655. L^iUi'Cyn^ jq-jcf^l^ PUBLICATIONS by the staff of the GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY It =^f^ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Environmental Research Laboratories Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Ann Arbor, Michigan June 1985 PUBLICATIONS BY THE STAFF OF THE GREAT LAKES ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY April 1974-March 1985 Dr. Eugene J. Aubert, Director June 1985 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research Environmental Research Laboratories Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory 2300 Washtenaw Avenue Ann Arbor, Michigan 4810A Telephones: Commercial: (313) 668-2235 FTS: 378-2235 U.S. Depository Copy NOTICE Mention of a commercial company or product does not constitute an endorsement by NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories. Use for publicity or advertising purposes of information from this publication concerning proprietary products or the tests of such products is not authorized. ii PEIEFACE The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) was established on April 25, 1974, to provide a focus for NOAA's environmental research on the Great Lakes. GLERL was formed by combining the staff of the International Field Year for the Great Lakes (IFYGL) Project Office, Rockville, Maryland, with the Limnology and Computer Divisions, Lake Survey Center, Detroit, Michigan. The Ann Arbor, Michigan, laboratory was opened in August 1974. GLERL 's functional statement is as follows: Conducts integrated, interdisciplinary environmental research in support of resource management and environmental services in coastal and estuarine waters with a special emphasis on the Great Lakes. The laboratory shall perform field, analytical, and labora- tory investigations to improve understanding and prediction of coastal and estuarine processes and interdependencies with the atmosphere, land, and sediments. It shall place special emphasis on a systems approach to problem-oriented environmental research in order to develop environmental service tools. It shall provide assistance to resource managers and others in obtaining and applying the information and services developed by the laboratory. This document lists all publications that include GLERL scientists as authors and were published from April 1974 through March 1985. The primary list of publications is alphabetized by senior author, followed by a secondary author cross-reference and finally a list alphabetized by title. A roster of the GLERL staff as of March 31, 1985, and an organizational chart are given in the appendix. GLERL will furnish complimentary copies of available publications to request- ing individuals and organizations as long as supplies last. Individuals and organizations may also request to have their names placed on any of several GLERL mailing lists to automatically receive new publications if they become available for free distribution. Every April and October, GLERL publishes a six-month publications update, which lists all new publications that have become available since the previous update. Interested parties should write to: Information Services Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory 2300 Washtenaw Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104 When requesting a publication, please reference the entire citation, not just the number by which it is listed in this document. iii Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/publicationsbystOOaube TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE iii PUBLICATIONS LISTED BY FIRST AUTHOR 1 GLERL SECONDARY AUTHORS CROSS-REFERENCE 44 PUBLICATIONS LISTED BY TITLE 53 Appendix: Personnel Roster as of March 31, 1985 96 PUBLICATIONS LISTED BY FIRST AUTHOR 1. Adams, C.E., Jr.* 1976. Estimating water temperatures and time of ice formation on the Saint Lawrence River. Limnot . Ooeanogv. 21:128-137. 2. Allender, J.H.^, and Saylor, J.H. 1979. Model and observed circulation throughout the annual temperature cycle of Lake Michigan. J. Phys . Ooeanogv. 9:573-579. 3. Almazan, J.A.^, and Pickett, R.L.* 1980. Water temperature. In IFYGL atlas — Lake Ontario summary data, ed. C.F. Jenkins, pp. 200-244. Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. 4. Assel, R.A. 1974. Great Lakes iae cover, winter 1973-74. NOAA Technical Report ERL 325-GLERL 1. 5. Assel, R.A. 1976. Great Lakes ice thickness prediction. J. Great Lakes Res. 2:248-255. 6. Assel, R.A. 1976. St. Lawrence River freeze-up forecast procedure. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-6. 7. Assel, R.A. 1980. Great Lakes degree-day and temperature summaries and norms, 1897-1977. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-15. 8. Assel, R.A. 1980. Maximum freezing degree-days as a winter severity index for the Great Lakes, 1897-1977. Mon. Wea. Rev. 108:1440-1445. 9. Assel, R.A. 1983. A computerized ice concentration data base for the Great Lakes, ^Q)kk Data Report ERL GLERL-24. 10. Assel, R.A. 1983. Description and analysis of a 20-year (1960-79) digital ice-concentration database for the Great Lakes of North America. Ann. Glaciol . 4:14-18. 11. Assel, R.A. 1983. Lake Erie regional ice cover analysis: Preliminary results. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-48. 12. Assel, R.A. 1983. Lake Superior bathythermograph data: 1973-79. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-25. 13. Assel, R.A. 1984. Sub-committee report: Summary of the discussion on ice information and forecasting. In Proceedings of the Great Lakes ice research workshop ^ ed. R.A. Assel and J.G. Lyon, pp. 65-71. Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. it No longer affiliated with this laboratory, 'Not affiliated with this laboratory. 14. Assel, R.A., and Qulnn, F.H. 1977. Fveliminary olassifiaation of Great Lakes winter severity, 1947-76. GLERL Open File Report. 15. Assel, R.A., Boyce, D.E.^, DeWitt, B.H."'", Wartha, J.H."'", and Keyes, F.A.' 1979. Summary of Great Lakes weather and iae conditions y winter 1977-78. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-26. 16. Assel, R.A., Quinn, F.H., Leshkevich, G.A., and Bolsenga, S.J. 1983. Great Lakes iee atlas. Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. 17. Assel, R.A., Snider, C.R.', and Lawrence, R.' 1984. Great Lakes winter weather and ice conditions for 1982-83. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-55. 18. Assel, R.A., and Lyon, J.G.', ed. 1984. Proceedings of the Great Lakes ice research workshop. Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. 19. Aubert, E.J. 1974. IFYGL: Scientific overview. In Proceedings, IFYGL symposium, 55th annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union^ pp. 8-21. Rockville: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 20. Aubert, E.J. 1976. The energy-related Great Lakes research program of the Department of Commerce. In Proceedings, second federal con- ference on Great Lakes y ed. J.S. Marshall, pp. 480-492. Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Basin Commission. 21. Aubert, E.J. 1976. Great Lakes. In 1976 McGraw-Hill yearbook of science and technology, ed. D.N. Lapedes, pp. 200-204. New York: McGraw-Hill. 22. Aubert, E.J. 1978. Cross-panel considerations. IFYGL Bull. 22:96-103. 23. Aubert, E.J. 1978. Relevance of IFYGL. Verh. Intemat. Verein. Limnol. 20:317-323. 24. Aubert, E.J. 1984. Advisory mechanisms supporting the mission of the IJC. In Review of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement — Working papers and discussion, pp. 68-86. Washington, DC: The Water Science and Technology Board, National Research Council, National Academy Press. 25. Aubert, E.J. 1984. Capabilities of various research organizations to provide information on Great Lakes water quality. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-52. 26. Aubert, E.J., Allen, H.E.', Roseborough, J.D.', and Watson, A.E.P.' 1976. Great Lakes water quality research needs, 1976. Windsor, ON: International Joint Commission. 27. Aubert, E.J., and Richards, T.L. 1981. Summary of accomplishments. In IFYGL — The Intevnational Field Year for the Great Lakes, ed. E.J. Aubert and T.L. Richards, pp. 367-384. Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. 28. Aubert, E.J., and Richards, LL."*", ed. 1981. IFYGL — The International Field Year for the Great Lakes. Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. 29. Baer, F.^, Rao, D.B.*, and Boudra, D.' 1976. Studies on numerical modeling and modifiaation of eyelone saale precipitation. Report prepared by the University of Michigan for the U.S. Army Research Office under Contract No. DAHC04-73-C-0001 . 30. Bell, G.L. 1978. Characteristics of the Oswego River plume and its influence on the nearshore environment. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-22. 31. Bell, G.L. 1980. Eastern Lake Ontario and Oswego and Rochester Harbors chemical and physical characteristics data for 1971. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-8. 32. Bell, G.L. 1980. Eastern Lake Superior chemical and physical characteristics data for 1968. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-5. 33. Bell, G.L. 1980. Lake Erie chemical and physical characteristics data for 1965. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-2. 34. Bell, G.L. 1980. Lake Erie chemical and physical characteristics data for 1967. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-4 . 35. Bell, G.L. 1980. Lake Huron chemical and physical characteristics data for 1966. "^Qkk Data Report ERL GLERL-3. 36. Bell, G.L. 1980. Lake Ontario chemical and physical characteristics data for 1972. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-9. 37. Bell, G.L. 1980. Lake St. Clair and St. Clair and Detroit Rivers chem- ical and physical characteristics data for 1974. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-12. 38. Bell, G.L. 1980. Northern Lake Michigan chemical and physical characteristics data for 1970. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-7. 39. Bell, G.L. 1980. Oswego Harbor, New York, chemical and physical characteristics data for 1972. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-10. 40. Bell, G.L. 1980. Southern Lake Michigan chemical and physical characteristics data for 1975. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-13. 41. Bell, G.L. 1980. Straits of Mackinac chemical and physical character- istics data for 1973. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-U. 42. Bell, G.L. 1980. Western Lake Superior ehemical and physiaat oharaet eristics data for 1969. NOAA Data Report ERL GLERL-6. 43. Bell, G.L., and Eadie, B.J. 1983. Variation in the distribution of suspended particles during an upwelling event in Lake Michigan in 1980. J. Great Lakes Res. 9:559-567. 44. Bennett, E.B.', and Saylor, J.H. 1974. IFYGL water movement program — A post field work review. In Vroaeedings , IFYGL symposium^ 55th annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, pp. 102-127. Rockville: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 45. Bennett, E.B.^, and Saylor, J.H. 1977. Physical limnology. In The waters of Lake Huron and Lake Superior, vol. Ill, part B: Lake Superior, ed. Upper Lakes Reference Group, pp. 249-276. Windsor, ON: International Joint Commission. 46. Bennett, J.R. 1911 . A model of Lake Ontario's circulation. IFYGL Bull. 21:38-43. 47. Bennett, J.R. 1978. A three-dimensional model of Lake Ontario's summer circulation. II. A diagnostic study. J. Phys. Ooeanogr. 8:1095-1103. 48. Bennett, J.R., and Magnell, B.A.^ 1979. A dynamical analysis of currents near the New Jersey coast. J. Geophys. Res. 84:1165-1175. 49. Bennett, J.R., and Schwab, D.J. 1981. Calculation of the rotational normal modes of oceans and lakes with general orthogonal coor- dinates. J. Comput. Phys. 44:359-376. 50. Bennett, J.R., Clites, A.H., and Schwab, D.J. 1983. A two-dimensional lake circulation modeling system: Programs to compute particle tra- jectories and the motions of dissolved substances. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-46. 51. Bolsenga, S.J. 1975. Estimating energy budget components to determine Lake Huron evaporation. Water Resour. Res. 11:661-666. 52. Bolsenga, S.J. 1976. Lake Huron surface water temperature, May- November 1966. Water Resour. Bull. 12:147-156. 53. Bolsenga, S.J. 1977. Lake-land precipitation relationships using northern Lake Michigan data. J. Appl. Meteorol . 16:1158-1164. 54. Bolsenga, S.J. 1977. Preliminary observations on the daily variation of ice albedo. J. Glaciol . 18:517-521. 55. Bolsenga, S.J. 1977. The radiation balance over a continuous snow sur- face: A review. GLERL Open File Report. 56. Bolsenga, S.J. 1978. On the use of multispectral radar to define cer- tain characteristics of Great Lakes ice. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-17. 57. Bolsenga, S.J. 1978. Photosynthetiaatty active radiation transmission through iae. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-18. 58. Bolsenga, S.J. 1978. Spectral distribution of radiation in the northern Great Lakes during winter. J. Great Lakes Res. 4:226-229. 59. Bolsenga, S.J. 1978. A technique for estimating monthly global radiation. Water Resour. Bull. 14:679-688. 60. Bolsenga, S.J. 1979. Determining overwater precipitation from overland data: The methodological controversy analyzed. J. Great Lakes Res. 5:301-311. 61. Bolsenga, S.J. 1979. Solar altitude effects on ice albedo. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-25. 62. Bolsenga, S.J. 1980. Yiew observations on the daily Variations of natural ice albedo. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-27. 63. Bolsenga, S.J. 1981. Radiation transmittance through lake ice in the 400-700 nm range. J. Glaciol. Tl'.51-^h, 64. Bolsenga, S.J. 1981. Spectral reflectances of freshwater ice and snow from 340 through 1100 nm. Ph.D. dissertation, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. University Microfilms. 65. Bolsenga, S.J. 1982. Mathematical models of slope development — A review. GLERL Open File Report. 66. Bolsenga, S.J. 1983. Spectral reflectances of snow and freshwater ice from 340 through 1100 nm. J. Glaciol. 29:296-305. 67. Bolsenga, S.J. 1984. Nearshore Great Lakes ice thicknesses and strati- graphics. In Proceedings of the Great Lakes ice research workshop^ ed. R.A. Assel and J.G. Lyon, pp. 23-30. Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. 68. Bolsenga, S.J. 1984. Shortwave reflectance and transmittance of ice and snow. In Proceedings of the Great Lakes ice research workshop, ed. R.A. Assel and J.G. Lyon, pp. 10-22. Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. 69. Bolsenga, S.J., and Norton, D.C. 1975. Eastern Lake Ontario precipita- tion network. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-5. 70. Bolsenga, S.J., and Hagman, J.C.* 1975. On the selection of represen- tative stations for Thiessen polygon networks to estimate Lake Ontario over-water precipitation. IFYGL Bull. 16:57-62. 71. Bolsenga, S.J., and Kistler, R.D. 1982. A dual spectroradiometer system for measuring spectral reflectances. J. Appl . Meteorol . 21:642-647. 72. Bolsenga, S.J., and Greene, G.M. 1984. Techniques to measure the spectral reflectance of ice. SPIE 489:384-391. 73. Bowers, J. A.', and Vanderploeg, H.A. 1982. In situ predatory behavior of Mysis veliata in Lake Michigan. Hydrobiologia 93:121-131. 74. Bowling, J.W.', Leversee, G.J.\ Landrum, P.F., and Giesy, J. P.* 1983. Acute mortality of anthracene-contaminated fish exposed to sunlight. Aquat. Toxicol. 3:79-90. 75. Boyd, J.D.* 1979. A surface spill model for the Great Lakes. GLERL Open File Report. 76. Boyd, J.D. 1980. Metalimnetic oxygen minima in Lake Ontario, 1972. J. Great Lakes Res. 6:95-100. 77. Boyd, J.D.*, and Eadie, B.J. 1977. Evaluation of U.S. IFYGL chemical data at the master stations. IFYGL Bull. 21:49-61. 78. Boyd, J.D. , and Eadie, B.J. 1978. Temperature and dissolved oxygen data for Lake Ontario, 1972 (IFYGL). NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-21. 79. Bradbury, J.?."!", Tarapchak, S.J., Waddington, J.C.B.''', and Wright, R.F.''' 1975. The impact of a forest fire on a wilderness lake in north- eastern Minnesota. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol . 19:875-883. 80. Braster, R.E.', Chapra, S.C.*, and Nossa, G.A.' 1975. A computer program for the steady-state water quality simulation of a stream network. Documentation for SNSIMl/2. New York: Environmental Protection Agency. 81. Callahan, C.J.', McCulloch, J.A.W.', Aubert, E.J., and Rasmusson, E.M.' 1976. IFYGL rawinsonde data acquisition system. IFYGL Technical Manual No. 6. 82. Chambers, R.L. , and Upchurch, S.B.' 1979. Multivariate analysis of sedimentary environments using grain-size frequency distributions. Math. Geol. 11:27-43. 83. Chambers, R.L.*, and Eadie, B.J. 1980. Nearshore chemistry in the vicinity of the Grand River, Michigan. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-28. 84. Chambers, R.L. , Eadie, B.J., and Rao, D.B. 1980. Role of nepheloid layers in the cycling of particulate matter. Coast. Ooeanogr. Climatol. News 2:32-33. 85. Chambers, R.L. , and Eadie, B.J. 1981. Nepheloid and suspended par- ticulate matter in southeastern Lake Michigan. Sedimentology 28:439-447. 86. Chapra, S.C.* 1975. Comment on "An Empirical Method of Estimating the Retention of Phosphorus In Lakes" by W.B. Klrchner and P.J. Dillon. Water Resouv. Res. 11:1033-1034. 87. Chapra, S.C.* 1977. Total phosphorus model for the Great Lakes. J. Environ. Eng . Div., ASCE 103:147-161. 88. Chapra, S.C* 1978. Closure for "Total Phosphorus Model for the Great Lakes." J. Environ. Eng. Div., ASCE EE6 : 1309-1310. 89. Chapra, S.C. 1979. Applying phosphorus loading models to embayments. Limnol. Ooeanogr. 24:163-168. 90. Chapra, S.C. 1980. Application of phosphorus loading models to river- run lakes and other incompletely mixed systems. In Restoration of lakes and inland waters^ Report No. EPA 440/5-81-010, pp. 329-334. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 91. Chapra, S.C. 1980. Application of the phosphorus loading concept to the Great Lakes. In Phosphorus management strategies for lakes, ed. R.C. Loehr, C.S. Martin, and W. Rast, pp. 135-152. Ann Arbor: Ann Arbor Science. 92. Chapra, S.C. 1980. Simulation of recent and projected total phosphorus trends in Lake Ontario. J. Great Lakes Res, 6:101-112. 93. Chapra, S.C. 1982. A budget model accounting for the positional availability of phosphorus in lakes. Water Res. 16:205-209. JL 94. Chapra, S.C. 1982. Long-term models of interactions between solids and contaminants in lakes. Ph.D. dissertation, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. University Microfilms. 95. Chapra, S.C. , and Nossa, G.A.' 1974. A eomputer program for the modeling of water quality parameters in steady-state multi- dimensional natural aquatic systems. Documentation for HAR03. New York: Environmental Protection Agency. JL 96. Chapra, S.C. , and Tarapchak, S.J. 1976. A chlorophyll a model and its relationship to phosphorus loading plots for lakes. Water Resour. Res. 12:1260-1264. JL JL 97. Chapra, S.C. , and Robertson, A. 1977, Great Lakes eutrophication: The effect of point source control of total phosphorus. Science 196:1448-1450. 98. Chapra, S.C.*, and Reckhow, K.H.^ 1979. Expressing the phosphorus loading concept in probabilistic terms. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 99. Chapra, S.C. , and Sonzognl, W.C. 1979. Great Lakes total phosphorus budget for the mid-1970 's. J. Water Follut . Control Fed. 51:2524-2533. 100. Chapra, S.C.*, and Dobson, H.F.H.^ 1981. Quantification of the lake trophic typologies of Naumann (surface quality) and Thienemann (oxygen) with special reference to the Great Lakes. J. Great Lakes Res. 7:182-193. 101. Chapra, S.C.*, Scavia, D. , Lang, G.A. , and Reckhow, K.H.^ 1983. Nutrient food chain models. In Engineering approaches for take management^ vol. 2: Meohanistio modeling, ed. S.C. Chapra and K.H. Reckhow, pp. 243-351. Boston: Butterworth Publishers. 102. Chapra, S.C.*, and Reckhow, K.H.', ed. 1983. Engineering approaches for lake management, vol. 2: Mechanistic modeling. Boston: Butterworth Publishers. 103. Cline, J.T.^, and Chambers, R.L.* 1977. Spatial and temporal distribu- tion of heavy metals in lake sediments near Sleeping Bear Point, Michigan. J. Sediment. Petrol. 47:716-727. 104. Croley, T.E. , II. 1980. Hydrologic and hydraulic calculation in BASIC for small computers, Iowa City, lA: The University of Iowa, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research. 105. Croley, T.E., II. 1980. Synthetia-hydrograph computations on small programmable calculators. Iowa City, lA: The University of Iowa, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research. 106. Croley, T.E., II. 1982. Great Lakes Basins runoff modeling. NCAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-39. 107. Croley, T.E., II. 1982. A tank-cascade runoff model for large forested basins. In Proceedings, Canadian hydrology symposium '82: Hydrological processes of forested areas y pp. 419-440. Ottawa, ON: Associate Committee on Hydrology, National Research Council Canada. 108. Croley, T.E., II. 1982. Unsteady overland sedimentation. J. Hydrol. 56:325-346. 109. Croley, T.E., II. 1983. Great Lakes basins (U.S. A. -Canada) runoff modeling. J. Hydrol. 64:135-158. 110. Croley, T.E., II. 1983. Lake Ontario Basin (U.S. A. -Canada) runoff modeling. J. Hydrol. 66:101-121. 111. Croley, T.E., II. 1983. Lake Superior Basin runoff modeling. GLERL Open File Report. 112. Croley, T.E., II. 1983. Sediment dynamics in unsteady nonprismatic rills. In Proceedings, conference on frontiers in hydraulic engi- neering y ed. H.T. Shen, pp. 127-132. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers. 113. Croley, T.E., II, and Hunt, B.^ 1981. Multiple-valued and non- convergent solutions in kinematic cascade models. J. Hydrol. 49:121-138. 114. Croley, T.E., II, Glaquinta, A.R.^, and Woodhouse , R.A.''' 1981. River thermal standard costs in the upper midwest. J. Energy Div . , ASCE 107:65-77. 115. Croley, T.E., II, Carvey, D.G.^, and Robb, J.G.^ 1982. Watershed eval- uation and research system application. In Apvti&d modeling in eatahment hydrology, ed. V. P. Singh, pp. 229-258. Littleton, CO: Water Resources Publications. 116. Croley, T.E., II, and Hartmann, H.C. 1983. Lake Ontario Basin runoff modeling, NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-43. 117. Croley, T.E., II, and Hartmann, H.C. 1984. Lake Superior Basin runoff modeling. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-50. 118. Croley, T.E., II, and Foster, G.R.^ 1984. Unsteady sedimentation in nonuniform rills. J. Hydrol. 70:101-122. 119. Croley, T.E., II, and Hartmann, H.C. 1985. Resolving Thiessen poly- gons. J. Hydrol. 76:363-379. 120. Cutchin, D.L.', and Rao, D.B.* 1976. Baroelinic and barotrophie edge waves on a continental shelf. Special Report No. 30 prepared by the Department of Energetics and Center for Great Lakes Studies, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 121. Danek, L.J.*, and Saylor, J.H. 1975. Saginaw Bay water eiveulation. NOAA Technical Report ERL 359-GLERL 6. 122. Danek, L.J. , and Saylor, J.H. 1977. Measurement of the summer currents in Saginaw Bay, Michigan. J. Great Lakes Res. 3:65-71. 123. Dannelongue, H.H.^, Meadows, G.A.^, and Pickett, R.L.* 1981. The growth and decay of nearshore circulation. In Proceedings of mechanics of oil slicks conference, pp. 107-120. Paris, France: International Association for Hydraulic Research. 124. Derecki, J. A. 1975. Evaporation from Lake Erie. NOAA Technical Report ERL 342-GLERL 3. 125. Derecki, J. A. 1976. Heat storage and advection in Lake Erie. Water Resour. Res. 12:1144-1150. 126. Derecki, J. A. 1976. Hydrometeorology : Climate and hydrology of the Great Lakes. In Great Lakes Basin framework study, appendix 4: Limnology of lakes and embayments, ed. A. P. Pinsak, pp. 71-104. Ann Arbor: Great Lakes Basin Commission. 127. Derecki, J. A. 1976. Lake Erie terrestrial radiation. Water Resour. Res. 12:979-984. 128. Derecki, J. A. 1976. Multiple estimates of Lake Erie evaporation. J. Great Lakes Res. 2:124-149. 129. Derecki, J. A. 1978. Description of the method used by the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory to determine flows in the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers for the River Flow Subcommittee. GLERL Open File Report. 130. Derecki, J. A. 1978. Evaporation from Lake St. Clair. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-23. 131. Derecki, J. A. 1979. Note on estimates of Lake St. Clair evaporation. J. Great Lakes Res. 5:216-220. 132. Derecki, J, A. 1980. Evaporation from Lake Superior. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-29. 133. Derecki, J. A. 1981. Operational estimates of Lake Superior evaporation based on IFYGL findings. Water Resour. Res. 17:1453-1462. 134. Derecki, J. A. 1981. Stability effects on Great Lakes evaporation. J. Great Lakes Res. 7:357-362. 135. Derecki, J. A. 1982. Effect of channel changes in the St. Clair River since 1900. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-40. 136. Derecki, J. A. 1982. Effect of the 1981 Fort Gratiot gage modifications on the hydraulic regime of the St. Clair River. GLERL Open File Report. 137. Derecki, J. A. 1983. Travel times in the Great Lakes connecting chan- nels. GLERL Open File Report. 138. Derecki, J. A. 1984. Detroit River physical and hydraulic charac- teristics. GLERL Open File Report. 139. Derecki, J. A. 1984. St. Clair River physical and hydraulic charac- teristics. GLERL Open File Report. 140. Derecki, J. A. 1984. St. Marys River physical and hydraulic charac- teristics. GLERL Open File Report. 141. Derecki, J.A. , and Potok, A. J.* 1978. Hydrometeorological data system for the Great LakeSy appendix D: Evaluation of runoff simulation for southeast Michigan with SSARR watershed model. Chicago: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Central District. JL 142. Derecki, J.A., and Potok, A.J. 1979. Regional runoff simulation for southeast Michigan. Water Resour. Bull. 15:1418-1429. 143. Derecki, J.A. , and Kelley, R.N. 1981. Improved St. Clair River dynamic flow models and comparison analysis, NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-34. 10 144. DeWitt, B.H.^, Kahlbaum, D.F."^, Baker, D.G.^, Wartha, J.H."^, Keyes, F.A.^, Boyce, D.E.^, Quinn, F.H., Assel, R.A., Baker-Blocker, A.^, and Kurdziel, K.M.' 1980. Summary of Great Lakes weather and -tae conditions y winter 1978-79. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-31. 145. Donovan, M.''^, Job, CA."*", and Sonzogni, W.C* 1981. The Milwaukee pollution case — Implications for water resources planning. Water Resour. Bull, 17:23-28. 146. Doughty, B.C.*, Kessenich, T.A.*, and Liu, P.C. 1978. Surface Wave data recorded in Lake Michigan during 1973 and 1975-77, NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-19. 147. Eadie, B.J. 1979. Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on the Great Lakes. In Carbon dioxide effects research and assessment program: Workshop on environmental and societal consequences of a possible CO2 induced climate change y pp. 237-250. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy. 148. Eadie, B.J. 1981. An equilibrium model for the partitioning of synthe- tic organic compounds: Formulation and calibration, NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL GLERL-35. 149. Eadie, B.J. 1984. Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Great Lakes. In Toxic contaminants in the Great Lakes, ed. J.O. Nriagu and M.S. Simmons, pp. 195-211. Wiley Series in Environmental Science and Technology, ed. J.O. Nriagu, vol. 14. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 150. Eadie, B.J., and Robertson, A.* 1976. An IFYGL carbon budget for Lake Ontario. J, Great Lakes Res, 2:307-323. 151. Eadie, B.J., Chambers, R.L.*, Malczyk, J.M., and Langston, A.L.* 1978. The effect of the Grand River spring runoff on Lake Michigan. International Joint Commission Technical Report. 152. Eadie, B.J., Jeffrey, L.M.^, and Sackett, W.M."!" 1978. Some obser- vations on the stable carbon isotope composition of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in the marine environment. Geochim, Cosmochim, Acta 42:1265-1269. 153. 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