I ■^# A Directory of "foreign DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS For Trade and Investment UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FOREIGN COMMERCE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/directoryofforeOOunit A Directory of FOREIGN DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS For Trade and Investment UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Sinclair Weeks, Secretary BUREAU OF FOREIGN COMMERCE, Loring K. Macy, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents , U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. - Price 30 cents Foreword The urge for economic development in many areas of the world has caused an increasing awareness by business and government both of a need to attract trade and investment and of the importance of promotional services in meeting this need. Governmental and private organizations abroad that are working to promote and facilitate trade and investment in the free world are described in this publication. Most of them are "central," in that they are concerned with all or a major part of a country's economy. Others are secondary organizations, that is, organizations serving specific branches of industry and trade or selected geographic areas of a country. Only those organizations are listed which have demonstrated a willingness to receive inquiries from United States firms and an ability to supply information within the organization's competence or to give publicity to the inquiries. Private businesses engaged in research and development are not listed. Mentioned here because they are not included in the body of this pamphlet are the regular services to American foreign traders and investors that are available from the Bureau of Foreign Commerce. For example, trade lists of business establishments in foreign countries are obtainable for a nominal fee from the Bureau in Washington, D. C, and from Department of Commerce Field Offices. Reports on specific foreign business firms and individuals are provided, as well as trade leads and announcements of investment and licensing opportunities abroad, economic information on foreign countries, and foreign investment handbooks. These and still other of the Bureau's services are described in a free booklet How the Bureau of Foreign Commerce Works for You, available from the Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C, or the Department's Field Offices. The data in this directory are based on information submitted by the Foreign Service of the United States. The material was com- piled by Helen Houck under the direction of Charles F. Boehm, Director, Commercial Intelligence Division, Office of Economic Affairs, Bureau of Foreign Commerce. The manuscript was reviewed by analysts in the Office of Economic Affairs concerned, respectively, with the countries in this listing and by members of the Trade Devel- opment and Investment Development Divisions, Office of Trade Promotion, Bureau of Foreign Commerce. Loring K. Macy January 1957. Director, Bureau of Foreign Commerce III A Directory of Foreign Development Organizations for Trade and Investment The organizations named in this report are listed alphabetically by country and by mailing address in the language customary for the country. Correspond- ence in English is believed to be acceptable, except as noted for individual entries. AFRICA, BRITISH EAST Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of East Africa, P. O. Box 470, Nairobi, Kenya. An association of chambers of com- merce embracing European business establishments in British East Africa. Includes several industry associations. Circulates official announcements and information from Territorial Governments. Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of East Africa, P. O. Box 2683, Nairobi, Kenya. An association of chambers of commerce, embracing Asian business establishments in all of British East Africa. Circulates official announcements and information from Territorial Governments. Kenya Department of Trade and Supplies, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, P. O. Box 1567, Nairobi. A Territorial Government agency responsible for trade inquiries and assistance to African traders. Publishes a monthly bulletin containing commercial information, in- cluding notices of trade opportunities. Tanganyika Dar es Salaam Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, P. O. Box 41, Dar es Salaam. Publishes a membership list, including a classified commercial and professional directory. Territorial organization. Department of Commerce, P. 0. Box 234, Dar es Salaam. A Ter- ritorial Government agency responsible for trade matters and devel- opment of secondary industry. Inserts notices of trade opportunities in its quarterly Bulletin, which reports commercial information. 1 AFRICA, BRITISH WEST Uganda Commissioner for Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Works, P. O. Box 1331, Kampala. An officer of the Territorial Government agency responsible for trade matters. (Assistance to African traders is function of the Ministry of Rural Development, P. O. Box 106, Entebbe, Uganda.) AFRICA, BRITISH WEST British Cameroons Federal Department of Commerce and Industries, Broad St., Lagos, Nigeria. (For description, see Nigeria.) Gambia Chamber of Commerce, Bathurst. Ghana (formerly Gold Coast) Accra and Eastern Province (Gold Coast), Chamber of Commerce, P. O. Box 430, Accra. Gold Coast Chamber of Commerce, P. O. Box 2325, Accra. Gold Coast Industrial Development Corporation, Ltd., P. O. Box 1116, Accra. Government organization to sponsor local investment and to make loans for small projects. Gold Coast Office, 13, Belgrave Sq., London, S. W. 1, England. Official representative of the Gold Coast in United Kingdom. Lebanese and Syrian Trade Association, c/o P. O. Box 1080, Accra. Nigeria Eastern Region Production Development Board, Enugu. Kegional Government body concerned with agricultural and industrial develop- ment in the Eastern Region of Nigeria. Federal Department of Commerce and Industries, Broad St., Lagos. Nigerian Government Department which can handle all trade and investment inquiries. Publishes the Nigeria Trade Journal, presently a quarterly magazine but intended to be a bimonthly, and the Hand- book of Commerce and Industry in Nigeria, which is published irregu- larly. Branches are located at Port Harcourt (Eastern Region), at Ibadan (Western Region), and at Kano (Northern Region). National Economic Council, Lagos. Official body to advise the Government on economic development matters. Nigerian Office, 41 Buckingham Palace Rd., London, S. W. 1, England. Official representative of Nigeria in United Kingdom. .AFRICA, PORTUGUESE EAST Northern Region Production Development Board, Kaduna. Agency of the Regional Government. Purpose is to develop agriculture and industry in the Northern Region. Western Region Production Development Board, Ibadan. Regional Government organization promoting development of industry and agriculture in the Western Region of Nigeria. Sierra Leone Department of Commerce and Industry, Freetown. Government organization. Provides data on investment opportunities and regu- lations on investment and trade. Acts as clearinghouse for trade inquiries of all types. Freetown Chamber of Commerce, Freetown. Acts as clearinghouse for trade inquiries. AFRICA, FRENCH EQUATORIAL Chambre de Commerce, d'Agriculture et d'Industrie de Brazzaville, B. P. 92, Brazzaville. Publishes biweekly circular announcing trade opportunities. Replies in French to correspondence in any language. Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et d' Agriculture du Cameroun, Douala, French Cameroons. Publishes monthly bulletin with notices of trade opportunities. Syndicat des Commercants-Importateurs-Exportateurs du Camer- oun, B. P. 562, Douala, French Cameroons. Sends information regularly to members. Syndicat des Industries de PA. E. F. (SYNDUSTREF), B. P. 84, Brazzaville. (A. E. F. is Afrique Equatoriale Franchise.) AFRICA, FRENCH WEST Chambre de Commerce, d'Agriculture et d'Industrie de Dakar (Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture, and Industry of Dakar), P. O. Box 118, Dakar. Semigovernmental organization. Announces op- portunities for agents in its daily bulletin. Syndicat des Commercants, Importateurs et Exportateurs de POuest Africain (Syndicate of Merchants, Importers, and Exporters of West Africa), P. O. Box 6056, Dakar. Association of employers engaged in import-export trade and commerce. Syndicat Patronal et Artisanal de POuest Africain (Syndicate of Employers and Artisans of West Africa), 58 rue Dr. Theze, Dakar. Association of employers. AFRICA, PORTUGUESE EAST See Mozambique. AFRICA, PORTUGUESE WEST. AFRICA, PORTUGUESE WEST See Angola. AFRICA, SOUTH See Union of South Africa. ALGERIA Confederation Generate du Patronat de PAlgerie (Federation of Employers' Associations of Algeria), 1 rue de Languedoc, Algiers. Closely connected with all Algerian trade associations. Is prepared to pass trade inquiries to the appropriate association. Groupement Algerien des Representants de Commerce et Agents de Fabriques (Algerian Association of Manufacturers' Agents and Commercial Representatives), c/o Mr. Akoun, 5 rue Saint-Louis, Algiers. Correspondence in French only. Office Algerien d'Action Economique et Touristique (OFALAC) (Algerian Office of Economics and Tourism), 40-42 rue d'Isly, Algiers. An agency of the Algerian Government General for the promotion of Algerian trade and tourism. Issues monthly Bulletin Economique et Juridique, with weekly supplement. Notices of trade and investment opportunities are published when received. Region Economique de PAlgerie, 6 blvd. de France, Algiers. Central office of all chambers of commerce in Algeria. Equivalent to the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Announces trade opportunities in its monthly publication, Revue de la Region Economique d'Algerie. All correspondence is in French, but, if specifically requested, an English translation will be attached. Syndicat Commercial Algerien (Federation of Algerian Commercial Associations), 7 Place Bresson, Algiers. The alliance of Algerian trade associations. Includes a large membership of importers and exporters. Announces trade opportunities in its monthly publica- tion, Algerie Economique. Correspondence in French only. ANGOLA Administrative Commission, Angolan Development Fund, Luanda. Responsible for the procurement of certain capital goods under economic development projects. Angola Government Servicos de Economia, Caixa Postal No. 1242, Luanda. Government agency. Trade inquiries, accompanied by a list of bank references, may be addressed to this organization for publication in its monthly bulletin of economic information. .AUSTRALIA Associacao Comercial de Luanda, Caixa Postal No. 1275, Luanda. Semiofficial organization that operates in the nature of a chamber of commerce. Similar associations in each urban community. Any literature from inquirers could be distributed readily to members. Associacao Industrial de Angola, Luanda. Similar to Associacao Comercial de Luanda, representing industrial activities. Junta de Exportacao da Colonia de Angola, Caixa Postal 1337, Luanda. Import-export trade information pertaining to Angola. Ministry of Overseas Territories, Lisbon, Portugal. ARGENTINA Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires, 25 de Mayo esquina Sarmiento, Buenos Aires. The Argentine stock exchange. Camara Argentina de Comercio (Argentine Chamber of Commerce) , Av. Leandro N. Alem 36, Buenos Aires. Has more than 3,500 members, who deal in nearly all kinds of products. Announces trade investment opportunities in its fortnightly magazine. Its Classified Directory of Members was issued in November 1955. Camara de Comercio de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires Chamber of Commerce), Bartolome Mitre 519, Buenos Aires. Announces agency opportunities in its monthly magazine. Camara de Exportadores de la Republica Argentina (Chamber of Exporters of the Argentine Republic), Avda. de Mayo 633, Buenos Aires. Has a monthly publication, Boletin de Exportadores, which circulates among Argentine exporters. Centro de Importadores (Importers Association), Moreno 376, Buenos Aires. Servicio de Asesoramiento y Orientacion (Information and Guid- ance Service), Direccion General de Exportacion e Importacion, Ministerio de Comercio Exterior, 25 de Mayo 197, Buenos Aires. Government office established to stimulate the import and export business. Union Industrial Argentina, Avda. de Mayo 1157, Buenos Aires. The Argentine national manufacturers association. ARUBA See Netherlands West Indies. AUSTRALIA Associated Chambers of Commerce of Australia, United Insurance Bldg., Civic Centre (P. 0. Box 167), Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. Private organization. Publishes a monthly commentary. 411440'— 57 2 5 AUSTRALIA. Advises chambers in the capital cities of the States of trade and in- vestment opportunities. Associated Chambers of Manufacturers of Australia, Industry House, Barton, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. Private organization. Publishes newsletter at approximately weekly intervals. Informs State chambers about trade and investment opportunities. Australian Industries Development Association, Federation House, 342-348 Flinders St., Melbourne, Victoria. Nonprofit association consisting of industrial and finance institutions interested in the development of Australia. Its service directorate supplies expert advice and assistance on a variety of matters connected with the promotion, development, and safeguarding of industry in Australia. Decentralisation Division, Department of Labour, Treasury Place, Melbourne, Victoria. Organization of the State of Victoria for encouraging development of manufacturing. Department of Industrial Development, 142 Macquarie St., Hobart, Tasmania. Government agency to assist and to encourage estab- lishment of industry in Tasmania. Department of Industrial Development, 62 Barrack St., Perth, Western Australia. Official State organization to encourage growth of industries. Division of Industrial Development, Department of National Development, Wentworth House, 203 Collins St., Melbourne, Victoria. Instrumentality of National Government, charged with encouraging development of manufacturing industry in Australia. Provides general economic and technical advice to potential investors. Industries Advisory Committee, Masonic Chambers, North Ter- race, Adelaide, South Australia. Agency of State of South Australia for encouraging establishment of industry. Secondary Industries Division, Department of Labour and Industry, Corner Macquarie and Bridge Sts., Sydney, New South Wales. State organizations to promote growth of industry. Secondary Industries Division, Department of Labour and Industry, Treasury Buildings, Queen St., Brisbane, Queensland. State organ- ization to promote growth of industries. Trade Promotion Branch, Department of Trade, Reliance House, 301 Finders Lane, Melbourne C. 1, Victoria. A National Government office. Serves as an oversea market research agent to manufacturers seeking export outlets, making available market and commodity surveys, general trade intelligence reports, and information on legis- lative or regulatory changes in domestic and foreign import and export controls. Distributes a monthly journal to commercial interests for this purpose. BELGIUM AUSTRIA Bundeskammer der Gewerblichen Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsfoerder- ungsinstitut (Federal Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development and Promotion Institute), Stubenring 12, Vienna I. Very active in promoting Austrian-United States trade. Publishes trade op- portunity notices in its official commercial bulletin. All manu- facturing and merchandising firms in Austria must be members of the chamber. Fachverband der Exporteure und Importeure (Association of Exporters and Importers), Stalinplatz 11/57, Vienna IV. Component organization of Federal Chamber of Commerce, composed of in- dividuals and firms primarily engaged in international trade. BAHAMAS Bahamas Chamber of Commerce, P. O. Box 665, Nassau. Pub- lishes classified Commercial Directory, listing names and addresses under commercial titles. Development Board, P. O. Box 818, Nassau. Tourism exclusively. BARBADOS Barbados Chamber of Commerce, Bridgetown. Barbados Development Board (Independent Statutory Board), Bridgetown. Ministry of Trade, Industry and Labor, Bridgetown. Government organization. BELGIAN CONGO Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Leopoldville, B. P. 1687, Avenue des Aviateurs, Leopoldville. Publishes bimonthly bulletin carrying notices of trade opportunities and announcements. Chambre de Commerce de Matadi, B. P. 145, Matadi. Corres- pondence in French. BELGIUM American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, 21 rue du Commerce, Brussels. Announces trade opportunities in its monthly bulletin. Association Beige des Negociants, Exportateurs, et Importateurs, Bourse de Commerce, 7 rue des Israelites, Antwerp. Private organiza- tion of agents, exporters, and importers. Publishes list of its members. Belgian- American Committee for Economic Cooperation, 17 rue des Fripiers, Brussels. Recently formed by the Flanders and Walloon economic councils, both of which are interested in regional industrial development, to assist prospective American investors. BERMUDA Chambre de Commerce de Bruxelles, 112 rue de Treves, Brussels. Publishes weekly bulletin, which includes mention of trade opportuni- ties, and an annual directory listing members. Chambre de Commerce d'Anvers, 22 Longue rue Neuve, Antwerp. Announces trade opportunities in its monthly bulletin. Direction des Investissements Prives Etrangers (Section for Private Foreign Investors), Ministry of Economic Affairs, 23 Square de Meeus, Brussels. This section was recently formed to centralize all foreign investment inquiries and activities in the Ministry and to coordinate them with other Government agencies. Inquiries regarding invest- ment opportunities in Belgium may be addressed also, in the United States, to the Belgian Government Information Center, 630 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N. Y. Federation des Entreprises de Plndustrie des Fabrications Metal- liques, "Fabrimetal," 21 rue des Drapiers, Brussels. Organization of manufacturers of metal products. While affiliated with F. I. B. (see following listing), it maintains its own trade promotion depart- ment to assist its members in developing foreign investment and trade opportunities. Federation des Industries Beiges (F. I. B.), 33 rue Ducale, Brussels. A federation of trade groups and of leading industrial producers. Publishes a weekly bulletin with trade opportunity announcements; also a monthly review, Industrie. Office Beige du Commerce Exterieur, 15 rue des Augustins, Brussels. Official foreign trade promotion office of the Ministry of Foreign Commerce. Publishes trade opportunities gratis in its daily bulletin. Office National pour la Promotion de L'Exportation des Produits de la Petite et Moyenne Entreprises, 19 Avenue de la Toison d'Or, Brussels. Recently organized under auspices of the Ministry of the Middle Classes to assist small business in developing export markets. BERMUDA Bermuda Chamber of Commerce, Hamilton. Trade Development Board, Hamilton. BOLIVIA Camara Nacional de Comercio (National Chamber of Commerce), Edificio La Urbana, Avenida Camacho, La Paz. Camara Nacional de Industrias (National Chamber of Industries), Edificio La Urbana, Avenida Camacho, La Paz. Camara Nacional de Mineria (National Chamber of Mines), Edi- ficio Iglesias, Calle Yanacocha esquina Ingavi, La Paz. Represents the small- and medium-size private mining enterprises in Bolivia. BRAZIL Comision para el Fomento de Inversions Privadas en Bolivia (Commission for the Encouragement of Private Investments in Bolivia), Sr. Manuel Granier, president, Casilla 611, La Paz. Private businessmen's organization. Proposes to foster American private investment in Bolivia. Corporacion Boliviana de Fomento (Bolivian Development Corpora- tion), La Paz. Office in the United States at 1026 17th St., NW., Washington 6, D. C. BRAZIL American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil, Avenida Graca Aranha 182, 4.o, Rio de Janeiro. Its membership, which includes commercial and some industrial firms in Rio de Janeiro, is comprised of American and Brazilian firms and individuals. Primary purpose is to promote trade and commerce between the United States and Brazil. Publishes a monthly trade magazine, Brazilian Business, and a weekly news- letter. Usually reports trade opportunities in its bulletin. American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil, Rua Formosa 367, 29.o, Sao Paulo. Its membership, which includes commercial and some industrial firms in Sao Paulo, is comprised of American and Brazilian firms and individuals. Primary purpose is to promote trade and commerce between the United States and Brazil. Usually reports trade opportunities in its bulletin. Associacao Comercial do Rio de Janeiro, Rua da Candelaria 9, Rio de Janeiro. Trade association. Furthers the interests of wholesale and retail merchants of Rio de Janeiro in their domestic and inter- national trade relations. Issues trade bulletins. Reports trade op- portunities in its biweekly publication. Associacao Comercial do Estado de Sao Paulo, Rua Boa Vista 51, Sao Paulo. Trade association. The membership includes commercial firms in the Sao Paulo area. Furthers the interests of wholesale and retail merchants of Sao Paulo in their domestic and international trade relations. Federacao e Centro das Industrias do Estado de Sao Paulo, Viaduto Dona Paulina (Palacio Maua), Sao Paulo. Its members are man- ufacturing and industrial firms in the Sao Paulo area, the industrial center of Brazil. Members include subsidiaries of U. S. companies. Maintains an investment opportunity service. Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production, Brazilian Section, Avenida Rio Branco 52, 21. o andar, Rio de Janeiro. This body was organized subsequent to the New Orleans Investment Con- ference held in February 1955. Its membership is composed of private business concerns, individuals, and trade associations. Chief objec- tives are to foster trade and to promote capital investments in Western Hemisphere countries. 9 BRITISH CAMEROONS_ Setor de Intercambio com o Exterior e Investimentos, Confeder- a?ao Nacional da Industria (Foreign Trade and Investment Develop- ment Division, National Confederation of Industries), Rua Santa Luzia 735, Rio de Janeiro. Semiofficial agency organized to represent the interests of management in Brazil. Affiliated with Federacao e Centro das Industrias de Sao Paulo and Federacao das Industrias do Rio de Janeiro as well as with the other federations in the country. Chief functions of the division are to promote Brazil's foreign trade, to keep in close touch with foreign investment entities such as the Inter-American Investment Opportunity Service of International House of New Orleans, and to maintain an up-to-date information service on the investment outlook in Latin America. BRITISH CAMEROONS See Africa, British West. BRITISH EAST AFRICA See Africa, British East. BRITISH GUIANA See Guiana, British. BRITISH HONDURAS See Honduras, British. BRITISH WEST AFRICA See Africa, British West (including Ghana) . BURMA Agriculture and Rural Development Corporation (ARDC), 459 Prome Rd., Rangoon. Principal agricultural agency of the Govern- ment of the Union of Burma; responsible for implementing agricul- tural development plans. Burma Chamber of Commerce, Chartered Bank Bldg., Phayre St., Rangoon. European business firms. Burma Indian Chamber of Commerce, 66, Edward St., Rangoon. Indian firms. Burma Marwari Chamber of Commerce, 651, Merchant St., Ran- goon. Marwari firms. Burma Mine Owners' Association, Tavoy. Small Burmese mine- owners and concession holders in the Tanasserim. 10 BURMA Burma Muslim Chamber of Commerce, 36, Edward St., Rangoon. Principally Muslim firms from India and Pakistan. Commerce Development Corporation — Secretariat, Rangoon. The agency of the Ministry of Trade Development most directly concerned with promoting Burma's export trade. Supervises the Rubber Export Development Corporation. Council of Burma Industries, 128-132, Third Floor, Phayre St., Rangoon. Burmese traders and industrialists. Directorate of Industry, Prome Court, Rangoon. The agency of the Ministry of Industry which examines foreign investment proposals. Industrial Development Corporation, 53, Halpin Rd., Rangoon. The agency of the Ministry of Industry which executes the industrial development program. Industrial Loans Board, 53, Halpin Rd., Rangoon. Lends money to private Burmese enterprises for the importation of capital equip- ment. Mineral Resources Development Corporation, 35, 49th St., Ran- goon. The agency of the Ministry of Mines responsible for the opera- tion of Government mining enterprises, mineral exploration, and examination of foreign investment proposals. Ministry of Industry — Secretariat, Rangoon. Has primary re- sponsibility for the execution of Burma's industrial development pro- gram and is instrumental in formulating and carrying out Government policies with respect to foreign investment in industry. Ministry of Mines — Secretariat, Rangoon. Is responsible for development and execution of Government policy with respect to investment in and development of Burma's petroleum and other mineral resources. Ministry of Trade Development — Secretariat, Rangoon. In addi- tion to issuing import licenses, negotiating international trade agree- ments, and developing Burmese commercial policy, this Ministry is concerned with trade promotion work directed mainly at expanding Burma's export trade. Rubber Export and Development Corporation, 166, Phayre St., Rangoon. A branch of the Commerce Development Corporation. Purchases and exports rubber. State Agricultural Marketing Board, Phayre St., Rangoon. Gov- ernment rice marketing board. Tavoy Chamber of Mines, Tavoy. Large European mining firms operating in Burma and Burmese firms. Union of Burma Chamber of Commerce, 74/86, Maung Taulay St., Rangoon. Represents Burmese business firms, which are usually smaller than the European firms, but favored by the Government. 11 CAMBODIA. Union Chamber of Mines, 162-164 (2d Floor) Phayre St., Rangoon. Burmese mine owners and concession holders whose properties are located in upper Burma and Shan State. CAMBODIA Association des Importateurs au Cambodge (Cambodian Importers Association), 13 rue Daniel Fabre, Phnom Penh. Refers inquiries to members, who are largely French firms. Correspondence in French. Association des Importateurs et Industriels Cambodgiens (Cam- bodian Importers and Manufacturers Association), 8 rue Ang Duong, Phnom Penh. Refers inquiries to members, who are largely Cambodian firms. Correspondence in French. Banque Nationale du Cambodge, Service des Etudes et de Docu- mentation (National Bank of Cambodia, Office of Studies and Docu- mentation), Phnom Penh. The central bank of issue. Collects and compiles economic research data on Cambodia; publishes monthly bulletin and daily press review. Correspondence in French. Chambre Mixte de Commerce et d'Agriculture du Cambodge (Mixed Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Cambodia), rue Moura, Phnom Penh. Semigovernmental organization which ob- tains and supplies trade and economic information ; publishes bulletin twice weekly. Correspondence in French preferred, but will receive inquiries in English. Replies are made in French. Direction Nationale du Plan (National Economic Planning Bureau) , Phnom Penh. Government bureau charged with overall economic planning and interested in development of investments. Obtains and compiles economic information. Correspondence in French. CAMEROONS, BRITISH See Africa, British West. CAMEROONS, FRENCH See Africa, French Equatorial. CANADA Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 530 Board of Trade Bldg., 300 St. Sacrament St., Montreal, Que. The Dominion-wide association of chambers of commerce and boards of trade of Canadian cities, towns, and villages; 3,000 Canadian corporations are also members. Pub- lishes a monthly Trade Opportunities Bulletin, which includes oppor- tunities for foreign trade connections. 12 CANADA Canadian Exporters Association, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. Regional office: 276 St. James St. W., Montreal, Que. Both offices will answer letters pertaining to Canadian export business and will channel trade inquiries to members of the association desirous of expanding their export business in specific markets. Issues Association Bulletin at frequent intervals, containing inquiries from abroad and pertinent information on various phases of Canadian export trade. Canadian Importers and Traders Association, Inc., 9 Duke St., Toronto, Ont. Publishes a weekly bulletin which lists inquiries from foreign companies about exporting to Canada. Canadian Manufacturers' Association, Inc., 67 Yonge St., Toronto 1, Ont. Publishes monthly magazine, Industrial Canada; also, annu- ally, Canadian Trade Index, an authoritative directory of products manufactured in Canada and the firms making them. The directory includes a complete list of Canadian manufacturers having more than a local distribution for their products. The Commercial Intelligence Department of the association will handle inquiries from foreign firms interested in buying Canadian products, or wishing to introduce into Canada patents, manufacturing processes, or capital and equipment for the manufacture of certain products. Canadian National Railways, 360 McGill St., Montreal, Que. The Research and Development Department of this railroad will provide foreign firms with information on locating and establishing new in- dustrial plants in Canada. Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Windsor Station, Montreal, Que. The Department of Industrial Development of this railroad will provide foreign firms with information to assist them in finding locations and establishing branch plants in Canada or in finding sources of raw materials. Canadian Purchasing Agents' Association, 175 Jarvis St., Toronto, Ont. An organization of agents for large Canadian companies which purchase in Canada and abroad. Publishes monthly magazine, Canadian Purchaser. Canadian Retail Federation, 38 King St. W., Toronto, Ont. Will provide foreign firms with general information on the retailing situa- tion in Canada and will help locate stores selling a specific product. Department of Economic Development, Province of Newfoundland, St. John's, Nfld. Provincial official agency. Department of Industries and Labor, Province of Alberta, Edmon- ton, Alta. Provincial official agency. Department of Industry and Commerce, Province of Manitoba, Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. Represented in New York by Canadian & General Development 'Corp., 608 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N. Y. Provincial official agency. 411440 °— 57 3 13 CANARY ISLANDS. Department of Industry and Development, Province of New Bruns- wick, Fredericton, N. B. Provincial official agency. Department of Industry and Natural Resources, Province of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, P. E. I. Provincial official agency. Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa. National Govern- ment agency, prepared to answer inquiries of a general nature relating to trade with Canada. The Industrial Development Branch of the Department will provide foreign firms with information concerning direct investment in Canada, branch offices or subsidiaries in Canada, and the introduction of manufacturing processes. This Branch has published a manual entitled Doing Business in Canada, a reference work for foreign firms. Department of Trade and Commerce, Province of Quebec, Quebec City, P. Q. Representative in the United States is Agent General, Province of Quebec, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y. Provincial official agency. Department of Trade and Industry, Province of British Columbia, Victoria, B. C. Provincial official agency. Department of Trade and Industry, Province of Nova Scotia, Hali- fax, N. S. Provincial official agency. Industrial Development Office, Province of Saskatchewan, 12th Ave. and Lome St., Regina, Sask. Agency of Provincial Government. Retail Merchants' Association of Canada, Inc, Toronto and Winni- peg. Handles retail trade inquiries from foreign firms. Inquiries re- garding food products should be addressed to National Foods Division, Retail Merchants' Association of Canada, Inc., 88 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. Inquiries regarding other products should be ad- dressed to the Association at 309-310 Lindsay Bldg., Winnipeg 1, Man. Trade and Industry Branch, Department of Planning and Develop- ment, Province of Ontario, Toronto 1, Ont. Representative in the United States is Industrial Commissioner, Trade and Industry Branch, Government of Ontario, with offices at 1332-33 South Clark St., Chi- cago, 111., and at Suite 1456, 60 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Pro- vincial official agency. CANARY ISLANDS Cainara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion (Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation), Buenos Aires 5, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Private organization. Camara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion (Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation), Plaza de la Candelaria 6, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Private organization. 14 CEYLON CAPE VERDE ISLANDS Associate Comercial e Agricola de Barlavento (Commercial and Agricultural Association), St. Vincent. Private organization. Trans- mits all types of trade inquiries in circulars. Associagao Comercial e Agricola de Sotavento (Commercial and Agricultural Association), Praia, Santiago Island. Private organiza- tion. Transmits all types of trade inquiries in circulars. CEUTA AND MELILLA (SPANISH NORTH AFRICA) Camara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion, Teniente Arrabal 2, Ceuta. Chamber of commerce. Camara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion, Cervantes 7, Melilla. Chamber of commerce. Colegio Oficial de Agentes Comerciales, Generalisimo Franco 4, Ceuta. Association of foreign manufacturers' agents. Colegio Oficial de Agentes Comerciales, C. Lobera 2, Melilla. Association of foreign manufacturers' agents. CEYLON Agricultural and Construction Equipment Association of Ceylon, Ambawatte Mills, Vauxhall St., Colombo. Its membership includes Ceylonese and British engineering firms in Ceylon. Object is to encourage and promote an interest in the use of agricultural and construction equipment in Ceylon. Ceylon Association of Manufacturers, c/o Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Bristol St., Fort, Colombo. Association established May 1955. Objects are to promote industrialization; to assist foreign con- cerns wishing to open, or assist in the expansion of, local industries; and to assist local manufacturers with their problems. Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Bristol St., Fort, Colombo. Oldest trade organization in Ceylon. Its membership includes many of the largest business firms in Ceylon. Affiliated with it are the Colombo Tea Traders Association, the Colombo Rubber Traders Association, and the Colombo Brokers' Association. Among the chamber's publi- cations are its annual report, which contains information on Ceylon's export and import trade, by principal products, and also the names of members of the chamber, of the Tea Traders' Association, and the Rubber Traders' Association. The chamber also publishes import and export statistics and prices; a monthly publication giving import and export figures of the principal commodities; and weekly prices of the principal export products. Ceylon Government Department of Commerce, Galle Face Court, Colombo. Deals with export trade promotion and trade intelligence, 15 CHILE chiefly through the medium of its monthly publication, Ceylon Trade Journal, which contains lists of export and import firms, special articles on Ceylon's trade with other countries, import and export statistics, movement of shipping at Ceylon ports, and other data useful to exporters and importers. Ceylon Marketing Department, Chatham St., Fort, Colombo. Government-sponsored organization. Undertakes the export of minor products such as canned fruits, which it manufactures, indigenous herbs, and locally manufactured handicrafts. Ceylon Merchants' Chamber, De Mel Bldg., Chatham St., Fort, Colombo. Publishes an annual report containing short reviews plus import and export statistics of principal products and also a list of members of the chamber. Ceylon National Chamber of Commerce, 29-2/2, Gaffoor Bldg., Fort, Colombo. Established November 1955 to take over the assets and liabilities and the rights and privileges of the Chamber of Com- merce of Ceylon. Aims and objects are to promote and protect the trade, commerce, industries, agriculture, transport, financing, banking, insurance, and shipping in which Ceylon nationals are engaged or interested. Low-Country Products Association, Upper Chatham St., Fort, Colombo. Object is to promote the agricultural and commercial interests of tea, rubber, coconut, cinnamon, citronella, arecanut^ paddy, spices, and other products grown in Ceylon. Among its publications are (1) an annual report containing short reviews of the tea, rubber, and coconut industries and (2) a daily list of prices of the principal export products. CHILE Asociacion Chilena de Comer ciantes e Importadores de Autom6- viles (ACCIA) (Association of Importers of Automobiles), Teatinos 248, Santiago. Membership includes importers of vehicles and spare parts in Chile. Information concerning the members and data relating to the importation and sale of vehicular equipment in Chile are available. Asociacion de Exportadores de Chile (Association of Chilean Exporters), Agustinas 975, Santiago. Maintains lists of exporters in Santiago and other cities in Chile. Asociacion de Importadores de Chile (Association of Chilean Im- porters), Bandera 131, Santiago. Consists of committees representing importers of the various major import commodities. Maintains lists of importers located in Santiago, classified according to products in which they deal. 16 XOLOMBIA Asociacion de Industriales Metal urgicos (Association of Metal Industries), Moneda 759, Santiago. Maintains a list of metalworking plants and shops in Chile. Camara Central de Comercio (Central Chamber of Commerce), Bandera 131, 3er piso, Santiago. The central chamber to which all other chambers of commerce and most trade associations in Chile are affiliated. Publishes a biweekly bulletin, Carta Quincenal. Camara de Comercio de Santiago (Chamber of Commerce of Santiago), Phillips 40, 4° piso, Santiago. Publishes weekly bulletin, Boletin de Informaciones Comerciales, and a pamphlet, Informativo Semanal. Maintains an investment committee affiliated with Inter- national House of New Orleans. Camara de Comercio de Valparaiso (Chamber of Commerce of Valparaiso), Valparaiso. The chamber of commerce of Chile's chief port. Corporation de Fomento de la Production de Chile (CORFO) (National Development Corporation), Ram6n Nieto 920, Santiago. Government agency dedicated to the promotion and development of industry, commerce, agriculture, and mining in Chile. Sociedad de Fomento Fabril (Society of Manufacturing Industries) , Moneda 759, Santiago. Embraces a large percentage of Chilean manufacturing industries. Publishes monthly magazine, Revista Industria. United States Chamber of Commerce, Bandera 84, Of. 409, Santi- ago. The chamber to which belong members of the American busi- ness community in Santiago. CHINA, REPUBLIC OF See Taiwan (Formosa) . COLOMBIA Asociacion Colombiana de Pequenos Industriales (ACOPI) (Colom- bian Association of Small Industries), Carrera 5, No. 15-11, Piso 7, Bogota. Its members, which are small-size manufacturing firms, are listed by industry or trade. Lists of members furnished upon request. Asociacion Nacional de Industriales (ANDI) (National Association of Industry), Avenida Jimenez, No. 8-49, Piso 9, Bogota. Members comprise the large-size manufacturing firms. Counterpart in the United States is the National Association of Manufacturers. Its members are listed by industry or trade; lists furnished upon request. Camara de Comercio de Bogota (Bogota Chamber of Commerce), 17 COOK ISLANDS. Calle 17, No. 6-60, Bogota. Semiofficial in character. Will publish trade opportunities in its weekly bulletin upon request. Colombian- American Chamber of Commerce, Carrera 10a, No. 13-59, Bogota. Issues a monthly publication. Has a membership of approximately 150, including most American firms in Bogota. Comite para el Servicio de Oportunidades para Invessiones (Com- mittee for the Service of Opportunities for Investment), Calle 13, No. 8-23 (c/o Asociacion Bancaria), Bogota. Was set up in Septem- ber 1955, as a result of recommendations made at the Inter- American Investment Conference held at New Orleans in February 1955. The committee is composed of representatives of the following Colombian organizations: Asociacion Colombiana de Pequefios Industrials (ACOPI), Federacion Nacional de Comerciantes (FENALCO), Colom- bian-American Chamber of Commerce, Association Nacional de Industrials (ANDI), National Insurance Association, Banking Association, and the Metallurgical Association. All matters con- cerning investment in Colombia should be referred first to the com- mittee, as it was established by its member organizations for this purpose. Federacion Nacional de Comerciantes (FENALCO) (National Federation of Merchants), Avenida Jimenez, No. 10-58, Piso 3, Bogota. Importers and distributors are members. This is a key organization for Colombian trade development, and all inquiries concerning Colombian trade should be referred to it. Has classified register of its members and will furnish lists upon request. Instituto de Fomento Industrial (Institute of Industrial Develop- ment), Avenida Jimenez, No. 8-74, Bogota. An official agency formed to promote new industries in Colombia. The Minister of Development is chairman of the organization. COOK ISLANDS See Oceania. COSTA RICA Camara de Comercio de Costa Rica (Chamber of Commerce of Costa Rica), San Jose. Has members in many of the outlying towns and cities of the country, but no offices other than the one in San Jose. Maintains lists of importers. Camara de Industrias de Costa Rica (Chamber of Industries of Costa Rica), San Jose. Compiles lists of importers. Sociedad de Comerciantes Importadores y Mayoristas (Association of Importers and Wholesalers), San Jose. Prepares lists of importers. 18 . CUBA CUBA American Chamber of Commerce of Cuba, Cuba 64, Havana. Unofficial, private, nonprofit organization. Voluntary association of American enterprises doing business in Cuba and of Cuban firms interested in doing business in the United States. Publishes yearly a handbook entitled Cuba — Facts and Figures (available at $1 per copy). Asociacion Nacional de Comisionistas del Comercio Exterior (National Association of Foreign Trade Commission Agents), Lonja del Comercio 434, Havana. Semiofficial organization. Will place gratis announcements in agency opportunity section of its monthly magazine, Comisionistas. Asociacion Nacional de Industrials de Cuba (National Association of Industrialists of Cuba), Paseo de Marti 204, Havana. Private organization. Publishes biweekly Boletin de la Asociacion Nacional de Industrials de Cuba. Banco Cubano del Comercio Exterior (Cuban Bank for Foreign Trade), Cuba 405, Havana. Governmental, autonomous. Organ- ized to facilitate the necessary financial means for the encouragement, maintenance, and development of Cuba's foreign trade by serving or complementing private action. Banco de Desarrollo Economico y Social (BANDES) (Social and Economic Development Bank), Calle Habana 258, Havana. Govern- mental, autonomous. Object is to facilitate short-, medium-, and long-term credit operations for the purpose of accomplishing a policy of economic and social development as well as production diversifica- tion. It will discount and rediscount public and private securities which have been issued to accomplish economic and social develop- ment. It will also undertake credit and banking operations indis- pensable to the fulfilling of such objectives. Banco de Fomento Agricola e Industrial de Cuba, "BANFAIC" (Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank of Cuba), Lonja del Comercio, 6to. piso, Havana. Governmental, autonomous. Makes agricultural and industrial loans and engages in direct development activities. Banco Nacional de Cuba (National Bank of Cuba), Cuba 402, Havana. Governmental, autonomous. Central bank of issue and deposit. Custodian of the official international reserves. Fiduciary agent for the state. Credit assistance to private Cuban and American banking organizations. Camara de Comercio de la Republica de Cuba (Chamber of Com- merce of the Republic of Cuba), Amargura 103, Havana. Private organization. Announces trade opportunities in its daily bulletin, Industria y Comercio. 19 CURACAO Consejo Nacional de Economia (National Economic Council), Paseo de Marti 212, Havana. Autonomous agency of the Government intended to guide development planning and to promote economic development in general. Financiera Nacional de Cuba (National Financing Agency of Cuba), Cuba 405, Havana. Governmental, autonomous credit institution to facilitate the financing, wholly or in part, of public works of a pro- ductive nature which will yield sufficient income to repay the total cost of the projects or at least the part thereof financed by Financiera. CURACAO See Netherlands West Indies. CYPRUS Cyprus Chamber of Commerce, Nicosia. Cyprus Federation of Trade and Industry, Nicosia. DENMARK Danske Importagenters Forening (Association of Danish Import Agents) , B0rsen, Copenhagen. Actively engaged in promoting Danish import trade. Announces agency opportunities in its monthly pub- lication. Grosserer-Societetets Komite (Committee of the Merchants' Guild), B0rsen, Copenhagen. The committee is elected by the Mer- chants' Guild and is the official representative of the wholesalers in Copenhagen in relation to legislation, authorities, other trades, and the public. The Merchants' Guild promotes foreign trade through its export department and announces trade opportunities in its weekly journal. Industriraadet (Federation of Danish Industries), 18 H. C. Ander- sens Blvd., Copenhagen. The official representative of Danish in- dustry in relation to legislation, authorities, and the public. Promotes foreign trade. Publishes fortnightly journal with trade opportunity section, which announces pertinent inquiries. Provinshandelskammeret (Provincial Chamber of Commerce), 2 Ved Stranden, Copenhagen. Handles the interests of wholesale and retail dealers outside Copenhagen proper. Supported by more than 80 commercial associations and a number of federations of various trade organizations throughout the country. Actively engaged in promoting Danish foreign trade. Publicizes trade opportunities in its journal. 20 JECUADOR DOMINICAN REPUBLIC American Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic (Camara de Comercio Americana de la Republica Dominicana), Edificio Baquero, Rm. 204, Calle El Conde, Ciudad Trujillo. Private organization composed of American as well as Dominican citizens. Purpose is to promote business between the United States and the Dominican Republic. The Directory of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic, October 1955, gives complete information on the membership of this organization and American firms established or represented in the Dominican Republic. Camara Oficial de Comercio, Agricultura e Industria del Distrito de Santo Domingo (Official Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture and Industry of the District of Santo Domingo), Edificio Copello, Apts. 209-212, Calle El Conde, Ciudad Trujillo. Under Government sponsorship. Purpose is to promote Dominican business activities. Publishes Boletin Informativo. Comision de Fomento (Development Commission), Palacio Na- cional, Ciudad Trujillo. Government organization. Has charge of furthering the country's industrial development. Comision Interamericana de Inversiones (Inter-American Invest- ment Commission), Apt. 210, Edificio Copello, Calle El Conde, Ciudad Trujillo. Was organized in the Dominican Republic as a result of the agreement reached at the Inter-American Investment Conference, New Orleans, February-March 1955. Acts as liaison between Amer- ican investors and Dominican industrialists and businessmen to pro- mote and encourage foreign investment in Dominican Republic. ECUADOR Banco Nacional de Fomento (National Development Bank), Calle Bolivar 279, Quito. Ecuadoran national banking institution pro- moting industrial, commercial, and agricultural development of Ecuador. Camara de Comercio de Guayaquil (Guayaquil Chamber of Com- merce), Avenida Olmedo 410 (P. O. Box Y), Guayaquil. Trade organization having a membership of over 1,000 businesses in the Guayaquil area. Publishes a guide listing membership. Camara de Comercio de Quito (Quito Chamber of Commerce), Calle Guayaquil 1242 (P. O. Box 202), Quito. Trade organization having a membership of over 700 business firms in the Quito area. Publishes a guide listing membership. Also issues a quarterly publication containing Ecuadoran legislation affecting foreign trade; lists agency and trade opportunities. Camara de Industrials de Pichincha (Chamber of Industrialists of 411440°— 57- 21 EGYPT __ Pichincha), Calle Chile 1467 (P. O. Box 699), Quito. Industry organization having a membership of approximately 500 small indus- trialists in the Quito area. Occasionally publishes a guide listing membership. Camara de Industrias de Guayaquil (Chamber of Industries of Guayaquil), Calle 9 de Octubre 906, Guayaquil. Association of Guayaquil industrialists. Publishes a Directorio de Industrialists (Directory of Industrialists), a classified listing of principal manu- facturers in the Guayaquil area. Junta Nacional de Planifacion y Coordination Economica (National Planning and Economic Coordination Board), Pasaje Royal, Quito. National Government planning board. Organization Participante en el Ecuador de la Casa International, New Orleans (Participating Organization in Ecuador of International House, New Orleans), c/o Banco Nacional de Fomento, Calle Bolivar 279, Quito. Contact clearinghouse. Promotes United States-Ecua- doran trade and investment activities. EGYPT Egyptian Chamber of Commerce of Alexandria, 31 Boulevard Said I, Alexandria. Publishes, in monthly commercial bulletin, list of firms seeking an agent in Egypt, together with description of products involved. Egyptian Chamber of Commerce of Cairo, 4 Midan Falaki, Cairo. Publishes, in monthly commercial bulletin, list of firms seeking an agent in Egypt, together with description of products involved. Egyptian Federation of Industries, 26A Cherif St., Immobilia Bldg., Cairo. Upon request, will circularize trade information among its members. Permanent Council for the Development of National Production, 56 Giza St., Giza, Cairo. Governmental organization charged with promoting economic development projects. ENGLAND See United Kingdom. ETHIOPIA Chamber of Commerce, Box 517, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Chamber of Commerce, Asmara, Eritrea. Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Office of the Secretary for Economic and Social Affairs, Asmara, Eritrea. Ufficio Economico, Asmara, Eritrea. 22 FINLAND FIJI ISLANDS See Oceania. FINLAND Helsingin Eauppakamari (Chamber of Commerce of Helsinki), Fabianinkatu 14 B, Helsinki. Announces trade opportunities gratis in its weekly bulletin to members. Also has trade opportunities published free of charge in a daily commercial paper. Keskuskauppakamari (Central Chamber of Commerce), Fabian- inkatu 14, Helsinki. Publishes a monthly magazine, which can be used as an advertising medium. Forwards trade contact inquiries to the Chamber of Commerce of Helsinki. Suomen Autonosatukkukauppiaiden Yhdistys r. y. (Association of Finnish Wholesalers of Automotive Spare Parts), Lennrotinkatu 30 A, Helsinki. Announces trade opportunities gratis in circulars (approximately 40 issues annually) to its membership of 23 whole- salers. Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden Keskusliitto (Central Association of Finnish Woodworking Industries), E. Esplanadi 2, Helsinki. The membership comprises 12 associations and organizations in the field of forest products. Publishes two monthly magazines, one in Finnish and the other in Finnish, Swedish, English, and German. Both may be used as advertising media. Forwards trade contact inquiries to members, gratis. Suomen Rauta- ja Koneliikkeiden Yhdistys r. y. (Association of Finnish Hardware and Machinery Traders), Keskuskatu 3, Helsinki. The membership comprises 65 importers and dealers handling hard- ware, building materials, machines, steel, iron, and metals. Pub- lishes a magazine (10 issues annually) which may be used as an advertising medium. Suomen Sahketukkuliikkeiden Liitto r. y. (Finnish Electrical Whole- salers' Association), Keskuskatu 5 A, Helsinki. Offers its services gratis in selecting among its members (numbering 22) suitable repre- sentatives to handle products of foreign manufacturers. Suomen Teknillinen Kauppaliitto (Finnish Association of Technical Traders), E. Esplanadi 22 B, Helsinki. Announces trade opportuni- ties gratis in circulars to members, issued irregularly. Suomen Tukkukauppiaiden Liitto r. y. (Association of Finnish Wholesalers), Fabianinkatu 23, Helsinki. The membership com- prises 11 associations of importing wholesalers and, in addition, about 240 individual importing wholesalers. Publishes a magazine (10 issues annually), which may be used as an advertising medium. Forwards trade contact inquiries to members, gratis. 23 FORMOSA. Suomen Ulkomaankauppaliitto (Finnish Foreign Trade Associa- tion), E. Esplanadi 18, Helsinki. The membership comprises over 1,100 firms and organizations engaged in foreign trade. Publishes: (1) A semimonthly bulletin to members carrying trade opportunities gratis, (2) the bimonthly Finnish Trade Review (in English), the semiannual La Revue Commercial de Finlande, Revisla Commercial de Finlandia, and Finnische Handelsrundschau, and (3) The Finnish Foreign Trade Directory, listing firms and associations. Publications in categories (2) and (3) may be used as advertising media. Offers assistance to visiting businessmen. Furnishes credit infor- mation on members and also information on Finland's export poten- tialities and on the Finnish market for foreign products. Ulkomaankaupan Agenttiliitto (Finnish Foreign Trade Agent's Fed- eration), Aleksanterinkatu 13, Helsinki. Announces trade oppor- tunities gratis in monthly circular to members. FORMOSA See Taiwan. FRANCE American Chamber of Commerce in France, 21 ave. George V, Paris. Private regional organization of American firms and business- men in France and French firms and businessmen interested in Franco-American trade. Publishes annually Directory of American Business in France and monthly Commerce in France. Assemblee des Presidents des Chambres de Commerce de PUnion Francaise (Assembly of Presidents of Chambers of Commerce of the French Union), 21 ave. de Friedland, Paris. Private regional organi- zation. The French Union comprises France's oversea territories. Centre d'Expansion Francaise (French World Trade Center), 77 rue des Saints-Peres, Paris. Specializes in all exportation prob- lems. Has a study office, which is engaged in research and study of markets. Advises French businessmen and acts as correspondent for foreign firms. Publishes France-Exportation — VAnnuaire Bleu (Blue Directory for International Trade). Centre National du Commerce Exterieur, 10 ave. d'lena, Paris. Government organization which engages in the promotion of France's foreign trade. Has many contacts in French industry and receives numerous inquiries from French manufacturers and businessmen desiring to export to the United States. Has facilities for publicizing trade opportunities. 24 FRANCE Its regional offices are addressed as Centre National du Commerce Exterieur and are located in the following places: Amiens, Somme, Chambre de Commerce, 41 rue de Noyon. For the Depart- ments of Somme, Oise, and Aisne. Bordeaux, Gironde, Palais de la Bourse, Place Gabriel. For the Departments of Charente, Charente- Maritime, Deux-S6vres, Gironde, Vienne, Lot-et- Garonne, Gers, Basses-Pyr6n6es, and Landes. Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-D6me, Chambre de Commerce. For the Depart- ments of Allier, Puy-de-D6me, and Cantal. Dijon, C6te d'Or, Chambre de Commerce. For the Departments of Yonne, C6te d'Or, Jura, and Saone-et-Loire. Lille, Nord, Palais de la Bourse, Bureau No. 6. For the Departments of Nord and Pas-de- Calais. Limoges, Haute- Vienne, Chambre de Commerce. For the Departments of Haute- Vienne, Creuse, Correze, and Dordogne. Marseille, Bouches-du-Rh6ne, Palais de la Bourse. For the Departments of Gard, Bouches-du-Rhone, Vaucluse, Var, Hautes-Alpes, Basses-Alpes, Alpes- Maritimes, and Corse. Marseilles, Bouches-du-Rhone, Palais du Commerce, rue de la Bourse. For the Departments of Isere, Savoie, Haute-Savoie, Ain, Rhone, Loire, Haute-Loire, Ardeche, and Drome. Montpellier, Herault, Hotel Saint-Come. For the Departments of Herault, Lozere, Aveyron, Aude, and Pyrenees Orientales. Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Chambre de Commerce, 40 rue Gambetta. For the Departments of Ardennes, Marne, Aude, Meuse, Haute-Marne, Meurthe-et- Moselle, Moselle, and Vosges. Nantes, Loire-Inferieure, 4 Place de la Bourse. For the Departments of Mayenne, Indre-et-Loire, Loire-Inferieure, Vendee, Maine-et-Loire, Sarthe, Ille-et-Vilaine, C6tes-du-Nord, Morbihan, and Finistere. Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, Chambre de Commerce, 10 Place Gutenberg. For the Departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin, Haute-Saone, Doubs, and Territory of Belfort. Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Hotel de la Chambre de Commerce, 2 rue d' Alsace- Lorraine. For the Departments of Haute-Garonne, Hautes-Pyren6es, Ariege, Tarn, Tarn-et- Garonne, and Lot. Chambre de Commerce Internationale (International Chamber of Commerce), 38 Cours Albert Ier, Paris. Headquarters of this organi- zation. Chambre de Commerce de Paris (Chamber of Commerce of Paris), 14 rue de Chateaubriand, Paris. Private regional organization con- sisting of French enterprises and businessmen in the Paris region. Operates a commercial relations service, which circulates among its members a fortnightly bulletin concerning all types of offers and demands for goods and services. Chambre Syndicale des Commissionnaires pour le Commerce Exterieur (Trade Association of Commission Merchants for Foreign Trade), 47 rue de la Victoire, Paris. Organization of commission merchants who act as intermediaries between French manufacturers in all branches of industry and foreign customers. Chambre Syndicale Nationale des Voyageurs, Representants et Placiers du Commerce, de PIndustrie et de la Production (National Association of Traveling Salesmen, Representatives and Town- Traveling Agents), 30 blvd. Bonne-Nouvelle, Paris. Comprises agents of French and foreign firms. Receives offers from companies seeking representation. 25 FRANCE Comite