(Lbb.lo, IVfc^ loO NOAA TR NESS 65 A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION '«r ES o< ' NOAA Technical Report NESS 65 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Environmental Satellite Service Satellite Infrared Soundings From NOAA Spacecraft V/ASHINGTON, D.C. SEPTEMBER 1973 NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Environmental Satellite Service Series The National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) is responsible for the establishment and operation of the National Operational Meteorological Satellite System and of the environmental satellite systems IOAA. The three principal offices of NESS are Operations, Systems Engineering, and Research. The Technical Report NESS series is used by these offices to facilitate early distribution of research its, data handling procedures, systems analyses, and other information of interest to NOAA organiza- tions . Publication of a report in NOAA Technical Report NESS series will not preclude later publication in an expanded or modified form in scientific journals. NESS series of NOAA Technical Reports is a continua- tion of, and retains the consecutive numbering sequence of, the former series, ESSA Technical Report onal Environmental Satellite Center (NESC), and of the earlier series, Weather Bureau Meteorological Satellite Laboratory (MSL) Report. Reports 1 through 37 are listed in publication NESC 56 of this ser- ies . Reports 1 through 50 in the series are available from the National Technical Information Service S), U.S. Department of Commerce, Sills Bldg., 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22151. Price $3.00 paper copy; $0.95 microfiche. Order by accession number, when given, in parentheses. Beginning with 51, printed copies of the reports are available through the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Price as indicated. Microfiche available from NTIS (use accession number when available). Price $0.95. ESSA Technical Reports 58 Angular Distribution of Solar Radiation Reflected From Clouds as Determined From TIROS IV Radi- ometer Measurements. I. Ruff, R. Koffler, S. Fritz, J. S. Winston, and P. K. Rao, March 1967. (PB-174-729) NESC 59 Motions in the Upper Troposphere as Revealed by Satellite Observed Cirrus Formations. H. McClure Johnson, October 1966. (PB-173-996) NESC 40 Cloud Measurements Using Aircraft Time-Lapse Photography. Linwood F. Whitney, Jr., and E. Paul McClain, April 1967. (PB-174-728) NESC 41 The SINAP Problem: Present Status and Future Prospects; Proceedings of a Conference Held at the National Environmental Satellite Center, Suitland, Maryland, January 18-20, 1967. E. Paul McClain, October 1967. (PB-176-570) NESC 42 Operational Processing of Low Resolution Infrared (LRIR) Data From ESSA Satellites. Louis Rubin, February 1968. (PB-178-123) NESC 43 Atlas of World Maps of Long-Wave Radiation and Albedo--for Seasons and Months Based on Measure- ments From TIROS IV and TIROS VII. J. S. Winston and V. Ray Taylor, September 1967. (PB-176- 569) 44 Processing and Display Experiments Using Digitized ATS-1 Spin Scan Camera Data. M. B. Whitney, R. C. Doolittle, and B. Goddard, April 1968. (PB-178-424) 45 The Nature of Intermediate-Scale Cloud Spirals. Linwood F. Whitney, Jr., and Leroy D. Herman, 'May 1968. (AD-673-681) NESC 46 Monthly and Seasonal Mean Global Charts of Brightness From ESSA 3 and ESSA 5 Digitized Pic- tures, February 196 7-February 1968. V. Ray Taylor and Jay S. Winston, November 1968. (PB-180- 717) 47 A Polynomial Representation of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor Transmission. William L. Smith, February 1969. (PB-183-296) ; 48 Statistical Estimation of the Atmosphere's Geopotential Height Distribution From Satellite Radiation Measurements. William L. Smith, February 1969. (PB-183-297) 49 Synoptic/Dynamic Diagnosis of a Developing Low-Level Cyclone and Its Satellite-Viewed Cloud Patterns. Harold J. Brodrick and E. Paul McClain, May 1969. (PB-184-612) Estimating Maximum Wind Speed of Tropical Storms From High Resolution Infrared Data. L. F. Hubert, A. Timchalk, and S. Fritz, May 1969. (PB-184-611) (Continued on inside back cover) ATMOSAl r/ WENT Of U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Frederick B. Dent, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE SERVICE David S. Johnson, Director NOAA Technical Report NESS 65 Satellite Infrared Soundings From NOAA Spacecraft L. M. McMillin D. Q. Wark J. M. Siomkajlo P. G. Abel A. Werbowetzki L A. Lauritson J. A. Pritchard D. S. Crosby H. M. Woolf R. C. Luebbe M. P. Weinreb H. E. Fleming F. E. Bittner C. M. Hayden u O CU a> o to Dl WASHINGTON, D.C. SEPTEMBER 1973 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C, 20402. Price $1.30 UDC 551.507.362.2:551.508.2:551.501.7:535-1 53 Physics 535-1 Infrared radiation 551.5 Meteorology .501 Methods of observation and computation . 7 Upper air data computation .507 Instrument carriers .362.2 Meteorological satellites .508 Meteorological instruments . 2 Radiation instruments li CONTENTS Abstract 1 1 . Introduction 1 2 . Spacecraft and ground equipment 6 A. Spacecraft 6 B. Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR) 6 (1) Description of the instrument 6 (2) Spectral transmission functions of VTPR filters 13 C. Other spacecraft equipment 14 D. Ground equipment 14 3. Data reduction and analysis 15 A. Overall data flow 15 B. Geographical location 17 C. Calibration procedure 18 D. First guess fields for VTPR data processing 24 (1 ) Northern hemisphere 24 (2 ) Tropics 24 (3) Southern hemisphere 24 E. Procedure for obtaining clear radiances (program CLRAD) 2 5 (1) Mathematical justification 25 (2 ) Operational procedures 28 F. Retrievals 32 (1 ) Introduction 32 (2 ) Input 32 (3) Construction of transmittances and weighting functions 34 (4) Temperature retrieval 36 (5) Moisture retrieval 37 (6 ) Output 40 in CONTENTS (cont'd.) 4. Quality tests and rejection procedures 40 5 . Data outputs and archives 42 A. General 42 B. Teletype messages 42 C . Output to NMC 43 D. Archival tapes 43 Acknowledgment 44 References 45 Appendix I, Miscellaneous tables 48 Appendix II, Filter characteristics and CO2 transmittances 55 Appendix III, Archive formats 105 IV SATELLITE INFRARED SOUNDINGS FROM NOAA SPACECRAFT L. M. McMillin, D. Q. Wark, J. M. Siomkajlo, P. G. Abel, A. Werbowetzki, L. A. Lauritson, J. A. Pritchard, D. S. Crosby, H. M. Woolf, R. C. Luebbe, M. P. Weinreb, H. E. Fleming, F. E. Bittner and C. M. Hayden National Environmental Satellite Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Washington, D.C. ABSTRACT. Data are currently being received from a Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR) aboard the NOAA 2 spacecraft to produce operational atmospheric soundings of temperature and humidity on a global scale. This report describes the VTPR instrument, its calibration, the procedure to obtain "clear radiances" from cloud-contaminated radiance measurements, retrieval techniques used to obtain temperature and humidity profiles from "clear radiances", the quality checks performed on these profiles, and the various forms in which data are available to potential users. 1 . INTRODUCTION Beginning with the NOAA 2 satellite, launched 15 October 1972, satellites of this series will carry instruments to make routine observations from which atmospheric temperature soundings are derived. This is an operational system designed to provide glo- bal upper air data to weather services. The purpose of this report is to describe the means by which the operational product is derived from satellite measurements. Subsequent chapters describe the instruments, ground support equipment, data systems, mathematical developments, and the forms of final products. Basic concepts of indirect soundings from satellites have been tested on the Nimbus 3 and 4 satellites. A Satellite Infra-Red Spectrometer (SIRS) (Wark 1970, Wark and Hilleary 1969, and Wark et al . 1970) and an Infra-Red Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS) (Conrath et al . 1970, Hanel and Conrath 1969, and Hanel et al . 1972) were carried on each of these satellites. Output signals from these instruments provided measurements of the thermal radi- ation emitted by the earth' s atmosphere and surface. These measurements can be related to the vertical structure of M temperature and humidity. A full description of the principles of measurement and data reduction is given by Fritz et al. (1972). Following initial verification of the reliability with which temperature profiles can be reproduced, the results from SIRS data were provided on a timely basis to the U.S. National Weather Service and were sent through normal telecommunications to other weather services (Smith et al . 1972). This quasi-operational procedure was commenced in May 1969 and continued with occasional interruptions until the implementation of the fully operational product from NOAA 2 . In anticipation of the increasing demand for quantitative wea- ther observations from satellites, the NASA and the NOAA have planned and produced a system to obtain operational soundings covering most areas of the globe twice daily. Plans have specif- ically dealt with the main deterrent to accurate soundings - clouds. As will be shown, the effect of clouds can be overcome by conducting many measurements within the area from which a single sounding is derived. Soundings are obtained from a num- ber of sets of measurements; SIRS instruments obtained only single sets of measurements from which soundings were derived. A statistical technique (Smith et al . 1972) permits one to deduce the emitted radiation from cloud- free areas. Each satellite in the NOAA series beginning with NOAA 2 will carry Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometers (VTPR's). Duplication of instruments on each spacecraft will assure con- tinued operation in the event one fails. The spacecraft are described bv Schwalb (1972). NOAA satellites orbit the earth in 78.3° retrograde orbits each 115 minutes at an altitude of 1464 km. Figure 1 shows the earth projection of seven orbits during a 13-hour period. Solid lines indicate the north to south, or "descending", portions of the orbits, which occur over mostly sunlit areas; dashed lines are the nighttime "ascending" portions of the same orbits. Equator crossings of NOAA 2 occur at 9 a.m. (descending node) and 9 p.m. (ascending node) local solar time. VTPR instruments scan perpendicular to the satellite motion, from left to right while facing the direction of travel, in 23 discrete steps. Fields of view, scanning times, and apparent motion on the earth provide "spots" which are contiguous both across and along the orbital track. In figure 1 the shaded areas indicate the areal coverage during two orbits. Darker shading indicates areas where data are redundant during the two orbits. Coverage of the earth by VTPR is not complete eguatorward of 49° because the instrument scans only + 30.3° from the local nadir. At low latitudes as little as two-thirds of the area is observed, but within a 24-hour period the combined ascending and descending portions of the orbits provide nearly complete coverage. A VTPR instrument observes each spot in eight spectral inter- vals 4 cm - -'- to 16 cm"-'- (.09 y,m to .56 ym) wide. One interval is in the window at 12 ym, six are located in the 15 y,m band of car- bon dioxide, and one is the 19 y-m region where water vapor absorp- tion dominates. After a set of eight spectral measurements has been obtained, the scan mirror is stepped to the next spot. When the 2 3 spots have been observed, the mirror returns to the origi- nal position. The pattern resulting from the scanning is depic- ted in figure 2, which is an enlargement of the small outlined area in figure 1. Observations within this area are obtained in about five minutes. Analysis of the data first requires their reduction to "clear radiances)' which are spectral radiances that one would find with completely clear skies. As described in a later section, data are separated into boxes of adjacent spots, from which a statis- tical analysis produces a single group of eight radiances for each box. Results are used to retrieve atmospheric profiles. The scheme initially applied to the VTPR data is shown in fig- ure 2. Eight scan lines are divided into three boxes of 8x8, 8x7 and 8x8 spots. Clear radiances are deduced for three boxes indicated by X' s in the figure. A retrieval is made for each box. The dimensions of the boxes are 500 by 600 km and 700 by 600 km for the center and side boxes, respectively. New pro- cedures will be instituted to locate retrievals at the centroids of clear areas. Although there are potentially about 200 soundings per orbit (2, 600_ daily) / several factors limit the number that can be pro- vided to users. These include excessive cloudiness, which makes it impossible to obtain satisfactory soundings in the troposphere; multi-layered clouds, which reduce the reliability of clear radi- ances; high and varied terrain, which produces a similar effect; and redundance over polar regions. The National Environmental Satellite Service will continue to improve the scope and quality of soundings through an active de- velopment program. Occasional changes in the methods of deduc- ing soundings will be made, and ancillary data, such as those from the Scanning Radiometer and from statistical regressions, 4 CN S o a ^ m w * u rd u +j Q) -P •H H H • r-l u Q) fa 5-1 fa & > -H fa ORBIT LONGITUDE Figure 2. — VTPR scan pattern and data analysis array for box in Figure 1 will be incorporated. As significant alterations are made, and as parameters of newly launched instruments are needed, supple- ments to this report will be issued. Parts of this report were prepared by the following personnel of the National Environmental Satellite Service. Section 1 - Introduction (D.Q.Wark) Section 2 - Spacecraft (J.M. Siomkajlo and P.G. Abel) and Ground Equipment (L.M. McMillin) Section 3 - Data Reduction and Analysis A. Overall Data Flow (A. Werbowetzki) B. Geographical Location of Data (L.A. Lauritson) C. Calibration Procedure (J. A. Pritchard, D.S. Crosby, D.Q. Wark and A. Werbowetzki) D. First Guess Fields for VTPR Data Proces- sing (H.M. Woolf) E. Procedure for Obtaining Clear Radiances (R. Luebbe, L. A. Lauritson, and L.M. McMillin) F. Retrieval (M.P. Weinreb and H.E. Fleming) Section 4 - Quality Tests and Rejection Procedures (F.E. Bittner and CM. Hayden) Section 5 - Data Outputs and Archives (L.M. McMillin) 2. SPACECRAFT AND GROUND EQUIPMENT A. Spacecraft The Improved TIROS Operational Satellite (ITOS) is a 1.02 x 1.02 x 1.25 m, 336 kq spacecraft designed to operate in a sun- synchronous polar orbit at 1464 km. Power is supplied by three 1.65 x .91 m solar panels, which are extended in space. The Digital Data Processor (DDP) receives data from the VTPR sensor and forwards them to the magnetic tape recorders. A flywheel is used to restrict satellite attitude errors about the pitch axis to + 0.5°, and electrical coils are used to correct roll and yaw errors (Schwalb 1972). B. Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer (VTPR) (1) Description of the Instrument The VTPR is a continuous day-night eight-channel sounding sys- tem. Six of the eight channels are used to deduce radiances in the 15 |im carbon dioxide band. Two other channels are used to deduce radiances at 535 cm-1 (in a water vapor absorption band) and at 835 cm-1 (in an atmospheric window region); these two radiances are used respectively to determine the atmospheric humidity and to act as a control in the determination of clear radiances for the other seven channels (see Section 3.B). The system is designed to permit calculation of the vertical temper- ature profile from the earth's surface to about 30 km, and to obtain an estimate of the moisture in the lower troposphere. The optical system of the VTPR instrument consists of a scan- ning mirror, a 73.5 mm Cassegrainian telescope, a chopper, and a filter wheel (all shown in fig. 3); and a detector assembly (not shown) which consists of an Irtran 4 lens, a wide band anti- reflection-coated germanium window, and an uncooled pyroelectric detector. Broad areal coverage is obtained by scanning + 30.3° (center of the center scan spot to the center of the outer scan spot) from the nadir direction in 2 3 incremental steps of approx- imately 2.7° (fig. 4). At each scan spot, measurements are ob- tained for all eight channels as the filter wheel completes one revolution. In order to provide image motion compensation, so that the measurements for all eight channels cover the same geo- graphical area, the filters on the filter wheel are arranged in a spiral (fig. 5) . A black temperature-controlled chopper provides a reference. Radiation from the alternating signal resulting from successive views of the chopper and the scene is passed through one of the filters on the filter wheel and through an Irtran 4 lens to the detector. A mask between the lens and the detector limits the field of view to a 2.136° by 2.236° rectangular scan spot. The projection of the scan spot on the earth's surface is approxi- mately a square 55 km on a side when the satellite is viewing in the nadir direction. Scan spot size increases at larger viewing angles because of the increased distance from the earth" s surface to the satellite and the curvature of the earth (fig. 4) . Measurements of spectral radiance must be accurate if they are to be used to obtain atmospheric temperature profiles. The VTPR instrument provides calibrated radiance measurements ranging from zero to 204.8 mV\/(m2 sr cm-1), enabling the instrument to measure equivalent source temperatures up to 340 K. Maximum allowable relative error between any two channels other than the nominal 668.5 cm-1 channel is 0.25 mW/fm^ sr cm~l ) . Maximum allow- able relative error between the nominal 668.5 cm-1 channel and any other channel is 0.75 mV}/(m2 sr cm-1) or less. In order to avoid certain problems which can occur when analog data are digitized on the spacecraft. One digital count corresponds to approximately . 3 m w / (m 2 sr cm-1 ) . 1 W CU -P U P O o +J c g -P CO -H Pi Eh > JO O £ CD •H > cu •H fa UJ 3 o ro O O U. CO UJ ^_^ _l E z je z f«- If) m 01 1 CO UJ _) — = J. co 3 ro 3 U. CM Ul z X o < IT o UJ O U. o o u. £ Z CO Q _l UJ u. _l < 3 o _j H _l UJ $ Q CO o z o i- z UJ UJ z s? CE UJ CD 9 ,« > Q Z o Ul . CO Ul z S2 o 9 o z UJ o to z in UJ _i CO o UJ CM. J O Ul - (O U >i t/l tu +J u p o U u +J e o 0) U> +J o a, c td U 05 (X cu EH > I i « CD M P o> •rH Em 10 2.235° H FOV EXAGGERATED Figure 5. — VTPR filter wheel showing image motion compensation mask (courtesy of RCA) 11 Analog output from the detector is digitized into 10 bits of binary data. Scan spot location is identified by a five-bit binary code, which is combined with the radiometric data and a parity bit to form a 16-bit word. The resulting digitized data from the VTPR are stored in an output register, transferred to the spacecraft Digital Data Processor, and stored on tape. Digital data from the VTPR and other spacecraft components are trans- mitted on one of four channels of the S-band link to the ground. A single scan of the VTPR instrument takes 12.5 s, of which 11.5 s are used to sample the 2 3 scan spots. Measurements for all eight channels are obtained during the 0.5-s interval allowed for each scan spot. One second is required for the mirror to return to its original position; during this time measurements of various components needed for calibration are recorded in place of the 16 radiance measurements. Output data for a normal scan line are summarized in table 1 of appendix I. When the instrument is ope- rated in its automatic calibration mode, a 37.5-s calibration se- quence is recorded (replacing 3 scans of normal data) every seven minutes. Data from this calibration sequence are used in the cal- ibration procedure described in Section 3 C. During this sequence, measurements of electrical voltage calibration, space calibration, housing calibration, and housekeeping telemetry are digitized and inserted into the data stream. During regular operations, the calibration sequence is initiated only once per orbit by direct command from the ground. Table 1 shows the nominal characteristics of the eiaht filters in the VTPR instruments. In column 1, filters 1-6 are numbered according to the opaqueness of the atmosphere in the respective spectral intervals, so increasing numbers correspond to decreas- ing atmospheric opaqueness. This means that the lower numbered filters pass radiation containing information about the upper atmosphere and the higher numbered filters are used to measure the atmospheric temperature near the surface. The numbering sys- tem shown in column 1 is used in this report. Numbers in column 2 show the order in which the filters are mounted on the filter wheel. This sequence was chosen to minimize changes in signal level between adjacent filters, thereby minimizing the effects of any memory errors present in the instrument. A summary of the VTPR parameters is given in table 2. 12 Table 1. — Nominal spectral intervals for VTPR filters Fi Iter Filter band pass Filter wh eel Center wavelength Half -width Tenth -width number P° sition (lim) (cm" 1 ) (cm- 1 ) (cm" 1 ) 1 1 14.96 668.5 3.5 10.5 2 8 14.77 677.5 10 20 3 2 14.38 695.0 10 20 4 7 14.12 708.0 10 20 5 3 13.79 725.0 10 20 6 6 13.38 747.0 10 20 7 4 18.69 535.0 18 20 8 5 11.97 833.0 10 16 Table 2 . — Summary Of VTPR parameters Parameter Nomi .nal value Spectral range Line rate Field of view Dynamic range Sensitivity Digital signal output Data rate Primary f/number Effective f/number Spectral resolution Scan-mirror aperture 12-19 urn 4.8 lines /min 2.136° by 2.2 36° to 210 mW/(m 2 sr cm" 1 ) 0.25 mW/ (m 2 sr cm" 1 ) or less 16 bits 256 bits /s f/3 f /0 . 6 at the detector See table 1 3 in. *Q-Branch 0.75 m w / (m 2 sr cm" 1 ) 13 (2) Spectral Transmission Functions of VTPR Filters All VTPR filters, with the exception of the Q-branch filters at 668.5 cm~l, were manufactured by the Optical Coating Laboratory, Inc. (OCLI). Q-branch filters were made by Grubb-Parsons, Ltd. (GPL), and'by Spectrum Systems, Inc. (SSI). Table 2 of appendix I gives the serial numbers assigned to the VTPR instruments on NOAA 2, as well as the corresponding best estimates of filter spectral characterisitcs. The importance of obtaining accurate spectral data and the difficulty of doing so implies that the manufacturer's oriqinal data should be verified whenever possible. Data for all instru- ment 1 filters, except the nominal 677.5 cm" 1 filter, were ob- tained at the NESS Satellite Experiment Laboratory (SEL) . This was, unfortunately, not possible for those in other instruments, for which data on only the 535 cm~l filters were obtained at SEL. In the SEL verification procedure each of the VTPR filters was mounted in a special holder at 7.5° away from the normal to the f/10 beam i n a Beckman IR-7 spectrometer. The holder was rigid- ly mounted to the spectrometer so that the 7.5° angle was accu- rate to better than + 0.3°. Filter temperature was set near 35C, typically within + 0.5C, and the instrument was purged con- tinuously with pure dry nitrogen. Single beam mode, with a spectral resolution of between 0.8 and 1.0 cm -1 , was chosen for all the runs. This resolution causes a small but significant convolution distortion in the case of the Q-branch filter only. However, this did not seriously affect the comparison with the manufacturer's data, which were similarly distorted. The distor- tion is always in the direction of a less desirable filter pro- file. Thus, filters whose measured profiles meet the specifica- tions are acceptable. Spectral calibration of the spectrometer was achieved using known carbon dioxide absorption line positions between 577 and 959 cm~l. For the latter region of weak absorption, a White cell with an optical path length of 10 m was used. The calibration runs were made as closely as possible in time to the data runs, but sometimes there was an overnight delay. The spectrometer output was recorded in analog form on a chart recorder and in digital form on a tape recorder. The tape record wcis processed to provide a computer- drawn plot of transmission as a function of indicated (uncalibrated) wavenumber. 14 Table 3 of appendix I presents comparative figures on spectral characteristics obtained from all sources of data. Agreement is always within the noise level of the measurements except for the 535 cm~l filter. In this case, there is a significant disagree- ment in center wavenumber. most probably caused by an unadvoid- ably incomplete calibration of the SEL spectrometer. The OCLI figures have therefore been accepted for the center wavenumber of that filter. In addition to using CO2 line positions near 690 cm"-'-, the OCLI spectrometer was also calibrated with the water rotation line at 525.97 cm-1 (vacuum). Appendix II contains the best estimates of the filter spec- tral characteristics in instruments 1 through 4. They are uncor- rected for convolution distortion. The curves were calculated solely from the OCLI chart traces. Points were taken from the curves about every 0.4 cm - -'- and smooth curves were fitted to the points by means of spline functions. C. Other Spacecraft Equipment The NOAA 2 satellite carries a two-channel Scanning Radiometer (SR) , a Very High Resolution two-channel scanning Radiometer (VHRR), and a Solar Proton Monitor (SPM) in addition to the VTPR instrument (Schwalb 1972). Sea-surface temperatures, which are used in the VTPR data processing, are derived from SR measure- ments covering the 10.4-12.5 gtm spectral interval. The SR in- strument views a smaller area than the VTPR instrument and thus has a better chance of receiving radiation from a cloud-free area. Statistical techniques are used to identify the measurements that are cloud- free, and the cloud- free radiances are used to deduce the ocean surface temperature. D. Ground Equipment Ground equipment required for the VTPR data processing consists of two readout stations (Wallops, Virginia and Gilmore, Alaska); communication lines connecting the readout stations to the NOAA/ NESS data processing and analysis facility in Suitland, Maryland; and the following types of processing equipment and computers at Suitland: RCA Modulator - Demodulator (MODEM) 2270678-501 EMR 2721 - signal conditioner EMR 27 31 - PCM frame synchronizer EMR 6130 - computer CDC 6600 - computer. 15 3. Data Reduction and Analysis A. Overall Data Flow The VTPR data flow and software system consists of six major computer programs. Figure 6 shows the individual program modules and their relationship within the flow system from the spacecraft to data users. While the NOAA 2 satellite is above the horizon of either of the two readout stations, the digital data are played back from an onboard Scanning Radiometer Recorder (SRR) and immediately for- warded via communication lines to the NOAA/NESS data processing and analysis facility in Suitland, where they are demodulated by the MODEM and passed on to the EMR computers for initial proces- sing. The VTPR data are separated from the other spacecraft data and finally written on an output digital magnetic tape by the Ingest Program in the EMR 6130 computer. Normally, one orbit of data is processed for each readout. However, once each day the satellite does not appear above the horizon at either of the two readout stations during one or two orbits, and it is necessary to store these orbits of data on the spacecraft until the next read- out. In these cases, up to 209 minutes of VTPR data may be re- corded on one output tape, and two tapes may be required to re- cord all the data. A sequence of programs is executed on each output tape from the EMR 6130. The first program computes the geographical location of each vertical sounding to be produced. Data concerning the instrument status and condition are then analyzed, and parameters such as electrical gain and standard deviations are checked and verified to be within acceptable limits. Following the proce- dures described in section 3.B, radiance values are computed and passed, together with appropriate earth location and time infor- mation, to the next program. An archive tape containing the earth-located radiances also is generated. The Clear Radiance Program operates next to eliminate the effects of clouds. It statistically computes an equivalent clear radiance for an area by comparisons of adjacent scan spots, uti- lizing knowledge of sea-surface temperature (obtained independent- ly from the Scanning Radiometer data) and an approximate first guess vertical temperature structure (obtained from climatology and a recent forecast or analysis) . Earth-located clear radi- ances are generated and added to the archive tape. The data are then used to retrieve temperature profiles. 16 e CD -P W >i W (1) H Ctf 4J M-l O CO « CM E-i > I I • CD Cn •H En 17 The Retrieval Program uses the first guess temperature profile, a first guess humidity value, and atmospheric transmittance val- ues to compute the vertical atmospheric profiles from the input of clear radiances. The final output data are quality checked and reformatted onto three magnetic tapes. One tape is forwarded to the National Meteorological Center (NMC) for input to their numerical analysis and primitive equation (PE) forecast model. The second tape is given to the National Weather Service communications center for transmission to users. Data that pass the quality check are added to the archive tape, which is then transmitted to other users (Goddard Institute for Space Studies, for example) and to the permanent archive of the NOAA Environmental Data Service. B. Geographical Location of Data Earth location of the data is performed in two steps. The first step is performed in an Earth Location Program, which calculates latitudes and longitudes for centers of the areas for which VTPR temperature and humidity profiles are to be calculated. The sec- ond step is performed as a subroutine of the calibration program. This subroutine calculates the locations of the VTPR scan spots in the grid on which the sea-surface temperatures are provided. The location of a scan spot is determined by a point called the sensor principal point. This point is the center of a scan spot on a plane surface perpendicular to the viewing angle of the in- strument. Because of the curvature of the earth, this point is the exact center of a scan spot only when the instrument is view- ing along the local nadir. In the earth location procedure, prin- cipal points are calculated for spots 5, 12, and 19 of the fourth of eight scan lines (fig. 9). To locate these principal points, the satellite position, the satellite attitude, the sensor mount- ing position, and the mirror position must be known. Attitude information in the form of 'J max and X (RCA 1972) is supplied by the Satellite Operations Control Center (SOCC); § max is the maximum roll angle during an orbit; and X is the angle from the ascending node to the point of maximum yaw. Values of $ ma x an( 3 X are easily converted to roll and yaw angles. The SOCC attempts to control $ max to within 0.5° tolerance, with a maximum error of about 1°. The pitch tolerance is generally kept to within 0.5°. Weekly orbital element data are supplied by the NASA. These data and the General Electric orbital predictor package (Brov/er 1959, and Lyddane (1963) are used to determine satellite position. Once the satellite position is determined, a series of matrix rotation and vector additions are used to compute the principal point latitude and longitude (figs. 7 and 8). These rotations convert the geocentric principal point to a position in a geodet- ic coordinate system, and include corrections for satellite alti- tude, satellite position, sensor mounting position, and mirror position. Sea- surface temperatures from the SR are available for i and j points of a square grid superimposed upon a polar stereographic projection. Positions of the bench marks (fig. 9) are calculated for the VTPR location and converted to positions on the polar grid. Temperatures of intermediate boxes are obtained from the polar grid using coordinates obtained by interpolation from the known bench mark coordinates. C. Calibration Procedure Calibration of the VTPR sensor data involves two procedures. The first is a pre-launch ground calibration of the instrument; the second is used after launch to adjust the calibration for changes in the spacecraft operating conditions. During the first procedure each VTPR instrument is calibrated by being exposed to an external reference source. The internal source is not a standard and must therefore be calibrated against a standard source. This is accomplished by calibrating the in- ternal source with an external source which, in turn, has been checked with a standard. Calibrations of the VTPR are based on the external sources used during thermal -vacuum tests on the ground. The honeycombed ex- ternal sources used in the calibration have provisions for main- taining any fixed temperature between 180 K and 340 K. Six ther- mocouples are used to measure the temperature; they indicate that thermal gradients are less than 0.1 K across the surface of the source. These external sources have been compared with the low temperature blackbody reference of the Canadian National Research Council (NRC) (Bedford 1970), using calibrated thermopile detec- tors as transfer standards (Hilleary et al . 1969). Thermopile output for the VTPR references read 1 +0.5% higher than the out- put from the NRC reference. During the calibration of the VTPR internal source, two of the external sources were placed in the "earth" position so that they filled the field of view for scan spots 1 and 23, the extreme mirror positions. With the instrument temperature and the scan position fixed, a calibration was performed by varying the 19 To Aries ascending node of orbital plane north pole geocentric subsatellite point satellite position = geocentric subsatellite point track A = C = F = I = AFE JHFC = meridian through F BOD COE AOF right ascension of orbital plane inclination of orbital plane Cl (angle from ascending node to geocentric satellite point FOH = ©2 an< ^ ^FH = ®l' angles to correct geocentric subsatellite point to geodetic subsatellite point FOJ = geocentric subsatellite latitude HGJ = geodetic subsatellite latitude Figure 7. — Location of satellite position 20 HIK = roll, pitch, and yaw rotation K = principal point of a VTPR data spot KOM = geocentric latitude of principal point KLM = geodetic latitude of principal point CKM = mderdi an through K Figure 8. — Location of principal point showing effect of roll, pitch, and yaw error 21 , Oro *|g. to 0) * e ■S c 0) c ■H CO d S^ rd (1) +J -p rd -P 13 rd P-, OS rd tP U CJ CO -H -P & fd S3 i i u • = T C o 2

• T 3

• T h 2 o

. <«> Transmittances for CO2 are based upon calculations made with the point-by-point method of Drayson (1971). His method was used to calculate transmittances for the U. S. Standard Atmosphere, 1962 (COESA 1962) and for atmospheres which differed from the Standard Atmosphere by + 10K, + 20K, and + 30K. Temperature corrections 35 to the transmittances, generated from these calculations, are used in the retrieval program to adjust the transmittances to val- ues appropriate for the first-guess temperature profile. Appendix II contains the measured filter characteristics of the first four instruments. It includes carbon dioxide transmittances for a typical atmosphere and weighting functions (derivatives of the transmittances with respect to p2/7 ) , which indicate the rel- ative contributions of levels of the atmosphere to the radiance received at the satellite. Radiation detected by the VTPR origi- nates from layers which increase in pressure as the channel wave- number increases. Ozone transmittances are a minor correction and are applied as a single correction for all latitudes and seasons. The transmit- tances were calculated for an average profile (McClatchey 1972) from a line-by-line technique for pressures greater than 100 mb, and from a band model for lower pressures. Water vapor has a marked influence upon atmospheric transmit- tances in the lower troposphere. The infrared spectrum of water vapor includes both spectral lines and a strong continuum, which are treated separately. The line contribution cannot be calcula- ted by the same procedure used for CO2 transmittances because the mixing ratio of water vapor is highly variable. Instead, the first step (performed in advance of the retrieval) is to fit a model to line by line calculations of spectral line absorption averaged over the appropriate filter functions. These calcula- tions are performed over homogeneous paths and cover, in incre- ments, the expected atmospheric range of pressure, temperature, and mixing ratio. In the retrieval, the atmosphere is treated as a succession of homogeneous layers (Weinreb and Neuendorf fer 197 3) The absorption by the water vapor continuum is observed to vary as the square of the water-vapor concentration and as the inverse fifth or sixth power of temperature (Burch 1970 and Bignell 1970). This behavior, which is consistent with absorption by the water vapor dimer (H20)2, is included in the continuum transmittance. A term ascribed to foreign-gas broadening of distant lines, which is proportional to the first power of the moisture concentration, is also included. The overall water-vapor transmittance is finally calculated as the product of the line and continuum transmittances . 36 (4) Temperature Retrieval The temperature profile is obtained through a modification of the minimum-rms solution (Rodgers 1970 and Strand and Westwater 1968) of the radiative transfer equation. This solution can be written as B (T) = B (T*) + (C) (R -R *) (16) r r r r where the matrix C is given by C = SA T (ASA T + N)" 1 . (17) A description of all terms in these equations follows. Eq (16) and (I7) yield B r (T) , which is the 100-element Planck-radiance profile of the solution temperature profile, T, computed at a reference wavenumber of 700 cm"-*-. The 100 elements correspond to the 100 atmospheric pressure levels shown in table 6 of appendix I. A solution temperature profile is readily obtained from B r (T) . Geopotential thicknesses relative to 1000 mb are computed from the perfect-gas and hydrostatic equations. In the Northern Hem- isphere, heights are obtained relative to the NMC forecast 850-mb height. The term B r (T*) is the Planck- function profile computed at 700 cm~^ from the guess temperature profile T*. The vector R r con- tains six elements, the measured radiances in the first six spec- tral intervals of table 1. Likewise, R* is a vector of six radi- ances calculated (by the radiative transfer equation) from the surface temperature, the guess temperature profile, and the trans- mittances. Both R r and R* are scaled to the 700 cm~l reference wavenumber through radiance-equivalent temperatures. The 6 x 100- dimensional matrix A consists of the six 100 -dimensional weight- ing functions illustrated in appendix II. Uncertainties in measurements of the radiances, originating from instrumental noise and calibration errors, quadrature errors, and uncertainties introduced in obtaining clear radiances, reside in N, a 6 x 6 dimensional variance-covariance matrix. Statistics of the atmosphere comprise the 100-dimensional diagonal matrix S, whose elements are variances of the 700 cm"-'- Planck- radiance pro- file derived from a set of typical radiosonde measurements. The off-diagonal elements of S, which should contain the correlations among the temperatures at different levels of the atmosphere, are ignored for computational speed and simplicity. 37 Eq (16) and (17) express the solution as the guess profile plus a linear combination of differences between observed radiances and the radiances calculated from the guess profile. Large errors in the measurements of radiances (large N) will force the solu- tion toward the guess. The solution will also tend toward the guess for layers of the atmosphere with small expected variations in the temperature (small S). Usually one application of eq (16) and (17) will provide a convergent solution in the sense that radiances calculated from the retrieved profile differ from the measured radiances by less than the standard deviation of the errors. Otherwise, eq (16) and (17) are applied again, with T* and R* representing the result of the previous iteration. Since the matrix C is nearly independent of temperature, it is held constant from iteration to iteration, thus minimizing computation time. Figures 14 and 15 compare operational VTPR retrievals with near- ly simultaneous radiosondes for a high latitude (fig. 14) and a tropical (fig. 15) case. It is seen that the VTPR retrievals follow the trend of the radiosondes up to and beyond 50 mb. How- ever, because the weighting functions are broad, the solution does not contain fine-scale structure unless it is introduced via the guess profile. (5) Moisture Retrieval The moisture retrieval begins with a measured radiance at 535 cm"-'- and the retrieved temperature profile. The solution for the mixing ratio profile W is assumed to have the form W = W* + Ccp (18) where W* is the guess mixing ratio profile, C is a constant to be determined, and cp is an empirical orthogonal function (Alishouse et al. 1967) computed in advance of the retrieval from conven- tional sounding data. If it is impossible to compute cp because of lack of reliable data over certain areas, cp is assumed to be W* itself. The constant C is evaluated in the retrieval through the requirement that 535 cm~l radiance computed from W be equal to the measured radiance within two standard deviations of the measurement errors. Finally the solution W is transformed to dew- point depression. Only one spectral interval is used to measure water vapor. With this single measurement, only one parameter (e.g., the value of C) can be determined. The distribution of the water vapor is determined by the relatively smooth functions W* and cp. Another limitation of any moisture retrieval is the 38 E £ 100 — CO CO LU cc 1000 — VTPR — SHIP 4YJ RAOB OOOO GMT 30 NOV 1972 180 200 220 240 260 280 TEMPERATURE (K) 300 320 Figure 14. — Comparison between a VTPR sounding and a radiosonde at 52.5° horth, 20° west. D.P. indicates dewpoint. 39 10 E ui E 100 VTPR 1000 SAN JUAN RAOB 0000 GMT 17 NOV 72 180 200 220 240 260 280 TEMPERATURE (K) 300 320 Figure 15. — Comparison between a VTPR sounding and a radiosonde at San Juan (18° north). D.P. indicates dewpoint. 40 dependence on accurate knowledge of the temperature profile since temperature enters strongly into the computation of radi- ance. Operational moisture retrievals appear in figures 14 and 15; the lack of detailed structure in the moisture retrievals is apparent. (6) Output For each sounding, the following quantities are passed to the quality control program: a. Retrieved temperatures, heights, and guess temperatures at the 15 standard levels (1000, 850, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50, 30, 20, and 10 nib) and at the tropopause b. Clear radiances in the eight spectral intervals (table 1) c. Dewpoint depression at the five standard levels up to the 400 mb level d. Two coefficients to account for atmospheric attenuation (limb darkening) in the Scanning Radiometer measurements of equivalent temperature which are used to derive surface temperatures. 4. QUALITY TESTS AND REJECTION PROCEDURES The final output from the VTPR is called the Satellite Infrared Sounding (SIRS); it includes location, heights, temperatures and dewpoint-temperature depressions at the mandatory pressure levels up to 400 mb, height and temperatures up to 10 mb, and tempera- tures at significant levels. Initially, only data from open water oceanic regions are being released to the user. Before the data are released, several tests are performed. Failure of any one test causes all data up to 100 mb to be deleted. There is no provision for manual adjustment of rejected data; however, opera- tional personnel are provided with orbit-by-orbit summaries from which they are expected to note trends requiring corrective ac- tion. The following tests are performed on the data: a. A super adiab at ic temperature lapse rate test is per- formed on the tropospheric pressure layers bounded by the mandatory and significant pressure levels to insure a stable profile; 41 b. A gross error or "neighbor" check is performed on the difference between the NMC forecast first guess heights and the retrieved heights for all constant pressure levels. Values of this difference are calculated for all points in the neighborhood (within 500 km) . A sounding is required to have at least one neighbor or it is automatically rejected. The value of the height difference for the point is required to agree with the average of the height differences for the other points in the neighborhood to within: + 200 m with one neighbor, + 100 m with two neighbors, or + 7 5 m with more than two neighbors. c. When retrievals are extended to land areas on an opera- tional basis, further location tests will be performed to insure that a proper adjustment has been made for the terrain elevation in the field of view. The above tests are performed on all retrievals; however, the initial criteria used in (b) above for the Southern Hemisphere may be adjusted to the quality of available first guess profiles in this region. When a retrieval is rejected, the cause is listed for the infor- mation of the operational personnel. At the conclusion of each data orbit, the rms temperature difference, E, between the first guess and the retrieval is plotted on a latitude-longitude grid, where the value of E for a retrieval is given by 10 A 2 1/2 E = (1/10) [ 2 (T„-T_r] (20) q=l ■q q' where T„ and Tq are the first guess temperatures and retrieval temperatures, respectively, for the lowest 10 standard pressure levels. Histograms of the change made to each first guess temperature are tabulated by mandatory level and by location (the Tropics between 18°N and 18°S and Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hem- isphere extratropical areas). 42 At the end of each computer processing, coverage charts are plotted on polar stereographic maps for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and on a Mercator map for the Tropics. Data rejected during the synoptic period are included but flagged in order to indicate any consistent geographical bias. Additional checks are generated over selected areas or at se- lected times to monitor the performance of each VTPR channel, the communication links from the data acquisition stations, and the individual internal programs used to generate a SIRS sounding. Some retrieved soundings are compared with standard radiosonde reports, the NMC analyses, and the Scanning Radiometer (SR) data as a test for meteorological reasonableness. For example, the amount and pressure height of the cloud output are compared with the SR data to check the algorithms used in the clear radiance program. The 1000 to 300 mb thickness and the contoured height fields at 300 mb are also compared with the SR data and the NMC forecast and analyses. A more complete quality control program is being developed. Further details will be published later in a supplement to this report. a 5. DATA OUTPUTS AND ARCHIVES A. General e Soundings that pass the quality control tests are archived and a sent to a number of users. Three tapes are prepared to satisfy requirements of various users. One tape is used to send a tele- type message; a • econd tape is sent to the National Meteorological Center (NMC); and a third tape is prepared as a data archive. B. Teletype Messages Teletype messages are formatted to conform to the code used for SIRS A and SIRS B (World Meteorological Organization 1972). Differences in the instrument design and the retrieval procedure require a change in the interpretation of several of the values given. th mi A number of adjacent measurements are used to obtain "clear" radiances from cloud contaminated values. These "clear" radi- ances are used in the retrieval, so cloud conditions do not affect the reliability of the data in the way that they affected the SIRS soundings. The cloud indicator is always set at zero to in- dicate a clear sounding, and no cloud information is transmitted. r.« 43 This does not, however, indicate that no clouds are present. When the Nimbus 3 and Nimbus 4 satellites were operational, retrievals were attempted only in the Northern Hemisphere where the NMC forecast was available. The 850-mb forecast height was used as a reference level for the height calculations. This pro- cedure is currently being used with the VTPR data for regions covered by the NMC forecast. When the 850-mb forecast height is not available, the 1000-mb height is set to zero; for these cases, the value given as the 300 -mb height is actually the 1000- to 300-mb thickness and the 1000-mb height is zero. In summary, north of latitude 21°N all heights are referenced to the NMC 850-mb forecast height. South of latitude 18°N, all heights are actually thicknesses between the given level and 1000 mb. Between 18°N and 21°N, either method may be used, and the 1000-mb height must be checked to determine which is used for a given sounding. To make the SIRS code more compatible with the capability of the VTPR instrument, the code will be modified in the near future, and "clear" radiances will be sent as a separate transmission. C. Output to NMC Soundings supplied to NMC are written on two tapes, one for each twelve-hour interval (0600-1800 GMT and 1800-0600 GMT). Data are output as soon as orbits are processed, and NMC uses the tapes as required by their operational schedule. The tapes are not available for general use, but the same soundings appear on the archival tape. D. Archival Tapes VTPR data are available in different forms (raw radiances, "clear radiances", and retrieved profiles) at three major points in the data processing. These data are written on tape as three separate files, each of which consists of a header record and a number of data records. The data content and the formats of these files are described in appendix III. This tape is trans- mitted to the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in real time. A copy also is sent to the National Climatic Center at Asheville, North Carolina. Requests for data and questions con- cerning formats should be sent to the National Climatic Center, Federal Building, Asheville, North Carolina 28801. 44 ACKNOWLEDGMENT We wish to acknowledge the efforts of other members of the NESS staff who made this report possible. Mr. F. VanCleef calculated the CO2 transmittances and, along with Mr. M. Morin, wrote most of the programs required to calibrate the VTPR instruments. Mr. S. Ross also helped calibrate the instruments and generated the curves found in appendix II. S. Schurg typed the report. c: Co Dr Fri 45 References Alishouse, J. C, Crone, L. J., Fleming, H. E., Van Cleef, F. L., and Wark, D. Q., "A Discussion of Empirical Orthogonal Functions and Their Application to Vertical Temperature Pro- files", Tellus , Vol. 19, No. 3, 1967, pp. 477-481. Bedford, R. E., "Blackbodies as Absolute Radiation Standards", in Advances in Geophysics , edited by Landsberg, H. E., and Mieghem, J. Van, Academic Press, New York and London, Vol. 14, Chap. 6, 1970, pp. 165-202. Bignell, K. J., "The Water-Vapour Infra-Red Continuum", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society , Vol. 96, 1970, pp. 390-403. Brower, Kirk, "Solution of the Problem of Artificial Satellite Theory Without Drag", The Astronomical Journal , Vol. 64, No. 9, Nov. 1959, pp. 378-396. Burch, D. E., "Investigation of the Absorption of Infrared Radia- tion by Atmospheric Gases", Aeronutronic Publication No. U-4784 , Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Bedford, Mass., Contract No. F19628-69-C-0263, Jan. 31, 1970, 24 pp. COESA (U.S. Committee on Extension to the Standard Atmosphere), U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1962 , U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., Dec. 1962, 278 pp. Conrath, B. J., Hanel, R. A., Kunde, V. G., and Prabkahara, C, "The Infrared Interferometer Experiment on Nimbus 3", Journal of Geophysical Research , Vol. 7 5, No. 30, Oct. 20, 1970, pp. 5831-5857. Drayson, S. R., "Transmittances for Use in Remote Soundings of the Atmosphere", Space Research XI; COSPAR, Plenary Meeting 13th, and Symposium on Remote Sounding of the Atmosphere Leningrad, USSR, May 20-29, 1970, Proceedings , Vol. 1, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, GDR, 1971, pp. 585-592. Fritz, S., Wark, D. Q., Fleming, H. E., Smith, W. L., Jacobowitz, H. , Hilleary, D. T., and Alishouse, J. C, "Temperature Sounding from Satellites", NOAA Technical Report NESS 59 , National Environmental Satellite Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, D.C., July 1972, 49 pp. 46 Gelman, M. E., Miller, A. J., and Woolf, H. M., "Regression Tech- nique for Determining Temperature Profiles in the Upper Stratosphere from Satellite Measured Radiances", Monthly- Weather Review , Vol. 100, 1972, pp. 542-547. Hanel, R. A., and Conrath, B. J., "Interferometer Experiment on Nimbus 3: Preliminary Results", Science , Vol. 165, No. 3899, Sept. 1969, pp. 1258-1260. Hanel, R. A., Conrath, B. J., Kunde, V. G., Probkahara, C, Revah, J., Salomonson, V. V., and Wolford, G., "The Nimbus 4 Infrared Spectroscopy Experiment 1. Calibrated Thermal Emission Spectra", Journal of Geophysical Research , Vol. 77, No. 15, May 20, 1972, pp. 2629-2641. Hilleary, D. T., Anderson, S. P., Karoli, A. R., and Hickey, J. R., "The Calibration of a Satellite Infrared Spectrometer", Proceedings of the XVII Ith International Astronautical Congress , Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, 1968, pp. 423-437. Lyddane, R. H., "Small Eccentricities or Inclinations in the Brower Theory of the Artificial Satellite", The Astronomical Journal , Vol. 68, No. 8, Oct. 1963, pp. 555-558. McClatchey, R. (Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Bedford, Mass.), 1972 (personal communication). RCA (Radio Corporation of America), "Attitude Control Prin- ciples and Procedures", Section VII, Programming and Control Handbook for ITOS-D Series Spacecraft (prepared for Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration, Washington, D.C., under Contract No. NAS5-10306), Princeton, N. J., Oct. 6, 1972, pp. 1-61. Rodgers, C. D., "Remote Sounding of the Atmospheric Temperature Profile in the Presence of Clouds", Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society , Vol. 96, 1970, pp. 654-666. Schwalb, A., "Modified Version of the Improved TIROS Operational Satellite (ITOS D-G)", NOAA Technical Memorandum NESS 35 , National Environmental Satellite Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., Apr. 1972, 48 pp. 47 Smith, W. L., Woolf, H. M., and Jacob, W. J., "A Regression Method for Obtaining Real Time Temperature and Geopotential Height Profiles from Satellite Spectrometer Measurements and Its Applications to Nimbus III 'SIRS 1 Observations", Monthly- Weather Review , Vol. 98, No. 8, Aug. 1970, pp. 582-60 3. Smith, W. L., Hilleary, D. T., Baldwin, E. C, Jacob, W., Jacobowitz, H., Nelson, G., Soules, S., and Wark, D. Q., "The Airborne ITPR Brassboard Experiment", NOAA Technical Report NESS 58 , National Environmental Satellite Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., Mar. 1972, pp. 1-74. Strand, O. N., and Westwater, E. R., "Minimum-RMS Estimation of the Numerical Solution of a Fredholm Integral Equation of the First Kind", Journal on Numerical Analysis SI AM , Vol. 5, 1968, pp. 287-295. Wark, D. Q., and Hilleary, D. T., "Atmospheric Temperature: Successful Test of Remote Probing", Science , Vol. 165, No. 3899, Sept. 1969, pp. 1256-1258. Wark, D. Q., "SIRS: An Experiment to Measure the Free Air Temperature from a Satellite", Applied Optics , Vol. 9, No. 8, Aug. 1970, pp. 1761-1766. Wark, D. Q., Hilleary, D. T., Anderson, S. P., and Fischer, J. C, "Nimbus Satellite Infrared Spectrometer Experiment", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Electronics , Vol. GE-8, No. 4, Oct. 1970, pp. 264-270. Weinreb, M. P. and Neuendorf fer, "Method to Apply Homogeoeous-Path Transmittance Models to Inhomogeneous Atmos- pheres", Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences , Vol. 30, No. 4, May 1973, pp. 662-666. World Meteorological Organization, WMO Manual on Codes No. 306 , 1972, Geneva, Switzerland, 1972, pp. II-R.IV-B-10 — II-R.IV-B-12. 48 APPENDIX I Miscellaneous Tables Information contained in tables 2 and 3 applies to the instru- ments carried on NOAA 2. Tables 5 and 6 contain information about current operational procedures. These tables will be re- vised as needed and included in future revisions to this report. 49 Table 1- — VTPR data sequence and spot identifiers, (normal sequence) Word no. No. of words Position code Description 1-7 8 9-16 17-24 25-32 33-40 41-48 49-56 57-64 65-72 7 3-80 81-88 89-96 97-104 105-112 113-120 121-128 129-136 137-144 145-152 153-160 161-168 169-176 177-184 185-192 193 194-195 196 197-199 200 1-7 7 24/2 5 Primary optics 1 24/2 5 Not used 8 1 Spot 1, filters 1-8 8 2 Spot 2, filters 1-8 8 3 Spot 3, filters 1-8 8 4 Spot 4, filters 1-8 8 5 Spot 5, filters 1-8 8 6 Spot 6, filters 1-8 8 7 Spot 7, filters 1-8 8 8 Spot 8, filters 1-8 8 9 Spot 9, filters 1-8 8 10 Spot 10, filters 1-8 8 11 Spot 11, filters 1-8 8 12 Spot 12, filters 1-8 8 13 Spot 13, filters 1-8 8 14 Spot 14, filters 1-8 8 15 Spot 15, filters 1-8 8 16 Spot 16, filters 1-8 8 17 Spot 17, filters 1-8 8 18 Spot 18, filters 1-8 8 19 Spot 19, filters 1-8 8 20 Spot 20, filters 1-8 8 21 Spot 21, filters 1-8 8 22 Spot 22, filters 1-8 8 23 Spot 23, filters 1-8 1 24/25 Not used 2 24/2 5 Shroud 1 24/25 Not used 3 24/2 5 Secondary optics 1 24/25 Primary optics 7 24/2 5 Prime ary optics 50 Table 2. — Spectral characteristics of VTPR filters, instruments 1 and 3 Central Filter band pass Maximum Instrument wave- Half- Tenth- Hundredth- trans- Filter Number number width width width mittance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (cm~l) (cm~l) (cm"-'-) (cm~l) 1 667.50 3.6 8.9 13.7 .320 3 668.25 4.3 11.7 20.0 .320 1 677.40 11.1 16.6 22.4 .590 3 677.95 11.1 16.4 23.2 .610 1 694.95 12.4 17.9 21.5 .540 3 695.20 Half- Tenth width width (cm-1) (cm"-'- 3.6 8.9 4.3 11.7 11.1 16.6 11.1 16.4 12.4 17.9 12.3 10.7 15.3 10.9 15.3 11.4 15.8 10.3 14.4 12.0 16.5 11.8 16.7 15.3 25.9 17.8 29.3 7.1 15.3 6.9 16.2 1 708.25 10.7 15.3 21.2 .610 3 708.95 10.9 15.3 20.0 .610 1 725.35 11.4 15.8 21.5 .740 3 725.90 10.3 14.4 19.9 .635 1 747.40 12.0 16.5 21.6 .715 3 747.40 11.8 16.7 22.3 .745 1 533.65 15.3 25.9 33.6 .495 3 533.30 17.8 29.3 40.1 .510 1 835.25 7.1 15.3 24.6 .665 3 835.75 6.9 16.2 24.8 .625 51 Table 3. — Spectral characteristics of instrument number 1, as determined by SEL and manufacturer. Central Filter band pass wave- Half- Tenth- Hundredth- Maximum Filter Laboratory number width width width transmittance (cm"-'-) (cm - -'-) (cm"-'-) (cm"-'-) 1 SEL 667.5 3.6 8.9 13.7 .32 BEC 668.0 3.9 10.9 13.4 .30 3 SEL 694.8 12.2 17.9 21.7 .54 OCLI 695.1 12.5 17.9 21.2 .54 4 SEL 708.3 10.6 15.0 21.8 .61 OCLI 708.2 10.8 15.5 20.6 .61 5 SEL 725.3 11.3 15.6 20.9 .74 OCLI 725.4 11.5 16.0 22.0 .74 6 SEL 747.4 12.0 16.1 21.4 .70 OCLI 747.4 11.9 16.8 21.8 .73 7 SEL 532.80 15.4 26.4 31.3 .49 OCLI 533.65 15.1 25.3 35.8 .50 8 SEL 835.1 7.0 15.0 22.9 .67 OCLI 835.4 7.1 15.6 26.2 .66 52 Table 4. — VTPR data sequence and spot identifiers (calibration sequence) Word no. No. of words Position code Description 1-7 7 26 Primary optics 8 1 26 Zero Offset level 9 1 26 Not used 10-16 7 26 1st voltage level 17 1 26 Not used 18-24 7 26 2nd voltage level 25 1 26 Not used 26-32 7 26 3rd voltage level 33 1 26 Not used 34-40 7 26 4th voltage level 41 1 26 Not used 42-48 7 26 5th voltage level 49 1 26 Not used 50-56 7 26 6th voltage level 57 1 26 Not used 58-64 7 26 7th voltage level 65-320 256 27 Space look Filters 1-8 cycling 321-352 32 28 Mirror moving, not used 353-559 207 28 Patch look, filters lr8 cycling 560 1 28 Shroud 561-567 7 29 Shroud 568 1 29 Detector 569-591 23 30 Detector 592 1 30 Patch 593-607 15 31 Patch 608 1 31 - Rr>rl of ( Not used Normal scan sequence resumes with spot 1, etc. 53 Table 5. — NMC fields used in VTPR retrievals Analysis Forecast Field interval interval Pressure: Tropopause 12 hr 12 & 18 hr Temperature: Tropopause 12 hr 12 & 18 hr 1000 to 100 mb 12 hr 12 & 18 hr (10 levels) 70 to 10 mb 24 hr (4 levels) Relative humidity: Tropopause 12 hr Boundary layer 12 hr 12 & 18 hr Heights 850 mb 12 hr 12 & 18 hr 54 Table 6. — The 100 pressure levels used in VTPR retrievals Level Pressure Level Pressure Level Pressure (mb) (mb) (mb) 1 .010000 35 30.205717 68 271.245360 2 .022509 36 33.093637 69 284.886288 3 .043472 37 36.173585 70 299.010313 4 .075634 38 39.453026 71 313.627558 5 .121989 39 42.939518 72 328.748216 6 .185758 40 46.640713 73 344.382547 7 .270375 41 50.564355 74 360.540883 8 .379474 42 54.718280 75 377.233623 9 .516882 43 59.110411 76 394.471232 10 .686604 44 63.748763 77 412.264246 11 .892818 45 68.641437 78 430.623266 12 1.139871 46 73.796622 79 449.558960 13 1.432267 47 79.222593 80 469.082061 14 1.774667 48 84.927709 81 489.203370 15 2.171881 49 90.920415 82 509.933752 16 2.628863 50 97.209237 83 531.284137 17 3.150709 51 103.802787 84 553.265520 18 3.742652 52 110.709757 85 575.888960 19 4.410059 53 117.938919 86 599.165579 20 5.158426 54 125.499127 87 623.106566 21 5.993379 55 133.399315 88 647.723168 22 6.920666 56 141.648495 89 673.026699 23 7.946158 57 150.255758 90 699.028533 24 9.075845 58 159.230270 91 725.740107 25 10.315836 59 168.581278 92 753.172921 26 11.672352 60 178.318103 93 781.338533 27 13.151729 61 188.450141 94 810.248566 28 14.780413 62 198.986865 95 839.914701 29 16.504959 63 209.937822 96 870.348681 30 18.392029 64 221.312631 97 901.562308 31 20.428391 65 233.120986 98 933.567446 32 22.620917 66 245.372655 99 966.376016 33 24.976580 67 258.077476 100 1000.000000 34 27.502455 55 APPENDIX II Filter Characteristics and CO- Transmittances Filter curves have been obtained for the first four VTPR instru- ments. These curves were used to calculate CO2 transmittances and the resulting weighting functions (derivatives of the trans- mittances with respect to a function of pressure). Table 1 lists the pressures at which numerical values of transmittances and weighting functions are given. For each instrument (set), twelve pages of data are given in the following order: filter curves for channels 1 and 2 filter transmittances for channels 1 and 2 filter curves for channels 3 and 4 filter transmittances for channels 3 and 4 filter curves for channels 5 and 6 filter transmittances for channels 5 and 6 filter curves for channels 7 and 8 filter transmittances for channels 7 and 8 CO2 transmittances at 0° zenith angle CO2 weighting functions at 0° zenith angle CO2 transmittances at 23.8° zenith angle CO 2 weighting functions at 2 3.8° zenith angle. Instruments 1 and 3 were used on NOAA 2. 56 Table l.--The 50 pressure levels for which CO2 transmittances and weighting functions were calculated Level Pressure Level Pressure Level Pressure (mb) (mb) (mb) 2 .022509 36 33.093637 70 299.010313 4 .075634 38 39.453026 72 328.748216 6 .185758 40 46.640713 74 360.540883 8 .379474 42 54.718280 76 394.471232 10 .686604 44 63.748763 78 430.623266 12 1.139871 46 73.796622 80 469.082061 14 1.774667 48 84.927709 82 509.933752 16 2.628863 50 97.209237 84 553.265520 18 3.742652 52 110.709757 86 599.165579 20 5.158426 54 125.499127 88 647.723168 22 6.920666 56 141.648495 90 699.028533 24 9.075845 58 159.230270 92 753.172921 26 11.672352 60 178.318103 94 810.248566 28 14.780413 62 198.986865 96 870.348681 30 18.392029 64 221.312631 98 933.567446 32 22.620917 66 245.372655 100 1000.000000 34 27.502455 68 271.245360 57 DC Q_ 33NV11 1 WSNVdl 3DNV11 I WSNVyi 58 ^ONixjNO-M'SJin'-^OQ'OO'-o^lkn'- -J O oo o O* -J -TOO* >0 O 1 in in »f »}■ •* ot>ONKtnro(\i»-«3ino>ON(0>roKN>OO^Kr\ioOinN'-oOKinro I - 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U"t -* *SI •- t> <0 O ■* NO«ir>frtONMO>0 *ni «o ■# o -o mo ok» o a> cm> a o- o- ?■ o- «> a* o- «> o a- O «> O «o «io«io«o«o^nkn n. f* k» k> rg <\> •-•-•- «- < > LU N^O*0«rMOtOO<0 OOO0*O0 k 0'*0i0*0 ir> *0 N >0 -O (?• « in K< sO NW>f KiK^fO^ineO O ut t> k» u"> n. n. 4) k> t> ro 4) n. m isj -O O (> 90 tn Nto^omOino^)^ n. k» o f* w» fo r\i *- o o fK»(^»iMrsi •-«-•-©©©©©©© z < a: ro NKONOK>^mO ,, N 0f\l»0 ^N^N •OKO^OiNJU'-MO o •- «o *o *- o m t> <\> o •" (Ni inj -O ** k> f» k» rsj •- «- rsiiv «o •- m © © •- «> «-o^rtMO->ONO(0 t- *# «o «-» fo ^> r\j -- © o t> to -o **■ fsj «o *# «o t\j >r >r t\i to «- <\i © tn rs. -o *\j m »/■» rg rs. *- m tn k. © -* i\i •- <# © t> «- «o «> «# «\i %r «o <* i\i»- © ©o ©© c* o o o o «o «o n. r». -o tn ■># rsj t- o is. <*r f- «o m «- rs rr» «o -♦ o> ■* o tr» © o* i> & o o o- o O 1 o o t> (> fo «o «o«e n. ^ is. o -o ^ u-« >r >r k> k> k» fsirsjf- •- •- ooo©© oooooooooo O rvj oo >0 ^~ O N. >0 >^ M O" IM «0 CM «0 Kt N> « <0 fS. *M ^ © «> O f\i •- ^ -* iT» ISi fs. «0 O PO frt © (MOtONOtOIOOOO ^KtO t O^O>«ors.(>«0 OO^NhtM^^O^^O to 4)m^oooo Ofr^frlON-Oinfrti- OONtO^tOMNO^ K. •- 4^t> IAOK ^ INJ •- OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO «0««Ofs.tsO 3ynss3dd 104 sD o o •- pg ro m ro po io >t oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo •0 ro ro n* o «0 «— inO ^ «-o«— «*^.fSj«0in^'O oooooo»-«-»-»- »-»-rg(\i(Sir\jfornrorn oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo m O w in po •- n -o •- •- n.o*-oO'**po'\jO' *\i .O **"> *- ^Mfn^^K rs.rsrs.^o^oiP^*-*- >j , 'j , m^^«ooo*-r\j Ki^iP-OMOrtoooo OOOOOOO"- — — p" — — "- «- — — — — — oooooooooo oooooooooo en LU _) < > in fv — (m^nt- f">iPf\j — «o^,© — roooo^o iP-^rs.fi- i\j^isi^%r f**>fOf«"»iP«oiPO'CO' sO^rsjpg^aooo^o- •- ^N\«oN»r>Ofo ^o^o^oOffflifloo orooo-*«orsirs. — o — oors.f\.«oo , ooo<© f\i^)oooo^^o-ON.u-> ©oooo — ^*^^<\i f\jcnro^^NftPtPiPiP ooo^-rvp^oocooo' oo^NM*f onn«o ooooo'«oou"»'J , '«f oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo — — — t- — w — — — — — — i- — — — — — — — oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo z 3 t-^m<)\oOOMirioo — »J0>l'OOlNJ0 k *0-«*' OOOOO©———— iNiNjrSif^-tfNfiPiP^Orv OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO in.O^N.oroip-tftnfM © O — .- .- i- t- .- t- .- OOOOOOOOOO ip-*o— — n.- tPO«o O" O ^ OM fo «o ^ «0 ffl rs.o>o- rosr^Nfpirg — — f\jpOfNjr\jr\j<\n\iiNj OOOOOOOOOO injn. — m^ — om^^ ©rs.iPf\iO'N*«tff*ilM«— rsj«-- — ©ooooo oooooooooo O z \- x poiprsjfs.'.jiPOoo- f"> loin oo ^ in O to O" \ ip ©oo — — — r\ji\jro-j OOOOOOOOOO oooooooooo inj^^^ — oipO 1 ©*) >f -*«0OWNNNK>N ©©©©—————— oooooooooo ■* fOOMOOO-Mf-iOKt INJ^oOOOO-cOOO ©•©•-rviroNf-NfmrofM — i\jf\jr\jf\jf\jfNjf\jfsjf\i oooooooooo N-'-'-'-'-'-OOO oooooooooo ^©IN)"*fS.fnf\lOi\l- Nfrosfoo-**\j«-ooo fOl\l— OOOOOOO oooooooooo oooooooooo IXI o LJ •-fsjip^a-tpmroip^ moooo«oo^-jipm ^tp^ — r*i-o- ^.^- ^ «o — — ^ m — tP— sf — ©— s»©0 — «0>\tOO\M^>WW^ — •©•Oft— ^tP-^OOaO j'tprs,oo«- ro-oo— >ffs.o>^i\ii\j pgooosonO'u*"-N ■j in — © © © o o ooooooooo*- — — — f\i fsi »\j rsj p<*> ro m ro fo m *\j fsj •-•-•- o o ooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo oooooooooo ooooooo IP lO Ifi K» «> O CO ^ dO IP ^ON>rOOO*OM> N Ki (\J — 0>*Of*l- «iPfOI\| — OOOOO 0000«-«-NMNN f\J <\J f\J <\J fsj LU co CO o \- 3 X O x ■o < qw > aynssaad 105 APPENDIX III Archive Formats Archival tapes for VTPR data contain earth located raw radian- ces, first guess information, and retrievals. Each type of data is written as a separate file. The first file contains earth-located raw radiances. These radiances have been calibrated - that is converted from counts to radiances - but are otherwise unchanged. A description of this file is contained in tables 1 and 2. The calibration identifica- tion number referred to in table 1 is now 4. If changes in the regression coefficients used for the calibration are required be- cause of changes on the spacecraft, this number will change. The instrument number referred to in table 2 identifies a scan line as: data from the calibration sequence in either instrument (0); earth radiances from instrument 1 (1); earth radiances from in- stument 2 (2); dual mode earth radiances from the secondary in- strument (3). During the rarely-used dual mode, the primary instrument controls the data system, and radiances from that in- strument are identified normally; radiances from the secondary instrument replace those of the primary instrument on alternate scans . The second file on the tape contains "clear radiances" obtained by the CLRAD program, as well as the first guess information that was available. A description of this file is contained in tables 3 and 4. The third file on the tape contains retrieved profiles that have passed the quality control tests. A description of this file is given in tables 5 and 6. Data records on this file dif- fer from all other records on the tape in that the data are coded and six bits are required to represent each character. Table 7 shows the octal and binary representations of the characters con- tained in the data records. The format used for the data records is the same format used for the NMC data, except that twelve reports constitute one physical record of 30,600 bits on the NMC tape. In order to keep the buffer size small, this record was broken down into five physical records of 6, 120 bits each for the archive tape. 106 Table 1. — VTPR archive I format and data description header record (6480 bits) Description Number of words Bits/ word Number of bits Satellite numfc er Start of data (year) Start of data (month) Start of data (day) Julian day Start of data (hour) Start of data (minute) Start of data (second) End of data (b our) End of data (minute) End of data Calibration (second) identification number Standard deviations [mW/(m 2 sr cm~^)]x 10 (channels 1-8 of primary instrument), (8 words of fill or channels 1-8 of secondary instrument for dual mode operation) Fill ORBITAL PARAMETERS Eccentricity x 10 Argument of perigee (deg x 10 3) Right ascension (deg x 10^) Inclination (deg x 103) Semi -major axis (km x 10^) Mean anomaly (deg x 10 3) Epoch year Epoch month Epoch day Epoch hour Epoch minute (whole) Epoch fraction of minute x 100 Phi max x 100 Lambda x 10 Fill 1 36 36 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 16 12 192 36 36 1 36 36 1 36 36 1 36 36 1 36 36 1 36 36 1 36 36 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 481 12 5772 107 Table 2. — VTPR archive I format and data description -- documentation records (groups of 3 records - 6480 bits per record) Number Bits/ Number Description of words word of bits Radiances [m^(m 2 sr cm" 1 )] x 20 1472 12 17664 (channels 1-8 (spots 1-23 (lines 1-8))) Latitude (deg + 90) x 10 East longitude (deg x 10) (spot 5 - line 4) Latitude (deg +90) x 10 East longitude (deg x 10) (spot 12 - line 4) Latitude (deg +90) x 10 East longitude (deg x 10 (spot 19 - line 4) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (hour) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (minute) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (second) Zenith Angles (deg x 10 ) 7 12 84 (spot 1 - line 1), (spot 1 - line 23), (spot 4 - line 5), (spot 4 - line 12), (spot 4 - line 19), (spot 8 - line 1), (spot 8 - line 23) Fill 1 12 12 Line count 1 Sea surface temperatures [ (°K-269. 9 )x5 ] 184 (spots 1-23 (lines 1-8)) Fill 1 Instrument number (see text) 8 (8 lines) Clock (spot 1 - line 1) ■*- 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 2 12 8 1472 8 28 3 24 36 36 108 Table 3. — VTPR archive II format and data description header record (480 bits) Number Bits/ Number Description of words word of bits Start of data (year) 1 12 12 Start of data (month) 1 12 12 Start of data (day) 1 12 12 Satellite number 1 36 36 Calibration table number 1 12 12 Instrument number 1 12 12 Standard deviations [mW/(m 2 sr cm~ 1 )]x 100 16 12 192 (channels 1-8 of primary instrument) ; (8 zeros or channels 1-8 of secondary instrument of dual mode operation) Start of data (hour) 1 12 12 Start of data (minute) 1 12 12 Start of data (second) 1 12 12 End of data (hour) 1 12 12 End of data (minute) 1 12 12 End of data (second) 1 12 12 Fill 10 12 120 109 Table 4. — VTPR archive II format and data description- documentation records (720 bits) Description Latitude (deg-f- 90) x 10 West longitude (deg x 10) Time of sounding (hour) Time of sounding (minute) Time of sounding (second) 9 1 Clear radiances [mW/(m^sr cm" ) ] x 20 (channels 1-8) Zenith angle (deg x 10) Sea surface temperature (°K-269.9) x 5 First guess values temperatures ( CxlO) (15 standard pressure levels — 1000 to lOmb) (tropopause temperature) Number Bits/ Number of words word of bits 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 8 12 96 1 12 12 1 12 12 16 12 192 Pressure (mb x 10) Dew point depression"'' (first 10 standard levels) 1 10 12 12 12 120 Confidence factors (x 100) (channels 1-8) First guess 850-mb height (m) obtained from NMC forecast Fill 8 12 12 12 96 12 108 *Missing data = 7777 octal '''Missing data = 0000 octal 110 Table 5. — VTPR archive III format and data description- header record (480 bits) Description Number Bits/ Number of words word of bits Start of data (year) Start of data (month) Start of data (day) Satellite number Calibration table number Instrument number Standard pressure levels (mb) Start of data (hour) Start of data (minute) Start of data (second) End of data (hour) End of data (minute) End of data (second) Fill 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 36 36 1 12 12 1 12 12 15 12 1.80 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 1 12 12 11 12 132 Ill Table 6. — VTPR archive III format and data description — documentation records* Number Characters/ Bits/ No. of Description of words word charac. bits 1 5 6 30 1 5 6 30 1 1 6 6 Latitude (deg x 100) West Longitude (deg x 100) Fill (N) Orbit number for 12- hour period (set to 1 at 0600 and 1800 GMT) 11 6 6 Sounding number 1 3 6 18 Fill 11 6 6 Time (hours + fraction of hours) x 100 1 4 6 24 Parameters (data used by NMC only) Data for 15 levels Height (m) Temperature (°C x 10) T d (not given) (°C x 10) Fill Fill (End report) f ( End record) *A data record consists of 12 soundings or reports and contains 30600 bits. It is broken up into five physical records of 6120 bits each. The data on this record are written as an "A" format so 6 bits are required for each character (table 7). When 12 reports are obtained or an orbit is ended, a data record is written. The remaining space is filled with "end record" so that the five physical records always contain a total of 30600 bits. 1 30 6 180 15 22 5 4 3 10 6 1980 1 20 6 120 1 10 6 60 variable 10 6 variable 112 Table 7. — Six-bit binary code used for data records on the third file of the archival tape Character Octal representation Binary representation 33 011011 1 34 011100 2 35 011101 3 36 011110 4 37 011111 5 40 100000 6 41 100001 7 42 100010 8 43 100011 9 44 100100 46 100110 57 101111 Blank 55 101101 R 22 010010 E 05 000101 C 03 000011 O 17 001111 R 22 010010 D 04 000100 P 20 010000 T 24 010100 N 16 001110 A U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1 973--5 1 *2-6 1 t9/'ll (Continued from inside front cover) NESC 51 Application of Meteorological Satellite Data in Analysis and Forecasting. Ralph K. Anderson, Jerome P. Ashman, Fred Bittner, Golden R. Farr, Edward W. Ferguson, Vincent J. Oliver, and Arthur H. Smith, September 1969. Price $1.75 (AD-697-033) Supplement price $0.65 (AD-740- 017) NESC 52 Data Reduction Processes for Spinning Flat-Plate Satellite-Borne Radiometers. Torrence H. MacDonald, July 1970. Price $0.50 (COM-71-00132) NESC 53 Archiving and Climatological Applications of Meteorological Satellite Data. John A. Leese, Arthur L. Booth, and Frederick A. Godshall, July 1970. Price $1.25 (COM-71-00076) NESC 54 Estimating Cloud Amount and Height From Satellite Infrared Radiation Data. P. Krishna Rao, July 1970. Price $0.25 (PB-194-685) NESC 56 Time-Longitude Sections of Tropical Cloudiness (December 1966-November 1967). J. M. Wallace, July 1970. Price $0.50 (COM-71-00131) NOAA Technical Reports NESS 55 The Use of Satellite-Observed Cloud Patterns in Northern Hemisphere 500-mb Numerical Analysis. Roland E. Nagle and Christopher M. Hayden, April 1971. Price $0.55 (COM-73-50262) NESS 57 Table of Scattering Function of Infrared Radiation for Water Clouds. Giichi Yamamoto, Masayuki Tanaka, and Shoji Asano, April 1971. Price $1.00 (COM-71-50312) NESS 58 The Airborne ITPR Brassboard Experiment. W. L. Smith, D. T. Hilleary, E. C. Baldwin, W. Jacob, H. Jacobowitz, G. Nelson, S. Soules, and D. Q. Wark, March 1972. Price $1.25 (COM-72-10557) NESS 59 Temperature Sounding From Satellites. S. Fritz, D. Q. Wark, H. E. Fleming, W. L. Smith, H. Jacobowitz, D. T. Hilleary, and J. C. Alishouse, July 1972. Price $0.55 (COM-72-50963) NESS 60 Satellite Measurements of Aerosol Backscattered Radiation From the Nimbus F Earth Radiation Ex- periment. H. Jacobowitz, W. L. Smith, and A. J. Drummond, August. 1972. Price $0.25 (COM-72- 51031) NESS 61 The Measurement of Atmospheric Transmittance From Sun and Sky With an Infrared Vertical Sounder. W. L. Smith and H. B. Howell, September 1972. Price $0.30 (COM-73-50020) NESS 62 Proposed Calibration Target for the Visible Channel of a Satellite Radiometer. K. L. Coulson and H. Jacobowitz, October 1972. Price $0.35 (COM-73-10143) NESS 63 Verification of Operational SIRS B Temperature Retrievals. Harold J. Brodrick and Christopher M. Hayden, December 1972. Price $0.55 (COM-73-50279) NESS 64 Radiometric Techniques for Observing the Atmosphere From Aircraft. William L. Smith and Warren J. Jacob. January 1973. Price $0.35 (COM-73-50376) PE riP| T | A lTf.^ N .'. V ,f- RS,TYL 'BRAR IES A000D75Q lfl3S4