C 6^ ^ F to 2 /- 2 NOAA'S OCEAN FLEET MODERNIZATION STUDY Phase 3: Long-Term Strategy U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE " 1ST * National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration \ CT J / Office of the Chief Scientist Mrts O* NOAA OCEAN FLEET: YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW NOAA was created in 1970 through a Presidential reorganization, but the survey activities of the fleet of one of its predecessor agencies, the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, became well established in the nineteenth century. Sketched from a photo is perhaps the best-known survey vessel of its time, the PATTERSON, built by James D. Leary at Brooklyn, NY, in 1883. It was a wood auxiliary barkentine, 435 tons, 163 feet long, with a 27 foot beam, and a draft of 14 feet. Much of its survey work was done in Alaskan waters. Commissioned in April 1960, the SURVEYOR, here depicted in a drawing, is a part of NOAA's current ocean fleet. The ship has a welded steel/ice-strengthened hull and is 2,653 gross tons, 292 feet long, with a 46-foot breadth and a draft of 19.5 feet. It was built by the National Steel and Shipbuilding Company of San Diego, CA The SURVEYOR conducts worldwide oceanographic research but is nearing the end of its useful service life (see p.2). A modernized NOAA fleet might employ ship designs such as the one shown for the JAMES CLARK ROSS which will soon join the fleet of the British Antarctica Survey. This ship is ice -strengthened. It is being built at the Swan Hunter Shipyard at Newcastle, England, and will be commissioned early in 1991. (Photo of the PATTERSON and drawing of the SURVEYOR courtesy of NOAA/Office of NOAA Corps Operations. Sketch of the JAMES CLARK ROSS courtesy of British Antarctica Survey and Swan Hunter Shipyard.) NOAA'S OCEAN FLEET MODERNIZATION STUDY Phase 3: Long-Term Strategy xO ^0 ATMOSP^ Meni of OCTOBER 1990 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Robert A. Mosbacher, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration John A. Knauss, Under Secretary Office of the Chief Scientist Ned A. Ostenso, Acting Chief Scientist This publication does not constitute an endorsement of any commercial product or intend to be an opinion beyond scientific or other results obtained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or the Department of Commerce (DOC). No reference shall be made to NOAA or DOC, or this publication furnished by NOAA, in any advertising or sales promotion which would indicate that NOAA or DOC recommends or endorses any proprietary product mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an interest to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this publication. Acknowledgement Thanks to several very dedicated individuals, a thorough analysis of the status of NOAA's existing research and survey fleet, in terms of condition and functionality, was completed and a series of options for fleet modernization were developed. Deserving much credit for this accomplishment were representatives from each of the NOAA Line Offices, and from several of the Staff and Program Offices. Representatives from the Oceanographer of the Navy's staff deserve recognition for their contributions. Deserving special recognition are persons from the Office of NOAA Corps Operations, Systems Technology Division, who completed the bulk of the technical analysis which served as the basis for the determinations and findings of this study. To all contributors, many of whom participated at the expense of other responsibilities and sometimes on their own time, we extend our appreciation. NOAA and the Nation's maritime and research community will profit from their effort and insight. Robert H. Stockman Phase III Coordinator W. L. Stubblefield October 1990 Assessment Coordinator in Preface To assess the next generation of NOAA ships, a three-phased process was initiated. Phase I identified the mission requirements from a user viewpoint; Phase II developed identifiable hull and instrumentation characteristics from these requirements and addressed fleet management issues; and, Phase III examined the characteristics developed in Phase II in light of vessels now in NOAA's fleet, and determined long-term strategies for implementing fleet modernization. This report addresses only Phase III. Funding for NOAA's fleet has been approximately constant over the last decade, and the operating capability has been seriously eroded by inflation. By the end of the century, if funding remains level, there is a high probability that no NOAA ships will be operational. This is a conservative estimate based on the material condition, the age, and backlog of critical maintenance. With reduced operating funds fewer NOAA ships are now in service than at any time since the early 1970's. The decline is at a time when progressively more demands are being made on NOAA ships. Added to the nautical charting, oceanographic research, and fishery assessment programs pursued at the time of NOAA's formation are new requirements associated with Congressional legislation and major new ocean programs. Included in these are the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Exclusive Economic Zone proclamation, Climate and Global Change research initiative, and Coastal Ocean Program research. NOAA data and samples are useful to the entire maritime and ocean research community. The size, quality, and character of NOAA's fleet may well determine the overall success of the marine sciences in the United States and abroad. Through this study, NOAA now has a series of options for implementing fleet modernization. Equally important, a means for estimating the cost to implement the various options is also available. A point of departure for evaluation of the options has been established. Policy decisions will ultimately determine the fleet character and mix. This study establishes a point of departure for these decisions. w4^/l IL*a*~< John A. Knauss Under Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere and Administrator Table of Contents Acknowledgement iii Preface v I. Executive Discussion 1 II. Findings 7 III. Technical Assessment of Fleet Modernization 23 IV. Evaluation of Capital Investment Strategies 29 V. Conclusions and Recommendations 31 Glossary 35 Appendix A: Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Replacement Al Appendix B: Programmatic Mission Requirements Bl Appendix C: Participants CI Vll Executive Discussion Background of Study NOAA is increasingly viewed as the Nation's earth systems agency with unique responsibilities to improve understanding of the coastal and global oceans through research, assessment, surveying, and long- term monitoring. To accomplish its ocean missions, NOAA's efforts focus on three major components: charting and mapping, assessment of living marine resources, and oceanographic research. These components each have unique requirements, and must be accomplished on highly specialized vessels. The outlook is for an increasing need for more sophisticated platforms and instrumentation. NOAA depends upon its research and survey fleet to satisfy its ocean missions. This fleet now faces several major problems in supporting its mission: age, a backlog of deferred maintenance, and, in some instances, a restriction in functional capability. The fleet is rapidly approaching an average age generally accepted within the marine science community as the maximum for a productive vessel. Prevailing practice is that research and survey vessels should undergo a major service-life extension after approximately 15 years of operation and be replaced after approximately 30 years. Though there are exceptions, the majority of both national and foreign oceanographic vessels follow this practice. In contrast, the current NOAA fleet will average nearly 35 years of age by the turn of the century (Figure 1-1). Furthermore, none of the NOAA ships have received a major service-life extension and only six have received partial midlife rehabilitation. Even the NOAA ships which have been well maintained have started experiencing unacceptably high levels of breakdowns due to their age, the scarce availability of replacement parts, and limited budgets for maintenance in recent years. For example, in FY 1989, the equivalent of one ship year was lost due to unscheduled maintenance and repair. Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study YEAR DELIVERED 1965 AGE OF THE NOAA FLEET M. FREEMAN FAIRWEATHER OCEANOGRAPHER DISCOVERER T CROMWELL DELAWARE RAINIER DAVIDSON RUDE RAIDKIGE MITCHELL l-EKRLL OREGON II HECK D.SJORDAN WHITING ALBATROSS SURVEYOR I I i ■ t r 40 45 I 10 21 22 23 24 |l 26 20 25 YEARS SINCE DELIVERY Figure 1-1. Age of the individual NOAA ships in 1990. Note that only one ship, the CHAPMAN, has been built since the formation of NOAA. Of comparable concern is the fact that some NOAA vessels cannot fully meet recognized mission requirements. Virtually all NOAA ships were built with the technology of the 1960's to satisfy specific oceanographic objectives of that era. Since that time there has been a dramatic evolution in methods for collecting and analyzing bio-hydro- lithosphere oceanographic data. Acquisition science and analysis of these data place demands on vessels which often cannot be met by the present generation of NOAA ships. This problem is not unique to NOAA vessels but is characteristic of any vessel built two to three decades ago and which has not had the benefit of a major repair or refit. New designs of vessels now provide increased efficiency in operations requiring acoustic quietness, seakeeping, and dynamic positioning. Those NOAA ships involved in multidisciplinary research are also inefficient in terms of the number of scientists which can be carried. On some of the NOAA ships the ratio of crew to scientist is as high as 2:1, whereas on the university ships a ratio of 1:1 is common. This difference of crew to scientist ratio is due in part to additional responsibilities that are assigned to the staff of the NOAA vessels. A more modern fleet will provide opportunities for reduction of some crew positions through acquisition of more modern instrumentation and new ship design. Automated engine rooms and more efficient food service systems also provide an opportunity for reducing crew size. Executive Discussion Study Plan Phase III embodies the objectives of the overall fleet modernization assessment. These are to: • Articulate the ocean mission of NOAA in the areas of charting/mapping, living marine resource stock assessment, and oceanographic research into the next century • Determine the character and size of research and survey vessels to form a fleet to respond to NOAA's ocean mission requirements • Anticipate future technology and its application to NOAA's mission • Develop a technical framework to decide an orderly replacement and/or upgrade of the existing fleet considering both material condition and functional capability • Determine cost estimates for fleet modernization associated with various mission requirement levels • Provide a technical data base for preparing a fleet modernization plan that will be defensible in the federal funding process The central theme of the NOAA fleet modernization assessment has been a view toward the future. To ensure that this was achieved the assessment was designed around a three-phase approach that avoided undue emphasis on existing vessel capabilities too early in the process. In a serial process, NOAA's mission requirements were projected to the year 2000 (Phase I); the type of platforms needed to satisfy these requirements were defined (Phase II); and lastly, the size of the modernized fleet was determined at various program levels and transition scenarios were prepared to replace the current fleet (Phase III). Each phase was designed to stand alone but took account of data obtained during previous phases. For example, the estimated cost structure, which is presented in the latter parts of this Phase III report, is based on the functionality requirements and construction/instrumentation costs as developed in Phases I and II. The complete process was designed to be finished within six months in order to allow for timely decision making to resolve NOAA's deteriorating fleet problems. Specifically, the objectives and approaches of each of these three phases are shown in the box on the next page. This report addresses only the results of Phase III of the assessment. Results of the other two phases have been presented as separate documents. Implementation of Phase III In Phase III, the Working Group (a list of participants appears in Appendix C) reviewed the results of the previous phases and collected new information in order to get a "total view" of the issues associated with fleet modernization. Among other issues, this included determining: the status of the existing fleet in terms of material condition, functional capability, and deployment; annual number of days at sea on various types of ships to support programmatic requirements; mission consequences of having either the wrong type of vessels or an insufficient number of vessels; use of technology in promoting efficiency of at-sea operations; and, where appropriate, exploring opportunities for using leased ships from either the university community or the private sector to satisfy NOAA's needs. After the "total view" was developed, a series of alternatives for fleet modernization were identified. These alternatives were, in turn, Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study analyzed in terms of impact on the varying missions, level of urgency for implementation, short- and long-term costs, and budget constraints. Following the analysis of alternatives, a series of recommendations involving actions for proceeding to decisions and implementation of the fleet modernization are presented. The various facets of Phase III are discussed in the following chapters. A synopsis of the findings and recommendations follows. Hi ghlights of Phase III Status of Current NOAA Fleet . NOAA depends heavily upon its oceanographic fleet to satisfy its ocean missions in the areas of charting and mapping, assessment of living marine resources, and oceanographic research. The existing operating fleet of 18 ships poses three problems to NOAA's scientists and managers. First, the average fleet age is approaching that which is generally accepted Ph as e I Objective: Method: Ph as e n Objective: Method: Phase_III Objective: Method: Plan of NOAA Fleet Assessment Determine NOAA's ship requirements as part of the Organization's mission into the next century. Convene three working groups of twelve to fifteen members each, consisting of leading scientists, both inside and outside of NOAA, in the areas of oceanography, charting/mapping, and fishery research, to determine the expected mission directions and fleet requirements to satisfy expected mission directions. Translate the results of Phase I into identifiable hull characteristics and instrumentation requirements. Convene a single working group with representation from the previous working groups, naval architects, operators, and budget analysts to incorporate the results of Phase I into specific platforms and associated instrumentation. Develop long-term strategies for modernization including sizing of the fleet. Senior NOAA managers convened to compare the projected mission requirements in terms of ship character (Phase II) and days at sea with existing NOAA fleet resources to determine the best methods of transitioning to a modern fleet capable of meeting NOAA's missions. Executive Discussion in the ocean community as the effective service life for a productive research ship. By FY 2001, as the result of block obsolescence and assuming current funding, there will be no ships operating. Second, NOAA ships were built with technology of the 1960's; in the past three decades a dramatic evolution in methods for collecting and analyzing data has occurred. Data acquisition and analysis place requirements on vessels which often cannot be met by existing NOAA ships. Third, increasingly, more days at sea are required to satisfy NOAA's missions. Since the mid- 1970's, the number of operating ships has been reduced by 25% while demands have increased, especially the at-sea requirements associated with the Magnuson Act, National Climate Program Act, Exclusive Economic Zone proclamation, Climate and Global Change Program, and Coastal Ocean Program. Upgrade Strategy and Funding . Unquestionably, NOAA must embark upon at least a partial replacement and, for those few existing ships which may be appropriate, a ship service-life extension program. This assessment study addressed several approaches for modernizing NOAA's fleet, but the inescapable conclusion is that a 15-year investment on the order of $1 billion is required. A time-phased investment strategy is the only reasonable course of action. This assessment study advocates as the first order of priority the commitment to an initial investment of at least $60 million per year for each of the first five years of a NOAA fleet modernization program. Findings Finding #1 ; RESEARCH AND SURVEY VESSELS ARE ESSENTIAL FOR NOAA'S MARINE AND ATMOSPHERIC MISSIONS. Based upon a review of materials from Phases I and II, as well as various reports from the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) and foreign operators, operational and research missions involving oceanography simply cannot be performed without use of research and survey vessels. Great advances have been made during the last twenty years in aircraft and satellite remote-sensing as well as unmanned instruments and buoys, and these advances will continue to contribute significantly to oceanography in the future. However, research and survey oceanographic vessels remain the only platform for certain kinds of observations at sea and virtually all in situ sampling must be performed from vessels. This finding has been made by other federal organizations active in the marine sciences, and they have expended planned capital investments of over $300 million for oceanographic vessels since 1980 (Figure 2-1). During the same period NOAA has invested nothing. Finding #2 : THE CONDITION OF NOAA'S FLEET IS A MAJOR PROBLEM IN THE CONDUCT OF NOAA MISSIONS. With the exception of the construction of the 125-foot CHAPMAN in the late 1970's, all NOAA vessels predate the establishment of NOAA and are largely a product of major capital investments in the early-to-mid- 1960's. NOAA has never had a systematic capital investment program for its vessels, Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study co z o o z Q z LLI a, CO 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 RESEARCH AND SURVEY VESSEL CONSTRUCTION AND REFIT NOAA vs NAVY vs NSF NOAA §§ NAVY NSF ZA $ i 1961-65 1966-70 1971-75 1976-80 1981-85 1986-90 PERIOD Figure 2-1. Comparison of capital investments in ships among the Navy, the National Science Foundation, and NOAA since 1960. Figures for 1961-1970 are for NOAA's predecessor organizations. either for major rehabilitation or for new construction. The base program for marine services (approximately $60 million in FY 1990) includes only $6 million for routine maintenance and repairs. At present NOAA has a $40 million backlog of critical maintenance items in ship's systems. Added to this is a $50 million backlog for replacement of obsolete instrumentation. Given the age of vessels in NOAA's fleet, the fact that no vessel has had a major service life extension, and the current material condition of the fleet, it is projected that all NOAA vessels will become non-functional by the year 2000 if no capital investments are made above the marine services basic program. The projections of remaining vessel service life are based on age, safety, material condition, availability of spare parts, functionality, and, in the case of steam propulsion, availability of qualified engineers (Appendix A). Figure 2-2 depicts the projection of service life for each NOAA vessel. Finding #3: PROJECTED NOAA MISSION REQUIREMENTS WILL INCREASE THE NEED FOR MODERN, TECHNICALLY CAPABLE, FUNCTIONALLY SOUND VESSELS. The NOAA fleet supports three major mission activities: mapping and charting, living marine resource assessment and research, and oceanography. Each of these mission Findings :t:.i] PROJECTED SERVICE LIFE OF CURRENT NOAA FLEET AT CURRENT MAINTENANCE LEVEL' FY'92 FY'93 FY'94 FY'95 FY - 96 FY'97 ; FY'98 FY'99 FY'OO KEY TO SHIP ABBREVIATIONS APPEARS ON P. A25. SHIPS' AGE AT DEACTIVATION ARE SHOWN AFTER BARS. Figure 2-2. Projection of service life for NOAA ships (a list of abbreviations for ship names appears in Appendix A, p. A25). requirements for vessels, over the next one to two decades, are summarized in Appendix B. A more detailed discussion of NOAA's ocean missions and the functional requirements for vessels to support these missions are in the Phase I report of the Fleet Modernization Study. In terms of days at sea (DAS), these mission requirements can be grouped as: Current Level : Expanded Levels : Planning Level A: Present level of support with 18 ships Increased number of ships to support programs Supports programs which are in NOAA's present budget Planning Level B: Planning Level C: Supports programs in NOAA's FY 92 budget request Supports programs envisioned at the end of the decade Descriptions of each of these levels follow. CURRENT LEVEL At the CURRENT LEVEL, the NOAA fleet provides 3600 DAS annually to support three major program activities. DAS are allocated as follows: mapping and charting, 1100 DAS; living marine resources, 1540 DAS; and oceanography, 960 DAS. This level provides 84% of the average DAS over the past 15 years (Figure 2-3). Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study SHIPS IN SERVICE AND DAYS AT SEA/YEAR 25 20 15 -- §§ SHIPS IN SERVICE ^s| PROJECTED SHIPS IN SERVICE ■■ DAYS AT SEA 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 LU w H 2500 < (f) > 2000 < 1500 1000 500 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 YEAR Figure 2-3. Bar graph showing the number of operating ships during the 20 years since the organization of NOAA and the projection of the number of vessels for the next decade. The projection is based on the material condition of the various ships. Superimposed on the number of vessels is the number of sea days available or projected to be available per year. Mapping and Charting : With 1100 DAS, the mapping and charting program is receiving approximately 465 fewer DAS annually than the 15-year average. At this level, surveys and investigations critical to navigational safety are backlogging at an alarming rate. Only 4 out of the 10 critical inshore areas identified each year through the use of Survey Users Request File (SURF) are being addressed — the remaining 6 areas are being added to the backlog (not being addressed) (Figure 2-4). Only 100 of the 500 critical Notice to Mariner items each year are being addressed. The remaining 400 items are added to the backlog (Figure 2-5). The quality of the information portrayed on the inshore portion of NOAA's suite of 1000 nautical charts is deteriorating. Offshore, only 3 of 5 geographic areas are being addressed. Even with state-of-the-art navigation and multibeam sounding technology, completion of offshore mapping will take over 200 years (Figure 2-6). In those areas where the high-precision bathymetric mapping occurs, the quality of the offshore portion of NOAA's nautical charts will slowly improve. Living Marine Resources : The present level of NOAA ship support is about 400 DAS below the average of National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) usage over the past 15 years. This is inadequate for all program Findings 130- (0 (0 a> i 120- ® 110- i_ 3 (0 _ 100- « O 5 90 o O 80 - D) O ^ 70 o (0 DO „„ MAPPING AND CHARTING: SURVEY USERS REQUEST FILE (SURF) Current — Planning Level A — Planning Level B ■ - Planning Level C 93 94 —r- 95 — r~ 96 1 97 Years 98 99 00 01 Figure 2-4. Growth and decay of nautical charting surveys in the critical areas as defined by Survey Users Request File (SURF) are shown at four levels of ship support. (Programmatic support levels are discussed in text.) areas in fishery research, but particularly in resource assessment (Figure 2-7). Oceanography : Presently oceanography in NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) and National Ocean Service (NOS) is allocated fewer DAS than at any time since NOAA was formed, and is inadequate to meet present mission responsibilities. The level of oceanographic research which can be accomplished is severely restricted, with almost no new responsibilities as part of the Climate and Global Change program being met, and other research programs continuing at a reduced level (Figure 2-8). A breakdown of the results of this shortfall follows. Climate and Global Change Program : • Reduced level of effort over the average of the past 10-15 years • No opportunity to implement significant new program elements • Monitoring efforts for El Nino (ocean warming) and Subtropical Atlantic Climate Studies (STACS) (flux of heat from low to high latitudes) are reduced to approximately 35% of the level considered optimum for addressing the complex array of questions. Long-term support for certain key ocean monitoring systems for TOGA and EPOCS may need to be terminated Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study MAPPING AND CHARTING: NOTICE TO MARINERS 28,000- la. ^— Planning Level A 9 C 27,000- (0 • - Planning Level C 2 26,000- o 2 25,000- o ^^ O 24,000- ^^ 1- o 23,000- 0) o q 22,000- (0 OQ 2 1 ,00O- ^^^ ^^ ^^^~-- ::;;-- i i i i i i i i i 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 Years Figure 2-5. Growth and decay of nautical charting surveys in the critical areas as defined by the Notice to Mariners are shown at four levels of ship support. (Programmatic support levels are discussed in text.) • Ocean chemistry programs (e.g., Radia- tively Important Trace Species (RITS), C0 2 , and Freon) for monitoring global greenhouse gases are reduced significantly over both past and required efforts. These programs are essential components for modeling global climate change • Proposed investigations combining NOAA's greenhouse gases research and observations for the World Ocean Circu- lation Experiment (WOCE) work from Alaska to 60° South latitude are eliminated Coastal Ocean Program : • Marine environmental quality efforts in coastal estuaries is only 50% of identified needs • Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity (NECOP) program reduced by 50% over that planned • Sea ice research is less than previous years and, considering its importance in global climate research, is only 50% of that needed for present investigations • Reduced planned research level of implementation for cooperative federal/university • Ship time for the Fisheries Oceanography Cooperative Investigations (FOCI) program in the Bering Sea is eliminated Findings MAPPING AND CHARTING: EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE (EEZ) 4.0- \\^^^^ 3.0- '"• \ ^\. Mlles (Million) ro b (0 ■ -% \ 1 ^\ o • % \ 3. \ jare Nau b i \ 1 \> \V * X a \ \ 19 \ x \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 93 2013 2033 2053 2073 2093 2113 2133 2153 2173 2193 Year Figure 2-6. Time required to complete the offshore Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) mapping responsibilities at the various ship support levels. (Programmatic support levels are discussed in text.) Applied Oceanography : • Planned expansion of monitoring network to Alaska and Caribbean is deferred • Cooperative monitoring with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is unsupported • Surveys for current prediction in U.S. ports and harbors deferred • Environmental assessment of the outer continental shelf relative to oil and gas development maintained at a marginal level • No support for hazardous material response and damage assessment EXPANDED LEVELS PLANNING LEVEL A At this level ship support would increase to 6100 DAS annually with mapping and charting receiving 2160 DAS, living marine resources 2470 DAS, and oceanography 1470 DAS. This level supports presently funded NOAA programs. Mapping and Charting : All 10 inshore areas identified through SURF each year and all 500 Notice to Mariner items would be addressed. The present backlog for these two critical programs would remain unchanged. The quality of the information portrayed on the inshore portion of NOAA's suite of nautical charts would remain constant. There would Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study FISHERY RESEARCH: MISSION REQUIREMENTS MET 100 I- 80 111 (0 70 Z HI 5 in <£ o HI M MAGNUSON O ENDANGERED SPECIES MARINE MAMMALS ffl DRIFTNET ACT E3 ANTARCTIC CURRENT (1540) PLANNING LEVEL A (2470) PLANNING LEVEL B (3460) PLANNING LEVEL C (4570) DAYS AT SEA Figure 2-7. Percent of fishery research requirements met at various levels of days at sea (DAS). (Programmatic support levels are discussed in text.) be no change in progress for the offshore bathymetric mapping effort from the CURRENT LEVEL noted above. Living Marine Resources : This level would be adequate for existing base programs, and would provide: • Expansion of groundfish assessment, large pelagic species assessment, environmental assessment in the Atlantic Bight • The initiation of a modest assessment of the protected resources in the northeast • A small increase in the support of critical fishery management issues in the Gulf of Mexico • Some support for the Coastal Ocean Program • Optimum ship support for the Antarctic survey • Slight increase for the groundfish assessment and coastal marine mammal assessment in the southwest • A modest increase of groundfish assessment in the Gulf of Alaska, modest environmental assessment in Puget Sound and southeast Alaska • Some transboundary (Canada-U.S.) salmon migration studies Findings OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH: MISSION REQUIREMENTS 100 ■3 Climate & Global Change m Coastal Ocean VENTS Great Lakes/Sea Grant E3 Applied Oceanography CURRENT (960) PLANNING LEVEL A (1470) PLANNING LEVEL B (1810) PLANNING LEVEL C (2035) DAYS AT SEA Figure 2-8. Percent of oceanography requirements met at various levels of days at sea (DAS). (Programmatic support levels are discussed in text.) Oceanography : This level supports presently funded programs and would provide: Climate and Global Change Program : • Monitoring activities of Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA), Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Studies (EPOCS), and STACS to continue at present levels • Continuation of a limited Atlantic STACS program • Ocean chemistry programs of RITS, C0 2 , and Freon in the Pacific would continue at current levels • Expansion of RITS/Freon and RITS/C0 2 into the Atlantic • Elimination of proposed expansion to the ocean observing system • VENTS work on the Juan de Fuca Ridge would be returned to previous levels • Mid-Atlantic VENTS work restarted Coastal Ocean Program : • Sea ice research in support of the joint U.S./U.S.S.R. bilateral would be accomplished • Expansion of the FOCI program into the Bering Sea Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study Initiation of Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity (NECOP) into the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea A modest increase in support for Sea Grant research, up to approximately 30% of the perceived needs A pplied Oceanography : • The National Status and Trends (NS&T) monitoring network would be expanded to Alaska and the Caribbean • Existing network for coastal U.S. waters would be expanded to support the Coastal Ocean Program • Cooperative monitoring with EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) would be supported • The majority of support for circulation studies would continue to be provided by Coast Guard and small charter vessels • NOAA's hazardous materials response and damage assessment response operations remain unsupported Mapping and Charting : At this level the two critical backlogs (inshore areas and Notice to Mariners needing survey attention) would slowly diminish. The quality of the information portrayed on the inshore portion of NOAA's suite of nautical charts would slowly improve. • Offshore all five geographic areas would be addressed each year reducing projected mapping completion from over 200 years to approximately 60 years • Quality of the offshore portion of NOAA's nautical charts would rapidly improve Living Marine Resources : At this level significant increases in the support of protected resources assessment and the environmental assessment portions of the Coastal Ocean Program can be realized. Specifically: • In the northeast and the southeast there would be full support of the Coastal Ocean Program plus some expansion in the assessment of protected species • In the southwest a significant expansion of the coastal marine mammal, groundfish, and western Pacific resource assessment would be achieved PLANNING LEVEL B At this level ship support would be increased to 7910 DAS. Mapping and charting would receive 2640 DAS, living marine resources 3460 DAS, and oceanography 1810 DAS. For living marine resource assessment and oceanography, this level supports DAS for high-priority programs which are projected in the very-near future. For mapping and charting, this level supports base program requirements. • Expanded fishery resource assessment in the Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Chain, and central Bering Sea would be realized • More aggressive activities in support of the Coastal Ocean Program Oceanography : Enables accomplishment of essential elements in the programs, continuation of monitoring efforts, and some support for the observing system. Specifically: Findings Climate and Glo b al Change Pro gra m : Applied Oceanography: Provides for a reasonable response to the developing programs and continued support for a network of moored arrays. The following programs would be initiated: • Monitoring of ocean/atmosphere exchange of greenhouse gases and heat in the Atlantic • Atlantic climate change program • Pacific sulfur/stratus investigations • Measurements for ground truthing Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites • Full support of VENTS work in both the Juan de Fuca and Mid-Atlantic Ridge would be achieved Coastal Ocean Program would be expanded to include: • Sea ice research in high latitudes leading to improved forecasts and knowledge of ocean productivity and circulation • FOCI fisheries recruitment studies in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico • Continuation of tsunami hazard reduction research • Modest increases for marine environmental quality research in estuaries • Required support of planned VENTS work in both the Juan de Fuca and Mid- Atlantic Ridge would be achieved • Sea Grant research in support of Climate and Global Change, Coastal Ocean, and Great Lakes research programs would increase to approximately 80% of the perceived requirements • The identified mission requirements would be fully supported • Outer Continental Shelf environmental assessment programs would be fully supported PLANNING LEVEL C At this level ship support would be increased to 10,215 DAS. Mapping and charting would receive 3610 DAS, living marine resources 4570 DAS, and oceanography 2035 DAS. This level would support all program requirements foreseen through the end of the century and into the next. Mapping and charting backlogs would diminish rapidly and product quality would increase in a similar fashion. Bathymetric mapping of the EEZ would be completed in 30 years. Finding #4: NEW TECHNOLOGIES ALLOW SIGNIFICANT INCREASES IN MISSION PERFORMANCE, PRODUCTIVITY, AND EFFICIENCY. Although NOAA has failed to take full advantage of them, technologies for oceanographic operations have burgeoned in the United States and abroad since the 1960's. Major innovations can be grouped into the following categories: • Automation of Vessel Operations (e.g., unmanned engine rooms and streamlined food service) • Improved Seakeeping (e.g., SWATH hulls which can operate productively in higher sea states than monohulls) Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study • Improved Stationkeeping (e.g., multi- directional thrusters permitting precise positioning under a wide range of conditions) • Increased Real-Time Data Analysis at Sea (e.g., continuously recording sensors of a wide suite of environmental and physical data can feed shipboard and shore-side computers) Reliable Communications Virtually Anywhere at Sea (e.g., polar orbiting and stationary satellites) Precise Positioning (in X, Y, and Z) (e.g., satellite navigation and global positioning systems) • Advanced Instrumentation Multiplying Data Acquisition (e.g., multibeam soundings, hydroacoustic resource surveys) • Modular Laboratory Technology Allowing Multipurpose Operations and the Opportunity for Sophisticated Sample Analysis at Sea The incorporation of these advances into new ships can provide a very high programmatic return for the investment. Finding #5: NEW WAYS OF DOING BUSINESS ALLOW INCREASED FLEXIBILITY AND EFFICIENCY IN FLEET OPERATIONS. Oceanographic research and survey vessel operations are inherently costly, and the control of expenditures for capital investment, or for operations, is a continuing management objective. At any particular budget level available, cost control can allow more ship activity. The following categories of cost control show potential promise in the acquisition or operations strategies that NOAA employs for the fleet: • Crewing Efficiency — The vessel's crew can be considered an "overhead" cost compared to the scientific and technical staff who perform oceanographic missions. Scientist to crew ratios should be maximized as a cost control measure. Automated engine rooms and streamlined food services are mechanisms for reducing the crew size. • Crew Augmentations — Increasing the operating days at sea by multiple crewing can avoid the cost of an additional vessel in certain cases. • Chartering — As an alternative to up- front capital investments to acquire research and survey ships, chartering might be a very attractive alternative when the expected program requirements are of much shorter duration than the typical 30-year lifetime of a new ship. This alternative is also economically attractive when only a portion of NOAA's needs are met through chartering. For example, sufficient ships are available through the university community and the private sector to meet some of the program requirements. As suggested by Figure 2-9, where two vessels are chartered (10% of the fleet) the costs are less throughout the life history of the fleet. At the 20% level a similar trend exists. Findings w o o 160 NOAA FLEET REPLACEMENT - PLANNING LEVEL A ANNUAL COST OVER 30 YEARS (including operating cost) 140 -- 120 I ,00 O 80 60 - 40 20 - E22 NEW CONSTRUCTION - NOAA K33 NEW CONSTRUCTION/10-20% CHARTER ALL CHARTER 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 YEAR Figure 2-9. Thirty-year comparison of costs associated with a NOAA-owned, 20% charter, and 100% charter options. These costs include the current $60 million annual funding for operating the NOAA fleet. The reduced costs at Year 2005 reflect completion of capital investment for construction and major repairs. The increase at Year 2013 reflects initiation of service - life extension costs. This savings from chartering must be viewed in the proper perspective. At present, there are no ships in the private sector equipped to satisfy all of NOAA's requirements in the areas of fishery research and mapping and charting. There are, however, vessels in the university fleet to meet some of NOAA's oceanographic research needs. NOAA has utilized these vessels in the past, and expects to do so in the future. The charter costs which NOAA has paid, and which are reflected in Figure 2-9, cover only operating expenses. Major capital investment, e.g., construction, service- life extensions, certain equipment and repairs, are now borne by the Navy or the National Science Foundation. Should NOAA become a large user of the university fleet, then NOAA will be expected to share the capital investment costs. Such cost sharing will increase the amount NOAA pays for the charter, an increase not reflected in Figure 2-9. For more extensive use of chartered vessels, however, an adequate number of suitable ships are not available in either the university fleet or the private sector. In such cases, the contractors would be required to build or convert vessels at costs similar to what NOAA would incur on its own. Under such conditions, whereas for the first few years the cost between "NOAA Constructed" and "All Charter" is comparable, in the out years Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study the "All Charter" approach is much more expensive. The principal advantage of chartering in the long term is to maintain the annual costs at a low level by spreading out charter payments. Disadvantages include the tendency for existing vessels to be less than ideally configured for certain mission-related work. • Build/Lease — An alternative approach is to pursue a build/lease program in the private sector. This approach could be a 20-to-30-year bare-boat lease with an option to purchase the vessels at the end of this period for a nominal amount. While there are a number of variations to this approach, one method would be for NOAA to engage a private contractor to oversee the design, financing, competition for awarding of contracts, and the actual construction of the vessels. The vessels would be designed to NOAA's specifications based on extensive consultation with NOAA program officials and based on NOAA-wide needs. NOAA would not begin making lease payments for these vessels until they were actually delivered in satisfactory condition and finally tested. This approach could accrue a number of benefits to NOAA. First, NOAA would not have to assemble a large in-house capability to design and procure the construction of vessels. Rather, existing NOAA personnel would continually assess NOAA-wide requirements and develop specifications for incorporation in the vessel designs. Second, by imposing considerable discipline at the design stage and by working through a private sector general contractor, NOAA could avoid the problem of "change orders" and resultant cost overruns which often accompany the federal procurement of ships and other equipment. Third, with a goal of achieving the maximum efficiency in both vessel financing and vessel construction through a build/lease program, and by competing the financing and the construction costs through the general contractor, significant savings may be achieved. There are two additional advantages to this approach which are of significance. First, because a private sector build/lease program presumes private sector financing throughout the design, financing, and construction stages, NOAA would not require appropriations to make lease payments until the vessel was actually delivered and satisfactorily tested. Also, the near-term fiscal-year appropriation amounts would be significantly smaller than under a federal procurement approach; however, in the long-term the costs to NOAA might be greater. Finally, if NOAA vessels are determined as being eligible for financing under the Capital Construction Fund (CCF), significant additional savings are possible (Figure 2-10). Conservative estimates for these savings are 25 to 30% and may apply to both new construction and conversion. The CCF is a tax-deferred fund which allows participants to invest profits and defer taxes on these profits provided that when funds are withdrawn from the CCF, they are used to construct vessels which are deemed to be engaged in commerce. Originally, funds could remain in the CCF indefinitely. However, as part of the 1986 tax reform legislation, the amount of time that funds could remain in the CCF was limited to 25 years. Because a considerable amount was invested in the early 1970's, many of the participants in the CCF will be looking for shipbuilding opportunities, or otherwise face very large tax obligations. Findings ALTERNATIVE CONSTRUCTION AND LEASE COSTS* PRESENT VALUE** PRESENT VALUE NEW CONSTR. PRESENT VALUE 10% FINANCING CO z O CO O o I993 I995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 201 1 2013 20 15 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 YEAR DOES NOT INCLUDE OPERATING COST PRESENT VALUE FACTOR IS 10% Figure 2-10. Comparison of three approaches to financing. The "Present Value New Construction" reflects costs of appropriated dollars. The "Present Value 10% Financing" includes an offsetting 10% finance charge and an annual 10% discount (Present Value). The "Present Value 6.25% Financing" utilizes lower-interest funds such as Capital Construction Fund (CCF) (see text for discussion, pp. 19 - 20). As a result, NOAA could benefit through significantly reduced costs provided waivers can be granted regarding the engagement-in-commerce requirements. • New Partnerships — NOAA could jointly construct or operate an oceanographic vessel with other federal organizations or a university, if all parties agree, as a means to share costs when all benefit. NOAA's fleet is now the largest dedicated oceanographic research and survey fleet in the world. It is also one of the oldest and, in some cases, is functionally restricted. NOAA obtains oceanic observations and samples for its own mission requirements, particularly for monitoring, charting, and fisheries purposes. Finding #6 : REPLACEMENT OF NOAA'S FLEET IS A MAJOR OPPORTUNITY FOR NOAA LEADERSHIP IN THE MARINE SCIENCES NATIONALLY AND INTERNATIONALLY. Increasingly, NOAA data and samples are useful to the marine science community, especially in connection with monitoring and ground-truthing for expanding satellite remote-sensing programs. The size, quality, and character of NOAA's fleet will determine to a significant extent the quality of the marine sciences in the United States and abroad. NOAA's leadership can be pivotal. Technical Assessment of Fleet Modernization condition), and This section reflects the bulk of the detailed technical analysis undertaken in Phase III of the fleet modernization study. Fourteen distinct scenarios were examined and they are summarized in detail in Appendix A. These scenarios are based on the four missions levels: Current, Planning Level A, Planning Level B, and Planning Level C. The overall technical assessment examined the vessels required for each level, transition strategies given the current NOAA vessel inventory (especially its material associated costs. The fourteen scenarios cover all significant alternatives in the view of the study group and include operating at maximum levels for days at sea and various levels of chartering. For Table 3-1. Shown are the five strategies for the NOAA fleet as they relate to the mission requirements. simplicity, the fourteen scenarios are condensed into five strategies which represent very different approaches to NOAA's fleet. Each of the five strategies, in turn, has several variants which allow flexibility to modify or fine tune each strategy as policymakers weigh choices. These five strategies are: (1) Rapid Degradation of Ocean Missions; (2) Slow Degradation of Ocean Missions; (3) Arrested Degradation of Ocean Missions; (4) Planning Level A/B; and (5) Planning Level C. Table 3-1 relates these strategies to the MISSION REQUIREMENTS STRATEGY FOR NOAA FLEET Current (3600 DAS) Degradation of Ocean Missions Rapid Slow Arrested Planning Level A (6100 DAS) Planning Level A/B Planning Level B (7910 DAS) Planning Level A/B Planning Level C (10,215 DAS) Planning Level C Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study mission requirements of Finding #3 in Chapter II, pp. 8 - 17. Each of these are discussed below. Chartering. Except for "Rapid Degradation," which is not considered as an alternative, these strategies include some level of chartering. These chartering options are at levels of 10-20% and 100% of program needs. The charter option refers to long- term chartering from the university community [through the University National Oceanography Laboratory System (UNOLS)] or the private sector. In this context, it does not include build/lease options. Assumptions for the charter options include: • NOAA obtains authority long-term charter • Capability comparable to, or in excess of, those provided by the next generation of NOAA ships as identified in Phases I and II of the Fleet Modernization Study • At 10-20% level of NOAA's program needs, sufficient ships are available to satisfy NOAA's needs • At 100% level of NOAA's program needs, insufficient ships are available requiring vendors to build new ships. At the 100% level, costs were estimated on the basis of: Construction cost amortized over 20 years at 10% interest Mission/scientific equipment provided through government-furnished equipment (GFE) Service-life extension completed after 15 years by vendor Operating crew provided by vendor with mission/scientific crew provided by NOAA Crew size varies from 12 to 21 depending on the vessel size Existing NOAA shore-side support functions reduced by 50% Maintenance costs are 30% of operating costs Cost estimates are amplified in Appendix A. An accurate determination of the cost for chartering will require sending a Request for Information (RFI) to potential vendors. For this study, such a request was premature and will await a subsequent cost-benefits study. Instead, historical data, including a study conducted by the Marine Board and published daily costs of the UNOLS vessels, are utilized. Rapid Degradation of CURRENT LEVEL: Ocean Missions Finding : With present funding, the probability is very high that within 10 years, few NOAA ships will still be operating. This stark fact is based on the material condition of the ships as documented by the 1988 ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, Inc. study (Report of Assessment and Plan to Extend the Service Life of Vessels of the NOAA Fleet, Vol. I: Plan; and Vol. IT: Vessel Assessment and Analysis) prepared for NOAA, which alarmingly highlighted a backlog of $40 million in critical maintenance, and $50 million in needed replacement of obsolete instrumentation. An unacceptable increase in lost days at sea due to unscheduled maintenance and lack of qualified operating crews already exists. In FY 1989 an Technical Assessment of Fleet Modernization equivalent of one ship year was lost solely due to unscheduled maintenance. Poor: SURVEYOR, ALBATROSS IV*, CROMWELL, J.N. COBB, MURRE II* Assum pti o ns : • No service-life extensions • No increase in funding for maintenance except for adjustment for inflation • Backlog of critical maintenance items will continue to increase • Factors which govern the remaining service life: Safety Qualified Operating Crew Material Condition Availability of Spare Parts Age Functionality • Life expectancy of 30 years; this is an optimistic expectation considering the lack of significant service-life extensions • Based on the conclusions of the ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY study, and as detailed in Appendix A, the NOAA ships can be characterized in terms of material condition. From this the remaining service life is projected as: "Poor" an additional to 4 years "Fair" an additional 3 to 7 years "Good" an additional 6 to 10 years Based on the same study, the material condition, safety, age, and availability of spare parts the NOAA ships can be grouped accordingly: Fair: OCEANOGRAPHER*, DISCOVERER, BALDRIGE, MT. MITCHELL, MILLER FREEMAN, McARTHUR, OREGON II, JORDAN, CHAPMAN, FERRELL, RUDE, HECK Good: FAIRWEATHER*, RAINIER, PEIRCE*, WHITING, DAVIDSON, DELAWARE II Presently inactive As suggested in Figure 2-3, at this level of support the projection is that no NOAA ships will be operational by the year 2001. Slow Degradation of CURRE N T LEVEL: Ocean Missions Finding : This option maintains the existing fleet of 18 vessels. Six ships will be replaced and 12 repaired to extend the service life at a 15-year cost of $332 million (Table 3-2). These costs are in addition to present funding for marine services, which is approximately $60 million per year. Assumptions : • Service-life extension and replacements through conversions will be completed in seven years • Activating some presently inactive vessels and a fishery conversion vessel will be used to maintain the DAS level during the service-life extensions • Upon completion of the service-life extension or replacement the ship operations will be increased to 240 DAS Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study 15-YEAR COST SUMMARY OVER CURRENT FUNDING REQUIRED FOR FLEET MODERNIZATION AT VARIOUS OPERATING LEVELS DAYS AT SEA (DAS)" NUMBER OF SHIPS 15-YEAR COST ($M) ANNUAL COST ($M) CURRENT - RAPID DEGRADATION (3600 DAS) Capital Operating Total SLOW DEGRADATION (4320 DAS) ARRESTED DEGRADATION (4320 DAS) ALL CHARTER (4320 DAS) 18 18 18 277 672 55 64 896 332 736 896 22 49 60 PLANNING LEVEL A (6100 DAS) 240 240 /10% CHARTER 240 /ALL CHARTER 300 300/10% CHARTER 25 23 25 23 11 920 838 852 810 222 266 1465 252 267 1142 1104 1465 1104 1077 76 74 98 74 72 PLANNING LEVEL B (7910 DAS) 240 240/10% CHARTER 300 300/10% CHARTER 33 26 31 24 1139 915 980 858 361 540 426 568 1500 1455 1406 1426 100 97 94 95 PLANNING LEVEL C (10215 DAS) 240 240/10% CHARTER 43 36 1472 1241 446 596 1918 1837 128 123 At 240 All Ships Operate At 240 DAS/Year; at 300 Larger Vessels Operate At 300 DAS/Year M = Million Table 3-2. 15 -year cost summary. • Operating costs for a 240 DAS schedule have been included • By operating at 240 DAS for each ship, the DAS for the total fleet will increase to 4320 from its present level of 3600 by FY 2000 • Service-life extension adds approximately 15 years to the life of the ship condition will be replaced first; these include the SURVEYOR, CROMWELL, ALBATROSS IV, J. N. COBB, OREGON II, RUDE, and HECK. To varying degrees the remaining ships will receive some repairs to extend their service life until they are replaced by new construction. The cost of this option over a 15-year period is $736 million over the present funding levels (Table 3-2). CURRENT LEVEL: Arrested Degradation of Ocean Missions Finding : At this level, the 18 ships presently operating will be replaced during the 15-year period. The ships in the poorest material Assumptions : • Six ships replaced immediately with new construction • Twelve ships will receive some level of repairs to extend life until replaced Technical Assessment of Fleet Modernization • Activation of some presently inactive vessels and a fishery conversion vessel will be used to maintain the current days at sea during the period of repair for service-life extension • The initial replacement and service-life extension will be completed in seven years • After replacement or service-life extension are completed the ships will operate at 240 days per year. Consequently, by FY 2000 ship operations will be increased to 4320 DAS for the total fleet from current level of 3600 DAS • The additional days at sea will increase operating costs PLAN N ING L EV EL A IB Finding : During a 15-year period all of the NOAA ships will be replaced. Also the size of the NOAA fleet will be increased in order to satisfy the mission requirements. The number of ships will range from 22 to 33 depending on the variant employed. With the variants of operating the larger ships at 240 or 300 DAS per year (small ships operate at 240 DAS) and employing no charter, 10-20% charter or 100% charter, the costs vary between $1.1 to $1.5 billion for the 15-year period over present funding of $60 million per year (Table 3-2). Assumptions : • New construction and repair to extend service life will be achieved through three 5-year periods. This will serve to spread the costs more evenly during the 15-year modernization period, to maintain a more constant annual days-at-sea level, and to avoid future block obsolescence • Deactivated ships to be placed back in service to avoid loss in days at sea during the transition period • The target increased days at sea will not be achieved until FY 2000 • Ships in poor material condition or functionally limited will be replaced early in the schedule • Ships to meet new mission requirements to be constructed early in the schedule • All schedules are for costing purposes only and are not intended to imply priority in repair, construction, or leasing • At the 240 DAS level all new ships and those having received repairs to extend service life will operate at 240 DAS/year • At the 300 DAS level only the High- and Medium-Endurance vessels (as identified in Phase II) will operate at 300 DAS/year; the smaller vessels will remain at the 240 DAS/year level • Costs for days at sea above existing levels are included in the cost estimates • At the 10-20% level of chartering, more large vessels will be chartered than smaller vessels; this is particularly true in the areas of charting and mapping, and living marine resource assessment PLANNING LEVEL C Finding : This level will satisfy all the identified mission requirements through 10,215 days at sea. The cost associated with the two variants of 240 DAS, no charter, and 10-20% charter are $1.8 and $1.9 billion above current funding level (Table 3-2). Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study Assumptions : • Similar to those for the Planning Level A/B • Starting in FY 1998 the OREGON II shifts from supporting living marine resources assessment to low-endurance oceanographic requirements • Targeted days at sea will be achieved in FT 2005 Evaluation of Capital Investment Strategies This section presents an evaluation of the five alternative strategies for NOAA's fleet discussed in Chapter III. The intent is to weigh strategies, not particular packages, for specific numbers of ships, at firm costs, for a fixed program requirement level. It was the intent of the Working Group to maintain objectivity. In Chapter V, a detailed decision process to arrive at future specific investment decisions is presented for consideration. Cons : Progressive failure of ships —By FY 95 down to 15 ships —By FY 98 down to 6 ships — By FY 01 down to no ships With the existing ships less than 40% of NOAA's ocean mission requirements are now being met CURRENT LEVEL: Rapid Degradation of Ocea n M is sions • Several of the ships are functionally limited in support of today's ocean mission Features : This schedule involves funding at the existing level at the expense of adequate sea days and vessel functionality to support NOAA's programmatic missions. Pros : • No additional money required CURRENT LEVEL: Ocean Missions Slow Degradation of Features : This level involves the least amount of money to ensure that the current number of NOAA ships are operating at the end of the decade. Inherent to this schedule is the fact that for two-thirds of the fleet, which received a service-life extension, block Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study obsolescence will occur after 15 years. Needed functional capabilities and days-at- sea levels to meet identified mission requirements will not be achieved. Pros : • Less additional money than other options Cons : • For first three years annual cost is comparable to some of preferred modernization options • Block obsolescence of two-thirds of fleet after 15 years • Mission requirements not being met CURRENT LEVEL: Arrested Degradation of Ocean Missions Features : This is the minimum level to maintain a NOAA fleet into the next century and to avoid block obsolescence of the majority of the ships after 15 years. Needed days at sea to meet identified mission requirements will not be achieved. Pros : • Avoid block obsolescence • Cost intermediate between " Current Level : Slow Degradation of Ocean Missions" and the preferred options of a Planning Level A or Planning Level B investment • Functional capability assured Cons : • Not satisfying mission requirements in terms of days at sea PLANNING LEVEL AIB INVESTMENT Features : This level provides a functional fleet capable of satisfying those programmatic missions which are either funded (Planning Level A) or viewed as a high priority by NOAA (Planning Level B). Furthermore, if implemented as scheduled, future block obsolescence will be avoided. Pros : Programs identified in NOAA's budget supported Functionality assured Future block obsolescence avoided Cost of the first three years comparable with less preferred options Cons : • More money than the previous options PLANNING LEVEL C INVESTMENT Features : This level provides sufficient functional ships to satisfy all of NOAA ocean mission requirements into next century. Pros : • Full support of NOAA's missions Co ns : • More money than other options Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions Based upon the results of Phases I and II, and the additional material obtained or developed in Phase III, the Working Group arrived at the following conclusions with respect to the future of the NOAA fleet: • An analysis of all significant alternatives to obtain a modern NOAA fleet to carry out NOAA's missions points to the conclusion that a 15-year investment on the order of at least $1 billion is required above the current base program of approximately $60 million per year • Future mission requirements and program funding levels are subject to change, and there may well be unanticipated technology breakthroughs; some flexibility to adapt to these changes is desirable. The Working Group concluded that an incremental invest- ment strategy is the best way to assure that NOAA maintains the flexibility to meet its mission responsibilitie • As developed in this study, the fleet modernization plan can be tailored to a relatively broad range of funding levels in response to changes in NOAA's mission/program priorities. For example, if innovative private capital financing were selected, a 25 -vessel fleet scenario could be funded with an annual budget level of approximately double the current base program of $60 million (i.e., $120 million per year total for operations and capital investment) • In order to take maximum advantage of the flexibility in obtaining vessel capability, NOAA would require legislative authorization for multiyear chartering. At present, long-term chartering (multiyear) cannot be undertaken by NOAA without legislative authorization Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study • The phased approach to fleet modern- ization as discussed in this study will not lock NOAA into a fleet of a particular size or character. This investment over the course of the 15-year program can be done in such a way as to preserve the choice of maintaining the NOAA fleet at a level responsive to the organization's evolving needs Recommendations • NOAA should propose a long-term, cost-effective fleet capitalization strategy beginning in FY 1993 • NOAA should identify trade-offs between new-vessel performance and costs, taking into account life -cycle, cost-estimating techniques. NOAA should also develop explicit decision criteria for use in a decision tree based upon the simplified model shown in Figure 5-1 The Phase III Working Group adopted by consensus the following recommendations for NOAA action in support of the conclusions of the study: • NOAA must maintain a ship capability to fulfill its mission and Congressionally mandated responsibilities • Fleet modernization should be an urgent, NOAA-wide priority • Depending upon program priority and budget availability decisions by policymakers in future years, the fleet capitalization strategies that should be initially given the most favorable consideration are in the range of "Planning Level A/B " discussed above. This would result in a future NOAA fleet ranging from 22 to 33 vessels. Later decisions should be made annually thereafter Figure 5-1. A simplified version of the decision tree model developed from explicit decision criteria. A DECISION LOGIC FOR FLEET MODERNIZATION Identify/Specify NOAA Program Requirements for Vessels a. Decide absolute level by program (i.e., 2000 DAS for coastal hydrography) b. Specify levels of effort, i.e., 1. Mission essential 2. High priority 3. Priority c. Other? Evaluate Evaluate Weigh Incorporate State-of-the-Art Vessel Technologies (Capabilities) Life Cycle Cost Factors Criteria to Balance Trade-offs Strategic Factors a. New construction b. Conversion c. Rehab's d. Lease/Other? a. Construction, outfitting b. Operations c. Duration of use (limited mission requirement?) d. Other? Performance vs. Cost Inhouse vs. Out-of-House (degree of direct control) Built-in flexibility to upgrade, modify Other? a. Mission priorities b. Time phasing c. External alternatives (use UNOLS on lease for a while) d. NOAA leadership in national fleet e. Flexibility f. Marketing g. Overall rationale justifying cost/ effectiveness h. Other? Decide Conclusions and Recommendations • NOAA should establish a fleet modernization program office to perform strategic planning and technical analysis to support policy decision-making by NOAA, DOC, OMB, and the Congress. Once the modernization begins, the office would perform ongoing management functions • NOAA should establish and maintain a policy of coordination with other vessel operators in this country and abroad to respond most cost-effectively to the urgent marine and atmospheric problems on the national agenda • Whenever feasible, consideration should be given to coordinating ship design and construction plans with other federal organizations (i.e., National Science Foundation and the Navy) in order to reduce development costs • NOAA should be a model manager and operator of an oceanographic fleet both at home and abroad Glossary AOML CCF CH 4 CO co 2 DAS DOC EEZ EMAP Eos or EOS EPA EPOCS FMP FOCI GFDL GFE GPS IFREMER IHO LMR NECOP NMFS NMHC NOAA NOS NS&T NWS 3 OAR OCS OCSEAP OMB PMEL RFI RITS STACS SURF TOGA UNOLS Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (NOAA) Capital Construction Fund Methane Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide Days at Sea Department of Commerce Exclusive Economic Zone Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Earth Observing System Environmental Protection Agency Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Studies Fishery Management Plan Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (NOAA) Government-Furnished Equipment Global Positioning System Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer International Hydrographic Organization Living Marine Resources Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA) Non-Methane Hydrocarbon National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC) National Ocean Service (NOAA) National Status and Trends Program National Weather Service (NOAA) Ozone Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (NOAA) Outer Continental Shelf Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program Office of Management and Budget Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (NOAA) Request for Information Radiatively important Trace Species Subtropical Atlantic Climate Studies Survey Users Request File Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere program University National Oceanographic Laboratory System Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study USGS VENTS WOCE United States Geological Survey (DOI) Name of hydrothermal venting research program (not an acronym). World Ocean Circulation Experiment Appendix A Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Replacement OVERVIEW A3 PURPOSE/ASSUMPTIONS A5 REQUIREMENTS A6 DAS Requirements A6 Ship Requirements (240 DAS) A7 Ship Requirements (300 DAS) A7 VESSEL CLASSIFICATION/COST All High Endurance A12 Medium Endurance A12 Coastal/Low Endurance A13 Nearshore/Estuarine A13 Number and Mix of Ships A14 Ship Replacement Cost Summary A14 Ship Replacement Cost Breakdown A16 CHARTER/CONTRACT SHIP SUPPORT A17 Charter of Existing Ships A17 Charter of New Ships A19 IMPACT OF OPERATING VESSELS AT CURRENT LEVELS OF MAINTENANCE A21 Projected Remaining Years of Service A23 Key to Ship Abbreviations A25 CURRENT LEVEL A29 Construct 6, Service-Life Extend 2 A29 Construct 18 A35 Charter 18 A41 PLANNING LEVEL A A47 Construct 25 A47 Construct 23, Charter 2 A53 Charter 25 A59 Construct 23 (300 DAS) A65 Construct 21, Charter 2 (300 DAS) A71 PLANNING LEVEL B A77 Construct 33 A77 Construct 26, Charter 7 A83 Construct 31 (300 DAS) A89 Construct 24, Charter 7 (300 DAS) A95 PLANNING LEVEL C A101 Construct 43 A101 Construct 36, Charter 7 A107 COST SUMMARY A113 15-Year Summary of All Strategies A114 30-Year Comparison for Planning Level A New Construction and Charter A115 Overview A number of strategies have been developed for Phase III of the fleet modernization study to make the transition of the NOAA fleet from its current state to new levels of capability. Included in these strategies is an assessment of continuing to operate the fleet without the benefit of a modernization program. Information contained in this document was prepared for discussion purposes and is not intended to represent a detailed or final analysis of the options. Days-at-sea (DAS) requirements were provided at four levels: Current (3600), Planning Level A (6100), Planning Level B (7910) and Planning Level C (10,215) for High-Endurance, Medium-Endurance, Coastal/Low-Endurance and Nearshore/Estuarine ship capabilities. Fleet size was determined using 240 DAS per ship for all vessels except in some options 300 DAS were used for the high- and medium-endurance vessels. The fleet size ranges from 18 vessels at the current level to 43 vessels at the Planning Level C and the respective 15-year cost range from $332 million to $1,918 million. Included in the strategies are service-life extension, new construction, and chartering options. Two chartering models were utilized in developing the costs. One model assumes that a limited number of contract vessels are currently available to meet the program requirements, and these vessels are used to supplement the new construction program. For the replacement of the entire fleet by charter/contract, it was assumed that the contractor must build new ships to meet these program requirements. A cost summary for each replacement option is included. Scheduling of new construction, service-life extension, and chartering vary with each option. Phased replacement of ships based on material condition and functionality, leveling of costs for the 15-year period, and increasing DAS were generally optimized for each option. This optimization affects the cost for each option and may not reflect NOAA program priorities. A 30-year cost and comparison of the Planning Level A new construction versus chartering options was developed. As indicated by this comparison, the 15-year cost does not provide an adequate view of the total 30-year life-cycle cost of operating the fleet. Thirty-year life-cycle costs should be developed for the options selected for further consideration in the fleet modernization program. Purpose /Assumptions Purpose of Study Provide background information and "first cut" strategies for NOAA fleet replacement, and to show the impact of no new funding. Assumptions of Study Replacement program is to start in Fiscal Year 1993. Estimated costs are in 1990 dollars. Phased replacement of vessels in approximately 15-year period is based on material condition and functionality. Suitable vessels are service-life extended or repaired to make transition to new fleet. Costs generally are leveled for the 15-year period. Increasing DAS early in the plans was a high priority. Existing shore-based facilities and logistics support are adequate for the Current and Planning Level A ship requirements. Expanded shore facilities and logistics support will be required for the Planning Level B and Planning Level C ship requirements but these costs are not included in the options presented. Replacement of 9 vessels in the 40-65' range operated by the program areas is not included in preliminary strategies. Costs of replacing and outfitting these vessels are estimated to range from $10-$20 million. Replacement of these vessels should be included in the fleet modernization plan. Requirements Requirements are defined in days-at-sea (DAS) at four levels by program area: Current Planning Level A Planning Level B Planning Level C Capability of vessels to meet these requirements are defined in four classes: High Endurance Medium Endurance Coastal/Low Endurance Nearshore/Estuarine Number of ships is determined by defining a ship year as 240 DAS or 300 DAS. DAS REQUIREMENTS LEYEL CHARTING LMR OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL Current Planning Level A Planning Level B Planning Level C 1,100 2,160 2,640 3,610 1,540 2,470 3,460 4,570 960 1,470 1,810 2,035 3,600 6,100 7,910 10,215 Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study SHIP REQUIREMENTS 240 DAS PER SHIP ( ) Number of Ships Suitable for Charter/Contract LEYEL Current Planning Level A Planning Level B Planning Level C CHARTING 6.0 9.0 (1.0) 11.0 (3.0) 15.0 (3.0) LMR 7.7 10.0 (1.0) 14.5 (3.0) 19.0 (3.0) * DAS vary from 140 to 240 OCEANOGRAPHY 4.3 6.0 7.5 (1.0) 9.0 (1.0) TOTAL 18.0* 25.0 (2.0) 33.0 (7.0) 43.0 (7.0) SHIP REQUIREMENTS 300 DAS PER SHIP HIGH- AND MEDIUM-ENDURANCE VESSELS LEYEL Planning Level A Planning Level B CHARTING 8.0 10.0 LMR 10.0 14.0 OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL 5.0 23.0 7.0 31.0 A8 z o CO CO < DC >£ co>. COCO z LU LU DC Z> O LU CE < LU CO ■ I- < CO > < Q IS 2 = i — LU LU DC CO5 So LU LU _l LL < < o Z go O O LO LO 000 O O LO LO O O LO in O O LO LO 5 -J is Tf 00O1 y— O CM t- CO O O CM C\J CD CD CM CD 1- CD in CD CD O CO ^ r^ < Q CM CM LO o> ^ CM CD T" CD CO CM CM 8 ^ -^J" h- CO T- co ^r co CM CO t- 5> < s!^ LU CO I 1- < CO «. ^ ^ > is O O LO LO OOO O O O LO in OOO O 000 < ^ in n CO CM O LO N CM 1- CD •^ co 1- co M- CM CO in CD N N G CM t- ^3- 00 I s - LO CM *r I s - CO «t CO T- "^ Tf T~ "* m T- 1— CM T~ CM CM t- CO s- k» 5 OOO LO CD <3" CO ^ ° T~ ° JT, T" LO O LO LU ■t CM 00 a CD r- LO LO "^ £ CO CD ^ £J CM O -ST LO CC T- T- CM CO CM -i- t^ CM CM 1- Z> 1- => 1- => 1- D ■" cc O O O O O Q 00 UJ 00 1X1 ^ 00 00 LU UJ < CC > dc >: x > X > X >- DC DC Q. QZ £? < DC DC ? < 7= < X X 1 LU J ? < X x yjj O ^ < x x ^0 O < CD LLj O 1 5 < < (j CD < O CD < CD YPEAI MISSI Uj ARTIN ING M EANO' 220 h- en z dc y < < ^ UJ LU CJ ARTIN ING M EANO DC 1 UJ UJ DC 1 ARTIN ING M EANO ARTIN ING M EANO' 5 x > O X > 5 x > O x > O x > O l- _i LU CO 2 5 O _i O OjO I O -j O O Zj O O _i O C/) CO LU =5 LU CO «J LU > 3; CD 5 1 O -J DC 2 2 S A9 < O % < a u W M 09 U H O rf \ \ \ Ptf 3 X X X % M H < 8 I w w H w P u ► w H w 2 P o w m m SdlHS JO H3HWQN Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study Notes: Vessel Classification and Costs New ships are defined in four classes of capability to meet requirements for oceanography, living marine resources, and charting: High Endurance Low Endurance Medium Endurance Nearshore/Estuarine Summary and detailed ship replacement costs for the design, construction, and mission outfitting were developed in Phase II of the Fleet Modernization Study. Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study HIGH ENDURANCE VESSEL CAPABILITY CHARTING LMR OCEANOGRAPHY Cruising speed (knots) 15 15 15 Range (nm) 14,400 12,000 15,000 Endurance (days) 40-60 45 60 Accommodations (no.) 30 20 35 Ice strengthening (ABS Class) C C 1A Deck worjting area (sq. ft.) 2,000 2,000 7,000 Cranes/A-frames/gantry (no.) 2/1/1 2/2/1 4/2/1 Winches (no.) 2 5 4 Laboratory area (sq. ft.) 1,400 2,000 3,700 Vans (no.) 4 4 8 Scientific storage (cu. ft.) 5,000 10,000 16,000 Trawlway no yes yes Launches 1 1 3 MEDIUM ENDURANCE VESSEL CAPABILITY Cruising speed (knots) Range (nm) Endurance (days) Accommodations (no.) Ice strengthening (ABS Class) Deck working area (sq. ft.) Cranes/A-frames/gantry (no.) Winches (no.) Laboratory area (sq. ft.) Vans (no.) Scientific storage (cu. ft.) Trawlway Launches CHARTING LMR 13 OCEANOGRAPHY 13 13 8,000 8,000 8,000 25 30 45 30 16 25 C C 1A 2,000 1,500 4,000 1/2/1 2/2/1 3/2/1 2 5 3 1,500 1,500 2,400 2 2 6 3,000 7,000 10,000 no yes yes 4 1 2 rib Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study COASTAL/LOW ENDURANCE VESSEL CAPABILITY CHARTING 12 LMR 12 OCEANOGRAPHY Cruising speed (knots) 12 Range (nm) 5,800 5,000 5,000 Endurance (days) 20 21 21 Accommodations (no.) 22 12 16 Ice strengthening (ABS Class) C C C Deck working area (sq. ft.) 2,000 1,000 1,700 Cranes/A-frames/gantry (no.) 2/2/1 2/2/1 2/1/1 Winches (no.) 2 5 2 Laboratory area (sq. ft.) 1,500 1,000 1,000 Vans (no.) 1 1 2 Scientific storage (cu. ft.) 3,000 5,000 5,000 Trawlway no yes yes Launches 2 1 2 NEARSHORE/ESTUARINE VESSEL CAPABILITY CHARTING LMR OCEANOGRAPHY Cruising speed (knots) Range (nm) Endurance (days) Accommodations (no.) 10 2,900 10 10 10 2,000 10 8 10 2,500 10 8 Ice strengthening (ABS Class) Deck working area (sq. ft.) Cranes/A-frames/gantry (no.) Winches (no.) 500 1/1/1 2 600 1/1/1 3 600 2/1/1 3 Laboratory area (sq. ft.) Vans (no.) 700 1 500 1 500 1 Scientific storage (cu. ft.) Trawlway Launches 1,500 no 1 2,000 yes 1 2,000 yes 1 Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study NUMBER AND MIX OF SHIPS PLANNING PLANNING PLANNING CURRENT LEVEL A LEVEL B LEVEL C High Endurance 3.0 3.7 4.1 4.7 Medium Endurance 3.9 5.0 7.1 9.4 Coastal/Low Endurance 6.4 10.3 14.9 17.8 Nearshore/Estuarine 4.7 6.0 6.9 11.1 TOTAL 18.0 25.0 33.0 43.0 SHIP REPLACEMENT COST SUMMARY ($M) : CHARTING LMR OCEANOGRAPHY High Endurance 43 42 53 Medium Endurance 41 42 44 Coastal/Low Endurance 29 23 28 Nearshore/Estuarine 15 9 13 * Estimates derived by using an average of the min/max costs with mission gear plus the design costs (see accompanying table on p. A16) A15 H w S w 3 w ah w w n4 n3 P ^ SdlHS JO HSHWflN Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study SHIP REPLACEMENT COST BREAKDOWN ($M) Construction Mission Cost with Change ComnH Contract Cost Outfit Mission Gear Design Order ission'g Totals Min Max Min Max Min Max High Endurance Charting 27.8 35.3 10.7 36.6 46.0 2.2 3.2 2.0 45.9 53.4 LMR 26.1 33.2 10.6 34.5 43.8 2.1 3.0 2.0 43.7 50.8 Oceanography 35.0 43.6 11.7 44.9 55.3 2.8 3.9 2.0 55.4 64.0 Medium Endurance Charting 25.8 32.7 10.4 33.9 43.1 2.0 2.9 1.5 42.7 49.6 LMR 26.5 33.7 10.3 34.9 44.0 2.1 3.0 1.5 43.4 50.6 Oceanography 27.8 35.1 11.0 36.6 46.1 2.2 3.1 1.5 45.6 52.9 Low Endurance Charting 17.3 22.9 8.6 23.5 31.5 1.4 2.0 1.0 30.3 35.9 LMR 13.3 18.2 7.3 18.7 25.5 1.1 1.6 1.0 24.3 29.2 Oceanography 16.4 21.9 8.1 22.6 30.0 1.3 1.9 1.0 28.8 34.3 Nearshore/Estuarine Charting 7.6 11.0 5.6 11.0 16.6 0.7 0.9 0.5 15.3 18.7 LMR 4.3 6.7 3.9 6.6 10.6 0.4 0.6 0.5 9.6 12.0 Oceanography 6.7 9.6 5.3 10.0 14.9 0.6 0.8 0.5 13.9 16.8 Charter I Contract Ship Support Requirements Charter of Existing Ships Assumes existing ships which meet NOAA requirements are available for charter. Ship support requirements suitable for charter/contract have been identified in the Planning Level A, Planning Level B, and Planning Level C requirements levels by the program areas. Preliminary costs (not verified) for the four classes of ships have been derived for estimating purposes only. These costs include all operating costs except scientific support. Ships chartered/contracted are equivalent in capability and equipment to those defined by requirements. Transition plans have been modified to identified charter/contract ships. Replacement schedules have not been readjusted. Charter/contract is assumed to start in Fiscal Year 93 for all ships and cost estimates adjusted accordingly. Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study AMOUNT OF SHIP SUPPORT SUITABLE FOR CHARTER/CONTRACT LEVEL CHARTING LME OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL Current - - - - Planning Level A 1 HE IHE - 2HE Planning Level B 1 HE 1 ME 1 LE IHE IME 1 LE 1 LE 2HE 2ME 3LE Planning Level C IHE IME 1 LE 1 HE 1 ME ILE 1 LE 2HE 2ME 3LE HE- - High Endurance ME - Medium Endurance LE- - Low Endurance PRELIMINARY CHARTER/CONTRACT COST ESTIMATES FOR EXISTING SHIPS BASED ON 240 DAS CLASS COST r$M^ High Endurance 4.0 - 6.0 Medium Endurance 3.0 - 5.0 Low Endurance 2.0 - 3.0 Nearshore/Estuarine 1.0 - 2.0 AVERAGE COST ($M) 5.0 4.0 2.5 1.5 Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study Chartering of New Construction to Replace Current Fleet Assumptions A more detailed cost analysis and a survey of the market will be required to refine the chartering model. Ships chartered/contracted are equivalent in capability and equipment to those defined by requirements. Construction of vessels by contractor will be necessary to meet the NOAA requirements. Charter vessel options are: Operating Crew - Contractor Scientific Crew - NOAA. Cost estimated with 20-year loans at 10% interest for ship construction. Scientific instrument suite and mission outfitting to be government-furnished equipment. Current NOAA fleet replaced with charter vessels within two years of projected remaining service life. Chartering costs are government-projected estimates. Chartered Vessel Cost Assumptions Crew size is 21 for high-endurance, 18 for medium-endurance, 15 for coastal/estuarine, and 12 for nearshore vessels. Mission personnel costs were derived by using a percentage of the current NOAA vessel crewing cost consistent with the mission. Current marine center and headquarters functions associated with vessel operations are reduced. Marine insurance is based on a rate of $.90 per $100.00 of value. Maintenance costs are 30% of operating costs. Annual fuel consumption is based on operating at cruising speed for 180 of 240 DAS. Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study CHARTERED MODEL ESTIMATES ($M) Construction Cost Annual Payment 20 vrs at 10% Annual Operating Cost Annual Charter Cost High Endurance 38 4.5 4.5 9.0 Medium Endurance 33 3.9 3.5 7.4 Coastal/Low Endurance 19 2.2 2.5 4.7 Nearshore/Estuarine 9 1.1 1.4 2.4 NOTES: 1. Average of charting, LMR, and oceanography vessels; does not include mission equipment, change orders, or commissioning 2. See following table for details CHARTERED VESSEL COST (240 DAS) (Cost in $1,000 per year) OPERATING COST HIGH MEDTUM COASTAL NEARSHORE Crewing 900 800 600 300 OT at 20% 180 160 120 90 Overhead at 20% 216 192 144 72 Travel 40 36 30 20 Rations 150 90 75 60 Port Fees 25 15 10 10 Shore Support 216 1727 192 144 72 SUBTOTAL 1485 1123 624 Insurance 360 360 200 90 Ship Maintenance 600 2687 400 300 200 SUBTOTAL 2245 1623 914 G&A at 20% Subtotal 537 3224 449 325 183 SUBTOTAL 2694 1948 1097 Profit at 10% 322 269 195 110 Fuel/Expendables 1000 500 350 175 TOTAL 4546 3463 2493 1382 Impact of Operating Vessels at Current Level of Maintenance Background Outstanding funding issues for 18 active ships are: $40 million backlog of critical maintenance items in ship systems $50 million replacement of obsolete instrumentation. Four ships were temporarily removed from service in 1989 to help offset operating and maintenance costs on remaining ships. Material condition of 18 active ships is: Poor 3 Fair 9 Good 6. Assumptions No service-life extensions will be made. No increase in maintenance funds; these are adjusted annually for inflation. Backlog of critical maintenance items will increase for the next few years. Based on material condition, the following remaining service life of vessels is expected/projected: Poor 0-4 years Fair 3-7 years Good 6-10 years. Factors that govern the remaining service life are: Safety Functionality Material condition Age Qualified operating crew Availability of spare parts. Life expectancy is 30 years. Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study Impacts Probability is high that by the turn of the century only a few ships will remain in service. Increase in lost DAS due to safety, unscheduled maintenance, and qualified operating crews is: YEAR DAS FY 88 FY 89 FY 90 41 185 33. Further degradation in the ability to support NOAA missions/programs will occur. Definition of Assessment Terms TERM MATERIAL CONDITION Good Fair Poor Major systems are expected to operate reliably provided they receive scheduled maintenance and repair. Normal degradation/deterioration due to age. Major systems can be upgraded/overhauled/replaced to provide reliable extended service. Accelerated degradation/deterioration due to age or technology; or most major systems are obsolete, not expected to provide reliable service; or not cost effective to upgrade. FUNCTIONALITY Meets majority of the program requirements. Platform is designed and well suited for mission. Meets some of the program requirements. Deficiencies can be corrected. In some cases platform not well suited for mission. Major deficiencies in meeting program requirements. Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Replacement PROJECTED REMAINING YEARS OF SERVICE AT CURRENT LEVEL OF MAINTENANCE/REPAIR WITHOUT SERVICE-LIFE EXTENSIONS SHIE PRIMARY MISSION MATERIAL CONDITION FUNCTIONALITY CURRENT AGE (years) PROJECTED REMAINING YEARS OF SERVICE Oceanographer O&AR fair fair 24 none Discoverer O&AR C&M fair good fair good 24 6-10 Baldrige O&AR fair fair 20 3-7 Surveyor O&AR C&M FR poor poor good poor 30 0-4 Fairweather C&M good good 22 6-10 Rainier O&AR C&M good good good 22 6-10 Mt. Mitchell C&M fair good 21 3-7 Miller Freeman O&AR C&M FR fair good good good 22 3-7 Peirce C&M good fair 27 6-10 Whiting C&M good good 27 6-10 McArthur EA fair fair 24 3-7 Davidson C&M good fair 23 6-10 Oregon II FR fair poor 23 3-7 Albatross IV FR poor good 28 none Cromwell FR poor poor 27 0-4 Phase 111 - Fleet Modernization Study PROJECTED REMAINING YEARS OF SERVICE AT CURRENT LEVEL OF MAINTENANCE/REPAIR WITHOUT SERVICE-LIFE EXTENSIONS (continued) SHIE PROJECTED REMAINING PRIMARY MATERIAL CURRENT YEARS OF Jordan FR fair fair 25 3-7 Delaware II FR good good 21 6-10 Chapman FR fair good 10 3-7 Ferrel EA fair good 22 3-7 John N. Cobb FR poor fair 40 0-4 Rude C&M fan- poor 24 3-7 Heck C&M fair poor 24 3-7 Murre II FR poor fair 46 0-4 O&AR- C&M - FR Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Charting and Mapping Fisheries Research Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Replacement Key to Abbreviations for Ships of the NOAA Fleet ABBREVTATION OC DI MB SU SHIP OCEANOGRAPHER DISCOVERER MALCOLM BALDRIGE SURVEYOR FA RA MI MF FAIRWEATHER RAINIER MT. MITCHELL MILLER FREEMAN PE WH AR DA OR AL PEIRCE WHITING McARTHUR DAVIDSON OREGON II ALBATROSS IV TC JO DE CH FE TOWNSEND CROMWELL DAVID STARR JORDAN DELAWARE II CHAPMAN FERREL JC RU HE JOHN N. COBB RUDE HECK MU MURRE II A26 Q PC vO > W -3 OS < Hf HI ■•'j ADNVX33dXH Hdll HVHA 0£ ■4 444 ,© -s -R -a XHHTd dO 30V HDVHHAV H W W O 5 H O w -a -a > N W O W U CO CO < ,o Hi LU -J IX. < Ujuj ? 2 «z U-LU °£ u-< 32 uih UZ 5111 = DC Sg UJ EC a UJ _ICE 10 t 111 111 coco P 2< uJn in 0.2 alt 5§ 2° OS t ecu m fc s & t - & 3 CM n S 8 s & V * $ t V» 11 > $ & CM S 8 n 8 CM n > 8 n n r^ O) £ to O) m fc in O) & s 5 5 'S X 5 3 it I X X X X J is X ^< p> ? X > O) : 8 5 3 8 S X X I a 1 Si g J Si g UJ i X X UJ > F i js i I 2 X y< 2 ! > u* 2; a — m => << = i^ UJX DC < DC -J O O "J x uj O 3 "J 3 55 0°S(n U. DC 2 2 °-5 < Q 0< h- ^ "- T ffl 2 (0 (0 O (0 (0 < _l (0 (rt < _l > (0 (rt < _l > tn < _i > (ft a) < UMBER OF PERATING SHIPS ZO | A27 < m m CM < a! cc t < t co < UJ z & CO 0. UJ a. cc < < CO z s F H < < > > p UJ a < CO UJ CO < H a < T UJ CO < >- £ UJ T iC CO A28 r DC < LU HI CO &c CO Q LU O > DC LU CO CO Q. I CO o o o IT) O o in in CN V3S IV SAVQ *\ o o o o o o o \n o o o o o \n o CN CN o o LO o o o o o LO O CN V in o 30IAU3S Nl SdlHS in o o a> o oo a> r^ o> CD Oi in a> ■ CO eg a> o o> oo oo oo r^. oo to CO io 00 00 CO 00 CM 00 00 o 00 h*. 00 co i^- in i^ CO CM o DC < LU >- Current Level Construct 6, Service -Life Extend 12 Construct 18 Charter 18 Current Level - Construct 6, Service -Life Extend 12 Preliminary Transition Plan 18-ship operating fleet consists of: 6 ships - replaced 12 ships - service-life extended. FAIRWEATHER and a LMR conversion would be utilized as "swing ships" to maintain the DAS during service-life extension. Ship operations are increased to 240 DAS upon completion of service-life extension or replacement. Operating costs are increased accordingly. Service-life extension and replacements are completed in 7 years. Estimated cost is $332 million. Total DAS is increased from 3600 to 4320 by fiscal year 2000. Service-life extension adds approximately 15 years to operating life of the vessel. Replacement program must begin no later than Fiscal Year 2008. Construction and service-life extension periods do not include time for design, specifications development, or contract award. Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study Transition Plan Highlights' PHASE I FY 1993 - FY 1997 1 ship reactivated (FA) 1 ship conversion (LMR) 9 ships service-life extended (DI, MB, RA, MI, MF, WH, DS, DE, FE) 5 ships replaced (SU, TC, RU, HE, JC) Construction started on 1 replacement ship (OR) Ship operations increased from 3600 to 4000 DAS Cost $246.8M PHASE II FY 1998 - FY 2002 4 ships service-life extended (RA, AR, DA, CH) 1 ship replaced (OR) Ship operations increased from 4000 to 4320 DAS Cost $59.5M PHASE III FY 2003 - 2007 All ships operating at 240 DAS Planning for fleet replacement to avoid block obsolescence Cost $25.5M TOTAL COST $331.8M Key to Ship Abbreviations appears on p. A25 Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study NUMBER AND MIX OF SHIPS 3600 DAS LIVING MARINE CHARTING RESOURCES OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL High Endurance Medium Endurance Low Endurance Nearshore/Estuarine TOTAL 0.8 2.1 1.2 2.0 0.6 0.9 5.2 1.0 1.6 0.9 1.7 6.1 7.7 4.21 3.0 3.9 6.4 4.7 18.0 15-YEAR COST SUMMARY ACT IVI TY Service-Life Extension/Conversion - 14 ships New Ship Construction - 6 ships Support Cost (operating, project, commissioning, change orders) COST r$M) $ 131.0 127.0 73.8 15- YEAR TOTAL $331.8 A32 So $ 2 1 a. uj - 1 LL r^ o 06 co O CO (4-1 M a o CO o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d co CO o CO -3- o CO C5 U S u O Vi co "33 04 > o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d on a 6 >•§ £ S in »T> »o v> »o >o >o «n w> CO p CO 00 tN VO d o d 00 CO o> o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d CO d co d co d d d d d ■4—* £ a O efl T> ** u 2 O <£ 2 8 £ 8 o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d 00 CN CO 00 CO "§>S2 o o E 00 E 5 U o 00 00 IT) »T) «/> in V) CO CO v© CO 00 co VO 00 06 3 O H Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study Current Level - Construct 18 Preliminary Transition Plan Operating fleet is 18 ships. All ships are replaced in 15 years. FAIRWEATHER and ALBATROSS IV are utilized as "swing ships" to maintain the DAS during service-life extension. Ship operations are increased to 240 DAS upon completion of service-life extension or replacement. Operating cost increased accordingly. Total DAS are increased from 3600 to 4320 by Fiscal Year 1999. Construction and repair periods do not include time for design, specifications development, or contract award. Estimated cost is $736 million, or $49 million per year. Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study Transition Plan Highlights 1 PHASE I FY 1993 - FY 1997 2 ships reactivated (FA, AL) 11 ships service-life extended or repaired to extend service life (DI, MB, AR, DA, MI, MF, WH, DS, DE, CH, RA) 5 ships replaced (SU, TC, RU, HE, JC) Construction started on 2 replacement ships (OR, DE) Ship operations increased from 3600 to 4024 DAS Cost $257.4M PHASE II FY 1998 - FY 2002 6 ships replaced (MB, MF, FA, OR, FE, DS) Construction started on 3 ships (WH, DA, DE) Ship operations increased from 4024 to 4320 DAS Cost $287.4M PHASE III FY 2003 - FY 2007 All ships operating at 240 DAS 7 ships replaced (DI, RA, AR, CH, WH, DA, DE) Cost TOTAL COST $191.5M $736.3M Key to Ship Abbreviations appears on p. A25 Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study NUMBER AND MIX OF SHIPS 3600 DAS High Endurance Medium Endurance Low Endurance Nearshore/Estuarine TOTAL LIVING MARINE CHARTING RESOURCES OCEAN OGRAPH Y T O TA L 0.8 2.1 1.2 2.0 6.1 0.6 0.9 5.2 1.0 7.7 1.6 0.9 1.7 4.2 3.0 3.9 6.4 4.7 18.0 15-YEAR COST SUMMARY ACTIVITY Service-Life Extension/Conversion - 11 ships New Ship Construction - 18 ships Support Cost (operating, project, commissioning, change orders) COST ($M) $ 63.0 526.0 147.3 15- YEAR TOTAL $736.3 A38 ui UJ II 5 a (•'.I — '.'•J D g i g S ui uj IN £ $ 3 I iu >z _J s U.I-UJ u_ co | s o jlS s t ss S in o ! ^ ' v! VI "St i fc 1 | i s t ^«s N o LL 1 s ! 1 CO o > LL » V V o fc s s s "~\ s s s "1 o o V> h >l ^ s o II «s s *s * NS y s ^ s ; ffiS i » s, O) — jj ^ Oj »s N * h, fc I s H » ■ UJ. K S s ! 00 1 s <■ S .ui. .Ui. j kjlL^ SS uj |S > I to H in'lj ) u_ / / rwlL fiS / /! CD l/M '/. ^lSS > LL K — i SHh UJ ,_l m OSS i "^ S Sv cn T U l. i >. ss > A Li? IP ''IS 1 §' i 1 3 / » 1 CO I > H > ffl !l s >] CO fc i >— i L> < ] z < UJ a. u 8 < a SS5 S * M S < M.uj UI J o u-CClIl Q-3QI— OQOOtr 8) a 0) c U t. Ot 3> 3* C g> C J= C O 2 — Q. Q. 1- = u " " 3 • -"ecu" o>o>o>-'- , - , - J - JJ c e e u, a JZ m £ j= e x 5 -J o o X en • ■ ■ 5 C J= J= I I M ceo JB jB j= e a £ s u u 5 -i e u u u Z a U D £ W ui X u. UJ 3 UI o -I u. o UI u. 5 «; UI oc Si in o 5 oc ? z UJ UJ CO 3 UJ u. O Q UJ z u. c> 6. D P X UJ to 2 o > oc 0. S o fe UJ CO o CO z CO o z f < ce 3 to 3 f0 UJ Q <• in > E L a < z o UI CO Q z < a UJ if to z S CO CM a UJ CO .li 1- CO fl 0. > < oc a. < 1- u Si o z 9 a > CE to o DC oc UJ UJ CO z o p i X 2 o (0 < oc oc 00 00 < s 0. o CL < o X T u. o to (0 p" CO o *^ ^-' A39 N 00 X 00 SSSS5 ^v x\v\V ^XXXXXV^\w^^ s\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\^ ^M^ OS 00 v© ON ON 00 OS on v© ON m ON ON If) -4— » c o U Rep vess E 2 ^ CO >n «n «o V-) u-> >/-) >n V-} ON o o d 00 • r-H l-C (L> a o T— I v-> CO CO CO 1— 1 d n© fO NO CO d o d NO O H >o o v© Q d d v> § m tj- o a d vd n© »o On l/> d Tf rH >n CM 00 d NO CO NO »/-> CO oe d no CO NO »n p NO d u-i e4 IT) (N p CO i-5 »n CO IT) cs On C* rH rt r4 IT) (N rt l/i T-5 no SO CNI On 00 rH «* rH in CN 00 o rH* Tf © CN CN rH rH «o (N NO CO rH in IT) CN p *1 r-5 >o 00 o » o 2 o SZ| o Ph o )3>K c 2- Uj UJOC U. L_ t— |es o A45 w < < a w u 2 M W >< y 3 « n w « to W O H H Z H * a * H 3 * u *5 " S3 MM R \ S £ CO 00 IO W m ON OS ON ve ON ON ON IO *n m vas xv savq iviox A46 o o o CO o o o £ o o o CN On On £ 00 ON ON ON ON ON co ON ON I 00 l> CO I 00 r^ co I 00 l> CO I 00 l> CO I 00 r^ CO I 00 CO I 00 r^ CO I 00 r^ CO i 00 r^ CO I CN VO I (S »o I CO »o I CO vd I o o o d CO I o "St I o I o <* I o ■ i 6 c o C/5 a a, o- CD 60 9 60 o "9 o a •J I C/2 , ~ I s QO 00 NO no 00 • NO NO 00 NO NO 00 NO NO 00 NO NO 00 NO NO 00 NO NO 00 NO NO 00 NO NO r4 ON © v> CO in ON © H O H Planning Level A Construct 25 Construct 23, Charter 2 Charter 25 Construct 23 (300 DAS) Construct 21, Charter 2 (300 DAS) Planning Level A - Construct 25 Preliminary Transition Plan Establishes a 25-NOAA-owned-ship fleet which: Replaces 22 existing ships Adds 3 new ships. Deactivated ships are placed back in service to increase DAS. Ships in poor material condition and/or functionality are replaced early. Ships to meet new requirements are constructed early in schedule. Existing ships are repaired to extend service life for the transition period. Ship operations are increased to 240 DAS upon completion of service-life extension or replacement. Operating costs are increased accordingly. Construction/replacement program is completed in 15 years with an average cost of $76 million per year and a total cost of $1,142 million. Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study Transition Plan Highlights' PHASE I FY 1993 - FY 1997 6 ships replaced (SU, TC, OR, RU, HE, JC) 3 ships reactivated (OC, FA, PE) 1 ships conversion (AL) 13 ships service-life extended (DI, FA, RA, MI, MF, MB, PE, WH, DA, DE, CH, AR, FE) 1 ship constructed for new requirements Construction started on 3 replacement/new ships Ship operations increased from 3600 to 5280 DAS Cost $418.5M PHASE II FY 1998 - FY 2002 8 ships replaced (OC, MI, MB, PE, DS, DE, AR, FE) 2 new ships completed (H.E. Chartering, L.E. LMR) Construction started on 4 replacement ships Ship operations increased from 5280 to 6100 DAS Cost $472.1M PHASE III FY 2003 - FY 2007 8 ships replaced (DI, FA, RA, MF, WH, DA, CH, AL conversion) Cost $252.0M TOTAL COST $1,142.6M Key to Ship Abbreviations appears on p. A25. Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study NUMBER AND MIX OF SHIPS 6100 DAS LIVING MARINE CHARTING RESOURCES OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL High Endurance 1.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 Medium Endurance 3.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 Low Endurance 3.0 7.0 1.0 11.0 Nearshore/Estuarine 2.0 1.0 2.0 5.0 TOTAL 9.0 10.0 6.0 25.0 15-YEAR COST SUMMARY ACTIVITY Service-Life Extension/Conversion New Ship Construction Support Cost (operating, project, commissioning, change orders) 15- YEAR TOTAL COST ($M) $ 77.0 738.0 327.6 $1,142.6 A50 A51 < W 00 H < GO >< << P H w w to << H O H W W M < OB fc MM w qq 00 \ \ \ V6 m tn M ON ON 00 ON r^ ON ve ON ON ON Ifi f«% «S vas iv savq ivioi A52 o o O o o o so so so r^ r- d ON SO ON -<* rH i-5 ON c4 rH c4 rr rH rH o o o o >o © o VI < o d d d 00 1-H d d 00 rH H O H Q o d o d o d o d 00 rH d o d © ON »H o o o o »n »o o o K © d d d od d d ON rH O o o o o m U~i r- IN © d so d oo d r> © ON o o o o m CN i— i 00 d d d 00 rH i-5 On o vH o o o o »o cs TJ- rH d d d d 00 1— 1 i-5 00 00 ON o o o o CO ON o o O o >/-> CN 00 l/i d d d d rH i-5 l> CO ON o o o o V) rN ON SO d d d CO 1— 1 i-5 r^ NO 00 o o O o VO rN ON so H d d ^6 rH T— 1 i-5 r^ 00 00 o o p o vi *S -o p o V) d d d 1-5 rH T-5 vd © ON o o O o o r^ vo CO H d 00 CO d d d Tf SO o "5 00 o • 1-H (A c u *-» X (L) V) C o • rH M c 3 Replacement vessels c 1 CT l-l New operating costs o •r—} -*-^ O v> "5* c 'S o Vi 1 s 5 S2 o g a in ,_ I I r- eg <"> A57 W QQ tn t^ on ON ON NO ON m ON ON v> r* ^ vas xv savq iviox A58 Cfi *£§ O o o co O O t o oo os Os s© OS Os CO o o © o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o o Os o o o OS* <4-l »^* « •P-* P £ o $ © d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d W5 a o > a is o d o d o d ri- se o o d o d o so so o d CO (M o d CO o 00 CO o OS O 00 en a u e u a > o Os o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o SO O d p CO 1— I O d o d ft Z 2 CO a 6 I 3 a* o CO «o >n n «n «o in so OS r-* r-* o I 60 +-» a. o o o d d d d . VJ W x/i *T ts\ fi est o o O go O £ £ 8 V, e vq Os o d o d o d Os 00* SO d Os l>* O0 Os IS OS r-* CO ts o so so ^j* ^52 C (D I -a o o 3 -S E 9 ll s© CO d QO © QO © IT) c4 as *o vd Os Os OS o Os CO Os © in CO Os Os ir" OS GO d Os n ts SO SO H O H Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study Planning Level A - Charter 25 Preliminary Transition Plan Establishes a 25-ship fleet. Start of charter period for NOAA ships coincides with remaining service life. DAS are increased from 3600 to 6100 by 2001. Charter program has an average cost of $98 million per year and a total cost of $1,465 million. Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study Transition Plan Highlights PHASE I FY 1993 - FY 1997 Number of ships increased from 18 to 25 18 ships chartered DAS increased from 3600 to 5700 Cost $368.7M PHASE II FY 1998 - FY 2002 All 25 ships chartered DAS increased from 5700 to 6100 Cost $544.9M PHASE III FY 2003 - 2007 Chartered ships operating at 240 DAS Cost $551.5M TOTAL COST $1465.1M Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study NUMBER AND MIX OF SHIPS 6100 DAS* LIVING MARINE CHARTING RESOURCES OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL High Endurance 1.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 Medium Endurance 3.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 Low Endurance 3.0 7.0 1.0 11.0 Nearshore/Estuarine 2.0 1.0 2.0 5.0 TOTAL 9.0 10.0 * 240 DAS per ship 6.0 25.0 15-YEAR COST SUMMARY ACTIVITY C OST ($ M ) Charter/Contract Support Cost 15- YEAR TOTAL $ 330.1 1135.0 $1465.1 _ A62 A63 < s P M OB H W H << H O H el ► W £ g <* a R* 00 53 IO tn r* ON ON SO ON m ON ON 0* m *n m vas xv savq ivxoi A64 T— 1 *n so »n rH >r> rH *H CN CO © K so so I.O »*o H CM rf o o os CM so SO o Tfr 1 SO PS Tt rr H 1 rH rH rH o 00 O 00 o co o CO g o r^ Tt CO o oo d o H CO 1 oo 1 o T— 1 00 o CO © rH rH CO O H Q £ K Tt CO o 00 © O CO 1 <* rH JZ I r- 1 rH H^ o 00 CO o 1 00 CO o © CO 00 © © CO o rH o 1 J 1 rH rH 3 ^ T— 1 o 00 o 00 o CO o CO U S £ CO 1 CO *t © 00 © o fH J 1 T— 1 rH is o o 00 o 00 © CO © CO o r^ Tf CO © 00 © o ^ CO 1 1 rH rH rH j^ w o Os >Q Os oo o 00 © CO © CO GLE 1990 00 Os CO 1 1 CO CO rH rH © © 00 CO © © © © rH CM l csi i sd rH rH sd rH i> ra CO rH rH 5h On d d 1^ fc CM 00 o o fl -4—* (A 8 a "5 c C ^O *55 00 ■H-» c u ex O o H— » O -4—* P o E a o CA 1 6 o <4-l 3 $ < -o O, Oh 3 C/3 -a U C/5 Oh '3 C/5 2 o C/i M to Oh O T3 C CO H O H Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study Planning Level A - Construct 23 (300 DAS) Preliminary Transition Plan Establishes a 23-NOAA-owned-ship fleet which: Replaces 21 existing ships Adds 2 new ships. High- and medium-endurance ships are increased to 300 DAS per year after replacement. Low-endurance and nearshore/estuarine ships operate at 240 DAS per year after service-life extension or replacement. The requirement for one high-endurance and one medium-endurance ship is reduced from the minimum 240 DAS level. MT. MITCHELL is removed from service in Fiscal Year 95. Deactivated ships are placed back in service to increase DAS. Ships in poor material condition and/or functionality are replaced early. Ships to meet new requirement are constructed early in schedule. Existing ships are service-life extended for the transition period. Operating and maintenance costs for high-and medium-endurance ships increased to reflect DAS operations. Construction/replacement program is completed in 15 years with an average cost of $70 million per year and a total cost of $1,048 million. Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study Transition Plan Highlights' PHASE I FY 1993 - FY 1997 5 ships replaced (SU, TC, OR, RU, HE) 3 ships reactivated (OC, FA, PE) I ship conversion (AL) II ships service-life extended (DI, FA, RA, MF, MB, PE, DA, DE, CH, AR, FE) Construction started on 3 replacement/new ships Ship operations increased from 3600 to 5520 DAS Cost $475.1M PHASE II FY 1998 - FY 2002 8 ships replaced (OC, MF, MB, PE, WH, DS, JC, FE) 2 ships constructed for new requirements Construction on 4 replacement ships Ship operations increased from 5520 to 6100 DAS Cost $397.8M PHASE III FY 2003 - FY 2007 8 ships replaced (DI, FA, RA, DA, DE, CH, AL, AR) Cost $174.7M TOTAL COST $1,047.6M Key to Ship Abbreviations appears on p. A25. Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study NUMBER AND MIX OF SHIPS 6100 DAS LIVING MARINE CHARTING RESOURCES OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL High Endurance 1.0 0.7 1.3 3.0 Medium Endurance 2.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 Low Endurance 3.0 7.0 1.0 11.0 Nearshore/Estuarine 2.0 1.0 2.0 5.0 TOTAL 8.0 9.7 5.3 23.0 15-YEAR COST SUMMARY ACT IVI TY Service-Life Extension/Conversion - 12 ships New Ship Construction - 23 ships Support Cost (operating, project, commissioning, change orders) 15-YEAR TOTAL COST r$M) $ 84.5 691.0 272.1 $1,047.6 A68 m 5S® Sdclu 0.0:5 tt _lZ h-LULU lu>- uiujl "too Q.-T 2 s s si o) -1 e c c c 3 — — — 0) 9 k. k. k. <-> aj « a ° *- U LI U U 1 I OH "I a. 3 a h- o a 3 Ul U Uff ~ Ol Ol OIBIO-l-'-l-l-'- 1 - 1 ~ w 5 « a> O CD _| u u A69 Oft GO — 5«" < < b W as H 09 OB R \ \ 00 a 00 o v© ?n o >o no NO ^d d NO ON ON 1— 1 1—1 r-5 ON © rH o o O o O «o O "J d d d d 1-H d d rH o o p o O n o "J d d r-5 d i— i d d so o o p o p m f- NO o o p o o CN i—i CO d d CO d T-l i-5 On 00 o o O o o CS tJ- NO d d r-5 d r-l r-5 00 o o © o O CN NO oo d d d rH i-5 d i— i 00 o o p o O is ON rH d d NO d 1—1 i-5 •> ON 00 o o o o o (N 00 © d d to d «o i— i T-5 n <1 ON NO d d CO 1—1 CO i— i r-5 k> ON o o o p >n CN On NO d d 00* CO CO 1-5 rH i-5 t»* rH 00 o o o O IT) r>) Tf rH On d CO d 1-5 rH r-5 NO rH oo O o o o "1 CN CO © d o6 CO 1— I r-5 i-H i-5 ■S 00 ON o o p o "1 p o V) On d CO d i-5 i— i r-5 vd © O o o o o o vo CO r-5 d 00 CO d d d -* NO <-t-i o 00 CI c 6 Replacement vessels (A ■4-* a a '3 New operating costs ■4-J o O t« ^0 c 5 .2 *CA 1 6 S2 o 6JQ C '53b c a Jl o O H Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Stud) Planning Level A - Construct 2L Charter 2 (300 DAS) Preliminary Transition Plan Establishes a 21 NOAA-owned-ship fleet which: Replaces 19 existing ships Adds 2 new ships. 2 ships are potential charter/contract with: Charting at 240 DAS LMR at 180 DAS. High- and medium-endurance ships are increased to 300 DAS per year after replacement. Low-endurance and nearshore/estuarine ships operate at 240 DAS per year after service-life extension or replacement. Construction/replacement/charter program will be completed in 15 years and has an average cost of $72 million per year and a total cost of $1,077 million. Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study Transition Plan Highlights' PHASE I FY 1993 - FY 1997 4 ships replaced (TC, OR, RU, HE) 2 ships reactivated (FA, PE) 1 ship conversion (AL) 9 ships service-life extended (DI, RA, MF, MB, DA, DE, CH, AR, FE) 2 ships out-of-service (OC, MI) 2 ships on charter/contract (SU, new requirement) Construction started on 3 replacement/new ships Ship operations increased from 3600 to 5520 DAS Cost $380.5M PHASE II FY 1998 -2002 7 ships replaced (MF, MB, WH, DS, DE, JC, FE) 2 ships out-of-service (OC, MI) 2 ships on charter/contract (SU, new requirement) 2 ships constructed for new requirements Construction started on 4 replacement ships Ship operations increased from 5520 to 6100 DAS Cost $422.1M PHASE III FY 2003 - 2007 8 ships replaced (DI, FA, RA, DA, DE, CH, AL conversion, AR) 2 ships out-of-service (OC, MI) Cost $274.5M TOTAL COST $1,077.1M Key to Ship Abbreviations appears on p. A25. Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study NUMBER AND MIX OF SHIPS 6100 DAS* High Endurance Medium Endurance Low Endurance Nearshore/Estuarine CHARTING 1.0** 2.0 3.0 2.0 TOTAL 8.0 LIVING MARINE RESOURCES 0.7** 1.0 7.0 1.0 OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL 9.7 ' High- and Medium-Endurance at 300 DAS Low-Endurance and Nearshore/Estuarine at 240 DAS 1.3 1.0 1.0 2.0 5.3 ** Charter/contract 3.0 4.0 11.0 5.0 23.0 15-YEAR COST SUMMARY ACTIVITY COST ($M\ Service-Life extension/Conversion - 9 ships New Ship Construction - 22 ships Support Cost (operating, project, commissioning, change orders) Charter/Contract - 2 ships $ 56.0 648.0 241.1 132.0 15 YEAR TOTAL $1,077.1 A74 A75 X I- «r> M vas iv savq ivioi A76 P P o o o cn On On 00 ON 85 £ ON On On ON CO ON ON > © o o o © o d o © o © o o o o o o o d o © o o o On o 1— I o On O CM o © C O > c o u ON ON o On co o o o d o p d CO CN o O © i-5 o p d i-5 o p d CO o p d i-5 o o d cn o p d o o d CN o o d o o d 00 CO o p d CO o o d 00 o o d d o o d 00 CO Pi (/5 (U > o »o d d i— i o v-> d d o Wl d d o VN d d i—i o V-N d d i—i o V) d d i— i o v-> d d o «o d d o «n d d i— i p v-> CO T— I d i-H p m CO CN r>5 O »/-> d r-5 p in CO 1—1 t> o »o d r^ o o d d 6 H Z K 00 c 03 t-i 00 oo 00 i> 00 On 00 l> 00 ON 00 r^ 00 <* 00 ^d 00 CO 00 r^ 00 o 00 NO 00 NO 00 ^r o O "*> (A o o t-l - UJ a: o - o 8 g < z CO a 2 « UJ z < 8 o cc UJ E < £ £i S A81 < H < on < Q H W W to H O H « S Wm B ► in. W H as CO CO QO o OS on QO ON !■*• OS V© OS on en ON QO V© ITi fn M ^ vas iv savq ivxoi A82 i— i > 00 o o o o o d o o o o o o o o o o o vd »o 10 o d o d o d co cm *o o d o VO VO o o d d o o d d o o d vd o o d CO o o d d o p d CO o o d n 1 vo o p d T-5 o o d CO 00 o o d d o o d d o p d CO o o d 00 CO o o d CO o o d 00 VO 00 o d p CO cm CO CM CO O d o d o d o d o d VO o On r- p CO o CO o d o d vo d vo en ON VO CO On "a"> u S p o cr 55 S o d CO t-c l> o 00 00 oo CO ON lO 00 cm On VO i> o CO* 00 CO CN CO o d o d *s s-, o O •4— » C/5 C/3 S CUD g '5b C* S o U a o 00 © 00 o in cm CO o iH CO 00 o cm cm VO © o lO VO o ON ON CM 00 NO 00 o Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study Planning Level B - Construct 26. Charter 7 Preliminary Transition Plan Establishes a 26-NOAA-owned-ship fleet which: Replaces 20 existing ships Adds 6 new ships. 7 ships are potential charter/contract (1620 DAS) with: 2 high-endurance ships — Charting at 240 DAS LMR at 180 DAS 2 medium-endurance ships — Charting at 240 DAS LMR at 240 DAS 2 coastal/low endurance ships — Charting at 240 DAS LMR at 240 DAS 1 nearshore/estuarine ship — Oceanography at 240 DAS Ship operations increased to 240 DAS upon completion of service-life extension or replacement. Construction/replacement is completed in 15 years with an average cost of $97 million per year and a total cost of $1,455 million. Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study Transition Plan Highlights' PHASE I FY 1993 - FY 1997 3 ships replaced (DI, TC, OR) 2 ships reactivated (OC, FA) 1 ship conversion (AL) 10 ships service-life extended (FA, RA, MI, MF, MB, WH, DA, AR, DS, DE) 7 ships on charter/contract (SU, PE, new requirements) 2 ships constructed for new requirements Construction started on 3 replacement/new ships Ship operations increased from 3600 to 6524 DAS Cost $487.3M PHASE II FY 1998 -2002 5 ships replaced (OC, FA, MF, WH, FE) 2 ships service-life extended (CH, OR) 7 ships on charter/contract (SU, PE, new requirements) 3 ships constructed for new requirements Construction started on 4 replacement ships Ship operations increased from 6524 to 7910 DAS Cost $560.4M PHASE III FY 2003 - 2007 9 ships replaced (RA, MI, MB, DA, AR, DS, DE, CH, AL conversion) 7 ships on charter/contract (SU, PE, new requirements) 1 ship constructed for new requirements Cost $407.3M TOTAL COST $1,455.0M Key to Ship Abbreviations appears on p. A25. Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study NUMBER AND MIX OF SHIPS 7910 DAS* LIVING MARINE CHARTING RESOURCES OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL High Endurance 1.0** 0.8** 2.3 4.1 Medium Endurance 3.0 1.0** 1.0 1.0** 1.1 7.1 Low Endurance 3.0 1.0** 8.7 1.0** 1.2 14.9 Nearshore/Estuarine 2.0 2.0 2.0 q g** 6.9 TOTAL 11.0 14.5 * 240 DAS per ship ** Charter/contract 7.5 33.0 ACTIVITY 15-YEAR COST SUMMARY Service-Life Extension/Conversion - 13 ships New Ship Construction - 26 ships Support Cost (operating, project, commissioning, change orders) Charter/Contract - 7 ships 15- YEAR TOTAL COST ($M) $ 78.0 737.0 280.0 360.0 $1,455.0 A86 | 8 e Si < u] UJ lu y- CM CO A87 H U < H O ^ \ 53 « wh M OB fc M OB M H W J W w H H O H o Z ? MM IggSlSl SgIS; ^^^^^ 00 Cu 53 CO CO >m^m^s ^^^ ^^m V© ON ON OS vo ON If) ON ON ve IT) t*> «** *N vas xv SAva ivxoi A88 CO H O H o o fe d O o fc o »o o o £ O o o fe © en o o £ © cm o o M P vO ON vo On ON ON o o o o o o CM o & On On o £ v© 00 ON »o £ »o t*» ON o ^ c5 o o o CM CO CM vo CO O © O © o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d CM NO o d o d o o CO CM o d o CO p CO 00 o d o d CO vo o 00 CO o CM CO o 00 o vd o d o d p CO CM O d o d o d o d o d o d CO CM o 00 CO o d o CM CO o d o d cm cm VO vo vo »o »0 l> i— I vo l> vo l> rH vo l> rH VO CO O ON CO 00 CO vd VO o CO o i o VO CO o CM o CM o CM o CM o CM O CM o CM o CM CM O CM CM CM O <* CM (M O CM C/3 C/5 c p O o C/i "E 00 P 3 00 03 C/3 p 1 ■8 a- 6 6 P U o od 00 od CM od o d o d 3 10 co o © o © o © o © o © o o o o o o o so WO o © o o os o 00 CO o o d o so VO VO O OS* OS VO d SO CO o o d d o o d d o o d d o p d CO o o d d o o d CO o o d o o d o o d VO o O d os CM o O d d o o d o p d co o o d CO vo o o d so so c 5/5 c .o '55 O 5/5 'E 00 c > ""0 ■4— » X "a, 1/) 5/5 > O d CO os d CO CO Os d co CO os d co CO OS d co CO Os d co CO OS d co CO vo d CO VO On CO CM p CO r-H t-h CO O CO d (X) 06 T-H p vo en CO T-H p »*o CO CO CO t-H O O d r-i t-H O d d a 5/5 CO •8 t-H 3 t-H 6 CO J3 u VO o d »iO d CO t-h CO rH CO t-H CO t-H CO T-H CO t-H CO T-H CO t-H CO T-H CO t-H CO t-H CO T-H CO CO OS o d o d i> o 06 ex 00 CO Os 00 CO Os VO o 06 CX CX CO CX o d o d o O 5/5 £ Q Oh o C (U o o 6 'Sb E c CO ro V© so TT Tf t-H t-H J SO eS CO H TT CO Q CO Z 00 ©s in CO so CO co t-H CO CO p CO T-H T-H VO »/5 1/3 o p os so o T-H co CO o co rr 00 =d O H O H Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study Planning Level B - Construct 24. Charter 7 (300 DAS) Preliminary Transition Plan Establishes a 24-NOAA-owned-ship fleet which: Replaces 18 existing ships Adds 6 new ships. 7 ships are potential charter/contract (1740 DAS) with: 2 high-endurance ships — 2 low-endurance ships — Charting at 240 DAS Charting at 240 DAS LMR at 180 DAS LMR at 240 DAS 2 medium endurance ships — 1 nearshore/estuarine ship — Charting at 300 DAS Oceanography at 240 DAS LMR at 300 DAS High- and medium-endurance ships are increased to 300 DAS per year after replacement. Low-endurance and nearshore/estuarine ships operate at 240 DAS per year after service-life extension or replacement. Operating and maintenance costs for high- and medium-endurance ships are increased to reflect 300 DAS. Construction/replacement/charter program will be completed in 15 years and has an average cost of $95 million per year and a total cost of $1,426 million. Phase HI - Fleet Modernization Study Transition Plan Highlights' PHASE I FY 1993 - FY 1997 5 ships replaced (TC, OR, RU, HE, JC) 1 ship reactivated (FA) 1 ship conversion (AL) 9 ships service-life extended (DI, RA, MF, WH, DA, AR, DS, DE, FE) 1 ship out-of-service (OC) 1 ship constructed for new requirements 7 ships on charter/contract (SU, MI, PE, new requirements) Construction started on 4 replacement/new ships Ship operations increased from 3600 to 5300 DAS Cost $510.3M PHASE II FY 1998 - 2002 1 ships replaced (FA, MB, WH, DS, DE, CH, FE) 1 ship out-of-service (OC) 5 ships constructed for new requirements Construction started on 3 replacement ships 7 ships on charter/contract (SU, MI, PE, new requirements) Ship operations increased from 5300 to 7910 DAS Cost $617.0M PHASE III FY 2003 - 2007 6 ships replaced (DI, RA, MF, DA, AR, AL conversion) 1 ship out-of-service (OC) 7 ships on charter/contract (SU, MI, PE, new requirements) Cost $299.0M TOTAL COST $1,426.3M Key to Ship Abbreviations appears on p. A25. Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study NUMBER AND MIX OF SHIPS 7910 DAS* LIVING MARINE CHARTING RESOURCES OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL High endurance 1.0** 1.0** 1.0 3.0 Medium endurance 2.0 1.0** 1.0 1.0** 1.0 6.0 Low endurance 3.0 1.0** 9.0 1.0** 1.0 15.0 Nearshore/Estuarine 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0** 7.0 TOTAL 10.0 15.0 * High- and Mcdium-Enduiancc at 300 DAS Low-Endurance and Nearshore/Estuarine at 240 DAS 6.0 ** Charter/contract 31.0 15-YEAR COST SUMMARY ACTIVITY Service-Life Extension/Conversion - 10 ships New Ship Construction - 26 ships Support Cost (operating, project, commissioning, change orders) Charter/Contract - 7 ships 15- YEAR TOTAL COST ($M\ $ 69.0 682.0 345.3 330.0 $1,426.3 A98 A99 < W Ift rj M *N vas iv savq ivxox A100 H P > o On © o o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o o d o is p in o 00 CM >o IS (4-1 0.2 U C/5 £ 8 o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d C/5 S o o d to o d o d o d o d o d I-* p co o is p> p |s On CM o d o -3- co o cm p en c u 6 a. £ 05 > o CM CM 00 ts en CM CO d 00 1— 1 CO d 06 1— 1 CO d 00 1— 1 CO d 06 1— 1 CO d 06 1— t CO d 06 1— 1 CO d 06 1— 1 CO d 06 CO on 06 1— 1 CO 06 CM 06 1— 1 CO ON CO 06 1— 1 p CO CM co 1— 1 p >o CO CM CM 1— 1 p d T-3 1— 1 d d ID 6 u 00 CO Ih U Du O o d co CO o CM CM CM CM O CM CM O CM CM O CM CM O CM CM O CM CM CM CM O CM CM O CM CM CM CM O CM CM CM CM O CM CM O CM CM CA CO •8 a. l-H 4> V, C3 6 o d d d CM i-3 CM CM i-3 CM i-3 CM i-3 CM i-3 CM i-3 CM 1-3 CM i-3 CM i-3 CM i-3 CM O « on O 00 CM On O d o d r- r-3 o 06 06 06 CM ON 00 CM On VO l> o 06 00 00 CM 00 o d o d o o S S U o CO CM CO © 00 © • rr m on TT On ON CO CM Is |s CM CM |s CM 00 00 o ON On •^r CM *H CM rt CM • co H O H Planning Level C Construct 43 Construct 36, Charter 7 Planning Level C - Construct 43 Preliminary Transition Plan Establishes a 43-NOAA-owned-ship fleet which: Replaces 22 existing ships Adds 21 new ships. Deactivated ships are placed back in service to increase DAS. Ships in poor material condition and/or functionality are replaced early. Ships to meet new requirements are constructed early in schedule. Existing ships are repaired to extend service life for the transition period. OREGON II supports low-endurance oceanographic new requirement starting in 1998. Ship operations are increased to 240 DAS upon completion of service-life extension or replacement. Construction/replacement program is completed in 15 years with an average cost of $128 million per year and a total cost of $1,918 million. A 102 Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study Transition Plan Highlights* PHASE I FY 1993 - FY 1997 6 ships replaced (SU, TC, OR, RU, HE, JC) 3 ships reactivated (OC, FA, PE) I ship conversion (AL) II ships service-life extended (FA, RA, MI, MF, MB, PE, WH, DA, DS, DE, FE) 5 ships constructed for new requirements Construction started on 6 replacement/new ships Ship operations increased from 3600 to 6240 DAS Cost $613.5M PHASE II FY 1998 - FY 2002 8 ships replaced (DI, OC, PE, AR, DS, DE, CH, FE) 1 ship service-life extended (OR) 16 ships constructed for new requirements Construction started on 6 replacement/new ships Ship operations increased from 6240 to 9360 DAS Cost $698.9M PHASE III FY 2003 - FY 2007 10 ships replaced (FA, RA, MI, MF, MB, WH, DA, DS, DE, AL conversion) 5 ships constructed for new requirements Cost $605.9M TOTAL COST $1,918.3M Key to Ship Abbreviations appears on p. A25. Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study A103 NUMBER AND MIX OF SHIPS 10,215 DAS* LIVING MARINE CHARTING RESOURCES OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL High Endurance 1.0 0.8 2.9 4.7 Medium Endurance 5.0 3.0 1.4 9.4 Low Endurance 5.0 11.3 1.5 17.8 Nearshore/Estuarine 4.0 4.0 3.1 11.1 TOTAL 15.0 19.1 * 240 DAS per ship 8.9 43.0 15-YEAR COST SUMMARY ACTIVITY COST ($M) Service-Life Extension/Conversion - 13 ships New Ship Construction - 43 ships Support Cost (operating, project, commissioning, change orders) $ 81.0 1223.0 614.3 15- YEAR TOTAL $1918.3 A104 rc z 3 111 OC Ul I- u. 9 5 UJ Ul 1 (0 lis 1 UJ UU SCC 015 32 5! = LUO = _l tug UJ LU -I -J 5s ii _l Q. CO nn! s HhI sssc sBiiWs^H o Kj< s HHra^sTCS >- Rj> y H^NN LL lililllllllll^ o > UL SHl •■? :■■! 2 a NHue essSSSSSS^ CD O >- LL : :: ? £ m >A ..\ ; ; ;: ; ;; ; :S$R>>;^:vv?B o ■-.;*■ •%> \;- :-.;■ \ .v .v % .;.. ..;-. ..\ ,.;•. ^ ■ >- LL § :> £ s: is N ^ ■••■: > * A £ £ £ > I ■•-. -\ ■> \> \ % v v S .\ .\ .\ v .v \ By; ;■■■ ■.> ■?■ \-- •■■:■ s: >; J ■•■ ^ ■>■ •■-: ■■ ■■■ ^ ■» " > •■■: ■■■:■ ■•> ^ v ■ O ./■.. >^>;?>:^i^^ : ^^5^B > V £ $ * *: > ■•>: S J $ $ $ § C ¥ 1 LL ■■■:■ isii s y y i\ - LL B vs ^ "^ 1 llllsslillll i- «fessSsssss s ^ § O SI^S^nII s s t> 1 >- 8BS§SsNsSs ss « 1 LL lllii^iils- 1 O O n^ii^iisv ^ Rs K N, >- II ill S V 1 S V CD Oi >- LL illllT 1 Sfi S Iv s 8 [^ S kN CO CD > LL 1^- cd si^i^i^s > \SS^H^S S LL sMnh*1^ s CD CD >- LL m CD K H I II IP 1 ! 5 Rs u IN 1 l*f |p ^RnnI^I^ s> ^ >- 1? R H S K, s NH s a b 1 s LL o uj'Ki h s > > in LL CO is NJ i ^ii^ii s CD >- LL iH 1 1 a 5 1 s l$bP i 5 i m s i (0 | i £ s — E 3 — u CE cc:xc|iKci>g: ecucouxjkccccs eueeocuEsacwEe (A k-kXzzXzzXz Q. 3 a CZ^eOBUSZZZZZZ =XZZ"SZZZ"-ZZ »SS2SS £ £ £ £ £ £ S =J> =» 31 C £ £ £ £ 3 3 3 3 S # # o> w w u u e e £ e e 31 a 3> 3) 3) S o> a a a E e E E E as J * aaaa J J J E _l _! _l _j _i oweces ° • » •i r t o> o> o> ct»*-*-«-5£E o>a |nnn gh Ei Che cean cean cean Bcceee ee Ittttt ss 1 r r r <=ni=ri — ■ — '— ' — i — » — ' — i — ■ — ' — ' — ' = "5552-i-i.J.Jccc J* »£ < - ,< - ,,Ja> x © © © uoccco ee _j C O e c ° o o e o y £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ S i- (0 Ul < o z a z O Ul o 8 1- 9 Ul o Ul iif 3 Ul () a UJ 1 < a. z i _l < EC z 8 & Ul AC X m tr 3 > i o. O < X „^ _ U) 3. CM O A105 < w w GO < H 5 H o H 00 w 9 2 09 R \ \ y 1\ w: ^ ^^^^^s^^sss Oh I— I s CO Ti- es o OS OS 00 OS OS se OS OS OS J* «S *H to «r> «S iM (spuBsnoqx) vas iv savq iviox A106 t— i > p r-5 00 O O o o o o o d o © o © o o o d o © p o d o vd o IS o CO co o d o VO VO o o d d o o d d o p d o o d CO CO o o d vd o O d co o p d CO CO o o d rj V> © o d vd VO o o d d o o d o O d GO VO o O d CO o o d vd o o d CO 1=1 C/) PS .o a u S 4> o 5/3 l-l lacei els 'E 00 n > X 5 Rep vess VO o d o d o CO o d o d vo VO o CO o On O VO CO CO VO O o\ CO a a vd VO co VO CO Tf VO d "* VO CO CO VO c4 CO VO VO CO co CO d cs d i— I VO ON O CO o d o o >o d d o »o d rH o O d CS o o d H o o d r4 o o d ri o o d ci o o d H o d o d o d o d o d o d o d O o o o c4 o O 6fi rf g J3 O 03 u a. Oh t-i o £ - ■| 03 « o z; o -c U CO d o d »o d oo d CNl CO CO CO 0\ d *— I CO d d CO d O d o d "5b C •g*s o o 1 SP o '1 -S CO i-H t>; t^ CO *H "J irj CO fH SC l/i n i-H S© TT CO ^H r-; *r] «s tH VO TT ^H »-H O CO o Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study A107 Planning Level C - Construct 36, Charter 7 Preliminary Transition Plan Establishes a 36-NOAA-owned-ship fleet which: Replaces 21 existing ships Adds 15 new ships. 7 ships are potential charter/contract with: 2 high-endurance ships — Charting at 240 DAS LMR at 180 DAS 2 medium-endurance ships — Charting at 240 DAS LMR at 240 DAS 2 coastal/low-endurance ships — Charting at 240 DAS LMR at 240 DAS 1 nearshore/estuarine ship — Oceanography at 240 DAS Ship operations are increased to 240 DAS upon completion of service-life extension or replacement. Construction/replacement program is completed in 15 years with an average cost of $123 million per year and a total cost of $1,837 million. A 108 Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study Transition Plan Highlights* PHASE I FY 1993 - FY 1997 5 ships replaced (TC, OR, RU, HE, JC) 1 ship reactivated (OC) I ship conversion (AL) II ships service-life extended (FA, RA, MI, MF, MB, PE, WH, DA, DS, DE, FE) 7 ships on charter/contract (SU, new requirements) 4 ships constructed for new requirements Construction started on 6 replacement/new ships Ship operations increased from 3600 to 6864 DAS Cost $580.2M PHASE II FY 1998 - 2002 5 ships replaced (DI, OC, PE, AR, FE) 1 ship service-life extended (OR) 7 ships on charter/contract (SU, new requirements) 7 ships constructed for new requirements Construction started on 4 replacement/new ships Ship operations increased from 6864 to 9840 DAS Cost $641.9M PHASE III FY 2003 - 2007 9 ships replaced (FA, RA, MI, MB, WH, DA, DS, DE, AL conversion) 7 ships on charter/contract (SU, new requirements) 4 ships constructed for new requirements Cost $614.7M TOTAL COST $1,836.8M Key to Ship Abbreviations appears on p. A25. Appendix A - Preliminary Strategies for Fleet Modernization Study A109 NUMBER AND MIX OF SHIPS 10,215 DAS* CHARTING LIVING MARINE RESOURCES OCEANOGRAPHY TOTAL High Endurance 1.0** 0.8** 2.9 4.7 Medium Endurance 4.0 1.0** 2.0 1.0** 1.4 9.4 Low Endurance 4.0 1.0** 10.3 1.0** 1.5 17.8 Nearshore/Estuarine 4.0 4.0 2.0 1.1** 8.9 11.1 TOTAL 15.0 19.1 43.0 * 240 DAS per ship * * Charter/contract 15-YEAR COST SUMMARY ACTIVITY COST ($M) Servuce-Life Extension/Conversion - 12 ships New Ship Construction - 36 ships Support Cost (operating, project, commissioning, change orders) Charter/Contract - 7 ships $ 81.0 992.0 433.8 330.0 15- YEAR TOTAL $1,836.8 A110 Alll H * s Ohm rj H «o ■ a W ► w to << ► H W O J H Sis 00 Oh s CO w^^w^^^wls W WW \ \ WWW MW J I. © IT) < M in ON qo r* V© IO W H f< (spuusnoqi) vas xv savq ivxox A112 2S ££S o o o o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d o d CM SO O d o d CO 00 o no OS CO CM CO CM O V0 O so NO o d o os CM O 00 NO CO CM o WO o CM CO CO o d o d o od CM O d o d o CM Tt- O l> © d o CM CO o o Os O CO CM CO NO o d co O NO CM CM p CM CM CM CM CM in CM Os NO o CO «r> Os wo Os o CM I o d CO CO o CM CM o CM CM o CM CM CM (M CM CM CM CM O CM CM O CN (M O CM CM CM CM O CM CM o CM O CM CM CM CM CM CM W5 CM d »r> O CM O CM O CM o CM* o CM O CM O CM O CM O CM O CM O CM O CM 00 d o d d 00 d rH CM rH T— I 00 rH oq rH rH CO C/3 c C u o »— 1 S C/3 1-1 J2 V3 > 13 C 5 "a, > c 6 l-H 3 cr bfl P3 _c J3 O '■*-> i_ c3 a, CX l-H o o o CO rH 1^ 00 CM rH 00 CM in CO 00 CM rH CO rH r^ 00 so 00 OS so o rH CO CO 00 CM IT) so CO 00 s© CO 00 O H Cost Summary Costs are summarized for each replacement option at the four levels. Many other options are possible. Optimum scheduling of ship replacements, service-life extensions, and chartering vary with each option. This variance affects the total cost. Costs are intended as relative indicators. Further analysis and refinement will be necessary to develop absolute program costs. A 30-year cost summary should be developed for all models to reflect the total life-cycle costs. A 30-year cost and comparison of the Planning Level A new construction versus chartering is included. A114 Phase III - Fleet Modernization Study 15 -Year Summary of All Strateg ies REPLACEMENT OPTIONS NUMBER AVERAGE* TOTAL OF SHIPS DAS COST/YEAR $M COST $M CURRENT Construct 6, SLE** 12 18 4,320 — 332 Construct all 18 4,320 49 736 Charter all 18 4,320 60 896 PLANNING LEVEL A Construct all 25 6,100 76 1,142 Construct 23, charter 2 23/2 6,100 74 1,104 Charter all 25 6,100 98 1,465 300 DAS, construct all 23 6,100 70 1,048 300 DAS, charter 2 21/2 6,100 72 1,077 PLANNING LEVEL B Construct all 33 7,910 100 1,500 Construct 26, charter 7 26/7 7,910 97 1,455 300 DAS, construct all 31 7,910 94 1,406 300 DAS, charter 7 24/7 7,910 95 1,426 PLANNING LEVEL C Construct all 43 10,215 128 1,918 Construct 36, charter 7 36/7 10,215 123 1,837 * Based on 15 years ** SLE is service-life extension 30 -Year Comparison for Planning Level A New Construction and Charter PLANNING LEVEL A 30-YEAR COST SUMMARY FY 1993 - FY 2007 New Construction 1,142.5 Charter 25 ships 1,465.1 FY 2008 - 2022 578.9 1,466.1 30-YEAR TOTAL 1,721.4 2,931.2 A115 < w > w J 2 - H S C5 GO h w u s * w 5 5 w H W W 2 o p m H M O 2 W I k\\\v — — — - i SSSggSSSSSSSSSSSSSS «»> m tsssssssss : riTiTTT " K\\\\\\Vo^\\\\\\^\\V\\V^\\\\\\\V^ nriMrrrT ssssssssss ifiSfi E^ "'^__ J .\.\\\\\\\.\\\vy\\.wv^: i Si ;:::: -iiiii '-'__ S m 3 w 00 Pu 53 oo 1,000 meters, East Coast < 1,000 meters, West Coast > 1,000 meters, West Coast < 1,000 meters, and Far Pacific) to better accommodate geographic and ship-endurance considerations. For the offshore areas, NOAA is in the process of building a SURF for incoming requests similar to that used with the inshore mission. Priority to date has been driven largely by NOAA partnership with the USGS to map the EEZ. Recent declassification of NOAA's survey data has resulted in renewed interest from a myriad of federal, state, university, private, and other NOAA program areas. Living Marine Resources The mission of NOAA relative to living marine resources (LMR) is to achieve continued optimum utilization of marine resources and protection of endangered species for the benefit of the Nation. A critical objective is maintaining the productive potential of these resources through management of fishing and other human activities which affect biological productivity. This requires an understanding of the dynamic properties of the marine ecosystems supporting the LMR as well as human effects on them. This understanding can only be achieved through a broad array of physical and biological studies which require research vessel support. These studies focus on assessing and predicting changes in the abundance and structure of LMR and associated biological communities with which they interact, investigating ecological processes controlling production potential of LMR, and documenting the range of natural variability observed in the marine ecosystem. Some of the most important federal statutes relative to vessel needs for fisheries research include the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Anadromous Fisheries Conservation Act, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and the Driftnet Act. In addition, the U.S. is a party to many international agreements governing LMR's both within and outside the EEZ. These and other statutes mandate the collection of a wide array of information on LMR's and their environment from estuaries to the open oceans. A fleet of modern research vessels is needed to assess marine resources and their environment and meet all the demands for information on LMR stock assessments by Fishery Management Councils, develop a fundamental understanding of the ecosystems supporting LMR's, and respond to new mandates, e.g., marine mammal/fishery interactions. Limited amounts of these NOAA functions are currently performed on foreign research vessels or vessel charters, but the backbone of our future fisheries science will continue to depend upon NOAA research vessels: Major new programs with important ecosystem elements (Global Climate Change, Coastal Ocean Program) will require both qualitative and quantitative increases in vessel support, as well as more multidisciplinary and collaborative effort among NOAA line organizations, universities, and other marine research institutions. Currently, NOAA provides the principal scientific information which supports implementation of 31 operational fishery management plans (FMP's) and 6 operational preliminary fisheries management plans. Three additional cooperative (with states) Appendix B - Programmatic Mission Requirements FMP's are also supported by NOAA-provided scientific information. There are 5 additional plans pending with an additional 5 plans expected by the year 2000. Only a few of the management plans in effect are based upon adequate scientific information. Increases in ship support are needed to provide more credible information on most current plans and for the additional plans contemplated. The most significant increases in NOAA ship-time requirements in the next decade are expected to be in ecosystem studies and protected species research. Oceanography Oceanographic research within NOAA will progressively emphasize long-term monitoring in order to better understand processes affecting the environment. Phenomena on almost all space scales, from the smallest to global, will be emphasized in these efforts. This will place extreme demands on sampling abilities, the need for rapid transfer of data, and the ability to synthesize the various data sets in close-to-real-time. It is clear that various classes of oceanographic and meteorological models will play a central role in synthesizing this information. It is also evident that remote sensing is essential to providing high-resolution data on global scales. Despite the rising importance of the use of numerical models and remote sensing, shipboard sampling will continue to play a vital role. Indeed, the need for complementary shipborne measurements will increase as the total research effort increases in both volume and diversity. At the same time, nontraditional methodologies not directly based on board ship will place significant new demands on the ship and its equipment, e.g., in instrument deployment and in situ calibration procedures for satellites. Climate and Global Change Developing an understanding of and the ability to predict global environmental changes, and particularly, global climate change, has been one of the major forces driving interest in ocean programs over the last several years. The role of the ocean in climate change is recognized as one of the central uncertainties in our ability to project future climate change and is thus one of the highest priorities in both the NOAA Climate and Global Change Program and the U.S. Global Change Research Plan. Understanding and forecasting climatic change requires an understanding of the processes of heat, moisture, C0 2 , and momentum exchange between the ocean and atmosphere as well as the large-scale trans- ports of heat within the atmosphere and ocean. Activities are currently concentrated on problems associated with two different time scales of climate variations. The shorter of these is the interannual time scale. The best recognized example is the El Nino/Southern Oscillation phenomenon which is most clearly manifested in the tropical Pacific Ocean, but also has global implications. Accordingly, NOAA is a major participant in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Studies (EPOCS) and Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere (TOGA) programs in the tropical Pacific. NOAA activities in these programs are closely integrated between the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML), the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), and the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) within the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR); the National Weather Service (NWS); National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS); National Ocean Service (NOS); and scientists in universities and in several foreign countries. On longer time scales, the ocean circulation of heat from low latitudes to high latitudes is Appendix B - Programmatic Mission Requirements believed to be one of the critical processes governing the climate of the earth and its variations. Most evidence indicates that the Atlantic Ocean is particularly important in this process. Therefore, NOAA is leading a program named Subtropical Atlantic Climate Studies (STACS) to learn more about the process. The Global Climate Change/Radiatively Important Trace Species (RITS) program within NOAA concerns sources, transport and distribution, transformation, and removal of radiatively important atmospheric trace species in oceanic areas. The primary species being studied are ozone (0 3 ) and aerosols; among the related substances being studied are methane (CH 4 ), carbon monoxide (CO), low- molecular-weight non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC's), and nitrogen species, iodine species, and sulfur. The program involves inorganic and organic chemistry, low-trophic- level (primarily marine) biology, meteorology, and physical oceanography, and has as its goal the generation of descriptive data on the distribution of important atmospheric trace species and quantitative understanding of geosphere-biosphere interactions. These programs require sampling large areas of the world's oceans. Seafloor Processes. Recent studies suggest that seafloor volcanism and venting influence the chemistry and circulation of the oceans and, in turn, global climate. The magnitude of the impact is as yet poorly understood. For the next several years, there will be a critical requirement for ship-based reconnaissance and detailed surveys to statistically characterize the global hydrothermal environment, e.g., the extent and magnitude of active venting. Long-term monitoring is now beginning to become a reality as prototype seafloor instrumentation is being deployed by NOAA. As a consequence, the ship support will grow in relative importance during the coming decade. Another critical aspect of the need for a modern fleet in support of long- term monitoring will be the ability to respond to detected events. A major discovery of NOAA's VENTS Program has been the documentation of the occurrence of large- scale hydrothermal bursts. The major bursts (termed megaplumes) observed thus far each contained the mass and heat equivalent of the entire year's output of the essentially steady- state hydrothermal processes occurring along the ridge segment where the bursts originated. Megaplumes may be an important aspect of the global perspective of hydrothermal venting, but they occur episodically, as does seafloor volcanism, and long-term monitoring is being implemented to detect and locate these events in real-time. One of the anticipated highlights of NOAA's hydrothermal research in the coming years will be the ability not only to detect, locate, and remotely characterize episodic events, but also to respond with appropriate shipboard and ship-deployed instrumentation to quantitatively document, for the first time, the nature and evolution of such events and their effects on the ocean. To achieve NOAA's climate and global change goals there is no substitute for actual ship observations. Accurate time-series records have several functions in the global change research program. These warn of natural and man-induced changes, signal the existence of previously unexpected phenomena, and provide observational tests of the ability of models to explain the global system. Without such an approach prediction will not be possible. Coastal Ocean Program The coastal ocean from a depth of 100 meters on the continental shelves and all shallower depths to the heads of estuaries contains the vast majority of the valued commercial, Appendix B - Programmatic Mission Requirements recreational, and aesthetic resources of the sea. NOAA's coastal ocean programs are designed to make effective environmental decision- making possible by supplementing current retrospective analyses with timely forecasts and predictions. The ability to predict environmental change will allow us to prevent problems and exploit opportunities through proactive regional approaches, rather than only monitor and react to runaway problems. Providing decision-makers with useful predictions of environmental change — change caused naturally, as well as by society — is the goal of these programs. Marine Environmental Quality. Marine environmental quality research emphasizes understanding of the complex physical and geochemical processes that ultimately determine the health of marine systems and their ability to assimilate contaminants. This research is part of continuing studies of estuarine and coastal environments. The objectives are to determine the residence times, budgets, and ultimate fates of selected chemical tracers in large estuaries, and to correlate these processes with physical forcing and chemical transformations. Included are studies of the geochemistry of trace metals and organic compounds, distribution of hydrocarbons and synthetic organics, coastal and estuarine circulation and transport processes. Although the geographic focus of these studies has been Pacific northwest and Alaskan coastal and estuarine waters, the scientific knowledge acquired and methodologies developed are applicable to other marine systems. Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations. The Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) involves NOAA scientists in OAR, NMFS, and major universities. The FOCI program has introduced a multidisciplinary approach to understanding processes controlling variability of recruitment of commercially valuable fish and shellfish stocks. To date the program has focused on an important fishery for walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea, and on developing the most effective interdisciplinary research activities. The results obtained by this successful pilot program lead toward prediction of the variability of populations of commercially harvested marine species, and to plans for applying this coordinated approach to other fisheries. This ability to understand the processes involved in the variability of recruitment is essential both for managing our fisheries efficiently and for distinguishing natural variability from anthropogenic effects. Sea Ice Processes. The objectives of sea ice research are improved ice forecasting, particularly for Alaskan waters; improved understanding and modeling of ice formation and movement; and the circulation of the shelf waters and the role of these waters in biological productivity and climate change processes. Improved ability to forecast superstructure icing also resulted from earlier work in the program. This research involves scientists from NOAA, major universities, and from the U.S.S.R. This research has developed improved models for ice forecasting, which are now used operationally at the NOAA-Navy Joint Ice Forecast Center. Continuing research to improve forecasting involves the introduction of expanded model capability based on improved understanding of the physical processes, and evaluation of the effects of different boundary conditions and various model parameters. A bilateral agreement with the U.S.S.R. has led to joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. research in the circulation of the Chukchi Sea and the exchange of waters between the Pacific and Arctic Oceans, and the role of these processes Appendix B - Programmatic Mission Requirements in biological productivity on the shelf of western and northwestern Alaska. This is among the most productive areas of the world's oceans. It is known that the circulation on the western side of the U.S.- U.S.S.R. Convention Line differs significantly from the eastern side, and these U.S.-U.S.S.R. efforts will provide the first coordinated measurements. Long-term objectives are to understand the role of these waters in climate change processes, to understand how the shelf circulation determines aspects of the regional climatology and ice cover (important to navigation and other activities in the area), and development of a new generation of models for shelf circulation and sea ice. Applied Oceanography National Status and Trends Program. The National Status and Trends Program (NS&T) assesses the effects of human activities on the environmental quality in coastal and estuarine areas. Concentrations of toxic chemicals and trace elements in bottom-feeding fish, shellfish, and sediments are monitored annually from samples collected at a network of 200 sampling sites. As the Nation's longest, continuously operating monitoring program, the NS&T effort is the first to use uniform techniques and standards to measure coastal and estuarine environmental quality on a nationwide basis. Circulation Studies. For over a century, safe marine navigation and maritime commerce have been enhanced by the provision of accurate and timely tide and tidal current predictions for the coastal waters of the United States. The coastal ocean circulation studies provide the regular deployment and recovery of instrumentation arrays to obtain a comprehensive suite of physical oceanographic data to update tide and circulatory information at major U.S. ports, harbors, bays, and estuaries. OCSEAP. The Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) conducts environmental assessment studies on the Alaskan continental shelf. This assessment is directed toward those areas identified by the Department of Interior as potential sites for oil and gas development. The program provides information on the potential effects of the outer-continental- shelf (OCS) development on living marine resources. Appendix C Participants Phase III Working Group Members Joseph Bishop, Ph.D. Senior Scientist, CS NOAA/Office of the Chief Scientist 14th & Constitution Avenues, NW, Rm. Washington, D.C. 20230 5809 Glenn A. Flittner, Ph.D. Director, Office of Research and Environmental Information, F/RE NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service 1335 East-West Highway, Sta. 9350 Silver Spring, MD 20910 John Kermond, Ph.D. Senior Consultant, LA NOAA/Office of Legislative Affairs 14th & Constitution Avenues, NW, Rm. 5226 Washington, D.C. 20230 Robert C. Landis NOAA/National Weather Service, Wxl 1325 East-West Highway, Sta. 18184 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Robert J. Mahler, Ph.D. Deputy Director, R/Exl NOAA/OAR/Environmental Research Laboratories 325 Broadway, RL3, Rm. 657 Boulder, CO 80303 Stewart B. Nelson Office of the Oceanographer of the Navy U.S. Naval Observatory (OP-096) 34th and Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20392-1800 Captain John F. Pfeiffer Chief of Staff, ND NOAA/Office of Naval Deputy 14th & Constitution Avenues, NW, Rm. 6003 Washington, D.C. 20230-0001 Captain Nicholas A. Prahl Deputy Director, N/CGxl NOAA/National Ocean Service Office of Charting and Geodetic Services 6001 Executive Boulevard, Rm. 1006 Rockville, MD 20852 * Robert H. Stockman Director, SP NOAA/Strategic Planning Staff 1335 East-West Highway, Sta. 2335 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Captain William L. Stubblefield, Ph.D. NOAA/Office of the Chief Scientist, CS 1335 East-West Highway, Sta. 4301 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Gregory Withee Director, E/OC NOAA/NESDIS/National Oceanographic Data Center 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Rm. 406 Washington, D.C. 20235 RADM J. Austin Yeager Deputy Director, NCxl NOAA/Office of NOAA Corps Operations 11400 Rockville Pike, Rm. 505 Rockville, MD 20852 Chairman Appendix C - Participants Technical Supp ort Barbara Butler NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Secretary Judy Ceasar NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Secretary Ann Georgilas NOAA/Office of the Chief Scientist Administration Linda Ritz NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Editorial Assistant Paulette Robinson NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Illustrator Isobel Sheifer, Ph.D. NOAA/Office of the Chief Scientist Technical Writer/Editor Judith M. Wickwire NOAA/Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Secretary ADDDDl"?fi e 11431 Illl ADD0017flTlM31