languages, Executive routines, Syntax, Ma- chine coding. Identifiers: "Cobel, Software engineering. This VAIidation Summary Report (VSR) for the DECSYSTEM-20 (CBL74) COBOL Compiler Ver- sion 1A (TOPS-20 Version V2) provides a consoli- dated summary of the results obtained from the validation of the subject compiler against the 1974 COBOL Standard (X3.23-1974/FIPS PUB 21-1). The compiler was validated at the High level of FIPS PUB 21-1. The VSR is made up of several sections showing the discrepancies found. These include an overview of the validation which lists all categories of discrepancies by level/module within X3. 23-1 974; a section relating the categories of discrepancies to each of the Federal levels of the language; and a detailed listing of discrepancies together with the tests which were failed. (Author) AD-A040 416/0 Aerospace Systems Inc Burlington Mass Pilot Modeling for Manned Simulation. Volume II. Program PIREP User Manual Final rept. Apr 75-Feb 76 Kristine M Doyle, and William C Hoffman. Dec 76. 52p ASI-TR-76-29-Vol-2. AFFDL-TR-76-124- Vol-2 Contract F33615-75-C-3069 Descriptors: *Man machine systems, "Pilots, Com- puterized simulation, Visual perception, Scanning, Cues(Stimuli), Attention, Flight control systems. Control theory, Optimization, Closed loop systems, Performance(Human), Mathematical prediction, FORTRAN, Flight simulation, Digital computers, Man computer interface, Instruction manuals, User needs, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Pirep computer program, User man- uals, Fortran 4 programming language, CDC 6600 computers, PDP 1 1 computers. A digital computer program (PIREP) has been de- veloped to implement the extended optimal control pilot model discussed in Volume I. The user manual describes the program organization, pre- sents the input formats and program options, pro- vides general comments to assist the user, and presents results for a sample run The program is written entirely in FORTRAN IV, for operation on the Wright-Patterson computer facility (Author) AD-A040 588/6 Gaertner (W W) Research Inc Stamford Conn Design, Construction and Installation of Data Manipulator Final technical rept W. W. Gaertner, D. T. W. Lee, C. T. Retter, and I. M Singh. May 77, 90p RADC-TR-77-166 Contract F30602-75-C-0290 See also Rept. no. RADC-TR-73-292, AD-773 172. Descriptors: "Parallel processing, "Associative processing, "Computer architecture, Parallel pro- cessors, Manipulators, Complementary metal oxide semiconductors, Shift registers, Masking, Debugging(Computers), Subroutines, Chips(Electronics), Gates(Circuits), Data manage- ment, Multiplexing Identifiers: "Data manipulators, PDP 11 comput- ers. STARAN computers It is by now well recognized that most parallel proc- essing systems require a versatile communication facility to pass data (a) between the different proc- essing elements, (b) between and processing ele- ments as a group and the memory modules and (c) between the input/output devices and memory and/or processing elements. This communication capbility is used to exchange data (such as interim results) between processing elements, to rear- range data in memory, and even to rearrange bits within the same parallel word. The term Data Ma- nipulation has been introduced to define this func- tion which must be considered a computer-system building block of equal importance to the process- ing element array, the high speed memory, the mass storage and the system control. Surprisingly, this fact has not been recognized adequately in the design of several existing parallel-processor sys- tems, with the result that the execution of many important algorithms is slowed down significantly. This report describes the design, construction, in- stallation and performance of a Data Manipulator which, while integrated specifically into a STARAN computer system, is applicable to any other paral- lel computer architecture. AD-A040 923/5 North Carolina Univ At Chapel Hill Dept of Comput- er Science SATMODEL Users Guide James D. Foley, and Victor L. Wallace. Sep 76, 71p Contract F30602-76-C-01 17 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Computer graphics, "Computer pro- grams, Digital computers, Interactions, Minicom- puters, Computer files, Optimization, Display sys- tems. Identifiers: IBM-360 computers, IBM-370 comput- ers, Honeywell-645 computers, Honeywell-6045 computers, SATMODEL computer program. During the past several years a set of programs has been developed at the University of North Carolina to model and optimize the performance of satellite graphics systems. The programs, original- ly executed as batch jobs on an I3M 360 or 370 with OS/360, have now been converted, ex- tended, and augmented to execute interactively on a Honeywell 645 or 6045 with the MULTICS oper- ating system. This guide describes the basic con- cepts involved in using the interactive programs, which are herein referred to as SATMODEL. A companion document, The SATMODEL Refer- ence Manual, gives details of the system's use. AD-A040 926/8 Electronics Engineering Group (1842nd) Richards- Gebaur AFB Mo Design Specification for AFCS Universal Per- formance Assessment and Control System Final rept. David R Wortendyke, and Richard J. Steele. 17 Mar 77, 36p Rept no. 1842 EEG/EEIMM-TR-77- 17 Descriptors: "Computer applications, "Communi- cations networks, "Minicomputers, "Computer program documentation, "Control systems, Moni- tors, Real time, Computer programs, Communica- tion satellite terminals, Interfaces, Data acquisi- tion, Performance(Engineermg), Specifications Identifiers: Computer networks, Computer soft- ware, Design. A prototype data acquisition system that utilizes commercial software and hardware design con- cepts, for use in the development of performance monitoring systems of communication networks, has been designed, assembled, and checked out for the use of the USAF/AFCS This document provides the design specifications for this univer- sal performance assessment and control system (UPACS). Features emphasized are the use of a real-time software operating system, distributed processing, and the IEEE 488-1975 Digital Inter- face for Programmable Instrumentation A central- ized minicomputer controls multiple distributed sat- ellite processors by means of a multipoint asyn- chronous telemetry channel All data acquisition takes place at the satellite terminals by controlling data acquisition devices connected to the IEEE 488 interface A detailed description is given of hardware and operating system software No spe- cific data acquisition software is discussed (Author) AD-A041 000/1 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A General Purpose Mini-Computer Based Digi- tal Signal Processing Laboratory Interim rept Theo W Hodge, and Anita P. Skelton May 77. 31p Rept no. NRL-MR-3502 Descriptors: "Minicomputers, "Signal processing, Electronics laboratories, Computer programs, Digi- tal systems, Delay lines, Plotting, Laboratories, Re- search facilities. Identifiers: Disk storage. The general design approach of hardware and software systems and the present performance capability of a digital signal processing laboratory is given Block diagrams of the hardware and soft- ware systems are provided along with an example of a recent task (Author) AD-A041 090/2 Minnesota Univ Minneapolis Dept of Psychology A Rapid Item-Search Procedure for Bayesian Adaptive Testing Research rept. C. David Vale, and David J. Weiss. May 77, 17p Rept no. RR-77-4 Contract N00014-76-C-0243 Descriptors: "Search theory, Adaptive systems. Bayes theorem, Computer applications, Sequen- tial analysis, Test methods, Minicomputers, Com- puter programs, Efficiency, Computerized simula- tion, Estimates. Identifiers: Branched testing, Run time, Psycho- metric methods. An alternative item-selection procedure for use with Owen's Bayesian adaptive testing strategy is proposed- This procedure is, by design, faster than Owen's original procedure because it searches only part (as compared with all) of the total item pool. Item selections are, however, identical for both methods. After a conceptual development of the rapid-search procedure, the supporting math- ematics are presented. In a simulated comparison with three item pools, the rapid-search procedure required as little as one-tenth the computer time as Owen's technique. (Author) AD-A041 154/6 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Decision Logic Table Preprocessor Master's thesis Joseph Franklin Keller, and Robert William Roesch, Jr Jun 77, 1 41 p Descriptors: "Computer logic, "Computer pro- gramming, Tables(Data), Preprocessing, Transla- tors, Computer programs, Flow charting, Algo- rithms, Programming manuals. Machine coding, Theses Identifiers: PDP 11/50 computers, "Preproces- sors. This document presents an introduction to deci- sion logic table terminology, structure, theory, and preprocessor historical development. Advantages of decision tables and flowcharts have been sur- veyed and contrasted. Techniques of decision table preparation have been enumerated. DEL- TRANS, a rule mask logic table preprocessor for the C language, has been proposed for use on the PDP-1 1 /50 system at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. (Author) AD-A041 186/8 Charles Stark Draper Lab Inc Cambridge Mass Development of a Hierarchical, Dynamically Reconfigurable Input/Output Network Master's thesis James R. Seeley. Jun 77, 1 1 1 p Rept no. T-644 Contract N00014-76-C-0502, Grant NSF-DCR- 74-24116 Descriptors: "Communications networks, Mes- sage processing, Microprocessors. Algorithms, Computer programs. Control systems. Reliability(Electronics) Identifiers: "Computer networks, Theses This thesis traces the development of the hierar- chical, dynamically reconfigurable. input/output network which has been constructed at the Draper Laboratory. It presents a summary of the design procedures used in determining the network archi- tecture, communication methods, message for- mats, and overall topology. Further, it describes both the hardware and software features that have been implemented in the network's microproces- 85 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER sor-based nodes. In addition, the centrally located software algorithms developed to configure, repair, and monitor the network have been exten- sively discussed. Finally, the thesis also includes a reliability analysis of the network in a typical appli- cation, and a performance evaluation of the effec- tiveness of the configuration and control pro- grams. AD-A041 192/6 Oklahoma State Univ Stillwater Fluid Power Re- search Center Development of a Stability Monitor/Controller for Material Handling Equipment. Phase II. Hardware Development Final rept. 21 Jun 76-28 Feb 77. Apr 77, 80p Contract DAAG53-76-C-0144 See also Phase 1 , AD-A040 842. Descriptors: 'Materials handling equipment, Loading(Handling), Microcomputers, Transducers, Interfaces, Algorithms, Safety, Stability, Computer program documentation, Computer programs, Lo- gistics support, Monitors, Printed circuit boards, Lift. Identifiers: Controllers, Computer software, Safety exploratory system, "Automatic control. The purpose of this two-phased study is to investi- gate the feasibility of developing a stability monitor or controller suitable for material handling equip- ment (MHE). Recommendations were to be made as to the optimal method (Phase 1). Phase 2 re- quired the design, fabrication, and testing of an ex- ploratory system to demonstrate feasibility. This report documents Phase 1 of the investigation. The exploratory system is a microcomputer-based system which performs calculations as derived in Phase 1 . The system hardware is documented. In- stallation instructions for the exploratory system are provided such that the system can be installed on a vehicle different from the one used in testing. The results of the test program are presented. (Author) AD-A041 195/9 Raytheon Co Sudbury Mass Equipment Div Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Interface Adapter. Volume I Equipment Information rept. Peter C. Dunham, William Solimeno, Alfred Bordogna, and Charles Smith. 30 Jan 75, 157p Rept no. ER75-4084-1 Contract F19628-73-C-0279 See also Volume 2, AD-A041 196. Descriptors: "Meteorological radar, "Data proc- essing equipment, "Weather forecasting, "Mini- computers, "Display systems, Computer pro- grams, Interfaces, Adapters, Meteorological data, Data displays, Resolution, Colors. This report presents the final configuration of hard- ware and software It provides all data necessary to maintain the equipment. It contains theory of op- eration, functional descriptions, schematics, and part specifications. (Author) AD-A041 196/7 Raytheon Co Sudbury Mass Equipment Div Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Interface Adapter. Volume II Equipment information rept. Peter C Dunham, William Solimeno, Alfred Bordogna, and Charles Smith. 30 Jan 75, 24p Rept no. ER75-4084-2 Contract F19628-73-C-0279 See also Volume 1.AD-A041 195. Descriptors: "Meteorological radar, "Data proc- essing equipment, "Weather forecasting, "Mini- computers, "Display systems, Real time, On line systems, Computer programs. Interfaces, Adapt- ers, Meteorological data. Data displays, Resolu- tion, Colors. This report contains the information necessary to operate the Weather Radar Processor and Display Equipment (Author) AD-A041 502/6 Texas Instruments Inc Dallas Equipment Group System Avionic Architectures for RPVs Final technical rept. 2 Feb-2 Aug 76 R. Allen, L Chamberlin, J. Early, J. Graham, and W. Grimes. Apr 77, 198p AFAL-TR-76-245 Contract F33615-76-C-1215 Descriptors: "Avionics, "Remotely piloted vehi- cles, Data processing, Memory devices, Micro- processors, Life cycle costs, Computer programs, Cost analysis, Programming languages. Identifiers: Cost of ownership. Results are presented from a 6-month study to design an avionic digital processing system for the multi-mission Advanced Remotely Piloted Vehicle (ARPV) application. The recommended approach is a microprocessor-based design consisting of a distributed processing network with modular pro- cessor/memory elements (PEs) interconnected via a MIL-STD-1553A data bus. The objective was to design a digital processing system providing not only adequate performance for the anticipated ARPV missions but also the lowest possible life cycle cost (LCC). Three different processing sys- tems were designed to meet performance require- ments for specific postulated ARPV missions. The total LCC for each candidate system was then esti- mated using a postulated 10-year life-cycle sce- nario. The 'optimum' design was selected on the basis of minimum LCC. In addition to the minimum LCC, the recommended system also provides the best performance in terms of flight-critical reliabil- ity. The extensive use of standard modules throughout the distributed network provides flexi- ble system performance by allowing throughput capacity and/or memory capacity to be increased readily as processing requirements demand. The use of standard modules is also important in achieving a low LCC. Results from this study, in particular the modular design of the basic PE, are applicable not only to the ARPV problem but other Air Force avionic processing applications as well. (Author) AD-A041 514/1 Honeywell Information Systems Inc Mclean Va Federal Systems Operations Multics Security Integration Requirements, 1 January 1976-31 December 1980 Technical rept. N. Adleman, R. Ziller, and J. Whitmore. Mar 76, 99p ESD-TR-76-354 Contract F19628-74-C-01 93 Descriptors: "Data processing security. Front end processors, Programming languages, Digital com- puters, Kernel functions. Computer communica- tions, Military applications, Interfaces, Data proc- essing terminals. Computer program documenta- tion, Computer programs, Data bases, Minicom- puters. Identifiers: Multics system. Computer software, Design, Firmware. This report presents the results of a study to identi- fy a technical approach for the design, develop- ment and certification of a secure general purpose computer system. (Author) AD-A041 759/2 Threshold Technology Inc Delran N J Alpha/Numeric Extraction Technique Phase II Final technical rept. Phillips B. Scott May 77, 35p RADC-TR-77-184 Contract F30602-76-C-0309 Descriptors: "Speech recognition, "Man computer interface, "Word recognition, Alphanumeric data, Phonetics, Acoustic data, Digitizers, Bathymetry, Position(Location), Depth, Plotters, Voice commu- nications. Microphones, Speech, Preprocessing, Syntax, Vocabulary, Hydrographic surveying. Mini- computers, Computer programs. Subroutines, Flowcharting. Identifiers: Nova 1200 computers, Speech under- standing systems. This report describes a 2-part program (1) to inter- face an existing word recognition system (WRS) to a bathymetric digitizer and (2) to develop a new word recognition system for a large vocabulary The first program provides an improved means for entering bathymetric readings from smooth sheets to punched cards. The WRS allows a cartographer simultaneously to obtain X-Y coordinate locations and provide voice data entry of depth reading for each coordinate location. With the operator's hands free to concentrate on the X-Y position sensing cursor he can speak the depth numbers. If they are correctly recognized, he can enter them onto punched cards without losing sight of the smooth sheet. The cartographic WRS which was interfaced to the digitizer is described in AD-B008 303L. The complete system has been installed at the Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Center at Suitland, MD. The large vocabulary WRS will be used to explore other cartographic applica- tions. This system is based upon the VIP-100, a WRS system with capability of recognizing up to 200 separate words in a syntactic structure. The structure allows up to 30 words in any node of the structure. AD-A042 145/3 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind School of Electrical En- gineering Microprocessor Utilization in Communications System Monitoring Phase rept. J. J. Kirby, R. A. Meyer, and S. C. Crist. Jun 77, 136p RADC-TR-77-218 Contract F30602-75-C-0082 Prepared in cooperation with Clarkson Coll., Pots- dam, N Y. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Communication and radio systems, "Electromagnetic compatibility, "Communications networks, Monitoring, Europe. West Germany, Computer programs, Digital sys- tems, Voice communications, Radio links, Transis- tor transistor logic. Identifiers: European Defense Communications System. This report illustrates how a microprocessor may be used to monitor the operating performance of the Frankfurt-Koenigstuhl-Vaihingen (FKV) area of the European Defense Communications System (EDCS). Specifically described are the interfaces and software routines necessary to carry out the monitoring function and the advantages and limita- tions of the proposed microprocessor system. Background information is also given which de- scribes various monitoring methods previously suggested for EDCS. Also described are the var- ious communications devices which are deployed in the FKV area and a non-microprocessor-con- trolled monitoring system which is currently pro- posed for that area. (Author) AD-A042 263/4 Aerodyne Research Inc Bedford Mass MRDA - A Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code for the HP 2100 Computer Final rept 26 Mar-31 Dec 76 D. Kryger, and D. Robertson Jan 77, 89p ARI- RR-97, AFGL-TR-77-0044 Contract F19628-76-C-0173, ARPA Order-2656 See also Rept no AFCRL-TR-73-0096, AD-762 904, and Rept. no. AFCRL-TR-75-0255, AD-A017 734. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Atmosphere models, "Computer programs, Transmittance, Data reduction, Mini- computers. Light transmission, Radiative transfer, Infrared radiation. Radiation attenuation, Resolu- tion. Identifiers: HP 2100 computers, "Atmospheric transmissivity, Atmospheric attenuation, MRDA computer program. This report describes the Medium Resolution Data Analysis Code (MRDA) which is a computer soft- ware code developed to run on the HP2100 mini- computer at the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory. The code calculates the atmosphere transmit- tance of radiation in the 1800-6000/cm range. The code can be used for a variety of paths(horizontal, vertical, downward, to space, etc). The user has the option of using either the 1962 U.S. Standard Model atmosphere or radiosonde data. Because of size restriction on the HP2100. MRDA is dividied into seven overlays The spectral absorption coef- ficients, which are calculated from the AFGL com- pilation of molecular line parameters (HITRAN), are accessed from a data tape. The transmittance 86 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER calculated for horizontal paths near sea level agree with those calculated with HITRAN, but MRDA tends to overestimate the absorption in the neighborhood of strongly absorbing lines. Some recommendations for further upgrading of the code are given. (Author) AD-A042 332/7 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Microprocessor Implementation of Extended Basic Master's thesis Gordon Edwin Eubanks, Jr. Dec 76, 194p Descriptors: "Programming languages, "Micro- processors, "Compilers, "Interpreters, Expansion, Disks, Memory devices. Parsers, Theses. Identifiers: "Basic programming language, Ex- tended Basic programming language, Diskettes, PL/M programming language. The design and implementation of an extension to the BASIC programming language for use on a mi- croprocessor-based system has been described. The implementation is comprised of two subsys- tems, a compiler which generates code for a hypo- thetical zero-address machine and a run-time monitor which interprets this code. The design goals, solutions, and recommendations for further expansion of the system have been presented. The system was implemented in PL/M for use in a diskette-based environment. (Author) AD-A042 377/2 Lockheed-Georgia Co Marietta Investigation of Electro-Hydraulic Pulse Motors for Aircraft Utility Functions Final rept. 3 Feb 75-Dec 76 Edwin W. Rumrill, Jr, and Frank D. Lewis. May 77, 147p LG77ER0099, AFAPL-TR-77-14 Contract F33615-75-C-2005 Descriptors: "Aircraft equipment, "Hydraulic actu- ators, Hydraulic servomechanisms, Pulse gener- ators, Electric motors, Airborne, Digital computers, Circuits, Stepper motors, Loads(Forces), Flight control systems, Hydraulic valves, Hydraulic power, Prototypes, Microcomputers, Input output devices, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Electrohydraulic pulse motor, *EHMP(Electrohydraulic pulse motor), Altair 8800 computers, C-5 aircraft, EPM(Electric pulse motor), Electric pulse motor. The purpose of this electrohydraulic pulse motor (EHPM) technology-development projeui was to investigate feasibility and applicability and demon- strate capability of the EHPM concept for mating the power of hydraulics with the 'intelligence' of the digital computer for use in future aircraft utility systems. Recent dramatic developments in elec- tronic circuit manufacturing necessitates the review of control concepts for the purpose of rede- fining the optimum mix of technologies. The signifi- cant reduction in cost, size, and weight and in- crease in reliability of digital computers offers the potential for performing the bulk of control func- tions within the electronic circuit in lieu of the hy- draulic circuit. The EHPM concept is highly com- patible with this concept, but existing units are used in machine tools and are not configured to achieve maximum power and minimum weight as needed for aircraft use. In this program the designs of EHPM's for aircraft use was investigated; an EHPM was designed and constructed using an air- craft type hydraulic motor; an input system consist- ing of a micro computer, an interface board, input and output position encoders, an electric pulse motor (EPM) driver, and a software program was designed and constructed; the EHPM and the input system were tested as components and as a system; the system was used to control the C-5 iron bird flap system with simulated loading; the EHPM unit was subjected to a durability test; and a survey of various aircraft subsystems where the EHPM could be a viable alternative was accom- plished. AD-A042 466/3 Raytheon Co Bedford Mass Missile Systems Div Modular Digital Missile Guidance Phase III Technical rept. 20 Nov 75-31 Dec 76 Frank J. Langley. 4 May 77, 262p BR-9448, ONR-CR233-052-3 Contract N00014-75-C-0549 See also Phase 2, AD-B01 399L. Descriptors: "Guidance, "Modules(Electronics), "Digital systems, "Microcomputers, "Integrated circuits, "Air to air missiles, Memory devices, Com- puter architecture, Computer programs, Flow charting, Diagrams, Signal processing, Central processing units, Bus conductors, Packaging. Identifiers: Very large scale integrated circuits. This report presents the results of the third phase of a study to investigate the feasibility of modular digital guidance and control systems for air-to-air missile applications. The studies involved the anal- ysis of functions for digital implementation in all classes of air-to-air missiles and the derivation of computer requirements in terms of throughput memory, architectural features, modularity and compatible software characteristics Phase III vali- dated the performance and effectiveness of the macromodular microcomputer family defined in Phase II, on an individual module basis; as whole microcomputers; and as federated microcomputer systems applied to specific generic missile types, using digital simulation techniques. In summary, the studies have shown that modular digital guid- ance and control is both feasible and effective in improving missile performance and flexibility to counteract changing threat situations and advanc- ing technology. Using a common microcomputer bus interface, (microbus), a family of fourteen mi- crocomputer macromodules, in various configura- tions, will support the entire range of air-to-air mis- sile functions. Further, the Navy standard electron- ic module (SEM), in either SEM-1A or SEM-2A configurations, provides a practical means of packaging the macromodules and maintaining the standard microbus interface. AD-A042 494/5 Stanford Univ Calif Dept of Computer Science SAIL Tutorial Technical rept. Nancy W. Smith. Oct 76, 56p Rept nos. STAN- CS-76-575, AIM-290 Contract MDA903-76-C-0206, ARPA Order-2494 Descriptors: "Programming languages, Computer programming, Computer program documentation. Learning. Identifiers: "Sail programming language, PDP 10 computers. This tutorial is designed for a beginning user of Sail, an ALGOL-like language for the PDP-10. The first part covers the basic statements and expres- sions of the language; remaining topics include macros, records, conditional compilation, and input/output. Detailed examples of Sail program- ming are included throughout, and only a minimum of programming background is assumed (Author) AD-A042 562/9 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md ARMS Remote Programmer's Manual Special rept. David J. Buscher, and Marc A. Ressler. Jul 77, 121p Rept no. HDL-SR-77-1 Descriptors: "Programming manuals, Power meters, Assembly languages, Microprocessors, Automatic, Solid state electronics, Computer pro- gram documentation, Computer programs, Sub- routines, Teletype systems, Real time, Clocks, Te- lemeter systems. Identifiers: Computer software, ARMS system, Util- ity functions. A general description of the Automatic Revenue Metering System (ARMS) Remote Metering Device is given. This description includes the func- tions of the various system hardware devices and their associated software modules There is also detailed documentation for each subroutine of the ARMS Remote software. This software includes a real-time interrupt-driven operating system and all the necessary utility functions for performing reve- nue metering and the associated reporting func- tions. (Author) AD-A042 626/2 Polytechnic Inst of New York Brooklyn Microwave Research Inst Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Software Engineering Held at New York, N. Y. on 20-22 April 1976. Volume XXIV Final rept. Jerome Fox. Apr 76, 605p AFOSR-TR-77-0899 Grant AF-AFOSR-2891-75 Availability: Paper copy available from Polytechnic Institute of New York, HC $32.50 (No copies fur- nished by DDC). Descriptors: "Computer program documentation. Computer programs, Minicomputers, Computer programming, Debugging(Computers), Fault toler- ant computing, Computer program reliability, Real time, Automatic, Algorithms. Identifiers: "Computer software, Software engi- neering, "Meetings. No abstract available. AD-A042 997/7 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Development of a User Oriented Interface for a Computer Driven Graphics Device Master's thesis Charles Estus McNeil, and Dan Patrick Houston. Jun 77, 21 1p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Computer graphics, "Computer pro- grams, "Programming manuals, User needs, Man computer interface, Computers, Display systems, Computer program verification, Theses. Identifiers: Design, PDP-11 computers, PDP-11/50 computers. The design, development and implementation of a user-oriented graphics software system is de- scribed. The over-all considerations involved in such a design process are discussed, along with the major factors affecting design decisions. The object display system is a RAMTEK GX-100A hosted by a PDP-1 1 /50 computer. Implementation techniques are also presented. A detailed user's manual is appended, and recommendations for further system expansion are offered. (Author) AD-A043 008/2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif MICRO-COBOL. An Implementation of Navy Standard HYPO-COBOL for a Microprocessor- Based Computer System Master's thesis Alan Scott Craig. Mar 77, 171p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Programming languages, "Compil- ers, "Microcomputers, Microprocessors, Gram- mars, Files(Records), Input output processing, Computer programs, Subroutines, Theses. Identifiers: COBOL, Hypocobol programming lan- guage, Intel 8080 computers. A compiler for ADPESO standard HYPO-COBOL has been implemented on a microcomputer. The implementation provides nucleus level constructs and file options from the ANSII COBOL package along with the PERFORM UNTIL construct from a higher level to give increased structural control. The language was implemented through a self- hosted compiler and run-time package on an 8080 microcomputer-based system. Both compiler and interpreter can be executedd in a 12K bytes of user storage. (Author) AD-A043 048/8 E-Systems Inc Falls Church Va Melpar Div Application of Microprocessors for Miniatur- ized TMDE Final rept. 23 Jul 75-23 Dec 76 Frank E. Lanham Jun 77, 60p 5073, ECOM-76- 1279-F Contract DAAB07-76-C-1279 Descriptors: "Test equipment, "Ground support equipment. "Maintenance equipment, "Micro- processors, "Maintenance, Automatic, Miniaturiza- tion, Computer programs, Cassettes, Read only memories. Identifiers: Automatic test equipment. 87 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER The goal of this project was to establish the feasi- bility of developing miniaturized, automatic contact and repair test equipment (CARTE) using a micro- processor as the control and computational ele- ment. By changing the firmware via either cassette tapes or plug-in ROM's, the CARTE could be used by contact teams in the field to diagnose and repair a variety of operational equipment. The use of third generation automatic test equipment (ATE) tech- niques was to be emphasized in order to minimize the amount of hardware required. A laboratory demonstration system was assembled to provide basic stimulus, measurement, and testing capabili- ties based on a microprocessor and using third generation ATE techniques. The system hardware consisted of the microprocessor and its memory and I/O bus, a digitally synthesized software con- trolled stimulus generator, a software controlled amplitude sampling unit, a frequency counter under remote control via an IEEE bus, and various peripherals. The peripherals included two cassette transports for data storage, a special function key- board, a CRT terminal, and a serial printer for hard- copy of the CRT screen contents. The special hardware designs of the digitally synthesized stimulus generator and amplitude sampling units permit the microprocessor software to control both the setup and operation of both the stimulus and measurement functions of the laboratory model. AD-A043 193/2 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Devel- opment Center Bethesda Md A Paged Hardware Associative Memory Preliminary rept. James R. Carlberg. Aug 77, 37p Rept no. DTNSRDC-77-0083 See also report dated Feb 76, AD-A025 292. Descriptors: "Random access computer storage, 'Associative processing, "Paging, Parallel proc- essing, Addressing, Computers, High rate, Com- puter programs, Flow charting. Microprocessors, Shift registers, Adaptive systems, Cost effective- ness, Cost analysis. Identifiers: Associative storage, Computer storage management. A hardware associative memory is a device that can be employed to enhance the performance of computers. The associative memory described in this report is a paged system which exploits the speed inherent in parallel (random) access capa- bilities of software associative memories and the storage capacity of lower cost but slower memo- ries. The described system is designed to run as peripheral equipment to a host computer which issues information requests to the memory system. These requests are of a form that permits one to conveniently manipulate information em- bedded in graph structures. A paged associative memory system is an attractive method of imple- menting associative memory capabilities. This ap- proach is a cost effective, flexible alternative to other approaches such as software simulations or non-paged associative memory implementations. AD-A043 349/0 Aeronautical Research Labs Melbourne (Australia) The Simulation Language CSMP-IO(ARL) Aerodynamics note N. E. Gilbert, and P. G. Nankivell. May 76, 60p Rept no. ARL/Aero. 362 Descriptors; "Simulation languages, Computer programs, Computer files, Core storage, Subrou- tines, Fortran, Data storage systems, Debugging(Computers), Australia. Identifiers: Fortran 4 programming language, PDP 10 computers. A description is given of the 'block oriented' simu- lation language CSMP-IO(ARL), which has been developed from CSMP-10 and is written mainly in FORTRAN IV for a PDP-10 computer The major improvement made has been to incorporate 'user- defined' blocks, which are written as FORTRAN subroutines A large number of outputs may be de- fined within these subroutines by using 'dummy' or 'user output' blocks. Two other major improve- ments have been made, both enabling the saving of appreciable core storage. Firstly, arrays neces- sary to store information on each block used are automatically expanded to the size determined by the user. Secondly, the language is divided into a modelling program, which is used to perform the model simulation and store the output in a binary file on a specified storage device, and an output program, which is used to print and plot the char- acter conversion of the binary file. (Author) AD-A043 658/4 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md A Simple Computer-Driven Analog-to-Digital Converter for Use with an 8-Bit Microcomputer Memorandum rept. Louis M. Colonna-Romano. Aug 77, 1 0p Rept no. BRL-MR-2780 Descriptors: "Analog to digital converters, "Micro- computers, Microprocessors, Computer programs. Input, Costs. Identifiers: Intel 8080 computers. A very simple and inexpensive computer-driven analog-to-digital converter is described for use with an 8-bit microcomputer. Characteristics of the device are discussed along with possible improve- ments A computer program written for an 8080A microprocessor to drive the device is given. (Author) AD-A044 103/0 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi MD An Assembly-Language Digital Division Com- puter Program for Use in Proton-Recoil Spec- troscopy Technical memo. Craig R. Heimbach. Sep 77, 12p Rept no. HDL- TM-77-20 Descriptors: "Assembly languages. "Computer programs, "Proton reactions, "Recoil particles, "Pulse height analyzers, "Neutron spectrometers, Minicomputers, Gamma rays, Digital systems, Analog systems, Voltage dividers, Discrimination. Identifiers: Proton recoil spectroscopy. A computer program has been modified to circum- vent the need for an analog divider for a neutron- energy spectrometer in use at the Harry Diamond Laboratories. The spectrometer is a proton-recoil system, and some division process is necessary to discriminate against gamma sensitivity of the gas proton-recoil detectors. The program is written in basic machine language for the minicomputer that controls spectrometer operation and collects and analyzes data. Coincident dual-parameter data (energies of recoiling protons and pulse rise times) are acquired by the program. The rise-time pulse- height distribution is divided by the energy distribu- tion before storage in the computer memory. This normalization facilitates subtraction of the unwant- ed gamma sensitivity of the proton-recoil detec- tors, particularly at low neutron energies. The elimination of the analog divider improves perform- ance and simplifies the operation of the spectrom- eter. (Author) AD-A044 126/1 Army Missile Research and Development Com- mand Redstone Arsenal Ala Advanced Sensors Directorate Optical Contrast Variable Gate Centroid Track- er for the Intel 3000 Micro Processor Technical rept. S. Richard, and F. Sims. 17 Jun 77, 79p Rept no DRDMI-TE-77-13 Descriptors: "Optical tracking, 'Computer applica- tions, Gates(Circuits), Control systems, Contrast, Center of gravity, Microprocessors, Machine coding, Charge coupled devices, Flow charting, Computer programs Identifiers: lntel-3000 computers This report presents a description of the optical contrast variable gate centroid tracker. Tracking flow charts and computer listings are also present- ed (Author) AD-A044 130/3 North Carolina State Univ Fialeigh Investigation of Microprogrammable Micro- processors Final rept. 1 Oct 75-30 Jan 77 Yale N. Patt, and James W. Hanson. 16 May 77, 4p ARO-13632.1-A-EL Grant DAAG29-76-G-0071 Descriptors: "Microprogramming, "Microproces- sors, Computer programming, Binary notation, Input output devices, Teletype systems, Simula- tion, Grants, Universities. Identifiers: lntel-3000 computers, CDC-469 com- puters. This report briefly summarizes the work performed under Grant DAAG-29-76-G-0071 Extensive tech- nical reports covering the simulator package and the CDC-469 emulated developed under this con- tract have been submitted to Frankford Arsenal for publication. (Author) AD-A044 200/4 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System. I. Design Consid- erations Interim rept. Carl A. Sunshine. Jun 77, 36p Rept no. R-2064/ 1-AF Contract F49620-77-C-0023 See also AD-A044 201. Descriptors: "Data transmission systems, "Com- munications networks, 'Minicomputers, Data proc- essing, Multichannel communications, Message processing, Coding, Synchronization(Electronics), Buffer storage, Byte functional modules, Computer files, Input output processing, Time sharing, Multi- processors, Communication terminals. Identifiers: "UNIX operating system, Computer networks, PDP-11 computers, "Operating systems(Computers). The UNIX operating system for the PDP-1 1 series of minicomputers has gained wide popularity in academic and government circles. This report con- siders interprocess communication (IPC) facilities with the goal of developing an improved IPC capa- bility for UNIX. An outline of the major issues in- volved in providing IPC is developed based on a survey of the literature, and UNIX IPC facilities are described in terms of this outline. By considering new applications being developed under UNIX, several shortcomings in the standard IPC facilities are identified, including the inability of 'unrelated' processes to communicate, the inability to wait for multiple inputs, and primitive synchronization facili- ties. Techniques to provide desirable improve- ments are suggested, including named ports, mes- sage ports, improved signals, and message facili- ties. Ports appear to have the highest benefit/cost ratio, and their implementation is described in a companion report, R-2064/2-AF. (Author) AD-A044 201/2 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Interprocess Communication Extensions for the UNIX Operating System. II. Implementation Interim rept. Steven Zucker. Jun 77, 24p Rept no. R-2064/2- AF Contract F49620-77-C-0023 See also AD-A044 200 Descriptors: "Data transmission systems, "Com- munications networks, "Minicomputers, Communi- cation terminals, Input output processing, Time sharing, Buffer storage, Computer files, Coding, Multiplexing, Data processing, Message process- ing, Byte functional modules. Computer programs Identifiers: "UNIX operating system, Computer networks, "Operating systems(Computers), PDP- 1 1 computers. The UNIX operating system for the PDP-1 1 series of minicomputers has gained wide popularity in academic and government circles This report con- siders interprocess communication (IPC) facilities with the goal of developing an improved IPC capa- bility for UNIX. A companion report outlines the major issues involved in providing IPC, describes the standard UNIX IPC facilities, and points out several of their weaknesses The present report describes the 'port' mechanism developed at Rand to overcome some of those weaknesses. It presents details of the implementation as well as sufficient background material to enable the UNIX 88 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER programmer to understand how ports work and how to use them. (See R-2064/ 1 -AF) (Author) AD-A044 366/3 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Extended Basic Compiler with Graphics In- terface for the PDP-1 1/50 Computer Master's thesis Michael David Robertson. Jun 77, 208p Descriptors: 'Compilers, * Digital computers, "Computer graphics, "Programming languages, In- terfaces, Theses, Assembly, Machine coding. Identifiers: Basic computer language, *PDP-11/50 computers, UNIX operating system. The design and implementation of an extension to the Basic programming language for use on the PDP-1 1 /50 computer system has been described. The implementation consists of a compiler which generates code to be assembled and loaded into the computer system. An interface with C pro- grams in the system library, which allows extended Basic to perform as an extensive graphics lan- guage, has been discussed. The design goals, so- lutions, and recommendations for further expan- sion of the system have been presented. The com- piler was implemented in the C-programming lan- guage with the UNIX operating system as support- ed by the PDP-1 1/50 at the Naval Postgraduate School Computer Laboratory. (Author) AD-A044 415/8 California Univ Santa Cruz Information Sciences Highlights of L011 Technical rept. Daniel Ross, and W M. McKeeman. 3 Aug 77, 21 p Rept no. TR-77-8-005 Contract N00014-76-C-0682 Descriptors: "Compilers, "Programming lan- guages, "Digital computers, Low level, High level languages. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /20 computers. This paper outlines the main features of a low-level language compiler for the PDP-1 1/20. Some of these features are applicable to the design of system implementation languages, or of high-level languages in general. (Author) AD-A044 419/0 University Coll London (England) Dept of Statistics and Computer Science University College London ARPANET Project Annual rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 76 Peter T. Kirstem. Feb 77, 188p Rept no. TR-34 Contract N00014-74-C-0280, Grant N00014-77- G-0005 Descriptors: "Communications networks, "Data transmission systems, Satellite networks, Mini- computers, Computer programs, Computer files, Communication satellite terminals. Communica- tion switching centers, Front end processors, Great Britain, Coding, Message processing, Time sharing, Data processing, Multichannel communi- cations. Identifiers: "Computer networks, "ARPA computer network. Research activities covered in this document in- clude the interconnection of hosts and networks, the development of a system SWITCH for virtual network connection, and our connction to the UK Post Office Experimental Packet Switched Serv- ice. Two topics covered in particular detail are the packet satellite project and the Transmission Con- trol Program (TCP) experiments. These have par- ticular relevance to other ARPA supported pro- jects and so are treated in space depth. Finally, our measurement and facsimile activities are de- scribed, and UK use of ARPANET through the ULC TIP is evaluated. A list of conclusions that may be drawn from our research activities during 1976 is given at the end of the report. (Author) AD-A044 476/0 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Interactive, Incremental Assembly Lan- guage Processor for the INTEL 8080 Master's thesis John L. Cuzzocrea, and Michael Charles Thomas. Jun 77, 74p Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Assembly lan- guages, "Microcomputers, "Compilers, "Computer programs, High level languages. Syntax, Errors, Corrections, Man computer interface. Debugging(Computers), Data processing equip- ment. Identifiers: "Assembly language processors, Inter- active development, "INTEL 8080 computers The design and implementation of an interactive, incremental assembly system on the INTEL 8080- based microcomputer has been described. Instead of requiring separate editing, assembling and de- bugging steps, the system allows entry, translation and error checking simultaneously. The implemen- tation is comprised of an integrated set of modules which assemble and execute the source code. The design goals, solutions, and recommendations for further expansion of the system have been pre- sented. The system was implemented in PL/M for use in the diskette-based environment. (Author) AD-A044 607/0 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Hardware Design and Construction of a Micro- processor Laboratory Msstsr's thssis James Harold Hill, Jr. 1976, 1 1 0p Rept no. AFIT- CI-77-9 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Systems analy- sis, Laboratories, Experimental design, Proto- types, Construction, Man computer interface. Computer programs, Digital systems, Data trans- mission systems, Data links, Bus conductors, Standards, Microcomputers, Theses. This thesis describes the design and realization of a microprocessor laboratory that provides a capa- bility to train students in computer interfacing, digi- tal design using microprocessors, and software development. Four data transmission interface standards (SDLC, HDLC, CAMAC. GPIB) are dis- cussed followed by a description of the unified bus structure chosen for the University of Florida mi- croprocessor laboratory. Also included is a de- scription of the M6800 microcomputer system used in the laboratory prototype along with details on bus data transfer operations. (Author) AD-A044 752/4 Army Aviation Systems Command St Louis MO Minicomputer System Study Final rept. Mark E. Barkley. Jul 77, 47p Rept no USAAVSCOM-TR-77-40 Descriptors: "Minicomputers, "Systems analysis, Military applications, Army equipment, User needs, Real time, Time sharing, Microcomputers, Com- puter programs. Compatibility, Memory devices, Military requirements, Forecasting, Work func- tions, Cost benefits, Literature surveys, Vendors. Minicomputers were observed in light of United States Army Aviation Systems Command (AVSCOM), Systems Analysis Office (SAO). Scien- tific and Engineering (S and E) current and fore- casted computer requirements. The SAO comput- er requirements were isolated based on its present and programmed work load. Commensurate with those computer requirements and the SAO work load, compelling considerations in selecting a mini- computer were amassed and analyzed. That anal- ysis resulted in criteria and a method for selecting the appropriate minicomputer to provide general- ized S and E computer support to the United States Army Aviation REsearch and Development Command (AVRADCOM), and in particular the AV- RADCOM Directorate for Plans and Analysis. Sys- tems and Cost Analysis Division (Author) AD-A045 002/3 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md A Machine-Language Computer Program to Obtain a Neutron Spectrum from a Proton- Recoil Spectrum Technical memo. Craig R Heimbach. Sep 77. 27p Rept no HDL- TM-77-18 Descriptors: "Proton scattering, "Neutron irradia- tion, "Recoil particles, 'Computer programs, Neu- tron flux. Neutron spectrum, Radiation damage, Spectrum analysis, On line systems. Minicom- puters. Subroutines, Assembly languages. An assembly-language computer program has been written for an ND812 minicomputer. The pro- gram allows rapid analysis of proton-recoil data by calculation of the neutron flux directly on the mini- computer. An oscilloscope displays the results. The data may then be examined without their being transferred to an external computer. (Author) AD-A045 137/7 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Microcomputer Based Generator of Recur- ring Operational Reports Master's thesis John Bartlett Godley Jun 77, 124p Descriptors: "Minicomputers, "Text processing, Reports, Information processing, Computer appli- cations, Shipboard, Navy, Fleets(Ships), Error analysis, Editing, Modification, Computer pro- grams, Programming languages, Programming manuals, Data management, Standardization, Theses. Identifiers: "Report generators, Updating, CREATE computer program, Text editing systems. This thesis proposes a Report Originating System to provide afloat and small commands with the ca- pability of automatic data processing assistance in report generation. The discussed system is com- pletely implementable in small, inexpensive gener- al purpose microcomputer hardware. The principal benefit of the system lies in its ability to prompt the user to solicit the information required to be sub- mitted in the report and to partially analyze the user's responses for correctness of form and con- tent. Such computerized assistance should result in higher report quality and the concomitant reduc- tion of correcting message traffic. The Report Originating System incorporates a line editing ca- pability which lends itself to any text editing proc- ess Thus, frequently modified locally prepared documents such as unit instructions and directives can be originated and updated with this system (Author) AD-A045 452/0 Honeywell Inc St Petersburg Fla Security Kernel Specification for a Secure Communications Processor C H. Bonneau. Sep 76. 148p ESD-TR-76-359 Contract F19628-74-C-0193 Descriptors: "Data processing security. "Commu- nication equipment, "Secure communications, Kernel functions, Security, Interfaces, Minicom- puters, Specifications. Computer programs, Modules(Electronics). Identifiers: Honeywell-6/40 computers. This report presents a formal top level interface specification of a kernel for a secure communica- tions processor based on a Honeywell Level 6/40 minicomputer enhanced with a security protection module (SPM) (Author) AD-A045 472/8 Johns Hopkins Univ Laurel Md Applied Physics Lab Macro Instructions and Their Processor for Structured Programming with Assembly Lan- guages Technical memo. S. W. Kahng. Jun 77, 39p Rept no. APL/JHU/ TG-1308 Contract N00017-72-C-4401 Descriptors: "Computer programming. "Assembly languages. "Macroprogramming. Compilers. High level languages. FORTRAN Identifiers: "Structured programming. PDP-11 computers. IBM-360 computers. Transportability. The description of macro instructions for struc- tured programming and the organization of their processor are presented The macro instructions generate if-then-else, repeat-while, and for state- ments with the assembly language programming. 89 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER and the processor translates these macro state- ments into the assembly codes. (Author) AD-A046 468/5 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Data Acquisition System for Unsteady Aerody- namic Investigation Master's thesis Cleveland Duane Englehardt. Jun 77. I29p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, Wind tunnels, Data acquisition, Data reduction, Flow fields, Analog to digital converters. Magnetic disks, Computer pro- grams, Programming languages. Random access computer storage. Oscillation, Aerodynamic forces, Theses. Identifiers: Unsteady flow This paper describes the design and implementa- tion of a microprocessor based high-speed digital data acquisition and reduction system suitable tor use in time-varying signal analysis as encountered in unsteady aerodynamic investigation A micro- processor, flexible disk dri^e and an analog-to-digi- tal conversion module were the main components which were integrated to form a 32 channel, 12 bit resolution data acquisition system capable of 1000 Hz sampling rate and permanently storing over 250,000 bytes of data on magnetic diskette. Sub- sequent to the data logging process, the same system was capable of serving as a general pur- pose computer utilizing the popular BASIC scientif- ic programming language. The system was quali- fied for accuracy and functional performance through a series of controlled exercises, and was then applied to an actual investigative task to fur- ther determine its utility and value. (Author) AD-A046 627/6 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif RITA Reference Manual Interim rept. R. H. Anderson, Margaret Gallegos, J J. Gillogly. R. Greenberg, and R. Villanueva. Sep 77, 85p Rept no. R-1808-ARPA Contract DAHC15-73-C-0181. ARPA Order-189 Original contains color plates: All DDC and NTIS reproductions will be in black and white Includes envelope with chart. See also Rept no R-1809- ARPA dated Feb 76. AD-A022 053. Descriptors. 'Computer programs, 'Minicom- puters, 'Data processing terminals, Information systems, Text processing, Artificial intelligence, Communications networks, Data bases, Inter- faces, User needs Identifiers: PDP-11/45 computers, 'RITA system. Rand Intelligent Terminal Agent. A detailed reference manual for the RITA system, a set of computer programs which enable a user to develop user agents to perform such tasks as pro- viding a simple interface to remote data systems The system makes available a language for writing rules describing those agents behavior and an op- erating environment in which the rules are inter- preted. It also provides some heuristic modeling capability The report describes the RITA con- cepts, keywords, and commands A complete syntax chart for the system, with tables of reserved words and builtin functions, is also included, along with an illustrative example of a RITA rule set. AD-A047 011/2 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Generalized Multi-Channel Analysis Programs for tne DART (Digital Analysis in Real Time) Computer System Final rept Curtis A Shively 2 Feb 77. 50p Rept no NSWC/ WOL-TR-77-3 Descriptors: 'Computer programming. Signal processing. Real time. Minicomputers. Narrow- band. Spectrum analysis Fast fourier transforms, Flow charting. Subroutines Identifiers: NOVA-computers. Discrete Fourier transform. Interpreters. BASIC programming lan- guage, Computer programs, DART system This report describes software programs for a system of NOVA computers to accumulate multi- channel input time samples and generate their Fourier transform coefficients in real time Also de- scribed are programs to receive the DFT coeffi- cients for further processing under a Basic inter- preter. Program Listings and comments on usage are included. (Author) AD-A047 100/3 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab A Minicomputer/Microprocessor Programming Interface Project rept. Susan N. Landon. 19 Sep 77, 21p ETS-18, ESD- TR-77-232 Contract F19628-76-C-0002 Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Minicomputers, 'Computer programming, Interfaces, Air Force re- search, Data transmission systems, Assemblers, Loaders, Magnetic disks. Data storage systems. Identifiers: High speed printers, Motorola-6800 computers, MODCOMP-4 computers. A unique solution to the problem of a microcom- puter development system is described here. Spe- cial-puipose hardware was built for communica- tions between the Motorola 6800 microprocessor and the MODCOMP IV computer. This hardware allows for the transmission of 8 bits of data in either direction at the initiative of the microproces- sor Computer programs were then written for both the microprocessor and the minicomputer to permit the use of the microprocessor Loader and Assembler on source and binary program files stored on the MODCOMP. This system allows the programmer to take advantage of the editing, disc storage and high speed line printer capabilities of the MODCOMP while using the actual M6800 Loader, Assembler, and MPU. Sufficiently fast and reliable data transfer rates were achieved such that this system has provided us with an effective development tool. Further, by additions to the pro- grams in the two machines, this interface can easily be expanded to include the M6800 Macro Assembler and Link Loader. (Author) AD-A047 128/4 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Development of a COBOL Calculator' for High-Performance Bit-Slice Microprocessors Master's thesis Elizabeth K. Conley. and Ronald W Modes. Sep 77, 1 1 1 p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Microprocessors, Algorithms, Programming languages. Calculators. Computer programs, Editing, Input output process- ing. Identifiers: 'Cobol, Design, 'Interpreters, 'Editors The design of a COBOL editor and interpreter is explored which uses simple, straightforward algo- rithms similar to the approach found in program- mable calculators The algorithms are designed to be implemented using the microinstructions of a high-performance bit-slice microprocessor A pos- sible machine design using a family of micropro- grammable four-bit-slice bipolar circuits is outlined. (Author) AD-A047 129/2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Implementation of an Operating System for a Shared Microcomputer Environment Master's thesis Stephen J Carro, and Barry L Knouse Sep 77. 198 Descriptors: "Microprocessors. Time sharing. Data processing terminals. Data displays. Computer programs. Subroutines. Theses Identifiers: Sycor-440 computers, lntel-8080 com- puters. 'Operating systems(Computers). 'Micro- computers An implementation of a multiuser timeshared oper- ating system for the Sycor 440 Clustered Terminal Processing System has been described Utilizing an 8080 microprocessor, this system provides a virtual operating environment consisting of a con- sole device, eight floppy disk drives, and up to 32 virtual floppy disk images on a five megabyte mov- able-head disk. In addition a Centronix serial print- er is incorporated into the system as a dedicated device for any one of up to four concurrent users The operating system supports utility programs in- cluding an editor, assembler, and debugger which facilitate microcomputer program development at the Naval Postgraduate School. (Author) AD-A047 169/8 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Microprocessor Controlled Automatic Data Logging System (ADL) Master's thesis John David Casko Jun 77, 124p Descriptors: 'Data processing, 'Data acquisition, 'Automation, 'Microprocessors, Digital recording systems, Control systems, Feedback. Man com- puter interface. Input output processing. Wind tunnel tests, Angle of attack, Computer programs, Flow charting, Theses. Identifiers: Automatic Data Logging Systems. This paper describes a digital, microprocessor controlled data acquisition system which optimizes man/machine communications. The processor provides digital feedback control, data collection over any number of channels (up to 8). 32 BIT floating point (7 significant digit) mathematics, and a variety of output formats. The main features of the device are the ability to work in any numerical unit desired by the user, mathematical noise filter- ing and automatic feedback control The particular application under consideration is automatic data collection and angle-of-attack control of a subson- ic wind-tunnel. Data are presented to demonstrate the data logging capabilities of the system (Author) AD-A047 170/6 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Development of a Segmented Memory Manager for the UNIX Operating System with Applications in a Multiported Memory Environ- ment Master's thesis James M O'Dell Sep 77, 79p Descriptors: 'Memory devices, 'Minicomputers. 'Time sharing. Signal processing, Real time, Dis- play systems, Computer graphics, Multiple oper- ation, Alignment, Computer programming, Theses Identifiers: 'UNIX operating system, PDP-11/50 computers, 'Computer storage management. This thesis reports the development of a segment- ed memory manager for the UNIX operating system on a PDP-11/50 minicomputer Consid- ered in detail is the application of this memory manager to data segment boundary alignment and system protection in a multiported memory con- figuration. Recommendations are provided for the integration of this operating system into the total Naval Postgraduate School Signal Processing and Display Laboratory Environment (Author) AD-A047 240/7 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y The Development of a Computer Speech Proc- essing System and Its Use for the Study and Development of Processing Methods for En- hancing the Intelligibility of Speech in Noise Interim rept. 6 Jun-26 Aug 77 Russell J. Niederjohn. and Robert A Curtis Oct 77, 95p Rept no RADC-TR-77-310 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Speech transmission. "Signal proc- essing. 'Intelligibility. Optimization. Speech. Spec- trum analysis. Computer applications. Background noise. Broadband. Speech analysis. Transformations(Mathematics). Algorithms. Com- puter programs. Identifiers: 'Speech processing. INTEL(lntelligibility Enhancement by Littering). In- telligibility enhancement by littering. Speech intelli- gibility enhancement. Spectral subtraction. Noise spectra This report describes results of an examination of four methods for processing speech so as to en- 90 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER hance its intelligibility in the presence of wideband random noise at the source. The four methods were: (1) INTEL, a method which involves process- ing in both the first and second order spectral do- mains; (2) Spectral subtraction, which involves a simple subtraction of the average noise spectrum from the first-order spectrum; (3) Minimum mean square error filtering, which involves filtering speech in such a way as to minimize the mean square error between a signal and its expected value in noise; and (4) Methods based upon sup- pressing the frequency content of a speech plus noise signal between pitch harmonics of the speech signal. To carry out a study of methods of enhance speech intelligibility in noise, two general- purpose computer processing systems were im- plemented. The first, a terminal interactive system for generation, analysis, and graphic display of synthetic voiced speech sounds, provided consid- erable insight into the effect of various processing algorithms upon speech and upon speech in noise. The second computer processing system has been developed for the processing of real speech. It involves use of a DDP-1 16 data converter and a Honeywell 6000 Computer AD-A047 266/2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif ALGOL-M. An Implementation of a High-level Block Structured Language for a Microproces- sor-based Computer System Master's thesis John P. Flynn, and Mark S. Moranville. Sep 77, 188p Availability: Microfiche copies only Descriptors: "Programming languages, 'Micro- computers, Compilers, Interpreters, High level lan- guages. Machine coding, Data storage systems. User needs, Monitors, Input output processing, Subroutines, Theses. Identifiers: Algol, *Algol-M programming language, lntel-8080 computers, PL/M programming lan- guage. The design and implementation of the ALGOL-M programming language for use on a microproces- sor-based system is described. The implementa- tion is comprised of two subsystems, a compiler which generates code for a hypothetical zero-ad- dress machine and a run-time monitor which ex- ecutes this code. The system was implemented in PL/M to run on an 8080 microcomputer in a dis- kette-based environment with at least 20K bytes of user storage. (Author) AD-A047 317/3 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass MITRE Preprocessor Technical rept. D. R. Bungard. Nov 77, 89p MTR-3387, ESD-TR- 77-257 Contract F19628-76-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Preprocessing, "Space surveillance systems, Moving target indicators, Real time, Mul- tiprocessors, Minicomputers, Signal processing. Buffer storage, Read only memories, Data proc- essing, Television systems, Control systems, Input output processing. Schematic diagrams, Circuit analysis. Identifiers: "Preprocessors, GEODSS system. A high-speed, special-purpose preprocessor has been designed for the GEODSS (Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance) system during the experimental test and evaluation phase of this program. The preprocessor is part of snap- shot MTI technique presently being tested and evaluated at the GEODSS Experimental Test Site (ETS). The preprocessor provides the interface between a low light level TV sensor and the MITRE multi-minicomputer processor. The primary func- tions performed by the preprocessor are: input signal processing, buffer memory data storage, output data processing, and preprocessor and TV sensor timing and control. This report provides a detailed system level description of the preproces- sor concept, function and implementation. De- tailed schematics and logic diagrams of the pre- processor are documented separately. AD-A047 530/1 Aeronautical Research Labs Melbourne (Australia) A General Purpose Output Program for Use in Simulation P. G. Nankivell, and N. E. Gilbert. Dec 76, 34p Rept no. ARL/AERO Note-367 Descriptors: "Computer graphics, "Computer pro- gramming, "Simulation languages, Block oriented random access memories, Fortran, Binary nota- tion, Input output processing, Computerized simu- lation, Dynamics, Mathematical models, Australia Identifiers: PDP-10 computers, Fortran 4 program- ming language. The 'block oriented' simulation language CSMP- 10(ARL) consists of a modeling program, which performs the model simulation and stores the output in a binary file, and an output program, which prints and plots the character conversion of the binary file. The output program which is de- scribed here, is written mainly in Fortran 4 for a PDP-10 computer and is controlled interactively from a Teletype. Although the output program has been written primarily to be used in conjunction with the modelling program, it may also be used as a general purpose output program by using a sup- plied subprogram package. The program provides teletype and line printer output in either tabular or graphical form and incremental plotter output in the form of strip' or 'overlay' plots. (Author) AD-A048 023/6 Weapons Research Establishment Salisbury (Aus- tralia) A Finite-State Parser for PDP-11 and NOVA Computers Technical rept. G. S. Brimble. Jul 77, 43p Rept no WRE-TR- 1842(A) Descriptors: "Computer programs, "Parsers. Sub- routines, Assembly languages. Formats, Decod- ing, Decoders, Australia. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, NOVA computers, Minicomputers A method is described for creating computer pro- grams to analyse text for compliance with a speci- fied structure; examples of such programs are command decoders and format checkers. The paper shows how analysis programs are easily produced by constructing a table directly from a specification of the intended data format and pre- senting this as input to a non-specific parser sub- routine which has been written and is described. Facilities are included to execute user-written sub- routines when key structures are recognized in the input. Programs have been written in PDP-1 1 and NOVA assembly language to implement the parser, and instructions for use of these programs, examples and listing are included. (Author) AD-A048 124/2 Clemson Univ S C Dept of Mathematical Sciences Constraints in the Design and Implementation of Interactive Statistical Systems for Minicom- puters Technical rept. Robert F. Ling. May 77, 19p Rept nos N84, TR- 251 Contract N00014-75-C-0451 Descriptors: "Statistical analysis, "Minicomputers. Interactive graphics. Experimental design, Data processing, Formats, Programming languages. Ef- ficiency, Input output processing, Man computer interface. Identifiers: "Computer software. In this paper, attention is focussed on issues and problems relating to the design and implementa- tion of interactive statistical systems (as opposed to batch systems or small batch or interactive pro- grams) for mini-computers. In particular, con- straints imposed by certain characteristics of exist- ing mini-computers (such as size of main storage and data format) as well as related operating sys- tems software and programming languages are discussed. Efforts to relax or eliminate these con- straints may be considered as prospects for statis- tical systems for future generations of mini-com- puters. (Author) AD-A048 156/4 White Sands Missile Range N Mex Instrumentation Directorate Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real- Time Video Target Tracking Final rept. May-Aug 77 K. Fukunaga, A L Gilbert, M K. Giles, O. R. Mitchell, and R. D. Short. Oct 77, 285p Rept no STEWS-ID-77-1 Descriptors: "Guided missile tracking systems, "Optical tracking, "Video signals, "Image process- ing, Real time. Microprocessors, Target discrimina- tion, Target signatures, Digitizers, Frames(Photographs), Segmented, Magnetic disks, Magnetic tape. Algorithms, Computerized simulation, Computer programs. Processing techniques for image segmentation and structure analysis were investigated at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) during the period May through August 1977. An image processing facility was established at WSMR and used to de- velop and evaluate image processing algorithms for implementation in future real-time video track- er/processor systems. A simulation of a Real-Time Video Tracker, developed under contract by New Mexico State University, was also implemented at WSMR's image processing laboratory, and a li- brary of 20 digitized tracking images was created. Additional tracking imagery, including sequential video frames, is now being added to the digitized image library which will be used to test and evalu- ate real-time processing algorithms Detailed de- scriptions of the systems hardware and software used in the image processing laboratory are pre- sented along with the segmentation and structure analysis algorithms and the results obtained by processing a few of the digitized images. (Author) AD-A048 210/9 Air Force Avionics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Specklegram Data Reduction Using Optical and Digital Techniques Final rept. May 74-Sep 76 Charles Richard Lane. Nov 77, 260p Rept no. AFAL-TR-77-203 Descriptors: "Image processing. "Specular reflec- tion, "Optical processing, Lasers, Computer pro- grams, Minicomputers. Identifiers: "Speckle patterns, "Specklegrams, PDP-1 1 computers. This report describes the development of a speck- legram data reduction system for automatically analyzing specklegram output The basic design incorporates a PDP-1 1 minicomputer as an overall control center with various optical and electronic components interfaced to the computer Typical data runs yielded 1-2 second turn around time for each specklegram data point and approximately 1- 2 fringe resolution over a specific output halo. (Author) AD-A048 290/1 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Lab for Computer Science Simulation of Packet Communication Architec- ture Computer Systems Master's thesis Randal Everitt Bryant Nov 77, 123p Rept no. MIT/LCS/TR-188 Contract N00014-75-C-0661, Grant NSF-DCR75- 04060 Descriptors: "Computer architecture. Asynchro- nous systems, Algorithms, Systems analysis. Models. Networks. Microprocessors, Asynchro- nous computers, Theses Identifiers: Packet communication, Computerized simulation, Deadlock. Simulations of computer systems have traditionally been performed on a single, sequential computer. even if the system to be simulated contains a number of components which operate concurrent- ly An alternative would be to simulate these sys- tems on a network of processors. With this ap- proach, each processor would simulate one com- ponent of the system, hence the component simu- lations could proceed concurrently. By exploiting the modularity and concurrency in the system to be simulated, the simulation would itself be modu- 91 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER lar and concurrent. An accurate simulation must model the time behavior of the system as well as its input-output behavior. In order to avoid real-time constraints on the processors and communication network in the simulation facility, the simulation of the timing must use a time-independent algorithm. That is, the simulated behavior of each component should not depend on the speed at which the simu- lation is performed. With this time-independent ap- proach, additional coordination operations are re- quired to prevent a deadlock of the simulation. This coordination can be provided without any cen- tralized control. Instead, the program for the simu- lation of each component is modified, so that each component simulation will communicate status in- formation to other component simulations. Addi- tional termination operations are also required to assure that the simulation will terminate under the exact same conditions that the system being simu- lated would terminate. These operations can also be provided without any centralization of control or real-time constraints. Furthermore, a simulation which uses these coordination and termination op- erations is probably correct. AD-A048 596/1 Hughes Aircraft Co Culver City Calif Display Sys- tems Lab Programmable In-Raster Symbol Generator Final rept. 1 Apr 75-1 Jun 76 G. Wolfson Nov 77, 66p HAC-P77-380, HAC- REF-D4846, NADC-77259-30 Contract N62269-75-C-0274 Descriptors: 'Character generators, 'Display sys- tems, 'Random access computer storage, Cath- ode ray tube screens, Liquid crystal display sys- tems, Computer programming, Buffer storage, Rasters, Colors, Control systems, Advanced weapons, Military requirements, Rehability(Electronics), Microcomputers, AN/UYK- 30 Identifiers: Mean time between failures A programmable symbol generator, in-raster buffer refresh memory and software development station was designed, fabricated and tested. The system was developed to meet the Navy's needs for im- proved reliability vertical situation displays for ad- vanced weapon systems. This report documents the last phase of a four phase study and develop- ment program sponsored by NADC. Also included in this report is a discussion of color requirements and a survey of color display technology. (Author) AD-A048 664/7 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Cambridge Mass Distributed Computation and TENEX-Related Activities Quarterly progress rept. no. 9, 1 Nov 76-31 Jan 77 R. Schantz, and R. Thomas. Dec 76, 33p Rept no. BBN-3736 Contract N00014-75-C-0773, ARPA Order-2935 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Message processing, 'Communications networks, Informa- tion processing, Data transmission systems, Ma- chine coding, AN/UYK-20, Minicomputers, Debugging(Computers). Identifiers: 'TENEX system, ARPA computer net- work, Design, National Software Works system This report describes efforts in the design of the National Software Works system and efforts to in- tegrate TENEX into the National Software Works system. AD-A048 774/4 RAND Corp Santa Monica Calif Framework and Functions of the MS' Personal Message System Interim rept David H Crocker Dec 77, 72 Rept no. RAND/R- 2134-ARPA Contract DAHC15-73-C-0181 , ARPA Order-189 Descriptors: 'Mail, 'Message processing, 'Mini- computers, 'Communications networks, 'Tele- communication, Systems engineering, Computer programs, Message processing Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, Electronic mail, PMS(Personal Message System), Personal Mes- sage System. This report describes the design, framework, and functions of a system that enables the manipula- tion of electronic mail, or messages, for users of PDP-1 1 minicomputers. In the past, electronic mail was available only to users of larger scale comput- ers. The 'MS' Personal Message System transfers the capabilities of electronic mail technology to the Unix operating system, which runs on the DEC PDP-11 hardware. It consists of several pieces of software to compose, transmit, receive, review, and manipulate messages. The system attempts to provide functions which conform to user's pre- existing models of paper based office communica- tions. This report is not a user's manual, but rather a discussion of the functions available, and the issues involved in designing message-processing systems. AD-A049 043/3 School of Aerospace Medicine Brooks AFB Tex General Purpose Data Conversion Programs for the PDP-12 Computer Final rept. Jan 76-Jan 77 Kenneth W Stevens. Nov 77, 92p* Rept no SAM-TR-77-25 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Analog to digi- tal converters, 'Digital to analog converters, Data acquisition, Magnetic tape transport Identifiers: 'PDP-12 computers An analog-digital conversion program has been written for the PDP-12 computer A time code tape search unit has been interfaced with the computer to provide program control of an analog tape trans- port. A coordinated digital-analog program pro- vides tape duplication, tape monitoring, and map- ping of the digitized data. (Author) AD-A049 465/8 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md A Versatile User-Oriented Closed Bomb Data Reduction Program (CBRED) C. Price, and A. Juhasz. Sep 77, 158p BRL-2018, AD-E400-051 Descriptors: 'Burning rate, 'Solid propellants, 'Computer programs, Gun propellants, Closed bomb tests, Combustion, Heat loss, Convection(Heat transfer), Radiant cooling, Igni- tion, Variations, Geometry, Surfaces, Heat trans- fer, Interior ballistics, Flow charting. Subroutines, Data reduction. Computerized simulation, Thermo- chemistry, Igniters, Propellant grains, Propelling charges, Combustion products, Test methods. Identifiers: PDP-1 1/20 computers, PDP-11 com- puters. A versatile digital computer program was devel- oped to provide linear burning rate information on propellants based on pressure-time records ob- tained from closed bomb firing. Some of the unique features of the program are: a treatment of heat loss based on radiative and convective heat trans- fer, capability of using single valued or tabular ther- modynamic input, allowance for web deviation in the propellant sample, allowance for ignition devi- ation (flame spread) of the propellant sample, al- lowance for possible simultaneous burning of pro- pellant and ignition aid, allowance for tabular input of propellant surface versus mass fraction burned (to accommodate unusual geometries), and capa- bility to treat vented vessel operations. The pro- gram was set up to operate on an interactive basis on a PDP 11/20 laboratory computer. In practice, once the program is called, the operator is guided in his choice of parameters (thermochemistry, heat loss, ignition deviation, etc.) by a series of prompts A program overview is presented along with a de- scription of equations, a derivation of the equa- tions, and copies of program output and program listing. (Author) AD-A049 466/6 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Summary rept. William E. Burr, Aaron H. Coleman, and William R. Smith. Sep 77, 31p* Rept no. ECOM-4525 See also rept no. ECOM-4526 dated Aug 77, AD- A049 468. Descriptors: "Computer architecture, 'Digital com- puters, 'Computer applications, Computer pro- grams, Selection, Compatibility, Life cycle costs, Joint military activities, Military procurement. Identifiers: IBM-370 computers, PDP-11 comput- ers, lnterdata-8/32 computers. An Army/Navy Computer Family Architecture (CFA) Selection Committee, comprising ten Army and seventeen Navy Organizations was organized by the Naval Research Laboratory and the Army Electronics Command in 1975 to select a proven, well-known computer architecture to be the basis of a Military Computer Family (MCF). The Selec- tion Committee met five times in the period be- tween October, 1 975, and August, 1 976 and evalu- ated nine computer architecture candidates in ac- cordance with criteria established' by the Commit- tee. The Committee applied a preliminary screen- ing process to select three candidates (IBM S/ 370, DEC PDP-11, and Inter-data 8/32) for more intensive evaluation. This final evaluation process considered experimentally determined architectur- al efficiency, support software availability, life cycle cost, and architecture licensing As a result of this process, the Committee ranked the three architec- ture finalists. AD-A049 482/3 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Final Report. Volume III. Evaluation of Computer Architecture via Test Programs Research and development technical rept. William E. Burr, Samuel H. Fuller, Paul S. Shaman, and David A. Lamb. Sep 77, 1 41 p* Rept no. ECOM-4528 See also Volume 4, AD-A049 483. Descriptors: 'Computer architecture, 'Digital com- puters, 'Standardization, 'Computer applications. Military requirements, Test and evaluation, Com- puter programming, Life cycle costs, Computer personnel. Programming languages, Computer program documentation, Cyclic rate. Comparison, Ranking, Selection, Compatibility, Procurement, Maintenance, Training. Identifiers: Execution time, lnterdata-8/32 comput- ers, PDP-11 computers, IBM-370 computers, Computer software, Computer program transfera- bility. This volume presents the evaluation of the Com- puter Family Architecture (CFA) candidate ma- chines via a set of test programs. The measures used to rank the computer architectures were S, the size of the test program, and M and R, two measures designed to estimate the principle com- ponents contributing to the nominal execution speed of the architecture The S, M, and R mea- surements are discussed in detail in this report, but the following numbers are the most important, summary results of our evaluation process These results are the composite performance of the can- didate architectures for the set of 12 test programs specified by the CFA committee. Each test pro- gram was coded from two to four times on each architecture to minimize the effect of programmer variability Analysis of Variance procedure was used to determine the overall relative performance of the three computer architectures. AD-A049 483/1 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Final Report. Volume IV. Architectural Research Facility; ISP Description, Simula- tions, Data Collection Research and development technical rept. Mario Barbacci, Robert Gordon, Rosemary Howbrigg, Daniel Siewiorek, and Susan Zuckerman Sep 77, 225p Rept no ECOM-4529 See also Volume 5, AD-A049 484. Descriptors: 'Computer architecture, 'Computer- ized simulation, 'Compilers. 'Data processing equipment, 'Computer programming, Memory de- vices, Data acquisition, Shift registers. Data reduc- tion, Programming languages, Experimental data, 92 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Supervisors, Automation, Counters, Comparison, Compatibility, Selection, Procurement. Identifiers: ISP(lnstruction Set Processor), IBM- 360 computers, lnterdata-8/32 computers, PDP- 1 1 computers, Bench marks. This volume describes the process of automatical- ly gathering architectural data from the benchmark programs. Formal descriptions of the candidate ar- chitectures were written and run under a simulator. Assembly listings of the benchmark programs were used to generate simulation command files containing absolute code. These command files were then used to initialize the simulated memory The result of the simulated benchmarks were col- lected into a data base for post-processing. Auto- mating the data collection process not only elimi- nated tedious and potentially error prone hand cal- culations, but also provided the means to gather dynamic program behavior information that would be almost impossible to calculate manually. (Author) AD-A049 484/9 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Final Report. Volume V. Procedure For and Results of the Evaluations of Software Bases of the Candidate Architectures for the Military Computer Family Research and development technical rept. E. Lieblein, J. Wagner, H Stone, J. Rodrigues, and A. Clearwaters. Sep 77, 115p Rept no. ECOM-4530 See also Volume 6, AD-A049 487. Descriptors: 'Computer architecture, "Digital com- puters, 'Standardization, "Computer applications, Military requirements, Test and evaluation, Com- puter programming, Programming languages, Computer personnel, Life cycle costs, Computer program documentation, Procurement, Compari- son, Ranking, Selection, Compatibility, Mainte- nance. Identifiers: Computer software, lnterdata-8/32 computers, PDP-11 computers, IBM-370 comput- ers, Computer program transferability. One of the primary reasons for adopting the archi- tecture of an existing successful computer family as the architecture for a future Military Computer Family is the potential utility of the existing support software base. As such, the evaluation of the amount of support software for each of the three finalist architectures was deemed to constitute a very important factor in the overall selection proc- ess. This paper details the software evaluation process utilized as well as the quantitative results of that process. (Author) AD-A049 485/6 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Final Report. Volume VIII. CFA Final Se- lection Research and development technical rept. Allan Clearwaters, Robert Gordon, and Daniel Siewiorek. Sep 77, 18p Rept no. ECOM-4531 See also Volume 9, AD-A049 486. Descriptors: 'Computer architecture, 'Digital com- puters, 'Standardization, 'Computer applications, Memory devices, Programming languages, Military requirements, Life cycle costs, Procurement, Se- lection, Compatibility, Cost effectiveness, Con- tracts, Military organizations, Input output devices, Interruption, Cost models. Identifiers: Virtual memories, IBM-370 computers, PDP-11 computers, lnterdata-8/32 computers, Computer software, Computer program transfera- bility The Computer Family Architecture (CFA) final se- lection process was divided into four phases: (1) Data Review. Data developed by the CFA Selec- tion Committee in connection with initial absolute/ quantitative criteria, architecture test results, sup- port software evaluation, licensing terms/condi- tions and life cycle cost analyses were reviewed and summarized. (2) Manufacturer's Presentation. Representatives of each finalist were invited to give brief presentations about future plans for their architecture. Questions from the Committee probed areas of concern. (3) Discussion The dis- cussion centered around contributing factors, both pro and con, to the selection of each architecture. (4) Summation. Each Architecture Subcommittee chairman provided a summation of the case for se- lection of his architecture. AD-A049 487/2 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer Family Architecture Selection Com- mittee Final Report. Volume VI. Life Cycle Cost Models Research and development technical rept. Aaron H. Coleman, William Svirsky, Allen T. Irwin, Thomas Giles, and John J. Cornyn. Sep 77, 110p* Rept no. ECOM-4535 See also Volume 8, AD-A049 485. Descriptors: 'Computer architecture, 'Digital com- puters, 'Standardization, 'Life cycle costs, Math- ematical models, Military requirements, Test and evaluation. Computer programming, Compatibility, Memory devices, Command and control systems, Communication equipment, Military requirements, Guidance computers, Data management, Procure- ment, Selection. Identifiers: lnterdata-8/32 computers, PDP-11 computers. IBM-370 computers, Computer soft- ware, Computer program transferability. This report describes the mathematical informa- tion, input data, and results of a methodology and two life-cycle requirements models for comparing computer architectures with respect to life-cycle costs: the Top Down (TD) model and the Bottom- Up (BU) model. The methodology and models were formulated to help the Army and Navy select a single computer architecture for a software-com- patible family of military computers for the 1980's Three candidate architectures were compared: The IBM System/370, the Digital Equipment Cor- poration PDP-1 1 , and the Interdata 8/32. AD-A049 559/8 Colorado State Univ Fort Collins Dept of Electrical Engineering Proceedings of the Annual Rocky Mountain Symposium on Microcomputers: Systems, Software, Architecture (1st) August 31 - Sep- tember 2, 1977 Fort Collins, Colorado Final rept. 1 Jun 77-31 May 78 Michael Andrews, and Steve McCormick. 2 Sep 77, 316p* AFOSR-TR-78-0017 Grant AFOSR-77-3367 Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, Computer pro- gramming, Computer architecture. Numerical anal- ysis, Microprogramming, Multiprocessors, High level languages, Fourier transformation. Identifiers: 'Meetings. The Rocky Mountain symposia on microcomputers are organized as a forum for presentation and dis- cussion of basic research in the field of microcom- puters. The aim is to encourage a broad base of interaction between the industrial, governmental, and academic communities, thus providing guid- ance and feedback for the directions of basic re- search and for the effective implementation of re- search achievements. (Author) AD-A049 586/1 Maryland Univ College Park Computer Science Center PDP 11 Image Processing Software Technical rept. Kenneth C. Hayes, Jr, Martin Herman, and Russell Smith. Dec 77, 60p Rept no. TR-612 Contract DAAG53-76-C-0138, ARPA Order-3206 Descriptors: 'Image processing, Minicomputers, Subroutines, Instruction manuals, Pnnters(Data processing), Cathode ray tubes, Display systems, Arrays, Read out techniques, Floating point oper- ation, Polarity, Binary notation, Vector spaces, FORTRAN. Identifiers: PDP-1 1/45 computers, LISP program- ming language, String processing, UNIX operating systems, VAP(Virtual Array Package). The implementation of two different image han- dling systems for use on PDP 11/45 minicom- puters is documented. Micro-XAP is an image access facility for UNIX FORTRAN users Virtual Arrays are a more general image access facility for UNIX LISP users. This report serves as a user's guide for users who will interact with Micro-XAP or Virtual Arrays. (Author) AD-A049 715/6 Logos Development Corp Middletown N Y Feasibility Test of LOGOSCAN System Final technical rept. May-Sep 77 Charles E. Byrne, and John C. Byrne. Dec 77, 32p RADC-TR-77-378 Contract F30602-77-C-0102 Descriptors: 'Optical character recognition, 'Text processing, 'Russian language, Reading ma- chines, Input output processing, Pattern recogni- tion, Computer logic, Computer programs, Algo- rithms, Throughput, Optical scanning, Micro- processors, Systems engineering, Operational test and evaluation. Identifiers: LOGOSCAN system. Transliteration. The report documents results of a two-month test of LOGOSCAN System to establish its applicability as an OCR device in the Russian text input proc- essing. All design objectives of the System have been met in its prototype version. Most of the OCR problems encountered during the test are directly traceable to hardware limitations. Problems of this nature can be easily eliminated by transferring the LOGOSCAN recognition logic to a new hardware environment within the current state-of-the-art. (Author) AD-A049 941/8 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Personal Computing Master's thesis Henry Paul Libuda. Sep 77, 79p Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Man computer in- terface, Microprocessors, Industrial production, Compatibility, Computer programming, Civilian population, Consumers, low costs, Theses. Identifiers: Electronics industry, Personal comput- ing systems. The advent of the LSI microprocessor and inex- pensive memory introduces a new field in the com- puter industry-the field of personal computer ap- plications and small scale computer systems. An entirely new group of manufacturers are marketing microcomputer related items, products that range from computer system kits with peripheral devices to software and literature on the subject. The wide ranging versatility of small scale microcomputer systems has caused a tremendous expansion from what was strictly a hobbyist computer market to growth areas in school educational markets and commercial applications. The costs, capabilities, problems encountered by personal computer en- thusiasts, and the future implications of personal computers are investigated. (Author) AD-A050 224/5 Washington Univ Seattle Dept of Chemistry A Low-Cost, General Purpose Data Acquisition and Control System for the PDP-11 Minicom- puter Technical rept. J. D. S. Danielson. Steven D. Brown, Carl J. Appellof, and B. R. Kowalski. 10 Feb 78, 23p* Rept no. TR-11 Contract N00014-75-C-0536 Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, 'Data acquisition, 'Control systems, Man computer interface, Com- puter programs, Fortran, Input output processing, Low costs, Registers(Circuits), Multiplexing, Analog to digital converters. Identifiers: 'PDP-11 computers, Computer pro- gram transferability. A general-purpose interface for the PDP-11 family of minicomputers is described. The interface, ori- ented towards laboratory data-acquisition and ex- perimental control applications, can be built in a relatively short time with low materials costs. A general purpose, FORTRAN-compatible software package capable of driving the interface is also discussed. (Author) 93 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER AD-A051 468/7 Air Force Armament Lab Eglin AFB Fla Stability Analysis Program for the Hewlett- Packard 9830A Calculator Final rept. Sep-Dec 74 Kenneth A. Gale, Robert D. Green, and Jesse M. Gonzalez. Jul 75, 107p Rept no. AFATL-TR-75- 94 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Calculators, 'Computer programs, Guided weapons. Control systems, Stability, Linear programming, Computerized simulation, Debuggmg(Computers), Systems analysis, Sub- routines, Executive routines, Flow charting, Feed- back, Transfer functions, Mathematical analysis. Identifiers: 'HP-9830A computers, Microcom- puters The stability analysis pac for the Hewlett-Packard 9830 calculator is a collection of programs to aid the engineer in performing the linear analysis of control systems. One of the programs will reduce a complex block diagram of a control system to a simple equivalent forward and feedback transfer function. The second series of programs will gen- erate the root locus, the Bode stability and fre- quency responses, and the time response to a step input. In all instances, the program will gener- ate plots in addition to numerical printouts. The programs will handle up to 10th order systems. This report contains a complete description of the programs, including flow charts and program list- ings, and examples of the use of the programs. (Author) AD-A051 780/5 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Development of a User Oriented interface for a Computer Driven Graphics Device Master's thesis Charles Estus McNeil, and Dan Patrick Houston. Jun 77, 21 1p AFIT-CI-78-41 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Computer graphics, 'Man computer interface, User needs, Experimental design, Com- puter programs, Decision making, Manuals, Dis- play systems. Interactive graphics, Control sys- tems, Programming languages. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /50 computers The design, development and implementation of a user-oriented graphics software system is de- scribed. The over-all considerations involved in such a design process are discussed, along with the major factors affecting design decisions. The object display system is a RAMTEK GX-100A hosted by a PDP-1 1 /50 computer. Implementation techniques are also presented. A detailed user's manual is appended, and recommendations for further system expansion are offered. (Author) AD-A052 087/4 Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough (Eng- land) Using British Standard Interfaces to Create a Fast Link Between Two Computers Technical rept. G. Sharpies, and G. F. Drury Jul 77. 56p RAE- TR-77010, DRIC-BR-59871 Descriptors: 'Computers, 'Data links, 'Interfaces, Digital systems, User needs, Computer files, Multi- ple access, Memory devices, Computer programs, Input output devices, Intercommunication sys- tems, Simulators, Great Britain. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /40 computers, GEORGE-4 op- erating system. An ICL 1906S running under the GEORGE 4 oper- ating system and a Digital Equipment PDP 11/40 have been linked using British Standard Interfaces The PDP 11 user is given access to the 1906S basic peripherals and filestore via the multi-access facilities of GEORGE He also has the capability of transmitting files between the filestores of the two machines This Report describes the implementa- tion of the inter-machine link giving specifications for the hardware and software involved (Author) AD-A052 305/0 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Artificial Intelligence Lab Data Representations in PDP-10 MacLISP Memorandum rept. Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. Sep 77, 14p Rept no. Al-M- 420 Contract N00014-75-C-0643, E(11-1)-3070 Supported in part by Grant NSG-1323. Presented at MACSYMA Users Conference, Berkeley, CA. Jul 77. Descriptors: 'Digital computers, 'Programming languages, 'Data storage systems. Addressing, Accumulators, Word organized storage, Subject in- dexing, Efficiency. Identifiers: Internal representation, PDP-10 com- puters, LISP programming language, MACSYMA system, CONNIVER system, MacLISP system. The internal representations of the various Ma- cLISP data types are presented and discussed- Certain implementation tradeoffs are considered. The ultimate decisions on these tradeoffs are dis- cussed in the light of implementation of large sys- tems such as MACSYMA. The basic strategy of garbage collection is outlined, with reference to the specific representations involved. Certain 'clever tricks' are explained and justified. The 'ad- dress space crunch' is explained and some alter- native solutions explored. (Author) AD-A052 445/4 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Artificial Intelligence Lab The Incremental Garbage Collection of Proc- esses Memorandum rept. Henry G. Baker, Jr, and Carl Hewitt. Dec 77, 13p Rept no. AI-M-454 Contract N00014-75-C-0643, N00014-75-C-0522 Descriptors: 'Multiprocessors, 'Parallel process- ing, Programming languages, Algorithms, Graphs, Memory devices, Minicomputers, Microproces- sors, Communications networks, Sorting, Message processing, User needs, Computations, Subrou- tines, Data bases, Resource management, Prob- lem solving. Identifiers: LISP programming language, Garbage collection(Computers). This paper investigates some problems associated with an expression evaluation order that we call 'future' order, which is different from call-by-name, call-by-value, and call-by-need. In future order evaluation, an object called a 'future' is created to serve as the value of each expression that is to be evaluated and separate process is dedicated to its evaluation. This mechanism allows the fully paral- lel evaluation of the expressions in a programming language. The authors discuss an approach to a problem that arises in this context: futures which were thought to be relevant when they were cre- ated become irrelevant through not being needed later in the computation. The problem of irrelevant processes also appears in multiprocessing prob- lem-solving systems which start several proces- sors working on the same problem but with differ- ent methods, and return with the solution which fin- ishes first. This parallel method strategy has the drawback that the processes which are investigat- ing the e losing methods must be identified, cleanly stopped, and the p r ocessors they are using re-as- signed to more useful tasks. The solution we pro- pose is that of incremental garbage collection. The goal structure of the solution plan should be explic- itly represented in memory as part of the graph memory (like Lisp's heap) so that a garbage collec- tion algorithm can discover which processes are performing useful work, and which can be recycled for a new task. An incremental algorithm for the unified garbage collection of storage and process- es is described. (Author) AD-A052 615/2 Polytechnic Inst of New York Brooklyn Dept of Electrical Engineering and Electrophysics Software Modeling Studies. Volume I. Sum- mary of Technical Progress Final technical rept, 1 Apr 74-1 Oct 77 Martin L Shooman, and Henry Ruston, Jan 78, 50p POLY-EE77-042-VOL-1, SRS-1 12-VOL-1 . RADC-TR-78-4-VOL-1 Contract F30602-74-C-0294 Descriptors: 'Computer software, Mathematical models, Systems analysis, Predictions, Reliability, Error analysis, Debuggmg(Computers), Statistical tests, Markov processes, Microprocessors, Micro- programming, Programming languages, Cost ef- fectiveness, Command and control systems, Avionics, Military applications, Conferencmg(Communications). This report documents research performed under RADC contract by Polytechnic Institute of New York in the area of software modeling. Research in the areas of software error, reliability, and availabil- ity models (such as Markov availability models, bug tagging estimates of initial error counts and error models incorporating error generation), test models and techniques (such as determination of the number of the tests necessary to execute all program paths and statistical test models), and complexity models (such as component measures like testedness and natural language theory meas- ures) that was described in previous progress and technical reports is summarized and unfinished re- search (in areas such as acceptance test models and automatic programming techniques) not previ- ously reported is described. The significant results are highlighted along with their interrelations and potential. AD-A052 751/5 Kansas State Univ Manhattan Dept of Computer Science Project Report for Functionally Distributed Computer Systems Development: Software and Systems Structure. Part I Interim rept, 15 Jan 76-1 Nov 77 Virgil E. Wallentine. Oct 77, 75p ARO-13835.1-A- EL-PT-1 Grant DAAG29-76-G-0108 Descriptors: 'Computer networks, Multiproces- sors, Minicomputers, Microcomputers, Data man- agement, Data bases, Computer programs, Hierar- chies, Information transfer. Identifiers: Data base management systems. This is the first of a two-part report of the research performed by Kansas State University in multiple processor computer systems and networks. This report covers the research effort through the design phase The known problems are defined and alternative solutions are developed. An alter- native solution is selected for the building of a pro- totype network. (Author) AD-A052 752/3 Kansas State Univ Manhattan Dept of Computer Science Project Report for Functionally Distributed Computer Systems Development: Software and Systems Structure. Part II Final rept. 1 Nov 76-15 Jan 77 Virgil E, Wallentine 7 Feb 78, 100p ARO- 1 3835.1 -A-EL-PT-2 Grant DAAG29-76-G-0108 Descriptors: 'Computer networks, Minicomputers, Microcomputers, Bus conductors. Identifiers: Data Buses, Distributed processing systems. Data base management systems. MIMICS model This is the second and final part of the report of research performed by Kansas State University in multiple processor computer systems and net- works. Part I covered the Design Phase of the effort; and this report covers the follow-on imple- mentation, integration, test, and demonstration of a prototype model of the network. The network model consists of a cluster of minicomputers and microcomputers with supporting software The model has been named MIMICS (Mlni-MlcroCom- puter System) and uses a high-speed vendor-inde- pendent data bus, named KSUBUS, that was de- signed, developed, and built for this network. Net- work hardware included Interdata's 85. 7/32. 8/32 and IBM 370/158. The principal network software is a message system which is capable of residing in a variety of computers. The hardware indepen- dence is achieved by design and by coding the software in Concurrent PASCAL A specification of a distributed data base management system was 94 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER developed and implemented in the MIMICS net- work. A DBMS named TOTAL was used in the pro- totype. The general problems of DDBMS were studied, and solution syntheses are presented as well as a simulation model for a back-end DBMS. (Author) AD-A052 766/3 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Operators' and Users' Handbook, Ver- sion 2 Technical rept. Walter J. Scott, John R. Hitler, and Robert Puttcamp. Mar 78, 89p Rept no. HDL-TR-1843 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, * Electromag- netic pulses, 'Waveforms, "Data acquisition, "Signal processing, Minicomputers, Data reduc- tion, Handbooks, Response, Analog to digital con- verters User needs. Identifiers: SKYNET program, SGEMP(Systems Generated Electromagnetic Pulses). Data acquisition and reduction on a large-scale systems generated electromagnetic pulse (SGEMP) test program are traditionally costly and tedious. The most widely used methods of acquir- ing and recording the system response waveforms involve the use of oscilloscopes and cameras, the waveforms being captured on Polaroid film. This method requires that the analog waveforms(oscillograms) be digitized, usually by hand, into a computer-compatible format prior to applying automated data analysis techniques. The amount of manual data handling and the need for many skilled technicians make this an error-sensi- tive and costly procedure. This report presents a new procedure for capturing and processing com- plex SGEMP transients. The method is incorporat- ed into an SGEMP transportable Automated Re- cording System (STARS). It reduces manual data handling significantly (a major source of errors); outputs data as computer compatible magnetic tapes, annotated hard copies, or both; and lessens the manpower requirements for data acquisition and processing. The software implementation, SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP). is discussed here to provide STARS operators and users with the detailed information needed to ef- fectively utilize the system. AD-A052 767/1 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md SKYNET Applications Software Package (SASP) Programmers' Handbook, Version 2 Technical rept. Robert Puttcamp. Feb 78, 127p Rept no. HDL- TR-1844 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Electromag- netic pulses, 'Data acquisition, Minicomputers, Recording systems, Computer graphics, Automa- tion. im 40 tion. Identifiers: 'SKYNET program, SGEMP(Syste Generated Electromagnetic Pulses), PDP-11/4 computers. The assessment of satellite vulnerability to system generated electromagnetic pulses (SGEMP) and the development of a methodology for this assess- ment are the prime objectives of the Defense Nu- clear Agency sponsored SKYNET program. An automated procedure for this has resulted in the assembling of the SGEMP Transportable Automat- ed Recording System (STARS) data van. The STARS is controlled by a PDP 11/40 computer using the SASP as its software implementation. This report gives a detailed description of each program and subroutine used in the SASP, exclud- ing descriptions of purchased graphic software (Tektronix Plot-10 package and Versaplot pack- age). It is intended to provide the programmer with the information required to effectively utilize the system. (Author) AD-A052 861/2 Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and De- velopment Neuilly-Sur-Seine (France) The Application of Inexpensive Minicomputers to Information Work Lecture series. Mar 78, 89p Rept no. AGARD-LS-92 Presented in Delft (Netherlands) on 17-20 Apr 78 and in Ankara (Turkey) on 20-21 Apr 78. Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, Information retrieval, Technical information centers, Libraries, Informa- tion processing, Cost analysis, Editing, Lectures. Identifiers: NATO furnished, Information systems, Libraries. Minicomputers are now extremely powerful and can be equipped with large access stores. These features make them ideally suited to information work and their cost is sufficiently low that an infor- mation centre or service can even justify having one solely for its own use. This avoids all the prob- lems inherent in the sharing of a main frame com- puter, either in an associated organization or at a commercial bureau. This report outlines the ways in which many computers can be used in informa- tion work and includes examples of their current use in a number of different areas, such as editing and publishing information bulletins, SDI(Selective Dissemination of Information) and retrospective retrieval and library housekeeping. AD-A052 876/0 Naval Surface Weapons Center Dahlgren Lab Va A Comparison of Approaches to Provide a De- bugging System for the AN/UYK-20 Final rept. Ronald L. Hartung. Nov 77, 28p Rept no. NSWC/DL-TR-3729 Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, 'Debugging(Computers), Naval equipment, Sub- routines, External, Internal, Validation, Cost analy- sis. Identifiers: AN/UYK-20, Virtual memory systems, Computer software. This study was conducted to establish feasible ap- proaches to debugging programs for the AN/UYK- 20, the Navy's standard minicomputer. Five ap- proaches are identified and compared: internal, ex- ternal, hybrid, software, and virtual machine The results of this study can be generalized to cover the problems of program debugging for ail digital computers (Author) AD-A052 891/9 Science Applications Inc Mclean Va Documentation of PDP 11/70 Software for De- termining Travel-Time Differences from Cross Covariances L. S. Blumen. 23 Dec 77, 44p Rept no. SAI-78- 713-WA Contract N00039-76-C-0326 Descriptors: 'Acoustic tracking, 'Time lag theory, Computer programs, Time series analysis, Phase shift, Cross correlation, Paths, Ships, Passive sonar, Flow charting, FORTRAN, Computer pro- gram documentation Identifiers: NAVELEX, PDP-1 1 /70 computers The Navelex 320 Surface Shipping problem is re- solved by the development of a method of corre- lating signals received from two widely spaced hy- drophones, in an effort to locate the source An exposition of the theoretical approach to this prob- lem has been documented previously. This report deals with the actual implementation of the solu- tion, through the use of current computer technol- ogy. AD-A053 345/5 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Design of the Processor for Software Compati- ble Avionic Computer Family Master's thesis Frederick G. Thourot Dec 77. 234p Rept no AFIT/GCS/EE/77-10 Descriptors: 'Microprogramming, 'Avionics. 'Mi- croprocessors. Digital computers, Floating point operation. Integrated circuits, Compatibility Identifiers: AM-2900 computers. Emulators. Theses This report presents the design of a microprogram- mable processor which emulates the baseline in- struction set of the Software-Compatible Avionic Computer Family. The general architecture of this processor includes 16/32 bit word lengths, hard- ware fixed point arithmetic, firmware floating point arithmetic, and hardware vectored interrupts. The processors uses a flexible internal bus (l-BUS) to interface with memory modules, programmed input/output channels, and DMA channels. Inte- grated circuit devices from the AM 2900 family are used to realize the design. The processor's arith- metic and logic unit contains four AM 2901 A bit slice devices which are cascaded by an AM 2902 carry look-ahead generator. The processor's con- trol unit uses an AM 2910 microsequencer to ad- dress control memory in a first level pipeline mode The processor's hardware vectored interrupt system is managed by two AM 2914 priority inter- rupt encoders Evaluation of the processor design determined that the processor's operational speed falls below the design goal of 200 to 500 KOPS The report concludes with recommendations for improving the processor's speed by adding hard- ware to facilitate floating point arithmetic and to pipeline I/O transfers over the l-BUS. (Author) AD-A054 098/9 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass Security Kernel Verification Techniques: Algor- ithmic Representation D. K. Kallman, and J. K. Millen. Apr 78, 37p MTR-3289, ESD-TR-78-123 Contract F19628-77-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Data processing security, 'Computer program verification, Algorithms, Access, Pro- gramming languages, Information transfer. Valida- tion, Digital computers, Classified materials, Speci- fications. Identifiers: 'Security kernels, PDP-1 1/45 comput- ers. A security kernel is a hardware and software mechanism that enforces access controls to infor- mation within a computer system. Given a formal specification for a kernel, this report shows how to construct an algorithmic or programming language representation of the kernel. A technique is sug- gested for proving that the algorithmic representa- tion exhibits the specified user-visible behavior. A sequence of lower levels of specification, formaliz- ing the levels of abstraction of Dijkstra, is essential to the construction and proof technique. (Author) AD-A054 180/5 Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio A Calculator Program for Analyzing Airloads on a Wing of Arbitrary Planform and Camber in Subsonic Flow Final rept. 1 Apr-31 Aug 76 John C. Sparks. Jan 78, 53p Rept no. AFFDL- TR-77-136 Descriptors: 'Aerodynamic loading, 'Wings, 'Sub- sonic flow, Computer programs, Minicomputers, Subroutines, Programming manuals, Computer program verification, Aerodynamic configurations. Planform, Calculators, Microprocessors, Man com- puter interface, Read only memories, Plotters. Identifiers: BASIC programming language. HP- 9830 calculators, HP-9831 calculators A subsonic airloads piogram for small (8-K) calcu- lators is presented Features include good man- machine interaction and quick turn-around which speed preliminary design. The program is written in BASIC for the HP9830 or HP9831 calculator sys- tems equipped with Matrix ROM and 9862A plot- ter. Programming techniques illustrated may be applied to any small system having special func- tion keys or an equivalent capability. (Author) AD-A054 247/2 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass Computer Program Specification for Security Kernel for PDP-11/45. Volume I Technical rept S R Harper Apr 78, 339p MTR-3178-VOL-1 ESD-TR-76-288-VOL-1 Contract F19628-75-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Data processing security, 'Computer programs. Digital computers. Security. Limitations. 95 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Access, Classified materials, Information transfer, Specifications. Identifiers: 'Security kernels, PDP-11/45 comput- ers. This report presents the Type C5, Computer Pro- gram Product Specification for the Security Kernel for the PDP-1 1 /45. It specifies the configuration in- formation that fully describes the Security Kernel as an established program product. A detailed de- scription of each individual function of the program is given. Also induced are the requirements which provide the basis for development of verification prodedures and a section of informal notes for the potential user. Flow charts are included in an ad- denda to this report for the convenience of the reader. A complete listing of the Security Kernel program is presented in Section 10, Volume II. (Author) AD-A055 115/0 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Investigation of Real-Time Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Using Extended Kalman Filters Master's thesis Henry J. Laughlin. Mar 78, 116p Rept no. AFIT/ GCS/EE/78-3 Descriptors: 'Satellite tracking systems, 'Kalman filtering, Measurement, Real time, Linear systems. Nonlinear systems, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /45 computers, Fortran. The feasibility of adapting an extended Kalman filter to the real-time satellite-to-satellite tracking problem is investigated. A filter using linear propa- gation and nonlinear measurements is formulated. This filter accepts tracker measurements to pro- vide the state estimates (position, velocity, and ac- celeration) of the tracked satellite in the local iner- tial reference frame. Six different filters are pro- grammed in American .National Standards Institute (ANSI) FORTRAN. These filters employ various covariance update techniques and methods of processing the measurement vector. The pro- grams are compared for computer program stor- age requirements, program execution speeds, and computational precision. The computer program storage requirements are determined by utilizing the FORTRAN IV-PLUS compiler on a PDP-1 1 /45 minicomputer. The program execution speeds are found by timing on the PDP-1 1 /45 the filter's reac- tion to a typical renedvous between two space ve- hicles. AD-A055 118/4 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Validation of Closed Queueing Network Models for the Decsystem-10 Master's thesis Harold E. Saxton. Mar 78, 135p Rept no. GCS/ EE/77-7 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: 'Queueing theory, 'Computer pro- gramming. Time sharing, Networks, Performance(engineering), Algorithms, Fortran, Input output processing, Data storage systems, Computer program verification, Predictions, Accu- racy, Mathematical models, Theses. Identifiers: 'Decsystem 10 computers A validation study was performed on Closed Queueing Network Models for the DECsystem-10 located at the Air Force Avionics Laboratory (AFAL). The purpose of this study was to provide the personnel of AFAL with an understanding of the accuracy with which this class of model can predict computer performance A previously devel- oped Fortran program was used to implement the product form solution and the computational algo- rithms required for performance evaluation. A review of the solution technique is presented with a discussion of the consequences resulting from assumptions required to arrive at the closed form solution The validation results are described for a series of experiments which investigated the accu- racy of the models for several system configura- tions and under a variety of workloads These re- sults indicate that Closed Queueing Network Models are a flexible means of representing the DECsystem-10 and that the product form solution provides performance predictions which are useful for evaluation of the system. (Author) AD-A055 200/0 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Design of a Microprocessor Based System for Testing of the NCR 2051 MNOS Memory Master's thesis Joel W. Robertson. 17 Mar 78, 152p Rept no. AFIT/GE/EE/78-7 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: 'Metal nitride oxide semiconductors, 'Test sets, Microprocessors, Acceptance tests. Computer applications, Algorithms, Schematic dia- grams, Computer programs, Ultrahigh frequency, Radio equipment, Memory devices, Theses. Identifiers: Assembly languages. The U.S. Air Force has begun using MNOS memo- ries in ultrahigh frequency radios to provide nonvo- latile storage of preset frequencies. The NCR 2051 is one such memory and it is necessary that the USAF have the capability to perform acceptance testing of these devices as well as to economically perform laboratory tests which may be very time consuming. This report develops a microproces- sor-based computer system which will provide the necessary capabilities economically. The design of the Motorola M6800-based system is presented with both hardware and software considerations The development decisions are discussed and a user's manual is provided. Complete assembly lan- guage software listings, which realize the accept- ance testing requirements, are included. Flow- charts for all test algorithms and schematic dia- grams for all interface circuits are also provided. (Author) AD-A055 235/6 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Simulation of the Direct Execution of a Higher Order Language Mactpr'c. thPSIS David L. Akin, and Brian C. Allen. Mar 78. 229p Rept no. AFIT/GCS/EE/78-1 Descriptors: 'High level languages, Assembly lan- guages, Machine translation, Computerized simu- lation, Computer architecture, Computer program- ming. Transfer, Theses. Identifiers: Space programming language ma- chine, JOVIAL programming language, Metacom- pilers, Decsystem-10 computers. This thesis lists the results of a follow-on study of Phase II of the Space Programming Language Ma- chine (SPLM) Architecture Study (AD-A002 798) In this follow-on study, the Clock Level Simulator (CLS) was translated to JOVIAL/J73 and improve- ments were made to decrease execution times and memory requirements of the simulator This work was accomplished using the DEC-10 system of the AF Avionics Lab at Wright-Patterson AFB CLS simulates the direct execution of SPLML (Space Programming Language Machine Lan- guage) on an SPLM. SPLML is a higher order lan- guage that was developed especially for avionic applications CLS was developed as a design tool where the memory word size, memory address size, etc are design parameters which represents a specific configuration of an SPLM. CLS, there- fore, is a preliminary model for a family of ma- chines (SPLM) with varying capabilities and com- plexities An example program execution is given in detail AD-A055 278/6 Utah Univ Salt Lake City Graduate School of Archi- tecture Services to Develop Pocket Computers to Per- form PF Calculating by DCPA Standard Method and to Provide Training For Use Technical rept Stanley W Crawley 16 Jan 78 97p Contract DCPA01-76 C-0325 Availability: Document partially illegible Descriptors: 'Calculators. Mathematical models. Computer aided instruction. Computations. Train- ing devices, Hand held, Computer programs, Mini- computers, Radiation shielding. Identifiers: Pocket calculators, HP-67 programma- ble calculators, TI/SR-52 programmable calcula- tors. Detailed programs for utilizing the Hewlett-Packard (HP) 67 and 97 and Texas Instruments SR-52 pro- grammable pocket calculators for calculating the shielding capability of buildings by the DCPA Standard method AD-A055 426/1 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Microcomputer Based Plasma Display System Master's thesis Ordale Paul Babin, Jr, and Ronald Ray Seaman. Mar 78, 300p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Display systems, 'Plasma devices, Man computer interface, Control systems, Computer graphics, Alphanumeric dis- plays, Input output devices, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: AN/UYQ-10 An overview of plasma display technology and op- eration is presented. Advantages and disadvan- tages of plasma graphics are explored. Some ap- plications that are particularly appropriate for a plasma display are listed. Hardware and software developed to interface the AN/UYQ-10 plasma display with an Intellec Microcomputer Develop- ment System are discussed. (Author) AD-A055 522/7 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering MIME: Microprogrammable Minicomputer Emu- lator Master's thesis Richard E. Purvis, and Ronald D. Yoho Mar 78, 224p Rept no. AFIT/GE/EE/78-6 Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, 'Computer aided in- struction, 'Microprogramming, User needs, Man computer interface, Programmers, Digital comput- ers, Computerized simulation. Machine coding. Control sequences, Microprocessors, Computer architecture, Programming manuals. Theses Identifiers: MIME(Microprogrammable Minicom- puter Emulators), 'Emulators(Computers). This report addresses the design and fabrication of a microprogrammable, general purpose minicom- puter specifically configured for use in an educa- tional environment (AFIT's Digital Engineering Laboratory). In order to have utility as an instruc- tional aid in the areas of computer control and mi- croprogramming, it was determined that such a machine must have the following attributes: educa- tionally oriented human interface, educationally oriented design, and user-microprogrammability These high level attributes were then used as a basis for deriving functional and detail require- ments. The Am2900 Bipolar Microprocessor Family was used as the basis for realizing the design which satisfied the defined requirements The project resulted in hardware which was used by students in digital engineering classes and labo- ratory to investigate microprogramming and its ap- plication to emulation. This report includes repre- sentative microcode necessary to emulate sample PDP-1 1/03 instructions as a demonstration of MIME capabilities. AD-A055 527/6 University of Southern California Marina Del Rey Information Sciences Inst Multi-Microprocessor Emulation: Annual Report for 1977 Final rept for fiscal year 1977-1 97T Charles Hayden. Peter W. Alfvin. and Stephen D Crocker Apr 78, 38p Rept no ISI/SR-78-12 Contract DAHC15-72-C-0308. ARPA Order-2223 Descriptors: 'Microprocessors. 'Multiprocessors. 'Debugging(Computers), Networks. Computer program verification. Computer architecture. Com- puter programming Identifiers: 'Emulators(Computers) 96 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER The goal of the Multi-Microprocessor Emulation (MMPE) project is to develop modeling and emula- tion techniques for assemblies of microproces- sors. An extension to an existing computer de- scription language (ISPS) is proposed for repre- senting the architecture of multi-microprocessor systems, and the results of some preliminary stud- ies on the design of an emulation facility are de- scribed. This effort will eventually lead to a high- speed emulation facility based on the QPRIM system. The emulation facility is one component of the SAEF under development at RADC. (Author) AD-A055 591/2 Research Triangle Inst Research Triangle Park N C AFAL Simulation Facility/Capability Manual. Volume I. Executive Summary and Systems Avionics Division Final technical rept. Jul 76-Jun 77 Richard A. Whisnant, W. Howard Ruedger, Ronald L. Earp, and James Haidt. 30 Jun 77, 41 1p AFAL-TR-77-118-VOL-1 Contract F33615-76-C-1308 Descriptors: 'Avionics, * Air Force operations, 'Mission profiles, Computerized simulation, Man- uals, Test facilities, Electronic equipment, Elec- tronic warfare, Reconnaissance, Weapon delivery. Systems engineering. User needs, Real time, Computer programs, Communication and radio systems, Digital computers, Computer aided design Identifiers: PDP 1 1 computers. The Air Force Avionics Laboratory (AFAL) at Wright-Patterson AFB is the focal point for devel- opment of new avionics technology for the Air Force. In order to carry out this responsibility, a sig- nificant capability to simulate physical avionics systems and components has been created by the AFAL divisions. Of prime concern is the effective use of these simulation facilities in the face of con- tinually increasing performance requirements, technological advances and rising flight-test costs. AD-A055 597/9 Defense Systems Management School Fort Bel- voir Va Estimating Computer Software Development Costs Study proiect rept. Albert W. Andres. 1975, 69p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Cost estimates, 'Computer program- ming, Methodology, Costs, Data bases, Parametric analysis, Department of Defense, Systems man- agement, Minicomputers. Identifiers: 'Computer software. The purpose of this study was to identify, define, and evaluate techniques for estimating computer software development costs. The reasons for the high cost of computer software and poor computer software estimates are discussed. Existing esti- mating techniques and rules of thumb are present- ed and their applicability to cost estimating mini- computer software development in the DoD Pro- gram Office is considered. The writer concludes that there is no single technique that will give an accurate estimate for all situations. A large number of factors that affect the cost of computer software development have been identified. Therefore, it is mandatory that the estimator have the best possi- ble handle on the most important of these factors. He recommends that the Program Office establish data bases from which estimates can be made by parametric methods. AD-A055 777/7 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Software Tool(s) for Evaluating the Effects of Finite Wordlength Master's thesis Gary A Klein. Dec 77, 185p Rept no. AFIT/ GCS/EE/77-6 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Algorithms, Accuracy, User needs, FORTRAN, Minicomputers, Computer architec- ture, Word organized storage, Length, Precision, Simulation, Preprocessing, Arithmetic units, Con- trol systems, Theses. Identifiers: 'Word lengths, Emulators(Computers), Assessment, CDC 6600 computers, CYBER 74 computers, 'Computer software. In developing estimation and control systems, the algorithms developed are, in general, very sensi- tive to the wordlength of the onboard computer Representation of the desired design can be great- ly affected by the quantization resulting from trun- cation or round off. The result can be even more severe than numerical imprecision: numerical in- stability can be generated that render algorithms totally useless. An important part of algorithm de- velopment is determining the appropriate word- length. Proper wordlength can be determined by running the algorithm on a simulated n-bit machine for several values of n; Results can then be evalu- ated against performance specification to deter- mine the wordlength and precision requirements. The objective of this thesis was to process algo- rithms written in FORTRAN on the CDC 6600/ CYBER 74 computer systems such that the results obtained were similar to those obtainable on an n- bit machine. A preprocessor was designed which would modify the algorithm's code so that the nu- merical effects of n-bit wordlength could be real- ized. An n-bit simulation tool was successfully de- veloped and implemented at the FORTRAN level. AD-A055 877/5 Naval Station Norfolk Va Wang Mini-Computer Automatic Database Management System AUTO-SYSTEM User's Manual Mar 77, 118p Availability: Document partially illegible Descriptors: 'Minicomputers, Instruction manuals. Data bases, Automation, Programming manuals. Identifiers: 'AUTO-SYSTEM data base manage- ment system, User manuals, 'Wang 2200 comput- ers, 'Data base management systems. AUTO-SYSTEM is an automated data base man- agement system. It is a management tool to more efficiently create end control informational data bases, and the available ADP resources. The AUTO-SYSTEM eliminates, for many, the need of hiring their own programmers to write repetious soft-ware for 'standard' informational data bases Programmers will still be needed to create custom- ized or analytical software. The major emphasis of the AUTO-SYSTEM is on data base indepen- dence. The AUTO-SYSTEM was designed to be run on a 'WANG' 2200 T/C/VP or the 2200 WCS series CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU) with a 32 K core. This system is disk operated and must have either a 2230 series disk (5 mega-bytes) or a 2260 series disk (10 mega-bytes). A 2270 series disk (a 1/2/3 drive floppy-diskette) may be inte- grated into the system for use as the system disk It is also desirable that a 132 character, per line, high speed printer be available for outputtmg data. The major purpose of this manual is to introduce the AUTO-SYSTEM to managers, programmers and operators AD-A056 057/3 Office of the Comptroller (Navy) Washington Dc Generalized Report Generation and Analysis Package, Adaptable to Mini-Computers Software Sheryl Masiello. 20 Apr 78, mag tape DOD/DF- 78/003 Magnetic Tape. Source tape is in ASCII Character set. Character set restricts preparation to 9 track one-half inch tape only. Identify recording mode by specifying density only. Call NTIS Computer Products, if you have questions. S250 00 Descriptors: Computer programming, Fortran, Computations, Data bases. Identifiers: 'Software, 'MINIGAP system. Report generators. Magnetic tapes, Minicomputers, For- tran 5 programming language This software package allows a user to access data from a database, perform arithmetic calcula- tions of the data, and output the data in a user- designed report. It allows the user much flexibility with a minimum amount of input. It requires less than 30 minutes to format and output a new report from the same database. THe FORTRAN used to write this system is fairly simple, and does not rely on machine dependent functions. ...Software De- scription: The program is written in the FORTRAN V programming language for implementation on a Interdata computer using the OS32MT operating system 167.25k bytes of core storage are required to operate the model. (Author) AD-A056 068/0 Carnegie-Mellon Univ Pittsburgh Pa Dept of Com- puter Science Performance Evaluation of High-Level Lan- guage Systems Interim rept. . Bruce Leverett. Nov 77, 42p AFOSR-TR-78-1088 Contract F44620-73-C-0074, ARPA Order-2466 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'High level languages, Compilers, Computer programming, Comparison, Methodolo- gy Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, ALGOL 68 pro- gramming language. Assessment. One of the concerns of the compiler writer is the quality of object programs produced by the compil- er, and in particular their performance at execution time. A survey of methods for measuring this per- formance, and experiments with the use of those methods, is presented. We examine two general categories of evaluation: comparative evaluation, in which benchmark programs are run on groups of language systems; and analytic evaluation, in which a single system is measured in terms deter- mined by its own structure. Besides surveying the results of various evaluation experiments, we pres- ent in detail the results of a series of experiments on a particular language system (PDP11 ALGOL 68-S). (Author) AD-A056 231/4 Logicon Inc San Diego Calif LISTEN: A System for Recognizing Connected Speech Over Small, Fixed Vocabularies, In Real Time Final rept. Jul 77-Mar 78 J. E. Porter. Apr 78, 98p NAVTRAEQUIPC-77-C- 0096-1 Contract N61339-77-C-0096 Descriptors: 'Speech recognition, Speech, Pre- processing, Algorithms, Real time, Accuracy, De- coding, Minicomputers, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN, Vocabulary, Limitations, Word recognition, Classification, Sequences, Dynamic programming, Training devices. Error analysis. Identifiers: LISTEN computer program This report describes the development of a system for recognizing connected speech in real time using a commercially available speech preproces- sor, a minicomputer and programs written in FOR- TRAN. The system was tested on two speakers using the digits and the word 'point' with inconclu- sive results. Recognition accuracy of 86% was achieved for one speaker whereas accuracy for the other speaker was lower (39%) due to an anomalous difference between training and test data for that speaker's voice. (Author) AD-A056 323/9 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Design and Implementation of Instruc- tional Software Information System (ISIS) Master's thesis Ataman Yildinm. Jun 78, 1 01 p Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Information systems. 'Computer programs. 'Instructional materials. User needs. Programming languages, On line systems. Cata- logs, Data management, Data bases, Flow chart- ing, Theses. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers. Instructional soft- ware information systems. This thesis describes the design, implementation and user interface for an Instructional Software In- formation System (ISIS). The existing volume and increasing rate of growth of computer software production suggests the need for a catalogue pro- 97 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER cedure to help programmers find existing software to reduce redundant programming. The purpose of the ISIS is to provide an online software catalogue which does not require either prior instruction or familarity with keyword lexicons. Using ISIS, a user may record the characteristics of new software, and make searches for existing software by speci- fying its characteristics. Characteristics are speci- fied by selection from a succession of menus. ISIS is implemented on a PDP-11 computer operating under the UNIX operating system using the INGRES data base management system. It is writ- ten in the QUEL query language embedded in the programming language C. (Author) AD-A056 375/9 General Electric Co Schenectady N Y Research and Development Center MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000 Volume I Final technical rept. 14 Jun 76-14 Jun 77 D. E. D. Phillips, J. M. Brown, and J. P. Kellerman. Jun 78, 29p RADC-TR-78-8-VOL-1 Contract F30602-76-C-0321 Descriptors: *Data bases, Command and control systems, Hierarchies, Networks, FORTRAN, Com- puter programming, Compilers. Identifiers: *Honeywell-6000 computers, PDP-11 computers, "Data base management systems, 'MADMAN data base management system. MADMAN is a multi-access data base manage- ment system that exists on both the PDP-1 1 and the H6000. This report describes the version that exists on the H6000 under GCOS Versions 1/G, 2/H and 3/I. MADMAN is implemented in such a manner that only one copy of the data base man- ager is resident on the system for each data base that has been opened. That copy can support a maximum of 16 application programs at one time. The application programs are written in FORTRAN using the CALL statement to access the data base manager. Data is transferred core-to-core between the application programs and the data base man- ager. Three key features of MADMAN are: com- plete implementation of the CODASYL network data base standard (except for SELECT UNIQUE MASTER), sophisticated concurrency control with automatic rollback in case of data base conflicts; and automatic rollbacks of processes that were active when systems crashed. (Author) AD-A056 376/7 General Electric Co Schenectady N Y Research and Development Center MADMAN on the H6000: Data Base Manager for Honeywell 6000. Volume II Final technical rept. 14 Jun 76-14 Jun 77 D. E. D. Phillips, J. M. Brown, and J. P. Kellerman. Jun 78, 147p RADC-TR-78-8-VOL-2 Contract F30602-76-C-0321 Descriptors: *Data bases, Input output processing, FORMATS, Computer programming, Programming languages, Syntax, Subroutines, FORTRAN, Com- puter program documentation. Identifiers: *Honeywell-6000 computers, PDP-11 computers, *Data base management systems, 'MADMAN data base management system. SeeAD-A056 375. AD-A056 902/0 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass Implementation of a Secure Data Management System for the Secure UNIX Operating System B N Wagner. Jul 78, 41 p MTR-3524, ESD-TR- 78-154 Contract F19628-78-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Secure communications, Man com- puter interface. Data bases, Command and control systems Computer applications, Information re- trieval, Interactive graphics. Identifiers: PDP 1 1 /45 computers, Multics system, Unix operating system, "Data base management systems A secure data management system that achieves a multilevel capability for building and accessing relations has been implemented to run on the Secure UNIX Operating System for the DEC PDP- 11/45. The secure DMS is an adaptation of INGRES. This paper addresses the effect of multi- level security on the design of the INGRES data base system and its user interface, including im- plementation details and an evaluation of the system. AD-A056 960/8 Electronics Engineering Group (1842nd) Scott AFB III Data Network Referee (DNR) Concept Report Technical rept. John F. Hynes. 26 May 78, 65p Rept no. 1842 EEG/EETS-TR-78-2 Descriptors: 'Computer communications, 'Com- munications networks, 'Data links, Data transmis- sion systems, Failure(Electronics), Reliability(Electronics), Monitoring, Malfunctions, Faults, Error detection codes, Computer programs, Computer archiiecture, Data processing terminals, Minicomputers. A concept is presented for monitoring, detecting, and identifying faults and subsystem failures, on the functional level, in Data Communications Net- works. A brief review is included of the operating conditions of some existing data comm systems. (Author) AD-A057 899/7 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Design of Software Package for Incorporation of Random Load Testing and Data Processing on Materials Testing System Machine Master's thesis Frederick Martin Blakely, Jr. Jun 78, 132p Descriptors: 'Naval aircraft, 'Loads(Forces), Com- puter programs, Test equipment, Test methods, Data processing, Microprocessors, Microcom- puters, Data acquisition, monitoring, Random var- iables, Input output processing, Analog systems, Modules(Electronics), Magnetic tape, Tape re- corders, Theses. This thesis describes the software design and im- plementation of a microprocessor-based, random load drive and data acquisition system on a Materi- al Testing System (MTS) machine. A microproces- sor, combination analog input/output module, magnetic cassette tape recorder, and strain gage network form a strain data acquisition system for recording sequential strain peaks and throughs on specimens subjected to flight load histories. The data will be used to estimate the fraction of the fatigue life expended in a test specimen. A high speed digital computer is linked by telephone line to a microcomputer development system to create the randomization of fatigue loads specified in Mil Spec 8866 Spectrum A for use by the MTS ma- chine. (Author) AD-A057 990/4 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Microcomputer Based Flight Data Recorder/ Monitor with Solid State Memory Master's thesis Darl Eugene Easton. Jun 78, 144p Descriptors: 'Flight recorders, Bubble memories. Nonvolatile memories, Digital systems, Microcom- puters, Accident investigations, Aviation accidents, Data acquisition, Computer programs, Lightweight, Standardization, Theses. Identifiers: Digital flight data recorders. The design, breadboard implementation and func- tional testing of a Digital Flight Data Recorder/ Monitor prototype is reported. Microcomputer in- terfacing to Magnetic Bubble Memory and a digital data bus was accomplished. The microcomputer is to be used to collect and analyze flight parameters and record only significant data for later use in an accident investigation or maintenance debriefings for accident prevention. The Magnetic Bubble Memory is the nonvolatile recording media. The digital data bus interface to the IEEE 488 instru- ment bus will allow operational testing of the re- corder on an aircraft equipped with a complete data acquisition system. (Author) AD-A058 047/2 Stanford Univ Calif Stanford Electronics Labs The Formal Definition of a Real-Time Language Technical rept. John L. Hennessy, and Richard B. Kieburtz. Jul 78, 57p Rept nos. SU-SEL-78-024, DSL-TR-155 Contract N00014-75-C-0601, Grant NSF-JO- 42203 Prepared in cooperation with State Univ. of New York at Stony Brook. Dept. of Computer Science. Descriptors: 'Programming languages, 'Seman- tics, Minicomputers, Computer programming, Real time. Boolean algebra. Identifiers: TOMAL programming language. This paper presents the formal definition of TOMAL (Task-Onented Microprocessor Applica- tions Language), a programming language intend- ed for real-time systems running on small proces- sors. The formal definition addresses all aspects of the language. Because some modes of semantic definition seem particularly well-suited to certain aspects of a language, and not as suitable for others, the formal definition employs several, com- plementary modes of definition. AD-A058 095/1 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind Purdue Lab for Applied Industrial Control Annual Meeting of International Purdue Work- shop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6, 1977. Minutes. Part I. Narrative - Chapters I - X and Technical Appendices I 1977, 387p Contract N00014-78-C-0127 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: 'Computer applications, 'Workshops, Industrial equipment, International relations, FOR- TRAN, Microcomputers. Computer programs, Real time, Reports, Man machine systems, Foreign technology, State of the art. Identifiers: 'Meetings. This document presents the minutes and reports of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the International Purdue Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems which met at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A., on October 3-6, 1 977. AD-A058 096/9 Purdue Univ Lafayette Ind Purdue Lab for Applied Industrial Control Annual Meeting of International Purdue Work- shop on Industrial Computer Systems (5th) Held at Purdue University on October 3-6, 1977. Minutes. Part II. Technical Appendices II - X 1977, 342p Contract N00014-78-C-0127 Descriptors: 'Computers, 'Workshops, Interna- tional, Industrial equipment, Computer programs, Microprocessors, Minicomputers, Fiber optics. Re- ports, Real time, Standardization, Safety, Reliability(Electronics), Foreign technology. State of the art. Identifiers: 'Meetings. This document contains minutes (Part II) and Technical Appendices 2-10 of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the International Purdue Workshop of Industrial Computer Systems. AD-A058 111/6 Data Solutions Corp Vienna Va In-Depth Assessment of the Status of Distrib- uted Data Bases and Potential U.S. Navy Re- quirements Final rept. Allen M. Pargellis, Theodore W. Coffey, and Richard M. Moraski. 16 Jun 78, 63p Contract N00014-77-C-0626 Descriptors: 'Data bases, 'Naval tactical data system, 'Decentralization, Military organizations. Minicomputers. Computer programs, Bibliogra- phies. Test and Evaluation, Military requirements, Tactical warfare, Strategic warfare, Missions, Naval operations, Systems analysis. Data man- agement. Identifiers: Distributed data bases, 'Distributed processing. 98 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER This report consists of an In-depth Assessment of the Status of Distributed Data Bases and Potential U.S. Navy Requirements with two accompanying bibliographies. Following a discussion of the dis- tributed computer systems technology and its very considerable significance, the report proceeds to point out the implications of adoption of this de- centralized approach. Proceeding further, the report concludes that the question of distributed processing applications to Navy strategic and tac- tical requirements must be approached from a more fundamental basis than system conversion. The authors recommend an analysis of Navy re- quirements from a functional frame of reference, during the course of which the functions and activi- ties necessary to fulfill the Navy's missions and ob- jectives under various modes of operation must be studied and specified. When completed, this analy- sis will serve as a basis from which to move direct- ly to decisions as to areas for which distributed systems are appropriate as well as those areas for which retention of more centralized system control is desirable. (Author) AD-A058 193/4 Dayton Univ Ohio Research Inst AFML Scientific and Engineering Computer Support Final rept. 15 May 75-15 Nov 76 Dale L. Ford, Thomas Wood. Michael Dennis, and Duane G. Leet. Dec 77, 189p UDRI-TR-77- 10, AFML-TR-77-231 Contract F33615-75-C-5191 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Computer applications, Materials laboratories, Metallurgy, Computer programs, Mi- crocomputers, Digital computers, Data processing, Ablative materials, Atmosphere entry, Lasers, Mi- crostructure, Titanium alloys, Computerized simu- lation, Crack propagation, Stress analysis. This report summarizes the work performed in pro- viding scientific and engineering computer support to various projects within AFML during this time period. This work includes exploitation of all com- puters available to AFML researchers. This report is divided into major topics: (1) Automated Experi- ments and Data Acquisition, (2) Computer Pro- grams for Reentry and Laser Applications of Abla- tion/Thermal Effects, (3) Computer Analysis of Mi- crostructures, and (4) General User Programs and Education. AD-A058 434/2 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio SIMPL-M Code Generation for the Intel 8080 Microcomputer Master's thesis James B. Bladen. 23 Nov 77, 91p Rept no. AFIT- CI-78-65 Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Computer archi- tecture, Programming languages, Computer com- munications, Compilers, Machine coding, High level languages, Theses. Identifiers: lntel-8080 computers, CDC-6000 com- puters, SIMPL compiler. Microcomputers add a new dimension to modern computers. However, since microcomputers are not well-suited to running large compilers, the medium of communication between the program- mer and micros has traditionally been assembly language. The computer software industry realized some time ago that the most effective means of generating a software system is by using a compil- er capable of communicating clearly both with the programmer and the computer hardware. Such compilers are necessarily large, and are generally used to create machine code for the big machines they run on. However, by replacing a compiler's code generator with the code generator of a small machine, a compiler can run on the large machine and generate code for a small one, and the size limitation problem is eliminated. This thesis pre- sents just such a cross-compiler. The large ma- chine is the CDC 6000 and the compiler is the SIMPL compiler. AD-A059 041/4 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md A Fixed-Point Arithmetic Compiler Final rept. Paul III Craun. 1 Jul 77, 123p Rept no. NSWC/ WOL/TR-77-65 Master's thesis. Descriptors: 'Compilers, "Minicomputers, Parsers, Formats. Input, Real time, Point theorem, Algo- rithms, Computer programming, Theses. Minicomputers used within real time digital sys- tems require mathematical operations to be per- formed at maximum speed. The most efficient use of their fixed point arithmetic units is made while manipulating fixed point data. Software simulation of floating point mathematics is too slow and re- quires additional core. A fixed point arithmetic compiler is designed to allow the programmer to express fixed point mathematical processes in equation form. Only the description of the original equation arguments is required. All intermediate results of the equation realization are scaled by the compiler to avoid clipping and truncation errors. (Author) AD-A059 196/6 Army Communications Research and Develop- ment Command Fort Monmouth Nj Phase II Comparative Evaluation of the MCF Computer Architectures Research and development technical rept. S. H. Fuller, G. Mathew, and L. Szewerenko. Jul 78, 53p Rept no. CORADCOM-78-9-VOL-2 Descriptors: 'Computer architecture, 'Digital com- puters, Test and evaluation, Computer programs, Executive routines, Algorithms. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, AN/UPK-20, AN/ UYK-19, AN/GYK-12, AN/UYK-7. Comparing alternative computer architectures is a topic of concern to both users and designers of computer systems. This paper presents the results of a second study undertaken to try and quantita- tively evaluate alternative computer architectures. The first study compared the INTERDATA 8/32, PDP 11, and IBM 370 architectures. Subsequent interest in additional architectures has allowed us to initiate a second study covering the PDP-11, AN/UYK-20, AN/UYK-19, AN/GYK-12 and AN/ UYK-7. This second study has allowed us to ad- dress a number of limitations and shortcomings of the first study. AD-A059 390/5 Carnegie-Mellon Univ Pittsburgh PA Dept of Com- puter Science Evaluation of the Bitstring Algorithm Interim rept. Peter H. Feiler. 1 2 Apr 78, 39 CMU-CS-78-1 1 1 , AFOSR-TR-78-1252 Contract F44620-73-C-0074, ARPA Order-2466 Descriptors: 'Computer programming, Algorithms, Resource management, Microprogramming, Data storage systems, Dynamic programming. Identifiers: 'Bitstring algorithm, PDP-11 /40E com- puters, Data structures. A resource allocation technique based on an alter- native data representation to the list structure, i.e. the bitvector, is discussed in this paper. The data structure provides for implicit collapsing of availa- ble resources, and the algorithm, called Bitstring, can be applied to any type of resource without per- formance loss. An optimized implementationof Bitstring is compared with a corresponding list structure algorithm (Firstfit). Two bitvector algo- rithms for special resource allocation environ- ments, Exactstring and Quickstring, are presented The implementation of Bitstring in microcode on a PDP-11 /40E and the resulting performance im- provement relative to the assembly code imple- mentation are discussed. (Author) AD-A059 435/8 Honeywell Inc St Petersburg FL Avionics Div GEO-SPIN (Trademark) Precision Inertial Survey Contract rept. Richard H. Roller. Jr. 1 Apr 78, 453p ETL-0135 Contract DAAK70-77-C-0070 Availability: Microfiche copies only Descriptors: "Geodetic surveys, 'Inertial naviga- tion, 'Navigation computers, Gyroscopes, Acce- lerometers, Trucks, Direction finding, Electrostatic fields, Computer programs, Errors, Accuracy, Thermal stability. Identifiers: Electrostatic suspension gyroscopes, Minicomputers. A surveying feasibility system was assembled using a modified Honeywell GEANS Airborne Navi- gation System utilizing Electrostatically suspended gyros. The system utilized a conventional mini- computer and was mounted in a truck. The unit was then used to survey at St. Petersburg, Florida and at White Sands, New Mexico. This test pro- gram showed performance of one meter with the identification of several error source in the soft- ware area, which, when incorporated, should reduce the errors to less than 0.1 meters. (Author) AD-A059 601/5 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA A Real-Time Operating System for Single Board Computer Based Distributed Naval Tac- tical Data Systems Master's thesis Wolfgang Niemann. Jun 78, 347p Descriptors: "Naval tactical data system, "Micro- processors, Real time, Microcomputers, Circuit boards, Cathode ray tubes, Debugging(Computers), User needs, Central proc- essing units, Computer programs, Theses. The microprocessor revolution has produced a ca- pable computer on a single printed circuit board. The design and development of a real-time operat- ing system for a distributed system of Single Board Computers is presented in this paper. There are user manuals and program descriptions for the op- erating system, a debug module, a CRT module and a line printer module. The operating systems has been developed for a Multibus system with three INTEL Single Board Computers SBC80/20-4 and 64K bytes of common memory. The system has been designed specifically for Naval Tactical Data Systems applications and the feasibility of such applications are evaluated with respect to currently available Single Board Computers and with respect to Single Board Computers that should be available in the near future. (Author) AD-A059 603/1 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA A Microcomputer Based Shipboard Surface- Subsurface Contact Plotter System Master's thesis Antonio Luiz Soares Goncalves, and Javier Enrique De la Cuba Bravo. Jun 78, 509p Descriptors: 'Plotters, 'Microcomputers, "Ship auxiliary equipment, Display systems, Computer programs, Position finding, Microprocessors, Ma- neuverability, Floating point operation, Computer programming, Navigational aids. Theses. Identifiers: Surface subsurface contact plotter system. Today, in most shipboard Combat Information Centers, true mption plots of own ship's motion and or surface/subsurface contacts are provided with the aid of electromechanical devices like the dead-reckoning tracer ('DRT') or the NC-2 plotter. These devices suffer a variety of drawbacks, such as inflexibility and the need to 'track' the light- spots manually. This thesis has developed a flexi- ble, labor-saving, true-motion plotter using con- temporary microcomputer and plasma display technologies. An automatic display of contact data, analogous to the plexiglass 'surface status board' is also provided. Contact course, speed, and CPA information are computed automatically and, unlike the DRT or the NC-2 plotter, both the geographic and tabular displays can be easily du- plicated on the bridge and elsewhere. ( UTHOR) AD-A059 692/4 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA A Design for a Function-Descriptive Program- ming Language Master's thesis Jerry Gregory Paccassi, II, and Carl Eric Wick. Jun 78, 214p Rept no. NPS52-78-003 99 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Descriptors: 'Programming languages, Problem solving. Compilers, Reliability, Microcomputers, Computer programming, SYNTAX, Computer logic, Theses. Identifiers: Abstraction. A design for a function-descriptive programming language is described. The language is based upon a software design model which uses the process of abstraction and successive refinement in problem solving. The resulting programming lan- guage provides mechanisms and structures con- ducive to language extension, ease of program de- velopment and enhancement of software reliabil- ity. A system's library expands the capability of the base language to satisfy the needs of a user or user group. The user, therefore, does not need to carry the burden of those features of the language which he does not use. Because of its potentially small size, the translator or compiler of the base language may be feasibly implemented on micro- computer developmental systems. (Author) AD-A059 936/5 University of Southern California Los Angeles Electronic Sciences Lab Analysis and Design of Fault-Tolerant Comput- er Systems Interim rept. John P. Hayes. 1 Aug 78, 29p AFOSR-TR-78- 1355 Grant AFOSR-77-3352 Descriptors: 'Fault tolerant computing, 'Multi- processors, Microprocessors, Recovery, Test and Evaluation, Design to cost, Communications net- works, Personnel, Computer aided design. This report describes the first-year results of an in- vestigation of fault-tolerant computer systems. A new method for measuring recovery time in fault- tolerant multiprocessors was developed. A com- plete characterization of optimally t-step recover- able systems was obtained, and certain graph transformations that simplify recovery analysis were studied. Some diagnosabihty properties of n- cube interconnection networks were derived. A study of fault tolerance in large connecting net- works was initiated using a new concept of dynam- ic full access. A design theory based on recursive component expansion capabilities was developed for MSI/LSI systems. The use of similar recursive methods for test pattern generation was also initi- ated. Promising results were obtained for testing bit-sliced microprocessors and related compo- nents. (Author) AD-A060 210/2 Army Military Personnel Center Alexandria Va ARIAN -- An Implementation of a Microcom- puter Operating System Final rept. Richard Lee Conn. May 78, 190p Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, On line systems, User needs. Computer programs, Files(Records), Programming languages, Programming manuals. Identifiers: ARIAN operating system, Z-80 comput- ers, 'Operating systems(Computers), Floppy disks. ARIAN is a microcomputer operating system de- veloped for use with the Z80 microprocessor. A floppy-disk based operating system, ARIAN was designed to be used as a software development system Its features include a dual file system for memory and disk files, a built-in assembler input line and intra-line editing facilities, and a host of utilities which may be used for system control and program debugging Although ARIAN was de- signed specifically for the Z80 microprocessor, the basic concepts learned during its creation and im- plementation are of general application. These concepts are discussed in the first part of the thesis, while the following sections describe ARIAN in detail and function as a user's manual (Author) AD-A060 667/3 Digital Technology Inc Champaign IL INFE Software Functional Description Over- view Gary R. Grossman, Steven F. Holmgren, and Richard H. Howe. 20 Mar 78, 38p DTI-2, AD- E100-081 Contract DCA100-77-C-0069 Report on Phase B Network Front-End Research and Development. Descriptors: 'Computer communications, 'Com- munications networks, 'Digital computers, Com- mand and control systems, Military requirements. Identifiers: H 6000 computers, ARPANET, PDP- 11 /70 computers, WWMCC(Worldwide Military Command and Control Systems), Protocols, INFE(INterim Network Front End), AUTODIN 2, Network front ends, Computer networks, Comput- er programming. Digital Technology Incorporated is developing an IOC Network Front End (INFE) to connect a WWMCCS H6000 to AUTODIN II. A DEC PDP-1 1 / 70 running under a modified Network UNIX system is being used for the INFE. This document de- scribes the data routes through the INFE, the INFE protocol modules, and the flow of data vis-a-vis protocol staging in the INFE. (Author) AD-A060 668/1 Digital Technology Inc Champaign IL INFE Program Design Specifications. Phase B. NFE Software Program Design Specifications Steven F. Holmgren, David C Healy, and David A. Willcox. 15 May 78, 1 1 5p DTI-6, AD-E100-082 Report on Phase B Network Frontend Research and Development. Descriptors: 'Computer communications, 'Com- munications networks, Command and control sys- tems, Military requirements, Communication termi- nals. Identifiers: WWMCCS(Worldwide Military Com- mand and Control Systems), Protocols, INFE(lntenm Network Front End), Honeywell-6000 computers, Network front ends, PDP-1 1/70 com- puters, AUTODIN, Computer networks, Computer software Digital Technology Incorporated is developing an IOC Network Front End (INFE) to connect a WWMCCS H6000 to AUTODIN II. A DEC PDP-1 1 / 70 running under a modified Network UNIX system is being used for the INFE. This document con- tains the program design specifications for the AU- TODIN II protocol software used in the INFE. (Author) AD-A060 944/6 Army Communications Research and Develop- ment Command Fort Monmouth NJ A Comparison of the Existing Support Soft- ware Bases of the AN/GYQ-21 Architecture and the Current Military Architectures Research and development technical rept James Wagner, and H. Stone. Jul 78, 79p Rept no CORADCOM-78-10 Availability: Document partially illegible Descriptors: 'Data processing equipment, Com- puter architecture, Data processing, Data bases, Data management, Life cycle costs, Data process- ing terminals, Compilers, Military applications, Digi- tal computers, Deficiencies, Comparison Identifiers: 'AN/GYQ-21, Computer software, PDP-1 1 computers, Mathematical models. A comparison of the support software bases of the four currently utilized military architectures and the AN/GYQ-21 (DEC PDP-11) is described. Ap- proach taken in this evaluation is to model the soft- ware development process, hypothesize an ideal support software structure for the model, and then apply that structure against each of the architec- tures in turn. The support software available for each architecture can then be listed and, by esti- mating the development cost of each tool, the total software bases and deficiencies in dollars of each architecture can be determined This evaluation is one of the major inputs to a life cycle cost analysis, reported separately, of 78 Army/Navy military computer based systems which attempts to deter- mine the cost-effective approach to standardiza- tion of computer architectures. AD-A061 040/2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA NPS-PASCAL. A Partial Implementation of PASCAL Language for a Microprocessor- based Computer System Master's thesis Joaquin C. Gracida, and Robert R. Stilwell. Jun 78, 228p Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Programming lan- guages, Compilers, Microprocessors, High level languages, Theses. Identifiers: 'PASCAL programming language, PL/ M programming language, INTEL-8080 comput- ers, Translators. The design and partial implementation of the PASCAL programming language, for use on a mi- croprocessor-based system, is described. The framework for the implementation is comprised of two subsystems, a compiler which generates code for a hypothetical zero-address machine, and a translator that generates code for the target 8080 microcomputer. The portions of the system which are implemented are written in the PL/M program- ming language to run in a diskette-based environ- ment with at least 32K bytes of memory. (Author) AD-A061 052/7 Sharp (I P) Associates Ltd Ottawa (Ontario) EUCLID Compiler for PDP-1 1 Quarterly technical rept. no. 2, 1 Apr-30 Jun 78 David Bonyun, and R. C. Holt. 24 Jul 78, 28p Rept no IPSA-381 9-002 Contract MDA903-78-C-0037, ARPA Order-3475 Descriptors: 'Compilers, Computer communica- tions, Data processing security, Data processing equipment, Data storage systems, Data transmis- sion systems. Identifiers: EUCLID, 'PDP-11 computers, Canada, Minicomputers. The work towards a EUCLID compiler is progress- ing satisfactorily. Communication with Ford Aero- space (KSOS team) has resulted in very slight di- rection changes in the short run to satisfy their im- mediate needs. (Author) AD-A061 277/0 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA MICRO-COBOL A Subset of Navy Standard HYPO-COBOL for Micro-Computers Master's thesis Philip Russell Mylet. Sep 78, 170p Descriptors: "Programming languages, Microcom- puters, Computer architecture, Computer files, Theses. Identifiers: COBOL, MICRO COBOL programming language, lntel-8080 computers, Z-80 computers. A MICRO-COBOL interpretive compiler has been implemented on an 8080 micro-computer based system running under CP/M The implementation is a subset of ADPESO standard HYPO-COBOL in that the interprogram communication module has not been included. HYPO-COBOL provides nucle- us level constructs and file options from the ANSII COBOL package along with the PERFORM UNTIL construct from a higher level to give increased structural control. MICRO-COBOL can be execut- ed on an 8080 or Z-80 micro-computer system with 16K of memory Although largely completed and tested, all features are not implemented. File I/O features have not been tested and the numeric edit instruction has not been implemented in the interpreter. (Author) AD-A061 344/8 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA The Development and Implementation of Algo- rithms for an A-7E Performance Calculator Master's thesis Gary Lang Koger Sep 78, 158p Descriptors: 'Flight simulation, 'Attack bombers, Algorithms. Calculators. Performance(Engineenng), Computer programs, Data reduction, Graphs, Microprocessors, Theses Identifiers: A-7 aircraft, A-7E aircraft In this thesis, the algorithms for an A-7E perform- ance calculator were developed and then imple- 100 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER merited on three small data processors of different programming levels and storage capabilities. The utility of data is a function of several variables in- cluding accuracy and availability. Nine perform- ance chart groups, yielding the data usually con- sidered necessary for flight, were reduced to a series of analytical expressions. These analytical expressions were demonstrated to reproduce NATOPS Manual data to a high degree of accura- cy. Implementation was demonstrated on a deck computer, a hand held calculator and a micro- processor. AD-A061 402/4 Sharp (I P) Associates Ltd Ottawa (Ontario) EUCLID Compiler for PDP-1 1 Quarterly technical rept no. 1, 1 Oct 77-31 Mar 78 David A. Bonyun. and R. C. Holt. 21 Apr 78, 31p Rept no. IPSA-381 9-001 Contract MDA903-78-C-0037, ARPA Order-3475 Descriptors: "Compilers, Information processing, Programming languages. Canada. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers. EUCLID compiler, Computer software The work towards a EUCLID compiler for the PDP- 11 is proceeding satisfactorily although it has changed somewhat as the result of effort put into stabilizing the language. (Author) AD-A061 406/5 Sharp (I P) Associates Ltd Ottawa (Ontario) EUCLID Compiler for PDP-1 1 Quarterly technical rept. no. 3. 1 Jul-30 Sep 78 David A. Bonyun, and R. C. Holt. 24 Oct 78, 10p Rept no. IPSA-381 9-003 Contract MDA903-78-C-0037, ARPA Order-3475 Descriptors: "Compilers, "Information processing, Programming languages, Canada. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, EUCLID compiler. Computer software. Work on the EUCLID compiler is progressing well although the amount of work required is substan- tially greater than expected. This is because the complexity of the language is finally being fully ex- perienced as the individual passes are being coded. (Author) AD-A062 151/6 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Devel- opment Center Bethesda MD CHECK: A Computer Model for Establishing Data Bounds Final rept. George R. Humfeld. Dec 78, 55p Rept no DTNSRDC-78/112 Descriptors: "Computer programs, Statistical data, Statistical distributions, Data acquisition, Fortran. Identifiers: "Data bounds, CHECK computer pro- gram, PDP-1 1/03 computers, Minicomputers, Naval ships. The Shipsystem Maintenance Monitoring and Sup- port Office (SMMSO) is establishing a new proce- dure whereby data collected by a SMMS Site Team will be typed into a DEC PDP-1 1/03 mini- computer at or near the data collection site. A rou- tine in the PDP-11 will check to see that each number entered lies within the bounds established for its data field. This report documents a FOR- TRAN computer model, called CHECK, which has been used to analyze existing data for each nu- merical field and to suggest sets of bounds for use in the PDP-1 1 . Each data set examined by CHECK is tested for possible adherance to assumptions of exponentiality or normality. Bounds are suggested based on the results of these tests. In addition, CHECK indicates the expected probability that an- other data value from the same distribution will lie within the suggested bounds (Author) AD-A062 373/6 Defence and Civil Inst of Environmental Medicine Downsview (Ontario) Guide to Landsat Image Enhancement Pro- grams on the CCRS DECsystem-10/MAD Dis- play Technical rept. M. M. Taylor, and S. Schlien. 1978, 59p Rept no. DCIEM-TR-78X22 Descriptors: "Image intensification, Computer pro- grams, Reconnaissance satellites, Remote detec- tors, Photographic analysis, Color photography, Computer programming, Spatial filtering, Canada Identifiers: "Landsat satellites. Programming man- uals, Image processing. This report describes a suite of programs for color enhancement of Landsat images. The report is both a user's guide and an aid for programmers who may wish to understand, alter, or transport the routines. By following the guide, a user should be able to take any Landsat image on a Computer Compatible Tape (CCT) and produce on the Multi- spectral Analyser Display (MAD) display screen an enhanced image suited to his own individual re- quirements. The enhancement uses a principal components transformation of the Landsat spec- tra, determined by the statistics of an interesting area, and followed by another transformation which reduces the data to color values. This report is intended to aid users in handling the routines which implement the enhancement, not as a scien- tific or technical description of the underlying the- ories. AD-A062 551/7 Lundy Electronics and Systems Inc Glen Head NY Digital Data Editing System Final rept. 26 Feb 76-25 Feb 77 William E Handler. Sep 77, 28p ETL-0146 Contract DAAG53-76-C-0095 Descriptors: "Digital maps, "Editing, "Interactive graphics, Input output devices, Subroutines, Real time. Automation. Identifiers: Digital Data Editing System, PDP-1 1 /45 computers, Plotters, Computer graphics, Comput- er aided mapping. A requirement within a computerized map and chart production process is editing of the digitized data prior to the final copy. This paper describes an off-line editing subsystem of the semi-automat- ed cartography system developed by the U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratory (USAETL) at Fort Belvoir and the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) production centers. (Author) AD-A062 831/3 Army Missile Research and Development Com- mand Redstone Arsenal AL Technology Lab Software Development for Interfacing AN HP- 21 MX with a Tektronix 4051 Technical rept. Jerrel R. Mitchell. 29 Sep 78, 45p Rept no. DRDMI-T-78-102 Availability: Document partially illegible Descriptors: "Computer graphics, "Minicomputers, Fortran, Data processing terminals, Data process- ing equipment. Identifiers: "Computer software, Tektromix 4051 Graphic System, HP-21 MX computers, Computer programs, Data transmission. In this report, software developments for fully utiliz- ing the marriage between a Tektronix 4051 Graph- ic System, an HP-21 MX minicomputer, and an HP- 9885M flexible disc are presented First, software necessary for this combination is presented in sev- eral tables Then three programs that were specifi- cally tailored for transferring data between the three devices are presented and discussed The use of each program is illustrated with one or more examples (Author) AD-A062 939/4 Army Military Personnel Center Alexandria VA Microprocessor Control of the Blood Flow Plethysmograph Final rept Walter E Seiberlmg. 15 Dec 78. 151 Master's thesis. Availability: Microfiche copies only Descriptors: "Blood circulation, "Plethysmo- graphy, "Microprocessors. Automatic, Real time, Floating point operation, Measurement, Accuracy. Theses, Time intervals, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Medical computer applications The Blood Flow Plethysmograph, an instrument to measure blood flow through non-invasive tech- niques, is automated with an Intei SBC 80/10 single board computer. The automated system provides a real-time output capability, reduces op- erator's error, and improves the accuracy of the measurement. (Author) AD-A063 004/6 Questron Corp San Diego CA Radiation Hardened Microprocessor. Volume II Final rept. Oct 76-Dec 77 V. V. Nickel, and P. A. Rosenberg. May 78, 206p AFAL-TR-78-55-VOL-2 Contract F33615-77-C-1001 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Radiation har- dening, "Integrated circuits, "Microprogramming, Subroutines, Complementary metal oxide semi- conductors, Gates(Circuits), Arrays, Read only memories, Random access computer storage, Minicomputers, Microcomputers, Simulation, Throughput, Semiconductors, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: "Emulators(Computers), Silicon on sapphire, Large scale integrated circuits, Intel 8080 computers. The basic conclusion of this emulation analysis effort is that the GPU and its supporting devices (GUA, ROM and RAM) constitute a viable micro- processor bit slice device family However, defi- ciencies were found in the GPU and its family members that must be rectified to ensure a truely competitive product line capable handling Air Force requirements GPU design deficiencies are presently being corrected. Deficiencies in the breadth of the device family were also found to exist and recommendations for additional part types for the family are proposed The most impor- tant additional device type required is a micropro- gram controller. Building a CMOS/SIS version of the AMD 2910 is recommended. A parallel effort was undertaken to define and design, to the gate level, a particular computer for emulation using the device family. This effort provided a test of the emulation capabilities of the device family. Further deficiencies in the devices were found as a result of this effort. The computer selected for emulation was the 8080--a microprocessor representative of the higher performance microprocessors on the market. A major accomplishment of this program was the detailed design of an 8080 emulator using the device family. AD-A063 160/6 Army Aviation Research and Development Com- mand St Louis MO Automatic Null Steering/Surveillance Array System (ANSAS) for Global Positioning System (GPS) Application Final rept Jack Gray. Charles M DeSantis, and Thomas J. Brown Dec 78, 48p Rept no USAAVRADCOM- TR-78-57 Descriptors: "Global positioning system, "Naviga- tion aids, Automatic, Antenna arrays, Microwave receivers. Phased arrays. Microprocessors, Com- puter programs, Antenna radiation patterns. Elec- tronic counter countermeasures. Antijamming, Manportable equipment. Identifiers: Null steering. Signal to jam ratio. Global Positioning System Receivers can be af- fected by interference from unfriendly jammers. The ANSAS Automatic Null Steering/Surveillance array System for Global Positioning System (GPS) application is an ECM addition for GPS application which reduces GPS performance degradation by generating a spatial null in the antenna pattern in the direction of the interference source Both auto- matic and manual modes of operation are availa- ble to the operator ANSAS operates by sensing the interference environment and optimizes S/J ratio via spatial null formation under the guidance of a microprocessor controller Control signals originating in the microprocessor drive Phase-Am- plitude ad|ustments (Complex Weights) at the an- tenna elements such that a reduction in interfer- ence occurs after the summation of the antenna outputs (Author) 101 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER AD-A063 174/7 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA A Preliminary Investigation of Aural Input/ Output Systems for In-Flight Information Re- trieval Master's thesis Albert George Mertz. Sep 78, 164p Descriptors: 'Speech recognition, 'Microproces- sors, Input outpi |f processing, Inflight, Pilots, Cock- pits, Background noise, Patrol aircraft, Man ma- chine systems, Voice communications, Command and control systems, Flight control systems, Algo- rithms, Computer programs, Avionics, Theses. Identifiers: Workloads, Speech synthesis, Speech understanding systems, INTEL-8080 computers. An analysis of two commercially available Speech Undeistanding Systems (SUS) was conducted. Each system was tested against various back- ground noise conditions. Results obtained were compared with current criteria for SUS application in aircraft. Additionally, since the P-3 Orion aircraft is being considered as a SUS test aircraft, a survey of Fleet P-3 pilots was conducted. Their opinion was sought on what a SUS equipped microproces- sor should be capable of accomplishing as an aid to the flight crew. (Author) AD-A063 303/2 Naval Research Lab Washington DC REMOS: A Remote Communications Operating System for Real-Time Activities Final rept. Stephen Sutton 20 Dec 78, ?1p Rept no NRL- 8275 Descriptors: Data acquisition, Data processing equipment. Display systems, Minicomputers, Mi- crocomputers, Time sharing, Real time. Identifiers: 'Computer networks, 'Real time sys- tems, Process control, REMOS system, Dedicated computers, Distributed processing, Satellite com- puters, Host computers. REMOS is a software system that allows a host computer, usually a large time-shared computer, to serve as a background operating system for a smaller satellite dedicated to some real-time activi- ty such as data acquisition or process control. REMOS allows the bulk of the processing associ- ated with an entire real-time activity to be per- formed as background processing in the host, where a wide variety of services and utilities is available for data processing, storage, display, etc. The system also can, through the satellite comput- ers, be dedicated as needed for many real-time ap- plications The REMOS software was designed for a high degree of host transferability, so that a mini- mal investment in the satellite and access to any large time-shared system gives the user a versatile real-time system. REMOS is an open-ended system whose goal is to provide a fundamentally sound frame-work upon which more complicated, specialized systems can be constructed. (Author) AD-A063 312/3 IBM Federal Systems Div Owego NY Program Documentation for the Helmet- Mounted-Display Processor Flight Software J. Mras, W. E. Brandt. J. L. Nagel. and G M Sebasky. Feb 78, 53p AMRL-HESS-78-3 Contract F33615-75-C-5152 Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, 'Helmet mounted displays, "Head up displays. Computer programs, Television systems, Optical images, Target desig- nators, Navigational aids, Graphics, Aiming, Servo- mechanisms, Formats, Input output processing, Flow charting. Data processing equipment, Control systems The flight software executes in the Helmet-Mount- ed-Display Processor (HMDP) to provide vector- graphic displays that may be viewed on a helmet- mounted display (HMD), or a heads-up display (HUD) There are several different display formats, each of which is selectable via pushbutton switch- es mounted in a cockpit mockup In addition, to these display selection inputs, the program is re- sponsive to data value inputs which can be ex- pressed using these same pushbuttons under var- ious modes. Dynamic data received from actual aircraft electronics units are accommodated by an analog input capability and a synchro input capa- bility These dynamic inputs define the aircraft state and the helmet pointing angles to the flight software program. The various display generation routines that comprise the flight software program use these dynamic and static inputs to derive meaningful flight displays in several specific orien- tations, all of which are dynamically responsive to aircraft translation and rotation, as well as head pointing angle. In addition, the vector-graphics dis- plays when viewed on the HMD may be mixed with a TV. image. AD-A063 370/1 Burroughs Corp Paoli PA Federal and Special Sys- tems Group Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM). Maintenance Mapual Final rept. Jul 75-Apr 77. Apr 77, 225p AD-E100-145 Contract DCA100-75-C-0054 Descriptors. "Communications networks, 'Control systems, 'Systems management, 'Computer ar- chitecture, Computer programs, Communication terminals. Nodes, Input output devices, Micro- processors, Maintenance. Closed loop systems, Department of Defense, Global communication systems, Simulation. Identifiers: 'Defense Communication System, Sys- tems engineering. This publication is the Hardware Maintenance Manual for the Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM) It provides the information needed for maintenance of all hardware items contained in ESM cabinets numbers 1 , 2. and 3. AD-A063 407/1 Burroughs Corp Paoli PA Federal and Special Sys- tems Group Exploratory Systems Control Model (ESM), Book 1. FORTRAN. Software Maintenance Manual Final rept Jul 75-Apr 77 Apr 77, 252p Rept no. 66143-3 Contract DCA100-75-C-0054 Descriptors: 'Communications networks, 'Control systems, 'Computer architecture, Systems man- agement, FORTRAN, Computer programs. Flow charting, Data management, Microprocessors, As- semblers, Microprogramming, Closed loop sys- tems, Department of Defense, Global communica- tion systems, Simulation. Identifiers: 'Defense communication system, Man- uals, Systems engineering. The software described in this Software Mainte- nance Manual is contained on four TU10 mag- tapes. Book 1 contains description, flowcharts, and listings for programs written in FORTRAN. Tape 1 contains the source, object, task, overlay description language, message, system, ATEC simulation, and command files used for the User Language, Record Move Utility, and Interprocess Communication and Resource Sharing Demon- stration Programs for host processors A and B. Tape 2 contains microcode source and object files for loading the eleven B7* CIE microprocessors, and the microcode loader utility. Tape 3 contains the task, source, object, and overlay description language files for the Mini-D Micro Programming Language Assembler Tape 4 contains the ESM Diagnostic Library. AD-A063 572/2 Defence Research Establishment Valcartier (Quebec) An Improved Version of an Assembler and Simulator for the 8080 J. N. Berube, R Carbonneau. B Montminy. and P Cote Nov 78. 37p Rept no. DREV-R-4124/78 Descriptors: 'Assemblers. 'Simulators. Computer programs. Fortran. Machine translation. Machine coding. Microprocessors. Tables(Data) Identifiers: lntel-8080 computers. Canada This report describes an improved version of an assembler and simulator being used to translate man-readable statements into machine understan- dable code This program, written in Fortran. allows programming of the 8080 microprocessor in symbolic language as well as the use of labels for lump instructions while the simulator duplicates ex- actly the behavior of the microprocessor in real ap- plications. It is also possible to simulate interrupts and print out intermediate results. This new version may be used on any computer with a Fortran com- piler while the former APL version was slower by a factor of ten and limited to a computer with an APL interpreter (Author) AD-A063 729/8 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Cambridge MA Command and Control Related Computer Technology: Packet Radio Quarterly progress rept. No. 15, 1 Jun-31 Aug 78 M. Beeler, J. Burchfiel, R. Perlman, W. W Plummer, and V. Strazisar Jan 79. 43p Rept no BBN-3961 Contract MDA903-75-C-0180. ARPA Order-2935 Descriptors: 'Radio equipment, 'Computer com- munications, 'Command and control systems, Computer programs, Communications networks, Digital computers, Labels, Routing Identifiers: Transmission Control Program, PDP-1 1 computers, Point to point routing, Packet radio communication, Packet switching. This document describes progress on develop- ment of a packet radio network Activities reported include work on Station Software and Inter- networking Research and Development (Author) AD-A063 802/3 Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc., Cambridge, MA. Improvements to the BCPL Programming System Final rept. 13 Apr-30 Nov 78 Harry C Forsdick, Arthur Evans, Jr, and Robert H. Thomas. Dec 78, 71p Rept no. BBN-3983 Contract N00039-78-C-0313, ARPA Order-3567 Descriptors: 'Programming languages, Optimiz- ation, Compilers, Assembly languages, Subrou- tines, Algorithms, Optimization Identifiers: BCPL programming language, PDP-1 computers, TENEX system. TOPS-20 system. No abstract available AD-A064 059/9 Air Force Inst, of Tech . Wright-Patterson AFB, OH School of Engineering. Preliminary Design of a Universal Network In- terface Device Master's thesis Sam C. Sluzevich. Dec 78. 274p Rept no AFIT/ GE/EE/78-41 Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, 'Interfaces, Digital systems. Communications networks. Input output processing. Life cycles. Computer programs. Theses Identifiers: Universal network interface devices A preliminary design was developed for a special microprocessor based interface called the univer- sal network interface device The universal net- work interface device accepts peripheral inouts, formats these inputs into a message structure es- tablished by the link control protocol, and transmits the messages over the communication network Conversely, it accepts messages from the net- work, determines if the message to the subscriber or back on the network. The design of the univer- sal network interface device was modularized to allow the device to be configured based upon the user local network requirements AD-A064 347/8 Reynolds. Smith and Hills, Jacksonville. FL Energy Monitoring and Control System. (Report Update -1978) Final rept Ewell E Menge Jul 78. 195p USAFESA-RT- 2056 Contract DAAK70-77-C-0296 Descriptors: 'Military facilities. 'Military facilities. Control systems. Monitoring. Automation, Energy conservation. Heating. Cooling, Cost analysis. 102 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Savings, Computer programs, Minicomputers, Maintenance Identifiers: Hydronic heating systems, Energy monitoring and control systems. This report provides guidance for the selection and evaluation of both applications and equipment for energy monitoring and control system (EMCS) at U. S. Army installations The guidance is in the form of information relative to the potential appli- cation and their associated savings, the various types of EMCS available and their costs, and a method of comparing the costs to the potential savings in order to determine economic feasibility. (Author) AD-A064 396/5 Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering. Design of a SEL 86/LSI-1 1 Interface Monitor Master's thesis Janet E. Baralli. Dec 78, 113p Rept no. AFIT/ GCS/EE/78-9 Descriptors: "Computer architecture, "Interfaces, Monitors, Minicomputers, Data transmission sys- tems, Fortran, Computer programming. Formats, Input output processing, Theses. Identifiers: SEL-86 computers, LSI- 1 1 computers, Computer networks, Computer software The Air Force Materials Laboratory (AFML) uses LSI-1 1 microcomputers as one of several comput- er systems available for collecting test data. For conducting these tests, LSI-1 1 programs must be loaded into and data collected from the LSI-1 1 using paper tapes. Data is later stored on a larger computer system at AFML, the SEL 86. The pur- pose of this investigation has been to design a SEL 86/LSI-1 1 interface that will automate manual pro- cedures. The interface design enhances the cur- rent LSI-1 1 system by providing the following ca- pabilities: load binary programs and data residing on a SEL 86 file into LSI-1 1 memory: transmit data stored in LSI-1 1 memory to one or more SEL 86 files, and place the LSI-1 1 memory into a transpar- ency mode such that it is a peripheral as viewed by the SEL 86. The principles of software engineering have been applied in both the analysis and design phases. Formal tools have been used in defining the requirements and developing the structured design. The resulting design is an interface monitor with software residing on both the LSI-1 1 and the SEL 86. The added capabilities are provided using either a series of commands entered at the LSI-1 1 console or as call statements in LSI-1 1 Fortran compiled programs. (Author) AD-A064 633/1 Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering. Electrical Engineering Digital Design Labora- tory Communications Network. Part 3 Master's thesis Donald L Ravenscroft. Dec 78, 52p Rept no. AFIT/GCS/EE/78-16-PT-3 Descriptors: "Communications networks, "Mini- computers. "Communications traffic. "Data links. Instruction manuals. Interfaces. Routing, Algo- rithms. Theses. Identifiers: ALTAIR-8800B computers, CYBER-74 computers. Distributed networks, Protocols, CY- BERSCP computer program. This manual provides instructions on how to oper- ate the CYBER System Computer Program (CY- BERSCP). The primary purpose of the CYBERSCP is to provide a software interface that allows direct transfer of user created data files between the Altair 8800b minicomputer and the ASD/AFIT CDC CYBER 74 computer The CYBERSCP also provides the capability to execute SCOPE com- mands using the CYBER 74 INTERCOM System. The CYBERSCP is composed of five computer programs implemented on the Altair 8800b com- puter in the Electrical Engineering Digital Engineer- ing Laboratory. The five programs are: (1) DOSCYB. (2) CYBER, (3) CIN3, (4) BASIC and (5) TIME. All of these programs working together es- tablish and maintain the CYBER 74 to Altair data interface. AD-A064 728/9 Air Force Inst, of Tech., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. School of Engineering. Microprocessor Based Data Acquisition and Processing System Msstor's thesis Saleem Iftekhar. Dec 78, 239p Rept no AFIT/ GE/EE/78-29 Descriptors: "Data acquisition, "Microcomputers, "Data processing, Microprocessors, Signal proc- essing, Computer programs, Damage, Fatigue(Mechanics), Systems engineering, Real time, Theses. Identifiers: LSI-1 1 M computerd. The Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, plans to design a constrained layer damping treatment for aircraft components. This design requires the knowledge of vibration and temperature variations that a component encounters in service. The de- velopment of a microprocessor based data acqui- sition and processing system (MIBDAPS) to moni- tor the vibration and temperature variations of a component under test is discussed in this paper. The designed system is capable of acquiring and processing data in real time and generating cumu- lative damage factor versus frequency and tem- perature contours. These contours are used in the design of the damping treatment. The system uses an LSI-1 1M microcomputer as its central proces- sor. The support hardware for this microcomputer includes an analog-to-digital converter, core memory, real time clock, and serial line interface module. The software developed for this system handles the acquisition and processing of data. The real time processing includes the computation of the FFT and power spectrum of the vibration signal and subsequent calculation of the cumula- tive damage factor versus frequency and tempera- ture contours. The bench model of the designed system was implemented and tested for functional performance. (Author) AD-A064 795/8 Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA. Dept. of Computer Science. Reliability in Multiprocessor Systems. A Case Study of a Multi-Minicomputer, a Modular Multi- Microprocessor and a Voted Multiprocessor Daniel P. Siewiorek, and Vittal Kini. Sep 78, 141 p CMU-CS-78-143, AFOSR-TR-79-0067 Contract F44620-73-C-0074 Descriptors: "Multiprocessors, Reliability, Fault tol- erant computing, Case studies, Computer architec- ture Identifiers: Computer systems hardware, Comput- er software, Minicomputers, Microcomputers, Fail- ure This report consists of two papers that treat reli- ability of the multiprocessor systems at CMU. The first paper discusses the multiprocessor architec- tures, reliability features (hardware and software), and measured reliability data. The second paper presents hard failure data from one of the systems, calibrates a hard failure rate model, and analytical- ly models the reliability of the three systems. AD-A065 222/2 Electronics Engineering Group (1842nd), Scott AFB, IL. A Microprocessor-Based Control Event Scan- ner Final rept. James R. Hammer, and Michael D. Verstegen. 31 Jan 79. 58p Rept no. 1842-EEG/EETET-TR- 79-6 Descriptors: "Microprocessors. "Data links, "Counters, "Warning systems. Electric relays, False alarms. Analog to digital converters. Timing circuits. Data acquisition, Computer programs. Standardization. Identifiers: Timers, Event scanners, Performance monitoring. Dedicated instruments. Standard buses. The Control Event Scanner (CES) is a micro- processor-based device which will control and sense relay contract closures via the IEEE Stand- ard 488-1975 Interface Bus, hereafter known as the General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) Through the use of a microcomputer, other func- tions such as pulse counting, analog to digital con- version, digital timing, etc., are easily implemented. With a fully implemented unit, the capability exists to realize a low-cost, fully programmable automat- ed test fixture suitable for use in a distributed per- formance assessment network (DPAN). With the use of the GPIB and an internal microcomputer, on-line reconfiguration is possible to implement a variety of dedicated performance assessment in- struments. Performance assessment and a fault isolation example are discussed. (Author) AD-A065 542/3 Decisions and Designs Inc McLean VA Users Guide to the Early Warning and Monitor- ing System Users guide Thomas R. Davies, and Brenda D. Bell. Nov 78, 56p Rept no. UG-78-3-39 Contract N00014-76-C-0712 Prepared in cooperation with International Public Policy Research Corp. Descriptors: "Crisis management, "Early warning systems, "Monitors, "Interactions, Forecasting, Digital computers, Computer programs, Interna- tional relations, Indicators. Identifiers: Early Warning and Monitoring System, Crisis Forecasting, International Crises, Political In- dicators, Economic Indicators, Military Indicators, Crisis management program, PDP-11/70 comput- ers. The Early Warning and Monitoring System(EWAMS) is being developed, tested and transferred at the direction of the Cybernetics Technology Office of the Defense Advanced Re- search Projects Agency (DARPA/CTO). The EWAMS is being developed to assist the intelli- gence community by providing them with an inter- active computer-based system of political, eco- nomic, and domestic indicators for daily monitoring of international and intranational affairs and for warning of crisis and conflict. The EWAMS has been designed to fulfill three basic needs of poten- tial users. First, it can be used as an information retrieval system. The EWAMS allows users to re- trieve data on the historical, political actions taken by countries as far back as 1966 Second, the system can be used as a monitoring system. Users can monitor the entire international political envi- ronment on a daily basis. Third, the EWAMS can be used as warning system. It allows users to re- ceive numerical assessments of the probability of a crisis on a monthly basis. The EWAMS is com- prised of several independent computer programs This users guide contains an overview of these programs and a description of their operation. The EWAMS program is designed to be implemented on a Tektronix 4051 in interaction with a PDP/11- 70 computer. (Author) AD-A065 644/7 Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ Blacks- burg Dept of Computer Science Transfer of APL Workspaces: A Useful Solu- tion Technical rept. Karl Rautenkranz, and Richard J Orgass Sep 78, 30p CS78006-T, AFOSR-TR-79-0238 Grant AFOSR-79-0021 Prepared in cooperation with Arizona Univ., Tucson. Grant no. AFOSR-78-3499. Availability: Microfiche copies only Descriptors: "Computer architecture. Computer files. Computer programs. Data links, Data proc- essing. Data processing terminals Identifiers: APL Workspace Interchange. Program- ming languages, APL programming language. Decsystem-10 computers. STAPL convention. Most suppliers of APL have not yet implemented the STAPL convention for transmitting workspaces from one installation to another This report de- scribes three workspace representations which may be used on a DECsystem-10 for this purpose Two are partial implementations of the STAPL convention: one for level 2 of the convention, the other for level 3. The third representation is a ter- minal transcript file which is to be used as an input file. In addition, these representations may be used 103 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER to reduce the disk storage required for APL work- spaces on the DECsystem-10. (Author) AD-A066 142/1 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Cambridge MA lnterlisp-11 Final technical rept. 1 Jul 77-31 Jun 78 Alice K. Hartley. Mar 79, 43p Rept no. BBN-4076 Contract N00014-77-C-0480 Descriptors: Computer programs, Communica- tions networks, Addressing, Data rate, Interpret- ers, Interfaces, Compatibility, Compilers, Clocks. Identifiers: *PDP-11/40 computers, PDP-10 com- puters, LISP programming language, Interlisp 11 system, Minicomputers, Virtual memory. This report describes the implementation of an In- terlisp system on a PDP-11/40 with writable con- trol store and an extended virtual address space. The system provides on a minicomputer the capa- bility and performance previously available only on large time sharing systems. (Author) AD-A066 197/5 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB OH School of Engineering A Development System for Microprocessor Based Pattern Recognizers. Volume II Master's thesis John R. Leary. Dec 78, 147p Rept no. AFIT/ GCS/EE/78-12-VOL-2 See also Volume 1 , AD-A064 1 94. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Pattern recognition, "Microproces- sors, Microprogramming, Computer program docu- mentation, Subroutines, Interactive graphics, Character recognition, Signal processing, Comput- er files, Read only memories, Theses. Identifiers: CDC-6600 computers, Computer pro- grams. Box 80 system. This volume contains documentation for the BOX80 System. This documentation is presented in a series of appendices. Each contains a set of charts, tables, or program listings which describe the BOX 80 System. (Author) AD-A066 743/6 Maryland Univ College Park Dept of Aerospace Engineering Structural Mathematics Modeling Final rept. Harry Schaeffer. 16 Mar 79, 7p Contract N00014-75-C-0902 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, Computer pro- grams, Structural engineering, Mathematical models, Computer applications, Central process- ing units, Core storage, Mass storage, Random access computer storage, Fortran. Identifiers: "Structural analysis. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the poten- tial of microcomputers for supporting engineering analysis The study was motivated by the introduc- tion of low-cost microcomputers and associated peripheral equipment. (Author) AD-A067 175/0 Lehigh Univ Bethlehem PA Structuring of Data Systems: Psychophysiolo- gical Data from the Dynamic Flight Simulator Final rept. Bruce D. Fritchman, and John G. Nelson. 9 Mar 79. 39p NADC-79052-60 Contract N62269-77-C-0347 Descriptors: "Flight simulators, "Psychophysio- logy, 'Data reduction. "Computer applications, Data compression, Data acquisition. Analog to digital converters, Pattern recognition. Dynamics, Computer programs, Minicomputers, Data proc- essing equipment. Identifiers: Feature extraction, CDC 6600 comput- ers, Data collection, Data processing, "Information systems. This investigation considered the methods and problems of collection, storage, processing and display of psychophysiological data from dynamic flight simulation in the Naval Air Development Center human centrifuge, using analog, mini, and remote main-frame computers. An integrated data processing system is described. Problems associ- ated with data collection and storage are evaluat- ed, and alternate solutions discussed. Anticipated problems in the development of data processing software are examined, and the applicable basic technology identified. Approaches to the critical problem of orderly and systematic development and maintenance of software for semi-open-shop operations is examined. (Author) AD-A067 249/3 Wharton School Philadelphia PA Dept of Decision Sciences Exploring the Concept of a CODASYL Data- base Machine Technical rept. Jan-Dec 78 Richard D. Hackathorn. Jan 79, 34p Rept no. 78- 12-04 Contract N00014-75-C-0440 Descriptors: 'Data management, 'Data bases, In- formation processing, Computer applications, Input output processing, Hierarchies, Fiies(Records), Subroutines, Algorithms, Syntax. Identifiers: CODASYL model, Decsystem-10 com- puters. This paper explores the concept of a database ma- chine using the approach of the CODASYL data model. A database machine is defined as an inte- gration of hardware and software for providing generalized database management capability in a physically separate device. The advantages of a database machine, along with functional specifica- tions, are presented. Next, an illustration of using a database machine is given through an example of invoice processing using the SEED database man- agement system on a DECsystem-10 computer Finally, the implications of several design alterna- tives arising from the illustration are discussed. (Author) AD-A067 402/8 Naval Weapons Center China Lake CA Navy Laboratory Interactive Graphics Study Final rept. for FY78 Dale Oliver Christensen. Mar 79, 45p Rept no. NWC-TP-6083 Descriptors: 'Interactive graphics, 'Minicom- puters, Information systems, Naval research labo- ratories, Costs, Standardization, Graphics, Data acquisition, Naval planning. Identifiers: Navy Laboratory Interactive Graphics Study. The objective of the Navy Laboratory Interactive Graphics Study (nligs) was to define the interactive graphics needs of the Navy laboratories in the present and in the future. In this study, interactive graphics refers to the minicomputer-based turnkey interactive graphics systems (MTIGSs). The seven Navy laboratories formally requested a total of 1 10 work stations under NLIGS The application areas are documentation and drafting, mechanical design and layout, integrated circuit design, design and fabrication of printed circuit boards, and tape preparation for numerical control machines. The recommendations of the NLIGS are that S10M in funds be identified over a 2-fiscal-year period to procure a Navy laboratory MTIGS, that a support organization be established to increase overall system productivity, that a productive study be initi- ated to develop the methods of monitoring system productivity, that each Navy laboratory submit an interactive graphics implementation plan, and that a national graphics information interchange stand- ard be pursued (Author) AD-A067 538/9 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB NY Modem Identification Experiments Rept for Jan-Aug 78 Jorge A. Fernandez. Feb 79, 79p Rept no RADC-TR-79-55 Descriptors: "Modems, "Pattern recognition, Data acquisition, Digital computers, Computer pro- grams, Input output devices, Pseudo random sys- tems, Phase shift keyers, On line systems, Classifi- cation, Algorithms. Identifiers: Feature extraction, Interactive process- ing, PARLAN computer program, PDP-1 1 /45 com- puters, Message switching, Pulse communication, Identifying. This report describes the design and evaluation of classifiers for distinguishing four types of modems; the CODEX LXI-9600, the HUGHES HC-276, the PARADYNE LSI-96, and LENKURT 26-C. The data used to develop these classifiers consisted of many digitized time sample waveforms for each modem and was collected by RADC's Digital Com- munication Experimental Facility (DICEF). With the Waveform Processing System (WPS) capabilities, the Interactive Processing Section of the Informa- tion Sciences Division (ISCP) analyzed this wave- form data and extracted an initial set of eighty fea- tures. This initial set was later modified to fifty fea- tures. The On-Line Pattern Analysis and Recogni- tion System (OLPARS) was then used to develop a number of classifier designs which are based on different subsets of the initial fifty features. (Author) AD-A067 551/2 United Technologies Research Center East Hart- ford CT Microprocessor Requirements for Implement- ing Modern Control Logic Final rept. 1 Feb 78-31 Jan 79 Florence A. Farrar, and Richard S. Eidens. Mar 79, 79p UTRC/R79-944258-2, AFOSR-TR-79- 0449 Contract F49620-78-C-0017 Presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Com- mittee Meeting, 28 Sep 78, Cambridge, MA. Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, Computer logic, Control theory, Closed loop systems, Algorithms, Stochastic control, Linear programming, Memory devices, Operational effectiveness, Turbofan en- gines. Identifiers: F-100 engines, Feedback control, Intel- 8080 computers, LSI-1 1 12 computers. Analytical procedures for establishing micro- processor requirements for multivariable feedback control of linear stochastic dynamic systems were developed and evaluated. Key issues in micro- processor implementation of modern estimation and control logic include (1) accuracy, (2) compu- tational capability including arithmetic as well as in- terface speed, and (3) memory requirements. Compatibility of current microprocessor technol- ogy with the established implementation require- ments was assessed. The analytical method to es- tablish microprocessor accuracy requirements for closed-loop digital control of linear stochastic sys- tems is based upon defining a quadratic perform- ance index that provides a quantitative measure of performance degradation. This method is em- ployed to determine closed-loop system time re- sponse sensitivity to (1) microprocessor word length and (2) system structure (standard, Jordan canonical or companion forms) within the control logic. The developed procedures were evaluated and illustrated by application to (1) a second-order system and (2) a linearized fifth-order F100 turbo- fan engine model. Results were verified using a digital simulation of a continuous system/micro- processor controller. Microprocessors considered were the Intel 8080 microprocessor (an 8 bit micro- processor) and the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) LSI 11/2 microprocessor (a 16 bit micro- processor). AD-A067 744/3 Battelle Columbus Labs OH A Preliminary Study of Built-in-Test for the Mili- tary Computer Family (MCF) Final rept. 14 Feb-16 Oct 78 J B. Clary. Atul Jai. Scott Weikel, Richard Soeks. and Dan Siewiorek Mar 79. 203p CORADCOM- 76-0100-F Contract DAAG29-76-D-0100 Prepared in cooperation with Research Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park, NC. Rept. no. RTI/ 1600/00-05F, Descriptors: "Error detection codes, Computer program reliability, Monitoring, Test methods. 104 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Performance(Engmeering), Microprocessors, Input output processing. Identifiers: AN/UYK-41, PDP 11/40 computers, "Computer performance evaluation. This study has addressed the use of built-in-test (BIT) for fault detection, isolation, and repair in the Military Computer Family (MCF). Particular empha- sis was given to the identification and assessment of BIT techniques applicable to the MCF-AN/UYK- 41 (V). The MCF-AN/UYK-41(V) is software com- patible with Digital Equipment Corporation's PDP- 11/70. The approach taken in this study was to assume a fault population, predict where in the system these faults are most likely to occur and develop a rationale for deploying built-in fault de- tection and localization resources accordingly. The fault population assumed included both stuck-at and transient faults. It was determined using a fail- ure prediction program based on MIL-HDBK-217B that for related computers, it is likely that 60% of all faults will occur in memory, 30% will be in the CPU and the remainder will happen throughout the rest of the computer including the power supply. AD-A067 892/0 Arizona Univ Tucson Dept of Chemistry Advanced Software Concepts for Employing Microcomputers in the Laboratory Interim rept. Scott B. Tilden, and M. Bonner Denton. 4 Apr 79, 26p Rept no. TR-18 Contract N00014-75-C-0513 Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, Computer pro- grams, Chemical laboratories, Input output proc- essing, Compilers, High level languages, Comput- er architecture, Read only memories, Machine coding, Flow charting. Identifiers: CONVERS compiler, Computer soft- Current trends in the computerization of special- ized custom chemical instrumentation indicate the increasing utilization of dedicated microproces- sors. Conventional software techniques often pos- sess serious limitations in regard to initial develop- ment effort, execution speed, flexibility, and/or hardware required. A high-level interpretive com- piler software package CONVERS is described which offers numerous advantages compared to conventional approaches including high speed op- eration, high level I/O, language flexibility, superior memory efficiency and a variety of other desirable characteristics. (Author) AD-A068 037/1 Naval Research Lab Washington DC Multiport RS232 to NTDS Multiplexor for AN/ UYK-20 Final rept. L. E. Russo. 23 Apr 79, 59p Rept no. NRL-MR- 3980 Descriptors: "Multiplexing, *Naval tactical data system, "Computer communications, "Minicom- puters, Channels, Computer programs, Modules(Electronics), Read only memories, Micro- processors, Debugging(Computers), Standardiza- tion. Identifiers: AN/UYK-20, Protocols, INTEL-8080 computers, Packet communications. A multiport RS232-NTDS Multiplexor will be dis- cussed. This microprocessor driven hardware device has the capability of multiplexing up to 48 RS232 ports into a single parallel NTDS channel obeying intercomputer protocol. Each RS232 port has software programmable functions similar to AN/UYK-20 RS232 functions. The device is modu- lar so that RS232 ports may be added incremental- ly as needed. The device is flexible: a very general priority interrupt structure is provided by a combi- nation hardware logic and microprocessor firm- ware. As a result of this flexibility and modularity, the device can easily accommodate special pur- pose peripheral devices. The motivation for con- struction of the device will be discussed along with possible applications. Salient design features af- fecting flexibility, modularity and throughput will be discussed. This is a final report on this phase of the problem. (Author) AD-A068 158/5 Federal Cobol Compiler Testing Service Washing- ton DC FORTRAN Compiler Validation Summary Report DECSYSTEM 10. FORTRAN , Version 5A 17 Apr 79, 17p Rept no. FCCTS/FCVS66- VSR370 Descriptors: "Compilers, Fortran, Standards, Time sharing, Input output processing. Identifiers: Proving, Verifying, Decsystem-10 com- puters. This Validation Summary Report (VSR) for the DECSYSTEM - 10 FORTRAN Compiler Version 5A (TOPS-10 Version 6.03A) provides a consoli- dated summary of the results obtained from the validation of the subject compiler against the 1966 FORTRAN Standard (X3.9-1966). The VSR is made up of several sections showing the discrep- ancies found. These include an overview of the validation which lists all categories of discrepan- cies; a section relating the categories of discrepan- cies to the language; and a detailed listing of dis- crepancies together with the tests which were failed. (Author) AD-A068 159/3 Federal Cobol Compiler Testing Service Washing- ton DC Fortran Compiler Validation Summary Report. DECSYSTEM 20. FORTRAN, Version 5A 17 Apr 79, 16p Rept no. FCCTS/FCVS66- VSR375 Descriptors: "Compilers, Fortran, Standards, Time sharing, Input output processing. Identifiers: Proving, Verifying, Decsystem-20 com- puters. This Validation Summary Report (VSR) for the DECSYSTEM 20 FORTRAN Compiler Version 5A (TOPS-20 MONITOR Version 3A) provides a con- solidated summary of the results obtained from the validation of the subject compiler against the 1966 FORTRAN Standard (X3.9-1966). The VSR is made up of several sections showing the discrep- ancies found. These include an overview of the validation which lists all categories of discrepan- cies; a section relating the categories of discrepan- cies to the language; and a detailed listing of dis- crepancies together with the tests which were failed. (Author) AD-A068 204/7 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Devel- opment Center Bethesda MD GIRS (Graph Information Retrieval System) Users Manual Research and development rept. Irving S. Zaritsky. Apr 79, 192p Rept no. DTNSRDC-79/036 Descriptors: "Data management. Information re- trieval, Associative processing, Data bases, Nodes, Graphs, Magnetic disks, Data storage sys- tems, Computer programs, Subroutines, Fortran, Programming manuals. Identifiers: Graph information retrieval system, "Data base management systems, Fortran 4 pro- gramming language, CDC-6700 computers, PDP- 1 1/45 computers, Univac-1 108 computers. The Graph Information Retrieval System (GIRS) provides a convenient and efficient technique for the insertion, retrieval, modification, and deletion of data in a data base. This technique is based on a scheme of representing the various data items as nodes and establishing the relationships be- tween the nodes by linking them together into node-link-node triples which are assembled into a graph that can be stored on disk. GIRS is made up of 15 FORTRAN subroutines. It has been imple- mented on the CDC 6700, the PDP 1 1 /45, and the UNIVAC 1 108 computing systems, and can easily be adapted to other machines having FORTRAN IV compilers. The implementation and use of GIRS are described. (Author) AD-A068 367/2 Army Communications Research and Develop- ment Command Fort Monmouth NJ Running an Ionospheric Ray Tracing Program on the PDP-11/40 Mini-Computer - Instruction Book Research and development technical rept. Abraham Shuval, and Francis J. Gorman. Apr 79, 123p Rept no. CORADCOM-79-1 Descriptors: "Ionospheric propagation, "Ray trac- ing, Computer programming, High frequency, Elec- tromagnetic wave reflections, Azimuth, lono- sondes, Transmitters, Direction finding, Real time, Electron density, Tilt, Ionosphere, Drift, Doppler effect, Minicomputers, Instruction manuals, For- tran, Computer programs. Identifiers: Digisondes, PDP-11/40 computers, Programming manuals. Locating the source of transmission is one of the tasks of military intelligence, In VHF frequencies and above, the technique is straight forward. In HF (2-30 MHz), the situation is different since the main mode of propagation is by reflection from the ion- osphere. This enables the use of a different tech- nique where the azimuth and elevation of the in- coming wave are measured together with the state of the ionosphere at the time of reception. AN this information is presented as an input to an ionos- pheric ray tracing program that calculates the ray's trajectory from the reception site to the transmit- ting point. The actual system needed is quite com- plicated and elaborate. Apart from the equipment to measure the direction of the arrival of the incom- ing wave, there is a requirement to measure in real-time the structure of the ionosphere at the area of interest. It is required, therefore, to meas- ure the electron density profile and the tilts of the ionospheric layers. This can be accomplished by using a Digisonde together with a special 'Drift At- tachment' equipment that can measure ionos- pheric tilts by Doppler techniques. This report is essentially an instruction book that shows how to run the ray tracing program on the PDP-1 1 /40. The first part describes generally how to write into the machine, edit, debug, and run a FORTRAN pro- gram. The second part depicts the oepration of the ray tracing program itself. AD-A068 370/6 Aeronautical Research Labs Melbourne (Australia) A Cassette Tape Recorder/Reader Interface for Microprocessors Technical memo. P. Ferrarotto. Nov 78, 31 p Rept no. ARL/AERO- TM-311 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, "Cassettes, "Data storage systems, Magnetic tape, Tape recorders, Computer programs, Australia. Identifiers: Interfaces, Input output devices(Computers). This unit was designed to enable digital data or computer programs to be recorded on domestic quality cassette tape recorders, and thus provide an inexpensive and convenient method for the ex- change or long-term storage of data or programs. It was specifically designed for use with micro- processors as an alternative to paper tape. This unit has been built to conform with the require- ments of the RS. 232 standard, and may be con- nected to terminals or computers which conform to this standard. (Author) AD-A068 405/0 Wayne State Univ Detroit Ml Dept of Mechanical Engineering Sciences Automotive Suspension Control Final rept. Herbert K. Sachs. Oct 78. 105p TARADCOM-TR- 12377 Contract DAAK30-77-C-0066 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Automotive engineering, "Suspen- sion devices, Computer programs, Terrain, Vibra- tion, Minicomputers. Microprocessors, Fast fourier transforms, Military vehicles, Road tests, Param- eters. Identifiers: Terrain analysis. This report contains the software package for an adaptive optimal suspension control system rela- tive to terrain random vibration disturbances. The proposed problem solution is shown to fall into two 105 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER separate program categories: (a) recognition of the terrain and parameter selection, by means of an on-board minicomputer or microprocessor, (b) op- timization of suspension parameters for arbitrary terrain configurations obtained from terrain statis- tics and executed on a centrally located stationary computer facility. The interface between the sta- tionary computer facility and the on-board micro- processor is accomplished by means of a data bank prepared at the stationary facility and perma- nently stored in the memory of the on-board micro- processor. The suspension parameters are set by a servo-control on the vehicle which is activated by the microprocessor. The servo-control unit regu- lates the supply and release of air in the hydrop- neumatic suspension system, thereby increasing or decreasing the spring rate according to the opti- mal requirements. In a similar manner the damper orifice size is increased or diminished depending on the required effective damping parameter. If need arises, the vehicle can operate at fixed sus- pension parameters. The results of the investiga- tion are shown in graph form. (Author) AD-A068 538/8 Stanford Univ CA Dept of Computer Science Considerations for Microprocessor-Based Ter- minal Design Technical rept. Reid G. Smith, and Tom M. Mitchell. Dec 78, 17p Rept nos. STAN-CS-78-696, HPP-78-22 Contract MDA903-77-C-0322 Presented at the Annual Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and Computers (12th), 6-8 Nov 78, Pacific Grove, CA. Descriptors: 'Data processing terminals, 'Micro- processors, Microcomputers, Computer programs. Identifiers: INTEL-8080 computers, ARPA comput- er network. We discuss the design of hardware and software for inexpensive microprocessor-based terminal/ microcomputers. Such devices are fundamentally microcomputers that have been adapted, with spe- cialized software, to operate as remote terminals for a host computer. The discussion centers on a specific video terminal designed and constructed by the authors. This terminal is based on the INTEL 8080 microprocessor and is equipped with software sufficient to emulate the characteristics of standard video terminals required by several available screen-oriented text editors in common use at sites through the ARPAnet. We have found that the microprocessor adequately serves as the controller for such terminals, and that a software- based approach to the design of such terminals offers substantial advantages in capabilities, flexi- bility, and cost over the hardware-based approach. We suggest guidelines for future designs of micro- processor-based terminals on the basis of our ex- perience designing and using the terminal de- scribed here (Author) AD-A068 542/0 Sharp (I P) Associates Ltd Ottawa (Ontario) Euclid Compiler for PDP-1 1 Quarterly rept. no. 4, 1 Oct-31 Dec 78 David A. Bonyun 30 Jan 79, 10p Rept no IPSA- 3819-004 Contract MDA903-78-C-0037, ARPA Order-3475 Descriptors: 'Compilers, Programming languages Identifiers: EUCLID programming language, PDP- 1 1 computers, Canada. The full Euclid compiler will define a subset of Euclid between Small Euclid (the subset for boot- strapping) and Middle Euclid (the subset requested by the KSOS team) Complexities in this language, as defined, have appeared only during this writing of the compiler and some redefinition of the lan- guage seems indicated. (Author) AD-A068 625/3 Honeywell Inc Hopkins MN Defense Systems Div Development of a Prototype Automated As- sembly Machine Production Line for the Area Denial Artillery Munition (ADAM) Final technical rept 5 Jul 73-30 Nov 77 C B Christensen Nov 77, 114p Rept no 47435 Contract DAAA21-73-C-0770 Descriptors: 'Artillery ammunition, 'Area denial, 'Manufacturing, Munitions industry, Machines, Machine tool industry. Assembly, Automation, Pro- totypes, Control systems, Computer programs, Mi- croprocessors, Memory devices, Industrial produc- tion, Projectiles. Identifiers: ADAM(Area Denial Artillery Munition), M-692 projectiles, XM-692 projectiles, 155-mm projectiles. A two-phase program developed a prototype line of automated assembly machines for production of ADAM. An engineering study was conducted to review all the assembly operations and to ensure that the list of machines was feasible. With the completion of the study and the establishment of a line of prototype machines, complete sets of gen- eral and detailed machine specifications were writ- ten. Machine manufacturers were then solicited, and the bid presented by the Honeywell Machine Development Laboratory was ultimately accepted. The machine design, development, and build ef- forts then started. Contract modification P00007 called for station-by-station and function reviews of each machine. Contract modification P00009 authorized the retooling of the machines to reflect the latest concepts and design changes. The Hon- eywell Machine Development Laboratory proceed- ed with making the changes and delivered the completed machines to the manufacturing facility for use in the production of ADAM. A second ma- chine concept study was initiated under contract modification P00011 to establish the number and types of machines required to balance the line and support a production rate of 140,000 units per month The manufacture of machines proposed in this concept study was ultimately funded under Contract DAAK10-77-C-0018. AD-A068 701/2 Naval Research Lab Washington DC Military Message Experiment Quick Look Report Interim rept. S. H. Wilson, J. W. Kallander, N. M. Ill Thomas, L. C. Klitzkie, and J. R. Bunch, Jr. 30 Apr 79, 117p Rept no. NRL-MR-3992 Descriptors: 'Message processing, Computer pro- grams, Statistical analysis, Specialists, Training. Identifiers: PDP-10 computers, SIGMA computer program, 'Computer communications, MME system, TENEX system. The Military Message Experiment (MME) is de- signed to evaluate the utility of user-oriented mes- sage processing systems in a military environment and to aid in determining the features useful in such a system. The experiment is a cooperative effort between the Commander-in-Chief. Pacific, the Naby, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. To conduct the experiment, a PSP-10-based system has been installed at CINC- PAC Headquarters for use by a portion of the Op- erations Directorate. The message processing functionality is provided by SIGMA, a program writ- ten by the Information Sciences Institue of the Uni- versity of Southern California. It is supported by the TENEX operating system, and the user terminals are modified HP-2649A CRTs. The Staff began limited experimental use of the system in July 1978. This interim report discusses the impres- sions gained during this period; two additional re- ports are planned, the final to be published in De- cember 1979. The MME system is designed to give the user the capability to handle his message traffic (both incoming and outgoing, formal and in- formal) on the system. AD-A068 950/5 George Washington Univ Washington DC School of Engineering and Applied Science Development of Experimental Compilers to Generate Emulators for the BMD DDP Test Bed From High Level Language Final rept. Aug 78-Mar 79 R. E. Merwin. 1 Apr 79, 125p Contract DASG60-78-C-01 15 Availability: Microfiche copier only. Descriptors: 'Compilers, 'Microprogramming. High level languages, Feasibility studies, Machine coding, Computer architecture, Semantics. Identifiers: PL/1 programming language, PDP-11 computers, PDP-1 1/45 computers, 'Emulators(Computers), PLM programming lan- uage The use of compilers to go from high level lan- guages to microprograms is not commonplace. A few experimental compilers have been described but no support of this concept is provided by man- ufacturers of user microprogrammable computers. In this feasibility study two existing compilers ac- cepting dialects of P1/1 were considered for gen- erating microprograms for computers with a hori- zontally encoded control word format. One of the compilers which accepts the PLM language as input and produces quadruple intermediate text formats and DEC PDP 11 assembly language statements as outputs, was selected for modifica- tion to produce microprograms. A post processor is described which was added to this compiler to produce microcode for the DEC PDP 11/45 mini- computer. A performance analysis of this compiler concludes the report. (Author) AD-A068 965/3 Integrated Sciences Corp Santa Monica CA Post Detection Target State Estimation Using Heuristic Information Processing - A Prelimi- nary Investigation George J. Rebane, Walter C. Gish, Michael D. Schechterman, and Gary W. Irving. Sep 77, 104p Rept no. ISC-260-1 Contract N00123-77-C-1260 Descriptors: 'Command and control systems, 'In- formation processing, 'Antiswimmer defense sys- tems, Heuristic methods, Interpolation, Algorithms, Probability density functions. Interactive graphics, Tactical data systems, Tactical analyses, Decision making, Computer programs, Target acquisition, Harbor defense systems, Microprocessors, Con- tours. This report discusses methods of using heuristical- ly derived representations of uncertainty to im- prove the performance of military command and control systems. Two algorithms are derived to permit system operators to define and evolve non- parametric probability density functions. These al- gorithms have been instrumented on an interactive computer-graphics system. This preliminary effort is posed as an initial step of a more extended re- search and development program. (Author) AD-A069 028/9 Harvard Univ Cambridge MA Aiken Computation Lab Studies on the Feasibility of System Software Debugging Final technical rept. Jun 77-Oct 78 Rajendra K. Jain, and Ugo Gaghardi. Apr 79, 226 RADC-TR-79-20 Contract F30602-77-C-0058 Descriptors: 'Debugging(Computers), Resource management, Control theory, Monitoring, Performance(Engineering), Feasibility studies, Queueing theory, Boolean algebra, Input output processing, Costs. Identifiers: PDP-1 1/40 computers, PDP-10 com- puters. This report is two separate but parallel efforts on system software debugging studies The first study describes a theoretical approach on defining new resources management algorithms that can be uti- lized in an operating system. The second report describes an experimental work station for per- forming sophisticated operating system software debugging. The actual experimentation is per- formed by connecting a PDP 11/40 to a PDP-10 through a high speed data bus and installing on the PDP 1 1 /40 a virtual machine monitor (Author) AD-A069 193/1 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB OH School of Engineering The Design and Development of a Hybrid Moni- tor/Debugger System for the Microprogram- mable Minicomputer Emulator (MIME) Master's thesis Joseph J Zelasco, Jr. Mar 79, 156p Rept no. AFIT/GE/EE/79-3 106 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Descriptors: *Debugging(Computers), Micropro- gramming, Minicomputers, Monitors, Hybrid com- puters, Computer aided instruction, Real time, Input output processing, Programming manuals, Theses. Identifiers: Emulators(Computers), MIME comput- ers. This report describes the design and development of a monitor/debugger system for the Micropro- grammable Minicomputer Emulator (MIME). The MIME is an educationally oriented, user-micropro- grammable, general purpose minicomputer that will be used in classroom and laboratory instruc- tion and student design projects in the areas of computer control, emulation, and microprogrm- ming. The MIME Monitor/Debugger System will assist students in developing microprograms to run on the MIME and will also assist in the final integration and checkout of the MIME hardware. This report analyzes the conceptual implementa- tions of monitor/debugger systems and applies these implementations to the MIME computer. The analysis results are presented which recommend that a dual processor hybrid monitor/debugger im- plementatin should be developed for the MIME. This implementation of a hybrid system combines the flexibility of software with the speed of hard- ware. The MIME Monitor/Debugger System design presented in this report when fabricated and tested, will produce a monitor/debugger system that is interactive with the system user, has the flexibility to encompass changing user require- ments, and has the speed to monitor and control the real-time operation of the MIME computer. (Author) AD-A069 210/3 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB OH School of Engineering Evaluation of an Existing Computer System Using Structured Analysis Techniques Master's thesis Dennis L. Schweitzer. Mar 79, 1 61 p Rept no AFIT/GCS/EE/79-3 Descriptors: 'Computer graphics, Computer pro- grams, Minicomputers, Flow charting, Computer logic, Efficiency, Requirements, Computer aided design, Theses. Identifiers: PDS-4 computers. This thesis is an evaluation of an existing computer graphics system using structured analysis tech- niques. The system evaluated is the IMLAC PDS-4 minicomputer. The technique used in the evalua- tion is performed in three steps. First, the existing system is modeled into its logical equivalent using bubble charts This model shows the flow of data through the system, and the activities performed on that data. Second, a similar model is produced describing the required system as defined by the users. This model is a representation of the users' desires and requirements, and is similar to a model which might be produced during the requirements definition phase of a computer's life cycle. The third step is to compare the two models to evaluate the existing system's effectiveness, and reveal areas requiring modification for full utilizatin of the system. Following the evaluation, several recom- mendations and changes are proposed to in- crease the system's capability to meet the user re- quirements. AD-A069 393/7 Kansas State Univ Manhattan Dept of Computer Science Functionally Distributed Computing Systems: User Facility Development Final rept. 1 Jan 78-31 Jan 79 Fred Maryanski. 31 Jan 79, 13p ARO-15552.1-EL Grant DAAG29-78-G-0018 Descriptors: Minicomputers. Data processing, Data management, Distribution, Computer com- munications. Networks, Data Bases, On line sys- tems, Computer architecture, Computer programs, Computerized simulation, Systems engineering, Computer applications. Identifiers: 'Distributed computer systems. Distrib- uted data bases, PDP-1 1 /70 computers, PDP-1 1 / 34 computers, Computer networks Under a grant from the Army Research Office, Kansas State University investigated and studied the feasibility of establishing the multiple minicom- puters of the School of Aerospace Medicine into a network of computer resources. A PDP 1 1 /70 and a PDP 11/34 were acquired for use as host com- puter in a distributed processing configuration Simulations were written to test the network con- cept prior to installation. The report describes the result of the investigation. (Author) AD-A069 458/8 Rochester Univ NY Dept of Computer Science VTMS: A Virtual Terminal Management System for RIG Technical rept. Keith A. Lantz, and Richard F. Rashid. May 79, 41 p Rept no. TR-44 Contract N00014-78-C-0164, Grant NSF-MCS76- 10825 Descriptors: "Computer communications, 'Mini- computers, 'Communications networks, Data processing terminals, Communication terminals, Input output devices, Rasters, Computer graphics, Multiprocessors, Distribution, Remote terminals, Data management. Identifiers: ARPA computer network, Virtual termi- nals, VTMS system. Rochester's Intelligent Gateway provides its users with the facilities for communicating simultaneous- ly with a large number of processes spread out among various computer systems We have adopt- ed the philosophy that the user should be able to manage any number of concurrent tasks or jobs, viewing their output on his display device as he de- sires. To achieve this goal a single physical termi- nal is converted in multiple virtual terminals, each of which may be written into or queried for user input. Virtual terminals are device-independent and provide extensive editing facilities and the ca- pacity to maintain all output on disk. (Author) AD-A069 539/5 System Development Corp Santa Monica CA Software Debugging Methodology. Volume I Final technical rept Sep 77-Oct 78 Marcia Finfer, Jon Fellows, and Dan Casey. Apr 79, 170p RADC-TR-79-57-VOL-1 Contract F30602-77-C-0165 Descriptors: 'Debuggmg(Computers), Computer programming, Systems analysis, Editing, Program- ming languages. Data acquisition, Models, Mini- computers, Microcomputers. Identifiers: Computer software A debugging study was conducted which surveyed current research being performed in the area of software debugging during integration-level test- ing. Particular emphasis was placed on assessing debugging tools and techniques which were appli- cable to embedded software developments. The purpose of the debugging study was to define a software debugging methodology applicable to di- verse environments to be utilized during integra- tion testing of system software. The results of the study are contained in three volumes. This volume presents a discussion of generic debugging infor- mation requirements which are used in the activi- ties needed for integration-level debugging. Those activities are described in a debugging methodolo- gy which defines a logical progression of steps, or processes, deemed necessary to solve complex errors in system software. Many of the steps in the methodology are characterized as human thought processes and are, at best, rudimentanly de- scribed Other processes are presented as support activities to these thought processes and include information identification, derivation, and collec- tion These processes require the use of debug- ging tools, which are genencally described, for op- timizing the efficiency of debugging activities. Con- siderations of the effect of different hardware/soft- ware environments on the debugging methodology and information requirements are also described AD-A069 540/3 System Development Corp Santa Monica CA Software Debugging Methodology. Volume II. Handbook for Debugging in the MULTICS/ GCOS/RTM Environments Final technical rept. Sep 77-Oct 78 Marcia Finfer, Jon Fellows, and Dan Casey. Apr 79, 122p RADC-TR-79-57-VOL-2 Contract F30602-77-C-0165 Descriptors: 'Debugging(Computers), Systems analysis, Data processing, Computer aided instruc- tion, Editing, Data acquisition. Handbooks, Compil- ers, Fortran, Minicomputers, Computer program- ming. Identifiers: MULTICS system. GCOS system, RTM system, Computer software. A debugging study was conducted which surveyed current research being performed in the area of software debugging during integration level test- ing. Particular emphasis was placed on assessing debugging tools and techniques which were appli- cable to embedded software developments The purpose of the debugging study was to define a software debugging methodology applicable to di- verse environments to be utilized during integra- tion testing of system software. The results of the study are contained in three volumes. This volume presents the application of the debugging method- ology to three specific environments (Author) AD-A069 604/7 Science Applications Inc Englewood CO A Comparative Study of Flowcharts and Pro- gram Design Languages for the Detailed Pro- cedural Specification of Computer Programs Technical rept 12 Jul 76-1 1 Nov 77 H. Rudy Ramsey, Michael E. Atwood, and James R. Van Doren. Sep 78, 173p SAI-78-078-DEN, ARI-TR-78-A22 Contract DAHC19-76-C-0040 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: Computer programming, Flow chart- ing, Specifications, Programming languages, Mini- computers, Human factors engineering, Accuracy, Information systems, Military applications. Identifiers: PL/1 programming language, 'Soft- ware engineering, Program design languages An experiment was performed to assess the rela- tive merits of Program Design Languages (PDLs) and flowcharts as techniques for the development and documentation of detailed designs for com- puter programs. Twenty students in a computer science graduate course participated in this ex- periment. Working individually, the students de- signed a two-pass assembler for a simple mini- computer Half the students expressed their design for the first pass of the assembler in the form of a flowchart, and expressed their design for the second pass in a Program Design Language. The other half of the students used a PDL for pass one, and a flowchart for pass two. Flowcharts and PDLs were compared on the basis of various measures of overall design quality, design errors, level of detail of designs, time expended in devel- oping designs, and subjective preferences. Over- all, the results suggest that software design per- formance and designer-programmer communica- tion might be significantly improved by the adop- tion of informal Program Design Languages, rather than flowcharts, as a standard documentation method for detailed computer program designs. AD-A069 971/0 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab A New Design for the Programmable Button System at the GEODSS ETS Project rept Lawrie E. Eaton. 14 Mar 79. 17p ETS-39. ESD- TR-79-42 Contract F19628-78-C-0002 Descriptors: 'Microprocessors. Computer logic. Computer programs. Integrated circuits. Input output processing. Intercommunication systems. Identifiers GEODSS project. "Equipment inter- faces, Motorola computers Two new design approaches are presented for up- grading the programmable button interface at the GEODSS ETS These designs make use of the Motorola microprocessors. The design simplifies the logic, standardizes the interface to the host 107 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER computer, and provides increased versatility with the microprocessor software. This document as- sumes the reader is familiar with the GEODSS Ex- perimental Test System (ETS) and its basic oper- ational configuration. (Author) AD-A070 141/7 TRW Defense and Space Systems Group Redon- do Beach CA Multilevel Security for Intelligence Data Proc- essing Systems Final technical rept. J. Cotrell, C. Shu, and G. Short. Apr 79, 227p RADC-TR-79-88 Contract F30602-77-C-0119 Descriptors: *Data processing security, 'Military intelligence, Computer communications, Secure communications, Executive routines, Kernel func- tions, Computer program verification. Computer files, Time sharing, Communications networks, Computer architecture, Data processing equip- ment, Data management, Input output processing, Military requirements, Mathematical models, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: ARPA computer network, PDP-11/45 computers, KSOS system, UNIX system. This technical report summarizes the major results of a study to determine the feasibility of integrating a security kernel (enforcing DOD security policy) with the IAS operating system installable on the PDP 11/45 and other computers. The report con- tains sections on the following: Background and Problem Description: Computer System Security Requirements; Current IAS Architecture; Secure IAS Design Considerations; Secure IAS Architec- ture; Verification Plan; Development Plan; and Conclusions and Recommendations. The latter section is tempered by the DARPA sponsored de- velopment of KSOS, a 'kernalized Secure Operat- ing System' version ofUNIX. Possible options are suggested for follow-up study and development effort applicable to the AF Intelligence Community, in regard to the question of remaining with IAS/ RSX or migrating to KSOS in all systems or select- ed ones. (Author) AD-A070 286/0 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Cambridge Lab for Computer Science Distributed Computer Systems: Structure and Semantics Liba Svobodova, Barbara Liskov, and David Clark. Mar 79, 64p Rept no. MIT/LCS/TR-215 Contract N00014-75-C-0661 Descriptors: Computer programming, High level languages, Information processing, Data bases, Distribution, Time sharing, Message processing, Error analysis, Systems engineering, Minicom- puters, Computer communications, Remote termi- nals, Communications networks, Data processing. Computer programs. Computer applications, Multi- purpose. Identifiers: "Distributed computer systems, 'Dis- tributed processing. This report describes an ongoing project in the area of design of distributed systems The goal is to develop an effective programming system that will support well-structured design, implementa- tion, maintenance and control of distributed proc- essing applications This programming system combines a powerful high level language and oper- ating system features, and addresses the underly- ing system problems that affect the reliability and security perceived on the application level. The report presents a conceptual model of distributed computation, and, in the context of this model, dis- cusses our approaches to inter-node communica- tion and cooperation, reliability, and protection One of the basic goals of our project is to allow the application programmer to work with application- oriented entities. Thus, inter-node messages, error handling and protection constraints will all be ex- pressible in application oriented terms. The report concludes with some examples of the language constructs and an outline of the future research under this project (Author) AD-A070 447/8 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Cambridge MA Command and Control Related Computer Technology: Packet Radio Quarterly progress rept. no. 16, 1 Sep-30 Nov 78 M. Beeler, J. Burchfiel, R. Perlman, W. W. Plummer, and V. Strazisar. May 79, 22p Rept no. BBN-4124 Contract MDA903-75-C-0180, ARPA Order-2935 Descriptors: 'Computer communications, 'Com- mand and control systems, 'Communications net- works. Radio equipment, Computer programs, Digital computers, Access, Routing, Labels. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, Packet radios, Pro- tocols, Packet switching This document describes progress on develop- ment of a packet radio network. Activities reported include work on Station Software and Inter- networking Research and Development. (Author) AD-A070 487/4 Naval Aerospace Medical Research Lab Pensaco- laFL Documentation and User's Manual for the Visual Detection Simulator (VDS) Interim rept. Julie A. Hopson. Apr 79, 348p Rept no. NAMRL- SR-79-2 Descriptors: 'Flight simulators, 'Target acquisi- tion, 'Visual targets, Still projectors, Minicom- puters, Computer programs. Subroutines, Con- soles, Screens(Displays), Instruction manuals. The Visual Detection Simulator (VDS) is comprised of three individual subsystems: A Link GAT-1 train- er, a projection system, and a PDP 8/e controller. These systems have been custom interfaced to permit the study of target acquisition in a simulated in-flight environment. The purpose of this report is to provide an operational and maintenance manual for the VDS system. Subsystems and their interre- lationships are described, and operational proce- dures for the total system are provided. Computer programs for the simulator operation, data trans- fer, and the maintenance, and testing procedures are included. (Author) AD-A070 530/1 Texas Univ at Arlington Dept of Computer Science Implementation and Evaluation of Interval Arithmetic Software. Report 4: The IBM 370, DEC 10, and DEC PDP-1 1/70 Systems Technical rept. Ronnie G. Ward. Apr 79, 75p WES-TR-O-79-1 Contract DACA39-76-M-0247, DACA39-76-M- 0356 Descriptors: Arithmetic, Test methods, Data proc- essing. Identifiers: IBM-370 computers, PDP-1 1/70 com- puters, 'Interval arithmetic, Decsystem-10 com- puters, INTERVAL 2 system, Computer program- ming Using interval arithmetic as prescribed in the Inter- val II package is simple because of the AUGMENT preprocessor. Computer runs illustrate that interval arithmetic can show the instability of an algorithm for a given set of data. On the other hand, interval arithmetic can establish a high level of confidence in an algorithm for a given set of data. Interval arithmetic should be used (as any tool would be) where accuracy is of critical importance. Interval arithmetic is expensive to use in terms of computer time, main storage, and personnel time spent in error analysis. Some reasonable means of esti- mating the cost of using interval arithmetic in a given situation should be developed These costs would be important in the decision process of de- termining whether or not internval arithmetic would be worth the effort or not Techniques of accuracy extension on short word length machines should be examined AD-A070 996/4 Toronto Univ (Ontario) Dept of Electrical Engineer- ing Performance Prediction and Evaluation for the AN/UYK-20 and AN/UYK-7 Computers V C Hamacher. S G Zaky. and S Rannem 1975. 43p Contract N00014-75-C-1174 Descriptors: Digital computers, Data processing. Computer architecture, Minicomputers, Central processing units, Registers(Circuits), Memory de- vices, Cyclic rate, Subroutines. Identifiers: MULAD subroutine, MULSB subroutine, Regression equations, SHFTM subroutine, PDP- 11 /20 computers, Supernova computers, 'Com- puter performance evaluation, 'AN/UYK-20 com- puters, 'AN/UYK-7 computers. A review is given for a technique that relates the performance of the CPU 1 Main Memory section of small computers to standard design parameters such as wordlength, number of registers, etc. The technique was constructed from execution time and memory space data obtained by applying three small benchmark program kernels to fifteen computers. The data was used to determine re- gression equations that provide a best fit to the data. Time and space equations were developed for each kernel. Three or four variables from the set of design parameters were used as the inde- pendent variables in each equation. These varia- bles were chosen, in each case, as the ones that accounted for most of the variation in the observed data. This report applies these equations to both the AN/UYK-20 and AN/UYK-7 computers to pre- dict their time and space values with respect to the three kernels. The kernels have been programmed for these two machines and the actual time and space values obtained are compared to the pre- dicted results, as well as to the actual results ob- tained for the fifteen computers in the original study. (Author) AD-A071 005/3 RAND Corp Santa Monica CA An Introduction to the ISIS Interactive Informa- tion System Interim rept. Herbert J. Shukiar, Charles H. Bush, and Robert C. Gammill. Apr 79, 104p Rept no. RAND/R- 2435-AF Contract F49620-77-C-0023 Descriptors: Data storage systems, Data bases, Data management, Interactions, Information sys- tems, Tactical air control systems, Crisis manage- ment, Tactical air support, Missions, Digital com- puters, Instruction manuals, Time sharing. Identifiers: 'ISIS system, PDP-11 computers, Data base management systems, Interactive systems, PDP-1 1/70 computers. This report describes in a tutorial manner ISIS, an interactive data base management system devel- oped on the PDP11 computer under the UNIX ti- mesharing system. ISIS, designed for computer- naive users, uses an English-like command lan- guage to give the use the ability to view, modify, and otherwise reorganize his data base. ISIS oper- ates on data bases of modest size, exploiting the unique characteristics associated with such data bases The tutorial focus is tactical command and control, but ISIS is more generally applicable The report introduces the ISIS command language in stages, and the user with access lo Rand's PDP11/70 can try ISIS out on the command and control data base utilized in the report. The report also discusses the system development philos- ophy adopted during ISIS implementation AD-A071 011/1 Federal Compiler Testing Center Washington DC COBOL Compiler Validation Summary Report. DECSYSTEM 10, Model 1090 COBOL-74, Ver- sion 12 1 May 71. 84p Rept no CCVS74-VSR400 Descriptors: 'Compilers. Validation. Standards. Programming languages. Auditing, Test methods Identifiers: 'Cobol. Validation summary reports. Decsystem-10 computers. Proving. The purpose of the Validation Summary Report (VSR) is to identify individual COBOI language elements whose implementation does not conform lo American National Standard Programming I an- guage COBOL. X3 23-1974. and to Federal Stand- ard COBOI as adopted from the American Nation- al Standard by Federal Information Processing Standard 21-1 (FIPS PUB 21-1) The Validation Summary Report is prepared by analyzing the, re- sults of running the COBOL Compiler Validation 108 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER System (CCVS). The COBOL Compiler Validation System consists of audit routines containing fea- tures of Federal Standard COBOL, their related data, and an executive routine (VP-routine) which prepares the audit routines for compilation. Each audit routine is a COBOL program which includes many tests and supporting procedures indicating the result of the tests. AD-A071 012/9 Federal Compiler Testing Center Washington DC COBOL Compiler Validation Summary Report. DECSYSTEM 20, Model 2050 COBOL-74, Ver- sion 12 1 May 79, 85p Rept no. CCVS74-VSR405 Descriptors: 'Compilers, Validation, Standards, Programming languages. Test methods. Errors, Editing. Identifiers: 'Cobol. Validation summary reports, Proving, Decsystem-20 computers. the purpose of the Validation Summary Report (VSR) is to identify individual COBOL language elements whose implementation does not conform to American National Standard Programming Lan- guage COBOL, X3. 23-1 974, and to Federal Stand- ard COBOL as adopted from the American Nation- al Standard by Federal Information Processing Standard 21-1 (FIPS PUB 21-1). AD-A071 203/4 Drexel Univ Philadelphia PA Dept of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics Microprocessor Utilization in Ultrasonic Non- destructive Inspection Systems Technical rept. Joseph L. Rose, and Graham H. Thomas. 15 Jun 79. 38p Contract N00014-77-C-0607 Presented at the Fall ASNT Conference, Denver, CO., 1978. Descriptors: 'Nondestructive testing, 'Radiogra- phy. 'Ultrasonic tests, 'Microprocessors, Feasibil- ity studies, Laboratory tests. Digital systems, Scan- ning, Algorithms, Utilization, Interfaces, Ship hulls, Plates. Quality control. Inspection, Defects(Matenals), Computer programs, Acoustic emissions, Ship plates. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility of using microprocessors in ultrasonic in- spection Benefits of employing a microprocessor are two-fold, the first with respect to the develop- ment of a small, compact and portable inspection device, and the second with respect to obtaining flaw data in digital format for use in structural me- chanics computer programs for stress analysis AD-A071 563/1 Computer Sciences Corp Falls Church VA ATEC Software Conversion Study Final rept May-Dec 76 Ralph Brauntigam, Harry Reinhardt, James Stohler, George Schaft, and Robert Glicksman. Dec 76, 179p CSC-R4968-1-1, AD-E100-236 Contract DCA100-76-C-0048 Descriptors: 'Microcomputers, 'Control systems, Communications networks, Computer programs, Automation. Conversion, Feasibility studies, Micro- processors, Data processing equipment, Systems analysis, Performance(Engineering), Cost esti- mates. Scheduling. Identifiers: PATE system, M-8000 computers, Computer software. This report contains the results of a study to deter- mine which Programmable Automated Technical Control Terminal Element (PATE) software mod- ules could be converted to a microprocessor im- plementation The report defines the conversion criteria and recommends which software modules could be converted to a microprocessor imple- mentation The conversion feasibility is demon- strated by presenting a microprocessor configura- tion where conversion is recommended Micro- processor configurations were developed for mod- ules of the In-Service Quality Control Subsystem (IOCS). Out-of-Service Quality Control Subsystem (OQCS). Digital Distortion Monitoring Subsystem (DDMS) and the Modem Signal Monitor Subsys- tem (MSMS) functions. Cost estimates and a schedule to implement the software recommend- ed for conversion to a microprocessor are pro- vided. The results of a sample conversion and demonstration of the DDMS software routines im- plemented on a Motorola M6800 microprocessor cross-assembler and simulator are included. Mi- croprocessor maintenance methods applicable to a microprocessor implementation of PATE soft- ware routines are discussed. (Author) AD-A071 690/2 University of Southern California Marina Del Rey Information Sciences Inst PRIM System: Tool Builders Manual and User Reference Manual Technical manual Louis Gallenson, Alvm Cooperband, and Joel Goldberg. Jan 78, 150p Rept no. ISI/TM-78-7 Contract DAHC15-72-C-0308, ARPA Order-2223 Descriptors: Debugging(Computers), Micropro- gramming, Programming languages, Microproces- sors, Manuals. Identifiers: 'Emulators(Computers), 'PRIM system. PRIM is an interactive microprogrammable envi- ronment used for creating and running emulators of existing or newly specified computers, with major emphasis on debugging tools that can be operated by the user in the language of the original system. This document serves as a manual for programmers interested in writing emulation tools to run under PRIM. It covers an overview of the PRIM system design, requirements for emulators that are to run under a PRIM framewor, the MLP- 900 microprogrammable processor, the GPM lan- guage for programming emulators to run on the MLP-900, PRIM exec and debugger commands for the tool builder that supplement the commands available to the general PRIM user, and the TENEX MLP-900 driver interface for those MLP- 900 users who might not want to run under PRIM. (Author) AD-A071 972/4 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA NPS-PASCAL: A PASCAL Implementation for Microprocessor-Based Computer Systems Master's thesis John L. Byrnes. Jun 79, 283p Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, 'Compilers, Micro- computers, User needs, Programming languages, Subroutines, Data processing, Tables(Data), Theses. Identifiers: PASCAL programming language, NPS- PASCAL compiler NPS-PASCAL is a Naval Postgraduate School re- search proiect whose goal is the implementation of the PASCAL programming language on a micro- processor-based system. The NPS-PASCAL com- piler consists of two software subsystems, the first analyzes the source program and produces a ma- chine-independent intermediate form, while the second produces target machine code. The system is designed to satisfy the constraints of Standard Pascal, as defined by the British Stand- ards Institute/International Standards Organiza- tion Working Draft of Standard Pascal. AD-A072 078/9 Eastman Kodak Co Rochester NY Kodak Appara- tus Div Spectral Radiometric Measurement and Analy- sis Program. Volume 1. Description of Mobile Radiometric Laboratory System Final rept. Lawrence G. Christensen, R. Simmons, G Schauss. R Norton, and R Schoenfeld Apr 79, 98p AWS-TN-79/001-VOL-1 Descriptors: "Radiometry, 'Spectral emittance. Meteorological data, Aerial photography. Trans- missometers, Radiometers. Electromagnetic spec- tra, Data acquisition, Weather, Computer pro- grams. Research facilities. Identifiers: 'Data acquisition systems. Minicom- puters, IBM computers This report covers a recently completed contract with the United States Air Force Air Weather Serv- ice to conduct research into the transfer of atmos- pheric energy in the visible and near-infrared por- tions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Its objec- tive was to produce a spectral model of path trans- mittance, radiance, and ground-level irradiance that could be related to meteorological observa- tions through the use of simultaneous, m-situ data collections. For data collection, a self-sustaining, mobile, field radiometric laboratory was used that contained custom-designed spectroradiometers, mechanical/electrical servo controls, and comput- er interfaces; the laboratory utilized computer soft- ware for laboratory operation and data analysis. By means of minicomputers and peripherals, the labo- ratory produced calibrated and corrected data that could later be processed on larger, m-house IBM systems for development of the final radiometric model This volume (No 1) provides an engineer- ing description of the mobile laboratory, the cali- bration of radiometers, and the computer software developed to operate the laboratory More detailed documentation of devices and software is availa- ble upon request that will permit better under- standing of the details of electronic, mechanical, and optical operation and maintenance of the lab- oratory system. This related system documenta- tion is listed in Appendix A of this volume AD-A072 471/6 Army Satellite Communications Agency Fort Mon- mouth NJ Project ARIES. User's Manuals for ARIAN II and Associated Subsystems Interim rept. 16 May-24 Jul 79 Richard L. Conn. 24 Jul 79, 237 Descriptors: Microcomputers, Microprocessors, Assembly languages, Test and evaluation, Com- puter programming, User needs. Identifiers: 'Software engineering, lntel-8080 com- puters, Z-80 computers, ARIES project. The objective of the research conducted under Project ARIES is to investigate and analyze an in- teractive assembly language software develop- ment technique which is similar in several basic concepts to techniques employed in Project Gan- dalf at CORADCOM. Tests comparing the devel- opment capability and speed of conventional as- sembly language programming techniques (cross assembly, resident assembly via a 'conventional' operating system, and cross compilation) and an early implementatin of the proposed technique have shown that this new technique promises to provide a factor of from 3 to 10 decrease in pro- gram development time for assembly language progrms written for the 8080 and Z80 micro- processors. AD-A072 491/4 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Subsurface Electromagnetic Target Character- ization and Identification Doctoral thesis Luen Charm Chan Jun 79, 276p Rept no. ESL- 784722-3 Contract DAAK70-77-C-01 14 Availability: Microfiche copies only Descriptors: 'Radar signatures, 'Target classifica- tion. Radar targets, Subsurface. Backscattenng. Resonance Radiation, Signal processing, Comput- er applications, Microcomputers. Correlation tech- niques, Identification. Land mines. Waveforms. Threshold effects. Dipole antennas, Computer pro- grams, Theses. A method for subsur.face radar target characteriza- tion and identification is described. This method characterizes subsurface radar targets by their complex natural resonances which are extracted directly from their backscattered timedomain wa- veforms The difference equation coefficients as- sociated with the complex resonances are then used in the predictor-correlator for target identifi- cation Both the characterization and identification processes are extensively tested with real radar measurements and found to yield practical target identification performance. The target identifica- tion process is simple and involves only simple al- gebraic operations Based on the identification process, a first-generation microcomputer identifi- 109 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER cation radar system is implemented for target iden- tification in real time. This radar system is found to yield practical identification performance. (Author) AD-A072 544/0 Raytheon Co Bedford MA Missile Systems Div Modular Digital Missile Guidance Technical rept. 1 Jan-31 Oct 78 on Phase 5 Frank J. Langley, and John Demetrick. 30 Nov 78, 59 BR-11013, ONR-CR233-052-5 Contract N00014-75-C-0549 Descriptors: Microcomputers, Microprocessors, Air to air missiles, Guidance computers, Systems analysis, Computer programs. Distribution, Life cycles. Tactical data systems. Identifiers: *Data transmission, 'Equipment inter- faces, 'Missile guidance. The rapidly developing microprocessor technology poses serious standardization problems for the user, particularly the military, where logistics sup- port costs are significant over the life cycle of tacti- cal systems. Whereas standard interface busses are now in existence eg., (S-100, Intel Multibus, National Microbus, Motorola Microbus, European 'MUBUS'), no two busses are the same. To pro- vide freedom of choice in microcomputer compo- nents throughout a system life cycle, a program- mable microbus interface module (MIM) using common programmable control elements (PCEs), such as that described in this report, absorbs the interface irregularities of commercial microproces- sors, memory and input-output (I/O) modules, thereby allowing the selection of components based on performance, support software, cost and other driving factors. AD-A072 583/8 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA Microcomputer Based Interactive Display System Master's thesis Francisco J. Mariategui. and Ivan Nelson Hall, Jr. Jun 79. 566p Descriptors: 'Display systems, Microcomputers, Computer graphics, Tactical data systems, Ship- board, Computer programs. Data processing equipment, On line systems, Theses. Identifiers: 'Interactive graphics, PDP-1 1 /50 com- puters. This study was undertaken to design and imple- ment a microcomputer based interactive display system suitable for use as a shipboard tactical-sit- uation display. The stand-alone system included two plasma display scopes, one microcomputer, one CRT and one line printer. The scope of the effort included the interface of the display system via a RS-232 data/link to a PDP-1 1/50 minicom- puter in order to emulate the shipboard tactical en- vironment. Of major interest was the integration of the hardware components and the software devel- oped in this study into a coherent alphanumerical and graphical display system. (Author) AD-A072 681/0 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA NPS MICRO-COBOL, An Implementation of Navy Standard HYPO-COBOL for a Micro- processor-Based Computer System Master's thesis Jim Farlee, Jr, and Michael L. Rice. Jun 79, 275p Descriptors: 'Compilers, Microcomputers, Pro- gramming languages, Navy, Tables(Data), Theses. Identifiers: 'Cobol A compiler for a subset of the Automated Data Processing Equipment Selection Office (ADPESO) HYPO-COBOL has been implemented on a Micro- computer The implementation provides nucleus level constructs and file options from the ANSI COBOL package along with the PERFORM UNTIL construct from a higher level to give increased structural control. The language was implemented through a compiler and run-time package execut- ing under the CP/M operating system of an 8080 microcomputer-based system Both the compiler and interpreter can be executed in 20K bytes of main memory A program consisting of 8 5K bytes of intermediate code can be supported on this size machine. Modification of the compiler and inter- preter programs can be accomplished to take ad- vantage of larger machines. The programs that make up the compiler and interpreter package re- quire 50K bytes of disk storage. (Author) AD-A072 768/5 Electronics Engineering Group (1842nd) Scott AFBIL Line Access Test System (LATS) Final rept. Mike Verstegen, and John McCormack. 15 Jul 79, 26p Rept no. 1842 EEG/EETE/TR-79-12 Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, 'Circuit analysis, Matrices(Circuits), Systems analysis, Test meth- ods, Computer programs. Identifiers: Line access test systems. This technical report discusses the Line Access Test System (LATS) which can perform matrix switching operations on four wire circuits. Each cir- cuit accessed may be tested for DC. voltage, re- sistance, AC. voltage and capacitance. A micro- processor control implementation is also included with the necessary programs for operation. (Author) AD-A072 822/0 Transportation Systems Center Cambridge MA The Development of a Signal Data Converter for an Airport Visibility Measuring System Final rept. Jul 73-Jun 74 Hector C. Ingrao, Melvin Yaffee, Michael F. Cartwright, Paul Madden, and Mukund Desai. Aug 75, 221 p TSC-FAA-74-20, FAA-RD-75-65 Prepared in cooperation with Charles Stark Draper Lab., Inc., Cambridge, MA. Descriptors: 'Visibility, 'Runways, Measuring in- struments, Modification, Transmissometers, Sig- nals, Converters, Central processing units, Mini- computers, Computer programs. Identifiers: Runway visual range, Airport visibility system, ARVIS system. This report briefly describes the evolution of the FAA/NBS Runway Visual Range RVR transmisso- meter system into a breadboard Airport Visibility Measuring System (ARVIS) which has been labo- ratory tested and which wili undergo field tests at the National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center (NAFEC) in Atlantic City, NJ during 1975. Appendix I of this report documents in detail the development of a Signal Data Converter Unit (SDCU) as a replacement for the SDCU used in the FAA/NBS RVR system. Appendix II describes an analog computer for calculating RVR AD-A072 917/8 Data/Ware Development Inc San Diego CA Advanced Digital TV System Final rept. Jun-Sep 77 Philip J. Erdelsky, Richard V. Keele, G. Graham Murray, and Ronald B. Weiss. Feb 79, 350p AFAL-TR-79-1006 Contract F33615-77-C-1 198 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Digital systems, 'Microprocessors, Microprogramming, Data reduction, Signal proc- essing, Television cameras, Image processing, Computer programs, Tables(Data). Identifiers: Pulse communication. PDP-11 comput- ers A laboratory version of a programmable digital pro- cessor system for TV bandwidth reduction was de- signed and placed in operation The system con- sists of a TV camera-A/D converter unit, two pipe- lined microprocessor units, and a frame store-D/A- TV display unit interfaced to a PDP-1 1/04 mini- computer controller in such a manner that data transfers can be effected between any two units over the PDP-1 1 /04 Unibus under software control of the CPU. The pipelined microprocessor units are software programmable via local program stores which are loaded over the PDP-1 1/04 Unibus. Each pipelined processor is twelve bits wide and uses three AMD 2901 bit-slice micro- processor chips in conjunction with a 12x12 bit hardware multiplier for high speed computation. AD-A072 982/2 MITRE Corp Bedford MA Error Correction Coding with NMOS Micro- processors: Concepts. Volume I Eric N. Skoog. May 79, 105p MTR-3618-VOL-1, ESD-TR-79-125-VOL-1 Contract F19628-78-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Error correction codes, Microproces- sors, Central processing units. Computer pro- grams, Microelectronics, Algorithms, Tables(Data), Data processing, Microcomputers. Identifiers: Nitride oxide semiconductors, Large scale integration, N type semiconductors. Error correction coding can be employed in the design of C3 systems to increase transmission reli- ability and enhance system effectiveness. The maturation of LSI technology and particularly the ubiquitous microprocessor now allow low-cost simple implementations of error coding hardware. Theoretical fundamentals of linear block codes are reviewed with respect to their suitability to decoder design utilizing 8-bit NMOS microprocessors. Key architectural features of NMOS microprocessors are analyzed to determine those characteristics that are best suited to performing decoding func- tions. A methodology for evaluating MIL-qualified candidate microprocessors is presented that leads to the selection of a microprocessor for the design of the decoder hardware. (Author) AD-A073 088/7 MITRE Corp Bedford MA Error Correction Coding with NMOS Micro- processors: Volume II. A 6800-Based 7, 3 Reed- Solomon Decoder Technical rept. J. R. Hamalainen, and Eric N. Skoog. May 79, 60p MTR-3618-VOL-2, ESD-TR-79-125-VOL-2 Contract F19628-78-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Error correction codes, 'Micro- processors, Decoders, Computer programs, Per- formance tests, Computer programming, Algo- rithms, On line systems. Identifiers: MC-6800 computers. Design, operation and testing of a table-look-up microprocessor-based (Motorola MC6800) (7,3) Reed-Solomon decoder is presented. Decoder op- eration is fully illustrated by the use of error and erasure pattern examples. Exhaustive (complete) and random (Monte Carlo) testing is employed to exercise the decoder. Test results are analyzed and conclusions drawn relative to decoder per- formance. (Author) AD-A073 105/9 Aerospace Medical Research Lab Wright-Patter- son AFB OH Design of a Microprocessor Based Cardiota- chometer Technical rept. D. Ratino, G. Potor, A. Marko, and C. Sharper. Apr 79, 39p Rept no. AMRL-TR-79-21 Descriptors: 'Cardiotachometry. Microprocessors, Circuits, Heart rate, Measurement, Electrocardio- graphy, Assembly languages, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Medical computer applications, 'Medi- cal equipment, lntel-8080 computers A microprocessor based cardiotachometer has been designed and fabricated in-house using 8080 Intel microcomputer hardware and assembly lan- guage software The cardiotachometer accurately calculates and digitally displays beat-by-beat heart rate in beats per minute. The design incorporates standard semiconductor memory and I/O integrat- ed circuits. Operational understanding does not re- quire extensive microprocessor design back- ground. In fact, the cardiotach's design provides excellent basic information in the use of micro- processor in the instrumentation field (Author) AD-A073 173/7 MITRE Corp Bedford MA A Kernel-Based Secure UNIX Design Technical rept J P L Woodward, and G. A. Nibaldi May 79. 95p MTR-3499. ESD-TR-79-134 Contract F19628-78-C-0001 110 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Descriptors: *Data processing security, Computer architecture, Computer programs, Time sharing. Identifiers: "UNIX system, PDP-11 computers, "Security kernels. The UNIX Time-Sharing System was developed by Bell Laboratories for the DEC PDP-11 series of computers. The Secure UNIX Prototype Project has addressed the problem of defining a secure version of UNIX that preserves as many as possi- ble of its desirable qualities: completeness and simplicity of design, low cost, and an extensive amount of quality software. This report presents a prototype design for a Secure UNIX system based on security kernel technology previously devel- oped. (Author) AD-A073 214/9 Yucca International Inc Scottscale AZ System Debug Item 0006 of Microprocessor- Based Power Conditioner Controller Mar 79, 7p Contract DAAK70-78-C-0117 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, Power condition- ing, Control systems, Computer programs, Debugging(Computers), Systems analysis, Com- puterized simulation, Converters. Identifiers: "Controllers. This is a report of Task 6, the last task of the first phase of an effort to develop a microprocessor- based power conditioner controller. The objective of the first phase is to produce a controller that will regulate the output voltage in the Delco 15 KW power conditioner. This task, System Debug, will combine and debug the controller hardware and software which were developed and tested inde- pendent of each other in the previous tasks. AD-A073 346/9 Naval Research Lab Washington DC A Numerical Solution for Rocket Ascent Tra- jectory Final rept. Michael H. Reilly. 16 Aug 79, 66p NRL-MR-4044, AD-E000-314 Descriptors: "Rocket trajectories, "Ascent trajec- tories, Computer programs, Launch vehicles, Digi- tal simulation. Fortran, Numerical analysis, Equa- tions of motion, Thrust, Earth(Planet), Rotation. Identifiers: Decsystem-10 computers, PDP-11/70 computers. A program for the numerical solution of rocket ascent trajectory is presented, which is particularly appropriate for large, multistage, unfinned rocket systems. Fortran listings of this program for DEC- 10 and PDP-11/70 computer systems are given along with background information, examples, and prescriptions which clarify the usage of the pro- gram. Thrust increase and aerodynamic effects are specifically included, and the program is found to be both suitable and efficient for a wide variety of rocket trajectory problems. It is demonstrated how to modify the program results to include earth's rotation effects. AD-A073 588/6 Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab Wright-Patterson AFBOH Digital Load Control Applied to Full-Scale Air- frame Fatigue Tests Final rept. Jan 76-Jun 77 Nirmal K. Mondol, and Richard M. Potter. May 79, 173p Rept no. AFFDL-TR-79-301 1 Availability: Microfiche copies only Descriptors: "Fatigue tests(Mechanics), "Load control, "Airframes, Digital systems, Control sys- tems, Servomechanisms, Minicomputers, Comput- er programs. The modeling, analysis and digital simulation of an analog servo controller and its successful applica- tion to a full-scale airframe fatigue tests is de- scribed. Primary emphasis is on the use of mini- computers for dynamic load control of multiple channels. Hardware and software used to gener- ate functions and control load is described. A brief comparison of digital system performance versus conventional analog controllers is included. (Author) AD-A073 652/0 Amherst Systems Inc Buffalo NY Image Processing System Software. Volume I. User's Manual Final technical rept. Feb-Nov 78 Edward G. Eberl, and Philip T. Glinski. Jun 79, 144p AMHERST-0077-VOL-1, RADC-TR-79-52- VOL-1 Contract F30602-78-C-0077 Descriptors: "Image processing, "Interactions, Computer programming, Computer files, Video frames, Multiprocessors, Fortran, Errors, Key- boards. Identifiers: PDP-11 computers, IPS system, Hada- mard transformation, User manualsfComputer pro- grams), PDP-11/45 computers, Fortran 4 pro- gramming language. This document is the final report describing the effort by Amherst Systems, Inc. to convert a por- tion of the RADC image processing software to RSX-11M to allow execution on DEC PDP 11/45 computer located at WPAFB OH, AFAL. A section of this report is written in the form of a user's manual for personnel engaged in the operation of converted software. A companion document is the programmer's manual which describes the new material incorporated into the system. (Author) AD-A073 653/8 Amherst Systems Inc Buffalo NY Image Processing System Software. Volume II. Programming Manual Final technical rept. Feb-Nov 78 Edward G. Eberl, and Philip T. Glinski. Jun 79, 216p AMHERST-0077-VOL-2. RADC-TR-79-52- VOL-2 Contract F30602-78-C-0077 Descriptors: "Image processing, Programming manuals, Computer programming, Computer files, Computer graphics, Display systems, Errors, Sub- routines, Fortran. Identifiers: Error processing, PDP-11 computers, IPS system, Fortran 4 programming language, PDP-1 1/45 computers. Contents: Software System Design; Programmer's Manual; FORTRAN 4-Plus Interface; and Program Descriptions. AD-A073 756/9 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Programmable Video Digitizing System (PVDS) - Functional Description and Preliminary Soft- ware Considerations Project rept. Lawne E. Eaton. 5 Jun 79, 141p ETS-46, ESD- TR-79-156 Contract F19628-78-C-0002 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, Data processing, Computer programs. Signal to noise ratio, Comput- er architecture, Systems analysis, Sampling, Tables(Data) Identifiers: PVDS system, "Image processing. A Programmable video Digitizing System (PVDS) has been developed that will digitize selected por- tions of the return TV analog video from the Ebison camera at the GEODSS ETS. The digitized video can then be processed by either a microprocessor or a Modcomp Computer. From the data, the soft- ware may then determine object centroiding, night sky background calculations, signal/noise ratios and object rate/direction calculations for closed loop tracking. The system may also be used to process digitized data from future sensors, i.e., in- frared or CCD. (Author) AD-A073 760/1 Naval Research Lab Washington DC Using Intelligent Graphics Terminals in Real- Time Processing Interim rept. Daniel Steiger. 24 Aug 79, 15p NRL-MR-4055, AD-E000-320 Descriptors: "Computer graphics, "Data process- ing terminals, Data processing, Display systems, Real time, Microcomputers, Oceanographic data, Data acquisition. Identifiers: Intelligent terminals, Graphics termi- nals, LPN-NRL-74056-7800. At the Naval Research Laboratory intelligent graphics terminals are being utilized for real-time acquisition, storage, processing and display of oceanographic data when mini-computer systems are inappropriate. The intelligent graphic terminal is a well packaged, low cost, reliable and highly portable micro-computer system capable of per- forming many of the functions required of mini- computer systems. Discussed in the paper are methods of configuring, implementing and utilizing the intelligent graphics terminal for real-time oceanographic processing. (Author) AD-A073 837/7 Military Academy West Point NY Dept of Earth Space and Graphic Sciences Interactive Graphic Techniques For Conceptu- al Engineering Design Final rept. Glenn A. Porter. 20 Apr 79, 10p Rept no. USMA- ESGS-03 Presented at the 79 DECUS Conference, New Or- leans, LA 17-20 Apr 79 Descriptors: "Computer aided design, Computer graphics, Computer programs, Microprocessors, Data processing, Man computer interface, Sys- tems engineering. Identifiers: "Interactive graphics. Conceptual design is the initial and most creative phase of an engineering design project. The effec- tive use of interactive computer graphics to en- hance this design phase is dependent upon a highly developed interaction between the designer and the computer. This paper presents an analysis of the environment of conceptual design and pro- poses techniques for the creation of a successful man-machine interface which fosters the use of in- teractive computer graphics. (Author) AD-A073 923/5 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA Distributed, Secure Design for a Multi-Micro- processor Operating System Master's thesis James Steven O'Connell, and Larry Don Richardson. Jun 79, 90p Descriptors; "Microprocessors, "Security, "Multi- processors, Computers, Memory devices, Com- puter architecture, Configurations, Theses, Secure communications, Switching circuits, Data links, Data processing. Information exchange, Synchro- nizing switches, Control, Mathematical models, Requirements, Buffer storage. Identifiers: Secure operating systems, Virtual memory, Security kemals. This thesis applies the state of the art techniques for methodical design of secure operating systems to a distributed, multi-microprocessor environ- ment. Explicit process structure and utilization of virtual environments are the fundamental con- cepts that form a basis for the design presented. The primary design techniques utilized in the design are segmentation, distributed operating system, security kernel, multiprocessing, 'cache' memory strategy and multiprogramming. The re- sulting design is for a family of distributed operat- ing systems that can provide the power of yester- days large computer in a microprocessor environ- ment. Security, configuration independence, and a loop free structure are the primary characteristics of the design. The design, although hardware inde- pendent, was formulated with the Zilog Z8000 or similar microprocessor in mind. (Author) AD-A073 927/6 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA The Design and Implementation of an Inexpen- sive Microprocessor Development System for the Z-80 Microprocessor Master's thesis Douglas Floyd Corteville. Jun 79, 102p 111 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Descriptors: "Microprocessors, Core storage, Computers, Disks, Data storage systems, Printers(Data processing), Teletype systems, Computer programs, Assembly languages, Inter- faces, Configurations, Magnetic tape, Theses. Identifiers: Z-80 computers, TPS-80 computers, BASIC programming language, Computer aided design. The Radio Shack home computer system, TPS-80, configured with Level II Basic ROM's, 16K of RAM, its expansion interface, a single disk drive, and a line printer interface to the TELETYPE model 40 line printer is being used as a microprocessor de- velopment aid for the Z-80 microprocessor. Basic language programs are resident on the mini-disk and are used to load, to store, to dump, and to ex- ecute assembled assembly language programs. (Author) AD-A074 053/0 International Computing Co Bethesda MD VTS Processing Display Subsystem Design Final rept. Apr 78-Jan 79 C. C. Henson, F. T. Mickey, R. S. Graham, and B. A. Mcintosh. Jan 79, 409p CGR/DC-13/79 Contract DOT-CG-81 -78-1 833 Descriptors: "Computer architecture, "Minicom- puters, Distribution, Display systems, Computer programs, Programming languages, Reliability, Data processing equipment. Identifiers: VTS system, PASCAL programming language. A distributed function, multiple bus coupled mini- computer system architecture will be used for the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Processing/Display Subsystem. Four critical issues are examined in- cluding: Reliability; Programming Language Selec- tion; Interprocessor Bus Design; and Multicom- puter Operating System Design. System availabil- ity requirements can be met with partial redundan- cy with software controlled reconfiguration and re- covery based on both hardware and software error and failure detection. PASCAL is the best pro- gramming language available for VTS. A relatively low cost interprocessor bus capable of transmit- ting at 1.5 megabits per second can be built using off-the-shelf LSI components. The VTS operating system will feature explicit message and answer communications between processes for interpro- cess communication and synchronization. Error detection and reporting and system reconfigura- tion and recovery will be controlled by the operat- ing system. The top level of the software design is structured as a group of cooperating sequential processes which use the operating system facility for interprocess communication and synchroniza- tion, providing flexibility in assigning processes to processors. Hardware configurations are devel- oped for three possible combinations of functional and traffic handling capabilities. Hardware require- ments are included for processors, buses, discs, tapes, graphics units, CRTs, printers, and key- boards. (Author) AD-A074 399/7 Aeronautical Research Labs Melbourne (Australia) CICERO Typesetting Manual R. C. Adams, and G. A. Cleave. Jul 79, 130p Rept no. ARL/STRUC NOTE-453 Descriptors: "Text processing, "Printing, Coding, Instruction manuals, Editing, Formats, Automation, Computer programs, Photocomposition. Identifiers: "Foreign technology, PASCAL pro- gramming language, CICERO computer program, Composing, Natural language, Decsystem-10 computers, Decsystem-20 computers. CICERO is a scheme for coding typesetting infor- mation into natural langauge text. Very powerful text processors may be designed to produce fully paginated typescript or photoset copy from text files containing a free format source text and CICERO format coding. Such files may be edited very easily and subsequently reformatted auto- matically. The separation of the editing function from formatting is one of the principal advantages of CICERO. CICERO provides means to control justification, hyphenation, pagination and tabula- tion, the location of figures and indexes, the setting of multi-line mathematical expressions, footnotes, sidenotes and the contents of indexes. The manual is mainly a users guide to the coding scheme. Several computer programs are available to process files with CICERO coding. All these pro- grams are written in PASCAL and run on a DEC system-10 or -20 computer. One of these imple- ments all the features described in this manual and is capable of producing TTS encoded output to drive a V-l-P phototypesetter. This manual has been set as typescript using CIERO. (Author) AD-A074 528/1 School of Aerospace Medicine Brooks AFB TX WIZARD Programmer Manual Final rept. Oct 76-Sep 78 Shelburne D. Wilson, and M. Edward Womble. Sep 79, 41 p Rept no. SAM-TR-79-15 Descriptors: Microcomputers, Computer program- ming, Data processing, Systems analysis, Input output devices Identifiers: "WIZARD system, "Operating systems(Computers), lntel-8080 computers. A string-oriented operating system for the Intel 8080 is described. The system consists of a hierar- chy of virtual machines. The lowest virtual ma- chines extend the instruction set of the 8080 to in- clude additional 16-bit arithmetic and logical instructions, new data types, and operators. The data types include strings and string operators de- rived from the SNOBOL programming language. A table data type is constructed from strings, and table-manipulation operators are provided. A bit- map data type and associated operators are also included. An Input/Output Contrtol System (IOCS) supports device-independent IO) to multiple de- vices and diskette files. File-name aliases permit many logical IO streams to be dynamically mapped onto a restricted set of physical IO units. Pseudo device handlers expand the capabilities of IO de- vices and are transparent to application programs. Distributed command decoders interpret IO com- mand strings. Once communication is established with a logical device, a low-overhead IO Vector mechanism may be used for further access. A key- board monitor provides interactive debugging facil- ities to application programmers. System resource allocation is implementation dependent and is not embedded in the system nucleus. Multiple imple- mentations over a range of system sizes have demonstrated the utility and adaptability of WIZARD. (Author) AD-A074 704/8 School of Aerospace Medicine Brooks AFB TX WIZARD: A String-Oriented Microprocessor Operating System Final rept. Oct 76-Sep 78 Shelburne D. Wilson, M. Edward Womble, and Michael L. Tworek. Aug 79, 15p Rept no. SAM- TR-79-14 Descriptors: Microcomputers, Microprocessors, Computer programming, Computer architecture, Systems analysis, Input output devices. Identifiers: "WIZARD system, "Operating systems(Computers), lntel-8080 computers, SNOBOL programming language. A string-oriented operating system for lntel-8080- based microcomputers is described. The system consists of a hierarchy of virtual machines. The lowest level virtual machines extend the instruction set of the 8080 to include additional 16-bit arithme- tic and logical instructions, new data types, and op- erators The data types include strings and string operators derived from the SNOBOL programming language. A table data type is constructed from strings, and table-manipulation operators are pro- vided. A bit-map data type and associated opera- tors are also included. An Input/Output Control System (IOCS) support device-independent IO to multiple devices and diskette files. File name aliases permit many logical IO streams to be dyna- mically mapped onto a restricted set of physical IO units. Pseudo device handlers expand the capabili- ties of IO devices and are transparent to applica- tion programs Distributed command decoders in- terpret IO command strings Once communication is established with a logical device, a low-over- head IO Vector mechanism may be used for fur- ther access. A keyboard monitor provides interac- tive debugging facilities to application program- mers. System resource allocation is implementa- tion dependent and is not embedded in the system nucleus. Multiple implementations over a range of system sizes have demonstrated the utility and adaptability of WIZARD. (Author) AD-A074 844/2 Arnold Engineering Development Center Arnold AfsTN Software Techniques for the Acquisition of Op- tical Data from a Minicomputer-Based Image- Intensifier-Vidicon System Final rept. 1 Mar-31 Oct 78 J. H. Jones. Sep 79, 87p Rept no. AEDC-TR-79- 43 Prepared in cooperation with ARO, Inc., Tulla- homa, TN Descriptors: "Image processing, "Image intensifiers(Electronics), "Computer applications, Vidicons, Data acquisition, Optical data, Disk re- cording systems, Input output processing, Buffer storage, Infrared detection, Rocket exhaust, Ex- haust plumes, Electron beams, Fluorescence, Computer programs, Flow charting, Minicom- puters. The software required to support a new technique for acquiring large amounts of optical data in a short time period has been developed. The data acquisition system incorporates an image intensifi- er and vidicon tube in combination. It is controlled by a minicomputer utilizing the software described. The software handles all control of the image-in- tensifier-vidicon system, acquires the data from the system, and stores the data for subsequent re- trieval and reduction. The software incorporates a disk operating system for a single floppy disk drive. This disk operating system utilizes a specially de- signed technique that optimizes the rate of writing data onto the disk. The system was implemented to acquire temperature and density data from the flow of a rocket engine exhaust plume This appli- cation coupled the system with an electron beam mechansim to acquire the data using and electron beam fluorescence technique. This application was used to verify that the system meets the re- quirements set forth for it. (Author) AD-A074 947/3 Mark Resources Inc Marina Del Rey CA TMR Processing Procedures for GSRS Spin and Attitude Measurements Final rept. Aug 78-Aug 79 B. D. Baker, and W. B. Kendall. Aug 79, 75p Rept no MRI-142-31 Contract DAAD07-77-C-0094 Descriptors: "Attitude indicators, "Surface to sur- face missiles, "Guided missile tracking systems, "Signal processing, Doppler radar, Radar signals, Aspect angle, Dynamic response, Digital comput- ers, Computer programs, Feasibility studies, Reso- lution, Data processing equipment, Acceleration. Spinning(Motion), Precession, Yawsondes, Range(Distance), Instrumentation, Identifiers: Univac-1108 computers, PDP-11 com- puters, Instrumentation radar, AN/MPS-36, AN/ FPS-16, Nutation. The use of Target Motion Resolution (TMR) proc- essing of data from the MPS-36 and FPS-1 6 instru- mentation radars at WSMR to produce measure- ments of the spin and coning motion of the GSRS surface-to-surface missile is described in detail. Actual flight-test data are processed to illustrate the techniques described New computer software produced for and installed at WSMR to do the de- scribed processing is documented. (Author) AD-A075 106/5 Naval Research Lab Washington DC Threader Microcomputer Antenna Controller Final rept Leonard E. Russo. 24 Sep 79, 97p Rept no. NRL-MR-4067 Descriptors: "Microcomputers, "Microprocessors. "Antennas. Control systems. Subroutines. On line systems, Computer programs. Computers Identifiers: PDP-11 computers. 112 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER The THREADER microcomputer antenna control- ler is the electrical interface and controller be- tween the THREADER PDP-11 and SA antenna pedestal. The antenna controller is slaved to the PDP11; however, the controller contains its own microprocessor, memory and program and can re- spond to a suite of complex commands. The con- troller responds to ASCII commands from the PDP11, sent over an RS232 line. The antenna controller also provides the software/hardware in- terface to a Time Code Reader for system time. The controller is configured from off the shelf hard- ware, and is implemented as a software program. The programmability and generality of the antenna controller make it potentially useful in other control applications. (Author) AD-A075 242/8 Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and De- velopment Neuilly-Sur-Seine (France) Manual of Documentation Practices Applicable to Defence-Aerospace Scientific and Technical Information. Volume II. Section 4. Data Record- ing and Storage. 5. Mechanization Systems and Operations. 6. Announcement Services and Publications S. C. Schuler. Jul 79, 128p Rept no. AGARD-AG- 235-VOL-2 See also Volume 1 , AD-A060 478. Descriptors: "Documents, "Information process- ing, 'Information systems, "Libraries, Input output processing, Computer applications, Data storage systems, Minicomputers, Technical information centers, Defense systems, Aerospace systems, Records, Information retrieval. Identifiers: "Foreign technology, NATO furnished, Announcement bulletins, Selective dissemination of information. This is the second of four separately published vol- umes describing basic documentation practices in- volved in the initial setting up and operation of an Information-Library organization to provide de- fence-aerospace information services. The focus is on a practical, rather than theoretical, approach for both the senior person setting up a new system as well as junior staff who may be using the manual as a training aid. This volume consists of three main sections. The first two are concerned with basic mechanisation and the use of comput- ers for information processing. An introduction to the hardware and software of computer systems is given. Detailed aspects such as input of data, stor- age devices, output printers, system design and bureau working are discussed. Some guidelines on the processing of chemical structure input is in- cluded. The third section describes the organisa- tion and methods of production involved in various announcement publications and services including SDI. AD-A075 469/7 Computer Corp of America Cambridge Ma Datacomputer and SIP Operations Semi-annual technical rept. Jan-Jun 79 Donald E. Ill Eastlake, Matthew Maltzman Joanne Z. Sattley , and Steven A. Zimmerman. 31 Jul 79, 58p Rept no. CCA-79-22 Contract N00039-79-C-0203, ARPA Order-3540 Descriptors: "Data processing equipment, "Mini- computers, Data storage systems, On line sys- tems, Seismic data, Data bases, Time sharing, User needs, Files(Records). Identifiers: Datacomputer, Data base manage- ment. During the first half of 1 979, Computer Corporation of America continued to provide its network-orient- ed database management utility, the Datacom- puter, which is used by the seismic research com- munity and by other users in diverse general networking applications. The Datacomputer's soft- ware system is designed to allow convenient and timely access to large on-line databases and to promote data sharing by multiple remote users communicating over a network. AD-A076 118/9 Yucca International Inc Scottscale Az Software Development, Item 0005 of Micro- processor-Based Power Conditioner Control- ler Feb 79, 51p Contract DAAK70-78-C-0 1 1 7 Descriptors: "Power conditioning. "Control sys- tems, "Microprocessors, Voltage regulators, Com- puter programs, Flow charting, Error correction codes, Converters, Debugging(Computers). This report describes the efforts to develop a mi- croprocessor-based controller for the Delco 15KW power conditioner. Continuing from the hardware development, the previous task, the software nec- essary to perform voltage regulation of the con- verter section was developed The assembled pro- gram was executed and debugged using the simu- lation capability provided. AD-A076 481/1 Texas Instruments Inc Dallas Equipment Group Global Positioning Systems (GPS) High Dynam- ic User Equipment. (HDUE) Volume III. Set De- scription Final rept. Jun 75-Aug 79. 1 Aug 79, 375p SAMSO-SD-TR-79-12-VOL-3 Contract F04701-75-C-0180 Descriptors: "Global positioning system, "Comput ers, "User needs, Computer programs, Navigation Dynamics, Modules(Electronics), Receivers Broadband, Narrowband, Microprocessors, Fre quency synthesizers, Bus conductors, Preampli fiers, Memory devices, Interfaces, Signal process ing, Power supplies. Identifiers: Computer software. This Volume Contains descriptions of both soft- ware/hardware modules in the HDUE system, which includes receiver software, master state control, navigation software, executive software, receiver LRU and navigation LRU descriptions. (Author) AD-A076 501/6 International Computing Co Bethesda Md Vessel Traffic Services Processing/Display Subsystem Detailed Software Design Operat- ing System Final rept. May-Jul 79 David A. Cohn, and Frank T. Mickey. Jul 79, 360p USCG-D-66-79 Contract DOT-CG-81-78-1833 Descriptors: Fault tolerant computing, Minicom- puters. Identifiers: VTS(Vessel Traffic Services), Hardware selection, "Operating systems(Computers), Water traffic. This report provides the detailed design of an op- erating system which can support the Vessel Traf- fic Services (VTS) application in a multicomputer, high reliability environment. Since computer hard- ware has not been selected, the design represents a generalized operating system which can be im- plemented on a wide variety of minicomputer sys- tems which the Coast Guard may wish to select for the VTS Processing/Display Subsystem. The dis- cussion includes an overview of the Executive, a detailed description, as well as structure charts, Program Design Language specifications and a description of the system data structures used by the Executive. Basic considerations for the design and implementation of fault tolerant software, with specific application to VTS, are also presented. Constraints on hardware selection and assump- tions that were made concerning manufacturer- provided development software, in regard to this VTS/OS design, are cited AD-A077 053/7 Army Military Personnel Center Alexandria Va DELTA7: A Computer Model of Delta Growth Final rept Dominic Izzo Oct 79. 49p Descriptors: "Deltas. "Computerized simulation, "Sediment transport, "Water waves, Deep water. Refraction, Coastal regions. Beaches, Rivers, In- teractive graphics, Plotters, Growth(General), Mini- computers, FORTRAN, Computer programs, Graphs Identifiers: "DELTA 7 computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, PDP-11 comput- ers Delta 7 is an interactive Fortran IV Computer Pro- gram written for the PDP-11 mini-computer. It ac- cepts initial beach and river conditions, as well as a varying set of deepwater wave conditions, and pro- duces a data set that outlines a planview of the coastline at specified time intervals. The coastline can subsequently be graphed using the Calcomp 1037 Drum Plotter with the XPLOT instruction of MAGIC. The use of computer simulation technique allows a comparison of the effects of varying the order of wave attacks on a developing river delta, which is supplied a constant amount of sediment per day. The conclusion is thai random ordering produces approximately the same delta every time, whereas ordering the waves according to power results in a radical delta This paper in- cludes sample data, computer program and sever- al graphs. AD-A077 211/1 Royal Military Coll of Canada Kingston (Ontario) Dept of Electrical Engineering High-Resolution Shaft Speed Measurements Using a Microcomputer Errol E. Wallingford , and John D. Wilson. 10 Nov 76, 5p Rept no. REPRINT-4193 Availability: Pub. in IEEE Transactions on Instru- mentation and Measurement, vlM-26 n2 p1 13-1 16 Jun 77 (No copies furnished by DTIC). Descriptors: "Microcomputers. "Velocity, Mea- surement, Computer programs, Reprints. Identifiers: Motorola 6800 computers, Shaft speed, Velocity measurement. No abstract available. AD-A078 281/3 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Ca Security Kernel Design for a Micro-processor- Based, Multilevel Archival Storage System Master's thesis Aaron Ray Coleman Dec 79. 109p Descriptors: "Computer architecture, "Data stor- age systems, Microprogramming, Multimode. Mi- croprocessors, Archives, Computer files, Security, Data management. Time sharing, Input output de- vices, Formats, Theses. Identifiers: Z-8001 computers, "Security kernels, "Data processing security This thesis is a detailed design of a security kernel for an archival file storage system. Microprocessor technology is used to address a major part of the problem of information security in a distributed computer system. Utilizing multiprogramming tech- niques for processor efficiency, segmentation for controlled sharing, and a loop-free structures for avoiding intermodule dependencies, the Archival Storage is designed for implementation on the Zilog Z8001 microprocessor with a memory man- agement unit The concepts of a process structure and a distributed kernel are used in providing man- agement of the shared hardware resources of the system. The security kernel primitives create a vir- tual machine environment and provide information security in accordance with a non-discretionary se- curity policy. (Author) AD-A078 391/0 Burroughs Corp Paoli PA Federal and Special Sys- tems Group Software Maintenance Manual for the Modular System Control Development Model (MSCDM). Book 1 Final rept. Sep 76-Nov 79 Nov 79. 392p 66157, AD-E100-313 Contract DCA100-76-C-0083 Descriptors: "Control systems. "Computer pro- grams. "Communications networks. Interfaces. Modular construction, Intercommunication sys- tems. Loops. Rings. Nodes. Fortran. Digital com- puters. Microprocessors. Subroutines. Mainte- nance. Instruction manuals. 113 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER Identifiers: Defense communications system, 'MSCDM model. LSI-11 computers. MACRO-11 programming language. The Distributed Master Control Program (DMCP) and the technical control application programs of the Modular System Control Development Model (MSCDM) are described. Program listings of each program and subprogram are presented. Pro- grams are written in FORTRAN and MACRO-11 for Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) LSI-1 1 mi- crocomputers AD-A078 460/3 California Univ Los Angeles Graduate School of Management Guidelines for Evaluation of Minicomputer Hardware and Software - A User Perspective Technical rept Bennet P. Lientz Dec 79, 49p Contract N00014-75-C-0266 Descriptors 'Minicomputers, Standards. User needs. Vendors. Contract proposals. Systems analysis. Identifiers: 'Computer performance evaluation. Guidelines are presented for the evaluation and selection of hardware and system software for minicomputers The evaluation is presented from a non-technical user point of view as opposed to a detailed technical comparison. The issues covered include defining an approach for computing, ac- quiring a minicomputer system, negotiation with vendors, installation and operation. Case exam- ples are given along with examples of failure (Author) AD-A078 702/8 Air Force Avionics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB OH Magnetic Bubble Research Final technical rept 15 Aug 75-30 Sep 78 Millard G Mier. Nov 79, 55p Rept no. AFAL-TR- 79-1128 Descriptors: 'Bubble memories, Minicomputers, High density, State of the art, Reliability(Electronics), Access time. Refractive index, Spatial filtering, Magnetic domains, Machine coding. Computer programs Identifiers: Computer storage devices. Magnetic bubble domains. Geometrical analysis techniques are used to derive computer memory system characteristics to support a hypothetical but realistic Air Force tacti- cal mission scenario. Commercially available com- puter memory systems which might fulfill this re- quirement are reviewed and found unsuitable. Four emerging technologies which appear to have po- tential for fulfilling this requirement in the mid- 1980's are reviewed and projected characteristics of a suitable capacity system based on each tech- nology derived The most promising technology, magnetic bubble memory, is examined and a major barrier to development is found to be the accurate characterization of materials supporting micron- sized magnetic bubbles. Standard techniques are examined for characterization of materials sup- porting very small magnetic bubbles. The failing of all techniques is optical microscopic resolution of these bubbles. Three new techniques for this char- acterization, based on magnetic susceptibility changes with applied magnetic field, are examined and found to be suitable for small magnetic bub- bles. A fast running Control Data Corporation (CDC) FORTRAN EXTENDED computer analysis program is described for analyzing experimental data and calculating all the static bubble materials parameters (Author) AD-A078 706/9 University of Southern California Los Angeles Dept of Computer Science Joyce. A Language for Computer Networks Technical rept. Per Brmch Hansen Nov 79, 43p Contract N00014-77-C-0714 Descriptors: 'Programming languages. Computer programming, Microcomputers. Networks. Real time, Distribution, Data processing, Syntax. Identifiers: 'Joyce programming language, Distrib- uted processes. This report defines an experimental programming language called Joyce which is intended for real- time applications controlled by microcomputer net- works without common storage. The language in- cludes distributed processes which communicate and synchronize themselves by means of proce- dure calls and guarded regions. The present ver- sion of the language is implemented on a PDP 1 1 single-processor system. The compiler is not avail- able for distribution. (Author) AD-A078 808/3 Raytheon Co Bedford MA Missile Systems Div Modular Digital Missile Guidance Technical rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 77 on Phase 4 Frank J. Langley, A. J. Mannion, K. D. Laube, J. Demetrick. and D. S. Goldstein. 14 Dec 79, 286p BR-11344, ONR-CR233-052-4 Contract N00014-75-C-0549 Descriptors: 'Guided missiles, 'Guidance comput- ers, 'Modular construction, Digital systems, Micro- computers, Compatibility, Computer programs. Input output devices, Circuits, Interfaces, Spec- trum analyzers, Signal processing, Charge coupled devices, Coding, Processing equipment Identifiers: Commonality, AN/UYK-30, Macromo- dules, Missile guidance. A set of macromodular microcomputer specifica- tions has been prepared to meet a wide range of missile guidance and control requirements. These specifications define the function performance and interface requirements of each microcomputer module i.e. microprocessor, memory and input- output I/O interface for analog and serial digital I/ O, such that device technology improvements can continually be accommodated within the bounds of module function performance and interface re- quirements To ensure such flexibility in design, other alternative device technologies were re- viewed and evaluated for the MIL-STD-4553A serial digital I/O interface and the spectrum ana- lyzer module, viz: fiber-optic data link and charge- coupled device. (CCD), very-large-scale integra- tion (VLSI) analyzer options In addition the re- quirements for universal microcomputer develop- ment systems were explored in order to support both medium-speed single-chip microprocessors and high-speed bit-slice emulators to preserve software commonality. Lastly, the compatibility of the Navy AN/UYK-30 microprocessor with the ma- cromodular microcomputer family was investigat- ed on the basis of throughput and electrical inter- face. In summary, this phase of the program has culminated in the generation of a practical set of microcomputer module specifications for multi- source procurement (Author) AD-B015 698/4 Anderson (James P) and Co Fort Washington PA Structured Software Study Final rept. 1 May 72-Feb 74 J. David McGonagle 31 Oct 74. 94p AFAL-TR- 73-40 Contract F33615-72-C-1972 Prepared in cooperation with McGonagle (J. David) and Co. Media. Pa, Rept no. JDM 73-5 Distribution limitation now removed Descriptors: 'Structured programming, Computer software, Computer program documentation. Computer programming, Computer programs, Computer program reliability, Computerized simu- lation. Central processing units. Flow charting, Digital computers Identifiers: PDP-11 computers This study reports an evaluation of Structured Pro- gramming as an aid in the production of highly reli- able computer programs An approach to problem analysis and program composition which orga- nizes the program text to clearly reflect the order of execution for the program The resultant pro- gram text reflects the subdivision of the problem into smaller tasks which are clearly identifiable The rules for performance and ordering of these sub-tasks are reflected in the limited but sufficient set of controls used in the program construction A set of Principles of Structured Programming are developed together with guides for determining an optimal upper and lower bounds on a program size. The applications of the Principles to a pro- gram are illustrated in the study report. A set of observations and conclusions drawn from the ex- perience of developing a program in this way are presented. A bibliography of structured program- ming is reported. (Author) AECL-6306 Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Pinawa (Manitoba). Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment. TERMOD II: An Interactive Code for Analyzing Intake of Radionuclides by Man Through Ter- restrial Pathways R. Zach. Nov 78, 39p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Crops, 'Environmental exposure pathway, 'Fallout, 'Food chains, 'Grass, 'Meat, 'Milk, 'Radioisotopes, 'Radionuclide migration, 'Soils, 'Terrestrial ecosystems, Computer codes, Man, Cattle, Contamination, Deposition, Fission product release, Foliar uptake, Ingestion, Math- ematical models, Nuclear facilities, PDP comput- ers, Plants, Radiation accidents, Radioecological concentration, Root absorption, T codes. Identifiers: ERDA/510302, ERDA/560172, ERDA/ 053000, Canada, Humans, 'TERMOD 2 computer program. Fortran 4 programming language, PDP- 10 computers, TERMOD model. An interactive code, TERMOD II, has been written in FORTRAN IV for the PDP 10. This code allows calcuation of the time-dependent input of radionu- clides through terrestrial pathways to man follow- ing an acute or accidental release. TERMOD II cal- culates daily input rates of radioactivity and the total intake rate over specified periods. To calcu- late these rates, TERMOD II uses the TERMOD model developed at Oak Ridge National Labora- tory This model includes three food types which can be contaminated by fallout radionuclides. Food crops and grass can be contaminated by direct foliar deposition and by root uptake. Milk and beef can be contaminated via ingestion of con- taminated grass. The user of TERMOD II can choose from 78 different radionuclides. Additional radionuclides can be added as more data become available. Summaries of intake rates can be dis- played at a local terminal or at an auxiliary high- speed printer. (ERA citation 04:043774) AERE-R-8933 UKAEA, Harwell (England). Atomic Energy Re- search Establishment. SABRE: A System for the Assessment of Body Radioactivity. Part 2. Main Features of SABRE 3 J. B Venn. Jan 78, 31p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Data acquisition systems, 'Personnel dosimetry, 'Radionuclide ki- netics, Body, Data processing, Display devices, Gamma spectra, Pdp computers, Radioactivity, S codes. Identifiers: ERDA/560171, Great Britain. The development of the PDP-11/10 computer system, used for the measurement of body radio- activity, during a period of use under operational conditions is described. Methods of safeguarding acquired data have been implemented, command sequences have been simplified, two-console op- eration has been introduced, and a number of new facilities for data processing and for development work have been provided (Atomindex citation 09:398359) ANL-AMD-TM-308 Argonne National Lab.. Ill Argonne Tape Production Facility Systems De- scriptions R. Foster, and W. Lidinsky Jun 77, 64p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Descriptors: 'Computer codes. 'Microprocessors, ANL, Logic circuits. Magnetic tapes. Operation. Programming, T codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200 This memorandum describes the operation of the Tape Production Facility. After a brief overview. 114 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER first the system hardware and then the system software are described. The software consists of two parts: the systems software for the Tape Pro- duction Facility and microcode that executes on a SMS Microcontroller. The Microcontroller and some interface hardware implement a dual incre- mental digital tape transport controller. Logic dia- grams and listings for all software are also given. 8 figures. (ERA citation 03:009492) ANL-78-XX-94 Argonne National Lab., IL. Environmental Working Level Monitor. Final Report D Keefe, W. P. McDowell, and P. G. Groer. 29 Sep 78, 140p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Descriptors: 'Radiation monitors, Air, Alpha detec- tion, Beta detection, Bismuth 214, Lead 214, Polo- nium 214, Polonium 218, Radiation monitoring, Automation, Calibration, Computer codes, Micro- processors, Operation, Programming, Radioactiv- ity. Identifiers: ERDA/500300, ERDA/440101, 'Ra- dioactive aerosols, Airborne wastes, Radon, Daughter products, Basic programming language. The Environmental Working Level Monitor (EWLM) is an instrument used to automatically monitor airborne Rn-daughter concentrations and the Working Level (WL). It is an ac powered, micro- processor-based instrument with an external in- verter provided for dc operation if desired. The mi- croprocessor's control processor unit (CPU) con- trols the actuation of the detector assembly and processes its output signals to yield the measure- ments in the proper units. The detectors are fully automated and require no manual operations once the instrument is programmed. They detect and separate the alpha emitters of RaA and RaC as well as detecting the beta emitters of RaB and RaC. The resultant pulses from these detected ra- dioisotopes are transmitted to the CPU. The pro- grammed microprocessor performs the mathemat- ical manipulations necessary to output accurate Rn-daughter concentrations and the WL. A special subroutine within the system program enables the EWLM to run a calibration procedure on command which yields calibration data. This data can then be processed in a separate program on most comput- ers capable of BASIC programming. This calibra- tion program results in the derivation of coeffi- cients and beta efficiencies which provides the calibrated coefficients and beta efficiencies re- quired by the main system program to assure proper calibration of the individual EWLM's. (ERA citation 04:024499) BNL-23277 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Use of DBMS-10 for Storage and Retrieval of Evaluated Nuclear Data Files C. L. Dunford. 1977, 7p Rept no. CONF-771062- 3 Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 OECD/NEA working group on nuclear information, Berkeley, CA, USA, 5 Oct 1 977. Descriptors: 'Nuclear data collections, 'Informa- tion retrieval, Data processing, Management, Processing. Identifiers: ERDA/990300, 'Data base manage- ment systems, Decsystem-10 computers, 'Mini- computers. The use of a data base management system (DBMS) for storage of, and retrieval from, the many scientific data bases maintained by the Na- tional Nuclear Data Center is currently being inves- tigated. It would appear that a commercially availa- ble DBMS package would save the Center consid- erable money and manpower when adding new data files to the library and in the long-term mainte- nance of current data files. Current DBMS technol- ogy and experience with an internal DBMS system suggests an inherent inefficiency in processing large data networks where significant portions are accessed in a sequential manner. Such a file is the Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF/B), which con- tains many large data tables, each one normally accessed in a sequential manner. After gaining some experience and success in small applica- tions of the commercially available DBMS pack- age, DBMS-10, on the Center's DECsystem-10 computer, it was decided to select a large data base as a test case before making a final decision on the implementation of DBMS-10 for all data bases. The obvious approach is to utilize the DBMS to index a random-access file. In this way one is able to increase the storage and retrieval efficiency at the one-time cost of additional pro- graming effort. 2 figures. (ERA citation 03:020834) BNL-23363 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y. Conversion on an Operating System Oriented Towards Transaction Processing from Two to Three Mo^s of Logical Address Space F. W. Stubblefield. Oct 77, 13p Rept no. CONF- 771023-12 Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 Nuclear science symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, 19 Oct 1977. Descriptors: 'On-line control systems, Data acqui- sition systems, Reactor experimental facilities, On- line measurement systems, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/440300, ERDA/ 220600, 'Transaction processing, 'Operating systems(Computers), PDP-11/40 computers, PDP-1 1/45 computers. A computer system to control and acquire data from a set of ten neutron and x-ray scattering and diffraction experiments located at the High Flux Beam Reactor at Brookhaven National Laboratory has operated in a routine manner for over two years. The system was constructed according to a functionally distributed architecture, and thus con- sists of a set of functional nodes. Ten of these nodes, the private or application nodes, perform the function "execute programs to control and ac- quire data from experiment number x." An addi- tional function node, the common or shared serv- ice node, performs the function "provide a set of shared services to the application nodes." The shared service node was successfully implement- ed in software with in-house code oriented towards transaction processing and in hardware with a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-1 1/40 com- puter. However, recent demands that this node provide an expanded set of services have required that its implementation elements be modified and extended. In particular, the node hardware has been changed to a PDP-1 1 /45 processor, and the software present at the node has been extended from operation in two modes of logical address space to three modes. A discussion of the systems analysis principles which influenced the manner in which these modifications and extensions were carried out is given. The structure of the old two- mode software is briefly reviewed in order to pro- vide a basis for an examination of its three-mode replacement. Finally, the possibility of extending the technique to operation in many modes of logi- cal address space is indicated. 1 figure, 4 tables (ERA citation 03:016309) BNL-50741 Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y Hopi: On-Line Injection Optimization Program J L. LeMaire. 26 Oct 77, 30p Contract EY-76-C-02-0016 Descriptors: 'Brookhaven ags, 'Computer codes, Beam emittance, Beam injection, H codes, Linear accelerators, On-line control systems, Particle boosters, Pdp computers. Identifiers: ERDA/430302. A method of matching the beam from the 200 MeV linac to the AGS without the necessity of making emittance measurements is presented. An on-line computer program written on the PDP10 computer performs the matching by modifying independently the horizontal and vertical emittance. Experimental results show success with this method, which can be applied to any matching section. (ERA citation 03:024961) BNWL-MA-508 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. PLT: A Graphics Package for Casual Users of the Biometrics PDP 1 1/70 Computer J. R. Tadlock, and C. R. Watson. Dec 77. 38p Contract EY-76-C-06-1830 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer graph- ics, Basic, Fortran, P codes, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, PLT computer pro- gram, PREPLT computer program, PDP-1 1/70 computers. This report describes a SIMPLE approach to the use of GRAPHICS on the Biometrics computer The programs allow use of the resources provided by FORTRAN-callable plot control routines without the user's knowledge of those routines. The pro- grams allow the casual user to obtain two-dimen- sional linear or logarithmic plots quickly and easily. These assume the user has no knowledge of FOR- TRAN, although familiarity with PDS, the interac- tive control language of the PDP 11/70, is neces- sary. In addition, the user need not be concerned with the physical size of the display device, as all axis scaling is done automatically in the logical units of the data. That is, the user designs the plot in terms of grams, hours, microcuries, or whatever, rather than in terms of inches on the plot device. The key to the package is a special type of data file which contains titles, scale factors, and symbol codes in addition to the data. The FORTRAN pro- gram which generates the plots is called PLT. A BASIC program, PREPLT, is an optional method of constructing the special type of file needed by PLT. This report describes use of the two pro- grams, and explains in detail the format of the data file. Then several example files and resulting plots are shown. Listings of the two programs are includ- ed. (ERA citation 03:029982) BNWL-SA-6473 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, WA COMP: A Basic Non-Linear Least Squares Curve Fitting Package C. R. Watson, M I. Cochran, J. M Thomas, and L. L. Eberhardt. Nov 77. 6p Rept no. CONF- 771144-6 Contract EY-76-C-06-1830 DECUS meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, 28 Nov 1977, Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: Mathematical models, Basic, C codes, Least square fit, Nonlinear problems, PDP computers, Series expansion. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Curve fitting, Comput- er programming, BASIC programming language, PDP-1 1 /34 computers, PDP-1 1 /70 computers. To find a mathematical model which describes (fits) data from a process which is fundamentally nonlinear, one usually uses nonlinear least- squares techniques on maxicomputers. These usually run in batch mode with the user supplying a model and initial "guesstimates" of its parameters. However, fitting the model to the data can be con- sidered an art because computer algorithms either converge to true solutions, or converge to errone- ous solutions, or fail to converge, depending on the quality of the guesstimates. It is slow and ex- pensive to try enough runs to obtain a logical solu- tion (unless one makes lucky initial guesses). An interactive BASIC procedure was developed which runs on either the PDP-1 1 /34 under RT-1 1 or the PDP-1 1/70 under IAS. These programs help the investigator quickly fit the model to the data and statistically evaluate the differences between the two. The parameter estimates thus determined may then be used as guesstimates for the more precise maxicomputer codes. The key to the system is the re-enterant nature of the curve fitting routine (allowed only with a language such as IN- TERPRETED BASIC) The user supplies estimates of the parameters for the selected model (18 are currently available, and users can easily write their own) The computer tries a few iterative refine- ments (by using Taylor series expansion of partial derivatives to obtain linearization) of the estimates in an attempt to minimize the deviations between the values predicted by the model and the ob- served data. The user can observe as the program executes whether the result is a logical solution. If not, he may stop the process, enter new guessti- mates, and examine those results, try again, or select a new model. (ERA citation 030541 92) BNWL-2193 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs.. Richland, Wash 115 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER SAP3: A Computer Program for X-Ray Fluores- cence Data Reduction for Environmental Sam- ples K. K. Nielson. Apr 77, 49p Contract EY-76-C-06-1830 Descriptors: *Computer codes, *Sea bed, *X-ray fluorescence analysis, Automation, Calibration, Computer calculations, Corrections, Data analysis, Data processing, Fortran, Li-drifted si detectors, Matrices, Pdp computers, S codes, Sample prepa- ration, Self-absorption, X-ray fluorescence analyz- ers, X-ray spectrometers. Identifiers: ERDA/400103, ERDA/440105, ERDA/ 440103, 'Chemical analysis, 'Environmental sur- veys, SAP 3 computer program A FORTRAN computer program is presented for quantitative multielement analysis of spectral data from both isotope- and x-ray tube-excited x-ray flu- orescence systems. The program is designed for analysis of pelletized environmental samples (20 to 200 mg/cm exp 2 ) using thin film spectrometer calibrations and subsequent mathematical matrix corrections for seld absorption, particle size ef- fects and enhancement. A background-independ- ent direct peak analysis method permits rapid de- termination of net peak areas and peak overlap corrections. Matrix-corrected quantities of 24 ele- ments can be determined from 1024 channels of raw spectral data in 20 to 40 sec with relative accu- racies of a few percent. Options for applying the program to spectra from in-situ seabed analyses are also included. (ERA citation 02:045966) BNWL-2236 Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs., Richland, Wash. Comprehensive Information Retrieval and Model Input Sequence (Cirmis): User's Manual D. R. Fnedrichs. Apr 77, 99p Contract EY-76-C-06-1830 Descriptors: 'Wells, 'Information retrieval, Com- puter codes, C codes, Manuals, Maps, On-line sys- tems, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990300, ERDA/990200, Water resources, 'Information systems, Data processing. This manual describes the user interaction with the CIRMIS System. The portions of the system are divided into three sections: Well-based Data Re- trieval System describes the procedures involved in the retrieval of well-based data. Capabilities are available to display graphically various types of in- formation relating to wells and/or obtain hard copy plots and line printer listings of these data. Special Applications and Manipulations describes the pro- cedures involved in the generation and manipula- tion of surface files, the generation and use of map boundary files, special computer models that uti- lize these data, and special utility programs. Model Input Sequencing describes the procedures in- volved in setting up of input parameters and con- trol of Major Predictive Models controlled by the CIRMIS system. Due to the size of these models and the large amounts of data required, they are run on a PDP-11/45 computer with large mass storage capabilities Control of these programs is provided through the use of a smaller computer with visual interactive capabilities. 59 figures. (ERA citation 02:050544) CONF-770884-1 Argonne National Lab., III. Challenge in Numerical Software for Micro- computers W. J. Cody. 1977, 24p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Symposium on microcomputers: systems, soft- ware, architecture, Pingree Park, CO, USA, 31 Aug 1977. Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, Calculation meth- ods, Programming, Recommendations, Transla- tors. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Computer software. Microcomputers are now capable of serious nu- merical computation using programmed floating- point arithmetic and Basic compilers. Unless nu- merical software designers for these machines ex- ploit experience gained in providing software for larger machines, history will repeat with the initial spread of treacherous software. This paper dis- cusses good software, especially for the elemen- tary functions, in terms of reliability and robust- ness. The emphasis is on insight rather than de- tailed algorithms, to show why certain things are important and how they may be achieved. (ERA citation 03:042086) CONF-780441-2 Argonne National Lab., IL. Method for Semi-Automatic Software Docu- mentation J. W. Tippie. 1978, 6p Contract W-31-109-ENG-48 Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, Chica- go, IL, USA, 24 Apr 1978, Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Programming, 'Documentation, Automation, Computer codes, D codes, Pdp com- puters, Recommendations. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. Documenting large software systems raises nasty problems Programers and system designers are typically under pressure to develop and maintain software rather than document what they have done. Furthermore, once the software is oper- ational, there is little challenge to the programer to document it. The subject of this paper is a method (and supporting software) that was developed to reduce the documenting drudgery of the system designer and programer while providing reason- able and timely documentation at all levels. The method was employed in the development of sys- tems based on both RSX and DOS. 6 figures. (ERA citation 03:054193) CONF-781061-2 Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, TN Computer Sciences Div. Terminal Usage System at Oak Ridge National Laboratory D. R. Winkler. 17 Oct 78, 2p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 AESOP-SCIE symposium on advanced computing, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 1 9 Oct 1 978. Descriptors: 'On-line systems, ORNL. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Decsystem-10 comput- ers, Management information systems. A DECsystem 1 timesharing system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory was upgraded a factor of three in CPU power in February 1977. This paper describes a terminal usage system to monitor dialup and hardwired terminal usage. The DECsys- tem 10's terminal control hardware consists of two host multiplexors and five remote concentrators. The host multiplexors control 47 dialup lines, 153 hardwired lines, and the five remote concentrators. Two programs comprise the system. The first pro- gram reads the monthly accounting files and gen- erates a data file composed of session records. The second program produces two basic types of reports-one set based on terminal usage and the other set based on users' activities. These reports can be used as the basis for many management decisions. (ERA citation 04:01 7635) CONF-7811112-1 Argonne National Lab., IL. Software Development System for Small Dedi- cated and Front-End Microcomputer (LSI-11) Applications J. W. Tippie, and P. E. Rynes. 1978, 6p Contract W-31-109-ENG-38 Descriptors: Electric-powered vehicles, Micro- processors, Target chambers, Electric batteries, On-line control systems, PDP computers, Pro- gramming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/430303, ERDA/ 250904, ERDA/330300, 'Microcomputers, Com- puter applications, Computer software, Operating systems. Utility routines, Auxiliary equipment(Computers). The development of software for small dedicated microcomputer applications is frequently impeded or complicated by lack of adequate peripherals, utilities, and operating systems. A software devel- opment system for the LSI-11 microcomputer is described, along with some of its anticipated appli- cations and some of the software problems. The term "small dedicated application" is used here to refer to one- or few-of-a-kind systems based on the LSI-1 1 that lack a device suitable to support an operating system, and that are not subject to fre- quent software changes. 5 figures. (ERA citation 04:025120) CONF-78 1159-3 Oak Ridge National Lab., TN. NET--A Powerful File-Transfer Facility R. D. Burris, C. E. Hammons, and C. O. Kemper. 1978, 8p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Fall DECUS U.S. symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, 27 Nov 1978. Descriptors: 'Computer networks, 'Data transmis- sion, Equipment interfaces, Programming, ORNL. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, DECSYSTEM-10 com- puters, PDP-11 computers, PDP-12 computers, PDP-8 computers, IBM-360 computers, CDC-7600 computers, PDP-11/45 computers, NET systems. The NET command and system provide access to a network that includes DECsystem-1 0s. PDP-1 1 s, PDP-12S, PDP-8s, IBM System/360s, and a CDC 7600. A DECNET-style command syntax is used. Full wildcard capability is provided for transmis- sion, retrievals, and third-party transfers. The NET command was made to interface to existing pro- grams transmitting to the IBM and CDC equipment. For transfers between DECsystem-10s, a spooler was written to support file transfer through asyn- chronous (teletype) lines, a DAS78 fron end, or a DL1 link to a PDP-1 1 /45. The PDP-1 1 /45 is itself a node in the network. Users on many nodes can direct files to the 11/45 for storage, printing, plot- ting, or routing to some other node. It is between DECsystem-10s that the most powerful and free interchange of data is possible. Possible source devices include all directory devices and ersatz de- vices. Destination devices include all devices and queues that do not require operator intervention. 2 figures. (ERA citation 04:014902) CONF-790525-1 Idaho National Engineering Lab., Idaho Falls. Influence of Microprocessor Technology on In- strument and System Design M. R. Johnson. 1979, 18p Contract EY-76-C-07-1570 IMEKO congress, Moscow, USSR, 21 May 1979. Descriptors: 'Electronic equipment, 'Microproces- sors, Control systems, Data processing, Design, Reviews, Uses. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Computer aided design, Instruments. Current microprocessor technology as it relates to the design of instruments and instrumentation and control systems is surveyed. Because of fast- paced technological advances, design philos- ophies must change. The engineer's role and the tools he uses are also changing. The processing power of today's microprocessors and modular mi- crocomputers is sufficient to satisfy a very wide class of instrument and control system require- ments. In fact, the constraint is identifying imagina- tive problems rather than developing solutions. Current representative applications of micro- processors are examined, including some imple- mented at the Idaho National Engineering Labora- tory (INEL). Future trends in LSI product capability, programming languages, standardization, and ap- plications such as intelligent transducers and dis- tributed processing systems are considered. (ERA citation 04:044173) COO-1198-1215 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. FORTRAN Programs for Data Fitting Using Orthogonal Polynomials B. C. Gibson. May 78, 44p Contract EY-76-C-02-1 198 Descriptors: 'Least square fit, 'Thermometers, Calibration, Computer codes, Cryogenics, F codes, Fortran, Germanium, Low temperature, O codes, PDP computers, T codes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/440300, ORFIT subroutine, TFIT computer program, FIT computer 116 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER program, Orthogonal functions, Polynomials, Re- sistance thermometers. The use of orthogonal functions in least-squares data fitting is discussed, and a FORTRAN subrou- tine (ORFIT) which uses orthogonal polynomials in data fitting is presented. Also described are two FORTRAN programs for fitting data which use the subroutine ORFIT. The first one, FIT, is a general- purpose data fitting program. The second one, TFIT, is specifically intended for use in calibrating cryogenic germanium resistance thermometers TFIT fits InT to a polynomial in InR (where T and R are the temperature and resistance, respectively). (ERA citation 03:058087) COO-2245-36TR Massachusetts Inst, of Tech., Cambridge. Dept. of Nuclear Engineering. Collection and Evaluation of Salt Mixing Data with the Real Time Data Acquisition System S. Glazer, C. Chiu, and N. E. Todreas. Sep 77, 331p Contract EY-76-S-02-2245 Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: *Fuel element clusters, *Lmfbr type reactors, Computer codes, Fluid flow, Mixing, Mockup, S codes, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/210500, ERDA/420400, SU- PERENERGY computer program, Minicomputers, Data acquisition, Real time. A minicomputer based real time data acquisition system was designed and built to facilitate data collection during salt mixing tests in mock ups of LMFBR rod bundles. The system represents an expansion of data collection capabilities over pre- vious equipment. It performs steady state and tran- sient monitoring and recording of up to 512 individ- ual electrical resistance probes. Extensive real time software was written to govern all phases of the data collection procedure, including probe defi- nition, probe calibration, salt mixing test data ac- quisition and storage, and data editing. Offline soft- ware was also written to permit data examination and reduction to dimensionless salt concentration maps. Finally, the computer program SUPEREN- ERGY was modified to permit rapid extraction of parameters from dimensionless salt concentration maps. The document describes the computer system, and includes circuit diagrams of all custom built components. It also includes descriptions and listings of all software written, as well as extensive user instructions. (ERA citation 03:044689) COO-2383-0052 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. DRAGON Technical Manual P. Watterberg, and G. Lo. Aug 78, 81 p Contract EY-76-S-02-2383 Descriptors: 'Computer graphics, "Network analy- sis, D codes, Manuals, Mathematical models, PDP computers, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, DRAGON computer program, GIML programming language. The design and structure of the DRAGON program are described in detail. A discussion of the organi- zation and usage of the various files used by DRAGON is given first. The information in this sec- tion is summarized for quick reference. Then each of the routines comprising the DRAGON program is explained; this section is most useful if one has a listing of the DRAGON code. In both sections it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the GIML programing language and the GIML data struc- tures. (ERA citation 04:01 4903) COO-2383-41 Illinois Univ., Urbana. Dept. of Computer Science. Software Systems Reseach Annual Report, July 16, 1976--July 15, 1977 1977, 18p Contract EY-76-S-02-2383 Descriptors: 'Programming, Differential equations, Research programs, Simulators, Translators. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, MODEL programming language, PDP-11 computers. Highlights of the work include substantial progress on the oscillating ODE problem, completion of the MAP compiler for the MODEL generalized simula- tion language, completion of the simulator for the interactive graphical pseudo-computer, and the in- tegration of the Interdata 732 computer into the in- teractive PDP-11 system used by the group. Pro- jects which have been documented in reports or papers in preparation or already published are only summarized, while current projects yet to be docu- mented are described in greater detail. (ERA cita- tion 02:061826) DOE/NASA/CR-150535 Rho Sigma, Inc., North Hollywood, CA. System Design and Installation for RS600 Pro- grammable Control System for Solar Heating and Cooling Jan 78, 169p Contract EX-76-A-29-1037 Descriptors: 'Control systems, 'Solar cooling sys- tems, 'Solar heating systems, 'Solar water heat- ers, Computer codes, Design, Diagrams, Installa- tion, Maintenance, Manuals, Microprocessors, Op- eration, Specifications. Identifiers: ERDA/140901, ERDA/140907, Sys- tems engineering, Control equipment. The installation, operation and maintenance manual, the system design drawings, installation drawings and the system design data brochure are presented. It provides detailed information neces- sary for the building/purchase and installation of the RS600 Programmable Control System for solar heating, combined heating and cooling and/or hot water systems. Included are such items as general specifications, user configuration and options, dis- plays, theory of operation, trouble-shooting proce- dures, parts lists, drawings, diagrams, wiring lists and warranty and assistance. (ERA citation 04:007711) DOE/NASA/CR-150747 Andover Control Corp., MA. Installation Package for Integrated Program- mable Electronic Controller and Hydronic Sub- system: Solar Heating and Cooling Aug 78, 165p Contract EX-76-A-29-1037 Descriptors: 'Control systems, 'Solar cooling sys- tems, 'Solar heating systems, Computer codes, Data acquisition, Installation, Logic circuits, Main- tenance, Manuals, Microprocessors, Monitoring, Operation, Programming, Solar collectors, Specifi- cations. Identifiers: ERDA/140901, Controllers, Hot water heating. The Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual and information on the power panel and programmable microprocessor, a hydronic solar pump system, and a hydronic heating hot water pumping system are included. These systems are integrated into various configurations for usages in solar energy management, control and monitoring, lighting control, data logging, and other solar relat- ed applications. (ERA citation 04:007728) DP-MS-76-74 Du Pont de Nemours (E.I.) and Co., Aiken, SO Sa- vannah River Lab. Interactive Display Program for a PDP-1 1 Satel- lite Graphics System J. C. Jensen, H. C. Honeck, and J. H. Hightower 6p Rept no. CONF-761216-1 Contract E(07-2)-1 Symposium of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America (USA), 6 Dec 1 976. Descriptors: 'Interactive display devices, Comput- er codes, Pdp computers, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. ERDA/440300, PDP 1 1 computers A general-purpose interactive graphics system was developed at the Savannah River Labcatory. This system was designed to be used by personnel of different discipliness, both technical and busi- ness, as a data processing aid. An overview of the host-satellite system, a discussion of the data structure that is used, and a description of the in- teractive facilities provided by the PDP-11 display program are presented. 4 figures. (ERA citation 02:031724) DP- 1506 Du Pont de Nemours (E.I.) and Co., Aiken, SC. Sa- vannah River Lab. MC6800 Cross-Assembler for the PDP-8/E Digital Computer R. J. Sand. Aug 78, 87p Contract EY-76-C-09-0001 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Microprocessors, M codes, Manuals, Translators. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, PDP-8/E computers, Minicomputers, MC-6800 computers. A cross-assembler was developed to assemble Motorola MC6800 microprocessor programs on a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-8/E minicom- puter. This cross-assembler runs in 8K of core under the OS/8 operating system. The advan- tages of using the cross-assembler are the large user symbol table and the convenience and speed of program development. User's instructions for the cross-assembler are given. The design of the cross-assembler and examples of its use are de- scribed. 12 figures. (ERA citation 04:007141) ED-160 068 Illinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. Dept. of Sec- ondary Education. MC Painting-A New Medium for Art Education Bruce Hicks, and Melanie Zibit. Mar 78, 11 Report on Illinois Series on Educational Applica- tion of Computers, Rept. no. ISEAC-1 6. Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service (Computer Microfilm International Corpo- ration), Arlington, VA. 22210, PCS1.67, MFS0.83 Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Art education, 'Display systems, 'Painting, Computer programs, Computer science. Identifiers: 'Microcomputers. The MC (microcomputer) paint brush and other parts of the MC painting medium can be used easily by the student, teacher, or artist, young or old, to produce color pictures on a TV screen and store them for later viewing or modification. The 1 5 colors available-two intensities of each of six colors, black, and two whites-can be painted with any one of four 'brushes'-one narrow and three wide-making continuous strokes or one dab at a time. The essential element of decision-making that is inherent in the artistic creative process is present in each step of MC painting; this element is easily controlled by the artist-user, who can be as spontaneous or as calculating, as fast or as slow, in his artistic activity as he wishes. ED-160 081 An Interactive Testing/Teaching System for Microcomputers Alvm J Surkan, and Richard M. Evans. 30 Nov 77, 15p Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the As- sociation for the Development of Computer Based Instructional Systems, Dallas, TX March 1-4, 1978. Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service (Computer Microfilm International Corpo- ration), Arlington, VA. 22210, MFS0.83 Only, Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Computer assisted instruction, 'In- structional systems, 'Testing, Computer pro- grams. Cost effectiveness, Man machine systems. Mastery learning, Pacing. Identifiers: API programming language, 'Minicom- puters. Results of the experience gained in designing and using an autonomous computer-assisted testing system are reported, including conclusions based on more than two years testing with typical classes. In this system, definitely expandable auxil- iary storage for testing items and programs or scores is provided Cathode ray tube display of questions and reinforcement, and real-time check- ing of answers is followed by recording partial scores and updating the number of trials by each 117 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER student on each exam. The system provides a self- contained, potable, and economical facility well suited to variable-paced, proficiency-based courses of study. ED-160 082 A Microprocessor Based CAI System with Graphic Capabilities Frank J. Mabry. Mar 78, 19p Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the As- sociation for the Development of Computer Based Instructional Systems, Dallas, TX. March 1-4, 1978. Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service (Computer Microfilm International Corpo- ration), Arlington, VA. 22210, MFS0.83 Only, Plus Postage. Descriptors: 'Computer assisted instruction, 'Computer graphics, Computer programs, Dia- grams, Man machine systems, On line systems, Programming languages. Identifiers: 'Microprocessors. This paper describes a system which operates on an independent basis as well as connected to communications network, e.g., PLATO and ASCII based communication systems. The system also has facilities for local production and use of PILOT lessons, for support of a generalized programming language (NSEASIC), and for development of graphic sequences. The following topics are dis- cussed: background, NSBASIC, microprocessor- supported PILOT, graphic source generation, sized writing and user defined special characters, and programming support. A description of the hardware features is appended as well as the lan- guage guide, programming notes, and program- ming options for NSBASIC. ED-167 186 Microprocessors as an Adjunct to Statistics In- struction William G. Miller. 1978, 23p Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, To- ronto (Ontario) April 1978. Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service (Computer Microfilm International Corpo- ration), Arlington, VA. 22210, PCS1.67, MFS0.83 Plus Postage Descriptors: 'College instruction, 'Computer pro- grams. "Cost effectiveness, 'Statistics, Computer assisted instruction, Construction costs, Educa- tional facilities, Graduate students, Instructional aids, Nonparametric statistics, Programmed in- struction, Teaching machines, Teaching methods Examinations of costs and acquisition of facilities indicate that an Altair 8800A microcomputer with a program library of parametric, non-parametric, mathematical, and teaching programs can be used effectively for teaching college-level statistics. Sta- tistical packages presently in use require extensive computing knowledge beyond the students' and instructors' desired needs. Simplified access is available through use of microprocessor systems Costs of different microprocessor systems vary with performance, operational specifications, and quality. Cost comparisons are also difficult to make between microprocessor systems and mini-, macro-, and mega-systems, as well as large sys- tems. Consideration must be given to software, ac- quisition, tangible and intangible benefits to users, and various other criteria. Some statistical instruc- tion programs, used primarily to generate sample problems for homework or tests and to analyze data found in textbooks or illustrate statistical rela- tionships, demonstrate the possibilities To fully capitalize on the microcomputer revolution, micro- computer manufacturers must assume greater re- sponsibility for equipment, maintenance, service, and standards for programming languages. Institu- tions must rethink resources and planning, and the impact of microprocessor use on students. ED-168 588 Library of Congress. Washington, DC Introduction to Minicomputers in Federal Li- braries Micki Jo Young. 1978, 155p Prepared in cooperation with Federal Library Com- mittee, Washington, DC. Available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service (Computer Microfilm International Corpo- ration), Arlington, VA. 22210. Also available from Supt. of Docs. Descriptors: 'Government libraries, 'Library auto- mation, Computer programs, Computers, Comput- er storage devices, Library administration, Library role, Man machine systems. Systems approach, Systems development. Identifiers: 'Minicomputers. This book for library administrators and Federal li- brary staff covers the application of minicomputers in Federal libraries and offers a review of minicom- puter technology. A brief overview of automation explains computer technology, hardware, and soft- ware. The role of computers in libraries is exam- ined in terms of the history of computers and cur- rent evolving technology. An examination of micro- computers as a solution to library problems focus- es on hardware and peripherals, including mass storage devices and man/machine interface de- vices. Systems software is discussed, with empha- sis on program development aids, file manage- ment programs, operating systems, and applica- tions. Criteria for system selection are identified, and library applications in the areas of acquisitions, cataloging, serials, circulation, interlibrary load, ref- erence and information services, and administra- tion are explored. Eased on these applications and requirements for space and personnel, guidelines are given for system selection and evaluation. The roles of the library, agency, federal government, and private sector in the application of minicom- puters are discussed, as well as future trends. A glossary and systems specifications for procure- ment of minicomputer systems from the Library of Congress are included. EGG-1 183-1733 EG and G, Inc., Las Vegas, NV. Energy Measure- ments Group. LASL/EG And G General Purpose IEEE-488 Bus Device Driver (GPDRV) I. J. Brower. 1 Nov 78, 48p Contract EY-76-C-08-1183 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, PDP computers, Equipment interfaces, G codes, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, GPDRV computer pro- gram, Fortran. GPDRV is a device driver for the RSX-1 1 M Operat- ing System designed as a software interface be- tween RSX-1 1M and the IEEE-488 Bus via a Tek- tronix CP1 100 interface. GPDRV allows communi- cation with the IEEE-488 bus by use of the RSX- 11M standard FORTRAN READ, WRITE, QIO Statements The Tektronix CP1 100 Interface must be modified so all 8 interrupts will interrupt through the same vector and bit 14 of the bus address reg- ister will indicate if the CP1 100 interface is system controller The CP1100 interface may be further modified if it is system controller (bit 14 of the bus address register equals a zero) so that interface clear and remote enable cannot be sent by the in- terface A more detailed explanation of the CP1100 may be found the the "TEKTRONIX CP1100/IEEE 488 INTERFACE" instruction manual (ERA citation 04:031974) E77-10234 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Lower Hutt (New Zealand) Physics and Engineer- ing Lab. Seismotectonic, Structural, Volcanologic, and Geomorphic Study of New Zealand: Indigenous Forest Assessment in New Zealand. Mapping, Land Use, and Environmental Studies in New Zealand. Volume 2 Final rept. Mervyn Probine, Richard P Suggate, Michael G. McGrevy. and Ian F Stirling Sep 77, 134p 587- Vol-2, NASA-CR-1 55024 See also Volume 3. E77-10235 Original contains color imagery Original photogra- phy may be purchased from the EROS Data Center. Sioux Falls, S.D Descriptors: 'New Zealand. 'Ships, 'Crop identifi- cation. 'Snow. "Sediments, Distortions. Maps. Digital data, Earth resources program, Multispec- tral band scanners, Computer programs, Fortran, Minicomputers, Image enhancement. The author has identified the following significant results. Ship detection via LANDSAT MSS data was demonstrated. In addition, information on ship size, orientation, and movement was obtained Band 7 was used for the initial detection followed by confirmation on other MSS bands. Under low turbidity, as experienced in open seas, the detec- tion of ships 100 m long was verified and detection of ships down to 30 m length theorized High turbi- dity and sea state inhibit ship detection by de- creasing S/N ratios. The radiance effect from snow of local slope angles and orientation was also studied. Higher radiance values and even overloading in three bands were recorded for the sun-facing slope. Local hot spots from solar reflec- tion appear at several locations along transect D-C in Six Mile Creek Basin during September 1976. FEI-562 Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atom- noi Energii SSSR, Obninsk. Fiziko-Energeticheskii Inst NEXT Module System for the M-220 Computer S. Kh. Saherov, B. A. Efimenko, T. D Terekhova, and G. A. Zhuravleva. 1975, 10p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Microprocessors. 'Programming, 'Translators, Algol, Algorithms. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR, NEXT system, M-220 computers. The "NEXT" system is described realized on the M-220 computer. The system makes it possible to combine programs compiled by a translator from the ALGOL-60 (TA-2M) language into a single computer complex. The principles used in the in- vestigation permit applying the term of a module system to the "NEXT". The "NEXT" system has been included into software for the M-220 type computers and has been successfully tested in op- eration. (Atomindex citation 09:350449) HMI-B-228 Hahn-Meitner-lnst fuer Kernforschung Berlin G.m.b.H. (West Germany). Bereich Datenverarbei- tung und Elektronik. MUMTI A Multi-User-Multi-Task-lnterpreter for Process-Control Applications with CAMAC E. Busse, K. H. Degenhardt, H U. Eichner, V. Tschammer, and U. Vidic. Feb 77, 114p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only Descriptors: 'On-line control systems, PDP com- puters, Camac system, Equipment interfaces, M codes, Programming languages, Real time sys- tems. Translators, Uses. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, West Germany, Proc- ess control, PDP-11 computers, Interpreters, MUMTI system. The interactive, interpretative programming- system MUMTI runs on PDP1 1-RSX1 1M/D-sys- tems. Its main application fields are industrial and process-control applications The MUMTI lan- guage is described in detail. (Atomindex citation 08:348531) HMI-B-229 Hahn-Meitner-lnst. fuer Kernforschung Berlir G.m.b.H (West Germany). Bereich Datenverarbei tung und Elektronik. Computer Network of the Hahn-Meitner Insti- tute for Nuclear Research H J Toepfer. Feb 77, 17p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors 'Computers. German Fr organiza- tions, Camac system, Computer codes. Computer networks. Data acquisition systems. Data process- ing, Data transmission. Design. Digital computers. Electronic guidance. On-line control systems. PDP computers. Programming. Real time systems, Sie- mens computers Identifiers ERDA/990200. West Germany. The report describes the topology, the hardware and the software of the HMI integrated computer system The possibilities open to users are out- 118 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER lined. Communication among processes, which may even occur in various host computers of the system, is achieved through the Extended Inter- task Communication (EITC) software component (Atomindex citation 08:341 151) HMI-B-275 Hahn-Meitner-lnst. fuer Kernforschung Berlin G.m.b.H. (Germany, F.R.). Bereich Datenverarbei- tung und Elektronik. Data-Link of Autonomous CAMAC Processor Systems with a Computer W. Brehmer. Aug 78, 20p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: *Camac system, 'Data transmission, C codes, Computer networks, Equipment inter- faces, On-line control systems, Operation, PDP computers. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, CAPRO-1 system, PDP-1 1 computers. Employing CAMAC processor systems, a data-link, connecting the processor system and a host-com- puter, is often required. The functions for the data- link has been defined. The implementation of the data-link between a DEC-Computer PDP 11/4phi and an INCAA CAMAC processor system CAPRO- 1 is described. The data-link includes procedures for dialog and data transfer integrated into the ex- ecutive of the processor system CAPRO-1. (Ato- mindex citation 10:449902) IAE-2513 Gosudarstvennyi Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atom- noi Energn SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Atomnoi Energii. Solution of the Kinetic Equation in the PS-Ap- proximation in a Plane Geometry Yu A Vlasov 1975, 36p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, "Layers, "Neutron transport theory, Algol, Besm computers, Bound- ary conditions, Factorization, Finite difference method, Kinetic equations, Microprocessors, Neu- tron transport. One-group theory, P codes, PS-ap- proximation, Two-dimensional calculations Identifiers: ERDA/654003, USSR. A method and a program are described for solving single-velocity kinetic equations of neutron trans- port for plane geometry in the finite-difference ap- proximation. A high-accuracy difference scheme and a matrix factorization method are used for the differential-difference equation systems. The pro- gram is written in the ALGOL-60 language and is adapted for M-20. M-220, M-222 and BESM-4 computers. (Atomindex citation 08:341279) IEA-TI-57 Instituto de Energia Atomica, Sao Paulo (Brazil) Div de Engenhana Nuclear GENFIT: A General Least Squares Curve Fitting Program for Mini-Computer S Shalev Jun 77, 20p US Sales Only Descriptors: "Least square fit. Computer codes, Data processing, Errors, Functions, G codes, Itera- tive methods. Nonlinear problems. Plotters, Pro- gramming Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Brazil. GENFIT com- puter program, Minicomputers, Curve fitting. GENFIT is a basic data processing program, suit- able for small on-line computers In essence the program solve the curve fitting problem by using the non-linear least squares method. A data set consisting of a series of points in the X-Y plane is fitted to a selected function whose parameters are adjusted to give the best fit in the least-squares sence Convergence may be accelerated by modi- fying (or interchanging) the values of the constant parameters in accordance with results of previous calculations. (Atomindex citation 09:366218) INIS-mf-3618 Nijmegen Univ (Netherlands). Measurement of K exp - /sub p/ 4.2 Gev/C In- teractions with a Pepr Vertex Guidance System T E Schouten 18 Feb 77, 207p Available in microfiche only 66 refs . 49 figs . 15 tables, Thesis U.S. Sales Only Descriptors: "Cathode ray tube digitizers, "Kaon minus-proton interactions, Accuracy, Automation, Bubble chambers, Calibration, Computer codes, Consoles, Data processing, Efficiency, Gev range 01-10, Image scanners, Kaons minus, Particle kinematics, Particle tracks, Pattern recognition, Pdp computers, Performance testing, Program- ming. Identifiers: ERDA/440104, Netherlands For the K exp - sub(p) 4.2 GeV/c experiment more than three million bubble chamber pictures were taken and analyzed by a collaboration of laborato- ries in CERN, Amsterdam, Oxford and Nijmegen. The analysis of such a large amount of pictures requires a large degree of automatization in the processing chain. In this thesis a description is pre- sented of the hardware and software of a pattern recognition system for the automatic measure- ment of bubble chamber pictures: the PEPR Vertex Guidance system PEPR stands for Preci- sion Encoding and Pattern Recognition. The re- sults of this system are analyzed in terms of speed, throughput, accuracy and efficiency of the mea- surements (Atomindex citation 08:313644) IS-T-830 Ames Lab., IA. Special Purpose Computer to Computer Inter- face B. F. Ill Carter Jan 79, 56p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Thesis. Descriptors: "PDP computers, "SDS computers, "Equipment interfaces, Design, On-line measure- ment systems, Programming Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/220600, Proto- cols The specific design criteria for interfacing two dis- similar computers are presented. The discussion also includes hardware and software protocol for communication between the systems. 14 figures, 2 tables. (ERA citation 04:01 7636) IS-4105 Ames Lab., Iowa Users Manual for DISKORG: The Disk Organi- zation Subsystem for the PDP-1 5 Computer K. R. Brobst, L C. Moon, and T. Ekberg. Feb 77, 20p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Pdp computers, D codes, Magnetic disks, Manuals, PI- 1 language, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200. DISKORG computer program, ALECS programming language, PDP-1 5 computers. DISKORG is the name given to a set of programs written in the ALECS language which forms the disk organization subsystem of the ALECS operat- ing system The ALECS operating system is a time-sharing multi-tasking operating system for the DEC PDP-1 5 computer The ALECS language is a subset of PL/1. The ALECS compiler (cross-com- piler) runs on an IBM 360/370 OSMVT computer in about 132K Bytes of main core (ERA citation 02:040303) IS-4169 Ames Lab., Iowa. Users Guide to Finger, Thumb, and Triple Axis Real Time Experiment Control Programs T G Pinter, and E. M Notis Apr 77. 52p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Neutron spec- trometers. Manuals. On-line control systems. Op- eration, Pdp computers. Programming, Real time systems. Recording systems Identifiers: ERDA/440103 This manual provides the user with instructions for using the real time control system for the neutron scattering spectrometers: finger, thumb, and triple axis The input requirements of the various pro- grams are described in detail Logging on proce- dures, program loading, and data set organization are also discussed (ERA citation 02:057335) IS-4312 Ames Lab., Iowa. Programmer's Guide for DISKORG: the Disk Organization Subsystem for the PDP-15 Com- puter K. R. Brobst, L. C. Moon, T. Ekberg, and T. G. Pinter Dec 77, 47p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Descriptors: "Programming manuals, PDP com- puters, Algorithms, Ames laboratory, Computer codes, D codes, Magnetic disks, PI-1 language, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "PDP-15 computers, Data structures, "File organization, "DISKORK system. The disk organization package used with the Ames Laboratory Experimental Control System devel- oped for a Digital Equipment Company's PDP-15 computer is described. The directory and data set structure are described. Algorithms are given for the individual routines in the package 4 figures. (ERA citation 03:032500) IS-4378 Ames Lab., Iowa. Programmers Guide to Finger, Thumb, and Triple Axis Real Time Experiment Control Pro- grams T. G. Pinter, and E. M. Notis. Mar 78, 97p Contract W-7405-ENG-82 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Neutron diffracto- meters, Algorithms, Control systems, Crystals, Elastic scattering, Inelastic scattering, Manuals, Neutron reactions, Pdp computers, Programming Identifiers: ERDA/440300, PDP-1 5 computers This manual describes the algorithms and codes written to control the neutron scattering real-time experiments These experiments consist of three diffractometers, called Thumb, Finger, and Triple Axis, as well as an x-y Plotter. The basic control system consists of an experiment interfaced to an SDS-910 which is in turn interfaced to a PDP-15 All direct experiment control is performed in the 910, e.g., setting angles, handling experiment in- terrupts, etc. Thus, all three experiments "look" the same to the 15 The Thumb diffractometer consists of a sample table of rotation for the crystal being studied and a detector arm which is rotated about the sample table axis All other angles are fixed Thus, only elastic scattering can be per- formed on this diffractometer. The Finger diffracto- meter has an analyzing crystal where the Thumb detector is located. This crystal can be rotated to select a given energy from the beam scattered by the sample before it enters the detector Thus, in- elastic scattering can be performed. The Triple Axis resembles the Finger except the monochro- mator and drum angles as well as the detector and analyzer crystal angles can all move independent- ly (ERA citation 03:043523) JEN-412 Junta de Energia Nuclear, Madrid (Spain). Automatic Storage of Single gamma Spectra on Magnetic Tape. Programs LONGO, DIRE J, M Los Arcos Merino 1978, 22p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Gamma spectra. Computer codes, D codes, Data processing, Fortran, L codes, Magnet- ic tapes. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Data storage. Multi-8 computers, Minicomputers. LONGO computer pro- gram, DIRE computer program, Spam The program LONGO provides the block size and the block number in a binary file on magnetic tape It has been applied to analyse the structure of the nine-track magnetic tapes storing single or coinci- dence gamma spectra files, recorded in octet form by a Multi-8 minicomputer in the Nuclear Spec- trometry Laboratory of J.E.N. Then the program DIRE has been written to transform the single gamma spectra into a new Fastrand disk file, stor- ing the information in 36 bit words. A copy of this file is obtained on magnetic tape and the single 119 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER gamma spectra are then availables by standard Fortran V reading sentences. (Atomindex citation 09:399295) JINR-R-10-10479 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. ot Neutron Physics. Software for a Magnetic Disk Drive Unit Con- nected with a Computer Tpa-1001-l O. I. Elizarov, A. Mateeva, and I. M. Salamatin. 1977, 21p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: "Magnetic disks, *PDP computers, Al- gorithms, Computer codes, Data transmission. Diagrams, Equipment interfaces, Operation, Pro- gramming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR. The disk drive unit with capacity 1250 K and mini- mal addressing part of memory 1 sector (128 sub 10 1 2-bit words) is connected with a TPA-1001-i computer. The operation regimes of the controller, functions and formats of the commands used are described as well as the software. The data trans- fer between the computer and magnetic disk drive unit is realized by means of programs relocatable in a binary form. These are inserted in a standard program library with modular structure. The manner of control handling and data transfer be- tween programs stored in the library on a magnetic disk drive are described. The resident program (100 sub 8 words) inserted in a monitor takes into account special features of the disk drive unit being used. The algorithms of correction programs for a disk drive unit, of programs for rewriting the library from paper tape to disk drive unit and of the program for writing and reading the monitor are de- scribed. (Atomindex citation 08:338524) JINR-R-10-9484 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). OrganizaTRAn of a Library of Standard Reloca- tible Programmes, or a Processing Measure- ment Data Module Based on Computers of the TRA Types K. Dadi, L. Dadi, A. Mateeva, and I. M. Salamatin. 1976, 18p Available in microfiche only U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: *PDO computers, Computer codes, Data processing, Magnetic disks, Operation, Pro- gramming, Programming languages. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR, PDP-8 comput- ers. The paper describes the organization of a library of standard programs with binary code. The library was developed for a measurement module on the basis of a TRA-1001-i computer (Elektronika-100, PDP-8). The library is placed on a external memory (magnetic disk) and has a module structure. The external memory assigned for the library is divided into pages. When loaded into the computer inter- nal memory, several pages are taken as one whole to represent the loading module. The magnetic disk storage capacity being 1.25 million words, the library has a total of ca. 50 sub 10 thousand words (eight cylinders). The work provides regulations for compiling standard programs in SLANG. The li- brary is characterized by the following main fea- tures: possibility of being used in memory dynamic distribution mode; possibility of being used for computers with internal memory capacity 4K; no need for intermediary-language coding of dis- placed program; and possibility of autonomous shift of standard program. The above library is compared with a comprising DES programs library. (Atomindex citation 08:338522) JINR-R-10-9949 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR) Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation. Image Processing System Taken from a High- Pressure Streamer Chamber V V Ermolaev, L P. Kalmykova, D. B. Pontekorvo. I I Skryl', and I. V Falomkm 1976, 16p U.S Sales Only. Descriptors- 'Charged particle detection, 'Stream- er spark chambers, Algorithms. Computer codes, Image processing, Medium pressure, Microproces- sors, On-line measurement systems, Particle tracks, Scanning measuring projectors. Identifiers: ERDA/440104, USSR. A system is described for processing pictures from a high pressure streamer chamber. The system contains a TPA-1001 computer, 6 scanning meas- uring devices and software. A number of programs has been prepared for calculating and controlling the optical parameters of the streamer chamber, and also for the analysis of the pion beam param- eters and the geometric reconstruction of the events taken. (Atomindex citation 09:402151) JINR-10-11120 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Computing Techniques and Automation. Operational System for Image Processing from a gamma Telescope A. Ya. Astakhov, and G. V, Navasardyan. 1977, 14p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Spark chambers, Algorithms, Com- puter codes, Image processing, Magnetic storage devices, Microprocessors, On-line measurement systems, Scanning measuring projectors. Identifiers: ERDA/440104, USSR. The measuring system for image processing from spark chambers is described which is based on two BPS-75 projectors line with a mini-computer (PDP-8 tape). The operating system controls the measuring process and contains the initiating rou- tine, the dispatcher, the interrupt priority request servicing device routine. There are 5 priorities: real time clock, magnetic tape transport, store, projec- tors, teletype. At present the system is being tested with the single BPS-75 projector and images from the spark chamber "Gamma-1" model (Atomindex citation 09:396196) JINR-10-11232 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of High Energy. Off-Line Programming CAMAC System Based on a Microprocessor T. Nemesh 1978, 14p U.S. Sales Only Descriptors: 'Data acquisition systems, Camac system, Data processing, Data transmission, Equipment interfaces, Flowsheets, Memory de- vices, Microprocessors, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, lntel-8080 computers, USSR Off-line programming Camac system for data ac- quisition and data processing is described. It con- tains an off-line controller, memory modules and user modules. The controller is based on the Intel 8080 microprocessor and memory units. It is de- signed for data collection, primary data processing and data transmission to a central computer. All the modules are connected with the Camac/8080 dataway and are made in Camac standards. (Ato- mindex citation 09:405313) JINR-10-8787 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Modification of a Translator of Mnemocode the M-6000 Computer N. V. Kurkina, S. V. Medved, O. V. Pshenichnikov, and A. G. Shchirov. 1975, 1 0p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Translators, Data processing, Errors, Microprocessors. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR, M-6000 com- puters. A modification of the mnemonic code translator for the M-6000 computer is described. The modified translator provides diagnostics in the source pro- gram and efficient translation-time error recovery and editing procedures. This increases the produc- tivity of programmers labour and decreases the debugging time (Atomindex citation 08:344337) JINR-10-9553 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR) Translator for Symbolic Language of Printed Plate Description N. Yu. Shkobin. 1976, 19p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Printed circuits, Algorithms, Computer aided design, Manufactur- ing, Microprocessors, Optimization, Performance, T codes. Translators. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, Computer aided manu- facturing, TROPA computer program, USSR. The structure, operating principle and manuals on utilization of the 'Tropa' program are described. The program transforms symbolic description of a printed circuit card into control codes of the 'ADMAR' semiautomatic device. An algorithm is given with respect to optimization of 'idle running' of semiautomatic device technological compo- nents. The algorithm provides a 30-40% time saving for manufacture of printed circuit cards. The 'Tropa' program is oriented for a small-size com- puter of a PDP-8 type operating in dialogue with an operator. Equipped with trouble-shooting and edit- ing systems, the program is well accommodated for industrial use and easy in operation. (Atomin- dex citation 08:341273) JINR-10-9768 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Description of the COPLAN Special-Purpose Language Description for the Programming Automation on Control Minicomputers G. E. Babayan, and G. A. Ososkov. 1976, 31p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, On-line control systems, Programming, Programming languages. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR, COPLAN pro- gramming language, Minicomputers. The specialized COPLAN language is a simple and sufficiently flexible instrument enabling the user to reformat the available control subroutines into standard language functions. The basic limitations are considered of the COPLAN language on the size of constants and number of letters and digits in identifiers and characters. Rules are given for programming in the COPLAN language, and a de- scription of the card format is presented. (Atomin- dex citation 09:396197) JINR-11-10818 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Lab. of Nuclear Problems. "NAIRI-2" Computer Plotter Software E. K Aksenova, V. V, Kol'ga, and Z TreJDal. 1977, 21p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Plotters, Algorithms. Computer codes, D codes, Data processing, Flowsheets, G codes, Interpolation, Microprocessors, On-line measurement systems. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Computer graphics, Mairi-2 computers, Machine coding, BESM-6 com- puters, DCD-6500 computers, Plot system, Com- puter software, USSR The software is described for the grapher of the computer "Nairi-2". The system of subprograms "Plot" written in the machine language of "Nairi-2" allows to present graphically the information ob- tained with the computer "Nairi-2" and with basis computers (BESM-6, CDC-6500) through the infor- mation processing system The graphic depen- dence can be represented on a pre-selected scale either as a continuous line with a program linear interpolation between the points with the plotting of coordinates of the x, y axes, or as separate points with the construction of the x, y coordinates axes, in any prescribed direction. The system of subprograms is operated in a language of autopro- gramming with the application of a number of new operators introduced into the translator of "Nairi- 2". (Atomindex citation 09:396195) JINR-1 1-9558 Joint Inst for Nuclear Research. Dubna (USSR) Computer Code Simulating Minicomputer Op- eration on a Large Computer A V Kavchenko, A. A Karlov, A. D. Polyntsev, and T. F. Smolyakova. 1976, 9p A 20 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Microprocessors, Besm computers, Computer codes, Simulation. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, "Emulators, M-6000 computers, BESM-6 computers, Computerized simulation, Productivity, USSR. A program emulator of a small M-6000 computer is described which is actually a program, simulating operation of a small M-6000 computer on a large BESM-6 computer. Capabilities of the emulator as well as its functional structure are considered. An example is given, illustrating emulator operation. Utilization of the emulator provides higher labour productivity of programmers in the course of pro- gram preparation and check-out. (Atommdex cita- tion 09:376757) JINR-1 1-9616 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR). Interactive Editing Program Using Display I. Lang, J. Ehsenski, Yu. Namsrai, and B. V. Fefilov. 1976, 8p Available in microfiche only. U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, Computer net- works, D codes, Display devices. Microprocessors, Minsk computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'Text editing systems, Interactive systems, TRA-1001 computers, TRA-1 computers, MINSK-32 computers, DOSE system, USSR. A general description is given as well as principal functions are considered of 'DOSE' interactive editor program with a display involved. The pro- gram has been elaborated for TRA/1-1001 com- puter. This program enables one to edit and cor- rect texts in algorithmical languages on a raster display screen as well as to provide perforated tapes for their further usage. 'DOSE' program is regarded as a basic program system for a set of TRA/1 and MINSK-32 computers (Atomindex ci- tation 08:341259) JINR-1 1-9766 Joint Inst, for Nuclear Research, Dubna (USSR) Translator from the COPLAN Language into the "Electronics-100" Computer Code G. E. Babayan, and G. A. Ososkov. 1976, 16p U.S. Sales Only. Descriptors: 'Translators, BESM computers, Algo- rithms, Flowsheets, Fortran, Microprocessors. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, USSR, COPLAN pro- gramming language. A translator from the COPLAN language into "Electronics-100" computer code is described. The translator has been compiled in the FOR- TRAN language. The principal tasks for translator elaboration are as follows: to combine the COPLAN translator, automatic code and assem- bler in one program; to ensure a simple transition to another automatic code. These tasks have been solved by applying an interpretation method in the course of translation as well as owing to a simpler paging. The paging method suggested is dis- cussed in detail. As a result of the translator oper- ation, a program written in machine language in absolute addresses is delivered onto a magnetic or paper tape. Translation rate is 1 1 oper/s. (Atomin- dex citation 09:380149) K/CSD/TM-12 Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Tenn REGPLOT: A Plotting Program to Graphically Check HEATING5 Input Data D. C. Elrod. Aug 77, 70p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Heat transfer, Fortran, H codes, IBM computers, One-dimension- al calculations, PDP computers, R codes, Three- dimensional calculations, Two-dimensional calcu- lations Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'REGPLOT computer program, 'HEATING5 computer program, IBM- 360 computers, IBM-370 computers, Decsystem- 10 computers, 'Conduction. The plotting program, REGPLOT, was written to allow users of HEATINGS, a generalized heat con- duction code, to graphically check their HEAT- INGS input data. REGPLOT reads HEATING5 input data and plot specification data for one-, two- , and three-dimensional models The program then creates maps of the regions, the materials, the heat generation function numbers, the initial condi- tion function numbers, and the boundary condition function numbers by drawing the region bound- aries and labeling each region appropriately. The user can then check his modeling data visually. The plot specification data allow the user to input the planes that are to be plotted if the model is three-dimensional, the type of map that is to be created, the area of the plane that is to be drawn, and the scaling factors that are to be used. Default values will be used if the area of the plane to be drawn and the scaling factors are not specified. The REGPLOT program is operational in the batch mode on the IBM 360/370 computer systems, and in the timesharing mode on the DEC PDP-10 system accessed by a graphics terminal. 19 fig- ures, 3 tables. (ERA citation 03:002018) K/CSD/TM-18 Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Tenn. BUDGET: A Program for Evaluating a Project's Budget over Several Years. Phase I User's Manual R. C. DeLozier. Dec 77, 89p Contract W-7405-ENG-26 Descriptors: 'Budgets, 'Computer codes, Algo- rithms, Allocations, B codes, Computer calcula- tions, Documentation, Financing, Fortran, On-line systems, PDP computers, Planning. Identifiers: ERDA/990100, ERDA/290200, BUDGET computer program, PDP-10 computers. The BUDGET program was developed to provide a computer-based method of preparing and docu- menting a project's money allocation over some time interval. This interactive program is intended to simplify the task of analyzing many subalterna- tives, such as those concerned with design and specification, before a major project is finalized. In summary, it was designed to aid in making deci- sions as to how much and where resources will be allocated Resources or money can be allocated by BUDGET in 50 cost accounts for up to 18 time periods. The number of cost accounts can be ex- panded easily; however, in order to use the maxi- mum time capabilities that are provided, a printer capable of 158 characters per line is used. Line printers with less capability simply restrict the number of periods that can be studied in one cal- culation; a 133-characters-per-line printer accom- modates 14 periods, and an 80-characters-per-line printer can produce only a seven-period study. An example set of data is provided with the program, and several example problems shown in this report are run using this sample budget. A second set of example problems is formed around the creation of a new budget. The program and example data file are available on the real-time PDP-10 computer system located at the Oak Ridge National Labora- tory and are compatible with phone-coupled termi- nals produced by many vendors (several terminal types are shown along with output results). 36 fig- ures. (ERA citation 03:038705) LA-UR-77-2583 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. HELPER: A Superintelligent Terminal Based on RT-11 D. E. Schultz. 1977, 5p Rept no. CONF-771144-3 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 DECUS meeting, San Diego, CA, USA. 28 Nov 1977. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *PDP computers. Equipment interfaces, H codes, Joining, Program- ming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, 'HELPER system, 'Minicomputers, Computer software. The HELPER minicomputer hardware and soft- ware capabilities are thoroughly explained and critically reviewed. HELPER is a cost-effective as- sistant to an interactive host system. The recom- mendations are to assign specific types of tasks to HELPER and to study the resulting effects on users. Improvements to the present HELPER hardware are also suggested. 2 figures. (ERA cita- tion 03:020802) LA-UR-77-2649 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Floating Point Hardware Emulator for RSX-11D M. Kellogg, and M. Long. 1977, 5p Rept no. CONF-771 144-2 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 DECUS meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, 28 Nov 1977. Descriptors: *PDP computers, 'Programming, Per- formance, Computers Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Floating point oper- ation, Emulators, Bench marks. An RSX-11D task was written to simulate the FP- 11 floating point hardware on systems that lack this hardware. The simulation is transparent to tasks using floating point instructions. All normal features of the hardware are simulated exactly, in- cluding its action on exception conditions. The emulator is a privileged task occupying about 2.7K words of memory. When it is loaded and run, it sets up a linkage to intercept the reserved instruction trap before it reaches the executive, and route it to a service routine that can decode and simulate the floating point instruction set. The results of a benchmark timing test are given, as are notes on converting the emulator to run under RSX-11M. 1 figure, 2 tables. (ERA citation 03:020804) LA-UR-78-179 Los Alamos Scientific Lab , N.Mex. CAD--CAM Interactive Graphics System De- signed by Users D. J. Lauer. 1978, 20p Rept no. CONF-78041 1-1 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 15. numerical control conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 9 Apr 1978. Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Computer graph- ics, "Computer aided design, A codes, Automa- tion, CDC computers, Economics, Equipment, For- tran, HP computers, IBM computers, Interactive display devices, LASL. Manufacturing, PDP com- puters, Specifications, Three-dimensional calcula- tions, Two-dimensional calculations Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Interactive graphics The Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) is a large, multidisciplined research laboratory. An in- teractive graphics system was specified and devel- oped to integrate design, drafting, testing, analysis, and manufacturing operations to achieve efficient and effective Laboratory-wide services To accom- plish this, the graphics system is hardware inde- pendent and has an associative data base struc- tured on two- and three-dimensional, bounded ge- ometry The data base allows for levels of attri- butes that can be attached or deleted and interro- gated. This graphics system is described with em- phasis on its capability and efficiencies and the effect of the associative data base on the "design-build-test" cycle. The capability of at- taching attributes is explored as the means of communicating the design and manufacturing data base to the management data base. The graphic system is shown to be cost effective for the big as well as small user. (ERA citation 03:029994) LA-6775-MS Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex, Evaluation of the UNIX Time-Sharing System K. J. Melendez, and R. T Johnson. Apr 77, 14p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: "Computer codes, *Pdp computers, Basic, Fortran, Operation, Performance testing, Programming, U codes Identifiers: ERDA/990200, UNIX system, Time sharing In April, 1976, the Applications Support and Re- search Group of the Los Alamos Scientific Labora- tory (LASL) was assigned the task of performing a six-month evaluation of UNIX, a time-sharing system developed by Bell Laboratories This report is the final evaluation of the system, covering avail- ability, reliability, and maintainability; system usage; potential UNIX usage; and recommenda- tions. The evaluation team concluded that UNIX 121 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER would be a valuable addition to the computer net- work at LASL (ERA citation 02:040306) LA-6789-MS Los Alamos Scientific Lab-, N.Mex. RSX-11M Versus RSX-11D: Compatibility and Conflict J. M. Gallup, E, G. Lieberman, and S. Shlaer May 77, 23p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: *Pdp computers, "Programming, Data acquisition systems, Management, Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Computer software maintenance, Operating systems(Computers). As RSX-11M and RSX-11D continue to diverge, more and more users are finding it necessary to run both systems for similar ranges of applications This situation can impose an unacceptable cost in software development and maintenance. Compati- bility in utilities, system files, system features, and code at source and object level offers a realistic first step to reduce this burden. This report pre- sents a discussion of the incompatibilities uncov- ered in converting a large volume of software from one operating system to the other, as well as the techniques developed to circumvent these prob- lems. Code conversion and long-term software maintenance are discussed with respect to specif- ic system incompatibilities. Finally, management and software engineering tools are discussed as they apply to the conversion and maintenance effort. (ERA citation 02:053574) LA-6803-MS Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Central Computing Facility Operator Training System C. Douglass, T. Locke, M. Maestas, and D. Schultz. May 77, 26p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: "Computer codes, C codes, Educa- tion, Operation, Pdp computers, Personnel. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Minicomputers, Train- ing. The problems of providing operational support and operator training for a large-scale computing facili- ty are described. Solutions to the training problem are outlined, and a minicomputer-based training system is discussed. This training system incorpo- rates reference material and multiple choice ques- tions covering all aspects of the computing facility operations Operator acceptance and test results indicate that this new training method is success- ful. 2 figures. (ERA citation 02:053575) LA-6836 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Data-Entry-3: Some Observations and Prag- matics of a Structured Design D. Sparks Aug 77, 13p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: "Computer codes, 'Programming, Data processing, D codes, Pdp computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, "Structured program- ming, PDP-11/10 computers, "DATA-ENTRY3 computer program. The Fortran program DATA-ENTRY-3 was devel- oped from the Cobol program DATA-ENTRY-1, which solves a large class of elementary data-cap- ture, data-formating, and data-editing problems of managerial accounting. Most of the work involved finding methods to make DATA-ENTRY-3, which is written for a small-machine environment (PDP-1 1 / 10 under the RT-11 operating system), logically equivalent to DATA-ENTRY-1, which is written for a large-machine environment (CDC 6600 under a time-sharing operating system). This report ex- plains how structured programing helped, and briefly describes the function of each subroutine (ERA citation 03:005742) LA-6920-M Oak Ridge National Lab , Tenn. System for Histogram Entry, Retrieval, and Plotting M. Kellogg, J. M Gallup, S. Shlaer, and N. Spencer. Oct 77, 32p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Descriptors: "Computer codes, "LAMPF linac, "Computer graphics, D codes, Data acquisition. Data acquisition systems, Data processing, For- tran, H codes, Pdp computers. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/430303, Plot- ting. This manual describes the systems for producing histograms and dot plots that were designed for use in connection with the Q general-purpose data-acquisition system. These systems allow for the creation of histograms; the entry, retrieval, and plotting of data in the form of histograms; and the dynamic display of scatter plots as data are ac- quired. Although the systems are designed for use with Q, they can also be used as a part of other applications 3 figures. (ERA citation 03:011391) LA-tr-76-14 Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule, Zurich (Switzerland). Microscope Fluorometer with Sequence Con- trol and a PDP-8/E Computer. Software. Cyto- fluorometric Analysis CYFLAN 108. Program Description U. Leemann, and F. Ruch. 1976, 37p Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Translation of Mikroskop-fluorometer mit schaltfol- gesteuerung und computer PDP 8 E. Software. Zy- tofluorometrische analyse CYFLAN 108. Pro- grammbeschreibung, 1973. Descriptors: "Computer codes, "Fluonmeters, Automation, C codes, On-line control systems, Op- tical microscopes, PDP computers, Programming Identifiers: ERDA/440300, ERDA/400104, Trans- lations, Switzerland, CYFLAN 108 computer pro- gram, PDP-8/E computers. The CYFLAN 108 program is presented for users of microscope fluorometers with sequence control The program requires a PDP-8/E computer with at least 4K core storage, a buffered DR8 E/A digital- l/O-interface, and an AD8-E/A analog-to-digital converter with an AM8-E/A multiplexer (ERA cita- tion 02:060822) LBL-8381 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Electronic Controller Development and Evalua- tion of Control Strategies M. Wahlig, and M. Warren. Sep 78, 5p Rept no. CONF-780983-6 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Solar heating and cooling R and D branch contrac- tors' meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 24 Sep 1978. Descriptors: "Solar cooling systems, "Solar heat- ing systems, Buildings, Computer codes, Control systems, Cooling load, Heating load, Microproces- sors, Simulators, T codes, Test facilities Identifiers: ERDA/140901. The major activities during FY 1978 involved im- provements of the experimental test facility The facility is being equipped with simulators for the heat from solar collectors and for the building load, driven by the same input meteorological data. In- strumentation has been added to the facility, and heat balance tests using solar collector and simu- lator heat input have been carried out. In addition, heat loss experiments have been conducted with- out any heat input or load. The TRNSYS computer program was employed to predict system perform- ance and the results were compared with experi- mental measurements. (ERA citation 04:022211) LBL-8755 California Univ., Berkeley. Lawrence Berkeley Lab Computer System Cross-Fertilization: Making Your Tl 980 Play Your TMS 9900 J. D. Meng Feb 79, 13p Rept no. CONF-790333- 1 Contract W-7405-ENG-48 Texas Instruments - members information ex- change conference, Atlanta, GA. USA, 27 Mar 1979 Descriptors: "Microprocessors, X-ray fluorescence analysis, Data acquisition systems, On-line control systems, On-line measurement systems, Program- ming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, ERDA/400100, TMS- 9900 system, TI-980 system. The desire to use TMS 9900 devices in several small control and data acquisition applications without paying for a development system to do it led to the development of several simple, effective techniques for doing TMS 9900 programing and debugging on a Tl 980 system. The 980 assembler lends itself easily to the redefinition of operation codes required to assemble programs for the 9900. Also, a simple interconnection between the 980 and the 9900 allows operation of the 9900 and monitoring of the operation of the 980 Finally, spe- cial operation codes were developed within the 980 assembler which allow programing of hard- ware control on the 9900 system via a macro-lan- guage tailored to a particular 9900 hardware con- figuration. 4 figures. (ERA citation 04:038025) MLM-2400 Mound Lab., Miamisburg, Ohio Program for Calculating X-Ray Powder Diffrac- tion Interplanar (D) Spacings with a Tektronix- 31 Desk Top Programmable Calculator R. R. Eckstein, and Y G. Ishida. 22 Feb 77, 16p Contract EY-76-C-04-0053 Descriptors: "Crystal structure, "X-ray diffraction, Computer calculations, Computer codes, Debye- scherrer method, Equations, Powders. Identifiers: ERDA/360202, ERDA/990200, Tek- tronix 31 programmable calculators, PDP 8/I com- puters. A Tektronix-31 (Tektronix Inc. Beaverton, Oregon) desk top calculator program, which is used as a backup to the PDP-8/I computer program, is de- scribed. The program yields interplanar (d) spac- ings and (2theta) angle values from measurements made on an x-ray diffraction film of a powdered sample of a crystalline material. Use of the calcula- tor provides accurate computations in a relatively rapid time interval when the PDP-8/I is not func- tioning because of downtime for repairs, mainte- nance, etc. (ERA citation 02:032847) MLM-2564 Mound Facility, Miamisburg. OH. Utility and Math Subroutinee for the M6800 Mi- croprocessor R. E. Bowman 31 Oct 78, 91p Contract EY-76-C-04-0053 Descriptors: "Data acquisition systems, "Micro- processors, Programming. Identifiers: ERDA/990200, Computer programs, Subroutines, Assembly languages, M6800 com- puters Programing the M6800 microprocessor for data acquisition and instrument control is of necessity done in assembly language. Presented in this report are a large group of subroutines in a single package that will simplify the work of the assembly language programer The routines available in- clude utility routines for input/output, code inter- conversion, delay, etc., and math routines for both integer and floating-point arithmetic 3 figures (ERA citation 04:028616) N77-22063/0 Ohio Univ , Athens. Avionics Engineering Center A Microcomputer-Based Low-Cost omega Sensor Processor. MS. Thesis R. J. Salter Jr Feb 77, 146p Rept nos NASA- CR-145178, OU-TM-47(NASA) Contract NGR-36-009-017 Descriptors: "Air navigation, "Digital navigation. "Microprocessors, "Omega navigation system, Data acquisition, Low cost, Computer program- ming. Data bases, Data processing, Fortran, Mod- ules. Identifiers: "Navigational computers The engineering approach used in the design of a low cost Omega sensor processor is discussed. The processor and its operations are described, as well as the system hardware and software. Circuit 122 MINICOMPUTER AND MICROCOMPUTER details of the hardware modules and program list- ings for the FORTRAN and microcomputer soft- ware are included. N77-22848/4 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Savloc, Computer Program for Automatic Con- trol and Analysis of X-Ray Fluorescence Ex- periments. R. F. Leonard. Apr 77. 45p Rept nos. NASA-TN- D-8398, E-9000 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Spectrum analysis, 'Trace elements, *X ray fluorescence, Automatic control, Chemical analysis, Pdp com- puters, X ray spectra. Identifiers: PDP-15 computers, SAVLOC computer program. A program for a PDP-15 computer is presented which provides for control and analysis of trace element determinations by using X-ray fluores- cence. The program simultaneously handles data accumulation for one sample and analysis of data from previous samples. Data accumulation con- sists of sample changing, timing, and data storage. Analysis requires the locating of peaks in X-ray spectra, determination of intensities of peaks, identification of origins of peaks, and determina- tion of a real density of the element responsible for each peak. The program may be run in either a manual (supervised) mode or an automatic (unsu- pervised) mode. N77-23291/6 Texas A&M Univ., College Station. Remote Sens- ing Center. Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scat- terometer Radar Signal Processor. Final Report. Dec 76, 60p Rept nos. NASA-CR-151345, PR- 3182-3 Contract NAS9-14493 Descriptors: 'Airborne/spaceborne computers. 'Microprocessors, 'Radar cross sections, Com- puter design, Computer programs, Real time oper- ation, Signal processing. A hardware/software system which incorporates a microprocessor design and software for the calcu- lation of normalized radar cross section in real time was developed. Interface is provided to decommu- tate the NASA ADAS data stream for aircraft pa- rameters used in processing and to provide output in the form of strip chart and pern compatible data recording. N77-23801/2 Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Rome (Italy). Front- and Back-End Minicomputer Arrange- ment in Multiprogramming Environment. D. Grillo, and A. Perugia. 15 May 76, 45p Conf-Presented at the 2ND Intern. Workshop on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Comput- er Systems, Stresa, Italy, 4-6 Oct. 1 976. Descriptors: 'Computer systems design, 'Mini- computers, 'Multiprogramming, Data manage- ment, Input/output routines, Scheduling, Systems analysis, Traffic. Identifiers: Italy, Front end processors, Back end processors. The throughput of an arrangement made up of two minicomputers, one dedicated to manage the pe- riphery and to carry out a portion of the computing requirements (front-end function), the other dedi- cated to carry out the remainder of the computing requirements (back-end function) was investigat- ed. Every job arriving at the system has to be proc- essed first by the front-end and again before it may leave the system The queueing discipline is FCFS for the jobs waiting to be serviced by the back-end, whereas jobs waiting to be serviced by the front- end have different scheduling, according to wheth- er they have not yet been processed (priority) or have already been processed (preempty-resume) N77-24806/0 Freiburg Univ. (West Germany). Inst, fuer Physik Basex: A Programming Language for Process Automation with Minicomputers. Development and Experience Basex: Eine Programmiers- prache Zur Prozessautomation MIT Kleinrech- nern - Entwicklung und Erfahrungen. W. Schupp. Oct 76, 121p Rept no. REPT-C-35 Language in German. Descriptors: 'Automatic control, 'Basic program- ming language. 'Minicomputers, Real time oper- ation. Identifiers: 'Basex programming language, West Germany. An extension of BASIC called BASEX (Basic for experiments), this language is intended for real time, small scale applications, e. g., laboratory automation for physical experiments. The BASEX language was implemented on a MINCAL 621 min- icomputer and has been applied since 1 974. N77-25821/8 Florence Univ. (Italy). Istituto di Elettronica. Rpm/8. Experimental Study for a Programming Language Rpn/8. 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