A Directory of FOREIGN ORGANIZATIONS FOR TRADE AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FOREIGN COMMERCE A Directory of Foreign Organizations For Trade and Investment Promotion UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Luther H. Hodges, Secretary BUREAU OF FOREIGN COMMERCE Loring K. Macy, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. - Price 35 cents. Foreword This directory identifies for American businessmen the principal governmental and private organizations abroad actively engaged in promoting and facilitating trade and investment in the free world. Listings are limited to those organizations that have demonstrated a willingness to receive inquiries from United States firms and an ability to supply information within the organiza- tion's competence or to give publicity to the inquiries. Most of the organizations described are "central," in that they are concerned with all or a major part of a country's economy. Others are secondary organizations, that is, groups serving specific branches of industry and trade or selected geographic areas of a country. Organizations devoted solely to the promotion of tourism are not included, nor are private businesses engaged in research and development. Many banks are active in promoting investment and trade and in bringing new enterprise to the countries in which they are located. They refer inquiries to interested clients. Names and addresses of banks throughout the world may be found in commer- cial directories, such as the Rand McNally International Bankers Directory and Polk's Bank Directory, Because of space limita- tions, only governmental and semigovernmental banks are listed here. This is the second edition of this directory. The first edition, entitled A Directory of Foreign Development Organizations for Trade and Investment, was published in 1957. Data in this revision are based on information submitted by the Foreign Serv- ice of the United States. The material was compiled by Marjorie V. Davis under the direction of Charles F. Boehm, Director, Com- mercial Intelligence Division, Office of Trade Promotion, Bureau of Foreign Commerce. j^Lj KH**y LORING K. MACY January 1961. Director ; Bureau of Foreign Commerce Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/directoryofforeiOOunit A Directory of Foreign Organizations For Trade and Investment Promotion Names and mailing addresses of foreign organizations for trade and invest- ment promotion are listed alphabetically by country in the language customary for the country. English translations of the names are given in parentheses. Some of the organizations maintain offices in the United States, and the addresses of those offices are included. The specific types of trade and investment promotional activity in which the organizations are engaged are sketched; names of any periodicals, publi- cations, or other media used for publicizing trade and investment opportunities are cited. Correspondence in English is believed to be acceptable except as noted in individual entries. A map of Africa is reproduced on pages 52 and 53 to identify the African countries referred to in this guide. ALGERIA Confederation Generale du Patronat de PAlgerie (Federation of Employers' Associations of Algeria) , 1 rue de Languedoc, Algiers. Closely connected with all Algerian trade associations. Is pre- pared to pass trade inquiries to the appropriate association. Direction de PEnergie et de Industrialisation, Delegation Generale, Algiers. A central Government office created to promote new industry by assisting industrialists who are planning to set up factories in Algeria. Gives advice on Government assistance available for the establishment of an Algerian plant, and supplies some information on operating conditions in Algeria. Corre- spondence in French only. Office Algerien d' Action Economique et Touristique — OFALAC (Algerian Office of Economics and Tourism), 40-42 rue d'Isly, Algiers. An agency of the Algerian Government General for the promotion of Algerian trade and tourism. Issues monthly Bulletin Economique et Juridique, with weekly supplement. Notices of trade and investment opportunities are published when received. Region Economique de PAlgerie, Palais Consulaire, Boulevard Anatole-France, Algiers. Central office of all chambers of com- ANGOLA merce in Algeria. Equivalent to the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Announces trade opportunities in its monthly publication, Revue de la Region Economique d'Algerie. All corre- spondence is in French, but, if specifically requested, an English translation will be attached. Syndicat Commercial Algerien (Federation of Algerian Com- mercial Associations), 7 Place de la Republique, Algiers. The alliance of Algerian trade associations. Includes a large member- ship of importers and exporters. Announces trade opportunities in its monthly publication, Algerie Economique. Correspondence in French only. ANGOLA Associacao Comercial de Luanda, Caixa Postal 1275, Luanda. Semiofficial organization that operates in the nature of a chamber of commerce. Similar associations in each urban community. Literature from inquirers can be distributed readily to members. Correspondence in Portuguese preferred. Associacao Industrial de Angola, Caixa Postal 999, Luanda. Sim- ilar to Associacao Comercial de Luanda, representing industrial activities. Correspondence in Portuguese preferred. Comissao Administrativa do Fundo de Fomenio, Caixa Postal 1205, Luanda. Government agency responsible for development plan projects (the Second Six- Year Development Plan, 1959-1964, is underway) . Correspondence in Portuguese preferred. Direccao-Geral de Economia, Ministerio do Ultramar (Direction General of Economy, Ministry of Overseas Provinces), Rua Fer- reira Lapa 38, Lisbon, Portugal. Government organization for trade development in all oversea Provinces, including Angola. Direccao dos Servicos de Economia, Caixa Postal 1242, Luanda. Government agency. Trade inquiries, accompanied by a list of bank references, may be addressed to this organization for publi- cation in its monthly bulletin of economic information. Corre- spondence in Portuguese preferred. Junta do Comercio Externo, Caixa Postal 1337, Luanda. Gov- ernment agency. Import-export trade information pertaining to Angola. Inquiries received are usually sent to all appropriate exporters or importers in circular letters. Correspondence in Portuguese preferred. Junta de Exportacao de Cafe, Caixa Postal 342, Luanda. Semi- governmental organization which supervises coffee trade in Angola. Is in direct touch with coffee producers and exporters. American firms may address their inquiries to this organization ARGENTINA for publication in its monthly magazine, Revista do Cafe Portu- guese Correspondence in Portuguese preferred. ANTIGUA See The West Indies-Leeward Islands. ARGENTINA Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires, 25 de Mayo esquina Sar- miento, Buenos Aires. The Argentine stock exchange. Camara Agentina de Comercio (Argentine Chamber of Com- merce) , Av. Leandro N. Alem 36, Buenos Aires. Has more than 3,500 members who deal in nearly all kinds of products. Announces trade and investment opportunities in its weekly bulletin, Mer curio. Also issues a quarterly magazine. Camara de Comercio de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires Chamber of Commerce), Bartolome Mitre 519, Buenos Aires. Announces agency opportunities in its weekly bulletin. Also issues a maga- zine irregularly. Camara de Exportadores de la Republica Argentina (Chamber of Exporters of the Argentine Republic), Avda. de Mayo 633, Buenos Aires. Edits a bimonthly publication, Boletin de Exportadores, which circulates among Argentine exporters. Camara Gremial de Representantes (Chamber of Representa- tives) , Alsina 1328, Buenos Aires. Centro de Importadores (Importers' Association), Moreno 376, Buenos Aires. Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America in the Argentine Republic, Avda. R.S. Pefia 567, Buenos Aires. Part- nership comprised of several hundred commercial and industrial firms. Primary purpose is to promote trade and commerce between the United States and Argentina. Publishes a monthly trade magazine, Comments on Argentine Trade, and a weekly newsletter, which is restricted to members. Also publishes trade opportunities. Direccion Nacional de Comercio Exterior, Diag. Julio A. Roca 651, 5° piso, Buenos Aires. Government office established to stimulate the import and export business. Correspondence in Spanish is preferred. Union Industrial Argentina, Avda. de Mayo 1157, Buenos Aires. The Argentine manufacturers' association. It groups 146 industries. ARUBA ARUBA See Netherlands Antilles. AUSTRALIA Associated Chambers of Commerce of Australia, 79 London Cir- cuit, City (P.O. Box 367), Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. Private organization. Publishes a monthly commentary. Advises chambers in the capital cities of Australia's six States of trade and investment opportunities. Associated Chambers of Manufacturers of Australia, Industry House, Barton, Australian Capital Territory. Private organiza- tion. Publishes a newsletter at approximately weekly intervals. Informs State chambers about trade and investment opportunities. Australian Industries Development Association, 406 Lonsdale St., Melbourne. Nonprofit association consisting of industrial and finance institutions interested in the development of Australia. Its service directorate supplies expert advice and assistance on a variety of matters connected with the promotion, development, and safeguarding of industry in Australia. The association also acts as research organization for facts and figures relating to the economy of Australia. Issues a monthly publication, Director Reports. Department of Industrial Development, 142 Macquarie St., Hobart, Tasmania. State agency to assist and encourage the establishment of industry in Tasmania. Department of Industrial Development, 62 Barrack St., Perth, Western Australia. Official State organization to encourage growth of industries. Department of National Development, Administrative Bldg., Parkes, Australian Capital Territory. The Federal Government department principally concerned with the development of Aus- tralia's natural resources and public utilities, including mining, mapping, liquid and solid fuel industries (including oil search), building, and housing. Inquiries should be addressed to the Secretary of the Department. Department of Primary Industry, Barton, Australian Capital Territory. The Federal Government department principally con- cerned with the development of Australia's primary industries, including agriculture, fishing, pearling, and whaling. Inquiries should be addressed to the Secretary of the Department. Department of Trade, 83A Queen's Rd., Private Bag, St. Kilda, S. 2, Victoria. The Federal Government department principally .AUSTRIA concerned with the development of secondary industry in Aus- tralia. The Industries Division encourages development of manu- facturing industry in Australia, and provides general economic and technical advice to potential investors. It is responsible for export controls as applied to manufactured products and is charged with executive responsibility for the encouragement of oversea investments in Australia. The Trade Promotion Division serves as an oversea market research agent to manufacturers seeking export outlets and makes available market and commodity surveys, general trade intelligence reports, and information on legislative or regulatory changes in domestic and foreign import and export controls. It distributes a bimonthly journal, Overseas Trading, to commercial interests for this purpose. Inquiries should be addressed to the Assistant Secretary, Industries Division. Division of Industrial Development, Premier's Department, Corner Bridge and Phillip Sts., Sydney, New South Wales. State Government department to promote oversea investment and devel- opment of industry in New South Wales. Assists investors in locating market data and industrial sites. Publishes annual appraisals of industrial development in New South Wales. Division of State Development, Premier's Department, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne, Victoria. State organization for facilitating oversea industrial investments in Victoria ; also deals with decen- tralization within the State. Secondary Industries Division, Department of Labor and Industry, Treasury Bldgs., Queen St., Brisbane, Queensland. State organization to promote investment and industrial growth. South Australian Industries Advisory Committee, 12 Pirie St., Adelaide, South Australia. State organization to encourage investment and establishment of industries. Victoria Promotion Committee, Town Hall, Melbourne, Victoria. A trust of private businessmen established in 1956 by the Govern- ment of Victoria to promote the development of Australia and, in particular, the State of Victoria. The committee works in close collaboration with existing State and Commonwealth organizations for the common good of Australia, but its main function is to attract capital and tourists to Victoria. Publishes a monthly brochure, Australia Newsletter, in the United States and England. AUSTRIA Amerikanische Handelskammer in Oesterreich (American Chamber of Commerce in Austria), Schottenring 17, Vienna I. AUSTRIA Organized in March 1960. Interested in promoting trade and investment both to and from the United States and Austria. Publishes a bimonthly newsletter with a circulation of about 500 in which trade contact and investment inquiries may be reported. Bundeskammer der gewerblichen Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsfoer- derungsinstiuit (Federal Chamber of Commerce, Economic Devel- opment and Promotion Institute), 12 Stubenring, Vienna I. A semiofficial organization, membership in which is compulsory for all manufacturing and trading firms. Active in promoting Austro-United States trade. Trade opportunity notices are published in the official commercial bulletin. Bundeskanzleramt, Sektion V, Abteilung 11a (Federal Chan- cellery, Section V, Subsection 11a) , 3 Hohenstaufengasse, Vienna 1. Government agency. Coordinates regional development efforts and advises on all legal and technical aspects of direct foreign investments, including exchange regulations, legal requirements for establishment of plants, taxation, and labor regulations. Maintains a subagency in the United States, Wirtschaftliche Verbindungsstelle Washington (Economic Liaison Agency Wash- ington), 1346 Connecticut Ave., NW., Washington 6, D.C., which advises on general aspects of direct investments and assists in investment plans and projects as a first stage to direct contact with the Vienna head office. Bundesministerium f uer Soziale Verwaltung, Inf ormationsdienst f uer Betriebs und Filialgruendungen in Oesterreichischen Entwick- lungsgebieten (Federal Ministry of Social Administration, Infor- mation Service for New Establishment of Plants and Branches in Austrian Development Areas), 1 Stubenring, Sektion III, Abteilung 72, Vienna I. Furnishes information on general eco- nomic conditions, available real estate, power, transportation, and labor reserves. Oesterreichisehes Produktivitaets-Zentrum (Austrian Produc- tivity Center), 5 Renngasse, Vienna I. Organization supervised by Federal Chancellery, with membership recruited from business and labor organizations. Promotes investments in Austria and includes pertinent advertisements in its publications. Regional industrial development organizations, which may be reached through Oesterreichisehes Produktivitaets-Zentrum or contacted direct, are primarily interested in attracting domestic and foreign industries. They aid in selecting sites by furnishing basic and technical data, including labor force, wages, power, and communi- cations, and by establishing contacts with existing firms for participation. They advise on local credit facilities and assist in JBELGIUM procuring optimum cooperation with communities in which selected industrial sites are located and special incentives offered. The regional organizations are listed below. Ami der Kaerntner Landesregierung, Landesplammgsstelle (Carinthian Provincial Government, Provincial Planning Office), 15 Sterneckstrasse, Klagenfurt. Ami der Steirischen Landesregierung, Bnero des Landeshaupimannes (Styrian Provincial Government, Office of the Governor), Schloss, Graz, Styria. Regional-Ausschuss zur Foerderung der Wirtschaft im oberen Waldviertel (Waldviertel Regional Development Council), 33 Wipplingerstrasse, Vienna I. Verein zur Foerderung der Burgenlaendischen Wirtschaft (Burgenland De- velopment Council), 5 Osterwiese, Eisenstadt, Burgenland. Verein zur Foerderung der Entwicklungsgebiete in Niederoesterreick (De- velopment Council of Lower Austria), 1 Regierungsgasse, Vienna I. Verein zur Foerderung des Muehlviertels (Muehlviertel Development Coun- cil), Hauserhof, Bahnhofstrasse, Linz a/Donau, Upper Austria. Verein zur Foerderung der Burgenlaendischen Wirtschaft (Burgenland De- velopment Council for the Area of Wiener Neustadt) , 36 Neunkirchner Allee, Wiener Neustadt, Lower Austria. BAHAMAS Bahamas Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 685, Nassau. Development Board, P.O. Box 818, Nassau. Offices in the United States : 308 British Empire Bldg., 620 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. ; 1633-34 Du Pont Bldg., Miami 32, Fla.; 1230 Palmolive Bldg., Chicago 11, 111. ; Adolphus Hotel Arcade, 1406 Main St., Dallas, Tex. BARBADOS See The West Indies. BELGIUM American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, 21 rue du Com- merce, Brussels. Announces trade opportunities in its monthly bulletin. Association Beige des Negociants, Exportateurs, et Imporiafeurs, Bourse de Commerce, 7 rue des Israelites, Antwerp. Private organization of agents, exporters, and importers. Publishes list of its members. Chamfore de Commerce d'Anvers, 22 Longue rue Neuve, Antwerp. Announces trade opportunities in its monthly bulletin. Chambre de Commerce de Bnixelles, 112 rue de Treves, Brussels. BERMUDA. Publishes a weekly bulletin, which includes mention of trade oppor- tunities, and an annual directory listing members. Direction des Inveslissements Prives Etrangers (Section for Private Foreign Investors), Ministry of Economic Affairs, 23 Square de Meeus, Brussels. This section centralizes all foreign investment inquiries and activities in the Ministry and coordinates them with other Government agencies. Inquiries regarding invest- ment opportunities in Belgium may be addressed also to the Belgian Industrial Information Service, 630 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. Federation des Entreprises de PIndustrie des Fabrications Metal- liques — FABRIMETAL, 21 rue des Drapiers, Brussels. Organiza- tion of manufacturers of metal products. While affiliated with F.I.B. (see following listing) , it maintains its own trade promotion department to assist its members in developing foreign investment and trade opportunities. Federation des Industries Beiges — F.I.B. , 4 rue Ravenstein, Brussels. A federation of trade groups and of leading industrial producers. Publishes both a bulletin, every 10 days with trade opportunity announcements, and a monthly review, Industrie. Office Beige du Commerce Exterieur, 4 Galerie Ravenstein, Brussels. Official foreign trade promotion office of the Ministry of Foreign Commerce. Publishes trade opportunities gratis in its daily bulletin. Office National pour la Promotion de L'Exportation des Produits de la Petite et Moyenne Entreprises, 19 Avenue de la Toison d'Or, Brussels. This office is under auspices of the Ministry of the Middle Classes to assist small business in developing export markets. BERMUDA Bermuda Chamber of Commerce, Hamilton. Active in all types of trade promotion and development. Bermuda Crown Lands Corporation, Hamilton. Actively con- cerned with the promotion of light industries in Bermuda, particu- larly in the dockyard area which is now a free port. Publishes detailed information on business conditions and the availability of industrial sites. BOLIVIA Camara Nacional de Comercio (National Chamber of Com- merce) , Edificio La Urbana, Avenida Camacho, Casilla 7, La Paz. Includes trade opportunity announcements in its bulletin. 8 BRAZIL Camara Nacional de Xndustrias (National Chamber of Indus- tries), Edificio La Urbana, Avenida Camacho, Casilla 611, La Paz. Camara Nacional de Mineria (National Chamber of Mines), J. Federico Zuazo 215, Casilla 2022, La Paz. Represents small private mining interests in Bolivia. Consejo Inter-Americano de Comercio y Produccion, Seccion Boliviana (Inter- American Council for Commerce and Production, Bolivian Section), Casilla 7, La Paz. An organization of private businessmen to promote industrial development. Corporacion Boliviana de Foment© (Bolivian Development Corporation), Casilla 1124, La Paz. Office in the United States: 1026 17th St., NW., Washington 6, D.C. A Bolivian Government organization. BRAZIL American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil, Avenida Rio Branco 80, 19° andar, Rio de Janeiro. Membership open to all companies or individuals having active business associations with the United States or with U.S. firms. Most members are American or Brazilian, but membership also includes other nationalities. Purposes of the chamber are to promote trade and commerce and closer business relations between the United States and Brazil, and to strengthen Brazilian-United States relations in all fields. The chamber publishes a monthly magazine, Brazilian Business, a Weekly News Letter, an Employment Bulletin, a Trade Opportuni- ties Bulletin, a Real Estate Bulletin, and English translations of laws and regulations affecting business. The chamber also has a Commercial Information Department which supplies special statistical research and information in specific fields upon request. American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil, Rua Formosa 367, 29 andar, Sao Paulo. Its membership, which includes commercial and some industrial firms in Sao Paulo, is comprised of American and Brazilian firms and individuals. Primary purpose is to pro- mote trade and commerce between the United States and Brazil, and to strengthen Brazilian-United States relations in all fields. Reports trade opportunities and commercial information in its bulletins. Associacao Comercial do Rio de Janeiro, Rua de Candelaria 9, Rio de Janeiro. Trade association. Furthers the interests of wholesale and retail merchants of Rio de Janeiro in their domestic and international trade relations. Issues trade bulletins. Re- ports trade opportunities in its biweekly publication. 9 BRITISH CAMEROOISS. Associac.ao Comercial do Estado de Sao Paulo, Rua Boa Vista 51, Sao Paulo. Trade association. The membership includes com- mercial firms in the Sao Paulo area. Furthers the interests of wholesale and retail merchants of Sao Paulo in their domestic and international trade relations. Federa^ao e Centro das Industrias do Estado de Sao Paulo, Via- duto Dona Paulina (Palacio Maua), Sao Paulo. Its members are manufacturing and industrial firms in the Sao Paulo area, the industrial center of Brazil. Members include subsidiaries of U.S. companies. Maintains an investment opportunity service. Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production, Brazilian Section, Avenida Rio Branco 50, 5° andar, Rio de Janeiro. This body was organized subsequent to the New Orleans Investment Conference of February 1955. Headquarters are in Montevideo, Uruguay. Its membership is composed of private business con- cerns, individuals, and trade associations. Chief objectives are to foster trade and to promote capital investment in Western Hemisphere countries. Setor de Intercambio com o Exterior e Investimentos, Con- federacao Nacional da Industria (Foreign Trade and Investment Development Division, National Confederation of Industries) , Rua Santa Luzia 735, Rio de Janeiro. Semiofficial agency organized to represent the interests of management in Brazil. Affiliated with Federacao e Centro das Industrias de Sao Paulo and Federacao das Industrias do Rio de Janeiro as well as with the other federations in the country. Chief functions of the division are to promote Brazil's foreign trade and industrial growth, both public and private, to keep in close touch with foreign investment entities and to maintain an up-to-date information service on the invest- ment outlook in Latin America. BRITISH CAMEROONS See Nigeria. BRITISH GUIANA British Guiana Credit Corporation, 20-21 Water St., Georgetown. Established in 1954 to assist in promoting development, to provide financial credits where necessary and desirable, and to stimulate private investments by local and foreign capital. Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, 10 America St., Georgetown. Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministerial Buildings, Georgetown. 10 BURMA BRITISH HONDURAS The Development Commissioner, Government of British Hon- duras, Belize. An officer of the British Honduras Government whose specific duties include the promotion of investment, trade, and development. He is prepared to answer inquiries and to enter into negotiations on the granting of development concessions. BRITISH WEST INDIES See The West Indies. BURMA Burma Chamber of Commerce, Chartered Bank Bldg., 27 Phayre St., Rangoon. European business firms. Burma Indian Chamber of Commerce, 66 Edward St., Rangoon. Indian firms. Burma Marwari Chamber of Commerce, 651 Merchant St., Rangoon. Marwari firms. Burma Mine Owners' Association, Tavoy. Small Burmese mine- owners and concession holders in the Tenasserim district. Burma Muslim Chamber of Commerce, 36 Edward St. Rangoon. Principally Burmese, Indian, and Pakistani Muslim firms. Commerce Development Corporation, 166 Phayre St., Rangoon. The agency of the Ministry of Trade Development most directly concerned with promoting Burma's export trade. Council of Burma Industries, 128-132 Phayre St., Rangoon. Burmese traders and industrialists. Defence Services Institute, 181-189 Sule Pagoda Rd., Rangoon. Commissary type organization engaged in extensive business ventures, such as shipping and banking. Directorate of Industry, Prome Court, Rangoon. The agency of the Ministry of Industry concerned with the private industrial sector. Examines foreign investment proposals. Industrial Development Corporation, 53 Halpin Rd., Rangoon. The agency of the Ministry of Industry in charge of public sector industrial projects. Industrial Loans Board, 53 Halpin Rd., Rangoon. Lends money to private Burmese enterprises for the importation of capital equipment. Land and Rural Development Corporation— LRDC, 459 Prome Rd., Rangoon. Principal argricultural agency of the Government of the Union of Burma. Responsible for implementing agricul- tural development plans. 11 CAMBODIA. Mineral Resources Development Corporation, 243-251 36th St., Rangoon. The agency of the Ministry of Mines responsible for the operation of Government mining enterprises, mineral exploration, and examination of foreign investment proposals. Ministry of Industry, Secretariat, Rangoon. Has primary responsibility for the execution of Burma's industrial development program and is instrumental in formulating and carrying out Government policies on foreign investment in industry. Ministry of Mines, Secretariat, Rangoon. Responsible for devel- opment and execution of Government policy with respect to invest- ment in and development of Burma's petroleum and other mineral resources. Ministry of Trade Development, Secretariat, Rangoon. In addi- tion to issuing import licenses, negotiating international trade agreements, and developing Burmese commercial policy, this Ministry is concerned with trade promotion work directed mainly at expanding Burma's export trade. Rubber Export and Development Corporation, 166 Phayre St., Rangoon. A branch of the Commerce Development Corporation. Purchases and exports rubber. State Agricultural Marketing Board, Phayre St., Rangoon. Government rice marketing board. Buys rice from cultivator and resells it in foreign markets. Tavoy Chamber of Mines, Tavoy. Membership is composed of both large European mining firms operating in Burma and of Burmese firms. Union of Burma Chamber of Commerce, 74-86 Maung Taulay St., Rangoon. Represents Burmese business firms. Union Chamber of Mines, 162-164 (2d floor) Phayre St., Rangoon. Burmese mineowners and concession holders whose properties are located in upper Burma and the Shan States. CAMBODIA Association des Importateurs au Cambodge (Cambodian Im- porters Association), Rukkhak Vithei Preah Kossomak, Phnom Penh. Refers inquiries to members, who are largely French firms. Correspondence in French. Association des Importateurs et Industriels Cambodgiens (Cam- bodian Importers and Manufacturers Association), 129 Vithei Kralahom Kong, Phnom Penh. Refers inquiries to members, who are largely Cambodian firms. Correspondence in French. Banque Nationale du Cambodge, Service des Etudes et de Docu- mentation (National Bank of Cambodia, Office of Studies and 12 e CANADA Documentation), Phnom Penh. The central bank of issue. Col- lects and compiles economic research data on Cambodia. Publishes a monthly bulletin and a daily press review. Correspondence in French. Chambre Mixte de Commerce et d'Agriculture du Cambodge (Mixed Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Cambodia) , Vithei Baksei Cham Krong, Phnom Penh. Semigovernmental organiza- tion which obtains and supplies trade and economic information. Publishes a bulletin twice weekly. Correspondence in French pre- ferred, but will receive inquiries in English. Replies are made in French. Direction Nationale du Plan (National Economic Planning Bureau), Phnom Penh. Government bureau charged with overall economic planning and interested in development of investments. Obtains and compiles economic information. Correspondence in French. CAMEROUN Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Cameroun, B.P. 97, Douala. Includes notices of trade opportunities in its monthly bulletin and periodic circulars. Syndicat des Commercants, Importateurs, Exportateurs du Cameroun, B.P. 562, Douala. Sends information circulars periodically to member firms. CANADA Atlantic Provinces Economic Council, 205 South Park St., Halifax, Nova Scotia. Branch office in Fredericton, New Bruns- wick. The purpose of APEC is to encourage enterprise, economic development, and growth in the Atlantic region of Canada. Canadian Chamber of Commerce, 530 Board of Trade Bldg., 300 St. Sacrament St., Montreal, Quebec. The Dominion-wide asso- ciation of chambers of commerce and boards of trade of Canadian cities, towns, and villages; 3,000 Canadian corporations are also members. Publishes a monthly Trade Opportunities Bulletin, which includes opportunities for foreign trade connections. Canadian Exporters Association, Suite 501, Victory Bldg., 80 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ontario. Regional office: 276 St, James St. W., Montreal, Quebec. Both offices will answer letters pertaining to Canadian export business and will channel trade inquiries to members of the association desirous of expanding their export business in specific markets. At frequent intervals, issues 582814—61 2 13 CANADA Association Bulletin, which contains inquiries from abroad and pertinent information on various phases of Canadian export trade. Canadian Importers and Traders Assoeiation, Inc., 134 King St. East, Toronto, Ontario. Publishes a weekly bulletin, which lists inquiries from foreign companies about exporting to Canada. Canadian Manufacturers'. Association, Inc., 67 Yonge St., Toronto 1, Ontario. Publishes Industrial Canada, a monthly- magazine, and Canadian Trade Index, an authoritative annual directory of products manufactured in Canada and the firms making them. The directory includes a complete list of Canadian manufacturers having more than a local distribution for their products. The Commercial Intelligence Department of the asso- ciation will handle inquiries from foreign firms interested in buying Canadian products or in introducing patents, manufacturing processes, or capital and equipment for the manufacture of certain products. Canadian National Railways, 360 McGill St., Montreal, Quebec. The Research and Development Department of this railroad will provide foreign firms with information on locating and estab- lishing new industrial plants in Canada. Special representative located in Room 1776, Woolworth Bldg., 233 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. Industrial Commissioner, Grand Trunk Western Rail- road, 131 West Lafayette Blvd., Detroit 26, Mich. Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Windsor Station, Montreal, Quebec. The Department of Industrial Development of this rail- road will provide foreign firms with information helpful in finding locations and establishing branch plants in Canada or in finding sources of raw materials. Canadian Retail Federation, 38 King St. W., Toronto, Ontario. Will provide foreign firms with general information on retailing in Canada and will help locate stores selling a specific product. Chambre de Commerce du District de Montreal, 14 St. James St. East, Montreal, Quebec. A local organization with a membership of 3,500. Publishes a weekly bulletin, Commerce Montreal. Handles trade inquiries. Chanibre de Commerce des Jeunes du District de Montreal, 14 St. James St. East, Montreal, Quebec. An organization of 1,400 members. Publishes a weekly bulletin, Hebdo Jeune Commerce. Foreign inquiries are passed on to the senior organization, Chambre de Commerce du District de Montreal. Chambre de Commerce de la Province de Quebec, 315 Craig St. East, Montreal, Quebec. An independent federation of boards of trade and chambers of commerce in the Province of Quebec. Pub- 14 CANADA lishes a French bulletin monthly and an English bulletin at 2-month intervals. Department of Economic Development, Province of Newfound- land, St. John's, Nlfd. Provincial official agency. Department of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce, Victoria, British Columbia. Provincial official agency. Publishes a monthly Trade and Industry Bulletin, which lists trade inquiries, opportunities for license manufacture, export opportunities, etc. Department of Industries and Labor, Province of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta. Provincial official agency. Department of Industry and Commerce, Province of Manitoba, Legislative Bldg., Winnipeg, Manit. Provincial official agency. Department of Industry and Development, Province of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. Provincial official agency. Department of Industry and Natural Resources, Province of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Provincial official agency. Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa. National Gov- ernment agency, prepared to answer inquiries of a general nature relating to trade with Canada. The Industrial Development Branch of the Department will provide foreign firms with infor- mation concerning direct investment in Canada, branch offices or subsidiaries in Canada, and the introduction of manufacturing processes. This branch has published a manual titled Doing Busi- ness in CoMada, a reference work for foreign firms. Department of Trade and Commerce, Province of Quebec, Quebec City, P.Q. Representative in the United States: Agent General, Province of Quebec, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. Provincial official agency. Department of Trade and Industry, Province of Nova Scotia, Halifax, N.S. Provincial official agency. Eastern Ontario Development Association, 260 Cooper St., Ottawa, Ontario. Represents 35 communities and municipalities in Eastern Ontario. Works closely with Provincial and Federal Governments and industrial development departments of banks and railways to aid in the development of the industrial resources of the Province of Ontario. Greater Vancouver Metropolitan Industrial Development Com- mission, 355 Burrard St., Vancouver 1, British Columbia. A non- profit organization which promotes industrial development and investment in the Greater Vancouver area. Industrial Development Bank, 901 Victoria Sq., Montreal, Quebec. Offices also at 65 Spring Garden Rd., Halifax, Nova 15 CANADA Scotia; 250 University Ave., Toronto, Ontario; 195 Portage Ave. East, Winnipeg 2, Manitoba; 513 8th Ave. West, Calgary, Alberta; and 1030 West Georgia St., Vancouver 5, British Columbia. To augment the activities of banks and other money lenders, the Federal Government, by an Act of Parliament in 1944, established the Industrial Development Bank whose purpose is defined as one of "supplementing the activities of other lenders and providing capital assistance to industry with particular consideration to the financing problems of small enterprises." Industrial Development Office, Province of Saskatchewan, 12th Ave. and Lome St., Regina, Sask. Agency of Provincial Government. Lower Mainland Regional Planning Board of British Columbia, 624 Columbia St., N.W., New Westminster, British Columbia. Al- though this organization does not do development work, as such, it will provide data on land availability for establishment of industry, economic information, population statistics, etc., on the lower mainland area of British Columbia. Montreal Board of Trade, 300 St. Sacrament St., Montreal, Quebec. A local organization with a membership of 4,420. Pub- lishes a weekly Board of Trade Circular and a bimonthly Business Opportunities Bidletin, which lists foreign as well as local trade opportunities. Montreal Economic and Tourist Development Bureau, 1010 St. Catherine St. West, Montreal, Quebec. A city of Montreal organ- ization which publishes statistical bulletins from time to time. Will handle inquiries from firms wishing to locate in the Montreal area. Newfoundland Board of Trade, Board of Trade Bldg., Water St., St. John's, Newfoundland. A group of prominent private busi- nessmen organized for the purpose of creating better business conditions throughout Newfoundland. Services trade inquiries from the United States. Retail Merchants' Association of Canada, Inc., Suite 12, 77 York St., Toronto, Ontario. Regional offices located in principal cities throughout Canada. Handles retail trade inquiries from foreign firms. Inquiries regarding food products should be addressed to National Foods Division, Retail Merchants* Association of Canada, Inc., 17 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario. Inquiries regarding other products should be addressed to the National Office, Suite 12, 77 York St., Toronto. Trade and Industry Branch, Department of Planning and Devel- opment, Province of Ontario, 454 University Ave., Toronto 1, Ontario. Representative in the United States: Industrial Com- 16 XEUTA AND MEL1LLA missioner, Trade and Industry Branch, Government of Ontario, with offices at Suite 882, 33 South Clark St., Chicago, 111. ; and Canada House, 680 Fifth Ave., New York 19, N.Y. Provincial official agency. Vancouver Board of Trade, 1164 Melville St., Vancouver 5, British Columbia. Although essentially a local organization and loosely affiliated with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the board is actively engaged in attracting new industries to the Greater Vancouver area and invites inquiries. Publishes a monthly Trade Letter, which includes business statistics and market infor- mation, trade inquiries, and business opportunities. Western Development and Power Limited, 970 Burrard St., Vancouver 1, British Columbia. A Provincial organization. Primarily interested in promoting industrial development in the Province. Will provide foreign inquirers with information regard- ing the establishment of plants and industries in British Columbia. CAPE VERDE ISLANDS Associaeao Comercial, Industrial e Agricola de Barlavento (Com- mercial, Industrial and Agricultural Association), St. Vincent. Private organization. Transmits all types of trade inquiries in circularSo Associaeao Comercial, Industrial e Agricola de Sotavento (Com- mercial, Industrial and Agricultural Association) , Praia, Santiago Island. Private organization. Transmits all types of trade inquiries in circulars. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Chamber of Commerce, B.P. 813, Bangui. Engages in general trade promotion activities. Publishes a monthly bulletin. Corre- spondence in French preferred. CEUTA AND MELILLA Camara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion, Teniente Arrabal 2, Ceuta. Chamber of commerce. Camara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion, Cervantes 7, Melilla. Chamber of commerce. Colegio Oficial de Agentes Comerciales, Generalisimo Franco 4, Ceuta. Association of foreign manufacturers' agents. Colegio Oficial de Agentes Comerciales, C. Lobera 2, Melilla. Association of foreign manufacturers' agents. 17 CEYLON— CEYLON Ceylon Association of Manufacturers, c/o Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Lower Chatham St., Fort, Colombo. Association established May 1955. An affiliate of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. Promotes industrialization in Ceylon, assists foreign concerns wishing to open or participate in the expansion of local industries, and helps local manufacturers with their problems. Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Lower Chatham St., Fort, Colombo. Oldest trade organization in Ceylon. Its membership includes many of the largest business firms in Ceylon. Affiliated with it are the Ceylon Association of Manufacturers, Ceylon Hire Purchase and Finance Association, Colombo Tea Traders' Asso- ciation, Colombo Rubber Traders' Association, and Ceylon Motor Traders' Association. Publishes an annual report which contains information on Ceylon's export and import trade by principal prod- ucts as well as the names of members of the chamber, of the Tea Traders' Association, and of the Rubber Traders' Association. The chamber also issues a monthly publication giving import and export figures for the principal commodities and a weekly list of prices of the principal export products. Ceylon Chamber of Industries, 4th Floor, Hemas Bldg., Fort, Colombo. Established 1959. Objects are to promote, foster, and protect the welfare of medium- and small-scale manufacturers and industrial concerns in Ceylon. Ceylon Government Department of Commerce, Galle Face Court, Colombo. Deals with export trade promotion and trade intelli- gence, chiefly through the medium of its monthly publication, Ceylon Trade Journal, The Journal contains lists of export and import firms, special articles on Ceylon's trade with other coun- tries, import and export statistics, data on movement of shipping at Ceylon ports, and other information useful to exporters and importers. Ceylon Government Department of Industries, General's Lake Road, Colombo. A department of the Ministry of Industries and Fisheries. Ceylon Hire Purchase and Finance Association, c/o Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Lower Chatham St., Fort, Colombo. Asso- ciation established in 1958. An affiliate of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. Promotes, fosters, and protects the welfare of those engaged in the granting of hire purchase installments, credit and deferred payment facilities, loans on movable and immovable prop- erty, and personal security. 18 - ^CEYLON Ceylon Industries Shop, Block "C," Secretariat premises, Colombo. Government organization. Undertakes the export of locally manufactured handicrafts. Ceylon Marketing Department, Chatham St., Fort, Colombo. Government-sponsored organization. Undertakes the export of minor products, such as canned fruits (which it manufactures), indigenous herbs, and locally manufactured handicrafts. Ceylon Merchants' Chamber, De Mel Bldg., Chatham St., Fort, Colombo. Publishes both an annual report containing short re- views and import and export statistics on principal products and a list of members of the chamber. Ceylon Moor Chamber ©f Commerce, 38 & 40 Keyzer St., Colombo. A community of businessmen dealing in general merchandise. Ceylon National Chamber of Commerce, Macan Markar Bldg., Prince St., Fort, Colombo. Established November 1955. Promotes and protects the trade, commerce, industries, agriculture, trans- port, financing, banking, insurance, and shipping in which Ceylon nationals are engaged or interested. Ceylon Textile Chamber, Australia Bldg., Fort, Colombo. Es- tablished in 1942. Promotes and fosters the textile trade in Ceylon. Ceylonese Importers and Exporters Association, P.O. Box 1050, Colombo. Established 1955. Promotes and protects the interests of Ceylonese importers and exporters. Colombo Brokers' Association, c/o P.O. Box 101, Lloyd's Bldg., Prince St., Fort, Colombo. Established 1904. An organization of eight British and Ceylonese brokerage firms. Publishes weekly tea and rubber market reviews, a weekly report on the share market, and quarterly and annual reports. Development Finance Corporation of Ceylon, Hemas Bldg., York St., Fort, Colombo. Established by Act of Parliament in 1955. Provides financial assistance and technical advice to private indus- trial and agricultural enterprises. Indian Mercantile Chamber of Ceylon, Macan Markar Bldg., Prince St., Fort, Colombo. Established 1929. Safeguards the rights and promotes the interests of Indian merchants in Ceylon. Publishes an annual report which contains short reviews and import-export statistics on principal products and includes a list of members of the chamber. Low-Conntry Products Association, Upper Chatham St., Fort, Colombo. Established 1908. Promotes the agricultural and com- mercial interests of producers of tea, rubber, coconut, cinnamon, 19 CHAD, REPUBLIC OF. citronella, areca nut, paddy, spices, and other products grown in Ceylon. Its publications include an annual report containing short reviews of the tea, rubber, and coconut industries and a daily list of prices of the principal export products. Memon Mercantile Association, P.O. Box 1432, Colombo. A community of businessmen dealing principally in textiles. National Planning Council, Galle Buck Rd., Colombo. Sindhi Merchants' Association of Ceylon, 129 Main St., Colombo. A community of businessmen dealing principally in textiles. Sinhalese Merchants' Chamber, 213 1/11 Norris Rd., Colombo. Established 1937. An association of Ceylonese businessmen. CHAD, REPUBLIC OF Chamber of Commerce, B.P. 458, Fort-Lamy. Engages in gen- eral trade promotion activities. Publishes a monthly bulletin. Correspondence in French preferred. CHILE Asociacion de Exportadores de Chile (Association of Chilean Exporters) , Agustinas 975, Santiago. Maintains lists of exporters in Santiago and other cities in Chile. Asociacion de Importadores de Automoviles— ACCIA (Associa- tion of Importers of Automobiles), Teatinos 248, Santiago. Membership includes importers of vehicles and spare parts in Chile. Information concerning the members and data relating to the importation and sale of vehicular equipment in Chile are available. Asociacion Nacional de Importadores de Chile (National Asso- ciation of Chilean Importers) , Ahumada 341, Santiago. Consists of committees representing importers of the various major import commodities. Maintains lists of importers located in Santiago and other principal cities, classified according to products in which they deal. Asociacion de Industriales Metalurgicos (Association of Metal Industries), Moneda 759, Santiago. Maintains a list of metal- working plants and shops in Chile. Camara Central de Comercio de Chile (Central Chamber of Com- merce), Ahumada 341, 3° piso, Santiago. The central chamber with which all other chambers of commerce and most trade asso- ciations in Chile are affiliated. Publishes a biweekly bulletin, Carta Quincenal. 20 .COLOMBIA Camara de Comercio de Santiago (Chamber of Commerce of Santiago) , Ahumada 341, 3° piso, Santiago. Publishes a weekly bulletin, Boletin de Informaciones Comerciales, and a pamphlet, Informativo Semanal. Maintains an investment committee affiliated with International House of New Orleans. Camara de Comercio de Valparaiso (Chamber of Commerce of Valparaiso), Valparaiso. The chamber of commerce of Chile's chief port. Corporacion de Fomento de la Produccion de Chile — CORFO (National Development Corporation) , Ramon Nieto 920, Santiago. Government agency dedicated to the promotion and development of industry, commerce, agriculture, and mining in Chile. Sociedad de Fomento Fabril (Manufacturers Development Asso- ciation) , Moneda 759, Santiago. Embraces many of Chile's man- ufacturing industries. Publishes a monthly magazine, Revista Industria. United States Chamber of Commerce, Bandera 84, Of. 408, Santiago. The chamber to which members of the American busi- ness community in Santiago belong. CHINA (FREE) See Taiwan. COLOMBIA Asociacion Colombiana de Pequenos Industriales — ACOPI (Co- lombian Association of Small Industries), Carrera 5-A, No. 14-50, Piso 3, Bogota. Its members, which are small-size manufacturing firms, are listed by industry or trade. Lists of members furnished on request. Asociacion Nacional de Industriales — ANDI (National Associa- tion of Industry), Avenida Jimenez, No. 8-49, Piso 9, Bogota. Members comprise the large-size manufacturing firms. Counter- part in the United States is the National Association of Manufac- turers. Lists of members, classified by industry or trade, fur- nished on request. Camara de Comercio de Bogota (Bogota Chamber of Commerce) , Calle 17, No. 6-60, Bogota. Semiofficial in character. Will pub- lish trade opportunities in its weekly bulletin on request. Colombian- American Chamber of Commerce, Carrera 10a, No. 13-59, Bogota. Issues a monthly publication. Has a membership of 150, including most American firms in Bogota. 582814—61 3 21 CONGO, REPUBLIC OF_ Corporacion Civica de Barranquilla (Civil Corporation of Bar- ranquilla), Calle 38, No. 44-82, Barranquilla. A corporation formed by the Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, Lion's Club, Coordination Board of the Port of Barranquilla, and the Society for Public Improvements. It has prepared a booklet for those who are considering an investment in the Caribbean area. Copies are available on request. Empresa Colombiana de Turisnio, S.A. (Colombian Tourist Cor- poration), Carrera 7, No. 13-27, Piso 2, Bogota. Official organi- zation interested in the development of international tourism to Colombia and in investment for the construction and operation of local tourist hotels. Federacion Nacional de Comerciantes — FENALCO (National Federation of Merchants), Avenida Jimenez, No. 10-58, Piso 3, Bogota. Importers and distributors are members. This is a key organization for Colombian trade development, and all inquiries concerning Colombian trade should be referred to it. Has clas- sified register of its members and will furnish lists on request. Institute de Fomento Industrial (Institute of Industrial Develop- ment), Avenida Jimenez, No. 8-74, Bogota. An official agency formed to promote new industries in Colombia. Also interested in the development of Colombian products for export. The Minister of Development is chairman of the organization. CONGO, REPUBLIC OF Chamber of Commerce of Brazzaville, B.P. 92, Brazzaville. En- gages in general trade promotion activities. CONGO, REPUBLIC OF THE Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de PEquateur, B.P. 127, Coquilhatville. Publishes bimonthly bulletin of organization's meetings, public tenders, private business offers or opportunities. Correspondence in French. Chambre de Commerce et de ^Industrie du Katanga, 550 Ave. de Tabora (B.P. 972), Elisabethville. Publishes monthly bulletin including reviews of meetings, trade opportunities, public and private tenders, and economic legislation. Correspondence in French. Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Leopoldville, 10 Ave. des Aviateurs (B.P. 7247), Leopoldville. Publishes a bimonthly bulletin discussing local trade problems and trade opportunities. 22 CYPRUS Chambre de Commerce de Matadi, B.P. 145, Matadi. Publishes monthly bulletin of organization's promotional activities. Cor- respondence in French. L'Union des Transformateurs et des Producteurs, B.P. 331, Limete, Leopoldville. Promotes raw material importation and local production. Holds small weekly trade exchange. COOK ISLANDS See New Zealand — Pacific Island Dependencies. COSTA RICA Camara de Comercio de Costa Rica (Chamber of Commerce of Costa Rica), San Jose. Has members in many of the outlying towns and cities of the country but no offices other than the one in San Jose. Maintains list of importers. Camara de Industrias de Costa Rica (Chamber of Industries of Costa Rica), San Jose. Compiles lists of importers. Camara de Representantes de Casas Extranjeras (Chamber of Representatives of Foreign Firms), San Jose. Primary objective is the protection of local representatives of American and foreign firms (particularly against imposition of taxes), but it also replies to inquiries from abroad concerning prospective sales agents. Sociedad de Comereiantes Importadores y Mayoristas (Associa- tion of Importers and Wholesalers), San Jose. Prepares lists of importers. CURACAO See Netherlands Antilles. CYPRUS Cyprus Chamber of Commerce, Nicosia. Provides its members with information and advice on trade opportunities. Also answers inquiries from interested foreign traders. Cyprus Federation of Trade and Industry, Nicosia. Notifies its members concerning trade opportunities and answers trade inquiries. Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce, Nicosia. Supplies in- formation and advice on trade opportunities to its members. Also answers trade inquiries. 23 DAHOMEY, REPUBLIC OF_ DAHOMEY, REPUBLIC OF Chambre de Commerce, d'Agriculture et d'Industrie du Dahomey (Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture, and Industry of Dahomey) , P.O. Box 31, Cotonou. Semigovernmental organization. An- nounces trade opportunities in its weekly publication, Note Hebdomadaire. DENMARK Danske Importagenters Forening (Association of Danish Import Agents), B0rsen, Copenhagen. Actively engaged in promoting Danish import trade. Announces agency opportunities in its monthly publication. Grosserer-Societetets Komite (Committee of the Copenhagen Chamber of Commerce), B0rsen, Copenhagen. The Copenhagen Chamber of Commerce is the official representative of the whole- sale dealers of Copenhagen. A committee chosen among its mem- bers supplies reports and declarations to the authorities on com- mercial matters and gives opinions on commercial usages. The committee also supervises the stock exchange and attends to the interests of wholesale dealers of Copenhagen in relation to legis- lation, the authorities, other trades, and the public. The Copen- hagen Chamber of Commerce promotes export trade through its Department of Foreign Trade and announces trade opportunities in its weekly journal. Industriraadet (Federation of Danish Industries), 18 H. C. Andersens Blvd., Copenhagen. The official representative of Dan- ish industry in relation to legislation, authorities, and the public. Promotes foreign trade. Publishes a fortnightly journal with trade opportunity section which announces pertinent inquiries. Provinshandelskammeret (Provincial Chamber of Commerce), 2 Ved Stranden, Copenhagen. Handles the interests of wholesale and retail dealers outside Copenhagen proper. Supported by more than 80 commercial associations and a number of federations of various trade organizations throughout the country. Actively en- gaged in promoting Danish foreign trade. Publicizes trade oppor- tunities in its journal. DOMINICA See The West Indies — Windward Islands. 24 .ECUADOR DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Camara de Comercio Americana de la Repiiblica Dominicans (American Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic), Isabel la Catolica, Esq. Emiliano Tejera, 3d Floor, Ciudad Trujillo. Private organization composed of American and Dominican business firms and individuals. Purpose is to promote business between the United States and the Dominican Republic. Pub- lishes a monthly bulletin fox distribution to its members. Also issues a Directory of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic. Camara Oficial de Comercio, Agricultura e Industria del Distrito Nacional (Official Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture and Industry of the Federal District) , Edificio Copello, Calle El Conde, Ciudad Trujillo. Semiautonomous organization which receives Govern- ment support. Publishes Boletin Informative on a monthly basis. Each of the 25 Provincial capitals of the Dominican Republic also has its own Camara Oficial, the most important of which is the Camara of Santiago. None of the Provincial organizations, how- ever, issues a nationally distributed bulletin. ECUADOR Banco Nacional de Fomento (National Development Bank), Calle Bolivar 279, Quito. Ecuadoran Government banking insti- tution promoting industrial, commercial, and agricultural devel- opment of Ecuador. Camara de Comercio de Guayaquil (Guayaquil Chamber of Commerce), Avenida Olmedo 410 (P.O. Box Y), Guayaquil. Trade organization having a membership of over 1,000 businesses in the Guayaquil area. Publishes a guide listing members and a monthly magazine. Camara de Comercio de Quito (Quito Chamber of Commerce) , Calle Guayaquil 1242 (P.O. Box 202), Quito. Trade organiza- tion having a membership of over 700 business firms in the Quito area. Publishes a guide listing members. Also issues a quarterly publication containing Ecuadoran legislation affecting foreign trade. Lists agency and trade opportunities. Camara de Industriales de Pichincha (Chamber of Industrialists of Pichincha), Calle Chile 1467 (P.O. Box 699), Quito. Industry organization having a membership of approximately 500 small industrialists in the Quito area. Occasionally publishes a guide listing members. 25 FCYPT Camara de Inchislrias de Guayaquil (Chamber of Industries of Guayaquil), Calle 9 de Octubre 906, Guayaquil. Association of Guayaquil industrialists. Publishes a Directorio de Industrialists (Directory of Industrialists), a classified listing of principal manufacturers in the Guayaquil area. Centro de Reconversion Economica del Azuay, Canar y Morona- Santiago (Center for Economic Reconversion of the Provinces of Azuay, Canar, and Morona-Santiago), Cuenca. Autonomus pub- lic agency to promote economic development, principally in the fields of industry and agriculture, in the Provinces listed. Pub- lishes an annual report. Instituto Nacional de Colonizacion (National Colonization Insti- tute), Calle Guayaquil 1613, Edificio Alhambra, Quito. Autono- mous public entity engaged in settling and developing — primarily agriculturally — Ecuador's virgin lands. Publishes an annual report and occasionally other data. La Junta Autonoma del Ferrocarril Quito-San Lorenzo (Autono- mous Governing Board of the Quito-San Lorenzo Railway), Apartado 2625, Quito. Government agency charged with settle- ment and development of the lands adjacent to the railway and the Port of San Lorenzo. Publishes an annual report. La Junta Nacional de Planifacion y Coordinacion Economica (National Planning and Economic Coordination Board), Pasaje Royal, Quito. National Government planning board. Ministerio de Fomento (Ministry of Development), Quito. Comprises Direccion General de Agricultura y Bosques (Bureau of Agriculture and Forests), Direccion General de Ganaderia y Veterinaria (Bureau of Cattle Raising and Veterinary Medicine), Direccion General de Industrias (Bureau of Industries), and Direccion General de Minas y Hidrocarburos (Bureau of Mines and Hydrocarbons). Ministry publishes an annual report, In- forme a la Nation, and a monthly magazine, Fomento. Organizacion Participante en el Ecuador de la Casa Internacional, New Orleans (Participating Organization in Ecuador of Interna- tional House, New Orleans) , c/o Banco Nacional de Fomento, Calle Bolivar 279, Quito. Contact clearinghouse. Promotes United States-Ecuadoran trade and investment activities. EGYPT See United Arab Republic. EIRE See Ireland, Republic of. 26 . FINLAND EL SALVADOR Asociacion Salvadoreiia de Industrials (Salvadoran Manufac- turers' Association) , Apartado Postal 48, San Salvador. Prepared to provide data on the national economy and to expedite foreign investments. Camara de Comercio e Industria de El Salvador (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of El Salvador), Edificio Duenas, San Salvador. Announces agency opportunities in its semimonthly newsletter. See United Kingdom. See Ethiopia. ENGLAND ERITREA ETHIOPIA Chamber of Commerce of Addis Ababa, P.O. Box 517, Addis Ababa. Chamber of Commerce, Asmara, Eritrea. Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Planning, Imperial Ethi- opian Government, P.O. Box 1769, Addis Ababa. Office of the Secretary for Economic and Social A&airs, Eritrean Government, Asmara, Eritrea. Ufficio Economic©, Asmara, Eritrea. FIJI ISLANDS Commerce and Industries Office, Government of Fiji, Govern- ment Buildings, Suva. An official organization primarily con- cerned with the encouragement of exports and investments in the Colony. Suva Chamber of Commerce, Victoria Parade, Suva. Indian Chamber of Commerce, Renwick Rd., Suva. FINLAND Autonosatukkukauppiaat r.y. (Association of Automotive Spare Parts), Lonnrotinkatu 30 A, Helsinki. Announces trade oppor- tunities gratis in circulars (40 issues annually) to its membership of 23 wholesalers. Council on Furniture Export Promotion, E. Esplanadi 18, Hel- sinki. Membership comprises 23 leading furniture manufac- 27 FINLAND. turers. Forwards trade contact inquiries to members without charge. Finnish- American Chamber of Commerce, Inc., E. Esplanadi 18, Helsinki. A branch office of the Finnish-American Chamber of Commerce, Inc., 200 East 42d St., New York 17, N.Y. Offers as- sistance to visiting businessmen and supplies information on Fin- nish foreign trade. Helsingin Kauppakamari (Helsinki Chamber of Commerce), Fabianinkatu 14 B, Helsinki. Has trade opportunities published free of charge in a daily commercial newspaper, Kauppalehti. Offers assistance to visiting businessmen and furnishes informa- tion on Finland's foreign trade. Keskuskauppakamari (Central Chamber of Commerce), Fabi- aninkatu 14 B, Helsinki. Publishes a monthly magazine, Kauppa- kamarilehti, which may be used as an advertising medium. For- wards trade contact inquires to the Helsinki Chamber of Commerce. Suomen Puunjalostusteollisuuden Keskusliitto (Central Asso- ciation of Finnish Woodworking Industries), E. Esplanadi 2, Hel- sinki. The membership comprises 10 associations and organiza- tions in the field of forest products. Publishes the monthly bilingual (Finnish and Swedish) magazine, Paperi ja Puu — Papper och Tra, which occasionally carries articles also in English, German, and other languages ; the monthly Suomen Puutalous, in Finnish; and the biennial Finnish Timber and Paper Calendar, a directory of Finnish forest products industries, in English. All three may be used as advertising media. Forwards trade contact inquiries to members without charge. Suomen Rauta- ja Koneliikkeiden Yhdistys r.y. (Association of Finnish Hardware and Machinery Traders), Keskuskatu 3, Hel- sinki. The membership comprises 63 importers and dealers han- dling hardware, building materials, machines, steel, iron, and metals. Publishes a magazine, Rautakaupan Uutiset, in Finnish, 10 issues annually, which may be used as an advertising medium. Suomen Sahkotukkuliikkeiden Liitto r.y. (Finnish Electrical Wholesalers' Association — exclusive of radio and TV dealers) , Kes- kuskatu 5 A, Helsinki. Offers its services in forwarding trade opportunities to its 22 members. Suomen Teknillinen Kauppaliitto (Finnish Association of Tech- nical Traders), P. Esplanadi 27 B, Helsinki. Announces trade opportunities gratis in circulars to members, issued irregularly. Member firms import steel, metals, chemicals, raw materials, ma- chinery, and tools for industries. 28 FRANCE Suomen Tukkukanppiaiden Liitto r.y. (Association of Finnish Wholesalers), Fabianinkatu 23, Helsinki. The membership com- prises about 450 firms in 20 different lines of wholesale trade. Publishes a magazine, Suomen Tukkukauppa, in Finnish, 10 issues annually, which may be used as an advertising medium. Forwards trade contact inquiries to members without charge. Suomen Ulkomaankauppaliitto (Finnish Foreign Trade Asso- ciation) , E. Esplanadi 18, Helsinki. The central nonprofit foreign trade agency. Its membership comprises over 1,000 firms and organizations engaged in foreign trade. Publishes a semimonthly bulletin for members which carries export and import opportunities without charge; the bimonthly Finnish Trade Review, in English ; the semiannual La Revue Com- mercial de Finlande, Revista Commercial de Finlandia, Finnische Handelsrundschau, and Finskij Torgovyj Journal; the biannual Finlandia Review, issued in English for the United States market; special magazines in connection with fairs and expositions; and the Finnish Foreign Trade Directory, which lists firms and associations. Offers assistance to visiting businessmen. Furnishes credit data on members as well as information on Finland's export poten- tialities and on the Finnish market for foreign products. Tampere Export Association, Kirkkokatu 10, Tampere. A local nonprofit export promotion organization, the membership of which comprises manufacturers and exporters of machinery, textiles, footwear, and plastic products. Ulkomaankaupan Agenttiliitto (Finnish Foreign Trade Agents' Federation), Aleksanterinkatu 13, Helsinki. Announces trade opportunities gratis in monthly circular to members. FORMOSA See Taiwan. FRANCE American Chamber of Commerce in France, 21 ave. George V, Paris. Private regional organization of American firms and businessmen in France and French firms and businessmen in- terested in Franco- American trade. Publishes annually Directory of American Business in France and monthly Commerce in France in which advertisements and inserts are regularly placed. Assemblee des Presidents des Chambres de Commerce de PUnion Franchise de la Communaute (Assembly of Presidents of Cham- 582814—61 6 29 FRANCE bers of Commerce of the French Union), 21 ave. de Friedland, Paris. Private regional organization. The French Union com- prises France's oversea territories. Centre d'Expansion Franchise (French World Trade Center), 77 rue des Saints-Peres, Paris. Specializes in all exportation problems. Has a study office which is engaged in research and study of markets. Advises French businessmen and acts as cor- repondent for foreign firms. Centre National du Commerce Exterieur, 10 ave. d'lena, Paris. Government organization which engages in the promotion of France's foreign trade. Has many contacts in French industry and receives numerous inquiries from French manufacturers and businessmen desiring to export to the United States. Has facili- ties for publicizing trade opportunities in its weekly magazine, Moniteur Officiel du Commerce et de Vlndustrie. Chambre de Commerce Internationale (International Chamber of Commerce), 38 Cours Albert Ier, Paris. Headquarters of this organization. Publishes a monthly bulletin, called the ICC News, in English, but no inserts or trade opportunities are included. Chambre Syndicate des Commissionnaires pour le Commerce Exterieur (Trade Association of Commission Merchants for For- eign Trade), 47 rue de la Victoire, Paris. Organization of com- mission merchants who act as intermediaries between French man- ufacturers in all branches of industry and foreign customers. Chambre Syndicale Nationale des Voyageurs, Representants et Placiers du Commerce, de 1'Industrie et de la Production (National Association of Traveling Salesmen, Representatives and Town- Traveling Agents), 30 blvd. Bonne-Nouvelle, Paris. Comprises agents of French and foreign firms. Receives offers from com- panies seeking representation. Publishes a monthly bulletin in which inserts for sales agencies are regularly made. Comite d'Action et d'Expansion Economique (Trade Develop- ment Committee), 99 blvd. Saint-Germain, Paris. National or- ganization. Represents industrial as well as import and export enterprises. Object is to promote economic relations between France and French oversea territories and foreign countries. Also concerned with investment in France. Publishes a monthly maga- zine, Echanges Internationaux et Marche Commun, in which trade opportunities are inserted. Comite Francois des Expositions (French Fairs Committee) , 22 ave. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Paris. Government organization. Organizes French and international fairs in France. 30 ^FRANCE Comite Franc-Dollar (Franc-Dollar Committee), 31 ave. Pierre Ier de Serbie, Paris. Office of representative in the United States : 1001 Connecticut Ave., NW., Rm. 1041, Washington 6, D.C. Semi- public organization operating on a nonprofit basis. Represents French industry, with the main purpose of promoting France's exports to the dollar area. Also serves as liaison between the French Government and French manufacturers interested in par- ticipating in international fairs and trade shows in the United States. Comite Permanent des Foires a 1'Etranger (Permanent Commit- tee for Fairs Abroad) , 22 ave. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Paris. Re- sponsible for organizing French governmental participation in foreign trade fairs and expositions. Confederation des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises, 18 rue For- tuny, Paris. A federation of 3,000 syndicates of small business firms engaged in trade and industry. Publishes a monthly bulle- tin in which trade opportunities are inserted. Conseil National du Patronat Francais (National Federation of French Industries), 31 ave. Pierre Ier de Serbie, Paris. This national council of employers is somewhat analogous to the Na- tional Association of Manufacturers in the United States. It is comprised of a great many industrial and commercial trade asso- ciations and is the parent organization of the Comite Franc- Sterling and Comite Franc-Dollar. Promotes French exports and imports. Publishes Annuaire General du Patronat Frangais, a detailed directory of industry and trade organizations in France. Federation Nationale des Agents Commerciaux (National Fed- eration of Commercial Agents) , 23 rue des Mathurins, Paris. In- cludes representatives of French and foreign firms. Publishes trade but not investment opportunities in its monthly bulletin. French Chamber of Commerce in the United States, 31 ave. Pierre Ier de Serbie, Paris. Address in the United States : 250 West 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. Private regional organization grouping firms and businessmen in the United States interested in Franco- American trade. Publishes French-American Commerce bi- monthly. Institut Francais d'Etudes Regionales — I.F.E.R., 8 rue de Brux- elles, Paris. National in scope. Concerned with economic de- velopment in France. Union des Chambres de Commerce Franchises a PEtranges (Union of French Chambers of Commerce Abroad) , 22 ave. Frank- lin D. Roosevelt, Paris. Private regional organization. 31 FRENCH GUIANA. FRENCH GUIANA Bureau Minier Guyanais (Guiana Mining Board), Cayenne. Headquarters in Paris, France. A state corporation which owns all mineral concessions in French Guiana and seeks to enter into contracts with private corporations to exploit the mineral deposits on a profit-sharing basis. Maintains a large staff of research geologists in Cayenne, and is systematically surveying the under- ground resources of the territory. FRENCH POLYNESIA Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) , Hotel de la Chambre de Commerce, P.O. Box 118, Papeete, Tahiti. FRENCH SOMALILAND Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de la Cote Francaise des Somalis, Djibouti. FRENCH WEST INDIES Chamber of Commerce of Martinique, Fort de France, Marti- nique. Publishes a monthly bulletin containing notices of agency opportunities. Customarily replies to correspondence in French. GABON REPUBLIC Chamber of Commerce, B.P. 110, Libreville. Engages in gen- eral trade promotion activities. Publishes a monthly bulletin. Syndicate Forestier, B.P. 84, Libreville. A highly influential organization that is active in forest and tropical wood trade promotion. GAMBIA Chamber of Commerce, Bathhurst. GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF, AND WEST BERLIN American Chamber of Commerce in Germany, Kurf uerstendamm 56, Berlin W. 15. Offices also at Rossmarkt 12, Frankfurt a. M., and at Marienplate 26, Munich. Publishes monthly Commerce in Germany with import-export opportunities section. 32 .GERMANY Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen Exporteurvereine (Working Committee of German Exporters Associations), Boerse, Hamburg 11. Joint committee of some important associations of foreign traders and exporting wholesalers. Berliner Absatz-Organisation GmbH (Berlin Marketing Council) , Hardenbergstr. 16-18, Berlin-Charlottenburg 2. Nonprofit or- ganization established with the assistance of the Berlin Senate in very close cooperation with the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce to promote marketing of Berlin products in Western Germany and abroad. Assists purchasers in selection of suitable suppliers. Bundesstelle fuer Aussenkandelsinformation (Federal Office for Foreign Trade Information), Unter Sachsenhausen 14-26, Co- logne. Official information office of the Federal Republic for all matters pertaining to foreign trade. Cooperates with the Federal Association of German Industries and the United Associations of German Wholesalers and Foreign Traders in issuing the publica- tion, Nachrichten fuer den Aussenhandel (Foreign Trade News), with supplement, Auslands-Anfragen (Foreign Inquiries). Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie (Federal Association of German Industries), Habsburger Ring 2-12, Cologne. Parent organization of nearly all associations of industrial firms in West- ern Germany and West Berlin. Centralvereinigung Deutscher Handelsvertreter- and Handels- makler-Verbaende— CDH (Central Organization of German Asso- ciations of Commission Agents and Brokers), Ebertplatz 9, Co- logne. Inquiries from foreign firms seeking agents in Western Germany are published in its monthly circular, which is distributed to member firms. Deutsch-Amerikanischer Wirtschaftsverband e. V. (German- American Economic Association) , Boersenstr. 10, Frankfurt a. M. Nonprofit organization advising German businessmen on all prob- lems concerning trade with the United States. Also forwards foreign inquiries. Deutscher Industrie- und Handelstag (German Industry and Trade Conference), Markt 26-32, Bonn. Central organization of the local chambers of industry and commerce in Western Germany. Represents also the foreign trade committees of these chambers. Gesanitverband des Deutschen Gross- und Aussenhandels e. V. (United Associations of German Wholesalers and Foreign Trad- ers), Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 13, Bonn. Parent organization of the district and branch associations of German wholesalers and 33 GHANA foreign traders. Circularizes foreign offers among its member associations. Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks — ZDH (Central Asso- ciation of German Handicraft Industries), Koblenzer Str. 133, Bonn. Parent organization of district associations and guilds of German handicraft enterprises, including small industrial shops. Zentralverband des genossenschaftlichen Gross- und Aussen- handels (Central Association of Cooperative Wholesalers and Foreign Traders), Siebengebirgstr. 5, Bonn. Central organiza- tion of purchasing cooperatives of retailers dealing in foodstuffs, tobacco, and stimulants. Zentralvereinigung gewerblicher Einkaufsvereinigungen des Handels e. V. (Central Association of Purchasing Cooperatives of Retailers Dealing in Industrial Products), Neumarkt 14, Cologne. Organized in three divisions comprising purchasing cooperatives of retailers dealing in textiles, shoes and boots, and household goods. GHANA Accra and Eastern Province Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 430, Accra. An organization identified with the large European trading interests in Ghana. Association of Accountants in Ghana, P.O. Box 266, Takoradi. Cape Coast Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 108, Cape Coast. Commercial Relations Division, Ministry of Trade and Industries, P.O. Box M.47, Accra. Has general responsibility for commer- cial relations with foreign countries and is available to advise businessmen on such matters as channels of distribution, trading methods, volume of trade, credit conditions, and other aspects of commercial life in Ghana. Publishes a reference book, Handbook of Commerce and Industry. Ghana Agricultural Development Corporation, P.O. Box 2309, Accra. A public corporation active in both marketing and devel- opment functions. It is charged with investigating and carrying out projects for developing agriculture and fisheries, including private investment projects. Also conducts a program of super- vised agricultural credit. Issues an annual report. Specific proj- ects involving the participation of private investment are coordi- nated in the initial stage by the Industrial Promotions Division, Ministry of Trade and Industries. Ghana Booksellers Association, P.O. Box 899, Accra. Ghana Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 2325, Accra. This organization is active among African merchants and is cooperat- 34 GOA ing with the Government in finding ways and means of promoting African businesses. Issues an annual report ; also monthly bulle- tins which occasionally list trade opportunities. Ghana Chamber of Mines, P.O. Box 73, Tarkwa. Ghana Forest Products Association, P.O. Box 317, Takoradi. Ghana Industrial Development Corporation, P.O. Box 1116, Accra. A public corporation formed for the purpose of securing the development of industry in Ghana through the investigation, formulation, and carrying out of industrial projects. Establishes new industries in collaboration with private capital either on a controlling or minority basis. Also conducts a program of super- vised small loans to established local industries with no apparent discrimination as to nationality. Issues an annual report. Spe- cific projects involving the participation of private investment are coordinated in the initial stage by the Industrial Promotions Divi- sion, Ministry of Trade and Industries. Ghana Society of Architects, P.O. Box 2535, Accra. Ghana Timber Federation, P.O. Box 246, Takoradi. Indian Merchants Association, P.O. Box 89, Accra. Industrial Promotions Division, Ministry of Trade and Indus- tries, P.O. Box M.47, Accra. Established for the purpose of at- tracting new industrial investment in Ghana, both in the private sector and in the joint private-Government sector. Inquiries con- cerning proposed investments, investment opportunities, and Ghana Government facilities and inducements to new investments should be directed to this Division. Publishes a brochure on In- dustrial Promotion in Ghana. Kumasi Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 45, Takoradi. Sekondi and Takoradi Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 45, Takoradi. GIBRALTAR Colonial Office, the Church House, Great Smith St., London, S.W. 1, England. Represented in Gibraltar by the Governor General. Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce, 23 Engineer Lane, Gibraltar. Announces trade inquiries in its quarterly publication, Gibraltar Trade Review. GOA See Portuguese India. 35 GREAT BRITAIN. GREAT BRITAIN See United Kingdom. GREECE Alliens Association of Commercial Agents, 15 Argentine Republic St., Athens. Private organization. Membership consists of sales agents operating on a commission basis. Protects and promotes the interests of sales agents as a body. Publishes a monthly bulle- tin and occasionally a membership roster. Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 8 Amerikis St., Athens. Legal entity under public law, i.e., quasi-governmental agency, functioning under the supervision of the Ministry of Com- merce. Publishes a monthly bulletin and a quarterly review. Federation of Greek Industries, 5 Xenophontos St., Athens. Pri- vate organization. Membership comprises Greek manufacturers. Promotes and protects the interests of its members. Publishes monthly indicators of industrial production in Greece and occa- sional circulars containing news of interest to its members. Greek-American Chamber of Commerce (Hellenic- American Chamber of Commerce) , 8 Amerikis St., Athens. Private organ- ization interested in furthering trade, economic, and cultural rela- tions between Greece and the United States. Occasionally pub- lishes a register of its members in English. Panhellenic Exporters Union, 8 Dragatsaniou St., Athens. Pri- vate organization. Its membership comprises Greek exporters. Promotes exports of Greek products. Publishes periodically a news bulletin exclusively for membership use. Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Roosevelt Square, Piraeus. Legal entity under public law, i.e., quasi-governmental agency, functioning under the supervision of the Ministry of Com- merce. Publishes a monthly bulletin. Salonika Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Salonika. Legal entity under public law, i.e., quasi-governmental agency, function- ing under the supervision of the Ministry of Commerce. Pub- lishes a monthly bulletin. GRENADA See The West Indies — Windward Islands. GUATEMALA Algodonera Retalteca, S.A. (Cotton Planters Marketing Organ- ization of Retalhuleu), 10a. Calle 2-56, Zona 1, Guatemala City. 36 ..GUATEMALA Answers inquiries on cotton growing and marketing for the area around Retalhuleu. Asociacion de Azucareros (Sugar Association), 4a. Avenida 14-59, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Answers inquiries on the sugar industry and trade. Asociacion de Ganaderos Productores de Leche (Association of Dairy Cattlemen), 15 Calle 9-28, Zona 1, Guatemala City. An- swers inquiries on dairy cattle and milk processing. Asociacion Guatemalteca de Agricultores (Guatemalan Farmer's Association) , 9a. Calle 3-43, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Answers inquiries in the fields of agriculture and livestock. Asociacion Guatemalteca de Productores de Algodon (Guate- malan Cotton Producers' Association) , Edificio Briz, 6a. Avenida 14-33, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Answers inquiries relating to cotton. Asociacion de Productores de Aceites Esenciales (Essential Oils Producers' Association), 10a. Calle 2-58, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Answers inquiries relating to essential oils and botanical drugs. Asociacion de Productores de Harina (Flour Millers Associa- tion) , 17 Calle 10-38, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Answers inquiries on the flour milling industry. Camara de Comercio de Guatemala (Chamber of Commerce of Guatemala), 4a. Avenida 12-35, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Pub- lishes a weekly letter, Carta Semanal. Answers trade inquiries. Camara de Industria de Guatemala (Chamber of Industry of Guatemala), 3a. Avenida 7-13, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Pub- lishes a weekly letter, Carta Semanal. Answers industrial inquiries. Centro Guatemalteco para el Desarrollo ludustrial (Guatemalan Industrial Development Center), 6a. Avenida 5-34, Altos, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Publishes a monthly bulletin. Answers questions on industrial investment and development. Consejo Nacional de Planificacion Economica (National Eco- nomic Planning Council), 6a. Avenida 3-74, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Publishes monthly Economic Newsletter. Answers in- quiries on industry and economic development. Cooperativa de Ganaderos de Guatemala (Cattlemen's Coopera- tive of Guatemala), 9a. Calle A 4-39, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Answers inquiries in the field of livestock. Gremial de Avicultores de Guatemala (Guatemalan Poultry As- sociation) , 9a. Calle 3-43, Zona 1, Guatemala City. Answers in- quiries on poultry raising, egg production, and broiler production. 582814-61—^—6 37 HAITI HAITI Chambre de Commerce d'Haiti (Chamber of Commerce of Haiti), Cite de l'Exposition, Port-au-Prince. Nongovernmental organization. Lists agency opportunities in its monthly bulletin. Grand Conseil Technique des Resources Nationales et du Devel- oppement Economique (Technical Council of Natural Resources and Economic Development) , Port-au-Prince. A Government de- partment directly concerned with the checking and approval of foreign private investments in Haiti. Controls the tax and import duty exemptions granted under the terms of the New Industries Law of August 11, 1955, as amended, and under terms of other laws. HOLLAND See Netherlands. HONDURAS Camara de Comercio e Industrias de Cortes (Chamber of Com- merce and Industry of Cortes), San Pedro Sula. Engages in trade promotional activities. Frequently announces trade oppor- tunities in its weekly mimeographed newsletter. Camara de Comercio e Industrias de Tegucigalpa (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tegucigalpa) , Tegucigalpa. Engages in trade promotional activities. Publishes monthly Boletin de la Camara de Comercio e Industrias de Tegucigalpa, which lists the 400 members (and their occupations) of the chambers of com- merce of Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, Tela, Santa Rosa de Copan, and La Ceiba. HONG KONG Chinese Manufacturers' Association, 64-65 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong. Maintains a permanent display of Hong Kong-made products at its premises. Holds an annual exhibition of local products in December-January. Publishes pictorial and directory information on local manufacturers. Information is available without charge to local and oversea applicants. Supplies members with periodic circulars announcing trade inquiries from abroad. Hong Kong Department of Commerce and Industry, Fire Brigade Bldg., Hong Kong. A Government agency. Publishes a monthly 38 JCELAND Trade Bulletin which lists trade inquiries from abroad without charge. The Bulletin also includes a monthly trade review with trade statistics, information on commercial developments, and changes in trade regulations. Copy available overseas on request. Department invites personal calls, arranges tours of local factories, furnishes names of suppliers of Hong Kong products, answers oversea inquiries, and makes direct contact with Hong Kong firms for inquirers. Department can provide inquirers with status re- port on individual Hong Kong firms. Hong Kong Exporters' Association, c/o Lowe, Bingham and Mathews, Alexandra House, Hong Kong. An organization to ad- vance export of Hong Kong products through promotion and im- provement of products and trading practices. Association is pre- pared to answer oversea inquirers interested in Hong Kong export items. Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Room 339, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Hong Kong. Announces com- mercial inquiries from abroad in its monthly trade bulletin, which is circulated to members. Maintains for its members a panel of competent and experienced arbitrators for trade disputes and has facilities for preparing survey reports on commercial cargo. Pre- pared to supply information to prospective oversea merchants desiring to contact Hong Kong firms which are members of its organization. Hong Kong Junior Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Hong Kong. Announces oversea commer- cial inquiries in a monthly trade supplement issued with its news- letter to members. Indian Chamber of Commerce, Dina House, Duddell St., Hong Kong. Publishes two bulletins a month, which list all commercial inquiries received and include shipping news. Prepares annual review of world trade conditions with special reference to situation in Hong Kong. Kowloon Chamber of Commerce, 2 Liberty Ave., Kowloon, Hong Kong. Interested in the promotion of industrial enterprises in Kowloon Peninsula. Announces all trade inquiries in a Chinese language circular distributed to members on a bimonthly basis, and occasionally sends trade inquiries to the Chinese press. ICELAND Bunadarfelag Islands (Agricultural Society of Iceland), Laek- jargata 14B, Reykjavik. Semiofficial organization representing agriculture. 39 INDIA Felag islenzkra idnrekenda (Association of Icelandic Manufac- turers) , Skolavordustigur 3, Reykjavik. Central federation of the manufacturing industry. Fiskifelag Islands (Fisheries Association of Iceland), Hofn, Ingolfsstraeti, Reykjavik. Semiofficial organization representing the fishing industry. Samband islenzkra samvinnufelaga (Federation of Iceland Co- operative Societies) , Solvholsgata, Reykjavik. Office in the United States : 60 East 42d St., New York 17, N.Y. Central federation representing the cooperative interests in Iceland. Verzlunarrad Islands (Iceland Chamber of Commerce), Austur- straeti 16, Reykjavik. Central organization of private trading interests. Distributes trade inquiries to its members. INDIA Ahmedabad Millowners 9 Association, P.O. Box 7, Ahmedabad, Bombay State. Membership : 60 cotton textile mills and 3 allied factories. Answers trade or investment inquiries received from foreign firms and also publicizes such inquiries among its members. All-India Exporters' Chamber, Janmabhoomi Chambers, Fort St., Bombay 1. Membership : 450. Answers trade or investment inquiries received from foreign firms and publicizes the inquiries in its bulletins. Does not generally compile business and industry reports, but publishes summaries of important items. Copies are available to foreign businessmen upon request. All-India Manufacturers 9 Organization, Cooperative Insurance gate St., Bombay 1. Membership : 1,110. Replies direct to for- eign trade inquiries. Also publicizes such inquiries among its member organizations. All-India Manufacturers' Organization, Cooperative Insurance Bldg., Phirozshah Mehta Rd., Bombay 1. Membership: 1,125. Issues a monthly publication, Industrial India. Replies direct to trade or investment inquiries received from foreign business houses and also publicizes such inquiries among its members. Compiles business and industry reports for circulation to members. Copies are also available to foreign businessmen upon request. Ail-India Plastic Manufacturers' Organization, Chowpatty Cham- bers, Sandhurst Bridge, Bombay 7. Membership : 107. Publishes AIPMA Neivs Letter monthly. Answers trade inquiries received from foreign firms and also publicizes such inquiries among its members. Andfora Chamber of Commerce, Andhra Chamber Bldg., 272- 273 Angappa Naick St., Madras 1. Regional organization. Mem- 40 -. INDIA bership: 800. About 30 chambers of commerce and trade asso- ciations are affiliated with this organization. Foreign trade and investment inquiries are publicized through monthly bulletins and mimeographed circulars. Association of Indian Industries, Cooperative Insurance Bldg., Phirozshah Mehta Rd., Bombay 1. Regional organization in west- ern India. Membership : 120. Answers trade or investment in- quiries received from foreign business houses and publicizes such inquiries among its members. Bulletins issued by the association are made available to interested businessmen. Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mackinnon Mac- kenzie Bldg., Ballard Estate, Bombay 1. Regional organization in western India. Membership : 506. Answers trade and invest- ment inquiries received from foreign business houses and also pub- licizes such inquiries through circulars. Conducts arbitration for settlement of disputes arising out of commercial transactions. Maintains a measurement department to check and survey the measurement of weights of export cargo at the Bombay port. Bombay Oilseeds and Oils Exchange Limited, Jenabhai Bldg., Musjid Bunder Rd., Bombay 3. Membership: About 680. An- swers trade inquiries received from foreign traders abroad. Pub- licizes selected inquiries in its monthly Oils and Oilseeds Journal, which also includes reports from important centers of oilseed pro- duction, trade, and industry. Foreign businessmen may subscribe to the Journal. Builders' Association of India, United India Bldg., Sir P. M. Road, Bombay 1. Membership: 300. Issues a monthly publica- tion, Indian Builder. Replies direct to trade and investment in- quiries from foreign firms. Also publicizes such inquiries among its member firms. Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council, 26 Lansdowne Road, Bombay 1. Government organization. Membership: 250. Is- sues a fortnightly publication, Texprocil Bulletin. Answers trade inquiries received from foreign firms and also publicizes such in- quiries among its members. Department of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, 1 Council House St., Calcutta 1. The commercial intelligence wing of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. The Department's principal function is to develop and promote India's foreign trade. Collects, compiles, and publishes statistics on the foreign, inland, and coastal trade of India, and on the customs and excise revenue of the Indian Union. Collects and supplies com- mercial information required by Government and the trade. Pub- 41 INDIA lishes a Directory of Exporters of Indian Produce and Manufac- turers, a weekly paper (The Indian Trade Journal) , and the Indian Customs Tariff. Mediates commercial disputes between Indian and foreign firms. Furnishes general assistance to those engaged in India's foreign trade. Federated Chamber of Commerce, 33 Rangapillai St., Pondi- cherry. Regional organization. Membership: 300. Publicizes foreign trade and investment inquiries through its monthly bulle- tins. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Fed- eration House, Barakhamba Rd., New Delhi. National organiza- tion comprising nearly 140 chambers of commerce and trade asso- ciations. Answers trade and investment inquiries received from foreign business houses. Also publicizes trade inquiries from for- eign firms through its paper, Fortnightly Review. Conducts eco- nomic and commercial research. Gujarat Vepari Mahamandal (All Gujarat Merchants' Chamber) , Gujarat Samachar Bldg., Khanpur, Ahmedabad. Regional organ- ization in western India. Membership: 741, including 72 trade associations. Trade inquiries received from abroad are published in the organization's monthly bulletins. Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, 168 Broadway, Madras 1. Regional organization. Membership: 175. Foreign trade and investment inquiries are publicized through the chamber's monthly bulletins and mimeographed circulars. India Cotton Mills Federation, Elphinstone Bldg., Veer Nariman Rd., Bombay. Claims to represent approximately all of the weav- ing capacity and about 80 percent of the spinning capacity in the whole of India. Answers trade inquiries from foreign firms and circularizes such inquiries among its members. Indian Chamber of Commerce, India Exchange, India Exchange Place, Calcutta 1. Regional organization in eastern India. Mem- bership : 350. Circularizes inquiries from foreign business houses among its member firms. The chamber does not answer such inquiries direct. Indian Council of Foreign Trade, Cooperative Insurance Bldg., Phirozshah Mehta Rd., Bombay 1. Regional organization in west- ern India. Membership : 250. Answers trade and investment in- quiries received from foreign business houses and also publicizes such inquiries among its members. Indian Merchants' Chamber, Lalji Naranji Memorial, Indian Merchants' Chamber Bldg., Backbay Reclamation, Bombay 1. Re- gional organization in western India. Membership: 2,100. Re- 42 INDIA plies direct to foreign inquiries received, if so desired. Otherwise, publishes such inquiries in its monthly Journal of the Indian Mer- chants' Chamber for information of members. Furnishes data to inquirers seeking specific information relative to particular lines of trade and industry. Indian Motion Picture Producers' Association, Sandhurst Bldg., Vallabhbhai Patel Rd., Bombay 4. Membership: 220 producers of feature films. Publishes a monthly, Journal of the Film Indus- try. Answers trade and investment inquiries received from for- eign firms and also publicizes such inquiries among member organizations. Indian Rubber Industries Association, 7 Homji St., Fort, Bom- bay 1. Membership: 96. Publishes Rubber India monthly. Answers trade or investment inquiries received from foreign busi- ness houses and also publicizes such inquiries among member organizations. Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, 12 Rampart Row, Fort, Bombay 1. Regional organization in western India. Member- ship : 514. Issues a publication, Vaibahv, in Marathi. Publicizes inquiries from foreign business houses among its members. Occa- sionally compiles business and industry reports. Millowners' Association, Elphinstone Bldg., Veer Nariman Rd., Bombay. Membership: 130. Publishes MO A Notes and News. Is primarily interested in promotion of the cotton textile trade and industry. Mysore Chamber of Commerce, Asiatic Bldgs., Kempegowda Rd., Bangalore. Regional organization. Membership : 300. Foreign trade and investment inquiries are publicized through the cham- ber's monthly bulletins. Nag (New) Vidarbha Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 33, Nag- pur, Bombay State. Regional organization in western India. Membership: 175. Answers trade or investment inquiries from foreign business houses ; also publicizes such inquiries. Plastic and Linoleum Export Promotion Council, 12 Rampart Row, Fort, Bombay 1. Government organization. Membership : 93. Answers trade inquiries from foreign firms. Also publicizes such inquiries among members through its monthly periodical, PLEXCONCIL News Bulletin. Punjab and Delhi Chamber of Commerce, Scindia House, Curzon Rd., New Delhi. Regional organization in northern India. Mem- bership: 200. Circularizes trade and investment opportunities among its member organizations through periodic bulletins. 43 INDONESIA. Saurashtra Chamber of Commerce, Mahatma Gandhi Rd., Bhavnagar. Regional organization in western India. Member- ship : 425. Answers trade and investment inquiries from foreign traders abroad. Also publicizes such inquiries among its member organizations. Compiles business and industry reports which are available to foreign businessmen upon request. The chamber is a member of the International Chamber of Commerce and issues survey certificates and certificates of origin and weight to in- terested exporters and importers. Silk and Art Silk Mills' Association Limited, Resham Bhavan, 78 Veer Nariman Rd., Churchgate, Bombay 1. Membership: 275. Answers trade or investment inquiries from foreign business houses. Also publicizes such inquiries among its members. Com- piles business and industry reports, copies of which are available to Indian and foreign businessmen upon request. Silk and Rayon Export Promotion Council, Resham Bhavan, 78 Veer Nariman Rd., Bombay 1. Government organization. Mem- bership : 500. Publishes a monthly, Silk-Rayon Newsletter. An- swers trade inquiries received from foreign firms and publicizes them among its members. Southern India Chamber of Commerce, Indian Chamber Bldg., Esplanade, Madras 1. Regional organization. Membership : 900. About 35 chambers of commerce and trade associations are affili- ated with this organization. Trade and investment inquiries from foreign firms are circularized among members through mimeo- graphed circular letters. Tamil Chamber of Commerce, 310-311 Linghi Chetty St., Ma- dras 1. Regional organization. Membership: 150. Publicizes inquiries from foreign firms through periodic circulars issued to member organizations. INDONESIA Badan Koordinasi Usaha Nasional — BAKUNA, Kramat V. No. 6, Djakarta. A coordinating body of national enterprises. Biro Perantjang Negara (National Planning Bureau), Medan Merdeka Selatan 11, Djakarta. Governmental office charged with the execution of Indonesia's Five Year Plan and overall industrial planning for the country. Screens prospective investments. Commercial Advisory Foundation in Indonesia — CAFI, Kebon Sirih 28, Djakarta. Auxiliary arm of the Persatuan Importir- Pedagang Besar di Indonesia (PERIMPI) . Invites inquiries from local and foreign sources on Indonesia's industrial needs and prob- 44 .INDONESIA lems. Provides information, guidance, and assistance on capital investment, taxation, immigration, navigation, and agrarian and judicial affairs. Announces import opportunities in its frequently published circular newsletters. Dewan Perniagaan dan Perusahaan Indonesia (Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Djalan Modjopahit 2, Djakarta. A Government arm to promote foreign trade. It is the principal organization of national businessmen. Announces export and import opportunities in its weekly bulletin. Maintains correspondence on matters of trade with the American Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, 120 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. Gabungan Distributor Nasional (Association of National Dis- tributors), Djalan Kebon Sirih No. 51, Djakarta. Gabungan Importir Indonesia Bandjermasin, Djalan Malaka 8, Djarkarta. Principal association of importers established in Bandjermasin, Borneo. Invites inquiries of foreign manufac- turers and exporters seeking outlets for the export of commodities to Borneo. Gabungan Importir Menengah Indonesia— GIMI (Indonesian Medium Size Importers' Association) , Djalan Gunung Sahari 49, Djakarta. Gabungan Pembelian Importir Indonesia — GAPINDO (Indone- sian Importers' Purchasing Association), Kali Besar Timur 5/6, Djakarta. Principal association of Indonesian national import- ers. Invites inquiries from foreign manufacturers and exporters seeking outlets for the export of their products to Indonesia. Gabungan Pengusaha Indonesia Logam — GAPIL (Association of Machine Shops), Djalan Nusantara 15, Djakarta. Private association of machine shops. Invites inquiries of foreign manu- facturers and exporters of machinery seeking outlets for their products in Indonesia. Gabungan Perinsustriaan Indonesia (Indonesian Industrial As- sociation) , Djalan Sunan Kali Djaga 62, Blok K/5, Kebajoran. A private association of industrialists, formerly known as Indus- trieele Bond. Invites inquiries from local and foreign sources on Indonesian industrial needs and problems. Provides information, guidance, and assistance in matters of capital investment, credit facilities, and technical problems. Issues circulars and a monthly bulletin. Ikatan Exportir Nasional Indonesia — IKENI (Indonesian Na- tional Exporters Association) , Pasar Pisang 30, Djakarta. Ikatan Importir Nasional Indonesia — IKINI (Indonesian Na- tional Importers Association) , Djalan Senan Raya 125, Djakarta. 582814—61- 45 INDONESIA. Kongres Ekonomi Nasional Selurah Indonesia — KENSI, Djalan Modjopahit 2, Djakarta. Principal association of national ex- porters. Active in the development of Indonesia's economy. Partakes in national conferences at Government level to promote international trade. Issues a monthly economic magazine. Kongres Importir Nasional Selurah Indonesia — KINSI, Djalan Modjopahit 2, Djakarta. Principal association of national im- porters. Activities confined to imports. Interested in opportuni- ties for direct imports from foreign manufacturers and exporters. Issues frequent circular newsletters to its members. Madjelis Industri Indonesia (Indonesian Chamber of Indus- tries), Djalan Gadjah Mada 18, Djakarta. Private association of Indonesian industrialists. Affiliated with the Indonesian Cham- ber of Commerce and Industry to promote foreign investment in Indonesia. Invites inquiries from local and foreign sources on Indonesian industrial needs and problems. Provides information, guidance, and assistance on matters of capital investment, credit facilities, technical problems, and Government relations. Issues a monthly bulletin. Organisasi Exporteur Hastl Bumi Indonesia — OVEIP (Organi- zation of United Exporters of Indonesian Products) , Kebon Sirih 28, Djakarta. Formerly known as Organisatie Verenigde Ex- porteurs van Indonesische Producten. Announces export oppor- tunities and provides information, guidance, and assistance in export matters in its frequently published circular newsletters. Persatuan Importir-Pedagang Besar di Indonesia — PERIMPI (Association of Importers-Wholesalers in Indonesia) , Kebon Sirih 28, Djakarta. Affiiliated with the Commercial Advisory Founda- tion in Indonesia (CAFI) . Issues circulars and a biweekly bulle- tin. Publicizes import opportunities among its members. Persatuan Importir Indonesia (Indonesian Importers' Associa- tion), Djalan Tundjungan 82, Surabaya. Principal association of importers in East Java. Persatuan Importir Pharmasi Indonesia — PPPHI (Association of Pharmacy Importers in Indonesia) , Djalan Kesehatan 22 Pav., Djakarta. The principal organization of pharmacy owners. Issues an annual directory of importers, wholesalers, and apothecaries. Persatuan Kaum Menengah — Midden stand Shop (Association of Medium Size Traders), Djalan Nusantara 34 Pav., Djakarta. Wholesale-retail organization. Interested in opportunities for direct imports from foreign manufacturers and exporters. Issues circular newsletters to its members. 46 JRELAND, REPUBLIC OF Persatuan Pedagang Menengah Indonesia — PPMI (Association of Indonesian Medium Size Traders), Djalan Djawa 87-89. Djakarta. IRAQ Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, Mustansir St., Baghdad. An- nounces, gratis, export-import opportunities in its weekly bulletin, printed in Arabic. Industrial Bank of Iraq, Rashid St., Baghdad. Semigovern- mental agency assisting in the development and establishment of industries in Iraq. Iraqi Federation of Industries, 5th Floor, Ottoman Bank Bldg., Baghdad. Publishes, in the Arabic language, an annual report of its activities, which contains useful information about the estab- lishment and operation of industries in Iraq. IRELAND, NORTHERN See United Kingdom. IRELAND, REPUBLIC OF Coras Trachtala Teo (Export Promotion Board), 30 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin. Maintains a representative in the United States, located in Irish Consulate General, 33 East 50th St., New York, N.Y. Nonprofit Government-sponsored company organized to promote exports abroad, particularly to the dollar area. Services to interested American importers include: supplying details and samples of Irish goods available for export, providing contact between potential United States customers and Irish exporters and manufacturers, and organizing visits of United States buyers to Ireland. Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dame St., Dublin. Publishes a monthly magazine which is the official organ of the Association of Chambers of Commerce in Ireland. It includes notices of trade inquiries received from abroad and announces dates of foreign fairs and exhibitions. Federation of Irish Industries, Ltd., 9 Ely Place, Dublin. Will- furnish information to oversea buyers regarding sources of supply. Announces business opportunities in its bimonthly magazine, The Second Arm. Industrial Development Authority, 14 St. Stephen's Green, Dub- lin. Maintains a representative in the United States, located in 47 ISRAEL the Chrysler Bldg., 405 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. Govern- ment-sponsored organization for the promotion of industrial de- velopment in Ireland, including industrial investment. Irish Exporters' Association, 18 Merrion Row, Dublin. Will furnish information to oversea buyers regarding sources of supply. Publishes an annual directory of members, classified by trade groups, showing commodities handled; also publishes a weekly bulletin listing inquiries from foreign firms. National Agricultural and Industrial Development Association, 3 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin. Organized for promotion of Irish- manufactured goods. Will furnish information to oversea buyers regarding sources of supply. Maintains permanent exhibition of Irish-made goods. Shannon Free Airport Development Authority, Shannon, Co. Clare. Formed for the express purpose of developing the Shan- non airport area as a "tax-free haven" where United States indi- viduals and firms interested in the European market can store, manufacture, process, and package their products. ISRAEL Association of Foreign Investors in Israel, 42 Rothschild Blvd., Tel Aviv. Composed of foreign investors in Israel who have or- ganized to protect their particular interests. Inquiries of a general nature relating to investments in Israel may be directed to this group. Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Haifa, P.O. Box 176, 63 Haatzmaut Rd., Haifa. Chamber of Commerce, Jerusalem, P.O. Box 183, 18 Hillel St., Jerusalem. Publicizes trade and investment opportunities in its monthly Bulletin of the Jerusalem Chamber of Commerce. Chamber of Commerce, Tel Aviv and Jaffa, P.O. Box 501, 30 Levontin St., Tel Aviv. Office in the United States: American- Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc., 250 West 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. Economic Department of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, 62 Ibn Gvirol St., Tel Aviv. Office in the United States: 16 East 66th St., New York, N.Y. Organization for assistance to small investors, particularly immigrants. Farmers' Federation of Israel, P.O. Box 209, Farmers' House, 8 Hakirya St., Tel Aviv. Office in the United States : c/o Ameri- can-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc., 250 West 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. An organization of private farm 48 ITALY interests in Israel which lays heavy emphasis on investment in agriculture. Federation of Building Contractors' Associations in Israel, P.O. Box 2859, 18-20 Mikveh Israel St., Tel Aviv. An organization of builders and contractors. Is in a position to supply information on investment in construction in Israel. Investment Centre, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Mamil- lah Rd., Jerusalem. Centralized agency of the Government of Israel for dealing with investment inquires. Investors' Liaison Bureau, ZIM Bldg., 22 Rothschild Blvd., Tel Aviv. A joint agency of the Government and central economic organizations in Israel for dealing with investment inquiries and proposing investment schemes. Manufacturers' Association of Israel, 13 Montefiore St., P.O. Box 297, Tel Aviv. Office in the United States: American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc., 250 West 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. Publicizes trade and investment opportunities in its monthly Israel Export and Trade Journal (English) and Ha- taassiya (Hebrew). ITALY American Chamber of Commerce for Italy, Via Agnello 12, Milan. Offices also in Rome, Genoa, Naples, Turin, and Bologna. Private regional organization of American firms and businessmen in Italy and Italian firms and businessmen interested in Italo- American trade. Publishes a monthly review, Italian-American Business, which includes an import-export opportunities section. Associazione per lo Sviluppo della Industria del Mezzogiorno— SVTMEX, Via Porta Pinciana 6, Rome. Established to promote the industrial development of southern Italy. Publishes economic re- ports on the area. Confederazione Generale dell'Industria Italiana, Piazza Venezia 11, Rome. A counterpart of the National Association of Manu- facturers in the United States. Has established an investment office to promote foreign investment in Italy. Publishes, in the English language, economic information and surveys of interest to prospective investors. Sends a newsletter, Italian Business, to business and financial interests in the United States. Assists pros- pective foreign investors in Italy by supplying information and advice on matters relating to the establishment of new business. Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero— ICE, Via Torino 107, Rome. Has regional offices in the principal Italian cities and 49 IVORY COAST, REPUBLIC OF. abroad. Offices in the United States, addressed as Italian Trade Commissioner, are located at 59 East Madison St., Suite 1601, Chicago 3, 111. ; 649 South Olive St., Suite 1203, Los Angeles 14, Calif.; and 131 International Trade Mart, Camp St., New Or- leans 12, La. The Italian Government agency responsible for the promotion of foreign trade. Assists foreign and Italian business- men in establishing trade relations and advises them on all matters and problems involved in reciprocal trade. Publishes commercial information and trade opportunities in its weekly bulletin, Infor- mazioni per il Commercio Estero, and in its fortnightly bulletin, Notiziario Economico Commerciale Stati Uniti. Both have a na- tionwide circulation among Italian firms and entities interested in foreign trade. Istituto per lo Sviluppo delle Attivita' Produttive — ISAP, Via Tre Cannelle lb, Rome. Milan office: Piazza San Fedele 2. An in- dustrial development financial corporation established by a num- ber of Italian banks and financing agencies for the purpose of participating with capital stock in any sound and profitable enter- prise to be located in Italy, mainly in the Southern Peninsula and in the Islands. Publishes booklets and pamphlets containing Italian economic information. Italian Investment Information Office — I.I.O., Via Quattro Fon- tane 121, Rome. Milan office : Piazza San Fedele 2. Office in the United States: 1113 16th St., NW., Washington 6, D.C. A non- profit organization set up by the Istituto Mobiliare Italiano, a Government-controlled financing agency, to assist prospective for- eign investors in Italy. Furnishes foreign businessmen with data, advice, and information on all matters related to productive in- vestments in Italy. Assists them in submitting applications to the proper Government agency to benefit from provisions of special laws, and aids them in meeting Italian counterparts, Government authorities, and potential partners. IVORY COAST, REPUBLIC OF Chambre d' Agriculture et d'Industrie (Chamber of Agriculture and Industry), P.O. Box 1291, Abidjan. Semigovernmental or- ganization. Announces trade opportunities in its monthly Bulletin Mensuel. JAMAICA See The West Indies. 50 JAPAN JAPAN Aichi Trade Institute (Aichi-ken Shokokan), 1 Miyuki-Hon- machi-dori 1-chrome, Naka-ku, Nagoya. Local organization. Under the direct management of the Aichi Prefectural Govern- ment, assists the Aichi Products Export Promotion Association, composed of some 160 local traders and manufacturers, by spon- soring or participating in various trade fairs both at home and abroad, and through the publication of books, pamphlets, and leaflets. Replies to inquiries individually and/or publishes them in its trade opportunity bulletin, Trade Tips, usually issued twice a month. American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, Masonic Bldg., Sakae-cho, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Represents over 300 United States firms in Japan. Promotes, in a variety of ways, American commercial interests in Japan. Replies direct to individual in- quiries so far as possible. Federation of Economic Organizations (Keizai Dantai Rengo- kai), Nippon Kogyo Club, 2 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Branch: Room 801, Osaka Bldg., 1, Soze-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka. General economic organization composed of industrial, commercial, financial, and trade associations and business con- cerns. Bulletins and reports are published by a research staff. Serves as an organ for expression of opinions of business circles in Japan, and is concerned with the general economic situation in Japan rather than with routine trade promotion. Fukuoka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Fukuoka Shoko Kaigisho), Nishinakasu, Fukuoka. Local organization. Inserts economic news in the Fukuoka version of the Kaigisho News (Chamber of Commerce News), published weekly by the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tokyo. Assists in the dis- play of local products at trade fairs at home and abroad. Replies to trade inquiries from abroad. Gifu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Gifu Shoko Kai- gisho), 9 Kanda-machi, Gifu City. Local organization. An- swers inquiries individually, refers them to appropriate member firms, or publishes them as trade opportunities in its bulletins. Issues a monthly trade list and an annual trade directory in Japanese. Hokkaido Foreign Trade Association (Hokkaido Boeki Kyokai) , Ironai-cho, Otaru. Local organization representing all Hokkaido firms engaged in foreign trade. Refers inquiries to selected mem- ber companies and publishes them in its twice-a-week newssheet. 51 52 53 JAPAN Also publishes a vernacular language trade bulletin, Hokkaido Boeki J oho (Hokkaido Foreign Trade Information), twice a month. Conducts surveys regarding production of Japan's export items and collects statistics on Japanese exports. Assists business firms in introducing new products to foreign countries. Hokkaido Prefectural Government, Commerce Section (Hok- kaido-cho, Shomu-ka) , North 3, West 5, Sapporo. Local Govern- ment organization. Conducts research on foreign markets, the results of which are made available to local business firms. Re- fers inquiries received from abroad to selected firms with instruc- tions for reply. Issues an English publication, Hokkaido, annually, and a Japan- ese publication, Boeki Hokkaido (Hokkaido Foreign Trade) , twice a year. Holds trade fairs and participates in trade fairs in for- eign countries or subsidizes private firms participating in foreign trade fairs. Directly engages in or subsidizes private firms in the publication of catalogs, the manufacturing of samples for export purposes, and the advertising of products or of tourism in English language papers and publications in Japan. Japan Agricultural Products Exporters' Association (Nippon Nosanbutsu Yushutsu Kumiai), 44 Motomachi-dori 6-chome, Ikuta-ku, Kobe. Tokyo office:- Ikeden Bldg., 5 Tamura-cho 2- chome, Shiba, Minato-ku. Charged with enforcement of the check price system on lily bulbs destined for the United States and Canada ; the issuance of export inspection certificates for agricul- tural products, as requested by shippers; and the allocation of export quotas for each orange-producing prefecture, maintenance of quality standards, price adjustments, and other procedures re- lating to the export of mandarin oranges to the United States and Canada. Refers inquiries to appropriate member companies. Japan Bicycle Exporters' Association (Nihon Jitensha Yushutsu Kumiai), 20 Honden Niban-cho, Nishi-ku, Osaka. Tokyo office: 3 Akasaka-Tamachi 7-chome, Minato-ku. Trade mediation office in the United States : Bicycle Section, Japan Trade Center, 393 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. Reports general inquiries to all member companies through circulars. Refers specific or urgent inquiries to appropriate member companies or replies direct. Operates trade mediation offices abroad and maintains resident delegates in oversea markets. Publishes an annual report of the associa- tion's activities in the vernacular language. Japan Canned Food Exporters' Association (Nippon Kanzume Yushutsu Kumiai), Room 403, Naigai Bldg., 18 Marunouchi 2- chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Responsible for maintaining exports 54 JAPAN of canned food products in an orderly manner by enforcing, for example, voluntary quota control over brined tuna cans destined for the United States and mandarin orange cans for the United Kingdom. Interested, in general, in the sound development of Japanese exports of canned food products. Replies direct to in- quiries and usually encloses a copy of its membership list. Also publishes inquiries as trade opportunities in its monthly vernacular bulletin, Yushutsu Kanzume Geppo (Export Canned Food Monthly Report) . Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Nippon Shoko Kai- gisho) , 2 Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. National organ- ization having a membership of 435 local chambers throughout Japan. Answers individual inquiries insofar as possible, or refers them to appropriate member companies. Also publishes inquiries in its vernacular bulletin, Nissho Joho, issued three times a month. Permits those interested to utilize its trade opportunity files. Pub- lishes an annual English trade directory, Standard Trade Index of Japan. In general, promotes trade and helps establish interna- tional trade relations through publications, correspondence, and various other means. Japan Chemical Exporters' Association (Nippon Kagakuhin Yushutsu Kumiai), 3 Kobuna-cho, 2-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Replies direct to inquiries, refers them to selected member companies, or publishes them as trade opportunities in its bulle- tins. Publishes an annual catalog in English; also a monthly bulletin and a monthly statistical report of chemical exports in the vernacular language. Japan Cotton Textile Exporters' Association (Nippon Menshifu Yushutsu Kumiai) , c/o Menyuren Kaikan, 26 Honmachi 2-chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. Tokyo office : c/o Nippon Boeki Kan, 2 Muro- machi 3-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku. Representative of the association in the United States: c/o Japan Trade Center, 393 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. Acting under the Export-Import Transaction Law, enforces certain controls over exports of cotton materials, including quota allocation to individual member ex- porters, quality inspection on dyeing, and prevention of design infringements. Also conducts credit investigations of individual firms, assists member firms in settlement of trade complaints, and introduces Japanese cotton products to oversea markets. Pub- lishes annual reports and monthly bulletins in the local language. Acknowledges inquiries individually and publishes them as trade opportunities in its trade bulletins. 55 JAPAN Japan Dyestuff Exporters' Association (Nippon Senryo Yushutsu Kumiai), 6 Nihonbashi Hon-cho 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Cir- culates copies of trade inquiries to all member companies, or refers them to appropriate member firms. Publishes irregularly an Eng- lish catalog on Japanese dyestuffs. Japan Electric Wire and Cable Exporters' Association (Nippon Densen Yushutsu Kumiai), Konwa Bldg., 10 Tsukiji 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Replies direct to inquiries or refers them to selected member companies. Also publishes inquiries in its semi- monthly vernacular bulletin, Densen (Electric Wire and Cable). Publishes an English catalog biennially. Conducts voluntary quality inspection for its members on certain wire products being exported. Japan Enamel Ware Exporters' Association (Nippon Horo Tekki Yushutsu Kumiai), 3 Edobori Kita-dori 2-chome, Nishi-ku, Osaka. Publishes a vernacular periodical every 3 months. Refers in- quiries to individual member companies. Japan Export Trade Promotion Agency — JETRO (Nippon Boeki Shinkokai), Kokusai Kanko Kaikan, 1 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chi- yoda-ku, Tokyo. Osaka office : 56 Bingo-cho 2-chome, Higashi-ku. Branches in the United States, addressed as Japan Trade Center, are located at 393 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. ; 531 Sutter St., San Francisco, Calif.; and Lion International Bldg., 203 North Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. Agency officially charged with the promotion of export trade on behalf of the Japanese Government. Responsible for partici- pating in international trade fairs that are held abroad. Conducts oversea market research and credit information investigations on individual firms by despatching commercial intelligence officers to major trade centers of the world. Operates Japan Trade Centers abroad. Publishes, in English, Trade and Industry of Japan, a quarterly trade magazine; Japan Trade Bulletin, every 10 days; Foreign Trade of Japan, an English version of the annual White Paper on Japan's foreign trade issued by the Japanese Ministry of Inter- national Trade and Industry ; and other trade promotion literature. Publishes, in the local language, a daily public trade bulletin and various other trade information materials, such as results of over- sea market research, both periodically and irregularly. Replies direct to inquiries. Also publishes inquiries in its daily bulletins as trade opportunities when they cover a wide range of commodi- ties or cannot be answered satisfactorily by other means. 56 JAPAN Japan Frozen Food Exporters' Association (Nippon Reito Sho- kuhin Yushutsu Kumiai), Kohan Bldg., 3 Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Maintains two resident fish inspection officers in the United States at the JETRO Long Beach Office, Room 500, Insurance Exchange Bldg., 205 East Broadway, Long Beach 2, Calif. Acting under the Export-Import Transaction Law, en- forces quota and/or price controls over particular kinds of frozen food (fish) destined for certain countries. Usually acknowledges individual inquiries and circulates copies to member companies. Occasionally selects names of appropriate firms and transmits them to inquirers upon request. Japan Galvanized Iron Sheet Exporters' Association (Nippon Aen Teppan Yushutsu Kumiai), Tekko Seihin Kaikan, 36 Hisa- matsu-cho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Collects statistical and other data concerning exports of galvanized iron sheets for dis- tribution among its members and/or for publication in its monthly vernacular trade journal, Aen Teppan (Galvanized Iron Sheet). Distributes copies of inquiries at weekly meetings of the member companies, who, if interested, will have trading firms communicate with the oversea inquirer. Japan General Merchandise Exporters' Association (Nippon Zakka Yushutsu Kumiai), Nihon Boeki Kan, 2 Muro-machi 3- chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Publishes inquiries as trade opportunities in its monthly bulletin, Zakka Koho. Also sends copies of the inquiries to interested members upon request with instructions or advice. Correspondence in Japanese is preferred to avoid possible misunderstanding concerning the commodities referred to in the inquiries. Japan Glass Products Exporters' Association (Nippon Garasu Seihin Yushutsu Kumiai) , 88 Umegae-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka. Tokyo office : 1 Shiba Tamura-cho 3-chome, Minato-ku. Protects designs of member firms in cooperation with the Japan Sundry Design Center. Issues publications, for distribution through JETRO, introducing Japanese glass products to oversea markets. Refers inquiries to individual member firms and also publishes them as trade opportunities in its monthly local language bulletin, Garasu Kaiho. Japan Imitation Pearls and Glass Beads Exporters' Association (Nippon Jinzo Shinju Garasu Saika Yushutsu Kumiai), 29 Osaka Kamino-cho, Tennoji-ku, Osaka. Conducts market research for members with the cooperation of JETRO and the Japanese Minis- try of Foreign Affairs. Publishes inquiries in bulletins so mem- ber firms can get in touch with the inquirers direct. 57 JAPA1S Japan Iron and Steel Exporters' Association (Nippon Tekko Yushutsu Kumiai), Kozai Club, 16 Nihonbashi Kayaba-cho 3- chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Publicizes Japanese iron and steel prod- ucts abroad through films and other means. Publishes an English yearbook, Japan's Iron and Steel Industry. Acknowledges in- quiries individually, enclosing a copy of its membership list in each reply. Refers specific inquiries to appropriate member companies. Japan Machinery Exporters' Association (Nippon Kikai Yushutsu Kumiai), Kikai Boeki Kaikan, 3 Akasaka Tamachi 7-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Acting under the Export-Import Transaction Law, enforces certain trade controls over exports of binoculars and cameras, and protects designs of still and movie cameras. Sends trade research groups to principal oversea markets, and collects and analyzes trade statistics. Publishes, in English, a semimonthly trade newspaper, Trade Times, as well as guide- books, directories, and other publications of interest to foreign buyers. Sponsors the Japan Machinery Floating Exhibitions. Replies direct to individual inquiries, circulates those of a general nature, and refers specific questions to appropriate member firms. Japan Marine and Land Products Exporters' Association (Nip- pon Kairiku Sanbutsu Yushutsu Kumiai), Fourth Floor, Yama- kichi Shoken Bldg., 8 Nihonbashi Kabuto-cho 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. This association is interested only in dried mushrooms among land products, agar-agar, and marine products which are dried or salted, such as dried cuttle fish, shell ligament, abalone, cod, mackerel, and pike. Announces, three times a month in the local language, export prices for these products (except agar-agar) which members are expected to observe voluntarily. Refers in- quiries to appropriate member firms. Japan Non-Ferrous Metal Exporters' Association (Nippon Hitetsu Kinzoku Yushutsu Kumiai), Konwa Kaikan, 10 Tsukiji 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Acknowledges trade inquiries individually and normally publishes them as trade opportunities in its local language monthly bulletin, Nihon Hitetsu Kinzoku Yushutsu Kumiai-Ho. In case of urgent inquiries, appropriate member firms are referred to directly. Publishes an English catalog at approximately 2-year intervals. Japan Oil, Meal and Vitamin Exporters' Association (Nippon Yurvo Yushutsu Kumiai) , Room 534 Kokusai Kanko Kaikan, 1 Ma- runouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Assists member firms in general ways to promote trade and avoid unfair competition under the Export-Import Transaction Law. Circulates copies of in- 58 JAPAN quiries to all member firms. Publishes a monthly local language bulletin. Japan Paper Exporters' Association (Nippon Kamirui Yushutsu Kumiai), Kami-Parupu Kaikan Bldg., 4 Ginza Higashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Makes direct replies to inquiries, refers them to appropriate member companies, and/or publishes them as trade opportunities in its three-times-a-month local language bulletin, Paper News, Publishes an annual catalog in English, Paper Japan, and a monthly report of the association in Japanese. Japan Pearl Exporters' Association (Nippon Shinju Yushutsu Kumiai), Nippon Shinju Kaikan, 122 Higashi-machi, Ikuta-ku, Osaka. Tokyo office : Shinju Kaikan, 7 Kyobashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku. Representatives in the United States : Pearl Section, Japan Trade Center, 393 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. Enforces, under the Export-Import Transaction Law, quality and price controls over pearls being exported in order to promote the sound development of oversea markets for Japanese cultured pearls. Inquiries are usually published as trade opportunities in its local language trade news bulletins issued once or twice a month. Also publishes, in the local language, monthly Japanese customs trade statistics for distribution to members. Japan Pharmaceutical, Medical and Dental Supply Exporters' Association (Nippon lyaku Ryohin Yushutsu Kumiai), 10 Nihon- bashi Muromachi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Acknowledges trade inquiries direct, normally enclosing a copy of its membership list, and circulates copies of the inquiries to all member companies con- cerned. Publishes an English trade newspaper, Japan Medical News, every other month, and occasional English catalogs. Japan Pottery Exporters' Association (Nippon Tojiki Yushutsu Kumiai), Nippon Tojiki Center Bldg., 32 Nunoike-cho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya. Tokyo office : Nagoya Shokokan, 5 Ginza Nishi 4-chome, Chuo-ku. Enforces, under the Export-Import Transaction Law, certain quota and price controls over chinaware exports destined for certain countries in order to prevent unfair trade practices. Fosters, in various other ways, common interests of the members. Replies direct to trade inquiries, refers them to appropriate mem- ber companies, or publishes them as trade opportunities in its local language bulletin, Geppo (Monthly Report) . Japan Raw Silk Exporters' Association (Nippon Kiito Yushutsu Kumiai), Silk Center Bldg., 1 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama. Cooperates with the Japan Silk Association, Inc., in various trade promotion activities. Enforces price controls over exports of raw silk for certain destinations. Publishes an English fortnightly 59 JAPAN journal, Raw Silk Review, and a local language journal, Sekaino Kiito (Raw Silk of the World), twice a month. Acknowledges trade inquiries individually, enclosing its membership list, and circulates copies of the inquiries to all member firms concerned. Japan Rolling Stock Exporters' Association (Nippon Tetsudo Sharyo Yushutsu Kumiai), Tekko Bldg., Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Occasionally publishes a booklet, Rolling Stock and Parts, in English. Copies of inquiries received from overseas are referred to all member companies. Japan Sewing Machine Exporters' Association (Nippon Mishin Yushutsu Kumiai), Odakyu-Ginza Bldg., 7 Ginza Higashi 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Representative of the association in the United States : c/o Japan Trade Center, 393 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. Conducts oversea market research and gives publicity abroad to Japanese sewing machines. Enforces price controls over exports of sewing machines to prevent unfair trading. Circulates copies of trade inquiries to the member firms concerned or replies direct, recommending the names of selected member companies or fur- nishing its English language publications. Japanese Sewing Ma- chine Review is issued quarterly and Japan Sewing Machine Guide Book biennially. Japan Ship Exporters' Association (Nippon Sempaku Yushutsu Kumiai), Central Bldg., 2 Kyobashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Conducts market surveys and other pertinent activities in the inter- ests of its members. Publishes an annual English trade directory, Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in Japan. Acknowledges trade inquiries and circulates copies to all members, or refers in- quiries covering specific items to appropriate member companies. Japan Silk and Synthetic Textile Exporters' Association (Nippon Kinu Kasen Yushutsu Kumiai), 37 Minami-Hommachi 2-chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. Tokyo office: c/o Nippon Boeki Kan, 2 Muromachi 3-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku. Representative of the association in the United States : c/o Japan Trade Center, 393 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. Acting under the Export-Import Transaction Law, enforces certain design and quantity controls over exports of silk and synthetic textile piece goods. Assists member firms in the settlement of trade complaint cases. Con- ducts oversea market research and introduces Japanese products to foreign markets. Publishes, in cooperation with the Japan Chemical Fibres Asso- ciation, an annual English trade directory, Rayon and Synthetic Fibres of Japan. Publishes also, for distribution among its mem- bers, monthly and bimonthly trade and statistical bulletins in the 60 JAPAN local language. Inquiries received from abroad are published as trade opportunities and circulated to all members. Japan Tea Exporters 9 Association (Nippon Cha Yushutsu Ku- miai), 81-1 Kitaban-cho, Shizuoka. Tokyo office: 7 Shiodome, Shiba, Minato-ku. Enforces quality control over shipments of tea destined for certain countries. Publishes, in Japanese, weekly and monthly foreign market reports for distribution to member firms. Acknowledges trade inquiries individually and refers them to appropriate member exporters. Japan Textile Products Exporters' Association (Nippon Sen-i Seihin Yushutsu Kumiai), 116 Higashi-machi, Ikuta-ku, Kobe. Tokyo office : 2 Muromachi 3-chome, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku. Rep- resentative in the United States: c/o Japan Trade Center, 393 Fifth Avenue, New York 16, N.Y. The association is interested in various textile products other than piece goods. Enforces (under the Export-Import Transaction Law), price, quantity, quality, or design controls over exports of these products. Pub- lishes an English directory of exporters once a year and a local language bulletin about twice a week. Replies direct to specific trade inquiries and circularizes inquiries of a general nature among member firms. Japan Timber Exporters' Association (Nippon Mokuzai Yushutsu Kumiai), c/o Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., 2 Shiba Tamura-cho 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Publishes, in conjunction with the Hokkaido Hardwood Lumber Exporters' Association, an annual trade review, Japanese Oak Lumber, in English. Collects statis- tical and other data for distribution to member companies. Ac- knowledges all trade inquiries individually and circulates copies to interested member firms. Japan Wire Products Exporters' Association (Nippon Senzai Seihin Yushutsu Kumiai), Tekko Seihin Kaikan, 36 Nihonbashi Hisamatsu-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. This association is interested in such iron and steel wire products as iron wire, G.I. wire, barbed wire, wire nail, wire rope, steel wire, and steel cable. Analyzes trade statistics and makes results available to member firms with other types of trade information. Acknowledges trade inquiries individually and circulates copies to member firms concerned. Japan Woolen and Linen Textiles Exporters' Association (Nihon Keasa Yushutsu Kumiai), 22 Minami-Kyutaro-machi 2-chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. Tokyo office: 2 Muromachi 3-chome, Nihon- bashi, Chuo-ku. Undertakes trade mediation and conducts market research on behalf of member companies. Exchanges information with interested organizations located overseas. General trade in- 61 JAPAN quiries are published in its magazine, Keasa Jiho (Wool and Linen Review), issued semimonthly in Japanese. Specific or urgent in- quiries are promptly referred to appropriate member companies. Publishes an annual directory, Woolens and Linens of Japan, in English. Kobe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kobe Shoko Kai- gisho) , 16 Kaigan-dori 1-chome, Ikuta-ku, Kobe. Local organiza- tion. Sends trade missions abroad, holds merchandise exhibits, and engages in other types of trade promotion activities. Pub- lishes the Kobe Chamber Trade Bulletin every few days, and the Kobe Directory annually, both in English. Acknowledges inquiries and refers them to suitable member companies where applicable, or publishes them in its trade opportunity bulletins. Kobe Foreign Trade Association (Kobe Boeki Kyokai), 126 Higashi-machi, Ikuta-ku, Kobe. Local organization. Refers in- quiries to appropriate member companies ; also publishes them as trade opportunities in its bulletins and journal. Issues an English business directory irregularly and a Japanese publication, Kobe Boeki (Kobe Foreign Trade Journal), bimonthly. Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kyoto Shoko Kai- gisho), Ebisugawa-agaru, Karasumaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto. Lo- cal organization. Collects and publishes market research materials with the coopertion of JETRO. Helps safeguard designs of indi- vidual firms with the cooperation of the design centers. Con- ducts credit information service on individual firms upon request from inquirers abroad. Refers specific trade inquiries to appro- priate member companies, and publishes general inquiries in its bulletins as trade opportunities. Publishes an annual English trade directory. Ministry of International Trade and Industry— MITI, Trade Pro- motion Section, Japanese Government (Shinko-ka, Tsusho-Kyoku, Tsushosangyo-sho) , 4 Kasumigaseki 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Japanese Government agency directly in charge of promotion of foreign trade. Assists and supervises the editing and issuing of various trade promotion publications by private exporters' associa- tions and other groups. Assists and supervises various trade pro- motion activities conducted by the Japan Export Trade Promotion Agency (JETRO) . Inquiries are usually referred to appropriate trade promotion organizations, such as JETRO, exporters' associa- tions, or interested agencies or sections within MITI, according to the nature of individual inquiries. Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Nagoya Shoko Kaigisho), 1 Oike-cho 4-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya. Local organ- 62 JAPAN ization. Acknowledges inquiries individually, refers them to ap- propriate member firms, or publishes them in its trade opportunity bulletin, Trade Report of Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, issued three times a month. Publishes a monthly trade journal in the local language. Gives various types of assistance to local trading firms to promote international trade. Nagoya Foreign Trade Association (Nagoya Boeki Kai), 1 Oike- cho 4-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya. Local organization. Publishes inquiries in its quarterly bulletins or refers them to appropriate member companies. Issues monthly and annual trade and statis- tical reports in the local language. Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Osaka Shoko Kai- gisho), 1 Dojima-nishi-machi, Kita-ku, Osaka. Local organiza- tion. Assists member firms in such matters as market research, oversea investment and cooperation with firms abroad, settlement of trade complaint cases, and credit investigations of foreign firms. Assists foreign businessmen by supplying credit information on local firms and arranging visits to local plants. Publishes, in English, Overseas Bulletin, monthly; Osaka Business Directory, every 3 years; and a general catalog devoted to a different com- modity or industry of the area, annually. Acknowledges inquiries individually, publishes those of a general nature in weekly trade opportunity bulletins, and refers specific questions to appropriate firms. Osaka Foreign Trade Association (Osaka Boeki Kyokai), c/o Meidiya Bldg., 18 Minami-hommachi 2-chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. Local organization. Publishes inquiries as trade opportunities in its monthly trade journal, Boeki Jin, and announces them at the local traders' meetings held by the association twice a month. Permits those interested to utilize the inquiries on file. Arranges interviews with Japanese businessmen for foreign business visitors. Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Tokyo Shoko Kai- gisho), 2 Ote-machi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Local organ- ization. Replies to inquiries individually insofar as possible or publishes them as trade opportunities in its three-times-a-month local language bulletin, Tosho Shimbun (Tokyo Chamber of Com- merce News) . Permits those interested to utilize inquiries on file. Also publishes a monthly local language trade magazine, Tosho (Tokyo Chamber of Commerce). Acts as one of the principal promoters of the biennial Tokyo International Trade Fair. Tokyo Foreign Trade Association (Tokyo Boeki Kai), c/o Eco- nomic Affairs Bureau, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 1 Maru- 63 JAPAN nouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Local organization. Re- plies to inquiries individually, refers them to appropriate member firms, or circulates copies to members. Handles inquiries from member firms concerning trade contacts and other types of trade information abroad. Publishes, in cooperation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, an annual English directory, Buyers* Guide of Tokyo, and a monthly vernacular trade bulletin, Boeki J oho (Foreign Trade Information) . Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Foreign Trade Section (Tok- yoto-cho, Boeki-ka), 1 Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Local Government agency. One of the principal promoters of the Tokyo International Trade Fair held biennially. Gives financial assistance to participants in oversea trade fairs. Conducts market research by sending investigators to major trade points abroad. Sends trade missions abroad each year to hold sample exhibits and develop Japanese markets. Replies to inquiries individually and circulates copies to interested companies. Publishes, in coop- eration with the Tokyo Foreign Trade Association, an annual English directory, Buyers' Guide of Tokyo, and a monthly vernacu- lar trade bulletin, Boeki Joho (Foreign Trade Information). Tokyo Trade Center (Tokyo Toritsu Sangyo Kaikan), 2 Ote- machi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Local organization. Under the direct management of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government maintains, on the first floor of the building, a permanent exhibit room of selected local products. Rents second through sixth floors of the building to various business and industrial groups as tem- porary exhibit spaces. Replies to inquiries individually and re- fers them to appropriate firms. Yokohama Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Yokohama Shoko Kaigisho), 11 Nihon-Odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama. Local organization. Sponsors or participates in various trade fairs held at home and abroad and in trade missions sent to foreign countries to help develop markets for Japanese goods. Assists member firms in settlement of business disputes. Publishes monthly and annual statistical and economic publications in the Japanese lan- guage. Accepts trade inquiries from abroad for publication in its semimonthly trade opportunity bulletin, The Tirade Report. Yokohama Foreign Trade Association (Yokohama Boeki Kyo- kai), 1 Kaigandori 1-chome, Naka-ku, Yokohama. Local organi- zation. Acknowledges individual inquiries insofar as possible and refers them to appropriate member firms or publishes them as trade opportunities in its quarterly trade journal, Yokohama Boeki (Foreign Trade of Yokohama). Publishes Annual Statis- 64 JKOKEA, REPUBLIC OF tical Survey Returns of Foreign Trade of Yokohama, bilingual (English- Japanese) . JORDAN Amman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, P.O. Box 287, Amman. Arab Chamber of Commerce and Industry, P.O. Box 151, Jerusalem. Chamber of Commerce and Industry, P.O. Box 35, Nablus. Economic Development Committee, Ministry of National Econ- omy, Amman. A governmental body that reviews and decides on all foreign investment applications. Irbid Chamber of Commerce and Industry, P.O. Box 13, Irbid. KENYA Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of East Africa, P.O. Box 470, Nairobi. An association of chambers of com- merce embracing European business establishments in East Africa. Includes several industry associations. Circulates official announcements and information from Territorial Governments. Department of Trade and Supplies, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, P.O. Box 30430, Nairobi. A Territorial Government agency responsible for trade inquiries and assistance to African traders. Publishes a monthly bulletin containing commercial in- formation, including notices of trade opportunities. Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of East Africa, P.O. Box 2683, Nairobi. An association of chambers of commerce embracing Asian business establishments in all of East Africa. Circulates official announcements and information from Territorial Governments. KOREA, REPUBLIC OF American Chamber of Commerce of Korea, Bando Bldg., Seoul. Interested in the representation in Korea of American and other firms that wish to engage in import and export trade with the Republic. Hankuk Muyok Hyupwhei (Korean Traders Association), 123, 2-ka, Namdaemun-ro, Choong-ku, Seoul. Publishes a daily bulle- tin, Trade News; also publishes monthlies, annuals, and directories, chiefly in the Korean language. All traders engaging in foreign trade and registered with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry 65 KOREA, REPUBLIC 0F_ must be members of this association. Specific and general trade and commercial inquiries will be answered or publicized. Clank uk Naengdong Saewoo Kakong Hyupwhei (Korean Frozen Shrimp Processors Association), 12-13 Tongja-dong, Choong-ku, Seoul. Will give appropriate publicity or make replies to specific inquiries regarding trade possibilities in this field. Hankuk Saengsan-seung Ponbu (Korea Productivity Center), 46, 4-ka, Namdaemun-ro, Choong-ku, Seoul. A semigovernmental entity. Publishes Business Management monthly and Productivity Revietv bimonthly. These publications deal mainly with manage- ment problems, solutions, production figures, and related subjects, both domestic and foreign. Will conduct both market and industry surveys and credit and financial investigations and studies. Will reply to or appropriately publicize inquiries from foreign sources. Hankuk Tongchorim-up Susan Chohap (Korea Cannery Asso- ciation), 98, 1-ka, Ulchi-ro, Choong-ku, Seoul. Publishes a monthly bulletin in the Korean language reporting domestic and international market prices, methods, processes, trends, and other data relevant to the industry. Will publicize or make specific replies to foreign inquiries. Pusan Sangkong Wheiuiso (Pusan Chamber of Commerce), 8, 1-ka, Shinchang-dong, Pusan. Functions are similar to those of the Chamber of Commerce of Korea, of which it is a member. Taihan Kongye Hyupwhei (Korean Handicraft Association), 306, 2-ka, Taepyung-ro, Choong-ku, Seoul. Sponsors a monthly magazine, Handicraft and Industrial Art, which deals mainly with the development of the trade in Korea and abroad. Specific and general inquiries regarding trade will be answered or appropri- ately publicized. Taihan Kwangup Whei (Mining Association of Korea) , 46, 4-ka, Namdaemun-ro, Choong-ku, Seoul. Publishes a monthly Bulletin of the Mining Association of Korea and a Mining Weekly. They deal mainly with mining developments in Korea and with interest- ing sidelights in similar fields abroad. Mineral price indexes, both domestic and foreign, are also included. Will reply to specific and general inquiries concerning mining and mining concerns in Korea. Taihan Sangkong Wheiuiso (Chamber of Commerce of Korea), 111 Sokong-dong, Choong-ku, Seoul. Publishes directories, monthlies, annuals, and other trade promotional bulletins in the Korean language. Will reply to general and specific inquiries con- cerning trade, industrial practices, and organizations. Will cir- cularize inquiries from abroad among members and other inter- ested parties. 66 .LEBANON Tongsang Kuk, Waimu Bu (Bureau of Economic Affairs, Minis- try of Foreign Affairs), Korean Government, Seoul. Replies to specific inquiries on commercial, industrial, and economic subjects with particular reference to applicable Government laws and regulations. Waikuk Bu, Hankuk Unliaeng (Foreign Department, Bank of Korea), Namdaemun-ro, Choong-ku, Seoul. Government bank established in 1950. Supplies credit, commodity price, and gen- eral commercial information. LAOS Chamfore de Commerce du Centre (Central Laos Chamber of Commerce), Vientiane. Correspondence in French preferred. Chanibre de Commerce du Nord (Northern Laos Chamber of Commerce), Luang Prabang. Correspondence in French pre- ferred. Chambre de Commerce du Sud (Southern Laos Chamber of Com- merce), Pakse. Correspondence in French preferred. Chambre Nationaie de Commerce, Industrie, Agriculture et Ele- vage (National Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Stock Farming) , Vientiane. Ministere de PEconomie National (Ministry of National Econ- omy), Vientiane. Lao Government agency concerned with trade, agriculture, forests, and stock farming. Correspondence in French preferred. Ministere du Plan et des Travaux Publics, Vientiane. Govern- ment agency concerned with the Five Year Plan for the economic and social development of Laos which includes investment, indus- try, mining, and formation of mixed (private-Government) com- panies. Correspondence in French preferred. LEBANON Association des Commercants de Beyrouth (Association of Mer- chants of Beirut) , Rue Allenby, Beirut. Association des Industriels Libanais (Association of Lebanese Industrialists) , Rue Trablus, Beirut. Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) , Rue Allenby, Beirut. Announces trade opportuni- ties in its monthly magazine, The Economy of Lebanon and the Arab World. 67 LEEWARD ISLANDS. Industry Institute of Lebanon, P.O. Box 2806, Beirut. Indus- trial research and management services. Promotes the establish- ment of new industries and encourages both foreign and domestic sources to invest in local industry. LEEWARD ISLANDS See The West Indies. LIBERIA Bureau of Natural Resources and Surveys, Monrovia. Govern- mental organization. Answers investment inquiries concerning minerals and oil. Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Monrovia. Govern- mental organization. Publishes quarterly foreign trade statistics and answers trade and investment inquiries. Liberian Chamber of Commerce, Monrovia. Acts as clearing- house for trade inquiries. Liberian Information Service, Monrovia. Acts as clearinghouse for information on Liberia. Publishes Liberia — Trade, Industry and Travel, a quarterly pictorial magazine containing commercial advertising. LIBYA Camera di Commercio, Industria e Agricoltura (Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture), Sciara Aukaf, Tripoli. Semigovernmental institution. Announces agency and foreign and domestic trade opportunities in its publication, Tripoli Bollet- tino Mensile, issued irregularly, usually at 2-month intervals. Foregn Investment Committee, Ministry of National Economy, Benghazi. Governmental organization. Promotes the invest- ment of foreign capital in Libya and determines the eligibility of foreign investors for benefits (tax and duty exemptions) available under the Libyan Foreign Capital Investment Law. LIECHTENSTEIN Liechtenstteinische Wirtschaftskammer, Vaduz. Government agency which functions as a chamber of commerce and answers inquiries from abroad. 68 MALAGASY REPUBLIC LUXEMBOURG Board of Industrial Development of the Grand Duchy of Luxem- bourg, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 19 avenue de la Porte-Neuve, Luxembourg. Office in the United States: Consulate of Luxem- bourg, 200 East 42d St., New York 17, N.Y. A joint Government and private industry undertaking to attract American and other foreign capital, investments, and subsidiaries to Luxembourg, espe- cially in the small and medium-sized industry segment of the economy. Chambre de Commerce (Chamber of Commerce), 8 avenue de I' Arsenal, Luxembourg. Semigovernmental organization provid- ing its members and foreigners with economic and social data on the Grand Duchy, especially information on imports and exports, customs duties, and licensing requirements. Federation des Industriels Luxembourgeois (Federation of Lux- embourg Industrialists), 8 avenue de Y Arsenal, Luxembourg. Looks after the interests of medium-sized and small industries. Works closely with the Ministry of Economic Affairs to obtain orders for and improve the competitive position of its affiliates in the world market. Publishes weekly paper, Echo de Vlndustrie, dealing with economic problems of current interest. Federation Luxembourgeoise des Negociants en gros (Federation of Luxembourg Wholesalers) , 8 avenue de 1' Arsenal, Luxembourg. Looks after the interests of wholesalers. Publishes monthly in- formation bulletin. Groupement des Industries Siderurgiques Luxembourgeoises (Association of Luxembourg Steel' Producers), 31 blvd. Joseph II, Luxembourg. Handles all important problems common to the Luxembourg "Big Three" steel producers. Negotiates with Gov- ernment agencies, labor, and foreign steel producers. Each mem- ber company has its own sales department. MALAGASY REPUBLIC Chambre de Commerce de Tananarive (Chamber of Commerce of Tananarive) , 21 rue Colbert, Tananarive. Publishes a monthly bulletin. Federation des Chambres de Commerce de Tananarive (Federa- tion of Chambers of Commerce of Tananarive), 21 rue Colbert, Tananarive. Groups all chambers of commerce in the Malagasy Republic. 69 MALAYA, FEDERATION OF_ MALAYA, FEDERATION OF Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of Malaya, c/o Chinese Assembly Hall, Birch Rd., Kuala Lumpur. This chamber is the headquarters of all Chinese chambers in the Federation of Malaya. Members are mainly Chinese importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, and sales agents dealing in all types of mer- chandise. Publicizes trade and investment opportunities in cir- culars to member associations. Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce of Malaya, P.O. Box 147, Kuala Lumpur. This chamber is the headquarters of all In- dian chambers in the Federation of Malaya. Members are mainly Indian importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, and sales agents dealing in all types of merchandise. Publicizes trade and invest- ment opportunities in circulars to member associations. Federated Malay States Chambers of Commerce, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Bldg., Kuala Lumpur. Membership consists of European importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, and sales agents dealing in all types of merchandise. Trade and investment opportunities are publicized in circulars. Indian Chamber of Commerce, 20E Penang St., Top Floor, Penang. Members are mainly Indian merchants, importers, ex- porters, wholesalers, retailers, and sales agents, dealing in tex- tiles, handloom products and sarongs, and miscellaneous goods. Issues annual reports and a monthly bulletin, Information Service, Malay Chamber of Commerce, c/o 109 Chulia St., Penang. Mem- bers are Malay importers, exporters, and merchants dealing in all types of manufactured goods. Information circularized by corre- spondence. Penang Chamber of Commerce, 17 China Street Ghaut, Penang. Members are European importers and exporters of all types of manufactured goods, raw products, and minerals ; shippers, pack- ers, and insurance agents. Media used for publicizing trade and investment opportunities are circulars to members whenever nec- essary, correspondence, and annual reports. Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce, 2 Penang St., Penang. Members are mainly Chinese importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, and sales agents dealing in all types of merchandise; shippers, packers, and insurance agents. Media used for publiciz- ing trade and investment opportunities are monthly circulars, insertions in local newspapers, and annual reports. Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce, c/o Chinese Assembly Hall, Birch Rd., Kuala Lumpur. Membership comprises Chinese importers, exporters, wholesalers, retailers, and sales agents deal- 70 MEXICO ing in all types of merchandise. Trade and investment opportuni- ties are publicized in circulars. MALI, REPUBLIC OF Chambre de Commerce, cP Agriculture et d'Industrie de Bamako (Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture, and Industry of Bamako), Bamako. Semigovernmental organization. Announces trade op- portunities in its monthly publication, Circulaire d' Information. MARTINIQUE See French West Indies. MAURITIUS Mauritius Chamber of Commerce, Port Louis. Will distribute inquiries to appropriate members. MELILLA See Ceuta and Melilla. MEXICO American Chamber of Commerce, Plaza Santos Degollado 10, Mexico, D.F. Private organization of Mexican and American businessmen. Publishes weekly bulletin which publicizes agency opportunities. Asociacion Nacional de Importadores y Exportadores de la Re- publica Mexicana (National Association of Importers and Ex- porters of the Republic of Mexico), Isabel la Catolica No. 38, Mexico, D.F. Largest association of its kind. Independent. Publishes Comercio Mundial monthly, which announces trade opportunities. Camara Nacional de Comercio de la Ciudad de Mexico (National Chamber of Commerce of the City of Mexico) , Paseo de la Reforma 42, Mexico, D.F. A member of Confederation of National Cham- bers of Commerce. Publishes a monthly bulletin which announces agency opportunities. Comite Coordinadora de Actividades Internaciouales de la Indus- tria Privada (Coordinating Committee of International Activities of Private Enterprise) , San Juan de Letran 13-804, Mexico, D.F. Private organization of Mexican and American businessmen to study problems of private investment in Mexico. 71 MIQUELON Confederacion de Camaras Industriales (Confederation of In- dustrial Chambers) , Villalongin 133, Mexico, D.F. Private organ- ization. Deals only with national industrial chambers. Infor- mation and service center. Confederation de Camaras Nacionales de Comercio (Confedera- tion of National Chambers of Commerce), San Juan de Letran 11, Mexico, D.F. Largest semiofficial trade organization. Members are national chambers of commerce covering most fields. Pub- lishes Comercio Mexicano bimonthly and Carta Semanal weekly. MIQUELON See St. Pierre and Miquelon. MONTSERRAT See The West Indies — Leeward Islands. MOROCCO American Chamber of Commerce of Morocco, 31 ave. Poeymirau, Casablanca. Groups American businessmen (non- Americans excluded) . Association pour la Relance Economiqne de Tanger et de sa Province, Vermeer 7, Tangier. Association for the improvement of the Tangier economy through the promotion of trade, industry, and investment. Bureau d'Etudes et de Participations Industriales, 10 rue Paul Lapeyre, Rabat. A Government organization. Supplies capital, under certain circumstances, to new enterprises which have been previously approved by the Government as being essential or im- portant to the domestic economy. Bureau de Recherclies et de Participations Minieres, 27 ave. Urbain Blanc, Rabat. Government agency organized as a private corporation. Created for the purpose of developing Morocco's mineral resources. Offers private enterprise technical and finan- cial assistance in the research and exploitation of mineral resources considered of interest to the country's economy. Assists foreign prospectors and potential investors. Camara Espanola de Comercio, Industria y Agricultura, Mohamed Torres, 10, Tetuan. Association of Spanish businessmen estab- lished in the former Northern Zone. Announces import and ex- port trade opportunities in its bimonthly bulletin. 72 .MOZAMBIQUE Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Francaise, Blvd. Moham- med V, Casablanca. Groups French businessmen. Chambre de Commerce Internationale Comite National Maroc- ain, 42 ave. de FArmee Royale, Casablanca. Chapter of the In- ternational Chamber of Commerce. Confederation Generale Economique Marocaine, 25 rue Dupleix, Casablanca. Concerned with matters relating to Morocco's economy. International Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Navigation, Mohamed V, 66, Tangier. Association of business- men and industrialists. Jeune Chambre Economique de Casablanca, 42 ave. de FArmee Royale, Casablanca. A chapter of Junior Chamber International. Comprised of young men who devote a portion of their time to self -improvement and service to the community. Office Cherifien de Controle et d'Exportation, 72 rue Georges Mercie, Casablanca. Government-controlled organization for the promotion of foreign trade, commercial and economic documenta- tion, quality inspection, and participation in international trade fairs. Announces import and export trade opportunities in its monthly bulletin. Oficina de Comercio, Sub-secretario de Estado para el Comercio y la Industria, Mohamed V, Tetuan. Government agency. Rotary Club, 7 passage Sumica, Casablanca. A chapter of Rotary International. Union Generale des Industries du Maroc, 147 rue Georges Mercie, Casablanca. Association of French and Moroccan industrial management in Morocco. Union Marocaine d 9 Agriculture, c/o Chambre Marocain d* Agri- culture, Rabat. A professional organization of agriculturalists. Union Marocaine pour le Commerce, PIndustrie et PArtisanat — UMCIA, 23 rue Claude, Casablanca. Groups Moroccan business- men. Edits a weekly publication covering economic and com- mercial topics. Union Marocaine pour le Commerce et PIndustrie et PArtisanat, Italie 51, Tangier. Association of Moroccan businessmen. Union Marroqui para el Comercio, la Industria, y la Artesania, Calvo Sotelo, Tetuan. Association of Moroccan businessmen. MOZAMBIQUE Associagao Comercial da Beira (Commercial Association of Beira) , Caixa Postal 286, Beira. Association of wholesalers, re- tailers, importers, exporters, commission agents, and industrialists. 73 NETHERLANDS. Associa^ao Comercial de Louren^o Marques (Commercial Asso- ciation of Lourenco Marques), Caixa Postal 1166, Lourenco Marques. Organization of wholesalers, retailers, importers, ex- porters, and commission agents. Announces agency opportunities in its quarterly bulletin Comercio de Mogambique. Associa^ao do Fomento Agricola e Industrial de Mozambique (Association of Agricultural and Industrial Development of Mo- zambique), Caixa Postal 316, Lourengo Marques. Organization of farmers and industrialists. Associagao dos Produtores de Sisal de Mozambique (Mozambique Sisal Growers Association) , Caixa Postal 199, Lourenco Marques. Association of sisal growers and exporters. Camara de Comercio de Lourenco Marques (Chamber of Com- merce of Lourengo Marques) , Caixa Postal 155, Lourenco Marques. Organization of wholesalers, importers, exporters, commission agents and clearing, forwarding, and shipping agents. Publica- tion of a regular bulletin is planned. Cooperative de Criadores de Gado de Lourengo Marques, S. C.R.I. (Cooperative Association of Cattle Ranchers of Lourenco Marques), Caixa Postal 602, Lourenc.0 Marques. Association of cattle ranchers in the districts of Lourenco Marques and Gaza engaged in the development of cattle ranching and mechanization of dairy farming. Gremio dos Industriais de Oleos Vegetais de Mozambique (Guild of Mozambique Vegetable Oil Industrialists), Caixa Postal 1328, Lourenco Marques. Semigovernmental agency controlling the in- dustry and trade in vegetable oilseeds, nuts, oils, and oilcakes. Gremio dos Plantadores de Cha (Guild of Tea Growers), Vila Junqueiro. Semigovernmental agency controlling tea planting, tea processing, and tea exports. The guild is interested in pro- moting foreign sales of tea from its member producers. Junta do Comercio Externo de Mozambique (Mozambique For- eign Commerce Board), Caixa Postal 708, Lourenco Marques. Government agency controlling all import and export trade of Mozambique. The Board handles foreign inquiries for investment and import and export trade opportunities. Announces agency opportunities in its annual guide, Guia Economico de Mogambique. NETHERLANDS Bureau voor Handelsinlichtingen (Commercial Intelligence Bu- reau), 16 Oudebrugsteeg, Amsterdam, C. Private organization founded by Nederlandsche Maatschappij voor Handel en Nijver- 74 J\ETHERLAISDS heid (Netherlands Society for Trade and Industry) under patron- age of the Queen. Function is to promote Netherlands foreign trade. Foreign businessmen are furnished with the addresses of Netherlands firms without charge. Inquiries are published gratis in Buvoha, the Bureau's biweekly, some 6,000 copies of which are distributed to registered members. An annual Buvoha Trade Letter, which contains names and ad- dresses of Netherlands firms interested in foreign business rela- tions, is distributed in foreign countries. A total of 30,000 copies are published, and a large part of the issue goes to the United States. A Directory of General Exporters in the Netherlands is also published from time to time. Instif uut voor Nederlasids-Amerikaaose Industrieele Samenwerk- isig (Institute for Netherlands-American Industrial Cooperation), 10 Dr. Kuyperstraat, The Hague. Branch in the United States: The Netherlands Industrial Institute, 551 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Semiofficial institution. Has been active in promoting American industrial investments in the Netherlands in the postwar years. Issues a Guide to the Establishing of Industrial Operations in the Netherlands. Nederlandsche Kamer van Koophandel voor Amerika (Nether- lands Chamber of Commerce in the United States, Inc.), 76 Bezui- denhoutseweg, The Hague. Affiliates in the United States: 551 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. ; and 403 Board of Trade Bldg., 444 Market St., San Francisco 11, Calif. A private organization inter- ested in promoting trade with the United States. Has 600 mem- bers in the Netherlands and 400 in the United States. Receives a subsidy for the maintenance of its affiliates in the United States. Issues monthly Netherlands- American Trade, containing trade opportunities for both Netherlands and American businessmen. Nederlandse Export Comfoinatie (Netherlands Export Combina- tion), 24 Brigittenstraat, P.O. Box 127, Utrecht. Combination of some 200 selected Netherlands manufacturers of all kinds of prod- ucts, established for promotion of Netherlands exports. Only one manufacturer of each particular product is admitted to the group. Organizes export business trips to other countries, for which it has one permanent commercial traveler in its service who is abroad about 9 months every year. Holds Holland Shows in foreign coun- tries three or four times per year. Receives "foreign businessmen and provides them with information, interpreting and stenographic assistance, temporary office space, telephone, and automotive transportation. 75 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES- Stichting Vertegenwoordiging van de Nederlandse Industrie voor Internationale Belangen (Foundation of Netherlands Industries), 30 Parkstraat, The Hague. United States Advisor to the founda- tion: Mr. Warren S. Lockwood, President, Warren S. Lockwood, Inc., 60 E. 42d St., New York 17, N.Y. A private organization established by three associations of the Netherlands industries to develop and expand industrial relations abroad. Main fields of activity are the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, the Middle East, North and West Africa, and the Ameri- cas. Keeps Netherlands industries informed of all projects in which they may be interested and reports on conditions prevailing in the above countries both in general and in individual cases. Trade and industries in the countries covered are also kept fully informed of trends and conditions in the Netherlands. Verbond van de Nederlandse Groothandel (Federation of the Netherlands Wholesale Trade) , 78 Zeestraat, The Hague. Inserts trade opportunities without charge in its paper, Nieuws en Mede- delingen, distributed only to its members. The paper is published irregularly according to the volume of material but appears at least once a week. NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Antilliaance Financieringsmaatschappij N.V. (Antillian Finance Corporation), Nassaustraat 60, Oranjestad, Aruba. A private organization engaged in financing and developing projects in the Netherlands Antilles. Arubaansche Vereniging van Handelaren (Aruba Merchants' Association) , Oranjestad, Aruba. A private organization engaged in trade promotion. Bureau Voor Economische Zaken (Curacao Island Government Economic Bureau), 106A Scharlooweg, Willemstad, Curacao. Curacaosche Vereniging voor Koophandel en Nijverheid (Cura- cao Association for Commerce and Industry), Kerkstraat 18 A, Willemstad, Curacao. A private organization. Economische Zaken en Welvaartszorg (Department of Economic Affairs, Netherlands Antilles), Waaigat, Willemstad, Curacao. Kamer van Koophandel en Nijverheid (Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Oranjestad, Aruba. Has a quasi-official relation- ship with the local government. Maintains a registry of most legally organized business firms in Aruba. Netherlands West Indies Tourist Bureau, Willemstad, Curacao. Office in the United States : 475 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. Re- 76 JSEW ZEALAND sponsibilities include trade and investment development in the Nether land Antilles. Technisch-Economische Raad Der Nederlandse Antillen (Tech- nical Economic Bureau of the Netherlands Antilles), Waaigat, Willemstad, Curacao. NEW CALEDONIA Chambre de Commerce (Chamber of Commerce), 13 Rue de Verdun, Noumea. An official organization. NEW ZEALAND Associated Chambers of Commerce of New Zealand, 185 Willis St., Wellington. Receives general inquiries concerning New Zea- land investments and business opportunities. New Zealand Builders Federation, Inc., P.O. Box 1796, Welling- ton. Assists in obtaining information on building and building costs in New Zealand. New Zealand Department of Industries and Commerce, Stout St., Wellington. Assists United States investors on possible avenues of investment in New Zealand and on the country's laws and reg- ulations. Publishes monthly Export News which publicizes oppor- tunities for New Zealand exporters. New Zealand Manufacturers Federation, P.O. Box 1605, Welling- ton. Supplies information on manufacturing industries in New Zealand. Stock Exchange Association of New Zealand, P.O. Box 767, Wellington. Provides information on securities and investments in New Zealand. PACIFIC ISLAND DEPENDENCIES Apia Chamber of Commerce, Apia, Western Samoa. General inquiries. New Zealand Department of Island Territories, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand. Department of the Government of New Zealand concerned with the administration of the islands in this group. Office of the Resident Commissioner, Niue Island. General inquiries. Rarotonga Chamber of Commerce, Rarotonga, Cook Islands. General inquiries. 77 NICARAGUA. NICARAGUA Camara Nacional de Comercio e Industrias de Managua (Na- tional Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Managua), Ma- nagua. Private organization along traditional chamber-of-com- merce lines. Some distribution on a limited basis of periodical literature advertising trade opportunities. Correspondence in Spanish preferred. Instituto de Fomento Nacional (Institute of National Develop- ment), Managua. Semiautonomous Government agency promot- ing economic development in agriculture and industry. Corre- spondence in Spanish preferred. Oficina Legal de Promocion e Inversiones (Legal, Promotion and Investment Office), Gran Hotel, Managua. Private organization specializing in the channeling of foreign investment funds into Nicaragua. Handles legal, economic, financial, and technical as- pects of investment. NIGERIA Association of Chambers of Commerce of Nigeria and the South- ern Cameroons, P.O. Box 109, Lagos. A new organization formed by six or seven local chambers of commerce as charter members. Cameroons Development Corporation, Victoria, Southern Cam- eroons. A statutory corporation devoted to promoting investment in agricultural and industrial projects. Development Corporation (West Africa) Ltd., 5 Customs St., Lagos. A subsidiary of the Colonial Development Corporation, a United Kingdom statutory corporation, interested in promoting foreign investment in industrial and commercial projects through- out Nigeria, but particularly in Lagos and the Eastern and North- ern Regions. Eastern Region Development Corporation, EnugU. Regional Government corporation concerned with agricultural and indus- trial development in the Eastern Region of Nigeria. Federal Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Broad St., LagOS. Offices in Ibadan, Onitsha, Benin City, Port Harcourt, Jos, Kano, and Victoria, Southern Cameroons. Nigerian Government Min- istry for handling all trade and investment inquiries. Publishes a quarterly magazine, Nigeria Trade Journal, and the Handbook of Commerce and Industry in Nigeria, issued irregularly. In the United States, copies of these publications may be obtained from A. J. Davis, Crown Agents' Representative, 1800 K St. NW., Wash- ington 6, D.C. 78 .NORWAY Investment Company of Nigeria, Ltd., Development House, 6 Labinjo Lane, Lagos. A new corporation established to carry on the business of assisting enterprises engaged in industry, com- merce, agriculture, and the exploitation of natural resources in Nigeria. Northern Region Development Corporation, Kaduna. A public corporation formed to invest in agricultural and industrial proj- ects in the Northern Region. Office of the Commissioner for Nigeria in the United Kingdom, 9 Northumberland Ave., London, W.C. 2, England. The Economic Secretary handles inquiries relating to trade and industry. Plantation Association of Nigeria and Cameroons, P.O. Box 152, Calabar. Interested in attracting capital into Nigeria for planta- tion investment. West Africa Program of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Devel- opment House, 6 Labinjo Lane, Lagos. This American-sponsored organization seeks to promote foreign and indigenous investment in Nigeria and Ghana, and is in a position to supply American firms with up-to-date information on investment opportunities in Nigeria. Western Nigeria Development Corporation, Ibadan. A public corporation which invests in industrial and agricultural projects within the Western Region of Nigeria. NIUE ISLAND See New Zealand— Pacific Island Dependencies. NORWAY Import-og-Export Agenters Forening (Association of Commer- cial Agents) , Prinsensgate 6, Oslo. Norges Eksportrad (Norwegian Export Council), H. Heyer- dalsgt. 1, Oslo. Offices in the United States : Norway House, 290 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ; 360 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Semiofficial Government agency, actively engaged in the pro- motion of Norwegian exports. Norges Grossistforbund (Federation of Norwegian Wholesale Merchants and Importers), Tordenskjoldsgt. 1, Oslo. Issues pamphlets, brochures, and a fortnightly magazine, Norges Gros- sisttidende. Norges Indnstri Forbund (National Association of Industry), Radhusgaten 25, Oslo. 79 NYASALA1SD- Studieselskapet for Norsk Industri (Norwegian Industries De- velopment Association), Forskninsvn. 1, Blindern, Oslo. NYASALAND See Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federation of. PAKISTAN All Pakistan Textile Mills Association, Writers Chambers, Dun- oily Rd., Karachi 2. Circularizes trade inquiries and information to members. Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Agrabad, Chittagong. Circularizes trade inquiries and trade opportunities to members. Dacca Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 148 Mitford Rd., and 107 Kaliprasanna Ghosh St., Dacca. Circularizes trade in- quiries to members through bulletins. Department of Trade Promotion and Commercial Intelligence, Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan, Karachi. A Gov- ernment agency interested in the promotion of trade, particularly the establishment of markets in foreign countries for Pakistan's products. Publishes a monthly magazine, Pakistan Trade. East Pakistan Cotton Mill Owners' Association, 27 Hatkhola Rd., Dacca. Serves the interests of cotton textile industries in East Pakistan. East Pakistan Small Scale and Cottage Industries Corporation, 66 Jinnah Ave., Dacca 2. A quasi-Government organization respon- sible for the development of small-scale and cottage industries and the export of their products and handicrafts. Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industries, P.M.A. Bldg., Nicol Rd., Karachi. Circularizes trade and invest- ment inquiries to member organizations. Investment Promotion Bureau, Ministry of Industries, Govern- ment of Pakistan, Karachi. A Government agency established especially to render all possible assistance and advice to potential foreign investors in Pakistan industry. Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Wood St., Karachi. Circularizes trade and investment inquiries to members. Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 14 Lawrence Rd., Lahore. Circularizes inquiries and information to members. Multan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Central Bank of India Bldg., Husain Agahi, Multan City. Circularizes inquiries and information to members. 80 PANAMA Narayanganj Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Chamber Bldg., Delisle Rd., Narayanganj. Publishes a weekly bulletin an- nouncing jute export opportunities. National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, P.M.A. Bldg., Nicol Rd., Karachi. Circularizes trade and investment inquiries to members. Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation, Ltd., Insurance House No. 2, Habib Square, Bunder Rd., Karachi. Semigovernmental organization. Financially assists private in- dustrial enterprises and encourages investment in local industries. Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation, P.I.D.C. House, Kutchery Rd., Karachi. Semigovernmental organization engaged in the establishment of various industries in Pakistan. Also in- terested in investment promotion, particularly in securing foreign investment for various key industries. Pakistan Jute Association, Chamber Bldg., Delisle Rd., Nara- yanganj. Publishes a daily bulletin announcing internal and ex- port jute prices. Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Chowk Yadgar, Peshawar. Circularizes inquiries and information to members. Small Industries Corporation, Sherin Manzil, Randall Rd., Ka- rachi. A Government agency engaged in the development of cot- tage industries and in the establishment of markets in foreign countries for their products. West Pakistan Textile Millowners' Association, Lahore. Circu- larizes inquiries and information to members. PANAMA Camara de Comercio de Colon (Colon Chamber of Commerce), P.O. Box 322, Colon, R.P. Semigovernmental organization. En- gaged in promoting and facilitating commerce in the city of Colon. Announces agency opportunities in its monthly magazine, Colon Comercial, printed in Spanish. Camara de Comercio, Industria y Agricultura de Panama (Pan- ama Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture) , P.O. Box 74, Panama, R.P. Semigovernmental organization. Announces agency opportunities in its monthly magazine, Comercio, Industria y Turismo, printed in Spanish with an English section. Instituto de Fomento Economico — IFE (Institute of Economic Development), P.O. Box 3121, Panama, R.P. Government insti- tution created to promote economic development in the fields of industry and agriculture. 81 PARAGUAY- Sindicato de Industriales de Panama (Industrial Syndicate of Panama), P.O. Box 925, Panama, R.P. Publishes a bimonthly magazine, Industrial, in Spanish. Sociedad Panametia de Ingenieros y Arquitectos (Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects), P.O. Box 1492, Panama, R.P. Publishes a bimonthly magazine, Ingenieria y Arquitectura, in Spanish, containing a list of its members and their mailing addresses as well as pictorial and news items concerning engineer- ing and architectural projects underway or completed. Zona Libre de Colon (Colon Free Zone), P.O. Box 1118, Colon, R.P. An autonomous Government institution created to operate as a foreign trade zone for promoting and facilitating international trade. Publishes a monthly magazine, Panama/This Month, in English, with a Spanish section. PARAGUAY Asociacion Rural del Paraguay (Cattlemen's Association), Calle Chile 174, Asuncion. An association of almost all the cattlemen in Paraguay. Affiliated with FEPRINCO. Camara de Exportadores (Association of Exporters) , Calle Es- trella 218, Asuncion. Local exporters' association. Publicizes trade inquiries in an irregularly published bulletin. Camara Juniors del Paraguay (Junior Chamber of Commerce) , a/c Vicente Scavone & Cia., Calle Palma 224, Asuncion. An asso- ciation of young professionals, businessmen, and industrialists engaged in promoting general welfare, business opportunities, trade, and investment. Centro de Importadores (Association of Importers), Calle Al- berdi 108, Asuncion. Local importers' association. Publicizes trade inquiries. Federacion de la Produccion, Industria y Comercio- — FEPRINCO (Federation of Production, Industry, and Commerce), Calle Es- trella 228, Asuncion. Includes industrialists, cattlemen, ranchers, and businessmen in almost all lines of activities. Will publish trade inquiries in its monthly bulletin. Rotary Club, a/c Club Centenario, Avenida Mariscal Lopez 2055, Asuncion. Union Industrial Paraguaya (Industrial Union), Calle Indepen- dencia Nacional 421, Asuncion. An industrialists' association affiliated with FEPRINCO. 82 P ERU PERU Asociacion Automotriz del Peru (Automotive Dealers Associa- tion), Avenida Republica de Chile 284, Lima. Private association of importers and dealers handling automotive equipment and parts. Publishes a monthly bulletin. Asociacion de Camaras de Comercio del Peru (Association of Peruvian Chambers of Commerce) , Jiron Cuzco 412, Lima. Pri- vate organization grouping all chambers of commerce in Peru except the one in Lima. Publishes a bimonthly magazine. Banco de Foment© Agropecuario del Peru (Agricultural and Livestock Development Bank), Jiron Abancay 456, Lima. Gov- ernmental entity. Banco Industrial del Peru (Industrial Bank of Peru), Ucayali 388, Lima. Semigovernmental entity. Banco Minero del Peru (Mining Bank of Peru), Jiron Lampa 450, Lima. Governmental entity. Bolsa de Comercio de Lima (Lima Stock Exchange), Hualiaga 426, Lima. Private organization for security trading. Publishes a monthly magazine. Camara de Comercio de Lima (Lima Chamber of Commerce), Avenida Abancay 291, Lima. Private commercial and industrial organization for Lima and Callao. Issues weekly bulletin and monthly magazine to its members. Publicizes investment and trade opportunities. Comision Coordinadora y, Calificadora de Proyectos (Commis- sion for Coordination and Approval of Projects), Ministerio de Hacienda y Comercio, Avenida Abancay, Lima. Government agency in the Ministry of Finance and Commerce. Comision Tecnica de Inversiones PiiWicas (Technical Commis- sion for Public Investment Projects), Ministerio de Hacienda y Comercio, Avenida Abancay, Lima. Government agency in the Ministry of Finance and Commerce. Consejo Interamericano de Comercio y Produccion— Seccion Peruana (Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production — Peruvian Section), Jiron A. Miro Quesada 376, Of. 403, Lima. International organization for the promotion of industrial and commercial activities in the Americas with headquarters in Monte- video, Uruguay. Corporacion de Comerciantes del Peru (Peruvian Merchants Association), Jiron A. Miro Quesada 221, Lima. Private asso- ciation of smaller business organizations, mostly importers, agents, and retailers. Publishes a monthly magazine. 83 PHILIPPINES, Direccion de Aguas e Irrigacion (Bureau of Waters and Irriga- tion), Ministerio de Fomento y Obras Publicas, Avenida 28 de Julio, Lima. Government agency in the Ministry of Development and Public Works, controlling the country's water supply and irrigation works. Irrigation is a major field for development. Direccion General de Comercio (Bureau of Commerce), Minis- terio de Hacienda y Comercio, Avenida Abancay, Lima. Agency of the Ministry of Finance and Commerce. Publishes a monthly magazine. Direccion de Industrias y Electricidad (Bureau of Industries and Electricity) , Ministerio de Fomento y Obras Publicas, Avenida 28 de Julio, Lima. Agency of the Ministry of Development and Pub- lic Works, controlling industrial activities. Publishes an annual review. Sociedad Nacional Agraria (National Agricultural Association), Jiron A. Miro Quesada 376, Lima. Private organization group- ing the largest agricultural growers in Peru. Publishes monthly and annual magazines. Sociedad Nacional de Industrias (National Society of Indus- tries), Jiron Union 284, Lima. Private association of manufac- turers. Announces investment opportunities in its monthly and annual magazines. Sociedad Nacional de Mineria y Petroleo (National Society of Mining and Petroleum), Avenida Nicolas de Pierola 917, Lima. Private association of the mining and petroleum enterprises. Pub- lishes a periodic bulletin. Sociedad Nacional de Pesqueria (National Association of Fish- eries), Avenida Wilson 911, Lima. Private organization group- ing the leading fishing companies and manufacturers of fish products. PHILIPPINES American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Elks Club Bldg., Dewey Blvd., Manila. Association of American firms and businessmen. Publishes weekly and monthly periodicals with reviews of developments in principal business fields and announce- ments of trade and agency opportunities. Prepared to answer inquiries on trade and investment prospects. Base Metals Association of the Philippines, Ayala Bldg., Juan Luna St., Manila. Association of mining firms engaged in the exploitation and production of base metals. Prepared to furnish information on base metal developments and opportunities for investment in base metals. 84 .PHILIPPINES Bureau of Commerce, Department of Commerce and Industry, 300 Echague, Manila. Philippine Government agency for trade promotion and regulation. Answers inquiries on trade and in- vestment opportunities. Inserts notices of trade and agency op- portunities in its weekly magazine on local business conditions. Bureau of Mines, Department of Agriculture and Natural Re- sources, Herran St., Manila. Philippine Government agency. Prepared to furnish information on mineral developments and opportunities for investment in mining. Central Bank of the Philippines, Central Bank Bldg., Magallanes Drive, Manila. Philippine Government agency. Answers inquir- ies on national financial matters, including governmental controls affecting trade and investment. Publishes weekly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual periodicals giving financial and trade statistics and general information on economic conditions. Chamber of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the Philip- pines, Gonzaga Bldg., Rizal Ave. corner Carriedo St., Manila. Association of farmers and agriculturists, including various plant- ers' associations. Prepared to furnish information on opportuni- ties for modernizing the present agricultural production and marketing techniques in the country. Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Magallanes Drive, Manila. Association of business firms and individuals. Prepared to answer inquiries on business conditions. Announces trade and agency opportunities in its monthly magazine. Industrial Development Center, Montinola Bldg., corner Padre Faura and A. Mabini Sts., Manila. Philippine Government or- ganization operating under the National Economic Council with United States support and technical assistance for the promotion of industry. Prepared to answer inquiries on industrial invest- ment conditions. Junior Chamber of the Philippines— JAYCEE, 404 Natividad Bldg., T. Pinpin corner Escolta St., Manila. Association of young businessmen and professionals. Prepared to furnish information on all phases of Philippine business, including trade promotion and opportunities for investment in the various phases of Philippine economy. Manila Chamber of Commerce, Ayala Bldg., Juan Luna St., Manila. Association of businessmen, mainly British and Euro- pean. Prepared to answer inquiries on business conditions. National Economic Council, U. P. Alumni Bldg., Padre Faura St., Manila. A Philippine Government agency charged with eco- nomic planning and coordination of economic activities of the 85 PORTUGAL. country. Prepared to answer inquiries on Government policy and opportunities for industries. Philippine Association, Inc., MRS Bldg., Plaza Cervantes, Ma- nila. Offices in the United States : 471 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. ; National Press Bldg., Washington, D.C.; 209 Post St., San Fran- cisco, Calif. Private civic organization to promote public rela- tions for the Philippines. Supported by the Philippine business community. Publishes monthly business review. Prepared to answer inquiries on trade and investment opportunities. Philippine Chamber of Industries, Suite A-16, Civic House, Manila Hotel, Luneta Extension, Manila. Association of Philip- pine industrial firms. Ready to answer inquiries on industrial matters. Announces trade and investment opportunities in its monthly magazine of industrial news. PORTUGAL Associacao Comercia! de Lisboa- — Camara de Comercio (Com- mercial Association of Lisbon — Chamber of Commerce) , Rua das Portas de Santo Antao 89, Lisbon-2. Private organization. Ex- ercises the functions of a chamber of commerce under decree law of June 27, 1903. Announces trade inquiries of all types in its fortnightly bulletin published as supplement to a quarterly trade magazine, Comercio Portugues. Associacao Comercia! do Porto (Porto Commercial Association) , Rua Ferreira Borges, Oporto. Private organization. Transmits all trade inquiries to members of the association. Associagao Industrial Pertuense (Industrial Association of Oporto), Rua Mousinho da Silveira 228, Oporto. Private organ- ization. Publishes trade inquiries of all types in its monthly magazine. Associacao Industrial Portuguesa (Portuguese Industrial Asso- ciation), Avenida Infante Santo, Lote Particular, 3-1°, Lisbon-3. Private organization founded in 1849. Publishes trade inquiries in monthly magazine on industry. Camara de Comercio dos Estados Unidos da America do Norte em Portugal (Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America in Portugal), Rau Rodrigues Sampaio, 21-4°, Lisbon-2. Private organization. Publishes a bulletin containing trade in- quiries of all types. Direc^ao-Geral de Economia, Minister!© do Ultramar (Direction General of Economy, Ministry of Overseas Provinces), Rua Fer- reira Lapa 38, Lisbon. Government organization for trade de- velopment in all oversea Provinces. 86 RHODESIA AND NYASALAND, FEDERATION OF PORTUGUESE GUINEA Associagao Comereial Industrial e Agricola da Guine (Commer- cial, Agricultural, and Industrial Association of Portuguese Guinea), Bissau. Seiriigovernmental organization. Announces trade opportunities in its monthly Boletim da Associagao Comer- cial Industrial e Agricola da Guine. PORTUGUESE INDIA Associagao Commercial da India Portuguesa, Ciudad de Goa, Goa. Publishes Boletim da Assoeiacao Commercial da India Portuguesa. Answers both trade and investment inquiries received from for- eign firms and also publicizes such inquiries. REUNION Chambre de Commerce de St. Denis (Chamber of Commerce of St. Denis), St. Denis. Publishes a monthly bulletin with trade opportunity inserts. RHODESIA AND NYASALAND, FEDERATION OF Associated Chambers of Commerce of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, P.O. Box 1934, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Embraces all mat- ters relating to commercial and industrial inquiries and to com- mercial and industrial promotion in the Federation, with emphasis on commerce. Publishes a trade journal, Progress, which can be used as a medium for disseminating or obtaining information on the Federation. Association of Rhodesian and Nyasaland Industries, Friern House, Speke Ave. (West), Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. En- compasses all matters relating to commercial and industrial in- quiries and to commercial and industrial promotion in the Fed- eration, with emphasis on industry. Publishes a trade journal, Rhodesian Recorder, which can be used as a medium for dissemi- nating or obtaining information on the Federation. Department of Labour and Mines, Northern Rhodesia Govern- ment, P.O. Box 191, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia. Supplies details on prevailing wages and conditions of employment in Northern Rhodesia. Furnishes information regarding mining activities in Northern Rhodesia, including statistics and methods of produc- tion, and is able to place inquirers in contact with the producers of various minerals in Northern Rhodesia, subject to security restrictions. 87 ST. KITTS- Division of Mines, Lands and Surveys, Southern Rhodesia Gov- ernment, P.O. Box 8094, Causeway, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Supplies information regarding mining activities in Southern Rho- desia, including statistics and methods of production. Is able to place inquirers in contact with the producers of various minerals in Southern Rhodesia, subject to security restrictions. Furnishes geological maps and answers inquiries relating to maps, mapping, and aerial and other surveys of the country. Has information on the management, settlement, and disposal of crown lands. Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, P.O. Box 8019, Causeway, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia. Primary functions of the Ministry's Indus- trial Development and Research Branch are to encourage invest- ment in the Federation's industries and, in particular, to facilitate the development of new industries. This Branch has information on such points as import control, currency regulations, and tariff position. It also supplies details regarding electricity and water rates and description of firms presently engaged in the trade which the inquirer wishes to enter. Municipal Association of Northern Rhodesia, c/o Town Clerk, Municipal Offices, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia. Supplies general information covering Northern Rhodesia towns and the Northern Rhodesia territory. Municipal Association of Southern Rhodesia, P.O. Box 990, Salis- bury, Southern Rhodesia. Supplies general information covering Southern Rhodesia towns and the Southern Rhodesia territory. Northern Rhodesia Industrial Loans Board, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia. The medium through which the Northern Rhodesia Government promotes industrial activity. The Board assists in- dustry, other than farming, with capital for varying purposes of development, including the financing of fixed assets, the installa- tion of new or laborsaving plant or equipment, and the furnishing of working capital. Provides financial assistance for the construc- tion of hotels. ST. KITTS See The West Indies — Leeward Islands. ST. LUCIA See The West Indies — Windward Islands. 88 .SIERRA LEONE ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON Chambre de Commerce de St. Pierre (Chamber of Commerce of St. Pierre) , St. Pierre. ST. VINCENT See The West Indies — Windward Islands. SAMOA, WESTERN See New Zealand — Pacific Island Dependencies. SAUDI ARABIA Dammam Chamber of Commerce, Dammam. Jidda Chamber of Commerce, Jidda. Mecca Chamber of Commerce, Mecca. SCOTLAND See United Kingdom. SENEGAL, REPUBLIC OF Chambre de Commerce, d'Agricultnre et d'lndustrie de Dakar (Chamber of Commerce, Agriculture, and Industry of Dakar), P.O. Box 118, Dakar. Semigovernmental organization. An- nounces trade and agency opportunities in daily and monthly bulletins, both titled Bulletin de la Chambre de Commerce, d' Agri- culture et d'Industrie de Dakar. Syndicat des Commercants, Importateurs et Exportateurs de POuest Africain— SCIMPEX (Syndicate of Merchants, Importers, and Exporters of West Africa) , P.O. Box 6056, Dakar. Association of employers engaged in import-export trade and commerce. Syndicat Patronal et Artisanal de POuest Africain (Syndicate of Employers and Artisans of West Africa) , 58 Rue du Dr. Theze, Dakar. Association of employers and artisans. SIAM See Thailand. SIERRA LEONE Department of Commerce and Industry, Freetown. Govern- mental organization. Provides data on investment opportunities 89 SINGAPORE- and regulations on investment and trade. Acts as clearinghouse for trade inquiries of all types. Freetown Chamber of Commerce, Freetown. Acts as clearing- house for trade inquiries. Ministry of Information, Freetown. Acts as clearinghouse for information on Sierra Leone. Publishes Sierra Leone — Trade, Industry and Travel, a bimonthly pictorial magazine containing commercial advertising. Chamber of Commerce of Sierra Leone, Freetown. A new or- ganization combining the Sierra Leone Chamber of Commerce (membership primarily European and Asian) and the Sierra Leone African Chamber of Commerce. SINGAPORE Indian Chamber of Commerce, 94 Robinson Rd., Singapore 1. Issues Trade Enquiries Bulletin monthly to its members (Indian business firms). Malay Chamber of Commerce, 500 Victoria St., Singapore 7. Membership consists of Malayan business firms. Ministry of Commerce and Industry, 2d Floor, Fullerton Bldg., Collyer Quay, Singapore 1. Government agency. Issues Trade Enquiries Bulletin monthly to local and oversea addresses. Singapore Chamber of Commerce, Fullerton Bldg., Collyer Quay, Singapore 1. Issues Trade Enquiries Bulletin monthly to its members (almost exclusively European business firms). Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, 47 Hill St., Singa- pore 6. Issues Trade Enquiries Bulletin monthly to its members (Chinese business firms and trade associations) . SOMALI REPUBLIC Camera di Commercio Industria e Agricoltura della Somalia, P.O. Box 27, Mogadiscio. A chamber of commerce interested in all types of trade and investment opportunities. It publicizes this information in II Corriere della Somalia, the Government-owned daily newspaper, and in its own Bollettino M ensile, published three or four times each year. Credito Somalo, P.O. Box 330, Mogadiscio. A Government- owned bank which is interested in the development of agriculture, handicrafts, and small industries in the Somali Republic. Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Mogadiscio. A Govern- ment agency interested in trade and economic development for the Somali Republic. 90 .SURINAM SPAIN American Chamber of Commerce in Spain, Rambla de los Estu- dios 109, Barcelona. Branch offices in Madrid, Bilbao, Seville, Valencia, and Zaragoza. Office in the United States: 125 Broad St., New York, N.Y. Private organization. Announces trade op- portunities in its bimonthly magazine, Spanish-American Trade. Consejo Superior de las Camaras OSciaies de Comercio, In- dustria y Navegacion de Espasia (Higher Council of the Official Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Navigation of Spain), Avenida de Jose Antonio 15, Madrid. Official organization. Publishes a monthly bulletin. Represents 88 chambers in Spain which announce trade opportunities in their monthly bulletins. Direccion General de Expansion Comercial (Directorate General for Commercial Expansion), Paseo de la Castellana 14, Madrid. Official organization under the Spanish Ministry of Commerce. Engaged in export trade promotional activity. Issues Espana Exporta Quarterly ; also publishes Los Paises Importan and Cata- log o General de la Produccion Exportable Espanola. Foment© del Comercio Exterior de Espana, S.A.— FOCOEX (Development of Spain's Foreign Commerce, Inc.), Santa Catalina 6, Madrid. Representative in the United States: Interchange Commercial Corporation, 46 West 55th St., New York 19, N.Y. Affiliate of Banco Exterior de Espana. Created to foster and develop foreign investment and trade in Spain. Can furnish lists of Spanish manufacturers and exporters. Servicio de Estudios del Ministerio de Comercio (Bureau of Studies of the Ministry of Commerce), Jorge Juan 9, Madrid. Official organization under the Spanish Ministry of Commerce. Announces trade opportunities in its publication, Informacion Comercial Espanola, of which there is one weekly and one monthly issue. SUDAN Sedan Chamber of Commerce, Khartoum. Brings trade and investment opportunities to the attention of its members during meetings of the chamber. SURINAM Departement van Ophouw (Ministry of Development), 19, Mr. Dr. J. C. de Mirandastraat, Paramaribo. Government Ministry which coordinates the various development plans of the other Min- 91 SWEDEN istries. Advises on mineral and forestry concessions and indus- trial development opportunities. Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken (Chamber of Commerce and Industries), 27 Keizerstraat, Paramaribo. Organized by act of Parliament and has an official status. Advises the Government on all commercial problems. Assists foreign business in estab- lishing local trade connections. Publicizes trade and investment opportunities among members. Vereniging Surinaams Bedrijfsleven (Surinam Business Asso- ciation), 40 Gravenstraat, Paramaribo. Represents private in- dustry, banks, and tourist interests. Acts as adviser to the Government on legal matters involving private investment. Cir- cularizes members concerning trade and investment opportunities. SWEDEN General Export Association of Sweden, 12 Vasagatan, Stockholm. Publishes Swedish Export Directory annually. Also publishes a bimonthly magazine, Swedish Foreign Commerce, with articles and advertisements in English. Regularly lists inquiries from foreign buyers in its biweekly magazine, Svensk Export. Handelskammaren i Goteborg (Gothenburg Chamber of Com- merce), 28 Ostra Hamngatan, Goteborg. Skanes Handelskammare (Scania Chamber of Commerce), Malmo. Stockholms Handelskammare (Stockholm Chamber of Com- merce), 9 Vastra Tradgardsgatan, Stockholm. Svenska Handelsagenters Forening (Federation of Swedish Com- mercial Agents), 9 Vastra Tradgardsgatan, Stockholm. Sveriges Grossistfdrbund (Swedish Federation of Wholesalers, Merchants, and Importers), 5 Regeringsgatan, Stockholm. Sveriges Industriforbund (Federation of Swedish Industries), 10 Malmtorgsgatan, Stockholm. Sveriges Kopmannaforbund (Association of Swedish Retailers) , 22 Mastersamuelsgatan, Stockholm. Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the U.S.A., 15 Humlegards- gatan, Stockholm. Main office in the United States : 8 East 69th St., New York, N.Y. SWITZERLAND Comite National Suisse de la Chambre de Commerce Interna- tionale, Borsenstrasse 17, Zurich. International Chamber of 92 .TAIWAN (FORMOSA) Commerce in Switzerland. Primarily concerned with trade pro- motion and development. Office Suisse d'Expansion Commerciale (Swiss Office for the Development of Trade) , Dreikonigstrasse 8, Zurich, and Place de la Riponne 3, Lausanne, Canton Vaud. Association of Swiss pro- ducers and exporters. The association is subsidized by the Swiss Confederation and by a number of official organizations and mem- ber companies. Its prime object is the promotion of Swiss exports. Disseminates information about Swiss trade and industry and promotes business relations with other countries. Publishes a directory of Swiss manufacturers and producers. Announces trade opportunities in its weekly newspaper on foreign trade. Verband Kaufmannischer Agenten der Schweiz (Association of Swiss Independent Agents and Representatives), Gerbergasse 5, Zurich 1. Inserts notices of trade opportunities in its monthly bulletin. Ziircher Handeiskammer (Zurich Chamber of Commerce), Bleicherweg 5, Zurich. Primarily concerned with trade develop- ment. SYRIA See United Arab Republic. TAHITI See French Polynesia. TAIWAN (FORMOSA) Central Trust of China, Purchasing Department, 68 Yen Ping Nan Lu, Taipei. Office in the United States: Room 1008, 149 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. Principal procurement agent of the National Government. Purchases supplies and equipment for various Governmental organizations — military, civil, and public enterprises. It is also procurement agent for American aid supplies. China Productivity Center, 181-6 Chung Shan North Rd., Sec- tion 2, Taipei. An ICA and Chinese Government financed non- profit organization dedicated to development of industries in Tai- wan. Undertakes market surveys for potential local or foreign investors in Taiwan. Interested in promoting foreign investment in local industries. Announces trade and investment opportuni- 93 TAIWAN (FORMOSA). ties in its publication, Productivity Monthly. Has published Tai- rvan Buyer's Guide, which lists the names, addresses, and products of more than 7,000 manufacturers and international traders. Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, 1791 Chung Cheng Rd., Taipei. National private organization of in- dustrial and commercial enterprises. Announces trade and in- vestment opportunities in its publication, Industry and Commerce Monthly. Chinese National Federation of Industries, 1791 Chung Chen Rd., Taipei. National private organization of industrial associa- tions. Interested in strengthening international relations and contacts to promote industrial improvement and development in Taiwan. Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Re- public of China, 15 Foochow St., Taipei. Chinese National Gov- ernment agency handling all commercial matters and trade pro- motion activities of the Government. Department of Industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Republic of China, 15 Foochow St., Taipei. Chinese National Government agency handling all industrial matters and foreign investment activities of the Government. Federation of Taiwan Importers and Exporters Associations, 49-4, Chung Shan North Rd., Section 2, Taipei. Provincial pri- vate organization of local importers' and exporters' associations in Taiwan. Foreign Exchange and Trade Control Commission, Executive Yuan, 1, 1st Section, Nanchang St., Taipei. Chinese National Government agency concerned with allocation of foreign exchange and regulation of foreign trade. Publishes trade and investment information in its publication, Foreign Trade Monthly. General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China, 43 Chang An Rd. West, Taipei. National private organization of chambers of commerce of major areas held by Republic of China, e.g., Taiwan, Pescadores, Quemoy. Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei, 49-4, Chung Shan North Rd., Section 2, Taipei. Publishes inquiries, trade, and agency opportunities from abroad in its Taiivan Trade Weekly, a widely read foreign trade periodical. Taiivan Federation of Chambers of Commerce, 40 Kuan Chien Rd., Taipei. Organization of local chambers of commerce in Tai- wan, of which the Taipei Chamber of Commerce, at the same ad- dress, is the largest and most important. 94 .THAILAND Taiwan Handicraft Promotion Center, 5 Chung Shan Rd. South, Taipei. A nonprofit and nontrading organization sponsored by ICA and the Chinese Government for the purpose of developing the Taiwan handicraft industry and promoting the sale of handi- crafts abroad. Publishes China Handicraft Industry Monthly. Taiwan Industrial Association, 70 Hwai Ning St., Taipei. Pro- vincial private organization of various local industrial associations and factories in Taiwan. Taiwan Supply Bureau, 52 Kuan Chien Rd., Taipei. Taiwan Provincial Government import and export agency. TANGANYIKA Dar es Salaam Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, P.O. Box 41, Dar es Salaam. Publishes Membership List and Classified Commercial and Professional Directory. Also issues monthly bul- letins containing minutes of chamber meetings and including trade inquiries. Tanganyika Department of Commerce and Industry, P.O. Box 234, Dar es Salaam. A Government agency responsible for trade promotion and development of secondary industry on territory- wide basis. Publishes Tanganyika Trade Bulletin on irregular (supposed to be monthly) basis. The Bulletin contains articles on Tanganyika commercial and industrial enterprises, trade in- quiries, statistical data and, from time to time, special features. The February 1958 issue included the first edition of an industrial directory of Tanganyika. In 1957, the Department published a major report, Commerce and Industry in Tanganyika, containing information on all phases of the territory's economic life. THAILAND American Chamber of Commerce, 60 Pat Pong Rd., Bangkok. Publishes a trade letter for members containing trade opportuni- ties and current news. Does not respond to credit inquiries and is able to handle only routine requests for information. Board of Trade, 150 Rajbopitr Rd., Bangkok. Association of trade and professional groups to further commercial activities in and between Thailand and other countries. Is able to handle only routine requests for information, and does not respond to credit inquiries. British Chamber of Commerce, c/o Borneo Co., Ltd., Silom Rd., Bangkok. Publishes a trade letter for members containing trade 95 TRINIDAD AISD TOBAGO- opportunities and current news. Does not reply to credit inquiries or handle other than routine requests for information. Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Sathorn Rd., Bangkok. Pub- lishes a trade letter for members containing trade opportunities and current news. Handles only routine requests for information and does not respond to credit inquiries. Committee for Considering Investment Propositions, c/o Na- tional Economic Council, Krung Kasem Rd., Bangkok. A Thai Government agency consisting of various Governmental offices. Responsible for the promotion and consideration of applications for foreign and local industrial development. Department of Commercial Intelligence, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bangkok. Publishes Daily Trade News (in Thai) and monthly Trade Bulletin. Indian Chamber of Commerce, c/o M. D. Ramchan and Co., 783/9 Klongthom, Sampeng St., Bangkok. Publishes a trade letter for members containing trade opportunities and current news. Does not respond to credit inquiries nor is it able to handle other than routine requests for information. Japanese Chamber of Commerce, 1267/3 New Rd., near Princess Hotel, Bangkok. Publishes a trade letter for members containing trade opportunities and current news. Handles only routine re- quests for information but does not reply to credit inquiries. Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, K. L. M., Suriwongse Rd., Bangkok. Publishes a trade letter for members containing trade opportunities and current news. Does not respond to credit in- quiries and is able to handle only routine requests for information. Thai Chamber of Commerce, 150 Rajbopitr Rd., Bangkok. Pub- lishes a trade letter for members containing trade opportunities and current news. Handles only routine requests for information and does not respond to credit inquiries. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO See The West Indies. TUNISIA Chambre de Commerce de Bizerte, 10 rue de Barcelone, Tunis. Chambre de Commerce de Sfax, 15 rue Henry Boucher, Sfax. Chambre de Commerce de Sonsse, Maison Artisanat & Tourisme, Sousse. Chambre de Commerce de Tunis, Palais Consulaire, Tunis. 96 TURKEY Office de PHuile d'Olive de Tnnisie (Tunisian Olive Oil Office), 90 Ave. de Carthage, Tunis. Semiofficial organization engaged in promoting the olive oil industry. Office du Vin de Tunisie (Tunisian Wine Office) , 6 Avenue Habib Thameur, Tunis. Semiofficial organization engaged in promoting the wine industry. Secretariat aux Finances et an Commerce, Place du Gouvernment, Tunis. Societe Nationale d'lnvestis&ements (National Investment Com- pany), Palais Consulaire, Tunis. Tunisian Government-owned company engaged in development projects in cooperation with both Tunisian and foreign capital. Union Tonisienne des Artisans et Commercants (Tunisian Union of Handicraft Makers and Businessmen), 32 rue Ch. de Gaulle, Tunis. Grouping of handicraft manufacturers and small business- men. TURKEY Adana Ticaret ve Sanayi Odasi (Adana Chamber of Commerce and Industry) , Adana. Promotes foreign and domestic trade and industry. Publishes a classified trade directory (Adres Kitabi) covering the exporters, importers, and manufacturers of Adana. Ankara Ticaret ve Sanayi Odasi (Ankara Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Posta Caddesi, Ankara. Promotes domestic and foreign trade and industry. Publishes a classified trade directory (Adres Kitabi) covering the exporters, importers, and manufac- turers of Ankara. Bursa Ticaret ve Sanayi Odasi (Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry) , Bursa. Promotes foreign and domestic trade and industry. Ege Bolgesi Sanayi Odasi (Chamber of Industry of the Aegean Region), Izmir. Promotes domestic industry. Interested in for- eign industrial investment proposals. Publishes a classified direc- tory (Adres Kitabi) covering the manufacturers of the Aegean area. Also publishes a weekly bulletin, Ege Bolgesi Sanayi Odasi Billteni. Eskigehir Ticaret vs Sanaya Odasi (Eski§ehir Chamber of Com- merce and Industry) , Eski§ehir. Promotes foreign and domestic trade and industry. Gaziantep Ticaret ve Sanayi Odasi (Gaziantep Chamber of Com- merce and Industry) , Gaziantep. Promotes foreign and domestic trade and industry. 97 TURKEY Istanbul Sanayi Odasi (Istanbul Chamber of Industry), Htida- vendigar Cad. Kilavuz Han No. 7, Istanbul. Promotes domestic industry. Interested in foreign industrial investment proposals. Publishes both a classified directory (Adres Kitabi) covering the manufacturers of Istanbul and a biweekly bulletin which an- nounces, gratis, foreign industrial investment proposals. Istanbul Ticaret Odasi (Istanbul Chamber of Commerce), 4 uncu Vakil Han, Bah^ekapi, Istanbul. Interested in foreign trade promotion. Publishes a monthly journal announcing trade and investment opportunities received from abroad; also publishes a comprehensive classified trade directory (Adres Kitabi) covering the exporters, importers, manufacturers, and commission agents of Istanbul. Istanbul Tuccar Dernegi (Istanbul Merchants Association), Is- tanbul. Interested in foreign and domestic trade and industrial investment proposals. Publishes a biweekly journal, Tilrkiye Iktisat Mecmuasi (Economic Magazine of Turkey). Izmir Ticaret Odasi (Izmir Chamber of Commerce) , Izmir. In- terested in foreign and domestic trade promotion. Publishes a classified trade directory (Adres Kitabi) covering the exporters, importers, and manufacturers of Izmir. Koordinasyon Vekaleti Yatirim Komitesi (Investment Commit- tee, Ministry of Coordination) , Ankara. A section of the Turkish Ministry of Coordination to which applications for industrial in- vestment proposals are submitted for approval. Mersin Ticaret ve Sanayi Odasi (Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Mersin. Interested in the promotion of foreign and domestic trade and industry. Has available a 1959 trade directory (Adres Kitabi) . Odalar Birligi, Sanayi Yardim Teskilati (Industrial Assistance Commission), 78 Posta Caddesi, Ankara. A department of the Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Commodity Ex- changes of Turkey. Its main function is the promotion of for- eign industrial investment. Ticaret Odalari, Sanayi Odalari ve Ticaret Borsalari Birligi Di§ Miinasebetler Mudiirliigii (Union of Chambers of Commerce, In- dustry and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, Department of Public and Foreign Relations), 78 Posta Caddesi, Ankara. A department of the central office for all chambers of commerce and industry and commodity exchanges in Turkey. All communica- tions and inquiries from abroad are channeled through this de- partment to the various other departments of the Union as well as to the affiliated chambers of commerce and industry not pos- 98 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA sessing facilities for corresponding in English. The chambers listed above and those of Antalya, Qorlu, Karabiik, Ke§an, Silifke, and Trabson are in possession of such facilities. For all others the Department of Public and Foreign Relations acts as inter- mediary. It also arranges for publication, gratis, in the Union organ, the Turkiye Iktisat Gazetesi, announcements of foreign trade and industrial investment proposals. T. C. Ticaret Vekaleti, Ic. Ticaret, Yabanci Sermaye Miidiirliigii, Ankara. A section of the Turkish Ministry of Economy and Com- merce to which applications for foreign industrial investment pro- posals are submitted for approval. UGANDA Minister of Commerce and Industry, P.O. Box 2900, Kampala. A Protectorate Government official responsible for trade matters and for assistance to African traders. Uganda Development Corporation Limited, Development Divi- sion, P.O. Box 442, Ralli House, Kampala. A Government corpo- ration established to further economic and industrial development in Uganda. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut (Afrikaans Institute of Commerce) , Sanlam Bldg., Cor. Pretorius and Andries Sts., Pretoria. A private organization which caters specifically to the needs of Afrikaans- speaking businessmen in the Union. Cooperates closely with the chambers of commerce and chambers of industry on all matters of mutual concern. Publishes a monthly journal, Volkshandel. Association of Chambers of Commerce of South Africa — ASSOCOM, P.O. Box 694, Johannesburg. The national body for organized commerce in South Africa. Members are the approx- imately 156 chambers of commerce in the Union with offices in all of the main centers of the country. Publishes a monthly journal, Commercial Opinion. Will circularize its members concerning trade opportunities. One of the most important members of ASSOCOM, the Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 687, Johannesburg, announces trade opportunities in bulletins cir- culated frequently to its members. Department of Commerce and Industries, Private Bag 84, Pre- toria. Government department, prepared to publish foreign in- quiries for South African products in its widely circulated monthly journal, Commerce and Industry. Also submits oversea inquiries 99 UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC. for publication in a privately published magazine, The South Afri- can Exporter. Exporters' Association of South Africa, P.O. Box 903, Johannes- burg. Private organization. Publishes oversea inquiries for South African products in a widely circulated monthly journal, Export Trade Bulletin. Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa, Limited, Escom House, Rissik St., Johannesburg. Quasi-governmental organization formed to establish necessary and economic new in- dustries which private enterprise would be reluctant to embark upon without assistance. The corporation is interested in in- quiries concerning establishment of or participation in such industries. Industrial Finance Corporation, P.O. Box 8575, Johannesburg. A semiofficial body established in 1957 to make additional provi- sion for financing industrial development in the Union of South Africa. It has contacts with all of the leading financial houses in the Union and is willing to circulate trade and investment inquiries. National Finance Corporation, P.O. Box 427, Pretoria. A semi- governmental organization established in 1949 to supplement exist- ing facilities for investment in the Union. The corporation ac- cepts deposits in large amounts repayable at call and invests its funds in accordance with Government regulations. Trade and investment inquiries will be acted upon directly or forwarded to the appropriate agencies. South African Federated Chamber of Industries, P.O. Box 3531, Johannesburg. Private organization. The national body for or- ganized industry in South Africa with membership made up of a number of regional chambers of industries. Publishes trade inquiries and offers of patents in its monthly journal, The Manu- facturer. Transvaal Chamber of Industries, P.O. Box 4581, Johannesburg. Private organization. The largest of the several regional cham- bers of industries that form the Federated Chamber of Industries. Circulates trade inquiries among its members. UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC EGYPTIAN REGION Egyptian Chamber of Commerce of Alexandria, 31 Boulevard Said I, Alexandria. Publishes, in monthly commercial bulletin, list of firms seeking agents in Egypt with description of products involved. 100 UNITED KINGDOM Egyptian Chamber of Commerce of Cairo, 4 Midan Falaki, Cairo. Publishes, in monthly commercial bulletin, list of firms seeking agents in Egypt with description of products involved. Egyptian Federation of Industries, 26A Cherif St., Immobilia Bldg., Cairo. Will circularize trade information among its mem- bers upon request. The General Organization for Executing the Five- Year Industrial Plan, Region of Egypt, 6 Khalil Agha St., Garden City, Cairo. A Government organization, under the Ministry of Industry, charged with studying and recommending industrial projects. National Planning Committee, 5 Sharia Zaki, Cairo. Govern- mental organization charged with promoting economic develop- ment projects. SYRIAN REGION Chamber of Commerce, Aleppo. Announces business oppor- tunities in its quarterly economic bulletin, which is printed in Arabic and French. Translates inquiries into Arabic and posts them on its bulletin board. Chamber of Commerce, Damascus. Announces business oppor- tunities in its quarterly economic bulletin printed in Arabic and French. Translates inquiries into Arabic; posts them on its bulletin board. Chamber of Commerce, Latakia. Translates all inquiries into Arabic and then posts them on its bulletin board. Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hama. Makes transla- tions into Arabic of all inquiries and posts them on its bulletin board. Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Horns. Inquiries are translated into Arabic and posted on bulletin board. Chamber of Industry, Aleppo. Inquiries are first translated into Arabic and then posted on bulletin board. Chamber of Industry, Damascus. Puts all inquiries into Arabic language and posts them on its bulletin board. Merchants Association, Aleppo. Translates all inquiries into Arabic and posts them on its bulletin board. Merchants Association, Damascus. All inquiries are first trans- lated into Arabic and then posted on bulletin board. UNITED KINGDOM American Chamber of Commerce in London, 55 Brook St., Lon- don, W. 1. The detailed services of this organization are neces- sarily restricted to its membership of over 1,800 individual firms. 101 UNITED KINGDOM. The chamber is prepared, however, to offer advice and guidance to United States firms wanting to explore the possibilities of man- ufacturing or licensing the manufacture of their products in the United Kingdom. Publishes Anglo-American Year Book annually, and Anglo-American Netvs monthly. Association of British Chambers of Commerce, 14 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, London, S.W. 1. Members of this association are chambers of commerce and not individual firms. With this association are affiliated 87 chambers of commerce in the leading cities and towns of England, the Belfast Chamber of Commerce in Northern Ireland, and 10 chambers of commerce located in Scot- land. The association disseminates notices of trade and invest- ment promotion opportunities or inquiries to the affiliated cham- bers of commerce which, in turn, send special notes to their mem- ber firms or refer to the opportunities in their own publications. Board of Trade, Commercial Relations and Exports Department, Horse Guards Ave., Whitehall, London, S.W. 1. Regional offices throughout England. In addition, has Board of Trade Office for Scotland, 95 Bothwell St., Glasgow, and Board of Trade Office for Wales, Gabalfa, Cardiff. The principal British Government de- partment concerned with the protection and promotion of United Kingdom commerce and industry. Publishes Board of Trade Journal weekly. Colonial Office, the Church House, Great Smith St., London, S.W. 1. Government department concerned with commercial rela- tions and economic matters in British colonies. Federation of British Industries, 21 Tothill St., London, S.W. 1. Regional offices in the main industrial centers. Consists of nearly 300 associations and 7,000 individual firms engaged in productive industry and services ancillary to industry. Publishes FBI Reg- ister of British Manufacturers annually, and FBI Review monthly. Notifies members of trade inquiries, opportunities, or licensing arrangements either direct or by means of notice in the FBI Review, London Chamber of Commerce, 69 Cannon St., London, E.G. 4. Membership of 14,000 firms and individuals engaged in commerce and industry in the Greater London area. Members include mer- chants, manufacturers, importers, exporters, accountants, and service organizations. Announces trade opportunities of all types in its monthly Chamber of Commerce Journal. Ministry of Commerce for Northern Ireland, Chichester House, 64 Chichester St., Belfast. Northern Ireland Government agency 102 .URUGUAY concerned with commerce and industry in that area. Also has agency arrangements with the Board of Trade in London. National Union of Manufacturers, 6 Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C. 1. Ten branches located in leading industrial centers in Great Britain. Has a membership of over 5,500 manufacturing firms and claims to be the largest association in the United King- dom consisting solely of manufacturers. Publishes an annual Manufacturers' Manual, which lists members of the union with details on the products they manufacture. Announces trade op- portunities in its monthly publication, British Manufacturer. Northern Ireland Development Council, the Ulster Office, 13 Lower Regent St., London, S.W. 1. Organized to assist industrial- ists in establishing or expanding manufacturing plants in Northern Ireland. Members include representatives of Her Majesty's Government, industry, and trade unions. Scottish Council (Development and Industry), 1 Castle St., Edinburgh 12. A voluntary, independent, and representative or- ganization of Scottish industry, banks, local government, and trade unions. Functions are to help established industry and to assist in the industrial development of Scotland. Issues a monthly publication, Scotland, which includes announcements of manufac- turing capacity and factory premises available and trade oppor- tunities for Scot firms. Also publishes an annual Buyers Guide to Scottish Industries. URUGUAY Asociacion Pro Intensification del Comercio Uruguayo-Estado- unidense — A.P.I.C.U.E., Cerrito 421, Montevideo. Specifically en- gaged in trade and investment development. Camara de Comercio de los Estados Unidos de America en la Republica Oriental del Uruguay (Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America in Uruguay), Juncal 1414, Es. 15-16, Montevideo. Camara de Industrias (National Chamber of Industries) , Treinta y Tres 1325, Montevideo. Camara Mercantil de Productos del Pais, Rondeau 1908, Monte- video. Agricultural produce exchange. Also engaged in trade promotion. Camara Nacional de Comercio (National Chamber of Com- merce), Misiones 1400, Montevideo. Comite bi-Iateral de Inversiones del Consejo Interamericano de Comercio y Production (Section Uruguaya), Misiones 1400, Mon- 103 VENEZUELA. tevideo. This committee was created within the Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production, Montevideo, for the develop- ment of investments in Uruguay. Consorcio de Representantes de Fabricas, Cerrito 421, Monte- video. Groups the Uruguayan agents of foreign manufacturers. Union de Entidades Vinculadas al Coniercio Exterior — U.E.C.E., Cerrito 421, Montevideo. Consolidated foreign trade organiza- tion created in 1954 and intended to group agencies connected with the Nation's foreign trade. VENEZUELA Asociacion Nacional de Comerciantes e Industriales (National Association of Merchants and Manufacturers), Norte Plaza Pan- teon 1, Caracas. Issues Comercio e Industria monthly. Asociacion Nacional de Ganaderos (National Cattlemen's Asso- ciation), Edificio Casa D'ltalia, Avenida La Industria, San Ber- nardino, Caracas. Issues a bimonthly publication, Revista Pecuaria. Asociacion Pro-Venezuela (Pro- Venezuela Association), Edificio Torre del Este, Apartado 1988, Caracas. This organization does not issue a publication but has ready access to and frequently uses all types of publicity media. Camara de Comercio Americana de Venezuela (American Cham- ber of Commerce of Venezuela), Apartado del Este 5181, Edificio Blandin, Chacaito, Caracas. Issues a monthly publication, Review. Camara de Comercio de Caracas (Caracas Chamber of Com- merce), Edificio Camara de Comercio, Este 2 No. 215, Caracas. Publishes a monthly Boletin de la Camara de Comercio de Caracas. Camara de la Construccion (Chamber of Construction), Edificio Asuncion, Segundo Piso 202, Avenida Abraham Lincoln, Sabana Grande, Caracas. Issues a monthly publication, Construccion. Camara de Industriales de Caracas (Caracas Chamber of Manu- facturers) , Edificio Banco Central, Caracas. Corporacion Venezolana de Fomento (Venezuelan Development Corporation) , Edificio Norte, Octavo Piso, Centro Simon Bolivar, Caracas. A Government organization. Direccion de Comercio, Ministerio de Fomento (Bureau of Com- merce, Ministry of Development) , Edificio Sur, Cuarto Piso, Cen- tro Simon Bolivar, Caracas. A Government agency. Direccion de Industrias, Ministerio de Fomento (Bureau of In- dustry, Ministry of Development) , Edificio Sur, Sexto Piso, Centro Simon Bolivar, Caracas. A Government agency. 104 .THE WEST INDIES Federacion Venezolana de Camaras y Asociaciones de Comercio y Produccion (Federation of Venezuelan Chambers and Associa- tions of Commerce), Edificio Casa D'ltalia, Avenida La Industria, San Bernardino, Caracas. Issues a monthly publication, Boletin de Federacion Venezolana de Camaras y Asociaciones de Comercio y Produccion. VIET-NAM Chambre de Commerce Francaise du Sud Viet-Nani (South Viet- Nam French Chamber of Commerce), 12, dai lo Thong Nhut, Saigon. Publishes a weekly bulletin for members. Prefers cor- respondence in French. Chambre de Commerce de Saigon (Saigon Chamber of Com- merce) , 69, Tu Do, Saigon. Semigovernmental Vietnamese organ- ization subsidized by the Government. Circularizes member firms and transmits offers and inquiries to members. Can handle corre- spondence more readily in French than in English. Union Syndicate des Commercants et Industriels do Slid Viet- Nam (Syndical Union of Merchants and Industrialists of South Viet-Nam), 12, dai lo Thong Nhut, Saigon. Afiiliated with Chambre de Commerce de Saigon. Correspondence in French preferred. WALES See United Kingdom. THE WEST INDIES BARBADOS Barbados Chamber of Commerce, Bridgetown. Interested in retail business promotion, agencies, and trade development in general. Barbados Development Board, Bridgetown. An independent statutory board concerned with the promotion of light industry and tourist facilities. Ministry of Trade, Industry and Labor, Bridgetown. A Govern- ment organization interested in promotion of trade, industry, and tourist facilities. Industrial Development Corporation, 4 Winchester Rd., Half Way Tree. Office in the United States: Jamaican Industrial 105 THE WEST INDIES. Development Corporation, Rooms 303-306, Weylin Bldg., 527 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. A quasi-Government body, sub- ject to general direction of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, but considerably autonomous in operation. Prepared to handle in- quiries regarding industrial investment opportunities. Jamaica Chamber of Commerce, 7 & 8 East Parade, Kingston. Serves Kingston and St. Andrew on Jamaica's south coast, the areas of principal commercial interest. Is an entirely private group of businessmen, primarily importers and merchants, but enjoys representation on various official bodies, such as the Trade Board. Maintains a commercial reading room and publishes both a Journal and a Commercial Directory of Jamaica. Promotes, in various ways, the interests of commerce as a whole. Its perma- nent staff can assist oversea companies to establish contact with prospective agents either direct or by general notices published gratis in the Journal. Jamaica Manufacturers' Association, 131 King St., Kingston. Private organization representing and promoting the interests of domestic manufacturers. Answers inquiries of prospective in- dustrial investors from abroad. Sponsors an annual industrial fair for local manufacturers only. Marketing Department, Foreshore Rd., Kingston. A Govern- ment agency responsible to the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Correspondence on matters dealing with the exports of Jamaican agricultural products may be sent to the Marketing Administrator. The Department will forward to the appropriate statutory board or growers' organization inquiries on those crops (sugar, bananas, citrus fruit, coffee, cocoa, and coconuts) not under its own direct administration. Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Jamaican Government, 150 East St., Kingston. Responsible to the Ministry are the Industrial Development Corporation, the Marketing Department, the Tourist Board, and the Trade Board. Answers inquiries on economic and commercial matters (trade, industry, and tourism) when they involve Jamaican Government policy or forwards let- ters to the responsible Government agency for reply. Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce, Parade, Montego Bay. Portland Chamber of Commerce, Port Antonio. Tourist Board, 78-80 Harbour St., Kingston. Offices in the United States: Room 3658, International Bldg., 630 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. ; Room 712, Champlain Bldg., 37 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. ; 901 Ainsley Bldg., NE. First Ave. and Flagler St., Miami, Fla. A quasi-Government body that is subject to 106 .YUGOSLAVIA general direction of the Ministry of Trade and Industry but is considerably autonomous in operation. Prepared to handle all inquiries on tourism, including those regarding the establishment of new hotels. Trade Board, 40 Harbour St., Kingston. Responsible to the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Makes recommendations for the regulation of exports and imports to serve Jamaica's best interests. Handles inquiries concerning import licensing controls. Its executive functions are carried out by the Trade Administra- tor's Department. LEEWARD ISLANDS Antigua Chamber of Commerce, St. John's, Antigua. Montserrat Chamber of Commerce, Plymouth, Montserrat. St. Kitts-Nevis Chamber of Commerce, Basseterre, St. Kitts. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Caribbean Commission, Kent House, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Headquarters of the Commission are in Port of Spain, but it is an international organization and not concerned exclusively with Trinidad and Tobago. Its trade promotion section is devoted to the stimulation of trade of all Caribbean areas administered by the Commission's members. The members are the United King- dom, France, the Netherlands, and the United States. Industrial Development Corporation— IDC, Corner South Quay and Broadway, Port of Spain, Trinidad. A statutory corporation established to aid in the development and industrialization of Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad Chamber of Commerce, Inc., South Quay, Port of Spain, Trinidad. WINDWARD ISLANDS Dominica Chamber of Comerce, Roseau, Dominica. Grenada Chamber of Commerce, Inc., St. George's, Grenada. St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, Castries, St. Lucia. St. Vincent Chamber of Commerce, Kingstown, St. Vincent. YUGOSLAVIA Association of Yugoslav Chambers of Commerce, 6 Neman jina St., Belgrade. A Government institution. Furnishes Privredni Pregled, a daily, with material which is published from time to 107 YUGOSLAVIA. time as a separate page under the heading, Information of the Association of Yugoslav Chambers of Commerce. Federal Chamber for Foreign Trade, 12 Mose Pijade St., Bel- grade^ A Government institution. Publishes Commercial In- formation monthly, and Commercial Netvs weekly. Also issues from time to time special studies on various branches of Yugoslav industry. Federal Chamber of Industry, 21 Zmaj Jovina St., Belgrade. A Government institution. Publishes a monthly Bulletin of the Federal Chamber of Industry. State Secretariat for General Economic Affairs of the Federal Executive Council, 22 Kneza Milosa St., Belgrade. A Government institution. 108 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1961 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FIELD OFFICES Thirty -three Field Offices of the Department of Commerce have up-to-date information on trade and investment promotion. The Field Offices are conveniently located in business centers of the United States. Albuquerque, N. Mex., U.STCourthouse. Atlanta 3, Ga., 604 Volunteer Bldg., 66 Luckie St. NW. Boston 9, Mass., U.S. Post Office and Courthouse Bldg. Buffalo 3, N.Y., 504 Federal Bldg., 117 Ellicott St. Charleston 4, S.C., Area 2, Sergeant Jasper Bldg., West End Broad St. Cheyenne, Wyo., 207 Majestic Bldg., 16th St. and Capitol Ave. Chicago 6, III., Room 1302, 226 W. Jackson Blvd. Cincinnati 2, Ohio, 915 Fifth Third Bank Bldg., 36 E. Fourth St. Cleveland 1, Ohio, Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., E. 6th St. and Superior Ave. Dallas 1, Tex., Room 3-104 Merchandise Mart. Denver 2, Colo., 142 New Customhouse. Detroit 26, Mich., 438 Federal Bldg. Greensboro, N.C., 407 U.S. Post Office Bldg. Houston 2, Tex., 610 Scanlan Bldg., 405 Main St. Jacksonville 1, Fla., 425 Federal Bldg. Kansas City 6, Mo., Room 2011, 911 Walnut St. Los Angeles 15, Calif., Room 450, 1031 S. Broadway. Memphis 3, Tenn., 212 Falls Bldg. Miami 32, Fla., 408 Ansley Bldg., 14 NE. First Ave. Minneapolis 1, Minn., 319 Metropolitan Bldg. New Orleans 12, La., 333 St. Charles Ave. New York 1, N.Y., Empire State Bldg. Philadelphia 7, Pa., Jefferson Bldg., 1015 Chestnut St. Phoenix, Ariz., 137 N. Second Ave. Pittsburgh 22, Pa., 107 Sixth St. Portland 4, Oreg., 217 Old U.S. Courthouse Bldg. Reno, Nev., 1479 Wells Ave. Richmond 19, Va., Room 309 Parcel Post Bldg. St. Louis 1, Mo., 910 New Federal Bldg. Salt Lake City 1, Utah, 222 SW. Temple St. San Francisco 11, Calif., Room 419 Customhouse. Savannah, Ga., 235 U.S. Courthouse and P.O. Bldg. Seattle 4, Wash., 809 Federal Office Bldg., 909 First Ave. For local telephone numbers consult U.S. Government section of the phone book. PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADDDD712flflEDfl Ask the Department of Commerce Field Office in your area about other Bureau of Foreign Commerce publications and FOREIGN COMMERCE WEEKLY Current information on trade and investment developments around the world, with a special section on business leads — export, import, agency, and investment opportunities. $6 a year. TRADE LISTS Names and addresses of foreign firms handling specific commod- ities or services in foreign countries." $2 for each country list covering a specific classification. WORLD TRADE DIRECTORY REPORTS Detailed information for determining the competence and relia- bility of specific foreign firms before their selection as agents, distributors, suppliers, or licensees. $1 for each report on an individual firm. TRADE CONTACT SURVEYS Individual surveys conducted in foreign countries to find agents and distributors which meet an American businessman's specific requirements. $10 per survey. SOURCES OF CREDIT INFORMATION ON FOREIGN FIRMS Describes the leading foreign organizations in a position to develop and supply credit data on foreign firms. 30 cents. DIRECTORY OF FOREIGN ADVERTISING AGENCIES AND MARKETING RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS A guide to the leading advertising and marketing research organi- zations in foreign countries. 45 cents.