C ^VAv^ \? W^Vlft For sale by the Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402— Price $2.80 INTRODUCTION As part of the program to welcome international visitors to the United States, the United States Travel Service has compiled this listing of plant visits from information submit- ted by State and Territorial Travel Offices. It does not represent a complete listing and in no way reflects upon plants that by inadvertence have been omitted. Revisions and additions to this list should be sent to the United States Travel Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. This list is arranged by State and City. For those who are interested in locating plants of a particular industry, it is also classified by industry. The plants of an industry may be located by referring to the page numbers shown in the Industry Classification Index and then by finding the appro- priate industry code number on those pages. In all cases appointments for plant visits should be made in advance, either by telephone or letter. Call or write the official listed. It should be kept in mind, of course, that retooling operations, vacations and emergencies may make it impossible for a plant to receive visitors at any given time. Business groups planning visits to the United States should, when applying for their visas at American Embassies or Consulates, consult with the Commercial or Economic Officers. Not only can the staffs at the Embassies and Consulates be helpful in planning business trips but, after plans are finalized, they can announce your visit to business firms and organizations in the United States. Also ask about the Department of Commerce Commercial Invitation, which serves as a letter of introduction to U.S. officials and businessmen. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/usaplantvisits1900unit TABLE OF CONTENTS STATE LISTINGS Stale Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Page 1 2 3 4 5 Colorado 10 Connecticut 11 Delaware 12 District of Columbia 12 Florida 13 Georgia 15 Hawaii 20 Idaho 21 Illinois 23 Indiana 27 Iowa 32 Kansas 35 Kentucky 36 Louisiana 38 Maine 39 Maryland 41 Massachusetts 44 Michigan 48 Minnesota 56 Mississippi 61 Missouri 63 Montana 69 Stale Page Nebraska 71 Nevada 76 New Hampshire 76 New Jersey 78 New Mexico 78 New York 80 North Carolina 82 North Dakota 89 Ohio 91 Oklahoma 100 Oregon 103 Pennsylvania 107 Rhode Island 115 South Carolina 116 South Dakota 117 Tennessee 118 Texas 120 Utah 125 Vermont 1 26 Virginia 133 Washington 135 West Virginia 137 Wisconsin 138 Wyoming 142 American Samoa 144 Puerto Rico 144 Virgin Islands 149 INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION INDEX 15) I ALABAMA BIRMINGHAM 95 Astralloy- Vulcan Corporation, P.O. Box 6206. Alloy steel manufacturer. Tour of the plant with a demonstration of cutting operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. Spanish transla- tion available. Children not admitted. Contact Mr. Frank O'Neill, Vice President. Phone: 205 853-0300. 48 International Forest Seed Company, 3624 Sixth Avenue, South. Visitors see processing of certified orchard grown seed, including seed retrieval opera- tions, processing and packaging for shipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Children not admitted. Contact Mr. William Isaacs. Phone: 205 591-1989. 95 O'Neal Steel Company, 744 North 41st Street. Steel manufacturer. Tours are conducted through the op- eration facility, including computerized on-line order entry and the shipping function. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice of 10 days required. Children not admitted. Contact Hugh Williamson. Phone:205 591-8111. DEMOPOLIS 74 Gulf States Paper Corporation, Highway 80 West. Paper and paperboard manufacturer. Tour consists of an introduction; slide presentation of mill opera- tions and company history; safety briefing; tour of unrestricted areas of the mill, followed by a question-and-answer session. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 6-24. Writ- ten notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Richard Tenhet, Personnel Assistant. Phone: 205 289-1242, Ext. 280. GADSDEN 5 Coosa River Garment Company (Bobbie Brooks, Inc.), 2636 E. Meighan Boulevard. Ladies' apparel manufacturer. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 1:15-2:30 p.m. Tour length: 35 minutes. No tours in July and August. Group number: 10-25. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Jim White, Plant Engineer. Phone: 205 492-3631. MOBILE 88 Alabama State Docks, North Water Street, P.O. Box 1588. Harbor tour of port facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 4-12. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Gerry Robinson, General Sales Manager. Phone: 205 438-2481. 95 Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Company, 401 Av- enue, West. Heavy industrial plate fabricating; water and oil storage tanks, stacks, ducts and pressure vessels. Visitors see the fabricating pro- cess, plant equipment and office. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Cameras not permitted. Chil- dren not admitted. Contact F.C. Warrington. Phone: 205 798-7000. MONTGOMERY 36 Farmbest Foods, Inc., 950 West South Boulevard. Dairy. Visitors will see how raw milk is processed from the time it is received until it goes into storage room as finished product. Tours Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Mr. Harry A. Youngworth, Plant Superintendent. Phone: 205 288-4071. 51 Stockham Valves & Fittings, Inc., 4000 Tenth Avenue, North. Valve and pipe fittings manufac- turer. Tour consists of entire process of valve and pipe fittings manufacture beginning with foundry operation. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours two weeks in July and one week in December for Christmas. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Charles Puckett or Ernie Reeves. Phone: 205 592-6361. MUSCLE SHOALS 27 Tennessee Valley Authority, National Fertilizer De- velopment Center. Fertilizer research and develop- ment center (liquid and granular fertilizers, nitric acid and ammonia). Tours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2-3 hours. Group number: 35 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Peter Clark, Jr., Supervisor, Visitor Relations Unit. Phone: 205 383-4631, Ext. 451. ALABAMA TALLASSEE 99 Tallassee Mills of the Mount Vernon Mills, Inc., P.O. Box 667. Textile manufacturing — wearing ap- parel, industrial fabric and print cloth. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. No tours the first week in July. Group number: 2-30. Advance notice required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Pete Cottle, Personnel Director. Phone: 205 283-2567. ALASKA ANCHORAGE 49 Alaska Mill & Feed, Inc., 114 N. Orca. Feed manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Group number: 4-5 minimum. Advance notice required. Clearances required. Con- tact D.G. Donatello, President. Phone: 907 279-4519. 106 The Alaska Railroad, 1st Avenue and C Street. A government-owned railroad with an interesting lay- out and excellent facilities for providing transporta- tion for the state. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Harry T. Scheaffer, Administrative Of- ficer, MP&E Branch. Phone: 907 265-2670. 54 Bering Sea Originals, 430 I Street. Ceramics man- ufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. Group number: 5-15. Contact William F. Strane. Phone: 907 278-2421. 27 Don Chemical Company, 1 14 N. Orca. Rendering works. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Group number: minimum of 4-5 persons. Advance notice required. Contact D.G. Donatello, President. Phone: 907 279-4519. 36 Matanuska Maid, Inc., 814 Northern Lights Boulevard. Dairy processing plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 35 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Donald Dye, Plant Manager. Phone: 907 277-2446. 88 Port of Anchorage, 2000 Anchorage Port Road. Tour of marine facility only. Tours of merchant vessels at berth are not available. (Dock activity is dependent on ship scheduling.) Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 minimum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Joan Movius, Office Manager. Phone: 907 272-1531. CORDOVA 50 New England Fish Company (Orca Cannery, one mile north of Cordova). Fish processing. Processing of salmon from the time it arrives on the dock to the canned product. Also manufacture of cans in can loft. Plant open May 15 through September 15. Visitors welcome during regular processing hours. Contact Plant Manager or Cordova Chamber of Commerce. Phone: 907 424-3225 or 907 424-7260. 50 North Pacific Processors, Inc. Salmon and crab processing plant. Plant open May 15 through Sep- tember 15 for salmon, and November 15 through May 15 for crab. Visitors welcome during regular processing hours. Contact Plant Manager. Phone: 907 424-3267. 50 St. Elias Ocean Products. Fish and crab processing. Fish processing May 15 through September 15 and crab processing November 15 through May 15. Visitors welcome during regular processing hours. Japanese and Filipino translation available. Contact Plant Manager. Phone: 907 424-7234. FAIRBANKS 106 Alaska Railroad, Northern Terminus, 280 North Cushman. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Greater Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce for information. Phone: 907 456-7736. 42 University of Alaska Musk Ox Experimental Farm, 244 Yankovich Road. Raising musk oxen for the wool (qiviut). Tours arranged by special appoint- ment only; however, a visitor's viewing stand gives a good view of the farm at all times. Advance notice required. Contact Farm Manager. Phone: 907 479-2320. HAINES-PORT CHILKOOT 54 Alaska Indian Arts, Inc., Port Chilkoot Barracks. Native craftsman, carvers, sculptors, etc. Contact Carl Heinmiller at 907 766-2160 or Haines-Port Chilkoot Chamber of Commerce for information. HOMER 50 Alaska Wild Berry Products, Pioneer Avenue. Pro- cessing of wild berries into jams and jellys. 14 Small Boat Harbor. Fishing fleet. Contact Homer Chamber of Commerce for information. JUNEAU 14 Small Boat Harbor. Fishing fleet. Contact Juneau Chamber of Commerce for information. KETCHIKAN 50 New England Fish Company, 930 Stedman. Fish processing plant. Contact Plant Manager at 907 225-3166 or Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce for information. ALASKA PALMER 108 Alaska Power Administration. Electrical power gen- eration. Plant open around the clock, visitors wel- come. Usually closed in April for annual plant maintenance. SEWARD 106 Alaska Railroad, City Dock. Phone: 907 224-5550. 65 Kenai Lumber, Louisiana-Pacific Corporation. Phone: 907 224-5202. 14 Small Boat Harbor. Contact Harbormaster. Phone: 907 224-3420. 42 University of Alaska Institute of Marine Science. Phone:907 224-5261. ARIZONA BAGDAD 29 Cyprus Bagdad Copper Company, Lower Main. Mining operation. Producer of electrolytically re- fined copper and copper and moly concentrate. Tour of the mining, milling and maintenance facilities. Tours weekdays except first and last weeks of any month, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 10-40. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Jan McDonald. Phone: 602 633-2241. GLENDALE 48 Hydroculture, Inc., 99th Avenue at Glendale Av- enue. Hydroponic (soilless) growing equipment and hydroponic produce. Tour of 100-acre complex devoted to soilless growing of vegetables and plants under environmentally controlled conditions. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 50 maximum. Ad- vance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children not admitted. Contact Malcolm L. Lentz, President. Phone: 602 934-3481. HAYDEN 34 Kennecott Copper, Ray Mines Divsion, P.O. Box 8. Copper mine. Tour of reduction plant, secondary crusher, concentrator and smelter. Tours daily, except Wednesdays and weekends. Tour length: 3-5 hours. Group number: 15-100. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact J.H. Maize. Phone: 602 356-781 1, Ext. 378. INSPIRATION 29 Inspiration Consolidated. Copper mine. Visitors view the pit, leaching and tank house. Must have own vehicle to go from the office to the top of the mine. No open-toed shoes. Tours Monday through Friday by advance notice. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 15-20. Advance notice required. No sketches permitted. Contact Marty Winquest. Phone:602 473-2411. LAKE HAVASU CITY 66 McCulloch Corporation, 900 Lake Havasu Avenue. Chain saw manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 10-1 1:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 3 hours. No tours the first two weeks in July. Group number: 10-25. Advance notice of 5 days required. Spanish, French and German transla- tion available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact David P. Shay, Industrial Relations. Phone: 602 855-4171. PHOENIX 66 Conner Manufacturing Company, Inc., 2540 East Magnolia. Repair and overhaul of gas turbine parts; manufacturer of precision machine and sheet metal parts. A general tour showing manufacturing capabilities, as well as examples of repairs per- formed. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact James Conner, General Manager. Phone: 602 275-6257. 41 Courier Terminal Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 29039. CRT terminals and hardcopy terminals. Tours Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice required. Contact James Cogan. Phone: 602 244-1392. 68 Mech-Tronics Corporation, 2515 East Buckeye Road. Speciality manufacturing of component parts for aircraft, aerospace and cordless telephones. Tour consists of a briefing on the history of the company; a movie is shown if it is available, followed by a tour of the facility. Tours weekdays, except Friday. Tour length: 35 minutes. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice of 2 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Ms. Ann Donahoe, Personnel Director. Phone: 602 267-063 1 . 30 Mountain Bell and AT&T, 211 West Monroe. Communication equipment. Tours Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes to 2 hours. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Hazel Wright. Phone: 602 263-3239. 72 Phoenix Newspapers, Inc., P.O. Box 1950, 120 East VanBuren. Tour consists of seeing the com- plete mechanical process involved in the production of a newspaper. A slide presentation is given prior to the tour of the newsroom, wire services and com- poser room. Tours daily, at 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 12 not admitted. Con- tact Sue Beaner. Phone: 602 271-8666. ARIZONA SCOTTSDALE 5 Novis Denne', 7507 East Osborn Road. Manufac- turer of "The Roadrunner" women's sportswear and dresses. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. No sketches permitted. Contact Colleen Gaudino Nord, Vice President of Operations and Design. Phone: 602 946-3241 or 602 946-6752. TUCSON 87 Kitt Peak National Observatory, 950 North Cherry. Astronomy research. Tour of observatory facilities. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 60 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Public Informa- tion Officer. Phone: 602 327-5511. 30 Mountain Bell Telephone Company, 124 East Pen- nington. Visitors see operation of telephone com- pany. Tours weekdays, except Monday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 75 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Betty Patalajski. Phone: 602 791-2429. ARKANSAS CLARKSVILLE 66 Clarksville Machine Works, Inc., P.O. Box 160. Manufacturer of hydro-coolers, custom machines and brick-strapping equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Bill Park, Sales Man- ager. Phone: 501 754-2022. 79 Virginia Fiberglass Products, Inc., 1-40 and 103. Manufacturer of fiberglass products, portable sanita- tion units. Visitors will see a demonstration of basic fiberglass lay-up. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group member: 10 maximum. No tours on Christ- mas and New Year's. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Gary L. Loop, Plant Manager. Phone:501754-6511. EL DORADO 85 Cooper Industrial Products, Prescolite Drive. Man- ufacturer of molded rubber products. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours first week in June and last two weeks in December. Group number: 10 maximum. Ad- vance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Joe Buschhammer. Phone: 501 862-6441. 40 Prescolite, A US Industries Company, Industrial Road. Manufacturer of incandescent lighting fix- tures. Tour of die casting and metal fabricating plant and assembly plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact Vernon C. Boothe, Plant Manager. Phone: 501 862-8181. FAYETTEVILLE 5 Bear Brand Hosiery Company, Highway 71 South, P.O. Box 1130. Manufacturer of ladies' nylon stockings and panty hose. Complete tour starting with raw product to shipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours first 2 weeks in July and week of Christmas. Group number: 6-20. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Edward Shimkus, Personnel Manager. Phone: 501 521-4000. 68 E.P.C. of Arkansas, 3265 Highway 71, South, P.O. Box 1 129. Fabrication of tubular parts for plumbing, refrigeration and air conditioning industries. Tour consists of briefing, tour of manufacturing area and question-and-answer session. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact George McLaughlin, Plant Man- ager. Phone: 501 443-2368. 40 Kearney Division, Kearney-National, Inc. Manufac- turer of electrical transmission and distribution equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 50 maximum. Written advance notice of 6 weeks re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact J. Claybrook, Plant Manager. Phone: 501 521-3700. FORT SMITH 36 The Acee Company, 415 South 10th Street. Dairy. Milk processing and packaging. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Advance notice required. Contact A. Curtis Goldtrap. Phone: 501 782-0383. HOT SPRINGS 1 Arkansas Abrasives, Inc., Sleepy Valley Road, P.O. Box 1298. Manufacturer of genuine Arkansas oilstones. Visitors see cutting, finishing, and pac- kaging of genuine Arkansas oilstones. Tours Wed- nesday, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 4-6. Advance notice re- quired. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Operations Manager. Phone: 501 624-5677. 12 Mountain Valley Spring Company, 150 Central Avenue. Bottled water plant. Tours daily, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. No sketches permitted. Contact John J. Downes, Director. Phone: 501 624-3101. ARKANSAS 109 National Rejectors, Inc., Highway 88, P.O. Box 1550. Money-handling systems. Tours Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 5-10. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Gilbert R. Audette, Vice President of Man- ufacturing. Phone: 501 767-2313. 5 Whitehouse Manufacturing Company, Route 5, Highway 7 South, P.O. Box 171. Hospital gar- ments. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. No tours week of July 4. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact Majeed Nahas, Plant Manager. Phone:501525-1521. JONESBORO 45 FMC Corporation, Agricultural Machinery Divi- sion, 5601 East Highland Drive. Agricultural spray- ing and harvesting equipment, industrial high pres- sure pumps and sewer cleaners. Tour consists of introduction including film and slide presentation and plant tour. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. No tours on national holidays. Group number: 30-40. Advance notice of 2 days required. Danish, French, German and Spanish translation available. Contact Robert B. Stevenson, International Manager. Phone: 501 935-1970. LITTLE ROCK 33 Hoerner Waldorf Corporation, Patterson & Hoerner Streets, P.O. Box 4197. Manufacturer of corrugated shipping containers. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 9-11 a.m. or 1-2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Vernon Withers, Personnel Direc- tor. Phone: 501 565-1526, Ext. 39. 10 Jackson Cookie Company, 113 South Olive. Cookies. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours 1 week in July. Group number: 20-25. Advance notice of 3 days required. Children under 6 not admitted. Con- tact T.O. Pinkerton or Harlan Moring. Phone: 501 372-2123. NORTH LITTLE ROCK 50 K.C. Foods, 3401 East Broadway. Baking powder. Tours Monday through Friday, 1-3:15 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours in July. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact A.M. Buchanan. Phone: 501 945-1456. ROGERS 103 Daisy Division of Victor Comptometer Corporation, P.O. Box 220. Manufacturer of air guns, shot and toy holsters. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours on national holidays and 2 weeks prior to July 4. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact H. L. Bryles, Director of Personnel. Phone: 501 636-1200. CALIFORNIA ARCADIA 48 Los Angeles State and County Arboretum, 301 North Baldwin Avenue. Botanic garden with 127- acres of plants from every continent. Special fea- tures: demonstration home gardens, prehistoric and jungle garden and herb, juniper and aquatic gar- dens; tropical, orchid and begonia greenhouses. Also of interest are two ponds with water birds, reference library and gift shop. Tram tours avail- able. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Contact David Fields, Head Tour Guide. Phone: 213 681-8411. 63 Santa Anita Park, 285 West Huntington Drive. Includes stable tour, handicap lecture, Clocker's Corner workout and a briefing on thoroughbred racing and race track operations. Tours during Oc- tober, January, February and March, Wednesday through Saturday, 9- 11 :30 a.m. Other months, tours will be by appointment. Contact Public Relations Office. Phone: 213 681-7401. ARCATA 65 Simpson Timber Company, P.O. Drawer V. Wood products. Tour through a plywood processing plant. Tours on weekdays during the summer at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 70 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 12 not admitted. Contact tour guide. Phone: 707 822-0371. ASTI 111 Italian Swiss Colony Vineyards, P.O. Box 1. Win- ery. Visitors are given a history of the company and a tour of the winery and vineyards, followed by a visit to the tasting room where various wines are sampled. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 75 maximum. Ad- vance notice required for groups of 30 or more. Contact Donna L. Sheppard, Hospitality Coor- dinator. Phone: 707 963-2616. CALIFORNIA BUENA PARK 35 Nutrilite Products, Inc., 5600 Beach Boulevard. Food supplements and cosmetics. Visitors see a fifteen minute film that shows how the products are produced and manufactured, followed by a forty to forty-five minute tour of the plant. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 35 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 2 days required. No tape recorders permitted. Contact Katie Berry, Supervisor of Tours. Phone: 714 521-3900. HAYWARD 12 Shasta Beverages, Northern California District, 26901 Industrial Boulevard. Tour of plant showing manufacturing of soft drinks. Tours Monday through Friday by reservation only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 6-30. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Virginia Fitzgerald. Phone: 415 783-3200. HOLLYWOOD 77 Capitol Records, 1750 North Vine. Recording com- pany. Tour consists of the executive suite and recording studios, followed by a slide demonstration on the history of Capitol and its artists. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 6-7 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 50-70 maximum. Tours by reservation only and confirmation required. Chil- dren under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Cindy Keeley or Beth Stebbins. Phone: 213 462-6251, Ext. 530. INDIO 50 Shields Date Gardens, 80-225 Highway 111. Dates and citrus fruits (grapefruit and tangerines). Visitors see presentation, "Romance and Sex Life of the Date" — a 30-minutes well spent. Several kinds of dates are also on display. Tours daily, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Spanish translation available. Contact Mrs. F.F. Wilson, Office Manager. Phone: 714 347-0996. LA JOLLA 47 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Southwest Fisheries Center, 8604 La Jolla Shores Drive. Federal fishery research center. Visitors have the choice of viewing a film on plankton in the sea or hearing a lecture on research activities of the Center illustrated by color slides and followed by a tour of the Center's research facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 15-30. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Spanish translation available. Contact Mrs. Lillian Vlymen, Special Assistant to the Director. Phone: 714 453-2820, Ext. 252. LIVERMORE 111 Cancannon Vineyard, 4590 Tesla Road. Tours Monday through Saturday (by appointment for groups), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tasting Room open Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, 12 noon to 4:30 p.m. Ill Wente Brothers, 5565 Tesla Road. Winery. Tour through the winery (cellars, bottling line, etc.) with wine tasting to follow. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Elbert Kirkman, Secretary, or Larry DiPietro. Phone: 415 447-3603. LONG BEACH 50 The Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company, 1601 West Seventh Street. Food and household cleaning products. Visitors see a 15-minute film followed by a guided tour in groups of 6 to 8. Tours Wednesday, 1:30-3:15 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour and 45 minutes. Group number: 10-50. Advance notice of 2-3 months required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Merv Jencks, Community Relations Representative. Phone: 213 432-6981, Ext. 305. LOS ANGELES 92 Goodwill Industries of Southern California, 342 San Fernando Road. A short assembly is followed by a tour of the Contracts Department, and four floors of sheltered workshop where visitors see handicapped persons renovating clothes, appliances, furniture, toys, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 70 maximum. Advance notice of 3 days required. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Julie Hanna, Tour Coordinator. Phone: 213 223-1211, Ext. 223. 50 Lawry's Foods, Inc., 568 San Fernando Road. The tour is through Lawry's manufacturing facilities where visitors see the production and packaging of seasoning mixes and blends. There is also a brief slide presentation on the history of the company and a look into the laboratories and creative kitchens. Tours Monday through Friday, 1 1 :30 a.m. , 1 :30 and 2:30 p.m. for public tours; private tours reserved at other times for groups. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice not required for public tours; two to three weeks' notice is required for organized groups. Group number: 10-50. Contact Sharon Kelly, Tour Programs Coordinator. Phone: 213 225-2491, Ext. 258. CALIFORNIA 108 Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, P.O. Box 111. Water and electric utility. Tours weekdays by appointment only. Written advance notice, out- lining interests, dates and time of planned visit, and background of individuals, is preferred. Tours are not recommended for small children. Contact Dennis Watson, Public Affairs Representative. Phone: 213 481-6347. 72 Los Angeles Times, 202 W. First Street. Daily newspaper publisher. Tour includes visit to editorial library, newsroom, composing room, pressroom and mailroom. Other areas may be seen by special request. Tours Monday through Friday, by reserva- tion only. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 2-3 weeks required. Children under 10 not admitted. Cameras are not permitted in specified areas. Contact Tom Giuffrida, Public Relations Supervisor. Phone: 213 625-2345. MENLO PARK 72 Lane Publishing Company, Willow and Middlefield Roads. Publishers of Sunset Magazines and Sunset Books. Tour consists of lobby, editorial offices, test kitchens, entertainment patio and various other patios where visitors can see the gardens without a guide. Tours Monday through Friday, 10:30 and 1 1:30 a.m. and 1, 2 and 3 p.m. Tour length: 50-60 minutes. Advance notice required if group is more than 8. Contact Dorothy M. King. Phone: 415 321-3600. 42 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 2575 Sand Hill Road. Guided tour includes Stanford University's two-mile electron accelerator and bus tour of 480- acre center. Tour designed to interest technical or scientific groups. Tours Monday through Saturday; reservations advisable. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 300 maximum. Contact Public Information Office. Phone: 415 854-3300, Ext. 2204. 96 Pacific Stock Exchange, Inc., 618 South Spring Street. Visitors are welcome to visit the Gallery to observe the operations of the Exchange Trading Floor. A tape recording explains the operation of the Pacific Stock Exchange. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Group number: 15 maxi- mum. Advance notice required. Tours are not rec- ommended for children under 12. Contact Joan Marie Speights. Phone: 213 627-8741, Ext. 200. 30 The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, 420 South Grand Avenue. Tour consists of a 15-minute film, followed by a guided, walking tour and dem- onstration of the operator switchboards, television programming and a slide presentation by Western Electric. Tours Monday through Friday by appoint- ment only. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Advance notice of 30 days required. Cameras and sketches are not permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Wilma J. Steinhauser, Administrative Staff Assistant. Phone: 213 621-3881. LOS GATOS 111 Almaden Vineyards, 1530 Blossom Hill Road. Winery. Tour of original 1847 buildings which are still in use. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. No tours the first two weeks of July. Group number: 100 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact George Morrison. Phone: 408 269-1312. NAPA 111 The Christian Brothers Mont La Salle Vineyards, 441 1 Redwood Road. Wines, champagnes and brandy. Tours daily, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-45. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact G.M. Gleeson, Director of Public Relations. Phone: 707 226-5566. OAKDALE 32 Hershey Foods Corporation, Chocolate & Confec- tionery Division, 1400 South Yosemite Avenue. Candy and cocoa manufacturing. Visitors will see chocolate being conched, moulded, wrapped and boxed; cocoa and chocolate syrup cans being filled and chocolate kisses being wrapped and bagged. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 10 days required for bus groups. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact R.E. Chicou, Manager, Customer Service. Phone: 209 847-0381. OAKLAND 106 Bay Area Rapid Transit, 800 Madison Street. Mass transit system. A tour of the computer center fol- lowed by a discussion period. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 50 maximum. Written advance notice of 2 weeks required. Tours available only for persons directly related to the transit industry. Contact Sharyn Saslafsky, Consumer Serv- ices Representative. Phone: 415 465-4100, Ext. 277. X CALIFORNIA 88 Port of Oakland, 66 Jack London Square. Seaport, airport and business and recreational properties management. Tour of marine terminals and Oakland International Airport. Tour of business properties arranged by request only. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 3-50. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. French, Norwegian, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish translation available. Contact Charles Seifert, Public Relations Director. Phone: 415 444-3188. 68 Wellmade Metal Products Company, 860 — 81st Av- enue. Flourescent lighting fixtures; roof drainage and home heating sheet metal. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15-40. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact H.D. Beck, Jr. Phone: 415 562-1878. RUTHERFORD 111 Beaulieu Vineyards, 1960 St. Helena Highway. Winery. Tour involves wine tasting, tour of winery and a multi-media, audio-visual presentation. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 45 maximum. Advance notice required for large groups. Contact Maynard Monaghan. Phone: 707 963-2411. Ill Inglenook Vineyards, P.O. Box 19, Highway 29. Winery. Visitors tour the winery and vineyards, concluding with a visit to the tasting room. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of 25 or more. Contact Donna L. Sheppard, Hospitality Coordinator. Phone: 707 963-2616. SACRAMENTO 83 Cal Central Press, 2629— 5th Street. Printer and publisher of commercial magazines. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Spanish translation available. Contact Scott Keilholtz or Cliff Davis. Phone: 916 441-5392. 50 California Almond Growers Exchange, 1800 C Street. Almond processing plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during mid-July. Group number: 10-60. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Tour Hos- tess. Phone: 916 442-0771. 50 Ocean Beauty Seafoods, Inc., 2601 — 5th Street. Producing, canning and packaging of seafood. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 10-50. Chil- dren under 10 not admitted. Contact Ron McKay, Plant Manager, or Robert Hiltachk, Assistant Sales Manager. Phone: 916 446-0251 . ST. HELENA 111 Beringer Vineyards, 2000 Main Street. Winery. Tours include a walk through underground cellars carved into the hillside. Tour guides are knowledge- able in all phases of wine-making and incorporate this knowledge along with the history of the com- pany. Wine tasting concludes the tour. Tours daily, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Italian, Swiss, German and French translation available. Contact Joyce Durand, Rhine House Manager. Phone: 707 963-7115. Ill Charles Krug Winery. Tour of winery with wine tasting. Tours daily, 10a. m. to4p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 25-75. Advance notice required. Contact John F. Aquila. Phone: 707 963-2761. Ill Louis M. Martini, 254 St. Helena Highway South, P.O. Box 112. Winery. Technical tours for visiting enologists, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nontechnical tours Saturday and Sunday morn- ings only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Please indicate which tour is desired. Contact Ms. Carolyn Martini or Mr. John Milano. Phone: 707 963-2736. SAN CLEMENTE 108 San Onofre Nuclear Visitors Center, Basilone Road Off-ramp from 1-5, south of San Clemente. Tour utilizes audio-visual devices, including movie films, pertinent to generation of electricity and the several prime energy sources available. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of 12 or more. No tours or visitation allowed to the generating plant. Contact K.P. Chisholm or T.L. Flynn, Information Center Coordinators. Phone: 714 492-5272. SAN DIEGO 41 Dynair Electronics, Inc., 6360 Federal Boulevard. Manufacturer of video signal distribution and switching equipment; aircraft communications and navigation equipment. Tour begins with a brief orientation and demonstration, followed by a walk through the plant. Tours Monday through Friday, by appointment only. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice required. No cameras permitted. Contact W.O. Beard, Personnel Man- ager. Phone: 714 582-9211. 30 Hydro Products, 11777 Sorrento Valley Road. Manufacturer of underwater TV systems and oceanographic instrumentation. Tours Saturday, by appoirntment only. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice required. No sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Kathleen Murphy, Advertising Manager. Phone: 714 453-2345. CALIFORNIA 18 Midwest Television, Inc. (KFMB-TV, AM & FM radio), 1405 Fifth Avenue. Broadcasting. Tour in- cludes visit to two television studios and two radio stations. (For a large group wishing to see a live show, contact Mel Knoepp.) Tours Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday, 9-11 a.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice re- quired. Children under 10 not admitted. Cameras not permitted. Contact June C. Bain, Engineering Secretary. Phone: 714 232-21 14, Ext. 226. SAN LUIS OBISPO 108 Pacific Gas and Electric Company, "Diablo Canyon Nuclear Information Center," 7 miles south of San Luis Obispo on U.S. Highway 101. Numerous exhibits and two theaters which explain energy demand, the operation of nuclear power plants, ecological considerations and a local archeology display. Open daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; reservations recommended for 60-90 minute bus tour. Phone: 805 595-2327. 68 San Diego Plating, 2060 India Street. Metal finish- ing processes — decorative chrome. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Tours by appointment. Contact Fred Wheeler. Phone: 714 232-7555. SAN FRANCISCO 106 San Francisco Cable Car Museum, 1201 Mason Street. Transportation museum. Visible from the Visitor's Gallery is the cable-winding machinery, which is the heart of the cable system. Museum has 3 cable cars, models of all 57 different types of cable cars which have operated in San Francisco, many well-captioned photographs and other pieces of memorabilia. Self-guided tours daily, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 20-30 minutes. Contact Bruce Kleinschmidt, Curator. Phone: 415 474-1887. SARATOGA 111 Paul Masson Vineyards, 13150 Saratoga Avenue. Producer of table wines, champagnes and brandy. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 200 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required for groups up to 30 persons; 2 weeks for larger groups. Spanish translation available. Contact Jan A. Wells, V.P., Director of Public Relations, Browne Vintners Company, 505 Beach Street, San Francisco, California 94133. Phone: 415 928-3600. SONOMA 111 Sebastiani Vineyards, 389 Fourth Street East. Win- ery. Visitors see America's largest collection of carved casks within historic limestone cellars. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice re- quired for groups. Contact Loren Freburg, Tour and Tasting Supervisor. Phone: 707 938-5532. 16 Steam Beer Brewing Company, 541 Eighth Street. Brewery. Visitors tour the brewing and bottling facility. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children not admit- ted. Contact Linda Rowe. Phone: 415 863-1495. SAN GABRIEL 48 Fred A. Stewart, Inc., 1212 East Las Tunas Drive. Orchid nursery. Tour consists of a brief orientation, followed by a tour of the laboratory, bottle houses, and the planting, shipping and order processing areas. Visitors can also browse through the greenhouses. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-5 p.m. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Mr. Paul Jones, Assistant General Manager. Phone: 213 287-8974 or 213 283-4590. STOCKTON 88 Port of Stockton, 2201 West Washington Street. A conducted tour through all of the port facilities, warehouses and administrative services including the electronic data processing operation. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-10:30 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice required. Japanese translation available. Visitors must provide own transportation and check with the Administra- tion before being permitted through the Port Security Gate. Contact Patricia Sangster, Public Relations Manager. Phone: 209 466-601 1. TURLOCK 110 Turlock Refrigerating Company, 660 Fifth Street. Cold storage warehouse. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-30. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No children admitted. Contact W.O. Thompson. Phone: 209 634-4986. 10 COLORADO COMMERCE CITY 49 Peavey Company, 4545 East 64th Avenue. Flour and feed mill. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admit- ted. Contact Marvin Kaiser or John Ziel. Phone: 303 289-6141. DENVER 11 Denver banks. Group tours of Denver banks ar- ranged by Mrs. Dorothy White, Executive Director of the American Institute of Banking, 1554 Califor- nia Street, Room 205. Phone: 303 255-0367. 72 The Denver Post, 650 15th Street. Newspaper pub- lisher. Tour of photoengraving room, composing room, mailroom, stereotype room, pressroom and Associated Press offices. Tours Monday through Saturday, 12 noon to 3 p.m. Tour length: 35 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice required for groups. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Tour Director. Phone: 303 297-1437. 108 Denver Water Board, 144 West Colfax. Water utility. Guided tour of laboratory and plant with explanation of operation, identification of equip- ment utilized and types of tests and analyses con- ducted by laboratory personnel. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 5-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Public Affairs at 303 222-551 1, Ext. 371 or Quality Control Laboratory at 303 794-7127. 48 Denver Wholesale Florist Company, Inc., 4800 Dahlia. Tour through printing department, retail supply department, greenhouse supply department, flower receiving area, tinting room, flower grading area, city sales department, long-distance sales de- partment and data-processing department. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30-10:30 a.m. and 12:30-1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours two weeks prior to a holiday. Group number: 25 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 3 days required. Contact Penney Smith. Phone: 303 399-0970. 11 The First National Bank of Denver, 62 1 17th Street. Commercial banking. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, French, Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese translation, and sign lan- guage available. Phone: 303 893-2211, Ext. 2532. 10 Interstate Brands Corporation (Butternut Bread), 5050 East Evans Avenue. Wholesale bakery. Tour of storage, make-up and wrapping and shipping facilities used for making Butternut Bread. Tours Wednesday and Thursday, 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours during summer months. Group number: 6-30. Advance notice of 30 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 7 not admitted. Contact Donald L. Dorr, Office Man- ager. Phone: 303 756-3617. 30 Mountain Bell, 1401 Champa. Visitors see switch- ing equipment, long-distance operators, directory assistance operators, service representatives and long lines network management. Tours second Tuesday and third Wednesday of each month, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Jean Waid. Phone: 303 624-7947. 33 Packaging Corporation of America, 5501 Brighton Boulevard. Corrugated shipping containers, pa- perboard manufacturing. Tours Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Group number: 35 maximum. Phone: 303 288-2601. 10 Rainbo Bread Company, 7300 Brighton Boulevard, P.O. Box 268. Bakery. Tour consists of a short film and a visit to the production area where bread and buns are being produced. Tours weekdays except Tuesday, 1:30-5 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours June through August. Advance notice of 3 days required. Contact Jerry Vickery. Phone: 303 288-2677. 72 Rocky Mountain News, 400 West Colfax. News- paper publisher. Tour covers all aspects of news- paper publishing (i.e., editorial department, com- posing, platemaking, printing, mailroom, circula- tion and advertising). Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 35 maximum. Tours by appointment only. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact- Jill Jackson. Phone: 303 892-5282. 70 United States Mint, 320 West Colfax Street. Sum- mer: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Winter: 9-1 1 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. Closed weekends and holidays and for two weeks in June while inventory is being taken. Phone: 303 297-3582. COLORADO II LITTLETON 75 Marathon Oil Company, Denver Research Center, 7400 South Broadway. Proprietary petroleum re- search in exploration, production, refining and chemicals; tertiary oil recovery emphasis. Visitors see scanning electron microscope, mass spectromet- ers, Burroughs B6500 computer, computer graphics terminal, petroleum "cracking" tower, core storage and thin-section laboratory, disc and linear core flooding equipment and chemical storage areas. Tour also includes support facilities: research li- brary, auditorium, print shop, etc. Tours Thursday and Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Translation services available for German, Russian, Spanish, French, Dutch and some Iranian and Arabic dialects. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Jack Gilligan, Communica- tions Specialist. Phone: 303 794-2601. PUEBLO 95 CF&I Steel Corporation, P.O. Box 316. Integrated steel mill producing steel rails, seamless tubing, wire products, bars, structural, etc. Bus tour of entire steel-making operations from raw materials to finished product with visitor platform viewing at selected finishing mills. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:45 a.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 40 maximum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Bill Brill. Phone: 303 561-6442. CONNECTICUT FAIRFIELD 66 J.L. Lucas Machinery, Inc., 1296 Kings Highway Cutoff. Rebuilders of and dealers in used machin- ery. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30-11 a.m. and 1:30-4 p.m. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children not admitted. Contact: Culbert S. Strauss, President. Phone: 203 259-3393. FARMINGTON 20 Associated Architects, Spring Lane. Industrial ar- chitects. Explanation of basic philosophy and layout projects on hand. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact: Charles M. Newman. Phone: 203 677-2801. 90 The F.I. P. Corporation, Farmington Industrial Park, Box 354. Designers, developers and builders of modern, environmentally planned and constructed industrial parks and commercial buildings. Tour consists of a short briefing and showing of F.I.P.'s film "Emphasis Man," and a walking tour or ride through the Farmington Industrial Park prototype, which is rated as one of the most attractive and environmentally planned industrial parks in the United States. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: one hour to all day depending on the number of industrial parks to be visited. Group number: 8 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 17 not admitted. Contact George G. Adrian, Director of Public Rela- tions. Phone: 203 677-1361. HARTFORD 60 The Travelers Insurance Company, One Tower Square. Insurance. Tour of the Travelers Tower only. Tower open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 20-30 minutes. Tower closed November through April and on national holidays. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice re- quired for groups larger than 20 persons. Contact Tower Receptionist. Phone: 203 277-2431. MERIDEN 72 The Meriden Record Company, 11 Crown Street. Newspaper publisher. Tour of facilities with expla- nation of all aspects of publishing a daily news- paper. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 8-30. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. Contact David T. Lucey, Assistant General Manager. Phone:203 235-1661. MIDDLEBURY 85 Uniroyal, Inc., Oxford Management & Research Center. Tires, timing belts, golf balls, Keds shoes and other rubber and plastic products. Tour of corporate offices only. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-8. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact B.L. Evans, Corporate Personnel Manager at 203 573-2727 or Rita Garramone, Personnel Supervisor at 203 573-2728. 12 CONNECTICUT WATERBURY 14 AMF Alcort Division, South Leonard Street. Sail- boat manufacturer. Visitors see how fiberglass sail- boats are built from start to finish. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 5-10. Plant closed 2 weeks during the middle of August. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Italian, Portuguese and Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches per- mitted. Contact Miss M.A. Rockwell, Personnel Manager. Phone: 203 756-7091 . WILLIMANTIC 99 American Thread Company, 322 Main Street. Pro- ducer of synthetic industrial threads and hand- knitting yarns. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m. Group number: 6-40. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact: Mr. Paul J. Milone, Training Supervisor. Phone: 203 423-257 1 . DELAWARE MIDDLETOWN 3 Summit Aviation Incorporated, Route 896. Fixed base aviation (sales, avionics-electronics, aircraft service, flight school, air taxi facilities). Advance arrangements required. Contact John Morgan. Phone: 302 656-2274 or 302 737-7300. NEWARK 49 Dayett Mills, Inc., Old Baltimore Pike near Purgat- ory Swamp Road. 18th century water-powered grist mill. Tour includes following grain from storage bins through the process of grinding, cleaning, sifting and packaging. Advance arrangements re- quired. Contact Raynor Johnson. Phone: 302 731-1500. WILMINGTON 72 The News-Joumal Company, 831 Orange Street. Newspaper publishing and printing plant. Tour in- cludes newsroom, composing room, printing and distribution operations, press and library. Tours Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Ad- vance arrangements required. Contact Ms. Lois Lawrence. Phone: 302 654-5351, Ext. 248. 88 Port of Wilmington, foot of Christiana Avenue (P.O. Box 1191). Walking tour of ship unloading facilities, warehouses and physical extent of the port. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Advance arrangements required. Contact Donal J. Alfieri, Port Director. Phone: 302 656-8566. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON 56 The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Residence of the President. Entrance on East Executive Avenue. Open to the public Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon; closed Sundays, Mondays and legal holidays. 61 Bergmann's Laundry, .623 G Street, N.W. Tours through the Rug Department, by appointment. Tour length: 30 minutes. Contact Mr. Richard Bergmann. Phone: 202 737-5400. 48 Botonic Gardens, First and Maryland Avenue, S.W. Tropical gardens and special exhibitions during the entire year. Open daily; winter, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; summer, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone: 202 225-8333. 56 Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Department of the Treasury, 14th and C Streets, S.W. Continuous, self-guided tours of great interest, showing the making of U.S. paper money, stamps and bonds. Tours daily, 8-1 1:30 a.m. and 12:30-2 p.m., except legal holidays. Tour length: 25 minutes. A very popular tour and no reservation is necessary. Phone: 202 964-7611. 30 Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, 930 H Street, N.W. Tours available by special arrange- ment. Contact Mrs. Simms. Phone: 202 392-2226. 56 Civil Service Commission, 19th and E Streets, N.W. Groups invited by appointment, for one-hour session, including a talk on "Introduction to Gov- ernment" and a film on the work of the Commis- sion. Contact Mr. Hoff. Phone: 202 632-6156. 56 Department of Agriculture, Administration Build- ing, Main Entrance, Jefferson Drive and 13th Street, S.W. Special exhibits in the patio. Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Mr. Gifford. Phone: 202 447-631 1 . 48 Department of Agriculture, National Arboretum, 24th and R Streets, N.E. Four hundred and fifteen acres of flowering trees and shrubs. Administration Building of architectural interest. Open November through March, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; April through October, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The National Bonsai Collection is open daily, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tours available with advance arrangement of three weeks. Phone: 202 399-5400. 56 Department of Commerce, 14th Street, between Constitution Avenue and E Street, N.W. No tours, but the building is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The lobby has a census clock, a seismograph and the latest weather details. An aquarium is located on the lower level. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 13 56 Department of the Interior, 18th and C Streets, N.W. No tours. Building open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Museum, Indian Craft Shop. Contact Mr. Louis Churchville, Office of Public Affairs. Phone: 202 343-3173. 56 Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice, 9th and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. This is an extremely popular and a heavily booked tour. Regular tours Monday through Friday, 9:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., except on legal holidays. Groups must write or call three to six months in advance (letters are preferred for large groups) for reservations. Tour length: 1 hour. Phone: 202 324-3447. 53 National Housing Center, 15th and M Streets, N.W. Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Contact the Industry Relations Department. Phone: 202 452-0200. 56 Naval Observatory, 34th and Massachusetts Av- enue, N.W. Open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; closed weekends and holidays. As- tronomers on duty will answer questions. Exhibits in several telescope buildings open to the public; no preschool children admitted. Night tours are avail- able on special days of each month. Phone: 202 254-4533. 56 U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W., First Floor. Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. See the Philatelic Exhibition and the Stamp Sales Unit. 56 Voice of America, U.S. Information Agency, Sec- ond Floor, 330 Independence Avenue, S.W. Tours Monday through Friday, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. and 1, 2, 3 and 4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Groups should call or write in advance to the Office of Public Information for reservations. Phone: 202 755-4744. FLORIDA HIALEAH 21 Yale Ogron Manufacturing Company, Inc., 671 West 18th Street. Aluminum windows and sliding glass doors. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. Group number: 6 maximum. Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact M.H. Caswell. Phone: 305 887-2646. JACKSONVILLE 66 Irvington-Moore Division, U.S. Natural Resources, Inc., 1220 West State Street. Dry kilns, veneer dryers and lumber-handling equipment. Tour of manufacturing plant, engineering department and offices. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. No tours during Christmas week. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Spanish trans- lation available. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Peter M. Cumming, Manager, International Sales. Phone:904 354-2301. MIAMI 22 International Communications Corporation (A Milgo Company), 8600 N.W. 41st Street. Data communications equipment manufacturer — modems and accessory items, and also terminals. Tour of ICC Administrative building and manufacturing building. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mr.- Jack B. Gerber, Vice President, International Oper- ations. Phone: 305 592-7654. 5 King Cole, 66 N.W. 22nd Street. Girl's swimwear and sportswear manufacturer. Observe complete children's wear manufacturing operation from de- signing, cutting and sewing to shipping. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Spanish translation available. Contact Larry Mizrach. Phone: 305 573-7050. 36 Mc Arthur Dairy, Inc., 6851 N.E. 2nd Avenue. Milk bottling plant. Complete milk processing and bottl- ing operation in paper and plastic cartons. Tours weekdays except Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Spanish translation available. Contact Duane Rutte, Director of Milk Processing. Phone: 305 754-4521. PINELLAS PARK 3 Aircraft Porous Media, Inc., 6301 — 49th Street North. Manufacturer of filters and filtration systems for aircraft. Visitors see development of raw casting and porous media into finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours during two weeks in July. Group number: 24 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Robert J. Spennato, Personnel Director. Phone: 813 522-2131. 14 FLORIDA PORT EVERGLADES 88 Tracor Marine, Inc., Southeast 19th Avenue and 35th Street, P.O. Box 13107. Ship repair and oceanographic research. Tour consists of shipyard repair facilities, including syncrolift and floating drydock. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Weekend tours by special arrangement. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 1 week required. Translation services available. Young children visit at their parents' risk. Contact Frederick V. Brooks, Administrative Vice President. Phone: 305 523-2546. SARASOTA 68 Rexnord, Inc., 4675 Clark Road. Manufacturer of hydraulic valves. Tour through manufacturing and office areas, plus a sixteen-minute video tape pres- entation. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 3-10. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact D. B. Whitehouse, Personnel Manager. Phone: 813 924-1284. 14 Wellcraft Marine Corporation, 8151 Bradenton Road. Manufacturer of fiberglass boats. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. No tours July 1-15 and December 20-31. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice required. No sketches permitted. Contact Ben Rainville. Phone: 813 355-9711. TAMPA 16 Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company, 11111 North 30th Street. Brewery — Schlitz and Old Milwaukee. A visit to the Tampa Plant of Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company includes a guided tour through the brew- ery and a sample of the beer. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 20-30 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice required for large groups. No cameras permit- ted. Contact Ms. Mary L. Dixson, Tampa Hospital- ity. Phone: 813 971-7070, Ext. 228. 50 Singleton Packing Corporation, P.O. Box 2819, 5024 Uceta Road. Frozen seafood products. Tour includes receiving of raw material through complete manufacturing process and quality control steps to finished product in frozen storage. Tours weekdays by appointment. Advance notice of 2 weeks re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Don Toloday, Vice President of Production. Phone: 813 247-1 171 . 55 Thatcher Glass Manufacturing Company, 11316 — 46th Street. Glass container manufacturing. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Harold F. Shaver, Personnel Manager. Phone: 813 971-8020. 72 The Tribune Company, 202 South Parker Street. Publisher of Tampa's two daily newspapers, The Tampa Tribune and The Tampa Times. Visitors will view entire newspaper printing operation in the newest printing plant in the United States. Tour of newsrooms, computers, platemaking department and pressroom. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish and Japanese translation avilable. Children under 12 must be accompanied by parents. Contact Craig Pearce, Educational Services Coordinator. Phone: 813 272-7765. 101 Villazon and Company, Inc., 3104 North Armenia Avenue. Cigar manufacturer. Visitors see how cigars are made by machine and by hand; cellophan- ing and banding by machine and hand and selecting of colors. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30-10:30 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the last week in June to third week in July and week before Christmas to January 15. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice requested. Spanish translation available. Children welcome if accompanied by an adult. Phone: 813 879-2291. VERO BEACH 3 Piper Aircraft Corporation, Vero Beach Division, Piper Drive, P.O. Box 1328. Aircraft manufacturer. Tour consists of an orientation slide presentation followed by a guided tour through the plant, includ- ing fabrication, assembly and the quality test flight area. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours for two days during the year for inventory purposes (usually in June or July). Group number: 20 maximum. Trans- lation services available upon special request in advance. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Dan Callahan, Manager of Employee Relations. Phone: 305 567-4361. FLORIDA 15 WEST PALM BEACH 72 The Palm Beach Post and Times, 2751 South Dixie Highway. Newspaper plant for the city's two daily papers. Tour of reporters' areas, art department, offices and production areas (including presses), with an explanation of each department's function. Tours weekdays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice of 2-3 weeks required. Spanish translation available. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Vivian Geer, Promotion Manager. Phone: 305 833-7411, Ext. 281. GEORGIA ALBANY 69 U.S. Marine Corps Logistics Support Base. Tour of base facilities, some working areas and wildlife refuge. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 3-25. No tours December 2 1 to January 3. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Teenagers and children wel- come if accompanied by parent or guardian. Contact Public Affairs Officer. Phone: 912 439-5215 or 912 439-5216. ASHBURN 50 Gold Kist Peanuts, West Washington Street. Shel- ling and grading of peanuts. Tour of plant with general explanation of the different phases of the peanut industry. Tours weekdays, September through May, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-10. Contact W. R. Davis, Plant Manager. Phone: 912 567-331 1 . ATLANTA 62 Atlanta Belting Company, Inc., 560 Edge wood Avenue, N.E. Manufacturing and fabrication of industrial belting (leather and rubber). Tours week- days, 9-11:45 a.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours July 1-15. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Ernest D. Key, Jr. Phone: 404 688-1483. 11 The First National Bank of Atlanta, 2 Peachtree Street. Banking. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Group number: 50 maximum. Ad- vance notice required. Spanish translation available. Contact Wilburn A. Askew, Senior Vice President. Phone: 404 588-5709. 60 Life Insurance Company of Georgia, 600 West Peachtree Street, N.W. Life and health insurance. Tour of large office building housing home office of life and health insurance operations, including data processing area, large clerical departments, meeting rooms and executive offices. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mary James Atkinson, Assistant Director of Public Relations. Phone: 404 881-8800. 98 Neiman-Marcus Company, Lenox Square, 3393 Peachtree Road, N.E. Specialty department store. Tour of store, including works of art and unique merchandise. Tours Monday-Thursday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Tuesday-Wednesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 20-60 minutes. Group number: 10-25. Tours by appointment only. Translation services available for French, Spanish, Italian, and with prior notice, Japanese and German. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Ms. Sally White, Public Relations Manager. Phone: 404 266-8200, Ext. 361 or 362. 30 Scientific- Atlanta, 3845 Pleasantdale Road. Man- ufacturer of products for telecommunications, satel- lite and cable communications and microwave in- struments. Tour consists of a brief orientation of company products followed by tour of main plant (metal shops and electronic assembly areas). Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. German and Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Susan W. Lile, Employment Manager. Phone: 404 449-2000. Delta Air Lines, Inc., Hartsfield Atlanta Interna- tional Airport. Tour includes a walk through of the various maintenance shops and a tour of an airplane. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 8-35. Written notice of 2 months required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Karen Johnson, Film Librarian — Public Relations. Phone: 404 762-2251. 18 WSB Radio and Television, 1601 West Peachtree Street, N.E. Broadcasting. Tour of radio and televi- sion studios, news departments and weather center. Tours weekdays by reservation. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 45 maximum. Advance notice of 1 month required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Personnel Office. Phone: 404 897-7369. 16 GEORGIA AUGUSTA 74 Continental Group, Inc., P.O. Box 1425. Manufac- turer of bleached paperboard. Tours Monday through Friday, 1 1 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 6-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact David R. Elliott, Industrial Relations Manager. Phone: 404 798-571 1 . 31 Martin Marietta Aggregates, Southeast Division, Georgia District Office, P.O. Box 4380. Crushed stone. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Clearances required for any publication of operations, facts, sketches, pictures, etc. Contact C.A. Weaks or Bill McCorkle. Phone: 404 738-7762. 72 Southeastern Newspapers, 725 Broad Street. News- paper. Tour meets in lobby of newsbuilding for an introduction of the tour, then to newsroom, pres- sroom, mailroom, composing room and warehouse. Tours Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Betty Richardson, Secretary to Circulation Director. Phone: 404 724-0851, Ext. 260 or 272. BARNESVILLE 85 The General Tire & Rubber Company, Aldora Mills Division, One General Street. Textile — tire fabric. A leisurely tour of the plant with an explanation of each process of the operation. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the first two weeks of July. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 12 not admitted. Contact Plant Manager. Phone:404 358-1150. BAXLEY 82 Georgia Power Company & Oglethorpe Electric Membership Corporation (Edwin I. Hatch Visitors Center), P.O. Box 442. Generation of electricity using nuclear power. A self-guided tour through a series of multi-media exhibits examining the genera- tion of electricity and the reasons why nuclear fuel is a viable source. Tour does not include a visit to the nuclear plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 1-5 p.m. Tour length: 40-60 minutes. Group number: 70 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of 20 or more. Contact Director, Edwin I. Hatch Visitors Center. Phone: 912 367-3668. BRUNSWICK 68 Babcock & Wilcox Company, South Albany Street. Boiler components, TLT fans and air heater surface lines. Tour of storeroom, the 415 shop, TLT test site and seaboard shop. Tours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 10-20. No cameras permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact R.R. Morris, Em- ployee Relations Manager. Phone: 912 265-0510. 73 Dixie O'Brien Division, The O'Brien Corporation, 2700 Glynn Avenue. Paint manufacturer — varnishes, house, automotive and industrial paints. Observe how raw materials are received, processed, stored and shipped. Tour also includes office, laboratories and data processing. Tours weekdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Spanish and German translation available with prior notice. Contact John Warner, Customer Service Manager. Phone:912 265-7650. 31 Seaboard Construction Company, Route 99, North Sterling. Asphaltic concrete. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 min- utes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Jack Kite. Phone: 912 265-6410. CARROLLTON 68 Southwire Company, 5 Fertilla Street. Electrical wire and cable. Observe wire and cable manufacturing — furnaces, stranding of wire and in- sulation of cable. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 35-50. Advance notice of 1 week required. French and Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Marvin Williamson. Phone: 404 832-6311, Ext. 4307. CEDARTOWN 68 Star Manufacturing Company, 10th and Pryor. Metal building fabrication — metal building systems. ' Tour of plant to view metal building components being fabricated (includes shearing, welding, paint- ing, roll forming, packaging and shipping). Tours Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No children admitted. Contact Mr. Pete Norris, Plant Manager. Phone: 404 748-6633. COLUMBUS 83 The Litho-Krome Company, 1039— 13th Street, P.O. Box 988. Printers and lithographers. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 2-16. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mrs. J. Tom Morgan, Jr., or Mr. Lamar Powers. Phone: 404 324-421 1. GEORGIA 17 72 R.W. Page Corporation, 1 1 & 17 West 1 1th Street. Newspaper production and distribution. Tour con- sists of newsrooms and production facilities, includ- ing explanations of wire services, advertising, prod- uction procedures, etc. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 10-25. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Milton Miles, Promotion Assis- tant. Phone:404 322-8831. 50 Tom's Foods, Ltd., 900— 8th Street. Peanut pro- ducts and confections. Tour consists of candy plant, peanut processing plant and bakery plant. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 2 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Phil Badcock. Phone: 404 323-2721. CONYERS 40 Lithonia Lighting, a Division of National Service Industries, Inc., 1335 Industrial Boulevard, N.W. Lighting fixture manufacturer — fluorescent and high intensity lighting. Tour consists of the following departments: research and development, fabrication, paint, assembly, tool and die and plastics. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours during week of July 4. Group number: 2-20. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 16 not admitted. Contact Industrial Relations Manager or Industrial Relations Super- visor. Phone: 404 483-8731, Ext. 245. DORAVILLE 7 General Motors Corporation, GM Assembly Divi- sion, 3900 Motors Industrial Way. Assembly of Oldsmobile Cutlass, Chevrolet Monte Carlos and Chevelle's. Observe assembly of cars, from the raw metal to the finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. No tours August 1 through September 15. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No clearance required for competitive industries, if making a "wide aisle" tour as given to the general public. Clearance is required for a more detailed tour, and must be cleared in advance with Mr. A. O'Keefe, Director of Public Relations, GM Assembly Division, 30007 Van Dyke Avenue, Warren, Michigan 48090. No cameras or sketches are permitted. Children under 8 not admitted unless accompanied by an adult. Contact Ms. Millie Tucker, Receptionist. Phone: 404 455-5254. EAST POINT 33 International Paper Company, 2323 North Sylvan Road. Manufacturer of plastic-coated milk cartons. Visitors view converting operation from roll stock to finished cartons — packed and ready to ship to cus- tomer. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Contact Richard L. Engle, Plant Manager. Phone: 404 767-4371. CORDELE 65 Cordele Sash Door & Lumber Company, 134 Ninth Avenue, West. Lumber manufacturer. Tour includes visit to log yard, debarker saw operations, chipper, grading chain, planing mill, automatic stacker, kilns, drying yard and storage sheds. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours during week of July 4. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Ben I. Thornton, III, Vice President. Phone: 912 273-2711. 65 William C. Meredith Company, Inc., 2335 Lawr- ence Street. Wood preserving manufacturer of pressure-treated poles, crossarms, lumber, post and construction poles. Complete tour of wood preserv- ing plant including pole yard, crossarm and lumber mill, boiler room, treating room and laboratory. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Advance notice of 3 days required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact W. C. Meredith, III. Phone:404 767-2621. DALTON 24 J & J Industries, Inc., J & J Drive. Carpet manufac- turing. Observe yarn processing, tufting process, testing methods and backing processes. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours week of July 4 and Christ- mas. Group number: 8 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Frank Powell. Phone: 404 278-4454. 73 William Armstrong Smith Company, 2675 Martin Street. Paints. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admit- ted. Contact C. H. Sudduth, Production Manager, or R. S. Whittier, Vice President. Phone: 404 767-0564. 18 GEORGIA ELBERTON 31 Elberton Granite Association, Inc., No. 1 Granite Plaza. Trade association representing the wholesale manufacturers of Elberton Granite memorial pro- ducts. Tour of granite quarries, sawing and fabricat- ing plants and sculpture studios. Tours weekdays, May 15-October 15, 10 a.m. Tour length: 90 min- utes. No tours week of July 4. Advance notice required for large groups. Childrens' groups must be 12 or older, in groups of 10 and accompanied by adults. Contact Hudson Cone, Promotion Specialist. Phone: 404 283-2551. ELLENWOOD 107 M.R. & R. Trucking Company, 5161 Highway 42, South. Motor common carrier. Tour consists of office, loading deck, unloading deck, shop facilities, dispatching, rating and billing and freight handling. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 1 1 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact A.J. Abernathy, Vice President, or Tony Lifsey, Termi- nal Manager. Phone: 404 366-8726. HAWKINSVILLE 99 Opelika Manufacturing Corporation, Hawkinsville Division, Houston Street. Textiles — cotton towel- ing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. No tours week of July 4. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact John A. Smyth, Plant Manager. Phone: 912 892-9041 . LA FAYETTE 24 E. T. Barwick Industries, Inc., West Main Street. Tufted carpet. Tour includes yarn manufacturing, carpet manufacturing and finishing, shipping, cus- tomer service, sample and cut-order functions. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours first week in July. Group number: 2-20. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Bryan Gibson, Director of Personnel. Phone: 404 638-2242. MARIETTA 53 Accepted Products, Inc., 1421 White Circle, N.W. Furniture manufacturing. Products include Brumby rockers, swings, sewing rockers, footstools and lap desks. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 12:30-4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours first two weeks in July and during Christ- mas vacation. Group number: 2-8. Advance notice of 1 day required. No cameras permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Carole H. Melson, President. Phone: 404 427-2618. 3 Lockheed-Georgia Company, 86 South Cobb Drive. Aircraft manufacturer — C-5 Galaxy, C-141 Starlift- er, C-130 Hercules and Jetstar 11. Tour of aircraft manufacturing facilities with overview of opera- tions. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours two weeks during Christmas. Advance notice of 6 weeks re- quired. Lockheed-Georgia is located at Air Force Plant No. 6, and all foreign nationals must be approved through their embassies and U.S. Air Force Foreign Liaison Office in Washington, D.C. prior to their entry into Lockheed Air Force Plant No. 6. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Public Relations. Phone:404 424-3213. MILLEDGEVILLE 80 Griffin Pipe Products Company, Orchard Hill Road. Manufacturer of clay sewer pipe and flue lining. Tour of office and production areas, including pres- sing, firing, jointing and yard. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. No tours first two weeks in July. Advance notice of 1 month required. Contact William J. Streb, Works Manager. Phone: 912 452-4571. MONTICELLO 65 Monticello Bobbin Company, 12 Frobel Street. Manufacturer of textile wooden bobbins. General tour including machinery, tooling, finishing and material handling. Tours Monday through Thurs- day, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 12:30-4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours first three weeks of July. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Richard S. Bates, Executive Vice President. Phone: ,404 468-6436. NEWMAN 11 The C & S Newman Bank, 17 Greenville Street, P.O. Box 608. A brief tour of all aspects of banking. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Advance notice required. Contact Rhodes H. Shell. Phone: 404 253-4222. PELHAM 27 Pelham Phosphate Company, West Railroad Street. Fertilizer manufacturer. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-6. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Ben F. Kiser, Plant Superinten- dent. Phone:912294-2081. GEORGIA 19 ROME 74 Georgia Kraft Company, P.O. Box 1551. Pulp and paper (unbleached Kraft linerboard). Tour of facilities, followed by a question-and-answer period. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes to 2 hours. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 12 not admitted. Contact E.L. Wilson, Division Manager. Phone: 404 232-0851. SANDERSVILLE 17 Thiele Kaolin Company, Kaolin Road. Mining and processing of Kaolin clay. Tour of plant, mines and laboratories. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Advance notice required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact John S. Barton, Director of Personnel and Safety, or Otis Smith, Safety En- gineer. Phone: 912 552-3951. SAVANNAH 27 Kaiser Agricultural Chemicals, Highway 21, P.O. Box 246. Manufacturer of nitrogen products for agriculture, i.e., ammonia urea, nitrogen solutions. Walking tour through ammonia, nitric acid, urea solutions and ammonium nitrate fertilizer production plants. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-8. Advance notice of 1 week required; 2 weeks if group is larger than 8. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact A.C. Truitt, Plant Manager. Phone: 912 964-431 1 . 72 Savannah News-Press, 111 West Bay Street. Tour consists of a slide presentation and tour of the plant, including pressroom. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact L.R. Woods, Circulation Director. Phone: 912 236-9511, Ext. 280. 18 WSAV-Television, 1430 East Victory Drive. Tele- vision studio. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Children under 6 not admit- ted. Contact Curt Avery. Phone: 912 236-0303. THOMASTON 33 Federal Paper Board Company, Poplar Street, P.O. Box 1163. Folding carton packaging (beverage wraps, pastry and frozen food cartons). Visitors will see paperboard roll stock sheeted, printed, die cut, stripped, windowed, glued and packed for shipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours week of July 4 and Christmas week. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 4 days required. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Plant Manager or Plant Superintendent. Phone: 404 647-6671. THOMASVILLE 27 Davco-Defiance Division, Davis Water & Waste Industries, Inc., 1828 Metcalf Avenue. Water pollu- tion control (sewage lift station and treatment plants). Tour of manufacturing and office facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children not admitted. Contact Mr. Tim Tart, Industrial Rela- tions Manager. Phone: 912 226-5733. 10 Flowers Baking Company, South Madison Street, P.O. Box 1219. Visitors will see how bread and rolls are made from the beginning to the finished product. Tours weekdays except Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-20. Written notice of 4 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Plant Manager. Phone: 912 226-5331. 108 South Georgia Natural Gas Company, P.O. Box 1279. Transmission and sale of natural gas. Visitors will see the various facilities associated with an interstate pipeline company. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Several days' advance notice required. Contact Joe M. Anderson. Phone: 912 226-4742. 48 Thomasville Nurseries, Inc., 1840 Smith Avenue, P.O. Box 7. Visitors will see display garden of 2,000 rose bushes. Blooming time for roses is normally mid-April to mid-November; annual rose show held on fourth Friday in April. Day lilies, camellias, azaleas and liriopes are also grown. Tours daily. Contact A. Paul Hjort. Phone: 912 220-5568. TIFTON 11 C&S Bank of Tifton, First Street. General tour of bank operations with discussions of the industry and trade in the area. Tours Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 5 maximum. No cameras permitted. Advance notice required. Contact John W. Fountain, Jr., Cashier. Phone:912 382-2424. 42 Coastal Plain Station, University of Georgia College of Agriculture. Experiment stations. Tour of laboratory and field facilities for research in the Animal Sciences (beef cattle, dairy cattle and swine); laboratory and field facilities for research in the Plant Sciences (agronomy, plant pathology, horticulture, entomology-fisheries); also research facilities in agricultural engineering. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. Advance notice required. Con- tact E. Broadus Browne, Resident Director. Phone: 912 386-3338. 20 GEORGIA VIENNA 84 Georgia Pacific Pump Company, Highway 215, P.O. Box 367. Domestic water systems. Tour of machine shop, assembly, testing, packaging and shipping. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact John Joiner. Phone: 912 268-2921. WASHINGTON 36 Pet Incorporated — Dairy Group, 416 West Liberty Street. Tour of milk processing plant. Tours week- days except Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 10 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Mr. Troy Forsyth, Plant Man- ager, or Mr. Keith Churchwell, Manager of Produc- tion & Facilities. Phone: 404 678-2101. WAYCROSS 11 Commercial Bank, 400 Elizabeth Street. Commer- cial banking. Tour of all departments of the bank. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. French, Spanish and Japanese translation available. Contact William H. Rentz, President. Phone: 912 283-3443. WOODLAND 53 Woodland Furniture Manufacturing Company, Val- ley Road. Manufacturer of upholstered livingroom furniture. Visitors see all phases of furniture man- ufacturing from kiln drying of wet lumber to frame construction, finishing, upholstering and shipping. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours week of July 4. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice required. Con- tact Blake Bartlett. Phone: 404 674-2218. HAWAII ISLAND OF HAWAII CAPTAIN COOK 50 Superior's Mauna Kea Coffee Roasting Plant. Roasting of commercial Kona coffee beans. Open to visitors year-round. Mill has signs explaining proce- dures. Active milling season is October through January, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. HILO 48 Anthuriums of Hawaii, Inc., Puna District. An- thurium nursery. Tours daily, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Mrs. Edna Kelii, P.O. Box 315, Pahoa 96771. Phone: 808 968-6448. 5 Evelyn Margolis Garment Factory, 933 Kanoelehua Avenue. Hawaiian wear manufacturing from design concepts to finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone: 808 961-3077. 54 Hale Manu Craft, 2212 Kanoelehua Avenue. Lauhala (pandanus leaves) woven products. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact Bobbie Park. Phone: 808 959-8546. 50 Niolopa Hawaiian Jams & Jellies, 1965 Kamehameha Highway. Jelly and jam preserves. Tours daily, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., upon advance notice. Contact Mrs. Jean Nekoba. Phone: 808 935-851 1. 48 Orchids of Hawaii, 575 Hinano Street. Orchid gardens and nursery. Daily tours, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact Mr. Richard Iwasaki, P.O. Box 457, Hilo 96720. Phone: 808 935-6617. 50 Puueo Poi Shop. Processing of taro into poi. Opera- tions only in early morning, 1 :30-7:30 a.m. to assure daily delivery of fresh poi to supermarkets. Advance notice required. Contact Mr. Sau Lin Chang Kauwe, 265-D Kekuanaoa Street, Hilo 96720. Phone: 808 935-8435. 50 Royal Hawaiian Macadamia Nut Company, High- way 11. Macadamia nut processing. Narrated slide presentation and self-guided tour along visitor's deck. Tours Monday through Friday, September through April, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Phone: 808 966-9301. HONOKAA 50 Hawaiian Holiday Macadamia Nut Plant. Tours daily, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Manager. Phone: 808 775-7201. PAHOA 48 Hawaiian Greenhouse, Inc. Anthurium nursery. Tours daily, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact Mr. James Kuwahara, P.O. Box 1, Pahoa 96778. Phone: 808 965-8351. ISLAND OF MAUI KAHULUI 54 Hawaiian Alii Jewels. Pink and black coral jewelry. Tours Monday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Phone: 808 877-5411. ISLAND OF OAHU EWA 75 Standard Oil Hawaiian Refinery, Campbell Indus- trial Park (Ewa Beach). Processing of crude oil at refinery. Tours by appointment, Wednesday only, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 90 minutes. Contact Mr. Arthur Campbell or Ms. Ellen Sato. Phone: 808 533-2911. HAWAII 21 HONOLULU 54 Blair, Ltd., 404 Ward Avenue. Carved products from native hardwoods. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 12:30-4 p.m. Self- guided tours through outdoor factory and adjoining showroom. 72 Hawaii Newspaper Agency, 605 Kapiolani Boulevard. Newspaper publishing. Tours by ap- pointment, Monday through Friday. Tour length: 75 minutes. Contact Barbara Edwards. Phone: 808 536-7222 or 808 537-2977. 82 Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. Honolulu power plant on Ala Moana Boulevard, Waiau power plant in Pearl City or Kahe plant in Waipahu. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30-11 a.m. and 12:30-2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Tours by appointment only. Shoes must be worn; no sandals or high heels, and women should wear slacks. Contact Mrs. Laurita Howard. Phone: 808 548-7771. 30 Hawaiian Telephone Company, 1 177 Bishop Street. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Tours by appointment only. Contact Mr. Edward Fernandez. Phone: 808 546-8814. 23 Hawaiian Tuna Packers, Kewalo Basin. Tuna can- nery. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. (when cannery is operational). Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Ms. Ruth Inouye. Phone: 808 536-4961. 5 Honolulu Fashion Factory, 440 Kuwili Street. Gar- ment design and manufacturing. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact Plant Manager. Phone: 808 537-2926. (Special bus provides free transportation to and from factory through Waikiki, every hour, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.) 54 House of Kalai, 1727 Mary Street. Carved wood products. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact Mrs. Naomi Weight. Phone: 808 841-2623. 18 KGMB Television, 1534 Kapiolani Boulevard. Tour of TV operations, technical and production facilities, film library, tape and transmitter equip- ment, studios, TV cameras, lighting, props and control room. Tours by appointment. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Contact Ms. Terri Joiner. Phone: 808 941-3011. 54 Lanakila Crafts, 1809 Bachelot Street. Hawaiian gift items and handicrafts made by handicapped persons. Tours Tuesday, 1 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Contact Lee Steffens. Phone: 808 531-0555. 10 Love's Biscuit & Bread Company, 836 Kapahulu Avenue. Batter mixing, baking and packing of baked goods. Visits by appointment, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 12 noon to 3 p.m. No tour guide. Signs explaining process and equipment. No cameras permitted. Contact Mrs. Harriet Akana. Phone: 808 737-5561. IDAHO BOISE 82 Idaho Power Company, 1220 Idaho Street. Elec- tric utility. Tours of Hells Canyon Dam, Brownlee Dam and Oxbow Dam. Dams are located in North America's deepest gorge. Brownlee Dam is one of the world's largest rockfill structures. Visitors are conducted throughout the power plants, including control rooms and generating units. Tours daily at Hells Canyon Dam, 1 p.m., and Brownlee Dam, 11 a.m. Tours weekdays at Oxbow Dam, 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 2 days re- quired. Contact Frank Myers, Power Plant Operat- ing Superintendent. Phone: 208 345-7210. 72 The Idaho Statesman, 1200 North Curtis Road. Daily newspaper. Visitors will discover how the newspaper is produced every 24 hours. They will see an original first edition (July 26, 1864), and learn how stories and pictures become news. Ad- vertising layouts will also be demonstrated. Tours Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 9 not admitted. Contact Sue Ray born or Pat Ahrens. Phone: 208 376-2121, Ext. 329. 48 Lucky Peak Nursery, U.S. Forest Service, c/o Idaho City Stage (17 miles east of Boise on Highway 21). Growing bare root tree seedling stock from seed and seed extraction. Tour consists of slide presentation showing all phases of the nursery operation, fol- lowed by a walk through facilities and fields with explanations of equipment. Tours weekdays, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 80 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Frank E. Morby, Nurseryman. Phone:208 343-1977. 105 Shelterex Corporation, 3210 East Amity Road. Mobile home manufacturer. Tour of facilities and products. Tours Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours week of July 4 and week of Christmas. Group number: 3-10. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children not admitted. Con- tact Frank Libby, Jr., or Daniel Sevcik. Phone: 208 345-5500. 22 IDAHO EMMETT 65 Boise Cascade Corporation, P.O. Box 217. Lumber and plywood. Observe processing of logs from mill pond to finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 bours. No tours the first two weeks in July. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Beth Heideman or Richard Just, Plant Manager. Phone: 208 365-4431. GRANGEVILLE 62 Ray Holes Saddle Company, 213 West Main. Custom-made saddles; pack equipment for horses and mules and riding equipment. Tours Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 1 day required. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Gerald Holes. Phone: 208 983-1460. 65 Wickes Forest Industries, Highway 95 North. Man- ufacturing and selling wholesale lumber (both di- mensional and studs). Tour of main sawmill, includ- ing headrig and chip-n-saw, from log infeed through bin sorter and automatic stacker. Tours do not include planers and/or stud mill. Special arrange- ments required for tours of other areas. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 10:30-11:30 a.m. and 3:30-4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 2-12. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 6 not admitted. Contact Gary D. Cash, Safety and Personnel Director. Phone: 208 983-1290. KELLOGG 29 The Bunker Hill Company, 834 West McKinley Avenue. Mine and smelter. Products include lead, zinc, silver, cadmium and various by-products. Walking tours of the mine surface, concentrator and lead smelter. The mine tour consists of the mine portal, a mine model and the mill. The smel- ter tour consists of the blast furnace, lead refinery and casting area. All necessary safety equipment is provided. Tours weekdays during the summer months of June, July and August. Mine tour: 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.; smelter tour: 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 40 maximum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 5 not admitted. Contact Public Re- lations Administrator or Tour Guide. Phone: 208 784-1261, Ext. 422. LEWISTON 65 Potlatch Corporation, P.O. Box 1016. Forest products — lumber, plywood and tissue products. Tour includes sawmill, veneer and plywood plant and tissue mill. Tour of paperboard mill by special arrangements only. Weekday tours during months of June, July and August, 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Weekday tours from September through May at 1 p.m. only. Tour length: 2 hours and 30 minutes. Advance notice required if group number exceeds 20. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Maria Brown. Phone: 208 799-1483. NAMPA 31 Idaho Concrete Pipe Company, Inc., 222 Caldwell Boulevard. Asphalt-prestress concrete building components; Ready Mix concrete and concrete pro- ducts. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 4-6. Advance notice required. Spanish translation avail- able. Hard hats are provided. Contact W.L. Grigg or Ray Dickman. Phone: 208 466-8971. KAMIAH 65 Potlatch Corporation - Twin Feather Unit, Star Route. Wood products. Tour begins at log pond, and goes through the sawmill, stacking, surfacing and shipping operations. Tours Monday through Friday, afternoons only. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Donald H. Beckman, Personnel and Safety. Phone: 208 935-2577. NEW MEADOWS 65 Evergreen Forest Products, Inc., P.O. Box H (Highway 95 between New Meadows and Coun- cil). Lumber manufacturing — demension lumber, mine timbers and railroad ties. Tour of sawmill operation, yard methods, dry kiln operation, plan- ing mill and shipping. (Tour of log yard operation, if requested.) Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. No tours from mid-December through February, over 4th of July and first week of hunting season. Advance notice required. Con- tact Bob Mack, Mill Superintendent. Phone: 208 347-2111. IDAHO 23 POCATELLO 41 American Microsystems, Inc., 2300 Buckskin Road. Semi-conductor and integrated circuits manufacturer. Tour consists of a film, lecture and tour of facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-50. Advance notice of 2 weeks re- quired. No cameras permitted. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Thomas Ranstrom, Person- nel Administrator. Phone: 208 233-4690. BLOOMINGTON 32 Paul F. Beich Company, Interstates 55 and 74 and Route 66. Confectionary manufacturing plant. Tours Monday, 12:30-2:45 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9-10:30 a.m. and 12:30-2:45 p.m.; Friday, 9-10:30 a.m. Tour length: 25-30 minutes. Advance notice required. Groups of 5 or more children under 10 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. No cameras permitted. Contact Mr. Huffman. Phone: 309 829-881 1. 27 Minerals & Chemicals Division, J.R. Simplot Company, P.O. Box 912. Fertilizer — shipping acid, super acid and ammonia. Tours by appoint- ment only. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Japanese translation available. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Plant Manager. Phone: 208 232-6620. ST. MARIES 65 Potlatch Corporation, St. Maries Complex, Mill Road. Woodmill (plywood, lumber and paper chips). Tour consists of a short slide presentation, followed by a walk through the sawmill and plywood mill with explanations of the operation. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice required for groups of more than 12. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Tour Guide. Phone: 208 245-2585. SANDPOINT 65 Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, 808 North Boyer. Lumber. Tour of finishing and shipping plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 8 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact David R. Miller, Plant Man- ager. Phone: 208 263-3145. ILLINOIS BEARDSTOWN 49 Critic Mills Feed Company, 601 East Second Street. Visitors observe the processing of all types of feeds for livestock, poultry and pets. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Mr. Robert Fisher for reservations. Phone: 217 323-1130. 85 Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, Route 66 and Fort Jesse Road (P.O. Box 640). Off-the-highway tires. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 25 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. For reservations, contact J. A. Call, Manager of Industrial Relations. Phone: 309 452-4411. 48 Funk Seeds International Processing Plant, Route 51, South (P.O. Box 2911). Over 800,000 fifty- pound bags of seed are contained in a controlled atmosphere warehouse. Tours in the fall and winter (harvesting season). Written notice of 1 week re- quired. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Lensik. Phone: 309 829-9461. 18 WJBC & WBNQ, 236 Greenwood Avenue. Visitors see the technical operations of a commercial radio station, including programming, news and business, as well as the technical and engineering operations of station management. Tours Monday, 3-5 p.m. and Thursday, 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. For reserva- tions, contact Mrs. Coleman, Tour Guide. Phone: 309 829-1221. CHICAGO 11 American National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, LaSalle at Washington. Fully automated bank. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Mr. McKenna, Communica- tions Division. Phone: 312 661-5897. 13 Board of Trade of the City of Chicago, 141 West Jackson Boulevard. The largest commodities futures market in the United States, the Board of Trade opens at 9:30 a.m. and closes at 1:15 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes, given at a quarter of the hour and a quarter after the hour. Reservations required for groups of 15 or more. No cameras permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Phone: 312 435-3626. 24 ILLINOIS 86 Chicago Fire Academy, 558 West DeKoven Street. Tours are available of the Academy, as well as an opportunity to view the future firefighters' training activities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 and 10 a.m. and 2 and 3 p.m. Tour length: 20-30 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. Phone: 312 744-4728. 56 Chicago Police Department, 1121 South State Street. Tour of Communications Center, Data Sys- tems Division and Criminalistics Division (Crime Laboratory). Tours weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 by advance arrangement only. Children under 12 not admitted. Phone: 312 744-5571. 72 Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Daily News, 401 West Wabash Avenue. Tour of the Sun-Times/ Daily News headquarters. Visit includes a look at the newsroom and communications center, composing room, pressroom and bundling and distribution cen- ter. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. No cameras permit- ted. Contact the Public Service Bureau. Phone: 312 321-2032. 72 Chicago Tribune, 431 North Michigan Avenue. Tour of newspaper plant shows the operations in- volved in organizing, processing and publishing the daily paper. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m., 1 1 a.m., 1:15 p.m. and 2:45 p.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m., 12 noon or 1:15 p.m. Tour length: 80 minutes. Group number: 70 maximum. Advance arrangements required. No cameras or wheelchairs permitted. Children under 1 1 not admitted. Contact Jim Long. Phone: 312 222-3993. 56 City Hall, 121 North LaSalle Street. Tours through City Hall (Mayor's office, County Clerk, etc.) are tailored to individual group interests. Tours Monday through Friday, 10-11:30 a.m. and 2-3:30 p.m. Advance arrangements required. Children under 12 not admitted. Phone: 312 744-3370. 96 International Monetary Market & Chicago Mercan- tile Exchange, 444 West Jackson Boulevard. Com- modity futures market for foreign currencies and perishable commodities. Staff members explain the activity on the trading floor, which now includes gold trading. Tours offered from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Group number: 60 maximum. Advance ar- rangements required. Children under 14 not admit- ted. Contact the Public Relations Department. Phone: 312 648-1000. 98 Marshall Field & Company, State and Washington Street. Tour includes visits to the oriental rug department. Trend House (a miniature house, ex- quisitely furnished), the Modern Gallery, food sec- tion, the 28 Shop (designer fashions) and restau- rants. By special request, visitors are taken through the testing laboratories, where new and returned merchandise are tested. Advance notice of 1 week required. Group number: 50 maximum. Contact Mrs. Weaver. Phone: 312 781-4781 or 312 781-4461. 108 Peoples Gas, Light & Coke Company, McDowell Energy Center, 122 South Michigan Avenue. A synthetic gas production plant with underground gas storage facilities. Tour includes a visit to the Cus- tomer Service Area and the natural gas pipelines control center. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Tours limited to groups or individuals in the natural gas industry. Contact Mrs. Wees. Phone: 312 431-4374. 50 Quaker Oats Test Kitchen, Merchandise Mart, sec- ond floor. Visitors see a film introducing the Quaker Oats Company, and then visit the six test kitchens and antique copper exhibits. Watch a home economist create recipes, prepare food for photo- graphs and conduct taste tests. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 25 minutes. Advance reservations are required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Phone: 312 222-6809. DEERFIELD 10 Sara Lee Kitchens, 500 Waukegan Road. Tour shows limited area of Danish dough and dessert cakes production. No warehousing or shipping shown. Tours Monday through Friday by advance reservation only. Tour times are generally at 9:30 a.m., 10:15 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour, but allow time for cake and coffee after the tour served in the Hospitality Room. No tours during July. Tours are booked weeks in advance, so call or write to the Kitchens or Sara Lee as far in advance as possible. For international visitors, company affilia- tion and time of visit must he in writing. No canes, crutches or wheelchairs permitted in the bakery. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Sara Lee Kitchens or call the Tour Department. Phone: 312 945-2525. ILLINOIS 25 17 87 18 DUNDEE Haeger Potteries, 7 Maiden Lane. Artware and pottery factory. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 2 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. Tour length: 35-40 minutes. No tours the first two weeks in July. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Special parking facilities for tour buses available. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact the sales room (Mr. Kaelke). Phone: 312 426-3441. EVANSTON Lindheimer Astronomical Research Center, North- western University Campus. Visitors see a 40-inch telescope and a 16-inch telescope, plus other fas- cinating astronomical instruments. Guided tours from April through October; Saturday afternoons from 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. No cameras permitted. Phone: 312 492-7651. FREEPORT WACI-FM Radio, 5 miles west of Freeport on Highway 20. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 2 days required. No cameras permitted. Phone: 815 235-7191. GLENVIEW 56 U.S. Coast Guard Air Station, Greenwood Avenue. Tour of the air station is highlighted by a look at the inside of a rescue helicopter, with an explanation of the Coast Guard's role nationwide and on the Great Lakes. Visitors see a movie of the Coast Guard's jobs, and a demonstration of Coast Guard equipment (including pyrotechnics). No rides are given. Tours are offered 9-1 1 :30 a.m. Tour length: 2 hours, if an aircraft is available. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 5 days required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact CW03 William E. Leistner (PIO Officer). Phone: 312 657-2145. MACOMB 17 Haeger Potteries, 411 West Calhoun. Tour illus- trates all the steps in pottery manufacturing, includ- ing forming, finishing and glazing operations. Vis- itors also see the kilns where the pieces are fired, the storage and inspection area and the packing area for distribution throughout the United States. Tours Monday through Friday; 8:45 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 1:45 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 10 not admitted. Special parking for tour buses available. Contact Mr. E.K. Kaelke. Phone: 309 833-2171. GALESBURG 53 Hawkinson Manufacturing Company, 151 Cedar Avenue. This architectural millwork, specializing in restoration and duplication, handles only custom- made orders. It is suggested that visitors make advance arrangements, particularly to determine the activity at the millwork; there is more to see during peak activity. Contact Mr. Fineran one week in advance to arrange tour times and dates. Phone: 309 343-1185. MELROSE PARK 48 Amlings Flowerland, 8900 W. North Avenue. Tour includes visits to the greenhouses and flower shops and also craft demonstrations. Amlings landscaping and graden center is open daily to the public in the summer from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., and in the winter from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Guided tours Monday through Friday, 9:30-11 a.m. and 2-3:30 p.m. Group number: 80 maximum. Advance notice of 1-2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. John Costello, Manager. Phone: 312 378-7200. 56 Knox County Courthouse, 200 block of South Cherry Street. Tour includes visits to the offices of the Circuit Clerk, County Clerk, County Treasurer and Sheriff. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. Phone: 309 343-3121. METAMORA 94 Woodworking Company, 501 Monroe Street. Vis- itors observe the production of display fixtures for Hallmark Greeting Cards. Tours show assembling, packaging and warehousing. Group number: 20 maximum. Tours by reservations only. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Phone: 319 367-4103. 26 ILLINOIS MOLINE 45 Deere and Company, Administrative Center, John Deere Road. Manufacturer of farm and industrial products. The Deere Center, designed by one of the world's most innovative architects, Eero Saarinen, has among its attractions the collection of modern- day historic equipment and the unique three- dimensional mural containing memorabilia depict- ing the development of American agriculture. Tours Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 60 maximum. Advance notice of at least 1 month required. In summer and early fall, different factories in the company close down for inventory, and no tours are offered at that time. Groups of 10 or more must phone the Visitors Center. Information on company affiliation and purpose of visit may be required. (Visitor Services can also arrange tours of the John Deere Plow & Planter Works, 501 Third Avenue; the John Deere Harvester Works, 1 100 — 13th Av- enue, in East Moline and the John Deere Foundry, 19th Street and 14th Avenue, also East Moline.) No sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Betty Friend. Phone: 309 792-4207. MORRIS 82 Commonwealth Edison, Dresden Nuclear Power Station, R.R. 1. Electric utility plant. Various dis- plays are featured, as well as a 30-minute movie that "takes the visitor on a visual tour" of the plant, followed by a question-and-answer session — all held in the Visitor's Exhibit Center just outside the plant itself. No tours are given of the actual plant. The movie features areas of the plant that would not otherwise be easily seen. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Tours by appointment only. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Mr. Charles Van Slyke, Tour Coordinator. Phone: 815 942-2920, Ext. 225 . MORTON 50 Libby, McNeill & Libby Company, 215 Morton Street. Tours of pumpkin canning process are of- fered from approximately mid-August to November 1 . Tours include a view of the processing areas such as filling, canning, cooking, packaging and label- ing. Tours Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. If tour is planned for a day that there is no production, it will be cancel- led. Advance notice of at least 1 week required. Group number: 2-15. No cameras or sketches per- mitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Clearances required from the corporate office: Libby, McNeill & Libby, Inc., 200 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60604. Contact David Bryan, Per- sonnel Supervisor. Phone: 309 264-2651. NAUVOO 111 Nauvoo Winery (Gem City Vineland Company), East Parley Street, off Main Street. Tours of the winery take you through the vineyards purchased from the French Icarians in 1857. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 10 minutes. Group number: 50 maxi- mum. Phone: 217 453-2218. Tours arranged through the Nauvoo Chamber of Commerce include a tour of the entire town of Nauvoo plus the Winery, complete with tour bus, tour guide and cassette tape narrative. Contact the Nauvoo Chamber of Com- merce, Dorothy Baxter, Nauvoo, Illinois 62354. Phone: 217 453-6648. NORTH CHICAGO 76 Abbott Laboratories, 14th Street and Sheridan Road. Tours of this pharmaceutical manufacturer are re- stricted to members of the allied health professions (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Chemis- try and Biological Sciences), and include research, development and production of pharmaceutical and hospital products. These tours are conducted by uniformed professional escorts. Tours are offered on weekdays, by appointment only, with advance de- tails regarding the guest's position, company affilia- tion and type of industry. Tour length: 1-3 hours, depending on the visitor's background and interests. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 2 months required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact James G. Manz, Manager of Customer and Guest Relations. Phone: 312 688-7761. OTTAWA 29 Ottawa Silica Company (Illinois-Ottawa Division), Box 577. Silica sand mining plant. Tour includes a view of the mining pit and the processing of silica sands. (Requires walking and climbing stairs.) Tours Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Mr. W.M. Clair. Phone: 815 434-0188, Ext. 218. (Note: There is also an overlook of the mines on Boyce Memorial Drive, open daylight hours in the summer from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) ILLINOIS 27 PEORIA 66 Caterpillar Tractor Company, 100 N.E. Adams Street. This heavy machinery industry (earth- moving and materials-handling equipment) offers tours by appointment only. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice of 2 weeks to 1 month is required. Visitors are requested to give affiliation, position and purpose of visit when writing for reservations. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Tour Coordinator. Phone: 309 675-4578. 42 Northern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1815 North University Street. The Department con- ducts basic and applied research on the chemistry and processing technology of agricultural com- modities for food and industrial uses. A general tour of the physical plant is offered, with emphasis on current research; the tour can be modified to visitor interest. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 100 maximum. Advance notice of 5 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. V.L. Davison. Phone: 309 685-4011, Ext. 280. 39 Hiram Walker & Sons, Inc. , foot of Edmund Street. Distillery and bottler of beverage alcohol, as well as a producer of distillers feeds for animal rations. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. or 2 p.m., by advance appointment only. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours the last two weeks in July. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required for small groups (6 people) and 1 week for larger groups. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. L. Van Vooren, Manager of Distillery Sales Services. Phone: 309 674-8241, Ext. 227. RANTOUL 69 Chanute Air Force Base, Public Information Branch, OI/Stop 7, Chanute AFB. The Air Force Base is a School of Applied Aerospace Sciences, with technical training in jet engines, multi-engine aircraft, missiles, weather, etc. A typical tour in- cludes a visit to the Technical Training Display Center, which has displays of actual training situa- tions, dioramas, cut-aways of jet engines, etc. Also included is a riding tour of the base to see static aircraft on display (about 25 planes from World War II to present day jets), visits to the laboratories of the School of Applied Aerospace Sciences — the Jet Engine School, B-52 School and Fire Protection and Rescue. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1-4 hours. Group number: 2-25. Advance notice of 2 days required. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact William H. Hansen, Chief Public Information Branch. Phone: 217 495-2610. SPRINGFIELD 56 Illinois State Capitol, Capitol Avenue. The Legisla- tive Chambers, Governor's Chambers and the his- tory of the Capitol and its art are included in tours of the present State Capitol. Tours are offered Monday through Friday; there is also a slide program offered on the half hour in the Centennial Building, featur- ing the five previous Capitols. Weekend tours, offered on the hour, have no slide presentation. All tours are between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (The last tour is at 4 p.m.) Advance notice of 1 week required in the spring. Contact the Information Desk, Betty Rice. Phone: 217 787-2099. INDIANA BEDFORD 29 Indiana Limestone Institute of America, Inc., 400 Stone City Bank Building. Quarrying and fabrica- tion of dimension building stone. The Indiana limestone deposits are famous internationally as massive, pure calcium carbonate deposits used in building for over 100 years. Visitors view the excavating of raw material in block form from the quarries and the fabricating process of the block form to workable dimension stone of various shapes and sizes. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. No tours during the week of July 4. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children not admitted. Contact William H. McDonald, Architectural Services Di- rector. Phone: 812 275-4426. BERNE 53 Berne Furniture Company, Inc., 100 Berne Street. Upholstered furniture manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the last week of June, the first week of July and the last week of December. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Spanish, Ger- man, French and Japanese translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact L. Luther Yager, Secretary-Treasurer. Phone: 219 589-3352. BLOOMINGTON 29 Victor Oolitic Stone Company, P.O. Box 668 (Route 5, Victor Pike). Quarrying, slabbing and diamond sawing standard Indiana limestone pro- ducts. Tour of quarry, slab mill (gang mill) and standard products fabricating mill (sills, copings, hearths and mantels, as well as various building stone veneers). Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during week of July 4. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Visitors must be directly associated with the building stone indus- try. No children admitted. Contact David M. Hall, Marketing Director. Phone: 812 824-2621. 28 INDIANA BUTLER 113 Crane Edmund Corporation, P.O. Box 44, Route 6 West. Manufacturing (bicycle pedals, kickstands, baby seats and metal stampings). Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-10. Advance notice re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Ray Heerdt, General Manager. Phone: 219 868-2161. COLUMBIA CITY 65 Holmes & Company, Inc., 807 East Ellsworth Street. Manufacturers and wholesalers of fine hardwood lumber, specializing in American Black Walnut. Tour of sawmill, log yard, lumber yard, dry kilns and remanufacturing facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during week of July 4. Advance notice of 1 week required. Small children must be under adult supervision. Contact Bill Shull. Phone: 219 244-6149. EAST CHICAGO 51 East Chicago Pattern Works, Inc., 410 East Chicago Avenue. Wood and metal patterns, and aluminum castings. Tours Monday and Tuesday, 9-10 a.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 6 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Eric Bergstrom, President. Phone:219 398-2386. EDINBURG 65 Hill Bros. Veneer Company, Shelby Avenue. Lumber and veneer. Tour of sawmill, dry kilns, veneer plant, lumber shipping area and display room. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. No tours July 1-15. Group number: 3-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Phone: 812 526-5567. 51 Midwest Art Metal Company, Inc., 216 North Main Street. Metal stampings, components and as- semblies. Visitors observe equipment and processes at work. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 30-40 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. No children admitted. Contact Lawrence A. Quick, Jr. Phone: 812 526-2666. 65 Amos Thompson Veneer Company, 211 Ward Street. Lumber and veneer. Tour of sawmill, dry kilns, veneer plant, lumber shipping area and dis- play room. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 min- utes. No tours July 1-15. Group number: 3-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Phone: 812 526-2671. ELKHART 71 W. T. Armstrong Company, Inc., 1000 Industrial Parkway Drive. Musical instruments manufacturer (flutes, piccolos and saxophones). Tours Monday through Thursday, 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours first two weeks of July and last two weeks of December. Group number: 25 maximum. Contact Al Singleton or Helen Wilson. Phone: 219 293-8602. 68 R. E. Jackson Company, Inc., 3334 Greenleaf Boulevard. Metal fabricated parts and hardware for recreational vehicles and public transportation indus- tries. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 4-6. Advance notice of 2 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact M.B. Shelly. Phone: 219 264-6324. 105 New Yorker Homes Corporation, 701 Collins Road. Mobile homes manufacturer. General tour of plant and offices. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours two weeks at Christmas. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Philip A. Shafer or Rex Jones. Phone: 219 294-1611. 53 Trawood Manufacturing Company, Inc., 1600 West Mishawaka Road, P.O. Box 1044. Furniture: book- cases, desks, counter tops, table tops and laminated panels (high and low pressure laminates). Visitors see the procedures for application of decorative laminates to particleboard and the impregnation of polyester decorative film on particleboard. This material is cut, shaped, edged and assembled into dinette table tops, counter tops for recreational vehicles and bookcases and desks for home use. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours for 10 days at Christmas. Group number: 8 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Hindi transla- tion available. Contact Stuart A. Gruber, General Manager. Phone: 219 293-3591. EVANSVILLE 73 Red Spot Paint & Varnish Company, Inc. , 1 10 Main Street, P.O. Box 418. Paint manufacturing. Tour of research, laboratory and production facilities and in-depth discussion of problems involved in finish- ing plastics and in painting buildings, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 6-20. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Ed Jones. Phone: 812 425-3151. INDIANA 29 108 Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company, 20-24 N.W. Fourth Street. Utility. Tour of power plants. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 3-6 hours. Advance notice required. Group number: 8 maximum. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Norman P. Wagner, Vice Presi- dent and General Manager of Operations. Phone: 812 424-6411. FORT WAYNE 84 Fill-Rite Division, Tuthill Pump Company, Baer Field. Manufacturer of fuel dispensing pumps — hand and electric. Complete tour includes machine shop, primary assembly, conveyorized material- handling, painting, final assembly, packaging and shipping. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the last week of July and first week of August. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Mr. B.L. Kapp, General Man- ager. Phone: 219 747-9136. 95 Joslyn Stainless Steels. 2400 Taylor Street West. Manufacturer of stainless steels in bar and billet forms. Tour of all production facilities and auxiliary services. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length; 90 minutes to 2 hours. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Group number: 4-10. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact R. Witchey, Chief Metallur- gist. Phone: 219 432-2561. GREENSBURG 80 Dry Clime Lamp Corporation, St. Rd. 46 West. Manufacturer of electric infrared drying ovens for industry. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5 maxi- mum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Neil Solgere, General Manager. Phone: 812 663-4141. GREENCASTLE 25 Lone Star Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 482. Producer of Portland Cement. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 10 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No tours during March. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Mr. CD. Coppinger, Plant Manager. Phone: 3 1 7 653-9766. INDIANAPOLIS 29 AM AX Coal Company, 105 S. Meridian Street. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Visitors are shown the full coal-mining opera- tions: coal being mined and, in some mines, washed and processed prior to loading. Contact Guy Johnson, Manager of Media Relations. Phone: 317 266-2626. There are five other mine locations operated by AMAX in the State of Indiana: Chinook Mine, Staunton, Indiana; Minnehaha Mine, Sulli- van, Indiana; Ayrcoe Mine, Oakland City, Indiana; Ayrshire Mine, Chandler, Indiana and Wright Mine, Boonville, Indiana. Arrangements to tour these mines can be made through the Indianapolis loca- tion. 51 Atkomatic Valve Company, Inc., 141 South Sher- man Drive. Manufacturer of 2-way solenoid oper- ated valves — bronze and stainless steel. Vis- observe machining of barstock and castings, assem- bly of valves, pressure tests of incoming castings, pressure and functional test of completed valves, plus incidental operations such as casting cleaning, inventory control, etc. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children must be supervised. Contact Robert A. Morris, President, or Arnold E. Richardson, Vice President. Phone: 317 357-8421. 27 Brulin & Company, Inc., 2920 Martindale Avenue. Industrial cleaning chemicals (for use in mainte- nance of buildings, machinery, aircraft, etc.). Tour of plant, warehouse, laboratory and offices. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. French and German translation available. Contact Alice Ely, Director of Public Relations. Phone: 317 923-321 1. 7 Detroit Diesel Allison Division of General Motors, Indianapolis Operations, Powerama Exhibit. 4700 West 10th Street. Heavy manufacturing — gas tur- bine engines, diesel engines and heavy duty automa- tic transmissions. Powerama is an exhibit containing products manufactured by Detroit Diesel Allison. Tours weekdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., except Thursday, 12 noon to 9 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-50. Advance notice required for guided tours. Casual visitors are welcome without prior notice for unguided tours. Contact John J. McCardle, Supervisor, Special Activities, Public Relations Staff. Phone: 317 243-1307. 30 INDIANA 41 General Aviation Electronics, Inc., 4141 Kingman Drive. Manufacturer of personal communications equipment, including 2-way land mobile radios, 2-meter FM amateur radios, marine radiotelephones, and navigation and communication equipment for light aircraft. Tour of assembly and production areas, receiving and shipping facilities and engineering laboratories. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours December 15 through January 10. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 3 days required. Spanish, French and Italian transla- tion available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Merwin L. Dechter, Secretary-Treasurer. Phone: 317 546-1111. 108 Indianapolis Power & Light Company, 25 Monu- ment Circle (P.O. Box 1595-B). Investor-owned utility supplying electricity and steam. Tour of modern, coal-fired, steam-electric generating sta- tion. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Visitors must be sponsored by the Indiana Manufacturing Associa- tion. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact J.W. Prickett, Vice President, Public Relations and Corporate Communications. Phone: 317 635-6868. 108 Indianapolis Water Company, 1220 Waterway Boulevard. Water utility. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 min- utes. Group number: 2-20. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Raymond L. Williams. Phone:317 639-1501. 33 Inland Container Corporation, 151 North Delaware Street, Market Square Center. Manufacturer of cor- rugated shipping containers. Tours by reservation only. Contact N.F. Schaefer, Jr., President. Phone: 317 262-0325. 68 Klincher Locknut Corporation, 2153 Hillside Av- enue. Manufacturer of Klincher Locknuts and fas- teners. Visitors tour the plant and office. Tours Tuesday or Wednesday, 2-3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours for 2 weeks in mid-July. Advance notice of 2-3 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. No children admitted. Contact Robert C. or Jean Groseclose. Phone: 317 925-2301. 76 Eli Lilly and Company, 893 South Delaware Street. Pharmaceuticals and agricultural chemicals. Tour consists of a program and film at Exhibit Hall. Tours weekdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., except Wednesday, 12 noon to 9 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours December 25 through January 1 . Group number: 12-100. Written notice required. Actual plant visits limited to physicians or pharmacists. Children under 16 not admitted. Phone: 317 261-2771. 83 Rutgers Packaging Corporation, 620 South Belmont Street. Printing — record jackets, record sleeves and blister cards. Visitors observe craftsmen at work and machines used to create products, with explanation of printing methods employed. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 2-5 days required. German, Hungarian and Spanish translation avail- able. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact William E. Swanson, Plant Manager. Phone: 317 635-7777. 94 U.S. Envelope Company, 16 South Sherman Drive and 3902 East 16th. Envelope manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours (1 hour at each location). No tours first two weeks of July. Group number: 3-20. No cameras or sketches permitted. No children admit- ted. Contact Edwin L. Kilner, Plant Manager. Phone: 317 359-5321. JASPER 31 Breidenbaugh's, Inc., Highway 231 North. Molded and pre-cast concrete products. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours and 30 minutes. Advance notice of 2 days required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Arlo Breidenbaugh, Jr. Phone: 812 482-3434. 53 Jasper Desk Company, Inc., 501 East Sixth Street. Wood office furniture manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-1 1 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours last week of June through first week of July. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Carl F. Seng, President. Phone: 812 482-4132. JEFFERSONVILLE 93 Hillerich & Bradsby Company, 1525 Charlestown — New Albany Road. Sporting goods — baseballs, bats, gloves and golf clubs. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:55 a.m. and 1:55 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour (30 minutes at bat factory and 30 minutes at golf factory). No tours June 27-July 15. Group number: 25 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Bennett Curry. Phone: 812 288-6611. INDIANA 31 KNIGHTSTOWN 113 Jacwil Mfrs. /Casket Company, Inc., West Morgan Street. Caskets and casket liner parts. Visitors see the Jacwil Method of trimming out caskets. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. No tours first two weeks in July. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Jane Bechtel or Jack White. Phone: 317 345-2135. KOKOMO 83 Cuneo Press of Indiana, 1125 East Vaile Avenue. Printing. Tour of paper warehouse, printing press- rooms, bindery, rotogravure cylinder prep depart- ment, electrotype foundry and ink manufacturing facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 2-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Ken Carter, Personnel Manager, or Debbie Gifford, Personnel Assistant. Phone: 317 457-1 HI. MIDDLEBURY 105 Coachmen Industries, Inc., Yode Industrial Park. Recreational vehicles. Tour of production facilities Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours second week in August and December 25-January 1. Group number: 12 minimum. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Don Bowers. Phone: 219 825-5821. 105 Jayco, Inc., Highway 13 South. Recreational vehicles — camping trailers, travel trailers and minihomes. Visitors observe welding of steel frames, assembly of trailers, sewing of canvas, upholstry and window drapes and shipping depart- ment. Tours Monday through Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours the last three weeks of August. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice of 1 week required. German and Spanish translation available. No sketches permitted. Contact George Bemis, Public Relations. Phone: 219 825-5861. MOORESVILLE 66 Laboratory Equipment Corporation, 156 East Harri- son Street. Manufacturer of mechanical and hyd- raulic test equipment and controls; special machin- ery. Tour of manufacturing area and engineering departments. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours during August. Group number: 2-6. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact T.M. Englehart, President. Phone: 317 831-2990. MUNCIE 66 U.S. Engineering Company, Inc., 2901 West Eighth Street. Manufacturing: tools, dies, special machin- ery and machine guarding. Visitors observe automa- tic tooling for production of component parts, numerically-controlled Agietron operation and Elox electrical discharge machine, automatic tapping, tapes of automatic machinery, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice of 1 week required. Group number: 4 maximum. Translation services available. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact George Karsnak. Phone: 317 288-1931. NEW ALBANY 62 Geo. Moser Leather Company, Silver Street and Penna R.R. Tannery. Complete tour through wet and dry operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. No sketches permitted. Children under 8 not admit- ted. Contact James J. Thornton, Assistant Vice President. Phone: 812 944-6761. 65 Roberts & Strack Veneer Company, Inc., P.O. Box 468. Wood veneer manufacturing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours June 15-July 15. Group number: 30 maximum. Contact E.K. Lovelace or Gil Seger. Phone:812 283-6624. NEW HAVEN 79 Pribble Plastics Products, Inc., 1610 Summit Street. Custom plastic molding. Observe molding of com- ponent parts for electric motors, transformers, switches, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45-90 minutes. Advance notice of 2 days required. Group number: 40 maxi- mum. Contact Wayne I. Pribble or Steven I. Pribble. Phone: 219 493-4475. NORTH MANCHESTER 51 North Manchester Foundry, 204 Wabash Road, P.O. Box 345. Grey and ductile iron castings. Tour consists of a general walk-through of a specialty, low production, electric melting alloy iron foundry, including a pattern repair shop and heat treating facility. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours first week of July and last week of December. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact R. Westman, Manager. Phone: 219 982-2191. 32 INDIANA NORTH VERNON 95 North Vernon Forge, Inc., 304 Hoosier Street. Steel parts forging. Observe forging operations from bulk material to finished product. Tours Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday, 9-1 1 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 8 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 2 days required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Louis C. Wengert, President. Phone:812 346-5001. ROCKVILLE 40 Dormeyer Industries, St. Rd. 36 East. Electrical components. Visitors see the complete process of manufacturing coils, transformers and solenoids. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras permitted. Contact Howard L. Krauel, Plant Man- ager. Phone: 317 569-3118. SILVER LAKE 68 Parker Industries, Highway 15, North. Metal fabri- cation: farm equipment, mobile grain-handling equipment, solid waste equipment, refuse containers — all sizes for rear and front loading mobile compactors. Tours Tuesday through Friday, after 9 a.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours first two weeks in July. Group number: 5-50. No sketches permitted. Contact R. Mong, President, or H. Hyder, Production Manager. Phone: 219 352-2141. SOUTH BEND 95 Lock Joint Tube Company, Inc., 1400 Riverside Drive. Manufacturer of round, square, rectangular and oval welded steel tubing. Visitors see tube rolling, welding (electric resistance and high fre- quency), cutting to length and end finishing. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours for two weeks between June and September. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact D. Woodka. Phone: 219 233-9358. 40 South Bend Controls, Inc., 1237 North Side Boulevard. Manufacturer of custom-designed coils, solenoids, valves and catalog line of outdoor light- ing controls. Tour consists of an introductory brief- ing, plant tour, product display, quality control and engineering briefing and a question-and-answer period. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours last week in July and first week in August. Group number: 4 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Frank Mulligan, General Manager, or Larry Witek, Plant Manager. Phone: 219 234-3157. TELL CITY 65 William Tell Woodcrafters, Inc.. 7th and Pestalozzi Streets. Woodworking — hutches, grandfather clock cases and organ cases. Complete tour of the man- ufacturing process. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 1 day required. Group number: 2-20. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Charles Borders or Gene Borders. Phone: 812 547-2366. WABASH 102 United Tool Company, Inc., 838 LaFontaine Av- enue. Manufacturer of special equipment, tool and dies and machined parts. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9-1 1 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 10 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact R.L. Bechtol, President. Phone: 219 563-3143. WATERLOO 66 Modernair Corporation, 300 East Railroad Street. Manufacturer of hose couplings and air guns. Vis- itors see production of small fittings and air guns on automatic assembling machines. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours Christmas week. Thanksgiving week and last two working days of November. Group number: 6 maximum. French, Spanish and German translation available. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Harvey Cowell, Plant Manager. Phone:219 837-2571. WINCHESTER 10 Wick's Pies, Inc., 217 Greenville Avenue. Bakery. Tour of fully automated plant with freezer storage, where products are baked, frozen and shipped to various distributors. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 5-45. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Mrs. Naomi B. Bone. Phone: 317 584-8401. IOWA AMANA 2 Amana Refrigeration International, Inc. Manufac- turer of refrigerators, freezers and microwave ovens. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11:30 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours for three weeks near the end of July and first week of August. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Eldon Pugh. Phone: 319 622-551 1. IOWA 33 BOONE 2 Percival Manufacturing Company, P.O. Box 249. Manufacturer of commercial refrigerators and en- vironmental chambers. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact S. Radnich. Phone: 515 432-6501. CEDAR FALLS 84 Viking Pump Division, Houdaille Industries, 406 State Street. Observe manufacturing of rotary pumps from raw material to finished product. A film presentation is also given. Tours by appointment only. No tours first two weeks of August. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Japanese and German translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 1 1 not admitted. Contact Glenn Bond. Phone: 319 266-1741, Ext. 282. CEDAR RAPIDS 45 FMC Corporation, Construction Equipment Divi- sion, 1201 Sixth Street, S.W. Manufacturer of Link-Belt power shovels, cranes and diesel pile hammers. Visitors see production facilities engaged in the manufacture of heavy construction equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Group number: 35 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact L.E. Schade. Phone: 319 398-3320. DAVENPORT 87 Mast Development Company, 2212 East 12th Street. Manufacturer of scientific and optical in- struments. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Leo E. Hubner, Executive Vice President. Phone: 319 326-0141. DENISON 67 Farmland Foods, Inc., Industrial Drive. Pork processing — kill, cut, cure, smoke and can. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Group number: 12-48. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact R. H. Batty. Phone: 712 263-5002. DES MOINES 45 John Deere Des Moines Works, Highway 415 North, P.O. Box 1595. Agricultural equipment manufacturer — cotton pickers, grain drills, rotary hoes, stack wagons and tillage equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 1-2 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 13 not admitted. No sandles or open-toed shoes permitted. Contact Personnel Department. Phone: 515 283-3876. 72 Des Moines Register & Tribune Company, 715 Locust. Newspapers. Tour of newsroom and com- posing room. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice of 1-2 weeks required. Group number: 40 maxi- mum. Children under 1 1 not admitted. Contact Teresa Laird. Phone: 515 284-8282. 45 Massey-Ferguson, Inc., Des Moines Plant, 1901 Bell Avenue. Four-wheel drive tractors, garden tools, lawn mowers and snowmobiles. Tour of tractor and combine cornhead assembly lines. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. No tours during August. Group number: 50 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Barnes. Phone: 515 247-2247. 83 Meredith Printing, 5401 Park Avenue. Magazine printing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 3-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Ken McDougall. Public Relations. Phone: 515 284-9654. 66 Townsend Engineering Company, 2425 Hubbell Avenue, P.O. Box 1433. Manufacturer of sausage-making machines and fish and meat skin- ning machines. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Group number: 20 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Thomas Hooker. Phone: 515 265-8181. DYERSVILLE 103 The ErtI Company, 805 13th Avenue, S.E. Toy manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice of 5 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 5 not admitted. Contact Stephen Wessels or Dave Bell. Phone: 319 875-7142. ELLSWORTH 81 Land O'Lakes Creameries, Inc., Dubuque and Delphi Streets. Turkey processing plant. Open May 22 to December 1 . Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Spanish transla- tion available. Contact Harlan Hertzke. Phone: 515 836-4441. 34 IOWA FOREST CITY 105 Winnebago Industries, junction of Highways 9 and 69. Manufacturer of recreational vehicles (motor homes). Visitors see a film presentation, take a drive through the complex and then tour the manufactur- ing areas. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during week of Christmas. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Public Relations Department. Phone: 515 582-3535. FORT MADISON 52 W. A. Sheaffer Eaton Company, 301 Avenue H. Manufacturer of writing instruments. Tours by ap- pointment only. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 1 1 not admitted. Contact George Dann. Phone: 319 372-3300, Ext. 244. GRINNELL 48 DeKalb AgResearch, Inc., Highway 6 East. Hybrid seed corn. Harvest season is mid-September to the first of November, and processing season is from the first of November to mid-February. These are the times the plant is in actual operation. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice of 1 day required. Group number: 15 maximum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Jack A. Templeton. Phone: 515 236-6179. 113 Miracle Recreation Equipment Company, P.O. Box 275. Manufacturer of park and playground equip- ment, fiberglass benches and tables, and amusement park equipment. Visitors observe start-to-finish manufacturing process of products with emphasis on exclusive and patented product finishes. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours last week in July and first week in August. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Wayne Olson. Phone: 515 236-7536. IOWA CITY 35 Proctor & Gamble Manufacturing Company, 2200 Lower Muscatine Road. Toothpaste, shampoos, homewaves and mouthwash. Tours Monday through Friday, by appointment. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 60 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Large groups of children under 13 not admitted. Contact John F. Segreti. Phone: 319 351-2310. 87 Westinghouse Learning Corporation, Highway 1 North. Educational test scoring, educational data services, consulting, opinion surveys and computer managed instruction. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes to 2 hours. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Burdette P. Hansen, Vice President. Phone: 319 356-3011. MARCUS 49 Sand Seed Service, Inc. Certified seed, soybean and oats; food corn and food soybeans, fertilizer and feed. Visitors tour cattle feedlot and processing facilities for the seed, grain and fertilizer products. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Charles Sand. Phone: 712 376-4135. MARION 66 Kwik-Way International, Inc., 500 — 57th Street. Manufacturer of automotive service equipment. Tour of offices and manufacturing facility, including a demonstration of equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 40 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Spanish and German transla- tion available. Contact Larry G. Miller or J.M. Chaffee. Phone: 319 377-9421. MARSHALLTOWN 2 Lennox Industries, Inc., 200 South 12th Avenue. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment. Tours on weekdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours last week in June and first week in July. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact E.L. McCloud. Phone: 515 754-4372. 102 Marshalltown Trowel Company, P.O. Box 738. Manufacturer of tools and trowels for commercial and home use. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Ward Miller. Phone: 515 752-1571. 45 Spread-All Manufacturing Company, Highway 330, Rural Route 3. Manufacturer of grain spreaders and grain cleaners. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact John Maddick, General Manager. Phone: 515 753-5601. IOWA 35 NEWTON 40 Winpower Corporation. Electrical equipment. Tours Tuesday through Friday, by appointment. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours last week in June and first week of July. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children not admitted. Contact Mr. Faye Knodle. Phone: 515 792-1301. WAVERLY 45 Bantam Division, Kochring Company. Manufac- turer of cranes and excavators, cable and hydraulic, and related products. Tours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No tours last week of July and first week of August. Group number: 15 maxi- mum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Personnel Department. Phone: 319 352-3920. OTTUMWA 45 John Deere Ottumwa Works, Vine and Madison. Manufacturing and assembly of hay and forage- handling farm equipment. Tour of manufacturing operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. No tours first three weeks of August. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact Jim Judge. Phone: 515 683-2253. POCAHONTAS 66 Iowa Industrial Hydraulics, Inc., Industrial Park Road. Oil hydraulic cylinders, valves and rotary joint manifolds. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Written notice of 3 weeks required. Contact J.C. Eckstam. Phone: 712 335-3311. SCHALLER 50 Consolidated Popcorn. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 10 days required. Contact Wayne Blewett. Phone: 712 275-4242. 105 Woodke Enterprises, 303 East 1st Street. Manufac- turer of truck and transportation equipment (trail- ers). Tour of manufacturing facility. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. No tours for two weeks during summer months. Contact Jerry Woodke. Phone: 712 275-4224. WATERLOO ' 37 Carnation Fresh Milk, Division of Mississippi Val- ley Milk Producers Association, 325 Washington. Fresh milk bottling plant. Tour consists of an orien- tation, followed by a general tour of the plant. Tours Tuesday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Group number: 30 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Harlan Timmerman. Phone: 319 233-8443. KANSAS COFFEYVILLE 55 Fiberglass Corporation of America, Inc., Munici- pal Airport, P.O. Box 717. Fiberglass bathtubs and shower modulars. Tour of manufacturing facil- ity, warehouse and shipping department. Tours Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 max- imum. Advance notice of 10 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Cal W. Alford, President. Phone: 316 251-4630. HUTCHINSON 21 Architectural Millwork, Inc., 401 South Adams. Millwork, cabinets, fixtures (bank and hotel) and plastic laminate tops. Tour consists of an introduc- tion, followed by a tour of the plant where visitors observe production machines, laminate plastic top production and assembly. Tours Monday through Friday, 8-11 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 2-20. Advance notice of 3 days required. German, Spanish and French translation available. Children under 10 not admit- ted. Contact Mr. Karl Angermeier. Phone: 316 663-8375. IOLA 85 The Gates Rubber Company, 999 Michigan Av- enue. Manufacturer of wire braid, thermo plastic, rotary drill and other special application hydraulic hose. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 8 max- imum. Advance notice of 60 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Tom Gibson, President, International Division, The Gates Rubber Com- pany, Denver, Colorado. Phone: 303 744-4714. LAWRENCE 71 Reuter Organ Company, 612 New Hampshire. Pipe organ manufacturer. Visitors observe total fabrica- tion from raw materials to finished product. Tours Monday through Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 3:30-5 p.m. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 3 days required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Alan C. Fisher. Phone: 913 843-2622. 36 KANSAS LEAVENWORTH 69 U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. Allied officers receive training here. A drive through the Fort is possible seven days a week. For a group, a guide can be provided. Contact the Public Affairs Office. Phone: 913 684-405!. MANHATTAN 56 U.S. Grain Marketing Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1515 College Avenue. Agricultural-food research. Tour of the main research units: milling, baking, grain-handling, microscopy, biochemistry, storage and pest control. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice required. Polish, German and Hebrew translation available. Visitors from Communist countries re- quire clearance. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Thelma Woellhof. Phone: 913 539-9141. OTTAWA 41 King Radio Corporation, Ottawa Plant, 1612 Davis (Industrial Park). Avionics — navigation and communication radios. Tour of electronics assem- bly and test activities, demonstration of products. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact H.L. Claterbos, Plant Manager. Phone: 913 242-4050. TOPEKA 94 Hallmark Cards, Inc., 240 Madison. Paper pro- ducts: stationery, greeting cards and party goods. Tour of facilities includes foil stamp, die cutting, embossing and handwork operations and other op- erations related to the manufacturing of Hallmark products. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Ellen Teeter, Receptionist. Phone: 913 233-3241. WICHITA 3 Beech Aircraft Corporation, 9709 East Central. Manufacturer of private, corporate and public air- craft. Visitors see aircraft in production from be- ginning to end. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: I hour. No tours last week of June and first week of July. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Translation services available for most languages and many dialects. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Inter- national Division. Phone: 316 689-7037. KENTUCKY BARDSTOWN 39 Barton Distilling Company, Barton Road. Distillers of whiskey. Tour of distillery and Museum of Whiskey History. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-3:30 p.m. for distillery and daily, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for museum. Group number: 15 maximum. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Joe Svihovec. Phone: 502 348-3991 . 39 Willett Distilling Company, Loretto Road. Distillers of whiskey. Tour through distilling facilities, warehouse and bottling plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours last two weeks of July. Contact Thompson Willett or Paul A. Willett. Phone: 502 348-3919. BEREA 99 Churchill Weavers, Inc., Lorraine Court. Handwo- ven fabrics. Visitors observe preparation of yarns and weaving of those yarns into a finished fabric. Loomhouse tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Jim Linford. Phone: 606 986-3126. CAMPBELLSVILLE 21 Campbellsville Industries, Taylor Boulevard. De- sign and manufacturing of church steeples and cupolas. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Herbert Keeton. Phone: 502 465-8135. 53 McMahan Furniture Company, 615 West Main .. Street. Cherry antique reproductions. Rough lumber is brought into the factory, surfaced and the product is handmade. Tours Monday through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Contact T.B. McMahan or Mrs. Russell Shaw. Phone: 502 465-4831. CLERMONT 39 James B. Beam Distilling Company, Inc. (Plant No. 1), across from Berheim Forest. Distillers of whis- key. Tour starts with mashroom and goes through bottling process. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required for a group of more than 10. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact LeRoy Smith or Bernard Hurst. Phone: 502 543-2221. KENTUCKY 37 DRAKESBORO 82 TVA-Paradise Power Plant, end of State Highway 176. Power production. Visitors are shown a model of a boiler and how water and coal generate heat. Generators are seen from an overlook. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Lt. Robert L. Wood. Phone: 502 476-8335. LORETTO 39 Maker's Mark Distillery, 3 miles from Loretto on Highway 52. Distillers of whiskey. Tour of distil- lery, bottling house and storage area, including a visit to the museum and quarthouse. Tours Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours for two weeks in July. Group number: 20 maximum. Contact Leslie Brunswick. Phone: 502 865-2881. FRANKFORT 39 National Distillers Products, Glenns Creek Road. Distillers of whiskey. Tour of Old Taylor distilling facilities and Old Taylor Museum. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 8 maximum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact George Donehoo. Phone: 502 223-8251. LOUISVILLE 63 Bourbon Stock Yard Company, 1048 East Main Street. Public livestock market. Visitors observe auctions of livestock. Tours Monday hrough Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15 maximum. Contact Bruce Pearce. Phone: 502 584-7211. 39 Old Grand Dad Distillery, Route 460. Whiskey distillers. Tour of distilling facilities and bottling 101 operation. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 8 maximum. No cameras or sketches per- mitted. Contact George Donehoo. Phone: 502 223-8251. 32 Rebecca Ruth Candy Shop, 1 12 East Second Street. Candies. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-2:30 p.m. Tour length: 10 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact John C. Booe. Phone: 502 223-7475. 39 39 Schenley Distillers, Inc., Leestown Road. Distillers of whiskey. Tour of fermenting room, dry house, bottling and warehouse areas. There is also a museum with graphics and diagrams. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of more than 20. Contact Super- visor of Plant Protection. Phone: 502 223-7641. Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company, 1600 West Hill Street. Cigarette manufacturing. Visitors see raw robacco being manufactured into cigarettes. Tours Monday through Friday, 8-10:30 a.m. and 12 noon to 4 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of more than 10. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Public Relations. Phone: 502 774-7615. Brown-Forman Distillers Corporation, 850 Dixie Highway. Distillers of whiskey. Visitors see a slide presentation and display area, followed by a tour of the bottling plant and warehouse. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of more than 15. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Phone: 502 778-5531, Ext. 280. LEXINGTON Irvin Industries, 1315 Versailles Road. Producers of seat belts. Visitors observe assemblage of cloth belts and metal buckles. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Written advance notice of 3 weeks required for visitors from competitive indus- tries. Contact Mark Jackson. Phone: 606 254-8061. 12 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Louisville, 1661 West Hill Street. Soft drink manufacturer (Coca- Cola). A film presentation is given, followed by a tour of the syrup room and bottling room. Tours Tuesday through Thursday by appointment only, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10-60. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Personnel Department. Phone: 502 776-4651. 38 KENTUCKY 17 Hadley Pottery, 1570 Story Avenue. Manufacturing of stoneware pottery. Visitors see how clay is turned into pottery, including molding and hand decora- tion. Visitors also see the kilns. Sales and display room open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tours Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours last two weeks in July. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 19 must be accom- panied by an adult. Contact Martha Bottom. Phone: 502 584-2171. 17 Louisville Stoneware, 731 Brent. Production of hand-painted pottery. The tour shows the pottery coming out of the mold, being trimmed on the jigger wheel and finally being hand-painted by the artists. Visitors also get to see the kilns, where the pottery is fired, and the finished products. Tours Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required for groups of more than 20. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Lois Ciresi. Phone: 502 582-1378. 39 Old Fitzgerald Distillery, Inc., Fitzgerald Road. Distillers of whiskey. Tour of distilling, bottling, shipping and warehouse facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. during summer months, and 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. during the rest of the year. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required for groups of more than 10 persons. Contact the Receptionist. Phone: 502 448-2860. 101 Philip Morris, Inc., 1930 Maple Street. Cigarette manufacturing. A slide presentation is given, fol- lowed by a tour of the computer department and production floors. Tours Monday through Friday, 8-11 a.m. and 12:45-2:30 p.m. Tour length: 40 minutes. No tours for one week around the Fourth of July and one week at Christmas. Group number: 8 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of more than 25. Spanish, German and French transla- tion available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Public Relations. Phone: 502 778-2761. 39 Schenley Distillers, Inc., 17th and Breckinridge. Distillers of whiskey. Tour of distilling, bottling and laboratory facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required for groups of more than 10. No cameras permitted. Contact Joyce Boyer. Phone: 502 585-5081. 39 Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Inc., Seventh Street Road at Central Avenue. Production of whiskey. Visitors tour the grain storage area, distillery, fer- mentation facility, laboratory, stills, bottling plant and warehouse. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours in August. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required for groups of more than 10. No cameras permitted. Children under 11 not admitted. Contact the Receptionist for small groups and Plant Manager for large groups. Phone: 502 634-1551. OWENSBORO 39 Glenmore Distilleries Company, U.S. 60 East. Pro- ducers of whiskey. Tour of production area — warehousing, distilling and bottling. There is also a museum with sound on slide presentation. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. (The museum is open daily, 24-hours a day.) Tour length: 45 min- utes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required for groups of more than 25. Spanish, German and French translation avtiailable. Contact Personnel Manager. Phone: 502 926-1 1 10. 39 Medley Distilling Company, Old River Road. Prod- uction of whiskey. Visitors see the fermentation and distilling processes, and also tour the dry house, warehouse and bottling plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours last two weeks in July. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required for groups of more than 10. Contact J.L. Hagan. Phone: 502 926-4455. PADUCAH 82 TVA-Shawnee Steam Plant (power for AEC), end of State Highway 996. Power plant. Visitors see turbines, generators, boilers, stacks, precipitators and coal unloading facilities. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Con- tact Public Safety Service. Phone: 502 443-7489. LOUISIANA BALDWIN 50 Shell Key Packing Company, on Charenton Canal, South side. Seafood — shrimp and crab meat. Tour of the crab factory. Visitors see crabs being proces- sed and packed for market. Tours on Monday or Friday, 10 a.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice of 10 days required. French translation available. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Mr. Elwood Billiot. Phone: 318 828-1547. LOUISIANA 39 BATON ROUGE 68 Metal Works Corporation, 1820 Choctaw. Fabri- cated metal products. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Jerry W. Deslotte. Phone: 504 355-8891. BELLE CHASSE 75 Oil Mop, Inc., 1614 Engineers Road, P.O. Drawer P. Manufacturer of oil recovery equipment, oil/ water separators and custom design oil recovery systems. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Spanish and French translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Frederick L. Smith, Sales Manager. Phone: 504 394-61 10. JEANERETTE 66 J&L Honiron Engineering Company, Inc., 400 Canal Street. Manufacturer of sugarcane harvesting machinery and sugar factory equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10-25. Advance notice required. Spanish and French translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 12 not admitted. Contact Walter J. Landry, President. Phone: 318 276-6314. LAFAYETTE 75 Petroleum Associates of Lafayette, Inc., Louisiana Highway 182 at Broussard, P.O. Box 52449. Petro- leum drilling workover and completion fluids, and other related products. Tours Monday through Fri- day; weekends by appointment, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 3 bours. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Spanish translation available; French and other languages with advance notice. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Jack Cowan, General Manager of Sales and Marketing. Phone: 318 837-9222. LAKE CHARLES 92 Lake Charles Sheltered Workshop, Building 35, Avenue A, Chenault Field. Sheltered workshop for handicapped. Products include pallets, survey stakes, rags salvage (wiping), packaging and bed frames. Tours Monday through Friday, 1:30-3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-15. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Pete Manena, Jr., Facility Manager. Phone: 318 439-4829. SHREVEPORT 84 Bingham-Willamette Company, 7303 West Park Road. Manufacturer of centrifugal pumps for indus- try. An informal discussion of plant activities, fol- lowed by a tour of the facilities and question-and- answer period. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admit- ted. Contact Dale F. Patty, Manager, or R.H. Eads, Manufacturing Manager. Phone: 318 687-571 1. 51 Kast Metals Corporation, 1461 West 59th Street. Steel foundry. Tours by special arrangement only, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Children not admitted. Contact V.M. Riter, Vice President-Manufacturing. Phone: 318 869-1601. VILLE PLATTE 77 Ville Platte Record Manufacturing Company, 120 East Cypress Street. Phonograph records. Visitors see raw extruded plastic pressed into records and packaged for sale. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Sketches not permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact J. Floyd Soileau, Owner, or Joseph K. Soileau, Plant Manager. Phone: 318 363-2139 or 318 363-2104. WELSH 84 The Lo-Lift Pump Company, Inc., 208 North Rail- road Avenue. Manufacturer of propeller pumps. Visitors see various machine tools at work; also, the welding shop and assembly room. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cajun French translation available. Children under 10 not admit- ted. Contact Mr. Joe Van Ness, M.L. Van Ness or Eddie Salassie. Phone: 318 734-2366. MAINE ANDOVER 30 Communications Satellite Corporation, Route 120, P.O. Box 265. Communications via satellite. An audio-visual slide program is presented in the Vis- itors Building; some equipment is on display. A view of the antenna may be seen at the Radome Observation Booth; the new antennae and Control Building may be seen from the crest of the hill outside the radome (about 1000 feet from the hill). Tours Memorial Day through Labor Day, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required for large groups. Children must be accom- panied by an adult. Contact Station Administrator. Phone: 207 364-7871. 40 MAINE AUBURN 79 Pioneer Plastics, Division of LOF Plastics, Inc., Pionite Road. Manufacturers of decorative plastic laminates, resin impregnated decorative and indus- trial papers, decorative laminated particleboard and other industrial plastic products. Visitors observe the process of manufacturing high pressure plastic laminates from receipt of raw materials to shipment of finished products. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during July. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact L. Seagliarini, Personnel Manager. Phone: 207 784-9111. BANGOR 93 Bauer Canadian Skate, Inc., 1491 Hammond Street. Manufacturer of ice skates and boots. Tour various manufacturing departments from start to finish. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. No tours in July. Group number: 12 maximum. Ad- vance notice required. Contact Bryan Daly, Chief Industrial Engineer. Phone: 207 947-6501. EAGLE LAKE 65 Pinkham Lumber Company, Hardwood Division, Main Street. Suppliers of kiln dried dimensioned hardwood for furniture and novelty manufacturers. Tours Monday through Thursday. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 7 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours week of July 4 and week of Christmas. Advance notice of 1 day required. French translation available. Contact Arthur W. Reynolds. Phone: 207 444-5139. EASTON 97 Triple A Sugar Corporation, P.O. Box 66. Sugar factory. Tours from October to January, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. German, French, Spanish and Italian translation available. Contact Mr. Perry Good, Personnel Manager. Phone: 207 488-2121, Ext. 25. MADAWASKA 74 Fraser Paper, Limited, Bridge Street. Paper manufacturer — fine bond, catalog grades and coated and uncoated publication grades. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. French translation avail- able. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Marcella Carrier, Personnel Assistant. Phone: 207 728-3321. MILLINOCKET 74 Great Northern Paper Company, Millinocket Plant. Paper production: newsprint, ground wood specialities and coated paper. Visitors observe the process of paper production from raw materials to finished products. Tours June, July and August, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour to 2 hours and 30 minutes. Advance notice required. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted, and children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact E. Mill at 207 746-9912, Ext. 224 or P.K. Millin at 207 723-5131, Ext. 271. PORTLAND 72 Guy Gannett Publishing Company, 390 Congress Street. Newspaper publishing. An informational, educational tour of newspaper production. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 6-12. Advance notice required. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Byron J. Israelson, Promotion Manager. Phone: 207 775-5811, Ext. 226. PRESQUE ISLE 50 Potato Service, Inc., Read Road. Frozen food — vegetables. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 30 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Rick Loesel, Director of Sales. Phone: 516 621-8200. ROCKLAND 105 Fisher Engineering, Water Street. Manufacturer of snowplows, hydraulic and quick switch kits, Step-N-Tow bumpers and dump bodies. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. No tours first two weeks in July. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Everett Small, Cus- tomer Relations. Phone: 207 594-4446. WESTBROOK 74 S. D. Warren Division - Scott Paper Company, 89 Cumberland Street. Paper manufacturer — books, printing, specialty coated and graphic arts. Tour consists of wood yard, pulping, papermaking, coat- ing, finishing, shipping and, if desired, primary and secondary wastewater treatment facility. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours week of July 4. Group number: 2-25. Advance notice of 2 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Industrial Relations Department. Phone: 207 856-631 1. 41 MARYLAND BALTIMORE 72 Baltimore News American, Lombard and South Streets. Newspaper publishing (daily and Sunday). Tours Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. to I p.m. Tour length: I hour. Group number: 25 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Albert A. Adler. Phone: 301 752-1212, Ext. 408. 73 Baltimore Paint & Chemical Corporation, 2325 Hollins Ferry Road. Manufacturer of paint and varnish coatings. Tours from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact John Mays, Personnel Manager. Phone: 301 837-3030, Ext. 230. 72 Baltimore Sunpapers, Calvert and Centre Streets. Newspaper publishing (daily and Sunday). Tours at 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tour length: I hour. Group number: 10-35. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Debbie Surdel. Phone: 301 322-6266. 41 Bendix Environmental and Process Instruments Di- vision, 1400 Taylor Avenue. Design, development and manufacture of electronic, electromechanical and meteorological instruments. Tours by appoint- ment only. Group number: 10-15. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact D.J. Fausnaugh, Direc- tor, Industrial Relations. Phone: 301 825-5200. 51 F & E Baltimore, Division of Flynn and Emrich Company, 3001 Grantley Avenue. Gray and ductile iron foundry casting products. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-1 I a.m. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Mr. James F. Turner, III. Phone: 301 664-0500. 66 F & E Machinery and F & E Communications, Divisions of Flynn and Emrich Company, 1600 Whitehead Court. Telecommunications hardware products, contract machinery and industrial in- cinerators. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-1 1 a.m. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Mr. Douglas G. Walker. Phone: 301 664-0500. 7 General Motors Assembly Division, 2122 Broening Highway (P.O. Box 148). Assembly of automobiles and trucks. (No forging or manufacturing done — all parts are shipped in for assembly.) Tours by reserva- tion only. Tour length: 90 minutes. No cameras or recorders permitted. Written notice of 2-3 weeks and biographical data required. Visitors must secure prior approval through General Motors Overseas Operations Division, 1660 L Street, N.W., Suite 501, Washington, D.C. 20036. Contact Mr. H.C. Witthaus. Phone: 202 659-5050. 83 A. Hoen & Company, Chester & Biddle Streets. Oldest continuously operating lithographer in U.S. (established 1865). Books, maps, advertising, pack- ing and printing. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 2 days required. Prefer visitors with specific interest in lithography. No smoking; no loose clothing. Contact Barbara Rembert. Phone: 301 732-6510. 33 Industrial Papers, Inc., Folding Carton and Label Division, 1601 Edison Highway. Manufacturer of folding cartons. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice of 3 weeks re- quired. Contact Lee L. Shaver. Phone: 301 327-1300, Ext. 265. 34 Kennecott Refining Corporation, Fort Smallwood Road (P.O. Box 3407). Copper refining process. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 10-50. No cameras permitted. Chil- dren under 16 not admitted. Low heels and slacks are recommended. Contact Public Relations Office. Phone: 301 789-1000, Ext. 206. 12 Luzianne Coffee Company, Division of Wm. B. Reily Company, Inc., 3501 Duncanwood Lane. Roasting, grinding, packing of coffee. Tours Tues- day through Thursday, by appointment only. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice of 3 days required. No smoking. Contact Mr. Maxim R. Hoffman, Plant Manager. Phone: 301 675-9550. 55 Maryland Glass Corporation, 2147 Wicomico Street. Manufacture, warehousing and sales of glass containers. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., by appointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 25 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 4 weeks required. Children under 10 not admitted. Clothing suitable for industrial envi- ronment: hard-soled shoes (no sneakers, sandals or high heels). Contact Calvin W. Starr. Phone: 301 837-3700. 83 Mid-Atlantic Photo Composition, Inc., 2 West 25th Street. Typesetting, photo composition by compu- ter, optical character recognition scanner. Tours by appointment only, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Mr. Robert A. Wetzler, President. Phone: 301 467-1125. 12 Pfefferkorn's Coffee, Inc. , 402 East Grindall Street. Visitors observe production of coffee from start to finish. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 5-10. Contact Mr. James Pfefferkorn. Phone: 301 727-3355. 42 MARYLAND 91 Proctor & Gamble Manufacturing Company, 1422 Nicholson Street. Tours of processing, converting and packaging departments, and quality control laboratory. Tours by appointment only, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 12:30-2 p.m. No tours during June, July and August. Group number: 40-50. Chil- dren under 14 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Marie Cavanaugh. Phone: 301 752-2440, Ext. 262. 72 Joseph Ruzicka, Inc., 3200 Elm Avenue. Bookbind- ing. Days on which tours are conducted are depen- dent on work schedule. Tours conducted 10:15a. m. to 2 p.m. and 2:30-4 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 10-50. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Leonard H. Spence. Phone: 301 889-5095. 10 Schmidt Baking Company, Inc., Carey and Laurens Streets. Wholesale bakery products. Tours week- days except Tuesday, 1-5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Tom Bowyer. Phone: 301 728-1000. 56 Social Security Administration, 6401 Security Boulevard, Exit 17, Baltimore Beltway. National headquarters of the Social Security Program. Tours Monday through Friday at 10 a.m. for groups of ten or less. Tours for groups of more than ten between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Advance notice of 1 week required for groups of more than ten. Group number: 300 maximum. No photographing of confidential docu- ments. Contact Najib Amin, Tour Service Director. Phone: 301 594-2374 or 301 594-2370. 18 WBAL-TV, 3800 Hooper Avenue. Television Sta- tion. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, by appointment only. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks to 1 month required. Children under 10 not admitted. Tour of radio facilities not usually made, but may be ar- ranged in special cases. Contact Brad Foltyn, Direc- tor of Advertising and Promotion. Phone: 301 467-3000, Ext. 251. BELCAMP 89 Bata Shoe Company, Inc., Route 40 East, Harford County. Specialists in manufacture of sports, casual and special purpose footwear. Conveyorized produc- tion on teamwork assembly lines. Tours Monday through Thursday, by appointment only, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 10-50. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Personnel Depart- ment. Phone: 301 272-2000. CUMBERLAND 98 Celanese Fibers Company, P.O. Box 444. Manufac- turer of synthetic fibers. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-40. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Low heels required. Smoking and cameras not permitted. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Pat Gowans. Phone: 301 729-1000. 85 The Kelly-Springfield Tire Company, Kelly Road (P.O. Box 300). Manufacturer of tires and tubes. Tours by appointment Tuesday or Thursday, starting at 9 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. Advance notice of 2 days required. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Jerry Hass, Manager of Communications, Public Relations Department. Phone: 301 777-6496. ELKTON 5 Elkton Fashion Industry, Inc., Blue Ball Road. Manufacturer of men's clothing — sewing and as- sembling of men's suits. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Smoking not permitted. Contact Mr. M. Verrillo. Phone: 301 398-1600. 14 Trojan Yachts, Inc., Oldfield Point Road. Assembly of pleasure yachts. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Camera use is negotiable. Contact Mr. Fred Moser or Noreen Watson. Phone: 301 398-5353. FREDERICK 53 Club Products Company, Maryland Facility (Everedy), 200 Monroe Avenue. Manufacturer of cookware, porcelain and coatings. Tours by ap- pointment. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 10 days required. Flashbulb cameras not permitted. Contact Mr. Craig A. Hendershot, Personnel Direc- tor. Phone: 301 663-3123. GRANTSVILLE 67 Yoder Locker Plant and Meat Packer. Complete slaughtering and processing services, wholesale and retail: fresh, frozen, canned, cured and hickory smoked. Tours from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum (two or three groups may tour simultaneously). Advance notice required. Contact Henry or Paul Yoder. Phone: 301 895-5121. MARYLAND 43 GREENBELT 3 Goddard Space Flight Visitors Center/World Wide Satellite Tracking Net Control Center. Visitors ob- serve actual working segments of space missions now operating, as well as many other space demon- strations and exhibits. Self-guided walking tours, but special arrangements can be made for groups. Open Wednesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Contact Mr. William O'Leary. Phone: 301 982-4142. HAGERSTOWN 108 Potomac Edison Company, Downsville Pike. Elec- tric utility company. Tours of general office build- ing, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tours can be arranged after hours on special request basis. Contact Mr. Harry G. Saufley, Community Rela- tions Department. Phone: 301 731-3400. 109 Victor Products Corporation, 775 Frederick Av- enue. Can and coffee venders (contract), fountain dispensing equipment (pre-mix and post-mix), bulk ice-makers and coin changers. Tours by appoint- ment only. Contact Mr. Vink, Director of Sales. Phone: 301 733-3020. HAMPSTEAD 102 Black & Decker Manufacturing Company, 626 Hanover Pike. Manufacturer of portable power tools, light machining, winding and assembly. Tours by appointment, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Group number: 5 minimum. No cameras; no high narrow heels. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Helen Baker. Phone: 301 833-4444, Ext. 760. HYATTSVILLE 83 Editors Press, Inc., 6041 33rd Avenue. Commercial printing (lithography). Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Mr. George D. Williams, General Superintendent. Phone: 301 559-7800. LANDOVER 10 Safeway Stores, Inc., Bakery Division, 6800 Col- umbia Park Road. Baking of bread, rolls and sweet goods. Tours Monday and Tuesday, 10, 10:30 and 1 1 a.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Group number: 30 maximum. (One adult to every 5 children.) Contact Mrs. M. Medhurst. Phone: 301 341-6600. 112 Safeway Stores, Inc., Distribution Center, 1501 Cabin Branch Road. Distribution of foods for Safe- way Supermarkets. Seven warehouses and trucking department. Tours by appointment, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Warm clothing needed regardless of outside temper- ature. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Richard C. Smith or Mrs. Gallagher. Phone: 301 341-6571. 112 Safeway Stores, Inc., Non-Foods Warehouse, 6900 Columbia Park Road. Receiving, stocking and re- packaging of non-food items (health and beauty aids, household goods, gums, spices, cigarettes and expense items for store use, taxing cigarettes, filling orders from stores for this merchandise and shipping to stores). Tours by appointment, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact George Hafferman, Warehouse Manager. Phone: 301 341-6562. 53 Serta Manufacturing Company, Division of Ameri- can Wholesalers, Inc., 8415 Ardmore Road. Man- ufacturer of mattress and box springs. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact M. Levand Haynes. Phone: 301 322-1000, Ext. 250. MATAPEAKE 87 The Chesapeake Bay Model, Kent Island. The world's largest hydraulic model. Visitors see a slide presentation, followed by a movie and walking tour. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 1 and 3 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Advance notice of 2 weeks required for groups. Contact Bob Blake, Public Affairs, Baltimore District Corps of En- gineers, P.O. Box 1715, Baltimore. Phone: 301 962-4616. OAKLAND 22 Integrated Business Methods, Inc., 424 South Arch Street. Keypunching data processing services. Tours by appointment, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Cameras not permitted. Contact Miss Wanda Dawson. Phone: 301 334-9600. 81 Sterling Processing Corporation, Box 202. Fresh killed ice pack fryers. Two hundred thousand head per week. Tours by appointment, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Gilman Sylvester. Phone: 301 334-3993. 44 MARYLAND OWINGS MILLS 18 Maryland Center for Public Broadcasting, Bonita 50 Avenue. Television studio, control rooms and scene dock with sets of locally produced programs. Tours by appointment only, Monday through Thursday, 10, 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.; evenings by appoint- ment. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10-40. Children under 8 not admitted; one adult for every 10 children. Contact Mrs. Dodi Faulkner. */* Phone: 301 356-5600. OXFORD 14 Applegarth's Marine Yard, Morris Street. Manufac- turer of custom-built sailboats, skipjacks and cruis- ers. Building and repair of wood boats. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No clubs, service clubs, school 5 groups, museum groups, etc. Contact Curtis L. Applegarth. Phone: 301 226-5170. RELAY 39 Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc. (The Calvert Distilling Company), Route 1, Washington Boulevard. Manufacturer of distilled spirits and bottling of finished product: Calvert Extra, Calvert Gin, Seagram Extra Dry Gin and others. Tours by appointment, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. Advance notice of 10 days required for groups of more than 8 53 persons. Cameras not permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Clyde E. Stephens. Phone: 301 247-1000. SALISBURY 82 Delmarva Power & Light Company, Route 14 at Nay lor Mill Road. Electric utility. Tour of District Division and General Offices storeroom, garage, 21 system operations and shops. Tours by appointment only, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required - 2 weeks preferred. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact J. A. Swaney, Vice President. Phone: 301 749-6111. SILVER SPRING 86 87 American Instrument Company, Division of Travenol Laboratories, Inc., 8030 Georgia Avenue. Manufacturing and testing of analytical instrumenta- tion, high pressure systems, materials testing equipment and humidity detection, recording and control systems. Specific tours can be tailored to requirements of individuals or groups. Tours are 36 restricted to scientifically oriented adult groups. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Mr. Stanley Dosik, Export Manager. Phone: 301 589-1727. TILGHMAN Harrison Oyster Company, Main Street. Shucking of oysters. Tours conducted anytime from Sep- tember through March. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Levin F. Harrison, III. Phone: 301 886-2530. TIMONIUM Dunkin' Donuts, 2001 York Road. Visitors see stockroom and supplies, total processing from start to finish. Tours on weekdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Group number: 10-50. Contact Shirley Morse. Phone: 301 252-0350. WESTMINSTER Carroll Manufacturing Company, 41 1 North Cran- berry Road. Manufacturing and assembly of men's sack coats. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras permitted. Contact Ralph Falcone. Phone: 301 848-4646. MASSACHUSETTS ADAMS Old Stone Mill Corporation, Old Stone Mill. Hand- printed wallcoverings. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. One adult must accompany every ten children. Contact C.L. Jones. Phone: 413 743-1015. AGAWAM Fusion Labs Division of EBTEC Corporation, 120 Shoemaker Lane. Electric beam welding. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Ad- vance notice required. Contact Mr. Derose, Presi- dent. Phone: 617 786-0393. ASHLAND Fenwal Incorporated, 400 Main Street. Manufac- turer of temperature controls and fire and explosion protection equipment. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact K.G. Nowak, Vice President- Manufacturing. Phone: 617 881-2000. ASHLEY FALLS Dell-Meadows Farm. Visitors observe all phases of the daily operation of a dairy farm. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., by prior arrangement only. Contact Dwight C. Dellert. Phone:413 229-8826. MASSACHUSETTS 45 BEVERLY 66 USM Corporation, Machine Division, 181 Elliott Street. Industrial machinery, tape control, assembly engineering, design, computer and machine shop. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tours by written request only, identifying number of persons, cars, time, dates and what areas to see. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Ronald G. Perkins, Sr., Personnel Administrator. Phone: 617 927-4200, Ext. 2111. BOSTON 42 Anderson-Nichols and Company, Inc., 150 Cause- way Street. Engineering design services. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Nicholas N. Marshall, Personnel Manager. Phone: 617 742-3400, Ext. 207. 108 Boston Gas, 144 McBride Street. Liquefaction and storage of natural gas. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact James F. Connors, Assistant Vice President. Phone: 617 522-5600. 72 The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street. Tours Monday through Friday. Con- tact Earline Barth, General Services. Phone: 617 262-2300, Ext. 2427. 40 Sandman Electric Company, Inc., 660 Parker Street. Electric motor repair service and sales opera- tion; distributor of electrical equipment; repair ser- vice for electric motors, transformers and armatures, including rewinding and balancing; builder of cus- tom cubicles and panelboards. Tours by prior ar- rangement only. Contact Robert L. Sandman, Presi- dent. Phone: 617 442-7600. BRAINTREE 65 Grossman's, Inc., 200 Union Street. Tour includes headquarters building: data processing department, Braintree Central Warehouse (multilevel, high-rise storage for merchandise), door and window man- ufacturing shop, component manufacturing shop (roof trusses, wall panels are in separate building), lumber yard and lumber mill. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact Bruno Salvucci. Phone: 617 848-0100, Ext. 235. 68 Wollaston Alloys, Inc., 205 Wood Road. Hi-alloy sand and shell castings. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact B.F. Tibbetts, Vice President. Phone: 617 848-3333. BRIGHTON 83 Albert Basse Associates, Inc., 55 Henshaw Street. Screen process printing. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact Mrs. Di Maio, Office Manager. Phone: 617 782-3503. CAMBRIDGE 108 Canal Electric Company, 130 Austin Street. Electric generating station. Tours by prior arrangement only, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact L.R. Crowell, Vice President and General Manager. Phone: 617 888-1301. COHASSET 53 Hagerty Company, 38 Parker Avenue. Manufacturer of Cohasset Colonial furniture for home assembly. Open Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact Francis W. Hagerty. DANVERS 32 Putnam Pantry, Route 1. Candy-making from trea- sured Olde New England recipes. Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact Mrs. Emerson. Phone: 617 774-2383. DEDHAM 51 Hersey Products, Inc., 250 Elm Street. Foundry — machining and testing water meters. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., by prior arrangement only. Contact William G. Giddings, Director of Personnel. Phone: 617 326-9400, Ext. 313. 94 Rust Craft Greeting Cards, Inc., Rust Craft Road. Manufacturer of greeting cards. Tours by appoint- ment only, Monday through Friday, 9:30-10:30 a.m. and 1:30-2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15 maximum. Children under 12 not admit- ted. Contact Mrs. Pauline Kalton, Employment Manager. Phone: 617 325-9600, Ext. 2421. EASTHAMPTOM 99 Easthampton Rubber Thread Company, 26 Pay son Avenue. Textile tape, molded rubber and plastics. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Robert F. Martin, Personnel Manager. Phone: 413 527-2436. FALL RIVER 99 F. R. Knitting Mills, Inc., 69 Alden Street. Knitting of sweaters and allied operations (cutting, sewing, etc.) to the finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact Gary Reitzas. Phone:617 678-7553. 83 Riveredge Printers, Inc., 206 Globe Mills Avenue. Textile screen and roller printing. Tours by prior arrangement only. Group number: 10 maximum. Contact Samuel Lovit, President. Phone: 617 673-5886. FITCHBURG 5 The Asher Company, 307 Falulah Road. Manufac- turer of men's clothing. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Mrs. Ruth Garrity, Director of Plant Operations. Phone: 617 342-8771. 46 MASSACHUSETTS 108 Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company, 655 Main Street. Gas and electric utility. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact James W. Pettingell, Manager, Community Rela- tions. Phone: 617 343-6931. 74 Weyerhaeuser Company, Paper Division, 545 Westminster Street. Paper manufacturing and coat- ing operations. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. Tours by prior ar- rangement only. Group number: 15 maximum. Con- tact Kevin B. Malvey, Personnel Manager, North Atlantic Region. Phone: 617 343-3051, Ext. 540. FRAMINGHAM 7 GM Assembly Division, GMC, Western Avenue. Tours arranged by advance notice. Contact Mr. John O'Brien. Phone: 617 873-7421, Ext. 212. GRANVILLE 103 Noble & Cooley Company, Water Street. Manufac- turer of toy drums and drum-type gift items. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. GREENFIELD 102 The Bendix Corporation, Industrial Tools Division, 180 Laurel Street. Production of metal cutting tools. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 month required. Contact Donald J. Rehin. Phone: 413 774-4336. HYANNIS 54 Colonial Candle of Cape Cod, 232 Main Street. Candle manufacturing factory. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. No tours July 2-9. Contact Mrs. Loretta Ryan, Manager, Gift Shop. Phone: 617 775-2500. 54 Old Harbor Candle Company, Scudder Avenue. Complete manufacturing of all types of candles, packaging, etc. Tours Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Groups must make advance arrangements. Contact Marvin Blank. Phone:617 775-1385. LAWRENCE 68 Andrew Wilson Company, 616 Essex Street. Steel shelving and lockers. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., by prior arrangement only. Contact Geoffrey Davis, Personnel Manager. Phone:617 683-2403. MALDEN 85 Converse Rubber Company, 392 Pearl Street. Vis- itors observe processes used in the manufacture of canvas footwear. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact E.R. Sarkisian, Factory Manager. Phone: 617 322-1500, Ext. 217. MANSFIELD 54 Sweet Manufacturing Company, Gilbert Street. Jewelry chain manufacturing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., by prior arrangement only. Contact the Executive Vice Pres- ident. Phone:617 339-2961. MEDFORD 66 Langley Handling Equipment Company, 2 Sycamore Avenue. Material-handling equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact Will Simmons, Assistant Sales Manager. Phone:617 395-8010. MONSON 79 Springfield Moulders, Inc., Palmer Road. Injection molding — thermoplastic materials. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact B.E. Graham, General Manager. Phone: 413 267-5524. NATICK 50 The Whipple Company, 58 North Main Road. Jam, jelly and pie filing. Tours by prior arrangement, Monday through Friday, mornings only. Contact D.W. Crain, Plant Manager. Phone: 617 653-2660. NEW BEDFORD 83 Reynolds — DeWalt Printing, Inc., Industrial Plant. Typesetting, platemaking and printing in a commer- cial lithography plant. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Mrs. Madeline Downing. Phone: 617 995-5118. NEWTON 66 Kennett Corporation, 275 Needham Street. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Jules Kendall. Phone: 617 969-7260. NORTHHAMPTON 43 Kollmorgen Corporation, Electro-Optical Division, 347 King Street. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact John S. Toppin, Manager, Industrial Rela- tions. Phone: 413 586-2330, Ext. 237. PALMER 113 Jarvis and Jarvis Division of Standex International Corporation, South Main Street. Caster and wheel manufacturers. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Kenneth W. Thayer, Manufacturing Man- ager. Phone: 413 283-7601. 68 Rathbone Corporation, 241 Part Street. Cold rolling and cold drawing of metal shapes. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact L.S. Dorsett, President. Phone: 413 283-8961. MASSACHUSETTS 47 READING 80 Boston Stove Company, 155 John Street. Manufac- turer of gas stoves. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Earle B. Kaufman, President. Phone: 617 944-1045. ROWE 82 Yankee Atomic Electric Company. Generating plant. Tour schedule: Starting May 26, Wednesday through Sunday, 12 noon to 5 p.m.; starting June 13, daily, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; from September 5 through October 8, Wednesday through Sunday, 12 noon to 5 p.m. Advance notice required. Contact Mr. Roland Emery. Phone: 413 424-5261. SOUTH LEE 74 Mead Corporation, Pleasant Street. Papermills and printing plant. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact R.H. Cornell, Manager of Industrial Rela- tions. Phone:413 243-1231. SPRINGFIELD 108 Springfield Gas & Light Company, 2025 Roosevelt Avenue. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., by prior arrangement only. Contact Robert E. Wight. Phone: 413 781-3610. 113 Titeflex, A Division of Atlas Corporation, 603 Hendee Street. Teflon hose manufacturing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., by prior arrangement. Contact C.L. Mackinson, Direc- tor of Manufacturing. Phone: 413 739-5631 . TURNERS FALLS 74 Esleeck Manufacturing Company, Canal Street. Paper manufacturing. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Robert W. Scott, Vice President of Manufacturing. Phone: 413 863-4326. 78 Hallmark Color Labs, at the Airport. Develop and print color pictures for professional studios. Tours by prior arrangement. Contact John Walker, Cus- tomer Relations Manager. Phone: 413 863-9551. UXBRIDGE 99 Emile Bernat & Sons Company, Depot and Mendon Streets. Yarn dyeing and processing. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Mr. Jack Gangemi, Di- rector, Customer Services. Phone: 617 278-2414, Ext. 206. WATERTOWN 27 Barclay Chemical Company, Inc., 150 Coolidge Avenue. Industrial water conditioning — pollution control. Visits can be arranged with advance notice. Contact S.D. Barclay. Phone: 617 926-2256. WEBSTER 99 Cranston Print Works. Textile printing of designs on cloth fabric. Tours available by prior arrangement. Contact Donald Barry, Personnel Director. Phone: 617 943-0520. WESTBORO 113 Alden Systems Company, Inc., Route 9 at 495 Turnpike Road. Material-handling equipment: Alden-Ready-Count Containers, Holder Feed Chutes and modular conveyors. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., by prior arrangement. Contact N.A. Duhamel, General Manager. Phone: 617 366-8556. 1 Bay State Abrasives Division, Dresser Industries, Inc., Union Street. Abrasive grinding wheels. Tours by prior arrangement. Contact Clifford S. Duxbury, Jr., Public Relations Manager. Phone: 617 366-443 1 . 82 New England Electric, 20 Turnpike Road. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact the Public Informa- tion Department. Phone: 617 366-9011. WEST SPRINGFIELD 82 Western Massachusetts Electric Company, 174 Brush Hill Avenue. New England Power Exchange, Northfield Mountain Pumped Hydro-Electric Plant and Electric Generating Station. Advance notice necessary for tours. Phone: 413 785-5871, Ext. 298. WILMINGTON 66 Compugraphic Corporation, 80 Industrial Way. Manufacturer of photo typesetting system. Tours by prior arrangement, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact Paul Thiel, Manager of Mar- keting. Phone:: 617 944-6555. 42 Charles River Breeding Laboratories, Inc., 251 Ballardvale Street. Breeder of laboratory animals — mice and rats. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Mr. Andre R. Normand, Personnel Director. Phone: 617 658-6000. WINCHENDON 33 New England Woodenware Corporation, 363 River Street. Corrugated paper cartons. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact A.W. Urquhart, Vice President-Treasurer. Phone: 617 297-0921. WORCESTER 1 Norton Company, One New Bond Street. Grinding wheel manufacturer. Tours by advance arrangement only, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact Mr. David B. Tyler, Supervisor, Community Relations. Phone: 617 853-1000, Ext. 2231. 68 Reed and Prince Manufacturing Company, One Duncan Avenue. Manufacturer of metal fasteners. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Jeffrey Hunter, Personnel Director. Phone: 617 753-2931, Ext. 244. 48 MASSACHUSETTS 72 Worcester Telegram and Gazette, Inc., 20 Franklin Street. Tours by prior arrangement only. Contact Andy Fuller, Public Relations Director. Phone: 617 755-4321. MICHIGAN ADA 91 Amway Corporation, 7575 East Fulton. Home and personal care products. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 and 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 and 3 p.m. Tour length: 75 minutes. Group number: 100 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Mr. Milt Weeks, Guest Relations. Phone: 616 676-6233. ALPENA 66 Besser Company, Johnson Street. Manufacturer of concrete block machinery. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours during week of July 4. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Spanish and French translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Joseph W. Gentry, Assistant Personnel Manager. Phone: 517 354-4111. BARAGA 66 Pettibone Michigan Corporation, P.O. Box 368. Manufacturer of heavy equipment for log, lumber, pulpwood and building trade industries. Tours avail- able upon advance notice, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. No tours April 1-6. Group number: 6-30. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Finnish, Swedish and French translation available. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Mr. Russell F. Carriere, Vice President-General Manager. Phone: 906 353-661 1 . BATTLE CREEK 86 American Fire Pump & Apparatus Companies, 15150 — 6 '/> Mile Road. Fire pumps and fire trucks. Tour of fire pump plant and apparatus plant (next door). Visitors observe the machining, testing and assembly of fire pumps, and complete assembly of fire trucks from start to finish. Equipment shown: pumpers, aerials, elevating platforms, water towers and special custom-built apparatus. Tours Monday, Thursday and Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-5 p.m. Tour length: 15-30 minutes. Group number: 2-12. Advance notice of 5 weeks required. Contact Leo Simurr, Sales Manager ( Apparatus Plant) or Jim Moody, Sales Manager (Pump Plant). Phone: 616 963-1548 (apparatus) or 616 962-8768 (pump). 26 Kellogg Company, 235 Porter Street. Breakfast cereals. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the day before and the day after a holiday. Group number: 35 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required for groups. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact H.C. Nipper, Director of Visitors' Service. Phone: 616 962-5151. BAY CITY 50 Made Rite Potato Chip Company, 505 North Euclid Avenue. Potato chip manufacturer. Visitors view the potato chip manufacturing process from raw product to packaging of chips. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9:30-11 a.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. Group number: 25-60. Advance notice required. Contact Mrs. Linda Toyzan or Sue Born. Phone:517 684-6271. BEAVERTON 79 Alma Plastics Company, Kal Plant, 4378 South M-18. Plastic sheet extruder. Tour of extrusion operation, warehouse and maintenance area. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 2-10. Ad- vance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact John Graveline, Plant Manager. Phone: 517 435-7701. BENTON HARBOR 50 Benton Harbor Fruit Market, 1891 Territorial Road. Farmers' market. Tours June 1 to October 15, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Ad- vance notice preferred. Contact Alvin Braudo, Man- ager. Phone:616 925-0681. 66 Gast Manufacturing Corporation, P.O. Box 99 (2300 M-139). Pneumatic products: air compres- sors, vacuum pumps, air motors. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 6-24. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Jack Huffman. Phone: 616 926-6171. BESSEMER 65 Iron Wood Products, Yale Avenue. Manufacturer of plywood panels. Tours on Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maxi- mum. Advance notice required. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact James Rye, Sales Manager. Phone:906 937-4212. MICHIGAN 49 BLISSFIELD 23 The Home Canning Company, 223 Jefferson Av- enue. Vegetable canning. Tours August 15 through October 1, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Cecil Schmitz, General Manager. Phone: 517 486-2700. BRADLEY 45 Plummer Supply, 1180— 129th Street. Producer of irrigation parts and services. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 60 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Cal Plummer, Owner. Phone: 616 792-2215. BRIDGMAN 82 Indiana & Michigan Electric Company, Cook Nuc- lear Center. Electrical power generated by nuclear energy. Tours Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday 12 noon to 6 p.m.; Memo- rial Day through Labor Day, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday and 1 1 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours on Monday and Tuesday, but open on holidays. Group number: 3-73. Advance notice of 2 weeks required for groups of more than 10. All nuclear facility tours must be cleared in writing through the American Electric Power System, New York. Contact Mrs. Cathy Will. Phone: 616 465-6101. CADILLAC 53 St. Johns, Inc., 130 Gunn. Furniture manufacturer — wooden dining room furniture. Vis- itors observe furniture production from rough lumber to finished product. Tours by advance ar- rangement only, Monday through Friday, 9:15 a.m. and 12:30 and 2:15 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 min- utes. Group number: 2-10. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact E.W. Townsend, Plant Manager. Phone:616 775-2425. CENTREVILLE 66 Meyer Hydraulics Corporation, 512 West Burr Oak Street. Manufacturer of hydraulic jacks, lifts and presses. Tour of manufacturing shop of hydraulic equipment. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. No tours week between Christmas and New Year's. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Gerald R. Meyer, President, or Barry G. Meyer, Vice President. Phone:616 467-6302. CHARLOTTE 45 C & B Silo Company, 2598 Lansing Road. Silo manufacturing. Open daily, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. No tours week between Christmas and New Year's. Advance notice of 1 week preferred. Spanish trans- lation available. Contact Paul E. Way. Phone: 517 543-4260. CHELSEA 50 Chelsea Milling Company, North Street. Manufac- turer of "Jiff" Cake and Frosting Mixes. Tour consists of a slide presentation and a question-and- answer period prior to touring the plant. Tours by appointment only, Monday through Friday; 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 and 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours three days before each holiday. Group number: 60 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Preschool children must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Contact Helen Doering, Tour Depart- ment. Phone: 313 475-1361. COMSTOCK PARK 66 Metzgar Conveyor Company, 901 Metzgar Drive. Manufacturer of conveyor equipment. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No children admitted. Contact D. Robert Metzgar. Phone: 616 784-0930. COOPERSVILLE 65 Heath Manufacturing Company, 140 Mill Street. Manufacturer of redwood planters and bird feeders. Tour of production facilities, including the saw room, assembly room and packing room. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the last week of June. Contact Donald Heath or Lewis Hebron. Phone: 616 837-8181. DEARBORN 7 Rouge Manufacturing Complex (Ford Michigan Company). Tours are available throughout the year. Information about the daily tours departing from the Ford Guest Center may be obtained by calling 313 322-0034. Groups or individuals with special inter- ests may obtain further information by calling the International Public Relations Office: 313 322-5845. DETROIT 67 Frederick & Herrud, Inc., 1487 Farnsworth. Slaugh- ter house — fresh pork products. Tour of slaughter- ing, cutting and packaging operations. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-10. Advance notice re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. No chil- dren admitted. Contact Mr. Joel Dorfman, Opera- tions Manager. Phone: 313 832-6080. 50 MICHIGAN 93 Helin Tackle Company, 4099 Beaufait Avenue. Manufacturer of artificial lures (baits) for game fish. Visitors observe the manufacturing of lures and a film presentation. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Group number: 10-50. Advance notice required. Finnish and Polish translation avail- able. Contact Wallace Helin, Vice President. Phone: 313 921-0888. 75 Michigan Refining Division, Marathon Oil Com- pany, 1300 South Fort Street. Petroleum refining — gasoline, kerosene, heating oil, asphalt, propylene, propane. A brief oral presentation of refinery opera- tions is followed by a conducted tour of refinery facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2-3 hours. Group number: 2-20. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. Italian, Ger- man, Polish, Spanish and Yiddish translation avail- able. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Sydney Blum. Phone:313 843-9100. 11 National Bank of Detroit Money Museum, 611 Woodward Avenue. Visitors to the Money Museum are offered a look at the coins, currency and unusual items man has used as money over the centuries. Highlights of the collection are a U.S. $10,000 bill and an example of the largest money in the world from Yap Island. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. Contact Special Events Representative. Phone:313 225-1701. 16 The Stroh Brewery Company, 909 East Elizabeth Street. Tour of the facilities with an explanation of the brewing and packaging process. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 40 minutes. No tours during week between Christmas and New Year's. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of more than 25 persons. German, French, Polish and Spanish trans- lation available with prior notice. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Mr. Don Nadeau, Manager of Hospitality. Phone: 313 961-5840. 68 Taylor & Gaskin, Inc., 6440 Mack Avenue. Man- ufacturer of conveyors, industrial processing equip- ment and heavy equipment for the coke industry. An orientation period is followed by a tour of the plant and a question-and-answer period. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. No tours December 25 through January 1. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1-2 weeks required. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Michael Gaskin. Phone: 313 925-9550. 50 Vlasic Foods, Inc., Box 757. Pickle products. Tours would be of interest only to other pickle processors. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number 2-15. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras permitted. Contact Blaine Peterson. Phone: 313 851-9400. DEXTER 19 Jenkins Equipment Company, Inc. and Sweepster, Inc., 2810 Baker. Street sweepers and brush replacements — polypropolene bristles. Visitors ob- serve fabrication of sweepers; manufacturing of various types of brushes and extrusion of polypropolene bristles. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice of 1 week required. German and Spanish translation available occasionally. No children admitted. Contact Robert Doletzky, Vice President-Sales. Phone: 313 426-3961. DOLLAR BAY 65 Horner Flooring Company, Maple Avenue. Man- ufacturers of Hard Maple flooring. Visitors observe processing of Maple lumber into a finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours week of August 9. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Robert Gravitter, H. Kenneth Hamar, John C. Hamar or Edward J. Stone. Phone: 906 482-1180. DOWAGIAC 65 Jessup Door Company, Inc., 300 East Railroad Street. Manufacturer of wood doors (panel, louver and sash). Tour begins with product line presenta- tion and brief company history. The plant tour shows the start-to-finish aspect of door production. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours the first week in July and the week between Christmas and New Year's. Group number: 2-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Lyle Headington, Personnel Manager. Phone: 616 782-2183. ESCANABA 74 Mead Corporation, Escanaba Paper Company, County Road 426. Publishing paper. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. No tours week of July 4 and Christ- mas week. Advance notice of 1 week required. Group number: 15 maximum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Robert E. Barron. Phone: 906 786-1660. MICHIGAN 51 FARMINGTON 66 French Enterprises, Inc., 29666 West Nine Mile Road. "Ball-O-Matic" (patented) ballizing equip- ment and processing. Tour includes discussion of "Ball-O-Matic" equipment and process, as well as a slide presentation. Tours by advance arrangement only. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 30-40. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras permitted. Contact George A. Gazan, President. Phone:313 474-7200. FREMONT 50 Gerber Products Company, 445 State Street. Baby food — preparation, filling, sealing, labeling, ware- housing of various varieties of prepared baby food. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-1 1:30 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required for groups. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children must be accompanied by adults. Contact Chris Tonkin, Plant Hostess. Phone: 616 928-2630. FRANKENMUTH 16 Carling National Breweries, Inc., 926 South Main Street. Brewing, canning and bottling of malt bever- ages. Tour includes visit to brewhouse area and bottling and canning department. Tours Monday through Friday, June 1 to September 1: 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m.; September 1 to June 1:11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 35 minutes. Group number: 90 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required for groups of 25 or more. Contact Mr. Jay Pearsall, Tour Program Manager. Phone: 517 652-6161. FRANKFORT 50 Pet Incorporated-Frozen Foods Division, 1121 Main Street. Manufacturer of frozen dessert pies, pie shells, cobblers and whipped topping. Tour of production lines, shipping and warehouse areas. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. or 2 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Preschool children must be ac- companied by adults. Contact Duane S. Williams, Plant Manager. Phone: 616 352-9641 . FRASER 53 National Seating Company of Michigan, Inc., 16595 — 13 Mile Road. Manufacturer of commercial furniture for restaurants and lounges, and home dinette furniture. Tour of upholstery division (man- ufacturing of chairs, stools and booths) and table division (manufacturing of table legs and booth wood construction). Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Mr. James E. Bolin. Phone: 313 293-3350. GALESBURG 48 Burgess Seed and Plant Company, 67 East Battle Creek Street. Horticulture — seeds and plants. Tour of greenhouses, seed farm, nursery storage, order processing and shipping area. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tours by advance arrangement only. Group number: 25 maximum. Contact Patrick Sweeney. Phone: 616 665-7079. GLADWIN 105 Linabery Products, Inc., 490 Industrial Park Drive. Manufacturer of recreational vehicle accessories, sign maintenance equipment, fireplaces and wood- burning stoves. Tours Monday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours November 15-22. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Leo Brown, Marketing and Sales Manager, or Leon Wheeler, Plant Production Manager. Phone: 517 426-8422. 105 Wolverine Camper Corporation, 801 East Cedar Avenue. Manufacturer of pickup campers and mini-motor homes. Visitors' observe construction and assembly of pickup campers and mini-homes. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Leonard Oesch. Phone: 517 426-9241. GRAND HAVEN 20 Rycenga Homes, Inc., 1053 Jackson. Custom man- ufacturer of paneled homes. General tour of factory, engineering department and subdivisions. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10 maximum. Ad- vance notice required. Contact Ronald Bloom. Phone: 616 842-8040. 52 MICHIGAN GRAND JUNCTION 50 Michigan Blueberry Growers Association, Drawer B, County Road 215. Blueberry production. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Tours from July 4 to Labor Day. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact John Shelford, Public Relations. Phone: 616 434-6791. HOLLAND 12 Brooks Products, Inc., 777 Brooks Avenue. Soft drink manufacturer. Visitors view the process of soft drink manufacturing from a glass enclosed balcony. Tours Monday through Friday, 10-11:30 a.m. and 1:30-4:30 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. Group number: 6-20. Advance notice required. Contact Robert J. Marcus, Public Relations. Phone: 616 396-2371. GRAND RAPIDS 65 Antique Reproductions, Inc., 250 Commerce, S.W. Cabinet manufacturer — grandfather clocks exclu- sively. Tour of the following areas: rough mill, finish mill, assembly, finishing, final assembly and shipping. Tours Friday, 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Sketches not permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Robert D. Rose. Phone:616 774-9321. 66 Clipper Belt Lacer Company, 974 Front Avenue, N.W. Manufacturer of belt lacing equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30-4 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours the last two weeks of July and last ten days of the year. Group number: 8 maximum. Advance notice of 1-2 days required. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Russell Vollink, Vice President. Phone: 616 459-3196. HARBERT 111 Lakeside Vineyard, Inc., 13581 Red Arrow High- way. Winery — Vina del Lago Sangria, Lakeside wines, Molly Pitcher wines. Tour of vineyards and winery, returning to the "Tasting Barrel" to sample the wines. Tours Monday through Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 12 noon to 6 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice required if group consists of more than 10 persons. Contact Helen D. Lundquist, Customer Relations. Phone: 616 469-0700. 89 93 Deklomp Wooden Shoe & Delft Factory, 257 East 32nd Street. Manufacturer of wooden shoes, delft- ware and related products. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours in January. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 10 days required. Dutch translation available. Contact John Vink. Phone:616 396-2292. Polynesian Pools, Inc., 1145 South Washington. Swimming pool manufacturer. Visitors see how a panel is vacuum formed, the fiberglassing of the panel and the manufacturing of vinyl liners and covers. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-8. Advance notice required. Italian, Spanish, French, Turkish, Polish, Czech and Dutch translation avail- able. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Visitors from competitive industries in foreign countries must be cleared before admission to plant is granted. Contact Mr. Robert Glonek. Phone: 616 392-6941. HARTFORD 111 Bronte Champagne & Wines Company, Route 2, County Road 687. Winery and vineyard. Tour of retail store, wine aging cellars, champagne and sherry rooms, wine and champagne bottling lines and tasting room. Tours Monday through Saturday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sunday, 12 noon to 4 p.m. Tour length: 25 minutes. Advance notice required if more than 20 persons. Contact Lyn Winkel, Public Rela- tions and Tours. Phone: 616 621-3419. 110 Taylor Produce & Storage Company, 449 Howard Avenue. Public refrigerated and general merchan- dise warehouse. Tours available on advance notice; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact Robert G. Hall. Phone: 616 392-7171. MICHIGAN 53 HOWELL 66 Ex-Cell-O Workcenter Division, 2280 West Grand River Avenue (P.O. Box 40). Machine tool man- ufacturer. The product line is primarily numerical- computer controlled metal cutting machine tools. The tour includes the machine assembly area, machine shop where components of the equipment are produced, inspection equipment and computer support equipment. This plant builds the most com- plete line of horizontal spindle machining centers in the world. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day (preferably 2nd and 3rd week of month), 8-11 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week preferred. German, French and Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 10 not admitted. Contact R. Ellig, Gen- eral Sales Manager. Phone: 517 546-5330. IMLAY CITY 27 Anderson Peat Company, 332 Graham Road. Bag- ging peat humus and mining peat. Tour of bagging plant and warehouse, and in the summer the mining area. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 3-25. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Ward Jessop or Joe Roy. Phone: 313 724-2875. JACKSON 58 Airport Industries, Inc., 3601 Wildwood Avenue. Manufacturer of large diameter screw machine pro- ducts. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact Robert Hones. Phone: 517 782-0539. KALAMAZOO 72 Kalamazoo Gazette, 401 South Burdick Street. Newspaper. Visitors observe production aspects of the newspaper industry from the newsroom to the pressroom. If requested, tour can be geared for career orientation. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 60 maximum. Advance notice of 2-3 weeks required from September to June; 1 week required from June to September. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Elaine R. Cossar, Promotion Department. Phone: 616 345-3511, Ext. 391. LANSING 44 Farm Bureau Services, Inc., Public Relations and Marketing Services Division, 7373 West Saginow, P.O. Box 960. Manufacturer of agricultural supplies — feed, fertilizer, grain and bean marketing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 4-20. Ad- vance notice of 10 days required. Admittance re- stricted to ages 12 to 65. Contact Arlo Wasson, Director of Public Relations and Marketing Ser- vices. Phone:517485-8121. 50 Lorann Oils, Inc., 4518 Aurelius Road. Packaging food flavors and food colors. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Lucille Carlson. Phone: 517 882-0215. 42 Commonwealth Associates, Inc., 209 East Washington Avenue. Consulting, design engineer- ing and architecture. "Overview" presentation of company and activities followed by tour of engineer- ing, architectural, environmental, computer and re- prographic areas. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-25. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. French and Spanish translation available. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact L.A. Nichols, Manager, In- formational Services. Phone: 517 788-3790. 82 Consumers Power Company, 212 West Michigan Avenue. Public utility (investor-owned) providing gas and electric service. Tours by appointment only. Advance notice required. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Paul F. Ingell, Ludington Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Plant; Russell C. Youngdahl, Nuclear Plant. Phone: 517 788-0550. LAWRENCE 50 Michigan Quality Frozen Foods, Inc., 129 Main. Frozen fruit processing. Tour of farming operation and processing facilities. Tours Monday through Friday by appointment, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tours during months the fruits are in season. Advance notice required. No cameras permitted. Contact Robert E. Carpp or Harvey Ortmann. Phone: 616 674-8082. LINWOOD 50 Bay View Food Products Company, 219 East Ben- jamin Street. Fresh and salted cucumbers. Visitors observe harvesting of cucumbers, grading, salting and shipping. Tours July 15 to September 10; Monday through Saturday, starting at 12 noon. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 4-10. Contact Donald H. Moore. Phone: 517 697-5752. 54 MICHIGAN LUDINGTON 37 House of Flavors, Inc., 402 West Ludington Av- enue. Ice cream and ice cream mix production. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 30 min- utes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact Robert Neal, Jr., President. Phone: 616 845-5785. MANISTEE 5 Glen of Michigan, 77 Hancock Street. Manufacturer of misses' sportswear — pants, jackets, shirts and skirts. Tour of manufacturing facility, including cutting room, stitching and finishing departments, pattern-making department and shipping area. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Sep- tember through May); 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (June through August). Group number: 10-25. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Harless Feagins or Janell Sandstedt. Phone: 616 723-3531. MASON 63 Ka Tal Pa Arabian Horse Farm, 596 North Hagadorn Road. Breeding, training, racing and showing of Arabian horses. Visitors tour the stable area and trophy room, and see all of the horses. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Advance notice preferred. Contact Dr. James or Ann Louise Budd. Phone: 517 485-8856 or 517 676-2141. MENOMINEE 3 Enstrom Helicopter Corporation, 2229 North 22nd Street. Helicopter manufacturer. Tours May through September; first and third Thursday of each month, 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 6 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Ernest L. Medina, Administrative Vice President. Phone: 906 863-9972. MIDLAND 79 Dow Chemical U.S.A., Midland Division. Chemi- cals and plastics. Tours Monday through Friday, by appointment. Tour length: 1-6 hours. Tours are tailored to specific interest and can fluctuate in time. Group number: 35 maximum. Advance notice of 1-2 weeks required. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Russ G. Hamlin, Supervisor of Guest Relations. Phone: 517 636-2591. MONROE 53 La-Z-Boy Chair Company, 1284 North Telegraph Road. Upholstered reclining chairs. Tour includes cutting, sewing, upholstering and final assembly areas. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours first two weeks of July. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Children must be 10 years of age unless accompanied by an adult. Contact Donald E. Blohm, Office Manager. Phone: 313 242-1444. MUSKEGON HEIGHTS 66 Edlen Machinery Company, 2524 Park Street. Re- building and reconditioning of machinery. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 maxi- mum. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Lester D. Scott, Secretary-Treasurer. Phone: 616 733-2695. 74 S. D. Warren Company, A Division of Scott Paper Company, 2400 Lakeshore Drive. Pulp and pa- permill. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tour length: 2 and Vz hours. No tours the first week in July. Group number: 5-50. Written advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 15 not admitted. Contact Mr. Ned Dale, Jr., Equal Employment and Training Coordinator, Industrial Relations Department. Phone: 616 755-3761. OSCODA 14 Sawyer Canoe Company, 234 State Street. Man- ufacturer of lightweight fiberglass canoes for com- petition use; canoes for sports and family use, and canoe rentals and float trips. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 10-60 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Con- tact Paul Johnston or Robert Gramorie. Phone: 517 739-9181. owosso 53 Lee L. Woodard Sons, Inc., 317 South Elm Street. Manufacturer of wrought iron and casual furniture. Tour of various stages of production of wrought iron furniture, including forging forming, welding and finishing. Tour also includes the upholstery and cushion making department. There is a lot of detail work resembling the old blacksmith shop doing the intricate work of forging and the use of the anvil. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 12 maximum. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact John H. Hekman, President, or Joe White, Director of Production. Phone: 517 723-7881. MICHIGAN 55 PAW PAW 111 Frontenac Vineyards, Inc., 3418 West Michigan. Wine production — table, dessert, fruit and specialty wines. A guided tour through the procedures of wine making from harvesting the grapes to the finished product. Visitors are invited to taste wines from the fifty varieties that are manufactured in this plant. Tours Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 12 noon to 5 p.m. Tour length: 20-30 minutes. Group number: 2-150. Advance notice required for groups of more than 40 persons. Con- tact Richard Bauman, Tour Director. Phone: 616 657-5531. Ill St. Julian Wine Company, Inc., 716 South Kalamazoo Street. Producer of many varieties of wines and champagnes. Tour of winery and storage facility, followed by wine sampling from over forty types of wine. Tours Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sunday, 12 noon to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-35 minutes. Group number: 50 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required for large groups. Contact John Bragadini, Public Relations Director. Phone: 616 657-5568. Ill Warner Vineyards, Inc., 706 South Kalamazoo Street. Table, dessert wines, champagnes, sparkling wines, grape juice and grape concentrate. A 45- minute tour of the winery, followed by wine tasting from the forty-two varieties of fine wines and champagnes. Tours Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sunday, 12 noon to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 60 days preferred. Contact Bob Harrison, Hospitality Director, or Rick Palasinski, Tour Director. Phone: 616 657-3165. PORT HURON 72 Times Herald, 907 Sixth Street. Daily newspaper. Tour consists of a slide presentation and walking tour through the building. Tours Monday through Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 5-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mary Jo Williams, Public Service. Phone: 313 985-7171. ST. CLAIR SHORES 83 Tweddle Litho Company, 24000 Harper Avenue. Commercial lithography — computerized typeset- ting. Visitors see following printing operations: preparation and typesetting of copy, platemaking, printing, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Chil- dren under 18 not admitted. Contact Eddie Matson, Jerry Pilot or Mike Tweddle. Phone: 313 371-3300. ST. JOSEPH 41 Heath Company (Subsidiary of Schlumberger, Ltd.), Hilltop Road. Electronic instruments and electronic kits — metal fabrications, parts packag- ing, material-handling, automated warehouse, elec- tronic equipment assembly, office operation (retail store with product demonstrations at this location, also). Tours during June, July and August only, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 6 weeks required for groups; individuals do not require an appointment. No cameras or tape recorders permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact M.R. Cutter, Manager, Marketing Services. Phone: 616 982-3264. SOUTH HAVEN 66 Getman Corporation, 820 Dunkley Avenue. Under- ground mining equipment. Tours June through Au- gust, Tuesday through Thursday, 1-5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 6 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 4 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact E.G. Getman, President. Phone:616 637-2151. 65 S. E. Overton Company, 229 Elkenburg Street. Woodworking — gunstocks, guitar necks, molding, etc. Visitors observe machining, sanding and finish- ing operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours first 2 weeks in July. Group number: 6-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Frank Overton, President. Phone: 616 637-1194. SOUTH LYON 63 Knotty Pine Farm, 21425 Pontiac Trail. Thor- oughbred horse farm. Visitors see the daily activities of a working horse farm. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Small children must be accom- panied by adults. Contact Jean Mclninch. Phone: 313 437-1876. STERLING 65 Knights Mill, 3625 Boorgeouis Road. Industrial lumber and pallets. Visitors tour the following operations: cutting, pallet assembly, fence building and rail splitting. Tours Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 6-30. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Gordon Rendrick, Plant Manager. Phone:517 654-3504. 56 MICHIGAN TAYLOR 66 GAR Manufacturing Company, 6835 Monroe Boulevard. Tool and die shop. Visitors see manufac- turing of tools, jigs, fixtures and special machines. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 2-5 days required. Italian and German translation available. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact George A. Rotter or Ernest Rotter. Phone: 313 291-8600. 105 Leland Engineering, Inc., P.O. Box 698. Manufac- turer of trailer frames and snowmobile trailers — metal fabrication and welding. Tour of plant, includ- ing working of press and assembly line to finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 2-3 hours. No tours weeks of Christmas and New Year's. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2-3 days required. Contact Gary Miller, Plant Manager. Phone: 616 483-7681 or 219 294-6409. TRAVERSE CITY 50 Traverse City Canning Company, 3710 Cass Road. Food processing (canned and frozen): tart cherries, sweet cherries, asparagus, plums, apple products, pie filling, cherry sauce and kidney beans. Tours by appointment only. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. Contact David R. Kellogg, Presi- dent and General Manager. Phone: 616 946-4860. WAYLAND 5 Kessler, Inc., 801 South Main Street. Manufacturer of infants' sleep and playwear — patterns, cutting, sewing, packaging and shipping. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-50. Advance notice of 1 week required. No sketches permitted. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact Eleanor Klinesteker, Receptionist. Phone: 616 792-2222. WEST OLIVE 48 Van Pines, Inc. Evergreen and deciduous tree wholesale nursery. Tours April through October, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 3 hours. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Marion Van Slooten. Phone: 616 399-1620. WHITE PIGEON 105 Cavalcade Industries, Inc., U.S. 131 South. Man- ufacturer of recreational vehicles: travel trailers, truck campers, fifth wheel and mini-motor homes. Tour of manufacturing process from start to finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1-2 weeks required. Contact John W. Logan, President. Phone: 616 483-7696. WILLIAMSTON 63 Omega Cattle Corporation, 4900 South M-52. Reg- istered Angus cattle and quarter horses, feedlot and grain elevator. Tours Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., by appointment only. Advance notice required. Contact Steven M. Simmons, Pres- ident. Phone:517 468-3366. YPSILANTI 72 The Ypsilanti Press, 20 East Michigan Avenue. Publication of daily newspaper. Complete tour of the building including seeing the pages made up, presses running and mailroom activities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 3 days required. Children under 7 not admitted. Contact Linda Sue Melvin, Secretary to the Publisher. Phone: 313 482-2000, Ext. 73. ZEELAND 53 Colonial Manufacturing Company, 103 North Colo- nial Street. Manufacturer of grandfather clocks. Visitors observe woodworking and clock assembly. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours June 26 through July 16. Group number: 3-10. Advance notice required. Children not admitted. Contact Terry Mervhu. Phone:616 772-2108. MINNESOTA ADA 63 Natco, Inc., Highway 200, Route 1, Box 100. Cattle feeding and farming. Visitors see a working feedlot and cattle raising operation, including a 1,000-head confinement barn with a flume manure removal system. They may also see crop production on 2,300 acres of land, some of which is irrigated. Tours Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Herman Natwick, Owner. Phone: 218 584-5125. MINNESOTA 57 ALBERT LEA 45 Universal Milking Machine Division, Universal Cooperatives, Inc., 408 First Avenue. Milking machines, vacuum pumps and sanitary fittings. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours first week of Sep- tember. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Clarence J. Schroeder, Manager. Phone: 507 373-3922. FARIBAULT 99 Faribault Woolen Mill Company, 1500 2nd Avenue, N.W. Manufacturer of blankets and heavy fabrics. Visitors view each operation from raw wool to finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 40 minutes. No tours two weeks following Fourth of July holiday. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice required for large groups. Children under 12 not admitted unless accompanied by parent. Contact Mrs. Donna Murphy. Phone: 507 334-6444. 50 New Richmond Farms, Division of Domain Indus- tries, Inc., 1 1 16 — 4th Avenue, N.W. Food proces- sing. Visitors view all phases of turkey processing. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours January through June. Group number: 20 maximum. Written notice of 3 weeks required. Spanish transla- tion available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Chuck Beatty, Plant Manager. Phone: 507 334-5555. GLENWOOD 3 Clyde Machines, Inc., 500 Hill, Route 55. Aircraft ground support equipment and farm equipment manufacturer. Tours Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Arvin Wilson. Phone: 612 634-4504. GOLDEN VALLEY 18 WTCN-TV, 441 Boone Avenue, North. Television station. Tour of newsroom, art department, film projection, master control, scene shop and studios. Tours Monday through Friday, usually in the after- noons. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Contact Tour Guide. Phone: 612 546-1111, Ext. 224. HERMAN 50 Herman Market Company, Box 230. Cooperative grain elevator. Tour of office, weighing and testing room and cleaning and processing facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 4-10. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact General Man- ager. Phone:612 677-2251. HOPKINS 50 Red Owl Stores, Inc., 215 East Excelsior Avenue. Food retailer, bakery and warehouse. Tour involves a lot of walking and senior citizens may wish to take an abreviated tour of just the bakery. Tours Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. and II a.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours during August or the day before a holiday. Group number: 10-40. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Chil- dren under 7 not admitted, and one adult required for every 10 children. Contact Mrs. Joyce Steele, Con- sumer Affairs Department. Phone: 612 932-2444. INTERNATIONAL FALLS 74 Boise Cascade Corporation, Insulite Division, P.O. Box 1302. Paper and building products manufac- turer. Tours June through August, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice required for special groups. Cameras and sketches not permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Ralph Yrjanson or register at main guard headquarters. Phone: 2 1 8 285-52 1 7 or 218 285-5574. LANESBORO 47 Minnesota State Fisheries Headquarters, Production Unit. Tour consists of a brief orientation of installa- tion, history of operation and general procedure. There is also a slide presentation depicting Min- nesota fish, general fish management and fish hatch- ery operation; followed by a tour of the hatching facilities, aquaria and hatching ponds and raceways with fish feed furnished for those who are interested in feeding the fish. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 80 minutes. No tours December 1 through March 3 1 . Group number: 5-40. Advance notice of 5 days required. Contact Russell A. Hanson, Hatchery Manager. Phone: 507 467-3771. LITTLE FALLS 14 Crestliner Boat Division, AMF Inc., 609 N.E. 13th Avenue. Pleasure boat manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice re- quired. Children under 10 not admitted because of certain fumes, and persons with respiratory prob- lems should be cautioned. Contact Douglas M. Kalahar or Susan G. Haugen. Phone: 612 632-6686. 58 MINNESOTA LUVERNE 45 A. R. Wood Manufacturing Company, 220 East Maple. Manufacturer of complete poultry, hog and cattle confinement systems; firetrucks and fireplac- es. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 15 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1-2 days required. Ger- man, French, Spanish, Vietnamese and Portuguese translation available. No cameras or sketches per- mitted. Contact Otto Ermler, Export Manager. Phone:507 283-4411. 50 General Mills, Inc., 9200 Wayzata Boulevard. Food manufacturer. Tour consists of a presentation of General Mills' history and current diversified prod- uct line, followed by tour of seven test kitchens. Tours Monday through Friday, 10a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 80 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required for large groups. Groups of children under 10 not admitted. Contact Dee Young. Phone: 612 540-2526. MANKATO 65 Hager Manufacturing Company, 1512 — 32 North Front Street. Manufacturer of prefinished kitchen cabinets. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours week of July 4. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice of two weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mel Hager, Presi- dent and Manager. Phone: 507 345-4634. MINNEAPOLIS 83 Augsburg Publishing House, 426 South 5th Street. Publisher. Printing and publishing of religious mate- rials such as books, music and periodicals. Tours Monday through Friday, 8-1 1:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10-50. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Judith A. Thorkelson, Assis- tant Personnel Director. Phone: 612 332-4561. 11 Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 250 Mar- quette Avenue. The Federal Reserve Bank is part of the Central Banking System of the United States. This is an educational tour explaining the function of the Federal Reserve System and the operations of a Reserve Bank. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:45 a.m., 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours on legal holidays. Group number: 30 maximum. Tours scheduled by advance reservation only. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children five years old and above welcome if accompanied by a parent. Contact Tour Coordinator. Phone: 612 340-2446. 11 First National Bank of Minneapolis, 120 South 6th Street. Full service bank including personal, corpor- ate, trust services and international banking. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15-120. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. French, German and Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 17 not admitted. Contact Patricia Partridge, Marketing Officer. Phone:612 370-4200. 92 Goodwill Industries of Minneapolis, 3800 Washington Avenue, North. Rehabilitation of the handicapped through training, evaluation and work adjustment. Process consists of recycling used clo- thing, furniture, appliances and raw materials. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 25 minutes. Group number: 15-200. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Diane Straub, Rehabilita- tion Counselor, or Al Thompson. Phone: 612 588-0801. 56 Hennepin County Government Center, 300 South 6th Street. County government. The Hennepin County Government Center is a new and innovative building which features a 24-story enclosed atrium. The tour focuses on the building's architectural originality, as well as the County and Judicial Systems housed within it. Guides show visitors the courtrooms, Commissioners' Boardroom and the view from the 23rd floor. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-85. Advance notice of 2 weeks required for groups. Walk-in tour daily at 2 p.m. for individuals or groups of 10 or less with no advance notice required. Contact Mrs. Colleen Molitor. Phone: 612 348-5596. 18 KMSP-TV, 6975 York Avenue, South. Television station. Tour consists of business offices, main studio and sets, master control room, newsroom, video tape machine room and storage area, news editing and developing areas, film room and con- ference room. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:45- 11:15 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 6-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Jerry Bronston, Promotion Manager. Phone: 612 925-3300, Ext. 48. MINNESOTA 59 76 Medtronic, Inc., 3055 Old Highway 8. Biomedical engineering and manufacturing of implantable elec- tronic heart pacemakers and neurological products. Tours Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese and French translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Visitors Bureau. Phone: 612 781-6061. OWATONNA 102 Owatonna Tool Company, 655 Eisenhower Drive. Industrial tools manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours on national holidays. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. No children admitted. Contact Jody Parkinson, Training Department. Phone: 507 451-5310. 72 Minneapolis Star and Tribune Company, 425 Port- land Avenue. Publisher. Newspaper plant involved in the printing of daily and Sunday newspapers, including the Minneapolis Tribune and Minneapolis Star. Visitors view reporters, editors and columnists at work, and various mechanical departments. Tours Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. Tour length: 70 minutes. Group number: 30 maxi- mum. Advance notice required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Lorraine Tjernlund. Phone: 612 372-4163. 5 Munsingwear, Inc., 718 Glenwood Avenue. Tex- tiles and apparel manufacturer. Tour includes five steps of garment construction: knitting, dyeing and bleaching, fabric finishing, cutting and sewing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice of 2-4 weeks required. No cameras permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Norma Creamer, Public Relations Assistant. Phone: 612 340-4746. 18 WCCO-TV, 50 South 9th Street. Television station. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice of 2 days required. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Tom Cousins. Phone: 612 338-0552. NORTH MANKATO 12 Northland Beverage, Inc., 1707 Tower Boulevard. Soft drink manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 35 minutes. Group number: 25-40. Advance notice of 3 days required. Contact Fred Lutz. Phone: 507 388-1668. ROCHESTER 40 Lake Center Industries, Rochester Division, Route 2, Airport Road. Automatic coffeemaker manufac- turer. Tour of assembly line and distribution center. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9-1 1 :30 a.m. and 1:30-3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 4 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. No children admitted. Contact Jim Woolums, Plant Manager. Phone: 507 289-8103. 50 Libby, McNeill & Libby, 1217— 3rd Avenue. S.E. Food processing. Tours any day during processing season, 1 1 a.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Plant processes peas starting approximately June 24 for 4 weeks, corn July 10 for 8 weeks and carrots to November. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Personnel Office. Phone: 507 288-3433. ST. PAUL 18 Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc., 3415 University Av- enue. Television and radio station. (KSTP-TV and KSTP-AM Radio) Tour includes two television studios, master control area, director's booth, AM radio studios with announcer on-the-air. Tours Monday through Friday, 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Tour length: 40 minutes. No tours on national holidays. Group number: 8-25. Advance notice of 1 week required. No sketches permitted. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Promotion Department. Phone: 612 645-2724. 92 Minneapolis Society For The Blind, 1936 Lyndale Avenue, South. Rehabilitation of the blind involving light manufacturing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Given sufficient notice, interpreters can usually be arranged for: European languages — 2 weeks and others — 1 month minimum. Notification will be made if arrangements cannot be made. No cameras permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Jeff Moses or Derek Davis. Phone: 612 871-2222. 60 MINNESOTA 56 Minnesota State Capitol, corner of Arundel and University. State government: Administrative, Judi- cal, and Legislative. Tour covers the senate and house chambers, governor's office, Supreme Court, art and architecture of the building and the history of the state as reflected in the building. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Sunday, 1-3 p.m. Tours start every hour on the hour. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours on Christmas, New Year's, Easter and Thanksgiving. Group number: 120 maximum. Ad- vance notice required for groups of more than 10 persons. Contact Educational Services Division, Minnesota Historical Society. Phone: 612 296-2881. 16 Olympia Brewing Company, 707 East Minnehaha Avenue. Brewery. Visitors tour the brewhouse and fermentation and bottlehouse. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. during the summer and 1-2 p.m. during the winter. Tour length: 45 minutes plus 20 minutes in hospitality room where visitors may sample products. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 4 days required for groups of more than 15 persons. Chil- dren under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Vince Lechman, Tour Center Supervisor. Phone: 612 771-8833. 56 St. Paul, Minnesota Post Office, 180 East Kellogg Boulevard. U.S. Postal Service. Tour covers the handling, sorting and processing of letter mail and parcel post. Visitors will see high-speed electronic letter-sorting machines, zip mail translators, edger- stackers, facer-cancelers and conveyor systems. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 50 minutes. No tours during December. Group number: 4-40. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 9 not admitted. Contact Foreman of Claims and Inquiry Section. Phone: 612 725-7021. 63 South St. Paul Stockyards, Exchange Building. Stockyard. Tour is conducted on walkway over stockyards where trade activities are in progress, and then to the sales arena to watch the auction of cattle. Tours Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:30-10 a.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours August 1 through September 15. Group number: 10-60. Ad- vance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Steven G. Loeding, Director, Livestock Market Institute. Phone: 612 455-2991, Ext. 283. 40 Whirlpool Corporation, 850 Arcade Street. Man- ufacturer of freezers, ice makers and vacuum clean- ers. Tour is limited to production area. Tours Thurs- day and Friday afternoons only. Tour length: 40 minutes. No tours for two weeks in August and December. Written notice of 1 month required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 16 not admitted. Contact Steve Bond, Communications. Phone: 612 778-2243. SPRINGFIELD 49 Springfield Milling Corporation, P.O. Box 107. Manufacturer of livestock feed. Visitors see mixing and processing of grains, protein supplements, vit- amins and minerals into complete feed concentrate, and tour new farrow to market swine production facilities at company-owned test center. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 5-20. Children under 15 not admitted. Advance notice required. Contact General Manager. Phone: 507 723-4242. THIEF RIVER FALLS 93 Arctic Enterprises, Inc., 600-800 Brooks Avenue, South. Snowmobile manufacturer. Tour is con- ducted through the assembly line of the snowmobile plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours January through March. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Larry L. White, Director of Personnel. Phone: 218 681-1147. WADENA 53 Homecrest Industries, Inc. (A Sperry & Hutchinson * Company), P.O. Box 350. Designer and builder of outdoor patio and indoor casual furniture. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours first two weeks in August. Group number: 5-50. Advance notice re- quired. Contact Clayton A. White, Personnel Man- ager. Phone: 218 631-1000. WARROAD 93 Christian Bros., Inc., Highway 11 West. Manufac- turer of hockey sticks. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 10:45 a.m. to 12 noon, 1-2:30 p.m. and 3-4 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Alice Eisele. Phone: 218 386-1111. 61 MISSISSIPPI CORINTH 66 Corinth Machinery Company, 480 Tate. Manufac- turer of sawmill equipment. Tour of machine and welding shops, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours week of July 4 and December 25. Advance notice required. Spanish translation available. Contact Ben Ledbetter, Vice President. Phone: 601 286-3321. CROSBY 65 Masonite Corporation, Southern Lumber Division, P.O. Box 608. Southern Pine lumber products. Tours by appointment only. Contact J.R. Tillman. Phone: 601 639-4384. FLORA 105 M-R-S Manufacturing Company, P.O. Box 199. Manufacturer of heavy earth-moving equipment, tractors and scrapers. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 3-20. Advance notice of 20 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Leonard Yarbrough. Phone: 601 879-2711. GRENADA 65 Koppers Company, Inc., Highway 51 South. Man- ufacturer of pressure-treated wood products. Tour of facilities, including cross-tie production, sorting of cross-ties, branding of poles and treating process. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 4 hours. Advance notice of 1-2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact R.S. Ohlis, Jr. Phone: 601 226-4584. JACKSON 53 DeSoto, Inc., Jackson Furniture Division, 2605 Livingston Road, P.O. Box 492. Manufacturer of wood furniture for homes. Walking tour through woodworking process from lumberyard through shipment of finished product. Visitors observe rough milling, finish milling, assembly, painting, packaging, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. No tours first week in July and Christmas week. Advance notice required. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact J.D. Oliver or Bob Russell. Phone: 601 981-1551. 44 MFC Services (AAL), 414 North Street. Farm supply cooperative — broilers, eggs, rice, animal feeds and other agricultural products. Complete tour of facilities, followed by a discussion with question-and-answer period. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours Thanksgiving week. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact John F. Bond, Executive Director. Phone: 601 948-7272. 92 Mississippi Industries for the Blind, 2501 N. West Street. Sewing products, mattresses, mops, brooms and candles. Tour of manufacturing and warehouse facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours the first week in July and Christmas week. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact Carrol J. Senterfeit. Phone: 601 354-7475. HAZLEHURST 92 Royal Maid, Inc., Hansen Road, P.O. Drawer 30. Demonstration workshop for the blind. Products include mops, brooms, window washers, ice scrap- ers, plastic calendar stands, desk pen sets, clothes- line, broom caps and brush handles. Tour of assem- bly area, plastic department, handle mill and re- habilitation department. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice required. German translation available. Chil- dren under 6 not admitted. Contact John L. Granger, Vice President and General Manager, or his secre- tary. Phone: 601 894-1771. HERMANVTLLE 65 Masonite Corporation, Southern Lumber Division, P.O. Box 68. Southern Pine lumber products. Tours by appointment only. Contact Joe Hennington. Phone:601535-2205. LAUREL 81 Sanderson Farms, Inc., Laurel Industrial Park, P.O. Box 2937. Poultry processing — fresh and frozen chicken. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Joe F. Sanderson, Jr. or Daniel J. Nicovich. Phone: 601 428-5261. LEAKESVILLE 5 Basila Manufacturing Company, Inc., Grand Av- enue. Manufacturer of women's loungewear. Guided tour through all departments. Tours Monday through Thursday, 1-3:45 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Samuel T. Wright, President. Phone: 601 394-5311 or 205 344-3913. 62 MISSISSIPPI LOUISVILLE 66 Taylor Machine Works, Inc., Highway 15 North. Manufacturer of heavy material-handling equip- ment. Tours are conducted through the production areas, office areas and data processing centers. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. No tours the last week in May and the last week in December. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Joe Livingston. Phone: 601 773-3421. MACON 17 Delta-Macon Brick & Tile Company, Inc., Route 4, Box 2. Face brick in various sizes. Tour of clay storage area and shipping facilities, including kilns. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 7-10 days required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Don R. Warren, Assistant Manager. Phone: 601 726-4236. MAGNOLIA 5 Movie Star, Inc., Highway 51 North. Manufacturer of ladies' lingerie. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. No tours the first week of June and week of Christmas. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact Bill R. Williams, Plant Manager. Phone: 601 783-3471. MONTICELLO 74 St. Regis Paper Company, Box 608. Manufacturer of Kraft paper. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Jim Carroway, Public Affairs. Phone: 601 587-771 1. MOSS POINT 74 International Paper Company, P.O. Drawer P. Manufacturer of coated printing papers, paperboard for food cartons, label paper and butcher, wrapping and other specialty papers. Walking tour through wood preparation, pulping and papermaking opera- tions. Large groups are often toured on busses. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours July 3-4, September 6 and December 24-26. Group number: 3-50. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 12 not admitted. All tours arranged through Mr. B.W. Smith, Manager of Primary Manufacturing, International Paper Company, Consumer Packaging Business, P.O. Box 2328, Mobile, Alabama 36601 . Contact James E. Foster, Administrator of Public Relations. Phone: 601 475-3451, Ext. 361. PACHUTA 59 Masonite Charcoal, P.O. Box 38. Carbonizing, briquetting and packaging operations. Tours Mon- day through Friday. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact L.M. Ferrell. Phone: 601 776-2171. PASCAGOULA 75 Standard Oil Company, P.O. Box 1300. Oil refinery — refining crude oil into finished products: gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, aviation fuel, etc. Tour of refinery, including water pollution control facilities and control room. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact J.K. Denyer, Personnel Representative. Phone: 601 762-8833. PRAIRIE 27 Mississippi Authority for the Control of Fire Ants (Mirex Bait Formulating Plant), P.O. Box 88 (Highway 382 west of Aberdeen). Manufacturer of Mirex bait for the control of imported fire ants. Tour includes observing the processing steps while for- mulating fire ant baits, the storage areas and other equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 2-8. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Mr. Ben Bird, Plant Manager. Phone: 601 369-8141. QUITMAN 65 Masonite Corporation, Southern Lumber Division, P.O. Box E. Southern Pine lumber products. Tours by appointment, Monday through Friday. Contact Paul Hudson. Phone: 601 776-2181. TUPELO 67 Mid-South Packers, Inc., Commerce Street, Exten- sion. Meatpacking. Tour of all processing depart- ments with the exception of slaughtering, which is ' on tour "by special prior arrangement only." Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Small children not admitted to slaughterhouse. Contact Ron Stephens. Phone: 601 842-1411. WEST POINT 68 Babcock & Wilcox Company, Old Aberdeen Road. Manufacturer of fossil power steam generator boil- ers and associated components. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. No tours the first two weeks in July and last two weeks in December. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Jerry Keel, Personnel Manager. Phone: 601 494-1323. MISSISSIPPI 63 YAZOO CITY 9 Masonite Corporation, Southern Bag Division, P.O. Box 389. Multiwall paper bags. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a. in. to 12 noon, by appointment only. Contact Wilburn F. DeLancey. Phone: 601 746-3631. MISSOURI ANDERSON 105 American Family Homes, Inc., P.O. Box 55, Highway 71 North. Mobile home manufacturer. Tours Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 4 maximum. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Harry Taylor, President. Phone: 417 845-3311. ANTONIA 76 Beltx Corporation, Highway M. (P.O. Box 278, Barnhart, Missouri). Manufacturer of feminine hygiene products, surgical sundries, personal and sewing notions and orthodontic appliances. Tour of administration and factory areas with demonstration of processes, equipment and range of products. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 6-20. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Irvin S. DeWoskin. Phone: 314 948-3224. BETHANY 45 United Farm Tools, Inc., Calhoun Division, Outer Belt Road, P.O. Box 312. Farm equipment man- ufacturer. Tour of the machine shop, press shop and welding, assembly and painting areas. Tours Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Merv Cromley, Vice President. Phone: 816 425-7455. BROOKFIELD 5 Medalist Stanbury, Industrial Park West, P.O. Box 100. Manufacturer of high school and college band uniforms and career apparel blazers. Tour of various departments including patterns, cutting, trimming, sewing, etc. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday or Thurs- day, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. No tours the last week of May, first week of June and last two weeks of December. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Arch Martin, General Sales Manager. Phone: 816 258-2246. CAPE GIRARDEAU 83 General Sign Company, 39 North Broadview. Man- ufacturer of signs — electrical, plastic faces and let- ters, neon and custom lettering. Tours of art depart- ment where sketches are designed, and manufactur- ing area, including forming of plastic faces, fabricat- ing metal can and painting of the finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Dean Percival, Plant Superintendent. Phone: 314 334-5041. CARUTHERSVILLE 113 Colson Company - Equipment Division, Fair Boulevard, P.O. Box 1000. Manufacturer of material-handling and institutional equipment. Vis- itors observe all manufacturing processes of material-handling equipment (hand trucks, platform trucks, dollies, etc.) and institutional equipment (wheelchairs, stretchers, etc.) Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p. m. No tours the last week in December. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact H.J. Hopkins, Vice Presi- dent and Assistant to General Manager, or L. G. Williams, Operations Manager. Phone: 314 333-2070. COLUMBIA 72 The Columbia Daily Tribune, 4th and Walnut Streets. Daily newspaper. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 4-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 9 not admitted. Contact Luke Chase, Director of Promotion. Phone: 314 449-38 1 1 . CRESTWOOD 40 von Weise Gear Company, 9353 Watson Industrial Park. Gearmotor manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice of 1 week required. No children admitted. Contact William G. von Weise. Phone: 314 968-2100. FULTON 83 The Ovid Bell Press, Inc., 1201-05 Bluff Street. Magazine and book printing. Visitors see typeset- ting, make-up, camera and plate-making, presswork, folding, binding and mailing operations. Additional time provided for persons having specialized interests. Tours Monday through Friday, 1-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Ovid H. Bell, John Bell or Raymond Miller. Phone: 314 642-2256. 64 MISSOURI HERMANN 103 Steven Manufacturing Company, 224 East 4th. Toy manufacturer. Tour of manufacturing facilities, fol- lowed by a discussion of the toy industry. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice required. German translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mr. Bev Taylor, President. Phone: 314 486-5494. 83 Eller Outdoor Advertising Company of Kansas City, 2459 Summit Street. Standardized outdoor advertising — poster panels and painted bulletins. Introductory film followed by a brief discussion and tour of office and plant facility. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-30. Advance notice of 1-2 weeks required. Contact P. Martin Nohe, Director of Community Affairs. Phone: 816 421-5720. INDEPENDENCE 72 Herald Publishing House/Independence Press, 3225 South Noland Road. Publishing and printing — books, catalogs, four-color work and perfect bind- ing. Visitors see a complete printing operation from copy preparation to binding. Tours Monday through Friday (Saturday by special arrangement only), 8-11:15 a.m. and 12:30-3:15 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours first two weeks in July. Advance notice required for groups of more than 5 persons. Contact Margaret Baldwin. Phone: 816 252-5010. 92 Goodwill Industries of Greater Kansas City, Inc., 1817 Campbell. Vocational rehabilitation and train- ing for the handicapped. A guided tour of entire facility, including processing of used items for resale, work behavior training unit and vehicle maintenance unit. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice requested for large groups. Vietnamese and Spanish translation available. Contact Mr. George W. Kessinger, President. Phone: 816 842-7425. JACKSON 51 Lenco, Inc., 319 West Main. Nonferrous foundry operation; assembly of manual arc welding acces- sories and electronic units; molding of thermoset and thermoplastic materials; cutting and sewing of leather safety clothing. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 5-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Andrew E. Perrin, Executive Vice President. Phone: 314 243-3141. 94 Hallmark Cards, Inc., 25th and McGee. Manufac- turer of greeting cards, gift wrapping, ribbon, yarn, writing paper, candles, puzzles and books. Visitors observe the manufacturing of greeting cards from design to finished product. Tours Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday, 9:30 a.m. or 2 p.m. Tour length: 75 minutes. Group number: 10-60. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Rose Ann Lightle, Community Relations Coor- dinator. Phone: 816 274-5672. JOPLIN 10 Junge "Bunny Bread" Baking Company, 1810 Main Street. Visitors observe preparation, baking, cooling, slicing, bagging and shipping of bread. Tours weekdays except Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 6-20. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Randy Stanley, Assistant Manager. Phone: 417 624-3777. 27 Kansas City, Missouri Water Treatment Plant, 1 N.W. Briarcliff Road. Producer of potable water. Tour includes a movie, followed by a visit to the laboratory, pumping and purification facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Weekends and other daylight hours by special ar- rangement. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 2 minimum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mrs. Webster. Phone: 816 274-1461. KANSAS CITY 53 Aero Drapery Company, 3101 Mercier. Custom draperies. Tour of underground facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Al Dixon. Phone: 816 531-7260. 92 Rehabilitation Institute Industries, Inc., 3011 Balti- more. Tour of Institute with discussion and explana- tion of vocational programs. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 4-6. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Gene Lurngston. Phone: 816 531-3171. MISSOURI 65 31 Stewart Sand and Material Company, 1st and Grand Avenue, P.O. Box 2687. Sand and gravel produc- tion; manufacturer of ready- mixed concrete and warehousing. Tour of batch plant with explanation of procedures and methods of operation. Tours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 7 maxi- mum. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Michael F. Beets. Phone: 816 361-6411. KENNETT 5 Ely & Walker of Kennett, 221 South Main. Garmet factory — dress and western shirts. Visitors observe processes involved in garmet production — spreading, cutting, sewing, pressing, folding and boxing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours week of July 4 and week of December 25. Group number: 2-12. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Visits are not permitted in plant without clearance. Contact Robert DePriest, Plant Manager. Phone: 314 888-5953. MARTHASVILLE 92 Emmaus Enterprises, Inc., Rural Route 2, Highway D. Workshop employing adult mentally handicap- ped, doing renumerative work for industry. Visit includes a briefing followed by a tour of the facilities. Transportation from St. Louis can be arranged on occasions. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9-1 1 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours week of July 4. Group number: 5-10. Advance notice of 1 day required. German translation avail- able. Contact Stanley Wilke. Phone: 314 433-2335. MARYLAND HEIGHTS 79 M-R Plastics and Coatings, Inc., 11460 Dorsett Road. Liquid plastics — urethanes, vinyl plastisols, epoxies, specialty coatings. Tour of laboratories where product research and quality control is per- formed and through two plant buildings, where various mixing and reaction equipment produce liquid plastics. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Roger W. Heitland, Vice President. Phone: 314 291-0525. KINGSVILLE 4 Stahl Specialty Company. Permanent mold aluminum foundry — aluminum castings and equip- ment. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours June 30 to July 15. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 5 days required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Wallace Brown. Phone: 816 597-3322. MINERAL POINT 29 Milchem Incorporated. Mining and grinding barite. Tour of washing plant and open pit mine. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during January and Feb- ruary. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Joseph Rossier. Phone: 314 438-5476. LEE'S SUMMIT 50 R. B. Rice Company of Missouri, Inc., M 291 and Colburn Road, P.O. Box 328. Meat processor — pork sausage, beef chili, cheese soup, etc. Tour of plant from slaughtering to finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Mr. Lynn Rice. Phone: 816 524-3660. LIGUORI 72 Liguori Publications, One Liguori Drive. Publisher of Liguorian Magazine, parish education bulletins and Liguorian books and pamphlets. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Advance notice preferred. Contact John Meyer or John Schwent. Phone: 314 464-2500. MOBERLY 20 Wick Homes, 1823 Robertson Road. Factory-built homes. Tour includes slide presentation, plant visit and tour of model home. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice of 1 week required. No sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Homer S. Johnson, General Manager. Phone: 816 263-7600. NORTH KANSAS CITY 5 The Lee- Wald Company, 1401 Armour Road. Man- ufacturer of outerwear and clothing for men and boys. Tours Tuesday through Thursday. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours week of July 4. Group number: 8 maximum. Advance notice required. French translation available. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Mr. Marvin Greenbaum. Phone: 816 842-3488. 66 MISSOURI 2 Tempmaster Corporation, 1222 Ozark. Heating and air conditioning equipment; air distribution pro- ducts, air handling units. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Norman G. Humphreys or Denise Welch. Phone: 816 421-0723. 92 Vocational Services, Clay-Platte Retarded Chil- dren's Company, Inc., 101 West 18th Avenue. Employment of the handicapped through subcon- tract work, including assembly, packaging, mail- ings, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice preferred. Contact D.J. Wasserstrom, Executive Director. Phone: 816 421-7440. RICHMOND 79 Ferguson Manufacturing, Inc., Highway 10 West, P.O. Box 408. Plastics — precision injection and rotational molding. Briefing is followed by a tour of the manufacturing plant facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 15 not admitted. Ferguson Manufacturing, Inc. would like to have advance notice regarding professional and national composition of a tour group. Contact the President. Phone: 816 776-5855. ST. CLAIR 101 Buescher's Cob Pipes. 350 North Commercial Av- enue. Manufacturer of corn cob pipes; cherrywood, Ozark hickory and sugar maple smoking pipes. Tour of production from raw materials to finished prod- uct. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. No tours first week in July. Children under 12 must be accom- panied by adults. Contact David Buescher, General Manager. Phone: 314 239-4791. 68 St. Clair Die Casting Company, St. Clair Industrial Park, P.O. Box 280. Zinc and aluminum die cast- ing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 2-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. German translation available. Children under 12 not admit- ted. Contact Jack S. Bates, Vice President. Phone: 314 629-2550. ST. JOSEPH 33 Hoerner Waldorf Corporation, 2315 Lower Lake Road. Manufacturer of corrugated shipping contain- ers. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 30 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact William J. Hurley, General Manager. Phone: 816 238-3301. ST. LOUIS 16 Anheuser-Busch, Inc., 610 Pestalozzi Street. Brew- ery. Tours Monday through Friday from October to May, and Monday through Saturday from June to September. Tour times: September through May, 9:30, 10:15 and 10:45 a.m., and 1, 1:45, 2:30 and 3:30 p.m.; June through August tours leave continu- ously every thirty minutes from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Special tours for foreign visitors are conducted on a limited basis on advance notice when personnel availability permits. For information, call or write Mr. Elmer J. Boettcher, Supervisor of Guest Tours at 314 577-2153 or write to Anheuser-Busch, Inc., Attention Tour Department, 721 Pestalozzi Street, St. Louis, Missouri. Visitors other than groups may join any regularly scheduled tour with no advance notice. Tour groups of 20 to 100 are by reservation only. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Mr. Elmer J. Boettcher, Supervisor of Guest Tours. Phone: 314 577-2153. Ill Bardenheier Wine Cellars, 1019 Skinker Parkway. Tour of winery, including fermenting, processing, aging, bottling, storing and packing, with wine tasting in hospitality room. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Chil- dren under 18 not admitted. Contact John E. Bardenheier, Jr. Phone: 314 862-1400. 22 Bernadette Business Forms, Inc., 9800 Halls Ferry Road. Business forms manufacturing. Visitors see the processes involved in printing business forms. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact James R. Truetken, Vice President in Charge of Production. Phone: 314 868-7200. 73 Carboline Company, 350 Hanley Industrial Court. Manufacturer of protective coatings. Tour of paint laboratory and testing facilities. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice of 5 days required. No cameras permitted. No children admitted. Contact W.C. Rosenbaum or S.G. Meyer. Phone: 314 644-1000. 10 Colonial Baking Company, 4410 Gravois Avenue. Bakery — bread and rolls. Tours Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday, 1 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10-50. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 8 not admitted. Contact "Tours." Phone: 314 481-0600. MISSOURI 67 66 Concrete Transport Mixer Company, 4983 Fyler Avenue. Manufacturer of "Rocket" transit concrete mixers and fertilizer mixers. Tour of machine shop, main factory and mounting areas. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Florence Schreiter, Vice President. Phone: 314 352-7800. 68 Kickham Boiler & Engineering, Inc., 625 East Carrie Avenue. Steel fabrication — boiler repair. Visitors see fabrication of tanks, ducts, stacks and pressure vessels. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Advance notice required. Indian translation available. Children under 12 not admit- ted. Contact Robert J. Dieker, Vice President, Manufacturing. Phone: 314 261-4786. 113 Crunden-Martin Manufacturing Company, 760 South 2nd Street. Manufacturer of metal products (cans, pails, grills); paper products (kites, tablets, envelopes) and plastic freezer bags. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the first two seeks in July. Group number: 10 maximum. Several weeks' advance notice required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact E.A. Schwarz, Vice President- Manufacturing. Phone: 314 421-2992, Ext. 41. 11 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 411 Locust Street. Tour of various operating departments of the bank with special emphasis on areas of interest to the visitor. Discussion period with a staff economist may also be arranged. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9-10:30 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Walter F. Davisson, Manager, Bank Relations and Public Information. Phone: 314 421-1700. 80 Industrial Engineering & Equipment Company, 425 Hanley Industrial Court. Custom-designed electric heating equipment for commercial and industrial purposes. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 10 days required. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Ernest Hachmeister. Phone: 314 644-4300. 113 Irwin-Willert Company, 4044 Park Avenue. Man- ufacturer of moth goods, household deodorants and plastic products. Tour includes all facets of opera- tions, from raw materials to finished products. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 2-7. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact W.D. Willert, Executive Vice President. Phone: 314 772-2822. 102 Marquette Tool & Die Company, 3185 South Kingshighway Boulevard. Machine tools and dies, automation steel stamping. Tours Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 4 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Warren Boerner, General Man- ager. Phone: 314 771-8509. 3 McDonnell Douglas Corporation, P.O. Box 516. Aerospace. Tour of the company's Prologue Room which traces the history of aerospace through mod- els and displays. For groups a special program is prepared for an approximate 2-hour visit. Tours from mid-June to the end of August, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 200 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of 20 or more persons. Contact Patricia L. Estes, Coordinator-Special Events & Promotion. Phone: 314 232-5421. 72 The Sporting News, 1212 North Lindbergh Boulevard. Publisher of The Sporting News and books pertaining to sports. Tours through the trophy room, general office and composing room. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 5-10. Advance notice required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Celeste Eders, Tour Director. Phone: 314 997-7111. 79 Streett Industries, Inc., No. 1 River Road-Jefferson Barracks, P.O. Box 6533. Manufacturer of plastic containers for the petroleum industry (predominately antifreeze). Visitors see the manufacturing, decorat- ing and filling of plastic containers. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. The best months to view complete opera- tion are June through October. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Roy J. Kruse, President. Phone: 314 892-2958. 68 MISSOURI 83 Universal Printing Company, 1701 Macklind Av- enue. Letterpress printing, lithography, bookbinding — commercial printing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1-2 weeks required. Cameras permitted by request only. Children under 12 must be accom- panied by an adult. Contact Phillip A. Isserman, Executive Vice President. Phone: 314 771-6900. SALISBURY 68 Semco Manufacturing, Inc., Highway 24. Sheet metal duct and fittings for air conditioning and heating in commercial buildings. Visitors see metal spinning, fabrication of metal fittings, manufactur- ing of spiral duct and shipping facility. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 35 minutes. No tours the first week in August. Group number: 4-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 5 not admitted. Contact Lawrence A. Pailer, Plant Manager. Phone: 816 388-6407. SEDALIA 40 Rival Manufacturing Company, 16th and Lamine. Manufacturer of small kitchen appliances — slow cookers, meat grinders, slicers, can openers and components for these products. Tour includes plastic molding, metal fabrication, motors, die-cast, plating and final assembly. Tours Monday through Thurs- day, 9-11 a.m. and 1:30-4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours last week of June, first week of July and month of December. Group number: 10 maximum. Written advance notice of 6 weeks re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Bill Hall, CID, Corporate Manager Community Relations, or John Houston, Production Manager. Phone: 816 826-6600. SIKESTON 72 Daily Standard, 205 South New Madrid. Daily newspaper. Tour of news and advertising depart- ments, composing room, camera room, pressroom and printing plant. Tours weekdays, except Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Tony Pippen. Phone: 314 471-1137. SPRINGFIELD 33 Alton Box Board Company, 460 North Belcrest. Manufacturer of corrugated shipping containers. Tour of printing, scoring, die cutting, gluing and taping operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 2-3 days preferred. Contact Floyd L. Wilson, General Manager. Phone: 417 862-3531. 25 Ash Grove Cement Company, 3300 South Lonepine (Mailing address: Route 3, Box 323). Chemical lime and commercial rock products. Walking and/or driv- ing tour of plant facilities, including mining and quarring, crushing, calcining, processing and ship- ping facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact Mr. Charles D. Newton. Phone: 417 881-3545. 37 Hiland Dairy, Inc., 1133 East Kearney (Mailing address: Box 6028 H. S. Jewell Station). Milk and dairy products. Visitors observe milk processing and packaging. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-20. Advance notice preferred. Contact Roy Beaver, Plant Superintendent. Phone: 417 862-9311. 10 Holsum Bakers of Springfield, 215 South Grant. Bakery — bread. Tours Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10-11:30 a.m. and 2-3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 8-16. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 7 not admitted. Contact Bob Morris. Phone: 417 869-0711. 40 Solid State Circuits, 616 Boonville. Manufacturer of printed circuit boards. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Wick Tobias. Phone: 417 869-4678. 12 Springfield Coca-Cola Bottling Company, 1777 North Packer Road. Manufacturing and wholesaling of soft drinks. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 20-30 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Edwin C. Rice, Jr., Manager. Phone: 417 862-1736. 94 Springfield Tablet Manufacturing Company, 3131 East Division Street. Manufacturer of school supplies. Visitors observe manufacturing process of tablets, wirebound books and envelopes. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-70. Contact Wallace H. Troly. Phone: 417 862-6638. WARRENSBURG 5 Unitog Company, Highway 50 East. Industrial un- iforms manufacturer. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. No tours during July. Advance notice required. Contact Densil E. Allen. Phone: 816 747-3111. MISSOURI 69 WASHINGTON 101 Hirschl & Bendheim, 320 West Front Street, P.O. Box 132. Manufacturer of corn cob pipes. Visitors observe manufacturing processes of corn cob pipes from raw material to finished product. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours first week of July and last week of December. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Richard C. Hirschl. Phone: 314 239-2195. WENTZVILLE 76 B & G Manufacturing Company, P.O. Box 365, Edinger Road. Hospital products and laporatomy sponges. Tour through assembly line and plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 10 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Marie Huellewig, Office Manager. Phone: 314 327-5258. WEST PLAINS 51 Eaton Corporation - West Plains Plant, P.O. Box 170. Manufacturer of gas control valves and pres- sure switches for appliance industry. Visitors see punch press operations of small formings, machin- ing of aluminum castings and assembly of small components. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No children admitted. Contact C.A. Webster, Plant Manager. Phone: 417 256-7171. MONTANA ANACONDA 68 Anaconda Smelter, Gatehouse. Tours Monday through Friday, June through Labor Day, 9:45 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Children under 18 not admitted. BILLINGS 67 J & J Meats, 1212 Central Avenue. Meatpacking for hotels, restaurants and institutions. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Advance notice required. Contact Jack Wallace, Vice President. Phone: 406 248-3629. 75 Continental Oil Company, 401 South 23. Petroleum refinery — oil, gas, butane. Tour includes a film, followed by a tour through the control room, shop and laboratory. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Advance notice required. Cameras and sketches not permit- ted. Contact Bob Blomeyer, Plant Manager. Phone: 406 252-3841. 36 Jersey Creamery, 910 Poly Drive. Dairy (milk). Visitors see the processing and packaging of milk. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Contact Sheldon Sollars, Man- ager. Phone: 406 245-6601. 82 Montana Power Generating Steam Plant, 1 13 North Broadway. Thermo-generating plant. Tour includes an orientation, followed by a visit to the control room. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Bob Omstead, Plant Superintendent. Phone: 406 252-0591. 50 Western Cereal Company, 3523 — 1 Avenue South. Food manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact Paul Amrein, President. Phone:406 245-3698. BOZEMAN 83 Color World of Montana, Inc., 201 East Men- denhall. Printing and publishing. Tours by appoint- ment. Contact Les Sooy, Manager. Phone: 406 587-4508. 41 Summit Engineering, 231 1 South 7th Avenue. Elec- tronics manufacturing. Tours by prior arrangement only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10 maxi- mum. Advance notice required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Jim Drain. Phone: 406 587-0636. BUTTE 29 Berkeley Open Pit Mine and Weed Concentrator (owned by the Anaconda Company). Tours Monday through Friday, June through Labor Day. Tour length: 2 hours. Children under 18 not admitted. Suggested clothing: comfortable, low-heeled shoes, no sandals, and slacks. Contact Butte Chamber of Commerce, 100 East Broadway. Phone: 406 723-6535. DEER LODGE 65 Louisiana Pacific Stud Mill (Pine), west of Deer Lodge. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact Ed Periman. Phone: 406 846-1600. FORT PECK 38 Fort Peck Dam. Guided tours at the Power House and Museum from June 1 through Labor Day. Weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; weekends, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Group tours can be accommodated at any time of the year by special arrangement with the Corps of Engineers, Administration Building, Fort Peck. Phone: 406 526-34 11. 70 MONTANA GREAT FALLS 68 Anaconda Company, northeast of Great Falls. Smelter — copper tubing. Tours Monday through Friday, by appointment only. Tour length: 90 min- utes. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Bill Roberts. Phone: 406 454-1443. 50 General Mills, 2500— 9th Avenue North. Grain. Tours by appointment only. Sketches not permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact the Plant Manager. Phone: 406 727-5500. 82 Montana Power Company, Ryan Dam, 101 Central Avenue. Tours by appointment only. Contact the Division Manager. Phone: 406 453-0321. HELENA 68 American Smelting and Refining Company, East Helena. Lead smelter. Guided tours by appointment, Monday through Friday, 1:30 p.m. Contact Mr. Stanley Lane or Robert Hearst. Phone: 406 227-5311. 73 Columbia Paint Company, 1517 Dodge Avenue. Paint manufacturer. Guided tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Phone: 406 443-2086. 25 Kaiser Cement and Gypsum Corporation, Montana City. Cement manufacturer. Conducted tours by appointment only. Contact F.M. Nelson. Phone: 406 442-8855. 32 Parrott Confectionery and Candy Factory. Candies of all kinds. Tours by appointment only. Phone: 406 442-1470. 37 Phillips Clover Leaf Dairy, 2231 North Montana Avenue. Complete dairy products processing plant. Tours by appointment only. Conducted tours on weekdays, except Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Conducted tours for ice cream manufacturing on Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone: 406 442-0080. 48 State Nursery and Seed Company Greenhouse, west of Helena on Highway 12. Commercial growers of cut flowers, potted plants, trees and shrubs. Guided tours by appointment only. Contact Eunice Hilt. Phone:406 442-2628. 86 Superior Fire Apparatus Company, Joslyn and Les- lie. Fire engine manufacturer. Conducted tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 406 442-0745. 65 Yuhas Millwork Company, 2201 Hauser Boulevard. Architectural millwork manufacturing. Guided tours by appointment only. Phone: 406 442-4707. KALISPELL 4 Anaconda Aluminum Company, Columbia Falls. Group tours by prior arrangement only. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Anaconda Aluminum Company. Phone: 406 892-3261. 105 Bell Manufacturing Company, Highway 93 South. Manufacturers of trailers and campers. Group tours available by prior arrangement only. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Bob Clouse. Phone: 406 755-5333. 38 Hungry Horse Dam (federal dam), located between Kalispell and Glacier National Park. Tour of top of dam and powerhouse. Self-guided tours from May 20 through September 30, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Extended tours 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. from June 15 through Labor Day. Special group tours can be arranged in advance. Phone: 406 387-5241. LEWISTOWN 63 Central Montana Stockyards, Fairgrounds Road. Livestock sales. Tours by appointment only. Ad- vance notice of 1 day required. Contact Floyd Hicks. Phone: 406 538-5907. 18 KXLO Radio Station, P.O. Box 620. Tours by appointment only. Contact Lew Boucher. Phone: 406 538-3441. 30 Mountain Bell, P.O. Box 660, 114 — 5th Avenue North. Telephone Company. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Ernie Tompkins. Phone: 406 538-3421. LIBBY 65 St. Regis Paper Company, Forest Products Division, east end of Spruce Street. Logging and sawmill. Tours June, July and August, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2 p. m. Tour length: 1 hour and 45 minutes. Contact Main Office. Phone: 406 293-4141. 82 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Libby Dam, Star Route 2. Hydro-electric powerplant. Visitors see the spillway dam which forms the outlet structure of Lake Koocanusa and the Powerhouse. Tours daily during summer season, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Prior arrangements should be made through Office Chief of Engineers, Washington, D.C. Contact Project Engineer. Phone: 406 293-7715. LIVINGSTON 65 Burkland Studs, 2 miles east of Livingston. Lumber manufacturer — Lodgepole Pine studs. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact CD. Ough, General Manager. Phone: 406 222-0939. MONTANA 71 106 Burlington Northern Railroad Shop Facilities. Tours available by advance notice, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Group number: 5-30. Advance notice of 12 hours required. Contact Robert Bennett, Freight and Passenger Agent. Phone:406 222-1570. 50 Jumping Rainbow Trout Products. Visitors see live trout and processing plant. Tours by appointment. Tour length: 30 minutes. Contact Paul McAdam, Owner. Phone: 406 222-1000. NEBRASKA AUBURN 66 Auburn Machine Works, Inc., South J Street. Man- ufacturer of trenchers, hacksaws and attachments for Kabata tractors. Tour includes manufacturing, as- sembly, engineering and shipping areas. Tours Monday through Friday. Group number: 6-12. Ad- vance notice required. Contact John Skaggs or Don Chandler. Phone: 402 274-3141. 105 Sturdi-Bilt Mobile Home Manufacturing Company, 2 and Vi miles east of Livingston. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Contact Ron Gjestson, Manager. Phone: 406 222-063 1 . MISSOULA 86 Smokejumpers Tour, Highway 10 West. Tour of aerial fire depot available from June 10 to July 5, Monday through Friday; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; July 8 through Labor Day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. For special group tours write to Aerial Fire Depot, U.S. Forest Service, Missoula 59801 and Northern Forest Fire Laboratory, Missoula 59801. Phone: 406 543-6681. POLSON 38 Kerr Dam, 8 miles west of Poison Hydro Plant. Tours available by appointment only. Can accom- modate small groups only. Contact Ron Kude, Manager. Phone: 406 883-4450. SIDNEY 82 Lewis and Clark Station, Power House, South of Sidney. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice required: 1 day for individuals and 1 week for large groups. Contact Joe Pulver, Box 808. Phone: 406 482-1614. 42 Northern Plains Soil and Water Research Center, north of Sidney. Tours Monday through Friday, April through September, 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4:30 p.m.; October through March, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 3-20. Advance notice of one month prefer- red for large groups and one week if the interested group is from a long distance. Contact Dr. Francis Siddoway, Box 1 109. Phone: 406 482-2020. SHELBY 49 G.T.A. Elevator, Box 849. Grain storage and pro- cessing. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Ted Sobolik, Manager. Phone: 406 434-2141. 5 Dan-Deb Manufacturing, Inc., Central & F Street. Manufacturer of children's clothing. Tour includes cutting, stitching, finishing and shipping depart- ments and warehouse. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 8-10. Advance notice required. Con- tact Mrs. Betty Bass or Mrs. Evelyn Smith. Phone: 402 274-43 11. BEATRICE 27 Cominco-American, Inc., Route 3. Chemical manufacturer — grranular fertilizer. Tour of produc- tion and shipping facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Gary Carstens, Manager, or Larry Wood, General Superintendent. Phone: 402 223-5271. 84 Dempster Industries, Inc., 711 South 6th Street. Manufacturer of industrial pumps, fertilizer applicators and castings. Tour of fabrication, assem- bly and foundry areas. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Dick Poole, Vice President. Phone: 402 223-4026. 68 F. D. Kees Manufacturing Company, 700 Park Avenue. Metal fabrication and finishing — lawn equipment, electrical equipment, builders' hardware. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. French, German and Spanish translation available. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact George Schaefer, Sr., President, George Schaefer, Jr., Vice President or Ed Cass, Secretary-Treasurer. Phone: 402 223-2391. 72 NEBRASKA 68 Tote Systems, Inc., 700 South 7th Street. Manufac- turer of beer barrels, portable containers and storage tanks. Tour of metal fabricating, welding and as- sembly areas. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours for two weeks in late July or early August. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Jim Brashears, President, or Jack White, Vice President. Phone: 402 223-2324. CENTRAL CITY 105 Atlantic Homes Division, Champion Home Builders Company, North Highway 14. Mobile homes man- ufacturer. Tour of production line and completed mobile homes. Tours Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; Thursday, 9:30-11 a.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. No tours week of July 4. Advance notice required. Contact Ronald E. Jeffries, Division Manager. Phone: 308 946-3021. COLUMBUS 45 Behlen Manufacturing Company, Highway 30 East. Manufacturer of grain storage and handling equip- ment, prefabricated metal buildings, strip joining presses and metal working presses. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 8 minimum. Advance notice of 8 weeks required. Spanish translation available. Camera use restricted. No sketches permitted. No children admitted. Contact Betty Brunken. Phone: 402 564-3111. 49 Moorman Manufacturing Company, Highway 30. Protein feeds. Tour of office, plant and warehouse. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice of 2-3 days required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Randy Schwalke or Bob MacFarland. Phone: 402 564-3155. COZAD 67 Midwestern Beef, Inc., Box 166. Cattle slaughter- ing. Tour includes slaughter department, hide de- partment, rendering department and cooler depart- ment. Tours Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 4-6. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Jesse J. Barger, General Manager. Phone: 308 784-3636. 7 Monroe Auto Equipment Company, 121 Meridian. Manufacturer of automobile shock absorbers. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours the first week of July. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Lavern Fisk, Plant Manager. Phone: 308 784-3600. 79 Nebraska Plastics, Inc., 718 West Highway 30. Plastic pipe manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Doug Olson, Production De- partment, or Mike Keller, Personnel Department. Phone: 307 784-2500. FREMONT 48 DeKalb Agricultural Association, Inc., 23rd and Somers. Corn seed. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 45 minutes. Contact Don Wegman. Phone:402 721-9444. 110 Gamble-Skogmo Warehouse, 1035 East Dodge. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 45 minutes. Contact Gerry Karls, Manager. Phone: 402 721-4250. 36 Hillside Dairy, Highway 77 (15 miles north of Fremont). Tours Monday through Friday. Contact Willard Heyn, Owner. Phone: 402 721-8030. 5 Pendelton Woolen Mills, 350 West 23rd. Manufac- turer of ladies' woolen slacks. Tours Monday through Friday. Contact Leonard LeFond, Manager. Phone:402 721-6393. GRAND ISLAND 45 Chief International, Inc., West Highway 30. Grain bins, metal buildings and sewage treatment systems manufactured at Grand Island, Nebraska; au- tomobile body and frame alignment system, pneumatic tire service and mobile and modular housing manufactured at Aurora, Nebraska. Tours are available at both facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-90 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of several days required. Spanish translation available. No sketches permitted. Contact Dean Erickson. Phone: 308 382-8820. 68 Gifford-Hill & Company, Inc., 1212 Elsie Drive. Manufacturer of irrigation pipe and equipment, aluminum tubing and plastic pipe. Visitors see manufacturing of aluminum pipe, pipe fittings and plastic pipe. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact David Dear or Gayland Fickenscher. Phone: 308 384-4400. NEBRASKA 73 45 Sperry New Holland, 3445 West Stolley Park Road. Farm machinery manufacturer. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 2-40. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Donald A. Mast. Phone: 308 384-1010, Ext. 208. 67 Swift & Company, 555 South Stuhr Road. Beef and beef byproducts. Tour of administrative office, beef slaughtering facilities, livestock holding areas and general plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact James O. Ostrander, General Manager. Phone: 308 384-0900. GURLEY 45 The Egging Company, 1000 Egging Boulevard. Manufacturer of sugar beet harvesters and related equipment; construction equipment — cabs and roll bars. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No sketches permitted. Contact Allen Karnik or John Egging. Phone: 308 884-2233. HOLDREGE 99 Artistic Woven Labels, Inc., West Highway 6. Manufacturer of woven labels (narrow fabric). Tour of loom, quilling and final processing areas. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours the first two weeks in July. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Lloyd Horner. Phone:308 995-8671. KEARNEY 48 DeKalb Agresearch, Inc., East Lincoln Way. Ag- ricultural research and development. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. No tours during July and August. Group number: 10-40. Advance notice required. Children under 14 not admitted. Phone: 308 234-9710. LEXINGTON 67 Cornland Dressed Beef Company, P.O. Box 130. Beef slaughtering — carcass beef and beef by- products. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Warren E. Bierman or Leroy C. Milbourn. Phone: 308 324-4658. 45 Orthman Manufacturing, Inc., Rural Route 2. Man- ufacturer of farm equipment — tool bars, markers, lift assist wheels, compaction wheels, sub-soilers, rod weeders, gauge wheels and other specialized machinery for Tri-level Bed system of planting. Visitors view films on Tri-level Bed system of planting, followed by plant tour and question-and- answer period. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours the first two weeks of July. Spanish translation avail- able. Contact William B. Pepper, Secretary- Treasurer. Phone: 308 324-4654. 45 Platte Valley Products, Inc., 109 West 6th Street. Alfalfa dehydrator plant. Visitors observe drying, grinding and pelleting of alfalfa and, by request, may visit the field to see the alfalfa being cut. Tours Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Plant operations are limited during winter months. Group number: 25 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 1 day required. Spanish translation available. Contact James H. Burnett. Phone: 308 324-2327. 45 Sperry New Holland, 1500 South Bridge Street. Farm machinery manufacturer. Tour includes fabri- cation, welding, assembly, finishing and shipping of farm machinery. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 60 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admit- ted. Contact Sam Heltman, Personnel Manager. Phone: 308 324-5671. LINCOLN 67 American Stores Company, 320 "N" Street. Com- plete meat slaughtering and processing plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 8-11 a.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-45. Advance notice re- quired. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Personnel Department. Phone: 402 432-5531. 22 Control Data Corporation, South Industrial Park. Business forms manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, afternoons only. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 14 not admitted. Contact Norland Ferguson. Phone: 402 432-0123. 76 Dorsey Laboratories, Highway 6 and 1-80, Box 113. Manufacturer of pharmaceuticals. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 50 maximum. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Robert Shust, Personnel Director. Phone: 402 464-631 1. 74 NEBRASKA 50 Gooch Foods, Inc., 510 South Street. Pasta plant. Tour of kitchen and packaging department. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Lois Terry. Phone: 402 477-4426. 85 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, 4021 North 56th Street. Rubber products. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice of 1 day required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Andy Remmenga. Phone: 402 466-2311. 41 Hy-Gain Electronics, 8601 N.E. Highway 6. Man- ufacturer of electronic products — CB radios. Tours Monday through Friday, 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 15 maximum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact R.A. Whitcomb. Phone: 402 464-9151. 87 ISCO, 4700 Superior. Manufacturer of scientific instruments for research. Tours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: small groups preferred. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact the Vice President, Manufacturing. Phone: 402 464-0231 . 5 Jantzen, Inc., 1200 West Commerce Way. Garment distributors. Visitors see automated system of han- dling garments. Tours Monday through Friday, mornings only. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Children under 10 not admit- ted. Contact Liz Herrmann. Phone: 402 475-8861 . 93 Kawasaki Motor Corporation U.S.A., 5600 N.W. 27th. Manufacturer of motorcycles and jet skis. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Contact A.J. Brandt. Phone: 402 475-7681. 68 Nebraska Boiler Company, Inc., 70th and Corn- husker. Manufacturer of steam boilers. Tours by appointment only. Group number: 15 maximum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact R. Swanson. Phone: 402 464-7441. 76 Norden Laboratories, 601 West Cornhusker High- way. Research, production and marketing of veteri- nary pharmaceuticals and vaccines. Tours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admit- ted. Contact Nancy Myers. Phone: 402 475-4541 . 86 Notifier Corporation, 3700 North 56th. Manufac- turer of residential smoke detectors. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-15. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mr. Baldwin. Phone: 402 464-021 1 . 37 Robert's Dairy Company, 220 South 20th. Visitors see cottage cheese production, drying of egg and milk products and packaging of products. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Florence Buchanan. Phone: 402 435-2916. 50 Weaver's Potato Chips, 1600 Center Park Road. Visitors observe processing and packaging of potatoes. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 15-20. Contact Office Personnel. Phone: 402 432-6625. 17 Yankee Hill Brick, R.F.D. No. 1 . Mining operation and brick manufacturing. Tours by appointment only. Advance notice required. Small children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Office Person- nel. Phone:402 432-6661. MINDEN 113 Burgess Well Company, Inc., East Highway 6. Irrigation well drilling and manufacturing of fiberglass well casings. Tour of turbine pump facilities and fiberglass well casing manufacturing plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours August 7-21. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Jack R. Lammers or Larry Burgess. Phone: 308 832-1645. 102 Grayson Tool Company, 900 West Fifth Street. Manufacturer of air tanks, fittings, anchors, heat lamps and fiberglass shower stalls and bathtub units. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 12-15. Advance notice required. Contact Ivan Lux, Man- ager. Phone: 308 832-2613. NORFOLK 37 Gillette Dairy, Inc., 700 East Omaha Avenue. Production and distribution of dairy products. Tours Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ad- vance notice required. Children not admitted. Con- tact Kip Hirschbach or Les Chaffin. Phone: 402 371-3660. 72 Huse Publishing Company, 525 Norfolk Avenue. Daily newspaper. Tours daily except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Terry Huse, President. Phone: 402 371-1020. NEBRASKA 75 68 Norfolk Iron and Metal Company, 300 Braasch Avenue. Steel service center — fabrication of steel for construction and industry; processing of ferrous and nonferrous scrap materials. Tour of three branches of operation which are located in one vicinity. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. No tours the last week of June and the first week of July. Advance notice required. Use of cameras or sketches with permission only. Contact Margaret Robinson, President, or Richard Robinson, Vice President. Phone: 402 371-1810. 62 Norfolk Rendering Works, Rural Route 1. Rendering — hide collection. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-6. Advance notice of 1-2 days preferred. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Tom Weihe. Phone: 402 371-4822. NORTH PLATTE 21 Components, Inc., 1400 East 8th. Manufacturer of preassembled walls, roof and floor trusses and architectural millwork. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Cleda Dowhower. Phone: 308 532-9320. 37 Fairmont Foods, 109 South Dewey. Tour of dairy foods processing plant. Tours weekdays except Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Larry Budman. Phone: 308 532-2722. OMAHA 22 Control Data Corporation, 11615 T Street. Compu- ter components manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mr. Ralph Johnson. Phone: 402 333-0850. 16 Falstaff Brewing Corporation, 3302 South 25th Street. Brewery. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice required. No cameras permitted. Contact Ms. Emily Hofek. Phone: 402 733-1920. 50 Guy's Foods, Inc., 7550 L Street. Manufacturer of potato chips and shoestring potatoes. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Contact Mrs. Carol Serenson. Phone: 402 331-6800. 30 McMartin Industries, Inc., 4500 South 76th Street. Manufacturer of public address systems; broadcast and communications equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Contact Mr. Juan F. Alonso. Phone: 402 331-2000. SIDNEY 5 EP RO Manufacturing Company, 813 12th Avenue. Clothing manufacturer — pants. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours week of July 4. Group number: 7 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Gerald Epstein, General Man- ager. Phone: 308 254-4720. 93 Safe Play, Tufwear, 16th and Hickory. Manufac- turer of sporting goods — boxing and physical equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Lee Spieker, Jr., or Lee Spieker, Sr. Phone: 308 254-401 1. 45 Sidney Manufacturing Corporation, Box 731. Man- ufacturer of pivot sprinklers. Tour of the manufac- turing facilities, office and field operations. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 1:30-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact L.R. Townsend or Robert W. Lindmier. Phone: 308 254-3535. WAHOO 49 Breuning Rendering Works, 131 East 3rd. Manufac- turer of poultry and hog feed; production of meat scraps, tallow and tanning of animal hides. Tours weekdays, 4 a.m. to 1 a.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras permitted. Persons under 20 not admitted. Contact Eugene Breuning, Jerome Breuning, Joe Breuning or Richard Breuning. Phone: 402 443-3777. 67 E. W. Kneip, Inc., R.F.D. No. 1. Beef slaughtering and preparation of meat. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 3-4. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Rick Kapple. Phone: 402 443-4133. 31 Wahoo Concrete, North Highway 77. Manufacturer of hog shed flooring, cement blocks and building materials. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday, morning only. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Tom Massie. Phone: 402 443-4626. 76 NEBRASKA WAVERLY 95 National Crane Corporation. Steel fabrication. Tours Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 8-10. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Phil Johnson. Phone: 402 786-2240. NEVADA EMPIRE 31 U.S. Gypsum Company. Tours available of gypsum mine with advance notice. Contact Donald Mustard, Plant Superintendent. Phone: 702 557-2341. FERNLEY 25 Nevada Cement Company. Tours available with advance notice. Contact Tom Roberts. Phone: 702 575-2281. HENDERSON 51 Agrinautrics, 1333 Patrick Lane (McCarran Air- port). Foundry, nonferrous metal products. Tours available with advance notice. Contact Tom Cobb. Phone: 702 736-3794. LAS VEGAS 37 Anderson Dairy, 801 Searles Avenue. Tours week- days except Wednesday, 1 1 :30 a.m. Advance notice required. Children under 6 not admitted. Phone: 702 642-7507. 109 Mint Casino, 100 East Fremont. Behind-the-scenes tour of a gambling casino. Tours every 40 minutes from 12:20 p.m. until 5:40 p.m. Sign up at the tour desk. Must be over 21 years of age. Phone: 702 385-7440, Ext. 139. 72 Review Journal, 1111 West Bonanza Road. Tour of newspaper plant. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 9 not admitted; one adult for every ten children is required. Contact Ann Cooper. Phone: 702 385-4241, Ext. 266. 41 Wilson Electronics, 4288 South Polaris. Tours available with advance notice of 1 week. Group number: 12 maximum. Contact Mike Krohn or Janet Robertson. Phone: 702 739-1931. RENO 37 Anderson Dairy, 500 Gould Street. Tours from October to May, Friday mornings. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Children under 6 not admitted. Advance notice required. Contact Lee Ceccarelli. Phone: 702 329-3191. 72 Gazette-Journal, 401 West Second Street. News- paper plant. Tours available with advance notice. Tour length: 1 hour. Children under 7 not admitted. Contact Pat Rose. Phone: 702 786-8989, Ext. 266. 12 Pepsi Bottling Company, 355 Edison Way. Tours Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. Advance notice required. Phone: 702 323-1387. 37 University of Nevada Dairy, 5300 Mill Street. Tours daily, 2 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact Phil Johnson. Phone: 702 784-4017. YERINGTON 29 Anaconda Copper Corporation. Open pit copper mine. Tours Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Phone: 702 463-2228. NEW HAMPSHIRE BOW 43 Northeast Optical Company, 4 Northeast Avenue. Optical products (wholesale) — prescription eyewear. Visitors see prescription eyeglasses pro- cessed from the time the order is received to the completed glasses. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 4-15. Advance notice required. Contact Benjamin G. Floyd, Products Manager. Phone: 603 224-7421. 41 Profile Electronics, Inc., River Road, Box 314. Custom-wound coils and transformers. Tours avail- able with advance notice, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 15-30 minutes. No tours from July 23 through August 9. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Alan W. Wright. Phone: 603 224-2556. 83 Wikoff Color Corporation, River Road. Printing inks manufacturer. Tours Monday or Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2-4 p.m. Group number: 15-20. Advance notice required. Contact Russ Nichols. Phone: 603 224-2541. CONCORD 18 Capitol Broadcasting Corporation, Inc., (WXXL), 37 Redington Road. Visitors see the broadcasting studios, production facilities and news services. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 15 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Gardner Hill, Program Coordinator. Phone: 603 225-5521. NEW HAMPSHIRE 77 49 Merrimack Farmers' Exchange, Inc., 520 Hall Street. Feed manufacturer. Tour of grain and feed manufacturing from raw material to finished prod- uct, including a visit to the automated panel control room, the heart of the plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday by special appointment. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Cameras are restricted to outside areas due to combustion. Children under 12 must be accom- panied by an adult. Contact Dr. Michael S. Sawyer, Director of Nutrition. Phone: 603 225-6662. 31 Swenson Building Granite Corporation, McGuire Street. Manufacturer of building granite. Tour of plant and facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours July 1 through July 18. Group number: 2-12. Ad- vance notice required. French translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Theresa M. Stanley. Phone: 603 224-5325. LONDONDERRY 79 Tashua Polymers Corporation, 37 Industrial Drive. Plastic compounders. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, by appointment only. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admit- ted. Contact Charles W. Shipman or William E. Mayo. Phone: 603 668-6220. MANCHESTER 72 Manchester Union-Leader, 35 Amherst Street. Newspaper. Tours Monday through Friday, 1 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 15 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 6 not admitted. Very elderly experience diffi- culty with several flights of stairs and should not take the tour. Contact Gerald C. Stiles, Director of Community Relations. Phone: 603 668-4321. 41 Sanders Association, Inc., Grenier Field. Manufac- turer of electronic components. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. French and Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches per- mitted. Children under 17 not admitted. Contact the Personnel Department. Phone: 603 669-4615. MERRIMACK 16 Anheuser-Busch, Inc., 1 000 Daniel Webster High- way. Brewery — Budweiser and Michelob. Guided tour through the brewing and packaging facilities, with an opportunity to sample the product in the Hospitality Room and to visit the Clydesdale Ham- let. Tours from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours Monday and Tuesday during the winter. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras permitted. For tour schedules please contact Dale Kelley. Phone: 603 889-6631 . 87 Kollsman Instrument Company, Daniel Webster Highway South. Industrial manufacturer of aircraft instruments and electro-optical instruments. Visitors see manufacturing and testing of aircraft instrumen- tation and a typical machine shop. Tours by special appointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the first two weeks of August. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Mr. Joseph C. Allwarden, Vice President, Marketing. Phone: 603 889-2500. NASHUA 31 Marblcraft Products, Inc., 90 East Hollis Street, P.O. Box 1063. Manufacturer of cast marble products — vanity tops, bath wall enclosures, win- dow sills. Tours available with advance notice. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during July. Advance notice of 1 week required. French translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children not admit- ted. Contact Richard Laliberte or Lucien H. Laliberte. Phone: 603 889-7401. 68 Mass Machine & Stamping, Inc., 85 Northeastern Boulevard. Manufacturer of washers and metal stampings. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact Richard B. Theurer, Executive Vice President. Phone: 603 889-8500. RAYMOND 110 Courier-Citizen Company, Center Street. Warehousing-distribution center — printed forms. Narrative tour of the warehouse facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Stephen A. Taylor, East Coast Distribution Man- ager. Phone: 603 895-3375. SEABROOK 68 Hale Bros. , Inc. , Stard Road. Manufacturer of light, unwelded chain. Tours by appointment only. Ad- vance notice required. Contact W. V. Dolan. Phone: 603 474-2511. 78 NEW HAMPSHIRE SUNCOOK 99 Theodor Furus & Son, Inc., 32 Library Street. Manufacturer of woven trimmings and woven labels. Visitors see loom machinery in motion and how products are made, from start to finish. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 10-15 minutes. Group number: 20 maxi- mum. Advance notice required. French and German translation available. Contact Mr. Theodor Furus or Mrs. Emmy Grass. Phone: 603 485-3641. WOLFEBORO 28 Hampshire Pewter Company, Inc., Route 28. Man- ufacturer of pewter tableware and holloware. Vis- itors observe the entire process of hand-casting and hand-turning, with an explanation of alloy blending, mold-making and design. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. Phone: 603 569-4944. NEW JERSEY EGG HARBOR CITY 111 Renault Winery, Inc., Bremen Avenue. Vineyards and winery. Tour of winery and wine-tasting. Tours Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 55 maxi- mum. Advance notice required for groups of more than 20 persons. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact the Hospitality Director. Phone: 609 965-2111. HACKENSACK 72 The Record, 150 River Street. Newspaper. Tour of the newspaper from the editorial department through the production phase of the printing process. Tours Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:30 or 11 a.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-25. Advance notice of 1 month required from September through May. Children under 11 not admitted. Contact Carmine L. Galasso, Public Relations Associate, Marketing Services Department. Phone: 201 646-4380. HAWORTH 108 Hackensack Water Company, Lakeshore Drive. Water purification plant. Water from raindrop to the consumer. Tour includes lecture and booklet. Tours daily, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 month required. Children under 9 not admitted. Contact Martha Green, Employee and Public Information Representative. Phone: 201 863-0500. MORRISTOWN 108 Jersey Central Power & Light Company, Madison Avenue at Punch Bowl Road. (Plant location is off Route 94, Blairstown, N.J.) Electric utility. Tour includes the Visitors' Center (to see a working model of the plant), followed by a trip to the upper reservoir and tour through the plant. Nonguided tours to the Visitors' Center, picnic area, hiking trails and comfort stations are available daily, April through October, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Guided tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 15-50. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Mr. George F. Metzgar, Regional Director of Public Information. Phone: 201 539-6111, Ext. 374. SUMMIT 76 Ciba-Geigy Corporation, 556 Morris Avenue. Pharmaceutical manufacturer. Tour includes an in- troduction, followed by a visit to the pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging areas. Tours Monday through Friday, by reservation only. No tours during July. Group number: 25 maximum. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. French and German translation available. No cameras or sketches per- mitted. Children under 17 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Deane Hogan, Manager, Employee Communi- cations and Community Relations. Phone: 201 277-5481. NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE 79 Dar Tile & Plastic Top Company, 4646 Menual Boulevard, N.E. Plastic top fabrication. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2-3 weeks required. Spanish translation available. Contact Mr. Lee Trussell. Phone: 505 268-3386. 108 El Paso Natural Gas Company, Administration Building, Reilly Heights. Oil and gas producer. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 3-4 weeks required. Spanish translation available. Contact Mr. Lowell M. Parrish. Phone: 505 325-2841. 10 Rainbow Baking Company, 111 Montano Road, N.E. Baking and distributing bread. Visitors ob- serve complete process of making bread. Tours weekdays, except Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 20 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. Contact the Sales Manager. Phone:505 344-3415. NEW MEXICO 79 95 Rio Grande Steel Products, 7100— 2nd, N.W., P.O. Box 477. Manufacturer of steel products. General tour of the plant available anytime. Contact Mr. Dan Woodford. Phone: 505 345-261 1. 31 Springer Corporation, P.O. Drawer "S," 121 Tijeres Avenue, N.E. Sand and gravel crushing and ready-mixed cement. Tour of ready-mix cement plant includes sales, operation and maintenance departments; tour of sand and gravel crushing plant includes sales, production and maintenance. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice of 1 day required. Spanish translation available. Contact Mr. Aldo Vaio, President, or Mr. Morris Diefendorf, Vice President. Phone: 505 243-6651. CHIMAYO 99 Ortegas' Weaving Shop, P.O. Box 1095. Hand- woven items. Tours Monday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. Phone: 505 351-4215. FRUITLAND 29 Utah International, Inc. Tour of coal mining pro- cess. Tours in conjunction with the Arizona Public Service Plant are preferred. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 1 hour. Written notice of 2 weeks required. Japanese and Spanish translation available. Contact the Mine Manager. Phone: 505 598-5861. 82 Southwestern Public Service, P.O. Box 99 (7 miles west of Hobbs). Electrical power compnay. Visitors see the process of producing energy, converting it to electricity and distributing electricity to customers. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Charlie Brown. Phone: 505 397-1135. KIRTLAND 82 Arizona Public Service Company. Electric generat- ing plant. Visitor orientation is followed by a tour of the plant. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30 to 3 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact office. Phone: 505 598-5861. LOVINGTON 82 Lea County Electric Cooperative, 18 West Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 1 147. Electric generating plant. Complete tour of the generating facility. Tours Monday through Friday; weekends by special arrangement. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Spanish translation available with advance notice of 2 days. Contact Mr. E.R. Felfe. Phone: 505 396-363 1 . GALLUP 29 The Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Company, northwest of Gallup. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. No tours for two weeks in July. Group number: 8 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Navajo transla- tion available. Contact the Mine Superintendent. Phone: 505 863-5771. NAVAJO 65 Navajo Forest Products Industries, P.O. Box 1280. Producing lumber from Ponderosa Pine. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the last two weeks in August. Advance notice of 1 day required. Navajo translation available. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Leigh Hubbard. Phone: 505 777-221 1 . HOBBS 108 Northern Natural Gas Company, P.O. Box 2370 (9 miles west of Hobbs). Gas-treating plant. Visitors take a tour through the plant and see the raw natural gas inlet. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: unlimited with advance notice. Advance notice of 2 days required. Spanish translation available. Contact the District Office. Phone: 505 393-5109. TUCUMCARI 5 Tucumcari Industries, West Highway 66. Garment factory. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours for one week in July and from December 25 through January 2. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice of 1 week required. Navajo, Spanish and Vietnamese transla- tion available. Contact Mr. H.A. Doss. Phone: 505 461-3513. 80 NEW MEXICO TYRONE 29 Phelps Dodge Corporation, Tyrone Branch, Drawer B. Copper mining — open-type reduction plant, con- centrator and related facilities. Driving tour through the plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 30 days required. Spanish translation available. Cameras and sketches permitted upon written request two weeks in ad- vance. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact the Manager. Phone: 505 538-5331. NEW YORK ALBANY 53 Boulevard Decorators, 240 Washington Avenue. Home furnishings — custom draperies, slipcovers and reupholstering. A walking tour of facilities with a brief discription of processes involved. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Abbott Architzel. Phone: 518 472-9191. BUFFALO 72 Buffalo Courier Express, 785 Main Street. News- paper publishing. Complete tour of the newspaper, including the news departments (collection - report- ing), production processing, etc. Tours Monday through Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m. and 7:30-8:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during the summer. Group number: 3-30. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Kevin J. Byrnes, Assistant Promotion Di- rector. Phone: 716 847-5594. 92 Buffalo Goodwill Industries, Inc., 153 North Divi- sion Street. Sheltered workshop and rehabilitation center. Tour of entire rehabilitation center and work- shop (4 floors), including a visit to the largest of Goodwill's ten stores. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 75 maximum. Advance notice preferred. Contact Miss Janet Wurtz or, if calling, just mention that a tour is desired. Phone: 716 854-7686. 18 WKBW-TV, 1420 Main Street. Television station. The tour includes visits to and explanations of the TV studio, where live shows are done, the control room (video and audio control, directors, video tapes) and telecine room (fdms and slides), followed by a question-and-answer period. Tours Monday through Thursday, 10-11 a.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Tours are by advance reservation only. Children under 5 not admitted. Contact Peter Kerr or Carole Ward, TV Promotion Department. Phone: 716 883-0770. CASTLETON-ON-HUDSON 74 Brown Company, 1900 River Road. Manufacturer of paperboard and folding paper cartons. Tour of plant gives an overall view of how cartons and paperboard are processed. Tours by appointment only, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours and 30 minutes. Group number: 2-5. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Cameras or sketches permitted with approval. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Mr. Ronald A. de Moose, General Manager. Phone: 518 732-7722. CORNING 55 Corning Glass Center, Houghton Park. Tour in- cludes Corning Museum of Glass, an outstanding collection of historical glass dating from 1500 B.C. to the present; Hall of Science and Industry, drama- tic displays and push-button exhibits showing the wide variety of modern methods of making and using glass; and the Steuben Glass factory where world-famous Steuben crystal is hand-formed and engraved as visitors watch. The Steuben factory is the only manufacturing facility of Corning Glass Works that is open to the public. Tours daily from June through October; November through May, daily except Monday. Hours: September through June, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; July and August, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours for self-guided tour. Advance notice preferred. Literature is avail- able in several languages, describing the facility and giving a short history of glass. Contact Clare M. Bavis, Supervisor-Information Services. Phone: 607 974-8814. GENEVA 44 New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, West North Street. Agricultural research and proces- sing of fruits and vegetables. Tour of various laboratories dealing with seed testing, plant protec- tion, fruit and vegetable production and food proces- sing. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., by appointment only. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact R.E. Krauss, Head, Department of Publications. Phone: 315 787-2248. GOSHEN 36 Dairylea, P.O. Box 669. Fluid milk packaging. Visitors view through large windows the total pac- kaging operation, followed by a tour of the suppor- tive areas; laboratory, office, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks preferred. Preschool children not admit- ted. Contact Bruce V. Snow, Manager of Public Relations. Phone: 914 627-3280. NEW YORK 81 HAMMONDSPORT 111 Gold Seal Vineyards, Inc., Route 54 A. Winery — wines and champagnes. Visitors see a film, fol- lowed by a walking tour through the winery and wine tasting afterwards. Tours Monday through Saturday from May through October and Monday through Friday from November through April; 9-1 1 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-90. Advance notice required for large groups. Contact Wanda Michaluk, Tour Directress. Phone: 607 868-3232. Ill Pleasant Valley Wine Company (Great Western). Producers of Great Western champagnes, dinner and dessert wines and vermouths. Tour explains cellar- ing, fermentation, storage and other wine-making techniques used. Champagne aging vaults, wine aging and storage areas, laboratory and other areas are shown. Tour concludes with tasting of the products. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30-11 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 75 minutes. Group number: 20-40. Advance notice required. No sketches permitted. Visitors must be physically fit to walk up and down various flights of stairs. Contact Brooks A. Lapp, Tour Director. Phone: 607 569-2121. Ill The Taylor Wine Company, Inc., County Route 88. Winery — wines, champagnes, vermouth. Guided tour of bottling operation, wine storage areas. Herit- age Room, audio-visual program on champagne making and Hospitality Room where visitors sample the products. Tours Monday through Friday. 8:30- 11 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 75-90 min- utes. Group number: 50 maximum. Group tours accepted by advance reservation only. Contact M. Barney Hubbs, Jr., Tour Director. Phone: 607 569-2111. LYCOMING 108 Niagara Mohawk Energy Information Center, Nine Mile Point. Electric utility. Tours March through November, Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; December through February, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: unlimited, however, larger groups will be divided into sub-groups of 20-30 persons. Advance notice preferred for groups. Contact Mr. Eugene G. Saloga, Manager of Energy Information Center. Phone: 315 342-4117. NAPLES 111 Widmer's Wine Cellars, Inc. Winery — table and dessert wines, champagne. Tour includes ferment- ing room, aging cellars and bottling room, conclud- ing with a visit to the tasting room and Wine Shop. Tours Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the last two weeks of July. Group number: 25 maximum. Ad- vance notice required for groups of more than 10 persons. Contact R.S. Wilson. Phone: 716 374-63 1 1 . NEW YORK 11 Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 33 Liberty Street. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is part of the United States central banking system. Guided tour of coin and cash-handling operations and gold vault. Tours Monday through Friday, 10-1 1 a.m. and 1-2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required for reservation. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact the Public Information Representative. Phone: 212 791-6130. 96 New York Stock Exchange Visitors Center, 20 Broad Street. Securities market. Tour includes a lecture explaining the operation of the New York Stock Exchange, followed by a fifteen minute film. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Market is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of more than 10 persons. French, German and Spanish translation available. No cameras permitted. Groups of children under 13 not admitted. Contact Jean Geiger, Chief Super- visor. Phone: 212 623-5168. 39 Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc., 375 Park Avenue. Distillery. Tour of facilities, including art and anti- que glass collections. Tours Tuesday, 3 p.m., and by special appointment for groups. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-30. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Camera use restricted in some areas. Tour is suitable for only high school seniors and adults. Contact Ms. E. Condon, Assistant Of- fice Manager. Phone: 212 572-7404. NIAGARA FALLS 82 Power Vista (Power Authority of the State of New York), P.O. Box 277, 5777 Lewiston Road. Tour includes viewing of control room, operating gallery, generator shaft section and transformer deck. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Mr. J.D. Farrell, Visitor Program Director. Phone: 716 285-321 1. 82 NEW YORK ROCHESTER 72 Gannett Rochester Newspapers, 55 Exchange Street. Newspaper publisher (daily and Sunday). Tour of plant with explanation of advertising, circu- lation and editorial departments. Tours Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 12 noon. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 30 maxi- mum. Advance notice required. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Sheila Wood or Andrea Cairo. Phone: 716 232-7100. WHITESBORO 18 WIBX/WIBQ— Stereo, Clark Mills Road. Radio broadcasting stations. Tour of production, news and transmitter facilities, and completely automated FM broadcast system. Visitors also see an exhibit of broadcasting equipment spanning fifty years. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 35 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice required. Italian, Polish, Spanish and Ukrainian translation available. Contact Edith Uaitt. Phone: 315 736-9313. UTICA 72 Utica Observer Dispatch, Inc., 221 Oriskany Plaza. Newspaper. Tour includes advertising and news composition, computerized assembly and printing procedure to finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 15-25. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Cindy Durant, Assistant Director of Public Service & Promotion. Phone: 315 792-5087. 16 West End Brewing Company, 811 Edward Street. Brewery — Utica Club Beer and Cream Ale. Vis- itors see an authentic Victorian reception area, followed by a tour of the brewery with beer sampl- ing in the antique tavern. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 40 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice re- quired for a reservation. German translation avail- able. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Robert Haberer. Phone: 315 732-0022. 18 WUTR-TV, Smith Hill Road. Television station. Tour includes executive offices, studio and control room. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30-4 p.m. Other times by special ar- rangement. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. French translation available. Contact Marlene Hughes. Phone: 315 797-5220. WASfflNGTONVILLE 111 Brotherhood Corporation, 37 North Street. Winery. Tour includes lecture, visit to the underground cellars, sherry solera and tasting room. Tours by advance arrangement. Tours vary with the' seasons. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 10-35. Minors must be accompanied by parents. Contact J.B. Daubenspeck, General Manager. Phone: 914 496-3661. NORTH CAROLINA AHOSKIE 101 Ahoskie Tobacco Market. Tobacco auctions. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., during sales season. Tour length: 30 minutes. Tours for individuals or small parties and for organized groups by special arrangement. Advance notice required. Contact A.L. Wiggins, Ahoskie Chamber of Com- merce. Phone: 919 332-2042. ALBERMARLE 53 Page Church Furniture Company, Inc., 714 Monroe Street. Manufacturer of church furniture. Tours weekdays except Monday. Tour length: 45-60 min- utes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact William Hendrick. Phone: 704 983-2143. ASHEV1LLE 99 Biltmore Industries, Grovewood Road. Homespun material (wool). Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 15 minutes. No tours from November through March. Written notice of 1 week required. Children with parents permitted. Contact A.R. Maxwell. Phone: 704 253-7651. BELMONT 82 Allen Steam Station, Box 587. Public utility. Tour includes an introduction, followed by a visit to the boiler room. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact J.R. Park. Phone: 919 825-2022. CHARLOTTE 107 Akers Motor Lines, Inc., 4101 South Interstate 85. Truckline. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 6 not admitted. Visitors must wear shoes. Contact Lawrence O'Neill. Phone: 704 392-2311. NORTH CAROLINA 83 67 Armour & Company, 2000 Thrift Road. Food pro- cessing. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 35 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children must be accom- panied by adults. Contact Arthur Stroud. Phone: 704 375-9311. 18 Jefferson Pilot, 1 Julian Place. Broadcasting studios. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 10-1 1:30 a.m. and 1:30-3 p. m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 month required from September through May. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Ann Ray. Phone: 704 374-3603. 11 North Carolina National Bank, Tryon and Trade (on corner). Tour includes the main offices, security area, safety deposit area, vault and the North Carolina National Bank art collection. Tours Tues- day, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 18 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact Ann Raynes. Phone: 704 374-5329. 56 U.S. Government Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Station. Tours available with advance notice of one day. Tour length: 10 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Contact Major John Gleason. Phone: 704 334-6465. CHEROKEE 54 The Cherokees, P.O. Box 308. Indian and mountain crafts. Tour of five buildings showing different stages of craft-making to the finished product in the showroom. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Tours during summer months only. Advance notice required for special tours requested after the summer season. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Gurth Baron. Phone: 704 497-4051 . CHERRYVILLE 107 Carolina Freight Carriers, Highway 150. Motor carrier. Tour of general office, shop, etc. Tours by prior arrangement. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Jim Booker. Phone: 704 435-6811. DURHAM 101 American Tobacco Company, Pettigrew and Blackwell Street. Visitors see how cigarettes are manufactured and packaged. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Marvin Seagroves. Phone: 919 682-2101. 101 Liggett & Myers, Inc., Main and Duke Street. Cigarette manufacturing. Introduction is followed by a tour of the manufacturing and packaging areas. Tours Monday through Friday, 8-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-3 p.m. Tour length: 35-40 minutes. No tours week of July 4 and week of Christmas. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 14 not admitted unless accompanied by an adult. Contact Shirley King. Phone: 919 563-5521, Ext. 434. 60 North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, 411 West Chapel Hill Street. Tours Monday through Friday by special arrangement. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Student groups of children under 7th grade not admitted. Phone:919 682-9201. FAISON 50 Charles F. Cates & Sons, Inc., Railroad Street. Visitors see the procedures involved in processing and bottling pickle products. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 30-40 minutes. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Mr. Groome. Phone: 919 267-4711. FAYETTE VILLE 85 Kelly-Springfield Tire Company, Route 6, Highway 401 North. Tire manufacturer. Visitors observe the processing of passenger tires from raw material to finished product. Tours by prior arrangement. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 12-20. Advance notice of 1-14 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact Gardner Bates. Phone: 919 488-9295. FONT ANA DAM 82 Tennessee Valley Authority, Public Safety Office. Public utility. Ride on incline car and conducted tour of the Power House. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 35 minutes. Group number: 40 maxi- mum. Contact Leutenant Hawk. Phone: 704 498-2241. FOREST CITY 53 General Fireproofing Company, Box 260. Chairs. Visitors see the processes of manufacturing chairs from raw material to finished product. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. No tours the last week of June and the first week of July. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Contact Ray Easterbrook. Phone: 704 245-0161. 84 NORTH CAROLINA FUQUAY-VARINA 41 Cornell-Dubilier Electronics, Inc., 118 East Jones Street. Manufacturer of antenna rotaters, electrical-mechanical relays (switching devices) and thermostats for electrical heaters. Tours by prior arrangement only. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the first two weeks in July and week of Christmas. Group number: 20 maximum. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Don Cook. Phone: 919 552-2281. GREENSBORO 99 Burlington Industries, Corporate Headquarters, 3330 West Friendly Avenue. Visitors are invited to see the exhibit hall, where each floor has different color schemes and fabrics, and to visit the gardens. This is an office, not a production plant. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact Julia Humes. Phone: 919 379-2199. 12 Coca-Cola Bottling Company, 2411 High Point Road. Bottling of soft drinks. Tour of the bottling area where Coca-Cola is manufactured and bottled, followed by a question-and-answer session. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. No tours June through August. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Linda Little. Phone: 919 292-1641. 50 Frito-Lay, Inc., 2806 Patterson Street. Manufacturer of potato chips. Visitors see the processing and packaging of potato chips. Tours Tuesday and Fri- day, 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Virginia Patrick. Phone: 919 299-2511. 30 Southern Bell Telephone Company, 124 South Eugene Street. Visitors observe the basic operations of Southern Bell Telephone Company. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2-3 days required. Contact the Public Relations Manager. Phone: 919 272-1 158. HENDERSON 105 Fuqua Homes (N.C.), Inc., State Road 1216. Mobile home manufacturer. Tour of the assembly line and finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours week of July 4. Group number: 10 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Macy Foster. Phone: 9 1 9 492- 1151. 105 Marshfield Homes, Division of Wick Building Sys- tems, Bypass U.S. 1. Mobile home manufacturer. Visitors see the fabrication of mobile homes from raw material to finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours the week of July 4. Group number: 100 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Danny Wright. Phone: 919 492-3031. 50 Perfect Packed Products Company, Division of H. J. Heinz Company, Dabney Drive, Box 888. Proces- sing and packaging of olives, pickles, peppers, onions and relish. Visitors see the processing of products, including salting, desalting, labeling and packaging. Tours Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-40 minutes. No tours Christmas week. Group number: 10 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required for groups of 10 or more. Children must be accompanied by a parent. Contact Mr. Kade Spencer, Personnel Man- ager. Phone:919 492-1111. 101 Tobacco auctions and tobacco warehouses. Tours available by prior arrangement with the Henderson Chamber of Commerce. Contact Henderson Execu- tive Secretary, Henderson- Vance County Chamber of Commerce, Box 1302, Henderson, North Carolina 27536. HICKORY 53 Hickory Chair Company, 37— 9th Street Place, S.E. Manufacturer of chairs and upholstered furniture. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m., from October through May. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours week of Christmas. Group number: 6 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 18 not admitted. Contact Jay Patton Richardson, Executive Vice President. Phone: 704 328-1801. 53 Hickory Manufacturing Company, 890 — 7th Av- enue, N.E. Furniture manufacturer. Visitors see the manufacturing of furniture from start to finish. Tours Thursday, 1 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours weeks of July 4 and Christmas. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. No sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Hickory Chamber of Commerce. Phone: 704 322-8624. 53 Hickory-Fry Furniture, P.O. Box 818, Old Highway 70-A. Manufacturer of upholstered furniture. Tours Monday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours in April and October. Group number: 35 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Leonard Hesper. Phone: 704 328-2341. NORTH CAROLINA 85 28 Hyalyn-Cosco, Inc., 3rd Avenue, N.W. Ceramics manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 18 maximum. Written advance notice of 6 weeks re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Jimmy Bowles. Phone: 704 322-641:. 53 North Hickory Furniture Company, 507 and 509 — 1 lth Street, N.W. (P.O. Drawer 759). Manufacturer of upholstered furniture. Tour of entire manufactur- ing operation of upholstered furniture. Tours Mon- day through Friday by appointment. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. No tours week of July 4 and week of Christmas. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 10-14 days required. No cameras permit- ted. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Doug Estes. Phone: 704 328-1841. KANNAPOLIS 99 Cannon Mills Company, 200 West Avenue. Textile manufacturing. Tour of overall textile operations, from opening of cotten bale to finished product. Plant tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m., 10:15 a.m. and 1 p.m.; Visitor's Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour (plant) and 30 minutes (Visitor's Center). Group number: 50 max- imum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Contact Mrs. Ruth Orland. Phone: 704 933-1221. LEXINGTON 100 Mid-State Tile Company, Victor Street off Cotton Grove Road. Manufacturer of glazed ceramic wall tile. Visitors see the production of glazed ceramic tile from raw material to finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. No tours week of July 4 and Christmas week. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required for large groups. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mr. Nesbit Rodgers. Phone: 704 246-5915. LILLINGTON 105 Champion Home Builders, P.O. Box 1146, Old River Road. Visitors view the construction of mobile homes from frame to finished product. Tours Wednesday and Thursday, 10-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 12 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Phil Cummings. Phone: 919 893-5713. LINCOLNTON 53 Burris Industries, Inc., Burris Boulevard (Box 698). Manufacturer of chairs and upholstered furniture. Tours Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours week of July 4 and Christmas week. Advance notice of 1 week re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted unless with a school group. Contact Charles Young. Phone: 704 735-0441 . LELAND 51 G. R. Ennis & Sons Foundry, South 17, Box 320. Tour includes the general operations of the foundry. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours during pouring of molten metal. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 16 must be accompanied by parents. Contact G.R. Ennis. Phone: 919 763-4956. LUMBERTON 40 Acme Electric Corporation, Interstate 95 and 74. Manufacturer of transformers, power supplies and battery chargers. Visitors see the assemblying of transformers. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the first two weeks of July. Group number: 10 maxi- mum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Tom Long. Phone:919 738-4251. 110 Lackey Industries, Inc., Dupont Highway (Box 160). Combination of public warehousing, distribut- ing and light manufacturing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 15-30 min- utes. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children must be accompanied by adults. Certain areas are restricted without permission. Contact E.G. Lackey. Phone:919 763-9091. 82 Carolina Power & Light Company, W. H. Weatherspoon Steam-Electric Generating Plant, Old U.S. 74 East. A presentation is followed by a tour of the boilers, turbine and control areas. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 6 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 2 days required. No cameras permit- ted. Children under 7 not admitted. Contact James Peasman. Phone: 919 739-3456. 86 NORTH CAROLINA MAIDEN 99 Carolina Mills, Inc., 617 Carolina Avenue, P.O. Box 157. Yarn manufacturer. A short film is fol- lowed by a tour of the plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 1-5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the week of July 4, Christmas week and the Monday following Easter. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required for groups of more than 4 persons. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Ruth Cansler, Public Relations. Phone: 704 428-9911. MONCURE 82 Carolina Power & Light Company, Cape Fear Steam-Electric Generating Plant, Box 161. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. W.L. Ellis. Phone: 919 776-3923. MONTEZUMA 48 Patterson's Flowers, Highway 181 (Box 107). Vis- itors see cut flowers and potting of plants. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice required for large groups. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Erik Ingwersen. Phone: 704 733-2363. MOREHEAD CITY 88 N.C. Ports Authority, 113 Arendell. Shipping and phosphate facility. Tour includes the Maritime Building, transit and warehouse buildings and phos- phate facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Helen McBride. Phone: 919 726-3158. MOUNT AIRY 31 The North Carolina Granite Corporation, P.O. Box 151, Quarry Road. Granite quarry and granite fabri- cation. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 4-20. Advance notice required. Children must be accom- panied by an adult. Contact the Safety Director or other office staff. Phone: 919 786-5141. MOUNT OLIVE 50 Mount Olive Pickle Company, Inc., 812 North Chestnut. Pickles, relish and olives. Visitors ob- serve pickle processing. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30-4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the second week of August. Group number: 6 maximum. Contact H.P. Stowe. Phone: 919 658-2537. NEW BERN 37 Maola Milk & Ice Cream Company, Drawer S-310, Avenue C. Dairy products. Visitors see ice cream being made and milk being bottled. Tours weekdays except Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, from Sep- tember through May. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Kathleen Barnes or Mildred Jones. Phone: 919 638-1131. PISGAH FOREST 27 Olin Corporation, Vanderbilt Road (P.O. Box 200). Manufacturer of fine paper and cellophane. Visitors observe the processes involved in manufacturing paper and cellophane. Tours Tuesday, 2 p.m. (Spe- cial tours can be arranged.) Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Mr. Warner or Dot Brookes. Phone: 704 877-2159. PLYMOUTH 102 True Temper Corporation, West Main Street. Saw- mill. Tour of sawmill and handle-turning operation. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the first three weeks of July. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Morris Brobst. Phone: 919 793-4127. RALEIGH 45 Aeroglide Corporation, 7100 Hillsborough Road. Grain driers, process diers, fruit and vegetable equipment. A lecture and orientation is followed by a tour of the plant and a question-and-answer ses- sion. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Groups of more than 6 require additional advance notice. Spanish translation available. Contact Mr. Lee Miller or Tom Martin. Phone: 919 851-2000. 90 Crabtree Valley Mall, 4325 Glenwood Avenue. Shopping center. Tours 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Elwood P. Perry. Phone:919 787-2507. 95 Dillon Supply Company, 216 South West Street. Industrial supplies — steel and material-handling equipment. Tour includes the service department, steel warehouse, fabrication shop and general office. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Bobby Brantley. Phone: 919 832-7771. NORTH CAROLINA 87 83 Edwards & Broughton Company, 1821 N. Boulevard. Engraving and printing. Tour of the composing, art, printing and binding rooms. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. No cameras permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Paul Hoch. Phone: 919 833-6602. 72 News & Observer Publishing Company, 215 South McDowell Street. Newspaper publishing. Tour of the news and printing departments, with a question- and-answer session concluding the tour. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Jill Pruitt. Phone:919 821-1234. 30 Southern Bell Telephone Company, 128 West Hargett Street. Tour of traffic service area, computer room and telephone systems. Tours Monday through Thursday. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2-3 days required. Contact Edith Sparron. Phone: 919 828-8457. 18 WRAL-TV, 2619 Western Boulevard, P.O. Box 1200. Tour of the gardens and studio facility. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 4-25. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Mr. Witherspoon. Phone: 919 828-2511. REIDSVILLE 5 Creighton Shirtmakers/Brookside Industries, Inc., Industrial Boulevard (off Scales Street), P.O. Box 570. Visitors see shirts cut, sewn, pressed and boxed. Tours Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon or 2:30-4 p.m. Tour length: 20-30 minutes. No tours week of July 4 and Christmas week. Group number: 25 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Jill Roberts. Phone: 919 342-1008. ROBERSONVILLE 81 Central Soya, West Green Street, P.O. Box 428. Processing of chickens. An introduction is followed by an actual inspection and tour of the facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 8 max- imum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Jim Mobley. Phone: 919 795-4151. ROSMAN 99 American Thread Company, Highway No. 64, P.O. Box 458. Manufacturer of cotton sewing thread. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the week of July 4 and the week of December 25. Group number: 3-12. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mr. Chester Kilpatrick, Indus- trial Relations Manager. Phone: 704 862-4215. 99 M-B Industries, P.O. Box 518. Metal forming and fabrication — wire forms, springs, stamping, indus- trial coating and metallizing. Tour of all facilities. Tours available with advance notice. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 3-10. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mr. E.M. Morrow. Phone: 704 862-4201. 3 National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Satellite tracking station. Tour includes the Visitors Center with satellite displays and photographs and the satellite operations area. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday by special arrangement. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Advance notice required. Spanish translation avail- able. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Mr. James C. Jackson, Station Director. Phone: 704 883-8211. SANFORD 48 Carolina Wholesale Florists, Inc., St. Andrews Church Road. Greenhouse tour shows the assembly line of Chrysanthemums in different stages of growth. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact John McCormick or Glenn Coley. Phone: 919 775-3631. 99 Federal Spinning Corporation, Colon Road. Spin- ning mill — manufacturing acrylic yarn. Visitors see the spinning, dying and finishing of acrylic yarns. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2-5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the week of July 4. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mike Womble. Phone: 919 775-5501. 5 W. Koury Company, Inc., 633 Chatham Street. Manufacturer of men's slacks. Visitors see the assembly of men's slacks. Tours by appointment, 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the week of July 4 and week of Christmas. Group number: 2-20. Advance notice of 2 days required. No cameras permitted. Contact Mr. Robert Wertz. Phone:919 775-5415. 88 NORTH CAROLINA 17 Sanford Brick & Tile Company, Box 458. Manufac- turer of bricks. Tour includes pit area — baking and burning of bricks. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 75 minutes. Tours are recommended from March through November. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Philip Liles. Phone: 919 775-2125. 5 Wyatt Knitting Company, 1006 Goldsboro Avenue. Sewing plant. Visitors see the manufacturing of clothing from start to finish. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact W.F. Wyatt, Jr. Phone: 919 775-2249. SHALLOTTE 82 Brunswick Electric, Village Road. Cooperative electric membership. Tour of offices with a compu- ter demonstration, followed by a question-and- answer session. Tours by prior arrangement only. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Doris F. Redwine. Phone: 919 754-4391. SOUTHPORT 50 C. B. Caroon Crab Company, East Bay Street. Crab processing. Visitors observe the picking and cook- ing of crabs and stuffing of shells for deviled crabs and stuffed flounder. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. Advance notice of 2 days required for groups. Phone: 919 457-6384. STANLEY 82 Cowans Ford Dam & Hydroelectric Station, Route 1, Box 380. A slide presentation is followed by a tour of the plant. Tours by appointment, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 2-3 days required. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Carl Robinson, Plant Superin- tendent. Phone: 704 827-5 141 . SYLVA 65 W. C. Hennessee Lumber Company, Old Asheville Road. Visitors see logs being brought in, sawed, graded, dressed and stacked. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours the weeks of July 4 and Christmas. Group number: 25 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Small children not admitted. Contact M.F. McDonald. Phone: 704 586-4044. 99 Heritage Quilts, Inc., Scotts Creek Road. Manufac- turer of sleeping bags, quilts and comforters. Vis- itors view fiber being made — seven operations in- cluding cutting, sewing, inspection and shipping of products. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours the week of July 4 and the Christmas holidays. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Small children not admitted. Contact Gordon Hooper. Phone: 704 586-5577. WASHINGTON 18 WITN-TV, Highway 17, P.O. Box 468. Television station. Tour of news room, offices, computer room and control room. Tours Monday through Thursday. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras permitted. Contact Paul Oughton. Phone: 919 946-3131. WILKESBORO 81 Holly Farms Poultry Industries, Inc., Factory Street & River Street. Poultry processing. Visitors view poultry processing from start to finish. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice of 10 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Barbara Mathis. Phone: 919 838-2171. WILLIAMSTON 30 Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Company, 1010 Smithwick. Tour of central office. Tours by ap- pointment, Monday through Friday. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice preferred. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact J.R. Batchelor. Phone: 919 792-9101. 5 June Day Manufacturing Company, Washington Street. Manufacturer of ladies' swimwear. Visitors view the cutting and sewing operations to the ship- ping of the finished product. Tours by prior ar- rangement only. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours during July. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Paul Pulver. Phone:919 792-3104. WILMINGTON 68 Babcock & Wilcox Company, Vance Street. Indus- trial boilers. Tour includes a slide presentation and a walk through the plant to view components of boilers being fabricated and assembled. Tours Mon- day through Friday, by appointment only. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours December 18 through January 3 and week of July 4. Group number: 6-45. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact the Personnel Department. Phone: 919 791-9010. NORTH CAROLINA 89 88 North Carolina State Ports Authority, 2202 Burnett Boulevard. Tour includes the terminal, dock area, warehouse and transit sheds. Tours available Mon- day through Friday by special arrangement. Ad- vance notice of 2 weeks required. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Mr. Friederich. Phone:919 763-1621. 99 Timme Corporation, Castle Hayne Road. Textile manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday by appointment. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours the weeks of July 4 and Christmas. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact the Personnel Department. Phone: 919 762-1836. 101 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Reynolds Boulevard - Whitaker Park Plant. Cigarette man- ufacturing. Tours Monday through Friday, X a.m. to 10 p.m. Persons need only present themselves at the Whitaker Park Plant and tour will be given. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Advance notice required for groups of more than 20 persons. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact the Director of Tours. Phone: 919 748-3571. 11 Wachovia Bank & Trust Company, P.O. Box 3099. Tour includes check processing and banking sys- tems. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Eva Leach, Receptionist, Person- nel Department. Phone: 919 748-5520. WINDSOR 18 Radio Station WBTE, Highway 13-17. Radio broadcasting. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Italian and Spanish translation avail- able. Contact Mr. Vaughn Upchurch. Phone: 794-3131. WINSTON-SALEM 16 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company, Schlitz Drive. Bre- wery. Guided tour of the plant in small groups, with refreshments given after the tour. Persons need only present themselves at the Schlitz Plant and tours will be assembled. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice required for groups of more than 20 persons. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact the Director of Hospitality. Phone: 919 788-6710. 72 Journal and Sentinel (Piedmont Publishing Com- pany, Inc.), 416 North Marshall Street. Newspaper publisher. Visitors see the formulation and produc- tion of a newspaper by use of computers. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 1 day required. Translation services available. Contact Bill East. Phone: 919 725-2311. 30 Western Electric, 3330 Lexington Road. Telephone transmission equipment production. Visitors see telephone equipment being manufactured. Tours Monday through Friday by appointment, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours one week in July and week of Christmas. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Gloria Barrett. Phone: 919 784-2464. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH 56 Wrightsville Beach Test Facility, Harper Island (Causeway Drive), Box 597. Testing of saline wa- ter. Tour of plant, including a lecture and film. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 80 minutes. Group number: 25 maxi- mum. Advance notice required. Contact Mr. Robinson, Manager. Phone: 919 256-2216. NORTH DAKOTA BISMARCK 72 Bismarck Tribune Company, 222 North 4th Street. Newspaper production. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 1-2 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week preferred. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact the Advertising Manager. Phone: 701 223-2500. 106 Piedmont Aviation, Inc., Smith Reynolds Airport. Visitors tour the airline maintenance operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children not admit- ted. Contact Betsy Allen. Phone: 919 767-5578. 45 Clark Equipment Company, Melroe Division, 22nd Street and Indiana Avenue. Manufacturer of farm equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 1:30-5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice required. Groups of children under 8 years of age are not permitted except by special arrangement. Con- tact the Public Relations Specialist, Advertising Department. Phone: 701 223-6180, Ext. 388. 90 NORTH DAKOTA CARRINGTON 45 Steinman Manufacturing, Inc., Box 397. Farm equipment fabrication. Tours Tuesday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice required for large groups. Contact the Plant Manager. Phone: 701 652-3197. DICKINSON 44 Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association Feed Plant, Route 1 Lakeview Road. Manufacturing of animal and poultry feeds. Tours Monday through Friday, 1-2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice required. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact the Plant Manager. Phone: 701 227-1277. EDGELEY 44 Farmers Union Grain Terminal Association Feed Plant, P.O. Box 187. Manufacturer of liquid sup- plements and dry feeds for animals and poultry. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Cameras and sketches permitted outside. Contact the Plant Manager. Phone:701493-2271. FARGO 66 Branick, The Retread Equipment Division, Applied Power, Inc., 2600 — 3rd Avenue North. Manufac- turer of tire-handling equipment. Tours Monday through Friday. Advance notice of 2 weeks re- quired. Contact the Plant Manager. Phone: 701 235-4446. 37 Cass Clay Creamery, Inc., 200-20 Street North. Manufacturing and distributing dairy products. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice preferred. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Dalles Henning or Howard Thorson. Phone: 701 293-6455. 83 Richtman's - Midwest Printing and Office Supply Company, 404 — 4th Avenue North. Printers. Tours Tuesday through Friday. Advance notice required. Contact the Plant Manager. Phone: 701 235-7548. 105 Steiger Tractor, Inc., 3101 First Avenue North. Manufacturer of 4-wheel drive agricultural tractors. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11:30 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday by appoint- ment only. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice of 3 days required. Preschool children discouraged. Contact Personnel or Steve Bowman of the Market- ing Resource Center. Phone: 701 293-4482 or 701 293-4476. GRAND FORKS 49 North Dakota Mill and Elevator. Manufacturer of bakery flour, commercial feed grain and durum semolina. One tour at plant and three tours of North Dakota farms. Advance notice preferred. Contact Sam Kahl, Assistant Manager. MANDAN 50 Cloverdale Foods Company, 103 — 4th Avenue, N.W. Meat processing. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 15-30 min- utes. Advance notice preferred. Contact Robert Schulte or Jim Miller. Phone: 701 663-951 1 . 20 Dynamic Homes of Dakota, Inc., 2102 Walker Drive. Factory-built housing plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice required. Contact the Plant Manager. Phone: 701 663-4252. OAKES 68 Oakes Manufacturing, Inc. Metal fabrication and welding. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact the Plant Manager. Phone: 701 742-3284. RIVERDALE 82 Garrison Dam Powerplant. Hydroelectric power. Tours 7 days a week, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Labor Day through Memorial Day tours are by appointment only. Tour length: 20 minutes. Contact the Park Manager, Recreation-Resource Branch, Corps of Engineers. Phone: 701 654-7411, Ext. 63. RUGBY 68 Rugby Hydraulics, Rural Route 1, Box F2. Man- ufacturer of hydraulic cylinders. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice preferred. Contact the Plant Manager. Phone: 701 776-5776. STANTON 82 United Power Association, P.O. Box 256. Genera- tion of electricity. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Advance notice required. Contact Plant Superintendent. Phone: 701 745-3387. TUTTLE 37 Tuttle Dairy Products. Processing of cheese and dairy products. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 701 867-2529. VALLEY CITY 65 Arkota Industries, Inc., 739 N.W. 2nd Street. Woodworking — solid hardwood shelving and gift products. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Manufacturing Manager. Phone: 701 845-2511. 113 Tri W-G, Inc., 215— 12th Avenue, N.E. Manufac- turer of electrically and hydraulically operated re- habilitation products. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 3 days required. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact the Plant Manager. Phone: 701 845-3984. NORTH DAKOTA 91 WAHPETON 97 Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative, 2 miles north of No. 210 Bypass. Sugar factory. Tours daily from mid-September to mid-December, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Public Relations Director. Phone: 701 642-841 1 , Ext. 76. OHIO AKRON 85 The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, 1200 Fires- tone Parkway. Tire manufacturer. Tour includes a film, product display area and tour of factory opera- tions. Tours Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours the first two weeks of July. Group number: 40 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Miss Jean Sonnhalter, Department of Public Relations. Phone: 216 379-7701. 92 Goodwill Industries of Akron, Inc., 36 South Col- lege Street. Rehabilitation and employment of hand- icapped people. Tour includes the Rehabilitation Department, training workshops and employment areas — radio and television repair, refurbishing tex- tiles, small engine repair, carpentry and appliance repair. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 15-60 minutes. Contact David P. Boldt or Betty Lyons. Phone: 216 762-8421. 85 Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 1144 East Market Street. Manufacturer of tires and rubber products. Tour includes a brief history of the rubber industry, rubber collection, Charles Goodyear' s con- tribution and a tour through a tire factory. Tours Monday through Friday, 1 p.m.; exhibit open daily, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 65 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required for groups of more than 10. Cameras not permitted in the factory. Children under 12 not admitted to the factory. Contact Richard G. Hughes, Curator. Phone: 216 794-2044. ASHTABULA 79 Molded Fiber Glass Companies, P.O. Box 675. (Molded Fiber Glass Company, MFG Concrete Forms Company, MFG Metal Fabricating Com- pany.) Tour includes all phases of manufacturing, from receiving of raw materials through shipping of finished product. Tours Monday thrugh Friday, by appointment. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 100 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Contact Glen Warner, Vice President for Advertising, Publicity and Community Relations. Phone: 216 997-5851, Ext. 162. BEDFORD 113 Kulis Freeze Dry Taxidermy, 725 Broadway Av- enue. Freeze dry taxidermy and manufacturing of freeze dry machines. Visitors see the various proce- dures involved in freeze dry taxidermy. Tours Mon- day through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 3 days required. Contact Joanne Ferrara. Phone: 216 232-8352. BOWLING GREEN 50 Cains Marcelle Potato Chips, Inc., 425 Napoleon Road. Potato chip manufacturer. A guided tour from potato storage to the production line, then through packaging and ending at the warehouse. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9-11 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 7-10 days required. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Mary Blair, Tour Guide. Phone: 419 352-3509. BRYAN 37 Pet, Inc., 719 East High Street. Manufacturing and canning of evaporated milk. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 5-40. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact J.L. Beattie. Phone:419 636-1181. CAMBRIDGE 55 Mosser Glass, Inc., Route 22, East. Manufacturer of antique reproductions. Visitors see glassware being pressed or blown manually (no automation), the finishing area and the showroom. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. No tours the first two weeks of July. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. Children must be accompanied by parents. Tours available on request. Phone: 614 439-1827. CANTON 76 Weber Dental, 2206— 13th Street, N.E. Manufac- turer of dental chairs, instrument delivery systems. X-rays and operatory lights. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p. m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. No tours for two weeks in July and August. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact V.J. Ford, President. Phone: 216 455-0366. CARDINGTON 111 Le Boudin Vineyard & Winery, Rural Route 3, Box 172. Tour of winery, vineyard and wine tasting room. Tours Tuesday through Saturday, 12 noon to 12 midnight. Tour length: 15-30 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day preferred. Children must be accompanied by par- ents. Contact Carroll or Ruth Hubbell. Phone: 419 768-2091. 92 OHIO CELINA 60 Celina Insurance Group, Insurance Square. Insur- ance and data processing. Tour of facilities, plus a visitation with the senior executives. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-10. Written notice of 1 month required. Children not admitted. Contact Bernard Moore. Phone:419 586-5181. CINCINNATI 72 The Cincinnati Enquirer, 617 Vine Street. News- paper. Tour includes the newsroom, library, com- posing room and pressroom. Tours Monday through Thursday, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 10-40. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact the Information Center. Phone: 513 721-2700. 72 The Cincinnati Post, 800 Broadway. Daily news- paper publisher. A slide presentation is followed by a guided tour of the editorial, business and mechani- cal departments. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-30. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Gregory J. Ptacin, Promotion Director. Phone: 513 721-1111. Ill Meier's Wine Cellars, 6955 Plainfield Road. Tour of winery, followed by wine tasting. Tours Wednes- day through Saturday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Children under 18 not admitted. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Robert Raussen, Tour Director. Phone: 513 891-2900. 39 National Distillers & Chemical Corporation, 120 Section Road. Tour includes distillation of gin and vodka, bottling of whiskies and cordials, canned cocktails, quality control, shipping, bulk and full case storage. Tours weekdays by appointment, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours in July. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required for groups larger than 20. Cameras permitted in explosion-proof areas only. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact J.L. Graham or V. Lemmel. Phone: 513 948-4712. 92 Ohio Valley Goodwill Industries Rehabilitation Center, Inc., 10600 Springfield Pike. Vocationally-oriented comprehensive rehabilitation agency for the handicapped. Tour includes produc- tion, industrial services (subcontracting), communi- cations, plant health, physical and occupational therapy, personnel, dormitory, cafeteria, watchmak- ing school and thrift store. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour lengtth: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week preferred. Camera use restricted to facilities only — not of people. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Robert Lovett, Director of Volunteer Services, or Miss Mary Fettis, Public Relations Department. Phone: 513 771-4800. 68 Steelcraft Manufacturing Company, 9017 Blue Ash Road. Manufacturer of metal doors, frames and entrance systems. A brief product orientation is followed by a tour of the manufacturing facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 2-3 hours. Group number: 40 maxi- mum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Richard B. Brian, Marketing Services Manager. Phone: 513 791-8800. Ill Warren J. Sublette Winery Company, 2260 Central Parkway. Tour of small, premium quality winery, including fermentation, aging, testing and bottling areas. Tours Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (after 5 p.m. by appointment only). Tour length: 15-60 minutes. Group number: 50 maxi- mum. Contact Warren J. Sublette. Phone: 513 651-4570. CIRCLEVILLE 111 Shawnee Vineyards, 8531 S.R. 56 East. Guided tour includes the wine cellar, wine tasting, sales area and restaurant. Tours Monday through Saturday, 1 1 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Jack Goode, Owner. Phone: 614 474-8918. CLARKSVILLE 111 Tarula Farms, 1786 Creek Road. Winery. Tours Wednesday through Friday, 12 noon to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 12 noon to 1 a.m. Tour length: 15-20 minutes. Group number: 2-20. Advance notice pre- ferred for large groups. Contact Ron Peerey or Vickie McClary. Phone: 513 289-2181. OHIO 93 CLEVELAND Bobbie Brooks, 3830 Kelley Avenue. Junior sportswear manufacturer. Tour of cutting center operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 15-30. Advance notice of 1 month required. Contact Cindy Glassman. Phone: 216 881-5300. The East Ohio Gas Company, 1717 East Ninth Street. Natural gas utility. Tour includes the energy control center for natural gas distribution system, exploration and development department and data processing department. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 12-45. Advance notice required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Joanne Potts. Phone: 216 522-2949. NASA Lewis Research Center, Visitor Information Center, 21000 Brookpark Road. National Aeronau- tics & Space Administration. Tour includes an orientation on NASA's past and future space flights, the display area and a tour of the facilities. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a. m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 20-150. Advance notice required for scheduled tours; the display and exhibit area located in the Visitor Information Center is open to the public without prior notice required. Either alien registration or passport number is required at least two days in advance of tour date. French and Spanish translation available. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Patricia Hannan. Phone: 216 433-4000, Ext. 731. 95 Republic Steel Corporation, Republic Building, P.O. Box 6778. Steelmaking — bars, sheets, strips, etc. Tour includes the hot and cold strip and sheet mills, environmental control facilities (air and water quality control plants), bar and blooming mills and, on occasion, steelmaking shops (basic oxygen fur- naces). Tours by appointment Monday through Fri- day, 9:30 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours and 30 minutes. Group number: 20-200. Advance notice of 4 weeks required for reservations. Transla- tion services available for Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, Spanish and Italian. No cameras permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Charles M. Nekvasil, Public Relations Representative. Phone: 216 574-7686. COLDWATER 45 Avco New Idea Farm Equipment Company, 1st and Sycamore Streets. Manufacturer of specialized farm equipment — manure spreaders, corn pickers, hay tools, uni system of self-propelled harvest equip- ment. Tour of plant and facilities. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours the first two weeks in July. Group number: 100 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Donald W. Kaiser, Safety Engineer. Phone: 419 678-5455. COLUMBUS 60 Buckeye Union Insurance Company, 1111 East Broad Street. Property and casualty insurance. Tours Monday through Friday by appointment, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 20-30 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice required. French, German and Spanish translation available. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Thomas E. Gallagher. Phone: 614 253-881 1. 72 The Plain Dealer Publishing Company, 1801 Superior Avenue. Daily and Sunday newspaper. Tour includes a visit to the city room, composing room, pressroom and mail room. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15-60. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras permitted. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Veena Bhupali. Phone: 216 523-4230. 108 Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Company, 215 North Front Street. Electric utility. Tour of Conesville Generating Station and surface mining operation. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 3 hours. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact W.E. Wilcoxon. Phone: 614 464-7287. 94 OHIO 73 The Dean & Barry Company, 296 Marconi Boulevard. Paint manufacturer. Visitors see the receiving and storing of raw materials, mixing of raw materials, packaging, labeling, laboratory and shipping room. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Translation services available on a prear- ranged basis only. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Robert S. McKay II, President, or Howard Kerr, Production Manager. Phone: 614 224-3131. 72 Dispatch Printing Company, 34 South Third Street. Metropolitan daily newspaper. Tour includes the editorial, advertising, circulation and production functions of the newspaper. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-35. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Sandy Clary, Public Service Department. Phone:614 461-5244. 7 Fisher Body GMC, 200 Georgesville Road. Hardware plant. Tour of plant areas and the Admin- istration Building. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. No tours the last week of July and first week of August. Group number: 50 maximum. Written notice of 1 month required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Jeryl Phillips. Phone: 614 275-5132. 92 Goodwill Industries of Central Ohio, Inc., 1331 Edgehill Road. Vocational rehabilitation services for the handicapped. Visitors see the latest techniques in vocational rehabilitation, including vocational evaluation, vocational and personal ad- justment, skill training and several specialized re- habilitation programs. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 60 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras permitted. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Kevin Oberle, Community Relations Director. Phone: 614 294-5181. 10 ITT Continental Baking Company, 697 North 4th Street. Bread production. An introduction is fol- lowed by a tour of the plant and a question-and- answer period. Tours Wednesday and Thursday by appointment only. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras permitted. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Pat Curtis, Secretary to the General Manager-Personnel Director. Phone: 614 294-5375. 98 Lazarus, Town and High Streets. Department store. Visitors see the following areas: display, sign shop, drapery workroom, alteration departments, associate clinic and cafeteria area, and mail/phone order office. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours from November 15 through the month of December. Group number: 10-18. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Miss Helen Roboski or Mrs. Betty Raymond, Spe- cial Events Director. Phone: 614 463-3578 or 614 463-2768. 83 National Graphics Corporation, 724 East Woodrow Avenue, Box 719. Printing. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Group number: 10 maxi- mum. Advance notice required. No cameras permit- ted. Children not admitted. Contact Paul D. Cooper. Phone; 614 445-3291 . 56 United States Post Office, 850 Twin Rivers Drive. Visitors see the cancellation and distribution sys- tems which serve Columbus and 160 other post offices in central Ohio. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 6-7 p.m.; students, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tour length: 75 minutes. Group number: 10-45. Advance notice of 10 days required. No sketches permitted. Children under 10 not admit- ted. Contact Roy W. Baker, Manager of Retail Sales & Services. Phone: 614 469-5534. 83 Xerox Education Center, 1250 Fairwood Avenue. Printing and publishing of school periodicals and associated school materials — all phases of commer- cial printing. Guided tour includes office areas, stock/storage, press rooms (rotary and sheet-fed), bindery and distribution areas. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. Group number: 5-50. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 5 not admitted. Contact Charles B. DeWitt, Man- ager Industrial Relations. Phone: 614 253-0892. CRESTLINE 27 Royster Farm Service Center, Box 89, West Bucyrus Road. Manufacturer of fertilizer and chem- icals. Visitors are given an explanation of the blending of materials for different analysis and chemicals used for weed problems in crops such as beans, corn, wheat and oats. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 3 hours. Advance notice of 1 week required. No sketches permitted. Contact Dan Schroeder, 7242 Crestline Road, Crestline, Ohio 44827. Phone: 419 683-2026. OHIO 95 CUYAHOGA FALLS 30 WKDD, 1675 State Road. Radio station. Tour includes on-air control room, production studio, newsroom and traffic department. Tours Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact John Deineter. Phone: 216 923-9761. DAYTON 50 Cassano's, Inc., 1700 East Stroop Road. Pizza and seafood. The tour consists of the production, warehouse and dining room facilities. Tours Tues- day, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-35. Advance notice of 2-3 months required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Bernadette Shear. Phone: 513 294-8400. 18 72 Dayton Newspapers, Inc., 4th and Ludlow Streets. Daily newspapers — Dayton Daily News and Dayton Journal Herald. The tour includes the printing facilities, advertising, circulation and editorial de- partments. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 10 5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice preferred. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact the Promotion De- partment. Phone: 513 225-2090. 85 Dayton Tire & Rubber Company, 2342 West River- side Avenue. Tire manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30-11 a.m. or 1:30-3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 5-40. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact l^-, Michael J. Terrell, Public Relations Manager. Phone:513 278-2666. 50 Mike-Sell's Potato Chip Company, 333 Leo Street. Potato chip manufacturer. Complete visual inspec- tion of process of manufacturing potato chips. Tours by appointment, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 7 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Joy Brush. Phone: 513 228-9400. Ohio Bell Telephone Company, 369 West 1st Street. Tour includes the electronic telephone operator of- fices, information operator offices, electronic con- trol offices and clerical operations, if requested. Tours Monday through Friday for 5 to 10 persons and Tuesday through Thursday for groups of more than 10, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evening tours by special arrangement. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice of 2 weeks required for groups of 20 or more people. No cameras permitted. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Mary Ellen Sears, Supervisor, Community Rela- tions. Phone: 513 443-7213. WING Radio, 717 East David Road. Radio broad- casting. Tour of facilities with brief description of how a radio station operates. Tours Monday through Friday, by appointment only. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice of 2 weeks to 1 month required, except during school year when booking is heaviest. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Deborah Parenti, Vice President, Marketing. Phone: 513 222-3773. DEFIANCE Brown's Bakery, Inc., Wayne and Downs Streets, P.O. Box 27. Wholesale bakery — buns and bread. Visitors see the mixing of doughs, dividing into loaves, molding, proofing, baking, cooling and wrapping. Tours daily, except Tuesday and Satur- day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Children under 9 not admitted. Con- tact Fred J. Brown, Dick Graham or Bob Mertz. Phone: 419 784-3330. DELAWARE World Wide Games, Inc., 3527 State Route 37 West. Manufacturer of wooden games. Tour in- cludes a visit through the manufacturing shop, finishing rooms, packing and shipping areas. Game instruction and demonstration are given, leaving time for game participation by visitors. Tours Tues- day through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tours Monday and Friday available by request. Tour length: 1 hour (30 minutes for facility tour and 30 minutes for game instruction and play). Group number: 4-35. Advance notice required. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Warren O. Bailey, Mary Lea Bailey or John Rogers. Phone: 614 363-2324. 96 OHIO EAST CANTON 79 Merit Plastics, Inc., 400 West Nassau Street. Plas- tics manufacturer — injection molding, extrusion, push-pull control cables. Visitors see shuttle type molding and manufacturing of casing for controls, plus assembly of controls. Tours Tuesday and Wed- nesday, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-8. Advance notice of 1-2 weeks required. German translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admit- ted. Contact H.C. Kappel, Senior Vice President. Phone: 216 488-1231. EAST LIBERTY 7 Transportation Research Center of Ohio, U.S. Route 33. Automotive transportation proving grounds and test center. A slide presentation is followed by a tour of the outdoor facilities. Tours Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tours available Monday through Thursday by special arrangements. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. It is preferred that large groups tour by bus. Advance notice of I week required. Hindu translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under high school senior level are not admitted. Contact Chuck Harroff. Phone: 513 666-201 1. FINDLAY 72 The Courier, 701 West Sandusky Street. Morning daily newspaper (no Sunday). Tours Monday through Friday, by appointment. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Allen P. Dudley, Vice President. Phone:419 422-5151. FOSTORIA 2 Copeland Corporation, 1 150 State Street. Manufac- turer of refrigeration condensing units. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. No tours the first full two weeks in August. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact George Binder, Plant Manager. Phone: 419 435-8501. FREMONT 67 Peter Eckrich and Sons, Inc., 2500 Industrial Road. Meat processing — sliced luncheon meats. Tour con- sists of processing, packaging and shipping opera- tions, including quality assurance laboratory func- tions, USD A Inspector's office and central control room. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-35. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Le Thomas, Industrial Rela- tions Manager. Phone: 419 332-1541. GALION 30 North Electric Company, 553 South Market Street. Telecommunications equipment manufacturer. Vis- itors see a power supply production plant. (Research and Development Center is located at Delaware, Ohio.) Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a. m. to 12 noon or 1:30-4 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. No tours the first two weeks of July. Group number: 6-50. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Spanish and French translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact William D. Wilson, Assistant to the Presi- dent, Advertising and Public Relations Department. Phone:419 468-8167. HAMILTON 74 The Beckett Paper Company, 400 Dayton Street. Paper manufacturing. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice of 1 month required. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Mark D. Treleaven, General Supervisor, Industrial Relations Department. Phone: 513 863-5641. 7 Fisher Body Division, General Motors Corporation, 4400 Dixie Highway. Metal fabrication of auto parts and assemblies. Tour of manufacturing facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours from June through August. Group number: 5-25. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children over 8 admitted when accompanied by an adult. Contact C.W. Schlake. Phone: 513 863-471 1 , Ext. 304. HUDSON 66 Terex Division of General Motors, 5405 Darrow Road, State Route 91. Manufacturer of earthmoving equipment (crawlers, haulers, scrapers, loaders). Tour of manufacturing plant (machining, heat treat, final assembly) and tour of engineering plant (re- search and development). Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-75. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Spanish, German, French and Portuguese translation available. No cameras or sketches per- mitted. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Mary Sopko. Phone: 216 655-5233. OHIO 97 JACKSON CENTER 105 Airstream, 419 West Pike Street. Manufacturer of travel trailers (recreational vehicle industry). Tour through factory and showing of finished products. Tours September through June 15, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours June 15 through July 10. Advance notice required for groups of more than 30. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Dan Chamberlin, Direc- tor of Sales, or Frank Judy, Plant Manager. Phone: 513 596-6111. MANSFIELD 85 The Mansfield Tire & Rubber Company, 515 New- man Street. Manufacturer of tires and tubes. Visitors see how component parts of a tire are made, assem- bled into a tire and then cured as the finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours the week of July 4. Group number: 4 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 1 day required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Nick M. Polles, Manager of Public Relations. Phone: 419 522-41 1 1. KENTON 68 Kenton Structural & Ornamental Iron Works, Inc., 100 Cleveland Avenue. Fabrication of structural steel and miscellaneous metals — steel stairs, metal rails (ferrous and non-ferrous), light framing. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact B. Collins. Phone: 419 674-4025. LEIPSIC 50 Libby McNeill & Libby, 701 West Main Street. Food processing — tomato juice, ketchup, sauces. Tour of ketchup plant operations, including tomato receiving, preparation, filling and packaging, plus warehousing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Plant operations are sea- sonal, and written notice of 6 weeks is required. Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact David K. Miller, Supervisor, Personnel Administration. Phone: 419 943-2121. MADISON 111 Chalet Debonne Vineyards, Inc., 7743 Doty Road. Winery — producers of wines, fresh grapes and juice. Tour begins in the Hospitality Room, fol- lowed by a tour of the cellars and concluding at the tasting rooom. Tours Tuesday through Saturday, 1-8 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. No tours the first two weeks of January. Group number: 5-40. Advance notice required. No sketches permitted. Contact Rose Debevc. Phone: 216 466-3485. MANCHESTER 111 Moyer Vineyards, Rural Route 1. Winery and res- taurant. Manufacturer of wines and champagne. Tours Monday through Saturday, 1 1 :30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tour length: 20-30 minutes. No tours the first two weeks of January. Group number: 60 maxi- mum. Advance notice required for large groups. Contact Ken Moyer. Phone: 513 549-2957. MARION 66 Marion Power Shovel Company, Inc., 617 West Center Street. Manufacturer of excavators. Visitors see the fabrication and machining facilities, plus films. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 2-3 hours. No tours between Christmas and New Year's. Group number: 20 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Translation available for Arabic, French, Indian, Spanish and other Latin-based languages. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children not admit- ted. Contact E. Steidle. Phone: 614 383-521 1. MIDDLEFIELD 85 The Johnson Rubber Company, 16025 Johnson Avenue. Visitors see the basic workings of indus- trial rubber extrusion and molding. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-12. Advance notice re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Donald Finefrock. Phone: 216 632-1611. MIDDLETOWN 95 Armco Steel Corporation, Middletown Works. Manufacturer of iron and steel (strip and sheet steel). Visitors see the processes of manufacturing iron and steel, including rolling and coating processes. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tour length: 2-3 hours. Written notice of 6 weeks re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Louis J. Brown. Phone: 513 425-3331. 33 Diamond International Corporation, 407 Charles Street. Paperboard and folding carton manufacturer. Tour includes the main office, with comments from executive officers, and the production facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 5-25. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Timothy D. Haap, Super- visor of Industrial Relations, or Mr. S.L. Hockaden, Director of Industrial Relations. Phone: 513 422-2772. 98 OHIO 74 The Sorg Paper Company, 901 Manchester Avenue. Manufacturer of speciality paper. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 75 minutes to 2 hours. Group number: 2-30. (Groups of 3-4 preferred.) Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Richard W. Krebs, Per- sonnel Manager. Phone: 513 422-3661 . MILAN 95 Milan Steel Industries, Inc., 21 North Main Street. Fabrication job shop — weldments, forming, shear- ing, burning. Products include dry bulk storage tanks, dust collectors, structural steel, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. No tours December 24 through January 1 . Advance notice preferred. Contact Albert E. Wharff, Chairman of the Board. Phone: 419 499-2562. MILLERSBURG 37 Guggisberg Cheese Company, Route 4. Manufac- turer of Baby Swiss and Swiss Cheese. Visitors see the process of making cheese (between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.). Tours Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. German translation avail- able. Contact Mrs. Guggisberg. Phone: 216 893-2500. MORROW 111 Valley Vineyards Farm, 2041 East U.S. 22. Win- ery. Guided tours available with advance notice. Winery is open to the public for self-guided tours at any time. Tours Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Advance notice required for groups of more than 14. Contact Marcia McCann. Phone: 513 899-2485. MT. VERNON 33 Weyerhaeuser Company, Granville Road. Manufac- turer of corrugated containers. Tour and explanation of equipment and processes. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Contact Aaron Rasmussen, Production Manager. Phone:614 397-5215. NEW BOSTON 95 Empire-Detroit Steel Division, Portsmouth Plant, 3879 Rhodes Avenue. Steel mill — coke, pig iron and ingots. Tour includes coke plant, blast furnace and open hearth. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact J. L. McGlone, Manager of Safety and Security. Phone: 614 456-2318. NEW PHILADELPHIA 48 Endres Floral Company, 635 West High Avenue. Rose growers. Tour of rose greenhouses. Tours daily, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Eugene Endres, President. Phone: 216 343-6667. ORRVILLE 68 Orrville Products, Inc., 375 East Orr Street. Man- ufacturer of cabs for trucks and off-highway vehi- cles. Tours Monday through Friday by appointment, afternoons preferred. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 18 not admitted. Contact Harry Featherstone or Ronald Lamontagne. Phone: 216 683-4010. 37 Smith Dairy Products Company, 230 North Vine Street. Dairy. Visitors observe the processing of milk, ice cream and cottage cheese. Tours week- days, except Wednesday, 10-10:30 a.m. Tour length: 15-20 minutes. Group number: 6-20. Ad- vance notice required. Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Kim Amstutz. Phone: 216 682-7716. PARMA 7 Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors Corpora- tion, Parma Plant, Chevrolet Boulevard at Brook- park Road. Manufacturer of automotive compon- ents, transmissions, sheet metal parts and propeller shafts. Tour includes typical machining and pressed metal areas and transmission assembly line. Tours Monday through Friday by appointment. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. No tours late July or early August. Group number: 5 minimum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras permitted. Chil- dren under 13 not admitted. Contact A.J. Promer, Education and Training Department. Phone: 216 265-5378. ROSEVILLE 17 Nelson McCoy Pottery Company, 451 Gordon Street. Manufacturer of pottery. Visitors see the complete process of manufacturing from raw mate- rial to finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tour length: 20-30 min- utes. No tours the first two weeks of July. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Children must be ac- companied by adults. Contact Mr. Arthur Lane. Phone:614 697-7331. OHIO 99 SHELBY 68 Ohio Steel Tube Company, 132 West Main Street. Manufacturer of seamless and welded steel tubing. Visitors see piercing, welding, annealing, pickling, cold drawing and cutting operations. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours June 15 through July 20. Group number: 4-24. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 12 not admitted. Contact Richard E. Gilbert, Manager of Personnel and Safety. Phone: 419 347-2424. 68 Webster Industries, Inc., West End Hall Street. Manufacturer of bulk material-handling systems and chain and conveyor components. Tour includes the machining, fabricating, press department, assembly operation and malleable foundry. Tours Monday through Friday by prior arrangements, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the week of July 4 and December 24 through January 1 . Group number: 4 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact James Young, Personnel Manager. Phone: 419 447-8232. SPRINGFIELD 45 International Harvester Company, 6125 Urbana Road. Truck manufacturing. Visitors observe as- sembly of trucks from start to finish. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 10-11 a.m. and 1-2 p.m. Special tours by prior arrangements. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours for two weeks in July and one week at Christmas. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Use of cameras and sketches is limited. Visitors must wear leather foot- wear and safety glasses (goggles provided by Inter- national Harvester Company). School groups of children under 15 not admitted. Contact R.E. Wilson, Public Relations Manager, or Mrs. N.S. Tyler, Secretary. Phone: 513 390-4650 or 513 390-4469. TIFFIN 72 The Advertiser-Tribune, 320 Nelson Street. News- paper. Tour includes the business, editorial, adver- tising, composing, platemaking, press and circula- tion departments. Tours Monday through Friday, 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-30. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Circulation Department. Phone: 419 447-4455. 50 Ballreich Bros., Inc., Rear 188 Ohio Avenue. Man- ufacturer of potato chips. Tour includes entire facilities. Tours weekdays, except Wednesday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 25 minutes. Advance notice required. German translation available. Con- tact Opal Davis, Office Manager. Phone: 419 447-1814. 63 Noba, Inc., 684 East Perry Street, P.O. Box 607. Artificial insemination — dairy and beef cattle. Vis- itors see the facilities and bulls. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact David F. Grimm, Advertising & Promotion De- partment. Phone: 419 447-6262. TOLEDO 72 Toledo Blade Company, 541 Superior Street. News- paper. Tour of facilities includes an explanation of the publishing and printing operations. Tours Tues- day through Thursday, 1-3:30 p.m. (Tours Monday and Friday when possible.) Tour length: 75 minutes. Group number: 10-18. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. Translation services available with prior arrangement. Children under 12 not admitted. Con- tact Neelah Kershner. Phone: 419 259-7386. 18 WTOL-TV, 604 Jackson Street. Television station. Tours Tuesday, 10 a.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice required for reserva- tions. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Janet Vanell. Phone:419 244-7411. URBANA 81 The Kirby Hatcheries, Inc., 1100 North Main Street. Chicken hatchery. Visitors see the complete process, including traying the eggs, putting the eggs in incubators, removing chicks from hatchers, grad- ing and shipping. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 5 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Lillian Boystel. Phone: 513 653-7178. VAN WERT 60 Central Mutual Insurance Company, 800 South Washington Street. Property and casualty insurance. Visitors observe typical U.S. property and casualty insurance operation, including computer operation, unique museum of early American fire-fighting equipment and original fire marks. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Wayne E. Page, Personnel Assistant. Phone: 419 238-1010. 100 OHIO WAPAKONETA 37 Fisher Cheese Company/Cheese Wedge, Wapak Fisher Road. Manufacturer of natural cheese and process cheese. Visitors see a slide presentation on cheese and the basic manufacturing operation. No tour is given of the plant. Slide presentation avail- able daily, by appointment; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Length: 30 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice preferred. Contact Kathy Hunt. Phone: 419 738-8941. 68 The Wapakoneta Machine Company, North Street (P.O. Drawer 429). Manufacturer of straight and rotary shear knives, woodworking knives and hard- ened ways. Tour covers machining, heat-treating and grinding of full line of machine knives. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 6 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Contact Albert W. Winterman, Vice President, Sales. Phone:419 738-2131. WARREN 7 GM Assembly Division, General Motors Corpora- tion, Lordstown Plant, P.O. Box 1406. GM automo- tive assembly — producing the Chevrolet Vega and Pontiac Astre. Visitors observe automobiles being assembled. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 36 maxi- mum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 5 not admitted. Contact Mr. Ronald G. Norwood or the Tour Coordinator. Phone: 216 841-5210. WILLARD 44 Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Cen- ter, "Muck Crops Branch." Research on all vegeta- ble crops on muck. Visitors see potato and celery varieties and herbicide, fungicide and insecticide testing. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours October through April. Advance notice required. Contact Ed Postema. Phone: 419 935-1201. WOOSTER 33 International Paper Company, 689 Palmer Street. Manufacturer of corrugated containers. Visitors see paper converted into corrugated sheets; painting and cutting of sheets; stitching, taping or gluing of boxes and the boxes palletized and loaded on trucks. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Richard L. Ball, Personnel Manager. Phone: 216 264-1322. 68 Regal Ware, Inc., 770 Spruce Street. Manufacturer of cooking utensils — pots and pans. Tour includes entire manufacturing and packing facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:15-10:15 a.m. and 1:15- 2:15 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the first two weeks in July. Group number: 10-50. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Children under 16 and adults over 75 not admitted. Contact T. Gail Reigle, Office Manager. Phone:216 262-3015. YOUNGSTOWN 94 American Paper Products Company, 8401 Southern Boulevard. Envelope manufacturer. Tour includes sheeter, die cutting, envelope machinery and ship- ping area. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 15-20 minutes. No tours the last two weeks of July and December 23 through January 3. Group number: 10 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. German translation available. Chil- dren under 18 not admitted. Contact Richard Hunsicker, Public Relations Department, or Paul Blum, Vice President Manufacturing. Phone: 216 758-4545. 56 U.S. Post Office & Court House, 9 West Front Street. Postal service. Visitors observe postal opera- tions, procedures and programs. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Customer Services. Phone: 216 746-8071. OKLAHOMA ANTLERS 5 Peddlers II, 200 S.W. "C." Manufacturer of wom- en's clothing. Tour of cutting, sewing, pressing and shipping operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. No tours the week of July 4 and Christmas week. Advance notice required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Mr. Mike Winningham, Plant Manager. Phone: 405 298-3334. ATOKA 53 Ethan Allen Furniture Company, Inc., Atoka Divi- sion, Route 3, Box 425. Upholstered furniture distribution center for the southwest. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-1 1:30 a.m. and 1:30-3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the last week in June and the first week in July. Advance notice required. Contact Keith Sanders. Phone: 405 889-6601 . OKLAHOMA 101 DUNCAN 75 Halliburton Services, 1015 Bois D'Arc. Oil. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Michelle Taylor. Phone: 405 251-3192. 75 Sun Oil Company, P.O. Box 820. Oil refining. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 10 not admitted. Contact E.R. Mullins. Phone: 405 255-4400. EL RENO 56 State Game Farm, Department of Wildlife Conser- vation, Box 121, Route 3. Game bird hatchery — exotic game bird and native animal exhibits includ- ing prairie dog towns. Visitors observe prairie dog towns, exotic game bird exhibits and native animal exhibits. From late February to mid-May, visitors can observe game birds hatching in incubators. Tours daily except holidays, 9-1 1 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Advance notice re- quired for groups of more than 20 persons. Phone: 405 262-2372. ENID 93 Raleigh Industries of America, Inc., Enid Manufac- turing Plant, U.S. 64 and Raleigh Street (Route 5, Box 42- A). Bicycle assembly plant. Tour of assem- bly lines includes wheel-building, decoration and final assembly of high quality bicycles for distribu- tion to all parts of the United States. Tours Monday through Friday by appointment. Plant hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Contact Mrs. Nancy Davies or Mr. Ed Dewan. Phone: 405 233-6300. GUYMON 102 Adams Hardfacing, 802 N.E. 6th. Manufacturer of hardfaced tools. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Don Adams. Phone: 405 338-3326. 67 Swift & Company, Highway 54 East. Beef proces- sing. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice required. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admit- ted. Contact William C. Ozenberger. Phone: 405 338-3311. 63 Texas County Feed Yard, Highway 54 East. Feed- ing cattle for market. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Advance notice required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact E.R. Kimsey. Phone: 405 338-7714. HOMINY 53 Leggett & Piatt, Inc., Highway 99 North. Manufac- turer of metal bed frames for all types of beds. Tour of the warehouse, shipping area, offices and then through the manufacturing process. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No tours the last week of July and the first week of August. Advance notice required. Contact Ross Griffith, Plant Man- ager. Phone: 918 885-2137 or 918 885-4751. Munsingwear Factory, northwest of Hominy. Man- ufacturer of men's and women's lingerie. Tour includes offices, cafeteria and manufacturing and shipping areas. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No tours the first two weeks of July. Advance notice required. Contact Larry Sowle, Plant Manager. Phone: 918 885-2013. HOOKER 63 Master Feeders, Inc., Route 1. Feedlot (custom cattle feeding). Complete tour of cattle feeding facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Russell de Cordova, Manager. Phone: 405 652-2494. IDABEL 50 Joplin Egg Processing Plant, 503 South Central. Visitors see the receiving, processing, cartoning and packing of eggs to be trucked to the Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas area. Tours weekdays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact Joe Joplin. Phone: 405 286-3387. Mc ALESTER 10 Holsum Baking Company of Oklahoma, Inc., 106 South 6th Street. Visitors observe production of bread and rolls. Tours daily except Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 3-4 days required. Contact J.O. Richardson, Plant Superintendent. Phone: 918 423-2888. 102 OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA CITY 56 Federal Aviation Administration Aeronautical Cen- ter, 6500 South MacArthur. This is a technical training and research center for Federal Aviation Agency personnel. Tour of the FA A Academy shows classrooms and laboratories where training is given for air traffic controllers, airway facilities maintenance personnel and flight standards person- nel. It is preferred that tours be limited to people or groups with an aviation background due to the highly technical nature of the operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ad- vance notice required. Children under 14 not admit- ted. Contact Ed Green, Assistant Public Affairs Officer. Phone: 405 686-2562. 18 KOCO-TV, N.W. 63rd and Portland, P.O. Box 32325. Television station. Tour of business offices, news room, production and engineering facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-5 p.m. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact John D. Harrison or Joyce Jackson. Phone: 405 848-331 1 . 12 Oklahoma Coca-Cola Bottling Company, 600 North May Avenue. Soft drink manufacturer — Coca-Cola. Tours Wednesday, one tour in the morning and one in the afternoon. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 6-40. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 6 not admit- ted. Contact the Personnel Office. Phone: 405 943-8311, Ext. 257 or 260. PAULS VALLEY 10 Fields, Inc., 1974 South Walnut. Bakery — pecan and German chocolate pies. Visitors see an automa- tic assembly line in production of pies, and an oven that bakes 2,500 pies per hour. Tours Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 12 noon or 2-3 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. No tours the first week in July and Christ- mas holidays. Group number: 15 maximum. Ad- vance notice required. Contact Julian Fields or Pasty Livingston. Phone: 405 238-2246. PERRY 66 The Charles Machine Works, P.O. Box 66. Man- ufacturer of the Ditch Witch, a trenching machine. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the week of July 4. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras permitted. Contact Mr. Gene Wood. Phone: 405 336-4404. SAPULPA 17 Frankoma Pottery, Inc., 2400 Frankoma Road, P.O. Box 789. Ceramics — earthenware pottery, dinner- ware and artware. Visitors observe the manufactur- ing process from start to finish. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. No tours during July. Group number: 8-25. Advance notice required. No sketches permit- ted. Contact Mr. Dave Ballard, Manager, Frankoma Retail Shop. Phone: 918 224-551 1 . 56 United States Post Office, 320 Southwest Fifth. Postal service. Tour includes the post office work- room floor; dispatch and distribution of incoming and outgoing mail of all types. Tours available seven days a week, 24-hours a day. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Advance notice required. Groups of children under 7 must be accompanied by adults. Contact Vicki DeMoss, Tour Superintendent's Office, or the Tour Superintendent. Phone: 405 231-4571. 95 W & W Steel Company, 1730 West Reno. Steel fabrication. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Lonnie Selph, Personnel Manager & Safety Director. Phone: 405 235-3621. TONKAWA 45 Wetmore, Inc., 210-12 South Main Street. Man- ufacturer of farm machinery — grinder mixers, grain buggies, wagon gear, hammermills. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours July 1. Group number: 25 maxi- mum. Advance notice preferred. Contact Ruel Case, President. Phone: 405 628-251 1 . TULSA 106 American Airlines, Inc., 3800 North Mingo Road. Guided tour of the hangar and shop. Tours Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 10-50. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact the Manager, Administrative Services. Phone: 9 1 8 836-55 1 1 , Ext. 3337. OKLAHOMA 103 87 Seiscor Division, Seismograph Service Corporation, 6200 East 41st, P.O. Box 1590. Analytical instru- ments, subscriber carrier telephone equipment and supervisory control equipment. Tour includes the machine shops, electronic assembly, paint shop and plating facility. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Group number: 5-50 (10-persons per group). Advance notice of 1 week required. French and Spanish translation available. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact Carol Rorschach. Phone: 918 627-3330. 75 Sun Oil Company, P.O. Box 2039. Crude oil refinery. A 15-minute orientation period is given covering the refining process, followed by a bus tour through the refinery with stops at the Wax Slabbing Unit and the Canning Plant. Tours Monday through Saturday; 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. only on Saturday. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Advance notice required for groups of more than 10-persons. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mike Gilliard. Phone: 918 586-7301. VALLIANT 74 Weyerhaeuser Company, General Delivery. Pa- perboard production. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 2-30. Advance notice of 3-4 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Wanda Graham. Phone: 405 933-7211. WAGONER 40 Prestolite Electrical Division of Eltra, 300 S.E. 15th Street, P.O. Box 734. Manufacturer of small electric motors for recreation and automotive industries. A guided tour through the plant includes the various operations in the manufacture of parts and the assembling of the electric motors. Tours available with advance notice. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 2-10. Written notice of 3 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Mr. Harold Martinson, Personnel Director. Phone: 918 485-5572. OREGON ALBANY 72 Democrat Herald. Group tours only. Advance notice of 1 week required. People interested in journalism are welcome any time. Student tours (5th grade or older) are at 1 p.m. or 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Phone: 503 926-221 1. 48 Great Western Seed Company. Advance notice of 1 day required. Phone: 503 926-2636. 56 U.S. Bureau of Mines. Tours are offered on Wed- nesday. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Harland Jager. Phone: 503 926-581 1 . 83 Van Dahl Publications. Tours preferred on Wednes- day and Thursday. Advance notice of 2 days re- quired. Phone: 503 928-3569. ASTORIA 50 Bumble Bee Seafoods, Inc. Arrangements for tours must be made at the office. Summer months: 8-1 1:15 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. Winter months: 9-1 1:15 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. BANDON 47 Oregon State Fish Hatchery at Bandon. Tours daily. BONNEVILLE 38 Bonneville Lock and Dam. Tours by appointment only. Contact Don Lawrence. Phone: 503 374-8442, Ext. 247. BROOKINGS 65 Brookings Plywood Corporation, 703 Chetco Boulevard (Office), Box 820. Tours Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. Visitors must check at the office before going to the plant. Phone: 503 469-2127. 48 Strahm's Lilies, Box 2216, Oceanview Drive, Har- bor, Oregon. (Drive to Harbor on Highway 101 and follow the signs to the colored lillies.) Visitors see over 300 varieties of lillies growing both indoors and outdoors. Tours from early morning to dark. Phone: 503 469-3792. CLACKAMAS 112 Safeway Distribution Center. Tours can be arranged at the Public Relations Office. Phone: 503 232-2101, Ext. 222 or 257. DALLAS 53 De Graff Church Furniture. Tours by arrangement at the office. 65 Friesen Core Company. Wooden and paper cores. Tours by arrangement at the office. 62 Muir & McDonald Tanners. Tours by arrangement at the office. 65 Willamette Valley Lumber Company. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 1 p.m., by arrangement at the office. Children under 13 not admitted. EUGENE 48 Chase Gardens. Tours for groups only by appoint- ment. No tours in May. Contact Mona Yates. Phone:503 485-1343. 65 Weyerhaeuser Timber Company. Tours available from June to September 3, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 104 OREGON FLORENCE 65 Davidson Industries Sawmill. Tours available Mon- day through Friday. Advance notice required. Phone:503 997-2811. 74 Gardiner Paper Mill. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 12:45 p.m. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. FOREST GROVE 65 Forest Fiber Products Company. Hardboard. Tours by arrangement at the office. 50 Gray and Company. Jams, syrups, toppings, etc. Tours June 1 to October 1, by arrangement at the Forest Grove Chamber of Commerce. 65 Stimson Lumber Company. Tours by arrangement at the office. HALSEY 23 American Can Company. Tours June 14 to Labor Day, Monday through Friday, 1 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Receptionist. HILLSBORO 95 Armco Steel Corporation. Tours by appointment only. Phone: 503 648-4123. 83 Bank Printing Company. Tours by appointment only. Phone: 503 648-0505. 41 Exact Electronics, Inc. Tours by appointment only. Phone:503 648-6661. 79 Grant & Roth Plastics, Inc. Tours by appointment only. Phone: 503 648-2136. 72 Hillsboro Argus. Tours by appointment only. Phone:503 648-1131. 3 Hillsboro Aviation. Tours by appointment only. Phone:503 648-6631. 79 Hillsboro Plastic Products, Inc. Tours by appoint- ment only. Phone: 503 648-9012. 67 Kummer Meat Company. Tours by appointment only. Phone: 503 648-4104. Ill Oak Knoll Winery, Inc. Tours by appointment only. Phone:503 648-8198. 71 Rodgers Organ Company. Tours by appointment only. Phone:503 648-4181. HOOD RIVER 50 Diamond Fruit Growers, Inc., 1 1 — 3rd Street. Fruit processors — canning and packing. Tours available at harvest time, Wednesday or Thursday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Phone: 503 386-3111. 39 Hood River Distillers, Port Suite No. 2. Bottling of distilled spirits. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p. m. (No tours during the lunch hour.) Phone: 503 386-1588. 5 Jantzen, Inc., 550 Riverside Drive. Garment manufacturing — ladies' sportswear. Advance notice of 1 day required. Phone: 503 386-1 122. 65 Krieg Millwork, Inc., Route 4, Frankton Road, Box 1340. Manufacturers of molding, kiln dried lumber and cabinets. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone: 503 386-2929. Ill Mt. Hood Winery, Route 1, Woodworth Road, Parkdale, Oregon (Box 133). Farm winery. Tours Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Phone: 305 352-3645. KLAMATH FALLS 65 Weyerhaeuser Company. Two tours each weekday during the summer, 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. LAKEVIEW 65 Fremont Sawmill Company. Tours Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., by arrangement at the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce. 65 Lakeview Lumber Products Company. Tours Wed- nesday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., by arrangement at the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce. LEBANON 74 Crown Zellerbach. Paper mill. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-1 1 a.m. and 1-3 p.m., preferably by appointment. Group number: 10 maximum. Children under 7 not admitted. 47 Salmon Hatchery, Oregon State Fish Commission, Foster, Oregon. Tours any time during the day. Group tours by appointment. 65 U.S. Plywood. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 9a.m. and 1:15 p.m., by appointment only. Group number: 5 maximum. Children under 12 not admitted. Mc MINNVILLE 10 Archway Cookie Company. Tours Monday and Friday, by appointment only. Phone: 503 472-5145. 37 Darigold Milk Farms. Tours Tuesday and Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-3 p.m. Phone: 503 472-2157. 50 Diane Foods. Tours Monday through Friday, by appointment only. Phone: 503 472-3212. 105 Neonex Trailers. Tours Monday through Friday, by appointment only. Phone: 503 472-4601. OREGON 105 65 U.S. Plywood (Willamina). Tours Monday through Friday, by appointment only. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of I day required for groups under 12; advance notice of I week required for groups of 12 or more. Children under 6 not admitted. Phone: 503 876-2042. MEDFORD 74 Boise Cascade. Tours available weekdays, by ap- pointment only. Phone: 503 776-6666. MILL CITY 38 Detroit Dam. Visitor's building open daily during daylight hours. Powerhouse open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. For group tours contact the Project Engineer, Mid-Willamette Valley Projects Office, General Delivery, Foster, Oregon 97345. Phone: 503 368-5124. MILWAUKIE 94 Mail-Well Envelope Company. Tours by arrange- ment at the office. 102 P & C Tool Company. Tours by arrangement at the office. 99 Pendleton Woolen Mills. Tours by arrangement at the Main Office in Portland. Milwaukie weaving plant: 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Milwaukie garment factory: 1 p.m. only. Phone: 503 654-7777. NEWPORT 74 Georgia Pacific Paper Mill (Toledo). Tours Monday through Friday, 10:15 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. Children under 12 not admitted. ONTARIO 48 Andrews Seed Company. Tours by arrangement at the office. 65 Laminated Wood Products, Inc. Tours by arrange- ment at the office. 50 Ore-Ida Foods, Inc. Group tours by prior arrange- ments. OREGON CITY 74 Publishers Paper Mill. Pulp and paper mill. Tours Wednesday, 2 p.m. Reservations required for large groups. Children under 12 not admitted. PENDLETON 65 Harris Pine Mills. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. 99 Pendleton Woolen Mills. Tours year-round, Mon- day through Friday, 8:15, 9:15, 10:15, 11:15 a.m. and 1, 2, and 3 p.m. Large groups by appointment only. PILOT ROCK 65 Georgia-Pacific Pine Mills Company. Tours by arrangement at the office. PORTLAND 36 Alpenrose Dairy. General tours anytime. Phone: 503 244-1133. 72 Daily Journal of Commerce. Printing industry. Tours 10-11 a.m. or 2-3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 3 days required. Contact Mr. Emerson. Phone: 503 226-131 1. 86 Fire Boats Orientation Program (not boat rides). Tours Monday through Friday, 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Advance notice required. Children under 12 and senior citizens not admitted. Phone: 503 232-8135. 92 Goodwill Industries. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact the Public Relations De- partment. Phone: 503 238-6133. 105 Hyster Company. Lift trucks. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 1-3 hours. Education groups only. Advance notice required. Contact Mr. Stanton. Phone: 503 280-7654. 5 Jantzen, Inc. Sportswear. Tours Tuesday and Wed- nesday, 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours in August. Group number: 6-25. Advance notice required for reservations. Children under 13 not admitted. Phone: 503 238-5340. 90 Llyod Center. Tours daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 40 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Public Relations. Phone: 503 283-251 1. 94 Mail-Well Envelope Company. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5 minimum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Mr. Clover. Phone: 503 654-3141. 44 Mayflower Farms. Tours Monday and Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 10 minimum. Advance notice re- quired. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Miss Selma Henrickson. Phone: 503 234-8292, Ext. 284. 50 Nabisco. Tours by appointment, October 1 to May 31, Tuesday and Thursday, 1:15 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice and confirmation re- quired. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Fatheree. Phone: 503 285-2571 . 72 Oregoniun Newspaper, Oregon Journal. Tours Monday and Thursday. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. Children under 15 not admitted. Phone: 503 226-2121. 106 OREGON 55 Owens-Illinois. Glass containers. Professional groups only. Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact the Personnel Office. Phone:503 254-7331. 99 Pendleton Woolen Mills, Washougal, Washington. Retail outlet. Tours Monday and Friday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice required. Phone: 503 226-4801. Milwaukie Plant — men's garment fac- tory. Tours at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice not required. 88 Port of Portland. Airport. Tour length: 30-60 min- utes. Group number: 30 maximum. Prepared for tours on little notice during summer months. Ad- vance notice required during winter months. Contact the Airport Hostess. Phone: 503 233-8331, Ext. 345. 12 Portland Bottling Company. Tours Monday through Friday. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 12 minimum. Advance notice required. Children under 5 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Stone between 8 and 9 a.m. Phone: 503 235-6623. 83 Publisher's Paper Company. Tours Wednesday, 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance reservation required for large groups. Children under 12 not admitted. Phone: 503 656-521 1 . 36 Sunshine Dairy, Inc. Tours Tuesday and Friday, 10 a.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact Mr. Larson. Phone: 503 234-7526. 41 Tektronix, Inc. Oscilloscopes, cathode ray tubes. Tours Monday through Friday on request. Tour length: 1-3 hours. Prefer industry or science- oriented students. Advance notice required. Chil- dren under 15 not admitted. Contact Tom Williams. Phone: 503 644-0161, Ext. 7151. 5 White Stag Manufacturing Company. Tours Mon- day through Thursday, 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 minimum. Advance notice required. Phone: 503 777-1711. PORT ORFORD 65 Rogge Lumber Company. Tours by arrangement at the office. 65 Western States Plywood. Tours by arrangement at the office. PRINEVILLE 65 Clear Pine Moulding. Check at the office for tours. Phone: 503 447-4195. 65 Ochoco Lumber Company. Lumber mill. Arrange for a tour a few hours in advance. Phone: 503 447-6296. 65 Pine Products Lumber Company. Arrange for a tour a few hours in advance. Phone: 503 447-6212. REDMOND 86 Redmond Air Center (Smoke Jumpers), U.S. Forest Service. Tours on weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., year-round. Tours at other hours by special ar- rangement. ROSEBURG 111 Bjelland Vineyard. Samples and tours Saturday and Sunday, 1-5 p.m. Phone: 503 679-6950. Ill Hillcrest Vineyard. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour includes wine tasting. Groups by appointment. Phone: 503 673-3709. RUFUS 38 John Day Lock & Dam. Open daily during daylight hours. For group tours contact the Project Engineer, The Dalles- John Day Project, P.O. Box 564, The Dalles, Oregon 97058. Phone: 503 739-2518. ST. HELENS 74 Boise Cascade Corporation. Pulp and paper mill. Tours weekdays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Arrangements must be made at the Personnel Office. Children under 12 not admitted. 65 Boise Cascade Lumber Company. Tours by ar- rangement at the office only. 65 Crown Zellerbach Northwest Lumber. Tours by arrangement at the office only. 65 Kaiser Gypsum Insulated Board. Tours by arrange- ment at the office only. SALEM 65 Boise Cascade Corporation. Paper mill. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 2 p.m. Summer extended tours 10 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. Children under 12 not admitted. Ill Honeywood Winery. Tours Monday through Thurs- day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Friday at 3:30 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tours by appointment only. 48 Oregon Filbert Growers. Tours by arrangement at the office only. Advance notice required. Phone: 503 363-1655. 48 Oregon Fruit Products Company. Tours by ar- rangement at the office. Advance notice required. Phone:503 581-6211. 12 Seven-Up Bottling Company. Tours by arrangement at the office only. Phone: 503 585-2822. OREGON 107 SPRINGFIELD 65 Weyerhauser Company. Complete tour of wood products plant. Tours June through August, week- days at 10 a.m. Tour length: 2 hours and 30 minutes. (Subject to change.) SWEET HOME 38 Green Peter and Foster Dams. U.S. Corps of En- gineers. Tours by arrangement at the office. Phone: 503 367-5124. 41 White's Electronics. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 65 Willamette Industries, Inc. Sawmill and plywood. Tours by reservation only. THE DALLES 108 Celilo Converter Station. Open daily during daylight hours. Group tours by reservation only. 38 The Dalles Dam. Summer hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. A small train accompanied by guides travels to the dam and powerhouse. TILLAMOOK 36 Tillamook County Creamery Association. Open daily, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. UMATILLA 38 McNary Dam and Lock. Open daily during daylight hours. For group tours contact the Project Engineer. Phone:503 922-3211. WEST LINN 65 Crown Zellerbach Corporation. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Children under 12 not admitted. 88 Willamette Falls Ship Locks. Tours by arrangement at the office. PENNSYLVANIA AUSTIN 68 Emporium Specialties Company, Inc. , Foster Street. Manufacturer of cold-headed wire forms, metal stampings, sintered metal parts, glass-working bur- ners and hand tools. Tour of each department, including an explanation of the type of products, market and basic method of manufacturing. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9-11 a.m. and 1-2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the last two weeks of July. Group number: 10 maximum. Written notice of 30 days required. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Contact J. A. Newton. Phone: 814 647-8661. BALA-CYNWYD 87 SFB Products, 221 Rock Hill Road. Manufacturer of special instruments and aids for the blind and visu- ally limited. Tours available by appointment. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week preferred. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Mrs. Etta Lerman. Phone: 215 664-9429. BEDFORD 79 Creative Pultrusions, Inc., 233 North Street. Man- ufacturer of reinforced fiberglass. Visitors see the manufacturing of fiberglass products by pultrusion and hand lay-up processes. Tours available by ap- pointment. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 1 month required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children not admitted. Contact Ms. Joy A. Sweet. Phone:814 623-1197. BELLEFONTE 41 Linden Laboratories, Inc., Township Route 430, R.D. No. 2. Manufacturer of piezoceramics and transducers. Tour includes the office, laboratory area, piezoceramic area and transducer area, with a demonstration of the products. Tours weekdays, except Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact J.W. Anderson, President, or P. A. Rishel, Vice President. Phone: 814 355-5491. BETHLEHEM 5 Forte Sportswear, Inc. , East Fifth & William Street. Sportswear manufacturer. Tour includes all phases of garment manufacturing, from the cutting room to the packing department. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 min- utes. No tours the first two weeks in July. Advance notice of 3 days required. Spanish translation avail- able. Contact Miss Sandy Wise, Secretary. Phone: 215 865-0450. BIRCHRUNVILLE 111 Conestoga Vineyards, Inc., Flowing Springs Road. Vineyards and winery. Tour of vineyards and win- ery, along with a tasting of various wines at various stages of production. Tours Saturday only, except by special request, 12 noon to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required for tours other than Saturday. Translation services available for French, Italian, Spanish and some Arabic. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Patricia Fondots, Manager. Phone: 215 822-0795. BRADFORD 41 Pensilco Corporation, One Silicon Way. Manufac- turer of electronic silicon crystal slices. Visitors see crystal growing, slicing, centerless grinding and polishing operations. Tours weekdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Dutch, German and Italian translation available. No sketches permit- ted. Children not admitted. Contact Cornells J. Heinink, President. Phone: 814 362-3586. 108 PENNSYLVANIA BROCKWAY 68 Brockway Pressed Metals, Inc., 921 Clark Street. Fabricator of powder metal parts. Tour includes the production facilities and research and development areas. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice of 10 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact J. Allen Curry. Phone: 814 268-3455. BROOKVILLE 65 Matson Lumber Company, 132 Main Street, P.O. Box L. Manufacturer of hardwood lumber. Tour includes sawmill, logging operation and dry kilns. Tours available daily with advance notice, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of several days required. Contact Robert D. Matson, President. Phone: 814 849-5334. CHADDS FORD 87 Spitz Space Systems, Inc., Route 1, south of Route 202 intersection. Manufacturer of major simulator equipment for domed space theaters. Tour includes a visit to a small planetarium classroom, tour of the manufacturing plant and demonstration of the Space Simulator. Tours available with advance notice, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Group number: 12 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 1-7 days required. Contact Herbert N. Williams, Director, Special Projects. Phone: 215 459-5200. CHAMBERSBURG 109 Hennessy Vendwell, 910 Progress Road. Vending machines manufacturer. Tours Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 4 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children not admitted. Contact Frank Levine, Vice President. Phone: 717 264-7146. 20 Northern Homes of Pennsylvania, Inc., Route 2, P.O. Box 515. Manufacturer of custom-paneled, factory-built houses. Tours Tuesday through Thurs- day, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 15-25. Advance notice required. Contact Kenneth H. Wells. Phone: 717 264-5132. CLARION 20 Bendix Home Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 349. Mobile homes manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday by appointment. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the first week in December. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice required. No sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Art Warner, General Manager. Phone: 814 226-9210. CONNELLSVILLE 5 Connellsville Sportswear, 2 First Street. Clothing manufacturer. Tours Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours first two weeks of July and one week at Christmas. Group number: 3-8. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Translation services available. Con- tact Ralph Farrell. Phone: 412 628-2100. CORNVVELLS HEIGHTS 99 Eddington Thread Manufacturing Company, 3222 Knights Road. Manufacturer of sewing thread. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Martin Tannenbaum. Phone: 215 639-8900. CORRY 95 Mclnnes Steel Company, 441 East Main Street. Manufacturer of steel forgings. Visitors see forging, machining, heat-treating and testing in the manufac- turing of open die steel forgings. Tours available with advance notice; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours the last week of July and first week of August. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice of 5 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children not admitted. Phone: 814 665-8251. ELIZABETHTOWN 50 Baum's Bologna, Inc., P.O. Box 407. Manufacturer of Lebanon and sweet bologna. Visitors see a slide presentation, followed by a guided tour of the plant, question-and-answer period and sampling of prod- uct. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice preferred. Contact Carl E. Gerlach, Sales Manager. Phone: 717 367-1552. EMPORIUM 40 Tau Electronic Products, Inc., Keystone Park. Man- ufacturer of electroluminescent lamps, readouts, panels and display devices. Plant visit will include demonstration of products and tour of manufacturing facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the last two weeks of July. Group number: 10 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 2-3 weeks required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact M.D. Emmett, J.G. Ryan, Jr., or F.J. Roberto. Phone: 814 483-3356. PENNSYLVANIA 109 ERIE 102 Ber-Lo Manufacturing Company, 2345 Warfel Av- enue. Manufacturer of screw machine products, coning, threading tools, valve packing extractors, tubing and nipples. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice of 10 days required. Contact Gary L. Smith or Bernard J. Bucceri. Phone: 814 459-2785. 16 The Erie Brewing Company, 2131 State Street. Brewery. Tour includes brewing, bottling and rack- ing departments, and also other areas such as engine rooms, tunnels, meter, storage tanks, etc. Tour is concluded with a brief visit to the Rathskellar for a sampling of the product. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 1:30 and 3 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Chil- dren must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Mr. H. Vincent Mays, Office Manager. Phone: 814 455-907 1 . FAIRLESS HILLS 102 Kras Corporation, 99 Newbold Road. Precision tool and die & mold manufacturer. An orientation period is followed by a tour of the engineering and man- ufacturing facilities and quality control laboratory. Tours Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15 maximum. German and Portuguese translation available. Con- tact Lawrence L. Plummer, President. Phone: 215 946-8180. FOGELSVILLE 16 The F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Company, U.S. 22 and Route 100 (mailing address, P.O. Box 2568, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18001). Brewery. Visitors see the beer producing facility, with sampling of beer in the Stein Room. Public tours Tuesday through Saturday; May 31 through Labor Day, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and after Labor Day to May 31, 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Phone: 215 395-6811. FRANKLIN 79 Johns-Manville Sales Corporation, 315 Grant Street. Plastic extrusion of PVC plastic pipe and pipe accessories. Tours available with advance reserva- tions. Tour length: 75 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 8 weeks required; visits restricted to certain areas. Each visit must be approved by Johns-Manville Corporation, Denver, Colorado. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren and persons requiring special supervision are not admitted. Contact D.W. Andrews, Plant Man- ager. Phone: 814 432-2166. FREDERICKSBURG 81 Grimes Poultry Processing Corporation, U.S. 22 and PA. 343. Poultry processing. Visitors observe the complete processing procedures from receiving to shipping. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9-1 1 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Translation available for French, German, Slavic, Spanish and Vietnamese. Contact Clarence F. Patteson, Personnel Director. Phone: 717 865-2153, Ext. 42. HERSHEY 32 Hershey's Chocolate World, 19 East Chocolate Avenue. Chocolate confectionery. Visitors enjoy a unique, automated ride through a simulated world of chocolate. Tours Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, 12 noon to 5 p.m. Tour length: 10 minutes. Contact John Brontsema, Man- ager. Phone: 717 534-4912. HOMER CITY 68 Star Manufacturing Company, Lucerne Mines. Fab- rication of metal buildings and metal building sys- tems. Tour of plant shows metal building compo- nents being fabricated, including shearing, welding, painting, roll forming, packaging and shipping. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-5. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children not admitted. Contact Mr. Courtney Shenkle, Plant Manager. Phone:412 479-9072. INDIANA 45 Beckwith Machinery, South 13th Street. Remodel- ing and repairing diesel engines. Visitors see en- gines, torque convertors and transmissions being taken apart and put back together. Tours Monday through Friday, by arrangement only, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Sketches not permitted. Contact Mr. Jim Woodle. Phone: 412 463-8743. 85 McCreary Tire & Rubber Company, McCreary Road. Tire manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours Thanksgiving week. Advance notice of 4-6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Edward Yakelis. Phone: 412 357-6600. 10 PENNSYLVANIA JOHNSTOWN 82 Pennsylvania Electric Company, 1001 Broad Street. Electric utility. Visitors tour the generating facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. Advance clearance required for schedulings; visits are restricted to certain areas. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact R. A. Low. Phone: 814 536-6611, Ext. 450. LUCERNE MINES 21 Star Manufacturing, Inc., Lucerne Road. Metal buildings manufacturer. Orientation is followed by a complete tour of the plant. Tours Monday thorugh Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. Tours are restricted to certain areas. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. No wheelchairs permitted. Contact Mr. Cartney Shankle. Phone: 412 479-9071. LATROBE 55 Mayflower Glass Factory, U.S. Route 30. Glass manufacturer — art glass and decorative accessories. Visitors see how glass is made from raw materials — handblown and handworked. Tours available with advance notice. Tour length: 20-25 minutes. No tours during July. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. Translation available for Croatian, Polish, Spanish and Yugoslavian. Contact Mr. Prindle. Phone: 412 539-8508. MARS 91 James Austin Company, Valencia Road. Manufac- turer of bleaches and cleaning products. An intro- duction is followed by a complete tour of the bottle-making facility, waste disposal and bleach- making facility, bottling department, warehouse and question-and-answer session. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week preferred. Con- tact William Shott. Phone: 412 625-1535. LEWISTOWN 20 Marlette Homes, Inc., P.O. 712. Manufacturer of mobile homes and prebuilt housing. Tour includes assembly line and display homes. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the week of July 4. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Jack McCurry. Phone:717 248-3947. LITITZ 113 Garden Spot Badge Company, Inc., 24 East Woods Drive. Manufacturer of award ribbons. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-5 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Small children must be accom- panied by an adult. Contact Mr. Oren F. Spangenburg. Phone: 717 626-2025. LOCK HAVEN 3 Piper Aircraft Corporation, 820 East Bald Eagle Street. Manufacturer of aircraft and airplane parts. Tour includes assembly line — from start to finish. Tours Monday through Friday, 1 1 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the last week in July and first week in August. Group number: 15 maxi- mum. Advance notice required. French, German and Spanish translation available. Contact Gary Lininger, Customer Relations Representative and Tour Guide. Phone: 717 748-6711. MEADOW LANDS 30 RCA Corporation. Manufacturer of mobile communications — car radios, portable radios and base stations. Visitors view all aspects of manufac- turing mobile communications products, including the portable units. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours during July. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mr. Ray Hamblett, Manager International Sales. Phone: 412 228-6385. MEDIA 70 The Franklin Mint, Inc., Baltimore Pike (south of - Media). Commemorative coins, medals, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required for groups. Translation services available. No sketches permitted. Contact the Franklin Mint Tour Office, Franklin Center, Pennsylvania 19063. Phone: 215 459-6168. MILESBURG 20 Ridge Homes, Old Curtin Road. Precut housing manufacturer. Tour includes the manufacturing and loading departments of precut housing plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Randy Sibert or Carroll Justice. Phone: 814 355-1561. PENNSYLVANIA 111 Mt. PLEASANT 55 L. E. Smith Glass Company, Route 31. Hand-made pressed glass antique reproductions. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30-10:45 a.m. and 12 noon to 3:20 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. No tours the first two weeks in July. Group number: 12 maximum. (Reservations required for a group of 12 or more.) Tour is not recommended for young children. Con- tact the Sales Room. Phone: 412 547-3544. MURRYSVILLE 68 Asbury Industries, Inc., 4351 Wm. Penn Highway. Steel plate fabrication, attachments for construction machinery — buckets, dozer blades. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Contact Terry Bach. Phone: 412 327-3500. MYERSTOWN 62 Myerstown Hide & Tallow Company, Route 501 South. Visitors observe hides being salted and prepared for shipment; tallow and crackling. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Max D. Freedson. Phone: 717 866-2187. NEW ALEXANDRIA 31 Ramaley Equipment & Supply Company, Route 22. Manufacturer of premixed concrete. Tour of pre- mixed concrete operation and batch plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Advance notice of 1 day required. Contact Chalmers B. Ramaley, President. Phone: 412 668-2216. NEW CASTLE 67 Castle Brand, Inc., Hobart & Mahoning Avenue. Manufacturers of processed meats — sausage, wein- ers, bologna, smoked hams. Visitors tour the entire plant, including coolers, kitchen and smoke depart- ment, and have an opportunity to sample three different lunch meats. Tours by appointment. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 40 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Groups of children must be accompanied by sufficient number of adults for supervision. Contact Mary Swanson. Phone:412 658-7721. 32 Sotus Candy Factory, 224 West Youngstown Road. Candy-making. Tours Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Advance notice of 1-2 weeks required. Contact Mrs. Reid Shiner. Phone: 412 652-3831. 50 Waldman Meats, 809 Sampson Street (Route 422 West). Manufacturer of processed meat and restaurant-type foods. Visitors see how beef, pork, veal, poultry and restaurant-type foods are proces- sed. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact Mr. Martin Waldman or Bruce Waldman. Phone: 412 658-7788. NEW HOLLAND 45 Sperry New Holland, Franklin and Roberts Avenue. Manufacturer of farm equipment — hay balers, hay mower-conditioners and feed grinder-mixers. Plant tours originate at Company's new farm history museum. Personal transportation needed for plant tour which takes visitors through steel receiving, press and shear operations, parts machining, assem- bly lines, painting, finishing and quality control areas. Tours Monday through Friday, from June through September, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and from October through May, 12 noon to 4 p.m. Tour length: 80 minutes (includes 20 minutes for farm museum visit). Advance notice required for groups of more than 10. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Constance Kennedy, Visitor Relations Coordinator. Phone: 717 354-1100. NEW HOPE 111 Bucks Country Vineyards, Inc., U.S. Route 202 (R.D. 1). Guided tour of cellar includes tasting of wines. Visitors are also invited to see the museum on the premises. Tours Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10-50. Advance notice preferred. Contact Debra Gerold. Phone: 215 794-7449. NEWMANSTOWN 53 Kountry Kraft Kitchens. Visitors observe the man- ufacturing of kitchen cabinets and office furniture in all phases of the operation, and the showroom facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, Saturday by special appointment, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10-40. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Mr. Ralph Bashore or Mr. Elvin Hurst. Phone: 215 589-4575. NORTH EAST 111 Penn-Shore Vineyards, Inc., 10225 East Lake Road. Producer of table wines and champagnes. Tour of entire winery and tasting of wines. Tours Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes, plus time to sample nine table wines. Group number: 45 maximum. Advance notice preferred. Contact Mrs. Joan G. Behnken, Office Secretary. Phone: 814 725-9422. 112 PENNSYLVANIA OLD FORGE 113 Garlet Company Union Environmental, Division of Union Corporation, 401 Bridge Street. Manufac- turer of waste-handling equipment and metal light poles. Tour of manufacturing facilities where paper balers, vertical and horizontal compactors and front end loaders are built. Tours Monday through Wed- nesday, 1-3 p.m. (morning hours by special ar- rangement). Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the last two weeks in July. Group number: 2-10. Ad- vance notice required. Contact H.R. D'Amato, Pres- ident. Phone:717 457-7426. PALMYRA 50 Palmyra Bologna Company, Inc., 230 North Col- lege Street. Manufacturers of "Seltzer Brand" Lebanon bologna. Visitors see the old, but active, towering wooden smoke houses and see how beef is processed into luncheon meat. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required for reservations from September through May. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Mrs. Helen Bell. Phone: 717 838-6336. PHILADELPHIA 27 Alco Chemical Corporation, Trenton Avenue and William Street. Manufacturer of specialty chemicals — sodium polyacrylates, acrylic latex, polyacrylic acids, graft polymers. Tour includes reactors, blend equipment, monomer storage areas, special compounding areas, vertical and horizontal milling equipment, quality control laboratories and research and development laboratories. Tours week- days, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the first two weeks in July and last week in December. Group number: 4 maximum. Advance notice of 1-2 days required, but 1 week preferred. Translation available for Spanish, German, Hunga- rian and Chinese (Mandarin). Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Marvin L. Arnold or George T. Hammond. Phone: 215 425-0621. 72 The Evening and Sunday Bulletin, 30th and Market Streets. Newspaper. Visitors tour the press corridor with presses in operation, newsroom, composing room, paper storage, railroad siding, lower end of presses and stripping platform. Tours Monday through Saturday, 9, 10, 1 1 a.m. and 12 noon. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance reservations required for groups of 10 or more. Clearances required if visitors request to see areas other than usual tour. Contact the Community Relations Department. Phone: 215 662-7377. 85 G. F. Goodman & Son, Inc., 4352 North American Street. Manufacturer of specialized cutters for rub- ber and hot melt adhesives. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11:30 a.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. Tour is restricted to certain areas. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact W.R. Rumble, President. Phone: 215 455-5006. 76 Smith/Kline Corporation, 1500 Spring Garden Street. Pharmaceutical manufacturer. Tour includes research and development, and production facilities, with special emphasis on the development of new drug products from the beginning in research to the finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours the last week in July and between Christmas and New Year's. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Trans- lation available for major world languages. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Sharyn M. Arnold, Guest Relations Administrator. Phone: 215 854-5167. 70 United States Mint, 5th and Arch Streets. Minting of coins for circulation and commemorative medals as authorized by Congress. Audio-visual tour overlook- ing the production floor; tour of relic room and museum and a visit to the sales area. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the first two weeks in July. Contact Ms. Angela M. Zungolo or Mr. James Driscoll. Phone: 215 597-7053. PHILIPSBURG 68 Ginter Welding, Inc., Route 53 South. Welding service and small manufacturing. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-10. Contact William C. Ginter, President, or Harold Knepp, Plant Foreman. Phone:814 342-4154. PITTSBURGH 108 Allegheny County Sanitary Treatment Plant, 3300 Preble Avenue. Waste water purification plant. Tour consists of a lecture on first and secondary treatment of waste water while visitors view a model of the plant, followed by a walking tour of the plant from beginning to end where visitors see such processes as sedimentation, preaeration, chlorination and in- cineration. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1-3 hours. Group number: 40 maximum. Written advance notice of 1 week re- quired. Small children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Mr. George Brinsko, Plant Superin- tendent. Phone: 412 766-4810. PENNSYLVANIA 113 10 Braun Baking Company, 1700 Island Avenue. Bakery — bread, rolls, etc. Tour includes a general information session, tour through each production area from start to finish, a discussion period and tasting session. Tours weekdays, except Tuesday, by appointment. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours in weeks containing a holiday. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 7 and elderly persons not admitted. Contact Mrs. Nancy Corcoran. Phone: 412 23 1 -2000. 11 Equibank, N.A. Headquarters, Equibank Building, Oliver Plaza. Financial institution. Tour includes various departments of bank functions, such as computer operations, community banking, interna- tional operations, investments, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-25. Advance notice of 1 month required for reservations. Cameras and sketches allowed with special permission. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact the Communication Department. Phone: 412 288-5204. 2 Equitable Gas - Energy Company, 1 1 1 South Com- mons Allegheny Center. Manufacturer of heating and cooling systems. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact W.F. Goffe, Jr. Phone: 412 471-7600, Ext. 291. 92 Goodwill Industries of Pittsburgh, 2600 East Carson Street. Rehabilitation and on-the-job training for physically, mentally, emotionally and socially hand- icapped persons. Guided tour shows testing and evaluation center using Singer System and training areas such as drycleaning, furniture repair, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 100 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Ms. Metta Bland, Director of Special Services. Phone: 412 481-9000. 11 Mellon Bank, Mellon Square. Financial institution. Tour consists of the following departments: operat- ing retail, credit card, trust and international ex- change. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Limited translation services available. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact the Public Relations Department. Phone:412 232-5383. 18 Metropolitan Pittsburgh Public Broadcasting, 4802 Fifth Avenue. Public television and radio. Visit includes studios, master control room, scene shop, printing shop and FM studio. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. French and German translation available. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact the Department of Special Events. Phone: 412 683-1300. 56 National Weather Service - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, 2328 Federal Build- ing, 1000 Liberty Avenue. U.S. weather forecast- ing. Visitors see how weather is forecast in South- western Pennsylvania. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Paul F. Jacoby, Meteorologist. Phone: 412 644-2881. 16 Pittsburgh Brewing Company, 3340 Liberty Av- enue. Brewery. Tours by prior arrangement only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted unless with a family group. Contact Mr. William Smith. Phone: 412 682-7400. 11 Pittsburgh National Bank, Fifth and Wood Street. Financial institution. Tour includes bank offices, corporate headquarters, electronic and computerized banking. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Public Relations Department. Phone: 412 355-2873. 72 The Pittsburgh Press, 34 Boulevard of the Allies. Newspaper publication. Visitors tour the plant while five editions are being produced, starting at the newsroom and following it all the way to the pressroom. Tour includes composing and engraving. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Use of cameras and sketches restricted to certain areas. Contact Richard Macino, Public Service Director. Phone: 412 263-1421. 36 Turner Dairy Farm, 1049 Jefferson Road. Dairy — milk production. Visitors see a milking farm and some of the animals. Tours Monday through Friday, one tour a day at 9:30 a.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Mr. Walt Chila, Office Manager. Phone: 412 242-1700. 114 PENNSYLVANIA 56 United States Post Office, Main Post Office, Grant Street and Seventh Avenue. Postal service. Visitors see mail being processed from incoming to outgoing and how zip code works. Tours Monday through Friday, 1:30-3 p.m. Tour length: 25 minutes. No tours during December. Group number: 10-20. Ad- vance notice of 3 days required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Communications and Pub- lic Affairs Department. Phone: 412 644-6465. SHARON 68 General American Transportation Corporation, Box 532. Heavy fabrication — railroad tank cars. Tours weekdays, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice of 30 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. No children admitted. Contact W.C. Weaver, Man- ager of Manufacturing. Phone: 216 448-6801, Ext. 333. POTTSTOWN 42 Pollock Research & Design, Inc., Reading Crane & Engineering Company Division, 1200 High Street. Consulting and design engineers — special prototype material-handling equipment. Tour begins with a visit to the office for an orientation session, followed by a tour of the facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Use of cameras and sketches by permission only. Contact Harold B. Federman, Pres- ident. Phone: 215 323-5450. PUNXSUTAWNEY 68 Femco Machine Company, Route 436 South (R.D. 4, Box 4- A). Visitors see various machines engaged in the repair of parts for mine-stripping equipment and valves for Navy submarines. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Frank Amundson, Sr. Phone: 814 938-9763. READING 5 Wide Awake Shirt Company, 2047 Kutztown Road. Manufacturer of uniforms, career apparel, shirts and blouses for men and women. Tour includes the offices and production and shipping facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. No tours for two weeks in early July and one week between Christmas and New Year's. Advance notice of 2 weeks preferred. German and Spanish translation available. Contact Edmund A. Marcil, Director of Manufacturing. Phone: 215 921-0651. SHEFFIELD 65 McMillen Lumber Company of Sheffield, Inc., McMillen Lumber Products Corporation, 203 Cen- ter Street. Lumber mill engaged in the manufacture of rough cut hardwood lumber, finished and semifinished dimension lumber, mouldings and machined parts. Tour includes drying kiln, sawmill operations and yard. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the week of July 4. Group number: 5-20. Advance notice of 1 month required. Small children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Paul H. Lindberg, Personnel Manager. Phone: 814 968-3241. STATE COLLEGE 83 Himes Printing Company, 1015 Benner Pike. Newspaper and commercial printing. Tour includes photo-composition and traditional "hot metal" type setting, as well as offset and letter-press printing. Offset newspaper printing is generally restricted to after-midnight press runs. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 4-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Preschool children not admitted. Contact Blair M. Bice. Phone: 814 238-3071. 87 Scientific Systems, Inc., 1120-1122 West College Avenue. Research, development and manufacturing of high pressure valves. Tours Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the week of July 4. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No sketches permitted. Contact Andy Charney. Phone: 814 237-6265. SELLERSVILLE 76 Lemmon Pharmacal Company, Cathill & Lonely Roads. Pharmaceutical manufacturer. Tours by ap- pointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. Tours re- stricted to visitors in the health care industry. Ad- vance notice of 2 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Robert T. DeMarco, President, Interna- tional Department. Phone: 215 723-5544. SUNBURY 95 Paulsen Wire Rope Corporation, 880 South Second Street. Manufacturer of high carbon steel wire and wire rope. Walking tour of wire-drawing mill, wire rope mill and related offices. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. Advance notice required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact F.B. Paulsen, Jr. Phone: 717 286-7141. PENNSYLVANIA 115 TYRONE 74 Westvaco Corporation, Pennsylvania Avenue. Paper manufacturer (reproducing papers). Tour includes the machine room where sheets of paper are formed and finishing room where the sheets are processed for shipment to customers. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 4-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact John H. Ketner, Personnel Manager. Phone: 814 684-1610. UNIONTOWN 51 Rockwell International Corporation, P.O. Box 487 (corner of Bailey and Gallatin Avenue). Bronze foundry. Visitors see the most complete cast bronze foundry in the United States. Tours by appointment only. Group number: 39 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Translation services available. Cameras permitted in certain areas. Tours must be arranged through Mr. George Anderson, 400 Lexington Avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania 15221. Phone:412 247-3400. WARRINGTON 113 Jomac, Inc., 863 Easton Road. Manufacturer of printing rollers for the graphic arts industry. Tour includes plant facilities and operations, followed by a discussion period. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the first two weeks in July. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mr. William S. Colehower, Vice President. Phone: 215 343-0800. WEST MIFFLIN 7 Fisher Body, General Motors, vicinity of Irvin Steel Works. Manufacturer of metal stampings for Gen- eral Motors cars. Tour includes power presses, welding and a brief description of the operation. Tours Thursday, by prior arrangement, 1 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during July and August. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. Clearances required for international visitors through Fisher Body Central Office in Detroit, Michigan. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 9 not admitted. Proper footwear required: no sandals or tennis shoes. Contact Frank L. Dox. Phone: 412 466-2000. WEST PITTSTON 5 Dury Clothing Company, 330 Philadelphia Avenue. Manufacturer of men's slacks. Tours Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the first two weeks of July and week of Christmas. Group number: 2-6. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact William Horowitz, President. Phone: 717 654-4677. WILKES-BARRE 5 Coronet Fashion, Inc., 95 Wyoming Street. Dress manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact Samuel L. Weiner, Presi- dent. Phone: 717 824-3585. YORK 76 Dentsply International, 500 West College Avenue. Manufacturer of artificial teeth, dental supplies and equipment. Visitors see how porcelain and plastic teeth are produced and how some of the dental equipment is manufactured and assembled. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 8:30-1 1:30 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. No tours the first two weeks in August. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. German and Japanese translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact James D. Quickel. Phone: 717 845-7511. 102 Newbould Tool Company, Inc., 226 Willis Road. Manufacturer of precision tools. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. No tours the week of July 4. Group number: 2-15. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact William C. Wolf, Man- ufacturing Manager. Phone: 717 846-8700. RHODE ISLAND HOPE VALLEY 99 Kay Dee Handprints, Inc., Skunk Hill Road. Man- ufacturer of decorative towels handprinted on vari- ous fabrics. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required for groups. Contact Mr. Deffley. Phone:401539-2405. NARRAGANSETT 82 Rhode Island Atomic Energy Commission, Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center, South Ferry Road. State-owned facility using a nuclear reactor for educational and experimental purposes. Tours by appointment only. Group number: 10 maximum. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact A. Francis DiMeglio, Director, or Michael P. Doyle, Assistant Director. Phone: 401 789-9391. NEWPORT 72 Newport Daily News, 101 Malbone Road. Daily newspaper. Tours Monday through Friday, after- noons only. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 2 days required. Phone: 401 849-3300. 69 United States Naval Education & Training Center. Open house is held on Armed Forces Day, usually the third Saturday in May and Navy Day on October 13. Special group tours of the base may be arranged with the Public Affairs Officer. Phone: 401 841-2127. 116 RHODE ISLAND PORTSMOUTH 14 Pearson Yachts Division, Grumman Allied Indus- tries, West Shore Road. Builders of fiberglass sail- ing yachts. Tours Thursday, 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 19 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Ched Gladding. Phone: 401 683-0100. PROVIDENCE 108 The Narragansett Electric Company, 496 Eddy Street. Tours daily from June 15 to Labor Day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tours by appointment only. Group number: 20 minimum. Contact Mr. Gannon or Mrs. Silva. Phone: 401 781-0100. 83 Providence Lithograph Company (Federated Lithographers-Printers, Inc.), 369 Prairie Avenue. Tours Wednesday by appointment only, 2-3 p.m. Group number: 15 maximum. Contact Paul DeGasparre. Phone: 401 941-1200. SMITHFIELD 102 Madison Industries-Division of Amtel, Inc. , Jenckes Hill Road (across from North Central Airport). Manufacturer of metal-working tools (not machine tools). Tours available with advance notice. Group number: 20-25. Advance notice of 1-2 days re- quired. Contact Edwin B. Krause or Alexander McWhirter. Phone: 401 333-0400. SOUTH KINGSTOWN 44 Colonial Mill Farm, Moonstone Beach Road. One of the few watercress farms in New England and the only one in Rhode Island. Open June through October. Home atmosphere — come and go as you please. USQUEPAUGH 49 Kenyon's 1886 Grist Mill. Stone grinding of white Indian corn into cornmeal. Tours weekdays, 1-4 p.m.; weekends and holidays, 12 noon to 5 p.m. Group number: 1-15. Advance notice required for groups. Contact Mr. Paul Drumm. Phone: 401 783-4054. SOUTH CAROLINA CATAWBA 74 Bowater Carolina Corporation, P.O. Box 7. Man- ufacturer of woodpulp, magazine paper and news- print. An orientation film is followed by a tour of the pulp and papermaking operations, from woodyard to finished product. Tours weekdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 40 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact L.E. Haws, Jr., or the Public Relations Department. Phone: 803 324-1130. GREENWOOD 48 Park Seed Company. Producer of garden seeds, bulbs, plants and accessories for sale by mail order. Visitors see all mail order processing from incoming mail to outgoing merchandise; seed processing and packaging, greenhouses, advertising division and customer file maintenance. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the fourth week in July. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact Mrs. Jean Owings. Phone: 803 374-3341. GREER 79 Textube Corporation, Popular Drive Ext. Manufac- turer of yarn carriers for textile industry. Tour includes injection molding facilities, including raw material preparation and assembly processes. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the first two weeks in July. Group number: 10 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 1 week required. German translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 14 not admitted. Contact Mr. J. P. Fratturo, Executive Vice President, or Hans Freytag, Sales Manager. Phone: 803 877-7405. LIBERTY 24 Libco Mill, Ruhama Road, P.O. Box 148. Manufac- turer of commercial woven carpets. The plant tour is preceeded by a film presentation on carpet manufac- turing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the first two weeks of July. Group number: 2-6. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Small children not admitted. Contact H.S. Lawrence, General Manager. Phone: 803 843-9261. PELZER 108 Duke Power Company, P.O. Box 366. Electric util- ity. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 40 maxi- " mum. Advance notice of 1 week required for groups. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact R.C. Holliday, Plant Manager. Phone: 803 847-7163. SPARTANBURG 99 Exquisite Fabrics, Inc., P.O. Box 6100 (Highway 1-85 and 221). Manufacturer of knitted and finished fabrics. Visitors observe a double knit and single knit operation with the emphasis on high quality spun fabrics, and a finishing operation. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2-4 p.m. Group number: 6-12. Advance notice of 1 week required. French, German and Spanish transla- tion available. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact F.W. Pendlebury. Phone: 803 585-9351. SOUTH CAROLINA 117 80 Kohler Company, Camp Croft. Manufacturer of pottery (glazed china): lavatories, commodes; fiberglass shower stalls and tubs. Visitor is given a walking tour through both operations. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 8:30-1 1 a.m. or 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours December 23 through January 2. Group number: 2-6. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact C.W. Newcomb, Supervisor, Public Affairs. Phone: 803 582-3401. WILLIAMSTOWN 82 Lee Steam Station, Big Creek Road. Power plant. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Special groups are asked to make arrangements for a tour through any Duke Power Office or by writing directly to Mr. R.C. Holliday, Plant Manager, P.O. Box 366, Pelzer, South Carolina 29669. Phone: 803 847-7163. SOUTH DAKOTA ABERDEEN 72 Aberdeen American-News, 124 South Second Street. Tour covers entire building and observing the process of publishing a newspaper. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Contact Kenneth Pope. Phone: 605 225-4100. 65 Dakota Sash & Door Company, 821 N.E. Railroad Avenue. Architectural millwork and building supply — wholesale. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Robert W. Dommer. Phone: 605 225-1310. 102 K. O. Lee Company, 1110 First Avenue, S.E. Machine tool manufacturers. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-5 p.m. Contact Ervin Wood. Phone: 605 225-5820. 68 Safeguard Automotive Corporation, Power Trans- mission Division, Aberdeen Industrial Park. Grey iron foundry. Manufacturer of gear drives, speed changers, drive lines and accessories for industrial and agricultural applications. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 can tour by special arrangement only. Contact Mr. Lloyd Swartwout, Personnel Manager. Phone: 605 229-1605. BELLE FOURCHE 17 American Colloid Company, U.S. Highway 212 West. Bentonite. Tours by prior arrangements only. Phone:605 892-2591. BROOKINGS 49 Sexauer Company, 100 Main Avenue S. Field seed processing. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact Sid Johnson or Lowell Behrens. Phone: 605 692-6171. LEAD 29 Homestake Mining Company, Main and Mill Streets (P.O. Box 887). Gold mine. Tours weekdays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the months of May, Sep- tember and October; tours on weekdays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the months of June, July and August. Contact the Lead Civic Association. Phone: 605 584-3110. LEMMON 54 Wheeler Manufacturing Company, Inc., 107 Main Avenue (P.O. Box 629). Manufacturer of gemstone jewelry and components. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:30-5 p.m. Contact R.B. Wheeler. Phone: 605 374-3848. MITCHELL 67 George A. Hormel & Company (P.O. Box 340). Meatpacking. Tours only on request. Contact R.C. Gibson. Phone: 605 996-5548. MOBRIDGE 79 Plastic Molders, Inc., west on Highway 12 (P.O. Box 760). Injection molding of thermoplastics. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact JoAnne Knight. Phone: 605 845-3686. PHILIP 45 Little Scotchman Industries, Inc. (P.O. Box F). Manufacturer of machine tools and farm products. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact Arthur A. Kroetch. Phone: 605 859-2601. RAPID CITY 67 Black Hills Packing Company, Oshkosh and Chicago Streets (P.O. Box 3104). Meatpacking. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Contact John Howard. Phone: 605 343-1414. 82 Black Hills Power & Light Company, 625 Ninth Street. Investor-owned electric utility. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Joe Rovere. Phone: 605 348-1700. 65 Buckingham Wood Products, Inc., 1001 East Philadelphia. Housing fabrication plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Contact Del Bjordahl or O.C. Dinkins. Phone: 605 342-6560. 31 Dakota Block Company, Deadwood Avenue. Man- ufacturer of concrete building block. Tours by prior arrangement. Contact Dick Todd. Phone: 605 342-6070. 118 SOUTH DAKOTA 65 Knecht Industries, Inc., 301 Mt. Rushmore Road. 49 Home manufacturing, retail and wholesale building material sales and warehousing operation. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Contact Don Knecht. Phone: 605 342-4840. 105 Rushmore Homes (P.O. Box 1944). Mobile home 31 and modular manufacturers. Tours Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Contact Del Herr. Phone: 605 342-8377. 25 South Dakota Cement Plant (P.O. Box 351). Ce- ment manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 72 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact Clark Besancon. Phone: 605 342-4252. SIOUX FALLS 95 Egger Steel Company, 909 South 7th Avenue. Structural steel and reinforcing fabricator. Tours Tuesday and Thursday. Contact Wayne Peters. 41 Phone:605 336-2490. 49 Golden Sun Feeds, Inc., 101 Marion Road. Live- stock and poultry feed. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Contact W.T. Butler or Maurice Show. Phone: 605 336-0787. 72 80 65 Jordan Millwork Company, 611 West Algonquin. Woodwork manufacturer and millwork distributor. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact L.R. Reynolds. Phone: 605 336-1910. 67 John Morrell & Company, 1400 North Weber. Meatpacking. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Contact Tony Javurek. Phone: 605 336-2510. 82 Northern States Power Company, 500 West Russell. Electric generation, transmission and distribution. Tours by appointment. Group number: 20 maxi- mum. Contact M.J. Myhre, Plant Superintendent. Phone: 605 339-3018. 37 Terrace Park Dairy, 1501 West 10th Street (P.O. Box "T"). Dairy products. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Contact Jim Jensen, Ozzie Schock, Bob Hendricks or Fred Madsen. 49 Zip Feed Mills, Inc., 304 East 8th Street. Animal feed. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact Robert Natz. Phone: 605 336-3331 . 50 VERMILLION 66 Electro-Magic Division, Dura Corporation, East Highway 50. Manufacturing and fabricating of in- dustrial cleaning equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-3 p.m. Contact J.E. Jones or J. A. Scott. Phone: 605 624-2685. Sioux Alfalfa Meal Company (P.O. Box 398). Alfalfa dehydrating. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Contact H.G. Moeller. Phone: 605 624-8011. WATERTOWN Watertown Monument Works, Inc., junction of Highways 212 and 81 (P.O. Box 807). Retail memorial manufacturers. Tours 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact Charles D. Gibson. Phone: 605 886-6942. Watertown Public Opinion, 120 Third Avenue, N.W. Offset newspaper and commercial printing plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m., 12 noon and 2 p.m. Contact John Lowrie. Phone: 605 886-6901. YANKTON M-Tron Industries, Inc., 100 Douglas. Manufac- turer of piezoelectric quartz crystals. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Group number: 8 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Robert Gilbertson. Phone: 605 665-9321. Yankton Printing Company, 319 Walnut Street. Newspaper publisher: Yankton Daily Press and Dakotan. Tours Monday through Friday. Contact Arnold Tramp. Phone: 605 665-78 11. TENNESSEE ASHLAND CITY State Industries, Inc., Bi-pass Road. Manufacturer of water heaters — gas, electric, oil and solar pow- ered (residential and commercial). Visitors see a completely modern manufacturing facility with an explanation of all operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 8-11:30 a.m. or 1-4:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours and 30 minutes. No tours the week of July 4 and week of December 25. Advance notice of 1 week required. Young children must be accom- panied by an adult. Contact Mrs. Jerrie Crenshaw, Secretary to Chairman of the Board. Phone: 615 792-4371. BELLS Winter Garden, Inc., North High Street. Frozen food processor. Visitors observe the operation of processing frozen vegetables. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1-3 hours. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact L.T. Jordan. Phone: 901 663-2341. TENNESSEE 19 BEMIS 99 Bemis Company, Inc., Bemis Mill. Textile man- ufacturing (industrial fabrics). An orientation is followed by a tour of the offices and mill, with an explanation of manufacturing processes and pro- ducts produced. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the first two weeks in July. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 7-10 days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 13 not admit- ted. Contact Ray C. Young, Technical Superinten- dent. Phone: 901 424-5711. CALHOUN 74 Bowater Southern Paper Corporation. Newsprint manufacturer. A film presentation is followed by a guided tour of the mill. Tour booklets and other literature are provided in advance, if requested. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. No tours July 4, Labor Day and Christmas, and for a short period before and after these holidays. Also, there may be some unscheduled shutdowns for maintenance and/or in- ventory purposes. Group number: 100 maximum. Advance notice of 2-3 days required for groups. Advance notice of 1 hour required for drop-in visitors, if no more than 2-3 in group. No cameras permitted inside the mill. Children under 15 not admitted. For safety reasons, women visitors are instructed to wear low-heeled shoes and severely handicapped persons are not allowed to tour the mill. Contact Clarence Streetman, Public Relations Manager, or Mary Ann Elrod, Public Relations Secretary. Phone: 615 336-2211, Ext. 239 or 301. CHATTANOOGA 99 Dixie Yarns, Inc., 1100 Watkins Street. Spinning and finishing yams for use in knitwear and tufted carpets. Tour of spinning plant includes spinning of cotton yarn from bales of cotton or man-made fibers, involving several intricate processes. Tour of finish- ing plant includes dyeing, bleaching and merceriz- ing (chemical processes) of yarns. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours and 30 minutes ( 1 hour per plant; plants are located 30 minutes apart). No tours the week of July 4 and week of December 25. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Grady E. Gant, Personnel Director. Phone: 615 698-2501, Ext. 245. FRANKLIN 53 Jamison Bedding, Inc., Highway 31. Manufacturer of upholstered furniture. Tour includes entire pro- cess from woods and fabric to completed couches, sleepers and chairs. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the last week of June and first week of July. Group number: 4-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Robert Nichols, Personnel Director. Phone: 615 790-1241. KNOXVILLE 87 Robertshaw Controls Company, Fulton Sylphon Di- vision, P.O. Box 400. Manufacturer of temperature and pressure controls, bellows and bellows as- semblies. Tours Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours the last two weeks of July. Group number: 30 maxi- mum. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Jack Kerr, Personnel Depart- ment. Phone: 615 546-0550, Ext. 199. MEMPHIS 85 The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, Box 7128 (900 Firestone Boulevard). Tire manufacturing. Tour includes information about the plant and Fires- tone Company, a film explaining tire manufacturing processes, tour of the factory and a question-and- answer period. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 10-40. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Nick Pinter. Phone: 901 525-3621. 45 International Harvester Company, 3003 Harvester Lane (P.O. Box 268). Manufacturer of agricultural equipment — cotton pickers, hay balers, disk har- rows, etc. Tour includes complete manufacturing operation: foundry, forging, sheet metal fabrication, machining, welding, assembly, painting and tool and die. Tours weekdays, by prior arrangement; starting times between 8 and 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 and 1 :30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No tours the first two weeks in July. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact J.R. Massey, Public Relations Manager. Phone: 901 375-5311. 53 Memphis Furniture Manufacturing Company, 715 South Camilla. Manufacturer of wooden and up- holstered residential furniture. Tours available with advance notice. Tour length: 2-3 hours. No tours the last week of June, first week of July and week of December 25. Group number: 5-10. Advance notice required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Paul Osborn, Director of Industrial Relations. Phone: 901 522-1401. 120 TENNESSEE 72 Memphis Publishing Company, 495 Union Avenue. Newspaper publisher — The Commercial Appeal and Memphis Press-Scimitar. A slide presentation is followed by a walking tour of the building. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 40 maximum. Ad- vance notice required. Children under 12 not admit- ted. Contact Tony Mangone, Promotion Director. Phone: 901 526-8811, Ext. 235. 65 Wabash, Inc., 1217 Florida. Woodworking. Man- ufacturer of doors, windows, folding stairs, washboards and stoveboards. Visitors observe the manufacturing processes from raw material to finished product. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice required. Contact Jim Entwisle, Personnel Manager. Phone: 901 946-1671. MORRISTOWN 53 The Berkline Corporation, 1 Berkline Drive. Man- ufacturer of upholstered furniture and den group- ings. Tour of plant includes sewing, upholstering, assemblying, packing and shipping operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. No tours the week of July 4 and week of December 25. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Groups of children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Director of Industrial Relations. Phone: 615 586-1461. 92 Volunteer Blind Industries, Inc., 758 West First South Street. Workshop for the blind, manufactur- ing box springs and mattresses. Visitors see a slide presentation and the manufacturing process. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours the second week in July. Group number: 8-10. Advance notice required. Contact Kemp Newman, Executive Director, J.C. Austin, Director of Operations, or Don Britton, Director of Rehabilitation. Phone: 615 586-3922. NEW JOHNSONVILLE 82 Tennessee Valley Authority, Johnsonville Steam Plant, Highway 70. Steam-electric generating plant. Visitors tour the interior of the plant through cor- ridors with window views of principal equipment and overlooks of turbine area. Roof garden views of outside area shows harbor, coal-handling opera- tions, etc. Tours seven days a week; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Advance notice preferred. Foreign visitors should contact the TV A General Manager, Knox- ville, Tennessee. Contact E.L. Sanderlin, Plant Superintendent. Phone: 615 535-2501. PIGEON FORGE 17 Pigeon Forge Pottery, Middle Creek Road (P.O. Box 1050). Visitors see the manufacturing of pot- tery, including throwing, decorating, molding, finishing, glazing and firing. Tour also includes a display area and sales room. Tours Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Group number: 100 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact Douglas J. Ferguson, Owner and Manager. Phone: 615 453-3883 or 615 453-3704. UNION CITY 67 Reelfoot Packing Company, Reelfoot Avenue. Slaughtering and meatpacking. Tour includes the entire plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 5 minimum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Frank E. Hays. Phone: 901 885-2131. TEXAS ABILENE 31 Featherlite Corporation, 2065 Oak. Manufacturer of concrete blocks. Tour includes the block plant, warehouse and yard. Tours Tuesday through Thurs- day, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 15 not admitted. Con- tact C.A. Henson, Jr., Manager. Phone: 915 673-4201. ARLINGTON 72 Arlington Citizen-Journal, 1111 West Abram Street. Newspaper publishing plant. Visitors see how a suburban newspaper is published from newsroom to the production area and pressroom. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 20-60 minutes. Group number: 6-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 1 1 not admitted. Contact Ms. Donna Darovich. Phone: 817 261-1191. 66 Clary Corporation, 412 — 113th Street. Automated woodworking machinery. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Advance notice required. Contact Harold Cooley, Vice President. Phone: 817 640-4357. 7 General Motors Assembly Division, 2525 East Ab- rams. Automobile production. Tours Monday through Friday, 1 1 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tour length: 75 minutes. No tours from late July through September. Group number: 100 maximum. Advance notice required. Spanish translation available. Tours must be cleared through the General Motors Public Relations Office, Detroit, Michigan, telephone: 214 688-5695 . No cameras or sketches permitted. Con- tact W.E. Mercer. Phone: 817 649-6255. TEXAS 121 53 Sevacraft Manufacturing Company, 1 100 Harrison (P.O. Box 5483). Manufacturer of wood and up- holstered furniture. Visitors tour the manufacturing plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. No tours from De- cember 23 through January 5. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice required. Spanish trans- lation available. Contact Layne H. Harwell. Phone: 817261-1861. AUSTIN 72 Austin American Statesman, 308 Guadalupe. Daily newspaper. Tour includes different departments, with an explanation of the processes involved in the production of a daily newspaper. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during August. Group number: 8-20. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 6 not admitted. Contact Mrs. Grace Cali Feldstein, Educational Director. Phone: 512 476-2661. DALLAS 53 Coerver Industries, Inc., 331 1 Elm Street. Manufac- turer of architectural woodwork, elevator cabs, store and bank fixtures. Tour of plant shows machines in operation, work in progress and finished products. Visitors also tour the offices where samples of the products are shown. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-100. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact Earl T. Allen, Jr., President. Phone: 214 744-5211. 28 Fabricators International, 3000 Irving Boulevard. Manufacturer of stainless steel food service equip- ment. Visitors see the forming and polishing of stainless steel equipment. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 1:30-3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the first two weeks in July. Group number: 4-10. Advance notice required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Joseph H. Berger or Jack Scales. Phone:214 631-6820. 10 Austin Baking Company, 5800 Airport Boulevard. Bread and roll bakery. Tours Wednesday and Fri- day, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 min- utes. No tours from June through August. Group number: 4-60. Advance notice required. Contact Kirby Krause. Phone: 512 453-6606. 83 Best Printing Company, Inc., 3218 Manor Road (P.O. Box 1548). Commercial printing — brochures, 4-color advertising books. Visitors observe the vari- ous steps in the printing and bindery operations. Tours daily, except Monday and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tours by prior arrangement only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 6-25. Advance notice of 6 weeks required. Spanish translation available. Children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact C.J. Levenduski, President, or Jack Steinhauser, Board Chairman. Phone: 512 477-9733. 11 National Bank of Commerce, 1525 Elm Street. Banking. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-25. Advance notice required. Spanish translation avail- able. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Tim M. Kuhler, Senior Vice President and Cashier. Phone: 214 658-6268. 91 Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company, 1301 McDonald (Box 5118). Manufacturer of soap, syn- thetic detergents, food products (shortening and oil) and chemicals. Included in the tour are a film program, tour of the packing operations and re- freshments in the plant cafeteria. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 a.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Robert M. Roberts. Phone: 214 428-5143. 83 Texas Mailing & Printing Company, 703 West 7th. Commercial printing and mail advertising. Visitors see the processing of mail advertising — addressing, routing, bundling, etc. Tours Tuesday through Thursday. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice required. Spanish and German translation available. No children admitted. Contact Clarence E. Saegert, President. Phone: 512 478-3448. 18 WFAA Radio & TV, Communications Center. Radio and television broadcasting and production. Tour includes the radio and television facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 40 minutes. Advance notice of 1 day required. Spanish translation available with advance notice. Children under 8 not admitted. Contact the TV Promotion Department. Phone: 214 748-9631, Ext. 234. 122 TEXAS DENTON 72 Denton Record-Chronicle, 314 East Hickory. Daily newspaper. Tour includes the entire plant, with emphasis on the production departments and press facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Mrs. Pamela Pedigo. Phone: 817 387-3811. EVADALE 74 Eastex Division, Temple-Eastex, Inc. (P.O. Box 816, Silsbee, Texas). Manufacturer of pulp, paper and paperboard. Tour includes the wood yards, pulp mill, paper mill, finishing and shipping depart- ments. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras permitted. Contact L.C. Menius, Director of Industrial Relations. Phone: 713 276-3280. FORT WORTH 5 Bandera Hat Company, 320 South Lake Street. Manufacturer of western hats. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours June 25 through July 10. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice required. Contact Fred Swartz. Phone: 817 332-1541. 79 The EMC Company, 3817 Rutledge. Vacuum- forming industrial equipment. Visitors see the man- ufacture of vacuum-forming machines, reinforcing presses, preform machines, automatic trimming machines and automatic drill machines for the vacuum-forming industry. Visitors also tour the facility where vacuum-formed finished products are being produced. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice required. Contact Eugene Moody, Sales Manager. Phone:817 732-5554. 75 Gearhart-Owen Industries, Inc., 1100 Everman Road (P.O. Box 1936). Manufacturer of oil well service equipment. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact Harrold D. Owen, Presi- dent, or Bernie Harrison, Executive Secretary. Phone:817 293-1300. FRIONA 49 Hi-Pro Feeds, Highway 60 East. Manufacturer of livestock feeds. Visitors tour the manufacturing facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 100 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Keith Hansen. Phone: 806 247-2791. HEBBRONVILLE 63 Hebbronville Auction and Commission Company, Laredo Highway. Livestock sales. Visitors observe cattle auction (1500-head of cattle sold each week). Tours Wednesday, 12 noon. Group number: 50 maximum. Spanish translation available. Contact Ascencion Martinez, General Manager. Phone: 512 527-3251. HOUSTON 78 A-V Corporation, 2518 North Boulevard. Motion picture and filmstrip production and laboratories. Tour includes the production, animation and laboratory facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-12. Advance notice of 1 day required. Spanish translation available. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact: David J. Cazalet, Vice President and Executive Producer. Phone: 713 523-6701. 16 Anheuser-Busch, Inc., Busch Bird Park (Promo- tional Facility), 775 Gellhorn Drive. Brewery — Budweiser and Michelob Beer. Tour includes a film on the history of Anheuser-Busch and the process of making beer, guided tour of the brewery, question- and-answer period and sampling of the products. Self-guided tours daily, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. week- days and 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. weekends. During summer months tours daily from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Guided tours by reservation only, Monday through Friday. Tour length: 2-3 hours. Group number: 6-50. Advance notice required. Contact Judy Manis, Hospitality Secretary, or Bill Lindquist, Promotional Manager. Phone: 713 675-9131. 51 Dee Foundries, Inc., 2408 Everett Street. Sand foundry — brass, bronze, aluminum, stainless steel. Tour includes three separate foundries, including a modern air-set operation with electric melting, four types of molding and four types of core-making. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. No tours the first week in July and the week between Christ- mas and New Year's. Group number: 5-12. Ad- vance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 15 not admitted. Contact R.A. Colton, or M. Myers. Phone:713 222-0236. 25 Gulf Coast Portland Cement Company, 6203 Indus- trial Way. Cement manufacturer. Visitors tour the industrial plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Adults only (school children by special arrangement). Contact B.J. Showalter, Vice Presi- dent of Operations, or Patton H. Caldwell, Opera- tions Manager. Phone: 713 926-3181. TEXAS 123 12 Houston Coca-Cola Bottling Company, 2800 Bis- sonnet (P.O. Box 1268). Bottlers of Coca-Cola and all Coca-Cola products: Tab, Fresca, Sprite, Mr. Pibb, Fanta, Sugar-Free Sprite and Sugar-Free Pib. Visitors see the production areas of four bottling lines and an area where Coke bottles from around the world are displayed. Visitors then proceed to the Auditorium where refreshments are offered and two films presented, including a question-and-answer session. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20-100. Advance notice of 2 weeks re- quired. Children under 7 not admitted. Contact Ms. Bonnie Day, Public Relations. Phone: 713 664-3451. 59 Reddy Ice Division, The Southland Corporation, 9122 Telephone Road (Box 2823). Ice manufac- turer. Visitors see the manufacturing, processing and bagging operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-40. Advance notice of 2 days required. Spanish translation available. Children must be ac- companied by an adult. Contact Vene Smith, Opera- tions Manager. Phone: 713 641-0865. JACKSONVILLE 5 International Fashions, Inc., 201-03 Cherokee Street. Manufacturer of ladies' dresses, pantsuits, blouses, skirts, pants and jackets. Tour includes cutting of material, assembly of garments, final pressing and inspection and shipping. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. No tours the week of July 4. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days preferred. Spanish translation available. Contact Coke L. Gillespie or Tim Gillespie. Phone: 214 586-3681. LITTLEFIELD 99 Littlefield Cotton Products, U.S. 84 Business. Man- ufacturer of cotton batting — insulator pads (Flex-Xel Pad), mattress and upholstry supplies. Visitors tour the plant with an explanation of the operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10 maxi- mum. Advance notice required. Spanish translation available. Contact Richard Thompson, Pete Hatfield, Vice President, or Janice Reed, Secretary. Phone:806 385-5176. LONGVIEW 16 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company, 1400 West Cotton Street. Brewery. Tour consists of the brewery and hospitality room. Tours Monday through Friday, 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Sam H. Moore, Man- ager, Industrial Relations. Phone: 214 753-0371 . McGregor 63 Texas A&M University Agricultural Research Cen- ter, P.O. Box 447. Agricultural research center. Tour includes beef cattle, range land, forage and other research activities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Advance notice required for large groups. Spanish translation available. Contact Mr. Samuel S. Pegues, Farms Manager. Phone: 817 840-2878. McKINNEY 87 Fisher Controls Company, U.S. Highway 380 (P.O. Box 900). Manufacturer of propane and natural gas equipment — regulators, valves, couplings and adap- tors. Tour of facilities includes assembly and machine shop, laboratory, quality control and test- ing. Tours Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice required. Contact Vernon Klassen. Phone: 214 542-7446. NEW BRAUNFELS 5 Comal Hosiery Mill, Inc., 380 East Austin. Hosiery manufacturer. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Spanish and German transla- tion available. Contact Edith Schibner. Phone: 512 625-2358. NOCONA 89 Nocona Boot Company, East Highway 82 (P.O. Box 599). Boot manufacturer. Visitors observe all stages of boot manufacturing. Self-guided tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the first week in July and last week in December. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact the Receptionist. Phone: 817 825-3321. PASADENA 74 Champion Papers, North Shaver at Washburn Tun- nel (P.O. Box 872). Paper manufacturer — coated and uncoated paper, bond, mimeograph, tablet and envelope. General tour includes the paper mill and converting facilities. Tours Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. (exceptions by special arrangements). Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Writ- ten notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact Emma Westbrook. Phone: 713 472-2421. 124 TEXAS PECOS 50 West Texas Cooperative Oil Mill, 2101 California Avenue. Cottonseed and other oil seed processing. Producer of vegetable oils and meals. Complete tour of facilities from raw material unloading to finished product. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. No tours from July to October. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 3 days required. Spanish transla- tion available. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact William R. Bickley. Phone: 915 447-2241. PLAINVIEW 45 The Hamby Company, 2905 West 7th Street. Farm equipment manufacturer. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during July. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Preschool children not admitted. Contact Gerald Bailey. Phone:806 293-5321. 45 W. F. Larson, Inc., P.O. Box 1967, Dimmitt Highway. Manufacturer of high clearance tractors and equipment and road sweepers. Tour includes the engineering and drafting departments and produc- tion line. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Contact W.F. Larson, B.T. Lusk or James Crossland. Phone: 806 293-1353. 27 Riverside Chemical Company, Highway 87 and Pioneer Road. Manufacturer of agricultural pes- ticides. Tour includes the production and storage facilities for agricultural pesticides. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 25 minimum. Advance notice of 3-7 days required. Contact Lyndal Black, Division Manager. Phone: 806 293-5341. PORT ARTHUR 75 Gulf Oil Company -U.S., P.O. Box 701. Petroleum refining. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours and 30 minutes. Group number: 33 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 11 not admitted. Contact Mr. B.J. Stout. Phone: 713 983-3301. SAN ANGELO 72 San Angela Standard Times, 34 West Harris. News- paper. Educational tour includes the processes in- volved in the production of a newspaper. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact Grace Ahlschwede. Phone: 915 653-1221. SAN ANTONIO 50 Black Sun Herb Farm, 19801 Scenic Loop Road (Route 15, Box 230K). Growing and marketing of culinary and medicinal herbs. This is a tour of the historical buildings and gardens, with a visit to the shops where various herbal products and dried herbs are available. Tours daily, except Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice of 1 week preferred. Spanish translation available. Contact Barbara Avery, Man- ager. Phone: 512 695-8278. 82 City Public Service, P.O. Box 1771. Municipally- owned electric and natural gas utility serving Bexar County. This is a walking tour of the electric generating plants, including discussions with the plant engineering personnel before and after the tours. Tours Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. Chil- dren under 15 not admitted. Contact the Public Relations Assistant. Phone: 512 227-3211. 16 Lone Star Brewing Company, 600 Lone Star Boulevard. Brewery. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. The Buckhorn Museum complex is open daily, except Christmas Day, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice required. German (by prior arrangements) and Spanish trans- lation available. No sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Russell DeBerry, Pat Dunavan or Fuzzy Plunkett. Phone: 512 226-8301. SAN MARCOS 80 Thermon Manufacturing Company, 100 Thermon Drive. Manufacturer of products and systems for heating pipes and vessels. Tour includes the office, computer, engineering, research and manufacturing operations. Tours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m., 12 noon, 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Ad- vance notice required. Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Gordon A. Hyatt, Vice President. Phone: 512 392-5801. SUGAR LAND 97 Imperial Sugar Company, 198 Kempner Street. Sugar refinery. Tour includes the raw sugar warehouse, melt and filter house and packing de- partment. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 100 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of 25 or more. Groups of children under 8 not admitted. Contact Miss Bertha Gonzalez, Personnel Secretary. Phone: 713 494-9181, Ext. 317. TEXAS 125 53 82 TAYLOR Taylor Bedding Manufacturing Company, 402 West Second. Manufacturer of bedding, mattress pads, quilts, pillows and upholstered furniture. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 50 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 1-3 days required. Contact Jim Lawrence, Vice President. Phone: 512 352-631 1. VICTORIA Central Power & Light Company, 1205 C South Bottom Street (P.O. Box 2299). Electric generating station. Children are shown a film on how electricity is generated and then taken on a tour. Adults have a question-and-answer session, followed by a guided tour of the station. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group number: 8-50. Advance notice of 1 day preferred. Children under 8 not admitted. Con- tact Perry A. Beaty, Jr., Superintendent, Victoria Power Station. Phone: 512 575-1212. WICHITA FALLS Levi Strauss & Company, 2720 Market Street. Manufacturer of blue denim jeans. Complete tour of the plant from cutting to finished product, with a question-and-answer session at the end of the tour if desired. Tours Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours the first week of July and last week of December. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Joe Dulaney, Personnel Manager. Phone: 817 767-1441. UTAH CEDAR CITY 93 The Coleman Company. Inc., 597 North 1500 West. Manufacturer of sleeping bags, tents, tent poles and backpack equipment. Visitors see the complete construction of sleeping bags (tick line, garnett room, quilting machines, zipper line, inspec- tion); tents (cutting tables, overlook machines, bias machines, cosmo machine); also, complete tour of the backpack area and pole shop. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Contact Terry D. Wilson, Plant Manager. Phone: 801 586-9437. CLEARFIELD 113 Freeport Center Associates, P.O. Box 1325. Indus- trial park. Manufactured products include filters, skis, ski poles, semi-trailers, jet loading ramps, pipe fabrication, dishwashers and refrigerators and aluminum extensions. This is a general tour of the largest private distribution center in the United States. Stops may be made at individual operations as desired. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Advance notice required. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact Stephen L. Barrett. Phone: 801 825-9741. FILLMORE 44 Mountain Mushrooms, Inc., 400 South Park Av- enue. Mushroom farm. Visitors see the picking and packing of mushrooms, environmental control sys- tem and compost yard. Tours Monday through Friday, by appointment. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10-25. Advance notice required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Kenneth Sanderson. Phone: 801 743-6817. 72 Times Publishing Company, 1301 Lamar Street. Newspaper. Tour through newspaper plant shows press operation, printing process, mail room and inserting machines, advertising, editorial depart- ment, and library. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 6-30. Advance notice preferred. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Marvin Penrod. Phone: 817 767-8341. PROVO 87 Valtek, Inc., 765 South 100 East (Box 209). Man- ufacturer of control valves and valve actuators. Tour includes a description of the business (customers, capabilities, product scope, etc.), followed by a tour of the facilities with an introduction to key execu- tives. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 3 days required. Spanish, German, Japanese and Chinese translation available. Contact Ellen Bates. Phone: 801 373-1100. 126 UTAH RICHMOND 10 Pepperidge Farm, Inc. Frozen layer cakes, cookies and crackers. Tour includes areas where cookies and crackers are mixed, baked and packaged. Tours Tuesday, 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice of 3 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact the Manager-Personnel Services. Phone: 801 258-2491. SANDY 76 Deseret Pharmaceutical Company, Inc., 9450 South State Street. Manufacturer of disposable medical- surgical products — I.V. products, surgical masks, surgical disbursive grounding pads, heart- monitoring products, pre-surgical scrubs. Tours re- stricted to aisles outside clean room manufacturing environment. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 30-60 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Written advance notice of 6 weeks required. Spanish, Dutch and German transla- tion available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children not admitted. Contact Silas S. Smith, Vice President — Assistant to the President, or Jacob J. VanRy, Director, International Division. Phone: 801 255-6851. VERMONT BARRE 31 Associated Memorial Products, Inc., Circle Street. Custom sawing and polishing of granite. Contact Robert Sassone, Manager. Phone: 802 476-3411. 31 Barre Custom Sandblast, Burnham's Meadow. Sandblasting. Contact Lawrence Moran, Owner. Phone: 802 476-5361. 99 Barre Mills, Division of Maiden Mills, P.O. Box 583. Plush weaving. Contact Albert Czarnecki, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 476-3183. 83 Barre Sign Company, Inc., 7 Auburn Street. Man- ufacturer of signs — neon, plastic, wood; truck letter- ing, displays. Contact Herbert W. Jorgensen, Presi- dent. Phone: 802476-3691. 31 Bilodeau-Barre, Inc., P.O. Box 484, Bianchi Place. Granite monuments. Contact Paul G. Chatot, Sr., President. Phone: 802 476-7901 . 83 Modern Printing Company, Inc., 14-20 Jefferson Street. Commercial and book printing — letterpress and offset. Contact Mr. Garth W. Blow, President. Phone: 802 476-3164. 31 Rock of Ages Corporation, P.O. Box 482. Granite monuments and industrial products. Contact C. Jay Slaybaugh, President. Phone: 802 476-31 15. 66 Smith, Whitcomb & Cook Company, Inc., 87 Boyn- ton Street. Stone working machinery and supplies, gray iron castings. Contact F. Lewis Biggs, Admin- istrative Manager. Phone: 802 476-4161. 40 Sprague Electric Company, 131 South Main Street. Capacitors. Contact James P. Sherry, Plant Man- ager. Phone: 802 476-4146. 72 Times-Argus Association, Inc., 540 North Main Street (P.O. Box 707). Daily afternoon newspaper — The Times-Argus. Contact George J. Gladding, General Manager. Phone: 802 479-0191. 31 Twin City Custom Sandblast, Inc., 32 Granite Street. Custom granite sandblasting. Contact Paul H. Trottier, President. Phone: 802 476-8718. BEECHER FALLS 53 Beecher Falls Furniture Division of Ethan Allen, Inc. Manufacturer of bedroom furniture. Contact Marshall Ames, General Manager. Phone: 802 266-3355. BELLOWS FALLS 72 Miller Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 430. Newspapers. Contact Max Miller, President. Phone: 802 463-3149. 74 Mountain Paper Products Corporation, Mill Street. Paper: colored school art, construction, poster, drawing. Contact Robert D. Warner, General Man- ager. Phone: 802 463-4514. 74 Robertson Paper Company, Inc., P.O. Box 1. Wrapping paper; coated, oiled and waxed papers. Contact Samuel A. Lewis, President. Phone: 802 463-3333. 74 Standard Paper Company, Inc., P.O. Box 191, Granger Street. Manufacturer of gummed papers and reinforced gummed tapes (plain and printed). Contact Reginald W. Brown, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 463-4544 or 802 463-4545. 40 Whitney Blake Company, Industrial Drive (P.O. Box 310). Power supply, power coiled and shaver cords. Contact B.R. Filieo, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 463-4561. BENNINGTON 72 The Banner Publishing Corporation, 425 Main Street. Newspaper publishing, Bennington Banner, and commercial printing. Contact Kelton B. Miller, Publisher. Phone: 802 442-6300. 74 Ben-Mont Corporation, Ben-Mont Avenue. Christ- mas gift wrapping, all occasion gift wrapping and rotogravure inks. Contact R.W. Higbee, President. Phone: 802 442-6331. VERMONT 127 17 Bennington Potters, Inc., 324 County Street. Man- ufacturer of dinnerware and decorative accessories (stoneware). Contact David Gil, President. Phone: 802 447-7531. 66 Bijur Lubricating Corporation, Kocher Drive. Man- ufacturer of lubricating pumps, metering equipment and spraymist coolant systems. Contact S.M. Babson, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 442-6381. 37 Fairdale Farms, Inc., West Road. Milk processing and packing. Contact Lewie C. Dodge, Vice Presi- dent, Processing. Phone: 802 442-6391. 7 Globe-Union, Inc. , P.O. Box 590, Route 67A. Auto storage batteries. Contact James D. Williams, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 442-8126. 66 Lauzon Machine & Engineering, Inc., 757 Main Street. Machine building, shop work, machine and engineering services. Contact William E. Lauzon, President. Phone: 802 442-31 17. 41 Tansitor Electronics, West Road. Tantalum capacitors. Contact David Monks, General Man- ager. Phone: 802 442-5473. 5 Thomson Manufacturing Company, Inc., 230 Main Street. Manufacturer of ladies' and children's cotton knit underwear and children's cotton and synthetic knit sport shirts. Contact Kenneth Thomson, Gen- eral Manager. Phone: 802 442-5260. 40 Union Carbide Corporation, Battery Products Divi- sion, 401 Gage Street, P.O. Box 440. Dry batteries. Contact C.R. Hoffman, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 442-6301. 53 Valentine Mill Furniture Corporation, 304 Rear Pleasant Street. Manufacturer of Pine occasional tables. Contact B. Lazarus, President. Phone: 802 447-7708. 33 Vermont Container Corporation, P.O. Box 648, Bowen Road. Manufacturer of corrugated shipping containers. Contact Andrew Wargo, General Man- ager. Phone: 802 442-5455. BETHEL 65 East Bethel Mill, Inc., RD 1 . Lumber. Contact R.A. Hyde, President. Phone: 802 763-7303. 105 Eastfield Trailer & Manufacturing, Inc., junction of Routes 107 and 12. Manufacturer of custom-built tag trailers, gooseneck and swan-type trailers and Eagle stoves. Contact Richard J. Levasseur, Presi- dent. Phone: 802 234-9666. 66 Vermont Mold and Tool, Inc., Division of G-W Plastic Engineers, Inc. Tools and dies. Contact Gosta Mattsson, Vice President. Phone: 802 234-9941. BRADFORD 65 Bradford Veneer & Panel Company, Inc., Mill Street. Hardwood plywood. Contact Wallace J. Farr, President. Phone: 802 222-5241. 99 Channel Mills, Inc. Double knit fabrics. Contact Robert Rome, General Manager. Phone: 802 222-5275. 21 Northlands Development Corporation, P.O. Box 115. Manufacturer of prefabricated building compo- nents and prefabricated houses. Contact Wayne Chalmers, Plant Superintendent. Phone: 802 222-5761. BRANDON 41 Brandon Coils, P.O. Box 256. Coils, transformers, assembly services. Contact Bernard H. Hussels, Manager. Phone: 802 247-681 1 . 27 Old Fox Chemical, Inc., P.O. Box 117. Commer- cial fertilizers, agricultural chemical and mixed field and lawn seeds. Contact Daniel H. Swett, Manager. Phone: 802 247-6874. BRATTLEBORO 49 Agway, Inc., P.O. Box 814, 184 Vernon Street. Animal and poultry feeds. Contact Stanley F. Juscen, Manager. Phone: 802 254-4515. 83 American Book-Stratford Press, Inc., Composing Room Division, P.O. Box 810, Putney Road. Com- position for book manufacturing. Contact Jerome Mulcahy, Manager. Phone: 802 254-6073. 43 American Optical Corporation, Box 815, Putney Road. Optical lenses. Contact Robert E. Lee, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 254-2341. 71 R. V. Anderson & Sons, Inc., P.O. Box 278. Organ pipes. Contact Robert V. Anderson, Jr., President. Phone: 802 254-6915. 65 Boise Cascade Corporation, Specialty Paperboard Division, P.O. Box 498, Putney Road. Pressboards, electrical insulating papers, fiberboard specialties and special industrial papers. Contact John Wasserlein, General Manager. Phone: 802 257-0365. 65 Brattleboro Kiln Drying & Milling Company, Inc., Box 296, 36 Frost Street. Kiln drying, hardwood dimension stock for furniture manufacturers. Con- tact Irwin Elkins, General Manager. Phone: 802 254-4528. 65 Brattleboro Wood Products, P.O. Box 822. Hardwood dimension lumber. Contact Robert Richardson, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 257-1316. 65 Cersosimo Lumber Company, RFD 3, Vernon Road. Kiln drying, lumber, gunstocks. Contact Anthony Cersosimo, Treasurer. Phone: 802 254-4508. 128 VERMONT 83 The Stephen Greene Press, Box 1000, Fessenden Road, Indian Flat. Book publishing. Contact Stephen Greene, President. Phone: 802 257-7757. 5 H. Margolin & Company, Inc., Putnam Park. Ladies' handbags. Contact David Zimmerman, Ad- ministrator. Phone: 802 254-4594. 79 Melsur Corporation, P.O. Box 612, Old Ferry Road. Molded melamine plastic furniture parts and casket shells. Contact Jason G. Doubleday, Presi- dent. Phone: 802 254-4531. 83 The Spencer Press Corporation, 138 Elliot Street. Commercial printing — letterpress and offset. Con- tact Jon Gehly, President. Phone: 802 254-5313. 87 Vitri-Forms, Inc., P.O. Box 208. Lasers, scientific apparatus and hand-blown glass flowers, jewelry and animals. Contact Lawrence W. Nelson, Presi- dent. Phone: 802 254-5235. BRISTOL 83 The Bristol Press, 58 Maple Street. Commercial printing — letterpress and offset. Contact Lyndon E. Fish, Owner-Manager. Phone: 802 453-2442. 65 Claire Lathrop Band Mill. Hardwood and softwood lumber — rough sawn, kiln dried, planed. Contact Claire Lathrop. Phone: 802 453-3606. BURLINGTON 12 Clicquot Club Bottling Company of Vermont, Inc., P.O. Box 7, 212 Battery Street. Carbonated beverages — Clicquot Club, Royal Crown Cola, Maxie, Nesbitts. Contact James Fayette, President. Phone:802 864-7418. 12 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Burlington, 266 Pine Street. Soft drinks. Contact Lee Kilburn, Presi- dent. Phone: 802 863-3481. 66 Edlund Company, Inc., Box 929, 159 Industrial Parkway. Food products machinery. Contact Willett S. Foster, President. Phone: 802 862-9661. 53 Green Mountain Industries, Inc., 431 Pine Street. Wood furniture. Contact Philip R. Leclerc, Vice President. Phone: 802 864-5773. 37 H. P. Hood, Inc., 187 South Winooski Avenue. Cottage cheese, butter, powdered dairy products. Contact Allen Dickey, Manager. Phone: 802 864-4561. 83 George Little Press, Inc., 750 Pine Street. Offset lithography: advertising brochures, catalogs, forms, books. Contact George Little, Jr., President. Phone: 802 658-3300. 50 John McKenzie Packing Company, Inc., Box 563. Sausage products, smoked hams and bacon. Contact John G. McKenzie, President. Phone: 802 864-4585. 5 Maternities, Inc., 127-!/2 College Street. Maternity clothes; ladies' sportswear. Contact Andrew Russo, Manager. Phone: 802 864-9019. 83 The Perry Press, 98 South Winooski Avenue. Gen- eral commercial printing and job shop. Contact Vincent J. Sessa, Owner. Phone: 802 862-1830. 53 Provencher Furniture & Mattress Company, Inc., 276 North Avenue. Mattresses, studio couches, upholstery. Contact Lawrence Provencher, Presi- dent. Phone: 802 863-3911. 83 Queen City Printers, Inc., 701 Pine Street. Com- mercial printing — letterpress and offset lithography. Contact Richard W. Schillhammer, President. Phone: 802 864-4566. 76 Roy's Orthopedic, Inc., 175 Pearl Street. Or- thopedic and prosthetic products. Contact Armand L. Roy, President. Phone: 802 863-4591. 50 Vermont Maple Orchards, Inc., P.O. Box 371. Maple syrup, sugar and candy. Contact F.W. Rees, General Manager. Phone: 802 878-4457. 95 Vermont Structural Steel Corporation, P.O. Box 610, 207 Flynn Avenue. Fabricated structural steel, fabricated plate work, miscellaneous metal work. Contact Robert W. Moore, President. Phone: 802 864-9841. 79 E. B. & A. C. Whiting Company, 1 Howard Street. Plastic monofilaments, brush and broom fibers. Contact Everett C. Bailey, President. Phone: 802 863-6333. CABOT 44 Cabot Farmers' Co-op Creamery Company, Inc. Milk, cream, butter, cottage cheese, cheddar cheese. Contact Robert P. Davis, General Manager. Phone: 802 563-2231. CAMBRIDGEPORT 93 Good Medicine, Box 9, Main Street. Canvas tents. Contact David Woodsfellow, President. Phone: 802 463-9355. CASTLETON 4 Beautyguard of Castleton, Vermont, Inc., Box 276. Seamless aluminum siding. Contact Stanley Curran, President. Phone: 802 468-5583. CHARLOTTE 68 Garden Way Research, P.O. Box 26V. Lawn and garden equipment, fireplace equipment, wood burn- ing stoves. Contact Peter J. Coleman, General Manager. Phone: 802 425-2137. CHESTER 83 The National Survey. Maps, brochures, map adver- tising. Contact Vincent P. Crocker, President, or Edward W. Whelan, Manager. Phone: 802 875-2121. VERMONT 129 DERBY 31 Derby Granite, Inc., P.O. Box 136. Granite curb- ing, monuments. Contact Irio Bianchi, President. 66 Estabrook Engineering Company, Inc., P.O. Box 16, Route 111. Prototype tools, jigs and fixtures; production parts. Contact Ralph W. Estabrook, President. Phone: 802 766-5596. DERBY LINE 66 Butterfield Division, Litton Industrial Products, Inc. Taps, dies, reamers, counterbores. Contact D.J. Hunter, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 873-3106. DUXBURY 71 The Tourin Musica, Box 575. Harpsichords, string instruments. Contact Jack Tourin or Pete Tourin. ELY 65 Britton Lumber Company, Inc. Hardwood and softwood lumber, trusses, panels. Contact Allen H. Britton, Jr., President. Phone: 802 333-4388. ENOSBURG FALLS 83 Green Mountain Printing & Publishing, Inc., Route 105. Offset printing. Contact Stanley Blodgett, Pres- ident. Phone: 802 933-2165. 72 O'Shea Publishing Company, Inc. Newspapers: Swanton Courier, Enosburg Standard, St. Ablans Leader, Richford Journal Gazette, RFD: Vermont Farm News. Contact Bernard G. O'Shea, Owner and Publisher. Phone: 802 933-4375. ESSEX JUNCTION 83 Essex Publishing Company, Inc., Box 296, 44 Park Street. Commercial printing, typesetting, offset lithography, pamphlet binding. Contact Proctor H. Page, Jr., President. Phone: 802 878-3356. GRAFTON 37 Grafton Village Cheese Company, Inc. Cheddar cheese. Contact W.J. van den Bergh, President. Phone: 802 843-2444. GRANVILLE 65 Granville Manufacturing Company, Inc.. Wood bowls, Spruce clapboards. Contact Frank A. Howlett, Owner. HANCOCK 65 Weyerhaeuser Company, Route 100. Plywood. Contact James Paasch, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 767-5311. HINESBURG 105 Iroquois Manufacturing Company, Inc., Box E, Richmond Road. Truck bodies, garden carts, snow machine trailers. Contact Dale R. Dawson, Presi- dent. Phone: 802 482-2155. JACKSONVILLE 50 Coombs Maple Products, Inc. Maple syrup, sugar and cream and apple syrup. Contact Robert G. Coombs, Jr., President. Phone: 802 368-2345. JOHNSON 65 Manchester Lumber, Inc., Box 27. Lumber. Contact R. Henry Manchester, President. Phone: 802 635-2315. LUDLOW 99 Jewell Brook Mills, Inc., Drawer F, Route 100. Wool and synthetic piece goods. Contact Karl Holl, President. Phone: 802 228-4966. 99 Manchester Fiber, Inc., 16 Mill Street. Textile yarn. Contact Kenneth H. Tucker, Manager. Phone: 802 228-7711. LUNENBURG 72 The Stinehour Press. Books, publications. Contact Roderick D. Stinehour, President. Phone: 802 328-2507. LYNDONVILLE 76 Dairy Association Company, Inc. Animal ointment, animal vitamin and mineral supplement. Contact John L. Norris, Jr., President. Phone: 802 626-3610. MANCHESTER 93 The Orvis Company, Inc. Bamboo and glass fishing rods. Contact Howard Steere, Superintendent. Phone: 802 362-1300. MIDDLEBURY 83 The Addison Press, Inc., P.O. Box 31, 20- Vi Main Street. Weekly newspaper, commercial printing — letterpress and offset. Contact William J. Slator, President. 27 Agway Blend Plant, Box 636. Fertilizer blends. Contact Gerard J. Brouillard, Manager. Phone: 802 388-6274. 49 Agway, Inc., P.O. Box 661. Animal and poultry feeds. Contact Alonzo C. Audet, Manager. Phone: 802 388-6331. 113 Cinchpac, Inc., Box 707. Packaged shoe shine, spot remover, nail polish remover. Contact C. Andrew Kaiser, President. Phone: 802 388-6345. 22 The Standard Register Company, Route 7 South. Business forms. Contact Edmund A. Osborne, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 388-7911. MONTGOMERY 103 Montgomery Schoolhouse, Inc., P.O. Box 33. Wooden toys, gift accessories. Contact Daniel E. Woodward, President. Phone: 802 326-4272. 130 VERMONT MONTPELIER 83 Capital City Press, Inc., Box 546. Commercial and job printing, books and magazines. Contact Charles Parker, Jr., President. Phone: 802 223-5207. 83 The Leahy Press, Inc., P.O. Box 254, 136 State Street. Offset and letterpress job printing. Contact Ronald Kowalkowski, Owner. Phone: 802 223-2100. 79 Reddy Company, Inc., P.O. Box 779. Plastic infant products, custom molding. Contact Gordon R. Wilkinson, President. Phone: 802 229-0571. MORRISVILLE 66 Greene Corporation, Box 752. Custom machine work, welding. Contact Frederic M. Greene, Presi- dent. Phone: 802 888-3311. 72 The News & Citizen Corporation, Brooklyn Street. Weekly newspapers. The News & Citizen, The Transcript; job printing, letterpress and offset. Con- tact Clyde A. Limoge, Publisher. Phone: 802 888-2212. MOSCOW 65 Little River Wood Products, Box 206. Wood pack- age handles, wood turnings, wooden toys and novel- ties. Contact Edmund S. Kelley, President. Phone: 802 253-7345. NEWPORT 50 American Maple Products Corporation, P.O. Box 685. Maple syrup, candy and sugar. Contact Edward S. Doubleday, President. Phone: 802 334-6516. 37 Elmwood Dairy, Inc., Star Route. Dairy products. Contact James R. Palin, Secretary. Phone: 802 334-8125. 53 Newport Furniture Parts Corporation. Furniture parts. Contact Jean M. Laforce, President. Phone: 802 334-2875. 79 Newport Plastics Corporation, Box 466, Derby Road. Fiberglass aircraft parts, computer housings, aircraft seatcovers. Contact Thomas E. Adams, General Manager. NORTH BENNINGTON 83 Economy Graphics, Inc., Water Street. Printing and binding books, commercial work, printing and packaging greeting cards, printing post cards. Con- tact William E. Eastler, Jr., President. Phone: 802 442-6368. NORTH SPRINGFIELD 42 Vermont Research Corporation, Precision Park. Magnetic memory drums and systems, magnetic memory discs and systems. Contact Hugh M. Taft, President. Phone: 802 886-2256. NORTH TROY 42 Space Research Corporation, North Jay Road. Elec- tronic and ordnance research and development, air traffic control simulation equipment, software de- velopment. Contact Dr. G.V. Bull, President. Phone: 802 988-4401. NORTHFIELD 31 Cetrangolo Finishing Works, Inc., 11 Main Street. Granite memorials, building and curbing granite. Contact Dolivio L. Cetrangolo, President. Phone: 802 485-5711. 65 Northfield Wood Products Company, Inc., Box 147. Hardwood brush blocks, Pine and hardwood furniture parts, toy parts. Contact Clark Bothfeld, President. Phone: 802 485-641 1 . 99 Rabbitt Hollow Knitting Mill, Inc. Women's knit- wear. Contact Eugene O. Nadon, President. Phone: 802 485-6941. ORLEANS 53 Orleans Division of Ethan Allen, Inc. Wood furni- ture. Contact Charles Moran, General Manager. Phone:802 754-8521. PERKINSVILLE 72 The Hunter Press. RFD, Box 105. Weekly newspaper — The Weathersfield Weekly. Contact Armstrong Hunter, Editor, or William Hunter, Pub- lisher. Phone: 802 263-5361. 83 The Red House Press, RFD, Box 105. Commercial printing — lithographic and letterpress. Contact Armstrong Hunter, President. Phone: 802 263-5361. 31 Vermont Soapstone Company, Inc., Pond Road. Soapstone, soapstone products, fiberglass machine covers. Contact T.C. Barton, President. Phone: 802 263-5404. PLYMOUTH 37 The Plymouth Cheese Corporation, P.O. Box 1. Granular curd cheese. Contact John Coolidge, Pres- ident, or Arnold P. Butler, Manager. Phone: 802 672-3650. POST MILLS 65 Malmquist Wood Products, Inc. Hardwood squares and dimension stock for the furniture industry. Contact Walter A. Malmquist, President. Phone: 802 333-4377. POULTNEY 83 The Composing Room, Depot Street. Photocomposition. Contact Charles W. Colvin, Sr., President. Phone: 802 287-9805. 83 Journal Press, Inc., Depot Street. Offset and letter- press commercial printing. Contact Charles W. Colvin, Sr., President. Phone: 802 287-9811. VERMONT 131 5 Kay Windsor, Inc., Main Street. Women's dresses. Contact June Durfey, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 287-9307. POWNAL 65 Northeast Wood Products, Inc. Kiln dried lumber, hardwood and softwood. Contact Siegfried Tolle, President. Phone: 802 823-7365. PUTNEY 15 Basketville. Baskets, buckets, woodenware, furni- ture. Contact C. Holton Wilson, Plant Superinten- dent. Phone: 802 387-5509. 74 Putney Converting Corporation, P.O. Box 226. Napkins, toilet tissue, wrapping tissues. Contact Earl W. Stockwell, President. Phone: 802 387-5571. 74 Putney Paper Company, Inc., P.O. Box 226. Paper products. Contact Earl W. Stockwell, President. Phone: 802 387-5571. RANDOLPH 65 Branchwood, Inc., 6 Pearl Street. Hardwood dimen- sion lumber, edge glued Pine furniture panels. Contact Clark Bothfeld, President. Phone: 802 728-3386. 72 White River Valley Herald, Pleasant Street. Weekly newspaper, job printing. Contact M. Dickey Drysdale, Publisher. Phone: 802 728-3232. RICHFORD 49 H. K. Webster Company. Animal and poultry feed products. Contact Robert E. Thiel, Plant Manager. Phone:802 848-7718. RICHMOND 44 Richmond Cooperative Association, Inc., P.O. Box 287. Cheese, milk, cream. Contact David C. Arms, General Manager. Phone: 802 434-2101. RUPERT 76 J. H. Guild Company, Main Street. Proprietary and veterinarian medicines. Contact S.M. Fossel, Presi- dent. Phone: 802 394-7733. RUTLAND 3 General Electric Company, 210 Columbian Avenue. Blades and vanes for jet engine compressors, special hardware for jet engines. Contact J.T. Hermans, Acting Manager. Phone: 802 773-9121. 83 Novak Printing Company, Inc., 53 Washington Street. Commercial printing — letterpress and offset. Contact William H. Foley, Sr., President. 73 Rutland Fire Clay Company, Curtis Avenue. Caulk- ing, sealants, asphalt coatings and cements, paints and paint remover. Contact Donald A. Perkins, President. Phone: 802 775-5519. 65 Rutland Plywood Corporation, P.O. Box 696. Ve- neer and plywood. Contact Robert S. Bigelow, President. Phone: 802 773-91 1 1 . 83 Rutland Printing Company, Inc., 54 Strongs Av- enue. Job printing — offset, letterpress and "Itek" fast printing. Contact James K. Mann, President. Phone: 802 775-1948. ST. ALBANS 49 Agway, Inc., P.O. Box 795, Pearl and Walnut Street. Animal and poultry feeds. Contact Landon A. Davis, Manager. Phone: 802 524-6525. 68 Leader Evaporator Company, Inc., P.O. Box 588, 25 Stowell Street. Maple sugar utensils. Contact Robert A. Bordeau, Manager. Phone: 802 524-4966. 83 The North Country Press, 13-15 Center Street. Commercial printing — letterpress and offset. Con- tact Donald H. Hill, President. Phone: 802 524-3592. 83 Regal Art Press, Box 710, Route 104. Commercial printing, letterpress and offset. Contact Edward W. Handly, Owner. Phone: 802 524-4855. 40 Union Carbide Corporation, P.O. Box 671, Swan- ton Road. Flashlights. Contact J. B. Alspaugh, Plant Manager. Phone: 802 524-2151. 72 Vermont Publishing Corporation, 281 North Main Street. Newspapers — St. Albans Daily Messenger, Vermont Sunday News, Northwest News, Graphic Offset. Contact Clifton Noyes, General Manager. Phone: 802 524-2104. ST. JOHNSBURY 72 Caledonian-Record Publishing Company, Inc., 25 Federal Street. Daily newspaper — The Caledonia- Record. Contact H. Gordon Smith, President. Phone: 802 748-8121. 113 Colt Industries, Inc., Fairbanks Weighing Division, 711 East St. Johnsbury Road. Industrial weighing equipment. Contact Kenneth Hammer, Division President. Phone: 802 748-2371. 40 EHV-Weidman Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 278, Memorial Drive. Electrical insulating board and parts. Contact Patrick T. Colt, President. Phone: 802 748-8106. 50 Maple Grove, Inc., 167 Portland Street. Maple candies, sugar, syrup, salad dressing, mint candies, compound coating pops. Contact Stephen R. Astle, President. Phone: 802 748-2611. 49 Ralston Purina Company, P.O. Box 158, Bay Street. Animal feeds. Contact Clinton R. Seefeldt, Area Director of Operations. Phone: 802 748-2351 . 21 Vemco, Inc., P.O. Box 312. Modular homes. Con- tact Charles E. Wiley, General Manager. Phone: 802 748-2301. 132 VERMONT SHAFTSBURY 31 William E. Dailey, Inc., Box 38, RFD. Ready-mix concrete, hot mix, sand and gravel. Contact William E. Dailey, Jr., Vice President. Phone: 802 442-6917. SHELBURNE 93 Barrecrafters, P.O. Box 158. Ski poles, ski racks, boot trees, bike racks. Contact Richard A. Snelling, President. Phone: 802 985-3321 . 83 Excelsior Press, Falls Road. Commercial printing. Contact R.L. Stone or B.J. Stone, Owners. Phone: 802 985-2659. 68 Shelburne Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 158. Cup hooks, shoulder hooks, caster cups. Contact Richard A. Snelling, President. Phone: 802 985-3321. SHOREHAM 44 Shoreham Cooperative Apple Producers Associa- tion, Inc. Apples stored and packed. Contact Paul A. Hammack, General Manager. Phone: 802 897-7400. SOUTH LONDONDERRY 65 Smith, Inc., Box 87. Glued furniture dimension stock, hardwoods, Pine. Contact N.W. Smith, Gen- eral Manager. Phone: 802 824-5515. SOUTH RYEGATE 31 Chester Rosa Granite Company, Inc. Granite and marble markers. Contact John P. Davidson, Presi- dent. Phone:802 584-3663. SOUTH STAFFORD 65 Huntington Fence Company. Rail fence. Contact James Condict, Owner. Phone: 802 765-6591 . SPRINGFIELD 68 Fellows Corporation, Box 399. Gear cutting, finish- ing and grinding machines, gear-measuring instru- ments, gear shaper cutters, plastics injection mold- ing and extruding machines, twist drills. Contact John W. Hutchinson, President. Phone: 802 886-8333. 102 Jones & Lamson, 160 Clinton Street. Machine tools, optical comparators, precision measuring machines. Contact Robert S. Jones, Vice President and Gen- eral Manager. Phone: 802 885-2121. 102 Lovejoy Tool Company, Inc., P.O. Box 709. Inserted-blade milling, cutters, replacement blades, arbors, flywheels, hones. Contact Gerry T. Attridge, President. Phone: 802 885-2195. 5 72 Vermont Times-Reporter Corporation, P.O. Box 769, 23 Main Street. Newspapers — The Times- Reporter, The Word for the Week, Washington World, Vermont Business World. Contact Oliver R.B. Stalter, Editor-Publisher. 21 E. R. Wiggins Builders Supplies, Inc., Charlestown Road. Modular homes, wall panels, trusses, millwork. Contact William H. Maynes, President. Phone: 802 885-2169. TOWNSHEND 103 Mary Meyer Manufacturing Company, Inc., Mary Meyer Station. Stuffed toys. Contact Walter F. Meyer, President. Phone: 802 365-7793. TROY 37 Yankee Milk, Inc. Milk, powdered milk, dry whey. Contact John L. Sumner, Division Superintendent. Phone: 802 744-2425. VERGENNES 65 Kennedy Brothers, Inc., 11 Main Street. Wooden- ware. Contact Paul T. Kennedy, President. Phone: 802 877-2975. 87 Simmonds Precision, Instrument Systems Division, Panton Road. Systems for measurement, display, control of liquids and gases; special purpose com- puters; engine instrumentation. Contact C.V. McQuide, Division President. Phone: 802 877-2911. WATERVILLE 53 Fairmont Woodcraft. Fireside benches, lazy susans, jewelry. Contact C.A. Brown, Co-owner. Phone: 802 644-5039. WELLS RIVER 37 Calabro Cheese Corporation, 15 Cross Street. Ricotta and Mozzarella cheese. Contact Joseph Calabro, President. Phone: 802 757-2243. 37 Wells River Creamery, Inc., 15 Cross Street. Italian style cheeses. Contact Joseph Calabro, President. Phone: 802 757-2243. 74 Wells River Paper Company, 27 Mill Street. Car- bonizing papers. Contact George A. Leonard, Vice President. Phone: 802 757-2142. WEST RUTLAND 68 Industrial Design & Machine Corporation, 40 Mar- ble Street. Tool, jigs, fixtures, special machinery design, assembly, screw machine. Contact S. Ray Thornton, President. Phone: 802 438-5123. WESTFIELD 35 Rozelle, Inc. Cosmetics — toiletries, beauty kits. Contact Mrs. Rosel W. Brittain, President. Phone: 802 744-2270. WESTMINSTER STATION 80 Northeastern Culvert Corporation, P.O. Box 40. Corrugated galvanized steel and aluminum culvert pipe, structural plate pipe. Contact Albert P. Oot, Jr., President. Phone: 802 722-3359. WESTON 65 Weston Bowl Mill. Woodenware. Contact Samuel Lloyd, President. Phone: 802 824-6219. VERMONT 133 WHITE RIVER JUNCTION 37 Billings Farm, Inc., P.O. Box 278. Milk and dairy products. Contact Vaughan Truell, General Man- ager. Phone: 802 295-3255. 10 New England Baking Company, 31 North Main Street. WILLISTON 93 North American Alloys & Synthetics, Ltd., 15 Commerce Street. Ski poles, tent poles, pack frames, kayak braces, aluminum snow shoes; plat- ing: cadmium, black oxide, zinc, aluminum anodiz- ing. Contact M. Birger Benson, President. Phone: 802 864-0135. 31 Frank W. Whitcomb Construction Corporation, In- dustrial Avenue. Bituminous asphalt, processed aggregate, Sakrete concrete mixes. Contact Carlisle J. Coates, General Manager. Phone: 802 864-5375. WINDSOR 66 Cone-Blanchard Machine Company, P.O. Box 27. Multiple spindle automatic bar and chucking machines, vertical rotary surface grinders, vertical universal precision grinders. Contact Glenn D. Babbitt, President and General Manager. Phone: 802 674-2161. 85 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, P.O. Box 28, River Street. Rubber heels, soles, soling sheets. Contact Richard G. Cummings, Plant Manager. Phone:802 674-2151. WINOOSKI 41 Haveg Industries, Inc., P.O. Box 7. Insulated wire, PC board assemblies, cable assemblies. Contact David Binch, General Manager. Phone: 802 655-2121. 66 Hazelett Strip-Casting Corporation, Box 98. Con- tinuous casting machines. Contact R. William Hazelett, President. Phone: 802 863-6376. 68 Paulus Tool & Die, 156 West Street. Jigs, fixtures, gages, dies, automatic machinery, machine shop. Contact Henry G. Paulus, Owner. Phone: 802 655-1933. WOLCOTT 65 Vermont Weatherboard, Inc., Route 15. Barnboard replica manufactured from new lumber. Contact Noel L. Lussier, President. Phone: 802 472-5513. WOODSTOCK 113 Poma Aerial Tramways, Inc., 56 Pleasant Street. VIRGINIA BREMO BLUFF 82 Bremo Bluff Power Station, Virginia Electric and Power Company. Electric generating station. Vis- itors observe the operation of major equipment used in the generation of electricity. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact CM. Charlton, Station Superintendent. Phone: 804 842-3201. CULPEPER 61 Rental Uniform Services of Culpeper, Inc., 555 James Madison Highway. Industrial laundry. Vis- itors tour the plant and office areas, and see how items are processed. Tours Monday through Thurs- day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice pre- ferred. Small children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Mrs. Pat Yates, Secretary to the President. Phone: 703 825-2300. FRANKLIN 66 Franklin Equipment Company, Council and Carver Roads. Manufacturer of tree harvesting equipment — "Franklin Logger," axles and trans- missions. Tour includes welding, metal fabrication, assembly lines, final assembly, axle assembly, transmission assembly, gear cutting and machining operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; weekends by special arrangements. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the last week of June. Group number: 75 maximum. Advance notice pre- ferred. Contact Clyde E. Parker, Industrial Relations Manager, or James Keene, Plant Manager. Phone: 804 562-6111. LEESBURG 56 Washington ARTC Center, Route 7. Government Air Traffic Control facility. Visitors tour the opera- tional control room of an en route Air Traffic Control facility. Tours daily, 8-1 1 a.m., 1-2:30 p.m. and 3:15-4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 35 maximum. Advance notice of 3 days required. Prior clearance required from the FAA, Office of International Aviation Affairs, 800 Inde- pendence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20591, Attn: AIA-30. No cameras permitted. Groups of children under 14 require one adult for each eight children. Contact the Training Officer (EPDO). Phone: 703 777-4400, Ext. 216. MONTEREY 47 Virginia Trout Company, Inc. Trout hatchery. Vis- itors see the raising and processing of fresh water trout. Self-guided tours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone: 703 468-2980. 134 82 VIRGINIA NORFOLK Portsmouth Power Station, Virginia Electric and Power Company, P.O. Box 329. Electric generating station. Visitors see the operation of major equip- ment used in the generation of electricity. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact L.F. Rieder, Station Superintendent. Phone: 804 487-2541. 112 Thalhimer's Industrial Sales Corporation, 1925 Westmoreland Avenue. Commercial interior designers and furnishers. Showroom displays office settings, open landscape planning, accessories for offices and wall treatments for contract or business interiors. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Written notice of 3 weeks required. Contact Mr. E. Applequist, Vice President-General Manager, or Mrs. W. Lescallette, Assistant Man- ager. Phone: 804 257-7111, Ext. 311. PORTSMOUTH 88 Portsmouth Terminals, Inc., 2000 Seaboard Av- enue, (P.O. Drawer 7098). Marine terminal. Tour consists of the warehouse facilities, container mar- shalling yards, open storage areas, ship operation areas, fumigation facilities and other facilities per- taining to marine terminal operations. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 1 bus load. (Transportation must be provided.) Advance notice required. Tours are restricted to business groups due to size of terminal operating company. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact W.J. Keown. Phone: 804 397-7081. ROANOKE 18 WSLS-TV, 3rd Street and Church Avenue, S.W. Broadcasting. Tour includes studios, master control and shipping department. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 35 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Contact Sandra Fox, Operations Secretary. Phone: 703 344-9226. SANDY LEVEL 82 Smith Mountain Visitor's Center, Route 1. An educational experience in the methods of hydro- electric power production. Open daily, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone:703 297-5114. RICHMOND 101 The American Tobacco Company, Virginia Branch, 26th and East Cary Streets (Mailing address: P.O. Box 27531). Cigarette manufacturer. Tour includes an explanation and view of actual cigarette manufac- turing and packaging operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 40 minutes. No tours the week of July 4 and week of December 25. Advance notice required for groups of more than 9. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mrs. D.S. Ligon. Phone: 804 643-5341. SMITHFIELD 67 ITT Gwaltney, Inc., P.O. Box 489. Pork slaughter- ing and processing — quality hams, bacon and sau- sages. An audio- visual slide presentation is followed by a tour of the dry curing process area where Smithfield Hams are processed. Tours Monday through Friday, late morning or mid-afternoon. Tour length: 40-60 minutes. Group number: 40 maxi- mum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras permitted. Contact Herb DeGroft, Personnel/Safety Manager. Phone: 804 357-3131. 101 Philip Morris U.S.A., 3601 Commerce Road (Exit 8, Bells Road from 1-95). Cigarettes. Motorized (or walking) tour of production machinery, with a visit to the tobacco museum and manufacturing exhibit area. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours the week of July 4 and week between Christmas and New Year's. Group number: 60 maximum. Written notice of 6 weeks required for groups of more than 9. No cameras permitted. Contact T.G. Adair, Manager of Visitor Tours. Phone: 804 271-3342. STAUNTON 68 American Safety Razor Company, P.O. Box 500. Manufacturer of shaving blades and razors and blades for industrial use. A general plant tour is followed by a question-and-answer session. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours the last week in July, first week in August and week of December 25. Group number: 10-40. Written notice of 2 months required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact W.L. (Bill) Hall, Manager, Public Relations. Phone: 703 886-0751, Ext. 304. VIRGINIA 135 WEST POINT 74 The Chesapeake Corporation of Virginia. Manufac- turer of kraft pulp, paper, paperboard and bleached pulp. A brief presentation on chemical processes is followed by a walking tour of the wood yard, debarker area and chipper area. The tour concludes with a look at the pulp and paper machines and the finished products. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 9-10 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours the week of July 4 and between Christmas and New Year's. Group number: 12 maximum. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Walton B. Evans or A.T. Dill. Phone: 804 843-5372 or 804 843-5373. YORKTOWN 75 Amoco Oil Company, P.O. Box 578. Petroleum refining. A briefing on the Yorktown refinery is followed by a ride through the refinery that takes you past the operating units, tank farms and a view of the marine terminal. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 1 vehicle (bus or car). Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact R.A. Smith, Tour Coordinator. Phone: 804 898-5320. 108 Virginia Electric & Power Company, 428 Water- view Road, P.O. Box 571. Electrical generation. Tour includes a brief explanation of electrical gener- ation theory and a walking tour of the generating facilities (boiler, turbine, generator and central con- trol rooms). Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 4-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact the Station Superin- tendent or Efficiency Engineer. Phone: 804 898-7211. WASHINGTON BELLINGHAM 72 The BellinghamlSunday Herald, 1155 State Street. Newspaper. A short briefing is followed by a tour of the newsroom, composing room, paste-up, camera and letterflex plate department, pressroom and mail room. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 60 minutes. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact John Anderson, Promotion Coordinator. Phone: 206 734-3900, Ext. 48. 74 Georgia-Pacific Corporation, Bellingham Division, 300 Laurel Street. Pulp, paper and chemicals. Tour follows the process of chipping logs through pulp- ing, bleaching, drying, papermaking and converting to tissue products. Tours weekdays, from June 1 to September 15, 2 p.m. only. Tour length: 80 min- utes. No tours July 3-7. Group number: 40 maxi- mum. Written notice of 6 weeks required. Swedish, Spanish, Finnish and German translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Orman Darby, Public Relations Manager. Phone: 206 733-4410. 14 Uniflite, Inc., 9th and Harris Avenue. Boat manufacturer — fiberglass boats for recreational, commercial and naval use. Tour includes shops and assembly lines. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice of 1 day required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact William Crawford. Phone: 206 676-6289. CAMAS 66 Tidland Corporation, 2363 S.E. 8th Avenue. Man- ufacturer of air-expanding shafts, chucks and allied products for the paper converting industry. Tour includes the office and shop, with an explanation of products and usage. Tours weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the last week of July and first week of August. Group number: 2-10. Written notice of 6 weeks required. German and Spanish translation available. Contact Boren Biswas. Phone: 206 834-3541. CASHMARE 32 Liberty Orchards Company, Inc., 112-123 Mission Street. Candy manufacturer. A brief lecture is fol- lowed by a tour of the cooking and packing opera- tions. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice preferred for large groups. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Louise Fegley, Office Manager. Phone:509 782-2191. DAYTON 50 Green Giant Company, 711 East Main. Food processing — asparagus and green peas. Tour of processing facilities only. Tours daily from mid- April to August 1, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No cameras or sketches permit- ted. Small children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact C.J. Hailing, Personnel Supervisor. Phone:509 382-2511. 136 WASHINGTON KELSO 14 Tollycraft Corporation, 2200 Clinton Avenue. Man- 16 ufacturer of pleasure craft and commercial boats. Tour is conducted through the different stages of boat construction. Tours Monday through Friday, 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours last week of July, first week of August and last two weeks in December. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice preferred. No sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Jerry Todd. Phone:206 423-5160. 65 LONGVIEW 3 Aerocar, Inc., 967 — 3rd Avenue. Manufacturer of experimental light aircraft and flying automobiles. Open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. No tours the first two weeks in August. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice preferred. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact M.B. Taylor. Phone: 42 206 423-8260. Reynolds Metals Company, 4029 Industrial Way. Aluminum. Complete riding tour of the production facility. Tours Thursday, 1 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Gale Long, Personnel Repre- sentative. Phone: 206 425-2800. 65 Weyerhaeuser Company. Tours leave from the Guest House Monday through Friday, mid- June through Labor Day, at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Group tours by appointment only the remainder of the year. Because of the distance between mill units, visitors must provide their own transportation. Chil- dren under 12 not admitted. Arrangements for large -^ groups should be made with the Weyerhaeuser Public Relations Office in Longview. Phone: 206 425-2150. MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 87 John Fluke Manufacturing Company, Inc., 7001 — 220th S.W. Manufacturer of electronic test and measurement instruments and systems. Tours Tues- 72 day and Thursday by appointment, 9- 1 1 :30 a.m. and 1:30-3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 20-60. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Bill Stern. Phone: 206 774-2376. OLYMPIA Olympia Brewing Company, Custer Way and Schmidt Place, P.O. Box 947. Brewery — Olympia Beer and Hamm's Beer. Complete guided tours of the brewing and packaging facilities. Tours daily, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice required for groups of more than 30. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Don M. Lee, Public Relations Manager. Phone: 206 754-5210. RAYMOND Weyerhaeuser Company. Lumber. Tours Monday through Friday from June 5 through October 5, 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-20. German translation available. Pre- school children not admitted. Phone: 206 942-2442. RICHLAND Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company - Hanford Science Center, P.O. Box 250, Federal Building. Energy research and development. Colorful graphic displays, models and manipulative exhibits are used to portray the role the Energy Research and De- velopment Administration in the development of nuclear and other energy sources. Also located at the Center is the official ERDA Waste Management Reading Room. Conducted tours available on re- quest. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, 1-5 p.m. During the summer months the Center is open to the public Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday, 12 noon to 9 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes with movie. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice pre- ferred for all groups and required for groups of more than 20. Contact W.C. Bowen, Representative. Phone: 509 942-6374. SEATTLE Rainier Brewing Company, Inc., 3100 Airport Way South. Brewery. Tours Monday through Friday, 1-6 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 3-15. Advance notice required for large groups. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Carol Dwoskin, Consumer Relations Manager. Phone: 206 622-2600. TACOMA The Tacoma News Tribune, 1950 South State Street. Newspaper plant. Visitors see all aspects of produc- ing the newspaper. Tours Tuesday through Thurs- day, 1 p.m. Tour length: 75 minutes. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 1 1 not admitted. Contact the Promo- tion Department. Phone: 206 597-8561. WASHINGTON 137 WANAPUM DAM 38 Wanapum Dam, five miles south of Vantage, where Interstate 90 crosses the Columbia River, 45 miles southwest of Ephrata on State Highway 243. The Tour Center is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., April 15 through June 10; 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., June 11 through September 15; and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., September 16 through October 31. The Fish View- ing Room is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. year-round. Special group tours may be arranged by writing to the Public Affairs Officer, P.U.D. of Grant County, Box 878, Ephrata, Washington 98823. Phone:509 754-3541. WENATCHEE 108 Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County, 327 North Wenatchee Avenue (P.O. Box 1231). Hydro- electric power. All exhibits arranged for self-guided touring. Guided tours to the generators and turbines by reservation only. Tours daily. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 4-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 must be accom- panied by adults. Contact Shirley Byquist, Adminis- trative Secretary. Phone: 509 663-8121. 38 Rocky Reach Dam, on Columbia River 7 miles north of Wenatchee on U.S. 97. Self-guided tour- ing. Visitor Center: fish viewing room (look a Salmon in the eye), movies and murals. Pow- erhouse: Gallery of the Columbia — interpretive exhibits of local geology, prehistory and history. Gallery of Electricity — historical development of electric energy; view of spillway and fish ladders; changing art, floral and hobby exhibits. Tours to generators and turbines by reservation only. Open daily, 8 a.m. to sunset. WOODINVILLE 111 St. Michelle Vineyards, south of Woodinville on Bothell-Redmond Highway. Vineyards and winery — Granada and Hadassim Wines. Tour of winery with an explanation of wines and wine- making procedure and wine tasting. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Vintage, an especially interesting time at the winery, takes place from September 15 through November 1. Advance notice required for large groups. French and Italian translation available. Contact Mr. Charles Finkel, Director of Marketing, or Mr. Robert Betz, Director of Hospitality. Phone: 206 485-9721. YAKIMA 65 Boise Cascade Corporation, 805 North 7th Street. Wood products. Tour is through the plywood plant with a description of the processes involved. Tours Monday through Friday, 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15 maximum (exceptions by special arrangement). Advance notice preferred. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Ernie Crothers or Lynn Edgerton. Phone: 509 453-3131. WEST VIRGINIA BEVERLY 89 Bata Shoe Company. Canvas footwear manufac- turer. Visitors observe canvas shoes being made from raw material, including cutting, sewing, injec- tion, finishing and dispatching. Tours by appoint- ment only. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours the last week in July and first week in August. Advance notice required. Contact Mr. Albert F. Kotras, Plant Manager. Phone: 304 335-2224. CHARLESTON 37 Valley Bell Dairy Company, Inc., Roane and Dela- ware Streets. Visitors see milk machines processing and packaging milk, chocolate milk and cottage cheese being made and ice cream being packaged. Tours daily, except Wednesday and Sunday, 8-10 a.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of several days required. Contact Mr. Len Martin. Phone: 304 344-2511. DAILEY 65 Coastal Lumber Company, P.O. Box 8. Manufac- turer of semifinished dimension lumber, industrial wood parts and structural wood members. Visitors tour two sawmills — Appalachian hardwood sawmill and dimension mill. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Contact G.N. Wilson, Vice President. Phone: 304 335-4315. FOLLANSBEE 27 Koppers Company, P.O. Box M. Coal tar chemicals and petroleum products. Visitors tour a coal tar chemical plant. Tours Monday through Friday, by appointment only, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours for two weeks during the summer. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. No sketches permitted. Very young children not admitted. Contact Mr. William Heitzer. Phone: 304 527-01 10. 138 WEST VIRGINIA 68 101 HUNTINGTON 72 Huntington Publishing Company, 946 Fifth Avenue. 50 Newspaper printing. Visitors see printing of news- paper with emphasis on computerized typesetting. Tours weekdays by appointment only. Group number: 25 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 7 not admitted. Contact Mr. John Fearing, Public Service and Promotion Director. Phone: 304 696-5678. MARTINSBURG 50 National Fruit Product Company, Inc., P.O. Box 804. Producer of apple sauce, apple juice, sliced apples and vinegar. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tours available from September through December only. Tour length: 1 hour. Ad- vance notice of several days required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mr. Ralph Saville, Plant Manager. Phone: 304 267-8996. MILTON 55 Blenko Glass Company, Inc., P.O. Box 67. Man- ufacturer of handmade glassware and colored win- dow glass. Visitors see handmade blown glass. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 12:30-4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Ad- vance notice required for large groups. No sketches permitted. Phone: 304 743-9081. NEWELL 28 Homer Laughlin China Company. Manufacturer of vitreous and semivitreous dinnerware. Tours Mon- day through Friday, 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. Advance notice of several days required. Small children not admitted. Contact the Main Office. Phone: 304 387-1300. PARSONS 65 Hinchcliff Lumber Company, Box 508. Manufac- turer of wooden pallets, hardwood lumber and wooden containers. Visitors observe the process of rough lumber being made into pallets and wooden containers. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Ad- vance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Mr. Don Wehr, General Man- ager. Phone: 304 478-2500. SUMMERSVILLE 94 Bright of America, Inc., 300 Greenbrier Road. Manufacturer of wooden plaques, placemats, stationery, cards, albums and memo boards. Tour includes the distribution room, pressroom and warehouse. Tours weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Advance notice required for large groups. No cameras or sketches permitted. 56 Contact Edith Childress for large groups. Small groups may go to the plant during visiting hours. Phone: 304 872-3000. 55 111 WAYNE Ballard S. Farm Sausage, Inc., Route 2. Salad and sausage processing. Tours Monday through Wed- nesday by appointment, 10 a.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 6-8. Advance notice re- quired. Contact Mr. Carlos R. Ballard, Sr. Phone: 304 272-5147. WEIRTON Fort Steuben Metal Products Company, P.O. Box 268. Manufacturer of shelving (housewares, indus- trial, display for stores). Visitors observe the com- plete process of making shelves. Tours by appoint- ment only. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Limited trans- lation services available. Contact the Plant Super- visor. Phone: 304 748-6400. WHEELING Bloch Brothers Tobacco Company (General Cigar and Tobacco Company), 4000 Water Street. Man- ufacturers of smoking and chewing tobaccos. Vis- itors see the transformation from leaf state into various blended smoking and chewing tobacco pro- ducts. Tours weekdays by appointment, mornings only. Tour length: 90 minutes to 2 hours. No tours the last week of July, first week of August and from Christmas to New Year's. Group number: 4-10. Advance notice required. Contact Charles C. Beneke, General Manager. Phone: 304 232-4000. WILLIAMSTOWN Fenton Art Glass Company, P.O. Box 156. Man- ufacturer of handmade table and decorative glassware. Visitors see glass products being made by hand. Tours September through May, Monday through Friday, 8:40 a.m. to 4:20 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 5:20-7:20 p.m. From June through August tours every evening in addition to daytime hours. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance .notice required for large groups. No cameras or sketches permitted. Phone: 304 375-6122. WISCONSIN ALGOMA Von Stiehl Winery, Inc., 115 Navarino Street. Cherry and apple wine, wine cheese and wine jelly. Tour includes rathskeller, bottling room and salon. Tours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Phone:414 487-3102. APPLETON City Hall, 255 North Oneida Street. Afternoon tours. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact the City Clerk. Phone: 414 733-7329. WISCONSIN 139 56 Fire Station No. 1, 700 North Drew Street. Tours Monday through Friday, starting at 1:15 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. Contact the Assistant Chief Training Officer. Phone: 414 733-4954. 48 Memorial Florist & Greenhouses, 2320 South Memorial Drive. Tour length: 30-90 minutes. Ad- vance reservations required. Building accomodates wheelchairs. Contact Miss Sackett. Phone: 414 731-3136. 72 The Post C resent, 306 West Washington. Tours available with advance notice. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Contact the Public Relations Department. Phone: 414 733-441 1. ASHLAND 74 American Can Company, Ashland Mill. Tours Monday through Friday, 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Advance notice required for large groups. No cameras permitted. Children under 14 not admit- ted. Phone:715 682-4561. BERLIN 62 Mid-Western Sport Togs, 150 West Franklin Street. Tanning and manufacturing of deerskin into "Dear- wear" brand gloves, jackets, handbags, moccasins, etc. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, from April 1 to October 31, 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Group tours can be arranged at other times by reservation. Tour length: 30 minutes. Phone: 414 361-2555. CEDARBURG 111 Stonemill Winery, corner of Washington and Bridge Streets. Tours daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 414 377-8020. DE FOREST 63 American Breeders Service, Route 1 . Animal breed- ing. Tours 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour and 45 minutes. Children must be accompanied by adults. Phone: 608 846-3721. DENMARK 37 Lake to Lake Dairy Cooperative. Butter and milk powder manufacturing. Tour length: 30 minutes. Children over 6 welcome if accompanied by parents. Phone:414 863-2131. EAU CLAIRE 16 Walter Brewing Company, 318 Elm Street. Tours 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Contact the office. Phone: 715 834-4193. 18 WEAU-TV, South Hastings Way. Television sta- tion. Tours weekdays, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Contact Chick Mauthe. Phone: 715 832-3474. FERRYVILLE 37 Ferry ville Cheese Company, Inc. Group tours by advance arrangement. Phone: 608 734-3031. FREMONT 37 Union Star Cheese Factory, Route 1. Cheese making — Cheddar. Tours anytime from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Children welcome. Phone: 414 836-2804. HALES CORNERS 48 Boerner Botanical Gardens, Whitnall Park, 5879 South 92nd Street. Visitors see displays of outdoor horticultural collections. Tours arranged by letter only. Group number: 25 minimum. Phone: 414 425-1132. JANESVILLE 52 The Parker Pen Company, 1400 North Parker Drive. Manufacturer of fountain pens, ball pens and mechanical pencils. Tours Monday through Thurs- day, 2 p.m.; Friday, 10 a.m. No tours the first two weeks in July and Christmas week. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 must be accompanied by parents. Phone: 608 754-771 1 , Ext. 300. 82 Wisconsin Power & Light Company, Highway 51. Rock River generating station. Tours Monday through Friday by reservation only. Group number: 40 maximum. Contact Jim Dudley. Phone: 608 362-6242. KENOSHA 7 American Motors Corporation, 5626 — 25th Av- enue. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours from mid-June through mid-August. Children must be accompanied by parents. Contact the Public Rela- tions Director. Phone: 414 658-6278. LA CROSSE 47 Fish Control Laboratory, U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Riverside Park, Box 862. Fishery research — chemical, electrical control. Tours by appointment in laboratory. Tour length: 40-45 minutes. Children under 14 admitted only in aquarium and holding house due to type of experi- ment being conducted. Science groups are welcome. Phone: 608 784-9666. 16 G. Heileman Brewing Company, Inc., 925 South Third Street. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Children accom- panied by parents are welcome. Phone: 608 785-1000. 48 La Crosse Floral, Greenhouse and Floral Shop, 2900 Cass Street. Large greenhouse: flowers and plants. Tours by appointment only from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 40 minutes. Group number: 10 minimum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact John F. Zoerb. Phone: 608 784-7500. 140 WISCONSIN 86 85 La Crosse Rubber Mills. Manufacturer of rubber 92 footwear. Tours weekdays, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Group number: 35 maximum. Advance arrange- ments required. Children under 12 not admitted. Phone: 608 782-3020. MADISON 56 Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service, USDA, North Walnut Street. Forest products research. 16 Tours Monday through Friday, 2 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Group tours by appointment only. No appointment needed for individuals or small family groups. Group number: 40 maximum. Children under 14 not admitted. Phone: 608 257-221 1 . 73 Mautz Paint Company, 939 East Washington Av- enue. Tours Monday through Thursday by appoint- ment only. Tour length: 45 minutes. Group number: 10-30. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Russell Luecke. Phone: 608 255-1661. 47 Nevin Fish Hatchery, Fish Hatchery Road. Tours by appointment only. Individuals are welcome to in- spect grounds: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; weekends, 1-3 p.m. Phone: 608 266-1952. MANITOWOC 37 Lake to Lake Dairy Cooperative, 2000 South 10th Street. Ice cream manufacturing. Tours 9 a.m. to 12 60 noon. Tour length: 30 minutes. School tours for 4th grade and over. Children six and over are welcome if accompanied by parents. Phone: 414 684-3343. 72 Manitowoc Herald-Times-Reporter, 902 Franklin Street. Visit anytime, but 1 p.m. preferred. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15 maximum. Chil- dren under 12 not admitted. Phone: 414 684-4433. MARINETTE 16 86 The Ansul Company, One Stanton Street. Firefight- ing equipment — industrial and agricultural chemi- cals. Tours Monday through Friday by appointment only. Tour length: 90 minutes. Visitors must be prepared to walk considerable distances. Cameras and sketching with permission only. Children under 92 12 not admitted. Phone: 715 735-7411. MENASHA 10 Best Bakery, 1 12 Appleton Street. Tours should be planned during the first part of the week in late morning and early afternoon. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Tours by appointment only. Contact the Owner. Phone: 414 725-1968. MILWAUKEE 66 Allis-Chalmers Corporation, 1205 South 70th Street. Manufacturer of tractors, large electrical and 113 mechanical power equipment. Tours by appointment only. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact the Visitors & Tour Bureau. Phone:414 475-2981. Goodwill Industries, Milwaukee Area, Inc., 6055 North 91st Street. Rehabilitation center for the handicapped. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Public Relations. Phone: 414 353-6400, Ext. 234. Miller Brewing Company, 4000 West State Street. Brewer of Miller High Life and Miller Lite, and distributor of Lowenbrau beer. Tours start at the new Tour Reception Center, continue through modern brewery and end in the Caves Museum. Tours Monday through Friday. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday tours available from May through November, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. Cameras permit- ted in Caves Museum and other nontechnical areas of tour route. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Miller Inn for tours. Phone: 414 931-2153. Milwaukee Fire Department, 71 1 West Wells Street. Tours by appointment only. No tours conducted after 4 p.m. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact the Assistant Chief Robert Heind, Bureau of Administration. Phone: 414 347-2323. Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, 720 East Wisconsin Avenue. Life insurance. Visitors view the operations of a large business firm, includ- ing the latest in office and accounting equipment. Tours by appointment only, 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 minutes. Contact Mrs. Dorothy Myron, Public Relations. Phone: 414 271-1444, Ext. 532. Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company, 234 West Galena Street. Brewer of Schlitz and Old Milwaukee beer, Schlitz malt liquor and Schlitz light. Tours 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (every half hour during the busy months). Tour length: 45 minutes. Children must be accompanied by adults. Phone: 414 224-5252. Wisconsin Workshop for the Blind, 53 1 6 West State Street. Cocoa door mats. Tours by appointment only, Monday through Friday, 9:30-10 a.m., 12:30-1 p.m. and 2:30-2:45 p.m. No more than 1 tour booked per day. Tour length: 60 minutes. No cameras permitted without permission of employee. Children under 12 not admitted; school groups limited to 7th grade and up. Contact Evelyn Dewar. Phone:414 771-5311. MONROE Oakton Industries, Inc., Highway 69 South. Man- ufacturer of loud speakers. Tours by prior arrange- ment only. Tour length: 30 minutes. No cameras permitted. Children under 10 not admitted. Phone: 608 325-2121. WISCONSIN 141 MONTELLO 65 American Woodworking Company, 263 Church 48 Street. Tours Monday through Friday, 8-11:30 a.m. and 12 noon to 4 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Children under 18 must be accompanied by parent. Phone:414 297-2131. MOSINEE 74 Mosinee Paper Corporation. Tours Wednesday, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice required for groups of more than 10. No cameras permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. 113 Ladies should wear slacks and low-heeled shoes. Phone:715 693-2111. MT. STERLING 37 Mt. Sterling Cheese Factory, Box 103. Manufac- turer of Cheddar cheese. Tours throughout the day beginning at 10 a.m. Phone: 608 734-3 151. RANDOLPH J. W. Jung Seed Company, Highway 73. Seeds, bulbs, flowers and printing of mail-order catalog. Tours by appointment only. Since this is a seasonal business, the best months for tours are late August and early September when the gladiolus fields are in bloom. Children must be accompanied by parents. Contact Tuenis T. Zontag. Phone: 414 326-3121 . REEDSBURG Hankscraft Division of Gerber Products Company, 728 Booster Boulevard. Manufacturer of infant care products, including nursers, sterilizers, bottle warmers, feeding dishes, vaporizers, humidifiers, carry-all bags and bassinets. Tours weekdays by appointment. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Phone: 608 524-4131. OCONTO FALLS 74 Scott Paper Company, Oconto Falls Mill, 106 Cen- tral Avenue. Tours Monday through Friday by appointment only, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 90 minutes. No cameras permitted. Children must be accompanied by adults. Slacks and low-heels are recommended for ladies. Phone: 414 846-341 1. OSHKOSH 113 Lenox Candle Company, 627 Bay Shore Drive. Tours by appointment only, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours during the Christmas season. Group number: 15 minimum. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Jerry Lang. Phone:414 231-9620. 93 St. Croix Corporation. Manufacturer of fishing poles. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. Phone: 715 762-3226. PESHTIGO 74 Badger Paper Mills, Inc. Manufacturer of business papers and specialty food wrap. Tours Monday through Friday, June 1 through Labor Day, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Advance notice required for groups of more than 9. Children under 12 not admitted. Phone: 715 582-4551. RIPON 61 Speed Queen Corporation, a McGraw-Edison Divi- sion, Shepard Street. Manufacturer of automatic washers and dryers. Tour length: 1 hour. Children under 14 not admitted. All tours must be scheduled through the Ripon Chamber of Commerce. Phone: 414 748-6764. SAUK CITY 111 The Wollersheim Winery, Highway 188, Prairie du Sac. Open daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Prior arrange- ments necessary. Phone: 608 643-6515. SHAWANO 63 Midwest Breeders Cooperative. Cattle — artificial breeding service. Tours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Phone: 715 526-2141. SHEBOYGAN 11 Citizens Bank of Sheboygan, 636 Wisconsin Av- enue. Tours 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Contact Ken Kroening, Director of Publications. Phone:414 458-3511. PLOVER 50 Del Monte Corporation. Tours Monday through Friday from July 15 through October 1 . Tour length: 45-60 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. No cameras permitted. Women are required to wear hairnets or hats. Phone: 715 344-8285. 37 Lake to Lake Dairy Cooperative. Manufacturer of milk and cottage cheese. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 30 minutes. Children over 6 welcome if accompanied by parents; school tours limited to 4th grade and up. Phone: 414 457-5566. 142 WISCONSIN SHEBOYGAN FALLS 37 Gibbsville Cheese Company, Route 3 off Highway 32 West on Cty. Trunk 00. Cheddar cheese man- ufacturer. Tours 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. It is advisable to call for an appoint- ment. Phone: 414 564-3242. STEVENS POINT 72 Worzalla Publishing Company, 3535 Jefferson Street. Tours Monday through Friday by prior ar- rangement. Tour length: 90 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required for groups of more than 20. Children under 15 not admitted. Phone: 715 344-9600. STURGEON BAY 44 The University of Wisconsin Experiment Station, Highway 42, North of Sturgeon Bay. Agricultural experiments with different types of fruits and flow- ers. Self-guided tours. WAUKESHA 108 Waukesha Water Utility, 115 Delafield Street. Tours by advance arrangement, 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Children under 9 not admitted. Phone:414 542-6643. WAUPACA 72 Waupaca County Post, Wisconsin State Farmer, Wisconsin Horsemen's News, Tri-County Adver- tiser, Picture Post, Commercial Web Printing. Tours Monday through Thursday by appointment. Phone: 715 258-5546. WISCONSIN RAPIDS 48 Griffith State Nursery, Department of Natural Re- sources, Highway 13. Reforestation tree nursery. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone:715 423-5670. WOODRUFF 47 Woodruff State Fish Hatchery, Route 3. Warm water fish. The best months for tours are from mid-April to early June. Phone: 715 356-5212. WYOMING CASPER 62 Bison & Buckskin Tanning Company, 1244 Schulte Avenue. Tannery producing bison leather and bison rugs. Visitors observe the procedures involved in producing bison leather and other products. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. German, Czech and Hungarian translation available. No cameras permit- ted. Children not admitted. Contact Edmond Grub. Phone: 307 265-8894. 72 Casper Star-Tribune, 111 South Jefferson. News- paper publishers. Complete tour of the plant. Tours daily, after 10 a.m. Advance notice preferred. Chil- dren under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Philip Mc Auley, Editor, or Thomas W. Howard, Publisher. Phone: 307 237-8451. 75 Continental Oil Company, 152 North Durbin. Guided tour includes a visit to one of the crude oil producing fields, including waterflood and tank battery installations. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact W.C. Blackburn. Phone: 307 234-7311. 108 Pacific Power & Light Company, 2840 East Yel- lowstone. Jim Bridger Steam-Electric Generating Project, located 35 miles Northeast of Rock Springs. Visitors tour the 1,500,000 KW coal-fired steam- electric generating plant and a 5,000,000 tons per year coal mine supplying fuel for the generating plant. Tours Monday through Friday (weekends by prior arrangements), 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice of 1 week preferred. Contact Joe Munro, Manager, Jim Bridger Plant, or Larry Tabaka, Manager, Bridger Coal Company. Phone:307 382-9141. 108 Pacific Power & Light Company, 2840 East Yel- lowstone. Dave Johnston Steam-Electric Generating Project, located 14 miles east of Casper. Visitors tour the 750,000 KW coal-fired steam-electric generating plant and a 3,000,000 tons per year coal mine supplying fuel for the generating plant. Tours Monday through Friday (weekends by prior ar- rangements), 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice of 1 week preferred. Contact R.R. McLagan, Dave Johnston Plant, or Glen Goss, Manager, Mine. Phone: 307 436-2713. CHEYENNE 20 Burkin Homes, 350 North American Road. Man- ufacturer of modular homes. Visitors see the produc- tion of modular homes, including a look at the finished product. Tours by appointment only. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice preferred. Contact John Shafer. Phone: 307 635-7995. 87 Ideal- Aerosmith, Inc., 1505 East Fox Farm Road. Manufacturer of precision instruments. Tours by appointment, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Jack K. Woolrich. Phone: 307 634-7714. WYOMING 143 27 Wycon Chemical Company, P.O. Box 1287. Nitro- gen fertilizer manufacturer (anhydrous ammonia, nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, urea and nitrogen solutions). A slide presentation is followed by a walking tour of the plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 60-90 min- utes. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. No cameras permitted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact T.G. Hayes, Per- sonnel and Safety Supervisor. Phone: 307 634-5981. 72 The Wyoming Eagle and Wyoming State Tribune, 110 East 17th Street. Newspaper publishing. Com- plete tour of newspaper producing plant includes the news department, composing room, pressroom and circulation department. Tours Monday through Fri- day, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week preferred. Children under 13 not admitted. Contact R.R. Kelso, Promotion Manager, or R.S. McCraken, Publisher. Phone: 307 634-3361. 53 Wyott Corporation, 1938 Wyott Drive. Manufac- turer of food service equipment. Tour includes entire manufacturing facility. Tours daily, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Harry L. Kembel, Per- sonnel Director. Phone: 307 634-5801. DOUGLAS 75 Phillips Petroleum Company, P.O. Drawer H (2 miles north of Douglas). Natural gas liquids plant (extract liquids from natural gas). Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 2-10. Written notice of 6 weeks required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact F.E. Brown. Phone: 307 358-2191. EVANSVILLE 102 Northwest Tool Company, Inc., 380 — 1st Street (P.O. Box 282, Casper, Wyoming). Remanufactur- ing drill bits; producing hole-openers, insert bits, as well as re-bearing rock bits. Visitors see the recondi- tioning of tool bits and production of hole-openers and insert bits. Tours Friday or Saturday, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 10-15. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact N.F. "Jack" Smith or Julie Jackson. Phone: 307 234-0846. FRONTIER 29 The Kemmerer Coal Company. Mining. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Mr. Gerald P. Olsen. Phone: 307 877-4451. GILLETTE 29 Amax Coal, Box 1880. Coal mining. Tours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Group number: 15-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact Al Arnold. Phone: 307 820-7295. 29 Cordero Mining Company, P.O. Box 1440. Coal mine. Visitors observe the mining, crushing, con- veying and loading operations and environmental activities. Tours by appointment only. Advance notice preferred. Contact T.C. Richmond. Phone: 307 682-8005. GREYBULL 29 Wyo Ben Products, Inc., Box 529 (north of Greybull). Mining and processing of bentonite. Tour of the processing plant. Tours weekdays, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 3-10. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Mr. Chris J. Paustian. Phone: 307 765-4446. JACKSON 50 Jackson Cold Storage & Distribution, Box "A". Ice, ice cream, smoked buffalo meat products and processing of wild game. Tour of the plant with an explanation of the operations. Tours Monday, Thursday and Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Contact John B. Dunlap, Presi- dent. Phone: 307 733-2600. 68 Wedco Manufacturing, Inc., 175 Scott Lane. Man- ufacturing and fabricating steam cleaners and wrought iron. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice required. Contact William R. Van Deburg. Phone: 307 733-2336. MILLS 17 Benton Clay Company, P.O. Box 819. Bentonite processing plant. Tour of plant facilities, including stockpile, dryer, screen plant, pulverizing unit, packaging and laboratory. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Contact W.C. Gross, Plant Manager. Phone: 307 265-1476. RIVERTON 29 Federal American Partners, Star Route - Gas Hills. Mining and milling uranium. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 4-8. Advance notice required. No sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Thomas M. Hill. Phone: 307 856-9264. 144 WYOMING 27 Western Nuclear, Inc., P.O. Box 71. Manufacturer of sulphuric acid. Visitors observe all phases of manufacturing sulphuric acid. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact W.L. McFarland. Phone: 307 856-9217. ROCK SPRINGS 29 Stansbury Coal Company, Box 2088. Coal mining. Tour includes surface facilities and an active panel. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 6 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Frank Mink. Phone: 307 382-4340. SHERIDAN 37 Jersey Creamery, Inc., 50 West Works. Processing and cartoning of milk products and making ice cream. Tours weekdays, except Wednesday, 9-11 a.m. Advance notice preferred. Contact Mr. Harry Bodine. Phone: 307 672-2435. SHIRLEY BASIN 29 Petrotomics/Getty Oil Company UJV, P.O. Box 8146. Uranium mining and milling. Tour includes the mining operation, grinding, milling and packag- ing, including ancillory facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1-4 hours. No tours for two weeks in July. Group number: 40 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Spanish and Portuguese translation avail- able. Contact J.H. Whitman, Manager, or Mr. Dane Jay. Phone: 307 356-4341 or 307 234-9341. SHOSHONI 66 Chair & Yacht, Inc., 213 Pine Street. Visitors see how machines are made. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1-2 hours. Advance notice preferred. Contact Dean Clark. Phone: 307 876-2598. AMERICAN SAMOA PAGO PAGO 18 Educational Television Center, Government of American Samoa. Visitors see how classroom in- struction in television schools is based on instruc- tional television, including the production of les- sons. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 2-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 15 maximum. Samoan translation available. Contact the Manager of KVZK-TV. Phone: 633-4191. 37 Meadow Gold Samoa, Ltd., P.O. Box 1360. Prod- uction of milk, ice cream and juices. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 1-20. Advance notice of 2 days required. Samoan translation available. Con- tact the Manager. Phone: 633-4431 . 54 Senior Citizen and Handicraft Center, Government of American Samoa. Handicrafts. Visitors see the making of pandanus leaces items and wood carv- ings. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Advance notice of 2 days required. Samoan translation available. Con- tact Mr. Penei McFeeley. Phone: 633-5182. 50 Van Camp Seafood Company - Samoa, P.O. Box 957. Seafood. Visitors observe tuna and fish proces- sing and packing. Tours Monday through Friday, 9-1 1 a.m. on production days only. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group tours only. Samoan translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Con- tact the Manager. Phone: 633-5272. PUERTO RICO AGUADILLA 89 Aguadilla Shoe Corporation, Road 111 K1H3 Bo Palmar Road to Moca. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours from December 20 to January 7. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. No sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Luis Quinones, Plant Manager. Phone: 809 891-0302. AIBONITO 81 To-Ricos, Inc., Km. 47.9, Road 14, P.O. Box 646. Tour of plant showing poultry processing. Tours ■ Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Cruz A. Medina, Plant Superin- tendent. Phone: 809 735-3991. ANASCO 68 Standard Pressed Steel, Inc. Road 402, Km. 1.6, Bo Marias. Manufacturer of precision fasteners. Tour includes plant offices and plant facilities. Tours available with advance notice, 9-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours from December 22 to January 10. Spanish translation available. No sketches permitted. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Robert Conrad, General Manager. PUERTO RICO 145 ARECIBO 53 Rapid Electric Company of Puerto Rico, Inc. , Indus- trial Zeno Gandia, Bo Cotto, Road 129 Lares. Manufacturer of metal cabinets. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the week of Christmas and the week of New Year's. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice required. Spanish translation avail- able. No sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Mr. Elison Acosta, Manager. Phone: 809 878-0220. BARCELONETA 76 Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Inc., P.O. Box 628. Man- ufacturer of pharmaceutical products (diabenese, sinequan, antivert). Tour includes the chemical plant, production area, quality control laboratories and shipping area. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 4-8. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Victor Rodriguez or Manuel Calderun. Phone: 809 846-4300. BAYAMON 65 Boricua Wood Processing, Inc., Box 912. Manufac- turer of pressure-treated lumber. Tour includes a description of the process of pressure-treating lumber, quality control system, sampling, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 20 maximum. Ad- vance notice of 2 days required. Spanish translation available. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Rafael Vincenty, President. Phone: 809 786-0808. 5 Carol Foundation, Inc., Industrial Corujo, Building 10. Brassieres manufacturer. Tour includes the cut- ting and sewing rooms, with complete explanation of operations. Tours Monday afternoon and Tuesday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. Contact Joaquin Silver. Phone: 809 786-5735 or 809 786-5838. 53 Hamacas De Puerto Rico, Jacinto St. 3T 24 Lomas Verdes. Manufacturer of hammocks and glass furni- ture. Tours Monday through Saturday, 3 p.m. Ad- vance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. No sketches permitted. Contact Mrs. Edith Colon. Phone: 809 787-1958. 53 Metal Doors, Inc., Minillas Industrial Park, Lot 68. Manufacturer of bi-fold metal doors for closets. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours for two weeks at Christmas. Group number: 3-6. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Jose A De La Torre. Phone: 809 787-1235. 73 Napko Corporation, Calle Cno. 12, Luchetti. Paint factory. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact Elena Quinones, Controller. Phone: 809 785-2945. 21 Panelfab Puerto Rico, Inc., State Road 174, No. 32 Minillas Industrial Park. Manufacturer of prefabri- cated metal and honeycomb core panels for build- ings. Tours available with advance notice. Tour length: 35-45 minutes. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Mr. Jose Rapaport, Panelfab International Corpora- tion, 1600 N.W. Lejeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126. Phone: 305 871-2100. CANOVANAS 77 Montilla Records of Puerto Rico, Inc., P.O. Box 594. Phonograph records and tape duplicating — studio recordings. Tours Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 5-25. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish, Portuguese and Italian translation available. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Fernando J. Montilla. Phone: 809 876-2560. CAPARRA HEIGHTS 113 Buxeda Caskets, Inc., Urb. Ind. San Miguel Calle 3. Manufacturer of wooden and metal caskets. Visitors see the manufacturing of caskets from raw material to finished products. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 15-20 minutes. Advance notice of 3 days required. Chil- dren under 12 not admitted. Contact Astrid Alemany Buxeda. Phone: 809 782-3147. CAROLINA 68 Caribbean Metal Fabricators, Inc., Ext. Ind. El Comandante, R Street, Building No. 3. Custom metal fabrication — kitchen and cafeteria equipment for industry, hospitals, schools and hotels. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m. No tours from December 15 through January 15. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish and French translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact D.B. Whitlock, General Sales Manager. Phone: 809 769-0358, 809 769-0315, 809 769-0304, 809 768-0679 or 809 768-1731. 146 PUERTO RICO 79 General Battery International Corporation, Km. 0.8. Carr. 887, Edificio No. 6. Manufacturer of au- tomobile batteries and battery electrolyte. Tour in- cludes manufacturing facilities, warehouse, truck fleet operations and a 20-minute film on battery manufacturing. Tours available by prior arrange- ment. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours from December 20 through January 7. Group number: 50 maximum. Advance notice required. Spanish translation avail- able. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Mr. Roberto Garcia or Mr. Mitchell Wolcott. Phone: 809 769-2880. Nylon Products Corporation of Puerto Rico, 65th Infantry Road, Km. 10.6, P.O. Box 1107. Injection molding of plastic parts and components. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2-5 p.m. No tours the last two weeks in December and first week in January. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice required. No cameras or sketches permitted. Contact the General Manager. Phone: 809 769-3070. CEIBA Ceiba Sportswear, Inc., Road No. 3, Km. 54, Hm 8. Manufacturer of children's sportswear. Tours Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. No tours in December. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Dominic DiFiore, General Manager. Phone: 809 793-2130. COAMO 53 Las Flores Metalarte, Inc., Carr. 153, Km. 12.1 Bo Las Flores. Manufacturer of furniture (ornamental iron and wood) and kitchen cabinets. Tour of plant includes a brief description and explanation of pro- ducts produced. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. No tours during Christmas season. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. Spanish, German and Czech translation available. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact Jesus M. Rivera, General Manager, or Gilberto Rodriguez, Manager. Phone: 809 825-1508. CATANO 53 Morales Hermanos, Inc., Edificio No. T-10, Ur- banizacion Industrial Las Palmas (Postal address: P.O. Box 2103, Bayamon, Puerto Rico 00619). Manufacturer of mattresses and box springs. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 3 days required. No sketches permitted. Contact Pedro Morales Cintron, General Manager. Phone: 809 788-1253 or 809 788-0042. GUANICA 49 Molinos Nacionales, Inc., Carr. 333, Km. 1 .9, P.O. Box 1016. Flour and feed mill (biscuit, cake, bakers' flour and formula feed). Tour includes the production departments, production control labora- tory and test bakery. Tours Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Group number: 15 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. French, German and Spanish translation available. Contact F.R. Wicker, Vice President Technical Operations. Phone: 809 842-3385, 809 821-2220 or 809 821-4090. CAYEY Cayey Industries, Inc., Building 6, Industrial Av- enue, G.P.O. Box 1127. Manufacturer of knitted goods — women's sweaters and men's shirts. Tour includes the knitting department, sewing room, finishing department, dyeing department, shipping department and general office. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours the week of Christmas and New Year's. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation avail- able. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Santiago Torres, Plant Manager. Phone: 809 738-2132. GUAYNABO Olympic Mills Corporation, Carr. No. 20, Km. 3.4, Box AA. Manufacturer of men's and boy's under- ware. Tour includes all departments and the exhibi- tion room, with special emphasis on the labor system. Tours Monday through Friday, 8-11 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours from December 22 to January 8. Advance notice of 1-2 days Spanish translation available. Contact Lourdes Carvajal de Paniagua, Public Relations. Phone: 809 782-1319 or 809 790-2441. PUERTO RICO 147 HATO REY 17 Casa Del Barro, Inc., Final F.A. Costa 1047, Urb. Tres Monjitas. Ceramics manufacturer — slip, ceramic vases, figurines, ceramic supplies. Tour of the production areas includes the four stages of producing finished ceramics and the production of raw materials. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours from July 20 to August 1 and December 15 to January 15. Group number: 6-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish and Yiddish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 10 not admitted. Contact Jeffrey L. Cohn or James A. Miraglia. Phone: 809 764-6284 or 809 764-6974. 68 Hernandez Enterprises, Inc., 511 Carolina Street. Metal-working factory, producing various sheet metal products, including gutters, downspouts, ductwork, etc., and stainless steel sinks, tables, special orders, etc. A walking tour shows the equipment and production capabilities based upon what is being produced at the time. Tours Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours during the Christmas season. Group number: 2-10. Advance notice required. Spanish translation available. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. C.S. Publow. Phone: 809 767-5458 or 809 767-5461. 83 Ramallo Bros. Printing, Inc., Duarte 227. Printers — color separations, books, brochures, newspapers, posters, magazines, forms, etc. The tour shows the everyday operations of a modern printing plant. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-10. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. No sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 12 not admitted. Contact Esteban Ramallo, President. Phone: 806 765-8670. ISABELA 87 Kent Meters, Inc., Carr 112, Km. 2.4. Manufac- turer of water meters. Tour includes various depart- ments, commencing with the plastics section, stamp- ing, etc. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours for two weeks at Christmas. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice required. Spanish translation available. Con- tact Gloria Rodriquez. Phone: 809 872-2515 or 809 872-2006. LAS PIEDRAS 53 InterRoyal - Puerto Rico, Inc., Las Piedras Indus- trial Park, No. 8. Manufacturer of office furniture (metal) and health care furniture. Visitors see the various processes of the plant, including upholster- ing, painting, welding, etc. Tours Wednesday, 9-1 1 a.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours from De- cember 24 to January 8. Group number: 3-5. Ad- vance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact M. Novoa, Jr., Controller. Phone: 809 733-6291. MAYAGUEZ 1 Carborundum Company, Post St. No. 497 S. Abra- sives manufacturer — grinding wheels, ceramic cut- ting tools, and heating elements. Tour commences with a reception in the General Manager's office, followed by a tour of the Bonded Abrasives Plant and Graphite Products Plant. Tours Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 30-45 minutes. No tours from December 17 to January 12. Group number: 2-8. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 18 not admitted. Contact R. Revoroi, Vice President-General Manager. Phone: 809 832-1070. PONCE 36 Buena Vista Dairy, Inc., Bo Sabanetas. Visitors observe the receiving of raw milk, pasteurization and homogenization of the milk, and the packaging, storing and loading operations. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 10-30. Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Jose L. Cabassa, Manager, or Mr. Baltazar Santiago, Controller. Phone: 809 842-1245 or 809 842-1246. 50 Ford Gum & Machine Company, Inc., Puerto Rico, Ponce Bypass - Reparada Development Road No. 2. Manufacturer of chewing gum. Visitors see how gum is produced, formed, coated, polished, branded and packed. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 45 minutes. No tours for three weeks at Christamas. Group number: 12 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Spanish transla- tion available. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Martin J. Kermer. Phone: 809 842-3351. 29 Marmoles El Rey, Inc., Carretera 503 cruce Carr. 504, Bo Tibes. Marble quarry. Visitors see the quarrying, cutting and polishing of Puerto Rican marble. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Group number: 24 maximum. Advance notice required. Italian and Spanish translation available. Children under 10 not admitted. Contact Benny Rivera. Phone: 809 842-6275. 148 PUERTO RICO 68 Texas Pipe Bending Company of Puerto Rico, 511 50 St., Km. 1 . 1 Bo Real Anon. Pipe fabricators (pipe bends, pipe coils and welded headers). Tours Tues- day and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Spanish translation available. Contact Mr. Carmelo Rodriguez, Plant Manager. Phone: 809 842-5250. RIO GRANDE 7 Stanric, Inc., Road No. 3, Km. 23.7, Las Flores Ind. Park. Manufacturer of automotive parts (point 76 sets, condensers). Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours during December. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish transla- tion available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Mr. Jose A. Rey, General Manager. Phone: 809 887-2130. RIO PIEDRAS 4 Cristales y Aluminio, Inc., Km. 6.5, Esq. Calle Guadiana, Carr. 838, Entrada Urb. El Cerezal. Distributors of glass, mirror and aluminum pro- ducts. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 5-15. 85 Advance notice of 1 week required. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Miguel Arias, President. Phone: 809 763-0060 or 809 763-4935. 87 Endevco Puerto Rico Division, Ganges 114. Man- ufacturer of accelerometers. Tours Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours from December 20 to January 7. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice of 5 days required. Spanish translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 12 not admit- ted. Contact Robert J. Cabery, General Manager. Phone: 809 763-4730. 54 65 Imperial Wood Products, Inc. of Puerto Rico, No. 13 Avenue Simon Madera. Visitors see the assem- bly of kitchen cabinets and vanities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours from December 22 to January 12. 39 Group number: 30 maximum. Advance notice of 2 days required. Contact Mr. Carlos Rodriguez. Phone:809 766-2102. 113 Puerto Rico Signs, Inc., 355 Guipuzcoa, Urb Val- encia. Visitors see the making of signs (mostly traffic) and their supports. Tours Thursday, 2-3 p.m. Group number: 5 maximum. Advance notice re- quired. Spanish and French translation available. Contact Mr. Miguel A. Millares, President and Administrator. Phone: 809 765-2016. Superva Food Products, Inc. Manufacturer of meat- filled turnovers and other local foods. Visitors see the mixing, preparation and packaging of products. Tours weekdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 15 minutes. Group number: 6 maximum. Contact Linda Caraballo. Phone: 809 767-0256. SAN GERMAN Cooper Laboratories, Inc., Box 367, Carr 362. Pharmaceuticals. Tour includes visit to two separate plants for sterile and oral pharmaceutical produc- tion. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours from December 15 to January 6. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 1 day required. Spanish and French translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Children under 14 not admitted. Contact J.J. Snyder, Plant Manager. Phone: 809 892-2245. SAN JUAN Ambrosiani Hnos, Inc., Box 7326 Bo Obrero Sta- tion. Retreading tires for industrial and passenger vehicles. Tours Tuesday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 15-20 minutes. Group number: 4 maximum. Advance notice preferred. Spanish translation available. Contact Raul Rodriguez, Manager. Phone: 809 767-3320 or 809 763-0570. Attache Enterprises, Inc., 249 San Jose Street. Designer and manufacturer of fine jewelry. Tours Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Group number: 5-10. Advance notice of 1 week requiied. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact Felix Laporte. Phone: 809 723-9067 or 809 723-9142. Bacardi Corporation, P.O. Box G3549. Rum man- ufacturer. Tour includes the distillery, bottling plant, small museum, grounds and free drinks at the Pavilion. Tours Monday through Friday, 9, 10, 10:30 a.m., 12 noon and 1, 2, 3, 3:30 p.m. Tour length: 20 minutes. No tours from mid-December to mid-January. Group number: 50 maximum. Spanish translation available. Cameras are permitted with certain restrictions. Official request for tour is re- quired when visitors (foreign or stateside) are from competitive industries. Contact Mario S. Belaval, Vice President. Phone: 809 784-1560. PUERTO RICO 149 50 Productos Borden, Inc., Hato Tejas Industrial Park, Highway 2, Km. 15 Bayamon (GPO Box 4265, San Juan, Puerto Rico). Meat processing — fresh meat products, cured and smoked meat products, sausage products. Tour shows the production lines in opera- tion, storage and warehousing facilities and support operations behind the facilities. Tours Monday through Thursday, 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tour length: 20-30 minutes. Group number: 20 maximum. Advance notice of 1 week required. Spanish translation available. No cameras permit- ted. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact the Merchandising and Promotion Manager or Plant Manager. Phone: 809 787-4050. YAUCO 43 Rodenstock Corporation, 25 Julio Road, Industrial Park Lots 1-2. Manufacturer of eyeglass frames. Visitors see the preparation, manufacturing, as- sembling and warehouse areas. Tours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tour length: 30 minutes. No tours for two weeks at Christmas. Group number: 10 maximum. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. German, Spanish, Ita- lian and Portuguese translation available. Cameras permitted in specified areas only. Children under 12 not admitted. Contact David S. Cabassa, Plant Manager. Phone: 809 856-0640 or 809 856-0540. SAN LORENZO 99 Electronic Knitting Ind., Inc., Road 183, Cerro Gordo Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1011. Textile Industry — polyester fabric, heat transfer printing, etc. Visitors observe the knitting, printing and shipping of products. Tours Tuesday and Wednes- day, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Tour length: 30 minutes. Group number: 2-4. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. German, Spanish and Italian translation available. No cameras or sketches permitted. Chil- dren under 12 not admitted. Contact Roberto Granier, President. Phone: 809 736-4956. TOA ALTA 21 Airelite Insulation, Inc., Carr. No. 861, Km. 4.3. Manufacturer of urethane roof insulation board, urethane honeycomb panels and urethane foam- molded components. Tours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours from December 24 to January 10. Advance notice of 3 days required. Spanish and French translation avail- able. Children not admitted. Contact Bill Colon, Plant Manager, or Peter Abolila. Phone: 809 766-0220, 809 787-8020 or 809 786-8835. VIRGIN ISLANDS ST. CROIX 87 Atlantic Time Products, Box 549, Orange Grove, Christiansted. Assembly of watch movements. Vis- itors observe the processes in assembling watch parts to finished movements, and quality controls in assembly of watch movements for parent company, Bulova Watch Company. Tours weekdays, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1-4 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. No tours during Christmas holidays. Group number: 4-20. Advance notice of 1 week required. Japanese and Spanish translation available. No sketches permit- ted. Children under 16 not admitted. Contact Richard J. Law, General Manager. Phone: 809 773-1191. ST. THOMAS 99 Laga Industries, Ltd., Estate Tutu. Textile mill — manufacturing double knit fabrics. Tour of entire production facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tour length: 1 hour. Group number: 1-10. Advance notice required. Translation available for French, Spanish, Russian, German, Yiddish and Czech. Contact Anthony Bloch. Phone: 809 775-0790. VILLALBA 87 Medtronic Puerto Rico, Inc., Road 149, Km. 56.3, Box M. Medical equipment manufacturer — pacemaker systems for the heart. Visitors tour the plant and see movies about the products and facilities. Tours Monday through Friday, 8-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Tour length: 2 hours. No tours from December 18 to January 18. Group number: 5-10. Advance notice of 2 weeks required. Children not admitted. No cameras or sketches permitted. Con- tact Santos M. Lugo, Director of Operations. Phone: 809 847-3500. INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION INDEX 151 Code Page 1 Abrasives 4, 47, 147 2 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration 32, 33, 34, 66,96,113 3 Aircraft, Missiles, Space Equipment 12,13,14, 15, 18, 36, 43, 54, 57, 67, 87, 93, 104, 1 10, 131, 136 4 Aluminum 65, 70, 128, 136, 148 5 Apparel and Accessories 1, 4, 5, 13, 20, 21, 42, 44, 45, 54, 56, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 68, 71, 72, 74, 75, 79, 87, 88, 93, 100, 101, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 114, 115, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128, 131, 145, 146 6 Artificial Limbs, Braces and Aids 7 Automobiles, Automotive Parts and Accessories 17, 29, 37, 41, 46, 49, 72, 94, 96, 98, 100, 115, 120, 127, 139, 146, 148 8 Awnings, Canopies, Canvasses 9 Bag Manufacturers 63 10 Bakeries and Bakery Equipment 5,10,19,21, 24, 32, 42, 43, 44, 64, 66, 68, 78, 94, 95, 101, 102, 104, 113, 121, 126, 133, 140 11 Banks 10,15,18,19,20,23,50,58,67,81,83, 89, 113, 121, 141 12 Beverages 4, 6, 37, 41, 52, 59, 68, 76, 84, 102, 106, 123, 128 13 Board of Trade, Credit Associations 23 14 Boats 2,3,12,14,42,44,54,57,116,135,136 15 Boxes, Baskets, Barrels 131 16 Breweries 9, 14, 50, 51, 60, 66, 75, 77, 82, 89, 109, 113, 122, 123, 124, 136, 139, 140 17 Brick and Clay Products 19, 25, 38, 62, 74, 88, 98, 102, 117, 120, 127, 143, 147 18 Broadcasting and Television Stations 9,15,19, 21, 23, 25, 42, 44, 57, 58, 59, 70, 76, 80, 82, 83, 87, 88, 89, 95, 99, 102, 113, 121, 134, 139, 144 19 Brushes, Brooms, Mops 50 20 Building Construction 11, 51, 65, 90, 108, 110, 142 21 Building Materials, Equipment 13, 35, 36, 44, 75, 110, 127, 131, 132, 145, 149 22 Business Machines, Systems, Business Forms 13, 43, 66, 73, 75, 129 23 Canning 21,49, 104 24 Carpets and Rugs 17,18,116 25 Cement and Asphalt Manufacture 29, 68, 70, 76, 118, 122 26 Cereal Processing 48 27 Chemicals 1, 2, 18, 19, 23, 29, 47, 53, 62, 64, 71, 86, 94, 112, 124, 127, 129, 137, 143, 144 28 China, Porcelain, Silver, Fibre and Metal Ta- bleware 78, 85, 121, 138 Code Page 29 Coal, Copper, Gold, Silver, Ore Mines and Quarries 3, 22, 26, 27, 29, 65, 69, 76, 79, 80, 117, 143, 144, 147 30 Communications and Equipment 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 21, 39, 70, 75, 84, 87, 88, 89, 95, 96, 110 31 Concrete, Granite, Marble and Stone Products 16, 18, 22, 30, 65, 75, 76, 77, 79, 86, 111, 117, 118, 120 126, 129, 130, 132, 133 32 Confectioners 7, 23, 37, 45, 70, 109, 111, 135 33 Containers and Packaging 5, 10, 17, 19, 30, 41, 47,66,68,97,98, 100, 127 34 Copper Refining 3,41 35 Cosmetics, Perfumes, Toilet Goods 6,34,132 36 Dairies — Dairy Associations 1, 2, 4, 13, 20, 44, 69, 72, 80, 105, 106, 107, 113, 147 37 Dairy Products 35, 54, 68, 70, 74, 75, 76, 86, 90, 91, 98, 100, 104, 118, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144 38 Dams 69, 70, 71, 103, 105, 106, 107, 137 39 Distilleries 27, 36, 37, 38, 44, 81, 92, 104, 148 40 Electrical Products, Appliances and Equipment 4, 17, 32, 35, 45, 59, 60, 63, 68, 85, 103, 108, 126, 127, 131 41 Electronics 3,8,23,30,36,41,55,69,74,76, 77, 84, 104, 106, 107, 118, 127, 133 42 Engineering, Research and Development 2, 3, 7, 19, 27, 45, 47, 53, 71, 114, 130, 136 43 Eyeglass Manufacturers and Equipment 46,76, 127, 149 44 Farms, Farm Cooperatives 53, 61, 80, 90, 100, 105, 116, 125, 128, 131, 132, 142 45 Farm Machinery and Equipment, Construction Machinery 5, 26, 33, 34, 35, 49, 57, 58, 63, 72, 73, 75, 86, 89, 90, 93, 99, 102, 109, 111, 117, 119, 124 46 Firearms 47 Fish Hatcheries 6, 57, 103, 104, 133, 139, 140, 142 48 Florists, Nurseries, Orchards, Garden Products and Equipment 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 34, 51, 56, 70, 72, 73, 86, 87, 98, 103, 105, 106, 116, 139, 141, 142 49 Flour and Feed Mills 2, 10, 12, 23, 34, 60, 71, 72,75,77,90, 116, 117, 118, 122, 127, 129, 131, 146 50 Food Processing, Packaging, and Distribution 2, 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 17, 20, 24, 26, 35, 38, 40, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 5 1 , 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 65, 69, 70, 71, 74, 75, 83, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91 , 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 104, 105, 108, 111, 112, 118, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135, 138, 141, 143, 144, 147, 148, 149 152 INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION INDEX ?ode Pag? 51 Foundries 1,28,29,31,39,41,45,64,69,76, 85, 115, 122 52 Fountain Pen and Pencil Manufacturers 34,139 53 Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment — Household and Commercial 13, 18, 20, 25, 27, 28, 30, 36, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 51, 54, 56, 60, 61, 64, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 100, 101, 103, 111, 119, 120, 121, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 132, 143, 145, 146, 147 54 Gifts, Novelties, and Jewelry 2, 20, 21, 46, 83, 117, 144, 148 55 Glass 14,35,41,80,91,106,110,111,138 56 Government Agencies — Federal, State, County and City 12, 13, 24, 25, 27, 36, 42, 58, 60, 83, 89, 94, 100, 101, 102, 103, 113, 114, 133, 138, 139, 140 57 Hair Preparation 58 Hardware 53 59 Ice and Fuel 62, 123 60 Insurance 1 1 , 15, 83, 92, 93, 99, 140 61 Laundry and Laundry Equipment, Drycleaning 12, 133, 141 62 Leather and Leather Products 15, 22, 31, 75, 103, 111, 139, 142 63 Livestock 5,37,54,55,56,60,70,99,101,122, 123, 139, 141 64 Luggage 65 Lumber, Wood Products, Millwork 3,5,17,18, 22, 23, 28, 31, 32, 40, 45, 48, 49, 50, 52, 55, 58, 61, 62, 69, 70, 79, 88, 90, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 114, 117, 118, 120, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 141, 145, 148 66 Machinery 3,4,11,13,27,31,32,33,34,35, 39, 41 , 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 5 1 , 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,61,62,67,71,90,96,97, 102, 118, 120, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133, 135, 140, 144 67 Meatpacking— Slaughtering 33, 42, 49, 62, 69, 72, 73, 75, 83, 96, 101, 104, 111, 117, 118, 120, 134 68 Metal Fabrication, Smelting, Metal Finishing 3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 16, 28, 30, 32, 39, 45, 46, 47, 50, 62, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 7 1 , 72, 74, 75, 77, 88, 90, 92, 97, 98, 99, 100, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 114, 117, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134, 138, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148 69 Military Bases — Army, Navy, Air Force 15, 27, 36, 115 70 Mints 10, 110, 112 71 Musical Instruments 28, 35, 104, 127, 129 72 Newspapers, Books, Periodicals, Publishers 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24, 33, 40, 41, 42, 45, 48, 53, 55, 56, 59, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 82, 87, 89, 92, 93, 94,95,96,99, 103, 104, 105, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131, 132, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143 Code Page 73 Paint and Varnish 16, 17, 28, 41, 66, 70, 94, 131, 140, 145 74 Paper Manufacturing 1, 16, 19, 40, 46, 47, 50, 54, 57, 62, 80, 96, 98, 103, 104, 105, 106, 115, 116, 119, 122, 123, 126, 131, 132, 135, 139, 141 75 Petroleum, Lubricants, Petroleum Equipment 11, 20, 39, 50, 62, 69, 101, 103, 122, 124, 135, 142, 143 76 Pharmaceuticals — Medical Supplies 26, 30, 59, 63, 69, 73, 74, 78, 91, 112, 114, 115, 126, 128, 129, 131, 145, 148 77 Phonographs, Phonograph Records and Record- ing Studios 6, 39, 145 78 Photography, Motion Pictures, Equipment and Supplies 47, 122 79 Plastics 4,31,40,46,48,54,65,66,67,72,77, 78, 91, 96, 104, 107, 109, 116, 117, 122, 128, 130, 146 80 Plumbing and Heating Equipment, Stoves and Ranges 18, 29, 47, 67, 1 17, 1 18, 124, 132 81 Poultry 33, 43, 61, 87, 99, 109, 144 82 Power Plants 16, 21, 26, 37, 38, 44, 47, 49, 53, 69, 70, 71, 79, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 90, 110, 115, 117, 118, 120, 124, 125, 133, 134, 139 83 Printing, Advertising, Exhibits 8, 16, 30, 31, 33, 41, 43, 45, 46, 55, 58, 63, 64, 68, 69, 76, 87, 90, 94, 103, 104, 106, 114, 116, 121, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 147 84 Pumps— Gasoline, Oil, Water 20,29,33,39,71 85 Rubber Products 4, 11, 16, 23, 35, 42, 46, 74, 83,91,95, 97, 109, 112, 119, 133, 140, 148 86 Safety and Firefighting Equipment, Alarms 24, 44,48,70,71,74, 105, 106, 140 87 Scientific and Precision Instruments, Meters 4, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 74, 77, 103, 107, 108, 114, 119, 123, 125, 128, 132, 136, 142, 147, 148, 149 88 Shipbuilding, Ports and Docks 1,2,8, 9, 12, 14, 86, 89, 106, 107, 134 89 Shoes, Shoe Products, Footwear 42, 52, 123, 137, 144 90 Shopping Centers; Planned Industrial Com- munities 11, 86, 105 91 Soaps and Detergents 42, 48, 110, 121 92 Social Service Industries 6, 39, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65, 66, 80, 91, 92, 94, 105, 113, 120, 140 93 Sporting Goods — Recreational Equipment 30, 40, 50, 52, 60, 74,, 75, 101, 125, 128, 129, 132, 133, 141 94 Stationery, Office Supplies, Greeting Cards 25, 30, 36, 45, 64, 68, 100, 105, 138 95 Steel 1, 1 1, 29, 32, 76, 79, 86, 93, 97, 98, 102, 104, 108, 114, 118, 128 96 Stock Exchanges, Investment Companies, Mer- cantile Exchanges, Brokers 7, 24, 81 97 Sugar Refineries 40,91,124 INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION INDEX 153 Code Pug? 98 Supermarkets, Department Stores 15, 24, 42, 94 99 Textiles— Textiles Products 2, 12, 18, 36, 45, 47, 57, 73, 78, 79, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 105, 106, 108, 115, 116, 119, 123, 126, 127, 129, 130, 149 100 Tile 85 101 Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes and Smoking Arti- cles 14, 37, 38, 66, 69, 82, 83, 84, 89, 134, 138 102 Tool Manufacturers 32, 34, 43, 46, 59, 67, 74, 86, 101, 105, 109, 115, 116, 117, 132, 143 103 Toys 5, 33, 46, 64, 95, 129, 132 104 Trading Stamps 105 Trailers, Tractors, Mobile Equipment 21, 28, 31, 34, 35, 40, 51, 56, 61, 63, 70, 71, 72, 84, 85, 90, 97, 104, 105, 118, 127, 129 Cuile Page 106 Transportation — Air, Bus, Rail, Steamship 2, 3, 7,9, 71,89, 102 107 Trucking 18,82,83 108 Utilities 3,7,8,9,10,19,24,29,30,43,45,46, 47, 78, 79, 81, 93, 107, 112, 116, 135, 137, 142 109 Vending Machines 5, 43, 76, 108 110 Warehouses— Storage 9,52,72,77,85 111 Wineries 5,6,7,8,9,26,52,55,66,78,81,82, 91,92,97,98, 104, 106, 107, 111, 137, 138, 139, 141 112 Wholesale and Retail Merchandising43, 103, 134 113 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 28, 31, 34, 46, 47, 63, 67, 74, 90, 91, 110, 112, 115, 125, 129, 131, 133, 140, 141, 145, 148 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES AQDDD75DDD10b >***-