REPORT OF THE U.S. MACHINERY TRADE MISSION TO SPAIN/NOVEMBER 3 -DECEMBER 8, 1962 5 pj fc.N'I I l)t. SECtWl DOING BUSINESS IN U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE / BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE MISSION PERSONNEL JflHI ^ i...1fci BRADLEY MURRAY, Mission Director He has been with the Trade Missions Program in the Commerce Department since 1959. He was formerly associated with Scudder, Stevens & Clark, New York investment counseling firm. ADOLPH AURIEMA President of Ad. Auriema, Inc., New York, responsible for the international activities of about 50 U.S. producers of electrical and electronic instruments, supplies, and components, and refrigeration equipment. KONSTANTINE L. KOLLAR, Trade Development Officer Deputy Director of the Water Industries Division, BDSA, formerly with the Agency for International Development. WILLIAM F. SPANG President of Overseas Development Co., Boston. As combina- tion export manager, Mr. Spang handles exports of food proc- essing equipment, refrigeration systems, frozen foods, construction equipment and instrument components. HUGH B. KOHLMEYER Executive Vice President of Gerde, Newman & Co., New Orleans, merchandising canned, bottled, frozen, and gourmet imported and domestic foods. JAMES M. FISKE President of Fiske-Gay Associates, Inc., consulting engineers, Orlando, Florida, and production manager of Fosgate Citrus Concentrate Cooperative, Orlando. HENRY H. LEMONJIAN President of Hertvy Co., Inc., New York, which represents 32 companies in the printing and packaging machinery field. MANUEL TAMA Technical advisor to the President of Ajax Magnethermic Corp., Trenton, New Jersey, manufacturer of induction furnaces for the melting and heating of ferrous and nonferrous metals. Doing Business in Spain Report of the U.S. Machinery Trade Mission to Spain November 3 - December 8, 1962 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE TRADE MISSIONS DIVISION WASHINGTON 25, D.C. • For sale by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C, and its Field Offices Price 25 cents. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation MISSION TO SPAIN: Seated, left to right, Manuel Tama, Secretary of Commerce Luther H. Hodges, Brad- ley Murray, and L. Edward Scriven, Deputy National Export Expansion Coordinator. Standing Konstantine I. Kollar, James M. Fiske, William F. Spang, Henry H. Lemonjian, Hugh B. Kohlmeyer, Adolph Auriema. Spain of growth Spain is on the threshold of an era of great economic growth, and American businessmen have an unprecedented op- portunity to play a role in that growth, as suppliers, licensors, partners, and customers of Spanish businessmen, ac- cording to the U.S. Machinery Mission which visited Spain in November and December. The one function common to all pri- vate businessmen, in all parts of the world, is the acceptance of risks. The economic growth foreseen for Spain, and participation of U.S. businessmen in that growth, are subject to risks. Recogniz- ing the existence of these risks and accepting the fact that they are attend- ant on the conduct of all business, the Mission recommends to U.S. business- men that they investigate the possibili- ties of doing business with, or in, Spain. Geographic advantages Spain has outstanding geographic ad- vantages for economic growth. Exposed as the country is, as a peninsula of the European subcontinent, access is open to three of the greatest trade routes in international commerce: The Mediter- ranean Sea, the South Atlantic, and the Bay of Biscay in the North Atlantic. Additionally, Spain has easier access to the markets of North Africa than any. other European nation. Spain's geography also offers climatic advantages. Tourist attractions exist practically the year around. The southern coast, the Spanish Riviera, provides warm sunshine for tourists who want to get away from the winter cold of the rest of Europe. The shores of the Bay of Biscay and the northern coast of the Mediterranean, the Costa Brava, are extremely attractive in the summer months. Large parts of Spain are, like FlorlJa and California in the U.S., enable of producing subtropical products, such as citrus fruits, wine and table grapes, and olives, which do not grow in many other parts of Europe, yet for which there is a strong European demand. Spain has been exploiting the advan- tages of her climate for some time, yet it was apparent to the Mission that, with provision of appropriate facilities within Spain for serving more tourists and for processing and exporting more agricul- tural products, revenue could be multi- plied several times. Human resources In terms of human resources, Spain also has a good base for economic growth. Existing Spanish industries have a potential of highly skilled workers. More than 400,000 Spaniards are work- ing in other European countries; most of them would probably be glad to re- turn to Spain, bringing with them the skills they have acquired abroad, when- ever somewhat equal work opportunities become available. For some years to come, the agricultural areas of Spain will be able to provide people for unskilled jobs in industry as the jobs become available. The Mission was also impressed with the managerial skills it observed among the businessmen it met. In short, the factories and products seen and the people met were convincing evidence of Spain's ability economically to produce a tremendous range of products, from exquisitely wrought handicrafts and fine wines to complex and precise machine tools. Interest favorable The direction of Spanish thinking, on the part of both Government and busi- ness circles, as seen by the Mission, was also favorable for future economic growth. Successful execution of the Sta- bilization Program, recent moves toward economic integration with the rest of Europe, and official and private reaction to recommendations of the World Bank Mission all give promise for a strong forward movement of the economy. In contacts with Spanish businessmen, the Mission found an intense interest in doing business, and many indications of a preferen 2 tor doing business with the U.S. In -the accompanying, articles, these interests are defined and character- ized; they are commended to the Ameri- can business community for* serious con- sideration. Outlook in Spanish industry favorable for U.S. business Developments in food, construction, metalworking, other fields spark interest in importing variety of raw materials, intermediates, machinery Interest in raw materials, intermedi- ates, and equipment for a number of industries was brought to the attention of the Trade Mission to Spain as develop- ments in various areas were studied. Principal fields in which Spanish busi- nessmen expressed interest, and items requested, are summarized below. Some of the specific leads reported by the Mis- sion are listed in the World Trade Op- portunities and Investment Opportuni- ties departments of this issue of Inter- national Commerce. Others have ap- peared in the issues of January 21, 14, 7; and December 31, 1962. Food Discussions regarding food preserva- tion and marketing occupied a large part of the time the Mission spent in Spain. This industry deserves an important place in any consideration of Spain as it is today and as it may be in the future, for the following reasons. • Present methods of food preserva- tion and distribution are inadequate to provide all parts of Spain with foodstuffs already being produced and available; • Food exports have long made up an important part of Spain's export trade, and offer greater promise of early increases than any other category of her products, but this opportunity can be realized to its full extent only through smoothing out seasonal fluctuations in supplies and producing the foods in a form which reduces the cost of their dis- tribution; that is, by concentrating, freez- ing, canning, or drying; • The quality of preserved foods pro- duced in Spain must be brought up to the level attained by those now produced within the highly industrialized nations, for Spain to increase consumption of her products within those nations; • Whether or not the Spanish Gov- ernment embarks upon a general Eco- nomic Development Plan in the near future, steps must be taken to raise the incomes of those people in agriculture; one of the most direct methods is to in- crease the value and broaden the mar- ket for farm produce — and upgrading and expansion of food preservation with- in Spain will accomplish this. Canning of fruits and vegetables has been carried on in Spain for many years, but output is primarily consumed within the country. The Mission encountered several plants which export, and there is at least one plant whose entire out- put is shipped overseas. One of the greatest obstacles to mod- ernizing food processing and preserva- tion is the fragmentation of the industry; reportedly, more than 1,400 different canneries operate in Spain, each under a separate management. Surely each of these units must have small output and meager financial resources. Many businessmen felt that a series of amalgamations, or some other form of aggregation, such as cooperatives, must be formed to permit plant moderniza- tion and effective marketing techniques. The Mission found no basis on which it could disagree with this opinion. The Mission heard many expressions of interest in importing equipment, in- termediates, and raw materials for the food industry, such as: Bakery, meat-processing, peanut-butter- making, and vegetable-oil-extraction equip- ment; stainless steel netting for olive paste; candy-making additives; casein; citrus juice extractors; corn (maize); edible oils; crude vegetable oils; fish, meat, soybean flour; soybeans; and tallow. With respect to licensing for manu- facture, interest was observed in apple pectin, enzymes, dried fruit, edible gela- tins and oil (refining), meat concentrate, and vegetable dehydration. A number of proposals for joint ven- tures were presented for fruit and vege- table canning, for olive oil packing, and for food freezing and cold storage. Packaging, containers The Mission met with few business- men who demonstrated a full apprecia- tion of the need for advances in con- tainers and packaging in Spanish indus- try, particularly with reference to food. There were exceptions, however, and we were shown excellent examples of litho- graphed, key-opening cans produced by a firm having participation by a well- known American can. manufacturer. An important problem regarding food pack- aging is the small size of the Spanish processing companies. Few of them have outputs big enough to make economical use of modern, high-speed, high-produc- tion machinery. An Institute of Packaging in Spain was visited by one of the Mission mem- bers. This organization is working to establish packaging standards and to promote the kind of packaging that will deliver Spanish products to overseas markets in better condition and help to sell them in competition with products of other countries. The Mission mem- ber reports that skill for improved pack- aging is available in Spain. The best opportunities for expansion in use of packaging materials are in cor- rugated paperboard, cardboard, paper, and cellophane. Fresh foods, fruits, and vegetables, particularly in export, at pres- ent are shipped in wooden boxes and crates. Spain, not a large producer of wood, must import a part of what she uses. Double-corrugated paper boxes should reduce costs and freight. Fruit exports might well find use of papier- mache advisable. In the strapping branch of the pack- aging industry, the Mission observed op- portunities for both steel and wire strap- ping; however, little opportunity is seen as yet for plastic strapping. Packaging equipment and material businessmen in- dicated a desire to import, are: Barrel staves and headings; bottle-making plant; paper for yarn making; plastic-lined paper bags; and machinery for bag closing, candy wrapping, edible-fat packaging, milk bottling, olive bottling, potato packing, and wine bottling, and for making corrugated board, crown cork, corrugated boxes, open mesh vegetable bags, and tin cans. Licenses to manufacture plastic con- tainers, and machinery for packing and wrapping, food packaging, and bottling and packaging are desired. Joint-venture proposals were received for manufacture of plastic bags and bot- tles, egg cartons, corrugated paper boxes, and fiber-glass containers. Electronic, electric items Radio and television broadcasting, on a national scale, is carried on in Spain by Government-operated stations. No evi- dence was received as to how widespread is the ownership of television, but the Mission has the impression that this as- pect of communications is still in an early stage of development. Inquiries from businessmen, however, lead us to believe that there is a basis for expecting good growth in demand for electronic products. Many electrical products are discussed in an accompanying article on consumer goods. Others, however — mostly indus- trial equipment and components — have caught the attention of Spanish business- men: Automatic coil-winding machinery, cad- mium anodes, electrical tape, low-power communications, microprojectors, printed circuits, generators, electronic measurement instruments, light bulb coating machinery, electric industrial motors, grain-oriented sili- con steel, silicon steel coils, closed circuit TV, transformer testing equipment, and walkie-talkie sets. Contacts that might lead to licenses for manufacture of generators, electric motors, plastic electric switch compo- nents, relays, silicon rectifiers, transform- ers, and transistors were requested. A few proposals were made for manu- facturing joint ventures, for example, in electronic navigation instruments, tele- vision components, and transistors. Metalworking Scanty evidence of interest in expand- ing or modernizing operations in non- ferrous metals came to the attention of the Mission. Production of copper al- loys in the forms of sheet, strip, rod, and tube was brought up-to-date with adequate equipment soon after World War I, and capacity for electrolytic refin- ing of copper was increased to the point of internal self-sufficiency. An aluminum industry has been built in the past 10 years, comprising reduc- tion plants, rolling mills, and extrusion mills. Present demand for aluminum and its alloys can be met by existing plants. On the other hand, fabrication of wrought aluminum products into final products (in particular, for the building trade) is still lagging. With the obvious need in Spain for housing, office buildings, hotels, and motels, there will surely be an opportu- nity for fabricators of aluminum building supplies, such as windows, doors, Vene- tian blinds, roofing materials, etc. Span- ish architects, contractors, and building trades workers could all benefit from availability .of such products. The aluminum and zinc die-casting industry in Spain is relatively small. Managements of some of the existing plants are interested in changing their status from that of job manufacturers to producers of finished products, such as household appliances, office machines, and automotive parts. This interest rests on the assumption that their existing equipment, alongside of new machinery, can be used for such a changed or ex- panded operation. One of the dangers of joint-venture proposals looking toward converting job-shop die-casting operations into pro- ducers of finished products lies in the prevailing structure of the Spanish metal- fabricating industry. In general, opera- tions take the form of small, family- owned enterprises, with the disadvantage that one company tries to cover too much ground. In interviews with business- men *from the industry, the Mission sensed a tendency to fabricate too many articles, instead of concentrating on a few. For any joint-venture, a reliable market survey will be important in mak- ing final decisions as to articles to be manufactured. The ferrous metals industry, in marked contrast, showed keen interest in forming a variety of business relationships with U.S. firms; this was particularly true of the heavy machine branch. The outlook for growth of the Spanish iron and steel industry, over the coming years, is good. Supplies of ore, acceptable coking coals, and developed skills are adequate. With respect to demand, the industry can look forward to the economic development of Spain, and the rising standard of liv- ing of Spaniards as well as of other nearby Europeans, all factors working toward increasing use of iron and steel products. Already, the Spanish machine tool industry has been so encouraged by recent sales to West European countries that they seriously discussed with Mis- sion members the possibility of export to % the U.S. It was pointed out to them that they will not find in the U.Sf ma- chine tool industry the same conditions of over-capacity operation and extremely long deliveries which have recently pre- vailed in Europe. Many smaller plants producing or re- quiring wrought steel products are aware of the necessity of revamping existing ob- solete equipment. One plant producing concrete reinforcing rod needs a new set of arc melting furnaces and a new hot mill; another is looking for a continuous casting machine and a hot rod mill. A sheet producer plans to install a con- tinuous strip galvanizing line. Several manufacturers of screw products in- dicated their intention to rejuvenate their production equipment. ' The heaviest concentration of interest recorded by the Mission revolved around the products and needs of the metal- working industry. Requests for sources of supply of raw material most frequently were for nonferrous and ferrous scrap (including baled steel machine turnings) and aluminum and copper ingots. Sup- plies most frequently requested were car- bide and ceramic cutting tools, cutting oils, drilling andgrinding accessories (in- cluding drills), and saws. The Mission received a number of ex- pressions of interest in securing agency representation for U.S. machine tool manufacturers. There were also many requests for specific items of equipment, including: Bending machines, drill presses, induction melting furnaces (coreless), forging machin- ery, gear cutters, grinders, grinding wheels, indexing heads, hand lathes, portable cut- ting equipment, milling machines, punch presses, shears, and steel-plate-forming, wire- cutting, and wire nail machines. Among metal products to be imported into Spain, the most frequently men- tioned were blackplate and tinplate, steel pipe, sheets and plates, and structural steel. Interest in manufacturing under li- cense was widespread in the metalwork- ing industry. Licenses are desired for products such as: Carbide cutting tools, ceramic cutting tools, cutting oils, bending machines, pipe benders, automatic grinding machines, grind- ing wheels, portable milling machines, hy- draulic presses, mechanical presses, auto- matic punch presses, punch presses, shaping machines (30" stroke), shears, aluminum stampings, metal stampings, disc gears, and cold formed steel profiles. Desire for formation of joint-ventures for manufacture followed much the same pattern as those for licensing: Cutting tools (including carbide and ceramic tools), machine tools such as lathes, turret lathes, and screw machines, and mechanical and hydraulic presses: alu- minum stampings; sintered metal powder pieces; screws; heavy sheet steel; steel cables; and structural steel. Construction Construction has shown steady growth in Spain, as measured by the 144% in- crease in cement output over the past decade. The first year of the Stabiliza- tion Program caused a setback in con- struction, but the industry has completed an average of 139,000 housing units an- nually for the past 3 years. By mid- 1961, construction had recovered from the impact of stabilization, and during 1962 was moving ahead in domestic and commercial building, roadbuilding, and electric plant erection. The outlook for the Spanish construc- tion industry is considerably enhanced by several factors: Growing numbers of tourists from Western Europe, many coming to Spain by automobile, must be provided with an improved and extended road system, and with increased hotel and motel fa- cilities; Increasing industrialization of the economy will bring about an increasing urbanization of the population, which will require the rate of housing construc- tion to be stepped up to an estimated yearly rate of 232,000 units; and Successful execution of an Economic Development Plan for Spain — as recom- mended by the World Bank Mission to Spain — will produce a large increase in all branches of construction. The high proportion of interests re- lated to construction indicates a strong awareness of the favorable outlook for those activities. Numerous requests were made for contacts with U.S. companies that would lead to agencies or other forms of representation for construction ■equipment, roadbuilding equipment, and builders' hardware. There is also keen import interest in the following: Brickmaking, cement-block, prestressed concrete, and concrete pipe machinery; road asphalting equipment; steel buildings; terraz- zo polishes; locks; asphalt additives; protec- tive coatings; waterproofing products; pre- fabricated houses; lumber; prefabricated structural steel framing; metal window frames; and vitreous wall coating and floor overlays. Requests for contacts that could lead to licenses to manufacture U.S. products were related principally to roadbuilding equipment and construction machinery, but also aluminum windows and doors and prestressed concrete. The Mission also received expressions of interest in assembly, in Spain, of U.S. built road- building equipment and construction ma- chinery. Proposals for formation of joint-ven- tures for manufacture of products re- lated to construction were many and varied. One proposal was recorded for establishment of a joint-venture for ren- tal of construction equipment. Some of the products proposed for manufacture were: Aluminum windows and doors; marble finishing and polishing; asbestos-molding machinery; automatic elevators; prestressed concrete; earthmoving, paving, pneumatic roadbuilding equipment; plywood; and pre- fabricated houses. Automotive vehicles Production of automobiles and trucks in Spain has grown spectacularly. Com- bined output in 1960 was 55,348 ve- hicles; in 1961, 85,943; and production for 1962 is expected to pass the 100,000 mark. Tractors are also produced — 6,885 in 1961 and probably more in 1962, a prosperous crop-year. Motorcycle manufacture totaled almost 96,943 units in 1961. Auto output is dominated by a Span- ish version of the Fiat (SEAT), but also includes a Spanish-made Renault Dau- phine. Authorization has been given for construction of two new motor vehicle production plants, both joint Spanish- British ventures. Spanish businessmen clearly have be- come impressed with possibilities for profit arising from activities related to the growing automobile industry. Agen- cies for U.S. suppliers of auto acces- sories and auto parts are wanted. Ad- ditionally, desire to represent or to import was expressed for products such as: Brake components and parts, brake fluid, fire extinguishers, fuel additives, ignition systems, oil filters, trailers, handtools for auto assembly, and tools for auto repair. A desire to manufacture. under license was expressed for such items as: Air filters, batteries, plastic battery sepa- rators, brake linings, heaters, hydraulic shock absorbers, ignition systems, mufflers and tail- pipes, oil filters, piston rings, and trailers. Interest was observed in joint-ventures to manufacture auto parts and acces- sories. Industrial supplies In the highly industrialized region of Spain, many opportunities exist for busi- nessmen to deal profitably in industrial equipment and supplies. Almost every part of the country affords some custom- ers for a dealer or producer of such products. Among the items business- men wish to import, the most prominent are: Antirust products, oil and gas burners, in- dustrial detergents, enameling tools, sign enamels, diesel motors, paint solvents, pneu- matic tools, process control instruments, small pumps, speed reducers, industrial tapes, control valves, gasoline motors, paints, varnishes, vises; and fire-fighting, arc weld- ing, and well drilling equipment. Licensing agreements were sought for manufacture of: Antirust products, industrial boilers, blow- ers, centrifugal waterpumps, high-pressure hydraulic pumps, sewing needles, tape mea- sures, tension gage wrenches, thermostats, pneumatic tools, welding machines, and spot-welding equipment. Proposals for joint- ventures for manu- facture were for these products: Antirust products, industrial chains, in- dustrial clip closures, industrial glue, small gasoline motors, marine paints, process con- trol valves, refractory materials, roller bear- ings, elevated tanks. Other industries Interest in raw materials, intermedi- ates, and equipment related to a number of other industries were noted by the Mission — predominantly in plastics and chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and office supplies and equipment. For these, as for industries in which major concentrations of interest were observed, Spanish busi- nessmen desired the full range of rela- tionships with their American counter- parts: Importation, licensing, and joint ventures. Technical skill sought in Spain Potential seen for industrial, sanitary engineering services Industrial and sanitary engineering are the two fields to which the U.S. con- sulting engineer could best turn his efforts in Spain. Plans can only be approved and signed by members of the Colegio, so that affil- iation with a Spanish consulting firm or engineer is desirable. About 7,500 Span- ish engineers belong to the Colegio de Ingenieros, a professional engineering society. Membership requires a degree from a Spanish engineering school. In general, the profession is strongest in hydroelectric power, buildings, air- ports, and highways. In industrial and sanitary engineering — the two phases which, with further economic develop- ment, will be most in demand — compe- tence is available but experience has been limited. Industrial engineering The Spanish manufacturer is prepar- ing to compete in the world market. He realizes that labor costs will increase and that more efficient and more modern methods will be necessary. Throughout the mission interviews, when an associa- tion with a U.S. firm was sought, the order of priority was: First, technical know-how; second, modern machinery; and third, capital. In plants to be built, and in existing plants to be modernized, assistance is not necessarily needed in the process itself — that is, metallurgy, machine tool, food processing, packaging, chemicals — but rather in organization. Procedure which will improve plant layout, insure effi- ciency, increase production, maintain quality control, and select proper equip- ment are some of the phases of indus- trial technical knowhow sought. Sanitary engineering As in the U.S., rapid industrial ex- pansion in Spain is beginning to take its toll on Spanish waterways. In the regions of high industrialization, the rivers are becoming highly polluted; on one stream there are 120 pulp and paper mills. This is a serious problem in Spain for three reasons: First, the effect on the fish in- dustry — fish is one of the major staples in the Spanish diet and constitutes a portion of her exports; second, the pos- sible effect on tourism and third unless measures are taken now to control pollu- tion of waterways, many beaches will be lost to tourism. Stream pollution Recognizing this, the Government has taken steps, by a recent decree, to rein- force older decrees dealing with stream pollution. Also, it is anticipated that the Government will enforce the requirement that new industries construct waste treat- ment facilities in conjunction with their new plants, and that established indus- tries do so within a 5-year period. Spanish products for U.S. market Businessmen want to export food, chemicals, handicraft, furniture, toys, other items U.S. imports from Spain are chiefly food, raw materials, leather, minerals, and chemicals. Shipments of furniture are growing. The following products are representa- tive of those which Spanish businessmen expressed a desire to export: Apparel: Children's wear, men's slacks, men's coats and raincoats, dresses and lin- gerie, ladies' handbags, and metal frames for ladies' handbags. Chemical products: Benzoatc of soda, fumaric acid, menthol, oleoresin, perchlor- ethylene, rice starch, sodium and potassium silicate, and trichlorethylene. Cosmetic products: Perfumes and pre- electric shave lotion. Food products: Almond paste candy, nou- gats, cocoa liquor, cream of tartar, dehy- drated garlic, gelatins, grapeseed oil, pifion nuts, sardines packed in pliofilm, truffles, and wines. Furniture: Carved wood furniture, antique reproductions, and aluminum kitchen and laboratory furniture. Handicraft: Basketwares, ceramic figures, wood carvings, and handicrafted articles of religious significance. Leather products: Tanned hides, belts, box calf, coats and jackets, gloves, shoes, and suede products. Minerals: Ground, washed white barium, magnesite, marble, and steelite. Textile products: Bed spreads, woolen blankets, carpets, felt products, lace, poplins, and tape. Toys: Scale models of artillery, dolls, and games such as dominoes and mahjong. NITROGEN FACTORY: The increasing consumption of fertilizers in Spain has followed the expansion of irrigation, and over 600,000 tons of nitrate fertilizer were manufactured in Spain in 1962, up 3 times over the 1958 figure. Photo shows a nitrate fertilizer plant in ta Felguera, Asturias. Market favorable for healthy gain in U.S. exports to Spain; economic development seen Country geographically well situated, some areas highly industrialized; tourism in upsurge, import liberalization expected to continue, investment controls eased Factors are clearly present to permit a continuing and healthy growth in U.S. exports to Spain, the Trade Mission re- ports. Indications are that the Spanish Government soon will embark on a major economic development program. This should provide new demand for ma- terials and equipment which U.S. pro- ducers are in a favored position to supply. Such a program will, in turn, have a secondary effect of increasing demand for traditionally imported products. A large majority of the Spanish busi- nessmen whom the Mission met reflected the favorable outlook for trade in Spain by their intense interest in increased quantities of a variety of products. While many businessmen desired to import, an almost equal number expressed the de- sire to manufacture in Spain under li- cense or joint-venture arrangements. The concept of a joint-venture in many instances extended only to the giving of an equity participation in return for know-how and process rights; and gen- erally, the maximum expected contri- bution from an American partner con- sisted of machinery and equipment in addition to know-how. U.S. exports increase U.S. exports to Spain in 1961 reached a new high, both in terms of dollar values and in terms of their share of Spain's total imports. The upsurge was brought about pri- marily by two factors: For the second consecutive year, the drastic cut, by ex- cessive rainfall, of Spanish cereal grain production, necessitating large imports of U.S. wheat; and extensive liberaliza- tion of imports by the Spanish Govern- ment, made possible by success of the Stabilization Program in mobilizing and increasing foreign exchange resources. Spain's need to import wheat, it is al- ready apparent, was a temporary in- fluence on U.S. trade, as the crop har- vested in 1962 is expected to be the second largest ever. Chances look good that Spain will not only be able to con- tinue the import liberalization already in effect, but also to broaden considerably the list of items which may be brought in without license. Well before the end of the year, it had become clear that 1962 would show another big increase in imports, from the U.S. as well as from Spain's other traditional sources. Largely due to an increase in revenue from tourism, Spain has been able to afford these increased imports, while building up foreign ex- change reserves to a point where they were expected to reach $1.1 billion by the end of 1962. The World Bank Mission to Spain has suggested that these reserves are quite adequate, given the present size of the Spanish economy and the need to avoid the risk that excessive reserves will inter- fere with economic growth. Market characteristics From a statistical point of view, Spain is somewhere between the industrialized and the developing nations of the world; per capita annual gross national produc- tion is about $300. Such a statistical con- cept, however, may be misleading for businessmen, especially with regard to Spain. Actually, Spain has one region, the area around Bilbao, which is highly in- dustrialized — to the visitor, reminiscent of Birmingham, England, or Youngs- town, Ohio. Two other areas, around Barcelona and around Valencia, have been involved in overseas trade since be- fore the beginning of written history: both were important outposts of the Roman Empire. On the Atlantic side. Sevilla was formerly a seaport of importance and could be again, by deepening the river channel to 28 or 30 feet from its present 18 feet. Economic growth Irregular and somewhat spotty growth has taken place in the Spanish economy during the 1952-61 decade. For example, per capita incomes (in constant pesetas) increased 26.2%; imports, 79.7%; ex- ports, 52.7%; cement production, 144%; iron and steel, 171%; power, 121%; and coal, 16.1%. The progress achieved becomes truly impressive when viewed against the back- ground of the economic isolation in which Spain existed from the 'end of the Civil War ('39) until '59. At the end of World War II, Spain resumed trading with Western Europe and the Western Hemisphere, but every aspect of her foreign trade was stringently Government controlled. Foreign exchange transac- tions, imports, and exports were subject to prior approval from the Government. Under such conditions, a highly arti- ficial domestic industry developed — high- cost industry in many instances deficient in the quality of its products. It was also fragmented to a high degree, the purely private sector to an important extent made up of small, family-owned units. Another result of the system of com- plex controls in practice was that a sig- nificant part of the foreign exchange which was actually being earned by the Spanish economy, particularly from tour- ism, was attracted away from normal channels, and away from the organiza- tions which could use it constructively. Stabilization program In 1959, the point was reached at which the gross liquid foreign exchange resources at the disposal of the Govern- ment had dropped to $60 million, and outstanding claims on international ac- count were inexcess of this amount. The Government instituted a Stabilization Program designed to bring Spain's not inconsiderable resources into fuller par- ticipation with the growing economy of the rest of Europe, and to attract foreign exchange earnings back into normal trade channels. Aided by a substantial devalua- tion of the peseta, a continuation of booming prosperity in the rest of Europe, and American aid and military expendi- tures, this program has been spectacularly successful. Tourism From the experience of other countries which have passed through and recovered from currency crises, it is apparent that a period of stabilization such as Spain has gone through during the past 3 years usually produces extreme, and sometimes unbearable, pressures on at least some sectors of the economy. The most welcome upsurge of tourism, primarily from Western Europe, eased this situation considerably. Although final figures for the year are not available, it is possible that as many as 10 million tourists came to Spain in 1962. and they may have spent as much as $500 million. Spain has become one of the first nations in the world in terms of tourism; however, this phenomenon stems from the pros- perity of the rest of Europe as well as from the tourist attractions the country offers. Trade restrictions As an integral part of the Stabilization Program, the Spanish Government has undertaken to rationalize and liberalize import controls. Since 1959, a number of products that could formerly be im- ported only under license have been freed from this requirement. Expansion of the list of liberalized products is expected to continue. It is the understanding of the Mission that the ultimate objective is to eliminate all controls on imports except those which can be exercised through import duties. Further steps the Government has taken toward freeing the flow of inter- national trade are: • Spain in 1959 became a member of the Organization for European Eco- nomic Cooperation (OEEC), which in 1961 became the Organization for Eco- nomic Cooperation and Development (OECD). • Spain has announced its intention of adhering to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GAIT). The Government early in 1962 re- quested the Council of Ministers of the Common Market to initiate negotiations directed toward possible Spanish associa- tion. Nat'l Institute of Industry The National Institute of Industry I INI ) is a Government organization that seeks to promote and finance creation and development of Spanish industries. It may also obtain the total or partial expropriation of any industrial or min- ing enterprise or may compel such an enterprise to enlarge its capital in order that the Institute may hold a majority participation. It now owns or controls enterprises in various fields, including mining, oil refining, electric power pro- duction, shipping, aviation, shipbuilding, motor vehicles, artificial fibers, steel, refrigeration, chemicals, radio transmis- sion, fishing, nitrogenous fertilizers, bank- ing, and tourism. INI celebrated its 20th anniversary in 1961. Its chairman stated on that occa- sion that the INI does not aim at nation- alization of the Spanish economy, is made up of incorporated companies, is organized to allow for participation of private capital, may be considered a Government instrument for industrializa- tion of the country without resorting to nationalization, owns installations worth $10 billion, and averages 40 to 42% private participation in its capital stock. The Government in late November 1962 adopted a number of broad policy guidelines for future development. One of these states that the role of INI will be restricted to that of complementing private initiative and of combating mo- nopolistic situations. Investment Since mid- 1962, the laws and regula- tions of Spain have permitted, in respect of investments by foreigners in conver- tible currencies made after July 28, 1959, that all earnings and return of capital (including any profit resulting from sale of assets) may be transferred out of Spain at any time, without limitation. Payments of license fees or royalties may be transferred if the agreement pro- viding for them has received approval of the Government at the time it was en- tered into. Equity participations secured in return for technical assistance, patents, or licenses must be submitted for prior Government approval, and when this has been secured, the earnings or other reali- zations from such participation will also be transferable. Participation by foreigners in Spanish firms is permitted, without the necessity of previous authorization, up to a maxi- mum of 50% ownership. Such participa- tion may take the form of purchase of securities in the open market, purchase directly from the firm, or by providing equipment to the firm. Establishment of any plant, its expan- sion, or change of location, has required prior approval from the Government. This requirement has been applicable whether ownership of the plant is Span- ish, mixed, or entirely foreign. These controls were eased somewhat in August and September of 1962. Further liberali- zation in this field is expected. In instances where a participation by foreigners higher than 50% is desired, approval must be sought from the Gov- ernment. On applications of this nature, the Government reportedly has approved more than 95% of the cases upon which it has acted. Applications have been ap- proved which permit 100% foreign ownership. The Mission heard the opinion expressed that the Government would soon remove the requirement for prior approval of foreign participations in excess of 50% in all but specified industries. To enjoy the freedom to repatriate capital and profits, all investments by foreigners must be registered at the Sta- tistical Office of the Ministry of Com- merce. Securities held, in custody by financial institutions for the benefit of foreigners must be registered, but the identity of the beneficial owner need not be disclosed. Benefits in more farm output seen Interest shown in variety of supplies, equipment Spain's agriculture, although declining in relative importance as a producer of national income, deserves the encourage- ment the Government has announced it will receive. Exports are dominated by agricultural products and most of the countries to which these products are shipped do not themselves produce directly competitive items, thereby offering promise of ex- panded sales. Also, although a large exporter of food-stuffs, Spain is also a regular and heavy imported of foods, representing a drain on foreign exchange supplies which could be lessened to some extent by greater and more diversified farm output. Spain will probably continue to be an importer of feed grains, protein supple- ments, vegetable oils, and oil seeds for crushing. Agricultural exports at present include a large proportion of fresh produce, of which citrus fruits make up the biggest part. The Mission believes that fresh pro- duce exports from Spain have about reached their economic limits, not only because as a luxury item their market in Western Europe is limited to the up- per classes of a few large metropolitan centers, but also because at the present high level of trade a crop failure, or a temporary decline in production could be extremely costly to producers and could damage hard-won acceptance in European markets. Spanish producers must now shift emphasis, the Mission believes, toward "processed" fruit, that is, concentrated and frozen juices. This will not only permit stabilization of supplies and elimination of seasonality, but will also provide products which can be offered to the mass markets of Western Europe. Canned juices are already exported; but if experience in the U.S. can serve as a guide, offering of chilled juice and frozen Mi' ' " ' mm : : ■ BEACH SCENE: Taken at the popular resort city of San Sebastian, on the Bay of Biscay. concentrates will greatly expand the mar- kets. Some of the fruit and vegetable proc- essors the Mission met realize that freez- ing offers the best chance for real ex- pansion. As this attitude becomes more general, pressure will be strong on Span- ish growers to increase output. Again using the experience of the U.S. as a guide, the Mission expects growers to turn to heavier use of fertilizers and in- secticides as one means of increasing the quantity and quality of their crops. Agricultural supplies Heavy emphasis on importing products which contribute toward producing high- protein foods was evidenced by a number of requests for sources of supply for cattle and poultry feeds, baby chicks, concentrated organic fertilizers, insecti- cides, mowers, seeds, and veterinary medicines. The desire of Spanish businessmen to manufacture under license and to estab- lished joint-venture manufacturing showed a similar concern for providing cattle and poultry feeds, insecticides, and veterinary products. Agricultural equipment Grain- and rice-drying equipment, har- vesting machinery, lentil-grading equip- ment, irrigation pumps, submersible water pumps, and small tractors are among the agricultural-equipment imports wanted. Proposals to manufacture under license were received for mechanical cotton pick- ers; grain-classifying, grain-cleaning, and grain-conveying equipment; and other items. Typical interests in joint-venture manufacture were for production of general farm implements, grain clean- ing and classifying equipment, broiler equipment, and incubators. Consumer goods production in Spain not adequate to meet growing market Tourist trade, rising personal incomes spark increasing demand for products of improved quality Spain manufactures a large quantity of consumer goods; but for several reasons the output is not adequate to meet de- mand, in either quality or quantity. • The number of tourists who come to Spain every year — 8 to 10 million — present an increased demand for con- sumer goods, particularly nondurables, and in many instances insist on products not traditionally consumed by Spaniards. • Spain's long years of economic iso- lation have produced a consumer goods industry whose goods are often high- cost and of a quality not satisfactory to Spanish consumers. • Personal income of the Spanish people has been rising, and this rise should accelerate under the influence of an effective economic development pro- gram; under existing economic condi- tions, increases in personal income should be almost directly reflected in increased demand for consumer goods for a num- ber of years to come. Nondurables Nondurables for which the strongest desires were expressed include: Apparel, such as lingerie, work clothing and used clothing; cosmetics, such as de- odorants, skin cleansers, lipstick, perfumes, and beauty parlor specialties; foodstuffs, such as canned fruits (particularly pineapple), meats, soups, vegetables, cocktail tid-bits, and dietetic foods; aerosol products, insect repellants, disinfectants, and U.S. whiskies. Interest in manufacturing nondurable consumer goods under license was fre- quently expressed, especially for baby foods, foundation garments, beer, and plastic toys and games. An even greater interest was shown in joint-venture manufacture, with particu- lar emphasis on: Women's apparel, such as dresses, founda- tion garments, and lingerie; men's clothing, such as dress shirts, sport shirts, trousers, and work clothing; and cosmetics, such as perfumes and soaps. Durables Interest the Mission received relating to import of durable consumer goods reflects the rising scale of living in Spain. Principal emphasis was on: Light home appliances, such as electric irons, kitchen blenders and mixers, electric cleaners and carpet sweepers; heavy 'appli- ances, such as room air-conditioners, freezers, and refrigerators; in knock-down condition for assembly in Spain, room air-conditioners, electric stoves, refrigerators, washing ma- chines, water coolers, and water heaters; books; chain saws; costume jewelry; electric lighting fixtures; fiber-glass boats; kitchen ware; sofa beds; and transistor radios. As Spain has a well-developed steel industry, and long experience in metal working, it is not surprising that the Mis- sion encountered a number of firms de- sirous of manufacturing household ap- pliances under license, as well as chil- dren's books (in translation), outboard motors, carpet sweepers, stainless steel ware, metal furniture, and aluminum Venetian blinds. Projects presented to the Mission re- lated to joint-venture manufacture of durable consumer goods were heavily concentrated in the field of major kitchen appliances, but also included such pro- ducts as pleasure boats (particularly fiber- glass) and stainless steel ware. U.S. Machinery Mission to Spain November 3-December 8, 1962 Visited six cities: Barcelona, Bil- bao, Madrid, Sevilla, Valencia, Zaragoza. Operated four Trade Informa- tion Centers equipped with com- mercial libraries: In Barcelona, at the Institute of North Ameri- can Studies; Bilbao, Casa Ameri- cana; and Madrid, 1, Official Chamber of Commerce and 2, Official Chamber of Industry. Met with businessmen: Held meetings attended by 1,080; had 1,050 personal interviews; visited 17 plants. Presented 551 business pro- posals submitted by U.S. firms; 507 of these received response from 572 Spanish firms. Reported 1,397 opportunities for U.S. firms: 716 for export of U.S. products, 171 for import of Spanish products, 234 for licensing of U.S. know-how; and 276 for joint ventures between Spanish and American business- men. 10 TRADE OPPORTUNITIES The following export, agency, and import oppor- tunities represent leads developed by the Mission. A star (*•) indicates that additional information is available on a loan basis from the International Activities Staff, Attention Mr. E. Craig Wilton, Business and Defense Services Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. NCIA following indicates no commercial information available. If copies of the interview report from which these opportunities were de- veloped are desired, please indicate I.R. number in request. WTD indicates that a World Trade Directory report is available on the firm for which the trade opportunity is listed. These reports, indicating type of organization, sales territory, size of busi- ness, sales volume, trade and financial reputation, and other factors, are available for $1 each from the Commercial Intelligence Division, BIC, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. EXPORTS Oil Field Crop Farms Soya beans; Comercial Boeta, Belen 40, Madrid. I.R. -831. Corn for making constarch, about 100 tons per year; Casa G. Freitag, Alameda 40, (Jativa), Valencia. I.R. -415. 019 Commercial Farms Tomato, citrus, bean, pea and fruit seeds; Rafael Orihuel Gasque, San Francisco de Borja 10, Gandia (Valencia). NCIA. I.R. -872. 072 Animal Husbandry Services Baby chicks for broilers— best quality; Avidesa, Alcira, Valencia. I.R. -495. 200 Food and Kindred Products Interested in securing agency for American food articles; Antonio Chamorro Barajas, Embajadores 126, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-788. Canned and bottled items; Vda. Mateo Rodriguez S.A., Almacenes Industrials 22, Oviedo. I.R. -551. Complete dietetic line (agency); Dietisa S.A., Hermano Julio 43, Badalona (Barcelona). NCIA. I.R.-458. General food products; Jose Buitrago Lopez, Plaza Santa Catalina 1, Murcia. NCIA. I.R. -397. All types of canned foods and beer (direct purchase for distribution); Sixto Ayora Cortes, Cuba 8 y 10, Valencia. I.R. -153. 201 Meat Products Frozen chickens; Distribuidora General Z, Pam- plona (Navarra). I.R. -562. 202 Dairy Products Cheese, butter, and dried milk (agency); Jose Pibernat, Reine Cristina 5, Barcelona. I.R. -273. 203 Canning and Preserving of Fruits, Vegeta- bles, and Sea Foods Canned foods in reciprocal arrangements; In- termar S.A., Miguel Angel 1, Madrid. I.R. -823. Large food broker seeks additional lines in American canned goods of all types; Joaquin Na- varro Berlanga, Vicente Caballero 13, Madrid. I.R. -858. Food broker interested in acting as a distributor for American canned foods; Peronaco, Ruiz de Alarcon 5, Madrid. I.R. -795. Dried fruit, beans, and canned pineapple (agency); Jose Pibernat, Reina Cristina 5, Barcelona. I.R.-273. Canned foodstuffs (distributor); Mira Y Plana, Via Layetana 4, Barcelona 3. I.R. -374. Canned foodstuffs, vegetables (agency); Manuel Carmona Salinas, Quintana 27, Sevilla. I.R. -468. Baby foods, direct purchase or agency; Agua De Solares S.A., Reina 34, Madrid. NCIA. I.R. -990. Large food processor seeks canned fruit and vegetable line to suppliment own lines; Conservas Garavilla S.A., Apartado 12, Bermeo (Vizcaya). Canned soups, meats and vegetables (agency); Rafael Martinez Fernandez, Calvo Sotelo 10, Coria Del Rio, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R. -628. Several canned foods (agency); RexnaS.L., Prin- cipe 5, Bilbao. I.R. -557. 204 Grain Mill Products Animal and poultry feed additives of the fat and oil line (agency); Victios S. A., Montseny 14 (Puente Vallecas), Madrid. I.R. -835. Cereals, barley, meat flour, fish flour, soybean flour and dried vegetables (import agent); Camilo Candela Pascual, PI. San Jaime 2, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-448. Cereals, barley, meat flour, fish flour, soybeans flour and dried vegetables (import agent); Jaime 11 Rigol, Av. J. A. Primo de Rivera 657, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-428. Chicken feeds; Distribuidora General Z, Pam- plona (Navarra). I.R.-562. Grain and feed agent seeks exclusive agency with U.S. grain and feed companies; Francisco Pablos Perez, Goles 42, Sevilla. I.R.-636. Animal feeds of all types; Empresa BesayaS.A., Plaza Principe 1, Santander. I.R.-773. Bone meal manufacturer desires to affiliate with U.S. feed firm compounding complete line of cattle feed for sale in Spain; Industrias Quintana S.L., Portal de Arriaga 21, Vitoria. I.R.-687. Animal feed (agency); EusebioMuguerzaZubieta, Aoiz 12, Pamplona. I.R.-548. Animal feeds and agricultural seeds; Materias Quimicas Farmaceuticas S.C., Jose Antonio 45 Madrid. WTD 7/31/61. I.R.-90. 208 Beverage Industries Soft beverages and whiskies (agency); Peronaco, Ruiz de Alarcon 5, Madrid, I.R.-795. Bourbon whiskey, top grade, straight and blended (agency only); Compania Exportadora Espanola S.A., Ramblas 109, Barcelona. I.R.-215. Alcoholic beverages such as wines, whiskeys and liqueurs (exclusive distributor); Comerica S.L., Eduardo Data 19, Madrid. WTD 9/14/61. I.R.-20. 209 Food Preparations and Kindred Products Soya meal and defatted milk powder; Fernando R. Goddin, Zurbano 66, Madrid. WTD 5/23/61. I.R.-86. Luxury food products, candy; Comerica S.L., Eduardo Dato 19, Madrid. WTD 9/14/61. I.R.-20. Fats, tallows and oils; Sabino Inchaurz, S.A., Zorilla 29, Madrid. I.R.-10. Stablizers, emulsifiers, and other ingredients for the production of ice cream; Derivados Lactoos S.A., Plomo 3, Madrid. I.R.-837. Crude oil either vegetable or animal— also seeks license to manufacture margarine; Manuel Pablos E Hijos S.A., Marque's de Paradas 18, Sevilla. I.R.-479. Vegetable oils (agency); Jose Luis Flo De Azcue, Pasaje Maluguer 2, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-455. Fats and oils; Juan Otero Mayals, Garcia de Vinuesa 30, Sevilla. I.R.-348. Mixed feed base components such as soybeans and fish meal— blood and meat meal— powdered milk; Avidesa, Alcira (Valencia). I.R.-495. 211 Cigarettes Cigarettes (agency); Alfredo Garcia Palasini (Partagas), Goya 139, Madrid. I.R.-824. 213 Tobacco (Chewing and Smoking) and Snuff Raw tobacco; AlfredoGarcia Palasini (Partagas), Goya 139, Madrid. I.R.-824. 220 Textile Mill Products Textile wastes; Rafael Insa Latorre, Quintana 3, Alcoy (Alicante). I.R.-399. Textile wastes; Jacob Anidjar, Ronda San Pedro 3, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-446. Textile wastes; Manuel Garcia Sandemetrio, Paiporta 34, Catarroja (Valencia). I.R.-414. Several textile products, (agency); Manuel Ortiz Rodriguez, Bejar 4, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R.-604. Textile engineer seeks complete line of textiles on an agency basis; Manuel Maqueda, Manuel Siv- rot 3, Sevilla. I.R.-653. Several textile products (agency); Fernando F lores, Cereza 13, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R.-612. 225 Knitting Mills Seeks agency for U.S. knitted goods and other textiles; Gior, Berenguer Mallol 34, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-871. 228 Yarn and Thread Mills Regular yarn, numbers 6 and 66; also rubber yarn and synthetic rubber yarn; Gabriel Luria, Napole 178, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-445. 229 Textile Goods Textile waste, poor cotton; RochmarS.A., Curti- dores 14-24, Barcelona. I.R.-223. Textile waste; Ruperto Busto, Paris 143, Barce- lona. WTD 9/21/59. I.R.-34. 230 Apparel and Other Finished Products Made From Fabrics and Similar Materials Used clothing of all types; Rochmar S.A., Curti- dores 14-24, Barcelona. I.R.-223. 232 Men's, Youths', and Boys' Furnishings, Work Clothing, and Allied Garments Work clothes; Lazaro Perez Ayuso, Embajadores 5, Madrid. I.R.-41. 234 Women's, Misses', Children's, and Infants' Under Garments Wishes to represent on exclusive basis a U.S. manufacturer of ladies' lingerie; Risuan S.A., Abtao 33, Madrid. I.R.-967. 242 Sawmills and Planing Mills Red pine for use in fishing vessels, and pine for buildings and oak for use in furniture; VDA. De Mendez, S; Fernando 84, Cartagena. I.R.-833. Special woods for manufacturing television cabi- nets and other furniture sought by furniture manu- facturer; Electrodomesticos Reunidos S.A. (Ersa), Canarias 10, Madrid. I.R.-526. Hardwood lumber (agency); Compania Espanola De Comerico YCompensacionS.L. NCIA. I.R.-435. 12 All types of lumber, particularly hard woods (agency); Emilio Rodriguez Gonzalez, Diputacion 239, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-441. Fine woods of all types for use in furniture; Jose Ucha De Castro, Dulcinea 49, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-269. Lumber, resinous and non- resinous; Campania General De Carbones S.A., Claudio Coello 65, Madrid. I.R.-253. 243 Millwork, Veneer, Plywood, and Prefabri- cated Structural Wood Products Several lumber products on a distributor basis sought by lumber firm; Arana-Maderas S.A., Apartado 137, Bilbao. I.R.-685. Prefabricated homes and sheds, distribution sought by contractor; Luis Roncero, Alcala 121, Madrid. I.R.-790. 244 Wooden Containers Staves and headings; Hijos De Lantero S.A., Serrano 134, Madrid. WTD 11/21/62. I.R.-304. Christmas card paper stock; Jose Ortiz S.A., Bailen 12, Madrid. I.R.-850. Paper, jute and cotton bags (agency only); Francisco Miliam Serrano, Camino Barcelona 103 Valencia. I.R.-163. Pressure sensitive and other industrial tape (agency only); Laboratories Verkos, Cervantes 3, Zaragoza. I.R.-117. Bags of all types for industrial and agricultural uses, including chemical products. Particular interest in bags of 50 kilos for potatoes, 80 kilos for fertilizers. In other lines, will consider plain or plastic lined bags with pouring spouts or plain. Also shopping bags up to 25 kilos capacity (agency); Juan Balmaseda, Uribitarte 22, Bilbao. I.R.-662. 272 Periodicals: Publishing and Printing Books and magazines (direct distributor); Union Distribuidora De Ediciones, San Miguel 14, Zara- goza. I.R.-209. Scientific publication and magazines; Libros Tecnicos Y Cientificos, San Vicente 21, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R.-623. 249 Miscellaneous Wood Products Shot gun handles made of oak wanted by arms manufacturer; Armas Marixa, Isasi 20 Eibar. I.R.-750. 273 Books Children's books for translation into Spanish (on royalty basis); Ediciones Betis, Calle de Bot, 4 bis, Barcelona. I.R.-226. 251 Household Furniture Sofa-beds (distributor, leading to possible license or joint venture); Muebles Practy, San Bernardo 38, Madrid. I.R.-302.* Household furniture (agency); Vicent-Miquel, Baron de Career 48, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-312. Full range of American- made household furni- ture wanted to supplement lines of furniture manufacturer; Casa Y Jardin S.L., and Darro, S.A., Padilla 21, Madrid. I.R.-530.* 252 Office Furniture Office furniture such as desks and draftsmen' s tables; Migrap, Rambla Cataluna 112, Barcelona. I.R.-279. 260 Paper and Allied Products Several paper products (agency); Rafael Zamora Alcaide, Juan Zogas, 36. Sevilla. I.R.-638. 264 Converted Paper and Paperboard Products, Except Containers and Boxes Paper bags for bagging onions and other vegeta- bles; Francisco Ara Barrachina, Sangre 9 y 11, Valencia. I.R.-317. 280 Chemicals and Allied Products Industrial chemicals (agency); Jose Mendez Cuesta, Ronda Capuchinos 1 dp., Sevilla. I.R.-613. 281 Industrial Inorganic and Organic Chemicals Chemical products used for road-building and in textile fibres (distributor); Ramon Par S.A., Av. Generalisimo Franco 408, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.- 417. Chemicals used in tanneries, textile industry, paint and varnish industry, paper resin, plastics and food industries (exclusive agency or distribu- tor); Materias Quimicas, Av. Jose Antonio 579, Pral., Barcelona 13. I.R.-407. Chemicals for use in textile industry; Elementos Quimicos-Industriales S.A., Agricultura 67, Bar- celona. I.R.-339. General organic products; Laboratorio Industrial De Sintesis Organicas S.A., Pamplona 96-104, Barcelona. I.R.-289. Basic materials for the manufacture of agricul- tural insecticides for citrus and fruit; Jose Bena- vent Adrian, Galvo Sotelo 55, Nules (Castellon). I.R.-501. Oxides and industrial detergents; Parker Es- panola S.A., Galdacano (Vizcaya). I.R.-764.* Chemicals for petro-chemical plants (agency); Fermin Santos, Gran Via 19-21, Bilbao. I.R.-703. 13 Interested in representing producers of polyethy- lene, polystyrene (impact types), polypropylene resin, melamine (resin), polyvinyl chloride (resin); Nexport (Norte Europa Exportacion, S.A.), Aragon 376, 3o, Barcelona. WTD 4/4/62. I.R.-256. Chemical products for following industries: plas- tics, food processing, metallurgical and textile (exclusive distributor); Laquimsa, San Juan 1, 3, y 5, San Adrian de Besos, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.- 127. Brake fluid (distributor); Tavisa(Talleres Villar S.A.), La Ripa 3, Zaragoza. I.R.-103. 282 Plastics Materials and Synthetic Rubber, Synthetic and Other Man-Made Fibers, Ex- cept Glass Polyethylene and chemicals used in petroleum industry (agency only); Medir, Ferrer y Co., Via Layetana 23, entlo. A., Barcelona. WTD 8/28/61. I.R.-38. Raw material (scrap) for the manufacture of plexiglass or lucite type; Vicente Del Castillo Garcia "Irpen", Av. Jose Antonio 814, Barcelona. I.R.-237. Reprocessed polyeth resins, off-grade resins, reprocessed PVC for extrusion (agency only); A. Winterhalder, Villarroel 126, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-234. All types of acetate, butyrate, acrylics, polyethy- lene (new plastics); Manufex S.A., Jativa 15, Va- lencia. WTD 7/21/60. I.R.-149. Plastic raw materials (agency); Fermin Santos, Gran Via 19-21, Bilbao. I.R.-703. 283 Drugs Pharmaceuticals, especially vitamins and medi- cines for the treatment of tuberculosis. May lead to license later on; Laboratories Morgens, Pilar de Zaragoza 24, Madrid. I.R.-842. Drugs, reactive for blood transfusions snd other pharmaceuticals (agency); Jesus Pascual Perez, San Juan de la Cruz 13-15, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-296. Veterinary medicines and drugs for chickens and cattle; Serva S.L., Valparaiso 18, Sevilla. I.R.-464. Pharmaceuticals (agency); Fernando Martinez Tena, Av. Baron de Career 32, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-496. Pharmaceutical products (agency); Angel More- nas Amarillo, Bushos Tavera 20, Sevilla. I.R.-485. Veterinary preparations for poultry (exclusive agency or distributor); Materias Quimicas, Av. Jose Antonio 579, Pral., Barcelona 13. I.R.-407. Pharmaceuticals (agency); Antonio Cortes Bru- netti, Campo de Vidal 16, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R. - 449. Pharmaceuticals (agency); InforbasS.A. , Rambla de Prat 11, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-456. Pharmaceuticals (agency); Manuel Ortiz Rodri- guez, Bejar 4, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R.-604. Drug products in the baby formula line (distrib- utor); Laboratorios Instituto Ulta.,GasgondeGotor 4, Zaragoza. I.R.-266. Pharmaceutical products (agency only); Maria Del Rosario Vallve Miro, Mallorca 169, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-128. Pharmaceutical raw materials; Laboratorios Clariana, Post Office Box 2, Car let (Valencia). I.R.-169. Pharmaceuticals (distributor); Jose Balari Mar- co, Calle Bailen 95-97, Barcelona. WTD 9/19/58. I.R.-35. Pharmaceutical products (distributor); Labora- torios Lefa., Quintilano 4, Madrid. WTD 6/12/62. I.R.-93. 284 Soap, Detergents and Cleaning Preparations, Perfumes, Cosmetics, and Other Toilet Preparations Cosmetic compounds on joint venture or agency basis; Laboratories Orive, Logrono. I.R.-845. General cosmetics (distributor); Materias Qui- micas Farmaceuticas S.C., Jose Antonio 45 Madrid. WTD 7/31/61. I.R.-90. Solid cologne in tubes, 20 grams; solid deodorant in tubes, 20 grams; solid perfumes, 5 grams; solid oils in tubes, 20 grams (distributor); Jose Novejarque Baset, Azcarraga 27, Valencia. I.R. - 152. Shoe and car polishes (distributor); Kanfort S.L., Adela Balboa 3, Madrid. I.R. -83. Beauty aids and household items (distributor); Alta Belleza, Pajaritos 31, Madrid. I.R. -81.* Medium priced cosmetics and cleansers; Esteve Ferrer I Garriga, Rossello 419, Barcelona. I.R.- 235. 285 Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels, and Allied Products Paints and varnishes for industrial use; Atlantic S.A.E., Po. Imperial 65, Madrid. I.R.-852. Anti- corrosive paints; G.P.M. Espanola, Car- retera Sarrici 10, Barcelona. I.R. -815. Paints and varnishes (commission agents); Jose Senciales Gines, Maldonado 5, Valencia. I.R. -309. Paint (agency only); Borobio y Bellido S.A., General Franco 50, Zaragoza. I.R. -186. Interested in locating new types of enamels for painting road signs for use on lighter guage sheet metal; Esmalteras Simon S.A., Quintana 6, Bilbao. I.R.-721. Indoor and outdoor paints; Jose Soler Gonza- lez, General Ricardos 179, Madrid. I.R. -969. 14 287 Agricultural Chemicals Concentrated organic fertilizers to be final- prepared in Spain (agency); Francisco Carrasco Hernandez, Miquel de Cervantes 14, Ecija(Sevilla). I.R. -637. Agricultural chemicals and insecticides; At- lantic S.A.E., Po. Imperial 65, Madrid. 1.R.-852. Agricultural insecticides (agency); Amber S.A., Lagasca 38, Madrid. I.R.-808.. Agricultural chemicals (distributor); Ramon Par S.A., Av. Generalisimo Franco 408, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-417. Insecticides for trees and agriculture; Productos Tise, Joaquin Costa 42, Valencia. I.R.-492. Basic insecticide materials; IndustriasQuimicas De Tarragona S.A. y Comercial De Productos Ag- ricolas, S.A., Demestre k4 (Tres Torres), Barce- lona. I.R.-240. Oils for cutting tools, hydraulic oils; Elementos Quimicos-Industriales S.A., Agricultura67, Barce- lona. I.R.-339. 307 Plastics Products Plastic waste; 5, Valencia. I.R. Pasper, Ramon de Campoamor 160. Plastic scrap (agency); Compania Espanola De Comercio Y Compensacion S.L., Balmes 110, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R. -435. Plastic hair and other plastic articles entering into the manufacture of dolls; Fabricas Agrupadas De Munecas De Onil, S.A./ (Famosa), Av. Jose Antonio 28, Onil (Alicante). I.R.-406. Plastics (agency); Manuel Urquizu Caldes, Jose Antonio 41, Benicarlo (Castellon). NCIA. I.R. -382. 311 Leather Tanning and Finishing 289 Chemical Products Automotive fuel additive (distributor); Isaac Espinosa Garcia, Jorge Juan 78, Madrid. I.R. -176. 291 Petroleum Refining Petroleum jelly (distriutor); Ramon Par S.A.., Av. Generalisimo Franco 408, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R. -417. Lubricants (agency); Manuel OrtunoRubio, Mari- ano Ribera 32, Valencia. NCIA. I.R. -386. Lubricating oil for automotive use (agency); Carbones Arama, Av. Cataluna 13-15, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-360. Greases and lubricants; Treco, S.A., Villanueva 13, Madrid. I.R. -82. Special lubricating and cutting oils; also auto- motive oil additives (distributor); Motriz S.L., Serrano 41, Madrid. I.R. -6. 295 Paving and Roofing Materials Asphalt and waterproofing products; Productos Asfalticos S.A., Av. de America 16, Madrid. I.R. -9. 299 Products of Petroleum and Coal Semifinished petrochemical products (agency only); Guzman S.A., Av. del Oeste 48 Valencia. WTD 10/25/59. I.R. -159. Lubricants and additives for the automotive industry; Peycar S.L., Jose Antonio 55, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-787. U.S. chrome finished cowhide 1 1/2 to 2 mm. thick, top grain; Manufacturas Car led, San Vicente Martir 5 Zaragoza. I.R. -189. Leather and sole leather; Pedro Hernandez Luna, Palamar 4, Zaragoza. I.R. -200. Leather goods (agency only); Industrias Moral, Cerdan 2, Zaragoza. I.R.-206. 314 Footwear, Except Rubber Women's slippers; Fernando Hernanz Lopez, Granada 3. Madrid. NCIA. I.R. -851. Shoes (distributor); D.I.C.A. Valencia. NCIA. I.R. -488. S.L. , Sagasta 4, 322 Glass and Glassware, Pressed or Blown Complete line of fiber glass products; Juan Ayudarte Chaguaceda, Naciones 15, Madrid. I.R. - 789. 323 Glass Products, Made of Purchased Glass Glasswares (agency); Vicent-Miquel, Baron de Career 48, Valencia. NCIA. I.R. -312. 329 Abrasive, Asbestos, and Miscellaneous Non- metallic Mineral Products Mica (agency); Compania Espanola De Comercio Y Compensacion S.L., Balmes 110, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R. -435. Abrasives for metal (agency); Larroca. G. V. Fernando el Catolico 4, Valencia. I.R. -141. Mica (direct purchase or agency). Fermin Santos, Gran Via 19-21, Bilbao. I.R. -703. 15 331 Blast Furnaces, Steel Works, and Rolling and Finishing Mills Hot rolling mill to produce 200 tons/day up to 80 millimeters outside dimension; continuous cast- ing machine to produce 200 tons/day of low carbon steel bars up to 80 millimeters square; Laminor, S.A., Apartado 11, Amorebieta, Vizcaya. I.R.- 121.- Corless induction melting furnace for cast iron, 50 cycles, 10,000 volts, 700 kg. capacity, 300 KVA power; Talleres Florencio Gomez S.A., Unceta 23, Zaragoza. I.R. -265.* 332 Iron and Steel Foundries Interested in representing steel firm as agent; Imet, Alda. San Mames 43, Bilbao. I.R.-719. Mailed- netting in stainless steel for containing olive-paste within bounds such as present use of wooden or nylon slats accomplish. Manual Her- rera Blanco, San Sebastian 6, El Arahal (Sevilla). I.R.-650. Steel (agency); Manuel Urquizu Caldes, Jose Antonio 41, Benicarlo (Castellon). NCIA. I.R.- 382. Steel for the manufacture of conical roller bearings, (type 1HA— F131) 200 tons/year; Roda- mientos A y S., Duquesa de Villahermosa 1-7, Zaragoza. I.R.-351. Grain -oriented silicon steel; non-ferrous (copper and aluminum) Ingots for foundry (exclusive agen- cy); Cia. Castellana Continental S. A., Serrano 23, Madrid. WTD 11/28/58. I.R.-89. 334 Secondary Smelting and Refining of Non- ferrous Metals and Alloys Tinplate and blackplate (agency); Jose Luis Pedrero, Alda. Mazarredo 81, Bilbao. I.R.-718. Metal, non-ferrous scrap; Ruperto Busto, Paris 143, Barcelona. WTD 9/21/59. I.R.-34. Scrap brass and copper, non-ferrous; Fundi- ciones y Talleres Judas S. A. (Est. 1870), Fame's 22, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona. I.R.-60. Non-ferrous scrap for local processing (ex- clusive agency); Richard Weill, Calle Calvet 64, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-132. Steel turning in bales (3,000 to 5 000 tons/ month); Hierros Y Metals S.A., Travesi adePozas 6, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-261. 335 Rolling, Drawing and Extruding of Non- ferrous Metals Tinplate and black plate (agency); Juan Otero Mayals, Garcia de Vinuesa 30, Sevilla. I.R.-348. 336 Nonferrous Foundries Tinplate (agency); Compania Espanolade Comer - cio y Compensacion S.L., NCIA. I.R.-435. Tinplate for can manufacturing; Juan Vazquez Mendez, Queipo de Llano 46, Huelva. NCIA. I.R.- 622. 339 Primary Metal Industries Silicon s L eel in sheets and coils for transformers; Guiral Industrias Electricas, San Andre's 17, Zara- goza. I.R.-109. Silicon steel sheets for transformers; Frater, Calvo Sotelo 26, Zaragoza. I.R.-98. 342 Cutlery, Hand Tools and General Hardware All types of house locks; Nestor Gutierrez Estevez, Av. Generalisimo 77, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-828. Hardware, locks, and small tools (agency); Fernando De La Fuente S.L., Almirante 5, Madrid. I.R.-961. Pliers, drill presses, vises and general hand tools (agency only); Manuel Alvarez Suarez, Ba- talla del Salado 29, Madrid. I.R.-16. Safety and fire protection equipment for use in automobiles; A.Y.S.A. (Aplicacionesy Serviciasdel Automovil), Juan Sebastian Bach 18, Bracelona. NCIA. I.R.-460. Hand tools for automotive body assembly (agen- cy); Santiago Calvet Romaguera e Hi jo, Consejo de Ciento 27, Barcelona. I.R.-424. General hardware (agency); Angel Morenas Amarillo, Bustos Tavera 20, Seville. I.R.-485. Tools and equipment used in enamelling industry (agency); Ferro- Enamel Espanola S.A. , Apartado 502, Bilbao. I.R.-683. Light, portable electrical machinery such as metal cut-off machines, drills, etc.; Circilo De Gana Ltd., Rodriquez Arias 31, Bilbao. I.R.-588. 344 Fabricated Structural Metal Products Prefabricated structural steel for framing, roof supports, scaffolding (distributor); Aeon S.L., Plaza F. Moyua 6, Bilbao. I.R.-598. Metal window frames, hardware and steel for building industry (distributor); Industrias Inet, Pintor Mestre Marcel 24-26, Valencia. I.R. -327. Pre-fabricated elements for use in construction of office building; Fomento De Obras Y Construc- ciones S.A., Balmes 36, Barcelona. I.R. -231. Steel buildings (exclusive distributor); Juan Puch Hidalgo, Reyes 13, 6°, Madrid. NCIA. I.R. -170. 349 Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products Control valves for chemical industries, agency or exclusive distribution leading to possible li- cense agreement; Productos Y Accesories Para La Industria Quimica S.A., Udondo-Lejona (Viz- caya). I.R. -659 351 Engines and Turbines Diesel marine engines, 400-800 H.P. (agency); Distribuidores Mack S.A., Nunez de Balboa 3, Madrid. I.R. -7. Components and spare parts for marine engines (agency); Central Espanola De Expansion Indus- trial, Gran Via 66, Bilbao. I.R. -569. 16 352 Farm Machinery and Equipment Agricultural equipment (agency); Francisco Car- rasco Hernandez, Miquel de Cervantes 14, Ecija (Sevilla). I.R.-637. Agricultural machinery; Distribuidora General Z, Pamplona (Navarra). I.R.-562. Small tractors for agricultural use (agency); Fernando Lopez Garcia, Quiepo de Llano 104, Villacarrillo (Jaen). NCIA. I.R.-810. Small tractors for farm and industrial use— seeks distributorship eventually leading to license agree- ments; Taymc— Talleres Auxiliares De Maquinaria Y Caldereria, Camino de Aldaya s/n, Manises (Valencia). I.R.-866. Small tractors and accessories for use on fruit farms; Rafael Moreno Valiente, Gran Via Marques Turia 55, Valencia. I.R.-894. Agricultural machinery (agency); Comercial Y Industrial Vequer, Diputacion 239 Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-370. Agricultural equipment; Recaben S.A., Paseo de las Delicias 3, Sevilla. I.R.-480 Farm machinery (distributor); Suministros Agri- colas Andres Hermanos, General Franco 124, Zara- goza. I.R.-183. Agricultural machinery (direct purchase or agen- cy); Agua De Solares S.A., Reina 34, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-990. 353 Construction, Mining, and Materials Handling Machinery and Equipment Construction and road building machinery and equipment (agency); Agencia de Importacion-Ex- portacion, Alcala 207, Madrid. I.R.-377. Asphalt handling machines for road work; Hijos De Domingo Betanzos, Jose Antonio 31, Madrid. I.R.-519. Geophysical apparatus, drills for oil and water (distributor/agency); Sociedad Espanola De Pros- peccion Electrica Ltda., Reina 15, Madrid. I.R.- 889. Cement mixers and related equipment (distri- butor); Aeon S.L., Plaza F. Moyua 6, Bilbao. I.R.- 598. Construction equipment especially concrete type such as miners, concrete pipe machines, vibrators (agency); Antonio Urmeneta Ajarnaute, Mutilvo 17, Pamplona. I.R.-573. Cranes and earthmoving machinery (agency); Oficina Tecnica Y Comercial S.A., Alvarex Quin- tero 29, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R.-608. Construction machinery (distributor); Sumini- stros Agricolas Andres Hermanos, General Franco 124, Zaragoza. I.R.-183. Road construction and building machinery; also ship and ship building machinery (direct purchase or agency); Compania General De Carbones S.A., Claudio Coello 65, Madrid. I.R.-253.* Construction machinery and materials (agency); Drogeria Aduana, Aduana 15, Madrid. I.R.-940. Road paving equipment; Sebastian Xifre Sala, Lopez Allue' 9, Zaragoza. I.R.-115. Belt conveyors, pneumatic tubes; Yalleres Ape, Teniente Coronel Pueyo 3, Zaragoza. I.R.-107. Construction machinery such as cement mixers and cranes (exclusive distributor); Julio Lazaro, Carretera de Madrid 47, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.- 262. Construction equipment; Azlor S.L. , Gran Via 64, Bilbao. WTD 10/8/62. I.R.-22. Chain saws and mowers (distributor); Bar- reiros S.A., Alcala 32, Madrid. I.R.-29. 354 Metahvorking Machinery and Equipment Tube-bending machinery, also material; Fab- ricas Lucia Antonio Betere S.A., Batallade Brunete 25, Madrid. I.R.-793. Machine tools (exclusive distributor); Insuna S.A., Barraincua 14, Bilbao. WTD 10/23/62. I.R.- 768. Drills and grinding machines for metal working (exclusive agent); Jose Maria Uriarte, Henao 50, Bilbao. I.R.-746. Sewing machine needles— manufacturing machin- ery and know-how; La Iberica De Agujas S.A., Alameda de San Mames 37, Bilbao. I.R.-734. Automation equipment and related items for machine tools (agency); Ingermercator, Vda, de Epalza 3, Bilbao. I.R.-716. Mechanical presses; Servodyna S.L. , Ercilla 22, Bilbao. I.R.-713.* Automatic machines for large production of wire staples for office and cartons; IndustriasRocandio, Apartado 52, Eibar (Guipuzcoa). I.R.-705. Machine tools, lathes, etc. (agency); Antunez Y Pascua Hnos., Villa Victoria- Enea, San Sebas- tian. I.R.-697. Machinery for the manufacture of wire nails; Industria Rocandio, Apartado 52, Eibar (Guipuzcoa). WTD 5/14/59. I.R.-585. Machine tools (agency); Ayesa, Espronceda 28, Madrid. I.R.-968. Machine tools; Redondo y Garcia S.A., Paseo de las Delicias 32, Madrid. WTD 10/26/62. I.R.-21. Grinding machines, gear cutting machines, steel plate forming machines (agency); Guillet Illjos y Cia., S.A., Fernando VI, 23, ' Madrid. I.R.-28. Metal cutting tools; Elementos Quimicos— In- dustriales S.A., Agricultura 67, Barcelona. I.R.- 339.* Furniture (wrought iron) machinery wanted by manufacturer; Omedes De Cataluna, Diputacion 257, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-419. New and used machine tools (agency); Alberto Lasheras Esteban, Bolonia 4, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-354. Metalworking machines (agency); Enrique Vera Batalla, Panuelas 6, Sevilla. I.R.-341. Manufacturer and agent interested in agency or distributorship for general machine tools; Per- manyer S.A., Ausias March 113, Barcelona. I.R.- 319* 17 Gear cutting and boring tools; automatic turret lathes with multiple axes, possibly with numerical control; Maquinaria De Produccion S.A., Balmes 83, Barcelona. I.R.-280.* Rebuilt and new machine tools; Comercial De Suministros Iberia, Sanclemente 7-9, Zaragoza. I.R.-114. Fully automatic coil winding machinery for trans- former coils; Frater, Calvo Sotelo 26, Zaragoza. I.R.-98. Auto repair tools of all types; Garrido y Gibasa S.R.C., Lope de Haro 12, Madrid. I.R.-72. Metal forging machinery; Talleres B. Porredon, Tetuan 72 Granollers (Barcelona). I.R.-230. Machine tools (exclusive distributor); UsonS.A., Escuelas Pias 23-25, Zaragoza. I.R.-208. Machines tools, specifically bending machines, punching presses, shears and the like; Suminis- tros Industriales Y Comerciales S.A., Gomis 112, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-126. Milling machines, grinding equipment and general machine tools (agency); Provcedora Agricola E Industrial, Paseo de Atocha 15, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-247. Machine tools; Azlor S.L., Gran Via 64, Bilbao. WTD 10/8/62. I.R.-22. 355 Special Industry Machinery, Except Metal- working Machinery Plastic vacuum packaging machinery (exclusive distributor); Satco, S.A., Prim 51, San Sebastian (Guipuzcoa). I.R.-552. Machinery for defibrating "Kenaf" for textile production— also know-how; Productora De Kenaf S.A., Villanueva 24, Madrid. I.R.-525. Bottle-making plant (for wine and preserves) with 15 million/year capacity; Felix Larrea, Vara del Rey 57, Logrono. I.R.-777. Woodworking machinery for furniture desired by furniture manufacturer; Ignacio Subinas Aguirre, Espartero 23, Bilbao. I.R.-769. Woodworking machinery and pneumatic forging hammers to supplement equipment they manu- facture, (distributor); Armentia Y Cia, Adriano 6, Vitoria. I.R.-765.* Woodworking machinery such as hand saws, jointers, routers, etc., (agency); Sierras Alavesas S.A., Apartado 56, Vitoria. I.R.-743. Bakery machinery (agency); Roberto Estefania Lobato, V. de la Via 37, Logrono. I.R.-717. Cadmium anodes; Parker Espanola S.A., Galda- cano (Vizcaya). I.R.-764.* Machinery for the manufacture of imitation leather and plastic impregnated textiles, and to manufacture ready made clothing wanted by cloth- ing manufacturers; Julio San Juan Lorente, Miquel de Cervantes 14, Ecija (Sevilla). I.R.-656. Machinery for packing olive oil— also know-how; Ramon Guillen S.A. Gonzalo de Bilbao 25, Sevilla. WTD 11/22/62. I.R.-647. Brick and cinder block making machinery (agen- cy); Oficina Tecnica Y Comercial S.A., Alvarez Quintero 29, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R.-608. Cement block and forms-making machinery; Ramon Fiol, Banos 66, Sevilla. I.R.-633. Milk bottling and production machinery (agency and direct purchase); Lactosan Ltda, Rositas 11, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R.-606. Woodworking machines (agency); Enrique Vera Batalla, Panuelas 6, Sevilla. I.R.-341. Distilling, bottling and packaging equipment for wines (exclusive distributor); Mariano Buera, General Franco 38-40, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-429. Packaging machines (agency); A. Roca Car- reras, Balmes 180, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-427. Food processor seeks packaging machine for margarine, animal fats, table oils and cooking oils; Esteres Y Grasas S.L., " Estergras " , Carretera de Ribas 535, Barcelona. I.R.-403. Manufacturer of electric- lighting fixtures seeks machine to paint the inside of incandescent lamps white; Especialidades Electricas "Luxus", Aribau 153, Barcelona. I.R.-396. Doll manufacturer seeks machinery for blower injection process for plastics; Fabricas Agrupadas De Munecas De Onil. S.A./(Famosa), Av. Jose Antonio 28, Onil (Alicante). I.R.-406.* Machinery for drying grain (agency); Albert A. Bruce, Moratin 11, Valencia. I.R.-391. Machinery to remove poultry feathers for prep- aration and freezing; Vicente Perez Garcia, General Primo de Rivera 11, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-959. Plastic moulding, compression and injection, machinery; Industrias Plasticas Madrilenas, En- rique Velasco 7, Madrid. I.R.-998. Wine filling machine; Eduardo Delage S.L., Recoletos 3, Madrid. I.R.-988. Wrapping and packaging machines for the fruit business (exclusive distributor); Earle Teitler, Alfonso XII, 46, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-975. Machinery for wrapping and packaging candy for retail sales (agency); Alessandro Cabella Piaggio, Martin de los Heros 77, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-943. Sardine can wrapping machinery, wishes to start as exclusive agent selling, installing and servicing the machinery and then obtain a license agree- ment; Talleres Ulma S.C.I., Barrio Goribar, Onate (Guipuzcoa). I.R.-543. Textile machinery (agency); Gior, Berenguer Mallol 34, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-871. All necessary equipment for timber treating plant; Unofer-Derivados de la Madera, Macarena 20, Sevilla. I.R.-618. Machinery to sinterize cotton seed oil by means of the short process— also interested in purchasing special solvent used in the above process; Manuel Pablos E Hijos S.A., Marques de Paradas 18, Sevilla. I.R.-479. Machinery for molding plastic packaging, closing bags, vacuum molding and slitting- agency or man- ufacture under License; Rovebloc, Buenos Aires 57, Barcelona. I.R.-297. 1! Interested in licensing agreement for fabricating bottling and packaging equipment; Construcciones M. Claramunt, Fray Luis de Leon 85, Sabadeli. I.R.-813. Tube machine for wrapping candies;. Alfonso Seuba Estruch, Mallorea 150, Barcelona. I.R.-276. Automatic shoe lace machine for production of plastic tip shoe laces, both standard and twisted; Faustino Martinez S.A., Moreria 3, Sevilla. I.R.- 482. Concrete pipe plant; Fomento De Obras Y Con- strucciones S.A., Balmes 36, Barcelona. I.R.-231. Baking machinery; Jose Del Tiempo Rapun, S. Vicente Paul 29, Zaragoza. I.R.-119. Bag closing and sewing machines for paper and jute bags ranging from 100 to 180 lbs. (exclusive distributor); Manufacturas Textiles Trenzator, S.R.C., Sevilla 12, Zaragoza. I.R.-106 Woodworking machinery of all types; Emilio Garcia Murillo, Tarazona (Zaragoza). NCIA. I.R.- 96. Food packing machinery; Talleres Juan Borrell, Aribau 71, Barcelona. I.R.-63. Textile machinery (agency); Pedro Sagrera De Armenteras, Ronda de San Pedro 3, 5° -3 Barcelona. I.R.-61. Corrugated box- making machinery to be used in flower packing; Manufacturas Casanovas, Rambla Cataluna 135, Barcelona. I.R.-49. Paper bag manufacturing machinery, particularly open mesh bags for vegetables; Textil Vallesana S.A., Valencia 15-21, Granollers, Barcelona. I.R.- 52. Packaging machines of all types; Tharsis and Co. S.L., Serrano 63, Madrid. I.R.-42. Textile manufacturing machinery; Medir, Fer- rer y Co., Via Layetana 23, entlo. A., Barcelona. WTD 8/28/61. I.R.-38. Woodworking machinery; Eximtrade S.A., Ser- rano 51, Madrid. I.R.-40. Small automatic laundry boilers and pressing equipment; Jose Tajada Aladren, General Mola 4, 5°, Zaragoza. I.R.-184. Textile machinery, new or used; Textil Nivela S.R.C., Carinena, Zaragoza. I.R.-180. Paper mill machinery (agency); Jose Gimenez Sanchis. Sagunto 27, 2°, Valencia. WTD 6/26/58. I.R.-158. Cardboard box machinery for egg boxes; Angel Dolz Y Hermanos S.L., Cadiz 17, Valencia. I.R.- 137. Machinery for slitting special paper used for yearn or thread; C.A.I.T.A.S.A., Camino Juslibol s/n Zaragoza. I.R.-271.* Corrugated cardboard manufacturing machinery; Fonseca S.A., Av. Generalisimo Franco 416, Bar- celona. WTD 11/1/62. I.R.-50. Woodworking machinery; La Industrial Mecanica, Abrain Hermanos, S.R.C., Miguel Servet 28, Zara- goza. I.R.-263.* Woodworking machinery, in particular, modern automated lumber saw mills (agency) ;Guillet Hi jos y Cia., S.A., Fernando VI, 23, Madrid. I.R.-28. Food processing machinery; Industrias Vege- tales Corchero S.A., Jose Antonio 55, Madrid. I.R.-2. Classification machinery for lentils; Sabino In- chaurza, S.A. Zorilla 29, Madrid. I.R.-10. General packaging machinery; Envases Indus- trials S.A., Francisco Suarez 11, Madrid. I.R.- 5. Machinery for the manufacturing of Venetian blinds; Maria Flor Moreno Isaac Peral 52, Madrid. I.R.-13. 356 General Industrial Machinery and Equip- ment Submersible pumps (agency); Juan Otero Mayals, Garcia de Vinuesa 30, Sevilla. I.R.-348. Valves, mechanical and expansion, for flow of liquids and gases (agency); Industesa, Plaza Tetuan 9, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-438. Fire extinguishers and alarm systems (ex- clusive distributor); Jovacam, San Vicente 79, Valencia. I.R.-416. Firefighting trucks, pumps, alarm systems and accessories (exclusive distributor); Industrias Parsi, S.L., Calvo Sotelo 52, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-353. Firefighting equipment, especially high pressure pumps, automatic fire alarm systems, water pumps and equipment for tug boats (exclusive distributor); Defensa Contra Incendios S.A. (D.C.I.S.A.), Antonio Vicent 65, Madrid. I.R.-516'. Portable fire pumps (distributor); Jose Burguet Roca Sues., S.L. , Medico Esteve 7 y 9, Valencia. I.R.-500. Pressure pumps (exclusive distributor); Antonio Martinez-Iniguez, Menendez Pelayo 32-34, Sevilla. I.R.-478. Refrigeration equipment and components such as compressors, condensors, tubes and motors (ex- clusive distributor); Industrias Frigorificas Se- villa S.L., Monte Carmelo 23, Sevilla. I.R.-477. Refrigeration compressors from 1 1/2 to 7 1/2 H.P. (exclusive distribution, leading to license); Ramon Vizcaino S.A., Apartado 36, Pasajes (Guip- uzcoa). WTD 7/30/62. I.R.-575.* Industrial compressors, pneumatic tools, and speed reducers (agency); Francisco Morales, Car- denal Lluch 42, Sevilla. I.R.-615. Office machines (distributors); Carmelo Venero Anacabe, Alameda San Mames 40, Bilbao. I.R.- 775. Conical roller bearings; Peycar S.L., Jose Antonio 55, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-787. Roller and ball bearings using inch system dimensions (distributor or agency); Rodamientos Estella, Carranza 21, Madrid. I.R.-825. 19 Water pumps, submergible type, and sea- water purification equipment (agency or distributor); Guinea Y Viorreta S.L., Santa Isabel 34, Madrid. I.R.-932. Refrigeration valves, fans and pumps; Joaquin Bueno Ortuno, Marques de Zenete 24, Valencia. I.R.-148. Air compressor; Sebastian Xifre Sala, Lopez Allue^ 9, Zaragoza. I.R.-115. Oil refinery pumps, compressors, and varied small pumps (agency); Brugg Espanola S.A., Leg- anitos 35, Madrid. I.R.-245. Electric furnace, resistance type, for enameling metallic articles, automatic temperature controls 30cm. wide, 40cm. long, 40cm. high, temperature up to 1500° C, also electric furnace to melt silver, maximum charge 1 kg. monthly production 200 kg., alloy of about . 90% ag., balance copper, (power available, 220 volts, 50 cycles), electroplating equipment (gold, silver, and nickel) — bright finish required, 60 cm. long, 40 cm. wide, 50 cm. deep; Artesania Sacra, C/de la Huerta 12, Madrid. I.R.- 953.* Refrigeration pumps; Angel Hernandez, Tenor Fleta 16, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-101. 357 Office, Computing, and Accounting Machines Xerox equipment for office use; Publicidad An- tolin, Montera 22, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-840. Used typewriters. Migrap, Rambla Cataluna 112, Barcelona. I.R. -279. Refrigerated storage warehouse to preserve fruit— 600 ton capacity; Alvaro Oltra LLuch, Plaza Caudillo 4, Valencia. I.R.-380. New or used typewriters; Angel Porres Porres, Luis Vives 19, Madrid. I.R.-175. Al] types of office equipment; Octavio Y Felez S.L., P° Cuellar 11 y 13 Zaragoza. I.R.-97. General office equipment; Antonio Garcia, Madera 26, Madrid. I.R.-954. 358 Service Industry Machines Ice cream making machinery; Derivados Lacteos S.A., Plomo 3, Madrid. I.R.-837. Industrial refrigeration equipment (distributor); Carmelo Venero Anacabe, Alameda San Mames40, Bilbao. I.R.-775. Meat market refrigerated display cases for both frozen foods and chilled foods (exclusive distri- butor); Ramon Vizcaino S.A., Apartado 36, Pasajes (Guipuzcoa). WTD 7/30/62. I.R.-575.* Freezing plant to process 5 tons/day of hogs and cattle at -40° C and store 100 tons at -20°C; An- tonio Dominguez Chacon, Santa Clara 17, Cumbres Mayores (Huelva). I.R.-617. Air conditioners, individual and window (distri- butor); Auto Ferros S.A., Alberto Aguilera 7, Madrid. I.R.-15. Cafeteria equipment; Maria Flor Moreno, Isaac Peral 52, Madrid. I.R.-12. Potato weighing machines and supermarket fix- tures; A. Roca Carreras, Balmes 180, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-427. Coin operated vending machines (agency); Rius S.A., Av. Emperador Carlos l,n°. 155, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-363. Ice-making machines (cubes) for small bars and restaurants (agency); Eduardo Oiero, Velazquez 29, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-299. Cold storage warehouse— design and construc- tion; Interfrisa-International Frigorifica S.A. , Ca- ballero de Gracia 34, Madrid. I.R.-518.* Hotel, bar, and institutional equipment for kitchens in stainless or chrome; also sinks, ice-cube makers, walk-in freezers and servers; Frikey S.A., Alejandro Ferrant 8, Madrid. I.R. - 515. Machines for scrubbing and polishing terrazo flooring; Limpiezas "La Veloz", Martinez Cubells 4, Valencia. I.R. -497. Air conditioners and refrigeration equipment; Angel Hernandez, Tenor Fleta 16, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-101. Laundry machines (agency); Talleres A. Olivan, Madre Sacramento 32, Zaragoza. I.R.-lll. Cube and flake ice machines and vending ma- chines (agency); Varona and Jimenez, Jose Antonio 55-7°H, Madrid 13. WTD 3/6/61. I.R.-92. Laundry machines (agency or distributor); Com - ercial Boeta, Bele'n 4, Madrid. I.R. -75. Refrigerators, washing machines, air condi- tioners, electric stoves, water heaters and water coolers (import parts for local assembly); Oriola C.A., Torrente Vidalet, Barcelona. I.R. -58. Air -brushes for painting and refrigerators (agen - cy); Mecanismos Auxiliares Industriales S.A. , Vails, Tarragona. I.R. -213. 360 Electrical Machinery, Equipment, and Sup- plies Electrical and electronic articles (distributor); Electronica Iberica S.A., Pradillo44, Madrid. I.R.- 84. General electrical equipment (agency); Enrique Gonzalez Jimenez, Velazquez 69, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-246. Electronic equipment and parts, direct import or agency; Cinte, Carretas 14, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.- 944. Electrical parts, household appliances, com- munications equipment (agency); Angel Somoza Pillado, Plaza Meseta 1, Colonia de Manzanares, Madrid. NCIA. I.R. -936. 362 Electrical Industrial Apparatus Electrical controls for machinery on exclusive distributor basis leading to a license agreement; Comercial Y Fabril Aper S.A., Esplugas de Llo- bregat (Barcelona). I.R. -259.* 20 Electrodes and similar products used in fabri- cating metal products; Atlantic S.A., Buenos Aires 9, Barcelona. I.R.-893. Electric furnace for melting and casting per- manent magnets; Temp. Teruel Y Cia, LTDA/, Fontanella 5-7, Barcelona. WTD 11/11/62. I.R.- 130. Arc welding equipment (agency); Francisco Mor- ales Morales, Cardenal Lluch 42, Sevilla. I.R.-615. Home and industrial electric equipment and sup- plies (exclusive distributor); Comercialde Electri- cidad S.A., Maria Diaz de Hairo 11, Bilbao. I.R.- 712.* Electrical industrial apparatus and equipment (agency); Jose Luis Laguillo, Sagastizabal, Se- villa. I.R.-472. 363 Household Appliances Simple uncomplicated household appliances suit- able for use and sale in Spain— wants distributor- ship leading to license or straight license agree- ment; Industrias Bilbainas S.L., G.E.B. A., General Eguia 19, Bilbao. I.R. -674.* Air conditioners, refrigerators, clothes washers and stoves; La Guinda, Magdalena 18, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-797. Household appliances for sale in their retail outlets; Comercial Sarel, Av. Generalisimo Franco 349, bis. int., Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-925. Small electrical household appliances (agency); Fernando Carmona Jimenez, Estrella 7, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R.-625. Household electrical appliances wanted by im- porter of appliances (exclusive agents); Radio Y Television Carlos Ortega, Gran Via 19-21, Bilbao. WTD 1/2/59. I.R.-586. Manufacturer of electrical home appliances seeks exclusive distributorship of refrigerators and stoves; Electrodomesticos ReunidosS.A., Canarias 10, Madrid. I.R.-527. Manufacturer of electrical equipment wants ex- clusive distributorship for household appliances; Ulgor S.C.I., Barrio San Andres, Mondragon(Guip- uzcoa). I.R.-780.* Room air conditioners (exclusive distributor); Hoytom, Lt., Jose Maria Escuza 1-3, Bilbao. WTD 9/25/62. I.R.-783. Major household appliances (distributor); Pedro Loiseau, Larana 4, Sevilla. I.R.-658. Household refrigerators, stoves and washing ma- chines (agency); Busto Y Salvago S.R.C., Tetuan 18, Sevilla. I.R.-655. Household electrical appliances (agency); Jose Luis Laguillo, Sagastizabal 1, Sevilla. I.R.-472. Domestic, electric heating apparatus (exclusive distributor); Antonio Martinez- Iniguez, Menendez Pelayo 32-34, Sevilla. I.R.-478. Household appliances (exclusive distributor); Eyres, General Zabala 19, Madrid. I.R.-249. 364 Electric Lighting and Wiring Equipment Electric lighting equipment (exclusive distri- butor); Eyres, General Zabala 19, Madrid. I.R.- 249. Electric lighting equipment; Angel Hernandez, Tenor Fleta 16, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-101. 365 Radio and Television Receiving Sets, Ex- cept Communication Types Closed circuit television, supply and engineering; Fluorescencia Y Television IbericaS. A., Velazquez 87, Madrid. WTD 7/4/58. I.R.-18. TV sets (distributor); Miguel Pascual Nunell, Pasco Teruel 30, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-202. 366 Communication Types Electronic apparatus in communications— agency leading to agreement for assembly in Spain; Tecnica EspaTTbla Y Telecommunicacion, O'Donnell 8, Madrid. I.R.-829. Communication equipment (agency); Electronicas BoarS.L., Los Vascos 14, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-791. Electronic communication equipment of low- power for fishing vessels and automobiles (agen- cy); Elines— Electronica Industrial Espanola, P. Mendivil 3, Las Arenas (Vizcaya). WTD 1/10/62. I.R.-782. Transistor radios, walky-talkies (agency); Lan- dor Electrica, Serrano Morales 9, Valencia. I.R.- 162. Sound reproduction and communication equipment (exclusive distributor); Comerica S.L., Eduardo Dato 19, Madrid. WTD 9/14/61. I.R. 20. Inter-coms, agency; Angel Somoza Pillado, Plaza Meseta 1, Colonia de Manzanares, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-942. 367 Electric Components and Accessories Voltage regulators and other electronic parts (agency); Electronicas Boar S.L., Los Vascos 14, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-791. 369 Electrical Machinery, Equipment, and Sup- plies Electric automotive replacement parts (agency); Thomas V. Christensen, Ronda Universidad 12, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R. -369. Products used in the manufacture of electrical motors, transformers, current alternators and radios and televisions; Miro Corominas, Balmes 368, Barcelona. I.R. -329. 371 Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equip- ment Automobile parts, complete line (distributor); Fernando De Diego, Batalla de Brunete 10, Madrid. I.R. -298. 21 Auto- body component parts and accessories (agency); Santiago Calvet Romaguera e Hi jo, Con- sejo de Ciento 27, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-424. Automotive parts (exclusive distributor); Auto Servicios Mack, Perez Galdos 24, Bilbao. I.R.- 545. Automotive parts (agency); Roberto Estefania Lobato, V. de la Via 37, Logrono. I.R.-717. Novelties and accessories for automobiles; Vul- cano S.A., Av. Portugual 9, Huelva. I.R.-642. Auto parts and fuel additives, car polishes, etc.; Cheauto, Carlos Haya 9, Bilbao. I.R. -689.* Automobile parts manufacturer is interested in supplementry parts and machinery, Manufacturas Anga, Sancho el Sabio 21, Vitoria. I.R.-698. Automotive parts (agency); Unzueta Y Domingo, Alameda Recalde, Bilbao. I.R.-742. Automotive parts (agent); Antonio Franco Bon- ache, Isabel la Catolica 30, Murcia. NCIA. I.R.- 390. Hydraulic transmissions (agency). Ingenieria Espanola "Ingespa", S.A., P. Manjon 9, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R. -358.* American automotive parts (distributor); Socie- dad Espanola De Auto-Recambios Ltda/, Colon 13, Valencia. I.R.-402. Parts, accessories and service items for Ameri- can and European cars; Forcada Agency, po Pamplona 1, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-359. Trucks (agency); Rafael Carrion, Torre de Madrid, Madrid. I.R.-514. Automobile parts and accessories (exclusive distributor); Talleres Frema, Comandante Zorita 40 y 42, Madrid. I.R.-512. Auto spare parts; Garrido y Gibasa S.R.C., Lope de Haro 12, Madrid. I.R.-72. Hydraulic brake components, auto (distributor); Tavisa (Talleres Villar S.A.) , LaRipa3, Zaragoza. I.R.-103. Spare parts for buses; Agreda Automovil S.A., Paseo Maria Augustin 7, Zaragoza. I.R.-203. Automobile spare parts (agency); Mecanismos Auxiliares Industriales S.A., Vails, Tarragona. I.R.-213. Auto parts and ignition systems (distributor); Barreiros S.A., Alcala 32, Madrid. I.R. -29* Automotive parts such as pistons, rings, cyl- inder sleeves (exclusive agency); Iglesias S.A., Madre Sacramento 15, Zaragoza. WTD 10/20/62. I.R.-25. Auto spare parts for European cars; Afan De Espana S.A., Alcala 85, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-19. 372 Aircraft and Parts Aircraft parts and used helicopters; Sadema, Pasco de Rosales 64, Madrid. I.R.-14. Aircraft and components (exclusive agency); Sa- dema S.A. (Sociedad Anonima de Material Ae'reo), Paseo de Rosales 6, Madrid. I.R.-l. 373 Ship and Boat Building and Repairing Fiberglass boats; Medelco S.A., Cavanilles 3, Madrid. WTD 3/29/61. I.R.-802. Fiber glass boats (agency); Yalleres Ape, Teni- ente Coronel Pueyo 3, Zaragoza. I.R. -107.*- 379 Transportation Equipment Automotive trailers (distributor, later license); Ecat S.A. (Empresa Constructora de Automocion y Transportes), Valentin Beato 13, Madrid. I.R.- 71. 381 Engineering, Laboratory, and Scientific and Research Instruments and Associated Equip- ment Laboratory equipment and supplies for schools and colleges (agency); Adolfo Suz Santiago, Tutor 52, Madrid. I.R.-796. Laboratory equipment and materials (exclusive agents); Central Quimica, Av. del Ferrocarril 10, Bilbao. I.R.-582. Scientific and laboratory equipment; AlonsoAle- gre Y Cia, Aquirre 9, Bilbao. I.R.-583. Scientific instruments for school and industrial uses (agency); Carlos Flores Lasarte, Carlos Canal 7, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R.-609. Scientific and school laboratory equipment (agen- cy); Fernando Martinez Tena, Av. Baron de Career 32, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-496. 382 Instruments for Measuring, Controlling, and Indicating Physical Characteristics Control and regulation instruments, i.e. micro- flow valves, density measuring instruments (nu- cleonic) for cement (agency); Maquinaria De Pro- duccion S.A., Balmes 83, Barcelona. I.R. -280.* 384 Surgical, Medical, and Dental Instruments and Supplies Hospital equipment (agency); Vicent-Miquel, Baron de Career 48, Valencia. NCIA. I.R. -312. Microscopes, surgical tools and other medical instruments (agency); Jesus Pascual Perez, San Juan de la Cruz 13-15, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.- 296. Doctors and dentist's equipment and implements (agency); Fernando Martinez Tena, Av. Baron de Career 32, Valencia. NCIA. I.R. -496. Safety devices for skyscraper window- cleaning; Limpiezas "La Veloz", Martinez Cubells 4, Val- encia. I.R. -497. Safety equipment for industry; Cirilo De Cana Ltd., Rodriquez Arias 31, Bilbao. I.R.-588. Fillings, plates and other materials for dental industry, (exclusive distributor). Deposito Dental Plasticoden, Buenos Aires 17, Bilbao. I.R. -549. Surgical tape (distributor); Laboratories Verkos, Cervantes 3, Zaragoza. I.R. -117. 22 Specialty lines of surgical tools and equipment (agency); Manual Alvarez Suarez, Basalla del Salado 29, Madrid. I.R.-16. Medical apparatus and instruments and labora- tory equipment, Specifically interested in X-ray machines, short-wave impulse machines and heart- lung machines; OptricS.L., Barco 24, Madrid. I.R.- 935. 386 Photographic Equipment and Supplies Micro projectors (still and movies); Teodoro Garcia Ezquerra y Film Dux, Paseo Pamplona 15, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-191. Photomounts; Jose Ortiz S.A., Bailen 12, Madrid. I.R.-850. 394 Toys, Amusement, Sporting and Athletic Goods Fishing equipment, skis, telescopes and other sporting goods; Borcher Sporting Goods, Barrio Renteria, Guernica (Vizcaya). WTD 10/23/62. I.R.-563. Sport fishing equipment; Juan Calico, Plaza de las Oilas 9, Barcelona. I.R.-238. 395 Pens, Pencils, and Other Office and Artists' Materials Office supplies and drawing supplies; Rius S.A., Av. Emperador Carlos 1, no 155, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-363. Pens; Migrap, Rambla Cataluna 112, Barcelona. I.R.-279. Ball point pen points, barrels, tubes, refills and other equipment necessary for local assembly of ball point pens; Alcasa "Industrial Quimica y Comercial", Port-Bou 23, Barcelona. I.R.-418. Office stationary (agency); Angel Morenas Amarillo, Bustos Tavera 20, Sevilla. I.R.-485. Pens and pencils (agency); Manuel Carmona Salinas, Quintana 27, Sevilla. I.R.-468. 396 Costume Jewelry, Costume Novelties, But- tons, and Miscellaneous Notions, Except Precious Metals Gift articles of all types; La Guinda, Magdalena 18, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-797. General giftwares (agency); Vicent-Miquel, Baron de Career 45, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-312. Costume jewelry, cuff links, key rings (agency); Manufacturas C-R, Apartado 1209, Valencia. NCIA I.R.-310. 398 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Interested in representing U.S. manufacturers of all types of containers and packaging materials; Cipriano Flores Guillamon, Fernando el Catolico 58, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-949. Protective and safety accessories for industry; Andres Roig Vail, Francisco Giner 17, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-123. Christmas articles and novelties; Francisco Atienza, Valverde 28, Madrid. I.R.-76. General merchandise; Peninsular De Comercio Exterior S.A., Via Layetana 158, Barcelona. I.R.- 214. Religious articles, key rings, small flashlights, curiosities and low-priced novelties (distributor); Fernando De Diego, Batalla de Brunete 10, Madrid. I.R.-298. Religious items; Central Catequistica Salesiana, Alcals 142, Madrid. I.R.-376. 503 Dry Goods and Apparel Complete range of department store items; E.S.S.A.D. -El Siglo S.A. de Distribucion, Mon- talegre 4, Barcelona. I.R. -291. Seeks cooperative relationship with U.S. De- partment store for reciprocal buying, exchange of techniques and possibly joint venture; Galerias Todo S.A., Av. Baron de Career 48, Valencia. I.R.-405.* Ceramics, leather goods, music boxes, toys, sundry novelties, dolls, and umbrellas; Jose Miguel Alonso Martinez, Lope de Vega 262, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-447. 509 Miscellaneous Wholesalers Scrap copper; Candido Cobian, Jose Antonio 49, Madrid. I.R.-958. Office supplies and stationery; Casa Crespo, Coso 15, Zaragoza. I.R. -205. Non-ferrous scrap; Ibarroig Importadora S.L., Miguel Unamuno 8, Bilbao. WTD 8/10/61. I.R.- 695. Scrap and second grade plastic materials such as polyethylene, polystyrene, P.V.C., cellulose- ace- tate, butyrate and nylon; Auxiliar De La Industria Plastica, S.A., Av. Oeste 48, Valencia. I.R. -906. Miscellaneous articles for sales in department stores such as cotton underwear, plastic kitchen ware, textile novelties, etc.; Almacenes Siro-Gay, •Convento Santa Clara 11, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.- 910. Scrap thermoplastic materials; Plasticos Celu- losas S.A., Murcia 35, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R. -922. Non-ferrous metal scrap (agency); Metales Al- eados S.A., San Fernando 17, Sevilla. I.R. -332. Rubber products, chemicals, iron oxide, ac- celerators for heavy industry, solvents for painting industry, pancreas products, polyethylene, nitritic rubber (agency); Importadora Espanola de Caucho y Productos Auxiliares, Av. Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera 635, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R. -365. Used clothing of all type s-perfer ably dry cleaned; Ketty Castro, Velazquez 19, Madrid. I.R. -513. Seeds for vegetables, ornamentals and cereals (agency); Semillas Alavesas, Plaza de Moyua 3. Bilbao. I.R. -561. Building materials and equipment (agency); Man- uel Pinero Macias, Granada 6, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R.- 624. 23 Non-ferrous scrap metals; Estudios Y Suminis- tros S.A., Espartero 48, Bilbao. 1.R.-686. Building supplies such as plate glass, flexible sealing, etc.; Satco S.A., Prim 51, San Sebastian (Guipuzcoa). I.R.-552. Non-ferrous scrap metals (agency); Ibarroiglm- portadora S.L., Miguel Unamuno 8, Bilbao. WTD 8/10/61. I.R.-695. Builders' hardware, hinges, drawer pulls, door knobs, cocks, closers, etc. (agency); Julian M. De Ayastuy Echeverria, Miquel de Unamuno 7, Bilbao. I.R.-739. Non-ferrous scrap metals; Letasa S.L., Almeda Recalde 35, Bilbao. I.R.-744. 521 Lumber and Other Building Materials Dealers Building materials; Eximtrade S.A., Serrano 51, Madrid. I.R.-40. Building materials (agency); FomentoDeP iedr as Y Marmoles S.A., Calle Nuestra Senora del Port 344, Barcelona. 1.R.-54. General building equipment; SuarcoS.A., Succa 47, Valencia. I.R.-136. 731 Advertising Advertising and publicity (agency); AlasPublici- dad S/A., Alcala'32, Madrid. I.R.-69. 739 Business Services Seeks technical assistance for establishing slaughter house— requires planning, research, and purchasing; Labrasa (Granulos Diana S.A.), Car- retera de Murcia s/n, Albacete. I.R.-904. Seeks know-how for expanding present operation of manufacturing jute bags into other packaging lines; Soldevila Industrias Yuteras N.R. Santander, Calle Nuniz H. Alba 22, Valencia. I.R.-880. Seeks technical agreement with engineering firm for electro-plating processes; Ramon Valcayo- Suministros Industrials, Magallanes 8, Madrid. I.R.-79. Joint venture or technical assistance agreement for installing a new cold rolling mill 48" wide, 5,000 tons/month production and corresponding continuous galvanizing line 48" wide; Laminaciones Lesaca, Alcala" 3, Madrid. I.R.-827. 781 Motion Picture Production and Distribution Industrial and scientific films; Manuel Gutierrez Roig., Castello39, Madrid. I.R.-39. 891 Engineering and Architectural Services Engineering for refrigeration and freezing of vegetables; Conservas Trigo S.A., Martinez Cu- bells 10, Valencia. I.R.-167. Technical assistance on refrigeration manu- facturing; Joaquin Bueno Ortuno, Marques de Zenete 24, Valencia. I.R.-148. Collaboration with U.S. consulting engineering firm for market studies; Spainfo S.A., Martinez Campos 47, Madrid 10. WTD 3/23/62. I.R.-26. Desires service of consulting firm to analyse operation, to improve quality of products; Fer- rovios y Siderurgia S.A., Cedaceros 4, Madrid. WTD 6/12/62. I.R.-ll. Seeks consultant engineer tor design of icecream plant; Modernas Aplicaciones de la Refrigeracion Industrial S.A., ConsejoCiento443-445, Barcelona. I.R.-328. Seeks consultant for design of a dehydration plant on his farm; Manuel Raventos Blanc (Finca San Miguel y El Pas), Pasaje Foraste 15, Barce- lona. NCIA. I.R.-364*. Wishes to act as agent for U.S. engineering firm; Riviere S.A., Paris 207, Barcelona. WTD 8/8/60. I.R.-373.* Technical know-how and assistance for the man- ufacture of orange base used in beverages; Deri- vados De Los Agrios S.A., Av. Oeste 31, Valencia. I.R.-410. 1,750,000 cu. ft. cold storage and freezing ware- house— design and construction; Interfrisa -Inter - nacional Frigorifica S.A., Caballero de Garcia 34, Madrid. I.R.-518. Seeks to represent U.S. consulting engineering firm for the design and construction supervision of chemical plants; Luis Alfonso Del Portillo, Ercilla 22, Bilbao. I.R.-546. Seeks technical know-how for modernization of steel foundry and rolling mill; Fundiciones Del Cerro De La Plata S.A., Alcala 1, Madrid. I.R.- 540.* Seeks assistance and know-how for sales and modernization of plant for sheet metal products; Hispano Portuguesa De Electrotecnia A.S., Bravo Murillo 312, Madrid. I.R.-529. Plant studies; Hisco S.A. (Sociedad Anonima de Comercio Internacional), Fontanella 7, Barcelona. I.R.-67.* IMPORTS 019 Commercial Farms Rabbit skins prepared without the use of mercury; Francisco Requeni Sebastia, La Jordana24, Valen- cia. I.R.-861. 100 Metal Mining Wolfram, lead ingots, iron oxide, spato-flour, tantalite, beryllium, and rare minerals; Optric S.L., Barco 24, Madrid. I.R.-935. 195 Small Arms Guns, shotguns; Eximtrade S.A., Serrano 51, Madrid. I.R.-40. 24 196 Small Arms Ammunition Birdshot; Derivados De Metales, S.A. — Demesa, Barrio de Larrea, Amorebieta(Vizcaya). I.R.-680. 200 Food and Kindred Products Diet foods; Laboratories Instituto Ulta., Gasgon de Gotor 4, Zaragoza. I.R.-266. Spanish foods; Fonseca S.A., Av. Generalisimo Franco 416, Barcelona. WTD 11/1/62. I.R.-50. Foodstuffs; Ruperto Busto, Paris 143, Barcelona. WTD 9/21/59. I.R.-34.* 203 Canning and Preserving of Fruits, Vegeta- bles, and Sea Foods Preserves, canned vegetables and fish; S.A. Afan De Expana De Comercio Exterior, Alcala 85, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-17. Cuttle fish bone for use as bird food; Francisco Lilio Canet, Llano Zaidia 19, Valencia. I.R.-285. Tidbits of anchovies in bottles and tins and olive oil; Mariano Palacio Sainz, Laredo (Santander). I.R.-558. Sardines and anchovies; Conservas Salvarrey, Laredo (Santander). I.R.-566. Orange and grape juices; Jose March Espana, Albacete 3, Valencia. I.R.-867. Canned artichoke hearts, peas, preserves and sweet potatoes; Teresa Hernandez Lopes, Actor Llorens 7, Valencia. I.R.-876. 204 Grain Mill Products Rice starches; Casa G. Freitag, Alameda 40, (Jativa), Valencia. I.R.-415. 207 Confectionery and Related Products Spanish nougats; Sue. Hijos De A. Galiana Y Cia. Ltda., Generalisimo 90. Jijona (Alicante). I.R.-143. Candy; Gonzalo Crespo, Cristoll, Estepa(Sevil- la). I.R.-632. Almond candy; Hi jo De Manuel S. Soler, General- isimo 124, Jijona (Alicante). I.R.-919. Syrups; Cooperativa Industrial Levantina Fabri : cantes De Licores Y Jarabes, Pizarro 8, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-877. 208 Beverage Industries Fruit liquors; Cooperativa Industrial Levantina Fabricantes De Licores Y Jarabes, Pizarro 8, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-877. Spanish wines; Vinos Del Marques De Mudela, Arquitecto Alfaro 31, Valencia. I.R.-879. Wines— apertif, sherry, malaga; Balbino Lacosta, Coso 5, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-356. Wines; Vento Galindo S.L., Guillen de Castro 117, Valencia. I.R.-490. Cocoa liquor for use in chocolate and other cocoa products; Agrupacion Nacional de Fabri- cantes de Chocolates, Albareda 10 y 12, Sevilla. I.R.-473. Rioja wine; Bodegas Bilbainas S.A., La Rioja- Logrono. I.R.-737. Sherry; Hijos De Rainera P. Marin S.A., Sanlu- car de Barrameda (Cadiz), Av. Manuel Siurot "Villa Macarena", Sevilla. I.R.-605. Wines; Hijo de Dolores Gongora, Vda. de Gal- lego, J. A. Primo de Rivera 63, Villanueva del Ariscal (Sevilla). I.R.-601. Wines; Tomas Rivero y Hnos. S.L., Molino de Viento 4, Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz). I.R.-635. 209 Miscellaneous Food Preparations and Kin- dred Products Locust (carob) bean gum used in pastries, syrups and textile finishing; Carlos Server Falgas, Jose Antonio 24, Pego (Alicante). I.R.-909. Red Peppers; Joaquin Vela— Fabrica De Conserva Vegetales, Mendavia (Navarra). I.R.-771. Asparagus, pimientos, artichokes, peaches, and cherries; Viuda De Cruz Muerza, Apartado 13, San Adrian (Navarra). I.R.-679. Fresh and dried garlic (agency); Badosa Ter- radellas Jose, Rotas 15, Banolas (Gerona). I.R.- 232. Cream of tarter, potassium and sodium tarter; Pahi S. L., Port-Bou 76, Barcelona (Sans). I.R.- 274. Carob bean seed; Francisco De La Fuente Hinojosa, Av. Baro'n de Career 48, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-324. Pinon nuts for use in baking; Angel Lopez Y Lopez, Pinones Mondados, Moguer (Huelva). I.R.- 331. Olives and olive oil; Grupo Exportadores Acei- tunas Verdes, Rosario 10, Sevilla. I.R.-347. 220 Textile Mill Products Textile products such as cotton and poplin; Hilaturas Y Tejidos De Levante, S.A., Castellon 4, Valencia. I.R.-316. 224 Narrow Fabrics and OtnerSmallwares Mills: Cotton, Wool, Silk, and Man-Made Fiber Textile tape in cotton, rayon, nylon, and com- binations; Faustino Martinez S.A., Moreria 3, Se- villa. I.R.-482. 227 Floor Covering Mills Rugs, all sizes, woven; Fundacion Generalisimo Franco, Apartado 22002, Madrid. I.R.-965. Carpets and drapery fabrics; Artegran, Isaac, Albeniz s/n, Granada. I.R.-688. Carpets; Noblex S.A., Cortes de Navarra 5, Pamplona. I.R.-661. Rugs and carpeting; Antonio Perez Adsuar S.A., Eras 4, Crevillente (Alicante). I.R.-882. 25 229 Textile Goods Felt materials, industrial, cut parts^nd clothing; Juan Serra Y Graupera, Calle Plateria 78, Barce- lona. I.R.-211. Cloth netting for industrial use; Giro Hermanos S.A., Rdo. Antonio Romeu 70, Badalona (Barcelona). I.R.-216. Custom made table cloths, napkins and restau- rant linens; Joaquin Roger, Bailen 25, bis., Bar- celona. I.R.-817. 231 Men's, Youth's, and Boy's Suits, Coats, and Overcoats Coats; Rubi-Art, Alfonso Primero 38, Zaragoza. I.R.-116. Men's slacks of cotton, wool and tergal, 60 thousand/annum production; Mariano Lacruz Ber- dejo, General Sueiro 41, Zaragoza. I.R.-112. 233 Women's, Misses', and Juniors' Outerwear Ladies dresses, etc.; Alvi S.A., Jorge Juan 13, Valencia. I.R.-147. Women's dresses and underwear; Creaciones Morlid, Julian Camarillo 12, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-891. 236 Girls', Children's, and Infants' Outerwear Children's clothing; "SONNI" (Creaciones In- fantiles), Pintor Navarro Llorens 23, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-898. , f Children's wear; Ademar S.A., Gran Via Ramon y Cajal, Valencia. I.R.-400. 238 Apparel and Accessories Handbags; Jesus Macia Espinosa, Canto 3, Cre- villente (Alicante). I.R.-381. 239 Fabricated Textile Products Wool blankets, bedcovers, rugs (distributor); Salvador Barnes S. L., San Fernando 2, Lorca (Murcia). WTD 10/25/57. I.R.-411.* 249 Wood Products Wooden soles for ladies' shoes; Industrias Men- dez, Av. Peris y Valero 102, Valencia. I.R.-408. 251 Household Furniture Furniture; Maidema Exportacion S.A., Conde Altea 62, Valencia. I.R.-157.* / Household furniture; Vicent-Miquel, Baron de Career 48, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-312. Folding furniture, ideal for efficiency apart- ments; Mariano Munbz Iranzo, Salvador Lluch 12, Valencia. I.R.-913. High quality Spanish type wooden furniture— tables, chairs, cabinets and doors, lamp fixtures, fireplace equipment, bookends, coat stands and bar stands; Milan Decoradores (Miranda, LanteroyCia, S.R.C.), Espoz y Mina 17, Madrid. I.R.-931. Wooden Furniture, Amuebladore La Antigua, Matadero 3, Orduna (Vizcaya). I.R.-560. Antique furniture reproductions; Francisco Ro- driguez Nodal, Generalisimo Franco 48, Carmona (Sevilla). NCIA. I.R.-626. Deluxe furniture; Loscertales S.A., Jose de Velilla 3, Sevilla. I.R.-469.* 259 Furniture and Fixtures Furniture, house furnishings; B. I. Quality En- terprises, Paseo de la Castellana 64, Madrid 1. I.R.-78. 274 Miscellaneous Publishing Wishes arrangement to translate U.S. books into Spanish; Editorial Gaisa, Jorge Juan 28, Valencia. I.R.-491. 280 Chemicals and Allied Products Chemical products in general and dry cleaning chemicals; Corona International Company, Val- lehermoso 30, Madrid. I.R.-254. 281 Industrial and Organic Chemicals Paint chemicals; Industrias Quimicas Del Ebro, S. A., Calvo Sotelo 52, Zaragoza. I.R.-195. Fumeric acid and benzoate; Industrias Quimicas De Luchana, S.A., Luchana-Baracaldo (Vizcaya). WTD 6/16/59. I.R.-761. Ground washed white Barium (S0 4 Ba), and Barium sulphate ore; Industrias Mineras Del Sur, S.A., Carretera Alcala, Dos Hermanos, Sevilla. I.R.-619. 283 Drugs Antiseptic; Jose Sanchez Murillo, Eje=> de los Caballeros, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-99.* Anti- virus formula: Laboratories InsitutioUlta., Gasgon de Gotor 4, Zaragoza. I.R.-266.* Pharmaceuticals and plasma fractions; Labora- tories Hubber S.A., Berlin 38-42, Barcelona. I.R.-220.* Liver extract, intrinsic factor; Concentradis Vitimincos S.L., Apartado 143, Pamplona (Navar- ra). I.R.-553. Tranquilizers under trade mark "Resisten"; Laboratorio Sanchez- Covisa, Azcona 31, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-821. 284 Soap, Detergents and Cleaning Preparations, Perfumes, Cosmetics, and Other Toilet Preparations Perfumes (agency); Perfumes Aromes Amalfi, Actor Mora 14, Valencia. WTD 3/4/58. I.R.-154. Perfumes; Pablo Vives Ques, Gran Via Ramon y Cajal 8, Valencia. I.R.-144. 26 287 Agricultural Chemicals Agricultural insecticide technique; Fabrica De Insecticides y Fungicides, Sorni 39, Valencia. I.R.-498. 289 Chemical Products Menthol; Industrias G.M.B., S.L., Virgili 24, Barcelona. I.R.-330. 307 Miscellaneous Plastics Products Plastic cloth; El Calatayud Sierra, Cuenca 36, Valencia. I.R.-510. 310 Leather and Leather Products Spanish leather goods; Federico Vicente Co- menge, Alvareda 8, Zaragoza. NCIA. I.R.-305. 311 Leather Tanning and Finishing Leather and tanned hides; Pieles Y Curtidos Zaragoza, Glorieta Quevedo 8, Madrid. 1.R.-938. 314 Footwear, Except Rubber Shoes; D.I.C.A. S.L., Sagasta 4, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-488. Shoes, Industrial Valverdena S.A., Valverde del Camino, Huelva. WTD 11/23/62. I.R.-481. 325 Structural Clay Products Ceramic and porcelain table-ware (distribu- tor); E. Valdelvira Segura, Burgos 10, Madrid. I.R.-941. 326 Pottery and Related Products Ceramics and porcelain; Salvador Martinez Con- ejero, Peris Brell 28, Grao- Valencia. NCIA. I.R.- 895. 328 Cut Stone and Stone Products Spanish marble; Miguel Torres, Caudillo de Espana 41, Madrid. I.R.-826. Polished marble pieces; Francisco Esbri Nos- trot, Pintor Sorolla 8, Burriana (Caste lion). NCIA. I.R.-862. Carara and Macedonia type marble; U.C.I.M.A., Olula del Rio, (Almeria). I.R.-890. Raw or prepared marble; Fomento De Piedras Y Marmoles S.A., Calle Nuestra Senora del Port 344, Barcelona. I.R.-54. Marble for use in furniture (exclusive agency); Carlos Tortosa S.A., Momouar, Alicante. I.R.-161. Spanish marble; Recsa, Cadiz 5, Jerez De La Frontera (Cadiz). I.R.-630. Spanish marble in blocks; Ruiz YCoronado Lda., Dr. Serrano Perez 4, Sevilla. NCIA. I.R.-627. 315 Leather Gloves and Mittens Finished leather gloves, handbags, and belts; Garcia Y Cia. S.A., Madrid 9, Burgos. I.R.-934. 317 Handbags and Other Personal Leather Goods Suede leather ties; Creaciones Patan, Batalla de Brunete 10, Madrid. I.R.-520. Women's specialty and dress handbags; Jose Ninoles Guillen, Ribera 8, Valencia. I.R.-916. Leather coats, jackets, shirts, vests, etc.; Man- ufacturas Carled, San Vicente Martir 5, Zaragoza. I.R.-189. 329 Abrasive, Asbestos, and Miscellaneous Non- metallic Mineral Products Mica; Explotaciones Mineras Del Oria, Villa Sarasola, Alegria de Oria (Guipuzcoa). I.R.-807. "Hierro oligiste micaceo" for use in treating steel welding electrodes; Penibetica Minera S.A., Covarrubias 28, Madrid. I.R.-251. 330 Primary Metal Industries Copper filaments, wire, lead ore, nickel drosses; Ruperto Busto, Paris 143, Barcelona. WTD 9/21/59. I.R.-34.* 319 Leather Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified Leather clothing, suede leather and boxcalf; Javier Artola Icazateg'ui, Las Dunas 1, San Sebas- tian (Guipuzcoa). NCIA. I.R.-710. 322 Glass and Glassware, Pressed or Blown Crystal chandeliers and accessories; Nicanor Perez, Iturribide 39, Bilbao. I.R.-751. 323 Glass Products, Made of Purchased Glass Glassware; Pablo Vives Ques, Gran Via Ramon y Cajal 8, Valencia. I.R.-144. Glasswares; Vicent-Miquel, Bar^n de Career 48, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-312. 334 Secondary Smelting and Refining of Non- ferrous Metals and Alloys Spring steel; Aceros Y Fundiciones Del Norte, Pedro Orbegoza Y Cia, S.A., Hernani (Guipuzcoa). I.R.-591. 342 Cutlery, Hand Tools, and General Hardware Bronze components for furniture — feet, drawer knobs or parts of lamps; Jose Burguet Roca Sues. S.L., Medico Esteve 7 y 9, Valencia. I.R.-499. 344 Fabricated Structural Metal Products Cable eyelets; Luacendi, Carlos VII, 51, Basauri (Vizcaya). I.R.-724. 27 Kitchen and laboratory furniture; Construcciones Metalicas Aries S.A., Covarrubias 26, Madrid. I.R.-513.* Wrought iron furniture and household articles; Omedes De Cataluna, Diputacion 257, Barcelona. NCIA. 1.R.-419. 348 Fabricated Wire Products for ladies' handbags (agency); , Calle Entnza 90, Barcelona. Metal frames Galvastamp, S.A. I.R.-51. Iron works of art (distributor); Agustin Forner Girona, Jose' Antonio 3 y 5 Burriana (Valencia). I.R.-146.* Steel cables; Trenzas Y Cables De Acero S.A., Paseo de Gracia 7, Barcelona. I.R.-272.* 351 Engines and Turbines Radial drills, lathes and other machine tools (exclusive distributor); Foradia, Alcoy (Alicante). I.R.-505.* 354 Metalworking Machinery and Equipment Machine tools (agency or distributor); Talleres Jorda S.A., Avenida Cataluna 35-37, Zaragoza. I.R.-264.* Carbide tools and dies for the wire industry (distributor); Industrias Bonastre, S.A., Consejo de Ciento 411, Barcelona. I.R.-282. Machinery used to manufacture metal products such as lamps, lighting fixtures, costume jewelry and light iron products; Ibero Metalurgica S.A., Junqueras 16, Barcelona. WTD 8/16/57. I.R.-420. Tool and drill grinders; Talleres Mecanicos Bilbao, Calle Cristo 22, Bilbao. I.R.-715.* Indexing heads for machine tools; Industrias Zeatz, Apartado 163, Eibar (Guipuzcoa). I.R.-704.* Machine tools; Dunaiturria Y Estancona S.A., Curuciaga 4, Durango (Vizcaya). I.R.-701.* Pantograph machines for die- sinking with or without hydraulic tracer. Bilbaina d'Maquinaria S.L. Aguirre 12, Bilbao, I.R.-694.* Machine tools (distributor); Geminis S.A., San Marcial 25, San Sebastian. I.R.-580.* Waste rendering and processing machinery (agency); Adolfo Castillo Baldor, Ronda 21, Bilbao. I.R.-730.* 363 Household Appliances Sewing machines (distributor); Maquinas De -Coser "Alfa" S.A., Apartado 30, Eibar (Guipuzcoa). I.R.-578.* Iron lamps of all types; Tomas Vallcorba, Velia 72, Barcelona. I.R.-59. 364 Electric Lighting and Wiring Equipment Floodlights for ships, trains, etc; Talleres Casajuana, Expartero 32, Bilbao. I.R.-568. Spanish lamps; Fritz Uhlmann, Marmella 14, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-892.* Extension and O.E.M. requisites of attachment cords (agency); Electronia S.A., Aragon 241-243, Barcelona. I.R.-294. 371 Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment Automotive spare parts, gears, etc., mostly for trucks; Talleres Mecanicos De Precision, Paulino Caballero 27, Pamplona (Navarra). I.R.-681. Gears and liquid transportation tanks; Engranajes Y Bombas S.A., Edificio Retolaza, Eibar (guipu- zcoa). I.R.-700. 373 Ship and Boat Building and Repairing Plastic boats; Javier Prat, Bertendona 4, Bilbao. I.R.-574. 381 Engineering, Laboratory, and Scientific and Research Instruments and Associated Equip- ment Laboratory furniture of formica and P.V.C; Sotrather Iberica S.A., Amaya 18, Las Arenas, Bilbao. I.R.-596. 386 Photographic Equipment and Supplies Religious slide films; Central Catequistica Sa- lesiana, Alcals 142, Madrid. I.R.-376. 355 Special Industry Machinery, Except Metal- working Machinery Patent rights for machine to package filled bottles into boxes at rate of 15-20 thousand bottles per hour in a two step operation; Manuel Utrilla Garcia, La Barraca 72, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-917. Coffee machines; Halcrem S.A., Conde Borrell 209-211, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-434.* 387 Watches, Clocks, Clockwork Operated De- vices, and Parts Novelty clocks; Angel Baguena Picho, Fernando el Catolico 10, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-915. 391 Jewelry, Silverware, and Plated Ware Fine jewelry— direct import or reciprocal basis; Arturo Sales Andreu, Boix 7, Valencia. I.R.-286. 28 Silverplate ware; Plator, Maiquez 64, Madrid. I.R.-303. Men's jewelry; Hostau, Torrente de las F lores 142, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-457. Artistic metal ware in silver, silver plated nickel and copper (distributor); Raiven, Castello 98, Madrid. I.R.-43.* Gold and silver plate, nickel and chrome drinking vessels, vases, ice buckets, etc.; Eusebio Valero, Arroyo de la Elipa 19, Madrid. I.R.-948. 393 Musical Insturments and Parts Musical instruments (reed) and reed making raw materials; Roberto Moner Cordomi, Norte 8, Vilasacra(Gerona). I.R.-275. 394 Toys, Amusement, Sporting and Athletic Goods Fishing line floats; Juan Calico, Plaza de las OUas 9, Barcelona. I.R.-238. Toy artillery pieces, six models; Felix Valen- zuela Gracia, Iradier 14 (Sarria) Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-I31.* Spanish toys; Pasper, Ramon de Campoamor 5, Valencia. I.R.-160. Chess and similar games; I. B. Calvete, Doctor Lluch 55, Grao- Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-387.* Dolls; Creaciones Celsa, Escalante 86, Grao- Valencia. I.R.-409. Toys, dominoes, dice and mahjong; Vda. E Hija De Pedro Miragall, Padre Rico 21, Valencia. I.R.- 412. 396 Costume Jewelry, Costume Novelties, But- tons, and Miscellaneous Notions, Except Precious Metals Fancy buttons; Nacalit, General Aranda 67, Albalat De La Ribera (Valencia). NCIA. I.R.-918. General giftwares; Vicent-Miquel, Baro'n de Career 48, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-312. Costume jewelry, cuff links, key rings and tie pins; Manufacturas C-R, Apartado 1209, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-310. Imitation jewelry (agency); Fort, PI Prim 3-Reus (Tarragona). NCIA. I.R.-454. Buttons for women's suits or dresses to order, any color or type; Clara Saenz De Pipaon, San Agustin 2, Madrid. I.R.-174. Semi-precious jewelry. Juan Maria Lerma, Prim 35, Bilbao. I.R.-778. Sculptures or figures in typical Spanish types in porcelains or terracotta; Ceramicas A. Bolinche, Dr. Sumsi 18, Valencia. I.R.-489. 398 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries Non -arcing materials for electrical insulation; Industrias Electricas Elecqui, Av. Jose Antonio 14, Bilbao. I.R.-785* Religious articles (agency). Metalaria General Y Artistica S.A., Licenciado Poza 59-61, Bilbao. I.R.-71L* Brass ornaments. J. Javier Guisadola, Guertaria 12, San Sebastian. WTD 11/28/62. I.R.-733. Artcraft, religious articles, decorative home furnishings; Norma Neff, Garcia Morato 134, trip., Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-970. Religious articles; Pasper, Ramon de Campoa- mor 5, Valencia. I.R.-160. Basketware, ladies' handbags, rush seats, shop- ping baskets, suit cases, bottle holders; Manufex S.A., Ja'tiva 15, Valencia. WTD 7/21/60. I.R.-149. Religious statues (distributor); Arte Moderno- Hijo De Ramon Bretcha, Vilanova 15, Olot, (Gero- na). NCIA. I.R.-129. Wine, food products, marble, ceramics, furni- ture, gift items, etc., Oteiva, Calle Correos 14, Valencia. I.R.-166. Wood carvings as desired, specialties, furniture, religious articles; Angel Albia Salvador, Calle Viche no. 7, Monaspe (Zaragoza). I.R.-187. Wooden articles in the religious field and other sundry wooden objects used in households; Pedro Fauria Moner, Dr. A. Torrent 1-10, San Hilario Sacalm (Gerona). I.R.-283. Religious articles; Belloso S.A., Plaza San Bartolome 3, Valencia. I.R.-295. Novelties, dolls, gift articles, regional handi- craft and the like (distributor); Ecome, Gran Via Ramon y Cajal 2, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.-325. Hand- crafted products for use on lamps and other articles; Arte-Ferro, Campo de losMartires 4, Sevilla. I.R.-338. Woven baskets; Jardon Y Martinez, RuizPerello 13, Madrid. NCIA. I.R.-857.* Mosaic reliefs and marble statues; Tremeca 5. A., Caracas 10, Madrid. WTD 7/9/62. I.R.-849. Romanesque wood plaques both religious and non-religious; stylish Spanish furniture of wood ornamental wrought iron; Mileto, Paseo de la Ha- bana 163, Madrid. I.R.-843.* Lamp shades and metal crucifixes; Acapri, Dr. Federico Rubio y Gali 78, Madrid. I.R.-800. Wicker-ware; Alarsi, Apartado 108, Alcoy (Ali- cante). NCIA. I.R.-875.* Porcelain statues, figures, etc.; Porcelanas Lladro, Cardenal Belloch 13, Tabernes Blanques (Valencia). I.R.-883. Wooden artefacts; Artesania Alonso, Luis Des- puig 43, Valencia. I.R.-885. Toledo imitation goods; Juan Guillen Morales, Plaza de Falange Espanola, Sevilla. I.R.-652. Handicraft goods; Javier Ruiz Lloreda, Apar- tado 297, Santander. I.R.-521.* Wood-cuts of decorative or religious articles; Manuel Ponce Jimenez, San Benito 3, Sevilla. I.R.-343. 29 503 Dry Goods and Apparel Dolls, umbrellas, ceramics, leather goods, music boxes, toys, and sundry novelties; Jose Miguel Alonso Martinez, Lope de Vega 262, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-447. 509 Wholesalers Handicrafts, wood carving, oil paintings; Domingo Y Llopis, Los Centelles 27, Valencia. NCIA. I.R.- 900. 739 Service Industry Research work in pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; S. A. I. N. F. A., Nena Casas 36, Barcelona. NCIA. I.R.-125. Publicity, market research, and assistance in establishing business relations in Spain; Danis, Publicidad Tecnica, Av. Generalisimo Franco 508- 510, Barcelona. I.R.-48.* Seeks association with an American engineering firm for work in Spain; Oficina Tecnica Heredia Y Moreno, General Moscardo* 33, Madrid. I.R.-854. Wishes representation of an American adverti- sing agency and market research firm; C.I.D. S.A. Publicidad, Calvo Sotelo 16, Madrid. I.R.-524. 30 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES 013 Livestock Farm A producer of butter and cheese seeks capital and technical assistance to develop a breeding farm for pigs; B. Ezequiel Nunez, Medina del Campo (Val- ladolid), Madrid. I.R.-307. 203 Canning and preserving of foods Manufacturer of baby food seeks license for the production of baby food, dehydrated vegetables, dried fruit, enzyme preparations, and instant meat concentrates; Ordesa, Comercio 82, Hospitalet, Barcelona. I.R.-367. Fruit grower wants to engage in a joint venture for processing peaches and pears— this would involve warehousing, canning and possibly freezing— grow- er would provide half of the investment; J. Simon Torrelles, Vilanova de Segria, Lerida. I.R.-362. Distributor of canned fruit and vegetables seeks an arrangement with U.S. canner to establish a cannery; Antonio Goni, S. A., P-° Rosales 30, Madrid. I.R.-539. 204 Grain Mill Products Chemical manufacturer seeks technical aid for production of poultry feed; Productos Electroliticos S. A., Rambla Estudios 109, Barcelona. I. R.-278. Canned foods manufacturer wants joint venture for the production of chicken and other animal feed; Ripoll Hermanos, Algemesi (Valencia). I. R.-506. 205 Bakery Products Bread bakery seeks know-how and capital to manufacture American white bread and macaroni, Asociacion Agricola La Paz S. A., Paseo de las Acacias 43, Madrid. 1. R.-173. 209 Miscellaneous Food Preparations Manufacturer of olive oil seeks technical know- how and capital for expanding olive oil production; Olivarera Extremena Miro S. A., Villafranca de 10s Barros, Badajoz. I.R.-645. Coffee firm seeks a specialized coffee company as a partner with an investment of $100,000 for modernization of facilities and purchase of raw coffee; Jesus Val Arnedo, Mola 1, Tarazona. I.R.- 199. 232 Men's Clothing Clothing manufacturer seeks know -how and even- tual investment for making men's clothing; Alapont y Quinea, Av. del Oeste 23, Valencia. I.R.-509. 233 Women's Outerwear Seeks joint venture for the production of women's dresses of silk, rayon, and synthetics with some cotton; Manufacturas Iborra S. A., Caspo 56, Bar- celona. I.R.-222. 234 Women' s Under Garments Brassiere and girdle firm seeks license to make U.S. under garments; Lopez-Bianco Y Cia, Av. San Jose 47-49, Zaragoza. I.R.-194. 239 Miscellaneous Textile Products Cotton bag manufacturer seeks joint venture to make industrial bags; Manufactura Algodonera de Saqueria S. A., Osio 13, Barcelona. I.R.-217. 243 Wood Products Capital in the form of machinery and technical assistance is sought by wood products manufacturer to expand business; Peninsular Maderera, S. A., Castellana 78, Madrid. I.R.-8. 244 Wooden Containers Manufacturer of wooden cases seeks joint venture with U.S. case maker; SerreriaMecanica, Marques de Elche 13, Valencia. I.R.-145. Wooden fruit box producer seeks joint venture for manufacturing wooden cases or containers for fruit transportation; Cime, Canovas del Castillo 32, Carcagente, Valencia. I.R.-413. 249 Miscellaneous Wood Products Joint venture or license sought by manufacturer of folding rules and measuring tapes to make similar products; Metros, S. A., Isern 96, Mataro, Barce- lona. I.R.-57. 251 Household Furniture License for the production of metal and hospital furniture and auto mufflers sought by manufacturer of truck bodies and parts; Talleres ElejabarriS. A., Particular de Alzola 16, Bilbao. I.R.-736. 253 School Furniture Manufacturer of school furniture seeks joint venture with U.S. firm to provide new machinery, capital, technical assistance, and new products; Inmade S. A., Jose Antonio 59, Madrid 13. I.R.-27. 31 265 Paperboard Containers Bag manufacturer seeks joint venture to obtain technical know-how for new types of modern pack- aging; Iberica de Envases S. A., Villanuevas 24, Madrid. I.R.-70. 275 Commercial Printing Printer seeks joint venture to establish printing and engraving shop; Alfredo Hernandez, Gran Via 20, Bilbao. I.R.-776. 281 Industrial and Organic Chemicals Large chemical firm seeks joint venture in petro- chemical plant to produce hydrocyanic acid for use in plastics manufacture— will provide $1,200,000 if U.S. firm will invest $500,000; Industrias Quimicas J. Roig Guell, Apartado 88, Jaime 1, 33-35, Tar- ragona. I.R.-241. 283 Drugs Pharmaceutical firm seeks joint venture or li- cense to produce U.S. pharmaceutical and veter- inary products; Laboratories Orzin S. A., Carmen 9, Madrid. I.R.-3. Seeks license for pharmaceutical and veterinary products; Fabrica de Productos Quimicos Far- maceuticos Abello S. A., Vinaroz 15, Madrid. I.R.- 91. Pharmaceutical firm seeks reciprocal licensing arrangements and investment from U.S. pharma- ceutical lab; Laboratories Castillon, S. A., Modesto la Fuente 26, Madrid. I.R.-87. Pharmaceutical firm seeks license to manu- facture new formulas; Laboratorio Salvat S. A., Plaza Letamendi 5, Barcelona. I.R.-281. Manufacturer of pharmaceutical products wants license to produce U.S. pharmaceuticals with an eventual joint venture arrangement; Laboratories Farmaceuticos Rovi S. A., Antonio Toledano 8, Madrid. I.R.-535. Manufacturer of drugs, insecticides and chemical products wants licensing agreements to provide technical know-how for new products; F.A. E.S., Apartado 555, Bilbao. I.R.-772. 284 Cleaning Preparations and Cosmetics Cosmetics manufacturer seeks license for the production of cosmetics and insecticides; Lab- oratorios Bilper, Jose Maria Escuza 10, Bilbao. I.R.-594. 285 Paints Paint and pharmaceutical manufacturer wants joint venture to manufacture marine and other paints and cosmetics; Renobales Y Elorduy, Apar- tado 412, Bilbao. I.R.-732. Manufacturer of paints desires joint venture for the production of U.S. paints; Pulchra S. A., Ruiz Zorilla 3, Santander. I.R.-664. 306 Fabricated Rubber Products Rubber products manufacturer seeks license to produce industrial rubber items such as sealing rings, rubber casters, and anti-vibrating articles, with eventual joint venture; Domanhu S. L., Apar- tado 196, Pamplona. I.R.-753. 307 Plastics Products Plastic doll manufacturer seeks license to make U.S. plastic dolls and for another line to fill the seasonal lull in doll production such as other plastic toys, beach, or sport items; Novo-Gama S.A., San German 5, Barcelona. I.R.-227. Manufacturer of plastics products seeks license to make plastic covered cloth; Industrias Plasticas Trilla, Napoles 352, Barcelona. I.R.-65. 325 Structural Clay Products Decorative tile manufacturer seeks joint venture with U.S. tile producer to obtain capital; Mensaque Robriquez Y Cia, S.A., Evangelista 47, Sevilla. I.R.-335. 329 Asbestos Products Manufacturer offers license for the U.S. pro- duction of a process for molding asbestos- cement pipe— also seeks joint venture arrangement to ex- pand its asbestos machinery operation in Spain; Caolita S. A., Maria de Molina 3, Valencia. I.R.- 504. 339 Primary Metal Industries Manufacturer of iron and steel powders and sinterized parts seeks capital to carry out new business; Polvos Metalicos S. A., Mondragon (Guipuzcoa.) I.R.-243. Manufacturer of zinc oxide, powder and stearates seeks license or joint venture arrangement for improving operations and adapting new methods for its present production; Fabrica Espanolade Blanco de Zinc S.A., Guipuzcoa 274, Barcelona. I.R.-404. 342 Hand Tools Seeks know-how for improving its chucks and pneumatic drills; Neumac S.A., Utrillas 10, Zara- goza. I.R.-113. Manufacturer of tools and spare parts for cars wants license for fabricating tension gauge wrenches; Aparicio Hermanos & Cia, S.A., P.O. Box 4, Bumarraga. I.R.522. 344 Fabricated Structural Metal Products Forged iron firm seeks license to make aluminum windows and doors; Ricardo Fernandez, Zabalbide 36, Bilbao. I.R.-741. 32 Producer of steel profiles and tubes wants li- cense to make cold formed steel profiles for windows and doors; Arania, Carretera Nueva, Bol- ueta-Bilbao. I.R.-684. Manufacturer of cold formed steel profiles de- sires joint venture or license agreement for the production of steel movable walls for buildings; Perfil en Frio— Perfisa, Santa Engracia 2, Pamp- lona (Navarra). I.R.-678. 346 Metal Stampings Manufacturer of kitchen ware seeks license for metal stamping products such as kitchen wares and other products; Estampaciones Sanz Tivoli 8, Bilbao. I.R.-766. 348 Fabricated Wire Products Industrial chain manufacturer seeks capital to modernize plant; Benito Jofre S.A., Hermanos Miralles 49, Madrid. I.R.-32. 351 Engines and turbines Manufacturer of small gasoline motors seeks joint venture for expanding operations, Hispano Villiers S.A., Paseo de Valldaura, Barcelona. I.R.- 236. 352 Farm Machinery Machine shop for the repair of all kinds of motors seeks license to make any product connected with farm machinery; Rotini Y Cia S.A., Dr. Relimpio 4, Sevilla. I.R.-334. Automobile accessories firm seeks license for the production of tractor components and spare parts; Antonio Crespo, Castilla 171, Sevilla. I.R.- 471. Harvesting machinery manufacturer seeks tech- nical know-how to improve production; Industrias Juan Busquets Crusat S.A., Carretera de Alcolea del Pinar, S/N, Reus (Tarragona). I.R.-242. Farm machinery firm seeks joint venture with similar U.S. firm; AmodoS.A., CaminoTorrecillas 37, Zaragoza. I.R.-197. Manufacturer of farm implements seeks joint venture with U.S. implement firm; Pedro Cabeza, D. Jaime I, No. 31, Zaragoza. I.R.-196. 353 Construction Machinery Large construction company seeks license for the production of machinery such as shovels, cranes, and rollers, Agroman Empresa Construc- tor S.A., Plaza de Tirso de Molina 5, Madrid. I.R.-73. Manufacturer of public works equipment seeks joint venture or license to produce all types of earth moving equipment and construction machinery; Kynos S.A., Plaza de Alonso Martinez 6, Madrid. I.R.-31. Elevator manufacturer wants joint venture to build automatic elevators; EgurenS.A., Aguirre 18, Bilbao. I.R.-784. Manufacturer of crushing and conveying equip- ment for solid materials seeks license to make new models of similar machinery; Talleres Laron, Ar- rabibi, 60, Lemona, Vizcaya. I.R.-565. Agricultural machinery and electronic instru- ments manufacturer wants license to make ma- chines for sorting, cleaning, and conveying grain and electronic apparatus used in farming; I. M. A. D. Hijo de Domingo Gomez, C. Moncada 83, Valencia. I.R.-503. Manufacturer of loading conveyors, capstans, cranes, and electric hoists wants to establish a joint venture with similar U.S. machinery manu- facturer to expand present production; Juan Jose Krug S.A., Santa Ana 1, Basurto, Bilbao. I.R.-763. Anchor chains and steel forgings firm desires joint venture or license for the production of marine accessories such as winches or capstans; Cadenas & Forjados S.A., Prolongacion Santa Ana, Lejona, Vizcaya. I.R.-756. 354 Metalworking Equipment Metal forming machinery manufacturer seeks joint venture to manufacture similar equipment; Francisco Bernaldo, Balmes 183, Barcelona. I.R.- 47. Producer of 20 inch stroke metal shaping ma- chines wants to make U.S. shaping machines of 30 inch stroke under license; Talleres Union Mecanica S.A., Caminode las Fuentes 7, Zaragoza. I.R.-181. Machine tool manufacturer seeks license to make automatic grinding machines and mechanical hy- draulic, or pneumatic pump presses from 25 to 200 tons; Ladislao Aramburu S.A., Carretera de Betono s/n, Vitoria I.R.-781. Manufacturer of metalworking machinery wants joint venture for the production of machine tools; Gumuzio S.A., Alameda de Urquijo 98, Bilbao. I.R.-767. License sought for the production of machine tools by manufacturer of similar products; Pedro Maria de Aguirre S.A., Carretera de Gamarra 14, Vitoria. I.R.-564. Manufacturer of shapers and drills wants to be licensed to make similar U.S. products; Construc- ciones Sacia S.A., Apartado 2, Placencia de las Armas, Guipuzcoa. I.R.-544. Manufacturer of hydraulic presses and other heavy machinery seeks license to make latest type U.S. hydraulic presses of 100 to 1,000 tons— also interested in producing other equipment associated with the fabrication of heavy plate steel; Jose Virio S.A., Ercilia 19, Bilbao. I.R.-597. Manufacturer of saws and precision tools seeks joint venture for the production of metal cutting tools, such as drills and grinding wheels; Costa- Font Y Gomez Munoz, S.A., Teodoro Llorente 10, Barcelona. I.R.-368. 33 Turret lathes and screw machines producer seeks a joint venture for expanding operations for existing products; S.A., Crucelegui, Gran Via 79, Bilbao. I.R.-752. 355 Special Industry Machinery Woodworking machinery manufacturer seeks joint venture with U.S. manufacturer of similar equipment; Construcciones Menna Claramant, Paseo de la Castellana 60, Madrid. I.R.-85. Inventor of vulcanizing press which moulds, vulcanizes, and attaches a complete sole and heel to a pair of shoes seeks a joint venture to expand production of machinery— claims to have sold ma- chinery all over the world; Gonzalo Mediano Capdevila, Pasaje Gayola 12-16 (Paseo de San Juan 98), Barcelona. I.R.-33. Manufacturer of foundry and metal stamping products seeks joint venture to manufacture bakery equipment, plastic manufacturing machinery and steam specialties and valves; Ferretera Mon- tanesa S.A., Torrelavega, Santander. I.R.-668. Producer of extrusion and blowing machines for the plastics industry seeks license to manufacture U.S. extrusion plastic molding machines of the latest type; Construcciones MecanicasSafimoS.A., Alcazar de Toledo 12/14, San Adrian Besos, Barce- lona. I.R.-422. Firm engaged in polishing marble pieces seeks joint venture to establish a modern finishing plant; Ramon Capella Almela, Calixto III, 38, Valcencia. I.R.-379. 356 General Industrial Equipment Manufacturer of small electrical motors seeks licenses for the production of fans, blowers, air- conditioners, and carpet sweepers; Numax S.A., Balmes 310-313, Barcelona. I.R.-56. 358 Service Industry Machines Cold storage plant seeks license or joint venture for the production of cold storage and refrigeration equipment; Frigorificos Valencia S.A., Alberique 25, Valencia. I.R.-135. Heavy machinery manufacturer seeks license to make air conditioning equipment, pumps, and pres- ses; La Maquinaria Terrestre Y Maritima S.A., Maquinista 41, Barcelona. I.R.-372. Manufacturer of air ventilation and pneumatic conveying equipment seeks license to produce air conditioning, ventilation, and pneumatic equipment for industrial uses; Manuel Odriozola Garin, Marino Tabuyo 8, San Sebastian. I.R.-749. 359 Miscellaneous Machinery Piston ring manufacturer seeks license to pro- duce U.S. piston rings and liners; Fundiciones Industriales S.A., Calle Diputacion 244, Barcelona. I.R.-36. 361 Electric Transmission and Distribution Equipment Manufacturer of electric switches, fuse boxes and condensors seeks to expand its business with a U.S. firm which would provide more efficient production and know-how for current products; Construcciones Electricas Levante S.A., Platanos 19-25, Valencia. I.R.-150. 362 Electrical Industrial Apparatus Producer of ignition contact points seeks li- cense to make transistors and silicon rectifiers; Contact, Calle Homero 38, Barcelona. I.R.-292. Manufacturer of welding equipment seeks license to produce latest type U.S. spot and other resistance welding machines with a range from 150 to 500 KWA; Talleres Mep, Av. de Jose Antonio 17, 15 Bilbao. I.R.-706. 363 Household Appliances Manufacturer of household appliances desires joint venture or license for the production of electric gas ranges, gas water heaters, refrig- erators, and washing machines; CorchoS.A., Av. Eduardo Garcia 30, Santander. I.R.-675. Refrigerator and washing machine , manufacturer wants license or joint venture to produce U.S. domestic refrigerators Industrias Flay S.A., Sal- amanca 5, Zaragoza. I.R.-110. Manufacturer of electrical starter generators seeks license to make small electric appliances such as electric razors. FEMSA, Cea Bermudez 74-76, Madrid. I.R.-581. License sought by appliance manufacturer to make refrigerators, washing and drying ma- chines; Aparatos Hogar S.A., San Antolin, Derio, Vizcaya. I.R.-579. 369 Electrical Machinery Seeks U.S. battery manufacturer to license or enter joint venture to produce car batteries in Spain; Juan Miquel Arrieta Valentin, San Miquel 8, Pamplona. I.R.-629. 371 Motor Vehicle Equipment Hydraulic shock absorber manufacturer seeks li- cense to make U.S. type shock absorbers; Eugenio Unamuno, General Mola 1, Ermua, Vizcaya. I.R.- 699. License for well known brand of break linings and disc gears sought by manufacturer of brake linings, disc, and other parts; Dajap, Andres Torrejon 5, Madrid. I.R.-177. Manufacturer of automotive spare parts seeks license agreement for production spare and com- 34 ponent parts for motor vehicles; Industrias Laf- uente S.A., Prolongacion C. de las Fuentes, Zara- goza. I.R.-179. Manufacturer of ignition coils, condensers, and contact points seeks know- how and capital from U.S. firm to modernize and expand its operation; Pro- ductos Magno S.A., Pere Serafi 24, Barcelona. I.R.-53. License to produce car heaters, air and oil filters, and other car accessories sought by manu- facturer of stamping and screw machine products; Laguna de Rins S.A., Av. de la Jota, Zaragoza. I.R.-108. Manufacturer of exhaust pipes seeks license to make U.S. pipes and mufflers; Industrias de Mendoza S.A., Plaza de Toros 16, Vitoria. I.R.- 554. Automotive gear and transmission manufacturer wants joint venture for improving and expanding production facilities; Consur S.A., Socorro 11, Sevilla. I.R.-487. Manufacturer of automotive and motorcycle parts and accessories seeks license to produce air and oil filters; Jose Artes de Arcos, S.A., Venus 8, Barcelona. I.R.-350. 382 Measuring Instruments Electrical products and controls manufacturer seeks license for production of thermostatic con- trols; Thermo- Electro S.A., Alfonso Gomez 8, Madrid. I.R.-46. 42340— U.S. Dept. of Comm— DC— 1963 35 mission to Spain &m r: " aisr it's your move U.S. Trade Missions are ready to present your business proposals in man- to- man talks with International buyers and investors. For example, the last five Trade Missions made more than six thousand practical business contacts. Write today to Trade Missions Division, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D.C. There is no charge. It's your move. Cartoon courtesy McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Inc.