Kesearen ana i ecnnoiogy Applications urogram Office of Technology Commercialization Technology Services National Institute of Standards and Technology • Technology Administration • U.S. Department of Commerce The Research and Technology Applications Program assists business, industry, and state programs to identity, access, and apply NIST- developed technology. The office staff serve as the NIST point of contact for the Federal Laboratory Consortium, manage the State Technology Extension Program, and arrange visits to NIST for business and industry. The staff also participate in and develop work- shops, conferences, and seminars that bring NIST technology, as well as the research con- ducted at other federal laboratories, to the attention of companies that can apply and benefit from it The State Technology Extension Program is designed to work with state and local tech- nology outreach and economic development groups. The program staff will provide tech- nical support to state and local groups who assist small and medium-sized businesses in applying technology to solve technical prob- lems. This is a new program assigned to NIST by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988. Assistance to state and local technology outreach programs can be: • Technical advice and information from NIST and other federal laboratories, as ap- propriate, in response to technical questions from businesses. Responses can be in the form of information, technical expertise of the labor- atory staff, use of unique research facilities, licensing and patent agreements, and coopera- tive research and development agreements. • Organization of or participation in joint workshops and seminars on specialized industry-related technical topics or general topics on technology transfer. • Cooperative agreements with state and local technology extension services or economic development groups to design and test new methods by which technology, includ- ing federal technology, can be transferred to solve the technical problems of businesses. For fiscal year 1990, the states of Arkansas, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee received agreements to test new methods of technology transfer. As representatives of the Federal Laboratory Consortium, the staff assist businesses to ident- ify current research within the federal labora- tory system, help access staff experts, provide information on reports and other technical publications, and serve as an entry point to the consortium. The program staff work closely with federal agencies on technology transfer issues. They also work with national, state, or local pro- fessionals or scientific societies, and trade associations to assist in the transfer of tech- nology, including federal technology, to help meet the technical needs of their members. Visits to NIST, NIST participation in confer- ences and workshops, and technical informa- tion on NIST technology can be obtained through the program. Succinct descriptions of the technical problems or areas of interest would be helpful in responding to your requests. Jot further information, contact 9dr. Joseph 'Berime, Chief 'Research and TechnoCogy 5\ppCications Program, 'HationaC Institute of Standards and TechnoCogij, S1343 Physics