C ?/. ///S - P ¥? A DIRECTORY OF PB 297 095 CDFTFUTEPi SOFTWARE flPPLlCfiTlDnS Detection & Countermeasures 1970-July, 1979 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE-National Technical Information Service A DIRECTORY OF CDfTlPUTER SOFTWARE flPFuamons Detection & Countermeasures 1970-July, 1979 \ / U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 Copyright Warning i*l Portions of this publication bearing a copyright notice are copyrighted. International Copyright, "National Technical Information Service 1979, under the provisions of the Universal Copyright Convention. United States copyright is not asserted under the United States Copyright Law, Title 17, United States Code. f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/directoryofcompuOOunit CONTENTS Introduction V How To Use.... VII Abstracts 1 Subject Index 51 Corporate Author Index 67 Order Blank At End in 50272-101 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 4. Title and Subtitle 1. REPORT NO. NTIS/SA-79/09 A Directory of Computer Software Applications -- Detection and Countermeasures, 1970-July, 1979 3. Recipient's Accession No. PB-297 095 5. Report Date _July^i979 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 11. Contract(C) or Grant(G) No. (C) (G) 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Same 13. Type of Report & Period Covered 1970 - Jul. , 1979 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract (Limit: 200 words) Detection and countermeasures reports that list computer programs and/or their documentation are cited. These software applications pertain to topics such as radar, infrared, acoustic, optical, magnetic, and seismic detection, target acquisition, tracking, and signatures, signal processing, detection countermeasures, and nu- clear explosion detection. The directory contains complete bibliographic data for each report as well as a subject and a corporate author index. The computer software offered by NTIS was created by a variety of Federal agen cies to meet their diverse but quite specific objectives. It is provided without in- stallation, support, or maintenance services and sometimes requires customer modifications to run effectively in customer environments. 17. Document Analysis a. Descriptors b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms c. cosati Fieid/Group 62B, 63A , B, C, D, E, F, H, and I 18. Availability Statement 19. Security Class (This Report) 20. Security Class (This Page) 21. No. of Pages 84 22. Price $25.00 (See ANSI-Z39.18) See Instructions on Reverse OPTIONAL FORM 272 (4-77) (Formerly NTIS-35) Department of Commerce INTRODUCTION The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) of the U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce is the central source for the public sale and announcement of Government-sponsored research, development and engineering reports and analyses prepared by Federal agencies, their contractors or grantees. NTIS supplies the public with approximately four million documents and microforms annually. The technical reports announced by NTIS often contain listings of com- puter programs and/or documentation covering a wide variety of appli- cations. The object of this directory is to announce to the scientist, systems ana- lyst, and programmer, the availability of these computer programs, and to disseminate this software as fully as possible to fulfill NTIS' role in information transfer. These computer program listings or the documentation can be pur- chased for the regular price of the technical report in either hard copy or microfiche, thereby providing the user with a viable piece of soft- ware at an exceptionally low price. If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions please contact David Grooms, Product Manager (703) 557-4672. The computer software offered by NTIS was created by a variety of Federal agencies to meet their diverse but quite specific objectives. It is provided without installation, sup- port, or maintenance services and sometimes requires customer modifications to run effectively in customer en- vironments. HOW TO ORDER PRICING Costs of documents are given in the form of price codes in the right- hand portion of the first line of each entry in the abstract section. PC stands for paper copy and MF for microfiche. A current price-code table may be obtained by writing to NTIS. Also, current tables are attached to the back cover of Abstract Newsletters and Government Reports An- nouncements & Index. ORDERING To order a document please fill out the order form bound in the back of this publication (or a copy) and send to NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Be sure to include the document order number (printed in the left-hand portion of the first line of each entry in the ab- stract section) and your check, payable to NTIS, in the current amount — if you do not use your deposit account or American Express charge number. NTIS can also ship-and-biil, but you will be billed an additional fee of $5 per order for this service. Entries received from DOE and NASA may not have abstracts included. Readers are referred to the appropriate volumes of ERA or Star. For the note "For abstract, see ERA citation " please refer to Energy Research Abstracts (ERA) published monthly by the U.S. Government Printing Office, (GPO), Washington D.C. 20402 for the Department of Energy, Technical Information Center, P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Single issues and subscriptions are available to the public from Supt. of Docs., GPO. Certain classes of scientific users and governmental agencies may obtain free copies; contact the DOE Tech Center in Oak Ridge. For the note "For abstract, see Star . . . ." please refer to Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (Star) published semimonthly by the U.S. Government Printing Office, (GPO), Washington D.C. 20402 for the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. Subscriptions and single issues are available from Supt. of Docs., GPO. VI HOW TO USE Abstract Entry Order/accession number. This number must be used to order NTIS products PB-239 100/1CP PC A12/MF A01- Corporate author l— Bechtel, Inc., San Francisco, Calif. Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints. Appendices Final rept. on Phase 1 . Aug 74, 267p* Rept no. BECHTEL-10900-74-43- l-App Grant NSF-C867 Keywords — used for indexing and searching J" Descriptors: 'Energy supplies, 'Computer pro- grams. Crude oil, Natural gas, Coal, Oil shale, Uranium, Thorium, Bituminous sands, Hydroelectric power generation, Geothermal prospecting, Solar energy conversion, Wastes, Systems analysis, Systems engineering, Capitalized costs, Fossil fuel deposits, Trans- portation, Planning, Forecasting, Algorithms. Flow charting, Mathematical models, FOR- TRAN. A computer program that calculates resource' requirements and summarizes results for any fuel mix is presented. The program tabulates an annual schedule of required facilities to be brought on-line and attendant annual schedules of capital (2 classes), manpower (4 types), and materials (9 categories) require- ments. The model is exercised for two likely fuel mixes and the implications in terms of an- ticipated capital, manpower, and materials con- straints are discussed. -Price codes: PC means paper copy; MF, microfiche. Consult current code-price table for ac- tual prices. •—Title of document Abstract of document Subject Index Entry Subject Term.— These are arranged in alphabetical se- quence in the Index ' ENERGY SUPPLIES Energy System Network Simulator (ESNS). li. A- User's Guide BNL-20979 9B Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints PB-239 099/5CP ^ — — — - — Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints. Appendices PB-239 10071CP 21D An Economic Analysis of Declining Petroleum Supplies in Texas: Income, Employment, Tax and Production Effects as Measured by Input-Output and Supply-Demand Simulation Models PB-243 320/9CP OBI -Title Order number. Documents in the abstract section are se- quenced alphanumerically by this number. Corporate Author Index Entry Corporate author Order/accession number ■ BECHTEL, INC.. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. BECHTEL-10900-74-43-1 Path to Self-Sufliciency Directions and Con- . straints PB-239 099/5CP 21 D BECHTEL-109OO-74-43-l-App Path to Self-Sufficiency Directions and Con- straints. Appendices PB-239 100/1CP 210 -Title VII PRICE CODES Most NTIS products are announced with price codes. The table below lists the codes and equivalent dollar prices when this book was published. You can obtain copies of new tables from NTIS. Also, current code-price tables appear in many NTIS publications. NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT PRICE SCHEDULE Customers in Canada, U.S., and Mexico please use this price schedule; other addressees write for Folder Pt-3a0-4. A01 .... ....$3.00 E01 ... $3.25 T01 ... $110.00 A02 .... .... 4.00 E02 ... 4.75 T02 ... 125.00 A03 .... .... 4.50 E03 ... 6.25 T03 ... 175.00 A04 .... .... 5.25 E04 ... 7.50 T04 ... 250.00 A05 .... .... 6.00 E05 ... 9.00 T05 ... 300.00 A06 ... .... 6.50 E06 ... 10.50 T06 ... 350.00 A07... .... 7.25 E07 ... 12.50 T07 ... 400.00 A08 ... .... 8.00 E08 ... 15.00 T08 ... 450.00 A09... .... 9.00 E09 ... 17.50 T09 ... 500.00 A10 .... .... 9.25 E10 ... 20.00 T10 ... 550.00 All ... .... 9.50 Ell ... 22.50 TU ... 600.00 Al? .... 10.75 E12 ... 25.00 T12 ... 650.00 A13... ....11.00 E13 ... 28.00 T13 ... 675.00 A14... 11.75 E14 ... 31.00 T14 ... 750.00 A15 ... 12.00 E15 ... 34.00 T15 ... 800.00 A16 ... 12.50 E16 ... 37.00 T16 ... 850.00 A17 ... ... 13.00 E17 ... 40.00 T17 ... 900.00 A18... .... 13.25 E18 ... 45.00 T18 ... 950.00 A19... .... 14.00 E19 ... 50.00 T19 ... 1,000.00 A20... .... 14.50 E20 ... 60.00 T99 * A21 ... . ... 15.00 E99 * A?? 15.25 A?3 15.50 N01 .... .... 28.00 A74 16.25 N02 .... ... 50.00 A7S . ... 16.50 A99 ... * *Contoct NTIS for price quote VIII DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES AD-A001 064/5CP PC A12/MF A01 Raytheon Co Wayland Mass Advanced Develop- ment Lab Multipath Measurements Final rept. 30 Apr- 15 Aug 74 D. G. Armstrong, P. E. Cornwell, and A. H. Greene. Aug 74, 262p Rept no. ER74-4316 Contract DAAH01-74-C-0704, ARPA Order-2731 See also AD-782 438. Descriptors: *Multipath transmission, * Radar clut- ter, Measurement, Scattering, Computerized simu- lation, Radar tracking, Computer programs. Reported is Phase I of a research task to refine the classical multipath theory. The study completed has culminated in the design of a measurement program which can obtain data on terrain and sea reflection phenomena. The processed data can be used to quantify existing theory to assist in improv- ing the performance of tracking radars operating at low elevation angles. The theory of specular and diffuse reflections is discussed in considerable detail, including the most recent modifications which deal quantitatively with the interaction of specular and diffuse reflection and which also de- scribe the distribution of diffuse reflectivity over the glistening surface. A computer simulation based on the advanced theory is described, and typical results presented. AD-A001 074/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Harris Corp Melbourne Fla Electronic Systems Div Multiple Target instrumentation Radar Study, Phase II Bimonthly rept. no. 1, Sep/Oct 74 Duane E. Bowyer. 31 Oct 74, 32p Rept no. JA- 1543 Contract N00014-75-C-0033 Descriptors: *Radar, Phased arrays, Multiple oper- ation, Computer programs, Control, Computer ap- plications, Instrumentation. The objective of the study is to develop the logic for the Radar Operating Procedure (ROP), and im- plement a system simulation to verify the effective- ness of the design. AD-A001 235/1CP PC A05/MF A01 Wyoming Univ Laramie Dept of Mechanical Engi- neering A Laser System for Determination of Rocket Attitude and Roll Rate Technical rept. 15 Nov 73-14 Jul 74 Kynric M. Pell, Mark J. Russell, John E. Nydahl, and William R. Russell. Jul 74, 96p UWME-DR- 4061051, ARO-12102.2-RTL Grant DAHC04-74-G-0063 Descriptors: "Guided missile ranges, "Radar track- ing, "Optical radar, Lasers, Tracking stations, Atti- tude indicators, Roll, Pitch(lnclination), Errors, De- grees of freedom, Computerized simulation, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Role rate, "Corner reflectors, Error analysis, Six degrees of freedom. The use of ground based tracking laser transmit- ting and detecting stations and retroreflector equipped vehicles as a system to determine vehi- cle attitude and roll rate is investigated. Ground station location and vehicle dynamics are consid- ered. The results show that the system represents a viable approach to test range instrumentation. AD-A002 825/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Rand Corp Santa Monica Calif Vehicle Detection in Emplaced Sensor Fields: A User's Guide to a Simulation Model and a Track-Identification Algorithm Morton B. Berman. Jan 73, 1 1 1 p Rept no. R- 1186-PR Contract F44620-73-C-0011 Descriptors: "Military vehicles, "Military oper- ations, Detection, Magnetic detection, Seismic de- tection, Acoustic detection, Computerized simula- tion, Pattern recognition, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: IBB 360/65 computers, FORTRAN 4 programming language. This report provides the necessary information for using two separate computer programs: (1) a simu- lation model of vehicle traffic through fields of em- placed magnetic, acoustic, or seismic sensors; and (2) a pattern detection algorithm of two-way vehicle traffic through a field of emplaced sensors. The simulation model supplies the user with a device to simulate detection patterns of different sensors under varying vehicle-flow and back- ground (false-alarm) conditions. In addition, it pro- vides inputs to the pattern detection algorithm al- lowing precise verification of the pattern recog- nizer's ability to detect vehicle flow. The pattern detection algorithm is designed to accept inputs from the simulation model to allow proper selec- tion of critical parameters. It is also designed to accept real-world data-both actual detections and false alarms~of vehicle flow past fields of sensors. AD-A002 881/1CP PC A09/MF A01 RCA Missile and Surface Radar Div Moorestown N J Radar Search and Cost Analysis Computer Programs Final rept. Dec 73-Jun 74 N. A. Ricciardi, Jr, and J. Liston. Dec 74, 177p RADC-TR-74-305 Contract F30602-74-C-0071 Descriptors: "Search radar, "Radar tracking, "Computer programs, Phased arrays, Radar scan- ning, Space surveillance systems, FORTRAN. This study has as its objective the modification, re- finement, and tailoring of certain radar search analysis and cost analysis computer programs de- veloped during a previous study program. These programs have been modified to reflect the Space Defense System, Task II (SDS-II), design philos- ophy and have been transcribed for operation on the RADC HIS-635/645 computer. The SDS-II Study was the Space Surveillance Task of the Space Defense System Program conducted by SAMSO. The resulting programs are capable of being run by RADC personnel in support of various design and cost analyses pertinent to alternative radar configurations under TSAR Test Bed, SDS-II Study, and future RADC radar studies. In addition, specific design issues in several areas relevant to system design verification, simulation, and further design refinement have been addressed. AD-A002 927/2CP PC A08/ M F A0 1 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Tracking System for Two Asynchronously Scanning Radars Ben H. Cantrell, Gerard V. Trunk, and Jon D. Wilson. 5 Dec 74, 151p Rept no. NRL-7841 Descriptors: "Radar tracking, Multiple operation, Computer applications, Computer programs, Tracking, Algorithms, Search radar, FORTRAN. A tracking system was designed to use detections from two asynchronously scanning radars located in close proximity. The system differs from previ- ous single-radar tracking systems in timing, filter updating, and track initiation, and in using detec- tions from two radars. Simulation results show that the system operating on 1 00 clutter points and 50 targets requires about 3.0 s using a Fortran pro- gram on a Nova 800 computer. AD-A002 969/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Teledyne Geotech Alexandria Va Seismic Data Analysis Center Computer Program Description - A Long Period Array Processing Package for ILLIAC Iv Technical rept. Ann Kerr, and Gene Wagenbreth. 1 1 Oct 74, 97p Rept no. SDAC-TR-74-17 Contract F08606-74-C-0006, ARPA Order-1620 Descriptors: "Seismological stations, "Data proc- essing, "Underground explosions, Parallel proc- essing, Signal processing, Seismic detection, Fourier transformation. Identifiers: Vela Uniform, ILLIAC 4 computer, FKCOMB computer program. This document describes a preliminary version of a long period array processing package designed around the FKCOMB algorithm for use on the ILLIAC 4 computer. FKCOMB is a general-purpose array-processing program that uses frequency-wa- venumber analysis to produce a bulletin which lists signal detections and various statistics for each detection. Two data editing and reformatting mod- ules prepare the seismic data for FKCOMB and can be modified for use with other seismic algo- rithms. Preliminary reformatting of the seismic data is performed by DEM1 . The data is edited and fast fourier transformed by DEM2. The input param- eters required for operating these programs and their subroutines are described in this document. AD-A003 329/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Alabama Univ Huntsville Application of Microprogramming for Radar/ Computer Interface and Radar Processing in the Frequency Domain Final rept. 1 5 Feb 73-30 Aug 74 (Volume 2) R. J. Polge, L. Callas, and B. K. Bhagavan. Oct 74, 77p Rept no. UAH-RR-160 Contract DAHC60-72-C-0071 See also Volume 1 , AD/A-003 328. Descriptors: "Radar signals, "Signal processing, "Microprogramming, Frequency modulation, Matched filters, Doppler effect, Computer pro- grams, Computations. This report contains two parts. Part 1 discusses hardware and software options, reviews principles of microprogramming and investigates the feasibil- ity of microprogramming the TI/ASC computer. Part 2 develops and evaluates a technique for radar processing in the frequency domain. The study is limited to linearly frequency modulated radar signals. It is shown that detection and range estimation can be performed directly in the fre- quency domain so that an inverse fast Fourier transformation is not required as in the standard matched filter. Simulation programs were devel- oped to implement and test the processing algo- rithms. The results are promising. The perform- ance in terms of probability of detection, probability of false alarm and range estimation is adequate for practical signal-to-noise ratios. AD-A003 592/3CP PCA11/MFA01 Semcor Inc Moorestown N J An Evaluation of Some New Approaches to Agile Beam Radar Design for Shipboard Appli- cations Final rept. Jan-Oct 74. Oct 74, 236p Rept no. SD-1028-B101-01-Vol-2 Contract N00024-74-C-1028 See also Volume 1 , AD/A-003 591 . Descriptors: "Radar, "Phased arrays, Radar an- tennas, Beam steering, Steerable antennas, An- tenna arrays, Radar scanning, Ship antennas, Shipboard, Antenna Radiation patterns, Costs, Cost analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: BASIC programming language. Contents: Technique descriptions; Phase-frequency steering; Multiple line arrays composite patterns; Cross polarization due to reflecting screen geometry; Array and reflector pattern and scan analysis; Array and reflector antenna patterns; Array and reflector effects of multiple paths; Effect of element pattern on array and -reflector patterns; Cost comparison; Computer programs. AD-A003 677/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Radio-Frequency Interference from Linear-FM Pulses Interim technical rept. J. J. G. McCue. 1 6 Jul 74, 1 1 9p TR-51 2, ESD- TR-74-231 Contract F19628-73-C-0002 Descriptors: "Radiofrequency interference, "Chirp radar, Radiofrequency pulses, Frequency modula- tion, Power spectra, Computer programs, Numeri- cal analysis, FORTRAN. DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Approximate expressions are obtained for the power spectrum and the phase spectrum of a rec- tangular pulse with linear FM. It is shown that the phase spectrum outside the nominal frequency band of the pulse is very different from the in-band spectrum, and that consequently interference picked up from the skirt of the spectrum will not undergo pulse compression. If a chirp receiver and a chirp pulse have center frequencies differing by at least the larger of the two bandwidths, calcula- tions of radio-frequency interference can be made with good accuracy by ignoring the FM. The re- sponse of a chirp receiver to a nonmatching linear- FM or constant-frequency pulse can readily be cal- culated, even when the difference of the center frequencies is small. The calculation is discussed, first for rectangular pulses in receivers matched to rectangular pulses, and then for rectangular pulses in receivers with Hamming or similar weighting. AD-A004 206/9CP PC A09/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Application of ADAPT to Quick Look Classifi- cation of Composite Radar Signatures Final rept. Nov 73-Nov 74 Herbert E. Hunter. Nov 74, 196p ADAPT-74-4, ESD-TR-74-345 Contract F1 9628-73-C-0002 Prepared in cooperation with Adapt Service Corp., Reading, Mass. Rept. no. 74-4. Descriptors: "Radar signatures, * Radar targets, •Computer programming, Classification, Signal processing, Spectrum analysis, Graphics. Identifiers: ADAPT computer program, Karhunen- Loeve transformation. The ADAPT Computer Programs (a series of em- pirical analysis programs based on the concept that pattern recognition and regression analysis should be preceded by a reduction in the dimen- sionality based on the Karhunen-Loeve expansion) were applied to composite radar signatures of two classes of targets to develop and study classifica- tion laws and mechanisms for separating the two classes. The analysis showed that the 10 pulse signatures were adequate for the classifications desired and illustrated several mechanisms for classifications based on the differences in the characteristics of the means of the two classes. The analysis also showed that the most effective classification scheme for separating the two types of targets was based on the significantly greater variation observed in the second class of targets. AD-A004 246/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Ray Trace Experiment on the Underwater Range at Dabob Bay Master's thesis Stuart Charles Karon. Dec 74, 84p Descriptors: "Underwater tracking, "Underwater sound, Hydrophones, Washington(State), Acoustic velocity, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Dabob Bay, STUTRACK 1 computer program. Preliminary results of an experiment to determine the accuracy and the effects of varying amounts of environmental data at the NAVTORPSTA, Key- port, Washington, Dabob Bay Range are present- ed. A 75-KHz source was tracked at six depths at each of six horizontal ranges. The data were ana- lyzed by the NAVTORPSTA NUTRACK III isovelo- city-layer computer program and by an isogradient- layer program developed here, STUTRACK I. The results show that a low signal-to-noise ratio is not a problem even at long distances and that an isogra- dient analysis yields superior results with less envi- ronmental data than does the isovelocity method. AD-A004 587/2CP PC E04/MF A01 Catholic Univ of America Washington D C Dept of Electrical Engineering Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Processors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estimator Final rept. 1 May 73-31 Dec 74 Leonard E. Miller, and Jhong S. Lee. 31 Dec 74, 200 Contract N00014-67-A-0377-0021 Descriptors: "Sonar arrays, "Underwater sound, "Signal processing, Hydrophones, Bearing(Direction), Band pass filters, Probability density functions, Estimates, Signal to noise ratio, Information theory, Statistical analysis, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Signal detection, Maximum likelihood estimation, BASIC programming language. Investigation is made of a 'multiplicative' receiver array to determine its capability as signal detector and bearing estimator. The same analyses are made of the conventional square-law array for comparison purposes. The probability density functions for the filter outputs of array models are obtained for these arrays for the input signals con- sisting of monochromatic signals and narrowband additive Gaussian noise. The number of sensor elements, SNR, source bearing, and interelement noise correlation, are treated as parameters of the distribution, and their influences are displayed graphically. Based on these probability density functions for the square-law and multiplicative array processors, the authors then examine their performances as signal detectors and bearing esti- mators. AD-A004 591/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Amplitude Modulation of Acoustic Signals by Ocean Waves and the Effect on Signal Detec- tion Master's thesis. James Blenn III Perkins. Dec 74, 114p Descriptors: "Acoustic signals, "Amplitude modu- lation, Ocean surface, Acoustic scattering, Signal processing, Computer programs, Probability densi- ty functions, Theses, Ocean waves, Acoustic de- tection. A study was conducted of the amplitude modula- tion of an acoustic signal forward scattered from a wind-generated, model ocean surface. The de- modulated spectrum of the surface scattered sound was compared with the model ocean spec- trum while varying the acoustic frequency and angle of incidence. Several methods of enhancing signal detection through a knowledge of the ocean spectrum were studied. The most promising of these shows potential gains of the order of three decibels when the received signal is weak and fluctuating greatly, as at a Lloyd Mirror minimum. AD-A005 466/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Models for Computing the Directional Radi- ation of Sound from Sources on a Rigid Cylin- drical Baffle Master's thesis Roland Ralph Johnson. Dec 74, 87p Descriptors: "Underwater sound, "Sonar trans- ducers, Acoustic Tracking, Acoustic detection, Acoustic reflection, Sound transmission, Sound ranging, Baffles, Mathematical models, Computer- ized simulation, Computer programs, Theses, Cy- lindrical bodies. The closed-form equations describing the acoustic radiation pattern for a source flush-mounted on a rigid cylindrical baffle are derived for three sonar transducer design configurations: two rectangular designs (Segment and Patch) and one circular. The derivation includes both application and an ex- tension of developments by previous theorists. A computer program based on the derived closed- form equations is included to permit design investi- gation of the three (3) configurations. Preliminary results of the program agree with previously ob- tained patterns by other investigators for the same source. The program, however, allows extension to new configurations. AD-A005 675/4CP PC A07/MF A01 RCA Government and Commerical Systems Moor- estown N J The TSAR Search and Track Computer Final technical rept. 2 Apr 73-31 Jun 74 Henry M. Halpern, Richard J. Smith, and Leonard Weinberg. Jan 75, 144p RADC-TR-74-348 Contract F30602-73-C-0233 Descriptors: "Radar tracking, "Space surveillance systems, "Minicomputers, "Search radar, Phased arrays, Computer programs, Real time, Signal processing, FORTRAN. This report summarizes work done to provide a control computer for a proposed time scanned array radar (TSAR). The radar is a long range sur- veillance and tracking radar steered in one coordi- nate by modifying the signal. This effort resulted in the selection of a minimum cost minicomputer and providing many of the key programs to drive the radar. A General Automation SPC 16/65 was se- lected as the mini after a tradeoff of several similar types. The computer was purchased and found to be very satisfactory. The software developed pro- vides a scheduler, a search pattern and up to ten simultaneous tracks. The elliptical search fence is scanned in 2.33 seconds. The time to search in- creases to 3.5 seconds with six simultaneous tracks. A target simulator was also provided. Lost track and power tailoring algorithms were also studied. AD-A006 219/OCP PC A06/MF A01 RCA Missile and Surface Radar Div Moorestown N J WSMR Multipath and Multiple-Target Facility Final rept. Don N. Thomson, Samuel M. Sherman, and Robert W. Wagner. Sep 74, 118p Contract DAAD07-73-C-0234 Descriptors: "Radar tracking, Elevation, Angles, Low angles, Multipath transmission, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: AN/FPS-16, FORTRAN 4 programming language. The report covers an experimental program de- signed to evaluate the use of the Complex Indicat- ed Angle technique for measuring the elevation angle of targets in a multipath environment. The test radar was an AN/FPS-16 at WSMR. AD-A006 254/7CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Horizontal-Gradient Acoustical Ray-Trace Pro- gram TRIMAIN B. G. Roberts, Jr. 16 Dec 74, 135p Rept no. NRL-7827 Descriptors: "Underwater sound, "Ray tracing, "Computer programs, Acoustic velocity, Ocean bottom topography, Sonar, Control sequences, FORTRAN. Identifiers: TRIMAIN computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, CDC 3800 com- puters. Interest has arisen in the last few years to develop analytical models of the undersea acoustic envi- ronment which are suitable for use on digital com- puters. To realistically represent the sound-field structure which exists in the ocean, one must con- sider the variation of sound speed in two dimen- sions: depth and range. A computer program, TRI- MAIN, was written in Fortran 4 in which the sound- speed field for a given region is divided into trian- gular segments of the range-and-depth plane. Four types of intensity calculations are available: a completely random phase summation, a complete- ly coherent phase summation, a statistical influ- ence over depth, and an average over a conver- gence zone. Additional output options are ray depth distributions, ray printplots, and Calcomp ray plots, including plots of input sound speeds and of bathymetric profiles. AD-A006 279/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Technology Service Corp Santa Monica Calif Adaptive Angle Tracking Final rept. Lawrence E. Brennan, and Irving S. Reed. 7 Feb 75, 83p Rept no. TSC-PD-119-4 Contract N00019-74-C-0227 Descriptors: "Radar tracking, Adaptive systems, Angles, Phased arrays, Angle of arrival, Jamming, Probability density functions, Computer programs, FORTRAN. DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Angle tracking with phased array antennas in an external noise environment was studied. While the results of this study are applicable generally to arrays of sensors for measuring the angle of arrival of incident radiation, the emphasis in the simula- tion portion of the study was placed on radar arrays operating in a jamming environment. This problem is important in a variety of radar ECCM applications, including Al radars and missile seek- ers. Two different approaches to the adaptive angle tracking problem were included in the study. The first approach is based on maximization of the likelihood function. The second basic approach to angle tracking in a jamming environment is based on the use of symmetrical pairs of array elements. AD-A006 692/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Air Force Avionics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio A High Data Rate Digital Spatial Frequency Tracking System Harry M. Dobbins, and Michael J. Noviskey. Dec 74, 30p Rept no. AFAL-TR-74-293 Descriptors: 'Optical tracking, Fourier transforma- tion, Statistical analysis, Computer programs. This study analyzes a non-imaging high data rate tracking system. The system optically sums the scene energy onto two perpendicular linear diode arrays. The current distribution on these diode arrays is Fourier transformed giving the amplitude and phase position of the individual spatial fre- quency components. On successive frames of data the difference in phase is shown to be propor- tional to the scene displacement. A statistical ap- proach is used to calculate the displacement dis- tance. Using spatial frequencies, subresolution element tracking accuracies are achieved. The equivalence of this system to a correlation tracker is shown and the effect of noise in the signal is analyzed. AD-A007 052/4CP PC A08/MF A01 Air Force Avionics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Application of Linear Programming Tech- niques to the Design of Radar Absorbers Technical rept. B. S. Thornton. Dec 74, 171p Rept no. AFAL-TR- 74-181 Descriptors: *Antiradar coatings, Microwaves, Ra- diation absorption, Absorbers(Equipment), Opti- mization, Computer programs, Computer aided design, Impedance matching, Ferrites, FORTRAN, Linear programming. The report presents two new methods for solving problems in reducing electromagnetic back-scat- ter from conducting surfaces. The first method is concerned with optimizing the design of micro- wave absorbing multilayers for uniform response over wideband and wide angle of incidence subject to the constraint that a certain layer or layers to be included are specified for structural, thermody- namic, or other reasons. Up to two layers can be specified as to their sequence in the multilayer and their respective characteristic impedances within a given range. In the second part of the report a method is proposed for free-space impedance matching by using the control of effective surface impedance for a conducting surface by the geome- try of indentations in the surface and the material filling them. The required frequency behavior of the dielectric and ferrite materials involved is deduced and the geometry and materials' characteristics of a simple case calculated to illustrate the method and orders of magnitude of the relevant param- eters. AD-A007 684/4CP PC A16/MF A01 Aeronautical Systems Div Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio The Effects of Pseudo-Random Noise upon Radar System Performance Technical rept. David William Berrie. Aug 74, 359p Rept no. ASD-TR-74-23 Descriptors: "Search radar, 'Pseudo noise sys- tems, Pseudo random systems, Shift registers, Feedback, Performance(Engineering), Computer programs, Radar jamming, Theses. The report presents the results of a theoretical and experimental investigation into the effects of pseudo-random noise upon the performance of a search radar system. The study considers the theory of pseudo-random noise as formed by maxi- mum-length sequences. The sequences them- selves are generated by digital shift registers using linear feedback networks. The results of this effort are then applied in an effectiveness study which relates the parameters of a pseudo-random noise generator to the performance of a generic search radar. The study and subsequent simulator experi- ments show that the effects of the pseudo-random noise upon radar receiver performance are strong- ly dependent upon the design and control of the noise generator. AD-A008 150/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab A Shallow Water Acoustic Model for an Ocean Stratified in Range and Depth. Volume I Technical rept. William G. Kanabis. 25 Mar 75, 122p Rept no. NUSC-TR-4887-I Descriptors: * Sonar signals, "Shallow water, Acoustic velocity, Ray tracing, Mathematical models, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Under- water sound. Identifiers: FORTRAN 5 programming language. In shallow water the stratification of the medium quite often varies significantly with range as well as with depth, and thus affects the nature of acoustic transmission. Hence, a model of acoustic propaga- tion should be able to accommodate the effect of such changes in the stratification of the ocean. A computer-oriented procedure with its foundations in normal mode theory has been developed for problems of this type. Arbitrary changes in velocity profile, water depth (including a sloping bottom), and bottom composition with range can be accom- modated. The effect of mode conversion is includ- ed in the analysis. The theoretical procedure is dis- cussed and the mechanics of the resulting com- puter program are described in volume I. AD-A009 055/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Harry Diamond Labs Adelphi Md Radar-Modeling Study Technical rept. Murry B. Ginesberg, and John C. Costanza. Dec 74, 43p Rept no. HDL-TR-1672 Descriptors: * Radar targets, 'Radar clutter, Moving target indicators, Multipath transmission, Computerized simulation, Computer programs. Radar detection theory is used to develop math- ematical models for determining the potential of a scanning pulse acquisition radar to detect a non- maneuvering, nonjamming, low-altitude target. The ground-based acquisition radar scans with a pencil-beam antenna pattern, and the target radar cross section is characterized by scan-to-scan fluctuation (Swerling Case 1). In addition to study- ing detection in free space, the effects of multipath propagation and ground clutter are evaluated. Computer programs, given in APL language, dyna- mically simulate the radar-target encounter. AD-A010 813/4CP PC A08/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Passive Environmental ASW Prediction System (PEAPS) Master's thesis Michael Edward Beckes, Nicholas Pegau Burhans, and Robert Edgar Gump. Mar 75, 170p Rept no. NPS-71Be75031 Descriptors: 'Antisubmarine warfare, 'Passive sonar, Ray tracing, Underwater sound, Mathemat- ical prediction, Mathematical models, Computer applications, Theses, Acoustic velocity, Computa- tions, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: PEAPS computer program. PEAPS (Passive Environmental ASW Prediction System) is a relatively unsophisticated model which accepts input source and receiver param- eters and then predicts sound propagation charac- teristics in an ocean environment, the correspond- ing transmission loss, and the probability of detec- tion. The program was written for a programmable desk-top calculator for immediate deployment and operational testing aboard small ASW platforms. The program is also available in a form suitable for larger computers. AD-A010 868/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Analysis of a Ray Trace Experiment on the Underwater Range at Dabob Bay Master's thesis Victor Joseph Bankston. Mar 75, 86p Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Ray tracing, Acoustic velocity, Sonar, Hydrophones, Underwat- er tracking, Computer programs, Theses, Washington(State). Identifiers: Dabob Bay, Keyport(Washington). An analysis of an experiment to determine the pre- cision, the effects of varying amounts of environ- mental data, and the feasibility of the use of histori- cal environmental data at the NAVTORPSTA, Key- port, Washington, Dabob Bay facility is presented. The analysis verifies and extends the results of a preliminary investigation of the experimental data. The experiment consisted of tracking a 75-kHz source at six depths at each of six horizontal ranges. The data were analyzed using an isogra- dient ray-tracing program. The results showed that the precision of the range position as determined by the ranging system is dependent only on the rise-time of the 75kHz signal; that the use of less environmental data and historical data as the envi- ronmental input for position calculations have been shown to cause only a minor degradation in the accuracy of the ranging system. AD-A011 056/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Harris Corp Melbourne Fla Electronic Systems Div Multiple Target Instrumentation Radar Study Final rept. on Phase 2 Duane E. Bowyer. 30 Apr 75, 122p Contract N00014-75-C-0033 See also report dated 10 Mar 75, AD/A-006 925. Descriptors: 'Radar, Phased arrays, Multiple oper- ation, Instrumentation, Computerized simulation, Computer programs, Ranges(Facilities). The objective of the study was to develop the logic for the Radar Operating Procedure (ROP), and im- plement a system simulation to verify the effective- ness of the design. In addition a data processor hardware configuration was proposed and real- time software timing results obtained. AD-A011 150/OCP PCA11/MFA01 Dayton Univ Ohio Research Inst Maximum Likelihood Solution to Theodolite Data Contract rept. Lawrence A. Jehn, and Jerry B. Reeves. May 75, 236p NSWC/DL-CR-71-100 Contract N00178-70-C-0056 Descriptors: 'Theodolites, 'Data processing, 'Computer programs, Optical tracking, Matrices(Mathematics), Partial differential equa- tions, Digital computers, Computations. Identifiers: Maximum likelihood estimation, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, IBM 7094 com- puters, IBM 7030 computers. Theodolite procedures are briefly reviewed and the method by Dr. C. J. Cohen of the Naval Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren Laboratory is dis- cussed in detail. Errors of closure of the individual solution points are calculated. A criterion for the rejection of erroneous data from individual theodo- lite stations is included. Statistical procedures are included which establish a reliable estimate of the variance of the position coordinates based on the errors of closure of the solution points. A FOR- TRAN 4 program is described which has a number of options which makes it convenient for the user to adapt it to his particular needs. A unique feature is the tabulator plot of the errors of closure. The program is operational on the IBM 7094 and 7030 systems. DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES AD-A01 1 212/8CP PC A10/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Night Vision Laboratory Static Performance Model for Thermal Viewing Systems Technical rept. James A. Ratches, Walter R. Lawson, Luanne P. Obert , Richard J. Bergemann, and Thomas W. Cassidy. Apr 75, 204p Rept no. ECOM-7043 Descriptors: *Night vision devices, 'Night warfare, 'Infrared detectors, Mathematical models, Com- puter programs, Military requirements, Infrared sig- natures, Infrared images, Background radiation, Display systems, Performance(Engineering), Tem- perature, Target designators, Signal to noise ratio. Identifiers: Modulation transfer functions, Noise equivalent temperature. The NVL thermal model predicts system noise equivalent temperature difference, minimum re- solvable temperature, minimum detectable tem- perature and modulation transfer functions for any infrared imaging system. It also predicts detection and recognition as a function of range for a given atmosphere and target signature. This model is do- cumented, and the validation from laboratory mea- surements and field experiments is also present- ed. The computer program and an in-depth user's manual are given in the appendices. This model can be and has been used in military systems anal- yses to direct component research, evaluate con- tractor proposals, and aid project manager deci- sions. AD-A012 267/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Kansas Univ/Center for Research Inc Lawrence Remote Sensing Lab Simulation of a Radar Image for Garden City Test Site Technical rept. S. K. Parashar, A. K. Fung, and R. K. Moore. Feb 75, 59p RSL-TR-234-8, ETL-0007 Contract DAAK02-73-C-01 06 Descriptors: 'Radar images, 'Digital simulation, Images, Image processing, Radar targets, Side looking radar, Terrain intelligence, K band, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Garden City(Kansas), AN/APQ-97. This report documents and demonstrates in detail the procedure to be followed in digitally simulating a radar image for Garden City test site. The type of information needed for simulation and the method of actual construction of the image are presented. Simulated images both with and without fading are included. These images are produced for system parameters corresponding to Westinghouse AN/ APQ-97 radar system. The simulated image is compared with the actual radar image of the area. The simulation of images for Garden City repre- sents a first simulation effort for comparatively simple scene using relatively few system param- eters. AD-A012 473/5CP PC E03/MF A01 Planning Systems Inc Mclean Va Methods for Consideration of Range Uncer- tainties in Detection Performance Analyses Final rept. 1 Jan-31 Dec 74 Carl A. Persinger, and Joseph Z. Yao. 31 Dec 74, 120 Rept no. PSI-TR-006014 Contract N00014-73-C-0266 Descriptors: 'Antisubmarine warfare, 'Sonar, Un- certainty, Detection, Performance, Statistical anal- ysis, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Post-exercise analyses of antisubmarine warfare detection performance often are based on the re- constructed range between a sensor unit and a target. The ranges are generally determined from the reconstructed positions of those units although the navigational errors in the data used for recon- struction can be significant. This report presents methodologies by which navigational errors can be considered when performing post-exercise detec- tion performance analyses. The included computer programs apply the methodology to hypothetical examples to estimate detection probabilities and sweep widths. A separate, classified addendum validates some of the assumptions and applies the methodology to exercise data. AD-A012 496/6CP PC A02/MF A01 National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center Atlantic City N J The Use of Dynamic Search Areas in the Na- tional Airspace System Enroute Computer Pro- gram Final rept. Jul 74-Nov 74 Francis R. Mullin. May 75, 20p FAA-NA-75-1 52, FAA-RD-75-77 Descriptors: 'Search radar, 'Radar tracking, Com- puterized simulation, Computer programming, Al- gorithms. Identifiers: DOT/4IZ/ID. The use of 'online computed' search areas in the National Airspace System (NAS) enroute tracking algorithm is investigated in this report. The search areas currently used in the enroute model 3d2 computer program are of fixed values, and cannot provide turn detection precise enough to make use of the track-oriented smoothing feature of the NAS bimodal tracker. The results indicate that the dy- namic search areas provide superior performance to the method currently specified. AD-A012 632/6CP PC A10/MF A01 Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg Miss A Mathematical Model for Predicting Micro- seismic Signals in Terrain Materials Final rept. Jerry R. Lundien, and Hans Nikodem. Jun 73, 225p Rept no. AEWES-TR-M-73-4 Descriptors: 'Terrain, 'Microseisms, 'Seismic de- tection, Intrusion detection, Seismic signatures, Mathematical models, Time domain, Antiintrusion devices, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming language. The mathematical model presented herein allows the user to make predictions for the wave ampli- tude and frequency content of microseismic sig- nals that would interact with a seismic intrusion de- tection device at the surface of the ground. These signals are propagated as a result of a force ap- plied to the surface of a medium (stress) which in turn causes a corresponding motion to travel away from the source. Efforts were made to keep the operation of the model as general as possible such that little restriction is placed on either the source of the seismic signal or the ground media through which the signal propagates. As a result, the source signal is needed in the form of a time domain stress signal at the points of contact on the ground. The ground media can have any seismic profile that can be approximated by a layered vis- coelastic structure. Examples are given of two sites to illustrate the variation in predicted signals due to multiple mode Rayleigh wave propagation, varying damping factors, varying ranges from the source, and input stress signal shapes. AD-A013 575/6CP PC A08/MF A01 Southern Illinois Univ Carbondale Dept of Electri- cal Sciences and Systems Engineering A Study of Digital Filter Characteristics In Moving Target Indicators of Radar Systems Final rept. 1 Oct 74-30 Jun 75 Brian P. Holt, Ronald K. Marusarz, Bhadrayu J. Trivedi, and Gerald W. Zimmerman. Jun 75, 1 70p ARO-12841.1-R-EL Grant DAHO04-75-G-0039 Descriptors: 'Digital filters, 'Moving target indica- tors, Signal processing. Computer programs, Com- puterized simulation, Radar, Fourier series, FOR- TRAN. Studies were performed in three areas of digital filter applications in radar systems. These areas were: (1) coefficient selection and evaluation, (2) a bit-by-bit simulation of a digital signal processor, and (3) hardware considerations. A computer pro- gram was compiled from available and newly pre- pared programs. Included were five coefficient se- lection techniques: (1) Fourier Series, (2) Kaiser Compensated Fourier Series, (3) Minimax, (4) Ref- erence gain maximization, and (5) Clutter attentua- tion maximization. Coefficient set modification pro- cedures, variable word length roundoff methods and a frequency domain evaluation techniques were included. Typical filter designs illustrated the effect of various design parameters and showed a relative comparison of the results. A bit-by-bit pro- cessor simulation that allows operator specifica- tion of input sample work length, processor word length, etc., was programmed on a PDP-8 comput- er. AD-A013 733/1CP PC A05/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Evaluation of Probability of Detection for Sev- eral Target Fluctuation Models Technical note David A. Shnidman. 8 Jul 75, 80p TN-1 975-35, ESD-TR-75-109 Contract F1 9628-76-C-0002 Descriptors: 'Target detection, Radar targets, Probability, Mathematical models, Computer pro- grams, FORTRAN. Highly efficient algorithms have been derived for calculating the probability of detection, P sub D, for several target fluctuation models. These include the Marcum model (constant target cross section) and the four Swerling models (chi-squared fluctu- ations). Programs are presented in computer free notation as well as FORTRAN (for accuracies of 0,000001 and 1 to the minus 1 2 power for each of the models. In addition, an approximate expres- sion for the elevation of P sub D, applicable when the target return is constant during a scan but ex- hibits log-normal fluctuation from scan-to-scan, is presented, together with a listing of a FORTRAN program that evaluates the expression. An effi- cient iterative routine for the determination of the threshold from the probability of false alarm is also included. AD-A013 734/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab The ARIES Program: Analysis and Generation of Simulated Radar Measurements Technical note James L. Mannos, and Joseph L. Katz. 9 Jul 75, 89p TN-1 975-1 6, ESD-TR-75-222 Contract F19628-76-C-0002 Descriptors: 'Radar tracking, Computerized simu- lation, Noise(Radar), Errors, Atmospheric refrac- tion, Scintillation, Monte Carlo method, Radar cross sections, FORTRAN, Multipath transmis- sion. Identifiers: ARIES computer program, Ionospheric scintillations, CDC 6600 computers. The report describes the modeling of measure- ment errors in precision, long range tracking radars due to the combination of environmental effects and variations in target cross section. The environ- mental effects considered are tropospheric and ionospheric refraction and time delay, ionospheric scintillation, and multipath through the sidelobes at low tracking angles. In addition, radar errors due to thermal and galactic noise, equipment jitter, and bias are included. Six-degree-of-freedom vehicle dynamics are modeled to realistically represent the changing radar cross section due to target dy- namics such as tunbling and precession. AD-A013 863/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Army Engineer Topographic Labs Fort Belvoir Va Backscatterlng of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer Technical rept. Dec 74, 97p Rept no. ETL-TR-74-10 Descriptors: 'Backscattering, 'Electromagnetic radiation, 'Dielectric properties, 'Surface rough- ness, Losses, Radiation attenuation, Polarization, Computer programs, Fortran, Integral equations, Fourier transformation, Perturbation theory, Ice, Roads, Radar signals, Interfaces. Identifiers: Layered media, Horizontal polarization, Vertical polarization, Propagation constant. The purpose of this report is to analyze the prob- lem of electromagnetic wave scattering from a layer which is rough on both sides. A general vector theory is developed for horizontal and verti- cal polarizations in which use is made of the Four- DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES ier transform and the small perturbation theory. Al- though there has been a great deal of work per- formed in the area of electromagnetic wave scat- tering from plane-layered media, there has been very little work on the problem of wave scattering from a layer which has both interfaces rough. A solution to this problem is important if one is inter- ested in such things as radar scattering from a lay- ered road surface or from a terrain surface cov- ered with ice. There are many other applications in which a solution to this problem would be of great aid. AD-A013 980/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Army Missile Research Development and Engi- neering Lab Redstone Arsenal Ala Advanced Sen- sors Directorate Tracking Accuracies of Sequentially Lobed Radars on Fluctuating Targets Technical rept. J. M. Loomis, and M. D. Fahey. 10 Jun 75, 47p Rept no. RE-75-34 Descriptors: * Radar tracking, Accuracy, Arrays, Frequency, Scanning, Radar cross sections, Scin- tillation, Errors, Computerized simulation, Comput- er programs. The effect of amplitude scintillation on a sequential lobing tracker has been analyzed. It is shown that, the angular tracking accuracy is limited by the amount of target fluctuation if the target return signal fluctuates. A loss-of-track condition is found and is shown to give the same output as would be obtained from a Rayliegh distributed return signal. The report further shows that tracking targets with Sweriing type I fluctuations is virtually impossible, while the tracking of type III target is marginal. These results have direct application for a frequen- cy scanned array which uses sequential lobing to angle track, because changing frequency will pro- duce scintillation of target cross section, causing the return signal to fluctuate. AD-A014 151/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Missile Research Development and Engi- neering Lab Redstone Arsenal Ala Advanced Sen- sors Directorate Design Technique for Improved Bandwidth Moving Target Indicator Processors in Surface Radars Technical rept. Donald W. Burlage, and Ronald C. Houts. 1 1 Jun 75, 70p Rept no. RE-75-35 Descriptors: 'Moving target indicators, Signal processing, Digital filters, Computer aided design, Computer programs, Radar clutter. A technique is presented for assigning the number and values of a set of transversal digital filter weights used with a moving target indicator filter to remove clutter. The approach involves a tradeoff between the amount of clutter rejection and usea- ble bandwidth over which a moving target indicator filter satisfactorily passes a doppler signal; i.e., a specified detection probability is met or exceeded. The useable bandwidth is enhanced by an integra- tor which sums the B outputs from an N-tap, fixed window moving target indicator filter during a beam dwell of NB pulses. The procedure is applicable to any moving target indicator radar which employs a transversal moving target indicator filter and a rea- sonable number of returns/beam dwell. The narrow-band clutter example (Gaussian power spectrum, sigma = 5 Hz) indicates an improve- ment in useable bandwidth from the 62% achiev- able with 16 outputs from a conventional three- pulse canceller to 80.8% for five outputs from a nine-tap Chebyshev filter, while only reducing the clutter rejection from 92 to 69 dB. AD-A015 815/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab The ARIES Program: Coordinates, Transforma- tions, Trajectories and Tracking Technical note Bliss L. Diamond, and Michael E. Austin. 5 Sep 75, 99p TN-1975-15, ESD-TR-75-255 Contract F1 9628-76-C-0002 Descriptors: * Radar tracking, Computerized simu- lation, FORTRAN, Radar cross sections, Radar targets, Motion, Miss distance, Interception, Co- ordinates, Transformations(Mathematics), Trajec- tories. Identifiers: ARIES computer program, Maximum likelihood estimation. This report presents the relations necessary to define the motion of a target in the gravitational field of the earth. In order to express this target motion in the frame of a radar, an appropriate set of coordinate systems (and transformations) is in- troduced. Target tracking in the form of a Maxi- mum Likelihood Estimator is discussed. The prob- lem of interceptor miss distance is treated from the standpoint of the uncertainty volumes associated with estimated target state vectors. AD-A015 925/1CP PC A06/MF A01 Southeastern Massachusetts Univ North Dart- mouth Dept of Electrical Engineering Pattern Analysis and Classification with the New ACDA Seismic Signature Data Base Technical rept. C. H. Chen, and I. Chang Lin. 12 Aug 75, 11 Op AFOSR-TR-75-1296 Grant AF-AFOSR-21 19-71 Descriptors: * Pattern recognition, 'Seismology, Earthquakes, Nuclear explosions, Data bases, Seismic detection, Spectrum signatures, Comput- er programs, Seismic detection, Signal processing. Identifiers: 'Seismic discrimination. The new and expanded ACDA seismic data base makes it possible for meaningful comparison of dif- ferent seismic recognition techniques based on the same data set. There are 1 57 earthquake and 157 explosion records in the data base. Pattern analysis in frequency domain as well as two-di- mensional space is performed to seek for classifi- cation clues. Although useful structure of the seis- mic records is not available, the mathematical fea- tures provided by the autocorrelation function have 86.36% correct recognition on testing set by using 3 features (autocorrelation coefficients), 80 select- ed good quality training samples per class and the nearest-neighbor decision rule. All samples in the training set are identified correctly and thus the overall recognition rate of 93.00% is achieved. This result is better than the 89.2% recognition using dynamic spectral ratios (Table 7). The auto- correlation coefficients which are simple to calcu- late also perform better than the linear predictor (Markel) coefficients and other discriminants. AD-A016 158/8CP PC A03/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ University Park Dept of Physics Research in the Area of Atmospheric Model- ing: High-Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmit- tance Prediction (Part II) Interim rept. 1 Mar 74-30 Sep 74 August Miller, Robert L. Armstrong, Charles W. Welch, and Robert P. Sandoval. Aug 75, 48p Contract DAAD07-73-C-0134 See also report dated Jun 74, AD-780 914. Descriptors: 'Laser beams, 'Light transmission, Atmospheres, Computer programs, Infrared radi- ation, Absorption spectra, Atmosphere models, FORTRAN, Infrared signatures, Target detection, Atmospheric scattering, Infrared lasers, Surface targets. Identifiers: Atmospheric transmissivity, FORTRAN 4 programming language, ATRAN computer pro- gram. The primary technological concern of the Target Signature Analysis (TSA) program is to locate, identify, and destroy stationary or moving ground targets through their infrared emission or reflective characteristics when viewed through low visibility atmospheric conditions. (The spectral band of in- terest is from 0.4 to 14 micrometers). The respon- sibility of the Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory (ASL) scientific group rests in the theoretical and empirical development of computerized models for the prediction of the attenuative effects of atmos- pheric scattering and absorption. The New Mexico State University (NMSU) scientific group is current- ly assisting this program with the investigation and testing of a computerized scattering model for pre- dicting the attenuation of laser energy transmitted through atmospheric paths. In addition, they have previously assisted in reviewing and developing techniques for high resolution infrared transmit- tance in homogeneous atmospheres. AD-A016 806/2CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C AN/UYK-17(XB-1)(V) Signal Processing Ele- ment Microprogramming Support Software Interim rept. Tomlinson G. Rauscher, John D. Roberts, Jr, and W. David Elliott. 10 Oct 75, 126p Rept no. NRL- 7777 Descriptors: 'Digital computers, 'Microprogram- ming, 'Computer program documentation, 'Signal processing, Computer applications, Arithmetic units, Radar, Sonar, Communication equipment, Prototypes, Input output devices. Identifiers: 'Computer software, All applications digital computer, Computer hardware, AADC(AII Applications Digital Computer), AN/UYK-17(XB- 1)(V), AN/UYK-17. The AN/UYK-17 Signal Processing Element (SPE) is being developed at the Naval Research Labora- tory to provide a high performance processing fa- cility for radar, sonar, and communications sys- tems. The design of the microprogrammable SPE nables realization of efficient, flexible solutions to problems that arise in digital signal processing tasks. The SPE is intended to be compatible with the Navy All Applications Digital Computer (AADC) now under development, and it is intended to be implemented as part of the AADC system. The SPE can also be used as a stand-alone processor. AD-A017 372/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Texas Univ At Austin Applied Research Labs Experimental Investigation of the Laser-Ex- cited Thermoacoustic Array in Water Final rept. 1 Apr 73-31 Dec 74 C. Robert Culbertson. 23 Sep 75, 73p Rept no. ARL-TR-75-51 Contract N00014-70-A-01 66-001 5 Descriptors: 'Acoustic arrays, 'Laser beams, Sonar arrays, Light transmission, Ruby lasers, Neodymium lasers, Thermal expansion, Heating, Sound transmission, Frequency modulation, In- strumentation, Mathematical models, Nonlinear systems. Theses, Green's function, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Thermoacoustic arrays, Optical modu- lation, Neodymium glass lasers, Nonlinear acous- tics, TAPATTRN computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language. An experimental evaluation of the Westervelt- Larson theory for the pressure and directivity of the laser-excited thermoacoustic array in water has been conducted. Instrumentation includes a modu- lated laser system that operates at 0.6943 microm- eter and 1 .06 micrometers, with a modulated fre- quency range of 5 to 80 kHz. Apparatus and meth- ods for measuring the attenuation of light in water at the optical wavelengths of interest have also been implemented. An existence test confirmed that an acoustic signal is produced by thermaliza- tion of modulated laser light in lake water. The sound is generated in a beam with a measured half-power angle theta that is in reasonable agree- ment with theoretical prediction. The source level is a linear function of laser output power and meas- ured absolute values of source level are in good agreement with theory. It may be concluded that the Westervelt-Larson theory is a valid model for predicting the pressure and directivity of the laser- excited thermoacoustic array in water. AD-A017 742/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Systems Research Labs Inc Dayton Ohio A Digital System for the Characterization of Electro-Optical Sensors Interim rept. Jul-Dec 74 Lawrence Rohr, and John Weinhold. Sep 75, 85p AFAL-TR-75-58 Contract F33615-73-C-1135 Descriptors: 'Optical detection, 'Television sys- tems, Electrooptics, Low light levels, Computer ap- DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES plications, Minicomputers, Computer programs, Transfer functions, Digital systems. Identifiers: HP 21 16C minicomputers. A video signal measurement system which pro- vides more reliable estimates of the performance parameters of E-0 sensors than has been possible using previous methods is described. This system, consisting of 100 MHz sample-rate transient re- corder interfaced to a minicomputer, acquires data from a sensor under test at near-real-time rates and then rapidly analyzes the data to obtain per- formance parameter estimates. The use of the system for the measurement of signal-to-noise ratios, signal transfer functions, spectral transfer functions, modulation transfer functions, aperture response, and noise spectral density are de- scribed. The measurement of the above param- eters under static and dynamic conditions with sta- tionary and moving targets is discussed. Results of measurements performed on a low light level tele- vision sensor are given along with a comparison of the measurements obtained on this sensor using standard analog methods. AD-A018 663/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Parke Mathematical Labs Inc Carlisle Mass A Computer Simulation Scheme for an Aircraft Moving Target Indication System. Part II Final rept. Jan 73-Jul 75 Theodore B. Barrett. Oct 75, 69p 0125-F, AFCRL-TR-75-0539 Contract F19628-73-C-125 See also Part 1 , AD-A01 3 791 . Descriptors: 'Moving target indicators, 'Signal processing, 'Computerized simulation, Computer programs, Digital filters, Aircraft, Subroutines, Al- gorithms, Radar clutter, Transfer functions. This is part 2 of a 2 part report. In this part digital filter design fundamentals are reviewed and sub- routine algorithms described for implementing digi- tal filters for use in AMTI simulation schemes. The overall simulation scheme is summarized and rules presented for fitting computer subroutines into this scheme. (Author) AD-A019 378/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Optimal Evasive Trajectories of an Isotropic Acoustic Radiator Master's thesis Jay C. Stuart. Sep 75, 68p Descriptors: 'Antisubmarine warfare, 'Acoustic detection, Evasion, Search theory, Noise, Line spectra, Power spectra, Differential equations, Nu- merical integration, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Maximum principle. The effects of detection equipment integration time on the optimal evasive trajectory of an iso- tropic acoustic radiator are studied. The boundary cases of infinite and zero integration time are ex- amined. The infinite integration time case is formu- lated as a control problem and a maximum princi- ple solution is obtained. The results consist of advice as to the choice of control vectors. The zero integration time problem is formulated in ordi- nary differential equations and the results consist of control vector advice. The relative movement plots and control vectors of the two bounding cases are compared. AD-A019 420/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Auburn Univ Ala Engineering Experiment Station ROS User Manual Interim rept. Joe E. Hawkins, Jr, and W. C. Willis, II. 15 Aug 75, 11 Op Rept no. AU-EE-1 303-75-1 Contract DAAH01-C-71-1303 Descriptors: 'Radar, 'Computer programs, Pro- gramming languages, Instruction manuals, Control systems, Data processing, Memory devices. This report describes the characteristics of an op- erating system developed to control an experimen- tal array radar. The operating system primitives reside in a NUCLEUS level, with I/O and other services residing in a supervisor level. A descrip- tion of the services is provided with example appli- cations, support software, cold start procedures, and other user information. (Author) AD-A019 814/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Two Dimensional Electromagnetic Scattering from a Dielectric Coated Conductor Master's thesis Clayton V. Stewart. Dec 75, 67p Rept no. GE/ EE/75-39 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic scattering, Cylin- ders, Dielectrics, Coatings, Radar cross sections, Numerical methods and procedures, Two dimen- sional, Theses, Computer programming, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: RAMCS computer program, Method of moments. The thesis deals with electromagnetic scattering from a dielectric coated, conducting cylinder of ar- bitrary cross section and of infinite length. The inci- dent field is assumed to be a uniform plane wave traveling normal to the axis of the scatterer. The integral equations for the transverse electric case are derived and discretized for numerical solution. The Hadamard principle value is used to handle high order singularities in the integral equations. A computer program RAMCS has been developed to solve for the two dimensional radar cross section for the case of a lossless dielectric coating. The numerical solution is formulated in terms of the method of moments. Results are presented for cir- cular cylindrical scattering bodies. AD-A020 106/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Submarine Radiated Noise Far-Field Beam Pat- terns for Discrete Frequencies from Near-Field Measurements Master's thesis Frederick Roberts Crawford. Dec 75, 47p Descriptors: 'Submarines, 'Acoustic fields, 'Un- derwater sound, Antisubmarine warfare, Far field, Near field, Hydrophones, Fourier transformation, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: Helmholtz equation. A theoretical model was developed which can pre- dict discrete frequency far-field radiation patterns of submerged submarines from near-field mea- surements. The model developed uses the Helm- holtz integral equation and the assumptions of the DRL method of near-field measurements. The DRL working formula is further modified by using a plane surface of integration and restricting the far- field points of interest to a horizontal plane con- taining the source. These assumptions and restric- tions lead to a mathematical solution of the Helm- holtz equation which is in the form of a Fourier transform. Near-field measurements on a horn speaker in an anechoic chamber were taken and the far-field beam pattern predicted by the model developed, using a simple computer program con- taining a Fourier transform routine. Computed beam patterns were in satisfactory agreement with measured far-field beam patterns, errors being concentrated in the outer side lobes from the acoustic axis. Problems which would be encoun- tered in applying this model to at sea acoustic measurements are discussed. AD-A020 722/5CP MF A01 Bendix Corp North Hollywood Calif Electrodynam- ics Div Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters Research and Development rept. Feb-Nov 75 H. C. Bertucelli. Dec 75, 21 Op NUC-TP-164-Vol-3 Contract N00123-74-C-1615 See also Volume 2, AD-863 778. Availability: Available in microfiche only. Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Sonar, 'Com- puter programs, Ray tracing, Flow charting, Sub- routines, Compilers. Identifiers: 'SONAR computer program, 'RAYSRT computer program. This volume documents changes made in the SONAR programs and the RAYSRT program since publication of Volumes 1 and 2 of NUC TP 164 in December of 1 969. Some of the changes are cos- metic; some correct flaws previously undetected because the associated features had not been tested. Most of the changes, however, relate to the preparation by SONAR (either version) of two output tapes processed by other programs, one of which is RAYSRT. AD-A020 742/3CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab Preliminary Reference Manual for Program STAMP (STatistics of Acoustic Measurements and Predictions) Technical document George Botseas, and John Skory. 2 Feb 76, 139p Rept no. NUSC-TD-5259 Descriptors: 'Acoustic data, 'Statistical analysis, 'Computer programs, Subroutines, Instruction manuals, Acoustic measurement, Mathematical prediction, Sonar sound analyzers, Communica- tion and radio systems, Underwater, Statistical tests, Statistical distributions, Linear regression analyses, Analysis of variance, Parametric analy- sis, Nonparametric statistics, Digital computers. Identifiers: 'STAMP computer program, Univac 1 1 08 computers, Stationarity. STAMP (STatistics of Acoustic Measurements and Predictions) is a UNIVAC 1 108 program which per- forms statistical analysis of series data for sonar and communications systems applications. The statistical tests are especially chosen and tailored for requirements of acoustic data analysis. Data such as propagation loss at equal or unequal inter- vals of range, time, or depth and in any format are suitable for input into the STAMP program. The scope of statistical analysis covers one and two dimensional analysis of variance and linear regres- sion analysis with identification and removal of sig- nificant polynomial components of variance (trends). Both parametric and non-parametric anal- yses are employed to describe the statistical char- acteristics of the basic data set and to make confi- dence and reliability statements about (1) individ- uals of a distribution, (2) means, and (3) variances. Statistics related to the amplitudes by which a given threshold is exceeded and the intervals for which it is exceeded are also calculable by the STAMP program. Stationarity of means, variances, and distributions are a basic type of analysis. Al- though the program's emphasis is on statistics, STAMP includes a variety of other general-pur- pose functions that extend its processing capabili- ties. AD-A021 311/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Air Development Center Warminster Pa Aero-Electronic Technology Dept Direction of Arrival Angle Prediction Interim rept. Jul-Aug 75 Robert D. Hayes, and Ernest W. Coleman. 21 Jan 76, 94p Rept no. NADC-75223-20 Descriptors: 'Direction finding, 'Aircraft antennas, 'Phase measurement, Diffraction, Computer pro- grams, Digital computers, Antenna radiation pat- terns, Mathematical prediction, Angle of arrival, Airframes, Electric fields. Identifiers: DOA(Direction of Arrival), Direction of arrival. An existing computer program which is called the roll plane program was modified. This modification made possible the calculation of the direction of arrival angle from an emitting source. The simula- tion of a detection scheme which was mounted on an aircraft was a three-element antenna array. Through phase shifting techniques in this array the direction arrival angle was calculated. (Author) AD-A021 330/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Texas Univ At Austin Applied Research Labs Acoustic Bottom Interaction Experiment De- scription Loyd D. Hampton. 2 Jan 76, 127p Rept no. ARL- TR-75-41 Contract N00014-75-C-0429 6 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Descriptors: "Ocean bottom, "Acoustic attenu- ation, s Acoustic absorption, Angle of arrival, Inter- actions, Sonar signals, Acoustic reflection, Digital computers. Computer programs. Identifiers: Grazing angle. The purpose of the bottom interaction experiment is to examine the influence of the ocean bottom on low frequency acoustic propagation. This docu- ment describes the goals of the experiment, the design of the experiment, including site selection, and details of conducting the experiment, and in- cludes the data analysis plan. The bottom interac- tion experiment will use ACODAC recording sys- tems to obtain a record of SUS signals in a bottom limited region. The geometry will be selected so that the number of bottom interactions and the bottom interaction angles will be known. Data will be collected at short ranges with a small number of bottom interactions to duplicate previous measure- ments. Data will also be collected out to maximum range permitted by SUS source level to ensure the maximum number of bottom interactions and small grazing angles. (Author) AD-A021 736/4CP PC A07/MF A01 Gte Sylvania Inc Mountain View Calif Electret Tape Transducer Final rept. Mar-Sep 75 G. Kirby Miller. Feb 76, 132p RADC-TR-76-22 Contract F30602-75-C-0075 Descriptors: "Transducers, Electrets, Tapes, Intru- sion detection, Acoustic detectors, Ultrasonic radi- ation, Doppler systems, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN. The report covers an initial program to establish the feasibility of a new line transducer based on an active ultrasonic electret tape concept. It de- scribes a theoretical model based on a lumped- element harmonic electromechanical analysis and was programmed for a high speed digital computer to allow the assessment of the effects of fourteen transducer parameters. It also describes the method used for charging the electret layer, the techniques developed for fabricating samples of the transducer, the test procedures required to evaluate the active and passive performance char- acteristics of the samples, and refinements to the fabrication process necessary to develop long samples. AD-A021 746/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Hughes Research Labs Malibu Calif Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Sys- tems Final technical rept. 1 Oct 74-22 Jun 75 S. Hansen. Aug 75, 46p Contract N60921-75-C-0067 Descriptors: "Optical radar, "Lasers, "Phase shift, "Hydraulic actuators, Molybdenum, Phased arrays, Control systems, Computerized simulation, Fluid flow, Computer programs, Cooling, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: Design, Coherent Optical Adaptive Techniques. A fast response, high accuracy, compact hydraulic actuator has been developed and demonstrated for applications that require actuators providing moderate speed, high force, and large optical path length excursions, e.g., as a mirror driver in an adaptive optical system. The actuator is character- ized by a -3 dB response bandwidth of 670 Hz when operated at a supply pressure of 3000 psi, and a total excursion of 42.4 micrometers, which corresponds to plus or minus 4 wavelengths of phase shift at 10.6 micrometers when used as a mirror driver. The actuator was tested in a defor- mable faceplate fixture that simulates nine actu- ator positions at a modular spacing of 2 cm (0.8 in.). Plots are given of measured mirror surface profiles and contours. A computed contour plot is given for comparison. Also included is a program for computer simulation of the actuator in a com- plete multichannel, multidither COAT control system. AD-A021 778/6CP Mitre Corp Bedford Mass PCA11/MF A01 MTI Processor Software Technical rept. D. D. Coffin, and H. E. T. Connell. Feb 76, 247p MTR-3071, ESD-TR-75-352 Contract F19628-76-C-0001 See also Rept. no. ESD-TR-75-351, AD-A021 777. Descriptors: "Moving target indicators, "Minicom- puters, "Computer program documentation, "Mul- tiprocessors, Electrooptics, Digital systems, Real time, Networks, Subroutines, Deep space, Space surveillance systems, Flow charting, Interfaces, Ground stations. Identifiers: "Computer software, Computer net- works, Distributed processing. This section describes the structure for the snap- shot MTI demonstration software. Each element resides in a separate minicomputer. Inter computer data transfer is accomplished over the MCA data bus which is common to all processing elements. The digital representation of the telescope field of view (EOV) enters the MTI processor from the pre- processor to the PIM (Preprocessor Interface Mini- computer). In the demonstration program, the entire frame of data is passed on directly to the DIM (Disc Interface Minicomputer). The PIM also determines the bounds within the frame that are necessary to distribute portions of the FOV to each cancellation computer. The raster scan of the FOV is split into 4 strips of equal area by examination of the y coordinate. All detections in each strip are sent to the proper CAM to serve as a reference frame. Each CAM functions as a Cancellation Mini- computer. The DIM also splits the FOV into 4 equal area strips for distribution to the CAMS after apply- ing a digital threshold. AD-A021 840/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Sea Systems Command Washington D C NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB • In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 5 Final rept. 1 Jan 75, 116p Rept no. NAVSEA-06H 1/036- EVA/MOST-6 Prepared in cooperation with the NAVDAB Steer- ing Group. See also Volume 1 , AD-A020 672. Descriptors: "Acoustic data, "Data banks, Com- puter programs, Information retrieval. The Naval Sea Systems Command Ocean Envi- ronmental Acoustic Data Band (NAVDAB) was es- tablished to provide a data base of underwater acoustic and associated environmental data. This document provides detailed information on the miscellaneous computer programs required for generating and maintaining a high quality data bank. (Author) AD-A022 202/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Target Imaging from Multiple Frequency Radar Data Final technical rept. 1 May 74-31 Oct 75 K. A. Shubert, J. D. Young, and D. L. Moffatt. Feb 76, 139p ESL-3919-7, RADC-TR-76-45 Contract F30602-74-C-0170 Descriptors: "Polyfrequency radar, "Radar images, Radar targets, Trailing edges, Transients, Electromagnetic scattering, Polarization, Param- eters, Computer programs. A basic process for producing three-dimensional isometric images of a radar target from measured multiple frequency scattering data has been modi- fied to image targets with more complex geometri- cal shape from non-mutually orthogonal look angle data. Other modifications include changes in the use of the physical optics approximation beyond the shadow boundary, use of polarization diversity information, and estimates of the length to width ratio of the target are given and illustrated. Images produced using these modifications are presented. Recommendations for further research to provide a more versatile imaging procedure are made. The computer programs presently used in the imaging process are given in appendices of the final report. (Author) AD-A023 175/3CP PC A08/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif Application of Advanced Methods for Identifi- cation and Detection of Nuclear Explosions from the Asian Continent Semi-annual technical rept. John M. Savino , Thomas C. Bache, J. Theodore Cherry, Kenneth G. Hamilton, and David G. Lambert. Dec 75, 162p SSS-R-76-2792, AFOSR- TR-76-0146 Contract F44620-74-C-0063, ARPA Order-1827 Descriptors: "Nuclear explosions, "Earthquakes, "Seismic detection, Seismic waves, Seismic data, Discrimination, Time series analysis, Identification, Computations, Ground motion, Finite difference theory, Three dimensional, Mathematical models, Far field, Stress waves, Propagation, Tectonics, Frequency, Underground explosions, Seismic sig- natures, Asia, Methodology, Electric filters, Nar- rowband, Computer programs, Machine coding, Data processing. Identifiers: P waves, MARS computer program, Variable frequency magnitude method, VFM method. The objective of this research program is to devel- op an optimum multi-discriminant/detection proce- dure for earthquake and underground explosions with emphasis on events occurring within the Asian continent. The approach to the seismic dis- crimination problem incorporates a number of di- verse topics including: explosion and earthquake source modeling; stress wave propagation through realistic earth structures and prediction of teleseis- mically recorded ground motion; the development of signal detection, enhancement and identifica- tion techniques; multidiscriminant testing of a large population of worldwide events. One of the most significant achievements described in this report is the development of a three-dimensional finite dif- ference stick-slip earthquake model and the char- acterization of the far-field (that which propagates to teleseismic distances) radiation of stress waves generated by this source. A theoretical analysis of the influence of tectonic release on the teleseismic short-period P-wave signature from underground nuclear explosions was also conducted. The prin- cipal result of this study is that in the case of most, if not all, explosions, tectonic release does not measurably affect the short-period P-wave signa- ture. (Author) AD-A023 225/6CP PC A06/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta Engineering Experi- ment Station Shaped Elevation Beam Antenna Final technical rept. Robert A. Moore, Neal T. Alexander, and Henry P. Cotten. Feb 76, 121p Rept no. GIT-A-1708-F Contract N00014-75-C-0574 Descriptors: "Radar antennas, Height finding, Beam forming, Systems analysis, Fabrication, Computer aided design, Antenna radiation pat- terns, Microwave antennas, Far field, Antenna feeds, Computer programs, FORTRAN. This report contains information on the design, de- velopment, and tests of the Shaped Elevation Beam Antennas. Two identical Shaped Elevation Beam Antennas were designed, fabricated, tested and delivered to NWC. These antennas when in- stalled in an appropriate manner will form the an- tenna for a height finding radar system. AD-A023 263/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Aeronutronic Ford Corp Billings Mont Aero-Comm Engineering Services Div Montana Large Aperture Seismic Array Semi-annual technical rept. no. 1, 1 Jul-31 Dec 75 Robert E. Matkins. 23 Jan 76, 91 p Rept no. TR- 2126-76-75 Contract F08606-76-C-0005 Descriptors: "Seismic arrays, "Seismological sta- tions, Seismometers, Seismographs, Seismic sig- natures, Seismic waves, Magnetic recording sys- tems, Data processing, On line systems, Off line systems, Computer programs, Amplitude, Intensi- ty, Networks. DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Identifiers: LASA(Large aperture seiemic array), "Large aperture seismic array. The continued operation, maintenance, and array improvement activities at the Montana LASA during the reporting period are described. Array operations including the preparation of daily tele- seismic event reports during the system conver- sion at the Seismic Data Analysis Center are de- tailed. Teleseismic processing methods are indi- cated. Neat regional event detection and reporting are summarized. SP and LP seismograph system performance measurements are presented. New PDP-7 computer programs for playout and record- ing of array data are described. Maintenance activ- ities at both the data and maintenance centers are discussed. AD-A023 474/OCP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Computer Program for Computation of Radar Detection Ranges on a Constant-Alti- tude Target in Various Environments Interim rept. J. K. Hsiao. Mar 76, 132p Rept no. NRL-MR- 3234 Descriptors: * Radar equipment, *Sea clutter, 'Computer programs, Range(Distance), Airborne, Signal to noise ratio, Radar clutter, False alarms, Radar jamming, Doppler radar, Moving target indi- cators. Identifiers: * Radar reception, * Radar detection range, Dicke fix. In this report a computer program which plots the signal strength of a constant-altitude target over the sea surface is described. The signal strength is plotted, as a function of range, normalized to the signal-to-noise ratio required for a given probability of detection and probability of false alarm in the presence of receiver noise only. The range at which this S/N ratio is obtained in the absence of multipath effects, and when the signal competes only with receiver noise, is defined as the free- space range. To examine the detection range of a target in the presence of clutter and jamming sig- nals, a new threshold is computed which is equal to the ratio of the total noise power (jamming plus noise) to the receiver noise power. This program was originally developed by Blake. In this report, modifications to the program to include MTI and doppler filtering are described. A program listing and example computations are included. (Author) AD-A024 253/7CP PC A08/MF A01 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Arlington Va Computer Programs for the AUSEX (Aircraft Undersea Sound Experiment) Air-Water Acoustic Propagation Model Technical memo. David Sachs, Leo Sledjeski, and Raya Stern. 28 Jan 76, 155p Rept no. BBN-TM-W307 Contract N00014-75-C-0532, ARPA Order-2909 Descriptors: *Sound transmission, Air to underwat- er, Air water interactions, Underwater sound, Sea states, Algorithms, Computer programs, Math- ematical models, Computations, FORTRAN. Identifiers: AUSEX program, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language. This report is a user's guide for a computerized mathematical model development in support of the Aircraft Undersea Sound Experiment (AUSEX) Program. The AUSEX Program is funded and di- rected by the Defense Advanced Research Pro- jects Agency (DARPA). The subject mathematical model is termed the AUSEX Acoustic Propagation Model and it describes the acoustic propagation from a moving sound source in air, to and across a rough air-water interface, and subsequently through the water to an arbitrarily located point- acoustic receiver. This report describes the com- puter program architecture and the input and output data associated with the program's use. Two examples of the program's application are in- cluded. In addition, the complete program listing for the Fortran IV coding is included. AD-A024 329/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Recursive Filtering Algorithms for Ship Track- ing Interim rept. Warren W. Willman. 6 Apr 76, 50p Rept no. NRL- 7969 Descriptors: *Ships, 'Tracking, Algorithms, Kalman filtering, Recursive filters, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: Ship position finding. Some recursive filtering algorithms were devel- oped for tracking ships when observations are sporadic and imprecise. Tracking with position- only observations was emphasized, but a proce- dure was also developed for utilizing possible inde- pendent observations of ship velocity. Two basic algorithms are considered: a Kalman filter with adaptive driving noise for generating estimates (and containment ellipses) for current and future ship positions, and a corresponding Bayesian smoother for generating estimates of past posi- tions. The driving noise was treated as a velocity term in a continuous-time model of ship's motion. The details of these two algorithms were devel- oped for tracking on a plane, on a sphere in geo- graphical coordinates, and on a sphere in three- dimensional rectilinear coordinates. A FORTRAN implementation and some corresponding numeri- cal results were developed for the planar case. AD-A024 448/3CP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings. Part 2. EIGSHIP Predicted Performance; Experimental Measurements; and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP Interim rept. S. Hanish, B. J. King, R. V. Baier, and P. H. Rogers. 19 Apr 76, 187p Rept no. NRL-7964 See also Part 1 , AD-A002 924. Descriptors: * Electroacoustic transducers, "Acoustic detection, 'Antisubmarine warfare, Magnetostrictive elements, Shells(Structural forms), Rings, Mathematical models, Computa- tions, Computer programs, Electrical impedance, Mechanical impedance, Efficiency, Performance, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'EIGSHIP computer program, CDC- 3800 computers. The mathematical model of the electroacoustic performance of a force-driven free-flooding mag- netostrictive cylinder shell used as an underwater sound transducer, originally developed in another report, has been coded into a computer program called EIGSHIP. This program is designed to pre- dict electrical and mechanical impedances of the loaded shell, transmitting responses, electroa- coustic efficiency, surface velocities, far-field beam patterns, and other relevant performance parameters. An experimental check on the predic- tion capabilities of EIGSHIP was undertaken on three specially constructed magnetostrictive shells which were tested under water load conditions in an indoor test facility. A full discussion of the com- parison of predicted and measured performance is presented. The coded listing of EIGSHIP and instructions on its input requirements and output format are furnished in detail. Samples of typical computer runs are displayed and commented on. AD-A025 349/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Teledyne Geotech Alexandria Va Seismic Data Analysis Center Use of Source-Region-Station Time Correc- tions at NTS for Depth Estimation Technical rept. Robert R. Blandford. 15 Jul 75, 38p Rept no. SDAC-TR-75-4 Contract F08606-76-C-0004, ARPA Order-1520 Descriptors: 'Seismic waves, 'Travel time, 'Earth- quakes, Position(Location), Epicenters, Shallow depth, Mathematical prediction, Estimates, Errors, Least squares method, Residual, Arrival, Seismic arrays, Computer programs, Sources, Regions, Corrections, Nuclear explosion simulation, Nevada, Structural geology. Identifiers: Hypocenters, Nevada test site, Source region station time corrections. Travel time residuals may be obtained from a least-squares location program which is run with the depth constrained to the known 'true' value. When these residuals are used as travel-time cor- rections in the same program run depth-free, nearby events are located with smaller errors in depth. An elaboration of this technique has been denoted the SRST (Source-Region-Station-Time) technique by K. Veith. In this study the technique is applied to Nevada Test Site (NTS) explosions. The mean estimated depth is changed from approxi- mately 50 km to approximately km with standard deviations of 30 km for a well-distributed 5-station network, and 20 km for a 9-station network. It is pointed out that the technique can be in serious error is deep earthquakes are used to determine residuals for shallow explosions in a source area where the earth structure between the earthquake and surface is different from that implied by the travel-time table used. It is also shown that there is no evidence for change of travel-time residuals with time for arrivals from NTS at RKON, NPNT, BUL, ane PRE. There is, however, evidence that significant changes in residuals are correlated with location at Pahute Mesa and that the changes may be due to interactions with a deep volcanic plug under Pahute Mesa. AD-A025 408/6CP PCA11/MFA01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab Time Delay Estimation Technical rept. G. Clifford Carter. 9 Apr 76, 245p Rept no. NUSC-TR-5335 Descriptors: 'Bearing(Direction), 'Estimates, 'Computer programs, Signal processing, Delay, Digital systems, Probability density functions, FORTRAN, Nonlinear systems, Coherence. Identifiers: 'Maximum likelihood estimate, 'Time delay, * Fast fourier transforms. This study investigates methodologies for passive estimation of the bearing to a slowly moving acoustically radiating source. The mathematics for the solution to such a problem is analogous to esti- mating the time delay (or group delay) between two time series. The estimation of time delay is inti- mately related to the coherence between two time series. New results on using coherence to provide information about linear and nonlinear systems are presented. The maximum likelihood (ML) estimate of time delay is derived; the explicit dependence of the estimate on coherence is evident in the realiza- tion in which the two time series are prefiltered (to accentuate frequency bands of high coherence) and subsequently crosscorrelated. Also included are statistics of the estimates of the magnitude- squared coherence (MSC), including the probabil- ity density function, the cumulative distribution function, and the m-th moment of the MSC esti- mate. A complete discussion of the bias and the variance of the MSC estimates is presented. The receiver operating characteristics of a linearly thre- sholded coherence estimation detector are also presented. A general FORTRAN 4 computer pro- gram using the fast Fourier transform to estimate time delay is given. AD-A025 755/OCP PC A06/MF A01 Kansas Univ/Center for Research Inc Lawrence Remote Sensing Lab Digital Simulation of a Radar Image of Pisgah Crater Test Site California Final rept. on Task 2 S. K. Parashar, A. K. Fung, and R. K. Moore. Jul 75, 103p RSL-TR-234-10, ETL-0019 Contract DAAK02-73-C-0106 See also report dated Feb 75, AD-A012 267. Descriptors: 'Radar images, 'Digital simulation, Images, Image processing, Radar targets, Side looking radar, Terrain intelligence, Computer pro- grams, California, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Pisgah Crater, Greytone. This report documents and describes the proce- dure in digitally simulating two radar images of the Pisgah Crater test site; one of which is of an essen- tially flat area while the other has a significant amount of relief. The type of information needed for simulation and the method of actual construe- DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES tion of the images are presented. Simulated images both with and without fading are included. For simulating the region with significant relief, a method for establishing shadow regions is given. Comparisons are made between the real radar image of the area and the simulated images. It is believed that the major source of error in simula- tion lies in the ground truth information, especially height and slope. Documentation of computer pro- grams utilized is provided. AD-A025 939/OCP PC A02/MF A01 Harris Corp Melbourne Fla Electronic Systems Div Multiple Target Instrumentation RADAR (MTIR) Study. Phase II, Add-On Final rept. 16 Mar-30 Nov 75 E. J. Claire. Nov 75, 24p Contract N00014-75-C-0033 Add-On to report dated 30 Apr 75, AD-A01 1 056. Descriptors: 'Phased arrays, *Radar, Instrumenta- tion, Computer programs, Radar tracking, Comput- erized simulation, Targets. Identifiers: Multiple targets. This report summarizes the activities of Harris Electronic Systems Division on the design of a new Multiple Target Instrumentation Radar and pro- vides the final results of the Phase II Add-on Modi- fication P00001 to Contract No. N00014-75-C- 0033. The objective of the present study was to perform a source selection analysis to determine the best computer choise for the MTIR, to deliver the recommended computer to NRL, and to dem- onstrate performance of the MTIR system simula- tion software package developed by Harris ESD under the Phase II Contract. The preceding objec- tives were successfully accomplished. (Author) AD-A026 088/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Army Night Vision Lab Fort Belvoir Va Night Vision System Simulator Camouflage Digital Simulation and Evaluation Program. Phase One. Target Reflectance Alteration Final rept. G. B. Friden, and E. E. Smith. 10 Jul 73, 88p Descriptors: * Night vision devices, * I mage proc- essing, 'Camouflage, Images, Simulation, Simula- tors, Digital systems, Computerized simulation, Targets, Reflectance, Computer programs, Military vehicles. Identifiers: 'Target reflectance. The Systems Analysis Team of the Visionics Tech- nical Area has developed a digital image process- ing facility, the Night Vision System Simulator (NVSS) which affords the capability to perform a wide range of image processing operations. This system, which permits extensive analysis and modification of target and background imagery, provides not only a powerful technique for the sim- ulation, evaluation, and design of night vision sys- tems, but also a unique means to approach prob- lems in camouflage technology. This report sum- marizes work completed on the first phase of a program directed toward the application of the NVSS to the advancement of camouflage technol- ogy. The intent of Phase One was to establish the capability to insert images of military vehicles into arbitrary background scene images, to impose a camouflage pattern upon the target, and to permit variation of the reflectance characteristics of the imposed pattern. The motivation for developing these techniques was to allow a controlled meth- odology for evaluating effectiveness of camou- flage patterns with various characteristics on tar- gets in a variety of backgrounds. The principal re- quirements in developing this capability included (1) derivation of the mathematical relationships in- volved in target reflectance alteration, (2) develop- ment of computer software required beyond that currently available in the NVSS software system (known as the EIKON SYSTEM), (3) documenta- tion of system usage and training of personnel, and (4) performance of a typical camouflage simu- lation to demonstrate application of these tech- niques. AD-A026 111/5CP PC A21/MF A01 Hughes Aircraft Co Culver City Calif Electro Optical Div Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 Final rept. 20 Jun 75-30 Apr 76 K. E. Myers. Apr 76, 494p HAC-Ref-D4535-Vol-3, HAC-P76-1 21 -Vol-3, SAMSO-TR-76-83-Vol-3 Contract F04701-75-C-0241, ARPA Order-2954 Descriptors: 'Signal processing, 'Surveillance, Real time, Onboard, Spaceborne, Electrooptics, Dual mode, Radar, Computer programs, Digital systems, Logic devices, Integrated circuits. Identifiers: 'Adaptive signal processors, Video en- coders. This report presents the results of a study to define an Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor (APSP) suitable for on-board satellite processing of data generated by spaceborne electro-optical surveillance sensors and dual mode radars. The tasks performed included: (1) definition of system requirements based upon mission requirements supplied by SAMSO, (2) definition of processor performance requirements, (3) configuration of a processor architecture to meet those require- ments, (4) evaluation of present and projected semi-conductor device technology applicable to APSP development, (5) identification and prelimi- nary design of those devices critical to APSP de- velopment, and (6) preparation of a plan for de- signing, fabricating and testing a feasibility de- moonstration model of an APSP, including require- ment component development. (Author) AD-A026 213/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Aerodyne Research Inc Bedford Mass Plume Attenuated Radar Cross Section Code: User's Manual Special technical rept. J. Rickman, K. Tait, and D. Mann. Jun 76, 78p ARI-RR-68, AFRPL-TR-76-14 Contract F04611-75-C-0021 Descriptors: 'Radar cross sections, 'Exhaust plumes, 'Computer programs, Fortran, refractive index, Doppler effect, Attenuation, Subroutines. Identifiers: 'Rocket plumes, 'PARCS Computer Program, Fortran 4 Programming Language. The PARCS CODE calculates the coherent, inco- herent, and overdense surface radar cross sec- tions of a rocket plume. The modified Born ap- proximation calculation includes attenuation, local index of refraction, Doppler shift and range cell truncation. The program accepts plume data di- rectly from the AeroChem LAPP code, but may be interfaced with other sources of plume definition. (Author) AD-A026 512/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Utah Univ Salt Lake City Dept of Meteorology Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Compositions from Satellites Interim rept. Kuo-Nan Liou, and Thomas Stoffel. 9 Feb 76, 83p Scientific-1, AFGL-TR-76-0027 Contract F19628-75-C-0107 Descriptors: 'Infrared detectors, 'Cirrus clouds, Scientific satellites, Radiative transfer, Infrared ra- diation, Thickness, Computer programs, Fortran, Computations, Surface temperature, Humidity, Moisture content, Ice, Reflectivity, Emissivity, Non- linear algebraic equations. Identifiers: Remote sensing, Atmospheric trans- missivity, Atmospheric attenuation. A comprehensive description of the discrete-ordi- nate method for the transfer of infrared radiation in an isothermal cloud layer is presented. Applica- tions of such a method to non-isothermal, inhomo- geneous atmospheres containing cirrus clouds are carried out and a listing of the computational code of the infrared radiation program is given in the Ap- pendix of this report. On the basis of this radiation program which allows non-isothermal as well as non-homogeneous structures of clouds, radiative properties of cirrus clouds are investigated in the 10 micrometers window region. Effects of non- isothermal structure of cirrus are shown to be im- portant when its thickness is greater than about 3 km. In addition, we also find that it seems inappro- priate to define an 'emissivity' of a non-isothermal cloud. Utilizing the concept of transmissivity de- rived from radiative transfer analyses, a retrieval technique is developed for the determination of the surface temperature, the cirrus cloud thickness and its transmissivity at a reference wavenumber and the fraction of cirrus cloudiness. Error analy- ses employing climatological data reveal that inde- pendent random errors in temperature and humid- ity profiles introduce insignificant errors in the four resulting parameters. Based on the retrieval proce- dures we illustrate that the vertical ice content may be estimated assuming that ice particles are ran- domly oriented in a horizontal plane. (Author) AD-A027 151/0CP PC A11/MF A01 Kansas Univ/Center for Research Inc Lawrence Remote Sensing Lab Radar Image Simulation Project: Development of a General Simulation Model and an Interac- tive Simulation Model, and Sample Results Contract rept. Dec 74-Feb 76 J. C. Holtzman, V. H. Kaupp, R. L Martin, E. E. Komp, and V. S. Frost. Feb 76, 227p RSL-TR- 234-13, ETL-0047 Contract DAAK02-73-C-0106 Descriptors: 'Radar images, 'Side looking radar, 'Plan position indicators, 'Computer programs, 'Interactive graphics, Pattern recognition, Data bases, Subroutines, Computerized simulation, AN/ APQ-144, Microwave frequency, Backscattering, Terrain. This document reports the results of a radar image simulation study performed at the Remote Sensing Laboratory, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. The work was sponsored by the U.S. Army Engineering Topographic Laboratories, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The purpose of this study was to develop radar image simulation and feature extrac- tion techniques. A general model for simulating radar imagery is developed. This model is applica- ble to both SLAR (Side-Looking Airborne Radar) and PPI (Plan Position Indicator) radar system image formats. It can produce simulations from both flat and mountainous terrain. The model re- quires as input a completely specified digital ground truth data base. The radar reflectivity data calculated for each image simulation can be deter- mined from a variety of input data sources. The re- sults presented in this document have all been produced using for input reflectivity data, empirical radar backscatter data from a large agricultural/ soil moisture data bank available at the Remote Sensing Laboratory. Also reported is a technique for automating feature extraction, creation of data bases, and interactive radar simulation. A model is developed which incorporates an image analyst (human) in the decision process as the computer simulation program runs. Automatic pattern recog- nition software is used to pre-process the data base and the interpreter/simulator is given the flexibility to specify or alter previous specifications in real-time in synthesizing the radar image. (Author) AD-A027 267/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Sampled Analog Recursive Comb Filters and Their Application to MTI- Radar Master's thesis Lars Terje Saetre. Dec 75, 93p Descriptors: 'Recursive filters, 'Signal processing, 'Moving target indicators, Charge coupled de- vices, Cancellation, Radar clutter, Computer pro- grams, Theses, Analog systems. The design of second order sampled analog filters using Z-transform techniques developed in digital theory was studied. A second order recursive CTD- filter was implemented and investigated. Deviation from theoretical frequency response was found to be partly due to frequency dependent circuitry. MTI- simulation was performed, and the ability of the CTD-filter to cancel clutter and pass doppler frequencies was demonstrated. Unexplained glitches in the filter output were noted. AD-A027 522/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Pennsylvania State Univ University Park Applied Research Lab DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Acoustic Radiation Fields of Axisymmetric Spherical Sources with Mixed Boundary Condi- tions Master's thesis Christopher C. Gerding. 1 1 Mar 76, 82p Rept no. TM-76-76 Contract N00017-73-C-1418 Descriptors: 'Acoustic fields, 'Underwater sound, Fourier analysis, Legendre functions, Wave equa- tions, Computer programs, Computations, FOR- TRAN, Theses. Identifiers: IBM-370/168 computers, FORTRAN 4 programming language, Collocation method. Three acoustic radiation problems concerning axi- symmetric radiating spheres with mixed boundary conditions on their surfaces have been treated nu- merically. They are: first, a radially vibrating polar cap mounted on an otherwise rigid spherical baffle; second, the same cap mounted on an otherwise pressure release spherical baffle; and third, the same cap and a contiguous pressure release belt, both mounted on an otherwise rigid spherical baffle. The solution of the first problem is obtain- able in terms of eigenfunctions which are ortho- gonal over the sphere and is consequently well known; it was thus used as a comparison check for the second and third problem. The solutions of the above problems were accomplished by assuming a Fourier-Legendre series expansion of the acous- tic pressure field and numerically determining the coefficients in the expansion, either by the least mean square error method, or by boundary collo- cation. The first and second problems were solved by both methods, while the third was treated by the least mean square error method only. The numeri- cal computations were performed on an IBM 370/ 168 digital computer in FORTRAN IV. AD-A027 576/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Grumman Aerospace Corp Bethpage N Y Re- search Dept A Model for Emission and Scattering of In- frared Radiation from Inhomogeneous Com- bustion Gases and Particles D. Vanderbilt, and M. Slack. Jun 76, 49p Rept no. RM-621 Descriptors: 'Infrared signatures, 'Exhaust gases, 'Combustion products, Computerized simulation, Particles, Emission, Scattering, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Machine coding, Light scattering, Mie scattering, Heat transfer, Ho- mogeneity, Exhaust plumes, Infrared radiation, Ab- sorption, Models. Identifiers: 'Plume detection, Air pollution detec- tion, Rocket exhaust, Jet engine exhaust. A model for treating radiant heat transfer in inho- mogeneous media containing both gases and ani- sotropically scattering particles is presented. Ab- sorption and scattering coefficients are calculated for discrete particle sizes using the Dave treatment of Mie scattering. The model incorporates a one dimensional beam approximation and couples the particulate and gaseous heat transfer equations. An existing gaseous infrared radiation computer code has been updated to included particulate scattering, absorption and emission in its calcula- tion of radiant heat transfer from combustion prod- ucts and exhaust plumes. It is shown that the pres- ent model is an improvement over models which merely add independent computations of gaseous and particulate radiation. (Author) AD-A028 521/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Texas Univ At Austin Applied Research Labs A Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient Model Based on Numerical Integration: Formulation, Implementation, and Application Technical rept. Kenneth E. Hawker, and Terry L. Foreman. 21 Jun 76, 79p Rept no. ARL-TR-76-23 Contract N00039-76-C-0081 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Acoustic reflec- tion, Wave equations, Numerical integration, Acoustic velocity, Computer programming, Com- putations, Plane waves. Identifiers: 'BOTLOSS computer program. This report describes a plane wave reflection coef- ficient model based on direct numerical integration of the depth separated wave equation. The model treats a sequence of horizontally stratified fluid layers (sediments) overlying an infinite homogene- ous substrate which may be either fluid or solid. In the fluid layers both the sound speed and density can vary in an arbitrary fashion. The numerical in- tegration scheme is discussed in detail as is the important problem of error. It is shown not only that the local error is controlled but also that it can be specified by the user to optimize overall error and computation time. The range and scope of prob- lems to which this model is applicable is illustrated by a sequence of examples showing bottom loss and phase angle versus grazing angle as well as the auxiliary output of pressure versus depth. AD-A029 548/5CP PC A05/MF A01 California Univ Los Angeles Inst of Geophysics and Planetary Physics Regionalization of the Arctic Region, Siberia and Eurasian Continental Area Final rept. 1 Mar 73-31 May 76 Leon Knopoff. 31 May 76, 87p AFOSR-TR-76- 1027 Contract F44620-73-C-0048, ARPA Order-1827 Descriptors: 'Seismic waves, 'Earthquakes, 'Un- derground explosions, 'Asia, 'Europe, Discrimina- tion, Rayleigh waves, Surface waves, Epicenters, Determination, Wave propagation, Intensity, Earth crust, Structural geology, Computer programs, Computations, Seismographs, Velocity, Seismo- logical stations, Arctic regions, Siberia. Identifiers: Seismic discrimination. In this investigation, the first purpose is the region- alization of the Arctic region, Siberia and the Eur- asian continental area using seismic surface waves. This regionalization will determine the structural properties of the upper few hundred kilo- meters of the earth, and the variation of these properties from one subregion to another in the area under investigation. Once the structural prop- erties in the various regions have been obtained, the second purpose is to apply optimized comput- er techniques to the computation of accurate theo- retical seismograms for any hypothetical type of source located anywhere within this continental area. These theoretical seismograms can be ap- plied directly to the discrimination problem by com- paring seismograms, computed for both earth- quakes and underground explosions, with the actual recorder seismogram. (Author) AD-A029 549/3CP PC A10/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Comparative Evaluation of the Subsystem and Nearest-Neighbor Classifiers for Radar Aircraft Identification Interim rept. S. N. Srihari. Jun 76, 21 3p ESL-3815-3, AFOSR- TR-76-0931 Grant AF-AFOSR-261 1-74 Descriptors: 'Pattern recognition, 'Radar targets, IFF systems, Classification, Algorithms, Identifica- tion systems, Computer programs, Probability, De- cision theory. Identifiers: Nearest neighbor rules, Bayes classi- fiers, Sebestyen classifiers. The purpose of this report is to investigate aspects of design and evaluation of classification algo- rithms for a type of pattern recognition problem. The problem is one that is encountered in the design of a radar aircraft identification system. This problem differs from the usual situation encoun- tered in statistical pattern recognition theory. Here classes are characterized by labelled training pat- terns that are considered to be ideal. The test pat- tern is assumed to be a noisy version of one of the ideal patterns, where noise is generated by a sta- tistical process. The situation where noise pertur- bation is Gaussian is considered in detail. The Bayes classifier in this case has the form of the Sebestyen classifier. Techniques for efficient com- puter implementation, and evaluation of the Se- bestyen classifier are investigated. A relationship between the Sebestyen classifier and a nearest- neighbor classifier that utilizes the ideal patterns as its reference set is obtained. Conditions for identity of decision surfaces of the two classifiers are shown. These conditions are on the location of reference patterns in feature-space. AD-A029 564/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Federal Electric Corp Vandenberg AFB Calif CAMOAT Improvement Analysis Final rept. 17 Oct 73-14 Jun 74 Mikiso Mizuki. 14 Jun 74, 114p SAMTEC-TR-75- Contract F04701-72-C-0203 Descriptors: 'Optical tracking, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Radar tracking, 'Guided missile tracking systems, Surface to surface missiles, Passive sys- tems, Data reduction, Theodolites, Motion picture cameras, Reentry vehicles, Descent trajectories. Guided missile trajectories. Identifiers: Cinetheodolites, CAMDAT computer program. Presently SAMTEC has a software package called CAMDAT, which has been used for the data reduc- tion of long range optics data. Changes in tracking performance and requirements impose the neces- sity of reviewing the overall problems of optics data reduction. A brief review of the potentials of optics data in trajectory estimation is given first. This is followed by two-part discussion of trajectory estimation problems of powered objects and free fall objects. Part I deals with the problems of powered objects and discusses the limitations and deficiencies of the CAMDAT program. It also enu- merates a number of potential methods which can be explored to fill the future needs. Part II is devot- ed to the discussion of NITE simulation and trial runs, which are operated under free fall con- straints. The results indicate the soundness of the free fall trajectory estimation technique using NITE or FIAT. Unfortunately, the extent of the investiga- tory analysis undertaken to this date has been lim- ited, and indicates the desirability of continued re- search and experimentation. A short discussion appearing in Part III identifies future problems for continuation of work. (Author) AD-A029 931/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Avionics Lab Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Effective Electromagnetic Properties of Lossy Ferrite Composite Media Final rept. Aug 73-Aug 74 Karimpuzha S. Ananthanarayanan. Feb 76, 70p Rept no. AFAL-TR-75-91 Descriptors: 'Ferrites, 'Radar absorbing materi- als, 'Honeycomb structures, 'Composite materi- als, Radar cross sections, Computer programs, Wave propagation, Electromagnetic properties, FORTRAN, Numerical methods and procedures, Dielectric properties, Brownian motion. Identifiers: Interometers, Radar countermeasures. This report discusses both the theoretical and ex- perimental aspects of the problem of defining ef- fective electromagnetic properties of non-homo- geneous media. A simple theory has been devel- oped for a one-dimensionally periodic medium containing lossy ferrite strips and the theory has been experimentally verified. This theory has been extended to two-dimensionally periodic media. An empirical theory has been applied to a composite medium composed of a honeycomb structure loaded with a lossy ferrite and experimentally veri- fied. A computer program has been presented which is useful in solving the problem of one-di- mensionally periodic media. The project is part of an ongoing program to develop new and efficient radar absorber materials. (Author) AD-A029 978/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Defence Research Establishment Ottawa (Ontar- io) A System for the Treatment of Airborne Laser Profilometer Data of Ice R. T. Lowry, and C. J. Brochu. Oct 75, 60p Rept no. DREO-R-725 Abstract in French. Descriptors: 'Sea ice, 'Pattern recognition, Lasers, Computer programs, Profiles, Airborne, Canada. Identifiers: 'Optical detection. 10 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES A system for the correction and analysis of laser profiles of sea ice is presented. The correction technique is to use an interactive graphic comput- er terminal using a human operator to do the pat- tern recognition. Details of the methods used to analyze the corrected ice profiles are also given. (Author) AD-A030 078/OCP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Normal Mode Model for Estimating Low-Fre- quency Acoustic Transmission Loss in the Deep Ocean Doctoral thesis Kirk Eden Evans. Sep 75, 178p Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Acoustic at- tenuation, 'Transmission loss, Mathematical models, Computerized simulation, Wave equa- tions, Low frequency, Ocean bottom, Theses, FORTRAN. Identifiers: QMODE computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, IBM-360/67 computers. This work describes a computer model (QMODE) which uses the normal mode method for the esti- mation of low-frequency long-range acoustic transmission loss in the deep ocean. Wentzel- Kramer-Brillouin (WKB) solutions for the phase speeds (eigenvalues) and modes (eigenfunctions). The WKB solutions are extended to consider the effects of the surface and bottom boundaries. The eigenvalues are initially estimated by a least- squares polynomial fit through sample results of the WKB characteristic equation. The effects of range dependence in the sound speed profile are simulated through the use of the adiabatic as- sumption, which has been extended to include the case of profiles with multiple sound channels. Re- sults of the model agree generally with the trans- mission loss observed in two long-range acoustic experiments. AD-A030 155/6CP PC A12/MF A01 Mitre Corp Atlantic City N J Performance of a Correlation-Sensitive Radar Detection Technique Final rept. Robert E. Lefferts. May 76, 261 p MTR-7202, FAA-RD-76-133 Contract DOT-FA69NS-162 Descriptors: 'Target detection, 'Radar targets, Search radar, Radar clutter, Correlation tech- niques, Adaptive systems, False alarms, Thresh- old effects, Automatic, False targets, Probability, Simulation, Computer programs. The double threshold method of automatic radar target detection is used in the Common Digitizer to detect targets in the search radar video. While the performance of this method is acceptable in clear areas, the number of false alarms in weather clut- ter has been found to be excessive. A modification which results in an increased capability to discrimi- nate between weather clutter and aircraft targets is suggested. The modification is an adaptive proce- dure for adjusting the second threshold level based on both the probability of the first threshold output and the azimuthal correlation between adja- cent sweeps. Correlation in weather clutter has been identified as the prime cause for the failure of the present method to yield a constant false alarm rate. The probability and correlation of the first threshold output are estimated by counting the number of hits and the number of sequential pairs of hits in azimuth in a moving zone surrounding the cell of interest. AD-A030 380/OCP PC A05/MF A01 Auburn Univ Ala Dept of Aerospace Engineering Development of Theoretical Models and De- scription of Computer Program. Volume I Final rept. Kenneth E. Harwell. 15 Sep 76, 76p Contract DAAH01-75-C-0121 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Exhaust plumes, 'Computerized simulation, Infrared radi- ation, Guided missiles, Models, Flow fields, Turbu- lence, Kinetic energy, Shock waves, Jet engine ex- haust, Theory. Numerical computer models for the prediction of aircraft and missile exhaust plume flow fields are described. The flow model is capable of treating multiple shock waves in the exhaust plume. An in- frared computer model is described and typical re- sults are presented for some typical missile ex- haust plumes. (Author) AD-A031 426/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab Maximization of Reverberation Index Technical rept. Ding Lee. 2 Oct 76, 61 p Rept no. NUSC-TR- 5375 Descriptors: 'Sonar arrays, 'Reverberation, 'Signal processing, Signal to noise ratio, Ambient noise, Eigenvectors, Gain, Matrix theory, Comput- er programs, Fortran. Identifiers: Toeplitz martices, Eigenvalues, Acous- tic interference, Cylindrical arrays. Investigations into the problem of maximizing array gain(DI) for situations where ambient noise is the dominant interference have been conducted over the preceding two decades and possibly earlier. These investigations have resulted in mathemat- ical solutions having significant promise in various practical applications. A closely related problem arises when interference is dominated by rever- beration; in this situation the gain against rever- beration (the reverberation index, Rl) must be maximized. The same general mathematical ap- proach can be applied to both problems in that the omnidirectional ambient noise limited condition can be considered a specific case of the more general directional ambient noise limited condition and the reverberation limited condition. Much of the existing theory that has been developed has been directed at specific cases, thus leaving unfin- ished a comprehensive treatment of the general case. A concomitant existing problem involves the determination of the computational complexity in- volved in the mathematical solution to the de- scribed problems since this complexity strongly in- fluences the degree to which computational meth- ods can be applied to practical problems. AD-A031 480/7CP PC A10/MF A01 General Dynamics Fort Worth Tex Convair Aero- space Div ENDO Atmospheric-EXO Atmospheric Radar Modeling. Appendices, A-K, M Final technical rept. Robert J. Hancock, and Fred H. Cleveland. Jun 76, 21 5p RADC-TR-76-186-Vol-4-Pt-1 Contract F30602-73-C-0380 See also Volume 4, Part 2, AD-A031 440. Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Radar, 'Computerized simulation, Endoatmosphere, Exosphere, Radar cross sec- tions, Computer programs, Computer program documentation, Time sharing, Digital filters. Identifiers: Computer software, Tschebycheff fil- ters. Contents: Glossary; Software Modules used in the Radar Simulation Model; Variables used in the Radar Simulation Model; Table of Time Sharing Files; Tschebyscheff Filter Design Data; Digital Filter Design; Computer Program used in Reading Radar Cross Section Tapes; Computer Program for Imaging Coherent Short Pulse Target Data; TSAR Simulation Run Catalogues; Antenna Lobe Scanner Output Data; Interactive Radar Simulator Design Study; Radar Cross Section Analytic Model Descriptions; and Hewlett Packard 9820A Com- puter Program to Plot Filter Transfer Functions. AD-A031 917/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Unitech Inc Austin Tex Determine the Feasibility of Implementing Adaptive Echo Cancellation Techniques to Un- derwater Weapons Quarterly progress rept. no. 3, 1 Aug-31 Oct 71. 9 Nov 71, 44p Rept no. UNITECH-51-053-U Contract N00017-71-C-1417 Descriptors: 'Acoustic countermeasures, 'Elec- tronic countermeasures, 'Sonar interception, Adaptive systems, Sonar signals, Cancellation, Signal processing, Loops, Delay lines, Feasibility studies, Underwater ordnance, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Most project-3, Quadrature loop system. This document is aimed at determining the feasibil- ity of implementing adaptive echo cancellation techniques to underwater weapons. AD-A032 121/6CP PC A19/MF A01 Auburn Univ Ala Engineering Experiment Station Real-Time Phased Array Radar Studies Final technical rept. E. R. Graf, and H. T. Nagle, Jr. 1976, 427p Contract DAAH01-71-C-1303 Descriptors: 'Phased arrays, Computer program documentation, Control, Data processing termi- nals, Modules(Electronics), Flow charting, Display systems, Real time, Computer files, Cathode ray tubes. Identifiers: 'Computer applications. This final report describes components of a real- time Radar Operating System (RADACS) for an SEL86 computer controlled cross-bow phased array radar set. The report is composed of 5 sepa- rate parts, each describing a portion of the con- tract performance. (Author) AD-A032 131/5CP PC A08/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Comput- er Engineering Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Reg- ulations. Part 2. Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Dipoles Interim rept. Sep 74-Feb 76 Arlan T. Adams, Peter Hsi, and A. Farrar. Aug 76, 165p RADC-TR-76-241-Pt-2 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 See also Part 1 , AD-A032 130. Descriptors: 'Microwave amplifiers, 'Solid state electronics, 'Phased arrays, 'Radar antennas, Dipole antennas, Planar structures, Electrical im- pedance, Excitation, Matrices(Mathematics), Far field, Redundancy, Random variables, Sampling, Harmonics, Computer programs, Antenna radi- ation patterns, Gain. Identifiers: Method of moments. A computer program for the analysis of random ef- fects in planar arrays is described. The method of moments is applied iteratively in conjunction with a random sampling process, to obtain mean far field beam patterns and their expected variation. Block- Toeplitz impedance redundancies and the zeros of the excitation matrix are utilized in a special effi- cient solution routine. Separate array analysis at fundamental and harmonic frequencies yields the expected ratio of harmonic to fundamental levels. The theory of the computer program is outlined and typical results are presented. Significant gain degradation is predicted at harmonic frequencies. The results are applied to the OTP regulations and it is concluded that certain types of microwave solid state devices tested are viable candidates for array elements in view of these regulations. (Author) AD-A032 182/8CP PC A12/MF A01 Institute for Defense Analyses Arlington Va Sci- ence and Technology Div Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Repub- lic of Germany, on Performance of Electroopti- cal Imaging Systems. Part 1. Theory, Method- ology, and Data Base Final rept. Jul 74-Jul 76 Lucien M. Biberman. Aug 76, 263p P-1123, IDA/ HQ-76-18660 Descriptors: 'Optical detectors, *Tanks(Combat vehicles), Visibility, Weather, Mathematical predic- tion, Television equipment, Low light levels, For- ward looking infrared systems, Surface targets, West Germany, Meteorological data, Mathemat- ical models, Light transmission, Atmosphere models, Transmittance, Target detection, Target recognition, Probability, Water vapor, Aerosols, Line of sight, Clouds, Diurnal variations, Seasonal 11 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES variations, Limitations, Signal to noise ratio, Data bases, Computerized simulation, Electrooptics, Optical detection, Passive systems, Active sys- tems, Air to surface. Identifiers: LOWTRAN 3 computer program, 'At- mospheric transmissivity, Atmospheric attenu- ation. This paper examines the effect of weather on the probability of electrooptical detection of tanks at various ranges. The paper employs actual weather data recorded hourly at Hannover, Federal Repub- lic of Germany, for a full year (1970) and a math- ematical model of the electro-optical detection/ recognitibn process developed by R.L. Sendall and L.M. Biberman from the perceived signal-to- noise concept of F.A. Rosell. The mathematical model makes use of a slightly modified version of the LOWTRAN 3 atmospheric transmittance model developed by the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory. The results show a wide variability in the probability of detection caused by wide and fre- quent variations in the weather. (Author) AD-A032 640/5CP PC A10/MF A01 General Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 3: Program Structure Final rept. 1 Mar 74-30 Sep 75 J. R. Garbarino, M. L. Fickett, and J. J. Baltes. Oct 75, 21 8p CR-1-520-Vol-3, DNA-3964F-3 Contract DNA001-74-C-0182 See also Volume 4, AD-A032 676. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Antimissile defense systems, 'Programming manuals, 'Radar, Optical detectors, Computerized simula- tion, Subroutines, Computer printouts, Machine coding. Identifiers: 'ROSCOE computer program, Data sets, 'Radiation hazards. The ROSCOE computer code is designed specifi- cally to be the laboratory standard for evaluating nuclear effects on radar systems. The program provides a means for (1 ) evaluating radar acquisi- tion, discrimination, and tracking performance in a nuclear environment, (2) measuring various propa- gation error sources, and (3) computing specific phenomenological data. The ROSCOE users manual is divided into four volumes: Volume 1 - Program Description; Volume 2 - Sample Cases; Volume 3 - Program Structure; Volume 4 - Systems Models. Volume 3 presents structural details of the code (such as the subroutine structure and dataset structure) for the programmer-user. AD-A032 662/9CP PC A06/MF A01 General Electric Co Philadelphia Pa Re-Entry and Environmental Systems Div Development of a Computer Model for Scatter- ing of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turbulent Wake Final technical rept. 1 Jul 75-30 Jun 76 Paul E. Bisbing. Oct 76, 119p RADC-TR-76-297 Contract F19628-76-C-0011 Descriptors: 'Electromagnetic scattering, 'Radar cross sections, 'Reentrant electronics, 'Wake, Computer programs, Atmosphere entry, Turbu- lence, Ionization, Plasmas(Physics), FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Ionized wakes, 'Reentry physics. This report describes a theoretical model for the radar scattering by a turbulent, re-entry induced ionized wake. The equations used, their deriva- tions, and the Fortran listing of the computer code are given and explained in detail. The output from a sample run of the program is given and ex- plained. Comparisons are made between the re- sults of this model and published data from labora- tory experiments on microwave scattering from tur- bulent plasma. The results of some parametric cal- culations are given also. This theoretical model as- sumes that the electrical properties of the wake plasma are known in terms of certain statistical and spatial distributions. The technique used by the model is a distorted wave Born approximation in which the propagation in the background medium is calculated rigorously for a layered cylin- der of mean wake plasma. The model provides predictions of the backscattering amplitude and the first and second moments of the doppler spec- trum, both at each input wake axial station and as a function of apparent axial station in the backscat- tered pulse. Direct and cross polarized scattering are included for both linear and circular polariza- tion radars. (Author) AD-A032 739/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Southeastern Massachusetts Univ North Dart- mouth Deptof Electrical Engineering A New Software Package for Seismic and Im- agery Recognition Technical rept. C. H. Chen. 7 Sep 76, 33p EE-76-4, AFOSR-TR- 76-1166 Grant AF-AFOSR-2951-76 Descriptors: 'Pattern recognition, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Image processing, 'Seismic detection, Images, Recognition, Minicomputers, Algorithms. Identifiers: PDP-1 1 /45 computers. This report summarizes the software development effort on seismic and imagery pattern recognition studies under the support of the grant. The pro- gram libraries and major program listings are de- scribed in detail. The complete recognition system based on PDP 11-45 minicomputer and display units is truly interactive with the aid of the software package described. Furthermore, all algorithms of the programs listed have provided excellent recog- nition results. (Author) AD-A032 850/OCP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Sensor Position Locator Technical rept. Mar-Jun 75 Jonathan Valvano. Sep 75, 15p Rept no. NSWC/ WOL/TR 76-8 Descriptors: 'Acoustic detectors, Locators, Position(Location), Bearing(Direction), Algorithms, Mathematical models, Computerized simulation, Computer programs, FORTRAN. A remote acoustic sensor, capable of reporting bearing information on targets it hears, may be de- ployed in the field without the knowledge of its exact location. This report develops an algorithm which calculates the sensor position through use of the bearing reports from a moving target whose location is known as a function of time. A math model along with FORTRAN listings and simula- tion runs are included. (Author) AD-A033 514/1CP PC A19/MF A01 Pre Information Sciences Co Rome N Y Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1, Book 2. Computer Program Documen- tation Final technical rept. Apr 75-Jul 76 P. Richard Conti. Oct 76, 433p RADC-TR-76- 261-Vol-1-Pt-1-Bk-2 Contract F30602-75-C-01 67 See also Volume 1 , Part 1 , Book 3, AD-A033 650. Descriptors: 'Space surveillance systems, 'Com- puter program documentation, 'Radar signatures, 'Computer programs, 'Radar cross sections, Scattering, Fortran, Radar targets, Trajectories, Orbits. The objective of this effort was to modify the RADC trajectory program, orbit program and var- ious radar cross section programs were modified to run on the RADC HIS 6180 computer under the GCOS system software. The RADC trajectory pro- gram was modified to include the capability of processing multiple (20) radar sites and multiple (20) targets in the program so that various radar parameters could be determined. This type of in- formation is essential in performing radar coverage analyses for systems such as COBRA TALON, SEEK SAIL, COBRA DANE and COBRA JUDY. This portion of the effort is documented in Vol 1 . Vol 2 documents a procedure for punching cards in ASCII format and reading the data onto an HP cas- sette for subsequent plotting with an HP9820 cal- culator system. Vol 3 documents some Radar Sig- nature and Radar Scattering computer programs. A three dimensional plot program contained in this volume has been incorporated into the Interactive Radar Simulator for plotting three dimensional an- tenna patterns and cross section aspect angle his- tories. (Author) AD-A033 541/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc Cambridge Mass Computer Systems Div Implementation and Acceptance Testing of the Seismic Communication and Control Proces- sor Interim technical rept. 15 Sep 74-6 Feb 76 Howard W. Briscoe. 9 Aug 76, 85p Rept no. BBN-3349 Contract F08606-75-C-0022, ARPA Order-2551 Includes rept. no. BBN-3185 dated 9 Apr 76. Descriptors: 'Seismic detection, 'Data transmis- sion systems, 'Communications networks, Nucle- ar explosions, Seismic data, Seismic arrays, Data processing, Multiprocessors, Control systems, Seismology, Acceptance tests, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Pluribus computer program, 'Seismic data networks. The Seismic Communication and Control Proces- sor (CCP) was assembled and programmed during the period September 1 974 to August 1 975 using the BBN PLURIBUS multiprocessor architecture. Acceptance testing of the CCP was dependent on and interwoven with implementation and testing of the other nodes in the Seismic Data Network. Ac- ceptance testing was divided into five phases. The last test phase was completed February 6, 1 976. (Author) AD-A033 657/8CP PCA11/MFA01 Pre Information Sciences Co Rome N Y Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1, Book 1. Project Summary and Com- puter Program Documentation Final technical rept. Apr 75-Jul 76 P. Richard Conti. Oct 76, 241 p RADC-TR-76- 261-Vol-1-pt-1-bk-1 Contract F30602-75-C-0167 See also Volume 1, Part 1, Book 2, AD-A033 514. Descriptors: 'Space surveillance systems, 'Com- puter program documentation, 'Radar signatures, 'Computer programs, 'Radar cross sections, 'Computer programming, FORTRAN, Guided mis- sile trajectories, Orbits, Time sharing, Modification, Models, Target classification. Identifiers: 'Computer software. Tne objective of this effort was to modify the RADC trajectory program orbit program and var- ious radar cross section programs were modified to run on the RADC HIS 6180 computer under the GCOS system software. The RADC trajectory pro- gram was modified to include the capability of processing multiple (20) radar sites and multiple (20) targets in the program so that various radar parameters could be determined. This type of in- formation is essential in performing radar coverage analyses for systems such as COBRA TALON, SEEK SAIL, COBRA DANE and COBRA JUDY. This portion of the effort is documented in Vol 1 . Vol 2 documents a procedure for punching cards in ASCII format and reading the data onto a HP cas- sett for subsequent plotting with an HP 9820 calcu- lator system. Vol 3 documents some Radar Signa- ture and Radar Scattering computer programs. A three dimensional plot program contained in this volume has been incorporated into the Interactive Radar Simulator for plotting three dimensional an- tenna patterns and cross section aspect angle his- tories. (Author) AD-A033 658/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Pre Information Sciences Co Rome N Y Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1, Book 3. Computer Program Documen- tation Final technical rept. Apr 75-Jul 76 P. Richard Conti. Oct 76, 87p RADC-TR-76-261 - Vol-1-pt-1-bk-3 Contract F30602-75-C-0167 See also Volume 1 , Part 2, AD-A033 712. Descriptors: 'Space surveillance systems, 'Com- puter program documentation, 'Radar signatures, 12 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES "Computer programs, 'Radar cross sections, Guided missile trajectories, Plotting, Punched cards, Orbits, Computer files, Computer printouts. Identifiers: "Computer software. Several computer programs were developed to perform the auxiliary function of punching out data files so that plots could be generated on the Hew- lett-Packard 9820A calculator/plotter. Radar cov- erage parameters were computed and placed on a file by any one of three trajectory-type programs, the RADC Trajectory Program, the COBRA TALON Trajectory Program, or the Orbit Prediction Program. A listing of the source code, a sample job stream, and sample output for each of the auxiliary programs follow. The sample output represents a portion of the printout from the execution of each program. The first set of listing, job stream, and output is given for the program to punch out the RADC Trajectory Program plot file, the second set is for the COBRA TALON punch program, and the third for the Orbit Prediction punch program. AD-A033 678/4CP PC A13/MF A01 Naval Surface Weapons Center White Oak Lab Silver Spring Md Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model Final rept. Philip J. Craun. 5 Apr 76, 283p Rept no. NSWC/ WOL/TR-75-115 Descriptors: *Ocean models, *Sound transmis- sion, "Computerized simulation, "Underwater sound, Acoustic signals, Signal generators, Real time, Ray tracing, Sonar targets, Layers, Acoustic velocity, Angle of arrival, Underwater tracking, Min- icomputers, Computer programs, Flow charting. Identifiers: Newton-Raphson method. The simulation of acoustic targets in the ocean en- vironment requires an ocean model which pro- duces realistic propagation effects. This report de- scribes a three layer ocean model which is part of a real time acoustic signal generator developed at this laboratory. The ocean model is written in Data General assembly language and runs on a Super Nova minicomputer. Detailed charts and listings of the ocean model are included. AD-A033 698/2CP PC A15/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Theory of Operation and Applications of Sam- pled Analog Devices in Recursive Comb Filters Doctoral thesis Stacy Vernon Holmes. Jun 76, 333p Descriptors: "Charge coupled devices, "Recursive filters, Moving target indicators, Analog systems, Computer programs, Theses, Computer aided design, FORTRAN. The theory of operation of charge coupled devices in the sampled analog mode is investigated. The applications of charge coupled devices in recur- sive filters is explored, both in first and second order systems. A means for translating nth order filters to first or second order is explained. Tables are developed to assist the engineer in choosing the proper coefficients for second order recursive filter design. Applications of recursive filter sys- tems to moving target indicator processors are ex- plored. AD-A033 709/7CP PC A13/MF A01 Pre Information Sciences Co Rome N Y Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume III. Radar Signature and Radar Scattering Prin- ciples Investigation Software Final technical rept. Apr 75-Jul 76 P. Richard Conti. Oct 76, 279p RADC-TR-76- 261-Vol-3 Contract F30602-75-C-0167 See also Volume 1, Part 1, Book 1, AD-A033 657. Descriptors: "Space surveillance systems, "Com- puter program documentation, "Radar signatures, "Radar cross sections, Scattering, Computer pro- gramming, Subroutines, Fortran, Executive rou- tines, Computer programs, Matched filters, Polar- ization, Orbits. Identifiers: "Computer software, Cobra Talon Proj- ect, Seek Sail Project, Cobra Dane Project, Cobra Judy Project. The objective of this effort was to modify the RADC trajectory program, orbit program and var- ious radar cross section programs were modified to run on the RADC HIS 6180 computer under the GCOS system software. The RADC trajectory pro- gram was modified to include the capability of processing multiple (20) radar sites and mulitple (20) targets in the program so that various radar parameters could be determined. This type of in- formation is essential in performing radar coverage analyses for systems such as COBRA TALON, SEEK SAIL, COBRA DANE and COBRA JUDY. This portion of the effort is documented in Vol 1 . Volume 2 documents a procedure for punching cards in ASCII format and reading the data onto a HP cassette for subsequent plotting with an HP 9820 calculator system. Vol 3 documents some Radar Signature and Radar Scattering computer programs. A three-dimensional plot program con- tained in this volume has been incorporated into the Interactive Radar Simulator for plotting three- dimensional antenna patterns and cross section aspect angle histories. (Author) AD-A033 712/1CP PC A05/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume I, Part 2. RADC Trajectory Program Numerical/ Analytical Data Final rept. George A. Ellis. Oct 76, 93p RADC-TR-76-261- Vol-1-Pt-2 See also Volume 2, AD-A033 711. Descriptors: "Space surveillance systems, "Com- puter program documentation, "Radar, Computer programs, Reentry vehicles, Guided missile trajec- tories, Synchronous satellites, Orbits, Interceptors, Computerized simulation, Data bases. Identifiers: "Computer software, Scenarios. This report contains the numerical and analytical data base useful for the missile/space vehicle mis- sion analyst. Operational constraints considered were: launch site locations, orbital transfer maneu- vers, and missile burnout parameters. Volume 2 documents a procedure for punching cards in ASCII format and reading the data onto a HP cas- sette for subsequent plotting with an HP9820 cal- culator system. Volume 3 documents some Radar Signature and RAdar Scattering computer pro- grams. A three dimensional plot program con- tained in this volume has been incorporated into the Interactive Radar Simulator for plotting three dimensional antenna patterns and cross section aspect angle histories. (Author) AD-A033 714/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Technology Service Corp Santa Monica Calif Digital Simulation of High Resolution Radar Im- agery Final technical rept. Jun 75-Jun 76 Jeffrey W. Bell. Oct 76, 71 p TSC-PD-B486-2, RADC-TR-76-290 Contract F30602-75-C-0303 Descriptors: "Synthetic aperture radar, "Radar images, Digital simulation, High resolution, Radar mapping, Comparison, Aerial photography, Topo- graphic maps, Targets, Mathematical models, Computerized simulation, Computer programs, Al- gorithms. This study was an exploratory development pro- gram with the purpose of establishing the funda- mental capability of simulating SAR imagery of future systems for use in exercising change detec- tion processors. To this end the objectives of pro- gram were twofold: (1) to develop algorithms and techniques for simulating high resolution imagery for future SAR systems using aerial photography, topographical maps, and SAR imagery from pres- ent systems as source data, and (2) to generate a set of simulated imagery under a variety of condi- tions to demonstrate the methods. (Author) AD-A033 728/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Ford Aerospace and Communications Corp Bill- ings Mont Engineering Services Div Montana Large Aperture Seismic Array Semi-annual technical rept. 1 Jan-30 Sep 76 Robert E. Matkins. 29 Oct 76, 66p Rept no. TR- 2126-76-85 Contract F08606-76-C-0005 Descriptors: "Seismic arrays, "Seismic data, Aper- tures, Sensitivity, Seismographs, Seismological stations, Seismometers, Data processing, Chan- nels, Performance(Engineering), Computer pro- grams, Maintenance, Monitors, Computers. Identifiers: Large aperture seismic array, PDP-7 computers. The continued operation, maintenance, and array improvement activities at the Montana LASA are described. Array operations including the prepara- tion of daily teleseismic event reports are detailed. Results of the seismic event processing effort are reported. Seismograph system performance mea- surements are presented. Program maintenance for the PDP-7 computer system is indicated. AD-A034 014/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Science Applications Inc Huntsville Ala Comparison of the Perimeter Acquisition Radar (PAR) Satellite Track Capability to the Space Defense Center (SDC) Satellite Cata- logue - Unknown Satellite Track Experiment. Volume I J. K. Hendren, and A. Anderson. 13 Oct 76, 54p Rept no. SAI-77-701-HU-Vol-1 Contract DASG60-76-C-001 1 Descriptors: "Space surveillance systems, "Radar tracking, "Perimeter acquisition radar, "Satellite tracking systems, "Space objects, Catalogs, Cor- relation techniques, Computer programs, Data ac- quisition, Data processing. This experiment was performed by SAI under di- rection of BMDSC-W at the request of ADCOM. The purpose of the experiment is to determine the PAR's capability to detect and track objects that are not in the Space Defense Center (SDC) satel- lite catalogue, to determine the PAR's capability to reduce the potential for space tragedy for NASA's manned missions by supplementing the catalogue, and to determine some of the characteristics of the objects seen by the PAR that are not in the cata- logue. The report is divided into two volumes. In Volume I is an overview of the analysis methods, and the bulk of the results, and recommendations and conclusions. In Volume 2 are the details of the analysis methods, and a set of plots showing the Radar Cross Section (RCS) distributions for PAR tracks for both those that correlated with the cata- logue and those that did not for various altitude bands. (Author) AD-A034 536/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Graphics Program for Updating the Confi- dence Region of a Target Final rept. Abraham Schultz. Nov 76, 33p Rept no. NRL- MR-3415 Descriptors: "Ocean surveillance, "Target acquisi- tion, Graphics, Algorithms, Confidence limits, Computer programs, Man machine systems, Ve- locity, Flow charting, Information processing, For- tran. Identifiers: "Ship tracking, Confidence regions. A graphics program for updating the confidence region of a surveillance target subject to specified velocity constraints has been developed. The pro- gram is designed to operate in an interactive mode at a graphics terminal interface of an ocean sur- veillance information processing system. The ini- tial confidence region of the target is assumed to be provided by a sensor contact report. The con- straint set of velocities is specified in terms of upper and lower bounds on speed and heading and is either provided by a contact report or is se- lected by the ocean surveillance analyst. The pro- gram displays the original and updated confidence regions. This program can be implemented on a 13 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES graphics interactive system driven by a minicom- puter. (Author) AD-A034 897/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Texas Instruments Inc Dallas Equipment Group Network Capability Estimation. VELA Network Evaluation and Automatic Processing Re- search Technical rept. Noland S. Snell. 24 Sep 76, 62 Rept no. Tl- ALEX(01)-TR-76-04 Contract F08606-76-C-0011, ARPA Order-2551 Descriptors: "Seismic arrays, 'Computer pro- grams, Seismic detection, Seismological stations, Nuclear explosions, Underground explosions. Identifiers: Networth computer program. NETWORTH is a computer program which calcu- lates the detection and location capability of seis- mic networks. A modified version of NETWORTH has been developed. This program has been used to evaluate the effect of station 'downtime', the signal amplitude variance, and the station detec- tion threshold upon network detection capability. In this version all parameters may be changed sep- arately for individual stations. The capability of using signal amplitude corrections has been added. The function of amplitude corrections is to remove possible bias in the magnitude estimate due to inhomogeneous signal attenuation. These corrections may be applied to individual stations, individual epicenters, or individual station/epicen- ter combinations. An option has been added to cal- culate the effect of station 'downtime' upon net- work capability. This study indicates that, if capa- bility loss due to detection errors can be mini- mized, then station detection threshold and station reliability will be the fundamental limits to network performance. A baseline network of thirteen sta- tions has been performed. These stations are as follows: Alaskan Long Period Array, (ALPA); Ankara, (ANK); Chiang Mai, (CHG); Korean Seis- mic Research Station, (KSRS); Large Aperture Seismic Array, (LASA); Mashhad, (MSH); Mundar- ing, (MUN); Norwegian Seismic Array, (NORSAR); New Delhi, (NWDEL); Red Knife, Ontario, (RK- ON); Shillong, (SHL); Taipei, (TAP); and White Horse, Yukon, (WH-YK). (Author) AD-A034 941/5CP PC A11/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Performance of an Air-to-Ground Missile Em- ploying SAR-Retran Guidance Master's thesis Edwin H. Jessup. Dec 76, 229p Rept no. GAE/ MC/76D-6 Descriptors: 'Synthetic aperture radar, *Air to sur- face missiles, "Guidance, "Retransmission, Line of sight, Envelope(Space), Slant range, Position(Location), Performance, Algorithms, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Velocity, Theses, Simulation. The compatibility of a representative 500 pound weight boost-glide air-to-ground missile with the trajectory constraints imposed by a Synthetic Ap- erture Radar - Retransmission guidance system was investigated using a digital flight simulation. A demonstration flight profile was assumed, with a minimum of 20 seconds of tracking on the aircraft- to-target line of sight required. A guidance algo- rithm was developed which produced satisfactory trajectories. A first order gradient technique was employed in an unsuccessful attempt to optimize the trajectories for maximum range. A useable launch envelope for this missile was determined. The azimuthal extent of the envelope was limited by radar system constraints to 1 5 deg-90 deg from the aircraft velocity vector. A maximum slant range of 21 nautical miles was obtained from a launch altitude of 35,000 ft. Range deteriorated rapidly with decreasing launch altitude, with 5,000 ft being the lowest altitude at which a useable launch enve- lope was obtained. Maximum slant range at 5,000 ft launch altitude was 5.5 nautical miles. (Author) AD-A035 033/OCP PC A 1 3/ M F A0 1 Honeywell Inc St Petersburg Fla Aerospace Div Standard Precision Navigator/GEANS Modifi- cations for EAR Motion Compensation Final technical rept. Jun 74-Jan 76 Daniel Gionet, Paul E. Hall, and Steven Samsel. Nov 76, 279p 176-13551, AFAL-TR-76-71 Contract F33615-74-C-1068 Descriptors: "Inertial guidance, "Avionics, "Radar, Motion, Compensation, Velocity, Gimbals, Angles, Resolution, Vibration isolators, Computer pro- grams. Standard prescision navigator/GEANS modifica- tions for EAR motion compensation summarizes the technical accomplishments of the Modification Study Program for the period from the Preliminary Design Review 20-21 June 1974 through 1 Janu- ary 1 976. The study program included the design, brassboard fabrication, and functional testing of proposed modifications to the SPN/GEANS to meet the Electronically Agile Radar (EAR) motion compensation requirements. The design, analysis, and testing show these modifications to be feasi- ble and readily adaptable to the SPN/GEANS. The modification to enable a SPN/GEANS to perform the EAR motion compensation requires the follow- ing hardware and software modifications: Hard- ware Modifications -- 1. Change the IMU isolator transmissibility to provide improved low frequency acceleration measurement capability. This will re- quire raising the present 16 Hz isolator frequency to 40 Hz. 2. Adapt the SPN/GEANS gyro to with- stand 20 g's shock. 3. Redesign the VMU Pulse Rebalance Electronics (PRE) circuitry to provide 0.00125 ft/sec/pulse delta V resolution (present resolution is 0.04 ft/sec/pulse). Two PRE boards, No. 1B and No. 2, are involved. 4. Redesign the IMU logic to accept high resolution delta V data, and provide high data rate (256 Hz) delta V and gimbai angle data transmission to the EAR Radar Data Processor. This will require design changes to one existing logic circuit board and the addition of one new board, which will increase the depth of the overall logic package. 5. Develop special test equipment to functionally check the 256 Hz data bus. AD-A035 071/OCP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Sea Systems Command Washington D C A Computer Program for Studying the Doppler Content of Reverberation Philip Marsh. 1976, 182p Rept no. NAVSEA-OD- 52258 Descriptors: "Acoustic torpedoes, "Doppler sonar, "Sonar sound analyzers, "Computer programs, Antisubmarine warfare, Reverberation, Active sonar, Sonar pulses, Homing torpedoes, Volume, Bottom bounce. Identifiers: Mark 46 Torpedoes, DOP computer program. Torpedoes are the prime conventional antisubma- rine weapons and they use acoustic systems to detect the submarine. Some of these systems use frequency dependent characteristics of the re- turned echo from the submarine to enhance per- formance. A digital computer program has been developed at the Naval Undersea Center (NUC) which facilitates the analysis of systems that use frequency dependent characteristics. The program is called DOP and is used in conjunction with two other NUC developed programs called SONAR and RAYSRT which are documented in refer- ences. This report documents the DOP program. When a single-frequency pulse is emitted from an active sonar system on a moving platform, the re- verberation seen by the system is spread due in large part to doppler effects. Program DOP ocom- putes the spectrum of such reverberation in a re- fractive medium. The doppler content is computed as a function of the speed of the sonar platform and (optionally) of circular turning or motion of the scatterers, or both. In addition, the spectrum of the original pulse can be included as a spreading effect, since even a 'single frequency' pulse has a harmonic content due to its finite duration. The energy level is computed in frequency bands of specified width at specified times relative to the transmitted pulse. Four values are computed for each band/time combination: surface, bottom, volume, and total reverberation. AD-A035 221/ 1CP PC A02/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta Engineering Experi- ment Station Environment and Radar Operation Simulator Quarterly rept. no. 7, 1 Jan-31 Mar 76 S. N. Cole, and E. R. Flynt. Jun 76, 19p ECOM- 74-0272-7 Contract DAAB07-74-C-0272 Descriptors: "Radar signals, "Radar clutter, "Radar target position simulators, Radar targets, Computer programs, Analog systems, Digital fil- ters, Computerized simulation, Scaling factors, Radar cross sections, Pseudo random systems, Synthesis, Simulation. This report summarizes activities during the sev- enth quarter of a program sponsored by the U.S. Army Electronics Command (ECOM), directed toward the design of an Environment and Radar Operation Simulator (EROS). In addition some of the analysis results and design decisions are de- scribed in detail. A computer simulation of the shift-register random-number generator has been performed to verify its autocorrelation properties. The implementation decision with regard to radar cross section scaling is presented as a formula, and the techniques for applying this formula to target and clutter signals are discussed. In previ- ously reported design plans the range weighting and integration, functions were to be performed by digital hardware, it has been determined that there are a number of advantages to performing these functions in analog hardware, and the design plan has been modified accordingly. (Author) AD-A035 275/7CP PC A08/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Laser Pointing and Tracking Using an Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter Master's thesis Zdzislaw H. Lewantowicz. Dec 76, 1 53p Rept no. GE/EE/76-29 Descriptors: "Laser tracking, "Laser weapons, "Kalman filtering, Adaptive systems, Laser beams, Conical scanning, Glint, Aiming, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Adaptive laser optics techniques, Theses, Adaptive filters. An adaptive extended Kalman filter (EKF) is used in an Adaptive Laser Optics Techniques (ALOT) control loop to track the glint from a spherical target. A fourfold improvement in tracking band- width is obtained over a conventional conical scan ALOT tracking loop implemented with the same hardware. The increase in tracking bandwidth is manifested in the ratio between the (conical scan) dither frequency and the tracking bandwidth which is 2.5:1 for the EKF and 10:1 for the conventional analog or digital glint tracking schemes. The EKF provides correct pointing error estimates over es- sentially the entire range of the pointing error, whereas in a conventional conical scan loop the demodulated error versus true pointing error func- tion is highly non-linear due to the noniinearity of the glint. AD-A035 758/2CP PC A02/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta Engineering Experi- ment Station Environment and Radar Operation Simulator Quarterly rept. no. 8, 1 Apr-30 Jun 76 S. N. Cole, and B. S. Rice. Sep 76, 21 p ECOM- 74-0272-8 Contract DAAB07-74-C-0272 Descriptors: "Radar target position simulators, "Simulators, "Radar cross sections, Environ- ments, Radar clutter, Errors, Digital filters, Simula- tion, Synthesis, Computer program documenta- tion, Algorithms, Computer programs. Identifiers: Environment and radar operation simu- lator, EROS(Environment and Radar Operation Simulator), Computer software. This report summarizes activities during the eighth quarter of a program sponsored by the U. S. Army Electronics Command (ECOM), directed toward the design of an Environment and Radar Oper- ation Simulator (EROS). In addition some of the 14 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES analysis results and design decisions are de- scribed in detail. Algorithms for estimating the mean and variance of the filter outputs is de- scribed. The estimation takes into account the ef- fects of multiplier truncation errors. The mean and variance are expressed in terms of the radar cross sections of the fixed and moving portions of simu- lated clutter, and the spectral parameters of the filter therefore impose limits on the magnitude of radar cross section that can be simulated. Tabulat- ed results are presented. (Author) AD-A035 765/7CP PC A03/MF A01 Institute for Defense Analyses Arlington Va Sci- ence and Technology Div Atmospheric Transmission Modeling: Pro- posed Aerosol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base Final rept. Robert E. Roberts. Dec 76, 32p P-1225, IDA/ HQ-76-18603 Contract DAHC15-73-C-0200 Descriptors: * Light transmission, * Atmosphere models, 'Aerosols, 'Infrared radiation, 'Infrared detectors, Infrared images, Extinction, Coeffi- cients, Mie scattering, Particle size, Electrooptics, Meteorological data, Visibility, Models, Computer- ized simulation, Data bases. Identifiers: LOWTRAN Computer programs, At- mospheric windows, Meteorological instruments, Air pollution detection, Remote sensing, Optical measurement. Using Mie calculations for a wide variety of meas- ured and assumed particle size distributions, a strong relationship between the total volume con- tent of the particulate along the transmission path and the aerosol extinction coefficient was estab- lished. Field measurements, such as those taken at Grafenwoehr, Federal Republic of Germany, fur- ther established the validity of this relationship. Both theory and experiment suggest that a pheno- menological scaling of photopic transmission (re- lated to normal meteorological visibility) to the in- frared (IR) windows is possible which furthermore is independent of the structure or shape of the par- ticle size distribution. A second important implica- tion is that a simple, possibly remote measurement of a quantity related to the volume or mass of the aerosol could provide a direct measure of the IR transmission (an IR visibility meter). Such a routine meteorological measurement would clearly be of use to sensor performance modeling. (Author) AD-A035 850/7CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Prediction of the Far-Field Beam Pattern of a Random Noise Source from Measurements Made in the Near-Field Master's thesis Jorge Trelles Sanchez. Dec 76, 54p Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Sonar signals, •Acoustic signatures. Near field, Far field, Comput- er programs, Mathematical models, Antisubmarine warfare, Partial differential equations, Numerical integration, Theses. A theory is presented for computing the far field beam patterns from distributed random noise sources. The theoretical mode! uses the Green's Function for the wave equation and the space-time autocorrelation function for determining the radi- ation from a randomly vibrating area. The actual far field beam pattern of a horn speaker in an ane- choic chamber was obtained, and also near field measurements were taken to obtain the correla- tion distance and the mean square of the particle velocity using the autocorrelation function. Finally a computer program was written to evaluate the integral wave equation by numerical methods. It was found that the critical parameters in the math- ematical model were the correlation distance and the frequency limits of integration. Small variations in the correlation distance modified greatly the width of the predicted beam pattern, while changes in the limits of integration had a moderate effect. The Frequency Spectrum was obtained in the anechoic chamber and it was used to deter- mine the limits of integration of the integral solution for the intensity field. AD-A036 539/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Undersea Center San Diego Calif LORA: A Model for Predicting the Performance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems Final rept. 1972-1976 D. W. Hoffman. Dec 76, 125p Rept no. NUC-TP- 541 Descriptors: 'Active sonar, 'Computer programs, 'Sound transmission, 'Underwater sound, Long range(Distance), Performance(Engineering), Pre- dictions, Propagation, Losses, Reverberation, Ray tracing, Convergence Zone, Bottom bounce. Identifiers: LORA computer program, UNIVAC 11 10 computers. LORA is a model developed to predict the perform- ance of long-range active sonar systems. The sup- porting computer program uses 3-8 cpu seconds per run on the UNIVAC 1110 computer and re- quires 38,000 words of core storage. The perform- ance prediction model comprises models that esti- mate propagation loss, reverberation level, and probability of detection. The propagation loss models are (1) empirical equations (modified AMOS) for near-surface ducts and (2) ray theory (Pedersen and Gordon) for direct-path, bottom- bounce, and convergence-zone sound propaga- tion. The sound-speed profile is corrected for earth curvature, but is otherwise constant with range. Models for estimating reverberation use ray tracing to the centers of backscattering areas and vol- umes. The surface backscattering strength is ob- tained by using the Chapman-Harris equations, Eckart's equations, and Richter's data. The bottom backscattering strength uses equations derived from Lambert's Law and Schmidt's data. The volume backscattering strength is represented as column backscattering strength. Five probability- of-detection models are derived for various as- sumptions for signal distortion and detector char- acteristics. LORA features target doppler correc- tions for reverberation levels; multi-ping reverbera- tion calculations; optional passive coherent and in- coherent propagation loss outputs; and multiple bottom-bounce and multiple convergence-zone calculations. (Author) AD-A036 909/OCP PC A04/MF A01 IIT Research Inst Chicago III Battlefield Related Electronic Warfare Simula- tion (BREWS) Quarterly rept. no. 1 , Jul-Sep 76 Louis A. C. Barbarek, and Owen J. Viergutz. Feb 77, 54p IITRI-J6385, ECOM-76-1 955-1 Contract DAAB07-76-C-1955 Descriptors: 'Guided missile countermeasures, 'Electronic countermeasures, 'War games, Ter- rain, Battlefields, Simulation, Electronic warfare, Armored vehicles, Antitank ammunition, USSR, Smoke, Guided missiles. Identifiers: BREWS computer program, Scenarios, M-60A1 tanks. Results of the effort to modify BREACH, an exist- ing battlefield simulation model to evaluate anti- tank guided missile electronic countermeasures (ATGM-ECM) are documented. The modified model is named BREWS and is a high-resolution company-level model formulated to evaluate elec- tronic warfare (EW) hardware in a battlefield envi- ronment. Included in the simulation are detailed terrain modeling including rolling hills and vegeta- tion; armor vehicles including Soviet and United States tanks, armored personnel carriers, and anti- tank guided missile launchers; various United States tank EW hardware systems to detect and counter Soviet antitank guided missiles. Gaming rules have been devised to allow realistic engage- ments based on target detection criteria, probabil- ity of hit, kill, and damage assessment, and realis- tic countermeasures development for an interac- tive free play by Red and Blue Forces. The model is designed as an interactive war game for use with the UNIVAC 1 108 computer. In addition to running interactively it is also used in batch mode for sys- tems analyses. The model occupies approximately 75K decimal words of core overlayed eight times and utilizes 20 read and write files. (Author) AD-A036 973/6CP PC A16/MF A01 General Dynamics/Pomona Calif Pomona Div TAGSEA Program. Volume III. Supportive Anal- yses and Outputs Final rept. 27 Aug 76, 360 Contract N00017-73-C-2244 Prepared in cooperation with Raytheon Co., Bed- ford, Mass. Missile Systems Div., Rept. no. BR- 9254-3. See also Volume 4, AD-A036 974. Descriptors: 'Radar clutter, 'Sea clutter, 'Termi- nal guidance, 'Data processing, Environments, Simulation, Computer program documentation, Computer programs, Autocorrelation, Subroutines, Radar antennas, Output, Histograms. Identifiers: TAGSEA project, Computer software. Contents: Supportive Analysis; Outputs-Special Analysis; Environmental Conditions; Data Analysis Software; Simulation Software; and Simulation Outputs. AD-A037 136/9CP PC A06/MF A01 Pattern Analysis and Recognition Corp Rome N Y Processing of FLIR Data on Dicifer Final technical rept. Jul 75-Jun 76 Dennis J. Lucey, George E. Forsen, and Michael J. Zoracki. Jul 76, 103p Rept no. PAR-76-26 Contract DAAG53-75-C-0277 Descriptors: 'Image processing, 'Infrared images, 'Forward looking infrared systems, Digital sys- tems. Automatic, Pattern recognition, Target de- tection, Cueing. Identifiers: Dicifer computer program, 'Infrared de- tection. This effort has investigated the extent to which automatic tactical target cueing on selected FLIR (forward-looking infrared) imagery can be accom- plished using digital image processing and auto- matic pattern recognition techniques. The DI- CIFER (Digital Interactive Complex for Image Fea- ture Extraction and Recognition) system was uti- lized to analyze FLIR image data for the U.S. Army Night Vision Laboratory (NVL). DICIFER is a gen- eral purpose R and D tool developed by Pattern Analysis and Recognition (PAR) Corporation for Rome Air Development Center (RADC) Intelli- gence and Reconnaissance Division (IR). A digital process for automatic detection of tactical targets in FLIR images was designed and tested. The total process included noise removal and contrast en- hancement preprocessing; gradient edge detec- tion and boundary chain encoding; and the design of Boolean classification logic. The classification logic was applied against a test set of 34 images. The probability of detection achieved was 88% (38 of 43 targets detected). (Author) AD-A037 244/1CP PC A08/MF A01 Environmental Research Inst of Michigan Ann Arbor Infrared and Optics Div Study of a Seismic Mortar Location Technique Final rept. 26 Nov 73-15 Dec 75 Fred J. Tanis. Jan 76, 152p Rept no. ERIM- 106800-6-F Contract N00123-74-C-0761 Descriptors: 'Mortars, 'Seismic detection, Seismic signatures, Rayleigh waves, Position finding, Accu- racy, Band pass filters, Algorithms, Kalman filter- ing, Computer programs, Lightweight, Manportable equipment, Field tests. Identifiers: Ordnance detectors, Ground based de- tectors. A light weight, man packed seismic system has been investigated as a means for hostile mortar location. Developed location algorithms, utilizing seismic signals from both hostile and directed fire, were evaluated against field measurement data which simulated battlefield conditions. (Author) AD-A037 385/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Remtech Inc Huntsville Ala A Computer Program for the Prediction of Ra- diation from Rocket Exhaust Plumes. Volume I John E. Reardon. 31 May 73, 95p Rept no. RTR- 013-1-VoM Contract DAAH01-73-C-0252 15 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Descriptors: 'Exhaust plumes, "Rocket exhaust, •Infrared signatures, Computer programs, In- frared radiation, Water vapor, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Hydrogen chloride, Hydrogen fluoride, Absorption, Coefficients, Computerized simulation, Mathematical models. Identifiers: Exhaust gases. This report describes a program for predicting in- frared radiation from rocket exhaust gases to a point using a statistical band model with a waven- umber interval of 1/25 cm. Absorption coefficient data for water vapor, carbon dioxide, carbon mon- oxide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, and soot (carbon particles) are included in the program data statements. Provision has been made for the future addition of one additional radiating species. Input for the program is gas property data (tem- perature, pressure, and constituent mole fractions) in either an axisymmetric or three-dimensional cy- lindrical coordinate system. The program can inte- grate the radiation from the gas to a point to pro- vide overall radiation as well as spectral distribu- tion of radiation at intervals of 1 /25 cm. In addition, detailed optical data can be provided at each spectral interval when only a single line of sight through the gas is considered. (Author) AD-A038 134/3CP PC A07/MF A01 Pattern Analysis and Recognition Corp Rome N Y Real Time Adaptive Tracking System for the Coelostat Optical Tracking Mount Final technical rept. Jan-Nov 76 Ranjan V. Sonalkar, Roger L. Dygert, and Probal K. Sanyal. Feb 77, 130p PAR-76-32, RADC-TR- 77-67 Contract F30602-75-C-0144 Descriptors: 'Optical tracking, 'Satellite tracking systems, *Star trackers, *Coelostats, Kalman fil- tering, Real time, Computer programs, Computer program documentation, Passive systems, User needs, Programming manuals, Line of sight, For- tran, Perturbations, Flow charting, Subroutines, Adaptive systems. Identifiers: Computer software, Fortran 5 program- ming language. The overall system developed, consists of pro- grams for tracking stars and satellites. The star tracking routine requires current values of right as- cension and declination of the star to be tracked and may also be used for short time tracking of planets, if so desired. There are two separate sys- tems for tracking satellites. In the absence of any satellite differential position measuring equipment, Simplified Generalized Perturbation theory is used to predict satellite position. Using NORAD satellite card parameters and a timing input, the program is sequenced to compute the satellite's direction and outputs these angles to the mount servo systems. In the second system a computer-TV interface was fabricated to measure the satellite differential posi- tion after obtaining it in the field of view. This meas- ured position is fed back to the computer, which, in turn, uses that as observed error data for a Kalman filter. The filter calculates updated parameters while tracking the satellite position as a function of time. The report includes a detailed technical de- scription, program documentation, and a system user's manual. AD-A038 135/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Gte Sylvania Inc Mountain View Calif Electronic Systems Group-Western Div Advanced Array Design, Test and Evaluation Final technical rept. 1 May 74-30 Jun 76 James E. Rice, Jr. Jan 77, 152p RADC-TR-77-25 Contract F30602-74-C-0252, F30602-75-C-0287 Descriptors: * Radar antennas, * Planar structures, "Antenna arrays, Computer programs, High fre- quency, Frequency modulation, Continuous wave radar, Backscattering, Over the horizon detection. Identifiers: * Planar arrays, Low sidelobe arrays. From 1 May 1974 to 30 June 1976, GTE Sylvania, Incorporated, Electronic Systems Group-Western Division, provided engineering field services in support of the RADC experimental HF FM/CW backscatter system at Dexter, New York. These services were primarily concerned with the design and development of a low side-lobe planar array, computer control of system parameters, and pre- diction of performance from precision measure- ments. This report discusses and details these ef- forts. (Author) AD-A038 160/8CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Sea Systems Command Washington D C A Methodology for the Comparison of Models for Sonar System Applications. Volume I Richard B. Lauer, and Bernard Sussman. 9 Dec 76, 149p Rept no. NAVSEA-06H1/036-EVA/ MOST-10 Descriptors: *Sonar, 'Computer programs, Under- water acoustics, Transmission loss, Models, Re- verberation, Ambient noise, Memory devices, Time, Accuracy, Standards, Panel(Committee), Comparison. A methodology is presented for making an opti- mum choice from several candidate models for a specific application. This is accomplished by pro- viding information on several factors: accuracy, computer running time, computer storage required, ease of implementation, complexity of program ex- ecution, and available ancillary outputs. The as- sessment of accuracy is performed by means of quantitative comparisons with a standard. The method consists of obtaining differences between means of two data sets as a function of the inde- pendent variable, followed by assigning numerical weighting factors to statistical measures of the dif- ferences. In order to illustrate the application of this method, comparisons are made of six trans- mission loss models available at the Naval Under- water Systems Center at this writing. The models are compared with one another with respect to the parameters given above, and the predictions are compared with a set of PARKA data for accuracy. In this process, numerical rankings are assigned to the models. However, this is done solely for the purpose of illustrating the method, and is not meant as an endorsement of any model. The methodology is in a state of evolution, and the final version may differ in detail from the one presented in this report. (Author) AD-A038 186/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Oklahoma State Univ Stillwater School of Me- chanical and Aerospace Engineering Techniques and Analysis of Thermal Infrared Camouflage in Foliated Backgrounds Final rept. 6 Apr 76-6 Jun 77 J. A. Wiebelt, and J. B. Henderson. 6 Jan 77, 69p Contract DAAG53-76-C-0134 Descriptors: "Infrared countermeasures, "Camou- flage, "Infrared signatures, Foliage, Solar radi- ation, Temperature, Background, Subroutines, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Infrared camouflage, Military targets. The objective of this effort was to investigate ther- mal infrared (3-5 micrometers and 8-14 microme- ters) camouflage measures for military targets in foliated backgrounds. Common lightweight materi- als were considered as the possible emulators of the foliated backgrounds. These materials were considered to be cloth like material with very low thermal inertia. Since the thermal infrared camou- flage problem exists throughout the day, the in- frared signature was considered for the emulator and the foliage during the entire day. Both analyt- ical and experimental evaluation of the foliage sig- nature and analytical evaluation of a proposed emulator were examined. AD-A038 350/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Hughes Aircraft Co Culver City Calif Antenna Dept Conformal Phased Array Breadboard Final rept. Peter C. Bargeliotes, A. F. Seaton, Alfred T. Villeneuve, and Wolfgang H. Kummer. Jan 77, 80p Rept nos. 2753/981, HAC-Ref-D61 90 Contract N00019-76-C-0495 Descriptors: "Phased arrays, "Slot antennas, "Conformal structures, "Radar antennas, "Conical antennas, Phase shift circuits, Antenna radiation patterns, X band, Admittance, Coupling/interaction), Guided missile antennas, Computer programs. Flush mounted slot antenna systems on metallic cones or ogival surfaces can be inertialessly scanned in the required direction. Since scanning over a wide angular region is generally desired, the radiation characteristics, including the effect of mutual coupling on the radiating elements, must be investigated before the more detailed system aspects are considered. To this end, various ap- proximation techniques have been examined for use in pattern calculations and in impedance cal- culations. These include the approximate asymp- totic approach and the equivalence principle tech- nique. The approximation techniques provide sim- plified computations as compared with the exact technique, and are not applicable to all conditions. A combination of exact and approximation tech- niques is generally required to design or analyze an array. The approximate asymptotic approach, which allows the separation of the diffracted field and geometrical optics fields, has been examined in detail. It appears that the asymptotic representa- tion of the Legendre function chosen for the analy- sis leads to divergent expressions as the mode number m is increased, and hence limits the use- fulness of the asymptotic approach in the present problem. The divergent nature of the asymptotic expression is verified by computed radiation pat- terns of several azimuthal modes. A computer pro- gram is being developed to apply the equivalence principle technique to a conical surface. AD-A038 772/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Development of a Flexural Disk Transducer for Acoustic Tracking of Underwater Vehicles Master's thesis Omer Sevdik. Dec 76, 67p Descriptors: "Sonar transducers, "Underwater tracking, Hydrodynamics, Underwater vehicles, Disks, Broadband, Damping, Water, Low frequen- cy, Fluid flow, Computer programs, Admittance, Theses. Identifiers: Loading(Acoustics). A high frequency, broad-band transducer which has a broad radiation pattern in a half space is re- quired for acoustic tracking of underwater vehi- cles. Two models of a flexural disk transducer, were built and tested. It was found that the radi- ation loading in water completely damps the re- sonances due to standing flexural waves and the radiation appears to be due entirely to flexural waves propagating in the disk. Broad-band radi- ation patterns and broad bandwidth (60-80 kHz) were obtained. The discrepancies between theory and experiment are attributed in part to violation of the thin plate assumptions and to lack of knowl- edge of the actual velocity distributions. This ap- proach offers promise for achieving the desired broad beam widths. However, additional develop- ment work is needed to obtain a transducer which has the curved face necessary for smooth hydro- dynamic flow. (Author) AD-A038 777/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System Master's thesis Benjamin E. Julian. Dec 76, 66p Descriptors: "Distance measuring equipment, "Kalman filtering, "Data processing, "Position lo- cation reporting system, Recording systems, Arrays, Interrogators, Digital computers, Hydro- phones, Computer programs. Acoustic tracking, Underwater tracking, Theses, Flow charting. Identifiers: "Autotape system, Responders. The Kalman Filter is implemented to process range data output from the Cubic Model 40 Auto- tape system, a surface position locating system currently employed on the underwater tracking ranges at Dabob Bay and Nanoose. Results are presented for different measurement noise and forcing function noise statistics. (Author) 16 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES AD-A038 891/8CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Sea Systems Command Washington D C NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 3 Final rept. 1 Dec 75, 129p Rept no. NAVSEA-06H 1/036- EVA/MOST-4 Prepared in cooperation with the NAVDAB Steer- ing Group. See also Volume 4, AD-A038 892. Descriptors: "Underwater acoustics, "Sonar, "Data banks, "Acoustic data, Ocean environ- ments. Computer programs, Background noise. Identifiers: Most-4 project. The Naval Sea Systems Command Ocean Envi- ronmental Acoustic Data Bank (NAVDAB) was es- tablished to provide a data base of underwater acoustic and associated environmental data. This document provides detailed information on the creation phase computer programs. (Author) AD-A038 892/6CP PC A08/MF A01 Naval Sea Systems Command Washington D C NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 4 Final rept. 1 Dec 75, 162p Rept no. N AVSEA-06H 1/036- EVA/MOST-5 Prepared in cooperation with the NAVDAB Steer- ing Group. See also Volume 5, AD-A021 840. Descriptors: "Underwater acoustics, "Sonar, "Data banks, "Acoustic data, Ocean environ- ments, Computer programs, Background noise. Identifiers: Most-5 project. The Naval Sea Systems Command Ocean Envi- ronmental Acoustic Data Bank (NAVDAB) was es- tablished to provide a data base of underwater acoustic and associated environmental data. This document provides detailed information on the re- trieval phase computer programs. (Author) AD-A039 308/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Systems Consultants Inc Washington D C Analysis of Surface IR Decoy Placement for Antiship Missile Defense. Volume I. Study Methodology Final rept. 15 Apr 76-15 Feb 77 S. C. Schiff. 6 May 77, 60p Rept no. SCI-6126- 006/1 Contract N00039-76-C-0296 Continuation of contract no. N60921-75-C-0237. See also Volume 2, AD-C009 960. Descriptors: "Infrared decoys, "Infrared counter- measures, "Antiship missiles, "Ship defense sys- tems, "Guided missile countermeasures, Comput- erized simulation, Mathematical models, Computer programs. The placement efficacy of surface-borne infrared decoy systems for countering antiship missiles em- ploying the pushbroom scan mechanism have been analysed by means of digital simulation tech- niques. The study report has been published in two parts; this one describes the simulations in terms of mathematical models, evaluation criteria and software. The second part of the report includes the results of an analysis for six missile variants. (Author) AD-A039 322/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System Master's thesis Benjamin E. Julian. Dec 76, 66p Descriptors: "Distance measuring equipment, "Kalman filtering, "Underwater tracking, Range(Distance), Data displays, Data processing, Position(Location), Hydrophones, Interrogators, Arrays, Digital computers, Theses, Flow charting, Data reduction, Computer programs. Identifiers: Responders. The Kalman Filter is implemented to process range data output Irom the Cubic Model 40 Auto- tape system, a surface position locating system currently employed on the underwater tracking ranges at Dabob Bay and Nanoose. Results are presented for different measurement noise and forcing function noise statistics. (Author) AD-A039 535/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Radiation Research Associates Inc Fort Worth Tex Solar Infrared Reflection and Infrared Emis- sion from a Dust Loaded Cloud Topical rept. M. B. Wells. 6 May 77, 28p RRA-M7701, AFTAC- TR-77-14 Presented at the Annual Satellite Diagnostic Work- ing Group Meeting, Patrick AFB, Fla., 8-10 Feb 77. Descriptors: "Infrared detection, "Dust clouds, Dust, Deserts, Airborne, Saharan Africa, Solar ra- diation, Reflection, Reflectivity, Load distribution, Cumulus clouds, Scattering, Detectors, Scientific satellites, Detection, Altitude, Monte Carlo method, Computations, Blackbody radiation, Com- puter programs, Atmospheres, Emission. Identifiers: Meteorological instruments. This paper presents the results of Monte Carlo cal- culations of reflected sunlight and air emission in the 2.653 micrometers to 2.760 micrometers wa- velength band for satellite-based detectors view- ing a cumulus cloud loaded with various amounts of Sahara dust positioned between 14 and 15 km altitude. The results of the calculations showed that the presence of a dust loading of .00005 cu. cm. of Sahara dust per m cubic meter of the cloud probably cannot be detected at that wavelength. Increasing the dust loading to the cloud by a factor of 1 00 or more gave results that indicated that the presence of the dust could be determined by the use of reflected sunlight in the 2.7 micrometers wavelength band. Mie calculations for both the cloud and Sahara dust indicates that the best wa- velength for detection of the air emission would be wavelengths near 10 micrometers. Additional cal- culations are in progress for other wavelengths in the 2 micrometers to 1 5 micrometers wavelength range. AD-A039 552/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Navy Electronics Lab San Diego Calif Cluster Parameter Analysis Systems Technical memo. W. J. Wilsterman, Jr. 28 Jul 66, 46p Rept no. NEL-TM-964 Descriptors: "Sonar, "Computer programs, Sonar echoes, Sonar targets, Target discrimination, Target classification, Digital computers. Identifiers: Most project-3, Cluster parameter anal- ysis. This memorandum is the documentation on a set of digital computer programs which are called Cluster Parameter Analysis Systems. The purpose of these programs is to research the possibility of using techniques in sonar research programming to distinguish target data from non-target data other than the techniques which are now in use. The data used in developing these program analy- sis systems was initially collected at sea by the LORAD system. The LORAD system described in NEL Report 1060 is primarily an active sonar system. (However, results of this study may find application in the general area of computer-aided detection of sonar echoes.) The cluster herein re- ferred to consist of sets of two or more acoustic data words and are caused by sonar echoes from targets or by target-like echo events. AD-A039 648/1CP PC A03/MF A01 Army Missile Research and Development Com- mand Redstone Arsenal Ala Advanced Sensors Directorate PPABLK-A Computer Simulation of the Veloc- ity Response of Moving-Target Indicator Radars Using Pulse or Block Stagger Technical rept. Ronald C. Houts. 1 Feb 77, 39p Rept no. DRDMI-TE-77-1 Descriptors: "Radar, "Moving target indicators, "Computer programs, Radar signals, Doppler effect, Signal processing, Velocity, Response, Computerized simulation. Identifiers: PPABLK computer program. The program PPABLK is designed to analyze the velocity response of a moving-target indicator radar processor. The processor consists of identi- cal in-phase and quadrature N sub m-tap transver- sal filters, whose outputs are combined as the square-root of the sum of squares. The incoming pulse train consists of N sub t pulses per beam position structured in N sub b blocks of N sub P (=N sub t/N sub b) pulses/block. The individual interpulse spacings can be staggered and a new set of N sub m tap gains, interpulse spacings, and transmitter frequency can be assigned to each block. The program can be used to simulate pro- cessors with moving-window filters (N sub P > N sub m) or fixed-window (N sub P = N sub n) filters and N sub b (N sub P - N sub n+1) successive outputs are added in a integrator. The processor amplitude response as a function of target velocity is computed and displayed using either a graphic terminal or line printer. Output data, in addition to a velocity response, includes a histogram of the am- plitude response over a user-specified range of target velocities and a tabulation of the improve- ment factor, i.e., ratio of signal-to-clutter power ratios before and after filtering, as a function of the standard deviation of the Gaussian clutter power- density spectrum. (Author) AD-A039 696/OCP PC A10/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Model for Predicting Laser Speckle Patterns Resulting from Rough Surface Scattering Msstsr's thesis William E. Landis. Mar 77, 201 p Rept no. AFIT/ GEO/EE/77-1 Descriptors: "Laser tracking, "Laser beams, "Computer programs, Aiming, Scattering, Surface roughness, Propagation, Reflection, Diffraction, Fourier analysis, Fourier transformation, Three di- mensional, Focusing, Laser Weapons. Identifiers: Speckle patterns. The Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL/ALO) expressed a need to know what characteristics of reflected laser radiation could effect the operation of the Adaptive Laser Optical Techniques (ALOT) tracking and pointing system. Because the radi- ation that is used for tracking is reflected from rough surfaces, the far field intensity pattern has a complex distribution of irradiance. This complex distribution of irradiance is called speckel. A com- puter model to calculate and plot laser speckle patterns was developed and tested. AD-A039 963/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass Special - Purpose Processors for Surveillance Radar Applications Technical rept. R. W. Jacobus, and V. Kross. May 77, 84p MTR- 3365, ESD-TR-77-127 Contract F1 9628-76-C-0001 Descriptors: "Search radar, "Track while scan, "Microprocessors, "Data processing, Computer applications, Radar targets, Air defense, Low costs, Real time, Life cycle costs, Digital comput- ers, Radar tracking, Computer program documen- tation, Memory devices, Data rate, Transforma- tions. Identifiers: Special purpose processors, Satellite data processors, Radar networks. Many track-while-scan surveillance systems utilize a large central computer to correlate the incoming sensor data with established tracks on targets of interest. These correlations must be done in near- real time at a high data rate and often consume a substantial fraction of the computer's CPU capac- ity; as a consequence, both the computer hard- ware and its software are expensive. Using the Joint Surveillance System (JSS), a radar network for continental air defense as a specific example, a special-purpose processor is described. It can be connected as a satellite to virtually any computer and can relieve the computer of the coordinate- conversion and track-correlation burden. The 17 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES impact of the processor on reducing the hardware and software costs of the overall system is dis- cussed. (Author) AD-A040 081/2CP MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Method for Computing Vertical-Plane Cover- age Diagrams for Frequency Agile Pulse Radar Systems Final rept. W. H. Harper, and P. N. Marinos. Apr 77, 51 p Rept no. NRL-MR-3475 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Radar pulses, 'Frequency agility, 'Computer programs, Radar targets, Mathemat- ical models. A method for obtaining computer plots of vertical- plane coverage diagrams (i.e., range-height-angle charts) for frequency agile pulse radar systems is presented. The approach is based on well-known monochromatic radar detection calculations which are here extended to cover the frequency agile case. (Author) AD-A040 301/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Teledyne Geotech Alexandria Va Seismic Data Analysis Center Seismic Data Analysis Center Final techical rept. Royal A. Hartenberger. 1 Nov 76, 54p Rept no. SDAC-TR-76-13 Contract F08606-76-C-0004, ARPA Order-1620 Descriptors: 'Seismic data, 'Seismic arrays, 'Seismic detection, 'Underground explosions, Networks, Seismological stations, Seismic signa- tures, Earthquakes, Nuclear explosions, Batch processing, Rayleign waves, Epicenters, Comput- er programs, Real time, Information retrieval, Norway, Alaska, China, Kamchatka Peninsula, United States. Identifiers: 'Vela Uniform, Tibet(China), Seismic discrimination. The Alexandria Laboratories Division of Teledyne Geotech operated the Seismic Data Analysis Center (SDAC) during the fifteen (1 5) month period beginning 1 July 1975 and ending 30 September 1976. The objectives of the work were (1) to oper- ate, program, and maintain real-time and batch processors; (2) to provide services to other gov- ernment agencies and VELA participants; (3) to conduct research in seismology; and (4) to devel- op systems to control and process seismic infor- amtion generated by remote stations in the Ex- panded VELA Seismic Network. Scientists com- pleted 18 technical reports, 10 technical memo- randa and two special reports on various subjects in seismology. The more important scientific re- sults produced by these studies are: the determi- nation that the Norwegian Seismic Array contains many redundant sensors; the conclusion that the difference between magnitude based on S waves and magnitude based on Rayleigh waves is a dis- criminant between worldwide earthquakes and un- derground explosions at NTS and Amchitka; the confirmation that the Ms versus mb source dis- criminant fails for certain earthquakes in Tibet; the observation that both simple and complex earth- quakes originate within small areas on the Kam- chatka Penninsula; the hypothesis that differences in attenuation account for the differences in tele- seismic event magnitude observed in the western and eastern United States and a study which sup- ports the hypothesis using data from several un- derground nuclear explosions. In the area of net- work development, a new software system was in- stalled which detects amplitudes above a pre- scribed level on seismograms recorded by the VELA network. AD-A040 537/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Chemistry and Physics Lab Description and Use of the Plume Radiation Code ATLES Interim rept. Stephen J. Young. 13 May 77, 98p TR- 0077(2753-04)-3, SAMSO-TR-77-100 Contract F04701-76-C-0077, DARPA Order-2843 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Infrared signa- tures, 'Exhaust plumes, Computer applications, Rocket exhaust, Infrared radiation, Guided mis- siles, Jet aircraft, Computerized simulation, Attenu- ation, Subroutines. Identifiers: Atles computer program. The computer code ATLES is designed to com- pute the infrared radiance signatures of missile and aircraft exhaust plumes with allowance for at- tenuation by arbitrary atmospheric slant paths. The code is significantly improved over existing radi- ation codes through the use of newly developed band radiation formulations for nonuniform optical paths and the use of temperature-consistent band model parameters. Descriptions of the radiation formulation and some of the significant computa- tional routines are presented. The latter include the geometry of intersection between an arbitrary line of sight through the atmosphere and a plume contained within a paraboloid control volume. De- tailed instructions on the preparation of input data are presented, and use of the code is illustrated by an application to a jet-aircraft plume. (Author) AD-A040 839/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Army Missile Research and Development Com- mand Redstone Arsenal Ala Advanced Sensors Directorate Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Targets and Backgrounds for Infrared Seekers Technical rept. Gene E. Gowins, and H. Tracy Jackson. Apr 77, 83p Rept no. DRDMI-TE-77-7 Descriptors: 'Inarared signatures, 'Target signa- tures, 'Infrared homing, Infrared images, Clutter, Passive systems, Ground vehicles, DAta acquisi- tion, Homing devices, Mathematical models, Com- puter programs, Background radiation. Identifiers: Forward looking infrared, Computer graphics, Digital systems, Infrared detection. This report is the first of an anticipated series of progress reports on target/background modeling related to the US Army Missile Research and De- velopment Command's Ground Target Signature Program. This report contains a mathematical model of the data collection system and a generic class of seekers, plus general purpose digital com- puter models capable of analyzing raw thermal im- agery of target-clutter data. The computer program methodology and algorithm flow require the AGA Thermovision information in a discrete input format. Furthermore, the computer programs output results in a three dimensional plot of in- frared intensity as a function of aspect angle for every object in each Thermovision data frame. A two-dimensional matrix is generated to represent infrared intensity as a function of position for 1 0,000 data points on each Thermovision picture. A computer generated interactive graphics plot of objects grouped by intensity produces a histogram distribution for each Thermovision data frame. Such a histogram may be used to assess the feasi- bility of automatic target cueing technology in de- tecting and recognizing tactical targets in forward looking infrared imagery. (Author) AD-A041 195/9CP PC A08/MF A01 Raytheon Co Sudbury Mass Equipment Div Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Interface Adapter. Volume I Equipment Information rept. Peter C. Dunham, William Solimeno, Alfred Bordogna, and Charles Smith. 30 Jan 75, 1 57p Rept no. ER75-4084-1 Contract F19628-73-C-0279 See also Volume 2, AD-A041 196. Descriptors: 'Meteorological radar, 'Data proc- essing equipment, 'Weather forecasting, 'Mini- computers, 'Display systems, Computer pro- grams, Interfaces, Adapters, Meteorological data, Data displays, Resolution, Colors. This report presents the final configuration of hard- ware and software. It provides all data necessary to maintain the equipment. It contains theory of op- eration, functional descriptions, schematics, and part specifications. (Author) AD-A041 196/7CP PC A02/MF A01 Raytheon Co Sudbury Mass Equipment Div Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Interface Adapter. Volume II Equipment information rept. Peter C. Dunham, William Solimeno, Alfred Bordogna, and Charles Smith. 30 Jan 75, 24p Rept no. ER75-4084-2 Contract F1 9628-73-C-0279 See also Volume 1 , AD-A041 195. Descriptors: 'Meteorological radar, 'Data proc- essing equipment, 'Weather forecasting, 'Mini- computers, 'Display systems, Real time, On line systems, Computer programs, Interfaces, Adapt- ers, Meteorological data, Data displays, Resolu- tion, Colors. This report contains the information necessary to operate the Weather Radar Processor and Display Equipment. (Author) AD-A041 906/9CP PC A02/MF A01 Maryland Univ College Park Computer Science Center Algorithms and Hardware Technology for Image Recognition Semi-Annual rept. no. 2, 1 Nov 76-30 Apr 77 Azriel Rosenfeld, and David L. Milgram. 30 Apr 77, 20p Contract DAAG53-76-C-0138, ARPA Order-3206 Prepared in cooperation with Westinghouse De- fense and Electronic Systems Center, Baltimore, Md. Systems Development Div. Descriptors: 'Image processing, 'Forward looking infrared systems, Algorithms, Pattern recognition, Signal to noise ratio, Target discrimination, Com- puter programs. Image models have been developed to propose thresholds, classify pixels and predict operator re- sponse to both signal and noise. A comprehensive approach to target cueing in FLIR imagery has been developed, based on simple but powerful heuristics. 'Superslice', the algorithm embodying this approach, has been tested on two data bases and has successfully extracted object regions while accepting few noise regions. The target re- gions are discriminable from noise; however, they are difficult to identify reliably as to type. AD-A042 138/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Systems Consultants Inc Washington D C Analysis of SRBOC Worldwide Chaff Cartridge Provisioning Requirements. Volume I. RF Decoy Placement Simulation (RFDPS) Descrip- tion and Use Technical rept. S. C. Schiff. 8 Jun 77, 45p Rept no. SCI-6165- 77-006-VoM Contract N60921 -77-C-0089 Descriptors: 'Antimissile defense systems, 'Chaff dispensers, 'Antiship missiles, 'Radar decoys, 'Ship defense systems, Computerized simulation, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Wind velocity, Wind direction. Chaff decoy placement and related antiship mis- sile defense problems have been analysed by means of digital simulation. This document de- scribes the simulations in terms of mathematical models, evaluation criteria and software. (Author) AD-A042 275/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Texas Instruments Inc Dallas Equipment Group Vela Network Evaluation and Automatic Proc- essing Research Final rept. 1 Jul 75-30 Oct 76 Lawrence S. Turnbull, Jr. 29 Oct 76, 47p Rept no. TI-ALEX(01)-FR-76-01 Contract F08606-76-C-0011, ARPA Order-2551 Descriptors: 'Seismic detection, 'Nuclear explo- sions, Seismic arrays, Matched filters, Adaptive systems, Iran, Global, Signal processing, Algo- rithms, Interactive graphics, Computer programs, Data processing. Identifiers: Vela uniform, 'Seismic data, 'Under- ground explosions, Korea, 'Seismic discrimina- tion, Beam forming. 18 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Work performed on Contract Number F08606-76- C-001 1 has been reported in detail in a series of ten technical reports. This final report summarizes the material covered in each of the technical re- ports and discussed the conclusions obtained. The four tasks in the program included the following: Evaluate available data from the Iranian Long Period Array (ILPA) and the Seisimic Research Ob- servatories (SRO), and evaluate the detection ca- pability of the Korean Seismic Research Station (KSRS) using an optimum seismic detector; Evalu- ate the detection capability of a global seismic net- work of arrays, and determine the effectivenesss of an adpative beamforming algorithm as a short- period (SP) detector applied to off-line beam SP KSRS data; Determine the improvements in long- period signal estimation by cascading previously developed techniques; and Evaluate the discrimi- nation capability of an expanded interactive graph- ics system for the PDP-1 5 computer. AD-A042 542/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Westinghouse Defense and Electronic Systems Center Baltimore Md Systems Development Div Evaluation of IR Countermeasures CH-47 (Chi- nook) Model Report 16 Oct 73, 75p Contract DAAJ01-72-C-0447 Descriptors: "Infrared countermeasures, 'Infrared signatures, 'Helicopters, 'Computer programs, 'Computerized simulation, Models, Army aircraft, Gas turbines, Gray scale, Airframes. Identifiers: H-47 helicopters, HIDE computer pro- gram. The HIDE model is a comprehensive computer program designed to simulate the infrared signa- tures of Army aircraft. Appendices are included which contain program elements and reference data. (Author) AD-A042 543/9CP MF A01 Westinghouse Defense and Electronic Systems Center Baltimore Md Systems Development Div Evaluation of IR Countermeasures OH-58 (Scout) Model Report 16 Oct 73, 69p Contract DAAJ01-72-C-0447 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Infrared countermeasures, 'Infrared signatures, 'Computerized simulation, 'Computer programs, 'Helicopters, Army aircraft, Airframes, Gas turbines. Identifiers: H-58 helicopters, HIDE computer pro- gram. The HIDE model is a comprehensive computer program designed to simulate the infrared signa- tures of Army aircraft. Appendices are included which contain program elements and reference data. (Author) AD-A042 624/7CP MF A01 Westinghouse Defense and Electronic Systems Center Baltimore Md HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emis- sion and Transmission Model Interim technical rept. 28 Mar 74, 224p Contract DAAJ01-72-C-0447 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: 'Light transmission, 'Atmosphere models, 'Infrared signatures, 'Exhaust gases, Background radiation, Computer programs, Con- trast, Suppression, Masking, Exhaust plumes, Ex- haust pipes, High temperature, Infrared detection, Range(Distance), Light scattering, Atmospheric physics, Water vapor, Carbon dioxide, Emission spectra, Infrared spectra, High resolution, Long path infrared equipment. Identifiers: "HIDE computer program, Rocket ex- haust, Infrared detection, Remote sensing, Atmos- pheric transmissivity, Atmospheric attenuation. This report describes the high resolution atmos- pheric transmission and exhaust gas emission models to be incorporated into the HIDE(Helicopter infrared detection estimate) com- puter model. HIDE is intended to predict the in- frared signature of suppressed aircraft. 'Sup- pressed', as used here, implies masking of all hot metal, diluting exhaust plume gases and reducing body contrast with the background. Attention must be applied to the entire spectrum of interest (1-16 microns) and over long paths (such as 40 air masses for a line of sight tangent to the horizon). This is because the signatures of self emitting sources are influenced by the relatively short inter- vening paths and generally dominate some spec- tral interval. The body contrast signature, however, is comprised from remote sources (i.e. sun, sky, albedo, etc.) which traverse long atmospheric paths to illuminate the target and this signal is con- trasted against a remote background (horizon, ter- rain, clouds, etc.) whose radiance has also been operated on by long path constituents. AD-A043 405/OCP PC A05/MF A01 General Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif Target Acquisition with FLIR and TV (A De- scription of Computer Codes IOTA and OBOE) Final rept. H. F. Gilmore, and A. D. Stathacopoulos. Sep 76, 79p Rept no. CR-1-732 Contract F33615-76-C-0116 Descriptors: 'Infrared detection, 'Television sys- tems, 'Target acquisition, 'Computer programs, 'Forward looking infrared systems, Surface tar- gets, Target recognition, Optical detection. Identifiers: IOTA computer program, OBOE com- puter program. The acquisition of ground targets by airborne ob- servers using FLIR or TV sensors involves a series of steps, one of which is the actual detection or recognition of the target on the display of the sensor. This process is represented by a computer program, IOTA (Infrared-Observer-Television Analysis), which contains a flexible, detailed model of the sensor system itself and which also provides for the representation of unaided visual target ac- quisition. IOTA contains a new formulation of the observer's response. This formulation, OBOE (Ob- server-Optical Equations, is described in detail and calculations made with it are compared with ex- perimental results and with other display-observer formulations. (Author) AD-A043 817/6CP PC A06/MF A01 Hughes Aircraft Co Fullerton Calif Software Memo for the Multimode Sonar Con- sole Display System. Volume I - Operational Programming 9 Aug 68, 113p Rept no. FR-68-1 1-653 Contract N00123-67-C-0833 Descriptors: 'Display systems, 'Consoles, 'Memory devices, Digital computers, Input output devices, Interfaces, Random access computer storage, Cathode ray tube screens, Symbols, Brightness, Computer programs, Active sonar, Passive sonar. Identifiers: MOST Project-3, UNIVAC 1230 com- puters. The Multi-Mode Sonar Console display-system consists of one to seven Multi-Mode Sonar Con- soles (MMSC's) and a single Passive Data Memory Unit (PDMU). The MMSC display system provides versatile display capability for computer- aided sonar systems. The MMSC's and PDMU will interface with either the militarized UNIVAC CP- 642B/USQ-20B or the UNIVAC 1230 computer. The MMSC display system does not interface di- rectly with the sonar sensor sub-system. All active and passive sonar data are assembled, formatted, and transmitted to the MMSC display-system by the computer. The design of the MMSC's will allow seven consoles or less to time-share a single, fast- interface, input/output channel of the computer. The PDMU operates on its own fast interface channel. AD-A044 126/1CP PC A05/MF A01 Army Missile Research and Development Com- mand Redstone Arsenal Ala Advanced Sensors Directorate Optical Contrast Variable Gate Centroid Track- er for the Intel 3000 Micro Processor Technical rept. S. Richard, and F. Sims. 17 Jun 77, 79p Rept no. DRDMI-TE-77-13 Descriptors: 'Optical tracking, 'Computer applica- tions, Gates(Circuits), Control systems, Contrast, Center of gravity, Microprocessors, Machine coding, Charge coupled devices, Flow charting, Computer programs. Identifiers: lntel-3000 computers. This report presents a description of the optical contrast variable gate centroid tracker. Tracking flow charts and computer listings are also present- ed. (Author) AD-A044 585/8CP PC A06/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y Coordinate Conversion Technique for OTH Backscatter Radar Terence J. Elkins, and Joseph Gibbs. May 77, 11 Op Rept no. RADC-TR-77-183 Descriptors: 'Search radar, 'Over the horizon de- tection, 'Ionospheric propagation, 'Ionospheric models, Computerized simulation, Backscattering, Ray tracing, Algorithms, Boresighting, F layer, Sub- routines. Identifiers: E layer, Plasma frequency, WIMP com- puter program. A radio propagation simulation computer program, known as WIMP (World-Wide Ionospheric Model- ling Program), has been studied and documented. The purpose of the program is to permit the trans- formation from Over-The-Horizon (OTH) Backscat- ter radar coordinates to geographic coordinates, given a vertical incidence and a backscatter iono- gram measured at the radar site. The program consists of a three-dimensional ionospheric mod- elling algorithm, which contains a provision for up- dating on the basis of the ionograms, followed by a ray-tracing procedure. These algorithms have been deduced from a program source deck and the program structure has been documented in terms of mathematical algorithms and flow charts, together with program listings. The algorithms have been compared with others in use at RADC and quantitative results of this comparison are pre- sented. These consist of ionospheric model com- parisons for representative ranges of the model parameters. Finally, a measured backscatter iono- gram is simulated, using the RADC program, and the ionospheric structure along the sounder bore- sight is deduced. (Author) AD-A044 596/5CP PC A05/MF A01 General Research Corp Mclean VA Tactical Eiectrooptical Effectiveness Model, Phase II. Volume I Final rept. Jun 75-Jun 77 Ralph Zirkind, and Richard E. Forrester. Jun 77, 90p Rept no. CR-191 Contract DAAK02-74-C-0366 See also Phase 1 , AD-C004 295. Descriptors: 'Electrooptics, 'Tactical weapons, 'Models, 'Computerized simulation, Effective- ness, Combat surveillance, Land combat, Target acquisition, Image intensifiers(Electronics), In- frared image tubes, Computer programming. Identifiers: Carmonette computer program. The report covers the recently completed effort in an on-going program of land-combat search and its simulation. It involves the incorporation of a tac- tical eiectrooptical effectiveness model into the combat simulation model, CARMONETTE. Volume I identifies the modifications in CARMON- ETTE rule structure that were necessary for this incorporation. Three cases of small unit action were simulated with the resulting model employing both thermal and image intensifier devices in night- time scenarios. Volume II reports their results. (Author) AD-A044 649/2CP MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Space Sciences Lab Source Locating Procedure Interim rept. D. C. Pridmore-Brown, and L. M. Friesen. 15 Jul 77, 62 TR-0077(2632)-1, SAMSO-TR-77-137 19 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Contract F04701-76-C-0077 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Position finding, "Least squares method, *Photodetection, Target detection, "Computer programs, Artificial satellites, Photo- electric emission, Curve fitting, Surface targets. A computer program is presented for estimating the location of a target from satellite measure- ments of its photon emission. The satellite is as- sumed to have a number of detectors mounted at various orientations which monitor the photon count rates. From these the most probable target location is inferred by a least squares fitting tech- nique. (Author) AD-A045 090/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Institute for Defense Analyses Arlington Va Sci- ence and Technology Div Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Repub- lic of Germany, on Performance of Electroopti- cal Imaging Systems. The Calculation Method- ology for a FLIR Using a FORTRAN Program Final rept. Jul 75-Jul 77 Lynne N. Seekamp. Aug 77, 39p N-842, SBIE- AD-E500-002 Contract DAHC1 5-73-C-0200 Descriptors: "Forward looWeystems, Fortran, Weather, Military intelligence, Target detection, Target recognition, Electrooptics, West Germany, Mathematical models, Night vision devices. Identifiers: Lowtran 3 computer program, "Infrared detection, Hannover(West Germany). This paper documents the computer program (called Program FLIR) to calculate the probabilities of detection and recognition of a target by an ob- server using a FLIR sensor. It was written to sum- marize the basic concepts behind the calculation procedures in Program FLIR and to outline those procedures. (Author) AD-A045 661/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Tracor Inc Austin Tex Target Strength Prediction Bob M. Brown, Jerry J. Lobdill, and William McKemie. 23 Feb 72, 53p Rept no. Tracor-T72- AU-9508-U Descriptors: "Target strength, "Submarine detec- tion, "Sonar echoes, Mathematical models, Sub- marine hulls, Computerized simulation, Mathemat- ical prediction, Noise, Sonar pulses, Correlation techniques, Sonar sound analyzers, Reflection, Ocean surface, Shape, Computer programs. Identifiers: Most Project-3. The study described in this report was conducted for the purpose of improving our submarine target- strength prediction model. In the study computer programs were expanded to treat a greater variety of elementary shapes such as cones and hemi- spheres in order that hull forms can be represent- ed more realistically. Additionally the relationship of surface reflections of pulses to jitter parameters was assessed for the purpose of gaining some physical insight in the echo forming process. AD-A045 788/7CP PC A03/MF A01 David W Taylor Naval Ship Research and Devel- opment Center Bethesda Md Ship Performance Dept Hydrodynamic Evaluation of the Sperry Projec- tor Array Housing Final rept. David W. Coder, Raymond J. Grady, and Richard M. Norton. Sep 77, 41 p Rept no. SPD-787-01 Original contains color plates: All DDC and NTIS reproductions will be in black and white. Descriptors: "Housings(Enclosures), "Air bubbles, "Wake, "Water flow, Sonar projectors, Sonar arrays, Flow separation, Suction, Hydrostatic pres- sure, Reduction, Production, Flow separation, Water tunnels, Flow visualization, Potential flow, Computer programs. The Sperry Projector Array housing and several modifications were evaluated using the Center's 36-Inch Variable pressure water tunnel (from 4 to 16 knots) and using a potential-flow computer pro- gram (XYZ-PFP) and the Center's CDC 6700 com- puter. It was conjectured that bubbles due to bubble sweepdown or air coming out of solution were accumulating in the separated region aft of the housing. This might account for the broadening of the aft projector beam pattern which had been determined from at-sea performance trials. It was shown that the original design had a rather large separated region which tended to accumulate bub- bles. Suction, aft of the model, up to the rate of 7 gal/min (.00044 cu.m./s) did not appear to change the size of the separated region. Rotating the array 45 deg around a vertical axis did help to reduce the size of the separated region but not sufficiently to eliminate it from the projector lens faces. A large housing was designed which should move the sep- arated region beyond the region of the acoustic beam. (Author) AD-A046 254/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Avco Systems Div Wilmington Mass Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Volume IV. PAVSS Program Summary and Rec- ommendations Final rept. Aug 73-Jun 74 Royal N. Schweiger. Jun 77, 47p TSC-FAA-74- 19.4 Contract DOT-TSC-620 See also Volume 1 , AD-A046 253. Descriptors: "Acoustic detection, "Trailing vorti- ces, "Wake, "Acoustic tracking, "Jet aircraft, Elec- troacoustic transducers, Real time, Computer pro- grams, Antenna arrays. Identifiers: PAVSS program, Pulsed acoustic vortex sensing system. An engineered Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System (PAVSS) was developed. This system is capable of real-time detection, tracking, recording, and graphic display of aircraft trailing vortices. This volume of the report summarizes the background and accomplishments of the PAVSS program car- ried out by Avco, and presents Avco's recommen- dation that further work on the PAVSS would not be economically sound. AD-A046 272/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Avco Systems Div Wilmington Mass Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Volume III. PAVSS Operation and Software Documentation Final rept. Aug 73-Jun 74 Royal N. Schweiger. Jun 77, 67p TSC-FAA-74- 19.3 Contract DOT-TSC-620 See also Volume 4, AD-A046 254. Descriptors: "Acoustic detection, "Trailing vorti- ces, "Acoustic tracking, Computer applications, Computer program documentation, Wake, Jet air- craft, Real time, Vortex shedding, Data storage systems, Electronic recording systems, Display systems, Cathode ray tube screens, Computer programs, Flow charting, Subroutines. Avco Corporation's Systems Division designed and developed an engineered Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System (PAVSS). This system is capable of real-time detection, tracking, recording, and graphic display of aircraft trailing vortices. This volume of the report presents the operation of the pulsed acoustic vortex sensing system and the computer software documentation. AD-A046 680/5CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation in a Medium In Which Strati- fication is a Function of Position Technical memo. William G. Kanabis. 14 Jan 71, 26p Rept no. NUSC/NL-TM-221 1-11-71 Descriptors: "Acoustic detection, "Underwater sound signals, "Computer programs, Computa- tions, Stratification, Ocean bottom, Position(Location), Range(Distance), Velocity, Sources, Acoustic impedance, Amplitude, Depth, Losses. Identifiers: Fortran, CalComp plotters, MOST proj- ects. This program, written in FORTRAN, uses normal code theory to predict acoustic propagation, in a medium whose velocity profile varies slowly with distance from the acoustic source, over an ocean bottom whose depth and acoustic impedance change slowly with range. It calculates and then produces CalComp plots for given modes at any frequency in the medium described above of the following: (a) Amplitude as a function of depth and the ray equivalent of any mode at given distances from a source; and (b) Propagation loss as a func- tion of range. AD-A046 688/8CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab Two Routines to Convert Data to Units in DB for the UNI VAC 1230 Technical memo. Clair J. Becker, and David M. Potter. 21 Aug 70, 10p Rept no. NUSC/NL-TM-221 1-88-70 Descriptors: "Sonar signals, "Signal processing, "Computer programs, Digital computers, Math- ematical programming, Naval research. Identifiers: MOST project-3, TENLOGTEN com- puter program, CONLOGIT computer program, Univac-1 230 computers, PARKA project. During project PARKA, data were received, digi- tized and processed in real time by the UNIVAC 1 230 computer aboard the prime receiving vessel SANDS. The final form of the processed data was displayed as listings and graphs with the values being expressed in db. To convert the data to db, two generalized programs, TENLOGTEN' and 'CONLOGIT' were written to calculate P = 10 Iog10 (X), where X is a fixed point number within a specified set of limits. The major differences be- tween these two routines are the methods used to obtain the natural logarithm and the scaling neces- sary for the input values. AD-A046 788/6CP MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Application of Acoustic Signal Processing Techniques to Seismic Data Technical rept. Cynthia E. Irvine. Jun 77, 61 1p Rept no. NPS- 52lr77061 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Signal processing, "Seismic detec- tion, "Acoustic signals, Nuclear explosions, Earth- quakes, Computer programs, Seismic waves, Am- plitude, Geodesies, Rock, Wave propagation, At- tenuation, Digital simulation, Seismic signatures, Theses, Fourier analysis, Seismology. Identifiers: "Seismic discrimination, "Seismic data. In order to obtain an effective discriminant be- tween earthquakes and explosions, techniques which originally had been developed for acoustic signal processing have been applied to seismic data. These techniques include Fourier analysis and related applications software as well as inter- active graphics displays of the data. A numeric has been obtained which may provide a useful discrimi- nant between earthquakes and explosions. (Author) AD-A046 872/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Underwater Systems Inc Silver Spring Md Summary Report, Phase I Rept. for Mar-Sep 73 M. S. Weinstein, D. F. Young, and L A. Mole. 27 Dec 73, 40p Contract N00014-72-C-0463 Descriptors: "Acoustic arrays, "Signal to noise ratio, "Sound transmission, Computer programs, Hydrophones, Vertical orientation, Omnidirec- tional, Output, Nulls(Amplitude), Multipath trans- mission, Bottom loss, Ambient noise, Sonar arrays, Tilt, Noise(Sound), Directional, Transmission loss, Underwater acoustics, Ocean environments, Deep oceans, Ocean bottom, Criticality. Identifiers: MOST Project-4, Vertical arrays. 20 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES A computer program is described for calculating the signal to noise ratio at the output of vertically directional acoustic arrays in the ocean. The verti- cal array consists of one to four elements providing an omni-directional and four different types of null patterns. Provision is made for considering other patterns which may be found to be desirable. Multi- path transmission is considered in computing signal level. The signal along each path is con- volved with the array response for the arrival angle, and the multiple arrivals summed incoher- ently at the array output. The vertical directionality of the noise is considered and convolved with the array pattern to obtain the noise output. The noise can be partitioned into coherent and incoherent components. Provision is made to investigate the effect of array tilt. The purpose of the study is to compare the S/N ratios for various environmental conditions to determine the optimum pattern from among the available choices; this portion of the study has not yet been undertaken. AD-A046 910/6CP PC A07/MF A01 Rhode Island Univ Kingston Graduate School of Oceanography SOFAR Floats in MODE, Final Report of Float Trajectory Data Technical rept. Sep 72-Jun 76 Diane L. Dow, H. Thomas Rossby, and Sergio R. Signorini. May 77, 134p Rept nos. URI/GSO- REF-77-3, MODE-CONTRIB-22T Contract N00014-76-C-0226, Grant NSF-IDO-75- 18930 Prepared in cooperation with Yale Univ., New Haven, CT, Contract no. N00014-67-A-0097-001. Original contains color plates: All DDC and NTIS reproductions will be in black and white. Includes chart. Descriptors: *Sound ranging, *Oceanographic equipment, Floats, Trajectories, Ocean currents, Atlantic Ocean, Oceanographic data, Acoustic sig- nals, Underwater sound signals, Sound transmis- sion, Projection, Charts, Plotting, Tables(Data), Tracking, Tracking stations, Arrival, Time, Velocity, Data processing, Computer programs. Identifiers: Sound fixing and ranging, MidOcean Dynamics Experiment, GRIND computer program, CRUNCH computer program, TRACK computer program, Mercator projection. This is a final report of SOFAR (Sound Fixing and Ranging) float trajectory data from MODE (Mid- Ocean Dynamics Experiment) for the period Sep- tember 1972 through June 1976. It begins with a brief historical review and includes a summary of the steps involved in processing the data and com- puting the trajectories. The data is presented in three ways: 1. Time annotated trajectories on a Mercator projection; 2. Stick plots of float velocity as a function of time; and 3. A sequence of charts, each spanning ten days, showing the spatial rela- tionship and relative motion of all floats. There is also a table of launch, recovery, depth, number of days tracked, average velocity, speed, and kinetic energy for each trajectory. (Author) AD-A047 182/iCP PC A02/MF A01 Martin Marietta Aerospace Denver Colo Denver Div Satellite Engagement Scenarios Model Final rept. Darrell Roos. 1 Nov 77, 1 9p Rept no. MCR-77- 555 Contract F04701-77-C-0066 Descriptors: 'Space warfare, 'Communication sat- ellites, 'Electronic countermeasures, Chaff, Opti- cal countermeasures, Electronic counter counter- measures, War games, Computerized simulation, Computer programs, Survival(General), Vulnerabil- ity analysis, Threat evaluation. This report documents the design of the following 4 potential additions to the SES software system: Window Finder output analyzer; Window Finder output merger; ECM/ECCM model.; and OCM/ OCCM model. AD-A047 669/7CP PC A05/MF A01 Army Engineer Topographic Labs Fort Belvoir Va Backscattering of Radar Waves by Vegetated Terrain Technical rept. May 74-Oct 75 Richard A. Hevenor. Jun 77, 98p Rept no. ETL- 0105 Descriptors: 'Radar signals, 'Electromagnetic scattering, 'Backscattering, Terrain intelligence, Vegetation, Simulation, Random variables, Prob- ability density functions, Dielectric properties, Ani- sotropy, Depolarization, Coefficients, Computa- tions, Computer programs. This report presents a vector theory for the backs- cattering of electromagnetic radar waves from vegetation. The basic technique employed in the solution required simulating the vegetation with a random medium. This medium possesses an elec- trical permittivity that is generated by a continuous random process and is characterized by a particu- lar probability density function. A solution for the radar backscatter coefficient is obtained in terms of the statistical characteristics of the random medium. A comparison of the theory with experi- mental data is given. Insight is given into the nature of depolarization, but explicit results for the de- polarized terms are not obtained at this time be- cause of the complexity and difficulty of the solu- tion. Some of the conclusions of this work are: a theory has been developed for computing the like polarized (HH and VV) radar backscatter coeffi- cients from certain types of vegetation by using a vector renormalization approach; no rigorous quantitative comparison of theory with experiment was possible; however, qualitative comparisons in- dicate reasonable agreement; and although no ex- plicit solution was obtained for the depolarization components, it was learned that one cause of de- polarization is the anisotropy associated with the correlation function of the dielectric fluctuations. (Author) AD-A047 918/8CP PC A04/MF A01 General Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 20 - Satellite Communication Model Final rept. H. S. Ostrowsky, J. R. Garbarlno, and J. J. Baltes. Jan 77, 68p CR-1-520-VOL-20, SBIE-AD- E300-046 Contract DNA001-74-C-0182 See also Volume 17, AD-A043 547. Descriptors: 'Nuclear explosions, 'Nuclear radi- ation, 'Electromagnetic interference, 'Communi- cation and radio systems, 'Artificial satellites, Computerized simulation, Standardization, Ionos- pheric propagation, Ionospheric scintillations, Blackout(Propagation), Radar signals, Phase shift keyers, Propagation, Striations, Scintillation, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: 'Roscoe computer program, 'Satellite communications, Radar propagation, Nuclear effects(Comrnunications), Nuclear effects(Spacecraft). The ROSCOE computer code is designed specifi- cally to be the laboratory standard for evaluating nuclear effects on radar and optical sensors. The program provides a means for evaluating radar ac- quisition, discrimination, and tracking performance in a nuclear environment; estimating various radar and optical propagation error sources; and com- puting specific phenomenological data Volume 20 of this series describes ROSCOE's satellite com- munication model. (Author) AD-A048 109/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab Sea Nymph Pilot LCC Model Development Report Technical document Howard E. Knust, and John B. Anderson. 15 Sep 77, 43p Rept no. NUSC-TD-5699 Descriptors: 'Radar signals, 'Radio signals, 'De- tection, 'Life cycle costs, 'Naval logistics, Cost models, Computerized simulation, Configuration management, Computer programs, Logistics man- agement, Logistics support, Algorithms, Naval pro- curement, Cost effectiveness, Contracts, Vendors, Communications intelligence, Identification sys- tems, Shipboard, Spaceborne. Identifiers: 'Sea Nymph project. Effective cost management of the Sea Nymph Project requires a dynamic means to (1) identify, (2) define, (3) estimate, (4) calculate, (5) record, (6) evaluate, (7) control, and (8) update cost data. Such data must be processed automatically be- cause of the large number of cost categories (and the factors they consist of) and the necessity to accurately evaluate their effects during project management decision making. Upon assessment of available and feasible cost information, it has been determined by the Naval Electronics Sys- tems Command Headquarters (NAVELEX) PME 107-1 that the most suitable automatic data proc- essing alternative is the life cycle cost (LCC) method and computer resources. These were de- veloped for the Chief of Naval Material (CNM) by the Naval Weapons Engineering Support Activity (NAVWPNENGSUPPACT). A description of the basic method to be used is contained in Life Cycle Cost Guide for Equipment Analysis, January 1977, prepared for the Naval Material Command by NAVWPNENGSUPPACT, Management Engineer- ing Department, Cost Management Division. This report documents LCC application to the Sea Nymph Project and explains practical problems that must be addressed in a typical LCC applica- tion. (Author) AD-A048 156/4CP PC A13/MF A01 White Sands Missile Range N Mex Instrumentation Directorate Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real- Time Video Target Tracking Final rept. May-Aug 77 K. Fukunaga, A. L. Gilbert, M. K. Giles, O. R. Mitchell, and R. D. Short. Oct 77, 285p Rept no. STEWS-ID-77-1 Descriptors: 'Guided missile tracking systems, 'Optical tracking, 'Video signals, 'Image process- ing, Real time, Microprocessors, Target discrimina- tion, Target signatures, Digitizers, Frames(Photographs), Segmented, Magnetic disks, Magnetic tape, Algorithms, Computerized simulation, Computer programs. Processing techniques for image segmentation and structure analysis were investigated at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) during the period May through August 1977. An image processing facility was established at WSMR and used to de- velop and evaluate image processing algorithms for implementation in future real-time video track- er/processor systems. A simulation of a Real-Time Video Tracker, developed under contract by New Mexico State University, was also implemented at WSMR's image processing laboratory, and a li- brary of 20 digitized tracking images was created. Additional tracking imagery, including sequential video frames, is now being added to the digitized image library which will be used to test and evalu- ate real-time processing algorithms. Detailed de- scriptions of the systems hardware and software used in the image processing laboratory are pre- sented along with the segmentation and structure analysis algorithms and the results obtained by processing a few of the digitized images. (Author) AD-A048 262/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Science Applications Inc Mclean Va Formulation of an Advanced Computational Capability for the Prediction of Transmission Loss in the Ocean Joseph Czika, Charles W. Spofford, and Robert A. Stieglitz. May 77, 32p Rept no. SAI-78-567- WA Contract N00014-76-C-0488 Descriptors: 'Transmission loss, 'Acoustic attenu- ation, Ocean models, Predictions, Computations, Wave propagation, Paths, Range(Distance), Bottom bounce, Ray tracing, Diffraction analysis, Computer programs, User needs, Input output models. Identifiers: 'Underwater sound. This report documents the results of a study whose objective was to formulate a unified state- of-the-art propagation-loss model capable of han- 21 DETECTSON AND COUNTERMEASURES dling steep as well as shallow-angle paths in a range-dependent environment. The approach which has been developed would combine the parabolic-equation (PE) results for non bottom-in- teracting paths with ray results (from FACT or the Multiple-Profile Program-MPP) for bottom-reflect- ed paths. This marriage would capitalize on the ac- curacy of PE for the RR and RSR paths where dif- fraction effects limit the ray models, while using the ray formulation for the higher-angle paths where diffraction is not dominant and the ray approach is more appropriate. (Author) AD-A048 603/5CP PC A04/MF A01 National Severe Storms Lab Norman Okla Application of Doppler Weather Radar to Tur- bulence Measurements Which Affect Aircraft Final rept. J. T. Lee. Mar 77, 52p NSSL-1, FAA/RD-77/145 Contract DOT-FA74WAI-495 Descriptors: "Atmospheric motion, 'Turbulence, 'Meteorological radar, Thunderstorms, Doppler radar, Meteorological data, Display systems, Vorti- ces, Wind shear, Wind velocity, Real time, Aviation safety, Tornadoes, Flight maneuvers, Flight paths, Signal processing, Radar signals, Jet fighters, Flight recorders, Computer programs, Spectrum analysis. Identifiers: F-100 aircraft, F-101 aircraft, F-4 air- craft. Analysis of thunderstorm turbulence hazardous to aircraft operation and coordinated Doppler radar observations indicate a high potential for Doppler radar utilization particularly the mean velocity spectrum breadth observations in defining severe turbulence areas. The mean Velocity Processor (MVP, the first real-time display of Doppler radar data) and the Multi-moment Ling Display (MMD), both developed at NSSL, are utilized with the radars to study vortex motion, turbulence, and wind shear areas. In addition, the Plan Shear Indi- cator (PSI) developed by the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratory (AFCRL) was also em- ployed. A number of severe convective storms were penetrated by an instrumented aircraft direct- ed into areas which analysis inferred to be turbu- lent. Aircraft recorded turbulence and concurrent Doppler data are compared. Utilization of the spec- trum breadth calculated from the mean velocity data as a turbulence signature is discussed. Vortex motion signature is also defined. (Author) AD-A049 448/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Comparison of the 3-5 Micrometer and 8-12 Mi- crometer Regions for Advanced Thermal Imag- ing Systems: LOWTRAN Revisited Interim rept. A. F. Milton, G. L. Harvey, and A. W. Schmidt. 30 Dec 77, 34p NRL-8172, EOTPO-41, AD-E000- 100 Descriptors: "Infrared detection, "Aerosols, At- mospheric windows, Light transmission, Marine at- mospheres, Computer programs, Slant range, Wave propagation, Far infrared radiation, Infrared images, Electrooptics, Atmospheres, Models. Identifiers: Thermal images, "Atmospheric trans missivity, Rural atmospheres, LOWTRAN 3B com- puter program, Atmospheric attenuation. Four spectral bands for advanced infrared imaging systems are compared on the basis of calculations of atmospheric transmission, using the LOWTRAN 3B atmospheric transmission model. Slant paths, MTF effects, and Maritime and Rural aerosol models are included in the analysis. The relative advantage of the 3- to 5-micrometer band is shown to be strongly influenced by the choice of aerosol models. (Author) AD-A049 561/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Decisions and Designs Inc Mclean Va Satellite Surveillance Avoidance Optimization Aid Final rept. 1 Mar 76-31 Dec 77 Scott Barclay, and L. Scott Randall. Dec 77, 45p Rept no. PR-77-14-36 Contract N00039-76-C-0279, ARPA Order-3175 Descriptors: "Countermeasures, "Ocean surveil- lance, "Dynamic programming, Routing, Evasion, Avoidance, Reconnaissance satellites, Earth orbits, Naval intelligence, Naval operations, Naval planning, Missions, Scheduling, Decision making, Computer programs, Algorithms. Fuel consump- tion, Cost analysis, Graphs, Velocity, Weather, Probability. Recent technological advances have made possi- ble sophisticated data-gathering capabilities for earth-orbiting spacecraft. Naval forces would appear to be particularly vulnerable to satellite sur- veillance since they operate on the surface of uni- form, low-noise oceans where camouflaging is dif- ficult. A methodology is presented for helping a naval commander avoid satellite surveillance. With known satellite orbital characteristics, the time and location of detection zones along a ship's planned route can be calculated. It is suggested that a com- mander can avoid many of these detection zones by varying his speed as a function of time. A graphical representation is presented and its limi- tations are discussed. A decision aid based on this methodology has been developed. It uses probabi- listic information, such as weather, to find the ex- pected number of detections for any speed profile. An optimal speed profile is found by means of dy- namic programming. (Author) AD-A049 562/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Avco Systems Div Wilmington Mass Installation and Test of Doppler Acoustic Sensor Final rept. Nov 74-Sep 75 R. P. McConville. Oct 77, 101p TSC-FAA-77-25 Contract DOT-TSC-939 Descriptors: "Vortices, "Aircraft, "Wake, Acoustic detectors, Doppler systems, Acoustic tracking, Computer programs. Data processing, Signal proc- essing, Algorithms, Transmitters, Receivers, Run- ways, Landing fields. Identifiers: Aircraft wake vortex, Doppler acoustic vortex sensing, Acoustic radar. This report presents details of the installation of a Doppler acoustic vortex sensing system at JFK Runway 31 R, the hardware and software improve- ments made since installation, vortex diagnostic and tracking data and analysis, and conclusions and recommendations. (Author) AD-A049 831/1CP PC A02/MF A01 Navy Electronics Lab San Diego Calif SPADE Performance Test Planning: Data Gath- ering and Extraction for the Shore Based Tests Technical memo. C. H. Sturtevant. 2 Jun 65, 20p Rept no. NEL- TM-809 Descriptors: "Sonar equipment, "Display systems, "Data management, Magnetic tape, Off line sys- tems, Computer programs, Naval shore facilities, Ocean surveillance, Test methods, Ocean envi- ronments, Target position indicators, Data proc- essing equipment, Overlap, Range(Distance), Bearing(Direction), Doppler sonar, Sonar signals. Identifiers: AN/USQ-17, AN/USQ-20. This document is one of several written to describe in detail the plans for evaluating the performance of the Sonar Processing and Display Equipments (SPADE) at NEL. The specific subject of this memorandum is data gathering and extraction for these tests. (Author) AD-A049 833/7CP PC A02/MF A01 Navy Electronics Lab San Diego Calif Description of Detection Probability Model and Program Technical memo. L K. Arndt. 23 Jun 67, 18p Rept no. NEL-TM- 1123 Descriptors: "Signal processing, "Sonar signals, "Computer applications, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Sonar equipment, Signal to noise ratio, Data reduction, Sonar receivers, Matched filters, Ambient noise, Probability density functions. Identifiers: MOST project-3. A program has been developed in Code 31 10D to calculate the probability that at least N pulses in M consecutive pings will exceed a threshold as a function of the single ping signal to noise ratio, the cumulative false alarm rate and M. Before describ- ing the multiple ping program, a bried description of the program for the calculation of single ping detection probability is given as it is a subroutine of the multi-ping program. Listings of both ETRAN programs are included in the appendix. (Author) AD-A0S0 186/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Systems Science and Software La Jolla Calif Identification of Individual Events in a Multiple Explosion from Teleseismic Short Period Body Wave Recordings Topical rept. D. G. Lambert, and Thomas C. Bache. Oct 77, 48p Rept no. SSS-R-78-3421 Contract F08606-76-C-0041, ARPA ORDER- 2551 Descriptors: "Nuclear explosion simulation, "Seis- mic detection, Multibursts, Seismic signatures, Narrowband, Bandpass filters, Far field, Seismo- graphs, Seismic data, Cross correlation, Fourier transformation, Seismological stations, Numerical analysis. Identifiers: MARS computer program. The objective of this study is to detect and identify the individual events in a hypothetical multiple ex- plosion. The data analyzed are simulated short period body wave recordings of that event. These were, presumably, constructed by lagging, scaling and summing a single event record according to some formula unknown to the analysts. Data for two stations, including both the single event and multiple event records, were provided to Systems, Science and Software by the VELA Seismological Center (VSC). The data were analyzed by the MARS (Multiple Arrival Recognition System) pro- gram which uses a series of narrow-band filters to identify phase arrivals. Their amplitude and arrival time are accurately preserved. The variable fre- quency magnitude (VFM) discriminant is also com- puted and the multiple explosion records are clear- ly identified as being from an explosion. AD-A051 220/2CP PC A09/MF A01 Philips Audio Video Systems Corp Mahwah NJ Government Systems Div Advanced Production Engineering (APE) Night Vision Sight Infrared, AN/TAS-3 ( ). Volume 2. Appendices Final rept. 5 Dec 75, 192p Rept no. GSDR-817A-VOL-2 Contract DAAK02-73-C-0047 Descriptors: "Infrared images, "Night vision de- vices, "Antitank weapons, Production engineering, Wire guidance, Compuier applications, Automatic, Test methods, Computer programs, Cost analysis, Time studies, Comparison. Identifiers: AN/TAS-3, Dragon missiles, Automatic test equipment, "Optical sights. This report has been prepared in compliance with the contractual requirements for an investigation of a Computer Automatic Test System (CATS), that can be used in production of the DRAGON Night Vision Sight AN/TAS-3( ). The report con- sists of several sections: (1) Introduction to CATS; (2) Theory of Computer Automatic Test Systems; (3) Hardware Instrumentation; (4) Computer Sub- system; (5) Time and Cost Analyses of a Manual Test System versus an Automatic Test System; (6) Conclusions; and (7) Recommendations. It should be noted that although this report describes a system to test the DRAGON NVS the hardware described herein can be used for other night view- ing systems (i.e., Handheld Viewer, TOW, FIRTI) with a minimum software effort. AD-A051 367/1CP MF A01 Naval Undersea Warfare Center San Diego Calif Computer Recovery of Acoustical Parameters C. B. Allen. Jul 68, 43p Rept no. NUWC-TN-148 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: "Sonar signals, "Signal processing, "Computer applications, Computer programs, 22 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Magnetic tape, Target classification, Antisubma- rine warfare, Parameters. Identifiers: MOST project-3, AN/VSQ-20B. This technical note describes two separate, but re- lated, computer programs for use with the CP 642B (USQ-20B) computer. The first program can transfer incoming data to computer magnetic tape data and/or test, convert, and print either data from a specialized data gathering system used aboard ship with both experimental and conven- tional sonar installations. The second program is written to process, search, and print specifically selected related segments of data. The selection/ search is determined by 10 basic parameters-five equipment related and five target related, each having up to 7 options. Prior to printing, 6 bearings and 4 ranges must be averaged along with the status of data from 4 counters and 13 operator controls. This note has been prepared in the inter- est of others at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center and represents a segment of a project con- cerned with the collection of at-sea data for under- water detection and target classification studies. (Author) AD-A051 396/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Tracor Inc Austin Tex SONARCON System for the UNIVAC 1108 Preliminary rept. 18 Jan 67, 27p Rept no. TRACOR-67-137-U Descriptors: *Sonar sound analyzers, "Signal processing, Computer programs. Identifiers: MOST project-4, 1108 Computers, SONARCON computer program, UNIVAC 1108 computers. SONARCON is a control program, for use on the UNIVAC 1108 computer, to facilitate the process- ing of sonar data. The program was originally de- signed and coded for the CDC-3200 computer. The present system is a thorough revision and considerable extension of that system. A prelimi- nary discussion of the formulation, application, and usage of the new SONARCON is given. AD-A051 501/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Kansas Univ/Center for Research Inc Lawrence Remote Sensing Lab Radar Image Simulation Project Contract rept. Dec 74-May 76 J. C. Holtzman, V. H. Kaupp, and J. L. Abbott. Sep 76, 101p RSL-TR-234-15, ETL-0098 Contract DAAK02-73-C-0106 Descriptors: 'Radar images, 'Infrared images, 'Image processing, Computerized simulation, Side looking radar, Forward looking infrared systems, Plan position indicators, Digital systems, Computer programs. This document summarizes the results of a radar image simulation study performed at the Remote Sensing Laboratory, the University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas. The work was sponsored by the Engineering Topographic Laboratories, The United States Army, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The goal of this study was to develop radar image simulation techniques. The purpose of this document is to summarize those investigations, to identify signifi- cant accomplishments, and to make recommenda- tions concerning future research needs potential applications of the results of this work. (Author) AD-A051 525/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Navy Electronics Lab San Diego Calif Automatic Data Reduction for Tone-Pulse Sonar Technical memo. Grant S. Yee, and J. E. Henderson. 6 Mar 64, 32p Rept no. NEL-TM-671 Descriptors: 'Sonar sound analyzers, Computer programs, Real time, Data reduction, Automation, Echo ranging, Signal processing, Calibration, Algo- rithms, Flowcharting. Identifiers: MOST project-3. This report describes a system that uses a digital computer to reduce sonar echo-ranging data at sea in a manner that allows the immediate inspec- tion of various echo-ranging results while the ex- periment is in progress. AD-A051 553/6CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Undersea Warfare Center San Diego Calif A Continuous-Slope Curve Fitting Routine for Use in Sonar Performance Prediction Technical note H. F. Ill Taylor. Feb 68, 13p Rept no. NUWC-TN- 61 Descriptors: 'Sonar equipment, Performance(Engineering), Mathematical predic- tion, Curve fitting, Computer programs, Subrou- tines, Ray tracing, Sound transmission, Underwat- er sound signals, Attenuation, Digital simulation. Identifiers: MOST Project-1. This technical note describes a prediction tech- nique presently in use at the Naval Undersea War- fare Center, San Diego Division. AD-A052 101/3CP PC A03/MF A01 Navy Electronics Lab San Diego Calif Effects of Random Background on Automatic Detection in Lorad Research and development rept. R. H. Prager. 15 Feb 61, 44p Rept no. NEL-1016 Descriptors: 'Acoustic detection, 'Target detec- tion, 'Signal processing, Automatic, Background noise, Probability, Mathematical models, False alarms, Computer programs. Identifiers: MOST Project-3, Lorad, Automatic de- tection. The single-ping false alarm performance of the Lorad system has been analyzed. Formulas are presented which give the false alarm rates result- ing from specified detection criteria. The treatment encompasses analog processes as well as com- puter programs. A probability model has been de- veloped which is applicable to a wide variety of search systems which process data in sampled form. In addition, these techniques are applicable to automatic target classification processes. AD-A052 447/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Tulsa Univ Ok Radar Signatures for Aircraft identification Final scientific rept. Nov 76-Dec 77 Robert D. Strattan. 28 Feb 78, 40p AFOSR-TR- 78-0688 Grant AFOSR-77-3200 Descriptors: 'Radar signatures, 'Target recogni- tion, Computerized simulation, Synthetic aperture radar, Radar cross sections, Aircraft, Electromag- netic scattering, Machine coding, Computer pro- grams, Fourier analysis. A compact method of describing the radar scatter- ing of distributed targets is developed. A computer program that processes the descriptor format into a target plane map of scattering intensity and forms simulated synthetic aperture radar images has been coded. Examples of aircraft and multiple reflection targets are shown. (Author) AD-A052 535/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Environmental Research and Technology Inc Con- cord Mass Parameterization of Weather Radar Data for Use in the Prediction of Storm Motion and De- velopment Final rept. 6 Aug-31 Dec 76 Robert K. Crane. Mar 77, 100 ERT-P-2095, AFGL-TR-77-0216 Contract F19628-76-C-0264 Descriptors: 'Storms, Weather forecasting, Radar signals, Radar tracking, Motion, Parametric analy- sis, Doppler radar, Convection(Atmospheric), Shear properties, Turbulence, Radar signatures, Algorithms, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Radar meteorology. Algorithms were developed for the rapid and effi- cient representation of digital data from a single Doppler weather radar. The data are processed to obtain a number of attributes which describe small convective cells, larger echo areas, and isolated regions of high tangential shear. The data are also processed to provide estimates of the environ- mental wind velocity profile and the total reflectiv- ity profile. The attributes are obtained to represent the essential information content of the radar data with the fewest possible number of parameters. The attributes were selected to describe the devel- opment and motion of severe storms and, in partic- ular, the small convective elements that are viewed as the building blocks of the storm. Attri- butes were also selected to describe isolated tan- gential shear maxima to obtain signatures of storm severity. (Author) AD-A052 891/9CP PC A03/MF A01 Science Applications Inc Mclean Va Documentation of PDP 11/70 Software for De- termining Travel-Time Differences from Cross CovdridncGS L. S. Blumen. 23 Dec 77, 44p Rept no. SAI-78- 713-WA Contract N00039-76-C-0326 Descriptors: 'Acoustic tracking, 'Time lag theory, Computer programs, Time series analysis, Phase shift, Cross correlation, Paths, Ships, Passive sonar, Flow charting, FORTRAN, Computer pro- gram documentation Identifiers: NAVELEX, PDP-1 1 /70 computers. The Navelex 320 Surface Shipping problem is re- solved by the development of a method of corre- lating signals received from two widely spaced hy- drophones, in an effort to locate the source. An exposition of the theoretical approach to this prob- lem has been documented previously. This report deals with the actual implementation of the solu- tion, through the use of current computer technol- ogy. AD-A053 154/1CP PC A08/MF A01 Sri International Menlo Park Ca Chatanika Model of the High-Latitude Ionos- phere for Application to HF Propagation Pre- diction Final rept. 1 Jan-30 Sep 77 R. R. Vondrak, G. Smith, V. E. Hatfield, R. T. Tsunoda, and V. R. Frank. Jan 78, 158p RADC- TR-78-7 Contract F19628-77-C-0102 Descriptors: 'Radar pulses, 'Ionospheric propa- gation, 'Mathematical models, 'Computer pro- grams, High altitude, High frequency, Radio waves, Aurorae, Electron density, Incoherence, Scattering, Ray tracing, Geographic areas, Data bases, D region, E band, F region. Identifiers: Chatanika radar, Chatanika(Alaska). Electron density measurements made with the in- coherent-scatter radar at Chatanika, Alaska have been used to obtain a synoptic model of the high- latitude ionosphere. This Chatanika model is a modification of the RADC-POLAR model devel- oped by Elkins and coworkers for use in raytracing codes for HF propagation prediction. Because the existing RADC model was derived from a larger and more geographically extensive data base than that used in this study, many of its features have been retained in the new model. The major modifi- cation that we made was an improved specifica- tion of the auroral E-layer and the altitude interval between the E and F regions. This region some- times acts as a duct in which HF signals may travel for great distances without traversing the D region, where most absorption occurs. AD-A053 598/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y The Effect of a Wide Exhaust Plume on the Scattering Current of a Thin Missile Phase rept. Harvey K. Schuman, and Virgil W. Eveleigh. Mar 78, 71pRADC-TR-78-47 Contract F30602-75-C-0121 Descriptors: 'Exhaust plumes, 'Guided missile models, 'Electromagnetic scattering, Mathemat- ical prediction, Electromagnetic compatibility, Plane waves, Mathematical models, Bodies of rev- 23 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES olution, Current density, Cross sections, Conduc- tivity, Frequency, Computer programs, Excitation. Identifiers: Method of moments. Theoretical predictions of the plane-wave induced uniform-mode scattering current on a typical mis- sile with exhaust plume are presented. An approxi- mate mathematical model is derived based on body-of-revolution theory, the moment method, an impedance-sheet representation and recently achieved plume conductivity profiles. Particular at- tention is paid to the modification of missile current due to the presence of the plume. This effort sup- plements recently reported work based on thin- wire modeling of both missile and plume. The sig- nificant width of the plume, about eight times the missile diameter, warrents the more sophisticated modeling employed here. Frequencies considered correspond to missile electrical lengths approxi- mately between 0.1 and 1.0 wavelengths. The ex- citation directions considered are between broad- side and 1 5 degree off missile axis. (Author) AD-A054 235/7CP MF A01 Army Missile Research and Development Com- mand Redstone Arsenal Al Technology Lab Computer Software for Analysis of Infrared Targets and Clutter Technical rept. Gene E. Gowins, and H. Tracy Jackson. Jan 78, 126p Rept no. DRDMI-T-78-33 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: "Thermal targets, 'Infrared detection, Computer programs, Target acquisition, Target discrimination, Clutter, Intermediate infrared radi- ation, Signal processing, Infrared signatures. This report is the second in an anticipated series of progress reports on target/background modeling related to the US Army Missile Research and De- velopment Command's Target Signature Program. This report describes data collection and computer software used to characterize infrared targets and clutter in the 3- to 5-micron and 8- to 14-micron infrared spectrum. A raster type scanner Ther- movision system is used to collect 10,000 data points per infrared picture. These Thermovision data points provide input to several different types of computer software routines used to investigate and evaluate passive infrared targets and clutter signatures and identify potential target discrimina- tion and acquisition techniques. (Author) AD-A054 358/7CP MF A01 Technology Service Corp Santa Monica Calif fWultidomain Algorithm Evaluation. Volume II Final technical rept. 25 Jun 76-18 Oct 77 William C. Liles, James C. Demmel, Irving S. Reed, John D. Mallet, and Lawrence E. Brennan. Apr 78, 269p TSC-PD-B525-1-VOL-2, RADC-TR- 78-59-VOL-2 Contract F30602-76-C-0319 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: * Radar, "Adaptive control systems, 'Computer applications, Computer programs, Computations, Inversion, Matrices(Mathematics), Covariance, Parallel processors, Serial proces- sors, Associative processing, Computer architec- ture, Algorithms, Weighting functions. Identifiers: Covariance matrices, Matrix inversion. This document contains the appendices for docu- ment AD-A-054 357. AD-A054 610/1CP MF A01 Naval Ocean Systems Center San Diego Ca Acoustic Reflection from a Thick Plate with One Reinforcing Rib. Exact Integral Evaluation is Proved Superior to Integral Approximation in Analysis of Acoustic Reflections from a Timo- shenko-Mindlin Plate Reinforced with One Rib Interim rept. FY 1977 Barry L. Woolley. Dec 77, 198p Rept no. NOSC/ TR-176 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: 'Acoustic reflection, 'Flat plate models, Mathematical models, Plane waves, Sound waves, Fluid dynamics, Elastic properties, Stiffening, Approximation(Mathematics), Math- ematical prediction, Ribs, Target signatures, Acoustic signals, Computer programs. The reflection of a plane sound wave from a thick, i.e., Timoshenko-Mindlin, fluid-loaded elastic plate reinforced with a stiffness member is investigated. The case is first solved without using integral ap- proximation techniques. This solution gives rela- tively lower returns than those given by integral ap- proximation techniques. The solution is also found by an integral approximation technique and then by an integral approximation technique taking into account leaky wave poles. The results of numeri- cal calculations are presented and reviewed. Com- puter programs are given to carry out the calcula- tions. AD-A054 895/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Computerized Automatic Measuring System for Calibration of Underwater Sound Trans- ducers Final rept. Raymond F. Green, and M. Odell Rhue. 8 May 78, 73p Rept no. NRL-8181 Descriptors: 'Computer applications, 'Acoustic measurement, 'Sonar transducers, Automatic, Calibration, Remote control, Underwater acous- tics, Computer programs. Identifiers: Computerized measurements. This project was conceived to develop the hard- ware phase of a computerized electronic system that would provide computer-controlled measure- ments of underwater device parameters in the An- echoic Tank Facility (ATF) of the Naval Research Laboratory's Underwater Sound Reference Divi- sion (USRD). This electronic system operates in conjunction with USRD's new PDP-11/45 comput- er, remotely located in a Computer Center, to con- trol the ATF system by software programming. This system enables an operator to communicate control parameters to the computer in simple Eng- lish-language statements and to monitor and con- trol the received signal gating during the measure- ment process. The major advantages realized with use of this computerized electronic system in- clude, Real-time analyses of the test transducer to resolve problem areas while the transducer is sus- pended in the tank under the imposed environ- mental conditions, Recorded accurate and repeat- able setup and control conditions for the measure- ments. Computerized data reduction that provides uniform report formats, and Accurate measure- ments, previously unattainable, of load impedance wherein the voltage or current waveforms power- ing the test transducer are distorted. This system also has a completely manual mode or, via an inte- gral acoustic coupler, may communicate over a commercial telephone line with any remote com- puter. This hardware phase has been implemented in the ATF, and its effectiveness will continue to be analyzed relative to possible use in the other USRD measurement facilities. (Author) AD-A055 642/3CP MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering A Theoretical Analysis of Changes in Thermal Signatures Caused by Physical and Climato- logical Factors Mgctpr's thSSIS John T. Small, Jr. Dec 77, 272p Rept no. AFIT/ GEP/PH/77-12 Availability: Document partially illegible. Descriptors: 'Infrared signatures, 'Target signa- tures, 'Computerized simulation, Parametric anal- ysis, Mathematical models, Ground level, Tanks(Combat vehicles), Trees, Diurnal variations, Energy transfer, Temperature, Emissivity, Solar ra- diation, Diffusivity, Reflectivity, Thickness, Com- puter programs, Computer graphics, Theses. Identifiers: Thermal radiation, Remote sensing. An investigation of the thermal signatures of natu- ral objects is undertaken. Using the principle of energy balance, diurnal temperature models are developed for the ground, a vehicle (such as a tank), and the leaves of a tree. These models are included in a computer program designed to simu- late daily variations in conductive, radiative, and convective heat transfer processes. Environmen- tal conditions are changed by altering the program inputs, which include; latitude, day, wind speed, mean air temperature, cloud type, total insolation, absolute and relative humidity, atmospheric pres- sure, and particular concentration. The program is iterated for several values of a single parameter such as one of the environmental inputs, or one of 21 physical characteristics of the models (for ex- ample; ground reflectivity, tank thickness, or leaf transpiration rate). There are two types of output from the program; simultaneous plots of the tem- peratures of all the models for a 30-hour period, and curves representing 24-hour periods of the temperature difference (Delta-T) between the tank and the ground. The effects of changing a param- eter are analyzed by comparing the various Delta- T curves. AD-A057 444/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass Seek Igloo Life Cycle Cost Model, Cost Ele- ment Equations. Volume I Final rept. R. A. Moynihan, and W. M. Stein. Jul 78, 61 p MTR-3577-VOL-1 , ESD-TR-78-1 55-VOL-1 Contract F19628-78-C-0001 Descriptors: 'Life cycle costs, 'Cost models, 'Search radar, Mathematical models, Mathemat- ical analysis, Cost analysis, Equations, Sensitivity, Test and evaluation, Air Force training, Computer- ized simulation, Data bases, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Logistics support, Maintenance, Repair, Inventory. Identifiers: Seek Igloo Radar System. An interactive Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Mathematical model with a built-in Sensitivity Analysis capability has been developed for use in the evaluation of proposed designs for the Air Force Seek Igloo Radar System. The Seek Igloo LCC Model con- sists of 10 cost elements which describe acquisi- tion costs as well as operation and support costs. This volume presents the equations for these cost elements. Also included is a full discussion of the assumptions made which impact the development of these cost element equations. (Author) AD-A057 459/OCP PC A10/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ Laurel Md Applied Physics Lab URLIM - A Unified Radome Limitations Com- puter Program. Volume 2. User's Guide Technical memo. R. K. Frazer. Apr 78, 218 Rept no. APL/JHU/ TG-1293B Contract N00017-72-C-4401 Descriptors: 'Radomes, 'Computer aided design, 'Computer programs, Performance(Engineering), Flight testing, User needs, Aerodynamic heating, Aerodynamic loading, Thermal stresses, Radar, Boresighting, Guided missile components. Identifiers: URLIM computer program. URLIM, a unified radome limitations computer pro- gram has been developed to aid the radome design engineer by providing a definition of the maximum flight performance capabilities of radome materials. URLIM numerically determines the response of the radome to aerodynamic heat- ing and loading. It computes the following as func- tions of trajectory time: thermal stress; radar bore- sight error slopes; missile-radome attachment stresses caused by maneuvers, pressure, and drag forces; and the onset of melting. The basic output of the program is a notation of trajectory time at which the radome reaches its design limita- tions. Many options are available to the user of the URLIM program that provide a wide variety of anal- ysis capability. For this reason URLIM may also be considered as a general purpose aerodynamic heat transfer program as well as a specific purpose radome limitations program. Volume 1 of this report presents the theoretical background of the analysis techniques used in URLIM; Volume 2 pro- vides a detailed explanation of how to use URLIM. (Author) AD-A058 110/8CP PC A08/MF A01 Raytheon Co Bedford Mass Missile Systems Div 24 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Determination of Radar Performance Degrada- tion Due to Tropospheric Ducts Final technical rept. 20 Apr-31 Oct 77 G. H. Joshi. Mar 78, 155p BR-10101, RADC-TR- 78-69 Contract F19628-77-C-0145 Descriptors: "Radar beams, "Electromagnetic wave propagation, "Atmospheric refraction, Anomalies, Profiles, Refractive index, Diffraction analysis, Data reduction, Computations, Tables(Data), Computer programs, Performance(Engineering), Degradation. Wave propagation for anomalous meteorological conditions around Canton Island is studied by pur- suing the geometrical optics and the physical optics approaches. The relative merits along with the limitations of these two approaches have been established. For ranges beyond line of sight the physical optics approach is applied to the bilinear and the tri-linear refractive index profiles. The nu- merical analysis to determine the real eigenvalues and the height gain functions has been carried out for the bilinear refractive index profile. This numeri- cal analysis has been carried out for four bilinear refractive index profiles and three wavelengths. (Author) AD-A058 632/1CP PC A08/MF A01 MITRE Corp Bedford Mass SEEK IGLOO Life Cycle Cost Model. Volume III. Maintenance Manual Technical rept. J. K. Ferraiolo. Jul 78, 157p MTR-3577-VOL-3, ESD-TR-78-155-VOL-3 Contract F19628-78-C-0001 Descriptors: "Radar equipment, "Life cycle costs, Computer programs, Maintenance, Mathematical models, Fortran, Interactive graphics, Input output processing. Identifiers: SEEK IGLOO radar, SEEK IGLOO proj- ect, Fortran, LCC model. An interactive Life Cycle Cost (LCC) mathematical model with a built-in sensitivity analysis capability has been developed for use in the evaluation of proposed designs for the Air Force SEEK IGLOO Radar System. This Maintenance Manual provides the information necessary to maintain, or possibly modify, the FORTRAN code of the LCC Model. It contains a complete discussion of the structure, conventions, subroutines, etc., of the LCC Model computer program. A complete listing of the FOR- TRAN code of the LCC Model, which contains ex- tensive internal comments, is included in the Main- tenance Manual. (Author) AD-A058 780/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y Design Factors in the Tuned Synthetic Aper- ture Radar Technical rept. Richard A. Luhrs, and John K. Schindler. Aug 77, 31 p Rept no. RADC-TR-77-289 Descriptors: "Synthetic aperture radar, "Moving target indicators, Radar tracking, Airborne, Tuned circuits, Doppler radar, Radar clutter, Suppression, Radiofrequency filters, Signal processing, Discrete fourier transform, Signal to noise ratio, Memory de- vices, Fast fourier transforms, Computer pro- grams. The frequency filters are implemented by applying the discrete Fourier transform to the returning radar pulses. Proper selection of the particular out- puts at which a target appears at a given time is the function of a computer program, for which the theoretical foundations and program logic are de- veloped in the report. The program can be used to determine the specific factors to be programmed tor processing return data and for designing the actual processor. The results show typical memory and time requirements for laboratory test-bed and operational processors. Finally, a technique for re- ducing total memory required by reducing stored input data is described and developed. Tradeoffs between time and memory are discussed, and op- timal operating point calculations are developed. AD-A059 026/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Defence Research Establishment Ottawa (Ontar- io) Tracker Antenna Location Study Technical note J. Glen Rumbold. Jul 78, 118p Rept no. DREO- TN-78-4 Abstract in French. Descriptors: "Radar antennas, "Radar tracking, Electronic aircraft, Antenna configurations, Elec- tromagnetic interference, TACAN, Position(Location), Computer programs, Airplane models, Canada. Identifiers: "Aircraft antennas. This report details the antenna location study for the Tracker Aircraft refitment. Computer prediction of electromagnetic interference and antenna cou- pling in conjunction with antenna pattern measure- ments made on a scale model of the Tracker yield- ed suggested locations for the new antennas. (Author) AD-A059 052/1CP PC A08/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ Las Cruces Engineering Experiment Station A Pre-Prototype Real-Time Video Tracking System Final rept. G. M. Flachs, W. E. Thompson, R. J. Black, J. M. Taylor, and W. Cannon. 17 Jan 77, 162p Contract DAAD07-76-C-0024 Descriptors: "Television tracking, Computer appli- cations, Real time, Microprogramming, Central processing units, Target acquisition, Display sys- tems, Algorithms, Performance(Engineering), Histograms, Computer programs, Prototypes, Television cameras, Optical tracking. This final report is presented to White Sands Mis- sile Range to develop a state-of-the-art hardware and software configuration for a real-time video (RTV) tracking system and to investigate the feasi- bility of the system by testing its major compo- nents. The result of the research effort is the design of a video processor, a structural tracker, and a control processor for a RTV tracking system. AD-A059 222/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Mitre Corp Bedford Mass SEEK IGLOO Life Cycle Cost Model. Volume II. User's Manual Technical rept. J. K. Ferraiolo, J. H. James, and R. A. Moynihan. Jul 78, 159p MTR-3577-VOL-2, ESD-TR-78-155- VOL-2 Contract F19628-78-C-0001 Descriptors: "Radar stations, Programming man- uals, Life cycle costs, User needs, Surveillance, Mathematical models, Maintenance, Interactive graphics, Computer applications, Subroutines, Computer programs. Identifiers: "SEEK IGLOO radar, SEEK IGLOO project, Sensitivity analysis. An interactive Life Cycle Cost (LCC) mathematical model with a built-in sensitivity analysis capability has been developed for use in the evaluation of proposed designs for the Air Force SEEK IGLOO Radar System. This User's Manual provides the in- formation necessary to run the computerized LCC Model effectively. In addition, a complete discus- sion of the particular Cost Elements used to calcu- late Life Cycle Cost is given in Appendix C, and the sensitivity analysis component of the LCC Model is presented in Appendix D. (Author) AD-A059 242/8CP PC A13/MF A01 Visidyne Inc Burlington Mass A High Altitude Infrared Radiance Model Final rept. Jul-Sep 77 T. C. Degges, and H. J. P. Smith. 30 Nov 77, 298p VI-395, AFGL-TR-77-0271 Contract F19628-77-C-0041 Descriptors: "Infrared radiation, "Upper atmos- phere, Computerized simulation, Light transmis- sion, Models, Mathematical models, Mathematical prediction, Computer programs, High altitude. Identifiers: Earth limb, Atmospheric composition, "Atmospheric transmissivity, Space surveiliane systems. A knowledge of the natural infrared radiance origi- nating in the earth's upper atmosphere is of inter- est for systems design, military surveillance and the advancement of knowledge about physical processes in the upper atmosphere. A physical model that includes experimental data on and theoretical estimates and excitation processes that lead to emission of infrared radiation has been implemented in a computer program that com- putes infrared radiances for an earth's limb viewing geometry. The nominal spectral region of this study lies between 2.7 and 25 micrometers and emphasis is placed on radiation originating at alti- tudes between 70 and 500 km. The physical model is described, with emphasis on the changes re- quired in extending its usefulness. Application of the computer program is described. Model predic- tions are compared with radiance data obtained in the ICECAP auroral studies program. This com- parison is used to illustrate uncertainties in results due to assumptions made in the model and lack of data on actual atmospheric composition. (Author) AD-A060 174/OCP MF A.01 Science Applications Inc Albuquerque NM infrared Search and Track Evaluation Model (IRSTEM) Final rept. L N. Peckham, and L L. Doran. Aug 78, 196p Rept no. SAI-A64-995-199 Contract N00173-77-C-0236 Availability: Microfiche copies only. Descriptors: "Infrared tracking, "Mathematical models, Infrared scanning, Computer programs, Tables(Data), Target signatures, Signal process- ing, Background, Theory, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: "Infrared detection, Signal to noise ratio, Atmospheric transmissivity, Design criteria, IRSTEM model. The purpose of this contract is to develop a system-level computer code to evaluate the per- formance of Infrared Search and Track systems. The I nf rated Search and Track System Evaluation Model (IRSTEM) resulting from this contract is a deterministic code which models the background scene, atmospheric effects, sensor design charac- teristics and allows flexibility of incorporating a va- riety of signal processing options. This report sum- marizes the work documented in the three quarter- ly reports submitted under this contract and pro- vides a summary of the theory behind the models used in IRSTEM, a program summary, and a user's manual with sample programs. AD-A060 685/5CP PC A04/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Distributed Sensor Networks Semiannual technical summary rept. 1 Oct 77-31 Mar 78 Richard T. Lacoss. 31 Mar 78, 63p ESD-TR-78- 208 Contract F19628-78-C-0002, ARPA Order-3345 Descriptors: "Acoustic detectors, "Radar tracking, "Networks, "Target acquisition, Packets, Radio transmission, Infrared detectors, Low level, Air- craft, Cruise missiles, Computer applications, Space surveillance systems, Decision making, Sites, Apertures, Phased arrays, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Distributed processing, Front end pro- cessors. Progress on the Distributed Sensor Networks pro- gram is reported. Topics covered in the sensor area are the performance of acoustic sensors, sizing of acoustic front-end computation require- ments, feasibility of adapting packet radios to per- form as radar sensors, and a preliminary investiga- tion of IR options. In all cases, the targets consid- ered were low-flying aircraft or cruise missiles. Progress is reported in the area of decision theore- tic surveillance space search methods of multisite detection and on specific algorithms to locate tar- gets using two acoustic sites. Results of a prelimi- nary parametric sensor and system cost analysis are given. (Author) 25 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES AD-A060 849/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Honeywell Inc Minneapolis MN Systems and Re- search Center Prototype Automatic Target Screener Quarterly progress rept. no. 2, 1 Jan-31 Mar 78 D. E. Soland, P. M. Narendra, R. C. Fitch, D. V. Serreyn, and T. G. Kopet. 15 Jun 78, 109p Rept no. 78SRC54-2 Contract DAAK70-77-C-0248 Descriptors: 'Forward looking infrared systems, Infrared images, Thermal targets, Computer pro- grams, Prototypes, Data bases, Data processing, Systems analysis, Pattern recognition, Image proc- essing, Real time, Algorithms, Computerized simu- lation, Requirements, Infrared detectors, Target recognition, Target detection. Identifiers: "Automatic Target Screener, Image en- hancement, Selection. This report is the second quarterly progress report for contract DAAK70-77-C-0248, Prototype Auto- matic Target Screener. It describes results of a five-month design study. The objective of the effort is an automatic target screener to be used with thermal imaging systems employing common module components. This report covers the period from 1 January to 31 March 1978. (Author) AD-A060 850/5CP PC A06/MF A01 Honeywell Inc Minneapolis MN Systems and Re- search Center Prototype Automatic Target Screener Quarterly progress rept. no. 3, 1 Apr-30 Jun 78 D. E. Soland, P. M. Narendra, R C. Fitch, D. V. Serreyn, and T. G. Kopet. 1 Sep 78, 109p Rept no. 78SRC54-3 Contract DAAK70-77-C-0248 Descriptors: 'Forward looking infrared systems, Thermal targets, Infrared images, Computer pro- grams, Prototypes, Data bases, Data processing, Systems analysis, Pattern recognition, Image proc- essing, Real time, Algorithms, Computerized simu- lation, Requirements, Infrared detectors, Target recognition, Target detection. Identifiers: 'Automatic Target Screener, Image en- hancement, Selection. This report is the third quarterly progress report for contract DAAK70-77-C-0248, Prototype Automatic Target Screener. The objective of the effort is to design an automatic target screener to be used with thermal imaging systems employing common module components. (Author) AD-A061 945/2CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington DC Surveillance Radar Detection (SURDET) Pro- gram: Revision Number 1 Memorandum rept. G. V. Trunk. 8 Dec 78, 14p Rept no. NRL-MR- 3896 Descriptors: 'Search radar, 'Computerized simu- lation, Modification, Radar tracking, Detection, Radar jamming, Monopulse radar, Doppler radar, Multipath radar, Suppression, Target recognition, Monte Carlo method, Computer program docu- mentation. Identifiers: SURDET computer program. The Surveillance Radar Detection (SURDET) model is a user-oriented computer model that pro- duces target detections and position estimates for each radar scan. The model employs a variety of target trajectories and environments including jam- ming, multipath propagation, and rain and sea clut- ter. The model is a Monte-Carlo simulation, and the automatic detector is simulated on a pulse-to- pulse basis that takes into account target suppres- sion and resolution effects in a dense target envi- ronment. This version documents the inclusion of an M out of N detector, a doppler processor, and monopulse capability of estimating the azimuth and elevation angles of the target. (Author) AD-A062 982/4CP PC A03/MF A01 National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center Atlantic City NJ Evaluation of a Radar Moving Target Extractor (MOTE) Final rept. Jun-Oct 77 Robert W. Delaney. Nov 78, 36p FAA-NA-78-43, FAA-RD-78-124 Descriptors: 'Search radar, 'Target acquisition, 'Target discrimination, Radar clutter, Weather, Signal processing, Computer programs, Radar tar- gets, Filters, Data rate. This report contains performance results of a ve- locity filter, identified as a moving target extractor(MOTE), to minimize excessive radar return data rates from weather clutter with mini- mum reduction target detection criteria. The MOTE, part of a special processor, was operated in conjunction with the common digitizer(CD) equipment at Elwood, New Jersey. Tests of search radar report data, with and without the filter, em- ployed clear-air and weather tapes which were processed by computer programs for comparison. An additional MOTE design, providing for en- hancement of target detection, was tested with a limited number of sample weather tapes. Results of tests with low-intensity weather data showed a reduction in target detection of 4 percent, while false targets were reduced by 41 prercent. Test re- sults from high-intensity weather data showed a reduction in target detection of 15 percent with false target reduction of 44 percent. (Author) AD-A063 810/6CP PC A03/MF A01 IIT Research Inst., Annapolis, MD. Federal Aviation Administration Flight Service Station. Emergency Services Program Final rept. Franklin Atwell. Aug 78, 36p ECAC-PR-78-043 Contract F19628-78-C-0006, DOT-FA70-WAI-175 Descriptors: 'Airport radar systems, 'Information retrieval, Data bases, Computer programs, Plot- ters, Line of sight, Air traffic control systems, Sur- veillance, Direction finding stations, United States, Area coverage, Flight paths, Routing, Terrain, Alti- tude, Emergencies. Identifiers: Surveillance radar. Program, formats and outputs are described that were developed and produced by ECAC for the Federal Aviation Administration. These programs can be used to describe the existing LOS coverage area of FAA direction- finding stations, airport sur- veillance radars, and air route surveillance radars, in the conterminous United States. (Author) AD-A063 885/8CP PC A03/MF A01 Mathematical Applications Group, Inc., Elmsford, NY. The RADOT Code for the Tracking of Radar In- cident on Trees Final rept. M. O. Cohen, and H. A. Steinberg. Feb 78, 39p MAGI-MR-7058, ETL-0147 Contract DAAK70-77-C-0243 Descriptors: 'Radar signatures, 'Computerized simulation, 'Target acquisition, Radar tracking, Digital computers, Orientation(Direction), Sizes(Dimensions), Trees, Forests, Contrast. Identifiers: RADOT computer program, CDC-6400 computers, IBM-360 computers. A computer code, RADOT, has been developed to track incident radar through forests consisting of realistically simulated trees. RADOT fires parallel radar rays at the simulated forest and records in- formation for all materials intersected between the origin and the ground. This information includes type of object (branch, twig or leaf), its size and orientation parameters (components of normal or axis vector) and the depth. Radot has been suc- cessfully installed on the ETL CDC-6400 comput- er. Other versions, for IBM-360 or CDC-6600 com- puters are also available. (Author) AD-A064 896/4CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Real Time Kalman Filtering for Torpedo Range Tracking Master's thesis Dennis Michael Dwyer. Dec 78, 99p Descriptors: 'Underwater tracking, 'Kalman filter- ing, 'Acoustic tracking, 'Torpedo trajectories, Po- sition finding, Three dimensional, Real time, Com- puter programs, Estimates, Sequential analysis, Subroutines, Acoustic arrays, Hydrophones, Matrices(Mathematics), Inversion, Transitions, Torpedoes, Acoustic ranges, Washington(State), Theses. Two Extended Kalman filter routines, one using a one-step estimation/prediction and the other a se- quential approach, were developed and compared to provide real time estimates of target positions on the three dimensional underwater tracking range at Naval Underwater Weapons Engineering Station, Keyport, Washington. Inputs to the rou- tines were acoustic pulse transit times from the target to receiving array elements which are non- linear functions of the position coordinates. These inputs were linearized and the filter gains calculat- ed on-line. Simulated runs were conducted for tracks in the area of one hydrophone array and for tracks that transited through multiple arrays. It was found that the sequential estimate routine exhibit- ed better performance in recovering from tran- sients caused by random measurement noise or target movement. (Author) AD-A065 288/3CP PC A15/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center, Newport, Rl. Generic Sonar Model Technical document Henry Weinberg. 1 Jan 79, 344p Rept no. NUSC- TD-5971 Descriptors: 'Sonar, Computer programs, Ocean environments, Computerized simulation, Ocean models, Sonar signals, Underwater sound, Acous- tic velocity, Sea water, Acoustic scattering, Salin- ity, Acoustic reflection, Reverberation, Fortran, Cost analysis, Trade off analyses, War games, Test facilities, Simulators. Identifiers: Generic Sonar Model computer pro- gram, Performance evaluation, Mthematical models. The Generic Sonar Model is a computer program designed to provide sonar system developers and technologists with a comprehensive modeling ca- pability for evaluating the performance of sonar systems and investigating the ocean environment in which they operate. The Generic Sonar Model provides features not presently available in any one computer program. These permit cost/accura- cy tradeoffs for specific applications and interfac- ing results with generalized warfare models and hardware stimulators in development and test bed facilities. (Author) AD-BOOO 106/5CP PC A05/MF A01 General Electric Co., Syracuse, N.Y. Heavy Military Equipment Dept. Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems Technical information series C. J. Eichenauer. Aug 74, 93p Rept no. R74EMH18 Descriptors: 'Radar transmitters, 'Power supplies, 'Phased arrays, Power supplies, Alternating cur- rent, Direct current, Circuits, Systems analysis, Computer programs, Analog computers, Digital computers, Matrix theory. Identifiers: 'Computer aided design. Detailed quantitative analyses of phased-array power systems are often required as a result of the radar system's variable pulse templet operating conditions. A matrix format, with system capability factors forming columns and system operating modes forming rows, is presented as a useful type of display for the quantitative results of a power- supply system analysis. Four alternate forms of system analysis are then examined - use of steady-state techniques, use of analog computer techniques, development and use of special-pur- pose digital computer programs, and use of one of the general-purpose user-oriented circuit analysis programs. Examples of each approach are pre- sented. Advantages and disadvantages of each method of analysis are discussed. It is recom- mended that general-purpose user-oriented analy- 26 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES sis programs be used for the majority ol nonrepeti- tive phased-array transmitter investigations. AD-B009 668/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Aeronautical Systems Div Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Deputy for Development Planning ASDIR-II. Volume I. User Manual Final rept. Jul 72-Dec 74 Charles W. Stone, and Stanley E. Tate. Dec 75, 140p Rept no. ASD/XR-TR-75-1-Vol-1 See also VOIume 2, AD-B009 669L. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: "Infrared signatures, "Computer pro- grams, 'Infrared detection, Aircraft, Predictions, Infrared radiation, Aircraft engines, Exhaust plumes, Exhaust systems, Aerodynamic heating, Infrared suppressors, Survival(General), Instruc- tion manuals, Modular construction, Infrared coun- termeasures. Identifiers: ASDIR computer program. The Aeronautical Systems Division Infrared Signa- ture Prediction Program (ASDIR) is a state-of-the- art functionally modularized computer code. Volume I is the ASDIR User Manual which de- scribes the program input and provides the user with example applications. (Author) AD-B009 669/3CP PC A 1 3/MF A01 Aeronautical Systems Div Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Deputy for Development Planning ASDIR-II. Volume II. Program Description Final rept. Jul 72-Dec 74 Charles W. Stone, and Stanley E. Tate. Jan 75. 293p Rept no. ASD/XR-TR-75-1-Vol-2 See also Volume 3, AD-B009 670L. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Infrared signatures, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Infrared detection, Aircraft, Predictions, Infrared radiation, Aircraft engines, Exhaust plumes, Aerodynamic heating, Infrared suppres- sors, Survival(General), Infrared countermeasures, Instruction manuals. Identifiers: ASDIR computer program. Volume 2 contains a functional and technical de- scription of each of the programs used in ASDIR as well as a complete program listing. AD-B009 670/1CP PC A07/MF A01 Aeronautical Systems Div Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio Deputy for Development Planning ASDIR-II. Volume III. Reference Documenta- tion Final rept. Jul 72-Dec 74 Charles W. Stone, and Stanley E. Tate. Jan 75, 140p Rept no. ASD/XR-TR-75-1-Vol-3 See also Volume 1 , AD-B009 668L. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Infrared signatures, 'Computer pro- grams, 'Infrared detection, Computer program documentation, Aircraft, Predictions, Infrared radi- ation, Aircraft engines, Exhaust plumes, Aerody- namic heating, Infrared suppressors, Survival(General), Infrared countermeasures, In- struction manuals. Identifiers: ASDIR computer program. Volume 3 is a compilation of the essential refer- ence material. AD-B017 117/3CP PC A03/MF A01 General Electric Co Cincinnati Ohio Aircraft Engine Group Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Pre- dictions (PIREP). Volume I. Description Final rept. 15 May-15 Nov 76 M. E. Wilton. 15 Nov 76, 38p JTCG/AS-CM-603- Vol-1 Contract F33615-76-C-0117 See also Volume 2, AD-B017 1 18L Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Infrared radiation, 'Infrared signa- tures, 'Aircraft signatures, 'Computer programs, Jet engines, Aircraft, Survival(General), Infrared countermeasures, Emission control. Identifiers: PIREP computer program, 'Infrared de- tection, Jet engine exhaust, Aircraft exhaust. The background and development of a computer program, PIREP (Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Program) for rapidly generating engine IR emission characteristics is presented. The PIREP program evaluates peak plume and peak hot parts infrared emissions for turbojet, turbofan and turboshaft engines at low cost to the user. The report presents the analysis and discusses the ap- plications of the program. (Author) AD-B017 118/1CP PC A16/MF A01 General Electric Co Cincinnati Ohio Aircraft Engine Group Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Pre- diction (PIREP). Volume II. User Manual Final rept. 15 May-15 Nov 76 M. E. Wilton. 15 Nov 76, 362p JTCG/AS-CM-6- 03-Vol-2 Contract F33615-76-C-0117 See also Volume 1, AD-B017 11 7L. Errata sheet inserted. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Infrared radiation, 'Infrared signa- tures, 'Aircraft signatures, 'Computer programs, Jet engines, Aircraft, Survival(General), Infrared countermeasures, Emission control. Identifiers: PIREP computer program, 'Infrared de- tection, Jet engine exhaust, Aircraft exhaust. PIREP (Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Predictions) is a computer routine for providing preliminary IR signature estimates for turbojet, tur- bofan and turboshaft engines. The peak plume and hot parts infrared emissions can be made available as part of the output for each and every engine, cycle, and flight condition at low cost to the user. In this way estimates of susceptability to mis- sile threats can be included as an integral factor in preliminary engine design and realistic efforts can be made to select cycles which present low IR sig- natures to specific threat environments. Extended PIREP can also evaluate the suppression potential of several candidate engines or missions for rela- tively low cost during the early selection of phases of engine designs. The user can judge the poten- tial of more advanced missiles and calculate lockon ranges for use in survivability studies or for comparison of different cycle/engine designs. Quick estimates are available to judge whether a candidate cycle can possibly meet given IR specifi- cations before more expensive detailed studies are initiated. (Author) AD-707 793/CP HC A03 MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ Silver Spring Md Applied Physics Lab A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Radar Multipath Effects over the Sea. Technical rept. Vernon W. Pidgeon. Oct 69, 43p Rept no. APL- TG-1089 Contract NOw-62-0604 Descriptors: 'Ocean waves, 'Radar interference, 'Radar signals, Multipath transmission, Computer programs, Multipath radar, L band, S band. Whenever a radar signal is used against a low-alti- tude target, signal strength may fade because signal reflections from the surface of the earth in- terfere with the direct signal from the target. This fading can cause serious missile-guidance prob- lems. A digital computer program has been devel- oped that computes the effects of radar multipaths over the sea, and an experimental program has been conducted in which multipath effects at L- and S-bands have been measured. With certain notable exceptions, the results of the theoretical and experimental programs agree very closely. Modifications to the computer program that are suggested by the experimental results are primarily to the computations in the vicinity of the radar hori- zon, where signal strength should be computed by using a fall-off rate (in signal strength per given range) that is proportional to the cube root of the radar frequency. Values of the rough-sea reflection coefficient have been verified for grazing angles down to less than one milliradian. (Author) AD-709 453/CP HC A04 MF A01 California Univ Berkeley Electronics Research Lab Scattering of Microwave Radiation from a Tur- bulent Water Surface. D. E. Tremain, and D. J. Angelakos. 1 Jul 70, 62p Rept no. ERL-70-3 Contract N00014-69-A-0200-1035 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound signals, Detec- tion, 'Radio waves, Scattering, Low frequency, Ocean waves, Surface roughness, Backscattering, Integral transforms, Statistical functions, Computer programs, Feasibility studies. An experiment has been constructed to investi- gate the feasibility of detecting low frequency un- derwater sound sources under turbulent surface conditions by illuminating a small portion of the water surface with an unmodulated beam of 8mm microwave radiation. The unmodulated beam became phase modulated upon reflection from the water surface. This phase modulation was detect- ed by a synchronous phase detector and was processed using digital autocorrelation and Fast Fourier Transform techniques to yield the spectral components present in the water surface. The an- gular positions of the transmitting and receiving antennas with respect to the surface normal were adjustable independently over wide ranges in this experiment. Results have been obtained for the case of specular reflection in which the angles of incidence and reflection each varied from 5 de- grees to 50 degrees, with respect to the surface normal. These results indicate that a submerged source vibrating with a large amplitude at a fre- quency above the surface roughness spectrum may be detected readily for angles of incidence and reflection up to about 35 degrees from the normal. The source may be detected for angles of incidence and reflection between 40 degrees and 50 degrees only if two or three transforms are av- eraged; detection is more difficult for angles in this range. A number of cases of backscattering have been investigated as well, but the source could not be detected in any of these cases because the de- tection system was not sufficiently sensitive. (Author) AD-709 673/CP HC A08 MF A01 Stanford Univ Calif Stanford Electronics Labs The Stanford Meteor-Trails Radar Mark II. Final rept. 1 Mar 67-31 Dec 69 Robert Nowak, Edgar M. North, and Michael S. Frankel. Jun 70, 165p SU-SEL-70-021, AFCRL- 70-0365 Contract AF 19(628)-6152 Descriptors: 'Meteors, Radar tracking, 'Meteoro- logical radar, Design, 'Wind, Upper atmosphere, 'Upper atmosphere, Density, Computer programs, Wake, Atmospheric motion, Radar equipment. In the study of upper-atmosphere winds and densi- ties, radar measurements of the ionized trails of meteors in the height region between 80 and 110 km have proven valuable. In the present report, this measurement technique is compared to other methods and its advantages and problems are out- lined. Considerations for the design of a meteor- trail radar system are presented. The desire for a global network of meteor-trail radar stations, which would aid significantly in the study of synoptic at- mospheric patterns, calls for a reliable, simple, and inexpensive design. Such a design, realized at Stanford University and tested in operation, is de- scribed in detail. Data are recorded automatically on digital magnetic tape and are reduced com- pletely by computer; except for tape changes, the station operates unattended. Circuit diagrams, as- sembly, and tuning procedures for the complete station are presented, and the computer program used tor data reduction is listed. The equipment was built on printed circuit cards for which nega- tives are available, on request, from Stanford Uni- versity. (Author) AD-709 897/CP HC A04 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Machine Plotting of Radio/ Radar Vertical- Plane Coverage Diagrams. Interim rept. Lamont V. Blake. 25 Jun 70, 55p Rept no. NRL- 7098 27 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Descriptors: * Radar targets, Detection, * Radar re- flections, *Radar interference, Plotters, Low alti- tude, Computer programs, Radar equipment, Prop- agation, Detection, Radar antennas. Fortran computer subroutines have been devel- oped for machine plotting of radar or radio vertical- plane coverage diagrams for the case of interfer- ence between direct and sea-reflected waves. One set of subroutines plots detection or constant- signal-level contours on a range-height-angle chart. A second set plots signal level in decibels as a function of range for a target at a fixed (low) alti- tude. The first type of plot is valid for antenna heights that are within a few hundred feet of the water and for targets that are at much higher alti- tudes and not too close to the horizon. The second type is valid for antenna and target heights that are both less than a few thousand feet altitude, with no restriction on minimum altitude. Normal atmos- pheric refraction is taken into account, but scatter- ing and ducting are assumed to be of negligible effect. The frequency range considered is from about 100 MHz to 10 GHz. The factors taken into account are frequency, antenna and target heights, antenna beamwidth, tilt of the beam with respect to the horizon, roughness of the sea (wave height), polarization of the radio waves, and the calculated or assumed free-space range. Sample plots are shown and discussed. The plotting tech- niques employed are briefly described, and listings of the essential Fortran subroutines are given in an appendix. (Author) AD-710 414/CP HCA10MFA01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Inst of Science and Technology An Advanced Automatic Telescope Computer Control Program. J. D. Erickson, P. Tanner, and C. Fujii. Aug 70, 202pReptno. 1386-27-T Contract DAHC15-68-O-0144 Report of the Mount Haleakala Observatory. Descriptors: 'Tracking telescopes, Automation, "Optical tracking, 'Programming(Computers), Digital computers, Subroutines, Sensors, Control systems, Satellite tracking systems, Infrared track- ing. Identifiers: TEST computer program, Automatic control. The report describes the major features of a modu- lar, advanced, automatic telescope digital control program (TEST), used at the Mount Haleakala Ob- servatory for automated, sampled-data control of one 60-in.- and two 48-in.-aperture telescopes, which may be controlled simultaneously or sepa- rately. Among the flexible features of the system are lunar, planetary, and stellar tracking capabili- ties. Pointing and tracking performance are im- proved in real time by refraction corrections and mount models which compensate for flexure, colli- mation error, and other mechanical differences of the telescope from an ideal optical-coordinate system. TEST also contains the logical processing for an infrared scanner-tracker sensor mounted on one of the 48-in. telescopes; this provides an in- frared tracking capability. TEST serves an an equipment testing program for the control loop, which features specifiable step, ramp, and various sinusoidal driving functions for each asix. A brief operator's guide and logic flow charts are included in the report. (Author) AD-713 077/CP HC A05 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Sonobuoy Location. Master's thesis Thomas Penn French, Jr. Sep 70, 77p Descriptors: *Radio sono buoys, Position finding, 'Antisubmarine aircraft, Range finding, Antisub- marine warfare, Hydrophones, Radiofrequency, Radio homing, Errors, Ground speed, Mathemat- ical models, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Slant range. In airborne anti-submarine warfare operations there is a critical requirement for maintaining an accurate relative plot of the sonobuoys with re- spect to the aircraft. This study proposed a method for locating sonobuoys in a pattern using aircraft- to-buoy slant range information. The method did not use triangulation procedures and attempted to minimize the restrictions placed on the aircraft. The study showed the feasibility of the proposed methodology and the approximate errors to be en- countered. (Author) AD-713 394/CP HC A04 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Effect of False Contacts on the Probability of Detecting a Submarine. Master's thesis Raymond Michael Walsh. Apr 70, 65p Descriptors: 'Antisubmarine warfare, Sonar tar- gets, 'Sonar targets, Accuracy, Antisubmarine air- craft, Helicopters, Submarines, Echo ranging, Sonar signals, Errors, Computer programs, War games, Theses. Identifiers: Scenarios, False contacts, Sonar clut- ter. A computer war game is developed to measure the effect of false contacts on the probability of detect- ing a submarine. The variables are the probability of correctly classifying a non-submarine contact, the probability of correctly classifying a submarine contact, and the false contact density. A scenario is developed to focus on the false contact problem while holding other ASW variables constant. It is concluded from the output of the game that the effect of false contacts is deeply embedded in the interrelationships between units (Author) AD-715 336/CP PC A03 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Fortran Subroutine to Decode Tape-Record- ed Digital Data from the Randle Cliff Radar. Frank D. Clarke. Nov 70, 31 p Rept no. NRL-MR- 2180 Descriptors: 'Radar signals, Decoding, Subrou- tines, Information retrieval, Magnetic tape, Com- puter programs, Input-output devices. Identifiers: CDC 3800 computers, FORTRAN, EXEVAL subroutine, EXTEST computer program, Data acquisition. A Fortran subroutine, EXEVAL, has been written to operate on the CDC 3800 computer. The subrou- tine will permit data extraction from magnetic tapes recorded from the Randle Cliff Radar (RCR) data acquisition system at CBD. While the subroutine is written to accommodate a current specific RCR re- cording format, it can be easily adapted to any de- sired format. Subroutine EXEVAL operates on a record-by-record basis and optionally provides a new tape on which the extracted data are record- ed. (Author) AD-718 313/CP PCA04MFA01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Self and Mutual Acoustic Radiation Impe- dances for Pistons in a Plane Infinite Rigid Baffle R. L. Berkowitz, and R. V. Baier. 18 Jan 71, 62p Rept no. NRL-7008 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Sound transmis- sion, 'Sonar arrays, Acoustic impedance, Comput- er programs, Input-output devices, Mathematical analysis, Tables. Identifiers: MUTIMP computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN. Formulas to calculate the self-impedance and mutual-impedance coefficients of acoustic radi- ation from disks in an infinite rigid baffle are dis- cussed. A Fortran IV computer program which evaluates these expressions is listed, and two tables of numerical values are printed. The first table lists both the self-impedance and the mutual- impedance coefficients as a function of ka and kd, where kd = nka, for n = 2, 3, 4, ..., 151, and where ka = 0.02 (0.02) 0.10, 0.15 (0.05) 1.00, 1.20 (0.20) 3.00. The second table lists only the self imped- ance for ka = 2.50 (0.50) 77.0. (Author) AD-718 356/CP PC A04 MF A01 North Carolina State Univ Raleigh Dept of Me- chanical and Aerospace Engineering A Fortran Program for the Class V Flexten- sional Underwater Acoustic Transducer Technical rept. Ralph A. Nelson, Jr, and Larry H. Royster. Dec 70, 59p Rept no. TR-1 1 Contract Nonr-486(11) Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Sound transmis- sion, 'Piezoelectric transducers, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Input-output devices, Resonant frequency, Air, Underwater. Identifiers: FORTRAN, FORTRAN 4 programming language. A mathematical model has been developed for the Class V flextensional underwater acoustic trans- ducer. A computer program corresponding to this model, written in Fortran IV G level for the IBM 360-75, has been developed which can be used to give results for the transducer in a vacuum (or in air). This program can also be run in conjunction with the program developed by Hess, which gives the pressures on an arbitrary body vibrating with a specified velocity distribution, to obtain the results of the transducer in an acoustical media. (Author) AD-718 440/CP PC A03 MF A01 Royal Radar Establishment Malvern (England) Computer Simulation of MTI Technical note E. J. Dodsworth, and J. Hathaway. Jun 70, 26p RRE-TN-759, TRC-BR-22744 Descriptors: 'Moving target indicators, Mathemat- ical models, 'Radar clutter, Simulation, Programming(Computers), Signal-to-noise ratio, Attenuation, S band, Feasibility studies, Great Brit- ain. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, MTI Radar computer program. A computer program has been written which pro- vides an estimate of the performance of an MTI(Moving Target Indicator) system in terms of the probability of clutter false alarms and the prob- ability of detecting an aircraft in cluttered areas. Among other factors, the program takes into ac- count the usual fading of aircraft signals and the wide range of clutter signal levels that can be found in practice over an area of clutter. The clut- ter model used is based on measurements at S- band at Malvern. The parameters of the MTI system being studied can be varied at will. Most of the results presented are for a system at constant prf using a limiting receiver, double cancellation and non-coherent integration, scanning at a rate giving 5 pulses per beamwidth. It is shown that, al- though limiting is effective in controlling the number of false alarms from strong clutter signals, the MTI Improvement Factor is considerably re- duced as a result of limiting. As a consequence of this there is no advantage in using double rather than single cancellation as regards the probability of detecting an aircraft over the assumed clutter area. Results are also given for an AGC system which provides better performance than limiting, although it would be more difficult to implement in practice. (Author) AD-719 386/CP PC A04 MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C The NRL Microwave Space Research Facility. Computer System Software for Control of the 60-ft X Band Antenna Final rept. Charles A. Bass, and Theodore F. Schmeckpeper. 25 Jan 71, 66p Rept no. NRL- 7188 Descriptors: 'Satellite tracking systems, 'Radar tracking, 'Radar antennas, Control systems, 'Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals, X band, Digital computers, Computer programs, Ser- vomechanisms, Time sharing, Real time. Identifiers: Spacecraft tracking. To extend the Navy's program in satellite commu- nications, a fully steerable 60-ft X-band antenna system has been completed at the Naval Re- search Laboratory's Microwave Space Research Facility at Waldorf, Maryland. The antenna can be operated in five different modes. In one of these, the digital mode, a general-purpose digital comput- 28 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES er has been programmed to provide direct digital control of the antenna position. Software devel- oped at the site has been organized into two oper- ating systems. A nonreal-time system is comprised of a resident monitor and basic utility programs necessary for efficient operation of a computer in- stallation. The second system, which provides digi- tal control of the antenna in a real-time environ- ment, is of a multilevel, time-shared structure. Four software levels are executed on a priority basis by a real-time executive. Two levels may be utilized for execution of auxiliary programs concurrently with antenna control. Several interrupt processing routines provide linkage to the real-time dynamics of the antenna system. (Author) AD-720 855/CP PC A06 MF A01 Eg and G Inc Bedford Mass On the Calibration, Accuracy, and Efficiency of Optical Range Finders Final rept. Mar-Jun 70 Sumner Ackerman. 31 Jul 70, 106p EG/G-B- 4248, AFCRL-71-0021 Contract F19628-70-C-0200 Descriptors: *Opdar, Performance(Engineering), 'Lasers, Range finding, Photoelectric effect, Signal-to-noise ratio, Calibration, Efficiency, Reliability(Electronics), Test methods, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Laser range finders, Range finders. A theory has been developed concerning the cali- bration, random errors, and efficiency of optical range finders as a function of signal energy; the magnitude of background noise is treated as a pa- rameter. Efficiency is defined herein as the amount of information obtained on the location of the target within the transmitter-pulse period per range measurement trial per unit of signal energy used. Poisson and Bose-Einstein photoemission statis- tics were assumed. Experimental measurements are generally in good agreement with theoretical predictions. (Author) AD-722 441/CP PC A04 MF A01 Air Force Weapons Lab Kirtland AFB N Mex The Application of Extreeme Value Statistics to Radar Systems Evaluation Technical rept. 1 May 67-1 Aug 69 Douglas W. Hill. Mar 71 , 64p Rept no. AFWL-TR- 70-78 Descriptors: 'Radar targets, Target discrimination, 'Information theory, Statistical analysis, Confi- dence limits, Computer programs, Statistical distri- butions, Mathematical prediction. Identifiers: Statistical inference, Maximum likeli- hood estimation, Extreme value density functions. The technique of extreme value statistics (EVS) developed by Gumbel has been applied to the lab- oratory evaluation of radar systems. A computer program has been written using the EVS technique to provide false-alarm probabilities, confidence limits, and design information. Two test cases are included to provide a comparison of this technique with previous techniques. A set of plots for use in testing the applicability of the theoretical model to a given set of experimental data also are included. (Author) AD-722 573/CP PC A03 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Correlation Study of Some Factors Effecting Submarine Detection by Destroyer Mounted Sonars Master's thesis Daniel Joseph Sullivan. Dec 70, 47p Descriptors: 'Sonar, 'Antisubmarine warfare, Cor- relation techniques, Destroyers, Effectiveness, Computer programs, Theses, Submarines, Detec- tion. A FORTRAN IV computer program was employed to conduct a statistical analysis of data collected during fleet antisubmarine warfare exercises. The object of the investigation was the identification of those variables which had greatest influence on a destroyer's ability to detect a submarine under cer- tain conditions. The variables were treated as a random vector arising from one of two multivariate normal populations with common covariance matrix. An artificial regression relation was formu- lated to facilitate development of a linear discrimi- nant function in a subset of those variables found to be of dominant importance. This latter subset was identified by examination of multiple correla- tion coefficients. The discriminant function was found to be seventy five per cent effective in clas- sifying the experimental data correctly. (Author) AD-723 826/CP PC A03 MF A01 North Carolina State Univ Raleigh Dept of Me- chanical and Aerospace Engineering A Fortran Model for Predicting the Response of the Class I Flextensional Underwater Acous- tic Transducer Shell to an N Shaped Shock Pulse Technical rept. Prakash Dhirubhai Desai, and Larry H. Royster. Feb 71, 26p Rept no. TR-14 Contract Nonr-486(11) Descriptors: 'Sonar equipment, Transducers, 'Transducers, Shock(Mechanics), Computer pro- grams, Structural shells, Beams(Structural), Vibra- tion, Resonant frequency, Deformation. Identifiers: Dynamic response, FORTRAN, Eigen- vectors. A Fortran program to compute the dynamic re- sponse of a variable cross section curved beam with horizontally guided ends and end masses to an N shaped shock pulse is presented. The pro- gram also obtains the eigenvectors, natural fre- quencies of vibrations, and static deflection of the beam. (Author) AD-723 827/CP PC A02 MF A01 North Carolina State Univ Raleigh Dept of Me- chanical and Aerospace Engineering A Fortran Program for Calculating the Equiva- lent Source Strength and Natural Frequencies for the Class II Flextensional Underwater Acoustic Transducer Shell Technical rept. Larry H. Royster, and Jack N. Boone. Oct 69, 22p Rept no. TR-9 Contract Nonr-486(11) Descriptors: 'Sonar equipment, Transducers, 'Transducers, Resonant frequency, Computer programs, Structural shells, Underwater objects, Vibration, Flexural strength. Identifiers: FORTRAN, Computer aided design, Degrees of freedom. A Fortran program is presented which computes a normalized equivalent source strength for the Class 2 Flextensional Underwater Acoustic Trans- ducer Shell and in addition establishes the shells effective coefficient fo 'he fundamental mode of vibration. The input data and the output data for- mats are described. AD-724 735/CP PC A04 MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Inst of Science and Technology A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Per- formed during the Apollo II Moonwalk Technical rept. J. D. Erickson, and P. D. McCormick. Jan 71, 60p Rept no. 1386-43-T Contract DAHC15-68-C-0144 Report of the Mount Haleakala Observatory. Descriptors: 'Reflectors, Design, 'Lasers, Reflec- tors, 'Moon, Range finding, Data processing sys- tems, Programming(Computers), Computer pro- grams, Experimental design, Signal-to-noise ratio, Quantum statistics. Identifiers: LUNASEE computer program, *Rt or- eflectors, Apollo 11 spacecraft, Moonwalk, Ruby lasers, Signal processing, Apollo. The report summarizes an experiment to detect a retroreflector array placed on the moon by the Apollo 1 1 astronauts (by measuring the magnitude of the return of a reflected ruby-laser beam direct- ed at the reflector array) before the astronauts left the moon. The Mount Haleakala Observatory on Maui, Hawaii, was in a location such that the moon and the Sea of Tranquillity site on the moon were observable during the moonwalk. (Author) AD-725 1 12/CP PC A03 MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center Newport R I Envelope Correlation of Undersampled Data by Digital Processing Research rept. Benjamin F. Cron, and Albert H. Nuttall. 25 Mar 71, 29p Rept no. NUSC-4065 Descriptors: 'Sonar signals, Spectrum analyzers, 'Information theory, Statistical analysis, Data proc- essing systems, Statistical functions, Correlation techniques, Computer programs, Sampling, Power spectra. Identifiers: 'Signal processing, 'Spectrum analy- sis. Digital computers can be used to obtain the com- plex envelope correlation of undersampled data. To obtain the complex envelope of the original process, a band of frequ easily shifted down to a center frequency of Hz. A quantitative compari- son of the theoretical and computed results shows that the digital method was accurate when em- ployed for two specific examples of a sine pulse and a linear FM pulse. (Author) AD-728 580/CP PC A04 MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Sonar Detection Model Master's thesis Richard Charles Curley. Mar 71, 58p Descriptors: 'Sonar targets, Range Finding, Anti- submarine warfare, Sonar arrays, Antisubmarine defense systems, Fleets, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: AN/SQS-23. The report modifies an existing sonar range predic- tion model for the AN/SQS-23 in such a manner as to attain detection range data in consonance with exercises from which the original data was extract- ed. It also shows personnel a method for incorpo- rating more than one ship in the model. This model will assist users in ascertaining the number of units required to perform a given antisubmarine task. (Author) AD-729 233/CP PC A04 MF A01 Sage Action Inc Ithaca N Y The Radar Cross Section of Extremey Thin Spherical Shells Technical rept. 1 Feb 69-31 Mar 70 R. W. Hale, D. F. Brown, and D. E. Ordway. Dec 70, 51 p Rept no. SAI-RR-7003 Contract N00014-69-C-0170 Descriptors: 'Radar targets, 'Radar echo areas, Radar reflectors, Radar reflections, Structural shells, Backscattering, Electrical properties, Corre- lation techniques, Dielectric properties. Identifiers: Spherical shells, FORTRAN, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, DISC computer code, CMS computer code, Radar cross sections. A detailed investigation of the radar cross section (RCS) of extremely thin, spherical shells is de- scribed. The shells are taken to be thin enough to be neutrally buoyant in air when filled with a light gas such as helium. The problem is formulated and various approaches for calculating RCS values are explored for both dielectric and conductive shell materials. An exact solution is found to be neces- sary. The computer codes to carry out this solution are described, together with an extensive set of numerical results. In addition, a limiting solution is presented which furnishes the analytical basis for a correlation of the exact conductive shell results. This correlation provides a simple, working tool for predicting the RCS of very thin, conductive shells in the resonance region without recourse to the computer code. (Author) AD-729 684/CP PC A03 MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta Engineering Experi- ment Station Models for Radar Displays Technical rept. 29 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Wayne Rivers. 17 Jul 71, 45p Rept no. GIT-A- 1231-TR-1 Contract N00024-70-C-1219 Descriptors: * Radar images, Target discrimination, *Radar operators, Performance(Human), Display systems, Radar clutter, Target recognition, Math- ematical models, Curve fitting. Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: FOCAL programming language. Mathematical models are developed to describe the capability of human operators observing A, B, and PPI displays of noncoherent radars for detect- ing target signals in receiver noise. The models are derived from visibility data of World-War II experi- ments using curve-fitting techniques guided by simple physical models. The trends of perform- ance are compatible with the predictions of detec- tion theory, but calibration constants are assigned based upon experimentally determined human op- erator characteristics. Radar variables which are incorporated in the models include pulse length, receiver bandwidths, antenna beamwidth and scan rate, pulse repetition frequency, and display brightness, geometry and phosphor characteris- tics. Data are presented from experiments on de- tection of target signals in sea clutter by human operators. (Author) AD-729 926/CP PC A05 MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Comput- er Engineering Control of Radar Scattering by Reactive Load- ing Joseph R. Mautz, and Roger F. Harrington. Aug 71, 76p Scientific-13, AFCRL-71-0429 Contract F19628-68-C-0180 Descriptors: * Radar echo areas, Backscattering, Electric impedance, Control, Numerical analysis, Computer programs. A method for obtaining a desired radar scattering pattern by reactiveiy loading a conducting body is given. The theory uses the concept of characteris- tic modes of a loaded body. Any desired real cur- rent can be resonated by reactive loads to make it the dominant mode current of that body. If no other mode is near resonance, the radar scattering pat- tern becomes nearly the same as the radiation pat- tern of the resonated current. A quality factor Q is defined as a measure of the broadband behavior of a scatterer. Procedures for computing the real currents having a minimum Q, and maximum gain- quality ratio, are given. A pattern synthesis proce- dure is developed for obtaining the real current whose radiation field pattern is the least mean square approximation to a desired field pattern. The use of lumped loads to approximate continu- ous loading is also considered. Numerical exam- ples and computer programs are given for each procedure discussed. (Author) AD-730 664/CP PC A03 MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Ad- vanced Sensors Directorate Linear-FM Spectra via a Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm Charles J. Kiss. May 71, 49p Rept no. RE-TR-71- 4 Descriptors: * Radar puises, Frequency modula- tion, Bandwidth, Spectrum analyzers, Integral transforms, Integration, Curve fitting, Digital com- puters, Computer programs Identifiers: Fast fourier transform, Fourier transfor- mation, Signal processing, Chirp radar. The report presents the results of an investigation of the spectral characteristics of a linear-FM pulse of various time-bandwidth products. An application of a 13-bit Fast Fourier Transform algorithm to the analytic form of the linear-FM signal allows an eco- nomical spectrum computation. The spectra are in- vestigated in an attempt to relate their ripple char- acteristics to the waveform's time-bandwidth prod- uct. (Author) AD-730 749/CP PC A16 MF A01 M and S Computing Inc Huntsville Ala System Software Design Specification for the Interactive Computer System Analyzer Final rept. W. T. O'Meara. 24 Sep 71, 373p Rept no. 71- 0012-Rev-1 Contract DAAH01-71-C-0165 Descriptors: *Data processing systems, * Radar equipment, *Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals, Display systems, Graphics, Aircraft de- fense systems, Computer programs, Control se- quences, Real time, Control systems, Radar track- ing. Identifiers: Interactive computer graphics, Comput- er systems programs, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, FLEXTRAN programming language, R520 programming language, Assembly languages, RTGS(Real Time Graphics System), Real time graphics system. The document defines the characteristics and ca- pabilities of the Real Time Graphics System (RTGS) developed by M and S Computing, Inc. for support of the applications of the Interactive Com- puter System Analyzer. This system is located in the Guidance and Control Laboratory of the Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, and is used to support the development and analy- sis of future air defense systems. Key elements within the Interactive Computer System Analyzer are a Raytheon R-520 computer system and a Hughes radar display. Sections I, 2, and 3 of this document serve as a system design specification for RTGS, which emphasizes what is being done rather than how it is being done. Section 4 is a user's guide to applying, programming, executing, and operating the RTGS. Section 5 contains the detail documentation of the RTGS. (Author) AD-731 572/CP PC E01 MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phe- nomena Semiannual technical rept. no. 4, 8 Jan-8 Jul 71 Stuart A. Collins. Aug 71, 38 ESL-2880-4, RADC- TR-7 1-202 Contract F30602-70-C-0003, ARPA Order- 1279 Descriptors: 'Coherent radiation, Light transmis- sion, 'Infrared images, Data processing systems, Infrared detectors, Digital recording systems, At- tenuation, Computer programs, Turbulence. Identifiers: 'Image processing, Fast Fourier trans- form, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FOR- TRAN. The report summarizes technical details of work performed at the Ohio State University ElectroS- cience Laboratory during the period January 8, 1971 to July 8, 1971. Progress is reported on the design, construction, and testing of apparatus and computer software for an experiment on atmos- pheric imaging and image reconstruction at 10.6 microns. The initial experiment involves recording, in digital format, the atmospherically degraded images of a pair of point sources and is to be ap- plied later to images received from laser illuminat- ed real objects. Both experimetnal equipment data processing for image reconstruction are dis- cussed. Preliminary data obtained by imaging an atmospherically degraded laser beam during recent tests at the RADC Verona PATS test site are presented. An analysis of errors resulting from tape drop-out during digital recording using a serial (Miller Code) technique is presented for both linear and logarithmic processing of the analog image data prior to recording. It is shown that linear proc- essing is generally superior for the present digital system and hence is recommended. (Author) AD-731 574/CP PC A03 MF A01 Alaska Univ College Geophysical Inst Project SECEDE. Tracking Barium releases using the TV-TRACK System Technical rept. 16 Dec 70-30 May 71 T. Neil Davis, and S. P. Geller. 20 May 71, 42p TR-2, RADC-TR-71-195 Contract F30602-70-C-0179, ARPA Order-1057 Descriptors: 'Atmospheric sounding, Upper at- mosphere, 'Condensation trails, Optical tracking, Television equipment, Real time, Computer pro- grams, Digital recording systems, Position finding. Identifiers: SECEDE project, 'Chemical release studies, Barium clouds, INTERDATA-4 computer program. Described herein is a TC tracking system capable of real-time visual object tracking. The total system consists of low-light TV cameras and communica- tions allowing for data to be sent from remote sites to a small centrally located computer. The position of the object that the three cameras are observing is calculated by the computer and transmitted to other sites for the purpose of 'pointing' other equipment. Solutions are available once per second. This report describes the actual use of this system during the SECEDE 2 test series and some problems encountered. It also contains enough detailed information to allow duplication of the system software or to extract certain portions of it that may be useful to other applications. (Author) AD-732 042/CP PC A05 MF A01 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Mass Four Hydrophone Array for Acoustic Three-Di- mensional Location Technical rept. William A. Watkins, and William E. Schevill. Oct 71, 91 p Rept no. WHOI-Ref-71-60 Contract N00014-66-C-0241 Descriptors: 'Hydrophones, Calibration, 'Marine biological noise, Position finding, Underwater sound, Direction finding, Programming(Computers). Identifiers: WHALOC computer program, FOR- TRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Un- derwater ambient noise. The report describes a non-rigid, floating, four-hy- drophone array that can give accurate three-di- mensional locations for certain underwater sound sources, particularly for those that are close. For more distant sounds, the array can indicate good directions (bearings) but range is liable to be un- certain. A system for concurrent calibration per- mits periodic reassessment of hydrophone posi- tions. (Author) AD-732 204/CP PC A03 MF A01 System Development Corp Dayton Ohio TREES: A Computer Software System for Proc- essing Data Organized in Branch Form (An Ap- plication to Job Performance Aids). Volume I. Design and Development Final rept. 1 Jul 70-30 Jun 71 Michael C. Colwell. Jun 71, 43p AFHRL-TR-71- 26-Vol-1 Contract F33615-70-C-1641 Descriptors: 'Programming(Computers), Informa- tion retrieval, 'Radar equipment, Maintenance, Doppler radar, Data processing systems, Control sequences, Flow charting. Identifiers: Computer systems programs, AN/APN- 147, Job performance aids, Data bases, TREES computer code. The document describes the development of com- puter programs for loading, editing, maintaining, and querying tree-structured data bases. Loading and maintaining data bases is achieved interacti- vely or in the batch mode. Querying and editing are done in the interactive mode only. A prerequisite to the development of the computer programs was the development of tree-structured data base con- cepts. (Author) AD-732 209/CP PC A07 MF A01 System Development Corp Dayton Ohio TREES User's Guide. A Computer Software System for Handling Information in Branch Form Operational manual 1 Jul 70-30 Jun 71 Michael C. Colwell, Darlene M. Risk, and Lawrence E. Reed. Jun 71, 133p AFHRL-TR-71- 27 Contract F33615-70-C-1641 Descriptors: 'Programming(Computers), Informa- tion retrieval, 'Radar equipment, Maintenance, In- struction manuals, Computer programs, Doppler radar, Data processing systems. 30 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Identifiers: Computer systems programs, TREES computer code, Job performance aids, Data bases, AN/APN-1 47. Instructions are presented for interactive and batch computer programs that process tree-struc- tured (TREES) data. These instructions were pre- pared as part of an overall effort to develop tech- niques for a computer based job performance aid. The QUERY program, which operates from a remote computer terminal, provides step-by-step guidance through maintenance troubleshooting trees. Data files may be created and maintained from a remote terminal using programs BUILD and EDIT, respectively. Large data bases are batch stored and maintained with program BUMP and standard phrasing of text material is stored in the data base with program LOADSS. Instructions for the interactive programs were prepared so that an individual with little or no computer experience may create, modify, and query his own data base. Keypunching instructions are given for the batch processing programs. The five programs have suf- ficient flexibility for application to many forms of tree-structured data, including flow diagrams, in- structional material, or any other forms in which step-by-step guidance is needed through decision points. (Author) AD-733 295/CP PC A03 MF A01 Chicago Univ III Lab for Atmospheric Probing Digital Processing of FM-CW Radar Data Technical note Ernst Stratmann, and James I. Metcalf. 16 Aug 71, 36p Rept no. TN-6 Grant DA-ARO-D-31-1 24-71 -G71 Prepared in cooperation with Illinois Inst, of Tech., Chicago. Dept. of Electrical Engineering. Descriptors: "Atmospheric sounding, Radar reflec- tions, *Clear air turbulence, Detection, Meteoro- logical parameters, Computer programs, Calibra- tion, Meteorological radar, Radar echo areas. Identifiers: FORTRAN, Signal processing. Quantitative data recorded from a FM-CW radar provide a unique means of studying the micros- tructure of radar echoes from the clear atmos- phere. A computer program is developed to com- pute reflectivity from digitized radar signal data, using a derived power calibration function, and correcting for range dependence of the received power. The report discusses the handling of the data and the derivation of the calibration equation, and present sample output from the computation including a contoured height-time record of reflec- tivity. (Author) AD-734 074/CP PC A02 MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phe- nomena Quarterly rept. 8 Jul-8 Oct 71 William G. Swarner. 8 Oct 71, 17p ESL-2880-5, RADC-TR-7 1-286 Contract F30602-70C-0003 ARPA Order-1279 Descriptors: 'Coherent radiation, Light transmis- sion, * Infrared images, Data processing systems, Infrared detectors, Digital recording systems, Coding, Synchronization(Electronics), Attenuation, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Image processing. Progress is reoorted on the construction and test- ing of apparatus and the development of computer software for experiments in inaging and image res- toration at 10.6 microns. The initial experiment in- volves recording, in digital format, the atmospheri- cally degraded images of a pair of point sources with subsequent computer processing for image restoration and determination of isoplanatic patch size for various atmospheric conditions. Recent additions to the experimental equipment are de- scribed and samples of images recorded and re- produced via the Miller code digital magnetic tape recording system are presented. (Author) AD-735 146/CP PC A02 MF A01 General Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif Radar Reflection Coefficients from a Plasma Gradient Including the Effects of Electron-Neu- tral and Electron-Ion Collisions P. J. Redmond. Sep 71, 23p GRC-RM-1545, DNA-2786T Contract DASA01-70-C-0121 Descriptors: 'Plasma medium, 'Radar reflections, Electron density, Interactions, Differential equa- tions, Hypergeometric functions, Electric fields, Computer programs. Identifiers: Electron ion interactions, Electron neu- tron interactions, FORTRAN. An analytical expression is obtained for the radar reflection coefficient from a one-dimensional plasma. The formulation includes the effects of electron-neutral and electron-ion collisions and is applicable for either an exponential variation of the electron density with position or a variation of the form (n sub e)(x) = (n sub infinity)/(1 + e sup(-x/ d)). (Author) AD-735 603/CP PC A06 MF A01 System Development Corp Dayton Ohio TREES: A Computer Software System for Proc- essing Data Organized in Branch Form (An Ap- plication to Job Performance Aids). Volume II. Program Descriptions Final rept. 1 Jul 70-30 Jun 71 Michael C. Colwell, and Darlene M. Risk. Jun 71, 102p AFHRL-TR-71-26-VOI-2 Contract F33615-70-C-1641 See also Volume 1 , AD-732 204. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, Information re- trieval, 'Radar equipment, Maintenance, Doppler radar, Data processing systems, Control se- quences, Programming(Computers). Identifiers: Computer systems programs, TREES computer code, Job performance aids, QUERY computer program, BUILD computer program, EDIT computer program, BUMP computer pro- gram, LOADSS computer program, AN/APN-1 47. The report describes five computer programs which provide step-by-step guidance through tree- structured data files. Together, these five pro- grams constitute TREES. The five programs are: (1) QUERY - for interacting with a tree-structured data base from a remote terminal, (2) BUILD - for loading data from a remote terminal, (3) EDIT - for editing and modifying existing data bases from a remote terminal, (4) BUMP - for loading and main- taining data bases in the batch mode, and (5) LOADSS - for loading and maintaining standard statements in a batch mode. This Volume is in- tended for programmers who may wish to apply, expand, or revise any of the features of the com- puter programs for processing tree-structured (TREES) data files. (Author) AD-736 020/CP PC A08 MF A01 RCA Research Labs Ste Anne de Bellevue (Quebec) Radar Backscatter Studies Rept. for 6 Oct 70-20 Jun 71 Issie P. Shkarofsky, Asoke K. Ghosh, and E. Noel Almey. Jul 71, 155p PSP-103, SAMSO-TR- 71-253 Contract F04701-70-C-0196 Descriptors: 'Radar signals, Backscattering, 'Plasma jets. Radar reflections, Electromagnetic fields, Plasma medium, Computer programs, Elec- tron density, Mathematical models, Turbulence, Canada. The document refers to the results of a program aimed at improving knowledge of the scattering of electromagnetic waves from turbulent plasma jet. Chapter I covers the task en the theory-experiment comparison of the backscattered data obtained last year. Several theoretical models are devel- oped and applied to compare with the experimen- tal results. In Chapter II, an experimental technique is provided to measure the modification of the electromagnetic field in turbulent plasma. Mea- surements are made for both direct and cross po- larized fields for a range of density from under- dense to near critical. (Author) AD-737 088/CP PC A03 MF A01 Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment Ports- mouth (England) An Examination of a General Association For- mula for Simple Situations Technical rept. W. McCullagh. Sep 71, 36p ASWE-TR-71-29, TRC-BR-27903 Descriptors: 'Radar tracking, Mathematical models, Naval operations, Interception probabil- ities, Detection, Circular error probable, Distribu- tion functions, Computer programs, Great Britain. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis. The results of applying a formula for calculating the probability of association between an observa- tion and a forecast target position are examined for simple situations in which there is a single mea- surement and a single forecast. It is shown that in general none of the formula parameters can safely be ignored. In particular it is shown that the orien- tation and shape of the position error distribution ellipses is of great importance in the calculation of the probability of association. (Author) AD-737 629/CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Normal Mode Computer Program for Calcu- lating Sound Propagation in Shallow Water with an Arbitrary Velocity Profile Final rept. Alfred V. Newman, and Frank Ingenito. Jan 72, 70p Rept no. NRL-MR-2381 Descriptors: 'Sound transmission, Shallow water, 'Underwater sound, 'Computer programs, Attenu- ation, Difference equations, Boundary layer, Boundary value problems. Identifiers: NORMMODE computer program, FOR- TRAN, Helmholtz equation, Finite difference theory. A computer program has been written in FOR- TRAN 3400/3600/3800 which solves the Z de- pendent part of the Helmholtz equation for a two fluid shallow water model by means of a finite dif- ference technique. Sound speed profiles for the model are entered as discrete sets of points. The first fluid is subdivided into N incremental layers to permit the use of the finite difference equations. A linear interpolation is performed between the pro- file depths and the depths at which the incremental layers are defined to give sound speeds for the latter. The boundary conditions for continuity of acoustic pressure and the vertical particle velocity are matched at the interface between the two fluids. The effect on each normal mode amplitude in the first fluid due to an assumed small absorp- tion in the second fluid is found. (Author) AD-738 172/CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Electronic Proving Ground Fort Huachuca Ariz Methodology Study: Infrared-Optical Propaga- tion Investigation Final rept. Freeman F. Hall, and Colin M. Giorgi. Mar 72, 53p Rept no. USAEPG-FR-735 Descriptors: 'Infrared detectors, Performance(Engineering), 'Infrared radiation, At- mospheric refraction, Attenuation, Light transmis- sion, Electrooptics, Infrared equipment, Aerial cameras. Range finding, Infrared communication systems, Infrared tracking, Meteorological param- eters, Irasers, Computer programs, Arizona. Identifiers: Laser beams, Atmospheric attenu- ation, Laser range finders. Fort Huachuca. The investigation has evaluated the application of infrared-optical propagation data correction tech- niques to the US Army Electronic Proving Ground's engineering test program. Scope of the effort covered a CDC documentation survey of 1972-80 time frame infrared-optical systems, the determination of the pertinent infrared-optical system test parameters which can be affected by propagation conditions in the Fort Huachuca mete- orological environment and the evaluation of exist- ing propagation models and data correction meth- odology for application to engineering test pro- gramming and data analysis requirements. The 31 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES report considers five classes of electro-optical sys- tems and four standard atmospheric conditions characteristics of the Fort Huachuca, Arizona test area. The methodology required to compute ex- pected system performance degradation is pre- sented to include the results of computations for a range of typical operational modes for each of the classes of systems and the supporting computer programs required to calculate the contrast reduc- tion. (Author) AD-738 908/CP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Hybrid Sonar Simulation Engineer's thesis Mauro Cesar Rodrigues Pereira. Sep 71, 188p Descriptors: *Sonar signals, Data processing sys- tems, Underwater sound, Analog-digital comput- ers, Spectrum analyzers, Logic circuits, Systems engineering, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Signal processing, Computer graphics, FORTRAN. The purpose of this study was the development of a computer system for research and instruction in signal processing for underwater sound applica- tions. The nature of the problem demanded the use of three computers interfaced by hardware and software to operate as a single system. A gen- eral purpose analog computer was employed to generate signals and noise, provide analog proc- essing and filtering and to allow the input of actual signals collected in the field. A general purpose digital computer provided for the examination of existing processing methods and for the investiga- tion of new techniques. A high level graphics com- puter was used for data display and as the system control station which provided for a high degree of human operator processing and interaction. (Author) AD-738 920/CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Digital Computer Program for Determining the Pulse to Pulse Radar Cross Section on a Dynamic Target Master's thesis Frederick Elwood Meyett, Jr. Jun 71, 60p Descriptors: "Radar targets, Radar echo areas, "Computer programs, Target recognition, Fire con- trol system components, Radar equipment, Range finding, Data processing systems, Theses. Identifiers: SIGMA computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, Signal proc- essing. The paper describes the design and use of SIGMA, a computer program for the calculation of radar cross section of a dynamic target on a pulse to pulse basis, using the MK 25 Fire Control Radar. The program is written specifically for use on the Scientific Data Systems 9300 computer in FOR- TRAN IV, but is readily adapted to other data proc- essing systems. The input data base is composed of magnetic tape recordings of instrumented radar range and signal strength. Outputs include target cross section and range, and mean cross section and range in printed tabular listing, in graphical form, and on digital magnetic tape. (Author) AD739 512/CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Ad- vanced Sensors Directorate Pulse Compression Side-Lobe Clutter Reduc- tion Technical rept. Charles J. Kiss. 20 Jan 72, 54p Rept no. RE-TR- 72-2 Descriptors: * Radar clutter, Pulse compression, Reduction, Frequency modulation, Fourier analy- sis, Integral transforms, Computer programs, Sim- ulation. Identifiers: Fast Fourier transform, Fourier transfor- mation, Computerized simulation, FORTRAN 5 programming language, FORTRAN. The report presents the results of an investigation of the effects of frequency weighting the com- pressed linear-FM spectra in an attempt to sup- press or redistribute the side-lobe clutter which result from the matched filtering process. Most im- portantly, the rectangular linear-FM spectra ap- proximation is deferred and the exact Fresnel spectra are used in the computations. (Author) AD-739 513/CP PC A05/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Guidance and Control Directorate Statistical analysis Techniques for Error Prop- agation in Large-Scale Missile Systems James R. Rowland, and Willard M. Holmes. 20 Aug 71, 78p Rept no. RG-TR-71-19 Descriptors: *Guided missile tracking systems, Data processing systems, "Guided missile trajec- tories, Mathematical models, Antimissile defense systems, Pseudo-random systems, Random varia- bles, Power spectra, Monte Carlo method, Analy- sis of variance, Control systems, Probability densi- ty functions, Computer programs. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Computer aided analysis, Pseudorandom numbers, Random noise, "Signal processing. The statistical covariance technique is proposed as a computer analysis tool for missile systems error propagation studies. It is shown that on rep- resentative examples the statistical covariance technique performs better, based on speed and accuracy, than the traditional Monte Carlo ap- proach of averaging a large number of random simulation runs. Although exact only for linear, time-varying systems, the covariance technique gives attractive approximate results for wide range of nonlinear missile systems. The extension to nonlinear systems utilizes incremental equations about the noise-free solution. Except in the ex- treme cases of very harsh nonlinearities and high input noise levels, the statistical covariance tech- nique has been shown to yield, for the systems considered, results comparable to 1000 Monte Carlo runs. (Author) AD-740 746/CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Calvulation of the Radar Cross Section of a Perfectly Conducting Sphere Final rept. Lamont V. Blake. Apr 72, 27p Rept no. NRL-MR- 2419 Descriptors: "Radar echo areas, Spheres, "Com- puter programs, Radar echo areas, Curve fitting, Tables. Identifiers: FORTRAN, SHERE computer program. A Fortran computer program has been written to compute the radar cross section of a conducting sphere. The program is useful when a metal sphere is used as a standard target for calibrating a radar for target-cross-section measurement. It has been used to machine-plot with high precision a curve of cross section (normalized to the optical cross section) as a function of the radius/wave- length ratio. The computed data used to plot the curve are also presented in tabular form. The mathematics of the problem are briefly reviewed, and a listing of the computed program is given. (Author) AD-740 785/CP PC A03/MF A01 Pennsylvania Research Associates Inc Philadel- phia Development of a Hybrid Radar Landmass Simulator Engineering rept. no. 4 (Final). Mar 69, 41 p PRA-U69-1235, NAVTRADEVCEN- 68-C-0 155-4 Contract N61339-68-C-0155 See also Engineering rept. no. 3, AD-740 322. Descriptors: "Radar equipment, Display systems, "Programming(Computers), Real time, Digital computers, Training devices, Mapping, Multiple operation, Mathematical models. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Land mass simulators, Macroprogramming, Multiprogram- ming. Previous work performed by Pennsylvania Re- search Associates Inc. for the United States Naval Training Device Center demonstrated the techni- cal and economic feasibility of a radar landmass simulator using a general-purpose computer. The computer operates on digitally stored data, and, through selected hybrid equipments including a scan conversion tube, produces the radar video signal. The present report is the final report under this contract. It summarizes the system design pre- sented in previous reports. In addition, it describes the preparation of the culture data for the simula- tor. The data was digitized from maps and then joined together by means of a computer program. Finally some experiments on region size to deter- mine the adequacy of PRA methods of terrain rep- resentation to handle long ranges were performed and the results reported here. (Author) AD-740 788/CP PC E01/MF A01 Pennsylvania Research Associates Inc Philadel- phia Development of a Hybrid Radar Landmass Simulator: Engineering Report Number 7 Technical rept. Jun 70-Jun 71 Paul A. T. Wolfgang. Jun 71, 148 PRA-U71-1298, NAVTRADEVCEN-70-C-0262-2 Contract N61339-70-C-0262 See Also AD-740 41 1 . Descriptors: "Radar equipment, Display systems, "Data processing systems, Radar equipment, "Programming(Computeis), Real time, Special purpose computers, Training devices, Mapping, Multiple operation, Compilers, Mathematical models, Airborne. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Land mass simulators, Multiprogramming, FORTRAN 4 pro- gramming language, FORTRAN. An integrated set of computer software is de- scribed for the generation if airborne radar dis- plays, simulating the earth's topographic features and man-made objects to the extent they are ap- parent on the indicator of a modern scanning radar, as a function of the aspect from which the earth is viewed and the salient characteristics of the viewing radar system. The programs are based on previous PRA work in the simulation of air-to- ground radar displays and provide a versatile labo- ratory tool for the evaluation of radar simulation techniques with a variety of user options for adjust- ing scale factors, inserting/deleting special ef- fects, changing the precision of the calculations, incorporating nonlinearities, and varying character- istics of the simulated radar and its antenna. (Author) AD-741 809/CP PC A06/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Comput- er Engineering Modal Analysis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers Roger F. Harrington, and Joseph R. Mautz. Mar 72, 119p Scientific-16, AFCRL-72-0179 Contract F19628-68-C-0180 Descriptors: "Radar signals, Scattering, Radar echo areas, Transmitter-receivers, Antennas, Electrical impedance, Graphics, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: "Electromagnetic scattering. An N-port loaded scatterer is one having N ports to which lumped impedance loads or a load network is connected. Methods are given to determine the characteristic modes of a loaded scatterer and for using them in a modal solution for electromagnetic scattering. A procedure is also given for resonating any given real port current, which makes that cur- rent the dominant mode of the loaded scatterer. The theory is formulated both in terms of open-cir- cuit and short-circuit network parameters. A number of numerical examples are given for a wire triangle to illustrate the general theory. Computer programs are included for all procedures dis- cussed. (Author) AD-742 063/CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Fortran Program for Computing the Power Response of a Hydrophone Array to a Spheri- cal Wave and Plotting it as an Isometric Sur- face Final rept. 32 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Leon P.'LaLumiere, Jr. 17 Apr 72, 31 p Rept no. NRL-7393 Descriptors: *Sonar arrays, Mathematical models, "Computer programs, Instruction manuals, Hydro- phones, Power spectra, Simulation. Identifiers: PLOTBEAM computer program, FOR- TRAN, Computerized simulation. PLOTBEAM is a Fortran program designed to sim- ulate the power response of an arbitrary, focused hydrophone array to an incoming spherical wave whose source is at some predetermined distances. It is used with a three-dimensional plot routine to display output values as a response surface. The program is useful in the study of response depen- dence on such factors as focal direction and dis- tance, delays due to hydrophone positioning, signal frequency, and hydrophone weighting. (Author) AD-742 433/CP PC A05/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering A Phased Array Antenna with Hemispheric Scan for Satellite Tracking Master's thesis Thomas Burke Markham. Mar 72, 94p Rept no. GE/EE/72-15 Descriptors: "Phased arrays, "Satellite tracking systems, Computer programs, Antenna radiation patterns, Mathematical models, Feasibility studies, Theses. Identifiers: Computerized simulation. The possibility of replacing large highly directive parabolic antennas for satellite tracking with a phased array is investigated. It is shown that a non-planar array with a circular horizontal cross section and an elliptical vertical cross section has a far field radiation pattern suitable for satellite tracking. The problem is formulated for solution by a high speed digital computer and an analysis of the performance of the optimal array design is pre- sented. (Author) AD-742 440/CP PC A04/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Analysis of a 10.6-Micron Printer-Circuit Anten- na Array Master's thesis Henry W. Myers. Mar 72, 56p Rept no. GE/EE/ 72S-1 Descriptors: "Infrared detectors, "Antenna arrays, "Light communication systems, Infrared detectors, Gas lasers, Irasers, Coupling circuits, Antenna components, Numerical analysis, Printed circuits, Theses, Computer programs. Identifiers: "Infrared antennas, Method of mo- ments, Carbon dioxide lasers. A printed-circuit antenna array for a wavelength of 10.6 microns is shown to be feasible, using analy- sis by the method of moments. An example of a thin dipole is analyzed before proceeding to the more complicated infrared dipole. Due to present printed-circuit technology, the infrared dipole must be a two-dimensional dipole, resulting in both axial arid lateral components of current. Analysis shows that the lateral current, although fairly large, may be dropped without affecting the dipole radiation pattern. Mutual coupling between dipoles is used to determine the radiation pattern from the system; the result is a pencil beam normal to the plane of the antenna array. (Author) AD-742 917/CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Application of Digital Filters for Radar Clut- ter Reduction Master's thesis David Lee Cummings. Mar 72, 43p Descriptors: "Moving target indicators, Radar tracking, "Radar clutter, Reduction, Radar echo areas, Analog-to-digital converters, Interfaces, Transfer functions, Doppler effect, Computer pro- grams, Theses, Digital systems. Identifiers: "Digital filters, AN/UPS-1, Signal proc- essing, Recursive filters. The thesis presents the design procedures in- volved in implementing a digital filter for use in a range-gated moving-target-indicator (MTI) radar. The digital MTI filter synthesized on the XDS-9300 computer was a third-order recursive filter with Chebyshev characteristics. The digital MTI filter was evaluated by constructing the equivalent of a single range channel for use with the AN/UPS-1 air-search radar and comparing its performance to that of the single delay-line canceler of the AN/ UPS-1. (Author) AD-743 085/CP PC A09/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Probable Distribution of Whales as False Sonar Targets in the North Pacific Ocean by Analysis of Whaling Data Master's thesis Ronald Daniel Rinaldi. Mar 72, 181p Descriptors: "Sonar targets, "Cetacea, Antisubma- rine warfare, Probability, Pacific Ocean, Predic- tions, Population(Mathematics), Theses, Comput- er programs. Identifiers: "Whales. False Sonar targets present a serious unpredicted problem to U. S. Navy ASW units. It is believed that planning and operations could be enhanced by a forecasting capability for whale distribution. As a possible solution to this problem, a modified form of the Transect Method of population estimation' is applied to whaling data to calculate probable numbers of false targets per 1000 nautical miles of steaming with a 1000 yard sonar range. Japanese and Russian whale fishery data are analyzed by the 'q' and Expected Catch methods of population dynamics to obtain two independent estimates of the populations of fin, sei and sperm whales. The mean of the two estimates is applied to the equa- tion along with a term for assumed ideal sonar con- ditions. (Author) AD-743 199/CP PC A05/MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Applied Research Labs Sonar Array Studies Final rept. 1 Dec 70-30 Nov 71 Jan M. Cooper, Louis H. Fowler, and Frederic G. Anderson. 29 Mar 72, 80p Rept no. ARL-TR-71- 51 Contract N00014-70-A-01 66-0001 Descriptors: "Sonar arrays, Design, "Piezoelectric transducers, Performance(Engineering), Ceraimic materials, Piezoelectric effect, Mechanical proper- ties, Electrical properties, Acoustic properties, Mathematical models. Identifiers: CERAMOC computer program, CAL- TEMP computer program, Computerized simula- tion. The study was aimed at developing design guide- lines for sonar projecting arrays to be used for high source level, wide sector applications. The effort began with a literature survey described in the first two sections: 3General Power Limits of Sonar Transducers,' and 'Piezoelectric Properties of Ce- ramics.' The piezoelectric equations of state are presented, along with a discussion of and results from two computer programs written to predict the performance of some different ceramics under var- ious environmental and operational conditions. An analysis of beam patterns and directivity index of curved face arrays is presented. (Author) AD-744 094/CP PC A08/MF A01 Raytheon Co Wayland Mass Equipment Develop- ment Labs Pulse Pair Estimation of Doppler Spectrum Pa- rameters Final rept. 1 Feb-31 Jan 72 Herbert L. Groginsky, Aaron S. Soltes, George A. Works, and Frederick C. Benham. 30 Mar 72, 158pAFCRL-72-0222 Contract F1 9628-71 -C-01 26 Descriptors: "Meteorological radar, "Radar reflec- tions, "Weather forecasting, "Doppler radar. White noise, Signal-to-noise ratio, Statistical analysis, Random variables, Doppler effect, Curve fitting, Graphics, Computer programs, Real time, Backs- cattering. Identifiers: Signal processing, Spectrum analysis, FORTRAN. The results of an expanded study and investigation of the Pulse Pair technique for estimating the first and second moments (mean and variance) of doppler spectra for radar backscatter from atmos- pheric phenomena are presented. The theory is extended to include the effects of non-ideal condi- tions, such as noise, and experimentally verified by extensive performance tests using simulated weather signals with controllable parameters. A proposed experimental model of a real-time digital pulse pair processor is defined and compared with alternate processing techniques. Based on the en- couraging results of the study, recommendations are made to carry the theory into practice; these include the construction of a real-time digital pulse pair processor with flexiable characteristics to gather and reduce data for evaluation while oper- ating with real radars, and the development of ad- ditional related theory needed to guide the experi- mental effort. (Author) AD-745 302/CP PC A06/MF A01 Texas Univ Austin Applied Research Labs A Digital Beamformer for Narrowband Sonar Systems Technical rept. S. Patrick Pitt, W. Thomas Adams, and J. Kenneth Vaughan. 3 Apr 72, 1 15p Rept no. ARL- TR-72-3 Contract N00024-72-C-1008 Descriptors: "Sonar receivers, Design, Narrow- band, Hydrophones, Digital systems, Phase shift- ers, Analog-to-digital converters, Computer pro- grams, Feasibility studies. Identifiers: Beam forming, Computerized simula- tion, BEAMFORM computer program, Signal proc- essing, AN/SQS-23. Near the end of 1 968, the study of geometric quan- tization of input data for digital replica correlation led to the concept of a digital beamformer using the same technique. (Geometric A/D (GAD) pro- vides a wide digital dynamic range with a small number of bits.) Such a beamformer was pro- posed, using quadrature sampling and digital phase shifting to approximate desired time delays. A computer simulation was used to determine feasibility and, as a result, a particular version ap- plicable to narrowband systems using cylindrical arrays was implemented and tested. Results show that such a system provides a good approximation to a fully linear, phase shift beamformer. (Author) AD-745 888/CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Kalman Filtering Techniques Applied to Air- borne Direction-Finding and Emitter Location L. Laddie Coburn. Jun 72, 96p Descriptors: "Radio signals, Direction finding, "Di- rection finding, Airborne, Computer programs, Sta- tistical analysis, Target acquisition, Emissivity, Matrix algebra, Optimization, Data processing sys- tems, Theses. Identifiers: "Kalman filters, Estimation theory. The objective of this analytical study was to devel- op an optimal emitter location algorithm using Kalman filtering techniques to filter emitter bearing angles-of-arrival information in an airborne, multi- emitter enviionment. Since emitter and aircraft navigation data were sampled at discrete time in- tervals, discrete sequential estimation techniques were used within a software computer program which initially sorted data, filtered emitter bearing angles-of-arrival to obtain optima! estimates, and computed emitter positions in latitude/ longitude coordinates using various emitter location algo- rithms. An error analysis was performed on the emitter location algorithms to determine relative accuracy of the different techniques. Extended Kalman filtering was also considered as an alter- nate approach to the emitter location algorithm. (Author) 33 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES AD-746 323/CP PC A05/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab A Radar Target Data Processing and Identifica- tion System Technical rept. Kenneth J. Breeding. Jun 72, 83p ESL-2768-8, AFOSR-TR-72-1343 Grant AF-AFOSR-1 710-69 Descriptors: *Target recognition, *Data process- ing systems, *Radar targets, 'Radar echo areas, Cathode ray tube screens, Subroutines, Input- output devices, Control sequences, Identification systems, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Radar target identification systems, RADSYS computer program, Multifrequency scat- tering, FORTRAN, DAD computer program, MST computer program. A system is described which is capable of testing the identifiability of various targets based on their multifrequency radar returns. Three software pack- ages designed to manipulate, analyze and identify multivariate data are described. In the first, called RADSYS, data may be input to the computer and manipulated in a number of ways such as interpo- lation, dimensionality reduction by data compo- nent selection, normalization by a multiplicative constant, etc. RADSYS also contains a recognition routine which uses a nearest neighbor rule for the identification of data sets. The second package, called DAD, is used to project the n dimensional data sets onto a two dimensional plane and display this data on a CRT. The final program, called MST, is used to compute the minimal spanning tree of arbitrary sets of data. (Author) AD-747 348/CP PC A05/MF A01 Auburn Univ Ala Engineering Experiment Station Frequency Diversity and Signal Processing to Reduce Glint Pointing Errors Interim technical rept. Jester M. Ill Loomis, and Edward R. Graf. 30 Jun 72, 100pTR-1, AMC-1303 Contract DAAH01-71-C-1303 Descriptors: 'Radar tracking, Errors, Computer programs, Azimuth, Frequency shift, Radar sig- nals, Processing. Identifiers: Frequency agile radar, Signal process- ing, FORTRAN. A technique to reduce radar pointing errors due to glint using frequency agility and linear amplitude weighting is presented. Frequency agility is used to obtain independent samples of larget position. The samples are then processed using a linear weight- ing scheme which determines target position by the amplitude of the return signal. The simple method of choosing the target position corre- sponding to the echo-signal with the largest ampli- tude is the most effective. This weighting method when applied to independent target returns re- duces the RMS tracking error substantially. The re- sulting reduction in RMS tracking error is devel- oped into an equation dependent upon the original glint tracking error, and the number of returns weighted. (Author) AD-747 696/CP PC E01/MF A01 Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment Ports- mouth (England) Tracking Study: An Introduction to the Use of Kalman Filters Technical rept. A. L C. Quigley. Apr 72, 75 ASWE-TR-72-14. DRIC-BR-29879 Descriptors: 'Radar tracking, Track-while-scan, Doppler effect, Moving target indicators, Electric filters, Mathematical models, Least squares method, Matrix algebra, Equations of motion, Par- tial differential equations, Curve fitting, Graphics, Computer programs, Great Britain. Identifiers: 'Kalman filters. It is shown that Kalman filtering may be applied to the radar track-while-scan problem. No attempt is made to rigorously derive the Kalman equations, but the equations are related to more familiar ideas. It is demonstrated that the least squares alpha beta equations constitute a special case of the Kalman filter. The approach used, however, does not require a constant data rate or constant measurement accuracy, meaning that information from various sensors (including links) may be used. (Author) AD-748 428/CP PC A06/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta Engineering Experi- ment Station Investigation of Target Tracking Errors in Mon- opulse Radars Final technical rept. May 71 -Jul 72 George W. Ewell, Neal T. Alexander, and Edwin L. Tomberlin. Jul 72, 123p Rept no. GIT-A-1336- F Contract DAAH01-71-C-1192 Descriptors: 'Monopulse radar, 'Radar tracking, Errors, Phased arrays, Multipath transmission, Moving target indicators, Digital systems, Electric filters, Frequency shift, Computer programs. Identifiers: Frequency agility, Digital filters, FOR- TRAN 5 programming language, FORTRAN. The report discusses investigations of tracking errors associated with a particular monopulse phased-array radar system, called the Experimen- tal Array Radar (EAR). The free-space perform- ance of the EAR is first analyzed and degradations of performance due to particular target Doppler shifts and multipath returns are noted. A computer analysis of the tracking performance of the EAR is then presented, and it is noted that there are sig- nificant tracking errors due to multipath returns for targets at altitudes less than 1200 feet. An analysis of the effectiveness of frequency-agile operation in reducing the effects of these multipath returns is presented, and shows that the available frequen- cy-agility bandwidth of a modified EAR would sig- nificantly reduce multipath-induced tracking errors, particularly for higher antenna and target loca- tions. Improved MTI filters which provide more nearly uniform responses for a wide range of Doppler frequencies are then discussed and a number of representative improved filter re- sponses presented. (Author) AD-749 686/CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C A Fortran Computer Program to Calculate the Range of a Pulse Radar Final rept. L. V. Blake. 28 Aug 72, 59p Rept no. NRL-7448 Descriptors: 'Radar signals, Ranges(Distance), 'Computer programs, Instruction manuals, Signal- to-noise ratio, Target recognition, Radar pulses, Range finding. Identifiers: FORTRAN, RGCALC computer pro- gram. A Fortran computer program to calculate radar maximum range, written for the NRL CDC-3800 computer but adaptable to any computer with a Fortran compiler, is described. The computation follows previously established principles, with the pattern-propagation factors set equal to one, so that the range calculated is for free space in the sense that earth's surface effects are not taken into account. However, the effects of a standard atmosphere are included in the calculation. Reflec- tion-interference effects can be separately de- scribed by using the calculated free-space range as an input to computer plotting programs. The program calculates the range for any specified probability of detection, false-alarm probability, and Swerling fluctuation case by using a slightly modified subroutine written by Fehlner and co- workers of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Postdetection (noncoherent) integration is assumed. The system noise tem- perature is computed including effects of galactic, cosmic blackbody, solar, and tropospheric noise, and the tropospheric molecular absorption for oxygen and water vapor is calculated for a stand- ard atmosphere. The effect of refraction on the ray path is included in the absorption calculation by ray tracing, assuming a negative-exponential refracti- vity-height profile. The range of validity of the noise temperature and absorption calculations is ap- proximately 100 MHz to 100 GHz. The computa- tion requires a few seconds with the CDC-3800 computer. (Author) AD-752 146/CP PC A03/MF A01 Stanford Research Inst Menlo Park Calif Systems Evaluation Dept Average Cumulative Probability of Detection Versus Target Radial Velocity Technical note L. E. Davies. Dec 69, 30p Rept no. SED-TN-378- B Contract DAHC60-69-C-0004 Revision of report dated Aug 69. Descriptors: 'Radar targets, Target acquisition, Probability, Computer programs, Signal-to-noise ratio. Identifiers: 'Radar detection, CUM5V7 computer program, CUM5V8 computer program, ALGOL. The report discusses the probability of detection of radar targets and includes an ALGOL program for computing the cumulative probability for a particu- lar radar and target. AD-753 443/CP PC A03/MF A01 Saclant ASW Research Centre La Spezia (Italy) SHADZO: A Computer Program for Estimating the Position and Shape of the Surface Shadow Zone in Sonar Operations Technical memo. Bernard de Raigniac, and John Padley. 15 Nov 72, 46p Rept no. SACLANTCEN-TM-183 Descriptors: 'Sonar signals, Data processing sys- tems, 'Underwater sound, 'Computer programs, Sound transmission, Reflection, Instruction man- uals. Identifiers: SHADZO computer program, 'Shadow zone, FORTRAN 2 programming language, FOR- TRAN. SHADZO is a composite program which calculates the position and shape of the first surface shadow zone as a function of the source depth for a given sound speed profile. The program is small enough to be run on a shipboard mini-computer in a few minutes. (Author) AD-754 099/CP PC E06/MF E03 Naval Underwater Systems Center Newport R I An Analysis of Some Factors that Affect Hy- drophone Sensitivity Technical rept. John W. Frye, and Michael A. Tucchio. 2 Nov 72, 77p* NUSC-TR-4317, CPG-73-0041 Descriptors: 'Hydrophones, Sensitivity, 'Piezo- electric transducers, Structural properties, Piezo- electric effect, Elasticity, Loading(Mechanics), Stresses, Fourier analysis, Matrix algebra, Com- puter programs. Identifiers: Finite element analysis, MARTSAM 2 computer program, UNIVAC 1108 computers, Hy- drophone arrays, FORTRAN, AN/BQR-7. The report presents a finite-element shell analysis of a hydrophone using the MARTSAM II program in a UNIVAC 1 108 computer. In addition to the pi- ezoelectric and elastic properties of the materials, the effects of end-cap geometry and physical properties were considered. Loading was applied as a train of plane waves acting directly on the sur- face, and no interaction with the surrounding water was considered. Both the theoretical development and formulation of the MARTSAM II program are presented. The analysis indicates that the perform- ance of present-day hydrophones could be readily improved by modifying the geometry and material of end caps to minimize discontinuity stresses and fringing effects at the end-cap/cylinder junction. (Author) AD-754 352/CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Investigation of the Problem of Optimizing a Search Tactic for a Searchlight Type Sonar Master's thesis Humberto M. Llanos. Sep 72, 42p Descriptors: 'Sonar targets, Search theory, 'Anti- submarine warfare, Search theory, Sonar equip- ment, Searchlights, Probability, Statistical analysis, Mathematical models, Computer programs, Theses, Optimization. 34 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Identifiers: Computerized simulation. A searchlight type sonar is one of the systems that small navies use to counteract the danger which submarines present to their lines of supply and transport. In the paper, a standard search pattern for this type of sonar is compared with search pat- terns which are based on a consideration of the tactical value of detecting a submarine as a func- tion of the relative location of the submarine. The results of the comparison suggest that is possible to increase the effectiveness of a searchlight type sonar by using a search pattern in which the sweep time allocated to a search sector is based on the sectors tactical importance. (Author) AD-754 371/CP PC A07/MF A01 Johns Hopkins Univ Silver Spring Md Applied Physics Lab The Propagation of Sound in the Deep Ocean: A Wave Formulation Technical memo. N. C. Nicholas. Sep 71, 139p Rept no. APL-TG- 1152 Contract N00017-62-C-0604 Descriptors: "Underwater sound, Wave functions, Deep water, Acoustic properties, Focusing, Propa- gation, Velocity, Perturbation theory, Computer programs. Identifiers: Sofar, Wave equations, Acoustic veloc- ity. Sound propagation in the deep ocean is not ade- quately described by the high frequency ray acous- tics approximation, and existing wave formulations are limited. A wave solution (valid at low frequen- cies) is formulated for an idealized representation of the sound speed profile in the deep sound chan- nel. Perturbation theory is applied to the ideal case to form solutions for sound speed profiles found in the ocean. Extensive calculations are made to detail the ideal solutions and to show the validity of the perturbed solutions for some realistic sound speed profiles. (Author) AD-754 460/CP PC A04/MF A01 Computer Image Corp Denver Colo The Investigation and Simulation of Dynamic Displays of Acoustic Signals Final rept. Mar 68-Oct 72 Frank David Wells. Dec 72, 65p Rept no. TR-4 Contract N00014-68-C-0383 See also AD-728 056. Descriptors: "Visual signals, Performance(Human), "Underwater sound signals, Display systems, "Sonar signals, Target recogni- tion, Data processing systems, Spectrum analyz- ers, Pattern recognition, Visual perception, Com- puter programs, Integral transforms, Fourier analy- sis. Identifiers: Signal processing, Honeywell 316 com- puters, FORTRAN, Fourier transformation. Experiments were conducted to measure the ef- fectiveness of an animated visual display of fre- quency components comprising transient, under- sea acoustic signals to assist subjects in learning to identify such signals. The acoustic signals were processed through a set of bandpass filters tuned across the audio spectrum. Samples of the spec- tral envelopes were stored and used to animate a quasi three-dimensional display format showing the amplitude variations of the several frequency bands over several seconds of preceeding time. An analog network imparted perspective to the dis- play and enhanced the three-dimensional effect. The display effectiveness was evaluated through a set of identification experiments administered to untrained subjects. Comparisons were made be- tween bisensory inputs of visual and auditory stim- uli, and unisensory inputs of either visual or audi- tory stimuli. Methods were also investigated for generating an animated display of low frequency acoustic signals which are masked by noise. (Author) . AD-755 914/CP PC A06/MF A01 Syracuse Univ N Y Dept of Electrical and Comput- er Engineering Synthesis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers Roger F. Harrington, and Joseph R. Mautz. Oct 72, 115p Scientific-17, AFCRL-72-0665 Contract F19628-68-C-0180 Descriptors: "Radar echo areas, Optimization, An- tenna configurations, Scattering, Synthesis, Matrix algebra, Mathematical models, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: "Electromagnetic scattering, N-port networks. The report gives methods for designing reactively loaded N-port scatterers to have desired scatter- ing pattern characteristics. A method for obtaining a least-squares approximation to a desired magni- tude radiation pattern, with the restriction that port currents are real, is developed. A procedure for ob- taining maximum gain, with the restriction that the port currents are real, is also described. Conduct- ing bodies can be reactively loaded to make any real port current the dominant port mode of that body. If the body is electrically small or of interme- diate size, and if a sufficient number of ports are chosen, then the scattered field pattern is approxi- mately the same as the synthesized pattern. A number of numerical examples are given for a body consisting of a wire triangle with two cross wires, on which four ports are defined. Computer programs with sample input - output data are given for each procedure discussed. (Author) AD-756 570/CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Statistical Study of Sound Speed in the Inho- mogeneous Upper Ocean Master's thesis James Richard Fitzgerald. Dec 72, 129p Descriptors: "Underwater sound, Velocity, Ocean waves, Hydrophones, Phase shift, Spectrum ana- lyzers, Transducers, Bubbles, Graphics, Curve fit- ting, Computer programs, Power spectra, Theses, Statistical analysis. Identifiers: Spectrum analysis, Acoustic velocity. The statistics of the fluctuations of the in-situ speed of sound in the upper ocean have been studied by analyzing the instantaneous phase dif- ference of the output of two hydrophones separat- ed by one meter for sounds of frequency 1 5 to 1 51 kHz. The experiment was conducted at 11 ft in water of depth 60 ft in low sea states at night. Comparison of the speed calculated from the time averaged phase difference, with the speed given by velocimeter or empirical relations, yielded differ- ential speeds which deviate by 1 m/sec to 8 m/ sec from the accepted values, for frequencies less than 100 kHz. Correlation and spectral analysis of the sound phase and ocean height fluctuations has shown the close relation between these two parameters. There is strong evidence of the pres- ence and importance of bubbles in all of the re- sults, particularly of a large population resonant in the frequency range 56.3 to 71.1 kHz (radius 50 to 60 microns) (Author Modified Abstract) AD-757 172/CP PC A07/MF A01 Alabama Univ Huntsville Measure, Criteria and Procedure for Track and Search Allocation Final technical rept. Feb 72-Feb 73 Robert J. Polge, Edward R. McKee, Jr, B. K. Bhagavan, and Roy D. Hays. Feb 73, 133p Rept no. UAH-RR-138 Contract DAAH01-72-C-0585 Descriptors: "Aircraft defense systems, "Radar tracking, "Antimissile defense systems, Radar tracking, "Antiaircraft defense systems, Radar tracking, Phased arrays, Automation, Computer programs, Optimization, Mathematical models, Search theory, Search radar, Aerial warfare. Identifiers: Kalman filters, Control theory, Covar- iance matrix, Resource allocation, FORTRAN 4 programming language, FORTRAN, A. A general procedure for radar resource allocation is presented. It requires the computation of the co- variance matrix of the position estimates. There- fore, four estimation algorithms commonly used for track are evaluated and compared. A tracking measure applicable to the non-tactical EAR system is defined. Finally, a schema for track and search allocation is presented. An example illus- trates how the tracking measure is computed and use in the track and search algorithm. (Author) AD-757 246/CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif A Digital Computer Program for Real-Time Computation of Radar Cross Section on a Dy- namic Target Master's thesis John Barry King. Dec 72, 54p Descriptors: "Radar echo areas, Analysis, "Moving target indicators, Radar echo areas, "Fire control system components, Fire control comput- ers, Radar equipment, Data processing systems, Data transmission systems, Display systems, Real time, Computer programs, Theses. Identifiers: Computer aided analysis, N. The thesis describes the design and use of a com- puter program for the real-time computation of radar cross section of a dynamic target using the NIKE/AJAX radar. The program is written specifi- cally for use on the SDS-9300/CI-5000 hybrid computer system but could be adapted to other data processing systems. The input data consists of transmitted values of range bearing and eleva- tion from the NIKE/AJAX radar digital data buffer and sampled values of automatic gain control volt- age and logrithmic amplifier output voltage from the NIKE/AJAX radar. Outputs include values of target range, bearing, elevation, velocity, heading, angle, X and Y positions, instantaneous values of target cross section and averaged values of target cross section. These computed quantities are con- verted into scaled voltages which are transmitted to displays in the radar laboratory. (Author Modi- fied Abstract) AD-757 331/CP PC A13/MF A01 Naval Ordnance Lab White Oak Md A Description of the MAPS Array Analysis Pro- gram Peter L. Eirich. 31 Oct 72, 285p Rept no. NOLTR-72-240 Descriptors: "Hydrophones, Design, "Computer programs, Instruction manuals, Performance(Engineering), Simulation. Identifiers: AAP Computer program, Computerized simulation, FORTRAN, N. The MAPS Array Analysis Program calculates per- formance parameters for arbitrary arrays of hydro- phones. This report describes program organiza- tion and the use of the program. A program listing, descriptions of subroutines, and examples of the different program options are included as appendi- ces. (Author) AD-757 539/CP PC A10/MF A01 Pattern Analysis and Recognition Corp Rome N Y Time Domain Analysis for Inverse Scattering. Volume III. Magnetic Signature Analysis Final rept. John W. Sammon, Ronald M. Oelsligle, Paul Caruso, Donald H. Foley, and Leonard Bennett. Nov 72, 21 5p PAR-72-28-Vol-3, RADC-TR-72- 292-V0I-3 Contract F30602-72-C-0227 See also Volume 2, AD-757 538. Descriptors: "Pattern recognition, Target discrimi- nation, "Magnetic detectors, Spectrum signatures, Electric filters, Mathematical models, Graphics, Sensors, Data processing systems, Computer pro- grams, Magnetometers. Identifiers: Signal processing, Feature extraction, AF. The report involves the extraction and definition of patterns for the eventual design of a logic. This logic will provide the capability of discriminating target classes within data collected from magnetic sensors. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-757 610/CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Ad- vanced Sensors Directorate 35 DETEI HON MID COUNTERMEASURES Solid-State Monopulse Receiver for the Experi- mental Array Radar Technical rept. William G. Briscoe, and Edward A. Strickland. Jan 73, 66p Rept no. RE-73-1 Descriptors: 'Radar receivers, 'Monopulse radar, Phased arrays, Radar signals, Processing, Auto- matic gain control, Mixers(Electronics), Computer programs, Design. Identifiers: Signal processing, Computer aided design, "Experimental array radar, A. The receiver for the Experimental Array Radar is described. Design procedures, theory, construc- tion, and test data are given. The receiver is a solid-state, superheterodyne, monopulse receiver. Four channels are required to process signals from two line phased array antennae. Three frequency conversion stages are used to convert C-band sig- nals to bipolar video outputs. Sensitivity time con- trol and automatic gain control are employed to in- crease reciever dynamic range. Computer-aided design techniques were used to design the stri- pline-balanced mixer and filter for the receiver front end. (Author) AD-759 270/CP PC A03/MF A01 Teledyne Geotech Alexandria Va FKCOMB, a Fast General-Purpose Array Pro- cessor E. Smart. 20 Dec 72, 30p Rept no. SAAC-TR-9 Contract F33657-72-C-0471, ARPA Order-1620 Report on Seismic Array Analysis Center. Descriptors: *Seismological stations, Data proc- essing systems, * Underground explosions, Detec- tion, Seismic waves, Fourier analysis, Integral transforms, Sensors, Spectrum analyzers, Programming(Computers), Signal-to-noise ratio. Identifiers: FKCOMB computer program, Signal processing, Vela uniform, Fourier transformation, AF. The report describes FKCOMB, a fast general-pur- pose array processing program which employs fre- quency-wavenumber analysis. A quasi-online long- period array processing package has been de- signed around FKCOMB for use at the Seismic Array Analysis Center. The input parameters re- quired for operating the program are described. (Author) AD-759 947/CP MF A01 Moore School of Electrical Engineering Philadel- phia Pa Research on the Estimation of Trajectories from Radar Data Final rept. 1 May 71-30 Jun 72 Raymond S. Berkowitz, M. Plotkin, D. B. Luber, S. Gottesman, and T. Rabkin. Apr 73, 149p 73- 02, ECOM-0212-F-71 Contract DAAB07-71-C-0212 Repcri on Project RATRAN. See also report dated Apr72,AD-745 421. Availability: Available in microfiche only. Descriptors: "Projectile trajectories, 'Radar track- ing, 'Ordnance locators, 'Radar targets, Moving target indicators, Radar equipment, Radar range computers, Algorithms, Drag, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: Ratran project, Signal processing, Kalman filters, Computer aided analysis, AF. The purpose of the work reported was the devel- opment and evaluation of optimal algorithms for processing radar data for the estimation of charac- teristics and trajectory parameters of a class of bodies moving at high velocities through the air. In this final report, work reported in the three quarter- ly progress reports is summarized, the formula- tions finally adopted are described, and the nu- merical results obtained are displayed and evaluat- ed. (Author Modified Abstract) AD-760 532/CP PC A07/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Application of State-Variable and Conditional Feedback Methods Toward Reducing the Pointing Error of a Two-AkIs Beam Deflector Masters thesis Warren B. Watkinson. Mar 73, 126p Rept no. GE/EE/73-22 Descriptors: 'Optical tracking, Control systems, 'Optical equipment, Feedback, Transfer functions, Integral equations, Polynomials, Stability, Math- ematical models, Computer programs, Light com- munication systems, Direction finding, Theses. Identifiers: Control theory, Feedback control, AF. The base motion disturbance error and dynamic tracking error of a two-gimbal planar-mirror optical tracking system are reduced by application of modified conditional feedback compensation and by conventional state-variable feedback. A general procedure is developed for application of state- variable feedback to other tracking systems having base motion disturbance, such as gimbaled air- borne-radar control systems. The procedure pro- vides a direct mathematical relationship between the base motion disturbance transfer function, the control ratio, and the system type. A Type 4 system is achieved by application of the method to the optical tracking system. A simple graphical ap- proximation procedure is developed for evaluating rms error from mean-square integrals involving high order power spectral densities. (Author) AD-760 692/CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Undersea Center San Diego Calif RANDl: Research Ambient Noise Directionality Model Research rept. Jun 71 -Oct 72 R. A. Wagstaff. Apr 73, 83p Rept no. NUC-TP- 349 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, Direction finding, Computer programs, Noise, Signal-to-noise ratio, Target recognition, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Mediterranean Sea. Identifiers: RANDl computer program, FORTRAN, 'Underwater ambient noise, N. A computer model for calculating the vertical and horizontal directionality of ambient noise and some of the results which have been obtained are dis- cussed. The model considers three sources of sur- face-generated anisotropic noise, one source of surface-generated isotropic noise and two sources of volumetric isotropic noise. Noise levels are ob- tained for various propagation conditions and for different sensor depths. Results agree well with experimental data, and it is shown that the model can be a useful tool in the planning of ambient noise measurement experiments and in the analy- sis of results. (Author) AD-760 764/CP PC A06/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Passive Detection and Ranging of a Ground Radar from an Aircraft Using an Extended Kalman Filter Master's thesis David Henry Watjen. Mar 73, 1 1 5p Rept no. GGC/EE/73-20 Descriptors: "Aircraft equipment, Eleciric filters, 'Guided missiles, Countermeasures, 'Radar tracking, Passive defense, Radar equipment, Radar interception, Radar stations, Range finding, Theses, Cornpuier programs, Surface-to-air. Identifiers: 'Kalman filters, FORTRAN, 'Tracking radar, AF. The dynamic equations between a moving aircraft and a stationary ground based radar transmitter are used to design an extended Kalman filter for determining the location of the transmitter with re- spect to the aircraft. Emphasis is placed on obtain- ing the range of the transmitter from the aircraft. The only inputs available to the filter are the veloc- ity and attitude of the aircraft and the bearing and elevation angles which the transmitters radar beam makes with the aircraft. The filter is imple- mented on a digital computer and its performance is observed for various flight paths of the aircraft. The time for the error in the estimate in range to decrease to specified values is tabulated for com- parison. (Author) AD-760 796/CP PC A06/MF A01 Aerospace Corp El Segundo Calif Engineering Sci- ence Operations Mission Planning Program (MPP) Usage Guide Research rept. Oct 72-Mar 73 W. D. Ill Downs, R. H. Prislin, and W. F. Rearick. 15 Mar 73, 1 1 7p TR-0073(9320)-2, SAMSO-TR- 73-172 Contract F04701-72-C-0073 Descriptors: 'Satellite tracking systems, Optical tracking, "Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals, Orbital trajectories, Ephemerides, Visibil- ity, Position finding. Identifiers: CDC 6000 computers, CDC 7000 com- puters, FORTRAN, MPP computer program, Input output routines, AF. The Mission Planning Program (MPP) was devel- oped by The Aerospace Corporation to solve ground-station-to-satellite visibility problems. Al- though it was written specifically for the CDC 6000/7000 series computers, there are no restric- tions relative to hardware configuration or operat- ing system interfaces. This document is intended to serve an an input usage guide; it describes pro- gram capabilities and defines all input required to perform MPP functions. (Author) AD-761 380/CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Optimum Threshold Detection for an Infrared Nutating Detection System Mastar's thesis William Earl Major, II. Mar 73, 134p Descriptors: "Infrared tracking, Optical equipment, Information theory, Statistical analysis, Signal-to- noise ratio, Bessel functions, Power spectra, Com- puter programs, Theses. Identifiers: 'Infrared detection, Signal processing, N. A threshold detection system based on the Neyman-Pearson criterion is derived for an in- frared nutating optical system. Detection is opti- mum for small signal-to-noise ratios and a Gaus- sian uncertainty in the pointing error of the optical system. The signal spectrum and background power spectral density for a rectangular space filter are computed numerically and used to specify the matched filter for the threshold detection system and evaluate its performance. (Author) AD-762 007/CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Ship Research and Development Center Bethesda Md Radiation Impedance Calculations with the XWAVE Computer Program Francis M. Henderson. Mar 73, 32p Rept no. NSRDC-4033 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Acoustic imped- ance, 'Structures, Underwater, Vibration, Integral equations, Programming(Computers), Wave func- tions, Interpolation, Algorithms. Identifiers: XWAVE computer program, Underwat- er structures, Numerical integration, N. The report describes a method for calculating the acoustic radiation impedance of a vibrating struc- ture submerged in an infinite fluid, via the solution of an integral equation relating normal surface ve- locity and pressure. The numerical solution of the integral equation is accomplished through use of the acoustics radiation program XWAVE. The ad- vantage of this approach is in its applicability to structures with arbitrary surface geometry. The method is demonstrated by a calculation of the self-acoustic radiation impedance of a uniformly vi- brating ring set in a rigid prolate spheroidal baffle. Computed results are compared with existing ana- lytic solutions. (Author) AD-762 437/CP Alabama Univ Huntsville PC E06/MF A01 36 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Theory and Implementation of Fast Fourier and Hadamard Transforms Interim technical rept. Mar 72-Mar 73 (Volume 1) Robert J. Polge, B. K. Bhagavan, James M. Carswell, and Edward R. McKee, Jr. Apr 73, 143p Rept no. UAH-RR-143 Contract DAHC60-72-C-0071 See also Volume 2, AD-762 438. Descriptors: * Radar signals, Integral transforms, "Information theory, Radar signals, Fourier analy- sis, Wave functions, Data processing systems, Matrix algebra, Computer programs, Permutations, Interpolation, Antimissile defense systems. Identifiers: *Fast Fourier transformation, Fourier transformation, 'Hadamard transformation, Walsh transformation, "Signal processing, Radix conver- sion, A. The purpose of this report is to develop general algorithms for the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Hadamard transform from which optimum computer programs can be written as a signal analysis tool. The need for such discrete trans- forms is obvious from the introductory treatment of integral transforms, Fourier series, and the sam- pling theorem. First, the radix-2 algorithm is treated in detail for N = 8 and then extended to N = 2(M). A general transformation algorithm is derived next to accommodate arbitrary factors. This very useful general algorithm is also used to implement and optimize various FFT algorithms. A general un- scrambling formula is derived to optimize the un- scrambling process for radix-2 and radix-4 algo- rithms. Techniques are given but not yet optimized for unscrambling with respect to odd factors. All FFT programs discussed in this report are evaluat- ed in terms of number of operations and computer time. The Hadamard transform is defined and com- puter programs developed. Finally, the properties of the FFT and the Hadamard transform are dis- cussed in light of their application to radar process- ing. (Author) AD-762 438/CP PC E06/MF A01 Alabama Univ Huntsville Signal Processing Techniques for Real-Time Radar Applications Interim technical rept. Mar 72-Mar 73 (Volume 2) Robert J. Polge, Louis Callas, B. K. Bhagavan, and Arun Sink Apr 73, 141p Rept no. UAH-RR- 144 Contract DAHC60-72-C-0071 See also Volume 1, AD-762 437 and Volume 3, AD-762 439. Descriptors: *Radar signals, Data processing sys- tems, 'Information theory, Radar signals, Integral transforms, Fourier analysis, Band-pass filters, Computer programs, Coding, White Noise, Signal- to-Noise ratio, Statistical analysis, Real time, Anti- missile defense systems. Identifiers: 'Signal processing, Fast Fourier trans- formation, Fourier transformation, Hadomard transformation, Walsh transformation, Ambiguity functions, A. The purpose of the report is to compare various combinations of signal modulations and digital processing techniques and to evaluate them in terms of performance versus computer time. Sev- eral mathematical techniques for representation of discrete convoltion of narrow band high frequency signals are presented, including a new technique called piecewise polynomial convolution. Applica- tions of efficient FFT and Hadamard transform pro- grams to digital radar signal processing are dis- cussed. Problems of radar detection are analyzed including the complex representation of the radar signal, definition of ambiguity function, perform- ance criteria, and matched filter. (Modified author abstract) AD-762 567/CP PC E06/MF A01 Cybernetic Research and Development Corp Prin- ceton N J . Sensor Recognition Data Techniques Final rept. Alfred Engel. 30 Apr 73, 161p AFOSR-TR-73- 0726 Contract F44620-72-C-0096 Descriptors: 'Sensors, Data processing systems, Pattern recognition, Sound signals, Seismic waves, Infrared detectors, Electromagnetic waves, Detonation waves, Identification systems, Programming(Computers), Instruction manuals. Identifiers: ALERT computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, CDC 6600 computers, 'Signal processing, Image processing, FORTRAN, AF. The ALERT computer program is the application of a series of mathematical procedures to identify and classify sensor signals. These signals can be acoustic, seismic, infrared, electromagnetic or chemical. The identification and classification is accomplished by comparing recorded signals to a list (library) of stored signals of events. The ALERT Typological System Program is written in FOR- TRAN IV. Its present version is for a CDC 6600 computer and can be adapted to any other com- puter of comparable power. The program reads or scans selectively in a prescribable manner sam- pled data sets of interest from which it extracts ty- pologically relevant parameters for classification. These parameters can be used for comparison with characteristic patterns in order to identify a specific event or they can serve directly as a typo- logical master set to which other patterns are to be compared. (Author) AD-763 660/CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Resolution of Point Scatterers by Hard-Limited Synthetic Aperture Radar Final rept. George C. Georges. 25 Jun 73, 33p Rept no. NRL-7566 Descriptors: 'Synthetic aperture radar, 'Mapping, Radar images, Resolution, Radar equipment, Air- borne, Mathematical models, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Radar mapping, Image processing, N. Image maps of collections of point targets are in- vestigated for hard-limited synthetic aperture radar application. Some aspects of hard-limiting, such as image suppression and spurious image genera- tion, are derived under specialized weak-scatterer assumptions. Also, the effect cf random variations of target phases on synthetic aperture resolution are studied. Such phase deviations are used to model random motions of target locations and, as expected, it is found that they hinder one;s ability to resolve the targets. Graphical plots of some point-target arrangements are presented to illus- trate effects of hard limiting and random phase variations. Numerical calculations are used to verify the approximate weak-scatterer theory and to study more general cases such as problems in- volving more than one strong target which are not readily solved by analytical means. A simple aver- aging procedure is devised which predicts many aspects of the more accurate numerical results, and the procedure may perhaps be employed in future investigations of mapping continuum scat- tering surfaces rather than point scatterers. (Author) AD-763 909/CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Weapons Command Rock Island III General Thomas J Rodman Lab Target Acquisition Model for Cannon- Launched Guided Projectiles Technical rept. M. J. Amoruso, and G. E. VanDamme. Apr 73, 60p Rept no. AMSWE-R-RR-T-6-25-73 Descriptors: 'Infrared detectors, Guided missile detection, 'Target acquisition, Computer pro- grams, Guided missiles, Gun launched, Mathemat- ical models, Meteorological parameters, Attenu- ation, Irasers, Absorption, Scattering, Scintillation, Reflectivity, Flight simulators. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, Atmospheric attenuation, Laser beams, A. A target acquisition model developed in the Re- search Directorate, General Thomas J. Rodman Laboratory, Rock Island Arsenal, is described that takes into account atmospheric absorption and scattering at 1.06 micrometers phenomenological- ly. Modifications to this algorithm to adapt it to 10.6 micrometers are indicated. The target is modeled as a diffusely reflecting hemisphere. The impact of clear air scintillation effects on target acquisition is discussed. Computer programs to implement the model are included with sample outputs. (Author) AD-764 052/CP PC A02/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Use of a Self-Focusing Antenna for Low-Angle Tracking Final rept. James H. Hughen. 28 Jun 73, 19p Rept no. NRL- 7579 Descriptors: 'Radar antennas, Target discrimina- tion, 'Radar tracking, Radar antennas, Focusing, Antenna radiation patterns, Computer programs, Simulation. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, N. The response of a self-focusing antenna to two closely spaced point targets is investigated. The geometry simulated corresponds to the radar tracking of a low-flying target over a reflective sur- face. In one case the antenna consists of a vertical linear array of elements. When the conjugates of the incident signals are retransmitted at each ele- ment, after several iterations the antenna radiation pattern introduces significant discrimination against the weaker of the two unresolvable point targets. In the other case the same aperture is di- vided into two equal subapertures, and conjugate reflections are applied to the two subapertures rather than to each element. It is found that very nearly the same weak-target discrimination results. The implications of these results with regard to low-angle tracking are discussed. (Author) AD-764 061/CP PC A17/MF A01 Naval Undersea Center San Diego Calif Computerized Sonar Transducer Analysis and Design Based on Multiport Network Intercon- nection Techniques Research and development rept. Jul 68-Jun 72 Homer H. Ding, Larry E. McCleary, and James A. Ward. Apr 73, 395p Rept no. NUC-TP-228 Descriptors: 'Transducers, Design, 'Computer programs, Instruction manuals, Sonar equipment, Mathematical models, Band-pass filters. Identifiers: SEADUCER computer program, FOR- TRAN, Sonar transducers, Computer aided analy- sis, Computer aided design, Electromechanical transducers, N. A working guide to use of the SEADUCER (Stea- dystate Evaluation and Analysis of TransDUCERs) computer program is presented. SEADUCER is applied in this paper primarily to math models for longitudinal electromechanical vibrators. However, the multiport interconnection techniques used in SEADUCER are applicable to the analysis of a wide variety of transducers as well as to steady state modeling of any linear system (electrical, thermal, optical, etc.) which can be described as an M-portjnferconnection of N(p sub N) port net- works. StADUCER has been written in ASA Standard FORTRAN so that it can easily be in- stalled on most medium- to iarge-scale digital com- puters. The program is in use at the Naval Under- sea Center and at other installations and is availa- ble to government and private organizations. (Author) AD-764 226/CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Aeroballistics Directorate An Aural Detection Model Technical rept. Donald C. I aylor, and Arthur C. Poe. May 73, 53p Rept no. RD-TR-73-1 1 Descriptors: 'Acoustic detectors, 'Aircraft inter- ception, Mathematical models, Auditory percep- tion, Attenuation, Terrain, Meteorological param- eters, Computer programs. Identifiers: A. The report describes an aural detection model for detection of low flying aircraft. It incorporates am- bient sound pressure levels, weather conditions (including wind effects), and attenuations of the signal along the flight path, and allows target sig- 37 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES natures to be inputed as measured at aspect angles. The output of the model includes a prob- ability of detection versus time together with all pertinent conditions at time of detection. (Author) AD-764 367/CP PC A11/MF A01 Polytechnic Inst of Brooklyn Farmingdale N Y Phased Array Antenna Evaluation Studies Final technical rept. Apr 71 -Apr 72 Leopold B. Felsen, Alexander Hessel, George H. Knittel, Ralph Constantini, and Jacob Goldberg. May 73, 238p PIBEP-73-128, RADC-TR-73-187 Contract F30602-71-C-0316 Descriptors: 'Phased arrays, *Radar antennas, Antenna components, Waveguides, Impedance matching, Design, Antenna radiation patterns, Nu- merical analysis, Computet programs. Identifiers: AF. The topics studied are: (1) multimode waveguide elements for phased arrays, (2) finiteness effects in an E-plane array of parallel-plate waveguides, (3) a transition radiating element for wide-angle wide-band matching, and (4) ray methods for com- putation of mutual coupling on conformal arrays. (Modified author abstract) AD-765 842/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Polytechnic Inst of Brooklyn Farmingdale N Y Bleachable Absorber Laser Amplifier and De- tector (BALAD) Interim technical rept. Jan-Jul 72 James T. LaTourrette, and John Wilson. May 73, 54p PIBEP-73-127, RADC-TR-73-172 Contract F30602-72-C-0245, ARPA Order-1279 Descriptors: "Infrared detectors, Design, "Opdar, Infrared detectors, 'Light communication systems, Infrared detectors, Gas lasers, Irasers, Infrared re- ceivers, Optical equipment components, Signal-to- noise ratio. Identifiers: BALAD(Bleachable Absorber Laser Amplifier and Detector), Bleachable absorber laser amplifier and detector, Saturable absorbers, BALAD 1 computer program, HOLEDEEP comput- er program, TRY computer program, PLAGO pro- gramming language, IBM 370 computers, Carbon dioxide lasers, Sulfur hexafluoride, Xenon lasers, AF. The report describes the continued development of the wide-angle, low noise BALAD receiver (Bleachable Absorber Laser Amplifier and Detec- tor). The spatial and frequency resolution of a SF6 saturable absorber in a 10.6 micrometer BALAD configuration has been measured. The experimen- tal results agree with the theoretical predictions. The components of a Xenon-Xenon 3.5 microme- ter BALAD system have been assembled, and ex- perimental tests have been initiated. The theoreti- cal analysis of the propagation of coherent optical pulses in resonant media has been extended to three dimensions, but only preliminary results have been obtained. (Author) AD-766 320/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Bilinear Surface Representation of Radar Scat- tering for Aircraft Technical rept. J. S. Chahal, and L, J. White. Jul 73, 80p ESL- 2768-10. AFOSR-TR-73-1528 Grant AF-AFOSR-1 71 0-69 Descriptors: *Radar echo areas, Aircraft, Radar targets, Classification, Numerical analysis, Com- puter programs, Simulation. Identifiers: AF. Previous research has demonstrated the feasibility of using multiple low frequency radar returns for aircraft target classification. The surfaces corre- sponding to this aircraft data in frequency space have been represented by a bilinear approxima- tion. This surface representation has allowed the identification of the regions where two surfaces might intersect, and other regions where classifica- tion becomes difficult. Several classification meth- ods are investigated using the bilinear surface ap- proximation, and the results of a simulation study are reported. (Author) AD-766 689/4CP PC A06/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Ad- vanced Sensors Directorate Recursive Digital Filter Design and Analysis with Applications to Radar Processing Technical rept. Robert H. Fletcher, Jr. 30 Apr 73, 109p Descriptors: * Electric filters, Design, 'Moving target indicators, Electric filters, Low-pass filters, Band-pass filters, Integral transforms, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Digital filters, Recursive filters, FOR- TRAN, A. The design and analysis of recursive digital filters by use of the bilinear z-transformation are present- ed for Butterworth and Chebyshev Type I filters. Although the motivation and primary emphasis of this work lies in the area of radar moving-band- stop filtering as well. The design and analysis of these filters are accomplished with the aid of a set of FORTRAN subroutines which are described and listed here. Examples illustrating the use of these subroutines and some typical results are included. (Author) AD-767 208/2CP PC A05/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y RADC Seismic Classifier Design Technical rept. Albert H. Proctor, James E. Roach, and Michael H. Fick. Aug 73, 98p Rept no. RADC-TR-73-221 Descriptors: 'Microseisms, Target discrimination, 'Seismic waves, 'Pattern recognition, Sensors, Vehicles, Humans, Power spectra, Helicopters, Transport planes, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Seismic detection, Computer graph- ics, C-131 aircraft, Signal processing, OLPARS(On Line Pattern Analysis and Recognition Systems), On line pattern analysis and recognition systems, AF. The report describes the design and evaluation of seismic classifiers for distinguishing among humans, heavy trucks, armored personnel carriers, helicopters, and C-131 aircraft. The data used to develop these classifiers consisted of many digi- tized seismometer responses to each of the intru- sion targets and was collected by the Sensor De- velopment Section of the Surveillance and Control Division at the West Lee Test Site. The Interactive Processing Section of the Information Sciences Di- vision analyzed this waveform data and extracted an initial set of 48 features. The on-line pattern analysis and recognition system (OLPARS) was then used to develop several seismic classifier de- signs which are based on different subsets of the initial 48 features. (Modified author abstract) AD-767 209/OCP MF A01 Technology Service Corp Santa Monica Calif Adaptive Radar Techniques. Volume I. Com- puter Studies of Adaptive Subarray Radar Final rept. Worthie L. Doyle, and Lawrence E. Brennan. Jul 73, 137p TSC-PD-353-2-1, RADC-TR-73-194-Vol- 1 Contract F30602-72-C-0253 See also report dated Jul 73, AD-676 21 0. Availability: Available in microfich only. Descriptors: 'Radar antennas, Adaptive systems, Antenna arrays, Antenna radiation patterns, Com- puter programs, Radar jamming, Perf orrnance(Engineerii ig) . Identifiers: Chaff, AF. The final report on an adaptive radar techniques is contained in two volumes. The second volume dis- cusses angle tracking with adaptive array radar. Volume I discusses adaptive array antenna tech- niques for ground-based radar and contains a gen- eralized computer program for investigation of adaptive array radar in an environment containing jammers and/or distributed clutter. In many-ele- ment arrays, complexity can be reduced by form- ing subarray outputs which are then combined with adaptively controlled weights. This reduces the number of adaptive control circuits at some cost in array performance. Various types of subarraying are compared. The report also discusses the use of a notched-omni transit signal to permit adaptive sidelobe reduction when clutter or chaff extends into the main beam. Performance of various adap- tive antenna configurations in a blinking jammer environment is considered. (Author) AD-767 238/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Computer-Aided Design of Radar Signals using the Ambiguity Functions Technical rept. John V. Medea. Sep 73, 72p Rept no. ECOM- 4149 Errata sheet inserted. Descriptors: 'Radar signals, Design, Graphics, Curve fitting, Computer programs, Doppler effect, Radar targets. Identifiers: Computer aided design, 'Ambiguity functions, PDP-9/339 computers, Signal process- ing, FORTRAN 4 programming language, Wave- forms, FORTRAN, A. The report documents the development of a com- puter-aided design program for determining the re- solving power of radar signals from their ambiguity functions. The program computes the ambiguity function for any finite signal envelope and displays it on a graphics terminal. It is currently operational on the PDP-9/339 Remote Graphics Terminal and the Tektronix 4010 terminals at the University of Michigan. (Author) AD-767 259/5CP PC A06/MF A01 LTV Aerospace Corp Warren Mich Michigan Div Feasibility Demonstration of an Infrared Termi- nally Guided Submissile Final rept. (Appendices). 31 Jul 73, 112p Rept no. 7-521 00/73R-9 Contract DAAH01-71-C-0855 Descriptors: 'Heat homing, 'Terminal guidance, 'Guided missiles(Air-to-surface), Feasibility stud- ies, Telemeter systems, Specifications, Guided missile components, Guided missile trajectories, Computer programs, Inventory analysis, Infrared equipment, Homing devices. Identifiers: 'Submissiles, A. Contents: Accounting of fabricated hardware; Drawing numerical list and telemetry drawing family tree; Advanced submissile preliminary engineering analysis; List of reports, procedures, and specifications; Parts breakdown list. AD-767 291/8CP PC E07/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Applying the Kalman Filter to the Emitter Loca- tion Problem using Airborne Angle-of-Arrival Information Master's thesis Edward Harlin Mills. Mar 73, 201 p Descriptors: 'Position finding, Statistical analysis, Direction finding, Computer programs, Information theory, Angle of arrival, Airborne, Theses. Identifiers: Kalman filters, N. A scheme to locate emitter positions using post flight processing of discrete airborne emitter bear- ing angles-of-arrival information and recorded air- craft position coordinates by Kalman filter tech- niques is developed. The signal intercept system was assumed to be operating in a multi-emitter en- vironment and all data was sampled at discrete but time varying intervals. The aircraft position data is filtered directly in latitude and longitude and emit- ter locations are computed in latitude and longi- tude using vector methods. An extended Kalman filtering scheme is developed to compute emitter coordinates directly in latitude and longitude co- ordinates. (Author) AD-767 298/3CP PC A08/MF A01 Alabama Univ Huntsville Studies of Multiple Target Tracking, Constant- False-Alarm-Rate and Glint for the Ear System Interim technical rept. May 72-May 73 38 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Robert J. Polge, Roy D. Hays, B. K. Bhagavan, Louis Callas, and Earl R. McKee. Jul 73, 163p Rept no. UAH-RR-147 Contract DAAH01-71-C-1181 Descriptors: * Radar tracking, Multiple operation, Radar equipment, Errors, Computer programs, Mathematical models, Simulation. Identifiers: Experimental array radar, Computer- ized simulation, FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage, FORTRAN, A. The report is a continuation of the experimental array radar simulation studies. The main objectives are to: (1) expand and exercise the baseline EAR simulation program to include multiple target han- dling, (2) analyze and design a constant-false- alarm rate processor, and (3) investigate the effect of glint error on tracking performance and glint re- duction through the use of linear FM frequency agility or both. (Modified author abstract) AD-767 380/9CP PC E03/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Cooley Electronics Lab The 1971-1972 Deep Ocean Propagation Ex- periment: Preliminary Results. Part 1. Long- Term Power Measurements Technical rept. Theodore G. Birdsall, Kurt Metzger, Jr, and Christine L. Bell. Sep 73, 75p Rept nos. 036040- 17-T, TR-223 Contract N00014-67-A-0181-0032 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound signals, Data processing systems, Power spectra, Algorithms, Programming(Computers), Atlantic Ocean. Identifiers: 'Signal processing, MIMI project, CMP8:1 5 computer program, N. Since 1962 the Signal Processing Group at the Cooley Electronics Laboratory of The University of Michigan and the Acoustics group (now the Insti- tute for Acoustical Research) of the University of Miami have been engaged in a cooperative effort (project MIMI) involving the use of modern propa- gates in the ocean. In July of 1971 the Miami group installed an acoustic source at the Eleuthera U.S. Naval Facility in the Bahamas. This source was used to conduct a long-term experiment involving deep ocean propagation. The report contains a de- scription of the primary experiment and the data obtained from it. (Author) AD-767 684/4CP PC E07/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Technical Evaluation of a Radio Direction Find- ing System Utilizing Complementary Sequence Phase Coding of incident Signals Master's thesis David Louis Prisaznick. Jun 73, 179p Descriptors: 'Direction finding, Coding, Radio equipment, Mathematical models, Omnidirectional antennas, Correlation techniques, Theses, Com- puter programs, High frequency, Feasibility stud- ies. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, N. A new radio direction finding system has been pro- posed which offers advantages over current sys- tems in the areas of bearing accuracy and simplic- ity of antenna design requirements. The system phase codes the outputs of a linear array of omni- directional antennas, and then combines these time-separated signals so that the sequences pro- duced uniquely determine the signal arrival angle. A correlation process using matched filters is per- formed on the resulting sequences in order to de- termine the corresponding arrival angle. Resolu- tion of the inherent ambiguities of the system, due to elevation angle and adjacent quadrant azimuth components is demonstrated using a two-array technique. A computer simulation of the phase coding/decoding process, using an idealized signal model is used to evaluate the performance of the system for various input noise conditions, array lengths, and input signal parameters. (Author) AD-768 330/3CP PC A06/MF A01 Rome Air Development Center Griffiss AFB N Y Detection Performance of the AN/TPN-19 PAR (Precision Approach Radar) Technical rept. Vincent C. Vannicola. Aug 73, 120p Rept no. RADC-TR-72-238 Descriptors: 'Ground-controlled approach radar, Detection, Probability, Moving target indicators, Radar scanning, Signal-to-noise ratio, Computer programs. Identifiers: AN/TPN-1 9, AF. The purpose of the report is to determine the re- ceiver operating characteristics of the AN/TPN-19 PAR Air Force radar in some of its operating modes. The scan mode and the coherent MTI (Moving Target Indicator) mode will be considered for the case when the received target signal is cor- rupted by white Gaussian noise only. The MTI loss (the increase in signal-to-noise ratio required for the same detection performance when switching from the scan mode to the MTI mode) is also de- termined and discussed. Methods for improving the MTI performance are given and evaluated. (Author) AD-768 413/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Technology Service Corp Santa Monica Calif Simulation of High-Resolution Radar Displays of City Complexes Richard L. Mitchell, A. B. Lucero, and R. E. Harrison. Aug 73, 116p AFHRL-TR-73-11 Contract F33615-72-C-1583 Descriptors: 'Radar images, Simulation, 'Urban areas, 'Radar scanning, 'Radar trainers, Target discrimination, Synthetic aperture radar, Mapping, Radar targets, Display systems, Real time, Com- puter programs, California. Identifiers: Computerized simulation, North Long Beach(California), Radar mapping, GRAFV2 com- puter program, AN/APQ-108, AF. The modeling and simulation techniques capable of generating large-scale high-resolution radar dis- plays of cultural features are investigated. Specific features include power transmission towers, build- ings, railroads, bridges, storage tanks, streets, rivers, and natural terrain. In addition, the general background-type of return is also discussed. The problem of real-time simulation is assessed. The techniques have been applied to simulate radar images of a 2.25 x 2.25 mile area of North Long Beach, California, to a resolution of 20 feet. (Author) AD-768 443/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Radiation Lab A Program Incorporating Diffraction for the Computation of Radar Cross Section Eugene F. Knott, and Thomas B. A. Senior. Jun 73, 53p 011758-2-T, Scientific-2, AFCRL-TR-73- 0351 Contract F19628-73-C-0126 Descriptors: 'Radar echo areas, 'Computer pro- grams, Backscattering, Bodies of revolution, Aero- space craft, Diffraction. Identifiers: FORTRAN, AF. A computer program is described that calculates the radar backscattering behavior of metallic roll symmetric bodies having one or more ring discon- tinuities in surface slope. The field diffracted by each surface singularity is represented by a line in- tegral of equivaleni electric and magnetic currents. The scattered field can be expressed as an inte- gral of the physical optics currents existing over all non-diffracting portions of the surface and the equivalent currents at the singularities. However, since the equivalent currents themselves contain a physical optics component, the original currents must be modified in order to remove it. The predic tions of the computer program are compared with experimental data for cones and for a typical aero- space vehicle. Though the program is almost as efficient as one using physical optics alone, the re- sults obtained are markedly superior. (Author) AD-769 831/9CP PC E07/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Modification of the TASDA Computer Program for Inflight Use Master's thesis John Robert Bliss. Sep 73, 195p Descriptors: 'Sonobuoys, Deployment, 'Antisub- marine warfare, Computerized simulation, Antisub- marine aircraft, Computer programs, Search theory, Sensitivity, Mathematical models, Theses. Identifiers: TASDA computer program, Sensitivity analysis, N. TASDA, acronym for Tactical Airborne Sonar Deci- sion Aid, is a computer simulation designed to select optimum sonobuoy pattern spacings given enviornmental parameters and submarine mode of operation. The program was designed to operate in a Tactical Support Center for briefing of flight crew personnel. Analytical methods and statistical models are used to investigate the TASDA pro- gram with a view towards modifying it for future air- craft inflight utilization. Some improvements are made to the TASDA model which reduce program run time and core storage requirements. A modi- fied version of the TASDA program is developed as an initial step toward an inflight model. (Author) AD-769 869/9CP PC A05/MF A01 Parke Mathematical Labs Inc Carlisle Mass Mutual Radiation Impedance of Sources on a Sphere within a Spherical Dome Technical memo. D. A. Moran, J. L. Butler, and C. H. Sherman. Jul 67, 90p Rept no. 0172-TM-6 Contract N00140-66-C-0172 Descriptors: 'Sonar arrays, Impedance, Interac- tions, Sonar domes, Computer programs, Sonar transducers, Sound, Spheres. Identifiers: N. The work is concerned with the specific case of an array of circular pistons on a sphere surrounded by a concentric spherical dome. The dome is divided into vibrating areas which are approximated by cir- cular pistons and are referred to here as dome pis- tons. The transducer pistons are driven electrical- ly, these in turn drive the dome pistons acoustical- ly, and the vibration of the latter radiates sound into the exterior medium. The dome pistons inter- act with each other acoustically through the medium outside the dome. AD-769 875/6CP PC A12/MF A01 General Dynamics Fort Worth Tex Convair Aero- space Div Generalized Multimode Radar System Simula- tion Model. Volume II, Part I. Computer Pro- gram Documentation Final rept. Robert J. Hancock. Aug 73, 261 p RADC-TR-73- 273-Vol-2-Pt-1 Contract F30602-72-C-0393 See also Volume 1, AD-769 874 and Volume 2, Part 2, AD-769 876. Descriptors: 'Radar, 'Computer programs, Multi- mode, Digital simulation, Models, Computerized simulation, Diaital computers, Subroutines, FOR- TRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming language, AF. The volume of the final technical report contains the descriptions of the computer programs and subprograms which constitute the Multimode Radar System Simulation Model. AD-770 537/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Honeywell Inc Hopkins Minn Government and Aeronautical Products Div Passive Portal Detector Final technical rept. James W. Smith. Nov 73, 61 p Rept no. GAPD- 2731-8084 Contract DAAK02-72-C-0207 Descriptors: 'Magnetic detectors, 'Weapons, Schematic diagrams, Small arms. Identifiers: Design, SIMPOL/309 computer pro- gram, A. 39 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Honeywell designed a Passive Portal Detector and built two systems, including two frames for outdoor sensor mounting. The Passive Portal Detector is used to sense the passage of a metallic (magnetic) weapon through a sensor-equipped portal. It signi- fies detection by illumination of an indicator lamp and by a relay closure, used for an audible or remote alarm. The output indicator has a minimum energized time of approximately one-half second. Sensor panels, providing magnetic sensor coils with vertical and horizontal polarization, are mount- ed on each side of a portal. Disturbances in the earth's magnetic field caused by a magnetic object passing through the portal cause induced voltages in the sensor coils. The signals are amplified by solid-state electronics to a level which can be com- pared with a reference voltage. When the thresh- old level is exceeded, alarm circuitry is activated. (Author) AD-770 564/3CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center Newport R I Utilization of an Array Matched to Individual Modes; A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation Using a Transmit- ting Array Technical rept. William G. Kanabis. 20 Oct 73, 52p Rept no. NUSC-TR-4605 Descriptors: *Sonar arrays, 'Underwater sound, "Sound transmission, Phase, Amplitude, Match- ings, Computer programs. Identifiers: S2041 computer program, N. A theoretical study to determine the optimum use of the Block Island-Fishers Island (BIFI) vertical transmitting array in exciting individual modes is described. Three methods of emphasizing individ- ual modes - phase matching, exact amplitude matching, and rough amplitude matching - are de- scribed. The bases of these methods are derived from the basic properties of modes. Sample cases using these approaches were run through a com- puter program developed by the Naval Underwater Systems Center. The physical characteristics of the emplanted array and BIFI velocity profiles typi- cal for summer and winter were assumed, and propagation loss was calculated for individual modes with the array matched in turn to modes 1 through 4. The three methods of emphasizing indi- vidual modes were evaluated for each profile and mode, and it was found that each method would successfully emphasize any desired mode and de- press all others under a variety of thermal condi- tions. The best results would be obtained by using exact amplitude matching. (Author) AD-771 046/OCP PC A03/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Ad- vanced Sensors Directorate Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) Technical rept. Charles J. Kiss. 1 Oct 73, 47p Rept no. RE-73-32 Descriptors: 'Frequency modulation, 'Pulse com- pression, 'Echo ranging, Matched filters, Doppler effect, Computer programs, Bats, Simulation. Identifiers: 'Hyperbolic frequency modulation, Chype, A. The report investigates a hyperbolic frequency modulation technique that is doppler invariant. This doppler invariant property assures its useful- ness in both the realms of acoustic echolocation and radar. Bat echolocation techniques are dis- cussed and are shown to be surprisingly analo- gous to current radar techniques. Spectral charac- teristics of the compressed hyperbolic-FM are ex- amined with respect to its pulse compression ca- pability in extremely high velocity target environ- ments and is shown to be superior to the conven- tional linear-FM. Matched filtering is simulated via an 1 1 -bit Fast Fourier Transform. AD-772 899/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J The Development of Algorithms for Analysis of Intrusion Sensor Activations by Automatic Processing Techniques Technical rept. Douglas D. Mendis. Dec 73, 72p Rept no. ECOM-4174 Descriptors: 'Intrusion detection, 'Computer pro- grams, Signal processing, Pattern recognition, Al- gorithms, FORTRAN. Identifiers: ACTIVE computer program, BRIDGE computer program, XPLOT computer program, A. The report contains information, program listing and flowcharts on the programs known as ACTIVE, BRIDGE and XPLOT. These programs are designed to analyze the activation signals from unattended intrusion sensors and to detect con- sistent track patterns. (Author) AD-772 953/6CP PC E02/MF A01 Army Missile Command Redstone Arsenal Ala Ad- vanced Sensors Directorate Random Surface Generation for Digital Radar Simulation Technical rept. Sam O. Dunlap. 20 Nov 73, 33p Rept no. RE-73- 36 Descriptors: 'Radar mapping, 'Digital simulation, Terrain, Surface roughness, Signal processing, White noise, Probability density functions, Correla- tion techniques, Computer programs. Identifiers: A. The report presents a method of generating digital computer models of rough surfaces. It involves the linear filtering of a two-dimensional sample of white Gaussian noise to produce a two-dimension- al surface with Gaussian probability density and autocorrelation function. The filter derivation, spe- cific examples, and a computer listing are pro- vided. (Author) AD-773 181/3CP PC A12/MF A01 Ohio State Univ Columbus Electroscience Lab Measurement and Analysis of Spectral Signa- tures Final technical rept. Aug 72-Aug 73 J. D. Young, and W. L. Ko. Nov 73, 257p ESL- 3387-1, RADC-TR-73-304 Contract F30602-72-C-0204 See also AD-726 640. Descriptors: 'Space surveillance systems, 'Radar cross sections, 'Spectrum signatures, Fourier analysis, Fourier transformation, Waveforms, Data processing, Computer programs, Graphics. Identifiers: AF. Complex radar cross-section measurements were made at ten harmonically-related frequencies on a set of target models resembling space objects. The frequencies used (1.08, 2.16, 3.24 ... 10.8 GHz) lay in the resonance region of the target scat- tering characteristics. By Fourier synthesis, the ap- proximate ramp response of these targets can be constructed. The behavior of these ramp response waveforms vs. radar look angle and interrogating signal polarization is discussed. An interactive target imaging process was developed to use ramp response data at three orthogonal look angles. Techniques for image generation using short pulse radar data and three or five resonance region harmonics were investigated. Images are presented for some of the targets using measured short pulse and harmonic data. (Modified author abstract) AD-773 848/7CP PC A12/MF A01 RCA Missile and Surface Radar Div Moorestown N J Synchronous Satellite Tracker Investigation Final rept. 23 Feb 72-21 May 73 S. D. Gross, and J. Liston. Nov 73, 253p RADC- TR-73-277 Contract F30602-72-C-0225 Descriptors: 'Satellite tracking systems, 'Radar tracking, Phased arrays, Synchronous satellites, Performance(Engineering), Costs, Optimization, Very high frequency, Ultrahigh frequency, Comput- er programs. Identifiers: Cost comparison, AF. The study provides a design analysis and cost opti- mization on a phase array radar capable of detect- ing and tracking targets located at synchronous al- titudes and beyond. The report describes paramet- ric radar performance and cost models for several generic radar systems which were sized and opti- mized to satisfy the above requirements. The re- sults of a parametric cost comparison among the various candidates is given and design detail and preliminary absolute cost data are presented for two system candidates selected for further study. These candidates are: (1) a phase-phase steered VHF (140 MHz) radar configuration which uses a tetrode (EIMAC 4CPX250K) power amplifier module per element in the transmit array and (2) a UHF (435 MHz) time scanned array radar (TSAR) configuration. (Author) AD-775 442/7CP PC A06/MF A01 Alabama Univ Huntsville Analog-to-Digital Converter Evaluation by Digi- tal Computer Analysis of Recorded Output. Volume I Interim technical rept. 18 May 73-15 Feb 74 Robert J. Polge, Louis Callas, Jr, B. K. Bhagavan, and Edward R. McKee, Jr. Feb 74, 125p Rept no. UAH-RR-149 Contract DAAH01-71-C-1181 Descriptors: 'Analog to digital converters, 'Signal processing, 'Information theory, 'Radar, Power spectra, Quantization, Fourier transformation, Sampling, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Digital simulation. Identifiers: Fast Fourier transform, Experimental array radar, A. Dynamic performance of an A/D converter cannot be assessed by conventional tests since they employ low frequency inputs, in this report, a digi- tal computer procedure is developed to determine the presence and extent of errors due to time jitter, nonlinearity, gain, quantization and locked bits. The procedure is based on discrete power spec- trum analysis of recorded outputs of the A/D con- verter using weighted or non-weighted sine wave input. A computer program is developed to com- pute the estimated power spectrum starting from discrete records of a signal and is used to show that a sine wave must be weighted to insure a narrow bandwidth. (Modified author abstract) AD-775 518/4CP PC E05/MF A01 Wisconsin Univ Madison Geophysical and Polar Research Center Experiment and Numerical Evaluation of Acoustic Scattering at a Rough Surface Research rept. Gerald A. Sandness. 2 Oct 73, 119p Rept nos. RR-73-2, Contrib-304 Contract N00014-67-A-01 28-0009 Descriptors: 'Acoustic scattering, 'Electromag- netic scattering, 'Surface roughness, Approximation(Mathematics), Numerical integra- tion, Computer programs. Identifiers: Heimholtz equation, SCATTER com- puter program, TRANSLATE computer program, PGEN2 computer program, PSIN1 computer pro- gram, PSIN2 computer program, PDF computer program, N. The Heimholtz integral is often used as the basis for theories on scattering of acoustic signals from rough surfaces, but several approximations must be made to obtain analytical solutions. Many of the mathematical difficulties in analytical computations can be avoided by numerically evaluating the Heimholtz integral. A numerical technique is de- scribed which uses measured values of the acous- tic pressure of the incident beam, including the side lobes, thereby removing the uncertainty which normally results from approximating the form of the incident beam. A comparison of numerical, analytical, and experimental results is made for the case of a vertically incident beam and a moderate- ly rough surface. The numerical computations are shown to yield values of the scattered pressure which agree well with experimental data for both rough and smooth surfaces. (Modified author ab- stract) 40 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES AD-776 031/7CP PC E08/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Application of ADAPT to Quick Look Classifi- cation of Composite Radar Signatures Final rept. May-Nov 73 on Task 1 Herbert E. Hunter. Nov 73, 193p ESD-TR-74-15 Contract F19628-73-C-0002 Prepared in cooperation with ADPT Service Corp., Reading, Mass. Rept. no. ADAPT-73-3. Descriptors: "Radar signatures, 'Radar targets, Classification, Data processing, Computer pro- gramming, Fourier transformation, Graphics, Algo- rithms. Identifiers: ADAPT computer program, AF. The ADAPT Computer Programs, (a series of em- pirical analysis programs based on the concept that pattern recognition and regression analysis should be preceded by a reduction in the dimen- sionality based on the Karhunen-Loeve expan- sion), were applied to composite radar signatures of two classes of targets to develop and study classification laws and mechanisms for separating the two classes. The results include definition of the significance of each of the components of the data vector to each algorithm developed. Both a two step and a number of single step algorithms were developed. The phase of the Fourier trans- form proved unimportant to the single step classifi- cation which were dominated by the amplitude. The phase was significant for the first step of the two step algorithm. The classification mechanisms were similar for the one step classification laws de- rived using 1 0, 30 and 200 pulses. (Author) AD-776 912/8CP PC E06/MF A01 Army Electronics Command Fort Monmouth N J Adjustable Digital Time Converter Technical rept. Helmuth M. Kaunzinger, and Otto E. Rittenbach. Feb 74, 130p Rept no. ECOM-4201 Descriptors: *Signal processing, 'Moving target in- dicators, Radar signals, Processing equipment, Compression, Time, Digital systems, Analog to digital converters, Frequency conversion, Target recognition, Target signatures, Computerized sim- ulation, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: COMP computer program, FORTRAN 4 programming language, A. The presentation covers the analysis, computer solution and simulation, design, construction and performance evaluation of an experimental digital time converter with five compression ratios rang- ing from 3.16 to 316 in a geometric progression. With an analog to digital converter at the input and a digital to analog converter at the output, this time converter operates with data samples circulating in register rings. The updating of this rotating infor- mation occurs at selected slow rates while readout samples are taken at a constant fast rate. The original sequence of input samples is preserved in the compressed output when a correct relationship exists between updating and readout rates, gener- ated in appropriate timing circuits. The com- pressed signal is presented in segments of ap- proximately .5 second each. The performance evaluation shows that the chosen approach is valid, that an experimental model works as expect- ed, and that subsequent radar systems studies can be made with this time converter. (Modified author abstract) AD-777 203/1CP PC E06/MF A01 Mcdonnell Douglas Astronautics Co-West Hun- tington Beach Calif Mathematical Research in Target Detection and Identification Final rept. W. F. Webber, S. R. Webb, and W. A. Parkyn. Feb 74, 124d MDC-G5105, AFOSR-TR-74-0583 Contract F44620-71-C-0052 Descriptors. * Radar tracking, 'Signal processing, Fourier transformation, Walsh functions, Time series analysis, Transfer functions, Correlation techniques, Information theory, Data processing, Computer programs. Identifiers: Walsh transformation, Fast Fourier transform, Stationary processes, Image process- ing, AF. Contents: Fast complex demodulation; Surface matching techniques; Iterative prewhitening tech- niques; Radar enhancement techniques; Two-di- mensional filters for signal estimation and surface matching; An eigenvector expansion for nonsta- tionary data; The logical Walsh transform; Correla- tion and convolution by means of Walsh trans- forms; Walsh correlation routine. AD-777 722/OCP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C FFT Doppler Filter Performance Computations Memorandum rept. J. K. Hsiao. Mar 74, 64p Rept no. NRL-MR-2744 Descriptors: 'Filters, Doppler systems, Coherent radar, Moving target indicators, Radar clutter, Fourier transformation, Computer programs, FOR- TRAN, Clutter. Identifiers: Fast Fourier transform, N. The fundamental theory of a FFT doppler filter is briefly reviewed. Computer programs to plot the re- sponses and improvement factors of these filters are presented in this report. A wide choice of weighting functions are included in these pro- grams. A number of examples are computed and presented. (Author) AD-778 203/OCP PC A08/MF A01 Georgia Inst of Tech Atlanta School of Electrical Engineering Radome Effects on the Performance of Ground Mapping Radar Final rept. 7 Mar 72-6 Aug 73 Edward B. Joy, and G. Keith Huddleston. 6 Aug 73, 166p Contract DAAH01-72-C-0598 Descriptors: 'Radar mapping, Radomes, Performance(Engineering), Computerized simula- tion, Computer programs, Far field, Radar, Inter- faces. Identifiers: A. The effects of the radome on the performance of a ground mapping radar are presented. A computer program for interfacing the radome effects data to a computer simulation of the radar system is de- scribed. The radome analysis computer program used to generate the radome effects data is pre- sented. Contour plots of the far-field power pattern on the ground with the radome in place are pre- sented. (Author) AD-778 683/3CP PC A08/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Cooley Electronics Lab Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel Technical rept. Raymond L. Veenkant. May 74, 175p' Rept nos. TR-226, 004860-4-T Contract N00014-67-A-0181-0035 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Signal process- ing, 'Information theory, Multipath transmission, Correlation techniques, Stochastic processes, Hy- drophones, Power spectra, Computer programs, Florida Strait, Theses. Identifiers: MIMI project. An experimental investigation of analysis and dis- play techniques for extracting stability information from underwater acoustic propagation data has shown the feasibility and usefulness of a specific display format called the Channel Digit Response. All of the complex nature of the channel reception is retained in the display, but the format compress- es the data and enhances the extraction of qualita- tive stability information. The investigation and conclusions are limited to propagation tests using periodic transmissions, as periodic transmissions are the usual type used for studying varying multi- path propagation. The investigation data base spanned 1 33 hours, from a 43 n. mile range across the Straits of Florida. The effective time resolution of the data was .02 seconds. Crosscorrelation, au- tocorrelation, and power spectrum analysis, and several threshold techniques based on time-lag crosscorrelation were investigated, and their effec- tiveness compared to the Channel Digit Response. (Author) AD-778 925/8CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 2. User's Manual Final rept. John J. Cornyn. 21 Dec 73, 79p Rept no. NRL- 7642 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Computer pro- gramming, 'Sonar signals, Sound transmission, Transmission loss, Ray tracing, Instruction man- uals, FORTRAN. Identifiers: GRASS computer programs, CDC 3800 computers. GRASS (Germinating Ray-Acoustics Simulation System) is a set of linked digital computer pro- grams (Fortran), or modules. These modules: (1) convert salinity, temperature, and depth (STD) data to sound-speed profiles; (2) interpolate and extrapolate the sound-speed field; (3) generate Calcomp or Gerber plots of the sound-speed pro- files; (4) generate contour and three-dimensional isometric plots of the sound-speed field; (5) trace rays and calculate intensities; (6) generate ray dia- grams; and (7) construct plots of the calculated transmission loss versus range. The system can handle multiple profiles and a linear-segmented bottom profile. It is presently running on a CDC 3800. This report, the second of a two-volume set, is intended as a user's manual. In addition to de- scribing input and output for each module, it con- tains a sample test case based upon actual experi- mental measurements. (Author) AD-779 689/9CP PC A07/MF A01 Massachusetts Inst of Tech Lexington Lincoln Lab Millstone Hill Radar Propagation Study: Cali- bration Technical rept. John V. Evans. 5 Oct 73, 130p TR-508, ESD-TR- 73-254 Contract F19628-73-C-0002 Joint Radar Propagation Study. Prepared in coop- eration with Bell Telephone Labs., Murray Hill, N.J. Contract DAHC60-71-C-0005. Descriptors: 'Radar tracking, Calibration, Radar, Electromagnetic wave propagation, Satellite track- ing systems, Ultrahigh frequency, L band, Track- ing, Beacons, Radio sources(Astronomy), Stars, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: Millstone Hill radar. The report describes the work conducted to obtain a precise calibration of the tracking system at UHF and at L-band. The method finally employed en- tailed the measurement of the mechanical position of the antenna (elevation, azimuth, platform tilt) with great accuracy, together with tracking exer- cises to relate the RF and mechanical axes of the antenna. For the L-band radar the latter included observations of bright radio stars and numerous passes of the same (Navy Navigation System) sat- ellites that could be combined to give a precise orbit. Calibration of the UHF beacon tracker was necessary to remove the dependence on the po- larization of the received signals in addition to the expected errors (beam offsets and beam droop). This was achieved through describing the effects by models whose free parameters were deter- mined by comparing the observed position of the satellite beacons with the true position determined from the L-band radar multipass solutions. Of ne- cessity, this calibration had to be conducted using only nighttime satellite tracking data in order to minimize bias errors introduced by ionospheric re- fraction. (Modified author abstract) AD-779 835/8CP PC A08/MF A01 Westinghouse Electric Corp Baltimore Md Sys- tems Development Div Cobra Glint Model AH-1G Final rept. Richard H. Daumit, John B. Goodell, and Richard F. Higby. Mar 74. 156p LWL-CR-06P72B Contract DAAD05-72-C-0284 Descriptors: 'Helicopters, 'Aircraft canopies, 'Glint, Windows, Sunlight, Reflectivity, Computer- ized simulation, Computer programs, FORTRAN. 41 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Identifiers: Huey Cobra, H-1 aircraft, AH-1G air- craft, Sunshades, FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. The report details the development of a computer simulation model of the attack helicopter to predict the visual detectivity of the aircraft by a ground ob- server due to sun reflections from its windows. In addition, the model was exercised to determine probabilities of detection versus angles of incident sunlight and also used to determine sunshade configuration for reducing reflections. (Modified author abstract) AD-780 241/6CP PC A13/MF A01 Duke Univ Durham N C Dept of Electrical Engi- neering The Theory of Signal Detectability: Extension to Optimum Arrays Summary rept. 1972-73 Stanley L. Adams. Jul 73, 291 p Rept no. TR-9 Contract N00014-67-A-0251-0001 Descriptors: 'Signal processing, *Bayes theorem, 'Underwater sound, 'Acoustic arrays, Correlation techniques, White noise, Stochastic processes, Field theory, Moving targets, Computer programs, Mathematical models, Theses. Identifiers: 'Signal detection, Random processes, Bayesian estimation. The purpose of this research is to further the theory of signal detectability as applied to systems employing an array of sensors. The specific ap- proach is to make use of optimal space-time likeli- hood ratio processing for signals which have vary- ing degrees of uncertainty associated with them. A specific type of spatially correlated noise field is incorporated in the model. Optimum receiver struc- tures and their detection performance are derived for far field signal sources of known direction in spatially correlated noise when the signal wave- form is either known or uncertain. Optimum receiv- er structures are derived for detecting active tar- gets of uncertain direction in spatially correlated noise and passive targets of uncertain direction in spatially uncorrelated noise. Optimum receivers and their performance are computed for noise fields with statistics which are a function of space and time. Optimum receiver structures and their performance are computed for moving targets. (Modified author abstract) AD-780 731/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Environmental Research Inst of Michigan Ann Arbor Polarized Radiance. Volume II. Polarized Spec- tral Emittance from 4 to 14 micrometers Final rept. 10 Apr-31 Dec 72 J. R. Maxwell, R. Vincent, and S. Weiner. May 74, 67p ERIM-1 92500-1 -T(II), BRL-CR-155 Contract DAAD05-72-C-0246 Descriptors: 'Polarization, 'Surfaces, 'Emission spectra, 'Paints, Angles, Infrared radiation, Com- puter programs, Computerized simulation, Reflec- tivity, Emittance, Documents, Target discrimina- tion. Volume II of this report provides a description of a model for predicting emission polarization from paints. The report includes a description of mea- surements that were made along with graphs of measurement data. Validation of the model shows that model predictions agree with measurement to within the measurement accuracy 70% cf the time, thus allowing degree of polarization to be calculat- ed for smooth-surfaced materials in the thermal IR region for any wavelength (from about 7 to 1 5 mi- crometers) and any polar angle, with only a mea- surement of spectral emittance from 7 to 15 mi- crometers at any near-normal incidence required. A listing of model parameters appropriate to the sample paints supplied is included along with a document explaining the use of the computer pro- grams and listings of the programs as well. (Modi- fied author abstract) AD-780 785/2CP PC A03/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center New London Conn New London Lab Computation of Beam Patterns and Directivity Indices for Three-Dimensional Arrays with Ar- bitrary Element Spacings Technical rept. Ding Lee, and Gustave A. Leibiger. 22 Feb 74, 48p Rept no. NUSC-TR-4687 Descriptors: 'Acoustic arrays, 'Hydrophones, Beams(Radiation), Patterns, Beam steering, Direc- tional, Reverberation, Excitation, Mathematical analysis, FORTRAN, Computer programs. Identifiers: FORTRAN 5 programming language, UNIVAC 1108 computers. The computation of beam pattern functions in- volves the summation of individual element re- sponses that contain spatial and artificially induced phase delays. In this manner, the total array re- sponse to acoustic wave excitation possessing dir- ectionality characteristics can be determined. A computer program that calculates the beam pat- tern function for any selected section of the beam pattern is discussed. Some special features of the program are: both uniform and nonuniform spacing of hydrophones can be accommodated; either plane or spherical wave excitation can be as- sessed; the beam pattern can be determined for any desired array steering direction; any desired element response function can be incorporated into the beam computations; any prescribed ampli- tude shading technique can be applied to the array; and arbitrary single-element phase delays can be introduced into the beam computations. (Modified author abstract) AD-780 931/2CP PC A06/MF A01 Alabama Univ Huntsville Modification of the Ear Simulation Programs for Command Guidance Studies and Discus- sion of Tests for System Evaluation. Volume II Interim technical rept. 18 May 73-15 Mar 74 Robert J. Polge, B. K. Bhagavan, and Louis Callas. May 74, 119p Rept no. UAH-RR-153 Contract DAAH01-71-C-1181 Descriptors: 'Command guidance, 'Radar, Com- puterized simulation, Digital computers, Digital simulation, Arrays, Computer programming, Com- puter programs, Analog to digital converters, Modi- fication, Experimental design, Moving target indi- cators, Ground clutter, Radar tracking, Aircraft. Identifiers: Experimental array radar. The report consists of two parts. The first part is concerned with command guidance investigation. After a brief review of the existing simulation pro- grams and of the guidance requirements, it be- comes clear that faster simulation programs must be developed in view of command guidance inves- tigation. Since most of the computation time is spent in the simulation of the analog filters, the simplification proceeds in two steps: (1) combina- tion of the linear filters and (2) elimination of the combined filter. Part II is concerned with the design of experiments. Emphasis is on the test philosophy for testing an MTI radar in the presence of heavy ground clutter. The tests are divided into two parts: (1) calibration tests or static tests and (2) moving target or dynamic tests. (Modified author abstract) AD-781 230/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray Tracing and Transmission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 1. Overall Description John J. Cornyn. 21 Dec 73, 75p Rept no. NRL- 7621 See also Volume 2, AD-773 925. Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Computer pro- gramming, 'Sonar signals, Sound transmission, Ray tracing, Transmission loss, Wave equations, Instruction manuals, FORTRAN, Numerical analy- sis. Identifiers- GRASS computer programs, CDC 3800 computers. GRASS (Germinating Ray-Acoustics Simulation System) is a set of linked digital computer pro- grams (Fortran), or modules. These modules: (1) convert salinity, temperature, and depth (STD) data to sound-speed profiles; (2) interpolate and extrapolate the sound-speed field; (3) generate Calcomp or Gerber plots of the sound-speed pro- files; (4) generate contour and three-dimensional isometric plots of the sound-speed field; (5) trace rays and calculate intensities; (6) generate ray dia- grams; and (7) construct plots of the calculated transmission loss versus range. The system can handle multiple profiles and a linear-segmented bottom profile. It is presently running on a CDC 3800. This report, the first of a two-volume set, in- cludes an overview of each module, outlines the methods used in the calculations, provides the re- sults of some test cases, makes some recommen- dations for improvement, and briefly compares ray and normal-mode theories. (Author) AD-781 649/9CP PC A02/MF A01 Navai Research Lab Washington D C Volume Intersection of Two Identical Right Cir- cular Cones Interim rept. R. G. Hughes, and J. D. Clamons. Jun 74, 18p Rept no. NRL-MR-2811 Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Reverberation, 'Sonar signals, Doppler effect, Transducers, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: FORTRAN 4 programming language. The common volume of two cones representing the reverberation volume of a transducer pair in- cluded in a doppler flow meter was calculated. Var- iables in the calculation, written as a computer pro- gram, included the divergence angle of the cones, transducer separation, and transducer size. The volume was found to increase exponentially with an increase in the apex angle, psi, of the cones for a fixed intersection angle, theta, limited to the con- dition psi < theta. (Author) AD-782 025/1CP PC E04/MF A01 Unitech Inc Austin Tex Experimental Exploration of Adaptive Recur- sive Filtering Final rept. Jan 74, 90p Rept no. UNITECH-74-011-U Contract N00024-73-C-1104 Descriptors: 'Sonar signals, 'Digital filters, 'Signal processing, Noise, Adaptive systems, Curve fitting, Graphics, Transfer functions, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Recursive filters, DARF computer pro- gram, ADOL1 computer program. A significant amount of research into noise cancel- lation techniques is being conducted by the sonar community. Due to the dynamic nature of the noise and other demanding features of the sonar envi- ronment, the techniques under development make use of digital adaptive filters. Most all digital adap- tive filters are basically convolution or transversal filters. The objective of the work has been to ex- perimentally develop an iterative design procedure for an adaptive digital recursive filter suitable for use as the estimation filter in an adaptive noise cancellation system. AD-782 178/8CP PC A07/MF A0 1 Environmental Research inst of Michigan Ann Arbor Infrared and Optics Div Polarized Emittance. Volume 1: Polarized Bidir- ectional Reflectance with Lambertian or Mon- Lambertian Diffuse Components Final rept. 10 Apr-3l Dec 72 J. R. Maxwell, and S. F. Weiner. May 74, 126p ERIM-1 92500-1 -T(1\ BRL-CR-154 Contract DAAD05-72-C-0246 See also Volume 3, AD-782 1 79. Descriptors: 'Remote detectors, 'Infrared detec- tors, Optica! detectors, Surface roughness, Reflec- tance, Polarization, Mathematical models, Com- puter programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: RHOPRIME computer program, Remote sensing, FORTRAN 4 programming lan- guage. Volume I of this report provides the Ballistic Re- search Laboratories with a discussion of the algo- rithms upon which the bidirectional reflectance model is based, in particular the non-Lambertian volume model which was constructed under this 42 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES contract. The report provides a validation of the modef with respect to the materials supplied by BRL. It includes a listing of appropriate model pa- rameters with a description of how to use the model, and a listing of the computer program with its subroutines. The model makes it possible to calculate bidirectional reflectance data from a very small amount of measured data. Accuracy demon- strated indicates that the model is very effective, although improvement can still be obtained at large receiver zenith angles. (Author) AD-782 281 /OCP PC A06/MF A01 Gte Sylvania Inc Mountain View Calif Electronic Systems Group-Western Div High Pressure Transducer Technical rept. G. Kirby Miller. 15 Jun 74, 107p Rept no. TR-3 Contract N00014-72-C-0307 See also AD-906 983. Descriptors: "Transducers, 'Hydrophones, Electri- cal properties, Sensitivity, Environmental tests, Temperature, Performance(Engineering), Tolerances(Mechanics), Coaxial cables, Reliability(Electronics), Electrets, Computer pro- grams, FORTRAN. The primary purpose of the study is to measure and evaluate the performance of an electret co- axial cable transducer as a hydrophone. This in- cludes any possibel environmental effects on per- formance such might be caused by depth pres- sure, temperature, and motion-caused turbulence. AD-782 305/7CP PC E08/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Application of Nonlinear Filtering Theory to Passive Target Locaton and Tracking Master's thesis George William Mitschang. Jun 74, 207p Descriptors: 'Passive sonar, *Radar tracking, 'Kalman filtering, Doppler effect, Mathematical models, Stochastic processes, Computerized sim- ulation, Computer programs, FORTRAN, Monte Carlo method, Standard deviation, Theses. Identifiers: Nonlinear filtering, 'Remote sensing. The technique of Extended Kalman filtering is ap- plied to a passive single sensor location and track- ing problem. Signal angle of arrival and doppler shifted frequency are used as observations for two different filter formulations: one for fixed X-Y co- ordinates of position and velocity and one with an orthogonal system rotated to align an axis with the target heading. The fixed X-Y system was found to give better tracking performance on the Monte Carlo simulation. A new method of calculating the initial covariance matrix was extended to reformu- late the Kalman filter equations for a nonlinear problem. (Modified author abstract) AD-782 351/1CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C Coefficients for Calculating Radiation Impe- dances and Far-Field Pressures of Free- Flooded Ring Transducers interim rept. Peter H. Rogers, and Joseph F. Zalesak. 14 Jun 74, 128p Rept no. NRL-7749 Descriptors: 'Transducers, Far field, Pressure, Electromagnetic radiation, Acoustic impedance, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Ring transducers, SHIP computer pro- gram. Tables of coefficients for determining the radiation impedance and far-field pressure of a free-flooded vibrating ring in an arbitrary medium at 45 frequen- cies for each of 36 ring geometries were produced. The only restriction on the known velocity distribu- tion for using the tables is that the inside, top and bottom, and- outside normal surface velocities must be uniform. Simple formulas for determining the normal surface velocity distribution for some special cases and formulas for determining the ra- diation resistance and far-field pressure in the low- frequency limit were developed. (Author) AD-783 005/2CP PC A02/MF A01 Teledyne Geotech Alexandria Va Seismic Data Analysis Center Rayleigh Wave Detection at Three LP Arrays During the ISM Technical rept. William C. Dean, and Raymond M. Seggelke. 29 Apr 74, 24p Rept no. SDAC-TR-74-8 Contract F08606-74-C-0006, ARPA Order-1620 Descriptors: 'Seismic detection, 'Underground explosions, 'Seismological stations, Seismic arrays, Earthquakes, Nuclear explosions, Rayleigh waves, Epicenters, Signal to noise ratio, Seismic data, Computer applications, Predictions, Mon- tana, Alaska, Norway. Identifiers: Vela Uniform, Large aperture seismic array, Alaskan long period array. Norwegian seis- mic array, FKCOMB computer program. Rayleigh waves from each event in the ISM epi- center list were sought at the LASA, ALPA, and NORSAR long period arrays. The method used FKCOMB, a program which computes a three di- mensional Fourier transform in frequency-wave number space for overlapping four minute win- dows. The paper discusses the Rayleigh wave de- tection rates, missed signal rates, and false alarm rates measured at these three long period arrays during the International Seismic Month. (Modified author abstract) AD-783 430/2CP PC E10/MF A01 Santa Barbara Research Center Goleta Calif Active Optical Miss-Distance Indicator Final study rept. 30 Mar 73, 335p Contract DAAG39-73-C-0022 Descriptors: 'Optical fuzes, 'Firing error indica- tors, Gallium arsenide lasers, Miss distance, Opti- cal equipment, Transmitters, Receivers, Impact prediction, Computer programs. The Active Optical Miss-Distance Indicator (AOMD!) can be described as an arrangement of three optical fuzes of different ranges. It uses the principle of geometrical cutoff in three optical re- ceivers with overlapping range intervals to produce five intervals of distance ('bins'). The greater angu- lar coverage required by the AOMDI is obtained by combining nine basic quadrants in a configuration that results in a good approximation of 4 pi stera- dian coverage. In the report the results of a study of the performance of an AOMDI are presented. For this study assumed values of all parameters influencing performance correspond to the best presently available. Concurrent with the study a demonstration model of one quadrant of the AOMDI was built. The purpose of this task was to verify some of the findings of the study. AD-783 858/4CP PC E05/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif The Electronic Warfare Application of Special Purpose Microprogrammed Mini-computers Master's thesis Paul David Frazer. Jun 74, 113p Descriptors: 'Electronic warfare, 'Minicomputers, Surveillance, Threat evaluation. Radar signals, Signal processing, Microprogramming, Computer programs, Theses, FORTRAN. Identifiers: IBM 360 computers. An algorithm for the application of a special pur- pose minicomputer to the automatic analysis and initial classification of electronic warfare signals is developed. The minicomputer assembly language version of this algorithm is presented. A FOR- TRAN program which generates realistic data for signal analysis is described. Using the simulated data and an instruction level simulation program, the algorithm is tested using an IBM 360 computer. Microprogramming techniques are presented which optimize the minicomputer application. (Author) AD-783 867/5CP PC E04/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif An Audio Display of Processed Acoustic Sig- nals Master's thesis George Liell Mager, Jr. Jun 74, 82p Descriptors: 'Display systems, 'Sonar equipment, 'Target acquisition, Acoustic signals, Signal proc- essing, Audio tones, Coding, Computer programs, Noise, Spectrum analysis, Theses, Fourier trans- formation. Identifiers: Fast Fourier transform. An audio display system using eight tones to encode the output of a digital signal processor is investigated. The purpose of the system is to detect and display an audio tone masked by band- limited Gaussian noise. The digital processor per- forms a spectral analysis on the signal using a Fast Fourier Transform. Several hundred experiments were performed using a human listener to monitor the display. The experimental system is capable of displaying the difference between signal, no signal, and signal plus noise conditions. About 80% prob- ability of correct decision by the human observer was achieved for input signals below the detection threshold for an unaided listener. Possible applica- tions to a sonar system are indicated. (Author) AD-783 934/3CP PC A10/MF A01 Science Applications Inc Huntsville Ala Specification for Analysis of the SPE (AN/UYK- 17) in a Radar Signal Processing Environment Final rept. David E. Green, Ralph Kimball, and Curt C. Douglass. 16 Aug 74, 225p Rept no. SAI-75-542- HU Contract N00014-74-C-0272 Descriptors: 'Signal processing, 'Data processing equipment, Radar signals, Air defense, Phased arrays, Radar, Specifications, Digital computers, Computer programs, FORTRAN. Identifiers: AN/UYK-1 7. A set of specifications were developed to be used as guidelines for analyzing the NRL Signal Proc- essing Element (SPE, AN/UYK-1 7) in terms of radar signal processing tasks. The specifications are supplied in a generic form to address air de- fense scenarios, Multiple Function Array Radar (MFAR) modeling, and Data Processing System (DPS) sizing. SPE related guidelines are provided to specify signal processing experiments and dem- onstrations with respect to the XB-1 (V) test-bed facility. (Author) AD-784 078/8CP PC A04/MF A01 Ballistic Research Labs Aberdeen Proving Ground Md CAMNET: A Computer Simulation System for Geometrically and Optically Realistic Camou- flage Nets Final rept. Jun-Dec 73 Henry Lichtenstein, Frank Rahn, and Herbert Steinberg. Jun 74, 70p MR-7040, BRL-CR-160 Contract DAAD05-73-C-0515 Descriptors: 'Optical detection, 'Camouflage, 'In- frared detection, Computerized simulation, Color photography, Computer programming, Mathemat- ical models. Identifiers: CAMNET computer code, IBM 360 computers, CDC 6600 computers. A computer system, CAMNET, has been devel- oped to simulate the geometric and optical proper- ties of realistic camouflage nets. The mathematical basis of the simulation has been described, and a guide to the operation of the system has been in- cluded. The computer programming has been summarized, and the results of a sample applica- tion are presented, including color photographs of the simulated camouflage nets. (Author) AD-784 284/2CP PC E07/MF A01 Southwest Research Inst San Antonio Tex 'In situ' EM Soil Properties Measurement: In- strumentation, Theory, and Method. Volume III Final rept. 15 Feb 73-30 Sep 74 Jackie E. Hipp, and Lewis S. Fountain. 7 Jun 74, 156p Contract DAAK02-72-C-0638 43 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES See also Volume 2, AD-784 283. Descriptors: "Soil surveys, *Mine detection, Mili- tary research, Electromagnetic properties, Mea- surement, Probes, Instrumentation, Computer pro- grams, Test methods, Soils Identifiers: "Land mine detection. The purpose of this program was to develop field instrumentation to measure in situ electromagnetic (EM) soil properties required for land mine detec- tion evaluation. An objective was to provide an rf measurement method for the frequency range 300-4000 MHz that would require the least amount of disturbance of the soil in its natural environment. After both theoretical and experimental analyses, special coaxial soil probes were designed, and two portable field kits were assembled and delivered to the Army. EM soil properties were obtained by first inserting a coaxial soil probe into the soil; the par- tially soil-filled coaxial waveguide was then treated as a lossy transmission line terminated in an open circuit. Measured values of the driving point imped- ance provided the necessary information to allow the EM soil properties to be derived using classical transmission line equations. A computer program was developed to obtain the necessary solutions. AD-785 133/OCP PC E06/MF A01 Air Force Inst of Tech Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio School of Engineering Discrete-Time Domain Analysis of a Two-Axis Beam Deflector Master's thesis John P. Kopaz. Jun 74, 148p Rept no. GE/EE/ 74-10 Descriptors: 'Optical tracking, *Signai processing, Feedback, Computer programs, Transfer func- tions, Mathematical models, Theses. Identifiers: MIMIC programming language, POLSLVR computer program, Discrete time sys- tems. The state-variable feedback model of a two-gimbal planar-mirror optical tracking system is simulated in both the continuous-time and discrete-time do- mains using a digital-machine simulation language called MIMIC. Four open-loop models are ana- lyzed with respect to a conventional set of per- formance indices. The required model parameters are provided by an auxiliary program called POLSLVR which is specifically tailored for this problem. Emphasis is placed on obtaining accept- able solutions requiring the least amount of system gain with a relatively rigid sampling time specifica- tion to reduce the effects of a base-motion disturb- ance. (Author) AD-786 032/3CP PC A08/MF A01 Mcdonnell Aircraft Co St Louis Mo Active Multispectral Data Analysis Final rept. May 73-May 74 J Carl Leader, David P. Owsley, and Charles R. Fulkerson. Aug 74, 171p RADC-TR-74-190 Contract F30602-73-C-0212 Descriptors: 'Target discrimination, 'Spectrum signatures, 'Detectors, Gas lasers, Laser beams, Multispectral, Signal processing, Data acquisition, Digital systems, Computer programs, Electroop- tics. A study was conducted for the systematic determi- nation of the effects of various sensor parameters and environmental variables on the capability to identify target materials. The approach incorporat- ed an experimental program of data collection and laboratory target signature measurements togeth- er with the development cf a unique data analysis scheme. Targets were illuminated with a Krypton laser that produced visible light simultaneously in four spectral channels (0.65 micrometers, 0.57 mi- crometers, 0.52 micrometers, and 0.48 microme- ters). The 1 .5-watt beam, having a divergence of 1.6 mrad, was scanned horizontally across an ex- isting test range. The primary target was a calibrat- ed series of painted panels of various sizes, colors, and orientations. Parameters studied included gain, bandwidth, scan speed, field of view, color contrast, and surface moisture. Atmospheric trans- mission and background illumination were meas- ured. (Modified author abstract) AD-786 352/5CP PC A05/MF A01 Naval Research Lab Washington D C FORTRAN Computer Programs for Calculating the Axisymmetric Acoustic Radiation from Two Coaxial Spheroids Interim rept. B. J. King, and A. L. Van Buren. 16 Jul 74, 89p Rept no. NRL-7694 Descriptors: 'Acoustic signals, 'Computer pro- grams, Spheres, Wave functions, Green's func- tion, Acoustic velocity, Numerical analysis, FOR- TRAN, Acoustic detection. Identifiers: PSPRDS computer program, OSPRDS computer program. The computer programs PSPRDS and OSPRDS calculate acoustic radiation from two prolate and two oblate spheroids, respectively. The programs use an eigenfunction expansion of the appropriate Green's function in spheroidal wave functions. An addition theorem which expresses spheroidal wave functions in one coordinate system in terms of spheroidal wave functions in another coordinate system is used to facilitate application of homoge- neous Neumann boundary conditions on the two spheroids in order to determine the unknown ex- pansion coefficients. Only axially symmetrical problems are handled by the programs. The basic inputs to the programs are the geometry of the spheroidal configuration and the normal velocity distribution on the surface of each spheroid. The output consists of radiation impedances, the azi- muthal far-field pressure distribution, and near- field pressures at desired points. (Author) AD-787 020/7CP PC A07/MF A01 Technology Service Corp Santa Monica Calif Modularization and Revision of the Spectrum Analysis and Display Computer Program Technical rept. Roger M. Golden. Sep 74, 145p Rept no. TSC- PD-067-27 Contract N00014-71-C-0033 See also report dated Jun 72, AD-752 113. Descriptors: 'Underwater sound, 'Signal process- ing, 'Spectrum analysis, 'Computer programs, White Noise, Signal to noise ratio, Computations, Sonar signals, Power spectra, FORTRAN. Identifiers: SPEC computer program. This report contains a discussion of the changes made to a Spectrum Analysis and Display Comput- er Program reported in document AD 752-1 1 3. The program displays a pictorial representation of the power spectral density of an analyzed signal, as well as estimates of: (1) Blackman-Tukey Band- width, (2) signal noise bandwidth, (3) 6 dB band- width, all about a peak value within a designated spectral region, (4) signal noise power, (5) dB power (both within the designated spectral region), (6) estimated peak amplitude of the signal, (7) fre- quency at the peak, (8) the mean frequency within the 6 dB bandwidth, and (9) the signal/noise ratio at the peak. (Modified author abstract) AD-787 029/8CP PC A12/MF A01 General Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Effects. Volume I. The Zero-Order Radar Code for ROSCOE Final contract rept. 27 Feb 73-27 Feb 74 J. A. Boys, J. Ise, L. R. Ford, J. R. Garbarino, and H. S. Ostrowsky. Mar 74, 262p GRC-CR-1- 384-Vol-1, DNA-3385F-1 Contract DNA001-72-C-0226 See also Volume 2, AD-787 030. Descriptors: "Nuclear explosions, 'Radar equip- ment, 'Optical detectors. Signal processing, Noise, Attenuation, Radar clutter, Computations, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Nuclear explosion effects, ROSCOE computer program. A description of a preliminary version of the Radar and Optical Systems COde tor the evaluation of nuclear Effects on sensors (zero-order ROSCOE) is presented. The code consists of a working radar system simulation with crude phenomenology. De- scriptions of the following systems modules are presented: attack generation, object observables, track filter, radar logic (detection, track initiation, track, and discrimination), and radar signal proc- essing. Propagation models for such effects as noise, attenuation, clutter, refraction, and multi- path are also described. (Modified author abstract) AD-787 030/6CP PC A04/MF A01 General Research Corp Santa Barbara Calif Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Effects. Volume II. Optical Systems Model for ROSCOE Final contract rept. 27 Feb 73-27 Feb 74 H. F. Gilmore. Mar 74, 60p GRC-CR-1-384-Vol-2, DNA-3385F-2 Contract DNAO01-72-C-0226 See also Volume 1 , AD-787 029. Descriptors: 'Nuclear explosions, 'Radar equip- ment, 'Optical detectors, Signal processing, Noise, Attenuation, Radar clutter, Computations, Computer programming. Identifiers: 'Nuclear explosion effects, ROSCOE computer program. Results are presented of a study to define an optics module for ROSCOE, comprising a Radar and Optical Systems Code for nuclear effects. The model is general enough to represent many types of optical sensors, such as air-, rocket-, and satel- lite-borne platforms. External factors such as target observables, optical path transmittance, stellar backgrounds, and earth limb radiance are considered in addition to nuclear effects. Systems models for optical sensor detection, tracking, and signal processing are described. (Author) AD-787 390/4CP PC A07/MF A01 Auburn Univ Ala Engineering Experiment Station Frequency Agility and Radar Pointing Errors Due to Multipath Interim technical rept. David G. Burks, Harold V. Poor, Zeb L. Ill Burrell, and Edward R. Graf. 1 Oct 74, 133p Contract DAAH01-71-C-1303 Descriptors: 'Radar tracking, 'Multipath transmis- sion, 'Frequency agility, Aiming, Errors, Electro- magnetic scattering, Radar signals, Radar targets, Terrain, Models, Reflection, Earth(Planet), Com- puter programs, FORTRAN. A radar model for ground reflection multipath is de- scribed. The use of frequency agility in an environ- ment where pointing errors are caused by multi- path is demonstrated. The radar target is a collec- tion of ellipsoids designed to approximate the sur- face of an aircraft. A statistically rough surface with a large and small roughness scale is used to model the terrain around the antenna. It is shown that fre- quency agility can be used to obtain uncorrelated errors at the different transmit frequencies. (Author) AD-787 448/OCP PC A06/MF A01 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey Calif Automatic Frequency Tracking and An Appli- cation of Target Fixing Using Passive Doppler Techniques Master's thesis Dennis Wayne Hurst. Sep 74, 117p Descriptors: 'Acoustic tracking, 'Doppler sonar, Frequency, Tracking, Passive systems, Automatic, Targets. Position(Lccation), Doppler systems, Theses Acoustic velocity, Computer programs. A software package was developed to provide the inputs for a passive single-sensor acoustic tracker. This required a computation of sound propagation velocity and resolving high-resolution frequency in- formation from raw acoustic data. A selected fre- quency was then automatically tracked from an up- doppler to a down-doppler condition. This frequen- cy information coupled with associated bearing in- formation was then used to provide continuous target fixes. (Author) AD-787 540/4CP PC A07/MF A01 Army Engineer Topographic Labs Fort Belvoir Va 44 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Theoretical and Experimental Study of Wave Scattering from Composite Rough Surfaces Annual rept. no. 1 on Task 1 Robert M. Axline, Jr, and Robert Mater. May 74, 130p CRES-TR-234-2, ETL-CR-74-4 Contract DAAK02-73-C-0106 Descriptors: "Electromagnetic scattering, Sur- faces, Roughness, Backscattering, Radar signals, Theses, Computer programs. The report describes the results of an electromag- netic experiment which compares measurements of scattering coefficient with non-coherent and co- herent theories for two, two-dimensional, two- scale targets; one a good conductor (aluminum), and one a lossy dielectric (plaster). Included are (1) a detailed description cf the construction of the two-scale scattering targets; (2) a description of the experimental 25 GHz radar system used to make scattering coefficient measurements, (3) a statistical analysis of the roughness parameters of the surface; (4) the results of the scattering coeffi- cient measurements for the VV, HH, VH and HV polarization states; and (5) a comparison of the measurements with scattering coefficient predic- tions of two-scale non-coherent and coherent backscattering theories. (Modified author abstract) AD-787 687/3CP PC A05/MF A01 Mitre Corp Atlantic City N J Radar Target Detection Employing On-Line Es- timation of the Video Correlation Final rept. Lakshman P. Sinha. May 74, 86p MTR-4240, FAA-RD-74-164 Contract DOT-FA69NS-162 Descriptors: * Radar targets, *Taiget detection, Correlation techniques, Target discrimination, Radar clutter, Simulation. False alarms, Threshold effects, Probability, Least squares method, Search radar, Computerized simulation, On line systems, Computer programs. The Report presents a new target detection scheme for sliding window detectors. The scheme calls for adaptively adjusting leading and trailing edge target detection threshold based upon the existing coefficient of correlation between the con- secutive radar returns. The coefficient of a correla- tion is estimated on-line by examining the ZERO- ONE pattern over a window of fixed size every scan, and updating the estimate for a specified number of scans using a least square error estima- tion technique. The number of scans is selected as a parameter. The recursive estimation technique facilitates the estimation of the coefficient of corre- lation with minimal storage requirements. A con- stant check on the coefficient of correlation be- tween consecutive radar returns is made by re- peating the process of on-line estimation and se- lection cf a new set of leading and trailing edge thresholds after every preset time interval. This preset time interval reflects the time span during which the weather may be considered constant over a certain area. (Modified author abstract) AD-807 444/CP PC A05/MF A01 Sanders Associates, Inc., Nashua, N.H. Adaptive Phased Array Radar System Final rept. Theodore Mairson, A. J. Cann, G. R. Green, and R. S. Orr. Jan 67, 98p RADC-TR-66-626 Contract AF 30(602)-3741 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: * Phased arrays, 'Digital systems, 'Adaptive systems, 'Radar antennas, 'Radar, Adaptive systems, 'Simulators, Phased arrays, Computer programs, Pulse generators, Data proc- essing systems, Radar targets, Oscillators, Phase shifters, Modulators, Phase control devices, Print- ed circuits, Intermediate frequency amplifiers, Switching circuits, Transistor amplifiers, Mixers(Electronics), Limiters, Shift registers, Pulse counters, Digital-to-analog converters, Vocabu- lary, Mechanical drawings. Identifiers: Beam forming, Sum and difference cir- cuits, APAR (Adaptive Phased Army Radar). The objectives of this study are: to demonstrate that a collection of proprietary techniques consti- tute an adequate basis for digital beam forming in a phased-array radar; to demonstrate that these techniques can be approximated accurately by digital simulation; to define a vocabulary to facili- tate communication between radar designers and computer programmers; to demonstrate adaptive behavior of a phased-array radar by digital simula- tion. The first and third objectives were accom- plished and are described in the body of this report. The second and fourth objectives were not accomplished and the reasons for this are dis- cussed. AD-808 492/CP PC AOS/MF A01 Signatron, Inc., Lexington, Mass. A Monograph on Truncated Sequential Tests Final rept. Julian J. Bussgang, and Nicolas Johnson. Jan 67, 84p RADC-TR-66-705 Contract AF 30(602)-4356 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Radar signals, 'Target recognition, 'Radar targets, Target acquisition, Errors, Detec- tion, Decision making, Sequential analysis, Statisti- cal processes, Test methods, Computer programs, Simulation, Radar images, Decision theory, Infor- mation theory. Identifiers: Truncated sequential tests. The monograph presents an exposition of the sub- ject of truncated sequential tests. Although the main intent of this report is tutorial in nature, some previously unpublished results have been includ- ed. (Author) AD-859 670/CP PC A06/MF A01 Syracuse Univ., N.Y. Dept. of Electrical Engineer- ing. Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revo- lution Final rept. 1 Jun 67-31 Jul 69 Roger F. Harrington, and Joseph R. Mautz. Jul 69, 101p AFCRL-69-0305 Contract F19628-67-C-0233 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Radar targets, Scattering, 'Radar echo areas, Bodies of revolution, 'Antennas, Bodies of revolution, Computer programs, Diffrac- tion. The problem of electromagnetic radiation and scattering from conducting bodies of revolution, bom loaded and unloaded^ considered. The so- lution is obtained by the method of moments ap- plied to the integro-differential equation, and is ex- pressed in terms of generalized network param- eters. AD-861 03S/CP PC A13 MF AOt NT Research Inst., Chicago, III. Design Methods for Hardened Piping Systems Final rept. Nov 68-Mar 69 Paul Lieberman, and George Nagumo. Apr 69, 291 p Rept no. IITRI-J6161-FR Contract DACA87-69-C-0005 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Antimissile defense systems, Nucle- ar explosions, 'Radar stations, Hardening, 'Pipes, Loading(Mechanics), Search radar, Models(Simulations), Computer programs, Design, Blast, Cavitation, Motion, Nuclear explosion damage. Identifiers: Overpressure, Computer analysis. The objective of the study was to develop design methods for pipe systems which are to withstand prescribed nuclear attack conditions. Blast wave inputs and support motion inputs to simple pipe networks filled with flowing pressurized fluids were studied to determine the relative importance of various resonance conditions. (Author) AD-884 979/6CP PC E07/MF A01 Air Force Rocket Propulsion Lab., Edwards AFB, Calif. AFRPL Low-Altitude Exhaust Plume Computer Programs Final rept. Jun 68-Jun 71 Roderick P. Donaldson. Jun 71, 165p Rept no. AFRPL-TR-71-26 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Instruction manuals, 'Radar targets, 'Rocket motors, 'Space surveillance systems, Attenuation, Exhaust flames, Rocket motors, Radar echo areas, Radar tracking, Nozzle gas flow, Programming(Computers), Chemical reactions, Reaction kinetics, Electron density, Turbulence, Data processing systems, Low altitude. Identifiers: 'Plume detection, FORTRAN, AF. The use of the AFRPL low-altitude exhaust plume computer programs is described. These programs are the latest versions available, which include some simplifications and modifications to the ver- sions developed by Aerochem Research Labora- tories under AFRPL contract AF04(611)-11541. Input formats are provided and operating instruc- tions are supplied. AFRPL-TR-71-27 contains the results of some calculations made with these pro- grams. (Author) AD-903 337/4CP PC A04/MF A01 Radian Corp Austin Tex Support Tasks for Transducer Analysis and Diffraction Investigations Final rept. 1 Jul 71-1 Sep 72. Sep 72, 58p Contract N00024-71-C-1246 Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: 'Electroacoustic transducers, Sonar equipment, Diffraction, Sonar arrays, Passive sys- tems, Digital computers, Mathematical models, Scattering, Baffles, Magnetic tape, Computer pro- grams. Identifiers: Computer aided design, Fortran, Univac 1 1 08 computers. This work consisted of on-site support to Naval Undersea Research and Development Center (NUC) personnel in the area of sonar transducer analysis and design. In addition, work was per- formed to investigate the effects of diffraction and transmission characteristics of planar baffles on passive array performance. AD-911 395/2CP PC E08/MF A01 TRACOR, Inc., Austin, Tex. Computer Aided Processing for Active and Passive Sonar Systems Final rept. H. A. Reeder, and D. W. Hamm. 14 Feb 73, 237p Rept no. TRACOR-T73-AU-9519-U Contract N00024-70-C-1274 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: 'Sonar sound analyzers, 'Computer programs, Data processing, Doppler systems, Digi- tal systems, Broadband, Narrowband, Active, Pas- sive systems, Sonar targets, Sonar personnel, Probability, Flow charting, Detection, Digital com- puters, Subroutines, Algorithms, Signal-to-noise ratio, Mathematical models, Integral transforms, Display systems, Costs. Identifiers: AN/SQS-23, Beamformers, CDC 3200 computers, Computer aided design, Computer pro- grams, Data reduction, False targets, Fourier transformation, FORTRAN, Sequential likelihood ratio, Signal processing, Univac 1108 computers, N. A general framework for a computer system that accepts and analyzes the vast quantity of data generated by a modern sonar suite has been de- veloped. The output of this computer system is an array of alerting functions that measure the likeli- hood that a given coordinate vector is the location of a target. In particular, the framework combines the output of active high- and low-doppler sonar processors and wideband and narrowband pas- sive processors The active high- and low-doppler processor portion was developed and tested during this study. (Modified author abstract) AD-911 523/9CP TRACOR, Inc., Austin, Tex. PC E04/MF A01 45 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Computer Aided Detection for Wideband Pas- sive Sonar Systems Final rept. H. A. Reeder. Feb 73, 83p Rept no. TRACOR- T73-AU-9520-U Contract N00024-70-C-1274 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: *Sonar equipment, "Computers, 'Data processing systems, Sonar equipment, Broadband, Passive, Sonar sound analyzers, De- tection, Submarines, Antisubmarine warfare, Se- quential analysis, Statistical tests, Computer pro- grams, Algorithms, Signal-to-noise ratio. Identifiers: Sequential likelihood ratio, "Computer aided detection, N. A computer-aided detection processor has been developed for a wideband passive sonar system. The processor may be applied to a variety of pas- sive systems. In addition to the individual proces- sor, a general framework for a computer system that accepts and analyzes the vast quantity of data generated by a modern sonar suite has been de- veloped. The output of this computer system is an array of alerting functions that measure the likeli- hood that a given coordinate vector is the location of a traget. The computer-aided detection proces- sor tor wideband passive sonar systems is based on the sequential likelihood ratio (SLR) hypothesis test. (Modified author abstract) AD-914 887/5CP PC E06/MF A01 Teledyne Brown Engineering, Huntsville, Ala. Mili- tary Systems Div. Optical Sensor Signa! Simulation. (O.S.S.S.) Summary rept. J. M. Scarborough, and E. A. Matrose. Sep 73, 124p ReDt no. MS-ABMDA-1748 Contract DAHC60-73-C-0017 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Guided missile fuzes, "Optical de- tection, "Antimissile defense systems, Optical de- tection, Nose cones, Computerized simulation, Guided missile tracking systems, Tracking tele- scopes, Arming devices, Optical tracking, Infrared images, Infrared tracking, Computer programs, Digital computers, Infrared detection, Aerial tar- gets, Guided missile targets, Thermal targets, Signal processing. Identifiers: CDC 6400 computers, CDC 7600 com- puters, A. Mathematical models applicable to a large class of optical sensors are developed and the digital com- puter program to simulate the models is described. The simulation includes the capability to analyze extended image targets, aberrant optical systems, realistic detector array geometries and realistic preamplifying electronics. The output of the simu- lation is the 'electrical' signal generated by the rec- tilinear motion of a target image across a detector array. Several example problems were solved to illustrate the utility of the simulation for evaluating error sources present in fuzing and tracking sen- sors. (Author) AD-916 029/2CP PC E05/MF A01 Sperry Rand Corp., Great Neck, N.Y. Sperry Gyro- scope Div. Hapdar O and M Program Final rept. 3 Jan-2 Oct 73. Oct 73, 103p Rept no. SGD-4263-0719 Contract DAHC60-69-C-0014 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Search radar, "Radar equipment, "Radar antijamming, "Antimissile defense sys- tems, Operation, Maintenance, Test methods, Modification, Performance(Engineering), Electron- ic countermeasures, Radar range computers, Digi- tal computers, Computer programs, Hypersonic vehicles, Hypersonic test vehicles, Aerial targets, Radar targets, Satellites(Artificial), Spheres, Launch vehicles, Interfaces. Identifiers: "HAPDAR radar, IBM 360/65 comput- ers, Athena, UNIVAC 1219 computers, Computer software. The report describes the activities of the Sperry Gyroscope Division (SGD) in complying with the requirements of the contract as stated in scope of work SW-A-19-73, entitled 'Hapdar O and M,' dated 13 September 1972, issued by the Radar Di- vision, U.S. Army Advanced Ballistic Missile De- fense Agency, Huntsville, Alabama. In addition, it describes efforts in another contract area - namely, MOD P00009, which is the system up- grading contract. Scope of work SW-A-19-73 de- fines four primary tasks for the Hapdar O and M contract. (Modified author abstract) AD-916 112/6CP PC E08/MF A01 General Research Corp., Arlington, Va. Software Design Plan for the Optical Signa- tures Code Final rept. P. Bergere, and J. Deckert. Dec 73, 239p Rept no. GRC-CR-3-328 Contract DAHC60-73-C-0037 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Target signatures, "Computer pro- grams, "Target strength^ "Antimissile defense sys- tems, Emission spectra, Optical detection, Atmos- pheres, Light transmission, Emissivity, Intensity, Background radiation, Plumes, Signal to noise ratio, Stars, Aurorae, Digital computers, Guided missile trajectories, Heat shields, Exosphere, Opti- cal phenomena, Signatures. Identifiers: "Optical signatures, Noise equivalent flux density, "Computer software, A. The software development documentation for the current version of the optical signatures code (OSC-II) and the revised version (OSC-III) is given. This code can be used to obtain target optical sig- natures, target irradiance values, natural back- ground signatures, atmospheric transmission values, and sensor NEFD and S/N values. (Author) AD-916 280/1CP PC A07/MF A01 Naval Underwater Systems Center, New London, Conn. New London Lab. Navy Interim Surface Ship Model (NISSM) II Technical rept. Henry Weinberg. 14 Nov 73, 128p Rept no. NUSC-TR-4527 Distribution Limitation now Removed. Descriptors: "Computer programs, Sonar, Ray tracing, Underwater sound, Sound transmission, Scattering, Fortran, Computer programming, Sub- routines, Punched cards, Instruction manuals, Probability, Temperature, Salinity, Depth, Numeri- cal integration, Computation, Ocean surface, Ducts, Propagation, Range(Distance), Signal to noise ratio, Acoustic detection, Mathematical models, Ocean bottom, Reverberation, Ultralow frequency, Very low frequency, Underwater tar- gets. Identifiers: FORTRAN 5 programming language. A computer program, navy interim surface ship model (NISSM) II, has been developed to predict the performance of active sonar systems. Thereby acoustic ray trajectories, propagation-loss curves, boundary and volume reverberation, signal-to- noise ratios, and the probability of detection are determined using continuous-gradient ray-tracing techniques. Caustic, shadow zone, and surface- duct corrections modify the classical ray theory. The major limitations of the model are that the ocean bottom must be horizontal and the velocity of sound may not vary with range. AD-920 374/6CP PC A03/MF A01 Boeing Co Seattle Wash Advanced Acoustic Sensor System for Air- borne ASW Final rept. G. C. McMillen. 3 Apr 74, 27p Rept no. D189- 90022 Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: "Acoustic detection, Antisubmarine warfare, "Antisubmarine warfare, Airborne, "Sono- buoys, Antisubmarine warfare, Target classifica- tion, Submarine detection, Antisubmarine aircraft, Submarine noise, Acoustic signatures, Real time, Sonar sound analyzers, Algorithms, Computer pro- grams, Directional, Frequency Analyzers, Low fre- quency, Signal processing, Data processing equip- ment. Identifiers: Boeing 720 aircraft. This document presents a system level descrip- tion, including installation in the ASW airplane, and a discussion of user software provided by the com- puter manufacturer. The hardware units which make up the system(i.e., the central processing system, auxiliary storage, display systems, and signal conditioning systems are described in detail. The development of the major software compo- nents for the acoustic processing system is dis- cussed along with the development goals and areas of emphasis. (Author) AD-920 376/1CP PC AOS/MF A01 Boeing Co Seattle Wash Advanced Acoustic Sensor System Software Final rept. Greg Scallon, and Charles Cretin. 3 Apr 74, 95p Rept no. D1 89-90022-2 Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: "Acoustic detection, Antisubmarine warfare, "Antisubmarine warfare, Airborne, "Com- puter programs, Acoustic detection, Sonobuoys, Target classification, Submarine detection, Anti- submarine aircraft, Submarine noise, Acoustic sig- natures, Real time, Sonar sound analyzers, Algo- rithms, Directional, Frequency analyzers, Low fre- quency, Signal processing, Data processing equip- ment, Doppler systems. Identifiers: Boeing 720 aircraft, Computer soft- ware, Interdata 85 computers, Fast fourier trans- forms. As a result of acoustic sensor analyses, trade stud- ies and evaluations completed during 1973, an acoustic sensor system concept was developed and components were selected, procured and in- stalled in a Boeing ASW test airplane. The applica- tions software, designed and programmed for op- eration in the Interdata Model 85 computer, con- trols data acquisition, processing and display. The nucleus of this software is the real-time program which controls data acquisition from the analog-to- digital converter, performs the Fast Fourier Trans- form, line integration and line tracking algorithms, and communicates with the operator through the Hazeitine 2000 CRT/keyboard and the electrogra- phic recorder displays. In November 1 973, an end- to-end test of the Acoustical Signal Processing and Analysis System (ASPAS) was run. The test employed an analog test tape, first with a sine wave with no acoustic noise, and then with a sine wave with noise added for approximately thirty minutes. The tests clearly demonstrated the capa- bility of the ASPAS to detect and process signal- to-noise levels lower than -20 decibels. AD-921 703/5CP PC A07/MF A01 Michigan Univ Ann Arbor Radiation Lab VHF-UHF Phased Array Techniques. Part II. Mutual Effects in Finite Arrays of Slots Technical rept. 1 Sep 72-31 Aug 73 Mohamed A. Hidayet, John A. M. Lyon, and Charles B. Loftis, Jr. Feb 74, 142p 004970-2-T, AFAL-TR-73-399-Pt-2 Contract F3361 5-71 -C-1 495 See also Part 1 , AD-91 8 224L. Distribution limitation now removed. Descriptors: "Phased arrays, Linear arrays, "Slot antennas, Coupling(lnteraction), Computer pro- grams, Boundary value problems, Very high fre- quency, Ultrahigh frequency, Antenna radiation patterns, Antenna arrays, Phase shift circuits, tlectromagnetic fields, Matrices(Mathematics), Antenna feeds, Waveguides, X band. Identifiers: Blind spots. The analysis of finite planar arrays of slots is devel- oped. This analysis includes as special cases the linear array of slots with weak coupling and the linear array with strong coupling. This strong cou- pling case has not been available heretofore in the literature. Likewise the analysis of the finite planar array is presented for the first time in this report. The degenerate or special case of the linear array with the weak coupling of slots is presented with experimental confirmation of results. The experi- ments of others were used to verify the finite 46 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES planar array analysis. A complete and error free program has been written in Fortran IV language during this study. This program will enable the sponsor to fully utilize the advanced methods of calculation of array performance without the ne- cessity of making expensive experimental models of planar arrays. This type of early design calcula- tion also makes it possible to avoid 'blind spots' in the projected array performance. The analysis may be adapted to arrays using other than slot ele- ments through the use of the same basic approxi- mation methods as well as with full use of reciproc- ity and symmetry. CQM-71-01142/CP PC A04/MF A01 Washington Univ., Seattle. Div. of Marine Re- sources. Three Publications Related to Echo Integration from the Washington Sea Grant Marine Acous- tics Program Paul H. Moose, and J. E. Ehrenberg. May 71, 73p WSG-71-2, WSG-71-3, NOAA-71082515 Grant NSF-GH-40 Report on Sea Grant, program. Also includes Rept. no.WSG-71-4. Descriptors: 'Hydrographic sonar, Underwater tracking, 'Fisheries, Abundance, Statistical analy- sis, Population(Statistics), Numerical analysis, Variance(Statistics), Computer programs. Identifiers: *Fish echo integrators, Sea Grant pro- gram. The publication contains three articles about fish echo integrators: 'A Simplified Analysis of the Sta- tistical Characteristics of the Fish Echo Integrator,' The Variance of Fish Population Estimates Using an Echo Integrator;' 'Derivation and Numerical Evaluation o f a General Variance Expression for Fish Population Estimates Using an Echo Integra- tor.' (Author) COM-73-50022/CP PC-GPO/MF A01 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colo. Environmental Research Labs. Doppler Spectrum Analysis Using a Minicom- puter Technical rept. Raymond A. Greenwald. Jul 72, 70p NOAA-TR- ERL-241, AL-7, NOAA-721 11404 Paper copy available from GPO $1.25 as C55.13:ERL241-AL7 Descriptors: * Doppler radar, Spectrum analysis, Doppler effect, Algorithms, Fourier transformation, Computer programs. Analog to digital converters, Wind(Meteorology), Ionospheric disturbances. Identifiers: Fast Fourier transform, Minicomputers. The report describes the interfacing and program- ming of a minicomputer for Doppler spectrum anal- ysis. The interfaces include analog-to-digital con- verters for data input and digital-to-analog convert- ers for display of the Doppler spectra on an XY oscilloscope. These interfaces are contained in the computer chassis which has the dimensions of a suitcase. The software that is included in this report is specifically written for 64 point Doppler spectra. The Fast Fourier Transform algorithm is used in the analysis, and the time required to trans- form a 64 point array is 23 milliseconds. Control of the spectral analysis program is by means of 16 data switches on the front panel of the computer. (Author) LA-UR-77-2672 PC A02/MF A01 Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.Mex. Preliminary Code Development for Seismic Signal Analysis Related to Test Ban Treaty Questions J. E. Brolley. 1977, 25p Rept no. CONF-771206- 18 Contract W-7405-ENG-36 Digital signal processing symposium, Albuquer- que, NM, USA, 6 Dec 1977. Descriptors: 'Nuclear explosion detection, Com- puter codes, Data processing, Seismic detection, Seismic waves. Identifiers: ERDA/450300. Forensic seismology, from a present day view- point, appears to be divided into several areas. Overwhelmingly important, in view of current Com- plete Test Ban (CTB) discussions, is the seismo- logical study of waves generated in the earth by underground nuclear explosions. Over the last two decades intensive effort has been devoted to de- veloping improved observational apparatus and to the interpretation of the data produced by this equipment. It is clearly desirable to extract the maximum amount of information from seismic sig- nals. It is, therefore, necessary to quantitatively compare various modes of analysis to establish which mode or combination of modes provides the most useful information. Preliminary code develop- ment for application of some modern develop- ments in signal processing to seismic signals is de- scribed. Applications of noncircular functions are considered and compared with circular function re- sults. The second portion of the discussion con- cerns maximum entropy analysis. Lastly, the multi- variate aspects of the general problem are consid- ered. (ERA citation 03:01 5839) N70-26301/CP HC A09 MF A01 Technische Hochschule Munchen (West Ger- many). Fakultaet Fuer Allgemeine Wissenschaf- ten. A Digital Simuiation System for the Ergonomic Study of Radar Observation Problems. Ein Digitales Simulationssystem Zur Ergonomischen Untersuchung Von Radarbeobachtungsproblemen A. Pretzsch. 18 Nov 69, 192p Lang- in German Descriptors: 'Computerized simulation, 'Logic design, 'Radar tracking, 'Radarscopes, Algol, Computer programs, Moving target indicators. For abstract, see STAR 0812 N70-34537/CP HC A02 MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex. Maximum Allowable Lateral Velocity Errors During Lm Powered Descent - Program APOLLO. G. Mc Swain. 1 Sep 67, 15p Rept nos. NASA- TM-X-64383, MSC-67-EG-27 Descriptors: 'Descent trajectories, "Error analysis, 'Lunar module, 'Radar approach control. Comput- er programs, Instrument landing systems, Space- craft guidance. For abstract, see STAR 0818 N71-11577/CP PCA06 Office National D Etudes Et de Recherches Aero- spatiales, Paris (France). Search for an Optimal Solution to a Sampled and Quantified Data Automatic Tracking Prob- lem. Recherche D'une Solution Optimale A Un Probleme de Poursuite Automatique A Donnees Echantillonnees Et Quantifiees G. Seguin. 1969, 105p Rept no. ONERA-NT-146 Lang- in French, English Summary Descriptors: 'Missile tracking, 'Optical tracking, 'Optimization, Automatic control, Computer pro- grams, Discrete functions, Error functions, Nonlin- ear feedback, Optical radar, Pontryagm principle. For abstract, see STAR 0902 N71 -23508/CP PC A03 Royal Radar Establishment, Malvern (England). Computer Simulation of Mti E. J. Dodsworth, and J. Hathaway. Jun 70, 26p Rept no. RRE-TN-759 Descriptors: 'Aircraft detection, 'Clutter, 'Com- puter programs, 'Computerized simulation, 'Moving target indicators, 'Radar signatures, Mathematical models, Probability theory, Signal fading. Identifiers: NASA subject code 07. For abstract, see STAR 0912 N71-26612/CP PC A05 Forsvarets Forskningsanstalt, Stockholm (Sweden). Avdelning 3. Model for Simuiation of Disturbances in a Con- nection Network Modell Foer Simulering Av Stoerning Mot Sambandsnaet P.-O. Bergman, B. Lindblad, and F. Linden. Jul 69, 99p Rept no. FOA-3-A-3727-63 Lang- in Swedish Descriptors: 'Computerized simulation, 'Jamming, 'Networks, 'Radio communication, Communica- tion theory, Computer programs, Fortran, Math- ematical models, Radio frequency interference, Very high frequency radio equipment. For abstract, see STAR 0914 N72-26515/CP PC A03/MF A01 Maryland Univ., College Park. Inst, for Fluid Dy- namics and Applied Mathematics. Determination of Sounding Rocket Position and Attitude from Radar and Magnetometer Data M. Pongratz. Jan 72, 41 p Rept nos. NASA-CR- 127110, BN-721 Contract NSR-21 -002-077, NGL-21 -002-008 Descriptors: 'Attitude (inclination), 'Magneto- meters, 'Radar data, 'Sounding rockets, 'Trajec- tory measurement, Computer programs, Coriolis effect, Euler equations of motion, Gravitational fields, Payloads. The techniques are described that were used to determine the trajectories and orientations of three sounding rockets instrumented to study the aurora. The radar plot board data were fitted to a near earth expansion of the force of gravity to deter- mine the trajectory. Only onboard magnetometer data were used to determine the attitude of the payload with respect to the earth's magnetic field. Computer programs in the FORTRAN language are available which generate the trajectory and at- titude parameters. (Author) N72-28181/CP PC E03/MF A01 Forschungsinstitut huer Funk Und Mathematik, Werthoven (West Germany). Expectancy Areas with a Measuring Error. Part 2 the System and Exemplary Results . Erwar- tungsgebiete MIT Einem Messfehler. 2 das System und Exemplarische Ergebnisse L. Schuberth. May 71, 84p Rept no. REPT-124 LANG- IN GERMAN ENGLISH SUMMARY Descriptors: 'Aircraft detection, 'Radar scanning, 'Tracking radar, Area, Computer programs, Com- puterized simulation, Errors, Flight characteristics, Probability theory, Pursuit tracking. Expectation areas were calculated for single radar tracking as a function of several aircraft flight pa- rameters and antenna revolutions. A program was developed for this purpose which enables proc- essing plausible values of the parameters: (1) normal acceleration, (2) tangetial acceleration, (3) antenna and evolution time, and (4) maximum and minimum velocity. The program is capable of ac- cepting variation in the parameters, for instance to simulate electronic radar. A description is given of the program system and examples are given of plotted expectation areas. N73-22082/CP PC E05/MF A01 Wolf Research and Development Corp., Riverdale, Md. Range Engineering Dept. Geos-2 C-Band Radar System Project. Spectral Analysis as Related to C-Band Radar Data Analysis Final Report Oct 72, 117p Rept no. NASA-CR-62085 Contract NAS6-1467, NAS6-1628 Subm- Prepared in Cooperation With Radio Corp. of Am., Moorestown, N. J. Descriptors: *C band, 'Geos 2 satellite, 'Radar tracking, 'Spectrum analysis, Computer programs, Data processing, Data reduction, Digital comput- ers. Identifiers: NASA. 47 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES Work performed on spectral analysis of data from the C-band radars tracking GEOS-2 and on the de- velopment of a data compaction method for the GEOS-2 C-band radar data is described. The pur- poses of the spectral analysis study were to deter- mine the optimum data recording and sampling rates for C-band radar data and to determine the optimum method of filtering and smoothing the data. The optimum data recording and sampling rate is defined as the rate which includes an opti- mum compromise between serial correlation and the effects of frequency folding. The goal in devel- opment of a data compaction method was to reduce to a minimum the amount of data stored, while maintaining all of the statistical information content of the non-compacted data. A digital com- puter program for computing estimates of the power spectral density function of sampled data was used to perform the spectral analysis study. (Author) N73-24279/CP PC E07/MF A01 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The Minitrack Tracking Function Description, Volume 1 T. S. Englar, S. A. Mango, C. A. Roettcher, and D. L. Watters. Mar 73, 186p Rept nos. NASA- TM-X-66213, X-591-73-68-VOL-1 Contract NAS5-10694 Subm- Prepared By Control Systems Res., Inc. Descriptors: * Minitrack system, 'Systems analy- sis, Antenna arrays, Computer programs, Data systems, Interferometry, Signal processing, Stadan (satellite tracking network). Identifiers: NASA. The treatment of tracking data by the Minitrack system is described from the transmission of the nominal 1 36-MHz radio beacon energy from a sat- ellite and the reception of this signal by the inter- ferometer network through the ultimate derivation of the direction cosines (the angular coordinates of the vector from the tracking station to the space- craft) as a function of time. Descriptions of some of the lesser-known functions operating on the system, such as the computer preprocessing pro- gram, are included. A large part of the report is de- voted to the preprocessor, which provides for the data compression, smoothing, calibration correc- tion, and ambiguity resolution of the raw interfero- meter phase tracking measurements teletyped from each of the worldwide Minitrack tracking sta- tions to the central computer facility at Goddard Space Flight Center. An extensive bibliography of Minitrack hardware and theory is presented. (Author) N75- 1 392 1 /2CP PC A07/ M F A0 1 Aeritalia, Turin (Italy). Centro Elettronico Avio. Study of Detection and Estimation Techniques Applied to Attitude Measurements of Satel- lites. Volume 4: Computer Programs Documen- tation. A. Santinelli, and D. Sciacovelli. Apr 74, 147p Rept nos. R-1178-CE-VOL-4, ESRO-CR(P)-553- VOL-4 Contract ESTEC-1 775/72-AA Seri-4. Subm-Prepared Jointly with Officine Gali- leo. Descriptors: 'Computer programs, "Satellite atti- tude control, Electric filters, Infrared detectors, In- frared scanners, Matching, Radiance, Signal to noise ratios, Star trackers, Transient response. Computer programs related to the application of matched filters to star mappers and IR earth sen- sors are detailed. The following programs are listed: time domain synthesis, impulse response of the matched filter, signal to noise ratio evaluation, integrated radiance profile, and earth infrared sensor simulation. N75-26846/6CP PC A05/MF A01 Kansas Univ. Center for Research, Inc., Lawrence. Remote Sensing Lab. MAS2-8 Radar and Digital Control Unit. J. M. Oberg, and F. T. Ulaby. Oct 74, 99p Rept nos. NASA-CR-141867, RSL-TR-177-37 Contract NAS9-10261 Descriptors: 'Digital radar systems, 'Microwave sensors, *Radar receivers, 'Spectrometers, Com- puter programs, Control boards, Data acquisition, Data systems, Frequency control, Ttl integrated circuits. The design of the MAS 2-8 (2 to 8 GHz microwave- active spectrometer), a ground-based sensor system, is presented. A major modification in 1974 to the MAS 2-8, that of a control subsystem to automate the data-taking operation, is the prime focus. The digital control unit automatically changes all system parameters except FM rate and records the return signal on paper tape. The overall system operation and a detailed discussion of the design and operation of the digital control unit are presented. (Author) N77-23291/6CP PC A04/MF A01 Texas A&M Univ., College Station. Remote Sens- ing Center. Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scat- terometer Radar Signal Processor. Final Report. Dec 76, 60p Rept nos. NASA-CR 151345, PR- 3182-3 Contract NAS9- 14493 Descriptors: 'Airborne/spaceborne computers, 'Microprocessors, 'Radar cross sections, Com- puter design, Computer programs, Real time oper- ation, Signal processing. A hardware/software system which incorporates a microprocessor design and software for the calcu- lation of normalized radar cross section in real time was developed. Interface is provided to decommu- tate the NASA ADAS data stream for aircraft pa- rameters used in processing and to provide output in the form of strip chart and pern compatible data recording. N78-13422/8CP PC A15/MF A01 Arkansas Univ., Fayetteville. Computing Services. Data Processing and Display of Laser Doppler Experimental Results, Volume 1. Final Report. B. R. Ashmore, A. Kimura, and R. W. Skeith. Sep 76, 345p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 50441 Contract NAS8-31771 Descriptors: 'Laser doppler velocimeters, 'Optical data processing, Computer graphics, Real time op- eration, Computer programs, Data conversion rou- tines, Floating point arithmetic, Vortices. Identifiers: 'Optical detection, 'Wake detection, Aircraft, Speed indicators. Contract activities performed in developing a laser Doppler system for detecting, tiacking, and meas- uring aircraft wake vortices are summarized. The computer program for processing and displaying the Dust Devil experimental data is presented. Pro- gram listings are included in the appendix. N78-18494/2CP PC A04/MF A01 Texas A and M Univ., College Station. Remote Sensing Center. Jsme Scatterometer Data Processing. Final Report. Aug 77, 54p Rept nos. NASA-CR-1 51 639, RSC- 3337 Contract NAS9-14875 Descriptors: 'Computer programs, 'Data process- ing, 'Scatterometers, Charts, Computer systems design, Scattering coefficients, Signal processing. A software system was developed which process- es digitized scatterometer data from the 13.3 GHz, 1.6 GHz and 400 MHz scatterometer systems. In addition to this, the hardware capability has been developed to recover the raw analog radar signals and the aircraft parameters from an ADAS data stream in a digital format for processing by the software package. Software for the preparation of data reports and chart presentation of scattering coefficients time histories has also been devel- oped. This report documents the development of the software, describes key components of the processing system, and presents examples of the processed data and procedure for software oper- ation. N78-26365/4CP PC A03/MF A01 Physics Lab. RVO-TNO, The Hague (Netherlands). Effects of Detector Bandwidth Reduction on Lidar Signal Processing. G. J. Kunz, and J. P. Vandermeulen. Jun 77, 37p Rept nos. PHL-1 977-31, TDCK-69505 Descriptors: 'Optical radar, 'Signal processing, Bandwidth, Error analysis, Receivers, Computer programs, Computerized simulation, Extinction, Low pass filters, Optimization, Signal to noise ratios. Identifiers: Netherlands. Possible error sources introduced by the detection of lidar signals may be the length of the transmitted laser pulse and the electrical bandwidth of the re- ceiver. Since, up to now no literature has been available, an investigation was made of the above mentioned error sources. It was proven that by using laser pulses as small as 20 ns FWHM, and a lidar that rates the signal after about 0.5 microse- cond after transmitting the laser pulse, only very small errors appear. Using a receiver with limited bandwidth, unexpected serious errors are intro- duced in, e.g., the extinction coefficient derived from the measured signals. It is pointed out that an introduction of a time shift will compensate for this error. N78-32019/9CP PC A04/MF A01 Leicester Univ. (England). Dept. of Astronomy. Satellite Optical Tracking: Spin Decay and Flash Observations. V. Williams, and A. J. Meadows. Sep 77, 71 p Descriptors: 'Optical tracking, 'Satellite rotation, 'Spacecraft tracking, Specular reflection, Spin re- duction, Aerodynamic drag, Computer programs, Eddy currents, Magnetic effects, Rotating cylin- ders, Tumbling motion. Identifiers: Great Britain. The periodic changes of brightness of many of the artificial earth satellites which can be seen with the naked eye or with the aid of binoculars are gener- ally due to tumbling or spinning of the satellites which changes the aspect of reflecting surfaces on the satellites to the sun and the observer. The vari- ations are most easily noticed when the rotation period is of the order of a few seconds, and can take on a smoothly-changing nature, a flashing ap- pearance, or some combination of the two. Among the factors causing changes in satellite rotation are air drag and eddy current torques. The dynam- ics of discarded rocket bodies are deduced from observations of the flash period and used to esti- mate the torques acting on them. From the esti- mated torques, statements are made about the air density and magnetic field near orbit. N79-17070/0CP PC A06/MF A01 New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces. Antenna Evaluation Study for the Shuttle Multi- spectral Radar, Phase 3. Final Report. E. L. Ill Coffey, and K. R. Carver. Dec 78, 120p Rept no. NASA-CR-1 601 05 Contract NAS9-95479 Descriptors: 'Antenna radiation patterns, 'Multi- spectral band scanners, 'Radar antennas, 'Space shuttles, Computer programs, Computerized simu- lation, Errors, Radar imagery. The principal objectives of Phase III were: (1) to continue simulations of the effects of excitation errors in the performance of a planar array anten- na, (2) to apply this model specifically, to the SIR-A antenna, (3) to support measurements of the SIR- A antenna at JPL by quick-turnaround analyses of the SIR-A antenna under a variety of conditions encountered at the JPL West Mesa Antenna Range, and (4) to document fully all software de- veloped for NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) during Phases I, II, and III. 48 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES N79-17579/0CP PC AQ2/MF A01 Hampton Inst., VA. Investigation of the Dynamic Range Problem and Providing Software Support for the Aol System. Final Report. 1978, 8p Rept no. NASA-CR-158101 Contract NGR-47-020-006 Descriptors: "Optical radar, Computer programs, Dynamic characteristics, Frequency ranges, Sys- tems engineering, Crystal oscillators, Digital sys- tems, Gates(Circuits), Gratings(Spectra), Photo- multiplier tubes. Identifiers: *Ocean data acquisition systems, Air- borne radar, AOL system. The present scheme for providing system timing for the airborne oceanographic lidar (AOL) system is not completely satisfactory. The possibility of using a digital approach to generate the forty pulses needed to energize the gates leading to the charge digitizers was investigated. The solution in terms of general analog and digital circuitry is straightforward. The crystal oscillator provides a stable frequency source which is used as a clock to the ring counter. The ring counter propagates a pulse from stage one to stage forty. Each of the outputs has an amplifier for isolation. This design is easy to implement in the frequency range up to 50 MHZ. Because a gate pulse width of from about 2 to 6 ns is needed for the AOL system, this dictates an input clock frequency to the shift register of from 100 MHA to 500 MHA. Problems associated with generating pulses in this range of operation are examined and an alternate solution is dis- cussed. PAT-APPL-643 590/CP PC A02/MF A01 Department of the Navy Washington D C Automatic Targeting System Utilizing Signal Strength Information Patent Application Jack R. Harris. Filed 22 Dec 75, 24p AD-D003 316/7 This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: * Sonar, 'Patent applications, Passive systems, Sonobuoys, Remote systems, Computer programs, Signal processing, Target detection, Automatic, FORTRAN. Identifiers: PAT-CL-340-6, UNIVAC-1230 comput- ers, FORTRAN 4 programming language. The patent application relates to a method and ap- paratus for automatically locating an energy emit- ting target source, nominally in a two-dimension water medium, using three or more sensors whose outputs are normally connected by radio link to a general purpose digital computer. A level determi- nator detects the maximum relative signal strength of each of the sensor outputs and a simultaneous equation solver operates on the detected signal strength values by predetermined algorithms to produce the source coordinates which are dis- played on a plan position indicator. PAT-APPL-674 716/CP PC E02/MF A01 Department of the Navy Washington D C Adaptive Direction of Arrival Antennae System Patent Application Ernest W. Coleman. Filed 8 Apr 76, 31 AD-D002 734/2 This Government-owned invention available for U.S. licensing and, possibly, for foreign licensing. Copy of application available NTIS. Descriptors: 'Direction finding, Steerable anten- nas, Adaptive systems, Polarization, Antenna radi- ation patterns, Nulls(Amplitude), Computer appli- cations, Computer programs, Phase shift circuits, FORTRAN. Identifiers: 'Patent applications, PAT-CL-343-113. The patent application relates to a system for adaptively determining the direction of arrival (DOA) of a linearly polarized RF signal. Three an- tennae are positioned at fixed distances from one another in a right triangle configuration to receive the RF signal. The antennae are alternatingly switched into two orthogonally aligned pairs and each pair exhibits an antenna pattern null which is adaptively steered toward the RF signal by a com- puter program operatively connected to a variable phase shifter which selectively alters the phase of the received signal. An algorithm within the pro- gram calculates the direction of arrival of the signal relative to a selected one of the antenna pair axes. PB-235 606/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Westinghouse Electric Corp., Baltimore, Md. Trapped Miner Location and Communication System Development Program. Volume II. De- tection and Location of Entrapped Miners by Seismic Means: Methods and Computer Pro- grams Final rept. Jul 72-Aug 73 S. J. Duda. May 73, 72p* BuMines-OFR-41(2)-74 Contract H0220073 Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports as PB- 235 604-SET, PC E99. Descriptors: 'Position finding, 'Rescue systems, 'Mines(Excavations), 'Seismic detection, Algo- rithms, Computer programs, Seismic arrays, Safety. Identifiers: 'Mine safety, 'Mine rescues. Procedures for detecting and locating seismic sources are adapted to the case of entrapped miners. During an emergency the entrapped miner is likely to generate seismic signals by knocking against the walls of the shaft. With a seismic array station deployed near the disaster area, the seis- mic signals can be recorded. Two algorithms are presented for the location of the source from the arrival times of a seismic phase: The first algorithm produces one, most probable location, under the assumption of constant velocity of propagation of seismic waves in the medium. The second algo- rithm is similarly applicable, however, without any restriction on the seismic waves in the medium be- tween the source and the array. While the first al- gorithm uses an analytic approach, the second one is based on a trail and error procedure. The second algorithm gives locations with arbitrarily high accuracies, depending only on the accuracy of arrival time measurements and on the compata- bility of the true velocity distribution and the as- sumed velocity model. (Modified author abstract) PB-262 242/1CP PC A04/MF A01 Environmental Research Inst, of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Geophysics Lab. Feasibility Study of Detecting Voids by Shear Wave Refraction Methods Final rept. Roger M. Turpening, and James W. Adams. 5 Feb 75, 73 ERIM-301 800-1 -F, BuMines-OFR-4- 77 Prepared in cooperation with Bureau of Mines, Contract H0242030, Washington, D.C., and South- ern Ohio Coal Co., Albany. Descriptors: 'Coal mines, 'Underground surveys, 'Seismic detection, Voids, Cavities, Seismic waves, Secondary waves, Primary waves, Com- puter programs, Ohio. Identifiers: REFMT FT computer program, CCOEF FT computer program, Antiquity Coal Mine. This study was performed to examine the feasibil- ity of using seismic shear waves to detect the pres- ence of abandoned coal mines. The Antiquity coal mine near Antiquity, Ohio, was used as a region of known voids. No attempt was made in this study to accurately locate the mine tunnels if detection was obtained. The results of this study were positive. Sharp changes in the amplitude of the received shear waves were clear indications of the pres- ence of a fluid (gas or liquid) filled region between the source and receivers. When moving the source showed no change in the received signals it was concluded that the voids existed beneath the sen- sors. Prior to the tests, drilling had determined that a void did exist in the test area. This void was con- firmed by the shear wave test and two additional voids were found. PB-263 580/3CP PC A06/MF A01 Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena, Calif. M-33 Radar Modifications at Snyder, Texas Final rept. Mar 75-Jun 76 R. E. Carbone, R. Schaff, and P. LeVier. 1 Sep 76, 114p Rept no. MRI76-FR-1445 Contract DI-14-06-D-7657 Descriptors: 'Meterological radar, Revisions, Data acquisition, Storms, Radar echoes, Data record- ing, Computer programs. Extensive modifications were performed on M-33 radar system for the purpose of performing quanti- tative measurements of radar reflectivity factor emanating from convective storms. Digital scan auto control and digital data acquisition systems were implemented together with video time-lapse recording. A central data acquisition/control facili- ty was created. Capabilities of the reconfigured system include antenna-slaved dual-wavelength measurements at 10 cm and 3 cm, contoured range-normalized displays, and programmable scan sequencing. Recommendations for further development of the radar system are made to ensure reliability and develop tri-wavelength mea- surement capability. (Portions of this document are not fully legible.) PB-268 033/8CP PC A05/MF A01 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colo. Wave Propagation Lab. Microcomputer-Controlled Acoustic Echo Sounder Technical memo. Edward J. Owens. Apr 77, 85p NOAA-TM-ERL- WPL-21, NOAA-77050104 Descriptors: 'Atmospheric sounding, 'Meteoro- logical instruments, Acoustics, Measuring instru- ments, Remote sensing, Doppler radar, Signal processing, Atmospheric temperature, Turbulent boundary layer, Wind(Meteorology), Computers, Digital to analog converters, Computer programs. Identifiers: 'Atmospheric echo sounding, Acoustic detection and ranging, Planetary boundary layer, Microcomputers. This report is the result of research into new con- cepts of remote sensing of the atmosphere and in- cludes a literature survey of the theory and practi- cal application of atmospheric sounding using acoustic methods. The 'state of the art' has been advanced in that a new type of system was de- signed, fabricated, and tested using modern digital methods. The major advances of replacing the typically troublesome facsimile recorder with a dot- matrix line printer using special characters called 'tonels' and the development of a new and novel method of digital Doppler signal processing using a real covariance technique, is presented in detail. The ecosonde is capable of monitoring and dis- playing in real time the temperature fluctuations, turbulent velocity inhomogeneities, and vertical wind profile of the planetary boundary layer to a height of 680 meters and includes a microcom- puter, a high-speed line printer, and various author-designed and-constructed digital and analog circuits. User control of various system pa- rameters and a wide choice of display possibilities make this a versatile and desirable atmospheric re- search tool. PB-268 879/4CP PC A10/MF A01 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus De- tector/Intersection Priority System Develop- ment. Volume I. Project Overview and Techni- cal Discussion Final rept. P. Anderson, R. Larson, R. Lubke, G. Putnam, and D. Wick. Dec 75, 21 2p 2551-40274-Vol-1, FHWA/RD-76-66 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8149 Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E1 6, PB-268 878-SET. Descriptors: 'Vehicle detection, 'Vehicular traffic control, Buses(Vehicles), Passive detection, Inter- sections, Urban transportation, Microprocessors, Computer programs, Fortran, Signal processing, Traffic signals, Automatic control, Adaptive sys- tems, Magnetic detection, Automatic control equipment. Identifiers: Magnetic loop detection, Fortran 4 pro- gramming language, 'Traffic actuated traffic con- trol, Electronic traffic control, Signalized intersec- 49 DETECTION AND COUNTERMEASURES tions, Priorities, Preemptive control, BPCU com- puter program. The Passive Bus Detector/Intersection Priority System was developed under this project. The system functions as a fully independent traffic con- troller with completely passive bus detection capa- bility using inductive-loop detectors (ILD) placed in the roadway. Bus detection is based on ILD signal processing (classifier) techniques, thereby elimi- nating need for any modifications or additions to the bus. Passive bus detection hardware includes special ILD electronics, a high-speed programma- ble processor, and a microprocessor. Using the same microprocessor, plus programming panel, stored programs, and switching and safety units, the system design is sufficient to exercise bus pri- ority control at urban intersections containing up to 23 signal circuits and 16 ILD transducers. In addi- tion, the system has capability of commanding the traffic signals in either one of three fixed timing pat- terns, selected at the system by the traffic engi- neer or controlled by a loop master. PB-268 880/2CP PC A14/MF A01 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus De- tector/Intersection Priority System Develop- ment. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation Final rept. P. Anderson, R. Larson, R. Lubke, G. Putnam, and D. Wick. Dec 75, 31 9p 2551-40274-Vol-2-Pt- 1, FHWA/RD-76-67 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8149 See also Volume 1 , PB-268 879. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E1 6, PB-268 878-SET. Descriptors: 'Vehicle detection, "Vehicular traffic control, 'Computer programs, Buses(Vehicles), Passive detection, Intersections, Urban transpor- tation, Microprocessors, Fortran, Signal process- ing, Traffic signals, Automatic control, Adaptive systems, Magnetic detection, Automatic control equipment. Identifiers: 'Computer program documentation, Magnetic loop detection, Fortran 4 computer lan- guage, Traffic actuated traffic control, Electronic traffic control, Signalized intersections, Priorities, Preemptive control, BPCU computer program. The volume contains the description of the soft- ware developed for the Passive Bus Detector/In- tersection Priority System. The program documen- tation is formatted according to the Program Docu- mentation section of the FHWA Documentation Standards. The computer program documentation is referenced in other volumes of this report as the following appendices: Appendix A Fortran IV Ver- sion of the Vehicle Classification Algorithm; Ap- pendix B. BPCU Program for Minneapolis Installa- tion; Appendix C. BPCU Program for Washington Installation. Appendix C is to be treated as an ad- dendum to Appendix B and contains documenta- tion of only those modules which are different from the Minneapolis Installation program in Appendix B. Appendix D, Software and Computer Printouts, is presented separately as Part II of this volume. PB-268 881/OCP PC A18/MF A01 Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus De- tector/Intersection Priority System Develop- ment. Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Computer Program Listings Final rept. P. Anderson, R. Larson, R. Lubke, G. Putnam, and D. Wick. Dec 75, 41 3p 2551-40274-Vol-2-Pt- 2, FHWA/RD-76-68 Contract DOT-FH-1 1-8149 See also Volume 2, Part 2, PB-268 880. Paper copy also available in set of 4 reports PC E16, PB-268 878-SET. Descriptors: 'Vehicle detection, 'Vehicular traffic control, 'Computer programs, Buses(Vehicles), Passive detection, Intersection, Urban transporta- tion, Microprocessors, Fortran, Signal processing, Traffic signals, Automatic control, Adaptive sys- tems, Magnetic detection, Automatic control equipment. Identifiers: Magnetic loop detection, Fortran 4 computer language, Traffic actuated traffic control, Electronic traffic control, Signalized intersections, Priorities, Preemptive control, 'BPCU computer program. This volume contains the description of the soft- ware developed for the Passive Bus Detector/In- tersection Priority System. The program documen- tation is formatted according to the Program Docu- mentation section of the FHWA Documentation Standards. Appendix D, Software and Computer Printouts, is presented. (Portions of this document are not fully legible.) PB-275 380/4CP PC A03/MF A01 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Air Resources Labs. A Feasibility Study for the Application of K- Band Radar in the Investigation of Cooling Tower Plumes Technical memo. Norman R. Ricks. Aug 77, 45p NOAA-TM-ERL- ARL-66, NOAA-771 10803 Descriptors: 'Air pollution, 'Plume detection, 'Radar detection, 'Cooling towers, Plumes, Feasi- bility, K band, Computer programs, Electric power plants, Remote sensing, Water vapor. Identifiers: Air pollution detection. The feasibility of using commercially available K- band (1 cm) radar for indirect sensing of cooling tower plumes is investigated. Using the radar equation, commercially available systems are eval- uated by means of a computer model which esti- mates the strength of the expected return signal under sampled conditions known to exist in actual plumes. Recommendations are made for the ad- aptation of available radar systems and for areas of additional study. Complete data and program documentation are provided. SAND-78-0595 PC A02/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Tonopah, NV. Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking R. T. Finnell. Sep 78, 23p Contract EY-76-C-04-0789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, 'Data acquisition systems, 'Radar, 'Trajectories, Computer calcula- tions, Design, Errors, Tonopah test range. Identifiers: ERDA/440300, 'Tracking, Minicom- puters. A minicomputer program for remote tracking was written that will execute 1 00 times per second and provide smoothing and look-ahead for azimuth and elevation angles. Pointing angle errors are typically less than 0.01 degrees, and the range accuracy is within 1 meter. 8 figures, 3 tables. (ERA citation 04:014478) SLA-74-0263 PC A04/MF A01 Sandia Labs., Albuquerque, N.Mex. Pmrrad: A Computer Program to Convert Pacif- ic Missile Range Radar Tracking Data to Trajec- tory Position Data. F. E. Forsythe, and R. J. Orzel. Oct 74, 57p Contract AT(29-1)-789 Descriptors: 'Computer codes, *P codes, 'Radar, 'Data processing, 'Trajectories, 'Computer calcu- lations, Images, Missiles, Translators. For abstract, see NSA 3101, number 02634. TT-70-55087 PC A02 National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Special Foreign Currency Science Information Pro- gram. Numerical Analysis of the Quadrangle Adjust- ment of Satellite Triangulation 'Organ Pass- Arequipa-Curacao-Jupiter' (Numeryczna Ana- llza Wyrownania Czworoboku Triangulacji Sa- telitarnej 'Organ Pass-Arequipa-Curacao-Jupi- ter') 1970, 24p Rept no. SFCSI-Comm(TT-70-55087) Trans, of Geodezija i Kartografia (Poland) v18 n2 P145-162 1969, by Teresa Potulicka. Descriptors: 'Spacecraft tracking, Triangulation, Geodetic satellites, Data processing, ALGOL, Po- sition finding, Translations, Poland. Identifiers: ADJUST computer program, ALGOL 4 programming language. The studies of the creation of an East-European Satellite Triangulation Net has not gone as yet beyond the stage of experiments. These experi- ments tend first of all to establish: (a) the most useful technique of observation and unification of instruments, (b) a uniform photochemical elabora- tion technique of negatives, (c) optimal methods for obtaining the coordinates of the synchronous moment, (d) methods of adjustment of the satellite line and net. With 1 3 point-stations, a large number of observations and time consuming satellite methods the need arises of elaboration of appro- priate programs for calculating on electronic brains and compensation of large nets. One of these pro- grams is the program ADJUST, composed by the author in algorithmic language GIER ALGOL 4. The basic principle of this program was universality in the investigation of geometrical methods of Sat- ellite triangulation. Owing to the universality of the ADJUST program it will be possible to utilize the majority of its sequences and procedures in the elaboration of many problems of satellite geodesy. (Author) UCID-17024 PC A04/MF A01 California Univ., Livermore. Lawrence Livermore Lab. Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Cur- rents J. L. Willows. 1 Mar 76, 66p Contract W-7405-Eng-48 Descriptors: 'Antennas, Computer codes, Design, Measuring methods, Motion, Numerical solution, S codes, Seas. Identifiers: ERDA/420800, 'Yagi antennas, SWANT computer code, 'Doppler radar, 'Ocean currents, Ocean surface. The purpose of this study was to design Yagi an- tennas meeting the design criteria. The study con- sisted of numerical calculations made with the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory SWANT comput- er code. The code was modified to include a gain calculation, to incorporate normalized field-pattern calculations, and to output the plots and summar- ies presented in the 62 figures at the end of the report. These antennas were designed for the Na- tional Oceanographic and Atmospheric Adminis- tration (NOAA) for use in its Doppler backscatter radar system that monitors the near-coastline ocean surface currents. (ERA citation 01:020535) 50 SUBJECT INDEX ACOUSTIC ABSORPTION Acoustic Bottom Interaction Experiment Description AD-A021 330/6CP ACOUSTIC ARRAYS Experimental Investigation of the Laser-Excited Ther- moacoustic Array in Water AD-A017 372/4CP Summary Report, Phase I AD-A046 872/8CP The Theory of Signal Detectability: Extension to Opti- mum Arrays AD-780 241/6CP Computation of Beam Patterns and Directivity Indi- ces for Three-Dirnensional Arrays with Arbitrary Ele- ment Spacings AD-780 785/2CP ACOUSTIC ATTENUATION Acoustic Bottom Interaction Experiment Description AD-A021 330/6CP A Normal Mode Model for Estimating Low-Frequency Acoustic Transmission Loss in the Deep Ocean AD-A030 078/OCP Formulation of an Advanced Computational Capabili- ty for the Prediction of Transmission Loss in the AD-A048 262/OCP ACOUSTIC COUNTERMEASURES Determine the Feasibility of Implementing Adaptive Echo Cancellation Techniques to Underwater Weap- ons AD-A031 917/8CP ACOUSTIC DATA Preliminary Reference Manual for Program STAMP (STatistics of Acoustic Measurements and Predic- tions) AD-A020 742/3CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 5 AD-A021 840/4CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 3 AD-A038 891/8CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 4 AD-A038 892/6CP ACOUSTIC DETECTION Optimal Evasive Trajectories of an Isotropic Acoustic Radiator AD-A019 378/9CP Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings. Part 2. EIGSHIP Predicted Performance; Experimental Measurements, and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP AD-A024 448/3CP Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Volume IV. PAVSS Program Summary and Recommendations AD-A046 254/9CP Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Voiume III. PAVSS Operation and Software Documentation AD-A046 272/ 1CP A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation in a Medium in Which Stratification is a Function of Position AD-A046 680/5CP Effects of Random Background on Automatic Detec- tion in Lorad AD-A052 101 /3CP Advanced Acoustic Sensor System for Airborne ASW AD-920 374/6CP Advanced Acoustic Sensor System Software AD-920 376/1 CP ACOUSTIC DETECTORS Sensor Position Locator AD-A032 850/OCP Distributed Sensor Networks AD-A060 685/5CP An Aural Detection Model AD-764 226/CP ACOUSTIC FIELDS Submarine Radiated Noise Far-Field Beam Patterns for Discrete Frequencies from Near-Field Measure- ments AD-A020 106/1CP Acoustic Radiation Fields of Axisymmetric Spherical Sources with. Mixed Boundary Conditions AD-A027 522/2CP ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE Radiation Impedance Calculations with the XWAVE Computer Program AD-762 007/CP ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENT A Computerized Automatic Measuring System for Calibration of Underwater Sound Transducers AD-A054 895/8CP ACOUSTIC REFLECTION A Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient Model Based on Numerical Integration: Formulation, Implementa- tion, and Application AD-A028 521 /3CP Acoustic Reflection from a Thick Plate with One Re- inforcing Rib. Exact Integral Evaluation is Proved Su- perior to Integral Approximation in Analysis of Acous- tic Reflections from a Timoshenko-Mindlin Plate Re- inforced with One Rib AD-A054 610/1CP ACOUSTIC SCATTERING Experiment and Numerical Evaluation of Acoustic Scattering at a Rough Surface AD-775 518/4CP ACOUSTIC SIGNALS Amplitude Modulation of Acoustic Signals by Ocean Waves and the Effect on Signal Detection AD-A004 591 /4CP Application of Acoustic Signal Processing Tech- niques to Seismic Data AD-A046 788/6CP FORTRAN Computer Programs for Calculating the Axisymmetric Acoustic Radiation from Two Coaxial Spheroids AD-786 352/5CP ACOUSTIC SIGNATURES Prediction of the Far-Field Beam Pattern of a Random Noise Source from Measurements Made in the Near-Field AD-A035 850/7CP ACOUSTIC TORPEDOES A Computer Program for Studying the Doppler Con- tent of Reverberation AD-A035O71/0CP ACOUSTIC TRACKING Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Volume IV. PAVSS Program Summary and Recommendations AD-A046 254/9CP Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Volume III. PAVSS Operation and Software Documentation AD-A046 272/1CP Documentation of PDP 1 1 /70 Software for Determin- ing Travel-Time Differences from Cross Covariances AD-A052 891/9CP Real Time Kalman Filtering for Torpedo Range Tracking AD-A064 896/4CP Automatic Frequency Tracking and An Application of Target Fixing Using Passive Doppler Techniques AD-787 448/OCP ACTIVE SONAR LORA: A Model for Predicting the Performance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems AD-A036 539/5CP ADAPTIVE CONTROL SYSTEMS Multidomain Algorithm Evaluation. Volume II AD-A054 358/7CP ADAPTIVE SIGNAL PROCESSORS Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 AD-A026 111/5CP ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS Adaptive Phased Array Radar System AD-807 444/CP AEROSOLS Atmospheric Transmission Modeling: Proposed Aero- sol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoenr Atmospheric Optics Data Base AD-A035 765/7CP Comparison of the 3-5 Micrometer and 8-12 Microm- eter Regions for Advanced Thermal Imaging Sys- tems: LOWTRAN Revisited AD-A049 448/4CP AIR BUBBLES Hydrodynamic Evaluation of the Sperry Projector Array Housing AD-A045 788 /7CP AIR POLLUTION A Feasibility Study for the Application of K-Band Radar in the Investigation of Cooling Tower Plumes PB-275 380/4CP AIR TO SURFACE MISSILES Performance of an Air-to-Ground Missile Employing SAR-Retran Guidance AD-A034 941/5CP AIRBORNE/SPACEBORNE COMPUTERS Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scattero- meter Radar Signal Processor. N77-23291/6CP AIRCRAFT Installation ?nd Test of Doppler Acoustic Sensor AD-A049 5o2/2CP AIRCRAFT ANTENNAS Direction of Arrival Angle Prediction AD-A021 311/6CP Tracker Antenna Location Study AD-A059 026/5CP AIRCRAFT CANOPIES Cobra Glint Model AH-1G AD-779 835/8CP AIRCRAFT DEFENSE SYSTEMS Measure, Criteria and Procedure for Track and Search Allocation AD-757 172/CP AIRCRAFT DETECTION Computer Simulation of Mti N71-23508/CP Expectancy Areas with a Measuring Error. Part 2 the System and Exemplary Results . Erwartungsgebiete MIT Einem Messfehler. 2 das System und Exemplar- ische Ergebnisse N72-28181/CP AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT Passive Detection and Ranging of a Ground Radar from an Aircraft Using an Extended Kalman Filter AD-760 764/CP AIRCRAFT INTERCEPTION An Aural Detection Model AD-764 226/CP AIRCRAFT SIGNATURES Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Predictions (PIREP). Volume I. Description AD-B017 117/3CP Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Prediction (PIREP). Volume II. User Manual AD-B017 118/1CP AIRPORT RADAR SYSTEMS Federal Aviation Administration Flight Service Sta- tion. Emergency Services Program AD-A063 810/6CP AMBIGUITY FUNCTIONS Computer-Aided Design of Radar Signals using the Ambiguity Functions AD-767 238/9CP AMPLITUDE MODULATION Amplitude Modulation of Acoustic Signals by Ocean Waves and the Effect on Signal Detection AD-A004 591 /4CP ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTERS Analog-to-Digital Converter Evaluation by Digital Computer Analysis of Recorded Output. Volume I AD-775 442/7CP ANTENNA ARRAYS Advanced Array Design Test and Evaluation AD-A038 135/0CP Analysis of a 10.6-Micron Printer-Circuit Antenna Array AD-742 440/CP ANTENNA RADIATION PATTERNS Antenna Evaluation Study for the Shuttle Multispec- tral Radar, Phase 3. N79-17070/0CP ANTENNAS Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolution AD-859 670/CP Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Currents UCID-17024 ANTIAIRCRAFT DEFENSE SYSTEMS Measure, Criteria and Procedure for Track and Search Allocation AD-757 172/CP ANTIMISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEMS The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 3: Program Structure AD-A032 640/5CP Analysis of SRBOC Worldwide Chaff Cartridge Provi- sioning Requirements. Volume I. RF Decoy Place- ment Simulation (RFDPS) Description and Use AD-A042 138/8CP Measure, Criteria and Procedure for Track and Search Allocation AD-757 172/CP Design Methods for Hardened Piping Systems AD-861 039 /CP Optical Sensor Signal Simulation. (O.S.S.S.) AD-914 887/5CP Hapdar O and M Program AD-916 029/2CP Software Design Plan for the Optical Signatures Code AD-916 112/6CP 51 SUBJECT INDEX ANTIRADAR COATINGS Application of Linear Programming Techniques to the Design of Radar Absorbers AD-A007 052/4CP ANTISH1P MISSILES Analysis of Surface IR Decoy Placement for Antiship Missile Defense. Volume I. Study Methodology AD-A039 308/2CP Analysis of SRBOC Worldwide Chaff Cartridge Provi- sioninq Requirements. Volume I. RF Dacoy Place- ment Simulation (RFDPS) Description and Use AD-A042 138/8CP ANTISUBMARINE AIRCRAFT Sonobuoy Location. AD-713 077/CP ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE Passive Environmental ASW Prediction System (PEAPS) AD-A010 813/4CP Methods for Consideration of Range Uncertainties in Detection Performance Analyses AD-A012 473/5CP Optimal Evasive Trajectories of an Isotropic Acoustic Radiator AD-A019 378/9CP Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings. Part 2. EIGSHIP Predicted Performance; Experimental Measurements; and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP AD-A024 448/3CP The Effect of False Contacts on the Probability of Detectina a Submarine. AD-713 394/CP A Correlation Study of Some Factors Effecting Sub- marine Detection by Destroyei Mounted Sonars AD-722 573/CP An Investigation of the Problem of Optimizing a Search Tactic for a Searchlight Type Sonar AD-754 352/CP Modification of the TASDA Computer Program for In- flight Use AD-769 831/9CP Advanced Acoustic Sensor System for Airborne i\SW AD-920 374/6CP Advanced Acoustic Sensor System Software AD-920 376/1 CP ANTITANK WEAPONS Advanced Production Engineering (APE) Night Vision Sight Infrared, AN/TAS-3 ( ). Volume 2. Appendices AD-A051 220/2CP ARTIFICIAL SATELLITES The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 20 - Satellite Com- munication Model AD-A047 918/8CP ASIA Regionalization of the Arctic Region, Siberia and Eur- asian Continental Area AD-A029 548/5CP ATMOSPHERE MODELS Atmospheric Transmission Modeling; Proposed Aero- sol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base AD-A035 765/7CP HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emission and Transmission Model AD-A042 624/7CP ATMOSPHERIC ATTENUATION Methodology Study: Infrared-Optical Propagation In- vestigation AD-738 172/CP ATMOSPHERIC ECHO SOUNDING Microcomputer-Controlled Acoustic Echo Sounder PB-268 033/8CP ATMOSPHERIC MOTION Application of Doppler Weather Radar to Turbulence Measurements Which Affect Aircraft AD-A048 603/5CP ATMOSPHERIC REFRACTION Determination of Radar Performance Degradation Due to Tropospheric Ducts AD-A058 110/8CP ATMOSPHERIC SOUNDING Project SECEDE. Tracking Eanum releases usina the TV-TRACK System AD-731 574/CP Digital Processing of FM-CW Radar Data AD-733 295/CP Microcomputer-Controlled Acoustic Echo Sounder PB-26e 033/8CP ATMOSPHERIC TRANSMISSIVITY Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems Part 1. Theory, Methodology, and Data Base AD-A032 182/8CP Comparison of the 3-5 Micrometer and 8-12 Microm- eter Regions for Advanced Thermal Imaging Sys- tems: LOWTRAN Revisited AD-A049 448/4CP A High Altitude Infrared Radiance Model AD-A059 242/8CP ATTITUDE (INCLINATION) Determination of Sounding Rocket Position and Atti- tude from Radar and Magnetometer Data N72-26515/CP AUTOMATIC TARGEI SCREENER Prototype Automatic Target Screener AD-A060 849/7CP Prototype Automatic Target Screener AD-A060 850/5CP AUTOTAPE SYSTEM The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System AD-A038 777/9CP AVIONICS Standard Precision Navigator/GEANS Modifications for EAR Motion Compensation AD-A035 033/OCP BACKSCATTERING Backscattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer AD-A013 8S3/6CP Backscattering of Radar Waves by Vegetated Ter- rain AD-A047 669/7CP BAYES THEOREM The Theory ot Signal Delegability: Extension to Opti- mum Arrays AD-780 241/6CP BEARING (DIRECTION) Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP BOTLOSS COMPUTER PROGRAM A Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient Model Based or- Numerical Integration: Formulation, implementa- tion, and Application AD-A028 521 /3CP BPCU COMPUTER PROGRAM Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Computer Program Listings PB-268 881 /OCP C BAND Geos-2 C-Band Radar System Project. Spectral Analysis as Related to C-Band Radar Data Analysis N73-22082/CP CAMOUFLAGE Night Vision System Simulator Camouflage Digital Simulation and Evaluation Program. Phase One. Target Reflectance Alteration AD-A026 088/5CP Techniques and Analysis of Thermal Infrared Cam- ouflage in Foliated Backgrounds AD-A038 186/3CP CAMNET: A Computer Simulation System for Geo- metrically and Optically Realistic Camouflage Nets AD-784 078/8CP CETACEA The Probable Distribution of Whales as False Sonar Targets in the North Pacific Ocean by Analysis ot Whaling Data AD-743 085/CP CHAFF DISPENSERS Analysis of SRBOC Worldwide Chaff Cartridge Provi- sioning Requirements. Volume I. RF Decoy Place- ment Simulation (RFDPS) Description and Use AD-A042 138/8CP CHARGE COUPLED DEVICES Theory of Operation and Applications of Sampled Analog Devices in Recursive Comb Filters AD-A033 698/2CP CHEMICAL RELEASE STUDIES Project SECEDE. Tracking Barium releases using the TV-TRACK System AD-731 574/CP CHIRP RADAR Radio-Frequency Interference from Linear-FM Pulses AD-A003 677/2CP CIRRUS CLOUDS Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Compositions from Satellites AD-A026 512/4CP CLEAR AIR TURBULENCE Digital Processing of FM-CW Radar Data AD-733 295/CP CLUTTER Computer Simulation of Mti N71-23508/CP COAL MINES Feasibility Study of Detecting Voids by Shear Wave ""'■ ' Refraction Methods ' P3-262 242/ 1CP COELOSTATS Real Time Adaptive Tracking System for the Coelos- tat Optical Tracking Mount AD-A038 134/3CP COHERENT RADIATION Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena AD-731 572/CP Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena AD-734 074/CP COMBUSTION PRODUCTS A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Ra- diation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles AD-A027 576/8CP COMMAND GUIDANCE Modification of the Ear Simulation Programs for Command Guidance Studies and Discussion of Tests for System Evaluation. Volume II AD-780 931/2CP COMMUNICATION AND RADIO SYSTEMS The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 20 - Satellite Com- munication Model AD-A047 918/8CP COMMUNICATION SATELLITES Satellite Engagement Scenarios Model AD-A047 182/1CP COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS Implementation and Acceptance Testing of the Seis- mic Communication and Control Processor AD-A033 541/4CP COMPOSITE MATERIALS Effective Electromagnetic Properties of Lossy Ferrite Composite Media AD-A029 931/3CP COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN URLIM - A Unified Radome Limitations Computer Program. Volume 2. User's Guide AD-A057 459/OCP Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems AD-B000 106/5CP COMPUTER AIDED DETECTION Computer Aided Detection for Wideband Passive Sonar Systems AD-911 523/9CP COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Real-Time Phased Array Radar Studies AD-A032 121/6CP Optical Contrast Variable Gate Centroid Tracker for the Intel 3000 Micro Processor AD-A044 126/1CP Description of Detection Probability Model and Pro- gram AD-A049 833/7CP Computer Recovery of Acoustical Parameters AD-A051 367/ 1CP Multidomain Algorithm Evaluation. Volume II AD-A054 358/7CP A Computerized Automatic Measuring System for Calibration of Underwater Sound Transducers AD-A054 895/8CP COMPUTER CALCULATIONS Pmrrad: A Computer Program to Convert Pacific Mis- sile Range Radar Tracking Data to Trajectory Posi- tion Data. SLA-74-0263 COMPUTER CODES Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking SAND-78-0595 Pmrrad: A Computer Program to Convert Pacific Mis- sile Range Radar Tracking Data to Trajectory Posi- tion Data. SLA-74-0263 COMPUTER PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION AN/UYK-17(XB-1)(V) Signal Processing Element Mi- croprogramming Support Software AD-A016 806/2CP MTI Processor Software AD-A021 778/6CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 2. Computer Program Documentation AD-A033 514/1CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Pari 1 , Book 1 . Project Summary and Computer Pro- gram Documentation AD-A033 657/8CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 . Book 3. Computer Program Documentation AD-A033 658/6CP 52 SUBJECT INDEX COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume III. Radar Signature and Radar Scattering Principles In- vestigation Software AD-A033 709/7CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume I, Part 2. RADC Trajectory Program Numerical/Analytical Data AD-A033 712/1CP Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation PB-268 880/2CP COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Application of ADAPT to Quick Look Classification of Composite Radar Signatures AD-A004 206/9CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 1 . Project Summary and Computer Pro- gram Documentation AD-A033 657/8CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Trans- mission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 2. User's Manual AD-778 925/8CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Trans- mission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 1. Overall Description AD-781 230/8CP COMPUTER PROGRAMS Radar Search and Cost Analysis Computer Programs AD-A002 881/1CP Horizontal-Gradient Acoustical Ray-Trace Program TRIMAIN AD-A006 254/7CP Maximum Likelihood Solution to Theodolite Data AD-A011 150/OCP ROS User Manual AD-A019 420/9CP Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters AD-A020 722/5CP Preliminary Reference Manual for Program STAMP (STatistics of Acoustic Measurements and Predic- tions) AD-A020 742/3CP A Computer Program for Computation of Radar De- tection Ranges on a Constant-Altitude Target in Var- ious Environments AD-A023 474/OCP Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP Plume Attenuated Radar Cross Section Code: User's Manual AD-A026 213/9CP Radar Image Simulation Project: Development of a General Simulation Model and an Interactive Simula- tion Model, and Sample Results AD-A027 151/OCP CAMDAT Improvement Analysis AD-A029 564/2CP Development of Theoretical Models and Description of Computer Program. Volume I AD-A030 380/OCP The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 3: Program Structure AD-A032 640/5CP A New Software Package for Seismic and Imagery Recognition AD-A032 739/5CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 . Book 2. Computer Program Documentation AD-A033 514/1CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 1 . Project Summary and Computer Pro- gram Documentation AD-A033 657/8CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1, Book 3. Computer Program Documentation AD-A033 658/6CP Network Capability Estimation. VELA Network Evalu- ation and Automatic Processing Research AD-A034 897/9CP A Computer Program for Studying the Doppler Con- tent of Reverberation AD-A035 071/0CP LORA: A Model for Predicting the Performance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems AD-A036 539/5CP A Computer Program for the Prediction of Radiation from Rocket Exhaust Plumes. Volume I AD-A037 385/2CP A Methodology for the Comparison of Models for Sonar System Applications. Volume I AD-A038 160/8CP Cluster Parameter Analysis Systems AD-A039 552/5CP PPABLK-A Computer Simulation of the Velocity Re- sponse of Moving-Target Indicator Radars Using Pulse or Block Stagger AD-A039 648/ 1CP Model for Predicting Laser Speckle Patterns Result- ing from Rough Surface Scattering AD-A039 696/OCP A Method for Computing Vertical-Plane Coverage Diagrams for Frequency Agile Pulse Radar Systems AD-A040 081 /2CP Description and Use of the Plume Radiation Code ATLES AD-A040 537/3CP Evaluation of IR Countermeasures CH-47 (Chinook) Model Report AD-A042 542/ 1CP Evaluation of IR Countermeasures OH-58 (Scout) Model Report AD-A042 543/9CP Target Acquisition with FLIR and TV (A Description of Computer Codes IOTA and OBOE) AD-A043 405/OCP Source Locating Procedure AD-A044 649/2CP A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation in a Medium in Which Stratification is a Function of Position AD-A046 680/5CP Two Routines to Convert Data to Units in DB for the UNIVAC 1230 AD-A046 688/8CP Chatanika Model of the High-Latitude Ionosphere for Application to HF Propagation Prediction AD-A053 154/1CP URLIM - A Unified Radome Limitations Computer Program. Volume 2. User's Guide AD-A057 459/OCP ASDIR-II. Volume I. User Manual AD-B009 668/5CP ASDIR-II. Volume II. Program Description AD-B009 669/3CP ASDIR-II. Volume III. Reference Documentation AD-B009 670/1CP Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Predictions (PIREP). Volume I. Description AD-B017 117/3CP Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Prediction (PIREP). Volume II. User Manual AD-B017 118/1CP TREES: A Computer Software System for Processing Data Organized in Branch Form (An Application to Job Performance Aids). Volume II. Program Descrip- tions AD-735 603/CP A Normal Mode Computer Program for Calculating Sound Propagation in Shallow Water with an Arbi- trary Velocity Profile AD-737 629/CP A Digital Computer Program for Determining the Pulse to Pulse Radar Cross Section on a Dynamic Target AD-738 920/CP Calvulation of the Radar Cross Section of a Perfectly Conducting Sphere AD-740 746/CP A Fortran Program for Computing the Power Re- sponse of a Hydrophone Array to a Spherical Wave and Plotting it as an Isometric Surface AD-742 063/CP A Fortran Computer Program to Calculate the Range of a Pulse Radar AD-749 686/CP SHADZO: A Computer Program for Estimating the Position and Shape of the Surface Shadow Zone in Sonar Operations AD-753 443/CP A Description of the MAPS Array Analysis Program AD-757 331/CP Computerized Sonar Transducer Analysis and Design Based on Multiport Network. Interconnection Techniques AD-764 061/CP A Program Incorporating Diffraction for the Computa- tion of Radar Cross Section AD-768 443/4CP Generalized Multimode Radar System Simulation Model. Volume II, Part I. Computer Program Docu- mentation AD-769 675/6CP The Development of Algorithms for Analysis of Intru- sion Sensor Activations by Automatic Processing Techniques AD-772 899/1CP FORTRAN Computer Programs for Calculating the Axisymmetric Acoustic Radiation from Two Coaxial Spheroids AD-786 352/5CP Modularization and Revision of the Spectrum Analy- sis and Display Computer Program AD-787 020/7CP AFRPL Low-Altitude Exhaust Plume Computer Pro- grams AD-884 979/6CP Computer Aided Processing for Active and Passive Sonar Systems AD-911 395/2CP Software Design Plan for the Optical Signatures Code AD-916 112/6CP Navy Interim Surface Ship Model (NISSM) II AD-916 280/1CP Advanced Acoustic Sensor System Software AD-920 376/ 1CP Computer Simulation of Mti N71-23508/CP Study of Detection and Estimation Techniques Ap- plied to Attitude Measurements of Satellites. Volume 4: Computer Programs Documentation. N75-13921/2CP Jsme Scatterometer Data Processing. N78-18494/2CP Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation PB-268 880/2CP Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II, Part II Appendix D. Computer Program Listings PB-268 881 /OCP COMPUTER SOFTWARE AN/UYK-17(XB-1)(V) Signal Processing Element Mi- croprogramming Support Software AD-A016 806/2CP MTI Processor Software AD-A021 778/6CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 1 . Project Summary and Computer Pro- gram Documentation AD-A033 657/8CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 3. Computer Program Documentation AD-A033 658/6CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume III. Radar Signature and Radar Scattering Principles In- vestigation Software AD-A033 709/7CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume I, Part 2. RADC Trajectory Program Numerical/Analytical Data AD-A033 712/1CP Software Design Plan for the Optical Signatures Code AD-916 112/6CP COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION A Computer Simulation Scheme for an Aircraft Moving Target Indication System. Part II AD-A018 663/5CP A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Ra- diation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles AD-A027 576/8CP Development of Theoretical Models and Description of Computer Program. Volume I AD-A030 380/OCP ENDO Atmospheric-EXO Atmospheric Radar Model- ing. Appendices, A-K, M AD-A031 480/7CP Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model AD-A033 678/4CP Evaluation of IR Countermeasures CH-47 (Chinook) Model Report AD-A042 542/1CP Evaluation of IR Countermeasures OH-58 (Scout) Model Report AD-A042 543/9CP Tactical Electrooptical Effectiveness Model, Phase II. Volume I AD-A044 596/5CP A Theoretical Analysis of Changes in Thermal Signa- tures Caused by Physical and Climatological Factors AD-A055 642/3CP ' Surveillance Radar Detection (SURDET) Program: Revision Number 1 AD-A061 945/2CP The RADOT Code for the Tracking of Radar Incident on Trees AD-A063 885/8CP A Digital Simulation System for the Ergonomic Study of Radar Observation Problems. N70-26301/CP Computer Simulation of Mti N71-23508/CP 53 SUBJECT INDEX Model for Simulation of Disturbances in a Connec- tion Network N71-26612/CP COMPUTERS Computer Aided Detection for Wideband Passive Sonar Systems AD-91 1 523/9CP CONDENSATION TRAILS Project SECEDE. Tracking Barium releases using the TV-TRACK System AD-731 574/CP CONFORMAL STRUCTURES Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP CONICAL ANTENNAS Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP CONSOLES Software Memo for the Multimode Sonar Console Display System. Volume I - Operational Programming AD-A043 817/6CP COOLING TOWERS A Feasibility Study for the Application of K-Band Radar in the Investigation of Cooling Tower Plumes PB-275 380/4CP CORNER REFLECTORS A Laser System for Determination of Rocket Attitude and Roll Rate AD-A001 235/1CP COST MODELS Seek Igloo Life Cycle Cost Model, Cost Element Equations. Volume I AD-A057 444/2CP COUNTERMEASURES Satellite Surveillance Avoidance Optimization Aid AD-A049 561 /4CP DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking SAND-78-0595 DATA BANKS NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 5 AD-A021 840/4CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 3 AD-A038 891/8CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 4 AD-A038 892/6CP DATA MANAGEMENT SPADE Performance Test Planning: Data Gathering and Extraction for the Shore Based Tests AD-A049 831/1CP DATA PROCESSING Computer Program Description - A Long Period Array Processing Package for ILLIAC Iv AD-A002 969/4CP Maximum Likelihood Solution to Theodolite Data AD-A011 150/OCP TAGSEA Program. Volume III. Supportive Analyses and Outputs AD-A036 973/6CP The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System AD-A038 777/9CP Special - Purpose Processors for Surveillance Radar Applications AD-A039 963/4CP Jsme Scatterometer Data Processing. N78-18494/2CP Pmrrad: A Computer Program to Convert Pacific Mis- sile Range Radar Tracking Data to Trajectory Posi- tion Data. SLA-74-0263 DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume I AD-A041 195/9CP Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume II AD-A041 196/7CP Specification for Analysis of the SPE (AN/UYK-17) in a Radar Signal Processing Environment AD-783 934/3CP DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS System Software Design Specification for the Inter- active Computer System Analyzer AD-730 749/CP Development of a Hybrid Radar Landmass Simulator: Engineering Report Number 7 AD-740 788/CP A Radar Target Data Processing and Identification System AD-746 323/CP Computer Aided Detection for Wideband Passive Sonar Systems AD-91 1 523/9CP DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Implementation and Acceptance Testing of the Seis- mic Communication and Control Processor AD-A033 541/4CP DESCENT TRAJECTORIES Maximum Allowable Lateral Velocity Errors During Lm Powered Descent - Program APOLLO. N70-34537/CP DETECTION Sea Nymph Pilot LCC Model Development Report AD-A048 109/3CP DETECTORS Active Multispectral Data Analysis AD-786 032/3CP DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES Backscattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer AD-A013 863/6CP DIGITAL COMPUTERS AN/UYK-17(XB-1)(V) Signal Processing Element Mi- croprogramming Support Software AD-A016 806/2CP DIGITAL FILTERS A Study of Digital Filter Characteristics in Moving Target Indicators of Radar Systems AD-A013 575/6CP An Application of Digital Filters for Radar Clutter Re- duction AD-742 917/CP Recursive Digital Filter Design and Analysis with Ap- plications to Radar Processing AD-766 689/4CP Experimental Exploration of Adaptive Recursive Fil- tering AD-782 025/ 1CP DIGITAL RADAR SYSTEMS MAS2-8 Radar and Digital Control Unit. N75-26846/6CP DIGITAL SIMULATION Simulation of a Radar Image for Garden City Test Site AD-A012 267/1CP Digital Simulation of a Radar Image of Pisgah Crater Test Site California AD-A025 755/0CP Random Surface Generation for Digital Radar Simu- lation AD-772 953/6CP DIGITAL SYSTEMS Adaptive Phased Array Radar System AD-807 444/CP DIRECTION FINDING Direction of Arrival Angle Prediction AD-A021 311/6CP Kalman Filtering Techniques Applied to Airborne Di- rection-Finding and Emitter Location AD-745 886/CP Technical Evaluation of a Radio Direction Finding System Utilizing Complementary Sequence Phase Coding of Incident Signals AD-767 684/4CP Adaptive Direction of Arrival Antennae System PAT-APPL-674 716/CP DISPLAY SYSTEMS Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume I AD-A041 195/9CP Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume II AD-A041 196/7CP Software Memo for the Multimode Sonar Console Display System. Volume I - Operational Programming AD-A043 817/6CP SPADE Performance Test Planning: Data Gathering and Extraction for the Shore Based Tests AD-A049 831/1CP An Audio Display of Processed Acoustic Signals AD-783 867/5CP DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System AD-A038 777/9CP The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System AD-A039 322/3CP DOPPLER RADAR Pulse Pair Estimation of Doppler Spectrum Param- AD-744 094/CP Doppler Spectrum Analysis Using a Minicomputer COM-73-50022/CP Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Currents UCID-17024 DOPPLER SONAR A Computer Program for Studying the Doppler Con- tent of Reverberation AD-A035 071/0CP Automatic Frequency Tracking and An Application of Target Fixing Using Passive Doppler Techniques AD-787 448/OCP DUST CLOUDS Solar Infrared Reflection and Infrared Emission from a Dust Loaded Cloud AD-A039 535/OCP DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING Satellite Surveillance Avoidance Optimization Aid AD-A049 561/4CP EARTHQUAKES Application of Advanced Methods for Identification and Detection of Nuclear Explosions from the Asian Continent AD-A023 175/3CP Use of Source-Region-Station Time Corrections at NTS for Depth Estimation AD-A025 349/2CP Regionalization of the Arctic Region, Siberia and Eur- asian Continental Area AD-A029 548/5CP ECHO RANGING Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) AD-771 046/OCP EIGSHIP COMPUTER PROGRAM Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings. Part 2. EIGSHIP Predicted Performance; Experimental Measurements; and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP AD-A024 448/3CP ELECTRIC FILTERS Recursive Digital Filter Design and Analysis with Ap- plications to Radar Processing AD-766 689/4CP ELECTROACOUSTIC TRANSDUCERS Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings. Part 2. EIGSHIP Predicted Performance; Experimental Measurements; and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP AD-A024 448/3CP Support Tasks for Transducer Analysis and Diffrac- tion Investigations AD-903 337/4CP ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 20 - Satellite Com- munication Model AD-A047 918/8CP ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION Backscattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer AD-A013 863/6CP ELECTROMAGNETIC SCATTERING Two Dimensional Electromagnetic Scattering from a Dielectric Coated Conductor AD-A019 814/3CP Development of a Computer Model for Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turbulent Wake AD-A032 662/9CP Backscattering of Radar Waves by Vegetated Ter- rain AD-A047 669/7CP The Effect of a Wide Exhaust Plume on the Scatter- ing Current of a Thin Missile AD-A053 598/9CP Modal Analysis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers AD-741 809/CP Synthesis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers AD-755 914/CP Experiment and Numerical Evaluation of Acoustic Scattering at a Rough Surface AD-775 518/4CP Theoretical and Experimental Study of Wave Scatter- ing from Composite Rough Surfaces AD-787 540/4CP ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION Determination of Radar Performance Degradation Due to Tropospheric Ducts AD-A058 110/8CP ELECTRONIC COUNTERMEASURES Determine the Feasibility of Implementing Adaptive Echo Cancellation Techniques to Underwater Weap- ons AD-A031 917/8CP Battlefield Related Electronic Warfare Simulation (BREWS) AD-A036 909/0CP 54 SUBJECT INDEX INFORMATION THEORY Satellite Engagement Scenarios Model AD-A047 182/1CP ELECTRONIC WARFARE The Electronic Warfare Application of Special Pur- pose Microprogrammed Mini-computers AD-783 858/4CP ELECTROOPTICS Tactical Electrooptical Effectiveness Model, Phase II. Volume I AD-A044 596/5CP EMISSION SPECTRA Polarized Radiance. Volume II. Polarized Spectral Emittance from 4 to 14 micrometers AD-780 731/6CP ERROR ANALYSIS Maximum Allowable Lateral Velocity Errors During Lm Powered Descent - Program APOLLO. N70-34537/CP ESTIMATES Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP EUROPE Regionalization of the Arctic Region, Siberia and Eur- asian Continental Area AD-A029 548/5CP EXHAUST GASES A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Ra- diation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles AD-A027 576/8CP HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emission and Transmission Model AD-A042 624/7CP EXHAUST PLUMES Plume Attenuated Radar Cross Section Code: User's Manual AD-A026 213/9CP Development of Theoretical Models and Description of Computer Program. Volume I AD-A030 380/OCP A Computer Program for the Prediction of Radiation from Rocket Exhaust Plumes. Volume I AD-A037 385/2CP Description and Use of the Plume Radiation Code ATLES AD-A040 537/3CP The Effect of a Wide Exhaust Plume on the Scatter- ing Current of a Thin Missile AD-A053 598/9CP EXPERIMENTAL ARRAY RADAR Solid-State Monopulse Receiver for the Experimental Array Radar AD-757 610/CP FAST FOURIER TRANSFORMATION Theory and Implementation of Fast Fourier and Ha- damard Transforms AD-762 437/CP FAST FOURIER TRANSFORMS Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP FERRITES Effective Electromagnetic Properties of Lossy Ferrite Composite Media AD-A029 931/3CP FILTERS FFT Doppler Filter Performance Computations AD-777 722/OCP FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS A Digital Computer Program for Real-Time Computa- tion of Radar Cross Section on a Dynamic Target AD-757 246/CP FIRING ERROR INDICATORS Active Optical Miss-Distance Indicator AD-783 430/2CP FISH ECHO INTEGRATORS Three Publications Related to Echo Integration from the Washington Sea Grant Marine Acoustics Pro- gram COM-71-01142/CP FISHERIES Three Publications Related to Echo Integration from the Washington Sea Grant Marine Acoustics Pro- gram COM-71-01142/CP FLAT PLATE MODELS Acoustic Reflection from a Thick Plate with One Re- inforcing Rib. Exact Integral Evaluation is Proved Su- perior to Integral Approximation in Analysis of Acous- tic Reflections from a Timoshenko-Mindlin Plate Re- inforced with One Rib AD-A054 610/1CP FORWARD LOOKING INFRARED SYSTEMS Processing of FLIR Data on Dicifer AD-A037 136/9CP Algorithms and Hardware Technology for Image Recognition AD-A041 906/9CP Target Acquisition with FLIR and TV (A Description of Computer Codes IOTA and OBOE) AD-A043 405/OCP Prototype Automatic Target Screener AD-A060 849/7CP Prototype Automatic Target Screener AD-A060 850/5CP FORWARD LOOWEYSTEMS Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems. The Calculation Methodology for a FLIR Using a FORTRAN Program AD-A045 090/8CP FREQUENCY AGILITY A Method for Computing Vertical-Plane Coverage Diagrams for Frequency Agile Pulse Radar Systems AD-A040 081/2CP Frequency Agility and Radar Pointing Errors Due to Multipatn AD-787 390/4CP FREQUENCY MODULATION Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) AD-771 046/OCP GEOS 2 SATELLITE Geos-2 C-Band Radar System Project Spectral Analysis as Related to C-Band Radar Data Analysis N73-22082/CP GLINT Cobra Glint Model AH-1G AD-779 835/8CP GROUND-CONTROLLED APPROACH RADAR Detection Performance of the AN/TPN-19 PAR (Pre- cision Approach Radar) AD-768 330/3CP GUIDANCE Performance of an Air-to-Ground Missile Employing SAR-Retran Guidance AD-A034 941/5CP GUIDED MISSILE COUNTERMEA8URE8 Battlefield Related Electronic Warfare Simulation (BREWS) AD-A036 909/OCP Analysis of Surface IR Decoy Placement for Antiship Missile Defense. Volume I. Study Methodology AD-A039 308/2CP GUIDED MISSILE FUZES Optical Sensor Signal Simulation. (O.S.S.S.) AD-914 887/5CP GUIDED MISSILE MODELS The Effect of a Wide Exhaust Plume on the Scatter- ing Current of a Thin Missile AD-A053 598/9CP GUIDED MISSILE RANGES A Laser System for Determination of Rocket Attitude and Roll Rate AD-A001 235/1CP GUIDED MISSILE TRACKING SYSTEMS CAMDAT Improvement Analysis AD-A029 564/2CP Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real-Time Video Target Tracking AD-A048 156/4CP Statistical analysis Techniques for Error Propagation in Large-Scale Missile Systems AD-739 513/CP GUIDED MISSILE TRAJECTORIES Statistical analysis Techniques for Error Propagation in Large-Scale Missile Systems AD-739 513/CP GUIDED MISSILES Passive Detection and Ranging of a Ground Radar from an Aircraft Using an Extended Katman Fitter AD-760 764/CP GUIDED MISSILES (AIR-TO-SURFACE) Feasibility Demonstration of an Infrared Terminally Guided SuDmissile AD-767 259/5CP HADAMARD TRANSFORMATION Theory and Implementation of Fast Fourier and Ha- damard Transforms AD-762 437/CP HAPDAR RADAR Hapdar O and M Program AD-916 029/2CP HEAT HOMING Feasibility Demonstration of an Infrared Terminally Guided Submisstle AD-767 259/5CP HELICOPTERS Evaluation of IR Countermeasures CH-47 (Chinook) Model Report AD-A042 542/ 1CP Evaluation of IR Countermeasures OH-58 (Scout) Model Report AD-A042 543/9CP Cobra Glint Model AH-1G AD-779 835/8CP HIDE COMPUTER PROGRAM HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emission and Transmission Model AD-A042 624/7CP HONEYCOMB STRUCTURES Effective Electromagnetic Properties of Lossy Ferrite Composite Media AD-A029 931/3CP HOUSINGS (ENCLOSURES) Hydrodynamic Evaluation of the Sperry Projector Array Housing AD-A045 788/7CP HYDRAUUC ACTUATORS Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Systems AD-A021 746/3CP HYDROGRAPHIC SONAR Three Publications Related to Echo Integration from the Washington Sea Grant Marine Acoustics Pro- gram COM-71-01142/CP HYDROPHONES Four Hydrophone Array for Acoustic Three-Dimen- sional Location AD-732 042/CP An Analysis of Some Factors that Affect Hydrophone Sensitivity AD-754 099/CP A Description of the MAPS Array Analysis Program AD-757 331 /CP Computation of Beam Patterns and Directivity Indi- ces for Three-Dimensional Arrays with Arbitrary Ele- ment Spacings AD-780 785/2CP High Pressure Transducer AD-782 281/0CP HYPERBOLIC FREQUENCY MODULATION Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) AD-771 046/OCP IMAGE PROCESSING Night Vision System Simulator Camouflage Digital Simulation ana Evaluation Program. Phase One. Target Reflectance Alteration AD-A026 088/5CP A New Software Package for Seismic and Imagery Recognition AD-A032 739/5CP Processing of FLIR Data on Dicifer AD-A037 136/9CP Algorithms and Hardware Technology for Image Recognition AD-A041 906/9CP Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real-Time Video Target Tracking AD-A048 156/4CP Radar Image Simulation Project AD-A051 501 /5CP Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena AD-731 572/CP Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena AD-734 074/CP INARARED SIGNATURES Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Targets and Backgrounds for Infrared Seekers AD-A040 839/3CP INERTIAL GUIDANCE Standard Precision Navigator/GEANS Modifications for EAR Motion Compensation AD-A035 033/0CP INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Federal Aviation Administration Flight Service Sta- tion. Emergency Services Program AD-A063 810/6CP INFORMATION THEORY The Application of Extreeme Value Statistics to Radar Systems Evaluation AD-722 441/CP Envelope Correlation of Undersampled Data by Digi- tal Processing AD-725 112/CP Theory and implementation of Fast Fourier and Ha- damard Transforms AD-762 437/CP Signal Processing Techniques for Real-Time Radar Applications AD-762 438/CP Analog-to- Digital Converter Evaluation by Digital Computer Analysis of Recorded Output. Volume I AD-775 442/7CP 55 SUBJECT INDEX Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel AD-778 683/3CP INFRARED ANTENNAS Analysis of a 10.6-Micron Printer-Circuit Antenna Array AD-742 440/CP INFRARED CAMOUFLAGE Techniques and Analysis of Thermal Infrared Cam- ouflage in Foliated Backgrounds AD-A038 186/3CP INFRARED COUNTERMEASURES Techniques and Analysis of Thermal Infrared Cam- ouflage in Foliated Backgrounds AD-A038 186/3CP Analysis of Surface IR Decoy Placement for Antiship Missile Defense. Volume I. Study Methodology AD-A039 308/2CP Evaluation of IR Countermeasures CH-47 (Chinook) Model Report AD-A042 542/ 1CP Evaluation of IR Countermeasures OH-58 (Scout) Model Report AD-A042 543/9CP INFRARED DECOYS Analysis of Surface IR Decoy Placement for Antiship Missile Defense. Volume I. Study Methodology AD-A039 308/2CP INFRARED DETECTION Processing of FLIR Data on Dicifer AD-A037 136/9CP Solar Infrared Reflection and Infrared Emission from a Dust Loaded Cloud AD-A039 535/OCP Target Acquisition with FLIR and TV (A Description of Computer Codes IOTA and OBOE) AD-A043 405/OCP Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems. The Calculation Methodology for a FLIR Using a FORTRAN Program AD-A045 090/8CP Comparison of the 3-5 Micrometer and 8-12 Microm- eter Regions for Advanced Thermal Imaging Sys- tems: LOWTRAN Revisited AD-A049 448/4CP Computer Software for Analysis of Infrared Targets and Clutter AD-A054 235/7CP Infrared Search and Track Evaluation Model (IRSTEM) AD-A060 174/OCP ASDIR-II. Volume I. User Manual AD-B009 668/5CP ASDIR-II. Volume II. Program Description AD-B009 669/3CP ASDIR-II. Volume III. Reference Documentation AD-B009 670/1CP Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Predictions (PIREP). Volume I. Description AD-B017 117/3CP Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Prediction (PIREP). Volume II. User Manual AD-B017 118/1CP Optimum Threshold Detection for an Infrared Nutat- ing Detection System AD-761 380/CP CAMNET: A Computer Simulation System for Geo- metrically and Optically Realistic Camouflage Nets AD-784 078/8CP INFRARED DETECTORS Night Vision Laboratory Static Performance Model for Thermal Viewing Systems AD-A011 212/8CP Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Compositions from Satellites AD-A026 512/4CP Atmospheric Transmission Modeling: Proposed Aero- sol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base AD-A035 765/7CP Methodology Study: Infrared-Optical Propagation In- vestigation AD-738 172/CP Analysis of a 10.6-Micron Printer-Circuit Antenna Array AD-742 440/CP Target Acquisition Model for Cannon-Launched Guided Projectiles AD-763 909/CP Bleachable Absorber Laser Amplifier and Detector (BALAD) AD-765 842/OCP Polarized Emittance. Volume 1: Polarized Bidirec- tional Reflectance with Lambertian or Non-Lamber- tian Diffuse Components AD-782 178/8CP INFRARED HOMING Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Targets and Backgrounds for Infrared Seekers AD-A040 839/3CP INFRARED IMAGES Processing of FLIR Data on Dicifer AD-A037 136/9CP Advanced Production Engineering (APE) Night Vision Sight Infrared, AN/TAS-3 ( ). Volume 2. Appendices AD-A051 220/2CP Radar Image Simulation Project AD-A051 501 /5CP Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena AD-731 572/CP Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena AD-734 074/CP INFRARED RADIATION Atmospheric Transmission Modeling: Proposed Aero- sol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base AD-A035 765/7CP A High Altitude Infrared Radiance Model AD-A059 242/8CP Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Predictions (PIREP). Volume I. Description AD-B017 117/3CP Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Prediction (PIREP). Volume II. User Manual AD-B017 118/1CP Methodology Study: Infrared-Optical Propagation In- vestigation AD-738 172/CP INFRARED SIGNATURES A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Ra- diation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles AD-A027 576/8CP A Computer Program for the Prediction of Radiation from Rocket Exhaust Plumes. Volume I AD-A037 385/2CP Techniques and Analysis of Thermal Infrared Cam- ouflage in Foliated Backgrounds AD-A038 186/3CP Description and Use of the Plume Radiation Code ATLES AD-A040 537/3CP Evaluation of IR Countermeasures CH-47 (Chinook) Model Report AD-A042 542/ 1CP Evaluation of IR Countermeasures OH-58 (Scout) Model Report AD-A042 543/9CP HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emission and Transmission Model AD-A042 624/7CP A Theoretical Analysis of Changes in Thermal Signa- tures Caused by Physical and Climatological Factors AD-A055 642/3CP ASDIR-II. Volume I. User Manual AD-B009 668/5CP ASDIR-II. Volume II. Program Description AD-B009 669/3CP ASDIR-II. Volume III. Reference Documentation AD-B009 670/ 1CP Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Predictions (PIREP). Volume I. Description AD-B017 117/3CP Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Prediction (PIREP). Volume II. User Manual AD-B017 118/1CP INFRARED TRACKING Infrared Search and Track Evaluation Model (IRSTEM) AD-A060 174/OCP Optimum Threshold Detection for an Infrared Nutat- ing Detection System AD-761 380/CP INSTRUCTION MANUALS AFRPL Low-Altitude Exhaust Plume Computer Pro- grams AD-884 979/6CP INTERACTIVE GRAPHICS Radar Image Simulation Project: Development of a General Simulation Model and an Interactive Simula- tion Model, and Sample Results AD-A027 151/0CP INTRUSION DETECTION The Development of Algorithms for Analysis of Intru- sion Sensor Activations by Automatic Processing Techniques AD-772 899/1CP IONIZED WAKES Development of a Computer Model for Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turbulent Wake AD-A032 662/9CP IONOSPHERIC MODELS Coordinate Conversion Technique for OTH Backs- catter Radar AD-A044 585/8CP IONOSPHERIC PROPAGATION Coordinate Conversion Technique for OTH Backs- catter Radar AD-A044 585/8CP Chatanika Model of the High-Latitude Ionosphere for Application to HF Propagation Prediction AD-A053 154/1CP JAMMING Model for Simulation of Disturbances in a Connec- tion Network N71-26612/CP JET AIRCRAFT Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Volume IV. PAVSS Program Summary and Recommendations AD-A046 254/9CP KALMAN FILTERING Laser Pointing and Tracking Using an Adaptive Ex- tended Kalman Filter AD-A035 275/7CP The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System AD-A038 777/9CP The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System AD-A039 322/3CP Real Time Kalman Filtering for Torpedo Range Tracking AD-A064 896/4CP An Application of Nonlinear Filtering Theory to Pas- sive Target Locaton and Tracking AD-782 305/7CP KALMAN FILTERS Kalman Filtering Techniques Applied to Airborne Di- rection-Finding and Emitter Location AD-745 888/CP Tracking Study: An Introduction to the Use of Kalman Filters AD-747 696/CP Passive Detection and Ranging of a Ground Radar from an Aircraft Using an Extended Kalman Filter AD-760 764/CP LAND MINE DETECTION 'In situ' EM Soil Properties Measurement: Instrumen- tation, Theory, and Method. Volume III AD-784 284/2CP LARGE APERTURE SEISMIC ARRAY Montana Large Aperture Seismic Array AD-A023 263/7CP LASER BEAMS Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High-Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Pre- diction (Part II) AD-A016 158/8CP Experimental Investigation of the Laser-Excited Ther- moacoustic Array in Water AD-A017 372/4CP Model for Predicting Laser Speckle Patterns Result- ing from Rough Surface Scattering AD-A039 696/OCP LASER DOPPLER VELOCIMETERS Data Processing and Display of Laser Doppler Ex- perimental Results, Volume 1 . N78-13422/8CP LASER RANGE FINDERS On the Calibration, Accuracy, and Efficiency of Opti- cal Range Finders AD-720 855/CP LASER TRACKING Laser Pointing and Tracking Using an Adaptive Ex- tended Kalman Filter AD-A035 275/ 7CP Model for Predicting Laser Speckle Patterns Result- ing from Rough Surface Scattering AD-A039 696/OCP LASER WEAPONS Laser Pointing and Tracking Using an Adaptive Ex- tended Kalman Filter AD-A035 275/7CP LASERS Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Systems AD-A021 746/3CP On the Calibration, Accuracy, and Efficiency of Opti- cal Range Finders AD-720 855/CP A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Performed during the Apollo II Moonwalk AD-724 735/CP 56 SUBJECT INDEX NUCLEAR EXPLOSION EFFECTS LEAST SQUARES METHOD Source Locating Procedure AD-A044 649/2CP LIFE CYCLE COSTS Sea Nymph Pilot LCC Model Development Report AD-A048 109/3CP Seek Igloo Life Cycle Cost Model, Cost Element Equations. Volume I AD-A057 444/2CP SEEK IGLOO Life Cycle Cost Model. Volume III. Maintenance Manual AD-A058 632/ 1CP LIGHT COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Analysis of a 10.6-Micron Printer-Circuit Antenna Array AD-742 440/CP Bleachable Absorber Laser Amplifier and Detector (BALAD) AD-765 842/OCP LIGHT TRANSMISSION Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High-Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Pre- diction (Part II) AD-A016 158/8CP Atmospheric Transmission Modeling: Proposed Aero- sol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base AD-A035 765/7CP HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emission and Transmission Model AD-A042 624/7CP LOGIC DESIGN A Digital Simulation System for the Ergonomic Study of Radar Observation Problems. N70-26301/CP LUNAR MODULE Maximum Allowable Lateral Velocity Errors During Lm Powered Descent - Program APOLLO. N70-34537/CP MAGNETIC DETECTORS Time Domain Analysis for Inverse Scattering. Volume III. Magnetic Signature Analysis AD-757 539/CP Passive Portal Detector AD-770 537/9CP MAGNETOMETERS Determination of Sounding Rocket Position and Atti- tude from Radar and Magnetometer Data N72-26515/CP MAPPING Resolution of Point Scatterers by Hard-Limited Syn- thetic Aperture Radar AD-763 660/CP MARINE BIOLOGICAL NOISE Four Hydrophone Array for Acoustic Three-Dimen- sional Location AD-732 042/CP MATHEMATICAL MODELS Chatanika Model of the High-Latitude Ionosphere for Application to HF Propagation Prediction AD-A053 154/1CP Infrared Search and Track Evaluation Model (IRSTEM) AD-AOSO 174/OCP MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATE Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP MEMORY DEVICES Software Memo for the Multimode Sonar Console Display System. Volume I - Operational Programming AD-A043 817/6CP METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS Microcomputer-Controlled Acoustic Echo Sounder PB-268 033/8CP METEOROLOGICAL RADAR Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume I AD-A041 195/9CP Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume II AD-A041 196/7CP Application of Doppler Weather Radar to Turbulence Measurements Which Affect Aircraft AD-A048 603/5CP The Stanford Meteor-Trails Radar Mark II. AD-709 673/CP Pulse Pair Estimation of Doppler Spectrum Param- AD-744 094/CP METEORS The Stanford Meteor-Trails Radar Mark II. AD-709 673/CP METEROLOGICAL RADAR M-33 Radar Modifications at Snyder, Texas PB-263 580/3CP MICROPROCESSORS Special - Purpose Processors for Surveillance Radar Applications AD-A039 963/4CP Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scattero- meter Radar Signal Processor. N77-23291/6CP MICROPROGRAMMING Application of Microprogramming for Radar/Comput- er Interface and Radar Processing in the Frequency Domain AD-A003 329/OCP AN/UYK-17(XB-1)(V) Signal Processing Element Mi- croprogramming Support Software AD-A016 806/2CP MICROSEISMS A Mathematical Model for Predicting Microseismic Signals in Terrain Materials AD-A012 632/6CP RADC Seismic Classifier Design AD-767 208/2CP MICROWAVE AMPLIFIERS Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Regula- tions. Part 2. Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Di- poles AD-A032 131/5CP MICROWAVE SENSORS MAS2-8 Radar and Digital Control Unit. N75-26846/6CP MILITARY OPERATIONS Vehicle Detection in Emplaced Sensor Fields: A User's Guide to a Simulation Model and a Track- Identification Algorithm AD-A002 825/8CP MILITARY VEHICLES Vehicle Detection in Emplaced Sensor Fields: A User's Guide to a Simulation Model and a Track- Identification Algorithm AD-A002 825/8CP MINE DETECTION 'In situ' EM Soil Properties Measurement: Instrumen- tation, Theory, and Method. Volume III AD-784 284/2CP MINE RESCUES Trapped Miner Location and Communication System Development Program. Volume II. Detection and Lo- cation of Entrapped Miners by Seismic Means: Meth- ods and Computer Programs PB-235 606/ 1CP MINE SAFETY Trapped Miner Location and Communication System Development Program. Volume II. Detection and Lo- cation of Entrapped Miners by Seismic Means: Meth- ods and Computer Programs PB-235 606/ 1CP MINES (EXCAVATIONS) Trapped Miner Location and Communication System Development Program. Volume II. Detection and Lo- cation of Entrapped Miners by Seismic Means: Meth- ods and Computer Programs PB-235 606/ 1CP MINICOMPUTERS The TSAR Search and Track Computer AD-A005 675/4CP MTI Processor Software AD-A021 778/6CP Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume I AD-A041 195/9CP Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume II AD-A041 196/7CP The Electronic Warfare Application of Special Pur- pose Microprogrammed Mini-computers AD-783 858/4CP MINITRACK SYSTEM The Minitrack Tracking Function Description, Volume 1 N73-24279/CP MISSILE TRACKING Search for an Optimal Solution to a Sampled and Quantified Data Automatic Tracking Problem. N71-11577/CP MODELS Tactical Electrooptical Effectiveness Model, Phase II. Volume I AD-A044 596/5CP MONOPULSE RADAR Investigation of Target Tracking Errors in Monopulse Radars AD-748 428/CP Solid-Slate Monopulse Receiver for the Experimental Array Radar AD-757 610/CP MOON A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Performed during the Apollo II Moonwalk AD-724 735/CP MORTARS Study of a Seismic Mortar Location Technique AD-A037 244/ 1CP MOVING TARGET INDICATORS A Study of Digital Filter Characteristics in Moving Target Indicators of Radar Systems AD-A013 575/6CP Design Technique for Improved Bandwidth Moving Target Indicator Processors in Surface Radars AD-A014 151/5CP A Computer Simulation Scheme for an Aircraft Moving Target Indication System. Part II AD-A018 663/5CP MTI Processor Software AD-A021 778/6CP Sampled Analog Recursive Comb Filters and Their Application to MTI- Radar AD-A027 267/4CP PPABLK-A Computer Simulation of the Velocity Re- sponse of Moving-Target Indicator Radars Using Pulse or Block Stagger AD-A039 648/ 1CP Design Factors in the Tuned Synthetic Aperture Radar AD-A058 780/8CP Computer Simulation of MTI AD-718 440/CP An Application of Digital Filters for Radar Clutter Re- duction AD-742 91 7/CP A Digital Computer Program for Real-Time Computa- tion of Radar Cross Section on a Dynamic Target AD-757 246/CP Recursive Digital Filter Design and Analysis with Ap- plications to Radar Processing AD-766 689/4CP Adjustable Digital Time Converter AD-776 912/8CP Computer Simulation of Mti N71-23508/CP MULTIPATH TRANSMISSION Multipath Measurements AD-A001 064/5CP Frequency Agility and Radar Pointing Errors Due to Multipath AD-787 390/4CP MULTIPROCESSORS MTI Processor Software AD-A021 778/6CP MULTISPECTRAL BAND SCANNERS Antenna Evaluation Study for the Shuttle Multispec- tral Radar, Phase 3. N79-17070/0CP NAVAL LOGISTICS Sea Nymph Pilot LCC Model Development Report AD-A048 109/3CP NETWORKS Distributed Sensor Networks AD-A060 685/5CP Model for Simulation of Disturbances in a Connec- tion Network N71-26612/CP NIGHT VISION DEVICES Night Vision Laboratory Static Performance Model for Thermal Viewing Systems AD-A011 212/8CP Night Vision System Simulator Camouflage Digital Simulation and Evaluation Program. Phase One. Target Reflectance Alteration AD-A026 088/5CP Advanced Production Engineering (APE) Night Vision Sight Infrared, AN/TAS-3 ( ). Volume 2. Appendices AD-A051 220/2CP NIGHT WARFARE Night Vision Laboratory Static Performance Model for Thermal Viewing Systems AD-A011 212/8CP NUCLEAR EXPLOSION DETECTION Preliminary Code Development for Seismic Signal Analysis Related to Test Ban Treaty Questions LA-UR-77-2672 NUCLEAR EXPLOSION EFFECTS Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Ef- fects. Volume I. The Zero-Order Radar Code for ROSCOE AD-787 029/8CP Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Ef- fects. Volume II. Optical Systems Model for ROSCOE AD-787 030/6CP 57 SUBJECT INDEX NUCLEAR EXPLOSION SIMULATION Identification of Individual Events in a Multiple Explo- sion from Teleseismic Short Period Body Wave Re- cordings AD-A050 186/6CP NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS Application of Advanced Methods for Identification and Detection of Nuclear Explosions from the Asian Continent AD-A023 175/3CP Vela Network Evaluation and Automatic Processing Research AD-A042 275/8CP The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 20 - Satellite Com- munication Model AD-A047 918/8CP Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Ef- fects. Volume I. The Zero-Order Radar Code for ROSCOE AD-787 029/8CP Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Ef- fects. Volume II. Optical Systems Model for ROSCOE AD-787 030/6CP NUCLEAR RADIATION The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 20 - Satellite Com- munication Model AD-A047 918/8CP OCEAN BOTTOM Acoustic Bottom Interaction Experiment Description AD-A021 330/6CP OCEAN CURRENTS Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Currents UCID- 17024 OCEAN DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS Investigation of the Dynamic Range Problem and Providing Software Support for the Aol System. N79-17579/0CP OCEAN MODELS Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model AD-A033 678/4CP OCEAN SURVEILLANCE A Graphics Program for Updating the Confidence Region of a Target AD-A034 536/3CP Satellite Surveillance Avoidance Optimization Aid AD-A049 561 /4CP OCEAN WAVES A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Radar Mul- tipath Effects over the Sea. AD-707 793/CP OCEANOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT SOFAR Floats in MODE, Final Report of Float Tra- jectory Data AD-A046 910/6CP OPDAR On the Calibration, Accuracy, and Efficiency of Opti- cal Range Finders AD-720 855/CP Bleachable Absorber Laser Amplifier and Detector (BALAD) AD-765 842/OCP OPTICAL DATA PROCESSING Data Processing and Display of Laser Doppler Ex- perimental Results, Volume 1 . N78-13422/8CP OPTICAL DETECTION A Digital System for the Characterization of Electro- Optical Sensors AD-A017 742/8CP A System for the Treatment of Airborne Laser Profi- lometer Data of Ice AD-A029 978/4CP CAMNET: A Computer Simulation System for Geo- metrically and Optically Realistic Camouflage Nets AD-784 078/8CP Optical Sensor Signal Simulation. (O.S.S.S.) AD-914 887/5CP Data Processing and Display of Laser Doppler Ex- perimental Results, Volume 1. N78-13422/8CP OPTICAL DETECTORS Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems Part 1. Theory, Methodology, and Data Base AD-A032 182/8CP Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Ef- fects. Volume I. The Zero-Order Radar Code for ROSCOE AD-787 029/SCP Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Ef- fects. Volume II. Optical Systems Model for ROSCOE AD-787 030/6CP OPTICAL EQUIPMENT Application of State-Variable and Conditional Feed- back Methods Toward Reducing the Pointing Error of a Two-Axis Beam Deflector AD-760 532/CP OPTICAL FUZES Active Optical Miss-Distance Indicator AD-783 430/2CP OPTICAL RADAR A Laser System for Determination of Rocket Attitude and Roll Rate AD-A001 235/ 1CP Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Systems AD-A021 746/3CP Effects of Detector Bandwidth Reduction on Lidar Signal Processing. N78-26365/4CP Investigation of the Dynamic Range Problem and Providing Software Support for the Aol System. N79-17579/0CP OPTICAL SIGHTS Advanced Production Engineering (APE) Night Vision Sight Infrared, AN/TAS-3 ( ). Volume 2. Appendices AD-A051 220/2CP OPTICAL SIGNATURES Software Design Plan for the Optical Signatures Code AD-916 112/6CP OPTICAL TRACKING A High Data Rate Digital Spatial Frequency Tracking System AD-A006 692/8CP CAMDAT Improvement Analysis AD-A029 564/2CP Real Time Adaptive Tracking System for the Coelos- tat Optical Tracking Mount AD-A038 134/3CP Optical Contrast Variable Gate Centroid Tracker for the Intel 3000 Micro Processor AD-A044 126/1CP Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real-Time Video Target Tracking AD-A048 156/4CP An Advanced Automatic Telescope Computer Con- trol Program. AD-710 414/CP Application of State-Variable and Conditional Feed- back Methods Toward Reducing the Pointing Error of a Two-Axis Beam Deflector AD-760 532/CP Discrete-Time Domain Analysis of a Two-Axis Beam Deflector AD-785 133/0CP Search for an Optimal Solution to a Sampled and Quantified Data Automatic Tracking Problem. N71-11577/CP Satellite Optical Tracking: Spin Decay and Flash Ob- servations. N78-32019/9CP OPTIMIZATION Search for an Optimal Solution to a Sampled and Quantified Data Automatic Tracking Problem. N71-11577/CP ORDNANCE LOCATORS Research on the Estimation of Trajectories from Radar Data AD-759 947 /CP OVER THE HORIZON DETECTION Coordinate Conversion Technique for OTH Backs- catter Radar AD-A044 585/8CP P CODES Pmrrad: A Computer Program to Convert Pacific Mis- sile Range Radar Tracking Data to Trajectory Posi- tion Data. SLA-74-0263 PAINTS Polarized Radiance. Volume II. Polarized Spectral Emittance from 4 to 14 micrometers AD-780 731/6CP PARCS COMPUTER PROGRAM Plume Attenuated Radar Cross Section Code: User's Manual AD-A026 213/9CP PASSIVE SONAR Passive Environmental ASW Prediction System (PEAPS) AD-A010 813/4CP An Application of Nonlinear Filtering Theory to Pas- sive Target Locaton and Tracking AD-782 305/7CP PATTERN RECOGNITION Pattern Analysis and Classification with the New ACDA Seismic Signature Data Base AD-A015 925/1CP Comparative Evaluation of the Subsystem and Near- est-Neighbor Classifiers for Radar Aircraft Identifica- tion AD-A029 549/3CP . . A System for the Treatment of Airborne Laser Profi- lometer Data of Ice AD-A029 978/4CP A New Software Package for Seismic and Imagery Recognition AD-A032 739/5CP Time Domain Analysis for Inverse Scattering. Volume III. Magnetic Signature Analysis AD-757 539/CP RADC Seismic Classifier Design AD-767 208/2CP PERIMETER ACQUISITION RADAR Comparison of the Perimeter Acquisition Radar (PAR) Satellite Track Capability to the Space De- fense Center (SDC) Satellite Catalogue - Unknown Satellite Track Experiment. Volume I AD-A034 014/1CP PHASE MEASUREMENT Direction of Arrival Angle Prediction AD-A021 311/6CP PHASE SHIFT Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Systems AD-A021 746/3CP PHASED ARRAYS An Evaluation of Some New Approaches to Agile Beam Radar Design for Shipboard Applications AD-A003 592/3CP Multiple Target Instrumentation RADAR (MTIR) Study. Phase II, Add-On AD-A025 939/0CP Real-Time Phased Array Radar Studies AD-A032 121 /6CP Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Regula- tions. Part 2. Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Di- poles AD-A032 131 /5CP Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems AD-B000 106/5CP A Phased Array Antenna with Hemispheric Scan for Satellite Tracking AD-742 433/CP Phased Array Antenna Evaluation Studies AD-764 367/CP Adaptive Phased Array Radar System AD-807 444/CP VHF-UHF Phased Array Techniques. Part II. Mutual Effects in Finite Arrays of Slots AD-921 703/5CP PHOTODETECTION Source Locating Procedure AD-A044 649/2CP PIEZOELECTRIC TRANSDUCERS A Fortran Program for the Class V Flextensional Un- derwater Acoustic Transducer AD-718 356/CP Sonar Array Studies AD-743 199/CP An Analysis of Some Factors that Affect Hydrophone Sensitivity AD-754 099/CP PIPES Design Methods for Hardened Piping Systems AD-861 039/CP PISGAH CRATER Digital Simulation of a Radar Image of Plsgah Crater Test Site California AD-A025 755/OCP PLAN POSITION INDICATORS Radar Image Simulation Project: Development of 8 General Simulation Model and an Interactive Simula- tion Model, and Sample Results AD-A027 151/OCP PLANAR ARRAYS Advanced Array Design, Test and Evaluation AD-A038 135/OCP PLANAR STRUCTURES Advanced Array Design, Test and Evaluation AD-A038 135/OCP PLASMA JETS Radar Backscatter Studies AD-736 020/CP 58 SUBJECT INDEX RADAR EQUIPMENT PLASMA MEDIUM Radar Reflection Coefficients from a Plasma Gradi- ent Including the Effects of Electron-Neutral and Electron-Ion Collisions AD-735 146/CP PLUME DETECTION A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Ra- diation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles ADA027 576/8CP AFRPL Low-Altitude Exhaust Plume Computer Pro- grams AD-884 979/6CP A Feasibility Study for the Application of K-Band Radar in the Investigation of Cooling Tower Plumes PB-275 380/4CP POLARIZATION Polarized Radiance. Volume II. Polarized Spectral Emittance from 4 to 14 micrometers AD-780 731/6CP POLYFREQUENCY RADAR Target Imaging from Multiple Frequency Radar Data AD-A022 202/6CP POSITION FINDING Source Locating Procedure AD-A044 649/2CP Applying the Kalman Filter to the Emitter Location Problem using Airborne Angle-of-Arrival Information AD-767 291/8CP Trapped Miner Location and Communication System Development Program. Volume II. Detection and Lo- cation of Entrapped Miners by Seismic Means: Meth- ods and Computer Programs PB-235 606/ 1CP POSITION LOCATION REPORTING SYSTEM The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System AD-A038 777/9CP POWER SUPPLIES Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems AD-BO00 106/5CP PROGRAMMING (COMPUTERS) An Advanced Automatic Telescope Computer Con- trol Program. AD-710 414/CP The NRL Microwave Space Research Facility. Com- puter System Software for Control of the 60-ft X- Band Antenna AD-719 386/CP System Software Design Specification for the Inter- active Computer System Analyzer AD-730 749/CP TREES: A Computer Software System for Processing Data Organized in Branch Form (An Application to Job Performance Aids). Volume I. Design and Devel- opment AD-732 204/CP TREES User's Guide. A Computer Software System for Handling Information in Branch Form AD-732 209/CP Development of a Hybrid Radar Landmass Simulator AD-740 785/CP Development of a Hybrid Radar Landmass Simulator: Engineering Report Number 7 AD-740 788/CP Mission Planning Program (MPP) Usage Guide AD-760 796/CP PROGRAMMING MANUALS The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 3: Program Structure AD-A032 640/5CP PROJECTILE TRAJECTORIES Research on the Estimation of Trajectories from Radar Data AD-759 947/CP PSEUDO NOISE SYSTEMS The Effects of Pseudo-Random Noise upon Radar System Performance AD-A007 684/4CP PULSE COMPRESSION Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) AD-771 046/OCP RADAR Multiple Target Instrumentation Radar Study. Phase II AD-A001 074/4CP An Evaluation of Some New Approaches to Agile Beam Radar Design for Shipboard Applications AD-A003 592/3CP Multiple Target Instrumentation Radar Study AD-A011 056/9CP ROS User Manual AD-A019 420/9CP Multiple Target Instrumentation RADAR (MTIR) Study. Phase II, Add-On AD-A025 939/OCP ENDO Atmospheric-EXO Atmospheric Radar Model- ing. Appendices, A-K, M AD-A031 480/7CP The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 3: Program Structure AD-A032 640/5CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume I, Part 2. RADC Trajectory Program Numerical/Analytical Data , AD-A033 712/1CP Standard Precision Navigator/GEANS Modifications for EAR Motion Compensation AD-A035 033/OCP PPABLK-A Computer Simulation of the Velocity Re- sponse of Moving-Target Indicator Radars Using Pulse or Block Stagger AD-A039 648/ 1CP Multidomain Algorithm Evaluation. Volume II AD-A054 358/7CP Generalized Multimode Radar System Simulation Model. Volume II, Part I. Computer Program Docu- mentation AD-769 875/6CP Analog-to-Digital Converter Evaluation by Digital Computer Analysis of Recorded Output. Volume I AD-775 442/7CP Modification of the Ear Simulation Programs for Command Guidance Studies and Discussion of Tests for System Evaluation. Volume II AD-780 931/2CP Adaptive Phased Array Radar System AD-807 444/CP Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking SAND-78-0595 Pmrrad: A Computer Program to Convert Pacific Mis- sile Range Radar Tracking Data to Trajectory Posi- tion Data. SLA-74-0263 RADAR ABSORBING MATERIALS Effective Electromagnetic Properties of Lossy Ferrite Composite Media AD-A029 931/3CP RADAR ANTENNAS Shaped Elevation Beam Antenna AD-A023 225/6CP Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Regula- tions. Part 2. Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Di- poles AD-A032 131/5CP Advanced Array Design, Test and Evaluation AD-A038 135/OCP Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/ 5CP Tracker Antenna Location Study AD-A059 026/5CP The NRL Microwave Space Research Facility. Com- puter System Software for Control of the 60-ft X- Band Antenna AD-719 386/CP Use of a Self-Focusing Antenna for Low-Angle Tracking AD-764 052/CP Phased Array Antenna Evaluation Studies AD-764 367/CP Adaptive Radar Techniques. Volume I. Computer Studies of Adaptive Subarray Radar AD-767 209/OCP Adaptive Phased Array Radar System AD-807 444/CP Antenna Evaluation Study for the Shuttle Multispec- tral Radar, Phase 3. N79-17070/OCP RADAR ANTIJAMMING Hapdar O and M Program AD-916 029/2CP RADAR APPROACH CONTROL Maximum Allowable Lateral Velocity Errors During Lm Powered Descent - Program APOLLO. N70-34537/CP RADAR BEAMS Determination of Radar Performance Degradation Due to Tropospheric Ducts AD-A058 110/8CP RADAR CLUTTER Multipath Measurements AD-A001 064/5CP Radar-Modeling Study AD-A009 055/5CP Environment and Radar Operation Simulator AD-A035 221/1CP TAGSEA Program. Volume III. Supportive Analyses and Outputs AD-A036 973/6CP Computer Simulation of MTI AD-718 440/CP Pulse Compression Side-Lobe Clutter Reduction AD-739 512/CP An Application of Digital Filters for Radar Clutter Re- duction AD-742 917/CP RADAR CROSS SECTIONS Plume Attenuated Radar Cross Section Code: User's Manual AD-A026 213/9CP Development of a Computer Model for Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turbulent Wake AD-A032 662/9CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 2. Computer Program Documentation AD-A033 514/1CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 1 . Project Summary and Computer Pro- gram Documentation AD-A033 657/8CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 3. Computer Program Documentation AD-A033 658/6CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume III. Radar Signature and Radar Scattering Principles In- vestigation Software AD-A033 709/7CP Environment and Radar Operation Simulator AD-A035 758/2CP Measurement and Analysis of Spectral Signatures AD-773 181/3CP Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scattero- meter Radar Signal Processor. N77-23291/6CP RADAR DATA Determination of Sounding Rocket Position and Atti- tude from Radar and Magnetometer Data N72-26515/CP RADAR DECOYS Analysis of SRBOC Worldwide Chaff Cartridge Provi- sioning Requirements. Volume I. RF Decoy Place- ment Simulation (RFDPS) Description and Use AD-A042 138/8CP RADAR DETECTION Average Cumulative Probability of Detection Versus Target Radial Velocity AD-752 146/CP A Feasibility Study for the Application of K-Band Radar in the Investigation of Cooling Tower Plumes PB-275 380/4CP RADAR DETECTION RANGE A Computer Program for Computation of Radar De- tection Ranges on a Constant-Altitude Target in Var- ious Environments AD-A023 474/0CP RADAR ECHO AREAS The Radar Cross Section of Extremey Thin Spherical Shells AD-729 233/CP Control of Radar Scattering by Reactive Loading AD-729 926/CP Calvulation of the Radar Cross Section of a Perfectly Conducting Sphere AD-740 746/CP A Radar Target Data Processing and Identification System AD-746 323/CP Synthesis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers AD-755 914/CP A Digital Computer Program for Real-Time Computa- tion of Radar Cross Section on a Dynamic Target AD-757 246/CP Bilinear Surface Representation of Radar Scattering for Aircraft AD-766 320/6CP A Program Incorporating Diffraction for the Computa- tion of Radar Cross Section AD-768 443/4CP Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolution AD-859 670/CP RADAR EQUIPMENT A Computer Program for Computation of Radar De- tection Ranges on a Constant-Altitude Target in Var- ious Environments AD-A023 474/OCP SEEK IGLOO Life Cycle Cost Model. Volume III. Maintenance Manual AD-A058 632/ 1CP System Software Design Specification for the Inter- active Computer System Analyzer AD-730 749/CP TREES: A Computer Software System for Processing Data Organized in Branch Form (An Application to Job Performance Aids). Volume I. Design and Devel- opment AD-732 204/CP 59 SUBJECT INDEX TREES User's Guide. A Computer Software System for Handling Information in Branch Form AD-732 209/CP TREES: A Computer Software System for Processing Data Organized in Branch Form (An Application to Job Performance Aids). Volume II. Program Descrip- tions AD-735 603/CP Development of a Hybrid Radar Landmass Simulator AD-740 785/CP Development of a Hybrid Radar Landmass Simulator: Engineering Report Number 7 AD-740 788/CP Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Ef- fects. Volume I. The Zero-Order Radar Code for ROSCOE AD-787 029/8CP Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Ef- fects. Volume II. Optical Systems Model for ROSCOE AD-787 030/6CP Hapdar O and M Program AD-916 029/2CP RADAR IMAGES Simulation of a Radar Image for Garden City Test Site AD-A012 267/1CP Target Imaging from Multiple Frequency Radar Data AD-A022 202/6CP Digital Simulation of a Radar Image of Pisgah Crater Test Site California AD-A025 755/OCP Radar Image Simulation Project: Development of a General Simulation Model and an Interactive Simula- tion Model, and Sample Results AD-A027 151/OCP Digital Simulation of High Resolution Radar Imagery AD-A033 714/7CP Radar Image Simulation Project AD-A051 501 /5CP Models for Radar Displays AD-729 684/CP Simulation of High-Resolution Radar Displays of City Complexes AD-768 413/7CP RADAR INTERFERENCE A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Radar Mul- tipath Effects over the Sea. AD-707 793/CP Machine Plotting of Radio/ Radar Vertical-Plane Cov- erage Diagrams. AD- 709 897/CP RADAR MAPPING Resolution of Point Scatterers by Hard-Limited Syn- thetic Aperture Radar AD-763 660/CP Random Surface Generation for Digital Radar Simu- lation AD-772 953/6CP Radome Effects on the Performance of Ground Map- ping Radar AD-778 203/OCP RADAR METEOROLOGY Parameterization of Weather Radar Data for Use in the Prediction of Storm Motion and Development AD-A052 535/2CP RADAR OPERATORS Models for Radar Displays AD-729 684/CP RADAR PULSES A Method for Computing Vertical-Plane Coverage Diagrams for Frequency Agile Pulse Radar Systems AD-A040 081/2CP Chatanika Model of the High-Latitude Ionosphere for Application to HF Propagation Prediction AD-A053 154/1CP Linear-FM Spectra via a Fast Fourier Transform Al- gorithm AD-730 664/CP RADAR RECEIVERS Solid-State Monopulse Receiver for the Experimental Array Radar AD-757 610/CP MAS2-8 Radar and Digital Control Unit. N75-26846/6CP RADAR RECEPTION A Computer Program for Computation of Radar De- tection Ranges on a Constant-Altitude Target in Var- ious Environments AD-A023 474/OCP RADAR REFLECTIONS Machine Plotting of Radio/Radar Vertical-Plane Cov- erage Diagrams. AD-709 897/CP Radar Reflection Coefficients from a Plasma Gradi- ent Including the Effects of Electron-Neutral and Electron-Ion Collisions AD-735 146/CP Pulse Pair Estimation of Doppler Spectrum Param- AD-744 094/CP RADAR SCANNING Simulation of High-Resolution Radar Displays of City Complexes AD-768 413/7CP Expectancy Areas with a Measuring Error. Part 2 the System and Exemplary Results . Erwartungsgebiete MIT Einem Messfehler. 2 das System und Exemplar- ische Ergebnisse N72-28181/CP RADAR SIGNALS Application of Microprogramming for Radar/Comput- er Interface and Radar Processing in the Frequency Domain AD-A003 329/OCP Environment and Radar Operation Simulator AD-A035 221/1CP Backscattering of Radar Waves by Vegetated Ter- rain AD-A047 669/7CP Sea Nymph Pilot LCC Model Development Report AD-A048 109/3CP A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Radar Mul- tipath Effects over the Sea. AD-707 793/CP A Fortran Subroutine to Decode Tape-Recorded Digital Data from the Randle Cliff Radar. AD-715 336/CP Radar Backscatter Studies AD-736 020/CP Modal Analysis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers AD-741 809/CP A Fortran Computer Program to Calculate the Range of a Pulse Radar AD-749 686/CP Theory and Implementation of Fast Fourier and Ha- damard Transforms AD-762 437/CP Signal Processing Techniques for Real-Time Radar Applications AD-762 438/CP Computer-Aided Design of Radar Signals using the Ambiguity Functions AD-767 238/9CP A Monograph on Truncated Sequential Tests AD-808 492/CP RADAR SIGNATURES Application of ADAPT to Quick Look Classification of Composite Radar Signatures AD-A004 206/9CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 2. Computer Program Documentation AD-A033 514/1CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 1 . Project Summary and Computer Pro- gram Documentation AD-A033 657/8CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 3. Computer Program Documentation AD-A033 658/6CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume III. Radar Signature and Radar Scattering Principles In- vestigation Software AD-A033 709/7CP Radar Signatures for Aircraft Identification AD-A052 447/OCP The RADOT Code for the Tracking of Radar Incident on Trees AD-A063 885/8CP Application of ADAPT to Quick Look Classification of Composite Radar Signatures AD-776 031/7CP Computer Simulation of Mti N71-23508/CP RADAR STATIONS SEEK IGLOO Life Cycle Cost Model. Volume II. User's Manual AD-A059 222/0CP Design Methods for Hardened Piping Systems AD-861 039/CP RADAR TARGET IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS A Radar Target Data Processing and Identification System AD-746 323/CP RADAR TARGET POSITION SIMULATORS Environment and Radar Operation Simulator AD-A035 221/1CP Environment and Radar Operation Simulator AD-A035 758/2CP RADAR TARGETS Application of ADAPT to Quick Look Classification of Composite Radar Signatures AD-A004 206/9CP Radar-Modeling Study AD-A009 055/5CP Comparative Evaluation of the Subsystem and Near- est-Neighbor Classifiers for Radar Aircraft Identifica- tion AD-A029 549/3CP Performance of a Correlation-Sensitive Radar Detec- tion Technique AD-A030 155/6CP Machine Plotting of Radio/ Radar Vertical-Plane Cov- erage Diagrams. AD-709 897/CP The Application of Extreeme Value Statistics to Radar Systems Evaluation AD-722 441/CP The Radar Cross Section of Extremey Thin Spherical Shells AD-729 233/CP A Digital Computer Program for Determining the Pulse to Pulse Radar Cross Section on a Dynamic Target AD-738 920/CP A Radar Target Data Processing and Identification System AD-746 323/CP Average Cumulative Probability of Detection Versus Target Radial Velocity AD-752 146/CP Research on the Estimation of Trajectories from Radar Data AD-759 947/CP Application of ADAPT to Quick Look Classification of Composite Radar Signatures AD-776 031/7CP Radar Target Detection Employing On-Line Estima- tion of the Video Correlation AD-787 687/3CP A Monograph on Truncated Sequential Tests AD-808 492/CP Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolution AD-859 670/CP AFRPL Low-Altitude Exhaust Plume Computer Pro- grams AD-884 979/6CP RADAR TRACKING A Laser System for Determination of Rocket Attitude and Roll Rate AD-A001 235/ 1CP Radar Search and Cost Analysis Computer Programs AD-A002 881/1CP Tracking System for Two Asynchronously Scanning Radars AD-A002 927/2CP The TSAR Search and Track Computer AD-A005 675/4CP WSMR Multipath and Multiple-Target Facility AD-A006 219/OCP Adaptive Angle Tracking AD-A006 279/4CP The Use of Dynamic Search Areas in the National Airspace System Enroute Computer Program AD-A012 496/6CP The ARIES Program: Analysis and Generation of Simulated Radar Measurements AD-A013 734/9CP Tracking Accuracies of Sequentially Lobed Radars on Fluctuating Targets AD-A013 980/8CP The ARIES Program: Coordinates, Transformations, Trajectories and Tracking AD-A015 815/4CP CAMDAT Improvement Analysis AD-A029 564/2CP Comparison of the Perimeter Acquisition Radar (PAR) Satellite Track Capability to the Space De- fense Center (SDC) Satellite Catalogue - Unknown Satellite Track Experiment. Volume I AD-A034 014/1CP Tracker Antenna Location Study AD-A059 026/5CP Distributed Sensor Networks AD-A060 685/ 5CP The NRL Microwave Space Research Facility. Com- puter System Software for Control of the 60-ft X- Band Antenna AD-719 386/CP An Examination of a General Association Formula for Simple Situations AD-737 088/CP 60 SUBJECT INDEX SEISMIC DETECTION Frequency Diversity and Signal Processing to Reduce Glint Pointing Errors AD-747 348/CP Tracking Study: An Introduction to the Use of Kalman Filters AD-747 696/CP Investigation of Target Tracking Errors in Monopulse Radars AD-748 428/CP Measure, Criteria and Procedure for Track and Search Allocation AD-757 172/CP Research on the Estimation of Trajectories from Radar Data AD-759 947/CP Passive Detection and Ranging of a Ground Radar from an Aircraft Using an Extended Kalman Filter AD-760 764/CP Use of a Self-Focusing Antenna for Low-Angle Tracking AD-764 052/CP Studies of Multiple Target Tracking, Constant-False- Alarm-Rate and Glint for the Ear System AD-767 298/3CP Synchronous Satellite Tracker Investigation AD-773 848/7CP Mathematical Research in Target Detection and Identification AD-777 203/ 1CP Millstone Hill Radar Propagation Study: Calibration AD-779 689/9CP An Application of Nonlinear Filtering Theory to Pas- sive Target Locaton and Tracking AD-782 305/7CP Frequency Agility and Radar Pointing Errors Due to Multipath AD-787 390/4CP A Digital Simulation System for the Ergonomic Study of Radar Observation Problems. N70-26301/CP Geos-2 C-Band Radar System Project. Spectral Analysis as Related to C-Band Radar Data Analysis N73-22082/CP RADAR TRAINERS Simulation of High-Resolution Radar Displays of City Complexes AD-768 413/7CP RADAR TRANSMITTERS Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems AD-B000 106/5CP RADARSCOPES A Digital Simulation System for the Ergonomic Study of Radar Observation Problems. N70-26301/CP RADIATION HAZARDS The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 3: Program Structure AD-A032 640/5CP RADIO COMMUNICATION Model for Simulation of Disturbances in a Connec- tion Network N71-26612/CP RADIO SIGNALS Sea Nymph Pilot LCC Model Development Report AD-A048 109/3CP Kalman Filtering Techniques Applied to Airborne Di- rection-Finding and Emitter Location AD-745 888/CP RADIO SONO BUOYS Sonobuoy Location. AD-713 077/CP RADIO WAVES Scattering of Microwave Radiation from a Turbulent Water Surface. AD-709 453/CP RADIOFREQUENCY INTERFERENCE Radio-Frequency Interference from Linear-FM Pulses AD-A003 677/2CP RADOMES URLIM - A Unified Radome Limitations Computer Program. Volume 2. User's Guide AD-A057 459/OCP RAY TRACING Horizontal-Gradient Acoustical Ray-Trace Program TRIMAIN AD-A006 254/7CP An Analysis of a Ray Trace Experiment on the Un- derwater Range at Dabob Bay AD-A010 868/8CP RAYSRT COMPUTER PROGRAM Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters AD-A020 722/5CP RECURSIVE FILTERS Sampled Analog Recursive Comb Filters and Their Application to MTI- Radar AD-A027 267/4CP Theory of Operation and Applications of Sampled Analog Devices in Recursive Comb Filters AD-A033 698/2CP Experimental Exploration of Adaptive Recursive Fil- tering AD-782 025/1 CP REENTRANT ELECTRONICS Development of a Computer Model for Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turbulent Wake AD-A032 662/9CP REENTRY PHYSICS Development of a Computer Model for Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turbulent Wake AD-A032 662/9CP REFLECTORS A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Performed during the Apollo II Moonwalk AD-724 735/CP REMOTE DETECTORS Polarized Emittance. Volume 1: Polarized Bidirec- tional Reflectance with Lambertian or Non-Lamber- tian Diffuse Components AD-782 178/8CP REMOTE SENSING An Application of Nonlinear Filtering Theory to Pas- sive Target Locaton and Tracking AD-782 305/7CP RESCUE SYSTEMS Trapped Miner Location and Communication System Development Program. Volume II. Detection and Lo- cation of Entrapped Miners by Seismic Means: Meth- ods and Computer Programs PB-235 606/ 1CP RETRANSMISSION Performance of an Air-to-Ground Missile Employing SAR-Retran Guidance AD-A034 941/5CP RETROREFLECTORS A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Performed during the Apollo II Moonwalk AD-724 735/CP REVERBERATION Maximization of Reverberation Index AD-A031 426/OCP Volume Intersection of Two Identical Right Circular Cones AD-781 649/9CP RING TRANSDUCERS Coefficients for Calculating Radiation Impedances and Far-Field Pressures of Free-Flooded Ring Trans- ducers AD-782 351 /1CP ROCKET EXHAUST A Computer Program for the Prediction of Radiation from Rocket Exhaust Plumes. Volume I AD-A037 385/2CP ROCKET MOTORS AFRPL Low-Altitude Exhaust Plume Computer Pro- grams AD-884 979/6CP ROCKET PLUMES Plume Attenuated Radar Cross Section Code: User's Manual AD-A026 213/9CP ROSCOE COMPUTER PROGRAM The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 3: Program Structure AD-A032 640/5CP The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 20 munication Model AD-A047 918/8CP Satellite Corn- Satellite Com- SATELLITE ATTITUDE CONTROL Study of Detection and Estimation Techniques Ap- plied to Attitude Measurements of Satellites. Volume 4: Computer Programs Documentation. N75-13921/2CP SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 20 munication Model AD-A047 918/8CP SATELLITE ROTATION Satellite Optical Tracking: Spin Decay and Flash Ob- servations. N78-32019/9CP SATELLITE TRACKING SYSTEMS Comparison of the Perimeter Acquisition Radar (PAR) Satellite Track Capability to the Space De- fense Center (SDC) Satellite Catalogue - Unknown Satellite Track Experiment. Volume I AD-A034 014/1CP Real Time Adaptive Tracking System for the Coelos- tat Optical Tracking Mount AD-A038 134/3CP The NRL Microwave Space Research Facility. Com- puter System Software for Control of the 60-ft X- Band Antenna AD-719 386/CP A Phased Array Antenna with Hemispheric Scan for Satellite Tracking AD-742 433/CP Mission Planning Program (MPP) Usage Guide AD-760 796/CP Synchronous Satellite Tracker Investigation AD-773 848/7CP SCATTEROMETERS Jsme Scatterometer Data Processing. N78-18494/2CP SEA CLUTTER A Computer Program for Computation of Radar De- tection Ranges on a Constant-Altitude Target in Var- ious Environments AD-A023 474/0CP TAGSEA Program. Volume and Outputs AD-A036 973/6CP Supportive Analyses SEA ICE A System for the Treatment of Airborne Laser Profi- lometer Data of Ice AD-A029 978/4CP SEA NYMPH PROJECT Sea Nymph Pilot LCC Model Development Report AD-A048 109/3CP SEARCH RADAR Radar Search and Cost Analysis Computer Programs AD-A002 881/1CP The TSAR Search and Track Computer AD-A005 675/4CP The Effects of Pseudo-Random Noise upon Radar System Performance AD-A007 684/4CP The Use of Dynamic Search Areas in the National Airspace System Enroute Computer Program AD-A012 496/6CP Special - Purpose Processors for Surveillance Radar Applications AD-A039 963/4CP Coordinate Conversion Technique for OTH Backs- catter Radar AD-A044 585/8CP Seek Igloo Life Cycle Cost Model, Cost Element Equations. Volume I AD-A057 444/2CP Surveillance Radar Detection (SURDET) Program: Revision Number 1 AD-A061 945/2CP Evaluation of a Radar Moving Target Extractor (MOTE) AD-A062 982/4CP Hapdar O and M Program AD-916 029/2CP SEEK IGLOO RADAR SEEK IGLOO Life Cycle Cost Model. Volume II. User's Manual AD-A059 222/OCP SEISMIC ARRAYS Montana Large Aperture Seismic Array AD-A023 263/7CP Montana Large Aperture Seismic Array AD-A033 728/7CP Network Capability Estimation. VELA Network Evalu- ation and Automatic Processing Research AD-A034 897/9CP Seismic Data Analysis Center AD-A040 301/4CP SEISMIC DATA Montana Large Aperture Seismic Array AD-A033 728/7CP Seismic Data Analysis Center AD-A040 301/4CP Vela Network Evaluation and Automatic Processing Research AD-A042 275/8CP Application of Acoustic Signal Processing Tech- niques to Seismic Data AD-A046 788/6CP SEISMIC DATA NETWORKS Implementation and Acceptance Testing of the Seis- mic Communication and Control Processor AD-A033 541/4CP SEISMIC DETECTION A Mathematical Model for Predicting Microseismic Signals in Terrain Materials AD-A012 632/6CP Application of Advanced Methods for Identification and Detection of Nuclear Explosions from the Asian Continent AD-A023 175/3CP 61 SUBJECT INDEX A New Software Package for Seismic and Imagery Recognition AD-A032 739/5CP Implementation and Acceptance Testing of the Seis- mic Communication and Control Processor AD-A033 541 /4CP Study of a Seismic Mortar Location Technique AD-A037 244/1CP Seismic Data Analysis Center AD-A040 301/4CP Vela Network Evaluation and Automatic Processing Research AD-A042 275/8CP Application of Acoustic Signal Processing Tech- niques to Seismic Data AD-A046 788/6CP Identification of Individual Events in a Multiple Explo- sion from Teleseismic Short Period Body Wave Re- cordings AD-A050 186/6CP RADC Seismic Classifier Design AD-767 208/2CP Rayleigh Wave Detection at Three LP Arrays During the ISM AD-783 005/2CP Trapped Miner Location and Communication System Development Program. Volume II. Detection and Lo- cation of Entrapped Miners by Seismic Means: Meth- ods and Computer Programs PB-235 606/ 1CP Feasibility Study of Detecting Voids by Shear Wave Refraction Methods PB-262 242/ 1CP SEISMIC DISCRIMINATION Pattern Analysis and Classification with the New ACDA Seismic Signature Data Base AD-A015 925/1CP Vela Network Evaluation and Automatic Processing Research AD-A042 275/8CP Application of Acoustic Signal Processing Tech- niques to Seismic Data AD-A046 788/6CP SEISMIC WAVES Use of Source-Region-Station Time Corrections at NTS for Depth Estimation AD-A025 349/2CP Regionalization of the Arctic Region, Siberia and Eur- asian Continental Area AD-A029 548/5CP RADC Seismic Classifier Design AD-767 208/2CP SEISMOLOGICAL STATIONS Computer Program Description - A Long Period Array Processing Package for ILLIAC Iv AD-A002 969/4CP Montana Large Aperture Seismic Array AD-A023 263/7CP FKCOMB, a Fast General-Purpose Array Processor AD-759 270/CP Rayleigh Wave Detection at Three LP Arrays During the ISM AD-783 005/2CP SEISMOLOGY Pattern Analysis and Classification with the New ACDA Seismic Signature Data Base AD-A015 925/1CP SENSORS Sensor Recognition Data Techniques AD-762 567/CP SHADOW ZONE SHADZO: A Computer Program for Estimating the Position and Shape of the Surface Shadow Zone in Sonar Operations AD-753 443/CP SHALLOW WATER A Shallow Water Acoustic Model for an Ocean Stratified in Range and Depth. Volume I AD-A008 150/5CP SHIP DEFENSE SYSTEMS Analysis of Surface IR Decoy Placement for Antiship Missile Defense. Volume I. Study Methodology AD-A039 308/2CP Analysis of SRBOC Worldwide Chaff Cartridge Provi- sioning Requirements. Volume I. RF Decoy Place- ment Simulation (RFDPS) Description and Use AD-A042 138/8CP SHIP TRACKING A Graphics Program for Updating the Confidence Region of a Target AD-A034 536/3CP SHIPS Recursive Filtering Algorithms for Ship Tracking AD-A024 329/5CP SIDE LOOKING RADAR Radar Image Simulation Project: Development of a General Simulation Model and an Interactive Simula- tion Model, and Sample Results AD-A027 151/OCP SIGNAL DETECTION Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Processors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estimator AD-A004 587/2CP The Theory of Signal Detectability: Extension to Opti- mum Arrays AD-780 241/6CP SIGNAL PROCESSING Application of Microprogramming for Radar/Comput- er Interface and Radar Processing in the Frequency Domain AD-A003 329/0CP Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Processors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estimator AD-A004 587/2CP AN/UYK-17(XB-1)(V) Signal Processing Element Mi- croprogramming Support Software AD-A016 806/2CP A Computer Simulation Scheme for an Aircraft Moving Target Indication System. Part II AD-A018 663/5CP Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 AD-A026 111/5CP Sampled Analog Recursive Comb Filters and Their Application to MTI- Radar AD-A027 267/4CP Maximization of Reverberation Index AD-A031 426/OCP Two Routines to Convert Data to Units in DB for the UNIVAC 1230 AD-A046 688/8CP Application of Acoustic Signal Processing Tech- niques to Seismic Data AD-A046 788/6CP Description of Detection Probability Model and Pro- gram AD-A049 833/7CP Computer Recovery of Acoustical Parameters AD-A051 367/1 CP SONARCON System for the UNIVAC 1 108 AD-A051 396/OCP Effects of Random Background on Automatic Detec- tion in Lorad AD-A052 101 /3CP Envelope Correlation of Undersampled Data by Digi- tal Processing AD-725 112/CP Statistical analysis Techniques for Error Propagation in Large-Scale Missile Systems AD-739 513/CP Theory and Implementation of Fast Fourier and Ha- damard Transforms AD-762 437/CP Signal Processing Techniques for Real-Time Radar Applications AD-762 438/CP Sensor Recognition Data Techniques AD-762 567/CP The 1971-1972 Deep Ocean Propagation Experi- ment: Preliminary Results. Part 1. Long-Term Power Measurements AD-767 380/9CP Analog-to-Digital Converter Evaluation by Digital Computer Analysis of Recorded Output. Volume I AD-775 442/7CP Adjustable Digital Time Converter AD-776 912/8CP Mathematical Research in Target Detection and Identification AD-777 203/ 1CP Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel AD-778 683/3CP The Theory of Signal Detectability: Extension to Opti- mum Arrays AD-780 241/6CP Experimental Exploration of Adaptive Recursive Fil- tering AD-782 025/1 CP Specification for Analysis of the SPE (AN/UYK-17) in a Radar Signal Processing Environment AD-783 934/3CP Discrete-Time Domain Analysis of a Two-Axis Beam Deflector AD-785 133/OCP Modularization and Revision of the Spectrum Analy- sis and Display Computer Program AD-787 020/7CP Effects of Detector Bandwidth Reduction on Lidar Signal Processing. i N78-26365/4CP i SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO Summary Report, Phase I AD-A046 872/8CP SIMULATORS Environment and Radar Operation Simulator AD-A035 758/2CP Adaptive Phased Array Radar System AD-807 444/CP SLOT ANTENNAS Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP VHF-UHF Phased Array Techniques. Part II. Mutual Effects in Finite Arrays of Slots AD-921 703/5CP SOIL SURVEYS 'In situ' EM Soil Properties Measurement: Instrumen- tation, Theory, and Method. Volume III AD-784 284/2CP SOLID STATE ELECTRONICS Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Regula- tions. Part 2. Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Di- poles AD-A032 131/5CP SONAR Metnods for Consideration of Range Uncertainties in Detection Performance Analyses AD-A012 473/5CP Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters AD-A020 722/5CP A Methodology for the Comparison of Models for Sonar System Applications. Volume I AD-A038 160/8CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 3 AD-A038 891/8CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 4 AD-A038 892/6CP Cluster Parameter Analysis Systems AD-A039 552/5CP Generic Sonar Model AD-A065 288/3CP A Correlation Study of Some Factors Effecting Sub- marine Detection by Destroyer Mounted Sonars AD-722 573/CP Automatic Targeting System Utilizing Signal Strength Information PAT-APPL-643 590/CP SONAR ARRAYS Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Processors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estimator AD-A004 587/2CP Maximization of Reverberation Index AD-A031 426/OCP Self and Mutual Acoustic Radiation Impedances for Pistons in a Plane Infinite Rigid Baffle AD-718 313/CP A Fortran Program for Computing the Power Re- sponse of a Hydrophone Array to a Spherical Wave and Plotting it as an Isometric Surface AD-742 063/CP Sonar Array Studies AD-743 199/CP Mutual Radiation Impedance of Sources on a Sphere within a Spherical Dome AD-769 869/9CP Utilization of an Array Matched to Individual Modes; A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation Using a Transmitting Array AD-770 564/3CP SONAR COMPUTER PROGRAM Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters AD-A020 722/5CP SONAR ECHOES Target Strength Prediction AD-A045 661/6CP SONAR EQUIPMENT SPADE Performance Test Planning: Data Gathering and Extraction for the Shore Based Tests AD-A049 831/1CP A Continuous-Slope Curve Fitting Routine for Use in Sonar Performance Prediction AD-A051 553/6CP A Fortran Model for Predicting the Response of the Class I Flextensional Underwater Acoustic Trans- ducer Shell to an N Shaped Shock Pulse AD-723 826/CP 62 SUBJECT INDEX TARGET ACQUISITION A Fortran Program for Calculating the Equivalent Source Strength and Natural Frequencies for the Class II Flextensional Underwater Acoustic Trans- ducer Shell AD-723 827/CP An Audio Display of Processed Acoustic Signals AD-783 867/5CP Computer Aided Detection for Wideband Passive Sonar Systems AD-911 523/9CP SONAR INTERCEPTION Determine the Feasibility of Implementing Adaptive Echo Cancellation Techniques to Underwater Weap- ons AD-A031 917/8CP SONAR RECEIVERS A Digital Beamformer for Narrowband Sonar Sys- tems AD-745 302/CP SONAR SIGNALS A Shallow Water Acoustic Model for an Ocean Stratified in Range and Depth. Volume I AD-A008 150/5CP Prediction of the Far-Field Beam Pattern of a Random Noise Source from Measurements Made in the Near-Field AD-A035 850/7CP Two Routines to Convert Data to Units in DB for the UNIVAC 1230 AD-A046 688/8CP Description of Detection Probability Model and Pro- gram AD-A049 833/7CP Computer Recovery of Acoustical Parameters AD-A051 367/1 CP Envelope Correlation of Undersampled Data by Digi- tal Processing AD-725 112/CP Hybrid Sonar Simulation AD-738 908/CP SHADZO: A Computer Program for Estimating the Position and Shape of the Surface Shadow Zone in Sonar Operations AD-753 443/CP The Investigation and Simulation of Dynamic Dis- plays of Acoustic Signals AD-754 460/CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Trans- mission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 2. User's Manual AD-778 925/8CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Trans- mission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 1. Overall Description AD-781 230/8CP Volume Intersection of Two Identical Right Circular Cones AD-781 649/9CP Experimental Exploration of Adaptive Recursive Fil- tering AD-782 025/ 1CP SONAR SOUND ANALYZERS A Computer Program for Studying the Doppler Con- tent of Reverberation AD-A035 071/0CP SONARCON System for the UNIVAC 1108 AD-A051 396/0CP Automatic Data Reduction for Tone-Pulse Sonar AD-A051 525/4CP Computer Aided Processing for Active and Passive Sonar Systems AD-911 395/2CP SONAR TARGETS The Effect of False Contacts on the Probability of Detecting a Submarine. AD-713 394/CP A Sonar Detection Model AD-728 580/CP The Probable Distribution of Whales as False Sonar Targets in the North Pacific Ocean by Analysis of Whaling Data AD-743 085/CP An Investigation of the Problem of Optimizing a Search Tactic for a Searchlight Type Sonar AD-754 352/CP SONAR TRANSDUCERS Models for Computing the Directional Radiation of Sound from Sources on a Rigid Cylindrical Baffle AD-A005 466/8CP Development of a Flexural Disk Transducer for Acoustic Tracking of Underwater Vehicles AD-A038 772/OCP A Computerized Automatic Measuring System for Calibration of Underwater Sound Transducers AD-A054 895/8CP SONOBUOYS Modification of the TASDA Computer Program for In- flight Use AD-769 831/9CP Advanced Acoustic Sensor System for Airborne ASW AD-920 374/6CP SOUND RANGING SOFAR Floats in MODE, Final Report of Float Tra- jectory Data AD-A046 910/6CP SOUND TRANSMISSION Computer Programs for the AUSEX (Aircraft Under- sea Sound Experiment) Air-Water Acoustic Propaga- tion Model AD-A024 253/7CP Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model AD-A033 678/4CP LORA: A Model for Predicting the Performance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems AD-A036 539/5CP Summary Report, Phase I AD-A046 872/8CP A Normal Mode Computer Program for Calculating Sound Propagation in Shallow Water with an Arbi- trary Velocity Profile AD-737 629/CP Utilization of an Array Matched to Individual Modes; A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation Using a Transmitting Array AD-770 564/3CP SOUNDING ROCKETS Determination of Sounding Rocket Position and Atti- tude from Radar and Magnetometer Data N72-26515/CP SPACE OBJECTS Comparison of the Perimeter Acquisition Radar (PAR) Satellite Track Capability to the Space De- fense Center (SDC) Satellite Catalogue - Unknown Satellite Track Experiment. Volume I AD-A034 014/1CP SPACE SHUTTLES Antenna Evaluation Study for the Shuttle Multispec- tral Radar, Phase 3. N79-17070/0CP SPACE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEMS The TSAR Search and Track Computer AD-A005 675/4CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 2. Computer Program Documentation AD-A033 514/1CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 1 . Project Summary and Computer Pro- gram Documentation AD-A033 657/8CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1, Book 3. Computer Program Documentation AD-A033 658/6CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume III. Radar Signature and Radar Scattering Principles In- vestigation Software AD-A033 709/7CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume I, Part 2. RADC Trajectory Program Numerical/Analytical Data AD-A033 712/1CP Comparison of the Perimeter Acquisition Radar (PAR) Satellite Track Capability to the Space De- fense Center (SDC) Satellite Catalogue - Unknown Satellite Track Experiment. Volume I AD-A034 014/1CP Measurement and Analysis of Spectral Signatures AD-773 181 /3CP AFRPL Low-Altitude Exhaust Plume Computer Pro- grams AD-884 979/6CP SPACE WARFARE Satellite Engagement Scenarios Model AD-A047 182/1CP SPACECRAFT TRACKING Satellite Optical Tracking: Spin Decay and Flash Ob- servations. N78-32019/9CP Numerical Analysis of the Quadrangle Adjustment of Satellite Triangulation 'Organ Pass-Arequipa-Cura- cao-Jupiter' (Numeryczna Analiza Wyrownania Czworoboku Triangulacji Satelitarnej 'Organ Pass- Arequipa-Curacao-Jupiter') TT-70-55087 SPECTROMETERS MAS2-8 Radar and Digital Control Unit. N75-26846/6CP SPECTRUM ANALYSIS Envelope Correlation of Undersampled Data by Digi- tal Processing AD-725 112/CP Modularization and Revision of the Spectrum Analy- sis and Display Computer Program AD-787 020/7CP Geos-2 C-Band Radar System Project. Spectral Analysis as Related to C-Band Radar Data Analysis N73-22082/CP SPECTRUM SIGNATURES Measurement and Analysis of Spectral Signatures AD-773 181/3CP Active Multispectrai Data Analysis AD-786 032/3CP STAMP COMPUTER PROGRAM Preliminary Reference Manual for Program STAMP (STatistics of Acoustic Measurements and Predic- tions) AD-A020 742/3CP STAR TRACKERS Real Time Adaptive Tracking System for the Coelos- tat Optical Tracking Mount AD-A038 134/3CP STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Preliminary Reference Manual for Program STAMP (STatistics of Acoustic Measurements and Predic- tions) AD-A020 742/3CP STORMS Parameterization of Weather Radar Data for Use in the Prediction of Storm Motion and Development AD-A052 535/2CP STRUCTURES Radiation Impedance Calculations with the XWAVE Computer Program AD-762 007/CP SUBMARINE DETECTION Target Strength Prediction AD-A045 661 /6CP SUBMARINES Submarine Radiated Noise Far-Field Beam Patterns for Discrete Frequencies from Near-Field Measure- ments AD-A020 106/1CP SUBMISSILES Feasibility Demonstration of an Infrared Terminally Guided Submissile AD-767 259/5CP SURFACE ROUGHNESS Backscattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer AD-A013 863/6CP Experiment and Numerical Evaluation of Acoustic Scattering at a Rough Surface AD-775 518/4CP SURFACES Polarized Radiance. Volume II. Polarized Spectral Emittance from 4 to 1 4 micrometers AD-780 731/6CP SURVEILLANCE Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 AD-A026 111/5CP SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR Digital Simulation of High Resolution Radar Imagery AD-A033 714/7CP Performance of an Air-to-Ground Missile Employing SAR-Retran Guidance AD-A034 941/5CP Design Factors in the Tuned Synthetic Aperture Radar AD-A058 780/8CP Resolution of Point Scatterers by Hard-Limited Syn- thetic Aperture Radar AD-763 660/CP SYSTEMS ANALYSIS The Minitrack Tracking Function Description, Volume 1 N73-24279/CP TACTICAL WEAPONS Tactical Electrooptical Effectiveness Model, Phase II. Volume I AD-A044 596/5CP TANKS (COMBAT VEHICLES) Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems. Part 1. Theory, Methodology, and Data Base AD-A032 182/8CP TARGET ACQUISITION A Graphics Program for Updating the Confidence Region of a Target AD-A034 536/3CP Target Acquisition with FLIR and TV (A Description of Computer Codes IOTA and OBOE) AD-A043 405/OCP Distributed Sensor Networks AD-A060 685/5CP 63 SUBJECT INDEX Evaluation of a Radar Moving Target Extractor (MOTE) AD-A062 982/4CP The RADOT Code for the Tracking of Radar incident on Trees AD-A063 885/8CP Target Acquisition Model for Cannon-Launched Guided Projectiles AD-763 909/CP An Audio Display of Processed Acoustic Signals AD-783 867/5CP TARGET DETECTION Evaluation of Probability of Detection for Several Target Fluctuation Models AD-A013 733/1 CP Performance of a Correlation-Sensitive Radar Detec- tion Technique AD-A030 155/6CP Source Locating Procedure AD-A044 649/2CP Effects of Random Background on Automatic Detec- tion in Lorad AD-A052 101 /3CP Radar Target Detection Employing On-Line Estima- tion of the Video Correlation AD-787 687/3CP TARGET DISCRIMINATION Evaluation of a Radar Moving Target Extractor (MOTE) AD-A062 982/4CP Active Multispectral Data Analysis AD-786 032/3CP TARGET RECOGNITION Radar Signatures for Aircraft Identification AD-A052 447/OCP A Radar Target Data Processing and Identification System AD-746 323/CP A Monograph on Truncated Sequential Tests AD-808 492/CP TARGET REFLECTANCE Night Vision System Simulator Camouflage Digital Simulation and Evaluation Program. Phase One. Target Reflectance Alteration AD-A026 088/5CP TARGET SIGNATURES Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Targets and Backgrounds for Infrared Seekers AD-A040 839/3CP A Theoretical Analysis of Changes in Thermal Signa- tures Caused by Physical and Climatological Factors AD-A055 642/3CP Software Design Plan for the Optical Signatures Code AD-916 112/6CP TARGET STRENGTH Target Strength Prediction AD-A045 661/6CP Software Design Plan for the Optical Signatures Code AD-916 112/6CP TELEVISION SYSTEMS A Digital System for the Characterization of Electro- Optical Sensors AD-A017 742/8CP Target Acquisition with FLIR and TV (A Description of Computer Codes IOTA and OBOE) AD-A043 405/OCP TELEVISION TRACKING A Pre-Prototype Real-Time Video Tracking System AD-A059 052/ 1CP TERMINAL GUIDANCE TAGSEA Program. Volume III. Supportive Analyses and Outputs AD-A036 973/6CP Feasibility Demonstration of an Infrared Terminally Guided Submissile AD-767 259/5CP TERRAIN A Mathematical Model for Predicting Microseismic Signals in Terrain Materials AD-A012 632/6CP THEODOLITES Maximum Likelihood Solution to Theodolite Data AD-A011 150/OCP THERMAL TARGETS Computer Software for Analysis of Infrared Targets and Clutter AD-A054 235/7CP THERMOACOUSTIC ARRAYS Experimental Investigation of the Laser-Excited Ther- moacoustic Array in water AD-A017 372/4CP TIME DELAY Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP TIME LAG THEORY Documentation of PDP 11/70 Software for Determin- ing Travel-Time Differences from Cross Covariances AD-A052 891/9CP TORPEDO TRAJECTORIES Real Time Kalman Filtering for Torpedo Range Tracking AD-A064 896/4CP TRACK WHILE SCAN Special - Purpose Processors for Surveillance Radar Applications AD-A039 963/4CP TRACKING Recursive Filtering Algorithms for Ship Tracking AD-A024 329/5CP Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking SAND-78-0595 TRACKING RADAR Passive Detection and Ranging of a Ground Radar from an Aircraft Using an Extended Kalman Filter AD-760 764/CP Expectancy Areas with a Measuring Error. Part 2 the System and Exemplary Results . Erwartungsgebiete MIT Einem Messfehler. 2 das System und Exemplar- ische Ergebnisse N72-28181/CP TRACKING TELESCOPES An Advanced Automatic Telescope Computer Con- trol Program. AD-710 414/CP TRAFFIC ACTUATED TRAFFIC CONTROL Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Project Overview and Technical Discussion PB-268 879/4CP TRAILING VORTICES Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Volume IV. PAVSS Program Summary and Recommendations AD-A046 254/9CP Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Volume III. PAVSS Operation and Software Documentation AD-A046 272/ 1CP TRAJECTORIES Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking SAND-78-0595 Pmrrad: A Computer Program to Convert Pacific Mis- sile Range Radar Tracking Data to Trajectory Posi- tion Data. SLA-74-0263 TRAJECTORY MEASUREMENT Determination of Sounding Rocket Position and Atti- tude from Radar and Magnetometer Data N72-26515/CP TRANSDUCERS Electret Tape Transducer AD-A021 736/4CP A Fortran Model for Predicting the Response of the Class I Flextensional Underwater Acoustic Trans- ducer Shell to an N Shaped Shock Pulse AD-723 826/CP A Fortran Program for Calculating the Equivalent Source Strength and Natural Frequencies for the Class II Flextensional Underwater Acoustic Trans- ducer Shell AD-723 827/CP Computerized Sonar Transducer Analysis and Design Based on Multiport Network Interconnection Techniques AD-764 061/CP High Pressure Transducer AD-782 281/0CP Coefficients for Calculating Radiation Impedances and Far-Field Pressures of Free-Flooded Ring Trans- ducers AD-782 351/1CP TRANSMISSION LOSS A Normal Mode Model for Estimating Low-Frequency Acoustic Transmission Loss in the Deep Ocean AD-A030 078/0CP Formulation of an Advanced Computational Capabili- ty for the Prediction of Transmission Loss in the Ocosn AD-A048 262/0CP TRAVEL TIME Use of Source-Region-Station Time Corrections at NTS for Depth Estimation AD-A025 349/2CP TURBULENCE Application of Doppler Weather Radar to Turbulence Measurements Which Affect Aircraft AD-A048 603/5CP UNDERGROUND EXPLOSIONS Computer Program Description - A Long Period Array Processing Package for II.LIAC Iv AD-A002 969/4CP Regionalization of the Arctic Region, Siberia and Eur- asian Continental Area AD-A029 548/5CP Seismic Data Analysis Center AD-A040 301/4CP Vela Network Evaluation and Automatic Processing Research AD-A042 275/8CP FKCOMB, a Fast General-Purpose Array Processor AD-759 270/CP Rayleigh Wave Detection at Three LP Arrays During the ISM AD-783 005/2CP UNDERGROUND SURVEYS Feasibility Study of Detecting Voids by Shear Wave Refraction Methods PB-262 242/ 1CP UNDERWATER ACOUSTICS NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 3 AD-A038 891/8CP NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 4 AD-A038 892/6CP UNDERWATER AMBIENT NOISE RANDI: Research Ambient Noise Directionality Model AD-760 692/CP UNDERWATER SOUND Ray Trace Experiment on the Underwater Range at Dabob Bay AD-A004 246/5CP Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Processors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estimator AD-A004 587/2CP Models for Computing the Directional Radiation of Sound from Sources on a Rigid Cylindrical Baffle AD-A005 466/8CP Horizontal-Gradient Acoustical Ray-Trace Program TRIMAIN AD-A006 254/7CP An Analysis of a Ray Trace Experiment on the Un- derwater Range at Dabob Bay AD-A010 868/8CP Submarine Radiated Noise Far-Field Beam Patterns for Discrete Frequencies from Near-Field Measure- ments AD-A020 106/1CP Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters AD-A020 722/5CP Acoustic Radiation Fields of Axisymmetric Spherical Sources with Mixed Boundary Conditions AD-A027 522/2CP A Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient Model Based on Numerical Integration: Formulation, Implementa- tion, and Application AD-A028 521/3CP A Normal Mode Model for Estimating Low-Frequency Acoustic Transmission Loss in the Deep Ocean AD-A030 078/OCP Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model AD-A033 678/4CP Prediction of the Far-Field Beam Pattern of a Random Noise Source from Measurements Made in the Near-Field AD-A035 850/7CP LORA: A Model for Predicting the Performance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems AD-A036 539/5CP Formulation of an Advanced Computational Capabili- ty for the Prediction of Transmission Loss in the Ocean AD-A048 262/OCP Self and Mutual Acoustic Radiation Impedances for Pistons in a Plane Infinite Rigid Baffle AD-718 313/CP A Fortran Program for the Class V Flextensional Un- derwater Acoustic Transducer AD-718 356/CP A Normal Mode Computer Program for Calculating Sound Propagation in Shallow Water with an Arbi- trary Velocity Profile AD-737 629/CP SHADZO: A Computer Program for Estimating the Position and Shape of the Surface Shadow Zone in Sonar Operations AD-753 443/CP The Propagation of Sound in the Deep Ocean: A Wave Formulation AD-754 371/CP 64 SUBJECT INDEX YAGI ANTENNAS Statistical Study of Sound Speed in the Inhomogen- eous Upper Ocean AD-756 570/CP RANDI: Research Ambient Noise Directionality Model AD-760 692/CP Radiation Impedance Calculations with the XWAVE Computer Program AD-762 007/CP Utilization of an Array Matched to Individual Modes; A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation Using a Transmitting Array AD-770 564/3CP Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel AD-778 683/3CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Trans- mission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 2. User's Manual AD-778 925/8CP The Theory of Signal Detectability: Extension to Opti- mum Arrays AD-780 241/6CP GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Trans- mission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 1. Overall Description AD-781 230/8CP Volume Intersection of Two Identical Right Circular Cones AD-781 649/9CP Modularization and Revision of the Spectrum Analy- sis and Display Computer Program AD-787 020/7CP UNDERWATER SOUND SIGNALS A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation in a Medium in Which Stratification is a Function of Position AD-A046 680/5CP Scattering of Microwave Radiation from a Turbulent Water Surface. AD-709 453/CP The Investigation and Simulation of Dynamic Dis- plays of Acoustic Signals AD-754 460/CP The 1971-1972 Deep Ocean Propagation Experi- ment: Preliminary Results. Part 1. Long-Term Power Measurements AD-767 380/9CP UNDERWATER TRACKING Ray Trace Experiment on the Underwater Range at Dabob Bay AD-A004 246/5CP Development of a Flexural Disk Transducer for Acoustic Tracking of Underwater Vehicles AD-A038 772/OCP The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System AD-A039 322/3CP Real Time Kalman Filtering for Torpedo Range Tracking AD-A064 896/4CP UPPER ATMOSPHERE A High Altitude Infrared Radiance Model AD-A059 242/8CP The Stanford Meteor-Trails Radar Mark II. AD-709 673/CP URBAN AREAS Simulation of High-Resolution Radar Displays of City Complexes AD-768 413/7CP VEHICLE DETECTION Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Project Overview and Technical Discussion PB-268 879/4CP Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation PB-268 880/2CP Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Computer Program Listings PB-268 881 /OCP VEHICULAR TRAFFIC CONTROL Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Project Overview and Technical Discussion PB-268 879/4CP Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation PB-268 880/2CP Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Computer Program Listings PB-268 881 /OCP VELA UNIFORM Seismic Data Analysis Center AD-A040 301/4CP VIDEO SIGNALS Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real-Time Video Target Tracking AD-A048 156/4CP VISUAL SIGNALS The Investigation and Simulation of Dynamic Dis- plays of Acoustic Signals AD-754 460/CP VORTICES Installation and Test of Doppler Acoustic Sensor AD-A049 562/2CP WAKE Development of a Computer Model for Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turbulent Wake AD-A032 662/9CP Hydrodynamic Evaluation of the Sperry Projector Array Housing AD-A045 788/7CP Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Volume IV. PAVSS Program Summary and Recommendations AD-A046 254/9CP Installation and Test of Doppler Acoustic Sensor AD-A049 562/2CP WAKE DETECTION Data Processing and Display of Laser Doppler Ex- perimental Results, Volume 1. N78-13422/8CP WAR GAMES Battlefield Related Electronic Warfare Simulation (BREWS) AD-A036 909/OCP WATER FLOW Hydrodynamic Evaluation of the Sperry Projector Array Housing AD-A045 788/7CP WEAPONS Passive Portal Detector AD-770 537/9CP WEATHER FORECASTING Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume I AD-A041 195/9CP Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume II AD-A041 196/7CP Pulse Pair Estimation of Doppler Spectrum Param- AD-744 094/CP WHALES The Probable Distribution of Whales as False Sonar Targets in the North Pacific Ocean by Analysis of Whaling Data AD-743 085/CP WIND The Stanford Meteor-Trails Radar Mark II. AD-709 673/CP YAGI ANTENNAS Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Currents UCID-17024 65 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX ADMIRALTY SURFACE WEAPONS ESTABLISHMENT PORTSMOUTH (ENGLAND) ASWE-TR-71-29 An Examination of a General Association Formula for Simple Situations (TRC-BR-27903) AD-737 08B/CP ASWE-TR-72-14 Tracking Study: An Introduction to the Use of Kalman Filters (DRIC-BR-29879) AD-747 696/CP AERITALIA, TURIN (ITALY). CENTRO ELETTRONICO AVIO. ESRO-CR(P)-553-VOL-4 Study of Detection and Estimation Techniques Ap- plied to Attitude Measurements of Satellites. Volume 4: Computer Programs Documentation. N75-13921/2CP R-1178-CE-VOL-4 Study of Detection and Estimation Techniques Ap- plied to Attitude Measurements of Satellites. Volume 4: Computer Programs Documentation. N75-13921/2CP AERODYNE RESEARCH INC BEDFORD MASS ARI-RR-68 Plume Attenuated Radar Cross Section Code: User's Manual (AFRPL-TR-76-U) AD-A026 213/9CP AERONAUTICAL SYSTEMS DIV WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO ASD-TR-74-23 The Effects of Pseudo-Random Noise upon Radar System Performance AD-A007 684/4CP AERONAUTICAL SYSTEMS DIV WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO DEPUTY FOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ASD/XR-TR-75-1-V0I-1 ASDIR-II. Volume I. User Manual AD-B009 668/5CP ASD/XR-TR-75-1-Vol-2 ASDIR-II. Volume II. Program Description AD-B009 669/3CP ASD/XR-TR-75-1-Vol-3 ASDIR-II. Volume III. Reference Documentation AD-B009 670/ 1CP AERONUTRONIC FORD CORP BILLINGS MONT AERO-COMM ENGINEERING SERVICES DIV TR-2 126-76-75 Montana Large Aperture Seismic Array AD-A023 263/7CP AEROSPACE CORP EL SEGUNDO CALIF CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS LAB TR-0077(2753-04)-3 Description and Use of the Plume Radiation Code ATLES (SAMSO-TR-77-100) AD-A040 537/3CP AEROSPACE CORP EL SEGUNDO CALIF ENGINEERING SCIENCE OPERATIONS TR-0073(9320)-2 Mission Planning Program (MPP) Usage Guide (SAMSO-TR-73-172) AD-760 796/CP AEROSPACE CORP EL SEGUNDO CALIF SPACE SCIENCES LAB TR-0077(2632)-1 Source Locating Procedure (SAMSO-TR-77-137) AD-A044 649/2CP AIR FORCE AVIONICS LAB WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO AFAL-TR-74-181 Application of Linear Programming Techniques to the Design of Radar Absorbers AD-A007 052/4CP AFAL-TR-74-293 A High Data Rate Digital Spatial Frequency Tracking System AD-A006 692/8CP AFAL-TR-75-91 Effective Electromagnetic Properties of Lossy Ferrite Composite Media AD-A029 931/3CP AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OHIO SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AFIT/GEO/EE/77-1 Model for Predicting Laser Speckle Patterns Result- ing from Rough Surface Scattering AD-A039 696/OCP AFIT/GEP/PH/77-12 A Theoretical Analysis of Changes in Thermal Signa- tures Caused by Physical and Climatological Factors AD-A055 642/3CP GAE/MC/76D-6 Performance of an Air-to-Ground Missile Employing SAR-Retran Guidance AD-A034 941 /5CP GE/EE/72-15 A Phased Array Antenna with Hemispheric Scan for Satellite Tracking AD-742 433/CP GE/EE/72S-1 Analysis of a 10.6-Micron Printer-Circuit Antenna Array AD-742 440/CP GE/EE/73-22 Application of State-Variable and Conditional Feed- back Methods Toward Reducing the Pointing Error of a Two-Axis Beam Deflector AD-760 532/CP GE/EE/74-10 Discrete-Time Domain Analysis of a Two-Axis Beam Deflector AD-785 133/0CP GE/EE/75-39 Two Dimensional Electromagnetic Scattering from a Dielectric Coated Conductor AD-A019 814/3CP GE/EE/76-29 Laser Pointing and Tracking Using an Adaptive Ex- tended Kalman Filter AD-A035 275/7CP GGC/EE/73-20 Passive Detection and Ranging of a Ground Radar from an Aircraft Using an Extended Kalman Filter AD-760 764/CP AIR FORCE ROCKET PROPULSION LAB., EDWARDS AFB, CALIF. AFRPL-TR-71-26 AFRPL Low-Altitude Exhaust Plume Computer Pro- grams AD-884 979/6CP AIR FORCE WEAPONS LAB KIRTLAND AFB N MEX AFWL-TR-70-78 The Application of Extreeme Value Statistics to Radar Systems Evaluation AD-722 441/CP ALABAMA UNIV HUNTSVILLE UAH-RR-138 Measure, Criteria and Procedure for Track and Search Allocation AD-757 172/CP UAH-RR-143 Theory and Implementation of Fast Fourier and Ha- damard Transforms AD-762 437/CP UAH-RR-144 Signal Processing Techniques for Real-Time Radar Applications AD-762 438/CP UAH-RR-147 Studies of Multiple Target Tracking, Constant-False- Alarm-Rate and Glint for the Ear System AD-767 298/3CP UAH-RR-149 Analog-to-Digital Converter Evaluation by Digital Computer Analysis of Recorded Output. Volume I AD-775 442/7CP UAH-RR-153 Modification of the Ear Simulation Programs for Command Guidance Studies and Discussion of Tests for System Evaluation. Volume II AD-780 931/2CP UAH-RR-160 Application of Microprogramming for Radar/Comput- er Interface and Radar Processing in the Frequency Domain AD-A003 329/0CP ALASKA UNIV COLLEGE GEOPHYSICAL INST TR-2 Project SECEDE. Tracking Barium releases using the TV-TRACK System (RADC- TR-71- 195) AD-731 574/CP ARKANSAS UNIV., FAYETTEVILLE. COMPUTING SERVICES. NASA-CR-1 50441 Data Processing and Display of Laser Doppler Ex- perimental Results, Volume 1 . N78-13422/8CP ARMY ELECTRONIC PROVING GROUND FORT HUACHUCA ARIZ USAEPG-FR-735 Methodology Study: Infrared-Optical Propagation In- vestigation AD-738 172/CP ARMY ELECTRONICS COMMAND FORT MONMOUTH N J ECOM-4149 Computer-Aided Design of Radar Signals using the Ambiguity Functions AD-767 238/9CP ECOM-4174 The Development of Algorithms for Analysis of Intru- sion Senscr Activations by Automatic Processing Techniques AD-772 899/ 1CP ECOM-4201 Adjustable Digital Time Converter AD-776 912/8CP ECOM-7043 Night Vision Laboratory Static Performance Model for Thermal Viewing Systems AD-A011 212/8CP ARMY ENGINEER TOPOGRAPHIC LABS FORT BELVOIR VA CRES-TR-234-2 Theoretical and Experimental Study of Wave Scatter- ing from Composite Rough Surfaces (ETL-CR-74-4) AD-787 540/4CP ETL-TR-74-10 Backscattering of Electromagnetic Waves from a Slightly Rough Surface with a Lossy Layer AD-A013 863/6CP ETL-0105 Backscattering of Radar Waves by Vegetated Ter- rain AD-A047 669/7CP ARMY ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION VICKSBURG MISS AEWES-TR-M-73-4 A Mathematical Model for Predicting Microseismic Signals in Terrain Materials AD-A012 632/6CP ARMY MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA ADVANCED SENSORS DIRECTORATE RE-TR-71-4 Linear-FM Spectra via a Fast Fourier Transform Al- gorithm AD-730 664/CP RE-TR-72-2 Pulse Compression Side-Lobe Clutter Reduction AD-739 512/CP RE-73-1 Solid-State Monopulse Receiver for the Experimental Array Radar AD-757 61 0/CP RE-73-32 Hyperbolic-FM (CHYPE) AD-771 046/0CP RE-73-36 Random Surface Generation for Digital Radar Simu- lation AD-772 953/6CP Recursive Digital Filter Design and Analysis with Ap- plications to Radar Processing AD-766 689/4CP ARMY MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA AEROBALLISTICS DIRECTORATE RD-TR-73-1 1 An Aural Detection Model AD-764 226/CP ARMY MISSILE COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA GUIDANCE AND CONTROL DIRECTORATE RG-TR-71-19 Statistical analysis Techniques for Error Propagation in Large-Scale Missile Systems AD-739 513/CP ARMY MISSILE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL AL TECHNOLOGY LAB DRDMI-T-78-33 Computer Software for Analysis of Infrared Targets and Clutter AD-A054 235/7CP ARMY MISSILE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA ADVANCED SENSORS DIRECTORATE DRDMI-TE-77-1 PPABLK-A Computer Simulation of the Velocity Re- sponse of Moving-Target Indicator Radars Using Pulse or Block Stagger AD-A039 648/1CP DRDMI-TE-77-7 Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Targets and Backgrounds for Infrared Seekers AD-A040 839/3CP DRDMI-TE-77-1 3 Optical Contrast Variable Gate Centroid Tracker for the Intel 3000 Micro Processor AD-A044 126/1CP ARMY MISSILE RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING LAB REDSTONE ARSENAL ALA ADVANCED SENSORS DIRECTORATE RE-75-34 Tracking Accuracies of Sequentially Lobed Radars on Fluctuating Targets AD-A013 980/8CP 67 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX RE-75-35 Design Technique for Improved Bandwidth Moving Target Indicator Processors in Surface Radars AD-A014 151/5CP ARMY NIGHT VISION LAB FORT BELVOIR VA Night Vision System Simulator Camouflage Digital Simulation and Evaluation Program. Phase One. Target Reflectance Alteration AD-A026 088/5CP ARMY WEAPONS COMMAND ROCK ISLAND ILL GENERAL THOMAS J RODMAN LAB AMSWE-R-RR-T-6-25-73 Target Acquisition Model for Cannon-Launched Guided Projectiles AD-763 909/CP AUBURN UNIV ALA DEPT OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Development of Theoretical Models and Description of Computer Program. Volume I AD-A030 380/OCP AUBURN UNIV ALA ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION AU-EE-1303-75-1 ROS User Manual AD-A019 420/9CP TR-1 Frequency Diversity and Signal Processing to Reduce Glint Pointing Errors (AMC-1303) AD-747 348/CP Real-Time Phased Array Radar Studies AD-A032 121/6CP Frequency Agility and Radar Pointing Errors Due to Multipath AD-787 390/4CP AVCO SYSTEMS DIV WILMINGTON MASS Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Volume IV. PAVSS Program Summary and Recommendations (TSC-FAA-74-19.4) AD-A046 254/9CP Pulsed Acoustic Vortex Sensing System. Volume III. PAVSS Operation and Software Documentation (TSC-FAA-74-19.3) AD-A046 272/ 1CP Installation and Test of Doppler Acoustic Sensor (TSC-FAA-77-25) AD-A049 562/2CP BALLISTIC RESEARCH LABS ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND MD MR-7040 CAMNET: A Computer Simulation System for Geo- metrically and Optically Realistic Camouflage Nets (BRL-CR-160) AD-784 078/8CP BENDIX CORP NORTH HOLLYWOOD CALIF ELECTRODYNAMICS DIV Digital Computer Programs for Analyzing Acoustic Search Performance in Refractive Waters (NUC-TP-164-Vol-3) AD-A020 722/5CP BOEING CO SEATTLE WASH D1 89-90022 Advanced Acoustic Sensor System for Airborne ASW AD-920 374/6CP D1 89-90022-2 Advanced Acoustic Sensor System Software AD-920 376/ 1CP BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC ARLINGTON VA BBN-TM-W307 Computer Programs for the AUSEX (Aircraft Under- sea Sound Experiment) Air-Water Acoustic Propaga- tion Model AD-A024 253/7CP BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC CAMBRIDGE MASS COMPUTER SYSTEMS DIV BBN-3349 Implementation and Acceptance Testing of the Seis- mic Communication and Control Processor AD-A033 541/4CP CALIFORNIA UNIV BERKELEY ELECTRONICS RESEARCH LAB ERL-70-3 Scattering of Microwave Radiation from a Turbulent Water Surface. AD-709 453/CP CALIFORNIA UNIV., LIVERMORE. LAWRENCE LIVERMORE LAB. Design of Yagi Antennas for a Doppler Radar System That Measures Ocean Surface Currents UCID-17024 CALIFORNIA UNIV LOS ANGELES INST OF GEOPHYSICS AND PLANETARY PHYSICS Regionalization of the Arctic Region, Siberia and Eur- asian Continental Area (AFOSR-TFt-76-1027) AD-A029 548/5CP CATHOLIC UNIV OF AMERICA WASHINGTON D C DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Capabilities of Multiplicative Array Processors as Signal Detector and Bearing Estimator AD-A004 587/2CP CHICAGO UNIV ILL LAB FOR ATMOSPHERIC PROBING TN-6 Digital Processing of FM-CW Radar Data AD-733 295/CP COMPUTER IMAGE CORP DENVER COLO TR-4 The Investigation and Simulation of Dynamic Dis- plays of Acoustic Signals AD-754 460/CP CYBERNETIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORP PRINCETON N J Sensor Recognition Data Techniques (AFOSR-TR-73-0726) AD-762 567/CP DAVID W TAYLOR NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESDA MD SHIP PERFORMANCE DEPT SPD-787-01 Hydrodynamic Evaluation of the Sperry Projector Array Housing AD-A045 788/7CP DAYTON UNIV OHIO RESEARCH INST Maximum Likelihood Solution to Theodolite Data (NSWC/DL-CR-71-100) AD-A011 150/0CP DECISIONS AND DESIGNS INC MCLEAN VA PR-77-14-36 Satellite Surveillance Avoidance Optimization Aid AD-A049 561 /4CP DEFENCE RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT OTTAWA (ONTARIO) DREO-R-725 A System for the Treatment of Airborne Laser Profi- lometer Data of Ice AD-A029 978/4CP DREO-TN-78-4 Tracker Anlenna Location Study AD-A059 026/5CP DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON D C AD-D002 734/2 Adaptive Direction of Arrival Antennae System PAT-APPL-674 716/CP AD-D003 316/7 Automatic Targeting System Utilizing Signal Strength Information PAT-APPL-643 590/CP DUKE UNIV DURHAM N C DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TR-9 The Theory of Signal Detectability: Extension to Opti- mum Arrays AD-780 241/6CP EG AND G INC BEDFORD MASS EG/G-B-4248 On the Calibration, Accuracy, and Efficiency of Opti- cal Range Finders (AFCRL-7 1-0021) AD-720 855/CP ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY INC CONCORD MASS ERT-P-2095 Parameterization of Weather Radar Data for Use in the Prediction of Storm Motion and Development (AFGL-TR-77-0216) AD-A052 535/2CP ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH INST OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR ERIM-192500-1-T(II) Polarized Radiance. Volume II. Polarized Spectral Emittance from 4 to 14 micrometers (BRL-CR-155) AD-780 731/6CP ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH INST. OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR. GEOPHYSICS LAB. ERIM-301800-1-F Feasibility Study of Detecting Voids by Shear Wave Refraction Methods (BuMines-OFR-4-77) PB-262 242/1CP ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH INST OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR INFRARED AND OPTICS DIV ERIM-106800-6-F Study of a Seismic Mortar Location Technique AD-A037 244/ 1CP ERIM-192500-1-T(1) Polarized Emittance. Volume 1: Polarized Bidirec- tional Reflectance with Lambertian or Non-Lamber- tian Diffuse Components (BRL-CR-154) AD-782 178/8CP FEDERAL ELECTRIC CORP VANDEN8ERG AFB CALIF CAMDAT Improvement Analysis (SAMTEC- TR-75- 168) AD-A029 564/2CP FORD AEROSPACE AND COMMUNICATIONS CORP BILLINGS MONT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIV TR-21 26-76-85 Montana Large Aperture Seismic Array AD-A033 728/7CP FORSCHUNGSINSTITUT FUER FUNK UND MATHEMATIK, WERTHOVEN (WEST GERMANY). REPT-124 Expectancy Areas with a Measuring Error. Part 2 the System and Exemplary Results . Erwartungsgebiete MIT Einem Messfehler. 2 das System und Exemplar- ische Ergebnisse N72-28181/CP FORSVARETS FORSKNINGSANSTALT, STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN). AVDELNING 3. FOA-3-A-3727-63 Model for Simulation of Disturbances in a Connec- tion Network N71-26612/CP GENERAL DYNAMICS FORT WORTH TEX CONVAIR AEROSPACE DIV ENDO Atmospheric-EXO Atmospheric Radar Model- ing. Appendices, A-K, M (RADC- TR-76- 186- Vol-4-Pt- 1) AD-A031 480/7CP Generalized Multimode Radar System Simulation Model. Volume II, Part I. Computer Program Docu- mentation (RADC- TR-73-273- Vol-2-Pt- 1) AD-769 875/6CP GENERAL DYNAMICS/POMONA CALIF POMONA DIV TAGSEA Program. Volume III. Supportive Analyses and Outputs AD-A036 973/6CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO CINCINNATI OHIO AIRCRAFT ENGINE GROUP Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Predictions (PIREP). Volume I. Description (JTCG/AS-CM-603- Vol- 1) AD-B017 117/3CP Preliminary Infrared Radiation Emissions Prediction (PIREP). Volume II. User Manual (JTCG/AS-CM-6-03- Vol-2) AD-B017 118/1CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO PHILADELPHIA PA RE- ENTRY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS DIV Development of a Computer Model for Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by a Turbulent Wake (RADC-TR- 76-297) AD-A032 662/9CP GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SYRACUSE, N.Y. HEAVY MILITARY EQUIPMENT DEPT. R74EMH18 Analysis of Phased-Array Radar Transmitter AC/DC Power Supply Systems AD-B000 106/5CP GENERAL RESEARCH CORP., ARLINGTON, VA. GRC-CR-3-328 Software Design Plan for the Optical Signatures Code AD-916 112/6CP GENERAL RESEARCH CORP MCLEAN VA CR-191 Tactical Electrooptical Effectiveness Model, Phase II. Volume I AD-A044 596/5CP GENERAL RESEARCH CORP SANTA BARBARA CALIF CR-1-520-Vol-3 The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 3: Program Structure (DNA-3964F-3) AD-A032 640/5CP CR-1-520-VOL-20 The ROSCOE Manual. Volume 20 - Satellite Com- munication Model (SBIE-AD-E300-046) AD-A047 918/8CP CR-1-732 Target Acquisition with FUR and TV (A Description of Computer Codes IOTA and OBOE) AD-A043 405/OCP GRC-CR-1-384-Vol-1 Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Ef- fects. Volume I. The Zero-Order Radar Code for ROSCOE (DNA-3385F-1) AD-787 029/8CP GRC-CR-1-384-VOI-2 Physical Custodian for Development of ROSCOE: A Radar and Optical Systems Code for Nuclear Ef- fects. Volume II. Optical Systems Model for ROSCOE (DNA-3385F-2) 68 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH LEXINGTON LINCOLN LAB AD-787 030/6CP GRC-RM-1545 Radar Reflection Coefficients from a Plasma Gradi- ent Including the Effects of Electron-Neutral and Electron-Ion Collisions (DNA-2786T) AD-735 146/CP GEORGIA INST OF TECH ATLANTA ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION GIT-A-1231-TR-1 Models for Radar Displays AD-729 684/CP GIT-A-1336-F Investigation of Target Tracking Errors in Monopulse Radars AD-748 428/CP GIT-A-1708-F Shaped Elevation Beam Antenna AD-A023 225/6CP Environment and Radar Operation Simulator (ECOM-74-0272-7) AD-A035 221/1CP Environment and Radar Operation Simulator (ECOM-74-0272-8) AD-A035 758/2CP GEORGIA INST OF TECH ATLANTA SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Radome Effects on the Performance of Ground Map- ping Radar AD-778 203/OCP GRUMMAN AEROSPACE CORP BETHPAGE N Y RESEARCH DEPT RM-621 A Model for Emission and Scattering of Infrared Ra- diation from Inhomogeneous Combustion Gases and Particles AD-A027 576/8CP GTE SYLVANIA INC MOUNTAIN VIEW CALIF Electret Tape Transducer (RADC-TR-76-22) AD-A021 736/4CP GTE SYLVANIA INC MOUNTAIN VIEW CALIF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS GROUP-WESTERN DIV TR-3 High Pressure Transducer AD-782 281/0CP Advanced Array Design, Test and Evaluation (RADC-TR-77-25) AD-A038 135/OCP HAMPTON INST., VA. NASA-CR-158101 Investigation of the Dynamic Range Problem and Providing Software Support for the Aol System. N79-17579/0CP HARRIS CORP MELBOURNE FLA ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS DIV JA-1543 Multiple Target Instrumentation Radar Study, Phase II AD-A001 074/4CP Multiple Target Instrumentation Radar Study AD-A011 056/9CP Multiple Target Instrumentation RADAR (MTIR) Study. Phase II, Add-On AD-A025 939/OCP HARRY DIAMOND LABS ADELPHI MD HDL-TR-1672 Radar-Modeling Study AD-A009 055/5CP HONEYWELL INC HOPKINS MINN GOVERNMENT AND AERONAUTICAL PRODUCTS DIV GAPD-273 1-8084 Passive Portal Detector AD-770 537/9CP HONEYWELL, INC., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 2551-40274-VoM Vehicle Detection - Phase III Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume I. Project Overview and Technical Discussion (FHWA/RD-76-66) PB-268 879/4CP 2551-40274-VOI-2-R-1 Vehicle Detection - Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II. Part 1. Appendixes A, B, and C-Computer Program Documentation (FHWA/RD-76-67) PB-268 880/2CP 2551-40274-VOI-2-R-2 Vehicle Detection. Phase III. Passive Bus Detector/ Intersection Priority System Development. Volume II, Part II. Appendix D. Computer Program Listings (FHWA/RD-76-68) PB-268 881 /OCP HONEYWELL INC MINNEAPOLIS MN SYSTEMS AND RESEARCH CENTER 78SRC54-2 Prototype Automatic Target Screener AD-A060 849/7CP 78SRC54-3 Prototype Automatic Target Screener AD-A060 850/5CP HONEYWELL INC ST PETERSBURG FLA AEROSPACE DIV 176-13551 Standard Precision Navigator/GEANS Modifications for EAR Motion Compensation (AFAL-TR-76-71) AD-A035 033/OCP HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO CULVER CITY CALIF ANTENNA DEPT 2753/981 Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP HAC-Ref-D6190 Conformal Phased Array Breadboard AD-A038 350/5CP HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO CULVER CITY CALIF ELECTRO OPTICAL DIV HAC-P76-121-Vol-3 Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 (SAMSO- TR-76-83- Vol-3) AD-A026 111/5CP HAC-Ref-D4535-Vol-3 Adaptive Programmable Signal Processor Study. Volume 3 (SAMSO- TR-76-83- Vol-3) AD-A026 111/5CP HUGHES AIRCRAFT CO FULLERTON CALIF FR-68-1 1-653 Software Memo for the Multimode Sonar Console Display System. Volume I - Operational Programming AD-A043 817/6CP HUGHES RESEARCH LABS MALIBU CALIF Hydraulic Actuators for Active Optical Systems AD-A021 746/3CP IIT RESEARCH INST., ANNAPOLIS, MD. Federal Aviation Administration Flight Service Sta- tion. Emergency Services Program (ECAC-PR-78-043) AD-A063 810/6CP IIT RESEARCH INST., CHICAGO, ILL. IITRI-J6161-FR Design Methods for Hardened Piping Systems AD-861 039/CP IITRI-J6385 Battlefield Related Electronic Warfare Simulation (BREWS) (ECOM-76-1 955-1) AD-A036 909/OCP INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSES ARLINGTON VA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DIV N-842 Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems. The Calculation Methodology for a FUR Using a FORTRAN Program (SBIE-AD-E500-002) AD-A045 090/8CP P-1123 Effect of Weather at Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, on Performance of Electrooptical Imaging Systems. Part 1. Theory, Methodology, and Data Base (IDA/HQ-76-18660) AD-A032 182/8CP P-1225 Atmospheric Transmission Modeling: Proposed Aero- sol Methodology with Application to the Grafenwoehr Atmospheric Optics Data Base (IDA/HO-76-18603) AD-A035 765/7CP JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV LAUREL MD APPLIED PHYSICS LAB APL/JHU/TG-1293B URLIM - A Unified Radome Limitations Computer Program. Volume 2. User's Guide AD-A057 459/OCP JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV SILVER SPRING MD APPLIED PHYSICS LAB APL-TG-1089 A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Radar Mul- tipath Effects over the Sea. AD-707 793/CP APL-TG-1152 The Propagation of Sound in the Deep Ocean: A Wave Formulation AD-754 371/CP KANSAS UNIV. CENTER FOR RESEARCH, INC., LAWRENCE. REMOTE SENSING LAB. NASA-CR-141867 MAS2-8 Radar and Digital Control Unit. N75-26846/6CP RSL-TR-1 77-37 MAS2-8 Radar and Digital Control Unit. N75-26846/6CP RSL-TR-234-8 Simulation of a Radar Image for Garden City Test Site (ETL-0007) AD-A012 267/1CP RSL-TR-234-10 Digital Simulation of a Radar Image of Pisgah Crater Test Site California (ETL-0019) AD-A025 755/OCP RSL-TR-234-13 Radar Image Simulation Project: Development of a General Simulation Model and an Interactive Simula- tion Model, and Sample Results (ETL-0047) AD-A027 151 /OCP RSL-TR-234-15 Radar Image Simulation Project (ETL-0098) AD-A051 501 /5CP LEICESTER UNIV. (ENGLAND). DEPT. OF ASTRONOMY. Satellite Optical Tracking: Spin Decay and Flash Ob- servations. N78-32019/9CP LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LAB., N.MEX. CONF-771206-18 Preliminary Code Development for Seismic Signal Analysis Related to Test Ban Treaty Questions LA-UR-77-2672 LTV AEROSPACE CORP WARREN MICH MICHIGAN DIV 7-521 00/73R-9 Feasibility Demonstration of an Infrared Terminally Guided Submissile AD-767 259/5CP M AND S COMPUTING INC HUNTSVILLE ALA 71-0012-Rev-1 System Software Design Specification for the Inter- active Computer System Analyzer AD-730 749/CP MARTIN MARIETTA AEROSPACE DENVER COLO DENVER DIV MCR-77-555 Satellite Engagement Scenarios Model AD-A047 182/1CP MARYLAND UNIV COLLEGE PARK COMPUTER SCIENCE CENTER Algorithms and Hardware Technology for Image Recognition AD-A041 906/9CP MARYLAND UNIV., COLLEGE PARK. INST. FOR FLUID DYNAMICS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. BN-721 Determination of Sounding Rocket Position and Atti- tude from Radar and Magnetometer Data N72-26515/CP NASA-CR-127110 Determination of Sounding Rocket Position and Atti- tude from Radar and Magnetometer Data N72-26515/CP MASSACHUSETTS INST OF TECH LEXINGTON LINCOLN LAB ADAPT-74-4 Application of ADAPT to Quick Look Classification of Composite Radar Signatures (ESD-TR- 74-345) AD-A004 206/9CP TN-1975-15 The ARIES Program: Coordinates, Transformations, Trajectories and Tracking (ESD-TR-75-255) AD-A015 815/4CP TN- 1975- 16 The ARIES Program: Analysis and Generation of Simulated Radar Measurements (ESD-TR-75-222) AD-A013 734/9CP TN-1 975-35 Evaluation of Probability of Detection for Several Target Fluctuation Models (ESD-TR-75-109) AD-A013 733/1CP TR-508 Millstone Hill Radar Propagation Study: Calibration (ESD-TR-73-254) AD-779 689/9CP TR-512 Radio-Frequency Interference from Linear-FM Pulses (ESD-TR-74-231) AD-A003 677/2CP Distributed Sensor Networks (ESD-TR-78-208) AD-A060 685/5CP Application of ADAPT to Quick Look Classification of Composite Radar Signatures (ESD-TR- 74-15) AD-776 031/7CP 69 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX MATHEMATICAL APPLICATIONS GROUP, INC., ELMSFORD, NY. MAGI-MR-7058 The RADOT Code for the Tracking of Radar Incident on Trees (ETL-0147) AD-A063 885/8CP MCDONNELL AIRCRAFT CO ST LOUIS MO Active Multispectral Data Analysis (RADC-TR-74-190) AD-786 032/3CP MCDONNELL DOUGLAS ASTRONAUTICS CO-WEST HUNTINGTON BEACH CALIF MDC-G5105 Mathematical Research in Target Detection and Identification (AFOSR- TR-74-0583) AD-777 203/1CP METEOROLOGY RESEARCH, INC., ALTADENA, CALIF. MRI76-FR-1445 M-33 Radar Modifications at Snyder, Texas PB-263 580/3CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR COOLEY ELECTRONICS LAB 004860-4-T Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel AD-778 683/3CP 036040-1 7-T The 1971-1972 Deep Ocean Propagation Experi- ment: Preliminary Results. Part 1. Long-Term Power Measurements AD-767 380/9CP TR-223 The 1971-1972 Deep Ocean Propagation Experi- ment: Preliminary Results. Part 1. Long-Term Power Measurements AD-767 380/9CP TR-226 Investigation of the Propagation Stability of a Time Spread Underwater Acoustic Channel AD-778 683/3CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR INST OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1386-27-T An Advanced Automatic Telescope Computer Con- trol Program. AD-710 414/CP 1386-43-T A Lunar Laser Reflector Experiment Performed during the Apollo II Moonwalk AD-724 735/CP MICHIGAN UNIV ANN ARBOR RADIATION LAB 004970-2-T VHF-UHF Phased Array Techniques. Part II. Mutual Effects in Finite Arrays of Slots (AFAL- TR-73-399-F1-2) AD-921 703/5CP 011758-2-T A Program Incorporating Diffraction for the Computa- tion of Radar Cross Section (AFCRL-TR-73-0351) AD-768 443/4CP Scientific-2 A Program Incorporating Diffraction for the Computa- tion of Radar Cross Section (AFCRL-TR-73-0351) AD-768 443/4CP MITRE CORP ATLANTIC CITY N J MTR-4240 Radar Target Detection Employing On-Line Estima- tion of the Video Correlation (FAA-RD-74-164) AD-787 687/3CP MTR-7202 Performance of a Correlation-Sensitive Radar Detec- tion Technique (FAA-RD-76-133) AD-A030 1 55/6CP MITRE CORP BEDFORD MASS MTR-3071 MTI Processor Software (ESD-TR-75-352) AD-A021 778/6CP MTR-3365 Special - Purpose Processors for Surveillance Radar Applications (ESD-TR-77-127) AD-A039 963/4CP MTR-3577-VOL-1 Seek Igloo Life Cycle Cost Model, Cost Element Equations. Volume I (ESD- TR-78- 155- VOL- 1) AD-A057 444/2CP MTR-3577-VOL-2 SEEK IGLOO Life Cycle Cost Model. Volume II. User's Manual (ESD- TR-78- 155- VOL-2) AD-A059 222/OCP MTR-3577-VOL-3 SEEK IGLOO Life Cycle Cost Model. Volume III. Maintenance Manual (ESD-TR-78-155-VOL-3) AD-A058 632/ 1CP MOORE SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PHILADELPHIA PA 73-02 Research on the Estimation of Trajectories from Radar Data (ECOM-0212-F-71) AD-759 947/CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, GREENBELT, MD. NASA-TM-X-66213 The Minitrack Tracking Function Description, Volume 1 N73-24279/CP X-591-73-68-VOL-1 The Minitrack Tracking Function Description, Volume 1 N73-24279/CP NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION. MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER, HOUSTON, TEX. MSC-67-EG-27 Maximum Allowable Lateral Velocity Errors During Lm Powered Descent - Program APOLLO. N70-34537/CP NASA-TM-X-64383 Maximum Allowable Lateral Velocity Errors During Lm Powered Descent - Program APOLLO. N70-34537/CP NATIONAL AVIATION FACILITIES EXPERIMENTAL CENTER ATLANTIC CITY N J FAA-NA-75-152 The Use of Dynamic Search Areas in the National Airspace System Enroute Computer Program (FAA-RD-75-77) AD-A012 496/6CP NATIONAL AVIATION FACILITIES EXPERIMENTAL CENTER ATLANTIC CITY NJ FAA-NA-78-43 Evaluation of a Radar Moving Target Extractor (MOTE) (FAA-RD-78-124) AD-A062 982/4CP NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, BOULDER, COLO. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABS. AL-7 Doppler Spectrum Analysis Using a Minicomputer (NOAA-721 11404) COM-73-50022/CP NOAA-TR-ERL-241 Doppler Spectrum Analysis Using a Minicomputer (NOAA-721 11 404) COM-73-50022/CP NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, BOULDER, COLO. WAVE PROPAGATION LAB. NOAA-TM-ERL-WPL-21 Microcomputer-Controlled Acoustic Echo Sounder (NOAA-77050104) PB-268 033/8CP NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO. AIR RESOURCES LABS. NOAA-TM-ERL-ARL-66 A Feasibility Study for the Application of K-Band Radar in the Investigation of Cooling Tower Plumes (NOAA-771 10803) PB-275 380/4CP NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, WASHINGTON, D.C. SPECIAL FOREIGN CURRENCY SCIENCE INFORMATION PROGRAM. SFCSI-Comm(TT-70-55087) Numerical Analysis of the Quadrangle Adjustment of Satellite Triangulation 'Organ Pass-Arequipa-Cura- cao-Jupiter' (Numeryczna Analiza Wyrownania Czworoboku Triangulacji Satelitarnej 'Organ Pass- Arequipa-Curacao-Jupiter') TT-70-55087 NATIONAL SEVERE STORMS LAB NORMAN OKLA NSSL-1 Application of Doppler Weather Radar to Turbulence Measurements Which Affect Aircraft (FAA/RD-77/145) AD-A048 603/5CP NAVAL AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER WARMINSTER PA AERO-ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY DEPT NADC-75223-20 Direction of Arrival Angle Prediction AD-A021 311/6CP NAVAL OCEAN SYSTEMS CENTER SAN DIEGO CA NOSC/TR-176 Acoustic Reflection from a Thick Plate with One Re- inforcing Rib. Exact Integral Evaluation is Proved Su- perior to Integral Approximation in Analysis of Acous- tic Reflections from a Timoshenko-Mindlin Plate Re- inforced with One Rib AD-A054 610/1CP NAVAL ORDNANCE LAB WHITE OAK MD NOLTR-72-240 A Description of the MAPS Array Analysis Program AD-757 331/CP NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL, MONTEREY, CA. Real Time Kalman Filtering for Torpedo Range Tracking AD-A064 896/4CP NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CALIF NPS-52lr77061 Application of Acoustic Signal Processing Tech- niques to Seismic Data AD-A046 788/6CP NPS-71Be75031 Passive Environmental ASW Prediction System (PEAPS) AD-A010 813/4CP Ray Trace Experiment on the Underwater Range at Dabob Bay AD-A004 246/5CP Amplitude Modulation of Acoustic Signals by Ocean Waves and the Effect on Signal Detection AD-A004 591/4CP Models for Computing the Directional Radiation of Sound from Sources on a Rigid Cylindrical Baffle AD-A005 466/8CP An Analysis of a Ray Trace Experiment on the Un- derwater Range at Dabob Bay AD-A010 86878CP Optimal Evasive Trajectories of an Isotropic Acoustic Radiator AD-A019 378/9CP Submarine Radiated Noise Far-Field Beam Patterns for Discrete Frequencies from Near-Field Measure- ments AD-A020 106/1CP Sampled Analog Recursive Comb Filters and Their Application to MTI- Radar AD-A027 267/4CP A Normal Mode Model for Estimating Low-Frequency Acoustic Transmission Loss in the Deep Ocean AD-A030 078/OCP Theory of Operation and Applications of Sampled Analog Devices in Recursive Comb Filters AD-A033 698/2CP Prediction of the Far-Field Beam Pattern of a Random Noise Source from Measurements Made in the Near-Field AD-A035 850/7CP Development of a Flexural Disk Transducer for Acoustic Tracking of Underwater Vehicles AD-A038 772/OCP The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System AD-A038 777/9CP The Kalman Filter Applied to Process Range Data of the Cubic Model 40 Autotape System AD-A039 322/3CP Sonobuoy Location. AD-713 077/CP The Effect of False Contacts on tie Probability of Detecting a Submarine. AD-713 394/CP A Correlation Study of Some Factors Effecting Sub- marine Detection by Destroyer Mounted Sonars AD-722 573/CP A Sonar Detection Model AD-728 580/CP Hybrid Sonar Simulation AD-738 908/CP A Digital Computer Program for Determining the Pulse to Pulse Radar Cross Section on a Dynamic Target AD-738 920/CP An Application of Digital Filters for Radar Clutter Re- duction AD-742 917/CP The Probable Distribution of Whales as False Sonar Targets in the North Pacific Ocean by Analysis of Whaling Data AD-743 085/CP Kalman Filtering Techniques Applied to Airborne Di- rection-Finding and Emitter Location AD-745 888/CP An Investigation of the Problem of Optimizing a Search Tactic for a Searchlight Type Sonar AD-754 352/CP Statistical Study of Sound Speed in the Inhomogen- eous Upper Ocean AD-756 570/CP A Digital Computer Program for Real-Time Computa- tion of Radar Cross Section on a Dynamic Target AD-757 246/CP 70 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV LAS CRUCES ENGINEERING Optimum Threshold Detection for an Infrared Nutat- ing Detection System AD-761 380/CP Applying the Kalman Filter to the Emitter Location Problem using Airborne Angle-of-Arrival Information AD-767 291/8CP Technical Evaluation of a Radio Direction Finding System Utilizing Complementary Sequence Phase Coding of Incident Signals AD-767 684/4CP Modification of the TASDA Computer Program for In- flight Use AD-769 831/9CP An Application of Nonlinear Filtering Theory to Pas- sive target Locaton and Tracking AD-782 305/7CP The Electronic Warfare Application of Special Pur- pose Microprogrammed Mini-computers AD-783 858/4CP An Audio Display of Processed Acoustic Signals AD-783 867/5CP Automatic Frequency Tracking and An Application of Target Fixing Using Passive Doppler Techniques AD-787 448/OCP NAVAL RESEARCH LAB WASHINGTON D C EOTPO-41 Comparison of the 3-5 Micrometer and 8-12 Microm- eter Regions for Advanced Thermal Imaging Sys- tems: LOWTRAN Revisited (AD-EOOO-100) AD-A049 448/4CP NRL-MR-2180 A Fortran Subroutine to Decode Tape-Recorded Digital Data from the Randle Cliff Radar. AD-715 336/CP NRL-MR-2381 A Normal Mode Computer Program for Calculating Sound Propagation in Shallow Water with an Arbi- trary Velocity Profile AD-737 629/CP NRL-MR-2419 Calvulation of the Radar Cross Section of a Perfectly Conducting Sphere AD-740 746/CP NRL-MR-2744 FFT Doppler Filter Performance Computations AD-777 722/OCP NRL-MR-2811 Volume Intersection of Two Identical Right Circular Cones AD-781 649/9CP NRL-MR-3234 A Computer Program for Computation of Radar De- tection Ranges on a Constant-Altitude Target in Var- ious Environments AD-A023 474/OCP NRL-MR-3415 A Graphics Program for Updating the Confidence Region of a Target AD-A034 536/3CP NRL-MR-3475 A Method for Computing Vertical-Plane Coverage Diagrams for Frequency Agile Pulse Radar Systems AD-A040 081/2CP NRL-7008 Self and Mutual Acoustic Radiation Impedances for Pistons in a Plane Infinite Rigid Baffle AD-718 313/CP NRL-7098 Machine Plotting of Radio/ Radar Vertical-Plane Cov- erage Diagrams. AD-709 897/CP NRL-7188 The NRL Microwave Space Research Facility. Com- puter System Software for Control of the 60-ft X- Band Antenna AD-719 386/CP NRL-7393 A Fortran Program for Computing the Power Re- sponse of a Hydrophone Array to a Spherical Wave and Plotting it as an Isometric Surface AD-742 063/CP NRL-7448 A Fortran Computer Program to Calculate the Range of a Pulse Radar AD-749 686/CP NRL-7566 Resolution of Point Scatterers by Hard-Limited Syn- thetic Aperture Radar AD-763 660/CP NRL-7579 Use of a Self-Focusing Antenna for Low-Angle Tracking AD-764 052/CP NRL-7621 GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Trans- mission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 1. Overall Description AD-781 230/8CP NRL-7642 GRASS: A Digital-Computer Ray-Tracing and Trans- mission-Loss-Prediction System. Volume 2. User's Manual AD-778 925/8CP NRL-7694 FORTRAN Computer Programs for Calculating the Axisymmetric Acoustic Radiation from Two Coaxial Spheroids AD-786 352/5CP NRL-7749 Coefficients for Calculating Radiation Impedances and Far-Field Pressures of Free-Flooded Ring Trans- ducers AD-782 351/1CP NRL-7777 AN/UYK-17(XB-1)(V) Signal Processing Element Mi- croprogramming Support Software AD-A016 806/2CP NRL-7827 Horizontal-Gradient Acoustical Ray-Trace Program TRIMAIN AD-A006 254/7CP NRL-7841 Tracking System for Two Asynchronously Scanning Radars AD-A002 927/2CP NRL-7964 Electroacoustic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Shells and Rings. Part 2. EIGSHIP Predicted Performance; Experimental Measurements; and Computer Listing of EIGSHIP AD-A024 448/3CP NRL-7969 Recursive Filtering Algorithms for Ship Tracking AD-A024 329/5CP NRL-8172 Comparison of the 3-5 Micrometer and 8-12 Microm- eter Regions for Advanced Thermal Imaging Sys- tems: LOWTRAN Revisited (AD-EOOO-100) AD-A049 448/4CP NRL-8181 A Computerized Automatic Measuring System for Calibration of Underwater Sound Transducers AD-A054 895/8CP NAVAL RESEARCH LAB WASHINGTON DC NRL-MR-3896 Surveillance Radar Detection (SURDET) Program: Revision Number 1 AD-A061 945/2CP NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND WASHINGTON D C NAVSEA-OD-52258 A Computer Program for Studying the Doppler Con- tent of Reverberation AD-A035 071/0CP NAVSEA-06H1 /036-EVA/MOST-4 NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 3 AD-A038 891/8CP NAVSEA-06H1 /036-EVA/MOST-5 NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 4 AD-A038 892/6CP NAVSEA-06H1 /036-EVA/MOST-6 NAVSEA Ocean Environmental Acoustic Data Bank - NAVDAB - In Support of Mobile Sonar Technology Development. Volume 5 AD-A021 840/4CP N AVSEA-06H 1 /036-EVA/ MOST- 1 A Methodology for the Comparison of Models for Sonar System Applications. Volume I AD-A038 160/8CP NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER BETHESDA MD NSRDC-4033 Radiation Impedance Calculations with the XWAVE Computer Program AD-762 007/CP NAVAL SURFACE WEAPONS CENTER WHITE OAK LAB SILVER SPRING MD NSWC/WOL/TR-75-115 Real Time Three Layer Ocean Model AD-A033 678/4CP NSWC/WOL/TR 76-8 Sensor Position Locator AD-A032 850/OCP NAVAL UNDERSEA CENTER SAN DIEGO CALIF NUC-TP-228 Computerized Sonar Transducer Analysis and Design Based on Multiport Network Interconnection Techniques AD-764 061 /CP NUC-TP-349 RANDI: Research Ambient Noise Directionality Model AD-760 692/CP NUC-TP-541 LORA: A Model for Predicting the Performance of Long-Range Active Sonar Systems AD-A036 539/5CP NAVAL UNDERSEA WARFARE CENTER SAN DIEGO CALIF NUWC-TN-61 A Continuous-Slope Curve Fitting Routine for Use in Sonar Performance Prediction AD-A051 553/6CP NUWC-TN-148 Computer Recovery of Acoustical Parameters AD-A051 367/ 1CP NAVAL UNDERWATER SYSTEMS CENTER NEW LONDON CONN NEW LONDON LAB NUSC/NL-TM-221 1-11-71 A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation in a Medium in Which Stratification is a Function of Position AD-A046 680/ 5CP NUSC/NL-TM-221 1-88-70 Two Routines to Convert Data to Units in DB for the UNIVAC 1230 AD-A046 688/8CP NUSC-TD-5259 Preliminary Reference Manual for Program STAMP (STatistics of Acoustic Measurements and Predic- tions) AD-A020 742/3CP NUSC-TD-5699 Sea Nymph Pilot LCC Model Development Report AD-A048 109/3CP NUSC-TR-4527 Navy Interim Surface Ship Model (NISSM) II AD-916 280/1CP NUSC-TR-4687 Computation of Beam Patterns and Directivity Indi- ces for Three-Dimensional Arrays with Arbitrary Ele- ment Spacings AD-780 785/2CP NUSC-TR-4887-I A Shallow Water Acoustic Model for an Ocean Stratified in Range and Depth. Volume I AD-A008 150/5CP NUSC-TR-5335 Time Delay Estimation AD-A025 408/6CP NUSC-TR-5375 Maximization of Reverberation Index AD-A031 426/OCP NAVAL UNDERWATER SYSTEMS CENTER NEWPORT Rl NUSC-TR-4317 An Analysis of Some Factors that Affect Hydrophone Sensitivity (CPG-73-0041) AD-754 099/CP NUSC-TR-4605 Utilization of an Array Matched to Individual Modes; A Computer Program to Calculate Normal Mode Propagation Using a Transmitting Array AD-770 564/3CP NUSC-4065 Envelope Correlation of Undersampled Data by Digi- tal Processing AD-725 112/CP NAVAL UNDERWATER SYSTEMS CENTER, NEWPORT, Rl. NUSC-TD-5971 Generic Sonar Model AD-A065 288/3CP NAVY ELECTRONICS LAB SAN DIEGO CALIF NEL-TM-671 Automatic Data Reduction for Tone-Pulse Sonar AD-A051 525/4CP NEL-TM-809 SPADE Performance Test Planning: Data Gathering and Extraction for the Shore Based Tests AD-A049 831/1CP NEL-TM-964 Cluster Parameter Analysis Systems AD-A039 552/5CP NEL-TM-1123 Description of Detection Probability Model and Pro- gram AD-A049 833/7CP NEL-1016 Effects of Random Background on Automatic Detec- tion in Lorad AD-A052 101 /3CP NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV., LAS CRUCES. NASA-CR-160105 Antenna Evaluation Study for the Shuttle Multispec- tral Radar, Phase 3. N79-17070/0CP NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV LAS CRUCES ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION A Pre-Prototype Real-Time Video Tracking System 71 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX AD-A059 052/1 CP NEW MEXICO STATE UNIV UNIVERSITY PARK DEPT OF PHYSICS Research in the Area of Atmospheric Modeling: High-Resolution Atmospheric IR Transmittance Pre- diction (Part li) AD-A016 158/8CP NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV RALEIGH DEPT OF MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING TR-9 A Fortran Program for Calculating the Equivalent Source Strength and Natural Frequencies for the Class II Flextensional Underwater Acoustic Trans- ducer Shell AD-723 827/CP TR-11 A Fortran Program for the Class V Flextensional Un- derwater Acoustic Transducer AD-718 356/CP TR-14 A Fortran Model for Predicting the Response of the Class I Flextensional Underwater Acoustic Trans- ducer Shell to an N Shaped Shock Pulse AD-723 826/CP OFFICE NATIONAL D ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES AEROSPATIALES, PARIS (FRANCE). ONERA-NT-146 Search for an Optimal Solution to a Sampled and Quantified Data Automatic Tracking Problem. N71-11577/CP OHIO STATE UNIV COLUMBUS ELECTROSCIENCE LAB ESL-2768-8 A Radar Target Data Processing and Identification System (AFOSR-TR-72-1343) AD-746 323/CP ESL-2768-10 Bilinear Surface Representation of Radar Scattering for Aircraft (AFOSR- TR-73- 1528) AD-766 320/6CP ESL-2880-4 Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena (RADC-TR-7 1-202) AD-731 572/CP ESL-2880-5 Investigation of 10.6 Micron Propagation Phenomena (RADC-TR-7 1 -286) AD-734 074/CP ESL-3387-1 Measurement and Analysis of Spectral Signatures (RADC-TR-73-304) AD-773 181/3CP ESL-3815-3 Comparative Evaluation of the Subsystem and Near- est-Neighbor Classifiers for Radar Aircraft Identifica- tion (AFOSR-TR-76-0931) AD-A029 549/3CP ESL-3919-7 Target Imaging from Multiple Frequency Radar Data (RADC-TR-76-45) AD-A022 202/6CP OKLAHOMA STATE UNIV STILLWATER SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING Techniques and Analysis of Thermal Infrared Cam- ouflage in Foliated Backgrounds AD-A038 186/3CP PARKE MATHEMATICAL LABS INC CARLISLE MASS 0125-F A Computer Simulation Scheme for an Aircraft Moving Target Indication System. Part II (AFCRL-TR-75-0539) AD-A018 663/5CP 0172-TM-6 Mutual Radiation Impedance of Sources on a Sphere within a Spherical Dome AD-769 869/9CP PATTERN ANALYSIS AND RECOGNITION CORP ROME N Y PAR-72-28-VOI-3 Time Domain Analysis for Inverse Scattering. Volume III. Magnetic Signature Analysis (RADC- TR-72-292- Vol-3) AD-757 539/CP PAR-76-26 Processing of FLIR Data on Dicifer AD-A037 136/9CP PAR-76-32 Real Time Adaptive Tracking System for the Coelos- tat Optical Tracking Mount (RADC- TR-77-67) AD-A038 134/3CP PENNSYLVANIA RESEARCH ASSOCIATES INC PHILADELPHIA PRA-U69-1235 Development of a Hybrid Radar Landmass Simulator (NA VTRADEVCEN-68-C-0 155-4) AD-740 785/CP PRA-U71-1298 Development of a Hybrid Radar Landmass Simulator: Engineering Report Number 7 (NAVTRADEVCEN-70-C-0262-2) AD-740 788/CP PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV UNIVERSITY PARK APPLIED RESEARCH LAB TM-76-76 Acoustic Radiation Fields of Axisymmetric Spherical Sources with Mixed Boundary Conditions AD-A027 522/2CP PHILIPS AUDIO VIDEO SYSTEMS CORP MAHWAH NJ GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS DIV GSDR-817A-VOL-2 Advanced Production Engineering (APE) Night Vision Sight Infrared, AN/TAS-3 ( ). Volume 2. Appendices AD-A051 220/2CP PHYSICS LAB. RVO-TNO, THE HAGUE (NETHERLANDS). PHL-1 977-31 Effects of Detector Bandwidth Reduction on Lidar Signal Processing. N78-26365/4CP TDCK-69505 Effects of Detector Bandwidth Reduction on Lidar Signal Processing. N78-26365/4CP PLANNING SYSTEMS INC MCLEAN VA PSI-TR-006014 Methods for Consideration of Range Uncertainties in Detection Performance Analyses AD-A012 473/5CP POLYTECHNIC INST OF BROOKLYN FARMINGDALE NY PIBEP-73-127 Bleachable Absorber Laser Amplifier and Detector (BAUD) (RADC-TR-73-172) AD-765 842/OCP PIBEP-73-128 Phased Array Antenna Evaluation Studies (RADC-TR-73-187) AD-764 367/CP PRC INFORMATION SCIENCES CO ROME N Y Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 2. Computer Program Documentation (RADC-TR-76-261-Vol- 1-Pt- 1-Bk-2) AD-A033 514/1CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 1 . Project Summary and Computer Pro- gram Documentation (RADC-TR-76-261- Vol- 1-pt- 1-bk- 1) AD-A033 657/8CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume 1, Part 1 , Book 3. Computer Program Documentation (RADC- TR-76-261- Vol- 1-pt- 1-bk-3) AD-A033 658/6CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume III. Radar Signature and Radar Scattering Principles In- vestigation Software (RADC- TR- 76-26 1- Vol-3) AD-A033 709/7CP RADIAN CORP AUSTIN TEX Support Tasks for Transducer Analysis and Diffrac- tion Investigations AD-903 337/4CP RADIATION RESEARCH ASSOCIATES INC FORT WORTH TEX RRA-M7701 Solar Infrared Reflection and Infrared Emission from a Dust Loaded Cloud (AFTAC-TR-77-14) AD-A039 535/OCP RAND CORP SANTA MONICA CALIF R-1186-PR Vehicle Detection in Emplaced Sensor Fields: A User's Guide to a Simulation Model and a Track- Identification Algorithm AD-A002 825/8CP RAYTHEON CO BEDFORD MASS MISSILE SYSTEMS DIV BR-10101 Determination of Radar Performance Degradation Due to Tropospheric Ducts (RADC-TR-78-69) AD-A058 110/8CP RAYTHEON CO SUDBURY MASS EQUIPMENT DIV ER75-4084-1 Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume I AD-A041 195/9CP ER75-4084-2 Weather Radar Processor and Display Radar Inter- face Adapter. Volume II AD-A041 196/7CP RAYTHEON CO WAYLAND MASS ADVANCED DEVELOPMENT LAB ER74-4316 Multipath Measurements AD-A001 064/5CP RAYTHEON CO WAYLAND MASS EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT LABS Pulse Pair Estimation of Doppler Spectrum Param- (AFCRL-72-0222) AD-744 094/CP RCA GOVERNMENT AND COMMERICAL SYSTEMS MOORESTOWN N J The TSAR Search and Track Computer (RADC-TR-74-348) AD-A005 675/4CP RCA MISSILE AND SURFACE RADAR DIV MOORESTOWN N J Radar Search and Cost Analysis Computer Programs (RADC-TR-74-305) AD-A002 881/1CP WSMR Multipath and Multiple-Target Facility AD-A006 219/OCP Synchronous Satellite Tracker Investigation (RADC-TR-73-277) AD-773 848/7CP RCA RESEARCH LABS STE ANNE DE BELLEVUE (QUEBEC) PSP-103 Radar Backscatter Studies (SAMSO-TR-71-253) AD-736 020/CP REMTECH INC HUNTSVILLE ALA RTR-013-1-Vol-1 A Computer Program for the Prediction of Radiation from Rocket Exhaust Plumes. Volume I AD-A037 385/2CP RHODE ISLAND UNIV KINGSTON GRADUATE SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY MODE-CONTRIB-22T SOFAR Floats in MODE, Final Report of Float Tra- jectory Data AD-A046 910/6CP URI/GSO-REF-77-3 . SOFAR Floats in MODE, Final Report of Float Tra- jectory Data AD-A046 910/6CP ROME AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER GRIFFISS AFB N Y RADC-TR-72-238 Detection Performance of the AN/TPN-19 PAR (Pre- cision Approach Radar) AD-768 330/3CP RADC-TR-73-221 RADC Seismic Classifier Design AD-767 208/2CP RADC-TR-77-183 Coordinate Conversion Technique for OTH Backs- catter Radar AD-A044 585/8CP RADC-TR-77-289 'Design Factors in the Tuned Synthetic Aperture Radar AD-A058 780/8CP Space Surveillance Software Support. Volume I, Part 2. RADC Trajectory Program Numerical/Analytical Data (RADC- TR-76-261 -Vol- 1-P1-2) AD-A033 712/1CP ROYAL RADAR ESTABLISHMENT MALVERN (ENGLAND) RRE-TN-759 Computer Simulation of MTI (TRC-BR-22744) AD-718 440/CP RRE-TN-759 Computer Simulation of Mti N71-23508/CP SACLANT ASW RESEARCH CENTRE LA SPEZIA (ITALY) SACLANTCEN-TM-183 SHADZO: A Computer Program for Estimating the Position and Shape of the Surface Shadow Zone in Sonar Operations AD-753 443/CP SAGE ACTION INC ITHACA N Y SAI-RR-7003 The Radar Cross Section of Extremey Thin Spherical Shells AD-729 233/CP SANDERS ASSOCIATES, INC., NASHUA, N.H. Adaptive Phased Array Radar System (RADC-TR-66-626) AD-807 444/CP SANDIA LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, N.MEX. Pmrrad: A Computer Program to Convert Pacific Mis- sile Range Radar Tracking Data to Trajectory Posi- tion Data. SLA-74-0263 SANDIA LABS., TONOPAH, NV. Minicomputer Program for Remote Tracking 72 CORPORATE AUTHOR INDEX UNITECH INC AUSTIN TEX SAND-78-0595 SANTA BARBARA RESEARCH CENTER GOLETA CALIF Active Optical Miss-Distance Indicator AD-783 430/2CP SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC ALBUQUERQUE NM SAI-A64-995-199 Infrared Search and Track Evaluation Model (IRSTEM) AD-A060 174/OCP SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC HUNTSVILLE ALA SAI-75-542-HU Specification for Analysis of the SPE (AN/UYK-17) in a Radar Signal Processing Environment AD-783 934/3CP SAI-77-701-HU-Vol-1 Comparison of the Perimeter Acquisition Radar (PAR) Satellite Track Capability to the Space De- fense Center (SDC) Satellite Catalogue - Unknown Satellite Track Experiment. Volume I AD-A034 014/1CP SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INC MCLEAN VA SAI-78-567-WA Formulation of an Advanced Computational Capabili- ty for the Prediction of Transmission Loss in the Ocean AD-A048 262/OCP SAI-78-713-WA Documentation of PDP 1 1 /70 Software for Determin- ing Travel-Time Differences from Cross Covariances AD-A052 891/9CP SEMCOR INC MOORESTOWN N J SD-1028-B101-01-Vol-2 An Evaluation of Some New Approaches to Agile Beam Radar Design for Shipboard Applications AD-A003 592/3CP SIGNATRON, INC., LEXINGTON, MASS. A Monograph on Truncated Sequential Tests (RADC-TR-66-705) AD-808 492/CP SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS UNIV NORTH DARTMOUTH DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EE-76-4 A New Software Package for Seismic and Imagery Recognition (AFOSR-TR-76-1166) AD-A032 739/5CP Pattern Analysis and Classification with the New ACDA Seismic Signature Data Base (AFOSR- TR-75- 1296) AD-A015 925/1CP SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV CARBONOALE DEPT OF ELECTRICAL SCIENCES AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING A Study of Digital Filter Characteristics in Moving Target Indicators of Radar Systems (ARO-12841.1-R-EL) AD-A013 575/6CP SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INST SAN ANTONIO TEX 'In situ' EM Soil Properties Measurement: Instrumen- tation, Theory, and Method. Volume III AD-784 284/2CP SPERRY RAND CORP., GREAT NECK, N.Y. SPERRY GYROSCOPE DIV. SGD-4263-0719 Hapdar O and M Program AD-916 029/2CP SRI INTERNATIONAL MENLO PARK CA Chatanika Model of the High-Latitude Ionosphere for Application to HF Propagation Prediction (RADC-TR-78-7) AD-A053 154/1CP STANFORD RESEARCH INST MENLO PARK CALIF SYSTEMS EVALUATION DEPT SED-TN-378-B Average Cumulative Probability of Detection Versus Target Radial Velocity AD-752 146/CP STANFORD UNIV CALIF STANFORD ELECTRONICS LABS SU-SEL-70-021 The Stanford Meteor-Trails Radar Mark II. (AFCRL-70-0365) AD-709 673/CP SYRACUSE UNIV N Y The Effect of a Wide Exhaust Plume on the Scatter- ing Current of a Thin Missile (RADC-TR-78-47) AD-A053 598/9CP SYRACUSE UNIV N Y DEPT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Scientific- 13 Control of Radar Scattering by Reactive Loading (AFCRL-71-0429) AD-729 926/CP Scientific- 16 Modal Analysis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers (AFCRL-72-0179) AD-741 809/CP Scientific-17 Synthesis of Loaded N-Port Scatterers (AFCRL-72-0665) AD-755 914/CP Solid State Array Studies Relevant to OTP Regula- tions. Part 2. Random Effects in Planar Arrays of Di- poles (RADC-TR-76-24 1-PI-2) AD-A032 131/5CP SYRACUSE UNIV., N.Y. DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. Radiation and Scattering from Bodies of Revolution (AFCRL -69-0305) AD-859 670/CP SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CORP DAYTON OHIO TREES: A Computer Software System for Processing Data Organized in Branch Form (An Application to Job Performance Aids). Volume I. Design and Devel- opment (AFHRL-TR-71-26- Vol- 1) AD-732 204/CP TREES User's Guide. A Computer Software System for Handling Information in Branch Form (AFHRL-TR-71-27) AD-732 209/CP TREES: A Computer Software System for Processing Data Organized in Branch Form (An Application to Job Performance Aids). Volume II. Program Descrip- tions (AFHRL- TR-71-26- Vol-2) AD-735 603/CP SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS INC WASHINGTON D C SCI-6126-006/1 Analysis of Surface IR Decoy Placement for Antiship Missile Defense. Volume I. Study Methodology AD-A039 308/2CP SCI-6165-77-006-Vol-1 Analysis of SRBOC Worldwide Chaff Cartridge Provi- sioning Requirements. Volume I. RF Decoy Place- ment Simulation (RFDPS) Description and Use AD-A042 138/8CP SYSTEMS RESEARCH LABS INC DAYTON OHIO A Digital System for the Characterization of Electro- Optical Sensors (AFAL-TR-75-58) AD-A017 742/8CP SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND SOFTWARE LA JOLLA CALIF SSS-R-76-2792 Application of Advanced Methods for Identification and Detection of Nuclear Explosions from the Asian Continent (AFOSR-TR-76-0146) AD-A023 175/3CP SSS-R-78-3421 Identification of Individual Events in a Multiple Explo- sion from Teleseismic Short Period Body Wave Re- cordings AD-A050 186/6CP TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE MUNCHEN (WEST GERMANY). FAKULTAET FUER ALLGEMEINE WISSENSCHAFTEN. A Digital Simulation System for the Ergonomic Study of Radar Observation Problems. N70-26301/CP TECHNOLOGY SERVICE CORP SANTA MONICA CALIF TSC-PD-B486-2 Digital Simulation of High Resolution Radar Imagery (RADC-TR-76-290) AD-A033 714/7CP TSC-PD-B525-1 -VOL-2 Multidomain Algorithm Evaluation. Volume II (RADC- TR-78-59- VOL-2) AD-A054 358/7CP TSC-PD-067-27 Modularization and Revision of the Spectrum Analy- sis and Display Computer Program AD-787 020/7CP TSC-PD-119-4 Adaptive Angle Tracking AD-A006 279/4CP TSC-PD-353-2-1 Adaptive Radar Techniques. Volume I. Computer Studies of Adaptive Subarray Radar (RADC- TR-73- 194- Vol- 1) AD-767 209/OCP Simulation of High-Resolution Radar Displays of City Complexes (AFHRLTR-73-11) AD-768 413/7CP TELEOYNE BROWN ENGINEERING, HUNTSVILLE, ALA. MILITARY SYSTEMS DIV. MS-ABMDA-1748 Optical Sensor Signal Simulation. (O.S.S.S.) AD-914 887/5CP TELEDYNE GEOTECH ALEXANDRIA VA SAAC-TR-9 FKCOMB, a Fast General-Purpose Array Processor AD-759 270/CP TELEDYNE GEOTECH ALEXANDRIA VA SEISMIC DATA ANALYSIS CENTER SDAC-TR-74-8 Rayleigh Wave Detection at Three LP Arrays During the ISM AD-783 005/2CP SDAC-TR-74-17 Computer Program Description - A Long Period Array Processing Package for ILLIAC Iv AD-A002 969/4CP SDAC-TR-75-4 Use of Source-Region-Station Time Corrections at NTS for Depth Estimation AD-A025 349/2CP SDAC-TR-76-13 Seismic Data Analysis Center AD-A040 301/4CP TEXAS A AND M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. REMOTE SENSING CENTER. NASA-CR-151639 Jsme Scatterometer Data Processing. N78-18494/2CP RSC-3337 Jsme Scatterometer Data Processing. N78-18494/2CP TEXAS A&M UNIV., COLLEGE STATION. REMOTE SENSING CENTER. NASA-CR-1 51345 Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scattero- meter Radar Signal Processor. N77-23291 /6CP PR-3 182-3 Definition and Fabrication of an Airborne Scattero- meter Radar Signal Processor. N77-23291/6CP TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC DALLAS EQUIPMENT GROUP TI-ALEX(01)-FR-76-01 Vela Network Evaluation and Automatic Processing Research AD-A042 275/8CP TI-ALEX(01)-TR-76-04 Network Capability Estimation. VELA Network Evalu- ation and Automatic Processing Research AD-A034 897/9CP TEXAS UNIV AT AUSTIN APPLIED RESEARCH LABS ARL-TR-75-41 Acoustic Bottom Interaction Experiment Description AD-A021 330/6CP ARL-TR-75-51 Experimental Investigation of the Laser-Excited Ther- moacoustic Array in Water AD-A017 372/4CP ARL-TR-76-23 A Plane Wave Reflection Coefficient Model Based on Numerical Integration: Formulation, Implementa- tion, and Application AD-A028 521/3CP TEXAS UNIV AUSTIN APPLIED RESEARCH LABS ARL-TR-71-51 Sonar Array Studies AD-743 199/CP ARL-TR-72-3 A Digital Beamformer for Narrowband Sonar Sys- tems AD-745 302/CP TRACOR INC AUSTIN TEX Tracor-T72-AU-9508-U Target Strength Prediction AD-A045 661/6CP TRACOR-T73-AU-951 9-U Computer Aided Processing for Active and Passive Sonar Systems AD-911 395/2CP TRACOR-T73-AU-9520-U Computer Aided Detection for Wideband Passive Sonar Systems AD-91 1 523/9CP TRACOR-67-137-U SONARCON System for the UNIVAC 1108 AD-A051 396/OCP TULSA UNIV OK Radar Signatures for Aircraft Identification (AFOSR-TR-78-0688) AD-A052 447/OCP UNDERWATER SYSTEMS INC SILVER SPRING MD Summary Report, Phase I AD-A046 872/8CP UNITECH INC AUSTIN TEX UNITECH-51-053-U Determine the Feasibility of Implementing Adaptive Echo Cancellation Techniques to Underwater Weap- 73 AD-A031 917/8CP UNITECH-74-011-U Experimental Exploration of Adaptive Recursive Fil- tering AD-782 025/ 1CP UTAH UNIV SALT LAKE CITY DEPT OF METEOROLOGY Scientific- 1 Remote Sensing of Cirrus Cloud Compositions from Satellites (AFGL-TR-76-0027) AD-A026 512/4CP VISIOYNE INC BURLINGTON MASS VI-395 A High Altitude Infrared Radiance Model (AFGL-TR-77-0271) AD-A059 242/8CP WASHINGTON UNIV., SEATTLE. DIV. OF MARINE RESOURCES. WSG-71-2 Three Publications Related to Echo Integration from the Washington Sea Grant Marine Acoustics Pro- gram (NOAA-7 108251 5) COM-71-01142/CP WSG-71-3 Three Publications Related to Echo Integration from the Washington Sea Grant Marine Acoustics Pro- gram (NOAA-7 108251 5) COM-71-01142/CP WESTINGHOUSE DEFENSE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS CENTER BALTIMORE MD HIDE Revised Wavelength Resolution Emission and Transmission Model AD-A042 624/7CP WESTINGHOUSE DEFENSE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS CENTER BALTIMORE MD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT DIV Evaluation of IR Counterrneasures CH-47 (Chinook) Model Report AD-A042 542/1 CP Evaluation of IR Counterrneasures OH-58 (Scout) Model Report AD-A042 543 /9CP WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., BALTIMORE, MD. Trapped Miner Location and Communication System Development Program. Volume II, Detection and Lo- cation of Entrapped Miners by Seismic Means: Meth- ods and Computer Programs (BuMines-OFR-4 1(2)-74) PB-235 606/1CP WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP BALTIMORE MD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT DIV Cobra Glint Model AH-1G (LWL-CR-06P72B) AD-779 835/8CP WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE N MEX INSTRUMENTATION DIRECTORATE STEWS-ID-77-1 Segmentation and Structure Analysis for Real-Time Video Target Tracking AD-A048 156/4CP WISCONSIN UNIV MADISON GEOPHYSICAL AND POLAR RESEARCH CENTER Contrib-304 Experiment and Numerical Evaluation of Acoustic Scattering at a Rough Surface AD-775 518/4CP RR-73-2 Experiment and Numerical Evaluation of Acoustic Scattering at a Rough Surface AD-775 51 8/4CP WOLF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORP., RIVERDALE, MD. RANGE ENGINEERING DEPT. NASA-CR-62085 Geos-2 C-Band Radar System Project. Spectral Analysis as Related to C-Band Radar Data Analysis N73-22082/CP WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION MASS WHOI-Re«-71-60 Four Hydrophone Array for Acoustic Three-Dimen- sional Location AD-732 042/CP WYOMING UNIV LARAMIE DEPT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UWME-DR-4061051 A Laser System for Determination of Rocket Attitude and Roll Rate (ARO-12102.2-RTL) AD-A001 235/1CP *U.S. GOVEMVMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1979 281-067/239 1-3 74 MAIL ORDER TO: National Technical Information Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Springfield, Va. 22161 (703) 557-4650 TELEX 89-9405 For DDC Users Only DDC User Code. Contract Number. (last 6 characters only). Treasury Agency Location Code For Government Users (who report on SF-224) (8 digit) DD DD DDDD Date PURCHASER: Telephone: SHIP TO: (Enter if different from address at left) Name Organization Address City, State, ZIP Attention: METHOD OF PAYMENT Charge my NTIS deposit account no.. Purchase order no. Check enclosed for $ Ship & Bill. 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