BEA-SP 75-027 Summary Input-Output Tables of the U. S. Economy: 1968, 1969, 1970 Q C \ .<< or c % *>*i™ o« *" \ / Bureau of Economic Analysis Staff Paper No. 27 September 1975 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS BEA Staff Paper No. 27 BEA-SP 75-027 Summary Input-Out Tables of the U. S. Economy: 1968, 1969, 1970 by Paula C. Young Philip M. Ritz jf »<* +. • September 1975 o** U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Rogers C. B. Morton, Secretary James L. Pate, Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS George Jaszi, Director Morris R. Goldman, Deputy Director c !« Cx V) E> PREFACE Staff Papers present reports on BEA research that is more specialized or less well established than BEA research generally made available to the public. The work for this paper was performed in the Inter- industry Economics Division under the guidance of Philip M. Ritz, Chief, and Eugene P. Roberts, Assistant Chief. Paula C. Young was in direct charge of the study, with important assistance provided by Kenneth A. Wallach, Shirley F. Loftus, and other staff members. James E. Huyghebaert and Dennis R. Robinson, former staff members, assisted in early stages of the study. Camera-ready copy was prepared by Peggy L. Burcham BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 1. Report No. BEA-SP 75-027 S^Recipient's Accession No. 4. Title and Subtitle Summary Input-Output Tables of the U.S. Economy 1968, 1969, 1970 5- Report Date August 1975 7. Author(s) Paula C. Young and Philip M. Ritz 8- Performing Organization Rept. No -Sta£.£ Paper No. 2 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Bureau of Economic Analysis U.S. Department of Commerce Washington, D.C. 20230 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract/Grant No. 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Bureau of Economic Analysis U.S. Department of Commerce Washington, D.C. 20230 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Staff Paper (Final) 14. 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstracts Provides input-output tables for 1968, 1969, and 1970 at the 85-industry level, based on application of update procedures to the 1967 benchmark input-output table. Included is a comparison of actual industry outputs (in 1967 dollars) for the update years with outputs generated by multi- plying each year's final demand estimates (in 1967 dollars) by the coefficients in the 1967 total requirements table. input-output tables 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors Transactions tables Direct requirements per dollar of output Total requirements per dollar of delivery to final demand Final demand Intermediate flows Primary flow data Secondary products Transferred imports 17b. rdentifiers/Open-Ended Terms 17c. COSATI Field/Group 18. Availability Statement National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 99 22. Price paper ; $4.75 2.25 m FORM NT1S-35 (REV. 3-72) THIS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED USCOMM-DC 14952-P72 Summary Input-Output Tables of the U.S. Economy: 1968, 1969, 1970 This report presents input-output (I-O) tables of the U.S. economy for 1968, 1969, and 1970, obtained by updating BEA's benchmark 1-0 table for 1967 at the 85-industry level. 1/ It also includes a comparison of actual industry output for 1968, 1969, and 1970 with output estimated using the 1967 1-0 coefficients and the estimates of final demand prepared in this study for 1968, 1969, and 1970. The tables for the three years are the first in BEA's newly instituted series of annual 1-0 tables. Summary 1-0 tables will be prepared for every year, including benchmark years. Thus, a summary table for 1971 is now in preparation and one for 1972 will be prepared for release before the 1972 benchmark table is completed. The objective of the BEA annual 1-0 program is to provide updated tables within 3 years after the year of reference . The 1968, 1969, and 1970 1-0 transactions data are shown in table 1 in current dollars. 2/ Table 2 for each year contains the direct requirements per dollar of output (i.e., input coeffi- cients) , and table 3 for each year contains the total requirements per dollar of delivery to final demand (i.e., total requirements or inverse coefficients) . 1. Similar updated versions of the 1958 1-0 table to 1961 and of the 1963 1-0 table to 1966 were prepared by BEA. The 1961 table was published in "Input-Output Transactions: 1961," Staff Working Paper in Economics and Statistics, No. 16, Office of Business Economics (now Bureau of Economic Analysis), U.S. Department of Commerce, July 1968. Copies of this paper are available upon request to the Interindustry Economics Division, BEA. The 1966 table appeared in "Input-Output Transactions: 1966," Staff Paper in Economics and Statistics, No. 19, BEA, U.S. Department of Commerce. It is available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151 at $3.75 per copy ($2.25 in microfiche), Accession No. COM- 72- 10299 . A discussion of the characteristics and uses of BEA's 1-0 tables appears in the article "The Input-Output Structure of the U.S. Economy: 1967," in the February 1974 Survey of Current Bus iness . 2. The 1968-1970 figures for GNP and its components as now pub- lished in the national income and product accounts have not yet been revised to conform to the estimates in the 1967 1-0 table. The forthcoming benchmark revisions of the GNP will incorporate these estimates as well as other revisions resulting from addi- tional conceptual and statistical changes introduced subsequent to the completion of the 1967 1-0 table. Consequently, the revised GNP estimates for 1968-1970 will differ from those shown in this paper. BEA plans to adjust its 1-0 studies to conform to the new GNP estimates. Differences in Output Requirements, 1967 to 1968, 1969, and 19T0~ The updated tables for 1968-1970 provide a basis for an examina- tion of the extent to which the 1-0 relationships changed since 1967. This was done by comparing actual industry output for 196*8-1970 (in 1967 dollars) with derived output obtained by multiplying the final demand estimates for 1968-1970 (in 1967 dollars) by the 1967 total requirements per dollar of delivery to final demand. The derived output represents the" output that would have been necessary with 1967 technology, as represented by the 1967 1-0 relationships, to supply the sales to final demand for each year. The percent that the difference between derived and actual output was of actual output for each industry, for each year, was calculated and the percentages were converted to average annual rates. The actual industry outputs and the aver- age annual rates of difference are shown in table A. It is evident from table A that the relation of derived to actual output is reasonably consistent over the 3-year period for the majority of industries. Average annual differences of 2 percent or less for the years 1968, 1969, and 1970 occur in 48, 59, and 65 industries, respectively, of the 79 1-0 industries shown. Average annual differences greater than 5 percent appear for 13, 10, and 3 industries, respectively. Over the 3-year period, industries required substantially more nonferrous metal ores mining (1-0 6), plastics and synthetic materials (1-0 28), rubber and miscellaneous plastics products (1-0 32), and metal containers (1-0 39) than would have been esti- mated using the 1967 coefficients. Among those industries whose products were required to a lesser extent were coal mining (1-0 7), chemical and fertilizer mineral mining (1-0 10), wooden containers (1-0 21), paints and allied products (1-0 30), leather tanning and industrial leather products (1-0 33), and machine shop products (1-0 50). For most of the above, these results are generally in accordance with historical trends in these industries. The differences between derived and actual demand point up the need for users of 1-0 to take into account the fact that 1-0 coefficients do change, even over relatively short periods. Among the factors which cause changes in 1-0 relationships are changes in technology, which may reflect new machinery, new material inputs, pollution abatement, etc. Interindustry relationships may also change because of changes in the mix of the products included with- in an industry's output when each of the products requires a different pattern of inputs. Changes in relative prices may also cause coefficient change. An industry may substitute one input for another if the substitute becomes relatively less expensive, or an industry may use less of an increasingly costly input. - 2 - Coefficients may change also because of scale of operation. There are inputs, such as rent and building maintenance, whose magnitude may not change in direct proportion to a change in output. As the annual series of 1-0 tables are extended, they may provide a better basis for further study of coefficient change and for adjustment for such changes in applications of 1-0 techniques. 3/ Methods Used to Update 1-0 Data The latest full-scale benchmark 1-0 study is that for 1967, based on the detailed and comprehensive statistics available primarily from the economic censuses for 1967. The tables for subsequent years, between 1967 and 1972, must be based on summary estimating methods because there are much less data available for these years. The updated tables for 1968-1970 are based oh actual industry out- put and final demand for these years and on updating of the re- lationships in the 1967 benchmark table. In addition, the updated tables incorporate allowances for changes from 1967 to each year in the relative prices of the inputs to each industry and for the average change in the use of a product or service, resulting from factors such as changes in technology, scale of operation, or pro- duct mix within an industry. The allowances for changes in rela- tive prices involved a detailed repricing of inputs, at the 484- industry level. In general, the updated tables incorporate allowances for only the average change in the use of a product or service among industries. A description of the methods follows. 1 . GNP and Components As stated earlier, the published 1968-1970 figures for GNP have not yet been revised to conform to the estimates in the 1967 benchmark 1-0 table. Therefore, it was necessary to prepare preliminary estimates of GNP and its components consistent with the GNP shown in the 1967 1-0 table. In addi- tion, the effects of a few conceptual changes which had not been incorporated in the 1967 1-0 table but which will be included in the revised GNP series were included in this study. These conceptual revisions affect primarily government purchases and relate to the change in treatment from purchases to subsidies of several expenditure items. 3. A discussion of similar considerations, based on 1-0 tables for earlier years, appears in BEA Staff Paper No. 26, "Sources of Error in Input-Output Projections," by Arlene K. Shapiro, July 1974, available from National Technical Information Service, Report No. BEA-SP 75-026, at $3.75 for paper copy and $2.25 for microfiche . 3 - The estimated -total for each component of GNP was distributed by 1-0 industry as follows: The industrial composition of imports and exports was deter- mined from Bureau of the Census publications, primarily FT-610 - United States Exports of Domestic Merchandise, SIC Based Products and Area and FT- 210 - United States Imports for Consumption and General Imports", SIC Based Products and Area . Detailed estimates for Federal Government purchases were developed from various budget documents and publications of the Bureau of the Census and the Department of Defense. Where supplemental data were not available, 1967 relationships were used. « The purchases of State and local governments were computed by functional category from Census publications , Governmental Finances and State Government Finances . Twenty categories were used, including , for instance, higher education, elementary and secondary education, health, hospitals, etc. Actual data for each year were used for employee compensation, new con- struction, and sale of existing structures. The remaining purchases were derived by using the 1967 1-0 study proportions within the detailed functional categories. For Gross Private Fixed Capital Formation, the total supply of each capital good for each year was estimated from the product detail in the Census Bureau's Annual Survey of Manufactures and from import statistics. Sales to government and foreigners were deducted. It was assumed that the proportion that the residual value (representing that which was purchased by investors) was of the total supply in 1967 also applied to each update year. Estimates of margins (i.e., associated transportation and trade costs) were calculated by applying base year margin rates to the derived producers' values. Inventory change for finished goods and work in process inven- tories was attributed to the producing industry by use of data from the Census Bureau's Annual Survey of Manufactures and various publications of the Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of Mines. The distribution of the inventory change for materials used in production was assumed to be the same as the distribution of the material purchases of the industry holding the inventory as shown in the 1967 1-0 study. For wholesale and retail trade, changes in inventories by kind of business were developed and distributed to industries based on Census Bureau data on stock-output ratios and the 1967 commodity line sales data in the 1967 Census of Business. - 4 The industry distribution of Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) was developed in 1967 dollars by using the 1967 industry composition for each of the 83 functional categories of PCE as shown in table B of the 1-0 article published in the February 1974 Survey of Current Business , "Industrial Composi- tion of Personal Consumption Expenditures, by PCE Category, in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices, 1967." The estimates were then converted to current dollars. Within some categories, the 1967 proportions were adjusted to reflect the current year composition. 2 . Industry Output Totals and the Adjustment of Intermediate Flows 4/ The second phase in deriving the updated input-output tables involved the calculation of industry output totals and the updating of the base year table to reflect current year levels of production, product mix, and prices. Output totals for each industry were compiled by using detailed data developed from the Census Bureau's Annual Survey of Manufactures and various publications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture , the Internal Revenue Service , independent Federal regulatory agencies, etc. These output totals were developed at the 484-industry level. The change in output from 1967 to the current year was calcu- lated for each of the 484 industries by computing the ratio of value of production for the current year in 1967 prices to the value of production for 1967. Before these ratios could be used, it was necessary to adjust the 484-industry 1-0 trans- actions table for 1967 to exclude transfers of secondary products of the producing industry, leaving only primary flow data. 5/ Then the primary flow data in each column of the 1967 table X exc luding value added) was multiplied by the calculated change in output for the industry to give the initial input estimates for the current year, in 1967 dollars. 4 . Intermediate flows in the 1-0 table are those which represent transactions among industries. Excluded are value added inputs and flows to final demand. 5. In general, secondary production of an industry was treated as if sold by the producing industry to the industry which was the primary producer of that product. For a more complete discussion of secondary products, see the article in the February 1974 Survey of Current Business. Finally, each cell in the primary flow table was adjusted to reflect current year prices. For this adjustment, the flows from an industry to each of its consumers were multiplied by special price indexes representing the change in the price of the particular composite of goods and services included in the flow to the specific consuming industry. Sources for the price indexes include the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Wholesale Price Index and Consumer Price Index , and price data from the Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Mines, etc. The products of manufacturing industries were priced principally on the basis of BLS wholesale price indexes. For those cases where there was no wholesale price index directly applicable to a given item, a price index was developed either from selected wholesale price indexes for related commodities or from input cost indexes (based on costs of labor and materials) . The flows of services were priced largely on the basis of consumer price indexes or other price indexes used to deflate the related service components of PCE in the GNP accounts. Most of these indexes for manufactured goods and for services had been developed previously for BEA's time series on GNP by industry in constant dollars . The data were then aggregated to the 85- industry level. Value added for each industry was derived by subtracting the sum of the adjusted cells in a column from the actual current year output total for that column. 3 . Balancing the Table The final step in deriving the updated 1-0 table involved a review of all estimated final consumption and then the balanc- ing of the intermediate portion of the table. For this task, the current year sales to final demand by industry calculated in step 1 were subtracted from the actual current year output to get the first estimate of the current year intermediate sales. This current year intermediate consumption was compared with the derived consumption by industry outlined in step 2. Large differences were investigated further, often resulting in changes to some of the preliminary estimates of the final demand sectors as well as to changes in specific intermediate cells. The remaining differences between the derived and actual intermediate sales for each industry were prorated among the consuming industries . - 6 At this point, the adjusted table consisted of the flows of primary products only. Estimates of each industry's production of secondary products were calculated using information from the Census Bureau's Annual Survey of Manufactures and the matrix of secondary product transfers from the 1967 1-0 table. In addition, data for transferred imports were developed from the Census Bureau's foreign trade statistics. The estimates of both secondary output and transferred imports were added to the primary flow table to yield the conventional 1-0 transactions table for each year (table 1) . From this table, the direct requirements and total requirements tables were calculated (tables 2 and 3, respectively). 7 - Table A. --Comparison of Actual and Derived Output, 1968, 1969, and 1970— in 1967 Dollars Producing Industry Actual output in 1967 dollars 1968 1969 1970 Derived minus actual output as a percent of actual , at average annual rates 1/ 1968 1969 1970 1 Livestock & livestock products -- 2 Other agricultural products 3 Forestry & fishery products 4 Agricultural, forestry, & fishery services 5 Iron & ferroalloy ores mining — 6 Nonferrous metal ores mining 7 Coal mining 8 Crude petroleum & natural gas — 9 Stone & clay mining & quarrying - 10 Chemical & fertilizer mineral mining 12 Maintenance & repair construction 13 Ordnance & accessories 14 Food & kindred products 15 Tobacco manufactures 16 Broad & narrow fabrics, yarn & thread mills 17 Miscellaneous textile goods & floor coverings 18 Apparel 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 20 Lumber & wood products, except containers 21 Wooden containers 22 Household furniture 23 Other furniture & fixtures 24 ■ Paper & allied products except containers & boxes 25 Paperboard containers & boxes — 26 Printing & publishing 27 Chemicals & selected chemical products 28 Plastics & synthetic materials -- 29 Drugs, cleaning & toilet preparations 30 Paints & allied products 31 Petroleum refining & related industries 32 Rubber & miscellaneous plastics products 33 Leather tanning & industrial leather products 34 Footwear & other leather products 35 Glass & glass products 36 Stone & clay products 37 Primary iron & steel manufacturing 38 Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing 39 Metal containers 40 Heating, plumbing, & fabricated structural metal products 41 Screw machine products, bolts, nuts, etc., & metal stampings - 42 Other fabricated metal products - 43 Engines & turbines 44 Farm machinery 45 Construction, mining, oil field machinery & equipment 46 Materials handling machinery & equipment 30,808 28,494 1,986 2,535 1 ,756 1 ,863 2,958 15,819 2,395 988 24,591 12,185 91,178 7,869 16,419 5,284 23,562 4,584 13,659 510 5,462 2,878 17,795 6,403 22,707 24,896 10,157 13,527 2,917 28,907 15,706 1 ,090 4,468 3,947 11 ,502 33,307 22,085 3,662 12,952 10,044 13,253 4,248 4,646 6,113 2,567 31,139 29,150 1 ,898 2,427 1 ,769 2,160 3,035 16,573 2,552 873 24,788 11,256 92,861 7,850 16,301 5,670 24,274 5,028 13,326 485 5,631 3,197 19,030 6,642 23,886 26,792 10,853 14,534 2,909 30,311 17,089 995 4,312 4,148 11,823 34,010 23,013 3,763 13,398 9,931 13,574 4,849 4,353 6,451 2,837 32,708 28,647 2,164 2,353 1,879 2,353 3,060 17,304 2,519 1,014 25,679 8,065 94,078 7,844 16,679 5,542 23,369 4,947 13,549 392 5,442 2,908 18,297 6,517 23,212 26,895 10,648 15,438 3,003 31,776 16,519 922 4,026 3,992 11,322 30,723 21,216 3,987 12,965 8,647 12,839 4,787 4,235 6,377 2,695 1.4 6.1 3.5 10.2 4.0 -5.2 6.4 -2.3 3.5 14.0 1.6 -1.7 -.3 -.2 4.2 -2.7 -.8 1.4 1.3 10.3 -1.1 -.3 -2.3 -.7 -.1 -.1 -.2 6.4 -3.0 -3.8 6.5 -.4 1.8 1.7 1.4 2.6 -6.3 2.6 2.7 .5 ■1.4 .2 .9 1.9 1.4 1.3 6.6 7.5 4.6 -7.7 5.2 -.9 .4 13.5 .2 -.7 .3 -1.3 3.0 -1.8 -.7 -1.0 3.4 9.4 -.6 -.2 -1.2 -.2 -.2 -1.5 -5.5 -.3 4.0 -2.0 -3.8 6.7 .1 1.6 * 1.7 -.1 -3.1 .1 3.2 .9 5.1 1.1 .5 .1 .7 1.1 6.7 1.1 -6.7 4.3 -1.3 -.4 4.3 -.6 -.3 .1 -.1 .2 -1.6 -.6 .2 12.8 * -.1 .1 -.2 .7 -1.7 -3.9 -.3 .9 -1.7 -2.3 4.7 .3 1.1 * 2.7 -2.9 -.7 3.3 .6 ■3.8 1.3 .6 Table A. --Comparison of Actual and Derived Output, 1968, 1969, and 1970— in 1967 Dollars (Continued) Producing Industry Actual output in 1967 dol lars 1968 1969 "1970 Derived minus actual output as a percent of actual , at average annual rates — ' 1968 196Q 1 97Q 4/ 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 Netaiworking machinery « equipment Special industry machinery & equipment General industrial machinery & equipment Machine shop products Office, computing, & accounting machines Service industry machines Electric transmission & distribu tion equipment & electrical industrial apparatus Household appliances Electric lighting & wiring equipment Radio, television, & communication equipment Electronic components & accessories Misc. electrical machinery, equipment & supplies Motor vehicles & equipment Aircraft & parts Other transportation equipment - Professional, scientific, & controlling instruments & supplies Optical, ophthalmic & photographic equipment & supplies Miscellaneous manufacturing Transportation & warehousing Communications, except radio & television broadcasting Radio & television broadcasting - Electric, gas, water & sanitary services Wholesale & retail trade' Finance & insurance Real estate 5 rental Hotels & lodging places, personal & repair services, except automobile repair Business services Automobile repair & services Amusements Medical, educational services, & nonprofit organizations Federal Government enterprises --■ State & local government enterprises Business travel , entertainment & gifts Office supplies 8,230 5,676 7,523 3,652 7,319 5,717 10,044 5,929 4,404 18,994 8,074 3,327 52,459 23,685 7,689 6,424 5,235 9,886 55,719 20,658 3,522 39,601 172,353 50,940 116,907 21 ,083 56,739 15,151 10,141 51 ,074 8,019 9,507 11 ,854 2,782 8,497 5,882 8,039 3,662 8,827 6,653 10,709 6,199 4,719 19,773 8,940 3,499 53,147 22,261 8,719 6,733 5,992 10,500 57,826 22,898 3,517 42,013 174,900 50,814 120,816 20,643 60,088 16,545 9,580 53,599 8,339 9,980 11 ,654 2,995 7.682 5,535 7,618 3,516 9,160 6,416 10,341 6,096 4,531 18,503 8,701 3,463 43,699 18,781 6,466 5,921 10,365 59,127 24,535 3,585 44,632 178,373 51,761 125,749 20,491 59,729 16,123 9,840 56,432 8,471 10,465 12,091 3,041 4.5 1.5 4.9 14.5 -.8 -1.8 2.3 -.6 -.4 7.5 -.2 1.9 -.6 1.3 .7 1.0 * -6.4 -.9 -.9 -3.7 2.0 -1.0 3.1 -.1 .6 - . c -1.5 3.1 -.9 ■1.7 2.3 .9 2.0 8.1 -1.0 -3.5 .2 -.2 -1.5 -.7 1.9 -.4 .7 -.7 .9 -1.0 -.7 .6 ■1.7 ■1.4 -1.5 -1.1 1.6 .9 .3 •1.1 1.6 -.7 1.8 2.0 -2.7 1.2 1.4 .9 3.5 ■1.1 -2.6 -.2 .6 ■1.2 -.6 .7 -1.6 .7 ■1.3 .2 -.2 -1.4 ■1.9 ■1.8 -1.4 * ■1.3 .5 .6 .1 -.9 1.1 .1 -.4 -.4 ■1.9 NOTES: *Less than + percent. 1/ Calculated by the compound interest formula. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. - 9 - Industry Classification Used in the 1968-70 Input-Output Tables Industry number and title Rel ated Census-SIC codes (1967 edition) Industry number and title Related Census-SIC codes (1967 edition) AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES: 1 Livestock and livestock products 2 Other agricultural products 3 Forestry and fishery products 4 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services — MINING: 5 Iron and ferroalloy ores mining 6 Nonferrous metal ores mining 7 Coal mining 8 Crude petroleum and natural gas 9 Stone and clay mining and quarrying 10 Chemicals and fertilizer mineral mining CONSTRUCTION: 11 New construction 12 Maintenance and repair construction MANUFACTURING : 13 Ordnance and accessories 14 Food and kindred products 15 Tobacco manufactures 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings 18 Apparel 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 20 Lumber and wood products, except containers — 21 Wooden containers 22 Household furniture 23 Other furniture and fixtures 24 Paper and allied products except containers and boxes. 25 Paperboard containers and boxes 26 Printing and publishing 27 Chemicals and selected chemical products 28 Plastics and synthetic materials 29 Drugs, cleaning and toilet preparations 30 Paints and allied products 31 Petroleum refining and related industries 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 33 Leather tanning and industrial leather products 34 Footwear and other leather products 35 Glass and glass products 36 Stone and clay products 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing 38 Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing 39 Metal containers 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products. 41 Screw machine products, bolts, nuts, etc., and metal stampings. 42 Other fabricated metal products 43 Engines and turbines 44 Farm machinery 45 Construction, mining, oil field machinery and equipment. 46 Materials handling machinery and equipment 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment 48 Special industry machinery and equipment 49 General industrial machinery and equipment 50 Machine shop products 51 Office, computing, and accounting machines 52 Service industry machines 53 Electric transmission and distribution equipment and electrical industrial apparatus 54 Household appliances 55 Electric liqhting and wiring equipment 56 Radio, television, and communication equipment 57 Electronic components and accessories 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery, equipment and supplies. 59 Motor vehicles and equipment 60 Aircraft and parts 61 Other transportation equipment 62 Professional, scientific, and controlling instruments and supplies. 63 Optical, ophthalmic, and photographic equipment and supplies. 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 013, pt. 014, 0193, pt. 0729 011, 012, pt. 014, 0192 074. 081, 082, 084, 086, 091 071, 0723, 073, pt. 0729, 085 098 1011 , 106 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109 11, 12 1311 , 1321 141, 142, 144, 145, 148, 149 147 pt. 138, pt. 15, pt. 16, pt. 17, pt. 6561 pt. 138, pt. 15, pt. 16, pt. 17 19 20 21 221 222, 223, 224, 226 228 227 229 225 23 ( BXCl . 239), 39996 239 24 1 excl . 244) 244 251 25 1 excl . 251) 26 ( excl . 265) 265 27 281 (excl . 28195) 287, 289 282 283 284 285 29 30 311 312 31 1 excl . 311 , 312) 321 322, 323 324 325, 326, 327, 328 329 331 332, 3391 , 3399 28195, 333, 334, 335, 336, 3392 341 3491 345 346 345 346 342, 347, 348, 349 (excl. 3491) 351 352 3531 , 3532, 3533 3534, 3535, 3536, 3537 354 355 356 359 357 358 361, 362 363 364 365, 366 367 369 371 372 373, 374, 375. 379 381, 382, 384, 387 TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION, ELECTRIC, GAS AND SANITARY SERVICES: 65 Transportation and warehousing 66 Communications, except radio and television broadcasting. 67 Radio and television broadcasting 68 Electric, gas, water and sanitary services - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE: 69 Wholesale and retail trade FINANCE, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE: 70 Finance and insurance 71 Real estate and rental SERVICES: 72 Hotels and lodging places, personal and repair services, except automobile repair. 73 Business services 74 Research and development Eliminated as a separate industry in the 1963 study. Research and development performed for sale is distributed to the purchaser by each of the industries performing the research and development. Automobile repair and services Amusements Medical, educational services, and nonprofit organizations. 40, 41 , 42, 44, 45, 46, 47 48 (excl. 483) 483 49 50 (excl. manufacturers' sales offices), 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 7396, pt. 8099 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67 65 (excl. pt. 6561), 66 70, 72, 76 (excl. 7692, 7694, and pt. 7699) 73 (excl. 7396), 7692, 7694, pt. 7699, 81 , 89 (excl. 8921) 75 78, 79 0722, 80 (excl. pt. 8099), 82, 84, 86, 8921 383, 385, 386 39 (excl. 39996) GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISES: 78 Federal Government enterprises 79 State and local government enterprises IMPORTS: 80A Directly allocated imports 80B Transferred imports ^ DUMMY INDUSTRIES: 81 Business travel, entertainment and gifts --■ 82 Office supplies -- 83 Scrap, used and secondhand goods SPECIAL INuUSTRIES: 84 Government industry 85 Rest of the world industry 86 Household industry 87 Inventory valuation adjustment 88 Total intermediate output FINAL DEMAND: 91 Personal consumption expenditures 92 Gross private fixed capital formation 93 Net inventory change 94 Net exports 97 Federal Government enterprises 97.10 Federal Government purchases, defense -- 97.20 Federal Government purchases, nondefense 98 State and local government purchases 98.60 State and local government purchases, education. 98.99 State and local government purchases, other. 99.02 Total final demand 99.03 Total output 99.04 Transfers-out I Total intermediate inputs V.A. Value added T Total inputs TR Transfers-in 10 - Listing of Tables Table No. Title Page 1-68 Interindustry Transactions : 1968 13 1-69 Interindustry Transactions : 1969 23 1-70 Interindustry Transactions: 1970 33 2-68 Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output: 1968 44 2-69 Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output: 1969 53 2-70 Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output: 1970 62 3-68 Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand: 1968 72 3-69 Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand: 1969 - - 80 3-70 Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand: 1970 88 11 - Table 1 .—Interindustry Transactions: 1968, 1969, 1970 (in millions of dollars at producers' prices) For the distribution of output of an industry, read the row for that industry. For the composition of inputs to an industry, read the column for that industry, NOTES: *Less than $500,000. Detail may not add to total due to rounding. In row TR, the entry in each column represents the sum of the value of transferred imports at domestic port value and the value of the secondary output of other industries which has been transferred to the industry named at the head of the column. In column 94, the detailed entries reflect gross exports of goods and services from each producing industry. Imports in total are shown as negative entries in this column on rows 80A and 80B. Therefore, the sum of the column equals the GNP component "net exports of goods and services." In column 99.04, the entry in each row represents the value of output of the industry named at the beginning of the row which has been transferred to other industries for distribution. These entries include secondary products which have been transferred to primary producing industries and primary out- puts which have been transferred to "dummy" industries. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. - 12 - Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1968 (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 1 5 961 1 ,46U 9? 163 2 7 065 B31 1 17 545 3 4 570 1.394 45 5 o 7 95 5 41 4 1 . 1 365 H 6 * a 9 1 351 2 119 4 5 3 66 6 10 11 12 12 2 58 252 394 33 19 24 507 20 9 13 14 3 653 23 41 lb 16 17 1 1 2J to 46 1 ft 2 5 2 18 19 , 43 , 4 3 11 20 3 3 4 15 24 1 21 22 104 11 23 24 15 1 . ft # ft ft 1 20 4 25 2 3 118 ft 1 ft » • 1 26 7 12 , ft » ft ft 1 ft » 27 75 2,412 3 19 2h 5ri 47 156 49 22 2'1 29 53 • 30 31 2 34 9 33 170 908 5 5 6 33 76 3 32 39 172 5 ft 17 11 2d 38 33 9 33 3* 11 I 35 o 36 2 24 ft « 1 4 11 83 117 37 33 44 4 50 1 120 53 6 18 2 1 1 39 17 10 4C 40 41 48 3 ft 2 * 26 2 6 41 42 33 45 c 14 2 4 12 64 13 1 43 44 2 3 4 11 14 53 27 ,. 321 45 27 26 98 59 22 b 1 11 1 1 1 5 46 49 50 4 7 84 75 17 4 5 5 1 56 4 51 52 53 54 55 159 6 2 2 2 ft ft ft 8 3 ft * 56 57 58 5 2 13 39 1 1 1 59 7 7 6 61 _ 7 15 1 ft 3 ft . 62 63 64 1 9 2 4 . 1 » H » ft 65 73d 476 44 27 95 67 2» 14d 2f 15 66 7t, 70 2 3 5 12 1 4 67 63 99 218 1 2 52 49 66 172 77 43 69 1 ,367 l,62fl 5t 29 21 33 70 188 54 17 70 2h3 340 23 3 16 43 35 117 30 11 71 463 2,00j 12 73 133 48 145 2,305 ee 37 72 fl 73 7d 1.241 » • 64 26 7<. 241 7b 30 75 130 13d i 1 1 3 17 18 1 77 190 la 1 1 2 6 2 73 3 5 1 ft 2 2 2 7 1 2 79 2 BOA BOD 33 5 225 355 617 530 345 2 1,194 122 113 dl 29 41 14 13 a 7 u 88 11 t 82 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 6 1 * 33 7 „ 1 7 86 2 35 36 37 I. 21 , 'Ci 14,904 1,262 1,156 1 ,254 1 ,191 1,254 6,458 1.078 44 1 V.A. 10 ,460 12,714 995 1 ,58d 513 819 1,831 9,342 1 ,377 614 r. 32 ,lt3 27.618 2,257 2,744 1 ,767 2,010 3,085 15,800 2.455 1,055 TR. 2P1 440 661 538 644 424 4 1,434 267 133 13 Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1968 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 11 13 63 162 3 20 20,728 6,416 502 101 958 148 27 137 1.171 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 29 1 .016 282 15,271 57 33 29 71 1 1 16 17 13 1) 20 21 22 23 2- 25 20 25u 55 1 5,453 4?7 2*4 275 9 10 5 61 3 Id 48 75 8 887 1,759 5,284 505 48 5 980 353 65 64 1 35 1 32 Id 6,011 120 5,083 399 61 113 .911 476 84 100 9 7 2 37 72 11 7 14 7 4,086 38 33 9 74 26 26 2 7 24 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3o 37 3d 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4-i 49 50 3 13d 1,535 796 6 .665 1 072 1 .995 8 ,160 55 1 ,710 108 137 44 7 600 116 750 315 223 20 413 20 138 317 11 33 10< 19 67 1 346 175 43 145 196 7 11 17 1 IK 1 27 122 555 406 69 280 223 728 1 ,088 1 14 5 2,253 198 230 10 107 61 37 14 93 IS 2 51 2 309 1 ,857 2C 10 72 937 3 7 7 93 1 1 5 11 58 529 22 33 66 10 1 7 23 11 91 21 9 2 # 1 28 5 1 2 89 15 2 48 6 3 165 17 * 59 111 2 20 94 46 3 55 197 9 15 18 11 14 51 52 53 54 55 651 470 157 1,356 209 53 189 312 2C 2 21 1 56 57 5d 59 60 75 57 50 3 217 274 63 1 ,364 12 2 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 61 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80A 80'* 31 82 83 86 -17 I. 115 2 434 319 71 7 ,605 663 627 4 ,795 411 94 35 37 tl 596 <:<. ; 53 .193 lb ,95 9 39 , 15< 92 532 10 1 ,996 100 569 65 14 5 1">,526 15,242 2 5,760 113 69 lit 111 331 37 49 20 293 16 If It 1 167 1? 7,019 5,50t 12,525 l .etc 10 2 2,828 302 658 3 ,637 399 735 196 3 ,197 201 46 72 22 1,480 1,456 382 62 63,180 24,943 93,124 3,143 12 61 20 46 22 366 1 1 14 11 22 4 ,024 3,979 8.003 26 5 1 2 2 79 31 185 566 59 5 14 2 31 51 11 11,713 5,519 17,232 874 16 116 42 194 20 59 5 81 2 2 5 1 22 423 14 4,007 1,353 5,360 781 13 3 332 166 96 105 763 125 385 22 15 58 1 11 122 23 15,418 8,646 24,264 193 1 21 1 35 34 24 136 22 42 7 53 3 3,339 1 ,363 4,702 937 1 17 494 131 546 101 206 61 5 9 3 1,050 37 9,456 6,006 15,464 1 ,606 Ik Table 1. --Interindustry Transactions, 1968 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 30 1 !3 2 37 53 3 , U • 2 1 t, _ . 5 - 53 - 56 1 11 « 9 57 * 2 * * 58 » 1 59 * 4 17 60 12 1 2 41 1 21 52 1 2 2 1 48 42 5 31* 132 206 37 72 90 8 181 43 1 4» 4 5 « » -_-_„ 45 » 1 46 * 1 7 17 1 1 26 3 1 47 2 12 11 19 43 13 15 20 9 48 1 » 26 4 21 244 25 49 * 5 » 57 2 73 16 2 50 5 » » 23 5 51 2 4 1 3 52 1 * 14 1 1 53 1 1 21 • 1 5<, 1 2 8 5 55 * 53412631 6 81 7 » 2 1 72 1 1 74 35 4 • a - 55 9 62 67 1 3 16 10 34 569 » 14 11 12 1 20 12 138 29 87 186 69 57 13 13 « H 9 5 11 14 7 143 1 200 61 320 79 15 • 16 284 14 167 44 2 58 3 1 17 116 52 59 5 48 7 2 1 1 18 1 17 6 10 7 19 6 4 4 1 19 1 19 18 17 » 6 17 » 6 • 20 214 804 191 1,483 15 6 66 6 7 » 21 15 2 1 1 « - 22 3 88 57 1 » » 23 > 18 75 1 1 4 24 2 9 7 2,943 2,567 3,585 243 310 96 6 25 3 71 35 365 119 76 12o 106 369 23 26 1 2 151 36 2,679 5 3 32 1 27 2 11 5 658 148 411 4,579 3,350 1,472 609 28 14 203 25 47 726 287 80 289 29 * 1 17 1 322 59 738 31 30 4 73 32 15 4 15 84 55 3e 18 31 18 4 110 32 42 1,915 135 58 47 32 » 244 115 333 31 102 105 232 436 7 33 4 1 1 1 « 34 1 * 1 1 1 » • * » 35 * 34 27 2 12 6 220 36 2 32 7 36 65 1 23 10 37 2 106 259 3 35 11 202 5 1 14 38 * 39 29 4 21 39 352 33 2 30 39 56 173 285 10 229 187 40 2 12 » 1 1 » 61 1 62 * 12 23 17 2 3 4 1 56 • 63 1 1 16 1 174 11 » 1 » 64 1 18 9 15 2 41 21 3 13 2 65 20 125 42 647 257 281 692 224 183 87 66 1 25 16 52 29 259 82 38 56 17 67 68 5 35 19 383 49 128 764 146 56 16 69 2b 267 104 636 170 617 624 332 428 109 70 3 39 23 106 21 158 128 51 76 15 71 5 70 36 225 99 940 56b 194 403 66 ?2 » 4 2 32 23 44 22 13 72 17 73 7 134 t4 388 143 959 742 294 2,251 103 75 1 •! 4 14 8 59 24 10 12 4 76 « 4 2 9 4 46 lo 7 24 3 73 1 3 4 15 6 314 36 6 25 5 79 « 5 » 2 10 1 1 • 80A 3 • 4 40 20 25 80) 2 51 1.4U5 3 25 739 174 125 2 81 <. 40 1- 68 19 277 145 86 191 47 «2 • 6 4 1 1 5 58 17 5 1 1 4 83 259 • » 36 « 36 84 d5 86 87 1. V.A. T. T*. 339 3,194 1,656 11,672 4,065 11 ,913 15,695 6.513 8,487 2.022 2C7 2,475 1,322 6,138 2,446 11.510 8,96b 3,256 5.113 1,013 545 5,669 2,977 1 7,810 6,511 23,427 24,663 9.769 13.600 3.034 37 141 215 1,855 165 459 4,264 1,221 955 112 15 Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1968 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 31 32 40 1.533 6 7 3 9 10 10 12. 343 67 2 43 12 56 55 645 68 28 1.333 12 11 12 13 14 15 41t 30 2 267 111 7 323 2 1 45 13 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 93 (11 360 526 31 13 49 1 4 8 150 195 132 133 47 52 56 2 33 63 5 38 5 28 202 54 28 10 1 37 209 72 22 1 b5 2 10 19 10 1 11 1 83 18 16 9 51 10 3 33 10 2 32 26 60 26 27 28 29 30 3 659 5 95 15 564 2.620 19 24 53 1 4C 1 87 8 18 220 61 5 8 14 14 185 141 2 10 162 6 3 94 2 14 9 103 31 32 33 34 35 1 ,961 6 7 1 2i 643 3 3 113 411 775 121 7 98 109 134 3 121 37 2 1 2 53 63 6 1 36 27 36 37 38 3-) 40 64 9 51 103 2 50 18 34 1 1 .299 136 29 14 11 110 6,354 902 42 362 .533 20 7 12 1 .387 152 21 2 42 3,214 936 8 316 41 42 43 27 63 3 121 11 221 487 36 18 46 134 53 15 295 362 31 6 45 47 48 49 50 20 5 73 18 15 22 88 12 30 11 51 298 37 349 205 15 151 2 90 102 1 29 27 65 22 137 116 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 53 59 60 61 62 63 71 72 73 75 76 77 7-J 79 80A 80B 81 32 83 84 3 . 7,67y 2,65b 3,145 3,659 1 ,604 4,190 3,404 4,303 1 ,679 • A. 4,783 5,920 1,550 1,672 2,807 1 ,054 4,316 2,516 3,465 2,257 T. 1 J, 422 13,599 4.4CB 4,816 6,466 2,654 8,50o 5.920 7,768 3,937 rR« >30 2.352 621 519 515 33b 1 ,207 802 1 .034 196 17 Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1968 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 53 803 19b 2b 23b 1* 31 944 199 111 lbl 60 lbC 50 44 170 133 29 82 o 4 9 3 3 25 8 2 83 2 K* B5 25 60 4 02 5 1 ,324 5 ,8*9 1 .181 77 7 4 9 3 4 24 1U 2 7'J v 5 10 11 4 32 9 2 79 . * 1 1 • 111 80A 29 * 60 70 357 53 194 1C let 13 9 10 29 235 ISC 9 5 .569 4 ,71C 10 .279 1 .ltb 6 7 7 113 2 12 11 3 9 1 10 - 86 8 7 [a 4,2cl <.,02b 5,569 3,902 2,426 10,386 '.,'.61 2,012 V.A. 3,037 1,82". 4,71c 2,124 2,104 3,7bb 3,534 1,441 T. 7,298 5,849 10,279 6,026 4,529 19,141 7,994 3,452 T-(. 7? 2 * 26 107 14 9,693 * 23 760 32 27 14 27 2bo 64 15t 5 40 55 6 128 2 28 5.1 Z) 114 402 109 7 1.227 19 21 87 30 lo 1* 17 3b 1 1 * 31 789 242 127 180 19 228 47 95 32 140 211 «.42 251 3 172 15 29 5 33 1 15 * 3<< b 204 7 2 39 35 22 5 31 113 5 1 2 4 3h 45 70 64 99 3 13 * 5 3 37 63 4 8 * 8 33 4 1 b 1 3q 10 43 40 68 * 41 lb 86 339 995 10 4 4 42 26 141 286 175 6 1 8 43 5 33 73 17 * 14 44 13 63 1 1,5 <,3 3^,3 * 10 4b 17 47 29 10 31 2 5 » 1 48 122 4.) 34 sa 1 125 51 3U 207 2 52 Zi 10 17' 71 * 1 53 t i 32 145 4 1 5 54 2ft 132 12 1 55 4b 11 1 24 3 32 1 13 5.i 51 62 57 34 317 58 15 7 10 274 * b 5 59 127 b 41 1.274 7 7 1 bl ic 11 23 1 1 4 62 35 19 31 5 327 * 4 17 b3 34 lb2 264 03 173 1 1 45 o4 64 379 49b 4 5ft 184 2 1 84 65 l.lbl 157 3b7 123 37 236 1,156 120 5,136 172 1,334 92 71 60ft 67 3o 3,395 21 68 454 373 204 88 93 1,645 154 1.134 6) 1,605 72ft 1,164 1,669 223 1,097 47 117 820 70 4,124 443 412 221 128 459 123 201 71 4,044 1,398 2,089 391 731 2,762 '2 490 705 392 17 8 304 73 2,86t 620 2,4t5 162 422 1,358 283 363 75 174 3b5 520 28 33 357 46 30 7b 21t. 2 1E4 2,114 34 7 207 77 103 71 123 9 24 875 1 13 78 70 43c 63 7(5 8 4b 403 3 14 79 1,02<. 13 1C 153 4 64 2 80m f 99 30 361 80 1 81 107 317 1,125 74 245 860 31 50 AZ 55 37 199 6 15 175 7 16 83 * » * 39 * 1 85 245 15 * 4 ,990 5 ,705 10 ,695 7b H6 87 H,793 28,691 7,051 4,990 16,172 13,244 30,445 S,824 5,705 37,978 T. 120,050 22,037 59,135 15,875 10,695 54,150 8,978 9,804 12,152 T->. 12.834 2 14,467 144 7b 12.152 2 846 6 132 a 978 4 ■ 588 5 .216 9 ,804 2'J Table t .--Interindustry Transactions, 1968 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 91 I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1*. 1? la 14 20 21 11 23 2*. 25 26 27 2d 29 30 31 iZ 33 3". 35 3b 3? 33 39 *a -1 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 59 63 6.1 62 63 64 65 66 67 69 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 30A 80J 81 82 83 84 85 96 d7 1,656 17 204 347 5 49 13 11 206 171 43 35 121 24 . 5 11 5 13 14 16 16 33 34 15 257 23 7 22 5 19 60 29, 970 19, 358 1, 980 2, 545 1, 707 1, 821 2, 582 15, 640 2, 424 812 19 89? 2, 056 2b, 355 1, 938 15 860 3 393 6 235 2 041 14 363 520 1 093 636 15 044 6 266 17 484 19 907 e 785 4 191 2 845 15 077 11 776 1 047 546 3 579 11 264 32 927 21 411 3 719 11 475 9 325 11 479 2 331 1 017 1 982 1 223 4 355 1 557 4 842 3 616 1 839 2 623 5 616 1 649 3 ,510 «♦ 032 6 ,570 2 135 18 087 8 ,069 1 ,305 3 ,207 1 918 3 ,801 35 ,874 9 ,770 3 ,556 23 ,116 48 ,480 26 ,470 39 .341 5 ,242 49 ,611 7 ,160 3 ,909 3 ,045 6 ,937 8 ,601 4 ,352 2o .973 12 .152 2 .321 2 .767 1.935 4,006 577 145 125 5 386 63,608 5,412 651 1,645 17,300 2,211 310 4,271 200 1,628 96 4,419 529 19 7,964 54 10,779 2,550 3,954 369 84 403 807 170 40 86 27 119 416 30 4,046 617 4,062 182 647 18,419 51 1 ,349 653 1,155 4,923 12.326 6,513 14.837 120.691 26.917 76.642 16,154 4,949 3,464 6,358 45.580 1,396 966 1 1 ,466 2,019 -2,202 4,853 61,526 11 184 1.736 35 32 11 991 372 939 3.096 2.734 1.217 3.419 3,443 1.906 3.527 1 .940 3.071 140 70 3.664 16 217 11.192 3.406 3,576 1.177 1.127 575 904 1 .194 7,505 5 182 -226 -2 -7 25 -12 152 -23 27 292 1,191 7 395 115 386 47 265 2 26 23 93 74 107 92 108 66 45 176 482 12 56 42 118 336 392 36 177 113 198 91 169 94 1 5 15 39 15 ieo 47 83 7 47 334 2" 16 1,754 1,317 206 64 -20 209 195 T. T<<. 2,636 2,«36 2,334 2.334 91.7S.6 91 ,786 2,231 4,261 6,492 2,231 ,853 ,d53 -3.9-1 -3,941 124,416 2i V* Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1968 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 u is 16 17 la 19 23 21 11 23 2* 25 2b 27 23 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 39 40 41 42 43 46 47 4t) 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 el 62 63 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 7rt 79 80A 80j 61 82 83 I. V.A. 54 3,026 51 16 126 69 330 7 107 150 21 327 1,972 646 228 64 151 77 •.70 20 744 23 2o5 1,982 797 494 57 808 361 4o 22 152 180 562 1.014 15 293 419 456 439 438 1,382 133 467 829 636 69 767 399 591 14b 174 650 44 17b 2,711 2,609 133 566 366 37e 3,9bl 202 85 2,410 89 39 11? .20,946 -26,973 580 (,687 5 1,377 -353 95 37 -5^3 53 33 1 ,370 -353 1 18 78 5 29 1 19 1 21 -3 3,367 1 ,376 9,431 489 67 17 107 300 25 21 43 68 90 30 224 1,989 59 172 33 1,158 363 5 14 14 2 267 4<. 12 203 149 243 427 25 207 84 131 38 331 91 70 b 93 819 12 45 6,291 741 228 987 8,754 1,354 806 495 82 3,273 49 1 394 1 ,409 3o 215 52* 2,41" 55 173 2.19<< 24 9 4, 18. J 13i -251 38,775 -99". 97.541 1,214 961 7,765 lb7 66 13 87 292 20 19 23 36 56 26 193 1,5C5 59 127 32 1,002 336 21 265 6 12 165 116 205 409 23 201 76 lOf 29 260 b2 30C 69 702 10 37 5,666 644 201 677 7,694 1.25C 655 431 57 3,063 41C 363 1,157 16 117 461 1,931 89 -197 29,776 2,153 396 1,667 302 1 4 20 8 5 2 19 32 35 3 31 484 * 45 1 155 26 1 1 5 -1 2 39 34 38 18 2 7 7 24 9 71 9 406 4 117 2 6 625 98 28 109 861 96 151 63 25 210 88 31 212 23 99 67 479 846 36 49 -54 8 ,998 -994 64 24,238 4,495 11 508 -1 31 -1 53 26 3 28 294 212 11 928 165 1 695 391 208 3 56 13 2 11 29 68 1 23 10 14 135 159 130 70 24 65 109 15 30 993 3 25 171 153 172 1,128 598 5 1,731 188 481 797 108 1.713 195 -403 3,288 288 26 376 854 53,011 6,136 869 20 233 105 11 742 20 * 165 2 139 46 24 38 1 13 10 111 113 100 14 11 48 75 3 3 187 23 62 151 671 154 5 952 -316 175 205 -189 686 4b -403 168 2 8 14 1 164 24 30,809 17 2,194 32,163 59 8,260 27,618 3 277 2,257 8 199 2,744 60 1.767 189 2.010 10 503 3.085 160 15.800 -54 31 2.455 64 243 1.055 18,102 89,152 69.152 3,625 5,871 25,766 11 10,469 12.525 462 67,768 93,124 -1 6,064 8.003 22 1,372 17.232 -1 1.967 5.360 51 18,029 24.264 19 2.661 4,702 1 1,081 15.464 25 545 8 4,577 5.669 61 2,342 2,977 107 2,766 17,810 10 244 6,511 187 5,943 23,427 145 4,756 24,663 * 984 9,769 530 9,410 13,600 -2 189 3,034 252 13,311 28.386 161 4,017 15,793 62 1,110 3 4,049 4,595 35 633 4,212 4 597 11.862 2 1.171 34,096 1,497 22,908 74 3,793 1.747 13,222 -12 1,097 10,422 7 2.120 13,599 11 2,077 4,408 11 3,799 4,816 68 4,484 6,466 1,436 2.658 10 4,151 8.506 1 4,363 5.920 14 2.926 7.768 24 319 3,937 46 5,458 7,296 30 3,025 5,849 55 4,663 10,279 13 4,377 6,026 17 1,020 4,529 34 15,109 19,141 12 1.425 7,994 27 1,317 3,452 805 36,055 54,142 3 16,139 24,208 25 6,643 7,946 148 3,457 6,664 91 3,275 5,193 21 6,337 10,136 456 21 ,806 57,680 444 11,006 20,776 5 3.562 776 17,048 40.164 504 132,481. 180,961 305 27,530 53,999 593 80,706 120,050 297 16,795 22,037 1,027 9,524 59,135 149 8,714 15,875 6.786 10,695 3,120 51.106 54,150 260 2,041 8,978 12 1,002 9,604 3 -4,352 -26,973 12.152 212 515 2.836 830 -433 2.334 22,203 91 ,786 91 .786 6,492 6.492 4,853 4.853 -3,941 -3.941 864.513 56,565 864,513 2 568 2 378 57 19 9 47 60 1 029 106 218 972 4 566 228 1 076 299 345 185 253 50 195 193 1 ,267 212 11 .898 1 ■ 802 1 ,093 936 228 2 ,702 935 27 139 79 592 2 .200 1 ,196 365 996 893 994 400 395 777 290 544 583 736 269 630 554 899 1 .020 449 1 ,542 860 442 2 ,039 1 ,926 437 797 660 1 ,415 7 ,480 734 3 ,433 197 3 ,679 2 ,265 2 .193 987 93 592 155 2 .151 a .239 26 .973 22 Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1969 (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 1 s.745 1.45-> 61 218 2 i,Z1i 83 ) 127 576 i 44 4 602 1 .403 32 5 97 7 * 1 6 35 330 5 3 7 4 1 » ft 1 387 « 6 ft 3 1 418 * 2 127 4 6 3 74 7 10 11 4 5 2 48 11 1? 19ft 30 3 39 25 26 507 23 8 13 U 3.770 25 44 lb 16 9 1 12 17 10 29 62 51 1 « 2 6 3 lrf 19 ft 47 * 5 4 13 20 5 4 5 19 26 1 21 102 11 22 21 24 16 1 « » ft # * 1 23 3 25 2 3 134 « 1 * ft « * 26 d 13 ft ft , ft • 1 ft ft 27 79 2,254 3 20 32 69 49 169 54 23 2a 29 54 » 30 2 9 31 180 964 37 5 5 6 36 38 85 2 il 41 184 5 * 20 15 31 44 38 9 33 3". 11 1 35 6 36 2 2f> # ft 1 4 12 97 135 37 49 62 43 138 58 16 31 1 1 4 2 8 6 2 3> 1 1 11 43 40 ft ft 1 56 4 2 41 26 3 7 43 ft * 42 34 46 10 16 2 5 13 72 14 1 43 3 4 6 15 18 72 35 1 44 9 .341 45 27 27 93 62 23 9 4b 1 8 ft 47 2 2 1 5 1 « 48 49 # ft 1 5 100 19 ft 50 5 6 1 72 8 85 4 3 51 52 53 1 2 186 6 1 54 55 2 2 • * 1 9 3 * « 56 6 57 2 Si 14 43 2 1 1 ft 59 7 3 6 60 * ol . 7 17 1 ft 3 * * 62 • * 1 11 63 64 2 2 4 * 1 ft ft ft » 65 789 515 4K 32 85 69 30 170 31 14 66 34 79 3 5 5 15 1 4 67 6H 102 234 1 2 57 59 69 191 83 38 69 1.3')6 1,631 52 33 23 41 75 210 58 15 70 319 3B9 24 3 13 55 39 141 36 10 71 5C4 2,208 14 86 154 59 160 2.761 101 34 72 7 73 -1. 1,391 ft ft 75 34 87 297 91 28 75 1-0 152 £ 1 1 3 7 20 20 1 76 n 20 (J 1 ) 1 2 2 7 « 2 78 3 5 1 # 2 2 2 8 1 2 79 2 BOA 30 80'3 214 371 659 5 470 348 1 1,429 129 108 11 24 42 15 15 3 3 8 96 12 5 82 1 1 1 1 ft 1 1 8 1 • 33 7 9 16 38 2 • 34 85 36 37 I. 23,990 15,321 1,295 1,295 1 .243 1,382 1 ,334 7,528 1 ,206 404 V.A. 1 1 , "( 1 7 13,762 1.C51 1.531 530 1,087 2,078 9,488 1,465 505 r. 35, 115 29,039 2.3<-t 2,826 1,773 2,469 3,412 17,016 2,671 909 T.?. 25, 453 902 568 563 429 3 1 ,683 293 130 2.< Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1969 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 20 o 7 'I I 10 11 12 13 1- lb lb 17 ia 19 20 21 ZZ Z\ 24 2b 26 27 23 2 9 30 3 1 32 33 34 3 5 36 37 33 3 l 3 64 65 66 67 68 6 'J 70 71 72 73 7 5 76 77 7R 7 9 BOA 80 ' si .3 2 33 84 35 36 *7 I. r. T-. ... If, 9 710 32 20 251 55 1 5 .706 460 252 277 3 144 4 74 1 ■ 623 959 1 9 3 7 , J(4 1 ,620 2 .60 3 9 .b74 53 1 ,730 130 134 41.3 2 150 43 917 490 u c 1 ,41b f.y 50 j 1 2) 6 72 7 ,9i9 7C-U .J. r: 5 ,225 412 3/,52t )6,03« 910 704 161 736 321 23 5 22 41 J 1 19 140 2 3.1 57 170 334 67 96 565 2,027 112 10,979 16,953 27,932 22.999 6,841 505 7 8 102 5 80 2 290 10 31 97 1 2 18 623 340 136 162 6 11 17 1 103 1 25 113 17 2 21 1 277 ^bC 4 62 1.312 11 1 69 113 113 59 299 37 47 It 267 17 17 14 1 147 14 6,632 5,396 12,02fi l.t 16 3 18 50 91 9 925 1,817 560 422 89 295 237 773 1 14 5 .406 208 237 10 66 119 64 3,035 688 3 801 452 HlO 183 3 593 215 49 73 24 1 ,304 1 .324 386 68 72 ,704 26 .917 99 ,621 3 ,074 103 991 153 25 56 59 35 14 2 51 12 66 23 51 19 385 1 1 15 14 25 42 2 1 4,409 3,851 8,259 35 5,221 503 50 5 87 2 405 ,800 20 6 2 2 293 34 180 532 6 I 5 14 3 22 497 50 12 11 ,769 5,523 17,293 904 1,052 384 67 72 1 5 1 35 19 12 81 1,037 d 100 1 1 20 127 47 203 23 5 96 3 2 5 1 21 429 15 3 4,309 1 ,448 5,757 792 6,143 104 5.424 469 72 120 12 63 610 7 1 24 35 68 12 1 3 * # 7 25 12 89 23 10 2 1 330 182 115 798 147 344 7 439 24 16 62 1 10 78 122 26 16,196 9.549 25,744 222 2,058 482 96 124 14 142 1.295 7 2 35 85 1 33 6 1 2 99 15 2 46 6 1 25 1 37 39 26 151 29 51 8 64 3,630 1,562 5,192 962 75 1 1 11 7 15 9 4,230 43 37. 10 80 26 164 16 113 71 2 21 99 47 57 200 9 15 17 12 14 5 5 7 1 5 1 19 516 36 131 571 110 223 63 1,167 36 9,982 6,877 16,859 1.767 2k 36 87 I. V.A. T. TH. Table 1. --Interindustry Transactions, 1969 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 6 89 7 « 2 I 79 1 1 83 d 59 9 67 73 10 32 460 If 1 13 9 12 H 21 7 5 5 1 19 1 22 22 19 * 7 19 » 7 20 21t 870 225 1,666 16 46 2 61 49 d 2 21 1 5 7 19 * 7 69 9 56 2 12 1 10 57 * 2 * * 5!) * 1 59 » 5 19 60 14 1 2 60 5 37 21 417 52 137 844 162 62 17 69 i9 2,17 116 712 180 660 663 342 462 109 70 3 45 29 116 24 192 155 61 93 17 71. 5 77 43 262 111 1,072 660 226 468 70 72 * 3 2 31 22 43 21 14 73 15 73 I 14', 77 451 161 1,103 870 344 2,605 112 75 1 9 5 16 9 65 26 11 13 76 137 660 192 1 ,072 43 1,103 65 25 29 1 15 2 36 53 , 15 1 3 1 11 12 1 23 15 158 33 99 218 80 67 13 ., ., IP 5 12 14 6 147 1 238 66 364 15 . 41 1 23 58 1 2 2 1 51 42 5 32)1 150 219 39 78 98 8 208 43 1 44 4 5 • * 45 # » 46 «■ 1 R 19 1 1 2d 3 1 47 1 12 12 20 46 14 16 21 9 48 1 « 29 5 23 268 26 49 « 6 # 63 2 83 18 2 50 5 * * 25 5 51 3 4 1 4 - 52 1 1 15 1 2 53 1 1 23 * 1 54 1 2 9 5 55 * 63412631 16 294 16 17H 46 2 61 3 1 17 1 l'J 56 64 6 49 d 2 1 1 21 15 2 1 1 1 22 <. 94 65 1 » « 23 ♦ 1" 83 2 1 5 24 2 9 8 3,231 2,734 3,875 258 322 105 6 25 3 75 40 410 126 H3 139 114 399 23 2b 1 2 170 37 2,775 5 3 34 1 21 2 12 5 736 163 438 4,887 3,570 1,529 625 2d 13 215 25 49 763 306 83 283 29 * 1 18 1 341 63 807 31 30 •, -J4 37 17 5 16 92 59 42 19 31 1 •! 5 119 35 46 2,036 146 64 49 32 * 262 134 372 33 109 118 255 435 7 33 4 1 * 1 * 34 I * 1 1 2 » » « « 35 * 35 31 2 14 7 250 36 2 35 e 38 37 2 112 290 3 37 12 33 « 41 31 5 23 43 39 59 193 40 2 13 * 72 1 25 11 220 6 1 15 398 37 3 32 313 12 248 192 1 1 * 61 1 62 # 13 26 19 2 6 4 1 62 * 63 1 1 19 1 202 13 » 2 » 64 1 19 11 17 2 42 23 3 14 2 65 20 136 51 726 282 313 772 251 206 91 66 1 2n 19 61 33 293 96 44 67 19 67 77 • 4 3 10 5 51 21 9 27 3 73 1 5 16 6 336 37 6 27 5 7-) . 6 » 2 12 2 2 • 80A 1 . 2 45 22 26 80:1 i, (P 1,571 5 29 773 158 144 1 81 4 40 It 72 19 28H 152 92 203 46 "2 « ^ 4 13 6 66 20 6 13 4 .33 255 » » 36 « 33 34 85 342 3,415 1.S09 12,923 4,357 12 ,919 16,907 6,999 9,421 2,061 227 2,632 1,522 6,713 2,582 12,693 8,996 3,350 5,414 1,077 569 ".,097 3,431 19,638 6.939 25,612 25,903 10,349 14,835 3.137 4U 150 340 2,059 173 505 4,502 1,263 1,041 116 Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1969 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 8 9 10 1 1 2 48 13 59 903 53 45 683 75 29 1 ,747 14 11 12 13 14 15 123 7 362 2 1 91 ft 8 51 14 16 17 la 1? 20 38? 645 3<. 14 61 129 135 48 59 67 51 27 10 1 41 25 1 101 10 1 12 2 110 11 3 35 21 22 23 24 25 103 1 173 216 1 33 61 5 20 31 228 224 75 2 11 21 10 19 17 9 53 10 3 35 27 64 26 27 28 29 30 666 6 102 17 10 601 .824 21 27 50 1 3* 1 100 9 21 237 61 5 9 15 14 197 144 3 11 3 100 2 16 10 110 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3d 39 40 ?.l2t 74 1 71 10 51 112 3 26 fl3 30 50 31 55 20 3 3 104 413 756 120 8 104 277 75 34 2 116 143 3 1.372 146 28 15 12 128 41 2 1 2 128 6,694 1,001 2 76 59 69 46 406 8,589 22 7 12 1,458 158 22 2 40 29 46 3,409 1,011 9 335 41 42 43 44 45 H7 257 27 64 3 125 13 231 511 7 40 19 48 195 7 1 1 55 16 320 378 33 9 46 4h 47 48 49 50 7 8 20 16 23 11 8 1 13 7 94 13 32 11 53 319 40 384 217 16 159 2 100 105 1 31 26 68 23 146 120 51 52 53 54 55 2 1 2 2 10 5 16 1 27 6 2 317 4 21 128 7 24 7 191 146 40 9 56 57 58 59 6 64 1 17 11 141 1 111 50 1 59 46 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 63 69 70 21 1 1 l.Lf'4 540 357 38t 2 13 10 117 333 82 195 5rf0 39 1 32 11 6 45 41 19 22 163 34 1 3 134 155 145 28 1 45 774 401 342 117 14 58 3 12 1,691 112 920 1,174 257 7 1 17 644 52 490 1,004 165 94 7 29 41 22 59 77 2 3 243 88 106 495 116 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80m eoe HI 82 83 84 «5 86 87 73* 941 14 U23« 3i 14 It 2 i,35f> 6,53 3 29,899 2,069 219 2'. 532 17 12 14 2 2 7 t 376 l4) 39 40 105 126 72 40 i 376 124 5 70 702 56 490 312 49 307 323 16 115 344 52 125 330 27 78 428 126 3.890 872 5 40 466 782 8 41 42 43 ICe 76 136 253 2 13 160 106 140 * 17 276 227 133 73 310 170 189 134 44 70 3.041 1.553 390 26 79 410 385 69 4 1 4b 47 48 49 50 101 5 16 102 13 14! 5 72 24 61 7 29 1 9 20 1 116 8 75 3 20 40 3 26 488 7 358 516 4 329 7 183 646 51 52 53 54 55 5o 57 53 5-) 6 I .161 1 196 239 102 949 476 6 50 753 2'J 1 121 92 3 7 814 4 190 200 275 56 43 15 204 342 79 80 2 1 19 2 171 170 14 22 116 21 131 7 289 23 178 1,312 3.311 21 172 * 36 316 1,194 17 2 3 71 5 97 19 50 218 166 2 1 614 1B3 16 313 184 41 719 15,178 61 6 2 82 2 1 709 151 80 40 5,290 61 62 63 64 66 83 3 25 70 90 128 5 100 3 171 1 45 65 6 11 3 56 61 13 30 137 12 17 4 69 14 10 1 36 214 3 20 975 29 410 12 10 109 25 172 16 104 71 72 73 7b In 11 "i 79 80A 80) 81 .12 63 34 8b 36 n ! 26 3b.o 70 34i 3 217 10 11 1 30 1 21 7 9 5 ,405 3 ,411 R ,116 1 ,006 31 289 23 79 1 175 4 880 2 056 6 ,936 1 ,402 76 389 63 223 10 220 14 10 10 1 33 273 155 10 6,141 4,918 11.059 1,280 51 226 26 116 4 408 12 1 14 51 4,221 2,165 6,386 298 157 14 98 3 129 5 2,695 2,282 4,976 427 90 606 90 277 13 579 37 26 32 1 170 27 11 ,382 8,673 20,055 2,310 73 314 57 125 12 266 12 12 10 1 66 249 145 9 5,128 3,701 8,829 975 26 124 28 63 7 90 3 30 2 2,227 1,530 3,757 539 246 1,254 189 241 33 831 888 15 58 7 54 1,171 141 25 235 38,915 17,079 55,993 2.140 203 114 494 84 355 71 623 43 3 29 28 4 56 130 278 24 13,736 9,883 23.619 996 28 Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1969 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 10 3 7 145 10 136 7 a 9 10 1 .'Kl 2.915 11 12 13 U 15 ?7 32 2i 19 *9 1 20 2 1,558 222 1,365 2 649 54 965 15 Is 17 Id n 20 5 512 100 25 162 64 31 13 201 38 23 106 3 23 65 164 132 99 21 22 2i 24 25 52 5 24 1 11 12 86 50 109 36 3 12 11 183 317 81 30 38 3 111 26 40 1.091 640 26 27 21 29 iO 1 2 25 1 24 25 68 5 249 42 40 59 235 17 49 56 46 6 65 52 1 9 62 2 491 261 31 249 77 509 1 31 32 33 34 35 15 195 1 26 13 147 15 34 442 18 46 41 2,393 358 82 31 320 30 1.542 856 2 39 160 103 16 36 37 38 39 40 921 357 14 1 )2 243 la in 26 269 28 288 449 3 7 12 283 68 1 43 12 188 113 86 128 197 41 42 43 174 406 127 l4b 10 3 71 97 104 207 19 216 91 32 2 1 67 173 12 52 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 53 59 bl 62 63 67 bl 69. 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 71 79 SO 1 81 82 83 84 65 86 87 6 80 285 37 12 90 51 3b 1 2 11 22u 17 4l4 14 1 36 164 35 50 424 45 102 5 121 2 71 1 32 30 13 175 1 40 150 156 23 558 91 36 36 264 35 300 10 12 1 1 i n in ii i 48 33 100 1 10 399 15 49 42 27 165 40 101 7 215 26 5 55 18 25 23 31 5 18 14 23 17 2 679 169 56 56 507 88 177 11 420 11 12 25 230 705 98 16 136 15 5 43 10 1 40 61 83 430 416 49 9 17 6.504 619 403 1,966 1,065 1 ,527 74 1,052 990 27 53 123 1,718 1,024 1 .562 28« 93 6 302 30 2 171 169 220 403 280 824 132 24 109 130 75 12 32 156 112 52 63 2b 169 167 * 1.010 47 34 1 3 1 3 730 ,303 247 332 185 67 364 60 16 790 5.363 150 40 33 79 86 65 42 149 98 43 55 136 140 29 56 143 26 19 171 139 272 1,551 2,098 2 ■ 697 4 ,007 3 .359 9 ■ 535 533 9 .977 2 .093 213 264 2 .339 714 56 2.26C 412 10 2 2 135 441 685 11 ,093 2 .139 4,580 166 3 64 1 993 159 180 25 860 708 T. 6,13b 4, 149 2,765 6,714 26,331 4,335 1,960 22,992 52,909 25,018 3,262 2,993 3,067 4,292 35,582 19,242 1,771 20,376 140,886 34,119 (.42 i 7,142 5,652 11,007 61,912 23.576 3,731 43,367 193,795 59,137 685 1,01b 516 1,289 3,320 1 6,542 7,016 228 23 71 Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1969 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 1 .336 1..4J.7 2 191 3 56 210 28 34 36 135 59 9 10 31 119 43 6 11 12 13 U is 1.909 12 258 84 2 in 1 2 120 945 640 81 21 2.089 21 3.468 206 16 17 IB 19 20 28 9 64 22 13 101 113 12 9 12 44 29 21 ZZ 23 24 25 2 7 6 56 19 111 34 120 1 115 28 10 26 27 28 29 30 1h9 3U0 61 135 15 14 60 491 13 10,712 159 113 21 24 40 759 58 1.356 1 28 124 15 3 31 32 33 34 3b 36 37 39 39 40 809 169 1 8 27 53 60 105 13 5a 242 209 203 5 69 4 5 154 491 16 92 9 206 264 126 114 248 198 51 18 104 32 41 42 4 3 4<, 45 21 30 27 It 56 82 141 37 362 304 93 71 343 1 .084 190 22 11 6 3 9 18 1 10 46 4 7 48 47 50 ZZ 21 160 33 29 101 126 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5-1 59 60 379 t 76 29 53 91 51 20 160 53 10 31 114 10 169 205 156 12 1 16 12 45 87 5 26 69 323 1 .468 1 61 62 63 64 65 52 25 45 52 1,216 1 1 20 170 363 161 24 35 313 533 414 5 143 37 91 1 368 214 202 265 1 2 1,341 4 1 1 133 19 48 89 5,603 66 67 61 69 70 24S 40 514 1,893 4,815 184 383 695 502 1,542 3,550 239 1,304 530 98 1,841 262 89 217 142 698 23 1.777 1,187 538 49 163 50 147 1,197 123 220 71 72 73 75 7o 77 78 79 BOA 60) 4,160 43o 3,610 199 222 1C5 <.45 1.100 1 ,466 633 657 364 2 72 61 2,540 412 3,013 603 190 145 825 12 459 17 195 32 10 9 158 431 33 1.971 24 47 3.095 305 1.555 392 38 805 420 72 30 215 4 271 48 9 1 3 2 380 397 33 15 15 9 223 86 81 82 81 8<. 85 30 1 3 'I 1 ,274 236 230 15 918 201 1 34 6 52 17 86 87 T. T-<. 35 , j i a "I, 145 1 31 .464 14.3P5 8.B32 14.040 22,«72 2 32,123 34,794 66,91fc 15i67C 7,951 9,996 17,947 148 4,893 5,823 10,717 79 17,695 43,191 60,886 3,107 6,393 9,500 5,041 5,631 10,673 12,418 12.418 12,418 3U Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1969 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 U 15 La 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3* 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 51 54 55 56 57 54 59 60 61 62 3 64 65 66 67 64 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 73 79 80A 800 81 82 83 84 85 36 87 LblB 15 206 404 32 16 13 11 207 187 30 52 12S 53 32 2 .14 10 5 30 21 10 a 23 2 9 3R 3 18 5 19 33.232 2, 185 21.506 4 i 153 2.037 637 2.612 153 1.681 2.287 2,773 16.660 2,569 137 5 709 3 21,687 2,010 444 26,623 68 801 2,185 5 408 16,165 666 3,573 1 789 6,652 18 076 2,317 2 394 15,420 407 536 1,180 4 440 678 208 16,235 1 893 6,675 82 18,974 4 818 20,617 582 9,313 20 4,4,68 8 524 2,978 58 16,117 11 189 12,922 2 867 1,024 559 3 894 3,884 395 11,919 290 34,675 4 24,263 17 3,971 12,209 80 9,696 440 12,043 913 2,997 196 1,070 42 2,049 1,324 4,611 97 1,672 29 5,259 3.786 6 2,181 155 3,342 545 6,164 32 1 ,744 4 .111 3,832 601 4,385 4 .204 7,154 203 2,289 741 19.253 18 .627 8,139 60 1.372 1 .631 3,475 639 2,194 I .191 4,028 5 .262 39,239 13 .159 10,986 9 ,499 3,725 24,792 16 ,017 50,170 130 .526 29,296 29 .124 43,566 83 ,387 5.085 17 .154 56, 144 5 ,506 7,740 9 .945 3,911 7 .048 3,127 51 .603 7,307 1 ,514 9,488 1 ,145 4,475 13 ,224 30,032 12,418 2,557 2,750 2 ,265 68,054 16 197 2,021 31 39 12 1,059 414 1,015 2.95t 2.962 1 .440 3.507 3.641 2.130 5 4,146 2.167 3.219 151 72 4,349 ll< 236 12.62K 2,623 4,669 1.2B6 1.117 656 1.031 1.599 8.115 19 317 -119 -2 63 49 341 30 -7 -249 1.067 1 89 166 640 132 457 10 176 91 351 106 265 482 190 393 42 250 500 14 127 202 168 576 410 17 245 164 274 163 134 353 66 233 137 253 68 370 197 197 176 149 405 281 86 466 1,469 149 166 149 340 255 -2,476 4,913 T, T-4. i.lli 3,115 2,524 2.524 100,232 100.232 3,686 3,717 7,403 3,686 .913 .913 -6.214 -0.214 9.020 31 Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1969 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) ,4 9720 9902 6 7 1 9 10 11 12 1 i U 15 16 17 Id 19 20 21 22 21 2* 2b 2o 27 2o 2} 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3d 39 40 41 42 43 44 4b 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5a 59 60 61 b2 63 64 65 66 67 63 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 7fl 77 30A 80=) 81 82 83 84 85 86 37 I. V.A. r. TR. 5k 2,676 62 17 191 15 391 lb 119 129 20 774 -394 103 35 1 768 -398 1 19 99 7 35 2 24 2 25 47 29 4lo 2,143 667 277 91 217 67 538 3 27 23 ■119 25 273 2, '>38 773 539 56 835 399 43 24 165 208 918 969 14 317 413 504 4 70 447 1 .529 167 520 952 704 77 1 ,0fc6 462 664 166 214 765 644 2u0 3,0tb 2,435 233 672 414 441 4, lfcb 253 74 2,637 112 707 10 47C 360 <2 118 -?3,234 -31,032 765 1 1 ,065 1 ,34-, -1 3 31 I 1 ,419 9 .379 357 6 16 104 25) 25 20 46 74 95 2 3 186 1,795 53 157 3 1,122 317 5 13 15 20 234 -8 10 218 157 2 60 417 2 3 170 72 92 38 262 72 716 5 ,829 515 169 84P 1 ,891 1 .342 703 hlO 81 2 .754 554 409 1 ,136 45 295 493 2 ,747 52 153 1 ,94 8 226 1 1 4 ,382 144 -30a 41 .349 -1 , 117 97 .125 1,363 935 7,e23 168 60 11 76 242 16 17 21 32 50 24 146 1.375 53 96 2 966 267 4 11 B IP 232 -42 10 183 96 183 410 20 162 59 74 26 200 71 349 76 604 5 ,230 42 f, 154 7C3 8 ,053 1 ,221 539 332 4 8 2 ,490 438 368 92£ 14 160 414 2 ,061 44 159 997 ie2 11 3 ,118 60 -236 31 ,787 76 ,300 1,950 485 1,556 189 1 5 26 11 7 3 25 41 45 41 420 * 59 1 137 30 1 2 7 -50 75 24.651 4.327 11 630 -1 35 56 29 4 31 339 245 24 1.091 189 1 754 376 226 2 15 2 3 34 * 35 61 16 77 50 8 13 3 30 8 78 13 1 18 26 12 12 62 14 1 158 3b7 183 6 140 102 76 2 28 10 73 600 117 86 15 15 35 145 1,083 839 3 121 25 165 199 278 176 33 199 264 1,306 115 686 5 41 2,075 259 386 30 542 136 937 84 124 686 2,051 8 210 -6 -486 951 4, 167 43 335 29 1 .264 4 64 415 -71 783 9,563 58.883 -1,187 20,825 109.014 5,948 955 11 t 3 S 3 22 264 123 13 872 16 1 188 2 159 53 25 10 28 45 1 15 11 128 128 113 15 12 53 81 3 25 70 172 778 180 5 1 ,060 -303 195 241 -217 804 53 -486 198 32 16 1 193 21 34,297 17 2,583 35.815 75 7,583 29.089 5 309 2,346 10 214 2,826 93 1,773 182 2,469 11 639 3,412 356 17,016 -50 103 2,671 75 200 909 18,703 96.038 96,038 3,872 6,246 27,932 11 10,018 12,028 526 72,998 99,621 -1 6,075 8,259 24 1,128 17,293 -I 2.184 5.757 54 19,093 25,744 21 2,875 5,192 1 1,439 16,859 33 569 9 4,917 6,097 75 2,754 3,431 122 3,403 19,638 11 264 6,939 219 6,639 25,612 173 5,086 25,903 * 1,035 10,349 565 10,367 14,835 -2 159 3,137 218 13,773 29,889 173 4,340 17,262 62 1,085 3 4,060 4,619 41 843 4,727 4 700 12,619 3 1,735 36,410 1,427 25,689 54 4,024 1.918 14.126 -12 1,189 10,885 5 2,414 14,457 13 2,277 5,274 22 3,634 4,704 78 5,092 7,141 1,747 3,070 11 4,475 9,086 1 4,809 6,481 14 3.363 6,623 30 385 4,171 55 6.635 6,816 28 3.595 6,936 63 4,895 11,059 15 4,642 6,386 20 1,145 4,976 36 15.670 20,055 12 1.676 8,829 31 1,469 3,757 869 36,740 55,993 3 15,480 23,619 25 8. 049 9,421 173 3.667 7,142 107 3,658 5,852 27 6,978 11,007 528 22,674 61,912 506 12,591 23,576 5 3,731 1.016 18.576 43,367 689 143,625 193,795 347 29.842 59,137 697 87,898 131,464 342 17,787 22,872 1,247 10,774 66,918 157 10,207 17,947 6,805 10,717 3,969 57,759 60,886 303 2,192 9,500 13 1.185 10,673 3 -4,475 -30,032 12,416 222 559 3,115 762 -226 2.524 24,586 100,232 100,232 7,403 7,403 4,913 4.913 -6,214 -6.214 931.680 61,978 931 .680 2 810 2 642 60 15 13 34 36 977 124 240 1 ,002 4 907 316 1 061 32" 352 242 298 55 214 222 1 ■ 463 263 13 .235 1 .941 1 .186 970 237 2 .808 997 26 149 89 600 2 .363 1 .360 382 1 ,073 9*9 1 ,137 528 419 851 324 576 640 819 309 750 604 964 1 ,128 560 1 ,662 965 431 2 , 140 1 .955 464 829 712 1 .466 8 ,165 796 3 .591 203 3 ,183 2 ,447 2 ,196 993 106 612 163 2 ,329 8 ,870 30 ,032 32 11 12 13 U 15 21 22 23 24 25 66 Vt '5 07 1 i la ?•» ? (5 J i . -. 1,771 71 >!', -. W Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1970 (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 1 r , i ■ 1 ,-i ■) ".7 1R5 2 /,.,( . ' 130 S59 3 <,!, 1 5 50 7 5 2 ■ • 3 t; 3 t 51 .- 52 ■,3 1 2 2 1* 5* 55 ?. ?. * » 19 3 5;, 7 57 — 2 5.1 ib 4 5 2 2 1 » 5) l 7 h 1 » 61 <■ ', 17 1 * 3 * 62 • « 1 13 63 — 71 1) ! ?„j: 1< vl 172 72 17a 72 „ 33 16 1 ' - 1 12 17 11 2 7 7t 44 ? » 2 6 3 1 I - H , -,', , <, 3 13 zj „ ., <, ia 2* 7 '. ] • « 1 491 « U » J 1 446 ■) 12' 5 6 - 77 9 10 1 . 6 7 2 51 2 c, 14* * * * * 1 * * 27 •-, ,'.,'!■. 3 17 3<> 7" 51 H5 55 27 23 .- 2? 55 • 31 5 U 31 ]■? "4? 41 5 5 9 37 41 R< 3 32 45 1.M f » 22 17 32 46 4C 11 33 3., l, l 35 ( - 36 26 1 « 1 5 13 107 13f- 37 50 70 44 149 58 19 3n ; 1 5 2 9 fr 2 39 1 - 12 51 40 »1 ;, "•2 35 '.7 11 1<, 3 1* dl 15 1 43 3 «, 6 16 20 92 3i 2 4* K 3«," 45 27 29 92 67 23 10 *„ .- 1 8 [ 47 2 2 16 11 4d 49 1 « 1 5 107 2C » 5.) I, I I 88 9 101 5 4 * 1 * # « * 101 51 31 179 32 16 3 5 6 17 1 5 1 2 61 69 74 212 81 48 6C 29 25 43 t)3 230 67 19 27 3 15 b3 42 151; 38 13 7 3 1, 3 J' « « 78 31 91 323 92 3 5 75 l-„ ■■ 151 <: 1 1 4 7 22 21 1 7-3 77 2> , l, 17 2 7 12 i 5 ] • 2 2 2*12 1, j — (in, 4U A J ' 42 ( c,., b SM 400 1 1,425 135 84 'I >< ■•- 17 13 3 10 9 109 12 7 82 111** 1 2 B 1 • Si in u 21 1 1 H 3 • If, ■i 1 I. 25, 1 '}, 1,3! 7 1,199 1 ,41 1 1 ,60? 1 ,498 •1.314 1 .257 444 1 1,7) 1-.311 1 .1 (9 1 ,700 519 1 ,431 3,103 9.847 1 ,478 479 r. i7, , -. ? , 1 • 2 , 3 5 1 2,89* 1 , )30 3,113 4,601 18,161 2.735 924 T<. 51 ' 92f 553 673 4 )') i 1 ,683 304 105 Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1970 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 3<* 19 20 2 ji*H 7,564 132 21 U7 1 tl95 U 12 n u 15 31.2 W.212 68 37 17 13 84 1 1 l-> 17 1 I 1 / 2vl 3 2 52 90 9 .355 475 1,062 378 6b 70 1 5,938 101 5.220 399 2.077 487 96 115 14 12 7 15 21 22 23 2, 25 <.32 ■:■••. 257 1 : 11 950 1,916 61 63 6 93 5 1 34 19 75 128 8 1 29 92 40 34 9 79 28 2'.. 27 2 < 2/ 3 1 3 14 2 1 164 5 7 J 45-f 302 5 33 15 91 14 443 1.782 20 7 11 87 987 4 U 13 85 696 1 35 6 1 3 183 17 31 32 3 3 3 . 3j 73 1 - 15'. 21 74 250 793 1 ,329 7 52 26 11 104 1 1 5 26 34 62 10 1 3 102 15 2 122 73 2 21 3o i! 3 ' 3 < il 41 42 43 1 ,4f 7 3.27l, 1 , 7( - 16 1 3^ 266 1.56' 23 12 414 249 4 lt« 111 7 1 15 5 2.634 231 253 1 42 101 51 57 211 5 ) 51 4E2 154 1.57., 1 7( 1 13 1 14 1 10 72 1 14 s 25 14 8 4 2u 9 2 1 9 16 17 13 16 202 189 1 1 • 3 1 1 /_ 3 2.i 3 3 73 12 1 6 1 15 28 5 » 54 2 * 2 * 4 1 I ', 12'. 11 ) ., 11 2 19 355 42 19 j ? , 5< ■■ ;.07 77 3.225 40 314 193 H5 4C 514 ft -2 5-' 95, 37-, 6 38 16 111 19 40 /•. 1 1 44 740 13 2".. 48 122 28 142 1 7,"C J 2,232 243 4,220 7 3 571 203 8 10 156 563 780 127 30 494 24 74 23 151 30 116 I 'j',l 127 4C 908 56 148 69 362 53 130 1 1 164 1-i 6 4 b 7 3 ., )37 6 5 7 231 3,752 40 2 210 97 429 66 232 ■ ,' ,_ 71 14 22 7 1 9 3 23 4 68 1 5 1 15 13 50 1 5 2 15 3 5 :-3 4 12 7o 15 15 5 59 7 9 41 7 ; 30 * 3 1 2 1 3 c 7 1 i 1,612 15 10 2Z 7 71 1,522 26 596 36-1 102 1 994 I ; c, t 17- 12'. 4 1-, 4', 55 16 124 19 39 2 3j D 11 72 2 13 3 25 4 8 i ll 7 * 1 51 # ;■, , -.7' 11 ,9^6 4,4?4 7 7,3o 5 4,^21 12 ,030 4,264 15,e75 3.667 9,516 i. . J*", 19,06., 4.U4 2 7.650 4,32 5,149 1,309 9,371 1 .367 5,815 . Us 3 ',99 J •,.112 105,045 -1,541 17,1'jO 5,573 25.245 5.034 15,330 1,225 3,451 37 1 ,0 >t 785 267 998 1,548 > 5 ' 71 72 77 7 ii V. ■•5 • i. v . •• . T. r . Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1970 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 99 9't l 1 106 03 69 82 20 4B3 -1 1 2< 55 1 2 2 -2 4 ii' 1-.3 22*. 40 ,v. 107 ,1 1 „ 5 » « 29 30 16 jl 62 19 1 3 2 65 1 7 19 1 1 29 3 1 1 13 1? 21 4-1 I* lu ZZ 10 1 » 27 4 2 1 255 24 s » 65 2 6b 18 2 6 » * 26 7 51 2 ■. 1 3 V i 1 li, __ 1 2 •j , 1 1 26 ft 1 11 I- 1 2'. 1« 169 36 loo 241 85 77 16 11 , i IC 5 12 1 . 5 152 1 25o 76 420 81 H . l> 302 IS 171 «li 3 59 4 1 17 122 54 62 6 49 7 2 1 1 ! 1 1 • 'S 12 6 ZZ 7 4 6 1 I! - 21 IS 20 * « 19 ft 8 • .' i I ' • 7f., 117 1 ,479 15 6 59 9 8 » 1, ? 1 1 1 Zl i )., 64 1 « 1 — i 2; . 1 9 tl 1 1 5 -- 2. I'D 3.225 2,o76 3.912 26'J 29a 114 6 2» c 7S 3P 404 12.1 bo 136 116 442 25 2. 1 2 162 38 2.722 o 3 37 1 Zl 2 12 5 75o 171 452 4,957 3.591 1.673 659 2, 11 208 24 49 7b6 305 87 290 29 « 1 la 1 340 59 828 30 (J 3 -14 3( 17 5 17 (!9 6 1 46 21 31 1 \ 4 140 3o 4o 2,143 14B 70 52 j2 « 25c 122 365 33 106 119 253 513 7 I , /, 1 1 1 * 3. I « 1 1 1 * » • » 3i H 32 It 2 14 7 279 2 3'j ( 3B 72 3" 2 112 271 3 37 11 231 ? i P. 4'. 29 5 23 46 434 ), 60 217 331 .. , 2 13 * 2 1 28 12 6 1 15 41 3 37 13 285 213 1 1 1 57 8 230 22 • 1 « 5 l-> 2 2 13 1 2 1 1 11 2 9 „ 2 67 « I 13 1 lo3 13 ft 2 * U 16 2 47 23 3 15 2 44 740 2 92 323 8U 255 23C 99 ls o4 35 314 103 46 77 22 21 -.33 55 142 904 169 70 18 IK 756 19 1 713 705 366- 536 122 i. c 117 25 2u2 164 62 107 19 43 277 120 1 .139 720 243 551 80 r 27 20 37 la 12 69 14 72 451 162 1 .094 8H-J 345 2.825 lie 5 lb ' o5 2<. 11 14 5 3 i 5 4'1 21 9 29 3 4 16 6 334 41 6 2° 5 7 ft 2 16 2 2 ft • 4 45 25 30 93 1 ,563 4 .17 914 197 174 1 15 74 21 30/ 165 97 233 51 L 13 b 65 Zk) 6 14 5 31* • • 47 « 44 .'- , 1 ,3S3 1 ,801 12 ,90 3 4,355 13,1 M 17,665 7,122 10,365 2,221 15 ) .'.711 1.4S. 6,866 2,696 12.3h.' 8,580 3.036 5,615 1,107 ..*■ ' 6 . » ' o 4 3.29<- 1<,769 7,051 2h,W ? 26,245 10,158 15.980 3.327 •' ■> !•.- 344 2,037 17-. 544 4,790 1,321 1.131 122 35 31 Table 1 . — Interindustry Transactions, 1970 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 5 13 73 71 27 .2.060 IB 11 12 13 1* 15 53 14 16 1 I la 1? 20 3 3 13 121 123 4S 2'. 10 1 23 1 ttf) 1 12 1 100 11 3 33 21 22 23 24 2b ?6 27 2.1 2} 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3? 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 10.5 It f 1 7c 11 9 1 71 22 1 10 5 7. J 2,7 73 21 27 27 6 "2 2 9 51 2 r 7 13 -1 49 ] 2 32 60 1 4 390 703 1 10 29 62 30 242 10 23 264 7h 32 1 1 3 220 72 119 139 1 ,429 155 26 li. 12 3 132 13 2 10 19 5 402 15 136 39 2 I 2 120 .182 998 2 71 219 4«3 7 3b m 18 16 13 191 139 3 11 59 380 .577 20 7 43 186 8 1 1 10 59 180 7 3 112 14 1 .598 166 24 2 57 IP 3 34 27 62 2 15 9 111 38 28 46 3.429 977 9 348 315 390 35 9 49 46 47 4H 49 55 1 14 7 »b 1? 33 1? 49 301 36 367 219 15 154 2 1 35 29 71 24 153 131 51 52 53 54 55 5 1 1 r 25 5 2 307 4 20 3 134 6 2 4 7 188 155 39 9 56 57 53 59 60 61 62 63 66 67 63 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 73 79 80A 80 3 81 82 83 84 85 B6 87 T. TR. 1 1 1 ,771.. -.37 1 7 15 1c ?> ,/!ll .', ,554 31 . " i 2 .533 13 11 126 3 36 20 > 60 3 9 3 2 3* ?1 v : 17 1 1 16 3 2 35 15'. 14 17 9,,.7«. 7,33. 17,213 1 ,..' 1 31 7C6 291 997 109 40 2 22 162 34 6 7 3 123 5 21 2i 2 ,442 2,023 -, ,466 143 1 966 3 .027 lb * 118 53 1 7 1 17 631 52 4.3 2 1,060 161 170 3 324 12 12 10 5 120 2,071 5t 19 126 7 013 26 139 2 814 32 4f 26 43 2 112 2 113 1 2.841 1 .649 4 .49C 121 61 50 61 84 2 93 109 533 lie 285 19 11 13 1 109 151 13 41 9 .183 5 .284 14 .467 1 .246 3G Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1970 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 11 12 13 U 15 li 17 If 19 20 21 22 23 24 2^ 26 27 28 2'' 30 31 32 J1 3* 3'. 3-> 37 3-, 3 i 40 -.1 42 4 1 5 1 51 52 53 5-, 55 5o 5' 5 l 5) 01 i-l 173 12- 1 i lc; 1 1 ■> lib 1 3 14- 1 72 5' 1 ,00b c ir>5 23^ 50 7 1 13 2o 1'. 2 1 1 3 > 11', 13 9 1 74 46 533 2t 1 i o c ;3 f 4 531 3? 160 1 l5 17 11 7 12% li( 1 3', 3 i 116 111 22> 40 2C 4 lb 3 30 1 1 1 31 2 1 22 15 6 5 3 b 2 b 4 1 1 1 1 * 10 1 9 1 1 8 1 29 1 • # 1 4 2 1 « 2 2 1 3 3 6 6 2 a 5 11 135 1 1 627 83 12 95 71 372 230 <)2 3 36 ') 312 41 2 25 1 3 1 30 1 24 121 50 1.101 62 68 195 68 325 02 13'; 13 420 44 1 1<- 76 29 3fc 10 30* 10b 37 70 23 12 y Id 175 57 12 10-'! 26 22 1 9 1 12 4.3 87 677 243 334 177 1 11 243 b 1 2 34 24 13 1 10 60 31 502 176 31 52 17 34 23 153 346 269 24 14 222 6 11 52 1 3 8 11 25 15 7 92 861 346 140 62 216 97 20 63 21 166 93 548 54 292 3 7 3 9 4 42 66 19 2 6 1 1 83 12 2 5 2 15 15 1 14 1 6 2 1 5 2 33 44 47 4 22 33 326 144 48 48 10 3 3 1 99 6 61 244 2 24 ft 9 2 ft 56 30 2 1 30 2 1'-' 50 12 102 20 56 272 29. 240 56 30o 43 41 110 23 71 72 73 75 7 j 1 7 ) 12 51? 15 4 7 142 102 s 141 3 75 133 7 164 195 3 97 186 11 119 2 B3 8 • 8 -\ -2 ■ I' 13 3 5 1 2 246 20 61 2 72 7 l 11 407 10 1 2 9', 91 7 12 46 3 6 , i ,1- ' 3.133 J, 192 4,166 1 ,366 4,295 3,672 4,6 39 1,791 '. 1 . II K- ; ,5ii4 3.204 1 ,20, 4,3uJ 2,681 3,624 2,467 . • • 1 <- . . '. 5 • I i 7 4,756 . . ■■ • j, 6: i 6,3b3 8,662 4,258 . l.r/3 406 •3/ 406 1,251 951 1 ,187 212 37 Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1970 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 11 12 . __„ 2 i 43 2 •> 15 64 38 12 132 71 1 J 1 2 ic ft 7 176 2 ft 19 396 U 15 u . 2 1>' 5 12 19 17 1 4 3 2 14 4 1 J 5 4 5 4 •4 14 10 3 2C 13 1 > * * ft ft 620 * 2 1 C ■' IE 12 5 10 7 47 10 21 j 2 13 21 6 2 22 1 6 1 240 10 2 ii 10 5 * * 1 ft 4t 52 2* ',4 •! t 3 2 5 26 85 2 55 10 25 13 31 4<, 122 94 •,3 4l 30 51 13 2. 149 ] 11 * 1 54 2 ft 3 5 27 , 22 71 37 27 1 7 132 85 65 13 2 l f 4( 33 35 65 64 32 24 22 29 30 1' 26 ^ <; 55 20 12 9 1 159 15 31 10 l c E5 10 7 30 14 4 82 84 32 73 7 4 ICC 307 102 12 1 1H4 81 1 ,016 85 33 1 3 2 ft 34 s «• « b 1 * « 1 35 2 f 25 160 45 220 1 392 3 5 73 13 5 57 4 9 15 55 31 113 39 37 1- 4jr 56 5 447 2 44 114 121 83 3 ,362 406 3i 135 .17 3 72) 318 317 353 341 455 74 4 680 3'? 4 40 33 (74 13 31 21 * S 8 34 7 M 115 134 176 260 130 205 193 44 2 ,5U 358 42 ^C 25 7 Us 235 74 170 13J 72 1 ,326 343 '.3 ■l 139 347 63 4-. * 2 * 6 12 ft 23 4 45 1 14 17 * 6 1 4h « 22 15 * * 1 b » 26 4 •W 1 12 5^ 1-1 59 30 119 79 42 431 300 4^ 6 16 t * 1 * ft * 6 6 4; 5 3 104 7? o2 Q 17 i 45 320 161 5) 1 1' h 27 7 23 6 ' 21 3 494 616 51 1,329 2 3 12V 67 1 5 52 1 4 11 t 20H 3 6 ft 623 2 53 22'u 5'.l!> 1 37 369 172 2*2 173 73 16? 75 54 664 4 7 9 ft 2j * 5 15 2 55 24t 4 ' If S 713 I 59 161. 36 38 243 1 56 H) l-i 1VC 2 15 1,362 316 20 14'' 642 57 192 1 271' 1 21 3,077 1,229 4 9 34 131 50 * 5f 10 120 19 16 233 61r 72 5) j 121 4l 4b 22 2 162 12 ,765 39 6) 2 94 15 M '* 2 30 3 2 54 4,775 ol .. 40 3 » 3 26 62 22 95 122 192 6 60 12 14 18 5 355 o) 4 3 6 1 1 1 12 17 11 3 9 64 1 2 7 5 49 3 2o 4 1 lb 9 65 44 71' 1( 3 07 57 132 70 39 t 41 96 66 by 33 77 27 26 172 64 Id 95 185 6 7 6-) 2d 32 t 1 53 45 'JO 74 2b 217 102 6y •'.12 30 1 41 t 245 165 6'Jt, 332 136 1 ,149 464 73 7c_ 24 < 7 27 14 93 58 30 172 76 n >, 1 .32 23( 127 103 295 133 67 219 329 72 3 1 q 4 3 11 10 7 2 5 53 73 ?;9 1 M 21b 40b 127 537 263 8b 70* 537 7 5 11 h 14 4 5 3 5 13 3 753 3C 76 2 24 77 . K t* 4 23 12 3 13 7.. 1 1 IC 12 i. 3'"' 10 3 44 24 I ) 1 1 1 1 * 1 2 1 7 4 rt I . 32 • 72 45 12 JOI 4] 1 54 351 15 9 7 1 ,491 309 164 1 ,376 205 31 2'o 67 lei 54 44 170 151 32 127 253 •.12 5 l( 4 4 25 9 2 22 21 13 3 * * 253 « 85 ■17 5. ;fr6 4 ,'■ 7' ( ,315 ••,364 2,692 11,16;. 5,255 2,326 I. 33 ,56( 12,436 V. .. J, 311 2,01n 4 ,b41 2,080 2,326 ...553 3.31J 1 ,620 14 .234 ",543 T. /.2>, 7 6,395 11.114 6,444 5.01" 19 ,742 8,574 3,945 47 ,801 20,978 1 '. l.llu i ,33") 1,352 307 426 2,495 1 ,032 543 2 .252 990 38 Table 1. --Interindustry Transactions, 1970 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) .1 .2 ? >.4 t.5 >6 67 68 69 1 - 7 i ii 13<, 11 3 4 1 II 1 • 1 •<• 16 30 3,228 1c 55 t 10 459 275 If, 3 54l ? , 1 3 1 197 72 296 '.,'.19 778 <•■/ io 42 91 1,172 25^ 29 36". 3,732 13.185 57 54l 91 I', 1 10 41 3 11 13C 1 ,607 722 « 38 2 1 ,(.7( • 11 i.. 5'. 1- 6 26 13 * 1 UK 3' >( 117 27 283 3C0 45 41 i' Jet 233 2(3 423 80 16 12 70 Si 1 | i 139 ■.j 413 11 « 7 « 221 ,1 fc9 125 70 106 22 63 42 11 146 9° 218 249 1 36 199 - 1 4.. 5 U'O 2 51 • 1 10 » 15 1 46 '•J <7 o 16 •, , i, 2 ► 1 2 38 47 ■> 7 3 «. 5 7 67 4 . « 1 4 7 6f -. , 2&7 3'. 16 4 154 4b B9 3v 3) 7 9 17 * « 42 51 * "26 94 52 13 l ; l 1 5 5 96 S„ Hi '„ 1 54 -.7 ". 54 33 •>- t- 1 21 1 55 4 1 3 7 7 2 2 10 1 3 3 5 12 5 l 16 7 33 22 1 333 13 1 203 ■J I 2 16- 113 29 42 34 35 3 12 2 1 6 5 64 2 1 5 • 2(-t 47 22 92 5 3 ■>1 37L 7 1 24 434 15 54U It in 57 '• i 1 Hi 3t5 2 9 1 4 « 134 2 -4 n 1« 747 2n 5 • £71 2 l<* 4. iC 174 6.935 62 3 809 1,656 148 37 57 t4 60 St6 219 174 146 H4 27 57 440 19(, 5n 9,506 2.928 461 UJ 11'- 109 191 1,712 4 76 190 217 69 267 64 123 413 1,105 890 175 396 10,346 4,633 1,045 147 » 68 2,216 176 ?,, 1.044 235 4 77 5 ( 12 53 2'> i 17 261 677 12 (. 24 12< 11, 5 903 2,4)5 973 1 « • 1.V17 12 4 5,900 769 212 2 « 197 1,2 37 29 1 * 64 197 SI, 1?2 31r 805 1,726 244 55 '1 i J 11) 49 102 J17 1B5 13c 172 2,470 967 11 5 16 102 * -.4 427 754 -3 1 • 13 1 204 9b 27? 4 b 183 134 271 1 .656 2 .317 2 .928 4 ,419 3 .732 10 .678 483 10 .346 2 ■ 216 235 261 2 .4)5 769 64 11 1.' , 24 32 31 1.714 7«ll 9 1 | ;., 25 i 6 1. 21 ,?■> 229 15 3 ;, » 105 2 171 2 7 \ I 7, 24 85 45 9 59 I i i- li 2 30 24 A 12 127 1. 4 13 107 113 2' 13C 111 2 170 3 1 116 21 . 1 3 91 _» 22 61 11 11 • 18 2j 5 13 * 11 42 2-. 27 .!■> 112 190 84 2? 1 40 1,156 276 23 4 5 > 37 32 ) 31 « » 3 656 1 1 5 40 5 3 56 1 9 445 520 27 2 24 2l-l 65 53 1 66 247 1 2. 22 27 41 224 2 19 c> 71 ► 13 6 « 351 33 4 2 49 75 1 * « e9 31 It. 13 5 36 2,45.1 87 1 433 1,528 104 32 221 147 79 435 377 35 1 34 881 17 ,\ 15 . 3 3.. 16* 43 36 3-> 2b 15 (1 41 50 170 2. "37 6.900 20,49 4,857 2 .07 i 26.273 5t- ,606 27,953 . • 2,5t- -.333 3 7.189 2 ',7 l( 1 ,34- 21 .599 150.503 37,543 ',172 5,12! 11,233 rs,.,;i 2'.,<>-,5 3,923 4 7.871 207. 109 65.495 1 • • 5c 3 1.416 3.'.>5 1 1 7,256 7,220. 289 39 Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1970 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 1 . •. ] s . Li 1 1 57 ?23 39 14? 64 257 3 '' 11 U 13 U 15 lb 1 ' 1 J Is 20 rs 27 13 n to li" 3 i.?"> b3 l i 1 ,0f>9 695 1 lb 19 3.746 212 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2o 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 "1 i9'-t L7-. 2' - Hi 41 *. 1 .2 1, 162 422 LU'i 4 75 766 64 •' 1? 7 ) 21 21 36 ?7S 53 P 414 1 .'•3* 3 ■ 731 24? 1 ,376 55 3 ? ,631 41t 3 ,131 t 13 196 135 7(2 14 5 145 1 17 102 l,9bO 202 393 15 99 238 157 660 7 45^ 35 2,130 25 47 5 1 10 1 403 217 232 288 791 24 ] ,970 1,333 598 3.545 285 1 .647 421 38 844 439 92 31 1 .441 27 179 55 155 261 51 1 3 3 394 1 2 146 5o 1,341 138 242 15 16 11 18 49 89 6,148 208 94 81 32 1 3, 5,-. .' • ,6*1 1 2C ,62C 3^ .371 (■>. .991 15 ,973 J, 351 1 i.092 11, 4*3 I9l 255 16 5,311 6,363 11,675 78 19,276 49,3 39 63,615 3 ,234 6 ,575 '' ,BG9 59 19 s. ,694 6 .1 71 11 .866 13,324 13,324 hO Table 1 .--Interindustry Transactions, 1970 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) -■1 j li 11 12 13 u IS u. 1 1 111 Is 20 21 22 2i 24 2^ 2; 27 2' 2 I 3.1 31 32 3 3 34 35 36 37 3- 3y ^1 42 51 52 5 , 54 V> 5o 5/ 5, 59 61 62 63 6 ' 6 6 I 7 71 7; 7:1 B'J • B HI "2 21 1 22 12 LI 22 1 21 52 2,37 1 11 . '•'' 1 1 r , s 3 ■- 4.032 3.964 7,990 ■.,1)32 5.053 5,003 ,443 ,44 3 3* 38" 23 332 1 880 Z 585 1 72 1 2 777 3 570 IB 01) 2 63-3 71 1 24 220 1 630 28 719 2 065 16 070 3 507 6 411 2 016 1* 113 430 1 069 656 16 271 6 835 19 140 21 228 9 160 4 641 3 140 16 765 12 690 953 531 3 936 11 985 32 814 24 521 4 32 9 12 68o 9 Oil 11 962 3 09o 1 100 1 95.3 1 322 4 511 1 540 5 40 J 3 887 2 395 3 310 6 355 1 594 3 880 4 375 6 896 2 402 16 786 7 701 1 36 J 3 46 5 2 070 4 300 41 042 11 854 3 913 27 090 53 336 33 27-. 48 462 5 13L> 5 7 33 3 7 907 4 103 3 200 7 474 10 552 5 056 33 311 13 324 2 6SJ 3 206 ,321 ,161 781 240 503 71 .970 5.822 672 1 ,814 16,178 2,497 401 4,644 227 1,907 37 5.113 601 21 9,242 61 12,271 3,172 3,7 54 443 286 4 19 88 486 933 220 43 100 32 111 548 34 4,221 621 3,901 197 791 15,929 46 1 ,692 661 1,184 5,288 14,015 10.400 17,676 140,630 31,359 89,935 17,741 6,291 10,248 7,497 57,956 1 ,579 1 .272 15,123 2,557 -2,827 5,053 68,601 14 203 1 ,884 11 1 ,067 439 1,053 2,926 3,123 1 ,440 3,260 3,531' 2,049 4.195 2.087 3«18(i 164 79 5,049 18 2 6»> 10.601 2,320 4,957 1,316 1.212 600 967 1 ,655 7.80b 16 698 lie 14 40 126 125 120 14 10 -311 732 -2 39 11 249 117 163 2 28 28 179 40 113 282 84 312 59 353 329 138 100 183 651 402 124 141 65 339 189 221 278 28 -11 60 153 55 152 176 157 265 71 110 188 87 -488 -683 184 113 81 266 289 U Table 1 .—Interindustry Transactions, 1970 - Continued (In millions of dollars at producers' prices) 11 12 1 * 14 15 1 I 111 17 2 21 22 2 3 24 2'i 2:, 27 2 1 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3o 37 31 3 J 4 J 41 42 43 46 4 1 49 49 51 51 52 53 5o 5 7 5) 5 ! 6 J 61 62 63 6') 67 6 -J 6 9 7 I" 71 72 73 75 7 U 77 7 9 804 HO', 31 -32 83 34 88 H6 .17 r. T'. 3,5l? -1,10/. 51 -33 ' 2; r _S 1 4 2 2 3 b -1.112 12« 4 -343 ? fr 1 45 57 2 21 2 21 22 108 7 2'. I-'. 114 2,423 ?2 3 7 2 612 1,013 .',2 9'. ,3'. 629 tsO 9 5.. 4 It 3 if 21 li 9 23 o 1 , 2 [ 5 1,050 IS 35". 3i 3 54 , 533 343 1 , 305 204 o25 1,12'. ■104 i 3 1,57b 512 727 155 23C nG7 7 -j'. 22 i 2, 17 3 2,893 195 724 456 4, 9? 7 32o 2, J!>4 169 -1 3 ,290 1 ,4TJ '. .66" 467 19 12'' 2 J 22 57 91 115 i2 2 13 1 ,606 5 i 106 963 303 14 l'> 23 > 5 J 1 I 131 IS') 416 42 9 41 5,336 4 71 125 ,i75 S, 699 1 .57', 613 594 2,143 232 1 1 -1 1 . 17! 69 5 5 ,541 U2 45 1? 1-5 215 7P II' 23 35 54 26 15? 1,127 5? 1C7 3 BSO 262 4 12 9 67 l4r 3 1 b 2 2 124 55 71 361 C5 504 4,f42 4C7 111 675 7,828 1 ,459 4 97 270 52 2 , b 1 6 509 394 I' It 15 153 450 1.6 12 3? 173 955 It? 11 2,950 2 ,112 o05 1 ,321 2H5 35 15 34 56 61 55 479 80 1 112 41 2 2 9 2 3 31 30 4 lb 23 18 15 71 1 105 3 13 17 199 B71 1 17 116 324 45 345 156 5h 290 41 184 118 879 11 8? 24,806 5,280 10 734 -1 1 o5 32 5 39 392 283 29 ,134 234 1 971 3 463 275 18 2 25 47 14 44 86 1 30 16 17 169 219 170 95 35 97 165 20 43 1,225 3 27 258 223 233 1,419 752 10 2,571 727 621 1,052 185 2,391 240 -423 5,267 394 31 5 1 7 4 87 87 442 -2.1 -193 -96 d50 4,271 33. 1 It 1 1 ,153 66 .664 1,15 1 -1 . 159 5.695 1 ,05o 2 8 306 135 15 880 19 1 193 2 191 57 27 12 29 36 1 18 14 131 155 137 27 Id 7 3 123 182 802 17) 10 1,391 -125 221 226 -213 79Q -427 162 35 17 1 8 8 19,111 4,225 10 665 -1 33 1 62 25 1 11 86 149 14 254 215 * 778 1 273 218 11 14 32 06 12 1 17 38 63 33 68 19 2* 42 14 3b 996 3 27 220 13 r 51 617 573 1,181 852 400 824 39d 1,592 186 .105 359 14 260 820 27,762 69,305 3, 116 6 , 864 516 314 210 336 1. 030 142 90 213 96, 719 6, 780 7, 482 76. 325 6, 476 1 , 110 2 066 18 835 3 017 1 217 26 4 994 2 643 3 498 215 6 862 5 017 998 11 339 187 15 000 4 523 44 3 934 832 745 2 151 1 618 161 1 781 1 036 2 496 2 424 3 656 5 432 1 751 4 092 4 813 3 255 371 6 902 3 585 4 809 4 850 1 138 15 367 1 677 1 544 31 014 13 277 8 630 3 687 3 750 6 933 24 636 13 791 10 2 .781 153 .773 32 221 9 4 701 18 501 11 658 10 .536 7 572 65 410 2 334 1 314 -5 056 -33 311 616 -836 110 .935 7 .996 5 053 -5 443 37, 504 30, 195 2, 396 2, 899 1 . 93d 3. 113 4, 601 18. 161 2 735 924 96 719 30 999 9 112 105 045 8 541 17 180 5 573 25 245 5 034 15 330 45b 6 064 3 299 19 769 7 051 2 6 002 26 245 10 158 15 980 3 327 31 765 17 213 997 4 466 4 768 12 730 34 966 26 139 4 490 14 467 10 047 14 45b 5 522 4 756 7 .390 3 073 6 603 6 .353 8 662 4 .258 9 297 6 .895 11 .164 6 .444 5 .018 19 ,742 8 .573 3 .945 47 .601 20 .978 9 .998 7 .172 5 .821 11 .233 65 ,679 25 ,645 3 .923 47 .871 207 ,109 65 .495 143 .163 23 ,636 68 .991 18 .443 11 .675 66 .615 9 ,809 1 1 .866 13 .324 3 .266 2 ,370 110 .935 7 .996 5 .053 _<; .443 973 .114 2 932 2 642 67 26 21 53 57 1 313 121 267 ... 907 5 309 329 1 081 308 305 217 307 51 200 223 1 .455 243 13 ,330 2 ,006 1 ,207 1 ,119 253 2 ,930 989 26 144 95 555 2 ,203 1 ,324 397 1 ,095 90P 1 .185 517 451 780 339 555 598 881 287 795 595 964 978 547 1 ,671 904 602 1 ,926 2 ,056 492 806 689 1 ,515 8 ,909 859 3 .775 222 3 ,427 2 ,812 2 ,462 1 ,194 76 595 176 2 ,467 9 ,795 33 ,311 k2 Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output: 1968, 1969, 1970 (producers' prices) For the composition of inputs to an industry, read the column for that industry. NOTES: *Less than .000005. Detail may not add to total due to rounding. To remove a source of instability in the measurement of direct requirements per dollar of output and total requirements per dollar of delivery to final demand, the Commodity Credit Corporation has been excluded from industry 78. The excluded inputs to the CCC from the specified industries are: 1968 1969 1970 (Values in millions of dollars) Industry 2 90 23 -12 Industry 14 1 21 -27 Industry 65 241 371 400 Industry 73 11 — Industry 89 -344 -415 -361 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. 43 - Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1968 (Producers' prices) IU533 .05286 .041 1? .05922 21906 .03010 .0517) .0 174 1 .19862 01771 .05046 .01994 ,05355 ,00269 ,00010 h 1 a 9 10 ,000 12 ,00006 14 31 1044 ,02344 ,00017 ,00221 ,00096 .13240 ,00035 ,00254 ,00164 , 11846 ,00o29 ,00104 .00002 .02222 .00196 .00236 ,02680 ,00073 .00578 ,00028 .00597 ,05458 11 12 13 14 15 ,00782 ,1 1359 .01023 .01480 ,01885 .00950 .00762 .03206 .00802 ,00805 l-i 1/ Id 19 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ,00001 ,00010 ,00048 ,00005 ,00022 .00232 .00163 "'US? uOOlO 0"37t 10004 50010 001143 08731 ,02641 ,00013 .01662 .00149 .00412 ,0u040 ,00074 ,00238 .00726 .00396 .00071 .00094 .00765 ,00032 ,00054 .00094 .00446 ,00114 00004 .00004 .00006 .0000 5 .00006 .0U006 .00811 .00332 .04315 .00011 .00025 .00006 .00001 .00012 .00047 00013 .00007 .00006 .00010 .00003 .00004 .00004 .00009 00115 .00692 .01596 .02871 .01507 .00989 ,01984 ,02075 ,00009 31 32 33 34 35 .00527 .00121 .00033 .00018 .0 )289 ,0'Jk24 ,01511 ,00230 ,00171 .00004 ,00255 ,00951 .00313 .00562 .01073 .00911 ,00210 ,00240 ,03079 .01344 ,00237 .00881 36 37 33 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ~46 47 48 49 50 .00004 ,Oo052 ,00080 ,00102 ,00025 ,00086 ,00004 ,00036 .00 161 .01162 .0 JO 18 .0CC18 .00403 ,00089 ,00018 ,00503 ,0010b .00051 .02491 .00221 .00174 .02508' .00060 .00360 .01310 .00246 .00528 .00761 .04758 .02175 .00228 .01658 .00142 .00011 .00005 .00029 ,00305 .00130 .00190 .00130 .00125 .00249 .00299 .00204 .00552 .01319 .00390 .00467 .00406 .00336 .00012 .00530 .01112 .00019 .00085 .00114 .01551 .01304 .03174 .00375 .00912 .01023 .00074 .00045 ,00065 .00029 .00029 .00314 .00037 .00047 .00047 .00017 .00028 .00020 .02766 .00136 .00237 .00529 .00473 .00688 .00151 .00.028 .00379 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 .0000 5 ,00039 .00021 .00001 ,00006 .02295 .0000 ? 00143 0002u 00007 01722 .00013 .00062 ,0067ft .0OCC9 .00 173 ,01954 .00011 .00026 .00040 ,00006 ,00068 .00323 ,0000*, ,00011 ,0001 ? ,05378 .00065 .00015 "10129 10025 ,00035 .03334 .00263 .00023 .00010 .00010 ,00901 01008 .00228 0O016 .00016 00032 00009 00001 ,UU002 ,00938 ,00ol2 ,01141 .00152 ,00019 ,00038 ,00028 ,01431 66 67 68 69 70 ,00237 , 00308 ,04251 ,00878 ,00254 ,0 )79l ,05695 ,0 1230 ,00022 ,02198 ,01023 ,00073 ,01053 ,00095 ,00125 .02915 ,01177 ,00911 ,00164 ,02413 ,01627 ,02144 .00156 .02143 .02256 .01118 ,00077 ,01086 .01192 .00739 .00041 .03132 ,02204 .01222 ,00388 ,04074 ,01611 .01014 71 72 73 75 76 ,01440 .00024 .O0243 ,00404 ,07269 ,04492 .00500 ,00536 ,00004 ,00235 ,02649 ,00004 ,00022 .07529 ,03b46 ,00057 ,02368 ,01269 ,00129 ,04704 ,02512 ,00198 ,14590 ,01527 ,00110 ,03576 ,03169 ,00741 ,03487 .02833 ,00076 7 ? 78 79 80 ,00590 ,00009 .00006 .OC700 ,00064 ,03016 .01286 ,00022 .27337 .00015 .01388 .00051 .00085 .29986 .00065 .00085 17161 ,00068 .00075 .00062 .00037 .00045 .07558 .00016 .00049 .04982 .00180 .00190 .10726 81 A2 83 V.A. T. .00090 .0G003 .32522 l .oooco .00147 .00004 ,4603h I. 00000 .00638 .00022 .44089 1. OOOCO .00470 .00018 .57857 1.00000 .00170 .00023 .00419 .29018 1.00000 .00348 .00035 .00398 ,40760 1.00000 .00266 ,00039 .00551 .59359 1.00000 .00557 .00040 .00545 .59126 1.00000 .00452 .00041 .00094 .56073 1.00000 .00569 .00028 .00009 .58196 1.00000 w Table 2. -Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1968 (Producers' prices) Continued 11 ,1001)3 .00204 12 l '01 1 100 7') 13 I* .22259 ,UnH<)0 .00539 15 .15406 16 .00585 .05562 .0275'. .00504 18 .00770 19 20 .00886 .07572 6 7 rt 9 10 ,0002 3 .00009 .00005 ,00002 ,00003 .00035 ,00010 .00026 .00019 .00012 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 ZZ 23 2". 25 26 27 2a 29 30 31 iZ 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 . ">C 033 .00022 .00261 .00062 .00001 .06116 ,00479 ,002 74 ,10308 ,00003 .00154 .00521 ,01721 .10393 .00199 .07476 .01876 .02238 .09161 .00062 .01918 .00121 .00153 .00501 .00002 .00197 .00049 .00012 ,00002 ,00016 ,01 779 .01036 ,00040 .00191 ,00001 ,00069 12639 00449 ,0038 5 .0291 1 .01222 ,niU67 ,05341 ,i 1078 ,01603 ,00002 ,000 76 .00536 ,00 154 .00023 .Of 235 .OPICf- .0C.071 .00061 ,00054 .0CC75 .00655 .00001 ,00002 ,00042 ,0C644 ,00014 ,02528 ,000b5 ,00014 ,00267 ,00846 ,00004 ,00014 ,00150 ,05400 ,02762 .00056 ,01160 .01561 .00059 ,00086 .00139 ,00006 ,00679 .00007 .00216 .00976 ,00303 .16398 ,00003 ,00020 .00051 ,00081 ,00008 ,00118 .00952 .01889 ,00595 .00436 .00096 .00300 ,00004 ,00240 ,00782 # .ooooi ,01169 ,00001 .00014 .00006 .02419 .00212 ,00247 ,0001 1 ,00069 .00114 .00065 .00096 •0C015 ,21368 .00022 ,00010 ,00066 .00330 .00194 .00250 .00341 .00684 ,00755 .00467 ,00177 .01157 .00219 ,00005 ,00019 ,00634 .00204 ,00002 ,00081 ,0000 7 ,30664 .02932 .00256 ,00280 ,00027 ,00002 ,00001 ,00035 ,00493 ,00009 .02259 ,10775 .00113 ,00035 .00128 .00265 .00002 ,00001 ,00371 ,00084 ,00046 ,00017 ,00039 ,00529 ,00012 .18282 ,06586 ,01218 ,01190 .00022 .00108 ,00015 ,00595 ,00328 ,00185 .01349 .17476 .00063 .00134 .00131 ,01726 ,00011 ,00017 ,00095 ,00302 ,00032 .00034 .00004 .00431 .00390 .00007 ,00117 ,00002 ,24773 .OOi.93 .20948 .01645 .00250 ,00<,64 .00046 ,00240 ,02173 ,00025 ,00002 ,00091 ,00134 ,00272 ,00040 .00004 .00109 ,00001 ,00044 ,00038 .00087 ,40636 .10115 ,01784 ,02116 ,00198 ,00149 ,00034 .00791 .01523 .00002 ,00017 ,00600 .00115 ,00011 .00043 .01887 .00319 ,00034 ,00004 .00011 .00011 .01015 .00132 .00002 .00004 .00232 ,00458 ,00004 ,00003 ,00074 ,00045 ,00088 ,00047 ,26420 ,00246 ,00216 ,00056 ,00478 ,00167 ,00021 ,01065 ,00110 ,00002 ,00379 ,00718 ,00427 ,00002 ,00013 ,00131 ,00608 ,00299 ,00021 ,00109 ,00352 ,01271 ,00001 ,00058 .00097 ,001 14 ,00071 ,00091 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 .00730 .005*7 .00176 .01521 .00064 .00056 .00003 .00809 .00207 .00734 .01210 .00221 .00031 .00003 .00001 .00160 ,00016 .0016E ,00010 .02287 .02189 ,00042 .0C5C6 ,10891 .00005 .00002 ,00004 ,00002 ,00004 .00034 .00002 .00231 .00039 ,00020 ,00002 .00021 .00017 .00002 .000 2 3 .00009 ,00001 ,00021 ,00004 ,00014 ,00039 ,00030 .00032 .00043 61 62 63 64 ■65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 8 3 V.A, T, .00001 .00299 .00128 ,02730 ,003 58 .00079 .08755 ,1u766 .00704 .05379 ,00461 .00105 .00039 .00041 .00090 .00666 .00033 .00010 .40334 I. 00000 .ooioi .00357 .02065 .00184 ,00038 ,0 ?74K ,003d9 .00401 .02208 .00251 .00054 .OOOM ,o )023 .00043 .00692 .00017 .0002 3 .59150 1.0 3000 .00039 ,00901 .0C713 ,00036 ,00925 ,00925 .005C9 .02641 ,00297 .0C368 .00156 .02337 ,00147 .00143 .00130 .00010 ,00626 .0133C .00117 .43959 1.00000 .00011 ,00002 ,00009 .03037 .00324 ,00707 ,03905 .00429 ,00789 .00210 ,03433 ,00216 .00049 .00076 .00024 .03153 .0041 1 .00067 * .26785 1.00000 ,00007 .00005 ,00455 ,00064 ,00150 ,00767 ,00247 ,00599 .00271 .04575 .00015 .00015 .00179 .00001 .00412 .00545 .00024 .00006 .49722 1.00000 ,00030 ,00008 ,00009 .01619 .00180 .01075 .03286 ,00342 ,00713 ,00038 ,01074 ,00046 .00029 .00084 .00013 .02928 .00296 .00066 .32027 1.00000 ,00019" ,00002 ,00343 ,02166 ,00239 ,00789 ,03610 ,00368 .01097 .00093 ,01519 ,00045 .00035 .00091 .00011 .08297 .00257 .00047 .00800 .25250 1.00000 ,00054 ,00014 ,01367 ,00682 ,00394 ,00434 ,03144 ,00516 ,01290 ,00032 ,01588 ,00090 .00061 .00241 .00005 .00311 .00503 .00096 • .36458 1.00000 ,00017 ,00447 ,00026 .00747 ,00721 ,00304 ,00519 ,02931 ,00459 ,00895 ,00151 ,01129 ,00064 .00043 .00138 .00009 .00019 .00355 .00064 .28994 1.00000 .00007 ,00026 .00007 ,00109 ,03196 ,00219 ,00847 .03531 ,00652 .00711 ,01331 ,00397 .00032 .00056 .00017 .06791 .00241 .00047 .38849 1.00000 <*5 21 Table 2. 23 -Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1968 (Producers' prices) Continued 24 2b 27 .0014a ■ 0005"' .0021 > 26 .00004 29 .00096 .00017 30 .01757 .00033 6 7 ri 9 10 ,0001b .00027 ,00348 ,00188 .00003 .00330 ,00300 .00223 .00271 .02306 ,0^362 ,00006 ,00004 .00025 .00103 ,00007 .00603 11 12 13 14 15 ,0u220 .000 55 .0036'' .00132 ,00116 ,0"40t. .00306 ,00773 ,00800 .00002 .00452 .00012 ,00372 .00020 ,00754 ,00045 ,00811 ,00704 .00627 .00415 ,02352 .00419 ,02594 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4b 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 .00110 .00092 .39167 .02U25 .00624 ,00037 .00312 .00569 .00330 .00147 .00073 . J0016 ,00422 ,0u349 ,0003 I .00147 .00862 .000 3 7 .00275 .00165 .00055 .00018 .05010 ,02041 ,00293 ,00337 .141 77 ,00026 ,01552 ,00314 ,00155 ,01259 ,00009 ,00187 .00245 ,00007 ,0137b ,00132 .04297 .0U069 .00009 ,00601 .00566 ,01673 .00684 .00032 .0 >3 74 .05530 ,00014 ,00206 ,00004 ,00092 .00012 ,00090 ,00025 .00004 ,00480 .01760 ,00259 ,00611 ,06415 ,00034 .01916 .02529 ,00242 ,01169 .00071 .0C155 .00030 .01066 ,00134 ,03649 .00030 ,00010 ,00907 .00226 .0S7C9 .00957 ,00410 .01743 ,04434 ,00024 ,00151 .00003 .00232 .00356 ,00010 ,00161 ,00077 ,00460 .00027 .00077 ,000b7 .00363 ,00146 ,00406 .00935 .00332 ,00057 ,00097 .08327 ,00003 .00004 .00007 .16525 ,02048 .00848 .03693 .01140 .00093 ,00064 .00617 .01871 ,00003 ,00005 ,00200 ,00016 , 00024 ,00002 ,00098 ,00104 ,00145 ,00320 .00046 ,00022 ,00002 ,00011 ,0008 1 ,00109 ,00002 .00230 ,00006 ,00002 ,00009 .39426 ,01822 ,00553 ,02273 ,00370 ,00068 ,00495 ,00472 ,00015 ,00028 ,00530 .00329 .00856 .00017 .00567 ,00009 .00657 .00063 .00029 ,00003 ,00015 .00189 .00203 .00080 .00024 .00027 ,00018 ,15301 ,00326 ,11437 ,01754 ,00202 .00003 ,00062 ,0017b ,00435 .00047 .00164 .00736 .00009 .00305 ,00003 .00055 .00090 ,00003 ,00005 ,00009 .00040 .00001 .00001 ,00006 ,00009 ,00026 .00023 ,000b9 ,u0269 ,00984 .00518 ,00020 ,16566 ,02943 ,01306 ,00341 ,0776b .00425 .00005 ,00046 ,00265 .00820 ,0142a ,01155 .00006 ,00006 .00363 .00001 .00002 ,00104 ,00062 .00990 .00293 .00001 ,00013 ,0u003 ,00084 .00023 .00002 .00002 .00069 .00009 .OO597 .00017 .00039 ,00002 .00060 .03177 .01082 .00026 .34295 ,029<,2 ,00604 .00559 .01382 .02371 ,00001 .00001 .00061 .00012 .00052 •0U333 .00106 .00005 .00009 .00077 .00030 .00203 .00253 .00161 .00235 .00002 .00026 .00002 .00011 .00021 .00004 .00032 ,00046 .00049 .00002 .00704 ,02712 .00236 .10822 ,00587 .05425 .00282 .00429 .03204 .00001 .01621 ,001b7 ,00004 ,00017 .01682 ,00350 ,01333 .00006 .00062 ,00014 ,00036 .00010 .00004 .00035 ,00010 .00004 .00001 .00012 .00020 .00016 .00033 ,00003 ,00007 .00188 ,00755 ,00033 .20063 .09524 .01012 .00603 .01552 .00218 ,00003 .00343 ,00448 .00985 .06159 .00013 ,00639 .00010 ,00053 ,00010 ,00089 .1-10007 ,00007 .00007 ,00046 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 73 79 80 81 62 83 V.A. T. ,00092 ,03596 ,00257 ,00844 .05082 .00550 .00899 .00055 .01264 ,00147 .00037 .00092 .0040-. .00771 .00073 .37901 1. 30000 ,00210 ,00014 ,00314 ,02200 ,00439 .00610 ,04706 ,00664 ,01237 ,00064 .02355 ,00136 .00071 .00134 .00002 .00043 .00697 .00104 ,4ib55 1.0 JOOO ,00040 ,00769 ,00017 .0C3C6 ,01421 ,00541 ,00642 ,03466 ,00776 ,01206 ,00060 .02153 .00144 .00077 .00141 .01730 .00460 .00116 .44366 l.OOOOH ,00097 ,00092 ,00064 ,03630 ,00293 ,02152 ,03571 ,0059b ,012b2 ,00178 .02176 ,00060 ,00048 .00063 .00029 .07889 .00379 .00064 .01456 .344b5 1.00000 ,00026 ,00008 ,00029 ,03949 ,00438 ,0075b ,02bl0 ,00319 .01527 .00353 .02189 .00126 .00065 .00095 .00006 .00046 .00292 .00083 .00002 .37564 1.00000 ,00032 ,00741 ,00175 ,01198 .01107 ,00546 .02633 ,00672 ,04010 .00189 ,04093 .00250 .00198 .01339 .00008 .00127 .01184 ,0024b .00001 .49129 1.00000 ,00015 ,00045 ,00085 ,02807 ,00334 ,03097 ,02530 ,00519 ,02303 ,00088 ,03009 ,00096 .00073 .00146 .00041 .03150 .00587 .00071 .00144 .36361 1.00000 ,00013 ,00003 ,00029 .02295 ,00384 ,01498 ,03393 ,00520 .01988 .00136 ,03008 ,00099 .00076 .00058 .00014 .01777 .00883 .00052 .33331 1.00000 ,00409 ,00010 ,00093 .01346 .00415 ,00413 ,03144 ,00560 ,02966 ,00529 ,16550 .00085 ,00174 .00185 .00010 .01065 .01406 .00079 .00001 .37597 . .00000 ,00010 ,00010 ,00063 ,02854 ,00573 ,00534 ,03592 ,00488 ,02165 ,00544 ,03378 ,00136 .00099 .00165 .00013 .00887 .01532 .00132 .01196 .33371 ' ,00000 kS Table 2. -Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1968 (Producers' prices) Continued Jl 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S q 10 ,0003b .43461 . 1o23b .00001 .ojos2 ."0096 33 .01325 .00 1 S3 35 36 37 36 39 .01021 .00102 ,00103 ,00472 ,07011 ,00386 .00162 .01890 ,00201 ,u0081 ,00020 ,05819 ,0005*. ,00018 .00012 .00011 ,00008 ,00008 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 1.1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 J 31 32 33 3* 35 36 3 ? 3fl 3 9 40 , ,01001 . U234 .00053 ,03569 .16592 .00123 .00154 ,00148 .O^IloT .0002 1 .00174 .00279 .03467 .00315 .00113 .00340 .o 10 72 .004911 .01477 .00011 .0 0009 ,0 1040 .00462 .001 17 .00095 .00136 .00012 .0000'. .00012 .00011 .00057 .00024 .00036 .00014 .00108 .00363 .'10009 ,00073 .0005 7 ,00646 .01831 .01439 .onia . 13 3 7'! .00466 .01185 ,00153 .03113 .00092 .00068 .00098 .00012 .03184 .00887 ,00080 .00106 .44158 l.ooooo ,00207 .24026 00131 J01S2 .OOObl .00063 ,00045 ,00397 ,0Clfc9 ,00009 ,04794 ,orr99 ,03641 .oorir ,00270 ,00279 .10211 .00360 ,00162 ,0001b ,00279 ,00036 ,00018 ,00081 ,00018 ,00009 ,00072 ,02992 ,00243 ,00847 ,08975 ,00029 ,01 171 ,00009 ,01190 ,00063 .00063 .00C9C .00063 ,0 B U<2 .0C234 .00063 ,2b026 1.00000 .02879 .03003 ,01025 .01123 ,01223 ,00007 .00007 .00033 .00720 .01367 ,00083 ,00124 ,00039 .00150 .00011 ,00083 .08942 .16873 .02622 ,011020 .00592 .01375 ,00002 ,00246 ,00183 .00072 .0001 7 ,00226 ,00128 .00938 .00857 ,00403 ,0048 7 .03543 .00666 .01317 .00072 .02653 .00098 .00102 .00342 .00390 .00514 .00152 .44000 1.00000 ,00b38 .00114 ,00900 .00109 .00435 .00009 ,00670 ,04806 ,00019 ,02066 ,00192 .00437 .00171 .02320 .06259 ,01624 ,00795 .00031 ,009 3 7 ,00062 ,00017 ,00069 .00017 .00268 .00090 .00009 .00019 .00005 .00161 .00007 .00005 .00009 .00356 ,00164 ,00012 ,00150 ,02842 .00323 .03374 .03267 .00553 .01714 .00114 .02771 .00090 .00069 .00119 .00012 .03208 .00641 .00090 .00188 .56303 1.00000 ,00455 ,002 39 .OOObO ,00007 .00314 ,00001 ,00001 ,01762 ,00605 ,00030 ,01853 .00511 ,00041 ,00070 ,00919 .01130 .00027 .00003 ,00035 ,10949 ,01150 ,00245 .00114 ,00096 ,00024 .01016 .00089 .00002 .00638 .00054 .00741 .00099 .00253 .00090 .00040 .00120 .00011 .00191 .00018 .00004 .00002 .00007 .0004'. .00005 .00346 ,06000 ,00507 .03231 .02771 ,00872 .01763 .00067 .02511 .00286 .00087 .00101 .00065 .01662 .00623 .00089 .00020 .45861 1,00000 .0094 7 ,00006 .00002 ,00064 ,00002 .00248 .00014 .00005 .00029 .00056 .00012 .01174 .00001 ,00041 .00354 ,00110 .00005 .00003 .00006 .00346 .18635 .02646 .00006 .00208 .00648 .01427 .00019 .00107 .00051 .00149 .00875 .00109 .01022 .00600 .00016 .00004 .00864 .00011 .00061 .00010 .00028 .00383 .00003 .00038 .00151 .00007 .00032 .04650 .00289 .02548 .03196 .00696 .00234 .00051 .02592 .00084 .00046 .00067 .00022 .06167 .00267 .00060 .02535 .38131 1.00000 .OO344 * .00035 .00041 ,00002 ,00047 ,00006 ,00361 ,00044 ,00001 ,00076 ,00070 ,00061 ,00806 ,00617 ,OoOlO ,00045 .OO233 .00276 ,00024 * ,00004 ,00184 ,01576 .32882 .00039 .00030 .00200 .00804 .00027 .00002 .00003 .00064 .00659 .00007 .OO39I ,00444 .00015 .00512 .00027 .00094 .00060 .00001 .00430 .00193 .00004 .00001 .00029 .00002 .00069 .02658 .00199 .OI978 .03752 .00708 .00 65 9 .00012 .01293 .00048 .00052 .00045 .00015 .10878 .00246 .00035 .04080 .25513 1,00000 ,00069 .00006 .00029 ,00045 ,00005 ,00116 .00227 ,0 1331 ,04266 ,00158 .00074 ,02489 ,00100 .00156 .00303 .36560 .03999 .00546 .00050 .01408 .00395 ,00029 ,00759 ,00098 .00013 .00008 ,00005 ,00192 ,00032 .00008 ,00105 .00016 ,00018 ,00003 ,02272 .00171 .00725 .01020 ,00506 .00881 .00058 ,02417 .00045 .00026 .00029 .00003 .00261 .02605 .00026 .35324 1.00000 .00342 ,00098 .00002 .00077 .00019 ,00247 .00078 .00016 .00244 .00197 .00452 .00012 .00105 .00068 .00777 .00275 .00206 .00002 .00447 .00314 .24305 .07082 .00062 .02405 .02227 .02740 .00233 .00061 .00338 .00207 ,00489 .00164 .01039 .00874 .00050 .01339 .01034 .00286 .00064 .00020 .00003 .00408 .00327 .00430 .00562 .00011 .00023 .01680 .00594 ,00767 .03533 .00749 .01313 .00396 .01938 .00127 .00081 .00100 .00004 .00501 .01084 ,00087 .00267 .36005 1,00000 <*7 Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1968 - Continued (Producers' prices) <.l 42 45 48 49 50 6 7 8 9 10 0OO20 .ouoi 1 ) ,00054 ,00037 10026 .00014 ,00018 .00013 11 12 13 14 15 ,00409 ,0o043 ,0u007 00314 00118 ,00320 ,00663 ,00276 .00075 ,00379 ,00119 .00241 .00038 ,00335 ,00026 .00329 .00221 .00091 .00357 .00055 .00014 .00262 .00048 16 17 18 19 20 ,00081 ,00042 .00402 ,00189 ,00083 ,00021 .00402 ,00041 ,00005 ,00060 ,00010 ,00218 .00060 ,00011 ,00139 ,00060 ,00049 ,00135 ,00080 ,00006 ,00099 .00090 ,00064 ,00005 ,00519 ,00054 ,00082 ,00005 ,00296 ,00109 ,00102 ,00005 ,00048 21 ZZ 23 24 25 .OC095 ,0006b ,0002 5 ,00317 ,0065b ,000 in ,00101 .00130 ,0046b ,00986 ,00034 ,0002 3 ,00327 ,00029 .00091 ,00037 ,00135 ,00019 ,00005 ,00029 ,00079 .00023 ,00053 ,00019 ,00079 ,00009 ,00005 ,00008 ,00039 ,0009* ,00020 ,00007 .00003 ,00046 ,00083 ,00039 ,00067 ,00057 ,00184 ,00010 ,00008 ,00091 ,00051 ,00371 26 27 28 29 30 ,00025 ,00289 ,00173 .00040 ,00215 ,00090 ,01044 .00007 ,00061 ,0)512 ,00007 ,00043 ,00100 ,00012 ,00039 ,0022b ,00009 ,00008 ,00169 ,00015 ,10004 ,00102 ,0001b ,00113 .00009 ,00001 .00138 .00123 .00061 .00005 ,00029 .00029 ,00014 .00163 ,00013 ,00026 ,00053 ,00013 ,00163 ,00020 ,00056 31 32 33 34 35 ,00181 ,00628 ,00021 ,0001b ,00042 ,10355 ,01673 .00011 ,00012 ,00153 ,0r4Ct .OC2C2 ,00020 ,00222 .02795 ,00002 ,00329 ,01675 ,00002 ,00002 ,00203 ,01249 .00497 ,00841 ,00004 ,00009 ,00005 .00458 .00807 .00024 .00008 ,00063 .00391 .00547 .00053 ,00001 .00012 ,01064 ,00521 ,00003 ,00013 3b 37 33 3} 4 ,0023b ,23668 ,0bo66 ,00291 .00254 ,00455 ,17886 ,'0o987 ,00030 .00 72 6 .oeest ,10037 ,05014 .00331: ,00218 .13544 .01725 ,00264 ,00685 ,15544 ,00939 .00659 ,00335 ,10470 .03329 .01279 .00978 ,08021 .02704 ,0007b .00339 ,00498 ,08385 .02797 .01698 ,01075 ,10892 ,03992 ,00026 .01589 ,00775 ,08152 ,03572 ,00206 41 42 43 44 4b ,01862 ,0126b ,00104 .00064 ,0000b ,01661 ,03522 .00111 .01092 ,00171 ,01853 ,01125 .07990 ,00642 ,03659 ,02139 ,01493 ,064 70 ,04761 .01954 .00868 ,01178 ,02287 ,00948 .05065 ,^1279 ,02596 ,01328 ,0080b ,04300 ,0359b .01969 ,0007b ,00096 .0022 ,00806 ,01291 ,00 6 67 ,00255 ,00524 ,00720 .02528 .00978 ,00245 .00747 .01202 ,01171 ,00203 ,00064 ,00076 46- 47 48 49 50 ,00041 ,01677 .00106 ,0014b .01129 .00117 ,01416 .00257 ,00736 .0 J540 .00011 .01189 ,00340 ,03521 .02339 ,00054 ,00754 ,00181 ."6295 ,00799 .01209 ,01839 .00156 .05611 ,00586 ,05147 ,01441 ,00327 ,05549 ,0180b ,00100 ,06590 ,00543 ,02412 ,00774 ,00410 ,02363 ,0o456 ,04167 ,00368 ,00256 .01941 .01151 .06220 ,00761 ,00033 ,02355 .00152 .01453 ,05548 51 b2 b-3 54 55 .0012 5 .00176 ,00062 .00170 .00262 ,ooc 11 ,00296 ,00179 .00051 .00227 .02189 .00007 .00002 ,00033 ,u047b ,00270 .00017 ,00005 ,00008 ,01121 .00042 ,0042b ,03457 ,00030 ,00013 ,00150 ,02897 .OOObO ,00089 ,00155 ,00206 ,03360 .00034 .00157 ,00003 ,00645 .03175 .00037 ,00079 ,00003 ,00036 .00572 .00005 ,00216 56 57 58 59 60 ,0003b ,0002 6 ,00005 ,02536 ,00077 ,00022 ,00014 ,00010 ,00622 ,00086 ,00161 .01963 .02257 .04236 .00004 .00885 ,00627 .00017 ,00017 ,00165 ,01059 ,00396 ,00049 ,00023 .00192 .01125 ,00188 ,00066 ,00008 ,00019 ,00909 ,00252 .00779 ,00020 .00052 .00117 ,00188 .00039 ,00106 ,00049 ,00520 ,00803 ,00036 ,00005 ,01323 ,00724 ,00056 61 62 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ,00033 ,00227 .00029 .00236 .01572 .00362 ,00866 ,02033 .00463 ,00063 ,00271 ,00027 ,00203 .01174 ,00446 .00954 .02515 .00574 ,00944 .0C147 .00005 .00839 ,0C4C6 ,00463 .03578 ,00216 ,00 152 .00284 .00006 .U0081 .01362 ,00365 ,00500 .03820 ,00905 ,00469 ,00515 ,00006 ,00037 ,01004 ,00472 ,0064b ,03537 ,00605 ,00071 ,00470 ,00064 ,0080b .00655 .00399 ,0323b ,00b34 ,00001 ,00160 ,00013 ,0011b ,00691 ,00517 ,00636 .03187 ,00501 ,00367 ,00218 ,00105 ,00064 ,00809 ,00642 ,00459 ,03752 ,00627 ,00216 .00301 .00017 .00015 .00927 ,00593 ,00660 ,03432 ,00457 ,00097 ,00056 ,00010 ,00020 ,00704 ,00462 ,00988 ,02520 ,00493 71 72 73 75 76 ,')U94 ! ,00060 ,01531 .00061 ,01116 ,00110 ,02070 .00100 ,00676 ,00098 ,01590 ,00104 ,00895 ,00143 ,02888 ,00093 ,01222 ,00088 ,01870 .00111 .01430 .00105 ,02389 .00120 .01390 ,00102 .01841 .00096 .02900 .00066 .01515 .00115 ,01197 ,00089 ,02105 .00122 ,02634 ,00079 ,01943 ,00094 77 7d 79 80 .00059 ,00063 .00009 .01323 .00068 .00093 .01008 .02746 .00068 .00064 .00014 .02396 .00062 .00118 .00010 .05459 .00076 .00097 .00006 .01684 .00109 .00117 .00004 .01309 .00088 .00101 ,00005 .03408 .00105 .00122 .00003 .05313 ,00099 .00124 .00006 .02636 .00079 .00089 .00005 ,0005fc 81 82 83 V.A, T. .00347 .00045 ,4589b 1.00000 ,0066't ,OJ07b .00122 .43b29 1.00000 ,00867 .00070 .00227 .35153 1.00000 .00619 .00091 .00176 .34706 1.00000 ,00569 .00076 .00039 .43413 1.00000 .00658 .00094 .39641 1.00000 .00935 .00080 .00086 .50744 1.00000 .01083 .00096 .00235 .42501 1.00000 .01107 .00082 .00127 .44609 1.00000 .01184 ,00076 .00168 .57339 1,00000 (fQ Table 2. -Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1968 - Continued (Producers' prices) 51 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 6 7 . 11)008 A 9 10 11 12 . ) i 4 7 13 . 10012 14 15 16 17 IB .00049 19 .00001 20 .00)2 3 21 11 Ih .00133 2*. .00493 25 .00141 26 .01595 27 .00021 28 .00086 29 30 .00108 31 .no 101 32 .00852 33 34 .')o )0i 35 3b .00095 37 .01207 38 . J1389 33 40 .00321 41 .01211 42 ,0092a 43 44 .00005 45 .00008 46 .00001 47 .01102 48 .00055 49 .00512 50 .01043 51 .12274 52 .00007 53 .02177 54 55 .025e3 56 .01177 57 .10336 58 .00005 59 .00032 60 . 10023 61 62 .00264 63 .00051 64 .00062 65 .00454 66 .00640 67 68 ,00292 69 ."3974 70 .00715 71 .03690 72 .00038 73 .02235 75 .00100 76 77 .00099 78 .00121 79 .10005 80 .02673 81 .02484 82 .00106 83 V.A. .41610 T. l.ooooo ,0001' 00260 00026 00026 0)06-1 00021 00050 00130 0U161 00014 030 a i 00132 00441 00009 00325 00014 00361 00212 01041 00019 00002 00021 00 952 05907 O5104 02450 01985 03691 00103 00034 O0202 00347 00727 00231 01465 0007^ 00044 06229 07574 10835 00651 00335 00009 1723 01332 00 104 01299 00041 00357 00952 00426 0044 '1 04148 00304 01098 00021 02334 00091 00070 00089 0000 7 00419 01019 00072 .00029 .0O33t' .00193 ,00037 .00337 .00003 .00018 .0028 7 .00130 .00008 ,00278 .00895 .U0009 .0038U .00023 .00203 ,00023 .00269 ,00006 .00034 .00246 ,00041 .00009 .00312 .01853 31192 00000 .00016 ,00274 .00095 .00027 .00102 .00041 .00019 .00024 .00317 .00023 .00075 .00063 .00079 .00067 .00105 .00070 .00039 .00062 .00003 .00003 .00003 .01371 .00001 .00144 .00168 .00095 .00053 .00180 .00097 .00054 .00026 .00256 .00141 .00013 .00012 .00085 .00011 .01593 .00101 .00004 .00003 .00004 .00004 .00006 .00101 .00257 .00706 .00033 ,00099 .00139 .00973 .00043 .00127 .00048 .00399 .01832 .01881 .00239 .00455 .00771 .00102 .00062 .00095 .00003 .00009 .00223 .00016 .00006 .00006 ,00024 ,0060e .00534 .OO534 .00085 .01381 .02138 .00127 .00058 .00402 .00498 .00055 .00777 .00248 .00744 .00895 .00052 .00118 .00254 .00805 .00389 .00043 .00090 .00017 .00326 .00071 .00449 .00151 .00128 .00156 .00146 .00110 .00165 .00402 ,00861 .04643 .02064 .00677 .01986 .01984 .02103 ,00411 .00024 .00023 .00001 .00002 .00085 .00005 .00004 .00001 .00005 .00069 .00363 .03082 .00251 .03137 .00032 .00817 .01086 .00813 .00978 .00078 .00568 .00768 .00218 .00185 .051CC .07680 .06070 .00554 .01395 .02187 .06881 .01974 .06172 .04808 .06315 . ,01643 .03536 .10993 .01503 .00007 .03302 .00110 .00455 .00433 .00040 .00098 .00217 .00063 .00033 .01637 .04333 .02678 .01605 .02034 .01170 .05609 .01773 .00951 .03556 .01448 .00841) .01474 .01976 .02815 .01667 .01219 .00609 .00284 .00C02 .00096 .00241 .00001 .00045 .00017 .00153 .00002 .00136 .00002 .00125 .00007 .00004 ,00004 .00089 ,00006 ,00049 .00016 .01273 .00846 .00581 .00573 .00799 .01086 .00862 .01398 .00043 .00002 .00022 .00002 .00005 .00006 .00012 .00029 .00667 .00944 .00174 ,00087 ,00033 .01124 .00623 ,0075e ,00204 .00101 .00415 .00337 .00236 .00090 .00949 ,02777 .00024 .00686 .00778 .00002 ,00026 .00066 .03027 .00051 .00039 .00009 .01157 ,00007 .07170 .05237 ,03526 .01473 .01918 .01958 .00321 .00342 .00032 .01361 .00007 .00118 .00003 .OO13O .00029 ,00010 .01682 .01228 .03382 .00878 ,00409 .02410 .00576 ,00006 .017b7 .00032 .00296 .06036 .03559 .00507 .00333 .02981 .02451 ,00010 .00439 . 16594 .12621 .01283 .00071 .00629 .00513 .00282 .02468 .00108 ,00196 .05710 .01240 .00329 .00379 .00699 ,00446 .00025 .0454B .26527 .00172 .00136 .00118 ,00075 .01180 .00030 .00064 .00108 .21821 .00830 .00041 .00004 .00006 .00120 .01 136 .02693 .00117 .00309 .00138 .OO394 .00361 .01645 .00056 .00017 .00223 .00066 .00191 .00255 .00005 .00045 ,00043 .00670 .00064 .00152 .00050 .00026 .00034 .00041 .00857 .01265 ,01071 .00590 .00731 .00930 .01682 .00452 .00622 .00367 .00461 .00819 .00803 .00411 .00175 .00814 ,00684 .00790 .00888 .00450 .00813 .00681 .00436 ,00485 .03476 .03545 .03137 .02988 .03509 .03343 .02243 .02143 .00516 .00360 .00269 .00418 .00583 .00663 .00310 .00335 .01886 .01714 .01863 .01242 .01306 .01602 .00410 ,01440 .00099 .00061 .00068 ,00070 .00146 ,00200 ,00065 .00338 ,01829 .05928 .02438 .02728 .02746 .02193 ,01403 .02499 .00127 .00063 .00108 .00182 .00134 .00087 .01538 .00181 .00010 .00090 .00055 .00079 .00127 .00129 .00064 .00026 .00122 ,00094 .00181 .00093 .00167 .00115 ,00070 .00103 .00124 .00009 .00012 .00009 .00007 .00011 .00020 .00012 .00014 ,02568 .00226 .01795 ,04931 .03237 .03450 .01785 .00777 .01455 .00823 .00980 .00887 .01667 .00828 .00264 .01247 .00064 .00055 .00066 .00129 .00099 .00058 .00043 .00098 .00053 .00001 .00001 .00453 .00001 .45822 .35247 .46447 ,45737 .44203 .41728 .31784 .42650 l.ooooo 1.00000 1.00000 1,00000 1,00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 ^9 Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1968 - Continued (Producers' prices) ol f.3 6* 6 5 67 69 70 .1"1H .00104 .00030 .01)009 .00151 .00006 .00001 ,00006 .00075 6 7 8 9 10 .0O02U . 00042 .00006 .00045 .00016 .00042 .00012 .00047 .00003 .00002 .00002 .02341 .06837 ,00001 ,00001 .00003 .00002 11 12 13 14 15 .00212 .0034 1 .00305 .00335 .00188 .00456 .00021 ,00258 ,00056 ,00163 ,00019 ,02516 .00341 ,03026 ,00208 .03113 ,00004 ,00001 .00328 .00036 .00523 .00003 ,00284 16 17 18 19 20 ,00004 .'10669 ,00082 .00048 .05125 ,01352 .00329 ,00125 ,00107 ,00 155 .0C037 .00050 .O0C27 ,01531 .00789 ,00267 .00113 ,01708 ,00066 ,00036 ,00166 ,00005 ,00028 ,00004 ,00019 ,00023 ,00002 .00015 .00034 .00095 .00044 .00047 21 11 23 24 25 ,00005 .00517 ,00057 .00237 ,0004 5 .00012 .00132 .00155 ,01181 ,00693 ,000C4 ,01866 ,00591 ,00030 .00101 .00105 ,01646 .02871 ,00132 ,00048 ,00114 .00001 ,00011 ,00006 ,00092 ,00007 ,00062 .00014 .00017 ,00547 .00342 ,00520 26 27 2d 29 30 .0O0C6 ,00021 ,00287 .00337 .00015 ,00318 .00402 .00854 .00060 .OCObl .C43C4 ,00730 ,00004 ,00033 .00351 .00544 .02246 .00153 ,00427 ,00096 ,00079 ,00010 ,00109 .00229 .00002 ,00005 ,00031 .00003 .00021 ,00149 ,00005 .00237 .00123 ,00011 .00157 .00043 .00948 .00002 31 32 33 34 35 ,00162 ,02076 ,0000b ,00299 ,00179 .01969 .00092 ,00201 .orobl .01333 ,00002 .00988 .00303 .03677 .00160 .00425 .00362 ,03807 ,00568 .00075 ,00341 ,00132 ,00017 ,00017 ,00734 ,00066 ,00806 .00453 .00001 .00022 .00081 ,00180 .00028 36 37 3R 39 40 , 30489 .10063 .03821 ,03878 .00195 .02638 .03402 .00227 .00143 .0C.1CC .0C447 ,04350 ,00004 .00263 .02589 .04304 .00028 .00060 ,00020 ,00474 .00118 .00052 .00002 .00103 .00028 .00119 .00023 .00035 .00069 .00113 41 42 43 44 45 .00716 ,01910 .03694 .00463 .00315 .01789 .02033 ,00132 .00041 ,011b* ,01616 ,00969 ,01890 ,00033 ,00374 ,00127 ,00075 .00004 ,00002 ,00035 ,00075 ,00014 ,00030 46 47 4 3 49 50 .00067 .00905 .00048 .03119 .004 14 .00033 .01011 .00011 .00450 ,0044 3 .0C0C4 .00073 .00060 ,00250 ,00104 ,00007 ,00039 ,00052 ,00044 ,00074 ,00004 ,00010 ,00229 ,00025 .00001 ,00097 .00014 .00042 .00053 .00020 .00020 51 52 53 54 55 .00001 ,00120 ,00912 .00571 ,00381 ,00113 ,Ou237 ,02500 ,00006 .00564 .00002 .0001? .0C7E4 .00131 ,00227 ,00040 ,00478 ,00161 ,00206 .00007 .00070 ,00016 ,00029 ,00003 .00098 ,00110 ,00081 .00063 ,00036 ,00027 ,00042 ,00040 ,00012 56 57 58 59 60 ,00006 ,00023 .00117 .02230 .00164 .02285 .02203 .00333 .00692 .00744 ,00574 ,01644 ,00102 ,00102 ,00205 ,00270 ,00043 ,00164 .00130 .00001 ,00061 .00094 .00131 .00637 ,01188 ,00125 ,00010 ,00017 .00326 .00834 ,00003 ,00006 ,00002 ,00007 ,00070 ,00022 .00050 .00089 .00025 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 .04823 .00153 .ooooc .00362 .01676 ,00359 .00557 .04533 .00433 .01029 .00064 .01253 .00074 ,00093 ,07273 ,01253 ,00486 ,00641 .00716 ,00497 ,03745 ,00425 .01478 .00140 .03945 .00129 ,00023 ,00164 ,05987 ,00246 ,00766 ,00645 ,00437 .03191 ,00595 .01591 .00127 .03333 .00092 ,00205 .00159 ,00014 .06079 ,01473 ,00476 .00509 ,04692 .00736 .01521 .00109 .03573 .00093 .00715 .00077 .00013 .00028 .10303 ,00940 .00647 .03252 .01598 ,02388 .00132 .01604 .01546 .00040 ,00002 ,00017 ,00229 ,00751 ,00728 ,00813 ,00854 ,01643 .01325 ,03324 .00552 .00090 ,00065 .04021 .02878 .01412 .01769 .00606 .04414 .04276 .00006 .26014 ,01611 ,00270 ,18972 ,00581 ,00686 ,00410 ,00174 ,00780 .00138 .00016 .00092 .00065 .00143 .00773 .01040 .01438 .02131 .01609 .04844 .00315 .04973 .01077 .00105 .00004 ,00004 .00239 .01933 .00782 .01260 .19939 .03674 .07716 ,00291 .00006 77 78 79 80 81 J2 83 V.A. T. ,00 354 .00084 .00003 .02788 .00823 .00058 .00005 .35804 1.00000 .00117 .00176 .00003 .02293 .01630 .00147 .43186 1.00000 .00 106 .ooioe .00CC2 .04317 .00622 .00075 .55218 l.OOOOt ,00104 ,00228 .00001 .08397 .00922 .00136 .39502 1.00000 .00085 .00208 .02700 .04291 .00484 ,00146 .00011 .56080 1.00000 .00103 .00478 .00038 .00946 .00716 .00378 « .81792 1,00000 .00107 .00126 .00081 .00006 .03583 .00104 .48885 l.ooooo .00036 .01787 .12451 .00401 .00359 .00087 .47311 1.00000 .00138 .01211 .00371 .00028 ,01250 .00207 .00006 .72912 1.00000 .01125 .01833 .00271 .00306 .01624 .01224 .00001 .55789 1.00000 50 Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1968 - Continued (Producers' prices) 71 78 79 60 81 .00979 .nio^i .•10002 .00141 .10002 .0.>02:* .00507 .01762 .00254 .000 38 .00056 .00024 .00013 ,00279 .01047 .00452 6 7 N 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 .0C0C6 ,00046 ,00098 ,01)026 ,10004 .06H38 , H 109 .00157 .,11 107 . II 'U8 . 'i '(6 . )< 050 .10003 .0C023 .0 1025 ,0'92» .0 100'. .0 '010 .0)096 ."106 1 .'1 '451 .01499 .00051 ,0u5K ,00231 ,00001 ,00049 ,00064 ,00002 ,01107 ,01557 .01050 ,00843 .00014 ,00001 .00069 ,00044 ,00018 ,00010 .0015? ,00592 ,00041 ,18660 ,00014 .00056 .00020 .00154 .26614 .01694 ,00060 ,00031 21 2? 23 24 25 2o it 2i 29 30 31 i2 33 34 3 5 36 37 38 39 40 .ooooi .00004 .00002 ,0003* .00011 ,00089 .00239 ,0u049 .00095 ,0< 013 .0C657 .00117 .00001 .00005 ,00016 .00038 . 1u053 .00034 .00008 .00 )56 .0050 7 .0016" ,00064 ,0029? ,02189 ,1006? .01096 ,00958 .0092' .'"".'02 1 .0 '317 .00017 .00027 ,0' 169 .OOOC 1 .16392 .00261 ,001b4 .00029 .OC215 .00747 ,0C02( ,00052 .00142 ,00013 .00073 ,00033 ,00001 ,00002 ,00028 .0004 7 .00229 ,01133 ,01579 ,00709 ,00625 .0008 1 ,00008 ,00219 ,00375 ,00013 ,00176 ,00026 ,00061 ,00027 ,00194 ,00043 ,01403 ,00102 ,02266 ,00002 ,00420 ,00317 ,00010 ,00024 ,00104 ,00020 ,00354 ,00062 .00211 ,00002 ,00522 ,00170 ,00001 ,00019 ,00008 ,00002 ,00001 ,00010 ,00106 ,00001 ,00277 ,01307 .00213 ,00967 .00299 .00016 ,00049 ,00086 ,00003 ,00067 ,00118 ,00019 ,00714 ,00320 .00033 ,00022 -1 42 -3 44 45 ,00014 , 10 Ji2 ,00 )0h .00 111 ."0036 ,'i '392 ,00672 ,0 U47 .00573 ,00464 .00124 .001C7 .00581 .06265 .01099 .00106 ,00016 ,00011 .00047 ,00006 ,00001 ,00002 ,00036 ,00085 .00145 ,00010 .00102 ,00050 46 47 -3 V) 50 .00014 .10024 .00101 .00028 .00005 ,0^053 . Oul5h ,00211 ,01974 ,00001 ,00007 .00013 .00036 51 52 53 54 55 56 5' 58 59 60 .00262 .00019 .00051 .00023 .00038 .00043 .0002d .00013 ,00106 .000 3 7 .00043 .00147 .00598 .0 1(141 .01431 .0)033 ,00025 .00350 .00296 .00245 ,00020 .00002 .00024 ,O0C 17 .0^069 .00449 .00028 ,00 149 ,00391 ,01 727 ,0802 3 .00010 .00027 .00060 .00013 .00011 .00001 .00027 .00003 .00016 .00010 ,00002 ,00003 ,00008 ,00046 ,00135 .00047 .00070 .00452 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ,0002 7 ,00029 ,00028 .00053 .00967 ,00180 .10031 .00378 .01337 .03435 .0 1052 .00066 .0J735 .01718 .01712 .007H1 . 1 1 1 n .03304 .02031 ,00036 ,00052 ,00446 ,00839 .0062 1 .02256 .05742 .0C344 ,01969 ,00697 ,00030 ,00026 .00777 .00578 .00556 .10514 .01392 .00007 .0OH23 .00540 .00812 .00664 .00871 .02083 .01192 .00001 .00604 .00319 .00339 .004 39 .01122 .00039 .03037 .02025 .00847 .00046 .00003 ,00008 ,00017 ,10185 .00237 .01718 .00526 .01375 .00036 .00007 .00013 ,01219 .00437 .H571 .01193 .02050 ,00141 ,00366 ,00687 .42269 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Si 83 V.A. T, .03366 .00406 .02369 .00145 .00160 .")0065 .00363 .00851 .00069 .00046 .73749 l.ooooo .06342 .03197 ,02014 .01654 ,00007 .00322 .00285 .00059 .01439 .00167 .00001 .60100 l.ooooo .03533 .00663 .04202 .00679 •OC312 .002C7 .01293 .00017 .00014 .01903 .00336 .000C1 .51484 l.ooooo .02463 ,00108 .01020 .00176 .00054 .00049 .00966 .00464 ,00040 .00247 .55587 1.00000 .06838 .00074 .03946 .00310 .19766 .00226 .00445 .00036 .00926 .02291 .00139 .00002 .53343 1.00000 .05101 .00561 .02507 .00659 .00062 .01615 .00744 .00117 .00055 .01587 .00323 .00001 .70135 1.00000 .02101 .00045 .03030 .00509 .00081 .00009 .00032 .00021 .04017 .00349 .00075 .72126 1.00000 ,01684 ,00061 ,03700 ,00308 .00135 .00147 .00079 .00509 .00159 .00001 .53206 1.00000 ,11740 .01701 .00639 .02765 1,00000 51 Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1968 - Continued (Producers' prices) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 n 2 11 U 13 .03475 1* 15 .0028/ 16 .03351 17 18 .00523 1-9 .00219 20 .00007 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 2 3 29 30 20197 .00206 ,02 10», 56383 .0-315 00562 31 .00574 32 .00462 .0046 3 33 .00100 34 3 5 .00018 36 37 .011222 .0UH28 38 .07341 39 .01H21 40 .00004 .01513 M .00021 .05189 42 .00159 .01016 43 .00009 44 .00223 45 .0)463 4o . .00150 47 .00004 .00377 48 .00007 .00257 49 .00004 .01144 50 .00287 51 .00494 .00219 52 .00574 53. .00604 54 .OQ677 55 .00677 56 .00004 .01410 57 .01453 53 .00638 59 .10996 60 .009M6 61 .0030') 62 .00960 63 .07191 .00227 04 .12241 .00827 65 .02584 67 68 69 .00043 70 .00587 71 72 73 1<3 ...... 76 77 78 79 80 .31912 31 A2 33 V.A. T. 1.00000 1.00000 52 Table 2.— Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1969 (Producers' prices) 10 1M832 .05010 .07592 .07727 23097 .0303- .05397 .01889 .20387 01681 .04841 .01356 .05454 .00279 ,00009 .00154 6 7 8 9 10 (0011 00005 ,00002 .0043d ,0003h ,00014 .01957 .00017 .00248 .00248 .13378 .00032 .00239 .00194 .11331 .00032 .00097 .00002 .02455 ,00198 ,00232 ,02766 ,00071 .00352 ,00022 ,00814 ,05301 11 12 13 14 15 , H»5-.7 ,10525 ,01043 ,01044 .01571 ,02200 ,00996 ,00768 ,02980 ,00850 ,00880 16 1 7 18 19 20 .00001 ,00013 ,00031 ,00090 .00163 ,00015 .02626 .00013 .01797 .00180 .00045 ,00079 .00276 .00358 ,00064 ,00103 ,0075c .00032 ,00094 ,00498 ,00110 21 ZZ 23 24 25 10044 ouOC'5 ,00004 .0001 1 ,00403 ,00004 ,04734 ,00006 .0001 1 ,00008 .00020 ,00006 ,00006 ,00006 .ooooi ,00854 .oooii ,00352 ,00044 26 27 28 2 1579 no 129 ,00010 .0000 7 ,00345 ,00288 .00408 .00017 .00045 .02211 .03737 ,00199 .00078 ,00352 ,0000 5 .00023 ,00048 .01005 .01250 ,0021? ,26203 .0OC63 ,00055 .00046 .0C396 ,00164 ,00136 ,00173 .00846 .02795 .02921 .01031 .01275 ,01457 .00009 .00006 .(10028 .00708 .01316 ,00«63 ,00097 .00432 ,00008 ,00652 .04824 ,00974 ,00055 .00403 .00215 ,00081 ,00007 .00327 ,00001 ,00001 ,01778 .00596 ,00994 ,00006 ,00002 ,00067 .00002 .00278 ,00013 ,00005 ,00029 ,00057 .OO355 .00032 ,00038 ,00002 ,00047 ,00006 ,00428 ,00040 .00001 .00073 ,00065 .00072 .00007 .00032 .00050 .00005 .001 14 ,00224 ,01322 ,00357 ,00097 ,00003 ,00078 ,00019 ,00250 ,00071 .00019 .00249 ,00193 .00451 26 27 23 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3o 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 .00010 .02294 .OC019 ,00341 ,00056 ,0711b .00249 ,3u0O2 ,00237 ,00032 ,00171 ,00374 ,00008 ,00062 J0071 ,00018 ,00056 ,03470 .16360 ,00122 ,00154 ,00149 ,04133 ,00025 ,00171 ,00289 ,00469 ,003?o .00115 .00041 .00073 .0,150,3 ,014m 7 ,00010 .0000-) .00041 .00460 .0)113 .0009 3 .00134 ,00009 ,04599 .0C1C1 ,03484 ,00018 ,00256 ,00304 ,09576 ,00359 ,00 157 ,0ori8 .00267 .00037 ,00018 .00074 ,00087 ,00126 ,00041 ,00147 ,00011 ,00082 ,38940 ,16366 ,U2607 ,00019 ,00582 ,01379 ,00002 ,00245 ,00173 .00019 .02118 ,00197 ,00442 ,00167 .02196 .05,364 .01595 ,00713 .00034 .00017 .00068 .00015 .00269 .00087 ,00028 ,01877 ,00486 ,00040 ,00069 ,00922 ,01134 ,00025 .00002 .00038 ,10875 ,01159 ,00224 ,00121 ,00098 ,00024 ,009H(i ,00101 .00002 .00579 .00052 ,00742 ,00102 .00254 ,00088 .00012 ,01164 .00001 .00041 .00352 .00113 ,00005 ,00003 ,00007 ,00350 ,18384 .02749 ,00006 .00210 .00634 ,01403 .00019 .00108 .00052 .00147 .00876 .00109 .01054 .00596 .00055 .00768 .00562 .00011 .00043 .00228 .00269 .00022 * .00004 .00178 .01580 .33434 .00086 ,00028 .00187 .00758 .00029 .00002 .00003 .00062 ,00617 ,00007 ,00339 .00409 ,04152 ,00159 ,00075 ,02480 .00104 ,00162 ,00306 ,36217 ,03924 .00537 ,00052 ,01374 ,00403 ,00030 ,00763 ,00094 .00015 ,00007 ,00011 ,00110 ,00067 ,00781 ,00280 ,00205 ,00001 ,00440 ,00323 ,24135 ,07158 ,00061 .02373 ,02264 .02676 .00231 .00062 .00326 ,00200 ,00479 .00161 .01036 .00851 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 53 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 V.A. T. .00070 .00003 . 10003 .05634 .00101 .01806 .01195 .01292 .02450 .00059 .03149 .00040 .00026 .00068 .00003 .04153 .00103 .00046 .00039 .21857 1.00000 .00012 ,00005 .00012 .00011 .00051 .00023 ,00038 .01)0 14 .00114 .00368 .00009 ,00074 .00060 .00680 .01931 .00476 .0113 J .03357 .00517 ,01270 .00138 .05372 .00097 .00070 .00095 .00012 .03796 .0)861 .00084 .00162 .42760 l.OOOOo ,000 If, ,00009 ,00074 ,02959 ,00249 .00829 ,09567 ,00857 ,01152 ,00009 ,01198 ,00055 .00065 .00083 .00065 .084f,8 .00212 .00055 .25972 1.00000 .00069 ,00019 ,00227 .00139 ,00966 ,00881 .00420 ,00474 ,03525 ,00725 ,01373 ,00065 .02765 ,00097 .00102 .00325 ,00440 ,00483 .00156 .44079 1.00000 .00011 .00021 .00004 .00157 .00008 .00004 .00011 .00353 ,00165 .00011 ,00161 ,02839 .00328 ,03286 ,03076 ,00597 ,01741 ,00097 ,02826 ,00087 .00066 .00110 .00011 .03021 .00590 .00093 .00157 .57367 1.00000 .00040 .00127 .00011 .00215 .00019 .00005 .00002 .00007 ,00044 .00005 .00353 .06131 ,00524 ,03180 .02711 ,00930 ,01818 ,00060 .02624 .00289 ,00086 .00095 .00066 .01782 .00588 .00090 .00021 .45470 1.00000 .00016 .00005 .00870 .00012 .00059 .00010 .00029 .00388 .00003 .00038 .00159 .00008 .00032 .04645 .00307 .02527 .03224 .00706 .00245 ,00045 .02748 .00086 .00047 .00064 .00023 .05166 .00254 .00061 .02312 .39663 1.00000 .00014 .00499 .00026 .00095 .00062 .00001 .00433 .00193 .00004 .00001 .00029 .00002 .0U067 .02508 .00202 .01907 .03908 ,00643 .00668 .00011 .01345. .00047 .00050 .00042 .00016 .08005 .00228 .00037 .03686 .27555 1.00000 ,00005 ,00186 ,00030 .00007 .00102 .00015 .00017 .00002 ,02331 ,00176 .00716 ,01006 .00552 ,00919 .00052 ,02552 ,00047 .00027 .00027 .00002 .00278 .02468 .00027 .35760 1.00000 ,00051 .01349 .01036 .00283 .00064 .00019 .00003 ,00415 ,00326 ,00419 .00546 ,00011 .00023 .01717 ,00625 .00753 .03506 .00824 ,01356 .00346 ,02047 ,00128 .00079 .00096 .00004 ,00600 .01021 .00092 .00241 .35987 1,00000 56 Table 2. -Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1969 (Producers' prices) Continued 49 50 6 7 a 9 10 .•10016 .0)01 > .1">01S ,00055 .00047 .00049 ,00036 •>0020 ,0000b ,00014 ,00017 .00012 11 12 13 14 15 .00417 ,00044 . JuOL 7 ,00320 ,0)111 .00334 .00637 .00291 .00074 .00392 ,00 118 ,00251 ,00036 .00355 .00024 .00338 .00221 .00091 .00372 .00052 .00014 .00269 .00053 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 ,000b3 , U 4 U . 10418 ,00091' .00067 .00020 .003C 7 ,00638 .00025 .00286 ,00160 .00040 ,0021 1 .00179 , K'biO . 10021 .00016 ,00042 .00233 .23018 .05599 .00207 ,00253 ,'177o ,01242 .00105 . 30084 ,00006 ,00040 .0162 6 .00101 ,00l4o .01080 .0012'. .00 177 .00061 .00163 .00255 .00034 .00027 .00005 .02524 .0u076 .OU032 .00229 .00029 .OU235 .01584 .00374 67 6 13 .00841 69 .01992 70 .00513 71 .00962 72 .00053 73 .01583 75 .00062 76 77 .00058 78 .00062 79 .00007 80 .01549 81 .00321 82 83 .00048 00181 000.35 00021 00489 00018 00100 00130 00467 00990 0009 1 01055 00 008 0)06 1 00488 00339 01719 ooou 00011 00155 0046>.) 17522 708? 00032 00714 01650 03469 00117 00082 0J169 00116 01431 00253 00746 00533 oooi i 00300 00175 00052 00229 00021 00013 00010 00600 00086 00063 00276 00027 00201 01195 00468 V.A. T. .46652 1.00000 .00086 00939 02511 00625 01159 00095 02198 00104 00071 O0089 00008 02765 00635 00078 00109 43549 ooooo .00053 .00103 .00049 .00062 .00062 .00059 .00083 .00063 .00085 .00103 .00004 .0001 1 .00011 .00046 ,00006 .00005 .00006 .00005 .00219 .00140 .00137 .00100 .00534 .00303 .00048 .00030 .00017 .00020 .00010 .00020 .00036 ,00010 .00032 .00004 .00004 .00008 .00007 .00087 .00055 .00008 .00003 .00070 .00091 .00025 .00036 .00029 .00016 .00039 .00043 .00052 .00048 .00320 .00134 .00078 .00072 .00095 .00079 .00179 .00357 .00006 .00013 .00008 .00013 .00015 .00113 .00013 .00012 .00040 .00034 .00007 .00003 .00108 .00009 .00057 .00005 .00161 .00013 .00153 .00001 .00028 .00024 .00019 .or ico .00225 .00175 .00098 .00140 .00029 .00052 .00055 .0C406 .00232 .00332 .00205 .00508 .00452 .00392 .01067 .00201 .02802 .01669 .01286 .00841 .OO79O .00545 .00515 .00019 .00001 .00003 .00023 .00049 .00002 .00001 .00016 .00009 .00009 .00001 .00002 .00004 .00063 .00013 .00014 .00861 .00221 .00681 .00329 .01002 .00492 .01079 .00765 .09025 .13299 .15246 .10253 .07987 ,0«166 .10723 .07935 .05051 .01750 .00938 ,03257 .02712 .00074 .02781 .04041 .00023 .03522 .00328 .00262 .00650 .01234 .00339 .01639 .01584 .00199 .01818 .02075 .00847 .01241 .03533 .00782 .00716 .01160 .01 100 .01452 .01151 .02540 .01944 .01265 .02477 .01139 .09361 .07409 .02603 .01586 .00074 .00805 .01051 .00223 .00626 .04884 .00930 .00837 .00097 .00265 .00237 .00060 .03565 .01943 ,04b09 .04263 .00207 .00515 .00712 .00079 .00011 .00053 .01188 .05009 .00099 .00412 .00252 .00031 .01160 .00751 .01798 .01407 .06618 .02364 .01915 .02299 .0032& .00179 .00155 .00319 .00530 .06149 .01128 .00151 .03492 .06365 .05604 .05560 .02435 .04145 .06297 .01429 .02315 .00785 .00569 .0 1775 .00757 .00353 .00743 .05365 .00002 .00004 .00012 .00144 .00002 .00002 .00032 .00008 .00384 .00140 .00205 .00629 .00034 .02125 .00489 .01 120 .03322 .02844 .03339 .03182 .00556 .00268 .00059 .00085 .00036 .00005 .00006 .00017 .00043 .00033 .00087 .00157 .00079 .00209 .00017 .00046 .00061 .00776 .00036 .00034 .00157 .00004 .00023 .00008 .00019 .00107 .00005 .02072 .00912 .00172 .00208 .00019 .00051 .00046 .01309 .02199 .00623 .01040 .01124 .00887 .00116 .00498 .00700 .03982 .00017 .00388 .00182 .00249 .00177 .00779 .00053 .00904 .00151 .00466 .00078 .00001 .00367 .00205 .00093 ,00154 .00302 .00545 .00524 .00158' .00224 .00306 ,00058 .00004 .00006 .00006 .00013 .00103 .00015 .00010 .00081 .00039 .00072 .00-113 .00065 .00015 .00019 .00863 .01380 .01025 ,00814 .00701 .00821 .00957 .00707 .0C429 .00387 .00493 .00681 .00551 .00667 .00627 .00482 .00476 .00498 .00629 .00381 .00636 .00447 .00647 .00961 .03589 .03757 .03486 .03215 .03102 .03626 .03399 .02445 .00222 .00974 .00662 .00629 .00534 .00684 ,00492 .00525 .00707 .00923 .01258 .01466 .01459 .02935 .01246 .02687 .00082 .00128 .00080 .00088 .00094 .00057 .00078 .00070 .01682 .03013 .01951 .02514 .01962 .01571 .02223 .02023 .00104 .00098 .001 13 .00127 .00101 .00113 .00123 .00093 ,00068 .00062 .00078 .00117 .00090 .00106 .00100 .00079 .00083 .00113 .00095 .00111 .00098 .00113 .00116 .00086 .C0C13 .00011 .00006 .00003 .00004 .00003 .00006 .00005 ,02414 .05487 .02026 .01567 .03096 .05501 .02876 ,00074 .00832 .00580 .00527 .00622 .00896 .01005 .01045 .01100 .00076 ,00096 .00076 .00091 .00084 .00099 .00088 • .00074 .0C2C5 .00157 .00035 .00076 .00204 .00115 .00151 .34491 .33707 .43560 .39637 .51088 .43012 .44448 .58049 l.OOOCC 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 57 51 yi Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1969 (Producers' prices) 53 54 53 56 57 Continued 58 59 60 .0002'. 6 7 3 9 10 . D00( 7 .0CO31 .00039 .0002*. .00008 .00008 .00176 .00024 .00034 .00009 11 12 13 14 15 .00256 .00012 .00277 .00025 .00022 .00363 .00194 .00354 .00003 .00299 .00135 .00302 .00877 ,00*09 ,00022 ,00287 ,00005 .00261 .00040 .00325 .01878 16 17 18 n 20 21 22 2) 2", 25 .00050 .0000 1 .00020 .10119 ,00493 .00142 ,00062 ,00017 .00053 ,00137 .00159 ,00013 .00081 .00133 , 00*43 .00017 .00039 .00076 .00146 .00024 ,0n7C9 ,00397 ,00286 ,00066 , 10003 ,00202 ,00244 , 00086 ,00003 ,000 31 ,0184' ,00096 ,00088 ,00100 .00012 ,00004 ,00100 .01863 .00018 ,00069 .00056 .00139 .01585 .00004 .00139 .00235 .00023 .00112 ,00002 ,0010b .009 6 3 ,00*61 ,0 n 075 .00003 .00210 .00005 ,0 0040 .00761 .00026 .00307 .00041 .01403 .00107 .00013 ,00004 .00098 ,00120 .00103 ,00099 .00022 .00065 .00001 .00057 .00012 .00254 ,000*7 ,00062 26 27 28 29 30 ,015(»o .00019 .00065 ,0010,; ,0 0009 ,00317 ,00013 ,003o0 ,00090 ,00636 ,003b? .00256 ,00003 ,00573 ,00503 .00056 ,00813 ,00008 ,00520 ,00756 .00392 ,002o4 ,00087 ,00273 ,00049 ,00016 ,01*90 ,00737 ,00095 ,00005 .02153 ,00860 ,00016 .00005 .00133 .00050 .00325 .00023 ,00060 .00112 ,00070 31 32 33 3* 35 .00110 ,00833 ,00001 .OU215 ,01073 ,00019 .00001 .00020 ,00*73 ,00896 ,0002* .0O0C2 ,00071 .00155 .0*781 ,00023 ,00086 ,;)0379 .OO133 .0213* ,03089 ."Olsa .H0697 ,0000* ,002*8 .00153 .02105 .00003 ,02bll ,001 6 ,0209* ,0'JQ35 .00166 .02152 .00001 ,00001 ,00625 ,00*06 ,00*20 ,00005 36 37 38 39 *0 ,00 394 ,01189 .01425 .00336 ,0103* ,05a«7 .05427 ,02*67 .0112* .05152 ,06351 ,00115 ,00871 ,07672 .0*891 ,00*64 ,00989 .06165 ,06*93 .00*26 .00079 .00574 .01716 .00042 .00591 ,01*16 ,037*1 ,00096 ,00721 .02068 .11383 ,002*5 .00226 ,069*7 ,01556 ,00006 .00071 ,00188 ,0197* ,03311 ,0003* *1 *2 *3 ** 45 ,01224 ,00881 ,00006 ,00006 ,01965 ,03640 .00121 ,00033 .00193 .01625 .00961 .01266 .00002 .00151 ,04322 ,03556 .02667 ,01*71 ,00237 ,00002 .015** .008*6 ,02137 ,01520 .01168 ,0187* .05*30 ,02773 .00697 .000*6 ,00140 ,01736 .01631 .00292 .00017 ,00003 46 *7 *8 49 50 ,00001 , H142 ,00057 ,0053b .01105 .003 3 3 ,00696 .00225 .01471 .00076 .00120 .01271 .000*3 .00655 .00214 .00006 .00868 ,00002 ,00947 .00102 ,0000* ,00587 .00022 ,00171 ,00*0* .0000* ,00580 ,00001 ,00086 .00328 ,00091 .006*8 ,00005 ,00032 .00223 ,00005 ,01038 ,00005 .01075 ,00088 ,000*9 ,00871 ,00013 ,006*0 .00922 .00017 ,0139* ,00030 ,0077* .02733 51 52 53 5* 55 ,13167 .00008 .02220 .02705 .00037 ,06861 ,07925 ,10862 ,00636 .00C24 ,00067 .0736* .00033 .01716 ."3198 .05356 .01237 .01259 ,00048 .03*34 ,00006 ,03410 .00653 ,00036 ,01443 ,00116 ,00890 .00767 .01942 ,00002 .00*11 .00011 .01890 .001** .02582 .00002 .01096 .00326 .00029 .00560 .00026 .00008 .003*7 .00010 ,00006 56 57 5140 ( ,00347 , 'i "i 1 30 .00113 ,0/lh'l .10014 .0)150 .00165 ,0123b ,0070o ,00014 .00332 .00335 .0)945 . 10060 ,0 117(1 .02062 .0 J090 .00204 .00196 .02694 .03395 .00248 .0 1143 .01 77- .02047 .00137 .0004 L .00034 .00994 .00010 .0044 I .00421 .0010') .00245 .02453 .00007 .00557 .02183 .0^183 .00326 ."0673 .00713 .QOOSH ,0780b .01280 .00507 .00665 .Oo75h .00503 .0 369 3 .00491 .01536 .00132 .04198 .00136 .00 12? .00174 .00007 .02412 .01547 .00157 .41905 l.ooooo .00093 ,0u030 .00015 .00045 .0 '49<; .00274 ,0o022 .00056 .00184 .00019 .00038 .01470 .00766 ,0005b .0 0277 .00116 .00031 .01828 .00028 .30104 .0OCC5 .00104 .01864 .01666 .00607 .02877 .00079 .00359 .0425b .00538 .00718 .02133 .00005 .00151 .0T032 .00436 .000B7 .00305 .01408 .04014 .00161 .00002 .00418 .01032 .00369 .00103 .00258 .00470 .02618 .O46OC . J4078 .00027 .0CCC5 .00061 .01213 .00947 .01651 .01883 .00005 .00131 .00005 .00006 .00073 .00038 .0C06C .00050 .00260 .00043 .00108 .00069 .O0CC2 .00233 .00010 .00041 .Of bl 2 .00498 .00161 .Or 128 .00224 .00560 .00210 .01716 .00283 .OC 1C4 .00045 .00163 .00101 .00130 .00024 .00209 .00169 .00157 .06620 .00015 .00253 .06169 .00639 .01531 .00714 .00509 .00456 .00506 .03168 .04609 .00675 .00797 .01731 .01611 .00120 .00100 .03677 .03812 .00099 .00098 .Ooii 1 .00105 .001C9 .00224 .00002 .00001 .0466C .08487 .0C815 .00887 .00060 .00144 .00011 .00234 .00006 .00012 .0(1047 .00003 ,n2bl6 .00359 .52750 1.00000 .38996 1.00000 ,00061 ,00037 ,00172 ,00005 ,00131 ,00048 .00091 ,00077 ,00009 ,00104 ,03364 ,00578 ,00074 ,00020 ,00457 ,00110 .00031 .00349 .00146 ,00004 .oooio ,00222 ,00024 .00008 .00069 .00016 .00001 .00065 .00099 .00135 .00695 .00672 .00080 .00015 .00028 .10506 .01000 .00651 .03175 .01719 .02466 .00119 .01700 .01599 .00043 .00085 .00198 .02774 .04177 .00466 .00 151 .00010 .57471 l.ooooo .00002 ,03115 ,000 30 .00112 .onooi .00219 ,00003 ,00347 .00131 .00055 .OOOOd ,00212 .00029 .00003 .01281 .00128 .00010 .00017 ,00002 .00018 ,00236 ,00796 ,00726 ,00716 .00933 ,01709 .01187 .03496 .00558 .00103 .00461 .00039 ,01046 .00550 .00319 * .81614 1.00000 .000 11 .00005 ,00032 .00003 .OOOlo ,00019 .00091 .00327 .0085U .00096 .00064 .04190 .02994 .01380 .01697 .00689 .04522 .04471 .00005 ,2707b .00102 .00123 .00083 .00005 .03348 .00105 .47460 1.00000 .ooooi .00002 .02400 .06722 ,03148 * ,0"003 ,00001 ,00006 .00018 ,00024 .00002 ,00089 ,00007 ,00021 .00143 ,00005 ,00739 ,00069 .00002 .00100- .00027 ,00074 ,00004 ,00002 .00097 .00108 .00078 .00003 .00006 .00002 ,00007 ,01683 ,00289 ,19145 ,00569 ,00766 ,00427 .00155 ,00838 ,00139 .00037 .01821 .12367 .OO434 .OO345 .00092 .46934 1.00000 .00C05 ,00070 .00001 .00001 .00003 .00335 .00026 .0049e .00008 .00012 .00033 .00085 .00068 .00051 .00057 .00014 .00021 .00563 .00330 .00254 .00134 .00016. .00128 .00040 .00796 .00442 .00001 .00020 .00082 .00097 .00056 .00045 .00066 .00102 .00035 .00089 .00024 .00006 .00027 .00017 .00041 .00044 .00033 .00022 .00077 .00051 .00022 .00028 .00070 .00072 .00015 .00030 .00074 .00013 .00010 .00088 .00072 .00140 .00800 .01082 .01392 .02067 .01733 .04920 .00275 .05148 .01080 .00110 .00136 .01207 .00369 .00030 .01171 .00213 .00005 .72698 1.00000 .00002 ,00286 ,00467 ,00860 ,00002 .00173 .00027 .00011 ,00003 .00003 .00003 .00228 .01895 .00746 .01159 .18759 .03617 .07745 .00281 .00006 .01084 .01679 .00268 .00347 .01455 .01197 .00001 .57695 1.00000 59 71 72 Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1969 - Continued (Producers' prices) 73 73 '9 81 .01018 .01077 .00001 .00146 .00003 ,0102.'< .00526 .01962 .00286 .00046 .00056 .00024 .00014 .00291 .01087 .00471 6 7 8 1 10 ,00006 .00023 .00091 .00033 .00006 .0002' ,00001 ,00002 .00018 .00903 .00040 11 12 13 14 15 ,06777 . 10009 .0019(1 ,00064 ,00952 ,0000*, .00009 .00519 .00242 .01123 .01552 .01050 ,00«54 ,19569 ,00167 ,27926 .01655 16 17 18 19 20 .00022 .00007 .00049 .00003 .00036 ,00094 .00056 .0 J442 .00492 .00053 ,00015 .00001 .00051 .00069 .00014 .00001 .00072 .00047 .00017 .00009 .00172 .00013 .00059 .00021 .00062 .00035 21 2.Z 23 24 25 .00001 .00005 .00005 ,00i)42 .00014 ,0.1485 ,001V) ,00160 ,00001 ,00033 ,00001 .00081 .00007 ,00189 ,00045 ,00 112 ,00020 .00 105 .00001 26 27 IS 29 3 .00113 .00226 .00046 .00102 .00011 ,0006') .00262 .0214 ' ,00058 ,16008 .00236 .00169 .000 31 ,00002 ,00028 ,00047 .00228 ,00226 ,00372 .00012 ,01247 ,00095 ,02227 ,00002 ,00344 ,00065 ,00232 ,00002 .0-1264 ,01161 .00215 .00123 .00020 ,00780 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 8 3 9 40 ,0C61e .00129 ,00001 .00006 .00021 .00040 .00046 ,00060 ,00010 .00044 ,01059 ,00916 ,0088!) ,00021 ,00299 ,00016 ,00024 ,00230 .00734 .00024 .00050 .00137 ,00013 .C0070 .01147 .01564 .00703 ,00634 ,00172 .00026 .00063 .00029 , r >0407 .00325 ,00010 ,00024 .00534 ,00186 .00001 .00018 .0000 9 ,00004 .00001 .00013 .00974 .00295 .00016 .00048 .00082 .00003 .00050 .00330 .00035 .00023 41 42 43 44 45 ,00016 ,00023 ,0o020 .00014 .00042 .003 5 7 ,00617 ,00160 .00541 .00454 .00139 .00106 .00513 ,06038 .01059 ,00124 00016 .00049 .00032 00010 .00007 .00082 .00002 .00165 .00011 .00004 .00095 .00054 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 oO .00017 .oooit ,00122 ,00025 .00022 .00266 .00006 ,00056 .00022 .0004 1 .0.0069 ,00038 .00015 .00122 .0u041 OJ042 ,90043 ,00134 ,0049^ .00044 .0137? .00034 .00024 .00051 .00151 .00188 .00252 .00306 .00233 .00017 .00002 .00023 .00017 .00067 .00012 .00484 .00027 .00144 .00384 .01799 .08178 ,00007 .00026 ,00004 .00053 .00013 .00011 ,00001 .00014 .00035 .00026 .00004 .00008 .OO043 .00015 .00011 .00126 .00004 .00004 ,00046 ,00071 .00487 .00707 61 62 63 64 65 ,00040 ,00019 ,00034 ,00039 .00925 ,0004-) ,00085 .00745 .01589 .00704 .00036 .0CC52 .00467 .00796 .00616 ,00028 ,00796 .00007 .00786 .00349 .00846 .00002 .00605 .00351 .00332 .00434 .00052 .00003 .00006 .00020 .10208 .00037 .00007 ,00013 ,01249 ,00150 ,00386 ,00719 ,46730 66 67 68 69 70 .00189 .00031 .0039 1 .0144 .03663 ,00603 ,01672 ,03037 ,02 193 ,02305 ,05305 ,00356 ,01946 ,00805 ,00611 ,00548 . 10256 .01462 .00681 .00830 .02029 .01320 .01146 .00038 .02919 .01949 .00883 .00265 .01719 .00528 .01552 .00463 • U216 ,01154 .02058 ,00383 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 V.A. T. .03164 .00331 ,02746 .00152 .00169 .00060 .00339 .00837 .00065 .00046 .73135 1.00000 ,06408 .02767 .02871 ,01591 ,0000 8 .00317 .00263 .00062 .01315 .00165 .00001 .61385 1.00000 .03796 .00616 .045C3 .00902 .00284 .00217 .01233 .00019 .00009 ,01904 .00353 .OOOCl .51996 1 .00000 .02556 ,00096 .01085 .00180 .00055 .00048 .00879 .00440 .00041 .00223 .55698 1.00000 .07117 .00071 .04023 .00304 .18392 .00225 ,00440 .00036 .00997 .02142 .00138 .00002 .54339 1 .00000 .05083 .00501 .02554 .00644 .00062 .'01322 .00690 .00118 .00049 .01507 .00331 .00001 .70938 1.00000 .02266 .00043 .02849 .00507 .00090 .00008 .00036 .00023 .04000 .00354 .00085 .71667 1.00000 .01657 .00054 .03724 .OO312 .00136 .00142 .00082 .00483 .00163 .00001 .52765 1.00000 ,11746 ,01796 ,00693 ,03012 1.00000 60 Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1969 - Continued (Producers' prices) 1 2 3 4 5 o 7 rt 9 10 i)2 d3 11 12 13 .03720 1<, IS .09365 lb .0125,! 17 U .00614 1-) .00361 20 .00006 21 22 23 24 .20238 .00670 25 .02726 2b .563611 2 7 ,0046a 2X 2 .05431? .01715 .19273 H62 7 . 14442 .02329 .05611 .00263 .00007 ,00141 oooi«, ,03003 .00421 ,0 1034 ,00014 .02155 .00021 .00238 .0028 5 , 15012 ,nO039 .00190 .00209 . 10681 .00024 .oooyi ,00002 ,02456 .00223 .00289 ,02811 ,00069 .00336 .00043 ,00942 ,05564 1 I 12 13 1- 15 '0522 Lt J0<> . o 1 1 e i 02233 ,00948 ,00628 ,03069 .00699 .01137 16 17 1 ! 1 I 2 ) 21 22 23 2'. 25 2n 2? 2 I 2 > 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 r 3 I 3 9 4 1 -1 42 43 44 45 4 6 47 4.1 49 50 ilOOCl 10012 10046 1U005 iij023 1024 5 2512 .119 >0025 )GOi r '0 )C4 '0052 11/070 10103 0032 00095 00147 00015 (10046 7530 ,0000/, ,0003't ,0015£ .0112- .02 921 .0rG13 .C"021 .02112 .0C467 .00 12 1 .00021 .01507 .00148 O0290 .0004 1 ,00088 .00228 .005518 ,00270 .00052 ,00070 ,00513 ,00034 ,00061 ,00479 .00128 .00095 .00461 .00130 00004 .0000 3 .00005 .00006 .00004 .00006 .00881 .00433 .04046 .00010 .00014 ,00004 .00001 .00011 ,00054 00013 ,00007 .0000 5 .00010 ,00002 .00004 .00004 .00011 00113 .00569 .01736 .02515 ,0111? .01016 .02003 .02966 ,00011 J3120 ,01707 .00159 .00275 .00289 .00793 .00227 .03133 .00314 10624 .0C263 .00003 .01114 .10556 . J0704 .00255 .01477 .01212 .00057 .02611 .00249 .00161 .02249 .0006 1 .00274 .00965 .00187 .OO59O .00818 .05034 .02135 .00234 .02046 .00206 .00010 .00003 .00024 .OO35O .00135 .00249 .00145 .00135 .00332 .00251 .00180 .00581 .00972 .00302 .00426 .OO444 .OO45O .00015 .00548 .01378 .00022 .00119 .00184 .01394 .00944 .02006 .00367 .00826 .01072 .00083 .00035 .00064 .00026 .00032 .00307 .00044 .00054 .00065 .00016 .00036 .00019 .02817 .00109 .00109 .00590 .OO558 .00717 .00166 .00032 .00465 51 52 5 3 54 55 '05 00013 .00047 .00005 .00067 .00016 .00 185 .01181 .00018 .00249 ,00015 ,00206 ,00022 55 57 5" 59 61 61 62 o3 64 63 , J004 1 , IG022 , J0OO6 ,02292 .0014" ,0002* ,00007 ,"172 , or. 701 ,00008 ,00221 ,02016 .U0007 .00021 ,00962 .00078 .00373 ,00005 ,00010 ,00016 ,05217 .00100 .00019 .00032 .02615 .00015 .00007 ,00007 ,00662 .0U037 ,00010 ,00001 ,00069 ,00002 .00933 ,00011 ,01163 .00032 ,00032 .01689 66 67 5 > 69 70 00255 10 30 2 ".37b '1011 .00232 .0.1819 ,05700 ,0 1431 ,00021 ,02496 .01 139 ,00079 ,01011 .00107 ,00150 .03135 ,01280 ,00767 ,00173 ,02204 ,01391 ,02027 ,0012d ,01611 ,01795 ,00902 ,00094 ,01165 ,01269 ,00869 .00046 .03199 ,02259 .01389 .00552 ,05196 ,02046 ,01418 71 7 2 73 75 76 .01549 . 10017 .00253 ."0414 07954 ,"-.595 ,00527 ,00680 ,(,0004 .Or 259 .02770 .00003 .00017 .08891 ,04046 .00062 ,02323 ,01205 .00116 .03873 .01969 .00150 ,17624 ,01779 ,00122 ,04003 ,03360 .00764 ,04893 ,03767 ,00108 77 7,\ 79 60 . 1054 7 . 1OOO8 .00 307 . '(,600 .00062 .01016 .01418 .00021 .2(971 .00010 .01559 .00057 .00093 .29076 ."0067 .00077 .12840 .00048 .00052 .00011 .00039 .00046 ,0'846 .00016 .00051 .04932 .00206 .00238 .09125 U 32 33 V.A. r. . >UUb6 . 10003 ,2n721 1 .00000 .00 1.46 ,0 '"04 .4 7 3 94 1.00000 ,0"722 .0C021 .42121 1.00000 .00438 .00014 .50626 1.0UOOO .00176 .00021 .00503 .26879 1.00000 .00308 .00032 .00392 .45980 1.00000 .00193 .00033 .00456 .67443 1.00000 .00602 .00045 .00647 .54222 1.00000 .00446 .00046 .00110 .54036 1.00000 .00725 .00032 .00011 .51894 1.00000 62 '•1 ;1K6 12 ,0 101 Table 2. -Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1970 (Producers' prices) Continued .22339 .U7201 .00-51 15 15962 .0055b .05741 .0*365 .00370 .0J290 20 ,00957 ,07798 10 ,00051 .oonio ,0000-. .OU033 .00104 ,00002 ,00004 .001.52 ,00016 .00C44 ,"0029 .00014 1 1 1 I 1 1 1- 1-) 1 , 1 ' 1 ■ 1 ' / I 2 1 22 23 2- 2 ' 2 i 3 J 31 j2 i i 1- 3 b J'. 17 31 Vl 4 1 -1 42 4 1 -«4 -5 -.7 41 4 1 ->0 I 019 2311 mis >3<»H u447 l.'Z bZ C,2|.h II 4 1- / .'1 It 2 0*39 . 17196 . 153 7 • ' »3fil . .--•212 , '( l15* . '1 761 • it 16 r • H 132 ""04115 . 10002 ,pi f;(: I .o.ioni , Oijf.17 .01536 ,0( ,"eC ."'i 56 .00335 ,lb385 ' 032 ■1 037 i J 1 1 7 2 n ll i'l '• 1 i, 220 lC".)4rt 123 71 '•5 1" ,o.i36 ' ,02775 ,oi oss .00859 .05032 .' Ii 75 ,0)465 .•>"0(12 .0 >i>62 ,0 -ns 1142 O023 .00059 ,0l ('40 .(V1053 .00C58 . (j r < s i .00(101 ,o:>o< 2 .0 << 42 .00613 , Oi ( 14 .01795 ,000b3 '1P015 .104 1012 ."r 135 .0454C .02733 ,00042 .01 138 ,01269 .00076 ,00066 •0C143 ,00007 .00337 ,0( ooe .00237 .00935 .00003 .00019 .00050 ,00085 ,00009 ,00091 .L'0904 ,01624 ."0551 .00436 .OH086 .00288 ,00004 ,00238 ,00754 # ,00001 .01265 ,00001 .00014 .0000 5 .02503 ,00220 ,00^40 ,00010 ,00069 ,00103 ,ui)065 .00103 ,00013 .20320 .0(102 3 ,00009 ,00049 ,10397 .10212 .00305 .00231 ,00142 ,0)002 .00711 ,00 74 2 ,00440 ,00172 ,01065 .00162 ,00005 ,00020 ,00ol2 .00019 ,00197 ,00002 ,00063 ,00008 .31171 .02765 ,00280 .00282 ,000 30 ,00002 ,00001 .000 3 7 ,00538 ,00010 ,02531 ,10371 .00115 ,00038 ,00154 ,00232 ,00002 ,00001 .00381 ,00066 ,00051 ,19063 ,06781 ,01163 .01256 ,00020 .00092 ,00014 ,00601 ,00 343 ,00199 .01552 .17715 ,00072 .00144 ,00140 ,0 1364 .00011 ,00016 .00097 .00287 ,00032 .00039 .23520 ,0039o .20675 .01580 .00296 .00507 ,00050 ,00335 ,02764 ,00029 ,00003 ,00103 ,00136 .00246 ,00041 ,00004 ,00112 00018 .00004 .00002 00044 .0044 1 .00054 00487 .00355 .00037 00013 .00009 .00101 .41269 ,09681 ,01909 ,02289 ,00274 .00151 .00026 .00572 .01824 ,00002 ,00018 ,00687 .00115 ,00010 ,00052 ,02030 .00300 ,00040 .00002 .00012 .00012 ,00840 .00165 .00002 ,00002 ,00224 ,00549 ,00004 ,00003 ,00080 .00046 ,00100 .00052 ,25598 ,00260 .00221 .00060 .00518 .00179 .00021 .01194 .00112 .00003 ,00434 .00794 .00477 ,00002 ,00014 ,00134 .00660 .00330 .00027 .00132 .00371 .01379 ,00001 ,00061 ,00106 ,00108 ,00083 ,00102 51 52 5 i 54 55 57 5 3 5 > oO ol 62 63 64 n5 66 67 o3 6) 7J 71 72 73 75 76 77 73 7) 00 81 12 33 V.A, T. , 'I 775 , '0496 ,11 160 .01628 ,'JPUKZ II )4(1 • II 1 J )1 ,K 1 • it 534 ,00 12b . >; si3 , '0364 ,00076 ,0» 17h . U H0 o .10713 .3S206 .10413 . 10094 . 10034 . )0042 . 10 190 .10512 .10031 .00010 .41407 1. 10000 ■ f 1» Vl ." )20b . >'lb )? . n 1 1 1 a .0 >24l i02i i (0 i .0 t n '355 195^ •" 1188 ." )035 .0 736 3 ."■•405 l4l'l ,0211m . > 122 3 .0004,: . 1"0 15 .10023 .0004 3 .0O&38 .")015 .00024 .6 149 J 1 .00000 ,00001 ,00139 ,00015 .0)155 ,00< It .02217 ,02074 .("038 .('■506 .1 1980 .00037 ,0l 304 ,0"592 .00045 .0084 5 .01039 .00485 .02663 .00327 .0C441 .OC 123 .02537 .00156 .00144 .00127 .00012 ,OGd36 .01356 .00121 .45913 1.00000 .00002 .10004 .00011 .00002 ,00010 ,03070 ,00356 .00705 ,04017 .00470 .00864 .10156 . )3572 ,uo216 .00048 .00072 .00029 .02983 .00394 .00068 * .26322 1.00000 ,00002 ,00007 ,00005 .00465 ,00070 ,00150 .00857 .00282 .00657 .00205 .04706 .00013 .00015 .00174 .00001 .00482 .00537 .00025 .00007 .50580 1.00000 .00034 .00009 ,00010 ,01829 ,00218 .01189 .03324 .00431 .00859 .00032 .01224 .00052 .00031 .00086 .00019 .03524 .00318 .00074 .29973 1 .00000 ,00032 ,00002 .00231 .00036 .00018 .00002 .00014 .00016 .00002 ,00013 ,00002 ,00346 ,03470 ,00284 ,00861 ,03646 ,00407 .01242 .00074 .01748 ,00050 .00036 .00093 .00016 .07024 .00284 .00054 .00919 .23481 1.00000 .00002 ,00030 ,00005 ,00016 ,00046 .00036 .00028 .00008 .00037 .00044 .00057 .00015 .01407 .00732 .00018 .00558 .00024 .00836 .00803 .00007 .00033 .00008 .00121 .03352 .00441 .00375 .00261 .00484 .03209 .OO599 .00556 .03107 .00586 .00924 ,03675 .00754 .01435 .00024 .01699 .00092 .01059 .00139 .01315 .00070 .00850 .01515 .00440 .00061 .00234 .00007 .00432 .00052 .00145 .00014 .00016 .00035 .00056 .00020 .06485 .00490 .00099 .00381 .00072 .00256 .00052 .37118 1.00000 .27152 1.00000 .37929 1.00000 63 1 2 3 4 5 *> 1 8 9 10 21 .00044 Table 2. 23 -Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1970 - Continued (Producers' prices) .00042 ,00495 .00351 ,00100 25 ,00011 .00X17 ,00072 .00247 ,00375 ,00405 ,00242 .00312 .01841 28 .00006 .00431 .00007 .0U004 29 .00101 ,00016 ,00041 ,00026 .00098 30 ,01860 .00045 ,00009 ,00637 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 IB 19 20 21 22 2 3 2* 25 26 27 Zi 29 30 31 hi 33 34 35 36 37 33 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 43 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5 1 5 9 60 61 02 63 64 c>5 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 V.A. T. .0024 1 . 10044 ,00110 ,10066 ,34995 .12195 .00746 .00022 ."0307 .OG505 ,00724 .00 132 ,0006o .00022 ,00417 .00351 .00022 Ool54 J0d34 .30022 .0U2 6 5 .00176 ,00044 00132 .00022 .00022 .00022 .00066 .03732 .'10307 ,00812 ,04786 .00615 .00988 .011044 .01361 .00132 .00022 .00088 .00724 .00746 .00066 .42415 1.00000 ,0i392 ,00 129 ,n 1039 .04976 ,02007 .OJ294 .00346 ,12994 ,00025 .01555 .00307 .0314H .01248 .00010 .00195 .00175 .00007 .01387 .00135 .04214 .00073 .00003 .00526 .0 156T . 01049 .00653 .00031 .00371 .05569 .00061 .00013 ,00208 ,00003 ,00089 ,1.1012 ,00089 .0002 3 .0000 3 ,00204 ,00013 ,00325 ,02263 ,00490 ,00612 ,04750 .00754 ,01377 ,00051 .02426 .00145 .00068 .00127 .00002 .00038 .00691 .00112 .44707 l.noooo ,00430 .00300 ,00443 ,01631 .0C243 .0C549 .05675 .or.033 .01925 ,02443 ,00236 .01137 .00073 ,00164 ,00024 .OIO9I ,00124 ,03695 .0C03C .000C9 .00855 ,00230 .0E2C6 .00879 .00397 .01673 .04335 .00024 .00149 .00003 .00221 .00349 ,00009 .00167 .00C73 .00437 .00027 ,00070 .0C079 .00340 ,00139 ,00394 .00039 .00758 .00016 .00312 ,01476 ,00573 .00616 .03334 .00846 .01294 ,00045 .02180 .00136 .00082 .00127 .02825 .00449 .00115 .45418 l.OOOCO ,00855 ,00767 .00002 .00864 .00313 .00060 .00101 .07481 ,00003 ,00004 ,00006 .16312 .02041 .00818 .03826 .01053 .00091 .00085 .00708 .01846 .00003 .00005 ,00193 ,00015 .00025 .00002 .01133 ,00094 ,00105 ,00136 .00328 .00021 ,00048 ,00021 .00002 .00010 ,00093 ,00092 ,00080 ,03741 ,00325 ,02189 ,03823 ,00590 ,01400 ,00136 .02279 .00081 .00047 .00079 ,00035 ,07906 .00375 .00066 .01609 ,34730 1.00000 ,00504 .00013 ,00076 .00115 .00001 ,00211 .00007 .00001 .00009 .37956 .01821 .00540 .02428 .00346 .00069 .00509 .00471 .00017 .00028 ,00529 ,00319 ,00857 ,00017 ,00572 ,00001 ,00009 ,00673 ,00060 .00031 ,00003 .00013 ,00028 ,00007 ,00028 .04139 ,00494 ,00774 .02710 .00350 .01703 .00277 ,02301 ,00130 .00064 .00069 .00006 .00060 .00291 .00067 .00001 .38236 1.00000 .00406 ,00020 ,00175 ,00187 ,000 63 ,00024 ,00024 ,00020 ,15044 ,00332 .10467 ,01740 .00186 ,00004 ,00065 ,00177 ,00403 ,00005 ,00043 ,00178 .00835 ,00009 .00323 .00003 .00055 .00081 ,00002 ,00005 ,00008 ,00040 ,00001 ,00001 ,00005 ,00033 ,00705 ,00180 ,01243 ,01209 ,00547 ,02743 ,00778 ,043,79 ,0014? ,04207 ,00250 .00190 .01285 .00009 .00157 .01161 .00250 .00001 .49567 1,0000,0 ,00916 ,00044 .00977 ,00010 .00026 ,00026 ,00073 .00224 ,01022 ,00520 ,00021 ,16887 ,02920 ,01295 ,00341 ,06166 ,00452 ,00004 * ,00055 ,00273 .00881 .01653 .01262 ,00006 .00007 ,00408 .00001 .00002 .00112 .00061 .00983 .00334 .00001 .00013 .00003 .00097 .00022 .00002 .00003 .00070 .00008 ,00015 ,00048 ,00086 ,03094 ,00393 ,03444 ,02665 ,00632 ,02745 ,00068 .03375 ,00105 .00070 .00155 .00059 .03652 .00628 .00076 .00178 .32692 1.00000 .00833 .00748 ,00482 ,02631 ,00580 ,00017 ,00043 ,00002 ,00085 ,02934 ,01146 .00030 .35354 .03000 .00579 ,00604 .01453 ,02489 ,00001 .00001 .00072 .00012 ,00060 ,00400 .00125 .00005 .00010 .00081 .00031 .00218 .00240 .00174 .00277 .00002 .00026 .00002 .00012 ,00015 ,00003 ,00030 ,02506 ,00457 ,01660 ,03605 ,00614 ,02394 .00115 .03397 .00110 .00084 .00059 .00023 .01936 .OO955 .00059 .29887 1.00000 .00023 .00004 .00035 .00047 .00049 .00003 .00715 ,02766 ,00230 .10467 ,00547 .05183 .00287 .00438 .03209 .00001 .01745 ,00174 ,00004 ,00019 .01782 .00354 ,01440 ,00006 ,00064 .00015 .00041 ,00010 .00004 .00036 .00009 .00004 .00001 .00012 ,00417 ,00010 ,00095 ,01437 ,00482 ,00438 ,03368 ,00669 ,03446 ,00429 ,17694 ,00090 .00181 .00183 .00011 .01247 .01460 .00088 .00001 .35136 1.00000 ,00469 .02419 ,00018 ,00018 ,00036 ,00003 ,00006 ,00192 .00754 ,00033 ,19808 .08728 ,00914 ,00631 .01557 ,00213 ,00003 ,00349 ,00457 ,01112 .06410 .00015 ,00652 ,00009 ,00051 .00009 .00096 ,00006 ,00006 ,00045 ,00009 ,00009 ,00063 ,02963 ,00646 ,00553 .03655 ,00574 ,02410 .00424 .03531 ,00144 .00096 .00156 .00012 .00932 .01530 .00135 .01322 .33257 1.00000 Sk Table 2.- ?3 .01444 -Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1970 (Producers' prices) Continued 35 ,00095 37 .04312 38 ,00017 39 40 6 1 8 9 10 .44055 . '02t>(- . 'i 0( 1 .00053 .0(10*5 ,0C lbl .U0013 ,00055 .01017 .00096 ,00105 ,00570 .07195 ,00378 .00138 .02273 .00203 .00078 .07902 .00067 ,00016 .0U010 .00016 .00010 .00006 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 i 19 20 21 11 2i 24 25 26 11 28 29 30 31 32 3 3 34 35 36 37 3h 39 40 41 42 43 ••5 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 53 59 60 61 o2 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 '.A. T. ,C16«i5 , KOI 1 ,00007 .'0325 .'K295 .00011 .02 2 86 ,.)0018 ,00329 . 50057 .0710* ,"0254 ,01.002 .00245 .00034 ,00165 ,00394 .00009 ,00065 10070 10019 .00012 ,10073 ,0( 003 ,00003 .05573 .OOICb ,31868 ,01263 .01377 .02635 . 0OO52 . "3139 .00046 .00025 .00068 ,000( 3 .04694 . H'llC .00046 .00049 .20634 1 .O.JOOO .00429 .00011 ,00046 ,02080 ,038«2 .00192 .00074 ,00343 ■00005 ,00024 . TOO 5^ ,00993 ,01279 ,00057 .03362 .16108 .00120 ,00154 ,10156 .03964 .00023 .00170 ,00295 .00465 ,00299 ,00116 .00042 .00074 .00526 ,01498 .00011 .00009 ,00039 .00482 .00096 ,00089 .01142 .00012 .00005 .011013 .00010 .00050 .00023 .00039 .000 15 .00116 .00381 .00009 .000 7 7 .00061 .0 J732 .01953 .00498 .01163 .03505 .00539 .01368 .00120 .03250 .00097 .00066 .00090 .00016 .04180 .00897 .00080 .00101 .42635 l .ooooo .00231 .22349 ,00150 ,00130 ,00080 .0007C .OC03C .00411 .00201 ,00010 ,04905 ,00100 .03411 ,00020 ,00311 ,00271 .09399 .00361 ,00160 .C0120 ,00020 ,00261 ,00030 ,00020 .00080 ,00020 ,00010 .00070 .03070 ,00261 ,00863 ,0a928 ,00923 ,01274 ,00010 ,01204 ,00070 .00060 .00C90 .00090 .O9II8 .0C221 .00060 .29180 l.OCOOC ,02701 ,02763 ,01019 .00909 ,01299 ,00007 ,00009 ,00043 ,00726 ,01344 ,00096 ,00132 .00031 .00139 .00011 ,00092 ,08736 ,15734 ,02454 .OOOlf ,00645 .01388 ,00002 ,00266 ,00157 ,00072 .00016 .00885 ,00117 ,00784 ,00078 ,00401 ,00008 .00631 .05065 ,00019 ,02213 ,00210 ,00472 ,00193 ,02007 .05539 ,01588 ,00667 ,00029 .01005 .00056 ,00017 ,00069 .00015 .00289 .00084 .00008 .00017 .00004 .00145 .00006 .00004 .00008 .00329 ,00350 ,00192 ,00082 ,00006 ,00282 ,00001 ,00001 ,01730 ,00566 ,00031 ,01839 ,00421 ,00038 ,00072 ,00936 .01091 .00024 .00002 ,00036 ,11225 ,01214 ,00207 ,00124 ,00097 ,00023 .01039 .00101 .00002 ,00553 ,00052 ,00690 ,00090 ,00259 ,00093 .00039 .00130 .00009 .00194 .00020 .00004 .00002 .00007 .00237 .00157 .00042 .00181 .00010 .00005 .00988 .00174 .00346 .00887 .02939 .06190 .00448 .00342 .00550 .00497 .03358 .03166 .03630 .03092 .02831 .00770 ,00602 .00952 .01489 .01827 ,01941 .00056 .00086 ,00054 .02750 .02735 .02564 .00101 .00088 .00284 .00103 .00063 .00086 .00322 .00105 .00093 .00015 .00062 .00473 .03152 .01844 .00506 ,00600 .00603 .00152 .00090 .00087 .00182 .00024 .45307 .57311 .44995 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 ,01024 ,00006 ,00002 .00067 ,00002 ,00251 ,00011 ,00005 ,00028 ,00055 ,00013 ,01150 ,00001 ,00042 ,0038« ,00110 .00005 ,00003 ,00007 ,00343 .17679 .02854 .00006 .00204 ,00626 .01381 ,00019 ,00107 ,00051 .00140 .00860 .00103 .01051 ,00626 .00015 .00005 .00879 .00011 .00056 ,00010 .00027 .00378 .00003 ,00037 ,00157 .00008 ,00035 .04589 .00313 ,02515 .03485 .00703 .00251 .00039 .02643 .00085 .00044 .00061 .00028 .05701 .00258 .00059 .02784 .38598 1.00000 .00352 ft ,00033 .00036 ,00002 ,00044 ,00005 ,00382 .00030 .00001 .00070 .00062 .00049 .00729 ,00533 ,00011 ,00043 .00226 .00243 .00020 » .00003 ,00166 .01452 .32813 .00077 .00027 .00166 .00713 .00030 .00002 .00003 .00057 .00588 ,00007 .OO373 .00392 ,00013 .00514 .00023 .00090 ,00060 .00001 .00450 .00201 .00004 .00001 ,00027 ,00002 ,00064 .02412 ,00200 ,01844 ,04054 ,00 B 17 ,00 65 2 .00010 ,01238 .00045 .00045 .00039 .00020 .08382 .00221 .00033 .04160 .26828 1.00000 ,00073 .00009 .00031 .00047 .00004 .001 14 ,00216 ,01314 ,04004 ,00160 ,00069 ,02483 ,00100 ,00158 .00307 .35595 ,03704 .00535 .00047 .01269 .00401 ,00027 ,00771 ,00082 ,00013 .00009 ,00007 .00163 .00029 .00007 .00089 .00013 .00016 ,00002 .02339 .00187 ,00717 ,01067 .00577 ,00962 .00045 ,02488 ,00049 ,00024 .00027 .00002 .00359 .02526 .00029 .36719 1.00000 .00367 .00097 ,00002 ,00077 ,00019 ,00227 ,00052 ,00018 ,00237 ,00183 ,00429 ,00012 ,00105 ,00063 ,00768 ,00264 ,00196 ,00001 ,00440 ,00317 ,23703 ,06756 ,00062 ,02403 ,02175 ,02699 ,00245 ,00061 ,00336 ,00199 ,00489 ,00166 .01060 ,00906 ,00048 ,01297 ,01071 ,00267 ,00064 .00019 .00003 ,00419 .00343 ,00419 ,00580 ,00010 .00025 .01721 ,00644 .00756 ,03682 ,00814 ,01405 ,00306 ,01971 ,00128 .00076 .00091 .00004 ,00753 .01040 ,00089 .00282 .36524 1.00000 65 41 42 Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1970 - Continued (Producers' prices) 45 49 50 ■>oooe 6 7 8 9 10 10035 ,00017 ,')00404ta . '013- ,0 1 f , ', s , i 1016 ,00055 .10122 .0U12S .00015 .00075 .Oc 131 ,0 W',5 .00017 .00035 .Or C77 .00137 .0^020 ,00747 ,00392 ,00286 ,00068 .00003 .00186 .00194 ,00087 ,00003 ,00034 ,01889 ,00092 ,00086 .00092 .00012 ,00004 ,00100 ,1)1869 .00016 .00070 ,00049 ,00105 .01217 ,00004 ,00131 .00219 .00024 .00119 ,00002 .00113 ,00996 ,00478 .00071 .00003 ,00188 ,00008 ,00041 ,00748 ,00025 .00293 ,00042 .01297 ,00098 ,00011 .00004 .00099 .00114 .00107 .00092 ,00020 ,00064 ,00001 ,00048 ,00010 .00249 .00045 ,00062 2-. 2 I 2H 2 9 3 I . "UVJ2 . 1001 7 . 10 1*4 . I ' 1 1 2 ,00010 ,0J31 3 .00013 .00377 ,00.087 ,00638 ,00357 ,00262 ,00003 ,00576 ,00506 .U0054 .00853 ,00010 ,00532 .00 70 5 ,00405 ,00273 ,000d7 ,002 78 .00060 ,00017 .01536 .00747 ,00104 ,00005 ,02154 .00801 .00018 ,00006 ,00136 ,00050 .00333 .00022 ,00060 ,00106 ,00070 31 33 3- 35 .00109 .'IU7H7 .00222 ,010o7 ,00017 ,o 1001 ,0 1022 ,00494 ,00899 ,00026 .C0C02 .O^Ofrh .00155 ,04758 .0)0025 .H0087 .00391 .00132 ,02029 ,03187 .00152 .00653 ,00004 .00229 .00159 .02144 .00003 .02563 ,00104 ,0204b ,00035 ,00171 ,02126 ,00001 ,00001 ,00819 .00400 ,00403 ,00004 36 37 3H 39 40 ,'<00b7 H 7 7 ,01453 ,10353 ,0106" ,05(;07 .•J5404 ,12 51') ,01207 .0506 1 .0645F .0^113 .00886 .07718 .04932 ,00475 ,00984 ,05951 .06309 .00426 ,100711 ,00578 ,01790 ,00044 ,00644 ,0140V ,03961 .00093 ,00773 .02091 ,11527 .00210 ,00236 ,07033 ,01567 .00008 .00072 .00187 .01937 .03242 .00034 4 1 42 43 44 45 H237 K-J5S! 00004 )000b ,0l93< .0 3 721 .00131 .00032 ■ Oi"> 196 .01577 .00 97 3 .01249 .00002 .00151 ,0-344 , U 3 o - Q ,00099 ,02581 ,01469 .00233 ,00002 .0 1443 .U0863 .00001 .02247 ,01611 .01110 .01822 .05263 .02773 .00725 ,00049 .00143 .01706 .01636 .00302 .00017 .00003 46 47 48 49 50 ,,inooi ,11201 , 1004ft ,005 72 , U271 .0 1321 ,00711 ,0j232 ,0150.' ,000b3 ,00 134 .01267 .O r 04< ,00652 .Ol237 ,00006 ,00911 ,00002 ,00965 .00109 .00004 ,00594 ,00020 ,00171 ,00448 ,'10004 ,00605 ,00002 ,00036 ,00345 ,00094 .00922 .00005 .00035 .00240 .00005 .01072 .00005 .01141 ,00081 ,00054 ,00901 ,00013 ,00669 ,01032 .00017 .01429 .00030 .00768 .02935 51 52 53 54 55 , 142"6 .'•H,006 ,0^3(.l , 12641 .'10035 .06980 ,0M4ql .09635 .0058 3 .00022 .00068 ,0749ft ,00031 ,0 1660 .03222 .05731 .01226 .01212 ,00050 ,03428 ,00006 ,03163 ,00655 .00032 ,01428 .00117 ,0083b .00780 .02013 .00002 ,00414 .00010 ,01855 ,00124 ,02238 .00002 .01094 ,00341 ,00030 ,00508 .00026 .00008 .00357 .00010 .00006 5o 57 5 3 59 60 ,01151 H'665 10003 ,00029 10023 ,00262 .00009 ,017«5 ,0136ft ,01697 ,0248ft .0050* .00368 .00-133 ,00028 ,00009 ,00298 ,00748 ,00123 ,00291 ,00426 ,02397 ,0042d ,00074 ,06900 .15584 ,00098 ,01167 .03685 .14329 .00187 ,00026 ,00031 ,00494 .01242 .05898 ,04098 ,00053 ,00311 ,00071 .01292 ,26705 .00114 ,03062 ,00625 ,00345 ,00184 ,22764 61 62 63 64 65 . 10240 ,1)0045 , 10073 .00527 ,0 0109 ,01375 ,00044 ,00390 ,01021 ,00606 ,01096 ,00052 ,00047 ,00926 ,00045 ,02975 ,00017 ,00764 ,01353 ,00004 ,00118 ,00227 ,00064 .01126 .00302 ,00063 .00142 ,00667 ,00140 .00196 ,00047 ,00318 .00352 .00274 .00025 .00978 .00006 .00386 .00006 ,00037 ,01759 .00122 ,01690 ,00044 ,00042 ,00469 66 67 63 69 70 10745 1(1297 14428 10820 ,00474 ,on<,60 ,04461 .00347 ,00693 ,00724 ,03720 .00604 ,00422 ,00815 .03796 ,00421 ,00514 ,00895 ,03284 .00279 .00873 ,00454 ,03018 ,00473 ,00974 ,00867 .03872 .00680 .00446 .00697 .03503 ,00755 ,00198 ,00454 ,02403 ,00360 .00882 .00488 .02214 .00361 71 72 73 75 76 .1410 1 .00028 ,02466 ,00117 .01194 ,00016 ,02481 .00093 .02131 .00077 .01950 .00129 .01977 ,00054 ,06330 ,00067 ,02049 ,00052 ,02523 ,00108 ,01492 ,00058 ,02720 ,00177 .01547 .00119 .03066 .00148 .01708 .00167 .02236 ,00076 ,00458 .00051 ,01478 .01574 .01566 .00255 .02559 .00182 .00010 77 78 79 80 . ioioo .10 117 .00006 .04415 .00067 .00084 .0)1.1009 .00736 .00088 .00090 .00012 .03435 .00059 .00186 .00016 .00233 .00076 .00088 .00008 .01925 .00119 .00150 .00007 .07550 .00135 .00119 .00019 .04450 .0U063 .00063 .00023 .04167 .00026 .00102 .00015 .02973 .00116 .00115 .00019 .01320 81 82 83 V.A. T. .02637 .00098 .35613 1.00000 ,01002 .00073 .29263 1.00000 .01445 .00087 .43430 l.OOOCC .00836 .00059 .32281 1 .00000 .00963 .00070 .00058 .46355 1.00000 .00860 .00127 .00001 .43326 1.00000 .01760 .00107 .00001 .38698 1.00000 .00801 .00058 .41058 1.00000 .00266 .00045 .00530 .29778 1.00000 .01206 .00099 .00001 .40722 1.00000 67 ul 62 Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1970 - Continued (Producers' prices) h3 64 65 66 67 68 69 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 , 00 026 00123 . J u 3 3 ,00010 .0 105' .00093 .UO025 .00023 .00046 .oooio .00204 .00005 .00016 .00045 .00003 .00002 .00010 .00001 .00001 .02957 .06742 .00005 .00063 .00002 ,00003 ,00002 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 11 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 7 38 39 40 tl 42 43 44 45 .00291 .00336 ,00004 ,00700 ,00064 ,00041 .05301 .00003 .00611 .00050 .00266 .00 044 ,00006 .00022 .00217 ,>>333 .00156 .02210 .00 Ooe . 10247 ,0053o . J9086 .03656 .04130 .0068b .01811 .04051 . 0o5C8 .00273 .003 3 3 .00351 .0029-. .01457 .00336 .0013k .00117 .00 141 .00015 .00155 .00177 .01240 .00690 ,00014 .01330 .0 0379 ,00904 .00057 .00174 ,02050 .00036 .00201 .00194 .02603 .03254 .00251 .00146 . 0174o .02034 .00141 .00043 .0C54 3 .00C22 .00C36 .00055 .00026 ,00005 ,f 1922 ,00636 ,00062 ,044f 2 ,0C7C 1 .0C005 ,00036 ,0006 4 .01349 .00002 .0 1043 .001C5 ,00459 ,04860 .00005 .01199 .01701 .00005 ,00294 .00053 .00223 .00023 .01521 .00758 ,00264 ,00113 ,01590 .00023 .00093 ,00094 ,01688 .02931 .00358 .00579 .01991 .00164 .00440 .00317 .03875 .00136 .00364 .00369 .00230 .02522 .03764 .00024 .00060 .00943 .01940 ,02610 ,00348 ,00069 ,00037 .00162 ,00005 ,00127 ,00046 ,00088 ,00081 ,00009 ,00114 ,03742 .00573 ,00076 ,00020 ,00456 ,00122 ,00033 ,00379 ,00153 ,03044 ,00030 ,00112 ,00001 .00218 ,00002 ,00005 .00339 .00135 .00061 .00229 ,00013 ,00005 ,00031 ,00003 .00015 ,00015 ,03357 * ,00003 ,00001 .00005 ,00018 ,00024 ,00002 ,00084 ,00006 ,00019 .00138 ,00004 ,00904 ,00070 ,00001 ,00093 ,00026 ,00076 ,00004 ,00002 .00349 .oooie .00519 .00005 .00004 .00029 .00061 .00054 .00056 .00044 .00009 .00020 .00559 .00317 .00215 .00119 .00009 .00169 .00043 .00736 .00425 .00001 .00017 .00082 .00071 .00020 .00034 .00067 .00107 ,00030 .00096 .00024 .00022 .00008 .00281 ,00422 ,00795 ,00002 .00159 ,00026 46 47 43 49 50 ,00060 ,Oj633 ,00045 ,02871 ,00 390 ,00033 ,01015 .00010 ,00469 ,00453 .00003 .00074 .00062 .00278 .00122 ,00006 ,00041 ,00060 ,00036 ,00077 ,00004 ,00011 ,00234 .00026 ,00001 .0OQ99 .00018 .00032 .00033 .00043 .00020 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 5 9 60 bl 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 V.A. T. ,00001 .00126 .00899 . 0O597 .00415 .0O0C6 ,00020 ,00116 .02651 .00156 .03703 .O014fa .00007 .0043 5 . Jld24 .00373 .>iu527 . 0*802 . 0O491 .01098 .00044 .01225 .00068 .00052 .00076 .00003 .05256 .00797 .00056 .00005 .34125 1.00000 .00107 .00251 .0256 1 .00007 .00510 .02331 .02280 .00322 .00660 .00764 .00095 .07656 .01241 .00520 .00664 .00791 .00503 .03829 .00496 .01622 .00110 .04070. .00128 .00117 .00169 .OOOCfl .02704 .01599 .00152 .41382 1.00000 ,00002 ,00010 ,00874 ,00125 .00572 .01771 ,00098 .00103 .00021- .00170 .06276 .0C259 .00657 .00763 .00469 .03321 .00723 .0186C .00108 .037C9 .0C1C1 .00110 .00107 .00002 .05469 .00849 .00079 .5126.6 1.00000 ,00232 ,00048 ,00481 ,00188 .00196 .00191 .00255 ,00042 .00192 .00156 .00210 .00159 ,00014 .06646 ,01547 .00535 .00510 ,04el5 .00813 .01700 .00087 .03724 .00093 .00102 .00215 .00001 .08920 .00906 .00140 .38577 1.00000 .00008 .00072 .00015 .00001 .00065 .00098 .00140 .00699 .00660 .00067 .00014 .00030 .10559 .01044 .00670 .03244 .01785 .02607 .00105 .01683 .01590 .00040 .00081 .00196 .02918 .04512 .00482 .00150 .00012 .56622 1.00000 .00032 ,00003 .01296 .00131 .00009 ,00019 ,00002 ,00019 ,00241 ,00854 ,00764 ,00768 ,01012 ,01855 »0104l ,03503 ,00574 .00101 .00459 .00048 .01133 ,00723 .00397 # .81059 1.00000 .00087 .00324 .00900 .00089 .00066 .04438 .02893 .01425 .01825 .00739 .04836 ,04466 .00005 .26614 .00102 .00117 .00110 ,00008 .03510 .00107 .47016 1.00000 .0OU2 ,00073 ,00002 .00006 .00003 .00006 .01691 ,00304 ,19861 ,00 6 19 .00803 ,00454 .00133 .00828 ,00141 .OOO35 .01836 .12324 .00511 .OO359 .00091 .45118 1.00000 .00045 .00047 .00016 * .00060 .00098 .00098 .00047 .00107 .00023 .00089 .00065 .00131 .00800 .01119 .01414 .02134 .01802 .05156 .00233 ,04996 .01070 .00113 .00130 .01 166 .00371 .00031 .01197 .00206 .00006 .72668 1.00000 ,00009 ,00003 .00003 .00003 .00226 .01865 .00703 .01188 .20132 .03659 .07074 .00269 .00005 .01034 .01485 .00323 .00384 .01476 .01151 .00001 .57321 1.00000 68 71 Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1970 - Continued (Producers' prices) 78 79 00 (U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 J 11 12 13 14 15 lb 1 } l'l 19 ZO 21 11 23 2 4 25 2b 27 2 1 29 33 31 32 3 3 34 35 3b 37 38 3 9 4 41 42 43 44 45 4b 4 7 48 49 53 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5a S9 60 61 62 63 64 65 bb b7 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 7b 77 73 79 dO 81 82 83 V.A. T. . jv'K " . 1099] . IC002 .01 14,3 ,01 107 . 10016 . 10035 . oOlbo . 50027 ■ 3698b . 10014 .0016b . )0066 .00020 . 10009 . KU42 ,00002 . )0037 . 30001 .00004 .00004 , 10046 .00022 .0U109 .30232 ,00050 . ) 1 7 . 30012 ."0619 ,'10128 .ouoc i .00005 .00023 .00035 ,00054 ,"0070 . JOO08 . HI050 ,00015 ,00025 . 100] 8 .Toon .00030 .00015 . JO 318 ,00102 .00038 .10020 .00335 .OuOlO . 10067 .30022 .10043 .00072 ,00047 .00018 .00127 .1006 1 .00031 ,00018 . 30035 .00040 .'11026 .00181 .1002b .00407 .01481 .03845 .13320 . J0338 .02787 .30124 .10146 . 10078 .0032-, .00847 .30 190 .00048 .72426 1.30000 ,00035 , J12"l ,00004 ,0001" .00113 .00055 ,004u5 .005 16 ,00056 ."0531 ,0015.3 ,0006? ,00275 ,02093 .00061 ,01110 ,00963 .00633 ,00027 .00311 .01016 ,ii0024 ,00368 ,0 3643 ,00 17" .01)112 .00044 .00145 .00492 .00048 1420 00037 00025 .00044 .0008 5 .036.35 ,01734 ,00800 ,0095d ,0201" .03241 .0274" .07651 .02695 .03167 ,01707 ,0 J009 ,00348 ,00297 ,0)090 ,01544 .00179 .01012 .57W2 1.00000 ,000( 1 ,00513 .00015 .00164 .OOOC 1 .15482 .00225 .00167 ,00028 .002 1 1 .00670 .00023 .00048 .00132 ,00012 .00070 .00515 .004 39 .00141 .ooioo .00476 ,00052 .00146 ,00185 .00251 ,00299 .00236 .00017 .00001 .00022 .00017 .00068 .00031 .00051 .00405 .00760 .00601 .02371 .05418 .00351 .01994 .00802 .03813 .00603 .04539 .00866 .00284 .00196 .01134 .00020 .00007 .01938 .00327 .00001 .52718 l.oocoo .00251 .00001 ,00050 ,00062 ,00032 ,00001 ,00002 ,00029 ,00042 .00233 .01089 ,01527 ,00693 ,00634 .05756 .U1031 .00130 ,00012 0209 1 ,00486 ,00029 .00129 ,00363 ,01794 ,08511 ,00029 ,00785 ,00632 ,00554 .10736 .01581 .02673 ,00081 ,01058 ,00179 ."0051 .00046 .01100 .00451 .00040 .00269 .54722 l.ooooo .00492 .01908 .00267 .00003 .00078 ,00009 .00210 .00362 ,00013 ,00162 ,00025 ,00057 .00027 .00009 .00024 ,00003 .00042 .00055 ,00021 .01557 .0 1013 ,00014 ,00001 ,00070 ,00041 ,00178 ,00044 ,01149 ,00095 ,02000 ,00002 .00375 .00313 ,00010 ,00024 .00017 .00010 .00000 .00048 .00013 .00010 .00006 .00001 .00587 .00754 .00317 .00373 .00338 .00826 .00419 .00704 .01153 .00035 .00844 .02871 .02035 .01942 .01346 .00872 .07367 .05167 .00058 .00416 .03897 .02400 .0/3303 .00614 .18247 .00055 .00212 .01231 .00404 .00640 .00043 .00134 .00945 .00045 .02183 .01441 .00134 .00304 .00002 .00001 .54507 .71907 .00000 1.00000 .00024 .00013 .01252 .00788 .00040 .00980 .20339 .00018 .00009 .00162 .00013 .00057 .00019 .00106 .00020 .00101 .00001 .00343 .00069 .00251 .01131 .00208 .00002 .00200 .00529 .00176 .00001 .00017 .00008 .00918 .00276 .00016 .00002 .00001 .00009 .00048 .00073 .00003 .00046 .00007 .00001 .00002 .00029 .00081 .00154 .00010 .00092 .00001 .00007 .00014 .00039 .00029 .00005 .00013 .00009 .00008 .00041 .00113 .00002 .00004 .00092 .00047 .00072 .00044 .00003 .00007 .OOOld .10617 .00037 .00006 .00014 .01232 .00276 .00473 .01822 .00563 .01584 .U305 .01166 .02038 .02399 .00036 .02663 .00523 ,00083 .01742 .00046 .03592 .00301 .00008 ,00034 .00031 .04015 .00125 .00137 .00096 .00358 .00083 .70709 1.00000 .00499 .0U161 .00001 .52011 1.00000 ,00296 ,01066 ,00479 ,00146 .28113 ,01587 ,00047 ,00030 ,00062 ,00122 ,00020 ,00792 ,00062 ,00307 ,00033 .00023 ,00056 .00467 .00548 ,00134 ,00368 ,00669 ,46143 .00390 .12455 .01564 .00705 ,03317 1.00000 69 Table 2. --Direct Requirements Per Dollar of Gross Output, 1970 - Continued (Producers' prices) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 bZ 53 26 27 28 29 - 3'J .00003 11 12 13 .J2232 U 1- 15 .00392 16 .009<,1 1? l'J .00519 1) .00236 20 .00009 21 22 2i 24 25 18435 .00962 . 3219H 6u f99 •0^59V 30459 31 .00139 32 .0033-. .0U511 33 .00143 34 .0000 3 35 . )001b JO 37 .00184 .05616 3B .07877 3) .0 102-) 40 .O0OC3 .02 101 41 ,00024 .04143 42 .00132 .03278 43 .01371 4t .00392 45 .00105 46 .00346 47 .00003 .00346 40 .OGOI 9 .00063 49 . jIOC'3 .01460 50 .00312 51 .00416 .00473 52 .0092'". 53 .0U021 54 .00215 55 .008H2 56 .00003 .021iiti 57 .00214 53 .01582 53 .03717 60 .01063 61 .00300 62 .00789 63 .06461 .0016" 64 .12 70? .01304 65 .03017 6o 67 6tS 69 .00063 70 .00473 71 72 73 75 76 77 M 70 80 .302o-i 81 "2 o3 V.A. r. i.oooco uoooou 70 Table 3. --Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand: 1968, 1969, 1970 (producers' prices) ^Each entry represents the output required, directly and indirectly, from the industry named at the beginning of the row for each dollar of delivery to final demand by the industry named at the head of the column. NOTES: *Less than .000005. To prevent requirements for scrap and by-products from generating production, scrap and by-products have been treated as inputs to the producing industry rather than to the consuming industry. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. - 71 - Table 3. --Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Fin3l Demand, 1968 (Producers' prices) 10 1 1.30194 .07905 ,066b5 .10015 .00244 .00190 .00222 .OO348 .00230 .00199 2 .31700 1.06333 .07773 .23435 .00245 .00182 .00251 .00332 .00220 .00175 3 .00135 .00063 1.01808 .00079 .00053 .0011* .00114 .00025 .00038 .00039 4 .03927 .05532 .02548 1.01374 .00037 .00025 .00034 .00053 ,00029 .00024 5 .00057 .00082 .00073 ,00042 1.05890 .00587 .00208 .00103 .00219 ,00210 6 .00057 .00107 .0C046 .00048 .02952 1.15379 .00112 .00063 .00352 .00782 7 .00138 .00168 .00075 .00107 .00284 .00316 1.13664 .00130 .00582 ,00300 a .01424 .02623 .01 142 .00900 .00897 .00931 .01198 1.02820 .02268 ,00870 9 .00229 .00595 .00072 .00162 .00338 .00395 .00222 .00136 1.03234 .00712 10 .00134 .00361 .00052 .00124 .00192 .00326 .00080 .00051 .00202 1.05863 11 12 .02556 .03038 .00681 .01221 .03445 .02103 .01927 .04777 .02031 .01863 13 .00014 .00021 .00013 .00012 .00017 .00024 .00024 .00019 .00027 .00014 IA .18056 .01655 .02609 .03556 .00350 .00411 .00361 .00430 .00465 .00428 15 .00017 .00019 .00022 .00019 .00015 .00019 .00016 .00021 .00022 .00022 16 .00228 .00364 .00932 .00766 .00221 .00116 .00884 .00089 .00543 .00115 17 .00234 .00325 .03015 .01933 .00171 .00079 .00205 .000 7 7 .00285 .00071 13 .00057 .00055 .00076 .00072 .00041 .00040 .00047 .00034 .00062 .00031 19 .00108 .00221 ,00090 .00243 .00038 .00029 .00137 .00017 .00504 .00023 20 .00371 .00542 .00199 .00682 .00594 .01351 .01383 .00221 .00365 .00383 21 .00170 .00446 .00049 .00531 .00008 .00011 .00013 .00007 .00009 .00007 22 .00009 .00011 .00011 .00012 .00007 .00009 .00010 .00008 .00008 .00005 23 .00007 .00009 .000C5 .00006 .00007 .00010 .00008 .00008 .00009 .00006 24 .01118 .00978 .00461 .02625 .00518 .00492 .00516 .00374 .01714 .00880 25 .00716 .00512 .00304 .04731 .00138 .00175 .00165 .00106 .00242 .00170 26 .01202 .01642 .00542 .00688 .01218 .00799 .01013 .00716 .01173 .00977 27 .04569 .12423 .01779 .04288 .02841 .04687 .02831 .01732 .03571 .03284 28 .00428 .00742 .00853 .00733 .00432 .00387 .00520 .00225 .00637 .00378 29 .00434 .00283 .00097 .00142 .00098 .00116 .00099 .00082 .00125 .00110 30 .00161 .00203 .00216 .00102 .00173 .00134 .00127 .00261 .00136 .00107 31 .02865 .05423 .02439 .01813 .01225 .01359 .01979 .00875 .04247 .00968 32 .00861 .01157 .00587 .00515 .01395 .00995 .01426 .00496 .01876 .01227 33 .0U014 .00009 .00005 .00012 .00006 .00005 .00007 .00005 .00011 .00005 34 . 10057 .00016 .00013 .00043 .00010 .00009 .00010 .00009 .00012 .00010 35 .00311 .00090 .00071 .00085 .00061 .00051 .00062 .00059 .00063 .00043 36 .00244 .00390 .00139 ,00166 .00316 .00474 .00689 .00870 .05748 ,00197 37 .OU957 .01099 .01431 ,00664 .04555 .05224 .0395* .02050 .04295 ,03092 38 .00502 .00738 .00493 .00404 .01025 .01055 .01280 .00695 .01236 ,00746 39 .00638 .00302 .01978 .00223 .00082 .00101 .00087 .00069 .00111 .00080 40 .00183 .00225 .00095 .00099 .00262 .00198 .00227 .00638 .00338 .00354 41 .00343 .00246 .00153 .00132 .00383 .00607 .01790 .00180 .00313 .00183 42 .00528 .00579 .00640 .00811 .00521 ,00640 .00850 .00731 .01025 .00367 43 .00075 .00155 .00162 .00164 .00405 .00798 .00722 .00437 .01351 .00212 44 .00434 .01319 .00109 .00298 .00042 .00044 .00066 .00026 .00046 .00030 45 .00071 .00129 .00040 .00051 .01867 .01697 .03903 .00486 .01199 .01233 46 .00036 .00052 .00017 .00025 ,0006o .00114 .00084 .00052 .00399 .00099 47' .00104 .00120 .00102 .00112 .00254 .00344 .00286 .00172 .00289 .00181 48 .00100 .00174 .00060 .00091 .00070 .00092 ,00083 .00063 .00100 .00063 49 .00160 .00271 .00136 .00121 .00313 .00383 .00581 .00745 .01095 .00248 50 .00110 .00133 .00063 .00061 .00240 .03517 ,00445 .00599 .00353 .00532 51 .00047 .00073 .00019 .00034 .00058 .00034 ,00048 .00068 .00046 .00039 52 .00059 .00076 .00026 .00034 .00074 .00051 .00058 .00081 .00070 .00047 53 .00108 .00163 .00082 .00075 .00238 .00298 ,00230 .01269 .00512 .00316 34 .00044 .00053 .00027 .00027 .00048 .00036 .00037 .00061 .00040 .00033 55 .00077 .00090 .00048 .00040 .00092 .00091 .00377 .00130 .00101 .00077 56 .0005,4 .00060 .00031 .00033 .00052 .00049 .00049 .OOUO .00059 .00045 57 .00047 .00058 .00035 .00035 .00053 .00047 .00048 .00101 .00060 .00042 58 .00155 .00226 .00112 .00068 .00134 .00105 .00098 .00053 .00084 .00039 59 .00261 .00264 .00143 .00119 ,00664 .00249 .00284 .00151 .00288 .00134 60 .00076 .00074 .00058 .00066 .00123 .00127 .00112 .00080 .00148 .00064 61 .00068 .00080 .00766 .00068 .00097 .00234 .00073 .00051 .00065 .00087 62 .00058 .00062 .00043 ,00037 .00078 .00093 .00075 .00127 .00075 .00048 63 .00066 .00088 .00033 .00043 .00065 .00052 ,00059 .00049 .00067 .00055 64 .00139 .00176 .00266 .00094 .00150 .00149 .00135 .00107 .00169 .00137 65 .05967 .04318 .03864 .03369 .07866 .05877 .02662 .02402 .03511 .03108 66 .00893 .00838 .00277 .00372 .00568 .00586 .00557 .00372 .00488 .00743 67 .00257 .00439 .00092 .00151 .00336 .00191 .00270 .00185 .00312 .00262 68 .01864 .02403 .00699 .01095 .04754 .04416 .03860 .01970 .05211 .06093 69 .09738 .08747 .04152 .04305 .03011 .03523 .04156 .02699 .04184 .02973 70 .02917 .02924 .01978 .01260 .02269 .03831 .02391 .01992 .02480 .02019 71 .06260 .10461 .02303 .05786 .09589 .04204 ,06803 .16310 .05522 .04920 72 .00306 .00287 .00193 .00220 .00217 .00206 .00208 .00241 .00250 .00226 73 .04308 .07362 .01549 .02519 .05637 ,si\2 1 .0164*. .00417 .00476 .00235 .01575 .00814 .00161 .00222 2 .01714 .00409 .00416 .00214 .03260 .00556 .00164 .00234 ) . 10035 .00053 .00072 .00033 .00040 .00042 .00018 .00064 4 .00272 .00046 .00050 .00032 .00557 ,00056 .00019 .00055 5 .00037 .00052 .01.058 .00195 .00022 .00024 .00020 .00072 b .01058 .00081 .00071 .00194 .00037 .00035 .00024 .00088 7 .00099 .00171 .00127 .00193 .00091 .00179 .01118 .01209 d .Ou745 .01023 .00523 .00979 .00547 .00728 .00786 .02079 ) .0016 1 .00092 .00076 .00126 .00072 .00060 .00040 .00312 10 .01)029 .00042 .00043 .00036 .00031 .00027 .00013 .00096 11 12 .07598 .0215=1 .01664 .01338 .02590 .02607 .01786 .21096 13 .00020 .00023 .00024 .00034 .00014 .00013 .00003 .00015 14 .0U675 .00883 .01148 .00514 .01321 .02168 .00333 .00513 15 .00097 .00048 .00067 .00027 .00074 .00047 .00017 .00027 lb .00131 .00953 .00.290 .00384 .00103 .00213 .00216 .00166 17 .00055 .00291 ,00166 .00206 .00061 .00074 .00079 .00086 IN .00087 .00659 .00071 .00143 .00036 .00131 .00028 .00117 19 .OU02U .00582 .00048 .00277 .00032 .00080 .00212 .00052 20 .00339 .00441 .00642 .00306 .00215 .00248 .00156 .00680 21 .10014 .01012 .0C011 .00024 .00020 .00009 .00004 .00009 i.2 .00014 .00015 .00011 .00027 .00006 .00007 .00004 .00015 23 .00013 .00010 .00013 .00027 .00005 .00006 .00004 .00016 2* .00516 .01490 .04365 .00720 .00788 .01141 .00577 .00842 25 .00127 ,or>507 .00339 .00334 .00170 .00280 .00104 .00166 2b .01 138 .01394 .19952 .00880 .01833 .02628 .01318 .01694 27 .00«b6 .01567 .01586 .01074 .01327 .00980 .00466 .02290 2d .00226 .00651 ,00497 .00646 .00187 .00269 .00162 .00351 29 .00179 .12459 .00320 .00150 .00117 .02490 .00292 .00335 30 .00291 .00203 .00161 .00388 .00133 .00123 .00093 .00748 31 .01266 .01794 .0C909 .01861 .00890 .00947 .01321 .02320 32 .00397 .01657 .01331 .02395 .00352 .00717 .00449 .00764 3< .00006 .00186 .0OC39 .00010 .00022 .00007 .00008 .00006 34 .00016 .00964 .00033 .00017 .00102 .00021 .00025 .00011 35 .00097 .00210 .00143 .00931 .00075 .00134 .00059 .00166 3o .00358 .00556 .00336 .00997 .00192 .00184 .00118 .00854 3 r .007 16 .01084 .01219 .04378 .00420 .00473 .00422 .01488 3d .00555 .00896 .0C770 .02197 .00374 .00365 .00255 .00914 39 .0006 3 .00133 .00309 .00110 .00091 .00153 .00047 .00130 40 .00473 .00162 .00143 .00190 .00159 .00159 .00115 .01154 41 .00164 ."0759 .00849 .07197 .00158 .00198 .00200 .00282 42 .00313 .01088 .009CB .01946 .00233 .00277 .00201 .00706 43 .00068 .00237 .00238 .00299 .00043 .00034 .00061 .00259 44 .00046 .00024 .00142 .00036 .00054 .00018 .00011 .00035 45 .00101 .00070 .00619 .00096 .00059 .00048 .00074 .00232 46 .0U070 .00030 .00037 .00044 .00024 .00024 .00017 ,00133 47 .00085 .00189 .00206 .00501 .00049 .00070 .00046 .00116 48 .10160 .00061 .00078 .00071 ,00042 .00037 .00020 .00053 49 •0O130 .00135 .00344 .00339 .00081 .00077 .00090 .00220 50 .•10066 .00241 .00315 .02384 .00059 .00063 .00060 .00147 51 .00368 .00075 .00354 .00057 .00064 .00046 .00059 .00040 52 .10113 .00136 .00401 .00732 .00062 .00057 .00050 .00263 53 .00186 .00357 .0C435 .00378 .00105 .00104 .00074 .00286 54 .00093 .00573 .00105 .00126 .00049 .00044 .00041 .00176 55 .00174 .00141 .00088 .00376 .00094 .00121 .00058 .00449 5b .00138 .00156 .00156 .00547 .00083 .00088 .00044 .00109 57 .00148 .01745 .00235 .00200 .00081 .00100 .00048 .00065 58 .00052 .00116 .00063 .02167 .00044 .00050 .00043 .00109 5) .0027U .00374 .00370 .11901 .00139 .00161 .00274 .00275 60 .00095 .00076 .00067 .00124 .00054 .00048 .00125 .00076 61 .00069 .00094 .00088 .00046 .00048 .00030 .00148 .00046 62 .00065 .00188 .00136 .00190 .00043 .00713 .00040 .00121 63 .00099 .00920 .00614 .00077 .01136 .00494 .00068 .00096 64 .00167 .01941 .01126 .00196 .00628 .00534 .00119 .00236 b5 .02134 .02949 .03648 .03009 .03624 .02407 .12283 .03669 66 .00568 .01325 .03272 .01143 .01282 .01534 .00642 .00980 67 .00276 .00304 .05892 .00199 .00377 .00291 .00227 .00336 6* .01084 .02948 .01483 .01934 .01852 .04245 .02630 .1*858 69 .12965 .05013 .0424C .12379 .03980 .03319 .01677 .03986 70 .05151 .03782 .02171 .02838 .02992 .01890 .02603 ,03494 71 1.04545 .08447 .06668 .04543 .10513 .06581 .03500 .03513 72 .00480 1.03222 .01 174 .00360 .00590 .00879 .00208 .00320 73 .04440 .05506 1.07663 .03611 .06834 .04564 .04133 .06123 75 .00356 .01889 .01244 1 .00666 .00639 .00863 .00813 .00618 76 .00341 .00199 .02417 .00130 1.22763 .00252 .00238 .00173 77 .00190 .00450 .00376 .00163 .00396 1.01430 .00082 .00251 78 .00592 .00623 .01796 .00412 .00849 .00998 1.00268 .00673 79 .01103 .00634 .00406 .01309 .00497 .00797 .00743 1.02093 80 .00694 .01398 .01548 .01832 .02102 .00903 .04940 .01225 81 .00478 .01888 .02846 .01019 .03038 .01923 .00664 .01097 1.00000 .00157 .00293 .0052C .00164 .00273 .00421 .00172 .00288 .11129 .00474 .07157 .00486 .00719 .00 40 7 .00565 .00051 .00082 .00110 .00091 .00220 .00176 .00357 .01736 .00894 .00131 .0u22b ,00058 .00164 .02971 .11738 .00219 .10046 .35653 .01115 .02173 .00045 .00459 .0140 7 .00242 .00591 .00259 .00222 .00247 .00127 .00541 .04901 .00085 .00029 .00029 .00040 .00012 .00043 .01844 .36288 .01065 .01753 .01778 .67877 .02131 .05025 .00585 .01906 .01378 .00246 .00256 . .10308 .03436 .01530 .01416 .02659 .00093 .00048 .00474 .O0OC7 .00658 .00254 .00339 .00367 .01753 .02183 .00977 .02410 .01010 .00690 .00223 .00166 .00497 .00526 .00876 .01624 .00195 .OOOtb .00112 .00045 ,00077 .00065 ,00043 .00060 .00198 .00280 .00108 .00261 .00326 .00344 .00169 .00146 .00058 .00656 .00108 .00075 .00275 .00329 .00610 •000b2 .00123 .00146 .00879 .00209 .00477 .00376 .00148 .00068 .00410 .00221 .00586 .00134 .00426 .00090 .00328 .00167 .00637 .07006 .01181 .14213 .55928 .05223 .01308 .01553 .00302 .00377 .02220 .02678 .06527 .05974 .02869 .02099 .05197 .05564 .12504 .00546 .05491 .06854 .01474 .00548 .02398 .00209 .00980 .00282 .00513 .01279 .01942 .00583 .08027 .06710 1.01182 .01639 .00246 1.00336 Table 3. --Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand, 1970 (Producers' prices) 10 1 1.32257 .07931 .04021 .10631 .00276 .00182 .00171 .00408 .00251 .00274 2 .36647 1.06541 .07635 .23303 .00289 .00180 .00197 .00401 .00248 .00249 3 .00114 .00053 1.01779 .00063 .00053 .00097 .00078 .00026 .00038 .00048 4 .03801 ,0488d .02782 1.01222 .00041 .00023 .00025 .00060 .00030 .00032 5 .00056 .00077 .00076 .00039 1.06175 .00554 .00139 .00107 .00210 .00343 6 .00076 .00126 ,00064 .00058 .02826 1.17802 .00106 .00094 .00432 .00554 7 .00175 .00200 .00098 .00122 .00366 .00355 1.12158 .00171 .00718 .00472 8 .01520 .02543 .01256 .00874 .00985 .00878 .00907 1.03139 .02376 .01172 9 .00249 .00583 ,00074 .00157 .00369 .00322 .00183 .00147 1.03417 .01112 10 .00110 .00257 .00041 .00087 .00396 .00353 .00048 .00045 .00182 1.05993 11 12 .02510 .02897 .00716 .01207 .04061 .02121 .01571 .04986 .02298 .02634 13 .00014 .0001° .00013 .00011 .00019 .00022 .00018 .00022 .00030 .00017 1* .17479 .01594 .02477 .03399' .00393 .00394 .00281 .00501 .00505 .00585 15 .00022 .00026 .00024 .00021 .00023 .00019 .00015 .00036 .00025 .00031 16 .00230 .00348 .01062 .00727 .00240 .00106 .00609 .00095 .00558 .00149 17 .00228 .00299 .03334 .01759 .00206 .00082 .0015* .00086 .00302 .00104 18 .00053 .00050 .00079 .00065 .00042 .00036 .0003* .00036 .00064 .00038 19 .00114 .00209 .00096 .00238 .00040 .00026 .00100 .00019 .00520 .00031 20 .00321 .00411 .00188 .00505 .00570 .01109 .00910 .00213 .00351 .00440 21 .00133 .00310 .00035 .00370 .00007 .00008 .00007 .00006 .00007 .00006 22 .00008 .00009 .00012 .00010 .00008 .00008 .00007 .00008 .00008 .00006 23 .00008 .00009 .00005 .00006 .00008 .00010 .00006 .00010 .00010 .00008 24 .01078 .00899 .00484 .02371 .00538 .00441 .00373 .00409 .01815 .01132 25 .00679 .00453 .00316 .04427 .00148 .00157 .00121 .00117 .00252 .00216 26 .01232 .01593 .00554 .00655 .01275 .00725 ,00745 .00806 .01196 .01236 27 .04600 .10848 .01735 .03752 .03084 .04228 .02077 .01817 .03658 .04631 28 .00422 .00669 .00935 .00665 .00475 .00356 .00372 .00237 .00656 .00503 29 .00409 .00256 .00095 .00131 .00106 .00105 .00073 .00092 .00129 .00146 30 .00157 .00187 .00249 .00096 .00192 .00126 .00097 .00272 .00145 .00144 31 .0^996 .0514'. .02642 .01717 .01316 .01260 .01467 .00948 .04379 .01327 32 .00892 .01 142 .00641 .00497 .01600 .00972 .01072 .00544 .02037 .01668 33 •0U011 .00008 .00005 .00010 .00006 .00005 .00005 .00005 .00010 .00006 34 .00046 .00014 .00012 .00040 .00010 .00008 .00007 .00009 .00012 .00012 35 .00320 .00088 .00073 .00085 .00068 .00048 .00047 .00064 .00067 .00058 36 .0U247 .00376 .00150 .00156 .00347 .00445 .00516 .00959 .06112 .00270 37 .00932 .01012 .01545 .00609 .04642 .04652 .02715 .02165 .04211 .03719 38 .00533 .00736 .00543 .00399 .01148 .01020 .00952 .00798 .01317 .01025 39 .00647 .00295 .02306 .00217 .00095 .00098 .00068 .00078 .00122 .00116 40 .00174 .00207 .00101 .00094 .00285 .00183 .00170 .00688 .00356 .00464 41 .00329 .00231 .00155 .00123 .00403 .00529 .01289 .00195 .00316 .00221 42 .00540 .00556 .00718 .00773 .00555 .00584 .00629 .00797 .01072 .00481 43 .00102 .00190 .00216 .00202 .00531 .00869 .00647 .00599 .01713 .00334 44 .00484 .01284 .00105 .00288 .00042 .00037 .00043 .00028 .00046 .00035 45 .00066 .00113 ,00038 .00045 .01670 .01259 .02422 .00478 .01091 .01287 46 .00035 ,0004d .00018 .00023 .00067 .00095 .00056 .00053 .00392 .00116 47 .00105 .00114 .00112 .00107 .00270 .00326 .00206 .00191 .00305 .00230 48 .00096 .00152 .00059 .00079 .00073 .00081 .00058 .00068 .00099 .00083 49 .00176 .00274 .0015? .00122 .00321 .00349 .00418 .00837 .01150 .00305 50 .00123 .00141 .00072 .00064 .00262 .03653 .00346 .00713 .00396 .00652 51 .00053 .00077 .00021 .00037 .00070 .00033 .00039 .00095 .00050 .00052 52 .00064 .00077 .00029 .00034 .00085 .00050 .00045 .00088 .00077 .00065 53 .00119 .00170 ,00094 .00078 .00268 .00295 .00173 .01494 .00566 .00425 54 .00035 .00042 .00026 .00022 .00046 .00029 .00024 .00055 .00037 .00037 55 .00075 .00084 .00049 .00039 .00098 .00087 .00264 .00138 .00104 .00096 56 .00064 .00068 .00034 .00035 .00064 .00049 .00040 .00133 .00067 .00064 57 .00051 .00061 .00038 .00036 .00063 .00045 .00038 .00125 .00067 .00058 58 .00179 .00242 .00136 .00074 .00156 .00107 .00075 .00065 .00099 .00055 59 .00261 .00273 .00156 .00120 .00751 .00228 .00204 .00175 .00306 .00173 60 .00099 .00092 .00074 .00072 .00146 .00129 .00095 .00108 .00181 .00095 61 .00066 .00072 .00761 .00060 .00092 .00186 .00051 .00056 .00067 .00089 62 .00060 .00062 .00045 .00037 .00083 .00083 .00056 .00146 .00082 .00062 63 .00067 .00083 .00033 .00040 .00067 .00046 .00043 .00055 .00068 .00068 64 .00144 .00170 .00326 .00089 .00159 .00140 .00101 .00117 .00178 .00175 65 .06222 .04326 .04098 .03372 .07861 .04968 .02019 .02675 .03733 .03930 66 .01017 .00912 .00310 .00401 .00661 .00598 .00453 .00456 .00561 .01054 67 .00270 .00426 .00094 .00145 .00356 .00174 .00198 .00207 .00318 .00333 68 .02002 .02450 .00748 .01105 .05189 .04172 .02902 .02181 .05436 .07909 69 .10252 .08487 .04360 .04165 .03263 .03151 .03196 .02924 .04356 .03797 70 .03537 .03390 .02230 .01439 .02319 .03760 .01959 .02499 .02885 .02885 71 .07352 .11415 .02660 .06160 .11336 .04239 .05553 .19765 .06284 .06971 72 ,00274 .00258 .00201 .00195 .00215 .00178 .00144 .00254 .00244 .00279 73 .04797 .07576 .01674 .02575 .06322 , .03093 .03526 .03620 .05671 .05936 75 .01110 .00920 .00495 .00366 .00383 .00355 .00327 .00320 .01051 .00368 76 .00151 .00215 .00071 .00090 .00180 .00097 .00103 .00140 .00162 .00174 77 .00862 .00220 ,00086 .00132 .00151 .00169 .00115 .00125 .00117 .00314 78 .00380 .00411 .00187 .00199 .00442 .00361 ,00274 .00303 .00399 .00637 79 .00576 .00592 .00269 .00319 ,00998 .00732 .00492 .00544 .00883 .01187 80 .03195 .03427 .30975 .03202 .32758 .16681 .01095 .08998 .07099 .11242 81 .00769 .00791 .01095 .00794 .00668 .00775 .00532 .00994 .00995 .01246 ,00137 ,00089 ,00081 .00125 .00137 .00105 .00128 ,00160 .00141 80 Table 3. -Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand, 1970 - Continued (Producers' prices) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 .00345 .00270 .00343 .36458 .01761 .02316 .04195 .00943 .01552 .00703 .00516 .00330 .00297 .19304 .21510 .09691 .03708 .03176 .04658 .02361 .00631 .00199 .00127 .00635 .00043 .00063 .00079 .00422 .00104 .10716 .00244 .00110 .00031 .01482 .00995 .00484 .00250 .00179 .00249 .00377 .00334 .00216 .00420 .00116 .00033 .00079 .00089 .00050 .00076 .00099 .0075* .00311 .00712 .00101 .00052 .00148 .00174 .00095 .00126 .00102 .00357 .00222 .00389 .00292 .00153 .00519 ,00490 .00296 .00417 .00231 .01*89 .01614 .00699 .01200 .00730 .01530 .01553 .00903 .01096 .01220 .01476 •0132T .00099 .00199 .00144 .00173 .00171 .00090 .00123 .00172 .00085 .00061 .00087 .00097 .00082 .00290 .00307 .001*5 .00182 .00075 l.OOOCO .01 304 1.00892 .01281 .02102 .01109 .02098 .02079 .01429 .01687 .01686 .00043 .00028 1.08912 .00016 .00010 .00020 .00023 .00016 .00022 .00024 .00757 .00699 .00963 1.25689 .00786 .01515 .01586 .00971 .01155 .00713 .00034 .00028 .00049 .00031 1.25700 .00029 .00031 .00032 .00032 .00021 .00456 .00200 ,00424 .00365 .00204 1.47623 .32096 .45455 .66728 .00559 .00449 .00105 .00199 .00240 .00130 .04555 1.08601 .02231 .12890 .00528 .00166 .00078 .00158 .00139 .00069 .00652 .01817 1.26434 .02965 .00220 .00064 .00039 .00115 .00187 .00058 .00549 .01575 .022*3 1.02914 .00121 .07779 .02338 .01359 .00611 .00382 .00456 .00586 .00392 .00953 1.34922 .00042 .00022 .00021 .00183 .00129 .00036 .00020 .00017 .00024 .00372 .00494 .00053 .00063 .00016 .00005 .00017 .00114 .00015 .00184 .00317 .003(10 .00063 .00063 .00009 .00005 .00010 .00026 .00009 .00042 .00094 .01*28 .00907 .01136 .03460 .02272 .01975 .03010 .02008 .03164 .01521 .00430 ,00331 ,00973 .02790 .01185 .01365 .01260 .01337 .02836 .00489 .01739 .00953 ,01280 .02637 .02283 .01250 .01607 .01287 .01310 .00941 .01808 .01907 .03574 .03726 .03542 .13929 .14987 .06924 .08564 .03188 .00 701 .00674 .00716 .00684 .01803 .17382 .24467 .09377 .11250 .00714 .00145 .001*3 .00151 .00590 .00342 .00565 .00577 .00340 .00511 .00121 .00765 .03459 .00166 .00235 .00098 .00333 .00499 .00197 .00270 .00738 .0295* .03349 .01 188 .02201 .01*0* .02654 .02747 .01533 .01839 .02282 .01752 .01072 .01586 .01652 .01268 .01455 .03392 .01060 .03422 .01109 .0001* .00009 .00012 .00011 .00006 .0001* .00037 .00373 .00372 .00013 .00019 .00015 .00027 .00028 .00014 .00016 .00041 .00077 .00071 .00031 .00404 .00523 .00205 .01760 .00052 .00697 .00367 .00267 .00383 .00262 .08560 .03449 .00490 .00264 .00143 .00394 .00639 .00208 .00334 .01190 .06914 .04486 .08890 .02292 .00499 ,00880 .01039 .00664 .01134 .01932 .07633 .03026 .07190 .00811 .00350 .00856 .01077 .00643 .00876 .00852 .00183 .00322 .00139 .03373 .00160 .00322 .00362 .00195 .00246 .00375 .09707 .05340 .00231 .00164 .00084 .00166 .00173 .00115 .00159 .00336 .00760 .00524 .02155 .00574 .00140 .00175 .00243 .00178 .01108 .00745 .02946 .02188 .02462 .00790 .00529 ,00466 .00551 .00488 .00677 .02325 .00368 .00123 .00255 .00091 .00064 .00078 .00078 .00050 .00066 .00083 .00058 .00038 .00119 .00259 .00270 .00133- .00065 .00054 .00078 ,00046 .00370 .00203 .00263 .00082 .00068 .00078 .00082 .00056 .00068 .00067 .00596 .00575 .00065 .00050 .00024 .00080 .00069 .00043 .00058 .00118 .00450 .00270 .01664 .00265 .00187 .00258 .00738 .00222 .00529 .00308 .00111 .00075 .00115 .00224 .00064 .00994 .00827 .004U .00546 .00224 .007*8 .00487 ,00789 .00278 .00128 ,00276 .00306 .00162 .00225 .00300 .00416 .00243 .01886 .00125 .00071 .00138 .00175 .00096 .00138 .00264 .00062 .00041 .00106 .00057 .00047 .00047 .00055 .00049 .00052 .00037 .01289 .01061 .00256 .00072 .00050 .00060 .00102 .00050 .00080 .00107 .01169 .00675 .00602 .00153 .00089 .00173 .00204 .00126 .00178 .00158 .00346 .00741 .00239 .00044 .00026 .00034 .00042 .00055 .00056 ,00057 .01823 .01245 .00157 .00076 .00039 .00075 .00080 .00057 .00075 .00128 .00217 .00343 .03429 .00072 .00040 ,00069 .00087 .00067 .00090 .00059 .00143 .00125 .03505 .00063 .00044 .00067 .00360 .00062 .00116 .00049 .00219 .00130 .00246 .00110 .00063 .00069 .00062 .00046 .00060 .00122 .00433 .00283 .01152 .00258 .00110 .00158 .00233 .00132 .00239 .00303 .00219 .00144 .17090 .00121 .00051 .00103 .00138 .00080 .00126 .00184 ,0012a .00079 .00121 .00079 .00033 ,00061 .00075 .00049 .00076 .00151 .00565 .00262 .01380 .00086 .00046 .00118 .00115 .00159 .00718 .00111 .00108 .00066 .00807 .00106 .00091 .00097 .00098 . .00105 .00127 .00069 .00389 .00534 .00262 .00210 .00150 .00212 .00644 .02095 .01213 .00331 .0648 3 .04599 .04086 .07798 .02613 .06109 .08170 .04239 .05448 .06950 .01192 .00723 .01869 .01245 .00601 .00982 .01134 .01186 .01196 .00806 .00475 .00248 .00313 .00450 .00477 .00298 .00338 .00290 .00303 .00220 .02035 .01298 .02123 .02635 .01139 .04116 .03795 .02654 .03375 .02499 .11624 .09566 .05764 .09813 .03605 .08263 .08609 .07797 .08671 .06999 .02503 .01526 .01505 .02725 .01531 .02214 .02240 .02233 .02415 .02321 .03608 .02546 .02632 .05571 .04065 .04807 .05094 .04514 .04631 .03116 .00378 .00291 .00607 .00527 .00523 .00358 .00437 .003*9 .00499 .00211 ,08496 .04435 .05590 .08033 .58529 .05315 .06028 .05174 .05410 .03933 .00894 .00549 .00502 .00917 .00353 .00480 .00512 .00443 .00478 .00926 .00240 .001*1 .00183 .00227 .00221 .00163 .00182 .00160 .00167 .00122 .00229 .00139 .00284 .00383 .00115 .00177 .00203 .00195 .00201 .00131 .00458 .00303 .00447 .00501 .00479 .00505 .00534 .00657 .00587 .00354 ,00594 .00397 .00466 .00705 .00284 .00818 .00841 .00561 .00705 .00617 .03753 .02213 .04259 .06176 .01930 .07884 .11605 .04100 .05501 .13372 .01507 .01257 .02331 .01266 .01151 .01228 .01310 .01346 .01342 .00879 ,00188 ,00118 ,00258 .00221 ,00116 ,00234 ,00224 .00267 .00255 .00168 83 Table 3. --Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand, 1970 (Producers' prices) Continued 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 .00436 .00542 .00357 .00644 .00409 .00433 .00690 .00823 .01653 .01580 2 .01020 .01137 .00513 .00711 .00430 .00413 .00658 .00697 .01019 .02929 3 .03867 .01462 .00698 .01008 .00436 .00202 .00179 .00144 .00122 .00146 4 .00154 .00106 .00056 .00078 .00049 .00046 .00062 .00065 .00093 .00176 5 .00089 .00229 .00615 .00081 .00118 .00067 .00473 .00212 .00153 .00309 6 .00086 .00261 .00368 .00126 .00164 .00113 .00963 .00455 .00208 .00495 7 .00240 .00346 .00536 .00952 .00520 .00296 .00970 .01030 .00341 .00500 8 .00846 .00788 .00667 .01472 .01301 .00764 .06253 .03520 .01428 .02781 9 .00132 .00160 .00142 .00559 .00266 .00142 .00583 .00295 .00209 .00905 10 .00053 .0 J087 .00074 .00291 .00190 .00114 .02488 .OO949 .00435 .00614 11 12 .01438 .01588 .01561 .02365 .02165 .01791 .03128 .02961 .02103 .02358 13 .00068 .00169 .00381 .00020 .00018 .00041 .00080 .00041 .00029 .00033 u .00750 .00819 .00628 .01720 .01036 .01034 .01935 .02376 .04786 .04583 15 .00031 .00032 .00026 .00029 .00027 .00045 .00037 .00046 .00061 .00059 16 .00431 .08892 .02233 .02056 .00971 .00868 .00325 .01289 .00479 .00350 17 .00258 .02832 .02245 .00685 .00<,14 .00419 .00164 .00283 .00279 .00150 18 .00250 .00546 .00458 .00178 .00247 .00185 .00099 ,00140 .00130 .00123 19 .00141 .00481 .00669 .00191 .00104 .00091 .00138 .00090 .00114 .00080 20 .48574 ,1821b .08639 .12451 .05283 .02314 .00861 .01021 .00720 .00529 21 1.02384 .00087 .00073 .00046 .00030 .00013 .00012 .00014 .00018 .00021 22 .00894 1.01649 .02052 .00042 .00023 .00013 .00010 .00011 .00024 .00009 23 .00065 .00351 1.02540 .00026 .00024 .00032 .00010 .00011 .00014 .00010 24 .01493 .01851 .01767 1.21903 .48016 .21423 .02829 .05811 .04081 .02396 25 .00831 .01805 .01661 .02855 1.03869 .01020 .01058 .01893 .03624 .01487 26 .10933 .01260 .01257 .02313 .02360 1.14330. .01720 .01834 .04735 .02130 27 .02176 .03429 .02496 .07848 .06775 .04444 1.26718 .47573 .15875 .30525 28 .00486 .02887 .01745 .02477 .01658 .01032 .04253 1.05512 ,02060 .10374 29 .00111 .00189 .00173 .00324 .00231 .00183 .01888 .01427 1.05674 .01592 30 .01083 .01681 .01364 .00337 .00314 .00243 .00673 .00989 .00577 1.01118 31 .01465 .01334 .01073 .02465 .02279 .01288 .12024 .06644 .02642 .05406 32 .00718 .05226 .04714 .02887 .01867 .01249 .01279 .03525 .04331 .01188 33 .00010 .00099 .00053 .00014 .00013 .00010 .00015 .00014 .00017 .00012 34 .00020 .00036 ,00034 .00025 .00037 .00025 .00016 .00024 .00033 .00027 35 .00160 .00725 .01056 .00120 .00117 .00082 .00197 .00236 .02106 ,00174 36 .01003 .01052 ,00649 .00601 .00359 .00223 .00732 .00454 .00545 .00796 37 .01783 .04738 .13256 .01279 .02152 .01 175 .02914 .01814 .02368 .04929 38 .00739 .02470 .03416 .00889 .01337 .00942 .04012 .02471 .01352 .03624 39 .00238 .00266 .00213 .00265 .01092 .01100 .01841 .00970 .02386 .07176 40 .00203 .00247 .00650 .00209 .00180 .00137 .00282 .00244 .00181 ,00219 41 .00553 .00815 .02285 .00266 .00277 .00218 .00289 .00277 .00771 .00359 42 .01946 .06649 .05553 .01992 .01603 ,00938 .01048 .00803 .02203 .01318 43 .00067 .00081 .0C134 .00084 .00073 .00053 .00144 .00106 .00100 .00107 44 .00029 .00107 .00210 .00028 .00026 .00022 .00037 .00033 .00052 .00061 45 .00060 .00087 .00117 .00096 .00079 .00068 .00180 .00132 .00166 .00119 46 .00083 .00073 .00303 .00170 .00098 .00053 .00208 .00138 .00064 .00095 47 .00504 .00563 .00838 .00322 .00956 .00202 .00317 .00469 .00326 .00350 43 .00302 .00179 .00127 .00326 .00255 .00210 .01375 .00818 .00228 .00395 49 .00257 .00376 .00424 .00638 .00410 .00207 .00788 .00621 .00299 .00392 50 .00153 .00206 .00487 .00127 .00125 .00089 .00220 .00461 .00217 .00301 51 .00036 .00046 .00138 .00073 .00057 ,00069 .00081 .00070 .00112 .00065 52 .00217 .00098 .00561 .00075 .00068 .00061 .00091 .00084 .00138 .00085 53 .00155 .00211 .00430 .00181 .00185 .00140 ,00465 .00296 .00252 .00271 54 .00054 .00057 .00167 .00098 ,00061 .00048 .00052 .00052 .00102 .00062 55 .00103 .00184 .00196 .00105 .00092 .00070 .00127 .00125 .00095 .00095 56 .00063 .00109 .00508 .00071 .00069 .00135 .00096 .00091 .00112 .00090 57 .00051 .00088 .00199 .00082 .00071 .00098 .00086 ,00081 .00120 .00089 58 .00074 .00074 .00068 .00055 .00054 .00045 .00077 .00069 .00063 .00077 59 .00249 .00268 .00575 .00177 .00186 .00157 .00317 .00233 .00270 .00303 60 .00150 .00165 .00728 .00133 .00132 .00096 .00150 .00157 .00126 .00136 61 .00100 .00075 .00111 .00077 .00079 ,00049 .00081 .00075 .00065 .00079 62 .00104 .00330 ,00989 .00193 .00143 .00114 .00116 .00110 .00572 .00102 63 .00067 .00103 .00114 .00205 .00142 .00971 .00157 .00131 .00226 .00135 64 .00280 .00610 .00586 .00296 .00251 .00438 .00303 .00291 .00499 .00313 65 .07925 .05967 .04814 .07695 ,08846 .04729 .07613 .07606 .05668 .08136 66 .00905 .01156 .01213 .00994 .01226 .01953 .01154 .01330 .01645 ,01483 67 .00220 .00301 .00282 .00301 .00321 ,00408 .00423 .00455 .01275 .00452 68 .02451 .02418 ,02427 .04746 .03505 ,02256 .07120 .05576 .02591 .03585 69 .08399 .08234 ,06532 .07254 .06735 .05562 .06025 .07550 .06842 .07465 70 .02185 .02270 .02256 .02110 .01919 .02287 .02564 .02569 .02471 .02472 71 .03196 .03782 .03413 .04096 .04585 .07116 .07100 .06760 .07287 .06470 72 .00324 .00378 .00331 .00440 .00621 ,00578 .00451 .00585 .01091 .00976 73 .03935 .05380 .05038 .05366 .05735 .07282 .07542 .08124 .22810 .08065 75 .00682 .00568 .00483 .00506 .00552 ,00601 .00518 .00561 .00620 .00614 76 .00134 .00166 .00150 .00159 .00167 .00220 .00219 .00242 .00573 .00253 77 .00125 .00184 .00193 .00162 .00184 .00324 .00225 .00250 .00372 .00263 78 .00407 ,00477 ,00449 .00475 .00475 .01782 .00642 .00570 .00792 .00607 79 .00624 .00568 .00522 .00942 .00802 .00540 .01283 .01073 .00625 .00821 80 .06364 .04329 .06664 .12548 .06038 .03349 .08089 .06527 .04123 .04697 81 .01370 .01421 .01 145 .01081 .01062 .01918 .01542 ,02000 .02706 .02646 82 .00190 .00245 .00202 .00233 .00233 .00234 .00292 .00298 90 Table 3.— Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand, 1970 - Continued (Producers' prices) 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 1 .00405 .00618 .00356 .00482 .00248 .00313 .00183 .00205 .00490 .00309 2 .00376 .00708 .00265 .00719 .00253 .00319 .00178 .00195 .00427 .00282 3 .00038 .00113 .00038 .00198 .00154 .00089 .00066 .00098 .00085 .00086 4 .00051 .00057 .00032 .00056 .00030 .00034 .00023 .00025 .00039 .00032 5 .00093 .00129 .00048 .00068 .00054 .00268 .05724 .00281 .02123 .01547 6 .0U127 .00203 ,000b2 .00102 .00179 .00317 .00964 .14122 .00938 .01377 7 .00304 .00478 .00381 .00246 .00361 .01 104 .03408 .00442 .01375 .01038 8 .49556 .01349 .00890 .00657 .00975 .01618 .01051 .00911 .00835 .00823 9 .00446 .00225 ,00081 .00076 .01335 .08474 .00385 .00140 .00223 .00197 10 .00098 .00337 ,ori63 .00095 .00210 .00551 .00180 .OOlll .00105 .00080 1 1 12 .051 13 .01860 .01147 .01166 .02089 .02663 .02519 .01680 .01685 .01837 13 .00020 .00055 .00013 .00020 .00014 .00022 .00031 .00020 .00038 .00159 14 .00751 .01 199 .01006 .00767 .00601 .00742 .00455 .00517 .01434 .00820 15 .00031 .00040 .00019 .00028 .00026 .00030 .00020 .00020 .00069 .00040 16 .00137 .05006 .00203 .06694 .00364 .00954 .00180 .00238 .00214 .00249 17 .00092 .04626 .00178 .03846 .00190 .00407 .00082 .00083 .00095 .00112 18 .00056 .00407 .00140 .01508 .00213 .00 175 .00149 .00126 .00153 .00194 19 .00037 .00208 .00041 .01088 .00052 .00098 .00051 .00045 .00052 .00076 20 .0031K .01078 .00285 .02275 .01780 .00945 .00712 .01109 .00737 .00885 21 .000(7 .00018 .00009 .00023 .00095 .00010 .00025 .00057 .00018 .00079 22 .00008 .00045 ,00006 .00032 .00442 .00012 .00011 .00011 .00010 .00046 23 .0C009 .00067 .00006 .00062 .00020 .00012 .00020 .00012 .00014 .00274 24 .01207 .03598 .01324 .02726 .03985 .03427 .00647 .00714 .02372 .01160 25 .OU508 .02011 .00544 .01963 .05778 .00935 .00245 .00280 .01652 .00772 26 .01426 .01564 .00932 .01445 .01160 .01274 .01186 .00961 .05869 .01231 27 .04419 .13960 .07893 .04153 .04292 .041 16 .02593 .02791 .02556 .01773 28 .00401 .19454 .00612 .03422 .00821 .01218 .00319 .01158 .00601 .00478 29 .0051 1 .00547 .04165 .00971 .00371 .00189 .00101 .00122 .00230 .00199 30 .00335 .00468 .00136 .00174 .00653 .00259 .00210 .00192 .02683 .00982 31 1,08990 .02337 .01567 .01093 .01260 .02604 .01492 .01244 .01268 .01274 32 .00603 1.05371 .00790 .10037 .02687 .01919 .00656 .00840 .00726 ,00884 33 .00009 .00070 1.10868 .17905 .00008 .00039 .00016 .00039 .00013 ,00016 34 .00011 .00203 .00420 1.02623 .00016 .00019 .00013 .00011 .00023 .00022 35 .00085 .00457 .00132 .00143 1.05944 .00130 .00081 .00072 .00082 .00577 36 .00927 ,00bl9 .0C341 .00262 .02157 1.13375 .00766 .00524 .00755 .00830 37 .01729 .01961 .00567 .01232 .00848 .03068 1.25029 .04490 .46201 .33583 38 .0103b .01459 ,00467 .00835 .01610 .01305 .06470 1.51557 .08549 .13682 39 .00571 .00378 .00244 .00164 .00203 .00280 .00109 .00213 1. 01435 .00238 40 .00508 .00248 .00097 .00125 .00184 .00342 .00491 .00208 .00304 1.03180 41 .00209 .00838 .00141 .00955 .00218 .00323 .01183 .00588 .01920 .03031 42 .00688 .02119 .00430 .02015 .00527 .01726 .02262 .01538 .01563 .04059 43 .00338 .00078 .00044 .00050 .00076 .00367 .00209 .00231 .00124 .00490 44 .00027 .00044 .00015 .00029 .00018 .00037 .00171 .00030 .00079 .00149 45 .00284 .00100 .00050 ,00060 .00082 .00840 .00326 .00224 .00168 .00553 46 .00133 .00101 ,00050 .00042 .00055 .00143 .00230 .OO134 .00134 .00325 47 .00182 .00802 .00386 .00565 .00488 .01029 .01409 .01171 .01496 .01294 48 .00090 .00386 .00142 .00321 .00084 .00206 .00218 .00088 .00215 .00311 49 .00798 .00390 .00150 .00176 .00261 .00671 .01685 .00855 .00772 .01946 50 .00396 .00357 .00157 .00137 .00095 .00284 .01031 .01184 .00508 .01524 51 .00081 .00068 .00036 .00049 .00038 ,00046 .00060 .00036 .00051 .00113 52 .00098 .00080 .00041 .00061 .00070 .00124 .00103 .00087 .00083 .01565 53 .00815 .00224 .00099 ,00147 .00165 .00426 .01476 .01090 .00695 .02048 54 .00057 .00055 .00023 .00108 .00040 .00057 .00058 .00069 .00223 .00481 55 ,0ul67 .00142 .00042 .00062 .00225 .00312 .00188 .00241 .00142 .00242 56 .00103 .00123 .00049 .00075 .00067 .00102 .00113 .00178 .00101 .00198 57 .00099 .00143 .00039 .00081 .00061 .00082 .00110 .00108 .00088 .00185 58 .00064 .00075 .00039 .00045 .00063 .00077 .00153 .00805 .00114 .00186 59 .00201 .00373 .00115 .00186 .00609 .00246 .00928 .00656 .00513 .01211 60 .00147 .00627 .00085 .00148 .00097 .00175 .00156 .00126 .00250 .00674 61 .00089 .00070 .00047 .00047 .00052 ,00096 .00140 .00084 .00111 .00554 62 .00193 .00176 .00085 .00350 .00236 .00133 .00303 .00125 .00181 .00870 63 .00064 .00165 ,00074 .00294 .00084 .00084 .00081 .00063 .00126 ,00108 64 .00164 .01036 .00210 .01383 .00360 .00586 .00194 .00227 .00202 .00242 65 .09005 .05822 .05288 .04040 .05684 .10118 .08370 .06084 .08289 .06282 66 .00723 .01229 .00761 .01090 .00845 .01194 .00930 .OO79O .00940 .01373 67 .00370 .00380 .00221 .00319 .00277 .00305 .00307 .00218 .00340 .00300 68 .04211 .03580 .02224 .02088 .05582 .06049 .05222 .04827 .03561 .03369 69 .04027 .06923 .11447 ,07836 .05183 .05558 .06413 .07958 .04972 .07571 70 .03763 .02004 .02162 .02222 .01727 .02628 .02142 .02389 .02194 .02479 71 .13527 .04365 .03387 .03870 .03753 .04696 .02755 .03000 .03386 .03772 72 .00326 .00528 .00228 .00356 .00362 .00356 .00271 .00224 .00619 .00699 73 .06564 .06793 .03952 .05705 .04937 .05437 .05494 .03896 .06081 .05350 75 .00455 .00465 .00384 .00419 .00394 .00753 .00458 .00383 .00440 .00513 76 .00197 .00203 .00126 .00168 .00146 .00165 .00154 .00121 .00213 .00172 77 .00159 .00199 .00156 .00221 .00151 .00203 .00149 .00162 .00167 .00208 78 .00464 .00475 .00425 .00676 .00439 ,00485 .00428 .00399 .00429 .00460 79 .00943 .00726 .00621 .00479 .00942 .01200 .00992 .00878 .00767 .00698 80 .10358 .07554 .11369 .04645 .05160 .04792 .10813 .16043 .05956 .06025 81 .00962 . .01778 .00761 .01207 .01130 .01283 .00875 .00659 .03291 .01824 82 .00195 .00220 ,00167 ,00287 .00194 .00222 .00181 .00153 .00177 .00233 91 Table 3. --Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand, 1970 (Producers' prices) Continued 4l 42 43 45 48 49 50 1 .00189 .00252 .00282 .00267 .00236 .00261 .00257 .OO345 .00294 .00282 2 .00188 .00242 .00239 .00243 .00215 .00233. .00221 .00297 .00249 .00239 3 .00089 .00104 .00064 .00071 .00057 .00058 .00049 .00096 .00076 .00042 4 .00023 .00027 .00028 .00029 .00026 .00028 .00025 .00035 .00029 .00028 5 .01415 .01135 .00851 .01041 .01077 .00862 .00657 .00656. .00799 .00572 6 .01100 .01304 .01140 .00685 .00507 .00891 .00699 .00711 .00918 .00720 7 .00978 .00826 .00692 .00795 .00786 .00645 .00500 .00506 .00608 .00458 8 .00694 .00834 .00797 .00715 .00710 .00641- .00723 .00704 .00729 .00989 9 .00158 .00192 .00193 .00152 .00182 .00147 .00181 .00143 .00200 .00150 10 .00074 .00145 .00057 .00063 .00058 .00054 .00049 .00046 .00057 .00044 11 12 .01660 .01590 .01560 .01574 .01594 .01459 .01384 .01523 .01515 .01333 13 .000 7 7 .00156 .00997 .00205 .00217 .00115 .00073 .00329 .00137 .00087 14 .00465 .00626 .00767 .00687 .00593 .00659 .00672 .00883 .00787 .00700 15 .00021 .00029 .00039 .00034 .00030 .00034 .00035 .00040 .00040 .00038 16 .00280 .00370 .00247 .00352 .00285 .00299 .00232 .00345 .00243 .00225 17 .00124 .00361 .00123 .00229 .00167 .00162 .00118 .00U8 .00166 .00199 18 .00184 .00196 .00163 .00186 .00171 .00167 .00186 .00164 .00188 .00193 19 .00127 .00078 .00088 .00074 .00072 .00112 .00060 .00044 .00053 .00051 20 .01011 .01147 .00498 .00731 .00578 .00581 .00462 .01029 .00778 .00365 21 .00089 .00033 .00021 .00045 .00030 .00038 .00026 .00040 .00051 .00020 22 .00084 .00132 .00064 .00023 .00025 .00021 .00021 .00038 .00021 .00020 23 .00047 .00180 .00042 .00123 .00028 .00085 .00028 .00028 .00111 .00113 24 .01224 .01692 .00874 .00910 .00728 .00797 .00711 .00752 .00828 .00739 25 .0089b .01285 .00631 .00481 .00344 .00382 .00353 .00341 .00452 .00576 26 .00968 .01227 .01102 .01410 .01092 .01252 .00991 .01114 .01118 .00930 27 .01755 .02871 .013C4 .01585 .01266 .01253 .01176 .01112 .01331 .01115 28 .00620 .00791 .00446 .00903 .00615 .00596 .00475 .00461 .00451 .00377 29 .00131 .00187 .00107 .00119 .00102 .00108 .00096 .00134 .00134 .00108 30 .00387 .00681 .00281 .00421 .00346 .00294 .00300 .00190 .00226 .00174 31 .01034 .01317 .01347 .01155 .01149 .01036 .01226 .01209 .01202 .01770 32 .01208 .02342 .01030 .03799 .02407 .02103 .01502 .01413 .01204 .01009 33 .00038 .00029 .00042 .00020 .00017 .00021 .00021 .00043 .00072 .00011 34 .00030 .00030 .00018 .00024 .00019 .00036 .00028 .00028 .00019 .00017 35 .00154 ,00255 .00124 .00103 .00096 .00110 .00096 .00180 .00117 .00094 36 .00636 .00901 .01539 .00834 .01270 .00935 .01564 .01014 .01684 .01203 37 .30730 .24366 .18378 .22589 .23408 .18677 .14188 .14177 .17269 .12347 38 .10794 .13120 .11565 .06560 .04642 .08928 .0699* .07135 .09241 .07256 39 .00408 .00199 .00114 .00125 .00103 .00108 .00194 .00100 .00130 .00091 40 .00508 .01018 .00792 .00708 .01096 .01801 .00648 .02097 .02066 .00426 41 1.03549 .02315 .02916 .03125 .01721 .02225 .04819 .01536 .01535 .01738 42 .02343 1.05183 .02601 .02902 .02448 .04017 .03078 .02340 ,03702 .01926 43 .00267 .00290 1.11843 .09508 .03449 .02343 .00303 .01248 .01581 .00397 44 .00152 .00157 .00781 1,05449 .01118 .00964 .00176 .00371 .00330 .00113 45 .00154 .00344 .03999 .02645 1.05019 .04867 .00372 .00804 .01018 .00209 46" .00131 .00209 .00152 .00189 .01462 1.05395 .0019* .OO57O .00364 .00094 47 .02378 .02174 .02325 .01762 .02830 .02543 1.07912 .03314 .02810 .03038 48 .00210 .00421 .00513 .00422 .00386 .00572 .00719 1.05942 .01321 .00263 49 .00 8'21 ,01473 .05032 .08478 .07252 .07452 .03265 .05428 1.07957 .02066 50 .01693 .01053 .03451 .01669 .01222 .02623 .01285 .00829 .01316 1,06563 51 .00190 .00060 .00055 .00057 .00055 .00056 .00066 .00231 .00055 .00047 52 .00320 .00449 .00163 .00207 .00169 .00637 .00269 .00388 .00846 .00130 53 .00713 .00833 .03576 .01694 .02288 .04962 .03773 .04742 .04589 .01146 54 .00242 .00140 .00074 .00354 .00063 .00111 .00139 .00183 .00171 .00054 55 .00396 .00373 .00256 .00193 .00204 .00245 .00272 .00373 .00281 ,00360 56 ,00147 .00138 .00430 .00165 .00198 .00286 .00242 .01146 .00283 .00149 57 ,,00149 .00125 .00534 .00196 .00193 .00313 .00220 .00466 .00385 .00131 58 ,00197 .00166 .02578 .01394 .00430 .00461 .00169 .00220 .00248 .01608 59 ,04006 ,01163 .03824 .01780 .02095 .02221 .01896 .00655 .01215 .01443 60 .00240 .00284 .06318 .00781 .00936 .00619 .00534 .00538 .01303 .00210 61 .00110 .00149 .01154 .00364 .00686 .00244 .00094 .00547 .00365 .00164 62 .00406 .00471 .00549 .00586 .00875 .00791 .00350 .00481 .00574 .00178 63 .00099 .00111 .00105 .00109 .00093 .00096 .00087 .00204 ,00102 .00080 64 .00412 .00411 .00192 .00321 .00231 .00278 .00298 .00250 .00202 .00166 65 .05245 ,04906 .04599 .05131 .04385 .04224 .03631 .03953 .04390 .03476 66 .00950 .01103 .01222 .01199 .01195 .01455 .01133 .01327 .01310 .00983 67 .00238 .00281 .00272 .00358 .00272 .00312 .00241 .OO234 .00276 .00230 68 .03115 .03227 .02562 .02610 .02600 .02324 .02291 .02077 .02530 .02552 69 .052E9 .05912 .07696 .07950 .06992 .06990 .05885 .06858 .06776 .04926 70 .01813 .02028 .01603 .02630 .02063 .02129 .01729 ,02080 .01811 .01683 71 .02837 .03254 .03122 .03378 .03476 .03871 .03432 .05243 .03412 .04613 72 .00275 .00377 .00461 .00465 .00373 .00425 .00399 .00413 .00436 .00380 73 .04249 .05025 .04856 .06392 .04854 .05577 .04309 .0*170 .04921 .04107 75 .00408 .00421 .00501 .00484 .00454 .0047? ,00388 .00415 .00449 .00350 76 .00125 .00151 .00160 .00168 .00149 .00169 .00141 .00146 .00160 .00139 77 .00152 .00176 .00197 .00193 .00191 .00237 .00188 .00221 .00212 .00166 78 .00350 .00407 .00418 .00489 .00417 .00445 .00372 .00416 .00427 .00341 79 .00621 .00632 .00555 .00578 .00538 .00501 .00468 .00472 .00528 .00502 80 .06604 .07857 .08119 .09857 .05976 .06203 .06482 .10334 ,07403 .02884 81 .00916 .01299 .01792 .01515 .01310 .01491 .01577 .01778 .01823 .01677 82 ,00200 .00211 .00248 .00206 ,00234 .00189 .00218 ,00209 .00169 Table 3. --Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand, 1970 (Producers' prices) Continued 51 52 53 55 57 58 59 60 1 .00589 .00372 .00364 .00370 .00303 .00299 .00427 .00292 .00255 .00345 2 .00464 .00335 .00311 .00378 .00277 .00258 .00349 .00261 .00305 .00295 3 .00066 .00085 .00077 .00097 .00066 .00069 .00069 .00073 .00062 .00054 4 .UO050 .'10037 .00034 .00040 .00031 .00029 .00037 .00030 .00029 .00031 5 ,n0215 .00679 .004 57 .00691 .00529 .00157 .00231 .00313 .00785 .00303 6 .00525 .01328 .01230 .01117 .01201 .00539 .00862 .02158 .00679 .00826 7 ,0024b ,00583 .00460 .00637 .00479 .00212 .00314 .00386 .00648 .00295 8 .00553 .0078H .00833 .00826 .00686 .00508 .00751 .00740 .00717 .00701 9 .00099 .00231 .00208 .00219 .00225 .00087 .00190 .00169 .00155 .00095 10 .00043 .00078 .00072 .00099 .00082 .00043 .00102 .00116 .00070 .00038 11 12 .01592 .01615 .01567 .01841 .01513 .01287 .01667 .01465 .01529 .01423 13 .00081 .00144 .00287 .00074 .00190 .01113 .00105 .00051 .00114 .02746 14 .01598 .00989 .00970 .00914 .00771 .00789 .01187 .00745 .00557 .00925 15 .00088 .00048 .00050 .00043 .00038 .00041 .00060 .00036 .00025 .00049 16 .00266 .00535 .00327 .01029 .00457 .00354 .00387 .00377 .01695 .00449 17 .00144 .00235 .00182 .00377 .00186 .00174 .00236 .00214 .00885 .00152 18 .00168 .00194 .00184 .00210 .00195 .00187 .00257 .00181 .00222 .00181 19 .00045 .00090 ,00050 .00082 .00051 .00039 .00050 .00125 .01886 .00049 20 ,00466 .00839 .00735 .00991 .00641 .00680 .00571 .00720 .00642 .00460 21 .00017 .00188 .00041 .00230 .00020 .00130 .00023 .00020 .00038 .00032 22 .00060 .00062 .00052 .00125 .00046 .01381 .00220 .00026 .00045 .00082 23 .00146 .00126 .00018 .00039 .00021 .00026 .00017 .00031 .00166 .00354 24 .02109 .01542 .01962 .02226 .01920 .01327 .02660 .01285 .01103 .00832 25 .00612 .01152 .00783 .02541 .02499 .00653 .01101 .01201 .00639 .00372 26 .03463 .01506 .01208 .02101 .01184 .01603 .01470 .01159 .01096 .01312 27 .01492 .02260 .02369 .03337 .02689 ,01607 .04069 .04724 .02058 .01167 28 .00798 .00948 ,01058 .02132 .01637 .00996 .01847 .01861 .01310 .00609 29 ,0014'6 .00187 .00143 .00272 .00139 .00111 .00179 .00163 .00129 .00135 30 .00291 .00746 .00442 .01130 .00598 .00230 .00305 .00212 .00655 .00227 31 .00904 .01283 .01409 .01298 .01032 .00815 .01181 .01167 .01161 .01213 32 .01888 .02640 .01713 .06030 .02901 .01714 .03310 ,03089 .03826 .01175 33 .00013 .00046 ,00044 ,00067 .00014 .00012 .00015 .00016 .00022 .00013 34 .00031 .00038 .00023 .00125 .00019 .00023 .00030 .00020 .00022 .00029 35 .00615 .00264 .00329 .00619 .03613 .00916 .03321 .00313 .01334 .00148 36 .00553 .01949 .01829 .01566 .01565 .00494 .01211 .01319 .00815 .00594 37 .04512 .14527 .09675 .14760 .10572 .03266 .04680 .06311 .16959 .06451 38 .05407 .13674 .12755 .11347 .12366 .05595 .08885 .20845 .06631 .08587 39 .00150 .00186 .00147 .00251 .00169 ' .00108 .00168 .00164 .00165 .00112 40 .00635 .03167 .00380 .00874 .00649 .00215 .00304 .00448 .00409 .00257 41 .02372 .03675 ,02404 .05455 .03288 .02476 .03212 .02118 .08215 .02950 42 .01927 .05821 .01943 .05143 .02381 .01887 .02636 .02995 .04974 .02994 43 .00134 .00512 .01662 .00256 .00174 .00098 .00119 .00192 .01259 .00564 44 .00049 .00122 .00064 .00177 .00293 .00031 .00035 .00046 .00139 .00071 45 .00102 .00435 .00344 .00186 .00123 .00075 .00101 .00132 .00374 .00127 46 .00064 .00473 .00218 .00107 .00068 .00060 .00169 .00075 .00159 .00075 47 .02035 .01770 .01972 .01760 .01185 .01224 .01577 .01789 .02020 .02537 48 .00147 .00410 .00151 .00159 .00119 .00067 .00111 .00135 .00157 .00132 49 .01 040 .02554 .01251 .01682 .00637 .00358 .00373 .01747 .01589 .01496 50 .01857 .00684 .00660 .00593 .00825 .00714 .00586 .00528 .02000 .04393 51 1.17061 .00120 .00126 .00088 .00060 .01059 .01163 .00069 .00062 .00142 52 .00098 1.08445 .00173 .03691 .00149 .00111 .00084 .00177 .01745 .00114 53 .03772 .11295 1.08789 .07277 .04283 .02412 .02972 .02762 .01250 .01080 54 .00063 .10650 .00101 1.01740 .00066 .00175 .00062 .OO194 .00261 .00076 55 .03432 .01134 .02023 .01578 1.03951 .01171 .00722 .0268* .00923 .00188 56 .02240 .00772 .02278 .00388 .00539 1.08741 .04853 .00819 .00619 .04608 57 .15174 .00628 .03695 .00466 .00837 .20090 1.17984 .01873 .00367 .02022 58 .00242 .00318 .00806 .00555 .02827 .00277 .00370 1.07676 .02111 .00668 59 .00414 .03362 .01034 .01760 .01168 .00320 .00423 .06415 1.37834 .00807 60 .00209 .02194 .00475 .00452 .00256 .01912 .00248 .00236 .00471 1.30321 61 .00086 .00315 ,0098r .00191 .00095 .00061 .00075 .00078 .00104 .00230 62 .00470 .02296 .01420 .03574 .00301 .00533 .00325 .OO574 .00781 .02535 63 .002 18 .00189 .00173 .00193 .00343 .00215 .00353 .00409 .00101 .00205 64 .00319 .00793 .00255 .01161 .00269 .00361 .00297 .00233 .00289 .00268 65 .04482 .05304 ,04445 .05510 .04528 .03266 .04484 .04336 .05742 .03476 66 .01666 .01401 .01376 .01354 .01145 .01668 .01815 .01119 .00937 .01776 67 .00334 .00381 .00268 .00573 .00296 .00314 .00355 .00291 .00275 .00323 68 .01817 .02781 .02606 .03174 .02945 .01843 .02862 .02770 .02602 .02045 69 .08256 .09191 .07012 .07987 .06418 .06079 .07358 .07030 .06734 .05471 70 .02544 .02004 ,02001 .02067 .01559 .01696 .0216* .02254 .01846 .01628 71 .07302 ,0420a .04416 .04912 .04246 .03655 .04103 .04052 .02821 .03998 72 .00721 .00481 .00509 .00502 .00412 .00452 .00652 .00520 .00347 .00766 73 .05947 .06806 .04780 .10241 .05285 .05602 .06342 .05188 .04906 .05769 75 .00493 .00547 .00460 .00508 ,00428 .00483 .00507 .00485 .02491 .00528 76 .00235 .00213 .00168 .00282 .00166 .00175 .00212 .00163 .00145 .00201 77 .00276 .00222 .00214 .00210 .00187 .00252 .00288 .00187 .00146 .00266 78 .00522 .00509 .00416 .00634 .00406 .00468 .00493 .00402 .00456 .00445 79 .00484 .00611 .00555 .00673 .00590 .00409 .00596 .0058* .00608 .00457 80 .08358 .05595 .07534 .04864 .05749 .11099 .08601 .08844 .07855 .04732 81 .04056 .02176 .02276 .01920 .01689 .01876 .02818 .01590 .01099 .02291 82 .00261 .00238 .00215 ,00227 ,00188 ,00261 .00257 .00187 .00186 .00245 93 Table 3. -Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand, 1970 - Continued (Producers' prices) 62 63 6*. 67 69 70 1 .00344 .00477 .00287 .00503 .00383 .00163 .00945 .00183 .00492 .00362 2 .00409 .00653 .00253 .00690 .00517 .00137 .01270 .00174 .00379 .00291 3 .00647 .00088 .00067 .00290 .00039 .00021 .00045 .00032 .00040 .00036 4 .00051 .00051 .00029 .00059 .00045 .00017 .00181 .00027 .00103 .00032 5 .00784 .00313 .00136 .00256 .00074 .00017 .00021 .00048 .00027 .00016 6 .00893 .00794 .00891 .00720 .00089 .00039 .00040 .00063 .00043 .00024 7 .00619 .00333 .00221 .00345 .00191 .00077 .00147 .04449 .00144 .00124 8 .00720 .00653 .00729 .00824 .02468 .00398 .00487 .09784 .00734 .00400 9 .00171 .00171 .00115 .00176 .00099 .00057 .00048 .00139 .00051 .00036 10 .00066 .00071 .00161 .00099 .00027 .00009 .00017 .00032 .00018 .00013 11 12 .0154 7 .01478 .01546 .01466 .04490 .03544 .01949 .08427 .01387 .01349 13 .00466 .00502 .00059 .00094 .00037 .00020 .00020 .00011 .00034 .00010 14 .00770 .01173 .00744 .01179 .00943 .00409 .01843 .00421 .01322 .00917 15 .00036 .00056 .00034 .00069 .00024 .00023 .00104 .00023 .00045 .00052 16 .00707 .02941 .00323 .03334 .00275 .00077 .00082 .00128 .00186 .00096 17 .01049 .00701 .0OU5 .01289 .00183 .00033 .00045 .00075 .00102 .00046 18 .00229 .00290 .00133 .00471 .00094 .00062 .00035 .00074 .00109 .00026 19 .00160 .00207 .00038 .00208 .00216 .00018 .00024 .00030 .00083 .00022 20 .07974 .00833 .00621 .03067 .00284 .00166 .00152 .00302 .00317 .00250 21 .00045 .00038 .00014 .00048 .00008 .00004 .00009 .00004 .00051 .00004 22 .00684 .00233 .00028 .00130 .00013 .00022 .00012 .00007 .00016 .00004 23 .00096 .00219 .00018 .00122 .00011 .00004 .00004 .00008 .00027 .00004 24 .01181 .03028 .03633 .04773 .00706 .00622 .00668 .00538 .01414 .01884 25 .00454 .01258 .01081 .03710 .00207 .00076 .00146 .00105 .00475 .00126 26 .01022 .01701 .01449 .02008 .01047 .01405 .01762 .00849 .01709 .04089 27 .01841 .02576 ,07450 .03978 .00876 .00307 .00667 .01051 .00693 .00472 28 .01261 .01701 .01571 .03985 .00325 .00124 .00148 .00193 .00248 .00140 29 .00126 .01281 .00199 .00379 .00106 .00070 .00123 .00105 .00268 .00113 30 .00606 .00250 .00195 .00661 .00323 .00143 .00102 .00318 .00126 .00072 31 .01 166 .01070 .01242 .01428 .05043 .00668 .00606 .02084 .01226 .00595 32 .03210 .03170 ,02070 .05092 .00999 .00336 .00324 .00433 .00724 .00310 33 .00019 .00033 .00011 .00250 .00006 .00005 .00011 .00004 .00011 .00007 34 .00032 .00124 .00019 .00448 .00011 .00017 .00046 .00009 .00033 .00015 35 .00448 .00514 .01319 .00554 .00174 .00058 .00104 .00076 .00155 .00049 36 .01142 .00606 .00392 .00566 .00296 .00163 .00141 .00*25 .00201 .00100 37 .16926 .06600 .02428 .05265 .01537 .00344 .00389 .OO95O .00530 .00299 38 .08965 .07726 .09115 .07367 .00843 .00378 .00366 .00553 .00387 .00215 39 .00150 .00442 .00165 .00249 .00101 .00047 .00095 .00071 .00158 .00086 40 .04727 .00371 .00160 .00241 .00313 .00199 .00125 .00502 .00210 .00088 41 .01736 .02653 .01640 .01413 .00332 .00151 .00166 .00185 .00233 .00142 42 .03283 .03163 .02396 .02827 .00780 .00197 .00223 .00467 .00326 .00197 43 .04963 .00168 .00083 .00108 .00290 .00027 .00041 .00146 .00072 .00039 44 .00654 .00208 .00031. .00185 .00025 .00010 .00029 .00018 .00041 .00019 45 .00637 .00166 .00060 .00094 .00070 .00037 .00057 .00190 .00064 .00067 46 .00164 ,00099 .00052 .00059 .00045 .00025 .00020 .00058 .00037 .00015 47 .01621 .01676 .00376 .00392 .00139 .00050 .00062 .00079 .00104 .00043 48 .00221 .00129 .00195 .00197 .00038 .00014 .00029 .00030 .00065 .00025 49 .04002 .00933 .00553 .00339 .00450 .00054 .00076 .00313 .00136 .00069 50 .01019 .00862 .00336 .00318 .00198 .00058 .00060 .00136 .00109 .00057 51 .00051 .00250 .00077 .00350 .00039 .00044 .00080 .00031 .00107 ,00068 52 .00377 .00400 .00080 .00140 .00100 .00061 .00056 .00110 .00106 .00058 53 .01833 .03535 .01293 .00837 .00258 .00131 .00129 .00399 .00123 .00080 54 .00721 .00099 .00042 .00256 .00054 ,00044 • .00051 .00073 .00037 .00033 55 .00617 .00782 .00250 .00325 .00117 .00075 .00158 .00249 .00111 .00049 56 .00178 .03095 .00857 .00346 .00120 .01466 .00545 .00072 .00180 .00082 57 .00199 .03707 .02455 .00502 .00157 .00465 .01247 .00061 .00088 .00061 58 .00434 .00540 .00212 .00151 .00203 .00042 .00039 .00054 .00158 .00034 59 .04380 .01382 .00246 .00558 .00572 .00148 .00109 .00150 .00287 .00121 60 .00742 .01330 .00247 .00354 .01085 .00050 .00068 .00071 .00198 .00042 61 1.04084 .00192 .00074 .00297 .00796 .00017 .00039 .00045 .00054 .00027 62 .00407 1.08795 .00287 .00298 .00180 .00033 .00045 .00062 .00139 .00042 63 .00092 .01563 1.06667 .00125 .00081 .00086 .00475 .00053 .00158 .00214 64 .00697 .00860 .00476 1.07685 .00178 .00187 .00325 .00131 .00299 .00364 65 .05821 .04189 .03472 .05015 1.13576 .01322 .03645 .04283 .02616 .02371 66 .01091 .01601 .01369 .01246 .01575 1.01146 .05315 .00786 .01551 .02841 67 .00247 .00422 .00351 .00366 .00211 .00254 1.03416 .OOleO .00372 .00587 68 .02606 .02216 .02031 .02296 .02121 .01305 .02798 1.27745 .02390 .01702 69 .08761 .07275 .05831 .08146 .05320 .01735 .03938 .02636 1.03391 .02636 70 .02002 .01891 .01945 .02300 .03406 .01735 .02536 .02476 .03080 1.26016 71 .03448 .04137 .03949 .04211 .04795 .02792 .09172 .03780 .06663 .06124 72 .00404 .00620 .00441 .00472 .00346 .01269 ,00808 .00368 .00561 .00447 73 .04403 .07537 .06267 .06902 .03756 ,04537 .07783 .03203 .06632 .10481 75 .00518 .00498 .00378 .00459 .01999 .00725 .00387 .00449 .01292 .00585 76 .00149 .00234 .00183 .00205 .00173 .00127 .33811 .00103 .00333 ,00299 77 .00176 .00261 .00219 .00230 .00184 .00162 .00300 .00138 .00223 .01390 78 .00425 .00542 .00413 .00596 .00484 .00632 .00584 .02593 .01447 .02165 79 .00587 .00495 ,00434 .00526 .03660 .00297 .00693 .15946 .00843 .00765 80 .10179 .06539 .08608 .12951 .06307 .01722 .01309 .02282 .00915 .01257 61 .01637 .02589 .01516 .01697 .00977 .01019 .04822 .00929 .01610 .02313 82 .00194 .00301 .00193 .00283 .00270 .00460 .00270 .00219 .00305 .01535 91* Table 3. -Total Requirements (Direct and Indirect) Per Dollar of Delivery to Final Demand, 1970 - Continued (Producers' prices) 71 73 78 79 81 h2 1 .01535 .00467 .00475 .00238 .01517 .00773 .00166 .00223 2 .01627 .00471 .00422 .00221 .03191 .00554 .00174 .00241 3 .00034 .00055 .00065 .00031 .00038 .00038 .00018 .00059 4 .00262 .00051 .00049 .00031 .00516 .00053 .00020 .00054 5 .00044 .00058 .00058 .00198 .00023 .00024 .00021 .00074 6 .00079 .00102 .00081 .00222 .00044 .00040 .00028 .00102 7 .00130 .00241 .00154 .00235 .001 14 .00216 .01530 .01479 8 . 308*7 .01134 .00519 .00968 .00551 .00713 .00810 .02087 9 .00156 .00102 .00075 .00127 .00071 .00059 .00042 .00317 10 .00028 .00043 .00039 .00035 .00030 .00024 .00012 .00095 11 12 .07874 .02657 .017C5 .01459 .02713 .02651 .01998 .21968 13 .00026 .00024 .00023 .00033 .00013 .00012 .00008 .00015 14 .00670 .01025 .01184 .00543 .01351 .02107 .00358 .00536 15 .00097 .00053 .00064 .00026 .00071 .00043 .00017 .00026 16 .00125 .01027 .00277 .00374 .00100 .00202 .00218 .00160 17 .00055 .00301 .00161 .00204 .00058 .00070 .00079 .00085 18 ,0007b .00687 .00067 .00137 .00033 .00124 .00028 .00113 19 .00025 .OO59O .00044 .00258 .00029 .00069 .00201 .00048 20 .00310 .00434 .00547 .00274 .00188 .00210 .00141 .00609 21 .0001 1 .00010 .00009 .00019 .00015 .00007 .00003 .00008 21 .00012 .00015 .00010 .00024 .00005 .00007 .00004 .00014 23 ,00012 .0001 1 .00013 .00028 .00005 .00006 .00004 .00016 2* .0051 1 .01584 .04152 .00696 .00745 .01046 .00550 .00801 25 .00133 .00533 .00328 .00331 .00166 .00265 .00104 .00163 26 .01 11-. .01495 .19229 .00852 .01729 .02418 .01257 .01609 27 .00889 .01649 .01531 .01064 .01290 .00927 .00473 .02249 li .00225 .00671 .00460 .00618 .00178 .00249 .00157 .00336 29 .00104 .02404 .00315 .00150 .00116 .02234 .00267 .00317 30 .00304 .00229 .00160 .00401 .00139 .00128 .00103 .00781 31 .01266 .01920 .00880 .01806 .00873 .00899 .01332 .02274 32 .00390 .01722 .01231 .02323 .00336 .00672 .00435 .00725 33 .00007 .00169 .00036 .00010 .00020 .00006 .00008 .00006 34 .00015 .00906 .00031 .00016 .00092 .00018 .00024 .00011 35 .0010 1 .00223 .00139 .00920 .00075 .00128 .00059 .00167 36 .00 3 60 .00595 .00327 .01004 .00191 .00179 .00123 .00874 37 .00714 .01121 .01148 .04209 .00407 .00443 .00422 .01440 38 .00549 .00941 .00739 .02145 .00371 .00347 .00256 .00913 39 .00085 .00148 .00321 .00113 .00094 .00151 .00050 .00136 40 .00491 .00192 .00144 .00197 .00165 .00160 .00126 .01189 41 .00 16 1 .00785 .00807 .06880 .00151 .00184 .00194 .00269 42 .00323 .01154 ,00890 .01930 .00234 .00268 .00211 .00714 43 .00067 .00254 .00240 .00315 .00043 .00034 .00062 .00250 44 .00043 .00027 .00135 .00038 .00051 .00018 .00011 .00033 45 .00093 .00071 .00574 .00092 .00054 .00043 .00069 .00219 46 .00068 .0 1034 .00035 .00045 .00024 .00023 .00018 .00136 47 .00090 .00201 .00205 .00507 .00049 .00068 .00046 .00116 48 .00 135 .00061 ,00070 .00066 ,00038 .00032 .00018 .00049 49 .00146 .00148 .00338 .00352 .00083 .00076 .00094 .00223 50 .00092 .00264 .00317 .02571 .00061 .00064 .00065 .00157 51 .00431 .00089 .00359 .00057 .00070 .00048 .00063 .00041 52 .00119 .00145 .00393 .00739 .00062 .00056 .00053 .00267 53 .00206 .00391 .00443 .00391 .00110 .00105 .00079 .00294 54 .00092 .00570 .00098 .00114 .00047 .00041 .00039 .00174 55 .00173 .OH 50 .00083 .00344 ,00089 .00110 .00057 .00422 56 .00147 .00170 .00155 .00530 ,00081 .00086 .00044 .00112 57 .00168 .01818 .00236 .00189 .00081 .00097 .00049 .00065 58 .00058 .00131 .00085 .02200 .00047 .00052 .00046 .00114 59 .00274 .0 1407 .00367 .12237 .00140 .00156 .00290 .00273 60 .00130 .00095 .00095 .00146 .00062 .00054 .00134 .00083 61 .00060 .00093 .00081 .00047 .00046 .00028 .00140 .00045 62 .00067 .00195 .00134 .00193 .00043 .00690 .00043 .00126 63 .00094 .00850 ,00707 .00072 .01076 .00439 .00060 .00085 64 .00172 .02186 .01112 .00199 .00659 .00533 .00117 .00242 65 .02275 .03339 .03625 .03028 .0361 1 .02324 .12772 .03680 66 .00581 .01559 .03373 .01193 .01319 .01539 .00670 .01006 67 .00278 .00338 .06007 .00201 .00374 .00279 .00221 .00333 68 .01 137 .03510 .01500 .02015 .01901 .04216 .02811 .15124 69 .03087 .05489 .04351 .12986 .04035 .03319 .01790 .04139 70 .05517 ,04734 .02253 .03107 .03140 .01932 .02745 .03581 71 1.04812 .10037 ,06800 .04809 .10884 .06691 .03726 .03704 72 ,00490 1.03204 .01171 .00347 .00595 .00781 .00202 .OO314 73 ,04479 .06010 1.07634 .03580 .06641 .04298 .03949 .05953 75 .00332 .02033 .01225 1.00675 .00632 .00822 .00835 .00606 76 .00309 .00213 .02408 .00127 1.22552 .00229 .00216 .00166 77 .00188 .00495 .00348 .00158 .00376 1.01330 .00080 .00236 78 .00571 .00684 .01671 .00408 .00789 .00931 1.00262 .00666 79 .01 134 .00776 .00425 .01555 .00524 .00815 .00811 1.02147 80 .00766 .01630 .01592 .02061 .02096 .00918 .05050 .01293 81 .00508 .02198 .02913 .01062 .03095 .01855 .00682 .01136 1.00000 82 .00159 .00323 .00491 .00165 .00265 .00390 .00169 .00284 .11064 .00473 ,07426 .00495 .00703 .00353 ,00547 .00053 .00086 .00113 .00108 .00253 .00224 .00429 .01728 .00927 .00134 .00224 .00058 .00159 .03184 .01846 .00192 .00045 .36099 .01165 .02025 .00045 .00461 .01 372 .00246 .00572 .00244 .00217 .00239 .00 12 1 .00475 .04157 .00065 .00024 .00023 .00035 .00012 .00042 .01789 .36378 .01070 .01705 .01749 .70319 .02159 .05781 .00572 .01782 .01393 .00244 .00272 .00317 .03371 .01572 .01414 .02443 .00085 .00042 .00447 .00079 .00679 .00249 .00349 .00355 .01728 .02083 .00974 .02341 .01062 .00772 .00235 .00173 .00496 .00512 .00909 .01616 .00202 .00069 .00112 .00045 .00073 .00079 .00044 .00077 .00201 .00279 .00100 .00244 .00335 .00341 .00182 .00154 .00060 .00593 .00110 .00076 .00285 .00332 .00590 .00084 .00118 .00136 .00715 .00209 .00457 .00362 .00155 .00073 .00420 .00224 .00596 .00148 .00412 .00088 .00317 .00166 .00600 .07551 .01177 .U042 .55409 .05254 .01388 .01637 .00310 .0C381 .02376 .02738 .06857 .06240 .03166 .02235 .05660 .05962 .13215 .00529 .05530 .06801 .01495 .00549 .02107 .00204 .00993 .00274 .00512 .01281 .02045 .00610 .08729 .06684 1.01257 .01713 .00249 1.00335 95 Ni PE T.?Ji A .T E UN 'VERSITY LIBRARIES HIIIIIIIIII ADDD07Efl3E30i / ^6-l9l c>