COM-74-10702-3 COMPUTER OPERATOR'S MANUAL CITY GAMES |P|1Q National Technical Information Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ,^°' c °* ^O^T/O/v ^r, s o« ^ National Technical Information Service U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE P.O. Box 1551 Springfield, Va. 22151 Price of City Games Computer Files Includes Related Manuals COVER SHEET a o " is invalid. r. INVALID ROAD COORDINATES. The program accepts only even-odd or odd- even combinations that are on the board. s. MORE THAN 65 LOCATIONS IN LIST. When block input is used, a maximum of 65 parcels can be specified between the parentheses. 31 ?. $ASMNT a. SOMEONE ON TEAM Cteam name) IS TRYING TO ENTER ASSESSMENT INPUT. A decision-maker other than AS has input a decision using this code. b. LOCATION ERROR. A road or intersection was specified. Assess- ment locations must be parcels. c. NO PARCEL LIST FOR ASSESSMENT. A location has not been specified n column "C" for a type of assessment decision which requires a location \D, AL, SL, SD). d. (location) IS IN ( jurisdiction) . The decision-maker has attempted co assess a parcel which is in another jurisdiction. e. UNNECESSARY PARCEL LIST FOR ASSESSMENT. A location has been specified in column "C" for a jurisdiction-wide decision setting the assessment ratio of a land use. f . (code) IS NOT A RECOGNIZABLE CONTROL WORD. An incorrect letter code has been used. g. (location) IS NOT A FARM PARCEL. A farm assessment has been input for a parcel which is not a farm. 3. $BUILD - $OUBLD a. ( team) CAN'T BUILD ( land use) A decision-maker has attempted to build a type of land use not allowed him. b. OU PRICE NON-NEGOTIABLE. A price has been entered in a $OUBLD input . c. ( number) IS NOT A JURISDICTION. The jurisdiction number input by a government department is not valid. d. (location) UNASSIGNED. The indicated parcel is not assigned to a utility district. This message prints if there is a construction on a parcel which was loaded with utilities but not assigned to a utility district. e. (team) OWNS ( location) . The decision-maker specified on the decision input as owning a location does not actually own that parcel. f . (location) IS UNDEVELOPED. A non-zero old level has been input for a parcel which is undeveloped. 32 g. (location) IS A FARM OWNED BY (team) . The input specified a construction on a farm parcel. h. (location) IS NOT A (land use) , IT IS A ( land use) . A land use has been input with a previous level , but the parcel is not developed in that land use. i. THERE'S NO (land use) AT (location) . The input specifies an existing land use on a parcel but the parcel does not contain that land use. j . (land use) AT (location) IS LEVEL ( Ian d^ use ) . The old level of development input does not equal land use's actual level. k. ( number) % IS REQUIRED ON (location) - ONLY (numbe r) % IS AVAILABLE. The team does not own sufficient land on the parcel for the intended construction. 1. JURISDICTION (number ) IS RESPONSIBLE FOR (location). A road or terminal construction decision has been input by a jurisdiction which does not control that location. m. (location) IS IN (jurisdiction number) . The parcel is not in the jurisdiction of the decision-maker . n. LEVEL ERROR. Old and new levels are identical. o. QI ERROR. The quality index input is less than 40 or greater than 100. p. ONLY RA'S CAN HAVE PRIVATE UTILITIES. A land use other than RA has attempted to be constructed using private utilities. q. LOCATION ERROR. The land use specified cannot be at the designated location. Such would be the case if a road were specified for a parcel or if an economic activity were specified on a road or intersection. r. COST TO ( team) FOR BUILD ON ( location) IS $ ( price) ONLY HAS $ ( capital balance) . The team constructing does not have enough money to pay for the attempted construction. s. REQUIRES LEVEL ( number) UTILITY SERVICE - ONLY HAS LEVEL ( number) . The level of utility service installed on the parcel does not provide as many utility units as are required by the new level of development. t. EXCEEDS UTILITY PLANT CAPACITY. The number of utility units which the proposed construction requires plus the number of utility units already served by the utility plant which serves the parcel on which the construction is located exceeds the plant's capacity (2400 times the plant's level) . 33 u. REALLOCATION OF SERVICE MUST PRECEDE DEMOLITION. There has been an attempt to demolish a utility plant without first assigning all of the parcels served by that plant to another utility plant. v. UNITS CONSUMED MUST BE DECREASED TO ( number) BEFORE DEMOLITION. There has been an attempt to decrease the level of a utility plant when the plant already serves more than 2400 times its new level. w. QJT or CI) CAN ONLY BUILD OUTSIDE. There has been an attempt to build a utility plant or a construction industry with the $BUILD input code. x. JOB EXCEEDS (CI location) r S CAPACITY ( number of equipment units required for the construction) / (number of equipment unless remaining in CI T s capacity) . The CI does not have enough remaining capacity to perform the construction . y. (team) HAS AN OUTSTANDING CONTRACT TO BUILD A ( land use) AT (location) . ^Ttearn (contractee) has input a construction contract for a land use and location for which it already has a contract. z . ( location) IS ZONED (zoning code) WHICH PROHIBITS ( land use) . The attempted construction violates zoning. 4. $BYCT a. E OR S. A letter other than E or S was in column "a". b. ( department) DOES NOT BOYCOTT. A government department appears as the decision-maker. Departments do not boycott. c. U S OR W. A letter other than U, S, or W appeared in column "c", d. WORK BOYCOTTS ARE SOCIAL BOYCOTTS. An economic decision-maker tried to input a decision to boycott work. Economic decision-makers can only input shopping boycotts. e. ( location) IS NOT A ( LNDUSE or CLASS) . A social boycott has been input with a letter in column "b" which is not a class or a land use in column "d" which is not an acceptable land use code. f. U IS FOR SYSTEM-WIDE BOYCOTT OF BUS OR RAIL BY SOCIAL CLASS. A location has been input for a use boycott. g. ENTER S OR B FOR STOP OR BBGIN. A letter other than S or B was used in column "e". 34 h. (team) CANNOT BOYCOTT (department) . A shopping boycott has been input against a department. i. (location) IS UNDEVELOPED. The location boycotted (column "d") is undeveloped. j. (location) IS A RESIDENCE. The location boycotted (column "d") is a residence, k. (location) IS A (land use) . A shopping boycott has been input at a location which is not commercially developed. 1. (team)'S (class or land use) 'S ARE NOT BOYCOTTING (SHOP, WORK , or USE) - (location or department) . fti S in column "e" has indicated that an existing boycott is to be stopped but the boycott does not exist. m. (team)'S (class or land use) 'S ARE ALREADY BOYCOTTING ( SHOP, WORK , or USE) - (location or department) . "An attempt was made to begin a boycott which already exists. n. (department) DOES NOT HIRE. An attempt was made to boycott work at a department that does not hire population units. 5. $CASH a. ( code input) IS NOT A VALID CODE. The letter code in column "a" is not a valid letter code. b. AS HAS NO CASH. The Assessment Department has been designated as a giver or receiver of cash. AS does not have an account. c. ( FOURTH or FIFTH) ENTRY MUST BE CAP OR CUR. A cash transfer involving a government department must specify the department's capital or current account. If CAP or CUR is used to designate an economic team's account, the designation is ignored and is assumed by the program to be PVT. d. ( team: PZ or CH) HAS ONLY A ( CAPITAL or CURRENT) ACCOUNT. Either Chairman or Planning and Zoning has been designated as having an account which it does not in fact have. e . ONLY CHAIR MAY USE (code input) . A team other than the Chairman has used a code other than C in column "a". f. ( team) DOES NOT RECEIVE APPROPRIATIONS. Chairman has attempted to grant an appropriation using CP or CR to an economic team, UT, RAIL or CH. 35 g. NOT AN APPROPRIATION - DIFFERENT JURISDICTIONS, Chairman has attempted to grant an appropriation using CP or CR to a department in another jurisdiction, or BUS or RAIL. h. WRONG SUBSIDY. The Chairman has either used SB in column M a M to subsize UT, BUS, or RAIL or used CURS or CAPS in column "a" to subsize an economic team. CURS and CAPS are used for departments ; SB is used for economic teams. i. (team) DOES NOT RECEIVE SUBSIDIES. Only UT, BUS, and RAIL can receive subsidies through CURS or CAPS. j . LOCATION ENTRY REQUIRED FOR (social team) ? S ( class) . A cash transfer involving a social decision-maker has omitted the residence location of the Pi's. k. THERE ARE NO (class) Pi's ON ( location) . A cash transfer involving a social decision-maker has specified a parcel on which no Pi's of the desig- nated class live. 1 . (social decision -maker) DOES NOT CONTROL ( class) ON ( location) . The social decision-maker designated as controlling a class on a parcel does not in fact control those Pi's. m. ( social team) 'S class ON ( location) ONLY HAVE $ (savings) . The social decision-maker attempted to transfer an amount greater than the number of Pi's times the sum of the savings per PI and the miscellaneous income per PI. Note that miscellaneous income is negative if the class has transferred more money than it has received. n. THERE IS NO ( department and jurisdiction) . The jurisdiction number input for a department exceeds the number of jurisdictions being used in the model. o. NULL TRANSACTION. A decision-maker has attempted to transfer money from an account to the same account. For economic, the giver and receiver would match and both accounts would be capital or current; for social, the giver and receiver would match, the class giving and receiving would match, and the locations would match. p. ( team) ONLY HAS $ ( amount) . A team has less money in its capital account (total capital revenue less capital expenditures) than it is attempting to transfer. Note that there is no check on a transfer from a current account. 36 6. $CVPT a - (code Input) IS NOT A VALID CODE. A code other than one allowed by $CVPT or $ OTHER has been input in column "a", b. THERE IS NO UTILITY PLANT ON ( location) . The utility plant location specified in column "c M does not contain a utility plant on a decision to change utility service. c. THE PLANT AT (location) IS UNDEVELOPED, The Utility Department has only undeveloped land at the location specified in column M e M on a decision to change utility service. d. (location) IS IN JURISDICTION (number) . The location designated in column "c" is in a different jurisdiction from the one of the Utility Department which input a decision to change utility service. e. ( number) IS NOT A VALID UTILITY LEVEL. The new level of service specified on a decision to change utility service is not a number between and 9. f . LOCATION ERROR. A location other than a parcel has been specified in column "b". The location should be a parcel. g. (UTILITY or INTAKE or OUTFLOW) PLANT AT ( location) CAN'T CHANGE. An attempt has been made to change the utility district in which a parcel containing a utility, inflow, or outflow plant is located. The utility district to which such a parcel is assigned cannot be changed until the appropriate plant (s) has been demolished. h. ( location) USES MORE THAN ( number) . The private development on the parcel for which there was an attempt to change the level of utility service requires more utilities than the new level of service would provide. i INSTALLATION AT (location) COSTS $ (amount) (department) ONLY HAS $ (amount) . The Utility Department has insufficient funds in its capital balance to perform the installation of utility services. j. NON-CONNECTABLE - ( location) ( location) etc. Each listed parcel is not contiguous to a parcel having utilities and served by the designated utility plant. Contiguous parcels are the eight parcels surrounding a parcel. 37 k. TEAM (team name) DOES NOT (input code) . A decision-maker has input a decision type in column "a" which he is not allowed to make. 1. [zoning code input) IS NOT A VALID ZONING CODE. The two-digit zoning code input in column "c" on a decision to change zoning is not one of the zoning codes allowed in the model. m. (input code) IS TOO (HI GH or LOW) . The value given to a rent (R) , salary (S) , maintenance level (MJ, price (P) , number of employees (E) , public institutional land (PI or RPI) , BG-BS contract percent of purchases (C) , or preempted land (PLND or RPLND) exceeds the maximum or minimum amount allowed that value. Function Input Minimum Input Maximum Rent (R) 250 Salary (S) PL 12 50 PM 25 100 PH 50 200 Maintenance Level (M) 100 Price (Utility) 1600 Price (BC - BS) 500 1500 Price (PC- PS) 50 150 Employees (E) 6 All others 100 Note: All of these limits are overridden if there is a "1" in column "£". n. (PI, RPI, PLND or RPLN) REQUIRES SPECIFICATION OF PERCENT OF PARCEL. Column "c" did not contain a specification of what percent of the parcel was to be changed. °- ( PI or RPI) COSTS $ (amount) - PZ ( jurisdiction) ONLY HAS $ (amount) IN CAPITAT FUNDS. The Planning and Zoning Department does not have sufficient funds to carry out the transaction involving public institutional land. p. (location) MAINTENANCE SET TO MAXIMUM -- ( maintenance level) . There was an attempt to increase the maintenance level of a residence to more than 20 points above the lowest quality index which the residence ever reached. The program changes the desired maintenance level to the maximum allowed and then accepts the decision. This is one of the few error messages that do not indicate total rejection of a decision. 38- q. ONLY (number)* OF (location) IS (PI or PLND) . There was an attempt to take more land out of public institutional or preempt use than was actually in that use. r. (team) ' s (BG or BS) AT (location) HAS NO CONTRACT WITH ( department) , There was an attempt to cancel a BG or BS contract, but the contract did not exist. s . USE $0THER FOR (input code) . The $CVPT code was used when $0THER should have been used. t. (team) OWNS (location). The economic decision-maker specified on the decision input as owning a location does not actually own that location. u. (location) IS UNDEVELOPED. An economic decision-maker has attempted to change something on a parcel which is undeveloped. v. (location) IS A ( land use) AND DOES NOT ( SET PRICES, EMPLOY , SET, RENTS ? or CONTRACT) . An economic decision-maker has attempted to make a decision which is not allowed for the economic activity type located on that parcel. w. THERE'S NO ( MS, SC or PI) AT (location). A MS or SC department tried to change a maintenance level or employee request at a parcel on which the department has no constructed facility, or PZ tried to remove public institutional use of parkland from a parcel on which none exists. x. (number) % IS REQUIRED ON ( location) - ONLY (numb er )g IS AVAILABLE. PZ does not have enough parkland at the location to develop or remove the amount of public institutional land (PI or RPI) , or there is not enough privately- owned and undeveloped land on the parcel for the director to create or remove preempted land (PLND or RPLND) . y. (location) IS IN ( jurisdiction) . The parcel is not in the juris- diction of the decision-maker. z. ( location) IS A FARM OWNED BY ( team) . An economic decision-maker specified not a business or residence parcel but a parcel which is part of a farm. Decisions regarding farms use $)DDS or $PU. 7. $ENDS a. ( code input) IS INVALID CODE. A code other than L, R, W, or P has been input in column "a". b. ( land use) AT ( location) DOES NOT RECYCLE. The land use at that location is not a basic industry, so it cannot recycle water. 39 c. OPERATING LEVEL (number) AT ( location) IS TOO HIGH, An economic decision-maker has attempted to raise the operating level at a business above its constructed level. The operating level cannot be above the constructed level. d. ( location) IS NOT A LAKE PARCEL. The director attempted to specify water quality on a parcel which does not contain a lake. e. (number) IS INVALID WATER QUALITY. The specified water quality is not an integer between 1 and 9. f . NO WATER ON (location) , The director attempted to specify a miscellaneous pollution input on a parcel which has no water. g. (location) IS UNDEVELOPED. There was an attempt to set an operating level at a parcel which is undeveloped. h. (location) IS RESIDENTIAL. There was an attempt to set an operating level at a parcel which is developed res identi ally. i. NO VOLUME OF POLLUTION INPUT FOR ( location) . The director specified miscellaneous pollutants to be dumped on a parcel but did not specify a volume of effluent. j . ( location) IS A FARM OWNED BY ( team) . The location is not a business which can recycle or set an operating level; it is a farm. k. ( team) OWNS ( location) . The economic decision-maker specified on the input as owning a location does not actually own that parcel. 1. TOO MANY POLLUTANTS ENTERED FOR ( location ) . The director specified miscellaneous pollutants to be dumped on a parcel but listed more than seven pollutant types and one water volume. 8. $FSA a. ( team) CANNOT REQUEST FEDERAL- STATE AID. The decision-maker is a department other than SC or HY, which are the only departments which can request Federal -State aid. b. SC MUST INPUT PARCEL COORDINATES TO FSA. A School Department did not specify the parcel location for which aid was requested. 40 c. HY MUST INPUT ROAD COORDINATES TO FSA, A Highway Department did not specify the road location for which aid was requested. d. PARCEL AT (location) IS NOT IN JURISDICTION OF (department) . A School Department has requested aid to build on a parcel which is not in its jurisdiction. e. ROAD AT (location) NOT IN JURISDICTION OF (department) . A Highway Department has requested aid to build at a location which is not in its jurisdiction. f . ( HY or SC) AT (location) IS LEVEL ( number) . Aid has been requested for a level of construction that is less than or equal to the existing level of development at the location. g. LEVEL (number) AID IS AVAILABLE FOR ( HY or SC) AT (location) . Aid has already been granted for a development at the location for a level greater than or equal to the requested level. h. ( department) HAS ENTERED (number) REQUESTS. The School or Highway Department has already made the maximum number of FSA requests allowed it in a round. Schools can make 3 requests; Highways can make five requests. i . AID REQUEST OF ( department) FOR ( location) ( GRANTED or DENIED) . This message states whether or not the department's aid request was granted. 9. $ODDS a. ( number) IS INVALID RIVER BASIN. The code number of the river basin input on a decision to set dam priorities does not match the code number of any river basin on the board. b. INVALID FLOOD LEVEL IN RIVER BASIN ( number) . The director has input a flood level which does not fall between 1 and 100. c. INVALID FARM CODE NUMBER, ( farm code input) . A decision to set a fertilizer level specified a farm code number that does not match that of any farm on the board. d. INVALID FERTILIZER FACTOR, (number). The fertilizer level specified is not between and 3. e. ( team) OWNS FARM (number) . The decision-maker does not own the farm having the code number which he specified. f . ( code input) IS INVALID CODE. A letter code other than A, B, C, F, or R appeared in column "a". 41 10. $OTHER a. (code input) IS NOT A VALID CODE. A code other than one allowed by $OTHER or $CVPT has been input in column "a". b. TEAM (team name) DOES NOT (input code) . A decision-maker has input a decision type in column "a" which he is not allowed to make. c. $ (amount) NEEDED - $ (amount) AVAILABLE. The Bus or Rail Company has attempted to purchase rolling stock costing more than its available capital funds. d. (BUS or PAIL) ONLY HAS (number) UNITS. The Bus or Rail Company has attempted to sell more rolling stock than it owns. e . USE $CVPT FOR (input code) . The $OTHER code was used when $CVPT should have been usecL f . (team) DOES NOT SET WELFARE. A decision-maker other than a Chairman has input a decision with "W" in column "a". W is for setting welfare payments only. g. PAYMENT IS TOO HIGH. The Chairman attempted to set the welfare payment higher than the maximum of $10,000 per unemployed worker. The coded input for the payment should be 100 or less. h. EA IS AN INVALID CODE. A department other than Schools has used the code "EA" in column "a". i. ( PZ or CH) CANNOT FLOAT (2 or 25) YEAR BpNDS. Planning and Zoning has attempted to float a 2 -year (current) bond or Chairman has attempted to float a 2 5 -year (capital) bond. PZ has only a capital account; Chairman has only a current account. j. INTEREST RATE IS ( number) % . This message merely shows the interest rate set for a bond or loan from the Outside. The transaction is complete; this is not an error message. k. SCALE BOND IN 10, 000' S. If a bond for $900 million or more is input, the program assumes that the dollar amount was incorrectly scaled. The decision is rejected. 1. ONLY 2 OR 25 FOR TERM. A bond or loan was input with a term other than 2 or 25. m. ILLEGAL DEPARTMENT. A department has attempted to make a decision which is not allowed it. 42 n. ILLEGAL ROAD TYPE. The road type specified is not 1, 2, or 3, o . (team) ONLY HAS (amount) . A team has attempted to lend more money than it has available. p. USE BONDING ROUTINE. Either a department used "LO" in column "a" or an economic team used LO but did not specify a borrower or an interest rate. Bonds and loans from the Outside use "BO" in column "a". q. SCALE LOAN IN 10,000 ? S. If a loan for $900 million or more is input, the program assumes that the dollar amount was incorrectly scaled. The decision is rejected. r. INVEST COSTS $ (amount) - (team) ONLY HAS $ (amount) IN CAPITAL FUNDS. An economic team has attempted to invest more money in stocks than it has in available cash. s. (team) ONLY HAS $ (amount) IN ( SPECULATIVE or CONSERVATIVE) INVESTMENTS. "M economic team has attempted to sell more investments than it has. t . THERE IS A CI AT (location) . The director has attempted to specify NOCI, but there is still at least one CI on the board. All CI's must be demolished before NOCI is accepted by the program. u. ( amount) LOAN EXCEEDS LIMIT OF ( amount that can still be borrowed) . TOTAL DEBT LIMIT IS ( amount) PRESENT DEBT IS ( amount) . The economic team has attempted to borrow more money from the Outside than its debt limit allows. There is no limit on the amount which a team can borrow from another team. 11. $PU a. OUTSIDE DOES NOT BUY LAND. "OU" was input on the decision-maker purchasing a parcel of land. The Outside cannot purchase land. b. ( department) CAN'T OWN LAND. CH, AS, or BUS was input as the decision-maker purchasing a parcel of land. Those departments cannot own land. c. DIFFERENT AREAS. Departments in different jurisdictions attempted to transfer land. d. ONLY DEPT'S SELL PART TO PVT. A private team attempted to purchase part of a parcel from a private team by specifying a number other than "0" in column "d". 43 e. ( location) COSTS $ (amount) - (team) ONLY HAS $ (amount) . The buyer does not have enough funds to make the land purchase. £. (team) OWNS (location) , The private owner of a parcel specified in column "c" is not the parcel's actual private owner. g. (location) IS IN (jurisdiction) . The parcel is not in the jurisdiction specified on the input. h. (team) CAN ONLY SELL (amount) ON ( location) . A team has attempted to sell more land on a parcel than it has undeveloped there. i. (team) (amount) BID ON (location) ( ACCEPTED or REJECTED ( probability) / ( random number) . If the probability is less than the random number, the bid has been accepted. This is not an error message; it reports the outcome of an unsolicited bid on Outside-Owned land. 12. $RAIL a. TEAM (team name) CANNOT ENTER RAIL INPUT. A team other than RAIL has used the $RAIL code. b. LIST MUST BE OF PARCELS. The list of parcels over which the track being constructed is on the surface contains a location which is not a parcel. c. SAME INTERSECTION PAIR TO BUILD RR ( location) . On a decision to build a track segment the same intersection was given for the beginning and end points. If a station is to be constructed, only one intersection is specified. If a track is to be constructed, two different intersections are specified. d. RAIL SEGMENT FROM ( intersection location) TO (intersection location) NOT BUILT. There is already a track between the designated intersections, so a new one was not put there by the program. There can be only one track directly between two intersections. e. *** NO RAILROAD LAND ON PARCEL ( location) . The Rail Company does not own any land on a parcel where it has specified that track will be on the surface. f . *** PARCEL (location) WAS NOT SPECIFIED. A parcel on which a surface track segment must be located in order to connect the designated intersections was not specified on the input as being a parcel over which a surface track would go. A track segment directly connecting two stations must be either entirely on the surface or entirely underground. 44 g. NOT A VALID INTERSECTION OR INTERSECTIONS ARE EQUAL ( location) ( location) . At least one of the locations is not an intersection location or the intersections are identical. h. RAIL ONLY HAS $ (capital balance) - NO STATION BUILT AT ( location) . The Rail Company does not have sufficient funds to construct the designated station. i. STATION ALREADY EXISTS AT ( location) . There is already a rail station at the location where a station was to be constructed by the decision input. 13. $REDIST a. LOCATION ERROR. A road or intersection was specified in column "b" where a list of parcels should appear. b. NO PARCEL LIST INCLUDED FOR REDISTRICTING. Column "b" was blank. A list of parcels to be added to the district should appear there. c. TEAM ( name ) CANNOT REDISTRI CT. A team other than MS or SC tried to use the $ RED I ST input code. d. ( location) HAS NO ( MS or SC) . The location specified in column "a" does not have a school or MS on it. e. (location) IS IN JURISDICTION ( number) . A school or MS location which is not in the jurisdiction of the decision-maker has been specified in column "a". f . PARCEL AT ( location) IS NOT IN JURISDICTION OF TEAM (name) . A parcel which is not in the jurisdiction of the decision-maker has been specified in column M b M . After all decisions have been processed, the program checks that districts consist of contiguous parcels. One of two error messages indicates that redistricting has failed: 1. PROPOSED REDISTRICTING RESULTS IN DISTRICT FOR ( SC or MS) AT (location) BEING DISCONTINUOUS. The district which was to have been served by the school or MS does not consist of contiguous parcels. 2. THERE IS NO LONGER A (SC or MS) AT ( location) . A redistricting decision would have added parcels to a district in which the school or MS was demolished. In either case, the error message is followed by: ( SC or MS) REDISTRICTING FOR JURISDICTION ( number) REJECTED. 45 14. $ROUT a. *** BUS OR RAIL NOT SPECIFIED. A decision-maker other than BUS or RAIL used the $ROUT input code. b. *** ROUTE NOT FOUND. There was an attempt to eliminate a route by specifying a new level of in column "c", but there is no route with the code number specified in column "a". c. *** NO INTERSECTIONS SPECIFIED. A list of intersections where a route is to go (column "d") included either one or no intersections . d. *** BUS ROUTES MUST FOLLOW ROADS. Two successive intersections do not lie along the same row or the same column, i.e., the part of the bus route specified attempts to cross parcels diagonally. Bus routes must follow roads, i.e., the segments must be horizontal or vertical. e. NO ROAD ( EAST, WEST, NORTH, or SOUTH) FROM ( intersection) . A bus route has been specified as travelling along a roadbed. Bus routes must be along roads . f . *** NO TRACK FRCM ( intersection) TO (intersection) . A rail route has been specified between two intersections which are not directly connected by a track segment. g. *** NO STATION ON ( intersection) . There is no station at a location which has been designated as a rail stop. 15. $TAXES a. ( number) EXCEEDS TAX MAXIMUM OF 99. The maximum tax rate of 9.9% has been exceeded by the decision. The maximum limitation is waived if there is a "1" in column "c". b. ONLY CHI, CH2, or CH3 CAN ENTER TAXES. A decision-maker other than a Chairman has used the $TAXES code. c. L, D, RI, EI, RA, EZ, G, or S. A code other than one listed above was used in column "a". 16. $TIME a. ONLY PVT ALLOCATES. Only a social decision-maker can input a time allocation decision. b. ONLY LI, L2, L3, Ml, M2, M3, HI, H2, OR Hr. These population unit codes by jurisdiction are the only ones allowed (column "a") . 46 c. HIGH CAN'T ALLOCATE FREE SCHOOL. Time for PH has been allocated to free education [column "b") . d. TIME ADDS TO (total of units if over 100) . An allocation of more than 100 time units was attempted. e. LOCATION ERROR. If intersection or road segment is input as a location for Pi's. f. (team) DOES NOT CONTROL ( H, M, or L) ON ( location) . A team has attempted to make time allocation decisions for a class on a parcel over which it does not have control. g. THERE ARE NO( H, M, L) 'S ON ( location) . Time has been allocated for a class of Pi's on a parcel where no members of that class reside. h. (location) IS IN ( jurisdiction number) . If the specified location is not in the jurisdiction indicated by the number after H, M, or L (column "a") . i. LOW CAN'T ALLOCATE PAY SCHOOL. Time for PL has been allocated to pay education. j. ( team) DOES NOT CONTROL POPULATION. The social decision-maker input on the decision is not a valid social decision-maker as specified when the original data base was loaded. 17. $VALUE a. ( team) DOES NOT SET TIME VALUE. A team other than a social decision-maker has attempted to use the $VALUE code. b. L, M, or H. Column "a" contains a character other than L, M, or H. 18. $WREED a. ( location input) IS NOT LEGIT LOCATION. The location input in column "b" is not a parcel location on the board. b. ( code input) IS INVALID CODE. The program did not recognize the letter code input in column "a". c. ( location) IS INVALID DISTRICT PLANT LOCATION. The parcel specified as having a utility plant does not in fact have a utility plant on it. 47 d. ( code input) IS INVALID TREATMENT TYPE. The type of effluent treatment plant input is not CL, PT, ST, or TT. e. (code input) IS INVALID 1-0 CODE. The code input is not "IN" or "OUT". f . (location) HAS NO TREATMENT PLANT, A Utility Department tried to build a treatment plant in a district which already has a treatment plant of that type (type being intake or outflow) . The other treatment plant must be demolished before a plant at a different location in the same same utility department can be constructed. g. NOT ENOUGH LAND AT (location). The Utility Department does not have enough land for the desired treatment plant construction. h. ( location) IS INVALID (A, P, or M) SAMPLING STATION LOCATION. The type of sampling station input cannot function at the location input. For A, the location must have surface water; for P, the location must have an economic activity; for M, the location must have a municipal outflow point. i. ( team) OWNS ( location) . The economic decision-maker input as owning a parcel does not actually own that parcel. j. BI TREATS OUTFLOW ONLY. There was a decision to build an intake treatment plant at a business. A basic industry can build an outflow plant only. k. ( land use) DOESN'T TREAT EFFLUENT. The economic activity on the parcel is not a basic industry, so it cannot treat its effluent. 1. OLD LEVEL IS NOT ( level input) . The old level of treatment plant specified on the decision input does not match the plant's actual level. m. COST TO ( team) FOR WRBLD ON ( location) IS $ (amount) , HAS ONLY $ (amount) . The team does not have enough money to perform the construction. n. TEAM MUST BE UTILITY. A team other than the Utility Department input a decision to locate an intake point, an outflow point, or a sampling station. o . NO WATER ON ( location) . There was an attempt to locate an intake or outflow point on a parcel which is not a lake or does not contain surface water. 48 19. $WRPRC a. TEAM MUST BE UTILITY. A team other than a Utility Department used the $WRPRC code. b. (land use) DOES NOT USE MUNICIPAL WATER. The land use for which the department attempted to set a price is a surface water user, a government department, or nothing. Prices can be set only for municipal water users. ■&U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1974-543-048/36 49 BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 1. Report No. 3. Recipient's Accession No. COM- 74- 10702 -3 4. Title and, fcife GAMES - CITY IV Computer Operator's Manual 5- Report Date July 1973 7. Author(s) Mr. John E. Moriarty 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address National Bureau of Standards Department of Commerce Washington, D. C. 20234 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract/Grant No. 956.2106 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22151 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Final 14. 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstracts This manual is written for an IBM 360/70 computer. It describes the necessary Fortran § JCL commands required for Computer operation of the CITY IV game. Test commands and sequences are presented along with complete computer operating instructions for the Game. It is expected that this manual, along with a Game Director's manual will provide complete instructions for the operation of CITY IV. 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors City IV; computer; Fortran; gaming; IBM 360/70; JCL; simulation. 17b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms 17c. COSATI Field/Group 18. Availability Statement This manual is available only with the lease of the CITY, k Games system on magnetic tape, COM-7U-10706. 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 56 22. Price FORM NTIS-35 (REV. 3-72) USCOMM-DC 14952-P72 ■ PE N N STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES AQD007D' M34 05