?/ £Ua!. '■] / j i'{ f iJ. BENCHMARK IN PUT- OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economics and Statistics Administration Bureau of Economic Analysis f **• X \ / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/benchmarkinputouOOunit BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1 992 ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION September 1998 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE William M. Daley, Secretary ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS ADMINISTRATION Robert J. Shapiro, Under Secretary for Economic Affairs BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS J. Steven Landefeld, Director Rosemary D. Marcuss, Deputy Director Suggested Citation U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Benchmark Input- Output Accounts of the United States, 1992. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1998. Acknowledgments This volume represents the efforts of many current and former staff members of the Industry Economics Di- vision, working under the direction of Sumiye Okubo, Associate Director for Industry Accounts; Ann M. Law- son, Chief of the Division; Belinda L. Bonds, Chief of the Goods Branch; Karen J. Horowitz, Chief of the Services Branch; and Mark A. Planting, Chief of the Auxiliary Studies Branch. Brian D. Kajutti designed the data processing system and coordinated the computer programming and processing, and John Turner prepared the summary and detailed tables. Ann Lawson directed the preparation of the volume and authored the summary and detailed series text. Karen Horowitz, with assistance from Belinda Bonds, Tara L. O'Brien, Alexandra E. Karaer, and Charlita R. Fickus, prepared "Appendix C: Measures of Output," "Appendix D: Products Included in Personal Consumption Expendi- ture Categories," and "Appendix E: Products Included in Producers' Durable Equipment Expenditure Categories." Other staff contributors from the Industry Economics Division were William A. Allen, Timothy D. Aylor, Alvin D. Blake, Felicia V. Candela, Michael C. Craw, Sergio Delgado, Carole Henry, Thuy Hia, David Huether, Myles J. Levin, Sherlene K. S. Lum, Fritz Mayhew, William McCarthy, Donna McComber, Cheryl Miner, Edward T Morgan, Brian C. Moyer, Diane E. Nisson, Robert S. Robinowitz, Darlene C. Robinson, Mary L. Roy, Timo- thy F. Slaper, John Sporing, Robert A. Sylvester, Diane Young, and Robert E. Yuskavage. Members of the staff of the National Income and Wealth Division under the direction of Leon W Taub, former Chief, and the staff of the Government Division under the direction of Karl D. Galbraith, Chief, contributed to the development of the estimates; major contributors were Brooks B. Robinson, Jeffrey W. Crawford, Pamela A. Kelly, Greg M. Key, Clinton P. McCully, Carol E. Moylan, and David F. Sullivan. Members of the staff of the International Investment Division under the direction of David R. Belli, Chief, and members of the staff of the Balance of Payments Division under the direction of Christopher L.Bach, Chief, assisted in the preparation of the foreign trade estimates. Estimates for transportation were prepared with the assistance of Bingsong Fang, Xiaoli Han, and Simon Randrianarivel from the Bureau of Transportation Statis- tics, U.S. Department of Transportation. Estimates for agriculture were prepared with the assistance of Gerald Schluter and William E. Edmondson from the Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Eric B. Manning, under the direction of Douglas R. Fox, Chief of the Current Business Analysis Division, coordinated the production of the publication and pro- vided typesetting. W Ronnie Foster designed the cover graphic. A special acknowledgment is made to the staff of the Bureau of the Census, particularly to those in the Agriculture and Financial Statistics Division under the di- rection of Ewen M. Wilson, Chief; in the Manufacturing and Construction Division under the direction of David Cartwright, former Chief; and in the Services Division under the direction of Carol Ambler, Chief. Without their cooperation and assistance, the publication of the 1992 benchmark input-output accounts on a more timely basis would have been impossible. in Contents Acknowledgments iii Introduction M-l Organization of the publication M-l Overview, Framework, and Summary Accounts M— 2 The 1992 Benchmark 1-0 Accounts M-2 Source data and procedures M-2 Improvements and changes M-5 Major definitional and classificational changes M-5 Major methodological changes M-6 Major statistical changes M-7 Introduction to the 1-0 Accounts M-7 The make table M-7 The use table , M-9 The commodity-by-industry direct requirements table M-10 The commodity-by-commodity total requirements table M— 12 The industry-by-commodity total requirements table M— 12 Comparison of total multipliers M-13 The uses of the 1-0 accounts M— 13 Analytical uses M-13 Statistical uses M-13 Definitions and conventions for classification M— 14 The 1-0 industry classification system M-14 The 1-0 commodity classification system M-15 Definitions and conventions for valuation of transactions M-15 Supplementary tables M-27 Detailed Accounts M-28 How to read the tables M-28 The make table for industries M-28 The make table for commodities M-28 The use table for commodities M-28 The use table for industries M— 29 Commodity output requirements for each commodity M-29 Industry output requirements for each commodity M-30 1-0 commodity composition of NIPA PCE M-30 1-0 commodity composition of NIPA PDE expenditures M-3 1 Appendix A: Classification of Industries in the 1992 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts M-32 V Appendix B: Classification of Value Added and Final Uses in the 1992 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts M— 37 Appendix C: Measures of Output M-38 Appendix D: Products Included in Personal Consumption Expenditure Categories M-68 Appendix E: Products Included in Producers' Durable Equipment Expenditure Categories M-89 Appendix F: Mathematical Derivation of the Total Requirements Tables M— 98 Summary Tables: Make and Use Tables 1 1. The Make of Commodities by Industries 2 2.1. The Use of Commodities by Industries 10 2.2. Input Components of Total Industry Output 20 Summary Tables: Requirements Tables 21 3.1. Commodity-by-Industry Direct Requirements 22 3.2. Input Components by Industry: Direct Requirements 29 4. Commodity-by-Commodity Total Requirements 30 5. Industry-by-Commodity Total Requirements 37 Detailed Tables 45 1 A. The Make Table for Industries (Rows) 47 IB. The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) 65 2A. The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) 83 2B. The Use Table for Industries (Columns) 192 4A. Total, Largest 15, and All Other Commodity Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded 301 5A. Total, Largest 15, and All Other Industry Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded . 321 D. 1 . Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditures in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices 341 E. 1 . Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Producers' Durable Equipment Expenditures in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices 344 VI Introduction This publication presents the 1992 benchmark input- output (I-O) accounts for the U.S. economy. It provides the estimates for both the summary (that is, at the 1-0 two- digit level) and the detailed (1-0 six-digit level) industries and commodities in one publication. It also provides in- formation on the uses of 1-0 accounts and on the methods underlying them. Organization of the publication The text consists of two parts and six appendixes. The first part of the text combines the text of the article "Bench- mark Input-Output Accounts for the U.S. Economy, 1992: Make, Use, and Supplementary Tables," which appeared in the November 1997 issue of the Survey of Current Business, with that of the article "Benchmark Input-Output Accounts for the U.S. Economy, 1992: Re- quirements Tables," which appeared in the December 1997 Survey. This part describes the preparation of the 1992 1-0 accounts and some of the improvements made to the tables, the concepts and methods underlying the U.S. 1-0 accounts, and how the 1-0 accounts are used. It also includes supplementary tables that relate the 1-0 accounts to the national income and product accounts (NIPA's); these tables permit more extensive analysis with the 1-0 estimates. The second part of the text describes how to read the detailed tables, which appear in the gen- eral format that was used for the publication Benchmark Input- Output Accounts of the United States, 1987. The text also presents the two appendixes that previ- ously appeared in the November 1 997 Survey. Appendix A provides a concordance between the codes used in the 1-0 accounts and the 1987 Standard Industrial Classifi- cation (SIC) system, and appendix B provides a list of the value-added and final-use components that are in- cluded in the 1-0 accounts. This volume includes four additional appendixes: Appendix C, which describes the measures of output; appendixes D and E, which list the products included in the NTPA personal consump- tion expenditure (PCE) and producers' durable equipment (PDE) expenditure categories, respectively; and appendix F, which provides the mathematical derivation of the 1-0 total requirements tables. The tables presenting the 1992 1-0 benchmark esti- mates are divided into two complementary parts. The first part presents the summary estimates as they were presen- ted in the November and December issues of the Survey. The second part presents the corresponding detailed es- timates. It provides the 1-0 estimates for the make and use tables and the estimates of the total output require- ments from industries and commodities to meet demand, as well as the 15 largest industries or commodities and their contributions to meeting that demand for a commod- ity. It also contains detailed estimates for 1-0 commodity composition of the NTPA PCE and PDE categories. All estimates developed for the 1992 benchmark 1-0 study are available on diskette (see the box "Data Avail- ability" on page M— 3). For other assistance, contact the Industry Economics Division at (202) 606—5584, or write to the Industry Economics Division, BE— 5 1 , Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington D.C. 20230. M-l Overview, Framework, and Summary Accounts The 1-0 accounts show the production of commodities (goods and services) by each industry, the use of com- modities by each industry, the commodity composition of gross domestic product (GDP), and the industry distri- bution of value added. These 1-0 accounts are used in a variety of analytical and statistical contexts, including in studies of interindustry relationships within the economy and as the framework and benchmarks for other statistical accounts. This publication presents the 1992 benchmark 1-0 ac- counts for the U.S. economy. 1 This part of the publication is in two sections. The first section describes the prepara- tion of the 1992 1-0 accounts and discusses some of the improvements that have been made. The second section describes the 1-0 tables, illustrates how they are used, and discusses the concepts and methods underlying the 1-0 accounts. The 1992 1-0 estimates are presented in this part in summary form; that is, they are aggregated to 97 1-0 industries from 498-industry detail. The make (produc- tion) of commodities by industries is shown in table 1; the use (consumption) of commodities by industries, in table 2. 1 ; and the components of value added by indus- tries, in table 2.2. The commodity-by-industry direct requirements for a dollar of industry output are shown in table 3.1, and the component detail for the value-added input coefficients in table 3.2. The commodity-by- commodity total requirements, direct and indirect, for a dollar of delivery to final use are shown in table 4. The industry-by-commodity total requirements, direct and in- direct, for a dollar of delivery to final use are shown in table 5. These tables are available at the summary and de- tailed levels on diskette (see the box "Data Availability" on page M-3). This part also presents supplementary tables that link the 1-0 accounts to the national income and product ac- counts (NIPA's). 2 These tables permit more extensive analyses with the 1-0 estimates. The 1992 Benchmark I-O Accounts In response to user needs — as expressed, for example, by the Interagency Working Group on the Quality of Economic Statistics — the Bureau of Economics Analysis (BEA) implemented a program to speed up the avail- ability of benchmark 1-0 accounts. 3 This goal was later formalized in BEA's Strategic Plan, which was developed with data users and data suppliers in 1995. The Strate- gic Plan included making the benchmark 1-0 accounts available to users within five years of the date of an eco- nomic census or within one year after the release of all the data from that census, as part of the goal to develop new and improved measures of output and prices. 4 The 1992 benchmark 1-0 accounts have met this goal. 5 Source data and procedures The benchmark 1-0 accounts are based primarily on data collected from the economic censuses conducted every five years by the Bureau of the Census. The economic censuses provide comprehensive data — including infor- mation on industry and commodity production, materials consumed, and operating expenses — that are not avail- able on a more frequent basis. The 1992 benchmark 1-0 accounts used data from economic censuses of the following industries: Mining; manufacturing; wholesale trade; retail trade; transportation, communications, and utilities; finance, insurance, and real estate; and services. In addition, the 1-0 accounts used data from the 1992 1. Earlier benchmark 1-0 accounts covered 1947, 1958, 1963, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, and 1987. The 1987 1-0 accounts were presented in the April and May 1 994 issues of the Survey of Current Business. 2. The 1 992 1-0 estimates will be incorporated into the NIPA's during the next comprehensive NIPA revision. See Leon W Taub and Robert P. Parker, "Preview of Revised NIPA Estimates for 1 992 From the 1 992 1-0 Accounts," Survey 77 (December 1997): 1 1-15. 3. See "Improving the Quality of Economic Statistics: The 1992 Economic Statistics Initiative," Survey 71 (March 1991): 4-5. 4. See "Mid-Decade Strategic Review of BEA's Accounts: Maintaining and Improving Their Performance," Survey 75 (February 1995): 36-66; "Mid- Decade Strategic Review of BEA's Economic Accounts: An Update," Survey 75 (April 1995): 48-56; and "BEA's Mid-Decade Strategic Plan: A Progress Report," Survey 76 (June 1996): 52-55. 5. The 1 987 benchmark 1-0 accounts were released in the spring of 1 994 — seven years after the 1 987 economic census and three years after the publication of the 1 982 benchmark 1-0 accounts. To speed up the availability of the 1987 1-0 accounts, BEA devised a set of procedures that captured the most important parts of the 1987 economic census data but abbreviated the process of assembling the wide variety of other non-census data needed to complete a full benchmark. The use of these abbreviated procedures to prepare the 1 987 benchmark 1-0 accounts enabled BEA to more quickly turn its resources towards preparing a complete set of benchmark accounts for 1 992. M-2 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-3 Census of Agriculture, the 1992 Census of Construction Industries, and the 1992 Census of Governments. In preparing the 1992 benchmark 1-0 accounts, BEA first estimated industry and commodity outputs for the 1-0 make and use tables. The industry and commodity out- puts are represented by the shaded cells in the 1-0 make table, shown in the upper panel of chart 1 , and in the 1-0 use table, shown in the lower panel. Where there are gaps in coverage by the economic censuses, BEA used data from other sources, such as the U.S. Department of Agri- culture, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of Management and Budget, other Government agencies, and private organizations. Second, BEA prepared estimates of the commodity in- puts required by an industry to produce its output. In the use table shown in chart 1 , commodity inputs are repre- sented by the upper cells in an industry column. Most of the detailed data available to estimate commodity inputs are obtained from the economic censuses, which included selected purchased services for most industries and mate- rials consumed for manufacturing. When only aggregate data were available, BEA combined that information (for example, purchases of fuel by manufacturing industries) with information on purchases of individual commodities (for example, purchases of petroleum products, natural gas, and coal in the category of purchased fuels) to es- timate purchases of specific commodities by an industry (for example, purchases of natural gas by a manufacturing industry). Third, BEA prepared estimates of value added by all industries. In the 1-0 accounts, value added consists of three components — compensation of employees, indi- rect business tax and nontax liability, and "other value added" — which are represented by the lower cells in an industry column of the use table. To estimate compen- sation of employees and indirect business tax and nontax liability, BEA used data from the NEPA's and from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of the Census, Office of Management and Budget, and the U.S. Department of Treasury. BEA then derived other value added as a residual by subtracting total intermediate inputs, compen- sation of employees, and indirect business tax and nontax liability from total industry output. Finally, BEA completed the estimates of detailed final-use categories. Most of the estimates of personal consumption expenditures and gross private fixed invest- ment were prepared using the commodity-flow method. 6 For example, using the commodity-flow method, office equipment for private investment was estimated as a resid- ual after government investment was subtracted from the total supply of office equipment. The estimates of inventories held by industries were based primarily on economic census data; these estimates were then dis- tributed to commodities based on information from the 1987 benchmark 1-0 accounts. The estimates of exports and imports of commodities were based on data from the Bureau of the Census and BEA's U.S. balance of payments accounts. For the estimates of Federal Govern- ment and State and local government, total consumption and investment expenditures by type of purchase were obtained from the NEPA's; these estimates were then dis- tributed to 1-0 commodities based on information from 6. See the box "Personal Consumption Expenditures and Producers' Durable Equipment" on page M-5. Data Availability The summary estimates and more detailed estimates for 498 industries at the 1-0 six-digit level, including a discussion of the matrix algebra underlying the derivation of the tables, are available on the following diskettes: • The summary estimates for the make, use, and requirements tables, including estimates of make and use on an approximate 1 987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) basis — product number NDN-0180, one diskette, for $20. • The estimates of make, use, and direct requirements at the 1-0 six-digit level — product number NDN-0178, three diskettes, for $60. • The alternative estimates of make and use on an approximate SIC basis at the 1-0 six-digit level — product number NDN-0 179, two diskettes, for $40. • The estimates of industry -by-commodity total requirements at the 1-0 six-digit level — product number NDN-0 183, one diskette, for $20. • The estimates of commodity-by-commodity total require- ments at the 1-0 six-digit level — product number NDN-0 1 84, one diskette, for $20. • The estimates of the 1-0 commodity composition of final demand in the national income and product accounts (NIPA's) at the 1-0 six-digit level — product number NDN-0 185, one diskette, for $20. • The estimates of the 1-0 commodity composition of NIPA personal consumption expenditures and producers' durable equip- ment at the I-O six-digit level — product number NDN— 0186, one diskette, for $20. To order these diskettes using MasterCard or Visa, call the BEA Order Desk at 1-800-704-0415 (outside the United States, call 202-606-9666). To order by mail, send a check payable to "Bu- reau of Economic Analysis, BE-53" to BEA Order Desk, Bureau of Economic Analysis, BE— 53, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. M-4 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 The U.S. Input-Output Accounts MAKE TABLE: INDUSTRIES PRODUCING COMMODITIES USE TABLE: COMMODITIES USED BY INDUSTRIES AND FINAL USES INDUSTRIES FINAL USES (GDP) TOTAL COMMODITY OUTPUT Agricul- ture Mining instruc- tion Manufac- turing Transpor- tation Trade Finance Services Other Total inter- mediate use Personal consumption expenditures Gross pnvate fixed investment Change in business inventones Exports ol goods and services Imports ol goods and services Gowmmeffl con&jnpDon apendwes and gross fTiesrmeni GDP COMMODITIES Agricultural products • Minerals Construction Manufactured products - >' Transportation Trade Finance Services Other* Noncomparable imports Total inter- mediate inputs VALUE ADDED Compensation ol employees Indirect business tax and nontax liability TOTAL COMMODITY OUTPUT I • ' Other value added" | PRIMARY PRODUCT OF THE INDUSTRY Bg| TOTAL INDUSTRY OUTPUT Total TOTAL INDUSTRY OUTPUT 1 * The input-output (l-O) accounts use two classification systems, one for industries and another tor commodities, but both generally use the same 1-0 numbers and tides. *Other" consists of government enterprises and other K) special industries; »r more information see 'Appendix A: Classification of Industries m the 1992 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts.* " "Other value added* consists of the following national income and product accounts components of gross domestic income: Consumption of fixed capital, net interest, proprietors' income, corporate profits, rental income ot persons, business transfer payments, and subsidies less current surplus of government enterprises. US. Deoartment of Commerce, Bureau ol Economic Analysis BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-5 the 1987 benchmark 1-0 accounts and the 1992 economic censuses. Improvements and changes The 1992 1-0 accounts incorporated three types of changes: Definitional and classificational, to more accu- rately reflect the evolving U.S. economy; methodological, to increase the accuracy and reliability of the estimates; and statistical, to introduce newly available and revised source data. Major definitional and classificational changes. — The 1992 1-0 accounts incorporated the definitional changes that were introduced as part of the comprehensive NIPA revision released in January 1996. 7 Of this type, the change that most affected the 1-0 accounts was the new treatment of government purchases that distinguishes between government investment and consumption ex- penditures and that is symmetrical with the treatment of private fixed assets. 8 7. See "Preview of the Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: New and Redesigned Tables," Survey 75 (October 1995): 30-39. Also see "Improved Estimates of the National and Product Accounts for 1959-95: Results of the Comprehensive Revision," Survey 76 (January/February 1 996): 1—31. 8. The services of general government fixed assets, measured as depreci- ation, are now included in government consumption expenditures. However, the use of depreciation as a measure of the value of services of government fixed assets is only a partial measure of the total value. In theory, the service value of an asset should equal the reduction in the value of the asset due to its use during the current period (depreciation) plus a return equal to the current value the asset could earn if invested elsewhere (net return). The consumption of fixed capital by government does not provide an estimate of the full value of the services of government fixed assets, because the net rate of return on these assets is assumed to be zero. See Robert P. Parker and Jack E. Triplett, "Preview of the Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts: Recognition of Government Investment and Incorporation of a New Methodology for Calculating Depreciation," Survey 75 (September 1995): 33-41. Personal Consumption Expenditures and Producers' Durable Equipment The estimates of personal consumption expenditures (PCE) and producers' durable equipment (PDE) and the other components of final uses are presented in the input-output (I-O) accounts as pur- chases of commodities. In the presentation of PCE and PDE in the national income and product accounts (NIPA's), these commodities are grouped into categories either by type of product or by type of expenditure. Two methods are used to prepare the 1-0 benchmark estimates of PCE and PDE: The direct estimation method and the commodity-flow method. Direct estimation method Selected commodities in the PCE and PDE categories are di- rectly estimated from source data. Direct estimation is used when by definition the commodity is purchased only by persons for con- sumption or by business for investment; for example, the rental value of owner-occupied dwellings is attributed exclusively to per- sons. Direct estimation is also used when the underlying estimation method results in a more accurate and reliable estimate; for exam- ple, estimates of gasoline and oil purchases by persons are based on unit sales and average prices for these commodities. Commodity-flow method The estimates for many commodities included in the PCE and PDE categories are calculated using the commodity-flow method. This method, which consists of seven steps, converts domestic output (the value of sales of commodities produced by domestic es- tablishments) in producers' prices to domestic supply (the value of production available for sale to domestic purchasers) in purchasers' 1 . Supplementary tables D and E show the 1-0 commodity composi- tions of the NIPA PCE and PDE categories. For the other NIPA expenditure components — not shown in tables D and E — private and government struc- tures are presented by type, inventory change is presented by industry of the establishment holding the inventories, and net exports of good and services and government consumption and investment expenditures are shown by type of product. prices and therefore includes imports and excludes exports. The domestic supply is then allocated to domestic purchasers — that is, to persons, business, and government. In step 1 , commodities purchased by persons for consumption or by business for investment are identified. The commodities purchased by persons are identified on the basis of the nature of the product from the titles of products included in the quinquen- nial economic censuses or in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987. The commodities purchased by businesses are identified on the basis of two criteria: (1) The commodity has a life of more than one year and is normally capitalized in business accounting records, and (2) the commodity is not an integral part of a structure and therefore is not included in the value of that structure (for example, an elevator in an apartment building). In step 2, an estimate of total domestic output — that is, ship- ments, revenues, or receipts — is prepared for each commodity. The value of the domestic output is in producers' prices — that is, it includes excise taxes and tips but excludes transportation costs and wholesale and retail trade margins. In step 3, imports are added, and in step 4, trade margins and transportation costs are added. Step 4 converts supply into pur- chasers' prices, which is the valuation used for the commodity-flow estimates. In step 5, exports, which include transportation costs and trade margins, are subtracted because they are recorded in the NIPA's as a separate final-demand component. In step 6, changes in inventories are subtracted because not all goods that are produced or imported in a period are consumed in the same period. In some commodity-flow estimates, a percent- age of domestic supply in purchasers' prices — the result of step 2 through 6 — is then allocated to users. In step 7, government consumption expenditures and gross investment and purchases by business on current account (inter- mediate purchases) are subtracted from the domestic supply in purchasers' prices to obtain a residual that reflects purchases either by persons for consumption or by businesses for investment. M-6 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Additional definitional and classificational changes that were incorporated into the 1992 1-0 accounts included the following: • Expansion of industry detail for construction; • Expansion of detail for service-producing industries in the detailed 1-0 accounts; and • Improved classification of imported goods that were previously identified as noncomparable. For the 1992 1-0 accounts, BEA has also prepared a set of alternative benchmark make and use tables that are more closely based on the Standard Industrial Classifi- cation (SIC) system. For more information, see the box "Alternative 1-0 Tables" below. Major methodological changes. — The 1992 1-0 ac- counts also incorporated the results of the major method- ological changes that were introduced as part of the comprehensive NIPA revision. For example, the im- proved estimates of purchases of new autos and of investment in nonresidential structures were incorpo- rated into the estimates of final uses, and the new estimates of voluntary contributions to thrift savings plans were incorporated into the estimates of compensation of employees. For estimates of indirect business tax and nontax lia- bility, the 1992 1-0 accounts incorporated the improved industry assignment of commodity taxes that was intro- duced in the comprehensive revision of gross product originating (GPO) released in August 1996. 9 Of the new assignments, the one with the largest impact is the shift of the Federal excise tax on gasoline and gasohol from petroleum refining in manufacturing to wholesale trade. These taxes are now classified in a more consistent and comprehensive manner than in the previous benchmark accounts. In addition, the 1992 1-0 accounts incorporated im- proved measures of output and inputs for the transporta- tion industries and improved measures of the freight 9. See Robert E. Yuskavage. "Improved Estimates of Gross Product by Industry, 1 959-94," Survey 76 (August 1 99b ) 1 40 Alternative I-O Tables The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has expanded the traditional 1992 benchmark 1-0 accounts to include a set of alter- native 1992 benchmark make and use tables that are more closely based on the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) of in- dustries. The major difference between the traditional 1-0 tables and the alternative 1-0 tables is in the treatment of some secondary products produced by industries. The primary purpose of the new alternative tables is to facilitate comparisons of industry data from the 1992 benchmark accounts with other SIC-based data, such as the gross domestic product by industry and capital stock data that are prepared by BEA and the employment and other industry data that are prepared by the Bureau of the Census and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Traditional 1-0 tables For the traditional 1-0 tables, BEA begins with industry data from the economic censuses conducted by the Bureau of the Cen- sus and classified using the SIC system and then changes the data for selected industries to conform to special 1-0 requirements. The purpose of these changes is to assure that each resulting 1-0 indus- try has a unique output and production process — represented by the mix of inputs — compared with other industries. These changes involve only the outputs and related inputs of some secondary prod- ucts produced by SIC industries, where the secondary product has a different input mix and production process from the SIC industry's primary product. For example, hotel and lodging places typically provide eating and drinking services as a secondary product to their primary product of hotel and lodging services. The inputs and production processes for these two activities, however, are very different and need to be separated in the traditional 1-0 accounts for the purpose of preparing total requirements tables. Consequently, the output and inputs associated with eating and drinking services provided by the hotels and lodging places industry are redefined to the eating and drinking industry for the traditional 1-0 tables. Alternative I-O tables In contrast with the traditional I-O accounts, the alternative I-O accounts conform to the current SIC establishment-based data col- lection system by showing products — primary and secondary — in the industries where they are produced. For example, the alterna- tive I-O accounts do not separate the eating and drinking services from the hotels and lodging places industry activities. Only the • industry definitions, which are used to determine the columns of the use table and the rows of the make table, are different from the traditional I-O tables. The commodity definitions, which are used to determine the rows of the use table and the columns of the make table, are the same as those in the traditional tables. Because SIC-defined industries include heterogeneous input mixes and pro- duction processes, they are not appropriate for constructing total requirements tables. The differences between the traditional and alternative tables are large for some industries. For example, redefined auto repair output from the retail trade industry makes up almost 40 percent of the I-O auto repair industry output. Generally, these differences in- clude the following: Manufacturing activities in nonmanufacturing industries (for example, bread-making in the retail trade indus- try); trade activities in nontrade industries (for example, buying and selling without further processing by manufacturing estab- lishments); and service activities in industries where they are not primary (for example, eating and drinking-related activities in the hotels and lodging places industry). An exception is made for con- struction activities performed by nonconstruction industries, which are redefined to construction in both the traditional and alternative tables. BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-7 charges incurred to transport commodities by different modes. These improvements resulted from a review of the methods and source data used to prepare transporta- tion estimates for the 1-0 accounts by the staff of the Department of Transportation. 10 Where feasible, BE A incorporated suggested improvements from this review into the 1992 1-0 accounts. Major statistical changes. — The 1 992 1-0 accounts in- corporated newly expanded data from the 1992 economic censuses, which covered about 95 new industries and marked the most significant expansion in scope of the census in the past 50 years. These data were collected primarily in the two new economic censuses — Financial, Insurance, and Real Estate and Transportation, Com- munications, and Utilities. The 1-0 accounts also incorporated newly expanded data for the expenses of auxiliary establishments and for the expenses of man- ufacturing, wholesale trade, retail trade, and service industries. These data, together with data from new an- nual surveys for transportation and for communications, were used to estimate inputs for these industries. Introduction to the I-O Accounts The 1-0 accounts for the U.S. economy show the pro- duction of commodities by each of 498 industries in the make table and the consumption of commodities by these industries in the use table. The use table also shows the commodity composition of gross domestic product (GDP) and the industry distribution of value added. The 1-0 accounts show the relationships between all the industries in the economy and all the commodities that these industries produce and use. The estimates of the commodities are shown in producers' prices. 11 When producers' prices are used, transportation costs and wholesale and retail trade margins are treated separately as commodities that are produced and used by indus- tries (see the section "Definitions and conventions for valuation of transactions," beginning on page M— 15). The 1-0 accounts consist of five basic tables: (1) Make, (2) use, (3) commodity-by-industry direct requirements, 1 0. The staff of BEA and of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics of the U.S. Department of Transportation have developed a set of transportation satellite accounts for the United States based on the 1 992 benchmark 1-0 accounts. See Bingsong Fang, Xiaoli Han, Ann M. Lawson, and Sherlene K.S. Lum, "U.S. Transportation Satellite Accounts for 1992," Survey 78 (April 1998): 16-27. 1 1 . Estimates of purchases of 1-0 commodities in purchasers' prices can be derived by adding transportation costs and wholesale and retail trade margins to the values in producers' prices. These estimates are shown in table C for all 1-0 commodities included in NIPA final demand; in table D, for all 1-0 commodities included in personal consumption expenditure categories; and in table E, for all 1-0 commodities included in producers' durable equipment categories. (4) commodity-by-commodity total requirements, and (5) industry-by-commodity total requirements. 12 The make table. — The make table (shown as a schematic in the upper panel of chart 1 and with estimates in table 1) shows the value in producers' prices of each commodity produced by each industry. In each row, one "diagonal" cell shows the value of the production of the commodity for which the industry has been designated the "primary" producer; in chart 1, these cells are shaded in the interior of the make table. The entries in the other cells in the row show the values of the production of commodities for which the industry is a "secondary" producer. 13 For example, the industry "newspapers and periodicals" (row 26A in table 1) is the primary producer of the commodity "newspapers and periodicals" (column 26A in table 1). This industry is also a secondary producer of the follow- ing commodities: Other printing and publishing (column 26B); scientific and controlling instruments (column 62); advertising (column 73D); and scrap, used and second- hand goods (column 81). The sum of all the entries in the row is the total output of that industry. The entries in each column of the make table represent the production by both primary and secondary producers of the commodity in the column. For example, com- puter and data processing services (column 73 A) includes the outputs by the primary producer — the industry "com- puter and data processing services" (row 73A) — and by the following secondary producers: Computer and office equipment (row 51); legal, engineering, accounting, and related services (row 73B); and other business and pro- fessional services, except medical (row 73C). The sum of all the entries in the column is the total output of that commodity. An industry's share of the production of a commodity can be determined from the values in the make table by calculating the entry in a given column as a percentage of the column total. For example, the production of the com- modity "scientific and controlling instruments" (column 62) totaled $107.9 billion, of which the industry "sci- entific and controlling instruments" (row 62) produced $100.5 billion or about 93 percent of the total commodity output. The estimates of industry and commodity output are based primarily on data from the quinquennial eco- nomic censuses conducted by the Bureau of the Census. 12. In the designation that is used for 1-0 tables, the content of the rows is referred to first and that of the columns, second. For example, in a "commodity- by-industry" table, the commodities are in the rows, and the industries are in the columns. 13. Primary and secondary products and the classification of industries are discussed further in the section "Definitions and conventionsfor classification," beginning on page M-14. M-8 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 (Table A shows the principal data sources used to esti- mate industry and commodity outputs for the 1 992 1-0 accounts.) Economic census data are used for most in- dustries, but data from other Government agencies and private sources are used for the 1-0 industries that are not covered by the economic census data, such as ed- ucation and religious organizations. In addition, data from other Government agencies are used to supple- ment the economic census data for some industries; for example, data on financial statistics for major private electric utilities from the U.S. Department of Energy are used to supplement the data on electric utilities from Table A. — Principal Data Sources for Industry or Commodity Outputs Industry or Commodity Source Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries Mining Construction Manufacturing . Transportation Communications Utilities Wholesale and retail trade Finance Insurance Real estate Services Government enterprises Noncomparable imports Scrap General government Household Inventory valuation adjustment U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service and Economic Research Service farm data National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries of the United States Census Bureau 1992 Census of Mineral Industries Census Bureau 1992 Census of Construction Industries, 1992 Census of Service Industries, value of construction put-in-place series, and 1992 Census of Finan- cial, Insurance, and Real Estate Industries Census Bureau 1 992 Census of Manufactures Association of American Railroads Freight Commodity Statistics Census Bureau 1 992 Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities, Motor Freight Transportation and Warehousing Survey, and Service Annual Sur- vey U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1992 Waterbome Commerce of the United States Department of Transportation Air Carrier Financial Statistics and National Transpor- tation Statistics Census Bureau 1 992 Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities Department of Energy Financial Statistics of Major United States Investor-Owned Electric Utilities, 1992, and Financial Statistics of Major U.S. Publically Owned Electric Utilities, 1992 and 1993 Census Bureau 1 992 Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities Rural Electrification Administration 1992 Statistical Report, Rural Electric Borrowers Census Bureau 1992 Census of Wholesale Trade, 1992 Census of Retail Trade, 1992 Combined Annual and Revised Monthly Retail Trade, 1992 Annual Whole- sale Trade, and 1993 Annual Retail Trade Survey Census Bureau 1992 Census of Financial, Insurance, and Real Estate Industries Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Statistics on Banking Federal Home Loan Bank Board financial reports National Credit Union Administration Yearend Statistics for Federally Insured Credit Unions New York Stock Exchange Annual Report Securities and Exchange Commission FOCUS Report and Annual Report Health Care Financing Administration private health insurance data A. M. Best and Company Besf's 1 992 Aggregate and Averages Property/Casualty Insurance Mortgage Insurance Companies of America 1994-1995 Factbook U.S. Department of Labor, Pension Welfare Benefits Administration American Council of Life Insurers 1992 Life Insurance Fact Book Census Bureau 1 992 Census of Financial, Insurance, and Real Estate Industries Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts data U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service farm data Census Bureau expense data for industries Census Bureau 1992 Census of Retail Trade, 1992 Census of Service Industries, 1992 Service Annual Survey, 1993 Annual Retail Trade Survey U.S. Department of Education Digest of Educational Statistics The Economic Report on Veterinarians & Veterinary Practices Federal and State and local government agency reports U.S. Office of Management and Budget data Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts data Bureau of Economic Analysis, Balance of Payments Accounts data Census Bureau 1 992 Census of Manufactures Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts data Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts data Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts data Census Bureau 1992 economic census data BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-9 the 1992 Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities. BEA makes two adjustments to the economic census data. First, it adds estimates of the output for establish- ments that are not covered by the economic censuses. This adjustment includes estimates for nonpayroll firms in mining, manufacturing, and wholesale trade and for noncensus-covered industries in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, in services (such as education and religious or- ganizations), and in transportation (such as railroads). Second, BEA adjusts the data for misreported tax return information, because the Census Bureau data for receipts reflect tax return records in some cases rather than infor- mation collected from surveys. Therefore, the tax return data must be adjusted to account for nonfilers and for filers who misreport receipts to the Internal Revenue Service. 14 The largest adjustments are to the data for the services industries in which partnerships and sole proprietorships are more prevalent. After these adjustments are made, BEA redefines the SIC-based economic census data using the 1-0 classifi- cation system in order to attain greater similarity in the input structures for commodities produced by an 1-0 in- dustry. For example, restaurants in hotels are redefined to the "eating and drinking places" industry. (See the section "Definitions and conventions for classification.") The use table. — The data in the use table (shown as a schematic in the lower panel of chart 1) are presented in two parts: Table 2.1 shows the value in producers' prices of each commodity used by each industry or by each final user (represented by the upper left and right quadrants of the use table in chart 1); table 2.2 shows detail on the components of value added and total intermediate inputs that are used by each industry to produce its output (repre- sented by the lower left quadrant of chart 1). In table 2. 1 , the entry in each row shows the commodity that is used by the industry or final user in the column. For example, the commodity "radio and TV broadcasting services" (row 67) is used by the industries "communications, except radio and TV" (column 66), "radio and TV broadcast- ing" (column 67), and "advertising" (column 73D) and by persons in "personal consumption expenditures" (column 91). To facilitate the presentation, the rows and columns of table 2.2 are reversed from those shown in chart 1 as follows: The industries are shown in the rows, and the total intermediate inputs, the components of value added, and the total output for each industry are shown in the columns. For example, for the industry "radio and TV 14. See Robert P. Parker, "Improved Adjustments for Misreporting of Tax Return Information Used to Estimate the National Income and Product Accounts, 1977," Survey 64 (June 1984): 17-25. broadcasting" (row 67), compensation of employees was $8.4 billion, indirect business tax and nontax liability was $0.5 billion, and "other value added" was $2.9 billion. Total intermediate inputs was $17.6 billion, which is the sum of the intermediate inputs for the industry shown in table 2. 1 . The total output for this industry was $29.4 billion. The column total for industries in table 2.1 equals the industry output in table 2.2. For example, the industry output for the "radio and TV broadcasting" industry (col- umn 67) in table 2.1 equals the total industry output for that industry (row 67) in table 2.2, or $29.4 billion. In table 2.1, the sum of the intermediate uses of the commodity by industries (upper left quadrant of chart 1) and all sales to final users (upper right quadrant of chart 1 ) equals total commodity output. The sum of the inter- mediate inputs consumed by each industry — that is, the raw materials, semifinished products, and services that the industry purchased — and the value added by the in- dustry equals total industry output. In the 1-0 accounts, GDP can be measured either as the sum of final uses of commodities or as the sum of value added by industries. The use table shows the variation in the share of com- modity output that is sold to final users. In table 2. 1 , some commodities, such as "apparel" (row 18), were sold almost entirely to final users; therefore, the demand for these commodities is affected primarily by changes in the buying patterns of the final users. Other commodi- ties, such as "industrial and other chemicals" (row 27A), were used almost entirely as intermediate inputs; for these commodities, production is indirectly connected to final uses. The use table also shows the variation in the usage of commodities by industries. For example, in table 2. 1 , the commodity "paper and allied products, except contain- ers" (row 24), with a total commodity output of $98.5 billion, was used by most industries. The largest user was "other printing and publishing" (column 26B), which used $16.1 billion, or 16 percent of the total commodity output. In contrast, "metal containers" (row 39), with $13.2 billion of commodity output, were used by only 17 industries. The largest user was the industry "food and kindred products" (column 14), which used $9.4 billion, or 71 percent of the total commodity output. Finally, the use table shows the variation in the use of total value-added inputs by industries to produce their outputs. For example, in table 2.2, the industry "real es- tate and royalties" (row 7 IB) required $412.2 billion of value-added inputs, or 75 percent of its total output; of this total, $48.4 billion was for compensation of employ- ees, $79.7 billion was for indirect business tax and nontax liability, and $284.2 billion was for "other value added." M-10 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 In contrast, the industry "livestock and livestock prod- ucts" (row 1) required $15.6 billion of total value-added inputs, or 17 percent of its total output; of this total, $4.5 billion was for compensation of employees, $1.3 billion was for indirect business tax and nontax liability, and $9.8 billion was for "other value added." The estimates of intermediate inputs in the use table are primarily based on data from the economic censuses. Much of these data are for broad expense categories, such as office supplies, that must be allocated to 1-0 commodi- ties, such as postal services, paper, and envelopes. In cases in which estimates of expenses are not available, BEA uses commodity shipments and other related infor- mation. For example, the estimates of the purchases of spark plugs are allocated using the stock of cars, trucks, and buses by industry. (Table B shows the principal sources and methods used to estimate intermediate and value-added inputs for 1992 1-0 industries.) The estimates of final uses of commodities are prepared from source data on purchases or by using the commodity- flow method. For example, the estimates of exports and imports are based on source data from the Census Bureau and BEA's U.S. balance of payments accounts. In the commodity-flow method, which is used mainly for per- sonal consumption expenditures and producers' durable equipment, domestic output is adjusted for exports and imports; trade margins and transportation costs are added to estimate supply in purchasers' value. Then, either a percentage of this supply is attributed to final users, or the supply is adjusted for intermediate purchases and the residual attributed to final users. 15 Two of the components of value added by industry are estimated directly using a variety of data sources (table B). Most of the estimates of compensation of employees by industry are based on census data. The estimates of indirect business tax and nontax liability by industry are prepared in two parts: For excise and gen- eral sales taxes, the values are estimated as part of each industry's output; for other indirect business taxes, such as property taxes, estimates are distributed on the basis of a variety of source data, including State government tax collections and highway statistics. The remaining com- ponent is shown as "other value added," which is derived as a residual by subtracting the total intermediate inputs, compensation of employees, and indirect business tax and nontax liability from total industry output. The commodity-by-industry direct requirements table. — The commodity-by-industry direct requirements for a dollar of industry output are presented in two parts: Table 3.1 shows the input coefficients for each commod- ity that an industry requires to produce a dollar of output; table 3.2 shows component detail for the value-added in- put coefficients that an industry requires to produce a dollar of output. The input coefficients in both tables 15. For more detailed information, see U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Personal Consumption Expenditures, Method- ology Paper Series MP-6 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, June 1990): 31-34. Table B. — Principal Data Sources and Methods for Estimating Intermediate Inputs and Value-Added Inputs Component Source or method Intermediate inputs Value-added inputs: Compensation of employees For most census-covered industries, selected purchased services (legal; commu- nications; electricity; repair of buildings; repair of equipment; rental of buildings; rental of equipment; accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping; advertising; and data processing and computer services) and purchased fuels; in addition, for manu- facturing and mining, materials consumed and contract work, from 1992 eco- nomic censuses. For agriculture industries, inputs from U.S. Department of Agriculture. For most remaining industries, a combination of selected inputs from trade sources and 1987 estimates extrapolated by change in industry output. All inputs adjusted to balance to commodity outputs. For census-covered industries, payroll and benefits from Census Bureau 1992 eco- Indirect business tax and nontax liability nomic censuses, adjusted for misreporting and l-O industry definitions. For noncensus-covered industries, tabulations of wages and salaries covered by State unemployment insurance, BEA estimates of benefits, adjusted for misreporting and l-O industry definition. All estimates adjusted to balance to total compensation, estimated as part of the national income and product accounts. For excise taxes and commodity taxes, estimates are from output controls. Other value added For other tax and nontax liability, distributed to industries using indirect techniques. All estimates adjusted to balance to total indirect business tax and nontax liability, estimated as part of the national income and product accounts. For most industries, residual method: Total industry output less total intermediate inputs, compensation of employees, and indirect business tax and nontax liabil- ity. For government enterprises, other value added is the current surplus. I-O Input-output BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-ll are also referred to as "direct requirements coefficients." The sum of the coefficients for total intermediate inputs and for the total value added for each industry is equal to 1.00000. Tables 3.1 and 3.2 are derived from tables 2.1 and 2.2, respectively, by dividing each industry's commodity or value-added input by that industry's total output. How- ever, table 3.1, unlike table 2.1, does not include the components of final uses or gross domestic product. In table 3.1, each column shows, for the industry named at the head of the column, the input coefficients for the commodities and for the total value added that an industry directly requires to produce a dollar of output. Each row shows the commodity or the total value added that the industry requires. For example, to produce a dollar of output, the industry "radio and TV broadcasting" (column 67) has direct requirements for 2.1 cents (calculated as 100 cents x 0.02064 from the table) of the commodity "radio and TV broadcasting" (row 67) and 2.8 cents of the commodity "advertising" (row 73D). In table 3.2, industries are shown in the rows, and the total output, the total intermediate inputs, and the compo- nents of value added that are required to produce a dollar of output are shown in the columns. For example, to produce a dollar of output, the industry "radio and TV broadcasting" (row 67) has direct requirements for 40.2 cents of total value added; these requirements consist of 28.6 cents of compensation of employees, 1.8 cents of indirect business tax and nontax liability, and 9.8 cents of "other value added." The industry has direct requirements of 59.8 cents of intermediate inputs, which are shown in detail in column 67 of table 3.1. The information in table 3.1 can be used with the infor- mation in the make table (table 1) to trace the changes in an industry's output, as well as the changes in that indus- try's total requirements for other industries' outputs that result from a change in final uses of a commodity. For example, tables 1 and 3.1 can be used to trace the direct effects of a $ 1 billion increase in sales of household appli- ances to final users on all industries producing household appliances. In table 1 , total output of the commodity "household appliances" (column 54) was $ 1 6,833 million. The indus- try "household appliances" (row 54) produced $16,033 million, or 95.2 percent, of this commodity; the indus- try "audio, video, and communication equipment" (row 56) produced $268 million, or 1.6 percent, and 18 other industries produced the rest. Based on these propor- tions, production in the household appliances industry would initially increase $952 million ($1 billion X 0.952) to meet the $1 billion increase in household appliances sold to final users. Production in the audio, video, and communication equipment industry would increase $ 1 6 million ($1 billion x 0.016), and production in the 18 other industries would increase $32 million. Table 3.1 can then be used to determine the commodity inputs required by each industry to produce its share of the $1 billion of household appliances sold to final users. The commodities required by the household appliances industry will be traced first. For example, column 54 in table 3.1 shows that the household appliances indus- try would require, in addition to other commodity inputs, $1.2 million ($952.0 million x 0.00126) of the com- modity "household appliances" (row 54); to provide this commodity input, the industry's production would have to increase an additional $1.1 million ($1.2 million x 0.952). Thus, the increase in the production of the house- hold appliances industry would be $953. 1 ($952.0 million for final users plus $1.1 million for its own intermediate use). In turn, this production would require $65.1 mil- lion ($953. 1 million x 0.06835) of primary iron and steel manufacturing (row 37), $83.0 million ($953.1 million x 0.08710) of rubber and miscellaneous plastics products (row 32), and so on down the column. From table 3.2, the value added required by the household appliances industry would total $335.9 million ($953.1 million x 0.35243). Of this total, $200.9 million ($953.1 million x 0.21075) is for compensation of employees, $7.4 million ($953.1 million x 0.00781) is for indirect business tax and nontax liability, and $127.6 million ($953.1 million x 0.13387) is for "other value added." The information in tables 1 and 3.1 can now be used to trace the continuing repercussions of the $953.1 million of additional output produced by the household appli- ances industry on the output of other industries. For example, to supply the primary iron and steel required by the household appliances industry, the industry "primary iron and steel manufacturing" (column 37 in table 3.1) requires $12.0 million ($65.1 million x 0.18508) of the commodity "primary iron and steel manufacturing" (row 37 in table 3.1) — of which it produces $11.8 mil- lion ($12.0 million x 0.987 derived from table 1) and all other industries produce $0.2 million ($12.0 million X 0.013). Other commodities required by the primary iron and steel manufacturing industry include $1.3 mil- lion ($76.9 million x 0.01663) of general industrial machinery and equipment (row 49), $1.4 million ($76.9 million x 0.01762) of coal mining (row 7), and so on. Similarly, all the other industries that produce primary iron and steel manufacturing (column 37 in table 1) as secondary products — such as primary nonferrous metals manufacturing (row 38 in table 1) — would also require commodities to produce their shares of the output of M-12 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 primary iron and steel manufacturing that is required by the household appliances industry. Similarly, the continuing effects on each industry pro- ducing its share of the $1 billion of household appliances sold to final users can be traced, and the increase in pro- duction required from each industry can be derived. For each industry that produces household appliances, either as a primary product or as a secondary product, the direct requirements coefficients corresponding to that industry are used from tables 3.1. For example, for household appliances as a primary product of the household appli- ances industry, the direct requirements coefficients from column 54 in table 3. 1 are used; for household appliances as a secondary product of the audio, video, and communi- cation equ: ^ent industry, the coefficients from column 56 are used. The commodity-by-commodity total requirements table. — The commodity-by-commodity total requirements ta- ble (table 4) shows the inputs of each commodity that are directly and indirectly required to deliver a dollar of the commodity to final users. It combines the information in tables 1 and 3.1 to completely trace and summarize as a multiplier the continuing repercussions of a dollar change in the final use of a specified commodity on total commod- ity outputs. Each column shows the commodity delivered to final users, and each row shows the total production of the commodity that is required. The coefficients in this table are referred to as "commodity-by-commodity total requirements coefficients." The table is derived from both the make and use tables. 16 In the household appliances example, the total require- ments for each commodity can be calculated from the entries in column 54. Providing consumers with $1 billion of household appliances would require $1,001.3 million ($1 billion x 1.00133) of household appliances (row 54) from all industries. Similarly, it would require $15.3 million ($1 billion x 0.01530) of paperboard con- tainers and boxes (row 25), $51.5 million ($1 billion x 0.05 153) of plastics and synthetic materials (row 28), and so on. The total at the bottom of each column in table 4 is the sum of all the changes in commodity outputs that are 16. The final-use multipliers presented, including the commodity-by- commodity total requirements table (table 4) and industry -by-commodity total requirements table (table 5), identify the cumulative effects on total industry and commodity outputs that result from a change in final use. In contrast to conventional macroeconomic multipliers that measure the cumulative impact on final output of a policy change, such as the decline in GDP that results from a reduction in government spending, these final-use multipliers measure the impact of a change in final demand (uses) on gross output (final and in- termediate output). Indeed, shifts in the composition of final uses can have a "multiple" impact on industry and commodity output but can have no effect on the level of total GDP. required to deliver a dollar of a commodity to final users. Because each total change is a dollar multiple of the initial dollar spent for the output of the given commodity, the total change in output is often called the total commodity output multiplier. These multipliers can be used to estimate the impact of changes in the final uses of commodities on total commodity output. For example, for the household ap- pliances commodity (column 54), the total commodity output multiplier is 2.33419 (the sum of all the entries in the column). The total dollar change in all commod- ity output that is required for an additional $1 billion of household appliances delivered to final users is $2,334.2 million ($1 billion x 2.33419). The industry-by-commodity total requirements table. — The industry-by-commodity total requirements table (table 5) shows the input requirements coefficients for the output from each industry that is directly and indi- rectly required to deliver a dollar of a commodity to final users. Each column shows the commodity delivered to final users, and each row shows the total production that is required from an industry. The coefficients in this table are referred to as "industry-by-commodity total require- ments coefficients." The table is derived from both the make and use tables. The calculations made using this table are similar to those using the commodity-by-commodity total require- ments table. For example, to provide final users with an additional $1 billion of household appliances, the house- hold appliances industry (row 54) is required to produce $954.3 million ($1 billion x 0.95433) of industry output; the paperboard containers and boxes industry (row 25) is required to produce $15.5 million ($1 billion x 0.01545) of industry output, the plastics and synthetic materials in- dustry (row 28) is required to produce $45.1 million ($1 billion x 0.04510) of industry output, and so on. The total at the bottom of each column in table 5 is the sum of all the changes in industry outputs that are required to deliver a dollar of a commodity to final users. Because each total change is a dollar multiple of the initial dollar spent for the output of the given industry, the total change in output is often called the total industry output multiplier. These multipliers can be used to estimate the impact of changes in the final uses of commodities on total industry output. For example, the total industry output multiplier for the household appliances commodity (column 54) is 2.31873 (the sum of all the entries in the column). The total dollar change in the output of all industries that is required for an additional $1 billion of household BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-13 appliances delivered to final uses is $2,318.7 million ($1 billion x 2.31873). Comparison of total multipliers. — The total multipliers in tables 4 and 5 are similar but not identical. The main reason for the difference is that the commodity multipliers in table 4 includes "noncomparable imports," which by definition do not have a domestic industry counterpart and are not included in the total industry output multipliers in table 5. When using the two total requirements tables, one should be aware that the amount of output required to deliver a dollar of commodity to final users may include both imported commodities and domestically produced commodities. However, both the total commodity output multiplier and the total industry output multiplier repre- sent the output required as if all of the commodity were domestically supplied. Therefore, if a portion of the commodity was imported, the impact on domestic output would be lower than that implied by the multiplier. The uses of the 1-0 accounts The 1-0 accounts have a variety of uses that range from an analytical tool to study industry production to a framework for benchmarking other economic statistics programs. This section describes the uses of the 1-0 ac- counts in studying interindustry relationships in the U.S. economy and in preparing economic statistics. It also describes some of the assumptions that analysts must make when they use 1-0 accounts as an economic tool for analysis. Analytical uses. — The 1-0 accounts are an important ana- lytical tool because they show the interdependence among the producers and consumers in the economy. Using the 1-0 accounts, analysts can estimate the direct and indi- rect effects of changes in final uses on industries and commodities. For example, the 1-0 accounts can show how an in- crease in consumer demand for motor vehicles will affect the rest of the economy. It will likely cause an increase in the production of motor vehicles, which could result in increased steel production and which, in turn, could require increases in the production of chemicals, iron ore, limestone, and coal. It could also re- quire an increase in the production of upholstery fabrics, which could require more natural fibers, more synthetic fibers, and more plastics and which, in turn, could re- quire increases in the production of "electric services (utilities)" and "plastics materials and resins." In the 1-0 accounts, these effects are quantified in the total requirements tables. 17 Similarly, the requirements tables can be used to es- timate the effects of a strike or natural disaster on the economy or, supplemented with additional information, to estimate the effects of an increase in demand for U.S. exports on employment. The Federal Emergency Man- agement Agency, the Department of Defense, and the Census Bureau, among others, have used the 1-0 accounts for such studies. When the 1-0 accounts are augmented with regional data from BEA, they can show economic effects by region. For example, the regional 1-0 accounts can be used to estimate the potential impact of a planned Federal Government shutdown of a military base. 18 When the 1-0 accounts are augmented with interna- tional data, they can be used to estimate the effects of exchange-rate changes on the profitability and activities of manufacturing industries that rely on imported inputs. ' 9 Analysts using the 1-0 tables to estimate the effects of changes in final uses on industries and commodities need to be aware of the underlying 1-0 assumptions. For example, the 1-0 tables are based on a set of relationships that exist between producers and consumers in a given year; these relationships reflect constant technology and relative prices. The interindustry relationships reflect the average input structure in each industry for that year, but these relationships do not necessarily reflect those of an additional unit of production. Therefore, for analyses that require alternative assumptions, other economic tools may be required. Statistical uses. — The 1-0 accounts are used in several ways to prepare economic statistics. For example, the final-use components of personal consumption expendi- tures and of gross private domestic investment — adjusted to reflect the definitional, classificational, and statistical changes made after the completion of the benchmark 1-0 accounts — provide the benchmarks for the NEPA's. 17. In an open economy, the production effects are likely to be reflected as an increase in both domestic production and imports. To separate the effects on domestic production from those on imports, analysts generally use a special set of 1-0 tables that includes an import matrix that identifies the intermediate purchases by producers that are obtained from foreign sources. 18. Estimates of regional economic effects derived from BEA's Regional Input-Output Modeling System are based mainly on two data sources: The U.S. benchmark 1-0 accounts and BEA's county estimates of wage and salary disbursements at the four-digit SIC level. These estimates are available from BEA's Regional Economic Analysis Division. For more information, see U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Multi- pliers: A User Handbook for the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II), Third Edition (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. 1997). 1 9. Jose Campa and Linda S. Goldberg, "The Evolving External Orientation of Manufacturing: A Profile of Four Countries," Economic Policy Review 2 (1997): 53-81. M-14 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 The benchmark 1-0 accounts are also used as a frame- work to weight and to calculate index numbers for price, volume, and value. For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics uses data from the 1-0 accounts as weights in compiling industry price indexes. Definitions and conventions for classification The 1-0 accounts use two classification systems — one for industries and another for commodities — and I oth systems generally use the same 1-0 numbers and titles. This section discusses first the 1-0 industry classification system and then the I-O commodity classification system. The 1-0 industry classification system. — This system is based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) sys- tem, which classifies establishments into industries on the basis of the primary activities of the establishments. Establishments are defined as economic units that are typ- ically at a single location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. 20 The 1-0 industry classification system differs from the SIC system in three major ways. First, the 1-0 industry system redefines some secondary production of some SIC industries to other industries. Second, the 1-0 industry classification system includes "special industries" that are not considered to be industries in the SIC system. Third, because of data limitations, the 1-0 industry system includes three industries — agriculture, construction, and real estate — that are defined on an activity basis rather than an establishment basis. Redefinitions result in the shift of output and inputs re- lated to the secondary activities of some establishments to the SIC industries in which they are primary activities. (A primary activity must make up the largest proportion of the establishment's output; all the other activities are secondary.) The 1-0 industry classification system only redefines the secondary activities of an SIC industry for which the related inputs are very different from those re- quired for the industry's primary activity. For example, both the output and related inputs of restaurants in ho- tels are moved from the SIC industry "hotels and lodging places" (in which "hotels and lodging" is the primary activity) to the industry "eating and drinking places" (in which "eating and drinking" is the primary activity), be- cause the input structure of "meals and beverages" is very different from that of the industry's primary activity. Af- ter the redefinition is completed, the total outputs for both 20. Appendix A provides a list of 1-0 industries and the relationships of these industries to the 1987 SIC codes. For more information on the SIC, see Office of Management and Budget, Statistical Policy Division, Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1987 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, i987): 11-18. 1-0 industries — that is, "eating and drinking places" and "hotels and lodging places" — are different from their SIC industry counterparts. However, total outputs for the 1-0 commodities remain unchanged from their counterparts in the SIC system. The purpose of redefinitions in the 1-0 analytical framework is to attain a greater degree of homogeneity in the inputs required by an 1-0 industry to produce its commodities. The following activities are redefined: • Construction work (both new and maintenance and repair) performed by all establishments (including government) is redefined to the construction indus- tries. Construction work performed by and for estab- lishments classified in nonconstruction industries is referred to as "force-account construction." • Manufacturing in trade and service establish- ments is redefined to the appropriate manufacturing industries. • Retail trade in service establishments is redefined to the retail trade industry. Services in trade estab- lishments are redefined to service industries. Some services are also redefined among service industries. • Manufacturers' sales of purchased goods (resales) are redefined to the wholesale trade industry. • Rental activities of all establishments are redefined to the real estate and rental industries. • The preparation of meals and beverages in most es- tablishments is redefined to the eating and drinking industry. Redefinitions affected most industries, but the total out- put that was redefined for most industries was small for the 1992 1-0 accounts. Redefinitions had a significant effect on the following industries: Automotive repair and services (1-0 industry 75) has $138.4 billion in total in- dustry output after $1.0 billion was removed and $48.1 billion was added from wholesale and retail trade; eating and drinking places (1-0 industry 74) has $280.7 billion in total output after $1.0 billion was removed and $45.6 billion was added; wholesale trade (1-0 industry 69A) has $569.0 billion in total output after $51.0 billion was removed and $3 1 .0 billion was added; and retail trade (1-0 69B) has $522.5 billion in total output after $82.7 billion was removed and $13.9 billion was added. Special industries are included in the 1-0 system, but they are not considered industries in the SIC system. In the SIC, government establishments engaged in business- like activities (classified in SIC industry divisions 1—8), such as the U.S. Postal Service and the local water au- thorities, are classified in the same SIC industry as private establishments. In the 1-0 system, these establishments BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-15 are classified in Federal Government enterprises (1-0 78) and State and local government enterprises (1-0 79). 21 Another special industry created for the 1-0 accounts, general government (1-0 82), covers all other government establishments and is similar in scope to SIC industry division 9, public administration. The output and value added of this industry are defined as compensation of employees and consumption of fixed capital of general government agencies. The 1-0 system also includes a special industry for the inventory valuation adjustment (1-0 85), which is an adjustment needed to eliminate inventory profits or losses from the change in the inventory component of output. Activity-based industries are necessary for agriculture, construction, and real estate. Agriculture industries are classified by commodity, such as dairy farm products, because the quality of the source data on the production of agriculture commodities is believed to be better than data available by type of establishment or farm. Construction is classified by type of activity, such as the construction of new highways and streets, rather than by the type of construction contractor, such as heavy construction contractors who pave asphalt roads, for two reasons. First, source data are not available, but more importantly, construction is an atypical activity in that it is performed in almost all industries; most establishments perform maintenance and repairs, and some perform their own new construction. This type of activity is referred to as force-account construction. To adequately represent construction activities in the U.S. economy, the output associated with all construction activities performed by the nonconstruction industries is redefined to the construction industry. Similarly, the intermediate and value-added inputs for this work are moved to the construction industries. The real estate industry includes all real estate rental re- ceipts and all imputed rents for owner-occupied housing and for buildings and equipment owned and used by non- profit institutions primarily serving households. Rental receipts are included in this industry because of a lack of data for individual industries. Imputed rents are in- cluded in the 1-0 accounts to make them consistent with the NIPA's. The 1-0 commodity classification system. — In this sys- tem, each commodity is assigned the code of the industry in which the commodity is the primary product. This code is then used to group the production of the com- 21 . Establishments defined as government enterprises follow the same clas- sification used in the NIPA's. For more information, see U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Government Transactions, Method- ology Paper Series MP-5 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, November 1988): 6. modify in the industry in which it is the primary product with its production in other industries in which it is a secondary product. In a few cases, the 1-0 system reclas- sifies SIC-defined commodity groups, and a secondary product is created from an SIC-defined primary product. The output of the SIC-defined product is moved to the I-O-defined primary product group; therefore, the output represents the total output of the product, regardless of the classification of the establishments that produce it. For example, in the SIC system, the primary product of the newspaper industry is defined as newspaper sales and newspaper advertising. In the 1-0 system, the pri- mary product of the newspaper industry is newspaper sales. The advertising component is considered to be a secondary activity; therefore, advertising receipts or output are moved to the advertising commodity group. The total output for the 1-0 newspaper industry remains unchanged. Reclassifications affected a small percentage of com- modities, and for most of these commodities, the values were not very large. However, some commodities had significant reclassified sales. For example, the commod- ity "newspapers and periodicals" (1-0 26A) has $19.9 billion in total commodity output after $35.4 billion "was moved to the advertising commodity (1-0 73D). In several cases, there is no 1-0 commodity classifica- tion that corresponds to an industry classification. If a commodity is the primary product of more than one SIC industry, then the commodity is reclassified and given the 1-0 commodity number that corresponds to the 1-0 industry that is the largest producer of the commod- ity. As a result, the following detailed 1-0 commodities have no commodity output: Forest products (commodity 2.070 1 ); knit outerwear mills (commodity 1 8 .020 1 ); knit underwear and nightwear mills (commodity 18.0202); knitting mills, not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) (com- modity 18.0203); fertilizers, mixing only (commod- ity 27.0202); cold-rolled steel sheet, strip, and bars (commodity 37.0104); steel pipe and tubes (commod- ity 37.0105); secondary nonferrous metals (commodity 38.0600); copper foundries (commodity 38.1200); non- ferrous castings, n.e.c. (commodity 38.1300); Federal Government electric utilities (78.0200); State and local government passenger transit (commodity 79.0100); and State and local government electric utilities (commodity 79.0200). Definitions and conventions for valuation of transactions This section describes the underlying definitions and con- ventions for valuation that are used in preparing the M-16 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table C. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of Final Uses, [Millions Personal consumption expenditures Gross private fixed investment Change in business inventories Exports of goods and services Imports of goods and services Producers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Pur- chasers' prices Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Pur- chasers' prices Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Pur- chasers' prices Com- modity number Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Pur- chasers' prices Produc- ers' prices Transpor- tation costs 1 3,709 19,531 3.085 729 68 39 1,473 248.010 30,395 1,683 5,578 80,934 11,189 2,529 21,623 14,921 381 14.339 15.282 2.154 920 43,864 30,098 480 53,355 15,051 16.491 979 2.570 36 71 326 1,345 4,266 169 400 687 237 136 5,368 910 200 13,100 2,023 21,682 216 6,298 105.552 4,277 465 11,958 5,479 6,240 36,410 16,447 6,238 4,975 33,929 2.814 90,397 1,839 79,337 29,537 20,464 313 198,007 138,181 457,250 166,640 29,881 65,602 2,444 45,781 20.917 676 242.151 90,099 78,466 611,328 225,749 6,881 22,489 33,009 17.187 -66,481 10,087 101 3,547 18 1.290 17.859 846 5,100 40,937 3,949 729 165 109 2,502 387,904 48,008 4,125 10.970 168.355 21.160 5.155 41.634 22.624 643 21.010 29,805 4.189 1.658 69,128 50,588 738 116,039 36,636 34,312 2.180 5.676 79 127 567 2,870 8,381 217 917 1,651 466 252 9.270 1.610 392 21,592 4,746 36,835 330 12,489 126,690 7,727 523 16.321 10,559 15,2% 80,715 16,447 6,238 4,975 33,929 2.814 90,397 1,839 79,337 29,537 20,464 316 198,007 138,181 457,250 168,634 29,881 65,610 3,271 45,781 21.731 676 242,151 90.264 80,019 611,328 225,749 6.881 22.489 33.009 41.257 -66.481 10.087 50 23 339,916 20.362 29 2.343 4.661 16,091 1,957 215 16 52 38 3.612 £415 3,271 17,803 5,743 17,652 16,820 11,300 700 36,169 7,376 6,826 £668 283 24,513 20 1 71 23 339.916 20.362 29 3,345 6,001 20,203 1,957 277 16 61 42 4,025 £957 3,394 25,427 7,225 20.619 '19,585 1£677 806 44,941 9,366 8,091 4.264 356 27,811 857 4,035 -45 -24 -3 -105 25 -1,855 150 2,137 477 19 3,897 470 663 185 771 277 -62 753 729 -153 239 1,292 186 42 46 995 331 185 -196 -339 -392 10 -110 217 67 -184 277 -41 18 -106 -80 -59 -1,241 165 77 -96 141 374 -51 -149 1,114 -220 -8,011 -298 -228 368 765 -41 4 1,529 -7,982 1,816 1 29 -1 50 -1 3 4 4 -3 -3 -71 126 40 12 494 56 171 13 87 40 857 4,114 -46 -22 9 -84 -6 -1,858 118 2.275 535 37 4,431 528 945 202 923 335 -59 933 834 -194 269 1,417 284 56 96 1.336 386 218 -201 -308 -365 10 -107 271 121 -189 469 -54 35 -110 -86 -54 -1,319 206 120 -67 244 445 -37 -123 1,189 -227 -8,060 -287 -108 531 988 -43 6 1,653 -7,982 5,430 800 16,116 2,880 61 1,104 3.122 3.290 686 77 3,592 19,630 5,874 2.359 1.724 4.065 810 5,965 2.633 8.567 691 653 2,984 17.292 3.341 8,477 7,272 2,591 745 9.084 6.905 1.464 1.544 1,713 3.505 6.379 341 2.061 2,171 4.849 5,419 9.002 1,302 3.686 4,510 7,834 1.962 22.925 3.320 4.083 2.329 2,839 9.551 16,150 5,702 16,336 16.995 40,656 3.354 17.864 3,453 4,427 633 1,981 9,182 21.745 2,528 3,596 267 337 65 2.812 20 17.142 1.685 20,683 48 42 3.092 5.013 5,677 531 328 34 4,289 26 450 188 5,872 67.325 15 1.516 36 53 1,095 294 494 3 3.740 317 16 88 66 6 818 21 ,372 3,233 61 1.173 4,305 3,650 1.186 77 3.658 22,262 6,174 2,558 1.962 4,571 901 7,181 2,938 9,912 770 786 3.390 19.585 4,332 9,827 8.310 2.964 894 10,497 8.604 1,591 1,815 2,031 4,033 7,272 373 2.283 2.468 5.804 5.791 11,989 1.630 4,181 5,147 8,814 2,280 26,860 3.993 4,798 2,638 3,413 10.703 18.345 6,889 17,327 19,203 41 ,370 3,486 20,051 4,600 5,746 633 1,981 9,182 21 ,745 2.528 3.596 267 337 65 2,812 20 17,142 1,685 20.683 48 42 3,092 5,013 5,677 531 328 34 4.289 26 450 188 8,015 67.325 -2,061 -6,860 -5.659 -21 1.488 -133 -13,984 -898 -809 -21,850 -1,587 -1,397 -1,879 -38,484 -2,870 -7,143 -6,026 -10,715 -247 -199 -1,783 -14,375 -2,330 -3,827 -13,193 -2,052 -200 -11,582 -13,253 -12,824 -2,159 -4,551 -10,893 -10,228 -201 -1,008 -2,628 -8.510 -2,413 -1.754 -1,468 -5,127 -5,881 -7.796 -1.895 -32,687 -2,243 -5.295 -4,072 -4,985 -25,409 -20.574 -8.062 -58.285 -21,743 -12,153 -£693 -14,773 -8.153 -23,335 -164 -2,059 3,530 -8,544 2 3 4 -1 8 17 -28 5+6 28 47 6 6,759 181 39 242 627 99 67 163 389 69 23 1,023 133,135 17,432 2,403 5,150 86,794 9.872 2,559 19,848 7,314 262 6,018 13,733 1,724 690 25,022 19,323 226 59,579 18,831 17,686 1,158 3.002 36 53 229 1,509 3,979 45 510 960 227 109 3.838 684 189 7,869 2,624 14,852 114 5,859 18,294 3,318 57 4,277 5.047 9,019 43,551 7 8 9+10 11 12 13 23 841 25 30 66 8 4 467 19 710 32 39 57 1,233 105 993 22 73 43 555 553 24 46 160 134 118 7 19 28 161 80 631 41 51 63 107 97 239 44 52 95 74 90 120 129 423 483 279 23 67 13 137 43 1.791 275 169 172 498 87 749 286 635 47 94 349 1,060 886 357 1,016 300 106 858 1,146 103 225 158 394 775 25 203 269 794 292 2.356 287 444 574 873 221 3.696 629 663 214 500 1,062 2,075 1.058 568 1,725 435 109 2,120 1,134 1,182 14 107 895 1,340 3.930 39 12 18 6 40 2 111 4 65 18 3 45 60 -7 22 10 27 5 24 139 2 10 -11 16 20 -3 5 14 1 34 -1 8 15 16 17 18 19 20+21 22+23 182 24 25 26A 653 790 311 48 242 1,167 32 3,105 £754 135 43 104 7 3 12 16 136 3 7 4 2 7 64 16 3 623 99 301 26B 135 45 -34 8 115 71 9 26 202 53 23 6 15 7 6 49 40 -6 158 -12 9 -4 -8 -6 -77 40 31 4 84 49 12 14 45 -4 -30 7 114 156 189 -2 2 96 £658 27A 27B 10 52 28 29A 29B 30 31 32 33+34 35 36 37 38 1 1 26 108 48 915 184 338 332 156 15 441 112 187 121 7 176 8 3 387 434 75 6,709 1.298 £629 £433 1.221 91 8,331 1,878 1,078 1,475 66 3,122 39 40 41 42 43 44+45 46 47 48 49 2 11 -1 1 12 25 19 22 2 12 30 -3 -19 4 6 7 34 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 332 2.844 132 1 86 33 37 754 £058 75,132 4,981 13.676 4,741 43,637 6,915 5,365 5,065 28,407 3,441 15.785 -30.293 42 2.028 65 33 90 258 53 596 397 8.916 361 90 358 5,651 3,113 1,673 2,497 86.076 5.407 13,799 5,189 49,546 10,081 7,634 5,065 28,407 3,441 15.785 -25.783 59A 59B 60 61 62 63 64 65A 65B 65C 65D 65E 66 -695 67 68A 68B 68C 18,317 69A 3 69B 70A -265 -1.136 -11 70B 71 A 71 B 1,994 72A 72B 8 825 -225 -839 -1,632 -615 -6 -248 -13 -449 -90,036 -2,746 -74 73A 2 73B 7X 814 4,510 73D 74 75 165 1,552 76 1 28 956 77A 77B 78 79 552 1,591 80 81 -29 24,099 82 83 84 85 T 3,551,945 27,193 629,580 4,208,718 721,814 6,652 62,525 790,991 546,707 13,988 41.914 602,609 -631,637 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-17 in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices of dollars] Imports of goods and services Federal Government consumption expenditures and gross investment, national defense Federal Government consumption expenditures and gross investment, nondefense State and local government consumption expenditures and gross investment, education State and lot consumption exp mvestm ;al government snditures and gross Whole- sale and retail trade margins Pur- chasers' prices Com- Producers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Pur- chasers' prices Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Pur- chasers' prices Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Pur- Chasers pnces P-30UC rr'ces Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Pur- chasers' pnces modity num- ber -2,061 -6,860 -5,659 -21 1,488 -133 -43,984 -898 2 2 5 -358 -1,168 20 1 28 -202 5 10,569 3.780 2,698 195 12 46 1 56 17 188 601 51 99 706 1,159 19 6 165 54 6 338 202 4 151 64 9 158 335 71 208 287 33 15 40 135 48 267 1,679 57 300 9 112 1,628 260 251 525 422 1,575 203 4,293 77 -127 235 869 91 577 1,848 502 152 541 15 2 1,030 2,280 3,179 149 18 8,806 607 7,034 12 725 65 25 1,672 9.137 -22 40 2.157 -283 76,534 -770 149,615 5 -383 -1,168 20 1 41 -252 9 10,569 3,780 2,698 231 12 51 1 62 17 222 664 55 113 815 1,217 21 6 171 74 7 381 256 4 152 78 10 174 361 76 251 294 39 19 40 136 50 298 1,877 70 370 9 153 1,697 271 271 557 428 1,582 204 4,584 93 -168 235 869 91 577 1,848 502 152 541 15 2 1,030 2,280 3,179 149 18 8,830 607 7,034 12 725 65 25 1,672 9,137 -22 40 2,157 -285 76,534 -770 150,925 40 297 9 377 28 40 44C 1C 377 32 20 2V 6 8C2 4 66i -1 79 IS T3 7 ,£ 1 94-1 43 «sr 4 9S4 9^1 201 1 13" 183 362 6 131 147 81 91 10 6 5 43 556 105 117 12 263 289 155 189 2,487 878 291 150 546 339 87 351 1,448 754 242 616 1,513 1,769 3,578 193 154 643 -616 1 310 20 58 PC 809 2SP63 145, 4 i93 -19 143 5' 1 OSS 3~* 10' 1 065 1 606 ibS ?4t 2 l?4 2 711 3S4 1 48" 59? U6 66fl3 1 8C2 160 309 100 80 73 5 11 87 1.039 294 1.577 6 178 7 338 92 1.962 479 449 70 331 407 156 151 4,523 1,001 45 694 3.702 1.896 999 365 300 224 2,016 102 4,905 9.933 1.622 253 11,106 181 9.226 3.328 1,664 6.876 2.080 9.534 886 3.216 2.614 -2.294 -61.882 3.542 2.443 433 2.043 233.935 406,373 95 1 161 i 108 -1 2 J 3 2 2 89 8 8 27 180 16 28 28 7 309 125 3 3 5 9 30 16 92 1 170 830 -515 1.310 21 1 -28 3 73 70 1 2 -1 19 -148 1 -1 19 -170 1 3 4 -17 -5 4 5+6 12 -40 4 1 -10 7 8 -3 5,234 6,649 16,479 269 51 3 505 150 14 10 98 40 12 290 3,109 8 11 365 126 -4 -7 5,234 6,649 16,582 301 58 3 582 172 14 11 109 42 13 308 3,232 9 12 425 145 -2 217 80,809 25,263 153 5.754 -21 154 69 1,246 428 112 1,407 1,856 180 278 2.323 3,076 466 1 5,605 721 141 7,617 2.276 172 346 117 98 107 5 12 98 1,268 310 2,013 7 201 8 378 98 2,407 594 551 76 439 431 163 178 4,798 1,127 45 717 4.108 2,623 1.324 365 300 224 2.016 102 4.905 9,933 1,622 253 11.106 181 9.226 3.328 1.664 6,947 2,080 9.534 886 3.216 2.614 -2.294 -61,882 3.542 2,443 433 2,037 233.935 415,482 9+10 20,251 6,802 11 12 -809 -21,850 -1,587 ^t,397 -1,879 -38,484 -2,870 -7,143 -6,026 -10,715 -247 -199 -1,783 -14,375 -2,330 -3,827 -13,193 -2,052 -200 -11,582 -13,253 -12,824 -2,159 -4,551 -10,893 -10,228 -201 -1,008 -2,628 -8,510 -2,413 -4,754 -1,468 -5,127 -6,881 -7,796 -1,895 -32,687 -2,243 -5,295 -4,072 -4,985 -25,409 -20,574 -8,062 -58,285 -21,743 -12,153 -2,693 -14,773 -8,153 -23,335 -164 -2,059 3,530 -8,544 51 3 52 29 7 7 1,053 -1 9 11 154 46 9 340 161 13 24 172 185 96 13 7 29 4,061 -1 73 18 6 67 75 1,601 1,654 39 406 4,346 826 146 1 119 136 296 5,385 110 89 515 14 15 1 5 1 1 6 17 329 177 2 53 502 50 50 16 1 4 17 4 4 73 18 18 6 19 6 8 113 2 23 146 45 5 20+21 1 10 2 1 16 35 1 34 47 3 9 82 26 2 22+23 1 16 1 5 27 32 24 25 26A 2 88 26B 27A 27B 1 2 2 28 58 17 6 16 1 29 39 18 38 47 506 18 760 101 18 625 349 9 34 12 9 4 29A 4 9 19 240 19 29B 30 2,771 423 41 16 137 62 1 287 77 6 1 3 8 5 1 9 32 72 11 101 17 2 4 35 21 179 10 52 1 8 107 77 165 58 20 205 41 1,096 172 52 3,195 562 48 17 37 251 90 16 362 155 506 696 602 69 27 27 283 630 1,377 111 557 32 236 6,027 1,737 1,379 1,680 445 36,346 8,705 23,050 1,433 215 576 3,892 1,479 2,442 1,471 1,949 346 495 14 15 31 32 33+34 1 12 73 80 7 5 5 39 452 96 86 9 222 249 147 170 1,969 698 257 136 393 314 81 283 1.364 669 218 561 1,102 1,271 3,578 193 1 2 2 1 7 9 1 35 30 221 84 15 342 122 426 677 473 50 24 23 244 584 1,185 100 502 31 227 5,904 1,660 1,196 1.579 417 35,971 8,638 21,840 1,258 149 576 3,892 1,479 2,442 1,471 1,949 346 495 4 22 1 2 1 1 3 36 37 15 23 5 31 3 5 4 38 39 11 1 8 8 28 2 1 4 75 9 28 3 36 38 7 9 501 172 30 10 146 24 6 64 48 69 16 54 403 425 1 11 176 14 342 1 20 1 37 3 433 112 91 6 105 24 7 25 162 106 40 41 12 4 1 29 53 2 94 42 43 3 44+45 46 5 2 1 10 17 8 4 4 7 1 3 47 1 2 17 189 12 66 48 4 25 13 1 3 3 3 12 3 11 49 14 9 1 4 50 51 52 53 54 1 16 2 7 39 62 11 20 18 2 3 1 279 16 -44 3 55 56 57 18 43 8 170 26 114 3 14 4 36 16 8 1 8 73 2 113 20 58 14 4 4 59A 59B 60 10 14 9 25 13 392 718 300 61 12 62 63 3 64 65A 65B 65C 871 3 3,585 5,534 2,023 1,395 871 3 3,585 5,534 2.023 1.395 65D 65E 66 -695 67 68 A 68 B 68C 18,317 69A 69B -265 -1,136 -11 70A 17 512 967 51 7,913 3,126 14,210 55 505 431 548 9 390 1,080 165 9,906 951 196,793 370,795 17 512 967 51 7,973 3,126 14,210 55 505 431 548 9 390 1.080 165 9.906 951 196,793 374,987 351 806 -2,697 1,060 2,003 1,908 5,595 621 -6,291 1,094 224 -17 -27,527 182 225 768 257.127 310,738 351 806 -2,697 1.060 2,020 1,908 5.595 621 -6.291 1,094 224 -17 -27.527 182 225 768 257,127 316,400 70B 71 A 71 B 72A 72B -225 -839 -1,632 -615 60 24 17 71 73A 73B 73C 73D 74 -6 -248 -13 -449 75 76 77A 77B 78 79 -90,036 -2,746 -6 80 -2 81 82 -74 -631,637 882 3,310 1,045 4,617 1,637 7.472 83 168 1,142 84 85 T M-18 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table D. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditure Categories, in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices [Millions of dollars] NIPA cat- ego- ry' NIPA description and descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Purchas- ers' prices NIPA cat- ego- ry' NIPA description and l-O descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole sale and retail trade margins Purchas- ers' prices 12 14 Food purchased for off-premise consumption (n.d.): Total 1 Livestock and livestock products 2 Other agricultural products 3 Forestry and fishery products 9+10 Nonmetallic minerals mining 14 Food and kindred products ... 27A Industrial and other chemicals 69B Retail trade 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Purchased meals and beverages (n.d.): Total 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation 65D Air transportation 74 Eating and drinking places ... 76 Amusements 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations Food furnished to employees (including military) (n.d.): Total 1 Livestock and livestock products 2 Other agricultural products 3 Forestry and fishery products 14 Food and kindred products ... Food produced and consumed on farms (n.d.): Total 1 Livestock and livestock products 2 Other agricultural products 14 Food and kindred products ... Tobacco products (n.d.): Total 15 Tobacco products Shoes and other footwear (n.d.): Total 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Women's and children's clothing and accessories, except shoes (n.d.): Total 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills 18 Apparel 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 24 Paper and allied products, except containers 26B Other printing and publishing 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 69B Retail trade 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods 15 259,465 1,866 14,987 867 6 241,859 599 2 -721 245,963 60 24 242,151 3,633 95 6,091 127 180 19 5,765 590 88 116 386 30,395 30,395 14,926 3,749 11,177 57,151 1,344 48,207 201 3,349 208 24 3,663 274 88 25 -232 9,661 21 2,972 17 8 6,605 38 193 1 38 154 181 181 121 67 54 540 30 363 2 37 37 2 45 24 144,583 615 10.929 389 4 132,382 264 802 47 2 753 17,432 17,432 17,856 4,560 13,255 41 65,715 2,047 57,057 187 1,615 396 39 3,201 460 2 711 413,709 2,502 28,888 1,273 18 380,846 901 2 -721 245,963 60 24 242,151 3,633 95 7,086 128 265 21 6,672 590 88 116 386 48,008 48,008 32,903 8,376 24,486 41 123,406 3,421 105,627 390 5,001 641 65 6,909 758 90 25 479 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 Men's and boys' clothing and accessories, except shoes (n.d.): Total 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills .... 18 Apparel 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 69B Retail trade 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Standard clothing issued to military personnel (n.d.): Total 18 Apparel 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products Cleaning, storage, and repair of clothing and shoes (s.): Total 72A Hotels and lodging places 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) Jewelry and watches (d.): Total 62 Scientific and controlling instruments 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Other misc. personal, clothing and jewelry services (s.): Total 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 73C Other business and professional services, except medical Toilet articles and preparations (n.d.): Total 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 29B Cleaning and toilet preparations 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 42 Other fabricated metal products 54 Household appliances 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Barbershops, beauty parlors, and health clubs (s.): Total 72A Hotels and lodging places 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 76 Amusements Owner-occupied nonfarm dwellings-space rent (s.): Total 71 A Owner-occupied dwellings Tenant-occupied nonfarm dwellings-rent (s.): Total 71 B Real estate and royalties ... 33,851 131 32,557 17 1,150 110 43 38 -195 218 170 8 40 11,365 222 11,143 13,153 1,611 12,312 -770 16,042 16,022 20 21,996 89 19,370 45 843 648 511 490 20,065 1,114 15,601 3,350 451,983 451 ,983 160,733 160.733 296 2 264 17 12 58 17 41 613 410 2 32 33 68 68 31,128 191 29,714 19 834 148 222 26 23 18,434 2,094 15,704 636 15,294 56 13,313 43 577 316 504 485 65,275 324 62,535 37 2,001 270 43 38 27 244 193 8 43 1 1 ,365 222 11,143 31,645 3,722 28,057 -134 16,042 16,022 20 37,903 145 33,093 90 1,452 997 1,083 1,043 20,065 1,114 15,601 3,350 451,983 451,983 160,733 160,733 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-19 Table D. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditure Categories, in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices — Continued [Millions of dollars] NIPA cat- ego- ry' NIPA description and 1-0 descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade mar- gins Purchas- ers' prices NIPA cat- ego- 7' NIPA description and 1-0 descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade mar- gins Purchas- ers' prices 26 27 29 30 31 32 Rental value of farm dwellings (s.)= Total 71 A Owner-occupied dwellings .. 71 B Real estate and royalties Other housing (s.): Total 72A Hotels and lodging places .... Furniture, including mattresses and bedsprings (d.): Total 22+23 Furniture and fixtures 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Kitchen and other household appliances (d.): Total 38 Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products 52 Service industry machinery .... 54 Household appliances 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods China, glassware, tableware, and utensils (d.): Total 20+21 Lumber and wood products 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 35 Glass and glass products 36 Stone and clay products 38 Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing 41 Screw machine products and stampings 42 Other fabricated metal products 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 69B Retail trade 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Other durable house furnishings (d.)= Total 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 20+21 Lumber and wood products 22+23 Furniture and fixtures 26B Other printing and publishing 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products 35 Glass and glass products 36 Stone and clay products 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products 42 Other fabricated metal products 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment 48 Special industry machinery and equipment 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical 51 Computer and office equipment 5,349 5,267 82 24,509 24,509 20,041 19,943 98 14,508 61 302 742 12,342 1,020 41 8,156 595 3,667 424 747 10 1,228 857 573 44 11 18,088 5,143 454 1,554 1,680 41 222 125 414 1,143 24 1,548 400 687 237 110 268 122 122 626 1 12 13 584 16 227 14 110 22 16 2 13 50 18,794 18,235 559 9,153 41 207 530 7,474 757 144 11,194 768 5,618 591 852 12 1,310 1,107 710 599 237 4 45 41 6 20 27 40 7 4 2 2 4 226 20,106 4,850 432 1,451 1,613 35 258 119 423 1,043 22 1,733 510 960 227 90 226 5,349 5,267 82 24,509 24,509 38,957 38,300 657 24,287 103 521 1,285 20,400 1,793 185 19,577 1,377 9,395 1,037 1,615 24 2,551 2,014 1283 44 237 38,793 10,230 890 3,050 3,334 76 489 250 857 2,213 46 3,321 917 1,651 466 202 498 33 34 35 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment 56 Audio, video, and communication equipment 61 Other transportation equipment 62 Scientific and controlling instruments 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 69B Retail trade 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Semidurable house furnishings (n.d.): Total 1 6 Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 20+21 Lumber and wood products 26B Other printing and publishing 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 35 Glass and glass products 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing 41 Screw machine products and stampings 54 Household appliances 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 69B Retail trade 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Cleaning and polishing preparations, and miscellaneous household supplies and paper products (n.d.): Total 3 Forestry and fishery products ... 9+10 Nonmetallic minerals mining 1 7 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings 24 Paper and allied products, except containers 25 Paperboard containers and boxes 26B Other printing and publishing 27A Industrial and other chemicals 27B Agricultural fertilizers and chemicals 29B Cleaning and toilet preparations 30 Paints and allied products 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 36 Stone and clay products 42 Other fabricated metal products 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Stationery and writing supplies (n.d.): Total 24 Paper and allied products, except containers 26B Other printing and publishing 27A Industrial and other chemicals 102 932 1,119 79 408 1,207 113 78 12,918 208 243 9,783 275 118 653 127 36 117 92 1,264 2 25,213 33 33 129 8,946 381 12 239 920 10,728 480 322 374 551 87 939 740 299 6,043 601 4,312 573 1 76 10 3 3 58 90 1,136 1,132 71 430 1,668 318 7 2 86 6 24 1 3 5 177 1,367 39 1 303 42 48 757 32 15 39 2 2 22 24 41 409 14 271 120 1,587 12,336 165 192 8,709 244 99 650 133 36 199 71 1,798 1 39 14,480 8 19 46 4,060 262 4 138 690 6,010 226 133 192 193 93 1,357 612 437 8,398 597 5,960 717 193 2,144 2,261 153 841 2,933 113 1,665 25,572 380 437 18,578 525 217 1,327 261 79 319 168 3,239 3 39 41,060 41 91 176 13,309 643 16 419 1,658 17,495 738 470 605 746 182 2,318 1,376 777 14.850 1.212 10.543 1,410 M-20 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table D. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditure Categories, in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices — Continued [Millions of dollars] NIPA cat- ego- NIPA description and 1-0 descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade mar- gins Purchas- ers' prices NIPA cat- ego- ry 1 NIPA description and 1-0 descnptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade mar- gins Purchas- ers' prices 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Electricity (s.): Total 68A Electric services (utilities) Gas (s.): . Total 68B Gas production and distribution (utilities) Water and other sanitary services (s.): Total 68C Water and sanitary services 79 State and local government enterprises Fuel oil and coal (n.d.)-' Total 7 Coal mining 20+21 Lumber and wood products 27A Industrial and other chemicals 31 Petroleum refining and related products 68C Water and sanitary services Telephone and telegraph (s.): Total 66 Communications, except radio and TV 72A Hotels and lodging places .... Domestic service (s.): Total 73C Other business and professional services, except medical 84 Household industry Other household operation (s.): Total 65B Motor freight transportation and warehousing 65C Water transportation 65D Air transportation 70B Insurance 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 73C Other business and professional services, except medical 78 Federal Government enterprises 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Drug preparations and sundries (n.d.): Total 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 24 Paper and allied products, except containers 27A Industrial and other chemicals 29A Drugs 31 Petroleum refining and related products 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 54 Household appliances 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment 62 Scientific and controlling instruments Ophthalmic products and orthopedic appliances (d.): Total 4 550 79,337 79,337 29,537 29,537 30,293 20,426 9,867 6,235 68 105 345 5,679 38 70,669 70,129 540 11,356 1,269 10,087 27,116 6,065 162 33 -244 5,477 8,922 6,690 11 48,402 23 1,894 53 43,864 38 517 18 7 1,988 4,633 7 1,109 435 28 2 39 366 310 22 9 242 27 1 5,495 69 96 276 5,054 27,182 12 920 42 25,022 20 372 8 5 781 24 8,344 13.001 11 1,663 11 79,337 79,337 29,537 29,537 30,293 20,426 9,867 12.165 165 203 660 11,099 38 70,669 70,129 540 11,356 1,269 10,087 27,116 6,065 162 33 -244 5,477 8,922 6,690 11 75,894 35 2,836 104 69,128 60 916 27 12 2,776 47 48 49 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65 66 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 62 Scientific and controlling instruments 63 Ophthalmic and photographic equipment 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Physicians (s.): Total 77A Health services Dentists (s.): Total 77A Health services Other professional medical services (s.): Total 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation 73C Other business and professional services, except medical 77A Health services Nonprofit hospitals (s.): Total 77A Health services Proprietary hospitals (s.): Total 77A Health services Government hospitals (s.): Total 77A Health services Nursing homes (s.): Total 77A Health services Health insurance (s.): Total 70B Insurance Brokerage charges and investment counseling (s.): Total 70A Finance Bank service charges, trust services, and safe deposit box rental (s.): Total 70A Finance Services furnished without payment by financial intermediaries except life insurance carriers and private noninsured pension plans (s.): Total 70A Finance Expense of handling life insurance (s.): Total 70B Insurance Legal services (s.): Total 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services Funeral and burial expenses (s.): Total 36 Stone and clay products 42 Other fabricated metal products 167 1,313 3,140 13 166,429 166,429 37,636 37,636 85,216 2,507 1,042 81,667 184,823 184,823 30,345 30,345 55,154 55,154 50,166 50,166 43,224 43,224 28,719 28,719 30,934 30,934 137,479 137,479 69,380 69,380 44,864 44,864 9.994 306 15 5 5 14 241 1,682 6,421 24 22 944 915 29 413 3,000 9,575 13 166,429 166,429 37,636 37,636 85,216 2,507 1,042 81,667 184,823 184,823 30,345 30,345 55,154 55,154 50,166 50,166 43,224 43,224 28,719 28,719 30,934 30,934 137,479 137,479 69,380 69,380 44,864 44,864 10,962 1,243 46 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-21 Table D. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditure Categories, in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices — Continued [Millions of dollars] NIPA cat- ego- ry 1 NIPA description and 1-0 descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade mar- gins Purchas- ers' prices NIPA cat- ego- ry 1 NIPA description and 1-0 descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade mar- gins Purchas- ers' prices 67 70 71 72 73 74 65D Air transportation 71 B Real estate and royalties 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) Other personal business (s.): Total 66 Communications, except radio and TV 70A Finance 70B Insurance 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 73C Other business and professional services, except medical 73D Advertising 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations 78 Federal Government enterprises 80 Noncomparable imports New autos (d.): Total 59A Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) Net purchases of used autos (d.): Total 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Other motor vehicles (d.): Total 59A Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) 61 Other transportation equipment 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Tires, tubes, accessories, and other parts (d.): Total 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 35 Glass and glass products 42 Other fabricated metal products 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical 52 Service industry machinery .... 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment 56 Audio, video, and communication equipment 57 Electronic components and accessories 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 59B Truck and bus bodies, trailers, and motor vehicles parts 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Repair, greasing, washing, parking, storage, rental and leasing (s.): Total 75 Automotive repair and services 76 Amusements 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations 120 2,625 6,928 18,891 385 875 91 1,971 917 2,747 676 10,922 191 116 64,878 64,878 17,223 17,223 47,383 40,674 4,747 1,962 13,063 6 2,436 4,277 -557 90,128 90,099 6 23 1,748 1,748 1,112 1,096 16 2,756 5,580 2,443 14 96 26 5 168 3 9? 920 9 5 193 132 -29 11,390 11,390 13,954 13,954 12,028 6,904 1,333 3,791 14,704 5 6,866 11 77 19 154 74 812 3 2,823 3,318 542 165 165 120 2,625 6,928 18,891 385 875 91 1,971 917 2,747 676 10,922 191 116 78,016 78,016 31.177 31,177 60,523 48,674 6,096 5,753 30,523 11 14,889 25 173 50 325 166 1,741 8 5,452 7,727 -44 90,293 90,264 6 23 75 76 77 79 80 82 83 84 85 87 88 89 Gasoline and oil (n.d.): Total 31 Petroleum refining and related products Bridge, tunnel, ferry, and road tolls (s.): Total 79 State and local government enterprises , Motor vehicle insurance (s.): Total 70B Insurance Mass transit systems (s.): Total 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Taxicab (s.): Total 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Railway (s.): Total 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Bus (s.): Total 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Airline (s.): Total 65D Air transportation Other intercity transportation (s.): Total 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation 65B Motor freight transportation and warehousing 65C Water transportation 65E Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services Books and maps (d.): Total 26B Other printing and publishing 69B Retail trade 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Magazines, newspapers, and sheet music (n.d): Total 26A Newspapers and periodicals 26B Other printing and publishing 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Nondurable toys and sport supplies (n.d.): Total 1 Livestock and livestock products 3 Forestry and fishery products ... 13 Ordnance and accessories 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings 24 Paper and allied products, except containers 26B Other printing and publishing 47,638 47,638 2,839 2,839 25,728 25,728 6,463 6,463 2,586 2,586 647 647 1,595 1,595 21,281 21,281 3,592 408 173 197 2,814 9,795 9,778 21 -4 14,755 14,339 711 -295 18,158 218 754 599 63 131 102 2,737 2,737 54,505 54,505 363 363 772 653 119 371 11 6 2 13 6.990 6,768 222 6,432 6,018 406 S 17.994 137 398 371 62 122 65 104.880 104,880 2,839 2,839 25,728 25,728 6,463 6,463 2,586 2,586 647 647 1,595 1,595 21,281 21,281 3,592 408 173 197 2,814 17,148 16,909 21 218 21,959 21,010 1,236 -287 36.523 366 1,152 976 127 266 167 M-22 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table D. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditure Categories, in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices — Continued [Millions of dollars] NIPA cat- ego- ry 1 NIPA description and descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Purchas- ers' prices NIPA cat- ego- ry 1 NIPA description and 1-0 descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Purchas- ers' prices 90 91 92 93 27A Industrial and other chemicals 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus ... 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 63 Ophthalmic and photographic equipment 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Wheel goods, sports and photographic equipment, boats, and pleasure aircraft (d.): Total 13 Ordnance and accessories 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products 42 Other fabricated metal products 43 Engines and turbines 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 60 Aircraft and parts 61 Other transportation equipment 62 Scientific and controlling instruments 63 Ophthalmic and photographic equipment 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 73C Other business and professional services, except medical 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Video and audio products, computing equipment, and musical instruments (d.): Total 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products 51 Computer and office equipment 56 Audio, video, and communication equipment 57 Electronic components and accessories 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 71 B Real estate and royalties 73A Computer and data processing services 76 Amusements 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Radio and television repair (s.): Total 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 73C Other business and professional services, except medical Flowers, seeds, and potted plants (n.d.): Total 345 123 11 53 349 1,923 13,472 15 17,347 874 625 128 306 356 169 31 465 7,132 159 1,177 4,992 666 267 33,796 30 5,100 19,643 211 1,044 867 3,200 2,137 1,368 196 3,438 3,064 374 63 5 1 4 14 252 217 7 49 13 10 3 1 67 1 9 57 387 60 282 22 20 287 117 6 52 295 1.606 14,465 8 3 12,528 652 471 149 253 263 45 7 57 2,873 60 992 5,760 414 532 22,857 21 3,612 12,908 111 620 807 1,994 825 1,552 407 4,541 537 6,883 11,961 695 245 17 106 648 3,543 28,189 23 3 30,092 1,526 1,103 326 572 629 217 38 523 10,072 220 2,178 10,809 1,080 799 57,040 51 8,772 32,833 322 1,686 1,694 5,194 2,964 2,921 603 3,438 3,064 374 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 2 Other agricultural products 4,248 73C Other business and professional services, except medical Motion picture theaters (s.): Total 4,939 65D Air transportation 3 76 Amusements 4,808 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations 128 Legitimate theaters and opera and entertainments of nonprofit institutions (except athletics) (s.): Total 6,037 76 Amusements 5,854 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations 183 Spectator sports (s.): Total 5,131 76 Amusements 2,838 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations 2,293 Clubs and fraternal organizations (s.): Total 10,667 76 Amusements 7,774 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations 2,893 Commercial participant amusements (s.): Total 29,885 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation 2,181 65C Water transportation 1,373 65D Air transportation 91 70B Insurance 2 73C Other business and professional services, except medical 64 76 Amusements 26,023 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations Pari-mutuel net receipts (s.): Total 3,366 76 Amusements 3,366 Other recreational expenditures (s.): Total 74,579 1 Livestock and livestock products 1,410 3 Forestry and fishery products 1,412 4 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services 66 Communications, except radio and TV 19,883 67 Radio and TV broadcasting 1,839 72A Hotels and lodging places 3,496 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 5,318 73A Computer and data processing services 73C Other business and professional services, except medical 5,520 76 Amusements 18,734 77A Health services 5,108 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations 982 537 6,883 69 68 1 1,454 538 49 400 11,668 293 4,939 3 4.808 128 6,037 5,854 183 5,131 2.838 2,293 10,667 7,774 2,893 29,885 2,181 1,373 91 2 64 26,023 151 3,366 3,366 76,102 2,016 1,462 729 19,883 1,839 3.496 5,318 307 5,920 18,734 5,108 982 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-23 Table D. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditure Categories, in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices — Continued [Millions of dollars] NIPA cat- ego- ry 1 NIPA description and descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole sale and retail trade margins Purchas- ers' prices NIPA cat- ego- ry 1 NIPA description and descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade margins Purchas- ers' prices 103 104 105 106 79 State and local government enterprises ... 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Higher education (s.): Total 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations Nursery, elementary, and secondary schools (s.): Total 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations Other private education and research (s.): Total 76 Amusements 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations Religious and welfare activities (s.): Total 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations 9,783 58 52,428 52,428 23,311 23,311 20,738 712 20,026 112,314 112,314 467 9,783 525 52,428 52,428 23,311 23,311 20,738 712 20,026 112,314 112,314 108 109 110 111 Foreign travel by U.S. residents (s.): Total 65C Water transportation 65D Air transportation 80 Noncomparable imports .... Expenditures abroad by U.S. residents (n.d.): Total 80 Noncomparable imports .... Expenditures in the United States by nonresidents (s.): Total 83 Rest of the world adjustment to final uses Personal remittances in kind to nonresidents (n.d.): Total 83 Rest of the world adjustment to final uses Total personal consumption expenditures Total durable commodities (d.) Total nondurable commodities (n.d.) Total services (s.) 45,943 3,243 12,377 30,323 2,570 2,570 -64,871 -64,871 -1,610 -1,610 3,551,945 282,064 855,509 2,414,372 27,193 8,239 18,861 93 629,580 180,476 446,541 2,563 45,943 3,243 12,377 30,323 2,570 2,570 -64,871 -64,871 -1,610 -1,610 4,208,718 470,779 1,320,911 2,417,028 1. The NIPA category refers to the line number associated with the PCE category in NIPA table 2.4. estimates of transactions in commodities. It also de- scribes the valuation used in wholesale trade, retail trade, imports of goods and services, exports of goods and services, and the change in business inventories. Transactions in commodities are valued at producers' prices in the 1-0 accounts. These prices exclude whole- sale and retail trade margins and transportation costs, but they include excise taxes collected and remitted by pro- ducers. Transportation costs and trade margins are shown as separate purchases by the users of the commodities. The sum of the producers' value, transportation costs, and trade margins equals the purchasers' value. Thus, the flows of commodities for resale to and from wholesale trade and retail trade are not shown. If trade were shown as buying and reselling commodities, industrial and final users would make most of their purchases from a single source — trade. To show the relationship between the production of commodities and their purchase by intermediate and final users, commodities are shown as if they move directly to users. Wholesale and retail trade margins on commodi- ties are shown as purchases by users and are included in the trade rows of use table 2. 1 (rows 69A and 69B). Transportation costs are the freight charges paid to move the commodity from the producer to the intermediate user or the final user. All transportation costs are shown as a purchase by users and are included in the transportation rows of the use table (rows 65A-E and 68B). Wholesale trade has one primary product — distributive services for the sales of goods to retailers, intermediate users, and final users (other than persons). Distributive services provided by wholesalers include merchandise handling, stocking, selling, and billing. Wholesale trade output consists of trade margins and nonmargin output; both exclude the cost of resales. Margin output is in- cluded in the purchasers' prices of the goods that are purchased, but not in the producers' prices of those goods. Nonmargin output, which includes all customs duties, is assumed to be purchased by the producer of the goods being sold and is thus reflected in the producers' prices of the goods. Both the margin and nonmargin outputs are included in the wholesale trade row of use table 2. 1 (row 69A). Margin output is calculated in two parts. For mer- chant wholesalers (establishments that primarily buy and resell products manufactured by other firms) and agents and brokers (when selling goods on their own account), the trade margin is calculated as wholesale sales less the cost of goods sold plus taxes collected by the distribu- tor. For manufacturers' sales branches (wholesale trade M-24 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table E. — input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Producers' Durable Equipment Expenditure Categories, in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices [Millions of dollars] NIPA cat- ego- ry' NIPA description and descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade mar- gins Pur- chasers' prices NIPA cat- ego- ry' NIPA description and 1-0 descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade mar- gins Pur- chasers' prices 11 Computers and peripheral equipment: Total 51 Computer and office equipment 73A Computer and data processing services Office equipment except computers: Total 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical 51 Computer and office equipment 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Communication equipment: Total 13 Ordnance and accessories .... 38 Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing 51 Computer and office equipment 56 Audio, video, and communication equipment 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 62 Scientific and controlling instruments 66 Communications, except radio and TV 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Instruments: Total 62 Scientific and controlling instruments 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Photocopy and related equipment: Total 62 Scientific and controlling instruments 63 Ophthalmic and photographic equipment 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Fabricated metal products: Total 5+6 Metallic ores mining 27A Industrial and other chemicals 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing 39 Metal containers 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products 42 Other fabricated metal products 46 Materials handling machinery and equipment 36,139 32,693 3,441 4,360 539 3,317 451 53 43,664 29 52 154 24,445 1,304 9,693 5,065 2,905 17 22,759 21,462 1,269 28 9,277 1,406 6,915 904 52 8,629 50 1,957 16 38 3,612 2,388 5 390 390 63 13 50 253 1 1 175 15 61 113 113 58 5 53 155 20 1 26 108 7,051 7,051 1,727 34 1,260 433 3,889 8 20 3,098 280 483 3,691 3,691 3,236 123 3,113 815 1 387 424 43,580 40,139 3,441 6,150 586 4,627 451 486 47,806 29 61 175 27,718 1,599 10,237 5,065 2,905 17 26,563 25,266 1,269 28 12,571 1,534 10,081 904 52 9,599 71 1,957 16 42 4,025 2,920 5 12 13 14 15 16 18 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services Engines and turbines: total 43 Engines and turbines 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services Metalworking machinery: Total 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Special industry machinery, n.e.c: Total 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 42 Other fabricated metal products 48 Special industry machinery and equipment 49 General industrial machinery and equipment 52 Service industry machinery ... 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods General industrial, including materials handling, equipment: Total 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery 46 Materials handling machinery and equipment 49 General industrial machinery and equipment 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Electrical transmission, distribution, and industrial apparatus: Total 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus 62 Scientific and controlling instruments 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services Trucks, buses, and truck trailers: Total 59A Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) 59B Truck and bus bodies, trailers, and motor vehicles parts 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods 563 3,540 3,271 269 17,733 16,651 1,135 -53 19,487 130 27 16,820 1,029 1 95 1,379 6 17,244 35 5,738 10,250 120 1,127 -26 13,084 1,001 6,826 4,256 1,001 31,253 27,995 4,981 -1,723 48 48 302 302 351 6 332 11 332 2 184 145 1 250 36 187 27 823 758 65 75 75 2,466 2,466 2,992 32 10 2,433 124 20 373 3,356 7 1,298 1,094 56 901 1,516 163 1,078 275 4,079 3,236 361 563 3,663 3,394 269 20,501 19,419 1,135 -53 22,830 168 37 19,585 1,164 1 117 1,379 379 20,932 44 7,220 11,489 177 1,127 875 14,850 1,200 8,091 4,558 1,001 36,155 31,989 5,407 482l -1,241 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-25 Table E. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Producers' Durable Equipment Expenditure Categories, in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices — Continued [Millions of dollars] NIPA cat- ego- ry 1 NIPA description and descriptions -0 Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade mar- gins Pur- chasers' prices NIPA cat- ego- ry 1 NIPA description and descriptions Produc- ers' prices Trans- porta- tion costs Whole- sale and retail trade mar- gins Pur- chasers' prices 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 Autos: Total 59A Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Aircraft: Total 22+23 Furniture and fixtures 60 Aircraft and parts 62 Scientific and controlling instruments 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Ships and boats: Total 61 Other transportation equipment 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Railroad equipment: Total 61 Other transportation equipment 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Furniture and fixtures: Total 22+23 Furniture and fixtures 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Tractors: Total 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Agricultural machinery, except tractors: Total 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Construction machinery, except tractors: Total 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Mining and oilfield machinery: Total 8 Crude petroleum and natural gas 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery 24,685 47,137 -22,452 13,536 214 13,676 695 -1,049 1,116 1,085 31 2,858 2,648 206 4 17,016 15,686 1,402 -72 4,188 4,249 -61 4,850 4,430 412 8 6,385 5,996 478 -89 909 23 792 1,270 1,270 43 3 33 43 43 179 179 183 183 211 211 415 415 38 38 6,074 5,680 394 142 10 90 42 59 42 17 109 20 89 4,081 3,862 219 2,355 2,149 206 2,071 1,445 626 1,642 1,227 415 350 178 32,029 54,087 -22,058 13,721 227 13,799 744 -1,049 1,177 1,129 48 3,010 2,711 206 93 21,276 19,727 1,402 147 6,726 6,581 145 7,132 6,086 412 634 8,442 7,638 478 326 1,297 23 1,008 29 30 31 32 33 49 General industrial machinery and equipment 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Service industry machinery: Total 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical 52 Service industry machinery .... 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Electrical equipment, n.e.c: Total 54 Household appliances 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 62 Scientific and controlling instruments 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Other nonresidential equipment: Total 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings 20+21 Lumber and wood products 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery 61 Other transportation equipment 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Sale of equipment scrap, excluding autos: Total 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods Residential (landlord durables): Total 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings 22+23 Furniture and fixtures .... 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 54 Household appliances 56 Audio, video, and communication equipment .... Total producers durable equipment Total nonresidential equipment .., Total residential equipment 21 72 1 8,116 41 7,375 673 27 8,102 374 283 659 6,125 682 -21 10,660 1,151 1 70 2,301 1,008 5,365 857 -93 -2,006 -2,006 3,760 1,192 191 15 2,294 68 331,344 327,584 3,760 113 112 90 13 7 25 45 763 53 3 66 45 596 164 54 1 108 1 6,652 6,488 164 169 1,879 1 1,878 1,225 25 66 97 1,037 4,122 438 12 1,703 296 1,673 1,997 457 58 8 1.450 24 60,999 59,002 1,997 24 72 170 10,108 43 9,365 673 27 9,417 412 356 781 7,207 682 -21 15,545 1,642 1 85 4,070 1,349 7,634 857 -93 -2,006 -2,006 5,921 1,703 249 24 3,852 93 398,995 393,074 5.921 1. The NIPA category refers to the corresponding category in NIPA table 5.8. line number associated with the PDE M-26 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 establishments that primarily buy and resell goods man- ufactured by the same firm), it is calculated as operating expenses plus taxes collected by the sales branches. 22 Nonmargin output occurs when the wholesale trade service is purchased separately from the commodity, such as when a wholesaler acts as a broker between buyer and seller. It is calculated in four parts: Operating expenses of manufacturers' sales offices, commissions on goods sold through agents and brokers, taxes collected, and customs duties. Customs duties are considered to be taxes col- lected by wholesale trade establishments and are included in nonmargin output. Retail trade has one primary product — distributive services for the sale of goods primarily to persons. Its output includes primarily retail trade margins, which are measured as retail sales less the cost of goods sold plus the taxes collected by retail trade establishments. It also includes some nonmargin output, which consists mostly of mailing and handling charges of retailers. All retail trade margins are included in the retail trade row of use table 2.1 (row69B). Retail trade margins apply primarily to purchases by persons. However, some retail trade margins are applied to purchases by business and government — for example, some purchases of personal computers by business. Re- tail trade margins also are applied to some intermediate purchases by business — for example, office supplies and gasoline. Imports of goods and services, a component of final uses, are measured by individual commodity at domes- tic port values. The domestic port value of an imported commodity, which includes customs duties, is considered to be equivalent to the producers' price of a domestically produced commodity. Adjustments to convert the sum total of all commodity imports of goods to foreign port value are included in the imports of transportation and wholesale trade. For example, the imports of the individ- ual commodity apparel (row 18, column 95) in table 2.1 is -$38.5 billion, the value of imports at the port of entry to the United States. This value consists of a foreign port value of -$31.8 billion, vessel charges of -$0.7 billion, air charges of -$0.9 billion, and customs duty of -$5.1 billion. The vessel and air charges are subtracted from the transportation rows (rows 65C and 65D, column 95) to be netted against balance of payments estimates of the total imports of transportation services. The duty is subtracted from the wholesale trade row (row 69 A, col- umn 95). The sum of the domestic port values for all commodities less the transportation charges and duty in the transportation and wholesale rows is the foreign port value for all imports. Imports of services are valued at producers' prices. There are no margins or transport costs associated with services. Imports also include a special category referred to as "noncomparable imports." Noncomparable imports con- sist of goods purchased by U.S. residents abroad and of service imports with no domestic counterparts, such as port expenditures by U.S. airlines in other countries. These imports are distributed directly to industries and final users and are shown as noncomparable imports in use table 2. 1 (row 80). All other imports are assumed either to be consumed within the U.S. boundaries or to have domestic equivalents. In past benchmarks, noncomparable imports also in- cluded domestically consumed imported goods, such as bananas and coffee, that had no significant domestic counterparts. However, most imported goods now have domestic counterparts, so the 1992 benchmark 1-0 ac- counts do not include domestically consumed imports of goods in this category. Exports of goods and services, a component of final uses, are measured by commodity at producers' prices — the same as other domestically produced commodities. Transportation and trade commodities, which are required to move exports from the producer to the port of exit, are included in the transportation and trade rows of use table 2.1. For example, exports of computer and office equipment are $22.9 billion (row 51, column 94), which represents the value of the computer and office equipment in producers' prices. The transportation costs, $0.2 bil- lion, and the trade margins, $3.7 billion (row 5 1 and under the column exports of goods and services in table C), required to move the exports of computers and office Table F. — Relationship of Exports and Imports in the Input-Output Accounts to the National Income and Product Accounts, 1992 Total exports, NIPA's Less: U.S merchandise returned Re-exports Foreign-to-foreign transactions Statistical differences, l-O ' Equals: Exports, l-O Total imports, NIPA's Less: U.S merchandise returned Re-exports Foreign-to-foreign transactions Statistical differences, l-O ' Equals: Imports, 1-0 Net exports, NIPA's Net exports, 1-0 Total 639,416 11,817 22,392 582 2,015 602,610 668,959 11,817 22,392 582 2,531 631,637 -29,543 -29,027 Goods 448,671 11,817 22,392 414,462 544,855 11,817 22,392 510,646 -96.184 -96,184 Services 190,745 582 2,015 188,148 124,104 582 2,531 120,991 66,641 67,157 22. Expenses are used because there are no data on cost of goods sold for these wholesale trade establirhments. 1. Consist of statistical revisions in the balance ot payments accounts mat had not yet been incorporated in the NIPA's at the time of the release of the 1992 benchmark l-O ac- counts in late 1997. NIPA National income and product accounts l-O Input-output accounts BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-27 equipment from producer to the port of exit are included in the rows for transportation (rows 65A-E and 68B) and for trade (rows 69A and 69B) in table 2.1. Change in business inventories, another component of final uses, is measured by commodity at the book- value change reported by industries in the economic censuses. The inventory valuation adjustment, which is needed to remove inventory profits or losses from total gross do- mestic product in the 1-0 accounts, is shown as a single entry in table 2.1 (row 85, column 93). In the 1992 1-0 accounts, the inventory valuation adjustment is -$8.0 billion. NIPA table 2.4; and table E, the composition of NIPA producers' durable equipment expenditure categories shown in NIPA table 5.8. 23 Table F presents a reconciliation of the 1-0 estimates of exports and imports with those in the NIPA's. Both exports and imports are adjusted so that total GDP is unchanged. The adjustments are necessary because the NIPA's — unlike the 1-0 accounts — include the U.S. mer- chandise that is returned to the United States from other countries in imports and because the NIPA exports in- clude the foreign merchandise that is reexported from the United States to other countries. 24 Supplementary tables Four supplementary tables are also presented in ta- bles C, D, E, and F. Tables C, D, and E are bridges between the 1-0 accounts and the NIPA's. They present the 1-0 commodity composition of NIPA final demand in producers' and purchasers' prices. Specif- ically, table C presents the composition of all NIPA final-demand components; table D, the composition of personal consumption expenditure categories shown in 23. NIPA tables 2.4 and 5.8 are published annually in the Survey, most recently in the August 1998 issue. 24. Returned U.S. merchandise consists of domestically produced goods that were exported for processing, or assembly, or both and then returned to the United States. Reexports consist of the commodities that were previously imported into the United States and then exported from the United States in substantially the same condition as when they were imported. A timing adjust- ment is made for reexports that entered the country in an earlier year. The 1-0 accounts measure this value as general imports less imports for consumption, and the value is shown as a transaction between noncomparable imports and inventory change. Detailed Accounts How to read the tables The detailed tables with 1-0 estimates at the six-digit 1-0 level cover 498 industries and commodities, as well as 40 types of final uses. These tables, which begin on page 45, are presented in columnar form with zeros omitted, so that they are _asy to use, especially for users who are interested in only a few industries or commodities. This presentation is in contrast to that for the tables showing the summary (1-0 two-digit level) 1-0 estimates, which are typically presented in matrix form, where all estimates can be viewed simultaneously. The make table for industries The make table for industries (table 1 A (rows) of the "De- tailed Tables") shows the industries and the commodities that they produced, in millions of dollars at producers' prices, for six-digit industries and commodities. 25 This table presents information that corresponds to that pres- ented in the rows in the summary 1-0 make table (table 1 of the "Summary Tables"). The information for each industry is contained in three columns. The first column shows the 1-0 code for the six-digit producing industry. The second column shows the 1-0 codes for the six-digit commodities that the in- dustry produced. The third column shows the total value of the commodities that the industry produced and then the value of the output of the commodities listed in the second column. For example, the first entry in the table shows, in the first column, the six-digit industry 1.0100, dairy farm products. The second column shows that this industry produced four commodities: 1.0100, dairy farm products; 4.0001, agricultural, forestry, and fishery serv- ices; 14.0600, fluid milk; and 76.0206, other amusement and recreation services. 26 The third column shows that the total value of commodities produced by the dairy 25. The 1-0 accounts use two classification systems, one for industries and another for commodities, but both systems generally use the same 1-0 numbers and titles. For further information, see the section "Definitions and conventions for classification" on page M— 1 4 and "Appendix A: Classification of Industries in the 1 992 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts," which begins on page M— 32. 26. The other amusement and recreation services commodity consists of receipts that the dairy farm products industry receives for services provided at public golf courses, amusement parks, and the like. The full list of service areas is provided by the related SIC codes shown in appendix A. farm products industry was $20,285 million in producers' prices in 1992. This total consisted of $19,646 mil- lion, $86 million, $365 million, and $188 million for the commodities shown in the second column. The make table for commodities The make table for commodities (table IB (columns) of the "Detailed Tables") shows the commodities and the industries that produced them, in millions of dollars at producers' prices, for six-digit commodities and indus- tries. This table presents information that corresponds to that presented in the columns in the summary 1-0 make table (table 1 of the "Summary Tables"). The information for each commodity is contained in three columns. The first column shows the 1-0 code for the six-digit commodity that was produced. The second column shows the 1-0 codes for the six-digit industries that produced the commodity, either as a primary pro- ducer or as a secondary producer. The third column shows the total value of the output of that commodity and then the values of the commodity output produced by the industries listed in the second column. For example, the first entry in the table shows, in the first column, the six- digit commodity 1 .0 1 00, dairy farm products. The second column shows that there was only one producing indus- try, the six-digit industry 1.0100, dairy farm products. The third column shows that the total value of dairy farm products produced by the dairy farm products industry was $19,646 million in producers' prices in 1992. Similarly, moving down the first column to the first multiple-industry entry, we see that for the commodity 3.0001, forestry products, the total value of output of this commodity was $8,129 million (shown in the third column). This output was produced by three industries (shown in the second column): 1.0302, miscellaneous livestock, which produced $205 million; 2.0701, forest products, $2,047 million; and 3.0001, forestry products, $5,877 million. The use table for commodities The use table for commodities (table 2A (rows) of the "Detailed Tables") shows for each commodity the dollar M-28 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-29 value used by each industry and final user, in millions of dollars at producers' prices, for six-digit commodities, industries, and final uses. This table presents informa- tion that corresponds to that presented in the rows in the summary 1-0 use table (table 2. 1 of the "Summary Tables"). The information for each commodity is contained in three columns. The first column shows the 1-0 code for the six-digit commodity that was used. The second column shows the 1-0 codes for the six-digit industries and the final users of the commodity. The third column shows the total value of the commodity that the indus- tries used and then the value of the commodity used by each industry and final user listed in the second column. For example, the first entry in the table shows, in the first column, the six-digit commodity 1.0100, dairy farm products. The second and third columns show that most of the $19,646 million of this commodity was used by six industries, but that some of it was sold to final users (that is, PCE), some went into inventories, and some was exported and imported. For example, $183 million of the commodity was used by 1.0301, the meat animals indus- try; $87 million by 14.0200, the creamery butter industry; $7,105 million by 14.0300, the natural, processed, and imitation cheese industry; $1,618 million by 14.0400, the dry, condensed, and evaporated dairy products indus- try; $490 million by 14.0500, the ice cream and frozen desserts industry; $10,027 million by 14.0600, the fluid milk industry; $78 million was sold to 9 1 .0000, PCE; $44 million went to 93.0000, change in business inventories; $42 million went to 94.0000, exports; and $28 million was from 95.0000, imports. The use table for industries The use table for industries (table 2B (columns) of the "Detailed Tables") shows the industries and the com- modities and value added components that they used, in millions of dollars at producers' prices, for six-digit industries and commodities. This table presents infor- mation that corresponds to that presented in the columns in the summary 1-0 use table (tables 2.1 and 2.2 of the "Summary Tables"). The information for each industry is contained in three columns. The first column shows the 1-0 code for a six- digit industry or final user. The second column shows the 1-0 codes for the six-digit commodities and value added components that were used. The third column shows the total value of the commodities and value added that the industry used and then the values for each commodity and value added component. For example, the first en- try in the table shows, in the first column, the six-digit industry 1.0100, dairy farm products. The second and third columns show that this industry used 80 different commodities and 3 value added components to produce its output. For example, of the S20,285 million in com- modities and value added that it used, $48 million was in food grains, 2.0201; $7,878 million in feed grains, 2.0202; $1,001 million in agricultural, forestry, and fish- ery services, 4.0001; $1,212 million in compensation of employees, 88.0000; and S2.055 million in other value added, 90.0000, which includes components such as con- sumption of fixed capital, corporate profits, and business transfer payments. Commodity output requirements for each commodity The commodity requirements for each commodity table (table 4A of the "Detailed Tables") shows the six-digit commodities that were required directly and indirectly to deliver a dollar of a commodity to final users. This table presents information that corresponds to that pres- ented in the summary 1-0 commodity-by-commodity total requirements table (table 4 of the "Summary Ta- bles"); however, this table presents only the 15 largest required commodities and an "all other" category that summarizes the requirements for the remaining com- modities. 27 For a majority of the commodities, the largest 15 required account for at least 80 percent of the total requirements. At the maximum, the "all other" category accounts for approximately 33 percent of the total multi- plier (for 1-0 11.0101, new residential 1 -unit-structures, nonfarm). The largest coefficient in any "all other" category is 0.02989 (for 1-0 34.0301, leather gloves and mittens, where it accounts for slightly more than 1 percent of the multiplier). The coefficients in this ta- ble are referred to as "commodity-by-commodity total requirements coefficients." The information for each commodity is contained in three columns. The first column shows the 1-0 code for the six-digit commodity that was delivered to final users. The second column shows the 1-0 codes for the 1 5 largest six-digit commodities that were required directly and in- directly to deliver a dollar of this commodity to final users. The third column shows the total commodity output re- quired to deliver a dollar of the commodity listed in the first column to final users, and then the requirements for the 15 commodities and the "all other" group that appear in the second column. For example, the first entry in the table shows, in the first column, the six-digit com- modity 1.0100, dairy farm products, that was delivered 27. Multipliers for all commodities are contained on the diskettes offered for sale; see the box "Data Availability" on page M-3. M-30 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 to final users. The second column shows that among the commodities required to deliver a dollar of this commod- ity to final users were, for example, 1.0100, dairy farm products; 2.0202, feed grains; and 4.0001, agricultural, forestry, and fishery services. The third column shows that the total commodity output required to deliver a dol- lar of the commodity dairy farm products was $2.7491 1. The requirements for dairy farm products were $ 1 .00032; for feed grains, $0.42183; for agricultural, forestry, and fishery services, $0.08312; and for "all other," $0.50560. Industry output requirements for each commodity The industry output requirements for each commodity table (table 5 A of the "Detailed Tables") shows the out- put required directly and indirectly from each industry to deliver a dollar of a commodity to final users. This table presents information that corresponds to that pres- ented in the summary 1-0 industry-by-commodity total requirements table (table 5 of the "Summary Tables"); however, this table presents only the 15 largest producing industries and an "all other" group, which summarizes the requirements for the remaining industries that pro- duced output used in the commodity. For a majority of the commodities, the largest 15 required account for at least 80 percent of the total requirements. At the maxi- mum, the "all other" category accounts for approximately 40 percent of the total multiplier (for 1-0 14.3202, food preparations, n.e.c). The largest coefficient in any "all other" category is 0.031253 (for 1-0 1.0200, poultry and eggs, where it accounts for slightly more than 1 percent of the multiplier). The coefficients in this table are re- ferred to as "industry-by-commodity total requirements coefficients." The information for each industry is contained in three columns. The first column shows the 1-0 code for the six-digit commodity that was delivered to final users. The second column shows the 1-0 codes for the 15 largest six- digit industries that produced outputs used, directly and indirectly, in the production of the commodity listed in the first column. The third column shows the total industry output multiplier, which is the total amount of industry output required to deliver a dollar of the commodity listed in the first column to final users, and then the require- ments for the 15 largest industries and the "all other" group that appear in the second column. For example, the first entry in the table shows, in the first column, the six-digit commodity 1.0100, dairy farm products, which was delivered to final users. The second column shows, for example, that the industries 1.0100, dairy farm prod- ucts; 2.0202, feed grains; and 2.0600, oil bearing crops, produced outputs used in the production of this commod- ity. The third column shows that the total industry output required to deliver a dollar of the commodity dairy farm products was $2.74320. Of this, the dairy farm products industry was required to produce $1.00083; feed grains, $0.42383; oil bearing crops, $0.03120; and "all other" industries, $0.51927. 1-0 commodity composition ofNIPA PCE The 1-0 commodity composition ofNIPA PCE table (ta- ble D.l of the "Detailed Tables") shows the six-digit 1-0 commodity composition of each NIPA PCE category (as listed by line number code in NIPA table 2.4) in mil- lions of dollars valued at producers' prices. The table also provides information by six-digit 1-0 code for trans- portation costs and wholesale and retail trade margins for the sum of the commodities within each PCE category. By providing these costs and margins, the table provides a bridge between 1-0 commodities valued in producers' prices and NIPA PCE valued in purchasers' prices. This table presents information that corresponds to that presen- ted in the summary 1-0 commodity composition of PCE table (table D, beginning on page M— 18). The information for each PCE category is contained in two columns under each NIPA code number and title. The first column shows the six-digit codes for the 1-0 commodities, transportation costs, and wholesale and re- tail trade margins that constituted the NIPA category. The second column shows, as the first entry, the total for the 1-0 commodity composition of the NIPA PCE category valued in purchasers' prices; this total is composed of the sum of the commodities valued in producers' prices and the transportation costs and trade margins in the cat- egory. The second entry is the total for the six-digit 1-0 commodities valued in producers' prices. This entry is followed by the values for the individual commodities, the total for transportation costs and for wholesale and retail trade margins, and the values for the individual trans- portation costs and wholesale and retail trade margins for the NIPA category. For example, the first entry in the table shows the NIPA code 3 and category title "Food purchased for off-premise consumption (n.d.)." As shown in the first column, in 1992 this category consisted of 1-0 commodities such as 1.0200, poultry and eggs; 2.0202, feed grains; 2.0401, fruits; and transportation costs and trade margins such as 65.0100, railroads and related services, and 69.0100, wholesale trade. The second column shows that the total value of the commodities in the NIPA category, in purchasers' prices, was $413,709 million. The total value of the six-digit commodities in the category, in pro- BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-31 ducers' prices, was $259,465 million, which consisted of $1,866 million for poultry and eggs, $354 million for feed grains, $6,626 million for fruits, and so on down the column. The entry for transportation costs and trade margins shows that they totaled $154,244 mil- lion and consisted of $1,208 million for railroads and related services, $43,688 million for wholesale trade, and so on. I-O commodity composition ofNIPA PDE expenditures The 1-0 commodity composition ofNIPA PDE expendi- tures table (table E.l of the "Detailed Tables") shows the six-digit 1-0 commodity composition of each NIPA PDE category (as listed by line number code in NIPA table 5.8) in millions of dollars valued at producers' prices. The table also provides information by six-digit 1-0 code for transportation costs and wholesale and retail trade mar- gins for the sum of the commodities within each PDE category. By providing these costs and margins, the ta- ble provides a bridge between 1-0 commodities valued in producers' prices and NIPA PDE valued in purchasers' prices. This table presents information that corresponds to that presented in the summary 1-0 commodity com- position of PDE expenditures table (table E, on page M-24). The information for each PDE category is contained in two columns under each NIPA code number and title. The first column shows the six-digit codes for the 1-0 commodities, transportation costs, and wholesale and re- tail trade margins that constituted the NIPA category. The second column shows, as the first entry, the total for the 1-0 commodity composition of the NEPA PDE category valued in purchasers' prices; this total is composed of the sum of the commodities valued in producers' prices and the transportation costs and trade margins in the cat- egory. The second entry is the total for the six-digit 1-0 commodities valued in producers' prices. This entry is followed by the values for the individual commodities, the total for transportation costs and for wholesale and retail trade margins, and the values for the individual trans- portation costs and wholesale and retail trade margins for the NIPA category. For example, the first entry in the table shows the NIPA code 5 and title "Computers and peripheral equip- ment." As shown in the first column, in 1 992 this category consisted of the 1-0 commodities 51.0103, electronic computers; 51.0104, computer peripheral equipment; 73.0104, computer and data processing services; and transportation costs and trade margins such as 65.0100, railroads and related services, and 69.0100, wholesale trade. The second column shows that the total value of the commodities in the NIPA category, in purchasers' prices, was $43,580 million. The total value of the six-digit commodities in the category, in producers' prices, was $36,139 million, which consisted of $15,819 million for electronic computers and $16,879 million for computer peripheral equipment, and $3,441 million for computer and data processing services. The entry for transportation costs and trade margins shows that they totaled $7,441 million and consisted of $2 million for railroads and re- lated services, $5,934 million for wholesale trade, and soon. Appendix A Classification of Industries in the 1992 Benchmark Input-Output Accounts [The titles in boldface represent the industries used for the summary version of the 1992 tables. An asterisk preceding a Standard incustnal Classification (SIC) code indicates that the SIC industry is included in more than one l-O industry. For a description of the systems usea ir t^e l-O accounts, see the section "Definitions and conventions for classification."] l-O industry number and title Related 1987 SIC codes l-O industry num&e- a*x3 t tie Related 1987 SIC codes AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, AND FISHERIES 1 Livestock and livestock products: 1.0100 Dairy farm products 1.0200 Poultry and eggs 1.0301 Meat animals 1 .0302 Miscellaneous livestock 2 Other agricultural products: 2.0100 Cotton 2.0201 Food grains . 2.0202 Feed grains . 2.0203 Grass seeds 2.0300 Tobacco 2.0401 Fruits 2.0402 Tree nuts ... 2.0501 Vegetables 2.0502 Sugar crops 2.0503 Miscellaneous crops 2.0600 Oil bearing crops 2.0701 Forest products 2.0702 Greenhouse and nursery products 3 Forestry and fishery products: 3.0001 Forestry products 3.0002 Commercial fishing .. 4 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services: 4.0001 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services. 024, *019, *0259, '029 0251-3, *0259, *019, *0219, *029 0211—4, -0219, *019, *0259, *029 0271-3, *0279, •019, *0219, *0259, *029 0131, *019, *0219, *0259, •029 "011, *019, •0219, *0259, *029 *011,*0139, *019, *02l9, •0259, *029 *0139, *019, *0219, *0259, *029 0132, *01 9, •0219, '0259, •029 0171-2,0174-5, *0179, *01 9, •0219, *0259, •029 0173, "0179, *019, *0219, •0259, *029 0134, *0139, 016, *019, *0219, '0259, *029, *0119 0133, *01 9, •0219, *0259, *029 *0119, *0139, •019, *0219, *0259, *029 0116, •0119, *0139, *0219, •0259, *029 •018, *019, •0219, '0259, •029 •018, *019,*0219, •0259, *029 081,083,097 091 0254, -0279, 071-2, 075-6, 085, 092 4.0002 Landscape anc ronc-^^ra services .. MINING 5+6 Metallic ores mining: 5.0001 Iron and terroai'O* ores a-x: miscellaneous metal ores n e c 6.0100 Copper ore 6.0200 Nonferrous metal o r es e«ceo: copper 7 Coal mining: 7.0000 Coal 12 13 8 Crude petroleum and natural gas: 8.0001 Crude petroleum ana natural gas 9+10 Nonmetallic minerals mining: 9.0001 Dimension, crushed and broken stone 9.0002 Sand and gravel 9.0003 Clay, ceramic, and retractory minerals 9.0004 Nonmetallic mineral services and miscellaneous minerals. 10.0000 Chemical and fertilizer minerals CONSTRUCTION 11 New construction: 11.0101 New residential 1 -unit structures, nonfarm. 1 1.0102 New residential 2—4 unit structures, nonfarm. 11.0105 New residential additions and alterations, nonfarm. 11.0108 New residential garden and high-rise apartments. 11.0400 Highways and streets 11.0501 New farm housing units and additions and alterations. 1 1.0601 Petroleum and natural gas well drilling 11.0602 Petroleum, natural gas, and solid mineral exploration. 1 1.0603 Access structures for solid mineral development. 11.0800 Office, industrial, and commercial buildings. 11.0900 Other new construction Maintenance and repair construction: 12.0101 Maintenance and repair of farm and nonfarm residential structures. 12.0214 Maintenance and repair of highways and streets. 12.0215 Maintenance and repair of petroleum and natural gas wells. 12.0300 Other maintenance and repair MANUFACTURING Ordnance and accessories: 13.0100 Guided missiles and space vehicles Ammunition, except for small arms. 13.0200 n.e.c. 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 Tanks and tank components Small arms Small arms ammunition Ordnance and accessories, n.e.c. 078 101, 106, 1099 102 103-4, 1094, •108 122-8, *124 131-2, *138 141-2 144 145 •148, 149 147 •15, '17, *6552 -15. *17 •15, *17 •15, '17, *6552 •16-17 •15, *17 •138 •138, '108, '124, -148 •108, *124, *148 •15, "17 "15-17 "15. *17 "16-17 •138 "15-17 3761 3483 3795 3484 3482 3489 M-32 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-33 -O industry number and title Related 1987 SIC codes l-O industry number and title Related 1987 SIC codes 14 Food and kindred products: 14.0101 Meatpacking plants 14.0102 Sausages and other prepared meat products. 14.0105 Poultry slaughtering and processing .. 14.0200 Creamery butter 14.0300 Natural, processed, and imitation cheese. 14.0400 Dry, condensed, and evaporated dairy products. 14.0500 Ice cream and frozen desserts 14.0600 Fluid milk 14.0700 Canned and cured fish and seafoods 14.0800 Canned specialties , 14.0900 Canned fruits, vegetables, preserves, jams, and jellies. 14.1000 Dehydrated fruits, vegetables, and soups. 14.1100 Pickles, sauces, and salad dressings 14.1200 Prepared fresh or frozen fish and seafoods. 14.1301 Frozen fruits, fruit juices, and vegetables. 14.1302 Frozen specialties, n.e.c 14.1401 Flour and other grain mill products 14.1402 Cereal breakfast foods 14.1403 Prepared flour mixes and doughs 14.1501 Dog and cat food 14.1502 Prepared feeds, n.e.c 14.1600 Rice milling 14.1700 Wet corn milling 14.1801 Bread, cake, and related products 14.1802 Cookies and crackers 14.1803 Frozen bakery products, except bread 14.1900 Sugar 14.2002 Chocolate and cocoa products 14.2004 Salted and roasted nuts and seeds 14.2005 Candy and other confectionery products, including chewing gum. 14.2101 Malt beverages 14.2102 Malt 14.2103 Wines, brandy, and brandy spirits 14.2104 Distilled and blended liquors 14.2200 Bottled and canned soft drinks 14.2300 Flavoring extracts and flavoring syrups, n.e.c. 14.2400 Cottonseed oil mills 14.2500 Soybean oil mills 14.2600 Vegetable oil mills, n.e.c 14.2700 Animal and marine fats and oils 14.2800 Roasted coffee 14.2900 Edible fats and oils, n.e.c 14.3000 Manufactured ice 14.3100 Macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli, and noodles. 14.3201 Potato chips and similar snacks 14.3202 Food preparations, n.e.c 15 Tobacco products: 15.0101 Cigarettes 15.0102 Cigars 15.0103 Chewing and smoking tobacco and snuff. 15.0200 Tobacco stemming and redrying 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills: 16.0100 Broadwoven fabric mills and fabric finishing plants. 16.0200 Narrow fabric mills 16.0300 Yarn mills and finishing of textiles, n.e.c. 16.0400 Thread mills 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings: 17.0100 Carpets and rugs 17.0600 Coated fabrics, not rubberized 17.0700 Tire cord and fabrics 17.0900 Cordage and twine 17.1001 Nonwoven fabrics 17.1100 Textile goods, n.e.c 18 Apparel: 18.0101 Women's hosiery, except socks 18.0102 Hosiery, n.e.c 18.0201 Knit outerwear mills 18.0202 Knit underwear and nightwear mills .... 18.0203 Knitting mills, n.e.c 18.0300 Knit fabric mills 18.0400 Apparel made from purchased materials. 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products: 19.0100 Curtains and draperies 2391 19.0200 Housefurnishings, n.e.c 2392 19.0301 Textile bags I 2393 2011 2013 2015 2021 2022 2023 2024 2026 2091 2032 2033 2034 2035 2092 2037 2038 2041 2043 2045 2047 2048 2044 2046 2051 2052 2053 2061-3 2066 2068 2064, 2067 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2074 2075 2076 2077 2095 2079 2097 2098 2096 2099 211 212 213 214 221-3, 2261-2 224 2269, 2281-2 2284 227 2295 2296 2298 2297 2299 2251 2252 2253 2254 2259 2257-8 231-8 19.0302 Canvas and related products 19.0303 Pleating and stitching 19.0304 Automotive and apparel trimmings 19.0305 Schiffli machine embroideries 19.0306 Fabricated textile products, n.e.c 20+21 Lumber and wood products: 20.0100 Logging 20.0200 Sawmills and planing mills, general .... 20.0300 Hardwood dimension and flooring mills 20.0400 Special product sawmills, n.e.c 20.0501 Millwork 20.0502 Wood kitchen cabinets 20.0600 Veneer and plywood 20.0701 Structural wood members, n.e.c 20.0702 Prefabricated wood buildings and components. 20.0703 Mobile homes 20.0800 Wood preserving 20.0901 Wood pallets and skids 20.0903 Wood products, n.e.c 20.0904 Reconstituted wood products 21.0000 Wood containers, n.e.c 22+23 Furniture and fixtures: 22.0101 Wood household furniture, except upholstered. 22.0102 Household furniture, n.e.c 22.0103 Wood television and radio cabinets 22.0200 Upholstered household furniture 22.0300 Metal household furniture 22.0400 Mattresses and bedsprings 23.0100 Wood office furniture 23.0200 Office furniture, except wood 23.0300 Public building and related furniture .... 23.0400 Wood partitions and fixtures 23.0500 Partitions and fixtures, except wood .... 23.0600 Drapery hardware and window blinds and shades. 23.0700 Furniture and fixtures, n.e.c 24 Paper and allied products, except containers: 24.0100 Pulp mills 24.0400 Envelopes 24.0500 Sanitary paper products 24.0701 Paper coating and glazing 24.0702 Bags, except textile 24.0703 Die-cut paper and paperboard and cardboard. 24.0705 Stationery, tablets, and related products. 24.0706 Converted paper products, n.e.c 24.0800 Paper and paperboard mills 25 Paperboard containers and boxes: 25.0000 Paperboard containers and boxes 26A Newspapers and periodicals: 26.0100 Newspapers 26.0200 Periodicals 26B Other printing and publishing: 26.0301 Book publishing 26.0302 Book printing 26.0400 Miscellaneous publishing 26.0501 Commercial printing 26.0601 Manifold business forms 26.0602 Blankbooks, looseleaf binders and devices. 26.0700 Greeting cards 26.0802 Bookbinding and related work 26.0803 Typesetting 26.0806 Platemaking and related services 27A Industrial and other chemicals: 27.0100 Industrial inorganic and organic chemicals. 27.0401 Gum and wood chemicals 27.0402 Adhesives and sealants „ 27.0403 Explosives 27.0404 Printing ink 27.0405 Carbon black 27.0406 Chemicals and chemical preparations, n.e.c. 27B Agricultural fertilizers and chemicals: 27.0201 Nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilizers 27.0202 Fertilizers, mixing only 27.0300 Pesticides and agricultural chemicals, n.e.c. 28 Plastics and synthetic materials: 28.0100 Plastics materials and resins 28.0200 Synthetic rubber 28.0300 Cellulosic manmade fibers 28.0400 Manmade organic fibers, except cellulosic. 2394 2395 2396 2397 2399 241 2421 2426 2429 2431 2434 2435-6 2439 2452 2451 2491 2448 2499 2493 2441, 2449 2511 2519 2517 2512 2514 2515 2521 2522 253 2541 2542 2591 2599 261 2677 2676 2671-2 2673-4 2675 2678 2679 262-3 265 271 272 2731 2732 274 275 276 2782 277 2789 2791 2796 281 , 2865, 2869 2861 2891 2892 2893 2895 2899 2873-^ 2875 2879 2821 2822 2823 2824 M-34 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 industry number and title Related 1987 SIC codes Related 1987 SIC codes 29A Drugs: 29.0100 Drugs 29B Cleaning and toilet preparations: 29.0201 Soap and other detergents 29.0202 Polishes and sanitation goods 29.0203 Surface active agents 29.0300 Toilet preparations 30 Paints and allied products: 30.0000 Paints and allied products 31 Petroleum refining and related products: 31.0101 Petroleum refining 31.0102 Lubricating oils and greases 31.0103 Products of petroleum and coal, n.e.c. 31.0200 Asphalt paving mixtures and blocks ... 31.0300 Asphalt felts and coatings 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products: 32.0100 Tires and inner tubes 32.0200 Rubber and plastics footwear 32.0300 Fabricated rubber products, n.e.c 32.0400 Miscellaneous plastics products, n.e.c. 32.0500 Rubber and plastics hose and belting 32.0600 Gaskets, packing, and sealing devices 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products: 33.0001 Leather tanning and finishing , 34.0100 Boot and shoe cut stock and findings 34.0201 Shoes, except rubber 34.0202 House slippers 34.0301 Leather gloves and mittens 34.0302 Luggage 34.0303 Women's handbags and purses 34.0304 Personal leather goods, n.e.c 34.0305 Leather goods, n.e.c 35 Glass and glass products: 35.0100 Glass and glass products, except containers. 35.0200 Glass containers 36 Stone and clay products: 36.0100 Cement, hydraulic 36.0200 Brick and structural clay tile 36.0300 Ceramic wall and floor tile 36.0400 Clay refractories 36.0500 Structural clay products, n.e.c 36.0600 Vitreous china plumbing fixtures 36.0701 Vitreous china table and kitchenware 36.0702 Fine earthenware table and kitchenware. 36.0800 Porcelain electrical supplies 36.0900 Pottery products, n.e.c 36.1000 Concrete block and brick 36.1100 Concrete products, except block and brick. 36.1200 Ready-mixed concrete 36.1300 Lime 36.1400 Gypsum products 36.1500 Cut stone and stone products 36.1600 Abrasive products 36.1700 Asbestos products 36.1900 Minerals, ground or treated 36.2000 Mineral wool 36.2100 Nonclay refractories 36.2200 Nonmetallic mineral products, n.e.c. ... 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing: 37.0101 Blast furnaces and steel mills 37.0102 Electrometallurgical products, except steel. 37.0103 Steel wiredrawing and steel nails and spikes. 37.0104 Cold-rolled steel sheet, strip, and bars 37.0105 Steel pipe and tubes 37.0200 Iron and steel foundries 37.0300 Iron and steel forgings 37.0401 Metal heat treating 37.0402 Primary metal products, n.e.c 38 Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing: 38.0100 Primary smelting and refining of copper. 38.0400 Primary aluminum 38.0501 Primary nonferrous metals, n.e.c 38.0600 Secondary nonferrous metals 38.0700 Rolling, drawing, and extruding of copper. 38.0800 Aluminum rolling and drawing 38.0900 Nonferrous rolling and drawing, n.e.c. 38.1000 Nonferrous wiredrawing and insulating 38.1100 Aluminum castings 38.1200 Copper foundries 38.1300 Nonferrous castings, n.e.c 38.1400 Nonferrous forgings 283 2841 2842 2843 2844 285 291 2992 2999 2951 2952 301 302 306 308 3052 3053 311 313 3143-A 3149 3142 315 316 3171 3172 319 321,3229, 323 3221 324 3251 3253 3255 3259 3261 3262 3263 3264 3269 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 328 3291 3292 3295 3296 3297 3299 3312 3313 3315 3316 3317 332 3462 3398 3399 3331 3334 3339 334 3351 3353-5 3356 3357 3363, 3365 3366 3364, 3369 3463 39 Metal containers: 39.0100 Metal cans 39.0200 Metal shipping barrels, drums, kegs, and pails. 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products: 40.0100 Enameled iron and metal sanitary ware. 40.0200 Plumbing fixture fittings and trim 40.0300 Heating equipment, except electric and warm air furnaces. 40.0400 Fabricated structural metal 40.0500 Metal doors, sash, frames, molding, and trim. 40.0600 Fabricated plate work (boiler shops) ... 40.0700 Sheet metal work 40.0800 Architectural and ornamental metal work. 40.0901 Prefabricated metal buildings and components. 40.0902 Miscellaneous structural metal work .... 41 Screw machine products and stampings: 41.0100 Screw machine products, bolts, etc 41.0201 Automotive stampings 41.0202 Crowns and closures 41.0203 Metal stampings, n.e.c 42 Other fabricated metal products: 42.01 00 Cutlery 42.0201 Hand and edge tools, except machine tools and handsaws. 42.0202 Saw blades and handsaws 42.0300 Hardware, n.e.c : 42.0401 Plating and polishing 42.0402 Coating, engraving, and allied services, n.e.c. 42.0500 Miscellaneous fabricated wire products 42.0700 Steel springs, except wire 42.0800 Pipe, valves, and pipe fittings 42.1000 Metal foil and leaf 42.1100 Fabricated metal products, n.e.c 43 Engines and turbines: 43.0100 Turbines and turbine generator sets ... 43.0200 Internal combustion engines, n.e.c 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery: 44.0001 Farm machinery and equipment 44.0002 Lawn and garden equipment 45.0100 Construction machinery and equipment. 45.0200 Mining machinery, except oil field 45.0300 Oil and gas field machinery and equipment 46 Materials handling machinery and equipment: 46.0100 Elevators and moving stairways 46.0200 Conveyors and conveying equipment 46.0300 Hoists, cranes, and monorails 46.0400 Industrial trucks and tractors 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment: 47.0100 Machine tools, metal cutting types 47.0200 Machine tools, metal forming types 47.0300 Special dies and tools and machine tool accessories. 47.0401 Power-driven handtools 47.0402 Rolling mill machinery and equipment 47.0404 Electric and gas welding and soldering equipment. 47.0405 Industrial patterns 47.0500 Metalworking machinery, n.e.c 48 Special industry machinery and equipment: 48.0100 Food products machinery 48.0200 Textile machinery 48.0300 Woodworking machinery 48.0400 Paper industries machinery 48.0500 Printing trades machinery and equipment. 48.0600 Special industry machinery, n.e.c 49 General industrial machinery and equipment: 49.0100 Pumps and compressors 49.0200 Ball and roller bearings 49.0300 Blowers and fans 49.0500 Mechanical power transmission equipment. 49.0600 Industrial process furnaces and ovens 49.0700 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.c. 49.0800 Packaging machinery 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical: 50.0100 Carburetors, pistons, rings, and valves 3411 3412 3431 3432 3433 3441 3442 3443 3444 3446 3448 3449 345 3465 3466 3469 3421 3423 3425 3429 3471 3479 3495-6 3493 3491-2, 3494, 3498 3497 3499 3511 3519 3523 3524 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3541 3542 3544-5 3546 3547 3548 3543 3549 3556 3552 3553 3554 3555 3559 3561,3563 3562 3564 3566, 3568 3567 3569 3565 3592 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-35 1-0 industry number and title Related 1987 SIC codes l-O industry number and title Related 1987 SIC codes 50.0200 Fluid power equipment 3593-4 62.0800 X-ray apparatus and tubes 3844 50.0300 Scales and balances, except laboratory. 50.0400 Industrial and commercial machinery 3596 62.0900 Electromedical and electrotherapeutic apparatus. 62.1000 Laboratory and optical instruments 3845 3599 3826-7 and equipment, n.e.c. 62.1100 Instruments to measure electricity 3825 51 Computer and office equipment: 51.0102 Calculating and accounting machines 63 Ophthalmic and photographic equipment: 3578 63.0200 Ophthalmic goods 385 51.0103 Electronic computers 3571 3572, 3575, 63.0300 Photographic equipment and supplies 386 51.0104 Computer peripheral equipment 3577 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing: 51.0400 Office machines, n.e.c 3579 64.0101 Jewelry, precious metal 3911 52 Service industry machinery: 52.0100 Automatic vending machines 52.0200 Commercial laundry equipment 3581 64.0102 Jewelers' materials and lapidary work 64.0104 Silverware and plated ware 3915 3914 3582 64.0105 Costume jewelry 3961 52.0300 Refrigeration and heating equipment 52.0400 Measuring and dispensing pumps 3585 3586 64.0200 Musical instruments 393 64.0301 Games, toys, and children's vehicles 3944 52.0500 Service industry machinery, n.e.c 3589 64.0302 Dolls and stuffed toys 3942 64.0400 Sporting and athletic goods, n.e.c 3949 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus: 64.0501 Pens, mechanical pencils, and parts ... 3951 53.0200 Power, distribution, and specialty 3612 64.0502 Lead pencils and art goods 3952 transformers. 64.0503 Marking devices 3953 53.0300 Switchgear and switchboard apparatus 3613 64.0504 Carbon paper and inked ribbons 3955 53.0400 Motors and generators 3621 64.0700 Fasteners, buttons, needles, and pins 3965 53.0500 Relays and industrial controls 3625 64.0800 Brooms and brushes 3991 53.0700 Carbon and graphite products 3624 64.0900 Hard surface floor coverings, n.e.c 3996 53.0800 Electrical industrial apparatus, n.e.c. ... 3629 64.1000 Burial caskets 3995 54 Household appliances: 54.0100 Household cooking equipment 64. 1 1 00 Signs and advertising specialties 3993 3631 64.1200 Manufacturing industries, n.e.c 3999 54.0200 Household refrigerators and freezers 54.0300 Household laundry equipment 3632 3633 TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATIONS, AND UTILITIES 54.0400 Electric housewares and fans 3634 KJ 1 II— 1 1 ll_ Boat repair at boat dealers (from i-0 69B) Less: Cost of merchandise resales Margin on merchandise resales i included in l-O 69A) Sales of scrap and refuse (included in l-O 81) Equals: Commodity output 62. Scientific and controlling instruments Industry shipments, including miscellaneous receipts Plus: Change in inventories of work-in-process and finished goods Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Manufacturers' excise taxes Less: Cost of merchandise resales Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Installation receipts of wholesalers (redefined from l-O 69A) Less: Margin on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O 69A) Equals: l-O industry output Commodity shipments Plus: Miscellaneous receipts Change in inventories of work-in-process and finished goods Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemploy- ers Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Manufacturers' excise taxes Installation receipts of wholesalers (from l-O 69A) Less: Cost of merchandise resales Margin on merchandise resales (included in l-O 69A) Sales of scrap and refuse (included in l-O 81) Equals: Commodity output 63. Ophthalmic and photographic equipment Industry shipments, including miscellaneous receipts Plus: Change in inventories of work-in-process and finished goods Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonempioyers Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Less: Cost of merchandise resales Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Installation receipts of wholesalers (redefined from l-O 69A) Less: Margin on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O 69A) Equals: 1-0 industry output Commodity shipments Plus: Miscellaneous receipts Change in inventories of work-in-process and finished goods Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemploy- ers Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Installation receipts of wholesalers (from 1-0 69A) Less: Cost of merchandise resales Margin on merchandise resales (included in 1-0 69A) Equals: Commodity output 64. Miscellaneous manufacturing Industry shipments, including miscellaneous receipts Plus: Change in inventories of work-in-process and finished goods Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Manufacturers' excise taxes Less: Cost of merchandise resales Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Lapidary work (redefined from 1-0 69A) Cutting and setting stones to order (redefined from 1-0 69B) Less: Margin on merchandise resales (redefined to 1-0 69A) Equals: 1-0 industry output Commodity shipments Plus: Miscellaneous receipts Change in inventories of work-in-process and finished goods Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemploy- ers Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Manufacturers' excise taxes Lapidary work (from 1-0 69A) Cutting and setting stones to order (from 1-0 69B) Less: Cost of merchandise resales Dressed and dyed furs (included in 1-0 18) Margin on merchandise resales (included in l-O 69A) Advertising displays and specialties (included in l-O 73D) Sales of scrap and refuse (included in l-O 81) Equals: Commodity output * Imputation M-54 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 I-O 65A— 68C Transportation, Communications, and Utilities The industry measure of transportation, communications, and utilities output is based on revenues of establish- ments with and without payroll, plus estimates for tips received by employees and for economic activities not covered by the census of transportation, communications, and utilities. Government subsidies are not included. For railroads and related services, passenger ground transportation (1-0 65A), industry and commodity out- put include Amtrak revenues, which are not separately identified in the table but which are added to the census data. Commodity output also includes the Long Island Railroad and Alaska Railroad and publicly owned local transit systems, which are moved from State and local government enterprises (1-0 79). For motor freight transportation and warehousing (1-0 65B), the I-O-based measure of industry output and the measure of commodity output include delivery and storage revenues, which are moved from retail trade (1-0 69B). Commodity output also includes express and freight revenues of bus companies, which are moved from the commodity railroads and related services, passenger ground transportation (1-0 65 A), but it excludes revenues for trash and garbage hauling, which are moved to the commodity water and sanitary services (1-0 68C). Out- put does not include transportation services produced by businesses for their own use. 6 For water transportation (1-0 65C), the I-O-based meas- ure of industry output and the measure of commodity output include docking at boat dealers, which is moved from retail trade (1-0 69B), but exclude boat repairs and the margin on merchandise sales at marinas, which are moved to other transportation equipment (1-0 61) and retail trade (1-0 69B), respectively. Commodity output also includes the revenues of the Alaska Ferry, which are moved from State and local government enterprises (1-0 79). For air transportation (1-0 65D), industry and commod- ity output include excise taxes on freight and passenger transportation and air travel facilities. Commodity output also includes landing and other fees collected by State and local government airports, which are moved from State and local government enterprises (1-0 79). For pipelines, freight forwarders, and related serv- ices (1-0 65E), industry and commodity output include 6. See Bingsong Fang, Xiaoli Han, Ann M. Lawson, and Sherlene ICS. Lum, "U.S. Transportation Satellite Accounts for 1992," Survey 78 (April 1998): 16-27. The study introduces a new industry, "own-account trans- portation." The output of this new industry is identified as the aggregation of transportation services provided by all industries for their own use. the pipeline transportation of petroleum and other com- modities, excluding natural gas. For freight forwarders, industry output includes revenues for transportation serv- ices; commodity output excludes the transportation services, which are moved to the various transportation service commodities. For communications, except radio and TV (1-0 66), industry and commodity output include Federal and State and local government excise taxes on telephone and tele- graph services, installation revenues, and the imputed value of installations performed by an establishment's own workers. The I-O-based measure of industry output and the measure of commodity output exclude revenues from directory advertising, which are moved to adver- tising (1-0 73D). Commodity output also excludes cable and pay TV advertising revenues, which are also moved to advertising (1-0 73D). For radio and TV broadcasting (1-0 67), SIC-based and I-O-based industry output include advertising revenues. Commodity output excludes advertising revenues, which are moved to advertising (1-0 7 3D). For electric services (utilities) (1-0 68A), industry and commodity output exclude electricity that is resold and rate refunds. 7 Commodity output also includes electricity generated by Federal Government enterprises (1-0 78) and State and local government enterprises (1-0 79). For gas production and distribution (utilities) (1-0 68B), industry and commodity output include gas sold to fi- nal users, gas sold for resale, and natural gas pipeline transportation costs; industry output includes only pri- vate establishments. Commodity output also includes sales of gas by State and local government utilities (1-0 79). Output does not include natural gas used as a raw material. For water and sanitary services (1-0 68C), industry output includes only private establishments. Commod- ity output excludes private sewerage systems, which are moved to State and local government enterprises (1-0 79). Commodity output includes the revenues of State and local government water utilities, which are moved from State and local government enterprises (1-0 79), and the value of trash hauled by trucking firms, which is moved from motor freight transportation and warehousing (1-0 65B). 7. For electricity, the 1992 Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities did not contain information on purchases of electricity for resale, so other sources were used. The data used include revenues from both imported and domestically produced electricity, so imports were removed to measure domestic output. BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-55 65A. Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Revenue of establishments with payroll Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Services provided to foreign affiliates Manufacture of own railroad equipment* Scrap revenue Tips on taxicab service Tips on railroad food service Rental payments to US railroads by foreign residents Less: Rental income (redefined to 1-0 71 B) Rental payments by US railroads to foreign residents Equals: SIC-based industry output Less: Manufacture of own railroad equipment* (redefined to Equals: 1-0 industry output -0 61) l-O industry output Plus: Freight forwarder rail transportation (from l-O 65E) Long Island Railroad freight revenue (from l-O 79) Alaska Railroad operating revenue (from l-O 79) Publicly-owned local transit revenue (from l-O 79) Less: Express and freight revenue of transit companies (included in l-O 65B) Sales of scrap and refuse (included in l-O 81 ) Equals: Commodity output 65B. Motor freight transportation and warehousing Revenue of establishments with payroll Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Services provided to foreign affiliates Taxes on services Employee tips Trucking receipts of construction firms (redefined from l-O 11) Less: Cost of merchandise resales Rental income (redefined to l-O 71 B) Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Warehousing revenue of wholesalers (redefined from l-O 69A) Delivery charges of retailers (redefined from l-O 69B) Storage charges of retailers (redefined from l-O 69B) Less: Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O 69A) Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Plus: Farm product warehousing and storage (from l-O 2) Express revenue of local bus industry (from l-O 65A) Freight revenue of intercity bus industry (from l-O 65A) Freight forwarder truck transportation (from l-O 65E) Freight forwarder warehousing (from l-O 65E) Truck rental with drivers (from l-O 75) Less: Trash and garbage hauling (included in l-O 68C) Equals: Commodity output 65C. Water transportation Revenue of establishments with payroll Plus: Domestic imported water freight revenues Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Services provided to foreign affiliates Taxes on merchandise sales Federal excise tax on cruise ship receipts Less: Cost of merchandise resales Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Docking services (redefined from l-O 69B) Cleaning and maintenance of boats (redefined from l-O 69B) Less: Boat repair at marinas (redefined to l-O 61) Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O 69B) Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Plus: Freight forwarder water transportation (from l-O 65E) Marine cargo handling (from l-O 79) Alaska Ferry passenger transportation receipts (from l-O 79) Equals: Commodity output 65D. Air transportation Revenue of establishments with payroll Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Federally funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Federal taxes on air fares, air freight, and air facilities Employee tips Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Charter services by wholesalers (redefined from l-O 69A) Services, including labor and parts, provided by wholesalers and retailers (redefined from l-O's 69A and 69B) Aircraft storage by retailers (redefined from l-O 69B) Less: Aircraft rental or leasing (redefined to l-O 73C) Flight training and instruction (redefined to l-O 77B) Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Plus: Freight forwarder air transportation (from 1-0 65E) Landing fees and other revenue of State and local government airports (from 1-0 79) Equals: Commodity output 65E. Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services Revenue of establishments with payroll Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Services provided to foreign affiliates Sales taxes Less: Rental receipts (redefined to 1-0 71 B) Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Pipeline transportation (redefined from l-O 69A) Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Plus: Packing and crating for shipping (from l-O 73C) Less: Freight forwarder rail transportation (included in l-O 65A) Freight forwarder truck transportation (included in l-O 65B) Freight forwarder warehousing (included in l-O 65B) Freight forwarder water transportation (included in l-O 65C) Freight forwarder air transportation (included in l-O 65D) Equals: Commodity output M-56 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 66. Communications, except radio and TV Revenue of establishments with payroll Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Federal excise taxes on telephone services State and local excise taxes on telephone services Force account installation* Less: Cost of merchandise resales Equals: SIC-based industry output Less: Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O's 69A and 69B) Telephone directory advertising revenue (redefined to 1-0 73D) Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Less: Cable and pay TV advertising revenue (included in 1-0 73D) Equals: Commodity output 67. Radio and TV broadcasting Revenue of establishments with payroll Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Equals: SIC-based industry output Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Less: Advertising revenue ot radio and TV Broadcasting (included in 1-0 73D) Equals: Commodity output 68A. Electric services (utilities) Revenue of establishments with payroll 1-0 industry output Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including Plus: Federal electric utility revenues adjjsted tor cost of purchased nonemployers power (from 1-0 78) Taxes State and local electnc utility revenues adjusted for cost of pur- Less: Cost of merchandise resales chased power (from 1-0 79) Cost of purchased power Less: Sales of steam (included in l-O 68C.1 Rate refunds to consumers Imports from Mexico and Canada Rental income (redefined to 1-0 71 B) Royalty receipts (redefined to l-O 71 B) Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Electricity sales by gas utilities (redefined from l-O 68B) Less: Gas sales by electric utilities (redefined to l-O 68B) Water sales by electric utilities (redefined to l-O 68C) Margin on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O 69B) Equals: 1-0 industry output Equals: Commodity output 68B. Gas production and distribution (utilities) Revenue of establishments with payroll Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Taxes Less: Cost of merchandise resales Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Gas sales by electric utilities (redefined from 1-0 68A) Less: Electricity sales by gas utilities (redefined to 1-0 68A) Water and steam sales by gas utilities (redefined to 1-0 68C) Margin on merchandise resales (redefined to 1-0 69B) Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Plus: Coke oven gas (from 1-0 37) State and local government gas revenue (from -0 79) Equals: Commodity output 68C. Water and sanitary services Revenue of establishments with payroll Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Less: Cost of merchandise resales Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Water sales by electric utilities (redefined from 1-0 68A) Water and steam sales by gas utilities (redefined from 1-0 68B) Less: Margin on merchandise resales (redefined to 1-0 69A) Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Plus: Trash and garbage hauling (from 1-0 65B) Steam sales by electric and gas utilities (from l-O's 68A and 68B) Water sales by gas utilities (from 1-0 68B) State and local water utility revenue (from 1-0 79) Less: Private sewerage system revenues (included in 1-0 79) Sales of scrap and refuse (included in 1-0 81) Equals: Commodity output Imputation BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-57 I-O 69A-69B Wholesale and Retail Trade The industry measure of wholesale and retail trade out- put is based on the sum of margins on goods bought and resold and nonmargin output. 8 For wholesale trade, mar- gin is measured as receipts less the cost of merchandise resales plus taxes collected or, when receipts data are not available, as operating expenses plus taxes collected. Nonmargin output is measured as commissions on goods sold or as operating expenses for manufacturers' sales offices. It also includes all customs duties on imports. For wholesale trade, margin output is included in the purchasers' prices of the goods but not in the producers' 8. The definitions and different treatments of trade output are discussed in detail in "Definitions and conventions for valuation of transactions" on page M-15. prices of those goods. It is distributed to commodities and their purchasers using census information on the goods sold through wholesale establishments. In contrast, nonmargin output is assumed to be pur- chased by producers of the goods being sold (for example, commissions paid to agents and brokers by the manu- facturers of products). Therefore, it is included in the producers' prices of the goods sold and is not purchased separately by the purchaser of the good. Output excludes government liquor stores, which are included in State and local government enterprises (1-0 79), and service contracts of wholesalers, which are assumed to be included in revenues of the related manufacturing or service industry. The SIC-based and 1-0 wholesale measures of indus- try output are significantly different. These differences generally involve margin output from resale activities by 69A. Wholesale trade Receipts of merchant wholesalers and agents and brokers on own- account Plus: Commissions of agents and brokers Expenses of manufacturers' sales branches and offices Customs duties on imports Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Sales taxes collected by wholesalers Excise taxes levied on wholesalers Margin on merchandise resales by construction (redefined from 1-0 11) Less: Cost of merchandise resales for merchant wholesalers and agents and brokers on own account Service contracts (to avoid double counting) Government enterprise liquor stores (to avoid double counting) Construction and installation work (redefined to l-O 11) Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Margin on merchandise resales occurring in non-trade industries Less: Farm product preparation services (redefined to l-O 4) Service receipts and labor (redefined to l-O's 4 and 24) Food processing (redefined to l-O 14) Tobacco stemming and redrying (redefined to l-O 15) Commission finishing (redefined to l-O 16) Millwork (redefined to l-O 20+21) Installation of furniture and fixtures (redefined to l-O 22+23) Printing work (redefined to l-O 26B) Custom built parts (redefined to l-O 58) Installation of equipment (redefined to l-O's 42, 47, 51 , 52, 56, 60, 62, 63) Lapidary work (redefined to l-O 64) Warehousing revenues (redefined to l-O 65B) Aircraft charter services (redefined to l-O 65D) Repair of aircraft, including parts (redefined to l-O 65D) Pipeline transportation (redefined to l-O 65E) Personal and repair services, including taxes (redefined to l-O 72B) Computer services, including taxes (redefined to l-O 73A) Equipment rental, including taxes (redefined to l-O 73C) Repair services, including parts and taxes (redefined to l-O 73C) Photocopying (redefined to l-O 73C) Automotive repair services, including parts and taxes (redefined to l-O 75) Auto and truck rental (redefined to l-O 75) Rental of recreational equipment (redefined to l-O 76) Veterinary services (redefined to l-O 77A) Flight training (redefined to l-O 77B) Equals: l-O industry output -O industry output Equals: Commodity output M-58 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 SIC-based mining, manufacturing, and service industries that are moved to the 1-0 wholesale trade industry, as well as manufacturing and service activities by SIC-based wholesale trade that are moved to the 1-0 manufacturing and service industries. For retail trade, margin output is measured as receipts less the cost of merchandise resales plus taxes collected. Nonmargin output, which is relatively small, is generally based on revenues from mailing and handling charges. Output excludes revenues from service contracts because they are assumed to be included in the revenues of the related manufacturing or service industry. The commod- ity output for retail trade includes margin output from Federal Government enterprise establishments (for exam- ple, margin output generated by post exchanges, which is moved to retail from other Federal Government enter- prises, 1-0 78), and margin output from State and local government enterprise establishments (for example, mar- gin output generated by State-owned liquor stores, which is moved to retail from other State and local government enterprises, 1-0 79). Retail margin is distributed to commodities by type of purchaser, using census information on the goods sold through retail establishments. Retail margin is largely distributed to household consumers, although some is dis- tributed to businesses. For example, some businesses buy 69B. Retail trade Receipts of establishments with and without payroll Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Sales tax collected by retailers Excise tax levied on retailers Tips on beauty and barber shop services Tips on meals and snacks Margin on merchandise resales by construction (redefined from 1-0 11) Less: Cost of merchandise resales Commissions on sale of credit life insurance Photofinishing and other services contracted out (to avoid double counting) Service contracts (to avoid double counting) Government enterprise liquor stores (to avoid double counting) Construction and installation work (redefined to l-O 11 and 12) Space and mobile home rental receipts (redefined to l-O 71 B) Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Margin on merchandise resales and vending machine sales by nonretail establishments (redefined from l-O's 4, 65C, 66, 68A, 68B, 71 B, 72A, 72B, 73A, 73B, 73C, 73D, 74, 75, 76, 77A, and 77B) Less: Grooming and boarding of pets (redefined to l-O 4) Landscape services (redefined to l-O 4) Bakery products baked by retailers (redefined to l-O 14) Custom made garments (redefined to l-O 18) Jewelry engraving (redefined to l-O 42) Boat repair (redefined to l-O 61) Cutting and setting stones to order (redefined to l-O 64) Delivery and storage charges (redefined to l-O 65B) Cleaning and maintenance of boats (redefined to l-O 65C) Docking services (redefined to l-O 65C) Aircraft repair (redefined to l-O 65D) Aircraft storage receipts (redefined to l-O 65D) Commissions for arrangement of auto financing (redefined to l-O 70A) Personal and repair services, including taxes (redefined to l-O 72B) Computer services, including taxes (redefined to l-O 73A) Miscellaneous business services (redefined to l-O 73C) Other repair and related services (redefined to l-O 73C) Equipment rental receipts (redefined to l-O 73C) Photofinishing in retail establishments (redefined to l-O 73C) Meal and beverage receipts (redefined to l-O 74) Automotive repair services, including parts and taxes (redefined to l-O 75) Auto and truck rental (redefined to l-O 75) Video tape rental (redefined to l-O 76) Coin-operated amusement devices (redefined to l-O 76) Sports instruction and rental of recreational equipment (redefined to l-O 76) Medical services of optometrists (redefined to l-O 77A) Boat operation, flight, music, camera, and sewing instruction (redefined to l-O 77B) Equals: l-O industry output * Imputation l-O industry output Plus: Margin on sales at government enterprise establishments (from l-Os 78 and 79) Equals: Commodity output BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-59 computers through retail establishments, and many lum- ber yards are considered retail establishments although they sell to construction firms. The SIC-based and 1-0 retail measures of industry out- put are also significantly different, because there are many activities that are moved from the SIC-based retail trade industry to the 1-0 industries where the activities are primary. Generally, these movements involve services provided by SIC-based retail trade establishments that are moved to the 1-0 service industries where the activi- ties are primary and retail activities in SIC-based service industries that are included in the 1-0 retail industry. Eating and drinking places, which are classified as part of retail trade in the SIC system, are included in services for both the SIC-based and the 1-0 measures of industry and commodity output. I-O 70A— 71B Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate The industry measure of finance, insurance, and real es- tate output is based on several different types of data and estimating methods. Some estimates are activity- based, and others are establishment-based. For finance (1-0 70A), output is generally based on monetary in- come (excluding capital gains and interest income), plus imputations for service charges of financial intermedi- aries, except life insurance carriers and private noninsured pension plans. 9 For insurance (1-0 70B), output of life insurance is generally based on operating expenses, and that of other insurance is generally based on premiums collected less claims paid. For owner-occupied dwellings (1-0 71 A), output is based on an imputation for services of owner-occupied housing. For real estate and royalties (1-0 7 IB), output is based on revenues of commercial es- tablishments but also includes rental activity in all other industries as well as an imputation for the rental value of buildings and equipment owned and used by nonprofit 9. For intermediaries, output consists of priced services (check collec- tion, wire, transfer, clearing houses, etc.) and reimbursements from the U.S. Treasury for services provided by Federal Reserve banks and imputed service charges. These imputed charges represent charges that the intermediaries do not collect explicitly. An example of this would be checking accounts, for which no regular fee is charged. A bank is considered to receive an imputed charge from the depositor for services for which he does not pay an explicit charge. Imputed service charges are generally measured as monetary interest received less monetary interest paid. These charges are included in the output of the intermediaries and as purchases by depositor — intermediate expenses of businesses or final purchases by persons, governments, or foreigners. In addition, the intermediary pays an imputed interest to the depositors. For more information on imputations, see U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Personal Consumption Expenditures, Methodology Paper Series MP-6 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, June 1 990): 8-12. institutions serving individuals. Output does not include activities of land subdividers and developers, which are included in the construction industry (1-0 1 1 ). For finance, output includes monetary income but ex- cludes capital gains and interest income. Output also includes imputations for service charges of financial in- termediaries and for services furnished without payment by domestic securities dealers, plus an estimate of un- dercoverage of auto leasing revenues in the economic census data. Output for security and commodity bro- kers was estimated largely using Securities and Exchange Commission data. Insurance includes both life insurance and all other in- surance. For life insurance (including private pension funds), output is based on operating expenses; the frater- nal benefit societies and mutual savings banks component is based on premiums collected less claims paid. For all other insurance, output is generally based on pre- miums collected less claims paid. Commodity output also includes Federal crop and flood insurance and Over- seas Private Investment Corporation insurance, which are moved from Federal Government enterprises (1-0 78), and miscellaneous insurance trusts, which are moved from State and local government enterprises (1-0 79). For owner-occupied dwellings, output is based on an imputed value of the space rent that homeowners would receive if they rented their homes. The imputed space rent does not cover major appliances, furniture, furnishings, and utilities for the home. Owner-occupied dwellings are thus treated as businesses that purchase housing and sell housing services to persons, similar to tenant-occupied dwellings. Dwellings include owner-occupied mobile homes, owner-occupied farm and nonfarm dwellings, and farm dwellings provided to hired laborers. For real estate, industry output is measured on an activ- ity basis rather than an establishment basis. The output measure is based on revenue data and then augmented to include all rental activity of other industries. Output includes rents, commissions, property management fees, and title abstract and escrow fees. Commodity output also includes rental activity by government enterprises. For dwellings and equipment owned and used by non- profit institutions serving individuals, output is defined as an imputed rental charge. It is measured as net in- terest (mortgage interest), property taxes, and capital consumption allowances. For royalties, the measures of industry and commodity output are based on receipts for individuals, partnerships, corporations, and governments, adjusted for misreport- ing. Output includes royalty payments received by nonprofits serving individuals and depletion claimed M-60 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 70A. Finance Revenue of establishments with payroll 1-0 industry output Plus: Imputed service charges of Federal Reserve Banks, central Plus: North Dakota Bank revenue (from 1-0 79) depository institutions, commercial banks, savings institutions, Less: Insurance commissions (included in 1-0 70B) and credit unions* Auto and truck leasing (included in 1-0 75) Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Less: Interest income Gains (losses) on assets sold or traded Interest and capital gains on trading accounts Net investment income Finance leasing income Loan discount fee income Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Commissions received for arrangement of financing (redefined from 1-0 69B) Less: Computer processing receipts of self-regulatory organizations (redefined to 1-0 73A) Equals: 1-0 industry output Equals: Commodity output 70B. Insurance Revenue of insurance agents, brokers, and services Plus: Operating expenses and profits of U.S. legal reserve life insurance companies for life insurance activity Expenses of branches of foreign life insurance companies operating in the U.S. Life insurance premiums of fraternal benefit societies and mutual savings banks less benefits paid Premiums earned less claims paid for non-life insurance Administrative costs of Medicare, Medicaid, and CHAMPUS programs Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Capital consumption adjustment for tax-exempt establishments Expenses of private pension funds Less: Expenses of foreign branches of U.S. life insurance companies Dividends paid to policyholders Savings and investment portion of fraternal benefit society life insurance premiums Rental income Equals: SIC-based industry output Less: Real estate brokerage fees and commissions (redefined to 1-0 71 B) Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Plus: Commissions and fees from insurance sales (from l-O's 70A and 71 B) Federal crop, flood, and OPIC insurance revenues less claims paid (from l-O 78) Miscellaneous insurance trust revenues less claims paid (from l-O 79) Equals: Commodity output 71 A. Owner-occupied dwellings Rental value of owner-occupied permanent site and mobile homes, excluding utilities* Plus: Rental value of farm dwellings provided to farm laborers* Equals: SIC-based industry output Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Equals: Commodity output 71 B. Real estate and royalties Revenue of real estate establishments with payroll Plus: Rental value of buildings and equipment owned and used by nonprofits serving individuals* Royalty recei f individuals, fiduciaries, businesses, and government. Estimate of undercoverage of source data, including nonemployers Estimate of rental income of all other industries Imputed real estate commissions on sales of new homes by the construction industry * Depletion claimed by tax-exempt farmers' co-ops Property management performed by construction establishments (redefined from l-O 11) Less: Cost of merchandise resales Investment and interest income Value of land sold Oil bonus payments for oil rights Construction receipts of property managers (redefined to l-O 12) Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Real estate brokerage fees and commissions (redefined from l-O 70B) Less: Margin on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O 69B) Guestroom and unit rentals to transients (redefined to l-O 72A) Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Plus: Rental receipts of government enterprises (from l-O's 78 and 79) Residential guestroom rentals (from 1-0 72A) Less: Insurance commissions (included in 1-0 70B) Equals: Commodity output Imputation BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-61 by tax-exempt farmers' co-ops; it excludes oil bonus payments for oil rights. I-O 72A-77B Services The industry measure of services output is generally based on receipts of establishments with and without pay- roll, plus estimates for tips received by employees and for taxes collected. For nonprofit establishments serv- ing individuals, output is based on expenses. Output also includes estimates for payments in-kind, for misre- porting, and for other economic activities not covered by the census of service industries. It excludes the cost of merchandise resales. For some services, the I-O-based and SIC-based meas- ures of output are significantly different. The most important of these is for receipts for purchased meals and beverages at hotels, which are included in the SIC-based measure of hotels and lodging places (1-0 72A) but which are moved to the eating and drinking places industry (1-0 74) in the I-O-based measures. Other differences include the movement of margin on merchandise resales from all service industries to retail trade (1-0 69B) and the move- ment of service activities from wholesale and retail trade (1-0 's 69A and 69B) to services; the most important of these is auto repair services (including parts and labor) at new car dealers, which are moved from retail trade (1-0 69B) to automotive repair and services (1-0 75). For advertising (1-0 73D), industry output is gener- ally based on receipts of advertising agencies, but the I-O-based measure also includes revenues from tele- phone directory advertising and receipts from advertising of professional sports clubs, racing, and amusement parks. In addition, commodity output includes several advertising products that are moved to this commod- ity, including advertising revenues of periodicals and newspapers; other advertising products, such as maps, catalogs, and signs; radio and TV broadcasting adver- tising revenues; cable and pay TV advertising revenues; advertising products produced by commercial artists; sign painting; direct mail advertising; advertising receipts of 72A. Hotels and lodging places Receipts of taxable establishments and expenses of tax-exempt establishments Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Capital consumption adjustment for tax-exempt establishments Taxes on services Estimate of margin on for-profit activities of tax-exempt establishments Lodging provided to employees* Tips for valets, maids, bellboys, and others Tips on food, beverage, and casino service Less: Cost of merchandise resales Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Guestroom rental by real estate agents and managers (redefined from 1-0 71 B) Banquet room rentals and taxes (redefined from l-O 76) Private school dormitory charges (redefined from l-O 77B) Less: Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O 69B) Meal and beverage receipts and taxes (redefined to l-O 74) Tips on meal and beverage receipts (redefined to l-O 74) Gambling and casino receipts and taxes (redefined to l-O 76) Casino tips (redefined to l-O 76) Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Less: Residential guestroom rentals (included in 1-0 71 B) Equals: Commodity output 72B. Personal and repair services (except auto) Receipts of taxable establishments Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Taxes on services Tips on personal services Less: Cost of merchandise resales Repair of central air conditioning equipment (redefined to l-O 12) Repayment of cash advances made by funeral parlors Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Personal and repair services, including labor, parts, and taxes, provided by wholesalers and retailers (redefined from l-O's 69A and 69B) Tips on personal services (redefined from l-O 69B) Less: Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O 69B) Equipment rental/leasing (redefined to l-O 73C) Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Plus: Portrait photography (from l-O 73C) Rug and upholstery cleaning (from l-O 73C) Barbershop services (from l-O 78) Less: Commercial photography at portrait studios (included in l-O 73C) Armature rewinding (included in l-O 73C) Photocopying, blueprinting, and duplicating (included in l-O 73C) Photofinishing at portrait studios (included in l-O 73C) Graphic art and design services (included in l-O 73C) Equals: Commodity output M-62 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 73A. Computer and data processing services Receipts of taxable establishments Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Taxes on services Less: Cost of merchandise resales Receipts for finance (equity) leasing Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Computer services provided by wholesalers and retailers, including taxes (redefined from l-O's 69A and 69B) Computer processing receipts of self-regulatory organizations (redefined from 1-0 70A) Computer services including taxes (redefined from l-O's 73B and 73C) Less: Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to 69B) Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Plus: Computer services, including packaged software (from l-O's 51 , 73B, and 73C) Equals: Commodity output 73B. Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services Receipts of taxable establishments and expenses of tax-exempt es* : ; shments Plus imate of undercoverage of source data -Jerally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Capital consumption adjustment for tax-exempt establishments Taxes on services Engineering and architectural services provided by construction establishments (redefined from l-O 11) Less: Cost of merchandise resales Construction receipts of engineering, architectural, and surveying establishments (redefined to l-O 11) Royalty receipts Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Engineering services provided commercial research and testing labs (redefined from l-O 73C) Less: Landscape architecture services (redefined to l-O 4) Margin on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O's 69A and 69B) Computer services (redefined to l-O 73A) Interior design services (redefined to l-O 73C) Research and development and testing services (redefined to l-O 73C) Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Plus: Engineering and accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services provided by management and public relations establishments (from l-O 73C) Less: Computer services of accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping establishments (included in l-O 73A) Management and public relations services of accounting, audit- ing, and bookkeeping establishments (included in l-O 73C) Construction management services of engineering, architectural, and surveying establishments (included in l-O 73C) Equals: Commodity output 73C. Other business and professional services, except medical Receipts of taxable establishments and revenue of tax-exempt establishments Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Taxes on services Equipment rental (redefined from l-O 11) Repair services (redefined from l-O 12) Less: Cost of merchandise resales Gifts, grants, contributions included in tax-exempt revenue Receipts for capital, finance, or full-payout leasing Construction receipts from services to dwellings and other buildings (redefined to l-O 12) Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Aircraft rental (redefined from l-O 65D) Repair services, including parts and taxes (redefined from l-O's 69A and 69B) Equipment rental (redefined from l-O's 69A, 69B, 72B, and 77A) Photocopying (redefined from l-O 69A) Miscellaneous services (redefined from l-O's 69A and 69B) Photofinishing in retail establishments (redefined from l-O 69B) Wire services and commissions of florists (redefined from l-O 69B) Interior design services (redefined from 73B) Research, development, and testing services (redefined from 73B) Less: Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O's 69A and 69B) Computer services (redefined to l-O 73A) Engineering services at research, development, and testing establishments (redefined to l-O 73B) Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Plus: Equipment rental receipts (from l-O's 44+45, 75, and 76) Armature rewinding (from l-O 72B) Commercial photography and graphic art and design in portrait studios (from l-O 72B) Photocopying and photofinishing at portrait studios (from l-O 72B) Public relations and management services of accounting, audit- ing, and bookkeeping establishments (from l-O 73B) Construction management services of engineering, architectural, and surveying establishments (from l-O 73B) Public relations services of advertising agencies (from l-O 73D) Contract research performed by hospitals (from l-O 77A) Less: Printing by direct mail advertisers (included in l-O 26B) Packing and crating services (included in l-O 65E) Portrait photography (included in l-O 72B) Rug/carpet/upholstery cleaning services (included in l-O 72B) Computer services (included in l-O 73A) Accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping and tax preparation serv- ices (included in l-O 73B) Engineering consulting services (included in l-O 73B) Direct mail advertising (included in l-O 73D) Advertising services (included in l-O 73D) Advertising products of sign painters (included in l-O 73D) Auto rental (included in l-O 75) Video tape rental (included in l-O 76) Equals: Commodity output BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-63 73D. Advertising Receipts of taxable establishments Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data Services provided to foreign affiliates Taxes on services Less: Cost of merchandise resales Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Telephone directory advertising (redefined from 1-0 66) Advertising receipts of professional sports clubs, racing, and amusement parks (redefined from 1-0 76) Less: Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to 1-0 69B) Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Plus: Newspaper and periodical advertising (from 1-0 26A) Calendar, map, directory, and catalog advertising (from 1-0 26B) Advertising displays and specialties (from 1-0 64) Cable TV advertising (from l-O 66) Radio and TV advertising (from 1-0 67) Direct mail advertising (from 1-0 73C) Advertising services (from 1-0 73C) Advertising products of sign painters (from 1-0 73C) Motion picture theater screen advertising (from 1-0 76) Bowling center advertising (from 1-0 76) Business association, professional membership organization, and civic, social, and fraternal association advertising (from 1-0 77B) Less: Public relations services (from 1-0 73C) Equals: Commodity output 74. Eating and drinking places Receipts of taxable establishments Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data Services provided to foreign affiliates Taxes on services Employee tips Less: Cost of merchandise resales Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Meal and beverage receipts, taxes, and tips of retail establishments (redefined from 1-0 69B) Meal and beverage receipts, taxes, and tips of hotels and lodging places (redefined from 1-0 72A) Meal and beverage receipts, taxes, and tips of amusement and recreational facilities (redefined from 1-0 76) Meal and beverage receipts and taxes of medical facilities (redefined from 77A) Meal and beverage receipts, taxes, and tips of educational, social service, and membership organizations (redefined from 1-0 77B) Less: Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to 1-0 69B) Coin-operated amusement machines (redefined to 1-0 76) Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Plus: Meal and beverage receipts and tips of Federal Government enterprises (from 1-0 78) Less: Sales of scrap grease (included in 1-0 81 ) Equals: Commodity output 75. Automotive repair and services Receipts of taxable establishments 1-0 industry output Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data Plus: Leasing revenue (from 1-0 70A) Services provided to foreign affiliates Automotive rental at equipment rental establishments (from 1-0 Taxes on services 73C) Employee tips Municipal parking receipts (from 1-0 79) Less: Cost of merchandise resales Less: Automotive rental with drivers (included in 1-0 65B) Receipts for capital, finance, or full-payout leasing Equipment rental (included in 1-0 73C) Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Rental services and taxes provided by wholesalers and retailers (redefined from l-O's 69A and 69B) Repair services, including labor, parts, and taxes provided by wholesalers and retailers (redefined from l-O's 69A and 69B) Car wash and other automotive services by retailers (redefined from l-O 69B) Less: Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O 69B) Equals: 1-0 industry output Equals: Commodity output M-64 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 76. Amusements Receipts of taxable establishments and expenses of tax-exempt establishments Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data Services provided to foreign affiliates Capital consumption adjustment for tax-exempt establishments Taxes on services State and local government amusement and parimutuel taxes Employee tips Estimate of margin on for-profit activities of tax-exempt establishments Radio and TV broadcast income of racing and professional sports clubs Advertising receipts of racing, professional sports clubs, amusement parks, and motion picture theaters Less: Cost of merchandise resales Gifts, grants, contributions and other tax-exempt revenue Sales of used videos Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Video tapes rentals at retail establishments (redefined from 1-0 69B) Coin-operated amusement devices at retailers (redefined from 1-0 69B) Sports instruction and rental of sports equipment, including taxes (redefined from l-O's 69A and 69B) Gambling and casino receipts of hotels, including taxes and tips (redefined from 1-0 72A) Coia-operated amusement machines at eating and drinking places, including taxes (redefined from 1-0 74) Receipts from intercollegiate athletics (redefined from 1-0 77B) Less: Margin on merchandise resales, including taxes (redefined to l-O's 69A and 69B) Rental fees from concessionaires (redefined to 1-0 71 B) Banquet facilities (redefined to l-O 72A) Meal and beverage receipts, including taxes and tips (redefined to l-O 74) Advertising receipts of professional sports clubs, racing, and amusement parks (redefined to l-O 73D) Day care services (redefined to l-O 77B) Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Plus: Recreational services of agricultural establishments (from l-O's 1 and 2) Prerecorded video tapes (from l-O 56) Video tape rental receipts of equipment rental establishments (from l-O 73C) Motion picture theater receipts (from l-O 78) Off-track betting (from l-O 79) Less: Advertising receipts of motion picture theaters and bowling centers (included in l-O 73D) Rental of video equipment including taxes by video rental estab- lishments (included in l-O 73D) Equals: Commodity output 77 A. Health services Receipts of taxable establishments and expenses of tax-exempt establishments Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Capital consumption adjustment for tax-exempt establishments Taxes on services Estimate of margin on for-profit activities of tax-exempt establishments Less: Cost of merchandise resales Estimate of grants, assistance, and benefits included in expenses of tax-exempt establishments Medicaid donations of nonprofit hospitals Double counting of physicians' receipts in hospitals and doctors' offices Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Veterinary services (redefined from l-O 69A) Fees from eye exams (redefined from l-O 69B) Less: Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O 69B) Medical equipment rental receipts (redefined to l-O 73C) Meal and beverage receipts including taxes (redefined to l-O 74) Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Less: Contract research performed by tax-exempt hospitals (included in l-O 73C) Equals: Commodity output BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-65 77B. Educational and social services, and membership organizations Receipts of taxable establishments, expenses of tax-exempt establishments serving households, and revenue of tax-exempt establishments serving business Plus: Estimate of undercoverage of source data Federally-funded research and development at auxiliaries Services provided to foreign affiliates Capital consumption adjustment for nonprofits Taxes on services State and local amusement tax Employee tips on food service Estimate of margin on for-profit activities of tax-exempt establishments Advertising receipts of tax-exempt organizations Wages paid in-kind* Less: Cost of merchandise resales Gifts, grants, contributions and other tax-exempt revenue Gifts, assistance, and benefits included in expenses of tax- exempt establishments Scholarships included in operating expenses Hospital expenses included in operating expenses of universities Equals: SIC-based industry output Plus: Flight training and instruction (redefined from l-O's 65D and 69A) Boat operation, music, and sewing instruction (redefined from 1-0 69B) Day care services (redefined from 1-0 76) Less: Margin and taxes on merchandise resales (redefined to l-O's 69A and 69B) Rental receipts (redefined to 1-0 71 B) Private school dormitory charges (redefined to l-O 72A) Meal and beverage receipts including taxes of schools (redefined to l-O 74) Meal and beverage receipts including taxes and tips of associations and museums (redefined to l-O 74) Receipts from intercollegiate athletics (redefined to l-O 76) Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Less: Advertising receipts including taxes of business associations, professional membership organizations, and civic, social and fraternal organizations (included in l-O 73D) Equals: Commodity output * Imputation movie theaters; and advertising receipts of business as- sociations and professional membership organizations. Commodity output excludes public relations services of advertising agencies. I-O 78-79 Government Enterprises Federal Government enterprises and State and local gov- ernment enterprises are designated as "special" industries in the 1-0 accounts. Federal Government enterprises include the U.S. Postal Service, the Tennessee Valley Authority and other Federal electric utilities, and mil- itary post exchanges and restaurants. State and local government enterprises include local transit systems, gas and electric utilities, water and sanitary services, and municipal parking facilities. 10 The industry measure of government enterprise output is generally based on revenues. Revenues are adjusted for the cost of merchandise resales or insurance claims paid, depending upon the type of activity involved. Output 10. Establishments defined as government enterprises follow the same classification used in the NIPA's. For more information, see U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Government Transac- fi'o/w.Methodology Paper Series MP-5 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, November 1988): 6. excludes operating subsidies. The SIC-based and 1-0- based industry output measures are the same. The commodity measure of government enterprise out- put is generally based on industry output, adjusted for such components as rental receipts from subletting of space, which is moved to the commodity real estate and royalties (1-0 7 IB). In cases where the commodity pro- duced by government enterprises is the same as that produced by a private sector industry, commodity output is moved to the private sector commodity. However, in the case of sewerage systems, the commodity output from the private sector water and sanitary services (1-0 68C) is moved to the government enterprise commodity, because State and local government enterprises produce most of the output. Some government enterprise commodities have no commodity output because the production of these com- modities is considered to be primary to other industries and is therefore moved to the commodity groups of these industries; see the section "Definitions and conventions for classification," beginning on page M— 14, for more details. Within Federal Government enterprises (1-0 78), the commodity output of Federal electric utilities is moved to electric services (utilities) (1-0 68A). Within State and local government enterprises (1-0 79), the com- U-66 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 78. Federal Government enterprises Revenues of Federal Government enterprises 1-0 industry output Plus: Employee tips Less: Electricity revenues less cost of purchased power (included in Less: Cost of merchandise resales 1-0 68A) Cost of purchased power Margin on merchandise resales by Federal nonappropriated Insurance claims paid fund activities and VA canteen service (included in 1-0 69B) Margin on government printing office (GPO) sales (included in 1-0 69B) Federal crop, flood, and OPIC insurance revenues less claims paid (included in 1-0 70B) Rental receipts and concession income (included in 1-0 71 B) Barber shop receipts (included in l-O 72B) Meal and beverage receipts of Federal nonappropriated fund ac- tivities and VA canteen service (included in l-O 74) Motion picture theaters of Federal nonappropriated fund Equals: SIC-based industry output activities (included in l-O 76) Equals: 1-0 industry output Equals: Commodity output 79. State and local government enterprises Revenues of state and local government enterprises Less: Cost of merchandise resales Insurance claims paid Operating subsidies Cost of purchased electricity Equals: SIC-based industry output Equals: 1-0 industry output 1-0 industry output Plus: Private sewer system revenues (from 1-0 68C) Less: South Dakota Cement Plant revenues (included in 1-0 36) Rail passenger and freight revenues (included in 1-0 65A) State and local government passenger transit revenues (in- cluded in 1-0 65A) Alaska Ferry revenues (included in 1-0 65C) State and local government waterport revenues (included in 1-0 65C) State and local government airport revenues (included in 1-0 65D) Electricity revenues less cost of purchased power (included in 1-0 68A) Gas utility revenues (included in 1-0 68B) Water utility revenues (included in 1-0 68C) Margins on liquor store sales (included in 1-0 69B) North Dakota Bank revenue (included in 1-0 70A) Miscellaneous insurance trust revenues less claims paid (in- cluded in 1-0 70B) Rental receipts and concession income (included in 1-0 71 B) Municipal parking facility revenues (included in l-O 75) Off-track betting revenues (included in l-O 76) Equals: Commodity output modity output of State and local government passenger transit is moved to railroads and related services, passen- ger ground transportation (1-0 65A); and the output of State and local government electric utilities is moved to electric services (utilities) (1-0 68A). The commodity output for Federal Government enter- prises consists of Postal Service revenues and Federal Housing Administration mortgage and loan insurance, excluding rental receipts. The commodity output for State and local government enterprises consists of highway toll revenues, State and local and private sewerage revenues, and State and local lottery revenues. I-O 80-85 Special Industries, Excluding Government Enterprises This group consists of six specially designated "in- dustries," which are not based on the SIC system: Noncomparable imports (1-0 80); scrap, used and sec- ondhand goods (1-0 81); general government industry (1-0 82); rest of the world adjustment to final uses (1-0 83); household industry (1-0 84); and inventory valuation adjustment (1-0 85). For noncomparable imports and rest of the world ad- justment to final uses, there are no domestic measures of industry and commodity output, because the produc- tion of these commodities is outside of the United States. Noncomparable imports are treated as commodities in the 1-0 accounts. 11 For used and secondhand goods, there is no domes- tic measure of industry and commodity output, because secondhand goods by definition are not produced in the current period. For scrap, there is no industry output, but commodity output is produced by other industries as a part of the production of their output. Used and sec- ondhand goods are treated as commodities bought and sold by other industries and final users. These sales and purchases, in producers' prices, offset each other unless 1 1 . For more information on noncomparable imports, see the section '"Def- initions and conventions for valuation of transactions," beginning on page M-15. BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-67 there is a change in inventories. In purchasers' prices, commodity output is the margin on the sale of the used and secondhand goods. It does not include the production of the goods. The industry measure of general government output is based on employee compensation plus consumption of fixed capital. Employee compensation is adjusted to ex- clude that of both force-account construction employees and government enterprise employees. 12 Commodity and industry output are the same. The industry measure of household output is based on employee compensation. Household em- ployees include maids, chauffeurs, and babysitters, among others. Commodity and industry output are the same. The industry measure of inventory valuation ad- justment output is from the NIPA's. It is used to eliminate inventory profits or loss from the change in inventory. Commodity and industry output are the same. 1 2. In contrast with the 1-0 accounts, the output of general government in the NIPA's includes compensation of force-account construction workers. 80. Noncomparable imports No domestic output No domestic output 81. Scrap, used and secondhand goods No domestic output Scrap produced in other industries Equals: Commodity output 82. General government industry Compensation of general government employees Plus: Consumption of fixed capital Less: Force-account compensation of general government Equals: SIC-based industry output Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Equals: Commodity output 83. Rest of the world adjustment to final uses No domestic output No domestic output 84. Household industry Compensation of household workers Equals: SIC-based industry output Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Equals: Commodity output 85. Inventory valuation adjustment NIPA estimate Equals: SIC-based industry output Equals: l-O industry output l-O industry output Equals: Commodity output Appendix D Products Included in Personal Consumption Expenditure Categories This appendix identifies the products from the input- output (I-O) commodities making up each personal consumption expenditure (PCE) category in the national income and product accounts (NIPA's). It expands infor- mation provided in supplementary table D or page M— 18 of this volume. In what follows, each PCE category is first iden- tified by its line number and descriptor in NTJPA table 2.4, "Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Expenditure." 1 Information on the com- position of the PCE category is contained in three columns. The first column provides the num- ber and the second column the description of each 1-0 commodity included in the given PCE category. 2 The third column provides a list of products from the identified 1-0 commodit\ that are included in the PCE category. For example, the first PCE category shown in the table below is "3. Food purchased for off-premise consump- tion," indicating that this PCE category corresponds to line 3, food purchased for off-premise consumption, in NIPA table 2.4. The first two columns identify eight 1-0 commodities, including "livestock and livestock prod- ucts" (1-0 1), "other agricultural products" (1-0 2), and six others, as making up this NIPA category. The third column identifies eggs as the single product from the 1-0 commodity "livestock, and livestock products" in the NIPA PCE category "food purchased for off-premise consumption." 1. Table 2.4, "Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Ex- penditure," was most recently revised and updated in the August 1998 Survey. 2. Transportation costs and trade margins are not included in the list of products in this appendix. Information in supplementary table D identifies the various margins and transportation costs for each NIPA PCE category. 1-0 code Description Products 3. Food purchased for off-premise consumption 1 Livestock and livestock products Eggs 2 Other agricultural products Citrus, berries, and other fruits Corn Food crops grown under cover, including mushrooms Oats, sorghum, and hay Peanuts Potatoes and other miscellaneous field crops Tree nuts, including macadamia and pistachio Vegetables and melons 3 Forestry and forestry products ... Fresh fish Game 9+10 Nonmetallic minerals mining Salt 14 Food and kindred products Animal feeds Baking powder and yeast products Beef, veal, pork, and lamb Bottled water Bread, cake, and related products, including rolls Butter Candy and other confectionery products Canned and cured fish and other seafoods Canned fruits and vegetables M-68 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-69 1-0 code Description Products 27A 69B 81 Industrial and other chemicals Retail trade Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Canned iced tea Canned juices Canned specialties, including baby food, soups, beans, pasta, gravy, mincemeat, Chinese foods, and Spanish foods Catsup and other tomato sauces Cereal breakfast foods Cheese, natural and processed Chewing gum Chocolate and cocoa products Coffee Cookies, toaster pastries, and ice cream cones and cups Corn and other vegetable oils Corn sweeteners Cornmeal and other corn mill products Cottage cheese Crackers, pretzels, biscuits, and related products Dairy product substitutes, including infants' formula Desserts (ready-to-mix) Distilled and blended liquors Dog and cat food Dried and dehydrated fruits, vegetables, and soups Dry, condensed, and evaporated milk products Dry mix preparations, including dips, salad dressings, gravy, frosting, potatoes, and rice Flavoring extracts and syrups Flour and other wheat and grain mill products Flour mixes (pancake, cake, biscuit, bread, etc.) Fresh fruit juices and nectars Fresh or frozen prepared fish and other seafood Frozen bakery products Frozen fruits and vegetables Frozen juices, ades, drinks, and cocktails Frozen specialties, including frozen dinners, entrees, pies, and nationality foods Ice Ice cream mixes and related products Ice cream and frozen desserts Jams, jellies, and preserves Lard Liquid, dried, and frozen eggs Macaroni and noodle products packaged with other ingredients Macaroni, spaghetti, and noodles Malt beverages, including nonalcoholic Milk (fluid), cream, and related products Nuts and seeds Other dairy products Other food preparations, including coconut, honey, and unpopped popcorn Other frozen foods Peanut butter Perishable prepared foods, including salads and sandwiches Pickles, sauces, and salad dressings, including mayonnaise and sandwich spreads Potato chips and similar products, including popcorn Poultry and small game Processed, frozen, or cooked meats and poultry Refrigerated and frozen doughs and batters, including biscuit, cookie, and bread Rice Sausage and other prepared meats, including ham, bacon, frankfurters, and luncheon meats Shortening, cooking oils, and margarine Soft drinks, carbonated and noncarbonated Soy flour and grits Spices Starch and dextrin Sugar Sweetening syrups and molasses Tea Vinegar and cider Wines, brandy, and brandy spirits Yogurt Artificial sweeteners Gelatin, except ready-to-eat dessert Salt Fruit baskets Sales of scrap cans 4. Purchased meals and beverages 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transpor- tation. 65D Air transportation Railroad dining car receipts Alcoholic beverage receipts of airlines M-70 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 74 76 77B Eating and drinking places Amusements Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Meal and beverage service Tips for meal and beverage service Food and beverage service of amusement parks, carnivals, circuses, and fairs Food and beverage service of auto, horse, and dog tracks Food and beverage service of dance studios, schools, and halls Food and beverage service of professional or semi-professional sports clubs Food and beverage service of theaters, including dance and music Motion picture theater food and beverage service Food and beverage service of museums, art galleries, arboreta, and botanical or zoological gar- dens 5. Food furnished to employees (including military) 1 Livestock and livestock products Eggs 2 Other agricultural products Citrus, berries, and other fruits Potatoes Vegetables and melons 3 Forestry and fishery products .... Fresh fish 14 Food and kindred products Beef, veal, pork, and lamb Bottled water Bread, cake, and related products, including rolls Butter Candy and other confectionery products Canned and cured fish and seafood Canned fruits and vegetables Canned juices Canned specialties, including soups, beans, pasta, gravy, mincemeat, Chinese foods, and Span- ish foods Catsup and other tomato sauces Cereal breakfast foods Cheese, natural and processed Chocolate and cocoa products Coffee Cookies, toaster pastries, and ice cream cones and cups Corn and other vegetable oils Corn sweeteners Commeal and other corn mill products Crackers, pretzels, biscuits, and related products Dairy product substitutes Desserts (ready-to-mix) Dried and dehydrated fruits, vegetables, and soups Dry, condensed, and evaporated milk products Dry mix preparations, including dips, salad dressings, gravy, frosting, potatoes, and rice Flavoring extracts and syrups Flour and other wheat and grain mill products Flour mixes (pancake, cake, biscuit, bread, etc.) Fresh fruit juices and nectars Fresh or frozen prepared fish and other seafood Frozen bakery products Frozen fruits and vegetables Frozen juices, ades, drinks, and cocktails Frozen specialties, including frozen dinners, entrees, pies, and nationality foods Ice cream and frozen desserts Jams, jellies, and preserves Macaroni and noodle products packaged with other ingredients Macaroni, spaghetti, and noodles Milk (fluid), cream, and related products Nuts and seeds Other dairy products Other food preparations, including coconut, honey, and unpopped popcorn Other frozen foods Peanut butter Perishable prepared foods, including salads and sandwiches Pickles, sauces, and salad dressings, including mayonnaise and sandwich spreads Potato chips and similar products, including popcorn Poultry and small game Processed, frozen, or cooked meat and poultry Refrigerated and frozen dough and batters, including biscuit, cookie, and bread Rice Sausage and other prepared meats, including ham, bacon, frankfurters, and luncheon meats Shortening, cooking oils, and margarine Soft drinks, carbonated and noncarbonated Spices Sugar Tea BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-71 1-0 code Description Products 6. Food produced and consumed on farms 1 2 14 Livestock and livestock products Other agricultural products Food and kindred products Tobacco products Eggs Milk Citrus, berries, and other fruits Potatoes Tree nuts, except macadamia and pistachios Vegetables and melons Beef, veal, lamb, and pork Poultry 7. Tobacco products 15 Chewing and smoking tobacco, including snuff Cigarettes, including nontobacco cigarettes Cigars 12. Shoes and other footwear 32 33+34 81 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Footwear, leather, and leather products. Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Rubber and plastics footwear Children's footwear, including athletic shoes House slippers Men's footwear, including athletic shoes Women's footwear, including athletic shoes Used footwear 14. Women's and children's clothing and accessories, except shoes 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn Fabric and thread mills. Ribbons, tape, and webbing Thread Yarn 18 Apparel Academic caps and gowns, and costumes Baby pants and diaper covers, plastic and rubberized Bras, girdles, and allied products Coats, jackets, and snowsuits Custom made garments Dresses Fur garments Garters, hose supporters, arm bands, and suspenders Gloves and mittens Handkerchiefs Hats, caps, and millinery Hosiery, including socks Lace goods Leather and other belts Leather and sheep-lined clothing Other apparel Other outerwear, including uniforms, jeans, slacks, bathing suits, sweaters, and jogging suits Robes and dressing gowns Raincoats Shirts and blouses Suits, skirts, and coats Underwear and nightwear Waterproof outer garments 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products. Ribbons 24 Paper and allied products, ex- cept containers. Disposable diapers, except adult, including disposable training pants 26B Other printing and publishing Patterns for clothing 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Rubber clothing, including wet suits, rainwear, and bathing caps 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather Billfolds, wallets, and other personal leather goods products. Handbags and purses Leather gloves and mittens Suitcases, briefcases, and bags Trunks and hand trunks 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Buckles for wearing apparel Buttons Other fasteners and apparel trimming Pins, including hatpins Sewing needles M-72 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 69B Retail trade Umbrellas, parasols, and canes Zippers and slide fasteners Handling charges of catalog and mail-order houses Alterations Used clothing 72B 81 Personal and repair services (except auto). Scrap, used and secondhand goods. 15. Men's and boys' clothing and accessories, except shoes 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills. Fabric Thread Yarn 18 Apparel Academic caps and gowns, and costumes Custom made garments Fur garments Gloves and mittens Handkerchiefs Hats and caps Hosiery, including socks Leather and other belts Leather and sheep-lined clothing Neckwear, including ties, mufflers, and scarves Other outerwear, including swimwear, shorts, sweaters, and jackets Raincoats Robes and dressing gowns, including smoking jackets Shirts Suits and coats Suspenders Trousers and slacks, including jeans Underwear and nightwear Waterproof outer garments Work clothing 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Rubber clothing, including wet suits and rainwear 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products. Billfolds, wallets, and other personal leather goods Leather gloves and mittens Suitcases, briefcases, and bags Trunks and hand trunks 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Buckles for wearing apparel Buttons Other fasteners and apparel trimming Sewing needles Umbrellas and canes Zippers and slide fasteners 69B Retail trade Handling charges of catalog and mail-order houses 72B Personal and repair services (except auto). Alterations 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used clothing 16. Standard clothing issued to military personnel 18 Apparel Dresses Gloves and mittens Handkerchiefs Hats and caps Hosiery, including socks Leather and other belts Neckwear, including ties and scarves Other outerwear Raincoats Trousers and slacks Underwear and nightwear Shirts and blouses Suits, skirts, and coats Work clothing 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile Textile bags products. Towels and washcloths 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather Handbags and purses products. Men's footwear, except athletic Women's footwear, except athletic BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-73 i-o code Description Products 17. Cleaning, storage, and repair of clothing and shoes 72A Hotels and lodging places Laundry services of hotels and lodging places 72B Personal and repair services Alterations and garment repairs (except auto). Cleaning, repairing, and storage of fur garments Coin-operated laundry and dry cleaning Diaper services Dry cleaning work Family laundry work Hat cleaning Linen supply service Other laundry, cleaning, and garment services Shoe repair and shoe shines 18. Jewelry and watches 62 Scientific and controlling instru- ments. Watches 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing , Costume jewelry and costume novelties, except precious metal Gold chains Jewelry, precious metal Lapidary work and diamond cutting and polishing 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Sales of precious metal scrap Used jewelry 19. Other miscellaneous personal, clothing and jewelry services 72B 73C Personal and repair services (except auto). Other professional and business services, except medical. Clothing and costume rental services Diet and weight reducing programs Other miscellaneous personal services Tanning salons and massage parlors Watch, clock, and jewelry repair Miscellaneous repair services 21. Toilet articles and preparations 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products. Powder puffs and mitts 29B Cleaning and toilet preparations Creams, lotions, and oils (including suntan) Hair preparations, including shampoos Liquid and bar soap Other cosmetics and toilet preparations, including deodorants Perfumes, toilet waters, and colognes Shaving preparations Toothpastes, mouthwashes, gargles, rinses, and other oral hygiene products 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Rubber hair curlers and hairpins 42 Other fabricated metal products Manicure and pedicure scissors and implements Razor blades and razors, except electric 54 Household appliances Curling irons and hair dryers Electric razors 58 Miscellaneous electrical machin- ery and supplies. Storage batteries 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing .... Hair pieces, toupees, and wigs Hair curlers and hairpins Personal brushes, including toothbrushes and hairbrushes Tobacco pipes, cigar and cigarette lighters 22. Barbershops, beauty parlors, and health clubs 72A 72B 76 Hotels and lodging places ..... Personal and repair services (except auto). Amusements Beauty and barber shop services of hotels and lodging places, including tips Physical fitness centers of hotels and lodging places Beauty and barber shop services, including tips Physical fitness centers 24. Owner-occupied nonfarm dwellings — space rent 71 A Owner-occupied dwellings Space rent, owner-occupied nonfarm dwellings M-74 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 25. Tenant-occupied nonfarm dwellings — rent 71 B Real estate and royalties . Owner-occupied dwellings Real estate and royalties . Residential hotel and guestroom receipts Tenant-occupied nonfarm rent 26. Rental value of farm dwellings 71A 71 B Space rent, owner-occupied farm dwellings Rents paid to operator landlords for farm dwellings 27. Other housing 72A Hotels and lodging places College housing Elementary and secondary school housing Employee lodging Membership-basis organization hotels and lodging house rentals Room rentals (hotels and motels) Rooming and boarding house rentals 29. Furniture, including mattresses and bedsprings 22+23 Furniture and fixtures Bedroom furniture, including cots and bedframes Dining room and kitchen furniture Dual-purpose sleep furniture Hospital beds Infants' and children's furniture Infants' high chairs and car seats Living room, library, family room, and den furniture Mattresses, including crib, and bedsprings Other household furniture Porch, lawn, and other outdoor furniture Reed and rattan furniture (including willow, wicker, and cane) Sewing machine cabinets Sleep system ensembles, excluding water beds Unpainted and ready-to-assemble furniture Upholstered household furniture Wood office furniture 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used furniture, including antiques 30. Kitchen and other household appliances 38 Primary nonferrous metals man- ufacturing. Extension and power supply cords 40 Heating, plumbing, and fab- Domestic heating stoves, except electric ricated structural metal prod- ucts. Other heating equipment, except electric 52 Service industry machinery Evaporative air coolers Room air conditioners and dehumidifiers 54 Household appliances Ceiling fans Dishwashing machines Electric, gas, and other ranges, ovens, and cooking equipment, including microwaves Electric irons Floor waxing, polishing, scrubbing machines, and shampooing machines Food waste disposers and trash compactors Other small electromechanical and electrothermal appliances Other household appliances Parts and attachments for household appliances Portable air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and humidifiers Portable air space heaters Range hoods, oven hoods, and other ventilating and exhaust fans Refrigerators and freezers, including combinations Sewing machines and parts Small electric household cooking appliances Vacuum cleaners, including attachments and cleaning tools Washing machines and dryers, including combinations Water heaters Window, desk, and wall bracket fans 58 Miscellaneous electrical machin- Electrical insect killers ery and supplies. Other electrical products 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used appliances BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-75 1-0 code Description Products 31. China, glassware, tableware, and utensils 20+21 Lumber and wood products Miscellaneous wooden products Wood household items (tableware and kitchenware) 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Other fabricated plastics products Plastics dinnerware, tableware, kitchenware, and ovenware Plastics foam products (including cups and plates) 35 Glass and glass products Glass containers Lamp globes, shades, chimneys, bowls, and parts Table, kitchen, and novelty glassware 36 Stone and clay products Earthenware table and kitchenware Red unglazed earthenware Stoneware table and kitchen articles Vitreous china table and kitchenware 38 Primary nonferrous metals man- ufacturing. Aluminum cooking utensils 41 Screw machine products and stampings. Aluminum household utensils, bakeware, and camping cookware Metal home canning closures and crowns Stainless steel household utensils and bakeware Tinware and other stamped and spun cooking and kitchen utensils 42 Other fabricated metal products Kitchen tools, including can openers, peelers, slicers, and dicers Other fabricated metal products Pails, ash cans, garbage cans, and tubs Table and kitchen cutlery Vacuum and insulated bottles, jugs, and chests Wire baskets, wire shelving, wire racks, and other wire products 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Silverware and plated ware 69B Retail trade Handling charges at gift, novelty, and souvenir shops Used kitchenware, including antiques and collectibles 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. 32. Other durable house furnishings 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings. Carpets, rugs, and artificial grass Felt carpet and rug padding Jute goods used as carpeting or padding 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products. Awnings Carpet tiles Non-camping tents 20+21 Lumber and wood products Cork and cork products Jewelry boxes and silver chests Mirror and picture frames Stepladders and rung ladders Wood household items (bookends, ornaments, and ashtrays) 22+23 Furniture and fixtures Curtain and drapery rods, poles, and fixtures Venetian blinds Window shades, blinds, and accessories 26B Other printing and publishing Art reproductions and picture prints 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Foam rubber and sponge carpet and rug cushions Individual rubber mats, including stair treads Plastics foam carpet and rug cushions 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products. Leather goods, including desk sets and leather novelties 35 Glass and glass products Mirrors 36 Stone and clay products Art, decorative, and novelty pottery Statuary and art goods 40 Heating, plumbing, and fab- ricated structural metal prod- ucts. Small utility buildings (toolsheds) 42 Other fabricated metal products Axes, hatchets, chisels, professional and craft edge hand tools Builders' hardware Fireplace fixtures and equipment Handsaws and saw blades Hedge and grass shears and pruners Household scissors and shears Ironing boards Machine tools for woodcutting Mechanics' hand service tools, including pliers, wrenches, and screwdrivers Metal ladders Other hand tools, including shovels, hammers, picks, and hoes M-76 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products Power saw blades Wire carts 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery. Consumer lawn, garden, and snow equipment 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment. Gas welding and cutting equipment, including parts, attachments, and accessories Machine tools designed primarily for home workshop? Power driven hand tools, including parts, attachments, and accessories 48 Special industry machinery and equipment. Woodworking machinery for home workshops, including parts, attachments, and accessories 50 Miscellaneous machinery, ex- cept electrical. Household and person weighing scales 51 Computer and office equipment Automatic typing and word processing machines, parts, and attachments Calculators and adding machines Typewriters 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus. Fractional horsepower motors, including parts and supplies 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment. Incandescent hand portable lighting equipment Lamps and lanterns, nonelectric Portable residential lighting fixtures, including parts and accessories 56 Audio, video, and communica- tion equipment. Answering machines Telephone sets 61 Other transportation equipment Wheelbarrows 62 Scientific and controlling instru- ments. Clocks Household thermometers and barometers Household timing mechanisms 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Hair clippers (human use) Other miscellaneous products Paint and varnish brushes Pens and mechanical pencils 69B Retail trade Handling charges for catalog and mail-order houses Handling charges for miscellaneous home furnishings stores 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Antiques, collectibles, and used durable house furnishings Used floor coverings Used lawn and garden equipment Used tools and hardware Used typewriters 33. Semidurable house furnishings 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn Fabric and thread mills. Thread Yarn 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and Blankets floor coverings. Cordage and twine Nonwoven fabrics 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile Apparel trimmings products. Bedspreads and bedsets Comforters, quilts, and other quilted products Curtains and draperies Embroideries Flags, banners, and similar emblems Laundry, wardrobe, and shoe bags Mops and dusters Other fabricated textile products Other housefumishings, including blankets, pillows, and mattress protectors Sheets and pillowcases Shower curtains, including plastics Slip covers and fancy pillows Stamped art goods for embroidering, punching, and needlework Table linen and related articles Tarpaulins and other covers Towels and washcloths 20+21 Lumber and wood products Bamboo, rattan, willow and chip, basketwork and wickerwork 26B Other printing and publishing Decals and pressure sensitives 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- Other industrial rubber products tics products. Plastics foam products Pressure sensitive tape Rubber gloves Rubber and plastic garden hoses 35 Glass and glass products Art and novelty glassware BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-77 1-0 code Description Products Lamp globes, shades, chimneys, bowls, and parts 37 Primary iron and steel manufac- turing. Nails, spikes, brads, tacks, and staples 41 Screw machine products and stampings. Bolts, nuts, rivets, and washers 54 Household appliances Electric bed coverings 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Brooms Feathers, plumes, and artificial flowers Fire extinguishers Household maintenance brushes Lamp shades Needles Other miscellaneous products Zippers and slide fasteners 69B Retail trade Handling charges for drapery, curtain, and upholstery stores 81 Scrap, used and secondhand Used curtains and draperies goods. Used seasonal decorations Used sewing, knitting, and needlework goods 34. Cleaning and polishing preparations, and miscellaneous household supplies and paper products 3 Forestry and fishery products .... Rosin Turpentine 9+10 Nonmetallic minerals mining Peat 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings. Nonwoven ribbons and wipers 24 Paper and allied products, ex- cept containers. Coffee filters Doilies, place mats, tray covers or tray doilies Gift wrap paper Gummed products, including tape Molded pulp goods, including food trays Other miscellaneous paper and board products, including fine crepe paper Plastics, laminated, and coated bags Pressure sensitive products, including tape Sanitary tissue paper products, including facial tissues, toilet tissue, napkins, and towels Uncoated paper and multiwall bags Waxed and wax-laminated paper 25 Paperboard containers and boxes. Other paper and paperboard items, including straws and tablecloths Paper and paperboard plates, dishes, and cups 26B Other printing and publishing Miscellaneous printing, including seals and tickets 27A Industrial and other chemicals ... Household tints and dyes Hydrogen peroxide Lighter fluids Rosin Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) Water softening compounds 27B Agricultural fertilizers and chemi- cals. Agricultural and household pesticidal preparations Nitrogenous and phosphatic fertilizers 29B Cleaning and toilet preparations Air and room fresheners Ammonia Automobile polish and cleaner Bathroom, tub, and tile cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, and drain solvents Bleach Cat litter Disinfectants Fabric softeners and rinses, laundry starch, and other laundry aids Floor polish Furniture polish and cleaners Glass window cleaning products, including automotive windshield washer fluid Household detergents, including machine dishwashing compounds Other specialized detergents and polishing preparations Oven cleaners Rug and upholstery cleaner Shoe polishes and cleaners 30 Paints and allied products Clear finishes and stains Other allied paint products Paints and architectural coatings 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Plastic wrap 36 Stone and clay products Fuller's earth Metal abrasives, including steel wool and scouring pads Nonmetallic coated abrasive products M-78 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 42 Other fabricated metal products Household, institutional, and freezer foil Laminated gift wrap 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus. Fuses 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment. Electric lamp bulbs and tubes 58 Miscellaneous electrical machin- ery and supplies. Primary cells and batteries 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Candles, including tapers Matches 35. Stationery and writing supplies 24 Paper and allied products, ex- cept containers. Envelopes Stationery, tablets, and related products 26B Other printing and publishing Blankbooks, including albums, scrapbooks, diaries, appointment books, and address books Checkbooks Greeting cards Looseleaf binders, devices, and forms Picture postcards and souvenir cards Social engraving 27A Industrial and other chemicals ... Glues and adhesives 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Stationer's sundries, including erasers 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing .... Artists' equipment and materials, including brushes Carbon paper and stencil paper Hand stamps, stencils, and other marking devices Inked ribbons Pencils, crayons, and chalk Pens and mechanical pencils 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used greeting cards Used school supplies 37. Electricity 68A Electric services (utilities) Electric service (public and private) 38. Gas 68B Gas production and distribution (utilities). Natural gas (utilities) 39. Water and other sanitary services 68C 79 Water and sanitary services ... State and local government en terprises. aal mining jmber anc dustrial at 5troleum r products. ater and < Communications, except radio and TV. Hotels and lodging places Refuse systems, including collection and disposal Water supply (public and private) Sewerage systems (public and private) 40. Fuel oil and coal 7 Coal mining Bituminous, lignite, and anthracite coal 20+21 Lumber and wood products Firewood and fuel wood containing an added binder, including compressed logs 27A Industrial and other chemicals ... Hardwood charcoal and charcoal briquets 31 Petroleum refining and related products. Fireplace logs, made from coal Fuel briquettes Fuel oil (light and heavy) Kerosene Liquefied petroleum gases 68C Water and sanitary services Steam and air-conditioning supply 41. Telephone and telegraph 66 72A Radiophone services, including cellular and beeper services Telegraph and other message communications services, including facsimile transmission services Telephone services, including local and long distance Telephone charges at hotels and lodging places BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-79 i-o code Description Products 42. Domestic service 73C 84 Other business and professional services, except medical. Household industry Building cleaning and maintenance services Services of domestic workers 43. Other household operation 65B Motor freight transportation and warehousing. Household goods warehousing and storage Local and long-distance trucking and moving services, including packing and storage Self-storage and miniwarehouse warehousing 65C Water transportation Water freight shipping 65D Air transportation Air freight shipping 70B Insurance Burglary and theft insurance Fire, allied, and multi-peril insurance Inland marine insurance Property liability insurance 72B Personal and repair services (except auto). Carpet and upholstery cleaning Electrical appliance repair Refrigeration and air-conditioning repair Reupholstery and furniture repair 73C Other business and professional services, except medical. Appliance and furniture rental and leasing, including rent-to-own Detective and protective services Disinfecting and pest control services Gas appliance repair Interior designing services Other repair and related services, including furnace and chimney cleaning Security system services Telephone answering services Water softening services 78 Federal Government enterprises Mail revenues, including stamps and other charges 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used stamps 45. Drug preparations and sundries 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products. Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 24 Paper and allied products, ex- cept containers. Other sanitary paper products, including absorbent pads Sanitary napkins and tampons 27A Industrial and other chemicals ... Oxygen 29A Drugs Medicinals, botanicals, and biologicals Pharmaceuticals for human and veterinary use 31 Petroleum refining and related products. Petrolatum (petroleum jelly) 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Household and surgical gloves Other rubber druggist and medical sundries, including prophylactics, diaphragms, and syringes 54 Household appliances Electric heating pads 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment. Health lamp fixtures 62 Scientific and controlling instru- ments. Artificial limbs Elastic braces, elastic stockings, and arch supports First aid kits Incontinent pads, bed pads, and adult diapers Other medical supplies, including splints, crutches, canes, and wheel chairs Surgical dressings, including bandages, gauze, and cotton Syringes and hypodermic needles Thermometers, including digital 46. Ophthalmic products and orthopedic appliances 58 Miscellaneous electrical machin- ery and supplies. Primary cells and batteries 62 Scientific and controlling instru- ments. Artificial limbs and braces Hearing aids and repair Orthopedic and prosthetic appliances and supplies, including parts 63 Ophthalmic and photographic equipment. Contact lenses Other ophthalmic goods Prescription eye glasses, including frames and lenses M-80 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Ready-made sun and reading glasses Used medical equipment 47. Physicians 77A Health services Services of doctors of medicine, including tests and lab work billed 48. Dentists 77A Health services Services of dentists 49. Other professional medical services 65A 73C 77A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transpor- tation. Other business and professional services, except medical. Health services Ambulance or rescue service, except by air Medical equipment rental and leasing Home health care services, including visiting nurses Kidney dialysis centers Other health services, including health screening services, blood banks and donor stations, sperm banks, and childbirth preparation classes Services of chiropractors Services of medical laboratories (not billed by a medical professional) Services of optometrists Services of osteopathic doctors Services of other health practitioners, including physical therapists, psychologists, speech patholo- gists, and nutritionists Services of podiatrists Specialty outpatient care facilities, including alcohol treatment, drug treatment, and mental health 52. Nonprofit hospitals 77A Health services Services of private nonprofit hospitals, including general medical and surgical hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, and specialty hospitals 53. Proprietary hospitals 77A Health services Services of private proprietary hospitals, including general medical and surgical hospitals, psy- chiatric hospitals, and specialty hospitals 54. Government hospitals 77A Health services Services of government hospitals, including general medical and surgical hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, and specialty hospitals 55. Nursing homes 77A Health services Services of skilled nursing care facilities, intermediate care facilities, and other nursing and per- sonal care facilities 56. Health insurance 70B Accide" insurance Incom ss insurance Health surance Workers' compensation insurance 61. Brokerage charges and investment counseling 70A Finance Imputed commissions (services provided without payment by securities dealers) Investment advisory services Securities and commodities commissions Services allied with exchange of securities, including security custodians and stock quotation serv- ices 62. Bank service charges, trust services, and safe deposit box rental 70A Finance Check cashing fees Fiduciary activities of depository institutions Loan origination fees of depository institutions and personal credit institutions Loan servicing fees of commercial banks and savings institutions BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-81 1-0 code Description Products Other fees and commissions of depository institutions and personal credit institutions, including safe deposit box rental and ATM fees Service charges on deposit accounts 63. Services furnished without payment by financial intermediaries except life insurance carriers and private noninsured pension plans 70A Finance Services provided without payment by commercial banks, savings institutions, credit unions, and investment companies 64. Expense of handling life insurance 70B Insurance Foreign and domestic life insurance companies' expenses of handling life insurance in the U.S. Mutual and fraternal life insurance expenses Private pension fund expenses 65. Legal services 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Legal services provided by taxable and tax-exempt establishments 66. Funeral and burial expenses 36 Stone and clay products Cut stone and stone products for tombstones and burial vaults 42 Other fabricated metal products Fabricated metal products for burial vaults, grave markers, and other burial related fabrications 65D Air transportation Air freight shipping 71 B Real estate and royalties Cemetery lots 72B Personal and repair services (except autos). Services of funeral parlors, morticians, undertakers, and crematories 67. Other personal business 66 Communications, except radio and TV. Money transfer services 70A Finance Travel and entertainment card fees 70B Insurance Surety insurance 72B Personal and repair services (except auto). Tax return preparation services (without accounting, auditing, or bookkeeping services) 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Tax preparation services of accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping establishments 73C Other business and professional services, except medical. Detective and protective services Employment agency services (except theatrical agencies and motion picture casting bureaus) Photocopying and duplicating services Secretarial services 73D Advertising Newspaper classified advertising 77B Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Labor unions and similar labor organizations Professional membership organizations such as bar, dental, engineering, medical, and scientific associations 78 Federal Government enterprises Postal money orders 80 Noncomparable imports Expenditures of U.S. labor unions in Canada 70. New autos 59A Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks). Passenger cars (foreign and domestic) 71. Net purchases of used autos 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Sales of ferrous scrap Used passenger cars 72. Other motor vehicles 59A 61 Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks). Other transportation equipment Light trucks, vans, and sport utility vehicles Automobile and light truck trailers Motor homes, including conventional, chopped van, and van campers Other transportation equipment and parts Travel trailers and campers M-82 BENCHMARK INPUT- OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used recreational vehicles Used trucks 73. Tires, tubes, accessories, and other parts 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products. Automobile seat covers 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Gaskets, packing, and sealing devices Inner tubes Motor vehicle transmission belts Motorcycle, motorbike, and moped tires Passenger car and truck tires Rubber and plastics hose for motor vehicles Rubber mats, automotive 35 Glass and glass products Automotive mirrors 42 Other fabricated metal products Automobile coil springs and hot formed leaf springs for replacement Motor vehicle hardware including lock units, door window hand:es winoow regulators, hinges, and license plate brackets Wire chain 50 Miscellaneous machinery, ex- cept electrical. Carburetors, pistons, rings, and valves > 52 Service industry machinery Air conditioning systems for automobiles and trucks 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment. Automotive lamps Vehicular lighting equipment 56 Audio, video, and communica- tion equipment. Automobile radios 57 Electronic components and ac- cessories. Auto antennas 58 Miscellaneous electrical machin- ery and supplies. Battery charging alternators, generators, and regulators Cranking motors (starters) Ignition harness and cable sets Parts for engine electrical or electronic equipment, including armatures and field coils Spark plugs Storage batteries 59B Truck and bus bodies, trailers, and motor vehicle parts. Filters (fuel, oil, air, hydraulic, coolant) for motor vehicles New motor vehicle parts and accessories, excluding filters Rebuilt automotive components, excluding carburetors and engine electrical equipment 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Sales of scrap other than ferrous metal Used tires Used auto parts 74. Repair, greasing, washing, parking, storage, rental and leasing 75 76 77B Automotive repair and services Amusements Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Automobile parking Automotive repair services, including body and paint shops Car rental and leasing Car washes Other automotive services, including towing and rustproofing Tire retreading and repair Truck leasing and rental Utility trailer and recreational vehicle rental Parking fees at theatrical productions and professional and semi-professional sports clubs Parking fees at higher education establishments 75. Gasoline and oil 31 Petroleum refining and related products. Aviation gasoline, except jet fuel Light fuel oil Liquefied petroleum gases Lubricating oils and greases Motor gasoline 76. Bridge, tunnel, ferry, and road tolls 79 State and local government en- terprises. Bridge, tunnel, ferry, and road tolls BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-83 1-0 code Description Products 77. Motor vehicle insurance 70B Insurance Auto insurance 79. Mass transit systems 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transpor- tation. Local and suburban transit (public and private) Railroad passenger transportation School bus transportation 80. Taxicab 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transpor- tation. Taxicab transportation and tips 82. Railway 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transpor- tation. Rail passenger transportation and tips, including Amtrak 83. Bus 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transpor- tation. Bus charter service, except local Intercity and rural bus transportation 84. Airline 65D Air transportation Domestic air transportation, including excess baggage 85. Other intercity transportation 65A 65B 65C 65E Railroads and related services; passenger ground transpor- tation. Motor freight transportation and warehousing. Water transportation Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services. Rail passenger transportation, including Amtrak Limousine services Vanpool operations Express commuter bus service Ferry transportation Tour operators 87. Books and maps 26B 69B Other printing and publishing Retail trade Art reproductions and prints Maps and atlases Other books, including paperback, book clubs, mail-order, pamphlets, and audio books Miscellaneous publications, including almanacs, yearbooks, and travel guides Religious books Technical, scientific, and professional books, including law books and medical books Textbooks, workbooks, tests, and manuals Handling charges of book stores Used books 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. 88. Magazines, newspapers, and sheet music 26A Newspapers and periodicals Farm periodicals General and consumer periodicals Newspapers Other periodicals, including specialized business and professional periodicals 26B Other printing and publishing Business service publications Miscellaneous publications, including racing forms and shopping news Sheet music 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Sales of scrap paper Used magazines and newspapers 89. Nondurable toys and sport supplies 1 3 Livestock and livestock products Forestry and fishery products .... Miscellaneous animals including worms Christmas trees M-84 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 13 Ordnance and accessories Small arms ammunition 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings. Fish nets and fish line 24 Paper and allied products, ex- cept containers. Party and holiday goods and accessories 26B Other printing and publishing Playing cards 27A Industrial and other chemicals ... Fireworks and pyrotechnics, including toy pistol caps Swimming pool chemical preparations 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Balloons Rubber toys, including balls 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus. Fluorescent lamp ballasts and specialty transformers 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment. Christmas tree lamps Flash bulbs Photographic lamps, except flash 58 Miscellaneous electrical machin- ery and supplies. Electric Christmas tree ornaments 63 Ophthalmic and photographic equipment. Photo film and paper Photographic chemicals 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing .... Christmas tree ornaments and decorations, excluding glass and electrical Dolls and stuffed toys Electronic games and toys Feathers, plumes, and artificial flowers Fishing tackle and equipment Nondurable golf equipment, including balls Nondurable team sports equipment, including balls Nondurable wading and above ground pools Non-electronic games Other nondurable sporting and athletic goods, including archery, tennis, and racquetball balls Skateboards Toys and hobbies 72B Personal and repair services (except auto). Electrical and electronic repair 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used toys, hobby goods, and games 90. Wheel goods, sports and photographic equipment, boats, and pleasure aircraft 13 Ordnance and accessories Small arms, including rifles, shotguns, and pistols 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products. Camping tents Gym bags Parachutes Sails and other canvas products Sleeping bags 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Inner tubes Tires, including bicycle Rubber boats and life rafts 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products. Camera and binocular cases Dog collars, leashes, and other leather household pet accessories Leather holsters Saddlery, harness, and accouterments 42 Other fabricated metal products Marine hardware Pocket and pen knives Wire cages 43 Engines and turbines Outboard motors 58 Miscellaneous electrical machin- ery and supplies. Aircraft batteries Electrical outboard motors for boats 60 Aircraft and parts Complete aircraft, except military 61 Other transportation equipment All-terrain vehicles Bicycles and parts Boat repair Boat trailers Golf carts and parts Inboard motorboats Inboard-outdrive boats Motorcycles, motor scooters, motorbikes, mopeds, and parts Other boats, including sailboats Outboard motorboats Self-propelled golf carts and parts Snowmobiles BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-85 i 1-0 code Description Products 62 Scientific and controlling instru- Binoculars ments. Navigation and guidance systems 63 Ophthalmic and photographic Still picture equipment equipment. Motion picture equipment 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Baby carriages and children's vehicles, except bicycles Billiard and pool tables and supplies Bowling balls Durable above ground pools Durable golf equipment, including golf clubs Durable team sports equipment Exercise equipment, including weight lifting equipment, multi-purpose home gyms, rowing ma- chines, and exercise cycles Ice skates and roller skates, excluding clamp-on type roller skates Other durable sporting and athletic goods, including, archery, tennis, and racquetball equipment Other fabricated products Playground equipment, including swing sets, slides, seesaws, and sandboxes Snow ski and other winter sports equipment Surfboards, sailboards, water skis, and SCUBA and skindiving equipment 73C Other business and professional Camera repairs services, except medical. Gunsmith services Leather goods repairs Motorcycle and bicycle repairs Other repair services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand Used aircraft and aircraft engines goods. Used boats Used motorcycles Used optical equipment Used photographic equipment and supplies Used sporting goods 91. Video and audio products, computing equipment, and musical instruments 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products. Musical instrument cases 51 Computer and office equipment Computer storage equipment, including rigid, flexible, and other disk drives Display terminals Impact computer printers, including line-type and serial type Keying equipment, including mouse devices Nonimpact printers, including laser and inkjet Personal computers, workstations, and portable computers Scanning devices, plotters, and monitors 56 Audio, video, and communica- tion equipment. Amateur radio communications systems Compact and video disc players Home and portable radios Home entertainment equipment kits Household television receivers, including television combinations Loudspeakers, tuners, and receivers Modems Other communications systems and equipment, except broadcast Other consumer audio and video equipment Phonograph records, prerecorded audio tapes, and compact discs Radio-phonograph-tape recorder combinations Tape recorders and players 57 Electronic components and ac- cessories. Earphones and headsets Home antennas Phonograph cartridges and needles 58 Miscellaneous electrical machin- ery and supplies. Blank audio and video tapes Computer disks (magnetic recording media) Consumer electronic equipment Primary cells and batteries 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Musical instruments, parts, and accessories 71 B Real estate and royalties Royalties on pre-recorded video tapes 73A Computer and data processing services. Prepackaged software 76 Amusements Pre-recorded video tapes 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used computer hardware, software, and supplies Used musical instruments Used television and audio equipment Used video tapes 92. Radio and television repair 72B Personal and repair services (except auto). Radio and television repair M-86 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 73C Other business and professional services, except medical. Television rental 93. Flowers, seeds, and potted plants 73C Other agricultural products Other business and professional services, except medical. Cut flowers Other nursery products Potted plants Seeds Florists' telegraph services (FTD, etc.) 95. Motion picture theaters 65D Air transportation Fees for movies shown on commercial airlines 76 Amusements Motion picture theaters, including drive-ins 77B Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Movies shown by higher education establishments 96. Legitimate theaters and opera, and entertainments of nonprofit institutions (except athletics) 76 77B Amusements Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Dance groups and artists Live theatrical productions Other music and entertainment productions Producers of radio and television shows, except tape (tax-exempt) Services of managers and agents (tax-exempt) Symphony, opera, and chamber music organizations Ticket agencies Theatrical presentations at higher education establishments 97. Spectator sports 76 77B Amusements Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Exhibition bowling Other sporting events, including spectator sport events held in roller and ice-skating rinks Professional or semi-professional sports events, including baseball, football, basketball, and ice hockey Racetrack admissions, including auto, horse, and dog tracks Spectator sporting events held by public and private colleges and universities Spectator sporting events held by public and private elementary and secondary school systems 98. Clubs and fraternal organizations 76 77B Amusements Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Membership sports and recreation clubs, including equipment rental Physical fitness facilities, including gymnasiums and athletic clubs Civic, social, and fraternal associations 99. Commercial participant amusements 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transpor- tation. Sightseeing via limousine, bus, and other ground transportation 65C Water transportation Marinas Sightseeing via boats and ferries 65D Air transportation Aircraft repair and storage Landing fees Sightseeing via planes and helicopters 70B Insurance Aircraft insurance 73C Other business and professional services, except medical. Airplane rental and leasing 76 Amusements Amusement parks, devices, and rides Bathing beaches and swimming pools Bowling and billiards Coin-operated gambling machines Dance bands Dance studios and halls BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-87 1-0 code Description Products 77B Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Gaming at gambling establishments, hotel/motel casinos, Indian reservations, and sports and recreation clubs Gymnasiums and athletic clubs Other music and entertainment presentations Other recreation and amusements Picnic grounds Public golf courses Recreational equipment rental, including rowboats, canoes, and beach chairs Riding stables Shooting galleries Tips on gaming Bowling and billiards at higher education establishments Flying instruction 100. Pari-mutuel net receipts 76 Amusements Parimutuel betting, including dog and horse racing Off-track betting 101. Other recreational expenditures 1 Livestock and livestock products Horses Miscellaneous animals, including cats and dogs 3 Forestry and fishery products .... Game preserves Miscellaneous marine products, including turtles and frogs 4 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services. Pet grooming and boarding 66 Communications, except radio and TV. Cable and other pay television services 67 Radio and TV broadcasting Public television and radio 72A Hotels and lodging places Public room rental at hotels Recreational vehicle parks and campsites Sporting and recreational camps 72B Personal and repair services (except auto). Portrait studios 73A Computer and data processing services. Computer rental and leasing Information retrieval services 73C Other business and professional services, except medical. Miscellaneous repair services Party supplies rental and leasing, including dishes, silverware, and tables Photofinishing, including one-hour minilabs Video recorder and player rental 76 Amusements Carnivals, circuses, and fairs Coin-operated amusement devices Gymnasiums and athletic clubs Other amusements and recreation services, including vacation tour guides and tips and govern- ment parks and camping Video tape rental 77A Health services Veterinary services 77B Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Arboreta and botanical or zoological gardens Business associations Museums and art galleries Professional membership organizations Public secondary school social (recreational) activities 79 State and local government en- terprises. Lotteries 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used stamps and coins 103. Higher education 77B Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Higher education services, including public and private colleges, universities, theological seminaries, and professional schools 104. Nursery, elementary, and secondary schools 77B Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Child daycare services Elementary and secondary education services, including parochial schools and military academies M-88 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 105. Other private education and research 76 Amusements ... Dance schools 77B Educational and social services, Business and secretarial schools and membership organiza- Data processing schools tions. Educational and charitable trusts Nonprofit research and development Other schools and educational services, including survival schools, reading schools, drama schools, and Bible schools Other vocational schools, including commercial art schools, correspondence schools, trade schools, and real estate schools Sales and services of higher education establishments incidental to educational activities 106. Religious and welfare activities 77B Educational and social services, and membership organiza- tions. Arboreta and botanical or zoological gardens Child daycare services Civic, social, and fraternal organizations Individual and family social services Job training and vocational rehabilitation services Libraries and information centers Membership organizations, including athletic associations, automobile owners' associations, art councils Museums and art galleries Political organizations Religious and charitable trusts Religious organizations Residential care Social services, including advocacy groups and community development groups and 108. Foreign travel by U.S. residents 65C 65D 80 Water transportation Air transportation Noncomparable imports Noncomparable imports International water transportation of passengers International air transportation, including excess baggage charges Educational expenditures by U.S. students abroad, including tuition, books, and board Travel by U.S. residents abroad, including meals, lodging, and local transportatior 109. Expenditures abroad by U.S. residents 80 Expenditures abroad by U.S. civilians working for U.S. nondefense agencies Expenditures abroad by U.S. residents working for unaffiliated foreigners Purchases abroad by U.S. military personnel 110. Expenditures in the United States by nonresidents 83 Rest of the world adjustment to final uses. Expenditures by foreigners in the U.S. working for foreign governments and international organiza- tions Expenditures by Mexican, West Indian, and Puerto Rican workers in the U.S. Expenditures by foreign ocean and air crews in the U.S. Expenditures by foreigners for medical services Foreign student's educational expenditures Travel by foreigners in the U.S. 111. Personal remittances in kind to nonresidents 83 J Rest of the world adjustment to final uses. Donations for relief Personal gifts sent to foreigners H Appendix E Products Included in Producers 5 Durable Equipment Expenditure Categories This appendix identifies the products from the input- output (I-O) commodities making up each producers' durable equipment (PDE) expenditure category in the na- tional income and product accounts (NIPA's). It expands information provided in supplementary table E on page M— 24 of this volume. In what follows, each PDE category is first identified by its line number and descriptor in NTPA table 5.8, "Private Purchases of Producers' Durable Equipment by Type." 1 Information on the composition of the PDE category is contained in three columns. The first column provides the number and the second column the description of each 1-0 commodity included in the given PDE category. 2 The 1. Table 5.8, "Private Purchases of Producers' Durable Equipment by Type," was most recently revised and updated in the August 1998 Survey. 2. Transportation costs and trade margins are not included in the list of products in this appendix. Information in supplementary table E identifies the various margins and transportation costs for each NIPA PDE category. third column provides a list of products from the iden- tified 1-0 commodity that are included in the PDE category. For example, the first PDE category shown in the table below is "5. Computers and peripheral equip- ment," indicating that this PDE category corresponds to line 5, computers and peripheral equipment, in NIPA table 5.8. The first two columns identify two 1-0 commodities — "computer and office equipment" (1-0 51) and "computer and data processing services" (1-0 73A) — as making up this NIPA category. The third column identifies computer storage equipment and display terminals, as well as mainframes and per- sonal computers, as being among the products from the 1-0 commodity "computer and office equipment" in the NIPA PDE category "computers and peripheral equipment." 1-0 code Description Products 5. Computers and peripheral equipment 51 73A Computer and office equipment Computer and data processing services. Computer storage equipment, including rigid, flexible, and other disk drives Disk, optical, and auxiliary storage systems for multiuser computer systems Display terminals, including graphics type Impact computer printers, including line- and serial-type Keying equipment, digitizers, light pen tablets, and other manual input devices Large-, medium-, and small-scale processing equipment ("mainframes") Nonimpact printers, including laser, inkjet, thermal, and ion deposition Optical disk drives, including CD-ROM and magneto-optical equipment Other computer peripheral equipment Other processing units Personal computers, workstations, and portable computers Remote batch terminals Scanning devices, plotters, and monitors Serial access storage equipment (tape drives) Teleprinters Equipment included in computer integrated systems 6. Office equipment except computers 50 Miscellaneous machinery, ex- cept electrical. Industrial scales Motor truck scales Parts, attachments, and accessories for scales and balances M-89 M-90 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 51 73B 81 Computer and office equipment Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Railroad track scales Retail and commercial scales Accounting, bookkeeping, and billing machines Automatic typing and word processing machines Coin and currency handling (counting, dispensing, etc.), cash registers, funds transfer, and point- of-sale devices Duplicating machines Mailing, letter handling, and addressing machines Standard typewriters, dictating, transcribing, recording, and all other office machines Engineering services Used computers Used office equipment Used typewriters 7. Communication equipment 13 Ordnance and accessories Services on complete space vehicles 38 Primary nonferrous metals man- ufacturing. Insulated telephone and telegraph wire and cable 51 Computer and office equipment Teleprinters 56 Audio, video, and communica- Aeronautical radio communications systems tion equipment. Amateur radio communications systems Broadcast, studio, and related electronic equipment Carrier line equipment, office and line repeaters Facsimile communications equipment (complete) Fiber optics equipment Household television receivers, including television combinations Intercommunication systems, including inductive paging systems Loudspeakers, microphones, tuners, and receivers Mobile communications systems Modems, voice frequency equipment, answering devices, and key systems Other communications systems and equipment, except broadcast Radio navigational and locational communications systems Railway signals and other railroad signal systems Telephone sets Telephone switching and switchboard equipment Vehicular and pedestrian traffic control equipment 58 Miscellaneous electrical machin- Electronic teaching machines, teaching aids, trainers, and simulators ery and supplies. Laser systems and equipment, except communication Other electronic equipment Ultrasonic equipment (except medical and dental) 62 Scientific and controlling instru- ments. Search, detection, navigation, and guidance systems 66 Communications, except radio Telegraph equipment installation and TV. Telephone equipment installation 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand Used communication equipment goods. Used TVs 8. Instruments 62 Scientific and controlling instru- ments. Analytical instruments Anesthesia apparatus, blood transfusion equipment, and mechanical therapy appliances Breathing devices, excluding anesthetic apparatus Continuous process instruments for on-steam gas and liquid analysis Counting devices, excluding motor vehicle instruments Dental laboratory equipment and supplies Dental professional equipment and hand instruments Drafting, photogrammetric, and geodetic equipment Electronic systems, industry computers, and all other industrial process instruments Flow and liquid level instruments Gas meters and liquid meters Hospital furniture, excluding beds and chairs Laboratory apparatus and furniture Metabolism, blood pressure, optical diagnostic, and other diagnostic equipment Nuclear radiation detection and monitoring instruments Other surgical and medical instruments and appliances Patient transport devices and wheelchairs Physical properties and kinematic testing and inspection equipment Pneumatic systems, including all system-type control, display, and computing systems Pressure (gauge, absolute vacuum) and draft instruments BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-91 1-0 code Description Products 73B 81 Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Repair of analytical instruments Repair of surgical and therapeutic appliances Seismic instruments and all other geophysical instruments and equipment Surgical instruments, orthopedic instruments, and eye, ear, nose, and throat instruments Surveying instruments Temperature and humidity instruments Therapeutic appliances, including hydrotherapy devices Engineering services Used instruments Used medical equipment 9. Photocopy and related equipment 62 Scientific and controlling instru- ments. Optical test and inspection equipment, including microscopes Telescopes and other astronomical equipment 63 Ophthalmic and photographic equipment. Microfilming, blueprinting, and whiteprinting equipment Motion picture equipment, including projection screens and processing equipment Photocopying equipment Repair of photographic equipment Still picture equipment, including cameras, projectors, and commercial finishing equipment 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used photographic equipment 11. Fabricated metal products 5+6 Metallic ores mining Processed uranium 27A Industrial and other chemicals ... Conversion, enrichment, and fabrication of uranium concentrates in government-owned, contrac- tor-operated establishments 37 Primary iron and steel manufac- turing. Primary metal products contract work 39 Metal containers Metal barrels, including milk shipping and delivery, and beer barrels Air-conditioning ducts and stove pipe Air receiver tanks Bins and vats Boiler shops contract work Electronic enclosures Gas cylinders Heat exchangers and steam condensers (except for nuclear applications) Liquefied petroleum gas tanks Metal tanks (nonpressure) Metal tanks and vessels (pressure) Nuclear reactor steam supply systems Other pressure tanks (including anhydrous ammonia tanks) Restaurant and hotel kitchen sheet metal equipment Shielding for use in nuclear reactor buildings 40 Heating, plumbing, and fab- ricated structural metal prod- ucts. 42 Other fabricated metal products Circular saw blades (metal working) Fabricated metal products contract work Fabricated metal products, including safes, vaults, steel boxes, and metal ladders Fabricated pipe and fittings Industrial valves, excluding water, nuclear, and solenoid Metal fittings, flanges, and unions for piping systems Nuclear valves (n-stamp only) Valves for water works, except fire hydrants Woodworking power saw blades 46 Materials handling machinery and equipment. Overhead traveling cranes, hoists, and monorail systems contract work 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 12. Engines and turbines 43 Engines and turbines Diesel, semi-diesel, and dual-fuel engines Gasoline and gas-gasoline engines Installation of turbines and turbine generator sets Outboard motors Piston-type natural gas engines, except turbines, including LPG engines Wind, steam, hydraulic, gas turbines and turbine generator sets ^ M-92 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 13. Metalworking machinery 47 Metalworking machinery and Assembly machines equipment. Boring machines Drilling machines Gas welding and cutting equipment Gear cutting machines Grinding, polishing, buffing, honing, and lapping machines Industrial molds Installation of metal cutting and metal forming machine tools Lathes Metalworking presses Milling machines Other metal cutting and metal forming machine tools Other metalworking machinery Power driven hand tools, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, power actuated, and engine driven Punching and shearing machines and bending and forming machines Rebuilt metal cutting and metal forming machine tools Repair of metal cutting machine tools Rolling mill machinery Soldering equipment Special dies and tools, die sets, jigs, and fixtures 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used metalworking machinery 14. Special industry machinery, n.e.c. 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Roll coverings and printers' blankets 42 Other fabricated metal products Machine tools for woodcutting 48 Special industry machinery and Ammunition and explosive loading machinery equipment. Automotive maintenance equipment, except handtools Cement making machinery Chemical manufacturing machinery and equipment Clay products forming equipment Concrete products forming equipment Cotton ginning machinery Electric battery manufacturing machinery Electroplating and metal finishing equipment, excluding rolling mill Food products machinery Foundry machinery and equipment, excluding patterns and molds Glass making machinery and equipment Industrial sewing machines, excluding shoe sole stitching machines Installation of food products machinery Installation of printing trades machinery Installation of special industry machinery, n.e.c. Installation of textile machinery Machines for working stone, ceramics, or like materials including glass Other special industry machinery Paper industries machinery Petroleum refining machinery Plastics working machinery and equipment, excluding patterns and molds Printed circuit board manufacturing machinery, except testing Printing trades machinery Repair of paper industries machinery Repair of printing trades machinery Repair of textile machinery Repair of woodworking machinery Rubber working machinery and equipment, excluding tire molds Semiconductor manufacturing equipment Textile machinery, including parts and attachments Tobacco processing machinery Woodworking machinery, including parts and attachments 49 General industrial machinery Installation of packaging machinery and equipment. Packing, packaging, and bottling machinery 52 Service industry machinery .. , Services on commercial laundry equipment 58 Miscellaneous electrical machin- ery and supplies. Other electrical products 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-93 1-0 code Description Products 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used food processing machinery and equipment Used special industry machinery 15. General industrial, including materials handling, equipment 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery. Automobile hoists 46 Materials handling machinery Automatic stacking machines and equipment. Bulk material handling conveyors and systems, except hoists and farm elevators Hoists Industrial trucks, tractors, and mobile straddle carriers and cranes Installation of conveyors and conveying equipment Unit handling conveyors and conveying systems, except hoists and farm elevators 49 General industrial machinery Air and gas compressors and vacuum pumps and equipment. Centrifugal blowers and fans Dust collection and air-purification equipment for industrial gas cleaning systems Electric industrial furnaces, ovens, and kilns Electrical heating equipment for industrial use Electrostatic precipitation equipment Filters and strainers, except fluid power Filters for hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power systems Fuel-fired industrial furnaces, ovens, and kilns High-frequency induction and dielectric heating equipment Hot water heating circulator pumps, assembled pump units, and other pumps Industrial pumps, except fluid power pumps Industrial robots and attachments Industrial spraying equipment Other general industrial machinery Packing, packaging, and bottling machinery Pump drivers Repair of general industrial machinery Repair of packaging machinery 50 Miscellaneous machinery, ex- cept electrical. Fluid power pumps and motors 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used general industry equipment 16. Electrical transmission, distribution, and industrial apparatus 47 Metalworking machinery and Arc welding machines, accessories, and components equipment. Repair of welding apparatus Resistance welder electrodes, accessories, and components 53 Electrical industrial equipment Capacitors for industrial use and apparatus. Commercial, institutional, and industrial general-purpose transformers Controls for adjustable speed drives Definite-purpose contractors and starters Fluorescent lamp ballasts and specialty transformers Fractional horsepower motors Integral horsepower motors and generators Marine and navy auxiliary controls Metal mill, crane, and hoist controls Miscellaneous electrical equipment for industrial use Motion controllers Motor generator sets Other general industrial controls Power and distribution transformers Power circuit breakers Power regulators, boosters, and other transformers Prime mover generator sets, except steam or hydraulic turbine Programmable controllers and other specific-purpose controllers Rectifying apparatus, except battery chargers Rheostats and resistors Switchgear excluding control panels, relays, low-volt assemblies 62 Scientific and controlling instru- Instruments to measure electricity ments. Repair of instruments to measure electricity 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 18. Trucks, buses, and truck trailers 59A Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks). Buses and firefighting vehicles Light trucks, vans, and sport utility vehicles Trucks and truck tractors M-94 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products 59B 81 Truck and bus bodies, trailers, and motor vehicles parts. Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Repair of truck and bus bodies Repair of truck trailers Truck trailers and chassis Truck, bus, and other vehicle bodies (except passenger car) for sale separately Used trucks and motor vehicles, excluding cars 19. Autos 59A 81 Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks). Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Passenger cars Ferrous scrap Used auto parts Used passenger cars 20. Aircraft 22+23 Furniture and fixtures Seats for aircraft 60 Aircraft and parts Aircraft engines for civilian aircraft Civilian aircraft Modification, conversion, and overhaul of aircraft for civilian customers Other aeronautical services on complete aircraft 62 Scientific and controlling instru- ments. Aeronautical and navigational instruments, except aircraft engine instruments 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used aircraft and aircraft engines 21. Ships and boats 61 Other transportation equipment Inboard motorboats Inboard-outdrive boats Nonpropelled ships Other boats, including canoes Outboard motorboats, including commercial Sailboats Self-propelled ships, nonmilitary Ship and boat repair, nonmilitary 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used vessels 22. Railroad equipment 61 Other transportation equipment Locomotives, new and rebuilt Other work and service railroad vehicles Passenger and freight train cars, new Rebuilt passenger and freight train cars Self-propelled and nonself-propelled streetcars, subway cars, rapid transit cars, and trolley buses 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used railroad equipment 24. Furniture and fixtures 22+23 Furniture and fixtures Bedroom furniture, including cots and bed frames Chairs and seats, including theater, auditorium, and institutional Church pews and other church furniture Dining room and kitchen furniture Dual-purpose sleep furniture Fixtures for stores, banks, and offices, and other miscellaneous fixtures Folding tables, including banquet tables Hospital beds Infants' and children's furniture Infants' high chairs and car seats Library furniture Living room, library, family room, and den furniture Mattresses, including crib, and bedsprings Office furniture Other furniture and fixtures Other household furniture Other public building furniture Partitions (excluding accordion and folding-type doors) Porch, lawn, and other outdoor furniture Reed and rattan furniture (including willow, wicker, and cane) BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-95 1-0 code Description Products Restaurant, cafeteria, and bar furniture and fixtures School furniture Shelving and lockers Sleep system ensembles, excluding water beds Storage racks and accessories Unpainted and ready-to-assemble furniture Upholstered household furniture Venetian blinds Window shades and accessories 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used building fixtures Used household furniture Used office furniture 25. Tractors 44+45 81 Farm, construction, and mining machinery. Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Contractors' off-highway wheel tractors Crawler tractors Farm-type wheel tractors (2- and 4-wheel drive) Lawn and garden tractors Used construction tractors Used garden tractors 26. Agricultural machinery, except tractors 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery. Consumer nonriding garden equipment Farm machinery and equipment, excluding tractors 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used agricultural machinery 27. Construction machinery, except tractors 44+45 73B 81 Farm, construction, and mining machinery. Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Mixers, pavers, and related equipment Other construction machinery and equipment Power cranes, draglines, and shovels, including surface mining equipment, and attachments Scrapers, graders, rollers, and off-highway equipment Tractor shovel loaders Engineering services Used construction equipment (excluding tractors) 28. Mining and oilfield machinery 8 Crude petroleum and natural gas. Installation of oil and gas field production equipment 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery. Mining machinery Oil and gas field derricks and well surveying machinery Oil and gas field production machinery and equipment, including equipment for surface, sub- surface, and subsea, and rod lifting equipment Other oil and gas field drilling machine and equipment Portable drilling rigs and parts Rotary drilling surface equipment 49 General industrial machinery and equipment. Oil-well and oil-field pumps Subsurface pumps for oil-well pumping 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used mining equipment 29. Service industry machinery 50 52 Miscellaneous machinery, ex- cept electrical. Service industry machinery ... Amusement park equipment, including fern's wheels Installation of amusement park equipment Automatic merchandising machines Commercial and industrial floor and carpet cleaning equipment Commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners Commercial car, bus, and truck washing equipment M-96 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 1-0 code Description Products Commercial cooking and food-warming equipment Commercial laundry, dry cleaning, and pressing machinery and equipment Commercial refrigerators and related equipment Compressors, including those over 10hp and ammonia refrigerant Dishwashing machines Garbage and trash compactors Heat transfer equipment, including ice making machines High-pressure cleaning and blasting equipment Measuring and dispensing pumps, including gasoline dispensing pumps and grease guns Other industrial and commercial service machines Other refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, including soda fountain equipment and beer dispensing equipment Refrigeration condensing units (complete) Room air-conditioners and dehumidifiers Sewer pipe and drain cleaning equipment Water softeners 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used service industry equipment 30. Electrical equipment, n.e.c. 54 Household appliances Attachments and cleaning tools for central vacuum systems Ceiling fans Coin-operated laundry equipment Electric, gas, and other ranges, ovens, and cooking equipment, including microwaves Nonelectric water heaters, indirect-fired Other small electromechanical and electrothermal appliances Portable air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and humidifiers Portable air space heaters Range hoods, oven hoods, and other ventilating and exhaust fans Refrigerators, including combination refrigerator-freezers Small electric household cooking appliances Vacuum cleaners Window, desk, and wall bracket fans 55 Electric lighting and wiring equipment. Choke coils Electric lighting fixtures, commercial, industrial, and institutional Fluorescent lighting equipment, including technical and processing equipment Health lamp fixtures Lightning arrestors Residential lighting fixtures, portable 58 Miscellaneous electrical machin- ery and supplies. Optical disks Other electrical products Rigid disks (magnetic recording media) Storage batteries for industrial trucks 62 Scientific and controlling instru- ments. Electromedical equipment X-ray apparatus and tubes, including industrial, scientific, medical, and dental 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Used electrical equipment Used household appliances 31. Other nonresidential equipment 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings. Carpets, rugs, and artificial grass Felt carpet and rug padding 20+21 Lumber and wood products Miscellaneous wooden products 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Foam rubber and sponge carpet and rug cushions Plastics foam carpet and rug cushions 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery. Consumer nonriding lawn, garden, and snow equipment Farm machinery and equipment excluding tractors Turf and grounds care equipment 61 Other transportation equipment All-terrain vehicles Automobile and light truck trailers Motorcycles, including three-wheel, motor scooters, motorbikes, and mopeds Self-propelled golf carts and in-plant person carriers Self-propelled snowmobiles Travel trailers and fold down camping trailers 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Barber and beauty shop furniture and equipment Billiard and pool tables and supplies Bowling alleys, balls, and supplies Chemical fire-extinguishing equipment BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-97 1-0 code Description Products Coin-operated amusement machines Electric signs Gymnasium and exercise equipment Ice skates, shoe and roller rink skates, excluding clamp-on type roller skates Nonelectric signs Other musical instruments Pianos and organs Playground equipment, heavy-duty Snow skis and other winter sports equipment Surfboards, sailboards, water skis, and SCUBA and skindiving equipment Team sports equipment, including baseball, football, and soccer 73B Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services. Engineering services 81 Scrap, used and secondhand Used kitchenware goods. Used lawn and garden equipment Used tools 32. Sale of equipment scrap, excluding autos 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods. Ferrous scrap Scrap other than ferrous metal 33. Residential (landlord durables) 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings. Carpets, rugs, and artificial grass Felt carpet and rug padding 22+23 Furniture and fixtures Bedroom furniture, including cots and bed frames Dining room and kitchen furniture Dual-purpose sleep furniture Infants' and children's furniture Infants' high chairs and car seats Living room, library, family room, and den furniture Mattresses, including crib, and bedsprings Other household furniture Reed and rattan furniture (including willow, wicker, and cane) Sleep system ensembles, excluding water beds Upholstered household furniture 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plas- tics products. Foam rubber and sponge carpet and rug cushions Plastics foam carpet and rug cushions 54 Household appliances Dishwashing machines Electric, gas, and other ranges, ovens, and cooking equipment, including microwaves Refrigerators, including combination refrigerator-freezers Small electric household cooking appliances Water heaters, electric and nonelectric Window, desk, and wall bracket fans 56 Audio, video, and communica- tion equipment. Home and portable radios and radio-phonograph-tape recorder combinations Household television receivers, including television combinations Appendix F Mathematical Derivation of the Total Requirements Tables This appendix discusses the matrix algebra underlying the derivation of the 1-0 total requirements tables. 1 The following definitions are used: q is a column vector in which each entry shows the total amount of the output of a commodity. U is a commodity-by-industry matrix in which the col- umn shows for a given industry the amount of each commodity it uses, including noncomparable imports (1-0 80) and scrap and used and secondhand goods (1-0 81). (Hereafter, 1-0 81 is designated as scrap.) This is the intermediate portion of the use table. i is a unit, or summation, vector; all entries are 1 's. e is a column vector in which each entry shows the total sales to final users for a commodity (from the use table). g is a column vector in which each entry shows the total amount of an industry's output, including its production of scrap. V is an industry-by-commodity matrix in which each column shows for a given commodity the amount produced in each industry. V is the make table, adjusted to show only zero entries in the column for scrap. (Scrap is removed so that demand for it does not generate output in the industries where it originated.) h is a column vector in which each entry shows the total amount of an industry's production of scrap. (The estimate of h is contained in column 81 of the make table.) B is a commodity-by-industry matrix in which each entry in a column shows the amount of a commodity that an industry used per dollar of its output. Matrix B is derived from matrix U. " is a symbol that, when placed over a v^:tor, indicates a square matrix in which the elemer. of the vector 1. The notation and derivation of the tables follow the System of National Accounts recommended by the United Nations. See A System of National Accounts, Studies in Methods, Series F, No. 2, Rev. 3 (New York: United Nations, 1 968); also, R. Stone, M. Bacharach, and J. Bates, "Input-Output Re- lationships, 1951-1966,"/4 Programme for Growth, Vol. 3 (London: Chapman and Hall, 1963). appear in the main diagonal cells and zeros appear in the other cells. D is an industry-by-commodity matrix in which each entry in a column shows the share of total output of a given commodity produced in each industry. This matrix is the market share matrix and is derived from matrix V. p is a column vector in which each entry shows the ratio of the value of scrap produced in an industry to that industry's total output. J is the identity matrix, a square matrix in which l's appear in the main diagonal cells and zeros appear in the other cells. W is an industry-by-commodity matrix in which each entry in a column shows the share of total output of a given commodity produced in each industry, with each industry's commodity share adjusted for scrap produced by the industry. This matrix is the transformation matrix and is derived from matrix D and vector p. The following are identities: 0) (2) q = Ui + e; and g = Vi + h. The following are assumptions: First, inputs are required in proportion to output, and the proportions are the same for an industry's primary and secondary products. This is the industry technology assumption. (3) U = Bg. Second, each commodity (other than scrap) is produced by the various industries in fixed proportions. (4) V = Dq. M-98 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 M-99 Third, scrap output in each industry is proportional to total output of the industry. (5) h = pg. The model expressed in equations (1) through (5) thus involves three constants (B, D, and p) and six variables (U, V, h, e, q, and g). The model solution is derived as follows. Substituting (3) into (1) gives (6) q = Bg + e. Substituting (4) into (2) gives (7) g -h = Dq. Substituting (5) into (7) and solving for g gives g-pg = Dq, (I - p)g = Dq, and (8) g = (I-pr l Dq. Let (I -p)~ l D = W; then (9) g = Wq. Substituting (9) into (6) and solving for q gives q = BWq + e, (I -BW)q = e, and (10) q = {I-BW)~ l e. Substituting (10) into (9) gives (11) g = W{I-BW)~ l e. (I - BW)~ l is the commodity-by-commodity total re- quirements matrix, which shows the commodity output required per dollar of each commodity delivered to final users. 2 W(I - BW)~ l is the industry-by-commodity total requirements matrix, which shows the industry output re- quired per dollar of each commodity delivered to final users. 3 2. Tables are prepared at detailed and summary levels. For the summary tables, the adjustments for secondary production were made at the detailed level and then aggregated before the total requirements tables were calculated. 3. See the previous footnote. Summary Tables Make and Use Tables Table 1. The Make of Commodities by Industries 2 Table 2. 1 . The Use of Commodities by Industries 10 Table 2.2. Input Components of Total Industry Output 20 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1.— The Make of Commodities [Millions of dollars Industry number For the distribution of industries producing a commodity, read the column for that commodity For the distribution of commodities produced by an industry, read the row for that industry Livestock and livestock products Other agri- cultural products Forestry and fishery products Agricul- tural, forestry, and fishery services Metallic ores mining Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Non- metallic minerals mining New con- struction Mainte- nance and repair construc- tion Commodity number 1 2 3 4 5+6 7 8 9+10 11 12 1 Livestock and livestock products 89.375 205 2,047 9.613 503 1,051 2 Other agricultural products 104,546 3 4 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas 28,251 5+6 10,726 8 26.907 11 2 7 8 97,613 9+10 12 2 11,720 11 456,949 12 Maintenance and repair construction 222,381 13 Ordnance and accessories Food and kindred products 14 15 Tobacco products 16 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor covenngs Apparel Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 18 19 20+21 Lumber and wood products 22+23 Furniture and fixtures 24 Paper and allied products, except containers 25 Paperboard containers and boxes 26A Other printing and publishing 26B 27A Industrial and other chemicals 10 3 1 27B Agricultural fertilizers and chemicals 28 Plastics and synthetic materials 29A Drugs 29B Cleaning and toilet preparations 30 Paints and allied products 31 Petroleum refining and related products 127 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products 35 36 Stone and clay products 1 419 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing 38 Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing 39 Metal containers 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products Screw machine products and stampings 41 42 Other fabricated metal products 43 Engines and turbines 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery 46 Materials handling machinery and equipment 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment 48 Special industry machinery and equipment 49 General industrial machinery and equipment 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical 51 Computer and office equipment 52 Service industry machinery 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus .... 54 Household appliances Electric lighting and wiring equipment 55 56 Audio, video, and communication equipment ... 57 Electronic components and accessories 58 Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) Truck and bus bodies, trailers, and motor vehicles parts 59A 59B 60 Aircraft and parts Other transportation equipment 61 62 Opthalmic and photographic equipment 63 64 Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Motor freight transportation and warehousing 65A 65B 65C Water transportation 65D Air transportation Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services 65E 66 Communications, except radio and TV 67 Radio and TV broadcasting 68A Electric services (utilities) Gas production and distribution (utilities) 68B 68C Water and sanitary services Wholesale trade 69A 69B Retail trade 70A Insurance Hotels and lodging places 70B 71A 71 B 72A 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) . 73A Computer and data processing services Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services Other business and professional services, except medical •* 73B 73C 73D 74 Eating and drinking places ... 75 Automotive repair and services Amusements Health services Educational and social services, and membership organizations Federal Government enterprises 76 77A 77B 78 79 82 General government industry 84 Household industry 85 Inventory valuation adjustment T Total commodity output 89,375 104,546 11,865 29,805 10,739 26,917 97,623 12,283 456,949 222,381 SUMMARY TABLES by Industries at producers' prices] Ordnance and acces- sories Food and kindred products Tobacco products Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills Miscel- laneous textile goods and floor coverings Apparel Miscel- laneous fabricated textile products Lumber and wood products Furniture and fixtures Paper and allied products, except containers Paper- board containers and boxes News- papers and penooicais Other pnnbng ana publishing Industrial and other chemicals Agncul- tural fertilizers and chemicals Industry number 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20+21 22+23 24 25 26A 26B 27A 27B 887 ie 942 953 18 3 341 48 2 3-6 -8 033 2 21 15 11 2 110 "27 1 135 2 3 4 2 8 102 1,535 5+6 7 8 9+10 11 12 21,180 1 18 4 1 96 2 26 24 11 96,241 81 38 800 13 2 13 407,209 7 8 14 40,124 15 37,131 37 265 80 254 16,995 34 48 226 6 68,354 13 1,675 118 314 18,650 3 20 36 16 1 1 3 11 108 31.260 17 18 4 86,328 127 112 9 40 161 42,228 17 19' 1 9 7 20+21 5 22+23 23 239 213 24 7 25 26A 100 328 62 31 3 19 1 4 9 570 19 1 34 9 96.890 1.218 4.718 578 944 81 5.318 156 26 B 1 2 886 16,041 235 173 358 5 100 26 27A 27B 219 28 38 49 29A 1 3 23 6 28 454 141 1 33 29B 30 31 5 34 9 5 8 52 48 23 3 7 2 172 1 3 14 42 4 15 5 32 11 33+34 35 1 69 133 2 104 27 187 2 5 36 37 2 1 38 29 39 1 2 8 71 3 29 67 8 49 34 3 40 1 4 4 106 41 5 229 1 42 43 5 4 4 4 1 6 33 1 2 44+45 46 1 51 26 20 47 15 2 1 6 48 3 1 49 1 1 50 19 1 18 51 5 5 3 6 41 52 4 53 18 2 5 2 3 9 12 54 10 26 18 2 55 56 6 57 1 8 58 59A 52 418 17 517 1 11 1 9 59B 19 60 17 2 1 33 37 4 1 70 5 30 61 25 3 1 322 150 11 57 127 27 1 8 62 27 17 123 63 7 4 36 5 64 65A 65B 65C 65D 65 E 66 67 68A 68B 68C 69A 69B 70A 70B 71A 71B 72A 72B 73A 73B 8 73C 73D 74 75 76 77A 77B 78 79 82 84 85 22,217 408,757 40,147 37,528 17,983 68,637 21,021 87,127 42,849 98,497 31,743 19,895 81,202 113,359 17,850 T BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1. — The Make of Commodities [Millions of dollars Industry number For the distribution of industries producing a commodity, read the column for that commodity For the distribution of commodities produced by an industry, read the row for that industry Plastics and synthetic materials Drugs Cleaning and toilet prepara- tions Paints and allied products Petroleum refining and relat- ed prod- ucts Rubber and miscel- laneous plastics prod- ucts Footwear, leather, and leather products Glass and glass products Stone and clay products Primary iron and steel manu- facturing Commodity number 28 29A 29B 30 31 32 33+34 35 36 37 1 Livestock and livestock products 2 3 Forestry and fishery products 4 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Metallic ores mining Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Nonmetallic minerals mining New construction 5+6 2 7 8 7,654 69 9+10 344 11 12 Ordnance and accessories 13 8 81 12 14 179 27 143 15 Tobacco products 16 Broad and narrow fabrics yam and thread mills 2,338 116 3 2 99 37 57 79 67 923 303 2 29 42 12 1 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings 2 25 18 Apparel 3 15 19 61 97 20+21 Lumber and wood products 7 8 17 22+23 1 7 17 24 Paper and allied products, except containers _... Paperboard containers and boxes 1 333 3 25 26A 26B Other printing and publishing _ 14 294 1 788 2 17 3 13 107.428 33 64 125 3 39 13 412 59 253 41 1 7 3 117 1 3 27A Industrial and other chemicals 5.575 334 41,780 10 150 114 125 372 469 93 137 60,829 340 1.468 44 86 761 37.522 9 100 31 240 15 38 13.893 6 34 £136 10 17 26 27B Agricultural fertilizers and chemicals 28 2 29A Drugs 29B Cleaning and toilet preparations ... 73 7 139.755 1 14 22 80 6 30 Paints and allied products 31 Petroleum refining and related products 3 2 16 59 4 29 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products ... 17 9.226 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products 35 Glass and glass products 17.551 49 6 41.399 9 8 36 8 1 37 27 19 65 13 72.986 •342 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing , 38 60 39 Metal containers .... 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products Screw machine products and stampings 1 23 6 4 34 8 34 43 6 90 12 71 2 54 13 50 26 6 32 1 41 1 3 2 12 42 Other fabricated metal products 1 43 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery 4 3 13 57 34 20 22 13 18 6 3 33 1 43 24 46 Materials handling machinery and equipment 47 1 1 47 4 6 9 48 Special industry machinery and equipment 49 50 1 51 Computer and office equipment 52 26 53 5 15 9 54 Household appliances 1 13 20 55 10 55 2 1 9 75 56 57 Electronic components and accessories . . 1 5 58 3 10 59A 59B Truck and bus bodies, trailers and motor vehicles parts .. 1 8 35 19 91 82 133 1 29 2 2 60 Aircraft and parts Other transportation equipment 1 61 62 226 15 1 12 3 1 4 1 63 Opthalmic and photographic equipment 67 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Motor freight transportation and warehousing 1 2 19 6 65A 65B 65C Water transportation .?. 65D Air transportation 65E Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services 66 Communications, except radio and TV 67 Radio and TV broadcasting Electric services (utilities) 68A 68B Gas production and distribution (utilities) . . 68C Water and sanitary services _ Wholesale trade 69A 69B Retail trade 70A Finance Insurance Owner-occupied dwellings 70B 71A 71B Real estate and royalties ... 72A Hotels and lodging places ... 72B 73A Computer and data processing services Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 73B 73C 73D Advertising Eating and drinking places . 74 75 Automotive repair and services Health services 76 77A 77B Educational and social services, and membership organizations Federal Government enterprises 78 79 37 82 84 Household industry 85 Total commodity output T 50,944 62£21 14,379 149,831 111,813 9,538 17,981 42,291 73,922 SUMMARY TABLES by Industries — Continued at producers' prices] Primary nonferrous metals manu- facturing Metal containers Heating, plumbing, and fab- ricated structural metal products Screw machine products and stampings Other fabri- cated metal products Engines and tur- bines Farm, con- struction, and mining machinery Materials handling machinery and equipment Metalwork- ing machinery and equipment Special industry machinery and equipment General industrial machinery and equipment Miscel- laneous machinery, except electrical Computer and office equipment Service industry machinery Industry number 38 39 40 41 42 43 44+45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 4 5+6 7 8 9+10 11 12 13 3 9 19 4 1 11 17 4 1 6 6 22 4 13 14 15 7 5 9 26 28 107 259 2 16 1 17 12 18 1 79 37 2 3 11 3 1 2 1 19 20+21 8 7 12 23 1 2 1 1 1 2 22 3 22+23 11 17 24 29 7 25 26A 155 1 67 14 1 2 4 14 11 4 11 26B 1,222 2 1 36 1 1 27A 9 4 27B 28 1 1 7 29A 1 1 1 8 29B 30 5. 26 i 6 31 105 10 118 120 1 35 26 18 38 1 176 32,765 185 5 336 2 87 3 16 95 9 33 23 52 2 12 31 6 375 33 2 5 21 4 7 242 7 5 33 2,182 214 21 439 158 51,070 15 190 21 128 37 168 348 13 64 12 1 74 4 97 12 3 3 565 44 1 99 18 32 33+34 10 29 121 3 81 189 197 1 4 1 35 34 452 62,324 1 80 19 76 8 21 1 3 3 4 1 18 9 36 21 4 37 38 12,986 28 14 4 3 47,327 40 268 93 68 36 23 18 94 197 1 192 7 30 2 21 1 3 39 7 1 1 15,965 107 36 23 46 12 30,055 65 243 54 108 8 1 4 15 4 37 3 24 70 657 162 7 126 28 24,194 137 90 239 5 4 26 23 34 2 4 6 20 54 19 8 58 47 4 58 2 21 28 146 19,302 183 20 1 64 2 1 6 1 113 99 51 143 94 133 73 85 211 28,058 55 1 122 144 12 8 133 92 271 63 95 13 225 58 137 23,383 14 13 2 2 2 1 55 17 26 40 41 42 43 136 7,773 31 88 63 5 12 7 5 85 169 3 44+45 1 1 3 46 8 3 1 7 47 1 221 31 1 2 26 48 49 2 50 58,040 4 29 51 1 1 1 21 9 4 24,998 17 182 52 53 54 4 5 137 34 298 2,816 17 55 1 56 61 306 3 9 4 7 57 2 20 531 784 39 153 3 58 26 50 1 57 7 59A 51 7 49 14 110 38 1 7 42 111 2 196 40 62 27 1 109 11 19 59 95 37 53 5 3 3 70 688 25 138 3 59B 5 4 93 9 2 60 10 20 61 7 4 62 63 3 82 20 6 1 3 64 65A 65B 65C 65 D 65E 66 67 68A 68B 68C 69A 69B 70A 70B 71A 71B 72A 72B 73A 73 B 73C 73D 74 75 76 77A 77B 78 79 82 84 85 64,813 13,238 49,050 34,564 56,518 17,895 30,946 8,290 27,046 20,218 29,678 24,946 62,088 25,801 T BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1. — The Make of Commodities [Millions of dollars Industry number For the distribution of industries producing a commodity, read the column for that commodity For the distribution of commodities produced by an industry, read the row for that industry Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus House- hold appli- ances Electric lighting and wiring equipment Audio, video, and commu- nication equipment Electronic compo- nents and acces- sories Miscel- laneous eiectncai machinery and supplies Motor vehicles (pas- senger cars and trucks) Truck and bus bodies, trailers. and motor vehicles parts Aircraft and parts Other transpor- tation equipment Commodity number 53 54 55 56 57 58 S9A 59B 60 61 1 Livestock and livestock products - 2 Other agricultural products 3 Forestry and fishery products 4 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Coal mining New construction 5+6 7 8 9+10 11 12 4' 371 3 i 4 8 5 26 25 41 175 2.986 13 Food and kindred products 1 116 16 14 15 Tobacco products 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yam and thread mills 17 Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings 18 Apparel 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 5 8 22 20+21 Furniture and fixtures _... Paper and allied products, except containers _... Paperboard containers and boxes 2 31 22+23 2 1 17 12 12 4 24 25 26A Newspapers and periodicals 26B Other printing andpublishing 1 8 27A Industrial and other chemicals 2 27B Agricultural fertilizers and chemicals 28 Plastics and synthetic materials .. 29A Drugs „... 29B Cleaning and toilet preparations 4 30 Paints and allied products Petroleum refining and related products 3 29 31 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 45 116 150 1 84 8 ._„ 12 6 5 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products 35 Glass and glass products 1 7 9 5 9 173 13 1 5 36 Stone and clay products 28 5 106 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing .... 38 143 3 39 Metal containers 40 41 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products ,. 4 1 93 431 27 26 55 11 104 144 19 9 26.759 174 203 38 118 38 97 60 3 7 13 47 4 12 16 28 6 2 3 3 1 39 295 105 170 137 8 9 10 93 172 5 21 9 22 5 275 12 4 42 Engines and turbines 71 148 11 1 3 43 44+45 3 58 1 15 7 16 46 Materials handling machinery and equipment General industrial machinery and equipment 47 79 25 4 12 30 21 7 3,683 13 162 7 4 5 213 267 4 100 6 12 158 105 18.906 48 49 5 37 2 4 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except eiectncai 7 51 Computer and office equipment Service industry machinery 4 3 185 16 17.802 66 95 118 83 7 23 9 64 48,977 135 261 52 83 7 16.033 3 268 6 11 633 64 20 161 50 7 1 53 16 54 Household appliances 55 170 933 67,069 100 8 2 4 56 Audio, video, and communication equipment 57 Electronic components and accessories ... 58 236 2.363 76,069 100 62 182 29 3 20 39 48 29.393 1 59A Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) 147.890 1.765 59B Truck and bus bodies, trailers, and motor vehicles parts ... 47 2 68 133 9 2 126 59 238 2 458 11 19 291 53 6 34 98,325 2 431 60 Aircraft and parts "~.. Other transportation equipment 61 8 62 63 Scientific and controlling instruments Opthalmic and photographic equipment ... 8 197 2 7 911 20 18 521 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Motor freight transportation and warehousing 1 1 3 6 32 65A 65B 65C Water transportation 650 65E 66 Communications, except radio and TV ... 67 Radio and TV broadcasting 68A Gas production and distribution (utilities) . . 686 68C Wholesale trade 69A 69B Retail trade 70A Insurance Owner-occupied dwellings 70B 71A 71 B Real estate and royalties ... 72A Hotels and lodging places 72B 73A Computer and data processing services Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 73B 73C 73D Advertising 74 Eating and drinking places 75 Automotive repair and services 76 Amusements Health services Educational and social services, and membership organizations Federal Government enterprises 77A 77B 78 79 82 Household industry 84 85 Inventory valuation adjustment .. T Total commodity output 28,574 16,833 19,055 50,981 73,298 21,103 149,684 81.258 102,154 29,907 SUMMARY TABLES by Industries — Continued at producers' prices] Scientific and controlling instruments Ophthalmic and photo- graphic equipment Miscellane- ous manu- facturing Railroads and related services; passenger ground transpor- tation Motor freight transpor- tation and ware- housing Water transpor- tation Air transpor- tation Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services Commu- nications, except radio and TV Radio and TV broadcast- ing Electric services (utilities) Gas production and distribution (utilities) Water and sanitary services Wholesale trade Industry number 62 63 64 65A 65B 65C 65D 65E 66 67 68A 68B 68C 69A 1 11 2 3 4 5+6 7 8 9+10 11 12 1,235 13 14 15 10 26 49 3 3 14 151 16 20 8 53 12 41 100 38 17 18 19 2 20+21 22+23 10 24 25 14 10 17 26A 4 7 301 16 26 B 27A 27B 7 17 28 240 20 7 46 18 9 230 15 5 30 3 5 29A 29B 30 31 107 13 37 22 62 7 25 32 33+34 35 i 36 43 37 38 39 22 11 254 2 13 6 27 54 40 41 1 42 43 2 44+45 46 30 28 55 25 36 18 139 9 98 1,225 214 786 1 3 16 1 85 4 2 2 8 12 5 17 47 11 48 49 50 88 51 52 53 6 7 54 55 56 6 301 57 58 59A 20 1,606 1 100,484 738 61 1 8 69 42 1 38,127 59 B 60 61 103 22,143 6 62 63 64 55,576 174 155,590 65A 11,363 65B 32,440 65C 94,141 2,632 65D 542 1,320 194 28,928 65 E 205,941 66 2,674 67 170,428 468 204 18,644 68A 92,953 68 B 68C 568,970 69A 69 B 70A 70 B 71 A 71B 72A 72B 73A 73B 38 73C 73 D 74 15 75 76 77A 77B 6,504 18,763 78 5,940 1,713 2,046 3,159 19,586 79 82 84 85 107,915 22,745 39,450 62,058 157,110 34,347 98,819 28,966 205,941 2,674 195,695 96,155 50,265 568,970 T BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1.— The Make of Commodities [Millions of dollars Industry number For the distribution of industries producing a commodity. read the column for that commodity For the distribution of commodities produced by an industry, read the row for that industry Retail trade Finance Insurance Owner- occupied dwellings Real estate and royalties Hotels and lodging places Personal and repair services (except auto) Computer and data processing services Legal. engineering, accounting, and related services Commodity number 69B 70A 70B 71A 71 B 72A 72B 73A 73B 1 Livestock and livestock products 2 Other agricultural products 3 Forestry and fishery products Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Metallic ores mining 4 5+6 7 8 9+10 Nonmetallic minerals mining New construction 11 12 Maintenance and repair construction 13 Food and kindred products 14 15 Tobacco products 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yam and thread mills Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings 17 18 Apparel Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 19 20+21 Lumber and wood products 22+23 Furniture and fixtures 24 Paper and allied products, except containers 25 Paperboard containers and boxes 26A Newspapers and periodicals 26B Other printing ana publishing 27A Industrial and other chemicals 27B Agricultural fertilizers and chemicals 28 Plastics and synthetic materials 29A Drugs Cleaning and toilet preparations 29B 30 Paints and allied products 31 Petroleum refining and related products 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products 35 Glass and glass products 36 Stone and clay products 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing 38 39 Metal containers 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products Screw machine products and stampings 41 42 Other fabricated metal products 43 Engines and turbines 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery ... 46 Materials handling machinery and equipment 47 Metalworking machinery ana equipment Special industry machinery and equipment 48 49 General industrial machinery and equipment 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electncal 51 Computer and office equipment 1,505 52 Service industry machinery 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus 54 Household appliances Electric lighting and wiring equipment 55 56 Audio, video, and communication equipment Electronic components and accessories Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) 57 58 59A 59B Truck and bus bodies, trailers, and motor vehicles parts 60 Aircraft and parts 61 Other transportation equipment 62 Scientific and controlling instruments .. 63 Opthalmic and photographic equipment Miscellaneous manufacturing 64 65A Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Motor freight transportation and warehousing 65B 65C Water transportation 65D Air transportation Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services Communications, except radio and TV .. 65E 66 67 Radio and TV broadcasting Electric services (utilities) 68A 68B Gas production and distribution (utilities) 68C Water and sanitary services Wholesale trade 69A 69B Retail trade 522,519 70A Insurance Owner-occupied dwellings 390,710 448 231,097 70B 71 A 457,250 71 B Real estate and royalties .. 229 549,884 666 72A Hotels and lodging places 58.936 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 91,564 73A Computer and data processing services Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services Other business and professional services except medical 115,730 387 416 73B 251,701 896 73C 449 73D Advertising Eating and drinking places ... 74 75 Amusements Health services Educational and social services, and membership organizations Federal Government enterprises 76 77A 77B 78 2,092 1,567 -177 57 422 8,766 3 79 64 82 General government industry 84 Household industry 85 Total commodity output T 526,178 390,774 231,654 457,250 559,738 58,936 92,016 118,038 252,597 SUMMARY TABLES by Industries — Continued at producers' prices] Other busi- ness and professional services, except medical Advertising Eating and drinking places Automotive repair and services Amuse- ments Health services Educational and social services, and mem- bership or- ganizations Federal Govern- ment enterprises State and local government enterprises Scrap, used and second- hand goods General government industry Household industry Inventory valuation adjustment Total industry output Industry number 73C 73D 74 75 76 77A 77B 78 79 80 82 84 85 534 504 91,504 108,294 9,613 28,251 10,749 26,917 105,369 13,682 456,949 222,381 25,760 408.482 40.146 41,646 17.580 69,132 19.055 86,865 42,977 99,613 31,938 56,711 110,564 109,880 17,831 48,040 62,674 39,628 14.198 145,709 111,361 9,368 17,815 42,904 76,565 63,773 13.065 49,491 34,703 53,974 17,044 32,031 8,152 25,611 20,231 29,814 25,071 63.924 26,455 27,809 16,636 19,111 52,155 70,940 21.223 150.738 80,266 101,709 30,000 105,489 24,131 41.315 55,754 166,953 32,440 94.141 33,616 208,094 29,359 170.896 93,157 19,182 568,970 522,519 416.272 231,097 457.250 550,113 59,602 91,772 115,730 256,361 340,445 29.865 280,708 138,381 121,368 564,986 228,332 60,972 92,806 764,389 10,087 -7,982 10,822,647 1 2 3 4 5+6 7 8 9+10 11 12 13 14 5 15 16 17 18 19 36 12 79 132 19 72 57 2 29 18 11 20+21 22+23 24 25 35,360 30,114 26A 26 B 27A 27 B 28 29A 29B 30 19 64 31 32 33+34 12 28 31 57 35 36 37 38 39 50 317 17 17 21 4 8 5 78 17 3 36 40 41 42 43 80 44+45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 3 55 49 56 57 58 24 231 59A 59 B 60 11 9 61 62 63 2,401 2 4 64 65A 65 B 65C 65D 65 E 2,153 26,685 66 67 68A 68B 424 114 68C 69A 69B 25,114 70A 70B 71A 71 B 72A 208 72 B 73A 4,273 327,026 214 73B 11,447 29,651 72 93 73C 73D 280,187 521 74 131 74 379 138,235 75 18 121,276 76 564,607 77A 701 227,631 77 B 1,830 98 383 50,200 78 987 29,738 79 764,389 82 10,087 84 -7,982 -7,982 85 332,385 138,530 282,017 164,408 122,937 564,607 227,631 50,200 30,162 2,175 764,389 10,087 T 10 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2.1 .—The Use of Commodities [Millions of dollars Com- modity number For the distribution of output of a commodity, read the row for that commodity For the composition of inputs to an industry, read the column for that industry Livestock and livestock products Other ag- ricultural products Forestry and fishery products Agricul- tural. forestry. and fishery services Metallic ores mining Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Non- metallic minerals mining New con- struction Mainte- nance and repair con- struction Industry number 1 2 3 4 5+6 7 8 9+10 11 12 1 Livestock and livestock products 12,133 22,177 5 3,044 66 672 3.160 38 152 2 Other agricultural products 1 1,217 661 3 Forestry and fishery products 262 2,023 16 2,083 15 4 5+6 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Metallic ores mining Coal mining Nonmetallic minerals mining New construction 4.050 7,787 17 3 6 1,335 814 7 3,042 58 8 20.296 9+10 7 289 2 7 10 474 3,291 170 270 2,154 11 12 Maintenance and repair construction , 997 1,273 335 290 206 70 2,293 101 154 13 Ordnance and accessories Food and kindred products 14 15.973 311 94 15 Tobacco products Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills 16 268 213 56 84 17 139 80 1,189 660 18 Apparel Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 3 1 19 164 460 9 84 36 294 23,353 1.346 1,808 266 181 14,386 5 608 143 20+21 Lumber and wood products 44 67 1 22+23 Furniture and fixtures 24 Paper and allied products, except containers 211 6 7 6 121 215 251 728 8 8 62 8,358 17 23 9 3 28 7 136 5 6 5 2.177 4 4 515 1 4 6 1 1 243 2 1 2 2 1 1,174 9 2 18 1 257 25 Paperboard containers and boxes 26A Newspapers and periodicals 26B 27A Other printing and publishing Industrial and other chemicals 133 1.629 1 77 697 27B Agricultural fertilizers and chemicals 28 Plastics and synthetic materials 29A Drugs Cleaning and toilet preparations 288 65 1 29B 14 5 1 632 15 1 2 189 1,191 147 4,106 5.445 7,039 1,055 23,431 3,699 3,484 111 2,073 4,505 3,899 30 Paints and allied products 7 175 32 261 90 31 Petroleum refining and related products 796 396 35 8 2,937 605 343 7 633 243 493 147 7 32 33+34 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products Footwear, leather, and leather products 35 Glass and glass products 11 5 156 6,224 1,519 1,677 36 Stone and clay products 136 17 58 287 104 82 13 37 Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing 11 160 38 2 39 Metal containers 2 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products 20 34 139 25 81 13 2 27 316 66 7 71 134 63 93 884 157 5 38 51 11 9 42 508 187 3 23,542 284 9,166 9,353 111 3,653 41 42 Other fabricated metal products 259 8 12 40 67 448 22 288 52 19 43 Engines and turbines 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery ... 253 684 22 907 1,327 319 2 3,293 239 408 22 104 4 636 6 46 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment 31 45 1 1 2 13 48 49 31 50 72 138 1 1 35 23 223 114 103 169 94 14 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical 51 52 Service industry machinery 2 3 2 4 53 4 71 2 44 5,019 2,696 945 8.267 1.896 2,361 1,028 552 3,651 626 53 9 22 15 54 55 36 46 2 19 16 9 1 56 57 Electronic components and accessories 58 186 496 5 29 3 7 9 12 977 438 59A 59B Truck and bus bodies, trailers, and motor vehicles parts 58 140 27 43 15 34 40 48 552 324 60 Aircraft and parts 61 2 2 64 1,503 48 1,543 831 7,043 463 640 10 1,770 35 586 23 732 486 3,521 285 326 6 1.014 62 Scientific and controlling instruments Miscellaneous manufactunng 14 9 8 4 60 248 13 329 2 93 1 3 4 769 311 143 95 5 36 1 11 4 160 252 264 246 9 1% 63 64 29 1,168 1,933 115 15 90 229 47 287 1,142 190 82 21 250 2 57 143 16 34 1 26 5 59 227 10 38 2 40 65A 65B Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Motor freight transportation and warehousing 13 26 155 32 1 13 65C Water transportation 65D 65E 66 Air transportation Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services Communications, except radio and TV 67 Radio and TV broadcasting Electric services (utilities) Gas production and distribution (utilities) . . 68A 68B 1,710 861 314 544 5,971 7 2 15 203 20 79 48 50 2 795 77 586 35 3 846 37 183 44 1,626 2,821 83 935 126 589 113 683 274 8 475 45 129 46 710 113 509 18.148 18,381 2,934 2,710 389 68C Water and sanitary services Wholesale trade 107 4,931 298 8.719 10,049 1,329 842 69A 974 8 174 77 302 15 80 26 69B Retail trade 70A 70B 71A Insurance Owner-occupied dwellings 466 311 509 371 71B 72A Real estate and royalties Hotels and lodging places 3,973 25 26 53 60 430 11 9 185 9,375 36 72 60 75 1,122 23 16 492 12 28 6 13 222 159 6 35 55 2 215 43 72 16 412 307 101 58 371 219 94 32 5 23 155 134 5 42 49 1 565 81 8 23 408 201 14 96 45 8 17,182 264 12 115 1,882 384 128 312 113 30 158 38 4 52 131 120 43 55 30 1 2,478 405 242 340 31,394 13,343 343 503 3,002 56 1,297 222 146 202 8,059 7,381 186 271 1,815 33 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 73A 73B 73C Computer and data processing services Other business and professional services, except medical 73D 74 Advertising Eating and drinking places 75 76 Automotive repair and services Health services Educational and social services, and membership organizations Federal Government enterprises 77A 1,414 54 9 16 77B 78 63 10 36 45 25 6 1 18 28 16 18 9 4 84 53 1 3 23 80 8 8 27 468 14 11 274 8 79 2 1.033 80 Noncomparable imports Scrap, used and secondhand goods General government industry 20 81 2 5 3 82 83 Rest of the world adjustment to final uses Household industry 84 85 Inventory valuation adjustment Total intermediate inputs Value added Total industry output I VA T 75,901 15.603 91.504 50,554 57,740 108,294 4,807 4.806 9,613 11,269 16.982 28,251 6,419 4,330 10,749 11,113 15.804 26,917 56.056 49,313 105,369 5,468 8,214 13,682 254,179 202,770 456,949 112.529 109.852 222,381 SUMMARY TABLES 11 by Industries at producers' prices] Ordnance Food and Broad and Miscel- laneous textile goods and floor coverings Miscel- laneous Lumber Furniture Paper and allied Paper- board con- tainers and boxes News- Other Industrial Agricul- tural and accessories kindred products Tobacco products narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills Apparel fabricated textile products and wood products and fixtures products, except containers and periodicals and publishing and other chemicals fertilizers and chemicals Com- modity number 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20+21 22+23 24 25 26A 26B 27A 27B 71,965 31 764 389 52 19 1 3,095 2 692 46 56 11 587 2 2,988 117 195 11 7,058 25 5 22 5 29 29 46 10 7 3 25 4 10 5 5 41 8 26 4 1,055 206 17 29 5+6 2 202 26 27 14 20 3 4 12 366 25 7 3,459 1,009 624 918 8 324 9+10 11 147 1,703 86 220 163 279 64 286 185 1,205 159 331 565 1,092 148 12 362 13 63,572 11 53 639 363 287 14 3,348 15 14 8,781 61 34 2,974 550 14,833 23 13,656 2,210 1 5,101 1,160 438 607 35 1,927 1,129 3 20 3,314 421 100 109 664 5 2 6,508 72 41 16 20 4 169 7 2 26,156 74 49 4 1 17 13 18 73 73 2 1 2 i 37 19 52 37 11 7 20+21 22+23 7 5,150 109 30 28 75 13 14,665 13,453 5,089 16,110 290 47 24 50 7,879 452 44 47 101 40 232 679 1,306 77 15 493 532 81 25 3 4 1,188 1 1 30 13 15 2 12 7 193 21 7 1,149 3,927 164 12.341 8 19 26A 258 2 12 106 26B 207 2,116 4 944 388 5 109 441 69 4,693 661 411 1,978 25.203 1,946 27A 21 80 1 162 211 323 24 2,432 151 926 860 2.046 27 B 283 6,874 4,264 840 395 129 7 28 1,277 29A 484 68 43 75 283 8 144 624 32 394 217 421 9 640 116 530 1,891 71 183 29 B 8 66 106 239 1 111 3 217 30 1,283 55 147 73 147 45 31 358 7,378 225 195 170 346 340 811 1,908 3,316 146 19 1,364 1,245 149 32 258 430 9 271 346 38 17 45 169 121 1.617 439 83 29 90 1 2 33+34 4,014 12 298 1 10 107 120 319 9 647 16 30 1 85 35 36 370 461 3 2 28 47 36 2 233 71 1 37 38 9,422 39 490 352 952 40 170 242 599 1,229 477 2,004 5 332 18 234 3 715 42 41 46 5 23 25 42 22 6 1 43 44+45 29 76 46 37 44 10 15 4 2 7 36 54 24 4 30 42 1 47 81 273 161 125 226 172 62 207 191 5 21 36 35 152 142 16 73 85 292 35 212 148 25 413 640 5 388 10 9 48 1 5 49 70 20 19 61 19 94 50 2 6 15 22 2 49 1 1 51 45 100 1 70 6 173 132 2 12 8 22 47 79 1 52 166 2 53 54 20 281 1,316 94 17 2 7 23 3 1 3 4 6 2 55 56 1 57 7 18 2 1 3 16 1 6 1 21 14 2 58 59A 1 1,976 198 2 6 3 10 238 16 22 8 39 33 12 4 59B 60 2 1 12 61 805 6 8 9 3 1 10 6 21 10 6 2 19 147 114 792 98 21 8 1 62 3 1 2 1 63 26 2,580 5 37 1 102 712 70 23 22 36 633 11 141 4 1.136 1 378 21 182 70 497 3 1,185 64 30 165 279 65A 178 6,159 182 427 293 580 239 2,075 580 2,808 1,211 508 1,804 2.539 986 65B 868 9 15 23 5 6 137 15 190 12 4 24 390 86 65C 115 1,388 110 129 58 287 89 281 153 357 145 197 436 396 54 65D 1 80 12 601 2 61 2 136 4 160 8 225 2 91 4 348 3 432 186 235 1 38 65 E 59 48 44 136 66 67 221 3,381 84 1,143 252 689 159 1,060 384 2,584 324 293 890 2,847 291 68A 44 1,656 15 203 96 230 67 183 101 1,189 77 56 236 2,188 375 68B 23 527 5 48 35 32 20 119 38 547 30 17 75 875 102 68C 655 22,495 716 1,926 697 2,947 940 5,197 2,977 5,006 1,967 1,344 3.999 5,778 919 69A 3 759 115 27 3 12 4 77 74 138 8 41 36 63 11 69B 172 2,676 261 230 117 453 134 591 341 675 206 403 751 792 186 70A 35 677 56 56 25 93 27 151 77 161 46 96 170 188 30 70B 71 A 247 1.621 136 140 81 763 287 582 454 365 163 1,750 2,533 806 90 71 B 78 1,063 121 108 53 208 58 260 129 299 95 172 337 334 55 72A 23 465 37 247 72 105 11 132 33 291 56 45 129 266 49 72B 224 676 66 103 57 96 27 174 82 382 78 366 399 390 78 73A 128 1,172 369 110 66 171 73 338 326 227 63 752 427 2,714 234 73B 398 4,067 292 498 194 3,071 179 1,010 689 1,429 396 2,071 1,838 1,748 384 73C 125 10,554 3,166 107 173 764 92 335 467 620 52 1,536 1,170 757 249 73D 103 1,306 145 151 68 288 83 350 185 373 117 205 418 413 65 74 53 1,532 118 181 79 157 37 430 114 678 148 214 535 587 112 75 5 199 44 4 3 26 2 21 7 30 7 35 41 34 4 76 77A 18 250 33 23 10 45 114 255 63 96 20 49 145 88 21 77B 4 169 54 22 19 63 26 53 53 56 17 431 274 66 4 78 14 358 26 24 27 156 52 143 76 164 18 68 153 82 29 79 6 498 17 28 10 37 25 2 9 33 7 101 800 14 64 183 877 28 5 80 81 82 83 i'6,829 283,455 14,415 27,127 11,811 45,814 11,677 55,007 23,515 59,763 21,638 22,694 53,053 69,592 11,644 84 85 I 14,931 125,027 25,731 14,519 5,769 23,318 7,378 31.858 19,462 39,850 10,300 34,017 57,511 40,288 6.187 VA 25,760 408,482 40,146 41,646 17,580 69,132 19,055 86,865 42,977 99,613 31,938 56,711 110,564 109,880 17,831 T 12 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2.1. -The Use of Commodities [Millions of dollars Com- modity number For the distributon of output of a commodity, read the row for that commodity For the composition of inputs to an industry, read the column for that industry Plastics and synthetic materials Drugs Cleaning and toilet prepara- tions Paints and allied products Petroleum refining and related products Rubber and miscel- laneous plastics products Footwear, leather, and leather products Glass and glass products Stone and clay products Primary iron and steel manu- facturing Industry number 28 29A 29B 30 31 32 33+34 35 36 37 1 Livestock and livestock products 41 2 Other agricultural products 137 22 30 1 1 20 21 7 74,499 407 831 40 16 3 Forestry and fishery products 1 16 13 7 4 20 2 1 23 19 283 4 5+6 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Crude petroleum and natural gas 1 9 17 98 30 2,194 1,349 7 8 58 237 18 1 9 2 9+10 Nonmetallic minerals mining 13 4 13 192 2.889 231 11 12 499 455 215 52 1.097 757 65 141 325 576 13 Ordnance and accessones Food and kindred products 14 52 216 401 129 139 11 843 16 15 Tobacco products 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills Miscellaneous textile goods and floor covenngs Miscellaneous fabncated textile products 9 1 2 1,029 1,192 9 12 171 248 201 4 150 17 8 12 1 18 19 2 1 4 2 1 173 5 165 20+21 3 152 22+23 Furniture and fixtures 24 Paper and allied products, except containers 760 212 2 1 16.336 226 1.591 153 664 6 387 1.529 117 1.503 1 160 3.859 2 1 11 2.895 113 133 3 7 2.093 957 1,391 8 38 5.376 54 31 1 328 41 752 477 159 2 6 1,090 25 16 2 97 904 25 Paperboard containers and boxes 26A Newspapers and periodicals 26B 27A Industrial and other chemicals 2 699 27B Agricultural fertilizers and chemicals 28 Drugs Cleaning and toilet preparations 1,777 19.776 11 242 29A 8.365 49 29B 279 16 199 2.023 2,147 11 423 2.431 2 253 142 1 419 12.427 476 1 330 278 20 78 75 322 6.354 40 50 296 2,132 35 12 108 386 93 56 471 349 2 19 436 137 30 Paints and allied products 31 Petroleum refining and related products 83 1,312 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 33+34 35 Glass and glass products 7 8 1 256 11 214 3 1 3 185 5 1 500 611 155 519 70 1.608 245 19 103 4,374 356 61 36 Stone and clay products . .. 6 1,183 14,171 1.465 2 5 275 1.228 23 37 Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing 38 39 Metal containers 4 81 431 137 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabncated structural metal products Screw machine products and stampings 33 270 668 20 3 61 19 52 285 41 65 40 49 94 2 2 14 42 16 116 43 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery 46 2 204 331 25 640 17 649 26 1.273 410 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment 24 20 26 75 3 7 1 19 2 1 14 89 20 97 48 49 41 24 4 34 1 91 37 107 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical 3 78 51 Computer and office equipment 52 Service industry machinery 1 5 2 7 7 21 1 1 6 37 2 36 4 8 1 548 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus 54 Household appliances Electric lighting and wiring equipment 55 4 12 20 8 43 7 18 56 57 Electronic components and accessories 63 19 58 2 12 4 59A 59B 1 15 2 2 49 14 6 42 13 60 Aircraft and parts 61 62 Scientific and controlling instruments .. 4 4 1 460 945 159 169 13 214 14 42 30 126 254 12 211 2 210 5 5 6 205 453 54 134 2 123 4 1 1 258 360 45 40 2 35 25 6 5 351 699 725 97 4,501 176 11 16 16 768 3.349 183 413 3 308 8 2 1 258 263 59 54 15 4 32 601 2.859 413 127 2 146 87 8 3 1,225 1,886 427 298 2 149 63 Opthalmic and photographic equipment Miscellaneous manufacturing 64 14 10 103 65A 65B Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Motor freight transportation and warehousing 65C Water transportation 65D 65E Air transportation Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services Communications, except radio and TV 37 66 28 50 67 Radio and TV broadcasting . . 68A 68B Gas production and distribution (utilities) 1,072 602 259 2,374 28 363 68 440 153 120 3,970 46 483 85 207 83 68 2.032 127 303 55 83 24 50 619 2 108 19 1.564 11.668 422 5,769 26 1,131 145 2,246 421 160 4,776 135 832 166 72 31 90 409 3 58 17 524 298 40 797 49 118 29 1.177 825 97 1,550 49 297 92 2.804 1,175 535 5,515 21 542 127 68C 69A Water and sanitary services Wholesale trade 69B Retail trade 70A 70B 71A Owner-occupied dwellings 71B Real estate and royalties , 187 145 134 207 1,348 645 280 181 293 18 500 196 60 156 1,730 1,530 3,715 235 161 57 344 124 35 83 604 626 2.604 150 104 38 58 44 9 22 158 115 187 52 33 7 1,230 139 253 323 978 1.206 532 273 482 23 105 44 35 330 1,035 337 205 367 696 1,525 649 442 504 32 408 67 71 234 62 26 9 51 27 89 211 42 24 1 113 54 47 72 64 256 76 74 107 3 332 128 125 166 227 716 256 171 281 8 289 229 317 452 318 1,428 331 296 638 18 72A Hotels and lodging places 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 73A 73B Legal, engineenng, accounting, and related services 73C 73D 74 Other business and professional services, except medical Advertising Eating and drinking places 75 Automotive repair and services 76 77A Amusements Health services Educational and social services, and membership organizations Federal Government enterprises 77B 78 92 13 47 215 229 22 22 1,911 64 41 12 379 9 7 1 68 4 17 25 2 11 14 8 30 100 30 26 100 97 51 56 57 86 2,320 79 State and local government enterprises 80 Noncomparable imports 81 82 General government industry 83 Rest of the world adjustment to final uses Household industry 84 85 Inventory valuation adiustment . I Total intermediate inputs 33.252 14.788 48.040 30,717 31,957 62,674 21,319 18,309 39,628 8.427 5.771 14,198 126,183 19,526 145,709 62,561 48,800 111,361 5,856 3.512 9,368 8,370 9,445 17,815 23.345 19.559 42,904 49,153 27,412 76,565 VA Value added T Total industry output SUMMARY TABLES 13 by Industries — Continued at producers' prices] Primary nonferrous metals man- ufacturing Metal contain- ers Heating, plumb- ing, and fabricated structural metal products Screw machine products and stampings Other fabri- cated metal products Engines and turbines Farm, con- struction, and mining machinery Materials handling machinery and equipment Metalwork- ing machin- ery and equipment Special industry machinery and equipment General industrial machinery and equipment Miscellane- ous machinery, except electrical Computer and office equipment Service industry machinery Com- modity number 38 39 40 41 42 43 44+45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 11 28 2 14 6 19 8 13 2 9 7 15 12 16 7 2 3 4 2,399 18 13 2 12 6 3 5+6 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 7 8 15 1 21 1 9+10 11 366 63 178 334 317 112 164 33 159 118 149 164 380 174 12 13 14 9 15 16 214 1 33 17 3 7 3 2 1 18 19 194 29 15 72 50 10 82 54 27 4 63 20+21 22+23 28 5 32 57 234 7 ib 4 16 137 128 8 35 124 24 56 38 216 196 330 14 33 1 94 22 122 67 182 98 25 1 3 3 5 1 4 2 2 1 5 1 5 1 2 3 4 8 8 1 1 26A 79 2 1 3 26B 253 104 535 173 629 1 22 3 166 26 2 5 60 27A 27B 929 37 85 289 15 12 24 107 28 29A 3 251 150 5 81 69 15 363 190 5 36 45 10 85 45 29 B 7 304 285 33 20 26 121 69 11 31 52 73 15 91 8 61 30 51 31 615 18 537 3 142 1,504 202 1,352 162 237 400 772 120 812 704 32 33+34 239 140 281 70 28 60 54 123 14 40 14 41 4 119 35 8 75 8 228 78 89 8 36 666 2,249 8,750 7,476 6,173 2,224 3,396 917 1,933 1,267 2,286 1,844 72 1,435 37 21,355 4,166 1,177 4,235 1,673 3 3,087 6 434 270 196 573 847 781 1,524 496 1,553 38 39 1,818 59 235 1,425 130 311 292 348 89 427 222 40 32 5 627 525 1,154 643 458 250 218 194 287 245 482 840 41 427 196 1,677 800 3,498 577 530 191 296 572 376 402 197 459 42 39 1,236 1,700 1,215 64 67 143 24 29 43 44+45 11 600 9 160 153 37 3 185 7 150 46 16 330 716 232 106 1,184 383 28 125 47 61 405 2 65 672 508 48 112 18 283 882 463 265 2,306 319 23 467 49 236 43 236 647 434 760 886 245 777 803 18 3 966 1,585 85 11.698 577 50 51 10 1 1 2 003 52 183 1 78 21 313 691 214 247 580 774 1,112 69 1,124 1,422 53 54 51 2 6 4 10 6 5 64 71 13,515 181 55 56 12 35 53 78 4 57 1 5 199 192 33 45 19 20 18 15 58 59A 10 1 11 25 5 75 129 1 6 2 4 3 4 4 59B 60 61 5 4 108 8 3 6 11 5 12 4 3 13 432 4 62 1 5 2 3 1 3 8 63 2 562 9 186 2 156 2 154 7 66 4 12 3 37 1 29 1 48 12 45 64 58 20 32 47 65A 1,870 229 801 524 720 298 508 91 276 203 257 230 116 250 65B 92 238 8 38 17 163 21 122 37 174 17 149 6 92 3 101 2 126 6 107 5 357 5 103 65C 103 35 65D 1 127 1 21 1 70 1 38 1 92 1 72 3 245 1 78 65E 151 180 29 112 94 129 66 67 2,303 166 419 441 782 135 260 49 285 163 321 304 348 199 68A 435 57 168 124 290 35 85 19 69 42 85 75 44 56 68B 181 17 43 396 110 20 26 3 18 13 31 19 34 72 68C 5,438 866 3,002 1,996 2,945 960 2,345 700 1,212 1,413 1,815 947 6,631 1,786 69A 8 5 32 19 35 4 9 1 4 4 8 5 16 18 69B 412 84 331 261 383 112 228 52 175 132 202 176 484 194 70A 91 17 66 51 77 22 49 13 38 25 42 34 82 38 70B 71A 299 61 507 274 474 97 154 61 276 221 207 337 819 136 71 B 191 40 150 100 167 52 100 22 79 62 90 76 200 79 72A 135 25 44 75 87 22 38 6 25 16 40 26 32 26 72B 191 31 124 125 201 81 121 15 76 45 99 55 560 107 73A 166 46 218 286 366 48 225 68 203 193 216 189 603 158 73B 789 130 1,044 611 860 200 381 93 345 240 417 472 727 264 73C 114 33 276 263 490 39 261 58 189 166 289 223 613 221 73D 249 50 209 141 231 69 135 32 123 92 132 101 231 107 74 306 60 147 151 238 50 100 18 88 49 105 75 131 74 75 13 5 8 11 9 5 11 1 3 5 5 8 25 9 76 77A 52 15 50 99 52 13 21 4 22 11 20 18 68 37 77B 30 1 36 25 40 10 34 7 19 25 24 10 16 5 78 86 6 61 19 62 19 32 23 56 27 59 65 45 23 79 123 2 76 33 51 21 90 24 22 69 89 43 3,568 23 80 3,276 85 29 2 10 2 81 82 83 47,441 10,563 28.785 19,619 28,435 10,414 18,933 4,634 11,230 10,585 15,342 10.911 45,932 15,488 84 85 I 16,332 2,502 20,706 15,084 25,539 6,630 13,098 3.518 14,381 9,646 14,472 14.160 17,992 10.967 VA 63,773 13,065 49,491 34,703 53,974 17,044 32,031 8,152 25,611 20,231 29,814 25,071 63,924 26,455 T 14 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2.1 .—The Use of Commodities [Millions of dollars Com- modity number For the distribution of output of a commodity, read the row for that commodity For the composition of inputs to an industry, read the column for that industry Electrical industrial equip- ment and apparatus House- hold appli- ances Electric lighting and wiring equip- ment Audio, video, and commu- nication equipment Electronic compo- nents and acces- sories Miscel- laneous electrical machinery and supplies Motor vehicles (pas- senger cars and trucks) Truck and bus bodies. trailers, and motor vehicles parts Aircraft and parts Other transpor- tation equipment Industry number 53 54 55 56 57 58 59A 59B 60 61 1 Livestock and livestock products 2 Other agricultural products 1 1 1 3 Forestry and fishery products 4 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services 17 33 1 8 7 13 32 54 17 7 22 24 279 21 63 31 15 14 5+6 Metallic ores mining 7 2 18 6 8 Crude petroleum and natural gas 9+10 28 1 11 New construction 12 Maintenance and repair construction 148 86 92 317 925 119 492 566 794 107 13 Ordnance and accessories 14 7 15 Tobacco products 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yarn and thread mills ... 2 178 1,128 5 4,060 4 2,522 44 20 5 18 714 99 6 6 143 20 55 26 15 5 30 70 17 1 1 49 15 141 30 70 330 4 26 354 93 18 1 19 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 124 400 36 8 5 1 2 16 20+21 Lumber and wood products 23 11 2 236 172 1 123 261 2 1 50 2 609 208 119 4 17 17 22+23 13 148 107 9 5 800 1 42 250 4 2 193 24 Paper and allied products, except containers 142 99 2 2 40 25 Paperboard containers and boxes 26A Newspapers and periodicals 26B Other printing and publishing 6 113 27A Industrial and other chemicals 27B 28 Plastics and synthetic materials 82 423 431 131 195 258 7 440 312 129 29A 29B Cleaning and toilet preparations 18 69 163 778 16 136 66 1,449 23 7 65 560 19 11 43 1,011 7 3 7 1,719 188 9,196 2 1,504 201 234 43 4 425 161 2,071 1 64 270 6,749 5,810 160 178 1.665 1 19 218 829 2,430 30 Paints and allied products 160 97 618 31 Petroleum refining and related products 76 1,057 42 1,380 32 33+34 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 35 Glass and glass products 33 90 1,137 750 473 189 690 1,026 2 9 244 592 638 47 332 1.692 16 397 1,138 181 28 1.608 420 36 844 1.302 1.440 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing 38 Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing .... 39 Metal containers 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products Screw machine products and stampings 140 511 199 248 279 544 341 273 731 2,482 78 226 423 12.604 2.794 2,020 1,639 3,233 1.103 197 91 888 1.584 635 218 532 1.283 35 1 59 41 492 276 548 410 42 Other fabricated metal products 43 Engines and turbines 44+45 46 8 197 6 195 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment 61 31 55 37 111 73 314 773 1 75 47 80 98 145 1,022 48 Special industry machinery and equipment .. 49 123 202 11 1 1,961 62 35 18 104 200 8 144 55 794 2 2,225 7 1,351 3,069 2 211 9 275 1.364 144 654 241 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical 85 51 Computer and office equipment 52 348 783 21 238 2 512 83 841 172 98 17 8 111 662 644 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus 260 116 54 Household appliances 55 57 607 370 1.659 12.301 271 135 107 12,958 70 32 2,032 597 840 1,770 2,617 2,496 643 40,366 60 1 2,072 1,396 431 7.063 56 Audio, video, and communication equipment Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies 750 1,621 36 57 58 701 11 145 1 141 1 59A Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) 59B 2 1 2 3 4 7 25,248 60 61 Other transportation equipment 804 93 2 3 66 392 4 139 62 Scientific and controlling instruments Opthalmic and photographic equipment ... 40 6 3 77 229 20 115 653 1 9 43 202 5 59 129 11 1 48 173 4 213 2 214 143 15 57 7 1 39 248 7 85 883 19 12 520 2.372 49 992 9 162 4 16 7 270 1,160 33 424 4 146 5,054 21 13 113 499 17 781 9 225 63 4 69 37 193 2 63 64 Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Motor freight transportation and warehousing 65A 65B 135 309 18 307 2 254 65C Water transportation 65D 65E Air transportation Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services Communications, except radio and TV 66 113 57 58 56 66 67 Radio and TV broadcasting Gas production and distribution (utilities) 68A 68B 278 78 25 1.951 19 236 36 135 42 7 1,140 28 122 24 195 58 20 1,367 31 137 26 276 41 20 3,009 29 388 67 921 115 70 3,855 20 543 101 227 45 55 1,723 19 170 30 487 141 79 12,404 47 1,013 225 792 175 233 5,574 41 603 118 676 109 146 3,088 15 913 134 203 56 40 1,569 8 193 47 68C Water and sanitary services 69A Wholesale trade 69B Retail trade 70A Finance 70B 71A 71B 72A Real estate and royalties Hotels and lodging places 220 84 32 66 121 394 333 118 83 6 62 51 12 24 56 169 436 72 40 5 204 58 15 67 103 236 386 87 56 4 500 156 37 267 429 628 343 196 121 16 727 216 129 347 1,000 1,259 834 272 284 27 165 63 30 53 73 390 199 97 80 4 519 454 130 128 1.204 1,042 683 551 9,801 53 323 244 170 239 502 968 1,578 313 339 40 482 331 160 856 966 1,583 437 407 367 36 410 86 19 112 167 335 171 123 64 5 72B Personal and repair services (except auto) 73A 73B 73C Computer and data processing services Other business and professional services, except medical 73D 74 Advertising Eating and drinking places 75 76 77A Automotive repair and services Amusements Health services Educational and social services, and membership organizations Federal Government enterprises 77B 78 21 22 23 191 35 37 19 32 12 14 30 191 66 64 17 387 110 31 37 294 23 12 30 299 79 414 103 49 465 151 128 39 384 20 225 93 29 98 22 11 53 21 79 State and local government enterprises 80 Noncomparable imports 81 Scrap, used and secondhand goods 82 General government industry 83 Household industry 84 85 I VA T 14,372 13.437 27,809 10.773 5,863 16,636 10,086 9,025 19,111 27i531 24,624 52,155 36.520 34,420 70,940 12,327 8,896 21,223 126,780 23.958 150,738 54.981 25,285 80,266 58.227 43,482 101,709 15,631 14,369 30,000 SUMMARY TABLES 15 by Industries — Continued at producers' prices] Railroads and Scientific and control- ling instruments Ophthalmic and photo- graphic equipment Miscel- laneous manu- facturing related services; passenger ground transpor- tation Motor freight transpor- tation and warehousing Water transpor- tation Air transpor- tation Pipelines. freight forwarders, and related services Communica- tions, except radio and TV Radio and TV broad- casting Electric services (utilities) Gas production and OistriDution i utilities, Water and sanitary services Wholesale trade Com- modity number 62 63 64 65A 65B 65C 65D 65E 66 67 68A 686 68C 69A 3 34 14 8 11 2 i 16 15 6^6 9 13 324 2 1 38 755 6 -99 1 1 3 3 1 1 76 2 3 51 14 32 8 1 2 38 4 278 4 5+6 19 9 9 9 6 7 83 8 5 9+10 11 623 149 189 2,465 736 30 239 574 5 8.177 260 1,535 2.441 12 13 55 90 83 231 i 659 14 15 317 554 18- 1 462 29 181 45 87 54 598 272 16 1 8 3 11 44 63 101 1 92 3 17 23 8 6 18 76 19 74 51 381 479 11 493 21 279 780 7 33 3 2 31 3 19 164 20 78 16 18 1 - 64 16 9 3 24 5 157 1.887 20+21 22+23 896 242 11 22 4 13 60 97 41 181 85 83 12 5 7 11 3 4 2,255 3.120 274 24 25 39 26A 71 3 65 201 372 33 153 242 785 10 89 15 5 5,620 26B 156 505 419 104 103 12 18 8 16 14 296 3 2 198 2 5 353 500 374 335 5 33 466 18 3.476 27A 27B 449 278 992 4 28 5 24 56 210 31 29A 30 33 140 14 38 240 198 2 56 7,930 3 4 9,451 29B 26 727 2 722 30 43 3,336 182 31 2,127 560 1.546 271 1,993 103 32 183 442 4 165 9 156 2,719 32 31 24 140 774 2,003 1 52 2 404 1 2 3 8 1 1 12 4 2 18 2 7 4 100 1 42 33 1 1 9 9 198 114 71 334 464 106 2 522 33+34 370 122 964 1,381 25 762 1,263 1,579 154 10 42 108 4 2 21 16 35 1 2 36 37 4 21 16 1 38 39 7 206 66 145 140 470 5 2 221 40 7 264 42 70 365 244 2 41 476 74 82 42 2 219 102 217 34 356 916 20 86 43 44+45 5 20 2 45 59 151 13 79 440 192 62 43 691 46 152 29 100 75 28 5 1 18 3 47 48 70 450 4 91 22 321 337 105 373 95 5 123 105 43 424 17 63 195 3 8 3 17 49 5 50 1,302 2 1,056 11 1 119 21 3 187 2 9 191 2 4 13 19 4 28 322 3 348 33 29 7 1 188 152 1 258 174 97 51 8 250 8 52 10 1 12 53 54 290 827 9,413 6 18 5 458 21 45 4 7 1 119 8 66 3.464 2,823 130 1 19 176 144 3 056 55 41 208 56 853 15 57 45 3 13 84 203 32 43 79 266 9 107 32 29 383 58 59A 9 4 5 388 808 1 14 2 705 29 31 3 13 10 1,174 1.029 59B 60 944 6 14 62 741 1 7 1 61 3,040 27 123 1,243 13 19 24 83 3 40 105 9 21 8 703 6 52 622 62 11 10 28 63 12 1 3,021 13 39 74 27 32 147 5 33 10 4 535 64 112 82 99 2,368 442 19 128 33 156 18 4,682 40 43 517 65A 454 173 492 368 28,810 104 233 209 248 46 582 46 112 2.189 65B 13 402 14 84 20 139 78 214 209 622 4,282 77 164 6,064 56 233 10 673 740 389 72 275 17 66 142 2.657 65C 73 65D 4 1 442 4,966 1,407 7 820 763 12 1 34 468 9 294 65E 528 114 152 391 2,114 27 1,204 962 27,769 81 810 464 606 190 292 24 64 424 8.677 66 67 814 148 324 96 1,128 120 294 438 194 81 4.784 68A 87 56 105 1 118 9 14 11 70 5 4.711 17,687 519 1.163 68B 67 23 31 108 2,139 36 124 33 228 44 194 24 1.431 940 68C 4,307 1,442 3,455 1,521 5,070 505 1,462 300 1,798 95 1.194 588 611 14,446 69A 55 19 55 185 754 15 43 26 69 8 38 31 170 1,492 69B 800 206 309 971 1,292 1.048 1,535 882 2,218 248 2.887 807 149 6.384 70A 146 35 74 261 1,341 46 151 181 338 166 358 117 230 917 70B 71 A 1,082 131 504 617 3,475 896 1,471 706 3,340 677 1.931 362 77 16.365 71B 319 72 120 139 634 46 300 99 631 76 401 131 47 1.955 72A 76 15 34 77 105 19 273 71 1,444 98 95 26 80 1.241 72B 501 80 79 788 479 280 2,224 2,346 2,845 424 1,746 245 59 7,733 73A 1,200 58 256 404 868 683 1,071 1,752 6,160 436 1.983 2.295 670 6.873 73B 2,413 475 648 1,106 3,409 2,356 1,538 922 4,008 777 1.792 483 219 24.355 73C 1,625 309 1,633 221 354 1,244 1,389 833 3,286 831 131 22 1 14.423 73D 436 95 187 230 747 57 1,832 124 745 90 480 147 60 2,245 74 250 58 117 656 9,615 15 152 220 1,142 129 224 168 74 4,791 75 38 9 17 14 71 15 59 17 2,818 11,122 52 27 5 653 76 217 61 80 121 77A 94 159 136 65 251 312 157 534 48 12 1.135 77B 124 17 118 59 247 10 76 132 658 34 459 105 31 3.283 78 144 220 9 183 94 76 1 90 183 271 599 5 21 8,827 10 250 39 6.384 8 20 25 7 58 2 323 4.104 1 79 2,954 80 81 82 83 84 85 45,262 9,812 23,363 21,364 83.582 19,644 51,975 13,992 87.533 17,550 59.920 70.784 10.380 169.033 I 60,227 14,319 17,952 34,390 83,371 12,796 42,166 19,624 120.561 11,809 110,976 22.373 8.802 399.937 VA 105,489 24,131 41,315 55,754 166,953 32,440 94,141 33,616 208,094 29,359 170.896 93,157 19.182 568,970 T 16 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2.1. -The Use of Commodities [Millions of dollars Com- modity number For the distribution of output of a commodity, read the row for that commodity For the composition of inputs to an industry, read the column for that industry Retail trade Finance Insur- ance Owner- occupied dwellings Real estate and royalties Hotels and lodging places Personal and repair services (except auto) Computer and data process- ing services Legal, engineer- ing, account- ing, and related services Other business and professional services, except medical Advertising Industry number 69B 70A 70B 71A 71 B 72A 72B 73A 73B 73C 73D 1 2 538 5 1 5,017 92 51 43 31 32 107 1 3.927 878 113 599 40 23 12 159 32 2,787 1,777 128 14 19 6 4 8 1 614 74 8 45 42 23 249 81 130 39 6 228 32 193 325 1.961 1 49 190 478 429 1.442 74 1.490 46 4,984 11,904 860 1.679 2.369 1.912 8,763 1.581 37,343 1,590 1.670 3,427 5.286 18.437 26,490 2,219 3,188 437 507 3.067 361 78 1 162.849 359,670 522,519 3 114 2 1,146 1 175 75 2 59 612 19 47 25 2,877 4 29,578 1 10 43 3 546 75 24 814 42 132 50 27 560 396 8 4 359 8 83 189 4 3 10 7 38 2 5 48 37 4 1 70 58 1 31 138 155 366 555 13 1.277 25 3.780 6,591 945 3,473 844 270 5.105 1,637 35,987 1,409 1,944 625 9.389 14,303 5.001 1,651 3,604 171 476 1.559 409 5 3 275 2 1,526 119 6 13 49 503 12 2 54 6 113 1 388 2 44 2 101 1 897 88 31 2 Other agricultural products 3 Forestry and fishery products 3,634 21.663 42 3 3 512 142 37 376 260 43 9 4 5+6 7 Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Metallic ores mining 8 310 51 9+10 11 New construction 12 Maintenance and repair construction 13 Food and kindred products 14 15 Tobacco products 16 Broad and narrow fabrics, yam and thread mills 6 7 89 6 89 2 1,404 573 154 2,451 1.241 4 17 18 Miscellaneous fabricated textile products 19 18 4 20+21 Lumber and wood products 18 2 287 25 35 1,039 10 75 5 728 95 128 1.963 44 22+23 Furniture and fixtures 24 Paper and allied products, except containers 1,133 135 318 3,506 50 381 49 35 1.543 20 203 124 53 191 11 112 72 1 188 247 5 254 38 255 59 34 949 154 12 1,117 9 382 386 350 4 10 7 73 6 85 238 3 12 41 37 91 447 324 57 683 22 12 933 59 75 73 956 1,322 71 481 30 283 10 1,140 1,283 403 467 1,613 79 879 214 5,141 241 4.479 543 3,082 2,525 2,267 327 554 43 326 510 66 22 1 37.775 53,997 91,772 85 7 6 2,223 2 25 Paperboard containers and boxes 26A Newspapers and periodicals 26B Other pnnting and publishing 27A 27B Industrial and other chemicals Agricultural fertilizers and chemicals 2 344 28 Plastics and synthetic materials 23 1 392 125 17 26 10 2 7 46 127 342 6 9 29A 29B Drugs Cleaning and toilet preparations 4 29 2 218 243 41 126 24 3 450 54 1,493 1.039 54 292 83 73 20 38 103 318 139 80 146 568 394 427 439 476 142 867 5 122 63 2,469 404 493 279 170 1.187 629 543 1,615 119 1,808 44 4,473 1.372 290 278 3,835 695 3,055 645 9,814 1.616 612 5,260 6,473 18,122 2,818 2,146 2,313 451 2 1.134 2.099 84 1,264 1 30 Paints and allied products 14 26 31 Petroleum refining and related products 104 192 4 4 32 Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products 61 33+34 Footwear, leather, and leather products 35 Glass and glass products 36 Stone and clay products . 37 Primary iron and steel manufacturing 1 15 38 Metal containers 39 134 40 Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products Screw machine products and stampings 41 265 3 3 22 16 240 2 18 1 22 13 67 337 68 212 6 38 1 42 Other fabricated metal products 42 172 10 43 159 44+45 Farm, construction, and mining machinery 4 2 11 5 46 Materials handling machinery and equipment 47 Metalworking machinery and equipment 48 Special industry machinery and equipment 49 50 Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical 1 187 1 4 8 7 6 13 8 16 4 19 6.602 1 122 77 513 4 4 6 65 2 1 51 Computer and office equipment 52 53 Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus 54 Household appliances Electric lighting and wiring equipment 55 20 4 1 263 54 3 54 324 175 274 887 7 1.014 16 4,175 376 41 119 664 117 10,686 64,466 9,227 1,081 175 2,241 7,742 8,848 2.730 1.283 3.416 144 338 1.781 25 724 1 127,221 103,876 231,097 1 5 4.396 331 19 67 66 53 81 168 10 489 10 2.385 408 29 42 2,713 28 996 93 3,684 322 171 9,273 1.807 3,636 1.084 425 648 46 750 705 14 548 13 8 20 415 91 18 600 312 182 740 35 844 21 3.019 866 130 122 1,233 63 2,711 290 13,594 1.364 207 6,149 19,336 21,105 924 816 1,169 179 781 2.414 72 506 3 2 3 16 23 56 Audio, video, and communication equipment 57 Electronic components and accessories Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) 58 16 34 15 28 85 64 317 15 223 799 787 2,162 359 812 440 115 3.052 105 4.361 217 406 396 512 4.247 1,048 328 382 33 110 301 103 80 59A 59B Truck and bus bodies, trailers, and motor vehicles pans 60 Aircraft and parts 61 Other transportation equipment 62 Scientific and controlling instruments 1 619 646 327 4.295 33 1,383 26 5.192 1,973 478 1.051 1.813 132 59.978 1.267 13.426 1,202 439 12,745 1 1 ,258 16.395 7,426 1,410 1,022 215 865 8,904 142 3.113 1 37 33 19 44 3 73 3 312 148 122 7 3 266 18 176 35 1,360 71 31 249 1,117 2.454 181 84 320 614 63 Opthalmic and photographic equipment 64 Miscellaneous manufacturing Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Motor freight transportation and warehousing 65A 65B 6 25 65C Water transportation 65D Air transportation Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services 65E 66 Communications, except radio and TV 67 68A Radio and TV broadcasting Electric services (utilities) 68B Gas production and distribution (utilities) 68C Water and sanitary services 69A Wholesale trade 186 191 8.542 3.022 16,415 69B Retail trade 70A 70B 71 A Finance Owner-occupied dwellings 71 B Real estate and royalties 72A Hotels and lodging places Personal and repair services (except auto) 72B 73A Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services 73B 2,395 1.640 73C Other business and professional services, except medical 73D Eating and drinking places 74 75 Automotive repair and services 76 Amusements Health services Educational and social services, and membership organizations Federal Government enterprises 77A 77B 67 159 6 47 78 79 State and local government enterprises 80 Noncomparable imports 81 1 137,880 412,233 550,113 82 General government industry 166,107 250,165 416,272 58,419 398,831 457,250 26,071 33.531 59,602 44.385 71.345 115,730 85.369 170,992 256,361 83 Rest of the world adjustment to final uses Household industry 84 93,687 246,758 340,445 10.636 19.229 29,865 85 Inventory valuation adjustment I Total intermediate inputs VA Value added T Total industry output SUMMARY TABLES 17 by Industries — Continued at producers' prices] Eating and drinking places Automotive repair and services Amusements Health services Educational and social services, and membership organizations Federal Government enterprises State and local government enterprises General government industry Household industry Inventory valuation adjustment Total intermediate use Commodity number 74 75 76 77A 77B 78 79 82 84 85 321 1,843 1,747 186 39 147 6 271 55 203 37 748 65 124 85.869 71,142 13,280 27,310 8,268 23,786 138.601 12,371 170 159.448 465 153.699 3,348 37,127 10,074 16,628 10,770 80.245 5.479 80,994 30,352 4,401 56,500 97,797 15,545 46,036 17.620 8,826 12,894 83,751 99.363 3.871 16.883 42,481 81.280 68,611 13,025 43,481 33,140 51,306 10,279 6,049 2,674 9,666 4.224 17.643 22.989 24.759 14.939 21,175 2,658 17,691 12,017 75,400 13,375 1.844 74,459 29.930 3.092 25,540 9,589 13,526 32,452 110,656 12.771 39.502 22.544 95.074 835 98.868 61,944 27,052 280,569 39.882 163,754 90,095 1 2 6 6 2 2 3 53 358 303 4 5+6 6 2 1 7 3 734 1,273 630 51 7 8 3 9+10 11 2,129 535 1,065 10 692 2,889 9,276 922 20,230 12 13 61,536 4,308 2,507 179 14 15 80 10 107 53 78 2 218 95 63 272 117 134 36 49 618 689 135 5 2.353 779 387 3,064 8,163 35 181 7,576 658 3 1.005 6,573 43 928 200 2 12 34 9 80 81 193 2 1,321 279 941 9,352 209 48 8 4 1 109 10 11 34 2 16 38 8 157 25 55 43 124 11 166 190 90 41 107 218 17 18 19 20+21 105 77 116 4 737 104 22+23 899 1,003 29 580 299 45 24 25 6 150 1,209 141 26A 26B 27A 27B 28 9 31 36 352 141 70 5 2 1 15 63 167 56 966 714 151 296 3 21 2 3 39 29A 54 5 722 2,203 3 417 391 121 341 1,962 2,874 2 785 48 38 29B 30 .734 17 18 3 3,612 127 31 32 33+34 49 523 35 36 37 7 5 43 38 39 2 19 88 2 75 250 4 2 2 23 113 160 40 57 104 2 1.467 1,676 657 332 432 1 28 8 99 41 42 43 4 44+45 5 4 46 i 148 162 36 11 46 5 5 78 16 32 35 25 305 6 923 411 7 12 4 7 118 794 99 100 13 233 13 200 296 15 2 93 73 40 23 15 102 64 182 196 12 47 48 8 95 3 15 14 875 49 27 21 101 3 50 51 386 442 10 124 43 42 153 52 53 54 493 16 272 712 108 15,685 1 86 9 3 632 28 55 56 57 46 18 58 59A 350 93 276 257 736 279 59B 60 39 13 57 306 79 243 29 316 6 931 5 228 451 914 201 788 32 758 26 2,117 10 1 11 33 715 967 150 1,549 6 197 155 13 13 51 468 425 270 100 30 468 61 6 19 371 492 2,202 75 896 18 1,088 95 42 50 269 877 62 608 255 1,262 9,594 1,312 407 738 1,783 104 1,725 47 4,993 62 63 64 65A 65B 65C 65 D 65 E 66 67 6,246 997 1,591 13,063 392 2,674 387 1,331 328 389 5,719 1,057 2,206 618 1,797 162 313 1,784 113 1,066 180 4,136 896 1,588 8,507 421 3,717 1,640 2,079 519 667 2,971 326 2,664 522 308 200 331 413 11 407 102 3,896 2,666 1,126 728 19 1,102 198 68A 68B 68C 69A 69 B 70A 70 B 71 A 13,783 810 890 749 2,493 5,882 6,112 4,252 1,193 2,459 7,095 477 1,590 575 998 2,887 2,281 554 1.805 71 7,622 306 315 538 2,696 4,064 4,728 440 806 19,673 33 189 503 41 222 -155 34,279 1,706 1,300 6,224 9,471 24,644 2,524 4,405 3.420 229 11,974 1,477 5,390 192 24 25,605 717 494 4,257 3,221 11,216 5,736 1,646 1,332 912 718 20 13 230 131 907 5 74 212 2,156 24 110 435 3.296 1,679 204 127 492 2 330,296 27,260 23.579 83.729 179.136 271,050 136.364 41,383 70,073 41,927 13,484 16.339 39.448 6.810 44.964 7.147 71B 72A 72B 73A 73 B 73C 73D 74 75 76 77A 443 480 193 128 1 101 503 166 13 507 1,217 2,176 97 20 21 48 23 1,262 65 268 1,003 77B 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 '146,060 134,648 280,708 65,390 72,991 138,381 54.672 66,696 121,368 193,538 371,448 564,986 102,631 125,701 228,332 14,089 46.883 60,972 52,717 40.089 92,806 4.588,742 I 764.389 764,389 10.087 10,087 -7.982 -7,982 VA T 18 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2.1. — The Use of Commodities [Millions of dollars Com- For the distribution of output of a commodity, read the row for that commodity For the composition of inputs to an industry, read the column for that industry Personal consumption expenditures Gross private fixed investment Change in business inventories Exports of goods and services Imports of goods and services Federal Government consumption expenditures and gross investment modity number Total National defense: Consumption expenditures National defense: Gross investment Industry number 91 92 93 94 95 96C 96I 1 Livestock and livestock products 3,709 19,531 3,085 729 857 4,035 -45 800 16.116 2.880 61 1.104 3.122 3.290 686 -2 061 -6 860 -5 659 -21 1 488 -133 -43 984 -898 -809 -21 85C -1 hS~ -a 3 0C"6 C2425 .00620 .00351 30 .00929 .01296 .09777 .04541 .04795 .01027 .03258 .04434 1.02816 .02500 .02194 .02204 03475 0222S cr?92 02148 .01586 .01457 31 .00975 .02550 .02513 .02339 .05988 .03036 .07277 .01942 .00899 1.03603 .05491 .03537 .01799 01 "9C C26'1 01784 .02400 .01907 32 .00012 .00035 .00009 .00009 .00011 .00008 .00014 .00007 .00009 .00050 1.24098 .00008 .00008 ooocs 0OOO8 00009 .00015 .00012 33+34 .00052 .00079 .00219 .00227 .00188 .00585 .00726 .00155 .00316 .00781 .00293 1.07235 .00387 00096 00662 00288 .00756 .00325 35 .00133 .00186 .00578 .00678 .00397 .00230 .00310 .01819 .00709 .00535 .00302 .02182 1.09453 02442 0C"6 00923 .00908 .01018 36 .00273 .00475 .01606 .01086 .00995 .00404 .00931 .01619 .01661 .01573 .00767 .00895 .02163 1 22139 04461 24830 .24289 .27531 37 .00236 .00464 .01192 .00765 .00692 .00350 .00985 .02293 .00463 .00878 .00614 .01045 .00830 04993 1 43023 50527 .13982 .08939 38 .00035 .00068 .00815 .00767 .00394 .00242 .01319 .04024 .00161 .00164 .00441 .00074 .00070 00060 000-3 1 07774 .00077 .00064 39 .00110 .00147 .00295 .00246 .00251 .00129 .00176 .00183 .00316 .00625 .00187 .00345 .00393 00417 00504 00597 1.00446 .00859 40 .00070 .'00108 .00158 .00150 .00141 .00194 .00236 .00151 .00105 .00455 .00210 .00280 .00323 00M0 00378 00524 .01747 .97677 41 .00303 .00570 .01101 .00733 .00719 .00319 .00699 .00602 .00705 .01317 .01323 .00476 .01189 02555 01S81 02775 .04750 .03764 42 .00032 .00049 .00101 .00107 .00085 .00032 .00050 .00071 .00085 .00090 .00048 .00084 .00132 00232 00140 00125 .00316 .00313 43 .00034 .00081 .00243 .00326 .00140 .00041 .00072 .00110 .00289 .00092 .00090 .00139 .00425 00464 00302 00226 .00331 .01189 44+45 .00012 .00016 .00062 .00107 .00038 .00016 .00023 .00031 .00058 .00038 .00020 .00042 .00139 00111 00098 .00067 .00124 .00053 46 .00055 .00101 .00215 .001 1 1 .00177 .00065 .00126 .00140 .00103 .00366 .00118 .00605 .00475 01171 01428 .00895 .01163 .02609 47 .00149 .00543 .00702 .00172 .00397 .00082 .00188 .00216 .00055 .00499 .00162 .00224 .00079 .00137 00235 .00148 .00134 .00109 48 .00064 .00100 .00237 .00255 .00212 .00138 .00124 .00164 .00218 .00211 .00109 .00155 .00367 .02450 01186 00932 .01149 .01028 49 .00157 .00277 .00640 .00337 .00540 .00183 .00343 .00332 .00348 .00898 .00416 .00697 .00520 .01100 .00910 .01003 .01471 .02699 50 .00221 .00196 .00201 .00190 .00200 .00153 .00150 .00152 .00175 .00178 .00177 .00142 .00185 .00214 .00207 .00204 .00171 .00210 51 .00045 .00053 .00124 .00085 .00099 .00048 .00145 .00068 .00094 .00091 .00066 .00072 .00083 .00143 00081 .00089 .00537 .00208 52 .00084 .00121 .00274 .00203 .00215 .00102 .00184 .00174 .00193 .00213 .00118 .00377 .00251 .01220 .00693 .00547 .00661 .00621 53 .00011 .00014 .00028 .00018 .00021 .00010 .00016 .00015 .00022 .00020 .00014 .00099 .00017 .00027 00024 .00021 .00084 .00174 54 .00060 .00106 .00121 .00105 .00133 .00078 .00121 .00477 .00126 .00159 .00111 .00253 .00133 .00239 .00265 .00188 .00136 .00174 55 .00045 .00069 .00046 .00046 .00050 .00040 .00042 .00041 .00047 .00043 .00043 .00036 .00066 .00049 00055 .00052 .00096 .00096 56 .00292 .00307 .00332 .00319 .00331 .00299 .00281 .00294 .00251 .00406 .00299 .00267 .00287 .00413 .00684 .00490 .00411 .00541 57 .00093 .00086 .00092 .00096 .00090 .00061 .00080 .00082 .00084 .00113 .00087 .00066 .00147 .00118 .00797 .00336 .00153 .00189 58 .00010 .00011 .00015 .00018 .00015 .00010 .00012 .00014 .00012 .00016 .00012 .00015 .00023 .00025 .00019 .00020 .00035 .01142 59A .00234 .00251 .00320 .00396 .00325 .00190 .00224 .00290 .00265 .00296 .00273 .00292 .00555 .00403 .00487 .00415 .00420 .00815 59B .00031 .00039 .00074 .00046 .00055 .00035 .00041 .00045 .00033 .00084 .00046 .00038 .00043 .00068 .00074 .00067 .00097 .00082 60 .00022 .00029 .00057 .00069 .00059 .00020 .00037 .00070 .00041 .00064 .00026 .00060 .00077 .00082 .00057 .00056 .00282 .00062 61 .00129 .00232 .00244 .00151 .00153 .00513 .00146 .00129 .00084 .00196 .00106 .00196 .00116 .00238 .00131 .00131 .00411 .00213 62 .00390 .00988 .00258 .00174 .00157 .00185 .00141 .00626 .00083 .00191 .00091 .00082 .00086 .00093 .00090 .00129 .00099 .00106 63 .00193 .00363 .00145 .00134 .00132 .00264 .00287 .00124 .00106 .00249 .00435 .00093 .00186 .00113 .00114 .00118 .00134 .00134 64 .00633 .00908 .01635 .02127 .01739 .00500 .01043 .02444 .00644 .01351 .00691 .01929 .01891 .02370 .01736 .01712 .01171 .01226 65A .02213 .03525 .04773 .08871 .04918 .01561 .03312 .05467 .01792 .05678 .03777 .03412 .10023 .05180 .06482 .06121 .04239 .04273 65B .00091 .00146 .00660 .00783 .00665 .00112 .00333 .00647 .00872 .00435 .00188 .00541 .01307 .00922 .00413 .00452 .00318 .00352 65C .00667 .00747 .00788 .00763 .00854 .00653 .00735 .00738 .00562 .00805 .00894 .00634 .00663 .00844 .00930 .00976 .00788 .00806 65D .00237 .00321 .00895 .00745 .00661 .00218 .00410 .00616 .03521 .00504 .00385 .00379 .00721 .00505 .00536 .00530 .00378 .00380 65E .01365 .01160 .01131 .01216 .01402 .01221 .01260 .01159 .01081 .01152 .01260 .00957 .01185 .01080 .01209 .01269 .01155 .01048 66 .00784 .00414 .00354 .00521 .00361 .01499 .01530 .00480 .00262 .00319 .00819 .00239 .00291 .00287 .00251 .00304 .00306 .00345 67 .01188 .01803 .03899 .03192 .04022 .01398 .01799 .02379 .02848 .03361 .02170 .03730 .03898 .05257 .06023 .04703 .02834 .03105 68A .00644 .01043 .04695 .04484 .03751 .00859 .01474 .02120 .12721 .01889 .01491 .03036 .03676 .03231 .02280 .02330 .01638 .01660 68B .00104 .00152 .00469 .00417 .00447 .00160 .00210 .00350 .00248 .00242 .00599 .00192 .00230 .00444 .00295 .00300 .00214 .00603 68C .04965 .06879 .09240 .09377 .09934 .09166 .08892 .09203 .06641 .08616 .09713 .07586 .06838 .11937 .15520 .16158 .11541 .10966 69A .00216 .00232 .00360 .00383 .00363 .00248 .00527 .00260 .00430 .00366 .00292 .00507 .00400 .00294 .00288 .00319 .00269 .00290 69B .01819 .01956 .02486 .02912 .02660 .01928 .02182 .02438 .02686 .02363 .02242 .01990 .02306 .02482 .02574 .02878 .02222 .02344 70A .00447 .00486 .04643 .00609 .05151 .00666 .04591 .00609 .04087 .00415 .02871 .00497 .03452 .00560 .03287 .00548 .15870 .00556 .03387 .00658 .03464 .00497 .02688 .00684 .03343 .00598 .02893 .00624 .03164 .00671 .03364 .00517 .03173 .00541 .02943 70B 71A .05561 71 B .00550 .00590 .00674 .00700 .00727 .00580 .00639 .00695 .00556 .00661 .00662 .00573 .00609 .00661 .00748 .00861 .00669 .00645 72A .00240 .00324 .00487 .00534 .00608 .00264 .00318 .00347 .00381 .00467 .00372 .00460 .00506 .00716 .00524 .00627 .00390 .00519 72B .01409 .01058 .01273 .01393 .01436 .00962 .00998 .01042 .01201 .01169 .01431 .01071 .01159 .01556 .01312 .01432 .01136 .01252 73A .02513 .01590 .04849 .03743 .05514 .04510 .03381 .03574 .04106 .02799 .01887 .01665 .02110 .02061 .02060 .02228 .01863 .02286 73B .05776 .03956 .04518 .05241 .04724 .05540 .04828 .03797 .03593 .04069 .03951 .03508 .04092 .04751 .04427 .04814 .04941 .04580 73C .00852 .00450 .00386 .00567 .00393 .01625 .01658 .00522 .00285 .00347 .00888 .00261 .00317 .00313 .00274 .00331 .00334 .00376 73D .00671 .00741 .00838 .00856 .00907 .00704 .00789 .00852 .00725 .00854 .00964 .00766 .00802 .00856 .00973 .01100 .00900 .00871 74 .00750 .00986 .01184 .01478 .01346 .00657 .00856 .01021 .00840 .01177 .00929 .01061 .01448 .01530 .01351 .01524 .01033 .01205 75 .00526 .00317 .00297 .00373 .00318 .00914 .00933 .00379 .00243 .00276 .00500 .00203 .00238 .00251 .00244 .00306 .00252 .00286 76 .00009 .00007 .00010 .00017 .0001 1 .00010 .00014 .00012 .00006 .00010 .00083 .00007 .00010 .00009 .00009 .00009 .00008 .00008 77A .00241 .00284 .00282 .00322 .00397 .00586 .00384 .00264 .00285 .00562 .00240 .00209 .00229 .00254 .00299 .00358 .00277 .00456 77B .01179 .0061 1 .00526 .00477 .00530 .00372 .00467 .00429 .00457 .00469 .00587 .00455 .00473 .00587 .00619 .00566 .00469 .00486 78 .00684 .00848 .01556 .01567 .01547 .00565 .00783 .01178 .01480 .01093 .01499 .01128 .01566 .01697 .01606 .01411 .01034 .01413 79 82 84 1.78556 1.93363 2.31027 2.33626 2.43631 1.84559 2.08237 2.29400 2.70922 2.19401 2.41323 1.91941 2.06300 2.22002 2.49382 2.83547 2.20014 2.17582 85 40 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 5. — Industry-by-Commodity [Total requirements, direct and indirect, per dollar Industry number Each entry represents the output required, directly and indirectly. of the industry named at the beginning of the row for each dollar of delivery to final demand of the commodity named at the head of the column Other fabricated metal products Engines and turbines Farm, construc- tion, and mining machin- ery Matenals handling machin- ery and equip- ment Metal- working machin- ery and equip- ment Special industry machin- ery and equip- ment General industrial machin- ery and equip- ment Miscel- laneous machin- ery, except electrical Computer and office equip- ment Service industry machin- ery Electncal industrial equipment and apparatus Commodity number 42 43 44+45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 f 1 2 3 4 5+6 7 8 9+10 11 1? 13 14 16 1?. 17 18 19 20+21 22+23 24 25 26A 26B 27A 27B 28 29A 29B 30 31 32 33+34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44+45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59A 59B 60 61 62 63 64 65A 65B 65C 65D 65E 66 67 68A 68B 68C 69A 69B 70A 70B 71A 71 B 72A 72B 73A 73B 73C 73D 74 75 76 77A 77B 78 79 82 84 85 Livestock and livestock products Other agricultural products Forestry and fishery products Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Metallic ores mining Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Nonmetallic minerals mining New construction Maintenance and repair construction Ordnance and accessories i Food and kindred products 'obacco products Broad and narrow fabrics, yam and thread mills Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings Apparel Miscellaneous fabricated textile products Lumber and wood products Furniture and fixtures Paper and allied products, except containers Paperboard containers and boxes Newspapers and penodicals Other printing and publishing Industrial and other chemicals Agricultural fertilizers and chemicals Plastics and synthetic materials Drugs Cleaning and toilet preparations Paints and allied products Petroleum refining and related products Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products Footwear, leather, and leather products Glass and glass products Stone and clay products Primary iron and steel manufacturing Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing Metal containers Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products Screw machine products and stampings Other fabncated metal products Engines and turbines Farm, construction, and mining machinery Materials handling machinery and equipment Metalworking machinery and equipment Special industry machinery and equipment General industrial machinery and equipment Miscellaneous machinery, except electrical Computer and office equipment Service industry machinery Electrical industrial equipment ar .pparatus Household appliances Electnc lighting and wiring equipment Audio, video, and communication equipment Electronic components and accessories M ellaneous electrical machinery and supplies \ if vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) "i .* and bus bodies, trailers, and motor vehicles parts Aircraft and parts Other transportation equipment Scientific and controlling instruments Ophthalmic and photographic equipment Miscellaneous manufacturing Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Motor freight transportation and warehousing Water transportation Air transportation Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services , Communications, except radio and TV Radio and TV broadcasting Electric services (utilities) Gas production and distribution (utilities) Water and sanitary services Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance Insurance Owner-occupied dwellings Real estate and royalties Hotels and lodging places Personal and repair services (except auto) Computer and data processing services Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services Other business and professional services, except medical Advertising Eating and drinking places Automotive repair and services Amusements Health services Educational and social services, and membership organizations Federal Government enterprises State and local government enterprises General government industry Household industry Inventory valuation adjustment Total industry output multiplier 0.00081 .00150 .00085 .00126 .01137 .00748 .02135 .00245 .02077 .00021 .00343 .00001 .00263 .00117 .00060 .00077 .00819 .00222 .01999 .00874 .00509 .00958 .03521 .00127 .01639 .00027 .00127 .00751 .01550 .04169 .00023 .00252 .00872 .21255 .10019 .00128 .01229 .02623 .96838 .00206 .00539 .00078 .01 1 59 .00166 .00948 .01950 .00207 .00196 .00955 .00024 .00265 .00054 .00630 .00150 .00038 .00369 .00307 .00043 .00496 .00092 .00264 .00979 .03660 .00309 .00736 .00344 .01127 .00360 .03017 .01720 .00237 .10186 .00264 .02171 .00498 .02918 .00638 .00429 .01183 .02047 .04175 .00392 .00855 .01056 .00273 .00007 .00268 .00460 .01041 2.08685 0.00076 .00118 .00057 .00135 .01102 .00730 .01630 .00224 0.00081 .00136 .00089 .00133 .00905 .00669 .01682 .00197 0.00073 .00115 .00071 .00113 .00946 .00632 .01678 .00178 0.00071 .00120 .00076 .00113 .00738 .00543 .01526 .00319 0.00077 .00124 .00088 .00123 .00799 .00500 .01459 .00171 0.00079 .00135 .00072 .00134 .00760 .00565 .01562 .00175 0.00063 .00097 .00045 .00118 .00897 .00537 .01371 .00157 0.00077 .00117 .00056 .00131 .00261 .00265 .01003 .00101 0.00081 .00144 .00096 .00124 .00946 .00527 .01597 .00216 .02145 .00062 .00314 C) .00151 .00081 .00078 .00034 .00492 .00034 .00793 .00417 .00397 .00721 .01566 .00072 .00763 .00014 .00070 .00262 .01272 .02576 .00008 .00130 .01212 .19707 .07085 .00045 .01927 .04286 .04392 .95753 .00861 .00051 .01179 .00104 .03794 .05389 .00288 .00125 .04653 .00051 .00189 .00112 .00979 .01230 .00208 .04281 .06132 .00305 .01255 .00093 .00100 .00798 .04118 .00237 .01101 .00389 .01081 .00277 .02502 .01282 .00219 .11066 .00236 .02252 .00510 .02662 .00682 .00431 .01448 .01698 .04083 .00302 .00906 .01030 .00254 .00007 .00269 .00446 .00937 2.23536 .01905 .00020 .00333 C) .00202 .00124 .00036 .00031 .00698 .00069 .00874 .00467 .00529 .00872 .02080 .00089 .01217 .00017 .00080 .00501 .01325 .05539 .00009 .00193 .00768 .17579 .04035 .00059 .05167 .02150 .02990 .05151 1.01091 .00307 .01801 .00293 .04009 .03752 .00204 .00127 .01483 .00042 .00161 .00062 .00505 .00706 .00147 .01152 .00395 .00264 .00227 .00094 .00203 .00832 .03928 .00275 .00942 .00366 .01166 .00374 .02349 .01299 .00184 .12456 .00232 .02247 .00530 .02605 .00676 .00390 .01261 .02109 .04051 .00407 .00901 .00991 .00306 .00007 .00253 .00488 .00870 2.18521 .01786 .00151 .00301 C) .00159 .00123 .00032 .00027 .00653 .00312 .00812 .00345 .00499 .00838 .01538 .00073 .00820 .00014 .00069 .00253 .01374 .03201 .00008 .00131 .00754 .17412 .06045 .00045 .02536 .03483 .03614 .01023 .01920 .95524 .01344 .01251 .07149 .03857 .00185 .00221 .03680 .00043 .00204 .00122 .00566 .00492 .00067 .00873 .00130 .00175 .00426 .00091 .00156 .00746 .03190 .00209 .00872 .00321 .01219 .00354 .02162 .01241 .00168 .13427 .00204 .02080 .00516 .02812 .00616 .00335 .01024 .02196 .03911 .00385 .00849 .00862 .00269 .00007 00222 .00453 .00992 .01830 .00077 .00297 C) .001 56 .00065 .00036 .00023 .00844 .00026 .00856 .00643 .00431 .00707 .02196 .00085 .01004 .00018 .00074 .00291 .01192 .04032 .00006 .00133 .01740 .12499 .05962 .00045 .01669 .03748 .02504 .00251 .00626 .00147 .93813 .00630 .01833 .04326 .00180 .00087 .02553 .00118 .00281 .00057 .00479 .00270 .00102 .00506 .00156 .00072 .00378 .00084 .00124 .00662 .02898 .00205 .00698 .00280 .01118 .00304 .02285 .01144 .00162 .08347 .00190 .01893 .00448 .02784 .00577 .0031 1 .00962 .01939 .03538 .00331 .00828 .00839 .00231 .00006 .00229 .00390 .00893 .01843 .00033 .00319 C) .00170 .00104 .00117 .00027 .00888 .00023 .01527 .00418 .00505 .00886 .01701 .00076 .00870 .00020 .00075 .00145 .01179 .03339 .00014 .00198 .00784 .10756 .08150 .00041 .02061 .01454 .03898 .00537 .00264 00206 .02058 .98760 .04080 .04644 .00314 .00434 .04295 .00049 .00192 .00070 .01451 .00208 .00027 .00273 .00128 .00070 .00632 .00139 .00118 .00650 .02871 .00184 .00899 .00301 .01281 .00357 .02142 .01068 .00148 .11323 .00203 .01982 .00442 .03016 .00622 .00306 .00974 .02228 .03715 .00388 .00870 .00797 .00280 .00006 .00214 .00466 .00811 2.12357 1.88261 2.02455 .01790 .00034 .00307 C) .00333 .00793 .00035 .00026 .00610 .00023 .01401 .00721 .00530 .00849 .01669 .00113 .01182 .00014 .00081 .00159 .01227 .04044 .00007 .00120 .00853 .12457 .05924 .00040 .01895 .01627 .02645 .01047 .00649 .00330 .01207 .00872 1.02921 .04069 .00211 .00533 .04725 .00085 .00181 .00057 .00744 .00213 .00028 .00529 .00207 .00050 .00584 .00129 .00173 .00642 .02746 .00186 .00825 .00289 .01230 .00380 .02374 .01198 .00167 .10472 .00207 .02029 .00465 .02594 .00614 .00371 .01086 .01988 .03889 .00413 .00855 .00888 .00281 .00007 .00229 .00430 .00909 .01853 .00038 .00254 C) .00121 .00183 .00022 .00021 .00440 .00026 .00668 .00453 .00471 .00719 .01237 .00057 .00583 .00010 .00052 .00119 .01045 .01428 .00006 .00120 .00826 .11330 .10010 .00030 .01244 .01721 .03446 .00500 .00548 .00090 .02775 .00327 .02360 1.00258 .00227 .00126 .00738 .00022 .00728 .00045 .00731 .00220 .00050 .00520 .00504 .00189 .00330 .00092 .00095 .00664 .02602 .00186 .00762 .00271 .00950 .00329 .02370 .01115 .00145 .07528 .00186 .01877 .00425 .03006 .00569 .00305 .00868 .01873 .04003 .00359 .00752 .00772 .00262 .00007 .00207 .00356 .00938 .02135 .00015 .00316 C) .00137 .00065 .00034 .00030 .00467 .00075 .01174 .00712 .00704 .01099 .01501 .00075 .00830 .00015 .00082 .00143 .00845 .02861 .00007 .00390 .00323 .01905 .03490 .00042 .01106 .01470 .01933 .00102 .00069 .00028 .00268 .00106 .00214 .00567 1.15103 .00074 .02444 .00029 .00428 .01250 .34505 .00193 .00025 .00331 .00066 .00033 .00529 .01532 .00168 .00429 .01458 .00105 .01110 .00258 .01445 .00493 .01753 .00654 .00120 .16481 .00235 .02376 .00484 2.02296 1.86974 .03737 .00717 .00295 .01960 .02816 .04384 .00536 .00874 .00759 .00389 .00007 .00336 .00411 .00640 2.29318 .02065 .00127 .00352 C) .00212 .00122 .00038 .00027 .00914 .00119 .01584 .00759 .00555 .00877 .02359 .00104 .01524 .00024 .00165 .00458 .01252 .04197 .00008 .00197 .01179 .10468 .11125 .00061 .01498 .03846 .02835 .00369 .00223 .00076 .00962 .00466 .03163 .02961 .00236 1.04822 .06216 .00822 .00882 .00099 .00817 .00183 .00056 .00938 .00131 .00052 .01857 .00109 .00176 .00760 .03224 .0021 1 .00851 .00322 .01170 .00394 .02321 .01182 .00254 .12158 .00279 .02256 .00510 .02600 .00662 .00353 .01245 .02012 .03782 .00428 .00885 .00904 .00315 .00007 .00333 .00394 .00915 2.19123 0.00077 .00130 .00075 .00145 .00908 .00499 .01852 .00393 .01847 .00017 .00312 C) .00190 .00090 .00030 .00025 .00625 .00029 .01524 .00676 .00601 .00903 .02101 .00091 .01329 .00019 .00151 .00350 .01590 .04073 .00007 .00179 .03693 .08375 -.09053 .00051 .00818 .02224 .01959 .02693 .00238 .00134 .00762 .00123 .01286 .01863 .00544 .00103 1 .00746 .00670 .01098 .00251 .03915 .00338 .00038 .00500 .00127 .00311 .00826 .00100 .00123 .00801 .02900 .00269 .00816 .00314 .01212 .00427 .02340 .01243 .00159 .11325 .00257 .02226 .00457 .02757 .00615 .00345 .01007 .01727 .03927 .00464 .00836 .00849 .00310 .00007 .00246 .00434 .00811 2.02880 "Less than .000005. SUMMARY TABLES 41 Total Requirements — Continued of delivery to final demand, at producers' prices] House- hold ap- pliances Electric lighting and wiring equip- ment Audio, video, and commu- nication equip- ment Elec- tronic compo- nents and access- ories Miscel- laneous electrical machin- ery and supplies Motor vehicles (pas- senger cars and trucks) Truck and bus bodies, trailers. and motor vehicles parts Aircraft and parts Other transpor- tation equip- ment Scientific and control- ling in- stru- ments Ophthal- mic and photo- graphic equip- ment Miscel- laneous manu- facturing Railroads and related services; passenger ground transpor- tation Motor freight transpor- tation and ware- housing Water transpor- tation Air transpor- tation Pipelines, freight for- warders, and related services Communi- cations, except radio and TV Indus- try number 54 55 56 57 58 59A 59B 60 61 62 63 64 65A 65B 65C 65D 65E 66 0.00103 0.00082 0.00069 0.00072 0.00091 0.00131 0.00090 0.00081 0.00086 0.00089 0.00077 0.00200 0.00063 0.00065 0.00127 0.00214 0.00057 0.00063 1 .00215 .00154 .00116 .00128 .00178 .00304 .00163 .00140 .00179 .00160 .00149 .00491 .00122 .00098 .00162 .00196 .00093 .00101 2 .00131 .00078 .00064 .00057 .00098 .00123 .00096 .00055 .00188 .00061 .00083 .00236 .00078 .00044 .00054 .00049 .00072 .00050 3 .00160 .00126 .00116 .00162 .00176 .00153 .00140 .00156 .00159 .00128 .00109 .00171 .00105 .00077 .00113 .00097 .00076 .00096 4 .00868 .00723 .00353 .00369 .00710 .00743 .01684 .00443 .00626 .00298 .00159 .00632 .00143 .00063 .00084 .00052 .00037 .00049 5+6 .00581 .00482 .00251 .00344 .00418 .00508 .00712 .00305 .00487 .00302 .00330 .00381 .00262 .00191 .00215 .00156 .00216 .00113 7 .02213 .01821 .00930 .01204 .01694 .01983 .01941 .01120 .01536 .00965 .01413 .02058 .08055 .05140 .02680 .08540 .01272 .00542 8 .00442 .00284 .00098 .00156 .00191 .00228 .00238 .00120 .00162 .00113 .00181 .00238 .00188 .00083 .00091 .00100 .00061 .00085 9+10 11 .02126 .01852 .01865 .02578 .02043 .02237 .02416 .02016 .01646 .01665 .01655 .01917 .08236 .01988 .02675 .02230 .02928 .05161 12 .00061 .00012 .00259 .00038 .00250 .00038 .00035 .04021 .00019 .01235 .00014 .00009 .00006 .00006 .00008 .00122 .00018 .00009 13 .00422 .00344 .00283 .00295 .00377 .00456 .00369 .00316 .00315 .00340 .00339 .00724 .00256 .00274 .00539 .00981 .00220 .00215 14 .00001 C) C) .00136 .00001 .00001 C) C) C) C) .00001 .00001 C) C) C) C) C) C) 15 .00530 .00311 .00215 .00339 .01990 .00298 .00431 .00488 .00692 .00228 .02269 .00121 .00094 .00342 .00070 .00173 .00074 16 .00209 .00100 .00097 .00062 .00163 .01122 .00189 .00120 .00454 .00590 .00118 .00278 .00071 .00054 .00218 .00031 .00053 .00039 17 .00041 .00032 .00026 .00028 .00034 .00188 .00041 .00047 .00054 .00106 .00024 .00669 .00067 .00025 .00301 .00030 .00028 .00080 18 .00066 .00027 .00024 .00024 .00030 .02529 .00133 .00188 .00469 .00033 .00021 .00311 .00039 .00041 .00356 .00050 .00262 .00023 19 .00855 .00667 .00557 .00511 .00583 .00864 .00867 .00417 .02351 .00511 .00796 .02376 .00944 .00376 .00487 .00407 .00916 .00594 20+21 .00257 .00210 .01161 .00128 .00043 .01753 .00130 .00103 .00210 .00098 .00019 .00193 .00017 .00016 .00014 .00009 .00010 .00031 22+23 .03308 .02318 .01295 .01039 .03884 .01353 .01301 .00657 .00755 .01529 .05565 .03374 .00604 .00568 .00820 .00596 .00830 .00674 24 .01545 .01814 .00545 .00485 .01578 .00735 .00840 .00273 .00365 .00730 .01388 .02320 .00188 .00234 .00172 .00168 .00293 .00160 25 .01039 .00830 .00503 .00619 .00592 .00715 .00906 .00403 .00447 .00674 .00643 .01463 .00372 .00367 .01488 .00709 .00921 .00708 26A .01462 .01155 .00800 .00908 .00938 .01166 .01320 .00692 .00728 .00994 .00934 .02978 .01109 .00892 .01902 .01224 .01903 .01351 26B .04964 .03271 .01613 .02706 .04035 .03859 .03074 .01524 .01909 .01743 .04318 .04783 .01242 .00956 .00890 .00890 .00482 .00443 27A .00198 .00137 .00074 .00101 .00161 .00162 .00121 .00081 .00097 .00084 .00146 .00213 .00057 .00048 .00064 .00055 .00033 .00035 27B .04510 .03093 .01088 .01031 .02852 .02647 .01785 .01165 .01447 .01328 .02136 .03990 .00395 .00442 .00392 .00196 .00247 .00217 28 .00049 .00028 .00016 .00022 .00031 .00033 .00024 .00030 .00017 .00279 .00126 .00061 .00011 .00010 .0001 1 .00012 .00006 .00009 29A .00284 .00236 .00103 .00092 .00159 .00154 .00109 .00066 .00080 .00120 .00182 .00367 .00097 .00068 .00060 .00077 .00038 .00055 29B .00924 .00154 .00104 .00104 .00123 .01456 .00695 .00313 .00699 .00110 .00077 .00719 .00132 .00103 .00157 .00052 .00049 .00099 30 .01760 .01417 .00763 .00942 .01326 .01656 .01527 .00969 .01294 .00799 .01088 .01739 .10150 .06397 .03121 .10906 .00979 .00536 31 .10791 .04995 .03195 .02689 .07896 .08718 .04410 .03070 .03537 .03106 .03653 .05535 .01395 .02002 .00957 .00557 .00844 .00708 32 .00012 .00008 .00008 .00008 .00010 .00092 .00015 .00015 .00021 .00024 .00006 .00174 .00009 .00009 .00020 .00010 .00020 .00012 33+34 .00459 .02848 .00397 .01242 .00294 .01401 .00357 .00190 .00825 .00614 .00881 .00249 .00201 .00109 .00104 .00087 .00088 .00082 35 .01209 .01621 .00274 .00429 .00537 .00760 .01021 .00566 .00641 .00403 .00252 .00763 .00454 .00170 .00246 .00195 .001 57 .00219 36 .10945 .07918 .02253 .02590 .04540 .08198 .15008 .03111 .10217 .02797 .01106 .03703 .02095 .00618 .01075 .00480 .00388 .00500 37 .08455 .08974 .03989 .05248 .09483 .05704 .13549 .05590 .04453 .03307 .01378 .08523 .00864 .00441 .00694 .00399 .00315 .00478 38 .00101 .00055 .00035 .00044 .00060 .00116 .00075 .00042 .00062 .00061 .00054 .00099 .00037 .00031 .00035 .00048 .00016 .00017 39 .00975 .00308 .00864 .00772 .00750 .01022 .02624 .00430 .02670 .00965 .00210 .00483 .00509 .00159 .00281 .00141 .00176 .00282 40 .03716 .03098 .01532 .01477 .01549 .10031 .05288 .01490 .01691 .01536 .01037 .00663 .00274 .00205 .00202 .00154 .00103 .00330 41 .02588 .02932 .02030 .04252 .02851 .03568 .02776 .02693 .02828 .02465 .00793 .01854 .00945 .00633 .01056 .00381 .00407 .00450 42 .00215 .00154 .00053 .00061 .00130 .01574 .00645 .00262 .04541 .00077 .00054 .00080 .00698 .00146 .00854 .00050 .00157 .00218 43 .00178 .00458 .00070 .00086 .00110 .00278 .00411 .00105 .01248 .00086 .00056 .00094 .00110 .00049 .00102 .00058 .00034 .00035 44+45 .00043 .00038 .00021 .00023 .00032 .00050 .00071 .00024 .00085 .00019 .00018 .00029 .00023 .00017 .00020 .00013 .00010 .00009 46 .01057 .00676 .00280 .00398 .00528 .00738 .00851 .01445 .00567 .00382 .00241 .00461 .0023S .00073 .00572 .00112 .00049 .00058 47 .00297 .00137 .00093 .00226 .00153 .00147 .00140 .00089 .00093 .00112 .00141 .00128 .00042 .00034 .00057 .00028 .00033 .00029 48 .00915 .00446 .00210 .00237 .00695 .01060 .02570 .00600 .02843 .00307 .00131 .00360 .00840 .00152 .01476 .00125 .00442 .0031 1 49 .00858 .00885 .00592 .00837 .02076 .02517 .04977 .02126 .01689 .00791 .00617 .01117 .00499 .00246 .00651 .00334 .00238 .00129 50 .00407 .00313 .03000 .09216 .03254 .00535 .00515 .00813 .00205 .02432 .01033 .00579 .00254 .00177 .00262 .00435 .00824 .00635 51 .02754 .00089 .00090 .00091 .00097 .02022 .01391 .00058 .00491 .00072 .00049 .00079 .00181 .00109 .00103 .00063 .00068 .00084 52 .05145 .04008 .00645 .00687 .02036 .00605 .00707 .00519 .03429 .01367 .00699 .00521 .01426 .00256 .00329 .00123 .00225 .00323 53 .95433 .00124 .00035 .00019 .00054 .00057 .00060 .00018 .00600 .00029 .00044 .00025 .00047 .00012 .00033 .00013 .00015 .00025 54 .01561 .96479 .01005 .00611 .00508 .00823 .00491 .00147 .00480 .00498 .00148 .00165 .00224 .00113 .00123 .00069 .00076 .00167 55 .01831 .00441 .99632 .01868 .01179 .01334 .00240 .01228 .00161 .02197 .00121 .00118 .00072 .00070 .00051 .00107 .00122 .01992 56 .02702 .02226 .27490 1.12852 .11543 .03900 .03895 .04063 .00731 .11361 .04625 .01850 .00461 .00351 .00391 .00696 .00800 .02635 57 .00247 .00794 .01156 .00271 .92071 .02267 .02233 .00238 .00618 .00913 .01476 .00187 .00283 .00250 .00207 .00134 .00296 .00224 58 .00049 .00044 .00025 .00026 .00035 1.00449 .03658 .00026 .02417 .00024 .00019 .00017 .00097 .00058 .00068 .00008 .00012 .00011 59A .00306 .00312 .00574 .00644 .02753 .29877 1.03862 .00278 .03497 .00241 .00202 .00268 .01483 .01448 .00266 .00169 .00277 .00203 59B .00147 .00068 .00219 .00065 .00168 .00237 .00266 1.27362 .00534 .02340 .00049 .00080 .00081 .00044 .00090 .03732 .00048 .00042 60 .00050 .00037 .00021 .00025 .00133 .00083 .00144 .00027 1.00985 .00025 .00026 .00235 .01872 .00029 .02513 .00021 .00021 .00014 61 .03846 .01279 .02460 .01199 .01888 .00910 .00508 .06946 .00544 .96109 .01132 .00226 .00104 .00086 .00086 .00260 .00062 .00131 62 .00141 .00113 .00155 .00137 .00408 .00146 .00127 .00149 .00082 .00860 1.02536 .00139 .00087 .00113 .00132 .00103 .00173 .00122 63 .00225 .00537 .00137 .00116 .00154 .00178 .00158 .00110 .00225 .00175 .00128 1.04501 .00132 .00113 .00438 .00148 .00216 .00201 64 .00966 .00768 .00423 .00558 .00725 .01079 .01080 .00460 .00725 .00428 .00669 .00785 .93497 .00632 .00276 .00328 .00269 .00220 65A .03807 .03087 .01548 .01756 .03311 .04750 .04297 .01927 .03355 .01617 .02053 .03355 .01870 1.20510 .01323 .01082 .01205 .00745 65B .00267 .00201 .00101 .00137 .00196 .00254 .00285 .00123 .00184 .00109 .00167 .00225 .00351 .00271 1.08001 .00344 .00203 .00051 65C .00861 .00730 .00821 .00840 .00852 .01400 .01104 .01330 .00900 .00727 .00651 .00775 .00661 .00736 .00588 1.01843 .00865 .00577 65D .00373 .00305 .00219 .00242 .00326 .00488 .00418 .00308 .00325 .00211 .00242 .00336 .02259 .05047 .05685 .12019 1.02074 .00140 65E .01336 .01139 .01211 .01179 .01145 .01292 .01185 .00996 .00982 .01214 .01167 .01331 .01458 .02523 .01107 .02527 .03895 1.15840 66 .00757 .00597 .00352 .00436 .00410 .00504 .00652 .00279 .00316 .00470 .00430 .01057 .00232 .00228 .00998 .00492 .00623 .00519 67 .02585 .02395 .01583 .02251 .02464 .02368 .02936 .01727 .01949 .01619 .01443 .02173 .01760 .01446 .01271 .01166 .01710 .00811 68A .01444 .01300 .00614 .00815 .01114 .01247 .01403 .00705 .01039 .00621 .00895 .01223 .01702 .01154 .00836 .01593 .00378 .00280 68B .00189 .00177 .00104 .00133 .00225 .00253 .00301 .00156 .00182 .00110 .00129 .00163 .00163 .00665 .00141 .00137 .00090 .00096 68C .12499 .11564 .10045 .09909 .12717 .16334 .13530 .07089 .09986 .07466 .08836 .13056 .05677 .05496 .03688 .03582 .02301 .02495 69A .00399 .00362 .00227 .00237 .00297 .00344 .00297 .00189 .00208 .00206 .00244 .00339 .00765 .00742 .00248 .00221 .00260 .00318 69B .02398 .02099 .02039 .02111 .02304 .04079 .02617 .02405 .02037 .01886 .01947 .02241 .03267 .03515 .05155 .03248 .03700 .02166 70A .00549 .00471 .03087 .00425 .02837 .00453 .03034 .00497 .02926 .00688 .03485 .00586 .02892 .00457 .02357 .00503 .03290 .00406 .02687 .00411 .02167 .00565 .03608 .00892 .04071 .01580 .05227 .00483 .05553 .00513 .04897 .00868 .04060 .00406 .03333 70B 71A .02799 71 B .00706 .00622 .00610 .00616 .00646 .00848 .00739 .00682 .00616 .00563 .00536 .00637 .00472 .00677 .00412 .00568 .00512 .00512 72A .00363 .00315 .00277 .00388 .00391 .00526 .00535 .00377 .00296 .00251 .00233 .00334 .00308 .00297 .00235 .00484 .00356 .00936 72B .01074 .01129 .01309 .01347 .01116 .01264 .01296 .01841 .01129 .01161 .00952 .01017 .02190 .01308 .02169 .04015 .08130 .02148 73A .02039 .01912 .02307 .02923 .01918 .02884 .02322 .02468 .01830 .02377 .01382 .02201 .02324 .02155 .04358 .03268 .06693 .04630 73B .04235 .03869 .03759 .04362 .04557 .04694 .04623 .04199 .03573 .04444 .04022 .04591 .04252 .04500 .10727 .04064 .05226 .04096 73C .00821 .00648 .00383 .00474 .00446 .00548 .00708 .00304 .00343 .00511 .00468 .01146 .00253 .00248 .01086 .00534 .00676 .00514 73D .00954 .00869 .00777 .00782 .00902 .01085 .00959 .00869 .00845 .00750 .00705 .00901 .00711 .00820 .00519 .02293 .00632 .00613 74 .00968 .00870 .00683 .00839 .00974 .06492 .01382 .00824 .00924 .00630 .00650 .00905 .01396 .06199 .00456 .00555 .00927 .00811 75 .00495 .00392 .00287 .00336 .00308 .00411 .00472 .00258 .00249 .00341 .00322 .00649 .00213 .00259 .00613 .00417 .00464 .02011 76 .00008 .00007 .00006 .00007 .00008 .00009 .00008 .00007 .00007 .00007 .00007 .00009 .00007 .00051 .00015 .00008 .00007 .00006 77A .00443 .00249 .00305 .00334 .00309 .00604 .00427 .00437 .00249 .00359 .00538 .00631 .00396 .00215 .00617 .00314 .00833 .00284 77B .00624 .00435 .00432 .00394 .00440 .00627 .00611 .00427 .00372 .00405 .00346 .00694 .00448 .00546 .00469 .00457 .00717 .00621 78 .00936 .00899 .00524 .00676 .00928 .01003 .01069 .00612 .00874 .00622 .00557 .00952 .10729 .01350 .06292 .02772 .00486 .00357 79 82 84 2.31873 2.04670 2.00135 2.00356 2.13526 2.78244 2.43026 2.13896 2.07564 1.83668 1.77404 2.14364 1.91496 1.95438 1.94399 1.91215 1.67145 1.67824 85 42 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 5. — Industry-by-Commodity [To:ai requirements, direct and indirect, per dollar Industry number Each entry represents the output required, directly and indirectly, of the industry named at the beginning of the row for each dollar of delivery to final demand of the commodity named at the head of the column Radio and TV broad- casting Electric services (utilities) Gas produc- tion and distribu- tion (utilities) Water and sanitary services Whole- sale trade Retail trade Finance insurance Owner- occupied dwellings Real estate and royalties Hotels and lodging places Commodity number 67 68A 68B 68C 69A 69B 70A 70B 71A 71 B 72A 1 2 3 4 5+6 7 8 9+10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20+21 22+23 24 25 26A 26B 27A 27B 28 29A 29B 30 31 32 33+34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44+45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59A 59B 60 61 62 63 64 65A 65B 65C 65D 65E 66 67 68A 68B 68C 69A 69B 70A 70B 71 A 71B 72A 72B 73A 73B 73C 73D 74 75 76 77A 77B 78 79 82 84 85 Livestock and livestock products Other agricultural products Forestry and fishery products Agricultural, forestry, and fishery services Metallic ores mining Coal mining Crude petroleum and natural gas Nonmetallic minerals mining New construction Maintenance and repair construction Ordnance and accessories Food and kindred products Tobacco products Broad and narrow fabncs, yarn and thread mills Miscellaneous textile goods and floor coverings Apparel Miscellaneous fabricated textile products Lumber and wood products Furniture and fixtures Paper and allied products, except containers Paperboard containers and boxes Newspapers and periodicals Other printing and publishing Industnal and other chemicals Agncultural fertilizers and chemicals Plastics and synthetic materials Drugs Cleaning and toilet preparations Paints and allied products Petroleum refining and related products Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products Footwear, leather, and leather products Glass and glass products Stone and clay products Primary iron and steel manufacturing Primary nonferrous metals manufacturing Metal containers Heating, plumbing, and fabricated structural metal products Screw machine products and stampings Other fabricated metal products Engines and turbines Farm, construction, and mining machinery Materials handling machinery and equipment Metalworking machinery and equipment Special industry machinery and equipment General industrial machinery and equipment Miscellaneous machinery, except electncal Computer and office equipment Service industry machinery Electrical industrial equipment and apparatus Household appliances Electnc lighting and wiring equipment Audio, video, and communication equipment Electronic components and accessories Miscellaneous electrical machinery and supplies Motor vehicles (passenger cars and trucks) .... Truck and bus bodies, trailers, and motor vehicles parts Aircraft and parts Other transportation equipment Scientific and controlling instruments Ophthalmic and photographic equipment Miscellaneous manufacturing Railroads and related services; passenger ground transportation Motor freight transportation and warehousing Water transportation Air transportation Pipelines, freight forwarders, and related services Communications, except radio and TV Radio and TV broadcasting Electric services (utilities) Gas production and distribution (utilities) Water and sanitary services Wholesale trade Retail trade Finance Insurance Owner-occupied dwellings Real estate and royalties Hotels and lodging places Personal and repair services (except auto) Computer and data processing services Legal, engineering, accounting, and related services , Other business and professional services, except medical Advertising Eating and drinking places , Automotive repair and services Amusements , Health services Educational and social services, and membership organizations Federal Government enterprises , State and local government enterprises General government industry Household industry Inventory valuation adiustment Total industry output multiplier 0.00384 .00475 .00039 .00229 .00031 .00202 .00707 .00060 .02399 .00009 .00612 C) .00109 .00034 .00067 .00038 .00394 .00010 .00892 .00172 .01467 .01887 .00522 .00127 .00176 .00015 .00055 .00055 .00672 .00453 .00043 .00061 .00126 .00267 .00286 .00026 .00140 .00094 .00239 .00035 .00032 .00008 .00045 .00029 .00058 .00120 .00479 .00090 .00197 .00015 .00100 .00252 .01287 .00316 .00010 .00238 .00028 .00030 .00079 .00252 .00298 .00255 .00901 .00059 .00594 .00155 .02913 1.03157 .01613 .00392 .00163 .02281 .00235 .02351 .01066 .07037 .00565 .00617 .02335 .03801 .06516 .01138 .00706 .00952 .46014 .00026 .00761 .00671 .00750 2.05599 0.00044 .00103 .00071 .00101 .00070 .10260 .04353 .00156 0.00057 .00141 .00093 .00173 .00099 .00257 .63537 .00220 .08975 .00005 .00171 C) .00091 .00052 .00016 .00020 .00936 .00008 .00339 .00109 .00162 .00394 .00814 .00042 .00216 .00010 .00057 .00107 .02591 .00642 .00006 00063 .00403 .00762 .00542 .00021 .00476 .00187 .00390 .00597 .00396 .00076 .00110 .00023 .00267 .00299 .00182 .00122 .00303 .00029 .00291 .00050 .00262 .00137 .00012 .00210 .00060 .00082 .00126 .00049 .00101 .02944 .01278 .00613 .00431 .00321 .00642 .00103 .87766 .04068 .00174 .02554 .00493 .02648 .00499 .12522 .00005 .00216 C) .00055 .00057 .00016 .00025 .01242 .00010 .00390 .00117 .00207 .00442 .01318 .00073 .00236 .00012 .00059 .00146 .01665 .00558 .00008 .00066 .00635 .01543 .00502 .00026 .00610 .00110 .00654 .00062 .00244 .00043 .00101 .00027 .00199 .00280 .00358 .00190 .00198 .00039 .00232 .00066 .00275 .00122 .00009 .00203 .00037 .00025 .00101 .00077 .00118 .00356 .01105 .00365 .00731 .00844 .00850 .00139 .01813 1.20954 .00130 .03039 .00731 .02580 .00553 .03106 .00387 .00149 .01571 .02515 .02668 .00113 .00481 .00441 .00128 .00004 .00389 .03802 .10441 .12728 .00531 .00192 .01001 .05955 .03157 .00152 .00613 .00656 .00183 .00005 .00217 .00488 .04841 1 .68276 0.00074 .00209 .00151 .00318 .00149 .00483 .05643 .00357 .15139 .00025 .00264 C) .00116 .00096 .00048 .00038 .01999 .00022 .00616 .00225 .00319 .00683 .02902 00205 .00554 .00029 .00098 .00222 .04852 .01576 .00009 .00192 .00990 .01311 .01061 .00047 .00797 .00327 .00873 .00110 .00205 .00024 .00131 .00050 .00250 .00863 .00214 .00502 .00279 .00058 .00352 .00164 .00579 .00315 .00112 .03063 .00078 .00041 .01507 .00115 .00171 .00549 .30245 .00336 .00634 .01324 .02470 .00207 .03821 .04054 .38823 .05274 .01262 .02859 .01409 .04596 .00489 .00446 .01150 .05491 .04435 .00226 .00645 .02349 .00222 .00018 .00220 .00672 .41848 2.56016 0.00086 .00122 .00063 .00115 .00039 .00155 .01047 .00051 .01254 .00004 .00357 C) .00134 .00046 .00149 .00064 .00763 .00009 .01404 .00675 .00919 .02168 .00592 .00101 .00257 .00017 .00124 .00039 .01027 .00854 .00011 .00092 .00111 .00323 .00372 .00110 .00115 00088 .00272 .00035 .00042 .00083 .00075 .00048 .00071 .00219 .00317 .00070 .00097 .00010 .00077 .00090 .00945 .00119 .00015 .00375 .00031 .00015 .00058 .00187 .00208 .00247 .01039 .00075 .00679 .00228 .02287 .00616 .01161 .00564 .00115 1.03790 .00375 .02090 .00370 .04371 .00506 .00349 .01924 .02182 .06003 .00670 .00601 .00995 .00505 .00009 .00316 .00840 .00482 2.08278 1.50700 00068 .00100 .00038 .00184 .00030 .00301 00991 .00055 02202 000O4 00251 00070 00043 0OC21 00022 00421 00012 01625 00275 01514 01886 00483 00047 00215 00007 00070 00046 00949 00692 00037 00045 00124 00287 .00238 00016 .00132 .00081 .00272 .00049 .00031 .00009 .00044 .00037 .00064 .00146 .00170 .00077 .00083 .00013 .00100 .00053 .00294 .00114 .00021 .00551 .00025 .00015 .00056 .001 1 1 .00250 .00269 .00943 .00069 .00487 .00155 .01673 .01109 .02429 .00569 .00187 .01538 .99817 .02713 .00587 .08757 .00468 .00457 .01161 .02084 .05519 .01203 .00624 .00805 .00693 .00007 .00223 .01312 .01080 1.53105 oooesc 00066 00924 0008*! 00019, OC'C<> 0055' COC3l| 01121 OOC04 0C193 0OC5? ooc:« OOC'4 00063 ocrv 0OOC" 00<*9« cc-r 0^04 ^ OC3T3 oco 00' 24 OOOOS 0CC3- 00C34; 0043S 0C32'| 00014 0004J, ooorol 00167 00161 1 00012 .00071 00054 00192 00023 .00018 00006 .00029 .00025 00045 .00072 .00491 .00030 .00074 .0000 .00042 .00061 .00500 .00145 .00007 .00180 .00027 .00013 .00042 .00258 .00279 .00219 .01954 .00048 .00639 .00191 .02248 .00486 .00843 .00373 .00171 .01495 .00137 1.16750 .00624 .05257 .00492 .00237 .04283 .04230 .06163 .00529 .00587 .00549 .00373 .00009 .00359 .02630 .00504 1.63531 30076 30091 30030 00113 30025 3008- 03495 00036 C1347 OOOOS 00313. •I 30O5C, 0OC26i COC1S, 0OC33I cores' oooc-j 0O9.V 0O3-I 006941 01977 X3"4! 0OC3T, 00'66l 00006 30O4l| 0OO6CJ 30491 OCSSl 000131 00060, O0083| 00228 00216 00016 00088 00086 00279 00033 00020 00007 00035 .00029 00053 .00086 .00392 .00046 .00085 .00008 .00059 .00083 .00426 .00218 .00015 .00354 .00038 .00017 .00075 .00294 .00221 .00288 .01213 .00043 .00875 .00201 .03557 .00462 .00645 00256 00095 .01511 .00196 .08827 1.38420 .07687 .00855 .00268 .02224 06132 .07590 .00503 .01019 .02054 .00427 .00010 .00340 .01395 .00455 1.99695 000050 00169 00036 00821 .00016 00025 .00200 00077 05094 00001 00042 C) 00019 00023 00003 00009 00489 00003 00108 00034 00056 00126 00158 00160 00064 00004 00015 00054 00205 00184 00002 00018 00178 00180 .00144 00006 .00258 00027 00130 .00009 .00055 .00004 .00016 .00006 .00033 .00026 .00028 00063 .00045 .00015 .00087 .00021 .00049 .00024 00002 .00042 .00005 00005 .00023 .00018 .00035 .00054 .00286 .00021 .00074 .00031 .00197 .00037 .00154 .00083 .00024 .00558 00285 .02437 .00995 1.00000 .04198 00063 .00043 .00184 .01073 .01057 .00041 .00070 .00136 .00039 .00002 00029 .00117 .00135 0.00066 .00169 .00053 .00596 .00028 .00183 .00674 .00109 .06652 .00003 .00159 C) .00039 .00035 .00011 .00019 .00689 .00008 .00429 .00085 .00359 .00664 .00352 .00102 .00130 00006 .00041 .00081 .00558 .00389 .00008 .00042 .00331 .00294 .00241 .00013 .00321 .00061 .00239 .00026 .00039 .00008 .00033 .00017 .00061 .00086 .00085 .00104 .00084 .00032 .00130 .00048 00153 00062 .00008 .00175 .00019 .00012 .00056 .00072 .00112 .00198 .00779 .00053 00385 .00116 .01188 .00253 .01443 00501 .00297 .01121 00388 01756 .00564 1.06025 .00503 .00465 .00475 .02792 .04021 .00276 .00451 .00809 .00209 .00006 .00160 .00595 .02340 1.22217 1 .43827 0.00148 .00247 .00058 .00560 .00036 .00465 .01381 .00107 .04241 .00006 .00530 (*) .00497 .00117 .00163 .00805 .00590 .00012 .01102 .00367 .00788 .01376 .00693 .00281 .00340 .00015 .00183 .00065 .00975 .00892 .00045 .00521 .00274 .00330 .00274 .00028 .00217 .00093 .00286 .00052 .00049 .00013 .00053 .00038 .00081 .00129 .00213 .00090 .00132 .00035 .00124 .00072 .00333 .00099 .00012 .00291 .00032 .00022 .00097 .00142 .00284 .00375 .01776 .00109 .00662 .01581 .02276 .00499 .03770 .01233 .00611 .02254 .00461 .06988 .00497 .09357 1.00594 .00873 .01544 .02474 .09426 .00545 .00836 .00957 .00397 .00014 .00344 .01024 .01536 1.74514 • Less than .000005. SUMMARY TABLES 43 Total Requirements — Continued of delivery to final demand, at producers' pricesj Personal and repair services (except auto) Com- puter and data process- ing services Legal, engi neering, accounting, and relatec services Other business and pro- fessional services, except medical Advertis- ing Eating and drinking places Auto- motive repair and services Amuse- ments Health services Educationa and social services, and mem- bership organi- zations Federal Govern- ment enter- prises State and loca govern- ment enter- prises Noncom- parable imports Scrap, used and sec- ondhand goods General govern- ment industry Rest-of- the-world adjust- ment to final uses House- hold industry Inventory valuation adjust- ment Industry number 72B 73A 73B 73C 73D 74 75 76 77A 77B 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 0.00091 0.00056 0.00048 0.00084 0.00143 0.05882 0.00067 0.00895 0.00300 0.00415 0.00074 0.00083 1 .00145 .00076 .00066 .0008J .0020< .04675 .001 0£ .0110C .00315 .00412 .00082 .00302 2 .00045 .0002£ .00021 .0002$ .00091 .00741 .00051 .0005; .00054 .0008; .00024 .00194 3 .00137 .0011* .001 1C .00087 .0014c .00857 .001 3C .00445 .00237 .00322 .0003S .00625 4 .00068 .0005C .00015 .00041 .0005; .00065 .00235 .00036 .00053 .00045 .00042 .00136 5+6 .00248 .00111 .00087 .00105 .0021-! .0039C .00262 .00254 .00162 .00197 .0011C .00657 7 .01252 .0049; .00422 .00811 .01036 .0154C .01861 .0092C .0089S .0112; .00906 .04524 8 .00075 .00040 ""01208 .00030 ;b0969 .00050 !00984 .00114 ""6i'763 .00131 ""62463" .00097 ""6l839 .00074 ""62327" .00099 ""01567 .00115 !()5566 .00032 ""6i"667 .00591 ""27640 9+10 11 .01845 12 .00007 .00007 .00005 .00031 .00006 .00004 .0001C .00015 .00026 .00006 .00006 .00008 13 .00321 .00223 .00184 .00292 .00391 .27560 .00265 .0119; .01325 .01723 .00331 .0022S 14 (*] C) C) .00001 C) .00184 J") i") .00132 C) C) 15 .00623 .00048 .00035 .0006C .00140 .00149 .00221 .00191 .00157 .00121 16 .00116 .00026 .00020 .0003C .00107 .00097 .00107 .0005C .00068 .00066 .00043 .00119 17 .00579 .00016 .00012 .00047 .00036 .00033 .00064 .001 5C .00161 .00065 .00021 .00079 18 .00311 .00016 .00015 .00019 .00038 .00087 .00110 .00071 .00136 .00059 .00209 .00040 19 .00440 .00272 .00239 .00266 .01117 .00547 .00408 .00477 .00334 .00893 .00202 .02674 20+21 .00015 .00017 .00008 .00009 .00011 .00020 .00129 .00011 .00011 .00013 .00104 .00020 22+23 .01287 .00925 .00825 .01035 .0871 1 .01944 .00931 .01057 .01108 .02166 .00626 .00627 24 .00311 .00996 .00180 .00537 .00132 .00325 .00283 .00438 .00464 .27007 .01121 .01016 .00333 .00832 .00243 .01461 .00334 .00407 .00339 .01449 .00290 .00161 .00193 .00300 25 26A .02401 .01763 .01374 .01365 .28886 .01651 .01269 .01981 .01171 .05695 .01677 .00641 26B .01148 .00489 .00315 .00829 .01965 .01182 .01274 .00649 .02289 .00831 .00330 .02953 27A .00061 .00035 .00028 .00041 .00097 .00490 .00064 .00280 .00114 .00112 .00022 .00361 27B .00504 .00223 .00123 .00221 .00592 .00491 .00712 .00236 .00523 .00319 .00142 .00497 28 .00042 .00006 .00005 .00014 .00020 .00139 .00014 .00028 .01569 .00050 .00006 .00027 29A .01304 .00041 .00047 .00172 .00103 .00132 .00146 .00081 .00193 .00132 .00095 .00104 29B .00071 .00034 .00024 .00048 .00074 .00070 .00324 .00078 .00046 .00104 .00032 .00313 30 .00993 .00466 .00397 .00829 .00896 .01264 .01911 .00836 .00736 .01034 .00970 .03417 31 .01167 .00730 .00370 .00668 .01322 .01858 .02706 .00572 .01671 .00924 .00328 .01112 32 .00516 .00011 .00027 .00026 .00021 .00015 .00019 .00096 .00021 .00093 .00053 .00009 33+34 .00094 .00114 .00095 .00150 .00069 .00510 .00621 .00064 .00261 .00217 .00039 .00200 35 .00154 .00560 .00100 .00388 .00075 .00170 .00117 .00379 .00143 .00356 .00315 .00527 .00292 .02353 .00132 .00303 .00150 .00304 .00246 .00416 .00076 .00396 .01844 .01289 36 37 .00674 .00612 .00164 .00318 .00315 .00597 .01868 .00320 .00273 .00371 .00332 .01027 38 .00039 .00017 .00011 .00032 .00036 .0071 1 .00039 .00044 .00059 .00060 .00016 .00048 39 .00152 .00254 .00548 .00043 .00173 .00213 .00451 .00032 .00066 .00058 .00186 .00023 .00092 .00131 .00279 .00080 .00160 .00096 .00320 .00041 .00156 .00150 .00369 .00050 .00396 .01543 .01530 .00490 .00139 .00102 .00269 .00036 .00116 .00154 .00282 .00029 .00281 .00129 .00382 .00036 .00100 .00151 .00165 .00035 .01277 .00215 .00821 .00096 40 41 42 43 .00036 .00023 .00018 .00077 .00035 .00092 .00090 .00045 .00030 .00044 .00023 .00379 44+45 .00011 .00009 .00008 .00051 .00011 .00016 .00019 .00009 .00009 .00011 .00015 .00029 46 .00083 .00064 .00040 .00208 .00071 .00064 .00194 .00048 .00049 .00060 .00045 .00144 47 .00093 .00040 .00030 .00149 .00171 .00106 .00074 .00031 .00044 .00056 .00021 .00052 48 .00129 .00061 .00044 .00203 .00077 .00158 .00376 .00064 .00058 .00079 .00087 .00252 49 .00254 .00861 .00151 .09210 .00099 .00569 .00242 .00467 .00200 .00343 .00168 .00138 .00862 .00280 .00134 .00191 .00127 .00398 .00157 .00328 .00300 .00074 .01459 .00176 50 51 .00454 .00036 .00030 .00077 .00060 .00078 .00776 .00155 .00059 .00108 .00077 .00927 52 .00237 .00362 .00083 .00360 .00171 .00106 .00480 .00099 .00116 .00125 .00063 .00315 53 .00754 .00010 .00007 .00013 .00012 .00016 .00030 .00014 .00013 .00028 .00006 .00100 54 .00105 .00110 .00089 .00232 .00040 .00057 .00078 .00083 .00081 .00111 .00106 .00047 .00404 .00091 .00145 .00112 .00096 .00084 .00163 .00095 .00090 .00024 .00514 .00187 55 56 .01732 .00141 .07340 .00344 .00502 .00206 .01217 .00168 .00613 .00156 .00259 .00114 .00920 .00684 .00332 .00632 .00561 .00116 .00503 .00156 .00168 .00091 .00339 .00268 57 58 .00013 .00009 .00008 .00015 .00012 .00016 .00437 .00013 .00010 .00014 .00060 .00016 59A .00289 .00207 .00185 .00316 .00280 .00370 .10208 .00302 .00228 .00326 .01655 .00345 59B .00033 .00035 .00025 .00040 .00031 .00033 .00088 .00027 .00066 .00032 .00126 .00038 60 .00019 .00013 .00016 .00102 .00025 .00027 .00033 .00055 .00016 .00022 .00040 .00053 61 .00195 .00178 .00046 .00104 .00130 .00064 .00183 .00071 .01719 .00169 .00045 .00174 62 .01206 .00225 .00335 .00388 .00524 .00087 .00131 .00140 .00326 .00322 .00058 .00096 63 .01704 .00137 .00201 .00265 .02012 .00278 .00197 .00465 .00154 .00566 .00104 .00234 64 .00299 .00218 .00183 .00281 .00523 .00682 .00475 .00276 .00316 .00323 .00940 .00493 65A .01510 .00704 .00765 .01043 .01961 .02609 .02003 .00977 .01085 .01345 .02734 .02396 65B .00102 .00589 .00200 .00049 .00731 .00157 .00047 .00567 .00139 .00078 .00729 .00190 .00098 .00635 .00220 .00202 .00684 .00281 .00140 .00786 .00427 .00089 .00534 .00159 .00079 .00551 .00166 .00086 .00630 .00199 .00290 .03237 .00547 .00432 .00482 .00332 65C 65D 65E .02130 .03062 .01950 .01964 .03681 .01224 .01800 .01673 .01550 .01792 .00643 .01594 66 .00677 .00338 .00170 .00264 .20324 .00730 .00575 .01034 .00225 .00662 .00073 .00200 67 .01870 .00831 .00655 .00743 .01375 .02923 .01654 .02030 .01176 .01447 .00818 .05151 68A .00971 .00279 .00274 .00068 .00247 .00069 .00372 .00080 .00622 .00119 .01107 .00329 .00889 .00206 .00555 .00186 .00549 .00178 .00686 .00201 .00405 .00278 .03839 .01933 68B 68C .03744 .04878 .01406 .02279 .03991 .08506 .06473 .03120 .03036 .03170 .01550 .03766 69A .00247 .00137 .00121 .00297 .00235 .00386 .00817 .00275 .00208 .00467 .00115 .01354 69B .02110 .01911 .01967 .01770 .01917 .02382 .22149 .02087 .01600 .02382 .01292 .02918 70A .00537 .00280 ""64982 .00300 !07116 .00390 ! 04307 .00564 ""05268 .00531 '"07696 .00853 ""66996 .00433 '"69366 .00577 ""67832 .00560 ]'l3562 .00322 '"62232" .00723 ""65576 70B 71A 71 B .07788 .00495 .00501 .00733 .00631 .00532 .00580 .00608 .00486 .00493 .00553 .00143 .00314 72A 1.04749 .00300 .00205 .00361 .00366 .00526 .01222 .00458 .00376 .00401 .00099 .00338 72B .01243 1.07042 .03113 .02178 .01447 .00938 .01516 .01083 .01663 .02562 .00481 .01141 73A .04851 .03167 1.08605 .04214 .03212 .02224 .02419 .03857 .02845 .02879 .00648 .07301 73B .05637 .05550 .10692 1.05246 .14817 .04707 .05174 .06276 .06140 .07345 .02284 .05155 73C .00735 .00639 .00368 .00647 .00190 .00543 .00353 .00831 .21999 .00662 .00793 1.01412 .00625 .00735 .01122 .00652 .00247 .01024 .00721 .01013 .00080 .00316 .00219 .00490 73D 74 .00900 .00797 .00667 .00870 .01006 .00931 .85550 .00989 .00832 .00925 .00614 .01207 75 .00462 .00306 .00240 .00376 .09900 .01477 .00424 1.17992 .00229 .00872 .00067 .00183 76 .00008 .00007 .00013 .00124 .00013 .00099 .00008 .00053 1.02179 .00016 .00005 .00008 77A .00520 .00923 .00809 .00901 .00429 .01253 .00432 .00848 .00913 .00799 .00323 .01225 .00270 .01260 .00319 .00915 .00382 .01236 1.00682 .01314 .00092 1.00160 .00214 .00897 77B 78 .00839 .00351 .00364 .00360 .00617 .01081 .01401 .01097 .00590 .00770 .00694 1.01522 1.00000 79 82 84 85 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.73151 1.68485 1.52430 1.46813 1.80247 2.08868 1.89597 1.78416] 1.59392 1.77551 1.33821 2.11687 1.00000 1.00000 Detailed Tables Table 1 A. The Make Table for Industries (Rows) 47 Table IB. The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) 65 Table 2A. The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) 83 Table 2B. The Use Table for Industries (Columns) 192 Table 4A. Total, Largest 15, and All Other Commodity Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded . 301 Table 5A. Total, Largest 1 5, and All Other Industry Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded 321 Table D. 1 . Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditures in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices 341 Table E. 1 . Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Producers' Durable Equipment Expenditures in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices 344 45 DETAILED TABLES 47 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ■ Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value 1.0100. 1.0200. 1.0301 . 1.0302. 2.0100 . 2.0201 . 2.0202 .. 2.0203 .. 2.0300 .. 2.0401 .. 2.0402 .. 2.0501 .. 2.0502 .. 2.0503 .. 2.0600 .. 2.0701 .. 2.0702 .. 3.0001 .. 3.0002 .. 4.0001 .. 4.0002 .. 1.0100 4.0001 14.0600 76.0206 1.0200 4.0001 14.0105 76.0206 1.0301 4.0001 14.0101 14.0102 76.0206 1.0302 3.0001 4.0001 76.0206 2.0100 4.0001 76.0206 2.0201 4.0001 65.0302 76.0206 2.0202 4.0001 76.0206 2.0203 4.0001 76.0206 2.0300 4.0001 76.0206 20,285 19,646 86 365 188 15,611 15,514 73 2 22 52,103 51,069 314 502 18 200 3,505 3,146 205 30 124 4,801 4,724 69 8 9,643 9,459 116 11 57 38,458 37,945 344 169 547 545 1 1 3,125 3,061 51 13 8,882 8,708 101 73 1,585 1,561 14 10 12,124 11,993 84 47 2,196 2,162 23 11 795 787 5 3 13,905 13,629 185 91 2,209 2,047 20 105 30 7 10,024 9,972 38 14 5,877 5,877 3.736 3,736 12,767 12,767 15,484 15,484 5.0001 2,037 See footnote at the end of the table. 2.0401 4.0001 76.0206 2.0402 4.0001 76.0206 2.0501 4.0001 76.0206 2.0502 4.0001 76.0206 2.0503 4.0001 76.0206 ^0600 4.0001 76.0206 3.0001 4.0001 20.0100 20.0903 76.0206 2.0702 4.0001 76.0206 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 6.0100. 6.0200 . 7.0000 . 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 . 9.0003 . 9.0004. 10.0000. 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 5.0001 9.0004 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 27.0100 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 9.0004 36.1300 7.0000 9.0001 27.0403 8.0001 27.0100 31.0101 7.0000 9.0001 9.0002 9.0004 31.0200 36.0100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1500 36.1600 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 31.0200 36.0100 36.1100 36.1200 36.1900 5.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 27.0406 36.1900 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 31.0200 36.1900 6.0200 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 27.0100 36.1900 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 "iTosoo 2,028 9 3,458 91 3,350 15 2 5,254 15 5.227 8 2 2 26.917 26,907 2 105,369 97,613 102 7,654 5,143 2 4,886 128 40 37 1 17 27 4 1 3,203 54 3,035 1 38 31 1 3 36 4 1,399 9 2 6 1,268 2 13 99 784 7 15 6 609 5 1 141 3,153 3 1 1 1,616 1,522 10 115,450 115,450 3,274 3,274 43,239 43,239 10,910 10,910 33,596 33,596 1,833 1,833 11,633 11,633 1.673 1,673 1.061 1,061 91,887 91,887 142.393 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300. 13.0500. 13.0600. 13.0700 . 14.0101 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 47.0300 49.0700 56.0500 57.0200 58.0700 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 62.0101 62.0200 62.1000 62.1100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 27.0406 37.0402 38.1400 40.0700 41.0201 41.0203 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 52.0200 57.0300 60.0200 60.0400 13.0300 13.0700 41.0201 44.0001 46.0400 47.0300 49.0100 50.0100 50.0400 53.0500 56.0300 59.0302 60.0200 60.0400 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 24.0706 29.0202 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 50.0400 13.0200 13.0600 48.0600 60.0200 13.0200 13.0600 13.0700 46.0200 47.0500 48.0400 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0800 14.0900 14.1302 14.1502 14.1802 14.1803 14.2700 14.2900 14.3202 33.0001 142.393 63.282 63,282 23,061 23.061 1,719 1,719 134,319 134,319 16,558 12,082 126 47 2 4 115 9 47 284 445 2,162 1,080 45 108 2 3,042 2,569 17 1 116 158 38 12 13 9 4 3 1 10 3 22 7 14 45 2,274 2,223 1 9 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 8 19 2 1,375 1,295 17 47 1 8 1 2 3 1 1,164 16 1,130 3 15 1.347 11 1 1.323 10 1 1 48,871 45.001 2,612 78 2 1 5 5 2 1 916 80 25 143 14.0102 . 14.0105. 14.0200 . 14.0300 . 14.0400 . 14.0500 . 14.0600 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1403 14.1700 14.1801 14.2002 14.2200 14.2300 14.2700 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 14.0102 14.0105 14.0800 14.1100 14.1302 14.1502 14.1803 14.2700 14.3202 14.0700 . 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.2900 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1302 14.1801 14.2005 14.2900 14.3202 27.0100 14.0102 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1302 14.1401 14.1502 14.2200 14.2300 14.3201 14.3202 27.0100 29.0100 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0900 14.1302 14.1801 14.2200 14.3000 14.3202 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1302 14.2200 14.2900 14.3202 29.0100 32.0400 18.670 4.349 13.458 505 41 25 84 25 1 14 42 6 3 21 3 7 13 6 6 31 30 24,800 197 24.473 8 6 5 1 15 78 17 1,003 759 19 88 1 106 30 17.720 26 15,392 486 6 624 28 25 586 1 2 1 77 452 14 7,187 2 312 82 6,007 58 492 33 6 4 3 3 7 3 28 75 1 71 4.828 6 6 71 4.482 222 3 1 1 29 1 6 19.689 15 128 179 682 666 17,149 558 1 11 18 262 3 6 1 10 938 • BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ■ Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value 14.0102 2 14.0102 104 14.2004 54 14.2200 99 14.0700 853 14.0105 34 14.2005 114 14.2300 6.316 14.0800 1 14.0500 48 14.3201 92 14.3202 265 14.1100 1 14.0600 2 14.3202 410 27.0100 1 14.1200 79 14.0800 4 29.0300 23 14.1302 2 6,566 17 14.0900 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 1 3 37 172 14.1803 1.653 4 39 32 14.2400 14.0500 14.1302 14.1403 658 14.0800 14.1700 14.2400 1 14.0102 638 14.0105 6 14.1302 6.998 14.1801 98 14.2500 6 14.0300 20 14.1401 1 14.1802 4 14.2600 13 14.0400 12 14.1402 4 14.1803 1,476 14.0600 2 14.1403 10 14.2500 10,204 14.0700 14.0800 108 5,033 14.1801 14.1803 5 76 14.1900 6.644 1 14.0300 14.0400 2 14.0400 34 14.0900 864 14.3202 14 14.1600 5 14.1401 65 14.1100 213 14.1900 6,637 14.1403 3 14.1301 14.1302 3 14 14.1401 ... 6,053 5.601 14.3202 1 14.1502 14.1700 23 14.1401 242 14.1402 14.1403 28 37 14.1402 14.1403 8 349 14.2002 3.038 1 14.2400 14.2500 44 14.0400 8,578 14.1501 5 14.1502 28 14.0600 6 14.2600 53 14.1600 2 14.1700 13 14.1100 1 14.2900 1,124 14.1801 30 14.3201 7 14.2002 1,378 14.3202 36 14.2005 3 14.3202 47 14.2005 1,531 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 10 26 133 14.1402 8,974 163 14.23O0 14.2600 14.3202 31 1 89 14.2600 637 14.2400 14.2500 10 14.1000 10 14.1401 161 14.2600 576 14.0900 14,497 37 14.1402 14.1403 7,527 334 14.2004 2.832 5 14.2900 27.0406 39 14.0102 14.1402 2 14.0105 2 14.1502 1 14.1502 14 14.0300 14.0400 4 9 14.1802 14.2002 120 3 14.2002 14.2004 14 2,555 14.2700 1 787 14.0101 24 14.0600 5 14.2005 76 14.2005 87 14.1401 10 14.0700 2 14.2300 1 14.2300 17 14.1502 17 14.0800 294 14.3201 148 14.2600 11 14.2700 1,736 14.0900 12,735 14.3202 436 14.3201 84 14.1000 10 29.0100 4 14.3202 45 14.2800 5.083 14.1100 302 14.0400 4 14.1301 14.1302 312 6 14 1403 3,669 1 14.2005 9,859 7 14.0800 14.0900 7 14.0400 14.0900 3 14.1403 5 14.0900 10 14.1100 1 14.1000 15 14.1501 1 14.1100 27 14.1402 6 14.1100 10 14.1502 1 14.1302 1 14.1700 1 14.1403 1 14.1900 7 14.1402 158 14.1801 4 14.1600 58 14.2002 2 14.1403 3,345 14.1802 5 14.2002 6 14.2005 17 14.1801 22 14.1900 2 14.2300 19 14.2103 10 14.1802 12 14.2002 75 14.2800 4,686 14.2200 470 14.1803 4 14.2004 54 14.3202 245 14.2300 61 14.1900 7 14.2005 9,621 29.0100 7 14.3202 202 14.2005 8 14.2300 3 29.0201 19 39.0100 3 14.2900 14.3202 3 71 14.3201 14.3202 3 10 520500 3 14.1000 2,798 2,528 20 14.1501 6.176 19 27.0100 27.0406 29.0100 1 3 61 142900 4,614 8 14.1000 14.2300 14.0102 14.0200 14.1402 2 14.3202 250 14.1501 14.1502 6.141 16 32.0400 2 14.0400 14.0800 3 13 14.1100 14.0102 14.0300 6,324 38 156 14.1502 16,790 11 14 2101 20.593 20.583 1 14.0900 14.1100 14.1403 3 14.2101 14.2102 109 14.0105 24 14.0400 12 14.1301 6 14.2103 8 14.1700 24 14.0800 14.0900 70 224 12 5,201 7 3 14.1401 14.1402 12 6 14.2200 1 14.1801 14.2200 1 3 14.1000 14.1100 14.1302 14.1402 14.1501 14.1502 130 16,528 14.2102 566 566 14.2400 14.2500 31 14.2102 334 14.2500 29 14.2600 92 14 2700 22 14.2103 5,089 14.2700 17 14.1801 14.1803 14.2002 14.2005 14.2200 14.2300 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 1 1 2 25 3 5 228 25 306 19.0200 7 14.0900 85 14.2900 3,900 27.0100 3 14.2103 4,987 14.3202 11 27.0201 1 14.2104 1 24.0702 15 27.0300 1 14.2300 16 24.0706 3 29.0100 34 27.0100 1 14 2104 ., 6,576 29.0201 18 14.1600 .... 1,593 14.2101 2 320400 1 14.1800 1,552 14.2103 19 48.0100 1 27 0406 1 14.3202 41 14.2104 6.548 29^0201 4 6,665 195 6,416 14.2200 4 14.3000 355 14.1700 6.907 10 6084 142200 27.0100 3 23,756 14.3100 14.3000 355 14.1200 14.1401 14 1700 14.0700 14.1200 1.360 14.2500 12 14.0500 13 14.0800 1 14.1301 33 14.3202 75 14.0600 8 14.0900 1 14.1302 8 27.0100 724 14.0800 235 14.1402 2 14.2700 12 29.0203 2 14.0900 223 14.1600 1 14.3000 1 14.2002 1 14.3100 1,286 7.420 3 301 14.1801 24,073 8 7 14.2005 14.2200 14 2300 5 23,108 112 14.3201 14.3202 69 14.1301 14.1302 14.1402 14.0105 14.0900 7,076 141403 74 14.3000 1 14.0102 1 14.1000 1 14.1801 23.393 14.3202 26 14.1100 2 14.1200 2 14.1802 260 25.0000 8 14.1402 1 14.1301 6,897 14.1803 239 27.0406 1 14.1600 7 14.1302 55 14.2005 31 32.0400 14 14.1802 26 14.1403 7 14.3201 29 5Z0100 1 14.2004 26 14.1502 14 14.3202 32 14.2005 17 14.1803 14.2200 14.2300 26 3 55 14.1802 .... 7,604 1 14 2300 6.876 1 32 14.3201 14.3202 6,968 14.0400 14.0500 28 14.1100 14.3000 1 14.1402 41 14 0900 24 14.3202 11,898 14^3201 11 14^1403 14 14.1100 2 14.0102 2 14.3202 3 14.1600 1 14.1301 10 14.0400 16 27.0406 41 14.1801 172 14.1801 74 14.0500 1 14.1802 6.688 14.2002 21 14.0600 4 14.1302 7.513 14.1803 17 14.2103 8 14.0700 2 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES Table 1A.-The Make Table for Industries 49 Industry ' 15.0101 15.0102 . 15.0103 . 15.0200 . 16.0100 . 16.0200 . 16.0300 . 16.0400 . 17.0100 . Commodity produced 14.0800 i 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1301 14.1302 | 14.1403 i 14.1801 14.1802 I 14.2002 14.2004 | 14.2005 I 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2600 | 14.2800 I 14.2900 I 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 27.0100 I 29.0100 I 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 15.0101 15.0103 15.0200 I 27.0406 l Value ,M, " i0nS °'' d *™ P-c i uco^^ < 2° W$M)0ntinUed Industry ' I Commodity produced 17.0600 17.0900 19.0304 i 19.0306 i 24.0701 28.0100 31.0300 32.0400 32.0500 34.0100 4Z1000 Value Industry i 17.0700 . 17.0900 . 34,720 34,154 18 535 13 17.1001 7.0600 . 15.0101 15.0102 I 15.0103 15.0200 15.0102 I 15.0103 15.0200 24.0706 15.0200 | 24.0800 81.0001 16.0100 I 16.0200 16.0300 17.1001 17.1100 i 18.0300 19.0200 24.0706 28.0400 32.0400 I 42.0500 I 62.0500 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 17.0900 17.1001 18.0300 i 19.0304 19.0306 34.0100 620500 16.0100 i 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.1100 18.0300 19.0200 19.0304 l 28.0400 I 16.0300 16.0400 28.0400 16.0300 i 17.0100 17.0600 17.1100 19.0100 19.0200 I 19.0306 I 20.0903 I 28.0400 16.0200 | 17.0100 I 17.1100. 18.0101 18.0102. 18.0201 18.0202 . 18.0203 . 18.0300 . 16.0100 16.0300 17.0700 17.0900 18.0300 16.0300 17.0600 17.0900 | 17.1001 17.1100 I 19.0306 i 24.0706 I 32.0400 42.0500 64.0400 16.0200 i 17.1001 , 17.1100 18.0300 19.0200 19.0306 24.0701 24.0800 I 25.0000 28.0100 29.0100 32.0400 34.0100 62.0500 62.0600 17.0100 | 17.1001 17.1100 | 19.0200 ] 19.0302 22.0400 24.0706 28.0100 I 32.0300 34.0201 , 38.0700 64.0503 i 64.0700 16.0300 18.0101 18.0102 18.0101 18.0102 I 18.0300 18.0400 19.0200 19.0304 16.0200 | 18.0102 18.0300 18.0400 62.0500 18.0300 18.0400 19.0200 18.0300 i 18.0400 19.0200 16.0100 | 16.0200 16.0300 18.0102 18.0300 I 18.0400 I 19.0200 I 19.0304 I 28.0400 29.0202 I 19.0100 . 19.0200 . 19.0301 19.0302 . 19.0303 . 19.0304 See footnote at tne end of the table. 18.0400 . Commodity produced 17.0600 1 17.1001 18.0101 18.0102 I 18.0300 18.0400 19.0200 19.0301 19.0303 | 19.0304 | 19.0306 24.0705 I 32.0300 32.0400 34.0202 34.0301 34.0302 I 34.0304 34.0305 I 42.0500 48.0200 62.0500 64.0105 64.0400 64.1200 16.0100 , 19.0100 19.0200 23.0600 I Value Industry " I Commodity produced 42.0500 I 64.1100 I 64.1200 I Value 19.0305 . 19.0306. 52.187 16.0100 17.0100 17.1100 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 j 19.0304 19.0306 I 20.0903 22.0102 22.0400 24.0500 I 24.0701 32.0300 | 32.0400 34.0302 64.0800 64.1200 19.0200 I 19.0301 19.0302 i 19.0306 24.0702 32.0400 34.0302 41.0203 [ 64.0400 64.1100 I 18.0300 | 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 | 190306 I 22.0300 23.0600 34.0305 i 40.0700 54.0300 62.0500 64.0400 17.1100 I 18.0300 19.0200 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 | 16.0100 i 16.0200 17.0600 17.1001 18.0400 i 19.0200 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 | 19.0306 24.0701 26.0501 26.0802 I 29.0202 32.0400 I 20.0100 . 20.0200 . 20.0300 . 20.0400 . 20.0501 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 I 17.0100 17.0900 I 17.1001 17.1100 18.0400 | 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 I 19.0303 19.0304 19.0306 I 23.0300 24.0500 24.0706 26.0501 32.0300 i 32.0400 [ 32.0600 I 33.0001 34.0302 I 42.0300 I 42.0500 j 51.0400 I 62.0500 I 64.0502 20.0100 i 20.0200 | 20.0901 20.0903 20.0100) 20.0200 20.0300 20.0400 20.0501 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 I 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 21.0000 | 22.0101 23.0400 24.0706 I 20.0100 20.0200 | 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 I 20.0600 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 | 220101 22.0300 I 23.0400 25.0000 27.0402 I 36.2200 20.0100 20.0200 j 20.0400 21.0000 20.0100 i 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 i 20.0600 20.0701 i 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 22.0101 23.0100 23.0400 23.0600 320400 35.0100 36.2000 40.0500 40.0700 40.0800 42.0300 50 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry i Commodity produced Value 64.0301 2 24.0703 2 19.0302 2 20.0300 1 81.0001 18 24.0705 6 20.0502 2 20.0501 11 24.0706 1 20.0903 2 20.0502 16 20.0502 5,095 25.0000 1 220101 24 20.0903 5 20.0200 3 27.0201 1 220102 5 20.0904 5 20.0501 91 27.0402 7 220200 3 21.0000 1 20.0502 4.915 320400 57 220300 1,834 22.0101 6 20.0600 3 35.0100 8 220400 20 23.0100 17 20.0903 2 36.0900 1 23.0100 7 23.0200 14 220101 7 40.0901 2 23.0200 16 23.0300 24 23.0100 1 41.0202 2 23.0300 4 23.0400 2.852 23.0300 2 41.0203 1 23.0500 5 23.0500 30 23.0400 60 420201 5 23.0700 2 23.0700 18 23.0500 1 421000 5 320400 16 26.0501 1 23.0700 1 421100 6 35.0100 4 32.0400 3 32.0400 5 62.0200 2 36.0900 3 36.1500 1 40.0500 2 620700 1 37.0101 17 40.0901 1 55.0200 2 63.0300 2 40.0800 1 64.0400 1 64.0301 2 41.0203 2 64.1100 1 20.0600 7.460 39 692 64.0502 64.0503 64.1100 2 1 4 420300 420500 44.0002 8 2 6 23.0500 20.0100 20.0200 3,329 20.0100 1 20.0300 5 64.1200 1 54.0100 17 20.0501 3 20.0501 26 81.0001 5 61.0500 4 220300 5 20.0502 1 64.0301 16 23.0100 1 20.0600 20.0701 6.630 6 20.0904 3,938 2 64.0400 64.1200 2 1 23.0200 23.0300 14 20.0300 8 20.0904 49 20.0501 1 81.0001 2 23.0400 188 21.0000 5 20.0600 10 23.0500 2.995 23.0400 24.0701 1 5 20.0701 20.0903 2 2 22.0400 2,816 4 23.0600 23.0700 1 19.0100 28 36.1600 1 20.0904 3.892 19.0200 3 24.0706 3 220101 2 19.0306 3 320400 17 20.0701 2,446 31 23.0400 24.0701 8 5 20.0300 220101 1 5 39.0100 40.0100 7 20.0200 1 20.0501 18 320400 5 22.0200 59 40.0400 2 20.0701 2.338 35.0100 2 220300 16 40.0700 6 20.0702 51 40.0500 2 22.0400 2.708 40.0800 4 21.0000 2 81.0001 5 23.0600 1 41.0100 1 22.0101 1 23.0700 4 420300 1 23.0400 81.0001 3 2 21.0000 774 2 320400 420500 3 6 420500 421100 5 20.0100 6 20.0200 26 81.0001 3 44.0001 4 20.0702 2,095 3 1 20.0501 20.0600 20.0901 4 4 38 23.0100 1.963 1 45.0100 46.0200 46.0400 2 20.0200 20.0501 9 20.0501 2 200701 11 20.0903 2 20 0904 3 520300 7 20.0 '02 2.058 21.0000 690 21.0000 1 55.0200 2 20.0703 17 23.0400 3 220101 1 55.0300 2 20.C901 1 25.0000 4 220103 1 57.0300 4 20.0903 1 320400 1 220200 10 22.0101 51.0102 81.0001 1 1 1 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 1.827 72 17 23.0600 1 805 22 0101 8.481 1 19.0100 20.0501 3 19.0100 4 19.0200 1 23.0400 20 23.0600 ^\ rt a r\r\ 1,794 20.0703 4.482 10 20.0200 20.0300 8 8 23.0500 23.0700 5 4 320400 40.0500 64.0700 1 20.0702 1 2 20.0703 4.464 20.0501 13 620200 1 57.0300 8 20.0502 20.0600 10 1 23.0200 5.842 23.0700 2.297 20.0800 2,685 20.0702 5 13.0700 5 20.0501 4 20.0100 10 20.0903 2 220101 2 20.0502 220101 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 2 3 4 13 64 16 54 2069 20.0200 55 220101 8,009 220300 9 20.0800 2.604 220102 31 23.0100 65 20.0901 5 220103 84 23.0200 5.550 22.0101 4 220200 73 23.0300 70 27.0201 6 220300 3 23.0400 4 81.0001 1 220400 17 23.0500 59 23.0100 76 23.0700 2 26 0501 2 1 1 20.0901 2.168 23.0400 4 24.0703 8 320400 40.0100 20.0100 3 23.0500 4 320400 3 20.0200 85 23.0700 3 40.0300 3 40 0700 8 20.0300 1 30.0000 1 40.0700 2 40.0800 3 20.0600 4 320400 10 420300 4 41 .0203 8 20.0901 1.992 35.0100 93 421100 22 420300 1 20.0903 3 55.0200 2 46.0200 10 420500 4 20.0904 1 56.0100 12 55.0200 24 421100 1 21.0000 53 64.0200 1 46.0400 2 22 0101 3 64 0301 5 23.0300 4,411 49.0300 50.0400 1 2 25.0000 5 81.0001 4 19.0200 2 27.0401 1 20.0501 1 520300 3 32.0400 3 22.0102 453 20.0903 4 52 0500 12 42.0500 2 20.0502 1 220101 7 JL-UJUV 53.0800 2 42.1100 8 22.0101 3 220200 1 55.0200 1 81.0001 4 220102 417 220400 3 620500 8 320400 12 23.0100 12 64.1100 8 20.0903 3,670 1 2 47.0300 57.0300 2 18 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 67 4,195 20 24.0100 14.1502 19.0200 5,515 20.0200 7 19.0301 20.0100 1 3 22.0103 331 2 23.0500 23.0700 4 16 24.0100 24.0800 4.488 20.0600 982 20.0200 8 220101 23 320400 1 27.0100 18 20.0300 7 220103 303 34.0201 1 27.0401 20 20.0501 13 81.0001 3 36.1500 4 20 0502 1 38 0800 8 24.0400 2,682 20.0702 20.0901 1 7 22.0200 6,209 1 40.0600 420800 4 1 23.0200 24.0400 3 19.0200 2,561 20.0903 3.482 20.0300 4 421100 46 24.0703 28 20.0904 1 220101 48 59.0302 5 24.0705 28 21.0000 2 220102 10 620102 4 24.0706 10 22.0101 6 22.0200 5,746 62.0400 1 25.0000 2 23.0100 3 220400 383 64.0400 1 26.0501 6 23.0300 1 23.0200 9 64.0502 3 320400 3 23.0400 1 23.0400 8 81.0001 41 23.0700 1 23.0400 3,013 24.0701 4 22.0300 2,027 20.6266 5 24.0500 I 15,344 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES Table 1A.-The Make Table for Industries (Rows>-Oontinued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 51 Industry ' Commodity produced 24.0701 24.0702 . 1.7M I 24.0703 . 5.515 24.0705 . 2,561 24.0706 . 17.1001 17.1100 19.0200 24.0500 24.0701 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 29.0100 29.0202 29.0300 32.0300 32.0400 42.1100 52.0100 62.0500 64.0800 81.0001 17.0600 17.1001 19.0304 19.0306 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 26.0601 27.0402 27.0406 32.0300 32.0400 36.0800 36.1600 42.1000 46.0200 51.0104 51.0400 53.0500 58.0600 62.0500 63.0300 64.0504 64.1200 81.0001 Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' 19.0301 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0706 25.0000 26.0501 26.0806 27.0406 30.0000 32.0300 32.0400 36.1400 42.1000 49.0800 6Z0500 63.0300 81.0001 22.0400 23.0200 23.0500 24.0400 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 25.0000 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 81.0001 24.0400 24.0500 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 81.0001 17.0600 17.1001 19.0304 19.0306 20.0903 11,015 8 2 1 18 5 9,413 118 10 18 239 13 54 40 80 1 45 278 1 15 216 1 4 7 1 371 40 4 7 1 4 24.0800 . 25.0000 . 8,389 2 5 28 304 7,548 1 10 4 52 1 1 7 3 371 1 29 1 3 6 12 1,912 2 9 3 7 9 1,810 33 3 10 11 3 10 2 1,330 74 1 66 1,053 46 17 7 62 4 26.0100 . 26.0200 . 26.0301 4,349 57 8 5 3 4 26.0302 . 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 25.0000 26.0501 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 32.0300 32.0400 41.0203 42.1000 42.1100 56.0200 64.0301 64.0504 64.1200 81.0001 15.0200 17.1001 17.1100 20.0100 20.0200 20.0600 24.0100 24.0701 24.0703 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0401 27.0406 32.0400 32.0600 14.1802 20.0901 20.0903 21.0000 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 25.0000 26.0302 26.0501 26.0806 29.0300 32.0400 39.0100 41.0100 42.1000 4Z1100 47.0300 49.0800 51.0400 64.0301 64.1100 81.0001 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0803 73.0200 81.0001 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0803 26.0806 62.0500 73.0200 14 12 8 11 9 3,898 32 18 9 47 4 3 85 3 4 9 12 1 28 55 10 49,077 23 132 26 10 70 21 1,712 21 12 46.908 1 2 85 6 1 47 31,938 7 2 5 2 5 14 11 21 13 1 16 31,260 3 43 2 3 303 29 1 1 1 7 1 17 2 36 132 Commodity produced Value Industry ' 26.0400 . 26.0501 26.0601 24.0705 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0700 26.0803 51.0104 64.0301 64.1200 24.0703 34,407 8,541 94 14 292 956 12 2 ! 24,477 19 22.304 10,307 588 5 478 27 1 1 14 10,883 16,482 1 907 15,209 14 196 7 1 4 10 129 4 4.662 10 26.0602 . 26.0700 . 24.0706 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 81.0001 14.2005 24.0705 24.0706 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0700 42.1000 730200 19.0302 19.0304 19.0306 24.0400 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 25.0000 26.0200 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 32.0400 36.2200 39.0100 41.0203 42.0402 42.1000 48.0500 49.0800 51.0400 57.0300 62.0500 63.0300 64.0105 64.0503 64.1100 73.0200 81.0001 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 26.0501 26.0601 26.0802 26.0803 27.0402 27.0406 64.0503 64.0504 81.0001 20.0903 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 26.0302 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0802 32.O400 34.0304 36.1500 42.0500 64.0503 64.1200 17.1001 24.0500 24.0705 24.0706 25.0000 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0602 26.0700 10 8 1 4,135 24 417 6 4 19 10 18 11 021 100 3 4 33 43 1S 4 33 r * 5€ li 1 641? S? 58' 14 2 2 113 13 4 3 5 5 674 21 31 8SC 191 17 37 44 276 213 7 2 155 1 31 6 10 4 1 1 10 4 4 99 15 23,702 42 7,038 34 3 5 424 6,533 1 1 2 4 16 3 12 3,622 1 6 40 1 1 205 16 3,248 44 4 41 1 7 6 1 Commodity produced 26 0802 26 0803 2(,oeot r:oix 27.0201 3.635 31 3 73 200 29 2 82 22 44 3,113 27.0202 27.0300 42.1000 64.1200 Value 19.0304 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 26.0302 26.0501 26.0602 26.0802 26.0302 26.0501 26.0803 26.0806 64.0503 64.1100 26.0501 26.0803 26.0806 27.0406 32.0300 42.0201 47.0300 48.0400 8.0001 9.0001 13.0700 14,0400 14.1301 14.1401 14.1502 14.1700 14.2104 14.2300 14.2500 14.2600 14.3202 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0300 32.0400 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2200 37.0102 37.0402 38 0400 38.0501 42.1100 48.0600 64.0502 64.1200 81.0001 9 0004 20.0800 27.0100 27.0201 27.0403 29.0202 361400 40.0200 81 0001 14 22 1,316 1 1 28 6 1 7 26 1,246 1.736 1 34 1,655 44 1 1 3.465 52 45 3.348 3 3 8 2 4 141501 14.1502 <= Q „ fnntnnte at the end of the table. 52 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES. 1992 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of doflars at producers' prices] 27.0401 .... r 2-22 2- :-:: 27.0404. 27.0405. 27.0406. 2-222- 2- 2222 2-;-:-= 2; :-:•: 29.01 OC 2910201 ?z •-.--. 2r 5222 25 :::: 2- ::2 ;- :::£ -= :-:•: fir;:: 52 :-:■: 20.0200 27.0100 2 - :-:- 2-3-2-3 25 :•:•: 2: :j:: 2- :-:■ •- ::: 2-22:: 2" 2-422 2- :-:: 2- 2-22 25 2- :•: 25 :;:•: 122-22 22 222- 22 52:2 22 :2:2 2: 222: 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 2" 22-2-2 22:2:: 32 :-:■: 555-22 35 -25 25 -52 2 35 2::: 38.05C1 -5 ;-:: -2 323- 4.3 2-2-2 22 223 3 6 32 2-2 2 62050C 64.0400 i' :::■ z- :-:: 25 3535 27.C100 32- 2-2- 27.0402 27.0404 2" 2-5-3 22 3233 25 2355 21225 3 32.0400 -5 5533 2-.0405 14.2300 14.2700 " - 2^2 2 17.1001 22.0101 2- 2 _ 2- 2-5"55 27.0100 2- 222" 2~ 22 2-2 2~ 2—2" 2~ 2-22 2- 2-2- 2-2-55 23.010c 25 2222 29.0100 29.02C1 23 2222 2S.:2C3 29.0300 2 2 223 3 2- 2-22 31.0103 31.0200 3" 2222 32.0300 "52 100 "357 53 334 35 18 8 7 10 -3 1 9 1 1 728 3 6 63" 5 3 32 5420 1 1 6 65 1 - 5-5 5 4 52 55 46 - 1 11 1 -2- 16 1 1 4 12 38 •5 7 1 • 12 - 3 ■ - 4 1 1 1.187 4 1.183 5 55- 2 2 1 1 2976 12 7 27 3 2 1 618 518 9.736 27 5 1 1 2 12 1 444 5 3 30 31 8 8.325 13 53 4 63 53 :i 2 58 55 3 1 2 1 25 :■:: 22 223 3 22 3322 23 2-2-2 29.01 0C -- -z-- 2" ■~ - " .- - 1 25 ' ' 22 1 25 "522 40 35.1900 32 22 222 2 -2 2"22 1 -2-22 8 45.0100 23 -5 2222 13 47.0100 1 -- 2—22 3 -5 3-335 3 52 35 52 1 55 2322 1 5" 2522 8 2 2 2-5 2 2 3 52 2-22 3 ;. 1 52 2-22 4 52 2522 1 52 2622 1 52 222 2 i2 2222 7 5- 2-2 2 1 5- 2525 1 5-2 22 2 8 64.1200 1 31.052 27.0100 2 5"- 2" 222- -5 2" 2233 154 2" 2-2- 29 2" 2-22 153 2- 2-5-5 - 25 2 22 25 re. 25 3552 284 22 2-22 9 25 2 • 2-3 •3" 25 2222 55 5 2 2222 15 31.0102 16 31.0103 1 52 3-2 2 656 36.1100 3 37.0402 2 49.0100 - 55 2522 ~ 81.0001 25 4.116 27.0100 "2 5 2" 222- 35 2" 2-22 44 2" 2-25 10 25 2-23 29 25 2 2 2 2 3.267 22 2-22 1 52 2-2 2 21 81.0001 1 - -2 5 - 262-2 3 27.0100 4 22 5555 1.656 22 2-22 117 - 532 17.1001 216 27.0100 - 32- 2" 2-2-5 4 22 2 - 2-2 685 25 2222 3 25 235 5 69 22 2-2-2 3 23- 52 3555 16 32 2-55 94 81.0001 3 62 5~- 14.0105 1 - -555 30 •-2253 1 -2222 6 27.0100 550 2" 222 2 •"2 2- 2-25 28 25 5222 10 22 2-55 60.829 23 222 - 1 23 5232 4 23 5255 2 3 255555 726 52 2—2 2 2 -5 5255 1 52 2-22 9 52 5-22 195 52 2522 7 52 2252 1 62 5 5-25 1 52 -2 22 27 55 2222 14 52 2222 3 23 222- 29.C202. 22 2222 23 .22. 2 2 5 25 5 5- 2 35- -3 12902 19.0200 2 27.0100 342 2" 222" 3 2" 2 22 2 15 2" 2-2-53 -"5 25 2-22 1 2S.010C 1 25 222 -2 "55 25 2252 1291 25 2222 181 25 5325 662 55 5535 21 5" 2 22 48 32.0400 2 62 25 2 2 1 5- 2 5 2 2 2 5 2- 1471700 3 •5 2226 1 24.0500 22 24.0706 1 27.01 M 10 2" 2 2 2 2 312 27.0406 75 25 222 5 5 29.0100 9 29.0201 554 29.C2C2 4 53" 29 0203 3 29.0300 334 2 2 2 32 3 4 31.0102 9 32.0300 1 32.0400 12 36.0100 1 48.0500 1 49.0100 1 52.0500 8 54.0400 2 54 0700 2 58.0700 4 52 2522 2 62.0600 4 64 0800 2 64.1200 4 2747 14.1403 3 •-222 2 2 17.0600 1 27.0100 152 27.0201 6 27.0300 15 27.0401 7 27.0402 6 27.0406 21 28.0100 63 29.0100 17 29.0201 42 29.0202 4 29 0203 2384 29.0300 1 30.0000 13 31.0102 7 81.0001 3 -3-3 14.1000 28 14.3202 13 27.0100 89 27.0300 7 27.0406 67 29.0100 313 29.0201 140 29.0202 56 29.0300 17.078 31.0102 9 32.0400 2 36.1600 13 42.1100 1 52.0500 13 64.0502 1 64.0800 36 64.1200 1 81.0001 8 14.198 24X701 5 24.07C2 1 27.0100 19 27.0201 5 27.0402 17 27.0404 30 27.0406 15 28.0100 114 29.0201 1 29.0202 8 5 5 2 2 2 2 -5 535 31.0102 4 31.0103 1 31.0200 I 1 5- 2-2- 5- 2-22 5- 2-22- 2- :2.-: 5- 3535 22 5 55 3202O:. 52 25 5 5 -5 2—2 2 -5 5 53 55 2"55 62 2-22 6^ 222- 6- 2522 2" 2-22 2- 222 2- 2-26 22 2-25 25 3222 2- 22- 2- 5-52 2- 2-22 2- 222 2 5 2-2-2 - 2" 222 2" 2-22 2" 2-2- 2" 5-2-6 23 5 22 29 02C' 25 2222 23 2225 55 2222 5" 5-2' 5" 5-52 5" 5-22 2- 5522 515552 52 2-22 2" 2 22 2" 2-25 5 2 " 2 - 31.0102 31.0103 56 2122 5 2 2 2- 5 5552 5 2-2-2— 2" 2-22 2- 22- :•• 2222 5- 5122 5-6 ••:: 56 •::•: 55 522 56 222 5" 2-2- -5 2 22 5 5 5 5 2-55 3 2 2" 2-22 2" 2-26 22 2122 2 222 2 3- 5332 22 2-2 2 35 :•:•: 36 •-:•: 56 252 2 6^ 2322 •-262 2 52 2222 22 2-2 2 5- 525" 6- 2-2 2 10 See 'ocr-cte a: re &-■: :' re race Table 1A.— ' DETAILED TABLES -The Make Table for Industries (Rows>-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices) 53 Industry ' 32.0400 . Commodity produced 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 28.0200 29.0202 30.0000 31.0300 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 34.0301 37.0103 40.0400 40.0700 42.0201 42.1100 44.0001 47.0300 48.0500 49.0200 50.0400 53.0800 60.0400 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 63.0300 64.0301 64.0400 64.0700 64.0900 64.1200 Commodity produced 13.0200 13.0500 13.0600 14.0102 14.1200 14.1502 14.1700 14.3202 17.0600 17.0900 17.1100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0304 19.0306 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0702 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 22.0102 22.0200 22.0400 23.0200 23.0400 23.0500 24.0400 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 27.0201 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 28.0100 28.0400 29.0100 29.0202 29.0300 30.0000 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 34.0302 35.0100 36.1000 36.1900 36.2000 36.2200 38.0800 38.1000 38.1100 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 32.0500 . 32.0600 . 40.0700 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 44.0001 44.0002 47.0300 47.0401 47.0405 48.0200 48.0300 48.0600 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0400 52.0500 53.0400 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0400 54.0500 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 57.0300 58.0400 58.0700 59.0302 61.0200 61.0500 61.0700 62.0102 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.1000 63.0200 63.0300 64.0104 64.0105 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0700 64.0800 64.1100 64.1200 81.0001 16.0200 17.0900 27.0406 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 34.0305 38.1000 42.0300 42.0800 46.0200 50.0400 54.0500 58.0700 20.0903 24.0702 29.0202 30.0000 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 35.0100 37.0101 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 43.0200 47.0200 47.0300 50.0100 50.0400 59.0302 62.0500 14 4 2 51 12 15 33 19 41 6 13 54 18 27 4 21 552 3 3 1 3 36 1 6 73 2 16 11 6 41 2 32 14 59 1 72 78 1 84 1 1 9 1 3 1 6 22 11 24 3 2 4 1 1 58 69 4 3 1 1 7 22 12 64 2,567 1 2 1 43 22 2,433 1 1 5 1 37 3 1 10 6 34.0202 . 34.0301 34.0302 34.0303 . 34.0304 . 34.0305 3.184 8 4 12 3 102 60 2 2,939 3 1 1 7 2 6 10 1 3 1 2 2 2 11 2 35.0100 Commodity produced 14.2700 16.0300 22.0200 32.0400 33.0001 34.0100 34.0304 34.0305 32.0400 33.0001 34.0100 ! 34.0201 34.0305 64.0700 ! 19.0306 32.0200 33.0001 34.0201 34.0202 34.0302 34.0305 32.0400 34.0201 34.0202 18.0400 ! 33.0001 34.0301 62.0500 i 20.0903 26.0602 32.0400 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 42.0300 64.0105 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 62.0500 64.0105 25.0000 26.0602 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 64.0105 Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value 19.0302 19.0306 20.0903 22.0101 22.0102 22.0300 23.0400 32.0300 32.0400 35.0100 36.0300 40.0100 40.0500 40.0800 41.0201 42.0300 42.1100 47.0300 52.0500 53.0300 55.0200 59.0302 2,940 9 8 4 19 2,894 3 1 2 312 1 2 292 13 1 3 3,389 3 10 2 3,363 2 8 1 268 1 12 255 121 11 1 106 3 899 1 12 1 841 8 25 4 6 1 35.0200 . 36.0100 . 36.0200 . 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 . 458 1 424 18 10 5 428 1 1 2 1 419 2 2 553 1 2 17 2 1 3 2 2 4 8 504 1 1 1 1 3 12.911 2 1 3 2 2 9 2 6 58 12,684 6 1 8 1 35 1 4 3 1 1 5 25 36.0701 36.0702 . 36.0800 . 36.0900 . 36.1000 36.1100 60.0400 62.0102 62.0400 62.0700 62.0900 64.0105 64.1100 81.0001 25.0000 35.0200 81.0001 9.0001 9.0002 27.0100 36.0100 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1900 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0800 36.1000 47.0404 36.0300 36.0400 36.1900 36.2100 45.0100 47.0300 36.0200 36.0500 32.0400 36.0600 36.0900 40.0100 40.0200 42.0800 36.0400 36.0701 36.0900 36.0702 36.0900 27.0100 27.0406 32.0300 35.0100 36.0400 36.0800 36.0900 36.1900 4£1100 53.0500 55.0300 57.0300 35.0100 36.0100 36.0300 36.0701 36.0702 36.0800 36.0900 36.2200 42.0100 48.0600 55.0200 62.1000 64.0302 64.0700 1 12 23 1 1 1 4 8 4,904 33 4.867 4 3,914 14 5 3 3,886 1 1 1 1 2 1,052 1,038 3 3 2 2 2 2 659 659 848 758 6 82 1 1 126 3 123 855 26 801 3 10 6 9 309 1 305 3 45 43 2 894 4 1 6 15 4 829 3 1 4 2 1 24 654 2 2 1 2 2 9 611 3 4 2 8 2 4 2 1.638 11 10 1 1 1,509 71 35 5.652 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 54 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1A, -The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ■ Commodity produced Value 9.0002 16 59.0302 24 38.1000 39 47.0404 5 27.0201 1 60.0400 5 40.0400 1 47.0500 1 27.0402 1 40.0700 1 51.0102 1 31.0200 31.0300 4 2 36.1900 1,766 1 40.0902 41.0100 1 3 53.0300 55.0300 9 9.0002 2 36.0100 1 9.0003 1 42.0201 2 57.0200 1 36.1000 44 9.0004 1 42.0500 2 038 57.0300 4 36.1100 5.524 14.2600 1 42.1100 1 I 59.0302 148 36.1200 39 27.0100 1 47.0401 45 62.0300 60 36.1500 1 27.0201 1 48.0300 1 36.2200 40.0700 1 1 31.0102 36.1100 3 4 48.0600 49.0100 1 2 380100 ... 5 490 27.0100 24 40.0800 1 36.1200 1 64.1200 i 37.0402 1 40.0901 1 36.1900 1.578 38.0100 4,967 40.0902 42.0300 5 1 36.2100 38.0501 135 11 37.0104 5*8* 38.0501 38.0900 459 36.1500 6 42.0800 6 81.0001 28 37.0101 5 4r- 81.0001 33 52.0500 1 37.0103 36 62.0200 1 36.2000 3.191 13 38.0700 40.0902 ? M0*0C 5.601 17.1100 27.0100 2 36.1200 11.900 19.0200 4 41.0100 • 36.2100 1 9.0001 57 19.0306 1 47.0300 2 1 36.2200 6 9.0002 217 23.0200 2 37.0402 65 9.0004 31.0200 6 42 27.0402 32.0400 1 35 37.0105 4 8"? 38.0400 38 0800 5.437 37.0101 90 36.0100 11 32.0500 2 37.0103 3 36.1000 139 35.0100 28 37.0300 i i M»C^ 2.409 36.1100 89 36.0400 1 38.0900 1 27.0100 125 36.1200 11,331 36.1400 1 40.0600 7 27 0406 16 36.1900 3 36.2000 3.058 41.0203 4 ! 37.0102 1 40.0500 1 36.2200 7 42.0800 2 38.0100 1 40.0902 4 41.0201 20 42.1100 6 38 0400 1 47.0300 1 55.0300 171 38.0501 2.244 36.1300 896 59.0302 17 38,1100 8 9.0001 9.0002 9.0004 51 6 5 36.2100 1.162 1 37.0200 11 653 1 11 n'y ■ i i 41,0201 41.0203 62,0200 4 32.0400 37,0200 1 27.0100 4 27.0100 15 35.0100 3 38.0400 3 81.0001 4 36.0100 1 36.0400 31 38.0501 2 36.1300 807 36.1300 7 38,0900 U 38 0600 6.100 36.1400 4 36.1900 1 38.1100 IIS 27.0100 1 36.2100 7 36.2100 1.075 40.0300 1 32.0400 1 36.2200 4 40.0400 4 36,1900 1 36.1400 2,005 2 37.0402 38.0700 11 9 40.0600 40.0700 6 3 37.0101 37.0402 1 9.0001 2 9.0004 12 38.0900 12 40.0800 1 38.0100 799 20.0501 4 53.0500 2 42.0401 1 38.0400 2.687 20.0600 9 53.0700 3 420800 40 38.0501 2.603 24.0800 15 57.0300 3 42.1100 6 38.0900 5 27.0402 44.0001 9 27.0406 28.0100 36.2200 702 1 45.0100 47.0300 11 33 38 0700 5.905 5.0001 37,0101 27 31.0200 17.0600 3 47.0405 84 37.0103 1 36.0100 20.0904 1 48.0400 1 38 0100 52 36.1100 18 23.0400 3 49.0100 1 38.0700 5,701 36.1300 7 27.0406 2 49.0200 1 38.0800 38 36.1400 1,920 28.0100 6 49.0500 15 38.0900 17 36.1900 6 30.0000 3 50.0400 9 38.1000 8 36.2200 7 32.0400 36.0900 2 1 64.0400 1 38.1100 38.1400 2 11 36 1500 993 12 36.1600 36.2100 3 1 37.0300 3.213 2 42.0402 42.1000 1 9.0001 19.0302 1 31.0200 3 36.2200 665 28.0100 1 421100 27 36.1500 975 41.0203 6 37.0101 11 47.0404 17 38.1100 2 42.0800 2 37.0200 8 48.0600 1 64.1200 1 47.0500 50.0100 1 1 37.0300 38.1400 2.960 131 57.0200 1 36 1600 3.572 1 57.0200 1 42.0300 420402 2 1 38.0800 14.753 9.0004 32.0400 18 17.0600 17.1001 27 24 37.0101 41.986 10 420800 42.1100 14 2 37.0101 38 0400 3 27.0100 580 17.1100 2 27.0201 5 45.0300 1 38.0700 4 19.0200 2 36.1900 1 47.0300 15 38.0800 13,824 24.0701 115 37.0101 41,172 50.0200 1 38.0900 46 24.0706 3 37.0102 4 51.0104 3 38.1000 108 27.0100 1 37.0103 316 59.0302 27 41.0201 4 27.0402 68 37.0200 25 621000 2 41.0203 20 27.0406 4 37.0300 291 64.0400 1 42.0401 11 29.0100 37 38.0501 8 81.0001 31 420402 7 29.0202 27 38.0900 1 42.1000 117 30.0000 32.0400 16 53 40.0902 41.0203 92 1 37 0401 1,976 1 421100 47.0300 7 27.0406 2 32.0600 1 420402 1 37.0101 1 50 0400 1 35.0100 1 42.0700 1 37.0401 1,924 520300 1 36.1600 3.025 42.1100 12 37.0402 13 36 2200 9 47 0200 3 40 0400 1 38 0900 2 647 37^0402 2 68^0202 43 40.0600 1 27.0100 3 42.0201 3 41.0203 8 27.0406 9 42.0202 42.0300 3 1 37.0102 1.161 13 420401 42.0402 9 7 37.0101 37.0402 7 27.0100 28 45.0100 7 37.0101 4 42.1100 1 38 0400 1 47.0100 31 37.0102 1,050 49.0200 1 38,0501 23 47.0300 45 37.0402 5 49.0500 1 38.0700 23 48.0600 1 38.0100 3 50.0400 8 38 0800 35 52.0500 3 38.0400 3 38.0900 2,296 58.0600 62.0500 17 15 38.0501 42.1100 80 3 37 0402 .. 1.838 6 38.1000 38.1400 217 36.1000 1 62.0900 1 37.0102 1 60.0200 3 62.1000 63.0300 3 1 37.0103 4,179 2 37.0401 37.0402 1 1.520 62.0600 1 24.0702 64 0800 5 27 0406 3 38 0700 11 38 1000 12.779 64.1200 18 320400 1 38.0900 7 16.0200 2 37.0101 1.711 38.1000 27 27.0100 6 36.1700 71 1 37.0103 37.0300 316 5 42.0402 42.1100 1 32 32.0300 32.0400 3 28.0100 7 36.1700 41 I 38.0900 5 47.0300 1 35.0100 60 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 55 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity Value produced 32.0300 4 32.0400 23 37.0200 1 38.0700 2 39.0200 25 40.0200 4 40.0300 13 40.0400 107 40.0600 8,282 40.0700 59 40.0800 10 40.0901 2 40.0902 7 41.0100 1 41.0201 12 41.0203 18 420402 2 420500 4 420800 57 42.1100 42 43.0200 3 44.0001 4 45.0100 2 46.0200 6 47.0200 2 47.0300 6 47.0402 4 47.0404 5 48.0100 8 48.0400 10 48.0600 13 49.0100 15 49.0300 4 49.0600 9 49.0700 13 50.0400 48 52.0300 17 52.0500 11 53.0300 1 54.0700 13 59.0100 6 61.0200 3 61.0300 7 62.0102 4 620200 1 11.307 20.0702 1 20.0903 1 22.0300 6 23.0500 3 320300 1 320400 155 38.0800 17 38.0900 1 39.0100 3 40.0300 3 40.0400 41 40.0500 43 40.0600 51 40.0700 10,415 40.0800 46 40.0901 14 40.0902 23 41.0100 5 41.0201 78 41.0203 45 420201 1 420300 4 420401 26 42.0402 42 420500 6 420800 7 421100 10 43.0200 4 44.0001 1 45.0100 3 46.0100 1 46.0200 6 46.0400 4 47.0200 37 47.0300 6 47.0401 3 48.0400 1 48.0600 1 49.0300 33 50.0200 5 50.0400 66 51.0400 1 520300 5 520500 6 54.0100 2 54.0200 59 55.0200 1 55.0300 1 57.0300 5 59.0302 5 61.0100 1 64.0400 1 64.1100 1 2,360 20.0702 1 220300 1 23.0700 1 32.0400 5 Industry ' Commodity produced Value 38.1100. 38.1200 . 38.1300 . 38.1400 . 39.0100. 39.0200 . 40.0100 . 40.0200 . 37.0103 37.0402 38.0700 38.0800 38.1000 420500 55.0300 56.0300 56.0500 57.0300 58.0700 620101 32.0400 37.0200 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0800 421100 44.0001 47.0300 47.0405 48.0600 50.0400 23.0500 37.0200 37.0300 38.1100 47.0405 64.0104 27.0406 32.0400 37.0200 38.1100 41.0203 420201 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 47.0300 47.0405 64.0400 37.0300 38.1400 42.0800 47.0300 81.0001 25.0000 26.0501 32.0400 38.0501 39.0100 39.0200 40.0700 41.0203 42.0500 42.1100 25.0000 32.0400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0700 421100 22.0300 23.0700 32.0400 40.0100 40.0200 81.0001 23.0700 32.0400 32.0600 36.0600 38.0700 40.0100 40.0200 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 420100 42.0201 42.0300 42.0800 42.1100 49.0200 50.0400 52.0500 54.0300 55.0200 20 53 25 36 12.266 26 13 3 140 105 12 2 4,733 7 7 4,556 4 4 8 1 1 1 85 48 3 8 730 1 5 3 716 4 1 1,413 1 3 5 1,368 1 1 1 3 1 24 1 4 1,213 113 1,063 1 16 20 11,948 21 11 7 1 11.835 67 2 1 1 2 1,117 8 6 53 1,031 1 18 791 1 1 8 699 78 4 2,597 3 41 6 1 2 6 2,440 8 5 3 8 4 3 8 4 1 1 1 6 5 40.0300 . 40.0400 . 40.0500 . 40.0600 . 620102 62.0200 620500 81.0001 36.0100 36.2000 37.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0600 40.0700 420300 420800 421100 44.0001 45.0100 46.0200 48.0600 49.0300 49.0600 50.0400 52.0200 52.0300 52.0500 53.0400 54.0400 54.0700 60.0400 61.0700 81.0001 20.0200 20.0904 23.0500 28.0100 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0203 42.0300 42.0401 420402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 45.0100 46.0200 46.0400 47.0300 47.0500 48.0600 49.0700 50.0400 52.0500 57.0300 61.0700 620200 81.0001 20.0501 20.0701 20.0702 20.0904 220300 23.0200 23.0300 23.0500 23.0600 27.0402 32.0300 320400 35.0100 38.0400 38.0800 38.1100 40.0400 40.0500 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0203 42.0300 420401 420402 46.0100 48.0600 50.0400 51.0400 58.0700 59.0302 61.0300 23.0500 27.0100 27.0406 1 1 4 35 2,268 1 3 9 2,120 1 10 7 4 28 9 4 2 5 7 2 9 1 1 12 1 3 6 6 5 8 4 8,316 3 1 3 1 7,901 10 91 42 135 1 43 1 1 1 1 1 7 4 14 8 6 1 1 1 3 5 8 1 7 1 6 7 6,947 58 1 1 3 4 7 4 7 16 28 10 155 23 5 50 2 2 6,326 55 6 1 58 3 61 3 11 5 3 3 1 6 28 1 8,900 4 4 2 40.0700 . 40.0800 . 40.0901 40.0902 . 41.0100. 32.0600 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0201 41.0203 42.0300 42.0500 420800 421100 44.0001 45.0100 46.0300 47.0100 49.0300 49.0700 50.0400 620300 64.1200 19.0306 20.0702 23.0700 32.0400 36.1000 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 42.0300 42.0500 421100 44.0001 47.0200 49.0600 64.1100 22.0101 22.0300 23.0500 32.0400 36.1100 36.1600 37.0101 38.0900 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0203 420300 42.0402 420500 420800 421100 48.0600 49.0300 49.0700 54.0700 320300 320400 36.1200 37.0103 38.1100 40.0902 41.0100 41.0203 420201 420300 420500 42.0800 421100 43.0200 46.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0400 520400 55.0300 56.0300 57.0300 58.0700 59.0302 61.0500 620101 1 36 13 6 51 2,151 5 44 4 1 3 6 2 4 3 6 3 1 2 1 1 5 3 2.765 1 1 1 2 1 9 12 8 50 42 2,609 8 1 7 2 3 4 3 1 3,240 1 1 3 1 1 27 33 1 20 7 32 36 38 6 2,976 6 2 1 1 9 16 14 1 1 1 5 8,701 1 16 4 2 2 4 8,362 7 30 4 8 5 1 1 2 12 27 5 2 14 6 5 1 62 15 8 4 3 1 19 9 1 See lootnote at the end of the table. 56 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ■ Commodity produced Value Industry ■ Commodity produced Value 62.0400 1 41.0203 16 60.0400 2 47.0401 3 81.0001 57 42.0100 1,371 61.0300 7 48.0600 1 42.0201 64 62.0400 1 49.0300 1 41.0201 15,731 420202 3 620500 4 49.0500 1 37.0101 2 42.1100 9 620700 3 49.0700 1 39.0200 12 48.0100 1 62.1100 2 50.0400 5 40.0100 2 55.0200 2 64.0200 3 55.0200 2 40.0700 4 64.0700 6 55.0300 1 41.0100 41.0201 1 14,543 42.0201 3,759 1 64.1100 14 57.0300 59.0302 2 23.0700 6 41.0203 42.0401 274 5 24.0701 26.0806 3 3 42.0401 4,763 1 62.0400 62.0500 4 22.0300 3 42.0402 14 29.0202 1 26.0501 2 620600 1 42.0500 5 32.0300 1 320400 1 64.0400 1 42.0700 1 32.0400 3 37.0401 30 64.1200 1 44.0002 3 34.0305 3 38.0800 4 47.0300 50.0400 395 3 37.0103 37.0300 2 6 38.1 100 40.0600 2 3 420700 438 37.0401 1 55.0200 1 40.0200 3 41.0201 5 41.0203 1 59.0302 262 40.0700 1 41.0203 4 42.0500 41 81.0001 204 41.0100 6 420201 1 42.0700 386 41.0203 2 42.0401 4,449 42.1100 2 41.0202 840 3 42.0100 42.0201 54 3.421 42.0402 420800 161 1 46.0400 47.0300 3 38.1000 1 41.0202 806 420202 35 46.0100 1 59.0302 3 41.0203 3 420300 36 47.0300 34 47.0300 49.0800 4 24 42.0500 421100 1 2 50.0400 53.0500 13 4 42.0800 14258 32.0300 8 43.0200 1 55.0300 2 32.0400 34 41.0203 9,431 1 45.0100 46.0300 6 1 57.0300 59.0302 19 18 320500 32.0600 40 13.0600 12 19.0306 2 47.0100 29 61.0300 2 37.0200 11 20.0903 3 47.0300 23 64.0104 1 37.0300 4 23.0200 2 47.0401 3 81.0001 5 37.0402 2 23.0400 3 47.0404 1 38.0501 2 23.0500 25.0000 3 4 47.0405 47.0500 1 1 42.0402 5.225 18 38.0900 38.1100 3 26.0501 3 26.0602 2 48.0100 14 26.0803 2 38.1400 1 30.0000 1 48.0500 1 27.0406 1 40.0100 1 32.0300 1 48.0600 16 30.0000 2 40.0200 16 32.0400 40 49.0100 4 320400 3 40.0300 5 32.0600 1 49.0500 4 37.0401 6 40.0600 25 34.0305 2 50.0200 4 37.0402 1 40.0700 4 35.0100 6 50.0400 1 39.0100 2 40.0902 11 36.1500 4 52.0300 10 40.0400 1 41.0100 10 37.0402 2 520500 1 40.0700 57 41.0203 6 38.1100 14 59.0302 20 40.0800 20 42.0201 12 39.0200 2 61.0700 13 41.0203 1 420300 27 40.0100 4 62.1100 17 420401 66 42.0401 1 40.0400 10 64.0503 1 42.0402 5,016 42.0402 1 40.0600 3 64.1200 3 420500 1 420500 1 40.0700 6 47.0300 1 42.0800 13,186 40.0800 40.0901 4 1 42.0202 768 1 48.0600 49.0100 1 1 42.1100 45.0100 43 27.0406 5 40.0902 2 36.1600 3 50.0400 5 45.0200 2 41.0100 10 42.0100 7 51.0104 1 45.0300 18 41.0201 400 42.0201 31 55.0300 2 46.0200 2 41.0202 7 42.0202 671 620200 1 47.0100 2 41.0203 8,352 42.1100 1 621100 3 47.0300 2 42.0201 2 45.0100 2 64.1 10C 1 47.0401 2 42.0300 26 45.0200 1 81.0001 12 48.0600 10 42.0401 8 46.0400 1 49.0100 45 42.0402 42.0500 3 25 47.0300 47.0401 25 11 42.0500 5,045 4 49.0300 49.0500 10 17.0900 2 42.0700 5 47.0404 1 19.0306 1 49.0700 64 42.0800 3 48.0300 6 20.0200 11 50.0100 16 42.1000 1 48.0600 6 20.0300 1 50.0200 150 42.1100 12 53.0400 1 20.0903 2 50.0400 38 45.0100 20 220400 2 520300 3 46.0400 47.0200 1 3 42.0300 8.493 4 23.0500 23.0700 5 5 52.0500 53.0300 12 13.0700 9 47.0300 208 22.0300 2 24.0702 3 53.0500 61 47.0401 2 23.0400 3 24.0703 1 55.0200 1 47.0500 1 23.0600 1 25.0000 1 55.0300 13 48.0200 1 23.0700 1 27.0300 1 57.0300 5 48.0500 1 32.0300 3 320400 12 59.0302 28 49.0700 1 32.0400 17 35.0100 1 60.0100 1 50.0400 27 37.0300 1 36.0100 1 60.0200 1 51.0104 2 40.0200 8 36.1600 3 60.0400 67 52.0100 1 40.0300 3 37.0101 1 620102 1 52.0500 1 40.0400 1 37.0103 12 62.0200 182 53.0300 1 40.0500 1 37.0300 1 620300 25 54.0100 2 40.0600 2 40.0400 1 620500 4 54.0400 58 40.0700 5 40.0500 1 62.1100 2 55.0200 4 40.0800 2 40.0600 4 64.1200 6 57.0300 13 40.0901 1 40.0700 5 58 0100 1 40.0902 13 40.0800 4 421000 3,085 59.0302 14 41.0100 11 40.0901 1 24.0701 169 62.0102 1 41.0203 41 41.0100 1 24.0702 41 62.0200 1 42.0201 9 41.0201 16 24.0703 11 62.0300 1 42.0300 8,184 41.0203 42 25.0000 105 620400 1 42.0500 21 420201 1 26.0501 80 62.0500 4 42.0800 11 420300 16 26.0601 4 62.0700 1 42.1100 16 42.0402 2 27.0406 1 64.0102 19 45.0100 2 42.0500 4,748 30.0000 1 64.0105 1 46.0400 4 42.0700 71 32.0400 68 64.0503 3 47.0300 3 42.0800 2 36.1600 3 64.0700 1 47.0500 2 42.1100 8 38.0800 42 64.0900 1 49.0700 1 44.0001 3 42.0500 4 64.1100 1 50.0400 8 44.0002 4 421000 2,553 64.1200 1 53.0500 14 45.0100 2 50.0400 1 81.0001 56 54.0100 55.0200 3 14 46.0200 46.0400 4 3 57.0300 2 42.0100 .. 1,468 1 55 0300 10 47.0100 1 42.1100 6,672 24.0703 58.0700 3 47.0200 1 17.0900 1 36.1600 1 59.0302 26 47.0300 3 19.0200 7 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 57 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity Value produced 20.0903 15 23.0300 4 23.0500 21 23.0700 3 26.0601 1 32.0300 4 32.0400 46 32.0600 1 34.0304 9 35.0100 3 36.0800 20 36.0900 3 37.0200 2 37.0300 1 37.0401 4 37.0402 5 38.0800 19 39.0200 2 40.0400 1 40.0500 1 40.0600 12 40.0700 18 40.0800 13 40.0901 1 40.0902 23 41.0100 3 41.0201 12 41.0203 8 42.0201 14 42.0300 4 42.0401 12 42.0500 4 42.0800 15 42.1100 6,274 45.0300 1 46.0200 1 46.0400 4 47.0100 1 47.0300 10 47.0500 1 48.0200 1 48.0600 1 49.0100 1 49.0500 8 50.0100 16 50.0300 3 50.0400 11 53.0400 1 53.0500 1 53.0800 2 59.0100 1 59.0302 3 62.0200 1 63.0300 1 64.0105 1 64.0501 12 64.0800 2 64.1100 1 64.1200 1 5,626 40.0300 7 40.0400 5 40.0600 81 42.1100 6 43.0100 4,985 43.0200 342 47.0300 7 48.0600 2 49.0700 5 53.0400 36 60.0100 13 60.0200 135 81.0001 2 11,418 37.0200 12 41.0100 5 42.0300 2 42.0402 1 42.1100 6 43.0100 47 43.0200 10,591 44.0002 7 45.0100 3 45.0200 2 49.0100 66 49.0500 23 50.0100 53 50.0400 10 53.0400 395 58.0400 3 59.0302 170 61.0300 5 62.0200 2 81.0001 15 9,197 13.0300 1 14.1502 1 14.2700 3 20.0702 1 20.0901 3 23.0200 1 23.0700 1 32.0400 2 Industry > Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value 43.0100 43.0200 . 44.0001 44.0002 . 45.0100 . 45.0200 . 37.0101 37.0200 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 41.0100 41.0203 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 4Z1100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 46.0200 46.0400 47.0500 48.0100 49.0100 49.0600 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 52.0300 52.0500 55.0200 59.0100 59.0302 61.0700 62.0200 62.0400 62.1000 64.1200 81.0001 23.0700 26.0501 37.0401 41.0201 41.0203 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 46.0400 47.0401 49.0100 50.0100 53.0400 54.0400 55.0200 58.0700 61.0500 61.0700 64.0400 81.0001 31.0200 37.0101 40.0400 40.0600 40.0800 42.0201 42.0500 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0401 48.0100 48.0300 48.0600 49.0100 49.0300 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 59.0100 59.0302 60.0400 61.0300 61.0700 62.0200 73.0107 81.0001 32.0400 26 8 3 4 6 21 11 3 8 6 1 2 5 1 2 6 8,655 52 125 1 24 1 13 1 1 1 45 15 1 5 53 15 21 24 6 4 1 1 6 4,959 4 27 1 328 1 1 107 4.121 8 1 102 5 6 3 3 5 1 224 4 1 6 12,796 4 21 1 2 6 3 4 95 130 1 12,096 74 46 12 13 50 6 6 1 1 16 1 5 14 2 14 4 2 1 11 1 4 97 9 17 6 1 11 8 1,412 1 45.0300 . 46.0100 46.0200 . 46.0300 . 37.0200 37.0401 40.0700 42.0201 43.0200 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0300 47.0401 49.0100 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 73.0107 81.0001 13.0700 37.0101 37.0200 40.0400 40.0901 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 44.0001 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 47.0300 49.0100 49.0500 49.0700 50.0400 60.0400 62.1000 73.0107 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 40.0700 41.0203 45.0100 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0300 50.0200 53.0500 14.0900 23.0500 32.0400 37.0200 40.0400 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 41.0100 42.0201 42.0300 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 45.0100 45.0200 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0300 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0600 49.0100 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0300 50.0400 51.0400 52.0500 53.0500 55.0200 60.0400 61.0700 81.0001 20.0903 40.0400 42.0201 42.0300 45.0100 1 2 1 1 5 52 1,253 7 20 14 1 4 7 14 8 1 7 11 1 1 3,667 4 10 2 1 1 1 167 4 7 12 38 3,271 6 36 30 1 5 2 1 68 942 2 6 2 4 1 5 910 3 1 1 1 5 1 3,724 4 32 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 4 1 4 1 2 2 14 11 3,451 4 48 2 10 1 9 15 15 1 3 1 13 23 1 6 1 4 14 1 1 8 3 865 1 9 1 2 36 46.0400 47.0100 . 47.0200 . 47.0300 . 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0300 47.0401 48.0600 49.0600 49.0700 52.0500 53.0400 59.0100 23.0700 32.0300 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0901 42.0201 42.0300 42.0500 44.0001 45.0100 46.0100 46.0200 46.0400 47.0200 47.0300 48.0400 49.0500 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 5Z0500 53.0400 53.0500 59.0302 61.0700 81.0001 27.0406 29.0202 36.1600 37.0401 41.0100 42.0800 45.0100 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0300 48.0600 49.0300 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0500 62.0200 62.1100 81.0001 37.0200 42.0201 46.0200 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0700 50.0400 62.0200 62.1000 23.0500 26.0806 27.0402 27.0406 32.0400 32.0500 36.1400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0900 38.1100 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 3 792 6 1 4 1 1 2 1 3 2 2,621 1 1 1 2 8 3 1 4 1 2 6 2 34 2,507 4 5 3 1 5 8 1 2 6 2 6 4 1 3,418 29 1 30 1 2 19 2 3,088 26 93 1 4 1 20 3 19 1 9 10 51 1 1 4 2 1,418 1 1 7 18 1,303 37 9 9 1 9 10 4 1 6 1 1 12,931 1 1 3 3 52 2 1 8 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 14 3 6 37 32 See footnote at the end of the table. 58 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ■ Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ■ Commodity produced value 42.0201 11 62.0300 1 42.0201 1 43.0200 24 42.0202 26 62.0400 1 42.0402 3 44.0001 42 42.0300 1 62.0500 4 46.0200 27 45.0100 3 42.0401 1 47.0100 1 45.0200 1 42.1100 45.0100 22 6 47.0405 553 1 47.0200 47.0300 5 2 45.0300 47.0300 11 320400 1 45.0200 10 36.1900 5 47.0402 1 47.0401 45 46.0200 2 37.0200 1 47.0405 1 48.0400 6 46.0300 3 38.1100 2 480100 19 48.0600 7 46.0400 1 47.0300 15 48.0200 2 49.0100 7,939 47.0100 51 47.0405 526 48.0400 2,159 49.0200 1 47.0200 28 50.0400 3 48.0500 34 49.0300 9 47.0300 12,318 48.0600 56 49.0600 4 47.0401 6 47.0500 1,603 49.0700 1 49.0700 34 47.0402 3 27.0406 1 49,0800 9 50.0100 4 47.0404 1 36.1600 1 50.0400 6 50.0200 57 47.0405 38 41.0100 2 52.0500 3 50.0400 17 47.0500 4 41.0201 4 62.0200 1 520300 2 48.0100 1 41.0203 1 64.0700 1 520400 20 48.0300 5 42.0300 2 520500 23 48.0600 34 42 0800 1 48 0500 2 393 53.0200 2 49.0100 9 46.0200 8 27 0404 10 53.0400 35 49.0200 1 46.0300 2 32.0300 4 53.0500 21 49.0300 2 46.0400 3 32.0400 15 55.0200 8 49.0800 1 47.0100 7 41.0203 1 59.0302 17 50.0400 131 47.0200 3 42.0201 8 620102 1 51.0103 1 47.0300 30 42.0402 1 620200 4 53.0700' 1 47.0401 4 47.0300 13 620300 1 57.0300 12 47.0402 1 48 0400 39 621000 3 59.0302 9 47.0404 7 48.0500 2.267 621100 1 60.0400 3 47.0500 1,435 48 0600 4 81.0001 77 62.0500 1 48.0100 1 49.0300 11 62.1100 81.0001 8 6 48.0200 48.0400 2 4 55.0100 58 0600 7 4 49.0200 4,174 40.0700 1 48.0600 28 63.0300 8 41.0100 5 47.0401 2,499 49.0700 26 64.1200 1 41.0203 2 420201 5 49.0800 2 48.0100 1 42.0202 3 50.0400 18 48.0600 10.991 48.0200 1 42.1100 1 52.0500 3 14.2200 15 49.0200 4,082 44.0001 7 53.0500 3 27.0406 16 49.0500 64 44.0002 199 62.0200 3 32.0400 14 59.0302 16 45.0100 12 64.0503 1 35.0100 1 61.0300 2 45.0200 6 37.0200 8 46.0300 47.0100 3 8 48.0100 2.262 1 38.1000 40.0600 2 6 49.0300 2,916 1 23.0500 17.1100 47.0300 1 23.0700 1 40.0700 1 320400 3 47.0401 2,118 320400 1 41.0100 1 40.0600 5 48.0300 32 37.0200 1 420300 1 40.0700 23 49.0100 1 40.0600 3 42.0401 3 40.0902 1 49.0300 1 40.0700 1 42.0402 3 421100 2 49.0500 1 420201 1 42.0800 8 43.0100 1 53.0400 11 420202 1 43.0100 1 43.0200 1 54.0400 18 420800 1 44.0001 1 45.0100 1 54.0500 61 421100 1 45.0100 5 46.0200 3 55.0200 7 44.0001 13 45.0200 32 47.0200 1 58.0400 4 46.0200 31 46.0200 22 47.0300 1 47.0100 1 46.0300 3 47.0404 1 47.0402 579 48.0100 2.022 46.0400 1 49.0100 1 37.0200 1 48.0200 2 47.0100 3 49.0300 2,761 40.0500 2 48.0400 1 47.0200 16 49.0600 1 40.0700 2 48.0600 50 47.0300 43 49.0700 7 45.0200 1 49.0100 17 47.0401 3 50.0400 6 47.0100 4 49.0700 4 47.0404 5 520300 31 47.0200 4 49.0800 27 47.0500 28 520500 5 47.0300 2 50.0400 6 48.0100 15 53.0400 14 47.0402 549 520300 9 48.0200 6 59.0302 44 47.0500 8 520500 25 48.0300 1 620300 2 48.0600 1 54.0400 19 48.0400 54 50.0400 2 54.0700 2 48 0500 1 49.0500 4029 61.0300 3 62.0102 1 48.0600 10.374 37.0101 16 62.0500 15 49.0100 19 37.0200 7 47.0404 2.610 62.0700 4 49.0300 2 37.0300 3 27.0406 15 81.0001 1 49.0600 8 40.0700 4 32.0400 2 49.0700 100 41.0100 7 36.0900 2 48.0200 1.447 49.0800 13 420201 14 37.0103 1 17.1001 2 50.0100 1 420300 6 37.0402 41 37.0200 1 50.0200 6 420401 1 38.0900 1 38.1100 1 50.0400 34 420700 1 38.1000 2 40.0600 4 51.0102 2 45.0100 4 40.0600 2 46.0400 1 51.0104 1 46.0200 19 41.0100 3 47.0300 2 520500 48 47.0300 2 42.0201 1 48.0200 1,432 53.0300 3 47.0500 1 42.0500 33 50.0400 3 53.0500 2 48.0600 5 42.0800 1 64.0504 1 53.0800 6 49.0200 41 46.0200 1 57.0300 30 49.0500 3,834 46.0400 47.0100 1 1 48.0300 798 3 59.0302 62.0102 10 1 49.0600 49.0700 7 37.0200 1 47.0200 3 42.0201 3 62.0200 4 49.0800 1 47.0300 5 42.0202 2 621100 2 50.0200 2 47.0404 2,346 44.0001 1 63.0300 3 50.0400 11 47.0500 49 44.0002 2 81.0001 3 520300 2 48.0600 6 46.0200 1 53.0400 18 49.0100 1 46.0400 2 49.0100 8.768 53.0500 3 49.0300 1 47.0100 11 320400 2 55.0300 1 49.0600 1 47.0300 2 36.0600 3 59.0302 12 49.0700 16 48.0300 762 36.2200 1 60.0400 5 49.0800 7 48.0600 2 37.0101 1 620200 1 50.0400 4 50.0400 2 37.0200 18 52 0500 2 54 0400 4 37 0300 3 49.0600 1,710 53.0400 26 81.0001 1 40.0300 9 27.0100 1 53.0800 13 40.0400 12 320500 2 55.0300 58.0700 8 3 48.0400 2,340 4 40.0600 40.0700 11 1 36.2000 37.0101 1 36.0800 1 61.0700 1 40.0700 1 42.0201 1 40.0300 4 62.0102 1 40.0902 2 42.0800 93 40.0700 1 62.0200 4 41.0203 1 43.0100 I 193 420500 1 See footnote at the end ot the table. DETAILED TABLES 59 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ■ Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value 49.0700 . 49.0800 . 43.0200 46.0200 47.0200 48.0100 48.0200 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0300 49.0600 49.0700 50.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0300 54.0700 55.0200 57.0300 58.0700 62.0102 62.0300 62.0500 62.1100 19.0306 20.0903 27.0404 32.0400 32.0600 36.2100 37.0200 38.1100 40.0300 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0401 42.0500 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 45.0100 45.0200 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0300 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 50.0400 52.0200 52.0400 5^0500 53.0500 55.0200 58.0700 59.0302 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.1100 81.0001 24.0701 24.0706 27.0402 40.0400 42.0201 42.0800 44.0001 46.0200 46.0400 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 48.0100 48.0400 48.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0300 50.0400 58.0700 2 4 1 3 1 1 1 14 1 1,592 4 7 13 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 4 21 1 5 1 1 9 5,194 3 1 18 6 7 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 23 9 2 25 15 7 1 1 1 11 6 4 14 5 15 62 25 81 1 16 4,667 2 9 14 3 5 64 3 3 3 4 1 20 2 2 1 3,023 5 1 1 6 1 3 6 24 4 4 5 2 4 32 3 12 67 2,815 5 5 1 50.0100. 50.0200 . 50.0300 . 50.0400 . 62.0500 64.0501 64.0503 37.0200 37.0300 38.1100 42.0300 43.0200 47.0300 49.0500 50.0100 53.0400 58.0400 59.0302 61.0500 42.0201 42.0800 45.0200 47.0200 47.0300 48.0300 49.0100 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 53.0500 58.0700 59.0302 60.0400 62.0200 50.0300 50.0400 13.0700 23.0500 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.1100 39.0100 40.0300 40.0400 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0600 49.0100 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0700 59.0301 1 3 13 2,067 2 1 5 1 30 1 14 1,538 118 207 147 3 3,134 2 272 1 6 9 1 4 3 1 2,755 15 24 3 10 13 15 625 622 3 19,245 1 1 5 16 1 1 2 5 16 2 2 1 13 94 85 1 1 2 70 5 20 2 2 28 15 2 14 10 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 7 3 197 2 5 1 4 4 1 1 1 2 14 13 10 1 6 4 3 8 2 18,436 2 1 2 7 2 1 7 51.0102. 51.0103. 51.0104. 51.0400 . 52.0100 . 52.0200 59.0302 60.0400 61.0100 62.0101 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.1100 64.0400 81.0001 40.0700 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 56.0500 36.1600 36.2200 42.0800 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 53.0500 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0600 58.0700 62.0101 62.0200 62.0300 62.1000 62.1100 73.0104 81.0001 15 24 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 17 1,263 1 1,164 3 85 8 2 37,305 8 1 1 179 29,836 2,318 3 1 38 16 8 3,453 52 3 2 3 5 1 2 1,372 3 22,296 27.0406 8 42.0300 10 43.0200 1 44.0001 1 47.0300 2 49.0500 1 51.0102 12 51.0103 676 51.0104 20,725 51.0400 136 53.0500 11 53.0800 7 55.0300 4 56.0300 8 56.0500 13 57.0200 1 57.0300 161 58.0600 212 62.0101 6 62.0102 1 62.0200 1 62.1100 15 63.0300 81 64.0503 9 64.0504 61 73.0104 133 3,060 24.0701 1 24.0703 18 27.0404 10 32.0400 13 37.0103 6 41.0100 1 41.0201 7 41.0203 1 42.1100 2 47.0100 1 47.0300 2 48.0500 1 50.0300 14 51.0104 16 51.0400 2,879 56.0300 1 56.0500 5 57.0200 17 57.0300 43 63.0300 7 64.0504 15 772 23.0500 1 40.0500 1 41.0203 1 52.0100 754 57.0300 13 64.1200 2 546 37.0200 32 40.0700 1 43.0100 2 49.0600 1 52.0300 . 52.0400 . 52.0500 . 52.0200 52.0500 53.0200 . 23.0200 23.0400 23.0500 24.0706 40.0200 40.0300 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 4a0300 42.0401 42.0800 42.1100 46.0200 47.0300 48.0100 48.0600 49.0100 49.0300 49.0600 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 52.0200 52.0300 52.0500 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0400 55.0200 56.0100 56.0300 58.0400 59.0302 61.0700 62.0300 81.0001 32.0400 40.0500 40.0800 42.0300 42.0800 46.0100 49.0100 51.0102 52.0400 6^0200 6Z0600 14.1401 14.1801 14.3202 19.0306 23.0500 23.0700 29.0201 29.0202 32.0400 38.1100 40.0300 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0700 42.0800 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 46.0200 46.0400 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0400 48.0600 49.0100 49.0300 49.0600 49.0700 50.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0500 53.0500 54.0100 54.0400 55.0200 62.0500 64.1100 64.1200 508 2 19,195 3 10 11 1 1 92 44 14 6 4 1 6 1 3 7 15 1 1 2 1 3 8 9 1 4 6 6 4 18,139 16 6 16 33 22 1 4 3 4 633 7 10 36 779 2 1 1 3 28 1 15 4 720 3 1 5.163 3 1 1 5 1 15 2 24 16 1 25 1 1 1 24 1 5 1 1 2 4 3 2 42 1 1 16 34 3 13 34 1 1 1 8 4,845 3 2 10 2 4 1 1 4,008 See footnote at the end of the table. 60 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ■ Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value 31.0102 53.0200 4 3.931 28.0100 31.0103 5 11 54.0100 54.0300 177 1 56.0100 8.355 1 22.0101 53.0300 11 36.2100 3 54.0700 1,978 41.0203 12 53.0800 36 36.2200 6 42.0401 3 55.0300 57.0300 2 20 41 .0201 41.0203 8 1 55.0100 2,946 7 51.0102 51.0104 37 27.0100 195 62.0700 1 53.0400 18 27.0403 1 54.0100 259 62.1100 3 53.0700 1,199 35.0100 3 55.0300 8 55.0100 8 55.0100 2,888 56.0100 7,284 53.0300 5,421 55.0200 1 56.0300 6 37.0101 1 53.0800 1,976 55.0300 16 56.0500 143 38.1100 1 13.0700 4 57.0100 23 57.0100 292 40.0700 1 52.0300 9 57.0200 1 57.0300 46 40.0901 1 53.0200 33 57.0300 2 58.0600 8 41.0203 2 53.0300 25 620400 3 59.0302 50 420201 1 53.0400 1 63.0300 1 64.0200 11 42.0800 7 53.0500 9 42.1100 1 53.0800 1,798 55.0200 8.579 56.0200 1 863 45.0100 3 55.0300 19 20.0501 1 26.0501 17 46.0200 1 57.0200 4 20.0903 1 26.0806 1 46.0400 1 57.0300 67 220101 2 56.0200 1,790 47.0401 4 58.0700 4 26.0501 7 58.0600 4 47.0500 1 620200 1 27.0100 3 58.0700 2 48.0100 2 621100 2 320400 4 76.0101 49 49.0100 1 34.0302 2 53.0200 46 54.0100 2,604 35.0100 17 56.0300 20139 53.0300 5.054 22.0101 1 36.2200 1 23.0700 1 53.0400 1 220300 4 42.0300 9 320400 1 53.0500 106 40.0300 1 420800 1 40.0700 4 55.0200 1 41.0203 12 42.1100 5 45.0100 1 55.0300 114 49.0600 8 47.0300 18 47.0300 1 57.0200 2 49.0700 1 49.0100 4 51.0104 5 57.0300 16 520300 9 50.0100 131 51.0400 1 58.0700 1 520500 1 51.0104 1 55.0300 50 59.0302 36 53.0800 2 53.0200 7 56.0100 4 620200 8 54.0100 2.509 53.0300 13 56.0300 19,163 6Z0300 2 54.0200 3 53.0800 2 56.0500 461 621100 4 54.0300 20 54.0400 3 57.0200 240 64.1100 2 54.0400 9 55.0100 57 57.0300 121 54.0700 19 55.0200 8,089 58.0600 1 53.0400 7,975 620300 4 55 0300 36 58 0700 11 40.0700 2 64.0400 1 56.0500 5 62.0101 44 41.0203 5 58.0100 1 621100 29 43.0100 43.0200 18 8 54.0200 4.030 9 58.0700 59.0301 1 8 64.1200 1 52.0300 45.0300 12 52.0500 25 59.0302 145 56.0500 21,798 47.0100 11 54.0100 12 62.0101 1 23.0100 1 49.0300 115 54.0200 3.959 64.0400 2 36.1100 9 49.0500 24 54.0700 5 64.1200 2 40.0400 12 49.0700 2 59.0302 20 40.0600 2 50.0400 52.0500 53.0200 2 8 11 54.0300 .... 3.098 1 55.0300 7,586 10 19 40.0901 40.0902 420201 1 ? 24.0701 26.0501 38.1000 53.0300 30 49.0500 1 27.0402 1 46.0200 5 53.0400 7.504 520200 4 28.0100 10 47.0300 1 53.0500 53 54.0100 8 30.0000 55 48.0600 1 53.0800 3 54.0300 2,934 32.0300 1 51.0102 4 54.0100 5 54.0700 144 320400 28 51.0103 10 54.0400 2 55.0300 6 37.0101 71 51.0104 31 55.0200 5 37.0103 3 51.0400 15 •55.0300 56.0300 57.0300 58.0400 58.0700 59.0302 60.0400 62.0101 62.0200 62.0300 62.0500 62.0700 2 2 54.0400 2635 6 37.0200 38.1000 1 21 53.0500 53.0800 12 26 19.0200 14 72 6 8 16 14 14 3 2 2 20.0502 17 40.0400 2 54.0500 9 20.0701 1 41.0203 2 55.0300 8 29.0300 1 420201 24 56.0100 65 320300 3 420401 6 56.0300 564 35.0100 13 420500 1 56.0500 19.497 40.0200 1 421100 28 57.0100 33 40.0300 11 46.0300 4 57.0200 68 40.0500 6 47.0100 1 57.0300 133 40.0700 5 47.0300 6 58.0600 1 41.0203 40 47.0401 7 58.0700 131 53.0500 7,170 3 6 3 421100 48.0100 1 1 47.0404 48.0500 2 6 60.0400 62.0101 4 1 9 0306 994 32.0400 49.0300 2 49.0300 1 620200 76 40.0300 520300 1 49.0600 2 62.0900 15 41.0100 7 520400 1 49.0800 1 621000 1 42.0800 2 53.0500 2 50.0200 1 621100 66 42.1100 1 54.0200 7 50.0400 5 46.0200 47 0100 2 8 54.0300 1 51.0103 1 57.0100 3,086 54.0400 2.464 51.0104 32 35.0100 1 47.0300 2 54.0500 7 53.0300 85 49.0600 1 49.0100 1 54.0700 10 53.0400 11 56.0500 3 49.0700 1 55.0200 9 53.0500 80 57.0100 2,951 51.0103 11 55.0300 1 53.0800 5 57.0200 29 51.0104 18 56.0500 6 55.0100 2 57.0300 72 53.0200 2 58.0700 6 55.0200 76 58.0100 8 53.0300 162 62.0300 5 55.0300 6,637 58.0700 11 53.0400 13 63.0300 6 56.0100 1 620500 7 53.0500 6,706 64.0400 1 56.0300 48 62.0800 3 53.0800 7 56.0500 10 55.0300 56.0500 34 21 54 0500 1.828 4 57.0300 58.0400 144 2 57.0200 30,125 44.0002 27.0100 6 57.0200 9 47.0401 23 58.0700 8 38.0501 15 57.0300 30 520500 32 59.0302 16 42.0401 2 58.0400 1 54.0500 1,728 60.0400 2 48.0600 67 58.0700 16 54.0700 38 620101 7 51.0102 31 59.0302 20 56.0500 3 620500 7 51.0103 2 61.0300 1 620700 3 51.0104 228 620101 62.0200 18 46 54.0700 2,441 9 620900 621100 72 5 53.0500 53.0800 2 27.0406 2 62.0300 9 40.0300 4 63.0300 6 55.0300 1 62.0700 1 40.0600 2 64.0800 2 56.0300 1 62.1100 9 52.0300 1 64.1100 1 56.0500 6 52.0500 99 64.1200 1 57.0100 5 53.0700 1,259 53.0400 170 81.0001 3 57.0200 28,901 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 61 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity VfllUG produced 45.0100 28 45.0200 1 45.0300 2 46.0400 25 47.0100 2 47.0300 52 49.0200 4 49.0300 1 49.0500 23 49.0700 34 50.0100 42 50.0200 3 50.0400 13 51.0103 4 51.0104 1 52.0300 138 53.0400 29 53.0500 18 55.0200 6 55.0300 3 56.0100 126 57.0200 236 57.0300 2 58.0400 458 59.0100 2 59.0301 16 59.0302 69,995 60.0400 33 61.0300 1 61.0500 8 61.0700 1 62.0200 17 6Z0400 1 62.0600 1 64.0400 1 81.0001 231 56,448 13.0100 48 13.0500 34 13.0700 14 55.0300 2 58.0700 5 60.0100 49,437 60.0200 252 60.0400 5,232 62.0101 1,416 64.0301 2 64.1100 6 24,885 13.0100 8 13.0200 11 13.0300 32 13.0700 3 27.0100 6 27.0406 13 29.0100 1 3Z0600 3 37.0401 2 38.1100 1 40.0400 1 40.0600 2 42.0300 3 4Z0402 64 42.0800 11 43.0100 780 45.0100 1 47.0300 15 48.0100 1 50.0100 11 50.0200 1 50.0400 6 53.0400 1 56.0500 4 58.0700 3 59.0302 50 60.0100 56 60.0200 23,321 60.0400 453 61.0100 7 61.0300 4 62.0200 8 6Z0500 2 20,376 13.0100 199 13.0200 11 13.0300 29 13.0500 3 13.0700 26 32.0300 18 32.0400 14 38.1100 6 40.0600 8 40.0700 2 40.0800 1 41.0100 2 42.0300 4 42.0401 2 42.0402 3 42.0800 17 42.1100 7 43.0100 4 47.0300 4 48.0600 4 Industry ' Commodity produced Value 57.0300 . 58.0100 . 58.0200 . 58.0400 . 58.0600. 57.0300 58.0700 62.1100 63.0300 26.0501 32.0400 37.0101 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 40.0902 41.0201 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0800 42.1100 47.0300 48.0600 49.0300 49.0600 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 53.0200 53.0300 53.0500 53.0800 54.0400 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0200 58.0400 58.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 64.0200 64.0400 38.0501 53.0800 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0700 50.0400 58.0100 58.0200 32.0400 38.1100 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0202 42.0800 43.0200 47.0300 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 52.0400 53.0400 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 57.0300 58.0400 58.0700 59.0302 60.0400 61.0500 62.0101 62.0200 62.0700 64.0400 64.1200 19.0301 24.0701 32.0400 32.0600 36.0800 36.2200 51.0104 56.0200 847 2 1 6 37,729 2 43 5 4 17 25 1 14 17 1 1 71 3 1 18 4 46 1 1 4 20 1,301 1,234 9 3 65 37 6 3 91 26 38 61 22 312 33,930 3 1 80 71 3 81 4 14 30 4 1 3,401 6 5 3,349 18 20 3 1,780 1 41 1,738 7,244 5 6 1 4 1 1 10 2 4 1 5 1 1 31 4 110 180 47 6,093 3 236 2 3 214 261 14 1 3 4,205 1 8 18 1 4 6 17 41 58.0700 . 59.0100 . 59.0200 . 59.0301 59.0302 . 58.0600 62.0101 63.0300 29.0202 38.1000 40.0500 40.0600 42.0300 47.0404 47.0500 49.0600 52.0300 53.0500 54.0500 55.0300 56.0100 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0700 60.0200 62.0101 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0300 64.0400 40.0600 41.0203 42.0300 42.1100 46.0100 46.0300 46.0400 50.0400 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0400 61.0603 61.0700 62.0500 40.0400 40.0800 41.0203 46.0400 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 61.0700 41.0201 43.0200 45.0100 47.0300 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 61.0603 81.0001 13.0300 17.1100 19.0301 19.0304 19.0306 20.0300 23.0500 28.0400 32.0300 32.0400 34.0305 36.1700 37.0300 38.1000 38.1100 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 42.0401 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 3,832 6 271 4,593 3 294 1 2 1 1 1 8 2 2 11 4 14 26 2 51 2 3,807 27 255 3 1 1 3 27 1 30 13 4,470 1 7 1 1 1 9 2 1 2,671 41 1,648 64 1 20 1 1 3.411 1 1 1 3 31 3,188 101 77 8 150,738 375 20 26 20 50 33 147,890 2,280 20 24 72,385 52 1 1 6 4 1 9 1 1 7 1 29 2 45 6 31 1 6 8 7 2 16 1 15 9 3 1 11 531 19 60.0100 . 60.0200 . 60.0400 . 61.0100. 61.0200. 61.0300. 61.0500. 61.0601 61.0603. 49.0100 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 53.0300 56.0500 57.0200 58.0700 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0300 62.0101 62.0200 62.0300 62.1100 20.0903 22.0101 40.0400 40.0700 41.0100 4Z0300 46.0300 50.0400 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 81.0001 32.0300 32.0400 43.0200 46.0300 50.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0700 61.0700. 32.0300 40.0300 40.0600 41.0203 43.0200 45.0100 45.0200 46.0100 47.0300 48.0600 53.0300 53.0400 58.0700 59.0302 61.0300 61.0700 81.0001 13.0100 13.0200 19.0302 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 40.0600 42.0401 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 50.0400 51.0104 61.0500 61.0700 62.0500 64.0301 64.0400 40.0700 59.0302 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 20.0703 40.0700 40.0901 50.0400 59.0301 59.0302 61.0601 61.0603 20.0600 20.0703 40.0700 12 5 10 69 8 3 3 1 55 2 3 50 1,410 404 17,760 33 4 134 30 12 4 10,363 1 1 60 1 1 1 1 7 2 10,275 10 3 5,237 2 10 2 6 1 30 5,139 47 4,790 4 8 28 4 37 2 2 2 8 4 1 67 19 50 4,545 1 8 1,720 1 16 17 1 1 1 2 1 1 9 6 1 3 1,589 3 1 33 34 2,043 2 6 1,997 37 1 2.846 28 4 4 26 1 4 62 2.717 3.001 2 6 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 62 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1A. -The Make Table for Industries (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices) Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ■ Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value 44.0001 31 62.0500 1 35.0100 1 57.0300 32 44.0002 6 62.0600 3 36.1600 3 58.0700 33 46.0300 1 6Z1000 62 42.0500 3 60.0200 129 49.0100 1 62.1100 60 47.0300 22 60.0400 7 50.0400 2 63.0300 14 53.0400 1 620101 44 59.0100 2 64.0400 4 57.0300 25 620102 3 59.0301 7 64.1200 11 62.0400 29 62.0200 90 61.0500 186 62.0500 29 620300 9 61.0700 64.0301 2,754 1 62.0300 2,437 33 62.0600 63.0200 1,614 1 621000 621100 14 42.0800 7,784 64.1100 1 4Z1100 6 81.0001 9 34,438 107 49.0100 51.0103 53.0500 1 1 10 62.0700 727 1 63.0200 2.406 62.0101 19.0306 41.0100 1 13.0100 19.0306 1 13.0200 211 55.0300 73 20.0903 1 62.0101 4 13.0300 190 56.0500 1 22.0101 1 62.0500 3 13.0700 8 57.0300 9 32.0400 1 621000 28 40.0901 35 59.0302 8 35.0100 1 63.0200 2,369 42.0800 20 62.0102 1 53.0500 2 43.0100 46.0200 153 1 620200 6Z0300 29 2.254 54.0400 55.0200 7 71 63.0300 21,725 17.0600 3 46.0400 4 620400 3 55.0300 6 23.0500 1 48.0600 33 62.1000 1 62.0200 3 23.0600 3 49.0500 1 6Z1100 7 62.0700 625 23.0700 1 51.0103 5 64.0102 6 24.0701 146 51.0104 53.0400 7 30 62.0400 13,089 1 64.1200 2 24.0800 26.0501 4 13.0600 17 53.0500 53.0800 8 2 20.0901 22.0300 1 1 62.0800 2,908 1 27.0100 27.0300 88 23.0500 8 55.0300 4 23.0500 4 23.0700 1 27.0402 3 56.0300 47 23.0700 16 47.0200 1 27.0406 36 56.0500 780 29.0100 8 47.0300 2 30.0000 67 57.0200 25 32.0300 38 48.0100 1 32.0300 6 57.0300 238 320400 9 48.0600 29 3Z0400 76 58.0400 4 37.0300 1 53.0800 6 36.1600 1 58.0700 231 38.1000 7 57.0100 134 40.0500 1 59.0200 10 40.0100 1 57.0300 11 41.0203 3 60.0400 213 40.0700 1 58.0700 1 48.0500 3 61.0700 1 41.0201 5 62.0102 3 48.0600 6 62.0101 31,448 41.0203 8 62.0200 26 49.0100 8 62.0200 369 42.0800 2 62.0400 38 49.0800 3 62.0900 4 42.1100 1 6Z0500 4 51.0104 688 62.1000 70 46.0200 2 62.0800 2.444 55.0100 2 621100 179 47.0300 3 620900 88 56.0500 20 49.0200 9 62.1000 64 58.0200 52 62.0102 2,012 3 49.0500 50.0400 1 5 62.1100 54 58 0600 62.0101 1 22.0101 4 23.0200 3 51.0104 34 62.0900 6,714 62.0102 6 23.0500 1 520500 3 27.0300 1 62.0200 3 29.0100 1 55.0200 25 29.0100 4 62.0800 11 35.0100 4 58.0700 1 32.0400 6 62.0900 3 42.0201 1 62.0102 1 42.0500 2 62.1000 676 42.0800 13 62.0200 1 49.0100 43 63.0300 19,774 44.0001 3 6Z0400 12.171 56.0500 1 64.1200 1 46.0200 1 62.0500 642 58.0700 1 47.0100 48.0500 1 29 6Z0800 62.0900 1 74 62.0102 62.0200 3 3 64.0101 4,632 20.0903 7 49.0100 1 62.1000 9 62.0400 203 29.0300 1 49.0700 31 64.1200 3 62.0500 63 42.0402 1 50.0300 26 620800 16 48.0600 1 51.0104 57.0300 1 2 62.0500 13.020 3 62.0900 62.1000 6,352 9 64.0101 64.0102 4.387 17.0900 111 62.0101 2 17.1001 22 64.0400 7 64.0104 3 62.0102 1,735 19.0306 1 64.0105 117 62.0200 22 20.0702 1 62.1000 7.129 64.0700 1 62.0800 33 23.0700 39 27.0100 33 64.1200 1 62.0900 37 24.0500 164 27.0406 1 81.0001 2 62.1000 53 24.0701 154 29.0100 153 62.1100 9 24 0706 3 35.0100 3 64.0102 2,426 27.0100 18 46.0200 10 64.0101 15 62.0200 13.031 1 27.0402 27.0406 1 4 47.0300 47.0404 10 2 64.0102 64.0105 2,362 20.0903 43 29.0202 1 29.0100 60 48.0100 1 64.1200 6 3Z0400 2 29.0202 3 51.0103 12 40 0400 1 29 0300 8 56 0500 3 64.0104 595 42.0300 2 320300 8 57.0300 11 20.0903 15 42.0700 4 320400 21 58.0200 1 28.0100 1 42.0800 105 34.0100 1 58.0700 2 62.0700 1 4Z1100 1 41.0203 8 60.0200 48 64.0104 560 45.0100 3 45.0200 1 60.0400 18 64.0105 14 47.0100 11 46.0100 2 62.0101 49 64.0302 4 47.0300 3 47.0300 2 62.0102 26 49 0100 5 49 0700 4 62 0200 153 64.0105 1,453 49^0300 1 50.0400 1 62.0300 12 18.0400 2 49.0700 3 53.0500 1 62.0400 7 3Z0400 10 49.0800 9 55.0200 4 62.0800 3 64.0101 28 50.0200 4 57.0300 2 620900 38 64.0102 4 50.0400 17 58.0600 1 62.1000 6,450 64.0105 1,406 51.0103 2 60.0400 11 62.1100 32 64.0700 2 51.0104 3 62.0102 38 63.0200 51 64.1200 1 53.0500 51 62.0200 5 53.0800 54.0200 2 1 62.0400 62.0500 370 11,952 62 1100 8,237 3 64.0200 972 35.0100 20.0300 1 55.0300 4 62.0900 51 42.1100 3 23.0400 7 56.0100 2 62.1000 8 47.0500 1 38.0900 1 56.0500 29 6Z1100 2 51.0103 1 51.0400 3 57.0100 1 63.0200 37 51.0104 4 56.0100 8 57.0300 30 64.0400 4 520400 1 6Z0400 1 58.0700 16 64.0800 2 53.0300 3 620500 4 59.0302 164 64.1100 1 53.0400 11 64.0200 930 60.0400 5 64.1200 2 53.0500 6 64.0400 9 62.0101 87 55.0200 8 64.1200 8 62.0102 44 62.0600 1.747 55.0300 2 62 0200 12 238 24 0701 1 56 0300 6 64.0301 3,758 62.0300 ' 19 29.0202 3 56.0500 42 14.2005 1 62.0400 5 32.0400 6 57.0200 1 I 19.0200 2 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 63 Table 1A. — The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 . 64.0503 . 64.0504. 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0903 22.0102 22.0300 22.0400 23.0700 24.0706 25.0000 26.0301 26.0501 27.0100 32.0300 32.0400 34.0304 34.0305 47.0300 55.0200 61.0500 61.0700 64.0104 64.0105 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0700 64.1100 64.1200 20.0903 64.0301 64.0302 13.0500 14.1200 14.3202 19.0301 22.0101 23.0500 29.0100 32.0300 32.0400 34.0302 34.0305 40.0800 41.0203 42.0300 42.0800 42.1100 58.0700 61.0500 62.0500 63.0300 64.0301 64.0400 64.0700 64.1200 26.0602 27.0402 27.0406 32.0400 42.0100 49.0200 55.0200 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.1200 26.0501 27.0402 27.0406 32.0300 36.0900 42.0100 49.0100 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.1100 24.0701 26.0501 26.0806 27.0404 27.0406 42.0402 47.0300 48.0600 49.0800 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.1100 3 1 1 3 6 6 2 3 1 2 10 23 1 13 49 1 1 2 2 8 1 3 2 3,465 47 73 3 1 22 247 1 5 241 7.469 6 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 17 1 3 1 4 1 1 2 5 23 10 2 39 7,298 1 45 1,116 2 1 2 10 2 6 3 1,067 5 12 6 879 13 3 3 6 3 7 1 37 1 148 653 1 3 536 5 6 1 3 4 1 2 1 11 2 2 495 3 24.0706 See footnote at the end of the table. 789 2 64.0700 . 64.0800 . 64.0900 . 64.1000 . 64.1100. 64.1200 . 26.0601 27.0404 27.0406 32.0400 42.1100 51.0104 63.0300 64.0504 64.0700 64.1200 13.0500 19.0200 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 32.0400 36.1600 41.0203 42.0201 44.0001 47.0300 56.0500 62.0600 64.0800 64.1200 32.0400 64.0900 19.0304 42.0300 64.1000 19.0306 22.0101 23.0500 24.0705 25.0000 26.0501 32.0400 38.0400 38.0800 40.0700 41.0201 42.1100 53.0500 55.0200 57.0200 57.0300 58.0700 62.0500 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0700 64.1100 64.1200 73.0200 17.1100 18.0400 19.0100 19.0302 20.0903 27.0100 27.0406 29.0202 29.0300 32.0400 32.0600 40.0600 40.0700 42.0100 42.0201 42.0500 44.0001 49.0700 50.0400 52.0100 52.0500 54.0400 56.0500 59.0301 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0700 64.0102 64.0105 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.1100 5 1 1 1 1 22 4 752 836 829 7 1,212 1 24 5 3 6 4 1 1 3 3 2 1 26 1,126 6 1,481 1 1,480 1,043 2 1 1,040 5,943 2 1 2 3 3 63 13 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 5 2 2 1 3,417 2 2,401 5,928 1 25 1 1 4 2 6 2 2 7 1 1 2 59 1 1 17 1 1 2 1 1 9 6 4 7 1 4 2 3 5 11 2 12 84 3 64.1200 65.0100 . 65.0200 . 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 . 65.0701 . 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 . 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 . 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0100 71.0201 65.0100 81.0001 65.0200 65.0301 65.0301 65.0302 68.0302 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 73.0200 67.0000 73.0200 68.0100 68.0302 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 68.0301 68.0302 79.0300 68.0301 68.0302 79.0300 81.0001 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0500 75.0001 70.0200 70.0300 70.0500 75.0001 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0100 70.0500 71.0201 5.636 35588 35 584 4 20 166 19 99? 174 157 106 143 96! 1 78 • 11 363 9»*8 84 9-W 3T*4C 32*4C 94 141 94 141 7315 7 315 13 193 m; 1.T77 43 194 26X 8506 13 108 13 108 180 317 180 317 27 777 2S624 2.153 29.359 2.674 26.685 170.896 170.428 468 15,778 15,778 77,379 77,175 100 104 3,715 3,291 2 422 15,467 4 15.347 2 114 568.970 568,970 522.519 522.519 268,591 263,596 4.282 404 309 62.049 37,183 17 44 24.805 85,632 85.632 168.993 168,993 62.104 62.104 457,250 457.250 494.402 229 494.173 71 0202 72 0101 72 0102 72 0201 I 7202C2 I 720203 T0204 -2 02OS "2 0300 "3 0101 73 0102 73 0103 73 0104 . 73 0106 . 73 0107 . 73.0108 . 73.0109 . 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 730303 74.0000 75.0001 71.0202 71.0201 72.0101 71.0201 72.0102 72.0201 72:6202 72.0201 72.0203 72.0300 73.0108 73.0109 72.0204 73.0101 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 72.0201 73.0102 73.0103 73.0111 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0104 73.0107 75.0001 76.0102 72.0203 73.0108 73.0109 73.0200 26.0301 65.0701 72.0203 73.0106 73.0108 73.0109 73.0200 73.0104 73.0111 73.0112 730302 730303 73.0112 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0111 73.0302 73.0104 73.0111 73.0303 74.0000 81.0001 65.0301 73.0107 55,711 55.711 52,407 360 52,047 7,195 306 6,889 20,796 20,796 6,928 6.928 22.608 4 22,512 15 72 5 19,433 19.302 131 3,843 3,843 18,164 18,164 30,896 30,896 26,882 360 26,522 39,803 39,756 47 115,730 115,730 13,675 13,668 7 30,694 39 30,490 72 93 15,728 88 11,630 59 3,951 78.858 8 38 1 64 86 71,165 7,496 75.894 377 74.314 307 189 707 28.015 28.015 29.865 214 29,651 116.396 116.396 84.850 1.469 83.381 55,115 387 2.804 51.924 280.708 280,187 521 22,590 15 131 64 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1A.— The Make Table for Industries (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value Industry ■ Commodity produced Value Industry ' Commodity produced Value 75.0001 22,444 107,056 107,056 8,735 8,735 36,660 13 36,647 6,278 74 6,204 16,321 16,321 1,988 5 1,983 6.179 6,179 5,542 5,542 12,603 12,603 35,797 35,797 77.0100 216.111 216.111 219,439 379 219,060 50,459 50,459 18,971 18.971 6.593 6.593 53.413 53.413 18,001 18.001 43,704 43,704 12.985 12.985 13.666 596 13.070 17,964 105 17.859 77.0503 30,605 30,605 21,534 21.534 6,851 6,851 17,566 17,566 15,374 15.374 30,082 30,082 46,506 57 46,449 6.540 6,504 36 7,926 2,092 -177 329 3 1,830 98 3,751 79.0100 5.876 6 5 870 75.0002 77.0200 77.0100 77 0504 77.0503 79.0200 65.0100 65.0200 75.0002 77.0301 73.0112 77.0200 77.0600 77.0504 18 758 75.0003 79 0300 68.0100 18,758 75.0003 77.0700 77.0600 68,172 37 76.0101 77.0303 77.0301 82.0000 36.0100 65.0100 65.0400 65.0500 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 75.0003 76.0206 79.0300 73.0200 76.0101 64 77.0800 77.0700 1.713 2,046 5 76.0102 77.0304 77.0303 73.0107 76.0102 77.0900 77.0800 3.159 19.586 1,567 77.0305 77.0304 78.0100 77.0900 64 76.0201 77.0305 76.0201 57 8,766 76.0202 77.0402 77.0401 78.0200 71.0201 78.0100 987 73.0200 76.0202 383 29,738 77.0403 77.0402 76 0203 78 0500 68.0100 71.0201 764,389 76.0203 84.0000 82.0000 764.389 76 0204 77.0501 77.0502 77.0403 10,087 76.0204 69.0200 70.0400 71.0201 7£0300 74.0000 76.0101 78.0500 85.0000 84.0000 10,087 76 0205 73.0200 77.0501 -7,982 76.0205 85.0000 -7.982 76.0206 73.0200 77.0502 76.0206 1 . See appendixes A and B for content and descriptions of industries, commodities, final uses, and value added. DETAILED TABLES 65 Table 1 B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 27.0100 31.0200 31.0300 36.0100 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 54 2 7 3 64 2 14 1 57 51 2 12 3,500 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 31.0200 36.0100 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1900 128 3,035 6 15 60 5 11 16 217 6 1 1,277 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 1 0.0000 36.1900 1 1,268 6 1 1 728 5.0001 6.0200 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 27.0201 31.0200 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1600 36.1900 9 2 40 38 2 609 1 1 1 6 5 12 1 1 1,621 9.0004 10.0000 5 1,616 115,450 11.0101 115,450 3,274 11.0102 3,274 43 239 11.0105 43,239 10 910 11.0108 10,910 33 596 11.0400 33,596 1 833 11.0501 1,833 11,633 11,633 11.0601 1,673 1.673 11.0602 1 061 11.0603 1,061 91 887 11.0800 91,887 142,393 11.0900 142,393 63 282 12.0101 63,282 23 061 12.0214 23,061 1 719 12.0215 1.719 134 319 12.0300 134,319 12,445 13.0100 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0500 62.0101 12,082 48 8 199 1 107 2.973 Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 14.1100 156 14.2500 2 7 429 14.0200 88 14.0300 486 14.0400 6.007 14.0500 71 14.0600 682 14.0800 12 14.0900 9 14.1100 12 14.1403 1 14.1900 1 14.2002 1 14.2300 1 14.2500 34 14.2800 4 14.2900 3 14.3202 16 27.0100 1 5 311 14.0200 1 14.0300 6 14.0400 58 14.0500 4,482 14.0600 666 14.1302 48 14.1803 4 14.2200 13 14.2300 32 14.3202 1 18 985 1.0100 365 14.0200 106 14.0300 624 14.0400 492 14.0500 222 14.0600 17,149 14.0800 2 14.0900 5 14.1302 2 14.2002 6 14.2200 8 14.3202 4 1,160 14.0700 853 14.0800 108 14.0900 2 14.1200 195 14.3202 2 5,757 2 14.0101 14.0102 25 14.0105 8 14.0300 28 14.0400 33 14.0700 1 14.0800 5,033 14.0900 294 14.1100 70 14.1302 4 14.2200 235 14.2800 7 14.2900 13 14.3100 1 14.3202 3 15 202 14.0101 1 14.0102 84 14.0300 25 14.0400 6 14.0500 3 14.0600 558 14.0800 864 14.0900 12,735 14.1100 224 14.1301 301 14.1302 1 14.1403 10 14.2005 7 14.2103 85 14.2200 223 14.2300 24 14.2800 3 14.2900 3 14.3100 1 14.3202 40 46.0200 4 2,767 14.0600 1 14.0900 10 14.1000 2.528 14.1100 12 14.1301 1 14.1402 163 14.2800 15 14.3202 9 29.0300 28 6.565 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 . 4.0001 . 4.0002 . 5.0001 . 6.0100 . 6.0200 . 7.0000 . 8.0001 . 9.0001 . 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 "£0502 2.0503 2.0600 "2.0702 1.0302 2.0701 3.0001 3.0002 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 £0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 £0701 2.0702 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 9.0003 36.2200 6.0100 6.0200 6.0100 6.0200 10.0000 6.0200 7.0000 9.0001 8.0001 27.0100 7.0000 9.0001 19,646 19,646 15,514 15,514 51,069 51,069 3,146 3,146 4,724 4,724 9,459 9,459 37,945 37,945 545 545 3.061 3,061 8,708 8,708 1,561 1,561 11,993 11,993 2,162 2,162 787 787 13,629 13,629 9,972 9,972 8,129 205 2,047 5,877 3,736 3,736 14,321 86 73 314 30 69 116 344 1 51 101 14 84 23 5 185 20 38 12,767 15,484 15,484 2,129 2,028 91 9 1 3,365 3,350 15 5,245 15 5,227 3 26,917 8 26,907 2 97,623 97,613 10 5,157 2 4,886 9.0002 . 9.0003 9.0004 . 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200. 13.0300 13.0500 . 13.0600 , 13.0700 . 14.0101 14.0102 . 14.0105 . 14.0200 . 14.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0600 13.0700 32.0400 60.0200 60.0400 61.0500 62.0101 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 44.0001 59.0302 60.0200 60.0400 62.0101 13.0200 13.0500 32.0400 60.0100 60.0400 64.0400 64.0800 13.0200 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 32.0400 41.0203 62.0400 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0700 23.0200 27.0100 4£0300 45.0300 50.0400 53.0800 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 6£0101 1.0301 14.0101 14.0102 14.2700 1.0301 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0400 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1302 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 32.0400 1.0200 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1301 14.1302 14.1502 29.0100 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.2900 14.0102 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 126 2,569 16 11 2 11 11 16 211 2,591 47 17 2,223 1 52 32 29 190 1.342 1 1,295 2 34 3 6 1 1,267 116 17 1,130 1 1 1 1 1,599 158 1 47 1,323 5 1 4 4 1 4 14 3 26 8 49,876 502 45,001 4,349 24 16,498 18 2,612 13,458 197 2 2 17 37 38 104 8 1 2 2 25,130 2 78 505 24,473 15 6 2 3 34 11 1 1,233 759 26 312 6 128 2 15,901 41 19 15,392 82 6 179 20 4 14.0400 . 14.0500 . 14.0600 . 14.0700 . 14.0800 . 14.0900 . 14.1000. 14.1100. See footnote at the end of the table. 66 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ■ Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 14.0102 25 14.0800 5 14.1802 54 27.0100 4 14.0105 6 14.0900 1 14.2004 2.555 36.1900 1 14.0300 586 14.1501 6.141 14.2005 54 14.0600 14.0700 11 1 14.1502 27.0300 130 52 14.3201 14.3202 26 23 14 2700 2,804 14.0101 916 14.0800 213 14.0102 6 14.0900 14.1100 302 5,201 14.1502 16.695 5 14.2005 11.708 1 14.0105 14.1200 78 14.0101 14.0300 12 14.1302 3 14.0105 1 14.0800 3 14.1502 22 14.1403 27 14.0400 3 14.0900 17 14.2700 1,736 14.1802 1 14.0900 1 14.1100 25 14.2900 17 14.2002 1 14.1301 14 14.1402 76 27.0406 5 14.2005 1 14.1401 28 14.1403 8 33.0001 9 14.2300 2 14.1402 1 14.1801 3i 44.0001 3 14.2800 10 14.1501 16 14 1802 114 14.2900 143201 109 2 14.1502 14.2004 16,528 14 14.2002 14.2004 1 S3' ■ '42800 8" . 4,710 14.2800 4,686 14.3202 64 14.2500 14.2700 23 17 14.2005 14.2200 96T1 14.3202 24 14.1200 6,537 1 20.0903 27.0100 1 1 14.3201 14.3202 K '42900 5 501 14.0102 14.0101 80 14.0700 79 27.0300 10 26.0400 IOC 14.0102 6 14 1200 6,416 29.0100 30 64.0301 1 14.0200 30 141301 2 3^0400 1 14.0300 77 14.1302 32.0400 37 1 44.0001 1 14.2101 2CS8* 2c se:- 14 0600 14 0800 3 14.2101 10 64.0400 1 14.1600 1.626 2 14.2104 C 141100 14.1403 228 14.0800 3 14.1301 7.449 14 14.1600 14.1802 1.552 1 14.2102 56- i 14 2500 14.2600 1.124 14.0102 14.2101 39 14.0800 3 14.1900 5 14.2102 566 14.2900 3.900 14.0900 312 14.2800 58 143202 1 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 33 6,897 172 14.3100 14.3201 1 7 14.2103 soar 10 8 i 14 300C 14.0900 14.2101 359 14 0500 1 14.1502 14.2300 6 10 14.1700 6,402 3 14.2103 14.2104 4 98" 19 14.1200 14 1301 1 14.0102 1 14.3202 1 14.1401 13 14.2300 8 14 2200 1 27.0100 1 14.1700 6,084 14.3000 355 7,239 5 14.2005 14.2400 14.2500 1 1 242 14.2104 6 7SO 1 6548 143100 14.1302 14.2103 14.2104 1 295 14.0101 14.3100 1.286 14.0102 42 14.2900 24 27.0100 201 14.3202 9 14.0105 5 27.0100 30 14.0300 14.0400 1 4 29.0202 3£0400 3 1 14 2200 24 022 7 14 3201 7,558 14.0102 14.0102 31 14.0500 1 14.0400 7 14.0400 28 14 0600 18 14 1801 23,834 14.0500 14.0600 29 262 14.0800 26 14.0700 2 14.0102 21 14.1100 25 14.0800 14 14.0300 2 14.0900 470 14.1301 11 14.0900 6 14.0500 1 14.1100 3 14.1401 7 14.1100 7 14.0800 30 14.1301 3 14.1402 148 14.1200 8 14.1100 1 14.2101 i 14.1801 29 14.1301 55 14.1302 5 14.2104 4 14.1802 92 14.1302 6.998 14.1403 22 14.2200 23 108 14.2004 84 14.1403 1 14.1801 23,393 14.2300 99 14.2005 3 14.1801 8 14.1802 172 14.2900 3 14.3201 6,968 14.1803 39 14.1803 98 14.3202 10 14.3202 106 14.3202 25 14.2005 4 29 0100 1 14.2300 74 48^0600 15 6.847 13 3 61 20 5 55 1 31 17 3 14.3202 14,735 14.1401 5,878 3 1 14.2900 14.3202 5Z0500 1 9 i 14.2300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 25 14.0400 14.1302 30 14.0102 14.0400 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1301 14.1402 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 17 14.1401 5,601 14.0300 452 14.1402 161 14.1802 7,126 14.0400 75 14.1502 12 14.0101 2 14.0500 6 14.1700 10 14.1402 120 140600 6 14.2500 65 14.1403 12 14.0800 133 14.2700 10 14.1801 260 14.0900 202 27.0100 12 14.1802 6.688 14.1000 250 14.1402 52.0500 3 7,815 14.1803 14.2005 14.3201 4 5 26 14 1100 14.1301 141302 306 3 14 14.0800 28 14.3202 2 14.2103 14.2200 14.2300 14.2800 14.3202 16 112 6,316 19 106 14.1401 47 14.1100 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 3 4 8 7,527 14.1803 25.0000 7 1,855 1 14.1402 14.1403 14.1600 14.1700 436 71 41 14.0101 75 14.1403 158 14.0105 15 27.0100 34 14.1801 32 14.1501 19 14.1100 1 27.0406 27 14.1802 410 14.1502 6 14.1301 26 29.0100 6 14.1900 1 14.1801 7 14.1302 76 29.0203 2 14.2002 89 14.1802 41 14.1403 4 14 2004 45 14.2004 14.2005 5 6 14.1801 14.1802 239 17 14.2400 723 14.2005 14 2200 10 26 14.2400 638 14.3100 2 14.1803 1,476 14.2500 44 142300 265 14.3201 1 14.2600 10 14 2500 36 4.247 6 37 14.1900 6,653 7 7 6,637 14.2500 14.2900 31 8,980 14 2800 142900 14 3100 245 14.1403 14.0900 14.1403 14.1900 11 14.0102 14.0800 69 14.1502 29 14 3201 28 14.0900 5 14.2005 2 14.1700 12 14 3202 11.230 14.1301 7 14.2400 6 27.0100 4 14.1302 14.1401 10 349 14.2002 1,618 3 14.2500 14.2600 8.578 10 29.0300 32.0400 13 14.0102 29 14.1402 334 14.0900 2 14.2900 334 52.0500 1 14.1403 3.345 14.1100 2 14.3202 3 64.0400 2 14.1801 74 14.1402 3 27.0100 8 14.1802 14 14.2002 1,378 15 0101 34.156 14.1803 32 14!2004 14 14.2600 752 15.0101 34.154 14.2500 3 14.2005 75 14.2002 1 15.0102 2 14.2800 1 14.2200 1 14.2004 11 14 2900 24 14 2300 21 14 2400 13 15.0102 325 14^3202 3 1412800 6 14.2500 53 15.0102 305 29.0203 3 14.3202 113 14.2600 14.2900 576 92 15.0103 20 14.1501 6,329 14.2004 2,712 14.3202 1 1S.0103 1.539 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 67 Table 1B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 15.0101 18 28.0400 216 42.1100 7 20.0300 6 15.0102 7 32.0300 6 54.0400 6 20.0400 1 15.0103 1,514 36.1600 24 64.0301 2 20.0501 1 48.0200 2 64.0800 24 20.0600 39 15.0200 4,127 62.0500 22 20.0800 10 15 0101 535 19.0301 750 20.0901 3 15.0102 15.0103 1 2 17.1100 1,955 162 18.0400 19.0200 17 4 20.0903 21.0000 3 16.0100 2 15.0200 3,566 16.0300 1 19.0301 691 23.0500 1 24.0800 23 17.0100 17.0900 4 1 19.0302 19.0306 19 6 24.0800 10 16 0100 25,731 25,380 17.1001 17.1100 29 1,689 20 0903 24.0702 1 2 20.0200 21 415 16.0100 20.0100 301 16.0200 3 19.0200 4 32.0400 6 20.0200 19,914 16.0300 31 19.0303 5 34.0305 1 20.0300 65 17.0700 26 19.0306 3 58.0600 1 20.0400 3 18.0300 215 24.0500 2 59.0302 1 20.0501 119 19.0100 1 24.0800 26 64.0400 1 20.0502 3 19.0200 72 320300 3 20.0600 692 19.0304 3 32.0400 8 19.0302 1,143 20.0701 31 36.1600 2 17.1100 1 20.0702 3 16.0200 1,282 3 36.2000 49.0300 13 1 19.0200 19.0301 1 18 20.0800 20.0901 55 16.0100 85 16.0200 1.244 59.0302 1 19.0302 1,081 20.0903 8 16.0300 8 64.1200 1 19.0304 2 21.0000 26 17.0600 1 19.0306 8 22.0101 8 17.10O1 18.0201 1 10 18.0101 ...: 3,127 1,827 22.0300 26.0501 2 2 23.0400 24.0100 5 iaoio'i 7 18.0300 8 18.0102 1,282 32.0400 4 24.0800 70 19.0304 4 18.0400 18 34.0305 2 27.0401 3 32.0500 1 35.0100 2 40.0400 3 38.1000 2 18.0102 1,266 24 37.0300 61.0500 2 17 42.0500 64.0301 11 18.0101 3 16 0300 9,670 368 3 18.0102 18.0201 18.0300 1,231 2 1 19.0303 64.1200 1 849 20.0300 16.0100 16.0200 2 051 20.0200 72 16.0300 9,236 18.0400 8 18.0400 22 20.0300 1,933 16.0400 10 19.0303 701 20.0501 12 17.0100 4 18.0300 7,444 19.0304 114 20.0600 5 17.0700 3 16.0100 175 19.0305 11 20.0901 1 17.0900 2 16.0200 47 19.0306 1 20.0903 7 18.0101 6 16.0300 4 20.0904 2 18.0300 26 17.0700 4 19.0304 6.098 22.0101 8 32.0300 4 17.1001 2 16.0200 1 22.0200 4 33.0001 8 18.0102 2 16.0300 1 22.0400 1 18.0201 222 17.0600 7 23.0400 1 16.0400 845 18.0202 7 18.0102 10 32.0400 1 16.0300 16 18.0203 10 18.0300 10 4Z0500 1 16.0400 829 18.0300 6,947 18.0400 20 59.0302 1 18.0400 19 19.0200 4 64.0200 1 17.0100 9,686 19.0200 3 19.0303 22 64.0301 1 17.0100 9,659 19.0302 1 19.0304 5,976 17.0600 17.1100 3 4 19.0303 1 19.0305 19.0306 7 2 20.0400 159 20.0200 2 19.0200 19.0306 16 4 18.0400 56,800 2 24.0701 24.0706 1 5 20.0400 157 18.0102 1,471 18.0201 18.0202 3,951 871 26.0501 26 0802 14 1 20.0501 9,550 17.0600 20 0200 70 17.0100 5 18.0203 100 32.0400 9 20.0300 27 17.0600 1,315 18.0300 12 59.0302 6 20.0501 9,158 17.0900 4 18.0400 51,818 64.1000 2 20.0502 91 18.0400 15 19.0200 3 20.0600 26 19.0304 24.0701 4 8 19.0304 19.0306 4 1 19.0305 305 8 20.0701 20.0702 18 19.0303 1 24.0706 57 34.0301 11 19.0304 4 20.0903 13 27.0406 1 64.0105 2 19.0305 293 20.0904 1 28.0300 3 64.1200 25 21.0000 4 . 29.0203 1 19.0306 3,178 22.0101 13 32.0200 1 19.0100 1,323 16.0200 16 23.0100 1 32.0300 12 17.0100 8 17.0100 41 23.0300 1 32.0400 12 19.0100 1,184 17.0600 3 23.0400 11 36.1600 27 19.0200 122 17.0900 1 23.0500 3 36.2200 3 22.0101 1 17.1001 4 23.0600 4 63.0300 3 22.0400 4 18.0400 23 23.0700 4 23.0600 3 19.0200 13 32.0400 40 17.0700 936 64.1200 1 19.0301 3 36.1400 4 17.0700 936 19.0302 13 40.0500 58 19.0200 7,375 19.0304 12 55.0200 1 17.0900 638 14.1502 7 19.0305 3 64.0301 1 16.0200 1 16.0100 1,655 19.0306 2,949 17.0600 17.0700 9 13 16.0300 17.0100 2 18 22.0400 24.0701 3 18 20.0502 5035 20.0300 2 17.0900 593 17.1001 31 24.0706 3 20.0501 64 19.0306 4 17.1100 4 26.0501 2 20.0502 4,915 32.0400 8 18.0102 2 29.0202 1 20.0600 1 32.0500 2 18.0202 19 32.0400 24 20.0903 1 42.0500 4 18.0203 116 34.0201 3 22.0101 10 42.1100 1 18.0300 6 34.0305 17 220102 1 62.0500 3 18.0400 69 35.0100 1 22.0300 2 19.0100 74 36.2000 1 23.0400 16 17.1001 3,297 19.0200 5,268 40 0901 1 23 0700 2 16.0100 87 19.0301 1 41.0203 2 320400 4 16.0200 3 19.0302 4 42.0500 1 54.0400 17 17.0900 1 19.0303 10 49.0700 3 17.1001 17.1100 2,711 19 19.0304 19.0306 1 20 52.0500 53.0500 5 3 20.0600 6 867 20.0200 166 18.0400 19 20.0903 2 59.0302 4 20.0300 1 19.0304 1 22.0101 1 62.0500 1 20.0501 13 19.0306 7 22.0200 1 62.0700 1 20.0502 3 24.0500 4 22.0400 3 63.0200 1 20.0600 6,630 24.0701 2 23.0300 2 64.1100 2 20.0901 4 24.0706 8 24.0500 7 20.0904 10 24.0800 26.0700 132 31 29.0201 32.0400 2 5 20.0100 19,674 105 21.0000 22.0101 4 2.0701 1 27.0402 1 36.1600 2 20.0100 18,981 22.0103 2 27.0406 1 36.2000 4 20.0200 512 24.0800 21 See footnote at the end of the table. 68 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES 1992 Commodity ' 20.0701 20.0702 . 20.0703 . 20.0800 . 20.0901 20.0903 . 20.0904 Producing industry 32.0400 36.1400 61.0700 20.0200 20.0501 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0904 40.0500 54.0400 20.0200 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0903 22.0101 32.0400 40.0500 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 44 0001 6Z0500 20.0702 20.0703 61.0603 61.0700 20.0200 20.0800 27.0201 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0702 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 21.0000 25.0000 44.0001 62.0400 2.0701 17.0100 19.0200 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0702 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 22.0101 22.0300 23.0300 23.0400 24.0706 25.0000 26.0602 27.0202 27.0402 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 34.0302 35.0100 40.0700 41.0203 42.0500 42.1100 46.0300 49.0700 55.0200 61.0100 62.0200 62.0700 64.0101 64.0104 64.0301 64.0302 64.1200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0600 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 23.0100 23.0400 Table 1B.— The Make Table for Commodities (Columns)--Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Value 1 9 2 2,395 27 9 6 2,338 11 2 1 1 2,162 1 51 2,058 10 1 5 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 4,515 17 4,464 28 6 2.700 92 2,604 4 2,122 2 70 1 1 5 1.992 7 38 2 3 1 3.730 30 1 4 3 12 6 10 2 1 3 3.482 2 2 2 2 4 5 4 5 1 5 1 5 69 8 1 3 1 3 2 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 15 3 1 4 3.975 1 8 49 1 1 3,892 3 5 Commodity ' 21.0000. 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 . 22.0200. 22.0300 . 22.0400 . Producing industry 32.0400 36.2200 40.0400 40.0500 20.0200 20.0300 20.0400 20.0501 20.0600 20.0701 20.0901 20.0903 21.0000 23.0100 23.0400 25.0000 32.0400 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0701 20.0702 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0700 27.0406 35.0100 40.0902 54.0100 55.0200 56.0100 61.0100 62.0102 620700 64.0400 64.1100 19.0200 22.0101 22.0102 22.0200 22.0300 320400 35.0100 64.0301 22.0101 22.0103 23.0100 22.0101 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0300 32.0400 33.0001 19.0302 20.0300 22.0101 22.0300 22.0400 23.0200 23.0500 35.0100 40.0100 40.0500 40.0700 40.0800 40.0902 42.0300 42.0401 54.0100 6Z0400 64.0301 17.1100 19.0200 22.0101 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 Value 10 1 1 3 777 7 1 1 8 5 2 53 2 690 1 1 2 4 8.185 1 5 8 7 1 1 4 3 6 2 8.009 3 23 48 24 5 1 2 7 6 3 2 2 490 13 31 417 10 5 6 2 6 388 84 303 1 5,897 73 5,746 3 59 10 1 1 4 1,906 2 1 3 1,834 16 9 5 9 1 4 6 1 1 2 1 4 1 6 3,155 1 4 17 383 20 2.708 Commodity ' 23.0100. 23.0200 . 23.0300 23.0400. 23.0500. Producing industry 23.0300 24.0703 32.0300 320400 420500 64.0301 20.0501 20 0502 20.0903 22.0101 22.0300 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 56.0500 220200 22.0300 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 24.0400 24.0703 32.0400 36.2000 40.0500 41.0203 44.0001 520300 620102 19.0306 20.0502 20.0903 22.0300 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 40.0500 421100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.06O0 20.0701 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 22.0101 22.0200 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 320400 35.0100 36.2200 41.0203 420300 52.0300 64.0200 See footnote at the end of the table. 20.0502 22.0101 22.0300 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 24.0703 32.0400 38.1200 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0902 41.0203 420500 421100 46.0200 47.0300 48.0100 50.0400 520100 Value 3 2 1 12 2 2 2,016 2 1 3 76 7 1.827 65 12 17 1 4 1 5,788 9 16 72 5.550 67 14 14 13 3 9 3 2 7 2 1 3 3 4.402 9 2 1 4 17 70 4,195 24 8 64 4 4 3.251 4 1 18 60 1 3 1 8 3 4 8 20 4 20 2.852 188 16 12 2 3 3 3 10 7 3,285 1 4 5 5 59 4 30 2,995 54 3 7 1 3 7 4 3 3 3 5 21 32 1 1 1 1 Commodity ' 23.0600 . 23.0700 . 24.0100. 24.0400 . 24.0500 . 24.0701 Producing industry 52.0300 52.0500 59.0302 62.0102 62.0400 62.0800 63.0300 64.0400 64.1100 19.0100 19.0302 20.0501 22.0400 23.0500 23.0600 40.0500 42.0300 63.0300 20.0502 20.0903 22.0101 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 40.0100 40.0200 40.0800 40.0901 42.0201 420300 42.0500 4Z1100 44.0001 44.0002 46.0400 48.0100 520500 56.0300 62IV00 62. ,0 62 0o00 63.0300 64.0301 24.0100 24.0800 24.0400 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 25.0000 26.0501 320400 19.0200 19.0306 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0705 24.0706 25.0000 26.0700 29.0202 62.0500 17.0600 17.1001 19.0200 19.0304 20.0600 20.0903 20.0904 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 26.0601 26.0802 27.0402 27.0406 30.0000 32.0300 320400 36.1600 42.0201 421000 49.0800 Value 11 1 9 1 4 1 1 2 2 1.839 11 1 11 1 1 1,794 16 1 3 2247 1 1 3 2 4 4 2 16 18 28 2.069 1 3 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 4 1 1 15 1 16 39 1 1 3 6,200 4.488 1,712 2,678 2,561 5 7 74 5 2 24 14,924 2 2 14,669 5 28 1 14 14 3 22 164 10,774 43 30 6 1 5 4 5 11 9,413 304 9 12 21 11 113 34 1 6 12 5 8 103 115 3 169 5 DETAILED TABLES 69 Table 1B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 51.0400 1 24.0800 46,908 55.0300 19 29.0203 152 55.0300 10 31.0300 28 56.0200 17 29.0300 89 58.0600 8 36.1400 15 57.0300 2 30.0000 19 62.0500 154 63.0300 4 63.0300 17 31.0101 5,167 62.0600 1 64.0301 23 31.0102 49 63.0300 64.0503 146 5 25.0000 31 ,743 8 64.0502 64.0503 13 6 31.0103 32.0300 3 14.2200 3 17.1001 3 64.1100 63 32.0400 47 24.0702 8,056 15 14 20.0300 20.0901 20.0903 1 5 1 26.0601 6,818 40 36.0100 36.0800 36.1300 3 14.2900 19.0301 4 24.0701 15 24.0701 118 21.0000 4 24.0703 3 36.1600 1 24.0702 7,548 24.0400 2 24.0705 7 36.1900 1 24.0706 8 24.0500 46 26.0100 12 36.2100 1 25.0000 21 24.0701 13 26.0302 6 37.0101 10 26.0501 13 24.0702 4 26.0501 191 37.0102 13 27.0202 1 24.0703 10 26.0601 6,533 38.0100 24 30.0000 1 24.0706 32 26.0602 16 38.0400 2 32.0400 267 24.0800 1 42.1000 4 38.0501 125 32.0600 ■ 4 25.0000 31,260 42.1100 1 38.0600 1 37.0103 2 26.0501 5 64.0504 5 38.0900 3 42.0500 3 26.0700 29 38.1000 6 42.1000 41 32.0300 32.0400 10 131 26.0602 3.435 10 40.0600 49.0600 4 24.0703 1 24.0703 2.049 2 34.0304 35.0200 1 33 24.0705 24.0706 62 9 55.0100 55.0200 7 20.0903 3 23.0200 8 39.0100 21 26.0501 17 57.0200 6 24.0400 28 39.0200 8 26.0602 3,248 60.0200 6 24.0701 10 41.0203 4 26.0700 44 62.0500 18 24.0702 1 42.0500 1 26.0802 26 62.1000 33 24.0703 1,810 42.1000 105 34.0302 12 63.0300 88 24.0705 66 64.0301 2 34.0304 1 64.0301 1 24.0706 11 64.1100 3 34.0305 2 64.1200 2 24.0800 12 41.0203 2 25.0000 26.0302 13 10 26.0100 8,541 8,541 64.0501 2 27.0201 9,472 26.0100 14.1502 1 26.0501 4 26.0700 3,213 20.0800 6 26.0601 3 26.0200 11,354 24.0706 47 20.0903 1 26.0602 6 26.0100 94 26.0301 1 27.0100 553 26.0802 28 26.0200 10,307 26.0400 15 27.0201 6,790 32.0400 6 26.0301 907 26.0501 37 27.0202 1.784 42.0100 1 26.0302 8 26.0700 3,113 27.0300 100 42.0500 1 . 26.0400 33 27.0403 4 42.1000 51.0400 11 18 26.0501 5 26.0802 1,348 5 27.0406 28.0100 5 19.0304 46 26.0301 15,875 24.0706 4 28.0200 35 24.0705 1,290 26.0100 14 26 0302 4 29 0201 3 18.0400 2 26.0200 588 26.0501 44 29.0203 6 20.0903 6 26.0301 15,209 26.0601 1 30.0000 5 24.0400 28 26.0302 1 26.0602 44 31.0101 100 24.0500 4 26.0400 43 26.0802 1.246 320400 26 24.0703 33 26.0700 2 36.1100 1 24.0705 24.0706 1,053 9 64.0301 73.0109 10 8 26.0803 2,005 2 36.1900 37.0101 1 26.0100 5 25.0000 1 26.0200 1 26.0301 26.0400 1 3 26.0302 4.849 3 26.0301 26.0302 4 19 27.0300 8,378 25.0000 14.1502 1 26.0501 3 26.0200 5 26.0501 276 27.0100 320 26.0601 5 26.0301 14 26.0601 1 27.0202 10 26.0602 40 26.0302 4,135 26.0803 1,655 27.0300 7,357 26.0700 73 26.0400 15 26.0806 45 27.0402 1 26.0802 6 26.0501 674 42.0402 2 27.0406 3 3Z0400 20 26.0602 1 28.0100 154 64.1100 3 26.0802 26.0803 1 1 26.0806 3.627 1 29.0100 29.0201 173 24.0702 15 24.0706 4,287 25.0000 2 29.0202 312 15 13.0500 1 26.0400 5 432 26 0200 1 29 0203 14.2900 3 26.0100 292 26.0302 10 29.0300 7 15.0103 3 26.0200 478 26.0501 213 42.0500 1 16.0100 1 26.0301 196 26.0803 44 62.0900 1 17.0900 1 26.0302 24 26.0806 3,348 63.0300 8 17.1100 1 26.0400 4,339 27.0404 2 19.0306 20.0200 1 1 26.0501 26.0700 21 82 42.0201 47.0300 3 1 27.0401 811 20.0901 1 20.0903 1 56.0200 1 24.0100 20 23.0500 3 26.0501 34,600 64.0503 1 24 0800 85 24.0400 10 19.0304 11 27.0100 1 24.0500 24.0701 13 18 19.0306 23.0400 2 1 27.0100 92,325 2 27.0401 27.0404 637 6.0100 1 24.0702 10 23.0700 2 8.0001 102 27.0406 30 24.0703 3 24.0400 6 10.0000 1,522 28.0100 29 24.0705 46 24.0701 54 14.0300 14 29.0203 7 24.0706 3,898 24.0702 52 14.0400 1 25.0000 26.0302 16 10 24.0703 24.0705 11 17 14.1502 14.1700 3 724 27.0402 5 478 20.0300 1 26.0400 4 24.0706 18 14.2005 1 20.0903 7 26.0501 7 25.0000 43 14.2104 3 24.0701 80 26.0602 1 26.0100 956 14.2300 1 26.0601 2 26.0700 200 26.0200 27 14.2900 1 27.0100 29 27.0406 1 26.0301 7 14.3202 4 27.0402 4,908 29.0202 1 26.0302 417 24.0100 18 27.0404 1 32.0300 7 26.0400 56 24.0800 2 27.0406 31 32.0400 15 26.0501 31,850 27.0100 77,080 28.0100 153 36.1600 3 26.0601 424 27.0201 322 28.0200 44 49.0800 1 26.0602 205 27.0300 792 29.0203 6 52.0300 1 26.0700 22 27.0401 6 30.0000 17 62.0500 3 26.0802 7 27.0402 65 31.0102 2 64.0301 1 26.0803 34 27.0404 2 31.0200 1 64.0504 2 26.0806 52 27.0406 444 31.0300 10 32.0400 21 28.0100 2,674 32.0100 4 24.0800 48,239 39 0100 11 28 0200 708 4 32.0300 32.0400 50 20 15.0200 1 42.0401 2 28.0300 17.1001 21 42.0402 18 28.0400 1.021 36.1100 1 24.0100 982 42.1000 80 29.0100 550 36.1400 1 24.0500 41 44.0002 27 29.0201 342 36.1600 68 24.0701 239 55.0200 7 29.0202 10 36.2000 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 70 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1 B.— The Make Table for Commodities (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ■ Producing industry Value 40.0500 28 27.0401 32 47.0300 3 27.0402 86 49.0800 1 27.0406 13 55.0300 1 28.0100 26,680 62.0500 1 28.0200 29 63.0300 3 28.0400 685 64.0501 1 29.0201 1 64.0502 3 29.0202 29.0203 86 63 27.0403 1,220 30.0000 114 7.0000 8 31.0101 125 27.0100 19 320400 307 27.0201 5 36.1400 1 27.0402 4 36.1700 1 27.0403 1,183 36.2200 6 55.0100 1 37.0300 40.0400 1 1 27.0404 3,091 12 53.0700 55.0300 5 27.0100 10 27.0404 2.976 64.0104 1 27.0406 8 30 0000 30 28.0200 4,361 31.0102 1 27.0100 687 320400 22 27.0402 46 48.0500 10 27.0406 60 49.0700 18 28.0100 284 51.0400 10 28.0200 3.267 64.0503' 3 28.0400 3 64.0504 1 29.0100 320300 10 4 27.0405 618 618 28.0300 27.0405 1,725 28.0300 1.656 27.0406 9,816 13 28.0400 69 9.0003 13.0200 38 28.0400 11,608 14.1100 1 16.0100 104 14.1301 41 16.0300 2,226 14.2005 3 16.0400 8 14.2200 1 17.0100 67 14.2600 2 18.0300 3 15.0101 13 27.0100 31 24.0701 1 28.0100 9 24.0702 1 28.0300 117 24.0800 6 28.0400 8.981 26.0601 4 32.0400 61 26.0806 3 59.0302 1 27.0100 396 27.0202 1 29.0100 62.321 27.0300 98 14.0400 71 27.0401 50 14.0600 1 27.0402 52 14.1402 4 27.0404 12 14.1502 34 27.0406 8,325 14.2005 61 28.0100 71 14.2800 7 28.0200 10 14.3202 1 28.0400 4 17.1001 2 29.0100 28 24.0500 1 29.0201 175 27.0100 464 29.0202 75 27.0300 93 29.0203 21 27.0402 1 29.0300 67 27.0406 4 30.0000 15 28.0100 137 31.0101 14 29.0100 60.829 31.0102 63 29.0201 1 31.0103 2 29.0202 9 31.0300 6 29.0203 17 32.0300 2 29.0300 313 32.0400 7 31.0102 3 320500 1 320400 2 36.0800 1 36.1600 37 36.1400 1 60.0200 1 36.1600 4 620102 1 36.2200 2 620400 8 37.0103 3 62.0500 60 37.0401 1 620900 4 38.0501 16 621000 153 38.0900 9 64.0400 2 38.1300 1 40.0600 42.0202 2 1 29.0201 11,168 14.1100 4 420402 1 14.2800 19 42.1000 1 14.2900 18 47.0100 29 14.3202 5 47.0300 3 27.0100 132 47.0404 15 27.0300 18 47.0500 1 27.0402 1 48.0600 16 27.0406 63 51.0104 8 29.0100 1 54.0700 9 29.0201 10.155 60.0200 13 29.0202 554 620500 4 29.0203 42 62.1000 1 29.0300 140 63.0300 36 30.0000 1 64.0501 2 31.0102 8 64.0502 3 520500 2 64.0503 4 64.0800 5 64.0504 1 64.1200 6 29.0202 6.563 13.0500 8 28.0100 33,250 14 3202 7 17.0600 4 18.0300 3 17.1001 13 19.0304 15 17.1100 32 24.0500 278 27.0100 4,620 27.0100 65 27.0300 334 27.0201 1 Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry 29.0203 . 29.0300. 30.0000. 31.0101 31.0102. 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0102 32.0100 320300 320400 320600 36.1600 42.0201 47.0100 52.0500 580700 620200 62.0500 620600 64 0800 64.1200 14.1700 27.0100 27.0300 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 28.0100 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 14.2300 14.3202 240500 25.0000 27.0100 27.0300 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29 0203 29.0300 320400 54.0400 620500 64.0101 64.0800 64.1200 220101 24.0702 27.0100 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 30.0000 31.0102 31.0300 320300 320400 32.0600 36.1600 36.2200 41.0203 420402 421000 55.0300 63.0300 8.0001 27.0100 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 27.0100 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 8 11 50 4 1.291 4,637 4 56 8 25 1 3 8 12 27 1 1 24 3 1 3 3 3 2 3.813 2 860 7 1 7 185 86 30 181 3 2.384 26 41 19,013 23 3 55 3 91 10 2 726 662 334 1 17,078 7 1 8 1 6 2 14.379 1 7 34 121 27 58 15 21 4 13 13.893 1 5 4 27 3 16 3 1 2 1 55 67 134.555 7,654 1,866 124,827 47 156 5 6,737 180 10 16 55 16 48 9 7 9 4 1,840 4,521 31.0103 . 31.0200. 31.0300. 32.0100 . 32.0200 . 32.0300 . 32.0400 . 31.0103 36.1900 53.0200 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 53.0700 9.0001 9.0002 9.0004 27.0402 27.0406 30.0000 31.0200 31.0300 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1400 36.1500 45.0100 17.0600 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 31.0300 32.0300 36.1100 28.0200 320100 32.0300 32.0400 61.0500 320200 34.0201 17.1100 18.0400 19.0200 19.0306 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0706 26.0806 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 28.0400 29.0202 320100 320300 320400 320500 320600 35.0100 36.0800 38.1000 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 420300 42.0800 421100 46.0400 48.0500 50.0400 54.0400 55.0300 59.0302 60.0400 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 620400 620500 63.0300 64.0301 64.0400 64.0502 14.0600 I See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 71 Table 1B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 14.2005 2 49.0700 6 18.0400 7 35.0100 6 14.2200 14 50.0400 16 19.0200 2 36.0200 3 14.2900 1 51.0400 13 19.0301 6 36.0300 659 16.0100 2 52.0400 2 19.0306 1 36.0900 1 17.0600 91 52.0500 16 3Z0400 1 17.0900 17.1001 1 1 53.0500 55.0200 6 4 34.0201 34.0302 8 841 36.0400 798 36.0200 3 18.0400 5 55.0300 28 34.0303 1 36.0400 758 19.0200 17 56.0300 1 34.0304 2 36.0701 1 19.0301 2 57.0300 43 34.0305 4 36.0800 4 19.0304 5 58.0400 5 55.0200 2 36.2000 1 19.0306 13 58.0600 18 64.0400 1 36.2100 31 20.0501 8 59.0302 7 20.0502 20.0901 5 3 60.0400 61.0200 14 10 34.0303 433 8 36.0500 125 34.0302 36.0200 2 20.0903 57 61.0500 1 34.0303 424 36.0500 123 20.0904 5 6Z0200 2 34.0304 1 21.0000 22.0101 22.0102 1 10 12 6Z0400 62.0500 62.0600 9 21 6 34.0304 546 24 36.0600 805 36.0600 40.0200 801 18.0400 1 22.0300 16 62.0700 1 26.0602 41 49.0100 3 22.0400 3 62.0900 6 33.0001 1 23.0200 23.0300 3 1 63.0300 64.0105 76 10 34.0302 34.0303 25 18 36.0701 307 36.0701 305 23.0400 3 64.0301 49 34.0304 419 36.0900 2 23.0500 17 64.0400 17 34.0305 8 23.0600 23.0700 1 1 64.0501 64.0504 10 1 4Z1100 64.0301 9 1 36.0702 45 36.0702 43 24.0400 3 64.0800 4 36.0900 2 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 59 278 371 64.0900 64.1100 64.1200 1 13 7 34.0305 530 3 1 36.0800 18.0400 19.0302 869 24.0701 1 24.0706 85 27.0300 1 36.0200 2 24.0800 1 32.0500 2,665 32 0500 1 36 0800 829 9 25.0000 303 17.0600 3 33.0001 2 36.0900 26.0501 7 31.0102 12 34.0100 1 4Z1100 20 26.0602 4 32.0100 2 34.0201 1 48.0400 4 27.0100 72 3Z0300 60 34.0302 4 58.0600 4 27.0202 1 32.0400 101 34.0304 2 27.0402 27.0404 38 2 32.0500 32.0600 2,433 2 34.0305 41.0203 504 2 36.0900 635 20.0903 1 27.0406 145 36.2000 2 42.0201 3 22.0300 3 28.0100 656 42.0800 40 59.0302 1 36.0600 3 28.0200 21 46.0100 6 64.0301 1 36.0701 3 28.0400 94 47.0300 2 64.0400 3 36.0702 2 29.0100 2 49.0600 2 36.0800 3 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 2 12 2 32.0600 3,170 35.0100 13,114 51 8 36.0900 36.2200 42.1100 611 20.0501 20.0903 1 3 19.0306 1 30.0000 3 24.0800 47 20.0904 2 47.0404 2 31.0300 1 27.0406 21 22.0101 93 64.0502 3 32.0100 6 32.0100 3 22.0300 4 32.0200 32.0300 5 156 3Z0300 3Z0400 110 11 27.0406 31.0300 7 16 36.1000 1,703 1 32.0400 32.0400 78,021 32.0500 1 32.0400 56 36.0100 1 32.0500 22 32.0600 2.939 32.0600 3 36.0200 2 32.0600 60 36.1600 40.0200 it r\ aa/\a 1 6 35.0100 12,684 36.1000 1,509 33.0001 19 36.0800 15 36.1100 44 34.0100 1 40.0800 A 4 (*\'*\f\'*t 1 36.0900 2 36.1200 139 • 34.0202 1 41.0203 42.0800 42.1100 46.0100 49.0700 50.0400 58.0600 60.0200 64.1200 1 12 36.1600 1 37.0402 6 34.0302 1 36.2000 28 40.0901 1 34.0305 1 1 2 7 1 1 3 1 36.2100 3 35.0100 36.0600 58 26 38.1000 40.0500 60 23 36.1100 5 734 9.0002 3 36.1600 53 41.0203 6 27.0406 1 36.2000 35 4Z0500 1 28.0100 3 36.2200 2 42.1100 3 31.0200 10 37.0103 1 48.0600 1 36.0100 1 37.0200 2 33.0001 3 047 50.0400 1 36.1000 71 38.0600 1 14.0101 143 2 54.0400 13 36.1100 5.524 38.0800 18 1 9 0306 55.0100 3 36.1200 89 38.1000 7 1 ^.VJUU 33.0001 2,894 2 55.0200 17 36.1400 18 38.1100 7 34^01 00 57.0100 1 36.1900 4 38.1300 3 34i0201 2 6Z0102 4 40.0902 1 39.0100 7 34.0301 1 62.0600 1 56.0500 9 39.0200 6 34.0305 3 6Z0700 1 40.0100 40.0200 40.0500 8 41 155 34.0100 317 2 62.1000 62.1100 3 3 36.1200 11 528 9.0001 9.0002 17 16.0200 36 40.0600 23 17 0600 5 35.0200 4,867 31.0200 64 40.0700 155 17.1001 12 35.0200 4,867 36.0100 1 40.0800 5 33.0001 3 36.1000 35 40.0901 2 34 0100 292 36.0100 3,957 36.1100 39 40.0902 1 34.0305 2 9.0001 1 36.1200 11,331 41.0100 16 62.0500 1 9.0002 1 36.1900 1 41.0203 40 27.0402 10 41.0100 4 42.0201 4Z0300 42.0401 3 17 1 34.0201 3.414 12 1 27.0406 29.0202 30.0000 1 1 1 36.1300 17.1100 23.0300 857 6.0200 2 42.0402 3 32.0200 11 36.0100 3.886 9.0001 27 42.0500 12 34.0100 13 36.0900 2 27.0100 5 42.0800 34 34.0201 3,363 36.1000 1 31.0200 1 42.1000 68 34.0202 12 36.1100 1 36.0100 1 42.1100 46 34.0305 2 36.1200 11 36.1300 807 44.0001 2 36.1300 1 36.1400 7 45.0200 1 34.0202 260 36.1400 1 36.2100 7 46.0100 2 18.0400 3 40.0300 1 46.0200 47.0300 2 52 34.0201 34.0202 2 255 42.0500 79.0300 1 37 36.1400 1.939 24.0702 1 47.0404 2 27.0100 4 47.0405 48.0100 1 1 34.0301 115 5 36.0200 1,042 1.038 27.0201 27.0402 1 18.0400 36.0200 7 48.0500 15 32.0300 4 36.0500 3 36.1300 4 48.0600 14 34.0301 106 36.1000 1 36.1400 1.920 49.0100 2 36.2000 1 49.0300 3 34.0302 876 36.0300 669 47.0300 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 72 BENCHMARK tNPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, .992 Table 1B -The Make Table for Commodities (Columns^ontinued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' 36.1500 . Producing industry Value 36.1600 . 36.1700 . 36.1900 . 36.2000 . 36.2100 . 36.2200 . 37.0101 ... 9.0001 23.0300 23.0400 26.0602 27.0100 31.0200 36.1100 36.1500 37.0104 41.0203 9.0001 20.0600 24.0701 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 29.0300 36.1600 36.2200 40.0902 42.0100 42.0202 42.0500 42.1000 47.0100 47.0300 47.0500 51.0103 620600 63.0300 64.0800 31.0300 36.1700 59.0302 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 27.0100 27.0406 32.0400 36.0100 36.0400 36.0800 36.1200 36.1400 36.1900 36.2100 37.0101 38.0600 47.0405 20.0501 27.0402 31.0300 32.0400 36.2000 40.0300 49.0600 36.0400 36.1300 36.1900 36.2100 36.2200 38.0400 49.0700 53.0700 20.0300 26.0501 27.0100 30.0000 31.0103 32.0400 36.0900 36.1100 36.1400 36.1600 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 38.0400 49.0100 51.0103 53.0700 55.0200 58.0600 22.0300 31.0200 32.0600 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 Commodity ' 1,001 4 4 1 1 8 1 1 975 2 4 3,193 1 1 15 5 1 40 13 3.025 3 27 1 3 3 3 30 8 1 8 3 1 1 Producing industry Value 37.0102 37.0103 . 71 1 41 29 1,893 4 99 141 10 1 32 2 2 6 1 3 6 1,578 1 1 1 5 3.069 3 1 1 2 3,058 3 1 1,305 82 7 135 1,075 1 1 1 3 37.0200 . 37.0300 746 2 2 1 21 2 1 3 1 7 9 7 4 665 6 1 1 6 1 6 53,459 17 4 1 41,172 4 1,711 37.0401 37.0104 37.0105 37.0300 37.0401 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 40.0902 41.0201 42.0500 44.0001 45.0100 45.0300 47.0300 49.0100 49.0500 49.0600 53.0300 55.0300 57.0300 27.0100 37.0101 37.0102 37.0402 38.0501 32-0300 37.0101 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 38.0700 38.1000 41.0100 42.0201 42.0500 47.0404 51.0400 55.0300 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 40.0300 40.0600 42.0800 4Z1100 43.0200 44.0001 45.0200 45.0300 46.0200 47.0200 47.0300 47.0402 47.0405 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0600 49.0100 49.0500 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 52.0200 55.0300 37.0101 37.0103 37.0105 37.0300 38.1200 38.1400 420201 42.0300 42.0500 420800 42.1100 47.0300 49.0100 49.0500 50.0100 50.0400 59.0302 620400 37.0401 37.0402 42.0401 42.0402 42.0700 42.1100 44.0002 45.0200 47.0100 Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' 37.0402 . 38.0100 . 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 . 38.0800 38.0900 . 47.0300 50.0400 60.0200 13.0200 27.0100 28.0100 36.1600 36.2100 37.0102 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0600 38.0900 38.1000 41.0203 42.0402 42.0800 42.1100 47.0300 47.0404 37.0102 38.0100 38.0501 38.0600 380700 27.0100 37.0102 37 0200 38.0400 380501 38 0600 38.0800 38 0900 40 0500 64.1100 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 36.1900 37.0101 37.0102 37.0200 38.0100 38.0501 38.0600 38.0900 39.0100 42.0800 57.0200 58.0100 17.1100 36.2100 37.0104 37.0402 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 40.0200 40.0600 23.0300 320400 38.0400 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 40.0500 40.0700 42.0401 42.1000 42.1100 57.0300 64.1100 36.2100 37.0101 37.0103 37.0105 37.0200 37.0402 38.0100 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 40.0700 40.0902 42.0800 47.0300 47.0404 1 16 2 1,792 12 25 2 2 11 5 13 1,520 1 65 2 28 53 2 1 2 5 2 41 5.822 3 4,967 1 799 52 9.673 955 3 3 5,437 1 2.687 580 1 5 1 38.1000 . Producing industry Value 38.1100 . 5.721 253 12 2 11 8 80 2 459 2.244 2.603 23 1 2 15 6 5,780 1 9 2 11 5,701 4 23 25 2 2 14,173 8 5 90 38 13,824 35 36 50 17 4 42 19 4 1 2.435 12 1 5 2 13 7 6 5 17 46 2,296 1 1 3 1 1 38.1400 . 39.0100 . 39.0200 . 40.0100 . 40.0200 . 40.0300 . 57.0300 64.0200 ' 32.0400 320500 37.0103 37.0402 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 41.0202 47.0404 48.0600 54.0300 55.0300 57.0300 58.0700 59.0302 62.0400 32.0400 36.1500 37.0200 38.0501 38.0700 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 40.0500 41.0100 41.0203 420401 42.0800 47.0300 47.0405 48.0200 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 52.0500 53.0300 58.0400 59.0302 60.0200 60.0400 13.0200 37.0300 38.0700 38.0900 38.1400 42.0800 14.0900 23.0500 25.0000 26.0501 32.0400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0700 42.0402 50.0400 32.0400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0600 41.0201 41.0203 421100 23.0500 23.0700 32.0400 35.0100 36.0600 40.0100 40.0200 41.0201 41.0203 42.0800 620400 27.0201 32.0400 36.0600 40.0100 40.0200 40.0600 42.0201 420300 42.0800 44.0001 52.0300 54.0400 13,157 87 5 39 27 8 108 217 12.266 3 2 2 1 21 25 294 45 7 6.832 8 2 115 8 2 4.556 716 1,368 2 2 14 2 3 2 2 1 1 5 2 1 1 6 6 1 6 1,220 13 131 11 1 1,063 1 12,093 3 7 29 155 4 11,835 53 3 2 2 1,145 6 67 1,031 25 12 2 2 729 1 1 3 1 10 699 6 2 4 1 1 See footnote at the end of trie table. DETAILED TABLES 73 Table 1B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ■ Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 40.0400 . 40.0500 . 40.0600 . 23.0200 32.0400 37.0200 40.0300 40.0600 40.0700 42.0300 42.0800 43.0100 44.0001 49.0100 49.0600 49.0700 50.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0500 54.0100 54.0400 54.0700 61.0300 23.0500 32.0300 32.0400 37.0103 37.0200 37.0401 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0203 42.0300 42.0402 42.0500 42.1100 43.0100 44.0001 45.0100 45.0300 46.0200 46.0300 49.0100 49.0800 50.0400 55.0300 56.0500 59.0200 59.0302 60.0200 61.0100 62.0200 20.0501 20.0502 20.0904 23.0600 32.0400 35.0100 36.1200 40.0400 40.0500 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 46.0400 47.0402 520100 52.0400 54.0400 58.0700 59.0302 63.0300 23.0300 37.0105 37.0200 37.0401 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0203 42.0300 42.0401 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0100 44.0001 3 3 1 2,120 13 3 3 5 7 4 9 4 1 1 92 25 3 1 11 4 8 8,304 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 7,901 2 107 41 36 9 20 10 1 1 1 1 5 6 1 1 2 9 12 6 13 2 12 1 31 1 60 1 6,572 58 2 2 1 72 8 1 10 6,326 43 13 12 7 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 8,915 4 7 6 1 8 10 91 8,282 51 6 8 32 3 2 3 4 25 12 81 21 40.0700 . 40.0800 . 45.0100 46.0200 46.0400 47.0300 47.0404 48.0100 48.0200 48.0600 49.0100 49.0300 49.0700 50.0400 52.0300 52.0500 54.0700 56.0500 58.0700 59.0100 59.0302 60.0200 60.0400 61.0300 61.0500 64.1200 13.0200 19.0302 20.0501 23.0200 23.0500 23.0700 27.0402 27.0406 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 36.1100 37.0103 37.0200 39.0100 39.0200 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0201 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 44.0001 45.0200 46.0100 46.0200 46.0400 47.0300 47.0402 48.0100 48.0400 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 50.0400 51.0102 52.0200 52.0300 52.0500 53.0300 53.0400 54.0400 56.0300 59.0302 60.0400 61.0100 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0400 64.1100 64.1200 20.0501 22.0300 23.0500 23.0700 35.0100 36.1100 37.0200 40.0200 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 2 3 2 14 2 3 4 6 11 5 13 94 44 1 2 2 2 1 6 2 8 28 2 1 11,101 9 1 14 2 6 8 1 1 12 14 1 1 1 3 2 1 5 7 42 55 59 10,415 51 50 36 4 6 1 5 57 5 4 18 11 1 4 3 8 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 23 4 1 1 85 1 1 14 1 1 2 5 4 8 2 1 2 4 1 1 3 2 2,508 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 3 135 6 10 40.0901 40.0902 . 41.0100. 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0203 42.0300 42.0402 42.0500 42.1100 44.0001 45.0100 46.0200 49.0700 50.0400 52.0300 52.0400 59.0200 60.0400 64.0400 20.0903 23.0400 32.0400 36.1100 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0203 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 44.0001 45.0300 46.0400 50.0400 52.0300 53.0300 56.0500 61.0603 62.0101 32.0400 36.1100 36.1200 37.0101 37.0103 37.0104 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0800 42.1100 48.0400 49.0300 50.0400 56.0500 57.0300 13.0500 23.0500 25.0000 32.0400 32.0600 37.0103 37.0104 38.1100 40.0600 40.0700 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 4Z0201 42.0300 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 46.0200 47.0100 47.0300 47.0404 47.0500 48.0600 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0400 51.0400 52.0300 52.0500 46 2,151 42 38 4 2 20 4 13 3 6 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 2,708 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 14 5 2,609 6 1 1 1 1 8 1 3 1 4 1 1 4 35 3,326 2 5 4 92 1 2 43 58 7 23 44 8 2,976 4 2 13 11 23 2 1 2 2 1 8,617 1 1 1 51 7 3 2 4 1 5 6 8,362 1 10 6 11 1 10 3 5 6 1 2 6 3 2 1 5 7 1 70 1 1 1 41.0201 41 .0202 41.0203. 53.0500 58.0400 59.0302 60.0400 61.0100 63.0200 13.0200 13.0300 32.0400 35.0100 36.2000 38.0501 38.0800 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 41.0201 41.0203 42.0401 42.0500 42.1100 44.0002 47.0300 47.0500 50.0400 51.0400 53.0700 57.0300 58.0400 59.0301 59.0302 62.0400 64.1100 20.0903 32.0400 41.0202 41.0203 13.0200 13.0500 19.0301 20.0903 22.0300 23.0700 24.0706 26.0501 32.0400 320600 34.0305 36.2200 37.0101 37.0105 37.0401 38.0501 38.0800 38.1100 38.1300 39.0100 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 420700 42.0800 42.1100 44.0001 44.0002 46.0100 47.0300 47.0500 48.0400 48.0500 49.0200 49.0700 50.0400 51.0400 52.0100 52.0300 52.0500 53.0300 53.0400 53.0700 54.0100 54.0400 55.0300 56.0100 57.0300 58.0400 59.0100 7 1 7 2 1 1 15,949 4 9 12 35 20 4 4 12 78 4 14,543 400 5 16 12 328 37 4 5 7 8 14 4 375 2 5 2 830 2 15 806 7 9,168 3 2 2 1 2 8 3 1 33 2 1 6 1 4 8 1 20 4 1 1 1 3 18 45 1 2 7 274 3 8,352 16 2 41 4 1 42 1 6 8 1 1 1 32 1 1 1 2 1 20 1 1 6 24 2 5 1 12 40 2 12 17 1 7 See footnote at the end ot the table. 74 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 59.0200 59.0302 1 16 40.0902 41.0100 1 4 23.0700 26.0602 4 7 421000 2,962 17.0600 1 61.0300 4 41.0203 26 32.0400 54 20.0903 5 62.0400 8 42.0201 36 32.0600 10 24.0701 216 62.0500 8 42.0300 8.184 37.0103 2,038 24.0702 29 63.0300 3 42.0500 16 38.1000 26 24.0706 4 64.0400 4 42.0800 27 39.0100 1 25.0000 1 64.0800 1 421100 4 40.0400 1 26.0400 1 43.0200 2 40.0600 4 26.0501 6 42 0100 1.512 4 46.0200 46.0300 1 2 40.0700 40.0800 6 6 26.0700 38.0700 14 36.0900 1 40.0200 8 46.0400 4 40.0901 7 38.0800 117 42.0100 1.371 47.0300 1 40.0902 9 40.0400 4 42.0201 54 47.0500 2 41.0100 8 41.0203 1 42.0202 7 48.0600 1 41.0201 5 42.1000 2,553 64.0501 2 49.0500 6 41.0203 25 49.0700 9 64.0502 7 49.0700 1 420201 1 64.1200 59 50.0100 1 42.0300 21 42.1100 6886 50.0400 2 420402 1 13.0200 1 42.0201 3.737 5 51.0104 520300 10 3 420500 420700 4.748 41 20.0901 20.0903 8 20.0903 6 26.0806 8 52.0400 3 420800 1 23.0200 22 27.0202 1 55.0200 9 42.1000 4 23.0300 46 27.0402 3 57.0300 1 42.1100 4 23.0500 6 32.0300 2 58.0700 1 44.0001 5 23.0700 1 32.0400 19 59.0100 1 45.0100 4 24.0500 1 36.1600 3 59.0302 15 45.0300 1 24.0706 9 37.0103 2 60.0200 3 46.0200 4 25.0000 1 38.1100 8 60.0400 4 46.0400 1 27.0100 3 38.1300 1 61.0100 1 47.0404 33 27.0406 8 40.0200 4 620200 2 49.0600 1 29.0300 1 40.0700 1 64.0400 1 49.0700 9 320100 1 41.0100 30 64.1000 1 50.0400 2 320300 1 41.0203 2 55.0300 1 320400 27 42.0100 42.0201 64 3.421 42.0401 4,736 6 59.0302 62.0600 3 3 320600 34.0305 1 32.0400 1 42.0202 31 37.0200 i 62.0900 2 35.0100 4 42.0300 9 37.0401 9 64.1200 1 36.0800 4 42.0401 1 38.0800 11 37.0101 12 42.0500 42.0800 1 12 38.1300 40.0400 3 1 42.0700 471 1 37.0102 37.0103 3 37.0101 1 42.1100 14 40.0500 3 41.0201 1 37.0105 6 45.0100 3 40.0700 26 41.0203 5 37.0200 6 45.0200 1 41.0201 5 420500 71 37.0300 2 46.0200 4 41.0203 8 420700 386 37.0401 1 46.0300 1 42.0401 4,449 44.0001 1 37.0402 32 46.0400 1 42.0402 66 49.0500 1 38.0700 27 47.0200 1 42.0800 1 52.0500 1 38.0800 7 47.0300 11 42.1100 12 62.0200 4 38.1100 1 47.0401 5 47.0300 1 39.0100 2 47.0404 48.0100 1 1 48.0600 49.0500 3 1 420800 14,355 1 39.0200 40.0200 18 23.0300 4 48.0300 3 49.0700 1 32.0400 18 40.0300 9 48.0400 1 50.0400 28 320500 37 40.0400 14 48.0500 8 520300 7 36 0600 9 40.0600 42 49.0100 1 55.0300 6 36.1100 6 40.0700 10 49.0500 14 56.0100 3 36.2200 2 40.0800 4 49.0800 1 57.0200 2 37.0105 2 40.0901 2 50.0200 2 57.0300 71 37.0200 40 40.0902 14 50.0400 2 59.0302 9 37.0300 14 41.0100 1 52.0300 1 60.0400 2 38.1100 1 41.0203 12 53.0300 1 61.0500 1 38.1400 1 420100 9 55.0300 24 40.0200 8 420201 2 56.0500 1 42.0402 5,414 40.0300 28 420202 1 57.0300 1 26.0501 31 40.0400 7 42.0300 16 59.0302 1 320400 13 40.0600 57 42.0500 8 62.0102 1 37.0101 1 40.0700 7 42.0700 2 64.0800 3 37.0300 1 40.0800 2 420800 43 64.1200 1 37.0401 7 40.0902 16 42.1100 6,274 37.0402 1 41.0100 5 43.0100 6 42.0202 745 3 38.0700 38.0800 1 7 41.0203 420300 3 11 43.0200 44.0001 6 36.1600 2 42.0100 3 38.1300 1 42.0401 1 45.0300 4 42.0201 35 40.0400 1 420500 2 46.0200 2 42.0202 671 40.0500 11 420800 13.186 47.0300 22 47.0300 26 40.0600 2 421100 15 47.0401 1 47.0401 3 40.0700 42 45.0300 167 48.0100 1 48.0100 1 40.0902 1 46.0200 1 49.0300 2 48.0300 2 41.0201 14 47.0100 19 49.0700 2 58.0400 1 41.0203 42.0401 3 161 47.0404 47.0500 1 1 50.0400 51.0400 10 2 42.0300 8.548 3 42.0402 420500 5.016 2 48.0100 48.0600 1 8 520300 53.0300 1 13.0500 1 19.0306 11 420800 1 49.0100 93 53.0500 1 20.0501 2 43.0200 1 49.0700 23 54.0400 1 22.0300 8 44.0001 2 49.0800 3 55.0200 5 23.0200 4 48.0400 3 50.0200 272 55.0300 28 23.0500 1 48.0500 1 50.0400 14 57.0300 18 23.0700 1 48.0600 3 51.0103 1 59.0100 1 32.0100 5 50.0400 15 52.0300 15 59.0302 11 32.0400 41 57.0300 3 52.0400 28 60.0400 7 32.0500 1 60.0200 64 52.0500 5 620200 1 32.0600 6 60.0400 3 53.0300 7 620300 6 34.0302 6 64.0101 1 53.0500 2 620400 1 35.0100 1 64.0503 1 55.0200 1 62.1100 3 36.1100 1 57.0300 1 64.0400 2 36.1600 37.0300 1 2 42.0500 7,152 7 58.0400 59.0302 10 1 64.0504 64.1100 1 16.0100 1 38.1300 1 17.0900 4 60.0200 11 40 0200 3 18 0400 9 60 0400 17 43 0100 .... 6,184 40^0300 4 19.0304 2 62.0101 20 43.0100 4,985 40.0400 1 19.0306 13 62.0102 13 43.0200 47 40.0500 61 20.0901 2 620200 105 48.0600 1 40.0700 4 220300 2 62.0300 33 49.0100 193 40.0800 3 220400 6 620400 2 49.0300 1 40.0901 1 23.0500 5 64.0400 1 52.0200 2 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 75 Table 1B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices) Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ■ Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 53.0400 18 46.0300 36 56.0500 5 48.0600 16 60.0200 780 46.0400 6 62.0101 1 49.0300 1 60.0400 4 47.0100 2 62.0102 i 49.0600 1 62.0101 153 47.0300 6 62.0400 2 49.0800 4 47.0401 12 62.1000 10 50.0200 6 43.0200 11,711 3 48.0600 49.0100 5 3 46.0300 861 50.0400 62.0800 3 32.0600 1 40.0600 3 49.0300 1 40.0800 3 40.0700 41.0100 4 1 49.0500 49.0700 4 25 42.0201 45.0100 1 13 47 0300. 14 552 13.0100 2 42.0201 1 50.0400 2 45.0200 14 13.0200 10 43.0100 342 52.0500 2 46.0100 1 13.0300 4 43.0200 10,591 53.0300 3 46.0200 4 22.01 02 2 44.0001 6 56.0300 1 46.0300 792 25,0000 7 44.0002 1 59.0301 26 47.0300 3 26.0806 2 45.0100 95 59.0302 28 47.0401 3 32.0300 4 45.0200 5 60.0200 1 47.0500 2 32.0400 552 49.0100 24 61.0300 2 48.0600 3 32.0600 2 49.0300 1 61.0500 6 49.0700 i 35.0100 3 49.0600 2 62.0200 3 55.0300 4 36.0400 1 50.0100 30 59.0100 9 36.1600 45 50.0400 1 45.0200 1,468 61.0100 i 36.2000 1 51.0104 1 27.0406 13 61.0200 6 37.0104 2 53.0400 8 42.0202 1 61.0700 1 37.0200 33 58.0400 2 42.0800 2 37.0300 15 59.0301 59.0302 20 531 43.0200 45.0100 2 74 46.0400 2.717 1 37.0402 38.0800 1 13.0300 2 61.0200 2 45.0200 1,253 23.0500 2 38.1100 85 61.0300 37 45.0300 38 23.0700 2 38.1300 24 46.0200 14 40.0400 i 38.1400 16 44.0001 9,088 1 47.0300 47.0401 10 6 40,0700 41.0203 4 1 40,0400 40.0600 1 13.0300 6 23.0500 4 47.0402 1 42.0202 1 40.0700 6 3a0300 1 48.0600 32 42.0300 4 41.0100 12 3Z0400 4 49.0100 1 42.0500 3 41.0201 395 37.0200 9 49.0700 15 42.0700 3 41.0202 4 38.1100 1 50.0200 1 42.1100 4 41.0203 208 40.0300 4 50.0400 1 44.0001 24 42.0201 23 40.0600 4 59.0302 1 44.0002 1 42.0202 25 40.0700 1 61.0300 2 45.0100 50 42.0300 3 40.0800 3 62.0500 1 45.0200 1 42.0401 34 40.0901 3 46.0100 1 42.0402 1 42.0500 3 45.0300 3,370 46.0200 48 42 0500 3 44.0001 8,655 37.0300 1 46.0300 6 42.0700 1 44.0002 107 42.0800 18 46.0400 2.507 42.0800 2 45.0100 130 42.1100 1 47.0300 1 42.1100 10 45.0300 7 45.0100 46 47.0404 1 43.0100 7 46.0400 2 45.0200 7 47.0500 3 45.0200 4 47.0401 7 45.0300 3,271 48.0200 1 45.0300 6 48.0100 13 49.0100 11 48.0300 2 46.0100 1 48.0300 1 50.0400 1 48.0600 1 46.0200 2 48.0600 1 53.0400 12 49.0700 1 46.0300 1 49.0100 42 59.0302 2 49.0800 4 46.0400 5 49.0800 6 50.0400 1 47.0100 93 50.0400 3 46.0100 937 52.0500 3 47.0200 37 51.0104 1 40.0500 5 53.0300 1 47.0300 12.318 52.0500 1 40.0700 1 59.0100 2 47.0401 1 59.0302 19 42.0401 1 59.0200 3 47.0402 2 61.0500 1 46.0100 910 59.0302 25 47.0404 5 61.0700 31 46.0200 11 62.0101 4 47.0405 15 62.0102 3 46.0400 2 47.0500 30 64.0800 3 50.0400 1 47.0100 3,302 48.0200 2 64.1200 17 52.0400 1 27.0406 1 48.0300 2 59.0100 1 36.1600 31 48.0400 2 44.0002 4,436 61.0300 2 40.0800 1 48.0500 13 22.0300 6 62.0500 2 42.0201 29 48.0600 43 32.0400 21 42.0500 1 49.0100 1 41.0201 3 46.0200 3,775 42.0800 2 49.0300 1 42.0500 4 13.0700 10 42.1100 1 49.0500 2 43.0200 7 23.0200 10 47.0100 3.088 49.0700 11 44.0001 52 23.0500 9 47.0200 18 49.0800 5 44.0002 4,121 24.0701 1 47.0300 51 50.0100 1 45.0100 1 32.0500 3 47.0401 8 50.0200 9 47.0401 199 40.0300 5 47.0402 4 50.0400 197 48.0300 2 40.0400 6 47.0404 1 51.0104 2 52.0500 1 40.0600 6 47.0500 7 51.0400 2 54.0500 4 40.0700 6 48.0100 1 52.0300 2 61.0500 9 41.0100 2 48.0300 11 53.0500 2 61.0700 6 42.0500 4 48.0400 1 55.0200 18 42.0800 2 48.0600 3 55.0300 6 45.0100 12,584 42.1100 1 49.0700 1 56.0300 1 23.0500 2 44.0001 1 50.0400 7 56.0500 1 27.0406 23 45.0100 12 51.0400 1 57.0300 4 31.0200 5 45.0200 20 53.0400 11 58.0400 4 36.0400 1 46.0100 3 53.0500 8 59.0301 20 36.1600 7 46.0200 3,451 55.0300 1 59.0302 52 37.0200 11 46.0300 3 59.0302 2 60,0200 15 40.0300 2 46.0400 34 62.0102 1 60.0400 4 40.0400 8 47.0200 7 62.0200 11 61.0300 8 40.0600 2 47.0300 2 62.0200 3 40.0700 40.0800 3 6 47.0404 47.0500 1 8 47.0200 1.459 1 62.0400 62.0500 3 32.0600 2 41.0203 20 48.0100 31 37.0101 3 62.0600 22 42.0201 6 48.0300 1 40.0600 2 62.0800 2 4^0202 2 48.0400 27 40.0700 37 62.1000 10 420300 2 48.0600 22 40.0901 4 64.0301 2 42.0500 2 49.0300 3 41.0203 3 64.0503 2 42.0800 5 49.0500 19 42.0500 1 64,0800 2 43.0200 3 49.0600 4 46.0400 4 44.0001 44.0002 125 8 49.0700 49.0800 7 24 47.0100 47.0200 26 1.303 47.0401 2.432 32.0400 3 45.0100 12,096 50.0400 3 47.0300 28 37.0103 45 45.0200 52 52.0300 1 47.0402 4 40.0700 3 45.0300 12 52.0500 4 47.0404 3 41.0100 27 46.0100 5 53.0300 1 47.0500 3 41.0203 2 46.0200 2 53.0500 2 48.0400 5 42.0201 3 See footnote at the end of the table. 76 Commodity ■ 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 . 47.0500 . 48 0100 . Producing industry 42.0202 42.0500 42.0800 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 46.0300 47.0300 47.0401 47.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0800 50.0400 53.0300 54.0500 55.0300 27.0406 40.0600 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0402 47.0500 48.0400 50.0400 36.0200 37.0402 38.0700 40.0600 41.0100 42.0201 42.0202 46.0200 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 47.0500 48.0600 49.0300 49.0700 49.0800 50.0400 55.0300 58.0700 62.1000 32.0400 37 0200 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 42.0201 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0405 48.0400 50.0400 13.0700 36.2200 37.0402 40.0400 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 42.1100 44.0001 46.0200 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0402 47.0404 47.0500 48.0600 49.0500 49.0700 50.0400 52.0500 53.0300 58.0700 62.1100 BENCHMARK tNFUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Tab.e 1B .-The Make Table far Cannes (Co,un,n S >-Co„„ nued [Miltas ol dollars al producers- prices] Value Commodity ' 14.2900 40.0600 42.0100 42.0201 44.0001 45.0100 46.0200 47.0300 47.0500 48.0100 48.0400 48.0600 49.0200 48.0200 . 48.0300 . 48.0400 48.0500 . 48.0600 Producing industry 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0300 54.0400 60.0200 62.0800 62.1000 18.0400 32.0400 41.0203 42.1100 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0400 48.0600 49.0200 49.0600 50.0400 52.0500 32.0400 37.0103 42.0202 45.0100 47.0100 47.0300 47.0401 48.0300 48.0600 50.0200 50.0400 26.0501 27.0404 29.0202 3^0300 41.0203 42.0201 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0600 49.0700 51.0400 55.0300 62.0102 63.0300 See footnote at the end of the table. 13.0600 27.0100 27.0406 29.0100 32.0400 34.0305 36.0900 36.1600 37.0103 38.0700 38.1100 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0902 41.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0100 45.0100 46.0200 13.0700 26.0806 27.0402 30.0000 37.0200 40.0600 40.0700 46.0400 47.0500 48.0100 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0400 saosoo DETAILED TABLES 77 Table 1 B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 52.0500 34 40.0800 1 57.0200 228 46.0300 1 53.0400 2 41.0100 62 57.0300 1,234 46.0400 2 53.0500 1 41.0201 3 58.0600 17 47.0404 2 54.0100 1 41.0203 27 59.0302 1 47.0500 3 58.0400 1 42.0201 1 60.0400 3 48.0100 25 59.0302 34 42.0300 8 61.0500 3 48.0400 3 60.0400 10 420401 13 62.0101 7 48.0600 48 62.0102 31 420402 5 62.0102 1 49.0100 23 62.0200 3 42.0500 5 62.0200 3 49.0300 5 62.0500 4 42.0800 38 62.0400 34 49.0600 1 64.1200 1 42.1000 1 62.1100 4 49.0700 64 421100 11 63.0300 688 50.0400 1 49.0800 2.982 1 43.0200 44.0001 10 15 64.0504 22 52.0200 52.0300 2 24.0702 16 25 0000 1 45.0100 14 51.0400 3,075 52.0500 4 845 26.0501 4 45.0200 7 19.0306 2 53.0400 8 32.0400 16 45.0300 5 24.0701 7 54.0100 1 41.0202 24 46.0200 6 25.0000 17 54.0200 25 46.0200 23 47.0100 51 26.0501 1 54.0500 32 46.0400 8 47.0200 6 40.0500 1 54.0700 99 47.0300 1 47.0300 131 40.0700 1 62.0400 3 47.0404 7 47.0402 2 46.0200 1 64.1200 1 47.0500 2 47.0404 4 51.0102 8 48.0100 48.0400 27 9 47.0405 47.0500 3 18 51.0103 51.0104 3 136 53.0200 4,044 45.0100 1 48.0600 13 48.0100 6 51.0400 2,879 49.0100 2 49.0500 1 48.0200 3 56.0300 1 50.0400 2 49.0700 2 48.0300 2 56.0500 15 53.0200 3,931 49.0800 2,815 48.0400 6 64.0200 3 53.0300 46 50.0400 4 48.0600 34 53.0400 11 55.0300 62.0200 1 9 49.0100 49.0300 17 6 52.0100 762 1 53.0500 53.0800 2 14.2200 33 63.0300 3 49.0500 11 24.0500 3 55.0200 7 64.0503 11 49.0600 49.0700 7 14 41.0203 52.0100 1 754 57.0300 9 50.0100 1,831 1 49.0800 50.0200 .5 15 52.0500 64.1200 1 2 53.0300 5.412 13.0300 35.0100 1 32.0600 2 50.0300 3 37.0402 9 36.2200 1 50 0400 18,436 52.0200 543 40 0600 1 42.0800 16 52.0300 6 13.0200 22 41.0203 1 42.1100 16 52.0500 1 40.0300 1 42.0800 9 43.0200 53 53.0400 2 49.0700 3 48.0600 3 44.0002 6 55.0300 5 52.0200 508 53.0200 11 48.0600 1 57.0300 4 52.0300 4 53.0300 5.054 49.0100 4 58.0200 1 52.0500 1 53.0400 30 50.0100 1,538 59.0100 1 54.0300 4 53.0500 162 50.0200 1 59.0302 13 53.0800 25 50.0400 3 60.0200 6 52.0300 18,442 55.0200 13 55.0200 131 60.0400 8 23.0500 7 55.0300 85 58.0400 5 61.0100 7 23.0700 3 57.0300 3 59.0302 42 61.0200 1 27.0406 1 60.0400 1 60.0200 11 61.0500 1 38.0800 1 61.0300 1 61.0603 26 40.0300 12 62.1100 3 50.0200 3,146 61.0700 2 40.0600 17 37.0300 40.0700 1 5 62.0200 62.0400 17 5 40.0700 42.0201 5 10 53.0400 8,622 32.0400 41 42.0201 4 620500 1 4Z0800 3 40.0300 3 42.0800 150 64.1200 1 44.0001 1 42.0202 1 44.0001 45 45.0100 4 42.1100 1 45.0100 45.0200 2 1 51.0102 1.455 1 48.0100 49.0100 9 2 43.0100 43.0200 36 20.0702 395 46.0100 5 37.0402 1 49.0300 31 44.0002 3 46.0400 1 48.0600 2 49.0500 2 45.0100 11 47.0100 10 51.0102 1,164 49.0600 13 45.0200 11 48.0600 6 51.0103 179 50.0400 2 46.0300 3 49.0100 57 51.0104- 12 52.0300 18,139 46.0400 6 49.0500 2 520400 4 52.0500 8 47.0401 11 49.0700 9 56.0100 37 53.0800 9 47.0404 26 50.0200 2,755 56.0500 4 54.0100 9 49.0100 35 50.0400 8 57.0200 31 54.0200 9 49.0300 14 52.0300 6 57.0300 20 54.0400 1 49.0500 18 55.0300 1 54.0700 1 49.0600 1 58.0400 1 51.0103 31,866 58.0700 2 50 0100 118 59.0302 3 47.0300 1 59.0302 138 53.0300 1 60.0200 1 51.0102 3 60.0400 3 53.0400 7,504 60.0400 69 51.0103 29,836 53.0500 13 62.0200 4 51.0104 676 52.0400 764 53.0700 18 53.0500 11 31.0102 1 53.0800 1 50.0300 673 55.0300 1 41.0100 15 54 0700 170 42.1100 3 56.0500 10 49.0100 20 55'0300 11 46.0200 1 57.0200 2 49.0700 5 58.0400 31 49.0800 5 57.0300 1,301 52.0400 720 59.0302 29 50.0300 622 59.0302 4 54.0400 1 60.0200 1 . 50.0400 2 620101 5 58.0400 1 61.0300 67 51.0400 14 62.0200 2 62.1100 1 62.0101 30 62.0102 26 62.0300 1 62.0600 1 621000 12 52.0500 5,290 62.1100 11 50.0400 19,296 621100 1 14 2800 3 13.0200 13.0300 3 1 51.0104 25,692 23.0700 27.0300 12 1 53.0500 7,314 13.0300 1 13.0500 1 24.0701 4 29.0202 8 24.0701 1 23.0700 2 26.0301 10 32.0400 6 36.0800 2 32.0300 2 37.0300 3 35.0100 1 36.2100 2 32.0400 11 41.0203 2 36.1100 1 42.0300 14 32.0500 1 420402 1 36.1600 3 42.0401 4 32.0600 2 48.0600 1 40.0200 1 42.0800 61 37.0200 9 51.0102 85 40.0300 1 42.1100 1 37.0401 8 51.0103 2,318 40.0400 1 45.0100 1 38.0800 1 51.0104 20,725 40.0600 11 46.0100 1 38.1100 8 51.0400 16 40.0700 6 46.0200 14 40.0200 1 53.0500 18 41.0203 1 46.0400 2 40.0300 1 55.0200 1 42.0201 1 47.0100 1 40.0400 8 55.0300 32 42.0800 12 47.0500 3 40.0500 3 56.0100 195 44.0001 5 48.0600 2 40.0600 48 56.0300 5 45.0100 2 49.0100 21 40.0700 66 56.0500 31 46.0200 4 49.0500 3 See footnote at the end of the table. 78 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Commodity ' 53.0700 . 53.0800 . 54.0100 . 54.0200 . 54.0300 54.0400 Producing industry 49.0600 49.0700 50.0200 51.0103 51.0104 52.0500 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 54.0400 55.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0700 59.0302 62.0101 62.0200 62.0300 62.0500 62.0700 62.1100 64.1100 30.0000 36.2100 47.0300 49.0600 53.0700 23.0700 32.0300 32.0400 42.1100 47.0404 48.0600 49.0600 51.0104 52.0300 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 54.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 62.0101 62.0200 62.0800 22.0300 32.0400 40.0700 41.0203 42.0300 49.0600 52.0300 52.0500 53.0400 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0700 56.0100 32.0400 40.0700 52.0300 54.0100 54.0200 54.0400 62.0200 19.0302 40.0200 49.0600 54.0100 54.0300 54.0400 54.0700 29.0202 32.0400 40.0300 41.0203 44.0002 47.0401 48.0100 48.0300 52.0300 52.0500 53.0400 54.0100 54.0400 55.0200 Table 1B.— The Make Table for Commodities (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Value 4 3 24 1 11 3 106 53 6.706 9 2 80 12 2 65 2 18 8 51 10 1 2 6 1 1.207 3 3 1 1 1,199 1.975 2 2 2 2 13 6 2 7 6 36 3 7 1.798 2 2 5 26 2 37 5 2 2 6 3,046 17 32 2 2 3 2 16 2 5 2,509 12 8 177 259 4,076 14 59 33 3 3,959 7 1 2,968 5 6 1 20 2,934 1 1 2,693 2 59 6 58 3 18 19 4 22 10 2 9 2,464 3 Commodity ■ 54.0500 . 54.0700 . 55.0100 . 55.0200 . 55.0300 . Producing industry 57.0300 62.0700 64.1200 32.0400 320500 47.0401 54.0400 54.0500 56.0500 58.0700 29.0202 40.0300 40.0600 40.0902 48.0100 49.0600 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 48.0500 53.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 63.0300 20.0502 22.0101 23.0200 23.0500 23.0700 27.0402 32.0400 35.0100 36.0900 40.0200 40.0700 41.0201 41.0203 42.0100 42.0300 4£0500 42.0800 44.0001 44.0002 46.0200 47.0401 49.0100 49.0600 49.0700 52.0300 520500 53.0300 53.0400 54.0400 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 57.0300 58.0400 59.0302 62.0400 62.0500 62.0700 62.1100 64.0301 64.0501 64.1100 23.0500 27.0406 32.0400 36.0800 37.0105 37.0402 38.1000 40.0700 41.0100 420300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 47.0404 49.0500 51.0104 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 54.0300 54.0400 55.0100 55.0200 Value 6 7 1 1,827 1 10 61 7 1,728 9 11 2,223 2 6 13 5 2 1 19 5 144 10 38 1,978 2,964 7 8 2,888 57 2 2 8,540 2 2 24 2 1 1 72 5 8 5 1 1 4 2 14 2 1 53 5 1 7 8 4 3 1 2 1 5 9 1 8,089 76 3 4 6 25 4 71 8 2 3 2 7,551 2 1 78 1 171 2 13 1 8 10 2 2 1 13 8 1 4 2 114 2 34 19 6 1 16 36 Commodity ' 56.0100. 56.0200 . 56.0300 . 56.0500 . 57.0100. 57.0200 . Producing industry 55.0300 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0700 59.0302 60.0100 62.0101 62.0200 62.0300 62.0700 62.1100 22.0101 32.0400 52.0300 55.0300 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0300 58.0400 58.0700 59.0302 62.0200 64.0200 240706 56.0200 58.0600 13.0300 38.1000 41.0100 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0300 53.0400 55.0300 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 62.0101 62.1100 13.0100 38.1000 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 53.0500 54.0400 54.0500 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0700 60.0200 60.0400 62.0101 620200 620300 62.0900 62.1000 621100 63.0300 64.0800 64.1200 55.0100 56.0100 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 620200 62.0800 See footnote at the end of the table. 13.0100 36.2200 37.0402 38.0700 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 53.0300 53.0500 53.0800 Value 6.637 8 50 8 1 91 110 4 3 2 4 4 73 6 12 i 4 1 7284 4 65 X 180 14 126 2 8 1 843 i? 1 ~9C 41 19933 1 3 4 38 8 1 3 2 48 6 19.163 564 1 38 47 6 21.478 115 140 2 16 13 5 21 6 3 5 10 143 461 19,497 3 6 61 26 4 55 780 29 1 1 3 42 20 1 9 3,461 23 292 33 2.951 5 22 1 134 29.871 9 1 1 1 1 17 2 9 4 Commodity ' 5-0300 58.0100 . 58.0200 . 58 0400 . 58 0600 Producing industry 55.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0700 59.0302 60.0400 620101 62.1100 64.1100 13.0200 20.0703 22.0102 23.0500 26.0501 27.0406 32.0400 36.0800 36.2100 37.0402 38 1000 40.0400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0401 42.0500 42.0800 42.1000 47.0300 48.0600 49.0600 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 520100 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 55.0100 55.0300 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0700 59.0302 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0500 62.0600 620800 621000 621100 64 1100 41.0203 55.0200 57.0100 58.0100 58.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 62.1000 63.0300 320400 43.0200 47.0401 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 53.0400 53.0500 55.0300 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0700 59.0302 62.0101 24.0701 27.0406 36.1600 48.0500 51.0103 51.0104 Value 1 240 68 29 28,901 312 2 236 2 25 1 1 39.966 7 8 18 4 1 8 84 24 3 4 105 7 5 3 13 19 2 5 2 12 30 21 7 3,453 161 43 13 20 16 14 30 67 2 144 46 121 133 72 847 33.930 47 51 2 238 2 30 9 2 25 11 11 32 2 3.400 1 1 8 3.349 41 1.812 3 18 1.738 1 52 6.874 1 3 4 207 2 4 72 1 2 1 20 6,093 2 458 4 4.507 371 3 17 4 52 212 DETAILED TABLES 79 Table 1B.—TI ie Make Table for C* ammodities (Columns ) — Continiu 3d [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 56.0100 8 42.0800 28 61.0200 5.139 51.0104 1 56.0200 4 421100 3 57.0300 3 56.0300 1 43.0200 170 61.0300 4,599 62.0102 1,735 56.0500 1 44.0001 21 40.0500 1 62.0200 44 58.0600 3.832 45.0100 97 40.0600 7 62.0300 1 62.0500 1 46.0400 6 42.0300 7 62.0400 1 63.0300 1 47.0300 9 42.0401 2 62.0500 38 48.0600 10 43.0200 5 62.0800 3 58 0700 4,510 47 49.0100 49.0200 17 16 45.0100 47.0402 17 3 62.0900 62.1000 3 13.0100 26 27.0300 1 49.0300 44 49.0200 2 62.1100 3 29.0202 4 49.0500 12 53.0500 1 63.0300 6 32.0400 1 49.0700 4 59.0302 1 32.0500 38.1000 6 12 50.0100 50.0200 147 10 600200 60.0400 4 4 62.0200 13 832 13.0100 45 40.0500 6 50.0400 15 61.0300 4,545 20.0903 2 41.0100 1 52.0300 633 23.0100 1 42.0300 3 53.0300 36 61.0500 2,060 27 0406 1 44.0002 1 53.0400 8 22.0300 4 32.0400 22 47.0404 3 53.0500 20 32.0400 3 36.1100 1 49.0600 1 54.0200 20 41 0100 9 38.0501 4 49.0700 3 55.0200 145 44.0002 224 40.0200 1 49.0800 1 55.0300 16 50.0100 3 40.0400 6 50.0200 3 56.0100 50 58.0400 3 40.0600 1 50.0400 1 58.0400 236 59.0302 8 41.0203 1 51.0103 3 59.0100 64 61.0500 1,589 42.0402 1 53.0300 1 59.0200 77 61.0700 186 42.0800 182 53.0400 6 59.0301 2,280 64.0301 8 42.1100 1 53.0500 16 59.0302 69,995 64.0400 23 43.0200 2 53.0800 4 60.0200 50 44.0001 6 54.0400 55.0200 6 1 60.0400 61.0300 50 50 61.0601 2.059 1.997 45.0100 47.0100 1 61.0601 1 55.0300 8 61.0601 6 61.0603 62 47.0200 1 56.0200 2 61.0603 4 47.0404 4 56.0300 11 62.0200 164 61.0603 2,794 47.0500 3 56.0500 131 62.0300 8 59.0100 20 48.0400 1 57.0100 11 59.0301 20 48.0600 4 57.0200 2 60.0100 51,201 61.0601 37 49 0100 4 57.0300 80 13.0100 284 61.0603 2,717 49.0500 1 58.0100 3 42.0800 1 49.0700 20 58.0400 3 43.0100 13 61.0700 2,895 50.0200 15 58.0700 3.807 60.0100 49,437 32.0400 1 50.0400 2 60.0100 5 60.0200 56 40.0300 8 51.0103 3 60.0200 3 60.0400 1,410 40.0400 1 51.0104 1 60.0400 3 42.0201 13 520400 3 61.0300 19 60.0200 24,813 44.0001 24 53 0300 8 62.0101 231 13.0100 445 44.0002 4 53.0400 14 62.0200 16 13.0200 14 45.0100 6 53.0500 46 62.0400 1 13.0300 19 46.0200 8 53.0800 1 62.0800 1 13.0600 15 46.0400 4 56.0500 76 620900 1 38.0900 3 47.0404 1 57.0300 81 62.1000 2 42.0800 1 52.0300 7 58.0400 261 621100 33 43.0100 135 59.0100 1 58.0700 3 64.0400 5 58.0700 27 59.0200 8 59.0302 17 64.1100 1 60.0100 252 59.0302 1 60.0200 8 60.0200 23,321 61.0200 47 60.0400 30 59.0100 2,784 60.0400 404 61.0300 1 620101 369 40.0600 6 62.1000 48 61.0500 3 620102 22 42.1100 1 621100 129 61.0601 1 62.0200 12,238 44.0001 15 61.0700 2,754 620300 29 45.0100 4 60.0400 26,140 62 0101 1 620400 1 46.0300 2 13.0100 2,162 64.0301 1 62.0500 5 59.0100 2,671 13.0200 45 62.0700 3 59.0200 31 13.0300 2 62.0101 35,906 620800 26 59.0301 50 30.0000 29 13.0100 1,080 620900 3 59.0302 2 320300 6 38.1000 2 62.1000 153 61.0700 2 35.0100 1 41.0100 1 62.1100 90 36.1700 5 50.0400 3 63.0300 3 59.0200 3,272 40.0300 5 51.0103 2 64.1200 4 59.0100 41 420300 2 51.0104 6 59.0200 59.0301 3,188 33 42.0800 45.0100 67 9 53.0400 53.0500 14 18 62.0300 2 450 37.0402 60 62.0101 10 45.0300 2 55.0200 1 40.0800 5 46.0200 1 55.0300 7 41.0203 1 59.0301 149,684 47.0300 3 56.0300 44 42 0800 25 1 50.0400 7 49.0500 5 56.0500 994 47.0404 55.0200 8 50.0200 13 57.0300 71 49.0100 1 59.0100 1,648 50.0400 24 58.0400 214 49.0300 2 59.0200 101 53.0400 16 58.0600 6 49.0600 1 59.0301 147,890 55.0300 2 58.0700 255 49.0700 2 59.0302 16 56.0500 4 60.0100 1,416 51.0103 5 61.0603 1 58.0400 2 60.0400 134 52.0300 10 61.0700 7 59.0100 1 62.0101 31,448 53.0300 2 64.1200 6 59.0302 33 62.0102 2 53.0400 3 60.0100 5,232 62.0200 87 53.0500 9 59.0302 75,202 60.0200 453 62 1 000 49 54.0100 54.0400 4 13.0300 8 60.0400 17,760 621100 44 5 23.0300 5 61.0100 2 63.0200 4 58.0700 1 32.0100 6 62.0101 213 63.0300 4 60.0400 12 32.0400 9 62.0200 5 62.0200 19 32.0600 35.0100 11 25 62.0500 62.1000 11 18 62.0102 1,915 4 62.0300 62.1000 2 254 23.0300 12 36.1700 24 62.1100 7 27.0406 3 62.1100 9 36.2000 17 29.0100 9 64.1200 7 37.0300 27 61.0100 10,347 32.0400 g 37.0402 40.0500 148 28 40.0700 50.0400 1 1 35.0100 40.0200 12 1 62.0400 13,109 23.0300 1 40.0700 5 60.0200 7 40.0600 4 27.0402 4 41.0100 19 60.0400 33 41.0203 27.0406 4 41.0201 262 61.0100 10,275 42.0800 29.0100 195 41.0203 14 61.0200 30 47.0404 32.0300 23 42.0201 20 48.0100 32.0400 11 42.0300 26 61.0200 5,153 48 0600 35.01 00 41.0100 23 1 42.0401 18 32.0400 1 49'0100 42.0500 6 40.0600 3 | 49.0600 5 41.0203 1 420700 3 61.0100 10 49.0700 1 I 420300 I 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 80 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1 B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 42.0500 4 62.0400 1 42.1100 1 37.0200 44.0001 4 62.0800 2,444 48.0500 8 37.0300 47.0404 1 62.0900 16 48.0600 3 38.1300 4 50.0400 3 62.1000 3 51.0104 81 40.0700 55.0100 3 63.0300 11 51.0400 7 42.0500 58.0700 1 54.0400 6 44.0002 59.0302 62.0200 1 5 62.0900 6.744 1 55.0100 55.0300 1 6 50.0400 54.0100 29.0100 62.0300 3 35.0100 1 57.0200 6 54.0400 62.0400 12,171 36.1600 1 58.0600 271 55.0200 2 620500 370 55.0300 72 58.0700 30 57.0300 62.0600 29 56.0500 15 62.0200 14 58.0400 62.0800 38 57.0300 4 63.0300 19,774 58.0700 13 62.0900 203 58.0700 3 64.0400 2 59.0302 1 62.1000 7 62.0101 4 64.0504 4 61 .0500 34 64.0200 1 62.0102 37 62.0200 4 64.1200 1 62.0400 62.0500 74 51 64.0101 4,430 4,387 62.0500 620900 4 64.0101 7 62.0500 13,137 8 62.0800 62.0900 88 6,352 64.0102 64.0105 15 28 64.0200 64.0301 9 16.0100 73 16.0200 2 621000 38 64.0400 7,298 17.1001 18.0201 20 20 63.0300 3 64 0102 . 2.505 19 64.0502 64.1200 1 41.0203 12 18.0400 19 0302 29 1 62.1000 7,640 108 620700 64 0101 6 111 64.0501 13 0100 1 328 19.0306 2 27.0406 2 64.0102 2,362 320400 4 23.0700 8 29.0100 27 64.0105 4 34.0305 3 24.0500 108 320400 3 64.1200 3 42.1100 12 24.0701 40 36.0900 2 49.0800 3 24.0702 26.0200 3 14 36.1600 37.0300 3 2 64.0104 570 1 64.0501 64.0502 1,067 320400 148 26.0501 10 44.0001 1 38.1200 1 64.0503 2 27.0402 1 45.0300 1 420401 1 64.1100 5 27.0406 1 47.0200 1 64.0101 3 64.1200 84 29.0100 7 49.0100 3 64.0104 560 29 0202 2 51 0103 1 64 0301 3 64.0502 685 29.0300 13 56.0500 1 64.1100 1 19.0306 2 32.0300 15 57.0300 14 20.0903 2 32.0400 24 58.0700 27 64.0105 1,615 23.0300 3 32.0600 2 620101 70 18.0400 4 27.0100 3 34.0301 3 62.0102 53 26.0501 4 29.0300 1 34.0303 10 62.0200 62 32.0400 1 31.0300 9 36.1600 15 62.0300 1 34.0302 1 320400 3 40.0200 4 62.0400 9 34.0303 5 64.0501 5 41.0203 4 62.0500 8 34.0304 2 64.0502 653 42.0300 4 62.0800 64 35.0100 1 64.0503 2 420500 3 62.0900 9 41.0203 1 64.1100 2 42.0800 4 62.1000 6,450 421100 1 47.0300 1 62 1100 14 64.0101 117 64.0503 663 47.0404 4 63.0200 28 64.0102 43 17.1100 1 48.0100 15 63.0300 676 64.0104 14 20.0903 1 49.0600 1 64.0105 1,406 26.0501 99 49.0800 50.0400 1 1 62 1100 8,351 2 64.0301 64.1100 2 8 26.0601 26.0602 16 13.0100 6 52.0500 4 420201 17 64.1200 5 26.0803 1 53.0400 2 420300 2 27.0406 1 55.0300 57.0100 7 7 42.0402 420800 3 2 64.0200 .... 950 1 320400 41.0203 1 220101 3 59.0100 1 47.0100 4 420300 3 42.0201 1 60.0200 2 47.0300 8 56.0100 11 47.0500 1 61.0500 1 48.0600 2 57.0300 4 49.0800 13 62.0200 1 49.0100 1 64.0200 930 51.0104 9 62.0400 642 49.0600 9 64.1100 1 64.0501 12 62.0500 1 1 ,952 49.0700 2 64.0502 1 62 0600 29 50.0400 1 64.0301 3,831 64.0503 495 620800 4 51.0103 2 20.0501 2 64.1100 2 62.0900 63 51.0104 15 20.0903 2 63 0200 3 53 0200 3 220101 5 64.0504 867 64.0200 4 53.0300 4 220300 16 24.0701 7 64.0400 10 53.0500 9 24.0706 1 24.0706 28 64.1100 1 53.0800 2 25.0000 2 26.0601 3 64.1200 4 55.0300 5 26.0301 129 48.0200 1 56.0300 29 30.0000 10 51.0104 61 62.0600 1,661 6 56.0500 57.0200 66 1 320300 320400 13 58 51.0400 64.0504 15 17.1001 752 27.0406 1 57.0300 30 60.0100 2 29 0100 1 58.0700 1 61 0500 33 64.0700 864 ^*J -V 1 WW 29.0201 1 60^0400 4 61.0700 1 17.1100 1 29.0202 4 62.0101 179 64.0301 3,465 23.0600 2 320300 1 620102 9 64.0302 5 320300 10 38.0900 1 620200 60 64.0400 39 320400 1 420500 1 620300 7 64.0502 37 34.0100 3 52.0400 1 620500 2 64.1200 11 36.0900 2 59.0302 1 620800 54 41.0203 1 62.0200 620600 3 1,614 621000 621100 32 7,784 64 0302 298 4 420300 48.0400 6 36.0900 1 64.0800 26 64.0104 4 64.0101 1 659 1 63.0200 2,474 14 2 64.0301 64.0302 64.1200 47 241 2 64.0105 64.0301 64.0400 2 62.0700 29.0100 320400 3 20.0903 1 35.0100 1 62.0500 37 64.0700 829 41.0203 1 62.0600 1 64.0400 7,602 64.1100 1 42.0300 3 621000 51 17.0900 18 48.0100 53.0200 4 63 0200 2,369 18 0400 3 64.0800 1,229 1 WWp VkVV 19.0301 2 19.0200 29 53.0400 53.0500 2 1 63.0300 20,271 2 19.0302 220300 2 2 24.0500 29.0201 8 20.0903 2 55.0300 3 24.0701 4 23.0300 1 29.0202 2 58.0400 14 24.0702 6 23.0400 1 29.0300 36 620700 625 26.0501 4 27.0402 1 30.0000 8 64.0104 1 27.0406 7 27.0406 1 320400 7 64.1200 2 28.0100 7 29.0100 7 36.1600 5 29.0100 3 320200 1 421100 2 62.0800 2,511 3 320300 320400 19 4 320300 320400 21 69 55.0300 620500 2 57.0100 2 62.0102 33 36.1600 I 1 I 34.0305 1 64.0800 1.126 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 81 Table 1B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 64.0900 1,491 8 2 1 1,480 1,040 1,040 3,552 2 1 4 1 8 36 15 1 22 4 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 3 3 3,417 3 5,930 1 14 1 1 1 1 55 4 1 22 1 1 4 1 4 12 1 18 1 3 1 3 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 11 3 2 2 1 1 6 1 8 22 45 6 7 6 2 5,636 36,196 35,584 542 6 64 25,862 19,992 5,870 145,511 174 143,961 84 1,277 15 11,599 65 0400 2.0201 65.0301 65.0302 65.0701 11 1,781 9,764 43 34,347 32,440 194 1,713 98,819 94,141 2,632 2,046 7,315 7,315 8,543 8,505 38 13,108 13,108 180,317 180,317 25,624 25,624 2,674 2,674 195,695 170,428 6,504 18,758 5 15,778 15.778 80,377 43 77,175 3,159 22,981 100 3,291 4 19,586 27,284 11,363 468 104 2 15,347 568,970 568,970 526,178 522,519 2,092 1,567 263,660 263,596 64 37,183 37,183 89,931 4,282 17 85,632 168,873 168,993 -177 57 62,781 404 44 62104 229 457,250 457,250 504.027 494,173 360 306 57 36 329 8.766 55.711 55,711 I 72.0101 52,047 52,047 6.889 6,889 21,160 20.796 4 360 6,928 6,928 22,601 22,512 88 1 19,302 19,302 3,843 3,843 18,182 15 18,164 3 31,027 131 30.896 26,522 26,522 39,756 39,756 118.038 1,372 133 115,730 39 377 387 13,732 13.668 64 30,775 11 1 68 30,490 131 74 11,788 72 11,630 86 71,236 5 7 59 71,165 78,848 47 74,314 214 1.469 2,804 28,701 307 28,015 379 138.530 24.477 10.883 6,412 23.702 2.401 2,153 26,685 3.951 7,496 29.651 13 5 596 105 116,396 116,396 83,570 189 83,381 52.631 74.0000 73.01 1 1 73.0303 707 27.0406 32.0300 41.0203 64.0900 72.0102 72.0101 51.924 282 017 72.0201 72.0102 75.0001 74.0000 78.0500 280.187 1 830 64.1000 65.0500 65.0400 65.0701 79.0300 64.1000 72.0202 720201 72.0203 73.0102 47 630 64.1100 75.0002 70.0100 70.0200 73.0107 75.0001 309 24,805 19.0301 19.0304 20.0903 23.0400 23.0700 25.0000 26.0501 26.0803 32.0400 35.0100 40.0700 40.0901 41.0203 42.0300 420402 4Z1100 52.0500 53.0300 55.0300 60.0100 61.0700 6Z0500 64.0301 64.0502 64.0503 64.1100 64.1200 72 65.0600 65.0500 65.0701 79.0300 22 444 72.0203 72.0202 1 07 056 75.0003 75.0002 1 07 056 72.0204 72.0203 73.0108 73.0109 65.0701 650600 9 722 76.0101 75.0003 79.0300 8,735 987 65 0702 65.0701 73.0109 72.0205 720204 36 794 76 0102 ... 56.0200 76.0101 78.0500 49 36 647 66 0100 65.0702 72.0300 72.0205 98 6 297 66.0200 66.0100 73.0101 720203 72.0300 78.0500 76.0201 73.0107 76.0102 93 6.204 67.0000 66.0200 16 321 76.0202 76.0201 16.321 73.0102 72.0204 73.0101 68 0100 67.0000 1 983 76.0203 76.0202 1,983 68 0201 68.0100 78.0200 79.0200 79.0300 73.0103 73.0102 6,179 76 0204 76.0203 6,179 64.1200 73.0104 73.0103 5 542 18.0400 19.0200 19.0304 20.0903 22.0300 24.0701 24.0706 26.0301 26.0602 26.0700 27.0100 27.0406 29.0202 29.0300 320300 32.0400 36.1500 36.1600 37.0103 40.0800 41.0203 42.0201 42.0500 42.0800 421100 44.0001 48.0500 520100 520500 55.0200 55.0300 56.0300 58.0400 620200 620400 620500 620700 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0700 64.0800 64.1100 64.1200 76.0205 76.0204 5.542 68.0202 68.0201 73.0106 51.0103 51.0104 73.0104 73.0107 73.01 1 1 73.0303 12 603 76.0206 76.0205 12,603 68 0301 ! 37.0101 68.0202 79.0300 37 218 77.0100 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 76.0206 79.0300 188 22 200 124 8 57 169 1 13 73 68.0302 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 79.0300 73.0107 73.0106 73.0109 73.0108 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 73.0107 75.0001 76.0102 69.0100 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 10 47 11 3 91 73.0109 72.0203 73.0108 73.0109 14 69.0200 69.0100 35,797 383 70.0100 69.0200 78.0500 79.0300 73.0111 72.0203 73.0106 73.0108 73.0109 77.0200 77.0100 216,111 219 060 77.0301 77.0200 219 060 70.0200 70.0100 79.0300 73 0112 73.0103 73.0111 73.0200 73.0302 73.0303 50 459 77.0303 77.0301 50.459 70.0300 70.0200 18 971 77.0304 77.0303 18,971 70.0400 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 6.593 73.0200 73.01 1 1 73.0112 77.0200 77.0305 77.0304 6,593 53 413 77.0401 77.0305 53413 70.0500 70.0400 78.0500 79.0300 73 0301 26.0100 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 64.1100 66.0200 67.0000 73.0108 73.0109 73.0200 76.0101 76.0202 77.0501 77.0502 18 001 77.0402 77.0401 18.001 43 704 65.0100 71.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0500 71.0201 77.0403 77.0402 43.704 65.0100 65.0701 79.0100 79.0300 12 985 77.0501 77.0403 12.985 13 070 65.0200 71.0201 71.0100 77 0502 77.0501 13.070 65.0200 79.0100 17 859 65.0301 71.0202 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0300 77 0503 77.0502 17.859 30 605 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0701 75.0001 73.0302 73.0301 77.0504 77.0503 30.605 21 534 73.0303 73.0111 73.0302 77 0600 77.0504 21.534 6 851 35.0302 71.0202 77.0600 6.851 See footnote at the end of the table. 82 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 1 B. — The Make Table for Commodities (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value Commodity ' Producing industry Value 77.0700 17,566 17,566 15.374 15.374 30,082 30,082 46.449 46.449 3,751 3.751 30.162 422 2 29,738 2,175 5 18 2 1 1 4 5 20.0904 22.0101 22.0103 22.0300 22.0400 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 25.0000 26.0100 26.0302 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0201 28.0100 28.0200 28.0400 29.0100 29.0203 29.0300 31.0101 32.0400 35.0100 5 4 3 2 3 41 6 4 12 2 4 10 132 19 18 42 12 57 2 25 1 3 18 3 8 19 64 8 35.0200 36.1900 37.0300 38.0100 38.0501 38.1400 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0401 42.0402 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 46.0200 46.0400 47.0100 47.0300 48.0100 48.0300 48.0600 4 28 31 33 4 20 4 35 4 7 57 204 56 5 12 2 15 6 6 8 1 3 1 2 6 1 1 3 82.0000 49.0100 49.0700 50.0400 51.0103 52.0300 55.0300 59.0301 59.0302 61.0100 61.0300 620600 64.0101 65.0100 68.0302 74.0000 77 77 0800 77.0700 1 17 3 36 3 24 231 3 8 9 2 4 114 521 77.0900 77.0800 78.0100 77.0900 78.0500 78.0100 79.0300 78.0500 68.0301 68.0302 79.0300 764,389 764,389 10 087 84.0000 820000 81.0001 85 0000 84.0000 15.0200 20.0501 20.0701 20.0702 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 - 10,087 -7,982 -7,982 85.0000 1 . See appendixes A and B for content and descriptions of industnes. commodities, final uses, and value added. DETAILED TABLES Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 83 Commodity ' 1.0100 Using industry 1.0200. 1.0301 1.0302 . 2.0100 . 1.0301 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 91 .0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 Value Commodity ' 4.0001 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.1301 14.1302 74.0000 77.0200 77.0301 77.0800 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 2.0201 1.0301 4.0001 14.0101 14.0102 16.0100 16.0300 17.1001 17.1100 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0600 2.0701 3.0001 14.0101 14.0105 14.0600 14.1200 14.1501 14.1502 14.3202 16.0100 16.0300 17.1001 17.1100 18.0201 18.0203 18.0300 29.0202 64.1200 73.0106 73.0112 76.0206 77.0200 77.0402 77.0504 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 99.30C8 Z0100 14.2400 14.2600 16.0100 16.0300 16.0400 17.0700 17.1001 17.1100 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 1.0100 1.0200 2.0202 . 2.0203 . 2.0300 . 2.0401 1.0301 1.0302 2.0201 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.2104 27.0100 29.0100 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0202 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1700 14.2101 14.2102 14.2104 14.3201 14.3202 76.0204 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.30C8 99.30C9 2.0202 2.0203 4.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 76.0206 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 2.0300 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 24.0800 93.0000 166 32 323 2,086 1,253 552 473 86 509 14 41 176 54 880 2,841 -211 9 2.0402 2.0501 545 178 10 18 60 14 2 11 47 30 22 2 33 48 -3 94 -53 6 3 8 13 2 3,061 8 1,475 6 34 1,580 11 -53 2.0502 2.0503 8,708 14.0800 36 14.0900 808 14.1000 37 14.1100 8 14.1301 764 14.1302 3 14.2002 296 14.2004 8 14.2005 60 14.2103 601 14.2300 91 14.2800 1,611 14.3202 18 72.0102 2 74.0000 i 218 76.0206 I 4 77.0200 | 48 2.0600 . 77.0301 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.1 0C1 99.20C3 14.1402 14.1403 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2600 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 25 15 35 1 6,722 80 1,175 ^t,038 21 9 28 22 1,561 35 3 22 18 4 36 817 94 20 418 2 177 -85 2.0702 . 2.0202 2.0503 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1301 14.1401 14.1501 14.1502 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.2002 14.2005 14.2101 14.2300 14.2500 14.2600 14.2800 14.3201 14.3202 16.0100 16.0300 17.0100 17.1100 27.0100 27.0406 29.0100 64.0800 71.0201 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 1.0301 1.0302 | 2.0600 I 787 28 11 5 12 37 6 11 9 6 8 22 15 3 1 142 3 41 5 1 40 306 9 5 14 1 13 142 5 8 21 6 -8 112 -250 -3 13,629 9 1 1.019 3.0001 14.1402 14.1501 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2500 14.2600 14.3201 14.3202 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00CO 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0503 2.0701 2.0702 4.0001 4.0002 8.0001 11.0101 11.0105 12.0101 14.0800 14.0900 14.3201 14.3202 27.0100 29.0100 31.0101 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 64.1200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 99.30C8 3.0001 4.0001 4.0002 14.1100 14.2004 14.2005 14.2200 14.2300 14.3202 18.0400 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0400 20.0600 22.0102 26.0806 27.0100 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 28.0200 29.0100 30.0000 31.0102 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 238 238 7 16 13 3 8 578 206 6.287 298 8 558 30 244 3.905 -59 22 9.972 117 7 97 2 16 428 506 2.636 1 268 269 257 51 82 20 38 256 78 1 1 1 1 26 1 1 1 1 1 76 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 81 4 4 6 23 10 4.524 78 433 -871 415 8.129 253 36 2 1 1 8 5 11 4 195 5,191 1.321 7 3 536 5 5 1 10 26 1 1 1 22 7 1 529 19 259 See footnote at the end of the table. 84 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry 1 35.0200 1 36.0100 4 36.0200 3 36.0600 8 36.1000 3 36.1100 3 36.1200 1 36.1400 1 36.1600 4 36.1900 8 36.2000 2 36.2100 2 37.0101 7 37.0103 1 37.0104 1 37.0105 1 37.0200 1 37.0300 2 37.0401 2 37.0402 3 38.0100 3 38.0400 1 380501 7 38 0600 3 38.0700 2 38.0800 2 38 0900 1 38.1000 1 38 1100 2 390100 2 400200 6 40.0300 2 40.0400 2 40.0500 1 40.0600 2 40.0700 6 40.0800 1 40.0901 2 1 40.0902 41.0100 3 41.0203 2 42.0201 1 42.0300 1 42.0401 1 42.0402 1 42.0500 2 42.0800 2 42.1000 6 42.1100 2 43.0100 1 43.0200 1 44.0001 2 44.0002 4 45.0100 2 45.0200 1 45.0300 1 1 46.0200 46.0400 1 47.0100 2 47.0300 1 47.0401 3 47.0404 3 48.0100 1 48.0400 2 48.0500 29 48.0600 8 49.0100 21 49 0200 5 49.0300 4 49.0500 2 49.0600 1 49.0700 13 49.0800 2 50.0100 2 50.0200 2 1 50.0400 51.0103 2 51.0104 39 51.0400 3 52.0300 1 52.0500 3 53.0200 2 1 53.0300 53.0400 4 53.0500 11 53.0700 2 53.0800 3 54.0100 30 54.0200 5 54.0300 2 54.0400 2 54.0700 4 55.0100 4 55.0200 13 55.0300 2 56.0100 1 56.0200 2 56.0300 2 56.0500 4 57.0100 4 57.0200 30 57.0300 1 58.0100 1 58.0400 1 58.0600 7 58.0700 Value Commodity ' Using industry 3.0002 . 4.0001 4.0002 . 32.0500 32.0600 36.1700 38.1000 64.0400 64.0800 64.1200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 99.30C8 3.0002 14.0700 14.1200 14.2700 65.0400 72.0102 74.0000 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.1 0C1 99.20C3 99.30C8 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 3.0001 4.0001 91.0000 94.0000 95.0000 99.30C8 3.0001 3.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0600 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 13 11 1 11 7 4 3 2,237 -29 214 -1.091 -1 -1,168 -544 3,736 9 346 2.524 88 3 3 1,747 6 33 4 6 848 -16 2,666 -4,568 5 4 20 5 3 14,321 1,001 1,995 980 74 572 216 2,705 4 137 1.102 161 1,682 88 235 606 41 238 2.002 152 729 61 -21 ^139 15,484 3 18 4 2 10 17 3 3 2 1 397 5 136 23 119 7 8 1 1 192 446 242 122 450 23 1 1 5 6 8 3 3 2 8 1 5 1 2 2 5 3 2 2 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15 0200 16.0100 16.0300 17.0100 17.1001 17.1100 18.0102 18.0201 18.0300 18.0400 19.0200 19.0304 19.0306 20 0100 20.0200 200300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 35.0100 2 4 1 1 2 3 5 1 2 1 2 1 10 2 2 1 7 2 1 5 2 9 1 1 2 6 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 6 2 2 3 5 3 1 6 1 2 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 7 8 6 2 5 2 1 1 2 2 1 10 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 4 7 2 34 18 4 6 4 3 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0100 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 See footnote at the end of the table. Table 2A.— ' 5.0001 6.0100 . 6.0200 7.0000 DETAILED TABLES The Use Table for Commodities (Rows^ontinued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 85 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 5.0001 6.0200 27.0100 27.0201 30.0000 31.0101 35.0100 36.0100 36.0701 36.1600 36.1900 36.2100 37.0101 37.0102 37.0105 37.0200 37.0402 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 42.0401 45.0200 45.0300 47.0100 51.0104 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 56.0100 56.0300 58.0400 59.0302 60.0200 62.0500 62.0600 64.0102 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00CO 6.0100 6.0200 27.0100 30.0000 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 13.0100 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 16 12 5 4 -212 1,511 347 2,129 240 2 327 17 19 21 17 3 5 2 3 5 1,906 29 2 5 95 1 18 6 2 6 6 6 3 7 7 19 8 24 3 279 31 3 11 11 -36 315 -1,167 -133 1 3,365 83 24 677 1 2,115 55 3 30 487 -110 5,245 19 221 1,494 50 1 1 141 14 2 20 172 9 13 4 50 -18 302 2,765 -15 26,917 3 9 3 3,042 13 8 5 6 26 2 9 6 8 7 4 1 7 1 3 12 3 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0300 18.0400 19.0200 19.0302 19.0304 20.0100 20.0200 20.0904 22.0101 22.0200 22.0300 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0200 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 33.0001 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 2 4 7 3 2 3 1 2 6 1 18 11 3 1 17 1 1 3 9 2 1 1 5 1 1 10 1 7 2 3 1 5 6 15 1 1 9 20 1 5 1 6 2 1 3 i 2 1 8 6 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 28 1 4 9 3 1 6 314 25 172 22 1 6 22 2 1 1 8 32 9 6 11 18 4 1 2 2 2 6 1 2 3 10 1 2 57 41 78 18 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0701 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 39.0100 40.0600 40.0700 41.0201 41.0203 42.0401 42.0402 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 45.0100 47.0300 48.0600 49.0200 49.0700 50.0400 51.0103 52.0300 53.0700 57.0200 57.0300 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61 .0200 61.0300 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0400 64.1100 65.0400 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0300 73.0107 73.0302 74.0000 75.0002 76.0205 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0401 77.0501 77.0800 78.0200 79.0200 91 .0000 6 6 2 4 2 3 2 6 13 32 34 28 2 6 15 19 4 3 1.316 12 1 1 2 5 1 10 1 2 2 2 2 1 5 1.0001 9.0001 8 8 5 5 5 2 1 2 1 6 1 5 1 4 4 1 1 2 3 4 1 18 1 1 9 15,676 9 5 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 6 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 734 1,273 68 9.0002 . 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 8.0001 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0405 28.0100 28.0200 31.0101 31.0103 65.0600 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 69.0100 79.0200 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00CO 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0702 9.0001 9.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0501 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 27.0201 27.0202 27.0406 36.0100 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1900 37.0101 37.0102 64.0502 69.0100 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 7.0000 9.0001 9.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 27.0202 31.0200 31.0300 35.0100 35.0200 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1500 36.1600 36.2100 36.2200 37.0102 37.0200 38.1100 -3 3,122 -133 1 28 15 13 13 4 1 1 1 97,623 20,296 3,429 613 11 30 207 30 74.322 177 83 9 4,209 34,546 9 630 23 -105 3,290 -43.984 -202 5,157 6 43 186 1 8 6 2 11 5 3 12 5 42 6 665 227 1,166 13 84 399 1,223 177 4 11 52 50 34 41 373 43 81 83 22 48 10 2 5 4 95 -91 3,500 10 25 61 462 158 369 8 2 59 217 101 1 36 1 337 39 117 75 79 157 1.133 1 13 5 4 1 87 10 See footnote at the end of me table. BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' 9.0003 . 9.0004 . 10.0000. Using industry 38.1200 38.1300 77.0700 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 99.30C1 5.0001 9.0003 24.0100 24.0701 24.0800 27.0202 27.0300 27.0406 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0701 36.0702 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 64.0502 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 Value 1.0100 4.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0400 27.0100 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 29.0100 30.0000 31.0300 32.0600 36.0100 36.0200 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1600 36.1700 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 42.1100 47.0100 47.0300 48.0300 54.0400 54.0700 57.0100 64.0900 69.0100 69.0200 720204 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 £0202 9.0004 10.0000 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0406 31.0101 36.1900 36.2000 2 3 3 -11 65 -10 -120 1,277 7 19 11 17 296 5 10 128 13 3 10 2 2 4 20 21 29 65 3 19 8 2 30 21 4 5 7 101 7 53 5 3 7 2 2 359 -23 728 7 2 101 21 65 23 54 78 90 3 109 5 1 1 1 5 4 2 14 4 4 3 159 80 4 1 55 1 6 1 2 19 1 14 14 1 1 1 1 3 33 -2 120 -381 -3 1,621 1 5 52 459 766 26 92 166 20 10 21 Commodity ' 11.0101 11.0102. 11.0105. 11.0108 11.0400 . 11.0900 . 12.0101 12.0214. 12.0215. 12.0300 . Using industry 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 36.2200 37.0101 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 99.30C1 92.0000 96.0010 99.3017 92.0000 96.0010 99.3017 92.0000 96.0010 99.3017 92.0000 96.0010 99.3017 920000 96.0010 97.0010 99.3011 Value 920000 11.0601 92.0000 11.0602 92.0000 92.0000 92.0000 96.0010 97.0010 99 1012 99.2013 99.3012 99.3014 99.3019 92.0000 96.0010 97.0010 98.0011 98.0012 98.0013 99.1011 99.1012 99.1013 99.1014 99.2011 99.2012 99.2013 99.3012 99.3013 99.3014 99.3015 99.3016 99.3017 99.3018 99.3019 71.0100 71.0201 79.0300 92.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 71.0201 79.0300 97.00C0 99.30C1 8.0001 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2 75 51 6 32 47 -393 5 178 115,450 115,315 28 107 3.274 2,572 208 494 43.239 39,536 791 2,912 10,910 10,522 83 305 33,596 1,076 64 219 32,237 1,833 1.833 11.633 107 11,526 1,673 63 1,610 1,061 1,061 91,887 77.249 1,260 2,537 135 2.049 2,002 188 6.467 142,393 77,616 2,800 7,813 14,544 5,137 570 3,048 57 8,678 910 418 389 966 2,781 3,572 6 3.071 5,592 215 4,164 46 63,282 21,663 19,502 3,487 18,092 13 525 23,061 4,030 312 29 18,690 1,719 1,719 134,319 224 144 619 10 60 Commodity ' Using industry 2.0201 120 2.0202 508 2.0203 5 2.0300 38 2.0401 91 2.0402 2 2.0501 126 2.0502 23 £0503 9 2.0600 174 2.0701 22 2.0702 95 3.0001 32 3.0002 303 4.0001 184 4.0002 106 5.0001 39 6.0100 58 6.0200 109 7.0000 70 8.0001 574 9.0001 11 9.0002 20 9.0003 20 9.0004 20 10.0000 30 11.0101 66 11.0102 1 11.0105 25 11.0108 2 11.0400 25 11.0501 1 11.0601 8 11.0602 1 11.0800 62 11.0900 79 120101 46 120214 18 12.0300 90 13.0100 84 13.0200 14 13.0300 2 13.0500 14 13.0600 12 13.0700 21 14.0101 66 14.0102 74 14.0105 80 14.0200 2 14.0300 47 14.0400 27 14.0500 27 14.0600 68 14.0700 1 14.0800 36 14.0900 63 14.1000 12 14.1100 26 14.1200 17 14.1301 44 14.1302 36 14.1401 33 14.1402 67 14.1403 29 14.1501 27 14.1502 54 14.1600 10 14.1700 78 14.1801 108 14.1802 51 14.1803 18 14.1900 44 14.2002 35 14.2004 12 14.2005 72 14.2101 83 14.2102 3 14.2103 13 14.2104 13 14.2200 116 14.2300 18 14.2400 1 14.2500 35 14.2600 4 14.2700 19 14.2800 13 14.2900 15 14.3000 2 14.3100 12 14.3201 38 14.3202 54 15.0101 70 15.0102 3 15.0103 1 15.0200 12 16.0100 178 16.0200 11 16.0300 30 16.0400 1 17.0100 17 17.0600 11 17.0700 11 17.1001 25 17.1100 99 18.0101 12 18.0102 13 I Commodity ' Using industry Value 18.0201 14 18.0202 12 18.0203 2 18.0300 39 18.0400 187 19.0100 3 19.0200 19 19.0301 2 19.0302 3 19.0303 3 19.0304 21 19.0305 1 19.0306 12 20.0100 60 20.0200 65 20.0300 12 20.0400 1 20.0501 25 20.0502 14 20.0600 26 20.0701 11 20.0702 1 20.0703 13 20.0800 12 20.0901 13 20.0903 14 20.0904 15 21.0000 4 22.0101 31 22.0102 1 22.0103 1 22.0200 40 220300 12 22.0400 2 23.0100 12 23.0200 26 23.0300 13 23.0400 14 23.0500 17 23.0600 3 23.0700 13 24.0100 97 24.0400 12 24.0500 66 24.0701 51 24.0702 39 24.0703 12 24.0705 1 24.0706 18 24.0800 909 25.0000 159 26.0100 281 26.0200 50 26.0301 52 26.0302 41 26.0400 38 26.0501 325 26.0601 29 26.0602 19 26.0700 12 26.0802 12 26.0803 13 26.0806 24 27.0100 969 27.0201 70 27.0202 14 27.0300 64 27.0401 10 27.0402 35 27.0403 2 27.0404 13 27.0406 63 28.0100 252 28.0200 57 28.0300 12 28.0400 178 29.0100 455 29.0201 96 29.0202 21 29.0203 16 29.0300 82 30.0000 52 31.0101 1,028 31.0102 33 31.0103 4 31.0200 18 31.0300 14 32.0100 89 32.0300 62 32.0400 574 32.0500 19 320600 13 33.0001 13 34.0100 2 34.0201 25 34.0202 2 34.0301 2 34.0302 10 34.0303 4 34.0304 4 34.0305 3 35.0100 95 35.0200 46 36.0100 35 36.0200 12 36.0300 10 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 87 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 36.0400 11 52.0500 20 36.0500 2 53.0200 16 36.0600 11 53.0300 29 36.0701 12 53.0400 37 36.0702 1 53.0500 39 36.0800 12 53.0700 14 36.0900 12 53.0800 13 36.1000 13 54.0100 14 36.1100 30 54.0200 23 36.1200 59 54.0300 12 36.1300 12 54.0400 13 36.1400 11 54.0500 11 36.1500 16 54.0700 13 36.1600 15 55.0100 17 36.1900 11 55.0200 43 36.2000 15 55.0300 32 36.2100 11 56.0100 34 36.2200 14 56.0200 22 37.0101 367 56.0300 122 37.0102 12 56.0500 139 37.0103 17 57.0100 13 37.0104 24 57.0200 585 37.0105 15 57.0300 327 37.0200 89 58.0100 13 37.0300 24 58.0200 13 37.0401 16 58.0400 16 37.0402 12 58.0600 61 38.0100 48 58.0700 16 38.0400 46 59.0100 14 38.0501 13 59.0200 2 38.0600 24 59.0301 492 38.0700 21 59.0302 550 38.0800 90 60.0100 321 38.0900 15 60.0200 282 38.1000 60 60.0400 191 38.1100 31 61.0100 29 38.1300 6 61.0200 13 38.1400 12 61.0300 39 39.0100 61 61.0500 11 39.0200 2 61.0601 2 40.0200 13 61.0603 1 40.0300 3 61.0700 12 40.0400 18 62.0101 187 40.0500 16 62.0102 12 40.0600 47 62.0200 60 40.0700 44 62.0300 15 40.0800 12 620400 94 40.0901 11 620500 79 40.0902 14 62.0600 11 41.0100 44 62.0800 12 41.0201 76 62.0900 39 41.0202 4 621000 53 41.0203 210 62.1100 61 42.0100 12 63.0200 34 42.0201 15 63.0300 115 42.0202 1 64.0101 12 42.0300 43 64.0102 10 42.0401 40 64.0104 12 42.0402 28 64.0105 1 42.0500 30 64.0200 11 42.0700 1 64.0301 14 42.0800 79 64.0302 3 42.1000 15 64.0400 27 42.1100 53 64.0501 1 43.0100 42 64.0502 6 43.0200 70 64.0504 1 44.0001 46 64.0700 11 44.0002 17 64.0800 11 45.0100 81 64.0900 12 45.0200 2 64.1000 2 45.0300 18 64.1100 20 46.0100 1 64.1200 35 46.0200 15 65.0100 2,393 46.0300 3 65.0200 72 46.0400 14 65.0301 372 47.0100 17 65.0302 364 47.0200 13 65.0400 30 47.0300 85 65.0500 239 47.0401 13 65.0600 544 47.0402 3 65.0701 20 47.0404 13 65.0702 10 47.0405 3 66.0100 6,956 47.0500 12 66.0200 1,221 48.0100 13 67.0000 260 48.0200 12 68.0100 13,324 48.0300 11 68.0201 1.469 48.0400 13 68.0202 5,330 48.0500 12 68.0301 836 48.0600 57 68.0302 699 49.0100 36 69.0100 2,441 49.0200 30 69.0200 5,017 49.0300 14 70.0100 850 49.0500 26 70.0200 126 49.0600 2 70.0300 170 49.0700 28 70.0400 416 49.0800 13 70.0500 196 50.0100 13 71.0201 6,046 50.0200 25 72.0101 1,390 50.0400 126 720102 136 51.0102 2 72.0201 88 51.0103 190 72.0202 142 51.0104 173 720203 102 51.0400 15 72.0204 42 52.0100 2 720205 7 52.0200 3 720300 131 52.0300 149 73.0101 75 Commodity ' Using industry Value 73.0102 38 73.0103 19 73.0104 310 73.0106 28 73.0107 82 73.0108 58 73.0109 245 73.0111 190 73.0112 162 73.0200 51 73.0301 168 73.0302 125 73.0303 95 74.0000 2,129 75.0001 109 75.0002 387 75.0003 39 76.0101 183 76.0102 45 76.0201 68 76.0202 38 76.0203 36 76.0204 48 76.0205 257 76.0206 390 77.0100 838 77.0200 1.480 77.0301 312 77.0303 26 77.0304 42 77.0305 191 77.0401 2.704 77.0402 3.683 77.0403 75 77.0501 299 77.0502 393 77.0503 1,085 77.0504 324 77.0600 45 77.0700 251 77.0800 209 77.0900 208 78.0100 222 78.0200 700 79.0100 1,664 79.0200 1,202 79.0300 13,565 92.0000 2,270 94.0000 64 96.00CO 6,124 97.00C0 3.751 98.00C1 5,194 98.00C2 1.455 98.00C3 153 99.1 0C1 1,501 99.10C2 134 99.20C1 196 99.20C2 232 99.20C3 1,286 99.30C8 1,323 99.30C9 1,901 12,445 13.0100 310 920000 29 93.0000 -1,811 94.0000 1,435 95.0000 -291 96.00CO 3,699 96.0010 6,394 97.00C0 464 97.0010 2,216 2,973 13.0200 8 93.0000 -24 94.0000 193 96.00C0 2,191 96.0010 605 2,591 13.0300 30 93.0000 54 94.0000 1,077 95.0000 -49 96.00C0 665 96.0010 811 97.0OC0 3 1,342 13.0500 11 65.0701 3 65.0702 2 73.0101 85 73.0106 3 76.0205 6 91.0000 874 93.0000 -64 94.0000 227 95.0000 -371 96.00C0 539 97.00CO 2 99.10C1 1 99.20C1 21 99.20C2 1 99.20C3 1 Commodity ' Using industry Value 13.0100. 13.0200. 13.0300. 13.0500. 13.0600. 13.0700 . 14.0101 14.0102 . 99.30C9 13.0600 76.0205 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 99.20C1 99.20C3 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00C0 1.0301 1.0302 4.0001 14.0101 14.0102 14.0800 14.0900 14.1301 14.1302 14.1501 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2700 14.2900 29.0100 33.0001 34.0100 60.0400 62.0500 64.1200 65.0400 69.0200 72.0102 74.0000 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0501 77.0504 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 4.0001 14.0101 14.0102 14.0800 14.0900 14.1301 14.1302 29.0100 65.0400 720102 74.0000 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0204 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0501 77.0504 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.OOC0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.20C1 1 1.267 3 4 599 -3 380 -86 242 8 89 31 1,599 -7 280 -12 232 1,101 5 49,876 6 2 11 1.095 9.688 132 25 2 362 3 6 4 3 3 33 87 71 817 19 2 44 5 9 17 27 6,152 61 772 210 2 1 116 63 58 26 27.468 -133 4,234 -3,069 45 378 190 6 498 7 318 16,498 1 54 187 46 8 1 125 43 5 11 3,942 4 2 4 9 13 162 69 2 1 49 85 90 14 11.007 -41 254 -60 37 1 291 8 6 32 17 See footnote at the end of the table. ^\ 88 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES 1992 Table 2A.— -The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' 14.0105 . 14.0200 . 14.0300 . 14.0400. Using industry 99.20C3 3.0001 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0800 14.0900 14.1301 14.1302 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 64.1200 65.0400 69.0100 69.0200 72.0102 74.0000 76.0202 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0501 77.0502 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 72.0102 74.0000 77.0200 77.0301 77.0502 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.0300 14.0400 14.0600 14.1301 14.1302 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 65.0400 69.0100 720102 74.0000 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.1 0C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 1.O200 1.0301 Value 7,429 10 3 See footnote at the end ol the table. 19 25,130 126 37 336 3,086 132 2 2 233 124 14 24 85 4 144 29 8 2,952 1 14 166 81 2 2 97 86 49 9 16,166 -40 1.062 -106 29 2 41 2 73 1 55 1,233 36 7 5 2 20 14 4 2 2 279 35 3 2 24 7 1 2 530 6 126 -4 44 2 20 4 33 27 15,901 3,055 42 11 25 392 38 48 18 5 3 4 4.320 4 65 38 95 28 13 14 7,496 36 127 —491 11 230 24 20 195 1 34 Commodity ' 14.0500 . 14.0600 14.0700 . Using industry 1.0302 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.1501 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2002 14.2005 29.0100 65.0400 69.0100 74.0000 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0502 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.0500 65.0400 720102 74.0000 76.0101 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.1000 14.1302 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2002 14.2005 14.3202 65.0400 69.0100 69.0200 720102 74.0000 77.0200 77.0301 77.0503 77.0700 77.0800 77.09O0 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C2 99.20C3 14.0700 74.0000 Value 3 1 516 612 325 282 40 37 95 18 22 45 19 32 1 29 1,341 1 13 16 2 56 7 2 3 3,294 5 520 -363 10 25 3 13 372 19 5,311 3 3 2 2,242 4 13 129 30 94 23 14 8 2.242 40 90 -1 1 189 43 70 1 71 18,985 565 445 455 526 861 68 45 45 23 23 23 23 23 23 160 240 45 2 16 6 3 1,694 90 8 3 96 8 4 6 11,899 12 61 -5 -156 973 72 6 503 2 1 88 1.160 11 43 Commodity ' 14.0800 . 14.0900 . 14.1000 . 14.1100. Using industry 77.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.0800 72.0102 74.0000 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.0800 14.0900 14.1302 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2200 14.2300 65.0400 69.0100 72.0102 74.0000 76.0203 76.0204 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0501 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1402 14.1403 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2004 14.2005 14.3201 14.3202 69.0200 74.0000 77.0200 77.0301 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.1100 65.0400 74.0000 76.0203 76.0204 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0800 77.0900 Value 1 1.979 -2 392 -1,392 15 64 9 26 14 5,757 31 4 301 2 49 39 6 27 10 5,074 18 75 -26 76 7 53 11 15.202 147 738 55 25 31 4 235 31 4 52 7 2.661 1 1 14 258 203 2 1 78 88 25 9 10,606 36 593 -1.548 11 308 59 368 99 2,767 119 42 369 1 93 15 71 27 8 3 10 168 94 1 307 27 11 49 10 2 1 946 -11 517 -193 23 14 21 22 6,565 23 2 1,823 1 1 19 39 16 14 8 Commodity ' 14.1200 . 14.1301 14.1302 . 14.1401 Using industry 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.1 0C1 99.20C3 14.0700 14.1200 65.0400 69.0100 72.0102 74.0000 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.0800 14.0900 14.1301 14.1302 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.3201 14.3202 65.0400 69.0100 720102 74.0000 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0501 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.1302 74.0000 77.0200 77.0800 91.0000 98.00C1 99.1 0C1 99.20C3 14.0800 14.0900 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2101 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 74.0000 77.0200 77.0301 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 Value 5 4,416 -9 346 -272 1 69 16 23 24 6,537 12 386 5 15 2 3,618 12 147 26 20 3 13 1,903 96 10 91 38 78 62 7,449 88 119 330 166 78 2 72 16 2 3 39 5 2.057 12 100 112 2 28 11 7 4.244 43 648 -905 2 13 33 1 67 54 7.239 15 116 6 1 7.094 2 4 1 5,878 18 2 10 143 160 94 502 73 602 1,916 332 43 60 248 162 265 344 9 7 62 6 6 1 495 8 330 -38 1 1 DETAILED TABLES 89 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 99.20C3 6 14.1402 7,815 14.1402 2 69.0100 2 72.0102 4 74.0000 92 77.0200 23 77.0301 20 77.0700 55 77.0800 33 77.0900 20 91.0000 7,248 93.0000 4 94.0000 177 95.0000 -77 96.00C0 14 98.00C1 4 98.00C2 8 99.1 0C1 171 99.1 0C2 1 99.20C3 14 14.1403 4,247 14.1402 27 14.1403 125 14.1801 306 14.1802 8 14.1803 26 74.0000 332 76.0206 2 77.0200 13 77.0301 11 77.0800 9 77.0900 2 78.0500 1 91.0000 3,295 93.0000 -9 94.0000 65 95.0000 -18 98.00C1 8 98.00C2 13 99.10C1 9 99.20C3 22 14.1501 6,329 4.0001 1 14.1501 5 73.0106 1 77.0304 124 91.0000 5,811 93.0000 142 94.0000 246 95.0000 -105 96.00C0 2 97.00C0 3 99.10C1 3 99.30C8 5 99.30C9 91 14.1502 16,695 1.0100 2,521 1.0200 6,639 1.0301 4,376 1.0302 495 3.0001 185 4.0001 81 14.1501 2 14.1502 874 29.0100 17 69.0100 196 73.0111 1 73.0112 29 77.0304 66 77.0504 6 91.0000 761 93.0000 -12 94.0000 524 95.0000 -116 96.00C0 12 98.00C2 2 99.10C1 7 99.30C8 24 99.30C9 5 14.1600 1,626 1.0100 20 1.0200 25 1.0301 11 1.0302 11 14.0800 8 14.1000 31 14.1302 5 14.1402 18 14.1403 69 14.1501 20 14.1502 2 14.1600 4 14.2101 23 74.0000 104 77.0200 2 77.0301 2 77.0800 5 77.0900 2 91.0000 634 93.0000 -9 Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry ilue Commodity ' Using industry Value 15 14.1801 88 46 14.1802 34 34 14.1803 9 2 14.2002 6 6.185 14.2004 123 -24 14.2005 201 2 65.0500 1 19 74.0000 186 13 76.0101 2 36 76.0201 1 2 76.0203 1 4 76.0204 1 2i 76.0206 4 77.0200 5 1 855 77.0800 1 32 78.0500 1 2 91.0000 1,628 1 809 93.0000 43 1 1 94.0000 738 1 95.0000 -411 96.00CO 3 6 653 98.00C1 2 44 98.00C2 9 e 99.10C1 3 78 3 4 99.20C3 14 142005 1 1 ,708 6? 14.1801 16 60 14.1802 3 6i 14.1803 5 22 14.2005 118 8' 65.0400 1 12 69.0100 3 SC 74.0000 577 29 76.0101 126 17 76.0201 1 29 76.0206 5 219 77.0200 9 134 77.0301 2 5 77.0600 2 124 77.0700 6 459 77.0800 3 214 77.0900 2 50 78.0500 2 1.680 91.0000 10,995 191 93.0000 78 8 94.0000 197 460 95.0000 -533 15 96.00CO 9 70 98.00C1 7 85 98.00C2 25 2 99.10C1 8 209 8 17 99.20C3 41 14.2101 20 585 615 1.0100 5 2 1.0200 5 1 1.0301 3 1 1.0302 5 42 14.1501 4 13 14.1502 45 1 14.2101 81 1 65.0400 8 4 65.0500 41 17 74.0000 5,989 5 76.0201 4 2 76.0203 5 1,777 76.0204 8 121 76.0206 7 269 77.0501 2 -878 77.0502 10 6 77.0504 2 12 78.0500 5 49 91.0000 15.149 8 93.0000 -254 20 94.0000 351 31 95.0000 -976 98.00C2 86 1,618 1 14.2102 567 14 14.1502 10 78 14.2101 532 44 14.2104 7 69 93.0000 -11 107 94.0000 32 10 95.0000 -a 277 364 14.2103 5 032 18 14.2103 324 442 65.0400 1 6 65.0500 90 2 69.0100 1 1 74.0000 763 2 76.0201 4 603 76.0204 2 19 76.0206 5 261 77.0501 1 -714 77.0503 5 8 78.0500 2 1 91.0000 5.215 3 93.0000 35 2 94.0000 162 95.0000 -1,584 2.712 96.00CO 1 8 98.00C2 1 11 99.10C1 1 14.1700 . 14.1801 14.1802 . 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 735 -102 1 1 2 2 6,402 1.0100 18 1.0200 24 1.0301 8 1.0302 9 14.0300 22 14.0400 52 14.0500 74 14.0600 104 14.0700 5 14.0800 34 14.0900 198 14.1000 46 14.1100 81 14.1200 2 14.1301 13 14.1302 66 14.1402 1 14.1403 48 14.1501 78 14.1502 148 14.1700 7 14.1801 430 14.1802 36 14.1803 38 14.2002 23 14.2004 2 14.2005 187 14.2101 65 14.2103 18 14.2200 1,180 14.2300 347 14.2900 149 14.3201 57 14.3202 39 24.0100 12 24.0701 62 24.0800 484 27.0300 282 27.0402 31 27.0406 4 29.0100 13 29.0201 1 36.2000 16 74.0000 5 77.0200 8 77.0800 1 77.0900 2 91.0000 793 93.0000 -29 94.0000 1,367 95.0000 -257 99.1 0C1 1 23,834 14.1801 187 65.0400 11 65.0500 24 72.0102 20 74.0000 7,795 76.0101 4 76.0201 1 76.0203 1 76.0204 2 76.0206 29 77.0200 212 77.0301 85 77.0501 2 77.0600 1 77.0700 78 77.0800 135 77.0900 68 78.0500 22 91.0000 14,480 93.0000 9 94.0000 333 95.0000 -438 96.00C0 29 97.00C0 4 98.00C1 392 98.00C2 69 98.00C3 9 99.10C1 133 99.10C2 2 99.20C1 17 99.20C2 5 99.20C3 113 7,126 14.0500 17 14.1802 34 65.0400 1 72.0102 8 74.0000 649 76.0101 7 76.0206 8 77.0200 30 77.0301 16 77.0600 1 14.1803 . 14.1900 . 14.2002 . 14.2004 . 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C2 99.20C3 74.0000 77.0200 91.0000 93.0000 99.10C1 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2200 14.2300 14.3201 14.3202 69.0100 69.0200 74.0000 76.0101 76.0201 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0501 77.0502 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2002 14.2005 14.3202 74.0000 77.0200 77.0301 77.0800 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.1402 14.1403 See footnote at the end of the table. 90 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Commodity ' 14.2104 . 14.2200 . 14.2300 . 14.2400 . Using industry 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 14.1501 14.1502 14.2104 60.0400 62.0400 62.0500 65.0400 65.0500 69.0100 74.0000 76.0204 76.0206 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 99.3014 14.2200 65.0400 65.0500 69.0100 72.0102 74.0000 76.0101 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0900 14.2200 14.2300 65.0400 74.0000 76.0206 77.0200 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 Table 2A.— -The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Value 14.1302 14.1501 14.1502 14.1803 14.2400 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 17.1001 17.1100 22.0200 22.0400 24.0100 24.0800 30.0000 6Z0500 ; See footnote at the end of the table. 1 2 6.750 7 8 4 4 13 65 571 5 2 1 4 55 8 2,431 1 2 2 5,048 -90 261 -1.662 2 1 1 1 3 2 24,022 84 4 2 102 1 2,690 73 6 9 7 11 41 81 18 3 1 1 15 3 7 20,808 25 193 -258 10 2 35 1 40 5 2 6,847 11 6 29 27 366 4,465 156 2 1.130 18 20 1 1 2 3 2,810 21 407 -2,680 16 10 26 723 38 23 166 13 62 204 8 14 6 5 50 3 62 19 9 8 Commodity ' 14.2500 . 14.2600 . 14.2700 . Using industry 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 14.0300 14.0400 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1802 14.1803 14.2004 14.2005 14.2300 14.2500 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 27.0406 28.0100 28.0400 29.0100 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.2004 14.2005 14.2600 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 69.0100 74.0000 76.0101 76.0201 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 14.1501 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2700 14.2900 27.0202 27.0402 Value -13 61 -15 8,980 342 398 357 177 12 10 3 1 15 4 51 3 15 29 15 359 3.015 3 12 2 5 101 955 1.086 34 131 44 34 10 11 4 15 66 13 20 11 42 -1 1.604 -28 752 2 7 5 2 79 85 1 7 2 9 7 91 6 27 17 28 27 63 31 78 3 1 1 167 63 22 100 8 61 1 67 31 54 28 47 20 21 9 1 293 5 256 -1.089 8 2.804 1 225 51 40 352 758 25 4 2 366 10 5 5 Commodity ' 14.2800. 14.2900 . 14.3000 . 14.3100. Using industry 27.0404 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 31.0101 31.0102 33.0001 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 14.2800 65.0400 65.0500 72.0102 74.0000 76.0101 76.0201 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0501 77.0503 77.0600 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00CO 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C2 99.20C3 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 69.0200 72.0102 74.0000 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.3000 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 14.3100 74.0000 77.0200 77.0301 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 Value 6 173 6 124 3 30 64 9 22 7 -10 611 -85 4,710 12 6 8 2 1.598 2 1 9 202 52 1 5 1 11 20 5 2.616 101 -147 2 15 155 1 7 25 5.501 2 4 5 2 44 36 1 10 6 19 13 203 11 57 38 35 33 101 81 409 214 51 32 13 82 643 134 60 22 3 416 17 54 62 5 25 20 1 2.260 8 201 -36 9 1 8 20 32 34 359 3 365 -1 4 -12 Commodity ' 14.3201 14 3202 . 15.0101 15.0102 . 1.295 1 69 3 3 19 25 17 15.0103. 15.0200 . Using industry 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 14.3201 65.0400 74.0000 76.0206 77.0600 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C2 99.20C3 14.0101 14.0102 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1301 14.1302 14.1402 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2200 14.2300 14.3201 14.3202 29.0100 65.0400 65.0500 69.0100 72.0102 74.0000 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0204 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0501 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C2 99.20C3 15.0102 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 15.0103 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 Value 1.284 11 7 -156 8 1 2 1 7.558 7 1 816 6 1 2 6.793 -11 143 -24 -1 -175 14,735 93 273 2 2 1 13 1 15 12 57 2 3 1 1 241 12 7 1 2 1 15 2 1 178 23 1 10 21 6 592 24 1 3 8 16 121 62 1 45 49 16 2 12,449 28 939 -973 14 9 55 45 5 127 1 99 34,156 28,804 1.835 3,857 -320 -1 -19 325 16 386 21 9 -107 1,539 1 1.205 85 299 -51 4,127 2,427 47 164 693 DETAILED TABLES 91 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry ue Commodity ' Using industry 1 69.0100 661 69.0200 11 72.0201 32 72.0203 16 72.0205 10 73.0107 30 76.0101 24 76.0201 2 76.0206 3 91.0000 7 93.0000 2 94.0000 18 95.0000 1 96.00CO 1 97.00C0 178 4 17.0100 49 11.0101 17 11.0102 5 11.0105 3 11.0108 6 11.0501 90 11.0800 22 11.0900 279 12.0101 -219 12.0300 21 17.0100 1 20.0701 20.0702 9.670 20.0703 1,712 59.0301 133 60.0100 623 61.0200 225 61.0601 1,827 61.0603 40 65.0400 10 75.0002 93 76.0205 93 91.0000 55 92.0000 327 93.0000 496 94.0000 840 95.0000 182 97.00C0 48 97.0010 1,521 98.0011 444 98.0012 48 99.1011 185 99.2012 18 99.3018 2 99.3019 21 259 17.0600 41 17.0600 134 19.0100 4 19.0200 10 19.0301 2 19.0302 9 19.0304 39 19.0306 25 22.0200 5 22.0300 12 23.0100 17 23.0200 4 23.0300 11 23.0400 10 23.0500 138 23.0600 32 23.0700 336 24.0705 -364 24.0706 1 26.0602 2 26.0802 34.0201 845 34.0202 4 34.0302 8 34.0303 24 34.0304 17 34.0305 9 59.0302 281 72.0205 8 93.0000 10 94.0000 9 95.0000 11 1 126 97.00C0 17.0700 3 32.0100 16 93.0000 4 94.0000 51 95.0000 18 2 17.0900 1 1.0100 17 1.0200 14 1 .0301 6 1 .0302 1 2.0100 5 2.0201 8 2.0202 3 2.0300 8 2.0401 7 2.0402 21 2.0501 12 2.0502 10 2.0600 Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 16.0100. 16.0200. 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 196 1,709 -1,109 25,731 2.0300 268 7.0000 84 13.0100 14 16.0100 6,061 16.0300 6 16.0400 2 17.0100 408 17.0600 248 17.0900 5 17.1001 157 17.1100 37 18.0101 12 18.0102 56 18.0201 460 18.0202 66 18.0203 2 18.0300 377 18.0400 9.010 19.0100 416 19.0200 2,081 19.0301 155 19.0302 246 19.0303' 13 19.0304 693 19.0305 20 19.0306 462 22.0101 71 22.0102 4 22.0103 2 22.0200 871 22.0400 345 23.0100 28 23.0200 217 23.0300 281 23.0400 18 23.0500 2 23.0700 8 24.0500 49 24.0701 4 24.0702 5 24.0800 51 26.0302 57 26.0400 1 26.0501 13 28.0100 2 28.0400 3 32.0100 2 32.0200 94 32.0300 238 32.0400 395 32.0500 250 34.0301 5 34.0302 130 34.0303 8 34.0304 30 34.0305 17 36.1600 125 36.2000 23 54.0400 2 60.0100 79 60.0200 16 60.0400 4 6Z0400 17 62.0500 279 64.0301 39 64.0302 12 64.0400 90 64.0504 26 64.0700 54 64.0800 23 64.1000 58 64.1200 4 65.0500 1 69.0100 86 69.0200 50 72.0101 6 72.0201 24 72.0205 97 76.0101 7 76.0201 9 76.0205 2 76.0206 8 77.0200 36 77.0600 23 78.0100 8 91.0000 1,403 93.0000 411 94.0000 1,661 95.0000 -3,764 96.00CO 28 97.00CO 8 98.00C1 70 98.00C3 3 99.10C1 5 99.10C2 75 99.10C4 16 99.20C3 39 99.30C9 8 1,282 16.0200 7 16.0300. 16.0400 . 17.1001 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0304 19.0306 22.0102 23.0600 32.0200 32.0500 34.0201 36.1600 36.2000 59.0301 64.0302 64.0504 64.0700 76.0101 76.0201 76.0206 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 28.0400 32.0400 34.0301 38.1000 64.0800 64.1200 73.0109 76.0101 76.0201 76.0206 77.0600 79.0100 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0OC0 97.00C0 16.0200 16.0400 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 22.0101 22.0200 22.0400 23.0300 26.0602 32.0200 32.0400 34.0201 34.0202 34.0301 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 62.0500 64.0400 64.1200 1 1 8 6 7 1 2 2 3 52 12 83 -50 1 1 9,686 406 9 176 23 9 156 231 340 222 142 5 23 87 451 6 46 17 25 1 15 1 5,104 2,325 -74 655 -765 7 21 10 2 2 2 1 5 1,471 30 7 31 32 44 81 63 101 48 14 147 394 1 3 75 10 4 19 13 9 78 23 69 9 11 5 2 3 45 298 -199 1 936 1,018 7 126 -215 638 23 22 49 23 10 9 64 7 13 4 19 4 22 17.1001 17.1100. 2.0701 2.0702 3.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 17.0900 20.0100 23.0600 24.0400 61.0200 64.0400 65.0301 65.0400 69.0100 69.0200 72.0201 73.0111 76.0206 77.0200 78.0100 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 11.0101 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 17.0100 17.0600 17.1001 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0304 19.0306 22.0101 22.0102 24.0500 24.0701 24.0705 24.0706 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 29.0202 29.0300 3Z0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 34.0100 34.0302 49.0300 49.0700 49.0800 62.0400 62.0500 69.0200 72.0101 74.0000 75.0002 75.0003 77.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 1.0100 2.0100 2.0201 3.0002 4.0001 7 14 55 6 2 2 3 4 4 2 7 37 14 63 2 3 2 8 43 30 6 2 1 2 4 4 88 -3 53 -149 2 6 3 1 2 2 18 3 16 3,297 39 14 3 12 1 18 45 23 13 44 78 23 107 36 97 34 322 303 4 1 474 126 2 9 3 1 2 8 1 8 6 1 3 9 34 41 2 4 79 70 25 8 544 32 10 37 37 1 22 347 15 323 -222 1 9 1 1 6 1,955 22 1 39 1 80 See footnote at the end of the table. 92 Commodity i 18.0101 Using industry 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 14.0300 14.0500 14.0600 14.0900 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1402 14.1403 14.1801 14.1802 14.2005 14.2101 14.2200 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 16.0100 16.0300 17.0100 17.1100 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0303 19.0304 19.0306 20.0702 20.0703 22.0101 22.0200 22.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0800 27.0406 28.0100 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 32.0100 32.0400 35.0200 49.0300 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 56.0100 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 61.0603 62.0400 62.0S00 63.0300 64.0301 64.0504 64.1100 66.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 720205 73.0102 73.0111 73.0301 74.0000 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0304 77.0402 77.0600 77.0700 79.0200 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00CO BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, I 992 Tab.e 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rows>-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] S ^ U ° ntmUed Value 18.0101 18.0102 See footnote at the end of the table. Commodity ' 18.0102 . 18.0300. 18.0400 . Using industry 69.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 18.0102 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 16.0100 16.0300 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0304 19.0306 34.0301 62.0500 64.1200 69.0100 73.0109 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 7.0000 8.0001 13.0200 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0400 19.0303 19.0304 20.0100 22.0400 24.0800 28.0100 320400 420800 43.0200 47.0300 48.0600 49.0100 520300 57.0300 59.0301 60.0100 60.0400 62.0101 620400 64.0400 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 720101 72.0102 I 720201 72.0202 720203 720205 720300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0107 73.0111 73.0112 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 77.0402 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 I Value 2 2,787 157 112 -259 1266 9 1,172 43 42 7.444 32 2 92 126 528 101 13 1.589 4.455 3 4 1 1 4 7 21 13 10 222 52 452 -284 19.0100. 56.800 3 1 13 10 25 2 6,378 64 365 7 3 5 2 9 3 7 3 2 1 1 1 5 2 4 3 8 13 12 135 4 19 3 63 8 78 14 2 585 29 48 1 271 9 91 1 4 10 32 16 16 5 8 27 6 10 26 58 2 11 10 13 590 5 3 7 6 4 39 5 19.0200. 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 19.0100 61.0601 61.0603 66.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 720101 72.0102 73.0111 74.0000 77.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 2.0300 3.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 120101 120300 14.0300 14.0500 14.0600 14.0900 14.1301 14.1302 14.1402 14.1801 14.1802 14.2005 14.2101 14.2200 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 19.0200 220101 24.0500 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 32.0400 35.0200 620500 66.0100 69.0100 69.0200 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 720300 73.0102 73.0111 74.0000 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 Value Commodity ■ 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 95 1 2 2 2 1 1 11 1 1 1 18 4 1 483 4 211 2 3 1 143 2 3 3 3 19.0301 19 0302 . 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0305 77.0402 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 20401 2.0402 20501 4.0001 14.1401 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 19.0301 69.0100 70.0100 77.0200 78.0100 79.0100 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00CO 99.10C4 20203 20401 20402 20501 3.0001 4.0001 4.0002 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 120101 120214 120300 19.0302 220300 36.1500 61.0100 61.0200 64.0301 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 69.0100 69.0200 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 720102 720201 73.0200 74.0000 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0202 76.0205 76.0206 77.0402 78.0100 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 2 524 113 4 1 1 12 12 2 6,212 311 298 -1.288 2 8 11 1 5 57 16 7 2 7 3 6 9 750 8 1 11 82 4 11 12 22 10 3 238 165 3 11 2 184 -4 25 -51 8 1 1,143 5 53 11 74 8 1 1 54 1 26 7 12 1 34 18 50 7 28 28 11 5 19 34 8 11 101 6 76 1 18 3 1 3 11 1 18 10 4 1 30 1 6 4 6 79 343 6 31 -182 18 1 1 1 5 DETAILED TABLES 93 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 99.10C2 99.20C3 24 4 20.0800 20.0901 333 111 44.0001 44.0002 18 5 20.0400 159 11.0101 276 99.30C8 1 20.0903 101 45.0100 14 12.0101 35 99.30C9 3 20.0904 258 45.0200 7 20.0400 3 21.0000 28 46.0200 3 20.0702 3 19.0303 849 408 24.0100 24.0400 674 1 46.0400 47.0100 3 3 20.0903 20.0904 2 18.0400 1 19.0303 23 24.0500 6 47.0200 3 21.0000 50 91.0000 466 24.0701 12 47.0300 3 22.0103 1 93.0000 32 24.0702 4 47.0401 3 93.0000 -2 94.0000 19 24.0703 1 47.0404 3 94.0000 10 95.0000 -99 24.0706 24.0800 8 3,431 47.0405 48.0100 4 5 95.0000 97.00C0 -221 1 19.0304 6,098 1,647 132 25.0000 27.0401 64.1200 28 8 2 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 8 1 7 20.0501 18.0400 19.0304 9 550 11.0101 2,445 20.0703 2 93.0000 133 48.0500 2 11.0102 27 22.0200 3 94.0000 2,558 48.0600 17 11.0105 909 59.0100 5 95.0000 -214 49.0100 13 11.0108 164 59.0301 2,582 49.0300 2 11.0501 44 59.0302 3 20.0200 21,415 49.0600 3 1 1 0800 1 036 60.0100 57 1.0100 22 49.0700 3 11.0900 1,008 61.0100 12 6.0100 3 49.0800 2 12.0101 1,600 61.0200 1 6.0200 5 50.0200 1 12.0300 1,994 61.0300 2 11.0101 1,664 50.0400 3 20.0501 53 61.0500 6 11.0102 158 52.0300 14 20.0701 7 61.0601 1 11.0105 474 53.0200 12 20.0702 66 61.0603 9 11.0108 182 54.0200 1 20.0703 75 69.0200 1 11.0501 24 55.0200 1 36.1500 3 75.0002 118 11.0601 2 59.0100 28 61.0601 28 76.0205 1 11.0800 886 59.0200 78 61.0603 35 91.0000 1,442 11.0900 1,002 61.0100 12 69.0100 14 93.0000 76 12.0101 1,148 61.0200 35 73.0109 7 94.0000 19 12.0215 2 61.0300 3 76.0101 1 95.0000 -23 12.0300 2,715 61.0601 50 76.0201 1 96.00CO 1 13.0200 3 61.0603 35 93.0000 106 97.00CO 1 13.0300 1 61.0700 3 94.0000 247 13.0500 13 62.0101 2 95.0000 -320 19.0305 305 13 0600 18 62 0102 2 18.0400 19.0200 155 52 13.0700 20.0100 17 38 62.0200 62.0400 4 8 20.0502 5035 11.0101 1,558 19.0305 44 20.0200 1,518 62.0500 7 11.0102 17 91.0000 52 20.0300 491 64.0200 39 11.0105 567 93.0000 2 20.0501 2,742 64.0301 20 11.0108 102 20.0502 788 64.0400 67 11.0501 27 19.0306 3,178 20 0600 37 64 0800 12 11 0800 304 11.0101 41 20.0701 812 64.1000 34 1l!0900 108 11.0102 1 20.0702 454 64.1100 33 12.0101 1,454 11.0105 23 20.0703 251 64.1200 43 12.0300 787 11.0108 8 20.0800 877 65.0400 1 20.0502 11 11.0501 1 20.0901 685 68.0302 156 20.0702 43 11.0800 29 20.0903 745 69.0100 38 20.0703 60 11.0900 21 20.0904 239 69.0200 11 69.0100 8 12.0101 40 21.0000 140 72.0102 1 93.0000 39 12.0214 9 22.0101 637 72.0204 4 94.0000 26 12.0300 44 22.0102 2 72.0205 11 95.0000 -76 17.0100 1 22.0103 15 73.0109 18 17.0600 19.0302 1 10 2Z0200 22.0300 139 7 76.0101 76.0201 10 12 20.0600 6 867 11.0101 1.386 19.0306 119 22.0400 14 76.0206 13 11.0102 31 22.0400 5 23.0100 62 77.0600 14 11.0105 405 27.0406 1 23.0200 24 77.0700 25 11.0108 84 32.0200 1 23.0300 37 93.0000 375 11.0501 21 59.0100 7 23.0400 73 94.0000 1,864 11.0800 613 59.0301 1,478 23.0500 11 95.0000 -3,597 11.0900 502 60.0100 86 23.0700 59 97.00CO 1 1Z0101 795 64.0301 5 24.0100 422 98.00C1 51 1Z0300 1,118 64.0400 14 24.0500 1 20.0501 181 64.1200 18 24.0701 4 20.0300 2,051 20.0502 146 69.0100 13 24.0706 1 11.0101 121 20.0600 827 72.0102 1 24.0800 1,847 11.0102 3 20.0701 41 72.0201 44 27.0401 28 11.0105 43 20.0702 43 72.0205 2 29.0202 2 11.0108 11 20.0703 49 76.0205 1 32.0400 1 11.0501 3 20.0901 20 77.0200 26 32.0600 3 11.0800 295 20.0903 55 77.0402 4 35.0100 26 11.0900 45 21.0000 58 77.0502 45 36.0100 5 12.0101 78 22.0101 206 78.0100 17 36.0200 5 12.0300 232 22.0102 3 91.0000 1,419 36.0300 3 20.0300 7 2Z0103 10 93.0000 2 36.0400 2 20.0501 54 22.0300 1 94.0000 398 36.0500 1 20.0502 75 23.0100 102 95.0000 -1,137 36.0600 1 20.0903 27 23.0200 20 96.00C0 115 36.0702 1 2Z0101 161 23.0300 29 97.00C0 45 36.0800 1 22.0102 2 23.0400 65 98.00C1 36 36.0900 2 22.0103 10 23.0500 12 98.00C2 5 36.1000 1 22.0200 290 23.0700 18 98.00C3 1 36.1100 31 22.0300 38 36.0200 4 99.10C1 4 36.1200 7 22.0400 61 36.0300 4 99.10C2 84 36.1300 1 23.0100 57 36.0400 2 99.20C2 1 36.1500 1 23.0200 114 36.0500 1 99.20C3 4 36.1700 1 23.0300 115 44.0001 2 99.30C8 20 36.2000 3 23.0400 12 46.0400 4 99.30C9 65 37.0103 1 23.0500 31 47.0405 1 37.0104 5 23.0700 37 5Z0300 5 20.0100 19,674 37 0200 41 32.0400 36.1500 5 4 60.0400 61.0200 2 60 7.0000 63 38.0700 2 20.0100 2,602 38.0800 2 48.0200 5 61.0601 63 20.0200 7,631 38.0900 1 59.0200 30 61.0603 40 20.0300 96 38.1000 3 61.0100 5 6Z0102 44 20.0400 52 40.0600 1 69.0100 4 62.0400 2 20.0501 7 40.0700 19 72.0205 6 64.0400 1 20.0502 5 40.0800 1 76.0101 6 64.1100 75 20.0600 1,729 41.0201 4 93.0000 19 64.1200 8 20.0701 3 41.0203 3 94.0000 62 65.0400 2 20.0702 1 42.0500 4 95.0000 -35 69.0100 20 20.0703 2 42.1100 4 99.10C1 18 I 7Z0205 6 See footnote at the end of the table. 94 Commodity ■ 20.0701 20.0702 . 20.0703 . 20.0800 . 20.0901 Using industry 76.0101 76.0201 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00CO 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0300 20.0701 93 0000 94.0000 95.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 20.0702 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 20.0703 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 97.0010 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 20.0703 20.0800 61.0200 61.0601 61.0603 64.1100 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 14.0900 20.0901 20.0904 21.0000 22.0101 23.0200 23.0500 24.0100 24.0400 24.0701 24.0705 24.0800 25.0000 32.0400 35.0100 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0702 36.0800 36.0900 36.1300 36.1500 36.1600 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0102 See footnote at the end of the table. BENCHMARK INFUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UMTED STATES, i992 Table 2 A.- The Use Table for Commodities -Continued [Milhons of dollars at producers' prices] Value Commodity ' 24.0701 Using industry 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0502 j 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 | 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 See footnote at the end of the table. 2.0203 20401 20402 2.0501 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 120101 120214 120300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 Using industry 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2104 14.2800 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0103 16.0100 17.0100 18.0400 20.0502 20.0904 22.0101 220200 220400 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 27 0100 28.0100 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 31.0101 320300 32.0400 35.0100 36.2000 36.2200 37.0101 38.1100 38.1300 41.0201 44.0002 47.0401 49.0700 49.0800 520300 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 54.0200 56.0500 58.0600 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 620101 620400 62.0500 63.0300 64.0101 64.0301 64.0400 64.1200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 720102 72.0201 35 12 14 4 242 214 19 36 56 49 359 1 3 46 31 361 163 6 4 2 3 5 4 9 12 7 2 3 1 3 3 1 1 2 6 8 402 4 4 6 5 10 1 4 6 4 21 5 1 8 2 1 338 396 102 11 5 31 15 186 59 1 7 3 2 5 371 138 3 11 24 39 5 7 3 16 1 1.212 88 1 101 107 1 6 1 1 11 38 3 37 3 1 4 2 1 1 5 5 2 2 36 3 25 1 1 2 24.0702 . 72.0202 720203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.O0C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0301 1.0302 20203 20401 20402 2.0501 3.0002 7.0000 11.0101 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 120101 120214 12.0300 13.0600 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 1 27 4 8 5 14 66 123 2 20 8 230 94 57 48 167 13 16 26 25 10 2 ? 6 2 2 4 22 265 67 17 23 2 43 7 3 6 7 17 166 13 6 2 23 6 564 234 641 -283 16 14 108 99 24 40 29 3 5 14 151 8.056 2 3 1 31 7 45 8 2 23 9 1 9 21 43 15 7 40 1 1 163 1 102 29 42 22 1 4 12 33 27 6 32 49 64 78 25 182 138 7 27 410 75 DETAILED TABLES 97 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0103 16.0100 16.0300 19.0304 20.0501 20.0502 20.0703 22.0101 22.0102 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 26.0501 26.0602 26.0700 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 34.0201 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.1100 36.1300 36.1400 36.1900 36.2000 36.2200 37.0101 39.0100 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0300 42.0800 4£1000 43.0200 47.0404 49.0100 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 52.0100 52.0300 52.0500 53.0200 53.0400 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 Commodity ' 9 43 3 2 16 18 2 10 3 1 57 9 11 8 129 87 43 2 9 1 2 3 4 1 9 1 3 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 3 22 6 28 3 3 4 9 1 2 1 9 8 29 3 2 4 7 10 4 1 6 20 24 8 20 2 4 2 5 47 3 3 8 9 35 4 9 7 12 15 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 4 1 3 3 3 4 3 1 9 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 7 3 3 6 4 5 4 Using industry 24.0703 . Value 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 62.0101 62.0200 6Z0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.1000 62.1100 63.0300 64.0101 64.0105 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0504 64.1100 64.1200 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0202 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0700 77.0800 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.1 0C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0200 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 1Z0101 12.0214 12.0300 14.1801 15.0101 18.0400 Commodity ' 5 3 4 4 14 10 4 4 3 11 1 2 3 3 2 4 3 1 2 2 1 7 8 2 2 8 1 1 6 4 2 2 5 11 12 2 1 3 859 2,404 7 1 1 12 31 3 25 1 1 2 3 51 1 3 1 43 11 2 4 5 31 1 21 1 1 8 3 25 104 35 1 4 8 5 6 3 3 10 3 1,292 41 248 -408 8 43 1 13 37 64 1 4 17 2,049 29 4 2 2 4 2 3 1 5 1 1 1 Using industry Value 24.0400 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0602 27.0100 29.0100 31.0101 36.1600 37.0101 38.1100 49.0600 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 53.0800 56.0300 56.0500 59.0100 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 62.0101 63.0300 64.1100 64.1200 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0202 72,0203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.070O 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 Commodity ' 5 9 3 3 153 3 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 4 1 2 1 9 1 2 1 1 14 2 2 1 4 8 9 1 4 3 2 10 2 1 5 2 113 168 111 18 4 21 10 70 17 6 1 43 3 5 4 5 7 47 1 7 6 51 29 11 7 59 11 22 9 8 9 4 1 6 1 4 8 103 43 5 10 2 23 9 35 24 30 8 6 62 9 12 6 16 1 11 206 -255 25 162 52 30 7 27 Using industry 24.0705 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 Value 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 1Z0214 1Z0300 14.1801 15.0101 18.0400 23.0300 24.0705 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 27.0100 29.0100 31.0101 37.0101 56.0500 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 6Z0101 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 7Z0101 7Z0102 72.0201 72.0202 720203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 18 15 4 18 23 51 1,290 5 2 2 4 3 4 1 6 1 1 1 1 6 4 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 12 2 1 7 2 80 74 90 10 4 27 13 36 6 1 2 1 5 1 3 2 3 3 15 3 2 3 107 12 5 4 28 12 15 11 2 9 3 1 2 1 3 3 51 38 4 2 2 12 2 21 3 5 7 5 5 3 3 2 12 3 2 10 325 -29 126 -104 See footnote at the end of the table. 98 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' 24.0706 . Using industry Value Commodity ' 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.1 0C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0200 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 1 1 .0800 1 1 .0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 15.0101 20.0703 24.0400 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 31.0101 32.0600 36.1400 36.1600 36.1700 36.2000 49.0100 49.0700 49.0800 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 62.0101 64.1100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 '66.0200 68.0100 680202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 , 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 2 8 1 22 8 2 12 2 1 7 5 7 6 Using industry Value Commodity ' 24.0800 . 9 5 2 3 10 16 7 64 1 4 3 3 3 3 95 62 2 1 1 6 2 4 2 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 79.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0OC0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.1 0C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0O04 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 1Z0214 12.0215 1Z0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 Using industry 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 2£0101 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 3Z0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0100 34.0201 34.0202 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 35.0100 Value 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0800 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 4Z0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 4Z0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 , 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 See footnote at the end ot me table. DETAILED TABLES 99 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 Commodity ' 51 1 2 2 1 3 41 33 22 45 28 29 53 4 33 53 49 23 47 3 37 86 1 1 2 1 17 2 1 11 46 6 5 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 22 7 50 13 57 83 8 1 1 1 37 37 2 472 2 1 1 1 1 87 3 3 1 1 67 1 1 7 1 2 2 5 6 8 60 11 5 25 3 9 4 5 357 473 471 44 17 118 59 154 27 7 9 5 22 8 3 13 10 12 12 64 7 11 11 25.0000 . Using industry 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0200 79.0300 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.1 0C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 Value 1.0100 1.0200 2.0203 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 Commodity ' 78 58 20 17 119 55 64 51 6 47 5 16 5 9 3 3 3 9 12 230 171 16 11 9 53 35 111 15 20 28 19 105 10 14 9 45 11 3 48 3,749 -7,048 4 188 539 55 121 35 153 2 22 16 32 38 85 31,743 2 4 38 190 98 402 23 134 2 1 2 1 6 2 1 1 48 3 15 7 16 3 2 46 126 31 11 101 1 11 1 10 26 1 339 331 545 14 184 94 344 442 15 92 333 96 71 112 286 398 Using industry Value 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0200 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0703 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 27.0100 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 Commodity ' 21 453 187 129 16 1 407 376 86 46 46 56 370 561 35 26 533 66 12 61 65 6 86 198 340 408 13 25 6 36 1 6 1 7 25 15 51 32 1 1 3 2 11 24 3 6 1 6 5 5 4 77 73 2 3 55 8 264 22 19 7 60 7 38 100 30 27 53 32 20 5 88 484 146 239 38 34 72 200 77 6 9 4 62 4 239 87 57 21 19 291 81 9 103 7 5 117 133 26 10 43 664 630 198 15 660 Using industry Value 30.0000 1 31.0101 29 31.0102 84 31.0200 11 31.0300 9 32.0100 17 32.0200 9 32.0300 48 32.0400 1,288 3Z0500 20 32.0600 9 34.0201 28 34.0202 3 35.0100 215 35.0200 537 36.0100 1 36.0200 1 36.0600 23 36.0701 5 36.0702 1 36.0800 10 36.0900 13 36.1000 1 36.1100 3 36.1200 3 36.1300 4 36.1500 5 36.1600 86 36.2000 3 37.0101 6 37.0104 1 37.0105 1 37.0200 3 37.0300 1 37.0402 4 38.0400 1 38.0600 2 38.0700 1 38.0800 5 38.0900 1 38.1000 5 38.1100 18 38.1200 11 38.1300 12 39.0100 29 39.0200 9 40.0100 24 40.0200 61 40.0300 28 40.0400 2 40.0500 13 40.0600 14 40.0700 71 40.0800 3 41.0100 41 41.0201 54 41.0202 11 41.0203 90 42.0100 21 42.0201 28 42.0202 8 42.0300 95 42.0401 2 42.0402 1 42.0500 4 42.0800 74 42.1000 92 4Z1100 5 43.0100 1 43.0200 13 44.0001 8 44.0002 19 45.0100 5 45.0300 1 46.0200 1 47.0100 2 47.0200 1 47.0300 26 47.0401 35 47.0404 30 48.0100 3 48.0300 10 48.0400 1 48.0500 1 48.0600 7 49.0100 42 49.0200 31 49.0300 24 49.0500 17 49.0700 6 49.0800 2 50.0100 39 50.0200 3 50.0300 8 50.0400 17 51.0102 8 51.0103 73 51.0104 75 51.0400 26 52.0100 5 52.0300 67 52.0400 6 52.0500 20 53.0200 14 53 0300 3 53.0400 60 See footnote at the end of the table. 100 Commodity ' Using industry 53.0500 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0603 620101 620102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 620500 62.0600 620700 620800 620900 621000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 720101 720102 72.0201 720202 72.0203 720204 720205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UMTED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.- The Us e Tab ,e for CommodWes (Rows^ontinued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 26.0100. Using industry 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96 00 DO 97 00U) 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 Value Commodity ' See footnote at the end of the table. 13.0100 26.0100 26.0400 26.0501 31.0101 320400 37.0101 51.0103 51.0104 57.0200 58.0700 62.0101 620400 620500 63.0200 63.0300 64.0400 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 I 66.0100 I 66.0200 68.0100 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 720102 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0304 77.0402 77.0403 26.0200 . Using industry 77.0502 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0301 1.0302 20201 20202 2.0401 20501 20600 2.0702 4.0001 4.0002 7.0000 8.0001 9.0003 9.0004 13.0100 13.0200 14.0900 14.1801 14.2200 14.3202 17.0100 20.0100 20.0200 20.0501 220101 22.0200 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 28.0100 28.0400 29.0100 29.0300 31.0101 320300 32.0400 36.1100 36.1200 37.0101 38.1000 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 41.0203 420401 421100 45.0100 47.0300 48.0600 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 52.0300 53.0400 53.0500 55.0100 55.0300 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 620101 62.0200 620400 62.0500 621100 26.0301 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0400 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 720203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 I 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 I 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30CS 99.30C9 1.0301 2.0201 2.0202 I DETAILED TABLES 101 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' 26.0302 . Using industry Value 26.0400 . 26.0301 26.0501 59.0301 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0203 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.O0C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.30C8 99.30C9 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 29.0201 64.0301 66.0100 66.0200 73.0104 73.0111 73.0112 73.0303 77.0403 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 77.0900 78.0100 78.0500 79.0100 93.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C2 98.00C3 4.0001 4.0002 20.0200 24.0800 Commodity ' 594 1 1 3 1 4 1 9 9 1 1 1 88 5 218 32 1 2 2 4 4 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 5 3 5 1 628 3 3 28 2 2 1 2 2 370 28 1 1 10 5 167 457 78 58 40 93 62 7 3 24 30 2 9,529 492 1,545 -977 2 -26 1,855 -146 402 2 2 -129 200 4,849 835 2,946 203 114 2 24 137 30 122 17 46 20 56 17 15 10 43 13 7 3 20 34 27 -7 85 30 5,432 1 2 11 1 Using industry Value 26.0400 26.0501 26.0602 26.0806 27.0100 29.0100 32.0400 37.0104 40.0500 45.0100 47.0300 47.0402 50.0400 51.0102 52.0300 57.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0400 62.0101 62.0400 62.0500 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0500 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 Commodity ' 218 27 26 46 5 53 5 89 2 2 3 1 3 7 1 1 2 5 2 2 9 2 1 5 3 2 19 9 3 7 6 4 10 4 3 5 1 98 76 31 8 6 11 10 15 25 7 17 14 760 2 1 3 6 4 23 1 95 4 26 19 16 6 6 16 55 68 10 6 7 6 8 1 3 3 13 14 17 50 7 4 4 6 28 47 91 115 41 4 5 2 148 3 50 7 90 1 2 1,857 88 60 -50 7 159 283 42 26.0501 Using industry 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 Value 4.0001 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14 1000 14.1100 14.1301 14.1302 14.1501 14.1502 14.1700 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2800 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0103 18.0102 18.0202 19.0304 22.0101 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0300 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 32.0300 32.0400 35.0200 39.0100 54.0400 56.0200 59.0100 60.0100 62.0101 62.0200 62.0300 62.0500 62.1100 64.0301 64.0400 64.1100 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0301 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 84 9 7 4 6 22 24 34 600 i l 1 2 1?' ifc i 96 13 Commodity ' n 172 i>Z 93 4 -v> & * 1 2 l 3 4 1 4 92 128 20 38 38 6 6 136 242 5 20 2 9 6 1 2 2 3 408 2.234 8 1 1,223 2.101 16 1 13 1 2 1 106 5 330 88 59 1 5 10 9 17 1 79 1 6 2 7 1 35 1 2 1 5 5 14 109 70 175 8 15 120 106 13 348 61 1 41 1 4,881 9 602 117 26.0601 Using industry Value 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 76.0101 76.0201 76.0202 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0301 2.0202 4.0001 4.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0800 1 1 .0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1801 14.1802 14.2005 14.2101 142200 14 3202 15.0101 16.0100 16.0300 17.0100 18.0102 18.0400 19.0200 19.0304 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 149 879 347 544 11 4 51 2 15 14 778 1 7 972 126 59 1,989 220 115 340 408 2 36 12 1 16 24 50 251 1.046 247 38 5 107 32 232 86 2,024 1,608 63 2,003 2 41 11 968 166 5 72 9 21 415 114 1,119 -362 158 382 224 367 3 425 10 48 10 28 293 110 6,818 2 1 1 1 26 9 1 9 23 39 17 7 39 See footnote at the end of the table. 102 .... ,« \ r.nntinued Commodity ' Using industry Value t «. 2A-The Use W .or Commons (Row^ontinued Commodity ' Using industry 20.0501 22.0101 22.0200 23.0300 24.0100 24.0400 24.0701 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0700 27.0100 28.0100 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 3aoioo 32.0300 32.0400 3Z0500 320600 34.0201 35.0100 36.1100 36.1200 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 38.0700 38.1000 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0300 42.0800 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 45.0100 46.0200 47.0100 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0700 50.0400 51.0103 53.0400 53.0500 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 59.0100 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0300 62.0101 6Z0200 62.0400 6Z0500 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0301 64.0400 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 3 4 4 20 32 11 4 6 8 9 1 7 1 3 2 1 2 1 5 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 3 1 2 1 12 14 9 Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.OOC0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 2 10 2 1 421 387 491 57 21 150 75 195 33 4 9 5 27 9 1 14 11 13 13 89 9 12 14 90 71 24 20 151 66 207 60 9 51 3 16 5 10 2 2 4 12 13 291 285 19 12 10 65 11 94 17 28 33 23 32 13 17 10 58 13 28 64 37 -40 83 328 418 210 21 208 128 2 61 16 51 30 333 3,435 " 3.0001 11.0101 . 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 I 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 ia0300 I 14.1801 15.0101 18.0400 23.0300 24.0800 26.0100 I 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 I 26.0501 26.0602 26.0802 27.0100 29.0100 31.0101 37.0101 56.0500 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 6Z0101 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.1 0C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 2 I 26.0700 9 26.0802 26.0803 . 2 115 6 2 1 2 2 1 3 4 2 3 7 2 3 2 20 3 1 8 3 120 103 1,733 15 6 37 25 50 8 1 3 2 7 2 4 3 4 4 21 3 3 5 25 18 6 5 64 17 21 15 3 11 3 2 3 1 4 4 75 64 7 3 3 16 7 27 7 6 12 6 9 4 5 3 15 1 534 -35 75 -295 11 43 58 28 4 27 17 9 4 7 4 45 26.0700 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C2 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0806 Using industry 26.0501 26.0602 26.0700 I 26.0802 I 73.0303 I 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 I 77.0502 77.0504 I 93.0000 | 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 I 98.00C3 I 99.30C9 I 24.0701 24.0703 24.0706 I 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0700 | 26.0803 26.0806 73.0108 | 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 I 73.0200 I 93.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 | Value 0100 . 15.0101 240701 24.0702 | 24.0800 26.0100 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0803 26.0806 65.0301 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70 0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 I 77.0100 77.0200 77.0501 77.0502 77.0504 77.0900 78.0100 I 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 I 99.10C1 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 I See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 103 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 11.0601 394 1 1 .0602 7 12.0215 25 13.0100 23 13.0200 28 13.0300 6 13.0500 2 13.0600 2 14.0101 1 14.0105 3 14.0300 91 14.0400 44 14.0500 226 14.0600 219 14.0800 91 14.1301 5 14.1302 2 14.1403 1 14.1501 25 14.1502 454 14.1600 214 14.1700 98 14.1801 5 14.1802 3 14.1803 9 14.2002 16 14.2005 154 14.2200 32 14.2300 132 14.2500 1 14.3201 2 14.3202 52 15.0103 1 16.0100 829 16.0300 102 16.0400 13 17.0100 186 17.0600 44 17.0700 9 17.0900 1 17.1001 14 18.0202 1 18.0300 4 20.0100 10 20.0200 3 20.0800 125 20.0904 2 22.0101 1 22.0200 1 23.0400 8 24.0100 519 24.0701 138 24.0706 23 24.0800 3.014 25.0000 52 26.0501 18 26.0806 1 27.0100 20,933 27.0201 148 27.0202 125 27.0300 1.673 27.0401 15 27.0402 870 27.0403 3 27.0404 747 27.0406 1,573 28.0100 11,143 28.0200 1,270 28.0300 287 28.0400 2,800 29.0100 1,350 29.0201 2,153 29.0202 339 29.0203 409 29.0300 535 30.0000 2,865 31.0101 1,279 31.0102 448 31.0200 7 31.0300 2 32.0100 647 32.0200 29 32.0300 462 32.0400 3,459 32.0500 88 33.0001 312 34.0100 3 35.0100 467 35.0200 160 36.0100 11 36.0200 15 36.0300 19 36.0400 16 36.0500 5 36.0600 13 36.0900 12 36.1100 1 36.1200 288 36.1300 12 36.1500 17 36.1600 272 36.1700 1 36.1900 8 36.2000 85 36.2100 8 36.2200 15 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0401 42.0402 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0200 46.0400 47.0300 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 50.0400 52.0300 53.0700 54.0200 55.0100 55.0300 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 59.0100 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 62.0101 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 63.0300 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0900 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 72.0201 72.0202 7Z0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 385 30 26 44 67 2 55 85 1 50 5 11 3 36 22 31 1 30 7 3 7 7 9 1 1 3 14 31 78 39 8 80 3 1 4 1 15 1 1 2 1 9 26 1 1 4 57 34 89 36 4 5 2 1 691 10 101 78 1 3 38 307 3 30 19 9 3 2 2 4 11 10 37 500 14 16 32 9 19 63 67 20 32 111 1 407 286 5 41 58 6 12 96 312 50 444 257 11 212 5 623 4.493 58 252 20 1.893 27.0201 27.0300 . 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0504 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.1 0C4 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 £0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0702 3.0001 4.0001 4.0002 6.0200 7.0000 11.0602 13.0100 14.1502 20.0100 24.0800 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0402 27.0403 28.0100 28.0400 69.0100 69.0200 71.0100 71.0201 72.0101 7Z0102 76.0206 77.0200 77.0401 77.0403 77.0501 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.OOC0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.30C1 99.30C8 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 £0702 3.0001 4.0001 4.0002 20.0800 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 69.0100 69.0200 44 69 11 19 1 525 596 1,957 556 14,878 -13,068 2,747 1.180 332 325 95 2,078 21 56 4 258 24 62 9,472 46 238 1,786 4 19 30 4 40 14 12 38 32 20 1,344 201 1 2 1 21 1 189 24 830 1,114 693 83 20 76 100 126 267 21 291 125 106 3 83 31 9 4 2 141 112 -85 2,051 -1,032 4 13 4 30 9 26 148 8,378 12 63 135 5 445 361 2,984 19 120 629 42 339 115 22 947 31 41 8 583 49 22 4 17 135 68 2 27.0401 27.0402 . 71.0100 71.0201 72.0102 73.0112 76.0205 76.0206 77.0200 77.0402 77.0403 77.0503 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 14.3202 24.0800 27.0401 27.0404 27.0406 29.0201 31.0102 32.0300 33.0001 36.1200 38.0600 74.0000 77.0200 77.0402 91.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 53 7 3 4 17 34 4 24 1 8 808 -68 1,290 -1.298 4 6 75 36 1 32 5 2 4 32 84 12 811 2 6 105 59 88 3 33 8 4 3 5 65 4 2 373 142 -94 3 5.478 11.0101 214 11.0102 3 11.0105 71 11.0108 14 11.0400 61 11.0501 3 11.0800 94 11.0900 231 1Z0101 124 1Z0214 66 1Z0300 226 14.0300 1 14.0500 1 14.0600 1 14.0900 1 14.1200 1 14.1301 1 14.1302 1 14.1402 1 14.1802 1 14.2005 1 14.2101 1 14.2200 1 14.3201 1 14.3202 1 15.0101 2 17.0600 23 17.0900 1 17.1001 47 17.1100 23 20.0200 10 20.0300 11 20.0502 5 20.0600 184 20.0904 6 22.0101 17 22.0102 1 22.0103 1 22.0200 1 23.0100 4 23.0200 8 23.0300 4 23.0400 12 23.0500 5 23.0700 3 24.0400 35 24.0500 121 24.0701 330 24.0702 71 24.0703 13 24.0705 6 24.0706 12 24.0800 1 25.0000 250 26.0100 2 26.0200 3 26.0301 1 26.0302 26 See footnote at the end of the table. 104 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, .992 Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rowsh-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 26.0501 26.0601 26.0802 27.0402 28.0100 29.0100 29.0201 29.0300 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 34.0303 ! 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0600 36.0702 36.0S00 36.1600 36.1700 36.2000 36.2200 39.0100 39.0200 40.0400 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.1000 50.0400 52.0300 56.0300 57.0300 58.0600 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 61.0100 61 .0200 62.0101 62.0400 62.0500 62.1000 64.0301 64.0400 64.1200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0203 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 I 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 91.0000 27.0403 . 27.0404 27.0405 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0400 11.0601 11.0602 12.0214 12.0215 13.0200 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 20.0100 27.0403 27.0406 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.1200 36.1300 65.0100 76.0101 76.0201 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 19.0303 19.0304 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0705 24.0706 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 I 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0700 27.0404 32.0400 39.0100 39.0200 42.1000 64.0504 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 73.0108 77.0502 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 27.0406 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1 .0302 I 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 3.0001 4.0001 4.0002 7.0000 8.0001 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0800 1 1 .0900 120101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 130100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1501 14.1502 14.1801 14.1803 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2103 14.2200 14.2300 15.0101 17.0600 17.1001 17.1100 19.0302 19.0306 20.0800 23.0500 24.0100 24.0800 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 260501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 33.0001 34.0201 36.0900 36.1100 36.1200 36.1400 36.1500 36.2000 37.0101 37.0102 2 5 29 1 3 3 1 4 1 1 10 1 1 3 3 2 i n 35 3r 4 K 'I ' I 1 59 ll ?'C I 35 ll 4 I 12* , 2 ll 39 'I 10 2 5 1 1 6 31 4 1 1 1 14 10 19 110 1 11 6 23 16 37 6 3 4 100 2 1 5 1 45 8 3 3 10 2 1 423 9 63 140 17 31 174 162 30 101 125 30 287 31 6 14 43 26 17 5 1 3 23 63 1 3 25 3 2 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0400 38.0600 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 40.0100 40.0200 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0800 47.0200 47.0401 47.0404 53.0500 54.0100 54.0200 54.0400 54.0700 55.0300 57.0200 57.0300 58.0600 58.0700 59.0301 59.0302 60.0200 60.0400 6£0101 62.0500 62.1000 63.0300 64.0301 64.0400 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0600 650701 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68 0100 68 0301 680302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 70.0500 71.0100 71.0201 7^0101 72.0201 72.0202 73.0101 73.0102 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 27 24 24 9 19 102 3 5 5 8 5 44 7 4 7 7 1 64 139 68 169 19 24 5 14 3 91 3 223 98 25 3 1 153 6 9 3 3 9 10 82 9 11 1 3 8 2 16 10 23 11 5 7 65 2 16 1 53 24 57 18 12 1 7 ■ 3 3 14 180 60 33 37 6 12 2 3 3 2 30 6 2 28 2 3 4 1 2 9 1 2 7 1 6 18 24 38 2 5 3 6 94 101 167 123 27 1 340 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 105 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 77.0402 3 55.0300 278 19.0200 36 14.0102 2 77.0501 1 56.0200 52 19.0301 3 14.0105 2 77.0502 3 56.0300 47 19.0306 16 14.0300 12 77.0700 11 56.0500 30 20.0703 4 14.0400 6 77.0800 2 57.0100 4 24.0706 10 14.0500 16 77.0900 1 57.0200 37 28.0100 53 14.0600 18 78.0100 4 57.0300 154 28.0400 43 14.0800 6 78.0200 100 58.0100 29 32.0300 14 14.0900 12 79.0300 683 58.0200 10 32.0400 31 14.1000 7 91.0000 612 58.0400 32 93.0000 22 14.1100 6 93.0000 160 58.0600 184 94.0000 435 14.1200 9 94.0000 1,713 59.0301 7 95.0000 -192 14.1301 12 95.0000 -795 59.0302 440 96.00C0 2 14.1302 17 96.00C0 117 60.0100 202 14.1402 18 97 00C0 63 60.0200 18 28.0400 1 1 .608 14 1403 9 98.00C1 12 60.0400 92 15.0101 244 14.1501 7 98.00C2 24 61.0100 1 15.0102 1 14.1801 10 99.10C1 23 61.0200 104 15.0103 3 14.1802 17 99.10C2 5 61.0601 13 16.0100 2,193 14.1803 4 99.20C1 27 61.0603 11 16.0200 231 14.1900 6 99.20C2 8 62.0101 14 16.0300 3,460 14.2002 2 99.20C3 5 62.0102 10 16.0400 147 14.2005 19 99.30C8 67 62.0200 58 17.0100 2.403 14.2101 20 99.30C9 44 62.0300 22 17.0600 92 14.2200 10 62.0400 163 17.0700 389 14.2300 2 28.0100 33,250 2 62.0500 62.0600 114 13 17.0900 17.1001 39 258 14.2500 14.2800 2 13.0200 2 13.0300' 32 62.0700 12 17.1100 260 14.2900 7 13.0500 2 62.1000 11 18.0101 190 14.3100 4 13.0600 6 62.1100 28 18.0102 56 14.3201 12 13.0700 38 63.0200 59 18.0201 48 14.3202 16 14.0500 13 63.0300 219 18.0202 16 15.0101 42 14.0600 149 64.0105 1 18.0203 7 16.0100 4 17.0600 107 64.0301 237 18.0300 426 20.0501 2 17.0900 43 64.0302 4 18.0400 8 20.0502 2 17.1001 227 64.0400 184 19.0100 3 22.0101 10 17.1100 9 64.0700 28 19.0200 119 22.0300 2 18.0400 3 64.0800 90 19.0301 12 23.0200 4 19.0304 141 64.0900 197 19.0302 2 23.0500 2 20.0904 290 64.1100 56 19.0304 40 24.0400 2 22.0101 13 64.1200 84 19.0306 23 24.0500 21 22.0102 111 65.0400 4 20.0703 29 24.0701 7 22.0103 5 69.0100 4 28.0400 150 24.0702 9 24.0100 4 69.0200 12 32.0300 87 24.0706 4 24.0500 152 72.0204 11 32.0400 449 24.0800 11 24.0701 479 72.0205 1 36.1600 26 27.0100 8 24.0702 1,259 77.0200 101 64.0400 16 27.0300 2 24.0706 48 93.0000 197 64.0800 4 27.0402 6 24.0800 296 94.0000 6,148 64.1200 4 27.0406 9 25.0000 151 95.0000 -2,262 69.0100 1 28.0100 9 27.0100 68 96.00C0 5 93.0000 -1 28.0400 4 27.0402 358 97.00C0 3 94.0000 982 29.0100 25 27.0404 139 98.00C1 1 95.0000 -815 29.0201 100 27.0406 93 99.30C8 1 96.0OC0 3 29.0202 12 28.0100 558 97.00C0 3 29.0203 8 28.0200 22 28.0200 4,361 29.0300 22 28.0300 28.0400 181 495 16.0200 17.0100 2 145 29.0100 62,321 34 30.0000 31.0101 2 1.0100 3 30.0000 1,768 17.0700 6 1.0200 51 31.0102 17 32.0100 31 24.0800 184 1.0301 194 32.0300 2 32.0200 20 26.0501 6 1.0302 9 3Z0400 44 32.0300 443 26.0806 1 4.0001 1 35.0100 10 32.0400 15,433 27.0402 182 14.1501 66 35.0200 10 32.0500 78 27.0404 12 14.1502 1,211 36.1600 6 32.0600 139 27.0406 8 29.0100 8,365 40.0700 2 34.0302 10 28.0100 45 66.0200 5 41.0203 2 34.0304 1 28.0200 44 69.0100 33 4£0300 2 36.0100 22 30.0000 9 76.0204 9 42.1000 7 36.1500 2 32.0100 1.045 77.0100 917 51.0103 2 36.1600 84 32.0200 23 77.0200 4,127 5Z0300 7 36.2000 75 32.0300 889 77.0301 603 53.0200 2 36.2100 11 32.0400 734 77.0303 171 53.0400 9 36.2200 3 32.0500 156 77.0304 1,097 54.0100 2 38.1000 836 32.0600 204 77.0305 661 54.0200 2 40.0100 2 36.1500 2 77.0402 34 54.0300 2 40.0200 35 36.1700 1 77.0403 3 54.0400 2 41.0201 42 36.2000 16 77.0800 22 54.0700 2 41.0202 21 38.1000 93 77.0900 4 55.0200 15 41.0203 20 41.0201 2 79.0200 3 56.0100 9 420100 27 56.0500 2 91.0000 43,864 56.0300 2 42.0201 24 58.0100 3 93.0000 1,292 57.0300 4 42.0202 2 62.0101 4 94.0000 7,272 58.0600 2 42.0300 80 64.0400 72 95.0000 -13,193 59.0301 4 42.0401 46 64.0502 1 96.00CO 365 59.0302 2 42.0402 64 64.0900 14 97.00C0 165 62.0400 9 42.0800 13 77.0200 80 98.00C1 16 62.0500 11 42.1100 33 93.0000 21 98.00C2 23 63.0300 9 49.0700 12 94.0000 912 98.O0C3 80 64.0301 9 49.0800 3 95.0000 -558 99.10C1 4.792 64.0400 2 50.0300 12 96.00CO 1 99.20C3 20 64.1100 9 51.0104 1 99.30C8 3 64.1200 4 51.0400 23 28.0300 1,725 99.30C9 2 65.0301 1 52.0100 3 15.0101 35 65.0500 1 52.0200 52.0300 1 49 16.0100 16.0200 601 77 29.0201 11,168 58 66.0100 66.0200 12 1.0100 2 52.0500 54 16.0300 140 1.0200 7 68.0100 2 53.0300 35 16.0400 23 3.0002 9 69.0100 260 53.0400 24 17.0100 10 11.0101 19 69.0200 87 53.0500 23 17.0600 68 11.0105 10 70.0100 9 54.0100 4 17.0700 46 11.0400 10 71.0201 13 54.0200 139 17.0900 17 11.0800 26 7Z0101 54 54.0300 24 17.1001 116 11.0900 22 72.0102 1 54.0400 49 17.1100 29 12.0101 18 72.0201 155 54.0500 128 18.0201 4 12.0214 9 73.0102 74 54.0700 79 18.0202 12 12.0300 21 73.0107 2 55.0200 153 18.0300 70 14.0101 2 73.0109 2 See footnote at the end ot the table. 106 BENCHMARK mPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, !992 Table 2A.-The Use Teble for Commodities (Rows>-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 29.0202 . 73.0111 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0501 77 0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.1 0C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 I 3.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2005 14.2101 14.2200 14.2300 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 16.0100 20.0501 20.0502 2Z0101 22.0300 23.0200 23.0500 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0706 24.0800 27.0100 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 31.0102 12 4 8 41 22 21 6 5 2 21 155 68 2 3 14 2 6 2 3 1 10 8 3 4 4 8.304 42 590 -316 20 32 20 68 4 48 8 40 13 10 73 46 6 32.0300 32.0400 33.0001 35.0100 35.0200 36.1500 37.0401 40.0700 41.0201 41.0203 42.0300 42.1000 51.0103 52.0300 53.0200 53.0400 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0700 55.0200 56.0100 56.0300 57.0300 58.0600 59.0301 59.0302 62.0400 62.0500 63.0300 64.0301 64.0400 64.1100 64.1200 65.0301 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72-0101 72.0201 72.0203 72.0205 72.0300 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0100 79.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.O0C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 29.0203 . 8.0001 12.0215 16.0100 16.0300 1 31 7 6 9 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 8 5 3 3 1 3 2 4 6 5 4 3 4 3 •1 9 1 1 192 72 10 5 2 18 17 59 1 3 3 160 2 4 3 6 9 1 13 4 13 1 41 36 2 6 10 54 166 69 4 8 1 9 2 2 3 1 47 4 9 8 6 16 2 7 4,488 29 138 -50 18 21 1 18 11 8 2 10 9 32 24 3.813 5 27 32 3 29.0300 30.0000 17.0100 17.0600 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 24.0100 24.0800 27.0300 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0400 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 31.0101 31.0102 31 .0200 33.0001 34.0305 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1400 36.1500 65.0500 68.0201 68.0202 70.0100 70.0200 71.0201 72.0201 72.0205 73.0111 73.0112 77.0200 77.0504 78.0100 79.0100 79.0200 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 4.0001 4.0002 8.0001 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 1Z0214 12.0215 1Z0300 13.0100 13.0300 20.0100 20.0200 20.0502 20.0600 20.0703 20.0800 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0102 19 9 4 29 14 37 94 13 14 8 117 31 303 66 81 74 147 37 586 124 211 187 97 227 72 1 32 5 15 58 2 5 2 3 2 2 2 19 44 2 130 49 111 11 18 7 19 -21 567 -172 1 1 26 121 18 3 8 1 14 17 22 19,013 296 79 404 14 850 12 17.306 136 1.296 -1,514 87 -1 13 35 14,379 3 4 1 1.529 31 518 177 388 27 878 558 916 196 2 959 5 3 12 2 14 4 3 20 26 63 163 7 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 l 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 24.0701 24.0800 25.0000 | 26.0100 26.0501 27.0100 27.0404 28.0100 28.0200 29.0202 29.0300 30.0000 32.0400 3Z0600 35.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1500 36.1600 36.2000 36.2200 37.0401 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 39.0100 39.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.1000 4Z1100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 49.0100 49.0300 49.0500 50.0200 50.0400 51.0400 52.0100 5Z0300 520400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0200 56.0300 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61 .0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 5 3 20 19 60 13 23 68 13 2 7 106 1 3 185 345 12 4 10 1 253 73 2 12 5 4 3 1 2 7 2 22 1 4 2 3 19 4 1 2 256 29 1 43 5 47 93 20 21 21 14 24 43 1 28 310 6 18 20 45 38 36 2 1 1 9 6 38 4 12 2 1 3 5 36 13 49 3 20 20 2 37 9 1 30 29 38 21 1 17 7 11 52 32 1,719 341 52 23 85 64 38 2 2 13 11 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 107 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 31.0101 61.0700 30 62.0400 28 62.0800 2 62.0900 3 64.0105 1 64.0200 9 64.0301 4 64.0302 3 64.0400 34 64.0501 2 64.0502 36 64.0503 18 64.0800 1 64.0900 3 64.1000 21 64.1100 63 64.1200 45 65.0301 55 65.0302 1 65.0400 26 65.0500 4 66.0100 35 66.0200 21 68.0302 2 69.0100 18 69.0200 32 70.0100 1 70.0400 33 70.0500 13 71.0201 27 72.0101 1 72.0204 7 72.0205 2 73.0101 30 73.0107 5 73.0109 3 73.0111 12 73.0112 4 73.0303 2 74.0000 5 75.0001 27 75.0002 314 76.0101 10 76.0201 10 76.0206 16 77.0200 3 77.0402 25 77.0600 19 77.0700 10 77.0900 2 91.0000 480 93.0000 42 94.0000 745 95.0000 -200 97.00C0 6 98.00C1 295 98.00C2 1 99.10C1 53 99.20C3 63 134,555 1.0100 156 1.0200 151 1.0301 203 1.0302 30 2.0100 56 2.0201 356 2.0202 768 2.0203 25 2.0300 182 2.0401 389 2.0402 61 2.0501 89 2.0502 28 2.0503 12 2.0600 119 2.0701 21 2.0702 94 3.0001 21 3.0002 54 4.0001 38 4.0002 115 5.0001 48 6.0100 53 6.0200 142 7.0000 428 8.0001 386 9.0001 199 9.0002 123 9.0003 44 9.0004 39 10.0000 85 11.0101 254 11.0102 6 11.0105 85 11.0108 26 11.0400 165 11.0501 9 11.0601 254 11.0602 25 11.0603 5 11.0800 138 11.0900 329 12.0101 131 12.0214 99 12.0215 14 12.0300 305 13.0100 18 13.0200 18 13.0300 8 13.0500 7 13.0600 7 13.0700 7 14.0101 56 14.0102 28 14.0105 34 14.0200 8 14.0300 37 14.0400 22 14.0500 14 14.0600 36 14.0700 7 14.0800 15 14.0900 29 14.1000 15 14.1100 13 14.1200 21 14.1301 20 14.1302 16 14.1401 14 14.1402 19 14.1403 11 14.1501 16 14.1502 28 14.1600 8 14.1700 42 14.1801 83 14.1802 25 14.1803 10 14.1900 50 14.2002 11 14.2004 8 14.2005 16 14.2101 41 14.2102 11 14.2103 15 14.2104 16 14.2200 48 14.2300 16 14.2400 7 14.2500 29 14.2600 3 14.2700 20 14.2800 15 14.2900 16 14.3100 8 14.3201 21 14.3202 28 15.0101 14 15.0200 2 16.0100 89 16.0200 7 16.0300 29 16.0400 7 17.0100 28 17.0600 11 17.0700 7 17.1001 16 17.1100 11 18.0101 8 18.0102 11 18.0201 15 18.0300 35 18.0400 76 19.0200 15 19.0302 3 19.0304 16 19.0306 8 20.0100 205 20.0200 98 20.0300 21 20.0501 31 20.0502 22 20.0600 46 20.0701 15 20.0702 11 20.0703 13 20.0800 22 20.0901 15 20.0903 19 20.0904 79 21.0000 14 22.0101 28 22.0102 7 22.0103 7 22.0200 21 22.0300 12 22.0400 11 23.0100 13 23.0200 22 23.0300 14 23.0400 14 23.0500 17 23.0600 11 23.0700 11 24.0100 49 24.0400 8 24.0500 19 24.0701 51 24.0702 18 24.0703 8 24.0706 19 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0201 34.0302 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0701 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 I 404 234 78 29 23 13 15 99 13 10 11 7 8 12 1,044 72 10 96 2 219 8 101 157 278 106 30 14 35 62 46 88 109 136 142 8,693 1,604 80 1,073 600 31 3 59 151 13 11 18 14 10 6 65 25 63 18 13 13 1 11 1 10 10 21 54 90 29 31 7 14 18 20 13 10 119 11 13 14 14 42 16 54 7 13 17 13 25 13 45 2 18 15 3 2 2 20 11 1 8 10 20 21 25 24 12 9 11 26 19 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 15 7 12 12 25 20 20 49 13 16 10 14 16 11 21 7 11 7 9 7 8 12 7 28 8 8 7 7 7 3 7 8 15 23 14 8 14 7 12 8 10 14 25 13 15 7 24 3 11 49 8 13 13 3 3 9 8 8 8 7 8 11 18 20 7 10 12 11 20 36 8 9 8 7 21 9 162 117 92 47 38 25 17 20 8 8 9 8 21 5 12 13 14 7 3 7 8 12 11 12 24 11 8 7 7 7 See footnote at the end of the table. 108 BENCHMARK WPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNTIED STATES, .99, Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 64.0301 64,0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 , 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 10 19 8 14 5 7 7 7 9 7 19 20 1.960 1.352 7,729 129 727 9,432 14 111 55 166 29 30 2.194 257 94 18 696 3.190 2,538 270 58 49 40 64 508 143 20 144 36 67 46 24 57 167 110 31 101 84 137 81 609 [ 64 108 14 143 36 26 681 1,131 652 48 77 12 31 12 1 17 70 105 204 288 127 63 26 179 56 85 81 53 21 32 109 40 64 28 339 119 615 2,178 97 1,299 51,395 149 8.765 -11,482 2.745 336 3,188 1,972 147 143 308 638 559 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 Z0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0800 11.0900 1Z01Ci 1Z0214 1Z0300 13.0600 14.0101 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 16.0100 16.0300 18.0400 19.0303 19.0304 20.0100 20.0200 20.0501 20.0502 20.0703 22.0101 2Z0102 22.0103 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 6,737 13 49 82 24 14 139 397 5 8 35 5 26 6 2 73 5 22 2 266 13 9 17 193 244 1 1 59 2 23 5 20 2 81 1 53 89 40 18 92 1 1 1 1 12 6 13 20 1 5 11 5 2 6 11 15 2 15 5 6 1 13 15 4 11 3 2 15 18 2 1 10 3 1 3 6 2 4 11 14 36 1 2 13 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 5 1 8 1 1 3 1 2 5 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0501 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 27.0100 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 34.0201 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0702 36.0900 36.1100 36.1200 36.1600 36.2000 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0402 38.0800 38.1100 38.1300 39.0100 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 4Z0300 42.0800 42.1000 43.0200 45.0100 47.0300 47.0404 48.0300 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 50.0200 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0200 53.0400 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 Commodity ' Using industry Value 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 61.0100 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0105 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0504 64.1100 64.1200 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0202 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 5 3 2 7 1 2 2 3 2 1 26 13 1 2 2 1 3 1 6 8 1 3 2 1 6 1 1 6 5 2 2 5 4 24 72 19 1 1 11 4 1 4 2 1 7 286 249 11 2 2 15 8 52 22 3 2 1 2 1 2 7 42 3 3 . 2 6 3 24 11 4 6 7 41 9 119 3 2 1 1 3 15 5 20 59 35 1 3 3 8 5 7 5 3 2 9 3 13 14 6 18 1,893 -59 34 24 49 25 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 109 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 22.0300 34 2Z0400 39 23.0100 1 23.0200 19 23.0500 4 23.0700 8 24.0100 55 24.0500 12 24.0701 84 24.0702 1 24.0800 150 25.0000 8 26.0100 3 26.0200 1 26.0302 2 26.0400 1 26.0501 25 26.0601 4 26.0602 1 26.0700 1 26.0802 4 26.0803 5 27.0402 30 29.0100 2 29.0201 2 29.0300 1 32.0100 188 32.0200 112 32.0300 566 32.0400 293 32.0500 118 32.0600 178 34.0201 138 34.0202 26 35.0100 48 36.0100 8 36.0200 8 36.0300 4 36.0400 6 36.0500 4 36.0600 4 36.0800 2 36.0900 2 36.1100 33 36.1300 4 36.1600 8 36.1700 2 36.2000 8 37.0104 21 37.0200 8 37.0300 4 38.1000 21 38.1100 18 39.0100 1 40.0200 6 40.0400 1 40.0600 3 41.0201 31 41.0202 3 420100 8 42.0300 177 42.0500 11 42.0700 2 42.0800 65 42.1000 1 42.1100 10 43.0200 7 45.0300 396 47.0401 6 48.0100 5 48.0200 20 48.0400 10 48.0500 43 48.0600 53 49.0100 298 49.0500 9 49.0600 17 49.0700 21 49.0800 6 520100 2 520400 6 52.0500 14 53.0300 8 53.0400 9 53.0500 88 54.0100 9 54.0200 4 54.0300 21 54.0400 12 54.0500 3 54.0700 10 55.0200 6 55.0300 70 56.0100 4 56.0300 2 56.0500 15 57.0200 9 57.0300 16 58.0100 9 58.0200 63 58.0400 45 58.0600 74 59.0200 104 59.0301 1.263 59.0302 393 60.0100 I 56 31.0103. 31.0200. 31.0300. 32.0100 . 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0200 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 10.0000 27.0100 31.0101 31.0103 38.0400 53.0700 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0501 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 31.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.1100 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00CO 11.0400 11.0800 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 31.0300 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 20203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 20701 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 4 33 14 6 45 7 7 19 13 47 858 88 1 12 2 1 60 210 40 130 54 67 3 196 -9 2 1 4,047 725 258 1,350 13 100 455 1,019 23 49 98 2 1 2 -44 27 -32 1 3.634 1,181 187 520 870 870 6 -3 62 -59 11,771 24 15 54 18 17 48 86 1 35 23 6 30 11 3 74 7 13 3 1 17 10 10 34 33 56 6 42 8 2 1 1 71 1 26 3 26 1 1 1 65 101 49 19 105 1 1 14.0105 14.0300 14.0400 14.0600 14.0900 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.2101 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.3202 15.0101 17.0100 18.0400 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0703 22.0101 22.0200 23.0200 24.0500 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 36.0100 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1400 37.0101 37.0200 40.0700 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 46.0100 46.0200 46.0400 50.0400 52.0300 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 61.0100 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0400 62.0500 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 720101 720102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 720204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 6 1 1 1 1 32 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 2 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 95 88 85 2 3 3 14 1 1 9 225 1,511 4 1 1 28 12 109 39 1 1 8 135 1,939 18 8 2 7 1 10 1 1 8 2 2 1 16 303 250 20 6 4 223 88 180 9 1 8 1 4 2 1 5 25 13 4 12 3 10 32.0200 . 32.0300 . 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0100 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 32.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 99.20C3 99.30C9 7.0000 9.0001 9.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0300 13.0100 13.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1301 14.1302 14.1801 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2200 14.3202 15.0101 16.0200 17.1100 18.0400 20.0100 20.0502 20.0702 20.0703 20.0904 220200 5 34 21 33 7 42 3 3 51 208 95 6 5 1 1 1 1 2 3 34 31 16 5 2 5 7 13 4 2 2 4 6 2 2 2 20 8 33 9 5,318 236 979 -2,673 112 25 28 7 3 15 24 72 2 2 1 5 36 823 4 3,749 99 137 -3,176 1 1 2 4 2 11,243 71 27 12 58 7 57 292 14 44 16 138 1 1 5 1 1 8 3 2 1 11 1 2 1 8 7 1 45 18 17 13 1 3 4 4 38 See footnote at the end ol the table. 110 BENCHMARK tNPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OP THE UNITED STATES, .992 Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Using industry 32.0400 . 60.0200 60.0400 61.0200 61.0300 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0800 62.0900 63.0300 64.0301 64.0400 64.0503 64.1200 65.0100 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 66.0200 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0104 73.0107 73.0301 73.0302 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 .97.00C0 97.0010 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C9 1.0200 2.0202 Z0300 2.0401 2.0501 2.0701 2.0702 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 6.0100 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 I 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0900 17.1001 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 170 10 86 72 88 392 3 30 73 29 403 29 275 295 5 67 27 99 2 107 154 115 68 39 19 108 116 7 25 1,546 47 14 213 44 220 6 102 363 854 197 2 19 128 7 5 8 110 31 2 6 18 19 192 6 90 2 4 62 20 5 13 198 1 37 269 20 68 61 22 3 19 57 44 133 145 10 17 372 128 202 57 213 266 196 48 64 43 1 48 502 928 555 58 7 53 849 136 4 3 2 84 131 891 141 37 16 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 34.0201 34.0202 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0702 36.0800 36.0900 36.1100 36.1200 36.1400 36.1600 36.1700 36.2000 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 38.0100 38.0400 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 4Z0201 42.0202 42.0300 . 42.0401 I 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 8 989 47 8 93 16 74 2 1 94 1,652 7 355 1.307 583 395 109 1.339 131 225 68 49 5 2 112 4,571 9 48 85 1 21 7 2 16 221 113 3 2 3 2 6 7 64 2 6 32 4 63 7 33 29 20 14 16 118 10 47 29 271 1 56 15 1 14 137 4 40 115 38 101 58 13 38 11 41 54 70 12 169 30 79 222 119 214 20 22 44 118 119 89 3 8 7 14 20 8 47 128 11 2 22 17 14 12 8 6 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51 0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 6Z0600 62.0700 62.0800 6Z0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0105 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1100 64.1200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 47 138 1 9 7 80 33 20 12 10 26 193 428 108 30 8 289 28 104 35 107 227 123 87 10 272 259 135 203 140 236 12 381 91 211 106 472 191 23 84 906 309 73 103 636 54 32 34 6,109 855 1,331 2 74 10 40 40 38 58 180 75 21 165 30 492 345 37 4 7 105 258 57 59 405 5 22 263 13 131 30 36 60 69 8 71 91 411 154 3 1 1 1 91 319 46 3 12 3 123 2 2,152 1.357 69 9 3 17 9 See footnote at the end ot the table. DETAILED TABLES 111 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 71.0201 102 20.0200 1 3.0001 2 49.0200 1 72.0101 179 27.0406 1 4.0002 2 49.0300 6 72.0102 49 32.0100 103 6.0100 1 49.0500 10 72.0201 33 32.0500 2 6.0200 1 49.0600 4 72.0202 3 35.0100 4 7.0000 6 49.0700 28 72.0203 5 36.0100 2 8.0001 7 49.0800 11 72.0204 98 36.1600 35 9.0001 3 50.0100 10 72.0205 45 37.0200 16 9.0002 2 50.0200 22 72.0300 96 38.0700 2 10.0000 2 50.0300 1 73.0101 82 38.0800 5 11.0101 29 50.0400 42 73.0102 198 38.0900 1 11.0102 1 51.0102 3 73.0103 4 38.1000 1 11.0105 10 51.0104 52 73.0104 176 42.0800 149 11.0108 3 51.0400 2 73.0106 1 43.0100 1 11.0400 5 52.0300 69 73.0107 10 43.0200 40 11.0501 1 52.0400 9 73.0108 3 44.0001 65 11.0601 1 52.0500 13 73.0109 386 44.0002 40 11.0603 1 53.0300 16 73.01 1 1 84 45.0100 48 11.0800 18 53.0400 27 73.0112 25 45.0200 7 11.0900 37 53.0500 38 73.0200 16 46.0100 4 12.0101 17 54.0200 48 73.0301 19 46.0200 53 12.0214 6 56.0300 7 73.0302 66 46.0400 11 12.0300 41 56.0500 3 73.0303 39 47.0100 3 14.0101 1 57.0200 16 74.0000 2,099 47.0200 3 14.0102 1 57.0300 3 75.0001 4 47.0404 7 14.0105 1 58.0400 1 75.0002 1,738 48.0100 9 14.0300 1 58.0600 13 75.0003 6 48.0200 15 14.0600 1 59.0301 46 76.0101 15 48.0300 1 14.0900 1 59.0302 232 76.0102 1 48.0400 12 14.1301 1 60.0100 14 76.0201 3 48.0500 23 14.1502 1 60.0400 13 76.0202 3 48.0600 37 14.1801 4 61.0200 12 76.0203 2 49.0100 15 14.1802 1 61.0500 3 76.0204 1 49.0300 6 14.2005 1 61.0601 2 76.0205 23 49.0800 2 14.2101 1 61.0700 10 76.0206 66 50.0100 1 14.2200 1 62.0101 19 77.0100 676 50.0200 1 14.3202 1 62.0102 10 77.0200 2,485 52.0100 1 15.0101 5 62.0200 14 77.0301 589 52.0200 4 16.0100 1 62.0300 7 77.0303 435 52.0300 103 16.0300 1 62.0400 40 77.0304 16 52.0400 7 17.0100 1 62.0500 39 77.0305 918 52.0500 16 18.0400 1 62.0600 3 77.0401 14 53.0400 3 20.0100 6 62.1000 19 77.0402 37 54.0100 7 20.0200 7 62.1100 22 77.0403 25 54.0200 4 20.0501 1 63.0200 10 77.0501 3 54.0300 43 20.0600 1 63.0300 76 77.0502 25 54.0400 5 20.0703 13 65.0100 4 77.0503 13 54.0500 23 20.0904 1 65.0200 15 77.0504 13 54.0700 15 22.0101 1 65.0301 24 77.0600 144 59.0301 267 24.0100 5 65.0302 2 77.0700 163 59.0302 183 24.0500 1 65.0500 3 77.0800 24 61.0100 3 24.0701 1 65.0701 4 77.0900 82 61.0300 1 24.0800 2 65.0702 5 78.0200 1 61.0700 2 25.0000 1 66.0100 1 79.0100 82 62.0101 1 26.0100 3 68.0100 1 91.0000 4,635 62.0400 29 26.0200 1 68.0202 2 92.0000 59 64.0400 9 26.0301 2 68.0301 1 93.0000 641 65.0100 3 26.0501 3 68.0302 13 94.0000 4,176 65.0200 103 27.0100 36 69 0100 210 95.0000 ^»,970 65.0301 6 27.0300 1 69.0200 162 96.00C0 33 65.0701 73 28.0100 6 70.0100 5 97.00C0 69 68.0100 144 28.0200 1 70.0300 1 98.00C1 22 69.0100 51 28.0400 2 70.0400 2 98.00C2 20 69.0200 1 29.0100 3 70.0500 1 98.00C3 1 70.0100 3 29.0201 1 71.0201 4 99.10C1 625 70.0200 3 29.0300 1 72.0101 4 99.10C2 28 70.0400 1 31.0101 1 72.0202 1 99.20C3 27 71.0100 61 3^0100 1 72.0203 3 99.30C8 17 71.0201 108 32.0300 1 72.0204 6 99.30C9 15 72.0204 5 32.0400 1 7£0300 1 73.0101 7 32.0600 32 73.0101 7 32.0500 2,665 73 0107 1 36 0100 3 73 0102 5 1.0100 2 73.0301 2 36.0800 2 73.0103 2 1.0200 1 75.0001 6 36.1100 1 73.0104 3 1.0301 14 75.0002 71 36.1200 5 73.0106 3 1.0302 1 77.0100 12 36.1400 1 73.0107 10 2.0100 1 77.0200 13 37.0101 1 73.0108 5 2.0201 5 77.0402 4 37.0200 2 73.0109 30 2.0202 24 78.0100 6 38.0600 1 73.01 1 1 1 2.0300 3 91.0000 215 38.0800 1 73.0112 3 2.0401 2 93.0000 2 38.1000 2 73.0200 3 2.0402 1 94.0000 565 38.1200 1 73.0301 1 2.0501 3 95.0000 -568 39.0100 1 73.0302 1 2.0502 1 96.00CO 4 40.0300 12 73.0303 1 2.0503 1 98.00C1 8 40.0901 7 74.0000 53 2.0600 7 99.10C1 7 41.0100 1 75.0001 17 2.0701 1 99.20C1 1 41.0201 3 75.0002 592 2.0702 1 99.20C2 14 41.0203 1 75.0003 3 5.0001 2 99.20C3 12 42.0800 72 76.0101 2 6.0100 6 99.30C8 12 42.1100 20 76.0102 1 6.0200 2 99.30C9 29 43.0100 3 76.0201 1 7.0000 105 43.0200 85 76.0203 1 9.0001 11 32.0600 3,170 44.0001 14 76.0204 1 9.0002 4 1.0100 44.0002 18 76.0205 2 10.0000 2 1.0200 45.0100 142 76.0206 3 11.0105 1 1.0301 45.0300 15 77.0100 2 13.0600 5 1.0302 46.0100 5 77.0200 20 14.0105 1 2.0100 46.0200 20 77.0301 3 14.1301 1 2.0201 46.0300 1 77.0303 3 14.1302 1 2.0202 46.0400 7 77.0305 7 14.1801 2 2.0300 48.0100 8 77.0402 13 14.2104 2 2.0401 48.0200 2 77.0403 1 14.2200 6 2.0501 48.0300 2 77.0501 1 14.2500 1 2.0502 48.0400 10 77.0502 2 14.2800 1 2.0600 48.0500 6 77.0504 1 14.3202 6 2.0701 48.0600 40 77.0600 1 17.0700 1 I 2.0702 49.0100 70 77.0700 2 See footnote at the end of the table. 112 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ■ Using industry 33.0001 34.0100 . 34.0201 34.0202 . 34.0301 34.0302 . 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 18.0400 19.0304 22.0200 23.0100 26.0302 33.0001 34.0100 34.0201 34.0202 34.0301 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 64.0301 64.0400 64.1200 69.0200 72.0205 78.0100 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 34.0100 34.0201 34.0202 69.0200 72.0201 73.0109 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 99.20C3 34.0201 77.0900 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 99.10C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 99.10C1 34.0301 73.0101 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96OOC0 f -001 2'; j2CO 26.0501 31.0101 34.0302 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 2 17 2 3 86 13 354 -617 1 6 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 4 3,047 258 430 44 1 1 611 74 870 21 40 49 94 54 101 2 24 5 118 141 1 40 717 -651 1 1 317 54 112 8 3 205 10 1 29 167 -322 50 3,414 20 2 10,924 278 304 -8,193 10 13 3 53 260 291 9 4 -64 20 115 2 10 320 4 12 -234 1 876 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 9 34.0303 34.0304. 34.0305 35.0100 . 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 720102 72.0201 72.0203 73.0102 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 76.0203 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0402 77.0501 77.0502 77.0600 77.0700 77.0900 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.30C8 99.30C9 34.0303 91 .0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 34.0304 70.0200 73.0109 73.0303 77.0100 77.0200 77.0402 77.0501 77.0502 77.0700 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 1.0302 20.0100 34.0305 40.0400 40.0500 59.0301 72.0102 73.0101 73.0106 73.0109 73.0301 73.0303 76.0204 76.0205 77.0100 77.0200 77.0401 77.0501 77.0502 78.0100 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00CO 99.20C2 99.20C3 1.0100 4.0001 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 7 10 4 1 4 2 8 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 14 2 2 5 2 20 3 2 10 2 21 17 1 3 20 90 1 2 5 2,154 -132 123 -1,588 1 2 1 3 1 3 433 2 1.514 71 39 -1,193 546 7 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 11 2 872 33 24 -413 530 35 9 4 2 1 1 2 9 1 1 11 1 52 6 1 1 2 2 8 17 415 -1 74 -166 28 1 3 10 13,114 1 11 2 5 2 81 7 68 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0300 14.2200 16.0100 16.0200 17.0600 17.0700 20.0501 20.0502 20.0703 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 22.0300 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 27.0100 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 29.0100 29.0300 30.0000 31.0300 32.0400 35.0100 36.2000 36.2200 38.1000 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 41.0203 42.0300 420401 421100 45.0100 45.0200 48.0600 520300 54.0100 54.0400 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 60.0100 60.0400 61.0200 61.0300 61.0601 61.0603 62.0101 620102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 621000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0105 64.0400 64.1100 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 720101 720102 720205 42 1 7 499 350 73 83 4 293 5 7 3 228 6 4 29 4 108 3 6 18 4 2 1 17 6 4 96 4 3 4 7 39 2 3 330 611 1,601 73 6 239 254 8 19 28 24 14 14 13 1 14 4 16 9 8 281 182 10 1 1 619 4 15 57 7 1,504 14 5 107 3 52 19 2 10 44 9 25 6 16 1 233 24 146 8 9 3 12 4 48 3 4 9 3 15 3 7 34 12 21 5 6 3 4 237 15 4 35.0200 . 36.0100. 73.0102 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0100 77.0200 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.1 0C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 14.0300 14.0400 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3202 27.0300 27.0406 29.0100 29.0202 29.0300 35.0200 36.1200 420300 68.0301 69.0100 69.0200 720102 73.0109 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0700 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 6.0100 8.0001 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 120101 120214 120215 12.0300 27.0406 I See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 113 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 36.0100 127 91.0000 140 68.0301 16 99.20C3 4 36.0400 3 93.0000 7 69.0100 12 36.1000 36.1100 173 364 94.0000 95.0000 60 -368 71.0201 79.0300 351 322 36 15O0 1 001 11.0101 247 36.1200 1,887 98.00C1 20 91.0000 6 11.0102 1 36.1300 2 98.00C2 12 93.0000 -4 11.0105 23 36.1400 21 99.10C1 4 94.0000 63 11.0108 76 36.1700 1 99.20C3 4 95.0000 -68 11.0400 2 36.1900 2 99.30C8 17 11.0501 1 36.2100 2 36.0702 45 11.0800 265 64.0900 3 74.0000 59 36.1200 11 525 11.0900 438 69.0100 4 91.0000 512 7.0000 24 12.0101 8 93.0000 -66 93.0000 4 11.0101 2.062 12.0214 3 94.0000 35 94.0000 11 11.0102 15€ 12.0300 14 95.0000 -286 95.0000 -543 11.0105 1 9e* 36.1500 26 98.00C1 2 11.0108 rr 64.0400 2 36.0200 1.042 283 4 36.0800 869 50 11.0400 11.0501 1 1 .0800 i ** ; 93 i 7?6 I 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 306 11.0101 11.0102 2 11.0101 33 11.0105 97 11.0102 2 11.0900 1 ."*• I 95.0000 -462 11.0108 25 11.0105 17 12.0101 1 x-z , 96.O0C0 2 11.0400 8 11.0108 7 12.0214 43 1 98.00C1 10 11.0501 5 11.0400 13 12.0215 i ' 99.30C9 4 11.0800 94 11.0501 2 12.0300 1 06' 11.0900 12.0101 114 169 11.0800 11.0900 85 256 35.0200 36.1000 IS ; 3fc i«C 4.- 3.193 8.0001 2 12.0214 12 12.0101 30 36.1100 '", 11.0101 101 12.0300 186 12.0214 16 36.1200 2?: 11.0102 2 36.0200 4 12.0300 206 93.0000 -69 l 11.0105 35 36.0400 2 36.0800 3 1 11.0108 9 36.1000 36.1100 3 3 47.0300 53.0200 3 46 36.1300 J 1 11.0400 11.0501 30 4.0001 4 36.2100 1 53.0300 62 6.0100 r ' 11.0800 61 47.0300 3 53.0400 50 6.0200 2' 11.0900 148 59.0301 10 53.0500 9 7.0000 2 12.0101 60 59.0302 33 53.0800 2 11.0101 44 12.0214 33 93.0000 -19 59.0301 11 11.0105 24 12.0300 133 94.0000 10 59.0302 34 11.0400 2 i 13.0100 5 95.0000 -5 60.0200 1 11.0601 2 13.0200 15 60.0400 2 11.0800 8 1 3.0300 5 36.0300 669 93.0000 11 11.0900 5 I 13.0500 6 11.0101 367 94.0000 86 12.0101 e l 13.0600 3 11.0102 3 95.0000 -138 12.0214 2 14.0105 1 11.0105 129 96.00CO 3 12.0300 9 14.0600 1 11.0108 19 24.0100 16 14.1302 1 11.0501 11.0800 6 133 36.0900 635 10 24.0800 27.0100 52 71 14.1402 14.1802 1 29.0100 1 11.0900 136 35.0100 1 27.0300 5 14.2005 1 12.0101 224 36.0900 9 28.0100 2 14.2101 1 12.0300 169 55.0200 4 31.0101 1 14.3202 1 36.0300 1 69.0100 13 31.0300 5 15.0101 3 93.0000 -13 69.0200 1 33.0001 6 16.0100 1 94.0000 26 70.0100 6 35.0100 2 20.0100 1 95.0000 -531 70.0200 3 35.0200 25 20.0200 23 70.0300 1 36.0100 6 20.0300 2 36.0400 798 71 0201 8 36 0600 1 20 0501 g 11.0800 375 72.0101 35 36.1300 5 20.0502 4 36.0100 16 72.0102 1 36.1400 5 20.0600 6 36.0300 1 73.0101 1 36.1900 2 20.0701 1 36.0400 40 74.0000 2 36.2000 1 20.0800 5 36.1300 7 77.0200 62 36.2200 17 20.0901 4 36.1400 1 77.0301 25 37.0101 247 20.0903 5 36.2100 24 77.0401 2 37.0102 11 20.0904 4 37.0101 205 91.0000 1,070 37.0103 1 220101 39 37.0102 3 93.0000 44 37.0104 8 22.0102 2 37.0103 2 94.0000 176 37.0105 2 22.0103 1 37.0104 11 95.0000 -861 68.0100 4 22.0200 27 37.0105 2 96.00C0 1 79.0300 201 220300 4 37.0200 44 97.00C0 1 93.0000 -1 220400 4 40.0600 1 98.00C1 3 94.0000 10 23.0100 4 47.0300 2 98.00C2 1 95.0000 -16 23.0200 5 59.0301 9 99.20C3 3 96.00C0 1 23.0300 11 59.0302 28 99.30C8 1 97.00C0 2 23.0400 10 93.0000 -4 99.30C9 12 23.0500 6 94.0000 95.0000 79 -18 36.1000 1 703 36.1400 1,939 333 23.0600 23 0700 4 11.0101 4 7.0000 31 11.0102 5 24.0500 1 36.0500 125 11 0101 531 11 0105 122 24 0800 9 2 11.0101 38 11.0102 8 11.0108 10 26.0501 11.0102 1 11.0105 201 11.0501 6 27.0100 7 11.0105 13 11.0108 47 11.0800 234 28.0100 3 11.0108 3 11.0400 17 11.0900 226 28.0400 3 11.0400 1 11.0501 9 12.0101 230 29.0100 1 11.0501 1 11.0800 214 12.0300 285 29.0201 1 11.0800 16 11.0900 292 20.0702 21 29.0300 1 11.0900 22 12.0101 161 20.0703 161 32.0300 8 120101 19 12.0214 24 35.0100 67 32.0400 33 12.0214 2 12.0300 137 36.0100 19 32.0600 6 120300 26 36.1000 13 36.0400 1 35.0100 7 36.0500 2 36.1100 4 36.0500 2 36.0200 1 93.0000 -6 36.1200 10 36.0600 18 36.0800 1 94.0000 6 93.0000 1 36.0701 3 36.1200 3 95.0000 -19 94.0000 95.0000 6 -3 36.1400 36.2100 9 1 36.1500 36.1600 13 76 36.0600 805 36.2200 38 1100 48 36.2000 36 2100 37 6 81 11.0101 553 36.1100 5 734 14 11.0105 294 11.0102 263 62i0500 14 Ow-4- 1 \J\J 37.0101 93.0000 1 11.0108 309 62.0600 46 37.0102 15 94.0000 43 11.0400 1,162 64.0502 2 37.0103 3 95.0000 -86 11.0800 73 77.0200 2 37.0104 3 11.0900 2,393 93.0000 -3 37.0105 4 36.0701 307 12.0215 14 94.0000 95.0000 58 -14 37.0200 37.0300 93 3 36.0701 11 12.0300 600 65.0400 1 36.1000 9 97.00C0 9 37.0401 1 74.0000 329 36.1100 182 98.00C2 1 37.0402 5 77.0301 87 36.1200 14 99.10C1 5 38.0400 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 114 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2 A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ■ Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 38.0600 4 62.0200 5 32.0100 2 59.0302 15 38.0700 1 62.0300 1 32.0300 2 60.0100 10 38.0800 3 62.0400 15 3Z0400 8 60.0200 3 38.0900 1 62.0500 10 3Z0500 2 60.0400 9 38.1000 9 62.1000 2 35.0100 91 61.0100 3 38.1100 18 62.1100 4 35.0200 26 620600 2 38.1200 4 63.0200 6 36.0100 98 64.0105 3 38.1300 5 63.0300 4 36.0300 1 64.0501 7 39.0100 6 64.0101 15 36.0400 6 64.0502 1 39.0200 2 64.0104 3 36.0500 1 64.0504 2 40.0100 2 64.0105 26 36.0600 1 69.0100 18 40.0200 9 64.0200 2 36.0800 4 69.0200 2 40.0300 4 64.0301 3 36.0900 1 73.0303 22 40.0400 5 64.0400 10 36.1000 16 77.0200 3 40.0500 10 64.0501 2 36.1100 7 91.0000 162 40.0600 9 64.0503 1 36.1200 41 93.0000 5 40.0700 13 64.0700 1 36.1300 11 94.0000 85 40.0800 2 64.0800 2 36.1400 70 95.0000 -126 40.0901 1 64.0900 2 36.1600 38 41.0100 41.0201 25 10 64.1000 64.1100 2 21 36.1700 36.1900 2 99 37.0101 53 459 5.0001 26 41.0203 18 64.1200 17 36.2000 17 6.0100 35 4Z0100 7 65.0100 2 36.2100 36 6.0200 40 42.0201 22 65.0301 1 37.0101 114 7.0000 79 4Z0202 5 65.0302 1 37.0102 11 8.0001 1,079 4Z0300 32 65.0400 1 37.0103 2 9.0001 33 4Z0401 25 65.0500 1 37.0200 9 9.0002 16 42.0402 8 65.0701 3 37.0402 2 9.0003 14 42.0500 3 65.0702 1 53.0700 53 9.0004 4 42.0800 12 69.0100 67 62.1000 3 10.0000 84 4Z1100 9 69.0200 16 64.0501 2 11.0101 281 43.0100 14 7Z0101 2 64.0502 11 11.0102 7 43.0200 16 72.0204 4 91.0000 73 11.0105 96 44.0001 7 7Z0205 6 93.0000 -23 11.0108 211 44.0002 3 73.0101 63 94.0000 109 11.0400 51 45.0100 15 73.0102 3 95.0000 -137 11.0501 4 45.0200 3 73.0107 3 96.00C0 1 11.0601 221 45.0300 4 73.0109 8 97.00CO 1 11.0602 16 46.0100 2 73.0112 5 11.0800 23 46.0200 4 73.0302 2 36.2000 3.069 11.0900 850 46.0400 2 74.0000 1 11.0101 1,323 12.0101 2 47.0100 23 75.0002 8 11.0105 945 120214 2 47.0200 9 76.0206 2 12.0101 378 1Z0215 21 47.0300 119 77.0100 2 20.0702 20 1Z0300 802 47.0401 12 77.0200 17 20.0703 80 13.0200 72 47.0402 4 77.0301 2 3Z0400 2 13.0300 63 47.0404 3 77.0504 1 38.1000 12 13.0500 27 47.0405 2 91.0000 301 5Z0300 65 13.0600 13 47.0500 5 93.0000 -56 54.0100 15 13.0700 21 48.0100 6 94.0000 303 54.0200 28 17.0100 1 48.0200 3 95.0000 -527 54.0300 5 20.0703 27 48.0300 2 96.00C0 15 54.0400 8 2Z0300 165 48.0400 6 97.00C0 49 54.0700 22 22.0400 5 48.0500 4 98.00C1 8 61.0100 8 23.0100 14 48.0600 20 98.00C2 21 93.0000 -7 23.0200 377 49.0100 18 98.00C3 2 94.0000 236 23.0300 208 49.0200 12 99.10C1 3 95.0000 -73 23.0400 32 49.0300 5 99.20C3 2 97.00CO 2 23.0500 548 49.0500 6 99.30C8 2 23.0600 63 49.0600 49.0700 4 12 99.30C9 39 36.2100 1,305 38 23.0700 24.0800 115 36.0100 4 49.0800 50.0100 6 7 36.1700 71 2 36.0300 36.0400 1 56 25.0000 26.0602 233 13.0100 17 50.0200 14 36.1700 1 36.1300 14 26.0802 6 50.0400 68 37.0200 3 36.1400 1 27.0100 312 51.0103 6 59.0302 31 36.2100 114 27.0201 1 51.0104 2 60.0100 11 37.0101 203 27.0406 1 52.0100 3 60.0200 5 37.0102 6 28.0100 1 52.0300 38 60.0400 13 37.0105 2 31.0101 20 52.0400 4 65.0301 6 37.0200 36 3Z0100 44 52.0500 9 75.0002 40 37.0401 5 320300 91 53.0200 3 93.0000 -3 40.0600 14 3Z0500 41 53.0300 3 94.0000 43 53.0800 564 3Z0600 124 53.0400 6 95.0000 -88 55.0200 175 35.0100 8 53.0500 7 96.00C0 7 93.0000 -7 35.0200 4 54.0100 2 94.0000 235 36.0100 9 54.0200 54.0300 2 1 36.1900 1,893 8 95.0000 -152 36.0200 36.0300 2 2.0100 1 54.0400 3 Z0201 16 36.2200 746 36.0400 1 54.0500 2 2.0202 58 7.0000 10 36.1000 9 54.0700 2 2.0203 1 11.0101 7 36.1100 268 55.0100 3 Z0401 22 11.0105 12 36.1200 4 55.0300 7 Z0402 4 11.0501 7 36.1300 4 56.0300 3 2.0501 9 1Z0101 4 36.1400 4 56.0500 6 2.0502 6 27.0100 11 36.1600 1 57.0100 1 2.0503 5 32.0300 92 36.1900 13 57.0200 28 Z0600 7 35.0100 11 36.2000 31 57.0300 16 7.0000 37 36.1500 11 36.2100 4 58.0100 1 11.0101 138 36.1600 53 37.0101 4,476 58.0400 6 11.0105 47 36.2200 9 37.0102 46 58.0600 4 11.0501 5 37.0101 34 37.0103 1,487 58.0700 5 11.0601 108 37.0102 10 37.0104 2,175 59.0100 17 12.0101 86 37.0401 2 37.0105 2,155 59.0200 4 12.0215 3 38.1000 33 37.0200 161 59.0301 151 14.2700 4 38.1300 35 37.0300 704 59.0302 108 24.0701 3 41.0203 7 37.0401 22 60.0100 99 24.0800 2 43.0100 15 37.0402 6 60.0200 36 27.0100 29 43.0200 30 38.0100 21 60.0400 29 27.0300 25 45.0300 8 38.0400 37 61.0100 4 27.0406 1 47.0300 42 38.0501 17 61.0200 2 29.0300 1 47.0401 1 38.0600 28 61.0300 6 30.0000 185 49.0200 15 38.0700 14 61.0603 4 31.0101 2 53.0400 11 38.0800 68 61.0700 1 31.0102 2 53.0700 28 38.0900 10 62.0101 19 31.0200 3 57.0100 2 38.1000 190 62.0102 1 31.0300 265 59.0301 20 38.1100 I 24 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 115 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 38.1200 3 61.0603 16 99.10C1 2 52.0100 2 38.1300 5 61.0700 118 99.20C3 23 52.0200 4 38.1400 17 62.0101 107 99.30C8 1 52.0300 285 39.0100 1,853 62.0102 31 99.30C9 1 52.0400 11 39.0200 384 62.0200 94 52.0500 38 40.0100 56 62.0300 18 37.0200 1 1 ,469 53.0200 2 40.0200 17 62.0400 55 5.0001 31 53 0300 23 40.0300 164 62.0500 103 6.0100 55 53.0400 91 40.0400 2.046 62.0600 14 6.0200 17 53.0500 14 40.0500 480 62.0800 12 11.0101 446 53.0700 1 40.0600 1,292 62.0900 33 11.0105 154 53.0800 1 40.0700 1,847 62.1000 35 11.0400 17 54.0100 17 40.0800 413 62.1100 19 11.0501 8 54.0200 13 40.0901 851 63.0300 31 11.0800 98 54.0300 48 40.0902 1,203 64.0104 24 11.0900 471 54.0400 7 41.0100 1,043 64.0301 20 12.0101 84 54.0700 8 41.0201 4,502 64.0400 183 12.0214 18 55.0200 35 41.0202 180 64.0503 13 12.0300 104 55.0300 63 41.0203 1,448 64.0700 18 13.0100 9 56.0100 9 42.0100 52 64.0800 46 13.0200 39 56.0300 8 42.0201 308 64.1000 69 13.0300 18 56.0500 40 42.0202 106 64.1100 78 13.0500 18 57.0100 1 42.0300 530 64.1200 84 13.0600 3 57.0200 1 42.0401 135 65.0100 18 13.0700 1 57.0300 41 42.0402 1,037 69.0100 36 20.0703 6 58.0100 10 42.0500 785 72.0204 5 22.0300 4 58.0400 16 42.0700 98 73.0101 39 22.0400 1 58.0700 12 42.0800 959 77.0600 20 23.0200 11 59.0100 5 42.1100 799 93.0000 -222 23.0300 2 59.0200 3 43.0100 102 94.0000 2,868 23.0400 1 59.0301 23 43.0200 111 95.0000 -8,872 23.0500 3 59.0302 1,929 44.0001 686 97.00C0 1 23.0700 3 60.0100 2 44.0002 198 99.20C3 30 32.0100 1 60.0200 109 45.0100 865 32.0300 51 60.0400 60 45.0200 45.0300 74 286 37.0102 1,057 5. 37.0101 37.0102 294 11 61.0100 61.0200 15 36.1600 5 46.0100 168 37.0101 1,242 37.0103 2 61.0300 227 46.0200 314 37.0102 197 37.0104 4 61.0500 5 46.0300 41 37.0103 2 37.0105 5 61.0601 9 46.0400 221 37.0104 12 37.0200 123 61.0603 1 47.0100 90 37.0105 7 37.0300 8 61.0700 11 47.0200 121 37.0200 179 39.0100 5 62.0101 83 47.0300 710 38.1100 22 40.0100 7 62.0102 2 47.0401 61 38.1300 9 40.0200 17 62.0200 77 47.0402 34 51.0400 13 40.0300 54 62.0300 8 47.0404 163 56.0300 2 40.0400 30 62.0400 24 47.0405 2 64.0104 45 40.0500 11 62.0500 86 47.0500 46 64.0301 53 40.0600 90 62.0600 4 48.0100 126 64.0700 11 40.0700 37 62.0700 2 48.0200 77 64.1200 91 40.0800 16 62.0800 1 48.0300 55 93.0000 -28 40.0901 1 62.0900 5 48.0400 94 94.0000 116 40.0902 11 62.1000 13 48.0500 65 95.0000 -921 41.0100 20 62.1100 5 48.0600 424 41.0201 32 63.0300 10 49.0100 49.0200 181 308 37.0103 748 2 41.0203 42.0100 46 24 64.0104 64.0400 1 1.0100 1 49.0300 182 1.0200 2 42.0201 69 64.0800 1 49.0500 240 1.0301 6 42.0202 4 64.1000 3 49.0600 73 1.0302 1 42.0300 73 64.1100 2 49.0700 168 2.0100 1 42.0401 10 64.1200 9 49.0800 65 2.0201 2 42.0402 5 65.0100 385 50.0100 109 2.0202 5 42.0500 6 69.0100 3 50.0200 199 2.0300 1 42.0700 1 73.0101 5 50.0300 21 2.0401 2 42.0800 549 93.0000 -23 50.0400 933 2.0501 2 42.1000 3 94.0000 338 52.0100 43 2.0600 2 42.1100 115 95.0000 -213 52.0200 46 2.0702 2 43.0100 316 96.00C0 34 52.0300 685 5.0001 2 43.0200 936 52.0400 52.0500 20 248 6.0100 6.0200 2 4 44.0001 44.0002 168 13 37.0300 3,408 5.0001 37 53.0200 376 7.0000 1 45.0100 521 6.0100 20 53.0300 170 8.0001 112 45.0200 51 6.0200 18 53.0400 503 9.0001 4 45.0300 36 13.0100 1 53.0500 75 9.0002 2 46.0100 11 13.0200 8 53.0800 16 10.0000 3 46.0200 22 13.0300 38 54.0100 175 11.0101 234 46.0300 22 13.0500 9 54.0200 308 11.0102 3 46.0400 51 13.0600 3 54.0300 258 11.0105 81 47.0100 115 13.0700 5 54.0400 92 11.0108 14 47.0200 34 22.0300 6 54.0500 17 11.0400 27 47.0300 96 23.0200 35 54.0700 178 11.0501 3 47.0401 31 23.0300 2 55.0200 270 11.0601 14 47.0402 15 23.0400 7 55.0300 312 11.0602 1 47.0404 5 32.0300 7 56.0100 20 11.0800 108 47.0405 18 37.0300 97 56.0300 8 11.0900 219 47.0500 13 38.1400 36 56.0500 34 12.0101 181 48.0100 33 40.0100 6 57.0100 2 12.0214 24 48.0200 19 40.0200 7 57.0200 6 12.0300 254 48.0300 30 40.0300 7 57.0300 83 20.0904 2 48.0400 38 40.0400 4 58.0100 22 22.0101 8 48.0500 55 40.0500 1 58.0200 67 22.0200 3 48.0600 176 40.0600 27 58.0400 135 23.0300 1 49.0100 406 40.0700 1 58.0600 33 23.0700 2 49.0200 45 40.0800 1 58.0700 9 37.0103 16 49.0300 35 40.0901 7 59.0100 259 37.0300 6 49.0500 114 40.0902 4 59.0200 204 69.0100 15 49.0600 5 41.0201 4 59.0301 71 69.0200 2 49.0700 73 41.0203 1 59.0302 3,313 76.0101 1 49.0800 27 42.0100 12 60.0100 91 91.0000 13 50.0100 69 42.0201 28 60.0200 95 93.0000 -28 50.0200 87 42.0300 25 60.0400 71 94.0000 30 50.0300 11 42.0500 4 61.0100 413 95.0000 -680 50.0400 301 42.0700 1 61.0200 24 97.00C0 2 51.0102 2 42.0800 146 61.0300 605 98.00C1 1 51.0103 2 42.1100 8 61.0500 54 98.00C2 4 51.0104 38 43.0100 89 61.0601 31 98.00C3 2 51.0400 1 43.0200 463 See footnote at the end of the table. 116 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ■ Using industry 37.0401 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0700 55.0300 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 6^0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 6Z0700 62.0800 6Z0900 62.1000 64.0400 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 93.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 17.0100 20.0200 20.0501 22.0101 26.0100 26.0501 27.0100 29.0300 32.0400 35.0100 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 64 3 236 31 57 2 15 8 19 8 10 10 1 15 2 2 4 1 5 4 11 67 166 7 73 1 3 1 7 9 46 1 11 1 15 5 3 4 4 2 3 1 4 2 1 2 9 4 98 1 7 1 15 1 31 3 1 2 639 89 144 46 3 4 43 7 2 2 23 9 5 16 39 1 3 4 3 7 1 4 1 4 -43 1 53 3 1.989 5 6 4 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 6 1 4 7 261 15 12 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0400 52.0100 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0300 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 20 14 93 18 82 10 5 4 2 15 8 9 5 50 23 5 8 5 5 2 2 6 4 2 4 5 6 1 59 43 2 71 7 17 2 33 12 8 6 19 11 8 12 17 7 31 5 8 2 11 1 4 13 5 40 8 4 1 1 4 6 2 1 6 4 17 14 10 5 3 2 7 5 5 7 32 1 1 1 1 21 2 6 1 1 2 5 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 6 1 2 5 1 19 10 1 1 5 1 2 37.0402 . 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0300 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 6^0400 62.0500 62.0700 62.0900 62.1100 63.0300 64.0101 64 0400 64 1100 64.1200 650100 65.0500 680202 69.0100 69.0200 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0303 77.0403 930000 96.00C0 97.00C0 99.10C1 99.20C1 99.30C9 7.0000 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 13 0600 24.0701 24.0702 30.0000 32.0400 37.0101 37.0103 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 40.0600 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0700 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0300 46.0400 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0500 48.0600 50.0200 53.0700 56.0100 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0600 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 61.0300 70.0100 70.0400 73.0101 73.0301 77.0100 77.0200 13 4 136 85 70 26 20 1 5 2 6 5 2 2 l 17 3i 2 2 1 20 1 792 2 12 4 3 6 16 8 4 15 2 23 2 5 156 64 2 2 91 8 40 2 17 1 6 2 12 2 23 18 2 1 145 187 10 15 14 5 25 2 12 8 3 4 15 14 130 36 2 291 6 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 38 0100 38.0400 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 13.0200 13.0600 1 3.0700 27.0100 32.0400 37.0105 37.0200 37.0401 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38 1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40 0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0800 42.1100 45.0100 46.0100 46.0400 47.0404 47.0405 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 5^0300 5Z0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 55.0300 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0700 590301 590302 61.0100 61.0300 61 0500 62 0200 62 0300 62 0400 62 1000 62.1100 640104 64 0400 640700 64 1200 69 0100 73.0101 93.0000 94,0000 95.0000 97.00CO 20.0703 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 117 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 22.0400 1 47.0404 1 50.0100 6 40.0200 17 37.0101 164 48.0500 1 500200 4 40.0300 8 37.0102 20 48.0600 1 50.0400 19 40.0400 58 37.0103 2 50.0400 1 51.0102 1 40.0500 625 37.0104 12 53.0300 2 51.0104 26 40.0600 119 37.0105 2 53.0500 5 51.0400 2 40.0700 873 38.0100 9 55.0300 74 52.0300 462 40.0800 82 38.0400 1,746 56.0300 3 52.0400 1 40.0901 88 38.0501 79 56.0500 1 52.0500 4 40.0902 119 38.0600 126 57.0100 15 530200 39 41.0100 63 38.0700 13 57.0200 497 53.0300 122 41.0201 86 38.0800 4,694 57.0300 385 53.0400 45 41.0202 49 38.0900 26 58.0100 493 53.0500 31 41.0203 296 38.1000 63 58.0200 1 53.0700 3 42.0100 1 38.1100 819 59.0100 1 53.0800 4 42.0201 14 38.1200 13 59.0301 5 540100 2 42.0202 4 38.1300 18 61.0500 2 54.0200 36 42.0300 73 39.0100 496 62.0400 4 54.0300 3 42.0500 22 40.0500 334 62.0600 147 54.0400 4 42.0800 65 40.0700 112 62.0700 10 54.0700 5 42.1000 295 40.0800 35 64.0101 1,133 55.0200 5 42.1100 73 40.0901 23 64.0102 279 55.0300 155 43.0100 4 40.0902 35 64.0104 64 560300 3 43.0200 2 41.0100 19 64.0105 57 56.0500 13 44.0001 4 41.0201 2 69.0100 50 57.0100 1 45.0100 7 41.0203 7 72.0205 20 57.0200 2 45.0200 2 42.0300 14 73.0101 1 57 0300 82 46.0100 12 42.0800 5 93.0000 -62 580100 2 46.0200 16 42.1100 18 94.0000 724 58.0200 1 46.0300 6 50.0200 5 95.0000 -3.943 58.0400 12 46.0400 8 53.0300 7 96.00CO -21 58.0700 20 47.0100 10 53.0400 45 97.00C0 -2 59.0100 2 47.0200 1 53.0500 11 59.0302 66 47.0300 63 55.0200 30 38.0700 5,780 60 0100 101 47.0402 1 59.0100 22 11.0101 50 600200 5 47.0404 13 59.0200 62 11.0102 1 60.0400 4 47.0405 2 59.0301 8 11.0105 20 61.0100 10 47.0500 4 59.0302 1,163 11.0108 5 61.0200 2 48.0100 26 61.0200 9 11.0501 1 61.0300 20 48.0200 10 61.0500 3 11.0800 32 61.0601 1 48.0500 14 69.0100 70 11.0900 33 61.0603 5 48.0600 135 73.0101 2 12.0101 30 61.0700 1 49.0100 10 93.0000 -13 12.0300 52 62.0101 16 49.0200 7 94.0000 877 13.0100 5 62.0102 1 49.0300 37 95.0000 -1,567 13.0200 9 62.0200 10 49.0500 13 96.00C0 17 13.0300 1 62.0300 12 49.0600 10 97.00C0 9 13.0600 51 62.0700 1 49.0700 29 13.0700 4 62.1000 2 49.0800 12 38.0501 5 721 23.0100 9 62 1100 4 50 0100 43 23 13.0200 41 23.0200 21 64.0104 6 50.0200 13.0500 44 23.0400 2 64.0400 11 50.0400 247 13.0600 17 23.0500 4 64.0700 30 51.0102 3 20.0703 3 23.0600 12 64.1100 2 51.0103 2 22.0400 1 23.0700 3 64.1200 11 51.0104 66 26.0803 1 37.0300 1 65.0100 1 51.0400 5 27.0100 4 38.0100 18 69.0100 46 52.0300 380 27.0402 1 38.0400 1 72.0204 2 52.0400 4 27.0406 1 38.0501 48 93.0000 ^»2 52.0500 26 30.0000 1 38.0600 5 94.0000 335 53.0200 59 36.2000 1 38.0700 561 95.0000 -544 53.0300 36 37.0101 505 38.0800 4 96.00C0 3 53.0400 34 37.0102 53 38.0900 2 97.00CO 21 53.0500 13 37.0103 47 38.1000 2,430 53.0700 1 37.0104 37.0105 43 38 38.1200 38.1400 12 20 38.0800 14,173 15 53.0800 54.0100 10 11.0101 5 37.0200 223 39.0100 2 11.0105 13 54.0200 33 37.0401 1 40.0100 9 11.0108 1 54.0300 18 37.0402 109 40.0200 153 11.0800 9 54.0400 27 38.0100 95 40.0300 4 11.0900 9 54.0500 2 38.0400 39 40.0400 4 12.0101 9 54.0700 12 38.0501 448 40.0500 1 12.0300 14 55.0200 163 38.0600 182 40.0600 54 13.0100 9 55.0300 49 38.0700 113 40.0700 5 13.0200 33 56.0300 12 38.0800 200 40.0800 3 13.0300 77 56.0500 62 38.0900 847 40.0901 20 13.0500 2 57.0100 2 38.1000 7 40.0902 5 13.0600 9 57.0200 14 38.1100 44 41.0100 161 13.0700 1 57.0300 96 38.1200 5 41.0201 17 20.0703 8 58.0100 3 38.1300 182 41.0203 67 22.0300 60 58.0200 2 39.0100 87 42.0201 8 22.0400 2 58.0400 26 39.0200 8 42.0202 1 23.0100 1 58.0600 87 40.0100 10 42.0300 99 23.0200 42 58.0700 32 40.0200 40 42.0500 7 23.0300 53 59.0100 108 40.0300 56 42.0800 250 23.0400 8 59.0200 280 40.0400 102 42.1000 44 23.0500 23 59.0302 399 40.0500 163 42.1100 18 23.0600 81 60.0100 298 40.0600 105 43.0200 11 23.0700 11 60.0200 29 40.0700 265 44.0001 15 24.0701 68 60.0400 224 40.0800 30 45.0100 6 24.0702 22 61.0100 22 40.0901 38 46.0100 4 25.0000 71 61.0200 87 40.0902 78 46.0400 2 36.2000 11 61.0300 20 41.0100 43 47.0100 2 36.2200 7 61.0601 44 41.0201 312 47.0200 3 37.0300 9 61.0603 26 41.0202 4 47.0300 12 38.0100 10 61.0700 26 41.0203 170 47.0404 24 38.0400 20 620101 94 42.0201 112 48.0100 5 38.0501 24 620102 4 42.0202 29 48.0200 2 38.0600 3 62.0200 38 42.0300 251 48.0500 1 38.0700 7 62.0300 13 42.0401 75 48.0600 14 38.0800 1,771 62.0700 3 42.0402 151 49.0100 11 38.0900 6 6Z1000 29 42.0500 58 49.0200 1 38.1000 368 62.1100 19 42.0700 5 49.0300 1 38.1100 117 64.0104 10 42.0800 167 49.0500 10 38.1400 161 64.0400 59 42.1000 24 49.0600 4 39.0100 3,513 64.0700 5 42.1100 91 49.0700 10 39.0200 2 64.1200 28 47.0300 2 49.0800 3 40.0100 5 I 65.0400 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 118 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows}— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ■ Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 69.0100 92 56.0100 5 47.0404 46 13.0200 23 72.0204 7 56.0300 3 47.0500 36 13.0300 21 93.0000 -133 56.0500 18 48.0100 24 13.0500 18 94.0000 1.452 57.0100 6 48.0200 31 13.0600 6 95.0000 -918 57.0200 10 48.0300 14 13.0700 5 96.00C0 34 57.0300 69 48.0400 43 22.0300 3 97.00CO 3 58.0100 2 48.0500 59 23.0200 8 58.0200 47 48.0600 185 23.0300 2 38.0900 2,435 6 58.0400 58.0700 5 9 49.0100 49.0300 81 10 23.0500 23.0700 3 13.0200 2 13.0300 1 59.0100 2 49.0600 53 320500 4 13.0500 5 59.0302 832 49.0700 31 37.0300 4 13.0600 3 60.0100 149 49.0800 9 38.1100 72 13.0700 3 60.0200 32 50.0100 10 39.0100 4 22.0300 1 60.0400 45 50.0300 7 40.0100 12 23.0100 12 61.0100 18 51.0102 6 40.0200 101 23.0200 33 61.0200 4 51.0103 180 40.0300 10 23.0400 1 61.0300 3 51.0104 114 40.0400 9 23.0500 3 61.0601 3 51.0400 10 40.0500 23 23.0600 12 61.0603 7 52.0100 8 40.0600 37 23.0700 3 61.0700 1 520200 21 40.0700 16 26.0806 46 62.0101 24 5Z0300 227 40.0800 10 32.0100 2 62.0102 3 52.0400 6 40.0902 8 32.0300 1 62.0200 50 52.0500 59 41.0100 14 32.0500 2 62.0300 9 53.0200 172 41.0201 11 32.0600 5 62.0400 5 53.0300 50 41.0203 13 36.1100 7 62.0500 6 53.0400 406 42.0100 6 37.0300 83 62.0600 2 53.0500 32 42.0201 20 38.0100 17 620800 2 53.0800 45 42.0202 10 38.0501 43 620900 1 54.0100 53 42.0300 151 38.0600 6 62.1000 5 54.0200 24 42.0401 6 38.0900 52 62.1100 4 54.0300 56 42.0402 3 38.1000 44 63.0300 2 54.0400 66 42.0500 2 38.1400 84 64.0104 2 • 54.0500 37 42.0700 1 39.0100 1 64.0105 10 54.0700 64 42.0800 293 39.0200 1 64.0301 25 55.0100 121 42.1000 2 40.0100 2 64.0400 17 55.0200 62 42.1100 97 40.0200 3 64.0700 6 55.0300 60 43.0100 8 40.0300 4 64.0800 1 56.0100 98 43.0200 357 40.0400 3 64.1000 3 56.0300 152 44.0001 35 40.0500 36 64.1100 9 56.0500 133 44.0002 93 40.0600 18 64.1200 7 57.0100 11 45.0100 37 40.0700 23 69.0100 20 57.0200 74 45.0200 3 40.0800 6 73.0101 1 57.0300 313 45.0300 19 40.0901 2 93.0000 -108 58.0100 3 46.0100 4 40.0902 24 94.0000 638 58.0200 1 46.0200 7 41.0100 77 95.0000 -765 58.0400 158 46.0300 3 41.0201 15 96.00C0 -*0 58.0700 125 46.0400 1 41.0203 56 97.00CO 10 59.0100 8 47.0100 13 42.0100 2 59.0200 3 47.0200 5 42.0201 42.0202 9 2 38.1000 13.157 1 59.0301 59.0302 8 1.283 47.0300 47.0401 39 4.0001 81 42.0300 18 4.0002 1 60.0100 72 47.0402 1 42.0401 3 7.0000 13 60.0200 42 47.0404 9 42.0402 9 11.0101 328 60.0400 111 47.0405 10 42.0500 14 11.0102 5 61.0100 8 47.0500 7 42.0800 35 11.0105 112 61.0200 2 48.0100 21 42.1000 4 11.0108 36 61.0500 4 48.0200 8 42.1100 10 11.0400 75 620101 101 48.0300 9 43.0100 5 11.0501 5 620102 2 48.0400 17 43.0200 3 11.0800 531 62.0200 29 48.0500 6 44.0001 1 11.0900 2.203 62.0300 7 48.0600 76 44.0002 3 12.0101 195 620400 23 49.0100 158 45.0100 1 12.0214 102 62.0500 30 49.0200 8 45.0300 3 12.0300 1.275 62.0600 8 49.0300 22 46.0100 3 320100 7 62.0800 24 49.0500 43 46.0200 6 32.0300 6 62.0900 79 49.0600 4 46.0400 4 320400 3 621000 29 49.0700 44 47.0100 4 36.1000 2 621100 69 49.0800 22 47.0200 3 36.1100 33 63.0300 11 50.0100 161 47.0300 12 37.0200 2 64.0800 5 50.0200 49 47.0401 1 37.0300 1 64.1000 16 50.0300 4 47.0404 17 37.0402 74 64.1100 44 50.0400 414 47.0500 1 38.0800 1 65.0301 4 51.0102 1 48.0100 8 38.1000 1.007 65.0400 9 51.0103 1 48.0200 2 38.1400 6 66.0100 14 51.0104 26 48.0400 1 39.0100 51 66.0200 2 52.0100 3 48.0500 2 39.0200 1 68.0100 100 520200 3 48.0600 20 40.0400 8 68.0302 1 52.0300 194 49.0100 23 40.0600 38 69.0100 32 520400 22 49.0200 2 41.0100 22 69.0200 4 520500 27 49.0300 5 41.0201 5 70.0400 11 53.0200 1 49.0500 2 41.0202 5 70.0500 4 53.0300 16 49.0600 8 41.0203 65 71.0201 8 53.0400 148 49.0700 15 42.0300 3 720201 1 53.0500 9 49.0800 3 42.0401 10 72.0204 42 53.0800 1 50.0100 7 42.0402 36 73.0101 3 54.0100 83 50.0200 6 42.0500 5 73.0109 1 54.0200 26 50.0300 1 420700 1 74.0000 1 54.0300 82 50.0400 58 42.0800 4 75.0002 5 54.0400 45 52.0200 1 421000 8 76.0206 15 54.0500 21 52.0300 25 42.1100 6 77.0200 1 54.0700 16 52.0500 6 43.0100 26 77.0402 1 55.0200 143 53.0200 1 43.0200 14 78.0200 43 55.0300 112 53.0300 14 44.0001 3 91.0000 61 S6.0100 6 53.0400 3 44.0002 14 92.0000 52 56.0300 6 53.0500 6 45.0100 3 93.0000 32 56.0500 27 53.0800 4 45.0300 12 94.0000 1,820 57.0300 27 54.0100 3 46.0100 37 95.0000 -1,459 58.0100 9 54.0200 5 46.0200 46 96.00C0 49 58.0200 1 54.0300 6 46.0400 28 96.0010 32 58.0400 43 54.0400 6 47.0100 32 97.00CO 4 58.0700 7 54.0500 1 47.0200 13 97.0010 74 59.0100 8 54.0700 7 47.0300 24 59.0200 9 55.0200 17 47.0401 38 38.1100 6.832 59.0301 16 55.0300 29 47.0402 I 4 V 3.6"i 66 7 59.0302 1,539 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 119 Table 2A.- -The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— -Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ■ Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 60.0100 187 52.0300 6 14.2700 6 6.0100 21 60.0200 297 52.0400 5 14.2900 1 6.0200 44 60.0400 132 520500 1 14.3202 1 7.0000 71 61.0100 9 53.0200 1 27.0100 180 8.0001 19 61.0200 7 53.0300 1 27.0202 1 9.0001 29 61.0300 5 53.0400 1 27.0300 42 9.0002 22 61.0500 14 53.0500 1 27.0402 31 11.0101 132 61.0601 7 53.0800 1 27.0403 1 11.0102 28 61.0700 15 54.0100 1 27.0404 9 11.0105 45 62.0101 64 54.0700 1 27.0406 9 11.0108 69 62.0102 5 55.0300 1 28.0200 4 11.0400 708 62.0200 122 56.0100 4 29.0100 8 11.0501 4 62.0300 52 56.0300 1 29.0201 3 11.0601 138 62.0400 10 56.0500 45 29.0202 19 11.0602 7 62.0500 29 57.0200 4 29.0203 5 11.0800 1,492 62.0600 2 58.0100 7 29.0300 19 11.0900 2,197 62.0700 2 58.0600 13 30.0000 62 12.0101 79 62.0900 3 59.0100 1 31.0101 2 120214 156 62.1000 28 59.0200 1 31.0102 12 120215 9 62.1100 12 59.0301 1 31.0200 3 120300 1,211 63.0300 95 59.0302 16 37.0402 2 20.0701 51 64.0400 103 60.0100 64 39.0100 1 20.0702 35 64.1000 2 60.0200 477 39.0200 9 320400 21 64.1100 1 60.0400 161 41.0203 3 36.0100 5 64.1200 6 61.0100 1 42.1100 1 40.0400 258 65.0400 11 61.0200 2 69.0100 418 40.0600 186 72.0204 1 61.0500 3 92.0000 38 40.0700 32 73.0101 9 61.0601 1 93.0000 -8 40.0902 28 74.0000 6 61.0700 1 94.0000 275 420800 10 77.0200 11 62.0101 11 95.0000 -143 42.1100 21 77.0403 1 62.0102 4 96.00C0 12 43.0100 21 91.0000 10 62.0200 5 99.20C3 3 43.0200 2 93.0000 -26 62.0400 3 45.0100 245 94.0000 95.0000 41 -44 62.0500 62.0700 16 1 40.0100 729 153 45.0200 45.0300 5 11.0101 97 96.00CO 6 62.0800 1 11.0102 4 46.0100 1 97.00C0 6 62.0900 1 11.0105 58 46.0200 4 98.00C1 3 621000 5 11.0108 6 46.0300 11 98.00C2 1 64.0400 1 11.0501 3 46.0400 20 98.00C3 1 64.1000 1 11.0800 135 48.0400 1 99.10C1 43 64.1200 2 11.0900 118 48.0500 3 99.10C2 3 73.0101 2 12.0101 107 50.0400 37 99.20C2 2 93.0000 -38 12.0300 184 56.0500 5 99.20C3 8 96.0010 4 40.0100 12 58.0700 1 99.30C1 3 97.O0C0 15 93.0000 -2 60.0100 49 99.30C8 1 94.0000 59 60.0400 42 99.30C9 13 39.0100 12,093 95.0000 -108 61.0100 291 3.0001 2 61.0200 95 38.1400 1,220 6 14.0101 14.0102 4 16 40.0200 . . 2,566 492 62.0101 65.0400 5 i3.bi66 11.0101 5 13.0200 9 14.0105 11 11.0102 48 69.0200 8 13.0300 7 14.0300 47 11.0105 168 93.0000 -141 13.0500 1 14.0400 190 11.0108 41 94.0000 68 13.0600 3 14.0600 22 11.0501 8 95.0000 -25 13.0700 5 14.0700 59 11.0800 289 96.00C0 78 22.0300 2 14.0800 683 11.0900 249 96.0010 136 23.0200 15 14.0900 1,250 12.0101 295 97.00C0 31 23.0300 1 14.1100 4 12.0300 506 97.0010 65 23.0400 4 14.1200 31 20.0703 38 32.0300 37.0300 3 25 14.1301 14.1302 108 9 32.0500 40.0100 3 8 40.0500 6 572 11.0101 1,221 38.1400 23 14.1402 1 40.0200 98 11.0102 125 40.0100 3 14.1501 302 42.0800 4 11.0105 469 40.0200 2 14.1502 6 421100 10 11.0108 286 40.0300 4 14.2002 17 49.0100 105 11.0400 27 40.0400 1 14.2004 30 50.0400 15 11.0501 22 40.0500 1 14.2005 13 52.0400 4 11.0800 1,042 40.0600 13 14.2101 2,787 58.0100 16 11.0900 1,035 40.0800 1 14.2200 3.435 58.0200 1 12.0101 607 40.0901 3 14.2300 19 61.0601 18 120214 45 40.0902 1 14.2800 168 61.0603 12 12.0300 1,072 41.0201 1 14.2900 17 63.0300 6 20.0701 3 42.0300 10 14.3201 29 69.0100 18 20.0702 30 42.0500 2 14.3202 40 71.0100 134 20.0703 143 42.0700 1 27.0100 201 71.0201 83 40.0500 210 42.0800 80 27.0300 42 76,0205 2 61.0100 1 42.1100 4 27.0401 4 77T0401 2 61.0601 60 43.0100 2 27.0402 84 93.0000 2 61.0603 32 43.0200 2 27.0404 33 94.0000 62 64.1000 14 44.0001 2 27.0406 95 95.0000 -171 93.0000 7 44.0002 1 29.0100 73 94.0000 159 45.0100 45.0200 2 1 29.0201 29.0202 27 169 40.0300 2,321 450 95.0000 96.OOC0 -40 11.0101 2 46.0100 1 29.0203 27 11.0102 18 46.0200 47.0100 4 1 29.0300 30.0000 162 438 11.0105 11.0108 156 34 40.0600 8 915 1.0100 4 47.0300 7 31.0101 16 11.0501 8 1.0200 3 47.0401 1 31.0102 98 11.0800 274 1.0301 13 47.0402 1 31.0300 6 11.0900 255 2.0100 2 47.0404 1 39.0100 1.123 12.0101 198 20201 2 48.0100 1 39.0200 44 12.0300 298 £0202 8 48.0200 3 42.1100 5 20.0703 9 £0203 1 48.0400 2 62.0500 25 40.0300 103 20300 1 48.0500 1 68.0100 1 52.0300 1 2.0401 2 48.0600 5 69.0100 46 61.0100 13 2.0501 2 49.0100 7 73.0109 38 61.0601 21 20502 1 49.0200 2 93.0000 18 61.0603 13 2.0503 1 49.0300 4 94.0000 66 91.0000 302 2.0600 3 49.0500 3 95.0000 -58 93.0000 -14 £0701 1 49.0700 1 96.00C0 3 94.0000 300 2.0702 1 50.0100 3 98.00C1 5 95.0000 -126 8.0001 19 50.0200 4 99.10C1 2 96.00C0 5 11.0101 328 50.0400 17 97.00C0 3 11.0102 5 51.0103 16 39.0200 1 145 11.0105 116 41 51.0104 51.0400 36 1 14.0600 14.2500 112 4 I 40.0400 8,304 16 11.0108 11.0501 50001 4 See footnote at the end of the table. 120 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 11.0800 678 62.0101 220 13.0700 6 54.0300 35 11.0900 563 62.0102 64 20.0100 37 54.0400 27 1Z0101 179 62.0200 175 20.0200 6 54.0500 15 12.0300 318 6Z0300 34 20.0501 90 54.0700 23 37.0401 5 62.0800 1 20.0502 2 55.0200 90 40.0400 132 62.0900 1 20.0701 5 55.0300 106 40.0600 435 62.1000 150 20.0702 4 56.0100 29 43.0100 88 62.1100 112 20.0703 52 56.0300 38 43.0200 49 63.0300 1 20.0901 9 56.0500 102 45.0100 972 64.1100 131 20.0903 6 57.0100 9 45.0200 90 69.0100 87 20.0904 4 57.0200 16 46.0300 22 72.0204 6 22.0101 21 57.0300 201 46.0400 4 92.0000 413 22.0102 1 58.0400 22 47.0100 87 93.0000 83 22.0300 1 58.0600 26 47.0200 45 94.0000 50 23.0200 5 58.0700 28 47.0300 5 95.0000 -5 23.0300 5 59.0100 26 47.0401 69 96.00C0 31 23.0400 2 59.0200 39 47.0402 12 23.0500 10 59.0301 842 47.0404 47.0500 18 67 40.0800 2,508 54 23.0600 23.0700 5 10 59.0302 60.0100 780 11.0101 360 48.0100 17 11.0102 2 30.0000 1 60.0200 67 48.0200 2 11.0105 19 32.0300 31 60.0400 179 48.0300 4 11.0108 29 32.0400 24 61.0100 42 48.0500 30 11.0400 136 34.0305 1 61.0200 35 48.0600 115 11.0800 490 37.0101 40 61.0300 60 49.0100 95 11.0900 660 37.0103 5 61.0500 7 49.0600 23 12.0101 34 37.0104 21 61.0601 25 49.0700 32 1Z0214 138 37.0105 6 61.0603 15 49.0800 5 12.0215 5 37.0200 18 61.0700 2 50.0200 3 1Z0300 844 38.0700 1 62.0101 115 5Z0400 1 32.0400 1 38.0800 10 62.0102 8 52.0500 191 40.0800 35 38 0900 1 62.0200 99 61.0100 24 46.0100 1 38.1000 13 62.0300 52 61.0601 2 93.0000 -2 40 0100 4 62.0400 70 61.0603 2 94.0000 38 40.0200 44 62.0500 34 69.0100 1 95 0000 -15 40.0300 23 6Z0600 10 79.0100 2 96.00C0 3 40.0400 37 • 62.0700 2 9Z00O0 3,199 97.00C0 36 40.0500 56 62.0800 33 93.0000 -5 40.0600 7 62.0900 40 94.0000 95.0000 928 ^»15 40.0901 2.708 174 40.0700 40.0800 90 18 6Z1000 62.1100 53 11.0101 39 96.00CO 21 11.0102 1 40.0901 45 63.0300 22 96.0010 48 11.0105 58 40 0902 13 64.0301 9 97.0OC0 162 11.0108 12 41.0100 107 64.0400 61 97.0010 31 1 1 .0400 50 41.0201 172 64.0502 1 99.1011 1 11.0501 4 41.0202 1 64.1100 4 11.0800 1,509 41.0203 86 64.1200 17 40.0700 11.101 1,185 11.0900 12.0101 343 104 4Z0100 4Z0201 9 43 65.0100 65.0400 7 11.0101 1 11.0102 20 12.0214 55 4Z0202 2 65.0500 42 11.0105 550 12.0300 188 4Z0300 174 66.0100 81 11.0108 106 40.0901 32 42.0401 4 66.0200 18 11.0400 331 91.0000 24 4Z0500 167 68.0100 42 11.0501 27 93.0000 -€ 4Z0700 18 69.0100 1 11.0800 1,276 94.0000 149 4Z0800 359 69.0200 1 11.0900 708 95.0000 -7 42.1100 52 7Z0201 8 12.0101 505 96.0OC0 8 43.0100 35 7Z0204 28 12.0215 5 99.10C2 3 43.0200 145 7Z0205 3 12.0300 1,180 99.10C4 7 44.0001 83 73.0101 70 20.0701 1 44.0002 65 73.0102 1 20.0702 20.0703 55 125 40.0902 3,326 93 45.0100 45.0200 59 8 73.0107 75.0001 10 11.0101 23 3Z0400 8 11.0102 6 46.0100 17 75.0002 211 36.1100 14 11.0105 31 46.0200 100 76.0206 15 40.0700 141 11.0108 44 46.0300 5 77.0200 3 4Z0800 5 11.0400 102 46.0400 79 77.0600 39 42.1100 9 11.0501 1 47.0100 21 78.0100 2 43.0100 70 11.0800 753 47.0200 11 91.0000 117 43.0200 5 11.0900 1,019 47.0300 72 93.0000 81 45.0200 16 12.0101 52 47.0401 33 94.0000 439 46.0100 4 12.0214 132 47.0402 3 95.0000 -1,370 46.0200 28 1Z0300 847 47.0404 11 96.0OC0 69 46.0300 17 40.0902 108 47.0500 8 97.00C0 12 46.0400 18 56.0500 1 48.0100 2 98.00C1 10 47.0300 8 93.0000 -32 48.0200 19 98.00C2 4 48.0500 7 94.0000 248 48.0300 7 98.00C3 1 48.0600 113 95.0000 -96 48.0400 19 99.1 0C1 4 49.0300 76 96.00C0 10 48.0500 35 99.20C3 2 49.0600 5 97.00C0 7 48.0600 75 99.30C8 2 49.0700 6 49.0100 76 99.30C9 27 49.0800 1 41.0100 8.617 49.0200 24 50.0200 7 5.0001 2 49.0300 17 41.0201 15,949 50.0300 12 6.0100 2 49.0500 44 41.0201 26 50.0400 15 6.0200 9 49.0600 2 59.0100 66 51.0102 20 7.0000 134 49.0700 29 59.0200 105 51.0103 241 9.0001 4 49.0800 27 59.0301 11,762 51.0104 91 9.0002 1 50.0100 32 59.0302 2,119 51.0400 75 9.0003 2 50.0200 63 65.0400 1 52.0200 6 9.0004 1 50.0300 5 75.0002 1,233 5Z0300 3 10.0000 3 50.0400 126 76.0204 1 5Z0500 16 11.0101 105 51.0102 11 78.0100 1 53.0300 45 11.0105 41 51.0103 22 79.0200 1 53.0500 94 11.0108 2 51.0104 90 93.0000 72 53.0800 1 11.0400 5 51.0400 51 94.0000 1,571 56.0300 108 11.0501 1 5Z0100 9 95.0000 -1,018 56.0500 165 11.0800 18 52.0200 4 97.00C0 9 57.0100 119 11.0900 39 52.0300 244 57 0200 15 12.0101 59 52.0400 16 41.0202 830 57.0300 139 12.0214 2 52.0500 46 14.0800 57 58.0600 5 12.0215 2 53.0200 17 14.0900 108 58.0700 55 12.0300 41 53.0300 64 14.1100 121 59.0302 1,639 13.0100 13 53.0400 67 14.2004 1 61.0100 1 13.0200 35 53.0500 57 14.2005 1 61.0601 25 13.0300 17 53.0800 13 14.2101 7 61.0603 22 13.0500 21 54.0100 23 14.2103 39 61.0700 3 13.0600 4 54.0200 60 14.2104 7 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 121 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 41.0203. 14.2200 14.2300 14.2800 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 25.0000 29.0100 29.0202 29.0300 41.0202 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 99.30C8 1.0100 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0600 20.0100 20.0200 20.0903 20.0904 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0400 25.0000 27.0406 29.0202 29.0300 30.0000 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 34.0305 35.0100 36.0600 ' 36.0701 36.0800 36.0900 37.0101 37.0200 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0300 42.0401 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0600 49.0100 179 12 4 3 2 58 15 65 16 3 5 37 15 145 -82 1 1 5 4 1 9,168 34 8 4 2 16 27 16 3 4 43 9 10 12 76 12 1 48 72 6 5 56 194 28 31 3 22 5 3 3 25 5 1 68 140 7 2 14 8 4 34 6 149 36 1 5 1 5 16 106 7 76 18 2 24 10 16 15 37 1 90 5 9 163 10 3 83 53 352 111 95 147 1 40 4 5 6 10 6 4 8 25 36 1 45 49.0300 9 49.0600 5 49.0800 9 50.0100 3 50.0200 1 50.0400 15 51.0102 37 51.0103 105 51.0104 128 51.0400 38 52.0100 8 52.0200 13 52.0300 492 52.0400 7 52.0500 1 53.0200 27 53.0300 5 53.0400 250 53.0500 2 53.0800 9 54.0100 127 54.0200 49 54.0300 42 54.0400 41 54.0500 12 54.0700 38 55.0100 1 55.0200 209 55.0300 142 56.0100 104 56.0300 44 56.0500 227 57.0100 110 57.0200 73 57.0300 322 58.0100 14 58.0200 75 58.0400 26 58.0600 1 58.0700 34 59.0100 97 59.0200 1 60.0100 201 60.0200 16 60.0400 65 61.0200 1 61.0500 10 61.0603 20 61.0700 1 62.0101 33 62.0102 1 62.0200 78 62.0300 50 62.0400 176 62.0500 145 62.0600 2 62.0700 9 62.0800 55 62.0900 36 62.1000 102 62.1100 21 63.0300 184 64.0301 7 64.0502 6 64.0503 6 64.0800 13 64.1200 16 66.0100 222 66.0200 44 69.0100 1 72.0102 6 72.0201 9 72.0204 32 72.0205 5 73.0101 9 73.0102 1 73.0107 12 74.0000 57 76.0102 1 76.0205 2 77.0100 147 77.0200 175 77.0303 3 77.0305 4 77.0403 1 77.0600 20 77.0700 15 78.0100 3 78.0500 22 79.0200 1 91.0000 1,191 93.0000 49 94.0000 16 95.0000 -158 96.00C0 53 97.00CO 50 98.00C1 11 98.00C2 10 98.00C3 1 99.10C1 8 99.20C1 5 99.20C2 1 99.20C3 19 99.30C1 7 99.30C8 1 99.30C9 1 42.0100. 42.0201 4.0002 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 42.0100 59.0301 65.0302 65.0400 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0203 72.0300 73.0104 73.0301 74.0000 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0401 77.0402 77.0501 77.0503 77.0600 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.20C2 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0300 2.0401 a0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 4.0001 7.0000 8.0001 11.0101 11.0105 12.0101 14.1801 18.0400 20.0100 20.0200 20.0502 20.0600 22.0101 22.0200 23.0400 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 28.0100 31.0101 32.0400 32.0600 36.1100 36.1200 36.1500 37.0101 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 42.0201 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 50.0400 51.0103 5£0300 53.0400 55.0300 56.0300 57.0200 1,512 16 2 3 6 1 1 1 1 15 57 3 1 1 7 1 1 1 3 90 1 1 16 1 2 5 2 5 1 1 2 5 1 1.407 -14 192 -504 11 3 6 3 36 82 4 28 4 3,737 4 5 57 14 2 6 8 2 3 1 5 1 1 2 1 5 1 3 3 180 41 52 1 3 2 3 8 15 29 14 9 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 36 2 1 2 2 2 27 24 1 25 42.0202 . 59.0100 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 62.0101 62.0400 62.0500 63.0300 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0104 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0303 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0200 77.0301 77.0304 77.0401 77.0402 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 78.0100 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 98.0011 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0401 2.0501 2.0600 2.0702 11.0101 11.0105 12.0101 20.0100 20.0300 20.0800 2 20 7 4 8 2 1 2 2 4 2 7 1 26 14 68 4 51 50 7 1 18 1 4 158 66 2 29 7 6 10 22 6 35 2 2 4 1 14 1 4 1 50 938 23 4 2 6 29 6 2 3 4 9 4 1 2 2 10 1 1 8 6 2 7 983 27 57 461 -819 60 1 13 2 53 22 22 43 23 13 29 9 11 10 50 134 109 745 7 6 19 1 2 2 14 3 5 6 3 158 97 80 14 2 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 122 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, .992 Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities -Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0300 14.0600 14.1801 14.2200 15.0101 18.0400 20.0100 20.0200 20.0502 20.0600 20.0800 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0300 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0602 27.0100 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 29.0100 29.0202 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 320400 34.0304 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0900 36.1100 36.1700 36.2000 36.2200 37.0101 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0300 40.0400 I 40.0500 40.0600 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0300 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 46.0100 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 73 21 30 8 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 35 4 7 2 6 19 16 10 10 16 3 14 2 7 8 109 17 6 3 1 1 2 10 40 6 7 2 3 6 50 2 77 17 9 190 2 13 5 5 1 2 6 12 1 8 9 269 2 11 5 69 6 3 9 7 10 15 7 3 26 27 11 1 103 34 1 10 10 90 45 15 2 24 2 9 41 270 70 1 10 7 26 5 14 2 48 6 23 18 5 3 7 14 62 49.0300 49.0800 50.0200 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0300 520500 53.0300 53.0400 54.0200 54.0400 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0603 620101 62.0102 620200 620300 620400 620500 620700 621000 621100 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0301 64.0501 64.0504 64.0800 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 720101 720102 720201 720202 720203 720204 720300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 11 3 7 87 2 14 44 5 30 1 7 2 2 1 26 3 51 71 23 34 188 130 68 2 60 10 1 38 4 58 46 186 26 5 7 6 6 206 14 37 1 35 30 2 4 1 15 60 15 5 2 6 2 7 25 65 21 67 5 52 3 15 3 1 7 1 3 1 108 87 105 13 5 32 16 44 6 5 3 1 5 1 4 3 3 3 18 2 3 3 25 15 5 4 33 14 20 12 2 11 3 1 3 1 1 3 43.0100 . 43.0200 Using industry 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 97.0010 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 98.0011 98.0012 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.1011 99.1013 99.1 0W 99.20C3 99.2012 99.2013 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 99.3011 99.3015 99.3018 43.0100 43.0200 61.0100 68.0100 78.0200 79.0200 920000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.OOC0 96.0010 97.0010 99.3015 3.0001 3.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 13.0300 14.0300 14.0600 14.1801 14.1802 14.2101 14.2200 26.0100 32.0400 37.0200 421100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0400 48.0300 48.0600 49.0100 49.0300 50.0200 50.0400 52.0300 53.0400 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 44.0001 44.0002 61.0100 I 61.0200 61.0500 61.0603 61.0700 64.0301 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0600 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 720201 73.0101 73.0109 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0200 77.0402 77.0900 79.0100 91.0000 920000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00CO 97.0010 98.00C1 98.0011 99.1 0C2 99.20C3 99.2012 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 20100 20201 2.0202 20203 £0300 20401 2.0402 20501 20502 2.0503 2.0600 Z0701 20702 3.0O01 44.0001 44.0002 69.0100 73.0101 73.0107 76.0204 79.0300 920000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.0010 98.00C2 98.0011 98.0012 99.1011 99.2012 99.2013 99.30C1 99.3011 99.3017 99.3018 165 726 65 20 293 2 28 191 101 1 217 34 286 70 104 20 74 2 1 3 138 1 2 100 557 1 2 2 111 169 694 -83 3,019 -1,797 52 91 2 19 91 5 27 8 4 31 37 40 9.088 31 16 183 23 19 66 327 2 49 32 5 41 12 3 105 8 15 40 528 3 36 37 1 4 150 7,301 300 1,640 -2189 2 4 4 62 8 4 9 9 42 6 43 2 105 4.0001 4.0002 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0501 11.0800 1 1 .0900 12.0101 12.0300 44.0001 44.0002 71.0100 I See lootnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES Tab.e 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rows^ominued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 125 Commodity ' Using industry Value 45.0100 . 45.0200 . 45.0300 . 46.0100 73.0101 73.0107 79.0300 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 98.0011 98.0012 99.1011 99.2013 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 99.3011 99.3017 99.3018 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 45.0100 45.0200 61.0100 69.0100 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 99.1013 99.1014 99.30C9 99.3011 99.3012 99.3013 99.3015 99.3016 99.3017 99.3018 99.3019 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0601 11.0602 45.0200 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 7.0000 8.0001 11.0601 45.0300 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 11.0108 11.0800 11.0900 12.0215 46.0100 93.0000 46.0300 . 46.0400 47.0100 . Value 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0601 11.0602 32.0400 37.0401 46.0200 48.0600 49.0800 61.0100 69.0100 73.0101 78.0100 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.0OC0 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0800 11.0900 12.0215 45.0100 46.0300 46.0400 59.0301 59.0302 73.0101 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 Commodity ' Using industry Value 32.0400 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 40.0600 41.0201 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 46.0200 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0500 47.0200 48.0100 48.0200 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 58.0400 61.0100 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.0011 98.0012 99.10C1 99.1011 99.30C9 99.3011 99.3013 99.3015 99.3019 13.0600 37.0300 38.1100 38.1300 39.0200 40.0100 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41 .0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0500 42.0700 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0500 48.0100 48.0600 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 50.0400 52.0100 52.0300 5£0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 54.0100 54.0200 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0200 55.0300 58.0400 58.0600 59.0100 59.0301 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61 .0500 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.1100 73.0101 Commodity ' Using industry Value «'03O0 1 459 92.0000 1.102 93.0000 -1% 94.0000 95.0000 -61H 96.00C0 1 96.0010 1 97.00CO 4 98.0012 4 14,552 4.0001 1 5.0001 I * 6.0100 2 6.0200 3 7.0000 t 9.0001 1 9.0002 2 12.0215 | 13.0100 ° 13.0200 I 13.0300 6 13.0500 1 3 13.0600 3 13.0700 X 14.0105 f 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 % 14.1000 ; 14.1100 14.1301 14.1302 l 14.1801 8 14.1802 3 14.2004 1 14.2005 4 14.2101 3 14.2103 2 14.2200 6 14.3201 1 14.3202 3 15.0101 10 16.0100 10 16.0300 5 17.0100 17.1100 | 18.0201 1 18.0400 19.0100 i 19.0200 3 19.0302 1 19.0304 1 19.0306 1 i 20.0100 21 20.0200 11 I 20.0300 1 I 20.0501 4 20.0502 2 20.0600 3 20.0800 1 i 20.0901 1 20.0903 20.0904 « 22.0101 I" 22.0200 J 22.0300 22.0400 i 23.0100 X ! 23.0200 ! 23.0300 4 23.0400 2 23.0500 3 23.0600 1 23.0700 1 24.0100 3 24.0400 3 24.0500 4 24.0701 8 240702 5 24.0703 1 24,0706 24.0800 26 25.0000 I 26.0100 < 26 0301 3 26.0302 I 26.0401 1 ,2 26.050 1 18 26.060 1 26.070 D i 26080 3 26.080 6 -X 27.010 38 27.0300 I 27.0402 ' 27.0406 | A 28.01C * '* 28.02C o I 28.04C )0 8 29.011 )0 3 29.021 31 ? 29.021 32 1 29.03 30 * 30 0000 .1 31.01 01 I la See footnote at the end ot the table. 126 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 32.0100 2 52.0500 24 76.0206 4 40.0100 1 32.0300 20 53.0200 7 77.0200 10 40.0200 1 32.0400 161 53.0300 7 77.0301 2 40.0300 3 32.0500 3 53.0400 13 77.0402 10 40.0400 27 32.0600 8 53.0500 16 77.0403 1 40.0500 9 34.0201 2 53.0700 1 77.0502 2 40.0600 55 35.0100 20 53.0800 2 77.0504 2 40.0700 15 35.0200 69 54.0100 3 78.0100 3 40.0800 1 36.0100 1 54.0200 4 78.0200 1 40.0901 2 36.0200 1 54.0300 2 79.0100 2 40.0902 6 36.0300 1 54.0400 5 79.0200 2 41.0203 6 36.0800 3 54.0500 4 79.0300 3 42.0500 2 36.1000 1 54.0700 3 920000 8.358 47.0300 3 36.1100 3 55.0100 8 93.0000 -16 47.0404 111 36.1200 3 55.0200 7 94.0000 1,072 50.0200 3 36.1500 6 55.0300 19 95.0000 -1,550 50.0400 22 36.1600 4 56.0100 4 96.00CO 5 59.0301 35 36.1900 1 56.0200 1 97.00CO 14 60.0200 2 36.2000 4 56.0300 10 98.00C1 19 61.0100 14 36.2100 1 56.0500 22 98.00C2 13 65.0100 1 37.0101 115 57.0100 5 98.00C3 1 65.0301 3 37.0102 5 57.0200 66 99.10C1 7 65.0400 14 37.0103 138 57.0300 40 99.10C2 2 68.0100 59 37.0104 5 58.0100 3 99.20C2 1 73.0101 137 37.0105 15 58.0200 3 99.20C3 5 73.0111 14 37.0200 43 58.0400 16 99.30C1 2 73.0112 6 37.0300 35 58.0600 8 99.30C8 2 79.0100 5 37.0401 6 58.0700 11 99.30C9 30 91.0000 39 37.0402 6 59.0100 24 92.0000 1,309 38.0100 38.0400 2 3 59.0200 59.0301 6 150 47.0401 2,432 7 93.0000 94.0000 -26 1.0100 536 38.0501 1 59.0302 160 1.0200 4 95.0000 -391 38.0600 10 60.0100 807 1.0301 14 97.0010 1 38.0700 6 60.0200 145 1.0302 6 98.0011 3 38.0800 245 60.0400 53 20100 3 98.0012 18 38.0900 64 61.0100 13 2.0201 4 99.2012 3 38.1000 26 61.0200 5 2.0202 14 99.2013 2 38.1100 55 61.0300 6 2.0203 1 99.3011 3 38.1200 16 61.0500 2 2.0300 2 99.3015 6 38.1300 17 61.0601 1 20401 3 99.3016 7 38.1400 17 61.0603 6 2.0402 3 39.0100 39.0200 10 4 61.0700 620101 2 36 2.0501 20502 4 1 47.0405 712 36.1100 68 40.0100 3 620102 8 2.0503 1 37.0200 64 40.0200 11 620200 23 20600 5 38.1100 51 40.0300 7 620300 5 20701 1 38.1200 16 40.0400 10 620400 14 20702 3 38.1300 8 40.0500 13 620500 11 8.0001 9 40.0400 3 40.0600 13 620600 1 11.0101 11 40.0600 4 40.0700 17 620700 1 11.0105 4 40.0800 46 40.0800 3 62.0800 2 11.0108 3 40.0901 8 40.0901 2 620900 4 11.0400 15 420100 3 40.0902 1 621000 4 11.0800 9 42.0800 81 41.0100 194 621100 12 11.0900 57 44.0001 6 41.0201 391 63.0200 10 12.0101 7 45.0100 12 41.0202 8 63.0300 19 12.0214 4 46.0400 3 41.0203 97 64.0101 13 120300 14 47.0200 5 42.0300 28 64.0102 2 20.0100 17 47.0300 44 42.0401 21 64.0104 3 20.0703 1 47.0405 23 420402 13 64.0105 3 47.0100 2 47.0500 2 420500 11 64.0200 2 47.0401 22 49.0300 3 42.0800 35 64.0301 4 49.0100 1 50.0100 2 4Z1000 1 64.0400 10 50.0400 2 50.0200 1 42.1100 17 64.0501 3 61.0100 2 50.0300 1 43.0100 10 64.0503 i 68.0100 1 50.0400 17 43.0200 35 64.0700 1 73.0101 11 55.0300 11 44.0001 35 64.0800 3 73.0107 18 59.0302 1 45.0100 25 64.0900 2 91.0000 632 61.0300 3 45.0200 5 64.1000 3 920000 1,817 620101 3 45.0300 26 64.1100 17 93.0000 4 62.0102 20 46.0100 4 64.1200 33 94.0000 409 62.0200 1 46.0200 17 65.0100 73 95.0000 -783 69.0100 50 46.0400 7 65.0200 1 96.0010 1 69.0200 9 47.0100 32 65.0301 17 98.00C1 30 73.0101 138 47.0200 20 65.0400 137 98.00C3 2 93.0000 2 47.0300 544 65.0500 28 98.0011 8 94.0000 9 47.0401 33 66.0100 3 98.0012 6 95.0000 -6 47.0402 4 66.0200 2 99.10C2 14 47 0404 4 67 0000 1 99.1011 2 47.0500 1,578 47.0405 4 68.0100 19 99.3011 2 37.0101 145 47.0500 4 68.0202 18 99.3015 2 37.0200 14 48.0100 22 68.0301 1 38.1000 1 48.0200 12 68.0302 2 47.0402 576 40.0600 36 48.0300 5 69.0100 142 47.0402 30 47.0300 22 48.0400 24 69.0200 36 92.0000 506 47.0500 42 48.0500 16 70.0100 3 93.0000 -1 50.0200 12 48.0600 68 71.0201 4 94.0000 111 50.0400 108 49.0100 9 72.0101 1 95.0000 -70 59.0301 1 49.0200 21 72.0203 2 75.0002 6 49.0300 49.0500 19 5 72.0204 720205 7 3 47.0404 2,435 1 920000 93.0000 1.180 7.0000 9 49.0600 12 73.0101 32 8.0001 8 97.00C0 2 49.0700 30 73.0102 2 11.0101 3 49 0800 21 73 0104 4 11.0105 1 48 0100 2.210 50.0100 1 73.0107 84 11.0108 3 14.0101 2 50.0200 25 73.0108 2 11.0400 42 14.0102 2 50.0300 1 73.0109 22 11.0800 84 14.0105 2 50.0400 155 73.01 1 1 6 11.0900 87 14.0300 3 51.0102 2 73.0112 49 120101 2 14.0400 2 51.0103 17 73.0302 9 12.0214 12 14.0500 2 51.0104 8 73.0303 2 120215 3 14.0600 4 51.0400 1 74.0000 1 120300 56 14.0900 7 52.0100 7 75.0001 2 20.0100 6 14.1000 2 52.0200 1 75.0002 24 23.0500 5 14.1100 2 52.0300 80 76.0202 1 37.0101 28 14.1200 2 52.0400 1 76.0205 2 37.0200 27 14.1301 2 See footnote at the end of the table. Commodity ' 48.0200 . 48.0300 . 48.0400. 18.0500 . Using industry 14.1302 j 14.1401 14.1402 i 14.1501 , 14.1502 14.1700 1 14.1801 14.1802 i 14.2002 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2200 I 14.2300 14.2500 14.2700 i 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 | 41.0203 48.0100 69.0200 73.0101 74.0000 92.0000 93.0000 I 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 I 98.00C1 98.0012 16.0100 16.0200 I 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 i 17.0600 17.0700 17.1001 17.1100 1 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 i 18.0203 18.0300 | 19.0302 19.0305 34.0202 j 35.0100 48.0200 92.0000 93.0000 i 94.0000 95.0000 20.0100 , 20.0200 20.0300 I 20.0502 I 20.0600 20.0703 I 20.0800 20.0904 220101 | 48.0300 | 91.0000 92.0000 I 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 | 97.0010 98.00C1 98.0011 98.0012 I 20.0904 | 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 i 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 i 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 i 25.0000 48.0400 69.0200 I 71.0201 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 77.0100 77.0502 | 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 | Value DETAILED TABLES Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities fRowsW-r _____ t _J«- of dears at pacers ! p^° ^'"^ Commodity ' 127 48.0600 . 49.0100 . See footnote a, the end of , he tabl& 2,375 Using industry 26.0100 i 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 | 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 I 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 32.0300 j 48.0500 73.0101 73.0107 | 73.0108 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 97.0010 98.0011 98.0012 | 99.3019 4.0002 i 11.0101 12.0101 12.0300 i 13.0100 18.0400 i 27.0100 28.0100 32.0100 i 32.0300 320400 320500 i 37.0200 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 | 48.0600 I 57.0200 57.0300 | 65.0301 69.0100 69.0200 i 72.0201 72.0203 73.0101 75.0002 i 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 i 95.0000 I 96.00C0 96.0010 i 97.00C0 I 97.0010 98.00C1 Value Commodity ' 3.0002 | 6.0100 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 11.0101 11.0105 11.0501 11.0601 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 120300 14.0400 | 24.0100 24.0800 27.0100 27.0405 i 28.0100 28.0200 29.0100 i 29.0201 31.0101 32.0100 I 37.0101 37.0103 37.0104 37.0200 38.0400 I 38.1000 40.0700 43.0100 | 43.0200 44.0001 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 47.0100 | 47.0200 47.0402 48.0100 i 29 49.0200 . Using industry 48.0200 i 48.0500 48.0600 I 49.0100 49.0600 49.0700 , 49.0800 I 50.0200 52.0300 52.0400 i 52.0500 54.0200 59.0100 61.0100 I 61.0200 i 61.0300 i 65.0400 65.0600 68.0100 73.0101 , 75.0002 | 77.0200 79.0100 920000 I 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 i 96.0010 97.0010 98.00C1 99.10C2i 99.2012 99.30C8 99.3016 | Value 5.0001 6.0100 i 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 i 9.0003 9.0004 | 10.0000 13.0100 13.0300 13.0600 14.0600 14.2200 14.2500 I 18.0300 23.0200 36.1200 37.0101 I 37.0103 | 37.0104 37.0105 | 37.0200 37.0300 38.0700 38.0800 | 38.0900 38.1000 40.0400 i 40.0500 40.0600 41.0201 41.0202 i 41.0203 420300 420500 42.0800 i 421100 1 43.0100 43.0200 i 44.0001 44.0002 i 45.0100 45.0200 | 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 | 46.0400 I 47.0100 47.0200 i 47.0300 I 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 | 47.0405 | 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 | 48.0300 I 48.0400 48.0500 , 48.0600 i 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 I 49.0700 i 49.0800 I Commodity > 49.0300 . Using industry 50.0200 I 50.0400 51.0400 520300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 i 54.0200 58.0400 58.0600 59.0301 59.0302 t 60.0100 60.0200 I 60.0400 I 61.0100 61.0200 | 61.0300 I 61.0500 61.0603 62.0101 62.0102 620200 62.0300 62.0800 i 62.0900 62.1000 | 62.1100 64.0301 64.0400 I 65.0100 65.0200 65.0400 I 65.0600 66.0100 66.0200 i 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 | 72.0204 73.0101 73.0107 75.0002 i 78.0500 93.0000 94.0000 I 95.0000 I 96.00CO 97.00C0 | 49.0500 5.0001 7.0000 | 9.0001 11.0108 11.0800 11.0900 I 37.0101 37.0104 37.0200 | 40.0300 40.0600 45.0100 I 45.0200 46.0400 49.0300 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 520300 I 520500 54.0200 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 | 65.0100 I 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 68.0100 I 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 I 70.0200 71.0201 720204 73.0101 73.0107 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 I 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 98.0011 99.20C3 6.0100 7.0000 | 8.0001 Value 128 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry 1 99.3011 6 99.3015 4 99.3016 2 9 4 49.0800 14.0101 3 14.0102 2 14.0105 4 14.0300 5 14.0400 1 14.0600 7 14.0900 2 14.1000 4 14.1100 703 14.1200 52 14.1301 3 14.1302 75 14.1401 1 14.1402 1 14 1501 4 14.1801 6 14 1802 6 14 1803 9 14.2002 1 14.2004 7 14.2005 1 14.2101 9 14.2103 15 14.2104 4 14.2200 8 14.2300 1 14.2500 1 14.2700 5 14.2900 10 14.3201 8 14.3202 1 41.0203 8 49.0800 10 69.0200 9 73.0101 1 74.0000 1 92.0000 27 93.0000 1 94,0000 8 95.0000 1 4 20 29 97.0010 50.0100 1.0100 6 1.0200 1 1.0301 18 1.0302 4 2.0100 4 20201 3 2.0202 2 2.0300 7 20401 2 2.0402 1 20501 8 2.0502 1 2.0503 4 2.0600 1 2.0701 1 £0702 17 3.0001 13 4.0002 40 6.0200 277 7.0000 41 8.0001 5 9.0001 S 9.0002 22 11.0101 18 11.0105 1 11.0400 26 11.0800 14 11.0900 77 120101 1 12.0300 6 14.0101 22 14.0300 11 14.0600 1 14.1801 15 14.2101 3 14.2200 18 18.0400 6 20.0100 1 20.0200 5 24.0800 7 25.0000 13 26.0100 2 26.0501 1 27.0100 3 31.0101 1 36.0100 45 36.1100 2 36.1200 10 37.0101 5 43.0100 2.613 43.0200 6 46.0400 3,005 50.0100 -2,484 59.0301 38 59.0302 1 65.0100 2 65.0200 46 65.0301 Value Commodity ' Using industry 49.0600 . 49.0700 . 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 13.0300 20.0100 23.0700 36.1200 36.1400 37.0101 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 40.0400 40.0600 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 50.0400 51.0102 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0400 54.0300 58.0400 59.0100 59.0200 59.0302 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0603 62.0900 63.0300 65.0100 72.0204 73.0101 79.0100 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 37.0401 37.0402 49.0600 50.0200 50.0400 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 16 5 7 5 4 267 152 56 1 5 206 16 52 34 223 11 1 30 107 26 72 17 106 3 13 38 94 142 104 148 30 6 62 11 29 52 9 20 12 5 11 27 15 34 69 80 32 94 49 389 16 20 52 33 95 1 6 21 54 1 33 59 33 37 41 5 471 61 134 2 59 105 19 3 3 2 8 83 10 -15 541 -1,034 3 1,762 28 6 217 1 10 1.368 -13 331 -186 5,224 4 3 20 4 5 7 21 1 5 4 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 4.0001 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 11.0101 11.0105 11.0108 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 120300 14.0600 15.0101 23.0200 24.0100 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 27.0201 27.0300 28.0100 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 32.0100 32.0300 320400 32.0600 36.0800 36.1100 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 37.0401 38.0100 40.0600 41.0201 41.0203 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0200 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0401 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 50.0400 52.0500 56.0500 58.0700 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 620101 63.0300 64.0400 64.1100 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 73.0101 73.0107 75.0001 75.0002 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 97.0010 99.1011 99.2012 7 10 5 2982 2 4 4 5 4 5 2~ 9 6 1 4 1 2 l * 33 i i i l 4 S 2 32 5 4 E l i 12 5 76 18 104 162 2.560 29 559 -734 10 1.831 2 1 13 3 1 5 25 3 2 1 3 1 1 8 1 1 1 9 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 12 462 4 61 300 255 1 6 8 50.0200 . 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0203 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 77.0402 77.0503 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 91.0000 93.0000 96 00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C4 99 20C1 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 20100 2.0201 20202 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 8.0001 11.0101 11.0105 12.0101 13.0100 41.0201 43.0100 43 0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48 0300 48.0400 48.0500 See footnote at the end of the table. Commodity i 50.0300 . 50.0400 . Using industry 48.0600 i 49.0100 49.0600 49.0700 i 49.0800 50.0200 50.0400 52.0400 I 52.0500 59.0100 59.0200 | 59.0301 59.0302 | 60.0100 60.0200 I 60.0400 61.0100 61.0300 61.0601 i 65.0400 65.0600 73.0101 l 75.0002 79.0300 92.0000 93.0000 94-0000. 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 I 97.00C0 97.0010 37.0402 49.0800 50.0300 l 69.0100 l 73.0109 I 78.0100 91.0000 92.0000 | 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 i 97.00C0 I 98.0011 98.0012 I 99.1011 99.3011 Value DETAILED TABLES Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rows^-r , fMil-ions of d o„ars at produced S^W 129 Commodity ' Using industry Value 1.0100 1.0200 I 10301 1.0302 I 2.0100 i 20201 i 2.0202 I 20300 2.0401 2.0402 | 2.0501 i 2.0502 I 2.0503 2.0600 i 2.0701 j 20702 I 4.0001 5.0001 6.0100 i 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 | 10.0000 11.0601 11.0800, 13.0100 13.0200 I 13.0300 13.0500 i 13.0600 13.0700 i 14.0101 I 14.0102 I 14.0105 14.0300 14.0600 j 14.0800 j 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 i 14.1301 14.1302 | 14.1401 14.1402 i 14.1501 I 14.1502 14.1801 j 14.1802 I 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 See footnote at the end of the table. 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2200 I 14.2300 14.3201 14.3202 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 i 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 i 17.0600 17.1100 I 18.0101 18.0102 i 18.0201 18.0202 18.0300 I 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0302 I 19.0304 19.0306 20.0100 I 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 i 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 | 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 | 22.0101 22.0200 22.0300 i 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 i 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 | 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 i 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 i 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 i 26.0100 I 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 , 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 I 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 I 27.0201 27.0300 27.0402 I 27.0403 27.0404 27.0406 28.0100 | 28.0200 28.0400 29.0100 i 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 30.0000 , 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 i 31.0300 l 32.0100 I 32.0300 32.0400 i 320500 l 32.0600 33.0001 34.0201 34.0303 i 35.0100 I 36.0100 I 36.0200 | 36.0300 i 36.0400 36.0600 36.0800 36.0900 Commodity ' I Using ' industry 36.1000 | 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 | 36.1500 I 36.1600 36.1900 i 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 i 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 , 37.0200 37.0300 I 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 i 38.0400 j 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 l 38.0800 i 38.0900 I 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 i 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 i 40.0100 I 40.0200 40.0300 | 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 i 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 I 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 | 41.0203 | 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 i 42.0300 42.0401 , 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 i 42.0800 I 42.1000 42.1100 . 43.0100 43.0200 | 44.0001 44.0002 | 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 i 46.0100 46.0200 I 46.0300 | 46.0400 47.0100 | 47.0200 i 47.0300 I 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 I 47.0405 I 47.0500 , 48.0100 I 48.0200 48.0300 | 48.0400 I 48.0500 | 48.0600 I 49.0100 49.0200 | 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 | 49.0700 49.0800 i 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 I 50.0400 j 51.0102 I 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 | 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 | 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 I 53.0400 I Value Commodity ' Using industry 53.0500 i 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 | 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 i 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 l 58.0100 I 58.0200 58.0400 i 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 i 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 | 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 I 620300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 | 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 i 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 i 64.0104 64.0105 i 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 | 64.0800 64.0900 | 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 I 65.0200 I 65.0301 65.0302 I 65.0400 j 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 I 68.0100 i 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 | 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 71.0201 72.0101 720201 720203 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 Value 130 Commodity ' 51.0102. 51.0103 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OP THE UNTTED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.-The Use Teble for Commodities -Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 73.0200 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0202 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0502 77.0504 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 98.0011 99.1 0C2 99.1 0C4 99.1011 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.3011 51.0102 69.0200 72.0204 73.0303 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 98.0011 98.0012 98.0013 99.1011 99.1012 99.1013 99.3011 99.3012 99.3015 99.3018 99.3019 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 72.0204 73.0104 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 96.0010 97.00CO 97.0010 98.0011 3 32 42 2 10 101 4 2 2 5 2 2 8 3 72 7 5 2 6 3 56 5 2 6 12 8 2 12 10 806 41 18 1.451 -1,266 90 365 5 218 20 93 5 19 2 12 3 5 2 12 2 10 1,455 1 51.0104 . 5 67 56 1,645 51 266 -851 15 82 36 1 2 1 2 3 2 37 1 25 31.866 6 4,975 966 37 136 53 2 51 720 34 193 5 193 12 11 39 111 59 9 2,151 3,104 15,819 -1,083 16,644 -15.125 43 493 56 576 272 98.0012 98.0013 99.1011 99.1012 99.1013 99.1014 99.2011 99.2012 99.2013 99.3011 99.3012 99.3013 99.3014 99.3015 99.3016 99.3017 99.3018 99.3019 15.0101 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 48.0300 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 53.0400 56.0100 58.0600 58.0700 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 62.0101 62.0400 62.0800 62.0900 63.0300 64.1100 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0203 72.0204 7Z0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 77.0504 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.0OC0 97.0010 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 475 22 33 96 6 6 42 52 34 20 3 79 1 22 3 1 35 374 25,692 2 15 7 2 2 45 18 108 3,372 2.117 113 11 11 65 46 2 2 88 21 35 13 16 144 506 11 21 2 2 285 37 33 7 75 77 220 69 162 74 4 28 159 38 7 2 4 146 2 2 2 2 4,451 2 2 2 198 179 47 65 362 19 65 11 2 4 15 2 2 2 57 715 4 2 12 70 1,996 17,033 -234 5,301 -15,671 164 469 582 290 81 82 23 Value Commodity ' 51.0400 52.0100. 52.0200 52.0300 98.0011 98.0012 98.0013 99.1 0C1 99.1 0C2 99.1011 99.1012 99.1013 99.1014 99.20C1 99.20C3 99.2011 99.2012 99.2013 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 99.3011 99.3012 99.3016 99.3017 99.3018 99.3019 51.0400 65.0701 65.0702 69.0100 69.0200 72.0204 73.0101 77.0100 77.0401 78.0100 91 .0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 97.0OC0 97.0010 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.0011 98.0012 98.0013 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.1011 99.1012 99.1013 99.1014 99.2011 99.2012 99.2013 99.30C9 99.3011 99.3012 99.3014 99.3015 99.3016 99.3017 99.3018 99.3019 52.0100 5£0200 54.0300 56.0100 69.0200 72.0201 720203 73.0107 76.0206 78.0100 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 98.0011 52.0200 7£0201 92.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 98.0012 99.1011 99.2013 99.3018 3.0001 3.0002 4.0002 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 11.0101 11.0102 182 179 14 131 179 12 5 4 6 29 39 13 6 1 5 18 29 17 1 2 1 2 179 3.075 3 14 5 38 4 279 40 4 3 3 212 1.672 25 714 -1.040 1 94 81 1 -1 336 144 40 14 41 15 15 12 3 5 6 2 4 22 3 2 13 10 4 9 223 Using industry Value 762 11 6 1 7 43 4 5 1 96 14 497 -10 130 -52 9 543 19 139 308 68 -55 3 37 7 6 11 18,442 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 1,561 19 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2005 14.2101 14.2200 14.2900 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 18.0400 20.0100 20.0200 20.0702 20.0703 22.0101 23.0200 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0706 24.0800 26.0100 26.0501 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 31.0101 32.0400 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.1100 36.1200 37.0101 40.0300 40.0700 42.1000 48.0100 49.0800 520100 52.0300 52.0500 53.0400 54.0200 55.0200 56.0100 57.0300 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 61.0100 61.0300 61.0601 61.0603 6£0400 62.0500 63.0300 64.0301 64.1100 64.1200 I 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 537 123 10 25 935 929 949 12 1,400 2 1 2 1 2 5 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 2 6 1 4 1 3 62 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 45 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 9 1 3 1 28 1,798 25 1 347 2 1 1 9 55 2,225 147 10 1 33 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 4 2 2 3 1 1 1 7 172 87 See footnote at the end of the table. Commodity "4 52.0400 . 52.0500 . 53.0200 . Using industry 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0203 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 77.0402 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0100 79.0300 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.0011 98.0012 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.30C9 52.0400 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 97.0010 11.0101 11.0800 11.0900 52.0500 61.0100 65.0301 69.0100 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0109 77.0200 77.0403 79.0100 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.0011 99.10C1 99.1013 99.1014 99.2013 99.30C8 99.30C9 99.3016 99.3018 DETAILED TABLES Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rows^-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 131 3.0002 i 11.0101 11.0105 i See footnote at the end of the table. Using industry Value 51.0104 51.0400 i 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 I 53.0200 | 53.0400 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 i 54.0400 54.0700 | 55.0200 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 | 58.0600 59.0301 59.0302 61.0100 | 62.0400 62.0500 | 62.1100 63.0300 64.0301 64.0400 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 i 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 i 72.0201 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 i 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0700 77.0800 91.0000 92.0000 i 93.0000 94.0000 | 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00C0 | 97.0010 98.0011 98.0012 99.1013 , 99.2012 99.3015 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 45.0100 46.0100 46.0200 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 53.0400 . Commodity ' Using industry 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0300 51.0103 51.0104 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 61.0300 62.0200 62.0300 62.1100 65.0100 66.0100 66.0200 | 69.0100 72.0204 73.0106 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 | 99.3013 99.3015 1.0100 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 20201 2.0202 20300 2.0401 2.0501 2.0600 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 120101 12.0300 20.0100 23.0700 40.0300 40.0600 40.0700 41.0203 42.0300 42.0800 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 51.0102 51,0103 51.0104 Value 1 6 11 31 14 8 5 69 1 4 8 3 39 1 10 97 15 52 2 291 1 1 2 22 275 33 2 1 6 87 1.453 -51 399 -782 183 33 25 78 7 27 8,622 2 5 2 1 2 10 2 2 2 3 2 4 1 184 3 55 9 3 73 165 96 186 4 5 33 1 4 2 193 23 211 246 35 19 36 30 7 14 67 29 44 70 19 30 24 24 37 11 59 15 31 139 505 8 133 65 4 38 34 32 10 6 920 132 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 51.0400 32 48.0200 5 8.0001 1 96.00C0 2 52.0100 25 48.0300 4 13.0100 100 98.0011 28 52.0200 31 48.0400 43 27.0100 70 98.0012 6 52.0300 1,012 48.0500 71 35.0100 30 99.1011 14 52.0400 16 48.0600 171 36.1600 8 99.2013 5 52.0500 110 49.0100 36 37.0101 237 53.0300 53.0400 1 201 49.0300 49.0600 1 14 37.0102 37.0105 25 9 54.0300 2968 20.0702 3 54.0100 16 49.0700 5 37.0200 45 20.0703 40 54.0200 97 49.0800 80 38.0400 53 54.0300 7 54.0300 237 50.0200 3 38.0600 18 61.0601 24 54.0400 156 50.0300 1 38.1000 4 61.0603 23 54.0500 112 51.0103 16 40.0600 8 69.0200 3 54.0700 72 51.0104 27 47.0404 2 71.0201 46 56.0300 1 51.0400 5 52.0100 2 72.0201 47 56.0500 24 52.0100 7 53.0400 17 79.0300 10 58.0600 1 52.0200 2 53.0500 4 91.0000 2.353 58.0700 46 520300 94 53.0700 32 92.0000 137 59.0301 5 52.0400 1 57.0200 31 93.0000 -44 59.0302 6 52.0500 9 57.0300 11 94.0000 473 60.0100 18 53.0200 258 580200 43 95.0000 -189 60.0400 10 53.0300 411 58 0400 29 96.00CO 10 61.0100 89 53.0400 81 58.0600 6 98.0012 18 61.0200 33 53.0500 455 59.0302 1 99.20C3 7 61.0300 80 53.0800 53 62.0800 51 62.0101 62.0102 38 8 54.0100 54.0200 43 26 62.0900 650100 88 5 54.0400 2 693 11.0101 ' 41 62.0200- 35 54.0300 10 65.0200 30 11.0105 11 62.0300 11 54.0400 9 650400 2 11.0108 3 62.1000 22 56.0100 41 65 0500 12 11.0501 2 62.1100 5 56.0200 1 68.0100 16 11.0800 58 63.0300 112 56.0300 18 73.0101 1 11.0900 64 64.0400 1 56.0500 48 73.0111 21 12.0101 23 65.0100 7 57.0300 30 73.0112 8 12.0214 2 65.0200 74 58.0600 122 93.0000 14 12.0300 86 65.0301 135 58.0700 8 94.0000 343 20.0703 3 65.0400 2 59.0302 1 95.0000 -173 54.0400 2 65.0600 19 60.0100 74 96.00C0 2 61.0601 1 68.0100 3 60.0200 1 97.00CO 1 61.0603 1 72.0204 53 60.0400 13 65.0400 1 73.0101 73.0104 3 3 61.0100 61.0200 298 2 53.0800 1.975 23 70.0100 71.0201 1 47.0100 2 73.0111 4 61.0300 41 47.0200 7 72.0101 8 73.0112 1 62.0101 185 47.0402 1 7Z0204 36 75.0002 117 62.0102 35 47.0404 38 72.0300 115 79.0100 246 62.0200 139 47.0500 5 73.0102 5 91.0000 102 62.0300 69 51.0103 58 74.0000 5 92.0000 1.086 62.0400 4 51.0104 31 77.0200 7 93.0000 39 62.0500 4 53.0200 119 77.0301 6 94.0000 1.900 62.0800 25 53.0400 142 77.0401 3 95.0000 -2,282 62.0900 47 53.0800 15 77.0402 1 96.00CO 32 6Z1000 35 56.0300 3 77.0503 1 96.0010 66 6Z1100 240 58.0600 3 77.0700 8 97.00C0 5 63.0300 4 621100 4 77.0900 2 97.0010 12 64.0200 2 66.0100 19 91.0000 3,362 98.00C1 44 64.0301 2 66.0200 1 92.0000 87 98.00C2 21 64.1100 112 69.0100 1 93.0000 36 98.0011 47 65.0100 29 69.0200 6 94.0000 447 98.0012 39 65.0200 67 70.0400 3 95.0000 -1,832 99.1011 14 65.0301 54 70.0500 1 96.00C0 1 99.2012 4 65.0302 2 71.0201 1 96.0010 4 99.2013 2 65.0400 6 75.0002 134 97.00C0 1 99.3015 124 65.0500 1 92.0000 1,221 97.0010 7 65.0600 9 93.0000 1 98.00C1 1 53.0500 7.314 8 66.0100 66.0200 13 2 94.0000 95.0000 32 -4 98.00C2 98.0011 1 6.0100 22 6.0200 7 67.0000 29 96.00C0 61 98.0012 31 7.0000 51 68.0100 168 96.0010 5 99.10C2 3 8.0001 66 69.0100 6 97.00C0 6 99.1011 1 9.0001 26 70.0100 15 97.0010 3 99.2012 4 9.0002 8 72.0204 1 98.00C1 1 99.2013 17 9.0003 1 73.0104 118 98.00C2 6 99.30C9 2 9.0004 1 73.0106 1 98.0011 13 10 0000 7 73.01 1 1 666 98 00I2 6 54 0500 1 827 13.0100 56 73.0112 131 99.3015 9 11.0101 23 13.0200 10 73.0200 1 54.0500 1 32 0300 18 75 0002 152 54.0100 3,046 72.0204 85 37.0101 104 77.0200 42 20.0702 3 91.0000 1,490 37.0103 5 77.0301 2 20.0703 40 92.0000 76 37.0104 57 77.0401 1 54.0100 11 93.0000 8 37.0105 22 77.0402 2 61.0601 23 94.0000 312 37.0200 43 77.0403 6 61.0603 22 95.0000 -175 38.0700 36 79.0100 194 72.0204 262 98.0011 6 38.0800 35 79.0200 2 91.0000 2,455 98.0012 1 38.0900 10 92.0000 697 92.0000 973 38 1000 27 93 0000 75 93.0000 9 54.0700 2,223 40.0300 30 94.0000 1.106 94.0000 263 11.0101 251 41.0201 16 95.0000 -1,541 95.0000 -1,066 11.0102 3 41.0203 1 96.00C0 81 96.00C0 7 11.0105 88 42.0800 93 96.0010 21 96.0010 5 11.0108 28 43.0100 107 97.00C0 94 98.0011 18 11.0501 5 43.0200 105 97.0010 13 98.0012 4 11.0800 110 45.0100 79 98.00C1 1 99.10C1 10 11.0900 258 45.0200 1 98.00C2 9 99.1011 4 12.0101 149 46.0100 6 98.0011 1 99.2013 3 12.0214 35 46.0200 19 98.0012 7 12.0300 257 46 0300 6 99 10C1 7 54.0200 4,076 20.0702 1 46.0400 5 99.20C1 1 20.0702 4 20.0703 15 47.0100 131 99.20C2 1 20.0703 64 61.0601 9 47.0200 25 99.20C3 5 61.0601 31 61.0603 10 47.0300 4 99.30C1 1 61.0603 28 69.0200 3 47.0401 68 99.30C8 1 7Z0204 77 72.0204 61 47.0402 6 99.3013 10 91.0000 2.374 91.0000 1,066 47.0404 8 99.3015 100 92.0000 1,118 92.0000 277 47.0500 21 94.0000 587 93.0000 -105 48.0100 33 53.0700 1,207 95.0000 1 -262 94.0000 247 See footnote at trie end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 133 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 95.0000 -548 62.0400 2 24.0800 3 29.0201 1 96.00C0 2 62.0500 2 26.0100 3 29.0300 1 97.0010 1 63.0300 3 26.0501 3 32.0400 1 64.0301 2 31.0101 6 38.1000 51 55.0100 2,964 3 64.0400 64.1100 2 4 32.0400 36.0800 25 18 44.0002 47.0401 10 3 1.0100 V0200 2 64.1200 2 41.0201 4 47.0500 3 1.0301 6 65.0100 1 53.0400 3 50.0300 5 l]0302 12 65.0301 6 55.0200 80 51.0103 33 Z0100 2 65.0302 1 59.0100 30 51.0104 27 2^0201 2 65.0400 12 59.0200 22 51.0400 2 2^0202 11 65.0500 2 59.0301 558 52.0100 24 2.0300 2 66.0100 3 59.0302 4 52.0200 8 2^0401 2 68.0100 104 61.0100 5 52.0300 112 2^0402 1 68.0302 1 61.0200 2 52.0500 35 2^0501 2 69.0100 81 61.0500 2 53.0200 40 2.0502 1 69.0200 39 61.0603 2 53.0300 2 2.0503 1 70.0100 4 62.0101 3 53.0500 8 2.0600 3 70.0400 10 62.0102 2 54.0100 41 2^0701 1 70.0500 4 63.0300 3 54.0200 78 2^0702 2 71.0201 15 65.0100 6 54.0300 43 3.0002 2 72.0101 11 65.0200 14 54.0400 27 4.0001 1 72.0102 1 65.0301 38 54.0500 15 4'0002 1 72.0201 1 65.0500 5 54.0700 30 1l]0101 46 72.0300 1 66.0100 36 55.0200 167 11^0102 1 73.0102 41 66.0200 6 55.0300 107 1l!01O5 15 73.0103 1 68.0100 26 56.0100 120 11.0108 4 73.0107 1 68.0202 1 56.0300 55 11.0400 15 73.0109 3 68.0301 13 56.0500 189 11.0501 2 73.0111 3 68.0302 5 57.0100 3 1 1 .0800 30 73.0301 2 69.0100 88 57.0200 9 1 1 .0900 54 73.0302 3 69.0200 187 57.0300 121 12 0101 27 73.0303 8 70.0100 9 58.0400 38 12 0214 17 74.0000 7 70.0200 9 58.0700 31 12.0300 48 75.0001 1 70.0400 3 61.0601 30 14.0300 3 75.0002 28 70.0500 3 61.0603 57 14.0400 2 76.0101 3 71.0201 22 62.0101 88 14.0500 5 76.0201 8 72.0101 3 62.0102 10 14.0600 7 76.0202 1 72.0201 3 62.0200 60 14.0800 2 76.0204 4 72.0204 1 62.0300 15 14.0900 3 76.0205 4 72.0205 3 62.1000 34 14.1000 2 76.0206 2 73.0101 3 6Z1100 74 14.1200 2 77.0100 9 73.0102 3 64.0200 5 14.1301 3 77.0200 63 73.0103 3 64.1100 3 14.1302 5 77.0301 16 73.0106 3 66.0100 18 14.1402 6 77.0305 1 73.0107 3 66.0200 3 14.1403 2 77.0401 5 73.0108 23 69.0100 7 14.1501 2 77.0402 12 73.0109 29 69.0200 2 14.1801 2 77.0501 3 73.0200 3 7Z0101 1 14.1802 5 77.0502 2 74.0000 70 72.0204 13 14.1803 2 77.0503 3 75.0001 44 73.0102 2 14.1900 2 77.0600 1 75.0002 251 73.0104 1 14.2005 6 77.0700 3 75.0003 169 73.0106 4 14.2101 7 77.0800 1 76.0201 26 74.0000 1 14.2200 3 77.0900 1 76.0205 2 77.0100 1 14.2900 2 78.0100 28 76.0206 36 77.0200 4 14.3100 2 79.0100 1 77.0200 108 77.0301 1 14.3201 3 79.0200 113 77.0301 27 92.0000 21 14.3202 5 79.0300 10 77.0305 3 93.0000 47 15.0101 15 91.0000 1,010 77.0401 10 94.0000 1,804 16.0100 2 93.0000 42 77.0402 46 95.0000 -2,357 20.0100 3 94.0000 383 77.0403 4 96.00C0 7 20.0502 2 95.0000 -764 77.0502 3 97.00CO 48 20.0703 2 96.00C0 2 77.0900 8 22.0101 23.0200 3 2 97.00C0 98.00C1 64 236 91 0000 1,013 262 56 0100 7,727 92^0000 26.0100 1 24.0500 9 98.00C2 30 93.0000 52 26.0501 4 24.0701 2 98.00C3 2 94.0000 652 56.0100 347 24.0702 2 99.10C1 48 95.0000 -1,864 56.0300 11 24.0706 2 99.10C2 17 96.00C0 218 56.0500 54 24.0800 4 99.1 0C4 1 98.00C1 60 58.0700 2 27.0100 2 99.20C1 4 98.00C2 28 59.0301 1,770 27.0300 2 99.20C2 3 98.00C3 2 59.0302 1 27.0402 2 99.20C3 7 98.0011 35 62.0101 13 27.0406 2 99.30C1 9 99.10C1 20 64.0200 4 28.0100 2 99.30C8 38 99.10C2 72 65.0301 3 28.0400 2 99.30C9 50 99.1011 7 65.0302 1 29.0100 5 99.20C3 14 65.0500 1 29.0201 29.0202 9 2 55.02O0 8,540 8 99.30C1 99.30C8 4 13 65.0701 65.0702 4 1.0301 3 29.0300 7 1.0302 5 99.30C9 24 69.0100 29 31.0102 2 2.0202 11 69.0200 32 32.0300 32.0400 2 2 0600 5 55 0300 7,551 70.0100 7 15 4.0001 3 8.0001 5 70.0200 2 35.0100 4 4.0002 14 11.0101 1,422 70.0400 2 35.0200 3 7.0000 16 11.0102 14 70.0500 2 40.0700 2 8.0001 4 11.0105 669 71.0201 4 41.0203 2 9.0001 1 11.0108 67 72.0101 4 42.0300 2 11.0101 709 11.0501 14 72.0204 12 42.1000 2 11.0102 6 11.0800 431 73.0102 2 51.0103 2 11.0105 149 11.0900 1,382 73.0104 5 52.0300 2 11.0108 65 12.0101 728 73.0107 3 53.0200 2 11.0400 408 12.0300 1,227 73.0109 6 53.0400 2 11.0501 6 13.0100 20 73.0111 8 54.0200 2 11.0800 1,453 14.0600 73.0112 3 54.0300 2 11.0900 1,305 14.1302 73.0200 2 55.0100 73 12.0101 201 14.1402 73.0301 2 55.0200 180 12.0214 84 14.1802 73.0302 2 56.0100 2 12.0215 7 14.2005 74.0000 9 56.0300 4 12.0300 1,312 14.2101 75.0001 14 57.0300 2 14.1801 4 14.3202 75.0002 2 58.0700 1 20.0100 3 15.0101 2 76.0201 2 59.0100 1 20.0200 3 20.0702 26 76.0206 3 59.0200 2 20.0702 1 20.0703 85 77.0100 3 59.0301 282 20.0703 7 24.0500 1 77.0200 3 59.0302 1 23.0400 2 29.0100 7 77.0301 2 See footnote at the end of the table. 134 56.0500 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, .992 Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (RowsHCominued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Value Commodity ' 13.0100 13.0200 32.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0300 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 510400 53.0300 53.0500 53.0800 54.0100 54.0300 54.0400 54.05O0 54.0700 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 62.0101 6Z0102 62.0200 6Z0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0800 6Z0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0300 64.0200 64.0301 64.0400 65.0500 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 105 64 8 53 9 146 96 317 603 6 276 15 79 1,515 341 3,006 193 1 651 69 167 58 1,286 66 93 114 303 1,066 415 3 3 99 9 18 65 10,220 -10,883 470 16 14 12 1 9 1 7 Using industry 58.0100 Value 71.0201 72.0204 73.0104 73.0106 73.0111 73.0112 73.0303 75.0002 77.0200 77.0301 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 79.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.1 0C1 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 4.0001 4.0002 6.0200 11.0101 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 20.0100 24.0800 26.0501 44.0001 44.0002 46.0100 46.0400 47.0401 47.0402 56.0500 58.0100 59.0100 59.0301 59.0302 61.0200 61.0603 6Z0101 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 7Z0201 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 15 See footnote at the end of the table. Commodity i li s.' 3 in •Hi 58.0200 . 58.0400 . Using industry 73.0302 73.0303 ; 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0205 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0402 i 77.0503 77.0700 , 77.0900 78.0100 79.0200 i 79.0300 91.0000 92.0000 i 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 | 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 I 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C2 i 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 I 3.0002 I 11.0900 14.2004 14.2103 24.0400 24.0703 40.0200 | 51.0102 54.0400 55.0200 , 56.0100 56.0500 I 58.0200 58.0400 i 62.0700 62.1100 63.0300 i 65.0500 66.0100 66.0200 i 68.0100 69.0200 72.0201 72.0205 i 72.0300 73.0101 73.0104 73.0106 i 73.0111 73.0112 I 77.0200 77.0304 77.0305 | 77.0403 79.0100 91.0000 | 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 i 97.00C0 99.10C1 99.20C3 I 99.30C9 1.0100 I 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 i 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 i 2.0203 | 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 | 2.0501 2.0502 i 2.0503 | 2.0600 I 2.0701 2.0702 3.0001 4.0001 4.0002 6.0100 i 6.0200 | 7.0000 i 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 I Value 2 143 4 29 72 3 4 6 5 2 2 1 4 1 8 27 102 1.933 172 -4 392 -868 53 3 9 2 2 4 2 1 9 5 1,812 1 2 DETAILED TABLES Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rows^ r [Mi-lions of d0 „ars at p*^^ "*^*"*"™* 135 Commodity ' See 'ootnote at the end of the table. 35 7 32 5 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 15 6 2 2 1 1 4 1.463 -1 349 -247 85 2 1 1 15 6,874 13 9 54 15 9 20 103 1 17 14 3 15 4 3 35 4 5 4 5 16 1 1 7 9 6 4 Using industry 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0600 14.1502 14.1801 14.1802 14.2101 14.2200 14.2500 14.3202 17.0100 18.0400 20.0100 20.0200 20.0501 22.0101 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0501 27.0100 31.0101 32.0400 36.0100 36.1100 36.1200 36.1400 37.0101 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 58.0400 59.0301 59.0302 61.0100 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 2 146 2 52 11 45 3 1 1 101 224 64 45 175 2 3 7 4 1 1 3 1 6 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 4 6 1 4 16 179 58 51 383 2,294 1,366 65 7 28 172 7 6 7 6 2 4 4 2 18 213 207 6 1 21 8 17 7 8 1 5 1 1 20 6 6 4 6 13 10 45 4 6 6 1 2 1 29 15 573 8 5 1 1 1 1 4 6 4 31 58.0600 . Using industry 77.0301 77.0303 | 77.0305 77.0402 I 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 ; 77.0503 77.0504 , 77.0600 77.0700 I 77.0800 77.0900 | 78.0100 I 79.0100 91.0000 , 93.0000 I 94.0000 I 95.0000 96.00C0 i 97.00C0 | 98.00C1 98.00C2 i 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 i 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 i 99.30C9 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 13.0300 15.0101 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 32.0400 420800 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 58.0600 59.0100 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 62.0101 62.0200 620400 620500 62.0900 621000 62.1100 63.0300 64.1100 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 Value 6 6 10 17 1 1 2 | 2 1 3 4 4 22 5 18 1,021 -67 1,409 -3,075 25 2 76 4 3 11 24 15 4 4 6 1 10 Commodity ■ 4,507 6 2 2 6 4 5 2 5 2 2 6 8 3 1 2 2 14 5 2 17 9 2 7 2 2 1 4 3 1 1 9 1 244 5 9 12 4 7 4 20 1 15 5 3 9 11 1 2 1 1 6 4 26 6 3 24 20 19 31 14 191 34 9 72 19 3 5 136 99 291 13 19 58.0700 . Using industry 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 I 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 | 73.0107 I 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 i 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 , 74.0000 I 75.0001 75.0002 | 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 I 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 I 77.0304 77.0305 | 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 i 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0500 79.0200 91.0000 I 920000 93.0000 94.0000 I 95.0000 96.00CO I 97.00C0 I 98.00C2 99.20C2 99.20C3 I VaJu 123 95 44 9 2 6 10 3 3 3 10 324 2 33 5 135 44 16 10 32 68 164 13 2 10 592 3 2 12 65 113 24 3 2 14 4 72 6 5 8 5 5 4 5 3 13 5 2 251 427 -27 1,666 ■1.926 283 161 1 1 1 59.0100 . 11.0101 11.0105 11.0108 | 11.0400 i 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 J 120101 120214 120300 13.0100 i 20.0100 I 320400 43.0100 50.0200 50.0400 I 58.0700 64.0200 65.0500 69.0100 I 91.0000 920000 93.0000 94.0000 I 95.0000 96.00CO 96.0010 97.00CO | 97.0010 98.00C1 | 98.0011 98.0012 i 98.0013 99.2012 99.20/3 99.30C1 99.3015 99.3018 45.0100 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 92.0000 93.0000 4,510 117 41 3 5 4 88 26 58 7 28 5 2 4 4 2 14 44 7 10 7 1.630 1.459 -50 1.886 -1.946 58 692 33 50 3 9 174 2 18 3 8 3 2 2784 31 88 3 180 2126 22 136 Commodity ' 59.0200 . 59.0301 59.0302 . Using industry 94.0000 , 95.0000 96.0010 97.0010 I 59.0200 i 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 benchm t inpu — — 0F n ™ STATEs im 59.0100 I 59.0200 59.0301 61.0601 61.0603 75.0002 I 91.0000 92.0000 I 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 98.0011 98.0012 98.0013 99.1011 99.1012 99.1013 99.1014 99.2011 99.2012 I 99.2013 i 99.3011 99.3012 I 99.3013 I 99.3014 99.3015 99.3016 I 99.3017 99.3018 I 99.3019 | 119 -152 28 339 3.272 9 2,855 2 228 -49 191 21 15 149,684 412 19 643 28 634 108 105.552 75,132 1.114 16.336 -58,285 5 1,574 14 511 1.244 98 22 40 2 156 195 448 160 31 1.186 34 745 28 60 439 9 251 739 1.0100 , 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 i 2.0100 2.0201 20202 £0203 ' 2.0300 20401 2.0402 i 2.0501 2.0502 i 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 i 3.0001 3.0002 i 4.0001 4.0002 | 5.0001 6.0100 | 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 I 9.0003 90004 10.0000 I 11.0101 i 11.0102 I 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 I 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 i 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 , 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 I See footnote at the end of the table. 75,202 7 3 41 7 5 10 64 2 8 7 3 9 3 3 19 3 4 23 4 19 24 2 5 8 34 40 18 11 4 3 12 153 1 55 13 34 2 5 1 99 189 91 34 1 198 1 8 3 5 1 17 6 5 20 Using industry 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 16.0100 16.0300 17.0100 18.0400 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 29.0100 29.0201 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 37.0101 37.0103 37.0104 Value Commodity i 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 38 13 3 1 15 4 5 17 5 4 1 2 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 10 30 9 1 5 2 3 1 1 182 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 14 8 38 1 4 1 3 19 2 1 1 1 1 10 2 2 1 1 1 15 1 1 2 9 38 1 1 2 5 7 4 2 6 1 2 8 18 1 3 1 1 1 9 1 1 Using industry 37.0105 37.0200 38.0100 38.0400 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.1000 38.1100 39.0100 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0300 46.0200 47.0100 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 47.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0700 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 52.0300 52.0500 53.0400 53.0500 55.0300 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 6£0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.0900 62.1000 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0301 64.0400 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 13 11 1 1 1 1 1 75 94 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 128 369 40.186 6,466 5 1 1 4 1 2 11 163 111 352 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 374 796 12 1 14 15 14 28 3 3 13 5 5 7 1,167 1.029 1,961 55 7 6 31 23 58 60.0100 . 60.0200 . Using industry 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 I 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 I 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 , 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 I 76.0101 76.0102 , 76.0201 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 I 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 I 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 I 77.0501 77.0502 i 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 I 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 i 96.OOC0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 l 98.00C3 99.10C1 99. 10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 I 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 I 99.3014 i 60.0100 65.0500 i 75.0002 I 91.0000 I 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.0OC0 97.0010 99.2011 60.0400 . 13.0100 I 60.0100 ' 60.0200 60.0400 I 65.0500 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 i 95.0000 I 96.00C0 I 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 13.0100 l 60.0100 60.0200 DETAILED TABLES 137 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 31.0102 4 11.0105 137 31.0200 2 11.0108 15 31.0300 7 11.0400 19 32.0400 11 11.0501 7 35.0100 8 11.0800 460 36.0100 1 11.0900 334 36.0800 12 12.0101 255 36.1300 2 12.0214 19 37.0101 4 12.0300 275 37.0102 11 40.0300 108 37.0401 72 49.0300 5 38.1000 3 52.0300 376 38.1400 2 54.0100 44 42.0800 3 54.0200 53 47.0404 11 54.0300 38 49.0800 7 54.0400 64 51.0103 2 54.0500 7 51.0104 1 54.0700 93 52.0400 56 62.0300 4 53.0300 17 72.0204 34 53.0500 23 77.0305 5 58.0700 2 77.0403 1 59.0301 881 93.0000 3 59.0302 4 94.0000 138 60.0100 1,087 95.0000 -250 60.0200 2 96.00C0 70 60.0400 5 61.0100 4 62.0400 13 109 62.0101 5 62.0400 96 62.0102 6 62.0500 179 62.0200 295 69.0100 6 62.0400 3 72.0101 10 63.0300 3 77.0100 1,252 65.0301 14 77.0200 2,260 65.0500 6 77.0301 146 66.0100 4 77.0303 133 68.0100 105 77.0304 50 68.0201 11 77.0305 432 68.0202 10 77.0402 26 68.0301 17 91.0000 77 68.0302 686 92.0000 7,405 69.0100 43 93.0000 283 69.0200 49 94.0000 1,884 70.0100 1 95.0000 • -2,146 70.0400 39 96.00CO 14 70.0500 15 96.0010 38 71.0201 31 97.00CO 64 72.0101 1 97.0010 33 72.0201 2 98.00C2 1 72.0203 16 98.0012 55 73.0101 8 99.10C1 539 73.0102 1 99.1011 221 73.0103 1 99.1012 33 73.0104 64 99.2011 11 73.0107 23 99.2013 7 73.0108 7 73.0109 93 62.0500 13,137 73.01 1 1 18 11.0800 195 73.0112 7 62.0101 1 73.0200 1 62.0400 639 73.0302 15 6^0500 477 74.0000 6 69.0100 1 75.0001 2 72.0101 4 75.0002 77 73.0101 10 76.0101 2 73.0104 3 76.0201 1 75.0002 16 77.0200 41 76.0204 1 77.0305 1 76.0205 2 77.0402 23 76.0206 7 77.0403 1 77.0100 994 77.0900 3 77.0200 2,363 78.0100 1 77.0301 72 91.0000 81 77.0304 73 92.0000 6,363 77.0402 12 93.0000 -99 77.0403 1 94.0000 3,378 77.0501 4 95.0000 -2,263 77.0502 5 96.00C0 493 77.0700 49 96.0010 29 79.0200 2 97.00C0 719 79.0300 1 97.0010 9 91.0000 3,214 98.00C1 5 92.0000 1.546 98.00C2 2 93.0000 56 98.00C3 1 94.0000 1,825 98.0011 23 95.0000 -1.001 98.0012 54 96.00C0 303 99.1 0C1 18 96.0010 5 99.10C2 2 97.00C0 194 99.1011 67 97.0010 94 99.1013 8 98.00C1 19 99.1014 7 98.00C2 3 99.20C1 1 98.00C3 19 99.20C3 1 99.10C1 1,328 99.2011 12 99.10C2 193 99.2012 3 99.1011 280 99.2013 1 99.1012 20 99.30C8 3 99.20C1 2 99.30C9 3 99.20C2 19 99.3011 6 99.20C3 2 99.3015 168 99.2012 34 99.3016 1 99.2013 3 99.3018 7 99.30C8 99.3018 13 17 2 450 99 30I9 17 11.0101 129 11.0102 7 62.0600 I 1.661 61.0100. 61.0200. 61.0300, 61.0500, 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700. 60.0400 65.0500 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 97.0010 61.0100 65.0400 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.0010 99.2011 99.2012 99.3013 61.0100 61.0200 65.0400 76.0206 79.0300 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 98.0011 98.0012 99.20C2 99.2012 99.30C8 99.3018 6.0100 61.0300 65.0100 65.0200 78.0500 79.0100 920000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 99.3013 99.3018 61.0500 73.0101 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 99.20C1 99.20C3 99.2011 61.0601 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 61.0603 91.0000 93.0000 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 120300 20.0100 61.0100 61.0700 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0701 69.0200 70.0400 70.0500 858 921 -1,726 9,014 -2,976 8,200 293 276 10,347 13 585 703 -258 1,054 -33 2,047 6,035 128 13 21 39 5,153 10 13 141 39 10 4,215 382 -400 720 -204 61 58 41 1 25 15 1 4 11 10 4,599 2 359 936 4 10 145 2,648 111 482 -630 33 465 34 2.060 127 279 2,366 36 203 621 -1,658 2 19 2 63 2,059 154 1,689 13 53 188 -39 1 2,794 72 2,723 -1 2,895 16 6 6 9 27 10 6 19 2 3 53 4 6 15 1 1 2 1 62.0101 62.0102 . 62.0200 . 71.0201 77.0402 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 98.0011 98.0012 98.0013 99.20C1 99.3016 13.0100 13.0200 13.0700 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 62.0101 65.0400 65.0500 67.0000 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00CO 97.0010 99.2011 99.3012 62.0102 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.0011 98.0012 99.1011 99.1013 99.1014 99.2011 99.3011 99.3016 99.3018 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 6.0100 7.0000 8.0001 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0601 11.0602 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 13.0100 14.0105 14.0900 14.1801 15.0103 20.0100 22.0101 22.0200 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 28.0100 29.0100 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 1 5 965 959 -6 289 -129 434 89 72 17 2 10 35,906 558 108 3 3,431 431 73 22 63 34 1 7 3 38 10,388 -727 2,016 -836 5,075 13,479 199 1,478 58 4 1,915 12 1,680 21 2 45 30 21 84 7 2 2 3 1 4 1 13,832 12 2 4 5 2 1 1 19 7 4 22 7 114 27 13 4 20 136 2 5 1 3 1 7 3 7 2 12 6 10 9 7 5 10 65 9 3 3 7 4 1 98 8 4 14 3 2 4 12 62.0300 . See footnote at the end of the table. 138 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.— ' -The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' 62.0700 . 62.0800 . 62.0900 . 62.1000 . Using industry 62.0600 77.0100 77.0200 77.0305 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 97.00CO 97.0010 99.10C1 99.1011 99.20C3 54.0100 54.0300 54.0400 540700 59.0301 60.0100 62.0200 62.0700 66.0100 66.0200 72.0205 73.0109 73.0303 77.0100 77.0200 77.0501 77.0502 77.0700 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 S5.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 58.0600 61.0100 62.0200 62.0600 62.0800 62.0900 63.0300 77.0100 79.0200 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00CO 97.0010 98.0012 99.1011 61.0100 62.0200 62.0400 620500 62.0600 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 6£1100 63.0200 63.0300 69.0100 77.0100 77.0200 77.0401 77.0402 77.0800 79.0200 92.0000 93.0000 94 0000 950000 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 98.0012 99.1011 99.2012 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0700 Value 1 650 29 191 603 49 278 -241 3 1 70 12 12 3 659 45 217 2 90 2 17 35 129 19 1 21 2 3 3 20 19 53 1 1.948 90 166 -2,375 5 66 2 11 2 5 38 3 6 1 12 2.511 1 2 10 32 18 5 2 370 5 2,294 -20 659 -1.054 10 19 62 72 4 20 6,744 2 9 18 17 12 38 51 23 4 53 1 2 333 127 3 18 9 5 3,831 91 2,120 -1,502 52 588 366 71 358 44 7,640 2 42 11 34 Commodity ' 62.1100. 63.0200 . 63.0300 Using industry 60.0400 62.1000 63.0200 63.0300 77.0200 77.0303 77.0305 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.OOC0 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 98.0011 98.0012 99.1011 99.2011 Value 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.1000 62.1100 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 96.0010 97.0010 98.0011 98.0012 99.1011 99.3015 7.0000 8.0001 11.0101 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0601 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 120300 20 0200 20.0501 22.0101 37.0101 40.0600 40.0700 41.0201 47.0300 50.0400 52.0300 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 61.0100 63.0200 64.1200 69.0100 71.0201 73.0101 75.0002 76.0205 76.0206 77.0402 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C2 99.30C8 99.30C9 4.0001 4.0002 7.0000 8.0001 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 44 14 50 2 18 29 121 5,271 72 2,625 -1,903 44 787 37 155 133 35 8 1 8,351 26 103 2 28 58 20 268 7 219 8 156 185 4.256 -47 2,773 -1,202 164 1,205 56 2 14 2 48 2,474 2 7 9 2 1 2 1 1 7 12 4 2 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 1 1 12 1 1 2 4 3 1 1 1 3.140 109 319 -1,397 7 25 1 113 49 1 1 1 20,271 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 3 4 Commodity ' Using industry Value 12.010 3 12.0214 1 12.0300 5 13.0100 4 13.0200 1 13.0300 1 14.0105 14.090C I 2 14.1801 2 14.2101 1 14.220C 1 14.3202 2 15.0101 1 16.0100 2 16.030C 1 17.0100 1 18.0400 2 1 9.0200 1 20.0100 1 20.0200 4 20.0501 1 20.0502 1 20.0600 1 20.0903 1 20.0904 1 22.0101 2 22.0200 1 23.0300 1 23.0400 1 24.0400 1 24.0701 1 24.0702 1 24.0706 1 24.0800 6 25.0000 2 26.0100 133 26.0200 14 26.0301 8 26.0302 48 26 0400 9 26.0501 428 260601 2 26.0602 2 260700 2 26.0802 1 26.0803 64 26.0806 228 27.0100 19 27.0300 1 27.0402 1 27.0406 1 28.0100 3 28.0400 1 29.0100 42 29.0201 1 29.0202 1 29.0300 3 30.0000 1 31.0101 6 32.0300 3 320400 12 32.0600 1 35.0100 2 36.1100 1 36.1200 1 36.1600 1 36.2000 1 37.0101 6 37.0200 1 38.0600 1 38.1000 1 38.1100 2 39.0100 1 40.0200 1 40.0400 1 40.0500 1 40.0600 2 40.0700 1 41.0100 2 41.0201 1 41.0203 1 42.0300 1 420401 2 42.0402 1 42.0800 1 42.1100 1 43.0100 1 43.0200 1 44.0001 1 45.0100 2 46.0200 1 47.0100 1 47.0300 3 48.0100 1 48.0600 2 49.0100 2 49.0200 1 49.0700 1 50.0100 1 50.0200 1 50.0400 4 51.0103 9 51.0104 4 52.0300 3 53.0200 1 53.0300 1 Commodity ' Using industry See footnote at the end of the table. 53.0400 53.0500 54.0400 55.0100 55.0300 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 62.0101 620102 620200 620300 62.0400 62.0500 621100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0301 64.0400 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 720101 720102 720201 720202 720203 72.0204 720205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 Value 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 7 10 5 2 2 3 1 15 11 11 6 3 1 13 1 3 1 4 4 1 2 1,229 1 1 2 2 4 7 3 47 15 7 19 17 11 68 15 40 9 3 5 2 4 621 190 577 35 7 178 146 136 25 3 2 3 318 627 1 5 47 16 32 66 8 78 480 382 93 47 37 510 47 43 19 13 20 6 10 1 9 1 3 3 11 17 529 524 30 27 86 116 24 222 23 19 38 12 24 6 DETAILED TABLES 139 Table 2A.- -The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 77.0700 19 91.0000 573 97.00CO 9 98.00C2 -1 77.0800 10 93.0000 14 97.0010 6 99.10C1 10 77.0900 53 94.0000 41 98.00C1 9 99.10C2 2 78.0100 9 95.0000 -353 98.00C2 51 99.20C1 1 78.0500 2 97.00C0 1 98.0011 227 99.20C2 1 79.0100 1 98.00C1 6 98.0012 30 99.20C3 2 79.0200 2 98.00C2 6 99.1 0C1 5 99.30C8 1 79.0300 10 99.10C1 5 99.10C2 54 99.30C9 9 91.0000 3,100 99.20C2 1 99.1012 21 92.0000 6,915 99.20C3 1 99.20C2 1 64.0502 685 93.0000 259 99.30C8 22 99.20C3 21 11.0101 1 94.0000 3,134 99.30C9 10 99.30C8 109 12.0101 1 95.0000 -6,756 99.30C9 24 12.0300 1 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00C0 957 294 30 64.0105 1,615 19 1 64.0501 1,328 2 26.0100 26.0200 36.0900 1 64.0105 73.0303 1 11.0101 1 97.0010 22 77.0100 1 11.0105 1 59.0301 1 98.00C1 615 77.0200 1 11.0400 1 59.0302 1 98.00C2 42 77.0501 1 11.0800 3 64.0502 11 98.00C3 41 77.0502 5 11.0900 2 65.0301 1 98.0011 113 91.0000 2,141 12.0101 2 66.0100 2 98.0012 286 93.0000 71 120214 1 66.0200 1 98.0013 4 94.0000 120 12.0300 2 68.0100 1 99.10C1 614 95.0000 -745 15.0101 1 69.0100 17 99.10C2 95 26.0100 2 69.0200 11 99.10C4 1 64.0200 950 26.0200 3 70.0100 11 99.1011 88 64.0200 104 26.0301 1 70.0200 2 99.20C1 51 73.0101 102 26.0400 1 70.0300 1 99.20C2 22 73.0107 1 26.0501 1 70.0400 3 99.20C3 35 77.0401 2 27.0100 1 70.0500 2 99.2011 36 91.0000 867 29.0201 1 71.0201 5 99.2012 10 92.0000 136 31.0101 1 720101 1 99.2013 41 93.0000 41 37.0101 1 720203 1 99.30C1 5 94.0000 263 59.0301 1 720300 1 99.30C8 40 95.0000 -722 59.0302 2 73.0101 1 99.30C9 424 98.00C1 .10 60.0100 1 73.0102 1 99.3011 6 98.00C2 6 620101 1 73.0103 1 99.3015 2 98.0011 122 64.0501 209 73.0104 2 99.3016 7 98.0012 11 64.0502 42 73.0107 1 99.3018 19 98.0013 7 65.0301 2 73.0108 20 99.3019 235 65.0302 1 73.0109 113 64.0301 3,831 65.0500 1 73.0111 2 64.0101 4 430 64 0301 38 66 0100 5 73 01 1 2 •] 31.0101 1 69.0100 50 66.0200 1 73^0200 21 62.0700 1 76.0206 3 68.0100 3 73.0301 20 64.0101 59 77.0401 4 68.0202 1 73.0302 5 64.0102 2 77.0700 36 69.0100 38 73.0303 35 64.0105 12 77.0800 62 69.0200 35 74.0000 1 65.0301 1 77.0900 91 70.0100 42 75.0002 2 66.0100 1 91.0000 8,308 70.0200 6 76.0101 1 69.0100 30 93.0000 -231 70.0300 2 76.0203 1 70.0100 1 94.0000 496 70.0400 12 76.0206 1 70.0200 2 95.0000 -5,318 70.0500 5 77.0100 7 70.0300 1 96.00CO 9 71.0201 16 77.0200 5 70.0400 1 97.00C0 6 72.0101 3 77.0301 1 70.0500 1 98.00C1 36 72.0201 1 77.0303 1 71.0201 2 98.00C2 29 72.0203 3 77.0305 2 72.0101 1 99.10C1 6 720204 1 77.0401 1 72.0205 2 99.10C2 6 72.0300 2 77.0402 2 73.0104 1 99.20C1 1 73.0101 1 77.0403 3 73.0109 2 99.20C2 2 73.0102 2 77.0501 1 73.0301 1 99.20C3 14 73.0103 2 77.0502 2 73.0303 2 99.30C8 55 73.0104 7 77.0503 1 74.0000 1 99.30C9 128 73.0106 1 77.0600 1 77.0100 2 73.0107 1 77.0700 6 77.0200 2 64.0302 298 73 0108 2 77 0900 2 77.0401 2 64.0301 19 73.0109 9 91.0000 357 77.0402 5 64.0302 24 73.0111 6 93.0000 27 77.0501 3 76.0206 2 73.0112 2 94.0000 41 77.0502 16 77.0700 8 73.0200 2 95.0000 -134 77.0503 4 91.0000 2,630 73.0301 13 96.00C0 2 78.0100 1 93.0000 -100 73.0302 6 97.00CO 9 91.0000 6,146 94.0000 83 73.0303 9 98.00C2 8 93.0000 587 95.0000 -2,375 74.0000 5 98.00C3 1 94.0000 434 97.00C0 7 75.0001 1 99.10C1 5 95.0000 -2,676 75.0002 4 99.10C2 4 97.00C0 -222 64.0400 7,602 76.0101 1 99.20C1 2 98.00C2 1 4.0001 1 76.0102 1 99.20C2 1 64.0400 507 76.0201 1 99.20C3 2 64.0102 2,505 690100 20 76.0203 76.0205 2 1 99.30C1 99.30C8 2 5 36.1600 20 72.0102 5 47.0300 3 73.0109 2 76.0206 1 99.30C9 10 64.0101 717 73.0303 2 77.0100 27 64.0102 64.0105 481 251 74.0000 76.0202 3 14 77.0200 77.0301 19 2 64.0503 663 11.0101 3 72.0205 73 76.0203 4 77.0303 1 11.0105 2 77.0402 3 76.0204 3 77.0304 1 1 1 .0400 3 91.0000 4,025 76.0205 126 77.0305 6 11.0800 4 93.0000 161 76.0206 73 77.0401 4 11.0900 2 94.0000 497 77.0100 2 77.0402 7 12.0101 2 95.0000 -3,724 77.0200 2 77.0403 2 120214 1 96.00C0 -2 77.0301 1 77.0501 4 120300 4 77.0401 25 77.0502 10 14.1801 1 64.0104 570 77 0402 10 77.0503 77.0504 2 3 15.0101 18.0400 1 64.0101 5 77^0501 3 1 1 64.0102 1 77.0502 11 77.0600 1 26.01 00 2 64.0104 10 77.0700 36 77.0700 2 26.0200 4 64.0105 2 77.0800 30 77.0800 1 26.0301 2 65.0500 1 77.0900 5 77.0900 5 26.0302 1 70.0100 2 91.0000 6.758 91.0000 943 26.0400 1 70.0400 4 92.0000 1,222 93.0000 9 26.0501 1 73.0301 2 93.0000 -98 94.0000 166 27.0100 1 74.0000 211 94.0000 1,025 95.0000 ^t60 29.0100 5 77.0401 2 95.0000 -2,765 96.00C0 3 31.0101 1 77.0402 2 96.00C0 7 97.00C0 4 37.0101 1 77.0700 1 I 96.0010 1 98.00C1 -2 56.0500 I 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 140 BENCHMARK .NPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OP THE UMTED STATES, ^ Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commoditiea (Rov,s)-^on„nued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices} ..„ " i Using Commodity ' industry 64.0504 Value 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 62.0101 64.0503 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 I 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.1 0C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 : 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 15.0101 18.0400 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 31.0101 Commodity ' Using industry 64.0700 . Value Commodity ' 32.0400 36.0701 37.0101 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 62.0101 64.0504 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0202 720203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0200 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.20C1 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 18.0201 18.0400 19.0302 19.0304 19.0306 22.0200 34.0201 34.0302 34.0303 34.0305 64.0400 64.0700 69.0200 72.0201 72.0205 72.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 Using industry Value Commodity ' 64.0800 . 95.0000 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.1 0C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 20100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0300 Z0401 2.0402 2.0501 20502 2.0600 2.0701 20702 11.0101 110102 110105 11 0108 1 1 0400 11.0501 1 1 .0800 1 1 .0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 14.0300 14.0500 14.0600 14.0900 14.1301 14.1302 14.1402 14.1801 14.1802 14.2005 14.2101 14.2200 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 22.0101 24.0500 26.0100 26.0200 26.0501 29.0100 290201 29.0300 32.0400 35.0200 36.0900 54.0500 64.0800 66.0100 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 720201 72.0300 73.0102 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0304 77.0401 77.0402 77.0501 77.0503 77.0700 78.0100 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.1 0C1 99.10C2 -315 Using industry Value 640900 M 'XIC M ' ' ■ 64 1200 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0300 20.0702 20.0703 40.0700 61 .0601 64.0900 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 64.1000 72.0202 93.0000 11.0400 1 1 .0800 45.0100 45.0200 46.0400 51 .0400 52.0100 52.0300 54.0400 54.0500 59.0301 64.0400 64.1100 65.0500 , 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 71.0201 74.0000 77.0100 77.0600 77.0900 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.0010 97.0010 1.0100 , 1.0200 1.0301 2.0100 20201 2.0202 20203 2.0300 20401 2.0501 20502 2.0503 2.0600 20701 2.0702 40001 5.0001 60200 7.0000 8.0001 90001 9.0002 14.0105 14.0600 14.0900 14.1501 14.1801 14.2200 17.0100 18.0400 19.0200 20.0100 20.0200 22.0101 220200 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0302 26.0501 26.0601 26.0700 26.0806 28.0100 290100 See footnote at the end ot the table. DETAILED TABLES 141 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 34.0302 36.0100 36.1100 36.1600 38.0900 38.1000 40.0400 40.0500 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0401 45.0100 48.0600 52.0300 53.0500 55.0200 58.0600 59.0301 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 62.0101 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.1000 63.0300 64.0400 64.0502 64.0800 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0203 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 1 1 2 9 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 69 1 4 5 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 29 3 196 7 6 28 1 74 16 9 6 85 31 4 22 5 1 3 238 334 326 80 16 73 24 82 48 10 9 5 1 181 52 4 17 24 2 77 13 52 20 2 53 31 48 133 5 3 20 1 6 2 1 5 28 17 82 7 14 32 8 18 17 54 16 107 44 25 28 65.0100 . 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.O0C0 96.0010 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 98.0011 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.1011 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 99.3018 6 45 20 2 8 38 2,977 1,107 90 684 -3,052 14 106 4 365 32 8 67 21 36 6 3 28 31 2 2 36,196 1.0100 382 1.0200 183 1.0301 566 1.0302 37 2.0100 10 2.0201 55 2.0202 149 2.0300 3 2.0401 17 20402 2 2.0501 10 2.0502 3 2.0503 2 2.0600 34 2.0701 1 2.0702 1 3.0001 4 3.0002 4 4.0001 43 4.0002 5 5.0001 28 6.0100 7 6.0200 17 7.0000 751 8.0001 99 9.0001 11 9.0002 19 9.0003 4 9.0004 1 10.0000 19 11.0101 318 11.0102 4 11.0105 83 11.0108 11 11.0400 87 11.0601 76 11.0800 88 11.0900 85 12.0101 157 12.0214 75 12.0215 7 12.0300 200 13.0100 4 13.0200 5 13.0300 2 13.0500 1 13.0600 1 13.0700 1 14.0101 9 14.0102 16 14.0105 6 14.0300 9 14.0400 12 14.0500 9 14.0600 17 14.0800 10 14.0900 39 14.1000 9 14.1100 22 14.1200 1 14.1301 24 14.1302 21 14.1401 261 14.1402 183 14.1403 102 14.1501 96 14.1502 359 14.1600 81 14.1700 118 14.1801 130 14.1802 24 14.1803 3 14.1900 64 14.2002 7 14.2004 23 14.2005 25 14.2101 137 14.2102 11 14.2103 11 14.2104 9 14.2200 71 14.2300 34 14.2400 7 14.2500 130 14.2600 6 14.2700 4 14.2800 6 14.2900 68 14.3100 11 14.3201 35 14.3202 90 15.0101 10 15.0200 2 16.0100 63 16.0200 6 16.0300 75 16.0400 1 17.0100 55 17.0600 6 17.0700 8 17.0900 3 17.1001 15 17.1100 6 18.0101 4 18.0102 2 18.0201 1 18.0300 11 18.0400 4 19.0200 4 19.0302 1 19.0304 7 19.0306 1 20.0100 15 20.0200 202 20.0300 •17 20.0501 86 20.0502 34 20.0600 64 20.0701 24 20.0702 12 20.0703 16 20.0800 41 20.0901 20 20.0903 24 20.0904 20 21.0000 3 22.0101 39 22.0102 3 22.0200 19 22.0300 4 22.0400 1 23.0100 6 23.0200 15 23.0300 9 23.0400 7 23.0500 11 23.0700 4 24.0100 85 24.0400 21 24.0500 99 24.0701 93 24.0702 64 24.0703 18 24.0705 12 24.0706 39 24.0800 643 25.0000 357 26.0100 100 26.0200 43 26.0301 21 26.0302 22 26.0400 9 26.0501 299 26.0601 55 26.0602 9 26.0700 5 26.0802 3 26.0803 1 27.0100 869 27.0201 147 27.0202 30 27.0300 91 27.0401 10 27.0402 55 27.0403 2 27.0404 55 27.0405 1 27.0406 121 28.0100 295 28.0200 33 28.0300 17 28.0400 84 29.0100 77 29.0201 98 29.0202 14 29.0203 43 29.0300 21 30.0000 248 31.0101 212 31.0102 15 31.0103 2 31.0200 13 31.0300 82 32.0100 58 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0201 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 420100 42.0201 420202 420300 420401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 420800 42.1000 421100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 47.0405 48.0100 48.0400 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0103 51.0400 52.0300 520500 50 568 10 10 7 1 169 77 73 22 10 5 1 3 3 1 22 38 184 16 64 5 51 29 38 12 6 938 16 22 40 41 80 11 8 19 53 72 6 143 72 118 3 40 17 3 1 44 6 1 1 3 34 19 28 36 4 13 19 16 84 3 33 2 7 2 12 16 24 12 1 15 13 19 1 9 19 3 18 2 4 2 4 3 1 1 13 1 8 1 4 1 14 2 4 1 1 8 4 2 2 22 1 3 23 5 See footnote at the end of the table. 142 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 53.0200 7 73.0303 3 14.1501 5 31.0102 3 53.0300 2 74.0000 305 14.1502 9 31.0200 3 53.0400 9 75.0001 14 14.1600 1 31.0300 53.0500 2 75.0002 155 14.1700 5 32.0100 53.0700 33 76.0101 1 14.1801 14 320300 8 53.0800 6 76.0201 2 14.1802 5 320400 54 54.0100 4 76.0206 6 14.1803 1 32.0500 1 54.0200 11 77.0100 42 14.1900 3 32.0600 1 54.0300 5 77.0200 192 14.2002 1 33.0001 1 54.0400 5 77.0301 9 14.2004 1 34.0201 1 54.0500 3 77.0303 15 14.2005 6 35.0100 54.0700 7 77.0304 2 14.2101 15 35.0200 55.0100 8 77.0305 75 14.2103 3 36.0100 55.0200 8 77.0401 1 14.2104 5 36.1000 1 55.0300 12 77.0402 4 14.2200 17 36.1100 56.0100 2 77.0403 9 14.2300 5 36.1200 56.0200 2 77.0501 1 14.2500 6 36.1400 1 56.0300 6 77.0502 2 14.2700 1 36.1600 1 56.0500 2 77.0504 4 14.2800 3 36.1900 1 57.0100 2 77.0600 2 14.2900 3 36.2000 1 57.0200 82 77.0700 7 14.3100 1 37.0101 31 57.0300 6 77.0900 4 14.3201 5 37.0103 3 58.0100 11 78.0100 440 14.3202 8 37.0104 3 58.0200 8 78.0200 268 15.0101 23 37.0105 3 58.0400 3 79.0100 11 15.0103 1 37.0200 7 58.0600 4 79.0200 366 15.0200 1 37.0300 1 59.0100 8 79.0300 22 16.0100 13 37.0401 1 59.0200 11 91.0000 3,886 16.0200 1 37.0402 1 59.0301 413 92.0000 957 16.0300 6 38.0100 3 59.0302 198 93.0000 135 17.0100 6 38.0400 3 60.0100 27 94.0000 3,940 17.0600 1 38.0501 1 60.0200 8 95.0000 -164 17.1001 1 38.0600 4 60.0400 5 96.00C0 522 17.1100 1 38.0700 4 61.0100 13 96.0010 23 18.0101 1 38.0800 7 61.0200 5 97.00C0 238 18.0102 1 38.0900 1 61.0300 11 97.0010 6 18.0201 3 38.1000 9 61.0500 1 98.00C1 80 18.0300 4 38.1100 2 61.0601 7 98.00C2 34 18.0400 39 39.0100 8 61.0603 11 98.00C3 9 19.0100 i 40.0200 1 61.0700 2 98.0011 15 19.0200 3 40.0300 1 62.0101 6 98.0012 1 19.0304 4 40.0400 5 62.0102 3 99.10C1 93 19.0306 1 40.0500 5 620200 3 99.10C2 29 20.0100 14 40.0600 6 62.0300 1 99 10C4 2 20.0200 15 40.0700 7 62.0400 13 99.1013 2 20.0300 1 40.0800 1 62.0500 12 99.1014 2 20.0501 6 40.0901 1 62.0600 3 99.20C1 10 20.0502 3 40.0902 1 62.1000 2 99.20C2 2 20.0600 4 41.0100 5 62.1100 1 99.20C3 3 20.0701 1 41.0201 9 63.0200 2 99.2011 4 20.0702 1 41.0203 6 63.0300 63 99.2012 2 20.0703 3 42.0100 1 64.0101 3 99.30C1 59 20.0800 1 4Z0201 3 64.0102 1 99.30C8 23 20.0901 1 420300 5 64.0200 1 99.30C9 57 20.0903 2 42.0401 3 64.0301 8 99.3011 13 20.0904 3 420402 3 64.0400 13 99.3013 14 22.0101 5 42.0500 2 64.0502 3 99.3016 4 22.0200 4 42.0800 8 64.0503 2 99.3018 2 22.0300 1 42.1000 1 64.0504 4 99.3019 8 22.0400 1 421100 5 64.0800 3 23.0100 1 43.0100 3 64.0900 64.1000 9 2 65.0200 25,862 4 23.0200 23.0300 4 3 43.0200 44.0001 7 3.0001 6 64.1100 8 3.0002 1 23.0400 1 44.0002 3 64.1200 21 4.0001 6 23.0500 1 45.0100 9 65.0100 2,235 4.0002 6 23.0600 1 45.0200 1 65.0200 10 5.0001 1 23.0700 1 45.0300 1 65.0301 289 6.0100 1 24.0100 3 46.0200 2 65.0302 2 6.0200 3 24.0400 1 46.0400 1 65.0400 10 7.0000 18 24.0500 10 47.0100 1 65.0500 56 8.0001 61 24.0701 6 47.0200 1 65.0701 5 9.0001 3 24.0702 4 47.0300 7 65.0702 1 9.0002 1 24.0703 1 47.0401 1 66.0100 9 10.0000 1 24.0705 1 47.0404 1 66.0200 1 11.0101 21 24.0706 3 47.0500 1 67.0000 1 11.0105 7 24.0800 33 48.0100 1 68.0100 4,574 11.0400 6 25.0000 21 48.0200 1 68.0201 5 11.0601 6 26.0100 23 48.0400 1 68.0202 5 11.0602 1 26.0200 16 48.0500 1 68.0301 2 11.0800 18 26.0301 12 48.0600 6 68.0302 32 11.0900 20 26.0302 3 49.0100 5 69.0100 70 120101 15 26.0400 6 49.0200 3 69.0200 61 12.0214 5 26.0501 40 49.0300 1 70.0100 29 120215 1 26.0601 5 49.0500 2 70.0200 3 12.0300 26 26.0602 1 49.0600 1 70.0300 2 13.0100 12 26.0700 3 49.0700 3 70.0400 10 13.0200 1 26.0802 1 49.0800 1 70.0500 8 13.0300 1 26.0803 1 50.0100 1 71.0100 6 13.0500 1 26.0806 1 50.0200 2 71.0201 29 13.0700 1 27.0100 62 50.0400 14 72.0101 16 14.0101 35 27.0201 4 51.0102 1 72.0201 5 14.0102 13 27.0202 1 51.0103 28 72.0203 8 14.0105 16 27.0300 6 51.0104 14 72.0204 2 14.0300 13 27.0402 3 51.0400 1 72.0300 2 14.0400 5 27.0404 1 52.0300 14 73.0101 6 14.0500 3 27.0406 6 52.0500 3 73.0102 7 14.0600 15 28.0100 21 53.0200 3 73.0103 1 14.0800 5 28.0200 3 53.0300 3 73.0104 8 14.0900 10 28.0300 1 ' 53.0400 5 73.0107 2 14.1000 1 28.0400 6 53.0500 5 73.0108 1 14.1100 5 29.0100 49 53.0700 1 73.0109 6 14.1200 5 29.0201 10 53.0800 1 73.01 1 1 24 14.1301 5 29.0202 5 54.0100 1 73.0112 10 14.1302 5 29.0203 1 54.0200 3 73.0200 2 14.1401 4 29.0300 13 54.0300 1 73.0301 18 14.1402 6 30.0000 10 54.0400 1 73.0302 7 14.1403 1 31.0101 19 54.0500 1 See footnote at the end of the table. Commodity ' Using industry 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0105 64.0301 64.0400 64.0900 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 DETAILED TABLES Table 2A.-The Use Tab.e for Commodities (Rows^-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 143 See footnote at the end of the table 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 I 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0400 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 23 339 150 125 122 77 118 552 27 131 230 89 26 328 70 34 102 259 13 113 105 298 72 17 144 7 33 233 174 1 20 228 248 108 1 2 70 303 15 97 12 , 160 31 4 20 54 21 27 38 66 13 1 137 297 10 66 5 8 118 3 29 139 529 56 3 329 125 187 87 68 139 112 74 94 103 29 175 15 6 86 24 21 21 58 45 50 45 15 18 118 80 382 372 318 59 40 125 .312 ,211 334 170 69 88 66 .278 191 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0100 34.0201 34.0202 34.0301 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0701 36.0702 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1700 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 144 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 93.0000 629 94.0000 9,689 95.0000 -2.059 96.00C0 4,087 96.0010 177 97.00C0 120 97.0010 49 98.00C1 557 98.00C2 128 98.00C3 46 98.0011 70 98.0012 18 98.0013 1 99.10C1 270 99.10C2 95 99.10C4 12 991011 7 99.1013 18 99.1014 14 99.20C1 55 99.20C2 15 99.20C3 97 99.2011 7 99.2012 12 99.2013 5 99 30C1 137 99.30C8 110 99.30C9 178 99.3011 56 99.3012 8 99.3013 14 99.3015 24 99.3016 15 99.3018 12 99.3019 26 1 1 ,599 1.0100 50 1.0200 32 1.0301 151 1.0302 4 2.0100 13 2.0201 23 20202 99 2.0203 1 20300 8 2.0401 19 2.0402 4 2.0501 29 2.0502 5 £0503 1 2.0600 34 2.0701 5 2.0702 19 4.0001 1 4.0002 1 8.0001 1 9.0003 2 9.0004 1 12.0215 3 13.0100 1 14.0200 1 14.2102 3 14.2600 1 15.0103 1 17.1100 3 18.0400 1 20.0200 1 22.0101 1 24.0706 1 24.0800 1 26.0100 3 26.0200 1 26.0301 1 26.0400 1 26.0501 7 27.0100 57 31.0101 1 31.0103 7 32.0400 1 36.0701 1 37.0101 1 38.1400 11 41.0202 4 42.1000 18 50.0400 1 51.0103 3 51.0104 1 56.0500 1 57.0200 1 58.0700 1 59.0301 3 59.0302 1 60.0100 1 60.0200 1 62.0101 3 63.0300 1 64.1200 1 65.0100 1 65.0301 5,193 65.0302 162 65.0400 1 65.0500 11 65.0701 48 65.0702 6 66.0100 25 Commodity ' Using industry 42.0100 12 42.0201 38 42.0202 5 42.0300 85 42.0401 61 42.0402 96 42.0500 54 42.0700 3 42.0800 138 42.1000 69 42.1100 141 43.0100 50 43.0200 248 44.0001 151 44.0002 111 45.0100 187 45.0200 15 45.0300 44 46.0100 14 46.0200 33 46.0300 6 46.0400 38 47.0100 29 47.0200 15 47.0300 139 47.0401 26 47.0402 7 47.0404 51 47.0500 9 48.0100 22 48.0200 8 48.0300 3 48.0400 22 48.0500 23 48.0600 125 49.0100 80 49.0200 44 49.0300 24 49.0500 32 49.0600 12 49.0700 45 49.0800 20 50.0100 30 50.0200 26 50.0300 6 50.0400 167 51.0102 2 51.0103 41 51.0104 37 51.0400 32 52.0100 6 52.0200 4 52.0300 184 52.0400 3 52.0500 53 53.0200 42 53.0300 26 53.0400 67 53.0500 29 53.0700 29 53.0800 36 54.0100 23 54.0200 47 54.0300 26 54.0400 38 54.0500 25 54.0700 43 55.0100 19 55.0200 100 55.0300 74 56.0100 42 56.0200 13 56.0300 61 56.0500 56 57.0100 18 57.0200 124 57.0300 166 58.0100 41 58.0200 39 58.0400 67 58.0600 82 58.0700 18 59.0100 52 59.0200 148 59.0301 2.369 59.0302 959 60.0100 277 60.0200 88 60.0400 132 61.0100 95 61.0200 60 61.0300 53 61.0500 30 61.0601 30 61.0603 79 61.0700 45 62.0101 96 62.0102 17 62.0200 50 62.0300 5 62.0400 92 62.0500 108 62.0600 22 62.0700 3 62.0800 4 62.0900 12 6£1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0100 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 7£0201 7£0202 72.0203 7£0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 92.0000 26 16 19 153 25 25 3 1 8 63 89 4 8 5 13 7 22 29 8 74 107 98 269 23.233 222 103 222 5 136 14 192 28 39 578 13 33 31 80 2.012 1.112 2,384 358 47 306 510 25 459 279 21 71 80 192 45 15 66 130 150 28 156 9 68 42 353 506 149 35 171 365 178 2,172 225 593 42 46 3 40 2 2 5 30 103 391 866 195 54 21 217 21 139 83 41 69 40 70 24 77 56 136 923 30 14 50 47 250 24,778 4,138 65.0302 . 65.0400 . 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 7Z0203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0202 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0503 77.0504 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 £0100 £0201 £0202 £0203 £0300 £0401 £0402 £0501 £0502 £0600 £0701 £0702 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 1 1 .0800 11.0900 12.0101 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 145 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 120214 120 32.0300 19 65.0200 26 12.0215 1 32.0400 129 65.0301 203 12.0300 71 32.0600 17 65.0302 6 14.0101 58 35.0100 34 65.0400 4,282 14.0102 2 35.0200 25 65.0500 164 14.0300 2 36.0100 20 65.0600 8 14.0400 2 36.0200 11 65.0701 47 14.0500 1 36.0300 5 65.0702 1 14.0600 2 36.0400 4 66.0100 8 14.0800 1 36.0600 1 66.0200 2 14.0900 11 36.0800 2 68.0100 740 14.1000 1 36.0900 1 68.0201 32 14.1100 4 36.1000 22 68.0202 40 14.1200 13 36.1100 31 68.0302 17 14.1301 14 36.1200 198 69.0100 142 14.1302 5 36.1300 5 69.0200 74 14.1401 169 36.1400 44 70.0100 30 14.1402 127 36.1500 4 70.0200 3 14.1403 37 36.1600 22 70.0400 3 14.1501 8 36.1900 17 70.0500 4 14.1502 35 36.2000 13 71.0201 13 14.1600 72 36.2100 11 72.0101 14 14.1700 31 36.2200 2 72.0102 1 14.1801 14 37.0101 349 72.0201 7 14.1802 3 37.0102 12 72.0202 17 14.1900 10 37.0103 4 72.0203 1 14.2002 10 37.0104 11 72.0204 3 14.2004 7 37.0105 17 72.0300 2 14.2005 4 37.0200 11 73.0101 17 14.2101 17 37.0300 2 73.0102 10 14.2102 1 37.0401 2 73.0104 10 14.2103 8 37.0402 19 73.0106 1 14.2104 3 38.0100 14 73.0107 2 14.2200 15 38.0400 33 73.0108 1 14.2300 16 38.0600 18 73.0109 75 14.2400 1 38.0700 8 73.01 1 1 6 14.2500 51 38.0800 12 73.0112 7 14.2700 1 38.0900 1 73.0200 3 14.2800 42 38.1000 6 73.0301 28 14.2900 8 39.0100 8 73.0302 6 14.3100 1 40.0400 6 73.0303 1 14.3201 17 40.0600 2 74.0000 75 14.3202 44 40.0700 5 75.0001 31 15.0101 9 40.0901 2 75.0002 27 16.0100 7 40.0902 2 75.0003 4 16.0300 8 41.0100 3 76.0201 1 17.0100 20 41.0201 14 76.0205 1 17.1001 2 41.0203 4 76.0206 27 17.1100 1 42.0100 1 77.0100 25 18.0400 5 42.0300 2 77.0200 48 19.0301 5 42.0401 1 77.0301 14 19.0304 1 42.0402 13 77.0303 1 20.0100 41 42.0500 1 77.0305 16 20.0200 37 42.0800 1 77.0402 2 20.0300 1 42.1000 9 77.0403 13 20.0501 19 42.1100 9 77.0502 1 20.0502 4 44.0001 5 77.0503 7 20.0600 11 45.0100 12 77.0504 1 20.0701 3 47.0300 4 77.0700 2 20.0702 1 47.0404 2 77.0900 6 '20.0703 3 48.0600 3 78.0100 115 20.0800 8 49.0100 1 78.0200 35 20.0901 2 49.0700 1 79.0100 29 20.0903 4 50.0200 1 79.0200 83 20.0904 3 50.0300 1 79.0300 158 22.0101 6 50.0400 4 91.0000 6,249 22.0200 3 51.0103 2 92.0000 18 22.0400 2 51.0400 3 93.0000 36 23.0200 1 52.0300 3 94.0000 9.695 23.0300 1 52.0500 2 95.0000 3.530 23.0500 2 53.0200 2 96.00C0 1,521 24.0100 28 53.0400 2 97.00CO 103 24.0500 5 53.0700 14 98.00C1 52 24.0701 14 53.0800 2 98.00C2 31 24.0702 5 54.0400 2 98.00C3 1 24.0706 2 54.0500 1 99.10C1 18 24.0800 136 54.0700 2 99.10C2 7 25.0000 12 55.0200 2 99.10C4 233 26.0100 4 56.0100 1 99.20C1 14 26.0501 24 56.0300 2 99.20C2 6 27.0100 297 56.0500 1 99.20C3 5 27.0201 45 57.0200 17 99.30C1 -8 27.0202 4 57.0300 1 99.30C8 8 27.0300 37 58.0100 1 99.30C9 57 27.0401 1 58.0200 1 27.0402 28 1 58.0400 58.0600 4 1 65.0500 98,819 27.0403 1.0100 1 27.0404 9 59.0301 49 1.0200 3 27.0405 3 59.0302 33 1.0301 2 27.0406 51 60.0100 7 1.0302 9 28.0100 118 60.0200 10 2.0100 1 28.0200 18 61.0100 3 2.0201 1 28.0300 1 61.0601 1 2.0202 12 28.0400 22 62.0101 5 2.0401 13 29.0100 12 62.0400 3 2.0402 1 29.0201 31 62.0500 5 2.0501 10 29.0202 8 63.0300 14 2.0600 3 29.0203 9 64.0101 1 2.0701 1 29.0300 6 64.0102 1 2.0702 40 30.0000 45 64.0301 2 3.0001 20 31.0101 585 64.0400 5 3.0002 12 31.0102 28 64.0504 1 4.0001 77 31.0103 14 64.0900 2 4.0002 252 31.0200 61 64.1100 1 5.0001 7 31.0300 37 64.1200 7 6.0100 12 32.0100 18 65.0100 52 6.0200 15 Commodity ' Using industry Value 7.0000 95 8.0001 246 9.0001 14 9.0002 10 9.0003 4 9.0004 2 10 0000 8 11.0101 180 11.0102 2 11.0105 75 11.0108 4 11.0400 52 11.0501 2 11.0601 29 11.0602 5 11.0603 1 11.0800 137 11.0900 153 12.0101 114 12.0214 28 12.0215 6 12.0300 178 13.0100 81 13.0200 10 13.0300 15 13.0500 3 13.0600 3 13.0700 3 14.0101 12 14.0102 58 14.0105 114 14.0200 10 14.0300 56 14.0400 25 14.0500 21 14.0600 71 14.0700 8 14.0800 24 14.0900 72 14.1000 12 14.1100 24 14.1200 102 14.1301 42 14.1302 28 14.1401 17 14.1402 27 14.1403 11 14.1501 18 14.1502 37 14.1600 6 14.1700 18 14.1801 57 14.1802 26 14.1803 6 14.1900 18 14.2002 13 14.2004 8 14.2005 30 14.2101 63 14.2102 1 14.2103 27 14.2104 20 14.2200 110 14.2300 21 14.2400 2 14.2500 28 14.2600 1 14.2700 7 14.2800 36 14.2900 13 14.3000 1 14.3100 4 14.3201 29 14.3202 54 15.0101 94 15.0102 1 15.0103 5 15.0200 10 16.0100 89 16.0200 3 16.0300 34 16.0400 3 17.0100 32 17.0600 5 17.0700 3 17.0900 2 17.1001 9 17.1100 7 18.0101 6 18.0102 11 18.0201 16 18.0202 3 18.0203 1 18.0300 27 18.0400 223 19.0100 3 19.0200 25 19.0301 2 19.0302 6 19.0303 2 19.0304 38 19.0305 1 19.0306 12 20.0100 76 20.0200 59 20.0300 6 See footnote at the end of the table. 146 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 55.0200 28 55.0300 24 56.0100 31 56.0200 9 56.0300 96 56.0500 77 57.0100 11 57.0200 129 57.0300 167 58.0100 10 58.0200 7 58.0400 30 58.0600 19 58.0700 19 59.0100 17 59.0200 16 59.0301 992 59.0302 391 60.0100 534 60.0200 158 60.0400 89 61.0100 56 61.0200 19 61.0300 20 61.0500 12 61.0601 11 61.0603 9 61.0700 12 62.0101 139 6Z0102 7 62.0200 46 62.0300 9 62.0400 45 62.0500 52 62.0600 5 62.0700 3 62.0800 10 62.0900 29 62.1000 22 62.1100 35 63.0200 10 63.0300 74 64.0101 13 64.0102 4 64.0104 1 64.0105 3 64.0200 6 64.0301 11 64.0302 1 64.0400 32 64.0501 3 64.0502 3 64.0503 1 64.0504 2 64.0700 3 64.0800 3 64.0900 4 64.1000 2 64.1100 19 64.1200 28 65.0100 169 65.0200 45 65.0301 590 65.0302 32 65.0400 77 65.0500 6.064 65.0600 28 65.0701 171 65.0702 34 66.0100 584 66.0200 89 67.0000 73 68.0100 389 68.0201 43 68.0202 232 68.0301 7 68.0302 59 69.0100 2.657 69.0200 1.490 70.0100 1,025 70.0200 169 70.0300 189 70.0400 471 70.05O0 543 71.0201 1.277 72.0101 209 7Z0102 14 72.0201 55 72.0202 21 72.0203 91 72.0204 44 7Z0205 8 72.0300 64 73.0101 85 73.0102 80 73.0103 27 73.0104 489 73.0106 39 73.0107 74 73.0108 54 73.0109 446 73.01 1 1 902 73.0112 101 73.0200 73 73.0301 537 73.0302 I 149 Commodity ' Using industry 20.0501 32 20.0502 15 20.0600 25 20.0701 8 20.0702 6 20.0703 16 20.0800 8 20.0901 6 20.0903 12 20.0904 10 21.0000 2 22.0101 25 22.0102 1 22.0103 1 22.0200 25 22.0300 7 22.0400 12 23.0100 6 23.0200 22 23.0300 18 23.0400 10 23.0500 10 23.0600 7 23.0700 9 24.0100 16 24.0400 11 24.0500 59 24.0701 51 24.0702 33 24.0703 9 24.0705 4 24.0706 16 24.0800 158 25.0000 145 26.0100 118 26.0200 79 26.0301 49 26.0302 19 26.0400 42 26.0501 238 26.0601 34 26.0602 14 26.0700 11 26.0802 4 26.0803 6 26.0806 19 27.0100 337 27.0201 19 27.0202 6 27.0300 29 27.0401 2 27.0402 15 27.0403 3 27.0404 8 27.0405 1 27.0406 30 28.0100 118 28.0200 12 28.0300 5 28.0400 34 29.0100 211 29.0201 45 29.0202 20 29.0203 8 29.0300 61 30.0000 40 31.0101 54 31.0102 16 31.0103 2 31.0200 12 31.0300 13 32.0100 39 32.0200 6 32.0300 38 32.0400 309 32.0500 9 32.0600 12 33.0001 12 34.0100 2 34.0201 14 34.0202 1 34.0302 3 34.0303 1 34.0304 1 34.0305 3 35.0100 38 35.0200 16 36.0100 11 36.0200 3 36.0300 3 36.0400 3 36.0600 3 36.0701 1 36.0800 3 36.0900 2 36.1000 5 36.1100 16 36.1200 33 36.1300 3 36.1400 7 36.1500 2 36.1600 13 36.1900 5 36.2000 9 36.2100 3 36.2200 2 37.0101 168 37.0102 3 37.0103 13 37.0104 21 37.0105 14 37.0200 46 37.0300 13 37.0401 6 37.0402 14 38.0100 16 38.0400 16 38.0501 9 38.0600 41 38.0700 16 38.0800 58 38.0900 9 38.1000 46 38.1100 15 38.1200 2 38.1300 3 38.1400 7 39.0100 35 39.0200 3 40.0100 2 40.0200 11 40.0300 9 40.0400 29 40.0500 23 40.0600 27 40.0700 37 40.0800 7 40.0901 8 40.0902 10 41.0100 32 41.0201 54 41.0202 3 41.0203 33 42.0100 3 4Z0201 10 42.0202 2 42.0300 29 4Z0401 13 42.0402 15 42.0500 18 42.0700 1 42.0800 47 4Z1000 9 42.1100 27 43.0100 30 43.0200 73 44.0001 41 44.0002 22 45.0100 67 45.0200 4 45.0300 15 46.0100 3 46.0200 15 46.0300 3 46.0400 14 47.0100 16 47.0200 3 47.0300 44 47.0401 10 47.0402 1 47.0404 11 47.0405 2 47.0500 5 48.0100 7 48.0200 3 48.0300 3 48.0400 13 48.0500 14 48.0600 61 49.0100 32 49.0200 21 49.0300 11 49.0500 22 49.0600 7 49.0700 23 49.0800 10 50.0100 9 50.0200 8 50.0300 4 50.0400 86 51.0102 4 51.0103 213 51.0104 127 51.0400 13 5Z0100 3 52.0200 3 52.0300 76 52.0400 3 52.0500 18 53.0200 20 53.0300 19 53.0400 31 53.0500 33 53.0700 4 53.0800 8 54.0100 9 54.0200 12 54.0300 13 54.0400 9 54.0500 6 54.0700 10 55.0100 11 65.0600 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 98.0011 98.0012 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.1011 99.1012 99.1013 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.2012 99.30C8 99.30C9 99.3011 99.3012 99.3013 99.3015 99.3016 99.3019 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 2.0201 £0202 2.0300 2.0401 2.0501 2.0600 2.0702 3.0002 4.0002 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0601 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 1Z0214 12.0300 20.0100 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 27.0100 27.0300 27.0402 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 11 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 147 Table 2A.- -The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 30.0000 1 14.0102 1 77.0501 1 14.2400 1 31.0101 4,444 14.0105 1 77.0502 3 14.2500 13 31.0102 19 14.0300 1 77.0503 1 14.2600 2 31.0103 13 14.0600 1 77.0504 1 14.2700 3 31.0200 17 14.0900 1 77.0700 1 14.2800 7 31.0300 6 14 1502 1 77.0800 1 14.2900 5 36.1200 1 14.1801 1 77.0900 2 14.3000 1 59.0301 2 14.2101 1 91.0000 2,814 14.3100 3 59.0302 1 14.2200 1 94.0000 1,185 14.3201 8 60.0100 4 14.3202 1 98.00C1 2 14.3202 22 65.0100 40 15.0101 2 98.00C3 1 15.0101 53 65.0200 15 18.0400 2 99.10C1 5 15.0102 1 65.0301 103 20.0100 1 99.10C2 30 15.0103 2 65.0302 5 20.0200 1 99.20C3 7 15.0200 5 65.0400 9 24.0500 1 99.30C8 2 16.0100 40 65.0500 119 24.0800 2 99.30C9 58 16.0200 3 65.0600 212 25.0000 1 16.0300 14 65.0701 65.0702 2 1 26.0100 26.0200 2 1 66.0100 180,317 49 16.0400 17.0100 2 1.0100 17 66.0100 2 26.0301 1 1.0200 30 17.0600 5 68.0100 27 26.0501 2 1.0301 140 17.0700 2 68.0201 251 27.0100 3 1.0302 10 17.0900 4 68.0202 213 28.0100 1 2.0100 13 17.1001 9 68.0302 8 29.0100 2 2.0201 23 17.1100 11 69.0100 50 29.0201 1 2.0202 89 18.0101 3 69.0200 25 29.0300 1 2.0203 2 18.0102 5 70.0100 6 30.0000 1 2.0300 8 18.0201 5 70.0200 2 31.0101 2 2.0401 19 18.0202 2 70.0500 1 32.0100 1 2.0402 4 18.0203 1 71.0201 5 32.0400 2 2.0501 27 18.0300 10 72.0101 6 36.1200 1 2.0502 5 18.0400 110 72.0201 5 37.0101 2 2.0503 2 19.0100 4 72.0300 2 38.1000 1 2.0600 34 19.0200 8 73.0101 2 39.0100 1 2.0701 5 19.0301 2 73.0102 1 41.0201 1 2.0702 19 19.0302 3 73.0104 5 43.0200 1 3.0001 5 19.0303 2 73.0106 1 45.0100 1 3.0002 8 19.0304 11 73.0107 1 50.0400 1 4.0001 18 19.0305 1 73.0108 1 51.0103 2 4.0002 75 19.0306 13 73.0109 7 51.0104 1 5.0001 4 20.0100 26 73.0111 2 52.0300 1 6.0100 5 20.0200 33 73.0112 5 56.0300 1 6.0200 17 20.0300 4 73.0200 2 56.0500 1 7.0000 36 20.0400 2 73.0301 9 57.0200 1 8.0001 196 20.0501 20 73.0302 2 57.0300 1 9.0001 14 20.0502 13 74.0000 7 59.0301 7 9.0002 9 20.0600 11 75.0001 15 59.0302 3 9.0003 4 20.0701 8 75.0002 5 60.0100 3 9.0004 6 20.0702 6 76.0206 1 60.0200 1 10.0000 7 20.0703 10 77.0100 12 60.0400 1 11.0101 420 20.0800 5 77.0200 2 62.0101 2 11.0102 7 20.0901 4 77.0301 5 62.0400 1 11.0105 157 20.0903 9 77.0303 1 62.0500 1 11.0108 18 20.0904 6 77.0305 2 63.0300 1 11.0400 154 21.0000 3 77.0402 1 65.0100 108 11.0501 7 22.0101 18 77.0403 8 65.0200 60 11.0601 45 22.0102 2 77.0900 3 65.0301 9 11.0602 11 22.0103 1 78.0100 1 65.0302 1 11.0603 3 22.0200 13 78.0200 5 65.0400 525 11.0800 384 22.0300 6 79.0100 22 65.0500 6,967 11.0900 564 22.0400 8 79.0200 1 65.0702 1 12.0101 289 23.0100 6 79.0300 5 66.0100 8 12.0214 108 23.0200 25 91.0000 660 66.0200 1 12.0215 4 23.0300 12 93.0000 8 67.0000 1 12.0300 613 23.0400 12 94.0000 501 68.0100 7 13.0100 56 23.0500 13 96.00CO 31 68.0201 1 13.0200 8 23.0600 10 97.00CO -9 68.0202 3 13.0300 4 23.0700 10 98.00C1 32 68.0302 1 13.0500 4 24.0100 8 98.00C2 20 69.0100 31 13.0600 2 24.0400 12 98.00C3 1 69.0200 21 13.0700 6 24.0500 37 99.10C1 1 70.0100 12 14.0101 38 24.0701 31 99.10C2 2 70.0200 3 14.0102 25 24.0702 18 99.1 0C4 7 70.0300 3 14.0105 27 24.0703 7 99.20C1 4 70.0400 7 14.0200 2 24.0705 4 99.20C2 2 70.0500 8 14.0300 35 24.0706 13 99.20C3 3 71.0201 20 14.0400 9 24.0800 95 99.30C1 1 72.0101 793 14.0500 7 25.0000 91 99.30C8 5 72.0201 1 14.0600 30 26.0100 231 99.30C9 35 72.0203 1 14.0700 2 26.0200 117 72.0300 1 14.0800 8 26.0301 99 65.0701 8 543 73.0101 1 14.0900 14.1000 20 4 26.0302 26.0400 17 52 1.0301 69 73^0102 1 1.0302 16 73.0103 2 14.1100 10 26.0501 173 65.0100 219 73.0104 5 14.1200 9 26.0601 35 65.0301 4760 73.0106 1 14.1301 11 26.0602 25 65.0302 88 73.0107 1 14.1302 10 26.0700 6 65.0400 873 73.0109 3 14.1401 7 26.0802 4 65.0500 734 73.0111 14 14.1402 11 26.0803 5 65.0701 547 73.0112 1 14.1403 9 26.0806 16 66.0200 1 73.0200 1 14.1501 7 27.0100 168 69.0100 213 73.0301 5 14.1502 26 27.0201 12 75.0002 3 73.0302 2 14.1600 1 27.0202 9 76.0204 1 73.0303 3 14.1700 10 27.0300 17 77.0401 1 74.0000 11 14.1801 44 27.0401 1 77.0402 2 75.0001 229 14.1802 27 27.0402 21 79.0100 2 75.0002 3 14.1803 3 27.0403 4 94.0000 1,014 76.0101 1 14.1900 9 27.0404 9 76.0201 1 14.2002 7 27.0405 2 65.0702 13,108 76 0205 1 14.2004 14.2005 5 22 27.0406 28.0100 30 64 7.0000 1 i V-' - V/ C- \J _ f 76.0206 1 8.0001 3 77.0100 9 14.2101 35 28.0200 17 11.0101 1 77.0200 10 14.2102 2 28.0300 4 12.0101 1 77.0301 2 14.2103 10 28.0400 129 12.0300 1 77.0303 T 14.2104 8 29.0100 210 13.0100 1 77.0305 3 14.2200 36 29.0201 50 14.0101 2 77.0402 1 14.2300 10 29.0202 32 See footnote at the end of the table. 148 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.— ■ -The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 29.020 3 5 29.030 3 36 30.000 3 35 31.010 147 31.010 2 9 31.010 3 2 31.020 3 8 31.0301 ) 10 32.010( ) 33 32.020C ) 2 32.030C ) 29 32.040C 223 32.050C 8 32.060C 13 33.0001 3 34.01 0C 1 34.0201 8 34.0202 1 34.0301 1 34.0302 4 34.0303 3 34.0304 3 34.0305 4 35.0100 42 35.0200 8 36.0100 10 36.0200 4 36.0300 1 36.0400 7 36.0500 1 36.0600 2 36.0701 2 36.0702 1 36.0800 3 36.0900 2 36.1000 6 36.1100 22 36.1200 30 36.1300 4 36.1400 3 36.1500 8 36.1600 12 36.1700 1 36.1900 3 36.2000 13 36.2100 6 36.2200 5 37.0101 66 37.0102 2 37.0103 9 37.0104 10 37.0105 9 37.0200 36 37.0300 8 37.0401 4 37.0402 5 38.0100 20 38.0400 5 38.0501 3 38.0600 8 38.0700 8 38.0800 35 38.0900 8 38.1000 22 38.1100 10 38.1200 2 38.1300 4 38.1400 2 39.0100 19 39.0200 2 40.0100 2 40.0200 9 40.0300 8 40.0400 23 40.0500 26 40.0600 24 40.0700 32 40.0800 8 40.0901 9 40.0902 10 41.0100 29 41.0201 12 41.0202 2 41.0203 27 42.0100 5 42.0201 11 42.0202 7 42.0300 23 42.0401 17 42.0402 9 42.0500 18 42.0700 2 42.0800 54 42.1000 6 42.1100 28 43.0100 19 43.0200 19 44.0001 28 44.0002 9 45.0100 37 45.0200 5 45.0300 13 46.0100 3 46.0200 14 46.0300 4 46.0400 8 Commodity ■ Using industry 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 520400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 620300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 Value 13 6 58 15 3 10 2 5 8 8 4 9 13 52 35 14 14 14 8 29 15 4 13 4 51 6 144 83 12 4 2 45 3 24 9 24 20 48 5 7 8 25 5 8 7 4 6 28 24 12 5 88 109 137 109 7 6 9 11 23 11 6 162 129 92 76 57 22 7 10 3 5 5 14 179 15 S3 14 65 49 10 5 17 37 41 43 16 98 16 2 3 3 3 12 2 28 3 8 2 7 3 4 6 1 34 Commodity ' 66.0200 . Using industry 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 720101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 720204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 92.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 Value See footnote at the end of the table. 66.0200 67.0000 69.0100 69.0200 15 45 346 2,029 85 27 1.204 8 528 426 22,289 359 463 292 26 38 77 347 8,638 4,983 2,476 497 2.219 2.855 1,320 3,780 363 55 170 92 424 139 37 278 246 292 236 2.385 183 270 138 1.731 1.034 343 311 1.684 584 751 996 179 1.037 46 211 51 154 31 29 37 105 310 2,419 1.262 226 174 190 660 91 345 148 198 207 153 230 68 144 126 388 112 21 64 1 3 463 70.514 5.065 3.596 1.471 1,846 1,773 864 922 351 456 80 207 20 66 36 295 3.390 25,624 5,121 1 39 1 Commodity ' 67.0000 . 68.0100 . Using industry 72.0101 73.0200 74.0000 76.0101 76.0204 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0305 77.0504 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 79.0300 91.0000 97.0OC0 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C2 99.30C9 Value 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 73.0200 91.0000 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 20202 20203 20300 2.0401 2.0402 20501 2.0502 20503 20600 20702 3.0001 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 1 1 0800 11.0900 12.0101 120214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13 0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 369 1 92 2 1 57 2 2 1 2 2 2 13 1 19.883 2 25 1 1 3 2,674 70 11 606 148 1,839 195,695 610 420 598 82 65 68 221 2 2 56 7 62 16 5 110 247 7 46 4 297 316 182 586 1.626 169 61 27 204 160 2 59 8 57 2 55 12 2 142 211 110 40 8 231 124 36 8 17 10 26 167 167 245 5 97 46 80 177 8 35 113 33 38 58 129 93 109 51 31 44 183 23 181 292 56 23 37 DETAILED TABLES 149 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 14.2002 30 14.2004 18 14.2005 83 14.2101 128 14.2102 17 14.2103 34 14.2104 12 14.2200 124 14.2300 19 14.2400 24 14.2500 76 14.2600 6 14.2700 42 14.2800 32 14.2900 31 14.3000 13 14.3100 17 14.3201 38 14.3202 116 15.0101 54 15.0102 2 15.0103 5 15.0200 23 16.0100 692 16.0200 24 16.0300 407 16.0400 20 17.0100 80 17.0600 21 17.0700 25 17.0900 10 17.1001 80 17.1100 36 18.0101 33 18.0102 35 18.0201 35 18.0202 11 18.0203 2 18.0300 119 18.0400 454 19.0100 12 19.0200 36 19.0301 5 19.0302 14 19.0303 9 19.0304 56 19.0305 3 19.0306 24 20.0100 28 20.0200 375 20.0300 45 20.0400 2 20.0501 80 20.0502 45 20.0600 150 20.0701 18 20.0702 8 20.0703 17 20.0800 17 20.0901 29 20.0903 48 20.0904 188 21.0000 10 22.0101 124 22.0102 10 22.0103 4 22.0200 37 22.0300 18 22.0400 11 23.0100 25 23.0200 49 23.0300 21 23.0400 26 23.0500 31 23.0600 11 23.0700 17 24.0100 119 24.0400 41 24.0500 98 24.0701 115 24.0702 147 24.0703 15 24.0705 8 24.0706 74 24.0800 1,967 25.0000 324 26.0100 253 26.0200 40 26.0301 38 26.0302 51 26.0400 25 26.0501 616 26.0601 57 26.0602 27 26.0700 14 26.0802 15 26.0803 13 26.0806 34 27.0100 2,631 27.0201 191 27.0202 15 27.0300 85 27.0401 9 27.0402 49 27.0403 7 27.0404 20 27.0405 23 27.0406 108 28.0100 652 28.0200 89 28.0300 16 28.0400 315 29.0100 440 29.0201 80 29.0202 27 29.0203 33 29.0300 67 30.0000 83 31.0101 1.408 31.0102 24 31.0103 12 31.0200 82 31.0300 38 32.0100 217 32.0200 9 32.0300 197 32.0400 1.740 32.0500 36 32.0600 47 33.0001 31 34.0100 2 34.0201 20 34.0202 2 34.0301 1 34.0302 6 34.0303 3 34.0304 3 34.0305 4 35.0100 330 35.0200 194 36.0100 427 36.0200 47 36.0300 18 36.0400 16 36.0500 4 36.0600 13 36.0701 7 36.0702 1 36.0800 23 36.0900 10 36.1000 24 36.1100 51 36.1200 88 36.1300 57 36.1400 70 36.1500 20 36.1600 45 36.1700 2 36.1900 62 36.2000 151 36.2100 26 36.2200 15 37.0101 1,726 37.0102 111 37.0103 90 37.0104 92 37.0105 75 37.0200 499 37.0300 89 37.0401 75 37.0402 47 38.0100 77 38.0400 1,282 38.0501 105 38.0600 54 38.0700 106 38.0800 268 38.0900 63 38.1000 165 38.1100 108 38.1200 23 38.1300 28 38.1400 24 39.0100 151 39.0200 15 40.0100 15 40.0200 23 40.0300 17 40.0400 69 40.0500 50 40.0600 89 40.0700 88 40.0800 21 40.0901 18 40.0902 29 41.0100 124 41.0201 201 41.0202 11 41.0203 105 42.0100 15 42.0201 49 42.0202 16 42.0300 87 42.0401 144 42.0402 98 42.0500 57 42.0700 8 42.0800 167 42.1000 46 42.1100 95 43.0100 39 43.0200 96 44.0001 75 44.0002 23 45.0100 106 45.0200 13 45.0300 43 46.0100 6 46.0200 21 46.0300 6 46.0400 16 47.0100 32 47.0200 14 47.0300 166 47.0401 22 47.0402 7 47.0404 28 47.0405 6 47.0500 10 48.0100 13 48.0200 17 48.0300 8 48.0400 18 48.0500 17 48.0600 90 49.0100 78 49.0200 84 49.0300 23 49.0500 54 49.0600 16 49.0700 46 49.0800 20 50.0100 36 50.0200 39 50.0300 4 50.0400 225 51.0102 4 51.0103 194 51.0104 124 51.0400 26 52.0100 7 52.0200 3 52.0300 149 52.0400 7 52.0500 33 53.0200 35 53.0300 46 53.0400 80 53.0500 50 53.0700 51 53.0800 16 54.0100 20 54.0200 42 54.0300 21 54.0400 21 54.0500 14 54.0700 17 55.0100 39 55.0200 64 55.0300 92 56.0100 26 56.0200 23 56.0300 98 56.0500 129 57.0100 52 57.0200 492 57.0300 377 58.0100 71 58.0200 17 58.0400 46 58.0600 56 58.0700 37 59.0100 34 59.0200 15 59.0301 487 59.0302 743 60.0100 247 60.0200 210 60.0400 219 61.0100 99 61.0200 27 61.0300 42 61.0500 7 61.0601 7 61.0603 8 61.0700 13 62.0101 285 62.0102 15 62.0200 98 62.0300 22 62.0400 116 62.0500 85 62.0600 11 62.0700 7 62.0800 18 62.0900 36 62.1000 60 62.1100 61 63.0200 26 63.0300 122 64.0101 18 64.0102 5 64.0104 4 64.0105 10 64.0200 8 64.0301 38 64.0302 2 64.0400 52 64.0501 10 64.0502 7 64.0503 8 64.0504 6 64.0700 15 64.0800 11 64.0900 30 64.1000 7 64.1100 43 64.1200 50 65.0100 67 65.0200 29 65.0301 786 65.0302 342 65.0400 120 65.0500 294 65.0600 214 65.0701 77 65.0702 147 66.0100 654 66.0200 156 67.0000 190 68.0100 24 68.0201 97 68.0202 97 68.0301 71 68.0302 10 69.0100 4,784 69.0200 11,904 70.0100 1,581 70.0200 121 70.0300 271 70.0400 119 70.0500 257 71.0201 6.591 72.0101 1.830 72.0102 332 72.0201 453 72.0202 84 72.0203 252 72.0204 56 72.0205 23 72.0300 415 73.0101 • 150 73.0102 95 73.0103 47 73.0104 408 73.0106 34 73.0107 102 73.0108 96 73.0109 376 73.0111 247 73.0112 225 73.0200 122 73.0301 295 73.0302 378 73.0303 193 74.0000 6.246 75.0001 63 75.0002 1,106 75.0003 162 76.0101 241 76.0102 99 76.0201 93 76.0202 122 76.0203 28 76.0204 64 76.0205 415 76.0206 735 77.0100 894 77.0200 1.861 77.0301 955 77.0303 40 77.0304 63 77.0305 323 77.0401 160 77.0402 122 77.0403 131 77.0501 252 77.0502 265 77.0503 110 77.0504 218 77.0600 66 77.0700 235 77.0800 289 77.0900 231 78.0100 298 78.0500 10 79.0100 546 79.0300 3,350 91.0000 79.337 94.0000 267 95.0000 -695 96.00C0 1,949 97.00C0 502 98.00C1 3,454 98.00C2 1.622 98.00C3 458 99.10C1 2,000 99.10C2 1,141 99.10C4 20 99.20C1 65 99.20C2 32 99.20C3 599 99.30C1 1.381 99.30C8 195 See footnote at the end of the table. 150 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 17.0100 46 17.0600 9 17.0700 4 17.0900 2 17.1001 23 17.1100 12 18.0101 5 18.0102 11 18.0201 18 18.0202 5 18.0203 1 18.0300 59 18.0400 131 19.0100 5 19.0200 14 19.0301 2 19.0302 11 19.0303 4 19.0304 23 19.0305 2 19.0306 6 20.0100 59 20.0200 42 20.0300 3 20.0400 1 20.0501 7 20.0502 5 20.0600 19 20.0701 3 20.0702 2 20.0703 2 20.0800 7 20.0901 3 20.0903 5 20.0904 23 21.0000 2 22.0101 21 22.0102 1 22.0103 1 22.0200 8 22.0300 6 22.0400 5 23.0100 6 23.0200 17 23.0300 6 23.0400 8 23.0500 13 23.0600 3 23.0700 6 24.0100 95 24.0400 4 24.0500 12 24.0701 30 24.0702 12 24.0703 1 24.0705 2 24.0706 16 24.0800 1.017 25.0000 77 26.0100 47 26.0200 9 26.0301 9 26.0302 11 26.0400 7 26.0501 171 26.0601 9 26.0602 8 26.0700 3 26.0802 6 26.0803 3 26.0806 9 27.0100 1.708 27.0201 224 27.0202 11 27.0300 57 27.0401 12 27.0402 17 27.0403 3 27.0404 5 27.0405 10 27.0406 76 28.0100 331 28.0200 80 28.0300 60 28.0400 99 29.0100 153 29.0201 38 29.0202 8 29.0203 24 29.0300 13 30.0000 24 31.0101 1,557 31.0102 20 31.0103 13 31.0200 120 31.0300 34 32.0100 63 32.0200 3 32.0300 61 32.0400 274 32.0500 11 3a0600 9 33.0001 18 34.0100 1 34.0201 4 34.0202 1 Commodity ' Using industry Value 34.0301 1 34.0302 2 34.0303 1 34.0304 1 34.0305 2 35.0100 175 35.0200 123 36.0100 234 36.0200 56 36.0300 13 36.0400 16 36.0500 7 36.0600 12 36.0701 5 36.0702 1 36.0800 9 36.0900 8 36.1000 17 36.1100 32 36.1200 93 36.1300 98 36.1400 83 36.1500 4 36.1600 14 36.1700 1 36.1900 42 36.2000 59 36.2100 12 36.2200 9 37.0101 862 37.0102 15 37.0103 18 37.0104 24 37.0105 19 37.0200 139 37.0300 54 37.0401 33 37.0402 11 38.0100 37 38.0400 63 38.0501 32 38.0600 50 38.0700 26 38.0800 120 38.0900 16 38.1000 23 38.1100 40 38.1200 5 38.1300 8 38.1400 15 39.0100 47 39.0200 10 40.0100 8 40.0200 6 40.0300 9 40.0400 26 40.0500 19 40.0600 36 40.0700 38 40.0800 9 40.0901 8 40.0902 9 41.0100 33 41.0201 45 41.0202 5 41.0203 41 42.0100 5 42.0201 15 42.0202 2 42.0300 25 42.0401 62 4^0402 64 42.0500 24 42.0700 7 42.0800 37 42.1000 15 42.1100 34 43.0100 10 43.0200 25 44.0001 27 44.0002 9 45.0100 36 45.0200 4 45.0300 9 46.0100 3 46.0200 8 46.0300 3 46.0400 5 47.0100 9 47.0200 5 47.0300 34 47.0401 4 47.0402 2 47.0404 9 47.0405 3 47.0500 3 48.0100 5 48.0200 4 48.0300 2 48.0400 7 48.0500 4 48.0600 20 49.0100 18 49.0200 21 49.0300 8 49.0500 15 Commodity ' Using industry 68.0201 68.0202 . 99.30C9 8.0001 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0405 28.0100 28.0200 31.0101 31.0103 65.0600 68.0201 68.0202 79.0200 93.0000 94.0000 97.00C0 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0702 3.0001 4.0001 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0601 11.0602 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 4.500 15,778 2,303 353 82 1 4 28 4 9.900 24 7 569 2.225 84 11 211 -28 80,377 31 32 123 2 2 26 4 29 8 3 51 3 2 2 61 6 10 35 518 52 50 58 12 102 103 10 9 15 2 4 6 8 69 53 63 3 53 33 10 53 8 25 97 27 13 33 59 22 12 25 8 21 49 5 167 112 27 6 140 10 7 25 70 15 8 10 36 9 8 78 4 53 18 24 2 6 38 42 9 1 5 157 6 34 6 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 5£0200 52.0300 52.0400 5Z0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 6Z0101 62.0102 6Z0200 6^0300 62.0400 62.0500 6^0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 6Z1000 6Z1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70 0100 70.0200 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 151 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 68.0301 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 3.0001 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0601 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 13.0100 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0400 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 51 4 37 945 318 41 283 22 22 16 8 52 38 43 25 29 7 69 12 37 35 24 7 30 63 37 997 20 283 25 17 6 6 11 3 6 66 47 124 542 193 4 33 62 13 12 58 65 49 46 14 44 72 84 54 130 16 87 868 1,627 29,537 337 346 152 1,644 226 153 480 279 20 9 47 7 107 673 22,981 23 15 52 17 15 3 82 3 1 2 11 4 4 5 11 13 8 3 13 1 5 2 8 1 1 2 3 4 2 14.1200 1 14.1301 5 14.1402 1 14.1700 13 14.1900 15 14.2002 1 14.2004 1 14.2005 4 14.2101 9 14.2102 1 14.2104 2 14.2200 2 14.2500 2 14.2800 1 14.2900 1 14.3000 3 14.3201 5 14.3202 8 15.0101 2 16.0100 9 16.0300 2 16.0400 1 17.0100 2 17.1100 1 18.0300 4 20.0100 9 20.0200 13 20.0501 7 20.0600 1 20.0702 1 20.0800 3 20.0903 1 20.0904 3 22.0300 4 24.0100 45 24.0500 1 24.0701 1 24.0706 5 24.0800 222 26.0601 7 27.0100 256 27.0201 29 27.0300 3 27.0402 1 27.0406 8 28.0100 24 28.0200 8 28.0300 9 28.0400 19 29.0100 14 29.0201 2 29.0202 1 29.0203 4 31.0101 53 32.0100 5 32.0300 1 32.0400 6 32.0500 1 33.0001 3 34.0100 1 35.0100 3 35.0200 1 36.0100 8 36.0300 3 36.0500 1 36.1400 1 36.1600 1 36.1900 3 36.2000 1 37.0101 262 37.0104 2 37.0105 3 37.0200 8 38.0100 2 38.0400 7 38.0501 1 38.0700 1 38.0800 8 38.0900 1 38.1000 1 39.0100 1 39.0200 1 40.0700 1 40.0800 3 40.0901 1 42.0202 2 42.0300 3 42.0401 1 42.0500 2 43.0100 2 43.0200 2 44.0001 3 45.0100 1 47.0300 4 47.0401 1 48.0100 1 48.0200 1 51.0103 11 51.0104 7 51.0400 1 52.0300 3 52.0500 3 53.0400 1 53.0500 2 55.0100 4 55.0200 1 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0603 62.0101 62.0102 62.0400 63.0300 64.0900 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 7Z0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.0OC0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 3 1 1 1 25 4 8 3 5 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 I 19 IS 37 6 10 13 i 3 38 8 10 77 l re 82 7 7 10 e 563 134 10 49 4 10 3 1 13 7 8 1 7 2 4 3 11 7 5 1 6 9 5 268 2 53 14 5 1 6 2 1 3 17 20 34 89 57 2 2 11 2 5 2 20 15 52 16 3 14 17 13 43 1 21 9 406 708 15.371 57 280 60 290 248 91 289 213 18 7 68 0302 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0702 8.0001 9.0001 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 1 1 .0400 11.0501 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0200 16.0100 16.0300 17.0100 17.0600 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0300 18.0400 19.0200 19.0304 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 70 4 516 302 27,284 47 28 221 3 50 8 55 15 6 98 13 1 1 1 132 1 43 3 42 1 102 137 76 30 168 5 8 2 2 4 1 85 17 67 10 4 4 12 1 4 19 3 8 6 14 6 2 5 2 5 6 2 15 15 5 2 24 2 2 14 1 1 7 1 4 2 3 2 13 12 2 1 24 12 8 6 6 12 1 1 3 8 15 12 4 4 18 11 1 8 8 4 1 2 9 5 3 See footnote at the end of the table. 152 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 20.0903 3 20.090- * 8 22.010 1 9 22.020 ) 2 22.0301 3 2 22.0401 ) 2 23.0101 ) 2 23.0201 I 5 23.030( ) 2 23.040C ) 3 23.050C ) 4 23.060C 1 23.070C 2 24.01 0C 18 24.040C 2 24.050C 16 24.0701 27 24.0702 7 24.0703 2 24.0/06 5 24.0800 196 25.0000 30 26.0100 16 26.0200 1 26.0301 2 26.0302 4 26.0400 1 26.0501 48 26.0601 5 26.0602 2 26.0700 1 26.0802 2 26.0803 1 26.0806 2 27.01'V) 539 27.C 25 27 C 32 1 27X300 44 27.0401 1 27.0402 18 27.0403 2 27.0404 7 27.0405 2 27.0406 41 28.0100 131 28.0200 32 28.0300 7 28 0400 29 29.0100 106 29.0201 20 29.0202 8 29.0203 10 29.0300 23 30.0000 50 31.0101 338 31.0102 5 31.0103 2 31.0200 10 31.0300 14 32.0100 16 32.0300 19 32.0400 106 32.0500 3 32.0600 3 33.0001 5 34.0201 78 34.0302 1 34.0303 1 34 0304 1 35.0100 32 35.0200 4 36.0100 6 36.0200 1 36.0300 1 36.0600 1 36.0800 1 36.0900 1 36.1000 1 36.1100 8 36.1200 6 36.1300 3 36.1400 4 36.1600 32 36.1900 2 36.2000 10 36.2100 2 37.0101 157 37.0102 2 37.0103 10 37.0104 15 37.0105 7 37.0200 60 37.0300 4 37.0401 3 37.0402 2 38.0100 2 38.0400 64 38.0501 4 38.0600 16 38.0700 10 38.0800 20 38.0900 8 38.1000 9 38.1100 9 38.1200 1 38.1300 15 See footnote at the end of the table. Commodity ' Using industry Value 38.1400 2 39.0100 13 39.0200 2 40.0100 1 40.0200 4 40.0300 2 40.0400 4 40.0500 5 40.0600 8 40.0700 8 40.0800 40.0901 3 40.0902 2 41.010C 12 41.0201 374 41.0202 1 41.0203 9 42.0100 1 42.0201 4 42.0300 13 42.0401 30 420402 13 420500 5 42.0700 1 42.0800 12 42.1000 7 421100 16 43.0100 5 43.0200 11 44.0001 7 44.0002 3 45.0100 9 45.0200 1 45.0300 2 46.0200 2 46.0400 1 47.0100 2 47.0300 7 47.0401 2 47.0404 2 48.0100 1 48.0200 1 48.0400 1 48.0500 1 48.0600 7 49.0100 6 49.0200 12 49.0300 2 49.0500 4 49.0600 1 49.0700 4 49.0800 2 50.0100 2 50.0200 2 50.0400 15 51.0103 10 51.0104 4 51.0400 1 52.0300 64 52.0500 2 53.0200 7 53.0300 3 53.0400 53.0500 3 53.0700 2 54.0100 2 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 2 55.0200 7 55.0300 6 56.0100 3 56.0200 1 56.0300 10 56.0500 6 57.0100 5 57.0200 32 57.0300 29 58.0100 5 58.0200 3 58.0400 3 58.0600 15 58.0700 2 59.0100 5 59.0200 2 59.0301 75 59.0302 218 60.0100 57 60.0200 52 60.0400 29 61.0100 15 61.0200 10 61.0300 5 61.0500 1 61.0601 2 61.0603 2 61.0700 1 62.0101 24 62.0102 2 62.0200 6 62.0300 1 62.0400 11 62.0500 7 | Commodity ' Using industry 62.0600 620900 62.1000 621100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0104 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0504 64.0700 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 720101 720102 720201 72.0202 72.0203 720204 720205 720300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 Value 1 1 5 3 2 19 1 2 2 5 1 5 2 1 4 1 4 2 9 65 2,095 1 26 111 7 14 4 154 28 34 167 5 19 21 1,409 780 1.403 895 26 34 62 39 2,910 621 47 237 21 49 12 3 65 31 39 5 35 8 19 17 50 37 24 2 34 44 24 1,323 10 249 61 29 9 30 10 2 15 78 85 174 885 261 8 8 57 10 38 12 96 49 28 53 13 69 81 59 254 12 3 5,093 8 215 481 625 94 47 213 72 Commodity ' 69.0100 Using industry 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 Value -1,949 7 17 24 145 305 568,970 1.0100 1,527 1.0200 525 1.030 2,730 1.0302 149 2.0100 334 20201 635 2.0202 ' 2,375 2020C 25 2.030C 156 2.0401 730 2.0402 67 20501 565 2.0502 71 2.0503 30 2.0600 778 2.0701 26 2.0702 179 3.0001 71 3.0002 132 4.0001 587 4.0002 387 5.0001 63 6.0100 87 6.0200 152 7.0000 846 8.0001 935 9.0001 216 9.0002 114 9.0003 41 9.0004 27 10.0000 77 11.0101 6,198 11.0102 127 11.0105 1,948 11.0108 423 11.0400 886 11.0501 55 11.0601 301 11.0602 10 11.0603 1 11.0800 3,851 11.0900 4,348 12.0101 3,011 12.0214 513 12.0215 40 12.0300 5,155 13.0100 293 13.0200 110 13.0300 137 13.0500 57 13.0600 45 13.0700 13 14.0101 869 14.0102 502 14.0105 573 14.0200 78 14.0300 990 14.0400 255 14.0500 282 14.0600 838 14.0700 113 14.0800 342 14.0900 1,312 14.1000 114 14.1100 254 14.1200 622 14.1301 676 14.1302 426 14.1401 1,089 14.1402 996 14.1403 418 14.1501 473 14.1502 1,047 14.1600 245 14.1700 404 14.1801 688 14.1802 253 14.1803 93 14.1900 320 14.2002 294 14.2004 204 14.2005 702 14.2101 504 14.2102 45 14.2103 505 14.2104 517 14.2200 1,409 14.2300 194 14.2400 76 14.2500 1,297 14.2600 103 14.2700 63 14.2800 654 14.2900 220 14.3000 2 14.3100 138 14.3201 398 14.3202 898 DETAILED TABLES 153 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 48.0600 834 49.0100 536 49.0200 283 49.0300 132 49.0500 327 49.0600 73 49.0700 282 49.0800 182 50.0100 70 50.0200 249 50.0300 21 50.0400 607 51.0102 103 51:0103 4,003 51.0104 2,278 51.0400 247 52.0100 47 52.0200 36 52.0300 1,323 52.0400 52 52.0500 328 53.0200 335 53.0300 420 53.0400 452 53.0500 657 53.0700 25 53.0800 62 54.0100 206 54.0200 299 54.0300 229 54.0400 126 54.0500 70 54.0700 210 55.0100 309 55.0200 685 55.0300 373 56.0100 858 56.0200 73 56.0300 1,311 56.0500 767 57.0100 250 57.0200 1,365 57.0300 2.240 58.0100 378 58.0200 79 58.0400 678 58.0600 261 58.0700 327 59.0100 233 59.0200 262 59.0301 12,404 59.0302 5,079 60.0100 2,088 60.0200 526 60.0400 474 61.0100 431 61.0200 237 61.0300 264 61.0500 163 61.0601 143 61.0603 166 61.0700 165 62.0101 1,065 62.0102 71 62.0200 636 62.0300 105 62.0400 671 62.0500 337 62.0600 184 62.0700 54 62.0800 180 62.0900 377 62.1000 251 62.1100 376 63.0200 87 63.0300 1,355 64.0101 391 64.0102 83 64.0104 27 64.0105 43 64.0200 87 64.0301 545 64.0302 27 64.0400 951 64.0501 96 64.0502 86 64.0503 33 64.0504 63 64.0700 32 64.0800 103 64.0900 41 64.1000 42 64.1100 364 64.1200 441 65.01 00 401 65.0200 1,120 65.0301 4,984 65.0302 86 65.0400 505 65.0500 1,462 65.0600 48 65.0701 202 65.0702 50 66.0100 1,573 66.0200 225 67.0000 95 Commodity ' Using industry Value 15.0101 574 15.0102 4 15.0103 9 15.0200 129 16.0100 1,288 16.0200 68 16.0300 550 16.0400 20 17.0100 375 17.0600 90 17.0700 35 17.0900 54 17.1001 79 17.1100 64 18.0101 35 18.0102 39 18.0201 89 18.0202 12 18.0300 199 18.0400 2,573 19.0100 50 19.0200 346 19.0301 32 19.0302 55 19.0303 17 19.0304 256 19.0305 2 19.0306 182 20.0100 410 20.0200 1,039 20.0300 166 20.0400 5 20.0501 1.073 20.0502 371 20.0600 369 20.0701 253 20.0702 182 20.0703 311 20.0800 284 20.0901 217 20.0903 296 20.0904 158 21.0000 63 2Z0101 555 22.0102 16 22.0103 18 22.0200 390 22.0300 126 220400 108 23.0100 179 23.0200 604 23.0300 328 23.0400 161 23.0500 197 23.0600 109 23.0700 186 24.0100 250 24.0400 137 24.0500 677 24.0701 549 24.0702 320 24.0703 109 24.0705 65 24.0706 267 24.0800 2,632 25.0000 1,967 26.0100 649 26.0200 695 26.0301 695 26.0302 144 26.0400 332 26.0501 2,028 26.0601 314 26.0602 206 26.0700 96 26.0802 23 26.0803 33 26.0806 128 27.0100 4,827 27.0201 309 27.0202 137 27.0300 473 27.0401 16 27.0402 228 27.0403 53 27.0404 161 27.0405 19 27.0406 474 28.0100 1,639 28.0200 113 28.0300 62 28.0400 560 29.0100 3,970 29.0201 875 29.0202 264 29.0203 116 29.0300 777 30.0000 619 31.0101 5,077 31.0102 316 31.0103 21 31.0200 175 31.0300 180 32.0100 403 32.0200 85 32.0300 576 32.0400 3,492 32.0500 120 32.0600 100 33.0001 107 34.0100 5 34.0201 192 34.0202 12 34.0302 60 34.0303 9 34.0304 6 34.0305 18 35.0100 618 35.0200 179 36.0100 119 36.0200 35 36.0300 35 36.0400 10 36.0600 40 36.0701 1 36.0702 2 36.0800 16 36.0900 18 36.1000 54 36.1100 233 36.1200 523 36.1300 19 36.1400 75 36.1500 47 36.1600 212 36.1700 2 36.1900 12 36.2000 73 36.2100 8 36.2200 16 37.0101 3,423 37.0102 49 37.0103 270 37.0104 447 37.0105 385 37.0200 637 37.0300 149 37.0401 60 37.0402 95 38.0100 128 38.0400 108 38.0501 183 38.0600 1,571 38.0700 733 38.0800 1,162 38.0900 271 38.1000 1.006 38.1100 150 38.1200 21 38.1300 53 38.1400 52 39.0100 786 39.0200 80 40.0100 52 40.0200 219 40.0300 126 40.0400 452 40.0500 397 40.0600 532 40.0700 654 40.0800 108 40.0901 215 40.0902 247 41.0100 541 41.0201 960 41.0202 43 41.0203 452 42.0100 43 42.0201 194 42.0202 44 42.0300 492 42.0401 129 42.0402 296 42.0500 297 42.0700 24 42.0800 941 42.1000 125 42.1100 360 43.0100 242 43.0200 718 44.0001 722 44.0002 408 45.0100 876 45.0200 69 45.0300 270 46.0100 70 46.0200 276 46.0300 21 46.0400 333 47.0100 223 47.0200 93 47.0300 375 47.0401 243 47.0402 20 47.0404 175 47.0405 7 47.0500 76 48.0100 179 48.0200 83 48.0300 56 48.0400 98 48.0500 163 68.0100 1,194 68.0201 350 68.0202 238 68.0301 50 68.0302 561 69.0100 14.446 69.0200 2,369 70.0100 1,593 70.0200 150 70.0300 70 70.0400 412 70.0500 252 71.0100 186 71.0201 844 72.0101 402 72.0102 38 72.0201 239 72.0202 40 72.0203 337 72.0204 700 72.0205 59 72.0300 238 73.0101 658 73.0102 354 73.0103 56 73.0104 2,713 73.0106 82 73.0107 246 73.0108 279 73.0109 1,096 73.0111 714 73.0112 350 73.0200 266 73.0301 651 73.0302 170 73.0303 412 74.0000 13.063 75.0001 810 75.0002 4,810 75.0003 99 76.0101 958 76.0102 306 76.0201 69 76.0202 9 76.0203 9 76.0204 31 76.0205 94 76.0206 308 77.0100 1,983 77.0200 4,393 77.0301 666 77.0303 273 77.0304 230 77.0305 962 77.0401 98 77.0402 587 77.0403 210 77.0501 250 77.0502 220 77.0503 116 77.0504 304 77.0600 114 77.0700 306 77.0800 200 77.0900 566 78.0100 259 78.0200 70 78.0500 84 79.0100 300 79.0200 50 79.0300 378 91.0000 158.445 92.0000 48.167 93.0000 2,658 94.0000 44,726 95.0000 18.317 96.00C0 1,718 96.0010 1,592 97.00C0 549 97.0010 608 98.00C1 2,290 98.00C2 719 98.00C3 187 98.0011 844 98.0012 530 98.0013 47 99.10C1 2.393 99.10C2 491 99.1 0C4 96 99.1011 212 99.1012 41 99.1013 75 99.1014 54 99.20C1 174 99.20C2 70 99.20C3 499 99.2011 86 99.2012 52 99.2013 50 99.30C1 95 99.30C8 409 99.30C9 1,001 99.3011 201 99.3012 41 99.3013 43 99.3014 3 See footnote at the end of the table. 154 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity l Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 99.3015 172 22.0400 3 46.0200 i 73.0106 25 99.3016 80 23.0100 4 47.0300 2 73.0107 62 99.3017 10 23.0200 11 47.0404 2 73.0108 18 99.3018 72 23.0300 4 48.0300 l 73.0109 219 99.3019 584 23.0400 5 48.0600 3 73.01 1 1 53 23.0500 6 49.0100 6 73.0112 26 69.0200 526.178 17 23.0600 23.0700 1 3 49.0200 49.0700 1 ! 73.0200 73.0301 18 3.0001 31 3.0002 3 24.0100 1 50.0400 i 73.0302 16 4.0001 2 24.0400 5 51.0102 2 73.0303 16 4.0002 6 24.0500 55 51.0103 8 74.0000 392 5.0001 3 24.0701 14 51.0104 s 75.0001 399 6.0100 5 24.0702 16 51.0400 1 75.0002 635 6.0200 7 24.0703 4 52.0300 « 1 75.0003 23 7.0000 37 24.0705 4 52.0500 4 ! 76.0101 20 8.0001 126 24.0706 8 53.0200 - ' 76.0102 1 9.0001 17 24.0800 31 53.0400 12 76.0201 9 9.0002 11 25.0000 8 54.0100 4 76.0202 2 9.0003 4 26.0100 38 54.0200 6 76.0203 7 9.0004 3 26.0200 3 54.0300 ■ 76 0204 4 10.0000 10 26.0301 4 54.0400 S 76.0205 27 11.0101 6.961 26.0302 1 54.0500 I 76.0206 43 11.0102 147 26.0400 3 54.0700 4 77.0100 109 11.0105 2.577 26.0501 17 55.0100 3 77.0200 127 11.0108 527 26.0601 2 55.0200 2* 77.0301 103 11.0400 358 26.0602 4 56.0100 «s 77.0303 24 11.0501 96 26.0700 3 56.0300 e 77.0304 2 11.0601 15 26.0802 1 56.0500 6 77.0305 56 11.0602 1 26.0806 1 57.0100 i 77.0401 7 11.0800 3,409 27.0100 34 57.0200 € 77.0402 61 11.0900 4,290 27.0201 2 57.0300 13 77.0403 17 12.0101 3.906 27.0300 9 58.0100 2 77.0501 10 12.0214 416 27.0401 3 58.0200 3 77.0502 14 12.0215 1 27.0402 10 58.0400 4 77.0503 13 12.0300 5.726 27.0403 1 58.0600 i 77.0504 20 13.0100 2 27.0406 15 58.0700 5 77.0600 26 13.0600 1 28.0100 16 59.0100 « i 77.0700 38 14.0101 10 28.0200 4 59.0200 i 77.0800 7 14.0102 3 28.0400 8 59.0301 4' 77.0900 113 14.0105 5 29.0100 46 59.0302 36 78.0100 11 14.0200 3 29.0201 60 60.0100 - 79 0100 3 14.0300 40 29.0202 15 60.0200 4 79.0200 1 14.0400 16 290203 1 60.0400 4 79.0300 15 14.0500 36 29.0300 51 61.0100 4 91.0000 471.448 14.0600 20 30.0000 2 61.0200 2 9Z0000 14.358 14.0700 2 31.0101 15 61.0603 1 94.0000 20 14.0800 11 31.0102 9 61.0700 l 97.00C0 2 14.0900 29 31.0200 1 62.0101 5 99.10C1 468 14.1000 11 31.0300 1 62.0102 1 14.1100 14.1200 4 15 32.0100 32.0200 4 1 62.0200 62.0300 4 1 70 0100 263.660 1.0100 85 14.1301 29 32.0300 10 620400 14 1.0200 27 14.1302 39 32.0400 118 62.0500 21 1.0301 207 14.1401 5 32.0500 2 62.0600 1 1.0302 8 14.1402 43 34.0201 3 62.0700 1 2.0100 22 14.1403 12 35.0100 24 62.0900 1 2.0201 43 14.1501 13 35.0200 25 62.1000 3 2.0202 116 14.1502 4 36.0100 5 62.1100 3 2.0203 1 14.1700 2 36.0200 1 63.0200 i 2.0300 12 14.1801 60 36.1000 2 63.0300 18 2.0401 24 14.1802 46 36.1100 10 64.0101 3 2.0402 6 14.1803 10 36.1200 20 64.0105 2 2.0501 30 14.1900 17 36.1300 2 64.0301 13 2.0502 7 14.2002 5 36.1400 3 64.0400 9 2.0503 4 14.2004 4 36.1600 2 64.0501 2 2.0600 65 14.2005 44 36.1900 1 64.0504 2 2.0701 7 14.2101 58 36.2000 3 64.0800 1 2.0702 18 14.2103 8 37.0101 14 64.1100 13 3.0001 51 14.2104 5 37.0103 1 64.1200 10 3.0002 24 14.2200 39 37.0104 2 65.0100 23 4.0001 93 14.2300 8 37.0105 2 65.0200 162 4.0002 73 14.2500 5 37.0200 2 65.0301 739 5.0C01 14 14.2700 1 38.0100 1 65.0302 15 6.0100 22 14.2800 7 38 0400 1 65.0400 15 6.0200 35 14.2900 13 38.0600 2 65.0500 43 7.0000 173 14.3000 3 38.0700 1 65.0701 15 8.0001 567 14.3100 8 38.0800 2 65.0702 11 9.0001 44 14.3201 29 38.1000 1 66.0100 63 9.0002 20 14.3202 37 39.0100 5 66.0200 6 9.0003 8 15.0101 112 40.0100 2 67.0000 8 9 0004 6 15.0102 1 40.0200 4 68.0100 38 10.0000 44 15.0103 2 40.0300 2 68.0201 18 11.0101 727 16.0100 21 40.0400 3 68.0202 13 11 0102 22 16.0300 6 40.0500 3 68.0301 7 11.0105 276 17.0100 3 40.0600 5 68.0302 163 11.0108 70 18 0400 12 40.0700 10 69.0100 1.492 11.0400 214 19.0303 1 40.0800 1 69.0200 1.912 11.0501 12 19.0304 3 40.0901 1 70.0100 112 11.0601 64 20.0100 31 40.0902 1 70.0200 14 11.0602 9 20.0200 11 41.0100 4 70.0300 6 11.0603 6 20.0300 1 41.0201 6 70.0400 77 11.0800 580 20.0501 9 41.0202 1 70.0500 40 11.0900 888 20.0502 9 41.0203 8 71.0100 191 12.0101 371 20.0600 3 42.0100 3 71.0201 270 12.0214 138 20.0701 2 42.0201 4 72.0101 105 12.0215 12 20.0702 1 42.0300 8 7Z0102 10 120300 796 20.0703 4 42.0401 2 72.0201 25 13.0100 109 20.0800 1 42.0402 1 72.0202 8 13.0200 19 20.0901 1 42.0800 5 72.0203 20 13 0300 14 20.0903 2 42.1000 11 72.0204 6 13.0500 11 20.0904 2 42.1100 1 72.0205 9 13.0600 6 22.0101 26 43.0200 4 72.0300 11 13.0700 8 22.0102 2 44.0001 3 73.0101 119 14.0101 319 22.0103 1 44.0002 1 73.0102 163 14.0102 119 22.0200 2 45.0100 4 73.0103 10 14 0105 160 22.0300 6 45.0300 1 73.0104 28 14.0200 5 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 155 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 14.0300 114 14.0400 46 14.0500 31 14.0600 129 14.0700 5 14.0800 42 14.0900 92 14.1000 18 14.1100 40 14.1200 43 14.1301 47 14.1302 48 14.1401 39 14.1402 62 14.1403 24 14.1501 41 14.1502 87 14.1600 11 14.1700 44 14.1801 131 14.1802 51 14.1803 11 14.1900 43 14.2002 19 14.2004 18 14.2005 65 14.2101 134 14.2102 3 14.2103 36 14.2104 41 14.2200 155 14.2300 44 14.2400 5 14.2500 66 14.2600 3 14.2700 12 14.2800 33 14.2900 30 14.3000 3 14.3100 9 14.3201 46 14.3202 75 15.0101 218 15.0102 2 15.0103 10 15.0200 21 16.0100 141 16.0200 8 16.0300 72 16.0400 5 17.0100 64 17.0600 11 17.0700 5 17.0900 4 17.1001 19 17.1100 12 18.0101 12 18.0102 16 18.0201 28 18.0202 5 18.0203 1 18.0300 45 18.0400 333 19.0100 10 19.0200 35 19.0301 4 19.0302 6 19.0303 8 19.0304 43 19.0305 3 19.0306 20 20.0100 121 20.0200 134 20.0300 13 20.0400 1 20.0501 63 20.0502 33 20.0600 52 20.0701 15 20.0702 14 20.0703 29 20.0800 19 20.0901 14 20.0903 24 20.0904 25 21.0000 5 22.0101 55 22.0102 2 22.0103 3 22.0200 61 22.0300 13 22.0400 18 23.0100 12 23.0200 55 23.0300 30 23.0400 20 23.0500 22 23.0600 12 23.0700 16 24.0100 35 24.0400 17 24.0500 99 24.0701 70 24.0702 53 24.0703 12 24.0705 9 Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 24.0706 29 24.0800 311 25.0000 202 26.0100 218 26.0200 149 26.0301 115 26.0302 30 26.0400 71 26.0501 367 26.0601 46 26.0602 24 26.0700 26 26.0802 8 26.0803 12 26.0806 22 27.0100 566 27.0201 46 27.0202 12 27.0300 124 27.0401 5 27.0402 35 27.0403 6 27.0404 19 27.0405 3 27.0406 64 28.0100 199 28.0200 27 28.0300 12 28.0400 72 29.0100 406 29.0201 89 29.0202 40 29.0203 18 29.0300 118 30.0000 92 31.0101 868 31.0102 31 31.0103 5 31.0200 26 31.0300 24 32.0100 75 32.0200 5 32.0300 73 32.0400 525 32.0500 16 32.0600 21 33.0001 19 34.0100 2 34.0201 19 34.0202 2 34.0301 2 34.0302 5 34.0303 3 34.0304 2 34.0305 4 35.0100 84 35.0200 31 36.0100 33 36.0200 6 36.0300 4 36.0400 5 36.0500 1 36.0600 5 36.0701 3 36.0800 5 36.0900 5 36.1000 13 36.1100 46 36.1200 76 36.1300 6 36.1400 13 36.1500 5 36.1600 22 36.1900 12 36.2000 20 36.2100 6 36.2200 5 37.0101 267 37.0102 8 37.0103 28 37.0104 35 37.0105 33 37.0200 74 37.0300 20 37.0401 13 37.0402 12 38.0100 35 38.0400 38 38.0501 15 38.0600 39 38.0700 25 38.0800 96 38.0900 17 38.1000 82 38.1100 34 38.1200 4 38.1300 8 38.1400 8 39.0100 76 39.0200 6 40.0100 4 40.0200 17 40.0300 14 40.0400 53 40.0500 45 40.0600 57 40.0700 72 40.0800 15 40.0901 18 40.0902 21 41.0100 70 41.0201 93 41.0202 5 41.0203 62 42.0100 10 42.0201 26 42.0202 4 42.0300 55 42.0401 31 42.0402 33 42.0500 33 42.0700 2 42.0800 109 42.1000 23 42.1100 43 43.0100 36 43.0200 73 44.0001 62 44.0002 32 45.0100 84 45.0200 10 45.0300 24 46.0100 5 46.0200 24 46.0300 5 46.0400 17 47.0100 22 47.0200 10 47.0300 83 47.0401 17 47.0402 3 47.0404 22 47.0405 3 47.0500 11 48.0100 14 48.0200 10 48.0300 4 48.0400 16 48.0500 15 48.0600 71 49.0100 58 49.0200 29 49.0300 19 49.0500 26 49.0600 11 49.0700 34 49.0800 20 50.0100 13 50.0200 23 50.0300 3 50.0400 134 51.0102 9 51.0103 241 51.0104 144 51.0400 20 52.0100 4 52.0200 3 52.0300 124 52.0400 5 52.0500 33 53.0200 30 53.0300 39 53.0400 53 53.0500 63 53.0700 9 53.0800 14 54.0100 17 54.0200 27 54.0300 20 54.0400 18 54.0500 18 54.0700 17 55.0100 23 55.0200 55 55.0300 57 56.0100 53 56.0200 12 56.0300 129 56.0500 140 57.0100 24 57.0200 196 57.0300 243 58.0100 22 58.0200 16 58.0400 57 58.0600 35 58.0700 31 59.0100 29 59.0200 22 59.0301 961 59.0302 466 60.0100 470 60.0200 192 60.0400 133 61.0100 67 61.0200 29 61.0300 30 61.0500 11 61.0601 13 61.0603 19 61.0700 19 62.0101 222 62.0102 13 62.0200 84 62.0300 16 62.0400 85 62.0500 86 62.0600 12 62.0700 4 62.0800 19 S2.0900 46 62.1000 46 62.1100 55 63.0200 17 63.0300 162 64.0101 30 64.0102 5 64.0104 3 64.0105 10 64.0200 5 64.0301 27 64.0302 1 64.0400 67 64.0501 13 64.0502 5 64.0503 3 64.0504 4 64.0700 5 64.0800 8 64.0900 14 64.1000 6 64.1100 37 64.1200 39 65.0100 728 65.0200 169 65.0301 989 65.0302 63 65.0400 469 65.0500 601 65.0600 92 65.0701 470 65.0702 165 66.0100 1.650 66.0200 321 67.0000 213 68.0100 2.075 68.0201 157 68.0202 523 68.0301 43 68.0302 89 69.0100 5.968 69.0200 7.620 70.0100 12.107 70.0200 2,033 70.0300 651 70.0400 1,781 70.0500 394 71.0100 1,519 71.0201 3.987 72.0101 1.670 72.0102 31 7£0201 195 72.0202 53 72.0203 298 7Z0204 90 7Z0205 19 7Z0300 133 73.0101 186 73.0102 223 73.0103 294 73.0104 871 73.0106 102 73.0107 206 73.0108 126 73.0109 614 73.01 1 1 613 73.0112 244 73.0200 169 73.0301 796 73.0302 751 73.0303 386 74.0000 2,164 75.0001 420 75.0002 818 75.0003 69 76.0101 294 76.0102 40 76.0201 124 76.0202 24 76.0203 59 76.0204 72 76.0205 108 76.0206 277 77.0100 1.615 77.0200 686 77.0301 257 77.0303 131 77.0304 53 77.0305 425 77.0401 47 77.0402 132 77.0403 89 77.0501 118 77.0502 42 77.0503 32 77.0504 224 77.0600 52 77.0700 116 See footnote at the end of the table. 156 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 77.0800 65 9.0001 5 30.0000 16 64.0101 1 77.0900 141 9.0003 1 31.0101 172 64.0301 5 78.0100 296 9.0004 1 31.0102 2 64.0400 14 78.0200 57 11.0101 17 31.0103 1 64.1100 1 78.0500 24 11.0105 7 31.0200 1 64.1200 6 79.0100 43 11.0108 1 31.0300 1 65.0100 52 79.0200 130 11.0400 5 32.0100 13 65.0200 5 79.0300 628 11.0601 2 32.0300 13 65.0301 230 91.0000 155,631 11.0800 14 3Z0400 88 65.0302 6 94.0000 13.585 11.0900 20 320600 1 65.0400 53 95.0000 -265 1Z0101 3 35.0100 2 65.0500 150 97.00C0 1,028 1Z0214 2 35.0200 1 65.0600 6 99.30C9 5.460 1Z0300 7 36.0100 1 65.0701 107 13.0100 3 36.1100 1 65.0702 31 70.0200 37,183 36 13.0200 14.0101 2 8 36.1200 36.1600 2 1 66.0100 66.0200 194 1.0100 36 1.0200 7 14.0102 8 36.2000 1 67.0000 33 1.0301 87 14.0105 4 37.0101 47 68.0100 810 1.0302 4 14.0300 3 37.0103 1 68.0201 52 2.0100 10 14.0400 ? 37.0104 1 68.0202 75 2.0201 19 14.0500 37.0105 1 68.0301 1 2.0202 51 14.0600 4 37.0200 1 68.0302 16 2.0300 6 14.0800 1 37.0300 1 69.0100 322 2.0401 9 14.0900 4 38 0100 1 69.0200 479 2.0402 2 14.1100 1 38 0400 1 70.0100 13,189 2.0501 12 14.1200 1 38.0600 3 70.0200 8,100 2.0502 4 14.1301 1 38.0700 1 70.0300 14,731 2.0503 2 14.1302 1 380800 3 70.0400 7.400 2.0600 29 14.1401 1 38.1000 2 70.0500 14 2.0701 3 14.1402 2 39.0100 2 71.0201 560 2.0702 5 14.1403 1 40.0400 10 72.0101 16 4.0001 4 14.1501 1 40.0500 1 72.0201 4 14.1801 1 14.1502 2 40.0600 1 72.0202 2 15.0101 2 14.1700 2 40.0700 2 72.0203 58 18.0400 1 14.1801 4 40.0902 1 72.0204 2 22.0200 2 14.1802 1 41.0100 2 72.0205 2 26.0100 1 14.2002 1 41.0201 17 72.0300 3 26.0200 4 14.2005 2 41.0202 1 73.0101 3 26.0400 2 14.2101 4 41.0203 11 73.0102 4 26.0501 5 14.2103 2 42.0201 5 73.0103 6 27.0100 2 14.2104 1 4Z0300 1 73.0104 117 29.0100 1 14.2200 6 4Z0401 1 73.0106 8 32.0400 2 14.2300 1 4Z0402 1 73.0107 19 51.0103 1 14.2500 2 42.0500 1 73.0108 2 59.0301 2 14.2800 1 42.0800 3 73.0109 169 62.0101 2 14.2900 1 42.1000 1 73.0111 132 62.0500 1 14.3201 1 42.1100 1 73.0112 50 63.0300 2 14.3202 2 43.0100 1 73.0200 4 65.0200 17 15.0101 6 43.0200 2 73.0301 18 65.0301 3 15.0103 1 44.0001 11 73.0302 93 65.0302 1 15.0200 1 44.0002 1 73.0303 653 65.0400 526 16.0100 3 45.0100 3 74.0000 47 65.0500 784 16.0300 1 45.0300 1 75.0001 23 65.0701 4 17.0100 2 46.0200 1 75.0002 13 65.0702 7 18.0201 1 47.0100 1 75.0003 2 66.0100 14 18.0202 1 47.0300 3 76.0101 45 66.0200 3 18.0300 1 48.0600 2 76.0102 6 67.0000 2 18.0400 9 49.0100 2 76.0201 3 68.0100 2 19.0200 1 49.0200 1 76.0203 1 69.0100 94 19.0304 1 49.0700 1 76.0204 1 69.0200 664 19.0306 3 49.0800 1 76.0205 4 70.0100 5,006 20.0100 9 50.0400 3 76.0206 4 70.0200 4,144 20.0200 13 51.0103 43 77.0100 37 70.0300 17 20.0501 2 51.0104 25 77.0200 421 70.0400 1.075 20.0502 1 51.0400 1 77.0301 67 70.0500 22 20.0600 1 5Z03O0 22 77.0303 6 71.0100 7,023 20.0703 1 52.0400 2 77.0304 2 71.0201 558 20.0903 1 520500 1 77.0305 17 72.0101 1,335 20.0904 1 53.0200 5 77.0401 5 72.0201 8 22.0101 1 53.0300 6 77.0402 226 72.0203 12 22.0200 12 53.0400 9 77.0403 269 73.0101 1 22.0300 1 53.0500 8 77.0501 4 73.0102 1 23.0200 2 2 54.0200 1 77.0502 5 73.0104 8 23.0300 54.0300 1 77.0504 506 73.0107 5 23.0400 1 1 54.0700 3 77.0600 6 73.0108 2 23.0500 55.0300 2 77.0700 144 73.0109 8 24.0100 3 56.0100 9 77.0800 3 73.01 1 1 27 24.0500 4 56.0300 23 77.0900 426 73.0112 10 24.0701 2 56.0500 22 78.0100 8 73.0200 3 24.0702 1 57.0100 4 78.0200 6 73.0302 14 24.0706 1 57.0200 36 78.0500 16 74.0000 463 24.0800 29 57.0300 40 79.0100 7 75.0001 740 25.0000 4 58.0100 1 79.0200 36 75.0002 117 26.0100 6 58.0400 2 79.0300 258 75.0003 4 26.0200 25 58.0600 5 91.0000 28,719 76.0201 1 26.0301 3 58.0700 1 94.0000 3,265 76.0205 3 26.0302 1 59.0100 1 97.00C0 2 77.0402 6 26.0400 3 59.0200 1 99.30C9 5,473 77.0504 6 26.0501 12 59.0301 50 91 0000 13 657 26 0601 1 59 0302 84 70.0400 168,873 94^0000 '292 26.0602 1 60.0100 70 1.0100 68 99.30C9 173 26.0700 1 60.0200 26 1.0200 52 26.0806 1 60.0400 22 1.0301 178 70.0300 89,931 1 27.0100 27.0201 77 2 61.0100 61.0200 2 1 1.0302 20100 13 1.0200 18 1.0301 3 27.0300 2 61.0300 1 2.0201 28 1.0302 1 27.0401 2 61.0700 1 Z0202 114 2.0202 2 27.0402 1 620101 40 2.0203 5 3.0001 3 27.0406 12 62.0200 12 2.0300 11 3.0002 1 28.0100 35 6Z0400 15 Z0401 25 4.0001 2 28.0200 5 62.0500 15 2.0402 7 4.0002 2 28.0400 13 62.0800 4 Z0501 33 6.0100 7 29.0100 76 62.0900 8 2.0502 8 6.0200 2 29.0201 16 62.1000 6 2-0503 6 7.0000 10 29.0202 1 62.1100 9 2.0600 42 8.0001 22 29.0300 21 63.0300 25 20701 15 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES Commodity ' Using industry Table 2A.-The Use Table for [Millions of dollars Value Commodities (Rows^ontinued at producers' prices] 157 Commodity ' 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 120215 120300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 •14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 'ootnote at the end of the table. 59 19 29 33 44 6 6 i 14 44 113 17 11 4 3 11 447 13 165 33 395 8 11 3 14 519 1,102 237 86 3 516 22 5 2 2 2 2 62 24 30 4 32 12 10 36 3 8 20 5 8 9 10 11 9 14 5 9 18 3 10 47 19 4 11 5 5 13 63 2 11 26 42 11 2 14 2 3 8 8 2 3 i 9 15 46 2 3 5 33 3 18 2 14 2 2 1 4 2 3 4 6 2 1 9 68 2 7 1 Using industry Value Commodity ■ 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0400 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0100 34.0201 34.0202 34.0301 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0701 36.0702 36.0800 2 1 8 1 5 43 35 2 1 13 8 13 2 3 8 5 2 7 7 2 17 3 1 9 6 6 2 9 8 6 6 2 2 12 4 23 16 12 2 2 7 83 46 65 31 25 8 15 87 10 10 6 2 2 5 155 13 3 14 2 7 4 5 1 14 46 5 2 15 85 19 8 4 24 19 125 7 3 5 5 16 2 17 122 4 5 4 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 20 9 10 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 Using industry 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1700 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 420402 42.0500 420700 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 520400 52.0500 Value 1 3 13 27 3 3 2 6 1 2 6 2 1 72 2 6 8 8 20 6 2 3 9 7 2 9 9 22 5 16 6 1 3 2 15 2 2 4 2 11 9 12 15 2 4 5 14 22 2 13 2 6 1 11 Commodity i Using industry 7 7 1 20 5 9 7 15 14 7 21 2 5 2 5 2 4 5 2 19 4 1 4 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 15 13 7 4 4 2 7 5 3 4 1 26 2 49 26 5 1 1 27 2 7 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 620200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 620700 620800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0100 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 VaJue 5 7 11 9 2 2 4 5 5 4 2 4 4 10 12 10 2 26 29 5 45 51 5 2 10 6 7 5 225 105 76 33 25 14 8 7 5 2 4 7 48 2 18 4 20 18 2 1 5 8 9 11 5 30 10 2 1 2 2 8 3 11 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 9 9 103 158 1.310 31 46 151 7 110 64 194 144 166 358 31 86 42 188 917 1.581 890 214 163 1.298 650 3.022 1.637 92 13 125 10 38 16 6 158 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.-The Use Tab.e .or Commodities (Rows>-Con t inued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 70.0500 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 Commodity ' Using industry 62.781 62,518 263 457,250 457,250 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.09O0 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0400 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 8 239 22 11 12 85 24 1 431 766 439 8 11 800 181 25 10 6 2 8 43 52 39 2 27 20 19 60 6 15 69 11 22 30 34 33 20 18 27 26 49 4 12 270 28 11 12 22 7 44 20 18 15 82 20 1 11 1 8 21 13 3 3 25 53 55 1 3 68 5 34 2 30 5 3 4 12 12 7 9 17 2 1 27 524 32 41 8 42 10 89 3 34 112 75 10 1 58 46 33 17 13 13 13 15 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 3Z0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0201 34.0202 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0600 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 31 7 4 73 4 2 55 24 35 20 44 30 48 31 24 25 7 23 37 36 44 13 9 34 92 159 300 428 228 32 124 637 56 35 23 23 31 47 390 25 14 29 1 20 17 17 1 29 60 14 5 27 295 64 58 6 132 55 279 14 3 20 9 25 6 61 685 22 16 16 2 8 4 3 7 48 45 25 5 4 6 3 3 7 16 46 84 4 5 8 15 11 17 11 6 97 4 18 13 21 30 14 16 11 15 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 4Z0201 4Z0202 42.0300 4Z0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 5Z0200 5Z0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.050O 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 1 6 16 18 34 10 51 25 3 8 5 42 7 6 13 17 83 63 65 140 22 23 25 78 59 7 98 13 26 3 44 57 76 45 4 93 11 75 26 62 35 14 46 9 34 5 23 8 17 24 138 8 4 15 6 13 18 13 9 16 28 109 43 14 25 24 18 41 24 8 19 3 262 8 513 227 26 3 6 61 6 46 20 33 47 71 5 19 11 10 6 14 7 7 10 121 47 63 16 139 230 19 339 330 15 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 159 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0100 71.0201 720101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 12 35 33 49 24 18 491 259 178 121 133 52 38 25 6 10 16 23 294 16 115 21 121 97 19 6 24 44 66 75 25 88 56 13 4 15 8 37 3 75 7 8 8 9 8 11 4 6 81 83 287 301 2,384 1,011 877 1,425 46 376 266 2,507 256 304 1,842 122 201 58 10 15,865 36.668 8,324 1,636 3,269 6,134 2,982 16,415 35,749 1,353 2,793 954 269 1,590 445 107 1,575 696 375 567 3,367 201 788 550 2,355 2,935 892 1,349 7,798 2.639 2,883 13,476 850 4,912 1,104 1,493 632 578 120 Commodity ' 71.0202 . Using industry 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 92.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 Value 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 119 101 1.498 1,643 9,779 15,400 3,573 503 219 2,785 2,290 4,583 804 1,374 2,967 4,812 2,158 635 1,455 1,556 2,750 647 25 8 53 189 1,914 163,440 28,407 811 512 3,179 237 288 281 307 2,380 151 112 1 66 298 5,911 55,711 3 2 6 9 1 36 391 16,661 29 41 5 1 17 17 1 7 2 5 1 5 152 1 14 27 10 3 1 25 3 4 5 1 1 1 13 17 10 1 9 8 4 10 1 3 11 2 3 4 2 1 5 23 6 19 5 1 7 47 11 1 3 Commodity ' Using industry Value 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0103 1 5.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 Commodity ' 2 3 7 3 2 4 12 10 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 4 11 65 3 1 21 2 7 1 2 2 2 1 5 3 4 5 8 2 15 142 2 9 1 2 1 7 1 5 10 22 7 42 21 10 4 3 2 3 1 5 4 9 4 4 6 1 4 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 24 8 6 1 1 4 23 4 420 602 751 42 79 26 3 4 384 1 3 4 318 3 1 18 1 3 1 1 1 6 57 7 1 16 205 25 Using Value industry 29.0202 12 29.0203 2 29.0300 45 30.0000 3 31.0101 898 31.0102 2 31.0103 1 31.0200 2 31.0300 2 320100 29 320200 2 32.0300 28 320400 154 320500 6 320600 8 33.0001 1 34.0201 3 34.0302 1 34.0305 1 35.0100 15 35.0200 5 36.0100 6 36.0200 1 36.0300 1 36.0400 1 36.0600 1 36.0800 1 36.0900 1 36.1000 1 36.1100 3 36.1200 14 36.1300 1 36.1400 1 36.1500 1 36.1600 9 36.1900 3 36.2000 7 36.2100 3 36.2200 1 37.0101 41 37.0102 3 37.0103 1 37.0104 2 37.0105 2 37.0200 10 37.0300 2 37.0401 3 37.0402 1 38.0100 2 38.0400 3 38.0501 3 38.0600 3 38.0700 5 38.0800 7 38.0900 4 38.1000 31 38.1100 29 38.1200 6 38.1300 12 38.1400 2 39.0100 11 39.0200 1 40.0100 1 40.0200 5 40.0300 3 40.0400 15 40.0500 16 40.0600 3 40.0700 4 40.0800 1 40.0901 1 40.0902 1 41.0100 10 41.0201 10 41.0202 3 41.0203 9 420100 3 42.0201 5 420202 1 420300 2 420401 2 420402 2 420500 4 420800 6 42.1000 1 421100 1 43.0100 5 43.0200 4 44.0001 1 44.0002 1 45.0100 6 45.0200 2 45.0300 6 46.0100 1 46.0200 5 46.0300 1 46.0400 1 47.0100 2 47.0200 1 47.0300 30 47.0401 11 47.0402 4 47.0404 4 47.0500 8 48.0100 4 48.0200 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 160 BENCHMARK tNPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, ,992 Table 2A.-The use Table lor Commodities (Ro«s)-Con,inued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices) Commodity ' 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 620300 62.0400 620500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 3 15 11 1 1 2 1 1 1 5 7 1 32 1 28 14 2 1 9 1 3 2 7 6 7 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 8 11 4 3 15 30 1 20 18 2 3 9 3 4 3 1 28 18 17 20 13 153 80 2 1 1 1 2 56 2 9 1 46 45 3 1 4 8 4 5 3 15 13 1 1 2 1 4 7 4 2 1 1 1 1 4 3 13 9 17 12 75 5 19 46 4 8 6 138 439 72.0101 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 720101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 . 720204 720205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 91.0000 94.0000 95.0000 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 20202 2.0300 20401 2.0402 20501 2.0502 20600 20701 20702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 Using industry Value 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 1 1 .0900 12.0101 12.0214 120215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 22.0101 22.0102 Commodity ■ 30 5 1 81 121 62 22 5 133 51 9 6 4 4 4 8 56 70 4 53 22 15 60 2 19 45 8 18 19 22 22 18 29 11 19 41 5 21 59 24 5 20 9 8 30 62 1 15 19 73 21 2 31 1 5 16 13 1 4 21 36 105 1 5 10 67 4 35 2 31 5 2 2 8 5 6 7 12 2 1 22 158 4 17 2 4 2 18 1 10 59 63 6 29 16 22 7 6 13 8 6 11 12 2 26 1 Using industry Value 220103 22.0200 220300 220400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 320100 32.0200 320300 320400 320500 320600 33.0001 34.0100 34.0201 34.0202 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0600 36.0701 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 1 18 6 8 6 17 14 10 10 s 7 16 8 47 33 25 6 4 14 146 95 104 68 51 13 34 175 21 11 12 4 5 11 271 21 6 28 2 16 4 9 1 31 94 12 5 34 196 41 19 8 56 44 99 15 2 12 11 36 2 34 248 7 10 9 1 10 1 2 1 1 39 15 11 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 5 17 36 2 6 4 11 5 10 4 2 127 4 12 16 15 34 10 6 5 16 17 7 18 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 161 Table 2A, -The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 420402 42.0500 42.0700 420800 42.1000 421100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 520500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 Commodity ' 17 44 8 39 14 2 5 4 36 4 2 7 7 25 21 28 35 7 8 10 26 43 2 29 5 12 2 27 15 16 16 1 42 10 21 17 35 29 15 40 5 11 1 11 2 8 11 5 40 8 1 8 1 5 7 5 2 7 7 34 26 12 9 12 5 16 10 6 10 1 59 4 117 69 10 2 1 58 2 16 12 16 24 22 4 6 8 12 10 8 6 7 9 26 23 25 6 60 65 10 92 114 10 5 21 13 Using Value industry 58.0700 14 59.0100 13 59.0200 11 59.0301 454 59.0302 220 60.0100 188 60.0200 80 60.0400 63 61.0100 32 61.0200 13 61.0300 13 61.0500 5 61.0601 6 61.0603 8 61.0700 9 62.0101 104 62.0102 6 62.0200 37 62.0300 7 62.0400 40 62.0500 41 62.0600 5 62.0700 2 62.0800 9 62.0900 21 62.1000 21 62.1100 26 63.0200 7 63.0300 65 64.0101 14 64.0102 2 64.0104 1 64.0105 5 64.0200 2 64.0301 12 64.0302 1 64.0400 23 64.0501 4 64.0502 2 64.0503 1 64.0504 2 64.0700 2 64.0800 4 64.0900 5 64.1000 4 64.1100 18 64.1200 18 65.0100 108 65.0200 31 65.0301 598 65.0302 36 65.0400 46 65.0500 300 65.0600 22 65.0701 38 65.0702 39 66.0100 547 66.0200 84 67.0000 76 68.0100 401 68.0201 43 68.0202 88 68.0301 7 68.0302 40 69.0100 1.955 69.0200 1.590 70.0100 821 70.0200 169 70.0300 212 70.0400 500 70.0500 581 71.0201 1,409 720101 202 72.0102 15 72.0201 53 720202 21 72.0203 62 72.0204 36 72.0205 7 72.0300 62 73.0101 68 73.0102 81 73.0103 33 73.0104 322 73.0106 46 73.0107 71 73.0108 47 73.0109 244 73.0111 935 73.0112 91 73.0200 71 73.0301 868 73.0302 332 73.0303 164 74.0000 810 75.0001 139 75.0002 320 75.0003 18 76.0101 96 76.0102 4 76.0201 49 76.0202 2 76.0203 19 76.0204 8 76.0205 60 76.0206 68 Commodity ' 72.0102 . 72.0201 Using industry 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.1 0C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 91.0000 98.00C2 99.30C8 Value 4.0001 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0601 11.0800 11.0900 120101 12.0214 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1502 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2200 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0300 18.0400 19.0200 19.0306 Commodity ' 649 673 150 52 18 164 13 96 35 48 166 42 141 22 41 18 95 20 2 2 20 19.088 48 967 149 413 355 82 405 772 200 95 119 346 1,748 6,889 10.793 -3,547 -357 21,160 45 1 1 3 7 4 1 1 19 7 1 7 3 16 25 13 5 27 8 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 5 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 '1 102 10 59 5 34 2 1 1 2 4 7 11 18 6 12 17 1 1 Using industry Value 20.0100 1 20.0200 5 20.0501 2 20.0600 1 20.0904 1 22.0101 2 22.0200 1 23.0200 1 23.0300 1 23.0400 1 24.0100 1 24.0500 1 24.0701 1 24.0800 16 25.0000 3 26.0100 7 26.0200 2 26.0301 1 26.0302 1 26.0400 4 26.0501 5 26.0601 1 27.0100 20 27.0300 1 27.0402 1 27.0406 1 28.0100 6 28.0200 1 28.0400 2 29.0100 11 29.0201 2 29.0202 1 29.0300 2 30.0000 1 31.0101 16 31.0102 1 32.0100 1 32.0300 2 32.0400 11 33.0001 5 35.0100 3 35.0200 1 36.0100 2 36.0200 1 36.1000 1 36.1100 4 36.1200 5 36.1600 1 36.2000 1 37.0101 22 37.0103 1 37.0104 1 37.0200 3 37.0300 1 37.0402 3 38.0100 1 38.0400 4 38.0600 3 38.0700 1 38.0800 4 38.1000 6 38.1100 5 39.0100 1 40.0400 1 40.0500 1 40.0600 1 40.0700 1 41.0100 5 41.0201 2 41.0203 1 42.0300 1 42.0401 1 42.0402 1 420800 1 421100 1 43.0100 1 43.0200 3 44.0001 1 45.0100 2 45.0300 1 46.0200 1 47.0100 1 47.0300 1 48.0600 4 49.0100 1 49.0200 1 49.0700 1 49.0800 1 50.0200 1 50.0400 3 51.0103 3 51.0104 2 51.0400 1 52.0300 3 52.0500 1 53.0400 1 53.0500 2 53.0800 4 54.0400 1 54.0700 1 55.0300 1 56.0300 1 56.0500 2 57.0200 14 57.0300 7 58.0100 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 162 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 36.0400 1 36.0600 1 36.0701 1 36.0800 2 36.0900 1 36.1000 7 36.1100 12 t 36.1200 30 36.1300 5 36.1400 3 36.1500 2 36.1600 8 36.1900 4 36.2000 8 36.2100 2 36.2200 1 37.0101 199 37.0102 3 37.0103 8 37.0104 9 37.0105 9 37.0200 38 37.0300 11 37.0401 6 37.0402 2 38.0100 5 38.0400 15 38.0501 5 38.0600 9 38.0700 10 38.0800 36 38.0900 3 38.1000 10 38.1100 11 38.1200 1 38.1300 4 38.1400 2 39.0100 23 39.0200 1 40.0100 1 40.0200 2 40.0300 2 40.0400 7 40.0500 4 40.0600 10 40.0700 8 40.0800 2 40.0901 1 40.0902 3 41.0100 16 41.0201 26 41.0202 1 41.0203 24 42.0100 5 420201 5 420202 1 42.0300 9 420401 10 420402 10 420500 6 420700 1 42.0800 13 421000 7 421100 15 43.0100 5 43.0200 13 44.0001 7 44.0002 5 45.0100 19 45.0200 1 45.0300 2 46.0100 1 46.0200 2 46.0300 1 46.0400 1 47.0100 2 47.0200 1 47.0300 15 47.0401 2 47.0402 1 47.0404 1 47.0500 1 48.0100 2 48.0400 1 48.0500 1 48.0600 8 49.0100 8 49.0200 17 49.0300 1 49.0500 5 49.0600 1 49.0700 3 49.0800 1 50.0100 2 50.0200 3 50.0400 17 51.0103 11 51.0104 13 51.0400 2 52.0300 19 52.0400 1 52.0500 2 53.0200 3 53.0300 4 53.0400 9 53.0500 5 58.0400 2 58.0600 1 58.0700 1 59.0100 4 59.0200 1 59.0301 69 59.0302 43 60.0100 15 60.0200 3 60.0400 5 61.0100 4 61.0200 2 61.0300 1 62.0101 7 62.0200 2 62.0400 2 62.0500 4 62.0900 1 62.1000 1 62.1100 2 63.0300 2 64.0400 4 64.1100 1 64.1200 2 65.0100 7 65.0200 21 65.0301 79 65.0302 2 65.0500 11 65.0701 8 65.0702 3 66.0100 15 66.0200 2 67.0000 3 68.0100 41 68.0202 2 68.0301 1 68.0302 8 69.0100 210 69.0200 1,054 70.0100 70 70.0200 12 70.0400 21 71.0201 63 72.0101 209 72.0102 94 72.0201 1.606 72.0202 7 72.0203 157 720204 2 72.0205 1 72.0300 23 73.0101 18 73.0102 67 73.0103 27 73.0104 18 73.0106 11 73.0107 21 73.0108 1 73.0109 52 73.0111 11 73.0112 10 73.0200 11 73.0301 8 73.0302 4 73.0303 38 74.0000 407 75.0001 99 75.0002 1.318 75.0003 41 76.0101 9 76.0201 14 76.0202 2 76.0203 4 76.0204 7 76.0205 75 76.0206 65 77.0100 76 77.0200 379 77.0301 256 77.0303 10 77.0304 6 77.0305 26 77.0401 19 77.0402 77 77.0403 10 77.0501 9 77.0502 34 77.0503 25 77.0504 8 77.0600 2 77.0700 18 77.0800 24 77.0900 33 78.0100 12 79.0100 4 79.0200 3 79.0300 3 91.0000 12,207 96.00C0 34 97.00C0 10 98.00C1 170 98.00C2 126 99.10C1 223 99.10C2 8 99.10C4 22 72.0202 . 72.0203 . 72.0204 . 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 91.0000 17.0600 65.0702 69.0100 91.0000 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0601 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 120300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0200 9 4 3 10 208 6,928 6,928 22,601 1 25 192 22,360 23 19,302 3 1 19 3 2 7 34 1 5 3 1 4 1 1 11 1 1 4 2 16 11 1 8 1 1 10 3 31 2 1 6 109 7 22 72 7 1 1 1 2 28 23 33 1 16 5 7 22 1 7 16 3 11 8 25 7 6 8 2 3 19 1 20 21 10 3 10 3 2 17 7 1 3 1 17 2 2 11 1 7 3 5 1 2 6 10 33 1 2 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 220102 220200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0201 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 I 40 1 29 1 9 3 9 6 2 2 2 1 1 9 17 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 28 42 2 6 3 14 2 1 1 3 3 5 12 7 1 2 1 1 1 5 2 2 3 1 1 23 5 15 22 15 2 1 6 183 53 30 6 5 8 5 75 7 5 2 2 2 6 217 28 3 17 1 7 1 1 2 15 77 9 5 34 49 12 6 3 9 8 213 4 2 9 7 33 1 14 136 5 2 2 2 27 16 16 6 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 163 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0104 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0504 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 Commodity ' 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 4 8 2 3 13 16 3 77 28 3 2 3 15 2 3 2 61 117 19 102 16 6 1 2 1 1 1 17 1 8 2 9 9 1 1 2 3 4 2 11 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 6 1 3 3 26 23 23 1 19 262 7 28 1,154 271 95 54 12 12 5 66 838 614 323 24 6 104 50 1,877 94 7 51 7 21 11 1 11 30 37 18 151 12 81 27 107 49 31 20 81 41 72.0205 . 72.0300 . 73.0101 Using industry 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.1 0C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 Value 11.0400 11.0900 31.0101 37.0101 66.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 71.0201 72.0101 73.0104 73.0107 73.0301 74.0000 77.0100 77.0200 77.0402 91.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C2 99.30C9 72.0202 72.0300 91.0000 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 Commodity ' 33 481 18 101 13 26 3 8 10 1 4 34 53 156 269 27 7 15 69 12 89 14 18 21 10 21 6 10 13 19 1 100 4,748 31 9 7 696 70 1 727 45 20 2 79 2 40 204 3,843 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3,758 11 8 1 -3 35 18,182 5 2,576 15,601 31,027 39 21 234 29 25 85 417 1 61 40 5 52 14 3 134 8 19 49 28 28 28 1 1 2 7 20 Using industry Value 9.0001 9.0002 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 1 1 .0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 130600 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14 0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14,1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0306 20 0100 20.0200 20.0300 200501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 1 1 1 188 2 69 8 432 3 6 16 147 1 S2S 124 306 1 043 20 2 4 2 6 ro 56 "9 1 3' 12 IS S2 2 IS 40 9 re 20 59 17 14 19 Commodity ' 8 47 4 49 49 24 8 21 8 4 41 17 3 7 3 53 4 5 27 2 15 7 11 1 4 13 26 78 1 1 7 96 3 72 2 21 9 1 1 22 14 7 4 6 2 1 21 40 2 7 1 1 1 4 6 66 101 6 15 8 32 6 1 2 7 Using Value ndustry 20.0903 11 20.0904 28 21.0000 1 22.0101 19 22.0102 1 22.0103 1 22.0200 6 22.0300 2 22.0400 4 23.0100 2 23.0200 12 23.0300 4 23.0400 4 23.0500 9 23.0600 1 23.0700 3 240100 56 24.0400 11 24.0500 36 24.0701 54 24.0702 37 24.0703 7 24.0705 3 24.0706 14 24.0800 436 25.0000 129 26.0100 74 26.0200 13 26.0301 12 26.0302 19 26 0400 9 26.0501 178 26.0601 16 26.0602 11 26.0700 4 26.0802 4 26.0803 6 26.0806 13 27.0100 531 27.0201 63 27.0202 7 27.0300 43 27.0401 2 27.0402 15 27.0403 2 27.0404 4 27.0405 6 27.0406 36 28.0100 185 28.0200 22 28.0300 12 28.0400 81 29.0100 126 29.0201 30 29.0202 14 290203 7 29.0300 24 30.0000 20 31.0101 509 31.0102 9 31.0103 7 31.0200 21 31.0300 16 32.0100 80 32.0200 1 32.0300 34 32.0400 328 32.0500 11 32.0600 6 33.0001 7 34.0201 3 34.0302 1 34.0303 1 34.0304 1 34.0305 1 35.0100 65 35.0200 37 36.0100 38 36.0200 14 36.0300 1 36.0400 3 36.0600 2 36.0701 1 360800 6 36.0900 2 36.1000 15 36 1100 30 36.1200 70 361300 11 36 1400 7 36.1500 5 36.1600 18 36.1900 9 36.2000 18 36.2100 6 36.2200 2 37.0101 472 37 0102 7 37.0103 19 37.0104 20 37,0105 23 37.0200 150 37.0300 28 37.0401 14 37.0402 7 38.0100 12 See footnote at the end of the table. 164 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 38.040 3 37 38.050 9 38.060 ) 31 38.0701 3 23 38.0801 ) 92 38.0901 ) 9 38.100C ) 28 38.110C ) 29 38.120C ) 1 38.130C ) 10 38.140C 4 39.01 0C 53 39.020C 2 40.01 0C 2 40.020C 6 40.030C 4 40.040C 16 40.0500 9 40.0600 24 40.0700 21 40.0800 4 40.0901 2 40.0902 8 41.0100 35 41.0201 62 41.0202 2 41.0203 56 42.0100 9 42.0201 11 42.0202 3 42.0300 22 42.0401 26 42.0402 25 42.0500 17 42.0700 2 42.0800 30 42.1000 16 42.1100 35 43.0100 10 43.0200 31 44.0001 16 44.0002 11 45.0100 47 45.0200 2 45.0300 6 46.0100 1 46.0200 4 46.0300 1 46.0400 3 47.0100 6 47.0200 2 47.0300 38 47.0401 4 47.0402 1 47.0404 2 47.0500 1 48.0100 4 48.0200 1 48.0300 1 48.0400 4 48.0500 1 48.0600 19 49.0100 20 49.0200 42 49.0300 4 49.0500 13 49.0600 2 49.0700 9 49.0800 3 50.0100 5 50.0200 9 50.0400 42 51.0102 1 51.0103 29 51.0104 28 51.0400 6 52.0100 1 52.0200 1 52.0300 45 52.0400 1 52.0500 6 53.0200 7 53.0300 9 53.0400 23 53.0500 12 53.0700 8 53.0800 3 54.0100 6 54.0200 8 54.0300 2 54.0400 7 54.0500 2 54.0700 2 55.0100 7 55.0200 11 55.0300 20 56.0100 7 56.0200 9 56.0300 29 56.0500 38 57.0100 7 57.0200 192 57.0300 72 58.0100 10 58.0200 6 58.0400 10 Commodity ' Using industry 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 620700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 621100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0104 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0100 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 7Z0201 7Z0202 72.0203 7Z0204 720205 720300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 Value 34 5 7 6 149 281 56 243 40 15 4 6 1 1 1 2 46 3 19 5 24 21 2 1 2 6 10 10 4 29 1 3 1 7 1 12 1 3 2 1 1 12 1 8 8 26 523 26 100 21 92 23 174 35 20 36 2 3 2 2 1.851 1.001 185 43 53 69 234 250 187 12 84 13 38 2C 2 21 61 133 32 425 28 578 49 321 114 87 31 114 58 68 522 421 170 31 42 27 12 22 5 10 57 119 336 492 95 I Commodity ' 73.0102 . Using industry Value See footnote at the end of the table. 77.0303 21 77.0304 20 77.0305 130 77.0401 19 77.0402 136 77.0403 22 77.0501 32 77.050: ! 41 77.050: 20 77.050< 38 77.060C 10 77.070C 17 77.080C 25 77.090C 32 78.01 0C 33 78.020C 5 79.0100 89 79.0300 348 91.0000 3,139 94.0000 1,711 95.0000 -13 96.00C0 143 97.00CO 14 98.00C1 72 98.00C2 347 98.00C3 1 99.10C1 245 99.10C2 22 99.10C4 17 99.20C1 73 99.20C2 12 99.20C3 22 99.30C8 115 99.30C9 12 26 522 5.0001 ' 12 6.0100 7 6.0200 34 7.0000 52 8.0001 7 9.0001 10 9.0002 7 9.0003 3 9.0004 3 10.0000 9 11.0101 25 11.0105 10 11.0400 10 11.0601 24 11.0602 2 11.0800 25 11.0900 30 120101 192 1Z0214 7 120300 29 13.0100 68 13.0200 2 13.0300 2 13.0500 2 13.0600 2 13.0700 1 14.0101 16 14.0102 18 14.0105 24 14.0200 1 14.0300 8 14.0400 8 14.0500 5 14.0600 23 14.0700 2 14.0800 5 14.0900 14 14.1000 3 14.1100 6 14.1200 6 14.1301 16 14.1302 10 14.1401 5 14.1402 6 14.1403 2 14.1501 4 14.1502 10 14.1600 2 14.1700 7 14.1801 21 14.1802 8 14.1803 2 14.1900 9 14.2002 2 14.20O4 3 14.2005 11 14.2101 23 14.2102 2 14.2103 6 14.2104 4 14.2200 20 14.2300 4 14.2400 1 14.2500 5 14.2600 1 14.2700 3 14.2800 3 14.2900 4 14.3000 2 14.3100 2 Commodity ' Using industry Value 14.3201 7 14.3202 10 15.010 7 15.0102 1 15.0103 2 15.0200 3 16.0100 21 16.0200 2 16.0300 11 16.0400 1 17.0100 6 17.0600 2 17.070C ) 1 17.090C I 1 17.1001 4 17.1 10C 3 18.0101 2 18.0102 3 18.0201 4 18.0202 2 18.030C 6 18.0400 39 19.0100 2 19.0200 4 19.0301 1 19.0302 2 19.0303 1 19.0304 4 19.0306 3 20.0100 4 20.0200 16 20.0300 3 20.0501 6 20.0502 5 20.0600 6 20.0701 4 20.0702 3 20.0703 4 20.0800 2 20.0901 3 20.0903 3 20.0904 6 21.0000 1 220101 16 22.0102 1 220103 1 22.0200 6 22.0300 2 22.0400 2 23.0100 4 23.0200 12 23.0300 3 23.0400 3 23.0500 3 23.0600 2 23.0700 2 24.0100 6 24.0400 3 24.0500 9 24.0701 8 24.0702 7 24.0703 2 24.0705 2 24.0706 4 24.0800 84 25.0000 26 26.0100 60 26.0200 14 26.0301 11 26.0302 5 26.0400 4 26.0501 38 26.0601 5 26.0602 3 26.0700 3 26.0802 2 26.0803 2 26.0806 3 27.0100 110 27.0201 8 27.0202 2 27.0300 8 27.0401 1 27.0402 5 27.0403 2 27.0404 2 27.0405 1 27.0406 12 28.0100 31 28.0200 5 28.0300 2 28.0400 9 29.0100 86 29.0201 16 29.0202 5 29.0203 3 29.0300 13 30.0000 10 31.0101 38 31.0102 5 31.0103 2 31.0200 4 31.0300 4 320100 12 320200 2 320300 I 13 DETAILED TABLES 165 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0201 34.0302 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0701 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 4Z0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 4Z0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 Commodity ' 82 3 4 2 4 1 19 6 12 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 5 7 14 2 4 2 6 3 5 5 2 28 2 5 4 4 19 4 3 16 6 27 3 4 3 18 3 9 5 1 3 2 5 2 2 2 2 6 6 7 8 2 2 3 7 13 1 7 1 4 2 7 7 4 6 1 15 3 5 9 14 7 3 16 2 4 2 5 2 3 4 2 16 2 1 3 1 2 2 2 1 4 3 12 10 10 3 7 2 Using industry Value 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 5Z0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 6Z0800 62.0900 62.1000 6£1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0600 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 71.0100 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 7Z0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 Commodity ' Using industry 6 4 3 11 1 20 1 23 20 4 1 1 15 1 4 3 4 6 7 2 29 4 4 2 3 2 6 3 9 7 4 3 11 22 4 100 56 12 2 17 10 7 4 3 65 60 107 31 49 19 12 6 1 2 2 3 60 3 14 2 17 12 2 2 3 5 9 12 4 18 2 1 1 1 2 4 5 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 6 4 12 97 14 12 44 795 1,551 517 99 170 558 8,192 619 32 37 33 22 7 3 73.0103 . Value 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 97.00C0 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.1 0C1 99.1 0C2 99.10C4 99.30C9 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 1Z0101 1£0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 Commodity ' 24 17 26 5 161 9 41 11 93 31 46 27 68 34 289 537 22 117 17 37 2 25 6 4 14 133 190 174 1,717 340 9 62 21 142 81 58 93 81 16 21 89 75 221 13 2 56 121 2,690 51 169 213 39 215 55 20 1,300 39,756 20 12 23 24 3 5 9 46 154 11 4 3 1 5 304 9 113 25 94 6 18 3 3 248 386 177 63 3 376 41 7 8 3 1 3 73 30 39 1 34 12 10 30 2 12 28 10 10 Using Value industry 14.1200 11 14.1301 12 14.1302 12 14.1401 11 14.1402 16 14.1403 6 14.1501 10 14.1502 22 14.1600 4 14.1700 11 14.1801 41 14.1802 20 14.1803 4 14.1900 14 14.2002 9 14.2004 6 14.2005 23 14.2101 35 14.2102 1 14.2103 9 14.2104 14 14.2200 45 14.2300 11 14.2400 1 14.2500 16 14.2600 1 14.2700 3 14.2800 10 14.2900 9 14.3100 3 14.3201 15 14.3202 30 15.0101 60 15.0103 2 15.0200 6 16.0100 54 16.0200 3 16.0300 21 16.0400 2 17.0100 20 17.0600 3 17.0700 2 17.0900 1 17.1001 6 17.1100 1 18.0101 4 18.0102 5 18.0201 7 18.0202 1 18.0300 12 18.0400 100 19.0100 3 19.0200 12 19.0301 1 19.0302 3 19.0303 2 19.0304 14 19.0306 7 20.0100 35 20.0200 47 20.0300 4 20.0501 21 20.0502 11 20.0600 17 20.0701 4 20.0702 6 20.0703 8 20.0800 8 20.0901 7 20.0903 9 20.0904 10 21.0000 1 22.0101 33 22.0102 1 22.0200 15 22.0300 4 22.0400 6 23.0100 6 23.0200 17 23.0300 13 23.0400 11 23.0500 12 23.0600 3 23.0700 5 24.0100 10 24.0400 5 24.0500 25 24.0701 21 24.0702 15 24.0703 3 24.0705 3 24.0706 9 24.0800 92 25.0000 60 26.0100 74 26.0200 52 26.0301 38 26.0302 13 26.0400 35 26.0501 163 26.0601 15 26.0602 9 26.0700 10 26.0802 5 26.0803 7 26.0806 10 See footnote at the end of the table. 166 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity > Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 27.0100 182 43.0200 23 27.0201 12 44.0001 19 27.0202 4 44.0002 10 27.0300 35 45.0100 28 27.0401 2 45.0200 4 27.0402 9 45.0300 8 27.0403 2 46.0100 2 27.0404 5 46.0200 8 27.0405 1 46.0300 2 27.0406 18 46.0400 5 28.0100 55 47.0100 9 28.0200 7 47.0200 4 28.0300 4 47.0300 29 28.0400 22 47.0401 6 29.0100 135 47.0402 2 29.0201 25 47.0404 6 29.0202 13 47.0405 1 29.0203 6 47.0500 4 29.0300 51 48.0100 6 30.0000 25 48.0200 3 31.0101 104 48.0300 2 31.0102 9 48.0400 6 31.0103 2 48.0500 6 31.0200 6 48.0600 24 31.0300 7 49.0100 21 32.0100 22 49.0200 10 32.0200 2 49.0300 6 32.0300 29 49.0500 10 32.0400 174 49.0600 4 32.0500 6 49.0700 11 32.0600 9 49.0800 7 33.0001 5 50.0100 5 34.0201 4 50.0200 9 34.0302 2 50.0300 1 34.0303 1 50.0400 53 34.0304 2 51.0102 2 34.0305 1 51.0103 93 35.0100 26 51.0104 51 35.0200 10 51.0400 8 36.0100 8 520100 1 36.0200 1 520200 1 36.0300 1 52.0300 37 36.0400 2 520400 2 36 0600 2 52.0500 10 36.0800 1 53.0200 9 36.0900 2 53.0300 12 36.1000 4 53.0400 18 36.1100 16 53.0500 19 36.1200 24 53.0700 1 36.1300 2 53.0800 4 36.1400 4 54.0100 5 36.1500 2 54.0200 7 36.1600 8 54.0300 6 36.1900 5 54.0400 6 36.2000 8 54.0500 5 36.2100 2 54.0700 5 36.2200 2 55.0100 9 37.0101 77 55.0200 15 37.0102 2 55.0300 20 37.0103 7 56.0100 17 37.0104 10 56.0200 4 37.0105 9 56.0300 46 37.0200 22 56.0500 54 37.0300 7 57.0100 8 37.0401 4 57.0200 95 37.0402 5 57.0300 77 38.0100 11 58.0100 6 38.0400 11 58.0200 4 38.0501 5 58.0400 18 38.0600 12 58.0600 13 38.0700 10 58.0700 20 38.0800 23 59.0100 12 38.0900 5 59.0200 6 38.1000 26 59.0301 279 38.1100 10 59.0302 144 38.1200 2 60.0100 121 38.1300 1 60.0200 60 38.1400 1 60.0400 49 39.0100 21 61.0100 20 39.0200 1 61.0200 8 40.0100 1 61.0300 7 40.0200 6 61.0500 4 40.0300 6 61.0601 5 40.0400 17 61.0603 5 40.0500 17 61.0700 6 40.0600 26 62.0101 95 40.0700 25 620102 7 40.0800 5 62.0200 30 40.0901 4 62.0300 7 40.0902 6 620400 34 41.0100 19 62.0500 35 41.0201 27 620600 4 41.0202 2 62.0700 2 41.0203 20 62.0800 7 42.0100 3 62.0900 12 42.0201 8 621000 19 42.0202 2 621100 19 42.0300 18 63.0200 10 42.0401 14 63.0300 51 42.0402 11 64.0101 15 42.0500 11 64.0102 1 42.0700 1 64.0104 2 42.0800 33 64.0105 4 42.1000 5 64.0200 2 42.1100 14 64.0301 8 43.0100 13 64.0400 19 Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry 64.0501 2 99.30C8 64.0502 2 99.30C9 64.0503 2 64.0504 2 2 73 0104 64.0700 1.0100 64.0800 2 1.0200 64.0900 4 1.0301 64.1000 2 1.0302 64.1100 18 20100 64.1200 23 20201 65.0100 121 20202 65.0200 59 2.0300 65.0301 4?€ 20401 65.0302 380 20402 65.0400 110 2.0501 65.0500 383 20502 65.0600 13 2.0600 65.0701 112 2.0701 65.0702 6' 20702 66.0100 739 3.0001 66.0200 11C 3.0002 67.0000 153 40001 68.0100 499 4.0002 68.0201 46 50001 68.0202 2SC 60100 68.0301 1? 6.0200 68.0302 it 7.0000 69.0100 3 5T- 80001 69.0200 220* 90001 70.0100 1 6S4 90002 70.0200 so: 90003 70.0300 196 90004 70.0400 432 10 0000 70.0500 921 11.0101 71.0201 1 ISO 11.0105 72.0101 504 11.0108 72.0102 77 11 0400 72.0201 109 11.0601 720202 20 11.0602 72.0203 123 1 1 0800 72.0204 35 11.0900 72.0205 9 12.0101 720300 63 12.0214 73.0101 80 12.0215 73.0102 159 12.0300 73.0103 183 13.0100 73.0104 688 13.0200 73.0106 39 13.0300 73.0107 122 13.0500 73.0108 85 13.0600 73.0109 534 13.0700 73.0111 1.191 14.0101 73.0112 296 14.0102 73.0200 128 140105 73.0301 457 14.0200 73.0302 QQi" 14.0300 73.0303 375 14.0400 74.0000 1.119 14.0500 75.0001 128 14.0600 75.0002 294 14.0700 75.0003 83 14.0800 76.0101 128 14.0900 76.0102 20 14.1000 76.0201 93 14 1100 76.0202 12 14.1200 76.0203 18 14.1301 76.0204 14 14.1302 76.0205 73 14.1401 76.0206 226 14.1402 77.0100 1.031 14.1403 77.0200 1.000 14 1501 77.0301 288 14.1502 77.0303 93 14.1600 77.0304 48 14.1700 77.0305 263 14.1801 77.0401 115 14 1802 77.0402 252 14 1803 77.0403 93 14.1900 77.0501 47 14.2002 77.0502 140 14.2004 77.0503 81 14.2005 77.0504 132 14.2101 77.0600 55 14.2102 77.0700 70 14.2103 77.0800 88 14.2104 77.0900 189 14.2200 78.0100 118 14.2300 78.0200 23 14.2400 78.0500 53 14.2500 79.0100 13 14.2600 79.0200 38 14.2700 79.0300 127 14.2800 91.0000 1.721 14.2900 94.0000 139 14.3000 95.0000 -665 14.3100 96.00C0 501 14.3201 97.00C0 68 14 3202 98.00C1 219 15.0101 98.00C2 103 15.0102 98.00C3 136 1 5.0200 99.10C1 190 16.0100 99.10C2 50 16.0200 99.10C4 20 16 0300 99.20C1 16 16 0400 99.20C2 8 17.0100 99.20C3 I 413 I 17.0600 Value See footnote at trie end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 167 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 52.0300 92 72.0205 5 52.0400 2 72.0300 37 52.0500 11 73.0101 92 53.0200 9 73.0102 112 53.0300 11 73.0103 88 53.0400 15 73.0104 9,273 53.0500 24 73.0106 54 53.0700 4 73.0107 1.346 53.0800 3 73.0108 76 54.0100 4 73.0109 750 54.0200 6 73.0111 1,820 54.0300 1 73.0112 922 54.0400 4 73.0200 249 54.0500 6 73.0301 547 54.0700 3 73.0302 1,314 55.0100 5 73.0303 4,288 55.0200 34 74.0000 749 55.0300 28 75.0001 137 56.0100 38 75.0002 397 56.0200 5 75.0003 41 56.0300 123 76.0101 155 56.0500 101 76.0102 77 57.0100 5 76.0201 40 57.0200 267 76.0202 28 57.0300 75 76.0203 15 58.0100 5 76.0204 33 58.0200 5 76.0205 77 58.0400 12 76.0206 113 58.0600 21 77.0100 3,120 58.0700 10 77.0200 2,214 59.0100 6 77.0301 213 59.0200 5 77.0303 121 59.0301 128 77.0304 82 59.0302 228 77.0305 474 60.0100 210 77.0401 250 60.0200 559 77.0402 2,707 60.0400 87 77.0403 206 61.0100 79 77.0501 110 61.0200 15 77.0502 135 61.0300 11 77.0503 15 61.0500 2 77.0504 311 61.0601 1 77.0600 169 61.0603 1 77.0700 106 61.0700 3 77.0800 66 62.0101 197 77.0900 182 620102 6 78.0100 39 62.0200 64 78.0200 139 62.0300 85 78.0500 52 62.0400 21 79.0100 24 62.0500 29 79.0200 169 62.0600 7 79.0300 242 620700 1 91.0000 2,444 6Z0800 2 92.0000 3,441 62.0900 19 93.0000 -41 62.1000 31 94.0000 3,092 62.1100 39 95.0000 -225 63.0200 5 96.00CO 7,913 63.0300 75 97.00C0 8,806 64.0101 3 98.00C1 1,017 64.0104 1 98.00C2 777 64.0105 1 98.00C3 209 64.0200 1 99.10C1 1.850 64.0301 12 99.10C2 653 64.0302 2 99.10C4 107 64.0400 14 99.20C1 129 64.0501 3 99.20C2 74 64.0502 8 99.20C3 142 64.0503 1 99.30C1 15 64.0504 3 99.30C8 428 64.0700 2 99.30C9 3.478 64.0800 3 64.0900 8 1 73.0106 13.732 64.1000 3.0001 1 64.1100 9 3.0002 6 64.1200 7 4.0001 1 65.0100 358 5.0001 6 65.0200 430 6.0100 4 65.0301 403 6.0200 17 65.0302 76 7.0000 29 65.0400 280 8.0001 4 65.0500 2.224 9.0001 4 65.0600 65 9.0002 4 65.0701 993 9.0003 1 65.0702 1,288 10.0000 4 66.0100 2,410 11.0101 95 66.0200 435 11.0102 1 67.0000 424 11.0105 35 68.0100 1,746 11.0108 4 68.0201 184 11.0400 34 68.0202 61 11.0501 1 68.0301 24 11.0601 14 68.0302 35 11.0602 1 69.0100 7,733 11.0603 1 69.0200 3,427 11.0800 85 70.0100 9,732 11.0900 130 70.0200 1.308 12.0101 65 70.0300 1,705 12.0214 24 70.0400 1,500 12.0300 137 70.0500 741 13.0100 41 71.0201 625 13.0200 5 72.0101 341 13.0600 1 72.0102 55 14.0101 9 72.0201 139 14.0102 11 72.0202 30 14.0105 14 72.0203 287 14.0300 5 72.0204 45 14.0400 5 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0201 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 1 3 17 15 4 4 4 1 1 15 67 2 10 1 1 1 4 8 40 51 2 22 6 16 5 2 2 4 4 6 14 16 1 1 8 2 4 3 15 5 5 11 2 9 30 6 32 36 23 4 2 8 241 78 99 267 54 14 29 175 92 8 3 4 9 11 344 41 12 25 1 9 3 3 5 25 111 27 7 62 156 37 17 8 21 22 291 7 3 11 11 51 1 30 267 8 10 3 43 1 2 1 1 47 25 22 36.0200 7 36.0300 1 36.0400 2 36.0600 2 36.0701 1 36.0800 3 36.0900 2 36.1000 8 36.1100 15 36.1200 37 36.1300 6 36.1400 4 36.1500 8 36.1600 18 36.1900 4 36.2000 14 36.2100 5 36.2200 7 37.0101 295 37.0102 3 37.0103 15 37.0104 16 37.0105 13 37.0200 83 37.0300 15 37.0401 9 37.0402 3 38.0100 5 38.0400 23 38.0501 7 38.0600 12 38.0700 14 38.0800 52 38.0900 13 38.1000 26 38.1100 29 38.1200 1 38.1300 6 38.1400 3 39.0100 29 39.0200 2 40.0100 1 40.0200 10 40.0300 4 40.0400 16 40.0500 10 40.0600 21 40.0700 49 40.0800 4 40.0901 3 40.0902 6 41.0100 30 41.0201 43 41.0202 1 41.0203 51 42.0100 6 42.0201 11 42.0202 1 42.0300 34 42.0401 27 42.0402 13 42.0500 14 42.0700 2 42.0800 48 42.1000 14 42.1100 31 43.0100 28 43.0200 53 44.0001 30 44.0002 7 45.0100 68 45.0200 4 45.0300 12 46.0100 2 46.0200 8 46.0300 1 46.0400 4 47.0100 14 47.0200 4 47.0300 40 47.0401 7 47.0404 5 47.0500 6 48.0100 4 48.0200 2 48.0300 1 48.0400 7 48.0500 6 48.0600 25 49.0100 27 49.0200 27 49.0300 7 49.0500 15 49.0600 2 49.0700 13 49.0800 8 50.0100 9 50.0200 7 50.0300 4 50.0400 35 51.0102 13 51.0103 397 51.0104 134 51.0400 16 52.0100 1 52.0200 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 168 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)-Cominued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 1 5.0200 16.0100 16.0300 17.0100 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0300 18.0400 19.0200 19.0304 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 2Z0101 2Z0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 3 13 3 1 3 4 9 5 3 4 1 3 6 4 12 5 1 5 1 1 7 13 4 1 13 3 3 1 1 1 4 6 4 1 12 5 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 11 1 1 1 3 11 1 4 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 10 3 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 5 5 4 1 1 51 16 37 8 7 3 3 23 t 1 1 1 1 67 4 1 5 4 1 7 18 3 5 51 9 3 Value 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0201 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0600 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 37.0101 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 39.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40 0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 4Z0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 510103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 1 8 6 24 4 1 1 1 8 7 48 1 1 12 4 8 1 1 1 3 5 8 1 3 4 1 3 3 17 3 1 3 10 3 1 9 4 16 1 3 1 11 1 5 2 4 1 1 4 4 4 5 1 1 1 4 5 1 4 4 3 4 7 1 4 5 9 5 1 10 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 7 7 5 1 4 1 4 3 1 6 14 13 11 3 9 3 1 3 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61 .0200 61.0300 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 6Z0101 62.0102 6Z0200 6Z0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0800 6Z0900 6Z1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0900 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 7Z0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 I Using industry 73.0107 Value 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 Z0100 2.0201 2.0202 Z0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0800 11.0900 1Z0101 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 I 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 7 13 81 110 106 947 206 5 1 32 14 86 45 35 55 6 36 13 13 54 61 26 4 5 6 32 2,245 117 64 72 46 206 13 200 130 4 -198 44 945 30,775 29 6 49 15 28 16 53 1 5 28 6 54 2 3 42 2 7 1 2 4 4 18 1 1 1,389 13 423 78 20 21 2 556 1.383 751 1,368 28 3 2 3 3 3 31 31 21 1 6 4 26 31 1 9 42 1 9 9 22 22 4 1 7 4 13 2 13 43 See footnote at the end of the table. 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 22.0101 22.0102 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 i DETAILED TABLES Tab.e 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rows>-Contin U ed ( Mllllons of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' 169 See footnote at the end of the table. Using industry 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 3Z0600 33.0001 34.0201 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0600 36.0800 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 ; 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 I Value Commodity ' Using industry 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 i 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 | 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 i 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 i 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0300 | 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 | 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54 0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 | 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 i 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 [ 58.0700 59.0100 i 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 I Value Commodity ' 73.0108 . Using industry 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 70.0500 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0800 78.0500 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 4.0001 16.0400 18.0400 24.0706 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0501 29.0100 36.2000 42.0800 50.0200 50.0400 62.0800 62.0900 64.0101 64.1100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 72.0102 72.0201 72.0203 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0112 Value 170 Commodity ' 73.0109 . Using industry 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 | 74.0000 I 76.0102 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 I 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 i 77.0501 77.0502 I 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 91.0000 i 94.0000 95.0000 98.0002 i 99.20C2 I 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0300 2.0401 2.0501 2.0600 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 90001 9.0002 9 0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14,1200 141301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 1.860 3 103 180 2 212 U 99 51 8 209 4 6 25 4 10 11 6 10 9 3 10 5 37 5,099 56 -<30 -1 21 See footnote a. the end of the ,a b , e . 71.236 2 1 5 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 22 4 16 80 2 3 8 26 37 10 5 2 1 5 152 2 55 7 104 2 12 1 1 127 197 101 37 2 211 54 9 8 3 2 1 34 10 30 2 33 11 4 19 1 4 35 22 4 20 23 5 6 12 5 14 8 2 26 35 30 2 13 14 10 Using industry 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16 0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19 0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20 0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 220101 22.0102 22.0200 220300 22.0400 23.0100 23 0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 58 54 2 3 7 56 4 3 5 1 4 6 8 2 2 16 48 34 2 3 73 1 11 1 9 1 1 1 3 1 16 6 3 2 5 2.582 2 5 5 4 1 11 4 12 31 1 12 5 Using industry 2 4 4 9 4 7 7 2 57 1 12 4 6 12 30 20 16 22 2 2 3 3 8 11 6 2 1 7 46 27 997 142 76 9 35 145 10 8 7 4 6 6 112 4 2 85 1 5 1 2 1 7 22 2 2 12 348 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0201 34.0302 34.0303 34 0304 340305 35.0100 35 0200 36 0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 360600 36.0800 360900 36.1000 36 1100 36.1200 36 1300 36 1400 36 1500 36 1600 36 1900 362000 362100 362200 370101 370102 37.0103 370104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 33.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38 0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 420201 42.0202 420300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 420800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 12 42 3 197 8 58 3 1 3 4 11 1 28 111 3 6 3 5 1 2 2 1 15 5 5 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 15 15 1 1 1 6 3 5 1 1 40 2 4 6 4 32 4 1 3 12 7 1 5 3 8 1 14 7 1 3 2 11 2 2 5 3 477 12 32 17 3 2 1 13 185 1 11 1 5 1 10 11 6 5 1 28 2 105 9 12 10 5 23 3 6 1 8 1 2 6 3 21 4 1 Using industry 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 520100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 39.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 620101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 620600 620700 620800 620900 621000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 4 1 2 4 2 1 4 3 16 14 8 4 4 2 9 4 3 11 2 79 1 92 43 9 2 1 22 1 5 8 8 14 19 2 5 1 3 2 4 2 2 9 7 19 9 2 33 42 5 98 51 4 3 19 16 25 11 2 156 95 115 62 62 10 5 4 2 2 2 1 162 7 23 4 30 35 3 1 2 6 20 12 11 56 13 1 1 3 1 6 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 19 29 171 75 538 20 198 DETAILED TABLES 171 Table 2A.— • -The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry 73.0111 Value 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0100 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 Commodity ' 124 5 71 100 578 72 329 830 18 47 7 44 6,994 8,457 3,512 990 606 854 2.402 848 2,507 941 67 134 10 141 11 7 36 83 220 92 1,129 16 86 159 788 1,892 466 131 2.641 5,945 834 1,136 135 118 254 68 9 239 53 23 53 117 332 1,615 1,757 457 158 30 437 129 251 164 523 562 70 537 20 54 132 1,988 85 14 120 15 53 448 3,221 70 -7 818 223 62 223 -38 658 63 48 139 -83 39 90 -3,537 78,848 10 5 30 47 3 4 6 35 135 9 Using industry Value 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 5 2 1 4 1,188 32 444 106 355 19 17 3 12 959 1,481 670 244 3 1,414 35 6 6 2 1 2 49 21 28 1 25 8 6 23 1 8 22 12 8 8 9 9 Commodity ' 11 5 7 17 3 8 37 18 3 8 7 6 19 25 1 6 10 34 8 1 11 1 2 8 8 1 2 12 25 44 2 5 45 2 16 1 15 2 1 1 4 1 3 4 5 1 7 76 2 10 1 3 1 11 5 27 46 3 20 9 13 2 6 5 Using industry Value 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 3^0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0201 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0600 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 Commodity ' 7 6 9 10 39 17 4 5 6 15 14 12 14 2 3 7 5 17 18 11 2 2 7 69 44 62 51 36 14 48 219 13 10 10 7 10 11 151 7 3 43 1 7 1 3 1 13 39 5 3 16 231 19 9 4 45 17 243 6 1 4 5 15 1 27 155 4 10 4 3 1 1 2 1 19 7 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 17 21 1 2 2 7 3 6 2 1 59 2 5 8 7 18 6 3 3 8 Using industry 2 Value 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 4^0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1000 4E1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 9 7 16 4 20 10 2 1 1 15 1 1 7 4 11 17 24 25 4 3 4 17 13 1 17 3 7 1 14 15 9 8 30 3 12 9 15 13 7 23 3 7 2 8 1 4 9 3 27 6 1 6 1 3 5 2 1 5 3 19 16 9 5 6 3 8 6 4 8 1 49 2 93 46 6 1 1 29 1 8 7 8 16 20 1 3 4 5 4 5 3 4 12 11 23 12 3 37 46 6 99 58 4 4 19 16 See footnote at the end ot the table. 172 Commodity ' Using industry 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 | 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 | 62.0101 62.0102 | 62.0200 62.0300 | 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 I 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 I 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 . 65.0702 I 66.0100 i 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 I 68.0201 • 68.0202 i 68.0301 68.0302 i 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 I 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 I 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 | 73.0101 73.0102 i 73.0103 73.0104 i 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 | 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 , BENCHMARK tNPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, , W2 Tabte 2A.- The u« Tabte for Co mm odi«a S (Rows)-^™^ [MUtons ol dollars a. p,o 57.0300 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0603 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.1000 6Z1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0105 64.0301 64.0400 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 7Z0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0500 79.0100 DETAILED TABLES 173 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ; Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 50.0400 174 51.0102 8 51.0103 257 51.0104 299 51.0400 49 52.0100 2 52.0200 7 52.0300 107 52.0400 8 52.0500 97 53.0200 21 53.0300 61 53.0400 46 53.0500 129 53.0700 7 53.0800 69 54.0100 167 54.0200 6 54.0300 50 54.0400 64 54.0500 117 54.0700 32 55.0100 19 55.0200 298 55.0300 69 56.0100 44 56.0200 9 56.0300 107 56.0500 183 57.0100 4 57.0200 359 57.0300 471 58.0100 34 58.0200 12 58.0400 45 58.0600 23 58.0700 85 59.0100 53 59.0200 10 59.0301 683 59.0302 1.515 60.0100 227 60.0200 149 60.0400 61 61.0100 16 61.0200 46 61.0300 7 61.0500 26 61.0601 31 61.0603 32 61.0700 13 620101 460 62.0102 44 62.0200 206 62.0300 19 62.0400 129 62.0500 231 62.0600 50 62.0700 31 62.0800 33 62.0900 113 62.1000 139 62.1100 170 63.0200 211 63.0300 98 64.0101 89 64.0102 20 64.0104 53 64.0105 21 64.0200 17 64.0301 324 64.0302 8 64.0400 512 64.0501 59 64.0502 26 64.0503 7 64.0504 13 64.0700 14 64.0800 19 64.0900 19 64.1000 14 64.1100 130 64.1200 288 65.0100 125 65.0200 96 65.0301 353 65.0302 1 65.0400 1.244 65.0500 1,389 65.0701 369 65.0702 464 66.0100 2,744 66.0200 542 67.0000 831 68.0100 131 68.0201 3 68.0202 19 68.0301 1 69.0100 14,423 69.0200 26.490 70.0100 4,002 70.0200 1,770 70.0300 1.654 70.0400 1.516 70.0500 1.214 71.0201 5.001 73.0200 . 79.0200 79.0300 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.1 0C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 2 11 765 -238 8,820 5,713 101 64 30 97 168 14 10 7 14 6 10 301 138,530 1.0100 2 1.0200 2 1.0301 6 1.0302 1 2.0100 1 2.0201 2 2.0202 5 2.0300 1 2.0401 2 2.0402 1 20501 2 2.0502 1 2.0600 2 2.0701 1 2.0702 5 3.0001 4 3.0002 2 4.0001 6 4.0002 95 5.0001 1 6.0100 1 6.0200 3 7.0000 14 8.0001 128 9.0001 10 9.0002 7 9.0003 7 9.0004 4 10.0000 15 11.0101 79 11.0105 30 11.0108 1 11.0400 29 11.0501 1 11.0601 25 11.0602 5 11.0800 72 11.0900 101 120101 56 12.0214 21 12.0215 4 12.0300 105 13.0100 36 13.0200 17 13.0300 16 13.0500 28 13.0600 27 13.0700 1 14.0101 224 14.0102 281 14.0105 132 14.0300 172 14.0400 57 14.0500 125 14.0600 263 14.0700 6 14.0800 519 14.0900 302 14.1000 87 14.1100 172 14.1200 56 14.1301 75 14.1302 81 14.1401 17 14.1402 2,028 14.1403 23 14.1501 909 14.1502 25 14.1600 8 14.1700 20 14.1801 467 14.1802 73 14.1803 59 14.1900 26 14.2002 136 14.2004 28 14.2005 424 14.2101 672 14.2102 19 14.2103 174 14.2104 121 14.2200 1,716 14.2300 132 14.2500 15 14.2600 10 14.2700 67 14.2800 37 14.2900 12 14.3000 31 14.3100 123 14.3201 130 14.3202 500 15.0101 2,767 15.0102 6 15.0103 109 15.0200 284 16.0100 40 16.0200 12 16.0300 55 17.0100 73 17.0600 27 17.0700 5 17.0900 19 17.1001 41 17.1100 8 18.0101 14 18.0102 18 18.0201 8 18.0202 8 18.0300 3 18.0400 713 19.0100 7 19.0200 19 19.0301 11 19.0302 13 19.0304 16 19.0306 26 20.0100 18 20.0200 14 20.0300 4 20.0501 138 20.0502 53 20.0600 11 20.0701 4 20.0702 24 20.0703 14 20.0800 9 20.0901 6 20.0903 27 20.0904 13 22.0101 79 22.0102 1 22.0200 52 22.0300 20 22.0400 127 23.0100 16 23.0200 51 23.0300 18 23.0400 13 23.0500 31 23.0600 38 23.0700 21 24.0100 4 24.0400 17 24.0500 300 24.0701 70 24.0702 28 24.0703 17 24.0705 1 24.0706 35 24.0800 148 25.0000 52 26.0100 553 26.0200 983 26.0301 450 26.0302 15 26.0400 268 26.0501 217 26.0601 25 26.0602 91 26.0700 81 26.0802 3 26.0803 8 26.0806 12 27.0100 548 27.0201 50 27.0202 75 27.0300 124 27.0402 112 27.0403 1 27.0404 11 27.0406 85 28.0100 187 28.0200 63 28.0300 11 28.0400 19 29.0100 3,715 29.0201 185 29.0202 57 29.0203 5 29.0300 2,357 30.0000 187 31.0101 228 31.0102 182 31.0200 31 31.0300 91 32.0100 60 32.0200 16 32.0300 69 32.0400 464 32.0500 20 32.0600 20 33.0001 34.0201 34.0301 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0600 36.0701 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0100 420201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 420800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 3 128 3 31 12 12 22 61 15 7 8 8 3 5 16 17 65 61 2 16 21 3 10 3 11 235 1 9 2 12 54 8 5 5 3 3 1 2 6 11 13 43 19 3 3 7 31 2 8 47 37 15 67 25 47 14 8 8 48 5 210 48 64 22 93 18 29 39 2 100 8 67 15 24 67 84 71 14 25 5 32 8 13 25 8 70 42 3 27 14 27 7 13 13 16 90 97 3 26 23 13 99 28 6 20 23 See footnote at the end of the table. 174 Commodity i 73.0301 Using industry 72.0101 72 0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, I 992 Table 2A.-The Use Tab.e for Commodities (Rows^ontinued [Mrflions of dollars at producers' prices] Value Commodity ■ 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 Using industry See footnote at the end of the table. 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0400 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 Using industry 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 5Z0100 52.0200 5Z0300 5£0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 Value 7 6 2 11 6 9 7 23 4 11 20 1 3 3 32 4 2 12 12 17 11 i 29 22 4 6 4 31 12 1 83 3 13 4 15 12 9 15 1 33 11 25 10 13 24 7 40 6 9 8 13 3 17 11 7 38 8 1 8 1 6 9 7 3 7 14 50 26 9 14 6 6 22 15 4 7 2 33 10 299 183 44 3 1 42 7 24 9 23 15 13 4 7 4 18 2 8 9 2 4 24 23 7 15 180 71 23 DETAILED TABLES 175 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 57.0200 360 57.0300 371 58.0100 9 58.0200 6 58.0400 4 58.0600 6 58.0700 13 59.0100 9 59.0200 6 59.0301 1.141 59.0302 372 60.0100 528 60.0200 47 60.0400 38 61.0100 25 61.0200 7 61.0300 6 61.0500 4 61.0601 2 61.0603 4 61.0700 28 62.0101 186 62.0102 4 62.0200 43 62.0300 6 62.0400 152 62.0500 141 62.0600 14 62.0700 1 62.0800 25 62.0900 85 62.1000 27 62.1100 24 63.0200 2 63.0300 9 64.0101 9 64.0102 2 64.0104 1 64.0105 3 64.0200 2 64.0301 10 64.0302 2 64.0400 39 64.0501 2 64.0502 9 64.0503 4 64.0504 1 64.0700 1 64.0800 3 64.0900 4 64.1000 1 64.1100 12 64.1200 22 65.0100 100 65.0200 189 65.0301 342 65.0302 124 65.0400 164 65.0500 944 65.0600 4 65.0701 684 65.0702 799 66.0100 690 66.0200 171 67.0000 377 68.0100 1,731 68.0201 143 68.0202 888 68.0301 58 68.0302 410 69.0100 3,303 69.0200 2,953 70.0100 2,846 70.0200 751 70.0300 2,049 70.0400 5,373 70.0500 790 71.0100 1,787 71.0201 3,276 72.0101 289 72.0102 18 72.0201 64 72.0202 21 72.0203 153 72.0204 33 72.0205 17 72.0300 41 73.0101 62 73.0102 96 73.0103 64 73.0104 1,465 73.0106 66 73.0107 113 73.0108 40 73.0109 514 73.0111 758 73.0112 177 73.0200 138 73.0301 3,221 73.0302 473 73.0303 673 74.0000 925 75.0001 90 75.0002 218 75.0003 28 76.0101 264 Commodity ' Using industry Value 76.0102 11 76.0201 174 76.0202 9 76.0203 55 76.0204 33 76.0205 85 76.0206 169 77.0100 2,232 77.0200 2,991 77.0301 547 77.0303 190 77.0304 59 77.0305 697 77.0401 41 77.0402 125 77.0403 65 77.0501 188 77.0502 256 77.0503 75 77.0504 244 77.0600 18 77.0700 51 77.0800 190 77.0900 79 78.0200 48 78.0500 2 79.0100 4 79.0200 138 79.0300 205 91.0000 44,864 94.0000 1,797 95.0000 -317 96.00C0 273 97.00C0 503 98.00C1 679 98.00C2 303 98.00C3 17 99.10C1 863 99.10C2 149 99.10C4 19 99.20C1 82 99.20C2 28 99.20C3 40 99.30C1 300 99.30C8 100 99.30C9 1,200 83,570 3.0002 6 4.0001 3 4.0002 1 5.0001 20 6.0100 53 6.0200 53 7.0000 183 8.0001 874 9.0001 33 9.0002 17 9.0003 5 9.0004 4 10.0000 10 11.0101 1,079 11.0102 146 11.0105 404 11.0108 530 11.0400 1,909 11.0603 406 11.0800 7,693 11.0900 17,381 12.0101 1,000 12.0214 2,000 12.0300 4,400 13.0100 14 13.0200 7 13.0300 1 13.0500 3 13.0600 1 14.0101 1 14.0102 1 14.0105 4 14.0600 1 14.0900 1 14.1301 1 14.1401 1 14.1402 1 14.1501 1 14.1502 1 14.1700 1 14.1801 6 14.1802 1 14.2005 1 14.2101 76 14.2200 2 14.3201 3 14.3202 5 15.0101 6 16.0100 4 16.0300 3 17.0100 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0400 4 19.0200 19.0304 Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 73.0302 . 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0200 23.0200 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1500 36.1600 36.2000 36.2100 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0400 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 1 4 16 1 6 3 5 5 3 i 3 5 5 3 1 l i 1 4 3 i * 1 3 4< I 1 4 3 6 3 10 1 507 X 4 46 11 56 15 17 10 92 193 34 35 118 138 34 21 3 55 20 321 3 3 3 12 5 81 138 14 3 5 1 6 1 13 8 1 2 2 1 38 1 1 11 1 30 3 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 10 5 1 1 1 8 1 4 5 3 7 7 10 2 1 4 32 3 1 41.0203 15 42.0100 1 42.0201 3 42.0300 16 42.0401 13 42.0402 7 42.0500 5 42.0800 91 42.1000 1 42.1100 7 43.0100 17 43.0200 3 44.0001 61 44.0002 25 45.0100 27 45.0200 1 45.0300 1 46.0200 13 46.0300 1 46.0400 4 47.0100 16 47.0200 3 47.0300 22 47.0401 6 47.0402 3 470404 2 47.0405 1 47.0500 4 48.0100 8 48.0200 5 48.0300 1 48.0400 12 48.0500 6 48.0600 43 49.0100 29 49.0200 16 49.0300 6 49.0500 9 49.0600 3 49.0700 15 49.0800 8 50.0100 7 50.0200 9 50.0400 48 51.0102 1 51.0103 13 51.0104 7 52.0100 3 5Z0300 41 5£0400 4 5Z0500 12 53.0200 2 53.0300 12 53.0400 5 53.0500 7 53.0800 4 54.0300 1 54.0400 1 54.0500 1 54.0700 1 55.0100 2 55.0200 13 55.0300 6 56.0100 11 56.0200 1 56.0300 31 56.0500 68 57.0100 1 57.0200 150 57.0300 13 58.0100 1 58.0200 4 58.0400 6 58.0600 3 58.0700 8 59.0100 9 59.0200 1 59.0301 19 590302 12 600100 172 60.0200 74 60.0400 48 61.0100 28 61.0200 13 61.0300 1 61.0700 1 62.0101 129 620102 5 62.0200 17 62.0300 4 62.0400 7 62.0500 25 62.0900 2 62.1000 1 62.1100 8 63.0200 3 63.0300 36 64.0101 2 64.0301 3 64.0400 7 64 1100 3 64.1200 4 65 0100 8 65.0301 6 65.0400 302 65.0500 2 See footnote at the end of the table. 176 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ■ Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 65.0600 14 12.0215 15 26.0802 3 48.0200 2 65.0702 36 12.0300 222 26.0803 4 48.0300 1 66.0100 3,241 13.0100 4 26.0806 8 48.0400 3 66.0200 2 13.0300 1 27.0100 73 48.0500 4 68.0100 179 13.0500 2 27.0201 5 48.0600 14 68.0201 217 13.0700 1 27.0202 8 49.0100 8 68.0202 322 14.0101 10 27.0300 3 49.0200 2 68.0301 3 14.0102 12 27.0402 4 49.0300 3 68.0302 19 14.0105 7 27.0403 18 49.0500 2 69.0100 376 14.0300 5 27.0404 3 49.0600 3 69.0200 116 14.0400 2 27.0406 5 49.0700 10 70.0100 12 14.0500 2 28.0100 481 49.0800 4 70.0200 5 14.0600 9 28.0200 3 50.0100 1 70.0300 11 14.0800 1 28.0400 6 50.0200 2 70.0400 4 14.0900 6 29.0100 838 50.0300 1 70.0500 3 14.1000 2 29.0201 8 50.0400 75 71.0100 608 14.1100 2 29.0202 4 51.0102 1 71.0201 5.102 14.1200 3 29.0203 1 51.0103 26 72.0101 1 14.1301 5 29.0300 42 51.0104 16 72.0102 13 14.1302 3 30.0000 8 51.0400 3 72.0203 7 14.1401 1 31.0101 30 520300 10 72.0204 31 14.1402 1 31.0102 2 52.0400 1 73.0101 2 14.1403 3 31.0200 4 520500 10 73.0104 52 14.1501 1 31.0300 1 53.0200 3 73.0106 1 14.1502 5 320100 100 53.0300 5 73.0107 8 14.1600 1 320300 12 53.0400 3 73.0108 4 14.1700 1 320400 87 53.0500 7 73.0109 33 14.1801 232 32.0500 2 53.0800 2 73.0111 138 14.1802 5 32.0600 3 54.0100 2 73.0112 972 14.1803 1 33.0001 2 54.0200 2 73.0301 3 14.1900 2 34.0201 2 54.0300 1 73.0302 5.705 14.2004 1 34.0302 1 54.0400 2 73.0303 60 14.2005 9 34.0303 1 54.0500 2 77.0100 20 14.2101 18 34.0304 1 55.0100 1 77.0200 55 14.2102 1 34.0305 1 55.0200 21 77.0301 2 14.2103 4 35.0100 8 55.0300 9 77.0303 3 14.2104 1 35.0200 i 56.0100 3 77.0304 2 14.2200 11 36.0100 2 56.0200 1 77.0305 6 14.2300 4 36.0200 2 56.0300 8 77.0401 2 14.2400 1 36.0701 1 56.0500 33 77.0402 106 14.2500 1 36.1000 3 57.0100 2 77.0403 3 14.2800 1 36.1100 10 57.0200 33 77.0501 2 14.3201 2 36.1200 13 57.0300 47 77.0502 8 14.3202 8 36.1300 2 58.0100 1 77.0504 60 15.0101 4 36.1500 4 58.0400 2 77.0700 2 15.0103 28 36.1600 4 58.0600 3 78.0100 3 15.0200 1 36.1900 1 58.0700 7 78.0200 16 16.0100 7 36.2000 2 59.0100 54 79.0100 1 16.0300 8 36.2100 2 59.0200 1 79.0200 17 17.0100 4 36.2200 3 59.0301 44 79.0300 2,804 17.0600 3 37.0101 16 59.0302 38 920000 15,785 17.0900 1 37.0103 6 60.0100 39 94.0000 3,026 17.1001 10 37.0104 3 60.0200 9 95.0000 -414 17.1100 4 37.0105 5 60.0400 11 96.00C0 2,478 18.0102 1 37.0200 18 61.0100 9 97.00C0 97 18.0201 2 37.0300 3 61.0200 10 98.00C1 117 18.0300 3 37.0401 4 61.0300 2 98.00C2 326 18.0400 71 38.0100 2 61.0601 2 98.00C3 1 19.0100 1 38.0600 4 61.0603 1 99.10C1 207 19.0200 2 38.0700 3 61.0700 24 99.10C2 3 19.0301 1 38.0800 6 620101 28 99.10C4 1 19.0302 2 38.0900 2 620102 2 99.20C1 3 19.0303 1 38.1000 9 620200 12 99.20C2 1 19.0304 4 38.1100 8 62.0300 2 99.20C3 1 19.0306 4 38.1200 1 62.0400 10 99.30C1 200 20.0100 19 38.1300 2 620500 12 99.30C8 64 20.0200 18 38.1400 1 62.0600 1 99.30C9 -2,508 20.0300 1 39.0100 1 620700 1 20.0501 15 40.0200 1 62.0800 1 73.0303 52.631 8 20.0502 20.0600 5 5 40.0300 40.0400 2 10 62.0900 62.1000 9 1.0100 207 1.0200 5 20.0701 2 40.0500 7 62.1100 9 1.0301 25 20.0702 2 40.0600 10 63.0200 2 1.0302 1 20.0800 2 40.0700 17- 63.0300 6 2.0100 2 20.0901 3 40.0800 4 64.0101 8 2.0201 4 20.0903 6 40.0901 3 64.0102 1 2.0202 18 20.0904 1 40.0902 2 64.0104 1 2.0300 2 22.0101 7 41.0100 19 64.0105 1 2.0401 2 22.0200 5 41.0201 72 64.0200 1 2.0402 2 220300 1 41.0203 17 64.0301 4 2.0501 5 22.0400 33 420201 7 64.0302 2 2.0600 6 23.0100 18 420202 2 64.0400 8 2.0701 2 23.0200 108 420300 8 64.0501 1 2.0702 2 23.0300 47 420401 13 64.0502 8 3.0001 194 23.0400 6 420402 5 64.0504 2 4.0001 37 23.0500 5 420500 7 64.0700 1 4.0002 20 23.0600 1 42.0800 15 64.0800 1 6.0200 3 23.0700 2 421000 8 64.0900 47 7.0000 6 24.0100 1 421100 16 64.1000 1 8.0001 28 24.0400 1 43.0100 1 64.1100 12 9.0001 21 24.0500 2 43.0200 4 64.1200 11 9.0003 3 24.0701 3 44.0001 8 65.0100 60 9.0004 3 24.0702 7 44.0002 1 65.0200 47 10.0000 2 24.0703 3 45.0100 9 65.0301 301 11.0101 156 24.0706 3 45.0200 3 65.0302 95 11.0102 2 24.0800 20 45.0300 3 65.0400 217 11.0105 59 25.0000 18 46.0200 5 65.0500 125 11.0108 6 26.0100 52 46.0300 1 65.0600 2 11.0400 57 26.0200 287 46.0400 3 65.0701 134 11.0501 2 26.0301 13 47.0100 11 65.0702 79 11.0601 5 26.0302 4 47.0200 2 66.0100 2,000 11.0603 1 26.0400 13 47.0300 41 66.0200 56 11.0800 142 26.0501 83 47.0404 4 67.0000 59 11.0900 206 26.0601 4 47.0405 1 68.0100 73 12.0101 107 26.0602 2 47.0500 7 68.0201 444 12.0214 40 26.0700 98 48.0100 4 I 68.0202 281 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 177 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 20.0702 9 20.0703 18 20.0800 11 20.0901 10 20.0903 18 20.0904 17 21.0000 4 22.0101 35 22.0102 2 22.0103 2 22.0200 24 22.0300 9 22.0400 12 23.0100 8 23.0200 23 23.0300 19 23.0400 15 23.0500 16 23.0600 8 23.0700 12 24.0100 20 24.0400 10 24.0500 57 24.0701 43 24.0702 33 24.0703 7 24.0705 6 24.0706 15 24.0800 182 25.0000 117 26.0100 123 26.0200 82 26.0301 60 26.0302 18 26.0400 42 26.0501 218 26.0601 27 26.0602 14 26.0700 14 26.0802 5 26.0803 7 26.0806 13 27.0100 334 27.0201 26 27.0202 6 27.0300 33 27.0401 3 27.0402 20 27.0403 5 27.0404 12 27.0405 3 27.0406 36 28.0100 116 28.0200 15 28.0300 7 28.0400 43 29.0100 235 29.0201 50 29.0202 24 29.0203 11 29.0300 65 30.0000 52 31.0101 223 31.0102 19 31.0103 3 31.0200 14 31.0300 14 32.0100 43 32.0200 3 32.0300 48 32.0400 322 32.0500 11 32.0600 15 33.0001 12 34.0100 2 34.0201 15 34.0202 1 34.0301 1 34.0302 4 34.0303 3 34.0304 2 34.0305 2 35.0100 54 35.0200 20 36.0100 14 36.0200 5 36.0300 3 36.0400 3 36.0500 1 36.0600 3 36.0701 2 36.0702 1 36.0800 3 36.0900 3 36.1000 7 36.1100 23 36.1200 45 36.1300 3 36.1400 7 36.1500 5 36.1600 14 36.1700 1 36.1900 7 36.2000 13 36.2100 5 36.2200 3 Commodity ' Using industry Value 37.0101 152 37.0102 6 37.0103 16 37.0104 21 37.0105 20 37.0200 52 37.0300 14 37.0401 7 37.0402 8 38.0100 20 38.0400 22 38.0501 9 38.0600 25 38.0700 16 38.0800 58 38.0900 11 38.1000 50 38.1100 22 38.1200 3 38.1300 8 38.1400 5 39.0100 44 39.0200 6 40.0100 3 40.0200 12 40.0300 10 40.0400 34 40.0500 30 40.0600 38 40.0700 48 40.0800 10 40.0901 12 40.0902 12 41.0100 39 41.0201 57 41.0202 3 41.0203 42 42.0100 7 42.0201 16 42.0202 3 42.0300 36 42.0401 24 42.0402 22 42.0500 20 42.0700 2 42.0800 61 42.1000 12 42.1100 28 43.0100 24 43.0200 45 44.0001 40 44.0002 21 45.0100 52 45.0200 7 45.0300 15 46.0100 2 46.0200 16 46.0300 3 46.0400 11 47.0100 18 47.0200 8 47.0300 60 47.0401 13 47.0402 3 47.0404 11 47.0405 2 47.0500 8 48.0100 11 48.0200 7 48.0300 3 48.0400 12 48.0500 11 48.0600 48 49.0100 40 49.0200 18 49.0300 13 49.0500 17 49.0600 8 49.0700 23 49.0800 13 50.0100 10 50.0200 16 50.0300 3 50.0400 72 51.0102 5 51.0103 142 51.0104 72 51.0400 12 52.0100 3 52.0200 2 52.0300 76 52.0400 4 52.0500 22 53.0200 16 53.0300 22 53.0400 35 53.0500 33 53.0700 5 53.0800 7 54.0100 11 54.0200 15 54.0300 14 54.0400 13 54.0500 7 54.0700 12 55.0100 I 15 74.0000 . 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C2 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0401 2.0501 2.0600 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 130 50 3,194 2,217 3,759 600 1,225 1,080 492 1,011 162 29 105 54 2,356 49 13 138 100 122 93 290 40 251 929 1,017 665 208 979 487 4,313 4,401 1,568 59 560 43 205 22 1,289 14 12 17 141 196 1,611 420 210 87 26 313 51 262 75 205 133 95 327 55 160 133 210 40 1 21 6 18 103 917 190 -108 375 7 300 112 53 525 30 23 11 38 700 282,017 2 2 4 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 21 14 33 25 9 13 20 96 312 20 13 6 9.0004 4 10.0000 12 11.0101 108 11.0102 2 11.0105 41 11.0108 6 11.0400 40 11.0501 2 11.0601 35 11.0602 6 11.0603 2 11.0800 100 11.0900 161 12.0101 75 12.0214 29 12.0215 7 12.0300 160 13.0100 60 13.0200 14 13.0300 11 13.0500 7 13.0600 5 13.0700 6 14.0101 9 14.0102 66 14.0105 85 14.0200 5 14.0300 63 14.0400 27 14.0500 19 14.0600 70 14.0700 4 14.0800 24 14.0900 52 14.1000 11 14.1100 23 14.1200 24 14.1301 28 14.1302 29 14.1401 22 14.1402 34 14.1403 14 14.1501 24 14.1502 48 14.1600 6 14.1700 26 14.1801 73 14.1802 30 14.1803 6 14.1900 26 14.2002 12 14.2004 11 14.2005 37 14.2101 73 14.2102 3 14.2103 19 14.2104 24 14.2200 88 14.2300 26 14.2400 3 14.2500 37 14.2600 3 14.2700 7 14.2800 19 14.2900 18 14.3000 2 14.3100 6 14.3201 27 14.3202 43 15.0101 125 15.0102 2 15.0103 6 15.0200 12 16.0100 93 16.0200 6 16.0300 49 16.0400 3 17.0100 37 17.0600 6 17.0700 4 17.0900 3 17.1001 11 17.1100 7 18.0101 7 18.0102 10 18.0201 17 18.0202 4 18.0203 1 18.0300 29 18.0400 220 19.0100 6 19.0200 23 19.0301 3 19.0302 6 19.0303 3 19.0304 25 19.0305 2 19.0306 15 20.0100 70 20.0200 80 20.0300 9 20.0400 1 20.0501 41 20.0502 21 20.0600 32 20.0701 9 See footnote at the end of the table. 178 Commodity ' BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Using industry 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 730107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 Value 36 36 33 6 75 82 13 113 146 14 8 33 18 24 25 15 551 273 233 97 77 43 20 20 7 8 13 12 144 10 52 10 54 52 7 3 12 28 29 35 13 82 22 4 3 7 4 17 1 36 5 4 3 3 3 5 6 5 28 31 189 41 705 42 57 1,832 30 50 44 645 100 90 480 51 96 10 50 2,245 2.219 972 193 245 597 686 1.651 298 30 63 29 99 47 9 80 89 113 115 425 52 100 75 323 1,119 160 84 447 162 Commodity ' Using industry 75.0001 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.1 0C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 Value 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 £0100 2.0201 £0202 2.0203 Z0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 £0502 2.0503 £0600 £0701 £0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 1£0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 See footnote at the end of the table. 207 4.252 164 368 22 148 5 77 4 29 11 63 103 770 2,895 455 60 24 201 37 112 44 57 179 47 158 28 72 800 112 66 1 7 11 14 102 242,151 328 505 725 -2.680 -3.660 49 871 284 18 147 60 110 366 1.360 47,630 45 24 100 14 31 36 179 3 11 41 7 67 6 4 65 7 31 13 5 57 164 9 20 17 42 96 7 7 6 1 6 287 5 105 15 103 7 12 1 3 253 402 198 72 2 428 17 5 2 1 1 1 51 Commodity ■ Using industry Value 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 2£0101 ££0200 2£0300 ££0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 20 24 3 57 23 15 64 1 6 19 3 6 10 9 7 8 11 3 8 1" 1 8 9 6 3 3 10 51 2 14 9 59 18 i 14 1 3 9 5 1 11 17 43 1 3 22 i 12 1 12 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 4 1 8 74 1 5 1 1 1 6 3 73 37 11 14 7 12 2 4 6 2 2 5 9 13 9 2 3 2 7 7 6 5 2 2 9 3 Commodity ' 23 13 11 2 1 6 79 44 111 36 Using industry 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28 0400 29.0100 29.0201 29 0202 29.0203 29.0300 30 0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32 0400 32.0500 32 0600 33.0001 34.0201 34.0302 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0600 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39 0200 400100 40 0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 Value 27 5 22 219 13 6 6 1 4 9 88 7 2 11 1 5 1 3 1 11 31 4 4 12 65 14 6 3 19 16 17 4 1 4 3 19 1 22 82 2 3 3 3 1 18 7 8 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 9 16 3 4 1 3 2 3 1 1 47 1 4 5 5 14 3 2 2 7 5 2 9 5 22 2 14 10 1 2 1 13 1 1 2 2 12 11 15 17 2 3 3 8 7 1 9 1 4 1 8 8 DETAILED TABLES 179 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 42.0402 8 64.0104 1 99.20C3 41 19.0303 1 42.0500 6 64.0105 2 99.30C8 72 19.0304 3 42.0800 23 64.0200 1 99.30C9 533 19.0306 5 42.1000 3 64.0301 6 20.0100 55 42.1100 9 64.0400 11 75.0002 107,056 20.0200 82 43.0100 5 64.0501 3 3.0001 35 20.0300 4 43.0200 11 64.0502 1 3.0002 2 20.0400 1 44.0001 11 64.0503 1 4.0001 119 20.0501 12 44.0002 5 64.0504 1 4.0002 31 20.0502 6 45.0100 15 64.0700 1 6.0100 1 20.0600 28 45.0200 1 64.0800 1 6.0200 2 20.0701 4 45.0300 3 64.0900 1 7.0000 3 20.0702 1 46.0100 1 64.1000 1 8.0001 17 20.0703 3 46.0200 5 64.1100 11 9.0001 1 20.0800 6 46.0300 1 64.1200 9 9.0002 1 20.0901 8 46.0400 2 65.0100 187 10.0000 1 20.0903 9 47.0100 4 65.0200 325 11.0101 113 20.0904 25 47.0200 3 65.0301 4701 11.0102 2 21.0000 2 47.0300 17 65.0302 35 11.0105 42 22.0101 14 47.0401 5 65.0400 15 11.0108 5 22.0102 1 47.0402 1 65.0500 130 11.0400 337 22.0103 1 47.0404 5 65.0600 9 11.0501 2 22.0200 4 47.0500 6 65.0701 69 11.0601 4 22.0300 2 48.0100 2 65.0702 18 11.0603 15 22.0400 3 48.0200 1 66.0100 677 11.0800 101 23.0100 2 48.0300 1 66.0200 75 11.0900 1,188 23.0200 10 48.0400 2 67.0000 96 12.0101 77 23.0300 3 48.0500 <■ 2 68.0100 197 12.0214 237 23.0400 4 48.0600 15 68.0201 82 12.0300 801 23.0500 8 49.0100 9 68.0202 71 13.0100 13 23.0600 1 49.0200 5 68.0301 8 13.0200 2 23.0700 3 49.0300 3 68.0302 60 13.0300 3 24.0100 45 49.0500 4 69.0100 2,400 13.0500 3 24.0400 8 49.0600 2 69.0200 1,652 13.0600 4 24.0500 27 49.0700 5 70.0100 462 13.0700 1 24.0701 45 49.0800 3 70.0200 125 14.0101 56 24.0702 33 50.0100 3 70.0300 135 14.0102 45 24.0703 s 50.0200 3 70.0400 2,157 14.0105 62 24.0705 3 50.0300 1 70.0500 793 14.0200 2 24.0706 12 50.0400 23 71.0201 3,137 14.0300 29 24.0800 353 51.0102 1 72.0101 140 14.0400 7 25.0000 104 51.0103 47 72.0102 13 14.0500 12 26.0100 56 51.0104 26 72.0201 133 14.0600 41 26.0200 9 51.0400 4 72.0202 26 14.0700 2 26.0301 9 52.0100 1 72.0203 70 14.0800 13 26.0302 17 52.0200 1 72.0204 19 14.0900 32 26.0400 8 52.0300 22 72.0205 3 14.1000 9 26.0501 143 52.0400 1 72.0300 50 14.1100 24 26.0601 13 52.0500 5 73.0101 65 14.1200 17 26.0602 9 53.0200 4 73.0102 129 14.1301 47 26.0700 4 53.0300 6 73.0103 56 14.1302 14 26.0802 4 53.0400 9 73.0104 258 14.1401 12 26.0803 4 53.0500 9 73.0106 53 14.1402 15 26.0806 11 53.0700 1 73.0107 82 14.1403 5 27.0100 423 53.0800 2 73.0108 53 14.1501 6 27.0201 53 54.0100 2 73.0109 355 14.1502 37 27.0202 7 54.0200 4 73.0111 482 14.1600 3 27.0300 32 54.0300 3 73.0112 113 14.1700 39 27.0401 2 54.0400 3 73.0200 218 14.1801 40 27.0402 13 54.0500 2 73.0301 286 14.1802 18 27.0403 3 54.0700 2 73.0302 73 14.1803 8 27.0404 3 55.0100 4 73.0303 184 14.1900 16 27.0405 4 55.0200 8 74.0000 370 14.2002 8 27.0406 29 55.0300 9 75.0001 619 14.2004 4 28.0100 149 56.0100 9 75.0002 414 14.2005 33 28.0200 19 56.0200 2 75.0003 52 14.2101 12 28.0300 10 56.0300 20 76.0101 76 14.2102 3 28.0400 64 56.0500 22 76.0102 6 14.2103 6 29.0100 96 57.0100 4 76.0201 43 14.2104 3 29.0201 25 57.0200 31 76.0203 12 14.2200 33 29.0202 12 57.0300 36 76.0204 14 14.2300 3 29.0203 6 58.0100 5 76.0205 32 14.2400 4 29.0300 19 58.0200 3 76.0206 51 14.2500 23 30.0000 17 58.0400 11 77.0100 1,140 14.2600 4 31.0101 407 58.0600 5 77.0200 419 14.2700 12 31.0102 9 58.0700 4 77.0301 113 14.2800 7 31.0103 5 59.0100 7 77.0303 54 14.2900 7 31.0200 19 59.0200 3 77.0304 190 14.3000 2 31.0300 13 59.0301 178 77.0305 223 14.3100 4 32.0100 64 59.0302 93 77.0401 43 14.3201 11 32.0200 2 60.0100 59 77.0402 158 14.3202 21 32.0300 27 60.0200 24 77.0403 62 15.0101 63 32.0400 267 60.0400 19 77.0501 81 15.0102 2 320500 10 61.0100 14 77.0502 102 15.0103 1 32.0600 5 61.0200 5 77.0503 37 15.0200 5 33.0001 6 61.0300 7 77.0504 148 16.0100 80 34.0201 5 61.0500 2 77.0600 35 16.0200 3 34.0202 1 61.0601 2 77.0700 72 16.0300 58 34.0301 1 61.0603 5 77.0800 47 16.0400 4 34.0302 1 61.0700 3 77.0900 154 17.0100 19 34.0303 1 62.0101 38 78.0100 19 17.0600 8 34.0304 1 62.0102 3 79.0100 7 17.0700 1 34.0305 1 62.0200 18 79.0200 11 17.0900 1 35.0100 53 62.0300 3 79.0300 409 17.1001 19 35.0200 29 62.0400 19 91.0000 12,983 17.1100 11 36.0100 31 62.0500 15 94.0000 8 18.0101 5 36.0200 12 62.0600 2 96.00CO 425 18.0102 3 36.0300 1 62.0700 1 97.00C0 40 18.0201 4 36.0400 3 62.0800 3 98.00C1 129 18.0202 3 36.0500 1 62.0900 7 98.00C2 115 18.0203 2 36.0600 2 62.1000 11 98.00C3 23 18.0300 17 36.0701 1 62.1100 8 99.10C1 97 18.0400 32 36.0702 1 63.0200 8 99.10C2 70 19.0100 2 36.0800 5 63.0300 22 99.10C4 20 19.0200 6 36.0900 4 64.0101 7 99.20C1 409 19.0301 1 36.1000 12 64.0102 1 99.20C2 68 19.0302 1 36.1100 25 See footnote at the end of the table. 180 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNTTED STATES, ,992 Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (Rowsh^ontinued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 400500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41 .0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 42.0800 4£1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 | 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 Commodity ' 57 7 6 4 14 9 15 5 4 380 6 15 18 19 77 24 12 4 10 29 8 19 20 74 8 20 23 2 10 3 42 4 3 4 3 13 9 19 17 3 2 6 28 49 3 46 8 9 3 19 21 20 16 3 26 13 29 8 26 13 8 38 2 4 1 4 1 3 4 3 30 3 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 3 2 15 17 33 3 10 2 6 3 4 7 1 33 1 24 23 5 1 1 37 1 4 6 9 19 10 Using industry Value 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61 .0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 7£0201 l 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 75.0003 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.0200 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 91.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 1.0301 1.0302 2.0201 2.0202 £0300 2.0600 14.0300 14.1801 14.1802 14.2101 14.2200 26.0100 26.0501 59.0301 65.0200 65.0301 66.0100 66.0200 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 7£0101 7£0102 72.0202 I 72.0205 73.0104 | 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 76.0201 760205 76.0206 65 260 117 74 48 185 93 79 820 439 248 33 62 10 20 21 3 11 44 178 368 617 63 18 35 167 28 61 32 44 50 8 50 11 24 32 48 151 6 3 3 59 69.671 4 26 -6 6 25 712 100 13 28 36 66 244 29 38 43 30 197 9.722 76.0101 48 2 97 26 384 62 8 1 1 154 89 31 58 3 3 6 2 1 25 57 1 3 54 48 86 135 3 180 10 33 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0402 77.0900 78.0100 91.0000 98.00C1 99.1 0C2 99.20C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 7 4 2 2 3 36 7,445 2 1 6 -181 767 36 4.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0500 14.0600 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1402 14.1501 14.1801 14.1803 14.2002 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0103 15.0200 16.0300 17.0100 18.0400 20.0501 22.0101 22.0200 22.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0800 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0602 26.0700 27.0100 27.0202 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 29.0100 29.0201 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0300 32.0400 34.0201 40.0500 41.0203 4Z0201 4£0300 42.1100 44.0002 45.0100 48.0600 49.0700 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 520300 52.0500 53.0500 53.0800 54.0100 54.0400 54.0500 55.0200 56.0300 56.0500 794 2 7 3 3 8 7 5 2 8 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 21 9 4 1 1 4 6 2 1 17 1 1 5 28 1 3 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 6 10 5 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 38 2 24 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 See footnote at the end ot the table. DETAILED TABLES 181 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 62.0101 3 62.0400 1 62.0500 1 63.0300 2 65.0100 3 65.0301 17 65.0302 1 65.0500 7 65.0702 1 66.0100 15 66.0200 32 67.0000 2,075 68.0100 13 68.0201 1 68.0202 6 68.0302 1 69.0100 53 69.0200 37 70.0100 23 70.0200 5 70.0300 6 70.0400 13 70.0500 16 71.0201 38 72.0101 5 72.0201 1 72.0203 1 72.0300 2 73.0101 2 73.0102 2 73.0103 4 73.0104 10 73.0106 1 73.0107 2 73.0109 174 73.01 1 1 51 73.0112 2 73.0200 2 73.0301 35 73.0302 4 73.0303 30 74.0000 20 75.0001 4 75.0002 7 76.0101 2 76.0201 337 76.0202 2 76.0203 795 76.0205 1 76.0206 235 77.0100 17 77.0200 19 77.0301 4 77.0303 1 77.0305 4 77.0402 2 77.0501 1 77.0502 10 77.0503 6 77.0504 1 77.0700 1 77.0800 1 77.0900 2 91.0000 1,875 94.0000 3 5.542 4.0001 213 67.0000 21 76.0204 1,390 91.0000 3,918 12.603 3.0001 1 3.0002 1 4.0001 1 4.0002 1 6.0200 1 7.0000 4 8.0001 13 9.0001 1 11.0101 4 11.0105 2 11.0400 2 11.0601 1 11.0800 4 11.0900 2 12.0101 3 12.0214 1 12.0300 5 13.0100 2 14.0101 7 14.0102 3 14.0105 3 14.0300 3 14.0400 1 14.0500 1 14.0600 3 14.0800 1 14.0900 2 14.1100 1 14.1200 1 14.1301 1 14.1302 1 14.1401 1 14.1402 1 76.0102 . 76.0201 57.0200 57.0300 58.0700 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 62.0101 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 64.0101 64.0104 64.0301 64.0400 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 91.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00CO 97.00C0 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 91.0000 94.0000 4 4 1 4 15 1 - 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 5 1 1 2 13 28 3 4 128 1,710 6,658 1 435 272 41 18 17 15 12 19 13 1 3 2 13 1 3 2 3 3 10 1 3 2 53 3 2 607 5 2 2 61 5 18 12,032 952 3 1 1 2 2 8 13 38 1 1 1 3 55 85 142 52 29 4 24 21 132 11 259 7.842 4,227 -103 304 17 14 1 4 7 4 21 2 6,297 6,290 7 16,321 4.0002 2 7.0000 2 8.0001 11 11.0101 4 11.0105 2 11.0400 2 11.0601 1 11.0800 2 12.0101 2 12.0300 3 13.0100 2 14.0101 5 14.0102 2 14.0105 2 14.0300 2 14.0600 4 14.0900 2 14.1402 1 14.1502 3 14.1801 2 14.2005 2 14.2101 2 14.2200 2 14.2500 2 14.3202 2 15.0101 4 17.0100 1 18.0400 6 20.0100 2 20.0200 2 20.0501 1 24.0500 2 24.0800 6 25.0000 2 26.0100 4 26.0200 2 26.0301 2 26.0400 2 26.0501 5 27.0100 9 27.0406 1 28.0100 4 28.0400 2 29.0100 5 29.0201 2 29.0300 2 30.0000 2 31.0101 4 32.0100 2 32.0400 7 36.1200 2 37.0101 4 38.0800 2 38.1000 2 39.0100 2 40.0700 2 41.0201 2 41.0203 1 43.0200 2 44.0001 1 45.0100 2 47.0300 1 48.0600 2 50.0400 2 51.0103 4 51.0104 2 52.0300 2 56.0300 2 56.0500 2 57.0200 4 57.0300 2 59.0301 16 59.0302 8 60.0100 6 60.0200 2 60.0400 2 61.0100 2 62.0101 4 62.0400 2 62.0500 2 63.0300 2 65.0100 4 65.0301 21 65.0302 2 65.0500 10 65.0701 2 65.0702 2 66.0100 19 66.0200 885 67.0000 2,364 68.0100 16 68.0201 2 68.0202 7 68.0302 2 69.0100 73 69.0200 48 70.0100 29 70.0200 7 70.0300 7 70.0400 17 70.0500 21 71.0201 48 72.0101 5 72.0201 2 72.0203 2 72.0204 1 76.0202 . 76.0203 . 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 91.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.1 0C1 99.20C3 99.30C9 91.0000 7.0000 8.0001 11.0101 12.0101 12.0300 13.0100 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0600 14.0900 14.1502 14.1801 14.2101 14.2200 14.3202 15.0101 18.0400 20.0100 20.0200 24.0500 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0501 27.0100 28.0100 29.0100 29.0201 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 36.1200 37.0101 38.1000 39.0100 41.0201 45.0100 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 52.0300 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 2 2 2 4 11 2 2 6 33 3 2 12 5 6 2.341 5 10 202 3,417 2 276 21 12 5 2 6 2 5 2 6 2 2 2 2 4 6,010 43 -145 132 2 10 1 5 7 4 1,983 1.983 6,179 2 6 2 2 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 4 5 2 4 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 12 6 6 2 1 76.0204 . 76.0205 . See footnote at the end of the table. 182 Commodity ■ BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.— The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Using industry Value 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2800 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 16.0100 16.0300 17.0100 18.0201 18.0300 18.0400 19.0200 19.0304 20.0100 20.0200 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0703 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0200 23.0200 23.0300 24.0100 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 5 26.0200 3 26.0301 2 26.0302 1 26.0400 2 26.0501 8 26.0601 1 26.0602 1 26.0700 1 27.0100 11 27.0201 1 27.0300 1 27.0402 1 27.0406 1 28.0100 4 28.0200 1 28.0400 2 29.0100 10 29.0201 2 29.0202 1 29.0300 3 30.0000 2 31.0101 7 31.0102 1 31.0200 1 31.0300 1 32.0100 2 32.0300 2 32.0400 10 35.0100 2 35.0200 1 36.0100 1 36.1100 1 36.1200 2 36.1600 1 37.0101 6 37.0103 1 37.0104 i 37.0105 1 37.0200 1 38.0100 1 38.0400 1 38.0600 1 38.0700 1 38.0800 2 38.1000 2 39.0100 2 40.0400 1 40.0500 1 40.0600 1 40.0700 2 41.0100 2 41.0201 2 41.0203 1 42.0201 1 42.0300 1 42.0401 1 42.0402 1 42.0800 1 42.1100 1 I 43.0100 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 Commodity ' Using industry 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0300 46.0200 47.0300 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0700 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 52.0300 520500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 54.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 620101 620200 62.0400 620500 620900 621000 621100 63.0300 64.0101 64.0301 64.0400 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 720201 720202 720203 720204 720300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 Value 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 21 10 8 4 3 1 1 1 5 2 2 2 5 28 2 2 14 1 2 2 25 4 4 22 2 9 2 92 80 43 9 10 23 27 66 9 2 1 3 1 3 3 4 6 15 2 3 2 19 44 4 3 34 7 37 37 6 15 1 4 2 1 3 3 31 32 Commodity ' 76.0206 . 77.0100 77.0200 . 77.0301 77.0303 . 77.0304 77.0305 . 77.0401 77.0402 . Using industry 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77 0800 77.0900 79 0300 91.0000 96.00C0 97.00CO 98.00C2 99.30C8 77.0600 91.0000 94.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C2 99.20C1 99.30C8 91.0000 94.0000 97.00C0 99.10C1 99.20C3 91.0000 94 0000 95.0000 97.00C0 98.00C2 99.10C1 99.20C3 91.0000 97.00C0 91.0000 99.10C1 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 73.0106 76.0204 91.0000 96.00C0 99.20C1 99.20C3 99.30C8 65.0301 77.0100 77.0200 77.0304 77.0305 91.0000 97.00C0 99.10C1 91.0000 98.00C1 Value 7 2 1 8 1 7 2 2 7 2 5 1 2 2 5 2 11,332 1 1 2 -18 37.218 11 39.216 9 111 7 194 3 -2.333 216.111 215,201 3 435 442 30 219,060 270,322 23 -13 942 -17 -52.220 23 50,459 50.166 293 18.971 25,899 -6,928 6.593 164 250 956 44 2 33 5,108 9 2 4 21 53,413 61 11,628 100 46 200 44,632 2 -3,256 18,001 21,079 -3.078 3.0001 43,704 11 3.0002 9 5.0001 2 6.0100 8 6.0200 2 7.0000 38 8.0001 17 9.0001 2 14.0800 1 14.0900 1 14.2101 1 15.0101 9 16.0100 2 19.0304 11 20.0200 22 22.0300 7 23.0300 2 23.0400 8 23.0500 1 24.0100 1 24.0500 1 24.0701 I 1 Commodity ' Using industry 24.0702 24.0706 24.0800 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0700 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0300 320100 320400 320600 36.1100 36.1200 37.0101 37.0104 37.0200 37.0300 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.1000 39.0100 40.0200 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 420300 420401 420402 42.0800 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 47.0100 47.0300 48.0600 49.0100 49.0700 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 520300 53.0400 53.0500 56.0100 56.0200 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0600 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0603 620101 62.0200 620400 620500 62.1000 621100 63.0300 64.0101 64.0301 64.0400 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 70.0100 70.0300 71.0201 73.0104 73.0302 Value 1 1 31 3 8 4 1 1 26 1 1 9 3 8 2 6 54 3 1 6 191 14 6 18 1 65 1 1 39 1 1 6 3 1 1 1 2 4 1 9 7 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 20 6 21 2 1 11 1 1 18 12 3 6 9 2 322 90 84 37 12 4 18 1 3 7 3 1 11 1 1 3 1 1 92 50 5 42 83 25 135 425 30 13 7 673 125 DETAILED TABLES 183 Table 2A.- -The Use Table for Commodities (Rows)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ■ Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 73.0303 175 14.1000 2 28.0200 2 51.0102 1 77.0100 14 14.1100 4 28.0300 1 51.0103 23 77.0200 250 14.1200 4 28.0400 6 51.0104 13 77.0303 11 14.1301 4 29.0100 36 51.0400 2 77.0304 1 14.1302 4 29.0201 8 520300 12 77.0305 41 14.1401 4 29.0202 4 52.0500 3 77.0401 16 14.1402 5 29.0203 2 53.0200 2 77.0501 7 14.1403 2 29.0300 12 53.0300 3 79.0100 8 14.1501 4 30.0000 8 53.0400 5 79.0300 14 14.1502 8 31.0101 26 53.0500 4 91.0000 53,646 14.1600 1 31.0102 3 53.0700 1 94.0000 320 14.1700 4 31.0200 2 53.0800 1 95.0000 -101 14.1801 11 31.0300 2 54.0100 2 96.O0C0 65 14.1802 5 32.0100 7 54.0200 2 97.00C0 8,868 14.1803 1 32.0300 7 54.0300 2 98.00C1 603 14.1900 4 32.0400 49 54.0400 2 98.00C2 -24,744 14.2002 2 32.0500 1 54.0500 1 98.00C3 231 14.2004 2 32.0600 2 54.0700 1 99.1 0C1 345 14.2005 6 33.0001 2 55.0100 2 99.10C2 80 14.2101 12 34.0201 2 55.0200 5 99.10C4 137 14.2103 3 35.0100 7 55.0300 5 99.20C1 80 14.2104 4 35.0200 3 56.0100 5 99.20C2 30 14.2200 15 36.0100 2 56.0200 1 99.20C3 167 14.2300 4 36.0200 1 56.0300 13 99.30C9 294 14.2500 6 36.1000 1 56.0500 14 14.2700 1 36.1100 3 57.0100 2 77.0403 12,985 3 14.2800 14.2900 3 3 36.1200 36.1400 7 1 57.0200 57.0300 19 14.1401 23 20.0100 167 14.3100 1 36.1500 1 58.0100 2 31.0103 5 14.3201 4 36.1600 2 58.0200 1 40.0901 13 14.3202 7 36.1900 1 58.0400 4 47.0401 5 15.0101 21 36.2000 2 ^ 58.0600 2 70.0100 16 15.0103 1 36.2100 1 58.0700 3 70.0200 15 15.0200 2 37.0101 25 59.0100 3 73.0102 76 16.0100 12 37.0102 1 59.0200 2 77.0304 25 16.0200 1 37.0103 2 59.0301 89 77.0502 116 16.0300 7 37.0104 3 59.0302 43 77.0504 332 17.0100 6 37.0105 3 60.0100 34 79.0300 17 17.0600 1 37.0200 6 60.0200 16 91.0000 13,488 17.1001 2 37.0300 2 60.0400 13 94.0000 28 17.1100 1 37.0401 1 61.0100 6 95.0000 -348 18.0101 1 37.0402 1 61.0200 3 96.00C0 9 18.0102 1 38.0100 3 61.0300 3 97.00C0 58 18.0201 2 38.0400 3 61.0500 1 98.00C1 2 18.0300 4 38.0501 1 61.0601 1 98.00C3 -775 18.0400 31 38.0600 4 61.0603 2 99.1 0C1 34 19.0100 1 38.0700 3 61.0700 2 99.20C3 54 19.0200 3 38.0800 8 620101 21 99.30C8 17 19.0302 1 38.0900 2 620102 1 99.30C9 -372 19.0304 4 38.1000 7 620200 7 19.0306 2 38.1100 3 620300 1 77.0501 13 070 20 0100 12 381300 1 620400 8 1.0100 12 20.0200 13 38.1400 1 620500 8 1.0200 9 20.0300 1 39.0100 7 620600 1 1.0301 31 20.0501 6 39.0200 1 620800 2 1.0302 2 20.0502 3 40.0200 2 620900 4 2.0100 3 20.0600 4 40.0300 1 62.1000 4 2.0201 6 20.0701 1 40.0400 5 621100 5 2.0202 23 20.0702 1 40.0500 4 63.0200 1 .£0300 2 20.0703 3 40.0600 5 63.0300 14 2.0401 5 20.0800 2 40.0700 7 64.0101 3 2.0402 1 20.0901 1 40.0800 1 64.0105 1 2.0501 7 20.0903 2 40.0901 2 64.0301 2 20502 1 20.0904 2 40.0902 2 64.0400 4 2.0600 8 22.0101 5 41.0100 5 64.0501 1 £0701 1 22.0200 4 41.0201 6 64.0800 1 £0702 6 22.0300 1 41.0203 6 64.0900 1 3.0001 3 22.0400 2 4£0100 1 64.1000 1 3.0002 2 23.0100 1 42.0201 2 64.1100 3 4.0001 7 23.0200 3 42.0300 5 64.1200 4 4.0002 9 23.0300 3 42.0401 3 65.0100 28 5.0001 1 23.0400 2 420402 3 65.0200 15 6.0100 2 23.0500 2 420500 3 65.0301 63 6.0200 3 23.0600 1 420800 9 65.0302 4 7.0000 15 23.0700 1 421000 2 65.0400 69 8.0001 62 24.0100 3 421100 4 65.0500 56 9.0001 3 24.0400 2 43.0100 3 65.0600 10 9.0002 2 24.0500 9 43.0200 7 65.0701 174 10.0000 1 24.0701 6 44.0001 5 65.0702 12 11.0101 6 24.0702 5 44.0002 3 66.0100 168 11.0105 2 24.0703 1 45.0100 8 66.0200 25 11.0400 2 24.0705 1 45.0200 1 67.0000 18 11.0601 6 24.0706 3 45.0300 2 68.0100 109 11.0602 1 24.0800 29 46.0200 2 68.0201 9 11.0800 5 25.0000 19 46.0400 2 68.0202 38 11.0900 5 26.0100 21 47.0100 2 68.0301 2 12.0101 3 26.0200 14 47.0200 1 68.0302 8 12.0214 2 26.0301 11 47.0300 7 69.0100 1.009 120215 1 26.0302 3 47.0401 2 69.0200 330 12.0300 5 26.0400 6 47.0404 2 70.0100 537 13.0100 11 26.0501 35 47.0500 1 70.0200 101 13.0200 2 26.0601 4 48.0100 1 70.0300 51 13.0300 1 26.0602 2 48.0200 1 70.0400 253 13.0500 1 26.0700 2 48.0400 1 70.0500 29 13.0600 1 26.0802 1 48.0500 1 71.0201 409 13.0700 1 26.0803 1 48.0600 6 720101 91 14.0101 29 26.0806 2 49.0100 5 72.01 02 5 14.0102 11 27.0100 55 49.0200 2 720201 51 14.0105 15 27.0201 4 49.0300 2 720202 4 14.0200 1 27.0202 1 49.0500 2 720203 121 14.0300 10 27.0300 5 49.0600 1 72.0204 20 14.0400 4 27.0402 3 49.0700 3 720205 15 14.0500 3 27.0403 1 49.0800 2 720300 102 14.0600 12 27.0404 2 50.0100 1 73.0101 102 14.0800 4 27.0406 6 50.0200 2 73.0102 25 14.0900 8 I 28.0100 19 50.0400 12 I 73.0103 33 See footnote at the end of the table. 184 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2A.-The Use Table for Commodities (RowsMJontinued [Millions of dollars at producers' pncesl Using industry Value 17.0600 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0302 19.0304 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0702 20.0800 20.0903 20.0904 22.0101 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 3Z0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0100 34.0201 34.0303 34.0304 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0800 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1500 36.1600 36.2000 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 2 4 4 4 5 3 1 4 5 41 4 9 1 8 4 6 17 1 11 3 4 2 2 3 4 9 9 1 3 2 21 3 4 1 4 2 2 6 4 4 4 30 17 165 266 105 29 44 78 2 6 1 3 2 61 1 3 1 4 9 3 1 22 16 5 2 18 7 42 1 1 11 22 25 4 5 ? 11 2 1 10 4 1 1 2 3 4 7 1 6 1 37 2 2 1 8 2 2 2 1 4 3 2 1 See tootnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 185 Table 2A.- -The Use fable for C Commodities (Rows)— ■Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 38.1000 12 63.0300 13 99.20C3 31 17.1001 8 38.1100 6 64.0101 11 99.30C8 115 17.1100 5 38.1300 1 64.0104 4 99.30C9 1,743 18.0101 5 39.0100 1 64.0105 4 18.0102 1 40 0100 1 64 0200 1 78.0500 3,751 18.0201 1 40.0200 _ 2 64.0301 6 70.0100 2,518 18.0202 2 40.0300 4 64.0302 2 70.0200 1,546 18.0203 1 40.0400 4 64.0400 16 97.00C0 -313 18.0300 3 40.0500 8 64.0501 2 18.0400 143 40 0600 7 64 0700 3 79.0300 30,162 19.0100 4 40.0700 7 64.0800 4 1.0100 1 19.0200 15 40.0902 3 64.1000 4 1.0200 1 19.0301 2 41.0100 14 64.1100 11 1.0301 11 19.0302 3 41.0201 7 64.1200 50 1.0302 3 19.0303 2 41.0203 4 65.0100 36 2.0100 2 19.0304 17 42.0201 4 65.0200 23 2.0201 2 19.0305 1 42.0300 11 65.0301 202 2.0202 16 1 9.0306 8 42.0401 4 65.0302 45 2.0300 1 20.0100 63 42.0402 2 65.0400 10 2.0401 2 20.0200 2 42.0500 4 65.0500 76 2.0402 1 20.0300 6 42.0800 13 65.0701 117 2.0501 3 20.0400 1 42.1100 2 65.0702 15 2.0502 1 20.0501 1 43.0100 5 66.0100 562 2.0503 1 20.0502 14 43.0200 5 66.0200 96 2.0600 5 20.0600 7 44.0001 11 67.0000 34 2.0701 1 20.0701 7 44.0002 4 68.0100 459 2.0702 1 20.0702 6 45.0100 17 68.0201 26 3.0002 1 20.0703 12 45.0200 1 68.0202 79 4.0001 6 20.0800 8 45.0300 1 68.0301 21 4.0002 10 20.0901 6 46.0100 1 68.0302 10 5.0001 1 20.0903 2 46.0200 5 69.0100 3,283 6.0100 1 20.0904 5 46.0400 1 69.0200 3,067 6.0200 2 21.0000 3 47.0100 9 70.0100 3,976 7.0000 3 22.0101 1 47.0200 2 70.0200 532 8.0001 2 22.0102 2 47.0300 2 70.0300 332 11.0101 4 22.0103 1 47.0401 2 70.0400 1,198 11.0105 2 22.0200 17 47.0402 1 70.0500 583 11.0400 2 22.0300 5 47.0404 2 71.0201 1,559 11.0800 4 22.0400 8 47.0500 1 72.0101 264 11.0900 2 23.0100 5 48.0100 4 7Z0102 37 12.0101 3 23.0200 1 48.0200 3 72.0201 85 12.0214 1 23.0300 8 48.0400 4 72.0202 34 12.0300 4 23.0400 8 48.0500 1 72.0203 206 13.0100 1 23.0500 9 48.0600 13 72.0204 60 13.0200 1 23.0600 5 49.0100 9 72.0205 9 13.0300 1 23.0700 6 49.0200 6 72.0300 116 13.0500 4 24.0100 5 49.0500 1 73.0101 94 13.0600 3 24.0400 8 49.0600 1 73.0102 106 13.0700 4 24.0500 3 49.0700 4 73.0103 111 14.0101 3 24.0701 2 49.0800 3 73.0104 705 14.0102 3 24.0702 23 50.0100 2 73.0106 73 14.0105 11 24.0703 5 50.0200 1 73.0107 122 14.0200 3 24.0705 4 50.0400 7 73.0108 108 14.0300 4 24.0706 12 51.0102 1 73.0109 726 14.0400 4 24.0800 102 51.0103 11 73.0111 570 14.0500 4 25.0000 18 51.0104 4 73.0112 189 14.0600 8 26.0100 5 52.0100 1 73.0200 159 14.0700 2 26.0200 63 52.0300 1 73.0301 1,268 14.0800 6 26.0301 47 52.0400 1 73.0302 521 14.0900 22 26.0302 2 52.0500 2 73.0303 625 14.1000 4 26.0400 30 53.0200 4 74.0000 480 14.1100 2 26.0501 15 53.0300 4 75.0001 74 14.1200 17 26.0601 19 53.0400 7 75.0002 405 14.1301 6 26.0602 10 53.0500 6 75.0003 24 14.1302 4 26.0700 11 53.0800 1 76.0101 127 14.1401 2 26.0802 4 54.0100 3 76.0102 34 14.1402 4 26.0803 5 54.0200 7 76.0201 84 14.1403 11 26.0806 10 54.0300 7 76.0202 12 14.1501 2 27.0100 64 54.0400 6 76.0203 21 14.1502 37 27.0201 19 54.0500 7 76.0204 27 14.1600 5 27.0202 5 54.0700 7 76.0205 86 14.1700 19 27.0300 5 55.0100 1 76.0206 112 14.1801 12 27.0401 2 55.0200 4 77.0100 2,688 14.1802 6 27.0402 1 55.0300 9 77.0200 1,863 14.1803 1 27.0403 3 56.0100 7 77.0301 156 14.1900 18 27.0404 8 56.0200 11 77.0303 105 14.2002 1 27.0405 2 56.0300 9 77.0304 80 14.2004 1 27.0406 2 56.0500 37 77.0305 498 14.2005 2 28.0100 11 57.0100 4 77.0401 25 14.2101 62 28.0200 2 57.0200 13 77.0402 166 14.2102 1 28.0300 5 57.0300 14 77.0403 138 14.2103 1 28.0400 29 58.0400 5 77.0501 200 14.2104 17 29.0100 22 58.0600 3 77.0502 292 14.2200 7 29.0201 7 58.0700 4 77.0503 186 14.2300 1 29.0202 2 59.0100 5 77.0504 309 14.2400 2 29.0203 1 59.0200 2 77.0600 101 14.2500 4 29.0300 2 59.0301 103 77.0700 133 14.2600 2 30.0000 1 59.0302 121 77.0800 83 14.2700 1 31.0101 10 60.0100 46 77.0900 543 14.2800 14 31.0102 1 60.0200 28 78.0200 29 14.2900 2 31.0103 2 60.0400 19 78.0500 19 14.3000 1 31.0200 11 61.0100 4 79.0100 2 14.3100 4 31.0300 11 61.0200 2 79.0200 23 14.3201 4 32.0100 2 61 .0300 4 79.0300 243 14.3202 11 32.0200 2 61.0700 1 91.0000 6.881 15.0101 11 32.0300 5 62.0101 74 94.0000 188 15.0102 1 32.0400 59 62.0102 4 96.00C0 1,080 15.0103 5 32.0500 2 62.0200 21 97.00C0 291 15.0200 9 32.0600 1 62.0300 4 98.00C1 78 16.0100 8 33.0001 6 62.0400 4 98.00C2 53 16.0200 4 34.0100 1 62.0500 9 98.00C3 51 16.0300 10 34.0201 9 62.0700 1 99.1 0C1 252 16.0400 2 34.0202 1 62.0900 1 99.10C2 66 17.0100 4 34.0302 2 62.1000 2 99.1 0C4 195 17.0600 5 34.0303 2 62.1100 4 99.20C1 29 17.0700 3 34.0304 2 63.0200 4 99.20C2 12 17.0900 2 34.0305 2 See footnote at the end of the table. 186 ,-r-c ™ THP UNITED STATES, 1992 BEKCHMAKK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OP THE UNI T ble 2A _ Th e Use Tab.e .or Commodities (Rows^ontinued Table 2A. u-^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ pTOS , Commodity ' Using industry 35.0100 35.0200 , 36.0100 36.0200 I 36.0300 36.0400 36.0600 36.0701 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 I 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 I 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 , 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 I 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 I 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 , 42.0100 | 42.0201 ■42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 4Z0500 42.0700 4Z0800 4Z1000 42.1100 43.0100 | 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 | 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 , 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 | 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 | 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 I 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 I 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 I 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 1 See tootnote at the end of the table. Using industry Value Commodity ' 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 590301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61 .0200 61 .0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64 0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 80.0000 7Z0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 . 73.0103 i 73.0104 73.0106 | .73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 730301 73.0302 73.0303 I 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 I 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 79.0100 79.0300 91.0000 96.00CO | 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.1 0C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 I 99.20C3 99.30C8 99.30C9 3 13 10 13 3 14 1 5 3 12 15 22 6 56 9 7 193 114 44 8 8 1 4 1 1 2 12 12 49 80 46 4 2 11 3 9 5 14 14 3 15 2 10 13 9 23 2 1.001 22.489 165 40 204 20 1 154 20 4 72 23 16 3 141 2.0503 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9 0004 10.0000 13.0500 13.0600 14.0101 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0700 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1301 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 45 32 33 19 23 1,033 2 3 3 7 5 4 2 12 1 1 5 3 15 3 1 1 6 6 10 2 12 17 18 41 4 8 7 8 8 41 1 53 49 15 104 1 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0300 18.0400 19.0200 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0600 20.0903 22.0101 22.0400 23.0700 24.0100 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24 0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 27 0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0103 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 3Z0500 32.0600 33.0001 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0300 36.0400 36.0600 36.0701 36.0800 36.0900 36.1100 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1700 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0200 37.0300 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 39.0200 40.0200 40.0300 13 11 4 1 1 1 14 17 25 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 21 1 1 2 4 1 2 18 1 14 16 11 13 11 6 3 11 30 14 49 15 150 14 2 9 8 592 14 14 4 31 23 19 13 195 167 12 36 1,911 67 13 42 257 68 310 20 83 14 43 76 10 8 2 28 2 6 9 1 2 7 5 30 2 1 8 11 2 3 3 4 3 70 7 4 2 1 Commodity ■ Using industry 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0300 42.0700 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0200 52.0300 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0105 DETAILED TABLES Table 2A.-T„e Use Table for Commodit.es (Rows^on.inued ( M,,ll0ns of dollars at producers' prices] 187 Value See footnote at the end of the table. 2 7 15 4 7 12 24 17 10 11 12 2 29 8 10 6 27 104 2,205 1,169 90 1 22 18 25 90 51 7 6 6 1 11 3 5 29 63 99 195 21 91 80 12 165 117 33 10 106 74 76 2 7 465 375 52 46 3 3 4 10 1 11 1 26 44 23 5 22 19 38 15 16 19 164 8 10 2 1 14 38 4 2 . 7 25 1 1 1 8 3 21 2 15 8 13 22 2 48 4 14 1 5 2 16 7 3 7 3 Commodity ' 81.0001 Using industry 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 I 68.0201 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 72.0101 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 76.0101 76.0102 76.0203 76.0205 76.0206 77.0200 77.0403 78.0100 78.0500 91.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 97.00C0 ' 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 22.0400 24.0100 24.0500 24.0706 24.0800 27.0201 27.0202 35.0100 35.0200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 i 38.1200 38.1300 40.0500 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 42.0800 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 64.0800 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 82.0000 . 83.0001 84.0000 . 85.0000 . 88.0000 . 4.0001 4.0002 11.0101 11.0105 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 120300 50.0100 58.0400 59.0302 65.0301 69.0100 69.0200 70.0400 71.0201 720201 73.0109 74.0000 75.0002 76.0102 91.0000 92.0000 93.0000 94.0000 95.0000 96.00C0 96.0010 97.00C0 97.0010 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.0011 98.0012 98.0013 99.10C2 99.1011 99.1012 99.2011 99.2012 99.2013 99.30C9 99.3011 99.3012 99.3013 99.3014 99.3015 99.3016 99.3017 99.3019 i i i 2 2 79 20 S 96.00C0 97.00C0 98.00C1 98.00C2 98.00C3 99.10C1 99.10C2 99.10C4 99.20C1 99.20C2 99.20C3 99.30C1 99.30C8 99.30C9 91.0000 94.0000 95.0000 97.00C0 91.0000 93.0066 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 20401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 20600 20701 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 -155 19811 -28 234 1 510 4 59' -1 6Jj 903 '6 12€ -408 32* 123 212 93 14 9? 83 9 10 20 50 23 1.125 148 366 34 101 210 212 -445 764,389 196,793 76.534 186,326 63,944 6,857 52,543 15.429 4.383 31,938 12.968 20,057 24,306 15.161 57,150 -66.481 67,325 -74 -770 10,087 10.087 -7,982 -7.982 3,645.042 1.212 720 2,299 299 475 240 835 9 192 1.488 277 1.615 50 46 730 45 1.867 671 980 5.906 8.303 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 120214 12.0215 120300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14 0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 1 7.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 630 733 1,358 8.366 14,127 1,742 1.238 439 266 815 39,248 993 15,318 3,465 11.015 640 6.529 1.042 422 31,339 49.737 20.935 8,648 1.019 52.485 6.568 995 572 437 354 1,245 3,795 2,911 5,016 59 1.257 608 782 2.461 187 803 2.150 483 775 1,067 1,394 1.344 556 772 573 529 1.605 134 504 9.084 1.629 424 863 458 351 1.759 2,372 66 624 297 2,823 478 71 309 36 316 454 375 133 206 1.161 1.983 2.674 110 198 380 7.433 424 2.412 156 1.414 383 164 169 632 830 520 773 1.173 254 79 1.607 14.681 426 1.127 244 356 259 1.823 141 780 188 ,«. \ rvmtinued Tabie 2A-The Use Tab,e .or CommodKies (Bows^ontinued Table 2A.- - U Mi|ws o) dolBre „ ^ p««, Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 20.0100 20.0200 j 20.0300 20.0400 | 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 | 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 2Z0101 , 22.0102 I 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 I 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 | 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 | 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 I 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 I 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 I 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 I 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 I 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 I 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 | 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 ! 32.0600 33.0001 34.0100 I 34.0201 34.0202 34.0301 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0701 36.0702 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 See footnote at the end of the table. 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1700 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 438 379 905 31 405 882 354 233 10.414 201 945 772 992 5.307 1.077 659 553 255 1,097 439 547 846 2.268 737 2,310 1,783 274 530 385 1.759 259 269 593 648 2.596 1,967 3.059 3.750 845 670 763 3,375 6,077 205 3.232 372 1,259 273 2,785 2,003 1,429 1.685 156 4,662 548 2,277 1,556 3,000 2,588 730 3,705 539 1,201 339 1,360 293 684 1,355 586 7,081 534 263 915 357 688 824 575 275 901 875 3,963 2,781 1.605 1.006 1,661 745 1,741 1,217 874 1,359 213 9,451 257 6.435 5,562 1,103 259 177 5.231 222 1,594 1.165 1,723 2,642 2,577 412 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 6Z0102 62.0200 6Z0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 6Z1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 7Z0101 7Z0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 89 0000 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 78.02O0 78.0500 79.0100 79.0200 79.0300 82.0000 84.0000 8,454 4,400 21,053 31,058 15,170 11,774 53,831 42,904 22,496 95,245 3,950 32,708 2,412 10,262 1,289 4,849 853 3,699 1,145 5,056 12,250 115.875 110." 30 11. 2, 19, 10 24, 4 5. 7, 22 7, 4 7 ),661 ),296 733 292 968 ,527 373 441 .515 280 449 .692 178 ,777 8,288 3,600 857 1,661 3,321 9,018 3,954 1 42. 627 208 14 654 10.087 505,591 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 £0502 2.0503 I 2.0600 2.0701 Z0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 | 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 1 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602! 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 I 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 51 50 158 37 139 345 ,628 4 102 199 28 212 67 16 533 43 71 438 75 253 316 103 172 267 2,429 4,729 211 138 59 32 137 651 16 251 52 150 6 515 56 4 507 628 187 71 3^ 401 111 2 1 9 7 32 IS 1! DETAILED TABLES 189 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ■ Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 62.0500 81 62.0600 10 62.0700 4 62.0800 17 62.0900 42 62.1000 43 62.1100 51 63.0200 14 63.0300 132 64.0101 27 64.0102 7 64.0104 4 64.0105 8 64.0200 5 64.0301 24 64.0302 2 64.0400 149 64.0501 7 64.0502 5 64.0503 2 64.0504 5 64.0700 5 64.0800 8 64.0900 8 64.1000 5 64.1100 34 64.1200 36 65.0100 837 65.0200 169 65.0301 2,514 65.0302 101 65.0400 583 65.0500 5,696 65.0600 328 65.0701 145 65.0702 520 66.0100 12,012 66.0200 608 67.0000 541 68.0100 12.554 68.0201 436 68.0202 3,893 68.0301 151 68.0302 1,682 69.0100 101,516 69.0200 73,207 70.0100 11,353 70.0200 3,726 70.0300 1,258 70.0400 12,274 70.0500 1,646 71.0100 73,022 71.0201 74,085 71.0202 5,641 720101 4,999 720102 223 72.0201 578 72.0202 214 72.0203 600 72.0204 350 720205 101 72.0300 252 73.0101 467 73.0102 554 73.0103 794 73.0104 1,869 73.0106 202 73.0107 1.019 73.0108 440 73.0109 1,319 73.01 1 1 497 73.0112 283 73.0200 352 73.0301 733 73.0302 559 73.0303 425 74.0000 16,647 75.0001 1,647 75.0002 4.657 75.0003 404 76.0101 1,062 76.0102 355 76.0201 443 76.0202 116 76.0203 259 76.0204 718 76.0205 559 76.0206 1.500 77.0100 1.547 77.0200 435 77.0301 689 77.0303 132 77.0304 156 77.0305 478 77.0403 76 77.0501 12 77.0502 4 77.0504 145 77.0600 12 77.0700 139 77.0800 106 77.0900 30 2.083 272 1.0100 2.055 1.0200 1.892 14.0500 35 14.0600 143 14.0700 6 14.0800 45 14.0900 97 14.1000 - 18 14.1100 41 14.1200 47 14.1301 50 14.1302 52 14.1401 40 14.1402 63 14.1403 24 14.1501 43 14.1502 128 14.1600 11 14.1700 47 14.1801 130 14.1802 59 14.1803 12 14.1900 40 14.2002 20 14.2004 18 14.2005 66 14.2101 3,354 14.2102 2 14.2103 827 14.2104 3,519 14.2200 168 14.2300 47 14.2400 4 14.2500 71 14.2600 3 14.2700 11 14.2800 34 14.2900 31 14.3000 2 14.3100 8 14.3201 51 14.3202 82 15.0101 5,471 15.0102 45 15.0103 7 15.0200 17 16.0100 158 16.0200 8 16.0300 77 16.0400 6 17.0100 69 17.0600 9 17.0700 6 17.0900 5 17.1001 20 17.1100 12 18.0101 12 18.0102 17 18.0201 27 18.0202 6 18.0203 2 18.0300 47 18.0400 135 19.0100 5 19.0200 25 19.0301 4 19.0302 5 19.0303 4 19.0304 29 19.0305 1 19.0306 13 20.0100 108 20.0200 118 20.0300 11 20.0501 54 20.0502 29 20.0600 41 20.0701 13 20.0702 11 20.0703 25 20.0800 13 20.0901 11 20.0903 20 20.0904 22 21.0000 4 22.0101 47 22.0102 2 22.0103 3 22.0200 34 22.0300 10 22.0400 12 23.0100 9 23.0200 31 23.0300 24 23.0400 15 23.0500 16 23.0600 9 23.0700 10 24.0100 48 24.0400 22 24.0500 133 24.0701 95 24.0702 72 24.0703 18 24.0705 11 24.0706 39 24.0800 428 25.0000 280 26.0100 197 26.0200 122 26.0301 92 26.0302 27 26.0400 61 26.0501 313 26.0601 41 26.0602 21 26.0700 22 26.0802 7 26.0803 8 26.0806 19 27.0100 1.564 27.0201 68 27.0202 15 27.0300 76 27.0401 6 27.0402 47 27.0403 8 27.0404 25 27.0405 4 27.0406 83 28.0100 258 28.0200 34 28.0300 15 28.0400 90 29.0100 685 29.0201 115 29.0202 54 29.0203 21 29.0300 151 30.0000 121 31.0101 3,877 31.0102 116 31.0103 20 31.0200 96 31.0300 91 32.0100 355 32.0200 4 32.0300 65 32.0400 473 32.0500 14 32.0600 19 33.0001 20 34.0100 3 34.0201 25 34.0202 2 34.0302 6 34.0303 3 34.0304 3 34.0305 3 35.0100 117 35.0200 43 36.0100 39 36.0200 10 36.0300 6 36.0400 7 36.0500 2 36.0600 7 36.0701 2 36.0800 7 36.0900 6 36.1000 19 36.1100 58 36.1200 120 36.1300 8 36.1400 21 36.1500 8 36.1600 32 36.1900 16 36.2000 28 36.2100 10 36.2200 6 37.0101 481 37.0102 14 37.0103 50 37.0104 63 37.0105 59 37.0200 134 37.0300 22 37.0401 22 37.0402 21 38.0100 64 38.0400 65 38.0501 28 38.0600 71 38.0700 70 38.0800 170 38.0900 29 38.1000 147 38.1100 52 38.1200 8 38.1300 15 38.1400 8 39.0100 85 39.0200 8 40.0100 6 40.0200 18 40.0300 16 40.0400 62 40.0500 51 40.0600 64 40.0700 82 40.0800 17 40.0901 19 40.0902 23 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 42.0800 42:1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 64 112 6 66 10 30 6 61 34 37 35 2 100 21 48 43 90 75 40 104 10 30 6 30 6 21 27 10 104 21 4 21 4 11 17 11 6 19 19 89 69 33 23 30 13 42 25 15 23 3 154 9 295 178 26 6 4 153 6 42 28 41 59 54 9 14 20 34 24 20 13 19 23 64 56 61 13 148 162 23 227 276 25 12 53 33 37 25 19 960 394 379 164 127 66 31 29 11 12 14 19 205 12 79 14 80 90.0000 . See footnote at the end of the table. 190 rr .rrOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS th , u* Table for Commodities (Rows)-Continued Commodity ' Using industry Value H Comrnodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 2.0203 2.0300 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0502 2.0503 2.0600 2.0701 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 12.0101 12.0214 12.0215 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 5.138 692 1,568 4.443 15,649 336 1,155 2,319 627 5,184 1,364 233 5,669 1,744 6,193 1,250 1,392 669 1,535 -29 868 228 5,009 30,457 1,099 631 325 153 929 8.657 339 3.763 866 3,620 203 1.337 143 126 6.335 14.797 6.195 2,571 201 17,089 2,923 623 538 330 229 -195 921 1,083 1,151 53 1,714 2,036 608 1,440 70 2.069 3,215 676 2,572 324 801 1.873 403 1,147 146 639 769 106 2,124 4,926 2.662 108 340 469 232 2,639 5,691 55 807 530 2,873 4,181 31 213 -34 305 1,207 649 102 224 2.022 2,575 15,767 35 809 218 2,445 148 1.134 118 1,402 39 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0102 18.0201 18.0202 18.0203 18.0300 18 0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0400 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0703 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0202 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0100 34.0201 34.0202 34.0301 34.0302 178 49 541 -153 218 199 410 96 22 288 2,752 5 723 59 148 265 390 32 514 5,195 2,412 286 44 567 692 788 216 167 484 281 213 533 921 79 1.369 28 15 599 273 461 165 721 717 385 492 522 491 1.158 150 4,977 1,876 1.250 182 278 717 8.030 2.038 8.678 5.926 4,781 560 4,915 7,583 1,449 761 1,540 191 302 566 13,594 716 82 2,739 230 851 9 225 145 1,535 3.609 562 -107 1,087 19,231 3,630 2,353 582 5,558 2,770 5,092 67 169 479 704 1,491 7 1.398 12.971 340 534 147 45 317 75 5 163 122 108 98 2.766 966 865 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0701 36.0702 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 361500 36.1600 36.1700 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0104 37.0105 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 4Z0100 4Z0201 4Z0202 42.0300 4Z0401 4Z0402 4Z0500 42.0700 4Z0800 4Z1000 4Z1100 43.0100 43.0200 44 0001 44 "02 t 00 4 -00 45.J300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 141 74 88 13 243 r -2 183 42 269 6*S 1 3-3 12* 16S 115 753 6 4"^ 769 191 129 2 01' 5C se^ 74i S4S 72' 33* 3Sfc 273 29" 122 431 22* 2* 952 153 1.23* 373 81 175 68 313 78 134 300 424 720 754 943 1.126 319 341 127 941 23 131 852 500 798 98 1.065 773 571 632 48 2,044 529 648 1,120 821 1,661 916 1.284 50 165 -1 529 116 135 187 60 1,065 502 15 351 45 175 232 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 5Z0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54 0400 54 0500 54.0700 55 0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62-0200 6Z0300 6Z0400 62.0500 6Z0600 6Z0700 62.0800 6Z0900 62.1000 621100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 640104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64 0501 64.0502 64.0503 64 0504 64.0700 64 0800 64 0900 641000 64.1100 64.1200 650100 650200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 660200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 680302 69 0100 69.0200 398 51 200 101 1,716 265 3,133 482 247 110 58 2,184 58 863 552 1.176 917 1,121 242 26 142 307 459 537 458 324 825 794 1.555 339 475 4.561 4.416 -9 8.008 2,296 467 381 1,019 561 41 373 100 6.023 2.014 937 3.517 3.299 950 615 556 338 135 231 761 4.853 334 2.291 306 3.647 3.778 267 61 761 1.572 739 1,398 466 8.773 593 68 67 359 132 466 18 908 205 166 78 104 120 129 436 332 467 683 6.411 3.515 22,703 2.520 5.073 3.709 4.020 1,131 2.77C 5S.69S 8.28c 2.86? 76.16: 5,17! 7.03 96 1.67 67,04 70.07 See footnote at the end o. the table. DETAILED TABLES 191 Table 2A. — The Use Table for Commodities (Rows) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Commodity ■ Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value Commodity ' Using industry Value 70.0100 83,342 73.0102 8,000 76.0101 3.662 77.0504 16 70.0200 -4,020 73.0103 2,932 76.0102 1,488 77.0600 133 70.0300 9,023 73.0104 20,057 76.0201 2,259 77.0700 3,069 70.0400 -16,940 73.0106 2,551 76.0202 297 77.0800 775 70.0500 14,981 73.0107 13,718 76.0203 377 77.0900 1,480 71.0100 325,809 73.0108 5,823 76.0204 1.027 78.0100 -5,315 71.0201 234,083 73.0109 32,701 76.0205 1,641 78.0200 1 555 71.0202 50,070 73.0111 16,108 76.0206 11,530 78.0500 2,804 -9 721 72.0101 6,159 73.0112 2,395 77.0100 36,884 79.0100 72.0102 984 73.0200 7,103 77.0200 19,210 79.0200 8^380 13,831 110,181 -7,982 72.0201 4,082 73.0301 29.569 77.0301 3,302 79 0300 72.0202 1,823 73.0302 10,623 77.0303 1,845 1 J ■ W -^'J'J 82.0000 85.0000 72.0203 6,735 73.0303 9,852 77.0304 498 72.0204 5,022 74.0000 22,756 77.0305 15.447 72.0205 1,289 75.0001 6,181 77.0403 3,206 72.0300 2,568 75.0002 18,354 77.0501 376 73.0101 11,909 75.0003 2,678 77.0502 2 1 . See appendixes A and B for content and descriptions of industries, commodities, final uses, and value added. 192 BENCHMAR K —- — » ™ — STATES ' '" 2 Tab.* 2B.-The use Tab.e «or .ndustries (Columns) Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 1.0200 2.0201 2.0202 4.0001 9.0004 12.0300 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1900 14.2101 14.2104 14.2500 14.2600 | 14.2700 14.2900 17.0900 17.1100 20.0200 20.0903 , 25.0000 26.0200 27.0300 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 I 32.0500 32.0600 35.0100 35.0200 37.0103 | 40.0600 41.0203 42.0201 42.0202 I 42.0500 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 ' 50.0400 53.0400 55.0100 ! 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 I 65.0301 65.0302 . 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 ' 68.0100 68.0301 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 | 71.0201 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0104 I 73.0107 73.0109 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 ■ 75.0001 77.0304 | 77.0501 78.0100 I 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0201 2.0202 4.0001 12.0300 14.0400 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1900 14.2101 14.2104 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2900 17.0900 20.0903 24.0703 24.0706 25.0000 1.0301 27.0300 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 37.0103 40.0600 42.0201 42.0202 4Z0500 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 55.0100 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0301 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 7Z0101 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 77.0304 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 63 15 51 7 151 49 88 15 263 1 1 2 3 5 6 9 16 4 3 1 1 1 2 9 9 3 5 1 183 289 32 29 3 2 30 420 15 525 27 7 1 52 104 3 1 21 9 6 1 2 3 5 2 24 250 9 2 1 720 50 1.892 1.0302. 1.0100 1.0301 2.0201 2.0202 2.0501 2.0600 | 4.0001 12.0300 I 14.0101 14.0400 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1900 14.2101 14.2104 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 I 14.2900 17.0900 20.0903 24.0400 24.0702 26.0200 26.0301 26.0601 27.0300 27.0406 | 29.0100 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0500 32.0600 37.0103 40.0600 42.0201 4Z0202 4Z0500 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 I 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 66.0100 68.0100 68.0301 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 720101 r -w 73 4 73.0 y 73.0109 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0003 77.0304 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0 -'2 2.C-01 2.0202 2.0501 Z0600 4.0001 12-0300 14.0101 Industry ' 13 8 12 5 6 8 66 54 41 6 4 566 853 151 51 2 2 69 140 598 52 2,730 207 87 3 178 3.190 16 19 234 30 49 5 6 14 25 4 100 1 956 31 4 11 2,299 1,158 5.138 2.0100 14.0400 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1900 14.2101 14.2104 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2900 17.0900 20.0903 24.0500 24.0702 26.0200 27.0300 27.0406 29.0100 31.0101 31.0102 3Z01OO 3Z05O0 32.0600 34.0305 37.0103 42.0201 4Z0202 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 64.0800 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0701 66.0100 68.0100 68.0301 Commodity used 69.0100 I 70.0100 70.0200 | 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 7Z0101 , 7Z0204 ! 73.0101 73.0104 73.0107 7Z0200 | 73.0303 74.0000 | 75.0001 | 75.0003 , 77.0304! 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 | 89.0000 90.0000 Value >.02O1 1.0302 Z0100 4.0001 9.0001 1Z0300 17.0900 17.1100 20.0903 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 I 31.0101 31.0102 3Z0100 3Z0500 3Z0600 36.1900 37.0103 40.0600 ! 4Z0201 4Z0202 . 4Z0500 I 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 55.0100 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 | 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 I 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 71.0201 7Z0101 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 77.0501 79.0300 I 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0302 2.0201 4.0001 9.0001 1Z0300 17.0900 17.1100 20.0903 26.0200 26.0301 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 31.0101 See footnote at the end ot the table. DETAILED TABLES 193 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ■ Commodity used Value 31.0102 139 32.0100 48 32.0500 5 32.0600 1 36.1900 16 37.0103 _ 2 40.0600 2 42.0201 6 42.0202 2 42.0500 3 42.0700 1 44.0001 66 47.0401 4 49.0700 7 50.0100 5 50.0200 4 50.0400 5 53.0400 2 55.0100 2 58.0100 22 58.0400 20 59.0302 10 64.0800 3 64.1200 1 65.0100 55 65.0301 91 65.0302 23 65.0400 34 65.0500 1 65.0600 5 66.0100 23 68.0100 68 68.0202 32 68.0302 28 69.0100 635 70.0100 43 70.0200 19 70.0400 28 71.0201 1,261 72.0101 3 72.0204 7 73.0101 85 73.0104 5 73.0107 16 73.0109 1 73.0200 2 73.0301 2 73.0303 4 74.0000 2 75.0001 36 75.0003 1 77.0501 6 78.0100 2 79.0300 2 88.0000 240 89.0000 345 90.0000 4,443 38,458 1.0302 1 £0202 499 2.0203 178 20503 28 4.0001 2,705 9.0001 186 10.0000 1 12.0300 508 17.0900 64 20.0903 9 24.0400 2 26.0200 2 26.0301 4 26.0601 1 27.0201 1,786 27.0300 2,984 27.0406 29 31.0101 768 31.0102 397 320100 86 32.0400 129 320500 24 32.0600 1 36.1900 58 37.0103 5 40.0600 8 42.0201 8 42.0202 14 42.0500 160 44.0001 327 47.0401 14 49.0700 21 50.0100 25 50.0200 13 50.0400 23 53.0400 10 55.0100 11 55.0200 11 58.0100 116 58.0400 103 59.0302 64 64.0800 4 64.1200 3 65.0100 149 65.0301 410 65.0302 99 65.0400 99 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 89.0000 199 90.0000 2,319 1 585 2.0702 7 4.0001 161 9.0001 2 12.0300 2 17.0900 4 19.0301 1 19.0302 11 20.0903 1 24.0701 12 24.0702 7 25.0000 98 27.0201 4 27.0300 42 27.0406 1 31.0101 61 31.0102 5 32.0100 6 32.0500 1 36.1900 4 42.0201 1 420500 1 44.0001 5 47.0401 3 49.0700 1 50.0100 1 50.0200 1 50.0400 1 55.0100 1 58.0100 6 58.0400 3 59.0302 3 64.0800 2 65.0100 2 65.0301 9 65.0302 4 65.0400 1 65.0500 1 66.0100 4 68.0100 7 68.0202 4 68.0302 8 69.0100 67 70.0100 6 70.0200 2 70.0400 7 71.0201 45 72.0101 1 720204 1 73.0101 5 73.0104 1 73.0107 6 73.0200 1 73.0301 1 73.0303 2 75.0001 7 77.0501 1 79.0300 1 88.0000 277 89.0000 28 90.0000 627 12.124 2.0501 104 20702 97 4.0001 1,682 9.0001 11 120300 126 17.0900 19 19.0301 11 19.0302 74 20.0903 4 24.0701 87 24.0702 45 25.0000 402 26.0200 1 27.0201 40 27.0300 339 27.0406 4 31.0101 89 31.0102 26 320100 30 32.0400 22 320500 3 320600 1 36.1900 9 37.0103 2 40.0600 2 42.0201 5 420202 5 420500 3 44.0001 41 47.0401 4 49.0700 6 50.0100 3 50.0200 3 50.0400 3 53.0400 2 55.0100 2 58.0100 15 58.0400 15 59.0302 9 64.0800 3 2.0202 . 2.0203 . 2.0300 . 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 720101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0003 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0203 4.0001 9.0001 12.0300 19.0302 20.0903 24.0701 24.0702 25.0000 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 36.1900 40.0600 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 58.0400 59.0302 64.1200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 720204 73.0101 73.0107 73.0301 75.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0300 4.0001 9.0001 12.0300 16.0100 17.0900 19.0200 20.0903 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 37.0103 40.0600 42.0201 42.0500 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 55.0100 58.0100 12 9 89 221 123 221 2,375 116 51 2 114 4,067 13 34 417 22 53 4 5 9 18 3 179 1 23 2 16 835 1,628 15,649 547 10 4 1 5 5 2 6 1 38 4 19 1 25 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 2 2 2 3 25 1 5 7 1 1 1 1 3 9 4 336 3,125 8 137 8 38 268 7 1 2 19 120 3 182 8 35 13 3 1 1 1 2 2 49 2 5 3 3 3 2 2 19 20401 58.0400 59.0302 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 720204 73.0101 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 75.0001 75.0003 77.0501 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0702 4.0001 9.0001 120300 17.0900 19.0301 19.0302 20.0903 21.0000 24.0701 24.0702 25.0000 26.0200 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 320400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1900 37.0103 40.0600 42.0201 420202 420500 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 55.0100 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 17 8 2 1 3 32 8 3 1 8 2 2 156 12 6 11 361 2 5 61 2 5 1 1 2 2 11 1 2 1 192 102 1,155 8,882 117 1,102 6 91 13 8 53 2 421 59 31 190 1 30 629 3 389 35 23 4 2 1 22 2 2 3 3 3 32 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 13 14 7 4 1 17 82 19 15 13 3 19 56 26 50 730 24 9 25 317 2 3 40 5 28 1 2 2 2 3 41 5 1 2 1.488 2.0402. 2.0501 See footnote at the end of the table. 194 20502. 2.0503 . 2.0502 4.0001 9.0001 12.0300 17.0900 20.0903 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0500 32.0600 36.1900 40.0600 42.0201 42.0500 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 55.0100 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0104 73.0107 73.0200 73.0301 75.0001 77.0501 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0503 2.0702 4.0001 9.0001 12.0300 20.0903 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 I 32.0500 I 14 BENCHMARK tNPUT-OUTPUT ACCOSTS OF THE VWEn STATES, 1992 Table 2 B.-The Use Table for Industries (Columns^-Cominued Miens of dollars at producers' pfesJ '^ " Ue ° Industry i 20600 . Commodity used Value See footnote at the end ol the table. 36.1900 40.0600 42.0201 42.0500 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 55.0100 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 71.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0107 73.0301 75.0001 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0302 2.0600 4.0001 9.0001 120300 17.0900 20.0903 24.0400 26.0200 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0500 32.0600 36.1900 37.0103 40.0600 42.0201 4Z0202 420500 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 J 66.0100 68.0100 I 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 720204 73.0101 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0003 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 I 88.0000 I I nustry i 20701 233 2.0702 . Commodity used 89.0000 90.0000 1.0302 I 2.0702 4.0001 12.0300 I 17.0900 20.0903 27.0300 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 320100 32.0400 320500 320600 40.0600 4Z0201 42.0500 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 50.0100 50 0200 50.0400 55.0100 58.0100 I 58.0400 59.0302 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 700400 71.0201 7Z0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0104 73.0107 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 75.0001 77.0501 79.0300 88 0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0702 4.0001 90001 120300 17.0900 20.0903 26.0200 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 37.0103 40.0600 420201 42.0202 420500 44.0001 47.0401 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 55.0100 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 Value Industry " 3.0001 3.0002... Commodity used 70.0400 71.0201 720101 720204 73.0101 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0302 3.0001 4.0001 4.0002 12.0300 14.0105 14.1502 19.0302 24.0800 26.0602 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 320100 320600 39.0100 420300 4^0500 43.0200 44.0001 50.0100 520300 58.0400 59.0302 62.0200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 i 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.0002 4.0002 120300 17.0900 17.1100 19.0200 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 43.0200 49.0100 52.0300 Value Industry ■ 4.0001 Commodity used 53.0200 55.0100 58.0200 59.0302 62.0200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0200 1.0301 2.0702 3.0001 4.0001 9.0004 120300 14.0101 14.0102 14.1501 14.1502 17.1100 19.0301 19.0302 24.0500 • 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0S01 26.0601 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 29.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 35.0100 36.1300 38.1000 42.0201 42.0300 42.1100 44.0002 47.0300 49.0700 50.0400 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0400 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 DETAILED TABLES Tab.e 2B._The Use Teb.e for .ndustr.es (ColumnsHConlinued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 195 Commodity used Value Industry ' 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0204 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 81.0002 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 See footnote at the end of the table. 2.0203 2.0702 3.0001 120300 19.0302 24.0500 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0601 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 38.1000 420100 420300 44.0002 48.0600 50.0100 52.0300 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 81.0002 5.0001 6.0100 . Commodity used Value 88.0000 | 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 6.0200 7.0000 9.0003 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0403 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0500 37.0101 37.0103 37.0200 37.0300 40.0400 41.0100 42.1100 43.0200 45.0100 45.0200 46.0200 46.0300 47.0300 49.0200 49.0300 50.0400 59.0302 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 12.0300 20.0200 20.0800 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0403 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.0100 36.1300 37.0101 37.0103 37.0200 37.0300 40.0400 41.0100 43.0200 45.0100 45.0200 46.0200 46.0300 470300 8,303 316 1.535 2.037 4 240 19 3 7 39 1 1 46 17 48 17 10 2 26 2 31 37 16 2 2 7 60 9 13 1 2 1 5 2 Industry i 2 1 28 1 33 11 7 4 297 61 63 3 14 6 3 9 6 1 1 12 3 1 6 1 2 3 1 6 20 9 9 2 1 3 1 32 630 103 -29 3,458 2 83 221 9 58 3 5 1 2 111 24 53 34 1 6 1 4 27 35 2 55 20 21 2 6 80 20 16 9 2 6.0200 . Commodity used 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 53.0500 58.0400 59.0302 61.0300 62.0200 65.0100 65 0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 12.0300 20.0200 20.0800 24.0800 25.0000 | 27.0100 27.0201 27.0403 31.0101 31.0103 320100 | 320500 32.0600 36.1300 37.0101 37.0103 37.0200 37.0300 40.0400 I 41.0100 43.0200 45.0100 45.0200 46.0200 46.0300 47.0300 49.0200 50.0100 50.0400 53.0500 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 I 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 I 68.0202 69.0100 69,0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 710202 720101 Value 1 15 5 11 8 1 5 2 2 7 1 46 1 12 5 316 6 87 5 22 7 6 9 1 11 1 1 7 5 15 4 2 3 4 1 4 53 13 20 1 8 2 2 1 33 733 172 868 5,254 10 2 24 1,494 3 109 5 23 2 1 260 1 57 142 1 33 2 1 27 40 4 17 18 44 9 14 118 29 24 3 3 8 1 9 7 1 1 8 1 17 3 64 4 15 1 17 182 10 152 7 35 2 14 36 36 15 196 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B, -The Use Table fot industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' 7.0000 . Commodity used Value 72.0201 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.C03 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 9.0002 12.0300 16.0100 18.0400 20.0100 20.0800 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0501 27.0100 27.0201 27.0403 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 320100 32.0300 320400 32.0500 320600 36.1000 36.1200 36.1300 36.1900 36.2200 37.0101 37.0103 37.0402 38.1000 40.0400 41.0100 42.0201 42.0300 420500 42.1100 43.0200 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0200 47.0300 47.0404 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 53.0400 53.0500 55.0200 58.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 3 2 34 9 7 17 - 4 8 6 3 16 53 3 20 17 2 1 2 3 4 2 19 1.358 267 228 26.917 17 3.042 10 70 84 3 63 4 1 2 1 6 1 1 6 2 236 1 428 193 12 56 71 5 105 6 31 24 2 37 10 79 1 2 13 71 134 3 1 51 8 93 732 150 2 157 4 1 19 97 26 77 4 3 111 4 2 51 16 7 34 1 2 1 4 751 18 311 143 95 4 1 36 586 35 3 846 37 173 Industry ' 8.0001 Commodity used 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75 0001 7^.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 20702 4.0002 8.0001 120215 120300 18.0400 20.0903 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0501 27.0100 27.0406 29.0203 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 320100 320400 320600 34.0302 35.0100 36.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0103 40.0400 40.0600 420201 42.0300 420800 421100 43.0200 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 520300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 55.0200 55.0300 58.0400 59.0302 620200 63.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 10 44 174 391 81 7 1 7 52 46 23 29 4 26 35 2 14 219 183 6 96 42 3 2 2 4 38 15 1 3 23 8,366 2.429 5.009 105.369 1 3 20,296 1.719 574 1 1 1 2 2 1 853 321 5 1 386 244 2 6 2 7 1 2 187 2 1.079 112 19 19 3 1 434 10 22 200 48 40 52 2 9 8 44 11 43 5 3 9 157 4 4 66 1 4 5 9 40 1 7 4 4 99 61 251 1 264 246 6 3 196 1.626 Industry ' 9.0001 Commodity used 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 760201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value See footnote at the end ol the table. 4.0002 7.0000 9.0001 9.0002 9.0004 120300 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 27.0403 31.0101 31.0102 320100 320300 320400 320500 320600 35.0100 37.0101 37.0103 40.0400 41.0100 42.0300 421100 45.0100 45.0200 46 0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0300 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 520300 53.0400 53.0500 55.0200 58.0400 59.0302 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.020O 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 2,303 518 82 1 935 126 567 22 113 521 16,661 264 4 8 20 7 154 115 4 18 37 135 9 128 980 874 28 312 96 17 11 6 13 17 62 1 2 1,033 14.127 4.729 30.457 5,143 3 13 42 25 101 11 2 1 1 1 92 199 1 42 27 25 11 3 5 33 4 29 4 1 5 166 52 77 15 8 1 2 22 2 16 1 3 5 1 1 26 1 6 18 4 11 3 96 5 14 2 14 222 52 3 1 216 17 44 5 17 20 29 Industry ■ 9 0002 . Commodity used Value 720101 15 72.0201 1 720204 1 73.0101 1 73.0102 10 73.0103 11 73.0104 30 73.0106 4 73.0107 1 73.0109 10 73.011 9 73.0112 73.0200 10 73.0301 16 73.0302 33 73.0303 21 74.000C 20 75.0001 7 75.0002 1 76.0205 1 77.0402 2 77.0501 3 78.01 0C 2 80.0000 2 88.0000 1,742 89.0000 211 90.0000 1,099 3,203 2 4.0002 7.0000 8 9.0001 6 9.0002 61 9.0004 21 120300 20 24.0800 1 25.0000 1 27.0403 14 31.0101 123 31.0102 1 320100 8 320300 12 320400 5 320500 4 3? 0600 2 3' 3100 2 3. J101 16 37.0103 2 40.0400 22 41.0100 1 421100 1 43.0200 14 45.0100 96 45.0200 41 46.0200 40 46.0300 9 46.0400 2 47.0300 2 49.0200 7 49.0500 5 50.0100 1 50.0400 3 520300 1 53.0500 8 58.0400 4 59.0302 11 64.1200 1 65.0100 19 65.0200 1 65.0301 35 65.0400 3 65.0500 10 66.0100 9 68.0100 169 68.0202 50 68.0301 1 69.0100 114 69.0200 11 70.0100 20 70.0400 11 71.0201 20 71.0202 41 720101 9 720201 1 720204 1 73.0101 1 73.0102 7 73.0103 4 73.0104 9 73.0106 4 73.0107 1 73.0109 5 73.01 1 1 5 73.0112 1 73.0200 7 73.0301 5 73.0302 17 74.0000 13 75.0001 7 75.0002 1 77.0501 2 78.0100 1 80.0000 3 88.0000 1.238 89.0000 138 90.0000 631 DETAILED TABLES 197 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 69.0200 6,961 70.0100 727 70.0300 17 70.0400 447 71.0201 647 71.0202 17 7£0101 92 72.0201 19 72.0204 10 73.0101 188 73.0102 25 73.0103 304 73.0104 69 73.0106 95 73.0107 1,389 73.0109 152 73.0111 1,188 73.0112 12 73.0200 79 73.0301 490 73.0302 1,079 73.0303 156 74.0000 108 75.0001 287 75.0002 113 76.0101 7 76.0201 4 76.0203 2 76.0205 4 77.0501 6 78.0100 113 79.0300 4 81.0002 2 88.0000 39,248 89.0000 651 90.0000 8,657 3,274 2.0202 4 4.0002 5 12.0300 1 17.0100 9 19.0302 1 19.0306 1 20.0200 158 20.0300 3 20.0501 27 20.0502 17 20.0600 31 20.0701 98 20.0702 4 20.0800 6 20.0904 3 24.0706 17 24.0800 1 25.0000 3 27.0402 3 27.0406 2 30.0000 31 31.0101 6 31.0102 2 3£0100 1 32.0400 20 32.0600 1 35.0100 7 36.0100 3 36.0200 4 36.0300 3 36.0500 1 36.0800 2 36.1000 8 36.1100 263 36.1200 156 36.1400 5 36.1500 1 36.1600 2 37.0101 7 37.0103 3 38.0700 1 38.1000 5 40.0100 4 40.0200 48 40.0300 18 40.0400 28 40.0500 125 40.0600 5 40.0700 20 40.0800 2 40.0901 1 40.0902 6 41.0203 4 42.0300 5 4£0500 3 42.0800 13 4^1100 2 44.0002 1 5i0300 19 53.0300 3 53.0400 3 54.0700 3 55.0100 1 55.0200 6 55.0300 14 56.0500 18 58.0400 2 59.0302 1 9.0003 . 9.0004. 7.0000 9.0003 9.0004 12.0300 24.0800 26.0200 27.0100 27.0403 31.0101 32.0100 37.0101 41.0100 4£1100 43.0200 45.0100 45.0200 46.0200 46.0300 49.0200 49.0500 53.0500 59.0302 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 7.0000 9.0004 10.0000 12.0300 24.0800 26.0200 27.0100 27.0403 31.0101 32.0100 37.0101 41.0100 42.1100 43.0200 45.0100 45.0200 46.0200 46.0300 49.0200 49.0500 53.0500 59.0302 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 80.0000 1,399 5 19 65 20 - 2 10 46 1 44 2 14 2 1 9 28 7 7 2 8 7 1 4 4 19 2 4 4 61 58 2 41 4 8 1 4 4 5 3 3 3 4 1 2 2 7 3 5 3 6 6 3 439 59 325 784 6 23 5 20 1 8 19 3 39 1 4 1 1 6 23 9 7 1 8 5 1 3 1 12 1 2 6 27 12 27 3 6 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 3 4 3 4 1 7 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 10.0000 . 11.0101 4.0002 7.0000 9.0004 10.0000 12.0300 24.0800 27.0100 27.0403 27.0406 31.0101 31.0103 32.0100 32.0500 32.0600 37.0101 37.0103 41.0100 43.0200 45.0100 45.0200 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 53.0500 58.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0202 2.0203 2.0702 4.0002 9.0001 9.0002 12.0300 17.0100 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 19.0200 19.0302 19.0306 20.0200 20.0300 20.0400 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0800 20.0903 20.0904 2£0300 23.0400 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 266 32 153 3,153 1 26 54 52 30 3 74 6 1 85 1 1 2 2 84 3 3 13 70 16 14 2 3 7 4 2 7 2 12 19 1 62 2 8 7 204 102 1 77 10 44 11 18 17 10 1 9 5 8 4 5 4 15 6 10 2 12 6 1 1 5 5 815 137 929 115,450 170 60 268 397 665 462 66 406 6 39 25 14 54 41 1,664 121 276 2,445 1,558 1,386 616 262 730 104 1,468 5 618 9 20 438 23 4 5 559 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0500 36.0600 36.0800 36.1000 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 36.2200 37.0101 37.0103 37.0200 37.0402 38.0700 38.0800 38.1000 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0203 4a0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 44.0002 45.0100 47.0401 47.0404 48.0600 49.0100 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 52.0300 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0500 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0302 61.0700 62.0200 62.0300 63.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.0900 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 42 48 26 7 214 64 19 13 1,529 254 59 725 71 58 2,059 29 81 230 283 367 38 553 50 531 2,062 44 333 247 101 138 1.323 7 281 234 446 12 50 15 328 153 492 450 132 1,221 328 1,185 54 174 93 105 8 180 158 516 382 890 146 49 256 11 3 2 714 7 2 3 1,561 231 9 1,066 184 41 23 251 46 709 1,422 76 13 146 6 117 153 16 19 129 9 4 2 1 3 2 148 195 318 21 2,227 159 180 3 1 420 160 11 132 6,198 11.0102. See footnote at the end of the table. 198 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 620300 7 38.1000 112 19 0302 7 73.0301 13 64.0800 2 40.0100 58 19.0306 8 73.0302 530 64.0900 3 40.0200 168 20.0200 182 73.0303 6 65.0100 4 40.0300 156 20.0300 11 74.0000 6 65.0301 77 40.0400 45 20.0501 164 75.0001 15 I 65.0400 1 40.0500 469 20.0502 102 75.0002 5 65.0500 2 40.0600 116 20.0600 84 78.0100 4 66.0100 7 40.0700 550 20.0701 28 88.0000 3,465 68.0100 2 40.0800 19 20.0702 27 89.0000 52 68.0302 1 40.0901 58 20.0800 51 90.0000 866 69.0100 127 40.0902 31 20.0904 27 69.0200 70.0100 147 22 41.0100 41.0203 41 2 23.0300 24.0500 4 1 11.0400 33,596 11 2.0203 70.0400 13 42.0201 41 24.0702 1 4.0002 119 71.0201 8 42.0202 97 24.0706 18 9.0001 1,166 71.0202 1 42.0300 164 24.0800 4 9.0002 369 72.0101 1 42.0500 125 25.0000 7 9.0004 78 73.0101 2 420800 311 26.0601 1 120300 25 73.0103 9 421100 50 27.0402 14 17.0900 2 73.0106 1 44.0002 18 27.0406 10 17.1001 12 73.0107 13 45.0100 88 30.0000 177 17.1100 1 73.0109 2 47.0401 4 31.0101 26 19.0200 1 73.0111 32 47.0404 1 31.0102 5 19.0302 12 73.0301 3 49.0100 179 320100 3 20.0702 66 73.0302 146 49.0700 2 320400 125 20.0800 28 73.0303 2 50.0100 1 320600 3 20.0903 2 74.0000 2 50.0200 1 35.0100 42 24.0400 3 75.0001 5 520300 537 36.0100 11 24.0500 8 75.0002 2 53.0200 3 36.0200 25 24.0701 3 78.0100 1 53.0300 50 36.0300 19 24.0702 9 88.0000 993 53.0400 55 36.0500 3 24.0703 2 89.0000 16 54.0400 11 36.0800 7 24.0705 2 90.0000 339 54.0700 88 36.1000 47 24.0706 23 55.0100 15 36.1100 309 24.0800 13 11.0105 43.239 59 55.0200 55.0300 149 669 36.1200 36.1400 937 10 25.0000 26.0601 16 9 £0202 20203 14 56.0500 25 36.1500 76 26.0602 3 20702 269 58.0100 7 36.1600 9 27.0402 61 4.0002 136 58.0400 52 37.0101 211 27.0403 39 9.0001 227 58.0600 2 37.0103 14 27.0406 32 9.0002 158 58.0700 41 38.0700 5 29.0201 10 12.0300 25 59.0302 55 38.0800 1 29.0202 8 17.0100 176 61.0700 6 38.1000 36 30.0000 388 17.0900 2 620200 7 40.0100 6 31.0101 165 17.1001 14 620300 137 40.0200 41 31.0102 20 17.1100 1 63.0200 2 40.0300 34 31.0200 1.350 19.0200 1 63.0300 1 40.0400 69 31.0300 1.181 19.0302 26 64.0501 1 40.0500 286 320100 26 19.0306 23 64.0503 2 40.0600 41 320400 439 20.0200 474 64.0504 1 40.0700 106 32.0600 5 20.0300 43 64.0800 37 40.0800 29 35.0100 1 20.0501 909 64.0900 113 40.0901 12 36.0100 75 20.0502 567 65.0100 83 40.0902 44 36.0200 8 20.0600 405 65.0200 7 41.0100 2 36.0500 1 20.0701 328 65.0301 657 41.0203 16 36.0800 13 20.0702 129 65.0400 48 420300 120 36.1000 17 20.0800 207 65.0500 75 420500 33 36.1100 1.162 20.0903 90 65.0600 1 420800 80 36.1200 1,506 20.0904 8 66.0100 157 421100 9 36.1300 2 22.0300 2 68.0100 59 44.0002 2 36.1500 2 24.0400 4 68.0301 4 46.0100 38 36.1600 30 24.0500 8 68.0302 43 47.0401 3 37.0101 51 24.0701 3 69.0100 1.948 47.0404 3 37.0103 27 24.0702 9 69.0200 2,577 49.0300 36 37.0200 17 24.0703 2 70.0100 276 49.0700 4 37.0402 3 24.0705 2 70.0300 7 520300 123 38.1000 75 24.0706 64 70.0400 165 53.0300 18 40.0400 708 24.0800 14 ! 71.0201 239 53.0400 9 40.0500 27 25.0000 15 71.0202 7 54.0400 3 40.0700 331 26.0601 S 720101 34 54.0700 28 40.0800 136 26.0602 3 720201 7 55.0100 4 40.0901 50 27.0402 71 720204 3 55.0200 65 40.0902 102 27.0406 35 73.0101 69 55.0300 67 41.0100 5 29.0201 10 73.0102 10 56.0500 112 420300 3 29.0202 10 73.0103 113 58.0100 3 420500 140 30.0000 518 73.0104 24 58.0400 11 420800 182 31.0101 85 73.0106 35 58.0700 3 45.0100 38 31.0102 23 73.0107 423 59.0302 13 47.0401 15 31.0200 258 73.0109 55 620300 15 47.0404 42 32.0100 26 73.0111 444 63.0200 1 50.0100 1 320300 7 73.0112 5 $4.0800 6 520300 10 32.0400 630 73.0200 30 64.0900 17 53.0200 3 32.0500 1 73.0301 55 65.0100 11 53.0300 34 32.0600 10 73.0302 404 65.0301 157 55.0100 15 35.0100 68 73.0303 59 65.0400 2 55.0200 408 36.0100 76 74.0000 41 65.0500 4 56.0500 190 36.0200 97 75.0001 105 66.0100 18 58.0100 9 36.0300 129 75.0002 42 68.0100 8 58.0400 45 36.0500 13 76.0101 3 68.0302 3 58.0600 2 36.0600 294 76.0201 2 69.0100 423 58.0700 5 36.0800 17 76.0205 2 69.0200 527 59.0302 34 36.1000 201 77.0501 2 70.0100 70 61.0700 6 36.1200 1,988 78.0100 42 70.0300 1 62.0200 4 36.1300 24 79.0300 2 70.0400 33 620300 19 36.1400 122 81.0002 1 71.0201 22 63.0200 2 36.1500 23 88.0000 15,318 71.0202 2 63.0300 1 36.1600 35 89.0000 251 720101 5 64.0501 1 36.1900 47 90.0000 3,763 720201 1 64.0503 3 36.2000 945 73.0101 8 64.0504 1 36.2200 37.0101 12 96 11.0108 10,910 14 73.0103 73.0104 25 1 64.0800 64.1100 19 20202 189 37.0103 81 20203 2 73.0106 4 65.0100 87 37.0200 154 4.0002 23 73.0107 78 65.0200 6 37.0402 4 12.0300 2 73.0109 7 65.0301 1,176 38.0700 20 17.0100 23 73.0111 106 65.0400 165 38.0800 13 17.1001 3 73.0200 1 65.0500 I 52 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 199 Table 2B.— The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' 11.0501 Commodity used 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7Z0101 72.0201 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 2.0202 4.0002 9.0001 9.0002 12.0300 17.0100 17.1001 19.0302 19.0306 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0800 20.0904 22.0300 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 27.0402 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0500 36.0800 36.1000 36.1200 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2200 37.0101 37.0103 37.0200 38.0700 38.1000 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 42.0300 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 44.0002 1 154 57 4 42 886 " 358 214 5 395 11 5 34 7 31 1 432 10 94 39 34 104 355 4 29 44 1.909 57 40 103 337 3 2 2 2 41 2 11.015 150 3.620 1,833 3 7 13 8 1 9 1 1 1 24 3 44 27 21 17 6 11 6 2 4 1 3 3 4 27 9 2 13 1 31 1 7 3 5 6 1 2 9 93 6 1 4 5 7 4 3 8 1 5 3 8 8 4 22 4 27 4 1 1 8 7 28 2 1 Industry ' 11.0601 Commodity Value used 45.0100 7 49.0100 9 52.0300 25 53.0300 2 53.0400 3 54.0400 2 54.0700 5 55.0100 2 55.0200 6 55.0300 14 56.0500 1 58.0400 3 58.0700 4 59.0302 2 62.0300 7 64.0800 1 64.0900 4 65.0301 19 65.0400 1 65.0500 2 66.0100 7 68.0100 2 68.0302 1 69.0100 55 69.0200 96 70.0100 12 70.0400 8 71.0201 12 71.0202 1 72.0101 1 73.0101 3 73.0103 6 73.0106 1 73.0107 20 73.0109 2 73.0111 19 73.0200 1 73.0301 2 73.0303 2 74.0000 2 75.0001 7 75.0002 2 78.0100 1 88.0000 640 89.0000 6 90.0000 203 11,633 8 4.0002 9.0002 2 11.0601 107 12.0300 8 20.0200 2 24.0800 1 27.0100 394 27.0403 15 27.0406 62 31.0101 254 31.0102 81 32.0100 1 32.0600 1 36.0100 88 36.1300 2 36.1900 108 37.0101 221 37.0103 14 40.0400 138 42.0800 15 45.0100 139 45.0200 49 45.0300 30 46.0200 46 49.0100 25 50.0400 127 58.0400 1 59.0302 5 62.0200 22 63.0200 1 65.0100 76 65.0200 6 65.0301 101 65.0400 32 65.0500 29 65.0600 2 66.0100 45 68.0100 55 68.0202 103 68.0301 5 69.0100 301 69.0200 15 70.0100 64 70.0300 2 70.0400 11 71.0201 85 71.0202 5 72.0101 30 72.0201 3 72.0204 2 73.0101 6 73.0102 24 73.0103 18 73.0104 16 73.0106 14 73.0107 21 73.0109 12 73.0111 17 Industry ' 11.0602. 11.0603 . 11.0800. Commodity used 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 4.0002 11.0602 12.0300 27.0100 27.0201 27.0403 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 37.0101 37.0103 40.0400 45.0100 45.0200 46.0200 59.0302 62.0200 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 77.0501 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 24.0800 25.0000 31.0101 32.0100 3Z0600 36.0100 58.0400 63.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 78.0100 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0202 2.0203 4.0002 12.0300 17.0100 17.0900 17.1001 Industry ' 1 25 93 5 35 12 4 1 1 6 2 6,529 515 1,337 1,673 1 63 1 7 1 4 1 25 1 16 1 7 10 3 4 1 7 1 1 5 11 12 10 10 1 9 3 24 152 5 2 3 1 1 2 1 3 5 9 6 1 1 1,042 56 143 1,061 1 1 2 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 6 14 1 1 1 1 16 3 1 1 12 406 1 2 3 15 1 422 4 126 91,887 73 47 192 62 156 3 18 Commodity used Value 17.1100 19.0200 19.0302 19.0306 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0800 20.0903 20.0904 22.0300 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0300 3Z01 00 32.0300 320400 320600 35.0100 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0800 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 37.0101 37.0103 37.0200 37.0402 38.0700 38.0800 38.1000 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0203 420300 42.0500 4Z0800 42.1100 44.0002 45.0100 46.0100 46.0300 46.0400 47.0401 47.0404 49.0100 49.0300 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 5Z0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 54.0400 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0500 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0302 1 1 34 29 886 295 1,036 304 613 222 209 335 4 171 2 56 197 367 9 19 5 21 4 4 89 43 46 23 8 94 59 26 17 878 138 53 187 65 57 884 18 499 186 94 133 375 16 85 214 73 726 8 234 265 61 23 108 98 6 32 9 531 135 289 274 1.492 1.042 678 1.276 490 1.509 753 18 27 223 189 2,469 363 24 6 517 346 22 9 84 315 673 703 1 102 935 104 8 246 73 58 110 30 1.453 431 675 16 101 6 88 99 See footnote at the end of the table. 200 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 73.0303 206 74.0000 161 75.0001 402 75.0002 1,188 76.0101 7 76.0205 2 77.0501 5 78.0100 159 79.0300 2 81.0002 1 88.0000 49.737 89.0000 628 90.0000 14.797 63,282 2.0202 103 2.0203 22 Z0702 257 4.0002 242 9.0001 399 9.0002 217 12.0300 46 17.0100 340 17.0900 4 17.1001 23 17.1100 2 19.0200 1 19.0302 50 19.0306 40 20.0200 1,148 20.0300 78 20.0400 35 20.0501 1,600 20 0502 1.454 20 0600 795 20.0701 445 20.0702 171 20.0800 403 20.0903 4 20.0904 109 22.0300 3 24.0400 6 24.0500 13 24.0701 7 24.0702 15 24.0703 3 24.0705 4 24.0706 150 24.0800 22 25.0000 31 26.0601 17 26.0602 5 27.0402 124 27.0406 53 29.0201 18 29.0202 13 30.0000 916 31.0101 131 31.0102 40 31.0200 455 31.0300 520 32.01 00 49 32.0300 14 32.0400 1.039 3Z0600 17 35.0100 73 36.0100 145 36.0200 169 36.0300 224 36.0500 19 36.0800 30 36.1000 161 36.1200 1,320 36.1300 8 36.1400 230 36.1500 8 36.1600 60 36.1900 86 36.2000 378 36.2200 4 37.0101 2 37.0103 181 37.0200 84 37.0402 8 38.0700 30 38.0800 9 38.1000 195 40.0100 107 40.0200 295 40.0300 198 40.0400 79 40.0500 607 40.0600 179 40.0700 505 40.0800 34 40.0901 104 40.0902 52 41.0100 59 41.0203 3 42.0201 52 42.0202 80 42.0300 289 42.0500 329 42.0800 397 42.1100 87 44.0002 31 Industry ■ Commodity used 11.0900. 61.0700 62.0200 62.0300 62.0500 63.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.0900 64.1100 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 81.0002 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0202 2.0203 4.0002 9.0001 9.0002 12.0300 17.0100 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 19.0302 19.0306 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 20.0800 20.0903 20.0904 23.0300 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 9 114 460 195 7 3 3 4 3 46 574 52 88 18 1,097 25 137 1 384 142 11 102 3,851 3,409 580 14 519 431 14 81 16 6 147 25 248 60 85 556 127 959 12 72 304 7.693 142 100 253 101 8 2 4 5 104 4 1 31.339 507 6,335 142,393 193 30 446 84 59 79 231 4 45 2 18 21 1,002 45 1.008 108 502 176 797 443 5 122 93 12 33 4 43 2 3 132 67 126 39 5 231 210 22 12 558 329 89 100 101 292 2,034 37 35.0100 350 36.0100 280 36.0200 114 36.0300 136 36.0500 22 36.0800 256 36.1000 292 36.1100 2,393 36.1200 1.261 36.1300 5 36.1400 226 36.1500 438 36.1600 148 37.0101 850 37.0103 219 37.0200 471 37.0402 16 38.0700 33 38.0800 9 38.1000 2,203 40.0100 118 40.0200 249 40.0300 255 40.0400 2.197 40.0500 1,035 40.0600 563 400700 708 40.0800 660 40.0901 343 40.0902 1.019 41.0100 39 41.0203 16 42.0300 488 42.0500 539 42.0800 1.102 42.1100 83 44.0002 51 45.0100 135 46.0100 352 46.0300 2 47.0401 57 47.0404 87 49.0100 270 49.0300 304 49.0700 52 50.0100 1 52.0300 929 52.0500 545 53.0200 13 53.0300 749 53.0400 165 54.0400 64 54.0700 258 55.0100 54 55.0200 1.305 55.0300 1,382 56.0500 799 58.0100 37 58.0200 2 58.0400 224 58.0600 4 58.0700 26 59.0302 189 61.0700 27 62.0200 27 62.0300 334 63.0200 12 63.0300 4 64.0501 2 64.0503 2 64.0504 2 64.0800 47 64.0900 57 65.0100 85 65.0200 20 65.0301 1.530 65.0400 30 65.0500 153 65.0600 1 66.0100 564 68.0100 211 68.0301 13 68.0302 137 69.0100 4.348 69.0200 4.290 70.0100 888 70.0300 20 70.0400 1,102 71.0201 766 71.0202 27 72.0101 121 72.0201 25 72.0204 109 72.0205 1 73.0101 1,525 73.0102 30 73.0103 386 73.0104 130 73.0106 130 73.0107 1.383 73.0109 197 73.0111 1,481 73.0112 16 73.0200 101 73.0301 197 73.0302 17,381 12.0101 12.0214 . 45.0100 47.0401 47.0404 48.0600 49.0100 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 52.0300 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 54.0400 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0500 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0302 61.0700 6Z0200 6£0300 63.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.0900 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 81.0002 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Z0202 Z0203 4.0002 9.0001 9.0002 12.0300 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 19.0302 19.0306 20.0702 20 0800 20.0903 240400 240500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 201 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 9.0002 1 20.0200 2 24.0800 1 27.0100 25 27.0403 2 27.0406 4 29.0203 27 30.0000 2 31.0101 14 31.0200 23 32.0400 7 36.0100 33 36.1100 14 36.1200 5 36.1900 3 37.0101 21 40.0400 9 40.0700 5 40.0800 5 41.0100 2 42.0500 4 42.0800 24 46.0100 6 46.0300 16 47.0300 6 47.0404 3 55.0200 7 58.0100 6 59.0302 1 65.0100 7 65.0200 1 65.0301 31 65.0302 3 65.0400 1 65.0500 6 66.0100 4 68.0100 8 69.0100 40 69.0200 1 70.0100 12 70.0400 3 71.0201 11 71.0202 1 72.0101 5 73.0103 3 73.0104 4 73.0109 2 73.0111 3 73.0112 5 73.0200 4 73.0301 4 73.0303 15 74.0000 7 75.0001 2 77.0501 1 88.0000 1,019 89.0000 37 90.0000 201 134,319 2.0202 188 £0203 33 4.0002 450 9.0001 177 9.0002 36 12.0300 90 17.0100 222 17.0900 7 17.1001 44 17.1100 2 19.0200 2 19.0302 28 19.0306 44 20.0200 2,715 20.0300 232 20.0501 1,994 20.0502 787 20.0600 1,118 20.0701 404 20.0702 247 20.0800 258 20.0903 6 20.0904 101 22.0300 2 24.0400 12 24.0500 33 24.0701 11 24.0702 40 24.0703 5 24.0705 6 24.0706 171 24.0800 60 25.0000 101 26.0601 39 26.0602 7 27.0402 226 27.0406 124 29.0201 21 29.0202 19 30.0000 959 31.0101 305 31.0102 92 31.0200 49 31.0300 870 32.0100 105 32.0300 44 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value 74.0000 160 75.0001 428 75.0002 801 76.0101 8 76.0201 3 76.0203 2 76.0205 5 77.0501 5 78.0100 167 79.0300 4 81.0002 2 88.0000 52,485 89.0000 408 90.0000 17,089 16,558 4.0002 23 7.0000 2 12.0300 84 13.0100 310 16.0100 14 24.0800 1 25.0000 1 26.0100 1 26.0200 1 27.0100 23 27.0201 21 27.0406 2 30.0000 5 31.0101 18 32.0300 16 32.0400 150 36.1600 5 36.1700 2 37.0200 9 37.0300 1 37.0401 5 38.0700 5 38.0800 9 38.1100 7 38.1400 6 41.0100 13 41.0203 43 4Z0401 15 42.0402 5 42.0800 16 42.1000 25 47.0300 6 48.0600 81 49.0200 2 50.0200 12 50.0400 51 53.0500 56 53.0700 100 55.0300 20 56.0500 229 57.0100 29 57.0200 238 57.0300 902 58.0700 5 59.0302 1 60.0200 1,019 60.0400 957 62.0101 558 62.0200 136 63.0300 4 65.0100 4 65.0200 12 65.0301 39 65.0302 1 65.0500 81 65.0702 1 66.0100 56 68.0100 124 68.0202 9 68.0301 1 68.0302 5 69.0100 293 69.0200 2 70.0100 109 70.0300 3 70.0400 22 71.0201 181 71.0202 3 72.0101 51 72.0201 8 72.0204 7 73.0101 20 73.0102 68 73.0103 41 73.0104 211 73.0106 41 73.0107 28 73.0109 54 73.01 1 1 35 73.0112 3 73.0200 36 73.0301 34 73.0302 14 73.0303 4 74.0000 60 75.0001 17 75.0002 13 76.0201 2 76.0203 1 76.0205 2 12.0215. 25.0000 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27.0403 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 36.0100 36.0200 36.0500 36.0800 36.1000 36.1200 36.1300 36.1500 36.1600 37.0101 37.0103 37.0200 37.0402 38.1000 40.0400 40.0500 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 42.0300 42.0500 45.0100 47.0401 47.0404 52.0300 53.0200 53.0300 54.0400 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0302 61.0700 62.0200 62.0300 63.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 11 7 2 66 38 35 9 4 196 99 18 1,019 870 19 550 6 52 12 2 16 24 43 2 3 33 2 24 18 4 102 156 45 138 55 132 2 4 127 53 4 12 12 3 47 2 35 17 84 11 45 2 7 34 6 4 19 2 1 1 1 1 14 75 5 717 120 28 1 108 40 3 30 513 416 138 2 86 8 3 22 5 22 306 7 63 30 24 37 244 3 21 30 2,000 40 29 72 237 2 1 2 29 1 8,648 77 2,571 1,719 12.0300 . 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0500 36.0800 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 37.0101 37.0103 37.0200 37.0402 38.0700 38.0800 38.1000 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 44.0002 45.0100 47.0401 47.0404 48.0600 49.0100 49.0700 50.0100 52.0300 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 54.0400 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0500 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0302 61.0700 62.0200 62.0300 63.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.0900 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 2.008 41 83 308 186 169 26 206 137 60C 1 06" 9 28'-, 14 133 scr •04 15 14 m sot i 211 1 c-: 318 1 i8C &44 186 84- 41 4 512 500 1 098 150 55 112 14 56 2 250 75 2 1.400 13 588 186 86 257 48 1.312 1,227 581 22 175 5 28 198 19 20 275 8 5 2 1 4 2 85 389 200 26 1.660 71 178 2 1 613 231 13 168 5.155 5.726 796 7 516 800 25 133 27 72 1.043 29 376 119 137 1.368 211 1.414 18 105 161 4,400 I3O100 See footnote at the end of the table. 202 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B, -The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 77.0501 11 38.0800 77 74.0000 7 47.0300 1 77.0504 1 38.0900 1 75.0001 1 50.0400 2 78.0100 4 38.1100 21 75.0002 3 56.0500 1 79.0300 1 38.1400 7 77.0501 1 57.0200 6 88.0000 6,568 41.0100 17 79.0300 4 62.0101 3 89.0000 110 41.0203 10 80.0000 4 65.0100 1 90.0000 2.923 42.0401 2 88.0000 437 65.0200 1 42.1100 21 89.0000 91 65.0301 7 13.0200 3,042 1 43.0200 47.0300 22 6 90.0000 330 65.0500 66.0100 3 40002 6 12.0300 13.0200 14 8 49.0200 49.0500 2 267 13.0600 1,164 1 68.0100 68.0202 26 4.0002 8 18.0400 13 50.0400 13 12.0300 12 68.0302 1 20.0200 3 58.0600 2 13.0600 3 69.0100 13 24.0800 1 63.0300 1 20.0200 18 70.0100 8 25.0000 11 65.0100 2 24.0702 1 70.0400 2 26.0200 1 65.0200 1 24.0800 1 71.0201 8 27.0100 28 65.0301 36 25.0000 26 71.0202 1 27.0403 52 65.0500 15 27.0100 2 72.0101 4 27.0406 39 66.0100 4 27.0403 38 73.0102 1 28.0100 2 68.0100 8 27.0406 5 73.0103 3 31.0101 18 68.0202 2 28.0100 6 73.0104 3 32.0400 16 68.0302 2 31.0101 7 73.0107 3 36.1600 15 69.0100 137 31.0102 1 73.0109 1 37.0101 72 70.0100 14 32.0400 14 73.0111 2 37.0200 39 70.0400 2 32.0500 5 73.0112 1 37.0300 8 71.0201 10 36.1600 3 73.0200 1 37.0401 6 71.0202 5 37.0101 13 73.0301 13 38.0100 3 72.0101 6 37.0200 3 73.0303 1 38.0501 41 72.0204 1 37.0300 3 74.0000 6 38.0700 9 73.0101 4 37.0401 1 75.0001 1 38.0800 33 73.0102 2 37.0402 2 75.0002 1 38.0900 6 73.0103 8 38.0100 25 77.0501 1 38.1100 23 73.0104 5 38.0501 17 79.0300 4 38.1400 9 73.0107 2 38.0700 51 88.0000 1,245 41.0100 35 73.0109 8 38.0800 9 89.0000 8 41.0203 9 73.0111 6 38.0900 3 90.0000 -195 42.0401 13 73.0112 1 38.1100 6 42 0402 5 73 0200 16 38.1400 3 14.0101 48,871 42.0500 2 73.0301 1 41.0100 4 1.0200 21 42.1100 73 73.0302 1 41.0203 12 1.0301 38,663 47.0300 7 73.0303 1 42.0401 4 1.0302 33 50.0400 51 74.0000 11 42.0402 1 4.0002 5 53.0500 10 75.0001 2 42.1100 8 7.0000 9 56.0500 51 75.0002 3 47.0200 1 12.0300 66 57.0200 118 77.0501 1 47.0300 3 14.0101 1,095 57.0300 20 79.0300 1 49.0200 2 14.0102 54 62.0101 108 88.0000 572 50.0400 13 14.0105 37 63.0300 1 89.0000 12 65.0100 1 14.3202 93 65.0100 5 90.0000 538 65.0301 24 24.0701 14 65.0200 1 65.0500 3 24.0800 2 65.0301 57 13.0500 1,375 66.0100 2 25.0000 339 65.0500 10 12.0300 14 68.0100 10 26.0501 2 66.0100 8 1 3.0500 11 68.0202 6 26.0601 1 68.0100 36 20.0200 13 68.0302 4 27.0100 1 68.0202 15 24.0800 1 69.0100 45 27.0406 2 68.0302 8 25.0000 10 69.0200 1 29.0201 2 69.0100 110 27.0100 2 70.0100 6 31.0101 56 70.0100 19 27.0403 2 70.0400 2 31.0102 1 70.0300 2 27.0406 2 71.0201 2 32.0100 1 70.0400 5 28.0100 2 71.0202 1 3Z0300 1 71.0201 25 31.0101 7 72.0101 4 3Z0400 367 71.0202 4 32.0400 5 72.0204 2 32.0600 1 72.0101 9 36.1600 6 73.0101 6 39.0100 4 72.0201 3 37.0101 27 73.0102 2 4Z0100 2 7Z0204 1 37.0200 18 73.0103 1 48.0100 2 73.0101 2 37.0300 9 73.0104 2 49.0800 2 73.0102 2 37.0401 4 73.0106 1 50.0100 1 73.0103 7 38.0501 44 73.0107 3 50.0400 2 73.0104 2 38.0800 2 73.0109 2 5Z0300 2 73.0106 5 38.0900 5 73.0111 1 58.0400 2 73.0107 3 38.1100 18 73.0200 27 59.0302 8 73.0109 9 38.1400 73.0301 9 65.0100 9 73.01 1 1 6 41.0100 2 ' 73.0302 1 65.0200 35 73.0112 1 42.0401 15 74.0000 5 65.0301 342 73.0200 17 42.0402 5 75.0001 1 65.0400 58 73.0301 26 42.1100 30 75.0002 4 65.0500 12 73.0302 7 47.0300 13 77.0501 1 65.0702 2 74.0000 14 50.0400 19 79.0300 3 66.0100 38 75.0001 5 57.0200 3 80.0000 2 68.0100 167 75.0002 2 65.0100 1 88.0000 354 68.0202 69 77.0501 2 65.0200 1 89.0000 70 68.0301 5 79.0300 1 65.0301 14 90.0000 229 68.0302 85 88.0000 995 65.0500 3 69.0100 869 89.0000 21 66.0100 4 13.0700 1,347 69.0200 10 90.0000 623 68.0100 17 12.0300 21 70.0100 319 68.0202 4 20.0200 17 70.0300 8 13.0300 2,274 2 68.0302 69.01 00 2 57 24.0800 25.0000 1 1 70.0400 71.0201 62 12.0300 43 13.0300 30 70.0100 11 27.0403 4 71.0202 13 20.0200 1 70.0400 2 27.0406 1 7Z0101 8 24.0800 1 71.0201 6 28.0100 38 7Z0201 2 25.0000 1 71.0202 1 31.0101 7 7Z0204 28 27.0100 6 72.0101 4 32.0400 1 73.0101 70 27.0406 1 72.0204 1 37.0101 21 73.0102 16 28.0100 32 73.0101 2 37.0200 1 73.0103 73 30.0000 3 73.0102 2 37.0300 5 73.0104 39 31.0101 8 73.01 03 3 38.0100 1 73.0106 9 32.0300 138 73.0104 1 38.0700 4 73.0107 31 32.0400 13 73.0107 3 38.0800 1 73.0109 34 36.1600 5 73.0109 3 38.0900 3 73.01 1 1 49 37.0101 63 73.01 1 1 2 38.1100 5 73.0200 224 37.0200 18 73.0200 28 38.1400 5 73.0301 14 37.0300 38 73.0301 11 41.0100 6 73.0302 1 37.0401 4 73.0302 3 42.0401 1 73.0303 10 38.0700 1 73.0303 2 42.1100 1 74.0000 9 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 203 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars al producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 75.0002 2 77.0501 1 79.0300 3 80.0000 1 88.0000 59 89.0000 7 90.0000 53 17,720 1.0100 7,105 4.0002 3 7.0000 7 12.0300 47 14.0200 7 14.0300 3,055 14.0400 516 14.0600 445 14.1700 22 14.1900 4 14.2002 1 14.2300 11 14.2500 12 14.2600 79 14.2900 44 14.3202 2 17.1100 1 19.0200 1 24.0500 9 24.0701 239 24.0702 102 24.0800 1 25.0000 184 26.0501 95 27.0100 91 27.0402 1 29.0201 12 29.0202 9 31.0101 37 31.0102 12 32.0100 1 32.0400 86 32.0600 1 35.0200 19 39.0100 47 42.0300 1 42.0800 4 42.1000 76 42.1100 2 43.0200 1 48.0100 3 49.0800 5 50.0100 1 50.0400 2 5Z0300 2 53.0200 4 55.0100 3 58.0400 1 59.0302 17 64.0800 1 65.0100 9 65.0200 13 65.0301 85 65.0400 2 65.0500 56 65.0702 1 66.0100 35 68.0100 97 68.0202 53 68.0301 1 68.0302 10 69.0100 990 69.0200 40 70.0100 114 70.0300 3 70.0400 32 71.0201 27 71.0202 9 72.0101 53 72.0201 1 7Z0204 16 73.0101 37 73.0102 8 73.0103 34 73.0104 24 73.0106 5 73.0107 6 73.0109 33 73.01 1 1 25 73.0112 1 73.0200 172 73.0301 19 73.0303 5 74.0000 63 75.0001 57 75.0002 29 75.0003 1 76.0101 2 76.0201 2 76.0203 1 76.0205 3 77.0501 10 78.0100 3 79.0300 4 80.0000 5 88.0000 1,257 89.0000 122 Industry ' Commodity used Value 14.0102 . 14.0105. 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0200 1.0301 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.3202 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000' 26.0501 26.0601 29.0201 31.0101 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 39.0100 42.0100 48.0100 49.0800 50.0400 52.0300 58.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0200 1.0302 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0105 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 29.0201 51 56 2 5 4 . 7 29 5 3 12 3,795 327 921 18,670 156 655 6 6 74 9,688 187 336 273 28 1 2 331 121 1 2 28 1 1 574 1 16 3 2 4 2 1 1 3 16 13 209 2 58 1 25 167 53 2 17 502 3 119 8 24 52 17 56 2 23 56 18 30 33 11 31 10 21 1 281 13 1 12 66 20 45 3 2 1 3 11 4 3 2,911 127 1,083 24,800 11,998 13 8 8 80 3,086 37 163 1 545 16 3 2 14.0200 . 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 39.0100 42.0100 47.0300 48.0100 49.0800 50.0400 58.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 7Z0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0100 12.0300 14.0200 14.0400 14.0600 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 59.0302 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 34 1 1 5 170 1 1 1 11 6 2 2 4 5 1 5 2 1 1 6 16 135 114 1 27 245 63 8 67 573 5 160 4 30 39 10 70 3 33 79 24 39 43 14 21 30 28 1 132 19 4 7 85 24 62 1 2 2 3 15 4 11 1 5,016 159 1,151 1,003 87 2 36 1 565 7 1 1 14 1 8 1 10 1 6 1 10 2 5 3 78 3 5 4 2 1 4 90.0000 14.0300 . 14.0400 . 14.0500 . 1.0100 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0600 14.1700 14.1900 14.2002 14.2300 14.2500 14.2600 14.2900 14.3202 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 35.0200 39.0100 42.0800 4Z1000 48.0100 49.0100 49.0800 5Z0300 53.0200 55.0100 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7Z0101 7Z0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0100 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0200 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.1700 14.1802 14.1900 14.2002 14.2300 14.2600 14.2900 14.3202 17.1100 19.0200 20.0903 24.0500 1.714 7,187 1,618 3 4 27 5 42 612 455 52 62 14 6 10 85 36 2 4 109 29 1 94 13 44 6 3 22 6 1 72 23 190 3 3 2 4 4 1 2 2 6 12 5 36 2 25 9 46 33 1 4 255 16 46 1 12 20 8 22 1 5 12 8 12 8 5 4 11 8 57 59 2 27 23 7 1 4 4 3 608 52 2,036 4,828 490 2 1 27 2 325 3 526 74 17 80 78 29 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 See footnote at the end of the table. 204 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTP"^ ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 T«. e 2B. -The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value 24.0701 67 4Z0800 5 73.01 1 1 1 Z0503 12 24.0702 42 4Z1000 1 73.0200 6 Z0702 82 24.0800 2 42.1100 1 73.0301 1 4.0002 5 25.0000 344 43.0200 1 74.0000 4 7.0000 12 26.0601 1 47.0300 1 75.0001 1 1Z0300 63 27.0100 .226 48.0100 4 75.0002 2 14.0101 25 27.0402 1 49.0200 13 79.0300 2 14.0102 8 28.01 00 13 49.0700 1 80.0000 15 14.0105 2 29.0201 16 49.0800 5 88.0000 187 14.0900 738 29.0202 10 50.0100 1 89.0000 6 14.1000 42 31.0101 14 50.0400 3 90.0000 70 14.1301 119 31.0102 13 5Z0300 5 14.1401 2 32.0400 42.0800 88 1 53.0200 55.0100 8 7 14.0800 6,566 36 14.1700 14.1900 198 2.0401 87 42.1000 1 55.0300 1 2.0501 89 14.2300 366 48.0100 2 58.0400 1 Z0503 5 14.2500 4 52.0300 2 59.0302 20 Z0702 51 14.2600 7 53.0200 5 64.0800 2 4.0002 1 14.2900 13 55.0100 5 64.1200 1 7.0000 3 14.3202 15 59.0302 5 65.0100 17 1Z0300 36 17.1100 1 64.0800 1 65.0200 15 14.0101 132 19.0200 1 65.0100 9 65.0301 90 14.0102 46 20.0901 23 65.0200 3 65.0400 2 14.0105 132 24.0500 9 65.0301 47 65.0500 71 14.0600 68 24.0701 2 65.0400 1 65.0702 1 14.0800 31 24.0702 12 65.0500 21 66.0100 30 14.0900 147 24.0800 59 66.0100 7 68.0100 177 14.1000 119 25.0000 333 68.0100 80 68.0202 53 14.1301 88 26.0200 1 68.0202 10 68.0301 2 14.1401 18 26.0501 172 68.0302 4 68.0302 12 14.1600 8 26.0601 1 69.0100 "" 69.0100 838 14.1700 34 27.0402 1 69.0200 69.0200 20 14.1900 22 27.0406 10 70.0100 70.0100 129 14.2500 15 29.0201 12 70.0300 i 70.0300 4 14.2600 9 29.0202 9 70.0400 10 70.0400 36 14.2900 19 31.010" 29 71.0201 19 71.0201 60 14.3202 1 31.010? 11 71.0202 4 71.0202 10 24.0500 4 3Z0100 1 72.0101 15 72.0101 60 24.0702 4 3Z0300 8 720201 1 72.0201 3 24.0800 24 3Z0400 73 72.0204 7 72.0204 22 25.0000 92 3Z0600 1 73.0101 15 73.0101 52 26.0501 73 35.02O0 491 73.0102 5 73.0102 23 26.0601 1 39.0100 1,250 73.0103 10 73.0103 30 27.0100 91 41.0202 108 73.0104 12 73.0104 31 27.0406 2 47.0300 4 73.0106 3 73.0106 13 29.0201 6 48.0100 7 73.0107 26 73.0107 31 29.0202 3 49.0800 27 73.0109 4 73.0109 19 31.0101 15 50.0400 16 73.01 1 1 6 73.0111 23 31.0102 5 5Z0300 2 73.0200 125 73.0112 1 3Z0300 1 53.0200 4 73.0301 6 73.0200 263 3Z0400 30 55.0100 3 73.0303 2 73.0301 13 35.0200 130 59.0302 2 74.0000 19 73.0302 1 39.0100 683 6Z0200 5 75.0001 15 73.0303 9 41.0202 57 63.0300 2 75.0002 12 74.0000 70 47.0300 1 64.0800 1 76.0101 1 75.0001 64 50.0400 5 64.1200 1 76.0205 1 75.0002 41 5Z0300 1 65.0100 39 77.0501 3 76.0101 2 53.0200 2 65.0200 10 78.0100 4 76.0201 4 55.0100 2 65.0301 405 79.0300 4 76.0203 2 59.0302 1 65.0400 11 88.0000 782 76.0205 3 65.0100 10 65.0500 72 89.0000 35 77.0501 12 65.0200 5 65.0702 1 90.0000 608 78.0100 79.0300 17 8 65.0301 65.0400 89 1 66.0100 68.0100 20 113 14 0600 19,689 10,027 88.0000 89.0000 2,461 143 65.0500 66.0100 24 8 68.0202 68.0301 97 1.0100 4 • 1302 11 90.0000 1,440 68.0100 35 68.0302 19 002 8 68.0202 25 69.0100 1,312 "..000 •_ J300 7 68 14.0700 938 346 68.0301 68.0302 3 4 69.0200 70.0100 29 3.0002 92 i.02O0 20 7.0000 1 69.0100 342 70.0300 4 14.0300 11 1Z0300 1 69.0200 11 70.0400 20 14.0400 282 14.0700 11 70.0100 42 71.0201 69 14.0600 861 14.1200 12 70.0300 1 71.0202 11 14.1700 104 14.1700 2 70.0400 8 7Z0101 45 14.1900 61 14.2500 1 71.0201 15 7Z0201 2 14.2002 44 14.2600 2 71.0202 3 7Z0204 16 14.2300 27 14.2900 6 7Z0101 19 73.0101 40 14.2500 3 24.0500 1 7Z0201 5 73.0102 14 14.2600 7 24.0701 3 7Z0204 7 73.0103 28 14.2900 10 24.0702 1 73.0101 15 73.0104 23 14.3202 13 25.0000 15 73.0102 5 73.0106 8 17.1100 2 26.0501 1 73.0103 12 73.0107 42 19.0200 1 31.0101 7 73.0104 8 73.0109 35 24.0400 1 31.0102 1 73.0106 3 73.0111 22 24.0500 18 32.0400 3 73.0107 9 73.0112 2 24.0701 134 39.0100 59 73.0109 4 73.0200 302 24.0702 22 65.0301 1 73.01 1 1 8 73.0301 13 24.0800 3 65.0500 8 73.0112 1 73.0302 1 25.0000 442 66.0100 2 73.0200 519 73.0303 6 26.0601 2 68.0100 8 73.0301 2 74.0000 52 '7.0100 219 68.0202 8 73.0303 1 75.0001 19 7.0402 1 68.0302 1 74.0000 24 75.0002 32 28.0100 149 69.0100 113 75.0001 6 76.0101 3 29.0201 18 69.0200 2 75.0002 13 76.0201 2 29.0202 13 70.0100 5 76.0205 1 76.0203 1 31.0101 36 70.0400 3 77.0402 1 76.0205 2 31.0102 20 71.0201 6 77.0501 4 77.0402 1 32.0100 1 71.0202 1 78.0100 7 77.0501 8 32.0300 1 72.0101 2 79.0300 6 78.0100 9 32.0400 392 72.0204 1 88.0000 803 79.0300 22 32.0600 1 73.0101 2 89.0000 45 80.0000 3 35.0200 4 73.0102 2 90.0000 2,069 88.0000 2,150 36.1600 1 73.0103 2 89.0000 97 39.0100 39.0200 22 112 73.0104 73.0107 1 1 14.0900 14,497 808 90.0000 3.215 Z0401 42.0300 1 73.0109 1 Z0501 654 14.1000 2.798 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 205 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value 2.0401 37 2.0501 79 4.0002 1 7.0000 3 12.0300 12 14.0600 - 45 14.1000 369 14.1600 31 14.1700 46 14.1900 12 14.3202 12 24.0500 5 24.0701 61 24.0702 33 24.0800 1 25.0000 96 26.0501 62 29.0201 7 29.0202 3 31.0101 15 31.0102 5 32.0400 29 42.1000 136 47.0300 2 48.0100 2 49.0800 9 50.0400 3 52.0300 1 53.0200 2 55.0100 2 65.0100 9 65.0200 1 65.0301 49 65.0400 1 65.0500 12 66.0100 4 68.0100 33 68.0202 27 68.0301 2 68.0302 3 69.0100 114 69.0200 11 70.0100 18 70.0400 5 71.0201 11 71.0202 2 72.0101 8 720204 3 73.0101 9 73.0102 3 73.0103 10 73.0104 4 73.0106 1 73.0107 1 73.0109 22 73.0111 12 73.0112 1 73.0200 87 73.0301 3 73.0303 2 74.0000 11 75.0001 3 75.0002 9 76.0101 1 77.0501 2 78.0100 1 79.0300 4 80.0000 1 88.0000 483 89.0000 18 90.0000 676 6,324 2.0401 8 2.0501 182 2.0503 37 3.0001 1 4.0002 2 7.0000 2 120300 26 14.1000 1 14.1100 23 14.1700 81 14.1900 50 14.2500 51 14.2600 91 14.2900 203 14.3202 57 24.0500 1 24.0701 35 24.0702 27 24.0800 1 25.0000 71 26.0501 93 27.0406 2 29.0201 6 31.0101 13 31.0102 2 32.0300 3 32.0400 403 35.0200 357 39.0100 4 41.0202 121 47.0300 1 48.0100 2 49.0800 6 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 14.1100. 14.1200 . 50.0400 53.0200 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0302 3.0002 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.1200 14.1700 14.2500 14.2600 14.2900 17.1100 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0402 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 39.0100 42.1000 48.0100 49.0800 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 5 1 1 22 5 152 4 24 10 38 13 8 254 4 40 1 8 22 3 18 2 11 28 6 10 15 3 9 4 8 172 4 2 23 6 24 2 1 4 3 2 1 775 41 2,572 6,665 761 2,524 2 4 17 386 2 3 6 11 1 5 36 6 1 112 1 9 4 21 6 29 31 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 5 23 13 102 9 58 33 1 6 622 15 43 1 9 30 4 19 1 8 20 6 11 11 4 9 20 8 14.1301 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0200 2.0401 2.0501 2.0503 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.1301 14.1401 14.1700 14.1900 14.2500 14.2600 14.2900 14.3202 17.1100 19.0200 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 320400 32.0500 32.0600 39.0100 421000 47.0300 48.0100 49.0800 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 59.0302 64.0800 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 56 9 3 24 10 17 1 1 4 17 1.067 47 324 7,420 1 764 728 6 5 7 44 2 1 2 25 330 10 13 29 15 27 57 2 1 1 10 69 32 1 286 7 5 1 5 12 10 20 11 2 275 1 1 108 359 1 2 4 3 2 4 3 1 1 24 5 339 14 42 11 129 59 5 14 676 29 47 1 10 34 2 22 2 25 59 16 12 33 9 22 23 9 1 75 11 1 5 28 9 47 1 1 4 1 6 6 14.1302. 14.1401 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0200 2.0401 2.0501 4.0002 7.0000 120300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0600 14.0900 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1600 14.1700 14.1900 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2900 14.3202 17.1100 19.0200 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 320300 32.0400 32.0500 36.1600 39.0100 42.1000 47.0300 48.0100 49.0800 50.0400 520300 53.0200 55.0100 55.0300 59.0302 64.0800 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0201 2.0202 20503 4.0002 1,394 50 801 7.513 130 3 174 3 3 36 362 125 233 392 45 55 166 15 143 5 66 17 38 29 17 38 3 1 1 13 82 49 1 398 4 2 1 1 17 12 16 15 1 295 1 1 9 31 1 2 1 2 2 6 5 1 1 1 21 5 150 5 28 10 93 22 6 426 39 48 1 11 33 1 22 4 7 17 10 12 9 5 22 5 9 81 6 3 29 7 14 1 1 4 2 4 1.344 52 1.873 6.053 2,086 471 11 2 See footnote at the end of the table. 206 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 7.0000 2 55.0100 6 73.0103 6 80.0000 12 12.0300 33 55.0300 1 73.0104 5 88.0000 529 14.1401 160 59.0302 2 73.0106 1 89.0000 43 14.1900 29 64.0800 1 73.0107 7 90.0000 639 14.2600 28 65.0100 183 73.0109 5 14.2900 19.0301 _ 35 4 65.0200 65.0301 6 122 73.0111 73.0200 5 23 14.1502 16 790 1.0302 3 24.0500 2 65.0400 127 73.0301 3 2.0201 86 24.0701 36 65.0500 27 73.0303 3 2.0202 3,037 24.0702 64 66.0100 11 74.0000 14 2.0503 6 24.0800 1 68.0100 51 75.0001 3 4.0002 4 25.0000 21 68.0202 25 75.0002 5 7.0000 6 27.0406 1 68.0301 1 76.0205 1 12.0300 54 31.0101 14 68.0302 5 77.0501 2 14.0101 6 31.0102 2 69.0100 996 79.0300 11 14.0400 37 32.0400 5 69.0200 43 80.0000 2 14.0600 23 48.0100 2 70.0100 62 88.0000 573 14.1401 602 49.0800 2 70.0300 2 89.0000 24 14.1502 874 50.0400 2 70.0400 14 90.0000 146 14.1600 2 53.0200 1 71.0201 18 14.1700 148 59.0302 65.0100 1 261 71.0202 72.0101 23 29 14.1501 6.176 21 14.1900 14.2101 124 1.0302 45 65.0200 4 72.0201 1 20201 473 14.2102 10 65.0301 125 72.0204 8 2.0202 264 14.2104 65 65.0400 169 73.0101 19 2.0503 9 14.2400 166 65.0500 17 73.0102 6 2.0600 238 14.2500 3,015 66.0100 7 73.0103 16 4.0002 1 14.2600 78 68.0100 109 73.0104 11 7.0000 2 14.2700 758 68.0202 12 73.0106 4 12.0300 27 14.2900 81 68.0302 2 73.0107 1 14.0101 3 14.3202 1 69.0100 1.089 73.0109 12 14.0400 40 19.0301 12 69.0200 5 73.01 1 1 11 14.0600 23 24.0701 12 70.0100 39 73.0112 1 14.1401 73 24.0702 138 70.0300 1 73.0200 2.028 14.1501 5 24.0800 1 70.0400 9 73.0301 3 14.1502 2 25.0000 16 71.0201 20 73.0302 1 14.1600 20 26.0501 1 71.0202 5 73.0303 1 14.1700 78 27.0100 454 72.0101 18 74.0000 34 14.1900 5 27.0201 1 72.0201 1 75.0001 11 14.2101 4 27.0406 31 72.0204 6 75.0002 15 14.2104 13 29.0100 1,211 73.0101 14 76.0101 21 14.2400 23 31.0101 28 73.0102 5 76.0201 1 14.2500 359 31.0102 1 73.0103 11 76.0205 1 14.2600 31 32.0100 1 73.0104 7 77.0501 5 14.2700 352 32.0400 2 73.0106 3 78.0100 1 19.0301 11 32.0600 1 73.0107 4 79.0300 4 24.0500 5 39.0100 6 73.0109 6 80.0000 10 24.0701 35 48.0100 2 73.01 1 1 8 88.0000 772 24.0702 182 50.0400 2 73.0112 1 89.0000 63 24.0800 1 58.0400 1 73.0200 17 90.0000 1.147 25.0000 129 59.0302 3 73.0301 1 26.0501 22 65.0100 359 73.0302 73.0303 1 1 14.1403 3.669 552 27.0100 27.0406 25 6 65.0200 65.0301 9 2.0201 552 74.0000 22 2.0202 1 29.0100 66 65.0400 35 75.0001 8 2.0402 3 29.0201 7 65.0500 37 75.0002 12 4.0002 1 29.0202 4 65.0702 1 76.0205 1 7.0000 1 31.0101 16 66.0100 26 77.0403 3 12.0300 29 31.0102 6 68.0100 183 77.0501 4 14.0600 23 320400 99 68.0202 49 78.0100 3 14.1000 15 39.0100 302 68.0302 6 79.0300 2 14.1401 502 48.0100 3 69.0100 1,047 80.0000 6 14.1403 125 49.0800 4 69.0200 4 88.0000 556 14.1600 69 50.0400 2 70.0100 87 89.0000 40 14.1700 48 52.0300 1 70.0300 2 90.0000 403 14.1900 134 53.0200 2 70.0400 18 14.2004 11 55.0100 2 71.0201 49 14.1402 8.974 1,253 14.2500 14.2600 15 63 59.0302 64.1200 1 4 71.0202 720101 5 £0201 41 2.0202 94 14.2900 101 65.0100 96 720201 1 20402 35 17.1100 1 65.0200 5 72.0204 19 2.0600 238 24.0500 5 65.0301 118 73.0101 47 4.0002 2 24.0701 45 65.0400 8 73.0102 10 7.0000 3 24.0702 25 65.0500 18 73.0103 22 12.0300 67 24.0800 1 66.0100 7 73.0104 29 14.1000 93 25.0000 187 68.0100 44 73.0106 6 14.1401 94 27.0100 1 68.0202 21 73.0107 13 14.1402 2 29.0201 9 68.0302 5 73.0109 8 14.1403 27 29.0202 4 69.0100 473 73.01 1 1 17 14.1600 18 31.0101 11 69.0200 13 73.0112 1 14.1700 1 31.0102 5 70.0100 41 73.0200 25 14.1900 219 32.0400 27 70.0300 1 73.0301 245 14.2004 8 42.1000 17 70.0400 9 73.0302 1 14.2600 27 52.0300 1 71.0201 26 73.0303 5 14.2900 33 53.0200 2 71.0202 19 74.0000 48 14.3202 1 55.0100 2 72.0101 19 75.0001 17 17.1100 2 59.0302 1 72.0204 3 75.0002 37 19.0200 1 65.0100 102 73.0101 8 76.0201 3 24.0500 15 65.0200 1 73.0102 4 76.0203 1 24.0701 95 65.0301 77 73.0103 10 76.0205 2 24.0702 78 65.0400 37 73.0104 6 77.0501 8 24.0800 1 65.0500 11 73.0106 3 78.0100 4 25.0000 453 66.0100 9 73.0107 4 79.0300 37 27.0402 1 68.0100 31 73.0109 14 80.0000 17 29.0201 18 68.0202 8 73.01 1 1 7 88.0000 1.605 29.0202 13 68.0302 2 73.0200 909 89.0000 128 31.0101 19 69.0100 418 73.0301 3 90.0000 769 31.0102 15 69.0200 12 73.0302 1 32.0400 36.1600 67 70 0100 24 73.0303 1 14.1600 1,593 1 70X300 1 74.0000 24 2.0201 509 39.0100 1 70.0400 5 75.0001 8 7.0000 1 42.1000 2 71.0201 27 75.0002 6 120300 10 48.0100 3 71.0202 6 76.0101 9 14.1600 4 49.0800 1 72.0101 11 76.0205 1 19.0301 22 50.0400 2 72.0204 2 77.0501 4 24.0701 14 52.0300 2 73.0101 7 78.0100 2 24.0702 7 53.0200 6 73.0102 2 79.0300 2 I 25.0000 1 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 207 Table 2B.- -The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 27.0100 214 12.0300 108 76.0101 4 75.0002 18 31.0101 8 14.0101 4 76.0201 2 75.0003 1 65.0100 81 14.0105 124 76.0203 1 76.0205 1 65.0200 1 14.0200 14 76.0205 3 77.0501 5 65.0301 27 14.0300 38 77.0501 11 78.0100 4 65.0400 - 72 14.0400 95 77.0504 1 79.0300 6 65.0500 6 14.0600 23 78.0100 44 88.0000 1.629 66.0100 1 14.0900 25 79.0300 12 89.0000 59 68.0100 23 14.1000 71 80.0000 4 90.0000 2.662 68.0202 5 14.1301 78 88.0000 9,084 68.0302 2 14.1401 1,916 89.0000 130 14.1803 1.653 69.0100 245 14.1403 306 90.0000 4,926 2.0402 4 70.0100 11 14.1700 430 2.0600 3 70.0400 71.0201 3 4 14.1801 14.1900 187 459 14.1802 7,604 18 7.0000 12.0300 1 2.0402 18 71.0202 1 14.2002 69 2.0503 15 14.0101 3 72.0101 5 14.2004 88 2.0600 13 14.0105 24 72.0204 1 14.2005 16 4.0002 3 14.0200 2 73.0101 4 14.2700 25 7.0000 3 14.0300 18 73.0102 2 14.2900 409 12.0300 51 14.0400 22 73.0103 4 14.3202 241 14.0101 3 14.0600 23 73.0104 2 17.1100 1 14.0105 14 14.0900 4 73.0107 2 19.0200 1 14.0200 4 14.1000 8 73.0109 2 20.0903 1 14.0300 48 14.1301 72 73.0111 3 24.0400 1 14.0400 18 14.1401 43 73.0200 8 24.0500 10 14.0600 23 14.1403 26 73.0301 2 24.0701 242 14.0900 31 14.1700 38 73.0303 1 24.0702 410 14.1000 27 14.1900 50 74.0000 6 24.0703 1 14.1301 2 14.2002 10 75.0001 1 24.0705 1 14.1401 332 14.2004 9 75.0002 3 24.0800 6 14.1403 8 14.2005 5 77.0501 1 25.0000 407 14.1700 36 14.2400 13 79.0300 5 26.0200 1 14.1802 34 14.2500 12 80.0000 18 26.0601 5 14.1900 214 14.2700 2 88.0000 134 26.0602 1 14.2002 107 14.2900 51 89.0000 11 27.0100 5 14.2004 34 14.3202 7 90.0000 106 27.0406 4 14.2005 3 24.0500 4 29.0201 10 14.2500 3 24.0701 19 14.1700 6,907 14 29.0202 31.0101 9 83 14.2700 14.2900 4 214 24.0702 24.0800 9 2.0201 1 2.0202 2,386 31.0102 13 14.3202 12 25.0000 86 2.0503 8 32.0100 6 17.1100 1 26.0501 1 2.0600 7 32.0300 11 19.0200 1 27.0100 9 4.0002 3 32.0400 107 24.0500 13 27.0406 1 7.0000 18 32.0500 2 24.0701 214 29.0201 4 12.0300 78 3£0600 4 24.0702 75 29.0202 3 14.1700 7 42.0201 1 24.0800 2 31.0101 10 19.0301 10 42.0300 1 25.0000 376 31.0102 4 24.0701 4 42.0500 1 26.0601 1 32.0400 115 24.0702 27 42.1000 124 27.0100 3 42.1000 40 24.0800 1 42.1100 1 27.0402 1 49.0800 1 26.0501 2 43.0200 1 29.0201 17 52.0300 1 27.0100 98 47.0300 8 29.0202 12 53.0200 1 31.0101 42 48.0100 11 31.0101 25 55.0100 2 48.0100 6 49.0800 33 31.0102 15 59.0302 3 59.0302 1 50.0100 1 32.0100 2 65.0100 3 65.0100 118 50.0400 17 32.0400 154 65.0200 1 65.0200 5 5Z0300 2 32.0600 1 65.0301 26 65.0301 131 53.0200 4 36.1600 1 65.0500 6 65.0400 31 55.0100 2 42.1000 11 66.0100 3 65.0500 18 55.0200 4 43.0200 1 68.0100 23 66.0100 10 58.0400 3 47.0300 3 68.0202 6 68.0100 181 59.0302 38 48.0100 7 68.0302 2 68.0202 167 62.0200 1 49.0800 1 69.0100 93 68.0301 13 63.0300 2 50.0400 4 69.0200 10 68.0302 15 64.0503 1 5£0300 2 70.0100 11 69.0100 404 64.0800 1 53.0200 5 70.0400 4 69.0200 2 64.1200 1 55.0100 5 71.0201 11 70.0100 44 65.0100 130 55.0300 1 71.0202 1 70.0300 2 65.0200 14 58.0400 1 72.0101 5 70.0400 10 65.0301 230 59.0302 13 7Z0204 3 71.0201 12 65.0400 14 64.0800 1 73.0101 8 71.0202 7 65.0500 57 65.0100 24 73.0102 2 72.0101 21 65.0702 1 65.0200 5 73.0103 4 72.0201 1 66.0100 44 65.0301 89 73.0104 6 72.0204 20 68.0100 292 65.0400 3 73.0106 1 73.0101 49 68.0202 112 65.0500 26 73.0107 5 73.0102 7 68.0302 15 66.0100 27 73.0109 2 73.0103 11 69.0100 688 68.0100 56 73.0111 3 73.0104 24 69.0200 60 68.0202 27 73.0200 59 73.0106 4 70.0100 131 68.0302 5 73.0301 2 73.0107 13 70.0200 1 69.0100 253 73.0303 1 73.0109 26 70.0300 4 69.0200 46 74.0000 6 73.0111 8 70.0400 47 70.0100 51 75.0001 9 73.0200 20 71.0201 270 70.0300 1 75.0002 8 ■ 73.0301 4 71.0202 47 70.0400 19 76.0101 1 , 73.0302 1 72.0101 59 71.0201 28 77.0501 1 73.0303 1 72.0201 4 71.0202 11 79.0300 1 1 74.0000 26 72.0204 21 72.0101 24 88.0000 424 1 75.0001 8 73.0101 49 72.0201 1 89.0000 12 I 75.0002 39 73.0102 21 72.0204 10 90.0000 108 76.0205 1 73.0103 41 73.0101 24 ; 77.0501 78.0100 4 2 73.0104 73.0106 37 12 73.0102 73.0103 8 20 14.1900 6644 2.0502 2.099 8 79.0300 19 73.0107 43 73.0104 18 4.0002 3 9 80.0000 41 73.0109 35 73.0106 5 7.0000 17 88.0000 504 73.01 1 1 37 73.0107 4 12.0300 44 3 89.0000 47 73.0112 7 73.0109 30 14.1900 1.680 9 90.0000 2,124 73.0200 467 73.0111 18 24.0500 7 1 . -. 73.0301 31 73.0112 2 24.0701 36 j 14.1801 24,073 22 73 0302 g 73.0200 73.0301 73 9 24.0702 24.0800 43 2 4 2.0402 73.0303 232 2 2.0503 22 74.0000 73 73.0302 1 25.0000 46 2.0600 16 75.0001 71 73.0303 5 26.0501 3 - 4.0002 8 75.0002 40 74.0000 30 23 I 29.0201 6 1 7.0000 11 75.0003 3 75.0001 29.0202 5 See footnote at the end of the table. 208 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B.— The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] .try' Commodity used Value 31.0101 50 31.0102 11 32.0400 68 50.0400 5 53.0200 3 55.0100 2 65.0100 64 65.0200 3 65.0301 328 65.0400 10 65.0500 18 66.0100 9 68.0100 37 68.0202 140 68.0301 15 68.0302 8 69.0100 320 69.0200 17 70.0100 43 70.0400 11 71.0201 12 71.0202 3 72.0101 20 72.0204 10 73.0101 21 73.0102 9 73.0103 14 73.0104 12 73.0106 5 73.0107 8 73.0109 13 73.0111 8 73.0200 26 73.0301 7 73.0303 2 74.0000 26 75.0001 6 75.0002 16 77.0501 4 79.0300 18 80.0000 8 88.0000 863 89.0000 40 90.0000 340 3,038 2.0401 2% 2.0402 36 Z0503 3 2.0600 8 4.0002 1 7.0000 1 12.0300 35 14.0400 45 14.0600 160 14.1700 23 14.1900 191 14.2002 277 14.2004 6 14.2900 32 24.0500 2 24.0701 56 24.0702 3 24.0800 1 25.0000 46 26.0501 4 27.0100 16 27.0406 1 29.0201 2 29.0202 1 31.0101 11 31.0102 3 32.0400 39 35.0200 5 39.0100 17 42.1000 32 48.0100 2 49.0800 1 50.0400 2 53.0200 1 65.0100 7 65.0200 1 65.0301 70 65.0400 10 65.0500 13 66.0100 7 68.0100 30 68.0202 10 68.0301 1 68.0302 1 69.0100 294 69.0200 5 70.0100 19 70.0300 1 70.0400 5 71.0201 22 71.0202 2 72.0101 9 72.0204 3 73.0101 8 73.0102 2 73.0103 9 73.0104 5 73.0106 1 73.0107 4 73.0109 14 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 14.2002 364 14.2004 201 14.2005 118 14.2500 5 14.2600 1 14.2900 82 14.3202 2 17.1100 2 19.0200 1 24.0500 15 24.0701 359 24.0702 16 24.0800 2 25.0000 370 26.0501 4 26.0601 1 27.0100 154 27.0402 1 27.0406 14 29.0201 19 29.0202 13 31.0101 16 31.0102 15 32.0300 2 32.0400 108 32.0600 1 35.0200 8 36.1600 1 39.0100 13 41.0202 1 42.0800 4 42.1000 66 47.0300 4 48.0100 2 49.0800 1 50.0400 16 52.0300 2 53.0200 6 55.0100 6 55.0300 1 59.0302 1 64.0800 1 65.0100 25 65.0200 6 65.0301 102 65.0400 4 65.0500 30 66.0100 22 68.0100 83 68.0202 25 68.0301 4 68.0302 8 69.0100 702 69.0200 44 70.0100 65 70.0300 2 70.0400 13 71.0201 44 71.0202 7 720101 30 72.0201 1 72.0204 17 73.0101 41 73.0102 11 73.0103 23 73.0104 25 73.0106 7 73.0107 9 73.0109 58 73.01 1 1 19 73.0112 1 73.0200 424 73.0301 36 73.0302 1 73.0303 9 74.0000 37 75.0001 10 75.0002 33 76.0101 4 76.0201 2 76.0205 1 77.0501 6 77.0600 4 78.0100 7 79.0300 2 80.0000 8 88.0000 1.759 89.0000 66 90.0000 2,639 20,593 £0202 154 2.0503 142 4.0002 8 7.0000 9 12.0300 83 14.1401 60 14.1600 23 14.1700 65 14.1900 15 14.2101 81 14.2102 532 14.3202 1 17.1100 2 19.0200 1 24.0500 17 Industry ' Commodity used 14.2002 14.2004 . 14.2005 . 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Z0401 20402 20600 3.0001 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.1000 14.1700 14.1900 14.2004 14.2500 14.2600 14.2900 14.3202 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 320400 35.0200 39.0100 41.0202 4Z0800 421000 47.0300 49.0800 50.0400 53.0200 58.02O0 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 20401 20402 2.0503 2.0600 3.0001 4.0002 7.0000 120300 14.0400 14.0600 14.1000 14.1700 14.1900 7 1 136 1 12 3 8 1 2 1 7 458 20 469 2,832 8 817 578 1 1 1 12 3 2 8 123 2 3 13 1 2 49 2 1 56 1 1 8 2 1 19 12 30 1 1 9 1 1 5 1 1 23 1 34 7 8 5 18 7 1 204 4 18 5 I 8 2 4 3 6 2 1 3 10 6 28 3 1 11 3 4 2 1 2 1 8 351 18 232 9,859 60 94 1 206 8 4 3 72 19 240 10 187 460 14.2101 14.2102. 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 26.0601 27.0402 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 320100 320300 32.0400 320600 35.0200 36.1600 39.0100 41.0202 42.0300 420800 421000 43.0200 47.0300 48.0100 49.0800 50.0100 50.0400 520300 53.0200 55.0100 55.0300 58.0400 59.0302 63.0300 64.0800 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0202 7.0000 12.0300 31.0101 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 720101 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 209 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 14.2103 . 14.2104 . 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0401 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.1700 14.2103 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 35.0200 41.0202 42.0800 42.1000 47.0300 48.0100 49.0800 50.0400 53.0200 58.0200 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0201 2.0202 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.2102 14.2104 21.0000 24.0701 25.0000 26.0501 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 35.0200 1 3 2 1 2 - 2 1 19 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 66 2 55 5,089 601 2 1 13 18 324 2 2 1 35 128 10 15 2 7 444 39 5 12 2 2 9 3 1 1 4 11 3 113 8 27 10 34 8 2 505 8 36 2 11 18 2 15 1 3 7 6 9 6 4 6 3 6 174 7 4 19 14 6 2 1 3 1 53 624 827 807 6,576 41 38 2 1 13 7 571 37 3 26 20 16 1 1 25 2 324 14.2200 . 41.0202 42.1000 49.0800 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.0001 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0900 14.1700 14.1900 14.2200 14.2300 14.3202 17.1100 19.0200 24.0400 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 35.0100 35.0200 39.0100 41.0202 420300 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 48.0100 49.0200 49.0800 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 58.0400 59.0302 63.0300 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 7 3 2 5 9 5 105 3 20 8 12 10 2 517 5 41 1 26 15 4 19 1 3 4 14 2 1 1 7 10 1 121 9 1 24 9 3 1 1 4 17 49 297 3,519 530 23,756 5 7 5 116 235 1,180 70 84 4,465 15 1 1 1 8 10 3 533 1 38 2 32 1 19 10 9 48 10 2 8 1,546 6 1 4 770 3,435 179 1 14 27 1 1 6 11 13 32 1 21 2 3 3 2 17 1 1 1 71 17 298 15 14.2300 . 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0401 2.0503 3.0001 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0900 14.1700 14.1900 14.2300 14.2500 14.3202 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 35.0200 39.0100 41.0202 42.0800 48.0100 49.0800 50.0400 53.0200 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 110 1 36 124 36 2 14 1,409 39 155 6 42 82 12 73 3 17 53 20 45 37 13 40 56 34 3 1,716 22 2 11 88 59 33 1 17 2 2 3 15 1 17 7 15 2,823 168 2,873 6,876 91 3 11 1 1 18 31 347 85 156 101 2 1 3 1 66 38 132 110 2 1 16 3 1 47 17 19 12 1 2 5 2 1 5 34 5 72 16 21 10 19 9 1 194 8 44 1 11 20 10 21 2 4 4 11 4 3 3 14.2400 . 14.2500 . 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0100 7.0000 12.0300 14.2400 31.0101 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4 8 132 6 4 26 18 3 1 4 1 104 478 47 4,181 658 304 1 1 62 7 7 17 1 2 1 24 8 1 76 5 2 1 1 2 2 5 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 4 2 1 71 4 31 10204 20503 41 2.0600 6,287 4.0002 1 7.0000 10 120300 35 14.2500 955 24.0702 1 24.0800 15 25.0000 12 27.0100 1 29.0201 2 31.0101 29 31.0102 1 32.0100 1 32.0400 14 32.0500 1 39.0200 4 48.0100 5 49.0200 2 49.0800 4 58.0400 1 59.0302 4 65.0100 130 65.0200 6 65.0301 144 65.0400 51 65.0500 28 66.0100 13 68.0100 76 68.0202 78 68.0301 2 68.0302 7 69.0100 1,297 69.0200 5 70.0100 66 70.0300 2 70.0400 14 71.0201 11 71.0202 2 72.0101 31 720204 11 73.0101 27 73.0102 5 73.0103 16 73.0104 13 73.0106 3 73.0107 4 73.0109 5 73.01 1 1 11 73.0200 15 73.0301 11 See footnote at the end of the table. 210 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value 73.0303 1 2.0401 1.611 68.0202 24 720101 4 74.0000 37 2.0503 1 68.0301 1 720204 2 75.0001 14 4.0002 1 68.0302 3 73.0101 4 75.0002 23 7.0000 2 69.0100 220 73.0102 2 76.0201 2 120300 13 69.0200 13 73.0103 3 76.0205 1 14.2800 12 70.0100 30 73.0104 3 77.0501 6 24.0500 2 70.0300 1 73.0107 1 79.0300 4 24.0701 46 70.0400 8 73.0109 2 80.0000 13 24.0702 57 71.0201 13 73.01 1 1 2 88.0000 309 24.0800 1 71.0202 2 73.0200 123 89.0000 71 25.0000 61 720101 13 73.0301 2 90.0000 213 26.0501 6 720204 5 74.0000 6 29.0201 2 73.0101 11 75.0001 1 14.2600 637 119 29.0202 31.0101 1 15 73.0102 73.0103 4 9 75.0002 76.0101 4 2.0100 1 2.0402 20 31.0102 3 73.0104 6 77.0501 1 2.0503 5 32.0400 44 73.0106 1 79.0300 4 2.0600 298 32.0500 1 73.0107 4 88.0000 206 7.0000 1 35.0200 29 73.0109 8 89.0000 8 120300 4 39.0100 168 73.0111 8 90.0000 224 14.2600 1 41.0202 4 73.0200 12 31.0101 65.0100 3 6 53.0200 59.0302 1 2 73.0301 74.0000 2 18 14.3201 7 076 20202 191 65.0301 7 65.0100 6 75.0001 5 20501 453 65.0302 1 65.0200 3 75.0002 7 20503 40 65.0500 1 65.0301 233 76.0205 1 20600 8 66.0100 2 65.0400 42 77.0501 3 20702 20 68.0100 6 65.0500 36 79.0300 2 4.0002 2 68.0202 4 66.0100 7 80.0000 1 7.0000 5 68.0302 1 68.0100 32 88.0000 375 120300 38 69.0100 103 68.0202 18 890000 31 14.1000 168 70.0100 3 68.0301 1 90.0000 649 14.1301 16 70.0400 2 68.0302 2 14.1401 162 71.0201 1 69.0100 654 14.3000 355 14.1700 57 71.0202 1 69.0200 7 120300 2 14.1900 2 720101 1 70.0100 33 14.3000 3 14.2400 8 720204 1 70.0300 1 24.0500 1 14.2500 34 73.0101 2 70.0400 8 24.0702 11 14.2600 63 73.0102 1 71.0201 21 24.0800 1 14.2900 134 73.0103 1 71.0202 2 25.0000 6 14.3201 7 73.0104 3 720101 16 31.0102 2 14.3202 1 73.0109 1 720204 3 320400 6 17.1100 1 73.0111 1 73.0101 7 53.0200 1 19.0200 1 73.0200 10 73.0102 3 65.0301 1 24.0500 9 73.0301 1 73.0103 10 65.0500 1 24.0701 361 74.0000 3 73.0104 49 66.0100 1 24.0702 129 75.0001 1 73.0106 1 68.0100 13 24.0800 1 75.0002 4 73.0107 i 68.0202 2 25.0000 198 79.0300 2 73.0109 6 68.0301 3 26.0501 6 80.0000 11 73.0111 8 69.0100 2 27.0100 2 88.0000 36 73.0112 1 69.0200 3 27.0402 1 89.0000 3 73.0200 37 70.0100 3 29.0201 12 90.0000 -34 73.0301 1 70.0400 2 29.0202 9 73.0303 1 71.0201 3 31.0101 21 14.2700 1,787 74.0000 75.0001 19 9 72.0101 72.0204 1 i 31.0102 320400 11 363 3.0002 88 4.0002 1 75.0002 7 73.0101 1 39.0100 29 7.0000 7 76.0205 1 73.0102 2 41.0202 2 12.0300 19 77.0501 3 73.0104 1 421000 12 14.0101 33 78.0100 1 73.0107 3 47.0300 1 14.2700 366 79.0300 14 73.0109 2 48.0100 2 24.0800 6 80.0000 1 73.01 1 1 1 49.0800 1 31.0101 320400 36.1900 39.0200 48.0100 20 213 4 6 5 88.0000 454 73.0200 31 50.0400 5 89.0000 34 73.0301 1 520300 2 90.0000 1,207 74.0000 2 53.0200 4 14.2900 4,614 75.0002 78.0100 2 2 55.0100 59.0302 3 2 49.0800 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66 0100 6 1 4 1 33 1 4.0002 2 79.0300 1 64.0800 1 7.0000 3 88.0000 133 65.0100 35 120300 15 89.0000 2 65.0200 5 14.0101 87 90.0000 102 65.0301 228 14.1700 149 65.0400 17 14.2400 204 14 3100 1.360 65.0500 29 7 3 42 14.2500 1,086 7.0000 1 66.0100 8 68 0100 14.2600 167 120300 12 68.0100 38 68.0202 53 14.2700 10 14.1401 248 68.0202 38 68.0302 4 14.2900 643 14.3100 1 68.0301 5 69.0100 63 24.0500 5 24.0500 4 68.0302 13 69 0200 1 24.0702 9 24.0701 31 69.0100 398 70.0100 12 24.0800 74 24.0702 8 69.0200 29 70.0400 3 25.0000 65 24.0800 1 70.0100 46 71.0201 8 26.0501 7 25.0000 86 70.0300 1 71 0202 1 29.0201 7 29.0201 4 70.0400 9 720101 5 29.0202 3 29.0202 3 71.0201 25 72.0204 7 31.0101 16 31.0101 8 71.0202 4 73.0101 15 31.0102 6 31.0102 4 72.0101 21 73.0102 3 320400 220 320400 102 720201 1 73.0103 3 35.0200 8 35.0200 12 72.0204 6 73.0104 7 39.0100 17 520300 1 73.0101 13 73.0106 1 39.0200 1 53.0200 2 73.0102 7 73.0107 1 41.0202 3 55.0100 2 73.0103 15 73.0109 4 42.0800 1 65.0100 11 73.0104 7 73.01 1 1 2 421000 4 65.0200 1 73.0106 4 73.0200 67 48.0100 2 65.0301 20 73.0107 10 73.0301 1 49.0800 1 65.0400 1 73.0109 16 74.0000 7 520300 1 65.0500 4 73.01 1 1 12 75.0001 3 53.0200 2 66.0100 3 73.0112 1 75.0002 12 55.0100 2 68.0100 17 73.0200 130 77.0501 1 59.0302 2 68.0202 6 73.0301 4 79.0300 1 65.0100 68 68.0302 2 73.0302 3 80.0000 4 65.0200 3 69.0100 138 73.0303 2 88.0000 316 65.0301 174 69.0200 8 74.0000 27 89.0000 11 65.0400 8 70.0100 9 75.0001 11 90.0000 305 65.0500 13 70.0400 3 75.0002 11 66.0100 5 71.0201 3 76.0101 1 14.2800 5,083 68.0100 31 71.0202 1 76.0205 1 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 211 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value 77.0501 4 78.0100 4 79.0300 4 80.0000 1 88.0000 1,161 89.0000 51 90.0000 2.022 11,898 1.0302 172 2.0202 123 2.0401 18 2.0501 131 2.0503 306 2.0600 558 2.0702 38 3.0001 4 4.0002 3 7.0000 6 12.0300 54 14.0600 45 14.1000 94 14.1301 2 14.1401 265 14.1700 39 14.1900 209 14.2002 18 14.2400 14 14.2500 131 14.2600 22 14.2900 60 14.3202 178 17.1100 1 19.0200 1 24.0500 13 24.0701 163 24.0702 87 24.0800 2 25.0000 340 26.0200 1 26.0501 136 26.0601 1 27.0100 52 27.0401 2 27.0402 1 29.0201 16 29.0202 11 31.0101 28 31.0102 14 32.0100 1 32.0300 7 32.0400 854 32.0500 6 32.0600 1 35.0200 76 36.1600 1 39.0100 40 39.0200 1 41.0202 58 42.1000 167 47.0300 3 48.0100 11 49.0800 12 50.0400 14 52.0300 2 53.0200 5 55.0100 5 55.0300 1 58.0400 1 59.0302 4 63.0300 2 64.0800 1 65.0100 90 65.0200 8 65.0301 248 65.0400 44 65.0500 54 65.0702 1 66.0100 22 68.0100 116 68.0202 42 68.0301 8 68.0302 12 69.0100 898 69.0200 37 70.0100 75 70.0300 2 70.0400 15 71.0201 53 71.0202 11 72.0101 36 72.0201 1 72.0204 10 73.0101 26 73.0102 10 73.0103 30 73.0104 19 73.0106 6 73.0107 18 73.0109 48 73.0111 25 73.0112 3 73.0200 500 73.0301 13 73.0302 5 73.0303 8 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 24.0800 1 25.0000 6 31.0101 2 50.0400 3 65.0100 2 650200 1 65.0301 70 65.0500 10 66.0100 5 68.0100 23 68.0202 5 68.0302 1 69.0100 129 70.0100 21 70.0300 1 70.0400 5 71.0201 8 71.0202 1 72.0101 10 72.0204 2 73.0101 7 73.0102 3 73.0103 6 73.0104 4 73.0106 1 73.0107 1 73.0109 3 73.0111 5 73.0200 284 73.0301 7 73.0303 1 74.0000 12 75.0001 3 75.0002 5 76.0101 3 77.0501 2 79.0300 9 88.0000 380 89.0000 17 90.0000 218 27 952 1.0301 42 1.0302 266 2.0100 1.330 2.0503 9 4.0002 7 7.0000 20 12.0300 178 16.0100 6.061 16.0300 1.712 17.1100 6 18.0300 32 24.0500 6 24.0701 2 24.0702 9 24.0800 6 25.0000 36 26.0601 1 27.0100 829 28.0300 601 28.0400 2,193 29.0201 4 29.0202 4 29.0203 32 31.0101 89 31.0102 13 32.0400 128 32.0600 1 35.0100 293 36.1600 1 47.0300 10 48.0200 44 50.0400 42 53.0200 2 55.0100 2 59.0302 3 63.0300 2 65.0100 63 65.0200 13 65.0301 303 65.0400 7 65.0500 89 66.0100 40 68.0100 692 68.0202 157 68.0301 9 68.0302 24 69.0100 1,288 69.0200 21 70.0100 141 70.0300 3 70.0400 33 71.0201 68 71.0202 21 72.0101 67 72.0201 102 72.0204 40 73.0101 96 73.0102 21 73.0103 54 73.0104 62 73.0106 12 73.0107 20 73.0109 73 73.0111 45 14.3202 . 15.0101 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 43 17 21 5 2 1 2 7 9 11 14 1,983 82 2,575 34,720 2.0300 1,475 4.0002 3 7.0000 15 12.0300 70 1 5.0200 2,427 17.1100 4 19.0200 2 20.0903 1 24.0400 2 24.0500 40 24.0701 6 24.0702 43 24.0703 1 24.0705 1 24.0706 1 24.0800 6 25.0000 408 26.0501 242 26.0601 6 26.0602 2 26.0806 3 27.0402 2 27.0406 1 28.0300 35 28.0400 244 29.0201 42 29.0202 26 31.0101 14 31.0102 36 32.0100 1 32.0300 1 32.0400 197 32.0600 5 36.1600 3 42.0500 1 42.1000 17 42.1100 2 47.0300 10 49.0700 1 51.0104 2 52.0300 6 53.0200 15 55.0100 15 55.0300 2 58.0600 2 59.0302 2 63.0300 1 64.0501 1 64.0503 1 64.0504 1 64.0800 2 65.0100 10 65.0200 23 65.0301 108 65.0400 9 65.0500 94 65.0702 2 66.0100 S3 68.0100 54 68.0202 9 68.0301 2 68.0302 2 69.0100 574 69.0200 112 70.0100 218 70.0200 2 70.0300 6 70.0400 46 71.0201 55 71.0202 65 72.0101 105 72.0201 1 72.0204 33 73.0101 78 73.0102 7 73.0103 60 73.0104 61 73.0106 4 73.0107 25 73.0109 34 73.0111 44 73.0112 2 73.0200 2,767 73.0301 308 73.0302 6 73.0303 4 74.0000 125 75.0001 43 75.0002 63 76.0101 28 15.0102. 15.0103 15.0200 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0300 7.0000 12.0300 15.0102 15.0200 25.0000 28.0400 31.0102 32.0400 42.1000 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0104 73.0200 73.0301 74.0000 75.0002 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0300 7.0000 12.0300 15.0103 15.0200 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 28.0400 31.0102 32.0400 42.1000 50.0400 62.0200 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0300 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 15.0200 4 3 5 9 21 50 11 17 2,674 5,471 15,767 315 6 1 3 16 47 13 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 2 2 1 110 45 35 1,539 34 1 1 1 164 1 4 2 1 25 5 1 3 2 19 25 2 3 1 2 1 5 2 5 1 9 2 10 1 3 3 3 5 1 2 2 1 2 2 109 12 28 6 1 1 1 1 4 5 198 7 809 3,572 1,580 1 9 12 693 16.0100. See footnote at the end of the table. 212 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 73.0112 3 66.0100 14 28.0200 145 73.0107 6 73.0200 40 68.0100 407 28.0300 10 73.0109 1 73.0301 24 68.0202 34 28.0400 2,403 73.01 1 1 2 73.0302 4 68.0301 2 29.0203 19 73.0200 27 73.0303 7 68.0302 12 31.0101 28 73.0301 7 74.0000 93 69.0100 550 320100 1 73.0303 3 75.0001 22 69.0200 6 32.0400 110 74.0000 6 75.0002 80 70.0100 72 320600 1 75.0001 1 76.0205 2 70.0300 1 37.0101 1 75.0002 8 77.0402 2 70.0400 18 37.0401 1 77.0501 1 77.0501 12 71.0201 34 47.0300 3 78.0100 2 78.0100 14 71.0202 7 48.0200 110 79.0300 5 79.0300 8 72.0101 35 50.0400 13 80.0000 1 80.0000 25 720201 59 58.0400 1 88.0000 383 88.0000 7,433 72.0204 29 59.0302 3 89.0000 9 89.0000 158 73.0101 72 63.0300 1 90.0000 39 90.0000 2,445 73.0102 11 64.1200 1 1,322 1 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 21 38 5 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 55 6 160 17.0700 982 16.0200 20100 7.0000 17 7.0000 1 12.0300 11 73.0107 12 65.0400 20 120300 11 16.0200 7 73.0109 11 65.0500 32 16.0300 10 16.0300 133 73.0111 16 66.0100 17 27.0100 9 16.0400 4 73.0112 1 68.0100 80 28.0200 6 "M.0800 1 73.0200 55 68.0202 46 28.0300 46 :5.0000 1 73.0301 60 68.0301 2 28.0400 389 "S.0200 2 73.0302 3 68.0302 8 31.0101 7 28 0300 77 73.0303 8 69.0100 375 320500 1 28.0400 231 74.0000 49 69.0200 3 35.0100 3 31.0101 7 75.0001 12 70.0100 64 48.0200 14 320300 45 75.0002 58 70.0300 2 65.0100 8 32.0400 7 76.0101 1 70.0400 14 65.0301 4 35.0100 5 76.0205 1 71.0201 30 65.0500 3 48.0200 1 77.0501 7 71.0202 2 66.0100 2 50.0400 3 78.0100 7 72.0101 31 68.0100 25 65.0100 6 79.0300 10 72.0201 34 68.0202 4 65.0200 1 80.0000 2 72.0204 9 69.0100 35 65.0301 15 88.0000 2.412 73.0101 21 70.0100 5 65.0500 3 89.0000 77 73.0102 6 70.0400 2 66.0100 3 90.0000 1.134 73.0103 20 71.0201 3 68.0100 24 73.0104 15 71.0202 2 68.0202 69.0100 6 68 16.0400 847 13 73.0106 73.0107 3 12 720101 720201 2 20100 1 70.0100 8 7.0000 1 73.0109 9 73.0101 1 70.0400 3 120300 1 73.0111 15 73.0102 1 71.0201 5 16.0100 2 73.0112 2 73.0103 2 71.0202 2 16.0300 225 73.0200 73 73.0104 1 72.0101 4 16.0400 8 73.0301 4 73.0107 1 72.0201 10 24.0800 ] 73.0302 1 73.0109 1 72.0204 1 25.0000 73.0303 4 73.01 1 1 1 73.0101 3 27.0100 13 74.0000 37 73.0200 5 73.0102 2 28.0300 23 75.0001 12 73.0301 1 73.0103 3 28.0400 147 75.0002 19 74.0000 4 73.0104 1 31.0101 7 76.0101 i 75.0001 1 73.0107 2 320400 8 76.0201 1 75.0002 1 73.0109 1 48.0200 7 76.0205 1 79.0300 3 73.0111 2 50.0400 2 77.0501 6 80.0000 1 73.0200 12 65.0100 1 78.0100 9 88.0000 164 73.0301 3 65.0301 12 79.0300 4 89.0000 6 74.0000 6 65.0500 3 80.0000 6 90.0000 178 75.0001 1 66.0100 2 88.0000 1.414 75.0002 3 68.0100 20 89.0000 69 17.0900 626 77.0501 1 68.0202 6 90.0000 1.402 16.0100 5 77.0600 1 68.0301 1 16.0300 93 78.0100 79.0300 1 4 69.0100 70.0100 20 5 17.0600 1.510 2 17.0900 24.0800 37 7.0000 6 80.0000 1 70.0400 2 12.0300 11 27.0100 1 88.0000 424 71.0201 2 16.0100 248 27.0402 1 89.0000 8 71.0202 1 16.0300 40 28.0100 43 90.0000 148 720101 2 17.0600 30 28.0300 17 720201 5 17.1001 23 28.0400 39 16.0300 11,525 16 720204 73.0101 1 2 19.0306 24.0800 1 13 29.0203 320400 4 1.0301 2 1.0302 65 73.0102 1 27.0100 44 65.0100 3 2.0100 1.335 73.0103 2 27.0402 23 65.0301 20 2.0503 5 73.0104 2 27.0406 11 65.0500 2 4.0002 3 73.0107 1 28.0100 107 66.0100 4 7.0000 5 73.0108 4 28.0300 68 68.0100 10 12.0300 30 73.0109 1 28.0400 92 68.0202 2 16.0100 6 73.01 1 1 1 29.0203 9 69.0100 54 16.0300 623 73.0301 1 31.0101 11 70.0100 4 17.1100 55 74.0000 3 320400 31 70.0400 18.0300 2 75.0001 1 35.0100 7 71.0201 4 24.0702 1 75.0002 4 48.0200 11 71.0202 24.0800 4 79.0300 2 50.0400 2 720101 2 25.0000 6 88.0000 156 65.0100 6 720201 26.0601 1 89.0000 6 65.0200 1 73.0101 27.0100 102 90.0000 118 65.0301 31 73.0102 28.0300 140 65.0500 5 73.0103 28.0400 29.0203 3,460 3 17.0100 .... 9,807 14 66.0100 68.0100 5 21 73.0104 73.0107 3 20503 31.0101 29 4.0002 2 68.0202 9 73.0109 31.0102 2 7.0000 6 68.0302 6 73.0111 32.0400 5 120300 17 69.0100 90 73.0200 19 320600 1 16.0100 408 70.0100 11 73.0301 47.0300 5 16.0300 1,827 70.0400 2 73.0303 48.0200 10 17.0100 142 71.0201 5 74.0000 50.0400 23 17.1001 78 71.0202 2 75.0001 57.0200 1 17.1100 105 720101 5 75.0002 59.0302 3 19.0306 1 720201 2 79.0300 2 63.0300 1 24.0701 3 720203 1 81.0001 10 65.0100 75 24.0800 2 72.0204 3 88.0000 169 65.0200 6 25.0000 7 73.0101 9 89.0000 5 65.0301 97 26.0200 1 73.0102 2 90.0000 49 65.0400 8 26.0601 1 73.0103 3 65.0500 34 27.0100 186 73.0104 6 17.1001 2,886 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 213 Table 2B.- -The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 1.0301 2 72.0201 4 68.0302 i 27.0100 1 1.0302 5 72.0204 6 69.0100 39 28.0300 12 2.0100 6 73.0101 14 70.0100 16 28.0400 16 4.0002 2 73.0102 3 70.0400 4 29.0203 14 7.0000 3 73.0103 1 71.0201 9 32.0400 6 12.0300 25 73.0104 15 71.0202 S 48.0200 6 14.2400 6 73.0106 1 72.0101 7 50.0400 2 16.0100 157 73.0107 4 72.0201 11 65.0301 13 16.0200 1 73.0109 1 72.0204 65.0500 3 16.0300 93 73.0111 1 73.0101 4 66.0100 2 17.1001 107 73.0200 8 73.0102 3 68.0100 11 24.0100 2 73.0301 26 73.0103 5 68.0202 5 24.0800 1 73.0302 1 73.0104 4 69.0100 12 25.0000 25 73.0303 4 730106 1 70.0100 5 27.0100 14 74.0000 7 73.0107 9 70.0300 1 27.0402 47 75.0001 2 73.0109 6 70.0400 2 27.0406 6 75.0002 11 73.0111 4 71.0201 2 28.0100 227 77.0501 1 73.0200 18 71.0202 2 28.0300 116 78.0100 4 73.0301 t 72.0101 2 28.0400 258 79.0300 5 73.0302 1 72.0201 6 29.0203 29 80.0000 1 73.0303 1 72.0204 1 31.0101 16 81.0001 19 74.0000 10 73.0101 2 32.0400 6 88.0000 830 75.0001 2 73.0102 2 48.0200 30 89.0000 12 75.0002 3 73.0103 1 65.0100 15 90.0000 -153 77.0501 i 73.0104 1 65.0200 1 78.0100 5 73.0107 1 65.0301 65.0400 54 2 18.0101 1,857 1 79.0300 80.0000 1 73.0109 73.0111 2 7.0000 1 65.0500 9 12.0300 12 88.0000 7-3 73.0200 8 66.0100 9 16.0100 12 89.0000 1 7 73.0301 2 68.0100 80 16.0300 327 90.0000 199 74.0000 4 68.0202 23 18.0101 85 75.0001 1 68.0302 69.0100 6 79 18.0300 24.0800 92 23 18.0201 4.206 3 75.0002 78.0100 3 1.0302 1 70.0100 19 25.0000 51 2.0100 2 79.0300 2 70.0400 4 28.0400 190 4.0002 2 I 88.0000 254 71.0201 12 29.0203 37 7.0000 2 89.0000 6 71.0202 5 31.0101 8 12.0300 14 90.0000 96 72.0101 8 32.0400 18 16.0100 46C I 72.0201 72.0204 2 9 48.0200 50.0400 13 2 16.0300 16.0400 84C 24 I 1 8 0203 . . . 226 1.0302 2 73.0101 22 65.0100 4 18.0300 S28 2.0100 3 73.0102 4 65.0200 1 18.0400 25 12.0300 2 73.0103 6 65.0301 27 24.0800 1 16.0100 2 73.0104 17 65.0500 6 25.0000 l 16.0300 48 73.0106 1 66.0100 3 28.0300 4 16.0400 9 73.0107 5 68.0100 33 28.0400 48 18.0300 13 73.0109 3 68.0202 5 29.0203 13 24.0800 1 73.01 1 1 4 68.0302 1 31.0101 15 25.0000 3 73.0200 41 69.0100 35 32.0400 192 28.0400 7 73.0301 3 70.0100 12 47.0300 1 29.0203 8 73.0303 10 70.0400 3 48.0200 6 48.0200 3 74.0000 11 71.0201 7 50.0400 5 65.0301 1 75.0001 3 71.0202 4 64.0700 1 65.0500 1 75.0002 19 72.0101 6 65.0100 1 66.0100 1 77.0501 2 72.0201 7 65.0200 3 68.0100 2 78.0100 4 72.0204 2 65.0301 66 68.0202 1 79.0300 8 73.0101 7 65.0500 16 70.0100 1 80.0000 1 73.0102 2 66.0100 5 70.0400 1 81.0001 8 73.0103 4 68.0100 35 71.0201 1 88.0000 632 73.0104 4 68.0202 18 72.0101 1 89.0000 20 73.0106 1 68.0302 3 72.0204 1 90.0000 541 73.0107 2 69.0100 89 73.0101 1 73.0109 16 70.0100 28 73.0104 1 17.1100 1 769 73 01 1 1 3 70 0300 1 73.0301 1 1.0301 7 73.0200 14 70!0400 6 74^0000 1 1.0302 38 73.0301 1 71.0201 17 75.0002 2 2.0100 8 73.0302 1 71.0202 8 78.0100 4 £0503 1 74.0000 7 72.0101 12 79.0300 1 4.0002 1 75.0001 2 72.0201 18 88.0000 79 7.0000 2 75.0002 5 72.0204 2 89.0000 2 12.0300 99 77.0501 1 73.0101 6 90.0000 22 14.2400 5 78.0100 4 73.0102 4 16.0100 16.0300 37 55 79.0300 80.0000 5 1 73.0103 73.0104 7 4 18.0300 7.231 1.0302 14 17.1100 28 88.0000 520 73.0106 1 2.0100 50 24.0800 1 89.0000 12 73.0107 6 4.0002 2 25.0000 15 90.0000 218 73.0109 3 7.0000 8 27.0402 23 73.0111 5 12.0300 39 27.0406 23 18.0102 2,529 73.0200 8 16.0100 377 28.0100 9 4.0002 1 73.0301 1 16.0300 1.521 28.0300 29 7.0000 2 73.0302 1 18.0300 1.589 28.0400 260 12.0300 13 73.0303 2 24.0800 2 29.0203 14 16.0100 56 74.0000 17 25.0000 2 31.0101 11 16.0300 496 75.0001 4 27.0100 4 32.0300 18 18.0101 243 75.0002 4 28.0300 70 47.0300 1 18.0102 9 76.0205 1 28.0400 426 48.0200 42 18.0300 126 77.0501 2 29.0203 117 50.0400 5 18.0400 10 78.0100 3 31.0101 35 65.0100 6 24.0800 33 79.0300 1 32.0400 90 65.0200 1 25.0000 32 88.0000 1.173 48.0200 49 65.0301 21 26.0501 20 89.0000 27 49.0200 5 65.0302 3 26.0601 1 90.0000 410 50.0400 4 65.0400 1 28.0400 56 65.0100 11 65.0500 66.0100 7 11 29.0203 31.0101 94 11 18.0202 897 1 65.0200 65.0301 4 2.0100 137 68.0100 36 32.0400 19 7.0000 1 65.0500 27 68.0202 12 48.0200 38 12.0300 12 66.0100 10 68.0301 1 50.0400 2 16.0100 66 68.0100 119 68.0302 12 65.0100 2 16.0300 182 68.0202 59 69.0100 64 65.0200 1 16.0400 17 68.0301 4 70.0100 12 65.0301 38 18.0300 101 68.0302 8 70.0400 2 65.0500 11 18.0400 2 69.0100 199 71.0201 12 66.0100 5 24.0800 1 70.0100 45 71.0202 3 68.0100 35 25.0000 1 70.0300 1 72.0101 5 68.0202 11 26.0501 2 I 70.0400 9 See footnote at the end of the table. 214 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 71.0201 27 73.01 1 1 76 70.0100 35 70.0400 2 71.0202 15 73.0112 7 70.0300 1 71.0201 42 72.0101 22 73.0200 713 70.0400 7 71.0202 2 72.0201 12 73.0301 77 71.0201 41 72.0101 4 72.0204 9 73.0302 4 71.0202 9 72.0204 1 73.0101 - 21 73.0303 71 72.0101 17 73.0101 1 73.0102 6 74.0000 220 72.0201 1 73.0102 2 73.0103 12 75.0001 74 72.0204 2 73.0103 3 73.0104 15 75.0002 32 73.0101 7 73.0104 1 73.0106 4 76.0101 7 73.0102 4 73.0107 2 73.0107 19 76.0201 6 73.0103 12 73.0109 4 73.0109 5 76.0203 4 73.0104 10 73.01 1 1 3 73.01 1 1 7 76.0205 7 73.0106 1 73.0200 13 73.0200 3 77.0501 31 73.0107 7 73.0301 2 73.0301 3 77.0600 6 73.0109 5 73.0303 2 73.0303 3 78.0100 41 73.0111 10 74.0000 6 74.0000 29 79.0300 143 73.0112 1 75.0001 1 75.0001 8 80.0000 21 73.0200 19 75.0002 1 75.0002 17 88.0000 14.681 73.0301 4 77.0501 1 76.0205 1 89.0000 135 73.0302 1 78.0100 1 77 0501 4 90.0000 2.752 73.0303 2 79.0300 3 78.0100 5 74.0000 23 88.0000 356 79.0300 80.0000 3 2 19.0100 1,270 3 75.0001 75.0002 5 6 89.0000 90.0000 5 12.0300 148 88.0000 1.607 16.0100 416 76.0205 1 89.0000 90.0000 47 288 16.0200 16.0300 11 48 77.0501 77.0600 3 21 19.0303 747 1Z0300 3 16.0400 8 78.0100 9 16.0100 13 18.0400 52,187 195 17.0600 17.1001 7 36 79.0300 80.0000 15 1 16.0300 16.0400 21 3.0001 1 4.0002 6 17.1100 12 88.0000 1.127 17.1100 1 7.0000 6 18.0300 3 89.0000 25 18.0400 64 12.0300 187 19.0100 101 90.0000 723 19.0303 23 16.0100 9.010 24.0800 1 25.0000 3 16.0200 16.0300 661 444 28.0400 3Z0400 3 4 19.0301 741 2 27.0404 31.0102 1 12.0300 1 16.0400 281 47.0300 1 16.0100 155 32.0400 13 17.1100 23 50.0400 2 16.0200 16 65.0500 2 18.0300 4.455 65.0200 1 16.0300 18 66.0100 2 18.0400 6.378 65.0301 10 16.0400 9 68.0100 9 19.0303 408 65.0500 3 17.0600 32 68.0202 4 19.0304 1,647 66.0100 4 17.1001 34 69.0100 17 19.0305 155 68.0100 12 17.1100 28 69.0200 1 20.0903 1 68.0202 5 19.0301 3 70.0100 8 24.0400 2 69.0100 50 24.0800 1 70.0400 1 24.0701 5 70.0100 10 28.0300 3 71.0201 10 24.0703 1 70.0400 2 28.0400 12 71.0202 1 24.0705 1 71.0201 32 32.0400 20 7Z0101 2 24.0800 5 71.0202 2 65.0301 5 7Z0204 1 25.0000 11 72.0101 4 65.0400 5 73.0101 1 26.0601 5 720204 1 65.0500 2 73.0102 1 26.0602 2 73.0101 2 66.0100 2 73.0103 2 28.0100 3 73.0102 2 68.0100 5 73.0104 1 28.0400 8 73.0103 3 68.0202 2 73.0107 1 31.0101 76 73.0104 2 69.0100 32 73.0109 1 31.0102 2 73.0107 2 70.0100 4 73.0111 1 3Z0100 1 73.0109 2 70.0400 73.0301 1 32.0300 17 73.0111 2 71.0201 8 73.0303 1 32.0400 2 '3.0200 7 71.0202 74.0000 3 32.0600 1 73.0301 1 72.0101 2 75.0001 1 33.0001 258 73.0303 1 7Z0204 75.0002 1 42.0201 3 74.0000 6 73.0101 79.0300 2 42.0500 1 75.0001 1 73.0102 88.0000 259 42.1100 1 75.0002 2 73.0103 89.0000 4 47.0300 1 77.0501 1 73.0104 90.0000 265 48.0600 76 78.0100 4 73.0107 50.0100 1 79 0300 4 73.0109 5 19.0304 6 166 50.0400 5 88.0000 426 73.0111 4.0002 2 52.0300 1 89.0000 5 73.0200 11 7.0000 1 58.0400 3 90.0000 5 73.0301 12.0300 21 59.0302 10 73.0303 16.0100 693 63.0300 64.0503 2 1 19.0200 5.602 2 74.0000 75.0001 3 16.0200 16.0300 30 4.0002 259 64.0504 1 7.0000 1 75.0002 16.0400 126 64.0700 678 12.0300 19 79.0300 2 17.0600 81 64.1200 31 16.0100 2,081 88.0000 244 17.1001 322 6S.0100 4 16.0200 32 89.0000 4 17.1100 48 65.0200 39 16.0300 185 90.0000 59 18.0300 1 65.0301 297 16.0400 10 18.0400 365 65.0302 1 17.0600 31 19.0302 1,131 19.0304 132 65.0400 5 17.1001 97 7.0000 1 24.0500 1 65.0500 223 17.1100 20 12.0300 3 24.0702 2 65.0702 2 18.0300 4 16.0100 246 24.0800 2 66.0100 110 19.0200 95 16.0200 10 25.0000 6 68.0100 454 19.0305 52 16.0300 2 26.0501 9 68.0202 131 20.0903 35 16.0400 11 26.0601 1 68.0302 15 24.0800 2 17.0600 44 27.0404 55 69.0100 2,573 25.0000 24 19.0302 28 28.0100 141 69.0200 12 26.0601 1 19.0306 10 28.0400 40 70.0100 333 28.0300 36 24.0800 1 31.0101 16 70.0200 1 28.0400 119 27.0406 16 31.0102 2 70.0300 9 31.0101 15 28.0400 2 3Z0400 198 70.0400 68 32.0400 62 31.0101 3 33.0001 430 71.0201 524 47.0300 3 32.0400 5 47.0300 1 71.0202 142 50.0400 5 47.0300 1 50.0400 5 72.0101 158 63.0300 1 48.0200 34 64.0700 18 72.0201 17 64.1200 1 50.0400 2 65.0100 7 72.0204 17 65.0100 4 64.0700 2 65.0200 4 73.0101 40 65.0200 3 65.0100 1 65.0301 118 73.0102 39 65.0301 66 65.0301 8 65.0400 1 73.0103 100 65.0500 25 65.0500 6 65.0500 38 73.0104 67 66.0100 8 66.0100 3 66.0100 11 73.0106 11 68.0100 36 68.0100 14 68.0100 56 73.0107 21 68.0202 14 68.0202 11 68.0202 23 73.0108 12 68.0302 12 69.0100 55 68.0302 4 73.0109 2.582 69.0100 I 346 I 70.0100 6 69.0100 256 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 215 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry 1 Commodity used Value 19.0305. 19.0306 . 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 16.0100 16.0300 16.0400 19.0305 24.0800 25.0000 32.0400 48.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 73.0107 73.0301 74.0000 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0600 17.1001 17.1100 18.0300 19.0306 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0406 28.0300 28.0400 31.0101 32.0400 47.0300 50.0400 64.0700 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 3 43 1 8 89 7 18 1 4 4 14 4 1 9 11 11 1 16 11 1 4 25 6 3 1 11 4 62 8 17 1,823 29 390 314 1 20 41 3 44 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 141 1 32 3.084 1 12 462 24 134 16 63 303 1 1 119 2 6 1 37 16 23 8 37 1 5 2 1 1 29 12 13 24 6 4 182 20 3 5 34 5 10 1 2 6 3 7 20.0100 . 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.0001 4.0002 7.0000 120300 17.0900 18.0400 20.0100 20.0200 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 27.0100 27.0201 27.0403 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 320100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 34.0305 36.1600 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 46.0400 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 48.0300 49.0500 50.0100 50.0400 520300 53.0400 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 58.0700 59.0302 61.0700 62.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 8 1 4 4 5 1 26 34 1 4 15 3 5 2 9 4 8 1 780 13 514 19,287 5,191 2 2 60 14 7 2,602 38 2 5 1 1 10 189 79 12 205 2 18 13 269 6 9 1 37 76 2 14 1 203 35 29 21 17 6 9 152 3 14 4 4 3 3 2 7 2 30 2 1 1 3 15 14 139 41 76 2 1 26 28 59 9 18 410 31 121 9 43 112 10 59 1 28 66 4 35 40 3 26 12 27 4 18 20.0200 . 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0403 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.0001 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 20.0100 20.0200 24.0400 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 37.0401 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.1100 47.0300 48.0300 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 55.0200 58.0400 59.0302 63.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 113 4 19 70 73 55 2 1 3 167 12 6 63 2 2,488 108 5,195 20,951 1,321 6 1 65 7,631 1,518 1 3 5 11 11 2 3 10 2 98 2 6 20 1 7 23 2 6 12 3 4 11 8 1 43 1 3 4 9 1 4 1 202 15 529 1 37 59 1 33 375 42 13 11 1.039 11 134 13 35 75 22 63 5 42 101 16 47 51 11 26 31 46 6 14 32 16 18 80 37 82 2 2 3 22 13 1 17 2 4 4.124 118 90.0000 20.0300 . 20.0400 . 20.0501 3.0001 4.0002 12.0300 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0903 24.0800 25.0000 27.0402 31.0101 320100 36.1600 420202 47.0300 48.0300 50.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.0001 12.0300 20.0100 20.0400 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 73.0301 74.0000 75.0002 79.0300 88.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0600 20.0904 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 320100 320400 320600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0401 41.0100 2,412 2054 7 1 12 96 491 7 44 1 4 11 21 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 17 1 56 1 6 4 45 3 1 166 1 13 2 10 7 6 2 6 3 4 2 1 2 1 3 4 1 1 1 9 11 4 1 1 6 649 11 286 162 3 1 52 3 3 2 2 1 5 39 44 9,598 2 25 7 2,742 54 53 181 161 3 3 2 77 1 1 2 1 31 3 1 68 1 228 9 1 90 See footnote at the end of the table. 216 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B.— ■ ■The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ■ 20.0502 Commodity used 42.0300 47.0300 50.0400 53.0200 58.0400 59.0302 63.0200 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 4.0002 12.0300 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0502 20.0600 20.0903 20.0904 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0402 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 320100 320300 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 41.0100 42.0201 42.0300 421100 47.0300 48.0300 50.0400 53.0200 55.0100 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 See footnote at the end of the table. 46 334 4 18 1 1 5 " 1 1 86 6 329 19 32 20 80 7 7 8 1.073 9 63 2 13 58 42 29 2 6 15 6 21 22 4 18 12 20 4 138 17 6 15 41 14 12 1 1 1 6 11 1 2.588 54 567 5,095 1 14 5 788 75 11 146 30 246 3 4 4 1 73 5 2 3 14 22 5 1 1 61 6 4 2 8 183 7 2 3 8 1 2 2 1 34 3 125 4 15 13 45 5 8 371 9 33 1 Industry ' 20.0600 . 20.0701 Commodity used 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 VaJue 3.0001 4.0002 12.0300 20.0100 20.0200 20.0600 20.0904 24.0800 25.0000 27.0402 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 320400 3Z0600 36.1600 42.0201 421100 47.0300 48.0300 50.0400 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 120300 17.0100 20.0100 20.0200 20.0501 20.0600 20.0701 20.0904 21 16 3 8 5 11 6 3 13 5 9 1 53 6 3 5 21 7 6 1 3 3 14 1.687 29 692 7.460 536 3 26 1.729 37 827 306 2 2 184 4 46 1 22 1 6 15 2 3 3 12 3 1 64 4 187 11 25 11 150 19 1 4 369 3 52 1 13 33 10 22 1 14 32 6 17 16 2 4 8 13 2 11 7 5 5 32 12 28 1 4 4 7 1 1,649 41 788 2.44 G 812 7 41 14 51 Industry i Commodity used 20.0702 . 24.0800 31.0101 32.0400 36.1600 40.0400 40.0500 40.0700 41.0100 420300 50.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73 0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 4.0002 120300 17.0100 17.1100 20.0100 20.0200 20.0400 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0702 20.0904 24.0800 31.0101 320300 320400 36.1400 36.2000 40.0400 40.0500 40.0700 41.0100 420300 50.0400 520300 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0700 55.0200 55.0300 59.0302 64.0900 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 1 15 3 1 51 3 1 5 18 2 24 1 8- 3 e 8 18 3 1 253 4. IS 2 17 4 € 4 4 5 1 9 c 2 4 1 2 9 2 4 1 7 652 13 216 Industry ' 2.095 1 1 23 2 1 454 3 66 43 43 35 31 1 11 3 19 21 20 35 30 55 4 21 2 3 3 4 3 1 1 26 1 3 12 1 68 1 6 6 8 2 1 2 182 1 14 3 13 3 6 1 1 3 6 2 1 6 20 0-03 Commodity used 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 17.0100 17.1100 19.0304 20.0100 20.0200 20.0501 20.0502 20 0600 20 0703 2C r<800 2: «03 20.904 22.0101 23 0500 24.0500 24.0702 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 28 0300 28.0400 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1400 36.2000 37.0101 37.0200 38.0400 38.0501 38.0800 40.0200 40.0300 40.0500 40.0700 41.0100 42.0300 42.0402 47.0401 48.0300 52.0300 540100 54.0200 54 0300 54 0400 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 59.0302 64.0900 65.0100 650200 65.0301 65 0400 65 0500 66 0100 68.0100 68 0202 68 0302 69.0100 69.0200 700100 70.0300 70 0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0' 02 73 "3 73 M 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73 0302 740000 75.0001 Value 4 6 24 3 2 9 4 1 1 2 6 536 11 167 4,482 1 13 87 38 2 2 251 75 60 49 17 1 1 142 72 2 1 1 2 1 3 4 29 3 13 1 32 4 57 13 4 161 80 27 6 6 3 8 38 9 143 125 52 34 24 1 1 62 40 64 40 3 15 2 7 85 182 29 16 3 139 3 16 10 17 2 9 311 4 29 1 8 13 2 13 1 2 4 8 2 3 9 4 5 1 14 7 5 18 6 DETAILED TABLES 217 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 20.0800 . 20.0901 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0100 20.0200 20.0800 24.0800 27.0100 27.0300 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 36.1600 42.0202 42.1100 47.0300 48.0300 50.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0100 20.0200 20.0600 20.0901 24.0800 31.0101 36.1600 41.0100 47.0300 50.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 3 1 3 12 1,041 25 484 2,685 1 12 333 877 24 1 125 22 6 20 22 5 1 6 1 2 5 1 41 1 112 8 8 5 17 7 3 5 284 1 19 5 13 3 8 3 7 2 8 4 1 4 9 7 1 9 6 3 2 11 2 6 2 2 8 290 13 281 2,168 1 13 111 685 20 21 1 15 4 9 1 7 1 20 1 74 2 6 4 29 3 3 217 1 14 2 15 1 6 3 8 3 7 4 1 6 4 20.0903 . 20.0904 . 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 77.0600 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0400 20.0600 20.0903 20.0904 24.0800 25.0000 30.0000 31.0101 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 41.0100 41.0203 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 20.0100 20.0200 20.0400 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 24.0701 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0402 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 6 1 6 2 1 3 10 2 8 1 12 6 563 11 213 3,670 2 14 101 745 27 2 55 78 31 1 55 26 19 44 29 5 6 1 19 4 11 1 1 24 2 94 4 12 9 48 5 1 3 296 2 24 1 7 31 5 11 5 11 3 9 6 1 5 7 9 2 27 6 3 6 18 5 9 1 2 3 2 2 1,119 20 533 3,938 2 1 15 258 239 1 3 17 163 9 1 8 2 6 290 63 79 4 133 1 4 21.0000 . 22.0101 36.1600 37.0103 41.0100 41.0203 42.1100 47.0300 48.0300 48.0400 50.0400 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 7^0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 20.0100 20.0200 20.0400 20.0600 20.0901 21.0000 31.0101 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0107 73.0109 73.0301 74.0000 75.0002 77.0600 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 16.0100 16.0400 17.1001 17.1100 19.0200 20.0200 20.0300 20.0600 20.0901 20.0904 22.0101 24.0500 24.0701 4 2 4 48 16 4 4 3 14 1 1 20 3 103 3 10 6 188 23 3 8 158 2 25 1 7 7 4 12 1 12 28 6 10 14 3 5 7 10 1 13 3 5 1 17 9 25 1 2 4 5 830 22 921 774 4 28 140 50 58 2 5 14 3 29 2 3 10 2 63 5 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 3 245 4 79 8,481 6 2 31 71 4 4 1 1 637 161 206 2 366 12 8 12 22.0102 . 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0103 37.0401 41.0100 42.0201 42.0300 42.1100 47.0300 48.0300 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 58.0400 59.0302 6£0200 63.0200 63.0300 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.0001 12.0300 16.0100 16.0200 17.1001 20.0200 20.0300 20.0600 20.0903 20.0904 24.0500 24.0702 25.0000 27.0402 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 35.0100 9 2 264 1 6 1 1 17 13 10 9 163 28 8 1 145 1 108 39 8 1 21 29 268 10 10 16 25 1 3 3 1 3 7 1 2 1 3 39 5 175 1 6 25 18 124 21 9 555 26 55 1 17 73 9 26 2 7 19 16 33 16 10 12 57 39 4 79 9 5 7 35 13 14 1 1 5 1 9 1 18 2.704 47 1,369 453 5 1 4 2 1 2 2 3 5 3 1 1 22 1 111 7 7 1 10 3 See footnote at the end of the table. 218 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B, -The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value 36.1600 2 62.0200 3 73.0101 2 23.0100 70 41.0100 1 63.0300 1 73.0102 2 24.0500 1 42.0300 1 64.0700 6 73.0103 4 24.0702 2 65.0100 3 64.1200 1 73.0104 2 24.0800 1 65.0301 15 65.0100 19 73.0106 1 25.0000 38 65.0500 1 65.0200 4 73.0107 7 27.0402 4 66.0100 " 2 65.0301 86 73.0109 4 30.0000 19 68.0100 10 65.0400 3 73.0111 4 31.0101 13 68.0202 1 65.0500 25 73.0200 20 31.0102 2 69.0100 16 66.0100 13 73.0301 4 320300 1 69.0200 2 68.0100 37 73.0303 1 32.0400 57 70.0100 2 68.0202 8 74.0000 9 33.0001 1 70.0400 3 68.0302 2 75.0001 2 35.0100 4 71.0201 4 69.0100 390 75.0002 2 36.1600 4 72.0101 69.0200 2 77.0402 7 37.0101 14 72.0204 70.0100 61 77.0501 1 38.0700 9 73.0101 70.0200 2 78.0100 1 38.0800 1 73.0102 70.0300 12 79.0300 5 38.0900 12 73.0103 70.0400 9 88.0000 606 41.0203 5 73.0104 71.0201 55 89.0000 10 420300 84 73.0107 71.0202 4 90.0000 273 47.0300 1 73.0109 72.0101 18 50.0400 2 73.0200 720201 1 22.0400 2,816 59.0302 1 73.0301 72.0204 2 4.0002 1 65.0100 6 74.0000 2 73.0101 6 120300 2 65.0200 1 75.0002 1 73.0102 6 14.2400 3 65.0301 21 79.0300 2 73.0103 15 16.0100 345 65.0500 6 88.0000 153 73.0104 8 16.0400 18 66.0100 6 89.0000 2 73.0106 3 17.1100 55 68.0100 25 90.0000 28 73.0107 9 18.0400 3 68.0202 6 73.0109 12 19.0306 5 68.0302 2 22 0103 331 1 73.0111 73.0112 17 2 20.0200 20.0300 14 61 69.0100 69.0200 179 12.0300 4 16.0100 2 73.0200 52 22.0400 12 70.0100 12 20.0200 15 73.0301 8 24.0701 2 70.0400 2 20.0300 10 73.0302 3 24.0702 1 71.0201 20 20.0400 1 73.0303 5 24.0800 8 71.0202 1 20.0600 10 74.0000 24 25.0000 7 72.0101 6 20.0904 31 75.0001 9 31.0101 11 720204 1 24.0800 1 75.0002 4 31.0102 1 73.0101 2 25.0000 19 76.0101 1 3Z0300 39 73.0102 4 27.0402 1 76.0205 1 32.0400 202 73.0103 6 28.0100 5 77.0501 4 36.1600 4 73.0104 3 30.0000 5 78.0100 9 37.0101 5 73.0106 1 31.0101 7 79.0300 17 37.0200 1 73.0107 3 31.0102 1 88.0000 1.929 38.0400 1 73.0109 12 320400 17 89.0000 34 38.0501 1 73.0111 6 35.0100 6 90.0000 599 38.0800 2 73.0112 1 36.1600 1 41.0203 6 73.0200 16 420300 65.0301 16 6 22.0300 2.027 1 42.0300 42.0500 19 397 73.0301 73.0303 3 4.0002 18 65.0500 1 7.0000 1 47.0300 1 74.0000 8 66 0100 1 12.0300 12 50.0400 3 75.0001 2 68.0100 4 17.0600 48 59.0302 1 75.0002 2 68.0202 1 19.0302 11 65.0100 1 77.0501 1 69.0100 18 20.0200 7 65.0200 i 79.0300 5 69.0200 1 20.0300 38 65.0301 21 88.0000 704 70.0100 3 20.0600 1 65.0400 2 89.0000 9 70.0400 1 20.0904 18 65 0500 12 90.0000 165 71.0201 2 22.0300 8 66 0100 8 72 0101 1 24 0500 2 68 "100 11 23.0200 5,842 73.0101 1 24.0702 3 68.0202 5 4.0002 4 73.0102 1 24.0800 1 68.0302 2 7.0000 2 73.0104 1 25.0000 60 69.0100 108 1Z0300 26 73.0301 1 29.0201 2 69.0200 3 16.0100 217 74.0000 2 29.0202 1 70.0100 18 17.0600 147 75.0002 1 30.0000 20 70.0400 6 20.0200 24 79.0300 1 31.0101 12 71.0201 35 20.0300 114 88.0000 117 31.0102 3 71.0202 6 20.0600 20 89.0000 3 32.0300 34 72.0101 8 20.0901 1 90.0000 15 32.0400 128 72.0204 1 20.0904 49 35.0100 18 73.0101 4 23.0200 123 22.0200 6,209 2 36.1600 37.0101 4 165 73.0102 73.0103 2 6 24.0500 24.0701 4 4.0002 3 7.0000 1 37.0200 4 73.0104 4 24.0702 4 120300 40 37.0300 6 73.0106 1 24.0800 1 14.2400 50 38.0800 60 73.0107 4 25.0000 100 16.0100 871 38.0900 1 73.0109 6 27.0402 8 16.0400 51 38.1100 3 73.01 1 1 5 29.0201 4 17.0600 101 38.1400 2 73.0200 127 29.0202 3 17.1100 212 41.0100 1 73.0301 2 30.0000 60 19.0304 3 41.0203 72 73.0303 33 31.0101 22 20.0200 139 42.0300 38 74.0000 12 31.0102 5 20.0300 290 421100 10 75.0001 3 320100 1 22.0200 27 47.0300 1 75.0002 3 32.0300 19 24.0701 7 50.0400 3 76.0101 1 320400 213 24.0800 2 53.0200 1 77.0501 2 35.0100 2 25.0000 7 59.0302 1 77.0600 12 36.1600 5 26.0200 1 65.0100 4 78.0100 3 37.0101 377 26.0601 1 65.0200 1 79.0300 8 37.0200 11 27.0100 1 65.0301 24 80.0000 1 37.0300 35 27.0402 1 65.0500 7 81.0001 7 38.0700 21 30.0000 3 66.0100 6 88.0000 618 38.0800 42 31.0101 21 68.0100 18 89.0000 12 38.0900 33 32.0100 1 68.0202 6 90.0000 461 38.1100 8 32.0300 38 68.0301 4 38.1400 15 32.0400 372 68 0302 2 23.0100 1,963 41.0100 5 33.0001 44 69.0100 126 4.0002 2 41.0203 56 36.1600 27 69.0200 6 7.0000 1 420300 182 37.0103 3 70.0100 13 12.0300 12 421100 16 42.0201 14 70.0300 1 16.0100 28 47.0300 2 42.0300 223 70.0400 6 17.0600 14 49.0200 13 42.0500 88 71.0201 24 20.0200 62 49.0700 4 47.0300 7 71.0202 4 20.0300 57 50.0400 5 50.0400 18 72.0101 6 20.0600 102 520300 1 59.0302 2 72.0204 1 20.0904 70 53.0200 2 See footnote at the end ot the table. DETAILED TABLES 219 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 23.0300 . 55.0100 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 16.0100 16.0400 17.0600 20.0200 20.0300 20.0600 20.0903 20.0904 23.0300 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0705 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0103 37.0200 37.0300 38.0800 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 420300 42.0500 421100 47.0300 50.0400 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 2 2 15 4 58 1 22 25 49 17 5 604 11 55 2 9 44 4 17 1 5 12 12 17 15 7 18 30 15 1 51 20 1 108 23 7 10 1 3 2 1 1,775 31 721 4,411 2 1 13 281 2 394 37 115 29 1 29 50 1 1 1 2 1 2 30 3 1 4 13 14 2 266 1 11 208 1 2 2 53 2 1 5 194 262 1 3 2 7 2 1 9 3 45 1 18 12 21 6 2 328 4 30 2 8 30 2 23.0400 . 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 16.0100 17.0600 20.0200 20.0300 20.0600 20.0904 23.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0402 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 55.0200 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 14 1 2 4 3 13 5 1 8 20 14 2 18 6 47 19 7 3 1 2 3 21 8 874 24 717 3,013 1 1 14 18 1 73 12 65 190 34 1 3 2 1 27 8 12 23 14 2 196 17 10 32 1 7 2 8 1 4 2 28 9 82 14 2 7 2 1 1 7 1 50 10 12 26 8 3 161 5 20 1 6 48 2 10 1 2 4 3 11 5 1 4 16 12 1 13 3 1 6 15 6 4 8 2 6 3 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 23.0500 . 23.0600 . 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 16.0100 17.0600 20.0200 20.0300 20.0600 20.0901 20.0904 23.0500 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0402 42.1100 47.0300 47.0404 50.0400 53.0200 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 16.0200 17.0600 17.0900 20.0903 20.0904 23.0600 24.0800 25.0000 31.0101 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 8 1,180 15 385 3,329 1 2 17 2 3 11 31 12 3 53 29 1 2 2 1 53 5 3 2 1 68 17 3 4 48 6 6 548 3 4 23 3 3 10 31 95 13 2 3 5 7 1 1 11 1 45 2 10 13 31 13 4 197 6 22 1 6 31 3 10 3 9 3 12 11 1 9 22 14 1 31 9 1 5 16 5 8 1 2 4 9 1,101 16 492 1,805 1 3 3 75 63 3 1 21 1 32 11 64 4 63 23.0700 . 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 41.0100 41.0203 42.0402 42.0500 47.0300 50.0400 59.0302 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 16.0100 17.0600 20.0200 20.0300 20.0600 20.0904 22.0400 23.0700 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0402 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0103 37.0200 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0402 421100 47.0300 49.0500 50.0400 53.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 12 81 12 5 3 4 22 1 3 1 1 15 7 10 11 3 1 109 1 12 2 24 1 5 1 1 2 3 2 1 4 2 2 38 1 1 8 2 1 1 1 1 5 506 9 522 2.297 1 1 13 8 10 59 37 18 14 5 30 1 1 20 3 13 11 1 8 43 4 4 115 2 3 3 11 3 2 10 22 92 3 7 1 56 5 5 1 4 1 18 9 10 17 6 2 186 3 16 2 25 3 7 1 3 2 5 See footnote at the end of the table. 220 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 73.0104 9 24.0701 5 68.0100 98 71.0202 8 73.0106 1 24.0702 3 68.0202 12 72.0101 33 73.0107 4 24.0703 5 68.0301 1 7Z0201 1 73.0109 2 24.0706 5 68.0302 16 72.0204 22 73.0111 - 3 24.0800 799 69.0100 677 73.0101 54 73.0200 21 25.0000 88 69.0200 55 73.0102 8 73.0301 14 26.0601 3 70.0100 99 73.0103 21 73.0302 1 27.0402 35 70.0300 4 73.0104 36 73.0303 2 27.0404 4 70.0400 23 73.0106 5 74.0000 12 29.0201 2 71.0201 37 73.0107 17 75.0001 2 29.0202 1 71.0202 24 73.0109 11 75.0002 3 31.0101 8 7Z0101 47 73.0111 18 77.0501 1 31.0102 3 72.0201 1 73.0112 1 79.0300 6 3Z0400 48 7Z0204 15 73.0200 70 80.0000 14 41.0203 5 73.0101 36 73.0301 7 88.0000 735 47.0300 3 73.0102 9 73.0302 5 89.0000 10 48.0400 15 73.0103 25 73.0303 3 90.0000 491 50.0400 11 73.0104 32 74.0000 43 53.0200 1 73.0106 5 75.0001 13 24.0100 5.515 2 58.0200 63.0300 1 1 73.0107 73.0109 12 8 75.0002 76.0101 45 4.0002 1 7.0000 28 65.0100 21 73.0111 17 76.0205 1 9.0003 11 65.0200 1 73.0112 1 77.0402 1 12.0300 97 65.0301 80 73.0200 300 77.0501 6 14.1700 12 65.0500 11 73.0301 12 78.0100 6 14.2400 62 66.0100 12 73.0302 3 79.0300 2 20.0100 674 68.0100 41 73.0303 2 80.0000 13 20.0200 422 68.0202 4 74.0000 57 88.0000 2,193 20.0901 10 68.0302 2 75.0001 23 89.0000 95 24.0100 131 69.0100 137 75.0002 27 90.0000 1.876 24.0800 1 69.0200 5 76.0101 3 25.0000 5 70.0100 17 76.0201 2 24.0702 8.389 26.0601 2 70.0400 4 760203 1 4.0002 1 27.0100 519 71.0201 23 76.0205 2 7.0000 3 27.0406 4 71.0202 2 77.0402 1 12.0300 39 28.0100 4 7Z0101 8 77.0501 9 16.0100 5 29.0203 31 7Z0204 5 78.0100 2 17.1100 1 31.0101 49 73.0101 11 79.030^ 3 20.0100 4 31.0102 4 73.0102 3 80.0OC 11 24.0500 8 32.0300 55 73.0103 5 81 .000 . 30 24.0702 28 32.0400 1 73.0104 6 88.0000 1.997 24.0800 1.209 32.0600 5 73.0106 1 89.0000 133 25.0000 239 36.1300 16 73.0107 6 90.0000 4.977 26.0501 2 42.0202 1 73.0109 3 26.0806 26 42.0800 30 73.0111 5 24.0701 11,015 27.0402 71 47.0300 3 73.0112 1 4.0002 3 27.0404 120 48.0400 23 73.0200 17 7.0000 9 28.0100 1.259 49.0100 1 73.0301 3 9.0003 17 29.0201 9 49.0700 6 73.0302 2 1Z0300 51 29.0202 4 50.0400 8 73.0303 1 14.1700 62 31.0101 18 59.0302 1 74.0000 10 16.0100 4 31.0102 8 65.0100 85 75.0001 3 17.1001 126 3Z0300 1 65.0200 3 75.0002 8 17.1100 10 3Z0400 555 65.0301 118 77.0501 2 20.0100 12 2 65.0400 28 78.0100 2 20.0200 4 38.0800 22 65.0500 16 79.0300 8 20.0901 14 47.0300 5 66.0100 8 88.0000 943 24.0500 6 48.0400 7 68.0100 119 89.0000 22 24.0701 138 49.0700 1 68.0202 95 90.0000 150 24.0702 6 50.0400 19 68.0301 45 24.0800 1,871 52.0300 1 68.0302 69.0100 18 250 24.0500 15.344 3 25.0000 26.0601 146 1 53.0200 55.0100 3 4.0002 2 69.0200 1 7.0000 4 26.0803 120 59.0302 1 70.0100 35 12.0300 66 26.0806 5 6Z0200 2 70.0300 3 16.0100 49 27.0100 138 63.0300 1 70.0400 12 17.1001 474 27.0402 330 65.0100 64 71.0201 7 17.1100 2 27.0404 118 65.0200 4 71.0202 1 19.0200 2 28.0100 479 65.0301 318 72.0101 16 20.0100 6 29.0201 7 65.0400 5 7Z0201 1 20.0200 1 29.0202 3 65.0500 33 72.0204 23 24.0100 611 30.0000 2 66.0100 18 73.0101 56 24.0500 26 31.0101 51 68.0100 147 73.0102 6 24.0701 371 31.0102 6 68.0202 12 73.0103 10 24.0702 22 32.0300 84 68.0302 7 73.0104 30 24.0800 2,806 32.0400 928 69.0100 320 73.0106 4 25.0000 484 3Z0600 1 69.0200 16 73.0107 15 26.0501 1 36.1900 3 70.0100 53 73.0109 3 27.0402 121 37.0402 23 70.0300 1 73.01 1 1 7 27.0404 2 38.0800 68 70.0400 12 73.0200 4 28.0100 152 42.1000 2 71.0201 44 73.0301 11 29.0201 21 47.0300 8 71.0202 6 73.0302 4 29.0202 15 48.0400 64 7Z0101 25 73.0303 1 31.0101 19 49.0700 9 7Z0204 15 74.0000 20 31.0102 19 50.0400 30 73.0101 37 75.0001 9 32.0100 1 52.0300 1 73.0102 7 75.0002 45 32.0300 12 53.0200 2 73.0103 15 76.0205 1 3Z0400 502 55.0100 2 73.0104 23 77.0402 1 32.0600 1 59.0302 1 73.0106 4 77.0501 3 36.1600 1 62.0200 7 73.0107 13 78.0100 4 47.0300 4 63.0300 1 73.0109 6 79.0300 5 48.0400 56 65.0100 93 73.01 1 1 11 80.0000 16 49.0700 6 65.0200 6 73.0112 1 81.0001 9 50.0400 14 65.0301 372 73.0200 28 88.0000 943 52.0300 3 65.0400 14 73.0301 7 89.0000 48 53.0200 9 65.0500 51 73.0302 4 90.0000 1,158 55.0100 9 66.0100 31 73.0303 7 55.0300 1 68.0100 115 74.0000 33 24.0400 2.682 1 59.0302 64.0800 4 2 68.0202 68.0301 30 1 75.0001 75.0002 11 4.0002 33 7.0000 1 65.0100 99 68.0302 27 76.0205 1 12.0300 12 65.0200 10 69.0100 549 77.0402 1 17.0900 2 65.0301 382 69.0200 14 77.0501 5 20.0100 1 65.0400 5 70.0100 70 78 0100 4 20.0901 10 65.0500 59 70.0300 2 79.0300 23 24.0400 21 65.0702 1 70.0400 16 80 0000 11 24.0500 3 66.0100 37 71.0201 36 88.0000 2.006 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 221 Table 2B.— The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' 24.0703 . 24.0705 . Commodity used 89.0000 90.0000 7.0000 12.0300 17.1100 20.0100 24.0500 24.0702 24.0703 24.0800 25.0000 26.0803 27.0402 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 47.0300 48.0400 50.0400 53.0200 58.0200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 12.0300 17.0600 17.1001 20.0901 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0800 25.0000 27.0402 27.0404 31.0102 320400 420500 421000 48.0400 50.0400 53.0200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 Industry ' 72 1,250 1,912 ' 1 - 12 14 1 2 3 9 678 38 17 13 8 2 58 1 11 3 1 1 18 1 59 9 7 15 1 2 109 4 12 2 13 1 6 2 7 2 3 4 1 3 2 2 17 2 1 3 7 2 5 1 5 6 505 18 182 1,330 1 4 2 3 2 3 3 3 6 438 34 6 4 2 7 3 2 5 2 1 12 1 40 4 4 8 2 65 4 9 2 9 1 4 1 3 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 1 24.0706 . Commodity used 24.0800 . 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 17.0600 17.1001 20.0100 20.0200 24.0100 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 26.0803 27.0100 27.0402 27.0404 28.0100 28.0300 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 42.1000 42.1100 47.0300 48.0400 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0300 4.0002 7.0000 9.0003 12.0300 14.1700 14.2400 16.0100 Industry ' 6 1 3 1 4 4 3 303 11 278 4,349 2 6 18 19 9 8 1 161 4 11 4 3 78 946 72 3 4 23 12 52 48 10 4 3 19 4 53 5 8 4 14 14 1 2 2 1 1 39 3 125 1 2 16 13 74 16 5 5 267 8 29 1 7 34 4 14 6 14 4 9 8 1 9 4 7 7 1 35 3 3 3 15 6 12 1 1 3 4 12 11 34 1,088 39 717 49,077 11 29 314 296 909 484 19 51 Commodity used Value 17.1100 18.0400 20.0100 20.0200 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0401 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 36.1300 36.1600 36.1900 37.0101 42.0201 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 47.0300 48.0400 49.0100 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 Industry ' 1 5 3,431 1,847 20 32 7 3,591 1 8 24 9 122 481 200 7 1 2 4 1 1 3.014 24 6 1 100 296 184 11 7 303 7 404 16 3 150 849 2 52 9 2 4 1 43 128 109 26 97 5 7 1 110 2 3 4 3 1 3 14 12 6 2 643 33 1,312 1 136 158 5 2 95 1,967 1,017 222 196 2,632 31 311 29 83 92 23 146 16 183 436 84 92 241 51 75 46 69 7 148 78 41 20 182 79 353 1 6 3 7 31 25.0000 . 26.0100 . Commodity used 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 20.0100 20.0901 24.0100 24.0701 24.0703 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 27.0404 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 320400 32.0600 37.0101 38.0800 41.0202 41.0203 420201 421000 421100 47.0300 48.0400 50.0100 50.0400 58.0400 59.0302 620200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 17.1001 20.0903 29 1 30 102 30 727 10,388 428 8,030 31,938 8 25 159 28 9 230 39 153 13 13,018 77 21 3 4 52 250 359 151 106 234 5 1 8 136 1 233 71 15 3 2 215 17 24 148 1 60 1 8 6 2 1 357 21 1,211 12 145 1 1 91 324 77 30 1,967 8 202 4 46 159 4 95 3 53 129 26 60 78 16 91 27 44 3 52 34 11 18 117 44 104 2 1 4 19 1 17 18 14 7,982 280 2,038 34,407 21 281 3 4 See footnote at the end of the table. 222 ._ . .__\ _rr>ntinued Table 2B.— ' .-me use Table for mdustties (Co.umnsV-Con.in.ed [MiUionsotdoBrsal proof's' P"»« Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 24.0400 24.0701 24.0703 I 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 | 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0803 26.0806 27.0402 27.0404 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 37.0401 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 48.0500 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 520300 55.0200 56.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 | 84.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 I 65.0200 70.0100 I 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 7Z0201 72.0204 | 73.0101 73.0102 , 73.0103 I 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 ! 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 I 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 ! 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 I 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 26.0200 . 4.0002 12.0300 17.1001 26.0301 20.0903 24.0400 24.0701 , 24.0703 I 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0302 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 I 26.0802 26.0803 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 l 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 | 32.0600 34.0302 42.0500 42.1100 48.0500 51.0104 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 65.0100 65.0200 | 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 I 68.0302 69.0100 | 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 , 70.0400 | 71.0201 71.0202 1 72.0101 72.0201 7Z0204 73-0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 I 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 I 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 ! 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 i 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 | 12.0300 17.1001 20.0903 24.0400 I 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 | 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0501 26.0601 26.0302 26.0602 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 3Z0600 42.0500 4Z1100 47.0300 48.0500 50.0400 51.0104 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 6Z02O0 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720201 7Z02O4 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0503 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 7Z0201 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 I 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 , 75.0002 I 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1 1 5 48 1 1 22 3 88 19 17 51 11 144 1 30 1 8 32 42 13 19 5 13 14 3 13 9 14 15 4.0002 12.0300 | 16.0100 17.1001 20.0903 24.0400 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 I 26.0302 26.0400 I 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0404 27.0406 I 31.0101 32.0100 32.0300 3£0400 42.0500 4Z1100 47.0300 I 48.0500 50.0400 51.0104 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 I 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 I 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 18 5 17 29 2 1,775 27 560 11.021 1 38 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 292 4 24 101 114 218 1,223 6 2 58 4 3 7 1 15 1 1 131 1 1 4 4 13 2 2 3 10 9 1 1 1 9 6 66 1 42 52 25 7 1 332 See footnote at the end of the table. Value Industry ■ 26.0501 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 16.0100 17.1001 20.0903 24.0400 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 28.0200 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 34.0302 36.1600 37.0401 42.0500 42.1100 47.0300 48.0500 50.0100 j 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 55.0200 56.0100 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 DETAILED TABLES Tabte 2B.-The use .Table «or .ndustries (Coiumns^ontinued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 223 26.0601 Commodity used Value See footnote at the end of the table. 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 24.0701 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0501 26.0601 26.0803 26.0806 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 31.0101 32.0300 47.0300 48.0500 50.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 7£0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 Industry i 26.0602 . 14 20,096 313 7,583 26.0700 . Commodity used 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 16.0400 17.0600 24.0500 24.0702 24.0703 24.0800 25.0000 26.0400 26.0501 26.0602 26.0802 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 320400 37.0101 42.0500 42.1100 48.0500 50.0400 53.0200 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 24.0400 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 26.0601 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 27.0404 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 320400 47.0300 48.0500 50.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 Value Industry i 26.0802 . 26.0803 . Commodity used 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 17.0600 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 26.0602 26.0802 27.0402 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 320400 37.0101 48.0500 50.0400 620200 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 120300 24.0800 26.0200 26.0501 26.0803 26.0806 27.0406 31.0101 320300 38.0501 Value 224 BBKCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF Table 2B-The Use Table for Industries Table 2B. [Millions of dollars at producers THE UNITED STATES, 1992 (Columns>-Continued prices] Commodity used 47.0300 . 48.0500 50.0400 59.0302 ' 62.0200 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 I 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 I 71.0201 71.0202 | 72.0101 72.0204 I 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 | 73.0111 73.0112 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 I 88.0000 \ 89.0000 90.0000 Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' 26.0806 . 1 37 3 1 4 64 1 1 5 6 5 13 3 1 33 12 2 31 3 5 2 6 2 7 9 1 11 6 10 1 8 2 4 7 4 4 1 3 5 916 8 302 3.0001 4.0002 12.0300 24.0800 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0406 28.0200 31.0101 32.0400 38.0900 47.0300 48.0500 50.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.1200 650200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.465 5 2 24 37 22 46 1 2 144 1 1 1 12 8 46 1 2 2 1 1 228 1 1 17 19 16 34 9 2 128 1 22 1 5 47 4 11 6 13 3 10 11 1 9 6 11 1 12 6 1 8 13 9 11 2 2 10 1.830 19 566 27.0100 89.157 2.0201 2.0503 2.0702 3.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0004 10.0000 12.0300 20.0903 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 27.0201 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 32.0100 3Z0400 320600 35.0100 36.1300 36.1600 36.1900 36.2200 37.0101 37.0401 38.0100 38.0501 39.0100 39.0200 4Z0201 4Z0500 4Z0800 4Z1100 47.0300 48.0600 49.0100 50.0100 50.0400 5Z0300 53.0200 53.0700 55.0100 58.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 27.0201 Commodity used 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 I 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 I 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value Industry ' 27.0202 4.0002 5.0001 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 10.0000 12.0300 24.0702 24.0800 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 31.0101 3Z0400 37.0101 42.0800 49.0700 50.0400 59.0302 62.0200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Commodity used 65.0200 I 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 I 66.0100 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 I 71.0201 71.0202 7Z0101 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 I 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 , 73.0303 74.0000 I 75.0001 75.0002 I 76.0101 77.0501 79.0300 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 27.0300 4.0002 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 10.0000 1Z0300 14.2700 24.0702 24.0800 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 31.0101 32.0400 39.0200 65.0100 1 56 4 6 9 15 1 11 1 137 12 3 14 1 6 3 7 2 4 12 I 1 9 2 3 75 16 4 8 6 2 7 1 1 5 3 269 15 82 3.0001 4.0002 7.0000 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 1Z0300 14.1700 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 3Z0400 3Z0600 35.0100 35.0200 36.1300 36.1900 39.0100 39.0200 42.0800 4Z1100 47.0300 49.0700 50.0400 53.0200 55.0100 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7Z0101 7Z0201 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 8.901 10 3 6 10 3 92 64 282 3 3 1 81 106 1,673 83 135 2 3 66 96 5 93 1 4 12 5 25 42 42 25 6 1 9 7 1 2 2 1 91 6 206 37 29 1 17 85 57 3 44 473 9 124 2 1/ Z 11 21 See footnote at the end ot the table. DETAILED TABLES 225 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 73.0111 43 59.0302 1 27.0401 59 17.1100 1 73.0112 4 63.0300 1 27.0404 1 19.0306 1 73.0200 124 65.0100 55 27.0405 56 24.0500 5 73.0301 70 65.0200 3 28.0100 139 24.0702 7 73.0302 ■ 46 65.0301 205 28.0200 12 24.0800 1 73.0303 3 65.0400 28 30.0000 345. 25.0000 117 74.0000 33 65.0500 15 31.0101 101 26.0501 5 75.0001 11 65.0600 2 39.0100 33 27.0100 1,573 75.0002 32 66.0100 21 39.0200 9 27 0401 88 76.0101 1 68.0100 49 50.0400 2 27.0403 61 76.0205 1 68.0202 17 65.0100 S5 27.0406 63 77.0402 8 68.0301 1 65.0200 i 28.0100 93 77.0501 5 68.0302 18 65.0301 85 28.0200 8 78.0100 3 69.0100 228 65.0400 9 29.0201 9 79.0300 5 69.0200 10 65.0500 8 29.0202 4 80.0000 14 70.0100 35 65.0600 i 29.0203 81 88.0000 1,171 70.0300 1 66.0100 9 31.0101 278 89.0000 76 70.0400 7 68.0100 ?C 31.0102 6 90.0000 2,739 71.0201 20 68.0202 5 32.0400 94 71.0202 3 68.0302 T 32.0500 1 27.0401 728 26 72.0101 72.0201 16 1 69.0100 70.0100 161 19 I I 35.0100 35.0200 4 3.0001 4 7.0000 22 72.0204 7 70.0400 5 36.0100 1 12.0300 10 73.0101 15 71.0201 17 361900 1 20.0100 8 73.0102 5 71.0202 1 37.0101 1 20.0200 28 73.0103 9 72.0101 9 38.0501 1 24.0500 2 73.0104 9 720204 i 39.0100 95 24.0702 2 73.0106 4 73.0101 4 39.0200 9 24.0800 7 73.0107 12 73.0102 ? 41.0203 3 25.0000 9 73.0109 5 73.0103 s 42.1000 9 27.0100 15 73.0111 7 73.0104 3 42.1100 2 27.0401 105 73.0112 1 73.0106 1 47.0300 3 31.0101 2 73.0200 112 73.0107 4 50.0400 8 31.0102 2 73.0301 45 73.0109 2 52.0300 1 32.0400 16 73.0302 56 73.01 1 1 3 53.0200 3 39.0100 4 73.0303 4 73.0200 11 55.0100 2 53.0200 1 74.0000 20 73.0301 23 59.0302 1 65.0100 10 75.0001 5 73.0302 17 63.0300 1 65.0301 8 75.0002 13 73.0303 3 65.0100 121 65.0400 1 76.0101 1 74.0000 12 65.0200 6 65.0500 2 76.0205 1 75.0001 3 65.0301 606 66.0100 1 77.0402 2 75.0002 3 65.0400 51 68.0100 9 77.0501 3 77.0501 2 65.0500 30 68.0202 12 78.0100 1 79.0300 8 65.0600 3 68.0302 1 79.0300 1 80.0000 19 66.0100 30 69.0100 16 80.0000 31 88.0000 720 68.0100 108 69.0200 3 88.0000 1,172 89.0000 25 68.0202 76 70.0100 5 89.0000 47 90.0000 225 68.0301 8 70.0300 2 90.0000 851 68.0302 41 70.0400 2 27.0405 618 69.0100 474 71.0201 1 27.0403 1,187 7.0000 1 69.0200 15 71.0202 1 3.0001 1 8.0001 30 70.0100 64 72.0101 2 12.0300 2 24.0800 4 70.0300 12 72.0204 1 24.0800 8 25.0000 5 70.0400 14 73.0101 2 25.0000 7 31.0101 157 71.0201 29 73.0102 1 27.0100 3 32.0400 1 71.0202 6 73.0103 2 27.0201 76 49.0100 1 720101 31 73.0104 1 27.0403 165 65.0100 1 720201 1 73.0107 1 31.0101 8 65.0301 3 720204 15 73.0109 1 32.0400 2 65.0400 3 73.0101 36 73.0111 1 39.0200 1 65.0500 1 73.0102 12 73.0301 7 50.0400 2 65.0600 2 73.0103 18 73.0302 11 65.0100 2 66.0100 2 73.0104 25 74.0000 3 65.0301 12 68.0100 23 73.0106 7 75.0001 1 65.0400 1 68.0201 4 73.0107 17 75.0002 2 65.0500 3 68.0202 10 73.0109 7 79.0300 2 66.0100 4 68.0302 2 73.0111 13 80.0000 4 68.0100 7 69.0100 19 73.0112 1 88.0000 117 68.0202 3 70.0100 3 73.0200 85 89.0000 6 68.0302 2 70.0400 1 73.0301 82 90.0000 230 69.0100 53 71.0201 1 73.0302 92 69.0200 1 71.0202 1 73.0303 5 27.0402 5,420 700100 6 72.0101 1 74 0000 36 11 3.0001 1 70.0400 4 720204 2 75.0001 4.0002 2 71.0201 17 73.0101 6 75.0002 29 7.0000 2 71.0202 1 73.0102 1 76.0101 1 9.0004 109 720101 4 73.0103 1 76.0201 1 12.0300 35 72.0204 1 73.0104 5 76.0205 1 14.1700 31 73.0101 2 73.0107 1 77.0402 6 14.2700 5 73.0102 2 73.0109 1 77.0501 6 24.0500 4 73.0103 2 73.0111 1 78.0100 4 24.0702 4 73.0104 3 73.0301 5 79.0300 2 24.0800 1 73.0107 1 73.0302 10 80 0000 195 25.0000 103 73.0109 1 74.0000 3 88.0000 2.150 27.0100 870 73.0111 1 75.0001 1 89.0000 83 27.0201 20 73.0200 1 75.0002 4 90.0000 1,535 27.0402 32 73.0301 39 79.0300 2 27.0406 28.0100 9 358 73.0302 73.0303 15 18 80.0000 88.0000 13 137 28.0100 31.052 4.0002 11 28.0200 182 74.0000 5 89.0000 4 7.0000 32 29.0201 6 75.0001 1 90.0000 145 8.0001 207 29.0202 3 75.0002 3 120300 252 31.0101 31.0102 219 5 77.0501 79.0300 1 3 27.0406 9,736 142 14.2500 14.2600 34 20503 8 32.0300 30 80.0000 23 4.0002 4 16.0100 2 32.0400 74 88.0000 653 6.0200 1 17.1100 1 35.0100 3 89.0000 8 7.0000 8 18.0400 2 38.0501 1 90.0000 9 9.0001 52 24.0500 6 39.0100 84 9.0003 128 24.0701 101 39.0200 31 27.0404 3,034 9 0004 5 24 0702 10 91 42.1100 7 4.0002 1 10.0000 166 24^0800 47.0300 1 7.0000 1 120300 63 25.0000 133 50.0400 7 12.0300 13 14.1700 4 26.0200 1 52.0300 1 14.2700 6 14.2500 44 26.0601 1 53.0200 2 24.0800 1 14.2600 100 27.0100 11.143 55.0100 2 27.0100 747 14.2700 I 173 27.0201 100 See footnote at the end of the table. 226 ^c rsa tt-TF UNITED STATES, 1992 BEKCHMAKK .NPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNI ._ . . a ^/^rvntinuea T ble 2B _ Th e use Table «or .ndusWes (Columns^onSnued Table 2B .-...- u wMns d dolars a pfoaucers . p,^, Commodity used Value 28.0200 27.0402 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1300 36.1600 37.0101 42.0201 420800 47.0300 48.0600 49.0100 49.0700 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65 0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7Z0101 7Z0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Industry ' Commodity used Value industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 611 13 140 558 45 53 9 5 74 12 106 6 1,652 6 7 2 3 1 1 9 13 20 4 15 43 1 3 2 1 4 3 1 295 21 652 118 118 11 1 64 652 28 331 24 131 1,639 16 199 35 46 60 57 94 6 77 185 31 55 111 18 49 22 39 4 187 255 193 481 116 31 149 2 4 2 4 54 19 9 11 167 4,754 258 3,609 28.0300 3.0001 4.0002 I 7.0000 8.0001 12.0300 | 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 I 28.0200 29.0203 30.0000 | 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 32.0600 39.0200 42.0800 47.0300 , 49.0100 50.0400 I 53.0200 65.0100 I 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 I 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78 0100 79.0300 88.0000 B9.0000 90.0000 28.0400 7.0000 12.0300 24.0100 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 28.0100 31.0101 31.0102 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.2500 29.0100 16.0100 16.0300 24.0100 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 I 27.0100 27.0201 27.0406 28.0100 28.0300 28.0400 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 3Z0400 32-0600 36.1600 4Z0800 | 47.0300 , 49.0700 50.0400 I 53.0200 55.0100 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 I 65.0500 66.0100 I 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7Z0101 7Z0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 ] 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0201 2.0503 ^0702 3.0001 4.0002 7.0000 9.0004 120300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0400 14.1502 14.1700 14.2500 14.2700 14.3202 17.1100 19.0200 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 3Z0300 3Z0400 32.0600 35.0100 35.0200 36.0900 36.1600 39.0100 39.0200 41.0202 42.0500 42.1000 42.1100 47.0300 49.0100 49.0700 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 55.0300 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0503 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 680302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 330 3 1 1,350 5 174 8,365 25 24 62 21 2 1,307 3 39 217 10 1 73 8 65 10 27 3 3 33 8 24 2 7 5 7 15 14 42 5 2 23 77 49 254 12 211 2 210 440 153 14 106 3.970 46 406 1 76 85 295 205 196 11 49 126 86 135 156 51 195 6 348 231 352 3.715 754 138 838 235 65 96 38 5 4 10 191 36 2 22 22 1,911 12,041 685 19.231 4.0002 7.0000 1Z0300 14.1700 14.2600 14.2700 | 17.1100 19.0200 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 I 24.0800 25.0000 I See footnote at me end of me table. DETAILED TABLES 227 Table 2B.— The Use Table for Industries (Columns>-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used 29.0202 . Value 26.0302 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0401 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 36.1600 39.0100 39.0200 42.1000 47.0300 49.0100 49.0700 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 55.0300 59.0302 63.0300 64.0501 64.0800 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0302 4.0002 7.0000 9.0003 12.0300 14.2600 14.2700 17.1001 17.1100 19.0200 20.0200 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 Industry ' 2 88 2 2,153 3 1 162 100 15 586 296 46 19 2 583 1 1 27 3 12 2 3 1 11 3 10 9 1 1 1 1 3 98 10 171 31 45 1 50 80 38 2 20 875 60 89 16 19 64 25 41 2 12 30 16 25 37 9 12 12 19 2 185 180 34 8 50 14 25 2 2 1 2 14 8 16 7 67 1,508 115 3,630 6,104 41 2 1 13 21 1 3 6 1 1 2 7 6 8 2 198 59 1 339 30 12 70 124 29.0203 . Commodity used Value 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 35.0200 39.0100 39.0200 41.0202 41.0203 42.0800 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 39.0100 39.0200 62.0200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 Industry ' 79 10 88 6 395 1 169 19 16 25 5 6 1 7 1 3 2 1 14 5 65 8 20 32 27 8 1 8 264 15 40 1 8 58 12 19 1 6 14 5 13 17 3 12 42 9 1 57 73 21 4 24 6 12 1 6 4 5 2 13 959 54 2,353 2,747 2 2 16 4 67 30 1 15 1 409 101 8 19 211 109 1 109 27 5 3 43 1 49 9 8 5 33 24 4 10 116 1 18 4 6 2 8 3 7 3 6 29.0300 . Commodity used Value 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 17.1001 17.1100 19.0200 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 35.0200 36.1600 36.1900 37.0401 39.0100 39.0200 41.0202 41.0203 42.0500 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 55.0300 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0800 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 Commodity used 8 1 2 3 4 5 20 3 1 11 3 6 2 2 1 42 530 21 582 17,875 4 2 82 15 31 64 1 2 1 1 18 1 20 3 660 1 5 2 535 1 125 22 14 187 404 1 136 18 1 1,339 1 2 211 1 1 1 162 19 3 5 1 3 17 50 4 16 3 8 7 1 1 2 3 2 21 13 168 6 61 1 36 67 13 23 777 51 118 21 24 132 45 56 2 9 24 13 51 21 8 34 197 45 4 2,357 163 30.0000 . 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 3.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0100 7.0000 9.0003 9.0004 ^0300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 29.0201 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 35.0100 36.1900 37.0402 38.0501 39.0100 39.0200 41.0100 41.0203 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 55 42 65 19 19 24 2 1 3 18 12 18 2 257 2,848 151 5,558 14,198 7 4 19 1 2 3 1 52 9 66 54 2 1 10 1 2,865 30 1,768 9 2 253 142 1 3 185 5 1 438 62 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 1 248 10 360 45 40 1 1 35 83 24 50 619 2 92 16 19 55 3 44 1 8 20 10 25 22 6 28 8 17 1 187 130 20 8 52 16 17 2 2 1 2 1 8 7 1 68 2.880 121 2,770 See footnote at the end of the table. 228 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B.— The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' 31.0101 Commodity used Value 2.070; 132,281 > 1 4.000: I 13 5.000 21 7.000( ) 6 8.000' 74,322 9.000; I - 10 10.000C I 20 12.030C 1,028 14.250C 13 14.260C 28 14.270C 9 20.0903 2 24.040C 2 24.050C 1 24.0701 1 24.0702 2 24.0703 1 24.0705 1 24.0706 1 24.0800 6 25.0000 29 26.0100 1 26.0200 2 26.0601 5 26.0602 2 27.0100 1,279 27.0406 287 29.0201 3 29.0203 97 31.0101 8,693 31.0102 3 31.0103 210 32.0100 2 32.0400 131 320600 1 34.0302 1 36.1300 1 36.1900 2 37.0101 20 39.0100 16 39.0200 2 42.0201 1 42.0500 1 42.0800 11 42.1100 77 47.0300 19 49.0100 1 50.0100 1 50.0400 84 52.0300 1 55.0200 6 58.0400 2 59.0302 9 62.0200 12 63.0300 6 64.0101 1 64.0501 1 64.0503 1 64.0504 1 64.1200 1 65.0100 212 65.0200 19 65.0301 419 65.0302 1 65.0400 585 65.0500 54 65.0600 4.444 65.0702 2 66.0100 147 68.0100 1,408 68.0201 9,900 68.0202 1,557 68.0301 53 68.0302 338 69.0100 5,077 69.0200 15 70.0100 868 70.0300 172 70.0400 125 71.0201 279 71.0202 898 72.0101 99 72.0201 16 72.0204 213 72.0205 1 73.0101 509 73.0102 38 73.0103 104 73.0104 291 73.0106 24 73.0107 65 73.0109 58 73.0111 243 73.0112 4 73.0200 228 73.0301 499 73.0302 321 73.0303 30 74.0000 223 75.0001 17 75.0002 407 76.0101 2 76.0201 4 76.0203 4 76.0205 7 Industry ' 31.0102. 31.0103. Commodity used 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 3.0001 4.0002 120300 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0401 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 320400 36.1900 39.0100 39.0200 421100 50.0400 53.0200 55.0100 59.0302 620200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 8.0001 120300 31.0101 31.0103 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 65 26 1 42 10 310 6.367 3,877 5.092 4.824 1 2 33 20 47 22 4 4 1 84 448 33 31 17 3 227 1.604 20 225 2 98 12 17 2 1 2 38 4 15 3 79 28 16 19 9 24 20 5 316 9 31 2 7 14 2 15 1 4 9 5 9 7 4 7 3 6 182 40 3 2 19 4 9 2 1 3 1 704 116 67 812 1 177 4 80 40 2 4 7 14 2 13 2 12 24 13 2 21 5 1 3 3 1 2 Industry ' 31.0200. 31.0300. Commodity used 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0403 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 4.0002 7.0000 9.0002 12.0300 20.0903 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0406 29.0203 31.0101 31 0200 32.0400 36.1900 39.0200 42 1100 50.0400 59.0302 62.0200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 9.0002 9.0004 120300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 31.0101 31.0300 32.0400 35.0100 36.1300 36.1900 39.0100 50.0400 59.0302 620200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 2 7 2 2 3 i 1 l 1 6 3 i 5 5 ? X irs 20 169 406' 33* IS 1 1 11 6 T2 1 o*j 90 6* 3 3 9 2 i 2 13 3 129 61 12 17 8 82 120 10 175 1 26 1 5 20 2 12 9 21 4 6 11 1 15 3 4 31 33 3 4 14 4 19 1 2 1 11 877 96 479 3.731 2 39 1 14 88 9 2 600 6 49 330 5 265 6 2 1 7 82 2 60 37 13 6 Industry ■ 32010C Commodity used Value 66.0100 10 68.0100 38 68.0202 34 68.0302 14 69.0100 180 69.0200 1 70.0100 24 70.0300 1 70.0400 5 71.0201 9 71.0202 2 720101 11 72.0204 7 73.0101 16 73.0102 4 73.0103 7 73.0104 11 73.0106 1 73.0107 12 73.0109 4 73.0111 5 73.0200 91 73.0301 33 73 0302 3 73.0303 1 74.0000 14 75.0001 3 75.0002 13 76.0101 1 76.0205 1 77.0402 1 77.0501 2 78.0100 1 79.0300 11 88.0000 739 89.0000 91 90.0000 704 11,862 529 3.0001 4.0002 4 7.0000 2 9.0003 2 12.0300 89 16.0100 2 17.0700 1,018 17.1100 75 24.0500 1 24.0702 2 24.0800 3 25.0000 17 26.0601 1 27.0100 647 27.0405 324 27.0406 14 28.0100 31 28.0200 1,045 31.0101 31 31.0102 2 32.0100 6 320300 188 320400 5 320500 103 320600 1 36.1900 2 37.0101 44 37.0200 1 38.0900 2 38.1000 7 420500 38 47.0300 2 48.0600 5 49.0100 1 49.0700 1 50.0400 8 59.0302 2 65.0100 58 65.0200 8 65.0301 389 65.0400 18 65.0500 39 65.0702 1 66.0100 33 68.0100 217 68.0202 63 68.0301 5 68.0302 16 69.0100 403 69.0200 4 70.0100 75 70.0300 13 70.0400 16 71.0201 25 71.0202 29 72.0101 36 72.0201 1 72.0204 33 73.0101 80 73.0102 I 12 73.0103 22 73.0104 51 73.0106 8 73.0107 12 73.0109 11 73.0111 15 73.0112 1 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 229 Table 2B.— The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' 32.0200 . 32.0300 Commodity used 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 3.0001 16.0100 16.0200 16.0400 17.1001 19.0306 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0402 28.0100 28.0200 31.0101 31.0102 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.0001 4.0002 7.0000 9.0003 12.0300 16.0100 17.1001 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0401 27.0402 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 36.1600 36.1900 36.2200 60 39 12 100 43 19 64 2 1 2 1 7 4 11 2 83 3,617 355 1,491 831 19 94 7 17 3 1 10 9 29 2 20 23 3 1 4 112 2 11 6 2 9 3 85 1 5 2 6 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 1 16 2 5 3 1 2 2 14 272 4 7 11,160 259 4 3 2 62 238 9 1 4 11 5 52 48 1 9 2 462 8 2 116 43 443 889 14 87 2 1 59 6 566 112 1 8 2 92 Industry ' 32.0400 . Commodity used Value 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 38.0900 38.1000 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0500 47.0300 48.0500 48.0600 49.0700 50.0400 53.0200 53.0500 55.0100 59.0302 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 9.0003 12.0300 14.2500 16.0100 16.0300 16.0400 17.1001 17.1100 18.0400 19.0200 20.0200 20.0300 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 91 51 7 1 6 3 31 68 20 20 27 9 5 71 1 18 2 5 3 2 50 8 245 19 38 29 197 61 1 19 576 10 73 13 17 61 28 34 2 14 34 13 29 30 7 27 28 27 3 69 24 81 12 48 22 27 2 7 22 5 43 3,578 65 1,398 81,757 30 10 4 574 11 395 10 14 34 12 9 11 1 5 4 2 104 1 1 42 38 47 650 1,288 1 6 5 17 2 3,459 100 7 26 15,433 734 31 449 44 31 73 Industry ' Commodity used Value 32.0500 . 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.1000 40.0400 40.0700 40.0800 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0200 460200 47 0100 47.0300 480600 490700 50.0400 52.0300 53 0200 55.0100 55 0200 55.0300 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.0001 4.0002 Industry ' 151 43 2 293 4,571 1 611 33 8 2 4 156 37 3 21 8 1 24 140 1 61 28 20 199 190 20 2 10 161 285 10 525 6 18 15 25 1 7 38 18 1 14 4 7 11 12 1 4 9 568 54 2,591 1 129 309 2 223 1,740 274 6 106 3,492 118 525 2 88 122 685 154 248 11 136 328 82 174 267 48 181 111 155 21 464 164 138 87 322 82 267 4 7 4 10 39 49 3 294 25 59 76 21,741 473 12,971 2,567 13 1 32.0600 . Commodity used Value 7.0000 12.0300 16.0100 16.0200 17.1001 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0100 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 36.1900 37.0101 38.0900 38.1100 40.0200 42.0300 42.0500 47.0300 48.0600 50.0400 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.0001 4.0002 9.0004 1Z0300 20.0200 20.0903 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 28.0100 28.0200 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 38.0900 41.0203 4Z0201 42.0500 47.0300 49.0700 50.0400 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 1 19 250 2 41 1 3 27 20 1 88 32 17 78 156 13 2 118 9 2 2 41 2 4 3 50 27 3 5 11 10 1 51 9 8 36 11 1 3 120 2 16 4 9 6 7 5 11 3 6 8 1 7 3 4 20 3 14 2 11 2 10 1 4 2 10 750 14 340 3.184 11 1 5 13 3 52 1 57 9 1 139 204 2 11 178 48 32 6 124 5 7 2 32 8 8 25 1 10 1 61 17 12 13 47 9 See footnote at the end of the table. 230 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Industry ' 33.0001 34.0100 . Commodity used 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 120300 14.0101 14.2700 24.0800 27.0100 27.0401 27.0406 29.0202 29.0203 31.0101 33.0001 36.1300 50.0400 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 14.0101 17.1001 24.0800 27.0100 33.0001 34.0100 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 Table 2B.— ■ ■The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Value 3 100 21 1 5 "22 - 8 10 2 6 4 9 10 3 11 6 10 1 20 7 3 3 15 3 5 1 2 5 1 8 1.171 19 534 2,940 1 2 13 817 7 1 312 4 5 7 1 18 611 6 2 7 1 54 12 3 31 18 3 5 107 19 4 16 1 9 5 2 7 2 5 3 1 4 3 4 3 3 2 12 3 6 2 2 6 2 599 20 147 312 2 19 2 1 3 74 54 3 2 1 2 1 1 5 2 1 Industry i 34.0201 34.0202 . 34.0301 Commodity used 720101 73.0301 74.0000 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 120300 16.0200 16.0400 17.0600 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 33.0001 34.0100 34.0201 47.0300 50.0400 64.0700 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68 0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1Z03O0 16.0400 17.0600 24.0800 25.0000 320300 32.0400 33.0001 34.0100 48.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 73.0301 74.0000 75.0002 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 See footnote at the end of the table. 12.0300 16.0100 16.0300 16.0400 18.0300 33.0001 34.0301 65.0301 Value 121 2 5 2 5 4 40 2 1 ,i 1 1 2 1 1 85 3 45 3.389 25 18 6 78 1 3 41 28 1 1 14 2 138 85 870 112 20 2 10 2 1 1 31 14 8 20 4 78 192 3 19 5 16 3 10 2 3 4 4 43 1 14 5 3 128 6 2 15 3 5 1 2 11 9 924 25 317 268 2 1 23 4 3 26 1 21 8 1 1 1 1 2 1 12 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 73 2 75 Industry' 34.0302 . 34.0303. 34.0304. Commodity used 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 70.0100 70.0400 73.0200 73.0301 74.0000 75.0002 88.0000 90.0000 12.0300 16.0100 16.0400 17.0600 17.1001 24.0800 28.0100 31.0101 32.0400 33.0001 34.0302 42.0300 64.0700 64.1200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 120300 16.0100 16.0400 17.0600 24.0800 27.0402 320400 33.0001 34.0303 420300 50.0400 64.0700 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 720101 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 120300 16.0100 16.0400 17.0600 24.0800 27.0402 28.0100 Value 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 43 5 899 10 130 8 69 4 1 10 10 21 49 9 36 8 1 5 3 4 6 2 1 60 5 2 8 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 31 1 1 4 1 1 2 216 6 163 Industry ■ 458 4 8 3 9 1 1 7 94 2 20 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 9 3 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 12 3 1 3 1 2 2 120 3 122 428 4 30 8 11 1 1 1 34.0305 35.0100 . Commodity used 320400 33.0001 34.0304 420300 421100 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 120300 16.0100 16.0400 17.0600 27.0402 29.0203 31.0101 320400 33.0001 34.0305 41.0100 41.0203 420300 64.0700 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 7.0000 9.0002 120300 20.0200 20.0901 20.0903 20.09O4 21.0000 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 320300 32.0400 32.0500 35.0100 36.0900 36.1300 36.1400 Value 2 54 7 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 6 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 12 2 1 2 1 1 2 140 3 108 553 3 17 7 5 1 32 6 16 101 4 1 2 1 2 4 3 4 4 2 18 4 1 7 22 2 1 2 167 3 98 12,911 7 17 57 117 95 26 69 64 2 12 8 3 8 4 215 1 467 71 10 6 12 65 9 48 221 4 1,601 1 2 67 Table 2B.— DETAILED TABLES -The Use Table for Industries (Co.umns>-Contin U ed [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 231 Industry ' Commodity used 35.0200 . 2,911 1 11 51 111 J 4 215 I 481 11 10 36.1600 36.1900 36.2200 37.0101 37.0401 41.0203 47.0300 48.0200 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 53.0700 55.0100 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 9.0002 12.0300 17.1100 19.0200 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 27.0402 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 35.0200 36.1200 36.1300 36.1900 37.0101 47.0300 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 59.0302 64.0800 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 36.0100 . 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 7.0000 9.0001 9.0003 9.0004 12.0300 20.0200 20.0901 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0403 28.0100 31.0101 31.0102 31.0200 32.0100 32.0300 32.0500 32.0600 36.0100 36.0400 36.1300 36.1400 36.1900 36.2100 37.0101 40.0400 42.0300 47.0300 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 58.0400 59.0302 6Z0200 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 1 9 45 5 15 1 16 37 6 10 25 4 7 5 7 1 15 10 1 1 20 7 29 1 3 4 1 2 71 1,558 43 966 36.0200 . 36.0300 . 9 5 5 7 36 6 14 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 9.0003 9.0004 12.0300 20.0200 20.0600 20.0901 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0403 30.0000 310101 31.0102 31.0200 32.0300 36.0200 36.1600 37.0101 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 7.0000 9.0003 12.0300 20.0200 20.0600 20.0901 24.0800 27.0100 27.0403 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 36.0300 36.0400 36.1900 36.2100 37.0101 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 36.0400 36.0500 . 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 7.0000 9.0003 12.0300 20.0200 20.0600 20.0901 24.0800 27.0100 27.0403 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 36.0100 36.0200 36.0400 36.1400 36.1900 36.2100 37.0101 42.1100 50.0400 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 7.0000 9.0003 12.0300 20.0200 20.0600 20.0901 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 3Z0300 32.0400 36.0500 36.1400 36.1900 4Z1100 65.0100 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 680202 68.0301 70.0100 70.0400 73.0102 73.0301 4 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 8 1 3 1 1 2 9 260 6 74 848 6 65 11 2 2 5 1 16 3 3 13 2 6 3 3 2 40 1 6 56 1 5 2 5 144 4 3 7 16 16 10 5 2 6 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 253 7 88 126 2 3 2 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 6 1 4 7 1 1 1 1 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 232 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 74.000 1 65.0301 5 73.0101 2 32.0300 33 I 75.0002 1 66.0100 73.0102 1 320400 64 88.0000 54 68.0100 73.0103 2 32.0600 1 89.0000 2 68.0202 73.0104 2 36.0100 364 90.0000 13 69.0100 70.0400 2 73.0109 73.0111 1 1 36.0200 36.1000 3 4 36.0600 - 855 1 73.0301 74.0000 73.0200 73.0301 16 2 36.1100 36.1200 182 115 4.0002 7.0000 4 75.0002 74.0000 3 36.1900 7 9.0003 19 88.0000 23 75.0001 1 37.0101 268 12.030' 11 90.0000 -2 75.0002 4 38.0900 7 2002C 1 79.0300 2 38.1000 33 20.09C 2 36.0800 894 80.0000 30 40.0700 14 25.00C 23 7.0000 3 88.0000 301 420201 1 27.01 Oi 13 9.0003 30 89.0000 6 420500 123 27.0402 2 12.0300 12 90.0000 42 421100 12 30.0000 2 20.0200 1 47.0300 3 31.0101 31.0102 11 1 20.0901 24.0800 1 1 36.1000 1,638 2 47.0405 49.0700 68 8 40002 32.0300 4 25.0000 10 7.0000 6 50.0100 1 32.0400 3 31.0101 10 9.0001 34 50.0400 11 36.1300 1 32.0300 2 9 0002 79 52.0300 1 36.1400 18 32.0400 6 9.0003 4 58.0400 4 36.1900 1 32.0600 2 9.0004 14 59.0302 8 41.0203 8 36.0800 3 12.0300 13 63.0300 1 421100 2 36.1600 1 20.0200 1 64.1200 1 50.0400 2 36.1900 4 24.0800 1 65.0100 38 65.0100 3 41.0203 34 25.0000 1 65.0200 3 65.0301 48 42.0401 3 29.0203 5 65.0301 229 65.0400 1 42.0402 - 30.0000 2 65.0400 31 65.0500 3 47.0300 31.0101 21 65.0500 16 66.0100 2 49.0700 32.0100 1 66.0100 22 68.0100 13 50.0400 36 0100 173 68.0100 51 68.0202 12 55.0200 18 36 0200 3 68.0202 32 68.0302 1 62.0200 12 361000 13 68.0302 8 69.0100 40 65.0100 3 36 1100 9 69.0100 233 70.0100 5 65.0301 62 36.1200 42 69.0200 10 70.0400 2 65.0400 2 36 1900 16 70.0100 46 71.0201 3 65.0500 3 37.0101 9 70.0300 1 71 0202 1 66.0100 3 38.1000 2 70.0400 13 72.0101 2 68.0100 23 42.0500 1 71.0201 46 72.0204 1 68.0202 9 47.0300 1 71.0202 3 73.0101 2 68.0302 1 50.0400 2 72.0101 17 73.0102 3 69.0100 16 59.0302 2 720201 4 73.0103 2 70.0100 5 65.0100 22 720204 12 73.0104 2 70.0400 2 65.0200 1 73.0101 30 73.0106 1 71.0201 3 65.0301 101 73.0102 7 73.0107 1 71.0202 1 65.0400 22 73.0103 16 73.0109 1 72.0101 2 65.0500 5 73.0104 15 73.01 1 1 1 720204 2 66.0100 6 73.0106 5 73.0200 3 73.0101 6 68.0100 24 73.0107 16 73.0301 4 73.0102 2 68.0202 17 73.0109 15 74.0000 3 73.0103 1 68.0302 1 73.01 1 1 17 75.0001 1 73.0104 3 69.0100 54 73.0112 4 75.0002 2 73.0107 1 69.0200 2 73.0200 65 79.0300 2 73.0109 2 70.0100 13 73.0301 13 80.0000 2 73.01 1 1 1 70.0400 3 73.0302 13 88.0000 309 73.0301 2 71.0201 16 73.0303 10 89.0000 7 74.0000 3 71.0202 1 74.0000 23 90.0000 243 75.0001 1 72.0101 5 75.0001 9 75.0002 5 720201 1 75.0002 25 36.0701 309 5 78.0100 79.0300 2 2 72.0204 73.0101 7 15 76.0205 77.0402 1 1 5.0001 7.0000 2 80.0000 5 73.0102 5 77.0501 3 9.0003 8 88.0000 365 73.0103 4 78.0100 4 12.0300 12 89.0000 7 73.0104 8 79.0300 16 25.0000 5 90.0000 183 73.0106 3 80.0000 2 31.0101 1 73.0107 2 88.0000 2.067 36.0701 11 36.0900 654 73.0109 3 89.0000 58 36.1400 3 7.0000 2 73.01 1 1 4 90.0000 645 41.0203 4 9.0003 21 73.0200 17 64 0504 1 12.0300 12 73.0301 9 36.1200 11,900 65.0301 19 20.0200 2 73.0302 1 4.0002 5 65.0302 1 20.0901 2 73.0303 3 7.0000 32 65.0500 1 25.0000 13 74.0000 7 9.0001 373 66.0100 2 27.0100 12 75.0001 4 9.0002 1,133 68.0100 7 27.0402 3 75.0002 12 9.0003 7 68.0202 5 27.0406 3 77.0501 1 9.0004 4 69.0100 1 30.0000 7 78.0100 3 120300 59 70.0100 3 31.0101 10 79.0300 5 20.0200 7 70.0400 1 31.0102 2 88.0000 496 24.0800 2 72.0101 1 320300 2 89.0000 19 25.0000 3 72.0204 1 32.0400 7 90.0000 259 26.0200 1 73.0101 1 36.0900 9 26.0601 1 73.0102 73.0104 1 1 36.1900 41.0203 1 6 36.1100 5,652 3 27.0100 27.0401 288 4.0002 3 73.0200 5 42.1000 3 7.0000 13 27.0403 10 73.0301 1 42.1100 6 9.0001 41 27.0406 63 73.0303 1 50.0400 2 9.0002 157 29.0203 58 74.0000 2 64.0502 1 9.0003 5 31.0101 90 75.0002 1 64.0800 2 9.0004 4 31.0102 1 79.0300 1 65.0100 1 120300 30 320100 2 80.0000 7 65.0301 50 20.0200 31 320400 2 88.0000 165 65.0400 1 24.0702 4 320600 5 89.0000 2 65.0500 2 24.0800 1 35.0200 24 90.0000 27 66.0100 2 25.0000 3 36.0100 1,887 68.0100 10 26.0200 1 36.1000 10 36.0702 45 2 68.0202 68.0302 8 1 26.0601 27.0100 4 1 36.1100 36.1200 14 9.0003 227 12.0300 69.0100 18 27.0406 23 36.1600 3 20.0200 70.0100 5 29.0203 15 36.1900 41 20.0901 70.0400 1 30.0000 22 37.0101 4 25.0000 71.0201 7 31.0101 54 420201 1 27.0402 1 71.0202 1 31.0102 5 420300 1 31.0102 1 72.0101 2 31.0200 2 420500 1 32.0400 2 I 72.0204 1 32.0100 1 47.0300 3 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 233 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 36.1300 . 49.0200 49.0500 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 58.0400 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 7.0000 .9.0001 9.0004 12.0300 20.0200 20.0901 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0403 31.0101 32.0300 36.0100 36.0400 36.1300 36.1900 36.2100 37.0101 50.0400 59.0302 62.0200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0301 73.0303 1 1 3 13 2 6 " 18 1 184 8 986 198 33 1 1 30 88 93 6 523 20 76 2 27 84 14 36 5 30 70 14 24 37 8 24 15 21 2 61 19 8 13 45 16 57 2 1 2 6 7 1 7 32 3,060 120 1,373 896 34 43 3 12 1 7 9 3 4 12 10 29 4 2 7 5 11 14 4 3 1 2 16 29 5 3 4 57 98 3 19 2 6 3 4 1 2 5 11 2 2 6 1 1 1 1 6 2 36.1400 . 36.1500 . 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 9.0001 9.0004 12.0300 24.0702 24.0706 24.0800 27.0406 29.0203 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 36.0100 36.0400 36.1300 36.1400 36.1900 36.2100 37.0101 49.0500 58.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 7.0000 9.0001 9.0002 12.0300 19.0302 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0901 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 29.0202 29.0203 30.0000 31.0101 36.1500 36.1600 36.2200 42.0201 42.0202 47.0300 49.0700 50.0400 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 3 3 7 2 237 8 126 2,005 1 28 81 159 11 7 4 263 1 2 31 1 6 1 21 1 5 9 70 1 4 5 1 3 64 1 220 44 7 3 70 83 1 4 75 3 13 3 5 1 6 3 7 4 4 4 3 5 1 2 2 3 7 4 6 1 5 1 438 21 165 993 2 83 1 16 5 1 4 3 10 1 5 17 3 2 2 2 5 1 7 26 13 11 36 7 6 10 12 5 14 4 2 8 20 4 36.1600 . 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 7.0000 9.0002 9.0004 12.0300 16.0100 16.0200 20.0901 24.0703 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 28.0100 28.0400 29.0201 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 36.1600 36.1900 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 47.0300 49.0700 50.0400 53.0700 59.0302 63.0300 64.0102 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 47 5 2 8 1 4 2 5 2 2 8 1 1 2 16 9 1 4 5 1 4 1 1 3 8 379 8 115 3,572 2 2 6 13 80 15 125 1 6 6 6 2 86 1 272 34 84 26 6 4 14 2 8 32 35 76 38 53 1 5 4 9 13 8 1 1 20 4 51 1 129 22 13 12 45 14 1 32 212 2 22 1 6 15 9 11 1 8 18 6 8 18 4 14 6 7 1 21 13 2 4 14 3 14 1 2 36.1700 . 36.1900 . 36.2000 . 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.0001 9.0004 20.0200 24.0706 27.0100 27.0402 28.0200 32.0300 32.0400 36.0100 36.1700 36.1900 42.1100 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0400 73.0301 74.0000 80.0000 88.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 7.0000 9.0001 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 12.0300 24.0702 24.0800 27.0100 31.0101 36.0100 36.1300 36.1900 37.0101 47.0300 49.0700 50.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 1Z0300 14.1700 16.0100 16.0200 20.0200 20.0901 24.0500 6 1 11 905 32 753 71 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 31 6 1,766 1 3 15 22 101 1 10 11 12 1 8 18 2 2 99 13 1 1 5 1 29 1 265 17 5 3 62 42 3 2 12 1 12 2 11 3 5 4 9 3 5 4 1 1 3 3 3 2 1 7 2 9 1 5 3 405 16 477 3,191 2 19 7 55 21 15 16 23 1 3 8 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 234 BENCHMARK tNPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNIT ED STATES, !992 Industry I Commodity used 36.2100. 24.0701 24.0702 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 35.0100 36.1300 36.1600 36.1900 37.0101 38.0501 38.0800 42.0500 42.1000 42.1100 47.0300 49.0700 50.0400 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69 0100 69.0200 70.0100 70 0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 6.0200 7.0000 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 12.0300 20.0901 24.0800 27.0100 28.0100 31.0101 36.0100 36.0200 36.0400 36.1400 36.1600 36.1900 36.2100 37.0101 47.0300 50.0400 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 Table 2B.-The Use Table for Industries [Millions of dollars at producers' (Columns}— Continued prices] Value Industry ' 37 15 2 49 3 85 23 25 75 16 2 20 1 8 63 73 1 37 17 31 1 11 3 38 4 1 13 1 1 38 1 110 13 9 13 151 59 1 10 73 3 20 1 6 17 7 10 1 8 18 5 8 14 3 6 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 6 1 10 7 2 2 13 3 15 2 1 1 3 882 28 769 1.162 1 5 1 4 5 53 1 11 6 1 8 11 13 2 1 24 1 6 36 114 4 1 5 12 129 11 3 6 26 12 36.2200 . 37.0101 Commodity used 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 7.0000 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 12.0300 20.0901 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 27.0100 27.0402 28 0100 30.0000 31.0101 320400 35.0100 36 1300 36.1400 36 2200 38.0800 42 1100 500400 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 4.0002 5.0001 6.0200 7.0000 9.0001 9.0003 10.0000 12.0300 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 702 3 4 5 6 2 14 2 3 2 1 15 3 3 3 10 7 6 17 48 9 7 9 2 6 32 2 2 5 15 9 16 5 1 6 1 2 1 2 2 2 7 2 1 1 11 6 3 3 1 4 2 3 233 6 129 41,986 10 1.906 141 1,316 48 3 75 367 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 5 6 1 Industry i 37.0102. 26.0200 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 36.0400 36.1300 36.1600 36.1900 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0200 37.0401 37.0402 38 0400 38.0501 41 0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0202 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42. 1 1 00 47.0300 47.0404 47.0500 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 50.0100 50 0400 52.0300 53.0200 530500 53.0700 58.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63 0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65 0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 37.0103 . 5.0001 6.0200 7.0000 9.0001 9.0002 12.0300 20.0901 24.0800 27.0100 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 36.0400 36.1300 36.1600 36.1900 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0200 37.0401 38.0400 38.0501 47.0300 50.0400 53.0700 620200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.161 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 20.0200 20.0901 24.0800 27.0100 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 36.0400 36.1300 36.1600 36.1900 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0200 37.0401 37.0402 38.0400 38.0501 41.0100 42.1100 47.0300 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 53.0500 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 12 3 2 111 15 2 49 8 2 4 3 4 3 7 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 6 1 6 1 2 1 7 17 201 14 50 29 14 12 10 1 12 3 1 30 2 11 1 3 11 15 11 6 10 46 197 11 15 20 53 5 13 25 11 16 19 4,179 2 1 17 1 1 1 26 27 13 7 2 1 3 2 1.487 2 16 2 12 2 2 47 5 2 138 2 13 16 13 5 1 22 3 69 4 13 9 90 18 10 DETAILED TABLES 235 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value 69.0100 270 69.0200 1 70.0100 28 70.0300 1 70.0400 6 71.0201 . 18 71.0202 1 72.0101 12 72.0201 1 72.0204 8 73.0101 19 73.0102 5 73.0103 7 73.0104 15 73.0106 3 73.0107 9 73.0109 4 73.0111 5 73.0200 9 73.0301 7 73.0302 1 73.0303 6 74.0000 16 75.0001 4 75.0002 15 76.0205 1 77.0501 2 78.0100 2 79.0300 11 80.0000 4 81.0001 1 88.0000 945 89.0000 50 90.0000 585 5,487 4.0002 2 7.0000 1 12.0300 24 20.0200 5 20.0901 2 24.0800 1 25.0000 1 26.0400 89 27.0100 44 27.0406 24 31.0101 14 31.0102 10 32.0300 21 36.0400 11 36.1300 8 36.1600 3 37.0101 2,175 37.0102 12 37.0200 4 37.0401 20 38.0400 12 38.0501 43 41.0100 21 42.0402 110 42.0500 3 42.0800 1 42.1100 11 47.0300 5 49.0100 5 49.0200 34 49.0300 32 49.0500 52 50.0400 17 53.0500 57 59.0302 1 65.0100 40 65.0200 3 65.0301 126 65.0400 11 65.0500 21 66.0100 10 68.0100 92 68.0202 24 68.0301 2 68.0302 15 69.0100 447 69.0200 2 70.0100 35 70.0300 1 70.0400 8 71.0201 13 71.0202 2 72.0101 16 72.0201 1 72.0204 9 73.0101 20 73.0102 4 73.0103 10 73.0104 16 73.0106 1 73.0107 10 73.0109 6 73.0111 8 73.0200 2 73.0301 6 73.0302 11 73.0303 3 74.0000 21 75.0001 5 75.0002 18 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 37.0104 . 37.0105 . 37.0200 . 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 7.0000 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 36.0400 36.1300 36.1600 36.2100 37.0101 37.0102 37.0200 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 41.0100 42.0402 42.0800 42.1100 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 53.0500 53.0700 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 79.0300 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 6.0200 7.0000 9.0002 9.0003 12.0300 20.0200 20.0901 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0100 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 1 1 3 1 1 6 772 63 745 5,072 1 2 2 15 1 1 67 24 14 17 2 2 4 2 2,155 7 5 14 2 2 2 38 6 46 1 5 15 13 34 14 22 9 1 41 3 102 17 14 9 75 19 3 7 385 2 33 1 8 21 2 15 9 23 4 9 13 3 9 4 7 12 12 1 5 20 5 19 1 3 14 1 992 59 545 11,653 7 5 2 5 87 7 89 41 12 4 3 1 2 9 42 1 1 8 29 37.0300 . 32.0500 32.0600 36.0400 36.1600 36.1700 36.1900 36.2100 37.0101 37.0102 37.0200 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0501 38.1000 41.0100 41.0203 4Z0401 42.0402 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 50.0400 53.0500 53.0700 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0406 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0103 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 4Z0402 16 2 44 93 3 9 36 161 179 123 93 91 41 223 2 18 36 11 131 69 23 43 27 64 14 26 9 29 19 223 76 43 45 1 1 80 7 253 11 46 36 499 139 8 60 637 2 74 1 20 30 10 34 3 38 150 19 22 83 10 26 32 18 21 54 28 30 18 52 14 77 1 1 6 8 7 2 439 5,307 134 727 3,213 2 1 24 1 1 19 16 4 20 3 704 6 8 97 18 8 1 9 83 1 4 25 45 37.0401 42.0800 42.1100 47.0200 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 24.0800 27.0100 27.0406 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 36.1600 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0501 40.0600 46.0200 47.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 50.0400 6Z0200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 5 6 3 35 6 11 21 11 1 48 2 13 8 89 54 4 149 20 1 6 14 2 10 1 11 28 4 7 15 3 8 4 6 1 8 11 3 3 14 3 24 1 2 2 1 1 1,077 22 334 1,976 1 10 16 1 55 102 2 19 54 1 5 2 22 82 40 4 1 5 17 6 1 28 27 13 72 8 1 29 2 6 4 75 33 3 60 13 2 16 3 6 6 14 3 4 9 1 5 1 3 5 7 1 4 See footnote at the end ol the table. 236 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 75.0002 12 68.0302 2 4.0002 1 73.0103 12 77.0501 1 69.0100 128 5.0001 18 73.0104 12 78.0100 2 69.0200 1 6.0100 55 73.0106 3 79.0300 5 70.0100 35 6.0200 172 73.0107 10 88.0000 -659 70.0300 1 7.0000 2 73.0109 5 89.0000 22 70.0400 9 120300 13 73.0111 9 90.0000 '356 71.0201 15 24.0800 1 73.0112 1 71.0202 2 31.0101 13 73.0200 2 37.0402 1,838 72.0101 16 37.0101 17 73 0301 9 4.0002 5 72.0201 1 37.0401 2 73.0302 3 5.0001 95 72.0204 5 38.0100 57 73.0303 4 7.0000 1 73.0101 12 38.0400 79 74.0000 25 12.0300 12 73.0102 6 38.0501 448 75.0001 9 20.0903 76 73.0103 11 38.0700 48 75.0002 19 20.0904 10 73.0104 5 38.0800 24 76.0205 1 24.0800 1 73.0106 4 38.0900 43 77.0501 4 25.0000 4 73.0107 1 47.0300 1 78.0100 4 27.0100 85 73.0109 12 50.0400 3 79.0300 1 31.0101 7 73.0111 8 65 00 6 81.0001 1,689 31.0102 2 73.0112 1 65 .200 1 88.0000 547 36.1600 5 73 0200 3 65.0301 31 89.0000 71 36.1900 2 73.0301 2 65.0500 9 90.0000 224 37.0101 6 73.0303 2 66.0100 3 37.0401 37.0402 10 2 74.0000 75.0001 20 7 68.0100 68.0202 105 32 38.0700 5905 4.0002 2 38.0501 109 75.0002 10 68.0301 1 6.010O 3 38.1000 74 76.0205 1 68.0302 4 7.0000 1 39.0200 2 77.0402 2 69.0100 183 120300 21 42.0402 55 77.0501 3 70.0100 15 20.0200 2 47.0300 6 78.0100 1 70.0400 2 24.0800 2 49.0500 30 79.0300 15 71.0201 6 25.0000 1 49.0600 6 80.0000 14 71.0202 3 26.0601 1 50.0300 7 81.0001 18 720101 7 27.0100 5 50.0400 16 88.0000 255 720204 5 31 0101 13 65.0100 19 89.0000 64 73.0101 9 32.0400 10 65.0200 1 90.0000 297 73.0102 3 32.0500 65.0301 21 73.0103 5 36.1600 65.0400 19 38.0400 5,601 73 0104 7 37 0101 14 65.0500 14 4.0002 9 73.0106 1 37.0401 8 66.0100 5 5.0001 i 73.0107 6 37.0402 1 68.0100 47 7.0000 2 73.0109 1 38.0100 1,999 68.0202 11 120300 46 73.0111 2 38.0400 13 68.0302 2 24.0800 1 73.020O 1 38.0501 113 69.0100 95 25.0000 1 73.0301 6 38.0700 561 70.0100 12 27.0100 50 74.0000 9 38.0800 7 70.0400 3 27.0406 5 75.0001 2 41.0100 1 71.0201 11 31.0101 17 75.0002 8 41.0203 1 71.0202 1 31.0103 130 77.0501 1 421100 3 72.0101 5 32.0400 16 79.0300 7 47.0300 6 72.0201 3 36.1600 1 80.0000 16 49.0200 4 72.0204 2 37.0101 37 81.0001 17 49.0500 26 73.0101 7 37.0401 4 88.0000 439 50.0400 14 73.0102 16 38.0100 7 89.0000 28 53.0500 36 73.0103 5 38.0400 1.746 90.0000 431 59.0302 1 73.0104 3 38.0501 39 65.0100 72 73.0106 73.01 07 9 4 38.0700 38.0800 1 20 38.0600 6,100 1 65.0200 65.0301 4 4.0002 248 73.0109 3 46.0400 47.0300 49.0100 50.0400 53.0700 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 2 3 2 8 53 1 72 3 109 33 16 5 1.282 63 7 5.0001 6 65.0400 8 73.0111 3 6.0200 9 65.0500 16 73.0200 5 7.0000 2 66.0100 8 73.0301 6 120300 24 68.0100 106 73.0302 3 24.0800 1 68.0202 26 74.0000 8 25.0000 2 68.0301 1 75.0001 2 27.0401 5 68.0302 10 75.0002 4 27.0406 5 69.0100 733 77.0501 1 31.0101 25 69.0200 1 78.0100 2 320400 118 70.0100 25 79.0300 1 320600 1 70.0300 1 80.0000 2 36.1600 4 70.0400 9 81.0001 8 37.0101 28 71.0201 18 88.0000 553 37.0401 15 71.0202 5 89.0000 21 64 37.0402 17 720101 17 90.0000 273 69^01 00 108 38.0100 6 720201 1 69 0200 1 38.0400 126 720204 10 38.0100 5.490 70.0100 70.0300 38 1 38.0501 182 73.0101 23 4.0002 2 38.0700 5 73.0102 3 6.0100 2,115 70.0400 I 38.0800 3 73.0103 10 6.0200 20 71 0201 38.0900 6 73.0104 14 7.0000 2 71.0202 3 420202 1 73.0106 1 12.0300 48 72.0101 17 47.0300 10 73.0107 9 24.0800 1 72.0201 4 49.0500 107 73.0109 3 27.0100 1 720204 15 50.0400 27 73.0111 7 27.0406 3 73.0101 37 53.0700 18 73.0200 6 31.0101 13 73.0102 27 59.0302 2 73.0301 7 32.0400 14 73.0103 11 63.0300 1 73.0302 2 37.0101 21 73.0104 23 65.0100 143 73.0303 3 37.0401 5 73.0106 16 65.0200 4 74.0000 16 38.0100 1,860 73.0107 8 65.0301 637 75.0001 5 38.0400 9 73.0109 7 65.0400 18 75.0002 20 38.0501 95 73.0111 8 65.0500 41 76.0205 1 38.0700 18 73.0200 3 66.0100 8 77.0402 4 38.0800 10 73.0301 11 68.0100 54 77.0501 3 38.0900 17 73.0302 1 68.0202 50 78.0100 3 47.0300 2 74.0000 22 68.0302 16 79.0300 2 49.0700 1 75.0001 5 69.0100 1,571 80.0000 7 50.0400 7 75.0002 29 69.0200 2 81.0001 625 59.0302 1 76.0205 1 70.0100 39 88.0000 846 65.0100 53 77.0501 3 70.0300 3 89.0000 70 65.0200 3 79.0300 16 70.0400 9 90.0000 24 65.0301 14 80.0000 24 71.0201 16 65 0400 14 81 0001 14 71 0202 3 38 0800 14,753 65.0500 16 88.0000 1,097 720101 18 4.0002 6 66.0100 20 89.0000 65 72.0201 3 7.0000 5 68.0100 77 90.0000 122 72.0204 9 120300 90 68.0202 37 73.0101 31 20.0200 2 68.0301 2 38.0501 2.409 73.0102 4 20.0901 2 See footnote at the end ot the table. DETAILED TABLES 237 Table 2B, -The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 24.0800 3 47.0300 64 66.0100 22 73.0111 10 25.0000 5 49.0200 13 68.0100 165 73.0112 2 27.0100 11 49.0500 17 68.0202 23 73.0200 19 27.0406 8 50.0400 8 68.0301 1 73.0301 20 30.0000 4 53.0500 10 68.0302 9 73.0302 5 31.0101 45 64.1200 1 69.0100 1006 73.0303 8 31.0102 2 65.0100 3 69.0200 1 74.0000 22 32.0400 47 65.0200 1 70.0100 82 75.0001 10 32.0500 5 65.0301 15 70.0300 2 75.0002 23 32.0600 1 65.0400 1 70.0400 16 77.0501 3 36.1600 3 65.0500 9 71.0201 51 78.0100 6 37.0101 68 66.0100 8 71.0202 31 79.0300 2 37.0401 9 68.0100 63 72.0101 39 81.0001 89 37.0402 6 68.0202 16 72.0201 6 88.0000 1,783 38.0100 56 68.0301 1 72.0204 10 89.0000 52 38.0400 4,694 68.0302 8 73.0101 28 90.0000 373 38.0501 200 69.0100 271 73.0102 9 38.0700 38.0800 4 1,771 70.0100 70.0400 17 5 73.0103 73.0104 2b 26 ; 38 120C 730 9.0002 2 38.1000 1 71.0201 10 73.0106 5 ! 24.0800 1 41.0100 10 71.0202 4 73.0107 26 25.0000 11 41.0203 5 72.0101 8 73.0109 14 i! 27.0406 4 42.0300 5 72.0204 3 73.01 1 1 20 31.0101 3 42.0402 81 73.0101 9 73.0112 2 3Z0600 1 42.1100 9 73.0102 3 73.0200 43 36.1600 4 46.0400 7 73.0103 5 73.0301 11 37.0101 3 47.0300 245 73.0104 13 73.0302 ID 37.0401 5 49.0200 23 73.0106 1 73.0303 9 38.0100 133 49.0500 72 73.0107 4 74.0000 50 j 38.0400 13 50.0400 21 73.0109 1 75.0001 14 I 38.0501 5 53.0500 35 73.0111 4 75.0002 20 i 38.0700 12 59.0302 3 73.0200 13 76.0201 2 1 47.0100 3 65.0100 118 73.0301 4 76.0203 i 47.0300 16 65.0200 7 73.0302 1 76.0205 2 47.0405 16 65.0301 453 73.0303 2 77.0402 9 48.0600 1 65.0400 12 74.0000 11 77.0501 7 50.0400 8 65.0500 58 75.0001 2 78.0100 12 65.0100 3 66.0100 35 75.0002 8 79.0300 2 65.0301 10 68.0100 268 77.0501 2 80.0000 33 65.0500 2 68.0202 120 78.0100 1 81.0001 i 66.0100 2 68.0301 8 79.0300 1 88.0000 2.310 68.0100 23 68.0302 20 80.0000 12 89.0000 147 68.0202 5 69.0100 1,162 81.0001 11 90.0000 1.234 68.0302 1 69.0200 2 88.0000 737 69.0100 21 70.0100 70.0300 96 3 89.0000 90.0000 29 153 38.1100 4733 3 70.0100 70.0400 4 4.0002 1 70.0400 22 7.0000 2 71.0201 3 71.0201 34 38.1000 12,779 9 0002 10 71 0202 6 71.0202 7 3.0001 11 12.0300 31 72.0101 2 7£0101 44 4.0002 3 20.0901 12 72.0204 1 72.0201 4 7.0000 1 20.0903 3 73.0101 1 72.0204 36 12.0300 60 24.0701 4 73.0102 1 73.0101 92 16.0300 9 24.0703 4 73.0103 2 73.0102 18 20.0200 3 24.0800 2 73.0104 1 73.0103 23 20.0901 3 25.0000 18 73.0107 1 73.0104 52 20.0903 163 27.0100 22 73.0109 1 73.0106 11 24.0800 2 27.0406 7 73.01 1 1 2 73.0107 21 25.0000 5 31.0101 15 73.0200 3 73.0109 8 26.0200 1 31.0102 3 73.0301 1 73.01 1 1 16 26.0601 2 32.0300 18 73.0302 1 73.0200 11 27.0100 36 3^0400 1 73.0303 1 73.0301 23 27.0406 44 36.1400 14 74.0000 3 73.0302 3 28.0100 836 36.1600 18 75.0001 1 73.0303 6 28.0200 93 37.0101 24 75.0002 2 74.0000 58 30.0000 2 37.0102 22 79.0300 2 75.0001 22 31.0101 18 37.0401 23 81.0001 19 75.0002 74 32.0300 21 38.0100 86 88.0000 274 76.0201 2 32.0400 271 38.0400 819 89.0000 8 76.0205 2 32.0500 1 38.0501 44 90.0000 81 77.0402 1 32.0600 2 38.0800 117 77.0501 78.0100 8 2 35.0100 36.1600 239 9 38.1100 42.0401 72 2 38.1300 1 413 9.0002 3 79.0300 31 36.2000 12 4^0402 8 12.0300 6 80.0000 17 36.2200 33 42.0500 3 20.0901 3 81.0001 789 37.0101 190 42.1100 15 24.0701 2 88.0000 2,268 37.0401 50 47.0100 6 24.0800 2 89.0000 170 38.0100 375 47.0200 34 25.0000 12 90.0000 952 38.0400 63 47.0300 55 27.0100 31 38.0501 7 47.0405 51 27.0406 7 38.0900 2,647 38.0700 2 430 48.0600 48 31 0101 2 1 4.0002 1 38.0800 368 50.0400 43 31.0102 7.0000 1 38.0900 44 59.0302 1 36.1600 5 12.0300 15 38.1000 1,007 63.0300 2 36.2200 35 20.0200 1 41.0100 13 65.0100 17 37.0101 5 24.0800 1 42.0402 114 65.0200 2 37.0102 9 25.0000 1 42.1100 10 65.0301 76 37.0401 8 27.0100 3 46.0400 2 65.0500 15 38.0100 31 27.0406 5 47.0300 26 66.0100 10 38.0400 18 30.0000 1 47.0500 1 68.0100 108 38.0501 182 31.0101 2 49.0100 3 68.0202 40 42.0401 3 32.0400 29 49.0200 31 68.0302 9 42.0402 26 32.0500 1 49.0500 106 69.0100 150 42.0500 2 36.1600 1 50.0400 80 70.0100 34 42.1100 7 37.0101 10 53.0500 27 70.0400 6 47.0100 7 37.0401 5 53.0700 4 71.0201 25 47.0200 12 37.0402 2 55.0300 51 71.0202 29 47.0300 17 38.0100 24 59.0302 1 72.0101 14 47.0405 8 38.0400 26 62.0200 3 72.0201 5 48.0600 12 38.0501 847 63.0300 1 72.0204 11 50.0400 14 38.0700 2 64.1200 1 73.0101 29 65.0100 1 38.0800 6 65.0100 40 73.0102 5 65.0301 5 38.0900 52 65.0200 9 73.0103 10 65.0500 3 41.0100 1 65.0301 252 73.0104 29 66.0100 4 41.0203 1 65.0400 6 73.0106 2 68.0100 28 42.0402 19 65.0500 46 j 73.0107 11 68.0202 8 42.1100 7 65.0702 I 1 I 73.0109 7 68.0302 15 See footnote at the end of the table. 238 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used 38.1400 . 39.0100 . 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 24.0800 27.0100 31.0101 32.0400 37.0101 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1400 420402 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 62.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 27.0402 27.0404 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0401 38.0400 53 8 3 8 - 12 5 4 10 3 1 6 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 8 2 10 1 1 4 4 530 15 175 1.213 12 1 1 2 56 17 36 5 10 20 161 84 6 23 109 3 17 3 2 9 11 7 2 24 15 2 52 8 2 5 2 4 2 4 2 1 3 1 2 1 7 3 1 1 5 1 3 1 3 385 8 68 11.948 2 1 61 1 2 1 29 79 30 26 37 256 20 2 1 15 1 6 1,853 5 5 496 39.0200 . 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 39.0100 39.0200 42.0402 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 53.0200 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 760201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0402 27.0404 30.0000 31.0101 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0401 38.0501 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 39.0100 39.0200 41.0203 4Z0402 42.0500 42.1100 47.0200 47.0300 50.0400 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 87 2 3.513 1 51 4 1.123 1 136 26 10 30 1 1 1 44 8 207 8 35 1 19 151 47 1 13 786 5 76 2 15 42 11 36 1 23 53 5 21 29 4 11 11 15 1 31 32 8 1 44 13 42 2 1 2 7 7 1 3 1.759 85 313 1,117 2 1 9 7 3 1 29 11 1 2 384 2 8 2 1 1 44 9 5 4 3 27 2 4 13 6 22 3 2 15 10 1 2 80 6 2 7 1 4 1 2 2 40.0100 . 40.0200 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0406 28.0100 31.0101 31.0102 3Z0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0501 33.0700 3.0800 38.0900 38.1100 38.1400 40.0100 40.0200 41.0100 41.0203 420401 420402 420800 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 50.0400 65.0100 650301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70 0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 120300 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0406 28.0100 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 6 1 4 1 3 2 259 8 78 791 1 1 1 24 7 2 1 1 14 2 56 7 6 2 14 10 9 5 2 12 3 12 8 4 16 9 3 1 1 3 1 11 1 4 2 2 15 8 1 52 2 4 2 6 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 8 2 3 1 3 1 1 269 6 134 2.597 1 13 2 2 1 61 1 35 8 2 6 137 9 17 17 7 6 72 40 153 17 40.03O0 . 38.0900 38.1100 38.1400 40.0200 41.0100 41 .0203 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 47.0300 47.0404 50.0400 53.0200 58.0200 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7Z0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89 0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0901 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 3Z0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 38.1400 40.0300 41.0100 41.0203 42.0800 421100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 49.0300 50.0400 52.0300 53.0400 53.0500 62.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 239 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 90.0000 943 11.307 4.0002 3 7.0000 1 12.0300 44 20.0200 19 20.0904 2 24.0500 2 24.0702 4 24.0800 2 25.0000 71 26.0200 1 26.0601 1 27.0100 9 27.0406 169 29.0201 2 29.0202 1 30.0000 93 31.0101 24 31.0102 3 32.0100 1 32.0400 101 35.0100 19 36.1600 13 37.0101 1,847 37.0200 37 37.0300 1 37.0401 6 38.0100 8 38.0400 112 38.0501 265 38.0700 5 38.0800 873 38.0900 23 38.1100 16 40.0400 32 40.0700 141 41.0100 90 41.0203 24 42.0201 2 420202 3 420401 9 420402 404 420800 1 47.0200 1 47.0300 17 47.0404 15 49.0100 3 50.0400 55 52.0300 1 53.0200 1 53.0400 4 55.0100 2 59.0302 2 63.0200 1 63.0300 1 64.0900 6 64.1200 1 65.0100 36 65.0200 7 65.0301 171 65.0400 5 65.0500 37 66.0100 32 68.0100 88 68.0202 38 68.0301 1 68.0302 8 69 0100 654 69.0200 10 70.0100 72 70.0300 2 70.0400 15 71.0201 140 71.0202 4 720101 35 72.0201 1 72.0204 8 73.0101 21 73.0102 8 73.0103 25 73.0104 49 73.0106 5 73.0107 24 73.0109 17 73.01 1 1 25 73.0112 3 73.0200 47 73.0301 22 73.0302 10 73.0303 17 74.0000 48 75.0001 17 75.0002 17 76.0201 2 76.0205 2 77.0402 3 77.0501 7 77.0504 1 78.0100 7 79.0300 2 81.0001 12 88.0000 3.750 89.0000 82 90.0000 1.126 40.0400 . 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 34.0305 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 40.0600 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0202 42.0402 42.0800 421100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 47.0405 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 59.0302 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 14 2 17 3 ' 7 - 2 4 2 6 4 1 6 3 4 1 37 12 5 2 10 2 3 1 4 6 12 648 16 424 8,316 2 18 1 2 3 11 64 43 20 1 40 2 5 2,046 30 4 2 102 4 58 3 8 9 1 258 132 37 76 1 1 102 67 1 1 10 27 3 6 3 17 2 1 1 34 5 155 6 29 23 69 26 4 452 3 53 10 11 83 15 25 1 7 16 6 17 16 4 16 477 11 1 15 17 3 10 40.0500 . 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0901 24.0400 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0601 27.0100 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 32.0400 34.0305 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 38.1400 40.0500 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 420401 42.0402 42.0500 42.1100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 49.0200 50.0400 59.0302 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 I 34 12 13 1 1 5 4 22 1 2,596 62 720 6,947 2 16 1 2 2 13 1 2 1 7 139 5 21 115 1 254 10 480 11 1 4 3 334 163 1 625 36 23 1 210 56 18 2 2 221 25 19 15 103 4 13 9 11 41 2 1 1 19 5 126 23 26 50 19 5 397 3 45 1 9 63 16 21 1 4 9 6 17 10 4 18 12 17 2 67 11 7 7 30 11 9 1 1 1 4 8 3 14 46 1,967 51 754 40.0600 . 4.0002 6.0200 7.0000 12.0300 20.0200 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 27.0100 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 320400 35.0100 36.0400 36.1600 36.2100 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 40.0600 41.0100 41.0203 420201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 421100 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0700 50.0400 53.0400 53.0700 59.0302 63.0200 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 8,900 2 13 1 47 1 1 1 2 14 1 1 7 68 47 25 1 3 38 8 1 9 14 1,292 90 27 5 12 17 105 54 119 18 38 37 13 186 435 7 2 2 3 23 130 2 203 34 6 12 13 55 4 36 19 22 13 8 41 1 8 2 1 2 28 6 142 2 27 24 89 36 8 532 5 57 1 12 65 3 28 1 10 24 7 26 21 4 19 32 24 2 25 29 7 10 38 15 19 1 1 5 7 2 38 3,059 64 40.0700 . See footnote at the end of the table. 240 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPTJi ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] stry' Commodity used Value 2,360 4.0002 1 12.0300 12 20.0200 . 1 24.0800 1 25.0000 " 3 27.0100 1 27.0406 19 30.0000 20 31.0101 12 32.0400 58 36.1600 2 37.0101 413 37.0200 16 37.0300 1 37.0401 1 38.0100 3 38.0400 35 38.0501 30 38 0700 3 38.0800 82 38.0900 6 38.1100 10 38.1400 1 40.0800 35 41.0100 18 41.0203 10 42.0402 3 42.1100 1 47.0200 1 47.0300 3 47.0404 1 47.0405 46 50.0400 8 59.0302 1 65.0100 4 65.0200 1 65.0301 33 65.0500 7 66.0100 8 68.0100 21 ' ;•■: 9 68.0301 3 68.0302 1 69.0100 108 69.0200 1 70.0100 15 70.0400 2 71.0201 22 71.0202 1 /2.0101 7 72.0204 2 73.0101 4 73.0102 2 73.0103 5 73.0104 4 73.0106 1 73.0107 4 73.0109 3 73.01 1 1 4 73.0112 1 73.0200 14 73.0301 4 73.0302 2 73.0303 4 74.0000 10 75.0001 2 75.0002 3 77.0501 1 79.0300 7 81.0001 1 88.0000 845 89.0000 17 90.0000 319 2,765 4.0002 1 12.0300 11 24.0800 1 27.0100 1 27.0406 24 30.0000 21 31.0101 9 32.0600 7 36.1600 1 37.0101 851 37.0200 1 37.0300 7 38.0100 11 38.0400 23 38.0501 38 38.0700 20 38.0800 88 38.0900 2 38.1400 3 40.0901 32 41.0100 45 41.0203 16 42.0402 6 42.0500 1 42.1100 10 47.0200 1 47.0300 2 47.0404 2 47.0405 8 50.0400 7 Industry i Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used -0.0800 . 40.0901 40.0902 . 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73 0101 73 0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0403 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0901 24.0800 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 40 0902 41.C100 41 M 4Zo-»02 42.1100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 50.0400 59.C002 65.C10O 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 1 13 1 51 2 8 9 18 8 1 3 215 1 18 4 23 1 8 1 2 2 4 3 1 10 2 3 8 6 1 3 12 3 2 13 2 8 4 10 670 19 341 3.240 1 14 3 1 5 21 11 1,203 11 4 3 35 78 5 119 24 8 1 28 108 13 15 27 10 3 1 6 3 1 19 1 65 2 10 10 29 9 2 247 1 21 1 5 25 1 10 3 8 3 6 6 1 4 1 4 8 4 4 2 12 3 6 41.0100 . 41.0201 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 250000 26 0601 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 32.0600 361600 37.0101 37.0200 37 0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38 0900 38.1000 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 4Z0202 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.1100 47.0200 47.0300 50.0400 59.0302 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 7.0000 12.0300 20.0200 20.0901 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 2 3 9 2 16 763 23 127 8 701 3 44 1 1 4 41 26 2 13 i 1 043 20 S9 2 3- 19 43 161 63 77 22 14 107 3' 2 159 S2 202 90 1 194 173 1 2 1 16 5 88 3 32 29 124 33 12 541 4 70 2 14 78 10 26 5 16 35 7 19 30 4 35 13 17 2 48 31 32 19 39 8 28 2 2 5 59 14 13 7 3.375 64 941 15.731 1 76 4 4 2 1 3 9 54 1 3 12 41.0202. 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 3Z0400 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0201 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.1000 4Z1100 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 49.0200 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0500 55.0200 59.0302 63.0200 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 790300 80.0000 88.0000 89 0000 90.0000 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 30.0000 32.0300 32.0400 37.0101 37.0401 38.0501 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 241 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 41.0203. 38.0800 38.1000 41.0100 41.0202 41.0203 42.0402 47.0200 47.0300 49.0200 50.0400 65.0100 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101' 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0600 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 20.0200 20.0901 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 39.0200 41.0100 41.0203 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.1100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 48.0100 49.0200 49.0700 49.0800 50.0400 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 55.0100 59.0302 63.0300 64.1200 I 49 5 1 5 1 . 6 2 8 2 3 3 13 4 3 2 11 5 1 43 1 5 1 2 7 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 5 2 205 6 131 9,431 3 1 210 3 4 3 3 24 90 1 1 31 4 91 20 2 2 43 15 4 41 1 28 18 7 1.448 46 1 71 23 48 7 170 67 296 56 65 13 3 86 90 84 28 12 15 3 97 6 2 29 4 5 84 1 2 1 2 11 1 1 42.0100 . 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 20.0903 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 28.0100 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 42.0100 42.0401 42.0402 42.1100 47.0200 47.0405 50.0400 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 33 6 149 4 33 27 105 41 9 452 8 62 11 13 98 9 29 1 24 56 7 20 51 5 21 11 17 2 210 83 15 17 42 9 46 2 1 1 2 6 8 4 2 1 3,232 66 852 1,468 12 7 1 3 27 21 27 7 2 8 54 7 52 24 12 7 1 2 6 9 5 1 27 9 2 1 3 13 2 1 12 1 3 5 15 5 1 43 3 10 2 13 3 5 5 9 1 3 6 1 1 3 48 3 1 7 1 42.0201 42.0202 . 75.0002 77.0501 77.0600 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0901 20.0903 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 28.0100 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37 0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 420201 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.1100 47.0200 50.0400 53.0200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 20.0903 24.0800 25.0000 28.0100 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0401 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 41.0100 42.0202 1 9 4 1 372 10 500 3.759 2 15 2 32 2 4 34 28 24 12 2 70 22 308 69 28 17 9 112 8 14 9 20 43 9 27 54 17 7 24 3 32 1 7 3 38 10 11 49 15 4 194 4 26 5 6 26 5 12 5 11 4 8 11 1 12 5 7 1 64 13 3 7 16 4 9 1 1 2 6 4 1 1 1,259 30 798 768 1 2 10 8 2 12 5 106 4 2 1 29 1 4 2 10 2 23 42.0300 . 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 50.0400 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0901 20.0903 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 35.0100 35.0200 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41 .0203 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.1100 47.0300 49.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0400 55.0100 59.0302 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 13 4 2 7 2 5 2 7 16 2 2 44 4 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 22 4 2 3 1 3 2 273 6 98 8,493 2 43 2 1 3 3 2 95 1 3 80 2 3 1 12 4 177 169 24 2 32 530 73 25 33 18 28 14 251 99 73 18 3 151 10 174 163 280 253 81 61 2 28 2 65 1 193 2 1 1 1 12 5 85 2 29 23 87 25 3 13 492 8 55 1 11 44 2 27 See footnote at the end of the table. 242 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 72.0201 1 90.0000 773 65.0500 18 37.0402 1 72.0204 9 66.0100 18 38.0100 179 73.0101 73.0102 22 7 42.0402 5.225 1 68.0100 68.0202 57 24 38.0400 38.0501 5 4.0002 167 73.0103 18 7.0000 1 68.0301 2 38.0700 250 73.0104 - 34 12.0300 28 68.0302 5 38.0800 65 73.0106 4 24.0800 1 69.0100 297 38.0900 35 73.0107 18 25.0000 1 70.0100 33 38.1000 4 73.0109 10 27.0100 39 70.0300 1 38.1100 293 73.0111 14 27.0406 98 70.0400 7 38.1400 80 73.0112 2 28.0100 64 71.0201 45 40.0200 4 73.0200 93 30.0000 310 71.0202 4 40.0400 10 73.0301 15 31.0101 20 72.0101 16 40.0700 5 73.0302 16 32.0400 79 720204 6 41.0100 359 73.0303 8 36.1600 8 73.0101 17 41.0203 83 74.0000 36 37.0101 1.037 73.0102 6 42.0401 53 75.0001 8 37.0200 5 73.0103 11 420402 17 75.0002 19 37.0401 8 73.0104 14 42.0500 30 76.0101 1 38.0501 151 73.0106 4 42.0800 654 76.0205 1 38.0900 9 73.0107 13 421100 9 77.0402 1 38.1000 36 73.0109 5 47.0200 5 77.0501 5 38.1100 3 73.0111 8 47.0300 35 78.0100 11 42.0402 266 73.0112 1 47.0405 81 79.0300 2 47.0300 13 73.0200 39 49.0200 2 80.0000 8 50.0400 41 73.0301 15 50.0400 107 88.0000 2.785 59.0302 1 73.0302 5 53.0400 23 89.0000 61 63.0300 1 73.0303 7 53.0500 93 90.0000 1.065 65.0100 24 74.0000 20 58.0600 5 65.0200 3 75.0001 6 59.0302 1 42.0401 4.763 2 65.0301 65.0400 96 13 75.0002 77.0501 16 3 620200 63.0300 3 4.0002 1 5.0001 2 65.0500 15 78.0100 4 65.0100 15 7.0000 1 66.0100 9 79.0300 15 65.0200 8 12.0300 40 68.0100 98 88.0000 1.685 65.0301 138 20.0903 7 68.0202 64 89.0000 35 65.0400 1 24.0800 1 68.0302 13 90.0000 632 65.0500 47 25.0000 2 69.0100 296 66.0100 54 26.0200 1 69.0200 1 42.0700 438 68.0100 167 27.0100 78 70.0100 33 120300 1 68.0202 37 27.0406 223 70.0300 1 320300 2 68.0302 12 28.0100 46 70.0400 7 37.0101 98 69.0100 941 30.0000 28 71.0201 76 37.0200 1 69.0200 5 31.0101 25 71.0202 2 37.0300 1 70.0100 109 32.0400 30 720101 16 37.0402 2 70.0300 3 35.0100 14 72.0201 1 38.0501 5 70.0400 20 36.1600 25 720204 10 38.1000 1 71.0201 93 37.0101 135 73.0101 25 38.1100 1 71.0202 6 37.0200 10 73.0102 4 38.1400 1 720101 42 37.0401 12 73.0103 11 41.0100 18 720201 1 38.0100 18 73.0104 13 42.0402 4 720204 13 38.0501 75 73.0106 3 4Z0500 13 73.0101 30 38.0900 3 73.0107 9 420700 4 73.0102 15 38.1000 10 73.0109 6 47.0200 1 73.0103 3? 38.1100 6 73.01 1 1 9 50.0400 2 73.0104 46 41.0100 4 73.0112 1 65.0100 1 73.0106 7 41.0203 10 73.0200 29 65.0301 3 73.0107 49 42.0401 119 73.0301 9 65.0500 1 73.0108 33 42.0402 81 73.0302 7 66.0100 2 73.0109 28 47.0300 21 73.0303 5 68.0100 8 73.01 1 1 30 50.0400 70 74.0000 22 680202 7 73.0112 3 59.0302 1 75.0001 8 68.0302 1 73.0200 100 63.0300 2 75.0002 20 69.0100 24 73.0301 33 64.1200 1 76.0205 1 70.0100 2 73.0302 91 65.0100 16 77.0402 1 70.0400 1 73.0303 15 65.0200 3 77.0501 3 71.0201 4 74.0000 61 65.0301 61 78.0100 2 720101 1 75.0001 23 65.0400 1 79.0300 1 720204 1 75.0002 26 65.0500 13 88.0000 1,429 73.0101 2 76.0205 1 66.0100 17 89.0000 37 73.0102 1 77.0402 2 68.0100 144 90.0000 571 73.0103 1 77.0501 9 68.0202 62 73.0104 2 78.0100 13 68.0301 68.0302 1 30 420500 5,045 2 73.0107 73.0109 1 1 79.0300 80.0000 23 4.0002 21 69.0100 129 12.0300 30 73.0200 2 81.0001 29 69.0200 2 20.02O0 4 73.0301 1 88.0000 4,662 70.0100 31 20.0901 1 74.0000 2 89.0000 100 70.0300 1 24.0800 2 75.0002 3 90.0000 2,044 70.0400 8 25.0000 4 79.0300 2 71 0201 57 31 0101 20 80.0000 3 42.1000 3,085 71.0202 2 320300 11 88.0000 156 4.0002 2 72.0101 15 32.0400 222 89.0000 2 120300 15 72.0201 1 36.1600 3 90.0000 48 24.0500 5 72.0204 10 37.0101 785 24.0702 9 73.0101 26 37.0200 6 42.0800 14,258 24.0800 119 73.0102 7 37.0300 4 4.0002 6 25.0000 92 73.0103 14 37.0401 6 120300 79 27.0100 80 73.0104 27 38.0501 58 18.0400 3 27.0402 30 73.0106 4 38.0700 7 24.0500 1 27.0404 42 73.0107 12 38.0800 22 24.0702 1 29.0201 7 73.0109 11 38.0900 14 24.0800 5 29.0202 3 73.0111 15 38.1000 5 25.0000 74 30.0000 6 73.0112 2 38.1100 2 26.0601 1 31.0101 13 73.0200 18 38.1400 2 27.0100 8 31.0102 5 73.0301 12 41.0100 167 27.0406 25 320300 1 73.0302 13 41.0203 3 28.0100 13 320400 214 73.0303 13 420402 49 31.0101 49 37.0200 3 74.0000 24 42.0500 399 31.0102 3 38.0501 24 75.0001 8 47.0200 3 320300 65 38.0700 44 75.0002 21 47.0300 11 320400 119 38.0800 295 76.0205 1 47.0404 2 32.0500 149 38.0900 4 77.0402 1 49.0200 4 320600 72 38.1000 8 77.0501 3 50.0400 34 36.1600 12 38.1100 2 78.0100 4 65.0100 12 37.0101 959 421000 415 79.0300 10 65.0200 2 37.0200 549 42.1100 41 88.0000 2,003 65.0301 54 37.0300 146 47.0200 1 89.0000 34 65.0400 1 37.0401 19 47.0300 1 See footnote at the end ol the table. DETAILED TABLES 243 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 42.1100. 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 9.0004 12.0300 20.0200 20.0901 20.0903 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 27.0100 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0200 40.0400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 47.0200 47.0300 49.0200 50.0400 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 5 1 2 2 13 1 "69 18 9 9 6 46 15 7 125 11 23 1 5 11 1 10 7 16 3 5 14 1 4 2 3 8 11 1 8 12 3 13 2 1 2 548 21 529 6,672 2 1 1 53 4 9 1 1 5 1 3 33 18 16 10 20 20 14 9 799 115 8 11 145 11 18 91 18 73 10 6 97 4 5 1 10 21 9 52 53 121 27 25 9 5 270 39 6 17 10 58 1 1 19 5 141 9 27 28 95 43.0100 . 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 31.0101 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0500 42.0800 43.0100 43.0200 47.0100 47.0300 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 58.0400 58.0700 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 34 16 360 1 43 1 9 75 1 21 1 15 35 5 14 31 4 18 105 12 2 67 25 7 16 28 9 29 1 1 4 2 1 15 2,277 48 648 5,626 3 42 2 1 1 10 22 1 3 14 15 102 316 89 8 4 5 26 8 2 21 88 70 35 352 15 229 49 73 16 10 14 41 38 20 12 22 57 22 211 107 16 4 1 1 3 50 30 19 39 10 2 5 242 36 1 7 26 5 17 1 5 10 9 13 28 5 43.0200 . 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 18.0400 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 43.0100 43.0200 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 53.0500 58.0400 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 13 9 9 1 15 10 17 1 24 5 8 1 1 3 5 16 8 1,556 43 1,120 11,418 5 1 70 7 1 2 2 13 1 1 20 14 2 7 44 40 85 16 30 111 936 463 12 187 11 2 3 14 357 2 2 49 5 145 111 24 24 7 52 226 1 1,113 40 5 35 19 28 94 29 462 132 75 246 105 179 75 1 9 7 248 73 1 19 96 25 2 11 718 4 73 2 15 62 4 35 3 13 31 14 23 53 9 26 12 44.0001 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 20.0200 20.0600 20.0901 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0500 42.0800 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0405 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 I 15 1 24 13 3 4 45 11 26 2 2 2 7 5 3 13 3,000 90 821 9,197 3 1 46 18 2 2 2 8 1 4 45 16 95 118 65 14 7 686 168 64 17 10 15 4 1 3 35 2 83 95 1 2 75 273 528 25 14 3 35 6 15 90 142 6 132 63 35 10 58 94 1 19 6 151 5 41 28 75 27 3 7 722 3 62 11 14 35 1 29 1 7 16 7 19 30 5 21 10 13 1 67 24 61 8 40 See footnote at the end of the table. 244 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry i Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used 44.0002 . 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0200 24.0701 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 37 0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 47.0100 47.0200 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 55.0300 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 45.0100 . 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 20.0200 11 13 1 1 1 5 11 1 22 2,588 75 1,661 4,959 1 17 5 1 1 19 1 38 11 88 119 40 18 3 198 13 3 7 15 3 14 93 1 65 147 25 10 6 70 899 3 92 4 2 30 104 1 33 25 19 10 73 51 1 3 3 111 22 9 23 9 3 408 1 32 1 7 14 1 15 5 11 3 10 7 1 6 5 7 1 84 7 25 1 21 5 8 1 1 3 4 14 2 730 40 916 12,796 6 2 81 14 20.0901 24.0400 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0601 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 3Z0400 32.0500 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38 1400 40.0400 40.0600 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 45.0100 46.0300 47.0100 47.0300 47.0405 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 59.0100 59.0302 63.0300 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 2 1 3 5 1 2 2 15 36 21 3 85 89 48 142 13 15 865 521 236 31 3 6 7 1 3 37 2 245 972 59 1 1 25 31 176 1 491 115 9 26 25 12 28 116 78 148 18 308 191 5 2 36 79 31 2 2 4 1 18 9 187 12 67 1 37 106 36 1 9 876 4 84 3 21 46 6 40 2 19 47 16 28 68 10 31 23 23 3 71 40 27 9 52 15 38 1 2 1 2 8 1 17 2 48 3,705 89.0000 90.0000 45.0200 45.0300 4.0002 5.0001 12.0300 20.0200 24.0800 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37,0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0800 38.1100 38.1400 40 0400 40 0600 40 0700 41.0100 42.0500 42 0800 42.1100 43.0200 45 0100 45.0200 47.0100 47.0300 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0700 500200 50.0400 53.0400 53.0500 64.1100 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 890000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 36.1600 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 40.0400 104 1.284 1,412 1 6 2 7 1 1 2 7 2 3 7 1 3 74 51 31 5 2 3 1 5 90 16 8 11 14 10 11 26 36 2 5 4 21 15 30 4 23 29 30 1 2 2 1 15 4 5 13 4 1 69 10 2 9 2 5 1 2 2 4 4 1 4 3 3 14 6 1 3 7 1 2 1 1 4 4 539 10 50 3,667 2 6 18 1 1 1 11 396 8 15 4 8 286 36 57 8 14 3 12 19 97 46.0100 . 42.0300 42.0800 43.0200 45.0300 47.0300 49.0100 49.0200 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 24.0800 31.0101 32.0100 3a0500 3^0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 40.0700 40.0800 41.0100 42.0402 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 46.0100 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 58.0100 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 245 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value 46.0200 . 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0200 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 43.0200 46.0200 46.0400 47.0100 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 '50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 1 2 2 2 - 1 4 " 1 2 5 8 2 1 1 1 2 1 339 6 -1 3,724 1 15 3 2 1 1 2 1 9 3 7 53 20 4 314 22 15 11 16 6 46 7 4 4 28 100 40 1 20 4 29 1 46 11 2 17 62 62 3 25 72 7 8 67 19 1 1 4 2 33 15 14 21 8 2 276 1 24 1 5 23 5 11 1 2 4 5 8 8 3 7 8 8 1 32 13 13 5 16 5 4 1 2 5 11 46.0300 . 46.0400 . 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 30.0000 31.0101 32.0400 32.0600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0800 38.1100 40.0400 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 46.0300 49.0200 49.0500 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 53.0500 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0200 20.0600 24.0800 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 40.0400 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0300 47.0405 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 5 1.360 30 529 865 3 1 7 14 1 41 22 8 1 6 3 11 22 17 5 4 16 3 26 74 9 11 8 8 29 6 6 3 4 6 3 21 5 2 8 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 8 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 293 6 116 2,621 1 14 3 4 1 1 9 8 14 20 11 7 2 221 51 19 4 5 2 2 8 4 28 1 20 4 18 79 5 1 46 5 62 4 17 4 7 3 32 239 29 47.0100 . 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 58.0100 64.1100 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 9.0004 12.0300 20.0200 20.0901 21.0000 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 30.0000 31.0101 32.0400 32.0500 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0600 41.0100 41.0203 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 47.0100 47.0300 47.0401 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 2 4 58 27 29 4 44 5 11 4 3 1 38 14 8 16 5 1 333 17 4 17 1 8 1 3 3 5 4 1 9 2 4 13 17 4 3 11 2 3 2 1 8 16 684 21 135 3,418 2 6 2 17 3 51 1 2 2 1 4 12 8 3 23 90 115 8 13 2 10 4 32 13 1 87 21 6 4 1 7 29 14 150 32 2 3 33 52 7 39 124 16 5 70 131 23 1 1 1 1 29 16 13 32 9 2 47.0200 . 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 20.0200 20.0901 21.0000 24.0800 25.0000 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 32.0500 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 40.0600 41.0100 42.0401 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0405 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 223 22 1 5 24 2 11 1 2 6 4 9 14 3 11 6 9 1 25 11 16 11 18 4 4 1 2 9 1 7 1,355 27 187 1,418 13 3 3 1 1 1 3 6 7 3 9 121 34 10 5 8 3 1 3 13 5 45 11 1 3 11 2 8 16 20 5 3 9 9 2 21 49 10 1 19 25 7 • 1 1 15 3 6 14 5 93 10 2 8 1 5 1 2 2 4 4 1 4 3 3 8 7 3 2 8 3 3 See footnote at the end of the table. 246 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry > Commodity used Value 77.0501 1 78.0100 2 79.0300 4 80.0000 3 88.0000 - 586 89.0000 10 90.0000 60 12,931 4.0002 5 7.0000 1 9.0004 19 12.0300 85 18.0400 3 20.0200 3 20.0901 2 24.0800 2 25.0000 26 26.0200 1 26.0400 3 27.0100 9 30.0000 38 31.0101 28 31.0102 2 32.0400 47 36.0200 3 36.0400 2 36.0800 3 36.1600 119 36.2200 42 37.0101 710 37.0200 96 37.0300 10 37.0401 40 37.0402 222 38.0501 2 38.0700 12 38.0800 63 38.0900 12 38.1000 24 38.1100 39 38.1400 7 40.0600 5 40.0700 8 41.0100 72 41.0203 10 42.0401 21 42.0402 6 4Z0800 35 421100 48 47.0100 36 47.0200 5 47.0300 544 47.0404 3 47.0405 44 47.0500 22 49.0200 16 50.0200 19 50.0400 350 53.0200 9 53.0300 3 53.0500 4 59.0302 1 63.0200 1 63.0300 3 64.0102 3 65.0100 13 65.0200 7 65.0301 139 65.0400 4 65.0500 44 66.0100 58 68.0100 166 68.0202 34 68.0301 4 68.0302 7 69.0100 375 69.0200 2 70.0100 83 70.0300 3 70.0400 19 71.0201 138 71.0202 30 72.0101 40 72.0201 1 72.0204 15 73.0101 38 73.0102 16 73.0103 29 73.0104 40 73.0106 11 73.0107 40 73.0109 21 73.0111 27 73.0112 3 73.0200 70 73.0301 38 73.0302 22 73.0303 41 74.0000 60 75.0001 17 75.0002 30 76.0201 1 76.0205 2 77.0402 1 77.0501 7 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used 47.0300 . 47.0401 47.0402 . 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 1Z0300 20.0200 24.0701 24.0800 25.0000 27.0406 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 36.1600 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0600 41.0100 41.0203 42.0202 420401 42.0402 42.0800 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0400 53.0500 55.0300 57.0200 58.0100 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0403 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 24.0800 26.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0800 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0600 2 26 7 2 7,081 104 1,065 2,499 1 13 3 5 1 35 1 8 6 128 12 1 61 31 1 8 25 1 38 81 1 69 33 6 5 10 3 1 3 1 33 22 46 20 1 2 65 30 68 3 12 35 1 1 1 26 10 15 22 4 1 2 243 17 4 8 11 8 2 4 2 6 7 1 9 4 6 1 42 8 6 13 5 3 5 2 2 8 3 534 21 502 579 3 1 1 4 34 15 15 4 1 4 1 1 12 47.0404 . 41.0100 41.0203 42.0800 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0402 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 58.0100 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 78.0100 79.0300 88 0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0200 20.0901 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 320400 320500 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0600 41.0100 41.0203 42.0500 421100 47.0100 47.0300 47.0404 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 59.0302 62.0200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 3 4 4 2 5 4 30 1 7 12 6 21 1 8 6 1 10 7 1 3 7 2 20 3 1 4 4 1 1 • 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 263 4 15 2.610 1 13 3 1 1 1 1 30 153 4 8 1 11 7 3 163 5 2 1 17 1 24 13 17 46 9 1 18 11 8 37 6 2 4 111 6 5 8 17 1 6 24 8 2 38 1 11 8 1 51 2 11 10 28 9 2 175 2 47.0405 . 47.0500 . 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 120300 20.0200 20.0600 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0401 38.0100 38.0800 38.1100 47.0300 47.0405 49.0200 50.0400 65.0100 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 720101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 20.0901 24.0800 31.0101 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0401 37.0402 38.0800 38.09O0 38.1000 38.1100 40.0600 41.0100 41.0203 420401 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0405 47.0500 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 247 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 48.0100 . 53.0500 53.0800 55.0300 59.0302 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0200 20.0901 21.0000 24.0800 25.0000 31.0101 32.0300 3Z0400 320500 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1800 38.1100 38.1400 40.0600 41.0100 41.0203 420402 42.0500 42.0800 421100 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 48.0100 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 520300 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 21 5 3 2 1 9 5 5 10 3 76 11 2 13 8 5 1 1 2 4 6 1 5 2 3 14 6 4 7 8 6 1 1 1 S 688 11 175 2,262 1 13 5 6 1 1 3 7 5 17 9 8 6 126 33 2 6 22 5 26 8 24 21 1 17 2 36 24 14 18 18 4 2 22 31 12 14 27 4 11 95 3 1 5 37 33 1 4 1 22 7 8 13 5 1 1 179 14 2 18 4 7 2 4 2 6 48.0200 . 48.0300 . 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 20.0200 20.0300 24.0800 31.0101 320300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0600 41.0100 42.0401 420402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 47.0100 47.0300 48.0200 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.02O0 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 9.0004 12.0300 20.0200 24.0800 25.0000 31.0101 4 1 4 4 5 1 27 9 8 4 11 2 4 1 4 6 7 824 17 232 1,447 12 8 5 1 7 20 14 15 2 3 77 19 4 2 15 2 10 2 31 8 3 2 19 8 9 11 23 5 4 12 76 3 9 15 14 49 8 5 11 5 1 8 3 8 17 4 1 1 83 10 2 13 1 5 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 7 7 5 2 7 1 1 1 3 4 15 575 11 88 798 1 11 1 1 10 3 48.0400 . 31.0102 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.1000 38.1100 40.0600 41.0100 42.0401 42.0402 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 48.0300 49.0200 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 51.0104 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0200 24.0800 25.0000 31.0101 320300 320400 320500 320600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 41.0100 420401 420402 420500 420800 421100 47.0100 47.0300 48.0400 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 1 12 1 2 2 55 30 1 1 3 14 9 4 7 4 6 6 3 17 5 14 12 1 12 17 18 1 59 4 3 3 4 8 2 56 1 4 2 9 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 13 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 4 275 6 35 2,340 1 13 7 1 1 7 10 8 12 10 6 94 38 5 6 3 1 43 17 2 1 19 11 12 12 18 7 8 24 278 16 34 1 22 101 13 6 15 43 1 1 22 13 9 48.0500 . 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 120300 20.0200 24.0800 25.0000 31.0101 320300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 420401 42.0402 420500 420800 421100 47.0100 47.0300 48.0500 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 57.0300 58.0600 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 18 7 1 98 16 2 16 4 7 1 4 4 6 7 3 4 4 5 1 13 7 12 3 12 2 3 1 4 7 7 901 19 169 2,393 1 12 2 1 1 8 43 6 23 6 4 65 55 4 4 6 1 1 14 2 59 6 1 3 30 7 35 22 26 2 20 14 2 16 132 15 27 69 17 12 62 22 11 31 71 8 2 1 23 14 13 17 4 1 163 15 2 28 3 7 1 1 3 6 6 1 7 3 3 16 14 See footnote at the end of the table. 248 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ■ Commodity used Value 73.0302 6 73.0303 4 74.0000 11 75.0001 2 75.0002 2 77.0501 1 78.0100 - 1 79.0300 7 80.0000 12 88.0000 875 89.0000 19 90.0000 120 10.991 4.0002 4 7.0000 1 120300 57 18.0400 2 20.0200 17 20.0901 2 24.0400 1 24.0800 131 25.0000 7 26.0200 1 26.0601 2 27.0100 26 31.0101 15 31.0102 3 320300 53 320400 47 32.0500 37 32.0600 40 35.0100 14 36.1600 20 37.0101 424 37.0200 176 37.0300 11 37.0401 17 37.0402 12 38.0100 51 38.0501 1 38.0700 14 38.0800 135 38.0900 20 38.1000 185 38.1100 76 38.1400 5 40.0600 115 40.0700 113 41.0100 75 41.0203 1 420401 23 420402 7 420500 33 42.0800 154 42.1100 62 43.0200 50 46.0200 3 47.0100 16 47.0200 2 47.0300 68 48.0600 141 49.0100 91 49.0200 48 49.0500 80 49.0700 13 50.0200 129 50.0400 279 53.0200 52 53.0300 31 53.0400 139 53.0500 171 57.0300 27 58.0600 17 59.0302 2 63.0300 2 64.1200 1 65.0100 14 65.0200 6 65.0301 125 65.0400 3 65.0500 61 66.0100 52 68.0100 90 68.0202 20 68.0302 7 69.0100 834 69.0200 3 70.0100 71 70.0300 2 70.0400 15 71.0201 109 71.0202 15 720101 34 72.0201 4 72.0204 8 73.0101 19 73.0102 12 73.0103 24 73.0104 25 73.0106 7 73.0107 37 73.0109 16 73.0111 19 73.0112 2 73.0200 90 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value 48.0600 49.0100 . 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 120300 18.0400 20.0200 24.0702 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 320300 32.0400 320500 320600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0200 40.0600 41.0100 41.0203 420402 420800 43.0200 47.0100 47.0300 47.0401 49.0100 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 57.0300 58.0600 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 50 43 14 48 15 15 1 2 2 1 6 13 1 24 3,963 89 1.428 8.768 3 36 1 13 2 1 3 42 1 1 12 23 2 298 138 15 70 18 181 406 67 14 7 11 10 23 81 158 7 105 95 76 45 5 182 135 8 9 1 161 41 32 40 81 261 19 14 505 36 6 9 2 2 2 5 80 1 32 35 78 18 6 536 6 58 2 13 43 11 26 1 8 20 10 21 27 7 30 14 16 2 97 26 29 8 40 9 49.0200 . 49.0300 . 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 120300 20.0901 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0100 31.0101 31.0102 320400 32.0600 36.1600 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 42.0401 420402 420800 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 53.0400 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 120300 17.1001 17.1100 20.0200 24.0800 25.0000 30.0000 31.0101 320400 320500 32.0600 17 2 2 5 9 12 17 2,781 69 1,023 4,174 3 1 30 3 2 31 1 1 14 3 1 1 12 15 308 45 166 10 1 1 7 2 8 2 24 9 2 15 6 3 21 370 94 158 8 1 1 4 3 44 21 14 84 21 12 283 1 29 1 7 14 1 12 1 17 42 10 10 27 5 8 8 9 1 3 9 16 2 18 5 33 1 2 6 1 10 1 1,605 33 360 2,916 2 14 79 8 2 3 24 2 8 9 6 6 49.0500 . 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 420402 420500 42.0800 421100 43.0200 47.0200 47.0300 47.0405 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 50.0400 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 620300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 120300 20.0901 24.0800 25.0000 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 320600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38 0900 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 42.0401 420402 420800 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 53.0400 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 249 Table 2B.- -The Use Table for Industries (C olumns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 66.0100 14 88.0000 745 17.1100 7 38.0100 91 68.0100 54 89.0000 13 20.0200 2 38.0700 6 68.0202 15 90.0000 104 24.0701 2 38.0800 43 68.0302 4 24.0706 1 38.0900 7 69.0100 70.0100 327 26 49 0700 5,194 2 24.0800 25.0000 1 2 38.1000 38.1100 10 4.0002 161 70.0400 4 7.0000 1 28.0100 3 38.1400 3 71.0201 24 12.0300 28 31.0101 8 41.0100 32 71.0202 2 17.1001 70 32.0300 6 41.0203 3 72.0101 12 17.1100 25 32.0400 33 42.0401 35 72.0204 5 20.0200 3 32.0500 2 42.0402 11 73.0101 13 24.0701 5 32.0600 11 42.0800 2 73.0102 7 24.0706 3 36.1600 6 47.0100 2 73.0103 10 24.0800 101 37.0101 65 47.0300 1 73.0104 15 25.0000 6 37.0200 27 47.0405 2 73.0106 4 26.0601 1 37.0300 1 50.0100 61 73.0107 17 28.0100 12 37.0401 5 50.0400 82 73.0109 4 31.0101 12 38.0100 19 63.0300 1 73.01 1 1 6 32.0300 21 38.0700 3 65.0100 4 73.0200 23 32.0400 80 38.0800 12 65.0200 1 73.0301 6 32.0600 28 38.0900 3 65.0301 30 73.0302 9 36.1600 12 38.1000 9 65.0500 9 73.0303 2 37.0101 168 38.1100 22 66.0100 4 74.0000 17 37.0200 73 40.0600 5 68.0100 36 75.0001 4 37.0300 3 40.0700 1 68.0202 11 75.0002 10 37.0401 7 41.0100 27 68.0302 2 77.0501 2 38.0100 25 41.0203 9 69.0100 70 78.0100 1 38.0700 10 42.0401 1 70.0100 13 79.0300 11 38.0800 29 42.0402 5 70.0400 3 80.0000 12 38.0900 15 42.0500 2 71.0201 8 81.0001 9 38.1000 31 42.0800 15 71.0202 5 88.0000 1,661 38.1100 44 42.1100 3 72.0101 6 89.0000 30 38.1400 1 46.0200 7 72.0204 2 90.0000 340 40.0600 32 47.0100 2 73.0101 5 40.0700 6 47.0300 21 73.0102 3 49.0600 1,710 41.0100 29 49.0100 6 73.0103 5 4.0002 1 42.0401 5 49.0200 22 73.0104 9 12.0300 2 42.0402 1 49.0300 23 73.0106 1 20.0200 3 42.0800 55 49.0500 52 73.0107 6 24.0703 1 47.0100 3 49.0700 41 73.0109 3 24.0800 1 47.0300 30 49.0800 76 73.0111 4 31.0101 7 49.0100 26 50.0200 20 73.0200 6 32.0300 17 49.0200 14 50.0300 4 73.0301 4 32.0600 4 49.0300 85 50.0400 82 73.0302 7 36.1600 4 49.0500 20 5a0300 1 73.0303 1 37.0101 73 49.0700 277 53.0200 15 74.0000 10 37.0200 5 50.0200 35 53.0300 69 75.0001 3 37.0300 1 50.0400 123 53.0400 34 75.0002 4 37.0401 2 53.0200 46 53.0500 80 77.0501 1 38.0100 3 53.0300 5 57.0300 6 78.0100 2 38.0700 4 53.0400 38 58.0600 2 79.0300 1 38.0800 10 53.0500 5 62.0200 7 81.0002 2 38.0900 8 57.0300 23 65.0200 1 88.0000 874 38.1000 53 58.0600 7 65.0301 20 89.0000 15 38.1100 4 59.0302 1 65.0500 10 90.0000 51 40.0600 23 63.0300 1 66.0100 15 40.0700 41.0100 5 2 65.0100 65.0200 8 3 68.0100 68.0202 20 5 50.0200 3,134 4.0002 4 41.0203 5 65.0301 45 68.0302 2 12.0300 25 42.0800 29 65.0400 1 69.0100 182 17.1100 3 47.0300 12 65.0500 23 70.0100 20 20.0200 1 49.0100 3 66.0100 29 70.0300 1 24.0800 2 49.0300 13 68.0100 46 70.0400 5 25.0000 3 49.0500 16 68.0202 13 71.0201 24 30.0000 3 49.0600 217 68.0302 4 71.0202 1 31.0101 14 50.0200 11 69.0100 282 72.0101 10 31.0102 8 50.0400 24 69.0200 1 72.0201 1 32.0500 1 53.0200 12 70.0100 34 72.0204 1 32.0600 22 53.0300 8 70.0300 1 73.0101 3 36.1600 14 53.0400 4 70.0400 7 73.0102 4 37.0101 199 53.0500 14 71.0201 41 73.0103 7 37.0200 87 57.0300 18 71.0202 1 73.0104 8 37.0300 9 58.0600 2 72.0101 16 73.0106 3 37.0401 7 65.0200 1 72.0201 1 73.0107 6 37.0402 8 65.0301 12 72.0204 3 73.0109 4 38.0100 19 65.0500 7 73.0101 9 73.01 1 1 6 38.0400 5 66.0100 8 73.0102 6 73.0112 1 38.0700 4 68.0100 16 73.0103 11 73.0200 28 38.0800 23 68.0202 5 73.0104 13 73.0301 15 38.0900 6 68.0302 1 73.0106 4 73.0302 8 38.1100 49 69.0100 73 73.0107 13 73.0303 4 38.1400 4 70.0100 11 73.0109 9 74.0000 13 40.0600 3 70.0400 2 73.0111 8 75.0001 3 40.0700 7 71.0201 18 73.0112 1 75.0002 3 41.0100 63 71.0202 1 73.0200 99 77.0501 2 41.0203 1 72.0101 5 73.0301 22 78.0100 3 42.0401 2 72.0204 1 73.0302 15 79.0300 8 42.0402 3 73.0101 2 73.0303 10 80.0000 8 42.0800 20 73.0102 2 74.0000 23 88.0000 1,217 42.1100 7 73.0103 4 75.0001 5 89.0000 25 43.0200 2 73.0104 2 75.0002 6 90.0000 398 47.0100 3 73.0106 1 76.0101 1 47.0300 25 73.0107 73.0109 4 2 76.0205 77.0402 1 1 50.0100 2,067 1 47.0404 47.0405 3 4.0002 1 73.0111 3 77.0501 3 12.0300 13 47.0500 12 73.0200 13 78.0100 4 24.0800 2 49.0100 25 73.0301 6 79.0300 14 25.0000 39 49.0200 34 73.0302 3 80.0000 29 31.0101 10 49.0500 33 73.0303 3 88.0000 1,741 32.0400 20 49.0600 1 74.0000 8 89.0000 42 32.0500 1 49.0700 5 75.0001 2 90.0000 862 32.0600 10 50.0200 31 75.0002 2 36.1600 7 50.0400 131 77.0501 1 49.0800 3 023 37.0101 109 53 0200 4 78.0100 1 4.0002 2 37.0200 69 53'0400 32 79.0300 5 12.0300 13 37.0300 7 53.0500 3 80.0000 2 17.1001 25 I 37.0401 I 5 58.0600 2 See footnote at the end of the table. 250 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 58.0700 2 24.0702 1 51.0102 1 263 53 0400 g 63.0300 1 24.0800 2 12.0300 2 53.0500 16 65.0100 2 25.0000 17 24.0500 1 53.0800 58 65.0200 2 26.0200 3 24.0702 1 55.0100 2 65.0301 . 26 26.0400 3 24.0800 1 55.0300 33 65.0400 1 26.0601 1 25.0000 8 56.0300 62 65.0500 ■ 8 27.0100 4 26.0400 7 57.0100 114 66.0100 13 27.0402 1 31.0102 1 57.0200 1,550 68.0100 39 30.0000 5 32.0400 26 57.0300 6,415 68.0202 5 31.0101 25 32.0600 3 58.0600 1 68.0302 2 31.0102 4 37.0200 2 59.0302 2 69.0100 249 32.0100 1 37.0401 1 62.0200 2 70.0100 23 32.0400 10 38.0700 1 63.0300 9 70.0400 4 32.0600 42 38.0800 3 65.0100 1 71.0201 19 36.1600 68 38.1000 6 65.0200 28 71.0202 7 37.0101 933 38.1100 1 65.0301 41 72.0101 10 37.0200 301 40.0700 20 65.0302 3 72.0201 1 37.0300 46 41.0100 11 65.0400 2 72.0204 3 37.0401 32 41.0203 37 65.0500 213 73.0101 9 38.0100 325 42.0401 4 65.0702 2 73.0102 11 38.0501 1 42.0402 2 66.0100 144 73.0103 9 38.0700 19 47.0300 2 68.0100 194 73.0104 7 38.0800 247 49.0500 1 68.0202 16 73.0106 6 38.0900 58 50.0400 3 68.0301 11 73.0107 12 38.1100 414 51.0102 1 68.0302 10 73.0108 2 38.1400 17 51.0103 6 69.0100 4.003 73.0109 11 40.0200 15 51.0104 108 69.0200 8 73.0111 8 40.0400 37 53.0400 10 70.0100 241 73.0112 1 40.0700 15 57.0100 7 70.0200 1 73.0200 20 41.0100 126 57.0200 30 70.0300 43 73.0301 7 41.0203 15 57.0300 112 70.0400 49 73.0302 9 42.0201 1 58.0200 7 71.0201 513 73.0303 2 42.0401 37 650200 1 71.0202 28 74.0000 16 42.0402 55 65.0301 2 72.0101 117 75.0001 3 42.0800 138 65.0500 4 720201 3 75.0002 7 42.1100 87 66.0100 6 72.0204 11 77.0501 2 43.0200 22 68.0100 4 73.0101 29 78.0100 1 47.0100 25 68.0202 1 73.0102 23 79.0300 9 47.0200 3 69.0100 103 73.0103 93 80.0000 10 47.0300 155 69.0200 2 73.0104 397 88.0000 1,359 47.0401 2 70.0100 9 73.0106 13 89.0000 23 47.0404 22 70.0400 2 73.0107 63 90.0000 200 47.0405 17 71.0201 8 73.0109 92 47.0500 108 71.0202 1 73.0111 93 50.0300 625 1 49.0200 49.0500 111 95 72.0101 73.0101 4 1 73.0112 73.0200 14 24.0800 257 25.0000 8 49.0600 10 73.0102 1 73.0301 299 28.0100 12 49.0700 5 73.0103 2 73.0302 13 32.0400 12 50.0200 47 73.0104 13 73.0303 26 32.0600 1 50.0400 1.214 73.0107 3 74.0000 142 37.0101 21 53.0200 26 73.0109 1 75.0001 47 37.0200 11 58.0700 14 73.0111 2 75.0002 24 38.0900 1 59.0302 3 73.0200 8 76.0101 3 38.1000 7 63.0200 2 73.0301 10 76.0201 4 38.1100 4 63.0300 4 73.0302 1 76.0203 4 40.0700 12 65.0100 22 73.0303 1 76.0205 5 41.0100 5 65.0200 14 74.0000 5 77.0402 20 42.0401 3 65.0301 167 75.0001 1 77.0501 23 42.0402 1 65.0302 1 75.0002 1 77.0504 2 47.0300 1 65.0400 4 77.0501 1 78.0100 11 47.0405 1 65.0500 86 78.0100 1 79.0300 3 50.0300 17 65.0702 1 79.0300 4 80.0000 2,205 50.0400 2 66.0100 51 80.0000 104 88.0000 6.435 53.0200 2 68.0100 225 88.0000 257 89.0000 295 53.0300 1 68.0202 58 89.0000 9 90.0000 3,133 53.0500 1 68.0302 15 90.0000 265 55.0300 5 69.0100 607 51.0104 22296 57 0200 29 69.0200 5 51.0103 37,305 4.0002 6 57.0300 49 70.0100 134 4.0002 8 5.0001 3 65.0100 2 70.0300 3 7.0000 1 12.0300 173 65.0301 6 70.0400 26 120300 190 24.0500 1 65.0400 1 71.0201 262 24.0500 3 24.0702 2 65.0500 4 71.0202 32 24.0702 3 24.0703 1 66.0100 4 72.0101 59 24.0703 2 24.0706 2 68.0100 4 72.0201 3 24.0706 2 24.0800 3 68.0202 1 72.0204 17 24.0800 2 25.0000 75 69.0100 21 73.0101 42 25.0000 73 26.0100 1 70.0100 3 73.0102 20 26.0100 1 26.0200 2 70.0400 1 73.0103 53 26.0200 4 28.0100 1 71.0201 3 73.0104 35 26.0601 1 31.0101 15 71.0202 1 73.0106 14 29.0201 2 31.0102 3 72.0101 1 73.0107 78 29.0202 3 320400 428 73.0102 1 73.0108 30 31.0101 13 320600 52 73.0103 1 73.0109 79 31.0102 5 36.1600 2 73.0104 4 73.01 1 1 49 32.0400 193 37.0200 38 73.0107 1 73.0112 5 36.1600 6 37.0300 11 73.0109 2 73.0200 174 37.0200 2 38.0700 26 73.0111 1 73.0301 33 37.0300 1 38.0800 66 73.0200 23 73.0302 48 37.0401 1 38.1000 114 73.0301 2 73.0303 75 38.0800 2 38.1100 26 73.0303 1 74.0000 72 38.1000 180 38.1400 36 74.0000 3 75.0001 23 38.1100 1 40.0700 91 75.0001 1 75.0002 33 38.1400 16 41.0100 90 75.0002 1 76.0101 2 40.0700 241 41.0203 128 79.0300 2 76.0201 2 41.0100 22 420401 30 80.0000 6 76.0203 1 41.0203 105 42.0402 8 88.0000 213 76.0205 3 42.0201 1 42.0500 7 89.0000 3 77.0402 2 42.0401 54 42.1100 14 90.0000 101 77.0501 12 42.0402 17 47.0300 8 77.0504 1 42.1100 2 50.0400 22 50.0400 19.245 7 78.0100 79.0300 7 53 47.0300 50.0400 17 57 51.0103 51.0104 966 4.0002 2,117 7.0000 2 80.0000 27 51.0103 4.975 53.0200 1 12.0300 126 88.0000 9.451 51.0104 3.372 53.0300 8 17.1100 30 89.0000 154 53.0200 3 53.0400 920 20.0200 3 90.0000 1,716 I 53.0300 4 I 53.0500 I 27 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 251 Table 2B.- -The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 53.0800 31 65.0301 32 32.0500 4 49.0300 138 55.0300 27 65.0400 3 37.0101 46 49.0500 54 56.0300 3 65.0500 13 37.0200 4 50.0400 359 57.0100 68 66.0100 12 38.0900 1 52.0300 1,798 57.0200 2,580 68.0100 26 38.1000 21 53.0200 34 57.0300 2.369 68.0202 6 38.1100 3 53.0300 39 58.0600 4 68.0301 1 40.0700 6 53.0400 1.012 59.0302 2 68.0302 1 41.0100 4 53.0500 94 62.0200 1 69.0100 247 41.0203 13 55.0100 2 63.0300 4 69.0200 1 42.0800 6 55.0300 112 65.0200 14 70.0100 20 47.0300 1 57.0200 4 65.0301 37 70.0300 1 49.0500 21 59.0302 3 65.0302 1 70.0400 5 50.0400 7 62.0300 376 65.0500 127 71.0201 26 52.0100 6 63.0200 1 65.0702 1 71.0202 2 52.0200 19 63.0300 3 66.0100 83 72.0101 10 53.0200 5 64.1100 9 68.0100 124 72.0201 1 53.0300 3 64.1200 1 68.0202 21 72.0204 2 53.0400 31 65.0100 23 68.0301 7 73.0101 6 53.0500 2 65.0200 14 68.0302 4 73.0102 4 55.0300 8 65.0301 184 69.0100 2,278 73.0103 8 65.0301 4 65.0400 3 69.0200 5 73.0104 16 65.0500 3 65.0500 76 70.0100 144 73.0106 3 66.0100 2 65.0702 1 70.0300 25 73.0107 12 68.0100 3 66.0100 45 70.0400 26 73.0109 9 68.0202 2 68.0100 149 71.0201 227 73.01 1 1 6 69.0100 36 68.0202 42 71.0202 14 73.0112 1 70.0100 3 68.0301 3 72.0101 69 73.0200 49 70.0400 1 68.0302 64 72.0201 2 73.0301 44 71.0201 6 69.0100 1,323 72.0204 13 73.0303 3 72.0101 1 69.0200 14 73.0101 28 74.0000 12 73.0101 1 70.0100 124 73.0102 20 75.0001 4 73.0102 1 70.0300 22 73.0103 51 75.0002 5 73.0103 1 70.0400 27 73.0104 134 77.0501 2 73.0104 1 71.0201 61 73.0106 11 79.0300 9 73.0109 1 71.0202 9 73.0107 44 80.0000 90 73.01 1 1 1 72.0101 58 73.0109 43 88.0000 1,103 73.0200 7 7Z0201 3 73.0111 46 89.0000 26 73.0301 1 72.0204 19 73.0112 5 90.0000 247 74.0000 2 73.0101 45 73.0200 299 75.0001 1 73.0102 15 73.0301 73.0302 183 7 52.0100 772 2 75.0002 79.0300 1 2 73.0103 73.0104 37 12.0300 92 73.0303 16 24.0702 1 80.0000 1 73.0106 9 74.0000 72 24.0800 6 88.0000 177 73.0107 38 75.0001 26 25.0000 5 89.0000 4 73.0109 22 75.0002 23 28.0100 3 90.0000 58 73.01 1 1 29 76.0101 3 30.0000 13 73.0112 3 76.0201 2 3£0300 2 52.0300 19.195 73.0200 107 76.0203 1 3Z0400 30 4.0002 5 73.0301 42 76.0205 3 32.0500 1 7.0000 2 73.0302 41 77.0402 6 36.1600 3 12.0300 149 73.0303 10 77.0501 13 37.0101 43 18.0400 1 74.0000 76 77.0504 1 37.0200 2 20.0200 14 75.0001 22 78.0100 4 37.0401 1 20.0600 5 75.0002 37 79.0300 29 38.1000 8 20.0901 13 76.0101 1 80.0000 1,169 38.1100 3 20.0904 1 76.0201 2 88.0000 5,562 41.0100 9 21.0000 28 76.0203 1 89.0000 178 41.0203 8 24.0500 5 76.0205 3 90.0000 482 42.0800 4 24.0701 2 77.0402 21 47.0200 1 24.0702 7 77.0501 12 51.0400 3,060 47.0300 7 24 0800 72 77 0504 1 4.0002 2 49.0500 6 25.0000 67 78.0100 1 12.0300 15 50.0400 25 26.0200 1 79.0300 3 24.0703 9 52.0100 11 26.0400 1 80.0000 22 24.0706 1 52.0300 28 27.0100 57 88.0000 5,231 24.0800 1 53.0200 11 27.0402 3 89.0000 153 25.0000 26 53.0400 25 28.0100 49 90.0000 2,184 28.0100 23 53.0500 7 29.0201 7 30.0000 31.0101 36 7 53.0700 55.0300 2 24 29.0202 30.0000 3 49 52.0400 779 24.0800 1 31.0102 1 64.1100 2 31.0101 24 25.0000 6 32.0400 108 65.0301 6 31.0102 5 30.0000 3 32.0600 2 65.0500 3 32.0100 1 31.0101 3 37.0102 13 66.0100 4 32.0400 289 32.0300 6 37.0200 1 68.0100 7 32.0500 103 32.0400 28 37.0300 1 68.0202 2 32.0600 69 32.0500 7 37.0401 1 69.0100 47 35.0100 4 32.0600 9 38.0700 2 70.0100 4 36.1600 38 36.1600 4 38.0800 5 70.0400 1 36.2000 65 37.0101 20 38.1000 10 71.0201 3 37.0101 685 37.0200 11 38.1400 1 71.0202 1 37.0200 285 37.0300 5 40.0700 75 7Z0101 2 37.0300 15 37.0401 2 41.0100 51 73.0101 1 37.0401 21 38.0100 1 41.0203 38 73.0102 1 38.0100 59 38.0700 1 42.0401 7 73.0103 1 38.0700 462 38.0800 4 42.0402 2 73.0104 1 38.0800 380 38.1000 6 42.0500 5 73.0107 1 38.0900 25 38.1100 22 42.1100 44 73.0109 2 38.1000 227 38.1400 5 47.0300 1 73.0111 1 38.1100 194 40.0200 4 49.0200 22 73.0200 2 38.1400 6 40.0600 1 50.0400 3 73.0301 3 40.0300 1 41.0100 16 51.0103 37 73.0302 3 40.0700 3 41.0203 7 51.0104 113 74.0000 3 41.0100 244 42.0402 48 51.0400 3 75.0001 1 41.0203 492 42.0800 12 53.0200 3 75.0002 1 42.0201 1 47.0100 2 53.0400 32 78.0100 1 42.0300 53 47.0300 1 53.0500 5 79.0300 2 4Z0402 8 49.0100 15 55.0300 2 88.0000 259 42.0500 32 49.0200 2 56.0300 6 89.0000 6 42.0800 136 49.0500 1 57.0100 54 90.0000 110 42.1100 5 50.0200 4 57.0200 92 43.0200 29 50.0400 29 57.0300 124 52.0200 546 47 0100 4 52 0400 5 58.0600 3 12.0300 3 47^0200 1 53^0200 1 64.1100 1 20.0901 2 47.0300 80 53.0300 1 65.0100 3 28.0100 1 49.0100 2 53.0400 16 65.0200 1 32.0400 8 49.0200 43 53.0500 I 1 See footnote at the end of the table. 252 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 62.0200 56 73.0101 6 90.0000 552 31.0102 6 65.0301 3 73.0102 4 32.0300 9 65.0500 66.0100 3 3 73.0103 73.0104 10 11 53.0300 5.421 i 32.0400 32.0500 227 4.0002 3 68.0100 7 73.0106 3 120300 29 32.0600 27 68.0202 1 73.0107 9 20.0901 2 36.0800 50 69.0100 " 52 73.0109 5 24.0800 1 36.1600 6 70.0100 5 73.01 1 1 8 25.0000 3 36.2200 11 70.0300 2 73.0112 1 28.0100 35 37.0101 503 70.0400 2 73.0200 97 30.0000 2 37.0200 91 71.0201 6 73.0301 24 31.0101 e 37.0300 2 71.0202 1 73.0302 12 32.0300 8 37.0401 2 72.0101 2 73.0303 10 32.0400 1C" 38.0100 7 72.0204 1 74.0000 22 320600 16 38.0400 45 73.0101 1 75.0001 5 36.0800 82 1 38.0700 45 73.0102 1 75.0002 4 36.1600 3 i 38.0800 34 73.0103 2 76.0101 1 37.0101 170 i 38.0900 3 73.0104 2 76.0205 1 37.0200 ro 38.1000 406 73.0107 2 77.0501 3 37.0300 4 38.1100 148 73.0109 1 78.0100 2 37.0401 1 38 1400 1 73.01 1 1 1 79.0300 14 380100 4 41.0100 67 73.0200 8 88 0000 1,594 38.0400 7 41.0203 250 73.0301 7 89.0000 42 38.0501 ? 42.0201 1 73.0302 4 90.0000 863 38.0700 122 42.0401 10 73.0303 1 38.0800 K 1 42.0402 4 74.0000 4 53.0200 4,008 38.0900 14 42.0500 2 75.0001 1 4.0002 1 38.1000 SO 42.1100 7 75.0002 1 1Z0300 16 38.1100 16 ' 43.0200 248 78.0100 1 20.0200 12 38.1400 1 47.0200 2 79.0300 2 20.0901 2 40.0700 4S 47.0300 13 88.0000 222 24.0500 3 41.0100 64 49.0200 59 89.0000 o 24.0701 36 41.0203 s 49.0500 59 90.0000 24.0702 3 42.0401 w 50.0400 32 24.0800 51 42.0402 17 51.0104 11 52.0500 5,1 25.0000 29 0201 14 2 421100 47.0200 1 3 1 52.0300 53.0200 1 4.0002 3 12.0300 2 29.0202 3 47.0300 - 53.0300 15 24.0500 • 30.0000 20 49.0200 3 53.0400 201 24.0702 3 31.0101 49 50.0400 17 j 53.0500 81 24.0800 25 31.0102 14 53.0300 9' 53.0700 17 25.0000 20 32.0400 35 53.0400 i 1 53.0800 142 28.0100 54 36.0800 46 53.0500 411 1 55.0100 2 30.0000 20 36.1600 3 55.0300 2 55.0200 3 31.0101 11 37.0101 376 57.0300 103 57 0200 62 31.0102 2 37.0200 2 58.0600 i 58.0600 1 32.0300 14 37.0300 4 62.0200 17 59.0302 1 32.0400 104 37.0401 1 63.0300 1 63.0300 1 32.0500 16 38.0100 13 65.0100 2 65.0100 9 32.0600 13 38.0700 39 65.0200 3 65.0200 5 36.1600 9 38.0800 59 65.0301 26 65.C 1 ? 67 37.0101 248 38.0900 1 65.0500 19 65 2 37.0200 38 38.1000 172 66.0100 24 65 31 37.0300 3 38.1100 1 68.0100 46 66 20 37.0401 6 38.1400 1 68.0202 10 61 80 38.0100 2 41.0100 17 68.0302 3 68.02 18 38.0700 4 41.0203 27 69.0100 420 68.030 1 1 38.0800 26 47.0200 4 70.0100 39 68.0302 7 38.0900 6 47.0300 7 70.0300 6 69.0100 452 38.1000 59 50.0400 98 70.0400 7 69.0200 12 38.1100 27 53.0200 3 71.0201 33 70.0100 53 38.1400 1 53.0500 258 71.0202 7 70.0300 9 40.0600 191 53.0800 119 7£0101 16 70.0400 11 40.0700 16 55.0100 2 72.0204 4 71.0201 47 41.0100 46 55.0300 40 73.0101 9 71.0202 6 41.0203 1 63.0300 1 73.0102 4 72.0101 24 42.0402 21 65.0100 7 73.0103 12 72.0201 1 42.0800 103 65.0200 3 73.0104 11 720204 9 42.1100 30 65.0301 42 73.0106 3 73.0101 23 47.0100 1 65.0400 2 73.0107 12 73.0102 6 47.0200 3 65.0500 20 73.0109 8 73.0103 18 47.0300 24 66.0100 9 73.0111 8 73.0104 15 49.0100 26 68.0100 35 73.0112 1 73.0106 3 49.0200 19 68.0202 13 73.0200 61 73.0107 20 49.0300 85 68.0302 7 73.0301 23 73.0109 14 49.0500 33 69.0100 335 73.0302 12 73.01 1 1 16 49.0700 22 69.0200 7 73.0303 5 73.0112 2 50.0200 51 70.0100 30 74.0000 22 73 0200 46 50.0400 102 70.0300 5 75.0001 6 73.0301 15 ; 2.0300 25 70.0400 5 75.0002 9 73.0302 5 Z0500 111 71.0201 20 76.0205 1 73030" 3 3.0200 9 71.0202 2 77.0501 3 74.0C" 35 3.0300 10 7£0101 12 78.0100 4 75 C 9 53.0400 110 72.0204 3 79.0300 1 75 C 19 53.0500 9 73.0101 7 80.0000 25 76 C 1 55.0300 35 73.0102 3 88.0000 1.723 77.0 2 59.0302 1 73.0103 9 89.0000 41 77.C 5 65.0100 5 73.0104 9 90.0000 1.176 77.06 2 65.0200 3 73.0106 1 78.01 X 7 65.0301 65.0400 53 2 73.0107 73.0109 9 8 53.0400 7.975 2 79.0300 80.0000 1 4.0002 90 65.0500 18 73.0111 7 5.0001 7 88.0000 2,642 66.0100 24 73.0112 1 12.0300 37 890000 59 68.0100 33 73.0200 21 17.1100 1 90.0000 917 68.0202 9 73.0301 9 20.0901 3 68 0301 3 73 0302 2 24 0500 5 53 0500 7,170 68.0302 2 73.0303 3 24.0701 3 4.0002 2 69.0100 328 74.0000 16 24.0702 6 5.0001 7 69.0200 4 75.0001 4 24.0800 2 120300 39 70.0100 33 75.0002 6 25.0000 60 20.0901 2 70.0300 1 76.0205 1 26.0200 1 24.0701 25 70.0400 7 77.0501 2 26.0601 1 24.0800 2 71.0201 46 78.0100 4 28.0100 24 25.0000 16 71.0202 3 79.0300 11 29.0201 9 260200 1 72.0101 16 80.0000 18 29.0202 4 26.0601 1 72.0201 1 88.0000 1,165 30.0000 37 27.0406 6 72.0204 2 89.0000 28 31.0101 I 13 28.0100 23 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 253 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value 30.0000 9 31.0101 13 32.0300 88 32.0400 123 32.0600 38 36.0800 - 9 36.1600 7 37.0101 75 37.0200 14 37.0300 3 37.0401 5 38.0100 25 38.0400 11 38.0501 5 38.0700 31 38.0800 13 38.0900 6 38.1000 32 38.1100 9 38.1400 1 40.0700 94 41.0100 57 41.0203 2 42.0401 78 42.0402 25 47.0200 6 47.0300 16 49.0200 2 50.0400 47 53.0300 52 53.0500 455 53.0700 4 55.0300 8 57.0100 1 57.0300 460 58.0600 9 59.0302 1 62.0200 23 63.0300 3 64.1200 3 65.0100 2 65.0200 5 65.0301 29 65.0500 33 66.0100 48 68.0100 50 68.0202 9 68.0301 2 68.0302 3 69.0100 657 70.0100 63 70.0300 8 70.0400 9 71.0201 71 71.0202 7 72.0101 22 72.0201 2 72.0204 5 73.0101 12 73.0102 7 73.0103 19 73.0104 24 73.0106 4 73.0107 26 73.0109 19 73.01 1 1 20 73.0112 2 73.0200 129 73.0301 13 73.0302 7 73.0303 7 74.0000 33 75.0001 9 75.0002 10 76.0101 1 76.0205 1 77.0402 1 77.0501 4 78.0100 6 79.0300 1 80.0000 51 88.0000 2,577 89.0000 54 90.0000 1,121 1,259 4.0002 1 7.0000 1 12.0300 14 24.0800 1 27.0100 34 31.0101 3 31.0103 54 32.0400 87 36.1900 53 36.2200 28 37.0200 1 37.0300 1 37.0402 3 38.0100 7 38.0700 3 38.0800 1 47.0300 1 50.0400 3 53.0700 32 65.0100 33 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 53.0700 . 53.0800 . 54.0100. 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 12.0300 20.0901 24.0703 24.0800 25.0000 30.0000 31.0101 32.0400 36.0800 36.2100 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 47.0300 50.0400 53.0300 53.0500 53.0800 57.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1 29 14 4 5 51 25 2 25 9 2 5 1 4 3 8 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 7 4 5 1 6 1 4 7 412 9 242 1,976 10 19 13 2 1 3 6 1 3 10 2 564 16 1 4 4 4 10 4 45 1 1 1 13 9 2 5 2 53 15 75 6 1 36 2 8 7 16 3 62 14 2 19 2 6 4 1 3 29 4 3 17 4 5 3 69 7 4 2 7 2 2 1 1 1 5 679 14 26 2,604 54.0200 . 4.0002 12.0300 240500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32 0500 35.0100 36.1600 36.2000 37.0101 37 0200 37 0300 37.0401 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 47.0200 47.0300 50.0400 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 54.0100 55.0300 57.0200 57.0300 62.0300 62.0700 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0200 21.0000 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27 0100 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 2 14 1 4 41 33 9 4 2 1 30 9 3 9 272 7 16 2 15 175 17 2 1 2 5 3 53 83 1 23 127 2 1 46 8 2 3 3 1 16 43 11 41 30 38 44 45 4 1 23 9 8 20 9 2 206 4 17 4 11 1 8 2 6 4 5 4 1 7 1 4 167 4 2 11 2 4 2 2 3 1 6 577 20 142 4,030 1 23 1 8 3 1 5 33 29 1 89 3 139 2 1 29 8 3 4 54.0300 . 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 36.2000 37.0101 37.0200 37.0401 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 47.0200 47.0300 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 55.0100 55.0300 62.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25 0000 26.0601 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 36.1600 36.2000 37.0101 37.0200 37.0401 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 42.0500 420800 47.0300 49.0500 259 4 48 2 28 308 13 2 36 33 5 24 26 60 49 38 10 35 10 2 1 4 3 1 25 7 347 1 97 26 2 78 53 11 3 47 12 25 42 8 1 299 6 27 1 5 10 2 12 3 8 4 7 6 3 6 3 5 6 18 2 15 4 8 1 2 7 1 6 1,043 34 307 3,098 1 12 3 4 22 23 1 24 2 2 38 8 4 21 135 43 1 5 258 48 2 3 18 6 56 82 35 42 9 4 2 33 See footnote at the end of the table. 254 B£NCHM T INPUT " 0UT?OT AC ™ s » - — s TATES m2 Industry i 54.0400 Commodity used 50.0400 520100 53.0200 | 53.0400 53.0500 54.0300 55.0100 55.0300 57.0200 i 57.0300 620300 62.0700 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 I 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 I 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 I 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 I 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 90004 120300 16.0100 20.0903 20.0904 24.0500 I 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 26.0601 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 I 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 I 32.0300 32.0400 l 320500 35.0100 36.1600 36.2000 37.0101 37.0200 I 37.0401 38.0700 38.0800 i 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 420300 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 421100 47.0200 47.0300 50.0400 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 54.0400 I 55.0300 57.0200 57.0300 58.0200 62.0300 620700 I Table 2B.— Value 5 1 1 237 . 10 7 " 2 43 11 15 38 217 5 1 26 13 5 21 9 1 229 7 20 1 5 6 1 10 1 2 2 6 1 1 1 2 4 50 2 1 1 14 3 2 2 7 1 1 617 24 459 Industry i ■The Use Table (or Industrie* (r„i 54.0500. See footnote at tne end of the table. 2.635 2 14 13 2 1 1 3 5 45 38 1 1 3 49 2 1 21 8 3 12 203 5 9 3 8 92 7 2 4 27 6 66 45 27 41 1 6 25 1 2 1 5 8 1 156 9 2 27 17 22 1 64 2 Commodity used 63.0300 | 64.1100 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 i 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 i 720101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 i 73.0104 73.0106 I 73.0107 I 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 I 73.0301 73.0302 I 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 I 76.0101 77.0501 77.0600 i 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 I 90.0000 Value Industry i 120300 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 I 25.0000 I 26.0601 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 I 320400 32.0500 36.1600 I 37.0101 37.0401 38.0800 38.0900 l 38.1000 I 38.1100 41.0100 I 41.0203 | 420500 I 42.0800 47.0200 47.0300 50.0400 53.0400 54.0500 55.0300 57.0200 57.0300 62.0300 I 64.0800 64.1100 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 i 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 I 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 I 73.0103 | 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 1 1 5 1 38 2 9 8 21 6 1 126 5 18 4 14 1 8 1 2 7 3 6 4 1 6 4 5 1 64 1 2 13 3 5 § 6 8 11 516 20 537 1.828 11 1 3 28 22 1 128 1 7 2 3 140 23 2 17 4 2 1 37 21 15 12 5 1 4 4 7 112 1 15 4 1 7 3 5 3 1 25 1 6 7 14 3 1 70 2 18 2 7 1 6 1 2 2 5 6 6 2 3 54.0700 . Commodity used 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 I 73.0303 74.0000 I 75.0001 75.0002 I 76.0101 77.0501 77.0600 I 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 i 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value Industry > 4.0002 90004 120300 23.0400 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 320300 320400 320500 35.0100 36.1600 36.2000 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 420300 42.0402 420500 420800 47.0200 47.0300 50.0400 53.0200 53.0400 55.0300 57.0200 57.0300 620300 620700 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 117 9 1 2 7 2 2 1 1 6 7 1 3 354 13 458 2.441 2 14 13 2 1 4 29 27 1 9 79 2 1 17 55.0100 . Commodity used 90.0000 3 10 236 15 8 2 22 178 8 1 2 5 12 7 64 16 1 23 38 1 21 27 21 2 3 5 1 72 30 6 1 93 90 7 1 43 2 10 4 17 7 1 210 4 17 3 4 7 1 7 1 1 2 6 5 3 4 11 2 4 32 2 1 12 2 3 1 10 7 7 5 399 19 55.0200. 4.0002 120300 I 24.0500 I 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 27.0100 l 31.0101 31.0102 i 320400 35.0100 36.1600 37.0401 38.1000 41.0203 I 421100 47.0300 I 50.0400 I 55.0100 I 57.0200 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 i 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 I 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 , 73.0107 I 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 I 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 I 73.0303 74.0000 I 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 I 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 I 120300 20.0200 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 I 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 320300 I 320400 35.0100 36.0900 36.2100 I 37.0101 37.0200 38.0400 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 I 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 420401 420402 I 420500 42.1100 47.0200 I 47.0300 50.0400 52.0300 l 53.0200 I 55.0100 55.0200 I DETAILED TABLES 255 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 42.0300 30 42.0401 68 42.0402 21 42.1100 51 47.0300 10 50.0400 25 51.0103 136 53.0200 1 53.0400 1 53.0500 18 53.0800 3 55.0100 4 55.0300 55 56.0100 11 56.0300 54 56.0500 601 57.0100 17 57.0200 1,655 57.0300 3.088 58.0600 5 59.0302 1 62.1100 26 63.0300 3 65.0100 6 65.0200 15 65.0301 61 65.0400 2 65.0500 96 65.0702 1 66.0100 88 68.0100 98 68.0202 13 68.0302 10 69.0100 1,311 69.0200 8 70.0100 129 70.0300 23 70.0400 26 71.0201 139 71.0202 15 72.0101 60 72.0201 1 72.0204 13 73.0101 29 73.0102 11 73.0103 46 73.0104 123 73.0106 7 73.0107 63 73.0109 33 73.01 1 1 37 73.0112 3 73.0200 107 73.0301 180 73.0302 31 73.0303 8 74.0000 75 75.0001 20 75.0002 25 76.0101 1 76.0201 2 76.0203 2 76.0205 3 77.0501 13 77.0600 7 78.0100 9 79.0300 1 80.0000 91 88.0000 5,320 89.0000 148 90.0000 4.561 21 798 4.0002 7 1£0300 139 20.0903 1 22.0102 17 24.0400 1 24.0500 2 24.0701 1 24.0702 4 24.0703 1 24.0705 1 24.0800 47 25.0000 38 26.0200 3 26.0601 6 26.0602 1 27.0100 2 28.0100 30 28.0200 2 31.0101 12 31.0102 3 32.0300 15 32.0400 191 32.0600 3 35.0100 1 36.1600 6 37.0101 34 37.0200 40 37.0300 98 37.0401 5 38.0501 1 38.0700 13 38.0800 62 38.0900 18 55.0300 . 55.0300 57.0200 58.0200 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 27.0100 27.0406 28.0100 31.0101 3£0300 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 47.0200 47.0300 47.0405 50.0400 55.0300 57.0200 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 167 33 1 69 8 - 4 100 2 28 28 64 25 1 7 685 28 55 10 121 8 26 4 11 9 15 34 3 19 7 11 298 24 13 21 36 8 13 3 5 4 19 63 2,495 64 794 7,586 4 32 33 34 1 1 4 10 278 20 70 91 10 7 312 63 2 6 5 74 155 49 29 60 112 1 106 142 3 137 44 6 138 6 19 11 49 107 85 1 3 12 4 74 24 24 92 20 6 373 57 2 12 47 11 23 1 8 20 56.0100 . 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 12.0300 17.1100 20.0901 22.0102 22.0103 22.0300 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0500 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 51.0104 52.0100 52.0300 53.0200 53.0500 55.0100 55.0300 56.0100 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0200 58.0600 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 7 20 28 4 22 19 23 2 69 23 6 9 36 9 16 1 5 9 10 99 2,428 56 1,555 8,355 1 8 34 1 1 136 373 83 7 10 53 57 1 9 5 7 6 4 211 20 9 9 1 4 5 98 6 4 29 104 1 3 4 13 11 7 1 3 41 2 120 347 1,953 113 1,363 1 1 1 2 5 42 1 31 12 26 7 3 858 15 53 9 10 63 4 25 2 7 4 17 38 3 20 9 12 1 44 7 11 3 33 9 56.0200 . 56.0300 . 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 26.0601 28.0100 32.0400 47.0300 50.0400 53.0500 56.0200 57.0300 58.0600 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 12.0300 24.0500 24.0702 24.0703 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0102 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38 1100 38.1400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 5 1 11 5 4 7 1 195 1,059 61 339 1,863 1 22 49 1 6 1 52 106 1 3 1 58 4 244 2 1 13 9 5 23 4 1 73 12 2 16 3 6 3 9 3 4 5 1 7 2 3 9 15 1 1 6 2 8 1 1 11 5 21 538 13 475 20,139 4 24 122 3 4 2 23 23 1 2 5 10 47 2 3 11 10 5 2 472 7 1 3 8 2 8 4 2 3 3 12 3 152 6 1 108 38 44 4 56.0500 See footnote at the end ot the table. 256 BENCHMARK mPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OP THE UNITED STATES, ,992 Table 2B.-The Use Table for Industries (ColumnsV-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' pnces] 57.0100 . 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 40.0700 40.0902 41.0100 41.0203 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.1100 47.0300 49.0700 50.0400 51.0103 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 55.0300 56.0100 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0600 59.0302 62.1100 63.0300 64.0503 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 9.0004 12.0300 22.0102 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 28.0100 31.0101 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 133 27 45 5 .165 1 "102 227 69 22 1 71 22 18 63 53 4 24 48 189 54 534 48 731 3,329 10 1 9 1 103 7 1 2 15 56 1 1 77 1 109 129 17 6 767 6 140 22 29 230 30 65 2 16 38 22 54 101 12 79 42 46 4 183 71 68 33 82 22 30 1 2 1 3 14 1 9 37 10 80 7,532 162 4,416 3,086 2 1 13 13 3 4 1 4 11 23 619 1 2 2 1 1 1 15 3 15 1 2 57.0200 38.0900 38.1000 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0401 42.0402 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 51.0103 55.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 621000 62.1100 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66 0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 24.0400 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0400 26.0601 27.0100 27.0406 28.0100 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 3Z0600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0401 420402 42.0500 42.1100 47.0300 48.0600 50.0400 57.0300 Value 51.0103 530200 53.0700 55.0300 56.0500 ' 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 59.0302 62.1000 62.1100 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65 0302 65 0400 65 0500 65.0702 66.0100 680100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69 0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 700400 71.0201 71 0202 720101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 730103 730104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 730301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 18.0400 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 290202 31.0101 31.0102 320300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0401 42.0402 Industry ' 51 1 31 9 11 32 2.312 575 2 42 28 10 82 21 124 1 17 129 1 137 492 44 3 32 1.365 6 196 36 45 339 20 92 14 77 192 100 95 267 60 118 98 99 9 359 360 150 33 113 31 149 4 4 2 4 18 19 2 31 13 13 165 9.452 227 8.008 37,729 18 1 327 1 5 11 86 74 4 1 10 7 9 154 4 3 36 7 16 906 3 15 16 83 41 1 10 130 78 385 82 96 69 313 27 139 201 322 1,166 251 Commodity used Value 58.0100 . 42.1000 42.1100 47.0300 48.0600 50.0400 51.0103 52.0300 53.0200 53.0500 53.0700 55.0100 55.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 59.0302 62.1000 62.1100 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 ] 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 28.0100 28.0200 31.0101 31.0102 3Z0300 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0200 41.0203 42.0800 47.0300 50.0400 58.0100 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 2 188 40 41 113 720 1 2 30 11 2 121 94 56 2,061 7,486 1 11 58 5 6 23 166 1 167 1 109 377 58 1 29 2.240 13 243 40 51 330 18 114 7 28 72 56 77 75 33 97 51 58 4 471 371 13 47 146 36 57 4 2 2 5 12 23 2 14 23 117 13,116 276 2,296 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 257 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 31.0101 8 31.0102 3 32.0300 74 32.0400 636 32.0600 13 36.1600 4 37.0101 33 37.0300 31 37.0401 1 37.0402 36 38.0800 87 38.1400 13 40.0700 5 41.0100 26 41.0203 1 42.0401 81 42.0402 26 42.0500 1 42.1000 6 42.1100 2 47.0200 1 47.0300 8 49.0200 7 50.0400 19 51.0104 65 53.0200 1 53.0400 1 53.0500 122 53.0700 6 53.0800 3 57.0100 10 57.0300 78 58.0600 12 59.0302 1 62.0800 1 63.0300 2 64.1200 1 65.0100 4 65.0200 3 65.0301 82 65.0400 1 65.0500 19 66.0100 11 68.0100 56 68.0202 11 68.0301 1 68.0302 15 69.0100 261 69.0200 5 70.0100 35 70.0300 5 70.0400 6 71.0201 33 71.0202 3 7Z0101 13 72.0201 1 72.0204 15 73.0101 34 73.0102 10 73.0103 13 73.0104 21 73.0106 6 73.0107 6 73.0109 16 73.0111 16 73.0112 2 73.0200 23 73.0301 6 73.0302 3 73.0303 3 74.0000 18 75.0001 5 75.0002 27 76.0205 1 77.0402 6 77.0501 2 78.0100 3 79.0300 1 80.0000 74 88.0000 918 89.0000 33 90.0000 561 4,593 4.0002 3 12.0300 16 22.0102 1 24.0500 1 24.0702 2 24.0800 17 25.0000 14 26.0100 1 26.0200 1 27.0406 1 31.0101 7 31.0102 2 32.0400 54 36.1600 5 37.0101 9 37.0200 12 37.0401 2 38.0100 22 38.0700 20 38.0800 32 38.0900 9 38.1000 125 Industry ' Commodity used Value 58.0200 . 58.0400 . 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 6.0200 12.0300 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 28.0100 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 37.0101 37.0401 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 40.0200 41.0203 '42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 53.0700 58.0200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 12.0300 1 10 7 71 13 5 378 2 22 1 5 15 2 10 1 3 10 12 6 5 8 6 4 4 34 9 1 1 14 5 9 2 9 33 903 25 467 1,780 4 13 2 2 1 48 78 10 2 63 73 67 1 1 1 2 47 1 1 1 75 130 3 8 43 35 8 1 39 1 7 6 17 4 3 79 3 16 2 12 3 5 2 6 2 4 5 2 3 4 12 6 4 8 3 4 1 5 10 388 12 381 7,244 6 3 16 58.0600 . 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 27.0100 28.0100 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 42.0402 42.0500 42.1100 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 53.0200 53.0700 55.0300 57.0200 57.0300 58.0200 58.0400 59.0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7£0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0002 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 2 3 2 46 1 2 1 32 9 2 45 103 1 6 135 16 1 5 7 12 26 5 158 43 22 26 39 1 68 2 3 16 35 37 47 1 29 38 356 744 1 383 2 2 3 5 67 4 30 9 46 9 1 3 678 4 57 2 10 35 9 21 2 3 10 17 18 12 11 16 19 19 2 45 4 6 2 33 11 8 1 3 4 1 5 2 106 79 2,200 53 1,019 4,205 4 61 2 2 3 1 119 1 1 11 184 2 1 58.0700 . 59.0100 . 38.1100 40.0400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0401 42.0402 42.1100 47.0300 49.0700 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 53.0400 53.0500 55.0100 55.0300 56.0100 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0700 62.0200 62.1000 62.1100 63.0300 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 17.1100 19.0304 19.0306 20.0200 23.0300 24.0703 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 7 1 55 28 34 5 2 60 11 1 17 34 46 46 8 1 31 2 30 17 164 663 44 2 34 20 3 3 18 1 19 23 37 8 25 2 327 5 31 1 7 49 4 14 1 2 5 7 20 10 4 13 25 27 3 85 13 8 7 24 4 4 1 1 3 1 4 13 76 1.858 37 41 4,470 2 2 14 45 5 7 28 27 1 2 2 2 1 3 52 21 1 9 '32 57 17 259 5 3 13 22 1 2 108 2 8 8 See footnote at the end of the table. 258 Industry i 59.0200 Commodity used 38.1400 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 42.0402 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0200 47.0200 47.0300 49.0100 49.0500 50.0200 50.0400 52.0300 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0600 59.0100 59.0301 59 0302 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Table 2B Value Industry i ^^Trr^s™ 8 ^""- 4.0002 I 7.0000 12.0300 17.1100 | 20.0200 20.0300 23.0300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0402 30.0000 31.0101 320100 i 32.0300 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 I 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0400 i 38.0800 38.1000 | 38.1100 I 38.1400 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0300 42.0402 I 42.0800 | 42.1100 i 43.0200 46.0400 1 26 66 97 2 81 ■ 34 53 72 10 104 4 24 19 41 33 40 9 1 30 21 4 88 412 128 1 8 3 52 17 11 34 11 5 233 4 29 1 8 24 3 13 4 3 7 4 12 6 2 10 11 13 2 53 9 9 54 25 7 7 1 9 3 5 1 2 .195 25 373 59.0301 See footnote a. the end of the table. 3,411 1 1 2 2 78 30 3 1 1 2 32 9 225 104 34 7 4 204 3 1 4 62 280 3 9 1 39 105 1 10 12 13 1 92 5 Commodity used 47.0300 i 49.0500 50.0200 I 50.0400 I 52.0300 | 55.0100 55.0200 59.0100 I 59.0200 j 59.0301 i 59.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 i 68.0100 I 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 I 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 | 73.0104 | 73.0106 I 73.0107 I 73.0109 73.0111 i 73.0200 I 73.0301 I 73.0302 73.0303 I 74.0000 I 75.0001 75.0002 I 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 I 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 I 90.0000 i Value 6 5 8 11 55 2 22 3 9 19 369 11 1 148 16 6 15 4 2 262 1 22 18 1 11 Industry ' Commodity used Value 10 15 780 19 100 2.0702 I 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 i 16.0200 I 17.0100 I 17.1100| 18.0400 J 19.0304 i 19.0306 20.0903 20.0904 23.0300 I 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 I 24.0705 24.0706 I 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0601 26.0602 I 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 I 28.0100 | 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 I 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 320500 32.0600 34.0302 34.0305 I 35.0100 36.0200 36.0400 36.0800 36.1600 36.2200 I 37.0101 37.0200 i 37.0300 I 150,738 1 22 18 492 178 451 677 5 2.582 1.478 2.522 14 11 20 12 38 673 1.719 162 26 1.511 1.263 6.109 267 46 1 1 1,504 10 9 11 151 20 71 23 2 370401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0201 420100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 47.0500 49.0200 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 53.0200 53.0400 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0100 59.0301 59.0302 620200 620700 63.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 Industry ■ 136 2 5 8 5 8 16 1 842 11,762 1 20 3 1,311 364 355 406 268 28 38 2,020 1 7 11 150 35 1 29 26 300 423 71 2 2,225 2 5 282 558 1.770 2,608 9 195 2.294 7 180 643 40.186 881 2 4 15 1 1 2 1 3 4 413 107 2.369 3 49 992 2 7 162 487 141 4 75 12.404 47 961 2 50 225 491 28 454 69 61 149 65 279 128 39 126 156 210 18 683 1,141 19 44 551 178 9.622 1 4 16 12 21 322 89 3 103 59.0302 Commodity used 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 20702 l 4.0002 5.0001 7.0000 120300 17.0600 19.0304 20.0901 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 l 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 , 26.0400 26.0601 26.0602 I 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 i 320100 | 32.0300 320400 i 320500 320600 34.0302 36.0200 36.0400 36.0800 36.1600 36.1700 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 , 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 | 38.0100 38.0400 38.0700 I 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0201 42.0201 420202 I 420401 420402 I 420500 420800 421100 43.0200 46.0300 I 47.0300 47.0405 49.0200 49.0500 I 49.0700 i 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 51.0104 i 52.0300 | 53.0200 i 53.0400 I 53.0500 53.0700 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 | 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 I 62.0200 63.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 I 64.0504 I 65.0100 I Industry DETAILED TABLES Tabie 2B.-The Use Table for industries (Co.umns)-^on ti „ U e d [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 259 60.0100 . 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0002 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0702 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 16.0100 17.0100 18.0400 19.0304 19.0306 20.0903 220102 23.0300 24.0400 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 320600 34.0302 35.0100 36.1600 36.1700 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 41.0100 See footnote at the end of the table. 60.0200 . 41.0203 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 47.0200 47.0300 49.0200 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 51.0104 53.0400 53.0500 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0600 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 62.0101 62.0200 62.0700 63.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 7.0000 12.0300 16.0100 20.0901 20.0903 22.0102 24.0400 24.0701 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 27.0100 201 4 7 193 60 19 17 245 14 58 11 807 2 77 292 639 88 18 74 702 15 130 974 20 5 31 8,559 10,036 3,431 1,087 17 1 11 1 1 2 5 27 41 277 1 7 534 4 3 92 247 38 3 57 2,088 7 470 70 76 178 17 188 15 19 56 107 121 210 66 51 115 96 8 227 528 172 39 233 59 39 1 6 6 8 84 34 2 19 46 5 6,395 379 937 Industry i 24,885 10 31 5 282 16 1 1 9 1 1 5 4 1 4 30 I 60.0400 . 27.0406 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 36.0800 36.1600 36.1700 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0404 49.0200 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 51.0104 53.0500 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0600 59.0302 60.0200 60.0400 62.0101 62.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Commodity used 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0101 14.2104 16.0100 18.0400 20.0600 20.0901 220102 23.0300 24.0400 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0601 27.0100 27.0406 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 320400 32.0600 35.0100 36.0800 36.1600 36.1700 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 41.0100 41.0203 420201 420202 42.0300 42.0401 420402 42.0500 420800 421100 47.0200 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 51.0104 53.0400 53.0500 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0600 59.0302 60.0200 60.0400 620101 620200 621000 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 Value 5 4 4 2 15 5 16 1 4 7 1 2 4 19 16 92 85 38 70 74 13 5 2 29 13 9 71 60 46 20 4 224 45 111 132 161 42 179 65 2 1 284 43 14 13 92 186 3 53 49 61 6 60 159 35 10 13 29 15 90 370 15 1 111 858 73 5 8 3 3 5 14 132 89 1 57 219 35 5 29 474 4 133 22 25 133 13 63 5 16 40 49 49 87 29 101 62 41 4 61 38 48 11 77 19 30 260 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B.— ' Industry ' 61.0100. Commodity used 76.0201 760203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 19.0302 19.0304 20.0200 20.0300 20.0903 20.0904 23.0700 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 36.1600 36.2000 36.2200 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0800 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 45.0100 46.0200 47.0100 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0700 50.0200 50.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 55.0200 56.0500 57.0200 58.0400 59.0302 61.0100 61.0200 61.0700 62.0101 62.0200 62.0800 62.0900 63.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 Value 2 1 3 12 13 1 - 6 19 8 46 10.045 127 3,299 10.363 6 2 29 19 12 12 5 9 14 9 1 3 1 1 9 1 1 64 25 2 1 10 3 4 8 3 413 15 3 1 14 10 22 18 8 9 1 13 291 1 24 1 42 1 3 53 92 26 14 165 35 1 3 13 2 14 16 6 113 134 22 40 49 10 4 7 89 298 5 17 8 65 4 13 10 3 22 4 2 2 1 1 1 13 6 95 3 56 22 99 15 -The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry i 61.0200. Commodity used Value 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 17.0100 17.0900 19.0302 19.0304 20.0200 20.0600 20.0800 20.0903 20.0904 23.0700 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0402 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 38.0400 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0202 420300 420402 421100 43.0200 47.0300 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 50.0400 53.0400 53.0500 55.0200 58.0100 59.0302 61.0200 62.0101 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 See lootnote at the end of the table. 2 15 431 4 67 2 14 52 153 32 4 6 15 19 20 79 11 48 10 14 1 16 25 28 9 43 14 11 2 1 6 4 1 3 5,368 66 950 5.237 4 1 13 46 3 34 1 35 60 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 104 38 17 9 40 12 107 2 24 5 4 9 2 87 4 2 7 2 95 35 1 1 130 6 5 726 5 7 6 2 2 95 33 2 2 29 1 13 63 5 3 60 19 7 27 8 1 10 237 2 Industry i 61.0300. Commodity used 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89 0000 90.0000 40002 7.0000 12.0300 19.0304 20.0200 24.0800 26.0601 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 320300 32.0500 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.010O 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 41.0100 42.0402 42.0700 42.0800 42.1100 47.0300 47.0405 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 50.0200 50.0400 52.0300 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 59.0302 61.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 Value 29 1 8 38 80 13 2 1 4 12 8 15 8 8 5 6 46 7 13 10 20 5 3 1 3 2 13 3 1.904 31 615 4.790 2 2 39 2 3 2 1 2 2 20 9 1 3 6 605 227 43 5 2 11 20 20 3 5 60 29 54 20 7 6 3 2 52 22 59 14 19 1 291 80 41 2 359 11 3 53 20 10 42 15 5 264 30 1 7 25 2 13 1 2 6 6 7 11 4 12 4 6 7 6 1 2 20 Industry ■ 61.0500. 61.0601 Commodity used 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 19.0304 24.0800 30.0000 31.0101 320100 320400 320600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 420401 42.0402 42.1100 43.0200 47.0200 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 55.0200 59.0302 61.0500 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 17.0100 19.0100 19.0304 20.0200 20.0501 20.06O0 20.0800 22.0400 24.0800 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 38.1400 40.0200 40.0300 Value 7 5 1 3 4 13 4 1,416 29 556 1,720 11 6 1 2 8 28 40 3 54 5 7 2 3 2 4 14 3 7 10 23 7 6 65 2 2 85 105 3 2 11 127 1 1 30 12 3 7 4 1 163 11 5 6 1 5 1 1 1 4 2 4 2 3 26 4 7 2 2 1 5 10 398 11 338 2,043 2 17 21 1 50 28 63 1 26 1 13 13 8 12 38 2 52 31 9 2 1 1 44 3 7 1 18 21 DETAILED TABLES 261 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 69.0200 5 70.0100 222 70.0200 2 70.0300 40 70.0400 48 71.0201 294 71.0202 56 72.0101 104 72.0201 7 72.0204 17 73.0101 46 73.0102 60 73.0103 95 73.0104 197 73.0106 37 73.0107 124 73.0109 162 73.0111 95 73.0112 847 73.0200 460 73.0301 186 73.0302 129 73.0303 28 74.0000 144 75.0001 38 75.0002 33 76.0101 1 76.0201 4 76.0203 3 76.0205 5 77.0402 18 77.0501 21 77.0504 2 77.0600 16 78.0100 74 79.0300 6 80.0000 11 88.0000 15,607 89.0000 205 90.0000 4,853 2 012 4.0002 2 7.0000 1 12.0300 12 20.0200 2 20.0600 44 24.0800 7 25.0000 6 28.0100 10 31.0101 5 31.0102 1 32.0300 45 32.0400 21 32.0600 10 35.0100 10 36.1600 1 37.0101 31 37.0200 2 37.0300 9 37.0401 1 38.0700 1 38.0800 4 38.0900 3 38.1000 2 38.1100 5 38.1400 4 40.0700 64 41.0100 8 41.0203 1 42.0401 27 42.0402 1 42.0500 1 42.1100 14 47.0200 2 47.0300 8 47.0405 20 49.0200 6 50.0400 24 51.0103 5 53.0400 8 53.0500 35 55.0200 2 55.0300 10 57.0200 9 57.0300 94 62.0102 12 6£0200 6 62.1100 7 63.0300 1 65.0100 3 65.0200 1 65.0301 17 65.0500 7 66.0100 15 68.0100 15 68.0202 4 68.0301 1 68.0302 2 69.0100 71 69.0200 1 70.0100 13 70.0400 2 71.0201 16 71.0202 2 72.0101 6 61.0603. 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 42.0300 42.0402 47.0300 50.0200 50.0400 52.0300 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0700 55.0300 59.0301 59.0302 61.0601 64.0900 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7£0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 17.0100 17.1100 19.0100 19.0304 20.0200 20.0501 20.0600 20.0800 24.0800 25.0000 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0401 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 40.0200 40.0300 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0402 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 52.0300 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0700 55.0200 55.0300 58.0100 60 2 25 25 1 8 1 4 2 33 23 31 24 1 9 30 28 163 154 2 7 1 30 1 11 5 7 4 2 143 13 2 10 1 6 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 2 3 31 2 2 8 2 1 1 5 471 12 135 2,846 1 1 25 2 19 9 35 35 40 1 1 1 11 11 9 109 58 19 4 16 1 2 5 26 7 12 13 32 2 22 15 20 51 3 6 20 6 2 19 8 35 22 28 23 1 10 2 57 17 61.0700 . 59.0301 59.0302 61.0603 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 20.0200 24.0800 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 38.1400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 43.0200 47.0300 50.0400 59.0302 61.0700 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 634 111 72 11 1 79 9 5 8 4 1 2 166 1 19 4 16 1 8 1 2 5 1 1 2 2 13 20 32 4 1 13 5 1 4 2 8 458 14 231 3,001 1 1 12 3 1 30 8 39 12 180 2 10 1 118 11 2 2 1 26 1 15 1 3 2 1 293 2 7 352 53 2 1 45 12 14 13 6 1 165 1 19 1 7 23 2 9 1 2 3 6 3 1 7 1 4 13 28 1 24 12 3 3 2 1 62.0101 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1 586 19 761 34,438 4.0002 21 7.0000 6 12.0300 187 18.0400 3 20.0200 2 20.0901 1 20.0903 2 22.0102 29 22.0103 4 24.0400 3 24.0500 1 24.0701 2 24.0702 2 24.0703 1 24.0705 2 24.0706 1 24.0800 22 25.0000 16 26.0100 1 26.0200 4 26.0400 9 26.0501 1 26.0601 9 26.0602 3 27.0100 2 27.0402 1 27.0406 10 28.0100 14 28.0200 4 31.0101 21 31.0102 2 32.0300 25 32.0400 75 32.0500 1 32.0600 19 35.0100 2 36.1600 19 37.0101 107 37.0200 83 37.0300 23 37.0401 12 38.0700 16 38.0800 94 38.0900 24 38.1000 101 38.1100 64 38.1400 11 40.0400 5 40.0700 220 41.0100 115 41.0203 33 42.0201 2 42.0202 1 42.0401 122 42.0402 39 42.0500 10 42.1100 206 47.0200 2 47.0300 36 47.0405 3 49.0200 2 49.0700 11 50.0400 146 51.0103 193 51.0104 13 53.0400 38 53.0500 185 55.0200 3 55.0300 88 56.0100 13 56.0500 814 57.0100 46 57.0200 1,909 57.0300 2,629 58.0100 11 58.0600 5 59.0302 1 62.0101 34 62.0200 S 62.0500 1 62.1100 268 63.0300 13 64.0501 1 64.0503 1 64.0504 1 64.1200 3 65.0100 6 65.0200 23 65.0301 96 65.0302 3 65.0400 5 65.0500 139 65.0702 2 66.0100 179 68.0100 285 68.0202 17 68.0301 2 68.0302 24 69.0100 1.065 I 62.0102 . See footnote at the end of the table. 262 62.0200 4.0002 7.0000 120300 20.0200 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0501 26.0601 28.0100 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 320600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 420300 42.0401 42.0402 420500 42.1100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0405 49.0200 50.0400 51.0103 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 55.0300 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 62.0700 62.0800 620900 621100 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 , 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 BENCHMARK ^PUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES , ]m Table 2B.-The Use Tabie for ln dus,rfes (Caum^-ftnta,, lUltons ol dollars at prodoc* prtoes] oon ™«I Industry i 62.0300 . See footnote at the end ol the table. 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 I 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88 0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 28.0100 31.0102 32.0300 320400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 420500 42.1100 47.0200 47.0300 49.0200 50.0400 51.0103 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 55.0300 57.0200 57.0300 62.0300 621100 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value 62.0400 . 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 7.0000 120300 14.2104 16.0100 17.1001 17.1100 18.0400 20.0200 20.0600 20.0904 22.0102 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0400 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 320100 320300 320400 320500 320600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0501 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 420201 42.0402 421000 421100 47.0300 50.0400 51.0104 520300 53.0200 53.0500 55.0100 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0600 59.0302 620200 620400 620500 620900 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 Industry ■ 62.0500. Commodity used 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 5.0001 7.0000 12.0300 14.0101 14.2104 14.2400 16.0100 16.0400 17.1001 17.1100 18.0300 19.0200 20.0200 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 320300 32.0400 320600 35.0100 36.1400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 39.0100 41.0100 41.0203 420201 420402 42.0500 421100 47.0300 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 53.0500 55.0100 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0600 59.0302 62.0400 620500 62.0900 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 I Industry i 62.0600 . Commodity used 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 i 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 , 73.0107 73.0109 i 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 I 73.0301 ' 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 i 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 I 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 I 79.0300 I 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 | 90.0000 I 4.0002 i 5.0001 7.0000 i 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 | 28.0100 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 i 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 I 36.1400 36.2200 i 37.0101 37.0200 I 37.0300 38.0501 38.0900 i 38.1000 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 42.0402 I 47.0300 50.0400 57.0200 57.0300 62.0600 i 62.0800 62.0900 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 i 66.0100 | 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 i 69.0100 I 69.0200 i 70.0100 70.0400 , 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 | 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 I 73.0200 i 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 I 75.0001 75.0002 I 76.0101 77.0501 77.0600 | 79.0300 80.0000 [ Value 15 18 97 45 -41 4 9 21 12 35 29 7 36 35 30 3 231 141 25 12 52 15 18 2 2 1 2 7 8 84 9 1 23 3.681 81 3.778 DETAILED TABLES Tab.e 2B.-The Use Table for Industries (Co,u m „ s ww h , [Mi " i0ns °' ^lars at producers' priC e'" ^"^ 263 Industry ' 62.0700 . See footnote at the end of the table. 1.747 1 11 1 11 8 19 37 13 7 1 3 37 3 16 46 2 14 4 1 147 2 8 2 10 2 11 1 5 8 6 1 32 12 3 1 22 5 10 11 3 1 184 1 12 2 19 3 5 1 2 2 4 7 1 5 3 3 50 14 1 7 2 2 1 1 8 5 5 62.0800 . Commodity used 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value Industry i 24.0800 25.0000 28.0100 31.0101 32.0400 35.0100 i 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0401 42.0402 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 57.0200 58.0200 62.0700 64.0101 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 I 7.0000 1 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 i 32.0400 37.0101 37.0200 , 37.0300 38.0900 38.1000 38.1400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0402 47.0300 I 49.0200 50.0400 | 51.0103 I 51.0104 I 53.0500 I 53.0700 57.0100 I 57.0200 57.0300 62.0800 62.0900 65.0200 65.0301 ' 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 | 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 I 70.0400 71.0201 582 10 267 727 1 15 12 3 4 1 2 3 1 10 1 3 2 1 2 9 5 2 2 1 3 53 1 129 1 3 3 5 7 1 54 1 4 1 6 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 31 1 1 3 1 1 5 1 2 22 229 4 61 2,908 1 1 12 1 2 2 7 19 7 12 1 4 2 24 1 1 33 55 130 2 6 3 11 144 25 51 31 9 351 18 38 1 4 10 17 18 2 180 19 4 5 24 62.0900 . Commodity used 71X1202 1 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 i 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 i 73.0301 73.0303 | 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 i 77.0501 79.0300 | 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value Industry i Commodity used 62.1000 . 4.0002 I 70000 I 12.0300 I 24.0800 I 25.0000 30.0000 I 31.0101 320300 I 320400 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 I 37.0401 38.0900 | 38.1000 I 38.1100 I 38.1400 I 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0402 47.0300 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 53.0500 53.0700 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0600 I 59.0302 62.0800 I 6e0900 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 I 68.0202 I 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7e0101 72.0201 72.0204 | 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 l 73.0106 I 73.0107 I 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 | 73.0301 I 73.0302 73.0303 i 74.0000 i 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 I 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 i 90.0000 62.1100 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 36.1900 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 42.0300 42.0401 42.0500 421100 47.0300 49.0200 50.0400 51.0103 53.0400 53.0500 55.0300 57.0200 57.0300 58.0600 59.0302 62.0900 62.1000 6anoo 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90 0000 Value 4 3 53 1 2 37 24 2 11 11 12 3 258 19 233 2 3 35 13 7 3 2 29 5 29 28 5 150 53 102 1 103 13 4 4 10 16 111 22 35 34 96 487 2 1 23 44 156 1 2 4 26 22 41 60 7 5 251 3 46 6 9 66 4 21 1 3 10 9 19 31 5 25 20 16 1 139 27 1 207 29 11 8 1 1 3 4 2 20 15 2,864 43 739 7.129 4.0002 7.0000 12 0300 I 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0501 28.0100 i 31.0101 8.237 4 4 61 2 2 37 15 1 1 28 11 264 Industry i 63.0200 Commodity used 31.0102 32.0400 I 32.0600 35.0100 I 36.1600 i 37.0101 37.0200 I 37.0401 38.0100 I 38.0700 38.0800 I 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 40.0700 41.0100 i 41.0203 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.1100 47.0200 i 47.0300 49.0200 50.0400 51.0103 53.0200 53.0300 i 53.0400 i 53.0500 53.0800 I 55.0300 57.0200 57.0300 58.0200 58.0600 I 62.0900 62.1100 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 i 65.0301 65.0500 i 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 I 69.0200 I 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 | 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 I 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 i 73.0301 73.0302 i 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 J 80.0000 I 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 I 4.0002 | 7.0000 12.0300 | 24.0800 ?5.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0601 28.0100 i 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 i 36.1600 | 47.0300 50.0400 i 59.0302 i 62.0900 I 62.1000 l 63.0200 i BENCHMARK ZNPUT-OUTPOT ACC0WTO 0F THF m F THE ^^D STATES, 1992 Table 2B.— Value Industry i ■The Use Table for Industrie* See footnote at the end of the table. 4.0002 7.0000 i 12.0300 17.1100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 i 24.0703 24.0800 25.0000 i 26.0100 26.0200 26.0601 27.0100 27.0406 28.0100 | 29.0201 i 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 I 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 I 37.0200 l 37.0401 38.0900 I 38.1000 38.1100 40.0200 I 40.0700 41.0100 41.0203 4e020l 42.0401 4a0402 i 4eosoo 420800 42.1000 421100 47.0300 49.0500 I 49.0700 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 l 53.0200 I 53.0400 j 53.0500 55.0100 55.0200 57.0200 I 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0600 59.0302 62,0200 62.0800 62.0900 64.0101 Commodity used 621000 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 I 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 i 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 | 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 | 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 I 72.0101 72.0201 7^0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 I 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 I 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 I 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 I 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value Industry i 120300 24.0500 | 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 36.1600 37.0401 38.0501 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 59.0302 I 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 | 65.0100 65.0200 I 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 I 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 | 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 I 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 I 64.0102. 64.0104 . Commodity used 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 I 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 I 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 5.000i 12.030O 24.0800 31.010- 38.0501 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 64.0101 64.0102 64.01C^ 65.010C 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 I 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7aoioi 73.0102 73.0103 I 73.0109 I 73.0111 73.0200 I 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 I 75.0001 79.0300 I 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 I 90.0000 Value 12.0300 24.0800 I 25.0000 31.0101 36.1600 i 37.0101 37.0102 37.0200 38.0100 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 i 38.0900 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 64.0104 65.0301 65.0500 i 66.0100 | 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 l 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 i 7eoioi 7£0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 78.0100 79.0300 I DETAILED TABLES 265 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry i Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 64.0105. 64.0200 . 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 36.2200 38.0501 38.0900 42.0402 42.0500 47.0300 50.0400 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 20.0200 22.0102 24.0800 25.0000 30.0000 31.0101 36.1600 42.0500 47.0300 50.0400 53.0500 55.0300 56.0100 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 58.0700 64.0200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 183 4 67 1.453 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 7 1 22 9 26 3 57 10 18 18 3 7 12 251 2 19 1 1 3 3 10 4 43 2 10 2 15 2 5 1 4 1 3 3 4 1 21 3 1 7 2 1 1 13 4 4 2 434 8 359 972 11 39 21 1 7 9 7 2 3 2 7 2 5 4 1 6 65 7 104 1 8 6 3 8 3 87 5 2 8 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 17 2 1 4 64.0301 64.0302 . 75.0001 75.0002 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 16.0100 17.1100 19.0302 19.0306 20.0200 20.0903 20.0904 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0302 26.0501 26.0601 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 33.0001 36.1600 37.0101 37.0102 38.0900 41.0100 41.0203 42.0402 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 49.0200 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 53.0500 55.0100 57.0300 59.0302 63.0300 64.0301 64.0302 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1 1 1 3 2 356 5 132 3,758 1 14 39 1 8 5 20 13 1 5 4 6 87 161 24 5 1 1 7 237 9 4 4 10 6 3 263 2 3 20 53 25 9 7 27 2 2 4 2 11 1 2 2 2 78 1 1 38 19 8 3 63 2 11 12 38 9 2 545 13 27 5 8 37 4 12 2 7 4 8 12 3 5 6 7 1 324 10 3 4 17 6 5 3 1 1 2 15 6 11 15 741 24 466 247 64.0400 12.0300 16.0100 16.0200 24.0800 25.0000 28.0100 30.0000 32.0400 42.0500 50.0400 64.0302 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 73.0101 73.0104 73.0107 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 3.0001 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 16.0100 16.0400 17.0900 18.0400 19.0306 20.0200 20.0600 20.0903 20.0904 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0400 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 33.0001 35.0100 36.1500 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 42.0402 42.0800 47.0300 49.0200 49.0700 50.0400 53.0200 53.0400 55.0100 57.0200 57.0300 59.0302 63.0300 64.0400 64.0700 64.1100 I 3 12 4 3 3 4 3 13 5 2 24 1 2 2 1 2 27 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 8 2 2 1 1 8 2 1 5 74 2 18 7.469 7 2 1 27 90 12 2 13 14 67 1 1 1 1 3 6 4 3 116 i 1 5 2 14 3 65 184 72 16 2 3 34 19 5 123 131 9 24 3 2 10 183 1 1 2 4 11 59 17 103 1 61 2 9 10 2 15 30 1 1 2 276 33 1 2 507 1 2 64.0501 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0903 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0405 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 36.1600 36.1900 36.2200 42.0402 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 64.0501 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 38.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1 13 5 89 5 32 28 52 17 5 951 9 67 14 11 75 7 23 4 6 12 5 19 14 3 10 14 23 4 512 39 7 8 36 11 9 5 1 3 4 47 16 3 11 1,746 149 908 1,116 1 1 1 1 2 1 38 16 1 2 8 2 30 2 2 7 20 6 3 5 209 4 3 3 10 2 1 96 2 13 2 7 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 59 2 1 5 3 2 1 25 2 3 2 275 7 205 See footnote at the end of the table. 266 Industry i 64.0502 . 64.0503 . 64.0504 . Commodity used 9.0001 9.0003 12.0300 20.0903 25.0000 27.0100 27.0405 27.0406 28.0200 30.0000 31.0101 32.0400 36.1400 36.1900 36.2200 41.0100 41.0203 42.0402 50.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0600 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 20.0903 20.0904 240800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 41.0203 47.0300 50.0400 64.0503 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0200 73.0301 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0600 79 0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 16.0100 16.0200 BENCHMARK ZNPUT-OUTFUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UMTED STATES, I992 Table 2B.-The Use Table ,or Industries (ColumnsHCominued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Value Industry i 64.0700 64.0800 . See footnote at the end of the table. T Commodity used 17.1100 24.0500 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 36.2200 42.1100 50.0400 64.0504 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 16.0100 16.0200 24.0800 28.0100 31.0101 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0102 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 42 0402 47.0300 50.0400 64.0700 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75 0001 75.0002 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0503 i 3.0001 1,212 4 Commodity used 12.0300 16.0100 16.0300 20.0200 20.0903 24.0800 25.0000 28.0100 28.0400 30.0000 31.0101 32.0400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 38.0900 38 1000 41.0203 42.0201 42 1100 47.0300 50 0400 64 0800 64 1200 65.0100 650301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 69,0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73 0107 73.0109 73 0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77 0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0001 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 9.0004 120300 20.0903 24.0800 27.0100 28.0100 28.0200 30.0000 31.0101 32.0400 36.0100 36.1600 47.0300 50.0400 64.0900 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7Z0101 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 Value Industry 1000 71 11 64,1100 . 75.0002 77.0501 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 16.0100 20.0200 24.0800 30.0000 31.0101 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 38.0900 38 1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0500 42.0300 47.0300 50.0400 64.1000 650100 65.0301 65 0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88 0000 89 0000 90 0000 4 0002 7 0000 120300 171100 18 0400 20 0200 20.0600 20 0800 20.0903 20.0904 240500 24.0702 240703 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 260200 260501 26.0601 27 0404 28.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38 0700 38.0900 38 1000 38.1100 40 0700 41.0100 42.0300 42.0402 42.1000 42.1100 10 1 4 1 324 8 436 1,043 2 58 34 1 21 7 2 69 3 4 3 16 2 1 14 57 3 5 7 2 8 2 1 7 4 1 42 6 3 6 3 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 14 1 1 5 1 2 1 4 3 265 5 332 5,943 2 1 20 1 12 33 75 2 4 6 5 5 8 7 2 218 1 14 2 22 56 9 4 63 19 5 411 12 21 78 2 1 4 2 9 44 1 131 4 47 3 10 25 DETAILED TABLES 267 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 42.0300 2 42.0500 6 42.0800 5 42.1100 21 43.0200 28 47.0300 73 47.0404 1 49.0200 103 49.0300 37 49.0500 2 49.0700 18 50.0100 1 50.0400 87 52.0300 1 53.0200 16 53.0300 22 53.0400 7 53.0500 29 53.0700 5 55.0100 1 55.0200 6 58.0100 11 58.0400 7 58.0600 4 59.0302 14 61.0300 936 63.0300 7 64.1200 7 65.0100 2,235 65.0200 30 65.0301 98 65.0302 1 65.0400 52 65.0500 169 65.0600 40 65.0701 219 65.0702 108 66.0100 45 68.0100 67 68.0202 1 68.0301 19 68.0302 9 69.0100 401 69.0200 23 70.0100 728 70.0300 52 70.0400 103 71.0201 287 71.0202 17 72.0101 108 720201 7 72.0204 26 73.0101 26 73.0103 121 73.0104 358 73.0106 20 73.0107 346 73.0109 171 73.01 1 1 177 73.0112 13 73.0200 125 73.0301 100 73.0302 8 73.0303 60 74.0000 189 75.0001 187 75.0002 1 76.0101 2 76.0201 4 76.0203 3 76.0205 5 77.0402 92 77.0501 28 77.0504 1 78.0100 36 79.0300 20 80.0000 173 88.0000 14,754 89.0000 837 90.0000 6,411 20,166 12.0300 72 18.0400 19 24.0500 1 24.0706 9 26.0200 1 26.0400 2 26.0501 70 26.0601 8 27.0406 57 31.0101 1,352 31.0102 24 32.0100 135 32.0500 103 32.0600 15 35.0100 48 42.0201 14 42.0300 3 42.0500 11 42.0700 24 420800 151 43.0200 191 47.0300 1 49.0200 177 50.0100 I 6 Industry ' Commodity used Value 50.0400 11 52.0300 7 53.0400 74 53.0500 67 53.0700 30 55.0200 14 57.0200 15 58.0100 8 58.0400 28 58.0600 26 59.0302 374 61.0300 4 61.0700 4 63.0300 3 64.1200 6 65.0100 10 65.0200 93 65.0301 269 65.0400 26 65.0500 45 65.0600 15 65.0702 60 66.0100 346 68.0100 29 68.0301 15 68.0302 65 69.0100 1,120 69.0200 162 70.0100 169 70.0200 17 70.0300 5 70.0400 158 71.0201 301 71.0202 12 72.0101 31 72.0201 21 72.0204 23 73.0103 59 73.0104 430 73.0106 7 73.0109 75 73.01 1 1 80 73.0112 11 73.0200 96 73.0301 189 73.0303 47 74.0000 41 75.0001 325 75.0002 95 75.0003 48 77.0501 15 78.0100 23 79.0300 70 80.0000 10 88.0000 8.704 89.0000 169 90.0000 3,515 157,105 2.0702 1 4.0002 1 12.0300 372 17.0900 8 18.0400 3 19.0302 11 20.0901 20 24.0400 24 24.0500 6 24.0701 10 24.0705 3 24.0706 1 25.0000 74 26.0100 3 26.0200 25 26.0301 3 26.0400 19 26.0501 175 26.0601 140 26.0602 7 26.0806 2 27.0100 32 27.0402 50 27.0406 18 29.0201 1 29.0202 1 30.0000 55 31.0101 7,729 31.0102 72 32.0100 1,939 32.0400 3 32.0500 6 32.0600 24 34.0302 1 35.0100 3 36.1600 1 36.1700 6 38.1000 4 420201 68 42.0300 26 42.0500 59 420700 28 42.0800 202 42.1100 67 43.0200 101 46.0400 5 47.0300 17 64.1200 . 47.0300 49.0700 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 53.0200 53.0500 55.0100 55.0300 58.0600 59.0302 63.0300 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0302 2.0702 3.0001 4.0002 12.0300 14.0101 14.0105 16.0100 16.0300 16.0400 18.0300 18.0400 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0600 20.0903 20.0904 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0601 27.0100 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 28.0100 28.0400 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0300 32.0400 33.0001 36.1600 37.0101 37.0102 17 3 51 21 1 65 "112 4 3 6 1 2 214 3 8 4 74 1 19 34 43 18 4 364 13 37 1 9 81 13 18 1 3 8 6 18 9 4 17 85 19 28 5 130 12 3 12 28 11 6 1 1 1 3 1 11 17 2,357 34 467 5,928 3 26 3 2 35 5 85 4 25 10 21 135 18 2 43 8 34 9 4 5 11 9 2 137 3 5 5 67 3 2 53 84 4 4 3 45 20 4 41 154 5 17 84 91 65.0100 . 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 38.0100 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0402 42.0500 42.1000 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 59.0302 63.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 18.0400 24.0400 24.0500 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0403 27.0404 27.0406 31.0101 32.0100 32.0300 32.0500 32.0600 34.0302 35.0100 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0401 38.0700 41.0100 42.0201 42.0202 I 9 4 4 13 11 28 7 6 2 17 16 1 15 7 2 65 33 129 1 2 2 1 1 4 196 21 4 107 1 7 28 15 50 16 2 441 10 39 6 9 83 9 18 2 3 8 4 23 7 3 12 29 40 6 288 22 4 11 31 9 8 1 1 1 4 1 11 50 17 17 1,824 36 683 35,588 1 2,393 4 5 2 5 4 1 11 3 109 9 20 1 2 24 1,960 8 3 3 4 1 4 2 18 385 1 1 7 26 1 65.0200 . 65.0301 See footnote at the end of the table. 268 BENCHMARK tNPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, .992 Table 2B.-The Use Table for Industries (ColumnsV-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 65.0302 . 47.0404 48.0600 49.0300 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0400 53.0500 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 61.0700 62.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0305 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0002 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Commodity used 4.0002 1Z0300 20.0901 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 30.0000 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 Value Industry ' 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 27.0406 28.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0300 32.0400 35.0100 360701 36.1600 38.0800 38.1000 38.1100 400400 41.0100 41.0201 42.0100 420300 42.0500 42.0800 42 1100 430200 47.0300 47.0404 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 490700 500200 50 0400 53 0400 53 0500 53.0700 54 0400 550100 58 0100 58.0600 590302 61.0100 61.0200 61 .0700 62.0101 630300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 7Z0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 76.0101 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0702 12.0300 14.1801 14.2004 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 Commodity used Value 14.2800 14.3202 16.0100 18.0400 19.0302 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0806 27.0402 29.0201 29.0203 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 34.0302 36.1600 37.0401 41.0100 42.0201 42.0202 420300 42.0500 42.1100 47.0300 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 53.0500 53.0700 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 620101 62.0200 63.0300 64.0104 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7Z0101 7Z0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 8 10 1 8 6 2 4 8 4 4 2 1 8 3 10 9 1 7 120 21 3 1 18 1 2 4 9.432 19 8 20 1 3 1 1 2 42 51 1 3 12 3 28 5 3 120 2 4 1 12 2 5 1 79 40 7 6 20 10 14 409 1.375 921 7 6 19 1 1 1 1 7 16 56 72 222 11 164 6,064 119 734 6,967 1,204 294 14 13 111 1,462 43 601 784 150 151 1,425 46 300 11 262 21 383 2,224 52 675 124 253 30 1.389 944 See footnote at the end of the table. Industry ' I Commodity used 73.0302 73.0303 | 74.0000 I 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 j 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 I 90.0000 Value DETAILED TABLES Table 2B.~The Use Table for Industries (Columns)-^ - , [Mi,lions °'^''ars at producers' pnC^ 269 Industry ■ i.0600 . 65.0701 8.0001 12.0300 19.0302 i 26.0301 27.0406 31.0101 32.0100 i 42.0500 43.0200 49.0100 i 49.0200 50.0200 53.0400 I 53.0500 56.0300 58.0100 58.0600 I 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 I 65.0600 i 66.0100 I 68.0100 68.0201 68.0302 i 69.0100 70.0100 i 70.0300 | 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 i 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 i 73.0103 73.0104 73.0109 I ■ 73.0111 73.0301 73.0302 | 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 i 76.0205 77.0501 80.0000 I 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 13.0500 I 20.0901 24.0500 | 24.0701 24.0703 | 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 | 26.0501 26.0601 26.0806 | 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 I 32.0100 I 32.0400 32.0500 i 32.0600 35.0100 36.1600 I 42.0201 42.0500 49.0700 50.0100 i 50.0400 51.0400 52.0300 i 56.0100 | 58.0400 58.0600 | 59.0302 I at the end of the table. 65.0702 . Commodity used 61.0700 I 63.0300 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 | 65.0100 65.0200 I 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 66.0100 i 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 i 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 , 71.0202 | 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 | 73.0101 l 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 , 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 | 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value Industry i 66.0100 . 12.0300 13.0500 24.0500 24.0701 24.0703 I 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 i 26.0806 31.0101 31.0102 | 320100 32.0600 34.0302 35.0100 36.1600 50.0100 50.0400 51.0400 52.0300 56.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 63.0300 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0301 68.0302 | 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 Commodity used 72.0201 72.0203 i 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 1 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 I 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 | 76.0101 76.0201 , 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 i 78.0100 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0702 4.0002 12.0300 17.1100 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 | 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 I 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 I 26.0806 27.0402 i 27.0406 29.0201 i 29.0202 | 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 320400 320600 34.0302 35.0100 38.1000 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 420300 | 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 I 49.0200 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 53.0200 53.0300 53.0500 53.0800 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0300 | 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 620700 63.0300 64.0101 64.0501 64.0502 I 64.0503 I Value Industry i 66.0200 . Commodity used 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 I 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 I 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 i 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 i 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 , 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 4.0002 | 12.0300 18.0400 20.0903 24.0400 I 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 34.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 I 26.0301 26.0302 I 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 i 26.0806 27.0402 i 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 I 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 I 32.0100 32.0300 320400 35.0100 I 38.1000 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 420300 420500 420800 I 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 49.0200 270 Industry ' 67.0000 . 50.0400 51.0104 53.0200 53.0300 53.0500 53.0800 55.0200 55.0300 56.0300 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0200 58.0600 59.0302 620700 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.050C 65.070 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 BENCHMARK INTUT-OUTFUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNTTED STATES, I992 Table 2B ._ The u T |ndustr)es (Co , u [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 4.0002 12.0300 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 42.0500 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 51.0104 7 37 1 33 • 2 . 1 6 3 192 181 341 36 5 34 3 1 15 1 1 2 1 31 1 19 28 3 2 89 1 1 359 5,121 11 156 6 8 28 225 6 321 3 36 144 256 439 84 2 271 35 14 110 435 9 193 72 102 16 542 171 2 56 100 75 48 26 1.710 885 32 4 25 25 2 96 7 3,751 608 8,283 68.0100 . See footnote at the end of the table. 29.359 4 260 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 7 1 3 1 4 1 14 30 1 1 3 1 1 1 5 33 53.0500 56.0200 57.0100 57.0300 58.0600 59.0302 62.0101 63.0300 64.0503 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0702 4.0O02 7.0000 8.0001 12.0300 18.0400 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0806 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 34.0302 35.0100 36.1300 38.1000 39.0100 41.0100 420201 29 41 143 65 9 3 3 40 1 4 1 17 39 7 73 1 463 1 606 190 5 10 34 95 8 213 2 33 166 304 373 76 3 95 20 12 153 424 8 81 329 155 19 831 377 59 90 96 33 6,658 2,364 2,075 21 4 135 18 4 34 8 8,399 541 2.869 170,896 1 16 15.676 9 13,324 2 7 11 3 8 3 5 7 2 25 16 1 8 1 5 41 33 8 1 111 4 180 2 1 2,194 4 8 12 144 1 2 7 4 100 1 42 18 68.0201 42.0500 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 46.0400 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 520300 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 620200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 8.0001 12.0300 20.0903 24.0400 24.0800 25.0000 26.0601 29.0203 31.0101 32.0100 420500 421100 49.0700 50.0400 51.0104 58.0100 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 8 7 812 104 13 19 1 59 1 13 36 13 1 194 7 1 1 3 168 16 104 26 30 1 4 72 13 105 9 3 1 4 3 22 4.574 108 578 4 740 389 27 7 292 24 4,711 27 167 1.194 38 2.075 2 810 358 1,842 89 401 41 54 36 44 499 1.746 34 830 325 24 131 1,731 179 73 480 197 27 1 16 13 22 425 109 459 20 25 .255 .554 167 15,778 4,209 1,469 1 1 3 1 2 3 257 2 1 1 2 5 75 3 19 5 11 68.0202 . 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 20702 8.0001 120300 20.0903 24.0400 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 27.0402 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 320100 320400 320600 34.0302 37.0401 42.0201 42.0500 421100 47.0300 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 520300 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 Sift DETAILED TABLES 271 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry i Commodity used Value Industry > Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 18.0300 13 53.0500 6 18.0400 585 53.0800 1 19.0100 2 55.0100 81 19.0200 18 55.0200 88 19.0301 238 55.0300 7 19.0302 1 56.0100 29 19.0306 13 56.0300 115 20.0200 38 57.0200 3,006 20.0300 4 57.0300 50 20.0501 14 58.0100 27 20.0502 8 58.0400 213 20.0600 20 58.0600 136 20.0901 1,437 58.0700 7 20.0903 91 59.0302 1,029 21.0000 275 62.0200 43 24.0400 141 62.0400 6 24.0500 215 62.0500 1 24.0701 338 62.0900 2 24.0702 859 63.0200 1 24.0703 113 63.0300 621 24.0705 80 64.0101 30 24.0706 152 64.0301 50 24.0800 357 64.0400 20 25.0000 3,120 64.0501 38 26.0100 22 64.0502 17 26.0200 252 64.0503 53 26.0301 88 64.0504 45 26.0400 98 64.0800 16 26.0501 4,881 64.1100 28 26.0601 421 64.1200 238 26.0602 120 65.0100 70 26.0806 12 65.0200 447 27.0100 286 65.0301 2.012 27.0201 267 65.0302 177 27.0300 68 65.0400 142 27.0402 51 65.0500 2,657 27.0406 37 65.0600 50 28.0100 4 65.0701 213 28.0400 1 65.0702 31 29.0100 33 66.0100 8,638 29.0201 260 66.0200 39 29.0202 192 68.0100 4,784 29.0300 14 68.0202 1,163 30.0000 18 68.0301 160 31.0101 3,190 68.0302 780 31.0102 286 69.0100 14,446 32.0100 303 69.0200 1,492 32.0300 3 70.0100 5.968 32.0400 2,152 70.0200 94 32.0500 51 70.0300 322 32.0600 210 70.0400 917 34.0302 9 71.0201 15.865 35.0100 34 71.0202 500 35.0200 164 72.0101 1,955 36.0100 4 72.0201 210 36.0900 13 72.0203 192 36.1100 12 7Z0204 838 36.1600 67 72.0205 1 36.2200 18 73.0101 1,851 37.0101 36 73.0102 795 37.0103 15 73.0103 3,527 37.0200 3 73.0104 7,733 37.0401 17 73.0106 517 38.0100 24 73.0107 2,312 38.0400 70 73.0108 1.592 38.0501 50 73.0109 6,994 38.0700 46 73.01 1 1 6,179 38.0800 92 73.0112 588 38.0900 20 73.0200 14,423 38.1000 32 73.0301 3.303 39.0100 46 73.0302 376 39.0200 418 73.0303 3,194 40.0200 18 74.0000 2,245 40.0600 1 75.0001 2,400 40.0700 87 75.0002 2.007 41.0100 1 75.0003 384 41.0203 1 76.0101 435 42.0100 15 76.0201 73 42.0201 158 76.0203 53 42.0202 3 76.0205 92 42.0300 82 77.0501 1,009 42.0402 2 77.0504 126 42.0500 148 78.0100 3,283 42.0700 1 79.0300 323 42.0800 5 80.0000 4.104 42.1100 108 81.0002 1 43.0200 20 88.0000 231.373 44.0001 36 89.0000 101,516 45.0100 50 90.0000 67,048 46.0200 1 46.0400 439 142 69.0200 522 519 47.0300 2.0702 2 47.0405 50 4.0002 538 48.0600 62 7.0000 5 49.0200 27 9.0004 1 49.0300 15 1Z0300 5.017 49.0700 1 14.0101 17 50.0100 92 14.0105 29 50.0300 1 14.0600 6 50.0400 598 14.1000 1 51.0104 220 14.1900 17 51.0400 38 14.2900 22 52.0300 172 16.0100 50 52.0500 2 16.0400 1 53.0200 88 17.0900 6 53.0300 2 17.1001 32 68.0301 68.0302 . 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 20.0903 24.0400 24.0701 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0501 26.0601 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 3Z0400 32.0600 35.0200 36.1100 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 47.0300 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 12.0300 20.0200 24.0800 523 75 86 201 -31 _88 2 12 3 250 61 47 84 3 19 888 322 281 96 71 8 7 6 9 38 1 79 4 48 5,114 3,893 7,032 3,715 836 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 60 18 1 1 123 1 21 16 1 27 1 1 1 3 1 13 3 2 7 17 2 3 2 1 31 7 77 71 1 21 50 7 43 1 42 58 1 7 1 5 2 12 24 7 12 3 1 58 3 130 10 8 1 2 21 713 151 960 15,467 699 156 5 69.0100 . 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0400 26.0601 27.0100 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 38.1000 42.0201 42.0300 42.0800 47.0300 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0800 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0702 4.0002 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0004 12.0300 14.0105 14.0300 14.0400 14.0600 14.0900 14.1200 14.1301 14.1402 14.1502 14.1900 14.2005 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2600 14.3202 16.0100 16.0400 17.0900 17.1100 I 2 1 2 1 1 407 33 2 696 7 16 2 13 1 4 3 46 2 3 8 5 7 1 5 1 18 5 1,167 686 4 1 32 8 80 1 17 59 8 1 347 10 518 1 1,409 561 163 89 16 188 10 8 40 8 66 2 58 35 4 44 64 11 410 19 50 50 60 5 2 1 2 8 2 10 2 3,624 1,682 1,672 568,970 76 278 9 9 5 1 2,441 144 3 29 16 52 15 39 2 196 8 3 1 8 102 20 21 86 1 30 24 See footnote at the end of the table. 272 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 17.1100 5 64.0700 5 42.0201 2 26.0100 6 18.0101 2 64.0800 4 42.0300 3 26.0200 43 18.0400 29 64.1100 4 42.0500 113 26.0301 32 19.0100 9 64.1200 334 42.1100 105 26.0400 8 19.0200 4 65.0100 61 43.0200 2 26.0501 117 19.0302 - 18 65.0200 368 47.0300 3 26.0601 57 19.0304 1 65.0301 1,112 49.0300 11 26.0602 15 20.0200 11 65.0302 330 50.0100 3 27.0402 4 20.0901 7 65.0400 74 50.0400 8 27.0406 2 20.0903 84 65.0500 1,490 51.0104 162 29.0203 2 21.0000 5 65.0600 25 52.0300 2 31.0101 58 23.0500 1 65.0702 21 53.0200 3 31.0102 2 24.0400 129 66.0100 4,983 53.0500 15 3Z0100 6 24.0500 89 66.0200 1 54.0400 1 3Z0400 9 24.0701 396 68.0100 11,904 55.0100 4 32.0500 3 24.0702 2,404 68.0202 860 55.0200 9 34.0302 4 24.0703 168 68.0301 276 56.0100 7 34.0304 2 24.0705 74 68.0302 1,403 56.0300 4 36.0900 3 24.0706 194 69.0100 2.369 57.0300 66 42.0300 1 24.0800 473 69.0200 1,912 58.0100 7 42.0500 13 25.0000 878 70.0100 7,620 58.0400 6 42.1100 13 26.0100 12 70.0200 664 58.0600 291 43.0200 1 26.0200 101 70.0300 479 59.0302 55 49.0300 11 26.0301 5 70.0400 1,581 62.0200 1 50.0400 2 26.0400 76 71.0201 36,668 63.0300 577 51.0104 74 26.0501 9 71.0202 675 64.0101 1 55.0200 9 26.0601 387 7Z0101 1,590 64.0104 2 56.0100 2 26.0602 103 72.0201 1,054 64.0501 42 58.0600 13 26.0806 19 7Z0204 614 64.0502 11 59.0302 7 27.0100 5 720205 2 64.0503 63 63.0300 35 27.0201 21 73.0101 1,001 64.0504 50 64.0101 2 27.0300 2 73.0102 1.551 64.1100 24 64.0501 6 27.0402 29 73.0103 2.207 64.1200 326 64.0502 2 27.0406 6 73.0104 3,427 65.0100 29 64.0503 7 28.0100 12 73.0106 937 65.0200 206 64.0504 6 29.0201 87 73.0107 1,128 65.0301 2,384 64.1200 80 29.0202 72 73.0108 63 65.0302 1.384 65.0100 3 30.0000 32 73.0109 8,457 65.0400 30 65.0200 39 31.0101 2.538 73.0111 2.734 65.0500 1,025 65.0301 358 31.0102 249 73.0112 359 65.0600 6 65.0302 110 32.0100 250 73.0200 26,490 65.0702 12 65.0400 3 32.0300 7 73.0301 2,953 66.0100 2,476 65.0500 169 32.0400 1,357 73.0302 116 68.0100 1,581 65.0600 2 32.0500 1 73.0303 2,217 68.0202 399 65.0702 3 320600 162 74.0000 2.219 68.0301 82 66.0100 497 33.0001 118 75.0001 1.652 68.0302 895 68.0100 121 34.0100 3 75.0002 1,474 69.0100 1,593 68.0202 28 34.0302 7 75.0003 62 69.0200 112 68.0301 7 35.0100 12 76.0101 272 70.0100 12,107 68.0302 26 35.0200 2 76.0201 48 70.0200 5,006 69.0100 150 36.0900 1 76.0203 37 70.0300 13,189 69.0200 14 36.1600 16 76.0205 80 70.0400 890 70.0100 2,033 36.220? 2 77.0501 330 71.0201 8.324 70.0200 4,144 37.0 2 77.0504 148 71.0202 130 70.0300 8.100 37.C 4 77.0600 29 72.0101 821 70.0400 214 38.". 4 78.0100 3.067 72.0201 70 71.0201 1,636 40.04oo 8 79.0300 361 72.0204 323 71.0202 26 41.0100 1 80.0000 78 72.0205 2 72.0101 169 42.0100 57 81.0002 1 73.0101 185 720201 12 •42.0201 66 88.0000 216.386 73.0102 517 720204 24 42.0202 3 89.0000 73,207 73.0103 1,654 720205 2 42.0300 64 90.0000 70,077 73.0104 9,732 73.0101 43 42.0402 32 73.0106 713 73.0102 99 42.0500 42.0700 270 3 70.0100 268,591 2 73.0107 73.0108 230 28 73.0103 73.0104 507 2.0702 1,308 42.0800 14 4.0002 89 73.0109 3,512 73.0106 99 42.1000 18 7.0000 2 73.01 1 1 4,176 73.0107 103 42.1100 87 12.0300 850 73.0112 649 73.0108 10 43.0200 74 17.1100 1 73.0200 4,002 73.0109 990 46.0400 8 19.0100 4 73.0301 2,846 73.01 1 1 1,429 47.0300 36 19.0301 165 73.0302 12 73.0112 240 47.0405 9 20.0903 59 73.0303 3.759 73.0200 1,770 48.0100 23 24.0400 158 74.0000 972 73.0301 751 48.0400 1 24.0500 14 75.0001 462 73.0302 5 48.0600 18 24.0701 102 75.0002 216 73.0303 600 49.02r-^ 4 24.0702 7 75.0003 8 74.0000 193 49.0: 1 24.0703 111 76.0101 41 75.0001 125 49.M 18 24.0705 90 76.0201 29 75.0002 58 50.C 85 24.0706 33 76.0203 23 75.0003 1 50.04 uQ 164 24.0800 471 76.0205 43 76.01 01 18 51.0102 8 25.0000 112 77.0402 30 76.0201 7 51.0104 69 26.0200 258 77.0403 16 76.0203 5 51.0400 4 26.0301 218 77.0501 537 76.0205 9 52.0100 43 26.0400 31 77.0504 74 77.0403 15 52.0300 87 26.0501 602 78.0100 3,976 77.0501 101 53.0200 33 26.0601 491 78.0500 2,518 77.0504 17 53.0800 6 26.0602 1,733 79.0300 124 78.0100 532 54.0300 3 26.0806 12 80.0000 764 78.0500 1,546 54.0700 3 27.0402 30 88.0000 70,892 79.0300 10 55.0100 39 27.0406 12 89.0000 11,353 80.0000 420 55.0200 187 29.0201 9 90.0000 83,342 88.0000 32.501 55.0300 2 29.0202 10 89.0000 3.726 56.0100 57.0200 32 193 29.0203 30.0000 2 1 70.0200 62,049 19 90.0000 ^1,020 4.0002 58 0100 17 31.0101 270 12.0300 126 70.0300 85,632 58.0200 2 31.0102 11 19.0100 3 2.0702 1 58.0400 207 32.0100 20 20.0903 12 4.0002 6 58.0600 99 32.0300 2 24.0400 19 12.0300 170 59.0302 1,961 3Z0400 69 24.0500 1 19.0100 3 61.0700 1 32.0500 3 24.0701 11 20.0903 4 62.0200 49 32.0600 5 24.0702 1 24.0400 7 63.0300 190 34.0302 10 24.0703 18 24.0701 5 64.0501 35 35.0100 21 24.0705 10 24.0703 4 64.0502 11 36.0900 6 24.0706 4 24.0705 4 64.0503 48 37.0402 2 24.0800 44 24.0706 2 64.0504 37 42.0100 3 25.0000 16 24.0800 17 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 273 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] stry 1 Commodity used Value 25.0000 7 26.0100 2 26.0200 9 26.0301 1 26.0400 - 6 26.0501 J49 26.0601 21 26.0602 6 26.0806 7 27.0402 2 31.0101 49 31.0102 2 32.0100 4 32.0400 3 32.0600 1 34.0302 1 35.0100 5 36.0900 1 42.0300 1 42.0500 6 4Z1100 5 50.0400 3 51.0104 4 57.0200 1 58.0400 1 58.0600 19 59.0302 6 63.0300 7 64.0101 1 64.0501 2 64.0502 1 64.0503 2 64.0504 2 64.1200 16 65.0100 2 65.0200 48 65.0301 47 65.0302 12 65.0500 189 65.0702 3 66.0100 2,219 68.0100 271 68.0202 51 68.0301 7 68.0302 34 69.0100 70 69.0200 6 70.0100 651 70.0200 17 70.0300 14,731 70.0400 163 71.0201 3,269 71.0202 41 72.0101 212 72.0204 6 73.0101 8 73.0103 195 73.0104 1,705 73.0106 41 73.0108 149 73.0109 606 73.01 1 1 186 73.0112 26 73.0200 1,654 73.0301 2,049 73.0302 11 73.0303 1,225 74.0000 245 75.0001 135 75.0002 16 75.0003 1 76.0101 17 76.0201 7 76.0203 6 76.0205 10 77.0402 13 77.0501 51 77.0504 11 78.0100 332 79.0300 8 80.0000 1,929 88.0000 42,090 89.0000 1,258 90.0000 9,023 168,993 2.0702 1 4.0002 59 12.0300 416 19.0100 12 19.0302 3 20.0903 32 24.0400 47 24.0701 31 24.0702 1 24.0703 21 24.0705 27 24.0706 9 24.0800 118 25.0000 32 26.0100 3 26.0200 16 26.0301 2 26.0400 11 26.0501 879 26.0601 150 Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 44.0002 159 65.0100 6 65.0301 25 69.0100 186 69.0200 191 70.0100 1,519 70.0200 7.023 70.0400 3,022 71.0201 16,415 73.0101 234 73.0102 558 73.0109 848 73.0301 1.787 73.0302 608 89.0000 73,022 90.0000 325,809 494 402 2.0503 21 2.0702 4 4.0002 2,877 7.0O00 4 12.0101 19,502 12.0214 4.030 12.0300 6,046 17.1100 1 19.0100 6 19.0200 1 19.0302 3 20.0903 43 23.0500 3 24.0400 63 24.0500 11 24.0701 186 24.0702 12 24.0703 70 24.0705 36 24.0706 14 24.0800 154 25.0000 75 26.0100 3 26.0200 21 26.0301 4 26.0400 15 26.0501 544 26.0601 195 26.0602 50 26.0806 6 27.0201 125 27.0300 7 27.0402 12 27.0406 30 29.0201 13 29.0202 18 29.0203 19 30.0000 27 31.0101 508 31.0102 52 3Z0100 180 32.0300 2 32.0400 102 32.0500 108 32.0600 4 34.0302 8 35.0100 4 36.0900 8 36.1100 351 38.1000 8 40.0200 83 42.0100 7 42.0201 29 42.0300 63 42.0500 46 42.1100 44 47.0300 4 48.0400 3 49.0300 10 50.0100 1 50.0400 6 51.0104 38 52.0300 2 53.0200 4 53.0800 1 54.0300 46 54.0400 2 55.0100 15 55.0200 22 56.0100 4 57.0300 1 58.0100 9 58.0400 17 58.0600 44 59.0302 58 61.0700 1 62.0200 31 63.0200 2 63.0300 136 64.0101 2 64.0501 16 64.0502 5 64.0503 24 64.0504 19 64 0800 6 64.1100 1 64.1200 82 65 0100 29 70.0500 . 26.0602 26.0806 27.0402 27.0406 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 34.0302 35.0100 37.0402 38.1000 42.0100 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 50.0100 51.0104 52.0300 53.0800 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 61.0700 6a0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0104 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 81.0002 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0702 12.0300 19.0100 19.0302 20.0903 24.0400 37 5 9 3 5 33 40 15 223 1 17 1 2 4 6 1 11 1 79 34 32 1 28 1 3 10 3 2 1 11 21 123 31 2 39 178 1 4 12 3 19 15 73 10 118 306 40 3 471 7 2,855 119 4 10 62 412 77 1,781 1,075 7,400 1,298 62,518 6,134 81 500 21 104 53 170 432 1,500 103 520 25 854 956 86 1,516 5,373 4 1,080 597 2,157 64 154 15 17 13 23 253 30 1,198 12 36 1 68,001 12,274 -16,940 62,104 1 196 3 1 15 25 71.0100 . 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27.0406 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 34.0302 35.0100 38.1000 42.0100 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 51.0104 53.0800 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 61.0700 62.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0101 27.0201 27.0300 27.0406 32.0500 40.0200 15 10 13 5 59 17 1 15 2 10 347 75 25 5 3 2 13 64 8 88 9 1 2 3 4 1 32 17 16 159 1 4 3 2 5 8 95 23 1 15 146 1 5 2 9 7 24 8 138 510 31 4 543 1 8 1.320 257 37 8 39 252 40 394 22 14 650 2,982 30 581 50 69 921 741 240 2,402 1,846 171 1,214 790 3 492 686 793 159 89 12 21 16 27 29 26 583 13 688 23.914 1,646 14.981 457,250 3,634 21,663 291 53 2 61 134 71.0201 See footnote at the end of the table. 274 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B.— ■ ■The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers" prices] Industry > 71.0202. 72.0101 Commodity used 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 81.0002 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 89.0000 90.0000 2.0702 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 16.0100 17.1001 17.1100 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0806 27.0201 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 320600 34.0302 35.0100 36.0900 36.1600 42.0100 42.0201 42.0500 337 459 96 13 1277 - 5 20 3.780 6,591 945 563 2,910 844 270 3,987 558 560 1,637 35.749 238 1.409 63 1,877 4 250 8,192 1,150 625 639 2,507 1.319 246 5.001 3,276 5.102 1,011 1,651 3,137 436 31 19 48 38 66 7 409 60 1.559 409 1 48,354 74,085 234,083 55,711 5.641 50,070 52,407 1 253 2 1,390 6 10 3 48 1 483 7 11 34 59 31 17 6 3 27 111 5 37 4 25 98 33 8 2 106 5 6 54 17 1 143 22 9 1 179 4 2 237 35 2 1 7 7 Industry ■ 72.0102. Commodity used 421100 47.0300 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 520300 53.0200 54.0400 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 620200 62.0400 62.0500 63.0300 64.0101 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69 0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 720204 720205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 2.0401 20501 3.0002 4.0002 120300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1200 14.1301 14.1402 14.1801 14.1802 14.2200 14.2800 14.2900 14.3202 6 1 1 7 7 6 12 8 11 3 1 4 7 9 29 1 10 4 25 1 3 1 5 3 7 48 16 47 279 17 14 209 6 793 363 369 1,830 318 134 621 402 105 1.670 1,335 16 92 1,353 198 202 209 94 2 187 619 504 341 406 137 941 971 95 974 289 1 162 298 140 150 58 13 5 5 9 91 12 264 96 80 19,934 4,999 6,159 7.195 2 2 3 22 136 27 11 8 2 4 2 3 4 7 2 5 4 20 8 1 2 3 6 Industry ' 72.0201 Commodity used 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0302 19.0306 20.0200 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0705 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0201 27.0300 29.0201 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 320400 34.0302 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0900 41.0203 420100 420201 420202 42.0300 420500 421100 53.0200 55.0100 59.0302 63.0300 64.0400 64.0800 64.1200 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.03O0 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value See footnote at the end of the table. 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 16.0100 16.0400 17.0900 17.1100 18.0400 19.0200 19.0302 19.0306 20.0903 1 3 4 11 1 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 7 13 1 10 1 7 8 4 1 3 3 1 20 3 1 4 49 1 2 15 2 1 6 1 6 1 3 1 5 1 1 5 3 5 2 10 1 21 1 14 55 332 41 10 47 38 10 31 13 2.793 17 15 94 7 12 32 77 55 19 13 4 67 138 25 74 18 13 29 30 13 18 3 1 5 2 37 7 1.232 223 984 20,796 11 2 88 24 8 2 7 271 211 1 44 4 Industry ' Commodity used Value 24.0400 4 24.0500 2 24.0701 7 24.0702 25 24.0703 6 24.0705 2 24.0706 6 24.0800 9 25.0000 23 26.0100 1 26.0200 15 26.0301 2 26.0400 26.0501 11 26.0601 9 26.0602 3 26.0806 1 27.01 0C 41 27.0402 1 27.0406 2 29.0201 155 29.0202 59 29.0203 44 31.0101 144 31.0102 2 320100 8 320400 33 34.0100 205 34.0302 2 38.1000 1 41.0100 8 41.0203 9 42.0100 1 420300 7 420500 45 421100 3 43.0200 3 48.0600 11 50.0100 6 50.0400 14 51.0104 2 52.0100 4 520200 139 53.0200 1 54.0300 47 55.0100 1 55.0200 3 58.0100 1 58.0200 1 58.0400 8 58.0600 2 59.0302 32 620200 2 63.0300 2 64.0501 1 64.0503 2 64.0504 1 64.0700 44 64.0800 2 64.1200 9 65.0100 5 65.0200 13 65.0301 71 65.0302 6 65.0400 7 65.0500 55 65.0600 5 65.0702 1 66.0100 170 68.0100 453 68.0202 283 68.0301 49 68.0302 237 69.0100 239 69.0200 25 70.0100 195 70.0200 8 70.0300 4 70.0400 125 71.0201 954 71.0202 137 72.0101 53 720201 1,606 720204 51 73.0101 84 73.0102 37 73.0103 109 73.0104 139 73.0106 23 73.0107 28 73.0108 7 73.0109 134 73.0111 211 73.0112 39 73.0200 257 73.0301 64 73.0303 105 74.0000 63 75.0001 133 75.0002 121 76.0101 3 76.0201 2 76.0203 1 76.0205 2 77.0501 51 77.0504 I 3 DETAILED TABLES 275 Table 2B.- -The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 78.0100 85 31.0101 67 32.0600 6 19.0306 2 79.0300 38 31.0102 2 36.1600 4 20.0200 11 81.0002 1 32.0100 4 37.0101 5 20.0300 6 88.0000 7,720 32.0400 5 37.0401 1 20.0600 6 89.0000 578 32.0600 3 38.0700 2 20.0901 1 90.0000 4,082 34.0302 2 38.0800 7 20.0904 1 " 42.0100 3 38.1000 42 24.0800 3 72.0202 6,928 12 42.0201 42.0500 10 6 38.1100 40.0700 1 6 25.0000 26.0200 8 4.0002 1 12.0300 142 42.1100 5 41.0100 28 26.0501 2 18.0400 9 47.0300 2 41.0203 32 26.0601 1 20.0903 1 48.0600 30 42.0201 22 27.0100 12 24.0400 2 50.0100 1 42.0300 1 27.0402 3 24.0500 1 50.0400 5 42.0401 e 28.0100 1 24.0701 1 51.0104 4 42.0402 2 29.0202 3 24.0702 1 52.0100 5 42.0500 3 29.0203 2 24.0703 1 52.0300 1 42.0800 7 30.0000 2 24.0705 1 58.0400 5 42.1100 1 31.0101 24 24.0800 5 58.0600 6 47.0300 7 . 32.0100 1 25.0000 4 59.0302 20 49.0200 ?1 32.0300 7 26.0400 14 62.0200 16 49.0300 8 32.0400 45 26.0501 4 63.0300 318 49.0500 e 33.0001 141 26.0601 5 64.0501 3 50.0400 >. 35.0100 4 26.0602 2 64.0502 1 51.0102 6 36.1600 6 27.0100 58 64.0503 3 51.0103 c 37.0401 1 27.0406 28 64.0504 3 51.0104 141 38.0501 20 31.0101 36 64.1200 5 51.0400 2"9 41.0100 3 31.0102 1 65.0100 8 52.0300 63 41.0203 5 32.0100 1 65.0200 13 52.0500 112 42.0201 6 32.0400 3 65.0301 192 53.0300 i ] 42.0500 8 32.0600 1 65.0302 4 53.0400 S3 47.0300 3 42.0500 1 65.0400 1 53.0500 1 | 50.0400 29 42.1100 1 65.0500 91 540100 262 i 55.0200 3 58.0400 1 65.0702 1 54.0200 n 1 58.0200 3 59.0302 6 66.0100 424 54.0400 * !l 58.0400 1 63.0300 3 68.0100 252 54.0500 es i 59.0302 5 64.0503 1 68.0202 22 54.0700 61 62.0700 21 64.0504 1 68.0301 10 55.0200 1 63.0300 1 64.1000 940 68.0302 49 55.0300 13 1 64.0101 2 65.0200 5 69.0100 337 56.0100 12 64.0102 73 65.0301 80 69.0200 20 57.0100 68 64.0700 1 65.0400 17 70.0100 298 57.0200 651 64.1200 1 65.0500 21 70.0200 12 57.0300 194 65.0200 1 66.0100 92 70.0300 58 58.0100 15 65.0301 15 68.0100 84 70.0400 38 58.0600 10 65.0500 8 68.0202 22 71.0201 1,590 59.0302 4 66.0100 37 68.0301 4 71.0202 36 62.0300 34 68.0100 23 68.0302 21 72.0101 62 63.0300 627 68.0202 8 69.0100 40 72.0201 157 64.0501 1 68.0301 1 69.0200 8 72.0204 21 64.0503 1 68.0302 3 70.0100 53 73.0101 38 64.0504 1 69.0100 59 70.0300 2 73.0102 22 65.0100 2 69.0200 9 70.0400 10 73.0103 123 65.0200 7 70.0100 19 71.0201 269 73.0104 287 65.0301 45 70.0300 2 71.0202 4 73.0106 13 65.0302 1 70.0400 6 72.0101 21 73.0107 18 65.0400 3 71.0201 107 72.0201 7 73.0108 668 65.0500 44 71.0202 3 72.0204 7 73.0109 141 66.0100 139 72.0101 7 72.0300 5 73.0111 216 68.0100 56 72.0201 1 73.0101 13 73.0112 37 68.0202 16 72.0204 1 73.0102 33 73.0200 1,315 68.0301 3 73.0101 2 73.0103 20 73.0301 153 68.0302 12 73.0102 3 73.0104 30 73.0302 7 69.0100 700 73.0103 9 73.0106 21 73.0303 2,356 69.0200 6 73.0104 5 73.0107 14 74.0000 99 70.0100 90 73.0106 1 73.0109 10 75.0001 70 70.0300 2 730107 2 73.01 1 1 10 75.0002 49 70.0400 16 73.0109 7 73.0112 1 76.0101 13 71.0201 445 73.0111 11 73.0200 155 76.0201 2 71.0202 12 73.0112 2 73.0301 21 76.0203 1 72.0101 36 73.0200 29 73.0303 54 76.0205 3 72.0201 2 73.0301 17 74.0000 29 77.0501 121 72.0204 11 73.0303 13 75.0001 26 77.0504 7 73.0101 20 74.0000 9 75.0002 18 78.0100 206 73.0102 7 75.0001 3 75.0003 3 79.0300 9 73.0103 35 75.0002 4 76.0101 2 88.0000 3,877 73.0104 45 75.0003 6 76.0205 1 89.0000 600 73.0106 2 77.0501 15 77.0501 4 90.0000 6,735 73.0107 60 78.0100 9 78.0100 34 73.0109 11 80.0000 1 79.0300 3 72.0204 19 433 73.01 1 1 31 88 0000 1 376 88.0000 2,330 4.0002 3 73.0112 5 890000 101 89.0000 214 9.0004 3 73.0200 153 90 0000 1.289 90.0000 1,823 12.0300 42 73.0301 33 22,608 20.0200 20.0903 4 1 73.0302 73 0303 31 49 72.0300 18 164 72.0203 4 0002 8 1 4.0002 8 24.0400 3 74.0000 47 7.0000 12.0300 102 24.0701 4 75.0001 19 12.0300 131 16.0400 6 24.0703 3 75.0002 26 18 0400 4 18.0400 91 24.0705 1 76.0101 1 19.0200 2 20.0903 5 24.0706 1 76.0201 1 20.0903 3 24.0400 8 24.0800 8 76.0205 1 24.0400 5 24.0701 27 25.0000 5 77.0501 20 24.0500 13 24.0702 1 26.0100 1 78.0100 60 24.0701 8 24.0703 43 26.0200 2 79.0300 3 240702 2 24.0705 5 26.0400 2 80.0000 21 24.0703 5 24.0706 3 26.0601 9 88.0000 8.346 24.0705 3 24.0800 22 26.0602 2 89.0000 350 24.0706 1 25.0000 10 27.0100 6 90.0000 5.022 24.0800 13 26.0200 11 28.0100 11 25.0000 9 26.0301 26.0400 1 760 30.0000 31.0101 7 46 72.0205 3.843 7 26.0200 26.0400 3 12.0300 1 26.0501 51 31.0102 1 16.0100 97 26.0601 14 26.0601 27 32.0100 2 16.0400 7 26.0602 4 26.0602 7 32.0300 16 17.0600 3 27.0402 1 27.0402 2 32.0400 98 17.1100 25 29.0202 3 29.0202 1 32.0500 5 18.0400 1 29.0300 850 See footnote at the end of trie table. 276 73.0101 BENCHMARK mPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OP THE UNTTH, STATES> lm Tabie 2B.-The Use Tab,e ,or industries (CoiumnsHCominued IMAons of dollars at producers' prices] 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 42.0100 42.0500 42.1100 51.0104 53.0200 54.0400 55.0100 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64 I2O0 65 65. 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0? 00 65' 702 66 68 66 68 68... 32 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.011 73.011. 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 13.0500 18.0400 , 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 57 2 5 46 - 96 1 90 4 4 2 1 115 1 1 1 1 3 8 5 2 1 2 2 6 32 181 2 15 66 1 2 64 2 1 278 415 52 13 65 238 11 133 3 19 1.575 9 62 23 11 2.576 21 24 63 37 13 38 36 45 7 358 41 138 80 50 26 3 2 2 3 102 3 116 13 6.734 252 2,568 See footnote at the end of the table. 30,896 6 75 85 10 3 4 2 5 3 4 2 1 10 10 1 4 3 15 11 3 96 1 2 30 167 7 25 22 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 34.0301 34.0305 36.0900 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0800 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0404 47.0405 48.0100 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 51.0104 51.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0200 53.0400 53.0700 55.0200 57.0200 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 61.0500 62.0200 62.0500 63.0200 63.0300 64.0200 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 82 7 7 10 9 1 63 39 5 11 3 1 2 1 1 3 9 2 70 9 35 3 13 4 3 6 Commodity used Value 3 138 37 39 3 1 142 47 32 11 137 138 50 80 215 52 82 49 83 45 104 5 10 136 2 40 5 34 1 3 1 3 69 2 1 20 3 58 279 8 10 4 47 102 1 1 2 1 52 6 16 130 1 17 85 2 1 246 150 38 7 31 658 119 186 1 3 51 696 20 68 18 30 61 17 80 92 9 73 83 73.0102 Industry ■ 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 17.1100 18.0400 19.0200 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24 0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26 0602 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 i 29.0201 I 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 34.0302 35.0100 36.1600 41.0100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 47.0300 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 520500 53.0200 54.0400 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 57.0200 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 2 1 3 3 2 3 5 2 9 42 18 5 41 3 2 2 167 2 6 3 31 1 16 2 1 2 2 27 4 7 18 150 4 10 80 1 1 292 95 43 8 39 354 163 223 69 12 227 62 2 100 89 65 72 2 2 2 3 102 2 94 10 8 11.208 467 11,909 26.882 13 38 5 32 3 3 5 64 14 51 5 3 1 12 177 2 9 1 6 14 13 4 312 4 3 74 160 110 42 13 1 198 5 2 5 3 1 1 73.0103 . Commodity used 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0403 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 320100 320400 32.0600 420300 42.0500 421100 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 55.0100 55.0200 57.0200 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 Value DETAILED TABLES 277 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value 73.0106 3 73.0107 88 73.0109 92 73.0111 271 73.0112 46 73.0200 267 73.0301 64 73.0303 93 74.0000 115 75.0001 56 75.0002 45 76.0101 3 76.0201 4 76.0203 4 76.0205 6 77.0501 33 77.0504 8 78.0100 111 79.0300 3 80.0000 34 88.0000 32,590 89.0000 794 90.0000 2,932 115,730 2.0702 2 4.0002 54 12.0300 310 20.0903 18 23.0500 2 24.0400 27 24.0500 2 24.0701 123 24.0702 3 24.0703 47 24.0705 15 24.0706 6 24.0800 64 25.0000 25 26.0100 4 26.0200 31 26.0301 3 26.0302 122 26.0400 23 26.0501 778 26.0601 89 26.0602 21 26.0806 3 27.0402 6 27.0406 4 29.0202 4 31.0101 101 31.0102 3 32.0100 12 32.0300 1 32.0400 176 32.0600 3 34.0302 4 35.0100 4 42.0100 1 42.0201 2 42.0300 1 42.0500 20 42.1100 18 47.0300 4 48.0400 2 50.0100 1 50.0400 18 51.0103 2,151 51.0104 4,451 52.0300 1 53.0200 1 53.0400 3 53.0500 118 55.0300 1 56.0100 5 57.0200 1,286 57.0300 3,110 58.0100 2 58.0200 1 58.0400 4 58.0600 324 59.0302 19 62.0200 64 62.0500 3 63.0300 66 64.0101 1 64.0501 7 64.0502 2 64.0503 11 64.0504 8 64.1200 24 65.0100 8 65.0200 73 65.0301 156 65.0302 12 65.0400 10 65.0500 489 65.0600 5 65.0702 5 66.0100 2,385 68.0100 408 68.0202 29 68.0301 7 68.0302 35 69.0100 2,713 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 71.0201 201 71.0202 3 72.0101 46 72.0201 11 72.0204 12 73.0101 28 73.0102 9 73.0103 39 73.0104 54 73.0106 219 73.0107 24 73.0108 7 73.0109 16 73.0111 24 73.0112 2 73.0200 100 73.0301 66 73.0302 1 73.0303 40 74.0000 52 75.0001 53 75.0002 31 76.0101 1 76.0201 2 76.0203 1 76.0205 2 77.0304 2 77.0501 15 78.0100 73 79.0300 1 80.0000 37 88.0000 8,852 89.0000 202 90.0000 2,551 30 694 4.0002 13 7.0000 1 12.0300 82 16.0400 1 18.0400 16 20.0903 3 24.0400 4 24.0500 1 24.0701 20 24.0702 1 24.0703 7 24.0705 2 24.0706 1 24.0800 11 25.0000 6 26.0100 2 26.0200 11 26.0301 1 26.0400 95 26.0501 7 26.0601 12 26.0602 3 27.0402 1 27.0406 2 29.0201 2 29.0202 3 30.0000 5 31.0101 137 31.0102 6 32.0100 10 32.0300 1 32.0400 10 32.0500 1 32.0600 10 34.0302 2 36.1600 3 37.0401 2 41.0100 10 41.0203 12 42.0201 4 42.0300 3 42.0402 61 42.0500 3 42.1100 3 44.0001 1 44.0002 3 47.0300 84 47.0401 18 48.0500 13 49.0200 6 49.0300 4 49.0700 2 50.0100 6 50.0400 18 51.0104 2 52.0100 1 52.0300 5 55.0100 1 55.0200 3 56.0100 3 57.0200 93 58.0100 2 58.0400 13 58.0600 33 59.0302 64 62.0200 23 63.0300 78 64.0200 1 64.0501 1 64.0502 1 Industry ' Commodity used Value 64.0503 2 64.0504 1 64.0800 4 64.1200 77 65.0100 2 65.0200 17 65.0301 68 65.0302 6 65.0400 2 65.0500 74 65.0600 1 65.0702 1 66.0100 270 68.0100 102 68.0202 69 68.0301 4 68.0302 19 69.0100 246 69.0200 62 70.0100 206 70.0200 5 70.0300 19 70.0400 84 71.0201 788 71.0202 82 72.0101 71 72.0201 21 72.0204 81 72.0205 2 73.0101 578 73.0102 41 73.0103 122 73.0104 1,346 73.0106 22 73.0107 334 73.0108 82 73.0109 86 73.0111 171 73.0112 34 73.0200 308 73.0301 113 73.0302 8 73.0303 251 74.0000 100 75.0001 82 75.0002 91 75.0003 1 76.0101 3 76.0201 2 76.0203 2 76.0205 3 77.0501 15 77.0504 6 78.0100 122 79.0300 5 80.0000 119 88.0000 8,454 89.0000 1,019 90.0000 13,718 15,728 4.0002 4 12.0300 58 20.0903 3 24.0400 5 24.0701 8 24.0703 6 24.0705 3 24.0706 1 24.0800 11 25.0000 6 26.0200 6 26.0400 4 26.0601 14 26.0602 5 26.0803 35 27.0402 1 27.0404 32 31.0101 81 31.0102 3 3^010o 5 32.0400 3 3Z0600 5 42.0201 1 42.0300 2 42.0500 3 42.1100 3 47.0300 2 48.0500 32 50.0100 4 50.0400 10 51.0104 2 52.0300 3 55.0200 23 57.0200 114 58.0400 10 58.0600 5 59.0302 31 62.0200 7 63.0300 480 64.0501 2 64.0502 20 64.0503 2 64.0504 2 64.0800 3 65.0100 1 73.0104 . 73.0106. 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 1.0302 4.0002 12.0300 13.0500 14.1501 20.0903 24.0400 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 3^0600 34.0305 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 50.0100 51.0104 52.0300 53.0300 53.0500 55.0200 55.0300 57.0200 57.0300 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 28 871 8 117 93 3,367 317 322 18 151 2 425 161 688 9,273 97 474 1,129 567 95 1,084 1,465 52 290 425 258 388 2 10 11 10 15 673 62 15 705 14 548 49,419 1,869 20,057 13,675 2 2 28 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 7 3 1 1 1 9 3 1 1 84 2 3 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 6 1 3 4 66 37 1 6 2 27 8 1 1 1 2 10 9 1 39 1 1 183 34 7 2 8 82 25 102 8 39 73.0107 . 73.0108 . See footnote at the end of the table. 278 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ■ Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value 65.0200 11 47.0300 22 25.0000 52 79.0300 15 65.0301 42 48.0400 2 26.0100 4 80.0000 714 65.0302 2 50.0100 20 26.0200 28 88.0000 31,058 65.0400 1 50.0300 29 26.0301 3 89.0000 497 65.0500 . 54 50.0400 82 26.0302 17 90.0000 16,108 65.0600 1 51.0104 198 26.0400 19 66.0100 68.0100 " 138 96 52.0300 52.0500 17 18 26.0501 26.0601 126 71 73 0112 28 015 1.0302 42 68.0202 12 53.0200 1 26.0602 18 4.0002 16 68.0301 3 55.0100 3 26.0803 232 120300 162 68.0302 17 55.0200 29 26.0806 3 14.1502 29 69.0100 279 56.0100 6 27.0100 444 18.0400 5 69.0200 18 56.0200 41 27.0402 6 | 20.0903 5 70.0100 126 57.0200 303 27.0406 1 24.0400 8 70.0200 2 58.0100 4 29.0201 ir 24.0500 1 70.0300 2 58.0400 45 29 0202 9 24.0701 57 70.0400 39 58.0600 135 29.0203 130 I 24.0702 2 71.0201 550 59.0302 216 30.0000 12 24.0703 11 71.0202 17 62.0200 93 31.0101 64 24.0705 5 720101 47 62.0700 2 31.0102 1 1 24.0706 2 72.0201 1 63.0300 382 320100 ?' 24.0800 20 720204 27 64.0101 2 32.0400 tu 25.0000 11 73.0101 49 64.0400 2 32.0600 1 26.0100 3 73.0102 11 64.0501 9 34.0302 2 26.0200 22 73.0103 85 64.0502 113 35.0100 19 260301 5 73.0104 76 64.0503 11 37.0401 i 26.0302 46 73.0106 5 64.0504 10 420201 i 26.0400 16 73.0107 82 64.0800 22 420300 1 26.0501 59 73.0108 353 64.1200 13 42.0500 17 26.0601 24 73.0109 159 65.0100 6 42.1100 15 26.0602 6 73.01 1 1 115 65.0200 143 47.0300 i 1 26.0803 90 73.0112 12 65.0301 353 47.0404 14 26.0806 1 73.0200 205 65.0302 137 48.0400 2 27.0100 257 73.0301 40 65.0400 75 50.0100 i 27 0300 4 73.0302 4 65.0500 446 50.0400 IT 27.0402 2 73.0303 929 65.0600 7 51.0104 ITS 27.0406 2 74.0000 75 65.0702 3 52.0300 3 i 29.0202 1 75.0001 53 66.0100 1.731 53.0200 4 i 29.0203 49 75.0002 65 68.0100 376 53.0400 4 30.0000 4 75.0003 25 68.0202 37 53.0500 666 31.0101 108 76.0101 2 68.0301 11 53.0700 21 31.0102 4 76.0205 2 68.0302 50 55.0100 3 32.0100 33 77.0501 49 69.0100 1.096 56.0100 8 32.0400 25 77.0504 2 69.0200 219 57.0200 1 066 32.0600 3 78.0100 108 70.0100 614 57.0300 60 34.0302 2 79.0300 3 70.0200 8 58.0100 2 35.0100 228 80.0000 10 70.0300 169 58.0200 15 36.1600 5 88.0000 4,400 70.0400 219 58.0400 4 37.0401 2 89.0000 440 71.0201 2.355 58.0600 44 42.0201 4 90.0000 5.823 71.0202 173 59.0302 27 42.0300 1 72.0101 244 62.0200 18 42.0500 6 73.0109 78.858 1 72.0201 72.0204 52 107 63.0300 64.0501 93 6 421100 47.0300 5 20702 49 4.0002 35 73.0101 321 64.0502 2 47.0404 6 12.0300 245 73.0102 93 64.0503 9 50.0100 3 16.0300 5 73.0103 534 64.0504 7 50.0400 81 18.0300 10 73.0104 750 64.0800 1 51.0104 47 20.0200 18 73.0106 60 64.1200 52 52.0300 1 20.0501 7 73.0107 400 65.0100 24 53.0200 1 20.0903 27 73.0108 149 65.0200 228 53.0400 1 24.0400 72 73.0109 788 65.0301 506 53.0500 131 24.0500 4 73.01 1 1 970 65.0302 21 53.0700 8 24.0701 230 73.0112 168 65.0400 6 56.0100 3 24.0702 43 73.0200 777 65.0500 902 57.0200 415 24.0703 51 73.0301 514 65.0600 2 57.0300 21 24.0705 107 73.0302 33 65.0702 14 58.0100 2 24.0706 91 73.0303 1,017 66.0100 1.034 58.0200 6 24.0800 78 74.0000 323 68.0100 247 58.0400 6 25.0000 301 75.0001 355 68.0202 35 58.0600 16 26.0100 3 75.0002 260 68.0301 7 59.0302 30 26.0200 53 75.0003 57 68.0302 37 620200 7 26.0301 5 76.0101 53 69.0100 714 63.0300 47 26.0400 26 76.0201 6 69.0200 53 64.0501 2 26.0501 972 76.0203 174 70.0100 613 64.0502 1 26.0601 90 76.0205 19 70.0200 27 64.0503 3 26.0602 25 77.0501 380 70.0300 132 64.0504 2 26.0803 310 77.0504 25 70.0400 80 64.1200 20 26.0806 5 77.0600 34 71.0201 2.935 65.0100 10 27.0100 50 78.0100 726 71.0202 87 65.0200 21 27.0402 13 79.0300 12 720101 935 65.0301 149 27.0406 9 80.0000 128 720201 11 65.0302 8 29.0201 2 81.0002 1 720204 49 65.0400 7 29.0202 6 88.0000 21,053 73.0101 114 65.0500 101 30.0000 3 89.0000 1,319 73.0102 31 65.0600 5 31.0101 609 90.0000 32,701 73.0103 1.191 65.0702 1 31.0102 24 73.0104 1.820 66.0100 343 32.0100 32.0400 34 386 73.0111 75,894 1 73.0106 73.0107 18 255 68.0100 68.0202 225 2.0702 24 32.0600 30 4.0002 10 73.0109 1.892 68.0301 5 34.0100 10 12.0300 190 73.01 1 1 3,783 68.0302 24 34.0302 14 14.1502 1 73.0112 704 69.0100 350 34.0304 1 17.0900 1 73.0200 435 69.0200 26 34.0305 1 17.1100 1 73.0301 758 70.0100 244 35.0100 23 18.0400 16 73.0302 138 70.0200 10 35.0200 17 19.0100 2 73.0303 665 70.0300 50 36.1600 8 19.0200 1 74.0000 1.119 70.0400 42 37.0401 6 20.0903 15 75.0001 482 71.0201 892 38.1000 1 23.0500 2 75.0002 117 71.0202 41 39.0100 38 24.0400 24 75.0003 1 72.0101 91 42.0201 14 24.0500 9 76.0101 3 72.0201 10 42.0202 1 24.0701 94 76.0201 33 72.0204 31 42.0300 26 24.0702 11 76.0203 51 73.0101 87 42.0500 30 24.0703 29 76.0205 44 73.0102 46 42.0700 1 24.0705 12 77.0501 304 73.0103 296 421100 25 24.0706 5 77.0504 31 73.0104 922 43.0200 1 I 24.0800 58 78.0100 570 730106 34 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 279 Table 2B.- -The Use Table for Industries (C olumns)— ■Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 73.0107 140 73.0108 1,860 72.0101 868 72.0201 4 73.0108 19 73.0109 131 72.0201 8 72.0204 41 73.0109 466 73.0111 151 72.02O4 81 73.0101 58 73.0111 694 73.0112 24 72.0205 2 73.0102 34 73.0112 116 73.0200 181 73.0101 114 73.0103 996 73.0200 168 73.0301 138 73.0102 68 73.0104 1,314 73.0301 177 73.0303 979 73.0103 457 73.0106 19 73.0302 972 74.0000 84 73.0104 547 73.0107 303 73.0303 208 75.0001 218 73.0106 165 73.0109 5,945 74.0000 160 75.0002 48 73.0108 3 73.0111 2.240 75.0001 113 75.0003 54 73.0109 2,641 73.0112 608 75.0002 74 76.0101 607 73.0111 2.112 73.0200 187 75.0003 3 76.0201 2 73.0112 2,691 73.0301 473 76.0101 2 76.0203 2 73.0200 516 73.0302 5,705 76.0201 3 76.0205 3 73.0301 3,221 73.0303 4,313 76.0203 2 77.0501 62 73.0302 3 74.0000 162 76.0205 4 77.0504 5 73.0303 487 75.0001 73 77.0501 16 78.0100 159 74.0000 447 75.0002 93 77.0504 8 79.0300 6 75.0001 286 75.0003 86 78.0100 189 80.0000 47 75.0002 185 76.0101 2 79.0300 22 88.0000 11.774 75.0003 48 76.0201 5 80.0000 214 89.0000 352 76.0101 5 76.0203 4 88.0000 15,170 90.0000 7,103 76.0201 12 76.0205 7 89.0000 283 76.0203 35 77.0402 125 90.0000 2.395 73.0301 116,396 76.0205 34 77.0501 128 20702 1 77.0501 157 77.0504 6 73.0200 29,865 9 4.0002 120300 23 168 77.0504 78.0100 58 1,268 78.0100 79.0300 521 4.0002 9 12.0300 51 17.1100 2 79.0300 56 80.0000 430 19.0302 18 20.0903 32 80.0000 30 88.0000 42,904 20.0903 4 23.0500 5 88.0000 53,831 89.0000 559 24.0400 6 24.0400 48 89.0000 733 90.0000 10,623 24.0701 48 24.0500 4 90.0000 29,569 24.0703 7 24.0701 167 73.0303 55,115 24.0705 24.0706 4 3 24.0702 24.0703 4 59 73.0302 84,850 1 20702 4.0002 4 20702 79 24.0800 17 24.0705 28 4.0002 11 12.0300 95 25.0000 7 24.0706 10 7.0000 1 20.0903 19 26.0100 1 24.0800 119 120300 125 24.0400 26 26.0200 5 25.0000 46 20.0903 24 24.0500 5 26.0301 1 26.0100 1 24.0400 22 24.0701 16 26.0400 6 26.0200 9 24.0701 13 24.0702 5 26.0501 1,989 26.0301 628 24.0703 11 24.0703 22 26.0601 20 26.0400 6 24.0705 12 24.0705 15 26.0602 5 26.0501 220 24.0706 16 24.0706 7 26.0803 167 26.0601 151 24.0800 55 24.0800 64 26.0806 35 26.0602 64 25.0000 15 25.0000 34 27.0402 2 26.0806 3 26.0100 3 26.0100 4 31.0101 14 27.0402 9 26.0200 23 26.0200 88 320100 7 27.0406 7 26.0301 3 26.0301 3 32.0400 16 29.0201 4 26.0400 16 26.0302 20 32.0600 3 29.0202 13 26.0501 115 26.0400 55 420300 1 31.0101 143 26.0601 66 26.0501 340 420500 5 31.0102 6 26.0602 17 26.0601 207 421100 4 32.0100 42 27.0402 4 26.0602 21 50.0100 3 32.0300 2 27.0406 1 26.0802 7 50.0400 3 320400 19 31.0101 36 26.0806 21 51.0104 65 32.0500 2 320100 3 27.0100 11 52.0300 2 320600 1 320300 64 27.0402 6 53.0500 1 34.0302 5 32.0400 66 27.0406 6 55.0200 3 34.0305 11 320600 1 29.0201 8 56.0100 2 35.0100 12 34.0302 2 29.0202 4 57.0200 3 37.0402 1 35.0100 15 30.0000 2 58.0400 6 42.0100 1 36.1600 2 31.0101 26 58.0600 10 420500 37 42.0500 47 31.0102 7 59.0302 23 42.1100 33 421100 14 32.0100 3 62.0200 1 48.0400 5 47.0300 9 32.0400 39 63.0300 37 50.0100 1 50.0100 1 32.0600 1 64.0501 2 51.0104 362 50.0400 32 34.0302 20 64.0502 21 520300 2 51.0104 19 34.0304 2 64.0503 2 53.0200 2 520300 1 34.0305 1 64.0504 2 55.0100 2 55.0100 3 35.0100 99 64.0800 4 56.0100 2 56.0100 2 36.2200 22 64.1200 2 56.0300 3 58.0100 2 37.0401 2 65.0100 2 58.0100 2 58.0400 2 42.0201 1 65.0200 17 58.0400 1 58.0600 68 42.0500 19 65.0301 35 58.0600 32 59.0302 11 42.1100 20 65.0302 9 59.0302 70 620200 15 47.0300 2 65.0400 3 63.0300 510 63.0300 47 50.0100 1 65.0500 73 64.0101 1 64.0501 6 50.0400 42 65.0600 2 64.0104 2 64.0502 5 51.0102 67 65.0702 1 64.0501 13 64.0503 8 51.0104 65 66.0100 311 64.0502 20 64.0504 7 520300 1 66.0200 1 64.0503 19 64.1200 31 53.0200 2 67.0000 148 64.0504 15 65.0100 7 55.0100 8 68.0100 122 64.1200 53 65.0200 32 56.0300 1 68.0202 7 65.0100 18 65.0301 365 57.0300 20 68.0301 1 65.0200 85 65.0302 8 58.0100 143 68.0302 2 65.0301 171 65.0400 6 58.0400 1 69.0100 266 65.0302 4 65.0500 149 58.0600 164 69.0200 18 65.0400 28 65.0600 2 59.0302 10 70.0100 169 65.0500 537 65.0702 2 620700 3 70.0200 3 65.0600 9 66.0100 584 63.0300 43 70.0300 4 65.0702 5 68.0100 378 64.0101 2 70.0400 35 66.0100 1,684 68.0202 63 64.0105 1 71.0201 1,349 68.0100 295 68.0301 9 64.0400 2 71.0202 11 68.0202 30 68.0302 44 64.0501 9 72.0101 71 68.0301 6 69.0100 170 64.0502 35 72.0201 11 68.0302 34 69.0200 16 64.0503 9 72.0204 20 69.0100 651 70.0100 751 64.0504 8 73.0101 31 69.0200 31 70.0200 14 64.0800 18 73.0102 27 70.0100 796 70.0300 93 64.1200 48 73.0103 128 70.0300 18 70.0400 87 65.0100 3 73.0104 249 70.0400 140 71.0201 2,639 65.0200 37 73.0106 16 71.0201 7,798 71.0202 49 65.0301 178 73.0107 86 71.0202 55 720101 332 65.0302 14 See footnote at the end of the table. 280 BEN CHMARK tNPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 (Columns>-C°ntinued prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' 74.0000 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 7Z0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88 0000 89.0000 90.0000 1 158 3 751 193 ' 37 - 5 24 412 16 386 653 63 2,883 170 164 38 33 68 289 375 4,288 174 53 103 834 640 115 221 673 60 4.401 207 184 79 135 2 6 30 37 175 82 50 625 7 46 22.496 425 9,852 1.07C0 2.0401 Z0501 2.0702 3.0002 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2600 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 17.1001 17.1100 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0302 20.0903 24.0400 280,708 321 218 1.624 1 1,747 186 6 2,129 6,152 3,942 2,952 279 4,320 1,341 2,242 1,694 43 301 2,661 307 1,823 3,618 2,057 116 344 92 332 104 5 7,795 649 32 615 442 186 577 5,989 763 2,431 2,690 1,130 21 1,598 416 69 816 592 37 1 8 4 143 10 25 18 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 I 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 I 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 | 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0806 27.0100 27 0401 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 I 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 3Z0600 34.0302 35.0100 | 36.0701 36.0702 36.0900 36.1600 38.1000 38.1100 41.0203 42.0100 42.0300 42.0500 42.0700 | 42.1000 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 48.0100 49.0800 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 53.0200 54.0400 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 58.0100 58.0400 , 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0104 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1100 I 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 . 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 I 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 [ 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 | 73.0107 Commodity used 73.0108 I 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 I 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 I 81.0002 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value Industry ' 180 1,136 1,474 236 6,112 925 1,568 4,252 370 820 3 61 2,341 20 37 262 19 162 480 193 128 1 95,245 16,647 22,756 i.0001 148 162 34 11 996 92 6.246 997 268 1,323 13.063 392 2,164 463 13,' 387 1,11 22 4.0002 12.0300 18.0400 20.0903 24 0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24 0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26 0301 26 0400 260501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27.0406 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 320100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 3Z0600 35.0100 41.0100 420201 420300 420500 42.0700 420800 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 49.0700 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 5Z0300 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 6Z0200 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 75.0002 590 8 109 27 2 3 1 25 1 8 2 1 6 5 3 17 2 10 2 9 3 1 24 1 27 1,131 9 208 108 4 6 17 54 23 50 3 2 1 129 2 100 2 10 8 10 2 41 1 44 14 29 15 2 469 2 13 1 1 1 5 14 31 225 11 31 142 15 229 179 63 20 2 10 810 399 420 740 23 164 850 Commodity used 71.0202 | 72.0101 720201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 , 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 I 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 107,1 2.0702 I 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 17.0100 17.1001 17.1100 18.0400 19.0200 19.0302 I 19.0304 20.0903 23.0300 I 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 I 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 27.0402 27 0406 29.0201 290202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 320100 32.0300 320400 320500 32.0600 34.0302 350100 36-500 36.. 700 38.1000 41.0100 41.0201 42.0201 420300 4Z0402 42.0500 420700 42.0800 42-1100 43.0200 | 47.0300 47.0500 48.0600 49 0100 49.0200 I 49.0700 50.0100 50.0200 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 55.0100 55.0200 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 281 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value 56.0100 2 57.0300 272 58.0100 72 58.0400 573 58.0600 ■ 10 59.0301 -108 59.0302 15,206 60.0100 1 62.0200 77 62.0500 16 63.0200 3 63.0300 20 64.0501 4 64.0502 2 64.0503 6 64.0504 4 64.0800 3 64.1200 3 65.0100 155 65.0200 65 65.0301 593 65.0302 4 65.0400 27 65.0500 444 65.0600 5 65.0701 3 65.0702 3 66.0100 1,037 68.0100 1,106 68.0202 283 68.0301 53 68.0302 249 69.0100 4,810 69.0200 635 70.0100 818 70.0200 117 70.0300 13 70.0400 432 71.0201 4,912 71.0202 66 72.0101 320 72.0201 1,318 7£0204 101 73.0101 170 73.0102 117 73.0103 294 73.0104 397 73.0106 70 73.0107 204 73.0109 118 73.0111 220 73.0112 35 73.0200 1,756 73.0301 218 73.0303 560 74.0000 368 75.0001 414 75.0002 248 76.0101 18 76.0201 10 76.0203 7 76.0205 15 77.0501 61 77.0504 5 78.0100 405 79.0300 44 81.0002 507 88.0000 32,708 89.0000 4,657 90.0000 18,354 8 735 4.0002 7 12.0300 39 17.1001 1 18.0400 10 24.0400 1 24.0701 2 24.0702 1 24.0800 5 25.0000 7 26.0100 1 26.0200 8 26.0301 1 26.0400 7 26.0601 3 27.0406 2 29.0201 21 29.0202 36 31.0101 48 31.0102 3 32.0100 6 32.0400 6 32.0600 3 42.0201 23 50.0100 2 50.0400 4 52.0300 2 55.0200 169 58.0100 3 58.0400 8 59.0302 10 63.0300 6 64.1200 20 65.0200 4 65.0301 42 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 62.0200 2 63.0300 10 64.0501 1 64.0502 1 64.0503 2 64.0504 1 64.0800 2 64.1200 1 65.0100 1 65.0200 22 65.0301 46 65.0302 2 65.0500 109 65.0702 1 66.0100 211 66.0200 2 68.0100 241 68.0202 17 68.0301 5 68.0302 29 69.0100 958 69.0200 20 70.0100 294 70.0300 45 70.0400 59 71.0201 1,493 71.0202 71 72.0101 96 72.0201 9 72.0204 26 73.0101 42 73.0102 37 73.0103 128 73.0104 155 73.0106 22 73.0107 54 73.0109 68 73.01 1 1 73 73.0112 13 73.0200 2,536 73.0301 264 73.0303 205 74.0000 148 75.0001 76 75.0002 62 76.0101 12,032 76.0201 202 76.0203 2 76.0205 4 77.0501 22 77.0504 4 78.0100 127 79.0300 8 80.0000 162 88.0000 10,262 89.0000 1,062 90.0000 3,662 6.278 12.0300 45 20.0903 1 24.0400 2 24.0701 1 24.0703 1 24.0705 1 24.0800 5 25.0000 3 26.0601 5 26.0602 2 31.0101 12 32.0100 1 32.0400 1 32.0600 1 41.0203 1 42.0500 1 42.1100 1 57.0200 3 58.0400 1 59.0302 1 63.0300 1 64.0501 1 64.0503 1 64.0504 1 64.1200 6 65.0200 1 65.0301 3 65.0500 4 66.0100 51 68.0100 99 68.0202 6 68.0301 1 68.0302 9 69.0100 306 69.0200 1 70.0100 40 70.0300 6 70.0400 6 71:0201 632 71.0202 695 72.0101 4 72.0204 3 73.0101 27 73.0102 2 73.0103 20 73.0104 77 73.0106 1 Industry ' Commodity used Value 73.0107 13 73.0108 2 73.0109 9 73.0111 14 73.0112 1 73.0200 104 73.0301 11 73.0303 22 74.0000 5 75.0001 6 75.0002 10 76.0101 952 77.0501 6 78.0100 34 79.0300 1 80.0000 18 81.0002 -155 88.0000 1,289 89.0000 355 90.0000 1.488 16 321 4.0002 9 12.0300 68 14.0102 2 14.1801 1 14.1900 1 14.2004 1 14.2005 1 14.2101 4 14.2103 4 14.2200 6 14.2600 1 14.2800 1 14.3202 1 16.0100 9 16.0200 3 16.0300 17 16.0400 2 17.1100 2 18.0400 58 19.0200 3 19.0302 30 20.0200 12 20.0501 1 20.0600 2 20.0903 8 24.0400 4 24.0500 2 24.0701 6 24.0703 6 24.0705 2 24.0706 3 24.0800 9 25.0000 11 26.0100 1 26.0200 4 26.0400 8 26.0501 12 26.0601 10 26.0602 3 27.0402 1 27.0403 2 27.0406 3 30.0000 10 31.0101 31 31.0102 1 32.0100 1 32.0400 3 32.0600 1 42.0500 3 421100 3 50.0100 1 50.0400 2 51.0104 2 52.0300 1 55.0100 8 55.0200 26 56.0100 2 58.0400 1 58.0600 3 59.0302 10 62.0200 1 63.0300 9 64.0501 1 64.0503 2 64.0504 1 64.0800 4 64.1200 2 65.0100 2 65.0200 12 65.0301 40 65.0302 3 65.0400 1 65.0500 47 65.0702 1 66.0100 154 68.0100 93 68.0202 6 68.0301 6 68.0302 30 69 0100 69 69.0200 9 70.0100 124 70.0200 1 70.0300 3 75.0003 . 76.0101 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 120300 14.0102 14.0500 14.1801 14.1802 14.1900 14.2004 14.2005 14.2200 14.2600 14.2800 14.3202 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.1100 18.0400 19.0200 19.0302 20.0200 20.0300 20.0501 20.0600 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27.0403 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 37.0103 42.0500 421100 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 55.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 I 2 4 22 46 162 25 14 61 99 23 69 4 2 22 1,104 39 18 41 13 31 17 83 41 11 27 254 180 20 69 28 43 22 52 33 1 13 3 24 8 2,412 404 2,678 36,660 13 183 4 4 4 7 2 2 126 73 9 2 24 7 5 12 2 2 26 3 1 10 6 1 2 8 7 6 9 4 3 3 16 19 3 6 6 36 16 3 1 2 5 6 2 10 77 2 5 15 2 1 3 3 1 2 15 1 3 5 592 23 76.0102 . 76.0201 See footnote at the end of the table. 282 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF -r ki ?B -The Use Table for Industries Table 2B.-The u^ ^ ^ ^ producers , THE UNITED STATES, 1992 (Columns)— Continued prices] Industry ' Commodity used 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 . 73.0102 I 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 . 73.0112 I 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 76.0202 . 76.0203 . 24 578 217 49 - 14 8 " 12 25 93 40 15 59 212 239 148 14 301 174 1.289 77 43 20 180 3 3.417 337 2 26 2 84 4 4,849 443 2,259 4.0002 12.0300 14.0105 14.2200 19.0302 24.0400 24.0702 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 31.0101 31.0102 32.0400 47.0300 50.0400 55.0100 63.0300 64.0400 64.1200 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0002 76.0101 76.0203 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 | 12.0300 I 14.0102 I 14.0900 ! 14.1100 14.1801 1,988 2 38 1 9 1 1 1 3 5 3 1 1 2 12 1 3 1 5 1 1 14 1 1 2 1 1 31 122 11 2 10 9 2 24 4 120 1 2 2 10 22 6 12 28 4 8 53 24 4 34 9 14 4 21 1 2 1 i 12 1 853 116 297 6,179 22 36 4 1 1 1 76.0204 14.2004 14.2101 14.2200 14.3202 I 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 I 26.0400 26.0601 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 34.0302 I 42.0201 42.0500 421100 I 58.0400 59.0302 63.0300 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 I 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 | 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 | 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0203 | 76.0205 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 I 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 I 90.0000 1 5 7 3 1 1 3 2 3 6 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 10 4 1 1 1 6 3 4 2 1 5 2 22 29 28 3 1 2 9 7 59 1 11 119 209 19 4 1 5 4 18 15 7 9 18 23 35 6 92 55 12 29 12 3 1 795 1 3 21 1 5 3.699 259 377 ' 2.0202 4.0002 12.0300 14.0102 14.0900 14.1100 14.1801 14.2004 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.3202 18.0400 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 29.0100 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 76.0205 34.0305 41.0201 42 0100 42.0201 42.0500 42.1100 44.0001 500400 55.0100 58.0400 59.0302 62.0500 63.0300 64.0400 64.0503 | 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0701 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 680302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 ! 70 0400 71.0201 710202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 730103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73 0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 I 73.0301 73.0303 740000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0204 77.0304 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 52 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 4 1 15 1 3 3 1 1 5 1 8 1 37 1 64 6 3 15 31 4 72 1 9 101 26 8 7 4 10 14 14 33 13 42 53 35 8 199 33 17 11 14 11 2 1.390 33 3 1 27 2 1,145 718 1.027 4.0002 7.0000 120300 I 13.0500 13.0600 16.0100 17.0100 18.0400 19.0200 19.0302 19.0304 19.0306 20.0903 23.0500 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 | 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0300 27 0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 34.0305 35.0100 40.0200 41.0203 42.0100 I 420201 42.0300 I 420500 421100 47.0300 , 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 53.0200 I 55.0100 55.0200 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 620500 63.0200 63.0300 64.0400 I 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 | 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 I 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 I 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 . 73.0303 | 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 | 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 I 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2 2 2 6 8 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 4 2 4 4 2 13 2 1 11 126 1 2 1 5 12 30 1 1 48 1 105 415 66 17 78 94 27 108 3 4 23 1.498 149 60 75 34 57 133 73 77 81 45 99 117 113 11 240 85 141 63 32 44 10 2 2 1 3 35 3 86 12 7 5.056 559 1,641 1.0302 20203 20401 2.0501 20702 3.0002 4.0002 120300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0800 14.0900 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1403 14.1801 14.1802 14.1900 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 283 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value 64.0501 27 64.0502 7 64.0503 38 64.0504 30 64.0800 3 64.1100 1 64.1200 17 65.0100 42 65.0200 153 65.0301 391 65.0302 9 65.0400 25 65.0500 611 65.0600 12 65.0702 9 66.0100 2,419 66.0200 57 68.0100 894 68.0202 124 68.0301 34 68.0302 174 69.0100 1,983 69.0200 109 70.0100 1,615 70.0300 37 70.0400 679 71.0201 9.779 71.0202 82 72.0101 649 72.0201 76 72.0204 156 7Z0205 2 73.0101 336 73.0102 174 73.0103 1,031 73.0104 3,120 73.0106 106 73.0107 722 73.0108 8 73.0109 1.615 73.0111 971 73.0112 90 73.0200 1,305 73.0301 2,232 73.0302 20 73.0303 1,611 74.0000 770 75.0001 1,140 75.0002 368 75.0003 7 76.0101 13 76.0201 21 76.0203 17 76.0205 31 77.0305 11,628 77.0402 14 77.0501 758 77.0504 36 78.0100 2,688 79.0300 49 88.0000 115,875 89.0000 1,547 90.0000 36,884 219,439 1.0200 48 1.0302 2 2.0401 48 2.0501 84 2.0702 4 3.0002 33 4.0002 540 7.0000 4 12.0300 1.480 14.0101 772 14.0102 162 14.0105 166 14.0200 35 14.0300 65 14.0400 13 14.0500 129 14.0600 90 14.0700 1 14.0800 49 14.0900 258 14.1000 27 14.1100 39 14.1200 147 14.1301 100 14.1302 6 14.1401 9 14.1402 23 14.1403 13 14.1600 2 14.1700 8 14.1801 212 14.1802 30 14.1803 2 14.1900 42 14.2002 6 14.2004 5 14.2005 9 14.2200 81 14.2300 20 14.2800 202 14.2900 I 54 Industry ' Commodity used Value 14.3100 3 14.3202 121 16.0100 36 17.0900 4 17.1001 22 17.1100 8 18.0400 590 19.0100 17 19.0200 524 19.0301 3 19.0306 26 20.0903 48 20.0904 2 24.0400 70 24.0500 557 24.0701 67 24.0702 104 24.0703 43 24.0705 38 24.0706 62 24.0800 171 25.0000 480 26.0100 34 26.0200 277 26.0301 28 26.0400 50 26.0501 1,046 26.0601 285 26.0602 64 26.0806 9 27.0100 4,493 27.0201 31 27.0300 4 27.0401 4 27.0402 30 27.0406 167 28.0100 101 28.0200 80 29.0100 4,127 29.0201 155 29.0202 166 29.0203 111 30.0000 3 31.0101 288 31.0102 59 3Z0100 31 32.0300 1,021 32.0400 2,485 320500 13 32.0600 20 34.0302 17 34.0304 1 34.0305 1 35.0100 416 35.0200 14 36.0900 62 36.1400 2 36.1600 17 36.2200 3 37.0402 1 38.1000 1 38.1100 11 41.0100 3 41.0203 175 42.0100 5 42.0201 6 42.0300 10 42.0402 10 42.0500 59 42.0700 1 42.1100 144 43.0200 1 47.0300 10 49.0100 7 50.0100 14 50.0400 72 51.0104 715 5Z0300 69 520500 2 53.0200 34 53.0500 42 54.0400 7 55.0100 63 55.0200 108 55.0300 4 56.0100 3 56.0300 2 57.0200 99 57.0300 67 58.0100 5 58.0200 2 58.0400 31 58.0600 113 59.0302 141 62.0200 41 62.0400 2.260 62.0500 2,363 620600 29 620700 20 620900 127 62.1000 2 63.0300 524 64.0101 2 64.0105 1 64.0400 2 64.0501 I 19 14.2103 5 14.2104 2 14.2200 41 14.2300 18 14.2800 •9 14.2900 J7 14.3201 6 14.3202 16 16.0100 8 16.0200 6 16.0300 4 16.0400 3 17.0900 2 17.1100 3 18.0400 10 19.0302 4 20.0200 13 20.0903 9 24.0400 5 24.0500 5 24.0701 22 24.0702 3 24.0703 8 24.0705 3 24.0706 3 24.0800 12 25.0000 20 26.0100 4 26.0200 20 26.0301 2 26.0400 14 26.0501 50 26.0601 13 26.0602 4 27.0201 83 27.0300 34 27.0402 1 27.0406 94 29.0201 2 29.0202 10 30.0000 16 31.0101 105 31.0102 5 32.0100 3 32.0300 1 32.0400 66 32.0600 3 34.0302 2 36.1600 2 38.1000 15 41.0100 15 42.0100 5 42.0201 29 42.0300 1 42.0500 3 42.1100 3 47.0300 4 50.0100 3 50.0400 8 51.0104 2 52.0100 96 52.0300 2 53.0200 1 55.0100 2 55.0200 36 56.0100 3 56.0200 4 58.0400 6 58.0600 12 59.0302 25 61.0200 39 6Z050O 7 63.0200 1 63.0300 17 64.0301 3 64.0302 2 64.0400 73 64.0501 1 64.0502 1 64.0503 2 64.0504 2 64.0800 6 64.1200 28 65.0100 6 65.0200 16 65.0301 103 65.0302 4 65.0400 27 65.0500 77 65.0600 1 65.0702 1 66.0100 310 68.0100 735 68.0202 47 68.0301 20 68.0302 85 69.0100 308 69.0200 43 70.0100 277 70.0300 4 70.0400 44 71.0201 1,643 71.0202 70 72.0101 68 72.0201 65 72.0204 53 77.0100 . 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 119 190 226 113 110 154 51 332 309 54 1,222 169 196 103 51 178 33 8 276 235 3 76 7 112 12 30 12,250 1,500 11,530 216.111 2.0702 4 4.0002 64 7.0000 1 12.0300 838 17.1100 4 18.0400 13 19.0200 2 20.0903 63 23.0500 4 24.0400 95 24.0500 22 24.0701 265 24.0702 25 24.0703 103 24.0705 51 24.0706 95 24.0800 230 25.0000 145 26.0100 5 26.0200 30 26.0301 370 26.0400 17 26.0501 251 26.0601 291 26.0602 75 26.0806 8 27.0100 623 27.0402 20 27.0406 101 29.0100 917 29.0201 21 29.0202 54 31.0101 204 31.0102 20 32.0100 34 32.0300 43 32.0400 676 32.0500 12 32.0600 2 34.0302 21 34.0304 1 34.0305 1 35.0100 227 35.0200 7 36.1600 2 37.0402 1 41.0203 147 42.0100 2 42.0500 69 42.1100 65 48.0400 4 50.0100 1 50.0400 3 51.0104 57 51.0400 4 52.0300 4 53.0200 10 55.0100 9 55.0300 1 56.0100 3 56.0300 2 58.0100 6 58.0400 4 58.0600 65 59.0302 30 62.0400 1,252 62.0500 994 62.0600 650 62.0700 3 62.0800 370 62.0900 333 63.0300 529 64.0101 2 64.0105 1 64.0400 2 77.0200 . See footnote at the end of the table. 284 benchm t momobw acc ™ - - — » STATES 1992 Industry i 77.0301 Commodity used 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0305 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 .88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value inc UXNIlhD STA7 Industry ■ 10200 | 20401 20501 , 3.0002 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1401 . 14.1402 14.1403 i 14.1600 I 14.1801 14.1802 I 14.1900 14.2002 14.2005 I 14.2200 I 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3202 17.1100 18.0400 19.0200 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 5 27 21 24 - 82 192 162 866 18 48 753 2 10 1.262 2 1,861 542 89 885 4,393 127 686 421 523 15,400 88 673 379 269 2 492 1,717 1,000 2.214 947 1.054 209 1.757 7.573 690 547 2.991 55 420 2.895 419 617 4 38 12 19 32 100 250 113 31 1.863 80 24 110,661 435 19,210 Commodity used Value See f 00tnote at me end o( [he ^ 50,459 5 25 38 4 117 2 312 210 69 81 3 38 16 30 8 39 203 11 16 26 112 7 20 11 2 85 16 13 2 2 18 52 62 3 62 4 5 113 4 6 39 17 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 320400 32.0600 34.0302 35 0200 36.0701 36.0900 36.1600 420201 420300 420500 421100 47.0300 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 520300 53.0200 53.0500 54.0400 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 S6.0100 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0400 62.0500 63.0300 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 Industry i 35 5 4 2 16 119 1 11 1 7 247 19 7 58 3 123 603 68 69 127 35 16 52 589 3 1 4 87 25 2 2 1 5 4 2 1 7 4 5 12 2 6 16 27 1 2 34 2 6 24 26 146 72 30 1 2 1 2 2 4 7 9 34 195 6 14 139 5 2 226 2 955 193 57 261 666 103 257 67 86 3,573 268 150 256 27 95 340 288 213 206 126 4 457 366 57 116 547 2 210 455 113 63 2 1 5 4 77.0303 Commodity used 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 I 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 120300 18.0400 20.0903 24.0400 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 29.0100 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 320100 32.0300 320400 320600 35.0100 35.0200 41.0203 420300 420500 42.1100 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 620400 621000 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.01 12 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 Value 32 7 156 46 30.296 689 3.302 18.971 3 26 Industry i 77.0304. 23 10 11 38 12 3 252 1 27 171 4 63 34 435 3 62 25 133 18 27 14 15 12 54 1 50 174 40 273 24 131 6 57 503 1.100 52 10 7 21 9 93 121 5 56 158 128 21 73 190 3 87 60 54 18 1 2 1 2 11 22 6 105 Commodity used 79.0300 , 88.0000 89.0000 l 90.0000 77.0305 . 4.0002 120300 14.1501 14.1502 17.1100 20.0903 23.0500 24.0400 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 29.0100 31.0101 320100 320300 320400 35.0100 35.0200 42.0201 420500 421100 50.0400 56.0300 58.0200 58.0600 62.0400 620500 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0201 720204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0305 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 6.593 3 42 124 66 7 2 1 4 2 2 2 1 9 5 2 11 10 4 5 10 3 20 1 1 1,097 26 2 34 16 14 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 2 50 73 86 1 2 1 1 2 4 21 19 190 63 2 8 230 2 53 2 140 219 4 18 6 15 20 48 82 1 66 30 33 3 70 59 2 26 24 190 35 1 1 46 1 25 30 15 80 2 2292 156 498 4.0002 I 120300 18.0400 19.0200 20.0903 24.0400 I 24.0701 24.0702 53.413 21 191 7 4 13 21 43 1 DETAILED TABLES 285 Table 2B.— The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 27.0402 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 35.0200 41.0203 420300 42.0500 42.1100 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 55.0100 55.0200 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0600 621000 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0305 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 23 12 6 53 - 24 11 " 5 6 107 65 16 1,893 6 340 661 2 8 179 3 5 117 918 7 166 9 4 2 16 15 4 6 12 11 1 3 1 10 14 54 1 5 432 191 29 116 6 2 7 6 32 75 38 217 6 16 153 2 3 660 1 323 33 11 57 962 56 425 17 155 2,785 478 164 26 69 130 62 263 474 32 254 25 437 273 39 413 697 6 313 201 223 167 3 6 4 8 200 41 79 6 498 11 19,968 478 15,447 Industry ' 77.0401 18.001 See footnote at the end of the table. Commodity used Value 4.0002 17 7.0000 1 12.0300 2.704 20.0903 1 24.0400 11 24.0500 4 24.0702 4 24.0703 9 24.0705 2 24.0706 2 24.0800 35 25.0000 4 26.0200 14 26.0301 167 26.0400 28 26.0501 32 26.0601 11 26.0602 7 26.0802 15 27.0100 44 27.0201 9 27.0402 1 29.0201 3 29.0202 1 31.0101 56 31.0102 3 32.0100 7 32.0300 4 32.0400 14 34.0305 2 35.0100 22 35.0200 7 36.0900 2 40.0200 2 42.0100 1 42.0201 4 42.0500 1 42.1100 4 50.0400 3 51.0400 3 53.0200 1 53.0500 1 54.0400 3 55.0100 5 55.0200 10 56.0100 3 56.0200 1 57.0300 16 58.0600 4 59.0302 3 62.0900 3 63.0300 24 64.0101 2 64.0104 2 64.0200 2 64.0301 4 64.0400 25 64.0501 4 64.0502 1 64.0503 4 64.0504 8 64.0800 6 64.1200 8 65.0100 1 65.0200 12 65.0301 21 65.0302 3 65.0500 12 65.0701 1 66.0100 91 68.0100 160 68.0202 62 68.0301 2 68.0302 10 69.0100 98 69.0200 7 70.0100 47 70.0300 5 70.0400 30 71.0201 2.290 71.0202 11 72.0101 13 72.0201 19 72.0204 12 73.0101 19 73.0102 21 73.0103 115 73.0104 250 73.0106 14 73.0107 18 73.0108 4 73.0109 129 73.0111 195 73.0112 28 73.0200 51 73.0301 41 73.0302 2 73.0303 51 74.0000 37 75.0001 43 75.0002 28 76.0101 55 76.0201 2 76.0205 1 77.0402 16 77.0501 14 Industry ' 77.0402 . Commodity used 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 Value 1.0302 4.0002 12.0300 17.1100 18.0400 19.0200 19.0302 19.0306 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0802 27.0100 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 34.0302 34.0304 35.0100 35.0200 38.1000 42.0100 42.0201 42.0300 420500 42.0700 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 50.0100 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 53.0500 54.0400 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 56.0200 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 61.0700 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.0900 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 Industry ' 4 25 3 10,527 43,704 25 72 3,683 1 6 1 6 4 14 21 10 7 8 35 21 4 111 19 8 176 457 47 232 94 27 1 69 24 2 3 3 34 14 9 25 85 8 13 55 37 4 13 3 1 100 13 1 1 9 4 16 1 9 2 10 8 56 22 3 2 1 12 46 1 22 22 9 58 2 17 72 44 5 23 26 12 18 1 222 5 3 2 10 7 2 10 7 5 18 4 22 139 6 2 101 1 2 1 345 122 77.0403 . Commodity used 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 Value 4.0002 12.0300 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0802 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 27.0402 29.0100 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 35.0100 37.0401 38.1100 41.0203 42.0500 421100 47.0300 50.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0500 55.0200 56.0200 57.0300 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 620200 620300 62.0500 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 13 5 38 587 61 132 6 226 110 4,583 28 96 77 89 2 136 142 252 2,707 86 50 10 251 550 36 525 125 106 262 112 158 61 2 85 5 2 7 244 13 166 9 24,373 12,985 51 75 4 5 4 3 5 24 3 2 15 20 11 250 78 56 91 86 17 7 21 11 4 1 2 3 2 81 5 4 4 25 1 114 1 1 1 6 8 1 5 1 2 6 4 8 59 1 1 6 19 1 1 1 23 2 3 2 2 17 9 7 286 Industry i 77.0501 Commodity used 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 80.0000 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 2.0501 20702 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0900 14.1301 14.1801 14.1900 14.2101 14.2103 14.2200 14.2800 14.3202 20.0903 24.0400 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0806 27.0201 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 34.0302 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 42.0100 42.0201 42.0500 42.1100 55.0100 56.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0500 62.0700 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Tab.e 2B.-The Use Table for .ndustnes (Co.umns^ontinued [Millions of dollars a. producers" prices] Value Industry ■ 77.0502. Commodity used Value 63.0300 64.0101 64.0105 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0402 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 See footnote at the end of the table. 2.0702 4.0002 12.0300 14.0105 14.0200 14.0400 14.1900 14.2101 18.0400 19.0306 20.0903 23.0500 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0802 26.0806 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 320400 32.0600 34.0302 34.0304 34.0305 42.0201 i 77.0503 . Commodity used 42.0500 42.1100 47.0300 48.0400 50.0400 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0500 62.0700 63.0300 64.0101 64.0105 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 I 76.0205 77.0403 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 Value 20702 4.0002 12.0300 14.0600 14.2103 14.2800 18.0400 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0300 27.0402 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 Industry ' 77.0504. Commodity used 32.0400 42.0100 420201 42.0500 421100 50.0100 52.0300 53.0200 | 54.0400 I 55.0100 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 63.0300 64.0101 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 1.0302 4.0002 120300 14.0101 14.0102 14.1502 14.2101 14.2200 18.0400 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0802 26.0806 27.0100 27.0402 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 3a 0400 32.0600 Value DETAILED TABLES 287 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 77.0600 . 35.0100 36.1600 42.0201 42.0500 42.1100 47.0300 50.0400 51.0104 52.0300 53.0200 57.0200 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 63.0300 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0403 77.0501 77.0504 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 12.0300 14.0900 14.1801 14.1802 14.2005 14.2200 14.2800 14.3201 16.0100 16.0300 17.1100 20.0200 20.0903 20.0904 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27 1 2 7 7 - 2 6 70 2 1 18 1 5 17 24 3 4 3 44 4 25 70 2 1 149 1 230 2 218 46 16 53 304 20 224 6 506 88 2,158 16 141 8 21 38 81 132 311 36 15 9 537 413 588 1,843 244 60 327 158 148 50 24 2 1 5 332 136 5 309 15 7,692 145 16 6,851 6 45 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 23 11 7 14 46 37 5 1 13 9 3 1 10 5 4 48 7 10 2 2 13 4 1 77.0700 . 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 320100 32.0400 32.0600 34.0302 37.0101 41.0100 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 50.0100 52.0300 55.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 63.0300 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0500 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 720101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 76.0206 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 90.0000 4.0002 9.0002 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1401 14.1402 14.1801 14.1802 14.1900 14.2005 14.2300 14.2900 14.3100 14.3202 17.1100 19.0200 20.0200 20.0903 24.0400 1 4 19 40 2 2 144 1 1 20 39 20 1 10 19 21 11 3 1 1 1 3 4 12 6 1 1 4 2 1 25 2 5 24 22 68 66 14 3 13 114 26 52 6 13 635 5 22 2 6 10 16 55 169 13 5 3 20 52 5 40 18 55 28 35 11 21 1 11 4 101 2 4,178 12 133 17,566 23 3 251 116 49 97 24 95 56 94 96 6 78 49 62 55 78 15 4 6 1 5 19 45 1 1 25 4 5 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 34.0302 34.0304 35.0200 41.0203 42.0201 42.0500 42.1100 50.0100 52.0300 53.0200 54.0400 55.0100 56.0100 56.0200 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0500 62.0700 63.0300 64.0104 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0205 77.0501 77.0504 77.0900 78.0100 79.0300 88.0000 89.0000 i 19 6 10 12 3 10 14 55 1 14 3 1*8 41 1? •> 11 11 10 9 10 M 9 2 16J 2 2 2 \S 1 4 4 1 2 3 e 3 1? 2 4 4 5 13 49 1 19 1 36 8 36 2 6 2 2 3 28 7 9 77 1 2 45 1 144 2 235 44 14 69 306 38 116 144 18 1,455 100 41 18 10 17 21 70 106 13 10 54 88 16 256 51 2 160 72 72 24 132 2 1 2 10 1 60 133 10 7.777 139 90.0000 77 0800 1.0200 2.0401 2.0501 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1900 142002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2200 14.2300 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3202 18.0400 19.0200 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0600 42.0201 420300 420500 421100 50.0100 52.0300 53.0200 55.0100 56.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0900 63.0300 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.1200 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0500 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 3.069 15,374 10 15 32 31 1 209 63 85 86 7 28 7 23 8 27 88 10 14 20 28 1 6 33 9 5 1 135 46 17 1 1 3 15 1 11 25 25 49 22 12 2 4 3 2 3 6 2 1 9 10 1 11 24 3 11 10 3 1 2 22 8 8 28 3 2 24 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 5 9 10 62 30 1 2 1 6 10 56 1 45 1 126 2 289 72 17 81 200 7 65 3 24 See footnote at the end of the table. 288 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 2B. — The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ■ Commodity used Value 71.0201 1.556 54.0400 2 420201 8 78.0100 29 71.0202 7 55.0100 1 46.0200 2 88.0000 1,661 72.0101 18 55.0200 8 46.0400 3 90.0000 1,555 72.0201 24 58.0100 1 47.0300 3 72.0204 73.0101 .13 25 58.0400 58.0600 22 13 50.0100 50.0300 70 3 78.0500 7,926 1 20401 73.0102 "89 590302 115 50.0400 12 20501 5 73.0103 88 62.0200 3 51.0400 3 3.0002 6 73.0104 66 63.0300 53 52.0100 14 4.0002 1 73.0106 54 64.0301 91 52.0300 1 14.0101 26 73.0107 17 64.0400 5 55.0100 28 14.0102 14 73.0108 5 64.0501 5 58.0100 8 14.0105 9 73.0109 132 64.0502 2 58.0400 5 14.0200 2 73.0111 143 64.0503 7 59.0302 736 14.0300 14 73.0112 13 64.0504 5 62.0200 1 14.0400 3 73.0200 73 64.1100 2 63.0300 9 14.0500 8 73.0301 190 64.1200 45 64.0101 1 14.0600 6 73.0303 133 65.0100 4 64.0503 1 14.0900 9 74.0000 800 65.0200 22 64.0504 10 14.1000 1 75.0001 47 65.0301 136 64.0800 1 14.1100 5 75.0002 32 65.0302 10 64.1200 20 14.1200 13 76.0101 11 65.0400 6 65.0100 440 14.1301 7 76.0201 2 65.0500 97 65.0200 7 14.1401 1 76.0203 1 65.0600 3 65.0301 923 14.1403 1 76.0205 2 65.0702 2 65.0400 115 14.1801 22 77.0501 5 66.0100 388 65.0500 1.544 14.1802 2 77.0504 2 66.0200 13 65.0600 1 14.1900 2 78.0100 83 68.0100 231 66.0100 112 14.2002 2 79.0300 13 68.0202 84 68.0100 298 14.20O4 1 88.0000 8.288 68.0301 13 68.0202 54 14.2005 2 89.0000 106 68.0302 59 68.0301 43 14.2101 5 90.0000 775 69.0100 566 68.0302 254 14.2103 2 69.0200 113 69.0100 259 14.2104 2 77 '*>00 30.082 35 70.0100 70.0300 141 426 69.0200 70.0100 11 296 14.2200 14.2300 7 20401 3 4.0002 25 70.0400 101 70.0300 8 14.2800 5 120300 208 71.0201 2,750 70.0400 66 14.2900 1 14.0101 58 71.0202 14 71.0201 647 14.3201 2 14.0102 90 720101 95 71.0202 38 14.3202 2 14.0105 49 720201 33 72.0101 20 23.0200 105 14.0200 1 720204 19 720201 12 24.0400 30 14.0300 13 73.0101 32 73.0101 33 24.0500 1 14.0400 2 73.0102 75 73.0102 221 26.0200 1 14.0500 14 73.0103 189 73.0103 118 26.0302 7 14.0600 4 73.0104 182 73.0104 39 26.0400 90 14.0800 10 73.0106 61 73.0106 26 26.0501 5 14.0900 25 73.0108 37 73.0109 85 26.0601 6 14.1000 2 73.0109 1.988 73.0111 94 41.0203 22 14.1100 8 73.01 1 1 543 73.0112 68 49.0200 8 14.1200 3 73.0112 93 73.0200 4 50.0400 2 14.1301 11 73.0200 1.506 73.0302 3 58.0600 5 14.1401 6 73.0301 79 73.0303 40 61.0300 10 14.1402 20 73.0303 210 74.0000 66 63.0300 2 14.1403 2 74.0000 112 75.0001 19 65.0301 14 14.1600 2 75.0001 154 75.0002 151 65.0500 4 14.1700 2 75.0002 48 75.0003 36 66.0100 64 14.1801 68 75.0003 3 77.0501 16 68.0100 10 14.1802 34 76.0101 259 77.0504 1 68.0202 16 14.1900 5 76.0201 4 79.0300 23 68.0301 21 14.2005 2 76.0203 2 80.0000 513 69.0100 84 14.2200 3 76.0205 5 88.0000 42,857 70.0100 24 14.2300 2 77.0501 14 90.0000 -5,315 70.0300 16 14.2800 20 77.0504 8 70.0400 14 14.2900 20 78.0100 543 78.0200 6,540 71.0201 8 14.3100 17 79.0300 9 4.0002 1 73.0103 53 14.3202 16 88.0000 13.600 7.0000 734 73.0104 52 18.0400 4 89.0000 30 12.0300 700 73.0107 6 19.0200 12 90.0000 1,480 24.0800 11 73.009 120 20.0903 11 25.0000 9 73 11 9 24.0400 24.0500 76 76 78.0100 46,506 222 26.0601 27.0406 1 100 73 0H2 73' -01 1 120300 2 24.0701 23 16.0100 8 31.0101 615 73.0303 21 24.0703 16 17.0900 4 32.0400 1 74.0000 7 24.0705 12 18.0400 1 38.1000 43 77.0501 1 24.0706 6 19.0200 2 43.0100 99 78.0100 19 24.0800 45 19.0301 11 47.0300 1 80.0000 749 25.0000 98 19.0302 79 50.0400 8 88.0000 3,321 26.0100 16 19.0306 17 65.0100 268 90.0000 2.804 26.0200 204 24.0400 4 65.0301 30 26 0301 30 24 0500 21 65 0400 35 79.0100 5,876 26.0302 43 24.0701 6 65.0500 1 4.0002 2 26.0400 50 24.0703 1 65.0600 5 120300 1,664 26.0501 968 24.0705 3 66.0100 21 16.0300 10 26.0601 58 25.0000 107 68.0202 130 19.0301 2 26.0602 15 26.0200 3 68.0301 1 24.0400 1 26.0806 6 26.0301 2 68.0302 12 24.0500 2 27.0402 7 26.0302 13 69.0100 70 26.0200 1 27.0406 1 26.0400 7 70.0100 57 26.0302 3 29.0100 4 26.0501 166 70.0300 6 26.0501 72 29.0201 3 26.0601 13 70.0400 22 26.0601 6 29.0202 6 26.0602 1 71.0201 25 29.0202 2 29.0300 12 26.0806 426 720204 1 29.0203 7 30.0000 2 27.0406 4 73.0101 5 31.0101 2178 31.0101 339 29.0201 4 73.0102 13 31.0102 14 31.0102 13 29.0202 16 73.0103 23 320100 33 320100 20 29.0203 18 73.0104 139 320400 82 32.0400 82 31.0101 119 73.0106 4 40.0600 2 32.0600 17 320100 8 73.0109 14 420201 6 34.0201 2 320500 6 73.01 1 1 14 420700 7 34.0302 5 32.0600 2 73.0200 1 43.0200 111 420300 6 33.0001 1 73.0301 48 47.0300 2 42.0500 13 34.0305 17 73.0302 16 47.0404 5 42.1100 12 35.0100 3 73.0303 1 49.0100 4 43.0200 2 41.0100 2 74.0000 1 49.0500 10 50.0100 9 41.0201 1 75.0002 6 50.0400 12 52.0300 9 41.0203 3 I 77.0501 3 520300 I 6 See footnote at the end of the table. DETAILED TABLES 289 Table 2B.— The Use Table for Industries (Columns) — Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used value 52.0500 4 53.0400 246 53.0500 194 55.0100 1 58.0200 - 4 58.0400 18 59.0302 "267 61.0300 145 63.0300 1 64.1200 2 65.0100 11 65.0200 58 65.0301 50 65.0400 29 65.0500 1 65.0600 22 65.0701 2 66.0100 1 68.0100 546 68.0202 87 68.0301 9 69.0100 300 69.0200 3 70.0100 43 70.0300 7 70.0400 13 71.0201 53 72.0101 2 72.0201 4 73.0101 89 73.0102 2 73.0103 13 73.0104 24 73.0106 5 73.0109 15 73.0111 14 73.0112 2 73.0200 2 73.0301 4 73.0302 1 73.0303 6 74.0000 11 75.0001 7 75.0002 3 77.0402 8 77.0501 2 78.0100 2 79.0300 2 88.0000 9,018 90.0000 -9,721 18,758 4.0002 5 7.0000 1,273 8.0001 630 12.0300 1,202 17.1100 11 18.0400 1 24.0400 2 24.0500 2 24.0705 2 24.0706 2 26.0200 1 26.0400 1 26.0501 9 26.0601 8 27.0100 1 29.0100 3 29.0201 4 29.0202 7 29.0203 19 31.0101 97 31.0102 6 32.0600 3 41.0201 1 41.0203 1 42.0201 2 42.0202 1 43.0100 2 47.0300 2 50.0400 10 53.0500 2 55.0100 113 57.0300 42 58.0100 27 58.0600 2 59.0302 1 62.0500 2 62.0800 5 6Z0900 5 63.0300 2 64.0504 3 64.1200 8 65.0100 366 65.0200 2 65.0301 47 65.0400 83 65.0500 4 65.0600 1 66.0100 3 68.0201 84 68.0202 868 68.0301 406 69.0100 50 69.0200 1 70.0100 130 Industry ' Commodity used Value Industry ' Commodity used Value 77.0504 1 78.0100 243 79.0300 1,001 88.0000 14,627 90.0000 13,831 764,389 88.0000 654,208 90.0000 110,181 10,087 88.0000 10,087 -7,982 90.0000 -7,982 4,208,718 1.0100 78 1.0200 2,003 1.0302 1.628 2.0202 354 2.0401 6,722 2.0402 418 2.0501 7,477 2.0503 6 2.0600 30 2.0702 4,524 3.0001 2,237 3.0002 848 4.0001 729 7.0000 68 9.0004 33 10.0000 6 13.0500 874 13.0600 599 14.0101 27,468 14.0102 11.007 14.0105 16,166 14.0200 530 14.0300 7,496 14.0400 3,294 14.0500 2,242 14.0600 11,899 14.0700 1.979 14.0800 5,074 14.0900 10,606 14.1000 946 14.1100 4,416 14.1200 1,903 14.1301 4,244 14.1302 7,094 14.1401 495 14.1402 7,248 14.1403 3,295 14.1501 5,811 14.1502 761 14.1600 634 14.1700 793 14.1801 14,480 14.1802 6.185 14.1803 1,809 14.1900 1,777 14.2002 603 14.2004 1,628 14.2005 10,995 14.2101 15,149 14.2103 5,215 14.2104 5,048 14.2200 20.808 14.2300 2,810 14.2500 42 14.2600 293 14.2800 2,616 14.2900 2.260 14.3000 365 14.3100 1.284 14.3201 6.793 14.3202 12.449 15.0101 28,804 15.0102 386 15.0103 1,205 16.0100 1,403 16.0200 90 16.0300 138 16.0400 52 17.0100 5,104 17.0900 88 17.1001 347 17.1100 39 18.0101 2.787 18.0102 1,172 18.0300 222 18.0400 76,753 19.0100 1,071 19.0200 6,212 19.0301 184 19.0302 343 19.0303 466 19.0304 1,442 19.0305 52 19.0306 1,419 20.0903 2,529 22.0101 8.929 22.0102 353 22.0103 20 22.0200 5.604 Industry ' Commodity used Value 22.0300 2,061 22.0400 2.785 23.0100 114 23.0600 1,680 23.0700 77 24.0400 276 24.0500 10,825 24.0701 564 24.0702 1,292 24.0705 325 24.0706 1.639 25.0000 381 26.0100 7.743 26.0200 6,596 26.0301 9.529 26.0400 1,857 26.0501 415 26.0602 534 26.0700 2.947 27.0100 596 27.0201 112 27.0300 808 27.0401 373 27.0402 573 27.0406 612 29.0100 43.864 29.0201 8.304 29.0202 4,488 29.0300 17.306 30.0000 480 31.0101 51.395 31.0102 1,893 31.0103 67 32.0100 5.318 32.0200 3.749 32.0300 1.048 32.0400 4.635 32.0500 215 32.0600 86 34.0100 1 34.0201 10,924 34.0202 291 34.0301 320 34.0302 2.154 34.0303 1.514 34.0304 872 34.0305 415 35.0100 816 35.0200 163 36.0701 140 36.0702 512 36.0900 1.070 36.1100 6 36.1500 306 36.1600 301 36.1900 73 36.2200 162 37.0103 13 37.0402 23 38.1000 61 38.1100 10 40.0300 302 40.0901 24 41.0100 117 41.0202 37 41.0203 1.191 42.0100 1,407 42.0201 983 42.0202 46 4^0300 454 42.0500 396 42.0700 25 42.1000 551 42.1100 404 43.0200 169 44.0002 400 47.0100 16 47.0401 632 47.0404 39 48.0300 237 50.0100 26 50.0300 110 51.0102 56 51.0103 3,104 51.0104 1.996 51.0400 212 52.0300 910 53.0200 11 53.0300 87 53.0400 102 54.0100 2.455 54.0200 2.374 54.0300 2.353 54.0400 3,362 54.0500 1,490 54.0700 1.066 55.0100 1.010 55.0200 1,013 56.0100 18,318 56.0200 1,201 56.0300 1.242 56.0500 921 57.0300 216 58.0100 1,933 58.0200 1.463 58.0400 1.021 79 0200 . 79.0300 . 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0501 78.0100 88.0000 90.0000 4.0002 10.0000 12.0101 12.0214 12.0300 18.0400 24.0400 24.0500 24.0705 24.0800 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0201 27.0406 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 35.0100 36.1100 36.1300 42.0201 44.0001 44.0002 47.0300 50.0200 50.0400 52.0300 54.0300 55.0100 56.0300 58.0100 59.0302 61.0200 62.0500 63.0300 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0205 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 36 27 189 2 3 56 38 169 6 53 29 2 13 138 17 18 14 11 3 12 23 3,954 8,380 68,172 296 51 3,487 312 13,565 33 4 17 10 3 4 2 21 28 525 141 683 1,299 18 9 49 322 201 7 150 10 3 47 806 376 10 10 43 102 11 10 1 10 38 22 9 250 78 158 95 5 463 1 3,350 1.627 708 3 378 15 628 258 158 1,914 20 3 100 348 121 127 242 32 26 448 242 11 189 205 2,804 103 102 409 59 2 14 17 11 82.0000 84.0000 85.0000 91.0000 See footnote at the end of the table. 290 BENCHM T mm - 0lmm AC ™ s - - «*» STATCS i992 Table 2B.— Industry i Commodity used Value 58.0600 58.0700 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 61.0200 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.0700 62.1000 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 67.0000 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 71.0100 71.0201 71.0202 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0202 72.0203 72.0204 72.0205 72.0300 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0200 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0202 76.0203 76.0204 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 77.0900 78.0100 See footnote a. tne end f the table. 251 1,630 105,552 4,277 465 4,215 2.366 1,689 2,723 965 38 81 77 3,214 1,948 121 3,140 3,100 6,146 4,025 573 2.141 867 8,308 2,630 6,758 943 357 16 44 159 466 2.977 3,886 15.618 24.778 1.187 6.249 36.404 660 2.814 70,514 19,883 1.839 79,337 29,537 15,371 5.093 158.445 471.448 155.631 13,657 28,719 138.181 457.250 163.440 3.200 19.088 10,793 12.207 6.928 22,360 4,748 3.758 15,601 3.139 2,690 1,721 2,444 2,245 2,802 5,099 3,221 676 44.864 917 242,151 12,983 69,671 7,445 7.842 6.290 6.010 1,983 1,875 3,918 11,332 39,216 215,201 270,322 50,166 25,899 5,108 44,632 21,079 53,646 13.488 3.231 17.757 30,605 20.098 5,117 17.260 14.436 29,032 6.881 Industry i •The Use Table for Industries lr„i. 92.0000 . Commodity used 79.0300 80.0000 I 81.0001 81.0002 83.0001 84.0000 Value 22.489 33.009 -2.624 19,811 -66,481 10,087 Industry i 6.0200 8.0001 11.0101 11.0102 11.0105 11.0108 11.0400 11.0501 11.0601 11.0602 11.0603 11.0800 11.0900 120101 12.0300 13.0100 17.0100 17 1100 20.0703 20.0903 22.0101 22.0102 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 27.0100 32.0300 32.0400 37.0402 38.1000 39.0200 40.0600 40.0700 4ZQ201 420202 4Z0800 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0300 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 5Z0100 52.0200 52.0300 520400 520500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 790,991 50 23 115,315 2,572 39,536 10,522 1,076 1,833 11,526 1,610 1.061 77.249 77,616 18.092 2.270 29 2.325 18 4.660 1 471 23 356 138 180 1,520 4.434 1.147 2265 2.736 301 2,520 1,957 156 59 16 52 38 3,199 413 27 166 1.578 644 2.577 694 7.301 2.869 6.841 617 175 3,157 332 2.254 3.380 1.102 8.358 1.817 506 1.309 1.180 1.735 1.940 756 1.683 1.841 8,865 4,251 508 1,368 2613 2560 120 539 41 1.645 15,819 17,033 1,672 497 308 2,594 648 3,329 2369 1,453 1.086 697 1,221 973 1,118 137 87 76 277 262 21 494 93.0000 Commodity used 56.0300 56.0500 58.0100 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 60.0100 60.0200 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0700 620101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 620600 62.0800 620900 62.1000 621100 63.0300 64 0200 64.0400 64 1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65 0400 65 0500 66.0100 69.0100 69.0200 71.0201 730104 73.0302 81.0001 81.0002 1.0100 l 10200 10301 1.0302 2.0100 20201 20202 2.0203 20300 i 20401 20402 2.0501 20502 2.0503 206001 20702 3.0001 3.0002 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 | 9.0004 10.0000 13.0100 j 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 i 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 I 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 I 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1401 14.1402 I 14.1403 14.1501 I 14.1502 | 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 I 14.1900 | 14.2002 I Value 15.377 8.642 172 427 1 459 2126 2.855 75 132 13 153 S23 703 382 :u» 36 13 9S9 10 388 1 680 6363 740i VS4« 603 22*. 383' S.2'1 4256 6915 136 1 22T 2900 1 to- 4 136 18 1 S39 5 065 4S 16' 143S8 28 407 3441 15 785 -2 069 -28.234 5.430 20 753 40 -262 880 3.068 -3 -53 80 2 5 4 -8 244 78 -29 -16 -36 30 -18 -3 -105 4 -11 2 -2 32 -1,811 -24 54 -64 -3 -7 -133 -41 -40 6 36 5 40 12 -2 18 36 -11 -9 96 43 8 4 -9 142 -12 -9 -29 9 -24 11 121 19 Industry i Commodity used 14.2004 14.2005 | 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 I 14.2300 14.2400 I 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 I 15.0101 15.0102 | 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 170600 17.0700 I 17.0900 I 17.1001 171100 18.0101 18 0102 18.0300 i 180400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 19.0304 19.0305 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 20.0400 20.0501 20.0502 I 20.0600 20.0701 I 20.0702 I 20.0703 20.0800 I 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 22.0101 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 i 23.0100 23.0200 i 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 I 24 0400 24.0500 24.0701 240702 24.0703 I 24.0705 24.0706 24 0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 I 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 I 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 i 27.0201 27.0300 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 I 28.0300 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 DETAILED TABLES 291 Table 2B.— The Use Table for Industries (Columns)— Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry ' Commodity used Value 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 31.0103 31.0200 31.0300 32.0100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 33.0001 34.0100 34.0201 34.0202 34.0301 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 36.0400 36.0500 36.0600 36.0701 36.0702 36.0800 36.0900 36.1000 36.1100 36.1200 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1700 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0200 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 4£0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0401 42.0402 42.0500 42.0700 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 Industry ' -21 136 42 149 -59 3 " -aA -3 236 99 4 641 2 13 40 29 278 9 4 -132 71 33 -1 121 64 -66 -19 -13 -4 -6 1 7 4 11 44 1 -4 -59 -1 -3 2 -66 -3 -23 -7 -7 5 -222 -28 -28 -23 -43 17 -12 -2 -13 -62 -42 -133 -108 32 -26 -38 18 -8 -2 2 -14 -141 7 -5 83 -2 -6 -32 81 72 15 49 -14 57 -19 9 18 28 17 -7 -37 4 11 -101 -83 300 184 -70 -27 -110 -5 -13 -11 -12 62 -16 -16 4 -1 Commodity used Value 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0100 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1000 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 68.0201 Industry ' -26 2 9 -20 -20 2 ^J3 -60 35 -58 -12 -17 -15 -13 6 29 -14 -68 5 18 51 -1,083 -234 25 -10 134 -14 55 -1 -51 39 75 14 1 9 -M 36 8 -105 42 52 47 284 121 -13 -18 29 65 -145 -4 -1 -67 -27 -50 22 2 1,114 -244 -4,040 -2,245 -1,726 -258 -400 111 203 53 -1 -6 -727 21 -99 3 283 56 49 90 -20 91 72 -47 109 259 587 161 14 71 41 -231 -100 -98 9 27 9 -4 16 18 -12 93 74 90 135 629 36 137 8 11 94.0000 . Commodity Value used 69.0100 2,658 73.0104 -41 75.0002 4 81.0001 19 81.0002 1,510 85.0000 -7,982 602,609 42 1.0100 1.0200 228 1.0301 246 1.0302 284 2.0100 1,658 2.0201 2,841 2.0202 4,877 2.0203 94 2.0401 1,175 2.0402 177 2.0501 840 2.0502 4 2.0503 112 2.0600 3,905 2.0702 433 3.0001 214 3.0002 2.666 4.0001 61 5.0001 315 6.0100 487 60200 302 70000 3,122 8.0001 3,290 9.0001 95 9.0002 65 9.0003 359 9.0004 120 10.0000 47 12.0101 13 12.0300 64 13.0100 1,435 13.0200 193 13.0300 1,077 13.0500 227 13.0600 380 13.0700 280 14.0101 4.234 14.0102 254 14.0105 1,062 14.0200 126 14.0300 127 14.0400 520 14.0500 90 14.0600 61 14.0700 392 14.0800 75 14.0900 593 14.1000 517 14.1100 346 14.1200 10 14.1301 648 14.1401 330 14.1402 177 14.1403 65 14.1501 246 14.1502 524 14.1600 735 14.1700 1,367 14.1801 333 14.1900 269 14.2002 261 14.2004 738 14.2005 197 14.2101 351 14.2102 32 14.2103 162 14.2104 261 14.2200 193 14.2300 407 14.2400 61 14.2500 1,604 14.2600 256 14.2700 611 14.2800 101 14.2900 201 14.3000 4 14.3100 7 14.3201 143 14.3202 939 15.0101 3,857 15.0102 9 15.0103 299 15.0200 1,709 16.0100 1,661 16.0200 279 16.0300 336 16.0400 83 17.0100 655 17.0600 298 17.0700 126 17.0900 53 17.1001 323 17.1100 269 18.0101 112 18.0102 42 18.0300 452 18.0400 3.459 19.0100 20 Industry ' Commodity used Value 19.0200 298 19.0301 25 19.0302 31 19.0303 19 19.0304 19 19.0306 398 20.0100 2,558 20.0200 1,864 20.0300 62 20.0400 10 20.0501 247 20.0502 26 20.0600 509 20.0701 95 20.0702 60 20.0703 22 20.0800 59 20.0901 20 20.0903 211 20.0904 204 21.0000 18 22.0101 692 22.0102 87 22.0103 2 22.0200 232 22.0300 47 22.0400 37 23.0100 63 23.0200 254 23.0300 900 23.0500 146 23.0600 48 23.0700 125 24.0100 2,901 24.0400 72 24.0500 556 24.0701 641 24.0702 248 24.0703 206 24.0705 126 24.0706 68 24.0800 3,749 25.0000 691 26.0100 54 26.0200 599 26.0301 1,545 26.0302 34 26.0400 60 26.0501 1,119 26.0601 37 26.0602 75 26.0700 57 26.0806 57 27.0100 14,878 27.0201 2,051 27.0300 1,290 27.0401 142 27.0402 217 27.0403 128 27.0404 118 27.0405 96 27.0406 1,713 28.0100 6,148 28.0200 912 28.0300 435 28.0400 982 29.0100 7,272 29.0201 590 29.0202 138 29.0203 567 29.0300 1,296 30.0000 745 31.0101 8,765 31.0102 34 31.0103 196 31.0200 27 31.0300 62 32.0100 979 32.0200 137 32.0300 694 32.0400 4,176 32.0500 565 32.0600 354 33.0001 717 34.0100 167 34.0201 304 34.0202 4 34.0301 12 34.0302 123 34.0303 39 34.0304 24 34.0305 74 35.0100 1,390 35.0200 154 36.0100 35 36.0200 10 36.0300 26 36.0400 79 36.0500 6 36.0600 43 36.0701 60 36.0702 11 36.0800 86 36.0900 176 36.1000 6 36.1100 63 See footnote at the end of the table. 292 Table2B.— -Thoii^-r... . ' z Industry i Commodity used Value 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1700 36.1900 36.2000 36.2100 36.2200 37,0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0200 37.0300 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40 0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 420202 42.0300 420500 420700 420800 42.1000 421100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47 0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 520100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53 0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54 0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 Industry i ^'^essst**-** See footnote at the end of the table. 10 58 33 303 43 109 236 235 85 2,868 116 30 338 1 152 492 877 724 335 1.452 638 1.820 41 66 275 59 62 300 68 159 928 50 38 149 248 439 1,571 145 16 192 461 71 873 362 127 1,666 140 957 2.400 3.019 1,640 471 3,318 711 2,862 116 377 134 675 876 673 1.072 409 111 536 9 559 558 124 553 990 1.726 2.050 548 800 541 331 3.005 559 396 115 1.451 266 16,644 5,301 714 130 68 2,867 137 118 303 399 1.900 1.106 343 32 263 587 473 447 312 247 383 652 1.804 Commodity used Value 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0700 620101 620102 62.0200 620300 620400 62.0500 62.0600 620700 62.0800 620900 621000 621100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64 0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0701 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0200 70.0300 70.0400 70.0500 71.0201 71.0202 720101 720204 720205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0102 76.0201 76.0203 76.0206 77.0100 Industry i 2,291 755 2,873 3,632 717 10.220 5.213 392 349 1.409 1.666 1.886 119 228 16,336 16,648 25,236 6,406 9.014 1,054 720 482 621 188 289 2.016 2 3,378 138 1.884 1.825 278 166 659 2.120 2625 2,773 319 3,134 434 497 41 120 263 496 83 1.025 166 41 11 231 126 69 94 46 684 3.940 33 9.689 472 9.695 23.317 501 1,014 1,185 3.596 267 211 337 57 8 44,726 20 13.585 292 3,265 1.422 263 811 19,872 48 31 11 1.711 51 139 3.092 117 821 56 70 1.947 765 531 1.797 3.026 190 328 8 26 4.227 7 43 3 9 3 95.0000. Commodity used 77.0200 i 77.0402 77.0403 I 77.0502 I 78.0100 I 81.0001 81.0002 83.0001 1.0100 1.0200 1.0301 1.0302 2.0100 2.0201 2.0202 20203 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0503 2.0600 20702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 5.0001 6.0100 6.0200 7.0000 8.0001 9.0001 9.0002 9.0003 9.0004 10.0000 13.0100 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1301 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2102 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2400 14.2500 14.2600 14.2700 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 15.0200 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0700 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0101 18.0300 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0303 Value 23 320 28 102 188 1,281 4.591 67,325 -631,637 -28 -35 -1.333 -665 -2 -211 -237 -53 -4.038 -85 -1,054 -250 -59 -871 -1.091 -4.568 -21 -1.167 -110 2.765 -133 ^»3,984 -91 -10 -23 -881 -393 -291 -49 -871 -86 -12 -3,069 -60 -106 Industry I -491 -363 -1 -5 -1.392 -26 -1.548 -193 -272 -905 -38 -77 -18 -105 -116 -102 -257 ^»38 -878 -714 -4t1 -533 -976 -3 -1.584 -1.662 -258 -2,680 -15 -28 -1,089 -85 -147 -36 -12 -156 -24 -973 -320 -107 -51 -1,109 -3,764 -219 -364 -50 -765 -199 -215 -149 -329 -259 -284 -37,941 -90 -1,288 -51 -182 -99 Commodity used 19.0304 19.0306 20.0100 20.0200 20.0300 i 20.0400 20.0501 20.0502 20.0600 20.0701 20.0702 | 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 21.0000 I 220101 22.0102 I 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 l 23.0200 23.0300 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 I 24.0800 I 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 I 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 27.0401 27.0402 27.0403 27.0404 27.0405 I 27.0406 28.0100 28.0200 28.0300 28.0400 I 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 i 29.0203 29.0300 30.0000 31.0101 31.0103 i 31.0200 31.0300 320100 32.0200 32.0300 32.0400 320500 320600 33.0001 34.0100 l 34.0201 34.0202 | 34.0301 34.0302 I 34.0303 34.0304 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 36.0100 36.0200 36.0300 I 36.0400 36.0500 I 36.0600 36.0701 36.0702 36.0800 36.0900 l 36.1000 36.1100 36.1300 36.1400 36.1500 36.1600 36.1700 36.1900 36.2000 DETAILED TABLES Table 2B.— Industry i Commodity used 36.2100 36.2200 37.0101 37.0102 37.0103 37.0200 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0500 42.0700 42.0800 42.1000 42.1100 43.0100 I 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 45.0300 46.0100 46.0200 46.0300 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 48.0100 48.0200 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0100 52.0200 52.0300 52.0400 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 55.0100 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 , 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 I The U !!, Table f ° r ' ndUStrieS ( C °'"™s>-Continued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 293 96.00C0 See footnote at the end of the table. 1.0302 3.0001 4.0002 5.0001 6.0200 7.0000 9.0004 12.0101 12.0300 13.0100 13.0200 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0300 14.0400 14.0700 14.0900 14.1402 14.1501 14.1502 14.1801 14.1900 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 61.0300 61.0500 61.0601 61.0700 62.0101 62.0200 62.0300 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 64.0200 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.0900 64.1100 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 70.0400 71.0202 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 77.0200 77.0402 77.0403 80.0000 81.0001 81.0002 83.0001 294 BENCHMARK .NPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, .992 Table 2B.-The Use Table for Industries (ColumnsV-Conanued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] Industry 96.0010 . Commodity used Value 1.0200 1.0302 2.0201 2.0202 2.0503 2.0600 3.0001 4.0002 5.0001 7.0000 8.0001 10.0000 12.0214 1Z0300 13.0100 13.0300 13.0500 13.0600 13.0700 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.1100 14.1301 14.1401 14.1501 14.1600 14.1801 14.1802 14.1900 14.2200 14.2600 14.2800 14.2900 14.3202 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 17.0100 17.0600 17.0900 17.1001 17.1100 18.0400 19.0200 19.0301 19.0302 19.0304 19.0306 20.0200 20.0400 20.0600 20.0800 20.0901 20.0903 21.0000 24.0100 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0802 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 27.0402 27.0403 27.0406 28.0100 28.0400 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 30.0000 31.0101 31.0103 31.0200 32.0100 3Z0200 32.0300 3Z0400 33.0001 34.0302 34.0305 35.0100 35.0200 Industry ' Commodity used 36.0900 36.1300 36.1400 36.1600 36.1900 36.2000 37.0101 37.0103 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 40.0300 40 0400 40.0600 40.0800 40.0902 41.0100 41.0201 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 4Z0300 4Z0500 4Z0800 43.0200 44.0002 45.0100 45.0200 460200 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47 0500 48.0600 49.0200 49.0300 50.0200 50.0300 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0200 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0700 53.0800 54.0400 55.0100 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 56.0500 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 58.0700 59.0200 59.0301 59.0302 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0200 61.0300 62.0101 62.0102 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0700 | 62.0800 | 62.0900 62.1000 63.0200 63.0300 64.0101 64.0104 64.0301 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 64.1200 I Commodity used Value 97 .0010 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0201 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0100 70.0300 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73 0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0205 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0305 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0504 77.0600 77 0900 78.0100 78.0500 79.0300 80.0000 81.0002 8Z00O0 83.0001 11.0400 11.0800 11.0900 13.0100 17.0100 20.0703 22.0101 22.0102 22.0200 22.0300 23.0100 23.0200 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 32.0300 38.1000 40.0400 40.0600 42.0201 4Z0202 4Z0800 42.1100 43.0100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 45.0100 46.0400 47.0100 47.0404 48.0300 48.0500 48.0600 49.0100 49.0700 49.0800 50.0200 50.0400 51.0103 51.0104 51.O400 52.0400 53.0200 238 41 120 806 103 589 -9 1.846 2 502 -28 152 60 481 549 2 1,028 2 2.280 3,179 149 10 7 1 14 169 68 8,806 72 2 223 773 5,713 12 503 97 7 725 40 25 17 1 7 435 942 293 2 8,868 58 9 155 44 3 291 -313 40 2,157 126 76,534 -770 20,690 219 2,537 7,813 2.216 21 1 47 6 10 3 4 52 51 7 8 50 74 65 31 2 1 3 65 266 19 4 1 19 12 1 1 1 3 8 26 1 10 18 218 576 290 81 1 47 97.O0C0 I See footnote at the end ot the table. Value 41 US Si -21 I52| Industry 1 11/3 98.00C1 Commodity used 53.0300 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 54.0400 54.0700 56.0300 56.0500 58.0700 59.0100 59.0200 59.0301 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 61.0100 61.0200 62.0101 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0300 64.0400 64.1100 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 81.0001 81.0002 1.0200 2.0202 2.0203 2.0401 2.0501 3.0002 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 • 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1801 14.1802 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2200 14.2900 14.3100 14.3202 16.0100 17.0900 17.1001 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0302 19.0306 20.0200 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 Value DETAILED TABLES Tab,e 2B.-The Use Table for .ndustries (Co,umns>-Contin U ed [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 295 Industry > Commodity used See footnote at the end ol the table. 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 28.0100 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0200 320300 32.0400 32.0500 3£0600 35.0100 36.0701 36.0702 36.0900 36.1500 36.1600 37.0103 38.1100 39.0100 41.0100 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 420202 42.0300 42.0700 421100 43.0200 47.0100 47.0300 47.0401 48.0100 48.0300 48.0600 49.0100 49.0300 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 51.0400 52.0300 52.0500 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 I 54.0400 55.0100 55.0200 56.0200 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0700 59.0302 620200 620500 62.0700 63.0200 63.0300 64.0104 64.0200 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 , 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 Value Industry i 98.00C2 Commodity used 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0201 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 81.0002 82.0000 1.0200 2.0202 2.0203 2.0401 2.0501 3.0002 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1502 14.1600 14.1801 14.1802 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 17.0900 17.1001 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0302 19.0306 20.0901 20.0903 20.0904 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0700 26.0802 26.0803 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 27.0402 27.0404 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0300 I Value Industry ' Commodity used 30.0000 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 320400 320600 35.0100 36.0701 36.0900 36.1400 36.1600 37.0103 38.1100 41.0100 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 44.0001 47.0100 47.0300 49.0300 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 51.0400 520300 520500 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 54.0400 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 56.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.0700 63.0300 64.0101 64.0104 64.0200 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0102 72.0201 72.0204 72.0205 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0108 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 76.0205 76.0206 77.0200 Value 1 1.972 25 7 9 20 1 62 12 1 1 21 4 1 4 1 10 3 22 2 1 10 24 62 2 13 19 3 93 82 -1 14 132 21 9 6 1 30 28 1 5 44 2 4 1 58 2 1 3 11 42 1 6 6 29 51 -1 14 73 1 10 32 34 19 128 5 31 659 20 864 25 1.622 226 248 94 719 44 288 355 -3.547 126 70 -3 347 213 103 206 72 -1 223 1.764 64 489 303 326 112 -3.660 115 100 14 10 2 194 -17 296 98.00C3 4.0002 12.0300 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0600 14.1301 14.1801 14.3202 16.0100 19.0100 19.0200 19.0306 20.0903 24 0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 26.0100 26.0200 26.030; 26.0302 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 I 26.080 26.08' 27.01 27.03. 27.040. 29.0100 29.0201 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 36.1600 37.0103 38.1100 41.0100 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.1100 47.0300 47.0401 49.0300 50.0400 51.0104 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 56.0200 58.0400 59.0302 62.0200 62.0500 62.0700 63.0300 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 71.0201 72.0101 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCO^S OF THE UMTED STATES, ,992 Table 2B ._ The „ ise Table for industries (Columns M on„„ ued [Minns ol dollars a. producers' p„e»s] Value Industry ' -24,744 110 53 20 - 123 63,944 11,318 3 153 6 6 2 4 6 1 9 5 3 2 5 1 1 6 I 3 24 | 7 8 5 121 57 35 402 30 84 3 21 4 4 9 95 1 3 80 4 98.0011 26 147 4 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 36 22 20 26 2 1 2 10 5 23 2 2 2 1 3 26 1 19 2 See footnote at the end of the table. 41 1 2 4 1 8 9 3 46 18 1 56 1 1 922 1 458 153 91 47 187 281 82 1 1 39 136 209 13 3 -38 126 98.0012 . Commodity used 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 82.0000 11.0900 17.0100 22.0101 22.0200 22.0300 220400 23 0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0700 42.0201 42.1 "0 43.0200 44.C001 44.0002 46.0400 47.0100 47.0401 47.0404 48.0300 48.0500 49.0300 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 520100 52.0300 520500 53.0200 53.0400 53.0500 53.0800 54.0100 54.0200 54.0400 54.0500 55.0200 56.0100 56.0300 58.0700 59.0301 61.0200 61.0700 62.0102 62.0200 62.1000 62.1100 63.0300 64.0200 64.0400 64.1200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 81.0002 11.0900 17.0100 22.0101 220200 220300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 42.1100 44.0001 44 0002 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0401 47.0404 48.0100 48.0300 48.0500 50.0300 Industry ' 99.10C2 Commodity used 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 | 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 i 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 69.0200 70.0400 i 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 i 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 ! 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 I 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 l 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 77.0100 77.0200 77.0303 77.0305 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 77.0800 78.0100 79.0300 i 82.0000 1.0200 2.0501 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.0101 14.0105 14.0300 14.0500 14.0600 14.1402 14.1801 14.1802 14.2800 14.3202 16.0100 17.0900 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0302 19.0306 20.0903 20.0904 22.0400 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 29.0300 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0400 32.0600 34.0302 DETAILED TABLES Table 2B._The Use Table for Industries (Co.umns^ontinued [Millions of dollars at producers' prices] 297 Value Industry i 99.10C4 Commodity used Value 35.0100 38.1100 40.0901 42.0201 42.0300 42.1100 43.0200 47.0300 47.0401 49.0100 50.0400 51.0104 51.0400 52.0300 54.0400 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 58.0100 58.0400 59.0302 62.0200 62.0500 62.0700 63.0200 63.0300 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0700 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 66.0200 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0101 77.0402 77.0501 77.0600 77.0700 77.0900 78.0100 79.0300 81.0002 82.0000 See footnote at the end of the table. 4.0002 16.0100 18.0400 19.0100 19.0301 24.0400 24.0500 24.0800 26.0200 26.0601 27.0100 27.0300 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 35.0100 40.0901 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 50.0100 168 3 3 13 3 6 27 2 14 18 2 179 41 62 3 17 72 49 4 24 127 2 193 38 49 95 6 54 2 4 Industry ' 15 8 21 9 36 29 20 95 8 7 297 2 30 456 1 1,141 279 213 72 491 56 2,380 772 8 45 22 55 50 653 130 5 63 1,018 168 29 149 3 30 284 70 36 1 7 80 13 480 306 987 66 20 97 ,429 99.1011 4,748 16 16 4 3 4 1 2 2 1 2 21 2 40 2 3 638 6 3 7 29 7 14 2 99.1012. I 99.1013. Commodity used 50.0400 55.0100 63.0300 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0302 69.0100 70.0400 71.0201 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0102 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 78.0100 79.0300 82.0000 11.0900 17.0100 22.0101 22.0400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 23.0400 23.0500 23.0600 23.0700 40.0600 42.1100 44.0001 44.0002 46.0400 47.0100 47.0401 49.0700 50.0300 50.0400 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0200 53.0400 54.0100 54.0200 54.0400 55.0200 56.0300 59.0301 62.0102 62.0200 62.0400 62.0500 62.0600 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 62.1100 63.0300 64.1200 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 81.0002 11.0800 11.0900 22.0101 22.0300 23.0100 23.0200 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 59.0301 62.0400 62.0500 64.0400 65.0500 69.0100 81.0002 Value 221 280 12 20 358 8 2 88 6 7 2 212 83 447 135 57 1 2 2 6 1 96 5 15 2 33 20 21 1 41 9 12 1 1 2 5 12 233 7 80 20 -1.949 96 1 151 22 20 17 20 20 107 4 100 48 13 14 19 1 23 18 20 66 137 195 4 4.383 4,749 3.048 2 2 10 1 14 2 1 1 3 32 1 13 9 2 2 6 2 2 2 3 2 33 12 15 7 14 4 14 1 7 69 40 7 67 Industry i 99.1014. 99.20C1 9.252 Commodity used 11.0900 23.0100 23.0200 421100 45.0100 51.0102 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0500 53.0200 59.0301 62.0102 62.0200 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 11.0900 23.0100 23.0200 42.1100 45.0100 51.0103 51.0104 51.0400 52.0500 59.0301 62.0102 62.0200 65.0100 65.0301 69.0100 4.0002 12.0300 13.0500 13.0600 14.0102 14.1801 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 24.0400 | 24.0500 24.0701 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0402 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 320100 320300 32.0500 32.0600 35.0100 37.0401 41.0203 420201 42.0700 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 53.0500 55.0100 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 59.0302 61.0500 61.0700 62.0200 62.0500 63.0300 64.0301 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0800 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 Value 8,678 2 11 46 140 2 6 4 12 80 9 156 2 8 2 18 1 75 1,404 910 1 4 33 92 6 6 3 75 195 2 7 2 14 54 36,162 12 196 21 89 17 17 42 2 7 18 5 4 15 2 7 22 1 4 48 61 9 1 27 13 10 8 559 45 72 14 1 5 34 1 5 9 1 2 5 29 1 4 6 1 15 15 284 19 2 1 2 51 1 1 2 4 3 4 10 17 55 23 14 110 4 207 65 20 18 298 Industry i 99.20C2 Commodity used 68.0302 69.0100 I 70.0400 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 72.0204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0106 I 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 I 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 75.0003 76.0208 77.0304 77.0402 l 78.0100 79.0300 82.0000 4.0002 12.0300 13.0500 14.0600 14.1801 14.1802 14.2200 14.2800 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0306 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 26.0200 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 27.0100 27.0406 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0300 32.0500 32.0600 34.0201 34.0305 38.1100 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0500 42.0800 47.0300 50.0400 53.0500 55.0100 57.0100 57.0300 58.0100 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 61.0200 620500 63.0200 63.0300 64.0104 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0302 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNT, n» ACC0UmS OT ™E UMTED STATES, ,992 Tab.e2B.-The Use Table for .ndustries ( e„„ , Value 7 174 36 112 200 9 - 2 73 16 129 -198 13 139 19 10 7 82 3 147 409 244 6 3 2 80 29 72 31,938 14,691 5 232 1 1 5 4 5 7 62 2 2 1 1 10 2 4 1 4 16 3 10 16 4 56 See footnote a, the end of the table. 10 9 1 282 7 2 33 14 1 3 3 2 1 4 11 3 9 2 4 1 2 1 3 15 26 2 4 1 53 1 19 1 22 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 2 7 15 5 6 66 2 20 32 9 99.20C3 Commodity used 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0400 i 71.0201 72.0101 72.0201 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0108 i 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 i 73.0301 73.0302 73.0303 , 74.0000 , 75.0001 75.0002 77.0402 77.0501 78.0100 79.0300 I 820000 1.0200 £0401 2.0501 3.0002 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 13.0500 13.0600 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1600 14.1801 14.1802 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2200 14.2300 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 15.0101 16.0100 17.0900 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0302 19.0306 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0806 27.0100 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 30.0000 31.0101 Value 7 17 70 13 1 95 4 12 8 74 14 21 -83 2 7 4 28 1 11 60 68 29 30 3 12 23 12,968 Industry ■ 28.041 28 22 44 5 4 1 1.286 1 31 318 19 55 27 34 19 71 88 14 11 99 22 24 62 54 1 6 14 22 2 113 21 31 2 14 41 2 26 25 34 1 -175 99 -19 39 18 791 4 7 4 4 4 16 2 3 1 18 7 13 32 63 3 19 6 28 51 7 1 4 4 3 5 20 73 32 14 63 302 99.2011 Commodity used 31.0102 32.0100 32.0200 320300 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 34.0100 34.0201 34.0305 35.0100 36.0701 36.0900 36.1400 36.1600 37.0101 37.0103 38.1100 39.0200 41.0100 41.0202 41.0203 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.0500 421100 43.0200 47.0300 49.0300 50.0400 51.0104 53.0500 54.0300 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 56.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 58.0400 58.0600 59.0302 61.0500 620200 620500 620600 62.0700 63.0300 64.0104 64.0301 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 64.1200 65.0100 65.0200 65.0301 65.0400 65.0500 65.0600 65.0702 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 68.0302 69.0100 70.0400 71.0201 720101 720201 720204 73.0101 73.0103 73.0104 73.0107 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0200 73.0301 73.0302 74.0000 75.0001 75.0002 76.0101 76.0201 77.0100 77.0200 77.0304 77.0402 77.0403 78.0100 79.0300 82.0000 Value Industry i 7 2 4 3 27 12 1 50 53 10 34 4 3 4 2 30 23 8 3 2 4 19 10 .. 20 \\ 99.2012. 1 9 8 5 19 12 39 5 7 7 14 22 2 26 1 1 4 1 39 2 1 2 3 3 35 1 14 21 2 2 3 3 2 \\ 99.2013. 28 3 9 97 5 90 3 7 66 599 47 70 24 499 25 66 119 3 79 22 413 142 9 39 12 14 5 40 1 110 41 38 .. < \\ 99.30C1 30 23 4 167 54 31 16 20,057 Commodity used 23.0300 ; 23.0400 23.0500 51.0103 i 51.0104 | 51.0400 I 56.0300 56.0500 59.0301 60.0100 I 61.0100 61.0500 620101 620102 I 62.0200 62.0400 62.1000 63.0300 I 65.0100 65.0301 69.0100 i 81.0002 Value 11.0900 1 17.0100 22.0400 23.0100 | 23.0200 23.0500 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 47.0404 49.0100 i 49.0700 51.0103 i 51.0104 | 51.0400 I 53.0200 I 53.0400 I 54.0400 I 56.0500 l 58.0700 59.0301 61.0100 61.0200 I 620200 l 620500 62.0900 I 63.0300 I 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 81.0002 I 11.0800 11.0900 | 220101 22.0300 220400 23.0100 23.0200 23.0300 42.1100 44.0001 44.0002 I 47.0404 51.0103 | 51.0104 51.0400 I 520200 520500 53.0400 54.0100 | 54.0200 54.0400 56.0300 56.0500 i 58.0700 I 59.0301 620200 I 62.0400 620500 63.0300 65.0301 69.0100 i 81.0002 7 6 6 42 13 5 1 59 448 45 13 63 58 3 12 11 1 36 4 7 86 10 1,006 389 2 4 11 3 4 53 4 9 3 4 46 52 6 6 14 4 4 7 18 160 21 4 3 34 44 10 2 12 1 52 20 3,406 2.049 966 8 8 6 2 1 9 18 42 7 2 34 1 2 6 25 2 3 5 17 1 1 3 31 1 7 3 41 5 50 50 11.0900 i 23.0100 I 23.0200 I 1.437 418 35 48 20203 I 4.0002 9.0002 10.0000 i 12.0214 19.0200 24.0400 I 24.0701 24.0705 , 26.0200 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 i 31.0101 46.018 8 -212 -120 178 18.690 3 5 5 5 3 258 26 32 165 Value Industry ' 99.30C8 Commodity used 31.0102 32.0100 32.0600 38.1100 41.0203 42.0201 42.0202 42.0300 42.1100 43.0200 44.0001 44.0002 47.0300 50.0100 50.0400 51.0104 53.0500 55.0100 55.0200 56.0100 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 58.0700 59.0302 62.0700 63.0300 64.0502 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 65.0600 66.0100 68.0100 68.0202 68.0301 69.0100 72.0204 73.0104 73.0111 73.0112 73.0301 73.0302 75.0002 82.0000 1.0302 2.0202 2.0203 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 4.0001 4.0002 7.0000 12.0300 14.1501 14.1502 14.2103 14.2104 17.0900 18.0400 19.0100 19.0200 19.0302 19.0306 20.0903 24.0400 24.0500 24.0701 24.0702 24.0703 24.0705 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 26.0100 26.0200 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 26.0601 26.0602 26.0806 27.0100 27.0201 27.0300 27.0402 27.0406 28.0100 29.0100 29.0201 29.0202 29.0203 31.0101 31.0102 32.0100 32.0400 32.0500 32.0600 34.0302 35.0100 36.0900 36.1100 DETAILED TABLES Table 2B.- The Use Table .or industries 37.0101 .09694 41.0100 .03283 27.0406 .06037 37.0200 0224 : 37.0200 .03354 42.0800 .02025 37.0101 .09302 38.1000 cm 37.0300 .02187 43.0200 .02707 38.0100 .02271 48.0400 1 12S3- 49.0200 .02208 46.0400 1.00626 38.0700 .01602 49.0500 020"= 49.0500 1.10304 49.0300 .08979 38.1000 .02107 50.0400 0S499 50.0400 .02860 50.0200 .02218 47.0404 1.04293 53.0500 or>-i ' 53.0400 .01795 50.0400 .02081 65.0301 .04215 65.0301 02S23 65.0301 .02276 53.0400 .02221 68.0100 .02707 68.0100 C231." 68.0100 .02969 65.0301 .03557 69.0100 .11124 69.0100 086'* 69.0100 .12102 68.0100 .02701 70.0100 .01706 70.0100 OIST" 70.0100 .01434 69.0100 .17972 71.0201 .02054 71.0201 02159 71.0201 .01965 71.0201 .02541 73.0200 .01992 73.0200 01443 73.0200 .01403 All other .62940 All other .50004 All other 48 -W All other .38568 47.0100 2.03870 .01515 47.0405 1.61701 .01189 48.0500 2 1276" 1 016'9 49 0600 2 01532 12.0300 8.0001 12.0300 8.0001 .01566 20.0901 .01522 12.0300 .01416 32.0300 02154 27.0100 .01607 37.0101 .05923 37.0101 .01805 37.0101 0625C 28.0100 .01500 37.0200 .03813 37.0200 .02857 37.0200 02835 37.0101 .07417 40.0600 .02677 38.0100 .02829 38.1000 02968 38.1000 .03627 47.0100 1.04314 38.0400 .02108 41.0100 01770 40.0600 .01541 49.0500 .01912 38.1100 .01629 48.0500 1 055'1 42.0800 .02019 50.0400 .04399 47.0405 1.03395 49.0500 034 79 49.0600 1.12956 53.0400 .02198 50.0400 .03093 50.0400 03498 50.0400 .02053 53.0500 .04211 65.0301 .01424 53.0500 03464 57.0300 .01684 65.0301 .02464 68.0100 .02799 65.0301 02659 65.0301 .02357 68.0100 .02483 68.0202 .01238 68.0100 .02388 68.0100 .02489 69.0100 .10915 69.0100 .04179 69.0100 11679 69.0100 .08757 71.0201 .02239 71.0201 .01830 71.0201 .02805 71.0201 .02473 73.0200 .01704 81.0001 .01238 73.0200 .01701 73.0200 .01676 All other .51 579 All other .28672 All other .57926 All other .47809 47.0200 2.05865 .01719 47.0500 1.90880 .01680 48.0600 1.98591 .01521 49.0700 1 97269 8.0001 12.0300 12.0300 12.0300 .01619 12.0300 .02016 32.0400 .01916 24.0800 .01581 24.0800 .02427 37.0101 .12903 37.0101 .06593 37.0101 .06807 27.0100 .01459 37.0200 .02779 38.1000 .02615 37.0200 .02029 32.0400 .02193 40.0600 .03137 40.0600 .04233 38.0800 .01727 37.0101 .05916 47.0200 1.01039 41.0203 .01627 38.1000 .01969 37.0200 .01864 47.0300 .01696 47.0500 1 .02498 42.0800 .01598 49.0300 .01696 50.0400 .04114 50.0400 .02505 48.0600 1.01258 49.0700 1 .05058 53.0500 .02029 53.0400 .01614 50.0400 .03157 50.0400 .03032 65.0301 .02843 53.0500 .01600 53.0500 .01801 65.0301 .02408 68.0100 .02757 65.0301 .02060 65.0301 .02716 68.0100 .02405 69.0100 .11012 68.0100 .02003 68.0100 .02388 69.0100 .09368 70.0100 .01564 69.0100 .08745 69.0100 .11597 70.0100 .01445 71.0201 .02105 71.0201 .02151 71.0201 .02466 71.0201 .02203 73.0200 .01483 73.0200 .01695 73.0200 .01725 73.0200 .02723 All other .52667 All other .47346 All other .54251 All other .51452 47.0300 1.76526 .01348 48.0100 2.03740 .01661 49.0100 2.11383 .03685 49.0800 1 88789 8.0001 12.0300 32.0300 12.0300 .01350 12.0300 .01591 37.0101 .09238 32.0400 .02473 32.0400 .01790 27.0100 .01638 37.0200 .01900 37.0101 .05343 37.0101 .04795 28.0100 .01137 38.0100 .01971 37.0200 .05278 49.0500 .02058 32.0400 .00996 38.0800 .01596 38.1100 .02252 49.0700 .01403 37.0101 .08457 41.0203 .01658 42.0800 .02383 49.0800 1.02434 37.0402 .01581 48.0100 1.01272 43.0200 .0201 1 50.0400 .03376 47.0300 1.03997 50.0400 .04813 49.0100 1.01832 53.0300 .02291 50.0400 .03111 53.0400 .01770 50.0400 .03699 53.0500 .03064 65.0301 .02558 53.0500 .01685 53.0400 .05893 65.0301 01949 68.0100 .02634 65.0301 .02650 65.0301 .02738 68.0100 .01967 69.0100 .06163 68.0100 .02284 68.0100 .02650 69.0100 .09746 70.0100 .01272 69.0100 .12120 69.0100 .10832 70.0100 .01394 71.0201 .02183 71.0201 .02325 71.0201 .02035 71.0201 .02144 73.0200 .01205 73.0200 .02141 73.0200 .02084 73.0200 .01789 All other .36656 All other .54656 All other .56193 All other .47244 47.0401 2.13016 .01859 48.0200 2.07217 .01649 49.0200 2.01045 .01750 50.0100 2 16181 27.0100 8.0001 8.0001 6.0100 .02198 32.0400 .05772 12.0300 .01997 12.0300 .01869 8.0001 .02027 37.0101 .06289 32.0300 .01643 37.0101 .12021 12.0300 .01941 38.1000 .01718 32.0400 .01625 37.0200 .01551 25.0000 .02069 38.1100 .03234 37.0101 .08964 37.0300 .04532 37.0101 .07993 40.0600 .02649 37.0200 .01786 49.0200 1.09765 37.0200 .03627 47.0401 1 .00775 38.0100 .02280 49.0500 .02978 38.0100 .06325 49.0200 .01969 38.1000 .02563 50.0400 .04735 38.0400 .02356 50.0400 .03134 42.0800 .01859 65.0301 .02636 38.0800 .02631 53.0500 .02685 48.0200 1.05422 68.0100 .03700 38.1100 .07278 65.0301 .02973 50.0400 .04251 68.0202 .01486 50.0100 1 .02699 68.0100 .02666 65.0301 .02192 69.0100 .10957 50.0400 .04269 69.0100 .13967 68.0100 .02917 70.0100 .01526 65.0301 .03602 71.0201 .02004 69.0100 .10247 71.0201 .01773 68.0100 .03903 73.0200 .02716 71 .0201 .02386 73.0104 .01486 69.0100 .08640 All other .58608 All other .55437 All other .38280 All other .54621 47.0402 2.01185 48.0300 2.21070 49.0300 2.04291 50.0200 1 .95963 Note. — Data may not add to totals because of rounding. 314 BENCHMAIL. INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 4A. — Total, Largest 15, and All Other Commodity Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded — Continued [Output requirements, direct and indirect, per dollar of delivery to final demand, at producers' prices] Commodity Commodity Output Commodity Commodity Output Commodity Commodity Output Commodity Commodity Output demanded required requirements demanded required requirements demanded required requirements demanded required requirements 8.0001 .01523 27.0100 .02018 8.0001 .02519 24.0800 .03046 12.0300 .01823 32.0400 .04457 24.0800 .01960 27.0100 .03646 37.0101 .09427 40.0700 .02518 31.0101 .02272 28.0100 .03290 37.0200 .03210 51.0103 .02059 37.0101 .12380 32.0400 .11218 38.0100 .01384 51.0104 .04632 38.0700 .02132 37.0101 .09898 38.1100 .01790 51 .0400 1.00097 38.0800 .02009 38.1100 02880 41.0100 .02162 57.0200 .04831 38.1000 .04747 41.0203 .04646 50.0200 1.00976 57.0300 .06886 50.0400 .02928 54.0100 1.00354 50.0400 .04572 65.0301 .02431 53.0200 1.00099 57.0100 .02386 65.0301 .02349 68.0100 .02176 53.0500 .06985 57.0300 .03897 68 0100 .02858 69.0100 .12526 53.0800 .02927 65.0301 .03429 69.0100 .11525 71.0201 .02617 65.0301 .03227 68.0100 .03092 70.0100 .01523 73.0200 .02654 68.0100 .02782 69.0100 .14240 71.0201 .02020 73.0301 .02069 69.0100 .13370 71.0201 .02498 73.0200 .01498 80.0000 .03863 71.0201 .02115 73.0200 .06922 All other .47324 All other .51968 All other .54104 All other .72323 50.0300 1.97485 52.0100 2.04086 53.0300 1.90192 54.0200 2.37650 27.0100 .02009 24.0800 .01615 12.0300 .01422 8.0001 02362 28.0100 .02691 27.0100 02268 28.0100 .01446 12.0300 .02032 32.0400 .02815 28.0100 .01921 32.0400 .02732 27.0100 .06712 37.0101 .05326 30.0000 .01833 37.0101 .04994 28.0100 .05459 37.0200 .01850 32.0400 .04915 38.0100 .01636 32.0400 .07834 40.0700 .02108 37.0101 .08971 38.0700 .02764 37.0101 .11864 50.0300 1.02580 50.0400 .03980 53.0300 1.01792 41.0100 .01848 57.0200 .05605 52.0100 1.01430 53.0500 .07990 52.0300 .09348 57.0300 .09914 52.0300 .04047 57.0300 .03283 53.0400 .03055 65.0301 .02384 53.0400 .03601 65.0301 .01901 54.0200 1.00001 68.0100 .02059 55.0300 .03227 68.0100 .02178 55.0300 .02007 69.0100 .07430 65.0301 02530 69.0100 .11725 65.0301 .03654 71.0201 .01941 68.0100 .02506 70.0100 .01475 68.0100 .03330 73.0200 .04535 69.0100 .10536 71.0201 .02010 69.0100 .13402 80.0000 .01519 71.0201 .01788 73.0200 .02076 71.0201 .01993 All other .42716 All other .48918 All Other .40769 All other .62747 50.0400 1.8&14 52.0200 2.14529 53.0400 2. 14754 54.0300 2.33976 8.0001 .01201 12.0300 .01743 12.0300 .01699 8.0001 .01981 12.0300 .01615 32.0400 .02373 27.0100 .01887 27.0100 .02820 37.0101 .07621 37.0101 .12872 32.0400 03699 28.0100 .02606 37.0200 .01906 38.1000 .04495 37.0101 .09371 32.0400 .05656 38.0100 .02810 41.0203 .02679 37.0200 .02124 37.0101 .12193 38.0400 .01146 49.0500 .04373 38.0700 .01716 37.0200 .01964 38.0800 .01728 50.0400 .01992 38.10C0 .05178 38.1000 .02455 38.1100 .02329 52.0200 1.03366 38.1100 .02205 38.1100 • .02984 50.0400 1.06850 53.0400 .05893 41.0203 .03101 53.0400 07848 65.0301 .02223 55.0300 .01540 43.0200 .03630 54.0300 1 .00224 68.0100 .02627 65.0301 .02634 53.0400 1 .02628 62.0700 .08368 69.0100 .06433 68.0100 .02405 65.0301 .03099 65.0301 .03062 70.0100 .01370 69.0100 .11734 68.0100 .02974 68.0100 .02906 71 .0201 .02589 71.0201 .02634 69.0100 .10723 69.0100 13361 73.0200 .01554 73.0200 .0228'. 71.0201 .02089 73.0200 .03115 All other .38312 All other .51508 All other 58632 All other .62435 51.0102 2.13813 .02971 52.0300 Z26426 .02048 53.0500 1.91482 01435 54.0400 2 22343 32.0400 12.0300 12.0300 8.0001 .02019 37.0101 .01604 32.0400 .02546 32.0300 .01386 24.0800 .02952 40.0700 .01577 37.0101 .07335 32.0400 .02588 27.0100 .03768 41.0203 .02794 37.0200 .02058 37.0101 .02765 28.0100 .04374 51.0102 1.00064 38.0100 .02488 40.0700 .01416 32.0400 .08784 51.0103 .03440 38.0700 .03446 42.0401 .01483 37.0101 .06486 51.0104 .09360 38.0800 .02880 53.0500 1.06473 38.1000 .02941 57.0200 .05242 41.0203 .03135 57.0300 .08410 53.0400 .05709 57.0300 .14798 50.0400 .02684 65.0301 .01610 54.0400 1.00071 68.0100 .01620 52.0300 1.10224 66.0100 .01418 62.0300 .02273 69.0100 .13380 53.0400 .05994 68.0100 .01922 65.0301 .03716 71.0201 .02519 62.0300 .02150 69.0100 .12680 68.0100 .02818 73.0104 .01915 65.0301 .03098 70.0100 .01634 69.0100 .09890 73.0200 .01878 68.0100 .02774 71.0201 .02482 71.0201 .02231 80.0000 .08608 69.0100 .12649 73.0200 .02761 73.0200 .03416 All other .42044 All other .60918 All other .41020 All other .60894 51.0103 2.43456 .01826 5Z0400 2.24932 .02007 53.0700 1.94758 .05192 54.0500 2.13490 12.0300 27.0100 8.0001 8.0001 .02124 32.0400 .02025 32.0400 .04562 12.0300 .02769 24.0800 .02959 51.0103 1.16044 37.0101 .07009 27.0100 .05306 27.0100 .05271 51.0104 .11362 38.1100 .03122 31.0101 .01895 28.0100 .08916 57.0200 .08477 41.0100 .02300 31.0103 .04552 32.0400 .09090 57.0300 .26523 42.0402 .06452 32.0400 .07858 37.0101 02690 66.0100 .01418 50.0400 .04519 36.1900 .04542 38.1000 .02533 68.0100 .01924 52.0400 1.00609 36.2200 .02300 53.0400 .06055 69.0100 .17587 53.0400 .02350 53.0700 1.02604 54.0500 1.00053 70.0100 .01732 62.0200 .07000 65.0100 .03382 65.0301 .03381 71.0201 .03705 65.0301 .02324 65.0301 .04617 68.0100 .02458 73.0104 .02251 68.0100 .02868 68.0100 .05409 69.0100 .08359 73.0200 .02320 69.0100 .11774 68.0202 .03359 70.0100 .01880 73.0301 .01848 71.0201 .02579 69.0100 .04502 71.0201 .02014 80.0000 .07816 73.0200 .02182 71.0201 .01685 73.0200 .07159 All other .36600 All other .63274 All other .34786 All other .48547 51.0104 £35029 .02102 52.0500 Z04341 .01888 53.0800 2.24065 .01981 54.0700 2.42638 12.0300 27.0100 8.0001 8.0001 .02404 32.0400 .03166 28.0100 .02053 12.0300 .02064 24.0800 .02440 51.0103 .06681 32.0400 .03003 36.2100 .28684 27.0100 .04511 51.0104 1.10204 37.0101 .08596 37.0101 .02277 28.0100 .05820 53.0400 .03819 40.0600 .03704 38.1000 .02545 32.0400 .10842 57.0200 .13642 42.0800 .02272 53.0500 .02867 37.0101 .11059 57.0300 .17338 49.0300 .01720 53.0800 1.00770 38.1000 .03014 68.0100 .02069 50.0400 .02608 57.0300 .05576 53.0400 .03418 69.0100 .15972 52.0500 1.02011 65.0301 .07305 54.0700 1.00005 70.0100 01681 53.0400 .02444 68.0100 .02859 62.0300 .03534 71.0201 .03171 65.0301 .02780 69.0100 .07025 62.0700 .04514 73.0104 .01727 68.0100 .02272 70.0100 .01666 65.0301 .04303 73.0200 .02713 69.0100 .10776 71.0201 .02778 68.0100 .03047 73.0301 .01737 71.0201 .02388 73.0102 .01617 69.0100 .14364 80.0000 .06405 73.0200 .02797 73.0200 .04236 73.0200 .02856 All other .42604 All other .53029 All other .49815 All other .66507 51.0400 2.07802 53.0200 2.16555 54.0100 2.47763 I 55.0100 1.84562 Note. — Data may not add to totals because of rounding. DETAILED TABLES 315 Table 4A. — Total, Largest 15, and All Other Commodity Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded — Continued [Output requirements, direct and indirect, per dollar of delivery to final demand, at producers' prices] Commodity Commodity Output Commodity Commodity Output Commodity Commodity Output Commodity Commodity Output demanded required requirements demanded required requirements demanded required requirements demanded required requirements 8.0001 .01730 12.0300 .01551 27.0100 .01529 27.0100 .02501 12.0300 .01543 32.0400 .01840 32.0400 .02392 37.0101 .09536 24.0800 .02796 37.0101 .01439 37.0101 .04160 37.0200 .03202 25.0000 .01709 41.0203 .01258 38.1000 .02617 38.0400 .03158 27.0100 .03011 56.0500 1.02504 50.0400 .01425 38.1100 .02492 35.0100 .11012 57.0200 .05219 57.0200 .06022 40.0700 .02429 38.1000 .04507 57.0300 .19254 57.0300 .12292 41.0201 .03319 55.0100 1.02529 65.0301 .01224 58.0400 1.05097 50.0400 .04173 65.0301 .01894 66.0100 .01141 65.0301 .02456 57.0200 .02378 68.0100 .02526 68.0100 .01685 68.0100 .02200 59.0302 1.10462 69.0100 .13582 69.0100 .07424 69.0100 .13618 65.0301 .03755 70.0100 .01493 70.0100 .01346 70.0100 .01639 68.0100 .03545 71.0201 .01638 71.0201 .02442 71.0201 .02067 69.0100 .13389 73.0200 .01503 73.0104 .01173 73.0200 .01803 71.0201 .02251 80.0000 .01383 73.0200 .01779 80.0000 .01984 73.0200 .03307 All other .31707 All other .37097 All other .46877 All other .71929 55 0200 2.21209 .02630 57.0100 2.32001 .01942 58.0600 2.30470 .02703 60.0100 2 26884 25.0000 8.0001 12.0300 12.0300 .01813 27.0100 .02827 12.0300 .01809 24.0800 .03246 32.0400 .03205 28.0100 .03330 27.0100 .02194 25.0000 .03089 47.0300 .01832 32.0400 .05457 32.0400 .02148 27.0100 .05525 50.0400 .01874 35.0100 .02668 35.0100 .22275 28.0100 .07417 57.0300 .04059 37.0101 .05939 37.0101 .02420 32.0400 .15638 60.0100 1.00062 38.0800 .02469 40.0700 .03857 38.0800 .02306 60.0200 .19654 41.0203 .02561 41.0203 .03855 53.0500 .02716 60.0400 .19002 53.0200 .05726 57.0100 1.13508 57.0300 .03702 62.0101 .06617 55.0200 1.00923 57.0300 .06212 58.0600 1.00288 62.0200 .02044 65.0301 .03539 65.0301 .02341 65.0301 .04444 65.0301 .01795 68.0100 .02723 68.0100 .03492 68.0100 .03234 68.0100 .01915 69.0100 .12865 69.0100 .13890 69.0100 .11488 69.0100 .07762 71.0201 .03162 70.0100 .01827 71.0201 .02625 70.0100 .01846 73.0200 .04552 71.0201 .02469 80.0000 .02548 71.0201 .02024 All other .59837 All other .47763 All other .59501 All other .51379 55.0300 1.97096 .01680 57.0200 1.76517 .01155 58.0700 2.10733 .01642 60.0200 1.95587 8.0001 8.0001 12.0300 12.0300 .02129 27.0100 .02870 12.0300 .02839 32.0400 .02234 37.0101 .01733 28.0100 .04186 27.0100 .03783 37.0101 .01842 38.1100 .01550 32.0400 .02014 38.0501 .02117 38.1000 .02931 38.1400 .02358 37.0101 .07324 42.0401 .02310 51.0103 .01537 50.0400 .01324 38.0700 .02421 57.0200 1.08571 57.0200 .05406 60.0200 1.26006 41.0203 .01840 57.0300 .03265 57.0300 .17989 60.0400 .01982 42.0401 .01864 65.0301 .01360 58.0700 1.00818 62.0101 .02263 42.0800 .01791 68.0100 .02582 65.0301 .01688 68.0100 .01987 55.0300 1.01320 69.0100 .07307 68.0100 .02217 69.0100 .05065 65.0301 .02721 70.0100 .01283 69.0100 .11373 70.0100 .01552 68.0100 .02827 71.0201 .02521 70.0100 .01548 71.0201 .01847 69.0100 .09230 73.0104 .01585 71.0201 .02793 73.0101 .01402 71.0201 .01986 73.0200 .01944 73.0200 .02893 73.0104 .03506 73.0200 .01731 73.0301 .01711 80.0000 .02176 73.0200 .01380 All other .51291 All other .32184 All other .51644 All other .39501 56.0100 2.69402 .04484 57.0300 2.17671 .02085 59.0100 2.42204 .02240 60.0400 1 80486 22.0103 12.0300 32.0400 12.0300 .01664 27.0100 .02120 27.0100 .01743 37.0101 .10486 32.0400 .01415 32.0400 .04527 32.0400 .03396 38.0400 .02327 37.0101 .01656 35.0100 .05362 38.0501 .01753 38.0800 .03382 38.0800 .01361 37.0101 .02184 42.0401 .03660 41.0201 .02560 50.0400 .01247 41.0203 .02434 51.0103 .04135 41.0203 .02389 57.0300 .03385 56.0100 1.04178 57.0200 .07689 43.0200 .02810 60.0200 .05859 57.0100 .26101 57.0300 1.24459 59.0100 1.01942 60.0400 1.07566 57.0200 .03401 65.0301 .01776 59.0301 .09080 62.0101 .02029 57.0300 .22246 68.0100 .02454 59.0302 .06823 65.0301 .01586 65.0301 .02520 69.0100 .11552 65.0301 .03698 68.0100 .01946 68.0100 .02556 71.0201 .02789 68.0100 .02966 69.0100 .05448 69.0100 .18348 73.0200 .02414 69.0100 .11906 70.0100 .01348 71.0201 .03083 73.0301 .01770 71.0201 .02422 71.0201 .01784 80.0000 .03273 80.0000 .01763 73.0200 .02435 73.0104 .01272 All other .62585 All other .44233 All other .74737 All other .40920 56.0200 1.91522 .01379 58.0100 2.20313 .02380 59.0200 2.60832 .02781 61.0100 1.74791 8.0001 8.0001 20.0200 37.0101 .06904 12.0300 .02314 12.0300 .01744 27.0100 .02794 40.0400 .02925 24.0800 .03696 27.0100 .06692 32.0100 .06611 42.0800 .01083 27.0100 .03460 28.0100 .02979 32.0300 .03414 43.0200 .01892 28.0100 .05278 32.0400 .10622 37.0101 .10614 49.0300 .01185 32.0400 .08945 37.0101 .01677 38.0400 .06427 49.0500 .01576 56.0200 1.03119 38.0501 .16510 38.0800 .09552 53.0500 .03155 58.0600 .13177 58.0100 1.03672 41.0201 .03563 61.0100 1.00127 65.0301 .02338 65.0301 .03892 43.0200 .03045 65.0301 .02071 68.0100 .02508 68.0100 .04051 59.0200 1.00258 68.0100 .01991 69.0100 .07426 69.0100 .17098 59.0302 .12569 69.0100 .07332 70.0100 .01396 70.0100 .01622 65.0301 .07874 70.0100 .01261 71.0201 .02215 71.0201 .02126 68.0100 .03523 71.0201 .01603 73.0301 .01261 73.0200 .02022 69.0100 .14990 71.0202 .01740 80.0000 .01789 81.0001 .02389 71.0201 .02475 73.0104 .01385 All other .31219 All other .40837 All other .70344 All other .38560 56.0300 1.96332 .01618 58.0200 2.14689 .02233 59.0301 2.80560 .03026 61.0200 2.06023 12.0300 8.0001 27.0100 27.0100 .02200 27.0100 .01390 25.0000 .03012 32.0400 .05849 28.0100 .02607 32.0400 .03330 27.0100 .07849 37.0101 .06605 35.0100 .02388 51.0103 .01532 32.0300 .03716 41.0201 .08805 37.0101 .02810 56.0300 1.00289 32.0400 .05254 57.0200 .02837 38.0800 .02128 56.0500 .03092 37.0101 .06930 58.0400 .02276 40.0400 .01911 57.0200 .10266 38.0900 .02698 59.0301 1.00555 42.0300 .02589 57.0300 .20212 41.0203 .04334 59.0302 .30585 43.0200 .15295 68.0100 .01641 42.1100 .07528 65.0301 .04477 50.0400 .02392 69.0100 .10415 53.0700 .02475 68.0100 .02794 61.02O0 1 .00249 70.0100 .01409 58.0200 1.01923 69.0100 .16623 65.0301 .03005 71.0201 .02296 65.0301 .04490 70.0100 .02046 68.0100 02050 73.0104 .01406 68.0100 .02842 71.0201 .02854 69.0100 .08953 73.0200 .01610 69.0100 .09200 73.0200 .02459 71.0201 .02127 73.0301 .01581 71.0201 .02250 75.0002 .07079 71.0202 .01907 All other .34246 All other .47957 All other .81692 All other .53413 56.0500 1.88377 58.0400 2.08177 59.0302 2.41827 61.0300 I 2.18971 Note. — Data may not add to totals because ot rounding. 316 Table 4A.— Total, BENCHMARK .NPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNTTED STATES ,992 I Commrwfih* I r*--_ _ j.. T n Output requirements 61.0601 61.0603 61.0700 6£0101 62.0102 .01551 .02256 .02279 01902 .03537 .03090 .01569 .01817 .06163 100543 .02158 01997 .07091 02159 .02962 .47857 1.86113 .01395 .02036 .02334 .01422 .01372 .01956 .03382 .08960 1.02077 .01636 .01459 01913 .08486 02253 .02443 42988 1.96223 01802 02065 03039 .02135 02235 .02122 02936 .02847 07985 1.00175 .02344 .08448 02355 .04201 .01743 .49791 Commodity demanded 62.0800 62.0900 62.1000 Commodity required NOTE.-Oata may not add to totals because of rounding' 2.12784 | 63.0300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 28.0100 38.0501 41.0203 57.0200 62.0700 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 73.0200 80.0000 All other 12.0300 32.0400 37.0101 42.0402 51.0103 51.0104 57.0200 57.0300 62.0900 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 73.0200 73.0301 80.0000 All other 27.0100 32.0400 35.0100 37.0101 40.0700 51.0103 57.0200 57.0300 62.1000 62.1100 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 73.0200 73.0303 All other 12.0300 32.0400 37.0101 40.0700 51.0103 53.0500 57.0200 57.0300 62.1100 66.0100 68.0100 I 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0200 Allother Output requirements .01783 .02627 01927 .02350 .02192 .01557 .09350 1.20235 .01774 .01589 02380 .12116 .02591 .05924 03952 .40436 Commodity demanded 1.99329 .01456 .02727 .02153 .04896 .05788 .01817 .02162 .16202 1.00608 .01860 .10614 .02412 02228 01509 .01505 41392 1.95028 .01572 .02651 .02172 .03568 01531 .08222 .04106 12226 1.00744 01710 09818 02235 02687 .01874 .01515 .38397 1.93324 01868 04279 .03316 01982 .01972 .01916 02533 08792 1.00557 .01946 02052 .07456 .02442 02732 .03014 46468 64.0101 64.0102 64.0104 64.0105 1.77636 Commodity required 8.0001 12.0300 24.0701 24.0800 27.0100 28.0100 32.0400 57.0200 57.0300 63.0300 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 6.0100 8.0001 12.0300 38.0100 38.0501 42.1100 64.0101 64.0102 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0200 81.0001 All other 8.0001 32.0400 36.1600 38.0501 42.0402 4Z0500 64.0102 64.0105 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0200 81.0001 All other 8.0001 12.0300 20.0100 20.0200 22.0102 31.0101 57.0200 57.0300 64.0200 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0200 All other Output requirements .01432 .01416 .01979 .03417 .04823 .01932 .02986 .03441 .01846 1.05899 .01881 .01605 .09075 .01396 .01619 .32889 ^27472 -01854 .01557 .01406 .01778 .29853 .01522 1.01312 .19505 .03506 .02285 .15823 .01554 .02911 .02976 .04113 .35516 1.84230 01027 .01119 01118 00996 00989 .16486 00855 124117 .02931 .01380 .08268 .01543 .01569 .00793 02282 .18756 2.22649 .02512 .03381 .02226 .06156 09317 .02615 .12873 .02081 1.01680 .02930 .03451 10275 .02373 .09913 02532 .48334 1.90044 .01392 .01933 .01675 .09597 .01193 .01175 .21124 1.01152 .01760 .01775 .07524 .01287 .02306 .02356 .01379 .32417 Ml 1.97332 .01620 .02128 .02123 04932 02395 .01512 01574 .09895 1.11701 .02042 01860 .13039 01283 02356 .02831 .36041 2.31281 50 68.0100 .02530 68.0100 .05818 68.0202 .07453 69.0100 .06221 69.0100 .09551 68.0202 .03412 69.0100 .02761 71.0201 .02519 71.0201 .01925 69.0100 .13178 All other .41691 All other .43527 Allother .53932 All other .58084 36.0600 1.67945 .03366 36.1100 2.00337 .03107 36.1700 2.10975 .02652 37.0102 2.57150 8.0001 8.0001 8.0001 5.0001 .03560 9.0003 .02262 9.0002 .02946 9.0004 .03005 7.0000 .03194 12.0300 .02229 12.0300 .01787 12.0300 .01700 8.0001 .04885 24.0800 .01592 31.0101 .02403 27.0100 .03667 12.0300 .03817 25.0000 .02793 32.0400 .01617 32.0300 .01954 27.0100 .05506 27.0100 .02421 36.0100 .07327 32.0400 .04498 31.0101 .03171 31.0101 .02428 36.1100 .99475 36.1700 .58232 37.0101 .05707 36.0600 .99503 36.1200 .03965 37.0101 .03394 37.0102 1.19820 36.1400 .02097 37.0101 .05332 50.0400 .01858 38.0600 .03740 65.0301 .07702 65.0301 .06862 59.0302 .45441 53.0700 .02721 68.0100 .02101 68.0100 .02704 65.0301 .04697 65.0100 .02926 68.0202 .02263 68.0202 .01917 66.0100 .01717 65.0301 .05014 69.0100 .06709 69.0100 .07450 68.0100 .03489 68.0100 .12505 70.0100 .01176 70.0100 .01693 68.0202 .02005 68.0202 .03478 71.0201 .01389 71.0201 .02295 69.0100 .08816 69.0100 .09998 All other .27914 All other .49457 Allother .63850 All other .67108 36.0701 1.67784 .01822 36.1200 Z17943 .04461 36.1900 1.95782 .01568 37.0103 2.29977 5.0001 8.0001 7.0000 5.0001 .03219 7.0000 .01160 9.0001 .03811 8.0001 .04974 7.0000 .02959 8.0001 .02529 9.0002 .08967 9.0003 .10759 8.0001 .03233 9.0003 .02736 12.0300 .02101 9.0004 .08589 12.0300 .02483 12.0300 .05025 27.0100 .03587 12.0300 .02368 27.0100 .02666 25.0000 .01773 31.0101 .03266 27.0100 .01983 32.0300 .04043 31.0101 .01302 36.0100 .16370 27.0406 .01868 37.0101 .64068 36.0701 1.02992 36.1200 1.00939 31.0101 .03353 37.0103 .43286 41.0203 .01264 65.0100 .02379 36.1900 .88971 37.0104 .07959 65.0301 .08392 65.0301 .11771 65.0100 .01990 37.0105 .02974 66.0100 .01239 65.0400 .02083 65.0301 .17069 38.1000 .03008 68.0100 .02909 68.0100 .03581 68.0100 .04300 65.0301 .05125 68.0202 .02535 68.0202 .02884 68.0202 .03800 68.0100 .05075 69.0100 .02182 69.0100 .07734 69.0100 .03601 68.0202 .02726 70.0100 .01570 71.0201 .02430 71.0201 .01988 69.0100 .12749 All other .28354 All other .41579 Allother .38601 All other .64404 36 0702 2.06636 .04156 36.1300 2.16780 .04982 36.2000 ... 1.94956 .03870 37.0200 1.82660 8.0001 7.0000 8.0001 8.0001 .02273 9.0003 .04436 8.0001 .11479 12.0300 .02032 12.0300 .02011 12.0300 .03527 9.0001 .07638 24.0800 .02299 37.0101 .02617 20.0200 .03111 1Z0300 .03820 27.0100 .06158 37.0102 .01975 31.0101 .02738 27.0100 .03011 28.0100 .02918 37.0200 .99845 32.0400 .04896 31.0101 .04757 31.0101 .02205 38.0600 .01287 36.0702 .95554 36.1300 .94744 32.0400 .02938 49.0500 .02170 36.0900 .04505 36.2100 .02322 35.0100 .02593 65.0301 .04064 65.0301 .14244 65.0100 .02446 36.2000 .99650 68.0100 .04847 66.0100 .03265 65.0301 .05751 65.0100 .01873 68.0202 .02066 68.0100 .02994 68.0100 .06686 65.0301 .05730 69.0100 .08441 68.0202 .03277 68.0202 .13151 68.0100 .05344 70.0100 .01362 69.0100 .07705 69.0100 .04989 68.0202 .03068 71.0201 .01527 73.0301 .02808 71.0201 .01958 69.0100 .05368 73.0101 .01542 75.0002 .02822 71.0202 .02164 71.0201 .01807 73.0104 .01380 All other .46598 All other .46882 All other .47103 All other .45253 Note. — Data may not add to totals because of rounding. DETAILED TABLES 331 Table 5A. — Total, Largest 15, and All Other Industry Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded — Continued [Output requirements, direct and indirect, per dollar of delivery to final demand, at producers' prices] Commodity demanded Producing industry Output requirements Commodity demanded Producing industry Output requirements Commodity demanded Producing industry Output requirements Commodity demanded Producing industn/ Output requirements 37.0300 37.0401 37.0402 38.0100 38.0400 38.0501 7.0000 8.0001 12.0300 37.0101 37.0104 37.0105 37.0300 38.0900 38.1400 42.0402 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 27.0406 31.0101 37.0101 37.0401 37.0402 50.0400 62.0200 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 71.0201 All other 5.0001 8.0001 12.0300 20.0903 27.0100 37.0402 38.0400 38.0501 38.0600 38.1000 42.0402 47.0404 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 All other 6.0100 6.0200 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 31.6101 38.0100 38.0600 65.0100 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 7.0000 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 31.0101 38.0400 38.0600 38.0800 65.0100 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 6.0100 6.0200 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 31.0101 38.0100 38.0501 38.0600 65.0100 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 71.0201 All other 2.19053 .01667 .03231 .02396 .29472 .02730 .02592 .90373 .02580 .04172 .02029 .04066 .04646 .03253 .10217 .01933 .53696 1.93954 .05023 .02180 .0521 1 .04647 .03980 .01949 1.00850 .01811 .01908 .03349 .03206 .04406 .02720 .06185 .02104 .44425 2.12320 .04883 .03103 .02183 .03447 .07916 .84974 .04713 .02568 .03813 .06784 .02674 .02405 .03642 .04974 .10142 .64099 2.91185 .48156 .05394 .03319 .03674 .02936 .02454 1.22301 .21299 .02376 .04939 .06740 .02042 .12600 .02176 .02136 .48643 2.39086 .01992 .05069 .03468 .17121 .02755 .70648 .35846 .08931 .02839 .08115 .15847 .02783 .14750 .01924 .01993 45005 2.24706 .06803 .05192 .03353 .02228 .07869 .02149 .14416 .43430 .52139 .02070 .08578 .04553 .02104 .20595 .02087 .47140 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1000 38.1100 38.1400 6.0100 6.0200 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 31.0101 38.0100 38.0600 38.0700 65.0100 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 31.0101 38.0400 38.0600 38.0800 47.0300 65.0100 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 6.0100 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 32.0400 38.0100 38.0501 38.0600 38.0800 38.0900 47.0300 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 6.0100 8.0001 27.0100 28.0100 32.0400 37.0101 38.0100 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.1000 58.0700 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 All other 6.0100 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 37.0200 38.0100 38.0400 38.0600 38.0800 38.1100 38.1200 38.1300 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 All other 8.0001 32.0400 37.0101 37.0300 38.0100 38.0400 38.0600 38.0700 38.0800 38.0900 38.1400 42.0402 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 All other 2.76685 .18000 .02121 .02591 .02515 .01716 .01923 .45493 .09180 1.09708 .02488 .07966 .04803 .20227 .01852 .02305 .43797 2.56786 .03504 .02766 .06725 .02033 .25825 .13732 1.13826 .01767 .02194 .07681 .08134 .02409 .16032 .01982 .02052 .46124 2.31620 .02848 .02276 .02080 .03435 .01948 .06317 .13465 .17250 .02935 .96510 .02252 .04477 .04388 .18645 .02092 .50702 2.61403 .05058 .02577 .06023 .06401 .04112 .02508 .12646 .03611 .21240 .04629 1.00910 .02439 .05720 .03792 .16403 .63334 2.06276 .02120 .02488 .01999 .03928 .02100 .05187 .09148 .07217 .03145 .67526 .10605 .20254 .04069 .05138 .08241 .53111 2.38017 .02824 .05138 .06595 .13806 .02758 .03331 .03461 .02980 .14039 .06575 .90323 .08357 .04022 .04425 .11198 .58185 39.0100 39.0200 40.0100 40.0200 40.0300 40.0400 8.0001 12.0300 26.0501 27.0100 30.0000 37.0101 38.0400 38.0600 38.0800 39.0100 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 27.0100 30.0000 37.0101 37.0104 37.0105 38.0800 39.0100 39.0200 42.1100 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 24.0800 25.0000 32.0400 37.0101 38.0100 40.0100 40.0200 41.0203 50.0400 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 71 .0201 All other 6.0100 25.0000 27.0100 32.0400 37.0101 38.0100 38.0700 38.1100 40.0100 40.0200 41.0203 42.0401 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 All other 8.0001 37.0101 37.0200 38.0600 40.0300 42.0800 52.0300 53.0400 53.0500 62.0300 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 37.0101 37.0104 37.0105 40.0400 40.0600 42.0402 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0109 All other 2.90703 .03179 .02667 .02723 .04865 .02516 .16913 .11475 .06627 .36616 1.07933 .06732 .05971 .02272 .16780 .02388 .61046 2.51446 .03598 .03115 .02698 .32437 .04282 .03838 .03958 .10472 .90760 .02566 .05473 .04127 .02627 .14365 .02404 .64726 2.00439 .02151 .01811 .03299 .02852 .07901 .03199 .97837 .01879 .02567 .01783 .02630 .03227 .02034 .10810 .02109 .54350 2.36631 .02763 .02861 .03034 .06429 .02947 .06869 .06754 .02753 .03222 1.00078 .03966 .04860 .04126 .02877 .14410 .68682 2.03383 .01768 .08235 .02820 .01721 .95482 .02088 .05048 .01746 .01686 .04314 .02826 .02155 .10273 .01478 .02154 .59589 2.21177 .02099 .01630 .01563 .24369 .03217 .02884 .98275 .02959 .01628 .04494 .02865 .10967 .01658 .02666 .06235 .53668 40.0500 40.0600 40.0700 40.0800 40.0901 40.0902 8.0001 27.0100 27.0406 32.0400 35.0100 37.0101 38.0400 38.0600 38.0800 40.0500 42.0300 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 37.0101 37.0104 37.0105 38.0800 40.0400 40.0600 42.0402 42.0800 50.0400 65.0301 68.0100 S9.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 37.0101 37.0104 37.0105 38.0400 38.0600 38.0800 40.0700 42.0402 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 27.0100 32.0400 37.0101 37.0104 37.0105 38.0400 38.0600 38.0800 40.0400 40.0800 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 37.0101 37.0104 37.0105 38.0600 38.0800 40.0901 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 37.0101 37.0104 37.0105 38.0600 38.0800 40.0400 40.0902 65.0100 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 2.24981 .02254 .03406 .01868 .03667 .04246 .07892 .05886 .04535 .10872 .99240 .03231 .04935 .03454 .11816 .02462 .55217 2.10974 .01960 .01753 .15743 .02074 .01942 .01856 .03163 .97487 .01766 .02644 .02109 .03992 .02720 .11090 .02205 .58470 2.19621 .02168 .01753 .02534 .16672 .02200 .01972 .02798 .02942 .08742 .95033 .04198 .04412 .03122 .11634 .02761 .56680 2.07794 .02209 .02131 .02706 .18003 .02376 .02129 .02029 .02039 .04126 .05702 .86884 .03942 .02970 .09843 .02301 .58404 2.32021 .02383 .01994 .01923 .29301 .03866 .03464 .02006 .03871 .97435 .04930 .03289 .01755 .14188 .01753 .02486 .57377 2.51127 .02723 .02276 .02076 .37406 .04622 .04087 .02798 .04513 .02231 .92277 .02108 .05623 .04072 .15173 .02566 .66576 Note. — Data may not add to totals because ol rounding. 332 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 5A. — Total, Largest 15, and All Other Industry Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded — Continued [Output requirements, direct and indirect, per dollar of delivery to final demand, at producers' prices] Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements 41.0100 2.00652 .01761 42.0202 2.00766 .02153 42.0800 2.03636 .01707 44.0002 2 34293 8.0001 24.0800 8.0001 27.0100 .01983 12.0300 .01690 27.0100 .01698 12.0300 .01709 32.0400 .03985 37.0101 .12711 32.0400 .02101 32.0400 .01583 37.0101 .06176 37.0104 .01702 37.0101 .13243 37.0101 .07934 37.0200 .02267 38.0100 .01724 37.0104 .01747 37.0200 .04440 38.1100 .01859 38.0700 .02172 38.0501 .01792 38.0100 .02785 41.0100 .01776 41.0100 .99072 38.0600 .02369 38.0700 .02060 41.0203 .02966 42.0401 .01841 42.0201 .04879 41.0100 .02612 43.0200 .17469 42.0500 .01656 42.0202 .92568 42.0800 .96093 44.0002 .94663 47.0300 .02243 42.0401 .01657 50.0200 .02036 47.0401 .04606 50.0400 .03330 47.0300 .03907 65.0301 .02958 49.0500 .02510 65.0301 .03031 65.0301 .02754 68.0100 .02686 65.0301 .04878 68.0100 .02901 68.0100 .03477 69.0100 .11097 68.0100 .02172 69.0100 .10556 69.0100 .10159 70.0100 .01634 69.0100 .14275 71.0201 .02396 71.0201 .01811 71.0201 .02080 71.0201 .02048 All other .51866 All other .54451 All other .60222 All other 70660 41 0201 2.28563 .02204 42.0300 2.09644 .01791 42.1000 2.41437 .03194 45.0100 218383 8.0001 8.0001 8.0001 12.0300 .01806 12.0300 .02052 27.0100 .02437 24.0701 .08505 37.0101 .09875 37.0101 .26468 32.0300 .02087 24.0800 .07346 37.0200 .04989 37.0104 .03494 32.0400 .03348 25.0000 .03513 37.0300 .01952 37.0105 .03130 37.0101 .07735 27.0100 .07240 40.0400 .02176 41.0201 .92834 38.0600 .02371 28.0100 .02439 40.0600 .07371 41.0203 .0281 1 41.0100 .02239 31.0101 .02260 42.0800 .01922 44.0002 .02108 41.0203 .02270 32.0400 .08541 43.0200 .03919 47.0300 .02559 42.0300 .98938 38.0400 .03652 45.0100 .97135 50.0400 .02815 42.0401 .02995 38.0600 .02538 50.0200 .02201 59.0301 .02415 53.0400 .02057 38.0800 .16035 50.0400 .02297 65.0301 .05615 65.0301 .03335 42.1000 .97609 65.0301 .03691 68.0100 .03443 68.0100 .02660 65.0301 .06089 68.0100 .02425 69.0100 .12203 69.0100 .10736 68.0100 .03813 69.0100 .12045 71.0201 .02033 71.0201 .01994 69.0100 .10379 71.0201 .01945 All other £0279 All other .62651 All other .58284 All other .62634 41 0202 2.27637 .02698 42.0401 1.83708 .02814 42.1100 2.11526~ .02032 45.0200 2.13392 8.0001 8.0001 8.0001 37.0101 .08640 12.0300 .02079 12.0300 .02046 12.0300 .02056 37.0200 .04214 27.0100 .05795 27.0100 .04267 27.0100 .01870 37.0300 .02150 28.0100 .03246 27.0406 .04054 37.0101 .12661 40.0600 .06054 30.0000 .02904 31.0101 .01639 37.0104 .01645 45.0100 .06855 32.0400 .03998 37.0101 .03847 37.0200 .02126 45.0200 .87342 37.0101 .20465 42.0401 .96462 37.0402 .02317 45.0300 .03001 37.0104 .02702 42.0402 .03229 38.0800 .01713 48.0600 .02322 37.0105 .02421 50.0400 .02354 42.0300 .02040 49.0500 .02410 38.0800 .06686 57.0300 .02002 42.1100 .94788 50.0400 .02919 41.0202 .97675 65.0301 .03306 65.0301 .04516 53.0400 .01980 65.0301 .04643 68.0100 .03672 68.0100 .03100 65.0301 .03144 68.0100 .03610 68.0202 .02217 69.0100 .10311 68.0100 .02472 69.0100 .10999 69.0100 .05953 71 .0201 .02662 69.0100 .10112 71 .0201 .02440 71.0201 .02428 73.0109 .02133 71 .0201 .02140 All other .55276 All other .43418 All other .65556 All other .67637 41.0203 2.16885 .02074 42.0402 2.27112 .03296 43.0100 2.00509 .01890 45.0300 2.24012 8.0001 8.0001 12.0300 8.0001 .01959 12.0300 .03418 27.0100 .04941 37.0101 .04514 12.0300 .01802 27.0100 .02272 28.0100 .02279 37.0200 .05423 27.0100 .02196 37.0101 .15416 30.0000 .05821 41.0203 .04973 32.0300 .11531 37.0104 .02033 32.0400 .02430 42.0800 .03520 37.0101 .10247 37.0105 .01867 37.0101 .19034 43.0100 .81310 37.0300 .01723 38.0600 .01961 37.0104 .02510 43.0200 .02286 40.0400 .02889 38.0800 .03889 37.0105 .02249 49.0100 .03529 42.0800 .02137 41.0201 .03138 42.0401 .03259 53.0400 .03339 45.0300 1.08268 41.0203 .92620 42.0402 .97859 60.0200 .15995 50.0400 .02214 50.0400 .01634 65.0301 .04790 62.0101 .02781 65.0301 .03470 65.0301 .04185 68.0100 .03733 65.0301 .02508 68.0100 .02814 68.0100 .03012 68.0202 .02664 68.0100 .01994 69.0100 .12731 69.0100 .10178 69.0100 .11197 69.0100 .08345 70.0100 .01677 71 .0201 .02612 71.0201 .03075 71.0201 .01829 71.0201 .02589 All other .66576 All other .57975 All other .56273 All other .55765 42.0100 1.81343 .01829 42.0500 2.16037 .02258 43.0200 2.30292 .01914 46.0100 2.30722 8.0001 8.0001 12.0300 8.0001 .02398 12.0300 .01779 12.0300 .01962 37.0101 .04718 37.0101 .18539 24.0800 .02882 27.0100 .01933 37.0200 .09182 37.0104 .02444 27.0100 .02499 32.0400 .04509 37.0300 .03902 37.0105 .02191 28.0100 .02360 37.0101 .21703 38.1100 .02585 38.1000 .04060 32.0400 .04206 37.0103 .31071 42.0800 .02352 41.0100 .02056 37.0101 .04295 37.0104 .02865 43.0100 .03271 4£0402 .02448 42.0100 .90733 37.0105 .02561 43.0200 .99830 46.0100 .97226 42.0201 .03618 41.0100 .02613 50.0100 .03904 50.0200 .02714 42.0401 .01761 42.0500 .70170 53.0400 .02257 50.0400 .02329 64.1200 .04056 65.0301 .03748 59.0302 .06709 58.0100 .02329 65.0301 .02457 68.0100 .03304 65.0301 .04608 65.0301 .04055 68.0100 .02089 68.0202 .01704 68.0100 .02692 68.0100 .02773 69.0100 .06247 69.0100 .11387 69.0100 .11971 69.0100 .13799 71.0201 .02153 71.0201 .02268 71.0201 .02163 71.0201 .02199 All other .48379 All other .51981 All other .68234 All other .69162 42.0201 1.89506 .01770 42.0700 2.08686 .02434 44.0001 2.05043 .01548 46.0200 1.95872 8.0001 8.0001 8.0001 8.0001 .01438 24.0800 .01619 12.0300 .01772 12.0300 .01577 12.0300 .01447 27.0100 .01801 37.0101 .21906 32.0400 .01979 37.0101 .09749 32.0400 .02915 37.0103 .02048 37.0101 .08886 38.1000 .01400 37.0101 .08591 37.0104 .02862 37.0200 .02755 41.0100 .02807 37.0200 .01982 37.0105 .02564 43.0200 .03475 46.0200 .92563 38.0600 .01896 41.0100 .04073 44.0001 1.00860 49.0200 .01944 41.0100 .02016 42.0500 .17843 45.0100 .01618 49.0500 .02490 42.0100 .01728 42.0700 .82597 49.0500 .01956 50.0400 .02639 42.0201 .92171 65.0301 .02972 59.0302 .01844 53.0400 .01682 42.0401 .01475 68.0100 .03427 65.0301 .03652 65.0301 .02571 65.0301 .02928 68.0202 .02760 68.0100 .02166 68.0100 .01921 68.0100 .02586 69.0100 .10567 69.0100 .12448 69.0100 .11551 69.0100 .09049 70.0100 .01394 70.0100 .01566 70.0100 .01460 71.0201 .01988 71.0201 .02323 71.0201 .01827 71.0201 .02007 All other .54991 All other .47144 All other I .56886 All other .58203 Note. — Data may not add to totals because of rounding. DETAILED TABLES 333 :ommoditv I S^Z~ I ~ n . _^^ y a aerTlan a. at producers' prices] Commodiry demanded 46.0300 Producing industry 01776 46.0400 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 47.0401 8.0001 32.0400 37.0101 37.0200 40.0600 40.0700 I 42.1100 45.0100 l 45.0200 | 46.0300 53.0400 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other i 12.0300 36.1600 37.0101 37.0200 40.0600 47.0100 47.0300 49.0500 50.0400 53.0400 53.0500 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 37.0101 37.0200 40.0600 40.0700 47.0100 47.0200 47.0300 50.0400 53.0500 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 32.0400 37.0101 37.0402 41.0201 41.0203 47.0300 50.0400 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 32.0400 37.0101 37.0103 38.1100 40.0600 41.0100 44.0002 47.0401 49.0100 50.0400 53.0500 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other Output requirements 2.05246 01986 .02349 .08145 03181 .02844 .01996 .03022 .01753 .01821 .99849 .03154 .02542 .02119 .07191 .02265 .61029 230364 .10798 .02779 .03222 .02034 02579 .01970 .92889 .08109 .01985 02100 .02293 .03682 .02358 17972 .02492 .73102 2.02693 .01515 .01784 04613 .03791 02512 97647 .02723 .01823 04503 .02310 .04128 .02576 .02167 10915 .02196 .57490 2.04404 .01794 .02016 .10229 .02808 .03076 .02724 .02445 90247 .03449 .04229 01872 .02936 .02405 .11012 .02064 .61098 Commodity demanded 47.0402 47.0404 47.0405 47.0500 1.75648 .01401 .01591 .01684 .04935 .06535 .01353 .02907 .01671 .88128 .04404 .02688 .02300 .06163 .01287 .02141 .46460 2.11826 .05755 .04880 .02119 .02174 .02479 02585 .04310 .87771 .01974 .03159 .02469 .03105 .02328 13967 .01966 .70785 48.0100 48.0200 NOT E .-^ata may no. add to totals because or rounding. Producing industry Output requirements 12.0300 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 40.0600 47.0200 47.0402 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 58.0100 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 37.0101 37.0200 38.0100 38.0400 38.0600 38.1100 47.0300 47.0405 50.0400 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 12.0300 32.0400 37.0101 38.1000 40.0600 41.0203 47.0100 47.0404 47.0500 48.0600 50.0400 65.0301 68.0100 , 69.0100 71.0201 All other 12.0300 37.0101 37.0200 38.0100 38.0800 41.0203 48.0100 50.0400 52.0500 53.0400 53.0500 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 32.0400 37.0101 37.0200 38.0100 38.1000 41.0100 42.0800 48.0200 50.0400 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other Commodiry demanded 2.00098 01648 .08341 .03158 .02561 .02937 .02464 1.00268 .01589 .02477 .05367 .01776 .03002 .02526 .07922 .01994 .52068 2.03661 .01975 .01660 .02287 .05147 .01465 .07186 .02006 .02344 .01983 1.00516 .04339 .02364 .11124 .01723 .02014 .55528 1.60242 .01223 .01416 .01408 .15046 .02484 .01199 .01284 .08067 .06471 .76387 .03564 .01515 .02441 .04179 .01795 .31763 Producing industry 48.0300 48.0400 48.0500 1.89962 .01680 .01916 .05102 .02455 .03961 .01580 .01576 .03382 .93216 .01889 .02736 .02134 .01748 .08745 .02109 .55733 2.02265 .01661 .07149 .01914 .01744 .01640 .01555 .92703 .04702 .01977 .01571 .01559 .02757 .01994 .12120 .02279 .64940 2.05009 .01723 .01997 .01795 .06953 .01795 01999 .02403 .01587 01804 1.03190 .04191 .02310 .02545 10247 02340 58130 48.0600 49.0100 49.0200 12.0300 | 32.0400 37.0101 37.0200 I 38.1000 43.0200 47.0401 48.0300 i 50.0400 51.0104 53.0400 i 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 i 71.0201 All other 12.0300 37.0101 37.0200 | 38.1000 48.0400 48.0500 48.0600 49.0500 i 50.0400 53.0500 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other '12.0366 32.0300 37.0101 37.0200 38.1000 41.0100 i 48.0400 48.0500 49.0500 50.0400 53.0500 ! 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 12.0300 24.0800 32.0400 37.0101 37.0200 38.0800 38.1000 42.0800 48.0600 50.0400 53.0500 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 27.0100 32.0300 32.0400 37.0101 37.0200 42.0800 43.0200 49.0100 50.0400 53.0400 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 37.0101 37.0200 37.0300 49.0200 49.0500 50.0400 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0101 73.0104 All other A'JSS^ 2.03844 .01616 05918 02295 .02221 1.05506 .02020 .02729 01915 .05411 .02180 .02623 .02018 .08696 01541 .02118 .55037 2.11118 .01619 .02214 •04859 .02830 .02780 .01751 .01708 1.00776 .03294 .03423 .03198 .02769 .02084 .11679 .02750 .63384 1.97242 .01521 .01582 .01491 .05275 .02034 .01767 01854 .01668 .95106 .03205 .01667 02827 .02085 11597 .02418 .61145 49.0300 49.0500 49.0600 49.0700 49.0800 1.99778 .01819 .01869 .09659 .01582 .03991 1.07910 .03892 04568 02852 .03231 .10957 .01542 .01739 .01462 .01457 .41248 12.0300 17.1001 37.0101 37.0200 38.0800 40.0700 49.0300 49.0500 49.0700 50.0400 53.0400 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 27.0100 i 32.0400 37.0101 38.1000 i 40.0600 I 42.0800 I 49.0500 49.0600 50.0400 57.0300 | 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other | 12 0300 24.0800 27.0100 32.0400 37.0101 37.0200 42.0800 48.0600 49.0300 49.0700 50.0400 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 12.0300 32.0400 37.0101 37.0200 49.0500 49.0700 49.0800 50.0400 53.0300 53.0500 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 6.0100 8.0001 37.0101 37.0200 38.0100 38.0800 38.1100 43.0200 50.0100 50.0400 55.0200 59.0302 65.0301 68.C100 69.0100 All other Output requirements 2.02665 01606 .02224 07996 .01739 02033 .03565 .94738 .01961 .02947 03302 .08041 02691 .02242 .09021 .02237 .56322 1.94729 01591 .01717 07668 .03740 .01935 .01430 .03899 1.03587 .03033 .02216 .02406 02592 .12102 .01447 01927 .43439 2.00330 01633 .01707 .05741 .05735 .03397 .02031 .01922 .01682 1.02061 .02077 .01536 .02463 .02172 .08757 .02425 .54991 1.95753 .01619 .02492 .01504 .02218 .04584 .01873 02594 .02093 .01676 .93934 .03062 02525 .02100 .09368 .02160 61951 1.87673 01350 .02347 .03715 .01279 .01987 .01358 .96720 03409 .02192 .02884 02049 .01717 .09746 .01409 .02102 .53409 214325 02205 02110 06220 .03727 .05509 02731 04875 .03410 86281 .04296 .07448 .02871 .03756 .03406 .08640 .66840 334 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 5A. — Total, Largest 15, and All Other Industry Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded — Continued [Output requirements, direct and indirect, per dollar of delivery to final demand, at producers' prices] Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements 50.0200 1 .94503 .01593 51.0400 2.03703 .01724 53.0200 2.14569 .02650 54.0100 2 45951 8.0001 25.6666 8.0001 8.0001 .02300 12.0300 .01823 27.0100 .02063 24.0800 .01958 24.0800 .03040 37.0101 .07318 32.0400 .04338 31.0101 .02313 27.0100 .03744 37.0200 .03219 40.0700 .02425 37.0101 .09557 28.0100 .02864 41.0100 .02134 41.0100 .01741 38.0700 .02136 32.0400 .11908 42.0800 .05808 51.0103 .03058 38.0800 .02066 37.0101 .07646 44.0001 .01548 51.0104 .08244 38.1000 .04447 41.0203 .04359 49.0100 .02623 51.0400 .93734 50.0400 .02869 54.0100 .82671 50.0200 .88452 57.0200 .04867 53.0200 .97357 54.0700 .05853 50.0400 .04681 57.0300 .06242 53.0500 .06473 56.0100 .09107 60.0400 .02300 65.0301 .02524 53.0800 .03495 57.0300 .03423 65.0301 .02464 68.0100 .01899 65.0301 .03394 65.0301 .03586 68.0100 .02494 69.0100 .12526 68.0100 .02430 68.0100 .02700 69.0100 .11525 71.0201 .02567 69.0100 .13370 69.0100 .14240 71.0201 .01981 73.0301 .02069 71.0201 .02074 71.0201 .02450 All other .54540 All other .53682 All other .57980 All other .86060 50.0300 1 .95522 .02162 52.0100 2.03072 .01618 53.0300 1.88524 .01422 54.0200 2.36032 27.0100 24.0800 12.0300 8.0001 .02443 28.0100 .02252 27.0100 .02278 27.0100 .01426 12.0300 .02032 32.0400 .02786 28.0100 .01662 32.0400 .02670 27.0100 .06590 37.0101 .04115 30.0000 .01781 37.0101 .03862 28.0100 .04666 37.0200 .01864 32.0400 .04852 38.0100 .01450 32.0400 .07976 40.0700 .02000 37.0101 .06924 38.0700 02750 37.0101 .09155 50.0300 .94807 50.0400 .03849 53.0300 .95178 41.0100 .01817 51.0400 .02154 52.0100 1.00365 53.0500 .10379 52.0300 .10038 57.0200 .05639 52.0300 .03995 55.0300 .01813 53.0400 .02701 57.0300 .08546 53.0400 .03159 57.0300 .02961 54.0200 .97135 62.0102 .03986 55.0300 .02884 65.0301 .01997 55.0300 .01810 65.0301 .02463 65.0301 .02621 68.0100 01901 65.0301 .03802 68.0100 .01797 68 0100 .02186 69.0100 .11725 68.0100 .02906 69.0100 .07430 69.0100 10536 70.0100 .01495 69.0100 .13402 71.0201 .01903 71.0201 .01753 71.0201 .01971 71.0201 .01954 All other ,51618 All other .52609 All other .45524 All other .67605 50.0400 1.81180 .01247 52.0200 2.13002 .01496 53.0400 2.12354- .02058 54.0300 2.32212 8.0001 8.0001 27.0100 8.0001 .02057 12.0300 .01615 12.0300 .01743 32.0400 .04129 27.0100 .02958 37.0101 .05912 13.0200 .04202 37.0101 .07272 28.0100 .02243 37.0200 .01995 32.0400 .02430 37.0200 .02143 32.0400 .05601 38.0100 .02460 37.0101 .09939 38.0700 .01720 37.0101 .09415 38.0800 .01771 38.1000 .04205 38.1000 .04847 37.0200 .02000 38.1100 .01616 41.0203 .02474 41.0203 .02862 38.1000 .02306 41.0100 .01153 49.0500 .04128 43.0200 .08018 38.1100 .01999 47.0300 .01670 50.0400 .01953 50.0100 .01750 53.0400 .06876 50.0400 1.02218 52.0200 .96707 53.0400 .89350 54.0300 .99078 65.0301 .02332 53.0400 .05173 54.0700 .02028 62.0700 .07938 68.0100 .02293 65.0301 .02731 65.0301 .03236 65.0301 .03188 69.0100 .06433 68.0100 .02099 68.0100 .02596 68.0100 .02537 70.0100 .01384 69.0100 .11734 69.0100 .10723 69.0100 .13361 71.0201 .02538 71.0201 .02583 71.0201 .02049 71.0201 .01883 All other .44543 All other .59405 All other .67573 All other .68772 51.0102 2.04969 .02927 52.0300 2.24830 .02048 53.0500 1.89886 .01435 54.0400 2.20749 32.0400 12.0300 12.0300 8.0001 .02098 40.0700 .01515 27.0100 .0201 1 27.0100 .01398 24.0800 .02947 41.0203 .02579 32.0400 .02586 32.0400 .02560 27.0100 .03991 51.0102 .80083 37.0101 .05679 37.0101 .02143 28.0100 .03716 51.0103 .17680 37.0200 .02067 42.0401 .01479 32.0400 .10738 51.0104 .08513 38.0100 .02190 53.0300 .02263 37.0101 .05010 56.0100 .02868 38.0700 .03437 53.0500 .97655 38.1000 .02765 57.0200 .07605 38.0800 .02939 55.0300 .01385 41.0203 .03891 57.0300 .14623 41.0203 .02901 57.0300 .08153 53.0400 .05057 68.0100 .01414 50.0400 .02621 65.0301 .01700 54.0400 .91576 69.0100 .13380 52.0300 1.08637 66.0100 .01418 62.0300 .02103 70.0100 .01574 53.0400 .05268 68.0100 .01678 65.0301 .03843 71.0201 .02470 65.0301 .03356 69.0100 .12680 68.0100 .02460 73.0104 .01877 68.0100 .02427 70.0100 .01655 69.0100 .09890 73.0301 .01518 69.0100 .12649 71.0201 .02434 71.0201 .02188 All other .44343 All other .64014 All other .49850 All other .68476 51.0103 2.35442 52.0400 2.23812 53.0700 1.93538 54.0500 2.12464 12.0300 .01826 27.0100 .02100 8.0001 .05305 8.0001 .02206 32.0400 02029 32.0400 .04517 12.0300 .02769 24.0800 .02955 42.0401 .01239 37.0101 .05477 27.0100 .04779 27.0100 .05813 51.0103 1.12006 38.1100 .02095 31.0101 .02885 28.0100 .07413 51.0104 .11741 41.0100 .04258 31.0103 .03372 32.0400 .08945 57.0200 .08876 42.0402 .06000 32.0400 .07514 37.0101 .02084 57.0300 .27928 49.0100 .04550 36.1900 .03852 38.1000 .02374 65.0301 .01260 50.0400 .04391 36.2200 .02051 47.0401 .03376 66.0100 .01418 52.0400 .94823 53.0700 1.02001 53.0400 .05276 68.0100 .01680 53.0400 .02064 65.0100 .03325 54.0500 .94632 69.0100 .17587 62.0200 .06219 65.0301 .04763 65.0301 .03509 70.0100 .01757 65.0301 .02433 68.0100 .04718 68.0100 .02147 71.0201 .03633 68.0100 .02502 68.0202 .03227 69.0100 .08359 73.0104 .02207 69.0100 .11774 69.0100 .04502 70.0100 .01898 73.0301 .01848 71 .0201 .02529 71.0201 .01653 71.0201 .01975 All other .38407 All other .68080 All other .36822 All other .59502 51.0104 2.28353 .02102 52.0500 2.03249 .02012 53.0800 2.23129 .02074 54.0700 2.40935 12.0300 27.0100 8.0001 8.0001 .02496 27.0100 .01553 28.0100 .01742 12.0300 .02064 24.0800 .02438 32.0400 .03120 32.0400 .03103 36.0400 .02388 27.0100 .04809 51.0103 .17722 37.0101 .06648 36.1900 .03856 28.0100 .04920 51.0104 .89118 40.0600 .03685 36.2100 .23657 32.0400 .10522 53.0400 .03335 42.0800 .02421 37.0101 .01783 37.0101 .08539 57.0200 .14549 49.0700 .01761 38.1000 .02396 38.1000 .02831 57.0300 .20468 50.0400 .02592 53.0200 .01861 53.0400 .03002 63.0300 .03243 52.0500 .93441 53.0500 .02997 54.0300 .06494 68.0100 .01806 53.0400 .02358 53.0800 .91753 54.0700 .89052 69.0100 .15972 54.0700 .01962 57.0300 .06693 62.0300 .03267 70.0100 .01706 65.0301 .02886 65.0301 .07395 62.0700 .04283 71.0201 .03110 68.0100 .01984 68.0100 .02495 65.0301 .04445 73.0104 .01694 69.0100 .10776 69.0100 .07025 68.0100 .02661 73.0301 .01737 71.0201 .02342 71.0201 .02724 69.0100 .14364 All other .47118 All other .63536 All other I .61968 All other .76812 Note. — Data may not add to totals because of rounding. DETAILED TABLES 335 Table 5A iw n^iiar of Commodity Demanded— Continued .-To,,,, La^s. 15, and AH omer *%^™ZZ££Z£2 «-.* [Output requirements, d.rect and indirect, per aonar o Commodity demanded 55.0100 Producing industry 55.0200 55.0300 56.0100 56.0200 56.0300 m r. Output requirements 8.0001 12.0300 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 32.0400 35.0100 38.1000 55.0100 55.0200 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 25.0000 27.0100 28.0100 32.0400 35.0100 37.0101 38.0800 41.0203 53.0200 55.0200 55.0300 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 27.0100 28.0100 32.0400 37.0101 37.0105 38.0700 42.0401 42.0800 55.0300 57.0300 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 22.0103 27.0100 32.0400 35.0100 41.0203 51.0103 56.0100 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0400 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 12.0300 27.0100 32.0400 51.0103 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0104 73.0301 All other Commodity demanded 56.0500 1.82941 .01797 .01543 .02786 .01697 .02684 .01282 .10659 .04258 .99904 .02029 .01995 02204 .13582 .01506 .01606 .33409 2.19271 .02623 .03098 .02815 .06181 .02646 .04588 .02539 .02414 .05571 .95659 .02672 .03682 .02378 .12865 .03101 .66439 1.94545 .01742 .03197 .03477 .03082 .05659 .02964 .02414 .01811 .01836 .89119 .02192 .02848 .02467 .09230 .01947 .60560 2.65819 .03534 .02163 .04513 .05205 .02257 .02774 1.00445 .22299 .03809 .19554 .02660 .02654 .02232 .18348 .03023 .70349 1.89619 .01423 .02314 .01217 .03689 .03717 .04428 .08582 1.00166 .13501 .02457 .02189 .07426 .01411 .02172 .01261 .33666 1.95001 .01618 .01405 .03259 .03434 .96629 .05741 .10373 .17585 .01360 .01433 .10415 .01430 .02252 .01379 .01581 .35107 Producing industry 57.0100 57.0200 57.0300 58.0100 58.0200 Output requirements 12.0300 32.0400 38.1000 41.0203 51.0103 56.0300 56.0500 57.0200 57.0300 62.0101 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 27.0100 32.0400 35.0100 37.0101 40.0700 41.0203 56.0100 57.0100 57.0300 62.0800 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 42.0401 57.0200 57.0300 59.0302 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0104 73.0301 All other 12.0300 27.0100 32.0400 38.1000 42.0401 51.0103 51.0104 57.0200 57.0300 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0301 All other 8.0001 25.0000 27.0100 32.0300 32.0400 37.0101 38.0900 41.0203 42.1100 53.0700 58.0200 63.0300 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 All other 1.87163 .01551 .01852 .01656 .01170 .02736 .02341 .93142 .05493 .16797 .03881 .01300 .01471 .07424 .01365 .02395 .42589 2.30439 .02018 .02109 .02236 .21563 .01880 .03659 .03561 .09990 .96796 .06077 .04426 .02512 .03048 .13890 .02421 .54253 1.75198 .01196 .02839 .03382 .02202 1.05124 .03973 .01145 .01474 .01086 .02254 .07307 .01302 .02472 .01554 .01711 .36177 2.15465 .02085 .01825 .03561 .01504 .03534 .14787 .01883 .10100 1.06066 .01894 .02143 .11552 .01591 .02735 .01770 .48435 2.16461 .02462 .01744 .06897 .02693 .01632 .10164 .02290 .06497 .07857 1.02134 .04063 .03536 .17098 .01641 .02085 .43668 2.13068 .02304 .03001 .07051 .03461 .05161 .05366 .02559 .03998 .06871 .02462 .97761 .03185 .04673 .02484 .09200 .53531 27.0100 32.0400 37.0101 41.0201 52.0300 57.0200 58.0400 59.0301 59.0302 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 75.0002 All other 2.58446 .02653 .03337 .06598 .03245 .08212 .03679 .09716 .03367 .02808 .97699 .11941 .08087 .03079 .14990 .02427 .76608 2.79008 .03049 .05721 .05133 .08275 .02075 .02776 .02164 1.00507 .28893 .04748 .02445 .16623 .02071 .02799 .07079 .84650 61.0100 61.0200 Output requirements 27.0100 32.0400 37.0101 37.0200 40.0700 41.0201 50.0400 57.0200 58.0400 59.0301 59.0302 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 12.0300 13.0100 32.0400 50.0400 57.0300 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 62.0101 62.0200 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 All other 12.0300 13.0100 37.0101 38.1400 60.0100 60.0200 60.0400 62.0101 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0101 73.0104 All other 27.0100 28 0100 35.0100 37.0101 38.0800 40.0400 42.0300 43.0200 50.0400 61.0200 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 71.0202 All other I 2.39929 .02741 .02269 07456 .03221 02338 .03485 ,04074 .02350 .02271 03458 1.03379 .04050 .03100 .13389 .02208 .80140 2.26034 .01813 .02744 03179 .01858 .03540 1 .00879 .18922 .16040 .06092 .01845 .01937 .01674 .07762 .01871 .01985 .53893 1.94739 .02129 .02540 .01415 .02119 .01772 1.18474 .03417 .02019 .01486 .01737 .05065 .01572 .01811 .01396 .03438 .44349 1.79660 .01664 .09237 .01430 .01387 .01322 .02936 .21685 .07379 .73205 .02717 .01707 .01700 .05448 .01367 .01750 .44726 1.74023 .01094 .05340 .02792 .01778 .01073 .01490 .02898 .99481 .02192 .01739 .07332 .01275 .01572 .01740 .01358 .40869 2.05116 .02407 .02184 .02314 .02236 .02159 .01825 .02486 .13925 .02317 .99980 .03175 .01793 .08953 .02086 .01907 .55369 NOTE.-Oata may not add to totals because of rounding. 336 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 5A. — Total, Largest 15, and All Other Industry Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded — Continued [Output requirements, direct and indirect, per dollar of delivery to final demand, at producers' prices] Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements 61.0300 2.17440 .01911 62.0102 1.88092 .02190 62.0700 2.08338 .01516 63.0300 1 76284 8.0001 20.0600 8.0001 8.0001 .01480 12.0300 .02113 27.0100 .01577 24.0800 .01781 12.0300 .01416 37.0101 .14690 32.0300 .02141 25.0000 .02604 24.0701 .01792 37.0104 .01926 32.0400 .02249 27.0100 .02125 24.0800 .03414 37.0105 .01727 37.0101 .02772 28.0100 .01961 27.0100 .04380 37.0200 .05497 40.0700 .02929 41.0203 .01624 28.0100 .01765 49.0500 .01738 53.0500 .01678 57.0200 .09069 32.0400 .02938 53.0300 .06226 57.0300 .05492 58.0400 .02705 57.0200 .03403 53.0400 .01775 62.0102 .91095 62.0700 1.14032 57.0300 .01631 53.0500 .01743 62.0200 .02656 65.0301 .01851 58.0600 .01442 61.0300 1.06972 62.0500 .02075 66.0100 .0158' 63.0300 1.03367 65.0301 .03254 65.0301 .02272 68.0100 .0207> 65.0301 .01991 68.0100 .02657 68.0100 .01744 69.0100 .12116 69.0100 .09075 69.0100 .11110 69.0100 .07091 70.0100 .01430 70.0100 .01416 71.0201 .01958 71.0201 .02117 71.0201 .02541 71.0201 .01588 All other .52143 All other .58014 All other .49318 All other .35186 61.0500 2.13858 62.0200 1.84984 62 0800 1.97596 64.0101 2 22699 8.0001 .0174'- 32.0400 02193 37.0101 .02122 6.0100 .01862 32.0100 .017?.. 37.0101 .01813 41.0203 .01991 6.0200 .01409 32.0400 .03605 42.0800 .01498 42.0402 .04558 8.0001 .01629 37.0101 .05282 51.0103 .02678 51.0103 .03157 12.0300 .01406 43.0200 .06255 53.0500 .01487 51.0104 .04766 27.0100 .02395 44.0002 .11754 57.0200 .03469 53.0700 .01807 38.0100 .03937 49.0200 .04772 57.0300 .08392 57.0200 .02491 38.0501 .11731 49.0500 .05767 58 0400 .02070 57.0300 .14150 38.0600 .14104 59.0302 .02835 62.0101 .02840 62.0800 .97996 64.0101 1.01238 61.0500 .81800 62.0200 .90344 I 62.0900 .01862 64.0102 .18735 61.0700 .09740 62.1100 02199 68.0100 .01623 65.0301 .03594 65.0301 .03894 65.0301 .01547 69.0100 .10614 68.0100 .01994 68.0100 .01849 68.0100 .01670 70.0100 .01472 69.0100 .15823 69.0100 .14099 69.0100 .08486 71.0201 .02365 70.0100 .01572 71.0201 .01955 71.0201 .02210 73.0301 .01509 71.0201 .02855 All other .567" All other .52088 All other .45113, All other .38415 61.0601 2.534: 620300 1.95131 .01885 62.0900 1.93298 .01572 64.0102 1.81193 20.0100 .0251 27.0100 12.0300 6.0100 .01055 20.0200 .03442 32.0400 .02085 32.0400 .02608 8.0001 .01176 20.0600 .03735 37.0101 .02353 37.0101 .01686 12.0300 .01118 27.0100 .02631 37.0402 .02517 38.1000 .01439 27.0100 .01335 32.0400 .03694 41.0100 .02193 42.0402 .03323 31.0101 .00968 35.0100 .03273 41.0203 .02013 51.0103 .03246 38.0100 .02180 37.0101 .04011 51.0103 .01882 51.0104 .06720 38.0501 .06479 38.0800 .03437 53.0500 .03076 57.0200 .04308 38.0600 .07793 40.0500 .03151 57.0200 02932 57.0300 10968 41.0203 .00984 59.0301 .02489 57.0300 .06938 62.0900 .94890 64.0101 .05673 59.0302 .09623 62.0300 .92174 68.0100 .01493 64.0102 1.17032 61.0601 1.04641 68.0100 .02046 69.0100 .09818 65.0301 .02979 61.0603 .03333 69 0100 .08448 70.0100 .01465 68.0100 .01205 65.0301 04379 71 J201 .02310 71.0201 .02191 69.0100 .08268 69.0100 .14064 73.0104 .04119 730301 .01874 71.0201 .01513 All other .85070 All other .58160 All other .45697 All other .21435 61.0603 2.73742 .02129 62.0400 1 .76596 .01583 62.1000 1.92233 .01724 64.0104 2.19635 8.0001 12.0300 12.0300 8.0001 .02640 27.0100 .02941 24.0800 .01388 27.0100 .01861 1£0300 .03381 32.0100 .04143 27.0100 .02275 32.0400 .04207 26.0501 .02239 32.0400 .04452 28.0100 .02056 35.0100 .03213 31.0101 .02170 37.0101 .03657 29.0100 .01747 40.0700 .01884 37.0101 .04808 41.0201 .02116 32.0400 .04541 51.0103 .02625 37.0102 .09439 52.0300 .02057 57.0300 02115 57.0200 .02644 38.0100 .03285 59.0301 .23307 62.0400 .93820 57.0300 .07828 38.0501 .05069 59.0302 .11072 62.0500 .07264 62.1000 .84910 38.0600 .06625 61.0603 .99703 62.0900 .01733 62.1100 .02009 38.0800 .02131 65.0301 .06170 65.0301 .01980 63.0300 .09510 64.0104 .99896 68.0100 .02160 68.0100 .01656 68.0100 .01791 65.0301 .03102 69.0100 .14322 69.0100 .07774 69.0100 .07456 68.0100 .03013 71.0201 .02706 71.0201 .02164 71.0201 .02395 69.0100 .10275 75.0002 .02141 73.0301 .01651 73.0303 .03001 71.0201 .02327 All other .90666 All other .42849 All other .55175 All other .59235 61.0700 2.15035 .01639 62.0500 1.84461 03256 62.1100 1.82690 .01599 64.0105 1.88167 8.0001 16.0100 12.0300 8.0001 .01458 12.0300 .01553 17.1001 03554 32.0400 .01532 27.0100 .01523 27.0100 .02293 24.080C .02189 37.0101 .01177 32.040" .01948 32.0400 .06640 25.0000 .01731 40.0700 .01424 36.16 .01594 37.0101 .05421 27.0100 .02576 51.0103 .02374 38.0' .01315 37.0200 .01765 28.0100 .01925 53.0500 .02943 38.0501 .03773 43.0200 .09817 32.0400 .03717 57.0200 .05307 38.0600 .04558 59.0302 .12608 57.0300 .01634 57.0300 .11122 64.0101 .09124 61.0200 .01659 62.0400 .06326 62.0101 .02285 64.0102 .22614 61.0700 .96757 62.0500 .94483 62.1100 .95283 64.0105 .88101 65.0301 .03802 65.0301 .02347 66.0100 .01177 65.0301 .01825 68.0100 .01919 68.0100 .01685 68.0100 .01534 68.0100 .01548 69.0100 .10587 69.0100 .05810 69.0100 .08073 69.0100 .07524 70.0100 .01571 71.0201 .02089 70.0100 .01369 70.0100 .01299 71.0201 .02294 73.0301 .01566 71.0201 .02237 71.0201 .02261 All other .54710 All other .49573 All other .43254 All other .37702 62.0101 1.77282 01378 62.0600 1.99767 .02077 63.0200 1.80027 .02272 64.0200 1.96481 12.0300 8.0001 12.0300 8.0001 .01707 13.0100 .03197 ^0300 .01739 26.0501 .02100 12.0300 .02128 51.0103 .01918 24.0800 .01794 27.0100 .02444 20.0100 .02117 56.0500 .04978 27.0100 .04398 28.0100 .02661 20.0200 .04646 57.0200 .06528 32.0400 .02874 32.0400 .03334 22.0102 .02043 57.0300 .09331 36.1400 .02584 35.0100 .06588 31.0101 .01482 60.0100 .04177 38.0501 .03652 62.0900 .02023 56.0100 .01851 62.0101 .88182 38.0600 .04423 62.1000 .02574 57.0200 .01737 65.0301 .01165 62.0600 .97729 63.0200 .96218 57.0300 .08950 68.0100 .01495 62.0800 .01765 65.0301 .02002 64.0200 1.09350 69.0100 .06129 64.0800 .01574 67.0000 .01859 65.0301 .02101 70.0100 .01310 65.0301 .03575 68.0100 .01802 68.0100 .01623 71.0201 .02167 68.0100 .01995 69.0100 .06119 69.0100 .13039 73.0104 .01308 69.0100 .14854 71.0201 .02374 70.0100 .01297 73.0112 .02202 71.0201 .02687 73.0200 .02014 71.0201 .02310 All other .41817 All other .52047 All other .43643 All other .40100 Note. — Data may not add to totals because of rounding. DETAILED TABLES 337 iommoditv I oZZZZ I ~ rr , y aemand, at producers' prices] Commodity demanded 64.0301 Output requirements 64.0302 64.0400 64.0501 64.0502 64.0503 3.0001 12.0300 16.0100 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 28.0100 32.0400 64.0301 64.0302 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 77.0600 All other 8.0001 25.0000 26.0501 27.0100 28.0100 32.0300 32.0400 37.0101 57.0200 64.0400 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 | 70.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 31.0101 32.0400 42.0402 64.0501 64.0502 64.1200 65.0301 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 77.0600 All other 8.0001 12.0300 20.0903 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 32.0400 64.0501 64.0502 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 24.0800 26.0501 26.0601 27.0100 27.0406 28.0100 30.0000 32.0400 37.0101 64.0503 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other I 2.30073 .02394 .05398 .04546 .03544 02565 .05835 .06696 .09428 .02166 .91373 .04014 02539 .18373 03120 .02033 .66049 2.18950 .01818 .02424 .05769 .03064 .02220 .03803 .03553 .06802 .17297 .87846 .02436 .02150 .15831 .03422 .02946 .57569 2.20957 .01980 .02002 .02082 .04217 .03222 .02038 .03800 .02891 .04263 1.02696 .03206 .02078 .17317 .01943 .03063 .64159 Commodity demanded 64.0504 64.0700 64.0800 2.10402 .02304 02509 .04151 .03829 .01995 .04419 .01967 .95187 .13367 .07783 .02269 .13068 .02070 .02647 .02273 .50564 2.16334 .03590 .01879 .04661 .02148 .03792 .07262 .04181 .03234 .05554 .05263 .97119 .03363 .02027 .13895 .02804 .55562 1.97597 .02525 .04634 .16243 .02479 .05202 .02259 .02281 .02657 .09783 .02336 .75084 .03169 .02467 .09312 .02812 .54354 64.0900 64.1000 Producing industry Output requirements 64.1100 NOTE.-Da, a may no. add to totals because of rounding. 8.0001 16.0100 16.0200 24.0706 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 31.0101 32.0400 51.0104 64.0504 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 6.0100 8.0001 12.0300 16.0100 16.0200 27.0100 28.0100 37.0101 38.0100 38.0700 64.0700 j 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 16.0100 16.0300 19.0200 25.0000 27.0100 28.0100 29.0300 32.0400 37.0101 64.0800 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 12.0300 27.0100 28.0100 31.0101 32.0400 64.0900 65.0301 68.0100 68.0202 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0104 73.0303 All other 8.0001 16.0100 20.0100 20.0200 27.0100 30.0000 31.0101 37.0101 38.1000 42.0300 64.1000 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 All other 8.0001 24.0800 25.0000 27.0100 28.0100 32.0400 37.0101 40.0700 53.0500 64.1100 65.0301 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 73.0108 All other 2.25913 .03158 .04193 .05268 .03349 .10359 .03314 .06513 .02549 .08933 .07838 .86934 .04057 .02447 .12671 .02841 .61489 2.05830 .02195 .02498 .02596 .08325 .01996 .03551 .03393 .02906 .05461 .04072 1.00445 .02780 03268 08218 .02317 .51809 2.18413 .02580 .03679 .03718 .02423 .03142 .06368 .07311 03018 .07511 .03947 .91905 .04117 .02410 .12775 .02614 60895 2.00165 .03622 .02138 .13430 .12618 .02381 .07432 .99602 .04052 .03082 .01632 .06122 .01790 .01761 .01516 .03928 .35059 1.88972 .01879 .07119 .01537 .03429 .01735 .02048 .01425 .07145 .01606 .05502 1.00676 .02379 .01879 .07689 .01733 .41191 2.04094 .01843 .02861 .05120 .03071 .02588 .08470 .02280 .02198 .01959 .99713 .03301 .01882 .10123 .02957 .01619 .54109 1.88930 .08811 10559 01920 1.01805 .03849 .07554 .02474 .03444 01567 .03221 .01601 .04226 .02192 .02278 .02466 .30963 1.50880 .02130 .08231 .01040 .00593 .00902 .00681 1.03013 .03014 02203 .01747 .01496 .01452 .01316 .00607 .01847 .20608 1.92708 .02064 .01510 .02201 .01740 1.04023 .05699 03607 .04666 .05403 .09259 .01994 .02433 .06171 .01771 .01496 .38671 1.59112 .01181 1.00058 .04427 .00825 01335 .01572 .01828 03825 .00786 11020 .01567 .01486 .00895 .06701 .01116 .20490 1.62846 .04819 00805 02022 .01426 .01015 114536 .02412 .01504 .02665 .00796 .02168 .00938 .00941 .02479 .01717 22603 2.03394 .06106 .01253 01932 .02474 1.22684 .01183 .03126 .02144 .03102 .02238 01305 .02714 .01310 .11494 .05122 .35207 338 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 5A. — Total, Largest 15, and All Other Industry Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded — Continued [Output requirements, direct and indirect, per dollar of delivery to final demand, at producers' prices] Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements 67.0000 2.12491 .01816 69.0100 1.50661 .01069 70.0500 1.55994 .01247 72.0201 73.0102 1 06397 12.0300 8.0001 26.0501 .02198 26.0501 .01497 12.0300 .01019 65.0301 .01478 73.0111 .01409 66.0100 .02766 26.0501 .01627 66.0100 .03010 All other .37382 67.0000 1.03337 31.0101 .00960 69.0100 .01493 69 0100 02541 65.0301 66.0100 .01022 .02197 70 0100 01875 72.0202 1 66933 70.0100 !01716 * V» \J 1 w w 70.0500 ^99353 8.0001 .01422 71.0201 .04456 68.0100 .01165 71.0201 .06747 12.0300 .02760 71.0202 .02005 69.0100 1.03789 73.0103 .01749 16.0100 .01017 73.0104 .02400 70.0100 .01538 73.0104 .01911 27.0100 .01444 73.0109 .02170 71.0201 .03983 73.0109 .04444 31.0101 .01151 73.0301 .02166 73.0104 .01956 73.0111 .03310 37.0101 .01100 73.0303 .01737 73.0109 .01765 73.0301 .01697 64.1000 .13660 76.0101 .34751 73.0111 .01379 73.0303 .01333 65.0301 .02242 76.0201 .10786 73.0301 .00919 74.0000 .01362 66.0100 .01940 76.0203 .08651 73.0303 .00958 78.0100 .01192 68.0100 .01660 All other .29696 All other .25315 All other .23793 69.0100 70.0100 .02554 .01334 68.0100 1.66741 .10254 69.0200 1.53292 .00998 71.0100 1.22987 .00843 71.0201 72.0202 .05068 7.0000 8.0001 4.0002 1.00000 8.0001 .04285 12.0300 .01748 12.0101 .04907 73.0303 .01108 12.0300 .08733 26.0100 .01018 65.0301 .00303 All other .28473 31.0101 .02196 26.0501 .01296 69.0100 .00609 65 0100 03199 66 0100 01561 69 0200 00367 72.0203 1.84609 65^0301 ^01129 ww. \J 1 ww 67.0000 i01109 70.0100 .00587 26.0400 .03061 68.0100 .87713 68.0100 .02431 70.0200 .01730 26.0501 .02271 68.0202 .03647 69.0100 .01539 70.0300 .00342 63.0300 .01676 69.0100 .02430 69.0200 .99819 70.0400 .00733 65.0301 .01804 70.0100 .01785 70.0100 .01984 70.0500 .00268 66.0100 .02986 71.0201 .02064 71.0201 .08348 71.0100 1.00000 68.0100 .01581 73.0104 .01535 73.0104 .01173 71.0201 .04166 69.0100 .03188 73.0301 .01426 73.0109 .02287 73.0109 .00362 70.0100 .02100 78.0200 .03347 73.0200 .01202 73.0301 .00560 71.0201 .09498 79.0200 .09654 73.0301 .00929 73.0302 00306 7£0203 .99627 All other .2S-J44 All other .25850 All other .06904 73.0104 73.0108 .02882 .03716 68.0201 2.10756 .37772 70.0100 1.63022 .01824 71.0201 1 49oT6 .00718 73.0109 73.0111 01742 8.0001 65.0301 8.0001 .01649 12.0300 .10756 66.0100 .01848 12.0101 .04310 73.0303 .11799 31.0101 .02294 68.0100 .00931 12.0214 .00877 All other .35029 65.0600 .01812 69.0100 .01698 12.0300 02163 68 0100 01545 70 0100 1 05558 65 0301 00966 72.0204 1.54436 68.0201 1.04852 70.0200 .02379 66.0100 ^01279 12.0300 . .00794 68.0202 .02341 70.0300 .06360 68.0100 .01603 32.0400 .01234 69.0100 .04321 71.0201 .04888 69.0100 .01268 51.0104 .00882 70.0100 .01865 73.0104 .04748 70.0100 .01283 51.0400 .01355 71.0201 .02300 73.0109 .01972 71.0201 1.06402 54.0100 .01121 71.0202 .06110 73.0111 .02012 73.0102 .01820 57.0200 .04041 73.0104 .02082 73.0301 .01661 73.0109 .00973 57.0300 .01666 73.0301 .01707 73.0303 .02032 73.0301 .00972 63.0300 .03405 73.0302 .02401 78.0100 .01806 73.0302 .01580 65.0301 .00900 73.0303 .03554 78.0500 .01057 79.0300 .02201 66.0100 .01215 All other .25044 All other .22248 All other .20601 68.0100 69.0100 .00791 .05781 68.0202 2.57741 .67978 70.0200 1.77386 .01234 71.0202 1.00000 1.00000 70.0100 71.0201 00930 8.0001 26.0501 71.0202 .03228 12.0215 .01109 65.0301 .01249 All other 72.0204 1.00142 12.0300 .10462 66.0100 .02049 All other .26951 31.0101 .01098 69.0100 .01250 72.0101 1.70365 37.0101 .01138 70.0100 .05066 8.0001 .01373 72.0205 1.58155 68.0100 .01701 70.0200 1.07558 12.0300 .03661 1.0301 .01481 68.0201 .05159 70.0300 .16378 65.0301 .01924 8.0001 .01337 68.0202 1.18223 71.0201 .04937 65.0702 .01580 14.0101 .01411 69.0100 .02613 73.0104 .03468 66.0100 .01477 16.0100 .03356 70.0100 .01753 73.0109 .02553 68.0100 .03588 27.0100 .01737 71.0201 .01828 73.0111 .02879 69.0100 .02234 31.0101 .01136 71.0202 .10859 73.0301 .02105 70.0100 .04023 32.0400 .01474 73.0301 .02364 73.0303 .01840 70.0200 .03153 33.0001 .04348 73.0302 .01914 78.0100 .01272 71.0201 .04141 64.0102 .02234 79.0300 .05133 78.0500 .02736 72.0101 1.00600 65.0301 .01311 All other .24409 All other .20812 73.0102 73.0104 .01329 .01581 66.0100 68.0100 .01452 .01163 68.0301 2.09093 70.0300 1.59137 73.0109 73.0111 .02457 .02313 69 0100 .03458 .03895 8.0001 .04210 12.0300 .00719 \J J - \J 1 WW 71.0201 12.0101 .04654 26.0501 .00890 All other .34931 7Z0205 1.00000 12.0300 .21920 66.0100 .03845 All other .28362 27.0100 31.0101 .01697 .02570 68.0100 69.0100 .00615 .00794 72.0102 2.07289 .01494 72.0300 8.0001 1.84382 65.0301 .02005 70.0100 .07228 12.0101 .01731 8.0001 .01206 66.0100 .01718 70.0300 1.14420 12.0300 .03583 12.0300 .01822 68.0100 .04769 71.0201 .05755 65.0301 .01582 26.0501 .00984 68.0202 .03551 73.0104 .03120 66.0100 .01749 29.0300 .05011 68.0301 .14477 73.0109 .01375 68.0100 .05032 32.0400 .01430 69.0100 .03799 73.01 1 1 .00640 69.0100 .02257 64.1200 .01187 70.0100 .01896 73.0200 .00580 70.0100 .01369 65.0301 .01419 71.0201 .04391 73.0301 .03138 71.0201 .42302 66.0100 .02545 73.0302 .05035 73.0303 .02115 72.0102 1.00026 68.0100 .02913 79.0300 .87610 78.0100 .00725 72.0201 .01427 69.0100 .03162 All other .44791 All other .13178 73.0103 73.0104 .01435 .01452 70.0100 71.0201 .01472 .11734 68.0302 2.05823 70.0400 1.99607 73.0109 73.0111 01713 72 0300 1.16391 8.0001 .06910 26.0501 .01380 ^02404 73^0303 ^01297 12.0300 .04157 66.0100 .03572 All other .37733 78.0100 .00972 27.0100 .02466 69.0100 .01431 All other .30837 31.0101 .06030 70.0100 .02473 7Z0201 1.73952 59 0302 05358 70 0200 .01988 8 0001 .02297 73.0101 1 43439 62.0200 .02452 70.0300 .05571 12.0300 .01471 8.0001 .00959 65.0301 .53419 70.0400 1.01377 16.0100 .01320 12.0300 .00723 66.0100 .03015 70.0500 .37099 18.0400 .01456 27.0100 .00716 68.0100 .02954 71.0201 .07496 31.0101 .01301 31.0101 .00887 68.0202 .03400 73.0104 .02185 65.0301 .01707 48.0600 .00685 68.0302 .60269 73.0109 .02604 66.0100 .01523 50.0400 .00677 69.0100 .06487 73.0111 .02104 68.0100 .02618 61.0500 .00738 71.0201 .02616 73 301 .04276 68.0202 .02082 65.0301 .01056 73.0301 .02442 7: :3 .01515 69.0100 .02908 66.0100 .01237 75.0002 .01913 78 20 .01360 70.0100 .01614 68.0100 .00858 All other .41935 All other .23176 71.0201 .06269 69.0100 .03659 Note. — Data may not add to totals because of rounding. DETAILED TABLES 339 Table 5A.— Total, Largest 15, and All Other Industry Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded — Continued [Output requirements, direct and indirect, per dollar of delivery to final demand, at producers' prices] Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output Commodity Producing Output demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements demanded industry requirements 70.0100 .00993 73.0108 1.01028 73.0111 .03527 70.0100 .01820 71.0201 .03105 73.0109 .02285 73.0112 .00861 71.0201 .07698 73.0101 .99895 73.0111 .01166 73.0301 .00991 73.0109 .01387 73.0104 .00668 73.0303 .06740 73.0302 1.07209 73.0200 .02376 All other .26583 78.0100 .00940 73.0303 .06267 73.0301 .01515 - All other .22798 78.0100 .00954 73.0303 .01402 73.0102 1.40753 All other .14419 76.0101 1.48819 .31870 8.0001 .01060 73.0109 1.52290 All other 25 0000 .00803 8 0001 .01136 73.0303 1.66726 27.0100 31.0101 .01806 .00928 24.0800 26.0501 .01010 .01766 12.0300 26.0501 .00786 .01112 76.0102 1.84650 12.0300 .01497 32.0400 .01037 31.0101 .01184 65.0301 .00924 26.0501 .00960 57.0200 .00762 65.0301 .01134 66.0100 .02367 66.0100 .01570 65.0301 .01201 66.0100 .02961 69.0100 .02119 68.0100 .01913 66.0100 .01583 69.0100 .02672 70.0100 .01364 69.0100 .06377 69.0100 .02418 70.0100 .01276 70.0300 .01662 70.0100 .01309 70.0100 .01223 71.0201 .04254 71.0201 .07297 71.0201 .12343 71.0201 .02290 73.0104 .01589 73.0103 .01008 71.0202 .11141 73.0102 1.00189 73.0109 1.01346 73.0104 .09381 73.0104 .01900 73.0104 .00842 73.0111 .01539 73.0109 .02168 73.0107 .01847 73.0109 .01182 73.0301 .00997 73.01 1 1 .03129 73.0200 .0081 1 73.01 1 1 .01164 73.0303 .01727 73.0301 .01791 73.0303 .00819 All other .22265 78.0100 .01117 73.0303 1.07516 76.0101 .22405 All other .26582 78.0100 .01472 76.0102 .98524 73.0103 1.14462 All other .22630 78.0100 All other .00818 .20416 26.0501 .00224 73.0111 1.61000 65.0301 66.0100 69.0100 .00222 .00810 .00426 57.0200 65.0500 66.0100 .01698 .01437 .02186 74.0000 2.07897 .01601 .03259 76.0201 1.0100 1.0301 1.94531 12.0300 .01174 70.0100 .00897 69.0100 .02301 2.0202 .01860 66.0100 .02046 71.0201 .01821 70.0100 .01409 8.0001 .01544 69.0100 .01727 73.0103 1.00526 71.0201 .05570 12.0300 .02009 70.0100 .01574 73.0104 .00411 72.0101 .01410 14.0101 .03050 71.0201 .06652 73.0107 .00255 73.0103 .01907 14.0300 .02018 71.0202 .02015 73.0109 .00390 73.0104 .03481 14.1801 .02803 73.0104 .01691 73.0111 .00766 73.0109 .03152- 14.2101 .02177 73.0108 .01839 73.0301 .00262 73.0111 .99412 65.0301 .02587 73.0109 .02648 73.0303 .00371 73.0301 .01457 68.0100 .02900 73.0111 .01767 74.0000 .00352 73.0302 .02554 69.0100 .08432 73.0301 .01869 78.0100 .00343 73.0303 .05427 70.0100 .01645 73.0303 .11169 All other .06386 74.0000 .01719 71.0201 .07077 75.0003 .01290 All other .25880 74.0000 1.01414 76.0201 1.26561 73.0104 1.68502 All other .63521 76 0203 .03066 .27443 12.0300 .00989 73.0112 1.60476 f^\* {J U ICI i y.Vi_uj All other 26.0501 .01198 27.0100 .01491 75.0001 1.82359 51.0103 .04928 57.0200 .01807 8.0001 .02547 76.0202 1.61790 51.0104 .04259 65.0301 .01225 31.0101 .02878 8.0001 .01495 57.0200 .02553 66.0100 .01975 65.0301 .01614 12.0300 .03020 57.0300 .04886 69.0100 .02686 66.0100 .01870 31.0101 .01056 66.0100 .02995 70.0100 .01432 69.0100 .03373 66.0100 .02302 69.0100 .04898 71.0201 .04726 70.0100 .04688 68.0100 .05797 70.0100 .01350 73.0103 .01353 70.0200 .58573 69.0100 .01800 71.0201 .04478 73.0104 .04113 70.0300 .09143 70.0100 .01786 73.0104 1.07052 73.0109 .02394 71.0201 .05317 71.0201 .07474 73.0109 .01505 73.0111 .04011 73.0104 .02581 73.0101 .01247 73.0111 .01210 73.0112 .98143 73.0109 .01986 73.0104 .02058 73.0301 .01801 73.0302 .03940 73.0111 .02310 73.0109 .03179 73.0303 .00977 73.0303 .01400 73.0301 .01603 73.01 1 1 .01533 All other .23423 77.0200 .01328 75.0001 .47917 73.0303 .01119 All other .28452 78.0500 .01516 75.0002 .01209 73.0106 1.25218 All other 34443 76.0202 1 .00000 8.0001 .00732 73.0200 1.81822 ' All other .26715 12.0300 31.0101 .00503 00790 24.0800 26 0100 .07050 18524 75.0002 1.94524 .01609 76.0203 8.0001 1.45118 57.0200 .00618 26.0200 .08457 12.0300 .01381 12.0300 .00965 66.0100 .01756 26.0400 .04891 31.0101 .01333 65.0500 .00529 69.0100 .01152 26.0501 .21658 32.0400 .02350 66.0100 .00857 70.0100 .01010 66.0200 .01968 37.0101 .01801 68.0100 .00663 71.0201 .02080 67.0000 .20348 41.0201 .01590 69.0100 .00742 73.0104 .00676 69.0100 .04032 59.0302 .14975 70.0100 .01375 73.0106 1.01170 71.0201 .03867 65.0301 .02069 71.0201 .02918 73.0109 .00815 73.0108 .04624 66.0100 .01738 71 .0202 .03973 73.0301 .00664 73.0109 .07089 68.0100 .01961 73.0104 .00567 73.0303 .00469 73.0200 .22023 69.0100 .08170 73.0109 .00746 74.0000 .00481 73.0303 .01892 70.0100 .01583 73.01 1 1 .00816 78.0100 .00635 76.0101 .07722 71.0201 .06192 73.0301 .01220 All other .11667 76.0201 .02229 72.0201 .01355 74.0000 .00651 All other .45448 75.0002 1.00588 76.0203 1.14804 73.0107 1.40971 All other .45829 78.0100 00503 8.0001 .00816 73.0301 1.44729 All other .13789 12.0300 .00676 12.0300 .00638 75.0003 1.66738 31 0101 00711 65 0500 00681 8 0001 01519 76.0204 1.86903 65!0301 I00634 66!0100 !02112 12.0300 .03359 12.0300 .01767 66.0100 .01419 69.0100 .01380 31.0101 .01185 26.0501 .01651 69.0100 .01830 70.0100 .01115 55.0200 .01709 34.0305 .01200 70.0100 .01054 71.0201 .08088 65.0301 .01506 66.0100 .01503 71.0201 .03605 72.0101 .0091 1 66.0100 .01210 68.0100 .01750 73.0101 .01988 73.0103 .00607 68.0100 .02461 69.0100 .02028 73.0104 .05039 73.0104 .00983 69.0100 .02537 70.0100 .02251 73.0107 1.00259 73.0109 .02723 70.0100 .01420 71.0201 .03647 73.0109 .00645 73.01 1 1 .02162 71.0201 .13393 73.0104 .01373 73.0111 .00802 73.0112 .02394 73.0103 .01136 73.0107 .01152 73.0301 .00659 73.0301 1.03117 73.0109 .03226 73.0109 .01934 73.0303 .01127 73.0303 .00786 73.01 1 1 .02253 73.0111 .01141 All other .19707 78.0100 .01300 75.0003 .89859 73.0200 .01168 All other .15732 79.0300 .10984 73.0301 .01149 73.0108 1.54380 All other .28981 76.0204 1.33480 8.0001 12.0300 57.0200 .00881 .00904 01011 73.0302 1.57113 .00952 01496 76.0101 2.15754 .01463 76.0205 All other .29709 65.0301 66 01 00 12 0300 1 .70562 63.0300 !03268 68'0100 !00742 26.0100 .02021 8.0001 .01490 66.0100 .01553 69.0100 .01067 26.0501 .02614 12.0300 .03067 68.0100 .00946 70.0100 .01426 58.0600 .02096 65.0301 .01229 69.0100 .03057 71.0201 .04913 66.0100 .01588 66.0100 .01539 70.0100 .01307 73.0103 .01539 67.0000 .02195 68.0100 .03457 71.0201 .05024 73.0104 .02735 68.0100 .01412 69.0100 .02221 73.0104 .01472 73.0109 .08015 69.0100 .05478 70.0100 .01497 Note. — Data may not add to totals because of rounding. 340 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table 5A. — Total, Largest 15, and All Other Industry Output Requirements Per Dollar of Commodity Demanded — Continued [Output requirements, direct and indirect, per dollar of delivery to final demand, at producers' prices] Commodity demanded Producing industry Output requirements Commodity demanded Producing industry Output requirements Commodity demanded Producing industry Output requirements Commodity demanded Producing industry Output requirements 76.0206 77.0100 77.0200 77.0301 77.0303 77.0304 71.0201 71.0202 73.0102 73.0104 73.0109 73.01 1 1 73.0303 76.0205 All other 2.0202 12.0300 26.0501 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69 0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0109 73.0111 73.0303 76.0201 76.0206 79.0300 All other 12.0300 27.0100 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 73.0303 77.0100 77.0305 78.0100 All other 12.0300 27.0100 29.0100 32.0400 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 74.0000 77.0200 All other 8.0001 12.0300 29.0100 32.0400 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 74.0000 77.0301 All other 8.0001 27.0100 29.0100 32.0400 65.0301 66.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 71.0202 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 77.0303 All other .13730 .01523 .01361 .01234 .01537 .01279 .01604 1.00034 .33760 1.53861 .01060 .01976 .01075 .01078 .01407 .02238 .02304 .01244 .05966 .01464 .01122 .00960 .01032 .96182 .01353 .33400 1.47530 .00882 .00862 .01741 .00747 .02007 -.01197 .05911 .01987 .01151 .00736 .01419 .01073 1.00000 .05401 .01457 .20959 1.72432 .01480 .03075 .02171 .01672 .01485 .01258 .01427 .04015 .08734 .01655 .01357 .03775 .01869 .01633 1.00006 .36820 1.56975 .01086 .01392 .01372 .01536 .01369 .00964 .02170 .02789 .01014 .08476 .01292 .01010 .01460 .01116 1.00000 .29929 1.44850 .00836 .02094 .01043 .02575 .00832 .01378 .02490 .01056 .03537 .05997 .01042 .01139 .00896 .01283 1.00000 .18652 1.99967 77.0305 77.0401 77.0402 77.0403 77.0501 1£0300 14.1501 27.0100 29.0100 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 70.0200 70.0400 71.0201 73.0104 73.0301 75.0001 77.0304 All other 8.0001 27.0100 29.0100 32.040C 65.0301 66.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 71.0202 73.0104 73.0109 73.0301 77.0305 78.0100 All other 8.0001 12.0300 26.0301 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0103 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0302 77.0401 All other 12.0300 24.0800 26.0301 26.0501 65.0301 66.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0302 73.0303 77.0402 All other 24.0800 26.0200 26.0501 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 71.0201 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 76.0101 77.0403 All other 12.0300 24.0800 26.0501 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0109 .01655 .01827 .01710 .18836 .04080 .01601 .06835 .01750 .01951 .02348 .05408 .02157 .01716 .01530 1.00003 .46560 1 .57660 .01326 .04604 .01450 .02114 .01220 .01872 .03347 .01315 .06508 .01205 .01432 .01249 .01717 1 00376 .01120 .26805 1 .72565 .01026 .15743 .00944 .00983 .01142 .01351 .02446 .00859 .14414 .00894 .01908 .01189 .01518 .00884 1.00000 .27264 1.76198 .09121 .00998 .01090 .01257 .01181 .01629 .03303 .00977 .12397 .07120 .01209 .01714 .00884 .01080 1.00059 .32179 1.69518 .01341 .02350 .02266 .01455 .01966 .01432 .03175 .01426 .02612 .07907 .02327 .02024 .01721 .02033 1.00005 .35478 2.00155 .03395 .03676 .15100 .02001 .02482 .02523 .04320 .01733 .12398 .04580 77.0502 77.0503 77.0504 77.0600 77.0700 77.0800 73.01 1 1 73.0301 73.0303 77.0501 78.0100 All other 12.0300 24.0800 26.0501 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 71.0201 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 74.0000 77.0502 78.0100 All other 8.0001 12.0101 12.0300 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0109 73.0301 73.0303 77.0503 78.0100 79.0300 All other 12.0300 24.0800 26.0100 26.0501 66.0100 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 71.0201 73.0104 73.0109 73.0111 73.0112 73.0303 77.0504 All other 8.0001 12.0300 31.0101 32.0400 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0104 73.0111 73.0303 77.0600 78.0100 All other 8.0001 12.0300 26.0501 32.0400 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 70.0300 71 .0201 73.0104 73.0303 76.0101 77.0700 All other 8.0001 12.0300 .02457 .01960 .02144 1 01091 .01816 .38479 2 0160' 0338? 02684 0989J 0218' 0221 S 03SK 1915C 015" 040SC 0233- 0^3* 0'4C» 1 0O0O4 0'9-fc «J4-< 1 4339* 0O49: oc-c: 041' • 00606 0091- 0C~2C OM-0 004'i 17084 0OST1 00603 oosi: 1 ooooc 0074- ooss: 14278 2.10971 02664 .03636 .02109 11378 .02260 .03942 .02156 .03112 .12825 .02635 .03850 .02619 .02827 .02370 1.00038 .52550 1.64791 .01211 .01417 .01058 .02501 .01260 .01665 .01491 .03315 .01349 .10822 .03129 .01081 .01180 1.00017 .01689 .31606 1.70756 .01127 .02255 .00979 .01398 .01525 .01471 .01801 .03778 .01314 .01172 .10026 .01168 .01299 .01312 1.00000 .40131 1.74438 .01133 .02307 '3900 78 3-00 78 0500 79.0300 82.0000 84.0000 85 0000 14.1801 65.0301 66.0100 68.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71.0201 73.0109 73.0111 73.0301 73.0303 74.0000 77.0800 All other 8.0001 12.0300 24.0800 260501 31.0101 65.0301 66 0100 69.0100 70 0300 71 0201 73.0109 73.0111 76.0101 77 0900 78 0100 All other 80001 12.0300 26.0501 26.0806 31.0101 590302 65.0100 65 0301 65 0500 66 0100 68.0100 69.0100 70 0100 71.0201 78.0100 All other 1.0301 14.0101 23.0200 24 0400 26 0400 650301 66.0100 69.0100 70.0100 71 0201 73 0103 73.0104 73.0109 73.0303 78.0500 Ail other 8.0001 12.0101 12.0300 27 0100 31.0101 65 0301 68 0100 68 0202 68 0301 69 0100 70 0100 71 0201 73 0109 73 0302 79 0300 All other 82.0000 All other 84 0000 All other 85 0000 All other .01034 .01507 .01491 .02329 .03413 .01051 .12143 .01363 .01291 .01670 .01284 .05504 1.00000 .36918 1.87152 .01800 .01608 .01919 .04710 .01714 .01564 .02308 .03896 .01903 .11316 .07508 .02263 01756 1 .00000 .02134 40753 1 .33781 .00955 .00926 .00543 .00905 .00956 .01774 .01083 .02920 .03485 .00580 .00844 .01487 .00959 .02023 1 .00090 .14251 1.25228 .00461 .00432 .01297 .00376 00939 .00502 .01133 .01923 .00530 .00598 .00759 .00905 .01666 00433 1.00008 .13266 2.10961 .04311 .05363 .21765 .01741 .02780 .01913 .05143 .03420 .01579 03726 .01885 .04575 .01541 .05639 1.01316 44264 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1 .00000 1.00000 Note. — Data may not add to totals because of rounding. DETAILED TABLES 341 Table D.1. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditures in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices [Millions of dollars] 3. Food purchased for off-premise consumption (n.d.) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 1.0200 2.0202 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 2.0503 2.0600 2.0702 3.0001 3.0002 10.0000 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 .-... 14.1000 14.1100 14.1200 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1501 14.1502 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2101 14.2103 14.2104 14.2200 14.2300 14.2500 14.2600 14.2800 14.2900 14.3000 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 27.0100 27.0406 69.0200 81.0001 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 65.0400 : 65.0500 69.0100 69.0200 413,709 259,465 1t866 354 6,626 413 7,282 6 30 276 81 786 6 26,079 10,652 15,772 484 7,385 3,206 1,985 11,323 1,967 4,984 10,077 889 4,328 1,668 4,130 6,966 465 7,119 3,222 5,811 761 625 764 14,064 6,087 1,776 1,732 594 1,608 10,880 15,149 5,215 5,048 20,701 2,756 42 293 2,439 2,147 365 1,272 6,727 12,302 523 76 2 -721 154,244 1,208 7,789 120 544 43,688 100,895 4. Purchased meals and beverages (n.d.) Total, purchasers' prices . Total, producers' prices 65.0100 65.0500 74.0000 76.0101 76.0201 76.0203 76.0204 76.0206 77.0504 245,963 245,963 60 24 242,151 1,666 104 90 183 1,590 95 Food furnished to employees (including military) (n.d.) Total, purchasers' prices . Total, producers' prices 1.0200 2.0401 2.0501 3.0002 14.0101 14.0102 14.0105 14.0200 14.0300 14.0400 14.0500 14.0600 14.0700 14.0800 14.0900 14.1000 14.1100 1^1 nnn 7,086 6,091 127 75 105 19 1,005 355 392 46 111 88 257 576 12 90 529 57 14.1301 14.1302 14.1401 14.1402 14.1403 14.1600 14.1700 14.1801 14.1802 14.1803 14.1900 14.2002 14.2004 14.2005 14.2200 14.2300 14.2800 14.2900 14.3100 14.3201 14.3202 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 114 128 30 129 73 9 29 416 98 33 45 9 20 115 107 54 177 113 12 66 147 995 17 165 11 802 6. Food produced and consumed on farms (n.d.) Total, purchasers' prices . Total, producers' prices 1.0100 1.0200 2.0401 2.0402 2.0501 14.0101 14.0105 590 590 78 10 21 5 90 384 2 7. Tobacco products (n.d.) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 15.0101 15.0102 15.0103 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 69.0100 69.0200 48,008 30,395 28,804 386 1,205 17,613 3 178 8,666 8,766 12. Shoes and other footwear (n.d.) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 32.0200 34.0100 34.0201 34.0202 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 , 69.0100 69.0200 32,903 14,926 3,749 1 10,885 291 17,977 3 101 17 3,382 14,474 14. Women's and children's clothing and accessories, except shoes (n.d!) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 18.0101 18.0102 18.0300 18.0400 19.0304 24.0500 26.0400 32.0300 34.0301 34.0302 34.0303 34.0304 64.0700 64.1200 69.0200 72.0201 81.0001 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 69.0200 123,406 57,151 1,163 85 57 39 2,787 22 193 45,205 201 3,349 208 24 96 1,427 1,513 627 117 157 88 25 -221 -11 66,255 12 301 227 7,334 58,381 15. Men's and boys' clothing and accessories, except shoes (n.d.) Total r\i irch^corc' nriroc Total, producers' prices 16.0100 16.0200 16.0300 16.0400 18.0102 18.0300 18.0400 32.0300 34.0301 34.0302 34.0304 64.0700 64.1200 69.0200 72.0201 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 69.0200 33,851 106 5 16 4 1.145 29 31,383 17 224 681 245 16 94 43 38 -195 31 ,424 7 147 142 4,718 26.410 16. Standard clothing issued to military personnel (n.d.) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 18.0102 18.0400 19.0200 19.0301 34.0201 34.0303 Transportation costs and trade margins 69.0100 244 218 5 165 3 5 39 1 26 26 17. Cleaning, storage, and repair of clothing and shoes (s.) Total, purchasers' prices . Total, producers prices 72.0101 72.0201 1 1 .365 11,365 222 11,143 18. Jewelry and watches (d.) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 62.0700 64.0101 64.0102 64.0105 81.0001 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 69.0200 31,645 13,153 1,611 6,146 4,025 2,141 -765 -5 18,492 16 42 2,541 15,893 19. Other misc. personal, clothing and jewelry services (s.) Total, purchasers' prices . Total, producers' prices 72.0203 72.0205 73.0101 16.042 16,042 15,071 951 20 21. Toilet articles and preparations (n.d.) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 19.0306 29.0201 29.0300 32.0300 42.0100 54.0400 58.0100 64.0700 64.0800 64.1200 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 69.0200 37,903 21.996 89 2,064 17.306 45 843 648 511 20 199 271 15.907 5 449 159 2,593 12,701 22. Barbershops, beauty parlors, and health clubs (s.) Total, purchasers' prices . Total, producers' prices 72.0101 72.0300 76.0205 20.065 20,065 1,114 15,601 3.350 24. Owner-occupied nonfarm dwellings space rent (s.) Tntal nurrha^prc' nrirpc Total, producers' prices 71.0100 451,983 451,983 25. Tenant-occupied nonfarm dwellings rent (s.) Total, purchasers' prices . Total, producers' prices 71.0201 160,733 160,733 160,733 26. Rental value of farm dwellings (s.) Total, purchasers' prices . Total, producers' prices 71.0100 71.0201 5,349 5.349 5.267 82 27. Other housing (s.; Total, purchasers' prices . Total, producers' prices 72.0101 72.0102 24,509 24.509 16,997 7,512 29. Furniture, including mattresses and bedsprings (d.) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 22.0101 22.0102 22.0103 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 23.0100 23.0700 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 69.0100 69.0200 38,957 20.041 8,929 353 20 5,604 2,061 2,785 114 77 98 18,916 26 96 1,250 17,544 30. Kitchen and other household appliances (d.) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 38.1000 40.0300 52.0300 54.0100 54.0200 54.0300 54.0400 54.0500 54.0700 58.0700 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 69,0100 69.0200 24,287 14,508 61 302 742 2,455 2,374 2,353 2,604 1,490 1,066 1,020 41 9.779 75 531 20 1.638 7.515 31. China, glassware, tableware, and utensils (d.) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 20.0903 32.0400 35.0100 35.0200 36.0701 36.0702 36.0900 38.1100 41.0202 41.0203 42.0100 42.0201 42.0300 42.0500 42.1100 64.0104 69.0200 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 69.0200 19,577 8,156 595 3.667 261 163 140 512 95 10 37 1.191 175 8 88 345 241 573 44 11 1 1 ,421 11 198 18 1,231 9.963 32. Other durable house furnishings (d.) Total, purchasers' prices . Total, producers' prices 17.0100 17.1100 38.793 18,088 5,104 39 1R7 342 BENCHMARK INPUT-OUTPUT ACCOUNTS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1992 Table D.1. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditures in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices — Continued [Millions of dollars] 19.0306 287 1,554 1,680 41 98 124 125 414 975 6 162 24 97 975 46 276 6 148 400 16 632 39 237 110 56 212 102 932 1,119 79 71 337 832 10 365 113 78 20,705 34 517 48 3,054 17,052 53.0300 87 939 740 299 15,847 57 1,267 14 29 4,665 9.815 73.0106 1,366 1,203 2,781 6,690 11 62. Bank service charges, trust services, and safe deposit box rental (s.) 20 0903 55.0100 73.0107 ... 23.0600 , 58.0200 73.0109 26 0501 64.1200 78.0100 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers prices 70 0100 30,934 30,934 32 0300 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 81.0002 32.0400 45. Drug preparations and sundries (n.d.) 30 660 34.0305 70 0200 274 35.0100 65.0301 36 0900 65.0400 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 75,894 48,402 23 1,894 53 43.864 38 517 18 7 10 77 1.901 27,492 12 225 4 69 7,380 36 1100 65.0500 63. Services furnished without payment 36.2200 69.0100 by financial intermediaries except life insurance carriers and private non- insured pension plans (s.) 40.0901 69.0200 24 0500 42.0100 35. Stationery and writing supplies (n.d.) 27.0100 42.0201 29 0100 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 42.0202 31 0101 137.479 42.0300 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 14,850 6.043 276 325 798 33 534 2,947 573 4 111 357 16 44 22 3 8,807 18 337 1 53 1,156 7,242 32 0300 137,479 42.0500 54.0400 70.0100 70.0200 124,971 12.508 44.0002 24.0400 62.0200 47.0100 62.0400 64. Expense of handling life insurance (s.) 47.0401 62.0500 47.0404 26 0602 Transportation costs and trade margins Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers prices 70.0400 69,380 48.0300 69 380 50.0300 65.0100 69 380 51 0102 65.0301 51.0400 65.0400 65. Legal services (s.) 53.0400 55.0200 64.0502 64.0503 ... 65.0500 69.0100 56.0300 61.0700 64.0504 64.0800 69.0200 19,802 Total, producers' prices 44,864 44,864 62.0200 81.0002 46. Ophthalmic products and orthopedic appliances (d.) 62.0700 Transportation costs and trade margins 64.0501 66. Funeral and burial expenses (s.) 64 0800 Total, purchasers' pnces Total, producers' prices 58 0200 13.001 4,633 167 1.313 3,140 13 8.368 6 18 1,143 7,201 64.1200 65 0301 Total, purchasers' prices 1 0.962 69.0200 65.0400 Total, producers prices 36.1500 9,994 81.0002 65 0500 62.0500 63 0200 306 Transportation costs and trade 69.0100 42.1100 15 69.0200 81.0002 65.0500 120 2,625 6,928 65.0301 37. F. fv (s.) Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0301 7^0202 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0500 69.0100 Total, purchasers' I Total, producer: r fts 68.0100 79,337 79,337 79,337 968 S9.0200 69 0100 65.0301 69.0100 69.0200 24 69.0200 72 33. Semidurable house furnishings (n.d.) 872 3 .as (s.) 47. Physicians (s.) Total, purchasers' prices 25,572 12,918 134 65 9 25 218 1,071 6,209 5 466 1,241 52 739 275 118 75 522 56 127 13 23 117 92 6 235 1,023 2 12,654 5 285 28 1,985 10,351 67. Other personal business (s.) Total, producers' prices _ 29,537 29,537 29.537 Total, purchasers' pnces 166,429 166,429 166,429 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers prices 66.0100 16.0100 Total, producers' prices 18,891 16.0300 Total, producers prices 68.0202 77 0100 18,891 16.0400 385 170900 39. Water and ot -r sanitary services (s.) 48. Dentists (s.) 70.0400 875 91 17.1001 72.0203 73.0103 1,971 19 0100 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 37,636 37,636 37 $3$ Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers prices 30.293 30.293 15.371 5,055 9,867 1,721 19 0200 19.0302 73.0106 73.0109 879 147 19.0303 19.0304 68.0301 68.0302 730200 676 917 3.140 19.0305 79.0300 49. Other professional medical services (s.) 77.0501 20.0903 40. Fuel oil and coal (n.d.) 85,216 85,216 2,507 1,042 11,136 25,899 44,632 77.0502 78 0100 7,782 191 26.0501 Total, producers' prices 80.0000 116 32 0300 Total, purchasers' prices 12.165 6.235 68 105 345 5,612 67 38 5,930 84 163 113 75 1,697 3,798 32.0400 73 0107 32.0500 Total, producers' prices 7 0000 77.0100 70. New autos (d.) 37 0103 20.0903 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers prices 59.0301 78,016 27.0401 64,878 31.0101 52. Nonprofit hospitals (s.) 64.878 54.0400 31.0103 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 13,138 688 64.0700 Transportation costs and trade 65.0100 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers prices 184,823 184,823 184,823 65.0301 1,047 69.0200 77.0200 65.0400 13 2,374 9,016 Transportation costs and trade 65.0301 65 0400 53. Proprietary hospitals (s.) 69.0200 margins 65.0600 65 01 00 69.0100 Ir.ioi. purchasers' prices 30,345 30,345 30.345 71. Net purchases of used autos (d.) 65.0500 . 69.0200 69.0100 41. Telephone and telegraph (s.) 77 0200 Total, purchasers' prices 31,177 69 0200 Total, producers' prices 81 0001 17,223 54. Government hospitals (s.) -557 34. Cleaning and polishing preparations, and miscellaneous household supplies Total, purchasers' prices 70,669 70,669 70,129 540 81.0002 17.780 Total, producers' prices Total, purchasers' prices 55,154 55,154 55.154 Transportation costs and trade margins 69 0100 66.0100 13,954 and paper products (n.d.) Total, producers prices 72.0101 739 77 0200 69 0200 13,215 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 41,060 25,213 33 33 129 5,582 564 1,292 1,508 381 12 20 112 808 28 191 6,240 4.488 480 322 301 73 42. Domestic service (s.) 55. Nursing homes (s.) 72. Other motor vehicles (d.) 3.0001 9.0004 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 73.0102 84 0000 11,356 11,356 1,269 mnft7 Total, purchasers' prices 50,166 50,166 50.166 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers prices 59.0301 17 1001 60.523 240500 24.0701 Total, producers' prices 77.0301 47,383 40,674 24.0702 24 0706 43. Other household operation (s.) 56. Health insurance (s.) 61 .0601 61.0603 1,689 2,723 25 0000 61.0700 335 43,224 43,224 43,224 81 0002 1,962 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 27,116 27,116 4,878 1,187 162 33 -244 1,001 1,669 2,807 2.151 1 AOI 1 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 27.0100 27.0201 70.0400 13,140 431 65 0302 61. Brokerage charges and Investment counseling (s.) 65.0301 672 65 0400 65.0400 9 65 0500 69.0100 1,934 70 0400 69.0200 10.094 30 0000 72.0201 Total, purchasers' prices 28,719 28,719 28,719 32 0400 72.0204 Total, producers' prices 70.0300 73. Tires, tubes, accessories, and other 36.1600 72.0205 parts (d.) 36.1900 73.0101 Ti nmo Total ourehasers' nricps 30 fSH DETAILED TABLES 343 Table D.1. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Personal Consumption Expenditures in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices — Continued [Millions of dollars] Total, producers' prices 19 0306 13,063 6 5,217 118 159 •86 14 38 33 25 26 168 18 74 920 5 1,415 1,021 4,277 -65 -492 17,460 54 2,653 49 3,159 65.0100 32 376 173 197 2,814 91. Video and audio products, computing equipment, and musical instruments (d.) 76.0206 459 65 0200 32 0100 65 0301 101. Other recreational expenditures (s.) 32.0300 65.0400 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 57,040 33,796 30 3,104 1,996 17,398 1,201 123 921 211 556 251 237 867 3,200 2,137 1.368 196 23,244 10 243 134 4,941 32.0500 65.0702 Total, purchasers' prices 32 0600 76,102 35.0100 87. Books and maps (d.) 51.0103 Total, producers' prices 74.579 1,410 42.0300 51.0104 42.0500 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 26.0301 26.0400 26.0501 17,148 9,795 9,529 230 19 21 -4 7,353 321 42 56.0100 1,369 43 729 19,883 1.839 215 , 42.0700 56.0200 50.0100 52.0300 : 55.0100 56.0300 56.0500 57.0300 66.0200 , 67.0000 72 0101 - 56.0100 ' 57.0300 58 0100 69.0200 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0301 65.0500 58.0200 58.0600 58.0700 72.0102 72.0203 73.0101 3.281 5,318 121 58.0400 59.0302 81.0001 71.0202 73.0104 73.0104 73.0107 73.0108 307 300 5.099 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 69.0200 5,181 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 76.0102 76.0205 76.0206 6,290 66 12 378 88. Magazines, newspapers, and sheet music (n.d) 77.0304 5.108 65.0301 65 0301 77.0401 184 65.0500 69.0100 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 21,959 14,755 7,743 6,596 621 90 -295 7,204 6 472 294 1,525 4,907 65.0500 69.0100 77.0501 77.0504 79.0300 91 707 9 783 26.0100 26.0200 69.0200 17,916 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 65 0301 58 74. Repair, greasing, washing, parKing, 26.0400 92. Radio and television repair (s.) 1,523 4 65 38 1,416 storage, rental and leasing (s.) 26.0501 90,293 90,128 12,983 69,671 7,445 2 4 23 165 33 132 81.0001 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 72.0204 3,438 3,438 3,064 181 193 65 0500 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 75 0001 Transportation costs and trade margins 69.0100 69.0200 75.0002 65 0301 73.0101 73 0107 75.0003 65.0500 103. Higher education (s.) 76.0201 76.0203 69.0100 69.0200 ... 93. Flowers, seeds, and potted plants (n.d.) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 77.0402 52.428 77.0402 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 2.0702 11,961 4,541 4,248 293 7,420 137 400 408 6,475 52 428 Transportation costs and trade 89. Nondurable toys and sport supplies (n.d.) 52 428 69.0100 104. Nursery, elementary, and secondary 69.0200 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 1.0302 36,523 18,158 218 754 599 63 131 102 345 123 11 53 349 1,923 7,669 2,630 2,441 732 15 18,365 23 312 1 35 5,695 12,299 Transportation costs and trade margins schools (s.) 75. Gasoline and oil (n.d.) Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 77.0401 65.0301 23,311 104,880 47,638 45,745 1,893 57,242 259 892 999 2 585 34,003 20,502 3.0001 65 0500 23,311 Total, purchasers' prices 13.0600 19.054 Total, producers' prices 31 0101 17.0900 69.0200 77.0700 4,257 31.0102 26 0501 95. Motion picture theaters (s.) 105. Other private education and research (s.) Transportation costs and trade 27.0406 margins 32 0300 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 65.0500 4,939 4,939 3 4,808 128 » 65.0100 53 0200 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 20,738 20.738 712 399 11.994 65.0301 55 0100 65.0400 58 0700 65.0500 63 0300 76.0101 65.0600 64.0301 77.0402 77.0403 69.0200 64.0302 64.0400 96. Legitimate theaters and opera, and en- tertainments of nonprofit institutions (except athletics) (s.) 77.0504 7.633 64.1200 106. Religious and welfare activities (s.) 76. Bridge, tunnel, ferry, and road tolls (s.) 72.0204 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 77.0403 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 2,839 2,839 2,839 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 76.0201 6,037 6.037 5,854 183 112.314 112,314 65.0301 79.0300 77.0502 7,082 77.0402 77.0503 30,605 77. Motor vehicle insurance (s.) 69.0100 97. Spectator sports (s.) 77.0504 11 653 5.117 Total, purchasers' prices 25,728 25,728 25,728 69.0200 77.0700 Total, purchasers' prices 5,131 5.131 3 1,699 910 226 1,841 452 13,003 Total, producers' prices 70.0400 90. Wheel goods, sports and photo- graphic equipment, boats, and pleasure aircraft (d.) 77 0800 14 436 Total, producers' prices 76 0202 77 0900 .. 29 032 79. Mass transit systems (s.) 76.0203 108. Foreign travel by U.S. residents (s.) 76 0204 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 65.0100 6,463 6,463 90 6,373 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 30,092 17,347 874 179 171 275 101 27 16 290 292 52 12 169 7 24 465 4,215 2,366 551 38 121 1,177 639 4,317 36 666 267 12,745 9 179 29 2,766 9,762 76.0206 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 65.0400 45.943 77.0401 .. 13.0500 77.0402 45,943 3.243 65.0200 19.0302 98. Clubs and fraternal organizations (s.) 65.0500 12.377 30.323 19.0306 80. Taxicab (s.) 32.0100 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 76.0205 10,667 10,667 7,774 2,893 109. Expenditures abroad by U.S. residents 2,586 2,586 2,586 32.0300 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 65.0200 34.0302 (n.d.) 34.0305 42.0100 77.0502 Total, purchasers' prices 2.570 82. Railway (s.) 42.0300 42.0500 99. Commercial participant amusements (s.) Total, producers' prices 80.0000 2.570 2,570 Total, purchasers' prices 647 647 647 58.0100 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 29.885 29,885 2,181 1.373 91 2 64 50 1.980 142 23,851 33 118 110. Expenditures in the United States by Total, producers' prices 58.0700 nonresidents (s.) 65 0100 60 01 00 65.0200 -64.871 61.0500 65 0400 Total, producers' pnces 83. Bus (s.) 65.0500 61 0700 83 0001 —64 871 Total, purchasers' prices 1,595 1,595 1,595 70.0400 62.1000 73 0107 Total, producers' prices 65.0200 76.0201 76.0202 63.0300 nonresidents (n.d.) 64.0400 64 1200 76 0205 Total, ourchasers' prices 84. Airline (s.) 76.0206 -1.610 -1.610 -1.610 21,281 21,281 21,281 73.0101 77.0402 83.0001 81.0002 65.0500 Transportation costs and trade margins 100. Pari-mutuel net receipts (s.) 85. Other intercity transportation (s.) 65.0100 65.0301 Total, purchasers' prices 3.366 3.366 82 2,825 3,592 3,592 65.0500 Total, producers' prices 76.0203 69 0100 69 0200 76.0204 344 DETAILED TABLES Table E.1. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Producers' Durable Equipment Expenditures in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices [Millions of dollars] 65.0400 2 29 815 18. Trucks, buses, and truck trailers 44.0002 1 352 5. Computers and peripheral equipment 65.0500 45.0100 810 69.0100 Total, purchasers' prices 36,155 31,253 2,126 2,855 27,995 -1,723 4,902 325 491 7 2.202 1.877 81.0002 -61 43,580 36,139 15,819 16,879 3.441 7,441 2 29 359 5,934 1,117 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 Total, purchasers' prices 12. Engines and turbines Total, producers' prices 59 0100 2.538 51.0103 51.0104 59.0200 59 0301 7 161 73.0104 Transportation costs and trade margins Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 43.0100 3,b63 3.540 2,577 694 269 123 37 11 72 3 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0500 69.0100 69.0200 15 1,485 870 65.0100 43.0200 65.0301 Transportation costs and trade 65 0301 26. Agricultural machinery, except tractors 65.0500 65.0400 69.0100 69.0100 . Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 44 0001 7,132 4,850 4,393 37 69.0200 65.0500 69.0200 69.0100 19. Autos 6. Office equipment except computers 69.0200 44.0002 73.0302 412 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 6.150 4,360 539 1,645 1,672 451 53 1.790 20 43 1,727 13. Metal working machinery Total, purchasers' pnces Total, producers' prices 59.0301 32,029 24.685 47.137 -53 -22.399 7,344 500 761 9 1.761 4.313 81.0002 8 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 50.0300 51 0102 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 47.0100 20,501 17,733 3.380 1,102 8.358 1,817 506 308 1,180 1,135 -53 2.768 2 95 205 1,775 691 2,282 7 51.0400 81.0001 81.0002 65.0301 65.0500 195 g 47.0200 Transportation costs and trade margins 69.0100 2,060 Transportation costs and trade 47.0300 69 0200 47 0401 650100 margins *..... 47 0402 65.0301 47 0404 650400 27. Construction machinery, except 47.0500 69.0100 tractors 69.0100 73 0302 69 0200 Total, purchasers' prices Total, produce s' pnces 45.0100 8,442 6.385 5 996 7. Communication equipment Transportation costs and trade margins 65 0100 20. Aircraft 47,806 43.664 29 52 154 426 15,377 8,642 1.304 9.693 5,065 478 -89 Total, purchasers' prices 65.0301 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 23.0300 13.721 13.536 214 13.153 523 695 -1.049 185 4 6 33 142 81.0002 65.0500 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 69.0100 2 057 51.0104 69.0200 60.0100 12 56.0100 14. Special industry machinery, n.e.c. 620101 65.0301 65.0500 338 65 56.0500 81.0002 69.0100 1,642 58.0700 Total, purchasers' prices 32 0300 22.830 19,487 130 27 1,735 1,940 756 1,683 1.841 8.865 1.029 1 95 1.379 6 3,343 2 209 140 2,972 20 Transportation costs and trade margins 62 0101 28. Mining and oilfield machinery 66.0100 65.0100 73.0302 2,905 17 4,142 1 87 165 3,870 19 42.0201 65.0500 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' pnces 8 0001 1,297 Transportation costs and trade 48.0100 69 0100 909 48.0200 23 48.0300 21. Ships and boats 45.0200 617 65.0301 48.0400 45.0300 175 650500 48.0600 Total, purchasers' pnces Total, producers' prices 61 0100 1,177 1,116 703 382 31 61 2 26 33 49.0100 73.0302 21 72 49.0800 81 0002 1 52.0200 Transportation costs and trade margins 65 0301 58.0700 61 0200 388 15 8. Instruments 73.0302 81 0002 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade 65 0500 23 350 Total, purchasers' prices 26,563 22,759 1,680 6,363 7,405 1,546 603 3,865 1.269 28 3.804 3 32 78 3,691 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 69 0100 ... 62 01 02 69 0100 62 0200 65.0301 69 0200 29. Service industry machinery 65.0500 69.0100 22. Railroad equipment 10 108 62.0600 69.0200 Total, producers' prices 8.116 62.1000 73 0302 15. General industrial, including materials handling, equipment Total, purchasers' prices Total producers' prices 3,010 2.858 2.648 206 4 152 24 11 8 109 50.0400 52.0100 41 497 81 0002 52.0200 307 Transportation costs and trade 61.0300 52.0300 2,594 65.0100 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 20.932 17,244 35 3,157 327 2.254 4,230 508 1.368 2,613 1,531 120 1,127 -26 3.688 1 232 99 3.356 73.0302 52.0400 648 81 0002 52.0500 3 329 Transportation costs and trade margins 65 0100 73.0302 45.0100 81.0002 46.0200 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0301 46.0300 1,992 46 0400 65 0500 49.0100 89 9. Photocopy and related equipment 69 0100 .. 65.0500 49.0300 24 69.0100 1 879 Total, purchasers' prices 12,571 9,277 1,406 6,915 904 52 3,294 43 15 2,557 679 49.0700 24. Furniture and fixtures Total, producers' prices 49.0800 50 0200 62.1000 30. Electrical equipment, n.e.c. 630300 73.0302 73.0302 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 22.0101 21.276 17.016 391 19 296 122 149 1.520 4,434 933 2,265 2,736 301 2,520 1.402 -72 4,260 18 135 26 3.965 116 Total, purchasers' pnces Total, producers' prices 54.0100 9,417 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade 8,102 Transportation costs and trade 22.0102 10 margins 22.0200 54.0200 65 65.0301 22.0300 54.0300 137 65.0500 22.0400 54.0400 78 69.0100 23.0100 54.0500 76 69.0200 23 0200 54.0700 8 16. Electrical transmission, distribution, and industrial apparatus 23 0300 55 0200 262 21 23 0400 55.0300 11. Fabricated metal products 23 0500 58.0100 172 23 0600 58 0600 427 Total, purchasers' prices Total, producers' prices 9,599 8,629 50 1,957 16 38 3,199 413 166 1.578 644 5 563 970 16 10S Total, purchasers' pnces 14.850 13,084 1.001 2,369 1.453 1,086 697 1,221 4.256 1,001 1,766 6 170 74 1.516 23 0700 58.0700 60 73 0302 62.0800 2,294 60200 81.0002 62.0900 3,831 27.0100 S^ 0200 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 73.0302 682 37.0402 53 0300 81.0002 -21 39.0200 53 0400 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 40.0600 53 0500 65.0301 1.315 40.0700 53 0800 65.0500 1 42.0202 62 1 1 00 69.0100 65.0301 57 42.0800 73 0302 690200 65.0500 32 42 1 1 00 Transportation costs and trade 69 0100 1 225 46 0300 25. Tractors 73.0302 65 0100 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 31. Other nonresidential equipment 6.726 4.188 2.087 69 0100 Total, producers' prices 44.0001 Total, purchasers' prices I 15,545 65 03(11 DETAILED TABLES 345 Table E.1. — Input-Output Commodity Composition of NIPA Producers' Durable Equipment Expenditures in Producers' and Purchasers' Prices — Continued [Millions of dollars] Total, producers' prices 17.0100 10,660 1,143 17.1100 8 20.0903 1 32.0300 13 32.0400 57 44.0001 821 44.0002 1,480 61.0500 36 61.0601 13 61.0700 959 64.0200 136 64.0400 1,222 64.1100 ... 2,900 64.1200 1,107 73.0302 81.0002 Transportation costs and trade margins 65.0100 65.0301 65.0500 69.0100 69.0200 857 -93 4,885 13 665 85 2,522 1,600 32. Less: sale of equipment scrap, excluding autos Total, purchasers' prices -2,006 Total, producers' prices 81.0001 -2,006 -2,006 33. Residential (landlord durables): Total, purchasers' prices .. Total, producers' prices 17.0100 17.1100 22.0101 22.0102 22.0200 22.0300 22.0400 5,921 3,760 1.182 10 80 4 60 16 31 32.0300 13 32.0400 2 54.0100 963 54.0200 1 053 54.0400 9 54.0700 269 56.0100 68 Transportation costs and trade margins 2 161 65.0100 13 65.0301 150 65.0500 1 69.0100 467 69.0200 1.530 P ^ N N STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES A0DDQq3DlESD3