44 <£ / <*£ the nmsnvAmA statr »ocvuz m S£C X Information Sources for LOCATING INDUSTRIAL ranrBMW liburx focmtms sficj PROSPECTS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE /Area Redevelopment Administration v^ Information Sources for LOCATING INDUSTRIAL PROSPECTS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Luther H. Hodges, Secretary AREA REDEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION William L. Batt, Jr., Administrator Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/informationsourcOOunit FOREWORD An essential step for any redevelopment area seeking to expand or diversify its economy is to locate growing firms that plan to establish branch plants. By contacting prospects that are suited to local resources and needs, a redevelopment organization can boost its efforts to create new jobs for area workers. This guide, another in the Area Redevelopment Book- shelf of Community Aids, suggests sources of information on new plant developments and tells how to prepare a roster of industrial prospects. It includes a selected list of industrial and business directories. Information Sources for Locating Industrial Prospects was prepared in the Office of Planning and Research. William L. Batt, Jr., Administrator Area Redevelopment Administration CONTENTS Locating Industrial Prospects 1 Where to Get Information on New Plant Expansions 2 Other Things to Do to Locate Prospects 4 General and Specialized Periodical Directories 6 General Directories 7 Specialized Directories Building Materials and Supplies 8 Chemicals and Related Products 9 Chinaware and Glass 10 Construction Equipment 10 Containers, Packaging and Materials Handling Equipment 10 Electrical Equipment 11 Electronics and Communications 11 Food Products 12 Hobbycrafts, Novelties and Toys 13 Industrial Machinery and Equipment 13 Leather and Leather Products 15 Lumber and Wood Products 16 Metalworking and Metal Products 16 Office Appliances and Supplies 17 Paper and Paper Products 17 Plastics 18 Rubber and Rubber Products 18 Scientific and Precision Instruments 18 Textiles 19 Transportation Equipment 20 Water and Waste Engineering Equipment 21 Miscellaneous Products 22 LOCATING INDUSTRIAL PROSPECTS A COMMUNITY that only recently had organized to locate new industry heard that a certain drug manufacturer was planning to build a branch plant. Without first finding out the specific resource needs of this firm, the local development group plunged immediately into expen- sive, time-consuming efforts to acquire the new facility. How startled the community was, then, when it learned that the proposed plant's water requirements would necessitate more than doubling the existing water "apply, something the local tax base simply could not support. Wiser for its experience, the community renewed its search — this time, however, for an industry its resources could safely accommodate. When a major plant in a single-industry town closed its doors and sent male unemployment soaring, public officials set out in hectic search of a new employer. Soon thereafter, plans were well under way to obtain a firm that employed predominantly female labor! Fortunately, the error was caught in time. Negotiations were cancelled without harm to either party, but the community realized with what little care it had tried to solve its unemployment problem. It is clear from these case examples that a redevelopment area com- munity is ready to prepare a list of industrial prospects only when it has determined two things: • What resources it has that industry wants • Which industries are best fitted to use local resources and satisfy com- munity job-development needs. Information on worker skills, raw materials, transportation facilities and other community resources of interest to prospective industry is collected during preparation of the redevelopment area's overall economic development program. Guidance in analyzing this information and in determining which industries could most effectively use local resources and provide vitally needed new jobs is available from a number of public and private agen- cies: The Area Redevelopment Administration, through its Field Co- ordinators; the official State economic development agency; industrial development departments of utilities and railroads serving the area; economic research institutes; industrial location firms; and the business research departments of nearby colleges and universities. Locational advantages that have consistently proven beneficial to firms already in the area will suggest other types of industry that also might benefit from these same advantages or resources. Where to Get Information on New Plant Expansions In making up a list of industrial prospects, a community redevelop- ment group will be able to identify only a portion of them initially by name and address. Most industrial firms that are actively planning con- struction of branch plants avoid publicizing their intentions until they have definitely selected a plant site. Therefore, the redevelopment group must compile its list of prospects in part by deducing intentions of expan- sion from verbal or published information sources. In many instances, expanding industries obtain assistance from public or private agencies in their search for suitable branch plant locations. Until authorized to identify the industrial contact by name, the assisting agency can inform a community only that a firm manufacturing a specified product and with specified location requirements is interested in it, and can act as a go-between pending the firm's decision whether to locate in that community. Once the prospect is prepared to negotiate arrangements for locating in a particular community, it will identify itself, usually with the under- standing that there will be no publicity until final arrangements satis- factory to both industry and community have been concluded. The following are prime sources for locating industrial prospects. Business newspapers and magazines Business newspapers such as the "Journal of Commerce," "Wall Street Journal," and "Commercial and Financial Chronicle," and the business section of the "New York Times" contain news of proposed industrial expansion plans. The "Commercial and Financial Chronicle," for example, lists proposed new stock offerings of corporations and often identifies the purpose as "new plant" or "plant expansion." Articles on growth industries in such magazines as "Fortune" and "Business Week," and new-product columns, contract award information and similar news items may indicate the existence of plant expansion plans. State economic development agencies Firms considering new plant construction often contact State economic development agencies for data on the industrial assets and locational advantages of specific communities. Railroad companies Many railroads have formed their own industrial development depart- ments and actively seek prospects to locate at sites serviced by their lines. Companies that require rail facilities for moving materials and finished products frequently consult railroads on their site selection problems. Electric and gas utility companies These companies receive inquiries from manufacturers on the avail- ability and costs of power and fuel gas in specific areas. Many utilities actively promote industrial development and maintain extensive area development files on individual communities and prospects. Banks Firms considering new plant locations often contact local or regional banks for information on area resources and the advantages for their industry in locating in a particular community. Industrial realtors Manufacturers and distributors engage industrial realtors to locate and secure sites and industrial buildings. Substantial information on indus- trial expansion plans is regularly exchanged through the nationwide Society of Industrial Realtors (SIR). Engineering firms Some engineering firms specialize in plant location services for indus- trial clients. Such consulting firms keep on file facts about various com- munities and areas. In some cases they undertake to locate prospects for a community on a retainer basis. Local manufacturing, wholesale, and retail executives; purchasing agents; sales managers and salesmen; advertising directors and other key business officials These people are in frequent contact with other companies, attend industry and association meetings and conferences, and hear of firms considering expansion into new areas. Wholesalers often enter manu- facturing operations themselves. Editors and writers of business periodicals and trade journals Through regular contact with representatives of industry and trade, business editors and writers often learn of plant-expansion plans. Trade association executives These executives are likely to learn of plant expansions being con- sidered by the industries they represent. Since a redevelopment area community often must rely heavily on intermediaries in locating industrial prospects, the industry committee should establish continuing relations with its State economic development agency, the industrial development departments of railroads and utilities serving the area, local and regional banks, industrial realtors, engineer- ing firms, and other public and private agencies to which expansion- minded companies go for advice and information on plant location. The committee should file with these agencies brochures describing community resources and advantages for certain types of industry, and periodically exchange them for updated editions. Other Things to Do to Locate Prospects • Call on the nearest regional headquarters of manufacturing firms doing business on a nationwide scale. Many development groups have been successful in obtaining branch plants by presenting their locational advan- tages to such regional offices. • List new plants that have been attracted to other parts of the State within the last several years and are of the type suited to community resources and job needs. Then contact other firms of the same industrial types that have not yet located in the redevelopment area and for which there are adequate or growing market opportunities. • Advertise available industrial sites, factory buildings, and warehouse facilities in financial newspapers, industrial trade journals, and the busi- ness sections of metropolitan newspapers. The type of facility available will determine the appropriate trade journals to select for this purpose. For recent listings of periodicals, see: Ayer Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals, 1963 N. W. Ayer and Son, Inc., West Washington Square, Philadelphia 6, Pa. Annual. $30.00. Lists newspapers and periodicals of U.S. and Canada, with descriptions of localities in which they are published. U I rich's Periodicals Directory, 10th Edition, 1963 R. R. Bowker Co., 62 W. 45th St., New York 36, N.Y. $22.50. Lists periodicals by title and subject. • List companies securing large prime defense or other Federal Govern- ment contract awards. Companies that receive large orders in comparison with previous dollar volume of business may be considering plans for new plants. Prime contract awards may be compiled from the "Com- merce Business Daily," available from U.S. Department of Commerce, Administrative Services Office, New Post Office Bldg., Chicago, 111., for $20 a year by regular mail, $62 by airmail. • Contact suitable industries through mailing lists. "National Mailing- List Houses" is a directory of compilers and brokers of mailing lists of national scope. These firms sell or rent selected mailing lists of all types of industry. A single copy of "National Mailing-List Houses," Small Business Bibliography No. 29, may be obtained on request to Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C. 20416, and SBA Field Offices. • Study industry growth trends, and contact firms in growth industries suited to community resources and needs. Specialized publications that indicate trends in specific industries are: The U.S. Industrial Outlook for 1964 Prepared by U.S. Department of Commerce. Available from Super- intendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washing- ton, D.C. 20402 and Department of Commerce Field Offices. $1.75. Covers outlook for about 100 major industries. Business 1 Plans for New Plants and Equipment Department of Economics, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 330 West 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Annual. 50 cents. Industry Surveys Standard and Poor's Corp., 345 Hudson St., New York 14, N.Y. Annual. $192. Cover 46 industry groups with quarterly current sur- veys. Most likely available for reference at principal metropolitan area libraries. • Select names and addresses of leading firms to contact from industrial directories. Firms in distant areas may be considering the need to locate branch plants near the redevelopment area community to serve markets in that region more adequately. For this reason, the list of prospects should include firms not now located in or near the redevelopment area. Indus- tries selected should be of a type in which the community is interested and for which it has decided location advantages. Information on the reliability and financial rating of individual concerns is available from private mercantile credit reporting agencies, banks, credit bureaus, and better business bureaus. 736-834 O - 64 GENERAL AND SPECIALIZED PERIODICAL DIRECTORIES Industrial directories are valuable sources of information, not only or names and addresses of companies and their products, but frequently also on processes, types of equipment used, marketing and technical data, and related trade and professional organizations. The industrial committee of a community seeking branch plants should know what directories are available and where they can most readily be consulted. Most directories can be purchased, but a few are available only on a loan basis. Local and regional banks, large business firms, and university libraries often file some of the general industrial directories and those pertaining directly to their business or research activities. For other directories, the industrial committee may have to go to large public libraries, trade associations, newspapers and publish- ing houses in major cities of their own or a neighboring State. Each State has now prepared a directory of its industrial firms, their locations, products and related information. For a listing of these directories, see: Industrial Directories American Marketing Association, 27 E. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. 1963. $2. Lists State industrial directories, giving title, latest date of issue, publisher and address, price, and frequency of publication. Costs of directories vary greatly. Investment in any one directory must be balanced against such factors as the financial resources of the redevelopment area organization, the cost involved in traveling to where the directory may otherwise be consulted, and how closely the directory's subject relates to community redevelopment needs. A partial list of periodical industrial directories follows. Contents, prices, and frequency of publication are subject to change without notice. For maximum accuracy, every effort should be made to refer to the latest edition. General Directories Fortune Plant and Product Directory Fortune, 49 West 45th Street, New York 36, N.Y. $90. Covers 1,000 largest U.S. industrial corporations, accounting for 15,000 separate manufacturing plants. In two volumes: Vol. 1 contains company and geographical sections and product index. Vol. 2 contains product section and product index. Data include company plants, their addresses and products. Guide to American Directories B. Klein & Co., 23 E. 22nd St., New York 10, N.Y. Biennial. $25. Describes major business directories arranged according to subject. MacRae's Blue Book MacRae's Blue Book Co., 18 E. Huron St., Chicago 11, 111. Annual. $20. Gives alphabetical and classified lists of manufacturers and pro- ducers. Includes separate address and trade-name section. Media-Market Planning Guide Industrial Marketing, 740 Rush St., Chicago 11, 111. Semi-annual. Available through $3 annual subscription to Industrial Marketing or at $1.50 a copy if available. Lists publications serving industries or industry groups and cites their related directory or buyers guide issues. Middle Market Directory Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., 99 Church St., New York 8, N.Y. Annual, with twice-yearly supplements. Loaned on subscription basis: $98.50. Covers over 15,000 business enterprises with indicated net worth of $500,000 to $1 million. Includes alphabetical, geographical, and product listings. Gives name of business, address, number of employees, and names of executives. Million Dollar Directory Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., 99 Church St., New York 8, N.Y. Annual, with twice-yearly supplements. Loaned on subscription basis: $98.50. Covers top 25,000 businesses with indicated net worth of $1 million or more. Includes alphabetical, geographical, and product listings. Gives name of business, address, number of employees, and names of execu- tives. Moody's Manuals Moody's Investors Service, 99 Church St., New York 7, N.Y. Annual issue of each manual, with twice-weekly looseleaf supplements. Industrials — $124; Public Utilities — $90; Transportation — $90; Banks and Finance — $94. Provide information on corporations in which there is public investment interest. Names subsidiaries and personnel. Poor's Register of Directors and Executives Standard and Poor's Corp., 345 Hudson St., New York 14, N.Y. Annual. $84 per year on lease; $100 per year on sale. Gives names and addresses of directors and executives of 27,000 nationally known companies, with principal products and annual sales range. Includes product, geographical, and classified indexes. Reference Book of Dun and Bradstreet Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., 99 Church St., New York 8, N.Y. Bi- monthly. Loaned under annual contract agreements; price on applica- tion. Lists, by States and cities, names and financial ratings of manu- facturers, wholesalers, retailers, and banks. Regional editions available. Sales Management Directory of Plants Sales Management, 630 Third Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Biennial, in even-numbered years. $48. Lists 12,000 manufacturing plants with over 250 employees by State and 4-digit SIC number. Includes employment data and product descriptions. Standard Corporation Records Standard and Poor's Corp., 345 Hudson St., New York 14, N.Y. Annual, kept up to date through bimonthly revisions and daily supple- ments. $348. With monthly revisions only, $204. Provide financial information on corporations and their securities. Include names and addresses of officers and directors. Thomas 1 Register of American Manufacturers Thomas Publishing Co., 461 Eighth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. Annual, in five volumes. $20 per set. Classifies manufacturers by kind of product and location, with addresses and ratings. Includes alphabetical listing of registered trade names. Specialized Directories Building Materials and Supplies Building Materials Merchandiser Buying and Product Data File Vance Publishing Corp., 59 E. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. Annual. $3. Lists manufacturers of products used by lumber and building materials dealers. Building Supply News Directory Issue Cahners Publishing Co., Inc., 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 3, 111. Annual. $2.50. Lists manufacturers of building supplies, materials, lumber yard equipment, and building contractors' equipment. Kitchen Industry Directory and Products Guide Gralla Publications, 566 7th Ave., New York 18, N.Y. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of kitchen cabinets and other built-in kitchen products and appliances. Materials in Design Engineering Selector Issue Reinhold Publishing Corp., 430 Park Ave., New York 22, N.Y. Annual. Available through $3 annual subscription to Materials in Design Engineering. Lists manufacturers of engineering materials (ferrous, nonferrous, plastic), finishings, composite materials, and fastening materials. Pit and Quarry Directory Pit and Quarry Publications, Inc., 431 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, 111. Annual. $30. Lists companies in cement, gypsum, lime, crushed stone, sand and gravel, and other nonmetallic mineral industries; gives executives' names. Window Vues Buyers Directory Issue Window Vues, Box 7074, 3039 Townsend Drive, Ft. Worth, Texas. Annual. Available through $2 annual subscription to Window Vues. Lists manufacturers of Venetian blinds and suppliers to the industry. Chemicals and Related Products American Druggist Blue Book American Druggist Blue Book, 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N.Y. Annual. $9. Lists drug manufacturers. Che mica/ Guide to the U.S. Noyes Development Corp., 38 E. 57th St., New York 22, N.Y. Annual. $15. Lists major chemical concerns in U.S.; gives executives' names. Chemical Materials Catalog Reinhold Publishing Corp., 430 Park Ave., New York 22, N.Y. Annual. $15. Lists manufacturers of chemicals and related materials. Chemical Week Buyers Guide Issue McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 330 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Annual. Available through $3 annual subscription to Chemical Week. Lists chemical manufacturers and suppliers. Commercial Fertilizer Yearbook Walter W. Brown Publishing Co., Inc., 75 3rd St., N.W. Atlanta 8, Ga. $10. Lists fertilizer manufacturers and basic materials producers; gives executives' names. Drug Topics Pink Book Directory Topics Publishing Co., Inc., 10 E. 15th St., New York 3, N.Y. Biennial, in even-numbered years. $8. Lists drug manufacturers and their products. Drug Topics Red Book Topics Publishing Co., Inc., 10 E. 15th St., New York 3, N.Y. Annual. $9. Lists manufacturers of drug store products. Farm Chemicals Handbook Ware Brothers, 37841 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, Ohio. Annual. $10. Lists manufacturers of farm chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, and plant foods, and sources of equipment and supplies required by farm chemicals firms; gives executives' names. Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter, Buyers Directory Schnell Publishing Co., Inc., 30 Church St., New York 7, N.Y. Annual. Available through $5 annual subscription to Oil, Paint, and Drug Reporter. Lists manufacturers, products, and suppliers. Soap and Chemical Specialties Blue Book and Catalog Soap and Chemical Specialties, 254 W. 31st St., New York 1, N.Y. Annual. Available through $4 annual subscription to Soap and Chem- icals Specialties. Lists manufacturers, converters and repackers of soaps, detergents, cleaners, waxes, polishes, insecticides, disinfectants, and other specialties. Chinaware and Glass American Glass Review, Glass Factory Directory Issue Ebel-Doctorow Publications, Inc., 23 E. 26th St., New York 10, N.Y. Annual. $2. Included in $4 annual subscription to American Glass Review. Lists glass manufacturers, products and locations; gives execu- tives' names. China, Glass and Tableware Red Book Directory Issue Ebel-Doctorow Publications, Inc., 23 E. 26th St., New York 10, N.Y. Annual. Available through $3 annual subscription to China, Glass and Tableware. Lists manufacturers of dinnerware, glassware, and table ac- cessories; gives executives' names. Glass Factory Directory National Glass Budget, 912-913 Empire Building, Pittsburgh 22, Pa. Annual. $3. Lists manufacturers of glass products; gives plant capacity, executives' names. Construction Equipment Associated Equipment Distributors Industry Directory Associated Equipment Distributors, 30 E. Cedar St., Chicago 11, 111. Biennial, in even-numbered years. $20. Lists manufacturers of construc- tion equipment; gives executives' names. Building Supply News Purchasing File Cahners Publishing Co., Inc., 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 3, 111. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of machinery and equipment serv- ing building supply field. ■■ra^nm Containers, Packaging, and Materials hhhhhkh Handling Equipment BonneWs Directory on Packaging and Shipping Bonnell Publications, Inc., 437 E. 5th St., Plainfield, N.J. Semi-annual. $2. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of packaging materials and materials handling equipment. Manual and Directory Issue of Shipping Management Hoffman Publications, Inc., 425 Park Ave. So., New York 16, N.Y. Annual. $3. Lists manufacturers of packing and shipping supplies such as bags, boxes, skids, and barrels. Material Handling Engineering Directory Industrial Publishing Corp., 812 Huron Rd., Cleveland 15, Ohio. Biennial, in odd-numbered years. $12. Lists manufacturers of material handling equipment; gives executives' names. 10 Modern Materials Handling Directory and Buyers Guide Cahners Publishing Co., Inc., 221 Columbus Ave., Boston 16, Mass. Annual. Available through $8 annual subscription to Modern Materials Handling. Lists manufacturers and their products. Modern Packaging Encyclopedia Issue Breskin Publications, 770 Lexington Ave., New York 21, N.Y. Annual. $4. Lists manufacturers of packaging materials and supplies and of packaging machinery and equipment. Official Container Directory Board Products Publishing Co., 228 N. LaSalle St., Chicago 1, 111. Semi-annual. $8 a copy; $12 a year. Lists manufacturers and equipment by type of container produced; gives executives' names. Electrical Equipment Annual Statistical Report and Electrical Products Guide McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 330 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Annual. 75 cents. Lists manufacturers and their products in electrical industry, maintenance and plant construction. Power Modern Plant Design McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 330 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers of power and electrical equipment . hhhhih Electronics and Communications HBB^g«gB«aB Broadcasting Yearbook Broadcasting Publications, Inc., 1735 DeSales St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. $5. Lists manufacturers of equipment used in the broadcasting and television industries; gives executives' names. Electronic Buyers Guide and Reference Issue McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 330 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Annual. $3.50. Lists manufacturers of products, components, and equipment in the industry. Electronic Industries Association Trade Directory Electronic Industries Association, 1721 DeSales St., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. Annual. $2.50. Lists manufacturers of electronic products, radios and television sets and components; gives executives' names. Electronic Industries Directory Chilton Co., Chestnut and 56th Sts., Philadelphia 39, Pa. Annual. $5. Lists manufacturers of electronic instruments and components. Electronic Sources Directories of Industry, Inc., 2225 Southwest Drive, Los Angeles 43, Calif. Annual. $5. Lists manufacturers of equipment and supplies. Electronic Specifying and Purchasing Electronic Periodicals, Inc., 33140 Aurora Rd., Cleveland 39, Ohio. Annual. $15. Lists manufacturers of electronics equipment and com- ponents; gives executives' names. ii . Electronics Engineers Master Tech Publishers, Inc., 645 Stewart Ave., Garden City, Long Island, N.Y. Annual. $15. Lists manufacturers in the electronic field. IEEE Purchasing Directory Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Box A, Lenox Hill Station, New York 21, N.Y. Annual. $15. Lists manufacturers of radio parts. Nucleonics Buyers Guide McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 330 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of nuclear products and materials used in nuclear field. Telephone Engineer's Catalog Directory Telephone Engineer Publishing Corp., 7720 Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. Annual. $5. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of products and equip- ment used in telephone and telegraph industries. Telephony's Directory of Telephone Industry Telephony Publishing Corp., 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, 111. Annual. $30. Lists manufacturers of products used in telephone and telegraph industries. Television Factbook TV Digest, 2025 Eye St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Annual. $19.50. Lists manufacturers of television sets and components. Food Products American Brewer Annual Directory of Breweries American Brewer Publishing Corp., 33 Lyons Place, Mt. Vernon, N.Y. $5. Lists brewers, products, and trade names; gives executives' names. Brewery Directory Brewers Digest, 4049 W. Peterson Ave., Chicago 46, 111. Annual. $2. Lists breweries and suppliers to the industry; gives executives' names. Candy Buyers Directory Directory Dept., Manufacturing Confectioner Publishing Co., 418 N. Austin Blvd., Oak Park, 111. Annual. $5. Lists major manufacturers and their products. Canners Directory National Canners Association, 1133 20th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Biennial, in odd-numbered years. $3.50. Lists canning firms and their products. Directory of Frozen Food Processors E. W. Williams Publications, 82 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. Annual. $7. Lists processors and their products. Drive-In Operators Handbook Ojibway Press, Inc., 1 E. 1st St., Duluth 2, Minn. Annual. $7.50. Lists manufacturers of foods, equipment and supplies used by drive-in restaurants. 12 Frozen Food Processors Directory Quick Frozen Foods, 1776 Broadway, New York 19, N.Y. Annual. $7. Lists processors and their products; gives executives' names. Modern Brewery Age Blue Book Modern Age Publishing Co., 80 Lincoln Ave., Stamford, Conn. Annual. $6. Lists breweries, location and capacity; gives executives' names, sources of materials, laws and regulations. Thomas' Wholesale Grocery and Kindred Trades Register Thomas Publishing Co., 461 8th Ave., New York 1, N.Y. Annual. $10. Lists food and related product manufacturers, packers, producers, and manufacturers of machinery and supplies used in the food industry. wa^HMEBBBm Hobbycrafts, Novelties and Toys waa^aawgHi ninwiMiiii i Craft, Model and Hobby Industry Hobby Publications, Inc., 30 E. 29th St., New York 16, N.Y. Annual. $5. Lists manufacturers of hobby products; gives executives' names. Small World Guide for Buyers Earnshaw Publications, Inc., 101 W. 31st St., New York 1, N.Y. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of toys, nursery furniture, etc. Toys and Novelties Directory Haire Publications, 111 4th Ave., New York 3, N.Y. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers and their products. ^flHW«WE§ sara Industrial Machinery and Equipment ms&ttittM^BBi American Gas Journal Handbook Issue American Gas Journal, Box 1589, Dallas 21, Texas. Annual. Avail- able through $3 annual subscription to American Gas Journal. Lists manufacturers and suppliers serving the gas industry. Baking Industry Buying Guide Issue Clissold Publishing Co., 105 W. Adams St., Chicago 3, 111. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of machinery, supplies and ingredi- ents used in the industry. Buying Directory for Metal and Nonmetallic Mining Industry McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 330 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of equipment for the mining industry. Buying Guide for Coal Mining Industry Coal Age, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 330 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of equipment for the coal mining industry. Candy Industry Catalog and Formula Book Candy Industry and Confectionery Journal, 660 Madison Ave., New York 21, N.Y. Annual. $5. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of ma- chinery, equipment, instruments, packaging materials and plant sanita- tion supplies for the industry. 13 Canner/Packer Yearbook Triad Publishing Co., 59 E. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. $1. Lists manufacturers of equipment and supplies used by the industry. Ceramic Data Book, Buyers Directory Industrial Publications, Inc., 5 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 3, 111. Annual. $3.50. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of materials and equipment for ceramic industry. Composite Catalog of Oilfield Equipment and Services World Oil, Gulf Publishing Co., Box 2608, Houston 1, Texas. Biennial. $70. In 3 volumes. Lists manufacturers of equipment and materials used in oil exploration, drilling and producing. Dairy Industries Catalog Olsen Publishing Co., 14445 N. 5th St., Milwaukee 12, Wis. Annual. $5. Lists manufacturers of equipment and supplies for the dairy industry. Directory of Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Peacock Business Press, 200 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge, 111. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of machinery, equipment and supplies used in paper, film and foil converting industry. Drycleaning World Gold Book United Business Publications, Inc., 200 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. Annual. Available through $5 annual subscription to Dry- cleaning World. Lists manufacturers of drycleaning equipment, finishing equipment and related supplies; gives executives' names. Farm Equipment Manufacturers Directory Farm Power Equipment, 2340 Hampton St., St. Louis 10, Mo. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers and their products. Gravure Magazine, Buyers Guide Graphic Magazines, Inc., 61 Hilton Ave., Garden City, Long Island, New York. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of graphic arts equipment. /. and T. Product File Implement and Tractor Publications, Inc., 1014 Wyandotte St., Kansas City 5, Mo. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers of farm machinery and equipment. National Cleaner Guidebook Issue National Cleaner, 466 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Annual. 50 cents. Lists manufacturers of equipment and supplies used in the cleaning industry. Plastic Manufacturers Directory Plastics World, 1 River Rd., Cos Cob, Conn. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of equipment and materials used in the industry. Printing Magazine Purchasing Manual Walden Sons and Mott, Inc., 466 Kinderkamack Rd., Oradell, N.J. Annual. Available through $5 annual subscription to Printing. Lists manufacturers and suppliers to the printing and graphic arts field. 14 Purchasing Guide for the Meat Industry The National Provisioner, Inc., 15 W. Huron St., Chicago 10, 111. Annual. $7.50. Lists manufacturers of equipment and supplies for the industry. Textile Industries Buyers Guide Textile Industries, 1760 Peachtree Rd., N.W., Atlanta 9, Ga. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers of products used in the industry. Vegetable Growers Buyers Guide American Fruit Growers Publishing Co., Willoughby, Ohio. Annual. 25 cents. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of equipment connected with commercial vegetable growing. Welding Data Book Industrial Publishing Corp., 812 Huron Rd., Cleveland 15, Ohio. Biennial, in even-numbered years. $12. Lists manufacturers of products used in the welding field. Welding Engineer Fact File Welding Engineer Productions, Inc., Box 28, Morton Grove, 111. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of welding equipment and supplies. Where to Buy Printing Equipment Issue Printing Production Magazine, 1276 W. 3rd St., Cleveland 13, Ohio. Annual. $2.50. Lists manufacturers of equipment and materials for print- ing trade. Who's Who in the Egg and Poultry Industries Urner-Barry Co., 92 Warren St., New York 7, N.Y. Annual. $25. Lists suppliers of equipment for egg and poultry industries. Wood Working Directory Hitchcock Publishing Co., Geneva Rd. at Gary Ave., Wheaton, 111. Biennial. $10. Lists manufacturers of wood working products, machines, equipment and supplies; gives executives' names. Leather and Leather Products American Shoemaking Directory of Shoe Manufacturers Shoe Trades Publishing Co., 683 Atlantic Ave., Boston 11, Mass. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers and their products; gives executives' names. Leather Manufacturers Directory Shoe Trades Publishing Co., 683 Atlantic Ave., Boston 11, Mass. Biennial, in odd-numbered years. $3.50. Lists leather manufacturers and tanners; gives executives' names. Leather and Shoe Blue Book of the Shoe and Leather Industry Rumpf Publishing Co., 300 W. Adams St., Chicago 6, 111. Annual. Available through $5 annual subscription to Leather and Shoes. Lists shoe manufacturers, tanners, manufacturers of shoe and tanners' ma- chinery, and leather goods manufacturers. 15 Luggage and Leather Goods Directory Haire Publishing Co., Ill 4th Ave., New York 3, N.Y. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of trunks, luggage and personal leather goods. Lumber and Wood Products Directory of the Forest Products Industry Miller-Freeman Publications, 731 S. W. Oak St., Portland, 5, Oreg. Annual. $25. Lists manufacturers of wood and wood products including plywood, veneer, hardboard, particle board, box stock, flooring; lists prefab and home manufacturers; gives executives' names. Lumbermen's National Red Book Service, Reference Book Lumbermen's Credit Association, Inc., 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, 111. Semi-annual, with semi-weekly supplements consolidated monthly. $295 annual rental. Lists manufacturers and producers of lumber, dimensions, plywood, and forest products, and manufacturers whose principal raw material consists of these products. Plywood Review Forest Industries, 731 S. W. Oak St.,, Portland 5, Oreg. Annual. $1. Lists plywood and veneer producers; gives executives' names. MHHHm Metalworking and Metal Products WfflfflBESBBmamm Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration News Directory Business News Publishing Co., 450 W. Fort St., Detroit 26, Mich. Annual. $3. Lists manufacturers and their products. Annual Buyers Guide and Product Directory Edwin A. Scott Publishing Corp., 92 Martling Ave., Tarrytown, N.Y. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers of products in the heating, air condi- tioning, ventilation, roofing and sheet metal industries. Die-Casting Directory Industrial Publishing Corp., 812 Huron Rd., Cleveland 15, Ohio. Annual. $1. Lists die-casting firms and manufacturers of equipment and supplies used in the industry. Directory of Iron and Steel Plants Steel Publications, Inc., 624 Grant Building, Pittsburgh 30, Pa. Annual. $17. Lists firms operating blast furnaces, steel plants, rolling mills, coking plants, structural steel mills, and boiler and tank shops. Dun and Bradstreet Metalworking Directory Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., 99 Church St., New York 8, N.Y. Annual. Loaned on subscription basis: $350. Regional editions at lesser rates available. Lists metalworking and metal producing plants and their product lines; gives executives' names. Hardware Age Merchandise Directory Chilton Co., Chestnut at 56th Sts., Philadelphia 39, Pa. Annual. Available through $1 annual subscription to Hardware Age. Lists manu- facturers of hardware and allied merchandise. 16 Hardware Retailer, Catalog & Directory National Retail Hardware Association, 964 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis 4, Ind. Annual. Available through $1 annual subscription to Hardware Retailer. Lists manfacturers of hardware products. Heating, Piping, and Air Conditioning Equipment Directory Keeney Publishing Co., 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 2, 111. Annual. $1. Included in January issue of Heating, Piping, and Air Conditioning., Lists manufacturers of equipment for industrial, commercial, institutional and public buildings. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Guide The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, 345 E. 47th St., New York, N.Y. Annual. $12. Lists manu- facturers and their products. Machine and Tool Directory Hitchcock Publishing Co., Geneva Rd. at Gary Ave., Wheaton, 111. Annual. $10. Lists manufacturers, fabricators, and trade names. Metal Finishing Guidebook Directory Metals and Plastics Publications, Inc., 381 Broadway, Westwood, N.J. Annual. $5. Lists manufacturers and suppliers to metal industry. Standard Metal Directory American Metal Market Co., 525 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Biennial, in even-numbered years. $15. Lists iron and steel plants and processors, foundries, metal rolling mills, smelters and refiners. Wire and Wire Products Buyers Guide Quinn-Brown Publishing Corp., 299 Main St., Stamford, Conn. Annual. $5. Lists manufacturers of wire products and of machinery and equipment used in wire industry. hhhbh^hh Office Appliances and Supplies hhhbhhhh Marking Industry Buyers Guide Marking Devices Publishing Co., 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Annual. $1. Available through $3.50 annual subscription to Mark- ing Industry. Lists manufacturers of marking products, stamps, stencils, seals and similar items. Office Appliances Buyers Index OA Business Publications, Inc., 288 Park Ave. West, Elmhurst, 111. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers of office appliances, machines, furnish- ings, stationery and other supplies. Who's Who in the Office Machine Industry National Office Machine Dealers Association, 6305 Yucca St., Los Angeles 28, Calif. Biennial. $50. Lists manufacturers. Paper and Paper Products Lockwood's Directory of the Paper and Allied Trades Lockwood Trade Journal Co., Inc., 49 W. 45th St., New York 36, N.Y. Annual. $15. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of equipment. 17 Paper Yearbook Ojibway Press, Inc., 1 E. 1st St., Duluth 2, Minn. Annual. $10. Lists manufacturers of paper and paper products. Post's Paper Mill Directory L. D. Post, Inc., 1440 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. Annual. $8. Lists paper mills, capacity, products and suppliers; gives executives' names. Source of Supply Directory Peacock Business Press, Inc., 200 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge, 111. Annual. $8. Lists manufacturers of paper and paper products. Trade Names Directory American Paper Merchant Magazine, Peacock Business Press, 200 S. Prospect Ave., Park Ridge, 111. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of paper and paper products. Walden's ABC Guide and Paper Production Yearbook Walden Sons and Mott, Inc., 466 Kinderkamack Rd., Oradell, N.J. Annual. $10. Lists manufacturers and converters of paper, film, foil and allied products, and suppliers of equipment used in the industry. Plastics Modern Plastics Encyclopedia Issue Breskin Publications, 770 Lexington Ave., New York 21, N.Y. Annual. $8. Lists manufacturers of plastics products and suppliers of machinery and equipment used by the industry. Source Book of New Plastics Reinhold Publishing Corp., 430 Park Ave., New York 22, N.Y. Biennial. $10. Lists leading plastics manufacturers and their products; gives executives' names. Rubber and Rubber Products Rubber Red Book Rubber Age, 101 W. 31st St., New York 1, N.Y. Annual. $15. Lists manufacturers, number of employees, product lines, executives, sup- pliers of machinery and equipment. WMBEMBuaBm Scientific and Precision Instruments HH^HHBi Audio-Visual Equipment Directory National Audio- Visual Association, Inc., 1201 Spring St., Fairfax, Va. Annual. $6. Lists manufacturers, trade names, and products. Computer Directory and Buyers Guide Berkeley Enterprises, Inc., 815 Washington St., Newtonville 60, Mass. Annual. Available through $15 annual subscription to Computers and Automation. Lists manufacturers of computers and related products. 18 Control Applications Guide Automatic Control Magazine, 430 Park Ave., New York 22, N.Y. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers and their products in field of instru- mentation and automatic controls. Frame Name Directory Chilton Co., Chestnut and 56th Sts., Philadelphia 39, Pa. Annual. Available through $3 annual subscription to Optical Journal and Review of Optometry. Lists manufacturers of eyeglass frames and other ophthal- mic products. Instruments and Control Systems Buyers Guide Instruments Publishing Co., Inc., 845 Ridge Ave., Pittsburgh 12, Pa. Annual. Part 2 of October issue of Instruments and Control Systems. Unpriced; controlled distribution. Lists manufacturers of controls sys- tems, components and accessories. Optical Industry Directory Optical Publishing Co., Box 1753, Lenox, Mass. Annual. $7.50. Lists manufacturers of optical components for scientific instruments; gives executives' names. Photo Dealer Directory Issue Photo Dealer, 33 W. 60th St., New York 23, N.Y. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers of photographic goods and equipment. Photographic Directory and Buying Guide Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., 1 Park Ave., New York 16, N.Y. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of photographic equipment, supplies, and accessories. Photographic Trade News Master Buying Guide and Directory Issue Photography in Business, Inc., 200 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. Annual. Available through $3 annual subscription to Photographic Trade News. Lists manufacturers of photographic products and equip- ment; gives executives' names. Surgical Trade Buyers Guide Surgical Business Magazine, 432 Park Ave. So., New York 16, N.Y. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers of surgical instruments and related products. Textiles America's Textile Reporter, Textile Statistics Section America's Textile Reporter, 286 Congress St., Boston 10, Mass. Annual. Available through $5 annual subscription to America's Textile Reporter. Lists textile mills and their products; gives executives' names. Apparel Manufacturer Directory Apparel Manufacturer Publishing Co., Inc., 390 5th Ave., New York 18, N.Y. Annual. $3. Lists suppliers of fabrics, machinery and equip- ment for the garment industry. 19 Davison's Cordage, Twine, and Duck Trade Davison Publishing Co., Ridgewood, N.J. Annual. $5. Lists manu- facturers of cordage, twine, duck, canvas, linen, and related types of products; gives executives' names. Davison's Knit Goods Trade Davison Publishing Co., Ridgewood, N.J. Annual. $9. Lists manu- facturers of hosiery and knit goods, and sources of knitting machinery and supplies. Davison's Rayon, Silk and Synthetic Textiles Davison Publishing Co., Ridgewood, N.J. Annual. $8.50. Lists manu- facturers and their products, and dyers and finishers of fibers and yarns. Davison's Textile Blue Book Davison Publishing Co., Ridgewood, JSf. J. Annual. $9.75. Lists textile mills by products, raw material suppliers, and dyers. Skinner's Cotton Trade Directory Thomas Skinner & Co., Publishers, 111 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. Annual. $15. Lists manufacturers and other firms connected with cotton industry. Skinner's Wool Trade Directory Thomas Skinner & Co., Publishers, 111 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. Annual. $15. Lists manufacturers, dyers and other firms connected with wool industry. Transportation Equipment Aerospace Yearbook American Aviation Publications, Inc., 1001 Vt. Ave., N.W., Wash- ington 5, D.C. Annual. $10. Lists manufacturers of aircraft and aircraft parts. A.O.P.A. Pilot Directory Issue of Aircraft Products and Services Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Box 5960, Washington 14, D.C. Annual. $2.50. Lists major aviation manufacturers. Automotive Industries Products Guide Chilton Co., Chestnut and 56th Sts., Philadelphia 39, Pa. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers of parts and supplies for automotive industries. Aviation Business Directory Air Service Directory, Inc., 342 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Quarterly. $10 for four issues a year. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of aircraft parts, accessories, and components. Aviation Week and Space Technology Buyers Guide Issue McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 330 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Annual. 75 cents. Lists manufacturers in the aerospace industry and their products. Diesel Engine Catalog Diesel Progress, 10850 Riverside Drive, North Hollywood, Calif. Annual. $10. Lists manufacturers and suppliers to diesel industry. 20 Directory of Mobile Home Manufacturers Mobile Homes Magazine, 118 W. 1st St., Hinsdale, 111. Annual. Free. Lists manufacturers of mobile homes and trailers; gives executives' names. Directory of Mobile Homes, Travel Trailers and Products Mobile Home Dealers, 6229 Northwest Highway, Chicago 31, 111. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers and their products; gives executives' names. Dun and Bradstreet Boating Directory Dun and Bradstreet, Inc., 99 Church St., New York 8, N.Y. Annual. Loaned on subscription basis: $150. Lists manufacturers in U.S. pleas- ure-boating industry; gives executives' names. Marine Buying Guide Directory Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., 1 Park Ave., New York 16, N.Y. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of boats, engines, marine accessories and equip- ment. Marine Catalog Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corp., 30 Church St., New York 7, N.Y. Annual. $7.50. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of products used in marine service. National Automotive Directory W.R.C. Smith Publishing Co., 1760 Peachtree Rd., N.W., Atlanta 9, Ga. Annual. $5. Lists manufacturers of automotive parts and acces- sories. Workboat Annual Directory and Buyers Guide H. L. Peace Publications, 624 Gravier St., New Orleans 12, La. $2. Lists manufacturers, shipyards, and suppliers to boating industry. World Space Directory American Aviation Publications, 1001 Vt. Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. Semi-annual. $12.50 for each issue. Lists manufacturers in the space industry. wwm s &m Water and Waste Engineering Equipment rasnaHa AWWA Directory Reference Edition — Water Works Buyers Guide American Water Works Association, Inc., 2 Park Ave., New York 16, N.Y. Biennial, in odd-numbered years. Part 2 of October issue of AWWA Journal. Available to local government offices and others through membership in AWWA; rates on request. Lists manufacturers of equipment, chemicals and other water works necessities. Water Works and Wastes Engineering, Sewage Equipment Directory Section Reuben H. Donnelley Corp., 466 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Annual. Available in September issue through $5 annual subscription to Water Works and Wastes Engineering. Lists manufacturers of sewage and wastes treatment equipment and supplies. 21 Wafer Works and Wastes Engineering, Water Equipment Directory Section Reuben H. Donnelley Corp., 466 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Annual. Available in May issue through $5 annual subscription to Water Works and Wastes Engineering. Lists manufacturers of water works equipment and supplies. Miscellaneous Products Best's Safety Maintenance Directory Alfred M. Best Co., Inc., 75 Fulton St., New York 38, N.Y. Biennial, in even-numbered years. $10. Lists manufacturers of safety, first-aid, sanitation, hygiene, and fire protection products and equipment. Blue Book of Automatic Merchandising National Automatic Merchandising Association, 7 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. Annual. $3. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of vending machines and components; gives executives' names. Brushware Buyers Guide Brushware Publications, 44 N. Dean St., Englewood, N.J. Annual. Available through $4 annual subscription to Brushware. Lists brush manufacturers and suppliers to the industry. i Davison's Mattress, Quilting, and Upholstered Furniture Register Davison Publishing Co., Ridgewood, N.J. Annual. $5. Lists manu- facturers of mattresses and related products such as upholstered furniture, pads, and cushions. Fire Engineering, Directory Section Reuben H. Donnelley Corp., 466 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Annual. Available through $5 annual subscription to Fire Engineering. Lists manufacturers of fire equipment, apparatus and supplies. Gift and Art Buyers Directory Geyer-McAllister Publications, 212 5th Ave., New York 10, N.Y. Annual. Available through $5 annual subscription to The Gift and Art Buyer. Lists manufacturers of gifts and art goods. Gloves Directory Haire Publications, 111 4th Ave., New York 3, N.Y. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers and types of products. Home and Garden Supply Green Book Garden Supply Merchandiser, Inc., 8633 Loch Raven Blvd., Towson 4, Md. Annual. $2. Lists manufacturers of garden supplies and their products; gives executives' names. Home Goods Data Book Issue Electrical Merchandising Week, 330 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Annual. $1. Lists manufacturers of major appliances, kitchens, outdoor power equipment, home electronics, electric housewares, floor care equipment, power tools, lawn and garden equipment, and non-electric housewares. 22 Industrial Research Laboratories of the U.S., Eleventh Edition, 1960 National Academy of Sciences — National Research Council, Washing- ton, D.C. Revised irregularly. $12. Lists nongovernmental industrial research laboratories, giving president, staff, and activities for each. Maintenance Supplies Buyers Guide MacNair-Dorland Publications, 254 W. 31st St., New York 1, N.Y. Annual. Available through $3 annual subscription to Maintenance Sup- plies. Lists manufacturers of building maintenance supplies such as brushes, soaps, and detergents. Modern Floor Coverings, Directory Issue Bill Brothers Publishing Corp., 630 3rd Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Annual. $2. Lists names and addresses of manufacturers of carpet, rug, and smooth-surface floor coverings, and of accessories. Purchasers Guide to the Music Industries Music Trades Corp., Ill W. 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. Annual. Available through $3 annual subscription to The Music Trades. Lists manufacturers of musical instruments; gives executives' names. Safety Equipment Directory National Safety Council, 425 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. Annual. $1.10. Lists manufacturers of safety equipment, supplies and accessories. Sporting Goods Trade Directory Sporting Goods Dealers, 2018 Washington Ave., St. Louis 66, Mo. Annual. $1.50. Lists sporting goods manufacturers and suppliers. Tobacco Retailers Almanac Retail Tobacco Dealers of America, Inc., 1 Maiden Lane, New York 38, N.Y. Annual. $5. Lists manufacturers of tobacco in its various forms, pipes, lighters and accessories, razor blades and shavers, mechani- cal pens and pencils, candies and gum. Vend Market Data and Directory Edition Billboard Publishing Co., 2160 Patterson St., Cincinnati 14, Ohio. Annual. $2.50. Lists manufacturers and suppliers of vending machines, equipment and parts; gives executives' names. 23 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1964 O - 736-834 p T.f.V||?,K^.ir.yBRARr ES A0DDD70 t m2M52