i Personnel : 30. Coverage : States of Bahia and Sergipe. Outdoor and billboard advertising. J. M. Propaganda, Ltda., Rua Joaquim Tavora 180. Personnel: 25. Cover- age: State of Bahia. Placement broker for advertisements via newspapers, magazines, and radio. Publivendas Publicidade, Ltda., Ediflcio Itaipe, Av. 7 de Setembro 17. Per- sonnel: 5. Coverage: Salvador. Placement broker for advertisements via newspapers, trade journals, and radio. Rex Propaganda, Ltda., Ediflcio Itaipe, Av. 7 de Setembro 17. Personnel: 20. Coverage : State of Bahia. Outdoor and billboard advertising. Sao Paulo [State of Sao Paulo) *Doria Associados Propaganda, Ltda., Rua Formosa 367 (Caiwu Postal 6141). *Grant Advertising, S.A., Rua Xavier de Toledo 316. Personnel in Brazil: 115. Branches in Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, and Belo Horizonte. Also, sales promotion and public relations. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. 26 British Guiana ♦Orion Publicidade, S.A., Praca da Republica 468. Branch in Rio de Janeiro. *Panam Propaganda, S.A., Rua Bar do de Itapetininga 224. Branch in Rio de Janeiro. ♦Publicidade International, S.A., Rua Xavier de Toledo 310, Conjunto 22. Branch in Rio de Janeiro. Sociedade Anonima, P.A., Nascimento ACAR Propaganda, Av. Vieira de Car- valho 172. Branch in Rio de Janeiro. *J. Walter Thompson Company do Brasil, Rua Boa Vista 51. (Caixa Postal 8925.) Personnel in Brazil: 400. Branches in Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, and Recife. Also, sales promotion and public relations. Parent firm: J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. The organizations listed cover all of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro Instituto Brasileiro de Opiniao Publica e Estatistica-I.B.O.P.E., Av. Henrique Valadares 41. Branch in Sao Paulo. Marketing surveys, public opinion polls, media research, and related services. Instituto de Pesquisas de Opiniao e Mercado — IP.O.M., Av. Franklin Roose- velt 39. Total personnel: 20. Branch in Sao Paulo. Market surveys, public opinion polls, media and advertising studies, and related services. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. Morris and Van Wormer do Brasil, Ltda., Rua Mexico 90, Orupo 610. Branch in Sao Paulo. Marketing surveys, economic studies, management consulting, and related services. Parent firm : Morris & Van Wormer, 25 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. Sao Paulo Instituto Nacional de Estudos Sociais e Economicos — I.N.E.S.E., Rua Quin- tino Bocaiuva 161. Branch in Rio de Janeiro. Marketing surveys, public opin- ion polls, and related services. Bruce Payne e Associados, Rua Conselheiro Grispiniano 125. Branch in Rio de Janeiro. Marketing and market surveys and general management consulting services. Parent firm : Bruce Payne & Associates International, Inc., Westport 1, Conn. BRITISH GUIANA Advertising Agencies Radio is a popular form of advertising and the local station covers the whole coastal belt, in which over 90 percent of the population live. The four dailies have a wide circulation. Other standard media, such as outdoor and transporta- tion, cinema, direct mail, and novelties, are also used. 27 British Honduras. Firms listed are general agencies which provide complete advertising service, are of British nationality, and cover all of British Guiana. *Ace Advertisers, 84 Rood and King Sts., Georgetown. Personnel: 5. Also, specialized trade or industry surveys. Placement broker. *Carib Advertising Service, 78 Church St., Georgetown. Personnel : 11. Cov- erage includes Trinidad and Barbados, W.I. Also, market analyses, opinion research and polls, specialized trade or industry surveys. Placement broker. ♦Crown Agencies, 94 Laluni St., Queenstown, Georgetown. Personnel : 7. Also, market analyses, opinion research and polls, specialized surveys. D. F. P. Advertising Service, Post Office Box 261, Georgetown. Personnel : 9. Affiliated with Davies & Chislett, Ltd., Trinidad, W.I., and Colin Turner, Ltd., London, England. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. BRITISH HONDURAS No advertising agencies or market research organizations. An advertising allowance to a local sales agent will permit him to arrange for local advertising for a particular product or firm. BRITISH WEST INDIES See West Indies. BRUNEI (BRITISH BORNEO) See Singapore. BURMA Advertising Agencies The media commonly used are newspapers and magazines, cinema slides, posters, handbills, neon signs, and public address systems. In addition to the Burmese-language newspapers, there are five English-language dailies which are especially widely read in trade circles. Agency business is in the develop- mental stage and is conducted mainly with foreign firms, since local firms usually prepare and place their own advertisements. Imported manufactured consumer products are readily disposed of without need for advertising. Capital goods and equipment are more generally advertised through agencies, as there is some com- petition between importers of these items. Advertisements placed in newspapers, periodicals, etc., by agencies are generally written on the basis of the client's ideas. 28 .Cambodia Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed are of Burmese nationality and cover all of Burma. Burma Union Advertising Service, 325 Sparks St., Rangoon. Personnel: 4. Services offered include some art and copy work, translations (English to Burmese) , placement of advertisements via newspapers, magazines, cinema slides, handbills, billboards, and calendars. Burmese Advertising & Publicity Services, 104 Phayre St., Rangoon. Per- sonnel : 3. Acts only in a supervisory capacity in arranging for advertising via newspapers, magazines, cinema films and slides, billboards, etc. Also, translations. Chinthay Publicity Bureau, 325 Maung Taulay St., Rangoon. Personnel : 10. Affiliated with "Burma Commerce," a weekly journal of the same address (see Marketing Research Organizations). Prepares and places advertisements in "Burma Commerce," including translating and printing. International Publicity Syndicate, 320 Merchant St., Rangoon. Personnel : 3. Acts only in a supervisory capacity in arranging for advertising via newspapers, magazines, cinema films and slides, handbills and billboards, calendars, etc. Also, translations. Universal Advertising Bureau, 323 Sparks St., Rangoon. Personnel : 4. Acts only in a supervisory capacity in placing advertisements via newspapers, maga- zines, cinema slides, billboards, etc. Marketing Research Organizations None. The publishers listed below provide limited market data, as indicated. Burma Commerce, 325 Maung Taulay St., Rangoon. Personnel : 12. Publisher of weekly journal "The Burma Commerce," which covers economic developments in Burma and also contains foreign economic news. It has a moderate circula- tion, principally among local businessmen. Firm undertakes, on a limited scale, market analyses, opinion research and polls, and industry surveys. Traders & Brokers Union, Rangoon, 797 Dalhousie St., Rangoon. Personnel : 4. Publishers of "The Daily Market Report," which covers local price trends in textiles, toilet articles, and domestic hardware. Conducts market analyses in Rangoon area only. CAMBODIA Advertising Agencies Advertising is in its infancy and available facilities are centered in Phnom Penh, the principal city. As in most other countries in the Far East, the Chinese predominate both as jobbers and in the retail trade, particularly in the Provinces and small towns. Cambodian or Khmer is the national language ; French is the second language of the country and is preferred for commercial correspondence. Viet-Namese and the southern Chinese dialects are also widely used. Publi-Khmer, 2 Vithei Oknha Men, Phnom Penh. Personnel: 6. Coverage: Cambodia. Creates and places advertising via newspapers, cinema, outdoor and billboard, railroad dining cars, and telephone directories. Translations in five languages. 495641—1 29 Cameroon s, French. Societe de Tourisme, d'Edition et de Publicite (S.T.E.P.), 20 Rikkhak Vithei Krameon Sar, Phnom Penh. Personnel : 14. Branches in Kompong Cham, Cam- bodia ; and in Saigon and Viet-Nam. Coverage : Cambodia and South Viet-Nam. Creates and places advertising via press, cinema, radio, direct mail, calendars, fairs and expositions, and demonstrations. Translations in several languages. Marketing Research Organizations None, but market research has been undertaken in a very limited way by the Chambre Mixte de Commerce et d' Agriculture, Vithei Baksei Cham Krong, Phnom Penh. CAMEROONS, FRENCH See Africa, French West. CANADA Advertising Agencies Advertising and marketing research techniques and facilities are on a par with those in the United States. English and French are the official languages and the use of both is necessary in the conduct of countrywide campaigns. Numerous United States firms in both fields (particularly those with head- quarters in New York City and other cities in the northern part of the United States) maintain branches or subsidiaries in Canada. Owing to space limita- tions, it has been possible to list in this directory only a few of the larger Canadian offices of American firms. Newspapers and periodicals are by far the leading media. A feature of the Canadian advertising situation is the amount of overflow from the United States. Canadians are large readers of U.S. publications, including magazines, and border audiences receive United States radio and TV broadcasts, even as U.S. audiences receive broadcasts from Canada. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed offer complete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations as neces- sary, media selection, and placement via all types of media, including radio and TV. Many of the larger agencies maintain mailing lists. Names marked with an asterisk are those of firms which offer market research and analyses and trade or industry surveys ; most will undertake also opinion research and polls in connection with advertising campaigns. Except as noted, firms are of Canadian nationality and cover all of Canada. Province of Alberta ♦Nattall & Maloney, Ltd., 4-115A Eighth Ave. East, Calgary, Alberta. Total personnel: 20. Branch in Edmonton. Specializes in western Canadian mar- keting information and counsel. Has direct contact with all media in Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, and Red Deer. Placement broker for all media. Branch of Foster Advertising, Ltd., Toronto. 30 .Canada Province of British Columbia *Brown, Mitchell & Wright, Ltd., 735 Davie St., Vancouver 1, B.C. Total per- sonnel : 25. Branch in Calgary. Also, media placement of all kinds, sales train- ing and sales promotion, marketing coordination as applied to presentation to sales staff, packaging, merchandising, customer relations, and public relations campaigns. Affiliated with the F. H. Hayhurst Co., Ltd., Montreal and Toronto. B.C. Directories, Ltd., 2733 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. Directory pub- lishers and direct-mail producers. Owned and wholly controlled by R. L. Polk & Co., 431 Howard St., Detroit, Mich., to which inquiries on advertising or marketing research in this territory should be addressed. *T. Stewart Brown & Co., 1111-12 Dominion Bldg., 207 West Hastings St., Van- couver 3, B.C. Personnel : 5. Industrial advertising counselor. Media : Pub- lications, radio, and direct mail. industrial Advertising Service, Ltd., 2775 West Broadway, Vancouver 8, B.C. Personnel: 3. *James Lovick & Co., Ltd., 1178 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. Personnel : 210, including branches. Branches in Montreal, London (Ontario), Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton, and Calgary. Coverage includes United States and United Kingdom. Also, sales promotion, publicity, and public relations. Special panel for women's promotions. Placement broker. Representative in the United States : James Lovick & Co., 425 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif. ♦O'Brien Advertising, Ltd., 1455 West Georgia St., Vancouver, B.C. Personnel : Approximately 45. Branches in Edmonton, Alberta, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Montreal and Ottawa. Also, media research. O'Brien Sayers of Canada, Ltd., 1462 West Pender St., Vancouver 5, B.C. Per- sonnel: 6 full time plus additional part tir^e. Coverage: Countrywide, with emphasis on British Columbia. Offers direct-mail advertising in all its forms including letters, bulletins, catalogs, fliers, etc. Also handles direct-mail adver- tising for O'Brien Advertising, Ltd. Seaboard Advertising Co., Ltd., 301 West Fifth Ave., Vancouver 10, B.C. Total personnel: 71. Branch in Victoria. Outdoor advertising via posters and painted bulletins, signs, and silk screen processing. Signkraft Advertising, Ltd., 1297 East Eastings St., Vancouver 6, B.C. Per- sonnel : 20. Posters and billboard signs, neon spectaculars, including creative work and selection and supervision of sites. Tisdale Designs, Ltd., 1256 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C., Personnel: 10. Coverage: Western Canada. Media: Catalogs, manuals, direct mail, outdoor, transportation, novelties, and fairs and exhibitions. *Triad Services, Ltd., 2205 Fir St., Vancouver 9, B.C. Personnel: 7. Facili- ties include a studio for production of live and animated films for TV commercials. *Val Warren & Co., Ltd., 405 Province Bldg., Vancouver 3, B.C. Personnel: 3. Coverage: Western Canada. Media: Newspapers, magazines, radio and TV, direct mail, bus and car cards, exhibits, and demonstrations. Neon spectacular signs and outdoor bulletin boards are handled under the firm name of National Outdoor Advertising, Ltd. Young & Ross Advertising, Ltd., 326 West Pender St., Vancouver 3, B.C. Personnel: 5. Also, market analyses. Province of Manitoba Macbeth Sales Promotion Agencies, Post Office Box 37, St. James, Manitoba. Personnel : 46. Has 20 branches throughout Canada. Advertising via direct mail 31 Canada — — — and outdoor and billboard. Specialists in novelties. Also, calendars of all kinds, natural color productions of catalog material, booklets, brochures, and displays involving motion. Sanford Evans & Co., Ltd., 156 Lombard Ave., Winnipeg 2, Manitoba. Per- sonnel : 55. Direct-mail advertising in all its branches. Province of New Brunswick Atlantic Advertising Agency, Ltd., Sackville, N. B. Personnel : 3. Coverage : Maritime Provinces. Offers creative work, but not translations. Media: Publications, cinema, direct mail, and outdoor. Macmichael Advertising, Ltd., 22 Germain St., Saint John, N. B. Personnel : 1 and several associates. Coverage : New Brunswick. Associated with Atlantic Advertising Agency, Ltd., and offers same services and media coverage as that agency. Province of Newfoundland Austin Advertising, Ltd., St. John's Newfoundland. Personnel : 5. Coverage : Province of Newfoundland. Also, silk screen printers, jobbers of showcard boards, banner papers, screen process supplies, and display materials. Placement broker. E. C. Boone Advertising, Ltd., Post Office Box E5349, St. John's Newfound- land. Personnel: 11. Coverage: Province of Newfoundland. Primarily pub- lisher's representatives. Arranges advertising for both radio and TV. Has exclusive franchise on all advertising billboard space in 6 of the principal areas in the Province. Province of Nova Scotia The three firms listed below offer advertising via all media and specialize in radio, cinema, and TV commercials. *Bennett & Northrop, Inc., Maritime Life Bldg., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Per- sonnel : 3 specialists, with services of parent firm promptly available. Also, placement broker. Parent firm: Bennett & Northrop, Inc., 711 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. *Imperial Advertising, Ltd., 38 Blowers St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Personnel : 14 professionals with part-time services of specialists. Branch in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Coverage includes Europe. Also, placement broker. Wallace Advertising, Ltd., 132-36 Roy Bldg., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Person- nel: 6 professionals, with part-time services of specialists. Coverage includes United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, West Germany, and France. Province of Ontario ♦Ardiel Advertising Agency, Ltd., 4 Lawton Blvd., Toronto 7, Ontario. Per- sonnel : Approximately 60. Branches in Hamilton, Niagara Falls, and Ottawa. Ontario. Establishing branch office in London, England. Coverage: Province of Ontario chiefly. Executives will travel to any part of the United States, 32 __ _.Canacfa Great Britain, and Europe in client service. Works closely with United States marketing research organizations. Also, complete merchandising service. *The Baker Advertising Agency, Ltd., 212 King St. West, Toronto, Ontario. Personnel: 115. Branch: Montreal, Quebec. Media: Publications, radio, TV, outdoor and transportation. Also, advice and assistance on exhibitions, fairs, demonstrations, direct mail, booklets and manuals, films, and other miscel- laneous projects. Placement broker. Maintains own public relations department. *John Doherty & Co., Ltd., J^6 Elgin St., Ottawa, Ontario. Personnel: 4. Also, placement broker. *Ferres Advertising, Ltd., 63 Duke St., Hamilton, Ontario. Personnel: 23. Also, placement broker. *Foster Advertising, Ltd., 194 Alcorn Ave., Toronto 7, Ontario. Personnel: 109. Branches in Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg. Branch representation : Good- win Advertising, Ltd., 207 West Hastings St., Vancouver 3, B.C.; Nattall & Maloney, Ltd., 4-115A Eighth Ave. East, Calgary, Alberta, and Edmonton, Alberta. *J. J. Gibbons, Ltd., 46 St. Clair Ave. East, Toronto, Ontario. Total person- nel: Approximately 200. Branches in Montreal, Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton, Calgary, and Vancouver. Johnson, Adams, Nicholson, Ltd., Brantford, Ontario. Personnel: 5. Cov- erage: Brantford and surrounding area. Specializes in the planning and pro- duction of catalogs, brochures, and label design ; and advertising in trade papers, consumer publications, and mass media. *Kenyon & Eckhardt, Ltd., 821 Bloor St. East, Toronto, Ontario. Personnel: 40. Branch at Montreal. Also, placement broker. Parent firm : Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc., 247 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *MacLaren Advertising Co., Ltd., Ill Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ontario. Total personnel: 387. Branches: Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Ottawa, and London, England. Coverage : All of Canada from Canadian offices ; United Kingdom and continent from London office. All types of marketing research and surveys (consumer, retail and wholesale, trade, industrial). Complete mass media coverage including farm, religious, and business papers. Equipped to handle sales conferences, dealer meetings, demonstrations, and the like. *McCann-Erickson (Canada), Ltd., 200 Bloor St. East, Toronto, Ontario. Branches in Vancouver, Montreal, Winnipeg. Also, complete sales promotion services. Parent firm: McCann-Erickson, Inc., 485 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *McConnell, Eastman & Co., Ltd., lift University Ave., Toronto, Ontaria. Personnel: Approximately 160. Branches in Montreal, London (Ontario), Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver. Also, public relations and merchandising services. Ronalds Advertising Agency, Ltd., 108 Peter St., Toronto 2-B, Ontario. Branches in Montreal, Edmonton, and London, England. Also, market analyses. Has specialized merchandising department. *Ross Roy of Canada, Ltd., Canada Trust Bldg., Windsor, Ontario. Person- nel : 274. Creative developments prepared for suitable adaptation to the French language for the Quebec market. Branch of Ross Roy, Inc., 2750 East Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. *Spitzer & Mills, Ltd., 50 King St. West, Toronto, Ontario. Personnel: 120. Branch in Montreal. All types of marketing research, including motivation research. French department. Conducts surveys and research programs for new products. Special department in Montreal office attends to the needs of industrial advertisers. 33 Canada *Tandy Advertising Agency, Ltd., 20 Carlton St., Toronto, Ontario. Personnel : 30. Also, market analyses. * Walsh Advertising Co., Ltd., 44 King St. West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Person- nel : 102. Branches in Montreal and Windsor. Media : Publications, radio, and TV. Province of Quebec Burns Advertising Agency, Ltd., 1247 Guy St., Montreal, Quebec. Personnel : 29. Branches in Toronto and Ottawa. Media : Publications, cinema, radio and TV, direct mail, outdoor and transportation. *Canadian Advertising Agency, Ltd., 1454 Mountain St., Montreal, Queoec. Personnel: 60. Branches in Toronto, Winnipeg, and Vancouver. Agency has both English and French creative departments in Montreal office. Marketing research through Core Research, Toronto, Ont. {see Marketing Research Organi- zations ) . Placement broker. *Cockfield, Brown & Co., Ltd., Canada Cement Bldg., Montreal, Queoec. Total personnel: 479. Branches in Toronto, Winnipeg, and Vancouver. Complete bilingual planning, advertising, and sales promotion service, including public relations and point-of-sale merchandising. Firm is particularly experienced in developing campaigns directed to the French-Canadian market. Andre Gauvin Enr., 1086 Cartier St., Queoec City, Queoec. Personnel: 5. Coverage: Quebec and vicinity. Media: Publications, radio, TV, and direct mail. *Grant Advertising (of Canada), Ltd., 1648 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec and 103 Church St., Toronto, Ontario. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. F. H. Hayhurst Co., Ltd., 1510 Drummond St., Montreal, Quebec. Personnel : 107. Branch in Toronto. Associate offices in Calgary and Vancouver. Also, research and survey work, creation of merchandising ideas, analysis of product. *McKim Advertising, Ltd., 1510 Drummond St., Montreal, Quebec. Personnel : 200. Branches in Toronto, Winnipeg, and Vancouver. Also, consumer, market, and trade research; competitive advertising analyses; readership studies; and radio and TV research, ratings, and coverage. Has French and other specialized departments. Payeur Publicity, Inc., 639 Eighth Ave., Quebec City, Quebec. Personnel : 15. Also, placement broker. *Stanfield, Johnson & Hill, Ltd., Dominion Square Bldg., Montreal, Quebec. Personnel: 165. Branch in Toronto. Also, offers French-language creative services. Research services include motivation research, copy testing, and consumer surveys. This agency represents an amalgamation in February 1958 of Harold F. Stanfield, Ltd., Montreal, and Locke, Johnson, Ltd., Toronto. ♦Stevenson & Scott, Ltd., 1260 University St., Montreal, Quebec. Personnel: 42. Branches in Toronto, Vancouver, and Halifax. Also, placement broker. *J. Walter Thompson, Ltd., Dominion Square Bldg., Montreal, Quebec, and 600 University Ave., Toronto, Ontario. Personnel in Canada : 220. Also, placement broker. Parent firm : J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *Vickers & Benson, Ltd., 1440 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal, Quebec. Personnel : 200. Branch in Toronto. Also, placement broker. *Young & Rubicam, Ltd., 660 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal, Quebec. Per- sonnel in Canada : 205. Branch in Toronto. Also, publicity and public relations, 34 m Canada planning and creative work for direct mail and other sales promotion materials. Parent firm : Young & Rubicam, Inc., 285 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Except as noted, firms cover all of Canada. Province of British Columbia Joseph B. Ward & Associates, Ltd., 402-615 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. Personnel: 15. Coverage includes British Commonwealth, United States, and the Netherlands. Management surveys ; economic studies of all types ; opinion research and polls ; industrial and retail research in all fields. Representatives in United States : Joseph B. Ward & Associates, Seattle, Wash. Western Surveys-Research, Ltd., 409-198 West Hastings St., Vancouver 8. Personnel : 3 full time and 2 part time ; approximately 200 interviewers on call. Coverage: Western Canada with emphasis on B.C. Affiliated with Gruneau Research, Ltd. (Canadian), whose head office is in Toronto, with branches in Montreal and New York, N.Y. The facilities of Gruneau Research, Ltd., are used across Canada, and the two firms are combined in western Canada, especially in B.C. Market analyses, opinion research and polls, specialized trade or industry surveys, advertising research, motivational research, consumer research (all types) , statistical services. Province of Nova Scotia No commercial marketing research companies. Organizations listed are active nonprofit groups able and prepared to undertake comprehensive preliminary con- sumption and market research (on a cost-free basis) for the advice and assist- ance of commercial interests wishing to establish trade connections for the sale of goods, appointment of agents, or the building or operation of distributing centers within their territory. Atlantic Provinces Economic Council, 205 South Park St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Branch at University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Department of Trade and Industry of the Province of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Halifax Board of Trade, 76 Hollis St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Halifax Development Industrial Commission, 76 Hollis St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Industrial Estates, Ltd., 502-4 Bank of Nova Scotia Building, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Province of Ontario Canadian Economic Research Associates, 84 Adelaide St. West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Firm consists of a group having associated with it a number of aca- demic economists and statisticians who make themselves available to supervise 35 Canada and direct economic, financial, and statistical research projects. Firm offers economic forecasting, marketing and market research, economic investigations, statistical services, and general services. Canadian Facts, Ltd., 49 Wellington St. West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Personnel : 54. Part-time personnel distributed nationwide. Branch : Montreal. Approxi- mately 377 interviewers in 151 localities, coast to coast. All types of marketing or opinion research in consumer products or services. Service includes planning studies, interviewing, tabulations, and analysis of results. Translations done in conjunction with services offered. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. Canadian Institute of Public Opinion, 55 Wellington St. West, Toronto. Spe- cializes in readership, opinion, and market research studies. Associated with Gruneau Research, Ltd., Toronto. Affiliate of American Institute of Public Opin- ion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N.J. Canadian Marketing Analysis, Ltd., 20 Bloor St. West, Toronto. Personnel : 17 ; approximately 729 interviewers. Branches : Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. Consumer and industrial market analyses of all kinds. On request, for individual clients only, specialized trade or industry surveys and opinion research and polls. Translations as required. Maintains a national consumer panel, con- sisting of a regular monthly record of purchases of food, drug, and other items from a panel of 5,000 households accurately dispersed on a national basis. This service available for product testing and other special projects. Also, motiva- tion and advertising research. Core Research, 80 King St. West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Personnel: 258. Branches: Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. Market, media, and motivation research ; public opinion surveys ; industrial and trade surveys ; economic studies and analyses. Works in English and French. This company (in association with the Canadian Advertising Agency, Ltd., Montreal, of which it is the research subsidiary) is equipped to offer a full range of advertising, marketing, and public relations services, in addition to marketing research. Corporation House, Ltd., 160 Laurier Ave. West., Ottawa, Ontario. Person- nel : 18. Market analyses, specialized trade or industry surveys, business and industrial surveys, and statistical reports. This firm specializes in helping business to deal with government. Elliot-Haynes, Ltd., 515 Broadview Ave., Toronto 6, Ontario. Personnel: 68 salaried employees ; 14 salaried supervisors, 192 part-time supervisors. Branch : Montreal. Advertising effectiveness surveys, brand trend reports, sales research and promotion, special surveys conducted by mail balloting techniques; public opinion polls, including continuing survey of public attitude toward business and industry; radio surveys; studies on the service and systems of departmental and chain stores ; dealer and consumer surveys ; advertising linage audits. Gruneau Research, Ltd., 55 Wellington St. West, Toronto, Ontario. Personnel in Toronto : 35 full time and 15 regular part time, plus 471 regular interviewers throughout the country, under the direction of 18 regional supervisors. Branches : Montreal, Vancouver, New York. Subsidiary in United States: Blankenship Gruneau Research Associates, 11 West 42d St., New York 36, N.Y. Motiva- tional and depth studies, consumer surveys, continuing consumer studies, tele- phone surveys, blind product and taste tests, radio listening and TV audiences, special group studies, industrial relations and community studies, store audits and display and distribution checks, packaging tests, premium pretesting, and many other services. Kingsland & Associates, Ltd., 51 Wellington St. West, Toronto, Ontario. Branches: Montreal, New York, Washington, Chicago. Industrial marketing 36 Cnnadn research, product acceptance and design studies, marketing organization surveys, market potential and territory analysis, sales incentives and objectives, pricing and packaging, sales strategy, marketing planning surveys, sales personnel or- ganization and counsel, marketing consulting services, evaluation studies of sales operations. McDonald Research, Ltd., 2510 Yonge St., Toronto 12, Ontario. Personnel : 35 plus field operatives. Local, regional, and national radio and TV audience data, including ratings, coverage, audience composition, unduplicated and cumulative averages of programs, advertising schedules, and the like ; product test markets by audit and consumer techniques in all areas of Canada ; merchandising services, including coupon redemption, public opinion polls, display testing, premium test- ing, etc. ; general marketing surveys at consumer level, including products, pack- aging, consumer attitudes, and housekeeping habits ; and general statistical and market data services, including preparation of economic and statistical reports of all kinds. A. C. Nielsen Co. of Canada, Ltd., 2436 Yonge St., Toronto 12, Ontario. Person- nel: 175. Coverage: All Canada — except Newfoundland and Northwest Terri- tories. Services offered: Market analyses — Nielson Food Index, Nielsen Drug Index. Parent firm : A. C. Nielsen Co., 2101 West Howard St., Chicago 45, 111. Pilot Research Co., 1 Manor Rd. East, Suite 6, Toronto 7, Ontario. Personnel : 5 full time; part-time staff of approximately 280 available for special assign- ments. Market analyses throughout Canada on technical products and capital goods. Consumer goods surveys in the Province of Ontario and in the English- speaking markets only in the Province of Quebec. Specialized trade and industry surveys. E. W. Reynolds, Ltd., 154 University Ave., Toronto 1, Ontario. Personnel : 70. Branch: Montreal. Fully departmentalized with department heads in charge of each marketing responsibility. Executives from offices in Canada travel frequently to the United States for and on behalf of clients. Market analyses, opinion research and polls, specialized trade or industry surveys, translations (bilingual), creative work (art and copy), advertising via newspapers, maga- zines, etc. Trans-Canada Marketing Studies, Ltd., 226 Richmond St. West, Toronto 2-B, Ontario. Personnel : 28. Branch in Montreal. Firm comprises three associate companies : Dr. Dichter Motivational Research, Ltd., specializing in psychological research to determine consumer behavior ; Nation Wide Interviewing Corp., Ltd., which collects facts and opinions from the general public and from specific pro- fessional, business, and industrial groups across Canada, using the personal interview method; and National Press Checking Services, Ltd., specializing in audits of printed media and in supplying general market information pertinent to sales and advertising problems. Services offered : Market analyses, including economic appraisals, sales forecasting, location research; traffic studies of all types; new product development, including studies of potential markets, com- petitive trade practices, price policies, channels of distribution, etc. ; consumer product surveys and tests of all kinds. Willmark Service System, Ltd., 21 Dundas St., Toronto 1, Ontario. Personnel : 250. Point-of-sale research, consumer research, promotional research, and mar- ket analyses. Parent firm : Willmark Research Corp., 250 West 57th St., New York, N.Y. J. D. Woods & Gordon, Ltd., 15 Wellington St. West, Toronto, Ontario. Per- sonnel : 40. Branches : Montreal and Vancouver. Subsidiary company in United States: J. D. Woods & Gordon Inc., New York, N.Y. Management consultants 37 Canary Islands. offering the following services: Market analyses and surveys, specialized trade or industry surveys, economic surveys and forecasts, organization surveys, sur- veys of manufacturing operations. Province of Quebec Richard L. Edsall, 1800 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec Personnel : 3 permanent professional workers, plus interviewers. Market analyses, including short-term and long-term forecasts, specialized trade and industry surveys, translations. International Surveys, Ltd., 1440 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal, Quebec. Personnel: 100. Branch: Toronto. Market potential studies, field surveys, opinion and attitude surveys, personal opinion surveys, motivation research, product testing, dealer surveys, readership surveys, continuing radio-TV audience measurements, consumer panel of Canada, prescription panel of Canada, hospital panel of Canada. Motivation Research Centre, 1255 Laird Blvd., Montreal, Quebec. Field force of 500. Motivation research, market surveys, management research, morale research, media research, preference tests, product-in-use tests, corporate image research, brand image service, packaging research, advertising research, studies of French-Canadian market, statistical analysis. Watts Marketing Research Co., 202-1104 Hornby St., Vancouver 1, B.C. Per- sonnel: 4; 40 to 50 part-time interviewers and other personnel in the greater Vancouver area; an additional 50 to 60 interviewers stationed throughout British Columbia and Alberta. Coverage : British Columbia and Alberta, with connections available in Toronto and Montreal ; also Seattle, Washington, area. Market surveys including analysis, potential, and competition; consumer and dealer surveys on consumer and industrial products; public opinion, economic and location surveys ; broad industry surveys ; media research including radio, TV, newspaper and magazine ; product pretesting and analysis ; copy and label testing ; motivation research ; statistical and market data. CANARY ISLANDS See also Spain. Advertising Agencies Publicidad Nadal, Arco 3, Las Palmas de Gran Ganaria. Spanish. Personnel : 14. Coverage : Las Palmas. Media : Press, publications, cinema, radio, outdoor and transportation, etc. Publicidad "PEKIS," Perez de Rozas 32, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Spanish. Coverage : Canary Islands. Media : Same as Publicidad Natal. Both firms offer creative art and copy work. Marketing Research Organizations None. 38 .China (Free) CAPE VERDE ISLANDS See Portugal. CEYLON Advertising Agencies Advertising is usually conducted through newspapers, trade journals, such as the monthly "Ceylon Trade Journal," and annual publications, such as "Fergu- son's Ceylon Directory." Goods are also advertised through motion picture houses as well as on the commercial radio service. Posters, billboards, calen- dars, and novelties are other effective media. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed offer complete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations as neces- sary, media selection, and placement. Names marked with an asterisk are those of firms which conduct marketing surveys on request. Except as noted, these agencies are of Ceylonese nationality and cover all of Ceylon. ♦Grant Advertising (Ceylon), Ltd., 91 Galle Rd., Colombo 4- Ceylon office established April 1, 1958. Personnel : 8. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. Indo-Ceylon Calendar Co., 101/12 Messenger St., Colombo. Personnel: 8. Creative work in calendars, posters, billboards, and cinema slides. Also placement of advertising via foregoing media. ♦International Advertising Services, Ltd., 121 Union PI., Colombo. Person nel : 22. Also, placement broker. Mercantile Employees Trading Co., Ltd., 216/5 Gasworks St., Pettah, Colombo. Personnel: 30. Media: Publications, calendars, outdoor, and cinema slides. New Deal Business Enterprises, 14 Baillie St., Fort, Colombo. Personnel: 6. Media : Publications, outdoor, cinema, and radio. Silk-Screen Printing Service, 490 HavelocTc Rd., Colombo. Personnel: 3. Creates and places billboard advertising via the silk-screen process. *Stronachs Advertising, Ltd., York Bldg., York St., Fort, Colombo. Person- nel: 3. Also, placement broker. Head office: Stronachs Advertising, Ltd., 150 Fleet St., London, E.C. 4. *J. Walter Thompson Co. (Pvt.), Ltd., 12 Galle Face Court 2, Colombo S. Personnel: 32. Parent firm: J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Marketing Research Organizations See advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. These agencies do not reg- ularly engage in market research studies, but conduct such surveys on assign- ment. They are able to conduct consumer and trade surveys and to undertake research on consumption, markets, and purchasing power. They do not have a regular staff of researchers for this purpose, but engage them when the need arises. CHINA (FREE) See Taiwan. 39 Chile __ CHILE Advertising Agencies Advertising in Chile follows the general pattern of that in the United States, but it is not as elaborate. Radio is the leading medium, followed by news- papers and magazines, cinema, and outdoor advertising. The firms listed do translations and creative work for their clients. They write texts for advertisements, plan sales promotion campaigns, draw posters, plan advertising films, design containers, decorate oflices and stores, place bill- board advertising on main highways, prepare window displays, and manage give- away contests. Specialized trade and technical journals sell advertisements direct instead of through agencies. Those firms which offer market analyses, specialized surveys, and opinion research are indicated by asterisks. Only those which maintain current lists for the purpose are indicated as having direct-mail service. Others utilize city directories. Except as noted, firms are of Chilean nationality and cover all of Chile. Spanish is the preferred language of commercial correspondence. American Associates Advertising, Phillips IfO, Santiago. Chilean. Person- nel : 3. Coverage : Santiago. Media : Newspapers, magazines, and streetcar and bus advertisements. Fabres & Cia., Ltda., Agustinas 1022, Santiago. Personnel: 6. Coverage: Santiago and Valparaiso. Media : Newspapers and magazines, window displays, posters, billboards, calendars, novelties, and demonstrations. *Grant Advertising (Chile), Ltda. Av. Bulnes 120, Depto. 16, Santiago. Person- nel : 41. Also, direct mail. Public relations. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. Imprecira Publicidad, Ahumada 312, Santiago. Personnel: 5. Coverage: Santiago. Media: Newspapers, magazines, window displays, novelties, and calendars. Lagos del Solar, Manuel, Bandera 8%, Santiago. Personnel: 3. Coverage: Santiago. Media : Newspapers, calendars, and novelties. Magallanes Propaganda, Ltda., Hu6rfanos 111ft, Santiago. Personnel: 28. Coverage: Central Chile. Media: Newspapers and magazines, outdoor and transportation, window displays, cinema, and direct mail. *McCann-Erickson Corp. & Cia. Ltda., Matias Cousino 82, Santiago. Per- sonnel : 54 (3 in Valparaiso). Branch in Valparaiso. Also, direct mail. Public relations. Parent firm : McCann-Erickson, Inc., 485 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Propaganda Clarin, Ltda., Nueva York 25, Santiago. Personnel: 19. Cover- age: Central Chile. Media: Newspapers and magazines, radio, outdoor, window displays, and novelties. Propaganda Fonck Soc, Ltda., Santo Domingo 1W, Santiago. Personnel: 38. Also, direct mail. Publicidad Chemix, Ltda., Estado 215, Santiago. Personnel: 9. Coverage: Santiago. Media: Newspapers, magazines, posters, and window displays. Publicidad Condor, Ltda., Ahumada 812, Santiago. Personnel: 8. Coverage: Santiago. Media: Newspapers, magazines, and streetcar and bus advertisements. Publicidad Lucho Aron, Huerfanos 919, Santiago. Personnel: 12. Coverage: Central Chile. Media: Newspapers and magazines, radio, cinema slides, cal- endars, novelties, and posters. 40 . ___ Colombia Publicidad Sur, Augustinas 1111, Santiago. Personnel : 16. Coverage : Central Chile. Media: Newspapers and magazines, radio, and outdoor and transportation. Publicidad Taurus, V. Subercaseaux 41, Santiago. Personnel: 26. Coverage: Central Chile. Also, direct mail. Publicitaria Spledor, Moneda 720, Santiago. Personnel : 6. Coverage : Santi- ago. Media : Newspapers and magazines, window displays, posters, and streetcar and bus. Publicitas, Bandera 236, Santiago. Personnel: 32. Also, direct mail. *Storandt Publicidad, V. Subercaseaux 41, Santiago. Personnel : 52. Services include direct mail and public relations. *J. Walter Thompson Chilena, S.A. Av. Bulnes 176, Santiago. Personnel : 50. Also, direct mail and public relations. Parent firm : J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Vega Querat, Ltda., Amundtegui 81, Santiago. Personnel: 39. Also, direct mail. Vero Publicidad, Augustinas 814, Santiago. Personnel : 12. Coverage : Santi- ago and Valparaiso. Media : Publications, outdoor and transportation, novelties, displays, and demonstrations. Marketing Research Organizations Marketing research organizations, as they are known in the United States, do not exist in Chile. The advertising agencies indicated by asterisks provide mar- keting research services for their clients, and other agencies are beginning to enter the research field. Public relations services are also developing. Listed below are the names of the Santiago representatives of United States research organizations. These associates assist in the carrying out of research projects in Chile, but are not formally affiliated with the United States organizations. Instituto Chileno de Opinion Publica, Isidora Goyenechea 855, Dept. 2, Santi- ago. Professor Raul Samuel, Director. Personnel : Office, 6 ; about 60 trained interviewers. Market analyses. Studies of consumption-demand, preferences, analyses of readership, measurement of the effect of advertising, and opinion polls. Associate of American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N.J. Sr. Gustavo A. Balcells, Bandera 84 {Gasilla 167-D), Santiago. Marketing and opinion research. Representative of International Research Associates, inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. COLOMBIA Advertising Agencies Newspapers, magazines, and radio and TV broadcasts are the principal ad- vertising media. Other widely used outlets are cinema, posters, and direct advertising. Public relations is a growing field, and advertising is generally becoming more the practice in Colombian business. Institutional advertising is now fairly common in the leading newspapers and periodicals. 41 Costa Rica The firms listed are general agencies which provide complete service including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, and translations as necessary. All offer marketing research and analyses and specialized trade or industry surveys. Except as noted, firms are of Colombian nationality and cover all of Colombia. Spanish is the preferred language of commercial correspondence. ♦Atlas Publicidad, Ltda., Calle 19, No. 6-39, Bogota. Personnel : 60. Branch in Cali. Also, opinion research and polls. *C. P. V. Colombiana, Ltda., Carrera 13, No. 18-11, Bogota. Personnel : 20. Head office : Colman, Prentis & Varley, Ltd., 34 Grosvenor St., London, W. 1. *Empresa Colombiana de Propaganda, Ltda., Carrera 7, No. 21-65, Bogota. Personnel : 29. Branch in Cali. *McCann-Erickson Corp., Carrera 8, No. 15-46, Bogotd. Personnel: 70. Branches: Cali and Medellin. Also, media surveys. Parent firm: McCann- Erickson, Inc., 485 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ♦Propaganda Epoca, Ltda., Calle 18, No. 8-92, Bogotd. Personnel: 84. Branches : Cali, Medellin, and Barranquila. Marketing Research Organizations See also Advertising Agencies. The firms listed below all offer marketing research and analyses, specialized trade or industry surveys, and opinion research and polls. They cover all of Colombia. Miquel Fadul — Enrique Pefialos, Caja Colombiana de Ahorros, Of: 1006, Bogotd. Personnel : 6, plus additional for projects. Investigacion de Mercados (Dr. Jorge Mendez M.), Ediftcio H. Faux (Apartado 44-96), Bogotd. Personnel: 12, plus part-time interviewers. Affiliate of Inter- national Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. George Kalmanoff, Calle 13, No. 7-60, Bogotd. Personnel : 6. Alberto Vargas M., Carrera 10, No. 16-39, Bogotd. Personnel : 15. COSTA RICA Advertising Agencies Effective means of advertising are the local press and radio. Other types of media except TV are also used. The local printing industry is quite advanced and produces satisfactory color posters, labels, brochures, etc. The advertising industry has expanded considerably in recent years. More effective research and advertising is sought continuously by local trade and in- dustry in order to meet competition. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed offer complete service in the plan- ning, preparation, and placing of all forms of advertising. Names marked with an asterisk are those of agencies which undertake market analyses and opinion research. Al firms are of Costa Rican nationality and cover all of Costa Rica. *Ante Lucem, Ltda., Calle 4 V A.v>. 4, (Apartado Postal 3700), San Jose". Per- sonnel : 22. Covers other Central American countries through associates. Mem- ber of Publicistas Centroamericanos Asociados (see Appendix) . 42 Cuba ♦Alberto H. Gamier, Ltda., Calle 12-28-N (Apartado 823), San JosC. Per- sonnel : 14. Covers other Central American countries through associates. Also, trade or industry surveys. International Business Services, Ltd., Calle 1, Avs. FG-2, (Apartado ^251), San Jose". Personnel : 1. Advertising via newspapers, direct mail, and mailing lists. Also, market analyses. ♦Publicidad Mangel, Av. 7, Calles 2-4 (Apartado 401), San Jose". Personnel : 9. Publicidad Norte, Ltda., Calle 1, Avs. 3-5 (Apartado 3957), San Jose'. Per- sonnel : 10. Advertising via press, outdoor and transportation, and direct mail. Rogelio Odio, Calle 15-B, Avs. 2-4, San Jose". Personnel : 1. Advertising via newspapers and radio. Guillermo Saenz O., Av FG y Calles 3-5 (Apartado 910), San Jose". Personnel : 6. Advertising via newspapers, radio, direct mail, brochures, posters. Servicio Informativo Comercial, Calle 8, 450, San Jose". Personnel: 4. Ad- vertising via newspapers, magazines, cinema slides, and direct mail. Marketing Research Organization See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Miguel A. Mata A., Av. 18, No. 577 (Apartado 4183), San JosC. Personnel: 2. Market analyses and specialized trade or industry surveys. CUBA Advertising Agencies All types of media are used, including TV. The firms listed provide complete service in the planning, preparation, and placing of advertising via any desired media throughout all of Cuba. They are equipped to translate and adapt English-language advertising to Spanish. In addition, each of these firms offers market analyses, specialized trade and industry surveys, opinion research and polls, and sales promotion services. All are of Cuban nationality unless otherwise indicated. *Godoy & Godoy, Edificio Sinclair, 21 y O, Vedada, Havana. Personnel : 62. *McCann-Erickson de Cuba, S.A. Malecdn y G, Vedado, Havana. Personnel : 72. Covers all of Caribbean area. Parent firm : McCann-Erickson, Inc., 485 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *Mercados, Surveys y Publicidad, S. A., Calle L, No. 451 esq. a 25, Vedado, Havana. Personnel: 25. *Publicidad Guastella, S.A., Calle 23, No. 173, Vedado, Havana. Personnel : 60. *Publicidad Inter-Americana, S.A., Edificio Retiro Odontologico, 7mo. piso, Calle L 353, Vedado, Havana. Personnel : 20. *Publicidad Jennings, Malecon 59, Havana. Mailing address : Apartado 2866, Havana. American owned. Personnel : 32. *Publicidad Mestre, Conill & Co., Radiocentro No. 913, Vedado, Havana. Per- sonnel: 40. *Publicitaria Siboney, S.A., Av. 26 y Av. Kohly, Edificio GRAVI, Nuevo Vedado, Havana. Personnel: 93. Also, production and direct supervision of TV and radio programs. 43 Curacao ♦Soria, Ruiz y Cia., Publicidad, No. 266, piso 11, Vedado, Havana. Personnel : 37. Marketing Research Organization See also Advertising Agencies. Salas y Gutierrez Gamoneda, Calle 11 No. 1, Vedado, Havana. All types of opinion and marketing research, attitude studies, and management surveys. Experienced in trade and industry surveys, radio listenership studies, etc. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. CURACAO See Netherlands Antilles. CYPRUS Advertising Agencies Advertising is carried on almost exclusively through newspapers and cinema slides and films. The newspapers enjoying wide circulation are two each of English, Greek, and Turkish dailies. Cyprus has no commercial broadcasting facilities, no advertising in public transportation, and billboards are few in number. Because of the island's small market (total population about 544,000) and the relatively few media available, the firms listed are small and have limited facilities. Unless otherwise specified, these firms create and place advertising throughout the island via all available media and make translations of foreign material. Names marked with an asterisk are those of firms which undertake market and opinion research and analyses. All are of British nationality. *Cyprus Advertising Organization, Post Office Box 253, Nicosia. Personnel : 13. Branches : Larnaca, Limassol, Famagnsta, Paphos, Kyrenia. *Cyprus Base Service, Post Office Box 402, Nicosia. Operated entirely by its owner. Also offers local adaptation of material supplied by foreign advertising agencies. Facilities include silk screen printing. Cyprus and Overseas Advertising Co., Post Office Box 389, Nicosia. Person- nel: 4. Branches: Famagusta, Larnaca, Limassol. Advertising in all local media but analysis of direct-mail markets only. Facilities include blockmaking. *Kent's Publicity Service, 14 Serghides St., Nicosia. Personnel : 4. ♦Near East Advertising, Ltd., Post Office Box 248, Nicosia. Personnel: 6. Also offers placement service. Facilities include silk screen printing. Pearl & Dean (Cyrus), Ltd., Post Office Box 141, Nicosia. Personnel : 6. Creates and places advertising films exclusively. Head office: Pearl & Dean (Overseas) , Ltd., 33 Dover St., London, W. 1. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. 44 Denmark DENMARK Advertising Agencies Advertising is well developed and effectively practiced in Denmark. The most important media are newspapers and magazines and numerous trade and tech- nical journals. Direct-mail advertising is used extensively. Outdoor adver- tising is not encouraged, and no commercials are permitted in radio or TV broad- casts, but film advertising is widely employed. Danish agencies do not usually engage in advertising via fairs, exhibitions, and demonstrations, and placement brokers are not used in the Danish advertising trade. All firms listed are general agencies which provide complete advertising service including the planning, preparation, and placing of advertising via all avail- able media. They also offer market analyses, opinion research and polls, spe- cialized trade or industry surveys, and translations and adaptations of foreign advertising material. All are of Danish nationality and cover all of Denmark. Copenhagen *Wahl Asmussen A/S, 3-5 N. Farimagegade. Personnel : 100. Specializes in sales promotion and marketing. ♦Balling Reklame- Bureau, 12 St. Regnegade. Personnel : 35. * Bergenholz & Arnesen Reklamebureau A/S, 9 Jernoanegade. Personnel : 70. Member of Plan International group (see Appendix) . *D.E.A. A/S Reklamebureau for Danske Erherv, 16 Raadhuspladsen. Per- sonnel: 70. Specializes in consumer goods advertising. Member of CAMA (Continental Advertising and Marketing Agencies) group (see Appendix). *Erik C. Eberlin Reklamebureau A/S, 22 Nyropsgade. Personnel : 30. ♦Gutenberghus Reklamebureau, 11 Vognmagergade. Personnel: 100. ♦Harlang & Toksvig Reklamebureau A/S, 7-9 Martinsvej. Personnel: 150. Branches: Aarhus, Aalborg, Esbjerg, Horsens. Specializes in sales promotion and marketing. ♦Sylvester Hvid, 21 Frederiksberggade. Personnel: 60. Member of Scandi- navian Advertising Pool (see Appendix). ♦Union Reklamebureau A/S, 26 Nyropsgade. Personnel : 60. Branch in London, England. Aarhus ♦Lockeys Reklamebureau, 6 Sender Alle, Aarhus. Personnel : 35. Branches : Aalborg, Copenhagen. ♦Lyre Reklamebureau A/S, 17 Clemensoro, Aarhus. Personnel : 40. Branches : Copenhagen, Odense. Marketing Research Organizations See also Advertising Agencies. The firms listed below all offer translating services. 495641—5 1 45 Dominican Republic . Copenhagen Helge Andersen, Jfl Smallegade. Personnel : 60 interviewers, 5 other employees. Coverage: Denmark. Specializes in market analyses and acts as marketing consultant. Gallup Markedsanalyse A/S, 31 Bredgade. Personnel : 15, plus 200 part-time interviewers. Specialists in market analyses, including studies of demand, consumption, consumer preferences, competitive factors, products, advertising distribution, and households. Also, opinion research and polls. Affiliated with American Insitute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N.J. Informa Institut for Markedsundersogelser A/S, 9 Martinsvej. Personnel: 10 interviewers, 8 other employees. Conducts market analyses, opinion research and polls, specialized trade and industry surveys, and motivation research. Observa, 14 Lindevej. Personnel: 150 interviewers, 10 other employees. Conducts market and opinion research surveys, including media studies. Continu- ing services comprise a national consumer purchase index (households as well as individuals), a special metropolitan consumer index, and a readership survey for weekly publications. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. See also INRA-EUROPE, Bad Godesberg, Germany. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Advertising Agencies Advertising is comparatively new in the Dominican Republic, but although most of the agencies in Ciudad Trujillo have been in existence only a few years, they have been quite successful in their operations. Principal media are newspapers, store window displays, neon signs, outdoor billboards, radio, and TV. Cinema advertising, direct mail, and other media are also used. The firms listed are all general agencies which offer complete service in the planning, preparation, and placing of advertising via all local media throughout the Republic, including translations of foreign material into Spanish. Central de Publicidad Diarco, Edificio Diez 305, Ciudad Trujillo. Spanish. Personnel : 3. *Central de Publicidad Relco, Arzobispo Nouel 82, Ciudad Trujillo. Dominican. Personnel: 20. Other services: Public relations, market analyses and opinion research, specialized trade and industry surveys, placement broker. Publicidad Girito, 19 de Marzo No. 16, Ciudad Trujillo. Puerto Rican. Per- sonnel : 5. Publicidad Llaverias, Arzobispo Merino, Ciudad Trujillo. Dominican. Per- sonnel : 6. Publicidad Reprex, Pasteur No. 36, Ciudad Trujillo. Ecuadoran. Personnel : 5. Other services : Public relations. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agency indicated by an asterisk. 46 - Ecuador ECUADOR Advertising Agencies Radio commercials and Spanish-language newspapers, particularly those pub- lished in Guayaquil and Quito, are the leading media. The few magazines published have very limited circulation. Displays and other merchandising methods have not been highly developed. In general, the agencies are small and their facilities are limited, although the firms in Quito provide more or less complete facilities for the planning, creation, and placement of advertising via all standard media. All firms are of Ecuadoran nationality. Spanish should be used in commercial correspondence. Quito (Highlands Region) ♦Propaganda Uno Ecuatoriana, Calle Bolivar 200 y Guayaquil, Quito. Per- sonnel : 6, plus numerous independent agents. Coverage : Ecuador. Other serv- ices : Sales promotion, market analyses, opinion research and polls, translations. Media services include photo engraving, graphic work, sign designing, interviews, and articles for the press. *Publicidad Ley (Luis Armijos S.), Calle Benalcdzar 699 (Post Office Box 112), Quito. Personnel : 6. Coverage : Pichincha and Guayas Provinces. Other serv- ices: Market analyses, opinion research and polls, specialized studies of Ecua- doran trade and industry, publicity agents. *Publicitas S.A. de Publicidad Sociedad Ecuatoriana, Calle Guayaquil 829, Quito, Personnel : 6. Coverage : Ecuador. All local media, including demonstra- tions and contests. Other services : Market analyses, opinion research and polls, trade and industry surveys, publicity agents, translations. Head office is in city of Guayaquil (Post Office Box 204) but Quito branch has larger staff. Guayaquil [Coastal Region) Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed below offer advertising via news- papers and radio commercials only, covering Guayaquil and the surrounding area. Publicidad "AGO," Calle VClez 513. Publicidad Espinel, Post Office Box 4561. Also advertising via cinema slides and programs. Publicidad Huerta, Post Office Box 1049. Publicitas Sudamericans, Post Office Box 5078. Also agent for foreign publishers. Guillermo Tambaco, Post Office Box 3271. Coverage : All Ecuador. The largest of the firms specializing in newspaper and radio advertising only. Publicidad Veinte, Post Office Box 3432. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. While the concerns listed below are not primarily marketing research organ- izations, they are experienced in conducting studies of markets, consumption, 47 Egypt (Egyptian Region, United Arab Republic). purchasing power, and market and trade conditions in Ecuador. All of them cover the entire country. Cordova, Apunte & Andrade, Post Office Box 85, Quito. Personnel: 5 re- searchers, 2 other employees. Partners are attorneys at law. Economistas Consultores Asociados, Pasaje Amador, Grada 2, Quito. Person- nel: 6 researchers, 4 other employees. Also, cost accounting and auditing, studies of production methods and systems, evaluation of industrial projects, etc. EGGASA, Post Office Box 2352, Quito. Personnel: 4 researchers, 4 other employees. Also, studies of investments, stocks, real estate, organization of enterprises, etc. EGYPT (EGYPTIAN REGION, UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC) Advertising Agencies Advertising facilities are not extensive, but are developing as local advertisers gain awareness of the advantages of agency-conducted campaigns. Adaptation of foreign material to cover all sectors of the market often necessitates transla- tions in Arabic, Greek, French, and several other languages. Advertising is done mainly via the press, posters, neon and electric displays, cinema slides and shorts, and direct mail and point-of-sale material. There is no local radio advertising, and TV has not yet been introduced into Egypt. Except as noted, the firms listed plan, prepare, and place advertising via all available media. They also adapt and translate foreign material for use in Egypt. Asterisks indicate those agencies which will undertake market research and analyses, specialized trade and industry surveys, and opinion research. All firms are of Egyptian nationality. *A1 Chark Advertising Co., 3 Manchaet el Kataoa, Cairo. Personnel : About 25, plus part-time employees when necessary. Branch in Alexandria. Coverage : Egypt, and all of the Middle East through affiliates. Also, public relations, and is a placement broker. *Harold J. Lund, 13 Sharia Sarwat Pasha, Cairo. Personnel : 9. Coverage : Principally Egypt, but also nearby countries. Also, placement broker. *Alf red D. Matta, 5 Sharia Doubreh, Cairo. Personnel : 3. Coverage : Egypt. Societe Egyptienne de Publicite, S.A.E., 24 Sharia Galal, Cairo. Personnel: About 40. Branch in Alexandria. Coverage: Egypt; also Lebanon, Syria, and Sudan through affiliates. Also, placement broker. Parent firm, Societe Ori- entate de Publicite, S.A.E., of the same address, owns a number of newspapers published in Egypt. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. The organizations listed below provide coverage of all of Egypt. Egyptian Economic & Political Review, Research Department, 33 Sharia Sarwat Pasha, Cairo. Personnel : 7. Monthly English-language magazine. Pub- lishers undertake market analyses, opinion research and polls, and specialized trade or industry surveys. 48 Ethiopia-Eritrea Marcel Kher, Journal Al-Ahram, Section Economique et Financiere, Al-Ahram Bldg., Sharia Hassan Mazloum Pasha, Cairo. Personnel : 3, plus part-time em- ployees when necessary. Specializes in marketing research and trade and in- dustry surveys. N. E. Misrahi, Post Office Box 315, Alexandria. Personnel : Owner, plus part- time employees when necessary. Prepares market analyses and trade and in' dustry surveys. EIRE See Ireland, Republic of EL SALVADOR See Salvador, El ENGLAND See United Kingdom. ETHIOPIA-ERITREA Advertising Agencies Advertising, mostly in English and French, is carried by the newspapers. Addis Ababa's 2 leading dailies are in the Amharic language. Some advertising is also broadcast on Radio Addis Ababa, is shown in motion picture theaters, and is displayed on signs. See also Sudan, for agencies which cover Ethiopia. *Publicity Office, Press and Information Department, Imperial Ethiopian Government, Post Office Box 1864, Addis Aoaoa. Personnel : 10, excluding the accounts section, which is part of the Press and Information Department. Cov- erage: Ethiopia (including Eritrea), British Somaliland, French Somaliland. Creates and places advertising via newspapers, magazines, cinema slides, radio commercials, and outdoor and transportation. Also, marketing and opinion research, and translations as necessary. Societa Anonima Giornalistica Editoriale Pubblicitaria (S.A.G.E.P.), 51 Ave. Itegue Taitu (Post Office Box 910), Asmara, Eritrea. Personnel: 6. Coverage: Eritrea. Advertising via newspapers and magazines. Ufficio Viaggi Asmara Soc. An., 20-22 Post Office Sq. (Post Office Box 877) Asmara, Eritrea. Personnel : 2. Coverage : Eritrea. Advertising via newspapers and magazines. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agency indicated by an asterisk. 49 Federation of Malaya FEDERATION OF MALAYA See Malaya. FEDERATION OF THE WEST INDIES See West Indies. FIJI ISLANDS Advertising Agency Advertising is done mainly via newspapers published in English, Hindustani, and Fijian, and via radio broadcasts in these three languages. "The Fiji Times and Herald, Ltd.," Gordon St., Suva, accepts advertisements from foreign companies. Philip Matthews Advertising and Public Relations Agency, Suva, Fiji. Per- sonnel: Owner. Coverage: Colony of Fiji, possibly also other British South Pacific possessions. Services offered: Market reports, campaign planning, scheduling, supervision, budget control, artwork, blocks, copy writing, display, printing, and all forms of public relations work. Agency operates on a flat annual service fee basis. Public relations assignments, outside the scope of normal publicity work for advertising clients, are charged for on an hourly basis. Marketing Research Organizations None, but the Suva Chamber of Commerce will, when possible, supply market information in brief form to inquirers. FINLAND Advertising Agencies There is no commercial radio in Finland, but all other forms of advertising are in use. Principal media are newspapers, magazines and other publications, cinema, direct mail, outdoor and transportation, novelties, and fairs and ex- hibitions. TV advertising is still in the developmental stage. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed provide complete agency facilities in the planning, preparation, and placing of advertising via all available media, including translation into either or both of Finland's two official languages — Finnish and Swedish. Names marked with an asterisk are those of agencies which offer market research and analyses, trade and industry surveys, and usually will also undertake opinion research and polls. All firms are of Finnish nationality and cover all of Finland. Although the last firm listed under Helsinki has a monopoly on advertising in certain of the Government-owned transportation facilities, most agencies listed also provide train, tram, and bus advertising. 50 m Finland Helsinki *0y Artifex Ab (Advertising Agency Artifex, Ltd.), P. Esplanadinkatu 85-A. Personnel: 24. *Erva-Latvala Oy, Kasarminkatu 46-48. Personnel : 90. Subsidiary company : Markkinatutkimus Oy (The Institute for Market Research), Fabianinkatu 23, Helsinki. Complete media coverage; specializes in advertising for Finnish or foreign fairs and exhibitions held in Finland. *Finlands Annonscentral Ab/Oy Suomen Ilmoituskeskus, Fabianinkatu 14> (Note: Swedish name — Finlands Annonscentral Ab, or abbreviation ILMO, has been most commonly used in oversea business.) Personnel: 62. Branch: Oy Suomen Ilmoituskeskus, Hameenkatu 20, Tampere. Member of Scandinavian Advertising Pool (see Appendix). *Oy Liikemainonta Ab, Toolonkatu 42, Toold, Helsinki. Personnel : 45. Ad- vertising and marketing agency. Services include sales promotion, public relations, and surveys and statistics. *Oy Mainos Taucher Ab (Taucher Advertising), Salomonkatu 17-A. Person- nel: 110. Branch: Tampere. Marketing and advertising agency. Complete media coverage; specializes in introducing trademark products in the Finnish market. Mainosyhtyma Oy (Advertising Agency of the Agricultural Central Organ- izations, Finland), Simonkatu 6. Personnel: 23. Complete media coverage; specializes in introducing Finnish agricultural and cooperative trademark products throughout the country. Placement broker. Myyntimainonta Oy, Pikku Robertinkatu 13. Personnel : 18. *Oy Seitsenmainos Ab, Kaisaniemenkatu 4-A. Personnel: 24. Also, public relations. Media coverage: Press, posters, TV, exhibition plans. Member of EMA group (see Appendix) . SEK Advertising, Ltd., 30 BulevardL Personnel: 54. Member of CAMA (Continental Advertising and Marketing Agencies) group (see Appendix). *Yhteismainos Oy Samreklam Ab, Kaivokatu 8. Personnel: 26. Plans and carries out large campaigns. Media coverage : Press, TV, expositions, show windows, and shop decorations. Section for market research. Affiliated agency, Oy Liikemainos Traficreklam Ab, with 14 employees, has monopoly on adver- tising in Finnish State Railway trains and stations and also in public transpor- tation facilities in Helsinki and Tampere. Local agents in all the major cities of Finland. Other Cities Lahti Mainos, Aleksanterinkatu 2, LaMi. Advertising via newspapers, maga- zines, other publications, pamphlets, drawings, labels, posters. Organizes fairs. Own printing service includes different kinds of silk printing. *Mainostoimisto Ponsi Oy (Advertising Bureau Ponsi, Ltd.), Yliopstonkatu 26, Turku. Personnel: 13. Complete media coverage; specializes in introduc- tion of textile products and ladies' wear in the Finnish and European markets. Also, placement broker. *Mainos-Tutka, Eameenpuisto 83-A, Tampere. Personnel : 9 plus free lancers. Advertising via press, transportation, and fairs and exhibitions. Tammer Mainos, Pirkankatu 1-B, Tampere. Personnel : 9 plus free lancers. Advertising via press, direct mail, cinema and TV, and displays. 51 Formosa Marketing Research Organizations Markkinatutkimus Oy (Institute for Market Research), Fabianinkatu 23-A, Helsinki. Personnel : 4 researchers, 7 other employees ; field staff of 300 (part time). Consumer and dealer research, advertising research, industrial market- ing, statistical analysis. Prepares studies on market conditions in Finland and purchasing power in specified areas of Finland. Suomen Gallup Oy, (Finnish Gallup Institute), Mantytie 13-C, Helsinki. Personnel: 4 researchers, 8 other employees, about 250 trained interviewers. Market and opinion research ; statistical information and studies of the Finnish market; consumer surveys; testing of products, brands, and packages; con- tinuous index of brands and quantities bought; retail studies; readership and impact studies ; studies of public and industrial relations ; regular opinion sur- veys for newspapers. Affiliated with American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N.J. FORMOSA See Taiwan. FRANCE Advertising Agencies The leading media are newspapers, periodicals ( including trade and technical journals), posters, cinema, and radio. A large amount of direct advertising is done, and point-of-sale and merchandising aids are employed effectively. TV is Government owned and noncommercial, except for 2 stations. Except as indicated, the agencies listed below offer complete service in all branches of advertising. Particular services in which certain of the firms spe- cialize are named. The facilities and techniques of many of the firms are com- parable with those of United States agencies. Asterisks indicate those concerns which offer marketing and opinion research, trade and industry surveys, and related services. All are of French nationality unless otherwise noted. French is the preferred language of correspondence. *Agence Francaise de Propagande, 61 ave. Hoche, Paris 8. Personnel: 90. Coverage: Western Europe, United States, and South America. Member of CAMA (Continental Advertising and Marketing Agencies) group (see Appendix). Soc. Aljanvic, 81 rue Marbeuf, Paris 8. Personnel : 60. Services include sales organization and public relations. Member of EURAS group (see Appendix). ♦Damour Publicite, 15 rue Galvani, Paris 17. Personnel: 60. Coverage: France and French Union. Advertising counselor. Services include specializa- tion in exhibition stands, store arrangement, and show window materials. ♦Dorland, 67 ave. des Champs Elysges, Paris 8. Personnel : 60, Affiliated of- fices in Brussels, London, Munich, Berlin, and Dusseldorf. Coverage: Western Europe and French Union. Advertising counselor. All types of marketing and sales promotion services. *R. L. Dupuy, 62 ave. Marceau, Paris 8. Personnel : 200. Branches : Brussels and Casablanca. Advertising counselor offering services via newspapers, radio, 52 Fran ce cinema, billboards, and direct mail. Member of Plan International group (see Appendix). *Agence Havas, 62 rue de Richelieu, Paris. Total personnel : 2,500. Branches : 100 in France, French Union, and foreign countries, including North Africa and Western Europe. Has worldwide correspondent connections. International Exportaid — Raymond Dane & Associates, 48 ave. de Waffram, Paris 11. Resident office staff: 3. Coverage: Europe, Middle East, Africa. Con- sultants in sales promotion and advertising. Specialize in sales promotion campaigns. *Agence Jegu, 21 rue de Rome, Paris 8. Personnel : 25. Coverage : France and French Union; foreign countries through associates. Also, research and sales promotion programs. James Jones & Co., 11 rue de Cirque, Paris. Personnel : 10. Coverage : Western Europe for advertising ; worldwide for public relations. Agence Paz, 85 rue St. Georges, Paris 9. Personnel : 3. Coverage : France and French Union. Advertising via newspapers, radio, cinema, and billboard. Raphael Pouplier, 19 ave. Victor Hugo, Paris 16. Personnel : 8. Coverage : France, Corsica, Africa, Belgium, and Switzerland. Advertising counselor. Producer of advertising radio programs and films. *Publicis, 183 ave. des Champs Elyse'es, Paris 8. Personnel : 225. Offices in London and New York (Rockefeller Center, La Maison Frangaise, 610 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y.). Correspondents in Western Europe, South America, and Japan. Complete international advertising services. *Publi Service, 24 rue Joudert, Paris 9. Personnel: 60. Coverage: France and French Union. Specializes in tests, sampling surveys, marketing, and sales promotion. Media : Newspapers, radio, cinema, billboards, and direct mail. Organizes meetings and exhibits. *Publicite Inter-Plans, 83 doulevard de Sevastopol, Paris. Personnel: 91. Coverage : France, French Union, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Also, public rela- tions, and market and motivation research. *Riss & Cie, 68 ave. des Champs Elyse'es, Paris 8. Personnel : 28. Coverage : France and French Union. Direct-mail and newspaper advertising. Specializes in industrial advertising. Scripta, 1 lis rue Clement Marot, Paris. Personnel : 15. Coverage : Western Europe, Turkey, and Spain. Also, advertising publisher. ♦Sodico, 41 rue de Monceau, Paris 8. Personnel : 130. Coverage : France, Italy, North Africa. Subsidiary of McCann-Erickson, Inc., 485 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *Synergie — Publicity et Propagande, 29-31 rue de Courcelles, Paris. Person- nel: 150. Coverage: France. Has worldwide correspondent connections. Spe- cialist in publicity campaigns. * J. Walter Thompson, 21 rue de la Paix, Paris 2. Personnel : 85. Coverage : France and French Oversea Territories. Other countries through head office. Parent firm : J. Walter Thompson, Inc., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ♦Wallace et Draeger, 46 rue de Bagneux, Montrouge (Seine). Personnel: 55. Also, sales promotion and public relations. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. B.P.S.A. — Bureau de Psychologie et Sociologie Appliquees et Compagnie Francaise d'Organisation, 37 rue de Bassano, Paris 8. Has three affiliated com- 53 Fran ce ___ parries in Paris and one in Rambouillet (S & O). Personnel: 50. Coverage: France, French Union, North Africa, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Marketing research, management consultant, motivation surveys, and social psychological surveys. Institut Dourdin, 13 ave. Bosquet, Paris 7. Personnel : 75. Coverage : France, French Union, North Africa. Market analyses, opinion research; industrial, cultural, and social surveys. Institut Francais d'Opinion Publique et ETMAR Institut pour PEtude des Marches, 20 rue d'Aumale, Paris 9. Personnel : 45 plus interviewers. Coverage : Western Europe, United States, India. Marketing research including consumer preferences, evaluation of potential market, sales analysis, distribution research, product testing. Special department for capital goods and raw material. Also, public opinion research, press, radio, and TV surveys. Motivation research in cooperation with Institut Francais pour FEtude des Motivations, 15 rue Poussin, Paris 16. Affiliate of American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N.J. V. Lavoix — Institut du March e, 3 rue du Talus du Cours, Saint-Maude" (8). Personnel: 20 researchers and assistants. Coverage: France, French Union, England, Belgium. Market research. Surveys of the following lines : National inventory, consumption and distribution ; industrial production and consumption ; agricultural ; psychological ; consumers' and dealers' behavior ; sales technique ; investment ; etc. Also, motivation research ; advertising tests. Marcel Nancey, 44 Ms rue de la Voute, Paris 12. Personnel: 1. Coverage: France. Marketing counselor. Nowland and Company, Inc., 27 rue de Richelieu, Paris 1. Personnel: 10. Branches: Brussels (Belgium) and Dusseldorf (Germany). Coverage: France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain. Market analyses, opinion research, specialized trade or industry surveys. Parent firm : Nowland & Co., King St., Greenwich, Conn. O.R.LC, 3 ave. de VOpera, Paris. Personnel: 71. Coverage: France and Common Market countries. Marketing research, opinion surveys, motivation research, and marketing counsel. Affiliate of International Research Associates, 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. See also INRA-EUROPE, Bad Godesberg, Germany. Service Biblio-Statistique International, 5 rue Courat, Paris 20. Personnel : 6 to 32. Coverage: Common Market countries. Market analyses, opinion re- search and polls, specialized trade or industry surveys. Service de Sondages et Statistiques — S.S.S., 18 rue Quentin Bauchart, Paris 8. Personnel : 5, plus 350 interviewers. Coverage : France, and 22 foreign countries where firm has correspondents, including Western Europe, United States, Canada, Israel, South America, Australia, and Japan. Market analyses, opinion research, motivation, and psychosociological surveys. S.T.A.F.C.O. — Statistiques Francaises de Consommation, 18 rue Camoetta, Le Mesnil-le-Roi (S & O). Personnel: 55. Branch: Italy (14, Via Boscovitch, Milan). Coverage: France. Marketing research; consumer panel. Also moti- vation research and radio audience measurement. STEMCA— Societe d'Etudes de Marches de Conjoncture et d'Adaptation, 171 ooulevard Haussmann, Paris 8. Personnel : 24. Coverage : France. Marketing research, consumer, dealer, and industrial surveys. Synergie — ROC, Recherche et Organisation Commerciales, 3 ave. Franklin Roosevelt, Paris. Personnel: 26. Coverage: France. Correspondents in sev- eral European countries. Market analyses, opinion surveys, motivation research, commercial statistics, and economic research. 54 Germany, Federal Republic of Service TEC, 93 rue Ampere, Paris 17. Personnel: 10 plus 30 interviewers. Coverage : France. Market research in all professional branches, through docu- mentary, statistical and sample surveys. Also, motivation research, product tests, publicity tests, etc. FRENCH POLYNESIA See Tahiti. FRENCH WEST INDIES Advertising Agency Agence Havas, 21 rue de la Liberie", Fort-de-France, Martinique. Personnel : 8. Branch: 41 rue Schoelcher, Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe. Coverage: Martinique, Guadeloupe, and French Guiana. Advertising through newspapers, magazines, other publications, direct mail, billboards, calendars, and novelties. Head office, 62 rue de Richelieu, Paris. GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Advertising Agencies The advertising and marketing research professions are highly developed and organized in Western Germany and West Berlin. Each large city in the Federal Republic has many general advertising agencies as well as numerous specialized firms. Newspapers and periodicals are the leading media, followed by direct mail, billboard, poster, public transportation, and cinema advertising. Outlets of lesser importance are window displays, novelties, and fairs and exhibitions. Radio advertising reaches a large audience although some radio stations carry no advertising. Television stations are operated by regional authorities, with only a limited amount of time being allotted to commercial advertising. The agencies listed below offer complete services comparable with those offered by agencies in the United States, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations, media selection, and placement. Almost all are place- ment brokers. Names marked with an asterisk are those of firms which offer marketing research and related services, either through their own research departments or in cooperation with German marketing research institutes. Ex- cept as noted, the firms are of German nationality. ♦Bayerische Bild, G.m.b.H., Lieoherrstr. 5/ IV, Munich 22. Personnel : 36 pro- fessionals, 28 other employees, 8 interviewers. Coverage : Fed. Rep., particularly southern Germany. Media : All, specializing in black and white, color displays and slides. ♦Hanns W. Brose, G.m.b.H., Freiherr-vom-Stein-Str. 2^-26, Frankfurt/Main. Personnel : 72 professionals, 80 other employees. International coverage. ♦Dorland, G.m.b.H,, Schlueterstr. J^l, Berlin W 15. Personnel : 39 commercial artists and copywriters, 37 advertising experts ; about 80 other employees. Branches : Dusseldorf, Munich, London, Paris, Brussels. International coverage. 55 Germany, Federal Republic of. Represented in United States by associated company, The Wesley Associates, 247 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ♦Carl Gabler Werbegesellschaf t, m.b.H., Karlplatz IS, Munich 2. Personnel : 320. Branches : Augsburg, Bielefeld, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Stuttgart. International coverage. Media : All, specializing in advertising for consumer goods and travel. Also, public relations ; placement broker for all German news- papers and magazines. Dr. Grupe & Co., Gaensemarkt 44, Hamburg 86. Personnel : 40 professionals, 110 other employees. Branches: Berlin, Bonn, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Munich. Media : All, specializing in cinema and billboard advertising. *Werbeagentur Dr. Hegemann, G.m.b.H., Immermannstr. 51, Dusseldorf. Per- sonnel : 300. Branches : Berlin, Bielefeld, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Munich, Stuttgart. International coverage. Member of CAMA (Continental Advertising and Marketing Agencies) group (see Appendix). ♦Heumann-Werbegesselschaft, m.b.H., Eyssenstr. SI, Frankfurt /Main. Per- sonnel : 72 professionals, 104 other employees, 80 interviewers. Branches : Ham- burg, Berlin. International coverage. Specializes in marketing. Parent firm: William Heumann, 139 East 61st St., New York 21, N.Y. *H. K. McCann Co., m.b.H., Neue Mainzer Str. 56, Frankfurt /Main. Per- sonnel : 138 professionals, 275 other employees, 70 interviewers. Branches : Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Cologne. International coverage. Parent firm : McCann- Erickson, Inc., 485 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *Rolf Ruehle Werbung, An der Alster 6, Hamburg 1. Personnel: 80. Spe- cializes in advertising for brand goods. *J. Walter Thompson, G.m.b.H., 10 Am Rossmarkt, Frankfurt /Main. Per- sonnel: 180; 6 part-time interviewers. International coverage. Parent firm: J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *Troost Werbeagentur, Klosterstr. SO, Dusseldorf. Personnel: 80 profes- sionals, 30 other employees, 10 interviewers. International coverage. Spe- cializes in marketing, planning, and consulting. *Agentur Werbe-Gramm, Gesellschaft fuer Wirtschaftswerbung, m.b.H., Cor- neliusstr. 24, Dusseldorf. Personnel: 45 professionals, 40 other employees, 80 permanent interviewers. International coverage. Specializes in advertising for brand goods (cigarettes, food, cosmetics, soaps, and detergents) . ♦Werbe-Liebald, G.m.b.H., Benrather Schlossallee 10, Dusseldorf. Person- nel : 80 professionals, 40 other employees. International coverage. Branches : Berlin, Braunschweig, Frankfurt, Kassel, Konstanz, Saarbruecken, Stuttgart, Wilhelmshaven. Member of Plan International group (see Appendix). ♦Werbeagentur William Wilkens Wirtschaftswerbung, G.m.b.H., An der Alster 63, Hamburg 1. Personnel : 192. Branches: Frankfurt, Cologne. International coverage. Specializes in sales promotion and advertising of brand goods. ♦Young & Rubicam Werbegeselschaft, m.b.H., Liebfrauenberg 33, Frankfurt/ Main. Personnel : 21 professionals, 12 other employees. International coverage. Specializes in marketing research and marketing. Parent firm : Young & Rubicam, Inc., 285 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by askerisks. Emnid, K.G., Deutsches Gallup-Institut, Bodelschtvinghstr. 23, Bielefeld. Per- sonnel : 20 professionals, 51 other employees, 680 interviewers. Branch : Berlin. 56 .Germany, Federal Republic of Coverage: Fed. Rep. and West Berlin and European and oversea countries. About 60 percent of the firm's work is divided between the fields of market analysis and specialized trade and industry studies and about 40 percent is in opinion research and polls. Specializes in marketing and consumer research in the fields of basic producer, investment, and consumer goods, as well as re- search on advertising and social problems. Translations. Affiliate of American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N.J. DIVO-Marktforschung-Meinungsforschung-Sozialforschung, G.m.b.H., Am Eauptbahnhof 12, Frankfurt /Main. Personnel : 24 professionals, 31 other em- ployees, 600 interviewers. Branch: Bad Godesberg. Coverage: Fed. Rep. and West Berlin and European and oversea countries. Specializes in the fields of marketing and consumer research, public opinion, and social science. Offers market surveys, barometer studies, product tests, and studies on consumer be- havior in various fields of trade and industry. Also media audience, advertising, and motivational research. Affiliate of International Research Associates, 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. See also INRA-EUROPE, Bad Godesberg, Germany. Gesellschaf t fuer Konsumforschung, e.V., Burgschmietstr. 2, Nuremberg. Per- sonnel: 28 professionals, 22 other employees, more than 1,000 correspondents, including freelancers. Coverage: Fed. Rep. Specializes in research on con- sumption, markets, and, particularly, purchasing power. Also, specialized trade and industry surveys. Prepares studies on market conditions in Germany, pur- chasing power in specified areas, consumer and trade surveys, effectiveness of advertising, trademark surveys, social studies, structural analyses of consumer areas, and other opinion research. Gesellschaft fuer Marktforschung, m.b.H., Caffamacherreihe 4j Hamburg 36. Personnel: 10 professionals, 42 other employees, 450 interviewers (22 perma- nent). Coverage: Fed. Rep. and international markets. Specializes in market analyses, opinion research and polls, and specialized trade and industry studies, as well as household panels. Translations. Infratest, Schillerstr. 21 /III, Munich 15. Personnel : 24 professionals, 28 other employees, 250 interviewers. Branch : Hamburg. Coverage : Fed. Rep., England, France, and Italy. About 30 percent of the institute's assignments consist of market analyses ; 30 percent are specialized trade and industry studies ; and 40 percent are opinion research and polls. Translations. Specializes in motiva- tional research. The institute has prepared studies on TV and radio advertising. INRA-EUROPE Marketing Research Institute (Dr. Peter Schmitt), Hohen- zollernstrasse 12, Bad Godesberg, Germany. Established to meet demand (aris- ing from promotion of the Common Market concept) for market facts on Europe as a whole rather than on any single country of Europe. Coordinates the mar- keting research projects of all of the European affiliates (in Austria, Belgium, England, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland) of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. Institut fuer Demoskopie, Gesellschaft zum Studium der oeffentlichen Mei- nung m.b.H., Allensbach am Bodensee. Personnel: 15 professionals, 47 other employees 600 interviewers. Branch: Hamburg. Coverage: Fed. Rep. and West Berlin, international markets. Specializes in motivational research, studies on effectiveness of advertising, and interviews of radio and TV owners. Advises on problems of competition. Makes specialized trade and industry studies, in- cluding translations. Intermarket G.m.b.H., Kapellstr. 21, Dusseldorf. Personnel : 8 professionals, 9 other employees, 600 interviewers. Coverage: Fed. Rep. (including West Berlin 57 Ghana. and Saar). The institute specializes in marketing research (which accounts for more than half of the firm's activities) and opinion research and polls. It also offers specialized trade and industry studies, including translations, as well as research on economic policy questions, media audience, advertising, and motiva- tional research. Product tests. Dr. Kapferer & Dr. Schmidt, Gesellschaft fuer Wirtschaftsanalyse und Markterkundung, Rondeel 25, Hamburg 29. Personnel: 45; 250 interviewers. Coverage: Fed. Rep. Specializes in analyses of expenditures for advertising and in trade and industry surveys. A. C. Nielsen, G.m.b.H., Hasengasse 25, Frankfurt /Main. Personnel: 140 (of which 40 are permanent traveling agents). Coverage: Fed. Rep. and inter- national market. Specializes in regular studies on the movement of goods from producers to dealers and consumers; particularly, various branded products. Parent firm: A. C. Nielsen Co., 2101 West Howard St., Chicago 45, 111. Pegasus International Corporation, Zeil 81, Frankfurt /Main. Personnel: 4. Coverage: Fed. Rep. and international markets. Industrial management and consulting organization for the development and supervision of manufacturing and sales programs. Offers services on oversea licensing or subcontracting; market studies; purchasing services; public relations; studies on oversea dis- tribution of U.S. products. Translations. Parent firm : Pegasus International Corp., 1 East 53d St., New York 22, N.Y. Wickert Institut fuer Markt- und Meinungsforschung, Wilhelmstr. 102 Tubingen. Personnel: 11 professionals, 12 interviewers. Coverage: Fed. Rep., and European and oversea countries. Specializes in trade and industry surveys. Market analyses, and opinion research and polls. GHANA Advertising Agencies Principal media used are press, cinema, and outdoor and transportation. Except as noted, the agencies listed create and place advertising via all available media. They also furnish translations into local languages. All are of British nationality and provide coverage of all of Ghana and other territories as indicated. Graham & Gillies, Ltd, (Post Office Box 8209), Angelina House, Boundary Road, Accra. Head office: Lagos, Nigeria. Ghana office has space buyer, artist, and copywriter ; also, acts as placement broker. A full staff is maintained at the Lagos office, and the services of the parent company are available. Subsidiary of Graham & Gillies, Ltd., 37 Golden Square, London, W.I., which has offices in New York City and Los Angeles. Pearl and Dean (West Africa), Ltd., (Post Office Bow 2863), Angelina House, Boundary Road, Accra. Head office : Lagos, Nigeria. Specialists in cinema ad- vertising. Production of slides and films, addition of commentary in local lan- guages, or placement of finished material. Subsidiary of Pearl & Dean (Over- seas), Ltd., 33 Dover St., London, W.I. West Africa Publicity, Ltd., (Post Office Bow U9), Horse Rd., Accra. Per- sonnel : 5 European, 70 Ghanaian. Head office : Lagos, Nigeria. Art and copy work also available from Lagos and London studios. Other services : Placement broker; consumer demonstrations conducted on limited scale. Address in- 58 mmm __Greece quiries to London agents, Export Advertising Service, Ltd., 22 Old Bond St., London, W.I. Marketing Research Organizations Reliable techniques for surveying conditions prevailing in Ghana are still in the developmental stage. However, to a limited extent, market analyses and specialized trade or industry surveys are offered by the firms listed below. In addition, most manufacturers' agents in Ghana provide some marketing research service to the companies they represent. Hall and Henderson, (Post Office Box 1154), C.129/3 Barnes Rd., Accra. Personnel : 23. Also covers Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Gambia. King Hughes, (Post Office Box 1154), C.129/3 Barnes Rd., Accra. Personnel: 3 European, 18 African. Also covers Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Gambia, and Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. GREAT BRITAIN See United Kingdom. GREECE Advertising Agencies There are a number of well-organized general agencies in Greece. Media are mainly newspapers and magazines, handbills, wall posters, roadside signs, neon and other forms of luminous signs, display windows, radio commercials, and motion-picture films or slides. Unless otherwise specified, the agencies listed plan, create, and place advertis- ing via all available media and provide translation service. Asterisks indicate those firms which offer (on a limited scale) marketing research and related services. All firms are of Greek nationality and, except as noted, cover all of Greece. Athens "Alector," P. G. Theofilopoulos, 4 Stadiou St. Personnel : 15 full time and 5 part time. Affiliated firm in Salonika is Helios. Alma Advertising Organization, 21 Apollonos St. Personnel : 20. K. Demetriou Advertising Agency, 22 Solonos St. Personnel : 11. Branch in Salonika. Other services: Placement brokers for advertisements in railroad stations in Greece. Deod Advertising Organization, 2 Christou Lada St. Personnel: 6. Other services : Placement brokers for billboard and press advertisements. Diana Advertising Organization, 4 Aghiou Constantinou St. Personnel: 14. Media : Press, cinema, and radio. 59 Greece . Dits Advertising Organization, 4-G Stavrou St. Personnel: 25. Branch in Salonika. Exyp Advertising Organization, 9 Amerikis St. Personnel : 35. Gnomi Advertising Organization, 5 Othonos St. Personnel : 15. *"Greka," A. S. Skylitzis, 8 Othonos St. Personnel: 45. Agents in the prin- cipal cities of Greece. Other services : Opinion research and studies of market conditions and purchasing power in Greece ; placement broker. *Hellenic Advertising Co., S.A., 4 Othonos St. Personnel: 43. Associated agency in Salonika. Research services include opinion surveys and studies of consumption and purchasing power. Firm also acts as placement broker. It has assisted in carrying out research projects for the American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N. J., but is not formally affiliated. Idea Advertising Agency, 3 Korai St. Personnel: 4. Media: Press, cinema, and radio. Iris Advertising Organization, Vas. Georgacopoulos, 9 Aristidou St. Person- nel: 4. Other services: Placement broker for outdoor advertisments. "Kampana," O. E., T. Pangalos & Co., 10 Sophocleous St. Personnel: 14. Other services: Placement broker for advertisements at athletic fields and cinemas. I. Leoussis & Co., 1-d Santarosa St. Personnel : 11. Media : Press, cinema, and radio. Mentor Advertising Organization, 11 Karytsi St. Personnel: 8. Other serv- ices : Placement broker for advertisements at athletic fields ; illuminated signs ; organizer of fairs and exhibitions. Minitor Advertising Organization, 15 Praftitelous St. Personnel : 5. Media : Newspapers, magazines, cinema, and radio. Minos Advertising Co., 1 Korai St. Personnel : 15. Other services : Placement broker for advertisements in cinema and theaters. Phoenix Advertising Organization, 10 Stadiou St. Personnel: 4. Media: Press, cinema, and radio. Patras J. Andriopoulos Bros. 244& Korinthou St. Personnel : 5. Coverage : Patras area. Advertising via newspapers, magazines, billboards, and cinema. Salonika Echo Co. (Steas, Kilitsis, Fardis & Co.), 14 Venizelou St. Personnel: 2 Coverage : Northern Greece. Specializes in cinema and radio programs. *"Helios" (Naoum Vosniakos), 1 Platia Emboriou. Personnel : 5. Coverage : Greece. Representative of "Alector" Co., Athens. Can supply information on market conditions in Salonika area. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Greek Institute of Public Opinion, Th. Vokos, 21 Argentine Republic St., Athens. Personnel : 15, plus 30 part-time interviewers. Specializes in public opinion and marketing research ; also, trade and industry surveys. 60 .Guatemala GUADELOUPE See French West Indies. GUATEMALA Advertising Agencies Advertising agencies were first established in Guatemala in 1950. Their experience is limited and their field of activity is small but growing. Their largest accounts are of foreign firms or branches of foreign firms, since most local firms handle their own publicity. Media are press, radio, TV, cinema, outdoor and transportation, and, to a lesser extent, direct mail and novelties. Television is the newest medium avail- able (since May 1956), and is being used more widely every day. Unless otherwise specified, the agencies listed plan, create, and place adver- tising via all local media. Asterisks indicate those which offer marketing research and related services. All firms are of Guatemalan nationality and provide coverage of all of Guatemala. Guatemala City Advertising and Profit, 12 Av. 9-11, Zona 1. Personnel: 6. Also covers El Salvador and Costa Rica. *Giron, Lemus & Speidel, 8a Av. 10-61, Zona 1. Personnel : 17. Other serv- ices: Opinion research and polls; consumption, trade, and industry surveys; translations. ♦Guatemala Advertising Agency, 5a Av. 4-29, Zona 2. Personnel : 20. Other services: Opinion research and polls; market, trade, and industry surveys; translations. ♦Guzman, J. A., 5a Av. 5-32, Zona 1. Personnel : 14. Also covers El Salvador. Advertising via press, outdoor, and radio. Also, market and industry surveys, opinion research and polls, translations. Nathan, Adolf o, 8a Calle 3-18, Zona 1 (Post Office Box 489). Personnel: 15. Also covers El Salvador and Honduras. Advertising via billboards, calendars, novelties, and fairs and exhibitions. Manufacturer of lithographed metal signs, catalogs, and stickers. Silk screen process. Publicidad Exito, Ruta 4, No. 4-58, Zona 4. Personnel: 9. Creative art work and copy for advertising via outdoor signs. Publicidad y Relaciones Publicas, J. A. Palmieri, 4a Av. 13-33, Zona 1. Per- sonnel : 5. Advertising via press, cinema, and radio. Publicidad Sonora Cristal, Alberto Serra, 9a Av. 9-30, Zona 1. Personnel : 7. Coverage: Central America and Mexico. Advertising via press, cinema, radio, TV, outdoor. ♦Representaciones Publicitarias, 6a Av. "A" 14-61, Zona 1. Personnel: 23. Coverage : Central America. Other services : Trade and industry surveys, opinion research, translations. Member of Publicistas Centroamericanos Asociados (see Appendix). 495641—59- 61 Guiana, French Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. GUIANA, FRENCH See French West Indies. HAITI No advertising agencies or marketing research organizations. Advertising material or copy is placed direct with local daily or weekly newspapers, radio stations, or contractors owning sound trucks with loudspeakers. Many large American firms advertise via newspapers and radio. Their orders for such advertisements are generally placed by their representatives or distributors in Haiti. HONDURAS Advertising Agency Little advertising is carried on except through the daily newspapers in Tegu- cigalpa and San Pedro Sula, and through radio stations in these two cities and La Ceiba. Display, billboard, and transportation advertising is very limited. Publicidad Zelaya, Room 302, Capitalizadora Hondurena, Tegucigalpa. Owner : Sra. Eva Zelaya Galindo (Honduran). Personnel: 7. Coverage: Honduras. Creates and places advertising via press, cinema, radio, direct mail, outdoor novelties, demonstrations, etc. Also, market analyses, opinion research and polls, specialized trade or industry surveys, translations, placement broker. Member of Publicistas Centroamericanos Asociados {see Appendix) . Marketing Research Organization Asociacion Juridica Financiera y Bufete Zacapa, Edificio Banco Atlantida, Nos 207-209, Tegucigalpa. Personnel: 8. Coverage: Honduras. Market anal- yses, opinion research and polls, industry research. HONG KONG Advertising Agencies Most agencies in Hong Kong cover other Asian countries and provide trans- lations in a number of languages, including Chinese, Malay, Burmese, and French. All types of media are used, principally newspapers, direct mail, cinema, outdoor (particularly neon signs), transportation (including ferry boats), and rediffusion or wired vision commercials. Government-owned Radio Hong Kong 62 _ Hong Kong is noncommercial and radio and TV advertising is done through broadcasts and facilities supplied by a private corporation, Rediffusion, Hong Kong, Ltd. This firm rents to subscribers for a nominal monthly fee radio loudspeakers which currently permit selection from two Chinese or two English-language programs. The company also provides an exclusive, wired TV service, under which it rents TV sets to licensed subscribers. Four English-language newspapers are pub- lished in the colony, and about 90 Chinese-language newspapers and magazines. Most advertising is directed to the Chinese and is done principally for imported goods. The usual procedure is for a foreign principal to make an advertising alloca- tion to his Hong Kong representative and then to give covering approval to the proposals made by his representative after he has consulted an advertising agency. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed offer complete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations, media selection, and placement via all types of media, including rediffusion or wired- vision commercials. Asterisks indicate those which offer market research and related services. These firms are of Chinese nationality unless otherwise specified. They cover all of Hong Hong and other areas as noted. ♦Advertising & Publicity Bureau, Ltd., 702-706 Marina House, Hong Kong. British. Personnel : 30. Branch in Singapore. Coverage includes Burma, Thai- land, Malaya, and Singapore. All media, including direct mail (specializes in calendar designs and photolitho work). Translations. Placement broker. Fully equipped research department conducting market analyses for all general commodities, and opinion research and polls (specializing in household commodities). *Cathay, Ltd., S09 Prince's Bldg., Hong Kong. British. Personnel : Over 200. Branches in Singapore and Thailand. Also cover Singapore, Malaya, Borneo, and Thailand and can arrange for service in 8 other Far East countries. Complete advertising, marketing research, and publicity service, including direct mail, translations, market analyses, opinion research and polls, and specialized trade or industry surveys. Placement broker. China Commercial Advertising Agency, 202-204 Great China House, Hong Kong. Personnel : 26. Covers other Asian countries through associates. Other services : Sales promotion and publicity, public relations, and translations. East Asia Publicity, Ltd., 1003 Commercial House, Hong Kong. British. Per- sonnel: 7. Associates in London, Singapore, and Bangkok. Also covers the United Kingdom, Singapore, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and South Viet-Nam. All media, including direct mail, outdoor (neons only), fairs and exhibitions, etc. Other services: Public relations, printing, publishing, translations. Placement broker. Golden Key Advertising & Decoration Co., 404 Pedder Bldg., Hong Kong. Personnel: 16. Media: Press, cinema, outdoor, neon signs, calendars, show windows. Also, translations. Grant Advertising, Inc., 688-685 Alexandra House, Hong Kong. Personnel: 18. Services include full range of printing such as calendars (for international distribution), brochures, leaflets, booklets. Also, translations, and placements with the local foreign and Chinese press and magazines. Parent firm: Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. Jackson Advertising Co., 41 China Bldg., Hong Kong. Personnel : 10. Cover- age includes Macao. Media: Press, cinema, and outdoor and transportation (bus). Also, translations. 63 Iceland *Marklin Advertising, Ltd., Printing House, Hong Kong. British. Personnel : 35. Coverage includes Macao, Taiwan, and Saigon. All media, including direct mail. Other services : Market analyses, opinion research on a small scale, and specialized trade or industry surveys. Translations. Placement broker. Branch of Marklin Advertising, Ltd., Singapore, which has other branches in Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. *Paramount Advertising Agency, 705 Wing On Life Bldg., Hong Kong. Per- sonnel: 48. Coverage includes Southeast Asia; planning to extend to United States, Japan, Canada, and Europe. Complete service including translations, direct mail, silk screen printing, etc. Market analyses, opinion research, and specialized trade or industry surveys. United Publicity & Advertising Co., Ltd., 87 Des Voeux Rd. Central, Hong Kong. Personnel: 15. Coverage includes Taiwan, Japan, and Southeast Asia. All media, including direct mail. Translations. Winner Advertising Co., 627 Man Yee Bldg., Hong Kong. Personnel: 8. Planning to extend coverage to Far East and Taiwan. All media except direct mail ; specializes in design work. Also, translations. Marketing Research Organization See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Fidelity Inspection Service, 832-4 Alexandra House, Hong Kong. Canadian. Personnel: 8. Specializes in marketing research and in trade and industry surveys. ICELAND Advertising Agency There has been little outside interest in advertising in Iceland, possibly because of the severe import restrictions in force for many years and the relatively small consumer market. Local agents of foreign manufacturers and exporters often translate and place advertisements in local media for their foreign suppliers, usually on a cost-share basis. Advertising is done mainly via newspapers and magazines, posters, and cinema and outdoor slide projection. Olafur Hallgrimsson — International Advertising Agency, Laekjargata 2, Reykjavik. Personnel: 2. Coverage: Iceland. Offers translating service and creation and placement of advertising via all local media. Marketing Research Agency See also Norsk Gallup Institutt A.S., Oslo, Norway, which has 50 part-time interviewers in Iceland and provides the same services for Iceland as it does for Norway. Johannes G. Helgason — Management Consultant, Hafnarstraeti 6, Reykjavik. Personnel : 1 researcher, 1 other employee. Coverage : Iceland. Prepares studies on markets and purchasing power, consumption, production, cost analysis, organization and financial structure of firms, and business forecasting. 64 ■ In dia INDIA Advertising Agencies The leading advertising and market research organizations in India are located in Bombay and Calcutta. All types of media are used except TV. Newspapers and cinema are the most important media. Radio advertising is done over Radio Ceylon and Radio Goa, since the Indian network is noncom- mercial. Some commercial advertising is done through Federal and State Government publicity departments. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed offer the entire range of services of a general advertising agency, including translations into Indian languages, the planning, preparation, and placing of advertising via all available media, and, to a limited extent, market and opinion research. Except as noted, the firms are of Indian nationality and provide coverage of all of India, as well as other areas indicated. Bombay Blaze Advertising Service, Central Bank Bldg., Mahatma Gandhi Rd., Bombay 1. Personnel: 80. Branches: Ahmedabad, Calcutta, Madras, and New Delhi (India) and Colombo (Ceylon). Also covers Ceylon and Persian Gulf. Special- izes in cinema slides and commercial films. *Everest Advertising, Pvt., Ltd, Kitab Mahal, Dr. Dadabhoy Naoroji Rd., Bombay 1. Personnel: 100. Branches: Calcutta (India) and London (Eng- land). Also covers Ceylon and Singapore. *Grant Advertising, Inc., Liberty Bldg., Marine Lines, Bombay. Personnel: 53. Branches: Calcutta, Madras, and New Delhi (India), Karachi (Pakistan), and Colombo (Ceylon). Coverage includes Pakistan and Ceylon. Also offers public relations service and can produce advertising films, point-of-sale material, dealer promotion aids, and package-designing services. Parent firm: Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. *Lintas, Ltd, 198 Jamshedji Tata Rd., Bombay 1. Personnel : 150. Represent- atives in Calcutta, Madras, and New Delhi (India). Also covers Ceylon. Branch of Lintas (Lever International Advertising Service), Ltd., London, England. ♦National Advertising Service, Pvt., Ltd., Peoples Bldg., Phirozeshah Mehta Rd., Bombay 1. Personnel : 40. Branch in New Delhi. Also offers public rela- tions service. Affiliate, Advertising Films of India, Pvt, Ltd, Pharmed House, Fort St, Bombay, specializes in advertising via cinema slides and commercial films. Radio Advertising Services, Cecil Court, Lansdowne Rd., Bombay 1. Ameri- can. Personnel: 30. Branch in Madras. Also covers Pakistan. Radio adver- tising only ; sole representative for Radio Ceylon in India and Pakistan. *Sista's Pvt, Ltd, 12 Rampart Row (Post Office Box No. 1060), Fort, Bombay 1. Personnel: 56. Branch in Madras. Media: Newspapers, magazines, and technical or trade journals. *Stronach, L. A, and Co. (India), Ltd, Wavell House, Graham Rd., Ballard Estate, Bombay 1. Personnel: 100. Also covers Pakistan, Ceylon, and Burma 65 Indochina , through other Stronach branches. Parent firm: Stronachs Advertising, Ltd., 150 Fleet St., London, E.C. 4. *J. Walter Thompson Co. Ltd. (Post Office Box 541), Lakshmi Bldg., Phiro- zeshah Mehta Rd., Bombay 1. Personnel in India: 400-500. Branches: Cal- cutta, Kanpur, Madras, Bangalore, and New Delhi (India) ; and Colombo (Ceylon). Also covers Ceylon. Parent firm: J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Calcutta ♦Advertising and Sales Promotion Co., 22 Brabourne Rd., Calcutta 1. Per- sonnel: 63. Branches: Bombay and New Delhi. Service includes translations in 14 important Indian languages. *Alpha Advertising Service, Marble House, 5/2 Garstin PL, Calcutta 1. Per- sonnel : 27. Also, placement broker and marketing specialist. *Clarion Advertising Services, Pvt., Ltd., 5 Council House St., Calcutta 1. Personnel: 91. Branches: Bombay and New Delhi. Media: Newspapers, magazines, and technical and trade journals. *Press and Publicity Syndicate, Pvt., Ltd., 53 Radha Bazar Lane, Calcutta 1. Personnel : 16. Media : Newspapers, magazines, technical and trade journals, and transportation. Promotes trade fairs and exhibitions. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Bureau of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, Central Bank Bldg., Ma- hatma Gandhi Rd., Bombay 1. Personnel : 50. Associates in Calcutta, Madras, and New Delhi. Undertakes studies of the following kinds : Existing and poten- tial markets ; the characteristics of products and their competitive advantages ; regional literacy, purchasing power, buying and consuming habits, and special prejudices and preferences. Also, specialized trade and industry surveys, and translations. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. The Indian Institute of Public Opinion and the Marketing Research Corpora- tion of India, 14-15F, ConnaugM PI., New Delhi. Personnel : 52 permanent ; 100 part-time interviewers. Marketing research studies cover all fields undertaken by similar agencies in the West. Affiliate of the American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N.J. Sandhan, Suite 18, Metropolitan Bldg., 7 Chowringhee Rd., Calcutta. Per- sonnel: 5, plus part time employees when necessary. Market research and analyses; specializes in organizing and conducting field surveys and analyzing data* INDOCHINA See Viet-Nam. 66 Iran INDONESIA Advertising Agencies Newspapers, magazines, cinema, and outdoor and transportation signs and posters are the most commonly used methods of advertising. The relatively few firms capable of handling advertising campaigns in a variety of media are listed below. So far as can be determined, there are no placement brokers or publishers' representatives in Indonesia. Unless otherwise specified the agencies listed create and place advertising via available media and offer translating services. All are of Indonesian nationality and cover all of Indonesia. Cliche "Unie Studio," 6 Djalan Hajam WuruJc, Djakarta. Personnel: 30. Branch : Surabaya (East Java) . Cotey, National Advertising Service, Ltd., 3 Djatan Bungar Besar, Djakarta. Personnel : 25. De Unie, Advertentie-Reclame en Adviesbureau, 8 Djalan Eajm Wuruk, Dja- karta. Personnel: 100. Other services: Advertising advice; market analyses. Elita, 19 Djalan Pos Utara, Djakarta. Personnel : 15. Pemandangan, 14 Djalan Guming Sahari, Djakarta. Personnel : 20. Marketing Research Organizations None. The firms listed below are engaged primarily in publication of economic news and undertake marketing research as a sideline. Their techniques and surveys are not comparable with those of marketing research organizations as known in the United States. Berita Ekonomi, Post Office Box 2668/ Dak., Djakarta. Personnel: 5 re- searchers ; 12 other employees. Business News, 12 Djalan Geredja Ajam, Djakarta. Personnel : 20 research- ers; 20 other employees. IRAN Advertising Agencies All advertising agency activity in Iran is centered in Tehran. Any adver- tising agency work done solely in provincial localities would be limited to place- ments in small newspapers and occasional poster work. The principal media are radio spots, newspapers and periodicals, cinema, and outdoor color posters. Direct mail and novelties are used to a lesser extent. Neon sign advertising is in the initial stage. Marketing research activity has only just begun in Iran and efforts thus far undertaken must be considered as relatively elementary. Activity in this field is limited to those advertising agencies indicated by an asterisk. The firms listed are all of Iranian nationality and provide coverage of all of Iran. The terms "Kanoun Agahi" and Moassesseh Tablighati" mean "Adver- tising Agency." *Finzi-Publicite, 71 Ave. Ferdowsi, Tehran. Personnel : 6. Complete advertis- ing counsel and service, including translations in Persian, French, English, and 67 Iraq Armenian. Media used are newspapers, trade journals, magazines, cinema, outdoor, direct mail, and novelties. Placement broker for newspapers and periodicals. Also, market analyses. Kanoun Agahi Miniatour, Ave. Lalezar, Tehran. Personnel: 10. Layouts, copywriting, and designing and preparing signs and posters. Kanoun Agahi Novin, Serai Lalezar, Tehran. Personnel: 11. Placement broker for newspaper, magazine, cinema, and radio advertising. Has current short-term contract with Government-owned Radio Tehran for placing radio advertisements. *Kanoun Agahi Ziba, Passage Iran, Ave. Lalezar, Tehran. Personnel: 27. Complete advertising counsel and service, including translations. Placement broker for newspapers and periodicals. Also, creative work for outdoor and cinema advertising ; translations. Conducts market surveys and consumer polls. Placement Brokers The following firms all act as placement brokers for newspapers, magazines, and cinemas. They also provide creative work. Azhance Sharghi, Serai Lalezar, Ave. Lalezar, Tehran. Personnel : 4. Kanoun Agahi Ava., (Post Office Box 1122) Ave. Lalezar, Tehran. Person- nel: 8. Kanoun Agahi Sho'a, Serai Lalezar, Ave. Lalezar, Tehran. Personnel: 4. Kanoun Agahi Tahavol, Serai Lalezar, Ave. Lalezar, Tehran. Personnel: 4. *Moassesseh Tablighati Khorus, 86 Ave. Ferdowsi, Tehran. Personnel: 12. Also, opinion research and polls. *Moassesseh Tablighati Pick, Serai Lalezar, Ave. Lalezar, Tehran. Person- nel: 25. Moassesseh Tablighati Mossavar, next to Tehran Theater, Ave. Lalezar, Tehran. Personnel: 10. Moassesseh Tablighati Zohreh, Serai Lalezar, Ave. Lalezar, Tehran. Per- sonnel: 8. Sherkat Sahami Tablighati Donya (Donya Advertising Corp.), Ave. Saadi, Tehran. Personnel: 8. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. IRAQ Advertising Agencies Advertising in Iraq is done via newspapers, magazines, cinema slides and films, billboards, and illuminated signs. There are no commercial radio or TV stations. The bus and train services are Government owned and operated and do not accept advertisements. Advertising agencies and other publishing firms do not issue calendars, novelties, trade and technical journals, catalogs, or manuals, although imported material of this nature often is distributed by wholesalers. 68 Ireland, Republic of Iraq now lias 1 English daily newspaper, 15 Arabic daily newspapers, and 7 weekly Arabic magazines, with a total combined average daily circulation of 65,- 000. Advertising takes approximately 40 percent of newspaper space and is gen- erally placed direct with the papers by local advertisers. The services of local advertising agencies have so far been utilized chiefly by foreign firms and some of the larger Iraqui firms. United States products are usually advertised through efforts of local agents or distributors. The concerns listed below prepare and place advertisements via the media in which they specialize, as indicated in each listing, and also act as placement brokers. Except as noted, the agencies are of Iraqi nationality and cover all of Iraq. Anglo-Arabian Screen Services, Boxy Cinema Bldg., Baghdad. British. Per- sonnel : 10. Cinema slides and programs. Arts and Advertising Bureau, South Gate, Baghdad. Personnel : 2. Coverage : Baghdad. Newspapers. Commercial Advertising House; Printing & Publishing Co., Ltd., KarJch, Baghdad. Personnel: 4. Newspapers and magazines. Also, translations. Dar Attaarof Advertising and Publishing, Sa'doon St., Baghdad. Personnel : 6. Newspapers, magazines, and cinema slides. Also, creative work and translations. Iraqi Advertising Agency, Shammash Bldg., Baghdad. Personnel : 2. Cover- age : Baghdad. Newspapers. Also, translations. Thanyan & Janabi, North Gate, Baghdad. Personnel : 4. Newspapers. Also, translations. Najjar Advertising Agency, Opposite Roxy Cinema, Baghdad. Personnel : 3. Newspapers and magazines. Marketing Research Organizations None. IRELAND, REPUBLIC OF Advertising Agencies Competent advertising services are available and agency standards and tech- niques are similar to those prevailing in the United Kingdom. The leading media are several daily newspapers which give nationwide coverage. Most publishing is done in Dublin and includes magazines and trade journals. Ads placed in British magazines and trade publications will reach the Irish market. Other important media are radio and cinema, while direct mail, outdoor, and other forms of advertising are used to a lesser extent. A TV station is scheduled to open in 1959 or 1960 and indications are that it will accept limited commercial advertising. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed offer complete service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations when required by clients, media selection, and placement. Asterisks indicate those firms which offer marketing research and analyses, and related services. Except as noted, all firms are of Irish nationality and cover Northern Ireland as well as the Republic. 69 Ireland, Republic of. *Arks Ltd., Advertising and Marketing, 16 Bar court St., Dullin. Personnel : 30. Also, opinion research and polls. ♦Arrow Advertising Agency, Ltd., 97 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. Personnel : 20. Cinema & General Publicity, Ltd., 35 Upper Abbey St., Dublin. Personnel : 40. Branch in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Specializes in cinema advertising, includ- ing film trailers and advertising of films, and radio commercials. Handles a large percentage of cinema advertising in Ireland. *Domas, Ltd. (Advertising), 76-77 Grafton St., Dublin. Personnel : 30. Sub- sidiary at same address: Domas Marketing, Ltd. Coverage includes United Kingdom, European countries, and United States. Also operates a store check- ing service and supervision of clients' sales representative meetings. Member of CAM A (Continental Advertising and Marketing Agencies) group (see Appendix). Eason & Son, Ltd., 40-^1 Lower O'Connell St., Dublin. Personnel (in advertis- ing department): 10. Branch in Belfast, Northern Ireland; 5 branches in Republic ; railway bookstalls throughout country. Offers advertising via press, outdoor, and transportation media. *Janus, Ltd., Advertising, 53 Parnell Square West, Dublin. Personnel : 32. Kenny's Advertising Agency, 65 Middle Abbey St., Dublin. Personnel: 20. Coverage: International. Other services: Television commercials; placement broker. *Lynch's Advertising Service, Ltd., 8 D'Olier St., Dublin. Personnel : About 8 Other services : Trade and industry surveys covering building and engineering ; market analyses (to a limited extent) ; placement broker. *McConnelPs Advertising Service, Ltd., 10-11 Pearse St., Dublin. Personnel : Over 100. Branches: 3 in Great Britain; 1 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Covers all phases of advertising and market research. McConnell-Hartley, Ltd., 37a Fleet St., Dublin. Personnel: 9. Associate of McConnell's Advertising Service, Ltd. All kinds of outdoor and transportation publicity; also novelties, fairs, exhibitions, etc. Producers and exhibitors of advertising films. *McEvoys Advertising Service, Ltd., Abbey Buildings, Middle Abbey St., Dublin. Personnel: 19. Associate of McEvoy Publishing Co., Ltd. (Same address). ♦ODonnell, Earl & Partners, Ltd., 22 Earlsfort Terr., Dublin. Personnel : 25. Branches : London and Liverpool, England. Also, placement broker. Subsidiary companies (all of same address) : Marketing and Research, Ltd.; Radio Pro- ductions, Ltd. ; Commercial Radio and Television, Ltd. *0'Kennedy-Brindley, Ltd., 64-65 Lower Gardiner St., Dublin. Personnel : 46. Branch : Cork. Can supply or commission complete advertising, marketing and market research service. Has studios for art and photography, and has pro- duced a number of animated color cartoons for advertising. Also, TV com- mercials, placement brokers. *Padbury Advertising, Ltd., 97-99 Grafton St., Dublin. Personnel : 18. Cover- age includes Great Britain. Also, opinion research ; placement broker. J. H. Parker & Co., Ilk Grafton St., Dublin. Personnel : 9. Media : Press, cinema, radio. Placement broker. Market analyses. Specializes in promotion and publicity on behalf of newspapers and magazines, especially launching of new publications or campaigns to increase circulation of existing domestic and foreign publications. *B. Wilson Young, Ltd., 15-17 South Leinster St., Dublin. Personnel: 19. Coverage: Irish Republic only. Also, opinion research; placement broker. 70 Israel Marketing Research Organization See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. A. C. Nielsen Co., Ltd., 86 Merrion Square, Dublin. Personnel: 50. Market analyses, opinion research and polls, specialized trade and industry surveys, consumer research. Parent firm: A. C. Nielsen Co., 2101 West Howard St., Chicago 45, 111. ISRAEL Advertising Agencies Although several agencies of considerable experience are established in Israel, advertising has been confined almost exclusively to newspapers and periodicals. However, use of posters, billboards, cinema, direct mail, and other media is increasing. There is no radio or TV advertising. Most advertising and labeling appear in both Hebrew and English. Use of several other languages, such as French, German, Arabic, Yiddish, and Hungarian, is necessary for complete coverage. There are 15 Hebrew dailies and 8 in other languages. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed offer complete advertising service including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations as neces- sary, media selection, and placement. The services of most firms include market analyses; asterisks indicate those which also undertake marketing research, trade or industry surveys, and opinion research. All firms are of Israeli nationality and cover all of Israel. *Aron Advertising, Ltd., 28 Ahad Haam St. (Post Office Box 1144), Tel Aviv. Personnel: 5. Also, public relations (press conferences, etc.). Bauer, Ltd., 12 Ben Yehuda Rd. (Post Office Box 729), Tel Aviv. Personnel : 8. Branch in Haifa (Post Office Box 1609). Specializes in trade, industry, and tourist publicity, and advertising in trade publications. General agents for advertising in Haifa port. Bing Linial Advertising, 20 Eaneviim St. (Post Office Box 4868), Haifa. Personnel: 14. Also, specialized industry surveys. Compiles and drafts bro- chures, leaflets, and catalogs for trade and industry in different languages. Offers full service for planning and constructing exhibits and stands for national and international exhibitions. "Dahaf" Advertising Coordination and Distribution, Ltd., 123 Allenby Rd. (Post Office Box 1334), Tel Aviv. Personnel: 19. Branch in Jerusalem. Also, opinion research. Placement broker. Ephrony Advertising, 81 Rothschild Blvd. (Post Office Box 2082), Tel Aviv. Personnel : 10. Also, placement broker. Feiner & Yossef Israel Advertising Agency, 94 Allenby Rd. (Post Office Box 4111 ) , Tel Aviv. Personnel : 6. Hans Goldschmidt Advertising Service, 18 Jeshurun St., Mount Carmel, Haifa. Personnel: 2. Also, placement broker for newspapers and magazines. Gordon Lewensohn Aylon, Ltd., 6-8 Ahuzat Bayit St. (Post Office Box 49), Tel Aviv. Personnel : 13. Also, on a limited scale, opinion research and polls, and specialized trade and industry surveys. Placement broker. Dr. Jacobsohn Advertising, 84 Tavneh St. (Post Office Box 1469), Tel Aviv. Personnel : 6. Also, packaging design. 71 Italy "Maoz" Publishing & Publicity Co., Ltd., 12 Ben Yehuda Rd., Jerusalem. Personnel: 7. Also, opinion research and polls. Placement broker. O. K. Advertising, Ltd., 123 Allenoy Rd. (Post Office Box 1639), Tel Aviv. Personnel: 7. Also, printing for advertising and packaging. "Raayon" Advertising, 2 Pinsker St. (Post Office Box W6), Tel Aviv. Person- nel: 3. Also, general advertising agent for "DAN" bus cooperative and for the Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipal advertising office. *Haim Rivlin, 23 Yehuda Ealevi St. (Post Office Box 212), Tel Aviv. Per- sonnel : 4. Also, placement broker. Shefet Advertising, Ltd., 32 Alleriby Rd., Tel Aviv. Branch in Haifa. Per- sonnel : 14. Simon Schmidt & Associates, Ltd., 6 AKuzat Bayit St. (Post Office Box 681 ) , Tel Aviv. Personnel: 11. Offers fully integrated public relations and adver- tising services. *Tal & Ariely, Ltd., 6 Ahuzat Bayit St. (Post Office Box 245), Tel Aviv. Personnel: 16, plus 5 at associated art studio. Branch at 116 Dizengoff Rd., Tel Aviv. Also, opinion research and polls through the Israeli Research Insti- tute, translations in 10 languages, adaptation of foreign advertising materials (catalogs, displays, films) for local use, extensive public relations services, special department for local production of commercial films. Marketing Research Organization See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Market analyses and specialized trade or industry surveys as understood in the United States are still in a rather undeveloped stage in Israel. However, a good start, though on a modest scale, has been made by the agencies indicated and by the organization listed below. The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, 1 King David St., Jerusalem. Personnel : 9 full time, 50 part time field personnel. Market analyses, opinion and attitudes research and polls, consumer studies, and personnel and manage- ment research. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. ITALY Advertising Agencies About 40 percent of all advertising in Italy is done through magazines and newspapers, 10 percent is via the Government-operated radio, and the remainder, in order of importance, goes to posters and other outdoor advertising, direct mail, cinema, window display, and other media. Television advertising is done only to a limited extent under the Government-operated system. Milan is the focal point of advertising, since it is the country's marketing center. Italy's population at the end of 1957 stood at 48,594,000, and at that date there were published in the country 125 dailies, 630 weeklies, 3,135 monthlies, and 573 other periodicals. The total circulation of dailies is appoximately 5 million, i.e., about 1 copy for every 10 individuals. About 60 percent of the dailies are issued in the north. Recently, periodicals have supplanted daily newspapers as the 72 - - - Italy leading advertising medium, owing largely to the longer period of validity of periodical advertising and the national scope of most illustrated magazines and journals. On December 31, 1957, 6,682,470 persons owned radios, or about 1 out of every 7 inhabitants; 673,080 owned television sets, about 1 out of every 72 inhabitants. There has been a large increase in outdoor advertising, particularly in the number of "permanent" (validity: 1 year) small billboards found on highways near the principal cities. Posters and billboards are subject to Pro- vincial censorship and to payment of municipal charges. The firms identified here as general agencies are staffed with artists and copy- writers, use all types of media, and are capable of planning and executing advertising programs on a national scale. Asterisks indicate firms which offer marketing research and analyses and trade and industry surveys and usually can also undertake opinion research and polls. In addition, there are many firms which specialize in a few kinds of media, or in a single advertising service. The specialized firms named below offer counsel and creative work in connection with the media they use and a few, as indicated, also engage in marketing re- search and analyses. Unless otherwise specified, the agencies listed below are of Italian nationality and cover all of Italy. In general, it is preferable that correspondence be carried on in Italian, although a majority of firms have personnel who under- stand English. Genoa "Buttignol" Pubblicita, Salita Santa Caterina 6. Coverage : Regions of Pied- mont, Liguria, and Tuscany. Media : Posters, billboards, calendars, plastic novelties. L. Cipriani, Via XX Settembre JfO. Personnel: 3. General agency. Also, opinion research. "La Bussola," Organizzazione Pubblicitaria Italiana, Via O. D'Annunzio 2-102. Personnel : 19. Media : Press, publications, outdoor, calendars. Placement broker. Neon Sarie, Impianti Luminosi e Gas Rarefatti, Via C. Cabella 29. Personnel : 49. Agents in leading Italian cities. Media: Neon signs and billboards and fairs and exhibitions. ♦Societa OPO Pubblicita, Via G. D'Annunzio 2-49. Personnel: 11. Media: Press, publications, direct mail, outdoor, calendars. Placement broker. S.A.I.G.A., SpA., Industrie Grafiche Aflfini, Via A. Manuzio 7. Personnel : 180. Principal activity, printing. Media: Technical and trade journals, catalogs, manuals, posters, billboards, calendars. Legnano (Milan) Affissi Guidi, Via Leaa 16. Personnel: 39. Media: Posters and billboards, fairs and exhibitions. Milan Arces Pubblicita, Via V. Emanuele 31. Personnel: 15. Branch in Rome. Placement broker. Advertising via fairs and exhibitions. Translations. Affil- iate, Arces Film, at same address, specializes in cinema advertising. 73 Italy Bagnini, E., Via Vivaio 10. Personnel : 8. General agency. Clamor, Via Berchet 2. Personnel : 30. Media : Posters and billboards. Allestimento Cussino, Via Poliziano 8. Branch in Rome. Media : Fairs and exhibitions. Delfini Indirizzi, Via Monterosa 74. Personnel : 74. Media : Direct mail. I.G.A.P., Impressa Generale Amssioni Pubblicita, Via Berchet 2. Personnel : 200. Branches throughout Italy. Media : Posters and billboards. *Impresa General Pubblicita, Via C. G. Merlo 1. Personnel: 77. Branches in Rome, Bologna, and Genoa. Media: Outdoor and transportation, catalogs, calendars. Placement broker. I.P.I., Via G. De Orassi 14. Personnel : 12. Branches in Turin, Florence, and Rome. Media : Posters and billboards, fairs and exhibitions. A. Manzoni & Co., Via Agnello 12. Has 22 branches in northern Italy. Cov- erage : Northern Italy and city of Rome. Media : Newspapers and magazines. Montaldi, A. & Co., Viale Aoruzzi 15. Branch in Turin. Media : Direct mail. *Omnia Pubblicita, Via Durini 28. Personnel: 47. Branches in Rome and Turin. General agency. Member of EMA group (see Appendix). Paglierani Affissi, Via Broletto 85. Personnel: 49. Media: Posters and billboards. Proclama, Corso Italia 15. Personnel: 81. Media: Catalogs, cinema, illu- minated signs. ♦Pubblicita Internazionale, Corso Italia 15. Personnel : 17. General agency. Pubblicitas, Piazza Duomo 19. Media : Cinema slides. Rezzara Pubblicita, Via Borgogna 2. Branches in Turin and Rome. Media : Newspapers and magazines. Schaub Thibaud, Corso Magenta 56. Personnel : 20. General agency. Place- ment broker. Translations. ♦S.I.G.L.A., Piazzale Biancamano 2. Personnel : 140. Coverage includes West- ern Europe. General agency. Placement broker. Also, industrial research and public relations. Member of CAM A (Continental Advertising and Marketing Agencies) group (see Appendix). *Societa per la Pubblicita in Italia, Via Manzoni 87. Personnel : 735. Media : Newspapers, magazines, technical publications, and commercial and economic newspapers. Placement broker. Translations. Steiner, Archivio Indirizzi, Via 8. Agostino 20. Media : Direct mail. *J. Walter Thompson, S.R.L., Via Durini 28. Personnel : 40. General agency. Parent firm : J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Rome American Advertising Agency, Via Paganini 7. Italian firm. Personnel : 12. General agency. American Italian Publicity & Advertising Co., Via Veneto 169. Italian firm. Personnel : 5. Publicity contracts of all types, direct mail, and business address service. APA — Agenzia Pubblicita Amssioni, Via dei Lucchesi 26. Personnel: 20. Branch in Milan. Representatives throughout southern Italy. Media: Posters and billboards, and fairs and exhibitions. ♦APPIA — Agenzie Pubblicita Propaganda Italiane Associate, Via Piemonte 89. Personnel: 15. General agency. *EMME Reclame, Via Torino 150. General agency. 74 Italy PRA — Pubblicita e Relazioni d'Affari (Public Relations and Advertising), Via Stoppani 10. Italian-Swiss firm. Branch in Milan. General agency. Affiliate, TELESPES, at same address, specializes in cinema and TV adver- tising. Personnel of both firms includes 16 executive employees and, in the cinema field, 12 technicians and 200 other employees. *PUBLI-OMNIA — Organizzazione Pubblicitaria Italiana, Via Sommacampagna 9. Branches in Milan, Palermo, Cosenza, Nola, and Naples. Total personnel: 165. Coverage: Central and south Italy. General agency. ♦Publivision, Via O. B. Benedetti 3. General agency. Branch in Milan. *ESSEGI — Studio Tecnico per PInformazione, la Propaganda, la Pubblicita, Via Isonzo 50. Personnel: 35. Branches in Milan, Bologna, Naples, Palermo. General agency. SIP — Societa Internazionale Pubblicita, Via del Corso 335. Exclusive con- cessionaire for advertising in various Italian newspapers. Studio Linea, Via Lazio 9. Personnel: 12. Planning and execution of all types of direct and indirect advertising. Turin *Mario Alessio, Via Arcivescovado 14- Personnel: 25. Branch in Biella. General agency. Placement broker. Translations. *DIVULGO, SpA., Via Napione 11. Personnel: 25. Media: Direct mail, outdoor, fairs and exhibitions, calendars, and novelties. Placement broker. Translations. *S.I.P.R.A. — Societa Italiana Pubblicita per Azioni, Via Pomba 20. Person- nel: 305. Branches in Milan, Rome, Genoa, Venice, Naples, and Trieste. Coverage includes Western Europe. General agency. Placement broker. Translations. Testa Armando, Societa in nome Collettivo, Via della Rocca 5. Personnel: 20. General agency. Also, trade and industry surveys. Placement broker. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Marketing research for advertising is still in the developmental stage, but progress is being made in training specialists in this field and in developing accurate statistical data upon which to base or to measure the effectiveness of an advertising program. The firms listed below are of Italian nationality and cover all of Italy. DOXA — Istituto per le Ricerche Statistiche e FAnalisi delPOpinione Pub- blica, Via G. Mameli 10, Milan. Personnel : Office, 21 ; 5 analysts ; 900 part-time interviewers. Specializes in market research, industrial and audience survey and research, statistical studies on advertising media, opinion polls, and con- sumer research. Affiliate of American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N.J. I.M.A. Pubblicita, Piazza Cinque Oiornate 10, Milan. Personnel : 40. Market, industrial, and advertising research. Societa Italiana per le Ricerche di Mercato and affiliated Istituto Italiano delF Opinione Pubblica, Via Conservatorio 15, Milan. Field staff : 12 full-time supervisors and 459 part-time interviewers. HOP is engaged in opinion and 75 Jamaica social research, while SIRM is devoted to market studies. Their work includes retailer research, media research, product tests, and continuing consumer surveys (20,000 interviews yearly). There is also a special department devoted to motivation research. Both quota and probability sampling are utilized. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. (See also INRA-EUROPE, Bad Godesberg, Germany.) JAMAICA See West Indies. JAPAN Advertising Agencies A highly industrialized and expanding economy together with an extensive modern communications system and a population almost 100 percent literate have aided the advertising industry in Japan to expand to unprecedented levels in the postwar era. There are some 30 advertising agencies offering all types of services and employing specialists in network programs and creative work, as well as numerous firms engaging in a single type of advertising service. The expansion in advertising has been accompanied by rapid modernization of methods and media, including the beginnings of marketing research and public relations services as well as the introduction of commercial radio and TV broadcasting. Newspapers are still the most influential medium in Japan, with 95 major national daily and evening papers reaching about 35 million subscribers. Today, 81 commercial radio stations absorb the second largest share of advertising funds. At the end of July 1957 there were 14 million radio receiving sets in Japan, which means that there were radios in 79.1 percent of the nation's households. Expenditures for magazine advertising, while in excess of prewar, have been less since the introduction of commercial radio broadcasting. There are currently about 1,300 magazines published in Japan. Both Government-owned and commercial TV broadcasting stations were established in Japan in 1953. Presently, 5 commercial stations are operating and some 550,000 receiving sets (representing 3.1 percent of the nation's house- holds) were sold by the end of July 1957. While TV receiving sets are still too expensive for wide distribution, this medium is expected to show great progress in the near future. Outdoor advertising (particularly signboards and neon signs), direct adver- tising of all kinds (especially circulars and gift novelties), and advertising via point-of-sale and merchandising aids have all shown a steady increase in line with the generally increased activity of the industry as a whole. The firms listed below are representative of the larger general agencies and those which specialize in one or more kinds of media. Those indicated as general agencies plan, prepare, and place all types of advertising. However, only the largest firms are able to offer all types of services to clients in foreign countries. Foreign customers usually request advertising services through their Japanese sales agents. Name/3 marked with an asterisk are those of agencies which offer market analyses ; some of these firms may also be able to 76 Japan undertake marketing and opinion research, depending on the assignment. Head offices only are listed. Except as noted all firms are of Japanese nationality and cover all Japan. Hokkaido Hokkaido Hoso Eiga Kabushiki Kaisha, Nishi 4-chome, Minami 1-jo, Sapporo. Personnel: 52. Specializes in production and broadcasting of TV films of all kinds, including advertising films. Futaba So Honten, Kabushiki Kaisha, Nishi 9-chome, Minami 4-jo, Sapporo. Personnel : 48. Media : Outdoor and transportation. *Kyodo Kokoku Sha, Kabushiki Kaisha, Nishi 6-chome, Minami 1-jo, Sapporo. Personnel: 37. Media: Posters and billboards, newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV. Kyoto Nippon Kokoku Tsushinsha, Kabushiki Kaisha, Ebisugawa Agaru, Karasumaru- dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto. Personnel: 44. Branch in Osaka. General agency. Nagoya *Sanko-Sha Kabushiki Kaisha, 13 Otsu-machi 4-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya. Personnel: 125. General agency. Osaka Asahi Kokoku Kabushiki Kaisha, 28 Kawara-machi 3-chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. Personnel : 165. Branch in Tokyo. Media : Official gazettes, newspapers, radio, and TV. Daimai Kokoku Kabushiki Kaisha, 53 Dojima Funadaiku-machi, Kita-ku, Osaka. Personnel: 60. Media: Newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV. Kinki Kokoku Kabushiki Kaisha (Kinki Kokoku, Ltd.), 27 Koraioashi 2-chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. Personnel: 800. Branches in Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka. General agency. Kokoku Shoji, Kabushiki Kaisha, Jft-1 Nishiyagura-cho, Minami-ku, Osaka. Personnel: 70. Branches in Tokyo and Kyoto. Specializes in outdoor and transportation advertising. Mannensha, Kabushiki Kaisha (Mannensha, Ltd.), 35 Koraioashi 5-chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. Personnel : 400. Branches in Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe, Fukuoka, Sendai, and Sapporo. General agency. Nippon Keizai Kokokusha, Kabushiki Kaisha, 31 Kitahama 1-chome, Higa- shi-ku, Osaka. Personnel: 60. Branches in Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka. Media : Newspapers and radio. Agency for Ninon Keizai Press Co. and Nihon Short Wave Broadcasting Co. Nippon Kokoku Kigyo Kabushiki Kaisha, 16 Tosaoori-dori 1-chome, Nishi-ku, Osaka. Personnel: 70. Media: Outdoor and transportation. A designated agency for National Railway Corp. and for the Municipal Traffic Bureaus of Osaka, Kyoto, and Kobe. 495641—59 6 77 Japan . Nippon Senden Kogyo Eabushiki Kaisha (The Nippon Advertising Agencies, Ltd.), Shin-Hanshin Bldg., Umeda-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka. Personnel : 50. Branch in Kobe. Media: Publications, posters, catalogs, decorations for displays and exhibits. Has own printing facilities. Nitten, Kabushiki Kaisha, 40 Banza-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka. Personnel: 120. Branches in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kobe. Media : Newspapers, radio, decorations for displays and exhibits. Tokyo Asahi Kokokusha, Ltd., 4 Yuraku-cho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Person- nel : 150. Branches in Yokohama, Osaka, and 9 other cities. Agency for Asahi Press Co. General agency. *Dentsu Kabushiki Kaisha (Dentsu Advertising, Ltd.), 1 Ginza Nishi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Branches in Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka, Sapporo, and 19 sub- branches throughout Japan. Total personnel: 2,293. General agency offering complete service via all media to clients in Japan and abroad. Hakuhodo, Kabushiki Kaisha (Hakuhodo Advertising Agency, Inc.), 22 Nishiki- cho 3-chome, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Personnel : 234. Branches in Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka. General agency. Kyodo Kokoku Kabushiki Kaisha (Kyodo Kokokusha, Ltd.), Owaricho Bldg., 4 Ginza 6-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Personnel: 110. General agency. Mainichi Kokokusha, Ltd., Miki Annex, Ginza Nishi 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Personnel : 70. Branch in Osaka. A designated agency for Mainichi Press Co. Nomura Kogeisha, Ltd., 85 Kabuto-cho 2-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Personnel : 217. Branch in Osaka. Designer and installer of exhibits, displays, showrooms, show windows, and other merchandising aids. *Orikomi Kokokusha, Ltd., 3 Ginza 6-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Personnel : 45. General agency. *Shojikisha, Kabushiki Kaisha (Shojikisha Advertising Co., Ltd.), 4 Takara-cho S-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Personnel: 100. General agency. Services include effect research. *J. Walter Thompson Co., Japan (Post Office Box 1678), Reader's Digest Bldg., 1 Takehira-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. General agency offering complete service via all media to clients in Japan and abroad. Parent firm : J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Yomiuri Kokokusha, Ltd., 5 Ginza 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Personnel : 120. Branch in Osaka. Media : Newspapers, magazines, other publications. A desig- nated agency for Yomiuri Press Co. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Kokusai Shijo Consultant Kabushiki Kaisha (International Marketing Con- sultant Co., Ltd.), 4 Ginza Higashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Personnel: 15. Branch to be established in Osaka. Specializes in all types of marketing re- search in Japan, especially in the technical industrial field. Associate company : Amerasia Consultant, Inc., 1700 Broadway, New York 1, N.Y. Toyo Keizai Shinpo-sha, Kabushiki Kaisha (Oriental Economist, Ltd.), 2 Hongoku-cho 3-chome, Nihombashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Personnel: 300. Branches 78 Korea, Republic of in Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka. Publisher of economic journals in Japanese and English. Offers services in Japan for market analyses, trade and industry surveys, translations, and, especially, research on demand, supply, price fluc- tuation, etc., in the textile field. The Central Research Services, Inc., Shisei-KaiJcan Bldg., Hibiya, Tokyo. Marketing and opinion research, using a probability sample designed to cover 123 points throughout the country. Continuing services include an annual survey of the mass media, with a sample size of approximately 100,000, and a Brand Barometer which comes out 6 times a year and utilizes a sample of 10,000 each time. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. JORDAN See Lebanon. Information on firms in Jordan was not available at the time this publication was compiled. KENYA See Africa, British East. KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Advertising Agencies The use of the services of advertising or market research agencies is relatively new in the Republic of Korea ; consequently, the activities of the few agencies that exist are very limited. Most advertising is generally executed between advertisers and media producers, e.g., publishers, printers, and signboard painters. The firms listed are all of Korean nationality. Hesung Kwanggo Chusik Wheisa (Hesung Advertising Co., Ltd.), 164 Pongik-dong, Chongno-ku, Seoul. Personnel: 19. Coverage: Mainly Seoul. Media: Newspapers, billboards, street and door arches (a common form of advertising in Korea), placards, radio and TV commercials, cinema slides and short films, calendars, novelties, neon signs, and show window displays. Eng- lish-Korean and Korean-English translations. Firm undertakes many of its activities through subcontractors. Kimchol Kwanggo Yonku So (Kim Choi Advertising Agency), Tong-A De- partment Store, Namdaemun-ro, Choong-ku, Seoul. Personnel: 28. Coverage: Pusan, Taegu, Taejon, and Kwangju. Specializes in point-of-sale and merchan- dising aids and various types of direct advertising. Also prepares newspaper, magazine, radio, and TV advertisements. English-Korean and Korean-English translations. Kwangshin Kwanggo Sa (Kwang Shin Advertising Co.), 14, 2-ka, Choong-ku, Seoul. Personnel : 3. Coverage : Seoul. Advertisements in Seoul City streetcars. Also prepares small posters and handbills. 79 Kuwait -- ■- - - — -- - - ■- -■ - - - -- - -- Marketing Research Organizations No specialized firms. Surveys of the marketing-research type are occasionally provided in publications issued by such organizations as the Research Depart- ment of the Bank of Korea, the Chamber of Commerce of Korea, and the Korean Traders Association. The semigovernmental entity listed below includes an- alyses of local industries among its activities. Hankuk Saengsan Seung Yonku Won (Korea Productivity Center), Central Exhibition Hall, Jf6, J^-ka, Namdaemun-ro, Ghoong-ku, Seoul. Personnel: 6. Covers Seoul and other industrial areas. Specialized services provided by a board of directors mainly comprised of university professors and other pro- fessional men. Activities include management consultations and translation of foreign commercial and technical data for public dissemination. KUWAIT No advertising agencies and no commercial broadcasting. Advertising is limited to a few ads placed direct with the country's one weekly newspaper and a few signboards, in Arabic and English. Direct mail to importers has proved effective. LAOS Virtually no advertising is done in Laos. There are not even regularly pub- lished newspapers which carry advertising. LEBANON Advertising Agencies The Government-operated radio is noncommercial and TV is not scheduled for introduction into Lebanon until mid-1959. Otherwise, all standard outlets are used, principally press, motion-picture advertising, and road signs. Except as noted, the firms listed offer complete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, adaptations of foreign material, translations in English, French, and Arabic, direct-mail service, and media selection and placement. Asterisks indicate firms which offer marketing research and analyses. All firms are of Lebanese nationality and cover all of Lebanon and other areas as indicated. French is generally the language of correspond- ence, although the use of English is increasing. ♦Eastern Publicity Agency (Post Office Box 1284), Ziadeh Bldg., Hamra St., Beirut. Personnel : 17. Branches in Damascus, Syrian Territory, United Arab Republic, and Amman, Jordan. Coverage includes Syrian and Egyptian territor- ies, U.A.R., and Jordan and Iraq. Facilities include printing plant. Also, placement broker. *NAPCO (New Arab Publicity Co.) (Post Office Box 3831), Ghrawi Bldg., Riad Solh St., Beirut. Personnel : 30. Has scheduled special attention for TV advertising when commercial TV station begins operations in Beirut. Also, placement broker. 80 Libya *Publicite Pharaon (Post Office Box 568), rue FaJchry Bey, Beirut. Branches in Amman, Jordan, and in Jidda, Saudi Arabia. Affiliated with companies in Baghdad, Damascus, and Tehran. Services include public relations, layout and supervision of specialized printing, direct mail, and market surveys. SNIP (Societe Nationale depression et de Publicite) (Post Office Box 1070), Imm. Makassed, Place des Canons, Beirut. Personnel: 37. Coverage includes Syrian Territory through affiliated company, SAFIR, Damascus. Also, place- ment broker, including film placement. SYCO, rue du Parlement, Beirut. Personnel: 16, excluding printing plant workers. General agency which operates its own printing plant. Also, place- ment broker. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. LEEWARD ISLANDS See West Indies. LIBERIA Advertising Agencies None, and no marketing research facilities. The only significant media are the two Monrovia newspapers, several cinemas, and publications issued by the British firm listed below. Consolidated Publications, Monrovia City Hotel, Monrovia. Head office: 10 Drake St., Red Lion Sq., London W.C. 1, England. Under an arrangement with the Liberian Government, this company publishes magazines and other literature carrying advertising copy. In addition, through another arrange- ment with the Liberian Government for management of the Government broad- casting station, it will handle radio advertising in the near future. LIBYA Advertising Agency There is little demand for advertising, and facilities are limited to the one firm described below. Advertisements may also be placed direct with the leading Tripoli newspapers: "Tarablus el Gharb" (Arabic language), "Corriere de Tripoli" and Ora di Tripoli" (Italian language), and the "Sunday Ghibli" (English language). In Benghazi there are 3 Arabic newspapers — 1 published thrice weekly and the others weekly. "STILE", Sciara Cahira 4, Tripoli. Italo-Libyan. Personnel: 5. Coverage: Province of Tripolitania. Translations in Arabic, Italian, and English. Media : Newspapers, posters and billboards, cinema slides, direct mail, illuminated signs, and show windows. 81 Luxembourg Marketing Research Organizations None. Very limited market information may be obtained from the chambers of commerce listed below. However, statistics and other gages are either incomplete or nonexistent. Cyrenaican Chamber of Commerce, Benghazi. Tripoli Chamber of Commerce, Sciara Teheran 5, Tripoli. LUXEMBOURG See also Belgium. Advertising Agencies Mainly because of its close economic relationship with Belgium, Luxembourg has tended to use the advertising and marketing research facilities of that country rather than to develop such services locally. However, Luxembourg has excellent radio and TV broadcasting facilities. Radio Luxembourg is one of the most powerful and up-to-date broadcasting stations in the world, covering all Europe. It depends on sponsored programs for a large part of its income. The firms listed below are representative of the 8 or 10 agencies active in Luxembourg. Unless otherwise indicated, they provide advertising service to local and foreign clients via the media indicated. All are of Luxembourg nationality and cover all of the Grand Duchy. Agence de Publicite Maurice Benoy, 74 boulevard de la Pe"trusse, Luxembourg. Personnel: 4. All media, including radio and TV. Also, German, French, and English translations. Publi-Lux, 72 ave. de la Liberty, Luxembourg. Personnel: 8. All media, specializing in cinema slides and editing of catalogs. Publicite RECLAM, 13 Place d'Armes, Luxembourg. Personnel: 5. Media: Press, publications, outdoor, and transportation. Publicite Record, 48 ave. de la Gare, Luxembourg. Personnel : 3. All media, specializing in advertising via directories. Marketing Research Organizations None. See Belgium for organizations which cover Luxembourg. MACAO See Hong Kong. MADAGASCAR See Union of South Africa. 82 Martinique MADEIRA See Portugal. MALAYA See also Singapore. Advertising Agency Creative Advertising Service, 20-D Penang St., Penang. Chinese. Personnel : 17. Coverage : Penang, north Malaya, and southern Thailand. Advertising via radio, Chinese and Malay newspapers, cinema slides, window displays, and trade exhibition stands. Translations. Placement broker. Marketing Research Organizations None. MALTA All types of media are used, except TV. Except as specified, the firms listed offer counsel, art and copy work, translations, and media selection and place- ment. All firms cover the Maltese Islands. *D. J. Burgess & Co., 185/1 Old Bakery St., Valletta. British. Personnel : 11. Also, market analyses, opinion research and polls, and trade surveys. Media: Newspapers, buses, cinema, and radio, specializing in radio advertising. Commercial Advertising and Publishing Agency, 32/2 Strait St., Valletta. Maltese. Personnel: 3. Also, opinion research and polls. Placement broker. Specializes in silk screen printing ; organization and launching of contests ; and the drafting, printing, and distribution of circulars. Malta Publicity Services, Ltd., 157 Merchants St., Valetta. Maltese. Person- nel: 18. Also, opinion research and polls. Placement broker. All media, including direct mail. Pearl & Dean (Malta), Ltd., 292 Kingsway, Valletta. British. Personnel : 3. Producers of cinema advertising films. Inquiries from United States should be addressed to head office, Pearl & Bean (Overseas), Ltd., S3 Dover St., London, W. 1. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agency indicated by an asterisk. MARTINIQUE See French West Indies. 83 Mauritius, MAURITIUS See Union of South Africa. MEXICO Advertising Agencies Advertising in Mexico has reached a high degree of development, particularly in artwork and production facilities. All types of media are used, including TV, which covers a wide region around the Federal Capital as well as several of the larger cities. Commercial broadcasts via privately owned radio sta- tions are the leading media and reach most of the important sections in Mexico. Cinema advertising is also effective. Outdoor advertising is prohibited on high- ways, but neon and electric signs and paintings on sides of buildings are widely used in cities. There are 42 newspapers and 15 magazines with national cover- age, plus an extremely large number of publications with regional coverage. The services rendered by the large agencies are comparable with those offered by similar agencies in the United States. Subsidiaries of United States agencies operating in Mexico generally follow the organizational and management policies of the parent company. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed offer com- plete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations, media selection, and placement via all types of media. Most of the larger agencies have their own creative art departments, maintain mailing lists, and offer publicity for fairs, exhibitions, and conventions. Many have their own printing facilities for color as well as black and white reproduction. Asterisks indicate those firms which offer marketing research and trade and industry studies for advertising clients. Unless otherwise indicated, all firms are of Mexican nationality and cover all of Mexico. Note: "Desp." (Despacho) means office or room number. Chihuahua, Chihuahua Publicidad Botello, Edificio CIMSA, Desp. 9 (Apartado Postal 238), Chihuahua. Personnel : 5. Coverage : State of Chihuahua. All media except TV. Guadalajara, Jalisco *McPherson de Mexico, S.A. (promociones), Av. Judrez 330, Desp. 106-108, Guadalajara. Operates on a piecework basis with an average of 20 part-time employees. Marketing research, trade and industry studies, and translations. Media: Newspapers, trade journals, catalogs, radio, and outdoor. Affiliate of McPherson Advertising Corp., St. Louis, Mo. Salvador de Aguinaga, Av. Judrez 330, Desp. 307, Guadalajara. Personnel : 16. Coverage : Western and central Mexico. Media : Newspapers, trade journals, and radio. Publicidad Saiffe, Av. Corona 82, Guadalajara. Personnel: 12. Coverage: Western and central Mexico. Media: Newspapers, periodicals, radio, and out- door. Has offset equipment for printing. 84 Mex/co Publicidad Serrano, Av. Coldn 115, Desp. 530, Guadalajara. Personnel: 6. Coverage : Western and central Mexico. Media : Newspapers, periodicals, radio, and outdoor. Mexicall, Baja California Publicidad y Anuncios de Mexicali, Morelos 163 (Apartado Postal 1639), Mexicali. Personnel : 8. Coverage : Baja California, northwestern Sonora, and extreme southern areas of California and Arizona. Media: Newspapers, peri- odicals, radio and TV, billboards, and neon signs. Nontechnical translations. Mexico, D.F. *Dillon-Cousins de Mexico, S.A., Reforma 103, Mexico, D.F. Personnel: 50. Also, opinion research and polls, publicity services. Parent firm : Dillon-Cousins & Associates, Inc., 500 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. *Foote, Cone & Belding de Mexico, S.A., Av. Insurgentes Sur 102, Mexico 6, D.F. Personnel: 31. Also, opinion research and polls, publicity services. Parent firm : Foote, Cone & Belding, 247 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *Grant Advertising, S.A., Reforma 241, Mexico, D.F. Personnel: 90. Sub- agency in Monterrey, N.L., Mexico. Also, studies of media penetration and analyses of publicity and sales. Placement broker. Parent firm : Grant Adver- tising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. *Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc., Av. Insurgentes Sur 102, Mexico, D.F. Parent firm : Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc., 247 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *McCann-Erickson de Mexico, S.A., La Fragua 4, Mexico, D.F. Coverage in- cludes Central America. Market survey service includes investigation of con- sumer and retail markets. Parent firm : McCann-Erickson, Inc., 485 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *Noble Advertising Co., Plaza de la Republica 26, Mexico, D.F. American. Personnel: 90. Also, publicity services. Marketing research services include consumer studies and name-prestige value studies. Promocion y Publicidad, S.A., Niza 6, Mexico, D.F. Media: Colored and 3- dimensional displays, illuminated and moving displays, pamphlets, catalogs, circulars, packaging designs, and outdoor advertising. Sales campaign planning, including promotion of new products. Market surveys in cooperation with specialized firms. Media selection service. Placement broker. *Publicidad Continental, S.A., Av. Chapultepec 157, Mexico 6, D.F. Personnel : 40. Also, market analyses with special emphasis on and experience in the construction industry, furniture, soft drinks, electrical supplies, insurance, ready- made clothing, and chemical products. Publicity campaigns of all kinds. *Publicidad D'Arcy, S.A., Melchor Ocampo 469, Mexico, D.F. Personnel: 52. Also, market analyses with special emphasis on consumption goods markets. Parent firm : D'Arcy Advertising Co., St. Louis, Mo. Publicidad y Fomento de Ventas, S.A., Reforma 369, Mexico, D.F. Personnel : 19. Covers Federal District only. Also, complete commercial art service ; and translations with special experience in automotive, refrigeration, and foodstuffs fields. Specializes in industrial accounts. Publicidad Salas, S.A., Bucareli 109, Mexico, D.F. Personnel: 45. Also, pub- licity services, placement broker. 85 M ex/ co Publicidad Universal, S.A., Londres No. 75, Desp. 202, Mexico, D.F. Person- nel : 20. Also, product acceptance surveys related to advertising services, moti- vation research for clients, and technical and scientific translating service in Spanish-English or English-Spanish. Specializes in introduction of new products. *Walter Thompson de Mexico, S.A., Melchor Ocampo 469, Mexico 5, D.F. Personnel : 140. Coverage includes Central America. Also, sales analysis, product-market analysis, and consumption and distribution pattern studies. Placement broker. Parent firm : J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. * Young & Rubicam de Mexico, S.A., Av. Juarez 117, Mexico 1, D.F. (Apartado Postal 21173.) Personnel: 63. Also, public relations programs of all kinds, consumer research, etc. Parent firm : Young & Rubicam, Inc., 285 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Publicidad Dirigida, S.A., Hidalgo 385, Poniente (Apartado Postal i486), Monterrey. Personnel : 29. Also, translations for clients. ♦Publicidad Nortena, S. de R.L. de C.V., Edificio Chapa, Desp. 405, Monterrey. American. Personnel: 9. Coverage: Northern States of Mexico. Also, mar- keting research. Publicidad Regiomontana, S.A., Escotedo 140 Sur. Desp. 301 (Apartado Postal 601 ) , Monterrey. Personnel : 32. Coverage includes Guatemala. Tampko, Tamaulipas Note: The coverage of the firms listed below is limited to Tampico and vicinity. Publicidad del Golfo, S.A., Plaza de la Libertad (Apartado Postal 1053), Tam- pico. Personnel: 4. All media, specializing in documentary, commercial, and cultural films. Publicidad Huasteca, S.A., S. D. Miron 301 Ote. Altos. (Apartado Postal 734), Tampico. Personnel : 17. Media : Newspapers, radio and TV, and posters and billboards. Publicidad Moderna, S. de R.L., Madera 607 Ote. (Apartado Postal 874), Tam- pico. Personnel: 6. Specializes in billboard advertising. Other media: News- papers, transportation, and novelties. Publicine, S. D. Miron 212 Ote, Tampico. Personnel : 7. Specializes in cinema shorts. Other media: Newspapers, trade journals, magazines, radio, and bus placards. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Energia Dirigida, S.A., Edificio Chapa 1208 (Apartado Postal 1090), Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. American. Personnel: 10. Branch in Mexico, D.F. Coverage: Mexico. Specializes in consumer and industrial surveys as well as motivation research, including introduction of new products, consumer preferences and attitudes, basic economic studies, market-share analysis, and media research. 86 , Morocco Public opinion polls when related to commercial products or organizations. Translations for clients. Intercontinental Marketing Service, S.A. de C.V., Cerrada de Varsovia 7, Mexico, D.F. American. Also known as Science Information Bureau, a division of IMS. Personnel: 25. Coverage: Latin America. Complete service in the commercial and industrial marketing research field. Has a full-time staff of field workers trained in psychological research techniques and is experienced in motivational research. Validity of statistical data gathered is tested where possible. Also, public opinion research and industrial or economic studies. Has had special experience in the pharmaceutical line. Translations for clients. International Research Associates, S.A. de C.V., Vallarta 1, Mexico 4, D.F. Personnel: 100, including trained field workers. Coverage includes Central America. Market surveys, economic and industrial studies, public opinion analy- sis and polls. Within these categories offers a wide variety of specialized services such as consumer or dealer surveys, share-of-market and brand preference studies, media and audience research, advertising effectiveness studies, public relations research, employee attitude studies, sales forecasting, product testing, motivational research, and store audits. Conducts continuing TV and radio audience surveys and uses probability sampling. Firm maintains a permanent interview staff, permanent coders, and electronic computer installation. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. Spencer, Hall & Co., S.A., Venustiano Carranza 39, Mexico, D.F. American. Offers market survey services in consumption and capital goods fields. Has handled readership, new product, and trade surveys for United States firms. Techniques include sales analysis, competitive production, import data, com- parative prices, direct interviews, packaging studies, raw-material availability, sales programing, traffic studies, etc. MOROCCO Advertising Agencies Newspapers, semigovernmental publications, directories, and trade journals are among the most popular advertising media in Morocco, followed by bill- boards, cinema shorts and slides, and radio. Sound systems for vocal advertis- ing during fairs and sporting events are widely used. Advertising via public transportation and direct mail is of moderate importance only. The advertising industry is concentrated in Casablanca. Unless otherwise indicated, the firms listed plan, prepare, and place advertising via all local media. Asterisks indicate firms which state that they will undertake marketing research for advertising clients on request, although their activities in this line are limited by lack of adequate statistics and professional personnel. Except as noted, firms are of French nationality and cover all of Morocco. Information on translating facilities and advice concerning placement of advertising in French, Spanish, or Arabic may be obtained from these firms on request. ♦Agence Havas Marocaine, 8 rue Colbert, Casablanca. Personnel: 15. All forms of advertising, publicity, and sales promotion. Placement broker. Sub- sidiaries, Society Marocaine de Publicite Cinematographique and Afric Film Maroc, at same address, handle cinema advertising for Havas. Head office, 62 rue Richelieu, Paris, France. 87 Mozambique (Portuguese East Africa). *Agence Marocaine d'Information et de Presse, 9 boulevard Denis Papin, Casablanca. Personnel : From 2 to 10, as needed. Also, opinion research polls (especially among Arab population). Agence Marocaine de Publicite, 88 boulevard Mohammed V, Casablanca. Has 6 branches in Morocco. Total personnel: 140. Handles all advertising for a large local publishing concern (newspapers, magazines, directories, etc.) and for the Casablanca International Fair catalog. Has own staff of copywriters and artists. Affiliate, Publi-Maroc, 37 rue Amiral Courbet, Casablanca, handles outdoor and transportation advertising for the firm. *Amal-Maroc, 11 rue Caporal Beaux, Casablanca. Moroccan. Personnel: 5. Also, project studies, opinion research, trade and industry surveys, translations in French and Arabic. Cherifienne d'Editions et de Publicite, 11 rue de VHorloge, Casablanca. Per- sonnel : 15. Coverage includes French West and Equatorial Africa and Mada- gascar. Handles mainly press advertising and publishes advertising folders and pamphlets. Also, posters, novelties, etc. Subsidiaries at same address, Univers and Universal Publicity, handle sound publicity for Casablanca Inter- national Fair, sports events, etc., as well as neon and other signs. *Publi-Deco, 23 rue Lafayette, Casablanca. Personnel: 10. Also, market analyses and opinion research. Publi-Maghreb, 58 rue Vedrines, Casablanca. Personnel : 10. Also, placement broker, translations in Arabic, advertising in Arabic edition of Casablanca telephone directory. Publi-Presse, 127 ave. Mers-Sultan, Casablanca. Personnel: 5. Advertising via newspapers, magazines, and posters. Marketing Research Organizations None. MOZAMBIQUE (PORTUGUESE EAST AFRICA) See also Portugal. Advertising Agencies A considerable amount of Portuguese-language advertising is done via news- papers, other publications, cinema, outdoor, transportation, and radio (mainly through the Radio Clube de Mozambique, Lourenco Marques). Calendars, novelties, illuminated signs, etc., are also used. The firms listed plan, prepare, and place advertising via all available media. Except as noted, all are of Portu- guese nationality and cover all of Mozambique. Agenda Colonial de Publicidade, 72 Ave. da Republica (Post Office Box 895), Lourenco Marques. Personnel : 8 and 12 canvassing agents on commission basis. Also, exclusive advertising agents for local area telephone directories and for Radio Clube de Mozambique. * Agenda d-e Publicidade Arauto (also Elmano Maria da Cunha A. F. da Silva), 86 Rua Salazar, Lourenco Marques. Sole proprietorship. Advertising material is prepared by outside organizations on a commission basis. Specializes in 88 .Netherlands r The introducing trademark products on the Mozambique market. Also, market analyses, opinion research, and translations. Sociedade Mozambique, Ltda. (SOMOL), Rua Nuno Alvares Pereira (Post Office Box 152), Mozambique. Personnel : 4. Coverage : Districts of Mozambique, Niassa, and Lago. All media, including direct mail and novelties. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agency indicated by an asterisk. NETHERLANDS, THE Advertising Agencies Important media are newspapers, numerous technical and professional jour- nals, direct mail and direct advertising, transportation, cinema, point-of-sale materials, demonstrations and exhibitions, and, in the larger cities, posters, neon signs, etc. There is virtually no outdoor advertising in the countryside. Pre- mium advertising is regulated by law. The Government-controlled radio does not accept advertising, but a few firms conduct radio and TV advertising via Radio Luxembourg. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed below offer complete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations in Dutch and other languages, media selection, and placement. Asterisks indi- cate firms which offer market analyses, trade and industry surveys, and opinion research and polls to advertising clients. All firms are of Netherlands nationality and cover all of the Netherlands, and other areas as indicated. Algemeene Publiciteits Unie, 278-280 N.Z. Voorourgwal, Amsterdam C. Hold- ing company for the following specialized advertising agencies, all located at the same address: Cefima, for cinema advertising. *De La Mar. Azn., general advertising consultant, market analysis, public opinion research, creative work for newspaper, periodical, and direct-mail advertising, as well as calendars and novelties. Branches in The Hague, Rotterdam, and Eindhoven. Hypsos, for fair and exhibition projects. Integrex, for television (at present only via Radio Luxembourg). Publex, for outdoor and billboard advertising. Has 250 employees. Associ- ated with companies in Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, and France. Bauduin, Nederlands Reclame-Adviesbureau, 224 Amstel, Amsterdam. Per- sonnel : 40. Coverage includes West Germany and Belgium through associates. Specializes in advertising on technical subjects and in cinema slides or programs. Also, direct-mail advertising. Market analyses and opinion research through local institutes. *H.V.R., N.V., Reclame en Adviesbureau, 67 Noordemde, The Hague. Person- nel : 50. Coverage includes West Germany, Belgium, and Great Britain through associates. Specializes in consumer goods advertising via newspapers, periodi- cals, cinema, direct mail, calendars, and novelties. *NationaIe Publiciteite Onderneming N.P.O., N.V., 1 Amaliastraat, The Hague. Personnel: 40. Media : Advertising films (produced in own studio), direct mail, and tram and bus advertising. 89 Netherlands, The. Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Adviesbureau voor Reclame en Algemeen Advertentie- bureau, N.V., Oroothandelsgeoouw, %5 Stationsplein, Rotterdam. Personnel : 83. Branches in Amsterdam and The Hague. All types of advertising in the Netherlands and Western Europe, including radio and TV via Radio Luxembourg. Marketing and opinion research on a subcontract basis with local institutes. Member of Plan International (see Appendix). *C. J. Palm, N.V., 10 Sarphatikade, Amsterdam C. Personnel : 60. Branch in The Hague. Coverage includes West Germany and Belgium. All types of advertising including radio and TV via Radio Luxembourg. Specializes in brand-name advertising. Staal Publiciteit, N.V., 90 Wijnstraat, Rotterdam. Personnel : 18. Specializes in newspaper, periodical, printed matter, and photographic advertising. For complete campaigns, enlists the services of specialized organizations as necessary. Suggestief, Reclame Advies & Erkend Advertentiebureau, N.V., 332 Keizers- gracht, Amsterdam C. Personnel: 25. Specializes in cinema advertising and creative work, has film laboratory and studio. Also, direct-mail advertising, and radio and TV via Radio Luxembourg. *J. Walter Thompson Co., N.V., Museumplein 4, Amsterdam. Parent firm: J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Marten Toonder Studios, 455 Herengracht, Amsterdam C. Personnel: 50. Specializes in cinema slides, film strips, and educational films, produced in firm's own studios. Coverage includes Belgium, France, West Germany, Spain, and South America. Van Alfen Adviesbureau voor Reclame, 615 Herengracht, Amsterdam G. Per- sonnel: 64. Coverage includes Africa for some large Dutch firms. Complete campaigns via all media, but subcontracts marketing research, fair and exhibi- tion publicity, and similar activities to specialized organizations. Frits Van Alphen, Reclamebureau, N.V., Hirschgeoouw, Leidscheplein, Am- sterdam C. Personnel: 20 plus free-lance specialists. Media: Newspapers, periodicals, technical and trade papers, cinema, billboards, and trams and buses. *N.V. Van Hees Advertentiekantoor, 392 Herengracht, Amsterdam. Personnel : About 50. Branch in Arnhem. All types of advertising in the Netherlands and Western Europe. Subcontracts direct mail, canvassing, and similar services to specialized agencies. Marketing research and sales promotion activities include a consumer panel. Member of CAMA (Continental Advertising and Marketing Agencies) group (see Appendix). Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Firms listed are of Netherlands nationality and cover the Netherlands. Centraal Instituut voor Industrie Ontwikkeling (C.I.V.I.), 28 Bezuidenhout- scheweg, The Hague. Personnel: 25, including economists and technicians. Semiofficial foundation, engaged in technical-economic research on behalf of industries wishing to expand activities in Western Europe or considering new plants there. Has regular contact with the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs. Specializes in research on behalf of the chemical, metalworking, and textile industries. Nederlandsche Stichting voor Statistiek (Netherlands Foundation for Sta- tistical Research), 1 Bankaplein, The Hague. Personnel : 35 professionals plus some 400 part-time interviewers. Conducts consumer research, dealer studies, 90 Netherlands Antilles industrial surveys, studies of copy-testing to measure advertising effectiveness, media studies (including a continuing radio audience survey) , sociological studies, and motivation research. Both quota and probability sampling are used. The sample design comprises 120 sample points throughout the country, and special probability samples are available for cities of 10,000 population and larger. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. See also INRA-EUROPE, Bad Godesberg, Germany. Nederlands Instituut voor de Publieke Opinie and affiliated Instituut voor Markt Verkenning, 58 Nieuwe Keizersgracht, Amsterdam C. Personnel : 40, plus part-time investigators as required. Subsidiary in Brussels, Institute pour l'Etude des Marches, S.A. Opinion research and polls, market analyses, includ- ing studies of demand, consumption, consumer preferences, competitive factors, products, advertising, distribution, and households. Also, trade and industry surveys. Affiliate of American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N.J. P. C. de Bruyn, 44 Laan van Leeuwesteyn, Voorourg. Personnel : 2. Consultant on foreign trade and investment matters ; local market research and advertising campaigns. NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Advertising Agencies Agency business is developing as local firms increasingly realize the value of advertising. Principal media are newspapers (published in Dutch, Papiamento, Spanish, and English), radio (an estimated 25,000 receiving sets in CUracao and 10,000 in Aruba), cinema, outdoor and transportation, direct mail, and calendars and novelties. Unless otherwise indicated, the firms listed plan, prepare, and place advertising via all local media, including translations for clients. All three plan to provide TV advertising service via Curacao's first station, scheduled to begin operations in the near future. They cover Curacao, and Aruba to some extent. (Aruba firms usually draft their own advertisements for newspaper and radio publication, or to be printed in handbill form. Some are furnished layout mats by foreign suppliers.) *Carab N.V. (Carab Advertising, Inc.), Post Office Box 480, Curacao. Dutch. Personnel : 4. Creative work ; printing ; and market, opinion, and industry sur- veys. All media except direct mail. R. J. Dovale, Advertising, Keukenstraat 14, Curacao. American. Personnel : 7. Creative work. All media, including direct mail. Su Provecho, Post Office Box 14%, Curacao. Dutch. Primarily a placement broker. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agency indicated by an asterisk. Any complete market, trade, or opinion survey is difficult to make because ot the lack of detailed popu- lation statistics. Collection of data for breakdowns of age, nationality, income, or ethnic groups is only in the planning state. 91 New Caledonia. NEW CALEDONIA Advertising Agencies None, and no marketing research facilities, except those of the Noumea Cham- ber of Commerce, which will supply brief information on local market oppor- tunities or market conditions. The Noumea newspapers, "Bulletin de Commerce" and "La France Australe," will normally accept foreign advertisements, which must be placed with the papers direct and not through an agency. NEW ZEALAND Advertising Agencies Most advertising is done through the press and radio. The country is well served with daily and weekly newspapers, as well as business magazines and periodicals, many with national circulation. Radio reaches about 93 percent of the population. Cinema slides are shown in virtually all motion picture theaters, and mailing lists are obtainable. The major advertising agencies render a high standard of service and some have facilities for making comprehensive market surveys, formulating and de- veloping sales policies, and rendering other useful specialized services. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed offer complete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, media selection, and placement via all types of media (most of these firms also act as placement brokers). All offer direct-mail service. Asterisks indicate firms which are staffed to carry out market research and analyses, opinion research and polls, and trade or industry surveys. Except as noted, firms are of New Zealand nationality and cover all of New Zealand. *Abel Advertising Agency, Ltd., 102 Albert St., Auckland. Personnel: 9. Advertising Associates, Ltd., Post Office Box 2350, Auckland. Personnel : 16. Also, marketing counsel. Marketing research and related services arranged through an outside organization. ♦Carlton Carruthers du Chateau and King, Ltd., Post Office Box 669, Welling- ton. Personnel : 77. Branches in Auckland and Christchurch. *Cassrels Advertising, Ltd., Post Office Box 2941, Auckland. Personnel: 8. Dormer Beck Advertising, Ltd., 12 O'Connell St., Auckland. Personnel: 60. Branch in Wellington. Marketing research and related services arranged through outside sources. *The Goldberg Advertising Agency, Ltd., Anvil House, Wakefield St., Welling- ton. Personnel : 36. Branch in Christchurch. A. G. Greene Advertising, Ltd., 504 Smith's Bldg., Albert St., Auckland. Personnel: 3. *W. Haythorn-Thwaite, Ltd., Post Office Box 1453, Auckland. Coverage in- cludes Fiji. Also, public relations work. *J. Illott, Ltd., Post Office Box 1491, Wellington. Personnel: 130. Branches in Auckland, Christchurch, and Dunedin. Jacka-Brown Advertising, 225 Hobson St., Auckland. Personnel: 8. Cover- age : Auckland Province. Also, opinion research and polls. 92 Nicaragua ♦Ian Mackay Advertising (Wellington), Ltd., D.I.G. Bldg., Wellington. Per- sonnel : 10. Also, general publicity, including printing. McKnight, Oliver & Bryce Advertising, Ltd., Evening Post Chambers, Willis St., Wellington. Personnel : 15. Also, market analyses. *Newson Stenberg Advertising, Ltd., 203 Symonds St., Auckland. Personnel : 11. *Rider Advertising, Ltd., Southern Cross Bldg., Chancery St., Auckland. Per- sonnel: 6. ♦James Sanders Advertising, Ltd., Post Office Box 3410, Auckland. Personnel : 7. ♦Spanjer Murdoch & Co., Ltd., Post Office Box 1066, Christchurch. Personnel : 30. Branches in Auckland and Wellington. ♦Walter J. Thompson Advertising, Ltd., Post Office Box 333, Auckland. (New Zealand firm ; not a branch of J. Walter Thompson Co., New York. ) Personnel : 18. Wardlaw Advertising Agency, Ltd., 6A Princes Court, Prince St., Auckland. Personnel : 11. Marketing research and related services arranged through out- side sources. Marketing Research Organization See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. A. C. Nielsen, Ltd., Post Office Box 2466, Wellington. Personnel: 12. Com- plete marketing research service. Parent firm: A. C. Nielsen Co., 2101 West Howard St., Chicago 45, 111. NICARAGUA Advertising Agencies Nicaragua is a small agricultural country with limited commercial markets. Advertising and research facilities have not evolved to the high state found in the more populous industrial countries of the world. Nevertheless, with the growth in the Nicaraguan economy since the close of World War II, efforts to influence consumer preference and competition in selling have become more evident Some of the local advertising is handled by newspapers and radio stations that either solicit or receive their copy direct. The bulk of the service for the entire country, however, is provided by the firms listed below. They are small but aggressive, and are reported as competent to handle advertising for any Ameri- can firm. Principal media used are newspapers, magazines, cinema, radio, out- door, and, to a lesser extent, TV, direct mail, and fairs and exhibitions. Ma- nagua's one TV station was opened in 1956. Except as indicated, the agencies listed plan, prepare, and place advertising via all local media and provide English-Spanish translations. Asterisks indi- cate firms which will undertake market analyses and opinion research for ad- vertising clients. All are of Nicaraguan nationality and cover all of Nicaragua. Spanish is the preferred language in commercial correspondence. ♦Agenda de Publicidad Bromel, Apartado Postal 43, Managua. Personnel : 5. Primarily a placement broker for all types of advertisements. 495641—59- 93 Nigeria ♦Agenda de Publicidad Cuadra Chamberlain, Apartado Postal MS, Managua. Personnel : 11. Also, art and copy work, placement broker, trade surveys. Media used include direct mail. Prepares TV commercials. Leonel Riguero & Co., Ltda., Apartado Postal 221 Managua. Personnel: 7. Outdoor and billboard advertising only. Handles most of this type of advertising in Nicaragua. ♦Publicidad Morales, Apartado Postal 989, Managua. Personnel: 10. Cov- erage includes all of Central America through associates. Also, art and copy work, placement broker. All media, including direct mail and technical and trade journals. Member of Publicistas Centroamericanos Asociados (see Appendix). Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. NIGERIA See Africa, British West. NORWAY Advertising Agencies Because of the smallness of the market, Norwegian advertising agencies are usually not specialized, but perform all functions in the advertising field. Nor- wegian agencies are prohibited by law from having branch offices in other parts of the country, but may associate with foreign agencies. In Norway there is no commercial radio broadcasting and, as yet, no TV ; otherwise, all types of media are used, with the press by far the leading advertising channel. Except as noted, the firms listed create and place advertising via all media. Each of these firms offers the following services : Counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations, media selection and placement, marketing research and analyses, trade or industry surveys, and commercial opinion research and polls. All act as placement brokers for all types of advertising, are of Norwegian nationality, and cover all of Norway. ♦Alfsen & Becker Autorisert Annonsebyraa (Alfsen & Becker Authorized Advertising Agency), Raadhusgaten 7B, Oslo. Personnel : 62. Has own motiva- tion research department ; conducts trade and industry surveys through special- ized institutes. Member of CAMA (Continental Advertising and Marketing Agencies) group (See Appendix). ♦Bergens Annonse-Byraa (Bergen Advertising Agency), Strandgaten 8, (Post- doles 811 ) , Bergen. Personnel : 35. ♦Fabritius Reklamebyra A/S (Fabritius Advertising Agency, Ltd.), Uni~ versitetsgaten 20, Oslo. Personnel: 65. Media: Newspapers, magazines, tech- nical and trade papers, and printed programs. Specializes in all types of printing. ♦Forenede Annonsebyraer A/S (United Advertising Agencies, Ltd.), Kr. Au- ffustsgate 19, Oslo. Personnel : 65. 94 Pakistan *A/S Gumaelius og Reklames Annonsebyraa (Gumaelius Advertising Agency), Kongensgate 15, Oslo. Personnel: 45. Associated with Swedish firm of same name. All media ; specializes in newspaper and periodical advertising. *A/S Hoydahl Ohme (Hoydahl Ohme, Ltd.), Roald Amundsensgate 1, Oslo. Personnel: 70. Member of Scandinavian Advertising Pool (see Appendix). ♦Kittelsen og Kvaerk (Kittelsen and Kvaerk), Bygdo Alle 59, Oslo. Per- sonnel : 27. ♦Myres Reklamebyra A/S (Myres Advertising Agency, Ltd.), Fr. Nansens Plass 6, Oslo. Personnel : 40. *Sorfang Reklame (Sorfang Advertising Agency), TordensTcjoldsgate 7, Oslo. Personnel : 20. Member of EMA group ( see Appendix ) . *Thau Reklamebyra A/S (Thau Advertising Agency, Ltd.), Grensen 15, Oslo. Personnel: 47. *Vestlandske Salgs- og Reklamebyra (Vestland Sales and Advertising Agency), Prinsensgate 22, Stavenger. Personnel : 15. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies listed above, which undertake marketing research as part of their normal activities. Marketing research in the specialized sense is relatively new in Norway and there are only 2 firms in this field. Fakta, Institute of Marketing and Opinion Research, Incognitogaten 18, Oslo. Personnel: 25, and 100 part-time interviewers. Marketing, advertising and opinion research. A national probability sample is used, which includes 150 sampling points. Detailed probability sampling specificatons are also available. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. See also INRA-EUROPE, Bad Godesberg, Germany. Norsk Gallup Institutt A/S (Norwegian Gallup Institute, Ltd.), Huitfeldtsgate 51, Oslo. Personnel : Full time : Norway 12, Denmark 12, Iceland ; part time, Norway 200, Denmark 150, Iceland 50. Branches in Denmark and Iceland. Market analyses, including studies of demand, consumption, consumer prefer- ences, competitive factors, products, advertising, distribution, and households. Also, opinion research and polls. Affiliate of American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N.J. NYASALAND See Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federation of. OCEANIA See Australia. PAKISTAN Advertising Agencies Pakistan, created in August 1947 by the partition of British India, has an area of 364,737 square miles and a population of 83,600,000. It comprises East Pakistan and West Pakistan, separated by a thousand miles of Indian territory. 95 Pakistan Although there are numerous small advertising agencies in the principal cities of the country, aggressive merchandising has been the exception rather than the rule. Advertising is mainly confined to newspapers, periodicals, billboards, and motion pictures, and is of limited use owing to the literacy rate (estimated at 13 percent). Vernacular and English-language newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals are estimated to have a total circulation of 250,000. There are few technical publications. The Government-controlled radio accepts no advertising. Urdu is the language most widely used in West Pakistan, while Bengali is the most important language in East Pakistan. Throughout Pakistan, the accepted language in business and in most Government offices is English. The firms listed are representative of the larger general and specialized agencies. Except as indicated, they plan, create, and place advertising via all local media and offer translating service for advertising clients. Asterisks indicate firms which undertake market analyses, but not marketing or opinion research in the specialized sense. Unless otherwise noted, firms are of Pakistani nationality and cover both East and West Pakistan. Karachi {West Pakistan) ♦Adarts (Karachi), Ltd., 154 Mcleod Rd. Personnel : 30. Branches in Lahore and Dacca. Also, trade and industry surveys, placement broker. *Grant Advertising, Inc., 12 Hotel Metropole, Victoria Rd. Personnel: 15. Also, placement broker. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michi- gan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. Kays Advertising and Studios, 1 West Wharf Rd. Personnel : 9. *D. J. Keymer & Co., Ltd., Variawa Bldg., Mcleod Rd. Personnel : 30. Repre- sentatives at Lahore and Dacca. Coverage includes Goa (Portuguese India). Also, trade surveys, placement broker. *Kontakts, Ltd., Mcleod Rd. Personnel : 30. Branches in Lahore and Rawal- pindi. Also, placement broker. Krosites, Ltd., 25 Cowie Rd. oft Queensway. Personnel: 12. Branches in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar. Outdoor and billboard advertising only, includ- ing creative work. ♦Manhattan Advertising, Drigh Rd., Personnel : 31. Branch in Lahore. Cov- erage includes India, portions of Middle East, and East Africa. Also, trade sur- veys, placement broker. Stronachs Advertising, Ltd., 10 Nadir House, Mcleod Rd. (Post Office Box 4788). Also, placement broker. Head office : Stronachs Advertising, Ltd., 150 Fleet St., London, E.C. 4. * J. Walter Thompson Far Eastern Co., Post Office Box 270 or Nelson Chambers, Mcleod Rd. Personnel: 22. Also, placement broker. Parent firm: J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. United Advertisers, 202-204 Qamar House, Bunder Rd. Personnel : 16. Branch in Lahore. Also, placement broker. Lahore (West Pakistan) Adsells Outdoor Advertising Agents, Mool Chand Bldg., Roberts Rd. Person- nel: 17. Branches in Lyallpur, Rawalpindi, and Multan. Coverage: Former Provinces of Punjab and North West Frontier. Specializes in billboards ; also, cinema slides and novelties. 96 Panama Barque & Co., Ltd., 6 The Mall. Personnel: 53. Branches in Karachi and Dacca. International coverage through associates. Also, trade and industry- surveys. *Crescent Publicity Service, 2A Shahdin Bldg., The Mall. Personnel: 10. Also, trade or industry surveys. *Ideal Publicity Service, Mool Chand Bldg., Roberts Rd. Personnel: 17. Branches in Lyallpur, Rawalpindi, and Multan. Coverage: Former Provinces of Punjab and North West Frontier. All media, specializing in bus placards. Also, trade and industry surveys. Rawalpindi (West Pakistan) *Paktisers (Reg'd.), Raja Bazar. Personnel: 6. Coverage: West Pakistan ( especially North West Pakistan ) . All media. Chittagong (East Pakistan) Art-O-Sign, 54 New Market (Post Office Box J^O). Personnel: 28. Branches throughout East and West Pakistan. All media. Dacca (East Pakistan) * Advertising Corporation, Ltd., Oulistan Bldg., Rama. Personnel: 25. Branches in Karachi and Calcutta. Coverage includes India. Also, placement broker. Herald Publicity Service, 21 PadmanidM Lane. Personnel : 9. All media. Purbachal Art Publicity, 1-2 Nawabpur Rd. Personnel : 5. Specializes in out- door signs and displays. Offers design and block services. Wonder Sign Publicity, 2 Nawabpur Rd. All media. Marketing Research Organizations None. Advertising agencies indicated by asterisks offer market analyses for advertising clients. Marketing research facilities are virtually nonexistent. PALESTINE See Israel. PANAMA Advertising Agencies The advertising industry in the Republic of Panama has grown substantially during the post-World War II period. Several new agencies have been organized and the industry as a whole appears to have good facilities to serve an expanding market. 97 Paraguay In general, United States advertising methods are used, but on a smaller scale. The principal channels for advertising are newspapers, radio, outdoor and trans- portation, and cinema. These are supplemented during the Christmas season and on special occasions by distribution of calendars, catalogs, novelties, and the like. A considerable quantity of such material is imported from the United States. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed plan, create, and place advertising via all local media. Asterisks indicate firms which offer market analyses, trade or industry surveys, and opinion research in connection with advertising cam- paigns. Except as noted, firms are of Panamanian nationality and cover all of Panama and the Canal Zone. Panama City Artes Industrials, S.A. (ARTISA), Post Office Box 1020. Personnel : 6. Cover- age includes all of Central America. Media : Outdoor and transportation, cal- endars, novelties, exhibits. Cia. Mendieta, S.A., Post Office Box 1416. Personnel : 4. Also, opinion research, translations. Specializes in outdoor advertising. Corporacion Publicitaria, S.A., Post Office Box ^21. Also, market analyses, translations. *Grant Advertising de Panama, S.A., Post Office Box 819. Personnel : 15. Also, translations. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. Propaganda, S.A., Post Office Box 1~833. Personnel : 8. Branch in Costa Rica. Also, market analyses. Publicidad Diaz, Post Office Box 1290. Personnel : 7. Branch in Colon. Cover- age : Panama. Publicidad EFE, Post Office Box 1035. Personnel: 3. Media: Newspapers, magazines, catalogs, direct mail. Also demonstrations and public relations service. Publicidad Intern acional, S.A., Post Office Box 162 4. Personnel : 4. Coverage includes Mexico. Outdoor and transportation advertising. Also, silk screen printing. Publicidad Ricat, Post Office Box 3167. Personnel : 5. Also, industry surveys. *Servicios Mykland, Post Office Box 1172. Personnel : 4. Also, translations. Member of Publicistas Centroamericanos Asociados (see Appendix). Marketing Research Organization See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Senorita Carmen A. Miro, Post Office Box 1721, Panama. Market analyses and opinion research polls. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. PARAGUAY Advertising Agencies Newspapers, radio broadcasts, posters, and neon signs are the principal ad- vertising media. Television has not yet been introduced into Paraguay. 98 Peru The country's 3 advertising agencies use all standard media and cooperate with each other to provide advertising services to their clients, for example, by subcontracting a portion of a client's account to another agency which may be more specialized in a particular medium. All 3, on the basis of this coopera- tion, can undertake complete campaigns and plan, prepare, and place advertising via all local media. Their services include market analyses and opinion research for advertising clients, art and copy work, and translations. All are of Para- guayan nationality and cover all of Paraguay. Correspondence and advertising copy should be in Spanish. "Cumbre" Publicidad, Estrella 267, Asuncidn. Personnel: 17. Branch: En- carnacion, Paraguay. "Luxol" Publicidad, Palma 70, Asuncidn. Personnel: 20. Branch: Buenos Aires, Argentina. "R" Publicidad, Estrella 836, Asuncidn. Personnel: 22. Branches: Buenos Aires, Argentina ; Montevideo, Uruguay ; Santiago, Chile. Marketing Research Organizations None. The 3 advertising agencies listed above state that they are ready to provide market analyses on request. PERU Advertising Agencies The advertising industry in Peru is concentrated in Lima, the country's commercial, industrial, and financial center. The daily newspapers constitute the principal advertising medium, while radio ranks second. Magazine and periodical publishing has not been developed to any great extent. Commercially sponsored programs and spot commercial announcements are transmitted through Peru's 30 radio stations. Other forms of advertising are billboards, cinema, direct mail, and neon signs. Planning for establishment of several TV stations is in progress. In recent years, the inauguration of more aggressive sales promotion by local manufacturers and importers has had a considerable impact on merchandising. There has been an increase in the number of advertising agencies and in adver- tising services available. The agencies listed below offer complete service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations into Spanish or Indian vernaculars, and placement via all local media. Asterisks indicate firms which will undertake market analyses in connection with advertising campaigns. Except as noted, firms are of Peruvian nationality and cover all of Peru. Lima ♦Grant Advertising, S.A., Av. Wilson 911. Personnel : 15. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. *McCann-Erickson Corp. Publicidad, S.A., Av. Wilson 911. Personnel: 45. Parent firm : McCann-Erickson, Inc., 485 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. 99 Philippines ____ Publicidad Causa, S.A., Av. Uruguay 355. Personnel : 42. Publicidad Lowder, S.A., J iron Camana 631. Personnel: 40. Publicidad Peru, S.A., Av. Tacna 592. Personnel : 22. Publicitas S. YA., Jiron Apurimac 224. Personnel : 10. *J. Walter Thompson Peruana, Av. Wilson 1218 (Apartado Postal 3178). Per- sonnel: 30. Parent firm: J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17. N.Y. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. The firms listed below are of Peruvian nationality and cover all of Peru. Carlos A. Uriarte, Av. Wilson 911, Lima. Field staff : 2 full-time supervisors and 56 trained interviewers. Market and opinion research, media, copy, and motivation research. The probability sampling method is used, and there is a special sample design for 9 principal cities. The office has electronic equipment for processing data. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave.. New York 1, N.Y. Andres Vernal, Consultores, Av. Manco Capac 639, Lima. Personnel : 16, in- cluding 2 researchers. Market analyses, specialized trade or industry surveys, statistical services, translations. Publisher of general commercial information. PHILIPPINES Advertising Agencies Under the impact of many years of close economic ties with the United States, consumption habits, as well as merchandising and advertising methods, tend to follow American patterns. Although the Philippines is generally described as a price market, Filipinos are extremely brand conscious. American brands enjoy a preference in most lines, and it is difficult to introduce a new line when a sim- ilar commodity of a different brand is already firmly established. All forms of advertising are used, including radio and TV. Other effective media are cinema, outdoor and transportation, direct mail, and direct advertising. Numerous newspapers and periodicals are published ; those of general circulation are printed in English, which is virtually the sole language of Government, trade, and industry and is spoken by more than a quarter of the population. Most of the principal dialects are represented in print media, and radio stations, depend- ing on the region covered, have broadcasts in one or more of various dialects and in Spanish in addition to English. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed below offer complete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations into Spanish or native languages as necessary, media selection, and placement via all local media. Asterisks indicate firms which offer market analyses, opinion re- search and polls, and specialized trade or industry surveys in connection with advertising campaigns. Except as noted, firms are of Filipino nationality and cover all of the Philippines. *Ace Advertising Agency, Inc., Boie Bldg., Escolta St., Manila. Personnel: 22 Also, public relations. 100 Philippines ♦Admakers, 147-149 Balagtas, Pasay City (Post Office Box 650), Manila. Per- sonnel: 40. Coverage: Entire Philippines for radio and Manila for newspaper and publications. Facilities include film creation and production and mobile unit advertising. Also, public relations. Placement broker. Advertising Associates, Inc., Isla de Provisor (Post Office Box 785), Manila. Personnel: 140. Has 6 branches throughout the Island of Luzon. Coverage: Luzon, except Bicol. Specializes in outdoor and transportation advertising, cal- endars and novelties, neon signs, and screen process printing. Manufacturer of billboards and all types of signs. Art Domingo & Associates, 206 Myers Bldg., Port Area (Post Office Box 1632), Manila. Dutch-Filipino. Personnel : 12. Also, public relations. ♦Grant Advertising (Philippines), Inc., 104 Vito Cruz (Post Office Box 2251), Manila. Personnel : 40. Also, public relations. Placement broker. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. Great Wall Advertising, 141-143 Yakal St., Makati, Rizal, Manila. Chinese. Personnel : 50. Also, public relations. Hi-Art Reproductions, Inc., 141 Yakal St., Makati, Ridal (Post Office Box 2541), Manila. Filipino-Chinese. Personnel: 20. Coverage: Luzon. Outdoor and billboard advertising only. Modern Advertising Co., Inc., 146 Porvenir, Pasay City. Chinese. Personnel : 22. *Philprom, Inc., 640 Vito Cruz (Post Office Box 1395), Manila. Personnel : 60. Also, public relations, sales promotion. *J. Walter Thompson Co. (Philippines), Mary Bachrach Bldg., Port Area (Post Office Box 1399), Manila. Personnel : 70. Also, public relations, film production. Parent firm: J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. The firms listed below cover all of the Philippines. Mercantile, Inc., El Hogar Filipino Bldg., Juan Luna St. (Post Office Box 11 41 ) , Manila. American-Filipino. Personnel: 70. Branch at 334 Nueva, Manila. Market analyses, opinion research and polls, and specialized trade and industry surveys, including translations for research clients. Has electronic computer for tabulation of business statistics. Other services: Direct mailing of prospect lists, promotions, samples, handbills, typing and duplicating, delivery, and adver- tising via direct mail, calendars, and novelties. Philippine Investment-Management Consultants, Inc., 516 Roman Santos Bldg., Plaza Goiti, Manila. Filipino- American. Personnel : 40. In addition to invest- ment-management counseling services, offers market, financial, and investment analyses and specialized trade and industry surveys. L. G. Wagner (Manila), Ltd., 4O6 Avala Bldg., Manila. Conducts media re- search, consumer attitude and habits research, trade analyses, etc. Uses a probability sample design which is countrywide, with a regular field staff of 4, augmented by additional part-time interviewers and supervisors as required. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. 101 Portugal PORTUGAL Advertising Agencies Lisbon is by far the most important commercial city of Portugal and is the center of the advertising and publishing industries. Newspaper advertising is the method most commonly employed to stimulate sales. Motion-picture pro- grams also carry advertising material, and there are two commercial radio stations. Other standard media, including outdoor and transportation, periodi- cals, direct mail, point-of-sale, etc., are also used. All of the firms listed below are general agencies which plan, create, and place all types of advertising for clients in Portugal and other countries. Their services include maintenance of mailing lists, and translations. Asterisks indicate firms which offer market analyses and opinion research for advertising clients. Except as noted, all are of Portuguese nationality and cover all of metropolitan Portugal. ♦Agenda Havas, Rua do Ouro 234, Lisbon. Personnel : 44. Branch in Oporto. Head office : 62 rue Richelieu, Paris. ♦Agenda Portuguesa de Publicidad, Lda. (APP), Av. 5 de Outubro 124-2°, Lisbon. Personnel : 11. ♦Agenda de Publicidade Artistica, Lda. (APA), Rua Dam)asceno Monteiro 114-4°, Lisbon. Personnel : 36. Coverage includes Portuguese oversea territories. ♦Manuel Martins da Hora, Lda, Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca 15 r/c, Lisbon. Per- sonnel : 10. ♦H. G. Morrison, Lda., Largo do Andaluz 16-2°, Dto., Lisbon. Personnel: 27. ONDA — Organizacao Nadonal de Divulgacao Artistica, Lda., 12-1°, Rua Ouedes da Azevedo, Oporto. Personnel : 12. Branch in Espinho. OVIC, Rua do Ouro 266-2°, Lisbon. Personnel : 21. Propagandas Belarte, Lda., 141-4°, Av. dos Aliados, Oporto. Branch in Lisbon and various subbranches throughout Portugal. Coverage includes Madeira and Azores Islands and Portuguese oversea territories. Member of EMA group (see Appendix). Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. RHODESIA AND NYASALAND, FEDERATION OF Advertising Agencies Newspapers and trade magazines are the most important media for reaching the European and African markets in the Federation. Advertising in the daily papers is addressed to the needs and interests of the European population, while five weekly papers and a monthly pictorial paper are published in the Federation primarily for the benefit of African readers. Other widely used media are cinema slides and films and outdoor and transpor- tation. Point-of-sale advertising is gaining in effectiveness, particularly in the African market, where more attention is being given to the attractive display and packaging of goods. A great deal of the retail and general merchandising 102 Salvador, El business in the Federation, particularly in Nyasaland, is handled by the Asian and mixed population minority. The firms listed below are general agencies which offer complete service, in- cluding counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations, media selection, and placement via all types of media including those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, as well as direct mail, radio, calendars, novelties, exhibitions, etc. They will undertake market analyses, opinion research and polls, and trade and industry surveys for advertising clients. Except as indi- cated, all are of Rhodesian nationality and cover the entire Federation (as well as other areas specified). Note: Most agencies in the Union of South Africa also cover the Rhodesias. *Adservices (Pvt.), Ltd., Post Office Box 489, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Personnel: 17. Associated with firms in Union of South Africa and London, England. ♦Central Advertising (C.A.), Ltd., Post Office Box 8183, Causeway, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Head office : Johannesburg, Union of South Africa. Other branches in N'Dola (Northern Rhodesia), Bulawayo (Southern Rhodesia), and in Union of South Africa. Total personnel: 130. Coverage: All central and southern Africa. ♦Century Advertising, Ltd., Post Office Box 308, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. Personnel: 6. Associate company of Central Advertising (C.A.), Ltd., and offers same services, except that opinion research is done only on a limited scale. Placement broker. ♦Dunford, Hall & Partners, Islip House, Jameson Ave., Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Personnel : 20. Coverage includes British East Africa. Also, public relations, institutional advertising, press and radio monitoring. ♦Grant Advertising (Pty.), Ltd., Post Office Box 1485, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Branches throughout southern Africa. Also, placement broker. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. ♦Intam (Rhodesia), Ltd., Post Bag 39, Kopje, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Personnel : 13. Associates throughout the world. Branch to be established in Bulawayo. Also, advice on marketing and advertising policy (concerning all races) ; public relations, advice on appointment of local distributors, and design and production of merchandising and packaging material. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agencies listed above, all of which will undertake marketing research for advertising clients. RUANDA-URUNDI See Belgian Congo. SALVADOR, EL Advertising Agencies General agencies offering diversified services are limited to the three firms listed below. Some of the large business firms have their own advertising 103 Sarawak (British Borneo). departments, and much advertising is handled direct through the newspapers, radio, TV, and other principal media. Other means of advertising include posters, outdoor billboards and electric signs, mobile loudspeaker units, direct mail, cinemas, and window display. Advertising of foreign products ordinarily is arranged through the local representative of the foreign firm. The market for imported goods is confined to the small upper income group. No branches of United States advertising firms are located in Salvador but the bulk of advertising material used originates in the United States. Most adver- tising appears in the Spanish language, but there is a limited market for mats and other materials in English. The firms listed plan, prepare, and place advertising via all local media. Asterisks indicate firms which will undertake market analyses and opinion research for advertising clients. All are of Salvadoran nationality and cover all of El Salvador. *Publicidad Diaz, la. Galle Poniente, No. 2, altos, San Salvador. Personnel : 12. Also, translations. Member of Publicistas Centroamericanos Asociados (see Appendix). Publicidad Gutierrez, S.A., 5a. Galle Poniente, No. 9 (Apartado Postal 20), San Salvador. Personnel : 8. *Publicidad Moderna, Edificio Comercial 505-506, San Salvador. Personnel: 14. Also, translations, public relations, sales promotion, and trade or industry surveys. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. SARAWAK (BRITISH BORNEO) See Singapore. SAUDI ARABIA No advertising agencies or marketing research organizations that provide services to the general public. SCOTLAND See United Kingdom. SIAM See Thailand. SIERRA LEONE See Africa, British West. 104 Singapore SINGAPORE Advertising Agencies Each of the leading agencies listed below covers Singapore, the Federation of Malaya, and British North Borneo, as well as other areas specified in individual listings. Unless otherwise noted, these firms provide complete advertising serv- ice, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations for advertising clients, media selection, and placement via all local media. Most advertising of imported goods is arranged between local importers and their advertising agencies. Principal media are newspapers, trade and technical journals and other pub- lications, cinema, and radio. Other outlets include direct mail, billboards and posters, wall advertising, transportation, illuminated signs, show windows, demonstrations, calendars and novelties, fairs and exhibitions, etc. Names marked with an asterisk are those of agencies willing to undertake market analyses and opinion research and polls. Except as noted, firms are of British nationality. ♦Cathay, Ltd., Asia Insurance Bldg., Singapore. Personnel : 31. Head office ; Cathay, Ltd., Hong Kong. Also, placement broker. Translations. Fortune Advertising, Ltd., 3 Raffles PI., Singapore. Coverage includes Sarawak. Also, placement broker. Translations in Malay, Chinese, Indian, and English. ♦Grant Advertising, Inc., 201 Clemenceau Ave. (Post Office Box 1392), Singa- pore 9. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. G. T. Advertising and Publicity Services, 191 Cecil St., Singapore 1. Chinese- British. Personnel: 2. Coverage includes Sarawak and Hong Kong. Also, placement broker. Marklin Advertising, Ltd., Jf3 Chartered Bank Chambers, Singapore. Person- nel : 35. Branches in Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur. Coverage includes Brunei and Sarawak. Also, placement broker. Translations in Chinese, Indian lan- guages, Malay, and Siamese. ♦Masters, Ltd., Advertising and Associated Services, 16c Cecil St., Singapore. Personnel: 108. Branch in Kuala Lumper. Coverage includes Sarawak and Indonesia. Also, placement broker. Translations in Chinese, Malay (Jawi), and Tamil. ♦Papineau Studies Advertising, Clemenceau House, Clemenceau Ave., Singa- pore. Personnel : 36. Coverage includes Sarawak and Brunei. Also, placement broker. Translations in Chinese, Malay, and Tamil. ♦Pearl & Dean (Asia), 10E Asia Insurance Bldg., Finlayson Green, Singapore. Personnel: 18. Coverage includes Sarawak and Brunei. Specializes in motion pictures and slides. Places screen advertising in over 100 cinemas in its area of coverage. Will undertake specialized trade or industry surveys in relation to its own media. Head office : Pearl & Dean, Ltd., 33 Dover St., London, W. 1. Progressive Advertising, Ltd., Crosby House, Robinson Rd., Singapore 1. Personnel : 62. Coverage includes Hong Kong, Sarawak, Brunei, and Indonesia. Also, translations. Tam Hong Tok & Co., 36 Madeiros Bldg., Cecil St., Singapore. Chinese-British. Personnel: 8. Also, translations in Chinese, Indian, and Malayan. 105 Somaliland. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks ; these are willing to under- take limited market research for clients. R. Hackett and Associates, Commercial Union Bldg., 11 Rooinson Rd., Singa- pore. Personnel: 6. Marketing research organization specializing in surveys for light and heavy industries and commercial enterprises. Also engaged in ad- vertising via newspapers and other publications, cinema, and radio. SOMALILAND See Ethiopia. SPAIN Advertising Agencies Advertising and market research services are well established and have expanded as industrial development continues gradually, though unevenly, throughout Spain. Principal media are newspapers, periodicals, radio, and cinema. The Government-operated TV station in Madrid broadcasts 21 hours a week and carries a limited amount of advertising. Other media are direct mail, transportation, calendars and novelties, point-of-sale materials, and road- side signs. Handbills and wall posters are seldom used. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed below are general agencies which offer complete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations, media selection, and placement via all local media (only Madrid firms for TV). Asterisks indicate agencies which offer market analyses for advertising clients. All firms are of Spanish nationality and, except as noted, cover all of Spain. Spanish is the preferred language of business correspondence. AIAS, Empresa Anunciadora, S.A., Alcala 32, Madrid. Personnel: 140. Branches in Barcelona, Bilbao, Malaga, San Sebastian, Santander, Seville, Valladolid, Vigo, Vitoria, and Zaragoza. Representatives in Cordoba, Granada, Jaen, Logrono, Oviedo, Salamanca, and Valencia. Coverage includes European and other countries through correspondents. Also, placement broker. Andres Publicidad, Asuncidn 7-9, Seville. Personnel: 16. Coverage: Anda- lusia, also Provinces of Caceres and Badajoz. *Cid, Sociedad Anonima, Caspe 12, Barcelona. Personnel : 168. Branches in Alicante, Bilbao, Granada, Madrid, Reus, San Sebastian, Seville, and Valencia. General advertising, specializing in radio. Has department for market and sales promotion studies and campaigns. Empresa Anunciadora Hijos de Valeriano Perez, Cruz 7, Madrid. Personnel : 31. Has 24 representatives throughout Spain. Also, placement broker. Lanza, S.A., Moratin 11, Valencia. Personnel : About 20. Branches in Madrid, Barcelona, Alicante, Murcia, and Teruel. Also, placement broker. *Los Tiroleses, S.A., Peligros 2, Madrid. Personnel : 32. Representatives in Barcelona, Gijon, La Coruna, Valencia, and Vigo. Also, placement broker and, to a limited extent, market analyses and trade or industry surveys. 106 Spain ♦Publicidad Atlantico, Republica Argentina 11, Vigo. Personnel : 30. Covers all Spain, particularly region of Galicia. Also, trade or industry surveys. Publicidad Bellido, General Polavieja 18, Seville. Personnel: 12. Coverage includes North Africa. Publicidad Climax, Av. Puerta del Angel 38, Barcelona. Personnel : 45. Cov- erage : City and Province of Barcelona. Publicidad Gisbert, S.A., Aoada 2, Madrid. Personnel : About 40. Representa- tives in Barcelona, Bilbao, Cordoba, Jaen, Oviedo, San Sebastian, and Valencia. Also, placement broker. Publicidad Reel am, Santa Catalina 21, La G or una. Personnel : 16. Branch in Lugo. Covers all Spain, particularly region of Galicia. ♦Publicidad Vila, S.A., Alameda Recalde 30, Biloao. Personnel : 63. Branches in Barcelona and Madrid. Correspondents in 5 European countries. Also, trade and industry surveys. Publicitas, S.A., Av. de Jose Antonid 31, Madrid. Personnel : 75. Branches in Barcelona, San Sebastian, Valladolid. Also, placement broker. Pujol y Bartoli, S.A., Paseo de Gracia 48, Barcelona. Personnel : 12. Cover- age : City and Province of Barcelona. Also, technical publicity studies. Media : Radio, press, cinema, publications. Roldos, S.A., Vergara 11, Barcelona. Personnel: 57. Branch in Valencia. Agents in principal Spanish cities. Coverage: Provinces of Barcelona, Gerona, Lerida, Tarragona, Alicante, Castellon, and Valencia. *Ruescas Publicidad, Av. de Jose" Antonid 55, Madrid. Personnel : 44. Branches in Barcelona and Bilbao. Also, placement broker. ♦Sociedad Anonima Arco, Caspe 26, Barcelona. Personnel: 15. Coverage: City and Province of Barcelona. Also, publicity campaigns, sales promotion, and studies of business organization methods. Valtri — Publicidad, Amor de Dios 25, Seville. Personnel : 20. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. The organizations listed below are of Spanish nationality and, except as noted, cover all of Spain. Central de Racionalizacion, Estudios y Aplicaciones, S.A. (CREA), Jose" Ortega Oasset 28, Madrid. Personnel: 36. Representatives in Barcelona and Bilbao. Studies of markets, mercantile organization, industrial operations methods, production planning, and personnel training. Centro de Estudios y Encuestas de Mercado (CEM), Arenal 9, Madrid. Market analyses, opinion research and polls, and specialized trade and industry surveys. Affiliate of a French management consultant firm. ECO, Centro de Investigaciones del Mercado, S.A., Jacometreso 4-6, Madrid. Personnel : 7. Representative in Barcelona. Market research and opinion polls. Iberometrica, S.A., Ediftcio Espana, Plaza de Espana, Madrid. Personnel : 2. Market analyses, audience research, industrial and consumer surveys through a probability sample of the urban and rural nonf arm population of Spain. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. See also INRA-EUROPE, Bad Godesberg, Germany. Instituto de Investigacion de Mercados, Desentfano 9, Madrid. Personnel: About 20. Representatives in Barcelona, Bilbao, Seville, and Valencia. Market analyses. 107 Sudan O.E.S.T.E., S.A., Av. Oeneralisimo Franco 389, Barcelona. Personnel: 25. Branches in Madrid and Bilbao. Coverage: Barcelona, Madrid, and Bilbao. Market surveys, sales organization and publicity, advertising campaigns. Sociedad Anonima Iberica Bedaux, Paseo de la Castellana 62, Madrid. Per- sonnel: 114. Branches in Barcelona and Bilbao. Market analyses, opinion research and polls, specialized trade and industry surveys, and work organi- zation plans. Affiliate of Fondation Bedaux, Geneva, Switzerland. SUDAN Advertising Agencies The Sudan is an agricultural and pastoral country. Industrial development is extremely limited and commercial activity is centered in the Khartoum- Omdurman area. Advertisements in local Arabic daily and weekly newspapers are the principal means used by Sudan merchants to promote sales. In addition, advertising slides and films are shown at local cinemas. To a lesser extent, direct mail, billboards, neon signs, and calendars and novelties are used. There are no commercial radio or TV facilities. The firms listed below are general agencies which plan, prepare, and place advertising via all local media. Their services include translations and short market analyses. All are of Sudanese nationality and cover all of the Sudan. ♦African Advertising Agency, Post Office Bow 1059, Khartoum. Personnel: 5. Also, counsel and trade and industry surveys. ♦General Advertising House, Post Office Box 905, Khartoum. Personnel : 12. Coverage includes Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and Aden. ♦Sudan Publicity Co., Ltd., Post Office Box 536, Khartoum. Affiliated with Near East Advertising, Ltd., Cyprus and Beirut. Coverage includes Eritrea, Ethiopia, Aden, and Egypt. Also, placement broker for all cinema advertising in the Sudan. Translations in Arabic, Greek, French, Amharic, and Italian. Marketing Research Organizations None. The above-listed agencies prepare market analyses. SURINAM Advertising Agencies Surinam's comparatively limited, but growing, market for consumer goods centers in and around the capitol city of Paramaribo (1957 population, 100,000). The three advertising agencies have been established within recent years and are staffed by Surinam nationals with limited professional experience. Prin- cipal media used are six daily Dutch-language newspapers, two local radio stations, and cinema slides. Much of the local advertising is placed with these outlets direct rather than through the agencies. Other media, such as direct mail, handbills, and billboards, are available but are used to a lesser extent. 108 Sweden The firms listed below are general agencies which plan, prepare, and place advertising via all local media. They also offer translating services to adver- tising clients. All are of Surinamese nationality and cover all of Surinam. Algemeen Advertentie Bureau, Watermolenstraat 17, Paramaribo. Person- nel: 5. General Enterprises, Neumonpad 80, Paramaribo. Personnel : 2. Owns only equipped sound truck in the country. If given specific guidance by clients, could provide short market analyses and trade or industry surveys. Reclame Atelier Suriname, Schietbaanweg 25, Paramaribo. Personnel : 5. Marketing Research Organizations None. SWEDEN Advertising Agencies Sweden's advertising agencies are rather closely organized. To be accepted by the Swedish Publishers' Association an agency must meet certain require- ments — there must be a need for the agency, it must be experienced in the field, and its books must be open for audit by the association. Only such authorized agencies may place advertising in Swedish newspapers, magazines, and trade journals. Owing to the restrictions of the Publishers' Association, it is difficult for foreign agencies to maintain Swedish branches and at present only one United States firm, Advertising International, Ltd., maintains a branch in Sweden. This branch is listed under Marketing Research Organizations. The major advertising media are newspapers, magazines, and direct mail. The country is well provided with newspapers and magazines ; in 1955, 216 daily newspapers issued 3,691,000 copies a day. Popular-type weekly magazines are issued in over 5 million copies. In addition, there are approximately 500 pub- lications on professions, trades, sports, etc. Cinema advertising is popular, but there is no commercial radio broadcasting. Outdoor, transportation, and other media are also used, and are often handled by small specialized firms which are not members of the Publishers' Association. Firms listed below as general agencies are all members of the Publishers Association. Except as noted, the general agencies offer complete advertising service to clients in Sweden and in other countries, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations, and media selection and placement. All are of Swedish nationality and cover all of Sweden. Genera/ Agencies Allmanna Annonsbyran, AB, Kungsgatan 44, Stockholm. Personnel: 63. Branch in Goteborg. Wilh. Anderssons Annonsbyra, AB, Kungsgatan 74, Stockholm. Personnel: 88. Branches in Goteborg and Orebro. Member of CAMA (Continental Adver- tising and Marketing Agencies) group (see Appendix). Annons-Krantz, AB, Yasagatan 16, Stockholm. Personnel : 35. Subsidiary of Annonsbyran Hugo Krantz, AB, Goteborg (see below). 495641—59 8 109 Sweden Arbman & Hallberg Annonsbyra, AB, Gardsfogdevdgen 14, Mariehdll, Stock- holm 12. Member of EURAS group (see Appendix). Arnek Annonsbyra, AB, Storgatan 9, Motala. Wahl Asmussen Annonsbyra, AB, Riddargatan 12-D, Stockholm. Sven O. Blomquist Annonsbyra, AB, Eungsgatan 48, Stockholm. Caldings Annonsbyra, AB, Eungsgatan 44, Stockholm. ECO Annonsbyra, AB, Bergsgatan 30-82, Stockholm. Bo Erikson Annonsbyra, AB, Strandvagen 57, Stockholm. AB Ervaco, Sveavdgen 90, Stockholm. Personnel : 133. Branch in Goteborg. Glimne Annonsbyra, AB, Eungsgatan 8, Halmstad. AB S. Gumaelius Annonsbyra, Fredsgatan 10, Stockholm. Personnel: 315. Branches in Goteborg, Malmo, and Jonkoping. Giinther & Back Annonsbyra, AB, Gullmarshus, Johanneshov, Stockholm. Branch in Malmo. Arne Hakanssons Annonsbyra, AB, Svarvargatan 14, Stockholm. Hera, Hauffman & Ericsson, AB, Hovslagargatan 2, Stockholm. Herssons Annonsbyra, AB, Hamngatan 22, Stockholm. Personnel : 34. AB Olof Isacsons Annonsbyra, Vasagatan 40, Goteborg. Media : Press, pub- lications, outdoor. Annonsbyran Hugo Krantz, AB, Ostra Hamngatan 45, Goteborg. Personnel : 67. AB Lintas Annonsbyra, Sveavdgen 25-27, Stockholm. Personnel : 60. Affiliate of Lintas, Ltd. (Lever Bros.) , England. Kurt Lbfdahl Annonsbyra, AB, Grevturegatan 4, Stockholm. Nya Annonsbyran, AB, Master Samuelsgatan 87, Stockholm. Sven Rygaards Annonsbyra, AB, Regeringsgatan 53, Stockholm. Personnel : 46. Branch in Malmo. Annonsbyra AB Seller's Reklam, Wallingatan 18, Stockholm. Member of Plan International (see Appendix). AB Stenberg & Wagner, Gyllenstiernsgatan 17, Stockholm. Member of EMA group (see Appendix). Leif Stendahl Annonsbyra, AB, Drivhusgatan 19-C, Goteborg. Annonsbyran Svea, AB, Elarabergsgatan 58, Stockholm. Personnel: 86. AB Svenska Telegrambyran, Elara vastra kyrkogata 12, Stockholm. Per- sonnel: 305. Branches in Goteborg, Malmo, and Halsingborg. Member of Scandinavian Advertising Pool (see Appendix). Tessab Annonsbyra, AB, Eungsgatan 48, Stockholm. Personnel: 64. AB Tornbloms Annonsbyra, Sveavdgen 59, Stockholm. Personnel : 65. AB Wallin-Reklam, Tessins vag 4, Malmo. Wiannons AB, Norrmalmstorg 1, Stockholm. Wiking Annonsbyra, AB, Virebergsvdgen 17, Solna, Stockholm. Specialized Agencies These agencies offer counsel and planning and creative work in connection with the media they use. Affisch-Reklam, Ragnar von Reis, Polhemsplatsen 2, Goteborg. Billboard and other outdoor. AB Anders Beckman, Smdlandsgatan 2, Stockholm. Fairs and exhibitions. Billes Reklambolag, Broderna Bille, Easerntorget 6, Goteborg. Billboard and other outdoor. no .Switzerland Reklamtjanst, Bjorn Cronsio, Lilla Nygatan 2, Goteoorg. Billboard and other outdoor. AB Sandrew-Ateljeerna, Reklamfilmavdelningen, Kungsgatan 65, Stockholm. Film shorts. Sporvagsreklam, Artillerigatan 12, Stockholm. Bus, streetcar, and billboard. Coverage: Stockholm and vicinity. Wennergren-Williams, AB, Drottninggatan 71-D, Stockholm. Personnel: 90. Billboard and other outdoor. Marketing Research Organizations Advertising International, Ltd., AB, Artillerigatan 26, Stockholm. Person- nel : 8. Offers complete advertising and merchandising service, including market analyses and public relations. Parent firm, Advertising International Ltd., New York, N.Y. Marknadskonsult Lennart Flink, Roslagsgatan 9, Stockholm. Field staff: 150. Market, opinion, product, advertising, and motivational research; market statistics; market and purchasing-power surveys. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. See also INRA- EUROPE, Bad Godesberg, Germany. Civilekonom Bo Jonsson, Stockholmsvagen 12-A, Lidingo. Personnel: 5 re- searchers. Market analyses; business, trade, industry, and purchasing power surveys ; management consultant. Instutet for Marknadsundersbkningar, AB, IMU, Odengatan 40, Stockholm. Research on consumption and purchasing power, market analyses, and opinion research and polls. Civilekonom Bertil Neuman, Grev Magnigwtan 5, Stockholm. Market analyses and opinion research and polls; specializes in trade and industry surveys. Also, management consultant. A. C. Nielsen Co. AB, Blasieholmstorg 14, Stockholm. Personnel : 30. Cover- age: All Scandinavia. Marketing research, market analyses, and opinion research. Subsidiary of A. C. Nielsen Co., 2101 West Howard St., Chicago 45, 111. Saljkonsult Borje Lindberg, Grev Magnigatan 5, Stockholm. Personnel: 5 researchers. Market analyses, public relations, and trade surveys. Also, man- agement consultant. Swedish Institute of Public Opinion Research, Ltd., Vireoergsagen 11, Solna, Stockholm. Personnel: 19 (4 research leaders), 700 part-time interviewers, of whom about 400 have at least 2 years of experience in interviewing. Staff is partly the same as that of the organization's marketing research department, the Swedish Institute of Marketing, Ltd., at the same address. Specializes in media structure analyses; readership; audience research (radio and TV); consumer, retailer, and distribution research ; and opinion research and polls. Affiliate of American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Prince- ton, N.J. SWITZERLAND Advertising Agencies Advanced advertising, marketing, and marketing research techniques are em- ployed in the highly industrialized economy of Switzerland. The general agencies 111 Switzerland. listed here carry out advertising programs for any marketable product in the whole of Switzerland and often in the European and international markets, as well. Most of them have specialized departments for marketing research, mer- chandising, public relations, art and copy, etc. Except for commercial radio and TV, all types of media are used, principally newspapers, magazines, trade and technical journals, direct mail, cinema, out- door and transportation, and demonstrations. Advertising via neon signs is increasing in all cities. Window displays and point-of-sale advertising are also important. Unless otherwise specified, firms listed offer complete advertising service, in- cluding counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations, media selec- tion, and placement. Asterisks indicate firms which offer market research and analyses, specialized trade or industry surveys, and opinion research and polls. All of the general agencies offer direct-mail advertising and most of them main- tain classified lists of addresses. Except as noted, firms are of Swiss nationality and cover all of Switzerland, as well as other areas specified in individual listings. Eduard Annen, 56 Dufourstrasse, Zurich 8. Personnel: 24. Also, trade and industry surveys. Placement broker. *Dr. Peter Bachlin, 15 Solothurnerstrasse, Basel. Agents in Neuchatel and Lausanne. Personnel: 8. Coverage includes Germany. Also, motivation re- search. Public relations. Adrian Baudenbacher, 86 Alderstrasse, Zurich 8. Personnel : 2. Also, place- ment broker. Victor N. Cohen, Werbeberator, BSR, 83 Klausstrasse, Zurich 8. Personnel : 14. Coverage includes all European countries. *Max Dalang & Co., 29 Utoquai, Zurich 24- Personnel : 10. Also, placement broker and directs market and opinion research through a specialized organization. Devrient et Lathion, 15 rue du Midi, Lausanne. Personnel: 5. All media, specializing in the introduction of trademark products on the Swiss market. *Dolan & Bernhardt, Inc., 19 rue du Rhone, Geneva. Personnel (Geneva) : 14. Other branches: London and Frankfurt A/M. International advertising and public relations services. Marketing research on a country-by-country basis in accordance with client's requirements; product and package development and design research; preparation and distribution of features, films, news stories, and photographs through company's network of public relations representatives in 37 countries. Parent firm: Dolan & Bernhardt, Inc., 4 West 58th St., New York, N.Y. *Karl Erny, Reklameberatung, BSR, 381 Nordstrasse, Zurich 37. Personnel : 3. All media, including radio and TV commercials for broadcasting in other coun- tries. Member EURAS group (see Appendix) . *Dr. Rudolf Farner, 8 Theater strasse, Zurich 1. Personnel: 50. Branch in Lausanne. Member of CAMA (Continental Advertising and Marketing Agencies) group (see Appendix). ♦Klaus Fischer, Advertising Sales Consultant, BSR, 16 Waldstrasse, Zolliker- terg-Zilrich. Personnel: 8, plus free lance. Also, readership analyses, motiva- tion research, marketing, and sales promotion. *Foote, Cone & Belding International Division, 14 rue Eugi, Bienne. Parent firm : Foote, Cone & Belding, 247 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. 112 .Switzerland ♦Walter Greminger, Reklameberater, BSR, 116 Seefeldstrasse, Zurich 34. Personnel : 10. Coverage : All of Europe. Also, consumer surveys. *Lintas, A. G., Talacker 42, Zurich 1. Personnel: 61. Affiliate of Lintas, Ltd. (Lever Bros.), England. Mosse-Annoncen, Ltd., 9k Limmatquai, Zurich 23. Personnel : 146. Branches in Basel and Bern. All media including travel advertising. Publishers of technical, telephone, trade, and travel directories. Placement broker. Address inquiries to Publicitas, S.A. (see below). Orell Fiissli-Annoncen, A.G., 4 Limmatquai, Zurich 22. Personnel : 300. Has 14 branches in Switzerland. Also, placement broker. All media, including posters and show windows in all stations of the Swiss Federal Railways and most private Swiss railways. Address inquiries to Publicitas, S.A. (see below). ♦Publicitas, S.A., Foreign Department, 15 rue Centrale, Lausanne. Personnel : 900. Represents Orell Fiissli-Annoncen, A.G., and Mosse-Annoncen, Ltd., for business outside of Switzerland. Branches and agencies in all important Swiss localities. Associated companies in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Also, adaptations of advertising material of all descriptions, creative staff for all media. Schweizer-Annoncen, A.G. "ASSA," 100 Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich 1. Personnel : 150. Has 14 branches in Switzerland. Exclusive representative for over 160 newspapers, trade journals, and periodicals ; handles countrywide campaigns as well as advertising for any Swiss publication. Renders complete data service. ♦Alfred Steinmann, 31 Dufourstrasse, Zurich 8. Personnel : 12, plus free lance. Also, placement broker. Market analyses and related services through spe- cialized organizations. ♦Richard E. Vogt, 9 Sonneriberg strasse, Zurich 7/32. Personnel: 5. Also, sales promotion and public relations services. Jean Wild, Advertising, 5 D older strasse, Zurich 7. Personnel : 20. Specialized in handling oversea accounts in Switzerland and in the surrounding European markets. Also, short market analyses and, through specialized organizations, opinion research and trade and industry surveys. Member of Plan International (see Appendix). ♦Adolf Wirz, Reklameberater, BSR, 10 Gutenberg strasse, Zurich 27. Per- sonnel : 23. All media. Has specialized staff for marketing research, marketing, merchandising, public relations, and specialized trade and industry surveys. Placement broker. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. The firms listed below are of Swiss nationality unless otherwise indicated, and cover all of Switzerland. All offer translating facilities in connection with their services. Analyses Economiques et Sociales, S.A., 25 Ave. Vinet, Lausanne. Personnel : 100 full time, and about 200 part-time interviewers. Branches in England, Italy, and France. Coverage includes European Common Market countries; also, opinion research and polls in other European countries through national insti- tutes. Market analyses, opinion research and polls, specialized trade and industry surveys, brand barometer (Switzerland), experimental panel (Switzer- land), readership and motivation studies, all marketing techniques. 113 Switzerland. Contimart, A.G., Lexhof 76, Militarstrasse, Zurich 4- Established early in 1958 by W. S. Crawford, Ltd., London, England, and its associates throughout the world. Personnel: 2 (at present). Coverage: The 17 countries of OEEC (Organization for European Economic Organization). Advisory service on all phases of marketing, including sales analysis, planning, marketing, and market- ing research. Product testing and test marketing in defined areas. European Technical Coverage, Inc., 10 rue Grenus, Geneva. Staff consists of 53 engineers and technically trained personnel located throughout Western Europe. Coverage: Western Europe. Specializes in collecting and evaluating all types of industrial and technical information ; analyzes market and produc- tion situations for industrial products. Parent firm : Vision, Inc., Vision Bldg., 60 West 55th St., New York, N.Y. Gesellschaft fiir Marktforschung, GfM (Swiss Society for Marketing Re- search), 18 Rotelstrasse, Zurich 42. Personnel: 14, including 3 researchers. Field staff : 15 full-time and 100 part-time employees. In addition to its general market research, product testing, readership surveys, and motivational research, firm has 2 continuing services available on a subscription basis — the Brand Barometer and the Prescription Panel. On national surveys a modified prob- ability sample is used, containing between 50 and 100 sampling points. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. See also INRA-EUROPE, Bad Godesberg, Germany. Pierre-Andre Gygi, 68 Unterer Quai, Biel, Canton Bern. Personnel : Office, 8 ; field, 100. Commercial and industrial research, test marketing of new products, public opinion surveys, and sales performance and advertising analyses. Specializes in research on consumption, markets, and purchasing power in Switzerland. Institut fiir Verbrauchs- & Marktforschung, 24 Gartenstrasse, Zurich 2. Affiliate of the Unilever concern. Market analyses, specialized trade and industry surveys, product testing, research on motivation, consumption, and production capacity. Dr. Jacques Kunstenaar, 29 Stockerstrasse, Zurich 2. Personnel: 2. Cover- age includes Western Europe. Market analyses, specialized trade and industry surveys, public relations. A. C. Nielsen, S.A., 1 Alpenstrasse, Lucerne. Personnel: 65. Continuous analyses of sales of consumer goods throughout Switzerland, broken down by three areas, three city sizes, and two shop types. Maintains the following indexes: Food index, drug index, pharmaceutical index, hairdresser index. In this connection, the firm determines the total volume of all product classes of consumer goods and the position of individual brands, and offers a complete analysis of the distributive system. Parent firm : A. C. Nielsen Co., 2101 West Howard St., Chicago 45, 111. Robertson & Associates — International Public Relations (American), S Spannweidstrasse, Zurich 6. Personnel: 18. Staff members in key industrial and market centers in Europe and the Middle East. Public relations and client publicity programs embracing European press, radio, and TV ; market analyses aiid current reporting of market trends on regular basis ; specialized trade and industry surveys. Swiss Institute of Public Opinion and Groupement Romand pour PEtude du Marche, 15 rue du Midi, Lausanne. Personnel : 15 and 180 part-time researchers. Branch in Zurich. Market analyses ; opinion and market research ; industrial, commercial, sociological, and political surveys ; motivation research ; readership surveys and copy testing. 114 ^^_____^__^^^__^^_____^_^______ Taiwan SYRIA (SYRIAN REGION, UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC) Advertising Agency The only media used in Syria are newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets, billboards, neon signs, road signs, and direct mail. The Government-owned radio broad- casting service is noncommercial, and cinema slide advertisements, as well as ads in public buses and streetcars, have been forbidden during the last 2 years. Arabic is the language of the country; French and English are the principal foreign languages used. Agences Syriennes de Publicite, S.A.S., Fardoss St., Damascus. Syrian. Coverage: Syria. Media: Newspapers, magazines, and other publications; outdoor (including billboard) ; and direct mail and mailing lists. Marketing Research Organizations None. The firm listed below states that it undertakes technical and industrial studies and research. Societe Anonyme d'Etude et de Recherche Techniques et Industrielles (SERTI), 22 Adib Ishaq St., Damascus. Swiss. Representative: Accad & Co., Damascus. Head office : 7 PI. Lavostri, Geneva. TAHITI No advertising or market research organizations. Advertisements can be placed in the daily mimeographed newsheet, "Les Nouvelles," Post Office Box 467, Papeete, or with the "Journal Officiel de la Polynesie Frangaise," Papeete, and in the monthly bulletin of the Papeete Chamber of Commerce, Post Office Box 118, Papeete. Radio advertisements can be placed with "Radio-Tahiti," rue Dumont d'Urville, Papeete. TAIWAN Advertising Agencies Most advertising agencies in Taiwan are very small and are not equipped to render services to foreign customers. The general agencies listed below are believed to be qualified to undertake general or specialized advertising programs, or to adapt foreign material. Information is not available as to their facilities for translating. Principal media used are Chinese-language newspapers and other publications, radio, cinema, posters, and painted signs. The 3 general agencies offer art and copy work and placement of advertising via all local media, and cover all of Taiwan. The 2 specialized firms cover the Taipei area principally. All are of Chinese nationality. English is the language of commercial correspondence. 115 Tanganyika Artistic Advertising Co., No. 2A, Lane 57, Chengteh Rd., Taipei. Personnel: 10. Designs posters and newspaper ads; also, painting and decoration. Hsin Yeh Advertising Co., Ltd., 106 Hwai Ning St., Taipei. Personnel: 17. General agency. Rodin Art Printing & Advertising Co., No. 3, Lane 109, Chengtu Rd., Taipei. Personnel : 15. Printing of advertising posters and art printing for packages and wrappers. Tungnan Advertising Co., Ltd., No. 33, Lane 70, North Chungking Rd., 2d Sec- tion, Taipei. Personnel: 35. General agency. The Union Advertising Corp., No. 22 Kweiyang St., 2d Section, Taipei. Per- sonnel: 70. Branches in Kaohsiung and Taichung. General agency. Marketing Research Organizations None. TANGANYIKA See Africa, British East. THAILAND Advertising Agencies Advertising has grown to be an important business factor. Newspapers, bill- boards, radio and sound truck broadcasts, and cinema slides and filmlets are all used effectively. Bangkok has 1 weekly and 3 daily English-language news- papers, as well as 21 Thai and 10 Chinese dailies. Two TV stations, established in 1955 and 1958, respectively, are owned and operated in Bangkok by a semi- governmental corporation, and TV is developing into a leading medium. Thai- land has numerous commercial radio stations, including 1 FM and 1 rediffusion broadcasting station. The Thai language prevails. The large Chinese element is bilingual, generally. English is used in commercial correspondence. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed below are general agencies which provide complete advertising service throughout Thailand, including planning, creative art and copy work, translations, and media selection and placement. Firms indicated by asterisks offer short market analyses. * Cathay, Ltd., Bank of America Bldg., New Rd., Bangkok. British. Personnel : 13. Head office : Hong Kong. Chatra Press Co., 77 Rama V Rd., Bangkok. Thai. Personnel: 50 (32 for press and 18 for advertising). Media: Press and publications; outdoor and transportation. *Grant Advertising (Thailand), Inc., 156 North Sathorn Rd. (Post Office Box lOJfl), Bangkok. Personnel: 29. All media, including direct mail. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. ♦Groarke & Co., 117 Suriwongse Rd., Bangkok. British. Personnel: 25-30. All media, including exhibition stands and show windows. 116 Tunisia ♦Howard & Watson Limited Partnership, 203-5 North Sathorn Rd. (Post Office Box 684), Bangkok. Chinese. Personnel: 5. Also, industry surveys. Media: Newspapers, magazines and other publications. S. Chan Advertising Service, 70-73 Kinder Lane, New Rd., Bangkok. Chinese. Personnel: 35. Media: Outdoor (including billboard), illuminated signs, exhibi- tion stands, and show windows. ♦United Advertisers, Nat Lert Bldg., New Rd., Bangkok. Thai. Personnel : 8. Also, industry surveys. Media: Outdoor (including billboard), calendars, ex- hibition stands, and show windows. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agencies, indicated by asterisks. TRINIDAD See West Indies. TUNISIA Advertising Agencies Available advertising facilities are limited to the general agency (Societe Africa) and the 4 specialized firms listed below. The chief media are the daily newspapers and outdoor and cinema advertising. There is no commercial radio broadcasting. In sales promotion the Arabic language is becoming increasingly important; the language of correspondence is French. Except as noted, the firms are of French nationality. They cover all of Tunisia. Information on their translating facilities is not available. Afric-Film (Mr. Cohen), 45 ave. Habib Bourguiba, Tunis. Tunisian. Sole proprietorship. Agent of Algerian firm. Cinema advertising only. Publiaf ric, 26 rue de Portugal, Tunis. Personnel : 2. Concessionaire for tram and bus advertising. Publicia, 56 ave. de Paris, Tunis. Personnel: 2. Bookseller and stationery dealer offering placement of advertisements in newspapers, magazines, and other publications. Publi-Ideal, 15 rue d'Estienne d'Orves, Tunis. Agency of French firm. Per- sonnel: 3. Novelties and calendars only. Societe Africa, 57 rue Marceschau, Tunis. Personnel : 12. Subbranches at Bizerte, Sousse, Sfax, and Gabes. Creates and places advertising via all local media. Also, placement broker. Marketing Research Organizations None. 117 Turkey TURKEY Advertising Agencies Advertising has not yet come into broad use in Turkey. The few agencies in operation are small; those able to provide service in a variety of media are identified below as general agencies. Although several of the firms maintain art and copy departments, much creative work consists of copies or adaptations of foreign materials. The most widely used media are newspapers, magazines, radio, outdoor and transportation, and cinema. Local business firms generally prepare their own lists for direct-mail advertising. Newspaper advertising reaches a fairly large public, and is distributed by a corporation formed by daily newspapers published in Ankara, Istanbul, and Izmir, through which the Turkish Government grants a monthly quota of advertising space to each publication. Space contracts may be placed direct with media or through advertising agencies. All of the firms listed below are of Turkish nationality, and, except as noted, cover all of Turkey. Their staffs range in size from about 5 to 20 employees. Those agencies which provide translating services are identified. Ankara Her Is Reklam, Hacibayram Caddesi, Kiskac Sokak No. 7, Ulus, Ankara. Publisher's representative. Media: Newspaper, radio, displays. Translations. Moran-Abut Reklam, Soysal Han 53, Yenisehir, Ankara. General agency. Creates and places newspaper, radio, outdoor, and display advertising. Trans- lations. Publisher's representative and placement broker. Istanbul ♦Faal Reklam Acentesi, H Cagaloglu Yokusu, Istanbul. General agency. Creates and places newspaper, radio, cinema, and outdoor advertising. Also, market analyses. Translations. Grafiko Studyo, 66/1 Galibdede Caddesi, Yuksek Kaldirim, Istanbul. Cover- age: Istanbul. Media: Cinema, window displays. Ilancilik Kollektif Sirketi, Kahramanzade Han, Ankara Caddesi, Istanbul. General agency, specializing in press and cinema advertising. Publisher's repre- sentative and placement broker. Moran Reklam, Postahane Yanindaki han, Galatasaray, Beyoglu, Istanbul. Coverage: Istanbul. Media: Newspaper and outdoor advertising. Teknik Reklam Bureau, 17/1 Hava Sokak, Beyoglu, Istanbul. Coverage : Istan- bul. Media: Newspapers, cinema, outdoor advertising. Izmir Hamdi Bekir Gursoylar, Salepcioglu 848, Sokak 52, Izmir. Coverage: Izmir. Billboard advertising only. Eshot Han Servisi, Eshot, Izmir. Coverage : Izmir. Tram and bus advertising only. 118 .Union of South Africa Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agency, indicated by an asterisk, which offers short market analyses. Limited marketing information is available from local chambers of commerce and from their head office, the Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, 78 Posta Caddesi, Ankara, which is an agency of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce. The functions of the chambers of commerce include the preparation of survey reports on industrial and commercial activities in their respective localities, including statistical tables and charts. They also provide advertising agency services, particularly for advertising via newspapers, official publications, and national and international fairs and exhibitions. UGANDA See Africa, British East. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Advertising Agencies The market for imported goods at present consists chiefly of the European (white) population of about 2.7 million. The remainder of the Union's esti- mated total population of 13.1 million is composed of the following approximate racial totals: Native (Bantu), 8.8 million; Colored (half-cast), 1.2 mililon, and Asiatic, 0.4 million. The Union is well supplied with newspapers, periodicals, and trade journals having wide coverage of the European group of the popula- tion. There are also a number of multilingual publications directed solely to a native audience and containing advertising that competes for the Bantu's pur- chasing power — small on an individual basis but sizable in the aggregate. Afrikaans and English are the official languages and both should be used in campaigns. Most of the leading newspapers and periodicals are published in English. The publishing and advertising industries are concentrated in Johannesburg. In addition to the press and publications, radio is a leading medium (coverage estimated at 90 percent of the European population). Other widely used forms of advertising are cinema, transportation, direct mail, novelties, demonstrations, fairs and exhibitions, etc. Outdoor advertising is restricted. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed are general agencies which offer complete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations, and media selection and placement. Names marked with an asterisk are those of firms which offer market research and analyses, trade and industry surveys, and opinion research and polls in connection with adver- tising campaigns. All of the agencies listed are registered South African companies ; those which are subsidiaries of British or United States firms are indicated. They all cover the Union of South Africa and the Rhodesias, as well as other areas indicated in individual listings. 119 Union of South Africa. ♦African Amalgamated Advertising Contractors, Ltd., 109 His Majesty's Buildings (Post Office Box 7012), Johannesburg. Affiliated offices in Durban, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, and in Nairobi, Kenya and Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Branches in Pretoria, East London, and in Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. Total personnel: About 500. Also covers Angola and Mozambique, Belgian Congo, British East Africa including Mauritius and Madagascar, and West African Territories. Firm has a specialized African Studies Group in Johannesburg and Public Relations Divisions located in Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Salisbury. P. N. Barrett Co. (Pty.), Ltd., Advertising House, 2 Loop St., Cape Town. Branches in Durban, Port Elizabeth, and Johannesburg. Total personnel : about 150. Also covers South West Africa, Mozambique, British East Africa, and Belgian Congo. Services include limited market and opinion research and industry and trade surveys. Bernstein, Wilson and Robinson (Pty.), Ltd., Longkloof House, 32 Kloof St., Cape Town. Branch in Durban. Total personnel : 20. Coverage : Eastern and southern Africa. Also, trade or industry surveys. Placement broker. Central Advertising, Ltd., Corner Commissioner and Rissik Sts. (Post Office Box 5656), Johannesburg. Personnel: Over 100. Branches in Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth ; in Bulawayo and Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia ; and in N'Dola, Northern Rhodesia. Wholly owned subsidiary of Central News Agency, Johannesburg. Conducts comprehensive advertising and research service and employs its own copywriters. Dower, Wahl Advertising Co. (Pty.), Ltd., Speedcraft House, Loveday St., Post Office Bow 6224, Johannesburg. Personnel: 12. Also covers South West Africa, British East Africa, Belgian Congo, and Mozambique. ♦Grant Advertising (Pty.), Ltd., 44 Plein St. (Post Office Box 1529), Johannes- burg. Branches in Cape Town and in Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Personnel : Johannesburg, 61 ; Cape Town, 22 ; Salisbury, 17. Conducts a fully operative marketing research department. Parent firm: Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. ♦Greenwood Advertising (South Africa), (Pty.), Ltd., 901 Philadelphia Corner, Von Weilligh St. (Post Office Box 7156), Johannesburg. Personnel: 35. Branch in Cape Town. Coverage: Africa south of Sahara. This agency is organized to give personal service to a selected number of advertisers. ♦Hedley, Byrne & Co. (Pty.), Ltd., Sheffield House, Corner Main and Kruis Sts. (Post Office Box 886), Johannesburg. Branches in Cape Town. Also covers South West Africa and Nyasaland. Subsidiary of London, England, firm of same name. ♦Intam South Africa (Pty.), Ltd., Ferreira House, Commissioner St. (Post Office Box 9081), Johannesburg. Personnel: 60. Branches in Cape Town, Durban, and Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Creative services include topographic work. Branch of Intam, Ltd., London, England. International Advertising, Ltd., Springbok House, 155 Commissioner St. (Post Office Box 6178), Johannesburg. Personnel: 12. ♦Kenyon Advertising (Pty.), Ltd., S.A., Mutual Buildings, Harrison St. (Post Office Box 10029), Johannesburg. Personnel: 20. ♦Walter Kirby (Pty.), Ltd., Electrolux House, Gold and Kruis Sts. (Post Office Box 1061), Johannesburg. Personnel: 28. Also covers Mozambique, South West Africa, and British East Africa. Lintas, Ltd., Post Office Box 159, Durban, Natal. Personnel : 40. Creates and places advertising via newspapers, magazines, radio, cinema, and point-of-sale display. Branch of Lintas, Ltd. (Lever Bros.), London, England. 120 .United Kingdom Olopson & Downing Advertising (Pty.), Ltd., J.B.S. Buildings, Commissioner St. (Post Office Box 10781), Johannesburg. Personnel: 14. Also covers South West Africa. Undertakes marketing research and analyses. ♦Lindsay E. Smithers (Pty.), Ltd., Pearl Assurance House, 55 Fox St. (Post Office Box 1604), Johannesburg. Personnel : 160. Branches in Durban and Cape Town. Coverage : Cape to Belgian Congo. Associated with Mather & Crowther, Ltd., London, England. Sperrin Palmer Co., Ltd., 36 Pritchard St. (Post Office Box 4622), Johannes- burg. Personnel: 15. Coverage: All of southern and eastern Africa. Under- takes market and opinion research in connection with advertising services, *J. Walter Thompson Co. (S.A.), Ltd., African City Buildings, Eloff St. (Post Office Box 8755), Johannesburg. Branches in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Dur- ban, and in Nairobi, Kenya. Representatives at Elisabethville, Belgian Congo, and at Salisbury and Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia. Coverage : Africa south of Sahara, including Mauritius and Madagascar. Specializes in advertising via newspapers, magazines, trade journals, catalogs. Parent firm : J. Walter Thomp- son Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ♦Van Zijl and Van Zijl (Pty.), Ltd., Springbok House, Commissioner St. (Post Office Box 2266), Johannesburg. Branches in Cape Town and Durban, in Salis- bury, Southern Rhodesia, and in London, England. Personnel: Johannesburg, 78; Cape Town, 35; in other branches, 49. Also, photographic and industrial design ; market, production, and media research. Westoby (Pty.), Ltd., Keig House, Rissik St. (Post Office Box 10710), Johannes- burg. Personnel : 12. Firm has special technical and consumer advertising divi- sion. Media : Trade journals, manuals and handbooks, cinema slides and pro- grams, tram and bus, fairs and exhibitions. Young Advertising (Pty.), Ltd., Post Office Box 11471, Johannesburg. Per- sonnel : 29. Employs outside sources for market and opinion research. Marketing Research Organization See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Franklin Research (Pty.), Ltd., Corporation Bldg., Commissioner St. (Post Office Box 9605), Johannesburg. Personnel: Office, 35; field, 200. Coverage: All of southern Africa. All types of marketing research and analyses, public opinion and motivation research, and marketing services. Experienced in trade and industry surveys. Conducts continuing surveys of radio listening and of brand trends. Makes analyses of press and radio expenditures. Provides trans- lations of own documents. Firm has assisted in carrying out research projects for the American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N. J., but is not formally affiliated. UNITED KINGDOM Advertising Agencies The firms listed below are representative of the numerous general advertising agencies which operate in the United Kingdom. Several of the most prominent and active are United States firms or have connections in the United States. 121 United Kingdom. There are also many British firms specializing in various fields, such as cinema, direct mail, or outdoor advertising. Some of the larger general agencies are in a position to give excellent service on market analysis and on the development of sales policy. There is an increasing trend toward coordinated advertising and marketing. Press advertising accounts for approximately 60 percent of advertising expenditures in the United Kingdom, with newspapers in towns or cities outside of London taking the largest percentage of advertising for this group. Other leading media are outdoor and transportation, cinema shorts and slides, catalogs and leaflets, window and interior displays, and exhibitions. The British Broad- casting Corporation does not allow commercial advertising on its radio or TV stations, but permits advertising in its publications. The only outside radio station of any consequence which advertises to British listeners is Kadio Luxem- bourg Advertising, Ltd., a firm with British connections broadcasting in English from Luxembourg. Television advertising (spot commercials only) is done through the stations of the Independent Television Authority, a quasi-govern- mental corporation which at present has 6 transmitters (including 1 each in Scotland and Wales), estimated to reach 75 percent of the population of the United Kingdom. The ITA plans to have 11 transmitters in operation by 1961, with estimated coverage of 90 percent of the population. The agencies listed below all offer complete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations, media selection, and placement. In addition to the media previously listed, most of these firms offer packaging, merchandising and public relations services, and advertising via direct mail, magazines, technical and trade journals, cinema slides, radio com- mercials (for use abroad), novelties, demonstrations, etc. Names marked with an asterisk are those of firms which offer marketing research and analyses, trade and industry surveys, and opinion research and polls in connection with advertising campaigns. All of the firms are of British nationality; subsidiaries of United States companies are indicated. Unless otherwise noted, these agencies cover all of the United Kingdom; and many provide worldwide coverage through associated companies. Ashburners, Ltd., 103 Portland St., Manchester 1, Lancashire. Personnel: 30. Also, market analyses. Paul Baratte & Associates, Ltd., 73 New Bond St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 20. Contact office in Paris, France. Coverage: Western Europe and Africa. Also, market analyses and trade or industry surveys. Charles Barker & Sons, Ltd., 1 Watling St., London, E.G. 4. Personnel: 60. Coverage: Worldwide. Also, market analyses and trade or industry surveys. Alfred Bates & Son, Ltd., 130 Fleet St., London, E.G. 4. Personnel: 100. Branches in Liverpool, Glasgow, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Manchester. Coverage : International market. Also, market analyses and trade or industry surveys. *S. H. Benson, Ltd., 129 Kingsway, London, W.G. 2. Personnel : 580. Cover- age: Worldwide. "Clifford Bloxham & Partners, Ltd., Lion House, Red Lion St., London, W.G. 1. Personnel: 110. *L. Graham Browne, Advertising, Ltd., 1 Hagley Rd., Birmingham 16, War- wickshire. Personnel : 19, and 17 in separate art department. Branch in London. *The Central News, Ltd., Pemoerton House, East Harding St., London, E.G. 4. Personnel: 40. Coverage: Worldwide. *Samson Clark & Co., Ltd., 57/61 Mortimer St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 153. Branch in London, E.C. 2. Has associates throughout most of the world. 122 United Kingdom Member of OAMA (Continental Advertising and Marketing Agencies) group (see Appendix). Cogent Advertising Service, Ltd., Trinity House, Trinity St., Coventry, War- wickshire. Personnel: 30. Coverage includes parts of Europe. Also, market analyses and trade or industry surveys. *Colman, Prentis & Varley, Ltd., 34 Grosvenor St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 360. Branches in Belgium, Canada, Colombia, France, Italy, Trinidad, and Venezuela. Covers oversea markets through affiliated offices and associated agencies. ♦Crane Publicity, Ltd., Adam House, 1 Fitzroy Square, London, W. 1. Per- sonnel : 60. Coverage includes oversea markets. ♦W. S. Crawford, Ltd., 283 High Holoorn, London, W.C. 1. Personnel: Over 300. Branches in Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Beirut, and Toronto. Coverage : Worldwide. See also, Contimart A.G., Zurich, Switzerland. *D. C. Cuthbertson & Co., Ltd., 95 Bath St., Glasgow, C. 2. Personnel : 25. Coverage : Great Britain, with detailed knowledge of Scotland. *Dorland Advertising, Ltd., Borland House 18/20 Regent St., London, S.W. 1. Personnel : 250. Branch offices in London, B.C. 3, and in Paris, Brussels, Berlin, Dusseldorf, and Munich. Associate offices in 62 other countries. Coverage: Worldwide. Elliott Advertising, Ltd., Manton House, Great Charles St., Birmingham S, Warwickshire. Personnel: 61. Branch in London. Oversea coverage through associate companies. Also, market analyses and trade or industry surveys. *Erwin Wasey, Ruthrauflf & Ryan, Ltd., Brook House, Park Lane, London, W. 1. Personnel: 346. Branches in Toronto, Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro. Direct coverage includes United States, Canada, Brazil, and Middle Eastern markets. Other areas through associates. Parent firm : Erwin, Wasey, Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc., 711 Third Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *Erwoods, Ltd., 211 Piccadilly, London, W. 1. Personnel: 40-50. Branch in Liverpool. Coverage : Europe and all important oversea markets. *Foote, Cone & Belding, Ltd., 21 Hill St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 230. Cov- erage: Worldwide. Marketing research and related services for established clients. Parent firm : Foote, Cone & Belding, Inc., 247 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *Gee Advertising, Ltd., Welford Rd. and Carlton St., Leicester, Leicestershire. Personnel : 105. Branches in London, Leeds, and Manchester. Has associates in 47 countries. General Publicity Services, Ltd., SI Dover St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 30. Coverage: British Isles and Kenya. Also, market analyses. ♦Grant Advertising, Ltd., 36 Grosvenor St., London, W. 1. Personnel: 40. Affiliates in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, Australia. Coverage includes United States, Europe, and Australia. Parent firm: Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. ♦John Haddon & Co., Ltd., 11/12 Salisbury Square, Fleet St., London, B.C. 4> Personnel: 150. Branch in Birmingham. Coverage includes British Common- wealth and Europe. ♦Stuart Hirst, Ltd., Survey House, 15 Bond St., Leeds, Yorkshire. Personnel : 20. Branch in London. Coverage : Worldwide. ♦John Hobson & Partners, Ltd., 36/38 Fitzroy Sq., London, W. 1. Personnel : 120. Coverage includes main export markets. ♦D. J. Keymer & Co., 52 Bedford Row, London, W.C. 2. Personnel : 40. Cover- age includes Europe. 123 United Kingdom. *A. H. Knowles, Ltd., 11 Piccadilly, Manchester 1, Lancashire. Personnel : 28. Branch in Manchester. Coverage includes British Commonwealth and Europe. Lee & Nightingale (Advertising), Ltd., North House, North John St., Liver- pool, Lancashire. Personnel : 55. *Masius & Fergusson. Ltd., 2 St. James's Sq., London, S.W. 1. Personnel : 275. Coverage includes British Commonwealth and Europe. *Mather & Crowther, Ltd., Brettenham House, Lancaster PI., Strand, London, W.C. 2. Personnel : 535. Associates throughout the world. Coverage : World- wide. ♦McCann-Erickson Advertising, Ltd., McCann-Erickson House, Fetter Lane, London, E.G. 4. Personnel : 280. Branches in Paris, Brussels, Frankfurt, Ham- burg, Cologne, Dusseldorf. Coverage: Worldwide. Parent firm: McCann- Erickson, Inc., 485 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. *McConnells (Midlands), Ltd., 24 The Strand, Derby, Derbyshire. Personnel : 14. Has 6 branches. Coverage: Greater Midlands. *C. Mitchell & Co., Ltd., 1 and 2 Snow Hill, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.G. 1. Branch in Nigeria. Coverage includes oversea dominions, colonies, and foreign countries. *Napper, Stinton, Woolley, Ltd., 15-19 Great Ghapel St., London, W. 1. Per- sonnel : 140. Associate agencies throughout the world. Coverage : International. Nicholls Dorrity Advertising, Ltd., 41 Water St., Birmingham 3. Personnel : 26. Branch in London. Also, opinion research. *Notley Advertising, Ltd., 15 and 17 Hill St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 140. Palmer, Allardyce, Ltd., 109 King sway, London, W.G. 2. Personnel: 82. Branch in Paris. Coverage: International. Also, market analyses and trade or industry surveys. The Partington Advertising Co., Ltd., Victoria Embankment, London, W.G. 2. Personnel: 60. Coverage: Worldwide. Peacock, S. C, Ltd., Lincoln House, 296-302 High Holborn, London, W.C. 1. Personnel: 200. Branches in Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham. Cover- age includes oversea markets. Also, market analyses. *Plan International, Ltd., (0/0 Greenly s, Ltd.), Commonwealth House, New Oxford St., London, W.C. 1. Personnel: 400. Branches throughout Europe. Coverage includes European and Commonwealth markets. Representative in United States: Plan International, Inc., c/o Fact-Finders Associates, Inc., 400 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Pratt & Co. (Advertising), Ltd., Hanover Court, Hanover Square, London, W. 1. Personnel: 40. Branch in Manchester. *F. C. Pritchard Wood & Partners, Ltd., 25 Savile Row, London, W. 1. Per- sonnel: 300. Coverage: International. *Raynor, Webber & Stiles, Ltd., 38 Bruton St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 60. Branch at London W.C. 1. Coverage includes British Commonwealth and Europe. Rex Publicity Service, Ltd., 131-134 New Bond St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 95. Branches in Glasgow, Edinsburgh, and Nottingham. Coverage includes over- sea markets. Member of EMA group {see Appendix). Ripley, Preston & Co., Ltd., Ludgate House, 101-111 Fleet St., London, E.G. 4. Personnel: 112. Branches in Birmingham, Manchester, Sheffield, Bristol, Lei- cester, and Bournemouth. Also, market analyses and trade or industry surveys. B. Roberts & Co., Ltd., 75 Harrogate Rd., Leeds 7, Yorkshire. Personnel : 30. Branch in Dublin, Ireland. Coverage includes Republic of Ireland. Specializes in cinema slides and programs and illuminated signs. 124 .United Kingdom G. S. Royds, Ltd., Royds House, Mandeville Place, London, W. 1. Personnel : 200. Coverage: International. Also, market analyses and trade or industry surveys. Stewart Skingle, Ltd., 191 Strand, London, W.C. 2. Personnel : 20. Associate company in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Coverage includes the Netherlands and Australia. Also, market and opinion research. *Sommerville & Milne, Ltd., 216 Bothwell St., Glasgoiv, C. 2. Personnel : 40. *Spottiswoode Advertising, Ltd., 34 Brook St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 95. Coverage : International. G. Street & Co., Ltd., 11 Berkeley St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 300. Branches in Manchester and Leicester. Coverage includes Europe. Stronachs Advertising, Ltd., 150 Fleet St., London, E.G. 4. Personnel: 100. Branches in India, Ceylon, Pakistan. Coverage includes the 3 foregoing countries and Burma and Goa. Also, market analyses and trade or industry surveys. *J. Walter Thompson Co., Ltd., 40 Berkeley Square, London, W. 1. Personnel : 678. Coverage: International. Full marketing research service through affili- ated British Market Research Bureau, Ltd. (See Market Research Organiza- tions.) Parent firm: J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Willing's Press Service, Ltd., Willing House, 356 Grays Inn Rd., London, W.G. 1. Personnel: 85. Coverage: Worldwide. *Young & Rubicam, Ltd., 8 Baker St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 252. Branch in Frankfurt, Germany. Coverage includes Europe. Marketing research and related services for advertising clients only. Parent firm : Young & Rubicam, Inc., 285 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. (Almost all of the foregoing agencies offer marketing research services.) The organizations listed below are of British nationality and cover all of the United Kingdom. Except as noted, they offer market research and analyses, specialized trade or industry surveys, and opinion research and polls, as well as other specialized services listed. Baird & Dawson, Ltd., Old Colony House, South King St., Manchester 2. Also offers complete advertising service. British Market Research Bureau, Ltd., 47 Upper Grosvenor St., London, W. 1. American-British. Personnel : 300, including field workers. Branches in Birm- ingham, Leeds, and Glasgow. Principal company : J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Market Investigations, Ltd., 23 Fitzroy St., London, W. 1. Personnel : 19 full time, 200 part time. Coverage includes Republic of Ireland. Market Potentials, Ltd., 84 Gloucester PL, Portman Sq., London, W. 1. Cover- age includes Europe. Specializes in sales and economic forecasting for potential markets. Marketing Development Co., Ltd., 12 Grosvenor PI., London, S.W. 1. Branches in United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and South and West Africa. Coverage : International. Services include advice on distribution policy, sales promotion methods, etc. Mass-Observation, Ltd., 148 Cromwell Rd., London, S.W. 7. Personnel : Office, 35 ; field, 150. Branch in Liverpool. 495641- 125 Uruguay ___ A. C. Nielsen Co., Ltd., 99 Park Lane, London, W. 1. Also at Nielsen House, London Rd., Headington, Oxford. Personnel: 1,026. Branches in Republic of Ireland and Netherlands. Associates throughout the world. Also, Nielsen in- dexes, TV audience research, etc. Parent firm, A. C. Nielsen Co., 2101 West Howard St., Chicago 45, 111. Research Services, Ltd., 110 St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C. 2. Personnel: Office, 85 ; field, 40-50 weekly. International coverage through associated com- panies. All types of consumer and dealer research ; product tests ; and media, advertising, editorial, public opinion, and social and industrial research. Affili- ate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. See also INTRA-EUROPE, Bad Godesberg, Germany. Sales Research Services, Ltd., 84 Gloucester PI., Portman Sq., London, W. 1. Personnel: Office, 54; field, 279. Has 10 supervisors' posts outside London. Also, retail audits, brand barometer quarterly service, consumer and dealer surveys, product tests, motivation research, etc. Social Surveys (Gallup Poll), Ltd., 211 Regent St., London, W. 1. Personnel : Office, 70, plus field workers. Coverage includes Republic of Ireland. Consumer research in all forms, including diets, durable goods, clothing, household prod- ucts. Advertising research through retailer inquiries and distribution checks. Opinion polls and public relations surveys. Audience research. Surveys of special groups. Affiliate of American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N.J. Harold Whitehead & Partners, Ltd., S3 Palace St., London, S.W. 1. Personnel : 50. Coverage includes Europe and Union of South Africa. Specializes in indus- trial market studies applied to capital goods. URUGUAY Advertising Agencies Professional advertising is well established and standards and techniques are similar to those prevailing in the United States. Local business firms are steadily increasing their use of advertising agencies to promote sales of prod- ucts and services. Newspapers are the leading medium and art and production facilities are generally of high quality. Radio advertising is also popular and the country is well supplied with broadcasting stations. Other widely used media are maga- zines, technical and trade journals, outdoor and transportation, and cinema. Television broadcasting has recently been initiated and commercial advertising is done via the country's one transmitter, located in Montevideo. All firms listed below will undertake to use any advertising media requested by their clients, but are best equipped to handle the media given in the individual listings. Names marked with an asterisk are those of firms which offer market- ing and opinion research and trade or industry surveys in connection with ad- vertising services. Except as noted, the agencies are of Uruguayan nationality and cover all of Uruguay. Agencia Americana de Avisos, Av. 18 de Julio 1388, Montevideo. Personnel : 14. Media : Newspapers and other publications, radio, outdoor and transporta- tion, direct mail. 126 Venezuela Capurro y Cia, Calle Juan C. Gdmez 1872, Montevideo. Personnel : 45. Cover- age includes Argentina, Brazil, and other countries. Media: Newspapers and other publications, outdoor and transportation. ♦Gallardo Propaganda, Calle Rio Negro 1308, Montevideo. Personnel: 24; usually operates with a staff of about 50 for special assignments. Coverage includes neighboring countries. Media : Newspapers and radio. ♦Grant Advertising (Uruguay), Ltda., Zabala 1542, Montevideo. Media: Newspapers, outdoor, and radio. Parent firm: Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. ♦Imperio, Ltda., Av. Agraciada 1748, Montevideo. Personnel: 62. Coverage includes Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Media : Newspapers, cinema, radio, outdoor and transportation. Massa y Cia, Ltda., Calle Buenos Aires 484, Montevideo. Personnel : 15. Media : Newspapers and other publications including catalogs and manuals. Also, radio. *McCann-Erickson Corp., Calle Rincdn 487, Montevideo. Personnel: 14. Media : Newspapers and radio. Parent firm : McCann-Erickson, Inc., 485 Lexing- ton Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Pregon Publicidad, Calle Rio Negro 1308, P-6, Montevideo. Personnel: 12. Media : Newspapers, outdoor and transportation. Publicidad Oriental, Calle Soriano 1030, Montevideo. Personnel : 15. Cover- age includes neighboring countries. Media : Newspapers and cinema, radio, and TV commercials. Sonacolor, Ltda., Calle Treinta y Tres 1512, Montevideo. Personnel: 15. Medium : Cinema commercials. *J. Walter Thompson Uruguaya, S.R.L., Calle Rincdn 467, Montevideo. Per- sonnel : 13. Media : Newspapers and other publications, radio, cinema, outdoor and transportation. Parent firm : J. Walter Thompson Co., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Both of the organizations listed below offer market analyses, opinion research and polls, and specialized trade or industry surveys. They are of Uruguayan nationality and cover all of Uruguay. Instituto de Investigaciones de Mercado y Opinion Piiblica, Calle 25 de Mayo 477, Esc. 81 y 32, Montevideo. Personnel: 3. Modified probability and quota sampling methods are used. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. Instituto Uruguayo de Opinion Publica, Calle San Jose" 1246, Montevideo. Personnel : 4. Also, social surveys. This institute has assisted in carrying out research projects for the American Institute of Public Opinion, Dr. George Gallup, Princeton, N. J., but is not formally affiliated. VENEZUELA Advertising Agencies The advertising industry has advanced rapidly in recent years. Most of the leading agencies listed below offer services similar to those obtainable from U.S. 127 Venezuela. agencies, and the United States is a major source of advertising materials used in Venezuela. All media are used effectively in the urban marketing areas, where TV is gaining in importance. Radio is the leading medium for countrywide coverage. Other leading outlets are newspapers and periodicals, cinema, outdoor and transportation, direct mail, fairs and exhibitions, and point-of-sale advertising. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed below offer complete advertising service, including counsel, planning, creative art and copy work, translations as related to accounts, media selection, and placement via all media. Names marked with an asterisk are those of firms which offer market research and analyses, trade and industry surveys, and opinion research and polls in connection with advertising services. Except as noted, firms are of Venezuelan nationality and cover all of Venezuela. Spanish is the official language of correspondence, although English is used by many firms. *Anuncia Publicidad, C.A., Edificio Polar, Plaza Venezuela, Caracas. Per- sonnel : 46 plus commission salesmen. ♦Corporacion Publicitaria Nacional CORPA, Edificio Electricidad de Caracas (Apartado Postal 8954), Caracas. Personnel: 106, not including subsidiary market research, exhibition, and display companies. Branch in Maracaibo. ♦Grant Advertising, S.A., Edificio Polar, Plaza Venezuela (Apartado Postal 1651), Caracas. Personnel : 35. Parent firm : Grant Advertising, Inc., 919 North Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. *McCann-Erickson Venezolana, S.A., Edificio Camara de Comercio, Caracas. Personnel: 45. Parent firm: McCann-Erickson, Inc., 485 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ♦Publicidad Anuncios Lyon, C.A., Edificio Teatro Metropolitano, Caracas. Personnel : 52, plus part-time employees on fee basis. Plans expansion into market research. Representative in the United States: Publicidad Anuncios Lyon, 44 Whitehall St., Apt. 703, New York 4, N.Y. ♦Publicidad "ARS," C.A., Edificio Sudameris, Av. Urdaneta, Caracas. Person- nel: 210. Branch in Maracaibo. Sistemas Postales, S.A., Edificio Imperial, Oficina 95, Plaza Candelaria, Ca- racas. Personnel : 6, plus 8 part-time field workers. Specializes in direct mail and mailing lists. Vepaco, C.A., Guayaoal a Venado No. 8 (Apartado Postal 608), Caracas. Per- sonel: 200. Branches in Maracaibo, Barquisimeto, and Puerto La Cruz. Specializes in all types of outdoor advertising — billboards, neon signs, posters, silk screen, etc. Has own art department. ♦Voz y Vision de Venezuela, C.A., VOVICA, Edificio El Jardin, Paseo Ruo4n, San Bernadino, Caracas. Personnel : 15. ♦Young & Rubicam, Inc., Edificio Luz Electrica, Av. Urdaneta, Caracas. Per- sonnel : 20. Parent firm : Young & Rubicam, Inc., 285 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Marketing Research Organizations See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. Except as noted, the organizations listed below are of Venezuelan nationality and cover all of Vene- zuela. They all offer market research and analyses, opinion research and polls, and specialized trade or industry surveys. 128 West Indies, The Asesoria Technica Industrial, Edificio Banco Caracas, Caracas. Personnel : 5. Representative in the United States : Manuel Barturen, 107 Bast 37th St., New York 16, N.Y. Datos, CA^ Edificio Luz Electrica, Av. Urdaneta, Caracas. Personnel: 21, plus 30 investigators on fee basis. International Research Associates, CA^ Edificio Union, Av. Abraham Lincoln, Sabana Grande (Apartados del Este 51S8), Caracas. Opinion, market, and media research. Probability samples can be designed for any area throughout the country, and facilities are available for continuing surveys as well as in- dividual studies. The field staff includes five full-time supervisors who direct the work of whatever number of trained interviewers are called for by the particular study. The office has a business machine installation for processing of data. Affiliate of International Research Associates, Inc., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. VIET-NAM There are several advertising firms in Viet-Nam, but only the two listed below are believed to have facilities and techniques for handling the accounts of cli- ents in other countries. Local newspapers (the leading medium) have staff members responsible for sale of space and preparation of copy. Other media used are magazines, brochures, and pamphlets, outdoor and billboard, cinema slides, calendars, and displays. There is no radio or TV advertising. The principal languages are Viet-Namese and French. The largest foreign group is the Chinese, numbering about a million, who are scattered throughout rural and urban areas and play a large part in the country's economy. ♦Agence Internationale de Publicite (AIP), %1 Mac dinh Chi, Saigon. French, Personnel: 40. Coverage: All of Free Viet-Nam, with working arrangements with oversea agencies. Market analyses, translations, placement broker, and advertising via all local media. Viet-Nam Advertising Agency (VAC), 26 Oia Long, Saigon. Branch in Da Nang (Tourane), Viet-Nam. Coverage: Free Viet-Nam, Laos, and Cambodia. Creative work (art, copy, silk-screen reproduction), translations (English, French, Vietnamese, Chinese, Cambodian, Lao), editing and publication of bro- chures and pamphlets, and advertising via all local media. Also, placement broker. Marketing Research Organizations None. See advertising agency indicated by an asterisk. WALES See United Kingdom. WEST INDIES, THE On January 3, 1958, The West Indies— a Federation of British colonies in the Caribbean — was constituted, with Port of Spain, Trinidad, as the provisional 129 West Indies, The. capital. The new Federation has an area of about 8,000 square miles and a population of almost 3 million. It is composed of 10 British colonies — Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, and St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla. Over half of the Federa- tion's population are in the island of Jamaica. About 743,000 are in Trinidad and Tobago, and some 228,000 in Barbados. The others are scattered through the smaller Windward and Leeward Islands. Advertising Agencies Principal media are daily and weekly English-language newspapers published in almost all of the islands, and commercial radio stations in Kingston and Port of Spain. Transcribed radio commercials prepared in the United States are frequently used by local agents for American items. Other means of adver- tising are magazines, trade publications, cinema slides and short films, direct mail, outdoor and transportation, and novelties. Unless otherwise specified, the firms listed below are general agencies which prepare copy, illustrations, and scripts. Most of the larger firms cover the entire Federation through branches or associates. Smaller firms (less than 15 em- ployees) usually do not offer direct-mail advertising. Names marked with an asterisk are those of firms which undertake market analyses, trade or industry surveys, and opinion research and polls in connection with advertising campaigns. All of the agencies listed are of British nationality. Gilbert Aarons, 9% Harbour St., Kingston, Jamaica. Personnel: 4. Cover- age: Jamaica. Media: Newspapers, magazines, outdoor, transportation, and cinema. * Ad-Rite Advertising Agency, 129 King St., Kingston, Jamaica. Personnel: 30. Coverage : Federation. Marketing research and related services in Jamaica only. Has facilities for silk screen printing. Advertising & Art, Ltd., 127y 2 Water Lane, Kingston. Personnel : 20. Cover- age: Jamaica. *Art & Publicity, Ltd., 97B Church St., Kingston, Jamaica. Branch at 82-84 Frederick St., Port of Spain, Trinidad. Total personnel: 56. Coverage: Caribbean area. Also, placement broker, and translations in Spanish, French, and German. Colonial Advertising Co., Ltd., Post Office Box 591, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Branch at Bridgetown (Post Office Box 62), Barbados. Personnel: 15 (Bridge- town, 5). Coverage: Federation. Commercial Art & Advertising Agency, 3 Duke St., Kingston, Jamaica. Per- sonnel : 8. Coverage : Jamaica. Corbin Associates, 10 Chacon St., Port of Spain, Trinidad. Associate oflice: Corbin & Stewart, Lower Broad St., Bridgetown, Barbados. Personnel : 18 (6 at Bridgetown). Coverage: Trinidad and Barbados. S. N. Couch, 78 Orange St., Kingston, Jamaica. Personnel: 6. Coverage: Jamaica. Also, placement broker. ♦Davies & Chislett, Ltd., 12 Abercromoy St., Port of Spain, Trinidad. Per- sonnel : 40. Coverage : Federation and British Guiana. Subcontracts for market analyses and trade and industry surveys. Also, placement broker, translations. Diaz Advertising Service, 77 Barry St., Kingston, Jamaica. Personnel: 5. Coverage: Jamaica. 130 Zanzibar Alex Foster Associates, Coronation Bldg., Kingston, Jamaica. Personnel : 11. Coverage: Jamaica. C. A. R. Leslie & Co., Ltd., Coleridge St., Bridgetown, Barbados. Personnel : 5. Coverage : Barbados and Leeward and Windward Islands. D. G. MacMillan, 88 Orange St., Kingston, Jamaica. Personnel : 8. Coverage : Jamaica. Marketing Research Organization See also advertising agencies indicated by asterisks. D. M. Searl Co., 76 Queen St., Port of Spain, Trinidad. Personnel : 30. Cover- age: Trinidad and Tobago. Market analyses, opinion research and polls, and trade and industry surveys. Translations (Spanish-English) in connection with services. Accepts subcontracts from local advertising agencies for research projects and surveys. WINDWARD ISLANDS See West Indies. ZANZIBAR See Africa, British East 131 APPENDIX International Networks of Advertising Agencies The foreign branches, subsidiaries, and affiliates of many United States adver- tising and marketing agencies in effect constitute international networks, through which the American firms provide coverage of particular areas abroad or co- ordinated worldwide service. A number of the United States firms which specialize in the international field are indicated by listings in this publication of their foreign branches or subsidiaries. Numerous other American advertising agencies engage in international activities through correspondent relationships with independent foreign firms. While the correspondent connections are sub- ject to change and therefore are not indicated in this guide (as explained in the introduction), most of the larger American agencies deal with many of the foreign firms listed in the preceding pages and through these connections can offer services similar to those of the foreign networks described below. In several areas abroad, independent advertising and marketing agencies which normally operate solely within their own national boundaries have formed net- works to provide coordinated service covering adjacent countries. As a result of the organization of the European Common Market, an increasing number of such networks are being formed to provide advertising, marketing, and marketing research services for Europe as a whole. Many United States advertising firms are also coordinating the activities of their European offices in line with the Common Market concept, and offer complete service covering all or part of Eu- rope, in addition to their activities in other areas of the world. Given below are brief descriptions of the organization and operations of inter- national groups of independent foreign agencies on which information is avail- able. A majority of the firms comprising these networks are listed in this guide. CAMA (Continental Advertising and Marketing Agencies). United States office: 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. Manager: Mr. Richard E. Walker. CAMA is an association of fully equipped European advertising and marketing agencies functioning together as a cohesive unit. The agencies can be appointed individually or in any desired combination of countries. Campaigns running in more than one country can be coordinated by special groups. The association states that commissions are not split. Member agencies own and maintain the group's New York office in order to assist American advertisers. Member firms are as follows: Belgium : Publicity Vanypeco, S. A.. Brussels. 132 Denmark : A/S D. E. A. Reklamebureau for Danske Erhverv, Copenhagen. Finland : S. E. K. Advertising, Helsinki. France : Agence Francaise de Propagande, Paris. Germany : Werbeagentur Dr. Hegemann, Dusseldorf. Ireland : Domas, Ltd., Dublin. Italy : Studio Sigla, Milan. Netherlands, The : N.V. Van Hees Advertentiekantoor, Amsterdam. Norway : Alf sen & Becker Advertising, Oslo. Sweden : Wilh. Anderssons Annonsbyra, A.B., Stockholm. Switzerland : Dr. Rudolf Farner, Zurich. United Kingdom : Samson Clark & Co.. Ltd.. London. England. EMA (European Market Association of Advertising Agencies). No representative in the United States. Inquiries may be addressed to any member firm. This association of 14 advertising agencies operating in countries within the European Common Market Area and the planned Free Trade Area offers clients complete advertising, marketing, and publicity service embracing all or part of the European market. The package service obtainable by approach to any mem- ber firm includes a summarized on-the-spot survey of the local market in each country to be included in a campaign, covering competition, price factors, accept- ability of the product, and all related marketing information. Translation and adaptation of copy to meet local needs, media advice and buying guidance, and production and checking services are provided by member agencies in the various countries. Member firms are as follows: Austria: Wiener Werbegesellschaft, Seitzergasse 6, Vienna 1. Belgium : Publicity DeWalhens, 14 Meir, Antwerp. Denmark : Lund & Lommer, Langebrogade 7, Copenhagen. Finland : Oy Seitsenmainos Ab, Kaisaniemenkatu 4-a, Helsinki. France: Pema, 98 boulevard Malesherbes, Paris 17. Germany: Anzeigengesellschaft Fritz Mayer & Co., K.G., Goethestrasse 3, Frankfurt/Main. Italy : Omnia Pubblicita, Via Durini 28, Milan. Netherlands, The: B. van Borssum-Waalkes, Julianalaan II, Baarn. Norway: S0rfang Reklame, Tordenskjoldsgate 7, Oslo. Portugal: Belarte, Lda., 141 Av. dos Aliados, Oporto. Spain : Clarin, Hortaleza 20, Madrid. Sweden: AB Stenberg & Wagner, Gyllenstiernsgatan 17, Stockholm. Switzerland : Max Berger, Freiestrasse 88, Basel. United Kingdom : Rex Publicity Service, Ltd., 131-134 New Bond St., London, W.l. EURAS Advertising Service, Bahnhofstrasse 81, Zurich, Switzerland. No representative in the United States. Inquiries may be addressed to any member firm. Member agencies are equal partners in providing complete advertising and marketing service for Europe as a whole. Accounts which are handled by the group in more than one country are coordinated by joint meetings of the principals of the agencies concerned. Exchanges of research, creative, and other personnel are organized so that there is full understanding between the prin- cipals and the key personnel in the various countries, without loss of national individuality. Member agencies are as follows: Benelux: Meyson Reclame, Amsterdam. France : Societe Aljanvic, Paris. 133 Germany: Markenwerbung, Hamburg. Italy : Radar Publicita, Milan. Scandinavia : Stig Arbman, Annonsbyra, A/B, Stockholm. Switzerland: Karl Erny Reklameberatung, BSR, Zurich. United Kingdom: E. Walter George, Ltd., London, England. Plan International, Ltd. Represented in United States by Fact-Finders Associates, Inc., 400 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Chairman of the group is Mr. Richard Lonsdale-Hands, principal of Greenlys, Ltd., Commonwealth House, New Oxford St., London, W.C. 1. The network was organized in 1958 to offer advertisers an overall European service, designed especially for firms developing or extending activities in the European Common Market. The group states that it is equipped to prepare a master plan for clients which would be implemented by the appropriate agency in each country, thus combining the advantages of overall coordination of a central command with the specialized local knowledge which only agencies operating in a country possess. Member agencies are as follows : Belgium : Publi-Synthese & R. L. Dupuy, S.A. Brussels. Denmark : Bergenholz & Arnesen Reklamebureau, A/S, Copenhagen. France : R. L. Dupuy. Paris. Germany : Werbe-Liebald, G.m.b.H., Dusseldorf. Italy : Studio Stile, Milan. Netherlands, The : Nijgh & Van Ditmar, N.V., Rotterdam. Norway : Trygve Dalweg & Co., Oslo. Spain : Publicruz, Barcelona. Sweden : Annonsbyra AB Seller's Reklam, Stockholm. Switzerland : Jean Wild, Advertising, Zurich. United Kingdom : Greenlys, Ltd., London, England. Publicistas Centroamericanos Asociados. Represented in United States by Dillon-Cousins & Associates, Inc., 500 West 57th St., New York 17, N.Y. The group is composed of one independent agency in each of the Central Ameri- can Republics. It coordinates and plans simultaneous advertising campaigns for the 6 countries, thus providing complete coverage of a homogeneous market for foreign firms at a lower cost than would be entailed by individual campaigns in each of the countries. Member firms are as follows : Costa Rica : Ante Lucem, Ltda., San Jose. Guatemala : Representaciones Publicitarias, Guatemala City. Honduras : Publicidad Zelaya, Tegucigalpa. Nicaragua : Publicidad Morales, Managua. Panama : Servicios Mykland, Panama City. Salvador, El : Publicidad Diaz. San Salvador. Scandinavian Advertising Pool, The. No representative in the United States. Inquiries may be addressed to any member firm. The combined facilities of the agencies constituting the pool are at the disposal of the advertiser as a unit. The intimate knowledge each agency has of condi- tions in its own country is made available to the group as a whole, and the market research and consultative activities of each pool member are extended 134 to cover all Scandinavia. Fields of activity: Advertising (including adaptation of foreign material), market research, sales promotion, industrial design, print- ing, and press clipping service. Member firms are as follows : Denmark : Sylvester Hvid, 21 Frederiksberggade, Copenhagen. Finland : Finlands Annonscentral Ab, Fabianinkatu 14, Helsinki. Norway : A. S. Hoydahl Ohme, Roald Amundsensgate 1, Oslo. Sweden : AB Svenska Telegrambyran, Klara vastra kyrkogata 12, Stockholm. Branches in Goteborg, Malmo, and Halsingborg. 135 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICEi 1959 i U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FIELD OFFICES Information on all phases of world trade — ranging from comprehensive economic and business data to details on export and import regulations — is quickly and directly available to businessmen in their own cities or localities through the 33 Field Offices of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Conveniently located in business centers of the United States, the Field Offices are staffed with foreign trade specialists who keep constantly abreast of develop- ments in the United States and abroad. Aided by the current information and publications sent to them regularly from Washington, they are well equipped to serve world traders in their communities. Supplementing these Field Offices is a coast-to-coast network of some 800 cooperative offices — local chambers of commerce and other business organiza- tions — which have been furnished with Department of Commerce publications, reference material, and other information for use by businessmen. The addresses of the Department's Field Offices follow : Albuquerque, N. Mex., 321 Post Office Bldg. Atlanta 3, Ga., 604 Volunteer Bldg., 66 Luckie St. Boston 9, Mass., H16 U.S. Post Office and Courthouse Bldg. Buffalo 3, N.Y., 504 Federal Bldg., 117 Ellicott St. Charleston 4, S.C., Area 2, Sergeant Jasper Bldg., West End Broad St. Cheyenne, Wyo., 207 Majestic Bldg., 16th St. and Capitol Ave. Chicago 6, 111., 226 West Jackson Blvd. Cincinnati 2, Ohio, 915 Fifth Third Bank Bldg., 36 East Fourth St. Cleveland 1, Ohio, Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., E. 6th St. and Superior Ave. Dallas 1, Tex., Room 3-104 Merchandise Mart, 500 South Ervay St. Denver 2, Colo., 142 Netv Customhouse. Detroit 26, Mich., 438 Federal Bldg. Greensboro, N.C., 407 U.S. Post Office Bldg. Houston 2, Tex., 610 Scanlan Bldg., 405 Main St. Jacksonville 1, Fla., 425 Federal Bldg. Kansas City 6, Mo., Room 2011, 911 Walnut St. Los Angeles 15, Calif., 1031 South Broadkvay. Memphis 3, Tenn., 212 Falls Bldg. Miami 32, Fla., 316 U.S. Post Office Bld\g., 300 NE. First Ave. Minneapolis 1, Minn., 319 Metropolitan Bldg. New Orleans 12, La., 333 St. Charles Ave. New York 1, N.Y., Empire State Bldg., 350 Fifth Ave. Philadelphia 7, Pa., Jefferson Bldg., 1015 Chestnut St. Phoenix, Ariz., 137 North Second Ave. Pittsburgh 22, Pa., 107 Sixth St. Portland 4, Oreg., 520 SW. Morrison St., 217 Old U.S. Courthouse. Reno, Nev., 1479 Wells Ave. Richmond 19, Va., 309 Parcel Post Bldg., 11th and Main Sts. St. Louis 1, Mo., 910 New Federal Bldg. Salt Lake City 1, Utah, 222 SW. Temple St. San Francisco 11, Calif., Room 419 Custmnhouse. Savannah, Ga., 235 U.S. Courthouse and Post Office Bldg. Seattle 4, Wash., Federal Office Bldg., 909 First Ave. For local telephone numbers, consult the U.S. Government section of the phone book.