H7. ^ 6?//> OMB CLEARANCE NO. 0605-0007 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Travel and Tourism Administration SURVEY OF INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVELERS Dear International Traveler: The U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration (USTTA) of the U.S. Government is conducting a survey to improve services in the United States and abroad for international travelers. This questionnaire is designed to be completed by both non-USA residents who have visited the country and U.S. residents traveling abroad. If you are 18 years of age or older, please complete this voluntary survey. Do not identify yourself by name. The information you give is confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only. The data will be used by airlines, travel agents, hotels, government travel offices, and other travel planners and providers to understand you, the international traveler, and thereby take steps to help improve your next international trip. Upon completing this survey, please return it to the person who provided it to you. The estimated average time to complete this questionnaire is 9 minutes. Should you have any comments regarding this survey, please send them to the Office of Research, USTTA, Washington, DC 20230. ■o o C (O c (0 Thank you for your cooperation on this important survey. Sincerely, ^^'vfrsIty'^'^'^ Rockwell A. Schnabel Under Secretary for Travel and Tourism 00^ Questionnaire disponible en fran^ais. Veuillez le reciamer s'il vous plait. Diese Umfrage ist auch auf Deutsch erhaltlich. Bei Bedarf bitte ein Exemplar anfordern. Questa indagine e disponibile anche in italiano. Si prega di richiederne una copia in caso di bisogno. Esta pesquisa tambem esta disponivel em portugues. Se necessario, favor solicitar uma copia. Este cuestionario tambien esta disponible en espanol a solicitud. Questionnaire disponible en franpais. Veuillez le reclamer s'il vous plait. Diese Umfrage ist auch auf Deutsch erhaltlich. Bei Bedarf bitte ein Exemplar anfordern. Questa indagine e disponibile anche in italiano. Si prega di richiederne una copia in caso di bisogno. *-7>')--hiia*ii){si^ffl«UTfcu^-ro m^izt5tztt^T^i\ Esta pesquisa tambem esta disponivel em portugues. Se necessario, favor solicitar uma copia. Este cuestionario tambien esta disponible en espanol a solicitud. SURVEY OF INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVELERS DEPARTING THE UNITED STATES Please enter date, flight number, and airline you are traveling on. Day Month Year Airline Nanne Flight Number At what airport did you board this flight? At what airport will you get off this flight?. What is your country of CItiZBBShIp? . What is your city/state and country of risldencs?. City/State Country Upon entering the USA on this trip, at what city did you pass through U.S. customs? OR If you are a resident of the USA, where will you pass through U.S. customs when you return?. To all respondents, please answer ALL of the following questions: What are the purposes of this trip? (Check all that apply) D Business D Visit friends/relatives D Vacation/holiday D Study/formal schooling D Attend convention/conference D Other 8. From what sources did you get information needed to plan your trip? (Check all that apply) D Airlines D Newspapers or magazines D Company's travel department D Tour director or company D Electronic data bases D National government tourist office D Friends or relatives D Travel agency D Published sources such as travel guides, airline timetables, OAG, etc How long before you started on your trip was the decision made to make the trip? (Check one category) D 7 days or less D 31-60 days □ 121-180 days D 8-14 days n 15-30 days D 61-90 days D 91-120 days D 181 days or more 10. How long before you started on your trip was your airline reservation made? (Check oni category) n 7 days or less □ 31-60 days D 8-14 days □ 61-90 days D 15-30 days □ 91-120 days D 121-180 days D 181 days or more 11. Airline reservations for this trip were made through. D A travel agent D A travel club D The company's travel department D Don't know D The airline directly D Other 12. What type of airline ticket do you have for this flight? (Check one category) D First class n Executive/business D Economy/tourist/coach class D Frequent flier D Don't know D Other 13. With whom are you traveling now? (Check ill that apply) D No one else, traveling alone D Spouse D Business associates D Tour group D Other family or relatives n Others 14. Including yourself, how many adults and/or children and/or youths under 18 are in your travel party? (Exclude your tour group members unless you knew them and planned to travel with them prior to booking the tour.) Number of adults Number of children/youths 15. Including this trip, how many round trips by air have you made to/from the United States? Please provide an estimate for totals during your lifetime, the last five years, and the past 12 months. Lifetime round trips In the past 5 years In the past 12 months -I c m c (C c