FT? to /'■ « CENFOR CENSUS FORTRAN MAN UA L DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS MARCH 1971 * PREFACE Elements of the FORTRAN language and the implementations for data processing at the Bureau of the Census on UNIVAC equipment are presented in this manual. Census subroutines and functions, reference lists, examples, exercises and work procedures are included. Additions and corrections to this manual will be made as required or recommended. UNIVAC source manuals are listed in the bibliography for this manual, 9s § Bureau of the Census •f 1971 o a 4) 3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/cenforcensusfortOOunit i Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Ever Wonder How A Computer Works? 1.1.1. Hardware vs. Software 1.1.2. Input Devices 1.1.3. Computer Language 1.1. 4-. Units of Information 1.1.5. Output Devices 1.2. Introduction to FORTRAN Programing 1.3. Internal Representation 1.3.1. Words 1.4. Number Systems 1.4.1. Binary 1.4.2. Octal 1.4.3. Number Conversion 1.4.4-. Arithmetic in other Bases 1.4.5. Conversion Binary to Octal Octal to Binary Decimal-Octal Conversion Binary-Decimal Conversion Converting Fractions Mixed Numbers 1.4.6. Signed Binary Numbers 1.4.7. Floating Point 1.4.8. Binary Coded Decimal Codes 1.4.9. Logical Operations 1.5. The 1107 Central Computer 1.5.1. The Control Portion 1.5.2. The Computer Memory 1.5.3. The Arithmetic Section 1.5-4. Input-Output Channels 1.5.5. Peripheral Equipment 1.6. Exercises Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 2. THE FORTRAN LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTALS 2.1. Writing FORTRAN Programs 2.1.1. Basic Characters 2.1.2. Preparation of Programs and Related Materials for Key Punching 2.1.3. Source Statements 2.2. Constants 2.2.1. Integer- Fixed Point 2.2.2. Real-Single Precision Floating Point 2.2.3. Double Precision-Double Precision Floating Point 2.2.4.. Complex 2.2.5. Logical 2.3. Variables 2.4-. Operators 2.5. Expressions 2.5.1. Integer Division 2.5.2. Limitations of Arithmetic Operations 2.5.3. Function Reference 2.6. Arithmetic Assigment Statements 2.7. Arithmetic IF 2.8. Logical Expressions 2.9. Logical Statements 2.10. Logical IF 2.11. PARAMETER Variables 2.12. CONTINUE Statement 2.13. GO TO 2.13.1. The Unconditional GO TO 2.13.2. ASSIGN Statement 2.13.3. Assigned GO TO 2.14. Mathematical Functions 2.15- STOP 2.16. END 2.17. Exercises Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 3. SUBSCRIPTED VARIABLES 3.1. Subscripts 3.1.1. Allowable Forms of Subscripts 3.1.2. Rules for Subscript Formation 3.1.3. Valid Subscripts Used with Array Eleiemefcs 3.1. 4. Invalid Subscripts Used with Array Elements 3.2. Arrays 3.2.1. One-Dimensional Array = "LIST" 3.2.2. Two-Dimensional Array = "TABLE" 3.2.3. Three-Dimensional Array = SET OF TABLES 3.3. Tables and Files 3.4. Dimension Limits 3.5. Mathematical Notation 4. THE DO STATEMENT 4.1. DO 4.2. DO- LOOPS 4.3. Nested DO-LOOPS 4.4. Materialization of the Index Variable 4.5. Frequent Uses of a DO-LOOP 4.6. Exercises Using the DO Instruction 5. FORTRAN I/O 5.1. Formatted READ and WRITE 5.1.1. Formatted READ 5.1.2. Note on Method to Detect End-Of-Data on Tape 5.1.3. Formatted WRITE 5.1.4. Control of Print Files 5.1.5. READ and WRITE Name Lists 5.2. Implied DO 5.3. UNIT Assignments for FORTRAN READ/WRITE Statements 5.4. FORMAT Statement 5.4.1. Field Descriptors 5.4.2. Table of Editing Symbols Page 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 5.^.3. Object Time FORMAT Statements 5. 4-. 4-. Rescanning 5.4.5. Specific Information Re Editing Codes 5.5. Tape Positioning Statements 5.5.1. END FILE 5.5.2. REWIND 5.5.3. BACKSPACE 5.6. UNFORMATTED Input and Output 5.7. Printing a Formatted Tape 5.8. Exercises 6. FUNCTION AND SUBROUTINE PROCEDURES 6.1. General 6.2. Procedure Arguments 6.3. The FUNCTION 6.3.1. Referencing a Function 6.3.2. Statement Functions 6.3.3. Examples of Statement Functions 6.3.4. Built-in Functions 6.3.5. Note on MENO, MINI, AMINO, MAXO, MAX1, AMAXO, AMAX2 6.3.6. Note on MOD, AMOD Function 6.3.7. Built-in Typeless Functions AND, OR, LOC, COMPL, BOOL 6.3.8. External and Internal Functions 6.3.9. Note on SIN, DSIN, CSIN 6 . 3 . 10 . Subprograms External Subprogram-General Function Subprograms-External RETURN Examples of Function Subprograms 6.4. Subroutine Subprogram- External 6.5. ABNORMAL Functions 6.6. EXTERNAL Statement 6.7. Errors to be Avoided When Using Subprograms 6.8. Exercises Page 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 7. SPECIFICATION STATEMENTS 7.1. General 7.2. DIMENSION Statement 7.2.1. Adjustable Dimensions 7.3. EQUIVALENCE Statement 7.4. COMMON Statement 7.4- 1. General 7.^.2. COMMON Block Size Rule 7.4.3. COMMON Used with EQUIVALENCE 7.4.4- Some Uses of COMMON 7.5. DATA Statement 7.6. Exercises 8. CENSUS LIBRARY FUNCTIONS 8.1. LPM (x) •m 8.2. J (NAME,n) 8.3. IXTRC. (NAME,n) 8.4. LS (NAME,n) 8.5. LSSU (NA,MASK,NB) 8.6. LADD (NA,NB) 8.7. LSUB (NA,NB) 8.8. LAND (NA,NB) 8.9. LFX (NAME) 8.10. LXF (NAME) 8.11. LFB (NAME) 8.12. LXB (NAME) 8.13. LBF (NBIN,NFILL) 8.14. LBX (NBIN,NFILL) 8.15. MSR (4Hxxxx) Page 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 9. CENSUS LIBRARY SUBROUTINES 9.1. CHKDIV ($n) 9.2. NOCHK 9.3. TYPE (n,nHMESSAGE) 9.4-. TYPE (n,nHMESSAGE,j,JREPLY) 9.5. LOAD (u,n,nHMESSAGE, $999) 9.6. CHANGE (u,n,nHMESSAGE, $999) 9.7. INSRTf (NA,NB,n) 9.8. INSERT (NA,NARAY,n) 9.9. LDStt (NA,NB,n,NC,ND) 9.10. MOVEf (NA,n,NB,n) 9.11. LB2X (NBIN,NXS3,NFILL) 9.12. LB2F (NBIN,NFD,NFILL) 9.13. UNPK (INPUT, EDIT, CORE) 9. 14-. PACK (CORE, EDIT, OUTPUT) 9.15. SORT (LFILE,LPAR) - An Internal Sort 9.16. EX: A FORTRAN Input /Output Subroutine 9.17. Exercises 10. FOLION 10.1. LION Formats 10.2. FOLION 10.2.1. Introduction File Labels IIIA Labels IIA Labels 10.2.2. Output Subroutine Open Output File Write Output File Close Output Reel Close Output File Page 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued; 10.2.3. Input Subroutine Open Input File Read Input File Close Input Reel Close Input File Note on IIIA End-of-Reel Exit 10.2.4-. File Control Errors 10.2.5. A Coded Example 10.2.6. FORTRAN I/O Equipment Configuration 10.3. Exercises 11. GENERAL INFORMATION 11.1. Planning a HSP Output Table 11.2. Data Record Layouts Creating Test Decks Tape Blanking and Storage Schedule Cards Priority Card (PTY) Facility Description Card (FAC) Table Length Assignment Card (TAL) Transfer Card (TRN) Subroutine Card (SUB) Parameter Cards (PMn) 11.6. Submission of Programs General Instructions and Forms Required 11.7. Programer Responsibilities 11.8. Exercise 12. ASSEMBLY, CORRECTING, AND DEBUGGING 12.1. Assembly Control Cards 12.1.1. The START Card 12.1.2. The MAP Card 12.1.3. The FOR Card 12.1. 4-. The STOP Card 12.1.5. Examples of Control Cards 12.2. Program Corrections 12.3. FORTRAN Debugging 11. 3. 11 4. 11 5. 11 5. 1. 11 5. 2. 11 5. 3. 11 5. 4- • 11 5. 5. 11 5. 6. Page 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 13. THE TAPE SORT 13.1. Using FORTRAN Generated Subprograms as Own Coding to the 1107 Sort-Merge 13.1.1. Concept of "OWN CODING". 13.1.2. Coding the OCFP and OCLP Subprograms 13.1.3. Entrances to Your Own Coding from the S/M 13.1. 4. Returns from Your Own Coding to the S/M 13.1.5. I/O Statement Within the Own Coding Subroutines 13.1.6. Communication Between OCFP and OCLP Subprograms 13.2. Scheduling for SORT 13.2.1. PTY Card 13.2.2. FAC Card 13.2.3. TAL Card 13.2.4. SUB Card 13.2.5. PMO Card 13.2.6. FM1 Card 13.2.7. PM 3,4,5 Cards 13.2.8. PM 6,7,8 Cards 13.2.9. Example of SORT Schedule Cards 13.3. Determination of CORE, DRUM and Tape Requirements for a SORT 13.4. Information Relative to the Straight Merge Only 13.5. Significant Console Messages 13.6. Notes on SORT/MERGE 14. SERVICE PROGRAMS 14.1. CENSER 14.2. CKSUM 14.3. SELTPR 14.4. AUTOCP 14.5. BTP 14.6. TCOPY 14.7. CTSIM 14.8. EDTCPY 14.9. CARTAP 14.10. DATACO 14.11. COPIER Page 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 14.12. RUTT 14.13. UTT 14.14. RUT702 14.15. UTT4C 14.16. MICRO 14.17. RUTA19 14.18. SALVAG 14.19. 2 to 3 14.20. 4C to 4C 14.21. TP4C 14.22. SUTT1 14.23. PSTRIP xl\. • (LL\. » FOIST 14.25. SR2F0L 14.26. MDMIC 14.27. RUTMDS 14. 28 . IMAGER-TWOPAS 14.29. EXERCISES 15. DECISION TABLES 15.1. Limited- Entry Decision Tables 15.2. Extended- Entry Decision Tables 15.3. Mixed-Entry Tables 15.4. Determining Maximum Table Size 15.5. A Method of Eliminating Irrelevant Tests 15.6. Bifurcated Table Arrangement 15.7. The ELSE Rule Page 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 15. 8. Sequence Control Definitions 15.9. Examples of Decision Tables 15.10. Machine Processing of Decision Tables 15.11. TAB^IX: A Decision Table Preprocessor for the UNIVAC 1107 FORTRAN IV Compiler 16. PROGRAMING TECHNIQUES AND TIPS 16.1. FORTRAN: Externally Expandable Arrays Using Named COMMON 16.2. Compiling Large FORTRAN Programs 16.3. Defining Subroutine Formal Arguments 16.4-. Multiply /Divide Sequence 16.5- Real to Integer Conversion 16.6. Integer to Double Precision Function 16.7. Table Look-up Techniques 16.8. A Subroutine for Sorting Words in an Array 16.9. A Random Number Generator Routine 16.10. A Subroutine to Create a Check Digit 16.11. Method Used to Create Check Digit 16.12. A Subroutine to Convert Milliseconds to Hours, Minutes, and Seconds in XS3 16.13. ZERO Subroutine 16.14-. Permissible Calls Using Programer's Subroutine ZERO 16.15. Sequence Checking 16.16. SEARCH: Programer's Subroutine for Binary Search 16.17. DRUM USE 17. PROGRAM EXAMPLES 17.1. General 17.2. "PAYROLL" Specifications Page 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 17.3. "PROBABILITY of Purchasing an Automobile" Specifications 17. U. SORT with Option Coding 17.5. Specifications for Marriage Table 7A 18. FORTRAN V 18.1. INCLUDE 18.2. DELETE 18.3. EDIT 18.4. INPUT/OUTPUT END CLAUSE 18.5. INPUT/OUTPUT ERR CLAUSE 18.6. INPUT/OUTPUT STATUS WORD INSTAT FUNCTION 18.7. ERROR WALK BACK 18.8. EXTERNAL SUBPROGRAM 18.9. MULTIPLE ENTRY POINTS 18.10. AUTOMATIC TYPING 18.11. FLD FUNCTION 18.12. Define 18.13. Mixed Type Arithmetic 18. 1^. 1108 Double Precision Hardware 18.15. Parameter Variables 18.16. Data in Type and Dimension Statement 18.17. Implicit 18.18. Namelist Input/Output 18.19. Format Scan Pointer T 18.20. G Editing Code 18.21. Reread 18.22. Free Format Input/Output Page 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 18.23. Mass Storage Files 18.24.. Encode/Decode 18.25. Optimization 18.26. Master Space Comment 18.27. Ru Format Code — Right- Justified Alphanumeric 18.28. Substitution for uH 18.29. Compiler Statement 18.30. Math- Pack and Stat-Pack 19. REFERENCE INFORMATION 19.1. Source Program Ordering 19.2. Limitations 19.3. Octal-Decimal Integer Conversion Table 19. 4-. 1107 Operator Termination Codes 19.5. Error Codes 19.5.1. LION Error Codes That Indicate Equipment Malfunction 19.5.2. LION Error Codes 19.5.3. Job Request Error Codes 19.5.4. Load Error Codes 19.5.5. EXEC I/O Error Messages 19.5.6. Termination Codes 19.5.7. Sort Error Codes 19.5.8. ELF Error Codes 19.5.9. FILE Control Errors 19.6. Channel Assignments 19.6.1. CENSUS 1107 Channel Assignments — 1107A-B 19.6.2. CENSUS 1108 Channel Assignments — 1108C 19.6.3. CENSUS 1108 Channel Assignments — 1108D 19.7. UNIVAG 1107 Standard Code Translation 19.8. BCD, Excess-Three Codes 19.9. Table of Powers of 2 19.10. Capacity of Tapes Written With FOLION 19.11. Standards for Operation and Use of UNIVAC 1107 System 19.12. Most Used Boards and Loops for OFFLINE HSP Page 13 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 19.13. HSP Non- Printing Characters 19.14-. Amount of Space per Page 19.15. Data Processing Equipment at the Bureau of the Census 19.16. Character Set for Information Interchange 19.17. Flowchart Symbols 19.18. Names to be Avoided for External Subroutines 19.19. LION Formats 19.20. FILE Control Table - Output 19.21. FILE Control Table - Input Page 14 TABLE OF 20. 20.1. 20.2. 20.3. 20.4. 20.5. 20.6. 20.7. 20.8. 20.9. 20.10. 20.11. 20.11.1 20.11.2 20.11.3 20.11.4 20.11.5 20.11.6 20.11.7 20.11.8 20.11.9 20.11.10 20.11.11 20.11.12 20.11.13 20.11.14 20.11.15 20.12. 20.12.1. 20.12.2. 20.13. 21. CONTENTS (Continued) SLEUTH II Introduction to SLEUTH II Instruction Word Format The Label Field The Operation Field The Operand Field Continuation Termination Data Word Generation Expressions Operators SLEUTH II Assembler Directives EQU RES FORM END LIT INFO DO PROC NAME GO FUNC WRD CHAR LIST, UNLIST EQUF Communication Between FORTRAN and SLEUTH II Through Use of COMMON Areas Through Use of ARGUMENT Lists APPENDIX C. INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE GLOSSARY BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. INTRODUCTION March 1970 CENFOR 1- 1 1.1. Ever Wonder How A Computer Works? In the barely 25 years that computers have had an Impact on our society, they have brought about a basic transformation in the way man lives. This ever increasing impact is evident in the areas of banking and business, science and medicine, education and entertainment. In education alone, there has been a change in the philosophy of teaching as well as a change in the content of what today's children are learning. Behold the parents staring with uncomfortable lack of familiarity at their third-grader's arithmetic homework. This era of speeds and volumes beyond human understanding, of superlatives and extremes is created in part by the availability of computers. Without computers, however, there would be no possible way to keep up with processing, analyzing, and producing the information necessary to man's life. Indeed, the role of the steam engine in the industrial revolution finds its contemporary counterpart in the computer and the "information explosion." Just as machines were designed to reduce the workload of many people or animals, the need for automation of intellectual work came with the development of science and the increased amount of knowledge man must deal with every day. Thus the computer must be considered as a universal information-processing machine. 1.1.1. Hardware vs. Software A computer consists of both a collection of electronic parts that is called hardware and a set of written procedures for controlling the hardware called software. In terms of hardware, a computer consists of input and output devices, arithmetic and control circuits, and a memory. The software is the program of instructions that puts the system to work and is written by a programer who analyzes the task at hand. Thus, any calculation that can be performed by any machine can be performed by a computer if there Is a program directing it. Confronted with what may appear to be the frenzied motion of input-output devices and the blinking of console lights, it is not hard to view the programer as the witch doctor of a black art. In fact, anyone who has ever written a recipe or a set of directions to perform a task or planned a route of travel has, to some extent, written a computer-like program. 1.1.2. Input Devices The computer accepts information from its environment through its input devices; it combines this information, directed by the rules of the program stored in its memory, with other information also stored in its memory, and sends information back to its environment through its output devices. The information may be punched into cards or tape; it may be recorded magnetically CENFOR 1- 2 March 1970 on tapes, keyboards, disks, drums, or cards; it may be speech in the form of electrical pulses transmitted across telephone or telegraph lines, or it may appear on a TV-like picture tube. In each case, there will be a device specifically designed to translate the information from the incoming mode to the language of the computer or from the machine language to a mode preferred by man. The human brain performs a similar function by accepting information through its senses, combining it with information stored in the memory and translating it to an appropriate action, speech, etc., which returns to man's environment. However, computers perform operations a million to a billion times faster than humans and this increase in speed means a greater capacity to manipulate information on a large-scale basis. 1.1.3. Computer Language If a computer is to be used, it must obviously be able to communicate with the outside world. For human- to-computer communication the colorful, expressive language of human- to -human communication is not necessary; it is not even desirable. Thus, although there are numerous "programing languages" (e.g. COBOL, FORTRAN) , they are a simplification of the language one would use to describe a task to a friend. There is even a greater simplifi- cation in the machine language by which the computer operates internally. 1.1.4, Units of Information The basic unit of information with which these machines work is the binary digit, so-called "bit." In binary notation, only two symbols are used, 1 and 0. This system of representation is particularly convenient for the recording and processing of information in electronic devices because they most easily operate in only two different ways. For instance, a wire is either con- ducting current or it is not; a switch may be open or it may be closed. Therefore, one of the binary symbols can be equated with the electronic condition "switch open," or "no current on the wire," while the other symbol can be equated with the opposite electronic condition "switch closed" or "current on the wire." By grouping bits in some agreed upon unit, meanings can be assigned to the various states that the unit (called a register here) may assume. For example, if a unit consisting of five elements is chosen, each element capable of being in one of two states (repre- sented by 1 and 0) then there are a total of 32 states. The register can assume any one of the combinations from 00000 to 11111. Specific and unique meanings can now be assigned to each of these states; perhaps the familiar decimal numbers to 31 for example : March 1970 CENFOR 1- 3 Binary Decimal Representation Equivalent 00000 00001 1 00010 2 00011 3 and so forth. Perhaps the various combinations might be designated as the 26 letters of the alphabet with six combinations left over for punctuation symbols. What these combinations of l's and 0's will represent is agreed upon before the equipment is ever designed. Thus the language the computer uses internally — as well as the kinds of input-output modes to be used by the programer — is determined by the individuals designing and building the machine. 1.1.5. Output Devices Information is most frequently prepared in such a way as to facilitate the translation between the outside environment and the computer. It may be produced by the computer itself through the output devices, or it may be by some auxiliary equipment such as a keypunch. Thus, a hole punched into a punched card can be interpreted as a 1, and the fact that there is no hole inter- preted as a 0. A magnetic tape device will interpret a magnetically recorded spot on the tape as a 1, the absence of a magnetic spot as a 0. Not only does one have the ability to represent information in binary notation, but it is also possible to perform arithmetic operations upon it, following a few simple rules. It turns out that the calculations one wants to do in a computer can be done by repeated binary additions, so addition is really the basic operation of computers. Thus it is by converting information to this binary representation, storing it and operating on it with elements that can change state in a few millionths or billionths of a second, and finally con- verting it to a selected output mode, that the computer can process and produce information that affects all phases of man's life. CENFOR 1-4 March 1970 1.2 INTRODUCTION TO FORTRAN PROGRAMING The process of writing a program should consist of a number of basic steps. (1) First, the problem should- be analyzed carefully to determine exactly what information is wanted. Then it must be determined which part of the known information must be used to resolve the problem. For instance, if the problem is to find the area of a triangle, one must know (or be able to find) the base and the height of that triangle. (2) After the problem has been analyzed generally, the specific sequential steps must be determined. The most widely accepted method for planning the sequence of operations in a grogram is through flowcharting, a picture of the flow of the action of the program. In any problem that is even moderately complex, the interrelationships within it are difficult to keep clearly in mind without some visual representation. A flowchart pro- vides this assistance. A flowchart is made up of a set of boxes, the shapes of which indicate the nature of the operations described in the boxes, along with connecting lines that show the "flow of control" between various operations. For our purposes here, the notation, which is quite simple, contains the following symbols : A rectanrle indicates any operation except a decision. A diamond indicates a decision. If the aecision is YES or TRUE, the action follows the line on the right. If the decision is NO or FAISE, the action follows the aownward line. An oval indicates the beginning, ending, or interruption point in a program. A circle indicates the connection between two points in a flowchart. The booklet "UNIVAC FLOWCHART SYMBOLS" describes the standards for flowchart symbols published in 1965 by the American Standards Association. Employment of the standard symbols is suggested to stay in tune with the computer industry. Booklets and templates are available in The Training Branch. Refer to 19.17. for a more complete aescription of the standard svmbols. March 1970 CENFOR 1- 5 The following is a flowchart for solving the quadratic equation. As in ordinary arithmetic, division by zero will produce an error, so any input which could cause such an error should be eliminated prior to its com- putation. Establish Coefficients A, B, and Cj ROOT = -bWb 2 - 4AC 2A ROOT 9 = -B- ^B 2 - 4AC Flowcharts should always be written and read from left to right and from top to bottom. Another method for schematically representing the flow of the control is the use of decision logic tables, tables which show the various paths which may be taken after a decision is made. Refer to chapter 15 "DECISION TABLES". Decision Logic Table Example : START A. 4 Y N N Y N ESTABLISH A,B,C Root 1 = ( - B + \| B 2 -~4AC) /2A Root2=(-B- p 2 " - 4AC") /2A PRINT X X X X RETURN STOP X X X CENFOR 1- 6 M^ ch 1970 While writing the flowchart or decision logic table, it must be remembered that a program must be written to consider every poss- ible case. If a path is set if A<0 and one is set if A>0, but if A = 0, then the computer will not know what to do. No poss- ible combination of parameter or eventualities can be omitted from the analysis, for the computer must be "told" every- thing! It is simply a mechanical and electronic device and "knows" nothing. Whichever tool for planning the sequence of operations is used, the important point is that some considerable effort should be expended in planning the operation in -order that it may enjoy a favorable prospect for success. It is most wastefull of programer effort and computer time for an operation to hang up for some error and require debugging. The use of the flow chart or the decision logic table helps insure that all poss- ibilities are considered. In addition, they help point up similarities which can be handled in a generalized manner such as by the use of loops or subroutines. Generalized handling conserves effort and insures some freedom from error. Another means of insuring the success of a program is through the use of modular Programing. A large program may be logically segmented Into many small subprograms, each with its own duties. It is much easier and quicker to assemble and to debug these sections of logic than to assemble and debug one immense program. When all the parts have been completed, tha main program becomes merely a collection of references to Its subprograms. Another feature of subprograms is that whenever a useful routine has been developed, it may be placed in the Library, and it may then be referenced by any program. If one program for sorting a list of words has already been written, it is much more economical to reference that program every time a sort is needed, rather than recoding the entire procedure. Yet another means for effective programing is for programer s to work in pairs or at least to communicate with one another in considerable detail. This implies the use of a common language and extensive documentation. The development of a program and its actual coding is most successfully achieved by the exchange of ideas and by help in checking logic and in the actual usage and coding of the programing language. The programing task is often much too difficult and complex to entrust to one person. These three procedures (l) generalized programing, (2) modular programing, and (3) team programing are the basis for writing error-free programs. (3) After an effective flowchart or decision logic table has been drawn, it is quite simple to follow its steps to create the sequence of statements, the coding , to be sent to the computer. But it must be remembered that the actual program statements themselves must be written with precision of execution, for a March 1970 CENFOR 1- 7 single error in a single statement invalidates the entire program. These coded statements, printed on a FORTRAN coding sheet are then sent to be punched, one statement per card. You need not worry about the program again until the output returns to you, but meanwhile these punched cards are sent through a process which puts your coding on a tape. The computer, if fed the tape and its compiler, translates your coding into machine language, the language which the computer can interpret. It follows your sequence of instructions, using the data which must be supplied and returns the answers which you requested. At this time, hopefully, you have finished your program; but' more realistically you must review what you have coded, make corrections, and resubmit your program. (4) Even correct results printed by the computer do not always constitute a final answer to the problem. The user of the results must finally interpret the results to see what they mean in terms of the combinations of goals that the proposed program must satisfy. The customer often must use a trial and error approach to his problem. (5) When the program works successfully, or during some other phase of writing the program, comments explaining how and why each step has occurred should be added. This documentation makes it easier both for you to follow your work at some later time, and for other people to under- stand what you have done. The major reasons for requiring documentation are: (l) in case the original programer is unable to complete the job, (2) so that future mod- ifications may be added to the program, and (3) to make corrections if latent errors are uncovered during pro- duction processing. As much as is possible of the documentation should be done concurrently with the pre- paration of the program. This is especially true if the programer is working on different stages of one job, or on programs for more than one job. Remember to do each step of programing thoroughly and carefully : (1) PLANNING (2) FLOWCHARTING OR WRITING DECISION LOGIC TABLES (3) CODING U) DEBUGGING (5) DOCUMENTATION CENFOR 1-8 March 1970 1.3. INTERNAL REPRESENTATION The memory of a computer contains a large number of boxes, the storage locations , each having a distinct name, the address . Information may be put into each location, but only one word of information may be there at any time. When new information is placed in a location, the old information is destroyed. When the computer is told to multiply two numbers, it actually is told to multiply the contents of two addresses. It finds out what is in the first address, and copies this into the Arithmetic Unit. Then it multiplies what is in the second address by the first quantity, and then this result is placed into the specified address in memory. This process takes place automatically when you ask to have two numbers multiplied, but you must remember not to destroy the contents of one address by placing something else in it unless the first number is no longer needed. If you want to increment J by one, effective coding would be J=J+1, but now the old J has been destroyed. Only the new J may be referenced. The compiler translates each instruction into numerical form, and this number is stored, along with the particular variables or constants to be acted upon, in a storage location with an address. The current address register stores the address of the instruction being performed. When one instruction is completed, the current address register is incremented by one, and the computer moves to the instruction contained in this new address. After a program has run, it is often useful to obtain a memory dump , that is, a printing out of the contents of the computer's memory for that particular program. This printout is in the form of numbers and shows the contents of every word of the program-, it thereby displays the machine-language instructions as well as the data. A dump is often quite useful in uncovering the exact location of an error. The system will automatically give an octal dump for most errors. One can take advantage of this fact and obtain a dump by creating an error condition if a dump is desired. 1.3.1. WORDS Within the computer bits are grouped into thirty-six bit sections called words. One word is treated by the computer circuits as a unit and is transferred as such. If the word contains integer binary arithmetic data, the first bit of the word is a sign bit. A "0" indicates a positive number and a "1" indicates a negative number. Bit March 1970 CENFOR 1- 9 It is the words which have a name or address, and it is impossible to reference individual bits of the word except with one of the logical functions. Refer to 1.4.9. Since binary numbers are rather hard to read and interpret, these numbers are usually converted to octal before such printouts as a dump. Therefore when the individual words are shown in a dump, there are twelve digits in length, three binary bits for each octal digit. Furthermore these octal digits are difficult for the layman to comprehend, so another conversion must take place to print characters in the conventional decimal numbers and ordinary alphabetic char- acters. It must be noted that six bits are required to form one print character. There is room for six characters in each 36-bit word. It takes two octal digits to form one print character. There are several character sets in the computer world. Some require a different number of bits for each character. Print characters are often referred to as Hollerith characters (named after a former Census employee who wedded punch cards and tabulating equipment in the 1890 Census). Regardless of the character set, binary values must be converted to Hollerith characters before meaningful printing may be done. Service programs may be requested, or subroutines may be called within the user's program to accomplish conversion. To print "off-line" (to use a printer which is not physically connected to the computer) , the data must first be converted to the language which the printer will recognize. The present UNI VAC "off-line" printers require XS3 codes for printing. These printers also require special tapes (IIA) which are written with 120 words to a block. Each line that is printed uses 20 words. The format for a IIA tape is referred to as "Census compatible". The first character in a print record may be one of several symbols to control line spacing and printing in conjunction with a paper loop and a wired board. Standard boards and loops are available. In the event that special needs arise, a High Speed Printer manual is available for reference. Refer to 19.7. "UNI VAC 1107 Standard Code Translation" for a list of specific character codes. Refer to 19.12. for a list of boards and loops. To print "on-line" (to use a printer controlled by the computer), Fieldata characters must be present. Fieldata characters are the normal 1107 High Speed Printer characters. This printer uses 128 characters for a print line; the first character is used as a print control character. An additional 4 characters are supplied by FORTRAN to meet image control requirements of the system. There- fore, records created by formatted FORTRAN "WRITE" statements for later printing consist of 22 words. The programer prepares a tape instead of using the printer directly and then requests a service routine to print from the tape. See 14.. 1. CENSER. If a large volume of data is to be printed, it is recommended that IIIA tapes be generated during the processing of the program. The IIIA tapes have a higher density and are longer than IIA tapes. They hold about 8 to 10 times more data than IIA tapes. However, before CENFOR 1-10 March 1970 printing can be done, a service routine must be called to either copy to HA tapes or print "on-line". See 14.. 1. CENSER. 1.4.. NUMBER SYSTEMS 1.4.1. BINARY For computer and automation purposes, the decimal system is difficult to use. Therefore, most computers operate using a binary or a binary coded system of number notation. To appreciate why this is so, one need only to think of some common electrical devices. Electricity and electrical imple- ments are well suited to representing information by elements being in one of two possible states. A light can be on or off; a tube can be fully conducting or not conducting; a spot can be magnetized in one direction or another; etc. All these things may be referred to as bi-stable elements; that is they may be in one of two possible states. For example, if we think of an ordinary light bulb, we should not have too much difficulty in reaching agreement that the bulb is either lighted or not lighted. Neither should we have trouble if we use the terms "on," or "off". These two states, "on" or "off", could be called, with prior agreement, "true" or "false", "yes" or "no", or "one" or "zero." Here then, by agreement, are two numbers or digits - f l" and "0", represented electrically. Combinations of these two digits, and only these two digits, can be used to represent numbers as we know them. For instance, two light bulbs could represent any decimal number between zero and three: BULBS NUMBER REPRESENTED Off Off = Zero Off On = One On Off = Two On On = Three Continuing in this manner, given an infinite number of light bulbs, we can represent an infinite number. If in the diagram above, we use "0" and "1" rather than "off" and "on", it would appear as follows: 00 = zero 01 = one 10 = two 11 = three March 1970 CENFOR 1-11 Continuing, using one more place: 100 = Four 101 = Five 110 = Six 111 = Seven Obviously, this is the binary number system, which is a system using only two symbols, and 1. To count in binary system follow the two rules mentioned below. = Zero 1 = One (the next allowable symbol - Rule l) 10 = Two (since no further allowable symbols exist after "1," change back to the first symbol, step one column left and advance that symbol - an implied "0." - Rule 2) 11 = Three 100 = Four (Follow Rule 2 and repeat adding the carry in the next position) Etc. Binary is a base two number system. (Binary digits are usually called "bits." (The base or radix of a number may be defined as the total number of non-redundant symbols allowable in the system. Binary has a "0" and a "1," therefore, base two. Decimal - base ten. ) Since we will be using more than one system, we must distinguish between numbers of different systems. The distinction will be made by writing the number followed by the base written as a subscript, e.g. 100, n = one hundred 100 2 = four 1.4-. 2. OCTAL It is easier for the computer to use the binary system, but it is not so easy for us. Suppose we have the following binary number: 001010001000010011100101110111111001 How can you express this number? It would be impractical to examine the 36 binary digits of the number to determine its value. A simplified means of interpreting and stating this binary number is needed. CENFOR 1-12 March 1970 If we separate the binary number into groups of 3 bits each, progressing left and right from the "binal point, and then express the value of each group of 3 bits by one digit we would have : 001 010 001 000 010 011 100 101 110 111 111 001 121023456771 Thus we have decreased the difficulty of expressing the binary number. Note that in three binary digits, any value between zero and seven can be represented. 000 = 001 = 1 010 = 2 011 = 3 100 = U 101 = 5 110 = 6 111 = 7 A number system which uses eight symbols, through 7, is the octal system (Base eight). The digits "8" and "9" never appear in octal. Octal therefore, is used as a "shorthand" for binary. Examples: Binary - 010 101 100 110 110 Octal -254-66 010101100110110 2 = 254i>6 g Binary - 100 000 000 000 000 Octal - U 100000000000000 2 = 40000g Binary - 001 101 111 000.100 Octal - 1 5 7 0.4 001101111000. 100 2 = 1570. 4 g The section which follows contains a brief review of some of the main points covered thus far, and then develops in detail methods for converting numbers from one system to another. (- ;; -The term, "Binal Point," in the Binary System corresponds to the term, "Decimal Point," in the Decimal System.) March 1970 CENFOR 1-13 1.4.3. NUMBER CONVERSION The 1107 computer uses the binary number system in all internal manipulations of numbers instead of the more familiar decimal system. Of interest to our study are the methods of converting numbers from decimal to octal and binary form, and vice versa. It is well known that the decimal system uses ten symbols to express numbers. These are the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Only two symbols are used in the binary, and eight in the octal system to represent all quantities. These are and 1 in the binary, and 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the octal system. Counting is started in the binary system in the same way as in the decimal system with "0" for zero, and "1" for one. But at two in the binary system, it is found that there are no more symbols. Thus, it is necessary to do the same thing at two in the binary system that is done at ten in the decimal system, that is, place a "1" in the first position to the left and start again with "0" in the original position. There- fore, "10" in the binary system is equivalent to "2" in the decimal system. Counting is continued in an analogous manner with a carry to the next place every time a two is reached instead of every time a ten is reached. In the octal system counting is done in a similar fashion. The following table demonstrates how counting starts and how a few numbers are denoted in the decimal, octal, and binary systems : DECIMAL OCTAL BINARY or 000 1 1 1 or 001 2 2 10 or 010 3 3 11 or 011 4 4 100 or 100 5 5 101 or 101 6 6 110 or 110 7 7 111 or 111 8 10 1000 or 001000 9 11 1001 or 001001 10 12 1010 or 001010 11 13 1011 or 001011 12 14 1100 or 001100 13 15 1101 or 001101 14 16 1110 or 001110 15 17 1111 or 001111 16 20 10000 or 010000 24 30 11000 or 011000 64 100 1000000 or 001000000 100 144 1100100 or 001100100 120 170 1111000 or 001111000 CENFOR 1-14 March 1970 The columns in the binary and octal systems do not have the meaning of units, tens, hundreds, thousands , as in the decimal system. Instead, they signify units, two ' s, four ' s , eight's, sixteen' s, - - - -, in the binary, and units, eight's, sixty-four's, five hundred- twelve ' s - - - -, in the octal system. The bases of the decimal, octal, and binary systems are ten, eight, and two respectively. When the base of a number is not apparent from the context, it will be specified by a decimal subscript, e.g. 13n~ = 15 rt = 1101. 13 10 = 15 8 = ~r 1.4. 4. ARITHMETIC IN OTHER BASES The algorithms for arithmetic operations are all based on properties of positional notation that are independent of the particular base in use. However, different tables apply for the additions and multiplications of digit pairs that occur in the process. Consequently, addition and multiplication tables must be reconstructed for each base concerned, and these may be used with the familiar rules for the arithmetic algorithms. The following are addition and multiplication tables for binary and octal number systems. Where two digits occur in an entry, the leftmost is the carry digit. Addition 1 1 1 10 Binary Multiplication 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 3 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 4 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 5 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 6 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 7 ! 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Octal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 2 4 6 10 12 14 16 3 3 6 11 14 17 22 25 4 4 10 14 20 24 30 34 5 5 12 17 24 31 36 43 6 6 14 22 30 36 44 52 7 7 16 25 34 43 52 61 ■■■ March 1970 CENFOR 1-15 The following example shows the use of the addition tables and the addition algorithm to compute, in decimal, octal, and binary, the number of items in two dozen. DECIMAL 12 +12 24 OCTAL 14. 30 BINARY 1100 +1100 11000 In a similar manner, the following example shows the use of multiplication to compute the number of items in a gross. DECIMAL 12 xl2 24 12 OCTAL 14 xM 60 Ik. 220 BINARY 1100 xllOO 0000 0000 1100 1100 10010000 Positional Notation In the decimal system, a digit in a specific position within a number represents that numeric digit times 10 raised to a power determined by the number of positions away from the right most digit. The sum of these products represents the actual number. For instance, the decimal number 654321 can be considered to be the sum of the following products using the above rule: 6 5 4 3 2 1 654321 decimal Likewise, in the octal system the position of a digit within a number represents that numeric digit times 8 raised to a power determined by position. Kor example, the octal number 35276 can be considered to be the sum of the products using the base 8. x H)5 = 6 x 100000 or 600000 x 10^ = 5 x 10000 50000 x 103 = u x 1000 4000 x 10 2 - 3 x 100 300 x 10 1 = 2 x 10 20 x 10° = 1 x 1 1 3x8^ = 3 x 4096 or 12288 5 x 83 - 5 x 512 2560 2 x 8 2 = 2 x 64 128 7 x 8 1 = 7 x 8 56 6x8° = 6 x 1 6 15038 decimal Note that a number raised to a power of equals 1 in any base. In the binary system, each "1" bit represents a value whirh can be expressed as 2 to the power of the bit position. See 19. 9. for "Table of Powers of Two". CENFOR 1-16 March 1970 1.4.5. CONVERSION It is impractical to interrogate the 36 binary digits of a number to determine its value. A simplified means of interpreting and stating this binary number is found in the octal number system. 1.^.5.1 BINARY TO OCTAL To convert a binary number to octal, merely group the binary digits in three's, progressing left and right from the binal point. Then represent each group of 3 binary digits by 1 octal digit. For example : 010001000111000000000010011100101110 Group the digits in three's: 010 001 000 111 000 000 000 010 011 100 101 110 Now express the value of each group of three binary digits by one octal digit: 010 001 000 111 000 000 000 010 011 100 101 110 210700023456 u a The maximum value of three binary bits, "111," is seven, and 7 is the highest single digit in the octal system used to repre- sent the binary. The digits "8" and "9" never appear. Binary numbers containing fractions: 100011001.101 are converted in a similar manner: 100 011 001 . 101 Octal - 4 3 1 5 OCTAL TO BINARY To convert from octal to binary reverse the procedure listed above. Represented each octal digit by three bits having the same value as the octal digit. For example : Convert the following octal number to binary : 543210 5 4 3 2 10 101 100 011 010 001 000 Ans. 1011000110 10001000 The reason for using octal should now be apparent. Octal is a "shorthand" for binary, and is a simplified means of inter- preting and expressing binary numbers. Conversion between octal and binary is immediate and can be done by inspection. March 1970 CENEOR 1-17 DECIMAL-OCTAL CONVERSION Numbers can be converted from decimal to octal and vice versa by hand by using the methods outlined below. As shown, an octal number is converted to decimal by multiplying the most significant digit, adding the next significant digit, and multi- plying that sum by 8. The process is continued until the least significant digit has been added to compute the decimal equiva- lent. Decimal to octal requires that you divide the number by eight and the remainder is the least significant octal digit. The quotient is again divided by 8, and that remainder is stored in the second least-significant place. This process is repeated until the quotient is zero. OCTAL to DECIMAL 1 1 1 x8 1A 12 x8 96 100 DECIMAL to OCTAL 12 8/ 100 1 8/ 12 8/— 1 R = U- R = /, R = 1 I -^1 I U BINARY-DECIMAL CONVERSION To convert from decimal to binary, first convert to octal as previously shown, then make a direct conversion to binary by inspection. To convert from binary to decimal, reverse the procedure, by converting first to octal, then to deci- mal using the method previously discussed. CENFOR 1-18 Marci. 1970 An alternate method of converting binary to decimal is to add the values for all "1" bits. Each bit position represents a value which can be expressed as 2 to the power of the bit position. See 19.9. for "Table of Powers of 2". Converting Fractions Binary to Octal Group the bits into trio 's starting from the binal point and proceed to the right . Then evaluate each trio. .1010111 2 = .101 Oil 100 = -534s Octal to Binary Each octal number is converted to its binary form. .362g = Oil 100 010 Octal to Decimal The digits are the numerators of a series of fractions whose denom- inators are successive powers of 8. The sum of the fractions can then be reduced to a decimal fraction. Decimal arithmetic is used. .25258 = 2 + _i + _2_ + 5 = 1365 = .333 8 64 512 4096 4096 Decimal to Octal Multiply the decimal fraction by 8. The successive "overflows" beyond the extent of the original number form the octal fraction. Example: Find the octal equivalent of .1415910 .14159 1.13272 .13272 1.06176 .06176 8 0.49408 .49408 3.95264 .95264 8 7.62112 The overflows produce the octal fraction .11037. Note that a term- inating decimal fraction may yield a nonterminating octal fraction or vice versa. Mixed Numbers The integer part is treated separately from the fractional part of the number and the results are combined. ,, u nQ „ CENFOR 1-19 March 197 t.6. SIGNED BINARY NUMBERS A binary quantity carries a positive or negative value connotation according to its representation in one's complement notation. The leftmost bit of the quantity in one's complement notation is indi- cative of the sign of the number represented. If the number repre- sented is negative, the sign bit is one. A number negative in value appears in the computer as the one ' s complement of its absolute value. Thus, each zero in the representation of the absolute value becomes a one, and each one becomes a zero. For example, the representation of the positive decimal quantity 13 as a computer word is: 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 101 The representation of the negative decimal quantity 13 is the one's complement of this, or: 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 110 010 Note: The 36 bits of a computer word are grouped in threes as above to promote ease of reading and converting to octal notation. The octal representation of the positive decimal quantity 13 is: 000000000015 The octal representation of the negative decimal quantity 13 is: 777777777762 Any bits between the sign bit and the most significant bit of the number represented are also indicative of the sign of the number. Thus the sign bit is duplicated to the right until the most signifi- cant bit appears the same as the sign bit. Note also that the most significant bit of a quantity always differs from the sign bit. This is less obvious when a number is represented in octal notation. The quantity "zero" has a positive and a negative representation in the computer, namely, in octal notation, 000000000000 or 777777777777. However, it is not possible for the representation of "negative" zero, 77777777777, to be generated as the result of an arithmetic operation. A "negative" zero generated in some other way, is treated as the quantity zero in arithmetic operations. In an n-bit register, no more than n-1 bits can represent the value of a signed integer since at least one bit represents the sign. Thus, the range of signed integers which can be represented in an n-bit register is minus (2 n- l- l) to plus (2n~ -l). Hence, the positive integers which can be represented in a 36-bit register lies in the range of 1 to 2^-1, or as expressed in octal notation 000000000001 through 377777777777 CENFOR 1-20 March 1970 The negative Integers which can appear in a 36-bit register lie in the range -1 to -(2-1), or as expressed in octal notation 777777777776 through 400000000000 The range in decimal would be from -34,359,738,367 through /34, 359, 738, 367 Examples of signed binary numbers (expressed in octal) are: Octal Decimal Value +100 -100 +1 000000000144 777777777633 000000000001 777777777776 -1 1.4.7. FLOATING POINT The binary representation of a real number is sometimes referred to as a floating point number because of the scaling which occurs as the number is packed into the form shown below: S I G N 35 CHARACTERISTIC 34- 27 MANTISSA 26 Assumed Decimal Point The characteristic (an 8-bit field) represents the scaling of the number. A number as large as 255 can be contained in 8 bits. There is a need to provide for negative characteristics, so half of 255 + 1 is 128. Characteristics may now range from -128 to +127. Because there is no sign bit for the characteristic, the numbers are biased by 128. Thus, all numbers of the characteristic become positive. The number -128 now becomes 0; the number becomes 128; and the number +127 becomes 255. Expressing this in octal: negative characteristics range from 0-177, and positive characteristics range from 200-377. The mantissa is fractional and therefore is always less than 1. The sign bit in bit 35 determines its sign. When scaling of an integer takes place to create the mantissa, the number of places necessary to move a number from right to left to place the most significant bit at bit position 26 is subtracted from the number 155. March 1970 CENFOR 1-21 Thus if the original number is 1, it would have to be moved 26 places to the left to read the assumed decimal point between bit 27 and 26. Subtracting 26 from 155 gives 129. This in turn becomes octal 201, the characteristic for this number. The octal floating point number for 1 would then be this: 2014-00000000. The octal floating point number for -1 would be 576377777777 since a negative number is expressed as the complement of the positive number. Floating point is a solution to the problem of keeping track of decimal points by representing every real number as a decimal fraction between .1 and 1.0 multiplied by a power of 10. Thus: -2 .0028 = .28 x 10 3 108.75 = .10875 x 10 In other words, the characteristic is the exponent and the mantissa is the fraction. CENFOR 1-22 March 1970 1.4.8. BINARY CODED DECIMAL CODES The digital computer can be thought of as an assemblage of two-state devices because it manipulates the one's and zero's of the binary number system. People, on the other hand, are more accustomed to decimal numbers, and for this reason it is often desirable to build a- computing system which can be operated in decimal. To build a decimal computer with two-state devices, it is necessary to encode the decimal digits with binary bits. Four binary bits are needed. Although only 10 of the 16 permutations possible with the 4— bit decade will be used, all are available. The choice of code is obviously important. Desirable features of the code are: Ease in performing arithmetic operation, economy of storage space, error detection and correction, and simplicity. Several possible codes are shown below. DECIMAL 84-21 EXCESS 3 0000 0011 1 0001 0100 2 0010 0101 3 0011 0110 k 0100 0111 5 0101 1000 6 0110 1001 7 0111 0110 8 1000 1011 9 1001 1100 Four Bit Codes The 8421 code is commonly referred to simply as binary-coded decimal because the weights of the positions are the same as in the binary number system. Arithmetic operations are easily performed using the same basic method as in binary since the number sequence is the same. In the Excess-3 code, a decimal number D is represented by the binary equivalent of the number IH-3. The Excess-3 code is not a weighted code, but since it follows the same number sequence as binary, it is useful in arithmetic operations. Addition is facilitated since the need for a correction factor is easily detected and easily implemented. Because it is self-complementing, the Excess-3 code is also useful in subtraction. March 1970 CENFOR 1-23 1.4-.9. Logical Operations Certain operations which we refer to as logical, or Boolean, allow bits to be extracted or changed depending upon corresponding bits in another word (a mask). This allows us to set, clear, or to switch bits. The "exclusive or" combination of binary digits is when one of the digits, but not both, is one. It is found by adding two bits and disregarding any carry to the next bit position. The rules are as follows: 1 1 1 1 1 1 The logical sum, "inclusive or", is when either, or both, of the binary digits is one. The truth table is as follows: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The logical product, "and" or "conjunction", is when both of the binary digits are one. It is found by multiplying two bits. The results of an "and" operation are as follows: 10 1 11 1 1.5 THE 1107 CENTRAL COMPUTER The 1107 Central Computer is composed of the same basic elements as other computers, namely control unit, arithmetic logic, storage, and input/output elements. 5.1. The Control Portion The control portion of the computer determines which operations are to be executed and sets up the sequence of events that takes place in the execution of a given instruction. The central computer has a repertoire of 117 instructions, which can perform such operations as transfers, arithmetic tests, and shifts. The 1107 operates on single address logic. Each instruction only specifies one operand even though other registers (such as an accumulator and/or an index register) are involved in the execution. This results in the programmer actually coding more instructions than with a machine using two-address logic. One feature of the 1107 that works to offset the number of instructions required for a program is the large number of special registers available. It has 16 arithmetic registers, 15 index registers, (which are used to increment or decrement operand addresses), and several other special registers. CENFOR 1-24- March 1970 One feature of the 1107 that is valuable in cutting the time it takes to execute instructions is the logical division of core memory into two separate banks. Whenever the contents of a core memory location are read, the contents are destroyed. Part of the necessary cycle of operation is restoration of the loca- tion that has been referenced. The reading and restoring of the contents of a register comprises the read-restore cycle. Thus, when an instruction is brought up for execution, one read-restore cycle is required. If an operand is involved, another read-restore cycle is required. If however, instructions are stored in one bank of core and operands are stored in the other bank it becomes possible to cut the cycle time in half. While a register in one bank is being read, a register in the other bank can be restored. 1.5.2. The Computer Memory The computer memory of the 1107 is of two types: Magnetic core and thin film. The Census 1107 configuration has 65,536 core storage registers. A feature of the 1107 is thin film memory. This film memory consists of very thin spots of metallic oxide that have been deposited on glass. Thin film has a much more rapid rate of access than core memory. There are 128 thin film registers in the 1107. These are the special registers already mentioned. Their access speed is such that thin film may be referenced six times during one reference to core memory. 1.5.3. The Arithmetic Section The arithmetic section of the 1107 handles arithmetic and comparative functions. The addition and subtraction functions can be carried out in several ways. In addition to a straight addition and subtraction there are instructions to add or sub- tract magnitude. Operations using partial words may also be specified. For example, you can add any third of a word to the contents of an Arithmetic Register, or subtract any sixth of a word. This partial word facility is not limited to arithmetic instructions. These are not the same as partial word arithmetic instructions. For example, you can simultaneously add or subtract all the thirds of a word to or from all the thirds of an A register. Along with the addition and subtraction are multiply and divide instructions. Multiplication or division can specify either 36 or 72 bit results. The number of A registers available makes coding of complex arithmetic operation less involved, since Intermediate results can be left in A registers. The 1107 has a great number of comparative or test instructions. In most cases these test instructions come in pairs; that is, for each test of one mutvaily exclusive condition there is a test for its opposite. For example, there is a test for zero and a test for not zero. There are instructions that will test within limits or test outside limits. There are also a series of instructions which will search a specified number of locations, testing each until a find is obtained. These search instructions March 1970 CENFOR 1-25 are also available with masking, so that a test can be made against only the extracted bits of a number of words. Floating point arithmetic is also part of the repertoire of the 1107. 1.5.4-. Input- Output Channels The 1107 has multiple channels for input-output, each one of which can be used for data input or output. Furthermore, each channel can have a number of units associated with it. For example, you might have six servos on one channel, two on another, and a drum on a third channel. You could only read one unit on any channel at a time, but you could be reading on all three channels concurrently, or reading on two and writing on one, etc. Only one word can be stored in or written from the central computer at a time, but the central computer is so fast that it can handle one write on tape, read one from tape, and then come and get the next word from drum while still executing program instructions. All this with the drum going full speed and utilizing interlace. Each channel has its own channel synchronizer and control unit as well as whatever units are attached to that channel. The channel synchronizer handles communication to and from the central computer, including transfer of data words. The control unit controls the operation of the associated peripheral units. 1.5-5. Peripheral Equipment The peripheral equipment that is associated with the Census 1107 is only part of what could be associated. One item of peripheral equipment is the drum. Note that the drum is not part of the central computer memory and cannot execute internal processing instructions. The drum is a storage device. The Census configuration has one drum subsystem with two drum units, and provides more than 500K memory locations of 36 bits on each unit. After the initial access time required to find the first location the drum transfer rate is 16.5 M/seconds per word. The use of the drum as storage for program segments or tables during a run is thus very feasible. The FASTRAND II Subsystem also provides a storage medium for programs and their source data. The subsystem is composed of three FASTRAND II drums with a storage capacity of 22 million words each. There are three types of Servos that are associated with the Census 1107. One type, the Uniservo IIA has variable recording density of 125 and 250 characters to the inch, and thus a variable transfer rate of 12.5 or 25,000 char. per. sec. The Uniservo IIIA's are a new model Servo with a different technical principle than the IIA's. These servo's have a CENFOR 1-26 March 1970 transfer rate of 120K char. per. sec. and a rewind speed of 300 inches per second. With a dual channel synchronizer it is possible to read and write or to read two units simultaneously. The mag- netic tape used with this servo is physically different from the tape on the Uniservo IIA. The High Speed Printer is different from the off-line HSP's and it is on-line. This does not mean that printing ties up the computer, since printing can take place concurrently with a running program. A card-reader is also in- cluded as on-line equipment. The Uniservo IVC's are a magnetic tape subsystem which allows complete compatibility between the Univac 1107, and IBM data- handling equipment with off-line tape conversion. The IVC tapes can be read or written with a density of either 200, 556, or 800 characters per inch. The Census configuration has a Paper Tape Reader and Paper Tape Punch. The paper tape reader can read at a rate of 400 c.p.s. The punch can punch up to 110 frames p.s. The Supervisory Console Printer provides facilities for programed typeouts from the Central Computer. It also provides for type-ins of required information or parameters. The console is equipped with 15 console selective jump switches which are available to programs, as well as 4- selective stops. However, FORTRAN programers do not use tnese switches. March 1970 CENFOR 1-27 INPUT UNITS Paper Tape Cards Communication Magnetic : Tapes Drums Cards Keyboard CONTROL UNIT 1) Get Next Instruction 2) Interpret Instruction 3) Execute Instruction MEMORY UNIT Stores: l) Data 2) Instructions 3) Constants -> ARTHMETIC UNIT Adds, Subtracts, Multiplies, Divides OUTPUT UNITS Paper Tape Cards Communication Magnetic: Tapes Drums Cards Printers CENFOR 1-28 March 1970 1.6. EXERCISES : 1.6.1. Define the following: a. bits b. sign bit c. word d. printer character e . software 1.6.2. There are character, character is characters to a word. bits to a word. bits make one octal octal characters make a word. Each printer octal characters. There are printer 1.6.3. The decimal value of: 777777777712 g is 000000000025 8 is 777777777623 g is 000000000123 8 is 77777777776 is 1.6.4. Show the octal contents of the word generated for each of the following values. a. -1 c. 65 10 b. 200 10 d. -65 10 March 1970 CENFOR 1-29 1.6.5. If y°u wanted to print the number "6219," could you just generate the value 6219? If you answered NO, what would you generate? 1.6.6. Circle the positive values a. 177777777711 g b. 421321421321g c. 700000777734g d. 345673456712 g e. 333333322222 rt f. 123456765432 g g. 537117355371 g h. 22334-4-556677 i. 377777777777 g j . 400000000000 g 8 1.6.7. Show the complement for each of the above. 1.6.8. Perform the following operations: a. 101001 -moiicn e. 110110- x 111 2 b. 111111 + 10100^ f. 10101100 x 10100^ j . 217654. - 24566° c. 101101 " 110 2 g. 76532. + 7321g d. 110110 " m 2 h. 713405. + 66l6g i. 137362. - 41414g CENFOR 1-30 March 1970 1.6.9. Convert to decimal a. I654r ( 8 c. 3162 e. 4.27, 8 b. 50131 d. 12345 8 8 1.6.10. Convert to octal: a. 101101101110101011001, c. 000110110101010110110, b. 111100010011001000101, d. 111000010001001011110, e. 931507 10 f. 18902 L0 g. 2135 10 March 1970 CENFOR 1-31 ANSWERS TO EXERCISES 1.6.1. a. A bit is the basic unit of information with which a computer works. It may have a value of or 1. b. A sign bit is the first bit of a word. c. A word is a group of 36 bits. d. A printer character is a group of six binary bits. e. Software is the program of instructions that puts the system to work. 1.6.2. 36, 3, 12, 2, 6 1.6.3. -53, 21, -108, 83, -10 1.6.4. a. 777777777776 (-1) b. 000000000310 (200) c. 000000000101 (65) d. 777777777676 (-65) 1.6.5. The value 6219 would need to be expressed as Hollerith characters. (A way will be shown later whereby a constant may be expressed as consisting of Hollerith characters in a form suitable for printing.) 1.6.6. a., d. , e., f . , h. , i. 1.6.7. a. 600000000066 b. 356456356456 c. 077777000043 d. 432104321065 e. 444444455555 f. 654321012345 g. 240660422406 h. 554433221100 i. 400000000000 j . 377777777777 CENFOR 1-32 1.6.8. a. 1011111 base 2 b. 1010011 base 2 c. 100111 base 2 d. 101111 base 2 e. 101111010 base 2 f. 110101110000 base 2 g. 106053 g h. 722223 g i. 757^6 g J. 173066 g 1.6.9. a. 940 b. 20569 c. 1650 d. 5349 e. 279 March 1970 1.6.10. a. 5556531 g c 0665266 g e. 3433263 f. 44726, b. 7423105 d. 7021136 g. 4127 8 8 2. THE FORTRAN LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTALS March 1970 CENFOR 2- 1 2.1. WRITING FORTRAN PROGRAMS A FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) statement may be written anywhere in columns 7-72 of the FORTRAN coding sheet. Except in special cases, blanks are ignored by the FORTRAN processor and may be used to improve- the readability of the source program printout. If the statement is too long to be contained on a single line, it may be continued on up to 19 successive lines by placing any character, other than zero, in column 6. Columns 1-5 may be used to write statement labels which may be any number from 1 to 32767. These labels are used when referencing a statement. These labels need not be in any order. Columns 73-80 are ignored by the processor, but may contain any informa- tion which will be helpful to the programer. Entire lines will be ignored by the processor provided that column one (l) contains a C. In this manner, comments may be included within the program or blank lines may be used to separate sections of the program. COLUMNS PURPOSE 1 C (comment) 1-5 Statement label (numbers 1-32767) 6 Any character besides zero or blank indicates the line is a continuation of previous line. 7-72 FORTRAN statement 73-80 Any helpful information FORTRAN has no "lower case" letters, therefore only "CAPITAL" letters should be used when coding. 2.1.1. BASIC CHARACTERS Only the characters in the following lists can be used in the structure of the FORTRAN language : letters: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, I,J,K,L,M,N,0,P,Q,R,S,T,U, V,W,X,Y,Z digits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 arithmetic operations: +,-,*,/,**" relational operations: .GT. ,.GE. ,.LT. ,.LE. ,.EQ.,.NE. logical operations: .NOT. , .AND. , .OR. CENFOR 2- 2 March 1970 2.1.1. BASIC CHARACTERS (Continued) logical values : .TRUE. , .FALSE, delimiters: (,)>/>• special: $ assignment: = 2.1.2. PREPARATION OF PROGRAMS AND RELATED MATERIALS FOR KEY PUNCHING In order to avoid misunderstanding and resultant key punching errors, please use the following notations for certain char- acters : COMMENT Slash optional but preferred, Must have underline. Do not use flag and/or bottom bar. Use bar at top and bottom as in capital "I". Do not slant bottom upwards . Add bar thru center of "Z". Do not underline. Must have underline. Must have bar at top and underline. Downstroke to "u" pre- ferred. Do NOT UNDERLINE. Must have underline. From corner to corner. WRITTEN AS INTERPRETATION or (Numeric) (Alpha) / 1 (Numeric) I i (Alpha) 2 2 (Numeric) Z z (Alpha) 5 5 (Numeric) S s (Alpha) J J (Alpha) Dor u, V / u V Alpha) Alpha) slash March 1970 CENFOR 2- 3 form BC-426 (2-1 1-6B) FORTRAN CODING PROBLEM c STATE- MENT NUMBER c N T. STATEMENT 1 C 2 |3 4 5 6 7 8 9 jio hi |l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Pi rIo G R |A !m 1 |T |0 ; f !i In |d T!H,E AR E A !S ; OF |t r|i|a n G.L E|S| C !t h e 1 L E IN |G ! T H s : :o f It HE !S ! I D E : S ARE : R E AD in : I C F : R '0 j M ' |a C A R D - TO-TlAP e| reel T A , B , C C l j 1 ! i . ' ill 1 : 2 r;e j a D ( 5J, 2 3 ) i i : A 1 , B , C 2 3 F:0;R ! MiAT _|L 3 If i j M) | s|=|(|a| i+ |B ! I+i C ) / 2 . \ 1 A R EA- S Q;r t ( s * (IS - A ) U ( s - pi) * ( S - C ) ) 2 5 w:r i|tIe:( 6 |«| 1 | 7 h A , B L C ,,A R E A \ 1 7 FOR MA T ( 1. pL Ell 6.7) GO TO 2 j) ( END ! | 1 i i I | 1 i 1 | j j ! | 1 1 \ II • ! i | 1 1 i ' ' 1 M ; | ! ; 1 | i ! 1 1 1 t i i i ! i i , 1— 1 1 CENFOR 2- <4 March 1970 2.1.3. SOURCE STATEMENTS The job of the programer is to compose a series of instructions which become the source program. When the computer performs these instructions in the specified order, the data is processed to obtain the desired results. Each instruction is concerned with one aspect of the problem; it may cause data to be fed into the computer, calculations to be performed, decisions to be made, results to be printed, etc. Some statements merely provide information to the processor at assembly time. The processor then expands this source program into a language which the computer can understand and these object program (machine language) instructions are ful- filled. Executable Statements Arithmetic Logical Unconditional GO TO Assigned GO TO Computed GO TO ASSIGN Arithmetic IF Logical IF W CONTINUE CALL RETURN STOP READ WRITE PRINT PUNCH REWIND BACKSPACE END FILE Non-executable Statements SUBROUTINE FUNCTION FORMAT PARAMETER INTEGER REAL DOUBLE PRECISION COMPLEX LOGICAL EXTERNAL ABNORMAL END March 1970 CENFOR 2- 5 2.2. CONSTANTS A constant is any quantity which appears in a FORTRAN statement in the form of a specific numeric or logical value. Every constant is interpreted as a binary number by the processor, since the computer can interpret only two signals — charge and no charge. The memory of the computer consists of a series of words which may be referenced. Each word contains 36 bits (binary digits) each of which is either a charge or no charge. 1. No commas may be written within a constant. 2. All constants (except logical) a. if negative, must have a minus sign b. if positive, may have a plus sign c. if no sign, the constant is assumed to be positive. There are five types of constants : 1. Integer 2 . Real 3. Double Precision 4. Complex 5. Logical In addition, a string of Hollerith characters preceded by wH may be used as a constant where "w" stands for the number of fieldata characters. If "w" is not divisible by 6, the field will be space filled on the right. See 7.5. and 2.2.1. INTEGER - FIXED POINT An integer is a whole number without a decimal point. It may be positive or negative. The absolute value of the number may range from to 3435973^367 = (235-1) (1 to 11 digits) . The integer number is represented in the computer as a binary number which occupies one full word of 36 bits. The first bit of the binary word is the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative) . 36 bits s [ ! I I . Examples of INTEGER numbers: 12 1234 6 10000 .12345678 CENFOR 2- 6 March 1970 2.2.2. REAL - Single Precision Floating Point A real number may be a whole number, a fractional number, or a mixed number with a decimal point. There may be from 1-9 signifi- cant digits. The magnitude must be in the range 10~3° to 10 + 3°. The decimal point may express the exponent, or a power of ten may be applied if the number is followed by the letter "E" with a signed (+ is optional) one or two-digit exponent. The real number occupies one computer word in hardware single precision floating point format which consists of a sign bit, an 8-bit characteristic (octal 200 bias) and a 27-bit mantissa. Examples of REAL numbers: FORTRAN NOTATION .1E3 2.56 -.4-3E5 1E12 -.492E-4 .123456E2 1. -.00004.92 -43000. 12.34-56 ACTUAL NUMBER 100 2.56 -43,000 1000000000000 -.0000492 12.3456 1 -.0000492 -43,000 12.3456 March 1970 CENFOR 2- 7 2.2.3. DOUBLE PRECISION - Double-Precision Floating Point A double precision number may be a whole number, a fractional number, or a mixed number with a decimal point. There may be from 1 to 17 significant positive or negative digits. The magnitude must be in the range 10~38 to 10 + 38. A double precision constant must be followed by the letter "D" with a signed (+ Is optional) one or two-digit exponent. The double precision number occupies two consecutive storage locations. In the 1107, with the sign bit being in the first bit of the first word, the format is that of two real numbers. However, the 1108 hardware recognizes a different format. Examples of DOUBLE- PRECISION constants: FORTRAN NOTATION ACTUAL 0.0D0 1.0D0 16.9D+1 +8.897D-10 -1750. D+3 123.4567891D0 . 1234-567891D3 16D0 1 169 .0000000008897 -1750000 123.4567891 123.4567891 16 CENFOR 2- 8 March 1970 2.2.4. COMPLEX A complex number is written in the form (r,i) where "r" represents the real part and "i" represents the imaginary- part. Each part is internally represented by one single precision floating point word. Each part is written as if it were a real constant. The two parts occupy consecutive locations in memory. The rules which apply to REAL constants apply to each part. Examples of acceptable COMPLEX constants: FORTRAN Notation (0.0,1.0) l.Oi (pure imaginary) (3426.78,-293.6) 3426. 78-293.61 (4.12E2,6.5) 4-12. +6. 5i U.12E-2,6.5E3) .0412 + 6500i ( 4 . 12E-10 , 6 . 5E-3 ) . 000000000412+ .00651 2.2.5. LOGICAL There are two logical constants: .TRUE, and .FALSE. The periods are part of the logical value notation and must be written. The internal representation is: If .TRUE., the right most bit is a 1. If .FALSE., the right most bit is a 0. 2.3. VARIABLES A variable is a named position in memory which will contain a single value at any one time, but this value may be changed an infinite number of times throughout the program; but for any given time, each variable has only one value. It may be referenced by using its symbolic name in any way that a constant can be used. The old value will be destroyed when a new value is placed within this position. The symbolic name is composed of from one to six alphanumeric characters, the first of which must be alphabetic. No special symbols are allowed. The assignment of names is under the control of the programer. There are five types of variables: INTEGER, REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, COMPLEX and LOGICAL. The type is specified either implicitly March 1970 2.3. VARIABLES (Continued) CENFOR 2- 9 or explicitly at the beginning of the program. A variable will occupy the same number of storage locations as a constant of the same type and may take on any value its corresponding type of constant may assume. Specifying the Variable TYPE If the variable name begins with the letters I-N, the variable will implicitly be defined as "integer" type. If the variable name begins with any other letters, the variable will implicitly be defined as "real" type. These rules may be overridden by the use of type statements at the beginning of the program. For example, INTEGER A will cause A to be an integer variable, whereas it would have been "real" without this statement. Double precision, complex, and logical variables must be defined in a type statement. The format for the type statement is TYPE A,B,C where TYPE is one of the five types of variables and A,B, and C are the variables^ separated by commas, which are to be that type. Examples REAL I,J,K INTEGER A,B,C,D DOUBLE PRECISION N,D,X COMPLEX M,V,Y LOGICAL L,0 Examples of acceptable implicit variable names: REAL INTEGER G GAMMA Gl R19 X SIGMA I J K IJK LARGE N2 N IBM LAST NG CENFOR 2-10 March 1970 2.4 OPERATORS There are five basic arithmetic operations — addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation. Each is represented by a distinct symbol. Addition + Subtraction Multiplication * Division / Exponentiation ** (considered to be one symbol) It is never correct to write two operators side by side. These 5 symbols are the only ones used in a FORTRAN statement. Any others must be composed of the basic five or computed by using the mathe- matical functions that are discussed later. 2.5. EXPRESSIONS A FORTRAN expression is a rule for computing a numerical value. An expression may consist of a single constant, a single variable, or a single function reference (described later). These elements may be combined by using operation symbols and parentheses to build up more complex expressions. The rules for writing expressions are: 1. Two operation symbols must not appear next to each other. Thus A" ;; --B is incorrect. However, A* (-B) is correct, or -B*A is correct. 2. Parentheses do not indicate multiplication, but indicate that the operations within the innermost parentheses are to be per- formed first. 3. When the order of operations is not specified by the use of parentheses, the sequence is as follows: All exponentiations are performed first, then all multiplications and divisions from left to right, and finally all additions and subtractions from left to right. Thus, these two expressions achieve the same effect: a. A*B+C/D-E*- ; '-F b. (A*B )+(C/D)-(E**F) 4-. Parentheses must be used to indicate groupings just as in ordinary mathematical notation. Parentheses force the inner operation to be done first. Thus (X+Yp must be written (X+Y)**3 to convey the proper meaning. X+Y**3 would change the meaning, although it is a valid expression. March 1970 CENFOR 2-11 2.5. EXPRESSIONS (Continued) B C 5. The ambiguous expression A must be written as A**(B**C) or (A*" X "B)" ;HC "C, whichever is intended, but never as A" X ~*B**C. 6. Integer expressions may be raised to an integer power. Real expressions may be raised to either an integer or a real power. 7. If the terms of an expression are of varied type, the priority of the result is DOUBLE PRECISION, REAL, INTEGER. For example, if any term of an expression is DOUBLE PRECISION, the answer will be DOUBLE PRECISION. Likewise, if (and only if) all the terms are integers will the result be an integer. 8. If one of the terms of an expression is complex while another is real, the operation will be performed as if all the terms are complex. The real numbers will be assumed to have an imaginary part of zero. Necessarily, the result will be com- plex. It is illegal to have a complex and a double precision number within one expression since the result would be too large to fit into the allocated space. 9. Complex data can be used in an expression with other complex data or with real data. In operations not involving exponentia- tion, the mixing of a real and a complex quantity results in a complex value. However, raising a complex value to a real power affects both the real and imaginary parts. 10. Logical data can form an expression only with other logical expressions. See 2.8. CENFOR 2-12 March 1970 Examples of Expressions 1 A+B I X**1.67 4 7+K*4 B**2-4-.*A*C 3. xA AB0+DE7*UE7 (i.4S/t)**(t*p)/r A*B*C**2 (C/A*D)**2 (A+B)+(C+D) A**3+D D*(A+B) (B+C+A+B)**D a/b/(c*d**a) X+Y**3 a+b/c a+b/( c+d) ( ( A+B)/( C+D) )**2+X**2 (X+2.0)/(Y+4.0) 2#N+1 A.GE.B A.N0T..GT.B March 1970 CENFOR 2-13 2.5.1. INTEGER DIVISION Any fractional portion resulting from the division of integer data is truncated without rounding. The following examples illustrate FORTRAN integer division: 5/4 produces a result of 1 l/2 produces a result of 10/4. produces a result of 2 But in real mode 5.O/4..O will give the result 1.25 4.0/5.0 will give the result .8 The MOD function is available to return the remainder as the value of the function when integer division is performed. The AMOD function is used for real division. An example of the MOD function would be to divide integer Nl by integer N2 and save the remainder in N3: N3 = M0D(N1,N2) Successive integer divisions should be clarified by usin^ parentheses. The following illustrate how the use of parentheses may produce different results: Expression: (l/j)/K l/(J/K) Step 1. (4/3)/2 4/(3/2) Step 2. 1/2 4/1 Step 3. 4 CENFOR 2-14- March 1970 2.5.2. LIMITATIONS OF ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS The programer is reminded that a real value is an approximation to a real number, and any arithmetic operations involving real values may introduce an error in the least significant digit of the result due to rounding and truncation. During computations, certain faults (characteristic underflow, characteristic overflow and divide overflow) may sometimes occur. When a fault of this nature occurs, a result of zero is returned. The programer may call the Census subroutine CHKDIV, which returns control to the programer' s coding for special action; or he may call NOCHK to terminate the run with a memory dump. (See 9.1. and 9.2.) It should be noted that division by zero results in divide over- flow. 2.5.3. FUNCTION REFERENCE A function reference is evaluated prior to that point where its value is required as a term. Thus, in the expression A' h; "SIN(B) , the sine of B is found before exponentiation is performed. In the expression A*»SIN(X+Y), the sum of X+Y is found before the sine is evaluated. March 1970 CENFOR 2-15 2.6 ARITHMETIC ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS An arithmetic assignment statement is an order to FORTRAN to compute the value of an expression on the right and to give that value to the variable named on the left. The equal sign is that order . All of the arithmetic necessary to create a value is done on the right side of the equal sign. That value is then placed into the variable designated on the left side of the equal sign. Examples: N = N+l R = (A+B*X)/(C+D*X) DELTA = BETA+2 ¥ = (A-B)**2 C = A*A+B*B R = R**2 P = ((F+G)/(R+S))**2 G = G+2 A = -1.0-A D = 1.1*D 2.7. ARITHMETIC IF The arithmetic IF statement determines the statement to be executed next, dependent upon the value of an arithmetic expression. The general form of the arithmetic IF Is as follows: IF (arithmetic expression) label, , labels, labels. The arithmetic expression may not contain complex values. It must be enclosed in parentheses. This statement provides for a conditional three-way branch. If the value of the arithmetic expression is negative, control is transferred to the statement specified by label., . If the value is zero, control is transferred to the statement specified by label . If the value is positive, control is transferred to the statement specified by label-. Note that the label may be a switch variable to which a statement label was previously assigned by an ASSIGN statement. See 2.13.2. CENFOR 2-16 March 1970 2.7. ARITHMETIC IF (Continued) A convenient feature of the Census FORTRAN is the omission of a label if it is the intent to allow control to fall through to the next statement. Examples of Use : IF (NUMBER) 5,10,5 IF (J-6) , , 50 2.8. LOGICAL EXPRESSIONS A logical expression is one which takes on the value .TRUE, or .FALSE.. A logical constant is a logical expression. A logical variable or function is a logical expression. The relational operators used in logical expressions are: .EQ. Equal to .NE. Not equal to .LT. Less than .LE. Less than or equal .GE. Greater than or equal ,GT. Greater than .NOT. Used prior to expressions including these relational operators it reverses the logic .AND. True if both conditions are true .OR. True if either condition is true Logical variables may not be used with the relational operators except .AND. and .OR.. As in arithmetic operations, when the order of operations is not specified by the use of parentheses, .LT., .LE., .EQ., .NE. , .GT., .GE. are evaluated first, followed by .NOT., then .AND. and finally .OR.. March 1970 CENFOR 2-17 2.8. LOGICAL EXPRESSIONS (Continued) Examples of Logical Expressions: A+l .GT.B.0R.C.AND.G+2.NE.H X.LE.2.1 X. GE.EPS.AND.NIMBER.LT. 10 .NOT. (X.LT. 12.0) 2.9. LOGICAL STATEMENTS The logical statement has the form v = e where v is a logical variable and e is a logical expression. Rales: 1. The logical variable will be .TRUE, if the expression is true. 2. The logical variable will be .FALSE, if the expression is false. Examples : LOGICAL A,B,C,D,E A = N.EQ.M B = N.EQ.10 C = X.LT. 12.0 D = .NOT. (X.LT. 12.0) E= X+l.GT. Y.0R.Z.AND.G+2.NE.H 2.10. LOGICAL IF The logical IF statement has the general form IF (e)S where e is a logical expression and S is any other statement except another logical IF or a DO. If the logical expression is true, then the statement S is executed. If the logical expression is false, con- trol will be transferred to the next executable statement following the logical IF. See chapter 4 for a discussion of the DO statement. Examples : IF (A.GT.B.AND.C.LT.D) GO TO 50 GO TO 28 IF (N.EQ.L .AND.M.EQ.20) N=N+1 CENFOR 2-18 Ma rch 1970 2.10. LOGICAL IF (Continued) Whenever an integer constant is used within a Logical IF expression, then that constant represents a decimal number. Sometimes it is desired to extract an XS3 character from a record and compare the character to a decimal number. In order to select the right constant, the XS3 character must be converted to octal and the octal should then be expressed as a decimal integer. For example, it is desired to check for the XS3 character 7. Checking the code translation table, one sees that XS3 "7" is really octal "12". Converting octal "12" to decimal, the correct integer constant is "10'i A table of XS3 numbers appears below: XS3 Char Octal Decimal 3 3 1 4 4 2 5 5 3 6 6 4 7 7 5 10 8 6 11 9 7 12 10 8 13 11 9 U I 2 Likewise, a table of Fieldata characters appears below: Fieldata Character Octal Decimal 60 ^8 1 61 49 2 62 50 3 63 51 4 64 52 5 65 53 6 66 54 7 67 55 8 70 56 9 71 57 Any Hollerith character may be expressed as a decimal number. Consult the language code list for the octal code of the char- acter. March 1970 CENFOR 2-19 2.11. PARAMETER VARIABLES It is sometimes desired to compile a program several times where the values of certain INTEGER constants are the only changes of the FORTRAN text from one compilation to the other. Instead of changing these -constants throughout the program each time, a symbolic name may be used which is to appear in a PARAMETER statement before any other reference to the name : PARAMETER i = m i = m , , i = m. where the "i 1 s 'are any symbolic names (See 2.3) and the m's"are INTEGER constants. The effect of referencing "i" is exactly the same as if the INTEGER constant "m" would stand in its place. This symbolic name, called PARAMETER variable, therefore must not appear in places where INTEGER constants cannot appear (e.g. as left hand variable of an arithmetic statement, etc.). Example of a PARAMETER statement: PARAMETER J=l, K2=-4, ZEST=654 The use of PARAMETER variables is most useful in achieving variable dimensions in arrays from one assembly to another. Refer to chapters 3 and 7. Example : PARAMETER N= 100, M = 200 DIMENSION X(N), T(M) , Z(N,M) 2.12. CONTINUE STATEMENT The statement CONTINUE itself causes no action in the object program, but provides a valuable means to terminate an iteration of a DO-loop skipping the last statement (s) of the range. A control statement any place in the middle of the range deciding the termination of the iteration transfers control to a CONTINUE statement. The CON- TINUE statement must be the last statement in the range; that is, the statement number preceding it also must appear in the DO statement. If the iterations of an inner DO-loop are terminated as described above, the CONTINUE statement cannot be regarded as the last statement of both the inner and outer DO-loop. Two CONTINUE statements with different statement numbers will denote the end of the inner and the end of the outer DO-loop respectively. Control transfer from the range of the inner DO-loop to the second CONTINUE statement means the termination of an outer DO-loop iteration. A CONTINUE statement must be used where the last action statement is a control statement. The CONTINUE statement may also be used outside DO-loops. (See 4.) CENFOR 2-20 March 1970 2.13. GO TO 2.13.1. The Unconditional GO TO is an unconditional branch to a statement label. The form of the statement is: GO TO label The Computed GO TO is a selective branch to one of several possible statement labels. The form of the statement is: GO TO (label.,, labels, labels ... label,), integer variable When using the computed GO TO, the value contained in the integer variable should be a positive, non-zero number within the range of 1 and the number of places to go in the GO TO list. If the number is 1, then GO TO label 1. If the number is 2, then GO TO label 2 etc. If the number is outside the range, then control goes to EXEC for an error termination. Therefore, the programer may test the variable beforehand and take specific action if desired. Example: N = 1+1 IF (N.LT.1.0R.N.GT.4) GO TO 100 GO TO (10,20,10,40), N or GO TO (M1,M2,M.1,M4), N Note: The labels used in the computed GO TO may be switch variables containing statement labels. A variable which has been given the address of a statement number before its reference in a GO TO statement is referred to as a switch variable. See 2.13.2. March 1970 CENFOR 2-21 2.13.2. ASSIGN STATEMENT The ASSIGN statement is used only for the assignment of a statement number to a variable which will later be used by a control statement that is not a DO. The form of the statement is : . SS t GN T q • where n is a statement number and i is a nonsubscripted integer variable that appears in a control statement. The execution of an ASSIGN statement presets to "n," the destination of all Control Statements pertaining to "i." For example : 5 ASSIGN 10 to J 6 GO TO J, (10,20,30) 7 GO TO J, (15,25,10) 8 GO TO J Since statement 5 assigns the value 10 to J, statements 6, 7, and 8 are executed as if they had been written: 6 GO TO 10 7 GO TO 10 8 GO TO 10 Note that ASSIGN 10 to J does not have the same meaning as J = 10 In particular, the sequence ASSIGN 10 to J K = J+l will not produce a meaningful result, CENFOR 2-22 March 1970 2.13.3. ASSIGNED GO TO The assigned GO TO is the statement which is used after the ASSIGN statement. The general form is GO TO i, (transfer list) where i is the variable which has previously been set by an assign statement, and the transfer list contains all the possi- bilities of i separated by commas. The list may be omitted, and the form may be GO TO i 2.H. MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS FORTRAN provides for the use of certain common mathematical functions, such as square root, logarithm, exponential, sine, cosine, arctangent, and absolute value. In order to make use of a mathematical function, it is necessary only to write its name and follow it with an expression enclosed in parentheses. This directs FORTRAN to compute the named function of the value repre- sented by the expression in parentheses. A complete list of these functions is supplied at a later point in this manual under the discussion of Functions. A partial list of the mathematical functions follows : Name Mathematical Function EXP Exponential ALOG Natural logarithm AL0G10 Common logarithm SIN Sine of an angle in radians COS Cosine of an angle in radians TANH Hyperbolic tangent SQRT Square root ATAN Arctangent; angle computed in radians ABS Absolute value As an example, suppose it is necessary to compute the cosine of an angle named X (a real variable) and to store the cosine in a real variable named Y. We would write :.. „„_ ,„>. Y = COS (X) The following example illustrates the use of an arithmetic expression as the argument of the function :^ _ oqtw m--x-p_/ 0%A*C) March 1970 CENFOR 2-23 2.15. STOP The STOP statement has the form: STOP or STOP n The execution of a STOP statement will terminate execution of the object program and transfer control to the executive system, "n" represents from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters. If the STOP statement is encountered, the entire STOP statement will be displayed at the console. If a FORTRAN program is normally ter- minated at a point where a STOP statement is omitted, STOP ENDPRG will be printed at the console and control is transferred to the executive system. 2.16. END The END statement has the form END It is the last physical statement of a program unit. Its appearance tells the compiler to compile the preceding statements as one program unit. At execution of an END statement, the object program is terminated normally — indicated by "ENDPRG" on the console. If an END statement is preceded by a statement number, it may be referenced by a control statement. 2.17. EXERCISES 2.17.1. For the following, which are acceptable variable names? Indi- cate the mode. For those which are not acceptable, indicate why: XSUB2 JOAN KNT GEORGIA B58 0UT2 MASS. FLA/7 ABE CENFOR 2-2<4 March 1970 2.17.1 (Continued) Answers XSUB2 Acceptable Real JOAN Acceptable Integer KNT Acceptable Integer GEORGIA Unacceptable Real Too many characters B58 Acceptable Real OUT2 Acceptable Real MASS. Unacceptable Integer Special symbols not allowed in name. FLA/7 Unacceptable Real Special symbols not allowed In name. ABE Acceptable Real 2.17.2. Solve the following: Where A = 2, B = 1, C = 4, D a. X = A+B-C b. X = A*B*C#*2 c. X = (C/A*D)**2 d. X = (A+B)+(C+D) e. X = A**3+D f. X = D*(A+B) g. X = (B*C+A+B)*-"-D h. X = A/B/(C*D**A) = 2 March 1970 CENFOR 2-25 2.17.2. (Continued) Answers a. X = 2+1-4- X = -1 b. X = 2 2x1x4 X = 32 c. X = ( 4-/2x2 ) 2 X = 16 d. X = (2+1)+ (4+2) X = 9 e. X = 2 3 +2 X = 10 f. X = 2x(2+l) X = 6 g. X = ( 1x4+2+1 ) 2 X = 49 h. X = 2/l/(4x2 2 ) X = 2 = 1 _ 16 8 ' .125 2.17.3. Each of the following arithmetic statements contain errors as stated: 1. Y = 2.X+A The * is missing. 2. 3.14=X-A The left side must be a variable name, 3. A=( (X+Y)A" ; " ( "2 Not the same number of right and left parentheses. Also, the * is missing. 4. X=l,624,009. " x " DELTA Commas are not permitted in constants. 5. -J=l" x " x "2. Integer quantities may not be raised to real powers. Also, variable on left must not be written with a sign. 6. BX6=1./-2." ;; ~A" ;H< "6 Two operation symbols side-by-side not permitted, even though the minus sign here is not intended to indi- cate subtraction. 7. Z*X+B=Q Left side must be a single variable. Should be Cf=Z*X+B 8. FNC=CUBRT(X+Y) No such function supplied. Write FNC= ( X+Y)**0 . 33333333 9. .SQRT(Z)=Z"-""0.5 A function name cannot be used as a variable name. Left side must be a variable name. CENFOR 2-26 March 1970 2. 17. 4-. Each of the following arithmetic statements contains at least one error. State what is wrong with each: 1. -V = A+B 2. U = I 3. V-3.96 = X**1.67 4. A*X**2+B*X+C 5. Z2 = A*-B+C*H 6. X = 1+2.0 = Z+9.0 7. R = 16.9X+AB 2.17.5. WRITE ARITHMETIC EXPRESSIONS TO ACCOMPLISH THE FOLLOWING: 1. Add 2 to the current value of the variable named BETA. Make the sum the new value of a variable named DELTA. 2. Subtract the value of a variable named B from the value of a variable named A, square the difference, and assign it as the new value of W. 3. Square A, add the square of B, and make the new value of C the resulting sum. 4. A variable named R is to have its present value replaced by itself raised to the power of 2. 5. Add the values of F and G, divide by the sum of the values of R and S, and square the quotient. Assign this result to P. 6. Increase the present value of G by 2 and replace the present value of G with the sum. 7. Multiply the present value of A by -1.0 and replace the present value of A with the product. 8. Assign to the variable named D a value 1.1 times as great as the present value of the variable named D. March 1970 CENFOR 2-27 2.17.5. (Continued) Answers ; 1. DELTA = BETA+2 2. W = (A-B)**2 3. C = A*A+B*B or C = A**2+B**2 4-. R — R"' ; ""''~2 5. P = ((F+G)/(R+S))**2 6. G = G+2 7. A = -1.0* A 8. D = D*l.l CENFOR 2-28 March 1970 2.17.6. EXERCISES 1. Write the following numbers as FORTRAN real constants: 256 2.56 -43,000 io 12 0.000000492 -10 -io" 16 2. Using the name rule, which of the following names are acceptable for integer variables, and which are acceptable as real variables? Write I for integer, R for real, U for unacceptable: G BT07TH GAMMA ZSQUARED GAMMA421 Z CUBED I 12AT7 UK 2N173 UK* CDC160 J79-12 DELTA R(2)19 EPSIL0N A1.4 A1P4 FORTRAN ALGOL March 1970 CENFOR 2-29 2.17.7. EXERCISES Use the Logical IF and then use the Arithmetic IF to solve both problems below. 1. If four variables (A,B,C, and D) are each equal to 25.0, execute statement number 15. If one or more is not equal to 25.0 execute statement number 30. 2. Assume that values have been computed for three variables X,Y, and Z (no two values alike). Write a sequence of statements to make the decisions below: If the value of X is: (a) greater than Y and greater than Z, go to statement number 10, (b) less than Y but greater than Z, go to statement number 20, (c) greater than Y but less than Z, go to statement number 30, (d) less than Y and less than Z, go to statement number 4.0. CENFOR 2-30 March 1970 2.17.7. SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS TO EXERCISES Logical IF solutions: 1. IF (A.NE. 25.0) GO TO 30 IF (B.NE.25.0) GO TO 30 IF (C.NE.25.0) GO TO 30 IF (D.NE.25.0) GO TO 30 GO TO 15 2. IF (X.GT.Y) GO TO 5 IF (X.GT.Z) GO TO 20 GO TO 40 5 IF (X.GT.Z) GO TO 10 GO TO 30 Arithmetic IF solutions: 1. IF (A-25.0) 30, ,30 IF (B-25.0) 30, ,30 IF (C-25.0) 30, ,30 IF (D-25.0) 30,15,30 2. IF (X-Y) ,50,5 IF (X-Z) ^0 ,50,20 5 IF (X-Z) 30,50,10 50 CONTINUE 3. SUBSCRIPTED VARIABLES March 1970 CENFOR 3- 1 3.1. SUBSCRIPTS It is often desirable to perform computations on groups of numbers or to rearrange or edit them. These groups are called arrays. All of the items within a group are identified by the same symbolic name, and each element within an array may be referenced by writ- ing a subscript (or subscripts) in parentheses after the name of the array in which the element is found. (Refer to 3.4.) Consider five numbers in a group called "VALUE". Each number in the array can be referenced by its particular subscript: Position Number 1 2 3 U 5 3.1.1. ALLOWABLE FORMS OF SUBSCRIPTS Subscripts may be integer constants or integer variables. Three other forms of subscript are permitted. If I stands for a non- subscripted integer variable and L and L' are integer constants, all the allowable subscript forms are as follows : FORM EXAMPLE I J12 L 3 I+L K+29 L*I 2* LIMIT L*I±L' 3*LAST-7 Values Sub. script Notation 1.0 VALUE (1) 5.9 VALUE (2) 3.6 VALUE (3) 2.17 VALUE U) 15.0 VALUE (5) CENFOR 3- 2 March 1970 3.1.2. RULES FOR SUBSCRIPT FORMATION 1. The value of a subscript expression is determined each time the subscripted variable is used in the program. It is recommended that this value should not be less than 1, nor greater than the maximum specified in the dimensions of the array, to prevent undesirable effects. 2. A subscript must not be subscripted. 3. A subscript must not contain a function reference. 4. When an array name occurs without any subscripts, all sub- scripts are assumed to be one. If any one subscript appears, all must appear. 5. Up to seven levels of subscript are permitted. 6. If a variable has more than one subscript, then the total number of variables appearing in the subscripts must be less than 30. 7. Subscripts are separated by commas, enclosed in parentheses, and are appended to the right of the array name to which they apply; e.g., A(3*I-J+1,K). 16 8. Subscripts are treated as modulo 2 . However, Census con- ventions allow modulo 2^-5 (32,768) memory cells for both Instruction and data in one program. 9. When a subscript is derived as a product of variables, no more than one variable may be an index of a DO. See Chapter U> 10. The information to the FORTRAN compiler regarding the number and size of subscripts an array contains is supplied by the DIMENSION, COMMON, or type statements. Every subscripted variable must be mentioned in a dimensioning statement before its occurrence in an executable function. See 3.4. March 1970 CENFOR 3- 3 3.1.3. VALID SUBSCRIPTS USED WITH ARRAY ELEMENTS ARAY (3) A (I) B (1+3) C (JOB-5) provided that 5 <^ JOB <^ UPPER INDEX- JOB- 5 MATRX (7*IJK) where UK is the name of a SINGLE integer variable BUF (3*1+4) IN (6*M-l) TABL (I,J*K+3,L-M,6*N) if J or K not a DO index TAB (M1-M2-M3,L00K*4,7-J) N (1,2) 3.1.4. INVALID SUBSCRIPTS USED WITH ARRAY ELEMENTS ARR(-5) negative not usually permitted LOT(O) zero not permitted NEVER(17.23) real not permitted K3(K(3)) a subscript must not be subscripted BIG( 75000) must not exceed dimensions NOP(J--K) invalid only if both J and K are DO indexes HELP(4>2) valid if the array has exactly two dimensions CENFOR 3- 4 March 1970 3.2. ARRAYS The elements of an array are stored in successive storage units, starting with the first element of the first dimension. The total number of units required for an array is found by multi- plying the dimension values specified in a declarator. Thus, the declarator A(3,4) calls for 12 storage units. If double precision is specified, then the number of units for each array is automatically doubled. The general expression for determining the location of an array element is shown below. Letters a,b, and c represent subscript expressions in the references; letters A,B, and C represent the dimensions of an array, and m is a multiplier specifying the number of storage units required by each element of the array. Double precision would require two units for m. DIMENSIONS SUBSCRIPTS FORMULA 1 a (a)m 2 a,b (a+A*(b-l))m 3 a,b,c ( a+A* ( b-1 ) +A* B* ( c - 1 ) ) m The following example assumes an array with three dimensions (3,4,2) or (A,B,C) and subscripts given are (2,3,1) or (a,b,c). The formula is : (a+A*(b-l)+A*B*(c-l))m substituting ( 2+3 ( 3-1 )+3*4* ( 1-1 ) ) 1 2+3(2) + 12(0) evaluated as 2+6 = 8 When the computed subscript is added to the beginning location of an array, the compiler must subtract one. In other words, the eighth cell of an array would be array name plus 7. March 1970 CENFOR 3-5 3.2.1. ONE-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY - "LIST" A (N) ame No. List Name No. of elements in List FORTRAN: A(l) A(2) A(3) . . .A(l) . . . A(N) MEMORY: A A+l A+2 . . .A+I-l. . .A+N-l So A(I) = A+I-l 3.2.2. TWO-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY = "TABLE" B^5,4) b n b 21 b 31 b^ b 51 No. of No. of COL ROW 12 22 32 4-2 52 b 13 b 23 b 33 b 4-3 b 53 b H b 24 b 3^ b U b 54 FORTRAN: B(l,l) B(2,l) B(3,l) B(4,l) B(5,l) B(l,2) B(2,2) B(3,2 ; n MEMORY: B B+l B+2 B+3 B+4- B+5 B+6 B+7 FORTRAN: B(4,2) B(5,2) MEMORY: B+8 B+9 FORTRAN: B(l,3) B(2,3) B(3,3) B(4,3) B(5,3) B(l,4.) B(2,4) MEMORY: B+10 B+ll B+12 B+13 B+H B+15 B+16 FORTRAN: B(3,4-) B(4,4) B(5,4) MEMORY: B+17 B+18 B+19 IF B is dimensioned as B(M,N), then the location of B(I,J) = B+(I-1)+(J-1)*M CENFOR 3- 6 March 1970 3.2.2. TWO-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY = "TABLE" (Continued) An array may be thought of as one long string broken into smaller sections with individual elements. How these elements are referenced is up to the programer. Consider an array with two dimensions: DIMENSION A (5,6) The matrix A will contain six groups with five elements in each group. The first dimension pertains to the elements. The programer may have a mental picture of the 30 words in memory as five columns and six rows as in the following sequence : Group 1 1 2 3 4 5 Group 2 6 7 8 9 10 G'ioup 3 11 12 13 14 15 Group U 16 17 18 19 20 Group 5 21 22 23 24 25 Group 6 26 27 28 29 30 The programer may prefer to think of these words as arrayed in the following order as five rows and six columns. 1 6 11 16 21 26 2 7 12 17 22 27 3 8 13 18 23 28 4 9 14 19 24 29 5 10 15 20 25 30 In any event, no matter what the mental picture, o the DIMENSION A(5,6) means that the first subscript should refer to the five cells within a group, and the second subscript should refer to the group number. A word of cautionl When reading records prepared previously, be consistent with dimensions and the mental concept of columns and rows or rows and columns. DIMENSION A(6,5) means five groups of six elements each. DIMENSION A(5,6) means six groups of five elements each. March 1970 CENFOR 3-7 3.2.3. THREE-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY - SET OF TABLES c(4 > 3 ' 2) c m C 2ii c 3ii C 4ii no. of no. of no. of COL ROW TAB 121 221 321 4.21 r r c r 131 231 331 431 r c c c 112 °212 °312 412 r n n r 122 222 322 4-22 r r c r 132 232 332 432 FORTRAN: C(l,l,l) C(2,l,l) C(3,l,l) CU,l,l) MEMORY: C C+l C+2 C+3 FORTRAN: C(l,2,l) C(2,2,l) C(3,2,l) C(4,2,l) MEMORY: C+4 C+5 C+6 C+7 FORTRAN: C(l,3,l) C(2,3,l) C(3,3,l) C(4,3,l) MEMORY: C+8 C+9 C+10 C+ll FORTRAN: C(l,l,2) C(2,l,2) C(3,l,2) 0(4,1,2) MEMORY: C+12 C+13 C+14 C+15 FORTRAN: C(l,2,2) C(2,2,2) C(3,2,2) C(4,2,2) MEMORY: C+16 C+17 C+18 C+19 FORTRAN: 0(1,3,2) C(2,3,2) C(3,3,2) C(4,3,2) MEMORY: C+20 C+21 C+22 C+23 IF DIMENSION C(N1,N2,N3), then the location of C(I,J,K) = C + (i-l) + (j-l)*Nl+(K-l)*Nl*N2 CENFOR 3- 8 March 1970 3.3. TABLES AND FILES 3.3.1. A TABLE or FILE or MATRIX may be placed into a two-dimensional array and a SET OF TABLES or SET OF FILES into a three-dimensional array. When setting up such arrays, the following convention should be used: TABLE A (No. of COL, No. of ROW) FILE A (No. of Words PER RECORD, No. of RECORDS) SET OF TABLES B (No. of COL, No. of ROW, No. of TABLES) SET OF FILES B (No. of Words PER RECORD, No. of Records PER FILE, No. of FILES) If the convention is followed, each table will be stored in sequence — row by row, and each file — record by record; likewise, each set of tables will be in sequence table by table and row by row within each table, and each set of files in sequence file by file and record by record within each file. This will allow statements like"READ (5,10) A" and "WRITE (6,20) to read or display entire arrays in the correct order. Moreover, it will make it possible to operate on individual records, or groups of records within files, or on files or groups of files within sets of files, particularly when using functions and subroutines. March 1970 CENFOR 3- 9 3.3.2. EXAMPLES 1. Suppose we have a file punched on cards in the format shown below, and we want to read this file into memory, card no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 The statements below including the formatted READ state- ment (refer to Chapter 5) INTEGER A (5,6) 1 FORMAT (A6,A1,I3,U,I3) READ (5,1)A will read the file into A as shown below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 n a m e ^ h t w t a^e A L L E N M 6 8 1 5 5 3 6 / ■■o B E T T Y F 6 4 1 1 5 3 3 II C I N D Y F 5 9 9 5 1 2 / 1 o D A V I D M 5 7 9 1 E L L E N F 5 3 7 8 8 \ H o F R A N K M 4 6 6 4 ] Q M J 3 Ni m.1 )ei f wo: pd< Dei • r ec 3rd IZ 5 LOCATION CONTENTS elative Location IFORTRAN Tag OCTAL Interpreted A(l,l) A(2,l) A(3,l) A(4,l) A(5,l) A(l,2) A(2,2) A(3,2) A(4,2) A(5,2) A(l,3) 06 21 21 22 05 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 12 31 13 05 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 16 23 12 23 05 05 05 05 00 01 04 00 02 33 00 00 44 31 36 05 05 05 05 00 01 00 00 01 63 00 00 41 11 36 05 ALLEN M BETTY F 68 155 36 64 115 33 CINDY CENFOR 3-10 March 1970 3.3.2. EXAMPLES (Continued) 2. Suppose we have a file In an array which we have dimensioned as F(20,500) (five hundred records and twenty words per record) and that we wish to use the sort routine (shown below) to sort records 51 through 75 of the file.* The statement CALL SORT (F(l, 51) ,25,20, K) will accomplish this, whereas if the convention had not been followed in the main program or subroutine, it would have been almost impossible to do. SUBROUTINE SORT (A,N,W,K) C A=ARRAY TO BE SORTED C N=N0 OF RECORDS C W=N0 OF WORDS PER RECORD • • • DIMENSION A(W,N) 3.4-. DIMENSION LIMITS 3.4.1. Arrays may have 1-7 dimensions. Array sizes may be specified in DIMENSION, COMMON or type statements. Dimension limits may be unsigned integer constants or variables previously defined in PARAMETER statements. Refer to Chapter 7, "SPECI- FICATION STATEMENTS." EXAMPLES : INTEGER A,B,C DIMENSION A(2),B(100),C(5) INTEGER A(2),B(100),C(5) INTEGER T C0MM0N/ALPHA/M( 20 ) , T ( 10 , 6 ) INTEGER A(100),B(3,3) REAL I(2,5),J(9),K(30) COMPLEX X( 50), 1(4-, 4, 4) PARAMETER S = 100 DIMENSION X(S),Y(S,2) DIMENSION AR( 5,4,8,6) PARAMETER N = 50 REAL K(N,N),P(30),L(N) LOGICAL R,S,T DIMENSION R(10),S(3),T(2,2) COMMON /MMM/R,S,T * A sort will arrange or sequence items according to a specified set of rules. March 1970 CENFOR 3-11 3. 4-. 2. It is permissible to refer to array names in I/O statements or as arguments of functions and subroutines. Otherwise, any reference to an array should contain the same number of subscripts with which it was dimensioned. EXAMPLES : INTEGER A (100) • • • READ(l) A INTEGER A (100) • • • READ(l) (A(I),I=1,100) Illegal Operations DIMENSION 1(5,3) X(10) = REAL M(10,10) • • • CALL ZERO (M,100) DIMENSION N(50),P(60) • • • WRITE (5,6) A,N,P,X,Y INTEGER Q(500) Q = Q+l (if Q(2) is intended) 3. 4-. 3. It is legal to refer to an array with dimensions exceeding those with which it was dimensioned, making possible zero and negative subscripts. This procedure is not recommended. EXAMPLE : COMMON A(5) ,B(3) ,CU) A(l) A(2) A(3) A(4) A(5) B(l) B(2) B(3) C(l) C(2) C(3) CU) !! ?l II II B(-4.) B(-3) B(-2) B(-l) B(0) it it it it BU) B(5) B(6) B(7) or DO 10 1=1, 12 10 A(I) = DO 10 1= -4,7 10 B(I) = 3. 4-. 4-. At the time of computation, it is possible to assign data into variables or into named arrays. This is done by means of the DATA statement. This subject is discussed in further detail in Chapter 7 "SPECIFICATION STATEMENTS". CENFOR 3-12 March 1970 3.5. MATHEMATICAL NOTATION Symbols seen frequently in statistical problems are : - a sum of numbers is desired j] - a product of numbers is desired I - the factorial is desired, i.e. if a number is given as 5' the product of 5*^*3 , 2 , 1 is the factorial. These symbols may be written with an index with ranges as in the example below: n 1 X. 1=1 which can be interpreted as "add all those values in the array X whose subscripts are between 1 and n inclusive." If the subscript i were set to some other value, then the range would begin wherever specified. Other examples are : a) Derive the sum of the squares of n values in array X. beginning with X(l) and including X(n). n X 2 = X(l) 2 + X(2) 2 + X(3) 2 + X( n ) 2 i=l b) Derive the sum of the products of n values in the arrays X and Y. n s« i=l c) Square the sum of n values in array Y. For an understanding of how these symbols may be interpreted in FORTRAN programs read chapter 4 (The DO Statement) ana see the example in 5.8.12. 4. THE DO STATEMENT March 1970 CENFOR U- 1 4.1. DO The DO statement allows the programer to construct a program loop. In other words, it causes the subsequent line(s) of the program to be repeated a specified number of times — incre- menting or decrementing a certain value for each execution. The first statement in the range of a DO must be one that can be executed. It is permissible for the range of one DO (the outer DO) to contain another DO (the inner DO). The processor is provided with the following information for each DO: a) the label of the last statement in the group to be repeated b) a control variable representing the loop counter and assigned the initial value c) the initial value for the loop counter (par l) d) an upper limit or maximum value which is not to be exceeded by the loop counter (par 2) e) an increment value by which the loop counter is to be modified after each execution (par 3) — this value must not be a zero. The general form of the DO statement is as follows: pari , par2 , par3 DO label V = M, N, I where label is the label reference of the last statement in the loop, V is the variable of the loop, M and N are the minimum and maximum value, respectively, taken on by V, and I is the incre- ment index. If I is omitted, the increment is assumed to be 1 or -1 if parl> par2 and both are integer constants. For example, DO 50 label I Control variable 1, Initial value 10 Upper limit Value ,1 Increment value loops ten times from this statement to statement number 50, incrementing I, by one each time. CENFOR A- 2 March 1970 4.1. DO (Continued) The parameter values may be Integer constants, a parameter vari- able or nonsubscripted integer variables. If integer variables are used, they must be defined prior to the execution of the DO statement. The control variable and the parameter values must not be modified by the programer during the execution of the D0- loop; however, the value of the control variable (or index var- iable) may be used advantageously. Correct Example : DO 50 I = 1,N 50 terminal statement Incorrect Form: DO 50 I = 1,N(J) Subscripting is not allowed Incorrect Form: DO 50 1= 1,N+1 Expressions are not allowed. The value must be derived before its use. 4.2. D0-L00PS The set of statements which follows the DO statement including the statement with the referenced label is called the range. The DO statements plus the range is the DO loop. A DO loop will be executed at least once, regardless of the index. The value of the index is undefined if the DO loop terminates because the index is exhausted. Throughout the range of the DO loop, the index variable is available both in subscripts and as an ordinary integer variable. The programmer, however, should not attempt to change the value of the index variable. If the DO loop index is exhausted, the index will no longer be available for use. For example: DO 10 J = 1,5,3, 10 L=P+J March 1970 CENFOR 4- 3 4.2. DO-LOOPS (Continued) the last value set into J has been lost and must be set to some value again before it may be referenced. To permit the DO statement to maintain control of the loop, the terminal statement must logically be executable, and the terminal statement must not be any of the following control statements : a) A GO TO in any form b) An arithmetic IF c) A DO d) A STOP e) A RETURN However, if it is necessary to use one of the above statements as the last statement in a DO loop, it may be done by following the statement with a dummy statement called CONTINUE. The form is : CONTINUE The CONTINUE statement is then the terminal statement and hence must be labeled as the last statement in the range. 4.3. NESTED D0-L00PS Among the statements which may occur within the range of a DO-loop is another DO statement. When this is so, the following rules must be observed: 1. If the range of a DO-loop contains another DO-loop, the range of the second must be entirely within the range of the first. 2. The range of the inner DO-loop may, however, contain the last statement in the range of the next outer DO-loop. Such a set of DO-loops is called a nest. CORRECT P 2 DO DO INCORRECT [tt ^CONTINUE ^D0 .CONTINUE CONTINUE DO 1)0 CONTINUE CONTINUE CENFOR 4- 4 March 1970 4.3. NESTED DO- LOOPS (Continued) The following rule applies to transfers into the range of a DO-loop: Rule : No transfer is permitted into the range of a DO-loop from outside its range. Exceptions : If control has been transferred from the innermost DO-range of a nest of DO-loops to a section of the program which is not in the range of another DO-loop, and which does not change any of the indices or indexing parameter of the nest, then control may be transferred back to the range of the innermost DO-loop from which control was originally transferred. A transfer from an inner DO to an outer DO is allowed. Correct Use Incorrect Use DO 60 — DO 50 50 terminal 60 terminal Correct Use DO 10 ^~ DO 20 1 — DO 20 1 20 terminal 1 — DO 10 10 terminal DO DO 10 20 — 10 terminal DO 30 — 20 terminal — 30 terminal Incorrect Use GO TO 85 DO 56 GO TO 66- D0 91 66 < 75 ..91 -56 March 1970 CENFOR 4- 5 4.3. NESTED DO-LOOPS (Continued) Correct Use of Extended DO-loop: DO 50 I = 1,10,2 IF (expression) GO to 11 — > 11 A = B*C A = B--C+3.14 GO TO 78 78 X = SIN(A) 50 CONTINUE Note: An extended DO-loop can be executed only from within an innermost nest. The correct and incorrect execution of an extended DO is shown below Correct Incorrect [ Note : Reference to a function or a subroutine within a DO-loop is permitted from any point within the loop. CENFOR 4- 6 March 1970 4.3. NESTED DO- LOOPS (Continued) When an array containing more than one dimension is referenced within nested DO-loops using the DO-indexes as subscripts, then care must be exercised to achieve the desired results. One complete cycle of the innermost loop is executed for every execution of the next outer loop. For example, it is desired to create row-totals and column-totals for a matrix N with six (6) rows and 10 columns per row. At the Bureau of the Census totals are usually displayed in the first row and first column of printed tables. Various methods are used for developing totals. Some programers merely leave enough room in each table matrix to allow for row and column totals. A more sophisticated method is to develop the individual tally cells required for each table and to set aside one area wherin totals may be created for one table at a time and reused as each succeeding table is prepared for output. In any event, areas set aside for totals should be filled with zeros before any summing occurs. In the example below, row and column totals are a part of the matrix. DIMENSION N(10,6) DO 100 J=2,6 DO 100 1=2,10 100 N(1,J)= N(1,J)+N(I,J) DO 200 1=1,10 DO 200 J=2,6 200 N(I,6) = N(I,6) + N(I,J) This sequence of this coding is as follows: 1. Using J as a subscript for the row, and I as a subscript for the column, add columns 2 through 10 to column 1. Then increment J to the next row. 2. Repeat step 1 until cross-totals for rows 2 through 6 have been created. 3. Using I as a subscript for the column, and J as a sub- script for the row, add rows 2 through 6 to row 1. Then increment I to the next column. 4. Repeat step 3 until all 10 columns have been summed. The final result would be to create column and row totals in a matrix in subscripted locations as shown: March 1970 CENFOR 4-7 TOTALS TOTALS 1,1 2,1 3,1 4,1 5,1 6,1 7,1 8,1 9,1 10,1 1,2 2,2 3,2 4,2 5,2 6,2 7,2 8,2 9,2 10,2 1,3 2,3 3,3 4,3 5,3 6,3 7,3 3,3 9,3 10,3 1,4 2,4 3,4 4,4 5,4 6,4 7,4 8,4 9,4 10,4 1,5 2,5 3,5 4,5 5,5 6,5 7,5 3,5 9,5 10,5 1,6 2,6 3,6 4,6 5,6 6,6 7,6 8,6 9,6 10,6 4.4 MATERIALIZATION OF THE INDEX VARIABLE If the index of the DO is used within the range of a DO-loop (except as a subscript) then the storage location associated with the index variable will contain the current value of the index variable throughout the range of the DO-loop. The following uses of the index variable will cause materializa- tion to occur. New terms below will be explained in chapters 6 and 7. 1. The occurrence of the index variable other than as part of a subscript. 2. A CALL statement to an external subroutine and the index variable is in COMMON. 3. A control statement referencing a statement outside of the range of the DO-loop. 4. A reference to an internal subprogram and the index variable is global. 5. A reference to an ABNORMAL function, and the index variable is in COMMON. 6. A reference to the statement function and the index variable is in COMMON. 4.5 Frequent Uses of a D0-L00P One of the most frequent uses of a D0-L00P is to reference various elements of an array. As the index of a DO changes, the value of the subscripts may also be changed. For example, if an operation is to be performed on the first three elements of an array, the index may proceed from 1 to 3 to pick up those elements, but not the others. 10 DO 10 A(I) I = 1,3 = 2*A(I) CENFOR 4- 8 March 197 ° The first three elements would be doubled, while the remaining ones are unchanged. The loop is equivalent to the execution of the statements A(l) = 2*A(1) A(2) = 2- ;; "A(2) A(3) = 2*A(3) The same results could be obtained by starting with the third element and working in descending order. DO 10 I = 3,1 10 A(I) = 2*A(I) This is equivalent to the following statements : A(3) = 2*A(3) A(2) = 2*A(2) A(l) = 2*A(l) If a jump instruction transfers control outside the range of a DO-loop, then the storage location associated with the index variable will contain the value of the index variable at the time the transfer occurred. DO 10 1=1,5 K = 1+1 IF (K.EQ.2) GO TO 15 10 CONTINUE 15 J = J* I The variable "I" will contain the value 1 when control is transferred on the first execution of the D0-loop. March 1970 CENFOR 4- 9 4.6. Exercises Using The DO INSTRUCTION 1. Write instructions to move contents from locations 1-20 in TABCO to the corresponding locations in TABST. 2. Write a DO-loop to make a count of all the numbers greater than 10.0 in a 1000-number array called A. 3. Use a single DO-loop (a single index) to clear an array called RUST (100 locations) and an array called MARK (100 locations) to binary zeros. 4. Write a program to set each value of an array called INDEX equal to the order of that value in the array (that is, INDEX (l) = 1, INDEX (2) = 2, etc.). The INDEX has a total length of 2000 numbers. 5. An array called BOOZE contains 500 numbers. Move the contents of locations 1-250 into locations 1-250 in an array called GIN and the remaining 250 numbers into positions 1-250 of an array called VODKA. 6. An array called R0X has 200 numbers. Write instructions to determine number of positive numbers, number of negative numbers, number of zero numbers. CENFOR 4-10 March 1970 Exercises Using the DO INSTRUCTION (cont.) 7. An array called FAN contains 100 numbers. Using a built-in function, compute the square root of each number, and store it in the, corresponding location of an array called RUTE. Twenty (20) numbers are stored in an array called ORDER. Reverse the order of the numbers — i.e., place them in reverse order in the same array . 9. Write a DO-loop to copy the contents of an array called A into an array called B, both of which are 1000 numbers long, placing the numbers in the reverse order to that which they occupied in the original array. That is, B(l000) will contain A(l), B(999) will contain A(2), etc. 10. An array of numbers called A contains 1000 numbers. Find the largest number and store it at BIGA. Find the element number and store it at BIGB. 11. Two one-dimensional arrays named X and Y contain 50 elements each. A variable named XS is known to be equal to one of the elements in X. When equality is found between XS and an ele- ment in X, pick up the corresponding element in Y and place it in the variable YS. March 1970 CENFOR 4-11 4. 6. Suggested Solutions to Exercises Note ; It is assumed that all arrays are dimensioned prior to use and summary cells are cleared to zero. 1. DO 10 J=l,20 10 TABST(J) = TABCO(J) 2. DO 20 J = 1,1000 IF (A(J)-10.0)20,20, N = N + 1 20 CONTINUE 3. DO 30 J = 1,100 RUST(J) = 30 MARK(J) = 4. DO 40 I = 1,2000 40 INDEX(I) = I 5. DO 50 K = 1,250 GIN(K) = BOOZE(K) 50 VODKA(K) = BOOZE(K+250) 6. DO 60 M = 1,200 IF (ROX(M)) ,20,30 NEG = NEG+1 GO TO 60 20 NZERO = NZERO+1 GO TO 60 30 NPOS = NPOS+1 60 CONTINUE CENFOR 4--12 March 1970 Suggested Solutions to Exercises ( cont . ) 7. DO 70 N = 1,100 70 RUTE(N) = SQRT (FAN(N)) 8. DO 80 I = 1,10 M = ORDER (21-1) ORDER (21-1) = ORDER (i) 80 ORDER (I) = M 9. DO 90 L = 1,1000 90 B(1001-L) = A(L) 10. BIGA = A(l) BIGB = 1 DO 10 K = 2,1000 IF (A(K).LT.BIGA) GO TO 10 BIGB = K BIGA = A(K) 10 CONTINUE 11. DO 100 J = 1,50 IF (X(J) - XS) ,200, 100 CONTINUE c If the loop terminates without finding equality, c then an error condition exists 200 YS = Y(J) 5. FORTRAN I/O March 1970 CENFOR 5- 1 5.1. FORMATTED READ AND WRITE 5.1.1. FORMATTED READ A read statement controls the transfer to memory of information from an external source. (At Census, magnetic tapes are used as input to FORTRAN programs.) If the original data is card input, a service routine is used to place the data on tape. This routine is called CENSER, with option CT (Card-to-tape function). If the input data was produced in a previous run by a formatted write on unit -3, then the data may be read on unit 5 with a formatted read. The form of the formatted READ is: READ( 5, label) name -, , namep, name., .... label refers to the label of a FORMAT statement which informs the program how to pick up fields of information and how to handle each one. Name is a variable, array, or array element name into which the data will be placed. The 5 is fixed as the unit number which is usually used for reading formatted data. An example of a READ statement is : READ(5,20)INT,XRAY,C0UNT,T0P 20 FORMAT (I6,3F12.2) The action taken by this read is to convert the first six characters of input to an internal binary form as an integer number, placing the result in the location INT. The next 12 characters will be converted to a floating point number, taking into account the fact there are two decimal places. This result is placed in the REAL location named XRAY. These steps are then repeated to place results into COUNT and TOP. The 3 causes the floating point format to be used 3 times before going to the next format. In a formatted READ, the FORMAT specifications are interpreted until the READ list is completely filled with data. If necessary, the FORMAT is rescanned and another record is read with each rescan. See Rescanning, 5.4-4-. for the rule to determine the starting point. 5.1.2. NOTE ON METHOD TO DETECT END-OF-DATA ON TAPE It is often the desire of the programer to do something special after all the data has been read in. If no indicator is checked by the programer, the FORTRAN procedure terminates the program when an end-of-tape condition is detected. Therefore, it has been the practice at Census to create a record of all 9's or other sentinel as the last data record. A check for this special record can be made after each READ. When it is detected, the pro- gramer may then perform any action desired before terminating his program. CENFOR 5- 2 March 1970 5.1.3. FORMATTED WRITE A WRITE statement controls the transfer of information from storage to a peripheral device. (At Census, magnetic tapes are used as output.) If it is desired to print the output, a service routine is used. This routine is called CENSER, -and the option to specify is TP (Tape-to-print function, Lion External Format). Unit 6 is used at Census for formatted writes which are to be printed with a maximum of 128 characters per line. Unit -3 is used to produce a tape which may be read in as input to a subsequent program and the output consists of 80 character card images or 14 word records. The form of the FORMATTED WRITE is: WRITE(Unit, label) name-,, name ? , name-.... where label refers to the label of a FORMAT statement which informs the program how to handle each field of data it picks up from the variable specified in the name list. In a formatted write, the FORMAT specifications are interpreted until the WRITE list is completely exhausted of data. If necessary, the FORMAT is recanned and another record is written to correspond with the rescan. See 5. U» 4-. for the rule to determine the starting point. EDTCPY (14.8.) should be used to prepare a tape for off-line printing. 5.1.4. CONTROL OF PRINT FILES The first character of a printer record, produced by the interaction of a WRITE and a FORMAT statement, does not appear on the printed output page; it is used to control line spacing before printing. FORTRAN provides an interpretation of four carriage control characters : blank (lHb) or(lX) Print the record on the next consecutive line. (1H0) Print the record on the second consecutive line. 1 (1H1) Print the record of the top of the next page. + (1H+) Print the record on the current line; this provides a means of writing two or more records on one line. When using the +, two or more characters should not be printed in the same position. Spaces may be used in those positions where over printing is not desired. March 1970 CENFOR 5- 3 5.1.4. CONTROL OF PRINT FILES (Continued) If the first character of a print record is not one of the above, the action taken is unspecified and usually erratic, It is a good practice to specify an H field descriptor at the start of a FORMAT statement for each printer record. 5.1.5. READ AND WRITE NAME LISTS There Is a one-to-one correspondence between the VARIABLE names specified in a basic READ or WRITE statement and the data fields to be transferred into these variables. This correspondence is established by associating a name and a field starting with the leftmost position and progressing to the right. Unlike a variable name and an array element name, an array name implies all the elements in that array and, therefore, will be associated with more than one field. EXAMPLE : DIMENSION GRUP(3),X(20) READ(5,98) A,XU),GRUP 98 FORMAT (5F6.1) Assume the input has 5 fields of data each containing 6 digits with 1 decimal place. The fields contain 5.6, 78.0, 3.2, 3. 4 , and 3.5. Then after the execution of the above READ values are in the following: A = 5.6 XU) = 78.0 GRUP(l) = 3.2 GRUP(2) = 3.4 GRUP(3)"= 3.5 A value may be read into a variable and that value used as a subscript to a name to inform the program where to place data. Example : INPUT DATA f~5 875 15 2~7l READ(,5,72) I, BLUB(I), C, X(l) 72 FORMAT (II, F6.1, 16, F6.l) CENFOR 5- 4 March 1970 5.1.5. READ AND WRITE NAME LISTS (Continued) Name I is being assigned a value of 5 ', thus the names BLUB(I) and X(l) in the list become BLUB(5) and X(5) respectively. After execution, the following variables will contain values. I = 5 BLTJB(5) = 8.0 C = 15 X(5) = 2.1 5.2. IMPLIED DO A basic READ-or-WRITE statement name list, in addition to specifying names previously discussed, may also include an implied DO list. This is used in operations involving arrays. An array name in a list causes all the elements of the array to be transferred. An implied DO allows selected sections of an array to be transferred. The implied DO notation is similar to the DO statement, but it does not require the word DO and a terminal statement. The form of the implied DO specification is : i = par-,, par 2 , par,, where i is the subscript variable par., is the first subscript value par,-, is the terminal subscript value par„ is the increment for the subscript An implied DO list includes the specification and the names of the arrays (with a subscript (s)) to be operated on. The entire list must be enclosed by parentheses. For example, if 15 ele- ments are to be transferred from a one dimensional 100 element array named SAM, the notation appears as follows: (SAM(I), I = 10,24,1) An example of the notation for transferring 25 elements of a two dimensional array is as follows: ((SAM(I,J),I = 1,5,1), J = 1,5,1) In a basic statement such as READ, an implied DO may appear as follows : READ (5,30) AL,INT,(SAM(I),I = 15,24,1), J,K March 1970 CENFOR $- 5 5.2. IMPLIED DO (Continued) The transfer of information occurs in the following sequence: 1 AL 2 INT 3 SAM(15) 4 SAM(16) 12 SAM 13 J U K General forms of implied DO's are as follows: One-dimensional form: (name, (i), name ? (i) , . . . , name (i), i = par,, par~, par~) Two-dimensional form: ( (name, (JL,J) , name ? ( i,J) , . . . . , name (i,J), i = par,, par ? , par.,), J = par^, par^, par' ) Three-dimensional form: ( ( ( name 1 ( i , j , k ) , name 2 ( i , j ,k ) , name n ( i , j , k ) , i = par 1? par 2 , par^), j = par^, par' 2 , par 1 ^), k = par", , par 1 ' , par'' ) An example of implied DO notation using one subscript is as follows : DIMENSION D(8) READ( 5,65) A,B,(D(l),I = 1,4,1) This is the equivalent of writing: READ (5,65) A,B,D(1),D(2),D(3),DU) CENFOR 5- 6 March 1970 5.2. IMPLIED DO (Continued) An example using two subscripted names in an implied DO is as follows : READ( 5y 65) D(2), (B(I+2),C(l,l),I = 2,6,2) The transfer of information occurs in the following sequence : 1 D(2) 2 bU) 3 C(2,l) 4 B(6) 5 C(4,l) 6 B(8) 7 C(6,l) Warning: It is illegal to use a variable in an implied DO range to define a parameter in an implied DO. For instance, the following is an incorrect notation: READ( 5,70) (A(I),J,I = 1,J) The value associated with J would change every time the loop was executed. This is an attempt to redefine the DO parameter J and is illegal. 5.3. UNIT Assignments for FORTRAN READ/WRITE Statements Type of Data *card image input "card image output Sprinter image unformatted unformatted unformatted unformatted Unit Number Tape Name Channel Tape Type 5,-1 READT MTO IIIA -3 PNCHT MTO IIIA 6,-2 PRNTT MTO IIIA 1-4 AA-DA MAO IIA 7-9 EA-GA MAO IIA 10-16 AT-GT MTO IIIA 17-18 AC-BC MCO 4C "card images contain 80 accessible characters -x--x- printer images contain 128 accessible characters including the carriage control character Note: Census programers should restrict themselves to the use of READT, PNCHT, and PRNTT tapes when using FORTRAN READ/WRITE statements because of differences in tape formats, March 1970 CENFOR 5- 7 5.4-. FORMAT STATEMENT The FORMAT statement is used to describe how the information is arranged on input or is to be arranged on output. For each value transmitted there must be a corresponding field specification which lists the kind of information the field contains (in terms of its internal representation), and what it "looks like" externally. A general form of the FORMAT statement follows : label FORMAT (descriptor.,, descriptor,-,, ..., descriptor ) where LABEL is the numerical statement label referred to by the READ or the WRITE statement, and the DESCRIPTORS are the field specifications for the individual pieces of data. The first piece of data takes the format of DESCRIPTOR , the second, DESCRIPT0R 2 , etc. For example : 10 FORMAT (I6,F6.2) READ(5,10)M,XNUM reads in a piece of data as a six-character integer and stores it in M; then it reads the second piece of data as a six-character fixed point number with two decimal places and stores it in XNUM. However, this statement also has additional features which pro- vide conveniences to the programer. The FORMAT statement is referenced by the statement number of either the READ (UNIT, format designation) List, or WRITE (UNIT, format designation") List state- ment. The FORMAT statement provides the following descriptive information or specifications: a) description of the field or fields of data to be transferred b) convenient notation for describing groups of similar fields c) convenient notation for controlling the transfer of records of data - ;; "Note: In lieu of a FORMAT statement, the formatting specification may be contained in an array. A pair of left and right parentheses should bound the specifications. The array may be filled by a previous READ before its reference in the object program. CENFOR 5- 8 March 1970 5.4.1. FIELD DESCRIPTORS GENERAL RULES: 1. A letter (I,F,E,D,G,Q, L,A,H, or X) should be Included to designate the kind of information and how it is to be handled. (See 5.4-. 5.) 2. There should be a number to designate how many characters or card columns are in use. This will be referred to as w. 3. On input a sign, if any, must be the first non-blank character of a field. The use of a plus sign is optional; if no sign appears, the number is considered positive. Blanks are taken to be zeros. 4. On output , the number will appear at the right of the output field if more character positions are specified for the field than there are characters in the number. If too few characters are specified, the output area will be filled with asterisks. 5. In all types, except H and X, it is permissible to specify that the same field specification applies to several successive fields, by writing a repetition number referred to as r in front of the field specification. 6. If the programer would like to change the number of decimal places of E, F, or G formatted data, he may employ a scale factor within his formal statement. The editing codes of the formes E, F, and G may be written in the form pPrEw.d where the Ew.d is the normal field specification, the r is the repetition factor, and the p is the scale factor, a signed integer constant. This form may be used for both input and output. In printing, the appearance of a scale factor p has the following effect: a. List values associated with the field of the form rFw.d are multiplied by 10 p before printing. A nega- tive scale factor will move the decimal point to the left. Example : VALUE SPECIFICATION PRINTING 12764.31613 -2PF12.7 127.6431613 2PF12.3 1276431.613 March 1970 CENFOR $- 9 5.4.1. FIELD DESCRIPTORS (Continued) 6. (continued) b. A list value associated with a field of the form rEw.d is printed with its mantissa multiplied by 10 , and its exponent decreased by p. In other words, the field is changed in form, but not in value, on printed output. A scale factor has no effect on input with an E specification. EXAMPLE : VA LUE -12764.31613 SPECIFICATION E13.6 2PE14.6 -3PF7.2 PRINTING -0.127643E05 -12.764316E03 -12.76 7. Whenever a scale factor is written with a D,E, or F field specification, it automatically applies to all succeeding D,E, and F field specifications, until some other scale factor is encountered. If a given scale factor is applied to one field specification only, the next field specification must have a. 0P scale factor. 8. In the E,F, and G forms, there should be a number to designate how many decimal places are in use. This will be referred to as d. 9. Data to be treated as octal must be given real or integer variable names. Internally, such data will be presented as a 12 digit octal number. 10. Repetition of Groups of Editing Codes : If it is desired to edit more than one group of elements of a List in pre- cisely the same manner, and the corresponding groups of editing codes would occur in succession in a FORMAT specification, then it is possible to further shorten the FO.RMAT specification. The group of editing codes to be repeated may be written only once, enclosed in parentheses and prefixed by an unsigned integer constant, n, indicating the number of times repetition of the group is desired. Example: FORMAT U(F12.1,E5.2) ) is equivalent to: FORMAT (F12.1,E5.2,F12.1,E5.2,F12.1,E5.2,F12.1,E5.2) CENFOR 5-10 March 1970 5.4.1. FIELD DESCRIPTORS (Continued) 11. Multiple Record Format Specification If a group of editing codes is followed by a / (slash), then the remainder of the record being edited is ignored on input or filled with spaces on output, and the edit- ing codes following the slash (if any) are used to edit the next record. Thus, FORMAT (3F9.2,2F10. 4/8E14.5) could edit a two-line block of printing (two records), the first line of which would have its editing controlled by the codes 3F9.2,2F10.4 and the second line of which would have its editing controlled by the code 8E14.5. Entire records may be ignored on input or blank (skipped) records may be produced on output simply by writing consecutive slashes. For example : 4122 FORMAT (8HASPIN IS,2E10. 5,2A6/6F7.2 /////) used with a WRITE (6,4122) would produce a line controlled by 8HASPIN IS ,2E10.5,2A6, a line controlled by 6F7.2 and 4 lines of spaces. Note: If it is desired to skip n lines, then there must be n+1 slashes. March 1970 CENFOR 5-11 $.4.2. TABLE OF EDITING SYMBOLS SYMBOL EDITING ACTION Internal External I Integer variable to/from decimal integer E Real variable to/from floating point decimal number floating point decimal number fixed point decimal number floating point or fixed point decimal number D Double-precision to/from F Real variable G Real variable to/f rom to/f rom EDITING CODE Iw,rlw Ew.d,rEw.d Dw.d,rDw.d, pPrEw.d Fw.d,rFw.d, pPrFw.d Gw . d , rGw . d 0w,r0w Lw , r Lw Aw,rAw wH wX w is width of field d is number of decimals p is amount of scaling by power of 10 P is scaling r is number of repetitions is decimal point to separate width of field and number of decimal places octal-digit to/from octal digit L Binary bit t/f A 6-bit Character to/from 6-bit character H supplied by FORMAT 6-bit character X not stored Skip/Space Notation: CENFOR 5-12 March 1970 5.4.3. OBJECT TIME FORMAT STATEMENTS If the programer does not know the field specifications of the data when he writes the program, it is possible to input these specifications with the other data. To do this, an array to hold the format specifications in the form of alphameric data must be established. At object time, these formats are read into this array, and the formats are then referenced by name in the READ or WRITE statement. For example, if the format for the output of four elements, I, J, K, L, differs with every set of data, a unique format enclosed in parentheses may be contained on the first data card as follows : (I1O,I16,1PE20.8,OPE16.2) FMT is dimensioned as a one-dimensional array with five elements, which will be considered as alphameric variables and therefore can hold 30 characters (five "words" of six characters each) to hold this information. This variable FMT will then contain the format information and may be referenced like a format label. DIMENSION FMT(5) READ (5,209)FMT 209 FORMAT (5A6) WRITE (6,FMT)I,J,K,L March 1970 CENFOR 5-13 5.4.4. RESCANNING If the number of items mentioned in a READ statement is larger than the number of specifications in the FORMAT statement, it will return to some portion of the FORMAT statement to find the remaining specifications. For example : READ (5,10)A,B,C,D FORMAT (l6,F6.l) will associate A with 16, B with F6.1 and then return to the beginning of the FORMAT statement to associate C with 16 and D with F6.1. If more data were to be read, it would continue in this manner until all the variables in the READ statement had been filled. One use of the rescan is to force the reading of several records to fill an array. When the first scan of the FORMAT is completed, a new record is brought in, and it is rescanned. This continues until the array list is filled with data. For example, it is desired to read six records, pulling off three six-character fields from each one, to fill an array of 18 cells, DIMENSION A (18) READ (5,10)A 10 FORMAT (3F6.1) When a format must be rescanned when using a WRITE, the rescan initiates a new output record. For example, the follow- ing WRITE statement would create 20 records : DIMENSION N(20) 20 FORMAT (16) WRITE (6,20)N If it were desired to create two records of 10 fields each, the format should read: 20 FORMAT (1016) It is possible to specify a special format for the first (one or more) records and a different format for all subsequent re- cords. This is done by enclosing the last record specifications in parentheses . CENFOR 5-14 March 1970 5.4.4. RESCANNING (Continued) Excluding the rightmost parenthesis of the FORMAT specification, the restart point is the left parenthesis that matches the rightmost parenthesis. If an integer constant for repetition immediately precedes the rescanning entry point, it is also rescanned. In the following examples, an arrow indicates the rescan point. FORMAT (F5.1,G20.10) r FORMAT (Fll.l, (I4,E10.2)) / FORMAT (2 (Fll.l), U./E10.2) FORMAT (2(E6.1,I4),3(I2,I4,E6.2)) t FORMAT (2(E6.1,I4),3(F7.2,E5.1(I3,I2))) t FORMAT ((G5.1,I3),2(G6.2,F5.1,(I3,I2)),I4,P6.1) If the end of a variable name list is reached but there remain H, X or/ specifications, they will be processed before the input-output operation is terminated. If the name list is exhausted before the specifications, the Input-output operation is complete. March 1970 CENFOR 5-15 5.4-. 5. SPECIFIC INFORMATION RE EDITING CODES 5 . 4- . 5 . 1 . Iw a. "I" means integer data is involved b. The maximum value which can be read or written is + 34,359,738,367 (11 decimal digits plus sign) c. Valid input characters for the field are: Space or blank and the numerics 0-9. A plus (+) or minus (-) sign is also acceptable as the character preceding the first numeric character. d. On input, the value is converted to pure binary and stored, right justified, in one computer word. If the field width is greater than 11, then the leading positions may only contain a sign or spaces or blanks. If the entire input field is blank, a value of -0 is stored. e. On output, the value is converted from pure binary to integer. If the value is negative, a minus sign (-) will appear immediately preceding the most significant digit. If the value is positive, no sign will appear. If the field width is larger than required for the value, the field will be filled out to the left with spaces. If the field width is not large enough to contain the value including (minus) sign, the field will be filled with asterisks to indicate overflow. The following examples show how each of the quantities on the left is printed according to the format code 13: INTERNAL VALUE PRINTED VALUE 721 721 -721 *** -12 -12 568114 *** #fo -5 i-5 9 *#9 CENFOR 5-16 March 1970 5.4-. 5.2. Fw.d a. The "F" phrase specifies that the next w characters are to be interpreted as a fixed-point number. The data may be either a real variable or one part of a complex variable. b. The w is the total number of characters which are to be interpreted. The total field length reserved must include sufficient positions for a sign (if one is used), a digit to the left of the decimal point, and a decimal point. It is illegal to format a number as F6.6 with the entire number following the decimal point. c. On input, valid characters are: spaces or blanks, one decimal point per field, and the numerics 0-9. Preced- ing the number, a positive (+) or a negative (-) sign is also acceptable. If no sign is present, the field is assumed to be positive. Spaces or blanks are inter- preted as zeros. If the decimal point is present in the input field, it overrides the "d" in the specifications when they contradict one another. If the decimal point is not present, then the editing code "d" determines where it will be placed. do If the entire field is blank, a value of -0.0 is stored in the memory. e. On output, if the field is negative a negative sign (-) will be printed preceding the most significant digit. If the value is positive, no sign will appear. If the decimal portion of the number has fewer digits than the specification requires, it will be filled on the right with zeros. If the entire field width is larger than necessary, it will be filled on the left with blanks. If the field width is not large enough to contain the number including the negative sign, the field will be filled with asterisks (*) to indicate overflow. f. When the scale factor is used with the F format for input, the input value is multinlied by 10~ n durinp conversion. For example, a scale factor of one will cause a card value of 2.367 to be stored in the computer as .2367. March 1970 CENFOR 5-17 5.4. 5.2. Fw.d (Continued) e. (Continued) Examples of F type input data with format F6.2: #12.17 #1217 +12.17 -12.17 +1217 -1217 +1.217 #1.217 The following examples show how each of the quantities on the left is printed according to the format code F5.2: Internal Value Printed Value 12.17 12.17 -41.16 ***** -.2 -0.20 7.3542 #7.35 -1. -1.00 9.03 #9.03 187.64 ***** . 0.00 CENFOR 5-18 March 19?Q Ew.d a. "E" specifies conversion between an internal real value and an external number written with an exponent. The total number of characters in the external medium is w, including signs, decimal point, E, exponent and any blanks. b. On input the use of an actual decimal point is optional; if it is supplied in the field, it overrides d. The exponent part of the field takes the general form E+ee, as in a float- ing point constant in a statement. However, several shortcuts are permitted. A positive exponent may appear with the + omitted or replaced with a blank, that is, E ee or Eee. If the first digit of the exponent is zero, it may be omitted. If the exponent is written with a sign, the E may be omitted. Thus all of the following are permissible and equivalent forms for the exponent plus 2 : E+02,E02,E 02,E+2,E2,+2 The exponent must be at the extreme right of a field to convey the correct meaning. All of the following data fields convert to the same internal number if read is under control of E14.7, but it must be remembered that an actual decimal point overrides d in the field specification: + 1.2345678E03 A 12345678. E-4 A 1234.5678E0 /\ + 0.12345678+4 c. On output the number will normally appear in the form + .nn ....E+ee (except that plus signs are replaced with blanks), in which the number of places after the decimal point is specified by d. A scale factor has no effect on input with an E specification. On output the effect is to multiply the "fractional" part by 10 s and to reduce the exponent by s. The scale factor may be positive or negative. If the value is zero, no exponent will appear. The following examples show how each of the quantities on the left (the internally stored real number) is printed according to the format code E8.3: INTERNAL VALUE PRINTED VALUE 1567.23 .156E04 -42.35 .423E02 6.3356 .634E01 7.1 .710E01 -.2 -.200E00 -25.3 -.253E02 March 1970 CENFOR 5-19 5.4-. 5.4-- Gw.d "G" is a generalized real conversion which, on output (WRITE), includes the capabilities of both E and F conversion codes. On input (READ), a Gw.d is the same as Fw.d. On output, the code Gw.d attempts to transmit a real datum of absolute magnitude N in a Fw.d mode , as per the following rules: If the absolute magnitude then the effective output of N is code is 0.11N<1 F(w-4).d,4X 1.0£N^10 • F(w-d).(d-l),4X • • 10d-2£ N <10 d - 1 F(w-4).1,4X 10d-l. READ(5,60) BOS, EWR, PHL, DCA 60 FORMAT (4E14.0) 5.8.7. a. FORMAT (217, 2F8.2) b. FORMAT (217, 2F6.0) c. FORMAT (16, 18, 2E13.5) d. FORMAT (16,18, 1P2E12.4) e. FORMAT (3H#I=, 16, 4Hb%T= ,16, A 4Hb / b / R= ,F6.1, 4H^S= ,F6.1) f. FORMAT (3H^I=, l6/3H#J=, 16/ A 3Hb / R=, F6.l/3Hb / S=, F6.1) 5.8.8. DIMENSION DATA (10) READ(5,80) N, (X(I),I-1,N) 80 FORMAT (I2,10F7.0) 5.8.9. a. Only one card will be read. Seven fields of data, four characters each, will be read. If no decimal points appear the number will be considered integer and converted to real. If a decimal point appears, it takes effect. b. One data card will be read. The first field of 2 digits should contain a number which will be used as an index to read in the numbers which appear in the card. Each number occupies 4 columns. March 1970 CENFOR 5-31 5.8.9. ANSWERS TO EXERCISES (Continued) 5.8.9. (continued) c. Two cards will be read. The first card should contain an integer in columns 1-2. The second card should contain as many 4-digit numbers as the value of the integer in the first card. d. The first card read will contain a number which describes the number of cards to follow. Each card will contain one four-digit number. e. One card will be read. The first two digits contain a number which will be used as the first subscript of the array Y. The second subscript of the array Y will begin at 1 and end at 10. Thus the 10 values read in will be placed into the array Y. f. One card will be read. The fields K and M are given values from the first two two-digit fields read in. Then K becomes the first subscript of the array Y. The second subscript I varies from 1 until it reaches the value of M. Thus M values are read into array Y. g. The first card contains values for M and N; N becomes the limit for the second subscript which begins at 1. M becomes the limit for the first subscript which begins at 1. As many values as necessary are read to satisfy the requirements of the limits of the subscripts. Each card will furnish 10 values. The J subscript varies the most rapidly. h. Each card contains four numbers. The first two fields placed into I and J specify the subscripts to be used to determine the address within the array Y to which the third field will be sent. The fourth field goes to L. In the event that the integer L is zero, the next card is read. 5.8.10. a. .1E02 b. .492E-05 c . . 1E03 5.8.11. A 1 2 3 4 £123456789*123456789*123456789*1234.56789* CENFOR 5-32 March 1970 5.8.12. (ANSWER) C... SAMPLE MEAN, VARIANCE, STANDARD DEVIATION DIMENSION X (250) 3 FORMAT (13) U FORMAT (F5.1) SUMX = 0.0 SUMSQ =0.0 READ (5,3) N DO 100 I = 1,N READ (5,4) X (I) SUMX = SUMX + X (I) SUMSQ = SUMSQ + X (I) **2 100 CONTINUE ZN = N XBAR = SUMX/ZN VAR = (ZN * SUMSQ - SUMX**2)/(ZN*(ZN-1.0) ) STDEV = SQRT (VAR) WRITE (6,5) XBAR, VAR, STDEV 5 FORMAT (1H1, 3F12.2) STOP END 5.8.13. (ANSWER) SIMPLE INTEREST FOR SEVERAL YEARS 1 FORMAT (F7.2, F5.3, 12) 2 FORMAT ( lQHlPRINCIPAL, F10.2, 6H A A RATE, F8.3) 3 FORMAT (15H A PERIOD A A AMOUNT ) U FORMAT (15, F12.2) READ (5, 1) P, RATE, NL WRITS (6, 2) P, RATE WRITE (6, 3) DO 10 N = 1, NL ZN = N A = P * (1.0 + ZN*RATE) WRITE (6, U) N, A 10 CONTINUE STOP END 6. FUNCTION AND SUBROUTINE PROCEDURES March 1970 CENFOR 6- 1 6.1. GENERAL At various points in a program, operations may be required which are identical, or almost identical to others (i.e., the operations are the same but the data values are different). FORTRAN pro- vides a method of writing these operations once in a general form, and making them available as many times as necessary in a program. Each such group of statements is called a procedure or subprogram. Each procedure has a unique name by which it is referenced in a program. Thus, by merely designating a name, procedures are repeatedly executed by the program without the programer having to duplicate the statements comprising the procedure. As the FORTRAN language evolved, two basic kinds of procedures developed — functions and subroutines. There are three basic differences between a function procedure and a subroutine procedure : FUNCTION ■■ - - ' - SUBROUTINE A function requires at least one argument (datum to be operated on). A function reference (the function name) appears as an expression or as a term of an expression. A function procedure returns a single value to the point in an expression which referenced it. A subroutine may , or may not have an argument(s). A subroutine reference is an independent statement. See CALL statement. A subroutine procedure may, or may not, return infor- mation to the referencing program. CENFOR 6- 2 March 1970 6.2. PROCEDURE ARGUMENTS Arguments are data specified in the procedure reference which are passed on to, or used in, the computational procedure. An argu- ment may be a name, an expression, or a Hollerith constant. The arguments are acted upon by the procedure to produce one or more results. The arguments, in list form, must be separated by commas, and the entire argument list enclosed in parentheses, e.g., (X, Y, ADD, MORE). Arguments in the procedure are referred to as either dummy or formal arguments. These arguments, consisting of symbolic names, represent the data values or procedure names which can change with each procedure reference made. The arguments to be trans- ferred from the referencing statement to the procedure are called actual arguments and the formal or dummy arguments are those mentioned in the procedure. The actual and the dummy arguments do not have to use the same names, but the actual arguments must correspond in number, data type, and order to the dummy arguments stated in the procedure. When the machine language program is executed, the dummy arguments are replaced by the actual arguments from the statement making the reference to the procedure. The following table describes the general forms of actual arguments and gives pertinent examples: ACTUAL ARGUMENT FORM EXAMPLE Actual Dummy Variable Name DIV B Array Element ARRAY (1) X Array Name * MATRIX JDE Expression (S**2./3.0)+l Z Procedure Name ** SIN Y Hollerith Constant 6H total HOLL Statement Label *** $999 $ **- An array name passed on to a procedure requires that the pro- cedure declare the array in a statement such as DIMENSION. Procedure names used as actual arguments must be specified "in an EXTERNAL statement in the calling program. The "$" as the i argument becomes the i RETURN to the location specified in the formal argument. March 1970 CENFOR 6- 3 6.3. THE FUNCTION A function is a computational procedure which must be supplied with at least one argument from the statement containing the function reference. A function must return a single value to the position in the statement where the reference occurred and may- return additional values to be used in subsequent statements of the program. All functions, whether written by the programer or supplied by the FORTRAN system are referenced in the same way. Function names conform to the general naming convention. 6.3.1. REFERENCING A FUNCTION A function is referenced in a program by merely including the function name and the actual arguments in an expression in the same manner that constants and variables are written in an expression. For example, if the sine of a value is needed as part of a computation, the sine function appears in a statement as follows : A = B + SIN (C) where SIN is the symbolic name for the sine function and C is the argument. Arguments for all procedures must be enclosed in parentheses. Thus, the single value of SIN (C) is computed, added to the value of B, and the result placed in the location represented by A. Additional examples of using functions are as follows : A = ABS (B) + AMAX1 (C, D, E) A = COS (B + C) A = SIN (SgRT (B) - CBRT (C)) A = SIN (COS(TAN(SQRT(CBRT(A))))) The expression in the above statement is called a nested function reference. Nested functions are evaluated in the sequence start- ing with the innermost parenthetical level to the outermost par- enthetical level. Thus: Let Tl = CBRT (A), then T2 = SQRT (Tl) and T3 = TAN (T2) and T4 = COS (T3) and A = SIN (T4) CENFOR 6- 4 March 1970 6.3.1. REFERENCING A FUNCTION (Continued) There are four kinds of functions available in thfi FORTRAN language . 1. Built-in function (in-line object code generated by the FORTRAN processor) . 2. Statement functions (programer created in one statement). 3. External functions (library function and function sub- programs compiled independently ) . 4-. Internal function (a subprogram written by the programer and compiled in conjunction with a main program or another subprogram) . Internal and external functions are both subprograms which are referenced in an expression and return a single value to that expression. A list of functions generally supplied by FORTRAN are shown in the tables BUILT-IN (Intrinsic) Functions and External Functions. The programer need be concerned with these distinctions, intrinsic and external, only if he uses a name which is the same as that of a supplied function name. The name of an external function used as the name of a procedure subprogram written by the programer causes the sub- program to replace the supplied procedure. Thus, the programer may write his own sine or tangent procedure if he desires. In addition to the FORTRAN supplied functions, there is a group of CENSUS-written functions and subroutines which will be described later. It was found that the functions provided by FORTRAN were insufficient to handle the programer 's needs. Therefore, a method of allowing a programer to write function procedures was introduced. The first is the statement function . This allows the programer to write one statement specifying the steps required for the evaluation of a function. For writing a function procedure requiring more than one statement, a function subprogram is used. Any function must specify at least one argument and return a single value to the point of the function reference in the program. For other kinds of required procedures where arguments may or may not be necessary, and where data may or may not be required, a procedure called a subroutine subprogram is written. If the subprogram is compiled independently, it is considered external. If it is included in an assembly as one program unit with only one END card for both the main program and all its subprograms, then it is considered to be internal. March 1970 CENFOR 6- 5 6.3.2. STATEMENT FUNCTIONS Statement functions are composed by the programer in the following form and they must be prepared ahead of the first executable statement. f ( P, , P , . . . , P ) = e 12' ' m where f is the function name; Pi are distinct, non-subscripted variable names (formal arguments); and e is either an arith- metic expression if the mode of f is arithmetic, or a logical expression if the mode of f is logical. Normally the formal arguments will appear in the expression e. Upon execution of the statement function, they are replaced by the actual argu- ments of the function reference. They may each be of any mode. The actual arguments of a given reference must agree in number and mode with their corresponding formal arguments. It is not necessary that the formal argument names be distinct from any other names. They are local to the statement function. The function names must be unique. They must not be the same as any variable name appearing elsewhere in the FORTRAN pro- gram in which they appear. A function whose value is logical must be declared LOGICAL. The expression e may have subscripted variables appearing in it. However, the formal arguments may not be subscripted. The expression e may also contain references to previously defined statement functions, built-in functions or external functions . References to statement functions may not contain statement labels as arguments (i.e. F ($5)). The name f of the statement function must not appear in a DIMENSION, EQUIVALENCE or COMMON statement in the main pro- gram or subprogram where it is defined. The type of the statement function is determined by the name convention or by a previous type statement. CENFOR 6- 6 March 1970 6.3.3. EXAMPLES OF STATEMENT FUNCTIONS 1. Non-executable statement function appearing before any executable statement: ROOT (A,B,C) = (-B+SQRT(B**2-4..*AC))/2.*A) To use the function called ROOT: ANS = ROOT (l6.9,R-S,T+6.9)+C0S(X) 2. Two statement functions to illustrate how a second function may reference the first one : S(A,B,C) = (A+B+C)/2 AREA(A,B,C) = SQRT(S(A,B,C)*(S(A,B,C)-A)* 1 (S(A,B,C)-B)*(S(A,B,C)-C)) 3. A statement function to compute interest: A(P,R,N) = P*(l+R)**N+.005 6.3.4. BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS The 1107 FORTRAN IV Compiler recognizes 31 names as built-in functions. The compiler will generate in-line code for the evaluation of the built-in function value whenever reference occurs. The arithmetic expression, i (, a, , a„ , ...., a) references the built-in function with the name f and represents the computed value, where a is any arithmetic expression of the mode specified for the arguments of the built-in function and n is the number of arguments. See the table "Built-in (Intrinsic) Functions. " The names for the REAL and INTEGER built-in functions have been selected so that the result of the function will correspond in type according to the naming conventions established for REAL and INTEGER functions. The DOUBLE PRECISION and COMPLEX built-in functions will begin with a D and a C, respectively. Note, however, that DIM is a REAL built-in function. March 1970 CENFOR 6- 7 6.3.4. BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS (Continued) The name of a built-in function may be used for purposes in a program other than to request the execution of a particular function. The following uses will overrule the definition of a name as a built-in function: 1. The name is used as a simple variable name. 2. The name is used as a statement function name. 3. The name appears in: a. Type statement b. EXTERNAL statement c. DIMENSION statement d. COMMON statement e. PARAMETER statement f. ABNORMAL statement g. FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE statement Note that if a built-in function produces a COMPLEX or DOUBLE PRECISION result, the programer must not enter the name of that built-in function in a type statement, as the name will not be considered that of a built-in function according to the rules of the above paragraph. If the definition of the built-in function name is overruled in a main program, the built-in function is not available in the entire program unit. The built-in function names are defined as global names. Therefore, the name may be overruled in an internal subprogram and not affect the availability of the function in the main program or in another internal sub- program. CENFOR 6- 8 March 1970 FORTRAN Name No. of Args. Function Mode of Argument Function ABS 1 Determine the absolute value of the argument. Real Real IABS Integer Integer DABS D-P D-P AINT 1 Truncate; eliminate the fractional portion of the argument. Real Real INT Real Integer DINT D-P D-P AMOD 2 Remainder; subtract from the first argument the appropriate integer multiple of the second argument so that the remainder is less than the second argument but non-negative. Real Real MOD Integer Integer AMAXO > 2 Select the largest value. Integer Real AMAX1 Real Real MAXO Integer Integer MAX1 Real Integer DMAX1 D-P D-P AMINO > 2 Select the smallest value. Integer Real AMIN1 Real Real MINO Intege r Integer MINI Real Integer DMIN1 D-P D-P FLOAT 1 Convert from integer to real. Integer Real IFIX 1 Convert from real to integer. Real Integer DBLE 1 Convert from real to double-precision. Real D-P CMPLX 2 Convert two real arguments to one complex number. Real Complex SIGN 2 Replace the algebraic sign of the first argument by that of the second. Real Real ISIGN Integer Integer DSIGN D-P D-P DIM 2 Positive difference; subtract the smaller of the two arguments from the first argument. Real Real IDIM Integer Integer SNGL 1 Obtain the most significant part of a double-precision argument. D-P Real REAL 1 Obtain the real part of a complex argument. Complex Real AIMAG 1 Obtain the imaginary part of a complex argument. Complex Real CONJG 1 Obtain the conjugate of a complex argument. Complex Complex BUILT-IN (INTRINSIC) FUNCTIONS March 1970 CENFOR 6- 9 6.3.5. NOTE on MINO, MINI, AMINO, AMIN1, MAXO, MAX1, AMAXO, AMAX2 These FORTRAN functions are used to determine the minimum or the maximum of several integer or real numbers. All items in the list must be expressions of the same mode. The names of these functions indicate their use. The letters MIN or MAX indicate whether a minimum or maximum will be sought in the list. The character 1 or the character (zero) which follows indicates the mode of the list: (zero) for an integer list; 1 for a real list. If the function name begins with an A, the mode of the function is real. If it begins with an M, the mode of the function is integer. The function produces a maximum or mini- mum by setting itself equal to the appropriate item in the list. CAUTION : The functions which end in (zero) often cause keypunch errors. The last character of MINO, AMINO, MAXO, and AMAXO is a numeric zero (not the letter 0). EXAMPLE 1 : If the largest of three integer variables I, J, K is greater than 50, call subroutine x. IF (MAXO (I,J,K).GT.50) CALL X EXAMPLE 2 : Multiply the variable KET by the whole number portion of the maximum of the real variables A and B. N = KET * MAX1(A,B) CENFOR 6-10 March 1970 6.3.6. NOTE on MOD, AMOD FUNCTION These FORTRAN functions are used to determine the remainder when one number is divided by the other. MOD is for integer division and AMOD is for real division. General Form MOD (K,L) AMOD (A,B) K is an integer expression which is to be divided by the integer expression L A is a real expression which is to be divided by a real expression B After dividing the first argument by the second, the function sets itself equal to the remainder. EXAMPLE : The counter KPAGE is the count of pages on a report. Determine whether the current value of KPAGE is even or odd. If even go to the statement 55. IF (MOD(KPAGE,2).EQ.O) GO TO 55 March 1970 CENFOR 6-11 6.3.7. BUILT-IN TYPELESS FUNCTIONS AND, OR, LOC, COMPL, BOOL AND This sets the function expression equal to a value obtained by a "logical AND" operation of two numbers. Example : NC = NA.AND.NB (Bit in NA) (Bit in NB) (Result in NC) 10 10 111 If NA = 010203040506 and NB = 777700770000 then NC = 0102000^0000 The use of the built-in function is faster than the equivalent CENSUS "LAND". See 8.8. OR This sets the function expression equal to a value obtained by a "logical addition," or an "inclusive OR" operation. Example : NC = NA.OR.NB (Bit in NA) (Bit i 1 1 1 1 Bit in NB) (Result in NC) 1 1 1 If NA = 252525252525 and NB = 000077630077 then NC = 252577672577 The use of the built-in function is faster than the equivalent CENSUS "LADD". See 8.6. CENFOR 6-12 March 1970 LOC This routine returns the location of a function argument as the value. This function may also be referenced through the alternate entry point XLOC. Example : N = L0C(NB)-L0C(NA) This example will return a value which is the actual number of core locations between the two addresses. COMFL This routine complements the number found at the address of the argument. Example : N = COMPL(N) BOOL This routine returns the function argument as the value of the function. No conversion takes place. Example : M = B00L(N) March 1970 CENFOR 6-13 6.3.8. EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL FUNCTIONS Internal and external functions are subprograms, whole sections of coding which return single values to the point in the expressions which reference them. External Functions There are two kinds of external functions: (l) library functions, and (2) external functions and subprograms. These will be discussed under the heading SUBPROGRAMS. The external functions supplied by FORTRAN are listed in the following table. These mathematical functions may be referenced in the general way. f(a 1 , a 2 ) The external functions supplied in the Census library will be discussed in a separate section. CENFOR 6- 14 March 1970 FORTRAN Name No. of ArgB. Function and Definition Mode of Argument Function SIN 1 Trigonometric Sine: SIN (X) DSIN (X) CSIN (X) Real Real DSIN D-P D-P CSIN Complex Complex COS 1 Trigonometric Cosine: COS (X) DCOS(X) CCOS(X) Real Real DCOS D-P D-P CCOS Complex Complex TAN 1 Trigonometric Tangent: TAN (X) DTAN (X) CTAN (X) Real Real DTAN D-P D-P CTAN Complex Complex ASIN 1 Trigonometric Arcsine: ASIN (X) DASIN (X) Real Real DASIN D-P D-P ACOS 1 Trigonometric Arccosine: ACOS (X) DACOS (X) Real Real DACOS D-P D-P ATAN 1 2 2 Trlglnometrlc Arctangent: ATAN (X) DATAN (X) ATAN(X r X 2 ) DATAN (X t , X 2 ) Real Real DATAN D-P D-P ATAN2 Real Real DATAN2 D-P D-P SINH 1 Hyperbolic Sine: SINH (X) DSINH (X) CSINH (X) Real Real DSINH D-P D-P CSINH Complex Complex COSH 1 Hyperbolic Cosine: COSH (X) DCOSH (X) CCOSH (X) Real Real DCOSH D-P D-P CCOSH Complex Complex TANH 1 Hyperbolic Tangent TANH (X) DTANH (X) CTANH (X) Real Real DTANH D-P D-P CTANH Complex Complex EXP 1 Exponential (e x ): EXP (X) DEXP (X) CEXP (X) Real Real DEXP D-P D-P CEXP Complex Complex ALOG 1 Natural Logarithm (LOG e x): ALOG (X) DLOG(X) CLOG(X) Real Real DLOG D-P D-P CLOG Complex Complex ALOG10 1 Common Logarithm (LOG 10 x): ALOG10 (X) DLOG10 (X) Real Real DLOG10 D-P D-P SQRT 1 Square Root (X) 1/2 : SQRT (X) DSQRT (X) CSQRT (X) Real. Real DSQRT D-P D-P CSQRT Complex Complex CBRT 1 Cube Root (X) 1 / 3 : CBRT (X) DCBRT (X) CCBRT (X) Real Real DCBRT D-P D-P CCBRT Complex Complex CABS 1 Determine the absolute value of the argument: CABS (X) For X = a + lb X«(a 2 + o2) 1/2 Complex Real DMOD 2 Remainder. subtract from the first argument the appropriate Integer multiple of the second argument so that the remainder is less than the second argument but non-negative. DMODJX^ X 2 ) D-P D-P •Note: H ths result of the Function Is Double- Precision or Complex, the Function name munt fce declared In a Type cUtoraent. EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS SUFFLIED March 1970 CENFOR 6-15 6.3.9. NOTE ON SIN, DSIN, CSIN The variable used as the argument for a trigonometric sine must be expressed in radians. (One radian = 57.2957795131 degrees.) The following statement functions may be used for converting degrees to radians and vice versa: Radian to degrees: RADDEG(X) = (90.0/ASIN(1.0))*X Degrees to radian: DEGRAD(X) = X- ;; -ASIN(l.0)/90.0 EXAMPLE: Find the sine S of a real variable A expressed in degrees. DEGRAD(X) = X*ASIN(l.0)/90.0 S = SIN (DEGRAD(A)) CENFOR 6-16 March 1970 6.3.10. SUBPROGRAMS EXTERNAL SUBPROGRAM - GENERAL Within the FORTRAN system, it is possible to define subprograms which may be called upon by other FORTRAN programs. Generally, they are FORTRAN source language programs that cannot be defined by a single statement and are not commonly enough used to warrant their inclusion in a library. External subprograms must be independently compiled and incorporated into other FORTRAN programs for execution. They are not independently executable as a general rule. EXTERNAL subprograms are written behind the END statement of the main program and each external subprogram must have its own FOR card and its own END card. All data references are local. When COMMON statements are used in both the main program and the subprogram, then the same area can be referenced by both. See Chapter 7. The function and subprogram statements allow the programer to divide large programs into smaller subprograms or sub- routines. This technique is a great aid to the programer in the all important process of removing programing errors (debugging). Program corrections may be made and programs expanded or reduced in scope by processing the appropriate subprogram rather than the entire program. Frequently this results in a considerable saving of computer time. An external subprogram may be referenced from any part of any other program unit. It must not be referenced from its own program unit. The name of a subprogram may appear in an argument list of a reference only if the subprogram is accessible from the place where the reference occurs. For instance, a reference to an external function is made from a main program which includes an internal subroutine S. If the name S appears in the reference list, then S will be the subroutine referenced when the statement "CALL P" is executed within the external function if "P" is the dummy argument. Programs over 700 statements in length should be divided into a main program and external subroutine/s to prevent possible overflow of assembly tables. See 16.2. March 1970 CENFOR 6-17 FUNCTION SUBPROGRAMS - (External) The first statement of a FUNCTION Subprogram must be of the form type FUNCTION f (a , a , ..., a ) where type is either REAL, INTEGER, LOGICAL, DOUBLE- PRECISION, COMPLEX, or absent, f is a function name and a. are the formal arguments, a. may be array names, non-subscripted variable names, or the name of other FUNCTION Subprograms. Each name must be distinct. Any aj_ may be the character, $. When the $ character is used as the i"^ n parameter, the i^* 1 parameter is never referenced in the function f except in the statement: RETURN k If type is absent then the mode of f is determined by a type statement or by the alphabetic naming conventions. If an a. , a formal argument, is an array name, then that array name must appear in a DIMENSION statement of the subprogram in which it occurs prior to any reference by an executable state- ment or by a statement function definition. The DIMENSION state- ment may, only in this case of subprogram usage with formal sub- scripted arguments, assume a special form. Normally, the only entries that may be made in the subscript positions of an array named in a DIMENSION statement are integer constants, and these integer constants specify the maximum dimensions of the named array. It is possible in FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE subprograms to have maximum dimensions of arrays appear as nonsubscripted integer variables in DIMENSION statements. In this case, the array name and all of the variable subscript names must be listed as formal arguments of the subprogram. This facility enables the subprogram to be made object time variable in its requirements for data storage. The program which contains reference to such a subprogram must also contain a DIMENSION statement which specifies the actual dimensions of such arrays. The nonsubscripted integer variables which appear in such a subprogram as those formal arguments speci- fying the maximum dimensions of an array can neither appear on the left of an arithmetic or logical statement, nor can they be changed in value in any other way by the subprogram. All the formal argument names must occur in at least one execu- table statement in the subprogram. Any actual argument for a FUNCTION subprogram reference may be either an arithmetic expression, a logical expression, an array name or another function or subroutine, which also must appear in an EXTERNAL statement in the referencing program. The name of a function itself must not appear in a DIMENSION, or statement in the subprogram. However, the name must appear CENFOR 6-18 March 1970 FUNCTION SUBPROGRAMS - (External) (Continued) at least unce on the left side of a logical or an arithmetic statement , as an element of an input list or as an argument or a subroutine call. (See RETURN below.) The following are permissible arguments of a FUNCTION Subprogram reference : a. Any arithmetic expression. b. Any logical expression. c. An array name. d. The name of another function or subroutine which also must appear in an EXTERNAL Statement in the calling program unless the name appears as an explicit reference elsewhere in the program. e. A statement number preceded by the character $. f. The form: nHhhh...h where n is any unsigned integer, and hhhh...h is a string of any n alphanumeric or special characters including "blank". Note: If the type of the user-written function is declared in the subprogram, then the type should be declared in the calling program. Example: COMPLEX CPLX, S, Y, Z Z = CPLX(S,Y) C FUNCTION SUBPROGRAM COMPLEX FUNCTION CPLX(A,B) RETURN END March 1970 CENFOR 6-19 RETURN A subprogram will normally contain at least one RETURN Statement. Each such statement marks the logical end of flow for the subprogram and causes, in the case of a FUNCTION Subprogram, a return to the statement in which function reference was imbedded, or in the case of a subroutine, a return to the first Executable Statement following the CALL Statement. It will have the general form: RETURN a Second form of a RETURN statement is : RETURN k where k is an integer constant or integer variable. If this form was used the value of the integer, k, specifies that the return will be made to the i^h argument of the referencing statement (presumably the i"th argument was a statement number preceded by $). There is no limit to the number of statements specifying a RETURN to an i"th argument. There may be more than one statement number argument re- quired by a subprogram. This allows conditional returns to various locations within a program. If a RETURN statement is not specified then the END state- ment will serve as a RETURN statement. A third form of a RETURN statement is: RETURN where is an integer constant, 0. The execution of the RETURN statement will result in a transfer to the system error program. The statement END must appear as the last statement of an external function or subprogram. CENFOR 6-20 March 1970 EXAMPLES OF FUNCTION SUBPROGRAMS FUNCTION MAX (X,N) C X = integer array C N = size of array (N 2) C COMPUTES MAXIMUM VALUE OF ARRAY INTEGER X (N) MAX = X (1) DO 1 1=2, N IF (X(I).GT.MAX) MAX = X(l) 1 CONTINUE END FUNCTION SUM (X,N) C X = real array C N = size of X C Computes sum of elements of specified array DIMENSION X (N) SUM = 0.0 DO 1 1=1, N 1 SUM = SUM+X(I) END FUNCTION SMSQ (X,N) C X = real array of size N C Computes sum of squares of elements of X DIMENSION X(N) SMSQ = 0.0 DO 1 1=1, N 1 SMSQ = SMSQ+- X(I)*X(I) END March 1970 CENFOR 6-21 6.4. SUBROUTINE SUBPROGRAM (External) A SUBROUTINE subprogram has so many points of similarity to a FUNCTION subprogram that the treatment here will consist of citing how it differs from a FUNCTION subprogram. The major difference is that a SUBROUTINE subprogram may produce many values from one reference whereas a FUNCTION subprogram may produce one. Reference to a SUBROUTINE is made with the special CALL statement described below. A subroutine is always considered ABNORMAL. In all other respects, subroutine references and external SUB- ROUTINE subprograms are the same as function references and EXTERNAL subprograms . The SUBROUTINE subprogram returns values, if any, only through its arguments (by causing values to be stored in the locations associated with its actual arguments as specified in its CALL statement) or through variables in COMMON blocks. No value is associated with the name of a SUBROUTINE subprogram. The form of a SUBROUTINE subprogram statement is either: SUBROUTINE s (a, , a„ , . . . , a ) 1' 2' n or SUBROUTINE s where s is a subroutine name and aj_ are the n arguments. &± may be any arithmetic or logical expression, variable name or constant. Reference to a SUBROUTINE subprogram is made through the use of a special statement which has no other use. This statement is the CALL statement and has the form CALL s(a, , a„ , . . . , a ) 1 2 n or CALL s where s is the subroutine name and a^_ are the actual arguments. a. may take on all forms described for FUNCTION subprogram references, Refer to the section entitled "SORT OPTION CODING" for an example of an external subroutine containing several RETURN statements. CENFOR 6-22 March 1970 6.4. SUBROUTINE SUBPROGRAM (External) (Continued) Internal Function And Internal Subroutine Subprograms Internal subprograms are compiled in conjunction with a Main Program, a SUBROUTINE Subprogram, or a FUNCTION Subprogram. In the latter two cases, the first line of compilation must be a FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE statement. Subprograms are indicated as internal by either of the following subprogram statements : 1. SUBROUTINE S (a,, a , ..., a ) 1 2' n 2. FUNCTION F (a,, a„, ..., a ) 1 2 7 7 n where S and F are the subprogram names and a^_ are the formal parameters. The same rules apply to the subprogram names and the formal parameters as in the previously defined subprograms. Internal subprograms are referenced in the same manner as external subprograms; i.e., an internal SUBROUTINE is referenced by a CALL statement; an internal FUNCTION is referenced as other functions are referenced. However, such references and calls must be made within the main program or other internal subprograms contained in the main program. The compiler will assume that all statements appearing between two internal subprogram statements belong to the first internal subprogram. The occurrence of the Internal FUNCTION or SUBROUTINE Subprogram statements will mark the end of the previous program. The END statement will mark the end of the entire set of programs. Identifiers (names) which are available in a program unit are referred to as "global". The identifiers which are available only to a particular internal subprogram will be referred to as "local". The following are global names of a program unit: 1. COMMON block names. 2. Names of internal subprograms. 3. All names including COMMON variable names which appear any place in a program unit ' s main program or external subprogram except formal argument names. ly. Names of built-in functions. March 1970 CENFOR 6-23 6.4.. SUBROUTINE SUBPROGRAM (External) (Continued) Internal Function and Internal Subroutine Subprograms (Continued) The following names are local to an internal subprogram: 1. Formal arguments of an internal subprogram. 2. Statement numbers. 3. Formats. J+. Variable names in type or DIMENSION statements. 5. Variable names which have not appeared elsewhere in the program unit. 6. Variable names appearing in the subprogram's COMMON statements. 7. Statement functions defined in the internal subprogram. In a particular internal subprogram global names including built-in function names and statement functions may be overridden to be local by their appearance in one of the following statements: PARAMETER TYPE DIMENSION COMMON The name of statement functions defined in a subprogram can override a global name. The EQUIVALENCE statement will not force a variable to be local. CENFOR 6- 24 March 1970 6.4. SUBROUTINE SUBPROGRAM (External) (Continued) Internal Function and Internal Subroutine Subprograms (Continued) Formal arguments of an external subprogram must not appear in internal subprograms belonging to the same program unit. Example : 1 DIMENSION D(50),B(I) A = C + D(I) GO TO 10 10 CALL Z (A, 20) X = A + Y (R+S, $6,U) 10 SUBROUTINE Z (W, V) DIMENSION D (25) CALL Q(D(1), $ 12, D(2)) 11 GO TO 10 12 V = D (J)/B(J) SUBROUTINE Q (X, $, T) RETURN 2 CALL Z (E, F) END March 1970 CENFOR 6-25 6.4. SUBROUTINE SUBPROGRAM (External) (Continued) Internal Function and Internal Subroutine Subprograms (Continued) The SUBROUTINE Statement, SUBROUTINE Z(W,V) indicates the end of the first program. Subroutine Z is terminated by the SUBROUTINE Statement, SUBROUTINE Q(X, $, T) and SUBROUTINE Q is terminated by the statement RETURN 2 or the END Statement. The END state- ment also terminates the end of the entire set of programs. The global variables for this program are A, B, C, D, Z, Y, R, S, and U. The local variables in the internal SUBROUTINE Z are ¥, V, and D. Note that D is also a global variable. The local variable D is a unique variable and not the same as the global variable D, even though they have the same name. The only global variable used in SUBROUTINE Z is the variable B. The statement number 10 is local to SUBROUTINE Z and different from the global statement number 10 in the first program. The internal subroutine, SUBROUTINE Q (X,$,T) has the local variable X, T, E, and F. If the RETURN 2 statement is executed it will return control to the statement number that is inserted in the second dummy argument. If the END statement is used as the return statement of the internal subroutine, control is transferred to the next executable statement of the referencing program. CENFOR 6-26 M arch 1970 6.5. ABNORMAL FUNCTIONS The definition of a Normal Function is an External Function which has all of the following properties: a. It has no implied (COMMON) arguments. b. None of its arguments are function outputs. Its single output is through its name. c. If a function call with a given set of arguments produces a given result, then all references to the function with all arguments identical with the given set will give the identical result. This excludes functions which, for example, have local variables whose values are saved from reference to reference. d. The function contains no I/O statements. An ABNORMAL Function is one which fails to possess one or more of the properties listed above. No attempt will be made to optimize the computation of common subexpressions which contain references to ABNORMAL Functions. The following rules will apply: a. If an ABNORMAL statement does not occur in a program, then all function references are considered to be ABNORMAL. b. If an ABNORMAL statement occurs, then all functions so declared will be assumed to be ABNORMAL, and all other functions will be assumed to be Normal. c. If one and only one ABNORMAL statement occurs, and that statement lists no treated as Normal. statement lists no function names, then all functions are For example : 1 ABNORMAL F 2 A = F(X) + F(X) 3A=2* F(X) March 1970 CENFOR 6-27 6.5. ABNORMAL FUNCTIONS (Continued) In the above example, F is defined in statement number 1 as an ABNORMAL Function. This function might contain statements that rewind or backspace magnetic tape, set hardware indicators, etc. If F(X) backspaces magnetic tape one record, then in statement number 2, the magnetic tape unit would be backspaced two records and the output value of F would be doubled and replace the value in A. In statement number 3, only one record on the magnetic tape unit is backspaced, and the output value of F would be doubled, and replace the value in A. Therefore, these state- ments do not necessarily have the same result. If F(X) were normal the results of statements 2 and 3 would have been identical, 6.6. EXTERNAL STATEMENT The EXTERNAL statement, contained in the referencing program, allows the processor to distinguish between a variable name and a procedure name. The general form of this statement is as follows : EXTERNAL f n , f „ , . . . , f 12' n where the symbols "f" are names of external functions or external subroutines and n is a positive number. If the name of an external subprogram appears in the referencing program unit in reference lists only, the name must also be contained in an EXTERNAL state- ment. The statement EXTERNAL f in the main program or external subprogram of the calling program unit makes f recognized as an external subprogram in the entire program unit. The same statement in an internal subprogram limits recognition of f as an external subprogram to that internal subprogram. Note that a single function reference f (a]_,a2, . . . . , a n ) or the statement CALL s(a^, a2,.., a n ) placed anywhere in the program unit makes the appearance of f (func- tion) or s (subroutine) respectively in an EXTERNAL statement unnecessary. The order of the procedure names in an EXTERNAL statement is arbitrary. CENFOR 6-28 March 1970 6.6. EXTERNAL STATEMENT (Continued) An example of using EXTERNAL is the case where an argument list of a procedure called COMP requires the (supplied) function SIN, and a procedure written by the programer called SUM. The statement appears as follows : Referencing Program EXTERNAL SIN, SUM A = 4.2 + C0MP((Y/(2)+X), SIN, SUM) Procedure FUNCTION COMP (XRAY, A, B) Z = KRAY + .2 COMP = A(Z) - B (Z) Procedure names used only as arguments should appear in the EXTERNAL statement. That is, if the argument list were COMP ((Y/2-"-X,SIN(D),SUM(E,F)), the values associated with names SIN and SUM would be computed prior to transfer of the arguments, Therefore, SIN and SUM are not declared in an EXTERNAL statement, March 1970 CENFOR 6-29 6.6. EXTERNAL STATEMENT (Continued) Example of the Use of the EXTERNAL Statement As an example of what can be done, the following program contains a main (calling program) and a SUBROUTINE program. The subprogram contains exactly one executable statement: Y = F(X) The arguments listed are X,F, and Y, making the function F a matter of choice in the subprogram call. The main program calls this subprogram three times. Each time the value of X is 2.0 and the actual variable corresponding to Y is RESULT. The arguments corresponding to F are successively SIN, COS AND SQRT. These three supplied function names are listed in an EXTERNAL statement. In place of standard mathematical functions, original FUNCTIONS might have been written. Built-in functions may not be used in EXTERNAL statements because they are coded "in line". Examples are: MOD, AMOD, ABS, IABS, FLOAT, and IFIX. ,111 EX T:E R N A L S I N . 1 cl s , s qIr t ; ! 1 i CiA|L j L: S U B jR ! (2 . , S I N , |r |e S U L T n ! w r tc It e : (6 , |l;2 9 ) R E S U L t| |l 29 F (0 (R (M A |T ( i X 1 H S IN( 2 \.? )i = i> F 1 . 6|) : C A LL S U:B|R| ( 2 . ft , c s ! E S U L T ) w|r|i |t |e| (|6|, 1 3 p ) R E S U L T a 30 lii F R ! M A T ( jljl ! H C S ( 2 . ~VP = , F lW\. J6 ) 1 CA;L;Li S U B R ( 2 . p , S Q R T , R ESU L T ) w;r i ! te (6 > 131 ) RESU L T 1 3 1 1 ! f 1 1 F OSRHlA T ( 12 H S Q R T ( 2 . )! 1 t F 1 . 6 ) S T P E N D 1 1 i | | ! ! i 1 1! 1 J _ S U B R u T I N E i s U B R ( X f F , Y 7 i ) 1 | i Y F ( it i ! : 1 ' I : 1 ! i ! 1 : i RET U jR N j i ! 1 E In ;D i ! i 1 j j j < i 1 ! ! 1 1 ; 1 ; 1 .... 1 ; 1 CENFOR 6-30 March 1970 6.7. ERRORS TO BE AVOIDED WHEN USING SUBPROGRAMS Many kinds of errors can occur in the writing and use of subroutines. Most of these errors are errors of omission or errors of inconsistency. The EXTERNAL declaration must appear in the calling program when a procedure name is used as an actual parameter. The dimensions of an array must appear as separate actual parameters when an array appears in a subroutine whose dimensions depend on the calling program. The number and type of actual parameters must agree exactly with the number and type of formal parameters. The actual parameters in a CALL statement must be listed in precisely the same order as the corresponding formal parameters are listed in the procedure heading. When a formal parameter represents an array name, the dimensions must be declared in the subroutine program. The punctuation RETURN must be placed wherever a return to the calling program is to be made from the procedure program. The name of a procedure itself cannot be used within the program for that procedure. None of the formal parameters can appear in EQUIVALENCE declarations. When writing a FUNCTION subprogram, the value must be returned to the name of the FUNCTION. 6.8. EXERCISES: 6.8.1. Prepare a statement function which could be used to compute one. half the perimeter of a triangle. ,2. Prepare a subroutine to check a variable N for the value 0. If the value is not 0, code a return to a statement number in the main program. ANSWERS : 6.8.1. P(A,B,C) = (A+B+C) / 2, 6.8.2. SUBROUTINE CHECKZ (N,: IF (N) 1, ,1 RETURN 1 RETURN 2 END 7. SPECIFICATION STATEMENTS March 1970 CENFOR 7- 1 7.1. GENERAL Specification statements are used to allocate storage space to variables and arrays, to permit sharing of storage space by variables and arrays in one or more programs, and to specify data to be pre-stored in storage locations assigned to variables and arrays. Four types of specification statements will be included: 1. DIMENSION 2. EQUIVALENCE 3 . COMMON 4. DATA Specification statements are non-executable. All reference of executable statements to a variable appearing in a specification statement must be preceded by that specification statement. 7.2. DIMENSION STATEMENT This statement is used to declare arrays and has the following general form: DIMENSION a 1 (c 11 ,c 12 ,...,c 1 .), a 2 ( c 2 i> c 22' * ' ' C 2\J ' ,a \C -i,c ,-, i c ) ' n nl n2' nm where the a's stand for the names of the arrays. The integers j,k,...,m indicate the number of dimensions of their respective arrays. The number of dimensions may be one to seven, n is a positive integer and the symbols "c" are positive integers or parameter variables. The magnitude of the c's indicates the maxi- mum value of their respective subscripts permitted in any array element reference. The DIMENSION statement appears before the first executable statement of the program. Multilevel dimensions are always written from left to right in increasing order of inclusiveness of the groupings in a table. In other words, minor to major. When referencing a table, the subscripts used follow the same order. No reference to a subscripted variable is permissible unless the dimensions of the variable have been previously declared. No subscripted variable reference may contain a subscript which, during execution of the object program, may assume a value larger than the maximum specified for it in the DIMENSION statement. In a subprogram, no DIMENSION statement may contain the name of the CENFOR 7- 2 March 1970 7.2. DIMENSION STATEMENT (Continued) subprogram. No program making reference to a subprogram may contain a DIMENSION statement listing the name of the sub- program. The name of an array without parentheses may also appear in a preceding type statement. If an array is dimensioned in a DIMENSION statement, it must not be dimensioned in a COMMON statement. Names used in a DIMENSION statement of an internal subprogram override global declarations of names including implied ones for that internal subprogram. 7.2.1. ADJUSTABLE DIMENSIONS In an internal or external subprogram, an array name may appear in a DIMENSION statement. If this array name is a formal argument, the magnitude of the maximal subscript values may be indicated by unsubscripted INTEGER variables, provided the latter are also formal arguments. The number of dimensions and the maximal subscript values do not necessarily have to be the same as those of the actual argument which is an array in the calling program. The only restriction is that the number of locations determined by the DIMENSION statement in the subprogram must not exceed the number of locations provided by the DIMENSION statement in the calling program in which the name of the actual argument appears. Examples : 1. DIMENSION KARAY(10,20), LARAY( 50,10,3) 2. PARAMETER J = 10, K = 20, L = 50 DIMENSION KARAY(J,K),LARAY(L,J,3) 3. SUBROUTINE ADDT(NA,NB,N) DIMENSION NA(N),NB(N) DO 10 J = 1,N 10 NA(N) = NA(N) + NB(N) RETURN March 1970 CENFOR 7- 3 7.3. EQUIVALENCE STATEMENT 7.3.1. The EQUIVALENCE allows a storage unit to be referenced by more than one name. This statement is used to conserve storage. For instance , storage containing an array of data during one part of a program can contain variables during a succeeding part of the program which no longer requires the array. The EQUIVALENCE statement contains groups of two or more names in the same program unit which are to share the same storage location. More than one group of names can appear in an EQUIVALENCE statement. The general form of an EQUIVALENCE is as follows: EQUIVALENCE (name.. ,name ? , . . . . ,name ) , (name ,name„ , . . . . ,name ),.... A name can be a variable name , an array element name , or an array name. The names which are to reference the same location must be separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. Each parenthesized group of names is separated from succeeding groups of names by a comma. Note that an EQUIVALENCE statement does not provide a mathematical definition; it allows a storage unit to be referenced by different names. An example of an EQUIVALENCE statement containing an array and a list of variables, R,S, and T, is as follows: DIMENSION SLUG(3) EQUIVALENCE! SLUG(l) ,R) , (SLUG(2) ,S) , (SLUG(3) ,T) Note that if one element of an array is equivalenced to one element of another array, all of the arrays are equivalenced. For the purpose of the EQUIVALENCE statement, the appearance of the variable name without a subscript is taken to mean the first ele- ment in the array. If a list contains three or more elements, or if the same variable name occurs in more than one list, the possibility of inconsist- ency arises. For example, the statement EQUIVALENCE (A(3) ,0(2) ) ,UU) ,D(3) ) ,(C(2) ,D(3) ) implies the equivalence of A(3),A(<4). Inconsistencies of this nature are not permitted. CENFOR 7- 4 March 1970 7.3.2. USES OF THE EQUIVALENCE STATEMENT 1. The EQUIVALENCE statement is primarily used to conserve storage space. Example: If two or more variables are used for temporary storage and their use is never overlapped, they may be put in an EQUIVALENCE statement so they will be assigned the same storage space. 2. It may be used to force the arrangement of storage of non-COMMON variables (both subscripted and non-subscripted variables). For instance, it may be desirable to have the variables R, T, B and A stored consecutively in storage; this can be done with EQUIVALENCE (R,V(l) ) , (T,V(2) ) , (B, V(3) ) , (A,VU) ) For simplicity assume that all variables involved are of the same type. In the same program, a READ Statement may then be given to read either R, T, B, or A, depending on a second quantity: READ (Unit, F)K, V(K) if K = 1 then V(K) is R K = 2 then V(K) is T K = 3 then V(K) is B K = 4 then V(K) is A 3. Formal arguments of internal or external functions or subroutines are considered to be independent of each other. If two actual arguments of a function reference or sub- routine CALL are specified by the same variable, they are generally considered to be two different variables within the body of the subprogram. The appearance of formal argu- ments in an EQUIVALENCE statement of the subprogram will cause the compiler to use the location(s) of their corresponding actual arguments. For instance, if F(X,Y) is a function statement, X,Y and V are variables of the same type, and X and Y are assigned no values within the function body, the function reference F(V,V) will not cause the function body to have a common value for X and Y during execution. However, with X and Y appearing in an EQUIVALENCE statement, the loca- tion of V is used whenever X or Y are referenced. 4. It may be used to allow a storage area to be referenced using different names having different dimensions and/or different types. DIMENSION NA (100), NB(l)",. B(100) EQUIVALENCE (NA(l), NB(l), B(l)) March 1970 CENFOR 7- 5 7.3.2. USES OF THE EQUIVALENCE STATEMENT (Continued) 5. When a variable name has been inadvertently changed, an EQUIVALENCE statement can be used to equate the names to one location rather than correcting all the references to an intended variable. 7.4. COMMON STATEMENT 7.4.1. GENERAL This statement permits program units to share work storage areas and has the general form: C0MM0N/X 1 /a 1 , a £ , . . . , a^X/a^ ,* n+r . . . , a m in which X is any name of from one to six alphabetic or numeric characters, the first of which is alphabetic, and a is any variable or array name. X is called a block name, a name which bears no relationship to any variable or array name which may occur in the same or any other program unit. In any given COMMON statement, the variables occurring between block name X and the next block name or the end of the statement are in COMMON Block X. All variables from the beginning of the statement until the appearance of a block name, or all variables in the state- ment if no block name appears, are in "blank" or unlabeled COMMON. Alternatively, the appearance of two slashes with no block name between them assigns the variables which follow to "blank" COMMON. A given COMMON Block name may occur more than once in a COMMON Statement or in a program. The compiler will string together in a given COMMON Block all variables so assigned, in the order of their appearance. The size of a COMMON Block is the sum of the storage required for each element introduced through COMMON and EQUIVALENCE Statements. The sizes of "blank" COMMON in the various programs and subprograms which may be run together need not be the same. The name of a formal argument must not appear in a COMMON statement. 7.4.2. COMMON BLOCK SIZE RULE The sizes of all labeled COMMON Blocks of the same name must be the same in all programs' which may be executed together. Dimension and Common All array names used in a program or subprogram must have their dimensions decalred in that program prior to their occurence in executable statements. An array name which is to be assigned to COMMON may have its dimension declared in a DIMENSION state- ment or simply by appending the dimension information to the array name in the Common Statement. It must not be dimensioned in both statements. CENFOR 7- 6 March 1970 7.4.2. COMMON BLOCK SIZE RULE (Continued) Dimension and Common (Continued) For example : COMMON X, Y (12,2,6), Z would require a DIMENSION statement for X, if X were meant to be an array. However, the DIMENSION information for Y, in the example, has been given in the COMMON statement, and in this case must not occur in a DIMENSION statement. Names appearing in COMMON statements may also appear in preceding type statements. Note, also that DOUBLE PRECISION and COMPLEX variables require special consideration, since they each occupy two computer words. A DOUBLE PRECISION variable is stored in two adjacent words with the most significant part in the first word. COMPLEX variables are, likewise, stored in two adjacent words with the real part occupying the first word. References to COMPLEX or DOUBLE PRE- CISION variables in EQUIVALENCE statements are always references to the first word of the corresponding word pair. If, for instance, A is a COMPLEX array, B a REAL array and C a REAL unsubscripted variable, the statement EQUIVALENCE (A(l), B(l)), (B(2), C) would cause B(l) to occupy the real and C to occupy the imaginary part of A(l). But, under the same conditions the statement EQUIVALENCE (A(l), B(l)), (A(2), B(2)), is inconsistent. If, however, A were REAL, this statement would be consistent, but the second list would be redundant. Note that if one element of an array is equivalenced to one element of another array, the entire arrays are equivalenced. For purposes of planning the sharing of storage, the following statements show ways of storing new values in a location: 1. An arithmetic or logical statement will cause a value to be stored for the variable on the left-hand side of the equal symbol (=). 2. Executionof a DO will sometimes store a new value of the index variable. 3. Execution of a ASSIGN j to k will store a value in k. 4. Execution of input statements will store values in locations specified by the input list. March 1970 CENFOR 7- 7 7.4-2. COMMON BLOCK SIZE RULE (Continued) Dimension and Common (Continued) 5. Execution of a CALL statement may cause values to be stored in variables given as parameters or in common storage. 6. Reference to an external function may cause new values to be stored in common storage. For purposes of arithmetic optimization, when a variable which appears in an EQUIVALENCE Statement has been defined by any of the above six items, then all equivalenced variables will be assumed defined. The compiler will ignore equivalencing a formal argument to a non-argument variable. For equivalencing two formal argu- ments, see Section 7.3.2. USES OF THE EQUIVALENCE STATEMENT . 7.4.3. COMMON USED WITH EQUIVALENCE When an array is named in an EQUIVALENCE statement and in a COMMON statement, the equivalence is established in the general way. This may increase the size of the COMMON block of storage and thus change the correspondences between the COMMON block described and some other COMMON block in another program. For instance, consider these statements: DIMENSION AU), BU) COMMON A,C EQUIVALENCE (A(3), B(l)) Without the EQUIVALENCE statement, the COMMON block would con- tain five storage locations in the sequence A(l) ,A(2) ,A(3) ,A(4) ,C. With the EQUIVALENCE statement the B array is brought into COMMON and requires the following sequence of storage location: A(1),A(2),A(3),A(4),C B(1),B(2),B(3),BU). COMMON is now six storage locations long, since A(3) is equivalent to B(1),AU) to B(2), and C to B(3). BU) is the sixth variable of COMMON. Beware of contradictions. It is illogical to equiva- lence a variable in a COMMON block to another variable in the same block. CENFOR 7- 8 March 1970 7.4-4. SOME USES OF COMMON Ordinarily a variable within an external subprogram is not the same variable as that which was previously defined by the same name in the main program. However, if the programer wants it to mean the same thing, he can mention it in a COMMON statement in both the main program and the external subprogram. The two variables, although they are still distinct in principle, are assigned to the same storage loca- tion. Another use of COMMON is to use it to assign locations to variables and to arrays in the order desired. The assignment of storage addresses is in consecutive order as the variables appear in the COMMON statement, or statements, with those in blank COMMON appearing first. Example of COMMON : In the following statement: COMMON A,B,C/ITEMS/X,Y,Z//D,E,F the variables A,B,C,D,E and F will be placed in blank common in that order; the variables X,Y, and 2 will be placed in the named common area ITEMS. The same effect may be produced thus: COMMON A,B,C COMMON //D,E,F COMMON /ITEMS/X COMMON /ITEMS/Y COMMON /ITEMS/Z March 1970 CENFOR 7- 9 l.U.U. SOME USES OF COMMON (Continued) Example of COMMON : (Continued) Another feature of blank common is that variables or arrays that appear in a calling program or a subprogram may be made to share the same storage locations with variables or arrays (having different names) in other subprograms. For example, if one program contains the statement: COMMON TABLE and a second program contains the statement COMMON TREE the variables TABLE and TREE refer to the same storage locations. If the main program contains these statements REAL A,B,C COMMON A,B,C and a subprogram contains the statements REAL X,Y,Z COMMON X,Y,Z then A,B, and C are in the same storage locations as X,Y and Z. CENFOR 7-10 March 1970 7.5. DATA STATEMENT The DATA statement provides the assignment of data at compilation time. It is not an executable statement at object time; however, new values may replace the initial values through executable statements at run time, thus destroying the original contents. The DATA statement must be preceded by all DIMENSION, COMMON, and Type statements that relate to the variable names in the DATA statement lists. The form of the DATA statement is: DATA List/Literal List/, List/Literal List/, .... where List is a series of one or more variables or array names, and Literal List is the data to be placed within the variable or array. If an array name appears without subscripts, enough data must be present to fill the array. If it is desired to partially fill an array, then subscripts or implied DO-Loops must be used. Example 1 : DIMENSION CARGO(IO), WEIGHT(lO) DATA CARGO , WEIGHT/20* 100 . 0/ Example 2 : DIMENSION CARGO (10), WEIGHT (10) DATA (CARG0(I),WEIGHT(I),I = 1,10,2)/2*0. 0,8*100.0/ DATA CARGO (10) / 1.0/ Note the asterisk in the above examples. It is possible to repeat literals without explicitly rewriting them by use of an asterisk and of an unsigned integer preceding the literal, specifying the number of times that the literal is to be repeated. Note that data should be bounded by slashes. March 1970 CENFOR 7-11 7.5. DATA STATEMENT (Continued) The types of data which may appear in a DATA statement are: 1. Integer constants 2. Real constants 3. Hollerith constants (preceded by nH) 4.. Octal constants (preceded by 0) 5. Double Precision 6. Complex Examples of DATA statements: DATA DICK, BOB, DON /12H END PROGRAM ,7.8/ DATA A/67.87/, B/54.72/, C/5.0/ DATA A,B,C /67.87, $4.72, 5.0/ DATA R,S,T,U,V,W /6*21.7/ DATA N(l) /10/ DATA DOT, X, BLANK /lH. ,1HX,1HA/ Note in the above statement, if the number of characters of text is not the same as the number of characters in a storage location, the data is left adjusted and space filled on the right. DATA N1,N2 /077, 07700/ Note in the above statement, if the octal characters of text are not sufficient to fill the storage location, the data is right justified and ignore filled on the left. Example of Table Headers : C 72 DIMENSION M(20,30) "J DATA ((M(I,J),I=1,20),J=1,2) /60H A ,60H ,60H ,60H / Note that a comma is used between the data items of the list. The number of commas separating data items may not exceed 199. 1 THIS IS 2 HEADER 3 EXAMPLE 4 CENFOR 7-12 March 1970 7.6. EXERCISES 7.6.1. Prepare a DIMENSION statement for an array NA to reserve 10 records of 20 words each. 7.6.2. Prepare a DIMENSION statement, and a DATA statement for an array NLABL, the contents of which are: 6,0,0,24hTHTS IS A TAPE LABEL 7.6.3. Code a subroutine to clear an array of any size. Use parameters. 7.6. ANSWERS 7.6.1. DIMENSION NA(20,10) 7.6.2. DIMENSION NLABL(7) DATA NLABL/6,0,0,24HTHIS IS A TAPE LABEL 7.6.3. SUBROUTINE CLEAR(NARAY,N) DIMENSION NARAY(N) DO 10 J = 1,N 10 NARAY(J) = RETURN 8. CENSUS LIBRARY FUNCTIONS March 1970 CENFOR 8- 1 CENSUS LIBRARY FUNCTIONS The following are the CENSUS written library functions available for data manipulation, extractions, and conversions. LPM (x) n J. .(NAME, n) jf IXTRC.(NAME,n) J LStt(NAME,n) lssu(na,mask,nb) ladd(na,nb) lsub(na,nb) land(na,nb) lfx(name; LXF(NAME LFB(NAME LXB(NAME LBF(NBIN,NFILL) LBX(NBIN,NFILL) MSR($HXXXX) FORTRAN access to schedule parameter cards Justify, shift and extract Extract from an array and justify Shift a word Selective substitute Logical addition (inclusive OR) Logical subtraction (exclusive OR) Selective clear (logical AND) Fieldata to XS3 Conversion XS3 to Fieldata Conversion Fieldata to Binary Conversion XS3 to Binary Conversion Integer binary to Fieldata Conversion Integer binary to XS3 Conversion Systems references; XXXX may be: DATE, TIME, JRID, or MACH. CENFOR 8- 2 March 1970 1. LPM (x) n This function gives the programer access to parameter cards which may be read in as schedule cards. A maximum of ten parameter cards may be used, containing up to eleven words each, producing a maximum parameter array of 110 words. The mode of the LFMn function is always integer. The parameter cards consist of Fieldata characters. I General Form LPM (x) n n = the parameter card number (o through 9) x = the word numbe r on a card Example 1 : To set the 5th word from the first parameter card into N: N = LPMO (5) Example 2 : To set the first word from the last parameter card into K: K = LPM9 (1) Example 3 : To move the entire 110 word parameter array into KARAY, the following sequence could be coded: DO 110 J = 1,110 100 KARAY (J) = LPM0(J) Note that the definition of "LPM n (x) is continuous throughout the entire 110 words. In other words, the expression " LPMO ( 110)" and "LPM9(ll)" are equivalent. Please note that data may be moved from the parameter area, but no data may be moved into the parameter area. Example J+ : To test the contents of a parameter word against a specific Hollerith constant, the following sequence could be coded: DATA NH0LL /6H A ATEST/ IF (LPMO (l).EQ.NHOLL) GO TO 999 March 1970 CENFOR 8- 3 8.2. J. f (NAME,n) This sets the function expression equal to a value obtained by extracting the Nth field (half, third, or sixth of a word) from "NAME" and justifying the result (either to the right, left, arithmetically, or no justification. Ge neral Form J. J (NAME,n) J = type of justification = R (right justification) = L (left justification) = A (arithmetic justification ) * = N (no justification) f = type of field to extract = H (half word) = T (third word) = S (sixth word) j NAME = the name of the word from which the extraction is made • n = the position of the field within "NAME" to be extrac for half word extraction it may be a 1 or 2 for third word extraction it may be 1, 2, or 3 for sixth word extraction it may be 1,2, 3,4 , 5 or 6 ted I \ Arithmetic justification means there is an extension of the sign of the extracted field. For example : if NAME = 36374.0414243 JAT(NAME,1) is OCTAL: 000000003637 because the first bit of the first character 3 (binary 011) is a zero. On the other hand JAT (NAME, 3) is OCTAL: 777777774243 because the first character is 4 (binary 100) and its leading bit is a 1. Arithmetic justification is not effective on sixth word extractions, therefore leading zeros will always be present. CENFOR 8- 4 March 1970 8.2. J. f (NAME,n) (Continued) EXAMPLES If "NAME" = 36374.04.14243 (octal) then the values of the expressions below are as shown: Expression JRS (NAME, 2) JLH 'NAME, 2) JNT { NAME, 2) JAT ;name,i) JAT ; NAME, 2) JLS >AME,1) JAS ( NAME, 4) JNS ( NAME, 5) JAH ( NAME, 2) JRT ( NAME, 3) Octal Value 060000000037 414243000000 000040410000 000000003637 777777774041 360000000000 000000000041 000000004200 777777414243 000000004243 March 1970 CENFOR 8- 5 1.3. IXTRC. (NAME,n) This sets the function expression equal to a value obtained by extracting the Nth six-bit character from an array and justifying the result (either to the right, left, or no justification). General Form IXTRC. (NAME,n) J j = type of justification = R (right justification) = L (left justification) = N (no justification) NAME = name of the array n = the character position in the array "NAME" (the maximum for n would be a number which is 6 times the number of words in the array) Example : If the array "INCARD" contains an image of an 80 column card and "IN" is an 80 word array and the following statements are executed, then 80 words of "IN" will contain the 80 characters of "INCARD". The results (in this case) are left justified, zero fill to the right. DO 10 1= 1,80 10 IN(I) = IXTRCL (INCARD, I) CENFOR 8- 6 March 1970 8.4-. LStt (NAME,n) This sets the function expression equal to a value obtained by shifting "NAME" as described below. General Form LStt (NAME,n) tt = type of shift = RC (right circularly "n" bit positions) RL (right logically "n" bit positions) * LC (left circularly "n" bit positions) * LL (left logically "n" bit positions) * RA (right arithmetically "n" bit positions) ** n = the number of bit positions to shift NAME A logical shift results in the loss of bits and the substitution of zero bits. An arithmetic shift results in the loss of bits and sign extension to the left as in JRT. EXAMPLES If "NAME" = 01020304-0506 (all values shown in octal) then the values of the following expressions are as shown: Expression Octal value LSRC (NAME, 12) 05060102030^ LSRL (NAME, 18) 000000010203 LSLC (NAME, 6) 02030^050601 LSLL (NAME, 24) 050600000000 LSRA (NAME, 18) 000000010203 LSRA (LSLC(NAME,5),35) 777777777777 LSRC (JNS(NAME,2),6) 000002000000 LSRL (NAME, 36) 000000000000 March 1970 CENFOR 8- 7 8.5. LSSU (NA,MASK,NB) This sets the function expression equal to a value obtained by combining two words on the basis of a mask. General Form LSSU (NA,MASK,NB) where the "1" bits in "MASK" define the bit positions that will be taken from "NA", and "0" bits in "MASK" define the bit positions that will be taken from "NB". Example If NA = 010203040506 and MASK = 770000770077 and NB = 767574737271 then the value of the expression LSSU(NA,MASK,NB) is 01757^7206 8.6. LADD(NA,NB) This sets the function expression equal to a value obtained by a "logical addition," or an "inclusive OR" (i.e., AND/OR) opera- tion. General Form LADD(NA,NB) (Bit in NA) (Bit in NB) (Result) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Example If NA = 252525252525 and NB = 000077630077 then the value of the expression LADD(NA,NB) is 252577672577 CENFOR 8- 8 March 1970 8.7. LSUB(NA,NB) This sets the function expression equal to a value obtained by a "logical subtraction," or an "exclusive OR" (i.e. EITHER/OR) operation. General Form LSUB(NA,NB) (Bit in NA) (Bit in NB) (Result) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Example If NA = 765432102345 and NB = 777777000000 then the value of the expression LSUB(NA,NB) is 012345102345 8.8. LAND(NA,NB) This sets the function expression equal to a value obtained by a "logical AND" operation. General Form LAND(NA,NB) (Bit in NA) (Bit in NB) (Result) 1 1 1 1 1 Example If NA = 010203040506 and NB = 777700770000 then the value of the expression LAND(NA,NB) is 01020040000 March 1970 CENFOR 8- 9 ,9. LFX(NAME) This function changes the Fieldata characters of a word to the corresponding XS3 codes. If no corresponding code exists, the character becomes an ignore. General Form LFX(NAME) Example NXS3 = LFX(NFD) where NFD is the Fieldata word to be used as input to the conversion, and NXS3 is the converted result in XS3. Fieldata Character XS3 Fieldata Character XS3 00 @ 00 40 ) 43 01 I 00 41 - 02 02 1 00 42 + 63 03 # 35 43 C 00 04 CR 00 44 — 76 05 % 01 45 y 00 06 A 24 46 & 16 07 B 25 47 i 55 10 C 26 50 x- 56 11 D 27 51 ( 17 12 E 30 52 % 75 13 F 31 53 '. 62 H G 32 54 7 57 15 H 33 55 ; 00 16 I 34 56 * 21 17 J 44 57 \ 00 20 K 45 60 03 21 L 46 61 1 04 22 M 47 62 2 05 23 N 50 63 3 06 24 51 64 4 07 25 P 52 65 5 10 26 Q 53 66 6 11 27 R 54 67 7 12 30 S 65 70 8 13 31 T 66 71 9 14 32 U 67 72 i 15 33 V 70 73 J 23 34 w 71 74 / 64 35 X 72 75 # 22 36 Y 73 76 D 00 37 Z 74 77 ¥ 60 CENFOR 8-10 March 1970 8.10. LXF(NAME) This function changes the XS3 characters of a word to the corresponding Fieldata codes. If no corresponding code exists, the character becomes an ignore or a space. General Form LXF(NAME) Example NXS3 = LXF(NAME) where NXS3 is the XS3 word to be used as input to the conversion; and NFD is the converted result in Fieldata, XS3 Character Fieldata 00 i 05 01 i 05 02 - 41 03 60 04 1 61 05 2 62 06 3 63 07 4 64 10 5 65 11 6 66 12 7 67 13 8 70 14 9 71 15 i 72 16 & 46 17 ( 51 20 i 05 21 9 56 22 • 75 23 • > 73 24- A 06 25 B 07 26 C 10 27 D 11 30 E 12 31 F 13 32 G H 33 H 15 34 I 16 35 # 03 36 t 05 37 @ 00 XS3 Character Fieldata 40 tab 05 41 it 05 42 1 05 43 ) 40 44 J 17 45 K 20 46 L 21 47 M 22 50 N 23 51 24 52 P 25 53 Q 26 54 R 27 55 $ 47 56 y. 50 57 1 05 60 T 05 61 J3 05 62 : 53 63 + 42 64 / 74 65 S 30 66 T 31 67 U 32 70 V 33 71 w 34 72 X 35 73 Y 36 74 z 37 75 % 52 76 — 44 77 Not Used 05 March 1970 CENFOR 8-11 8.11. LFB(NAME) This function converts a Fieldata numerical quantity containing no decimal points to integer binary. The input data must be right justified in a word with any fill character to the left of the high-order numeric. If signed, the sign must be adjacent to the high-order numeric. General Form LFB(NAME) Example NBIN = LFB(NFD) The following are legal inputs INPUT A A A A 64 000100 #-100 A A $010 +00012 -00008 CRA+10 999AA1 A AAA A A A A A A A - Zi A A A A + %. v_ -V. A4 .X. .V. ABCDEF -099.1 INTEGER BINARY RESULT 000000000100 0000000001AA 777777777633 000000000012 00000000001A 777777777767 000000000012 000000000001 000000000000 777777777777 777777777777 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000001 CENFOR 8-12 March 1970 8.12. LXB (NAME) This function converts an XS3 numerical quantity with the same restriction as imposed on the function LFB. General Form LXB (NAME) Example NBIN = LXB (NXS3) 8.13. LBF (NBIN, NFILL) This function converts an integer binary number to a Fieldata word with fill characters inserted to the left of the converted numeric digits if the conversion produces less than six characters. If the converted number results in more than six numeric characters, the value becomes "##*##*". General Form LBF (NBIN, NFILL) Where NBIN is the integer binary number to be converted and NFILL is a word of Fieldata fill characters The following are examples of input and output: NBIN NFILL CHARACTERS ON OUTPUT 000000000100 777777777677 000000000000 777777777777 000000000K4 347536UA072 777777777633 00000000000$ 430241633705 000000000200 000000000014 AAAAAA AAAA64 AAAAAA AAA-64 AAAAAA AAAAA0 AAAAAA AAAA-0 AAAA$A A$A100 AAAAAA ****** iiiiii ii-100 AAACRA AACRA5 iiiiii ****** AAAAAf AA+128 AAT0T= TOT-12 March 1970 CENFOR 8-13 8.13. LBF (NBIN, NFILL) (Continued) Example 1 : a) DATA NFILL/lH^/ NFD = LBF (NBIN, NFILL) or b) NFD = LBF (NBIN, 1HA) Example 2 : DATA NFILL /001010101010l/ NXS3 = LBF (NBIN, NFILL) Example 3 • a) DATA NFD = or b) NFD = NFILL /0/ LBF (NBIN, NFILL) LBF (NBIN, 0) 8.14. LBX (NBIN, NFILL) This function converts an integer binary number to an XS3 word with fill characters inserted to the left of the converted numeric digits if the conversion produces less than six characters. If the converted number results in more than six numeric characters, the value becomes 'hbhhhhhi . General Fo] vm LBX (NBIN, NFILL) Where NBIN is the and NFILL is a word integer of XS3 binary number to fill characters. be converted Example NXS3 = LBX (NBIN, NFILL) Examples for input and output are the same as those for LBF. CENFOR 8-14 March 1970 8.15. MSR UHxxxx) This FORTRAN function allows a program to access "real time" information such as the date, time of day, job identity, and the machine identification code. General Form MSR UHxxxx) Where xxxx requests the following: a) DATE - The current date in Fieldata will be returned as the value in the format: MMDDYY. b) TIME - The time of day in milliseconds in integer binary is returned. This is wall-clock time. It is not useful for calculating the program's run time. c) JRID - The value returned will be the Job Request Identity of the program in Fieldata, left justified, space filled to the right. (The JRID is not necessarily the program name. ) d) MACH - A single right- justified Fieldata char- acter with binary zero fill to the left will be supplied as the value which repre- sents the machine on which the program is running : "A" is the 1107A "B" is the 1107B "C" is the 1108C "D" is the 1108D Examples 1) NA 2) NB 3) NC 4) ND MSR (4HDATE) MSR UK-TIME) MSR (4HJRID) MSR (4HMACH) 9. CENSUS LIBRARY SUBROUTINES March 1970 CENFOR 9- 1 CENSUS LIBRARY SUBROUTINES The following are the CENSUS-written library subroutines available: CHKDIV($n) Divide fault recovery NOCHK Turn off divide fault recovery TYPE (n, nH MESSAGE) Display message or TYPE (n, nH MESSAGE, j , REPLY) Wait for a reply to a message LOAD (unit,n,nH MESSAGE,!) A message to load a tape unit CHANGE (unit,n,nH MESSAGE, $) A message to change a tape unit INSRTf (NA,NB,n) Insert into a word INSERT (NA, NARRAY,n) Insert into an array LDStt (NA,NB,n,NC,ND) Shift and store two words MOVEf (NA,n,NB,m) Move a field from one array to another LB2X (NBIN, NXS3, NFILL) Integer binary to 2-word XS3 LB2F (NBIN, NFD, NFILL) Integer binary to 2-word Fieldata UNPK (INPUT, EDIT, CORE) Unpack fields into separate words PACK (CORE, EDIT, OUTPUT) Pack characters into fields of an array SORT (LFILE,LPAR) Sort an internal array of fixed-length items EX (NFNCT,NUNIT,NSTAT,NBUFF,NOWDS,NN) direct access to drum and tapes CENFOR 9- 2 March 1970 9.1. CHKDIV ($n) General Form CALL CHKDIV ($n) where "n" is any statement number to which the logical flow is to be transferred when a divide fault occurs. All divide faults (characteristic underflow, characteristic over- flow, and divide overflow) occurring in a FORTRAN program will automatically return a result of zero. The execution of CALL CHKDIV ($999) will interrogate the divide fault Indicators. If any divide fault has occurred, control will be transferred to the statement labeled 999. All divide fault Indicators will be reset at this point. The programer has control and may take any action deemed necessary. 9.2, NOCHK General Form CALL NOCHK The execution of this statement will "turn off" the divide recovery feature. Any divide fault will then result in an error termina- tion and dump. March 1970 CENFOR 9- 3 9.3. TYPE (n, nHMESSAGE) To display a message on the console printer. General Form CALL TYPE (n, nHMESSAGE) where "n" is the number of characters to type and "MESSAGE" is any Hollerith message (in Fieldata) to be displayed on the console printer Example 1 : DIMENSION NMES(3) DATA NMES /17HTHIS IS A MESSAGE/ CALL TYPE (17, NMES) Example 2 : CALL TYPE (17, 17HTHIS IS A MESSAGE) CENFOR 9- 4 March 1970 9.4-. Type ( n , nHMESSAGE , j , JREPLY ) To ask a question which is displayed on the console printer and to wait for a reply to be typed by the operator. General Form CALL TYPE (n, nHMESSAGE, j, JREPLY) where "n" is the number of characters to type and "MESSAGE" is any HOLLERITH message (in Fieldata) to be displayed on the console printer, and where "j" is the maximun number of characters to accept in reply and "JREPLY" is an array to which the left justified HOLLERITH characters of the reply will be stored with space fill. Example : CALL TYPE (21,21HTYPE INPUT REEL COUNT, 1, NCOUNT) 9-5. LOAD (u,n, nHMESSAGE, $999) To display a message calling for the loading of a tape unit. General Form CALL LOAD (u,n, nHMESSAGE, $999) where "u" is a FORTRAN unit number on which the tape is to be loaded, "n" is the number of characters in the "MESSAGE," and $999 is a statement label to which the subroutine will exit if there is a "N" reply to the load message which precedes the programer's message. Example : CALL LOAD (10,11, 11HMASTER FILE, $1000) March 1970 CENFOR 9- 5 9.6. CHANGE (u,n,nHMESSAGE, $999) To display a message calling for the changing of a tape unit. General Form CALL CHANGE ( u , n , nHMESSAGE , $999) where "u" is a FORTRAN unit number where a tape is taken off and a new one is mounted, "n" is the number of characters in the "MESSAGE," and $999 is a statement label to which the the subroutine will exit if there is a "N" reply to the change message which precedes the programer's message. Example : CALL CHANGE (10,11, HHINPUT FILEA, $1000) This statement will produce the following on the console printer, nn JRID -CH 2/6 INPUT FILEA where "2/6" is the absolute channel and unit assigned this run to FORTRAN unit number 10(AT). A "Y" reply by the operator will cause the statement following the CALL line to be executed. A "N" reply will cause statement 1000 to be executed. CENFOR 9- 6 March 1970 9.7. INSRTf (NA,NB,n) To set the right justified contents of "NA" into a specified field of »NB". "NA" and "NB" are whole words. General Form CALL INSRTf (NA,NB,n) where "f" is the type of field and becomes a part of the subroutine name : f = "H" (transfer a half-word field) f = "T" (transfer a third-word field) f = "S" (transfer a sixth-word field) and "n" is the position of the field in "NB" into which the insertion will take place. for half-word insertion: 1 or 2 for third-word insertion: 1,2, or 3 for sixth-word insertion: 1,2,3,4,5, or 6 If "n" assumes a value which is larger than logically possible for the type of field involved, the insertion will not occur. Example If "NA" = 010203040506 and "NB" = 717273747576 and the following statement is executed. CALL INSRTT (NA,NB,3) then the final contents of "NB" is 717273740506 March 1970 CENFOR 9- 7 9.8. INSERT (NA, NARAY, n) To set the right justified character from "NA" into the specified position in the array "NARAY". General Form CALL INSERT (NA, NARAY, n) where "n" may assume values ranging from 1 to 6 times the dimension of "NARAY" (the total number of characters in the array) Example : If the 80-word array "NOUT" contains 80 right justified characters and the following statements are executed. DO 10 I = 1,80 10 CALL INSERT (NOUT (l),NPRNT,l) then the 80 right justified characters from the 80 words of "NOUT" will be packed into the first 80 character positions of "NPRNT". 9.9. LDStt (NA,NB,n,NC,ND) To shift a two-word field composed of "NA" and "NB" and to move the result to "NC" and "ND" leaving "NA" and "NB" unchanged. General Form CALL LDStt (NA,NB,n,NC,ND) where tt is the type of shift and forms the last two characters of the subroutine name : tt = "RC" (shift right circularly "n" bit positions) tt = "RL" (shift right logically "n" bit positions) tt = "LC" (shift left circularly "n" bit positions) tt = "LL" (shift left logically "n" bit positions) tt = "RA" (shift right arithmetically "n" bit positions) Example If "NA" = 010203040506 and "NB" = 071011121314- and the following statement is executed: CALL LDSRL (NA,NB,l8,NC,ND) then "NC" = 000000010203 and "ND" = 04-0506071011 CENFOR 9- 8 March 1970 9.10. MOVEf (NA,n,NB,m) To move a specified field from the array "HA" to a specified field in the array "NB". General Form CALL MOVEf (NA,n,NB,m) where f is the type of field to be moved and forms the last character of the subroutine name. f = »H" (move half-word fields) f = "T" (move third-word fields) f = "S" (move sixth-word fields) 'and "n" is the position of the field within the array i"NA" and "m" is the position of the field within the frrray "NB" f ?"n" and "m" may assume values which fall within the Limits of the array specified. Example 1: To transfer 5 successive half-word fields from one array to another (starting at the first field in "NA" and at the seventh field (word 4, first half) in "NB", the following could be coded: DO 100 I = 1,5 100 CALL M0VEH (NA, I,NB,I + 6) Example 2: To transfer 6 constants, stored as the right half of each word in a six-word array, into a three-word array, packing two constants to a word. 50 DO 50 I = 1,6 CALL M0VEH (NARRAY, 1*2, NC0N,I) March 1970 CENFOR 9- 9 9.11. LB2X (NBIN,NXS3, NFILL) To convert an integer binary number to a two-word XS3 numeric field, General Form CALL LB2X (NBIN,NXS3, NFILL) where NBIN is an integer binary number to be converted, NXS3 is the first word of a two-word field which will contain the converted results, and NFILL is a word of XS3 fill characters which will be inserted to the left of the converted numeric digits. The following are some legal inputs NBIN NFILL Hollerith Result 000000000100 A A A A A A &AA&AAAAAA6L 777777777677 A A A A A A AA6.AAAAAA.-bhr 000000000000 A A A A A A A.AAAAAAAAAAQ 777777777777 A A A A A A AAAA.AAAAAA-0 377777777777 mm #4-359738367 ^00000000000 mm -34359738367 000000003766 A ooooo A02038 Example 1: XS3 space fill DATA NFILL /0010101010101/ CALL LB2X (NBIN, NXS3, NFILL) Example 2 : XS3 ignore fill CALL LB2X (NBIN,NXS3,0) CENFOR 9-10 March 1970 9.12. LB2F (NBIN, NFD, NFILL) To convert an integer binary number to a two-word Fieldata numeric field. General Form CALL LB2F (NBIN, NFD, NFILL) where NBIN is an integer number to be converted, NFD is the first word of a two-word field which will contain the con- verted results, and NFILL is a word of Fieldata fill characters which will be inserted to the left of the con- verted numeric digits. Legal inputs are the same as for LB2X. Example or Fieldata space fill: a) DATA NFILL /lHd/ CALL LB2F( NBIN, NFD, NFILL) b) CALL LB2F (NBIN, NFD, 1HA) March 1970 CENFOR 9-11 9.13. UNPK (INPUT, EDIT, CORE) The purpose of this subroutine is to unpack fields from input records and to store each field into separate consecutive locations. General Form CALL UNPK (INPUT, EDIT, CORE) where INPUT is an array containing the fields of data to be unpacked under control of EDIT format to the array CORE . EDIT Description The EDIT format controls the scanning of INPUT. There is no control over placement of the unpacked fields into CORE . Storage into CORE is consecutive. CORE is always right justified with binary zero fill to the left. No conversion of any type is performed on the unpacked characters. The least significant digit of each edit code in the array EDIT specifies the number of characters which will be unpacked from INPUT and placed into the next available location in CORE . The least significant digit may range from 1 to 6. The repeat factor attached to the left of the least signifi- cant digit describes the number of fields with the same size, Writing "35" is equivalent to writing "5,5,5". The repeat factor may range from 2 to 4096. The negative edit code (a number preceded by - ) resets the INPUT scan to a new word and character position. The least significant digit is the character position and this is preceded by the word location. This reset feature may move the scan either forward or backward in the INPUT record. There is no unpacking when this negative code is used. It merely moves the scanner. The same EDIT code string, if applicable, may be used by UNPK and PACK. During the first reference to UNPK, the edit codes are analyzed and modified by the subroutine. For this reason, the code string should not be changed by the programer. The last edit code in EDIT must be a binary zero to termi- nate the action. CENFOR 9-12 March 1970 9.13. UNPK (INPUT, EDIT, CORE) (Continued) Example : To unpack 17 fields of the 10-word array INPUT , placing these fields into an array CORE, the following could be coded: INTEGER INPUT (10), EDIT (12), CORE (17) DATA EDIT /2, 3, 1,4,33, 26, -94, 22, 51, -76, 5,0/ CALL UNPK (INPUT, EDIT, CORE) INPUT 12 34 5|6 B I I 12 3 4 5 6 D ! E I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 G 1 2 3 4 5 6 H 'iii 1 2 3 4 5 6 I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 I I I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 I I I 12 3 4 5 6 LMN;CP As a result of the above edit codes, the following locations will contain the following fields picked up from INPUT. Field No. of Digits Picked Up CORE (1) A 2 CORE (2) B 3 CORE (3) C 1 CORE (4) D 4 CORE (5) E 3 CORE (6) F 3 CORE (7) G 3 CORE (8) H 6 CORE (9) I 6 CORE (10) J 2 CORE (11) K 2 CORE (12) L 1 CORE (13) M 1 CORE (14) N 1 CORE (15) 1 CORE (16) P 1 Scanner reset to -94 (word 9, digit 4) CORE (17) Q Scanner reset to -76 (word 7, digit 6) March 1970 CENFOR 9-13 9.14. PACK (CORE, EDIT, OUTPUT) The purpose of this subroutine is to pack fields from consecutive locations into an output array specifying how many digits are to be placed in output and the position locations. General Form CALL PACK (CORE, EDIT, OUTPUT) where CORE is an array containing data to be packed into an OUTPUT array under the control of the EDIT format. Data from CORE is expected to be right justified. The least significant digit of each edit code describes the number of characters which will be packed from the next available location in CORE into the OUTPUT array. The least significant digit may range from 1 to 6. The repeat factor attached to the left of a single digit code describes the number of times the edit code is to be applied. Writing "42" is equivalent to writing "2,2,2,2". The repeat factor may range from 2 to 4096. The negative edit code resets the OUTPUT scan to a new word and character position. This reset feature may move the scan either forward or backward in the OUTPUT record. Fields in the OUTPUT record which are not filled by the packing operation will have their previous contents intact. No conversion of any type is performed on the packed characters, The same EDIT code string, if applicable, may be used by UNPK and PACK . During the first reference to PACK, the edit codes are analyzed and modified by the subroutine. For this reason, the code string should not be changed by the programer. The last edit code in EDIT must be a binary zero to terminate the action. CENFOR 9-14 March 1970 9.15. SORT (LFILE, LPAR) The purpose of this subroutine is to sort an internal array of fixed-length items into either an ascending or descending sequence. This is an unsigned binary sort (used primarily for sorting alphanumeric information) . All information to be sorted must be contained internally in the program in a dimensioned array, Prior to any reference to the sort subroutine, a DATA statement must be set up which will describe the array to be sorted. The DATA statement should appear as follows : DATA (LPAR(l),I=l,n)/ K,ITMSIZ,N0ITMS,N0KEYS,KP1,KM1, / where : n is the number of parameter entries in the DATA statement. K is equal to for an ascending sort or equal to 1 for a descending sort. ITMSIZ is the number of words contained in one fixed-length item in the array to be sorted. NOITMS is the number of items in the array to be sorted. is the number of key fields in each item. NOKEYS KP1 KM1 is a number which represents the position of the word which contains the first or most significant key field . (The first word of an item is word 0) is an octal mask which is used in extracting the key from the above word position in an item. Only the bit positions in the key word which correspond to "one" bits in the mask word are used as the actual key. The preceding two parameters (KP1 and KMl) may be repeated as required for the remaining keys in the order of decreasing significance. The actual CALL to the sort subroutine appears as follows : CALL SORT (LFILE, LPAR) where LFILE is the array to be sorted and LPAR refers to the DATA statement containing the sort parameters. March 1970 CENFOR 9-15 9.15. SORT (LFILE, LPAR) (Continued) EXAMPLE : To sort an array of 4- one-word items into an ascending sequence using the third and first characters as the keys, the follow- ing could be coded: DIMENSION LPAR(8), LFILEU) DATA (LPAR(I), 1=1,8) / 0,1,4,2,0,0 000077000000,0,0 770000000000 / C* C* C-x- C-x- C*" ; ASSUME THE FOUR ITEMS CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: LFILE(l) CONTAINS THE SIX HOLLERITH CHARACTERS: CBADEF LFILE(2) CONTAINS THE SIX HOLLERITH CHARACTERS: CBBXYZ LFILE(3) CONTAINS THE SIX HOLLERITH CHARACTERS: BBAZZZ LFILE (4-) CONTAINS THE SIX HOLLERITH CHARACTERS: DCAKLL CALL SORT (LFILE, LPAR) C** THEN THE ITEMS WOULD BE ARRANGED AS FOLLOWS: LFILE(l) CONTAINS THE SIX HOLLERITH CHARACTERS: BBAZZZ LFILE(2) CONTAINS THE SIX HOLLERITH CHARACTERS: CBADEF LFILE(3) CONTAINS THE SIX HOLLERITH CHARACTERS: DCAKLL LFILEU) CONTAINS THE SIX HOLLERITH CHARACTERS: CBBXYZ CENFOR 9-16 March 1970 9.16. EX: A FORTRAN INPUT /OUTPUT SUBROUTINE The purpose of this subroutine is to provide direct access to drum, IIA, or II IA tapes. This subroutine is designed for special use and is intended in no way to replace the functions of FOLION or FORTRAN i/O. Specifically, this subroutine may be used for handling tapes which are in a format not compatible with the present system, or for using drum as a random access device. Each reference to this subroutine simply transfers information directly in and out of core from tapes or drum. It does not recognize any special format, nor does it provide any checksum protection. The CALL line to perform an i/O function appears as follows: CALL EX (NFNCT, NUNIT, NSTAT, NBUFF, NOWDS, NN) NFNCT is a function code describing the type of i/O operation to be performed. The various i/O function codes are listed in the Exec manual (UP2577 Rev. 2 Appendix E). Some of the more frequently used function codes are : 34 in = Read tape forward one block 02-, n = Write tape forward one block 16 n = Rewind tape 17 = Rewind tape with interlock 34--, n = Read drum 02 = Write drum NUNIT is a Fortran unit number describing the IIA or IIIA tape unit, or the drum channel, on which the function is to be performed. These unit numbers are described in 10.2.6. NSTAT is a variable into which the subroutine will set the status code of the completed i/O operation. This variable should be checked after every CALL to the EX subroutine. A complete list of these status codes can be found in the Exec manual (UP2577 Rev. 2 Appendix F) . Some of the more frequently occurring status codes are: = i/O operation completed normally 3 - On a read tape forward operation, there was no more information recorded on the tape. U - When writing on a IIIA tape, the physical end of tape has been reached. NBUFF is the name of a previously DIMENSIONed buffer area. This is the area from which information will be transferred to tape or drum by a write operation; or, this is the area into which information will be transferred from tape or drum by a read operation. March 1970 CENFOR 9-17 9.16. EX: A FORTRAN INPUT/OUTPUT SUBROUTINE (Continued) NOWDS is the number of words that will be involved in the transfer of information in or out of core during the I/O operation. 1 - For a write tape function, NOWDS will be the number of words transferred from core to tape. This will also be the physical block size on the tape. 2 - For a read tape function, NOWDS will be the maximum number of words to transfer in from tape to core. If the block being read Is larger than this maximum, then the excess words at the end of the block will be dropped — they will not be transferred into core. 3 - For a write drum function, NOWDS will be the number of words transferred from core to drum. 4 - For a read drum function, NOWDS will be the number of words transferred from drum to core. NN serves the following functions: 1 - For a write tape function, NN is not coded. 2 - For a read tape function, NN will be set by the sub- routine with the actual number of words transferred from tape to core. For example, if NOWDS is equal to 200 and the block being read is actually 120 words in length, then 120 words will be transferred into core and NN will be set equal to 120 by the subroutine. If NOWDS is equal to 200 and the block being read is actually 250 words in length, then 200 words will be transferred into core, the last 50 words in the block will be dropped, and NN will be set equal to 200 by the subroutine . 3 - For drum reads or writes, NN specifies a relative loca- tion within the drum file where reading or writing will take place. The relative location of the first word in a drum file is 0. When using drum, NN is not automatically incremented by the subroutine during a string of reads or writes. It is your responsibility to update this relative drum address prior to each CALL to the subroutine. For this reason, this subroutine is particularly useful in cases where it is advantageous to read information from a drum file in a random manner rather than reading straight through the file from front to back. CENFOR 9-18 March 1970 9.16. EX: A FORTRAN INPUT/OUTPUT SUBROUTINE (Continued) Examples : To read a 120 word block from HA tape (Fortran Unit No. l) , the following could be coded s DIMENSION NBUFF (121) CALL EX (34, 1, NSTAT, NBUFF, 121, NN) C** CHECK STATUS OF COMPLETED READ: IF (NSTAT .EQ. 3) GO TO |END-0F- RECORDING ON TAPEj IF (NSTAT .NE. 0) STOP ERROR C** CHECK BLOCK SIZE: IF (NN .NE. 120) STOP ERROR To read a series of 20 word groups from drum (Fortran Unit No. 25) and write them out using FOLION the following could be coded: DIMENSION NBUFF (20) NN = DO 50 J = 1, 100 CALL EX (34,25, NSTAT, NBUFF, 20, NN) IF (NSTAT .NE. 0) STOP ERROR CALL ITMOUT (6HANYFIL, NBUFF) 50 NN = NN + 20 To rewind a IIIA tape (Fortran Unit No. 10) with interlock, the following could be coded: CALL EX (17, 10) March 1970 CENFOR 9-19 9.17. EXERCISES 9.17.1. Prepare the edit codes in an array NEDIT (?) to unpack fields A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H of array INPUT (5) into an array NWS (8). Prepare a DIMENSION STATEMENT, a DATA STATEMENT, and a CALL to the UNPK subroutine. INPUT 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1I2 jUls 6 ll 2 1 3 J4 1 5 J6 ibb 4 5 6 1I2I3 I4I5 J6 1 1 2 1 3 1 ^* f 5 Id 1 I2 J3 1 4 I 5I 6 1I2I3I4I5 16 1 j 2 J3 |4 [l. 6 1 1 2 1 3 J 4 1 5J 6 t I2I 3I4 I5U l/p A B C D E F G H O/P 1 ka XjXpC X xj:$x]xpqx xpqx xpqx 1 1 1 1 1 XIXKKIXIX Mill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II Mill 1 II 1 1 II 9.17.2. Prepare the edit codes in array NEDIT (?) to pack fields A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H of an array NWS (8) into an output array NOUT (8). Use the negative (-) indicator to reset the pointer to the specified output location. Prepare a DIMENSION STATEMENT, a DATA STATEMENT, and a CALL to the PACK subroutine. NOUT 12 o/p 3 4 5 xpcfcixpt 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 CD; X)X) 4 5 6 xpqx|X|XiX 1 p |3 |4 |5 |6 1 J 2 13 4 5 |6 Ill l^P^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 I I II I 12 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 s 6 _U_ pqx ppg I i M I CENFOR 9-20 March 1970 9.17. ANSWERS 9.17.1. DIMENSION NEDIT (7), INPUT (5), NWS (8) DATA NEDIT / 2, 3, 1, 43, -51, 6, / CALL UNPK (INPUT, NEDIT, NWS) 9.17.2. DIMENSION NEDIT (13), NWS (8), NQUT DATA NEDIT / 2, 3, -21, 21, -34, 3, -31, 3, -54, 3, -81, 6, / CALL PACK (NWS, NEDIT, NOUT) 10. F0LI0N March 1970 CENFOR 10- 1 10.1. LION FORMATS At the Bureau of the Census, LION subroutines are used for reading and writing records in either External or Internal formats. F0LI0N, a modification of LION, will read and write only in the Internal format. The FORTRAN READ and WRITE statements have been modified to use the LION External format. Internal and External formats are described below: The Internal format is designed for recording data in the same form as the data appears in core store. This format is used for those files which are to be used for internal transfer of data within the computer system. The data need not be in absolute binary form. Refer to 19.19. The External format is designed for recording data in Fieldata images for use with the punched card system or on-line High Speed Printer. This format is used for those files which are either input or output for the service or auxiliary routine which controls the operation of the on-line card and printer equipment. 10.2. FPU ON F0LI0N is a collection of subroutines which should be used by the programer in most instances for reading tapes and for creating tapes in LION internal format. The other methods for reading and writing are FORTRAN reads and and writes and the use of the EX subroutine. However, for general use, F0LI0N subroutines should be referenced. The advantages to be gained by using F0LI0N are many: 1. Labels may be recorded and checked. 2. Check sums and record counts are created and checked. 3. Records are collected into blocks when written and delivered one at a time when read. 4-. Errors are displayed. 5. For 3A tapes, variable length records may be written or read. 6. Tapes may be read backwards. 7. End-of-reel procedures may be automatic. 8. Reels may be rewound with interlock. 9. Census compatible IIA tapes (recorded with 120 words per block) may be read or written. CENFOR 10- 2 March 1970 10.2.1. INTRODUCTION FOLION is linked to a FORTRAN coded program by the use of FORTRAN CALL statements. These CALL statements make reference to the following functions within LION: 1. Open file 2. Item handling 3. Close reel 4-. Close file FILE LABELS Every file generated by the LION output subroutine will contain a physical label block. This block may or may not contain program file information. If some identification in the form of a file label is required, the location of the core image must be presented in the label argument of the file opening statement. This label image, if present, will be recorded at the beginning of each output file. IIIA LABELS The formation of the label image contains a date, reel number, and N words of label information. Thus, the label image itself consists of N+2 words. The first word of the label array must contain the total number of words in that label. Thus, the label array will have a length of N+3 words. For example: DIMENSION LABEL(7) DATA LABEL /6,0, 01000000, 21HTHIS IS A LABEL BLOCK/ In this example LION will supply the date and the reel numbering sequence starting with reel 1. However, if either the date or reel number is not equal to zero, LION will process the file with the specified date and/or reel number. The reel number will be incremented for each subsequent reel or file. When a IIIA reel is written, ignores in the left half of word 3 of the label array will signal that the label characters which follow are to be considered as XS3 char- acters when this tape is used as input at a later date. When XS3 characters are required, use the octal equivalent in the DATA statement. If Fieldata characters are desired as the label then "01000000" should be placed into word 3 of the label array. March 1970 CENFOR 10- 3 II IA LABELS (Continued) When checking labels using the automatic feature of F0LI0N, if it is desired to skip the check on selected words; then the array which contains the label to be compared with the input label may contain ignores for each word to be skipped in corresponding positions. IIA LABELS Since there is no provision for recording the date and reel number on IIA, the above example would appear as follows : DIMENSION LABEL(5) DATA LABEL A,21HTHIS IS A LABEL BLOCK/ The four label words should be converted to XS3 before use, 10.2.2. OUTPUT SUBROUTINE The output subroutine provides for writing tape or drum files with data originating in a FORTRAN object program in LION internal format. OPEN OUTPUT FILE The functions of the Open Output statement include the formation of a label block for each file as well as each reel. Each Open Output statement must contain a unique Hollerith file name, which is used in associating the various references to the file. Any attempt to reopen an open file, write or close a closed file results in a File Control error code typed on the console typewriter. The format of the Open Output Statement is : CALL OPNOUT (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) where : A = Hollerith File name (unique to this file) B = File Data area (previously defined in a DIMENSION statement) C = File Data area length (block size + 35) For IIA, C = 155 For IIIA Fixed length items, C = 64-0 (recommended) For IIIA Variable length items : C = N(item length + 1) + 40 where N = No. items per block. CENFOR 10- 4 March 1970 OPEN OUTPUT FILE (Continued) D - Item length for fixed length items. * = for variable length items. (See parameter C in ITMOUT). E = Output device. This is an integer variable or constant. Its absolute value specifies the physical device to be used. F = Alternate output device. Same as E. = if not used or when drum is used. G = The location of the label to be written on the output reel(s) . = for no label. H = File control error return statement number. After the file control error is typed out, control will be returned to the FORTRAN program via this state- ment number. = for no exit return. After the file control error is typed, control will be returned to EXEC at $ERR. I = End-of-reel return statement number. Control will be returned to the FORTRAN program via this state- ment number when the end of tape is detected. = or omitted for: 1) drum files, 2) and when LION is to perform an automatic end-of-reel procedure. " x_ ON IIA, the item size must be fixed length to any factor of 120, WRITE OUTPUT FILE There are no restrictions on the number of Write statements which may reference a single output file. Each Write statement must contain the unique Hollerith file name assigned to the output file. The format of the Write statement is: CALL ITMOUT (A, B, C) where : A = Hollerith File-name B = Address of item to be written C = Length of output item for variable length item = for fixed length items, or can be omitted. (See parameter D in 0PN0UT.) March 1970 CENFOR 10- 5 CLOSE OUTPUT REEL The close Reel statement is used when the user wishes to terminate the writing of an output reel, and automatically initiate writing on the second or subsequent reels of the same file. Each Close statement must contain the unique Hollerith name assigned to the output file. The format of the Close Reel statement is : CALL OENREL (A,B) where A = Hollerith File-name B = Hollerith Tape positioning literal for terminated reel. One of the following alphabetic literals should be used to indicate tape procedure: 6HREWIND: rewind without interlock 6HREWINT: rewind with interlock 6HN0REWI: no rewind If one of the above literals is not present, the REWINT will be the resulting procedure. The ITM0UT CALL which caused the sensing of the end of tape will not be performed until that reel has been closed, and the label block is written on the next reel. If the end-of- reel argument (I) of the CALL 0PN0UT statement is equal to zero, the end-of-reel procedures will be automatically per- formed and control returned to the statement following the CALL ITM0UT. However, if the end-of-reel procedure is to be executed by the FORTRAN program, LION will exit to the end-of-reel statement number specified by argument I of the CALL 0PN0UT statement. After the OENREL CALL has been performed, the item return statement must be executed to re-enter the program sequence beginning with the last ITM0UT CALL. The format of the item return statement is: CALL ITMRTN (A) where : A = File -name CENFOR 10- 6 March 1970 10. 2. 2. 4-. CLOSE OUTPUT FILE The Close file statement is used to terminate the writing of an output file. The format of the Close file statement is : CALL OENFIL (A, B) where A = Hollerith File-name B = Hollerith Tape positioning literal for the terminated file. One of the following alphabetic literals should be used to indicate the tape procedure : 6HREWIND 6HREWINT 6HN0REWI rewind rewind with interlock no rewind If one of the above literals is not present, the REWINT will be the resulting procedure. For Drum argument B could be 0, or omitted. 10.2.3. INPUT SUBROUTINE The Input subroutine provides for reading tape or drum files written in the LION internal format. OPEN INPUT FILE The functions of the Open Input statement include the reading and checking of the label block. If the label check fails, the tape label and its image is typed on the console printer with options for recovery. Each open input statement must contain a unique Hollerith file name, which is used in associating the various references to the file. Any attempt to reopen an open file, read or close a closed file results in a File Control error code typed on the console printer. March 1970 CENF0R 1Q _ ? OPEN INPUT FILE (Continued) The format for the Open Input statement is: CALL OPNIN (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K) where : A = File-name (unique to this file) B = File data area (previously defined in a DIMENSION statement) C = File data area length (block size + 35) For IIA, C = 155 For IIIA Fixed length items, C = 64-0 (recommended -not required) For IIIA Variable length items, C = N(item length +1) + 4-0 where N = No. items per block D = Input device. This is an integer variable or constant, its absolute value specifies the physical device to be used. E = Alternate input device. Same as D. = if not used, or when drum is used. F = The location of the label to be compared with the tape or drum label. Image words of are not checked. -* = if the label checking is to be omitted. G = An integer variable or constant indicating tape direction. = for forward processing. = 1 for backward processing. H = File control error return statement number. After the file control error is typed out, control will be returned to the object program via this address. (If argument is ^ to 0. ) For IIIA Input: I = End-of-reel return statement number. Control will be returned to the FORTRAN program via this statement number when the end of an input reel is detected. = when LION is to perform an automatic end-of-reel procedure. * Whenever there is a label check failure, a message is typed out giving the channel and unit, file name, image to compare (30 characters), reel number, and tape label (30 characters). A reply of "Y" will effect an abnormal exit. If the answer is "N" , the assumption is that a new reel has been mounted and a new label check initiated. CENFOR 10- 8 Max^ 19 ? OPEN INPUT FILE (Continued) For IIA Input: I = Input item size. This value will be returned via the C parameter of the CALL ITMIN statement. * The following two arguments are optional : J = The location of the array to which the input file label will be transferred. On IIIA, the input label will be transferred to the array as follows : NO. OF LABEL WORDS, DATE, REEL NO., LABEL WORDS . . . On IIA, the input label will be transferred to the array as follows : NO. OF LABEL WORDS, LABEL WORDS K = Length of the array specified in the above argument (J) Note that the array specified in the J argu- ment of OPNIN may also be named in the G argument of OPNOUT and the input file label will be used as the output file label * This value must be a factor of 120. READ INPUT FILE There are no restrictions on the number of Read statements which may reference a single input file. Each Read statement must contain the unique Hollerith file name assigned to the input file. The instructions generated by the Read statement provide for filling the object program's request for an individual input item. The item is moved to a specified area, and the item length is conveyed via an integer variable. The format of the Read statement is : CALL ITMIN (A, B, C, D) where A = Hollerith File-name B = Location of area in which the requesting item is to be stored. This area must be a length as large as the maximum item size to be read. March 1970 CENFOR 10- 9 READ INPUT FILE (Continued) C = An integer variable into which the item length will be stored. For IIIA Multi-file input, if the end-of-file exit (below) is taken, C will assume one of the following values: C = 0, no more files follow on this tape C ^ 0, another file follows on this tape. In this case, to access the next file, the normal procedure would be to close input file with no rewind and then reopen input file. D = End-of-file return statement number. When the end of file is detected, control will be returned to the program via this state- ment number. An example of coding to process multi-file reels: 900 IF (NWDS) 902, , CALL IENFIL ( file ,6HREWINT) CALL CHANGE (u,n,nH MESSAGE, $999) 901 CALL 0PNIN ( file, ) GO TO label to read next record 902 CALL IENFIL ( file, 6HN0REWI) GO TO 901 999 any ending procedure CENFOR 10-10 March 1970 CLOSE INPUT REEL The close Reel statement is used when the user wishes to terminate the reading of an input reel, and automatically initiate reading on the second or subsequent reels of the same file. Each Close Reel statement must contain the unique Hollerith name assigned to the input file. The format of the Close Reel Statement is : CALL IENREL (A, B) where : A = Hollerith File-name B = Hollerith Tape positioning literal for terminated reel. One of the following alphabetic literals should be used to indicate tape procedure: 6HREWIND 6HREWINT 6HN0REWI rewind without interlock rewind with interlock no rewind If one of these literals is not present, the REWINT will be the resulting procedure. The ITMIN CALL which detected the end of an input reel will not be performed until that reel has been closed and the next input label has been checked. If the end-of-reel argument (I) of the CALL 0PNIN statement is equal to zero, the end-of-reel procedures will be automatically performed and control returned to the statement following the CALL ITMIN (A, B, C). However, if the end-of-reel procedure is to be executed by the FORTRAN program, LION will exit to the end-of-reel statement number specified by argument I of the CALL 0PNIN statement. After the IENREL CALL has been performed, the item return statement must be executed to re-enter the program sequence beginning with the last ITMIN CALL. The format of the item return statement is : CALL ITMRTN (A) where : A = File -name March 1970 CENFOR 10-11 10. 2. 3. U. CLOSE INPUT FILE The Close file statement is used to terminate the reading of an input file. The format of the Close file statement is: CALL IENFIL (A, B) A = Hollerith File-name B = Hollerith Tape positioning literal for terminated file, One of the following alphabetic literals should be used to indicate the tape procedure: 6HREWIND 6HREWINT 6HN0REWI rewind rewind with interlock no rewind If one of the above literals is not present, the REWINT will be the resulting procedure. For drum this argument could be = 0, or omitted. NOTE ON I HA END-OF-REEL EXIT If it is desired to gain control at the end of every reel to determine whether to end the reading of data at this point or not, then the end-of-reel exit may be coded to go to a point where the following procedures should be coded. If record counts are desired when end-of-reel is encountered, digit 3 of word 26 of the buffer area should be loaded with octal 1 before executing IENFIL. 900 CALL INSERT (1,BUF(26) ,3) CALL IENFIL ( file) CALL CHANGE ( u , n , nHMESSAGE , CALL 0PNIN ( file, ) GO TO label to read next record 999 any ending procedure CENFOR 10-12 March 1970 10.2.4. FILE CONTROL ERRORS All file control errors will be displayed on the console typewriter in the format: File-name FC ERR XXX. where XXX is the value associated with the particular error. A complete list of file control errors is in the LION - General Reference Manual, UP-2581, Rev. 2. After the typeout has been displayed LION will either terminate the run or return control to the object program. This action is determined by the open file statement. The following LION file control errors have no recovery procedures available to the FORTRAN program. These errors when detected will result in termination via EXEC $ERR. F.C. ERR CODE DESCRIPTION 5 An attempt to perform a CALL ITMOUT statement has been made, the file closed or demanding a CALL OENREL operation. 6 An attempt to perform a CALL ITMIN statement with the file not yet opened, or when a CALL IENFIL or IENREL is the only legitimate opera- tion. 7 An attempt has been made to execute the End-of-Reel procedure on a closed input file. 8 An attempt has been made to execute the End-of-Reel procedure on a closed output file. 118 The file data area being requested is occupied by a previously opened file. 119 The number of opened files exceeds 20. 120 When opening an output file one of the required arguments (A, B, C or E) was not present. For opening an input file (A, B, C, or D) was not present. For ITMIN (A, B, or C) is not present. For ITMOUT (A or B) is not present. For any other operations argument A is not present. 121 The peripheral equipment definition is not a legal value, (Peripheral definitions are defined in NTAB$). 122 In an item read or write, a close reel or file, or an ITMRTN statement, the file data area requested is not defined. March 1970 CENFOR 10-13 10.2.5. A CODED EXAMPLE The following program will copy a single file IIIA tape recorded in LION internal format. The input label will be transferred to the output tape. DIMENSION JB1(640) ,JB2(64.0) ,ITM(20) ,LABEL(15) CALL 0PNINUHFILA,JB1, 640, 10, 0,0, 0,0,0, LABEL, 15) CALL OPNOUT ( 3H0UT , JB2 , 6^0 , 20 , 11 , , LABEL , , ) 100 CALL ITMINUHFILA,ITM,N,$999) C** PROCESS 20 WORD FIXED LENGTH ITEMS ** CALL ITM0UT(3H0UT,ITM) GO TO 100 999 CALL IENFILUHFILA) CALL 0ENFIL(3H0UT) END The facility (FAC) schedule card for the above program would appear as follows : JRID, FAC, DB/2, IB/2,MD0/0,MT0/2:CT:DT:ET:FT:GT:PRNTT:PNCHT:READT, CENFOR 10-14 March 1970 10.2.6. FORTRAN i/O EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION UNIT NUMBER EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION LOGICAL CHANNEL - 3 Card Punch ( SERVRO tape ) MT0 - 2 Printer (SERVRO tape) MT0 - 1 Card Reader ( SERVRO tape ) MT0 + Console Typewriter + 1 through + 4 II-A tapes AA through DA MAO + 5 Card Reader ( SERVRO tape ) MT0 + 6 Printer ( SERVRO tape ) MT0 + 7 through + 9 II-A tapes EA through GA MAO +10 through 16 III-A tapes AT through GT MTO +17 through 21+ III-C tapes AC through GC MCO +25 through 29 Drum tables Dl through D5 MDO with length tags LD1 through LD5 March 1970 CENFOR 10-1$ $ * o X < " H. St -* O O 6> $*y>) «f. a t. -i 3 V- figa^s A 5 ^ * t * 5 § w fi Q -Z u) a yi a i ? H l - ■X u-> ft *A 7 W j uj w «i I*! a 5 3 2 O c C I- D ^ u) ^ -i V* _ 5 ^ 2 "2 *2£ a * 2 J<£ a ' ■5o -£ ^ p * - A v O C *» u.' u> Vi>- 2 a o- c* < o vO ■**■ UJ »"* v «- T -» «y r « o. 3 tg « Ui a O w : >- o ^ * £ i ri a y tf 2 3 2 "^ i « V- -> 5 % 1 V- rV <5 ! y- o W i^ u* ( - VI * * * 5 3 V- ^ -r in T U> - •0 2 «J $ 'I «t >» - - !v is u»i -c p u «** 1 1 -v» si 3T >- a. 5 kO ■ Ci UJ VJ c 1 »» \ f- \tJ 1 Q % te 2 3 — {^ \i) ^ -/) Qt 1 CENFOR 10-16 March 1970 u) d -Z 4 o^ -v o e V- o w ■2 V- 3 V- Vj.' i <: f- v- »- vU h >/) o o o W ' l- . w 3 t A c UJ 7) 0- _> ^ ^ <* <> « c 3 1 V- H <. 1 5 <2i o o -» U. C9 -w . >^ v Z u> 1 $ vb o - f* 2 •z. 3 ^ uJ o 2 o a. 3 v- 1 w o I a J <^| a . S? U. Z ' x ^ ,wPw o J. _ ? if at' / > O - v4 u> uj o >~ 01-t ;| h :$ £ «4 i U) \A .° v\ IT]T h r T ^ t Z" v- * u_\ V- _i Ui o vn Cu \/> »x) < Q- > I 3 ^ 5 * o Z - o ^ ->■ U> C. u ^ v/I Qd March 1970 CENFOR 10-17 10.3. EXERCISES 10.3.1. To open a file using FOLION, a call must be made as follows: CALL OPNIN (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K). Write the parameters required to open a file named 2HAT, using a buffer named BUF, and a label comparator named LABCK, no end-of-reel exit, and an array in which to store the new label. 10.3.2. Prepare the statement to read an item into a record array NWS from file 2HAT. Indicate an end-of-file exit and code for a change message. ANSWERS 10.3.1. CALL 0PNIN(2HAT, BUF, 640, 10,0, LABCK, 0,0,0, LABEL, 7) 10.3.2. 20 999 CALL ITMIN(2HAT,NWS,N,$999) GO TO 100 CALL IENFIL (2HAT) CALL CHANGE (10, 8, 8H ANY MORE, $9999) CALL OPNIN (2HAT, BUF, 6^0, 10,0, LABCK, 0,0,0,LkBEL, 7) GO TO 20 9999 11. GENERAL INFORMATION March 1970 CENFOR 11-1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS FORM (8.6-62 BC-344 FORMERLY 60. 1 •24 HSF OUTPUT TABLE LAYOUT FORM \'ri <*V 'w\ H (Jv H' fv I i I j 1 1 H i \ f"; r'- (Ti > i H (n >A C~ H fry >f\' |N C* ! H| K (fti t-i ft 1 ^ |m| |c- <>: H |m kn| SI k^ r-l rim. i 1 j 1 1 ! ■ ; i \ 1 ! 1 1 1 1 i ' ■ ■ ! i i 1 ; 1 j i ! i i 1 ! ! i i i ' ! ! I I j 1 1 1 mm 1 ! 1 2 ! ! 1 | j ; i ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 i : i 3 IMll i 1 ; MM I 1 i 4 ! ! 1 t\T 1 1 ! i ! ! I 1 ! i 1 i 1 5 ■ ■ t ! 1 i 1 ! j 1 : ! i ! [ 1 ! 1 j 1 : i . • 1 ' I i i 1 I 1 i ! 1 |!l! 6 1 i I h ' ; ■ 1 j i ■ 1 ■ i i i i i ' ; ■ ' ■ ■ 1 : 1 : 1 ' ' i Mull M 7 . 1 ! 1 1 i 1 ! 1 1 M i ; 1 ; ! ! 1 ! 1 . : ! ; ! 1 ! 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 ! 1 ! I 1 i _L II i I 1 i 1 1 i ' 1 8 1 1 | | ; : 1 i 1 M 1 | ! j j j j ! , | ; | i : ■ : 1 ! ! j j j ; 1 1 j j i 1 1 Mm! 9; 'til 1 !' f ■ ! ! ■■ ' j 1 - ! ' ! 1 : 1 ! j M 1 1 1 i i ; s i i i i ! i : i j i j 1 ! 1 1 I ! 1 1 1 1 | _ i ! i 1 1 10 11 12, 1 I I ! I ! • M l '■ i : ! ' 1 : : . ■ : ] ; [ ! P i ! JT i j MM • 1 1 1 1 i i ! • 1 ! ! ' 1 ! 1 ■ ■ ! : ! i I I : i i i i i : . ! i i i ! i : . : i ' i , ! 1 ! i , i i i iii MM i ! | 1 1 III i 1 ! i i j j 1 i i H ! i ! 1 Ml ! I i 1 13. ' M 1,4 111 i : ! : i : ' i I : ! i : ! - ! ! I 1 i 1 ! 1 M 1 M M i : i 14 * ' i ■ I i M : ! i ■ : ' 1 ' , i i i M i ; ' ; j : ! 1 1 i 1 i 1 ! 1 ! i i I j i l i 15 1 1 ! ! ; 1 1 1 ! ! ! 1 1 ■ j 1 ! '■ 1 ! : i ! M I 1 i 1 i i i 1 ! : ! i ; ! 1. ! 1 ! ! ; i M • ' ! ! ! ! ! 1 ! j i ! M i i i i 1 III!! i i i i 16 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 j | 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' ■ ! , i ! i ! . ; 1 1 ! ! ! ! 1 i 1 ! i 1 1 .' | 1 ! ' : 1 1 I 1 I i I- 1 ! : 1 ' 1 1 : i : ; 1 : ! i ( I 1 ( i 1 : II 1 ; iii! I | ! M j 1 17 ! S 1 1 i i ! ! ! j ; ! ! ! i j | M M ! i ! ! 1 M 1 ' M l ! ! ■ ; ''Mill 18 ■ 1 " 1 """' ill ' i 1 '■ ! i 1 i M ; ! , : ! ; i i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ::..;, i 1 ! 1 : 1 i : I 1 : ' I i ! ! 1 1 — 1 1 1 MM M i i 19 20. Ml! \ 1 i ; i I j I i ( i : : , • ! : ! i ; ! ; ! ' ! ; I 1 ! ! III! I 1 1 1 1 j | iii i i 1 1 ! 1 ii ! 21 i ! 1 i i i ! ! 1 I I ! I M ! : ,' ' i I i I i 1 1 i 1 | | | ! i : 1 : • i 1 ; 1 . ^ ! ■ : i ' i i 1 1 i i i i i : i i i i | 22 ; 1 i 1 1 1 ; 1 ! 1 i ! : i i ! : : ! : 1 1 ! ! i 1 ! I ! ! 1 1 1 1 i ' '■ i i 1 : I 1 | i 1 i 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 1 1 ' ; 1 1 ; ! i ! 1 I 1 j ; : i ! i 1 i 1 I hi! 4_ hT Mil Mi ; i i i i : ; ; ; ■ . ' ' ■■ . \ ; ii -! i ! i i i : ! ! i ! : ! 1 ill 1 1 1 ! | I j i M MM M MMMNMiMM 1 it 1 , I ! j | Mi ll ■ : : ; : : : i ; i ; i I ' i i ! ! ! i i i i ! 1 II i 1 1 i 1 ! U : 1 ! i ! 1 ! i i I 1 1 1 i ' ^ I i 1 " | j | j 1 1 1 ! j i ! j i i : : ! 1 ! i ! 1 1 ! 1 j 1 j 1 1 ' ! ! ' 1 ' ' ' 1 ! i ! ' i i ■ i i I l i 1 1 1 ! ! ! 1 1 i i i i i i 1 i i i 1 MM Mm M i i i i i i ! ! 1 Mil: 1 ! 1 ! ! ! 1 | Mill! ! i j i j ! ; i i ! 1 i i 1 jT i i i i i i.i i i i ! - Vx^rrr Mill |[| j ! ] ! ! 1 i i i j ! l i i , | l_i__! t I t i ! : 1 f 1 1 1 ! I | i i ; : ; ' • '■ : i ■ i i i Li ! i I.I. i it i I i i ^- ^ M_L 1. i_L 1 1 1 ... "T 7 l i i 1 i i 1 ! i 1 ! I . 1 1 i ! I i i i 1 I r~ 1 1 i I ! - i i ! ! i j ; j i~ ^1- h i— - - X i i ... CENFOR 11- 2 March 1970 form BC-1508B (3-3-07) u. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS PROGRAM RECORD LAYOUT (FORTRAN) RUN 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 [2 1 3 [ -4 J5 |6 [III) 1 J 2 1 3 | -4 5|6 1 1 1 1 1 112 pU 5|6 1 1 1 1 1 1J2 [ 3 |4 ] 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 3N56 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 ll 2(3 1 4 |5 U 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 2 j 3 1 4 [3 1 ". There is no automatic termination. 2 . lnnn ( nnn .<5 11 ) At the first recognition that the program has accumulated nnn minutes of central processor time, EXEC terminates the program using E65 as the code defining termination by reason of exceeding Estimated Time. 3. 2nnn (nnn^255) At the recognition that the program has accumulated for the first time nnn minutes of central processor time, EXEC types "*JRID * EXCEEDED RN TIM M . At the recogni- tion that the program has accumulated for a second time nnn minutes of central processor time, EXEC terminates the program using E65 as the code defining termination by reason of exceeding Estimated Time. Automatic termination parameters lnnn and 2nnn will be applied to programs now released for production only upon request from the sponsor. March 1970 CENFOR 11- 7 11.5.2. FACILITY DESCRIPTION CARD (FAC) This card must be present for all jobs which are to be executed under EXEC control. Columns 12-77 contain three specifications, separated by commas. (a) Amount of core needed; Approximate the number of words of core required by the program (and the library subroutines used) for instructions. Divide this number by 204-8 (rounding the quotient up to the nearest whole number) to obtain the number of IBANK required. Likewise, divide the total number of locations needed for data (by the program and the library subroutines used) by 2048 (again rounding up) to get the number of blocks or banks of DBANK. In either case, add an extra block or two when in doubt. After the program has been assembled, the exact IBANK and DBANK values will appear on the ELF ALLOCATION printout. List the bank with the greatest number of blocks first; if they are equal, list IB first. After the first good assembly, submit correct schedule cards. (b) Tape requirements : At least one tape unit must be used* for reading the input, and one is needed to store the output. There are two types of tape (channels) generally available, each with several units: III A II A UNIT TAPE CHANNEL UNIT TAPE CHANNEL 5 or -1 READT MT0 5 or -1 READA MA0 6 or -2 PRNTT MT0 6 or -2 PRNTA MA0 -3 PNCHT MT0 -3 PNCHA MA0 10 AT MT0 1 AA MA0 11 BT MT0 2 BA MA0 12 CT MT0 3 CA MA0 13 DT MT0 4 DA MA0 H ET MT0 7 EA MA0 15 FT MT0 8 FA MA0 16 GT MT0 9 GA MA0 Example 1: To schedule 2A units AA and BA (internal unit numbers 1 and 2), deleting all other units on the 2A channel, the following FAC card(s) should be coded: JRID, FAC , DB/n , IB/n ,MD0/n ,MA0/2 : CA : DA : EA : JRI D , FAC , FA : GA : READA : PRNTA : PNCHA . *"Some programs do not require tape inputs, e.g. a test deck generator. CENFOR 11- 8 March 19?0 11.5.2. FACILITY DESCRIPTION CARD (FAC) (Continued) Example 2 : To schedule 2A units AA and BA (units 1 and 2) plus 3A unit AT (internal unit number 10) plus the 3A PRNTT tape (internal unit number 6 or -2), deleting all other units on the 2A and 3A channels, the following FAC card(s) should be coded: JRID,FAC,DB/n,IB/n,MD0/n,MA0/2: CA:DA:EA: JRID , FAC , FA : GA : READA : PRNTA : PNCHA , MT0/2 : BT : CT : DT : ET : JRID, FAC , FT : GT : READT : PNCHT . Example 3 : To schedule 3A units AT through DT (internal unit number 10 through 13), plus the 3A READT unit (internal unit number +5 or -l), deleting all other units on the 3A channel, the following FAC card(s) should be coded: JRID, FAC , DB/n , IB/n , MD0/n , MT0/5 : ET : FT : GT : JRID, FAC , PRNTT : PNCHT . Use of IIIC tapes is restricted . * See 10.2.6 for unit numbers. When writing tape facilities, specify how many are needed for each channel and delete ALL OTHERS for that channel by noting them, separated by colons, after noting the number used. List the channel with the greatest number of tapes first. For example : , , FA C , MT0/3 : BT : CT : DT : ET : FT : PRNTT : GT , ,FAC,MA0/2 : CA : DA : EA : FA : GA : PRNTA : READA : PNCHA (c) Drum requirements: If drum tables are being used, write: MD0/sum of all drum tables and fill out a TAL Card. If no drum locations are being used, write : MD0/0 A period follows the last entry of the FAC card. -There is no provision for IBM formatted tapes. If a IIIC (or IVC) tape is specified, the format is expected to be LION internal if F0LI0N is used. When the subroutine EX is used, whole blocks are read or written. March 1970 CENFOR 11- 9 11.5.3. TABLE LENGTH ASSIGNMENT CARD (TAL) This card specifies increments to the minimum data table lengths which were established by the assembler. The card makes it possible to change at load time the amount of core or drum working area available to the program for a given run. Its inclusion is optional. The TAL card for drum is as follows: , jTA^LDl/npLIE/ng, ,LD5/n . UNIT TABLE LENGTH TAGS 25 Dl LD1 26 D2 LD2 27 D3 LD3 28 D4 LB4 29 D5 LD5 Named COMMON blocks may be extended by preceding the name of the block with L as : , ,TAL,LNAME/length of increase 11.5-4. TRANSFER CARD (TRN) This card is included for a program which uses facilities which are to be transferred to the environment of a following program or which are to be received from other programs. CENFOR 11-10 March 1970 11.5.5. SUBROUTINE CARD (SUB) An EXEC ROC program can be loaded with the subroutines which are specified as load-time subroutines in the source coding, renamed or deleted. The card format is as follows: ,SUB,a,/b n ,a /b , . . .a /b ' ' V 1' 2' 2' n n where 1' 2*" "' n are the names given to the load-time subroutines or entry point at load-time. b, ,b„....,b are the new names to be given to the correspond- 1 2 ' n & r ing subroutines at entry point. ROC means relative object coding. 11.5.6. PARAMETER CARDS (PMn) A job program may require a set of input parameters to determine or select options of execution. These parameters are entered via the PMn Card, where n is a decimal digit from to 9. On the PM. card it is necessary to write the division number and full pro- ject number beginning in column 12. For example: ,PM. ,510083017990 Note: For fixed parameters, only one specification sheet is needed. For variable parameters, two specification sheets are required; part one for all other information for scheduling and part two with all parameter information. Also, there are separate forms for testing and production. These are color-coded for identification. The form numbers for testing are BC-1522 a,b,c. Those for production are BC-1521 a,b,c. For fixed parameters, the specification sheet is submitted only once unless changes become necessary. When variable parameters are used, a new part two specifi- cation sheet must be submitted with every request. When a program is released for PRODUCTION, duplicate specifica- tion sheets must be submitted. Example : Program name : EXAMPL IB: 5000 words DB: 9000 words Card reader input: READT Printer output: PRNTT 3 other IIIA tapes used: AT,BT,CT 1 IIA tape used: AA 2 drum tables used: LDl/10000 LD2/5000 Total drum used: 15000 Estimated run time : 5 minutes r» = March JL97C CENF0R 11- 11 OCESSING DIVISION USE ONLY X V V o s » £ a n V 3 O* V *o V £ c o III Q « > u Uj X UJ -£ * c "2 D C 3 E c a. s u o V -C c 3 • 00 •O O 5 fS) S O c» 'W fN 00 rs • • m IT* O 5 IN S <-> ^» rs 00 ■© • R 3 O 9 O 00 rs • r> IS _TS _rs ■* fs, n rs CS rs r^ o On •o < z B z 1- CL a u Ul Q U < u 1- Z Ul I Ul x u z I K z UJ _l Ul -J O < ar Z < UJ 3 < Z a _j u EL It, U O r-» r*. III I LTN in * u ' E « St.". ■0 • Si •0 c • E • u _o a • DC I □ 4 « "o «• c s S J 6 or N OTE : Do not use this form for p- requiring more than one set of para/ cards. Use forms BC- 1522b and BC i a r> so S\ 5 o SJ> XI * IX Sl •0 to • LT\ eo rs JQ 9j *n 3 > 1- a. rH s TS. * 3 £ s S • - K id a =c a *n - 3 s o JS eo J M J5 .5 &• jn 00 «n pv J2 •0 _Q n Ul 2 < z I O 3 =c jJ c ^ DU nr.1S?2a -i-r- <• -- U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE S-aVl , """ Jt 5T BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 1107 EXECUTIVE SCHEDULE CARDS FIXED PARAMETERS ONLY O as H as M s En t) E « c y V o £ u V i « a c « t/i a 3 O M C 3 M | - H c S « M - £ O K 5 •• fs. < « X EH LJ * 3^ 2 O Bh -Q 01 -c o 4) * o c 8 E "5 • CQI» Eh Eh .. (N n . w < m n NU .. fc 0* - Eh .. TSl ft 4> & a c ^d E ""■ n T3 *- Ov w - tfl ag. - *» fc. £ a> zl U. m .. UA S ^. < rs TS. a a E^ a Si J X «! ^ ■s rs "S. P-, - -si rs "S. S ir\ •Et "Si rs Ssl •■c ■v. < "ti "Si - Ss. m PQ ■Si 00 r"i Ul M •s. r^ rs C\ ■ rH rH to •O 00 «rt VTv \ •s. *n Is. ■^ ■ \ IS. pH • ' hs. ■* ~tSi CM u u ir\ m ■a! Q u tr •> ro si si 0- z 00 ISk s: i-J m rs "Z. . - • . III a > r- CD ao Ui a > 1- > a. UJ a. u < u u < u. 1 > -J < UJ a > Z a z a: u a > r- O 3 a z Q 2 2 2 a 2 a 2 a 2 CO 2 a I a • 3 a. O O 00 rr> r^ O o: -' . . - rs m ■o m a: D IT O O DC so c o > "Q - o OU < \r> ■sr m rs °i " - CENFOR 11-12 March 1970 form BC-559 (9-17-68) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS REQUEST FOR 1107 PROGRAM PREPARATION SERVICES Section I _ TO BE COMPLETED BY SPONSOR PROCESSING DIV. A. Div. code 53 B. Project number 0083300000 C. Program name EXAMPL F. Requested by: D. Project name TRAINING E. Job number G. Required by: (if urgent) H. Date/time submitted (Stamp) 1. NAME JOE BLOW 2. TEL. EXT. 9999 3. RM. NO. 1600 4. BLDG. NO 3 1. DATE 2. TIME I. Services requested (Check, unless otherwise indicated. Specify in "Remarks") ^"TREPARE^Ta. CARDS " [0ASSY. I | REASSY. | | OTHER (Specify) x x 1- 1- 111 z 3 — *- *-> - • CD O 93 JO +- 4-» k ro TO E 00 (0 ^^ ^^ o o> o CL 0) c 4) to " c -' a) UJ W O c *-' 0) +-» X UJ ■~ in hi oo (0 *-> t/l H c O 3 2 © **- J? *4- 5" o -' Of (fl .°. ~o H •;U 4-1 4-1 c t/> ir on c o Z i/> in o U U o z o « • ■— *- u H I/) i/> o < "S « ■o UJ a. 00 c CD •o m CO to ip O o c 00 .2? >-3 in — s ~' i/) .- < m i/i — < u (0 K O" 6 TO *4- I n-2 " ■O c in CD u *-> O ra c E "re 1 1 c JO 0) < 1/) CENFOR 11-24 March 1970 c o (/) c LU V ui U > 6 z E o 6 o a: «/> Z g i/> o > i- «/> 0) to UJ 3 < O — Of UJ u. 00 (J 0. UJ 1_ Of o 0) oo E E to « o > O u (/I Q. < o JL 0) — E w z c o E 3 1/1 c Q LU d Z E .* o o c cd CO Q 6 1- 3 o 1- z OZ Q. I>1 J4 ^ c (0 CQ 0> c o — (U 3 E Z «/> (0 E H Z ■o (0 u o «4- c Ul o -2 Q. C ~o _J — — 3 15 4-» c uo c TO o < LU U li. QL co -*f in •o "" 1 *" ^" March 1970 CENFOR 11-25 11.6.4. (CONTINUED) It is the responsibility of the programer to prepare this information as completely as possible, for submission to the Processing Coordination Branch. If this program is one of a series, information for the entire series should be submitted together so that this knowledge and the instructions can be forwarded to the Processing Division as a complete "package." This package should include a copy of flowcharts, operating instructions and other general information deemed necessary for the computer processing of your program(s). TIMING : On a one-time program, this information should be submitted to the program coordinator a minimum of 24- hours (one full work day) ahead of the anticipated running. If a series of programs is involved or a major segment of a census, this information should be submitted as early as possible and not later than seven to ten days prior to anticipated running. In turn, these procedures will be reviewed for completeness, typed in final form and distributed from the Processing Coordination Branch. If you require review of these procedures prior to release, it is your responsibility to see that the information is supplied in ample time ahead of the time speci- fied above. CENFOR 11-26 March 1970 11.7. FROGRAMER RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Generate test decks, or secure test data, that will test all paths of a program and hold testing time to a minimum. 2. Code, test, and debug the program. Use enough comments in the program to aid in later review or modifications. 3. Prepare initial draft of operating instructions for supervisor. -4. Note all modifications to the initial specifications in duplicate — one copy to be filed with the program, one copy for the project leader. 5. Prepare necessary header strips. 6. Prepare a written explanation of all unique code systems used. 7. Upon completion of the program, provide documentation of the program, including: A. Name of program and project number. B. Program sponsor. C. Name of programer and supervisor. D. Purpose of the program (short narrative). E. Relationship with project (following "Program X" or before "Program Y"). F. Computer system (programing language and machine orientation) G. Specifications from which program was designed: 1. Input and output record layouts (where pertinent). 2. Flow Charts, logic tables, and narrative specifications. 3. Input and output file characteristics. 4-. Program restrictions and/or limitations. H. References to other frameworks or routines (e.g., "Option Coding Last Pass to Standard 1107 Sort Routine"). I. Operating Instructions. J. Program printout and sample output listings. K. Other internal documentation deemed appropriate. This includes labels, file sequence, program size, etc. L. Final Assembly Date. 8. Prepare schedule card request and production release. March 1970 CENFOR 11-27 11.8. EXERCISE Prepare a FAC schedule card indicating the need for 4-000 cells of IBANK, 1^000 cells of DBANK, two IIIA tapes, and no drum. ANSWER , FAC, DB/5, IB/2, MT0/2: CT: DT: ET : FT: GT : PRNTT : PNCHT: READT , MD0/0. 12. ASSEMBLY, CORRECTING AND DEBUGGING March 1970 CENFOR 12- 1 12.1. ASSEMBLY CONTROL CARDS The present system for assembly requires that certain cards be present at the beginning and the end of the FORTRAN statements. These cards are referred to as START, MAP, FOR, and STOP cards. 12.1.1. THE START CARD The first card in a program element should be the START card of the following form: Col. 1-7 Col. 13-18 Col. 31-32 Col. 73-78 /././.* NAME CF REWINT Note : Col. 73-78 may be blank if a number of program sections are to be stacked. However, the START card for the last section should contain "REWINT." 12.1.2. THE MAP CARD The MAP card should follow the START card of the main program on an original assembly. Unless it is desired to change the program name, it is not required for reassemblies. The form of the MAP card is: 3 MAP name-^, naiae^. where name^ is the 1 to 6 character name of zhe ROC program produced by the FORELF run and should be the same as name 2 of the FOR Card. Name„ is the 6-character name of the main source deck and should be the same as name, of the FOR card. The period following name 9 must be present. "MAP" should start in column 3. The "@" should be in column 1. CENFOR 12- 2 March 1970 12.1.3. THE FOR CARD This card is required for all assemblies . It informs the system that this is a FORTRAN assembly. It follows the MAP card if present. Its form is: ©OPTIONS FOR name 1 , name 2 - , name3 where options are : I print the source language L produce complete listing with machine language N suppress all except stated printing by the processor P write the RB element onto PNCHT-. This is a required option. Z delete this element Options may be coded as a string beginning at Column 2 (Example: @ILP FOR name.,, name^, name„). Note: DO NOT FORGET TO CODE "FOR" AFTER THE OPTIONS. Name-, is the source program name (in the case of a reassembly, the same as the old name). It may be the same name as namep. Name 2 is the updated source name (the new name). This must be the same name as name-j_ of the MAP card. Name 3 is the name attached to the relocatable binary output of the compiler. This name must be the same as name 9 of the MAP card. When external subroutines are included in an assembly, all names in the FOR card must be unique. 12.1.4. THE STOP CARD This card must be placed following the last statement in the program source deck. It is comprised of six (6) right paren- theses beginning in Column 1. It should be followed by three blank cards. Right parentheses may be more in number, but only 6 are required. March 1970 CENFOR 12- 3 12.1.5. EXAMPLES OF CONTROL CARDS Original assembly with internal and external subroutines as part of the same program. AAA* p R°G CF REWINT @ MAP PR0G,PR0X. @ILP FOR PROG, PROG, PROX MAIN PROGRAM statements INTERNAL SUBROUTINE statements END @ILP FOR SUB1,SUB1,SUBA EXTERNAL SUBROUTINE statements END )))))) 3 blank cards CENFOR 12- 4 March 1970 12.1.5. EXAMPLES OF CONTROL CARDS (Continued) Reassembly with changes to main program and a listing of external subroutine. AAA* PROG CF REWINT @ILP FOR PROG, PROG, PROX -10,10 @ILP FOR SUB1,SUB1,SUBA )))))) 3 blank cards Original assembly to stack programs. AAA* FPCODE CF @ MAP FPCODE, FPC0D1. @ILP FOR FPCODE, FPCODE, FPC0D1 program )))))) 3 blank cards AAA* LPCODE CF REWINT @ MAP LPCODE, LPC0D1. @ILP FOR LPCODE, LPCODE, LPC0D1 program )))))) 3 blank cards 12.1. 5.4-. Reassembly to change program name. AAA* NPROG CF REWINT @ MAP NPROG, PRA. @ILP FOR OPROG, NPROG, PRA any corrections )))))) 3 blank cards March 1970 CENFOR 12- 5 12.2. PROGRAM CORRECTIONS Rather than resubmitting your entire program, with a few changes, every time a correction needs to be made to the latest coding, it is possible to alter only those lines which need to be changed. Each line of the printed program has been assigned a number, starting with 1, which is to the immediate left of your coded statements and which is followed by a period ( . ) . You must refer to this number to make program corrections. All the corrections must be coded in numerical order. There are two types of corrections which can be made: (1) lines may be deleted, and (2) lines may be added. To add a line, the number of the statement immediately preceding the area where the insert is desired is referenced. An entire card is used to refer- ence this line number; a minus (-) is placed in column 1 of the card, and the line number immediately follows the minus. The lines to be added are placed on the subsequent punched cards. For example, if J = J + 1 is to be added after the tenth line of the original coding, the correction program would be as follows: C C 31 73 CF REWINT PR0G2 c c /././.* 13 PROG @ILP FOR -10 PROG, PR J = J + 1 )))))) + 3 blank cards If lines are to be deleted from the original program, the same general format is used; but after the minus the number of the first line to be deleted is mentioned, followed by a comma, followed by the number of the last line in that section to be deleted. For instance, -10, 20 will delete all lines between and including line 10 and line 20. Lines may replace these deleted ones by placing the new coding immediately after this deletion card as in the insertion method. C C C C 1 13 31 73 /./•/•* G00D1 CF REWINT @ILP FOR G00D1, G00D1, MASTER -23 INSERT CARD(S) -4-1, 56 INSERT CARD(S) -60,62 -74- INSERT CARD(S) )))))) 3 blank cards CTNFOR 12- 6 March 1970 12.2. PROGRAM CORRECTIONS (Continued) The example will: (1) Insert N number of cards following card number 23. (2) Delete cards number 4-1 - 56 and insert N number of cards following card number 4-0. (3) Delete cards number 60 - 62. (4-) Insert N number of cards following card number 74-. March 1970 GENFOR 12- 7 12.3 FORTRAN DEBUGGING A number of areas must be assumed as prior knowledge prior to the discussion of debugging of any computer program. In FORTRAN for the Univac 1107, certain basic concepts (not generally developed as necessary to FORTRAN programers) must be developed prior to actual program debugging. The Univac 1107 executes production under control of a master program - EXEC 1. This master program assigns each scheduled pro- gram to a specific area within the computer and designates which specific units of peripheral equipment will be used by the operating program for each run. The internal memory assigned by EXEC will normally be divided into two separate physical areas within the computer, designed as Instructions (IBANK) and Data (DBANK). The IBANK instructions are executed sequentially to effect the execution of the program, and the DBANK contains buffers, constants and similar information. Three types of error situations are detected by the FORTRAN compiler and flagged on the FORTRAN compilation listing. These are: (a) Diagnostic messages, where it appears to the compiler that bad form or judgment may have been used, (b) Error messages, where it is obvious to the compiler that bad form has been used, and (c) Fatal Error messages, where the compiler is unable to interpret the source program. Other types of errors, either clerical or logical, may be undetected by the FORTRAN compiler. These are the types of errors which are most difficult to locate and resolve. In some cases these errors are undetected until the programer reviews the result of several test runs. However, in many cases, they will cause the program to be terminated abnormally prior to the completion of his test- ing runs. The EXEC program provides materials which can be helpful in locating this type of error. These are the program termination log — prepared by EXEC when the program has reached termination, the program trouble dump, which accompanies the termination log if the termination was abnormal, and the message log (a listing of all typeins and typeouts for a program) . Abnormal terminations are divided into three classifications: Operator Termination, EXEC Termination, and Error Termination. The classification of errors will be noted on both the trouble dump and the termination log. Operator terminations may or may not be accompanied by a trouble dump. This class of termination is initiated by a console message from the operator in which the option "dump the program" or "do not dump the program" is included in the message. EXEC terminations are initiated when the EXEC program detects an illegal situation, instruction, or sequence. CENFOR 12- 8 March 1970 12.3 FORTRAN DEBUGGING (Continued) Error terminations are initiated by the program or its subroutines when an invalid situation is encountered and no recovery is possible or probable. In FORTRAN both EXEC and Error terminations provide a trouble dump. The termination log provides certain amounts of control information. For debugging purposes the helpful entries will be: (a) Date and Wall Time, which show when your program was ended, (b) Facility Assignments, the areas of core and drum and the items of peripheral equipment which were initially assigned to your program. An additional time (PROCEED TIME) is indicated on the termination log. The difference between PROCEED TIME and Termination Log WALL TIME will indicate the time your program was running (Time Sharing) in the computer. The RUN TIME entry will indicate the time your program kept control. This entry will never be less than 00: 00: 01 if a PROCEED TIME is indicated. The termination log will indicate NORMAL, EXEC, ERROR, or 0PER for the type of termination and the machine address where the last instruction was executed. If the termination is EXEC it will be followed by an additional error code indicating the type of error. Other types of terminations do not provide error codes for FORTRAN programs. The program trouble dump is divided into three areas. The first is a visual octal image of the thin film control registers. The second and third are the octal contents of the IBANK instructions and the DBANK buffers, data and constants. These latter areas are designated as BANK1 and BANK2. Care should be used in transcrib- ing the octal contents of these areas into Instructions. BCDXS3, Fieldata, Real or Integer values. The trouble dump illustrates eight memory locations per line, preceded by a six-position octal address for the first location on each line. The instructions on your compilation listing are compressed, modified for relative loading, and appear as the locations in BANK1. To locate a comparable instruction: If the initial address of BANK1 = 130000 Add the address on the compilation listing 000050 This is the memory location where the 130050 instruction is stored March 1970 CENFOR 12- 9 12.3. FORTRAN DEBUGGING (Continued) The leftmost two octal digits at the trouble dump location and on the compilation listing should agree, as this is the operation code part of the instruction line. There probably are (or should be) many more locations shown on the trouble dump than are indi- cated on the compilation listing. These are the FORTRAN subroutines and/or F0LI0N locations. The BANK2 values are assigned to consecutive locations as indicated by the DIMENSION statement, unless the programer elects the use of EQUIVALENCE or COMMON statements. The areas filled by DATA statements do not appear in sequential locations as referenced within the program, unless the DATA statements'* reference areas were previously dimensioned. The labels of areas created by a DIMENSION or DATA statement are listed alphabetically on the com- pilation listing, under the heading "Storage Assignment for Variables." If a program contains only DIMENSION and DATA statements the location of these areas is found by adding in octal: If the - BANK2 starting address = 060000 plus the Data Label address 002507 (From Storage Assignment for Variables) 062507 If a program uses the COMMON or EQUIVALENCE statement, the data areas mentioned in these statements are handled differently. During the ELF processing, the labels and size are listed inde- pendently on the ELF FACILITY SYNOPSIS, under the heading CORE. The locations are moved (in ELF listing order) to the initial positions in BANK2. All additional areas created by a DIMENSION or DATA Statement are displaced by the total number of core locations indicated on the ELF listing, excluding the entries IBANK, DBANK and $ERR0R. If a program contains these statements, the location of DATA areas is found by adding in octal: The BANK 2 starting address 060000 The number of locations indicated on the ELF listing 0024-00 The DATA LABEL (from Storage Assignment for VARIABLES) 001307 063707 If a reference is made to LPM n , then 156 octal locations must be added to the DBANK location. These locations occur at the beginning of the DBANK. In the case of external subroutines, another factor, the relative address given in the ELF allocation, should be included in the computation to find the location desired. CENFOR 12-10 March 1970 12.3. FORTRAN DEBUGGING (Continued) The 640-word area for IIIA buffer storage is divided as follows: 35 FORTRAN Control Words 1 LION Control Word 600 Data Words 4 LION Control Words 640 The 155-word area for HA buffer storage contains an initial 35 FORTRAN Control words and 120 Data words. The 35 Control Words preceding the Buffer correspond to the SLEUTH programer's IICON for input files and I0C0N for output files. Certain key words within this area may aid in debugging. Word 1 - contains the file name in FIELDATA Word 2 - left half contains the address of the file label/right half contains the number of label words Word 8 - The EXEC status word. The left-most two octal digits contain the status of the read (or write) just completed. A code of 00 is normal. A list of possible status codes is in the EXEC 1 Manual, UP-2577, Rev. 2, Appendix F. Word 9 - The leftmost two octal digits indicate the function (READ, WRITE, REWIND, etc.) last performed or being processed. A list of these functions is in the EXEC I Manual, UP-2577, Rev. 2, pg. VI - 33 to 35. The remainder of the word is a binary code referencing the channel and unit being used or the drum address referenced. If the remainder of this word is zero, no unit (or the incorrect unit) was scheduled for this file. Word 28 - This word should contain the starting address of the current data record, if this is an input file. If no value is present (word contains zeros) then no data has been presented to the program. This is called the buffer position in tne right half of the word. Word 33 - Computed record count for input. Cumulrtive record count (IIIA) for output. March 1970 CENFOR 12-11 12.3. FORTRAN DEBUGGING (Continued) The thin film images can be helpful in tracing the execution of a program through its logical flow. Certain key registers can tell you where a program has been or what it has done and there- fore give the programer a general idea of where to look on the compilation listing for clerical errors and inconsistencies. - during an EXEC termination, the EXEC error code is placed in this register. (See 19.5 f° r Error Code). The left half of the register is used for the error; the right half for the address. - in an ERROR termination, the contents of this register is one greater than the last instruction executed. $B11 - an instruction address is placed in this register by each reference to I/O or CALL . The address in the register should be one (possibly more) greater than the last READ, WRITE, CALL, etc. executed. $B12-$B15 - these registers contain the same values as $A0 - $A3 $A0 - in an ERROR termination, this register contains a negative value. $R1 - this is a repeat counter for single instruction being repeated. The value in the register is the number of repetitions remaining. Use this in conjunction with $R3. $R2 - a MASK register used to hold the extraction masks for formatting and similar operations. $R3 - A temporary storage register, used to hold an instruction address during a repeated instruction. If ($R1) = 0, then ($R3) is one greater than the last repeated instruction. If ($Rl)>0, then usually ($R3) is two greater than the last repeated instruction. - $R15 -these registers are counters (indices) for repeated sequences - generally DO loops, where the loop generates more than one repeated instruction. The SLEUTH II coding on the right half of the compilation listing will indicate the following line near (pre- ceding or following) the DO statement: LR , XM R(n) , (i) R(n) is the specific R register used (i) is one less than the desired number of iterations CENFOR 12-12 March 1970 12.3. FORTRAN DEBUGGING (Continued) Several unconnected DO's may use the same R register in different areas of the FORTRAN program. On the execution of a DO loop the number (i) is placed in R(n) and is decremented on each itera- tion to a final value of -1 (or (777777777776) octal). If the register contains zero, then no loop using that register was initiated or the loop was interrupted during the final iteration. A positive value less than (i) is the number of iterations remain- ing in the loop. Notes in reference to memory dump addresses: A memory dump of a program loaded in the upper core portion of tne HOB — module 33 or higher — -will reveal an octal difference of 200,000 between the stub addresses and addresses contained within a dumped word. This is also true of addresses contained within the registers. The stub address is an absolute address. Add an octal 200,000 to the location addresses contained within a dumped word or a register to obtain the absolute address referenced. The two exceptions to this rul are the absolute beginning addresses of the IBANK and DBANK which appear in the display of $EER0R+9 and $ERR0R+10. Under certain conditions, such as cross bank loading, the facility assignments in the Termination Log do not show the starting addresses of the IBANK .and DBANK. To locate the starting addresses, use the following procedures: 1. locate the EXEC assigned Facility line in the message log. An example o^ this line is: CoDE -SORT 114/03 D17/06 020270/1144 # 114/03 indicates that the IBANK occupies three modules of core starting in module #14. D17/06 indicates that the DBANK occupies six modules of core starting in module #17- 2. To determine the starting address of either bank, convert the module number to its octal equivalent and multiply by octal 4000. For instance: 114 is module 14 . The octal equivalent is 16. 16 x 4000 70000 octal Last Reference to F0LI0N - Last reference to a particular file may be found by examining word 31 of the file control table where $B11 is stored. Last reference to FCLI0N made by any file may be found by adding octal 40 to the relative IBANK location of F0LICN (see the ELF allocation) and adding the initial address of IBANK to find the instruction which stores SB11 in an address. Following the address where $B11 is stored is the octal constant 770O77CO770O. February 1971 CENFOR 12-13 12.4. Composition of a FORTRAN IV Compilation Listing The sample program which follows illustrates the "L" option listing generated by the FORTRAN IV compiler. If the "S" option had been used, no octal and mnemonic machine language code would appear. If the "N" option had been used, only the identification line and terminal messages would be printed. The various elements listed are : 1. Time, date, machine, identification line 2. Start card line 3. "FOR" assembly line 4-. Processor version line 5. Type of element (main program, subroutine, or function) and entry points line 6. Storage used section (block, name, length) block - control counter for a section name - "-CODE for instruction area -"-DATA for non-OOMMON data area ---BLANK for blank-OOMMON data area other names for labeled COMMON areas length - (octal) number of storage location 7. External references (block, name) All external subprograms and FORTRAN library subroutines referenced are listed here with their block number and name. 8. Storage assignment MAP All names are sorted alphanumerically for easy reference. Information about each entry is in the following format: bbbT 111111 NNNNNN. bbbb - is the number of the storage block containing the item T - is the type of item if it is not a label: I - integer R - real D - double precision C - complex L - logical blank indicates an equivalenced or dimensioned variable that is not referenced in this element 111111 - the relative octal location of the item in the main storage block. - The symbolic name of the item or label. If the item is a label, a letter (L, F, or u) follows the label number. L indicates a transfer label, F indicates a format label, and G indicates a transfer label generated by the compiler. CENFOR 12-14 February 1971 9. Source code listing The major portion of the listing is comprised of the source program statements and the octal and mnemonic representations of the generated code. A line number (decimal), followed by a period, is assigned to each card image. These line numbers are referenced for updating a program. Another number (an internal sequence number in octal) is assigned to each group of information supplied to the compiler by the FORTRAN statement. More than one sequence number may be associated with one FORTRAN statement. The sequence numbers are printed down the left margin. Any diagnostic messages generated by the compiler are prefixed with the sequence number of the information in question. Diagnostics are interspersed among the FORTRAN statements. The code generated to perform operations requested by a FORTRAN statement is generally listed following the statement. However, the optimization capabilities of the compiler may cause the code to be generated at a point other than that from which it was requested. The octal representation of the generated code is printed in UNIVAC 1107 instruction format. Each instruction is preceded by its relative octal location in the instruction area of the elements. Data values assigned at compilation time are printed in internal octal form. Each data item is preceded by its relative location in the block and followed by the block number. Both octal and mnemonic representations of the generated instructions are printed on the same line. 10. Terminal messages Following the source listing, an end of compilation line is printed. On this line, the total number of diagnostic messages generated for the program unit is printed. If errors were detected in the generated code or if code generation was prohibited by a fatal error, a line indicating this is printed. If a fatal error occurs, the ELF processor (which generates relocatable code) cannot proceed and the assembly error terminates. 11. ELF processor messages If a reassembly, the relocatable element (third name on FOR card) which was deleted and replaced by the new assembly is named. If any previously assembled relocatable elements is not reassembled; its name will appear and is still a part of the program. At the end of all elements the MAP statement is printed. February 1971 CENFOR 12-15 The ELF allocation map is printed with the names of all elements contained in a program and their respective IBANK and DBANK octal addresses. Following the ELF allocation map is the cross reference list of all entry points. Next is the list of 1-0 facilities for a FORTRAN assembly. Then a summary of the total IBANK and DBANK requirements in core is expressed in decimal: CORE IBANK XXXXXX DBANK XXXXX lERROR 97 Tadd to IBANK] $PARAM 110 Cadd to DBANK3 N$BLNK LN$BLN XXXXXX {blank COMMOlD ? ? XXXXXX [named COMMON] Drum facilities are named. Finally, a facility statement is listed. An example is: ** FAC,IBA,DB/2,MDO/0,MAO/lO,MTO/lO,KCO/5 . This FAC statement is useful in preparing specification statements necessary to run under EXEC I. See 11.5. for instructions to prepare schedule cards. Note. In the case of some errors, and always in the case of a fatal error, only the source program is listed, CENFOR 12-16 February 1971 < Ui o o e o_i ir> sO -< ro o "3 in %0 KJ ' •-• 2 < u £ u »- a u X r- a o « •— i/i » tn a i/ - jr 2 _; < L. C I v - ir a cr < 2 I/) O c K * o < % L. »- • r c v _i 5 • •— C v t? <_> i o ■ 1 o : C ! o X l- K : Z 13 >-* 2 ; c LJ a _J r^ ^ ^ >- « f. r* c\j cr L. •- © c K ^ coo i ^~ <. coo Ul *~ © o o 1 a sr j o LJ « 2 1 c C H < 1 _j O < _! 1 cr ucc — * * ♦ 21 c 1 c u C V — © c c ~ c c c ; o coo or u c o o c ir 2 a ^- c < c li. cr a. c u o a u c 2 Q LJ »- >< li r w tf> tf> t* c l. a - — c 2 c a ? c c o c »- v c a >- •- s i/-. »- U <- 2 2 2 2 k * ir \f r- c — c c c c o —. «-i o o o o c o o o o o O c o o a. > cr c ii. ir IT LJ C- «i c c »- 1/ « IT _J Ci IT «f — K u »- DC r\ wcwoir rt (T vC <\ O — cr cc o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c :* U. —I o -t in cr ■ — o 2» io ^ortin o HJHMON O O 3 O O O O 3 O O O O C 3 O 3 O 3 O O 3 O O O cr ►- cr cr 3 3 C 3 3 3 o o O o c o O O O O O 3 U. Ll x co < .- o. < 2 a h- ^) JHvD JO O — ' O O rt 3 c c c © c o O o o o o o o o o o o o c c c c o o cc cr cr a OOONWN c c c c e o c o c c c c e o c- c o c ID _i in c _l \C cr r- — C U. O K d- ir K) ki i- r- C C, f C C* —l o •-» «h o o o c c c- c o e o e c coo c c c c c c cr cr or ^ ^ - c o cv cr o C c o c cccc.cc o c c c c o IT cr o a *> - in "5 c c « m tr C\J • ~ fV » • •M. » X fM w • x: V < H X. C 3 vCvOO vO ^0 vD If) * O i^- 1^ i«- r^ r^ o _l ^ ^ ^( vH o Ort(\ir,*in c c- c c o e o o o o o o O O O 3 O O O O O 3 O 3 C O C O O o c\ cv fv. c\j rv cj o o o o o o c o o o o C o o o o o o c o C' C) o o February 1971 CENFOR 12-17 UJ Q. m — • cm - Oi-.C»-0>-c^-— i^O cd cr < 2 cr Hrt a o « - _ _ •x ^ •- o o o o> — i o c ■M o O c O 2 tr 2 < OD O CM 2 < « «*•* i _rs-is_r2_r5S_- x I xxxxxxxxxx • * Q - • ~ ••"3C*~«~*":*~3-"3 • • ~3 C ~. *- CyC ooo o O _JC - O O 3 ~ Ql i-i~ o o o o a cm (/) LJ • o o o o e a if 3 l/> Ll coo o c_>- - c o o I X - »-t CM « -* o o o >- « »- _> - U. IS. m « l/l X - I o a 2 j- x a 1 « •— • \C —* £T i/i vo • • ■i 1/1 < CM * <3 - o * • -* V c » ^ — e: c i- x u c ~ U 2 «H « L. •-H •— 1 C- u-U. — X L. *i t- r r ? r-- v ~ « L. K - »- If' < *. K Ct «3 CM 5" • >- E • _J o c : 1 1 a if . j <; o c c:. coii< LJ u S?5U O a Cd' «_> < o c- •"» cm K) inooojjo c o o o o o c c c c c c o o o o o o CM ^0.-lCM*C OvOCMvOOvOCMvOO OOOOOOOOOOOO-SO C CCOC CC'TCCCCCC C OOOO OOOOOOOOO cm •& «h r>- cm COO CO C C c c c O O C O o -I o o o C —I o o C G o O O "3 O 3 O o o o o - 03 300 0003000 0000 OOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOC 3 3000300300000 3 O O 3 O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOCMOOOOOOOOOCOOOOCVOO OOOO OOOO 30 00 0^000 OOOOOOCOOO^lOO 00OC0O03 3000 3COOOOOOCOOOO rt^ooooccoooooc-croocooocooo io* o r- «-i c- r^- r- — 'ah-— 'h^(> •- ' r- — ' r- — or-r- oooo OOOO O 3 3 O OOOO OOOO c o O O SOeOMM^CIMOOlMCNC-NCfllOMM'ICIMO W C 1(1 H r^oo— ir~c\cM— i h-h- Hf> wj- tHi^Hi^Hh-niN*- 1 f*- N r-'-'-Hin I roor^* ooio 3- zt ho«Ch oj^-o oo — lOOO ooo oo OOOO ooo oo OOOo 3CO OO OOOO ooo oo o o o o o o o o oo o o o o CM O 0.-I O K) ro o C — ( •— O 4M ITo o~* O O J 3- O C f^ f>- OO ooo ooo ooo ooo — < o — I ooo CM O vD r^ ^ r^ sirvCNCHtvirsir >rr- e«-icv)f. •s-ifJvcr^o.HcviOs* ir. \Dr-o ^cm^* c c c c — i — i ^h — ^- — i — — • cm cv rv. cv. cv cm cv cv >r K) i». f, r : roKmd aada COOO ITOOOC'OOO OOOO OOOOC.OOOOC OOOO OOOO OOOOOC OC' OOO OOOOOOC COO OOOOOOOOO OOOc "OOOOOOOCOOOOOCTOOOO OOOO ccoccooocoeoc c c o c o o c- c o t- c o OOOOO OOO OOOO O O C O c c o c c c o in vC r- c ** 3 X & If lf> o o o in o o o o o m o o O O 3 O O C' O o c o c c c cr a c u c cv o u. a o •3- I u II c o c c u. tf ITvChCfO CM If. \T vCufJ v£f- h- C O O O C. H « ^ C' rj R CM CM If If vf. vi O O— < w CO C^ K r fj r P" \t \P vO C C C C: C C «- «-l •-. «~i •-•- .-i •-..-<.- .-i «~i •- .- -H »- r- ft! C Cvi C CV C C C C. C f C f P — * k~ ro k Ki*^ if ir ir i ir vr \T \£> KpKK ff rrrr r»rr: f": c- c C f. C ■ ' o r r. r c f c c- r C i OOOOwOC'OOOOOOOOOO c r . c r c c- c c c c r <. c c < OO CO OO OOOOOl^C C5 <- C C I ooo ' O O 3 C 3 O O < r a c< c c. c o o o o o o o CENFOR 12-18 February 1971 KJ Ui • o lf1 < — • — cm a -* —ii tfl W « W **t tfl tf> .- • — ' —I -J * — ^" -J i_ ON\DO CM iO — I — O 3 O 3 3 003 300030030 0033 3 OOO OOO CCCCCC OCCOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCO ccc OCCOOO OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO© coo o c o a < in -< mi*- o o o o O O o o oo O O - o o o c o CM O 3 3 :* d- r- d- l- ir O O o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ^ o o o d- c r»- — i d- it IT U" o o o o o o c c IO IO cm ^o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o » o o -H St IT IT o o O 3 o o c c 3- IO IO o O OJ CD C3 Z) O 3 O o o c o o o o o a O O J o o o o o o o o c o o o IT/ O -^ o — • o O — i c\ \D vt *r c o o 3 O C 3 O O C' o c o m cm o o o 3 O 3 O O 3 coo o o o o o o O 3 3 n j om<- — «0~*0-H3»^3-*0— IO— lOWOO— l»HOO ^■OC »3-J-CC CWM^riMCCNCNOMCWONCWCMONCIMMOaWO r>- ooc r^r- oo^r^cucM— • r- r- — 'h--nr^— ir^— ii~-— tr--^h-— it>-— i r- «-i t» MCvi—ir- r- o o o o a o o CM :r~ c— icMioainvcr- ■ — o. cv cv ev ^ cm cvj cv o k j-ircvcr- C'rH<\,i^'diTvcr^'^-icMKidin«rr- c^cvjio^it >c \C vT »vt. >ilr'l^'^'^t^^^^-^-c ccccccc— >^— ■— ,— ■— i OOOQ.OOOOOOOOCO—4*"" — *-^-^*n»— ~^-h— i,— — I — i— l— i^h— (— — i— t— i~*»h~* — < OOO ••COCOOCOOOCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO o OOOCOOO 3 D000003 0300000303300000030000 O COO -CCCOCCCOCCCOCCCOOOCC-COOCOCCOCOCOCC c- Ix i c * o 1^. o II c u o II ii e c IT m N c xT lO o IO u I- a o i- o c c Ul or c cr o CM CM CM vT \f C C C r !• c ^ a — — ! — > CV' IT P~ K> 3 n 3 d c j? it ITiriTlf vT vCvTvTvC—l— iCMCV dd-L' rc~ = d CJC'COL'L 1/ U L L- U IP vT If L' vtr- i^oc-' — ac L' U L' M. \C \l ^ o o o o o O O O O O O •— ' O O o c f <. c >. :: c. c c o c; c> c > n c c c 1 1 c r c c_ c^ c< c t. c c. /OO (_'JOOOOOO J 0003 CO ooooooo February 1971 CENFOR 12-19 o a If * o »* in r«- o tv tfl S) *fl in a. ra a. - 3 t- -* inin i/» fO i: o -z. t\l - S) - CM ~* O *4 •^ — a •* c 23 — CD — ■3 "3 £ S -I + -f 0> 0> —t — 1 ^ O «i 1 o c o «-• o v> 1 o ' c c c c c : o i o o c > o 1 * 3- o w o • o o or- c > r- _J >— o o o o c > 3 a "2? O 3 o o o o s: UJ 3 3 c o ) 3 C IS o o K) 3 K ) o z c c — • o V" l o 1— 1 • jS 3- if m c K © *-, o 3 3 ■** o ** 1 3 l/v _) a- sr * o a o w _J r- r- 1^- O f- o u c tr u. IT X — OJ ro 3- M .0 01 t_> f. r> fC (O f ; i«i L. < •— ~* ~- »H — t — * s: UJ o o o c G o a. o o 3 O > o ♦ c. o o o c c <_ cr •— * u. K > !/■ u. c z 2 _1 «3 -1 ►- « •-* c ♦ c a o »- f- a ^» 21 c j c 1^ c o K 1 4_ c u c \f u • *-• C c • * i ^™ » o ] a. \T. _^ U. C ! i U IT • • | • u c • < K) 3- tn tf] «-■ r~ r-i< I s - f r o .-• *-* --< •-i •-H «-< — i ~* •"-• —4 ;i C e r: c t: < C c f." C CiOG»000 00 3 CENFOR 12-20 February 1971 Ul Q. t m UJ o o u cr isi cm in m cm ^ cm o o o o o o coo o o o cr tx a. CM f\J CM o o o zoo o o o a s Ul »- z o onuo cl«->-^ >-i>Hin c c o cm cm cv < < < < CM a 3 < < < 3 C O O O < < < < < o a: vO a • cr c 2: •X 2 < cr »- ct c u H CD r» D o IT «N • «-4 1- —\ IT 1 a. 3 i 5 o- I C 2 V UJ . • - K- a a • x X o z a •u o ? •"< « c a t- 1/.UI c < »- u _) »- U »-H — > — t c UUI _) ZL Ci •—• © Q B o cm m 1 o ' o o o I ►- »- 2 e *-* z C Ul a -J cm r^ ■» >- » v£l O CM a UJ C O c y- s O O o 7 4 o c o Ul 2 O O o iC 5C o UJ < 2 K c c t~ < 3 _i C < _) a a UOB > «■» * * * c u o u. tl ir «-• c <\ 2; — OC c •-4 COO »- Ul o o o — ID c « ! a a a c u. 1 _1 X 2 o «t 1 f«- TH 4 2 ioioo o *HO ■—I O o o t- o o o < o o a o o o o c _J ►h cr Ul -H CM CM > s o o #-i o o o f- o o o - -J »- o vC •- »~ • ^ -t rt r- o a- co ^* c c c c _) coo cr o o o w o o c — cr u _i -< Cd CM cr C O C « c c c •— c o c a. cr c u »- _J 2 c U' inur £ "Z? -X) vC vC e K> & »< o o o i/> coo if C Cr O « c o c Ul cr o « — <\ c\ CC o o o c c c c »- o c c o CM CM CM CM CM CM -^ CM CM CM ! c c o 3 O CO C | C 3 O ! c c c 1 o c c c . c ; c c c c c o j c o CO C i 3 3 3 1 •-I K) CM -1 j -^ w 1 ! ] «-l ■»-! * o o o CM CM o *-» CM O (MCMOHHNO CM CM •* o o o o o o o O 3 3 O 3 3 O 3 O CD O O o o o CD C o o 3 O 3 O O O O 3 O o o o c o o O O 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 O O 3 3 O O rsl o o o o o O o o o O O O O O O O o oo O o o o o o o o O O o o o o o o o o o o ^ o o a O 3 3 3 o a 3 O 3 3 O 3 O o o o • * w o 3 C ^ 3 3 3 O O .T 3 3 3 O 3 3 O ■; o o O CV CM CM CM 3- :T 3- O O O O O O O-w o t- c o c c o O C c o C O O O O C O o o o L" O CM o O CM o o O f- o o I s - o o 3- r- coo « O 3 o 3 3 3 3 3 -1 3 O -* 3 3 O -< 3 3 3 a: O vC •-• O vC ^D »-! O 3" «H C IT O O 3 O HhO m -< I s - o — i I s - r- o •-I ^1 OH HlTvON H OCM H c T « O -H OJ ■•o a ir vC I s - «h cm r^ 3- in •£ r- O^N ^s #^ c o c c c c c C — . «- •— ( ^^ «-t •— 4 «-( «H CV CM CM C r»- c o o o o o o O 3 O O 3 O O O O 3 O O o o o o o o o O O O O O O O c o O O O O CD o o o o o 3 o 3 O 3 O 3 3 O O O 3 O 9 — - o o c o c O c C O c o c o o c o coo (- CM 3 w 0. I c o •— l- z o II II II U li v. o e c. »>-t »^- a I h(\| IO j * — ID c c 3 3 C Cl l/! lf tn ir- «T' vO c: c C c c c c I s - r- r- I s - c c c c> c o —. — H — oo c C. '. <.:. C t. t DC c c c c o c c- r • O C Cl C C' C C' iOOOOOO^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO February 1971 CENFOR 12-21 ID (V o a c ' c e 1 ♦ ♦ o o o ~* o ! o o ID 3 o o m. o i o o *H . o in in 1 3 r- X X • _J -i * • « ro — i o o ~H CVI *- OS — a 01 T i m vO •-» »- — t- » « » » • «C * » * _J * « _i * » c o 2 4 * Q. • < cr i o cr a a CV CU CV III * < • • • K) o o o o o o o o O 3 O 3 © o c o 3 © c J- o o o o C CS, o r- f O o o c 3 3 c c 3 © r- ro ~4 ^ O 3 o o 3 a o © o o 3 3 C 3 O O o c o j- O 3 IT) * © r- » IT. K". f- O 3 O O O O c o _l o in © o c © © O o o O o o c 3 o o o © 3 3 C C o o I r-m — 1 3- o o O 3 3 3 O© o© o© 3 3 o o o © ©d- 3 © — I .* re 'a- o o © o 3 3 © c o O (VI 3 O c c © o ru K o -H o o o o 3 O © © © o O O O O O o © © © © 3 3 C -* ^t o o X > cr 2 runiojcvrvJ© © hhh o C33333 3 COC C CCC3CC © CC© © ccooco c ceo o m^vcr^ ©ifiroinoin^co^^ ^H-h»h.-i(\Jo03000000 03O3O0003OC00O 00333000 OOOOOO 00 3 30 3 03 r-3333© OOOOOO oooooooo ©©©©©OOOOOO©"- 1 © 3 So^OfOOOOOO c ro^o»<3©3-^o © O O 3 © 0©003.*©»-i0000»-«»-l oooc ©o©©©oc©©© © ~ o © © o ^ o © — < « -< © o 3 3 3 D 3 3 3 3 3 "3 3 3 3 O ©vCvC^D o O o f J © •i0 o ir c z t- c UJ 2 a uj «-i cu <\i ft! cu Vi r r ir ir^ it hh N c o»<»-»> Wft'Nrr kk.i 1 r *- -**-. »~»i »-;^ »-i •- »- •- «- w* w~ t- CV' c cor ccrccccft vO r* r ciioicm' K"i ft ^ ir r re croc ceve oc lf> u c c L O © © {■.-• O O © 3 ".■ © O -> O O 3 O O © »"• r> f- or c c r> ' c c « t (; t ciC ©c> o doooooo oooooo coo -3 o CENFOR 12-22 February 1971 if \ r- c •"' » jt • >. a a. ^_ u. «i u »r r> «. • « _j en •h a cr cr ? I r C o * * M l/l z. o r~ 1^ f*1 * m U' c c © © cv cv K> or c: o o o o o o c c o o o o o o c o o o c- o o «3 j u. > *- f- •3 Sr: c r^ J »c If. If r- o fV - ^ _J K) •-4 C\l OJ r- ifi fO ^* U < c- •■h o. IT <: ifi r~ o *-< cr z: c O o •- •-t OJ OJ fl 1*1 »— ( o c- o c c c C © C • o o o © o o © O o o r o o o o o c o 3 to © c- if) rr r- -> — r- « —• r- •-I <\' Ov <£ O «H IT. 1*1 f. r j» it o c t-< O C O c -1 rt rt O 3 O O O O O r- ti- ll. l/> rr I o c © ,- «■* 1 - «-4 o «H *r ■H *N •-4 o o •-i »< , —i «-H c. OJ •-* CM OJ OJ 3 » ir IT ! o >C ST m 3- fO •*■. tn 2 «-« w-1 1 »— •-< c C c c C' o a. cc rr a . <_> o Oj c a CL a a •- u. u. £ 2 c c u i 2 5 2 2 ►- V V V V V V ■v •v V V V V < «p *■ *p »^ tp V tf> I f- m c O OL a D h- a a w-4 UJ Hi > t- «J z _j - u Q L U C a K «l CO in 2 Z * z tn »- J L-' Z i' o Cl 2 o u. i _J U. CENFOR 12-24 February 1971 «M < a. r- c a ip a o «: >- li. a c c a a a c cat ccc caQaccaacQco. ccoooooooccoocccoocoococc r^ a t- o e a. o 1 o cm c o c a> o ' c c c c c c c cocccc CCCCC cc ccccc <: a <: «a <; « <: ccdl-KKt-Kl-Kt-l-HCC'C <_;».> 2 S E S £ 2 Z SS-SESSSSSESSSSSSaS i cr i z c c c cc I _r i I i — ^ — » cc in a. x x Zi tf* *p & & c i < < a Dt-cr— tvrc ii- -c.^cccc»- «^ r < . c a k « C» 2 D E St .<_>*_> O :* :* O «. o o O 5 O o c V c IX L. l/> a c in v. cr < u # # 13. THE TAPE SORT March 1970 CENFOR 13-1 13.1. TTSTNO FORTRAN GENERATED SUBPROGRAMS AS OWN CODING TO THE 1107 SORT MERGE 13.1.1. CONCEPT OF "OWN CODING" The 1107 Sort/Merge Is an independent program which, under certain circumstances, may be instructed to "call upon" subprograms to manipulate the data as it passes through the S/M process. These subprograms (if present) are called from the S/M at two points: (1) OCFP - After an item is read from the input source by the S/M, but before it is presented to the sort- ing process, the "Own Coding First Pass" (if present) is given control. This subprogram may then edit or rearrange each item, change its length, reject it, add items from another source, prepare tables, etc. (2) OCLP - After the input and sorting process is complete and while the sequenced items are being written onto the final output, the "Own Coding Last Pass" (if present) is given control before each item is written. This subprogram may also edit or rearrange each item, change its length, reject it, add items from another source, prepare tables, etc. Although the OCFP and OCLP subprograms both become part of a single S/M program when they are loaded into the machine, they should be thought of as two completely separate pro- grams. They are executed at two separate points in time and they may not communicate with each other except as explained later. However, one tape is used for both assemblies, An initial typeout indicating the FORTRAN own coding name (the main program name is always SORT) and version number is recommended since control is more difficult when processing a program of this type. "Own coding" may also be used with a special version of SORT called S0RT4.C. This version handles IBM Compatible Tapes in addition to all the units available in SORT. See Part U-B-l SORT^C of the Census Computer Systems Manual for parameter details and storage requirements. CENFOR 13- 2 March 1970 13.1.2. CODING THE OCFP AND OCLP SUBPROGRAMS /././.* FPCODE @ MAP FPCODE, FPC0D1. @LIP FOR FPCODE, FPCODE, FPC0D1 EXTERNAL FPSUB 1 CALL OCSUB ($1,$1, FPSUB) SUBROUTINE FPSUB ($,$,$) COMMON NENTRY,ITMSIZ,ITEM(20) IF (NENTRY) 100,200,300 (YOUR OCFP FORTRAN STATEMENTS ARE CODED HERE) 700 RETURN 1 800 RETURN 2 900 RETURN END 3 )))))) 3 blank cards /././•* LPCODE REWINT @ MAP LPCODE, LPC0D1. @LIP FOR LPCODE, LPCODE, LPC0D1 EXTERNAL LPSUB 1 CALL OCSUB ($1,$1, LPSUB) SUBROUTINE LPSUB ($,$,$) COMMON NENTRY, ITMSIZ,ITEM( 20) IF (NENTRY) 100,200,300 YOUR OCLP FORTRAN STATEMENTS ARE CODED HERE) 700 RETURN 1 800 RETURN 2 900 RETURN END 3 )))))) 3 blank cards Although the names in your actual coding need not be the same as those in this example, they must maintain the same relationship and consistency as shown in this example. Note that OCSUB is a constant name. It is the name of a special subroutine. Also note that NENTRY, I TMSIZ, and ITEM should occupy the first positions in the blank COMMON block. March 1970 CENFOR 13- 3 13.1.3. ENTRANCES TO YOUR OWN CODING FROM THE S/M . Statement No. Shown in the Examples EXPLANATION 100 This is the "write only return" from the S/M. This means that you previously took the RETURN 2 entrance to the S/M. The S/M is not presenting an item to the Own Coding in this case. 200 This is the "end-of-file return" from the S/M. The S/M has no more items to present to you. Execution of the RETURN 1 statement will cause control to revert to the S/M, not to reenter this particular Own Coding subprogram again. Items may be added at this point by use of the RETURN 2 statement $ a limited number only. 300 This is the "read return" from the S/M. The S/M is presenting the Own Coding with an item which is con- tained in ITEM (1) to ITEM (n) while the length of that item is contained in ITMSIZ. Note that, in the coded example, ITEM was dimensioned with 20 locations. This will, of course, vary according to the size of the item expected. The "read return" from the S/M is the first entrance used to enter your Own Coding subprogram. 13.1.4. RETURNS FROM YOUR OWN CODING TO THE S/M . RETURN 1 Your Own Coding elects not to present an item to the S/M but requests that the S/M present the Own Coding with another item. RETURN 2 Your Own Coding has an item to present to the S/M but requests that the S/M not present another item to the Own Coding. Next entrance to your Own Coding will be through the "write only return" (statement number 100 in this example). The item that your Own Coding is presenting to the S/M is contained in Item (1) to ITEM (n), while the item length (n) is contained in ITMSIZ. RETURN 3 Your Own Coding has an item to present to the S/M and requests that the S/M present another item to your Own Coding. Next entrance to your Own Coding will be through the "read return" (statement number 300 in this example). The item that your Own Coding is pre- senting to the S/M is contained in ITEM (l) to ITEM (n), while the item length (n) is contained in ITMSIZ. CENFOR 13- 4 March 1970 13.1.5. I/O STATEMENT WITHIN THE OWN CODING SUBPROGRAMS FORTRAN read/write statements may not be used within the Own Coding subprograms. At the present time, only FOLION and EX I/O Statements are permissible. 13.1.6. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN OCFP AND OCLP SUBPROGRAMS Although the OCFP and OCLP subprograms should be thought of as two separate programs, all i/O devices are shared by them. Data written on drum or tape by OCFP is available to the OCLP subpro- gram. However, the FOLION package, if used, does not maintain definitions of opened files in both subprograms. Therefore, all files must be closed at the end of OCFP and then may be reopened at the beginning of the OCLP subprogram. For example, OCFP could write with FOLION on unit 10, and then close file with no rewind. OCLP could then reopen the file on unit 10 and continue writing on the same tape. Or, as an additional example, OCFP could write on unit 10, close with rewind, and then OCLP could reopen and read the file on unit 10. The same comments are applicable to drum. In addition, a single named COMMON area is available to both OCFP and OCLP subprograms. Other than the blank COMMON statement shown in the coded example, the following is the only COMMON area which may be defined. COMMON /OCTAB/ Data placed in the OCTAB COMMON area by the OCFP subprogram will be available to the OCLP subprogram. 13.2. SCHEDULING 13.2.1. PTY CARD The program name is SORT. When there is no option coding, the user may elect to use SORTN. March 1970 CENFOR 13- 5 13.2.2. FAC CARD IBANK: Let x = the larger result of these two computations fOCFP IBANK - 700 [_0CLP IBANK - 1100 then, the total IBANK requirement is : x + 614-4- cells DBANK: Let x = the larger DBANK requirement of either the OCFP or OCLP subprograms. Then, the total DBANK requirement is: X + COREWK + LOCTAB + LN$BLN + 4096 where COREWK, LOCTAB, and LN$BLN represent TAL card increments explained later. MD0/10000 Additional drum must be assigned to cover the sum of LGTHWK, the length of OCFP (both banks), the length of OCLP (both banks) and any drum used by the Own Coding subprograms (represented by the sum of the TAL card entries LD1 through LD5). (LGTHWK represents a TAL card increment explained later. ) MAI This designates a channel which contains three 2A tape units. The unit tags are SMI and SM2 with SM1A for the alternate I/O unit. (if the channel is not used, it should not be mentioned on the FAC card. Units contained on a channel which has been mentioned must be deleted if they are not to be used). For example, if we wished to schedule the 2A unit SMI, the FAC card entry would appear as follows : ,MAl/l: SM2:SM1A, the above comments apply to all tape channels. MA2 This designates a channel which contains three 2A tape units. The unit tags are SMA1 and SMA2 with SMA1A for the alternate I/O unit. MAS This designates a channel which contains the ten standard FORTRAN 2A tape units. The unit tags are AA through GA, READA, PRNTA, and PNCHA. These are the units which are scheduled if the Own Coding subprograms use 2A tapes directly. MC9 This channel is used for 4C tapes AC, BC, PRNTC, PNCHC, and READC. These units are scheduled when FORTRAN Own Coding subprograms use 4C tapes directly as in the EX subroutine. When the sort's input or output is a 4C tape, then S0RT4C should be used. CENFOR 13-6 March 1970 13.2.2. FAC CARD (Continued) MT3 This designates a channel which contains eight 3A tape units. The unit tags are SMT1 through SMT7 with SMT1A for the alternate I/O unit. MT6 This designates a channel which contains seven 3A tape units. The unit tags are SMTA1 through SMTA6 with SMTA1A for the alternate i/O unit. MT7 This designates a channel which contains the ten standard FORTRAN 3A tape units. The unit tags are AT through GT, READT, PRNTT, and PNCHT. These are the units which are scheduled if the Own Cod- ing subprograms use 3A tapes directly. 13.2.3. TAL CARD COREWK This represents the number of data bank core locations to be used for working storage by the sort. LGTHWK This represents the number of drum locations to be used for string storage by the sort. LN$BLN This entry is equal to the value which appears on the ELF facility synopsis opposite "LN$BLN." If both OCFP and OCLP subprograms are present, the TAL entry should be the larger of the values appearing on the two ELF listings. LOCTAB This represents the length of the OCTAB COMMON area, if used. This entry is equal to the value which appears on the ELF facility synopsis opposite "LOCTAB." If both OCFP and OCLP subprograms are present, the TAL entry should be the larger of the values appearing on the two ELF listings. LD1 These represent the Own Coding drum table lengths, through if used. They correspond to FORTRAN internal unit LD5 numbers 25 through 29. March 1970 CENFOR 13-7 13. 2. U. SUB CARD For OCFP only , the sub card should be : JRID, SUB, 0CFP/FPC0D1, OCLP. where FPC0D1 is the same as the second name on the MAP card of the OCFP subprogram. For OCLP only, the sub card should be: JRID, SUB, OCFP, OCLP/LPCODl. where LPC0D1 is the same as the second name on the MAP card of the OCLP subprogram. For OCFP and OCLP, the sub card should be: JRID, SUB, 0CFP/FPC0D1, OCLP/lPCODI. where FPC0D1 and LPC0D1 are as described above. It is possible to use SORT with no option coding. In this case, the SUB card should be: JRID, SUB, OCFP, OCLP. When SORTN is used, no SUB card is required. CENFOR 13- 8 March 1970 13.2.5. PMO CARD No. of Column Characters 12 13 H 1 1 15 1 16 1 17 1 Parameter Sort or Merge Ascending or Descending Sequence Whether or not to use machine sequence (00-77^) Fixed or variable length items Rearrangement of keys Type of key Note: When column 13 indicates descending sequence, use type of keys under ascending to produce descending sequence and types 5-9 to produce ascending sequence. 18 1 Must be blank Coding Blank = Sort 1 = Merge 2 = Merge/message (13-4) Blank = Ascending 1 = Descending Blank = Machine Sequence 1 = Different Sequence Blank = Fixed 1 = Variable Blank = Rearrangement 1 = No Rearrangement Ascending: Blank = Unsigned binary 1 = Signed decimal 2 = Unsigned binary 3 = Signed binary (1107) 4- = Signed binary (IBM) Descending: 5 = Unsigned binary 7 = Signed decimal 8 = Signed binary (1107) 9 = Signed binary (IBM) Ascending/Descending: 6 = Combination of key types. Blank 19 20 Location of input Input file label 1 = Uni servo IIA (Census Compatible) Uniservo IIIA Drum Blank = Check input tape label against the label specified on the PM3, 4, and 5 1 = Do not check labels March 1970 CENFOR 13-9 13.2.5. PMO CARD (Continued) No. of Column Characters Parameter 21 22 23 24.-29 30-35 36-41 42-47 48-49 50-51 1 2/0utput file label 1 6 6 6 6 Type of intermediate storage Location of output Maximum number of words in item Number of bits in total key Maximum number of words per input block Maximum number of words per output block Number of ways for merge (for straight merge only) Total number of i/O tape units available excluding alternate - at least two Coding Blank = Use contents of PM6, 7, and 8 cards as output label. 1 = Use input tape label as output tape label. 3 = Uniservo IIIA 6 = Drum 9 = Drum backed by Uniservo IIIA 1 = Uniservo II A (Census Compatible) 3 = Uniservo IIIA 6 = Drum Decimal value Decimal value Decimal value * Decimal value * Decimal value Decimal value 2/ When both input and output are in LION INTERNAL FORMAT free words (a maxi- mum of 32), if present in the input tape label, will be transferred to the output tape label. * This decimal value is the block size written on tape. It does not include the 35 words of file control information which FORTRAN programers need when using F0LI0N. CENFOR 13-10 March 1970 13.2.5. PMO CARD (Continued) No. of Coli omn -53 Characters 52- 2 54 1 Parameter 55 1 56 1 57 1 Number of input tapes Action required for unreadable blocks 58 Own Coding First Pass Own Coding Last Pass Rerun Input Tape Format Coding Decimal value Blank = Type block number and terminate 1 = Skip unreadable blocks 2 = Skip unreadable blocks but type block numbers Blank = No 1 = Yes Blank = No 1 = Yes Blank = No 1 = Yes Blank = Internal 1 = External 59 Output Tape Format 60 1 PM3-^M5 convert FD to XS3 61-64 4 Sort file fixed length item size 65-68 4 Final output fixed length item size 71 72 73 Lang PM6/ J*=FD;l=Convt;2=XS3 equiv. Language of input label Total number of IIA (Census Compatible) input tapes to Sort on a one for one basis Blank = Internal 1 = External 1 = convert, Blank Decimal value 3/ Decimal value 3/ Blank = Fieldata 1 = Fieldata to XS3 Blank = XS3 1 = Fieldata Decimal value do not 75 76-77 Whether or not to $ort every file of a multi- file input Blank = No 1 = Yes Decimal value 2 File to begin sorting if a multi-file input 3/ Parameter need not be entered if the item size is the same as specified for the input file in columns 24-29. March 1970 CENFOR 13-11 13.2.5. PMO CARD (Continued) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CARD COLUMNS 2A-29. 6l-6A r AND 65-68 OF THE PM0 CARD A = Columns 24.-29 Input Item Size B = Columns 6I-64. Sort File Item Size C = Columns 65-68 Final Output Item Size CENFOR 13-12 March 1970 13.2.6. FM1 CARD This card is to be used to arrange fields upon which the items are to be sorted or merged. List major fields first, etc., down to the minor field. Column No. of Characters Parameter Coding 12-14 3 Word in item where first bit of field will be found* Decimal value 15 1 Type of Key, if PM0 card specified a combination of See column 17 in PM0 format 16-17 18-20 3 Key types Bit position in word of first bit in field Number bits in the field Decimal value Decimal value Repeat preceding four entries six more times if necessary. PM2 CARD- PM2 is used to establish the sequence if the machine sequence is not desired. (Col. 11, of the PM0 card) Beginning with column 12, 6h characters in the desired sequence are punched. The first word in an item is word 1. March 1970 CENFOR 13-13 13.2.7. PM3,PM^,PM5 CARDS These cards are used to check the Input File label if this option has been selected in the PM0 CARD. No. of Column Characters 12-17 18-23 6 Parameter Number of words in the File Label, including the date and reel number (maximum value is 32) Date (Month, Day, Year)* Coding Decimal value, with either leading zeros or blanks Numeric, e.g. , 052064, if blank, date is not checked. 2^-29 Reel Numbers- Decimal value. If blank, the reel number is not checked. 30-77 6-180 12-77 (PM4 or PM5 Card) File Label. It can be continued on PM4- and PM5, beginning with column 12 Alphanumeric "If a HA tape is read, there will be no date and reel number to be checked, so columns 18-29 should be blank. For External Format, the PM3 card should contain: Columns 12-17 18-23 24-35 Word Count Reel Number File Name Always 3 in column 17 Decimal value Alpnanumeric, space filled CENFOR 13-14 March 1970 13.2.8. PM6,PM7,PM8 CARDS These cards are used to supply the Output File Label, if this option has been selected in PM0. No. of Column Characters Parameter Coding 12-17 18-23 Number of words in the File Label, including the Date and Reel Number (maximum value is 32) Date (Month, Day, Year) * Decimal value with either leading zeros or blanks Number, e.g., 052064- If blank, the run date, provided by EXEC 1 will be written. 24-29 Reel Number* Decimal value. If blank, the first reel of the output will be set to 1. 30-77 6-180 File Label. It can be continued on PM7 and PM8, beginning with column 12. Alphanumeric, " x "If a IIA tape is written, no date and reel number will be written, so columns 18-29 should contain the first two words of the file label. For External Format, the PM3 card should contain: Columns 12-17 18-23 24-35 Word Count Reel Number File Name Always 3 in column 17 Decimal value Alphanumeric, space filled March 1970 CENF0R 13.2.9. EXAMPLE OF SORT SCHEDULE CARDS Description of problem: 25,000 120 word items. Input is 3 IIIA's with 605 word blocks. Output is to be on IIIA with 605 word blocks. Sort keys are word 120, bits 5-0; word 97, bits 29-0; word 3, bits 35-0; word U, bits 35-0; word 5, bits 35-0. No input label checking. Output label is supplied in XS3. User's own coding for both first and last pass. One IIIA tape is used in option coding. The own coding first pass uses: IBANK - 300 DBANK - 100 The own coding last pass uses: IBANK - 6000 DBANK - 2000 CENFOR 13-16 1970 March 1970 > I at Z O > s o z */> VI III y o -C C Q V -O 1 u D -C o i 6 li c 0> II c o Q eo r-. • 00 r^ * • eo R o «N ■* S s o in r- n- f»s en IN o CK -O III in Z a a u u o J o < u. 1- Z bJ X Ul IE U z I z bJ _l Ul -1 a < o IT bJ u. Z < a ul X < z 0. -1 o o « 0. u. u o P-. o Pu, o o rH P-, O Ph Ol IN rs. o ■o ■a r» a CN •0 . 2 Z ft •4 r» ri Pi W r-t rZ Wl : - ■o f> Hi i- r> •o o E E XI K P- o ft CD * > a s " St r-{ 4 rH s a a - o a IN id a. Eh CI »n - IS vO tx3 5 o g o * -X J IN © to r> r*, _s u z < z X a u X o P-, S O •z. •al 5 KM K-1S22* TCCT U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 6-«7i 1 L J I BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 1107 EXECUTIVE SCHEDULE CARDS FIXED PARAMETERS ONLY « S c u « o <>IS J V ?" V a g « M C 3 Jf O i u i "O o d U-N Oh E-" 5 rH " u-\ !! OO Ei O Eh f f> H M3 D •A r> ■z. Pu s oc; Eh o Pm P a in O ? « 2: F-i O w - O sO S5 ft. EH r> < < < a. to < s w E-> W o * .. H - - <: a r> S a: E-h o K-l rH rH u-\ rH M w « Ol rH CO in IN m can 6-i rH • • C«1 l-H a n . (-> H » s o NU X 1X4 tH B o IN - CO •• O o ft V IN -Ci «n _a t> Sl « EH O O "S. a IS, »o o «. IN is Eh .. rH ^£> ISl s IS K m E-i (Tx ■s. * is. Ol M aa <»\ • OA 01 - .. u^ v£) r^ r% d -« • Q rl 00 >- UI a > u < u. u < b. bJ a > ►- < > ►- z tt I tt Ul a. >- »- ■ u a o X 1 X a X a. X a X 0. X a. X X a X a X a. X a o •0 &\ r-s. - ' . . -- - r* c o - • < 04 • - March 1970 CENFOR 13-17 13.3. DETERMINATION OF CORE, DRUM, AND TAPE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SORT Core working storage (COREWK), drum tables for storage of sorted strings (LGTHWK) and intermediate tapes must be assigned in the proper relationship to complete a sort operation in one merge pass, Excessive running time and a high incidence of error terminations will result if this is not done. A simple formula will produce the most strategic assignment for LGTHWK and intermediate tapes. Then, COREWK may be determined by dividing LGTHWK by 50. The formula for LGTHWK is: LGTHWK = 1 T D A+lN + 15,000 © where D = total number of data words I = number of words per item T = number of intermediate tapes, initially assigned as 1. COREWK = LGTHWK (must be at least 20/+S words) 50 If the total number of data words exceeds 4,000,000 the sort should be done in parts, followed by a merge. A maximum of 4,500,000 data words can be sorted in one operation within the standards for facility assignment providing the record size is not less than 15 words and there is no option coding. The minimum configuration of intermediate tapes, if any are used, is 3. If the output tape is a ill A tape, then trie output tape can be considered one of the intermediate tapes. CENFOR 13-18 March 1970 13.3. DETERMINATION OF CORE. DRUM, AND TAPE REQUIREMENTS FOR A SORT (Cont.) There is no positive optimum for facility assignment using the formula but an effective rule is: If LGTHWK is greater than 600,000, with T = 1, recompute with T = 3« Increase T to the maximum of 5, if necessary, until LGTHWK is less than or equal to 600,000. If LGTHWK is 600,000 or less with T = 1, no intermediate tape units should be assigned. The sort can be accomplished in core and drum with one merge pass. EXAMPLE 1 ; Assume 100,000 20-word items are to be sorted. D = 2,000,000 I = 20 With T = 1, LGTHWK = 2 ,J*50# ,jd0jtfQi J+ 15,000 = 2,115,000 Result exceeds standards as well as the effective rule. With T = 2, LGTHWK = 2,000,000(g) + ^^ = 1}057>500 2 This result also exceeds standards and the effective rule. With T = Ki LGTHWK = 2, $00, 000 Q$) + 15,000 = 528,750 5 This is an acceptable result, therefore LGTHWK - 528,750 Intermediate Tapes = U COREWK = 528,750 = 10,575 or 6 additional DBANK. 50 - EXAMPLE 2 : Assume 50,000 10-word items to be sorted. D = 500,000 I = 10 With T = 1, LGTHWK = 500,000 (^*) + 15,000 = 565,000 LGTHWK is less than 600,000 with T = 1, therefore no inter- mediate tapes are required. COREWK = 565,0j^0 = 11,300 or 6 additional DBANK. 5P March 1970 CENF0R 13 _ 19 13.4. INFORMATION RELATIVE TO THE STRAIGHT MERGE ONLY A. Alternation if requested by the FAC card refers to the output. B. It is not necessary to increment the drum table length tag, LGTHWK. C. COREWK must be incremented to allow for double buffers for each input file. 1. It should equal 2F-, , + 2F~, ...... + 2F„ F., = largest block on file 1 Fp = largest block on file 2 F = largest block on last file D. Option coding, if used, can only be last pass. E. When column 12 of the PM0 card is coded "2", a message "REQ NUMBER OF WAYS TO MERGE" is typed out awaiting a reply of one digit. The number of ways to merge (columns 4.8-49 of the PM0 card) is reduced to the number typed in which may range from 1 to the maximum number requested in the ?M0 card. This feature removes the necessity of preparing numerous sets of schedule cards to merge n files of sorted data. The FAC and TAL cards should reflect the maximum facilities required. When a "one- way" merge is specified, input and output equipment types must be the same. CENFOR 13-20 March 1970 13.5. SIGNIFICANT CONSOLE MESSAGES Type out A. NN JRID CH C/U LABEL ERROR IMAGE rr mmddyy (30 chars. of label) LABEL rr mmddyy (30 chars. of label) Where NN = message number rr = reel number mmddyy = data B. .CCS. XXXXXXXXXXXX •TCS.XXXXXXXXXXXX Ccc Uuu LION ERR 23 C. SORT ERR 21 Ccc Uuu D. CHECKSUM ERROR XXXXXXXXXXXX INPUT CHECKSUM XXXXXXXXXXXX OUTPUT CHECKSUM B. E. NN JRID .CCS. XXXXXXXXXXXX. RC.XXXXX E. . T CS . XXXXXXXXXXXX . RC . XXXXXX NN = Message Identifier F. NN JRID .CCS. XXXXXX. RC.XXXXX . T C S . XXXXXX . RC . XXXXX NN = Message Identifier Y - Accept label N - The routine assumes that another tape has been placed on the unit and the label check is reinitiated. A block checksum failure occurred and the tape in error is identified by channel and and unit. Sequence error on final out- put. The input tape in error is identified by channel and unit. This is an internal checksum failure. The sum of the data bits at the end of the first pass does not equal the sum of the data bits at the end of the last pass. File checksum error on a IIIA tape (LION INTERNAL FORMAT). Y - Accept N - LION ERR 116 File checksum error on a IIA tape (Census Compatible Format), Y - Accept N - LION ERR 109 March 1970 CENFOR 13-21 13.6. NOTES ON SORT/MERGE 13.6.1. VARIABLE LENGTH ITEMS It is possible to sort variable length items. The type of intermediate storage ma y be Uniservo IIIA jr drum backed by IIIA's. 13.6.2. OUTPUT FILE LABEL When both input and output are in LION INTERNAL FORMAT, free words (a maximum of 32), if present in the input tape label will be transferred to the output tape label. 13.6.3. SORT FILE FIXED LENGTH ITEM SIZE By making an entry in columns 61 -64 of the PM0 card, an item size different from the one specified in columns 24-29 can be sorted. If there is no first pass option coding and the new item size is smaller than the input record size, this change is automatic. When there is option coding or when the new record size is larger than the input record size, this change must be effected by first pass own coding setting the new item size into "ITMSIZ" before returning control to the SORT/MERGE. The automatic feature is not available for variable sized items. When columns 61-64 are coded to change the item size, columns 65-68 should be completed to specify the output record size. 13.6.4 FINAL OUTPUT FIXED LENGTH ITEM SIZE By making an entry in columns 65-68 of the PM0 card an item size different from the one specified in columns 24-29 can be written on the final output tape. When the record size created is larger than the Sorted record, the record will be junk filled unless last pass option coding inserts data to complete the record. 13.6.5. INPUT/OUTPUT-IIA CENSUS COMPATIBLE FORMAT When both input and output are HA Census Compatible format, up to 9 tapes may be sorted on a one-for-one basis without rescheduling the SORT/MERGE program. 13.6.6. MULTI-FILE INPUT It is possible to use a multi-file tape as input to the SORT/MERGE and have the following options: l) Decimally specify the first or only file to sort; 2) Sort every file or only one file after reaching the starting point. The first tape mounted must contain the label block of the file to commence the sorting operation. The output is a single file . Card columns 52-53 of the PM0 card are a count of the total number of physical input tapes involved. 13.6.7. FILLING OUT REQUEST SHEETS When filling out the "REQUEST FOR 1107 PROGRAM PREPARATION SERVICES," you must indicate in the space labeled "ASSEMBLE" that a FORELF/ELF compiling sequence is desired. CENFOR 13-22 March 1970 13.6.8. ALLOCATION OF OPTION CODING A special debugging aid is now available in the SORT. A word, located in octal location 34 of the IBANK of the SORT, contains the address of first pass coding in the left half and the address of last pass coding in the right half. If a sort terminates abnormally, last pass coding is not available during first pass, and first pass coding is not available during last pass. The option coding segments are stored on the drum and are brought into core at appropriate times. * U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1971 131-996/1421 H. SERVICE PROGRAMS March 1970 CENFOR 14- 1 SUMMARY OF SERVICE PROGRAMS For further information on the following, refer to the Computer Systems Manual. L.l. CENSER Included in CENSER are the following options : 1) CT for card-to-tape in LION External Format * 2) CT for card-to-tape in LION Internal Format* 3) CD for card-to-drum in LION External Format* 4) TP for tape-to-print in LION External Format 5) IP for tape- to-print XS3 in LION Internal Format 6) IPF for Tape-to-print Fieldata in LION Internal Format 7) DP for drum-to-print in LION External Format 8) BP for bi-octal tape to print 9) BaLnxc for on-line printing of a IIA tape where a=board, n=loop, x=language (F for Fieldata, X for XS3), and c=spacing (l for single, 2 for double) *For all card operations a START card must be provided in addition to a STOP card with "))))))" in the first 6 columns followed by 3 blank cards. The general form of the START card is: Col. 1-6 Col. 7 Col. 13-36 Col. 37-42 Col. 43-48 Col. 73-78 /././• f DECK NAME TRN JRID TRN PARAM REWIND where "TRN PARAM" contains a transfer parameter to be used with the job transfer described above. It may be left blank, if no transfer is desired. CENFOR 14- 2 March 1970 14.1. CENSER (Continued) Transfers : The transfer columns may be used to transfer a CENSER produced tape (or drum area) back to CENSER to perform another function. For instance, the START card in a card-to-tape operation may contain the JRID of "CENSER" in column 37-4-2 and the parameter "TP" in column 43-44. This will cause CENSER to print the card-to-tape reel upon completion of the card-to-tape operation with no operator intervention. Differences in the START card for the three card operations: CT (LION External Format): Column 7 - should contain an asterisk "*" Columns 13-24 - should contain the card file name, which becomes the tape file name. CT (LION Internal Format): Column 7 - should contain one of the following: Z - fill with XS3 zeros, data is XS3 S - fill with XS3 spaces, data is XS3 I - fill with ignores, data is XS3 F - data is Fieldata, fill with spaces, fixed 20-word record, last 40 characters space fill. Columns 13-36 - a four-word file name which becomes the tape label. CD (LION External Drum Format): Column 7 - should contain an asterisk "*" Columns 13-24 - should contain the card file name, which becomes the drum file name. Columns 37-42 - MUST contain JRID of transfer Columns 43-48 - MUST contain PARAM for transfer Further information may be found in the Census Computer Manual Part 12D-SV012. March 1970 CENFOR M- 3 I4..2. CKSUM This program reads a IIIA LION Internal Format tape, types out the label, the total number of items in the file, and the block count. The programer must furnish the number of tapes and the largest block size if it exceeds 605 words. See GSM 12D-S\00. 14.3. SELTPR This program searches a IIA or a IIIA tape for a predetermined block. When found, the remainder of the tape is printed or the target block is read and printed in bi-octal format until action is terminated by the programer. The programer must supply the number of words to search for in every block and the contents of each word. He must also furnish information as to when to set the jump switch which terminates the run. He must also specify sequential or repeti- tive printing and the number of reels to be searched. All information will be typed In at the console. See CSM 12D-SV01. 14-4- AUTOCP This program compares two tapes recorded in the same format. The differences are printed with block and word number indi- cated. The programer must indicate options which will be typed in at the console : TYPEIN 1st character - type of comparison 2nd and 3rd characters - output mode PT 4-th character - input recording 5th character - input language If the largest block on tape exceeds 605 words, this difference must be noted. A TAL card must be used to increment the length tag LEN. See CSM 12D-SV02. IIIA to IIIA 1 IIIA to IIA 2 IIA to IIA PT paper tape MT magnetic tape variable 1 IIA fixed (IIA tape only) X XS3 binary CENFOR 14- 4 March 1970 14.5. BTP This program prints a limited number of blocks from a tape on the on-line printer. The format is bi-octal. Input may be either IIA or IIIA. The programer must furnish the number of blocks to be printed. ( Printing should not exceed 5000 lines.) CENSER BP will also achieve the same result. See CSM 12D-SV03. 14.6. TCOPY This routine is used to duplicate a tape recorded in any format, fixed or variable block mode. All combinations of TIA and IIIA servos are possible. This is not recommended for IIA tapes. The programer must indicate what types of tapes are to be used (e.g. IIIA to IIIA, etc.). See CSM 12D-SV04. 14.7. CTSIM The input to this routine is a IIA tape prepared on the 14-01 by a card-to-tape conversion. 2 sentinels must be added to the card decks as follows: 6 beginning and 12 ending sentinel cards. Space or ignore fill should be used in the conversion. This routine is used when the card reader cannot be used on line for any reason. The output from this routine is in LION External Format and the BCX XS-3 characters are converted to Fieldata. See CSM 12D-SV06. 14.8. EDTCPY The purpose of this routine is to convert and copy IIIA tapes, recorded in LION External Format, to IIA tapes. Data is con- verted from Fieldata to XS-3 and prepared for the off-line HSP. If the programer desires to drop words other than words 20 and 21, a PM0 card must be supplied specifying the exact characters to be dropped, separating digits by commas. Characters are numbered 1-132. Up to 12 digits may be specified. After the last digit is supplied a period must be used on the PM0 card. Output of EDTCPY should be printed on the off-line HSP, using Board 3, Loop 4, single space. Begin printing on Line 2. (CSM 12D-SV08) 14.9. CARTAP This program reads cards on-line and prepares a IIIA LION Internal Format tape in XS-3 language using a small deck of cards. It is useful for preparing test decks. Refer to CSM 12D-SV09. March 1970 CENFOR 14- 5 U.9. CARTAP (Continued) The programer must supply record lengths and number of data characters per card for the record size. The first card must be a label card as defined: Column Contents AAA Actual Record Length 1-6 7-8 06 6 08 8 10 10 12 12 15 15 20 20 24 24 30 30 40 40 60 60 70 120 Column 9-10 Contents No. Characters Words/Record 36 (2 records 36 6 per card) 72 72 6 48 48 8 60 60 10 72 72 12 90 90 15 30 30 15 70 120 20 60 60 20 72 72 24 36 36 24 60 60 30 CENFOR 14- 6 March 1970 14.9. CARTAP (Continued) Column 11 12 Contents No. Characters Words/Record 30 30 30 70 120 40 60 60 40 70 120 60 60 60 60 70 120 120 60 t 1 R 60 120 fill character ignore fill character XS3 zero fill character space Rewind tape No Rewind Example of card which reads two cards, 60 characters from each to create a 20-word record: /././• 2060 #R Example of card which reads 1 card of 80 characters to create a 20-word record with ignore fill. /././. 2070 #R 14.10. DATACO This program will perform one or more of the following services upon a IIIA tape recorded in LION Internal Format: a) correct or delete existing items in a file b) insert new items c) search for selected items and copy; list the target item. d) drop files from a multi-file tape e) change the internal file label The programer must furnish a number of parameter cards. Details are too extensive to be mentioned here. Refer to the Computer Systems Manual Part 12D-SV010 for details. i March 1970 CENFOR 1/,- 7 U. 11. COPIER The purpose of this routine is to copy IIA or IIIA LION Internal Format tapes with or without conversion from XS3 to Fieldata or Fieldata to XS3. Options are entire item conversion, partial item conversion, or no conversion. Items must be fixed length. This routine is much faster than RUTT. Refer to the Computer Systems Manual Part 12D-SV011 for details. H.12. RUTT The RUTT program will read a IIIA LION Internal Tape and either check read or copy the tape to a IIA tape(s) in Census compatible format for off-line printing. OPTIONS AVAILABLE ARE : OPTION 14.. 12.1. To check read a tape securing check sum and CH record count typeouts. 14.12.2. To copy fixed record tape(s). IS 14.12.3. To copy variable sized records. VS 14-. 12. 4-. To split each item into a number of IS or VS plus output items (the resulting size of PMO card each item must be a factor of 120). A specification sheet "VARIABLE PARAMETERS- PART 2" must contain the parameters required. Columns 20-22 of PM0 should contain 3 digits representing the number of items in the split. Column 23 should contain a period. Example : 030. RESTRICTIONS : a) When the input item size is divided by the splitting factor and a remainder occurs, then the input item size is truncated by the remainder. b) When the input item size is divided by the splitting factor and the quotient is not a factor of 120, then the RUTT will terminate . c) All 3 digits to represent the number of items must be present if used in the split option. Use to fill. d) When the input block size for any option is greater than 1205, the table length tag "SIZA" must be increased in a TAL card. If the increment exceeds 2CO words, the DBANK of the- FAC card must be increased to two modules. CENFOR 14- 8 March 1970 (Continued) OPTIONS AVAILABLE ARE : OPTION 14.12.5. To copy n number of blocks at the beginning RUTT100 of each tape. If the standard 100 blocks for testing is needed specify RUTT100. If the number of blocks is not 100, then a IS specification sheet "Variable Parameters plus PM0 Part 2" must contain the parameters required. card Columns 12-15 of PM0 should contain a four-digit block limit followed by a period in column 16. If the period is not in column 16, then the entire tape will be transcribed. Example : 0010. 14. 12. 6. To bypass a number of blocks at the IS beginning of each tape and to copy PM0 CARD the remainder, a specification sheet "Variable Parameters-Part 2" must contain the parameters required. Columns 12-15 of PM0 should contain the four-digit number of data blocks to be bypassed. Column 16 should contain a period. Column 17 should contain a minus . Example : 0010.- 14.12.7. If it is desired to combine all the data into one output file, then the options containing "S" may be changed to "H", which means hold the output with no rewind. The "S" option will create a tape for each segment or file. Note: The information described should be included under "REMARKS" on both the "Request for Services" and the "Operating Instructions" submitted by the programer. If a specification sheet "Variable Parameter-Part 2" is required, it must be submitted with the request. March 1970 CENFOR 14- 9 14.13. UTT The UTT program will read a II tape(s) in Census compatible format and either check read or copy the tape to a IIIA LION Internal Tape. OPTIONS AVAILABLE ARE: OPTION 14.13.1. To check read a tape securing check sum and record count type outs. 14.13.2. To copy fixed records of a certain size, supply the number of words per record as three digits. The "F" means the output tape is rewound after this transcription. The "S" means the output file is closed after this transcription but the tape is not rewound. Thus many files may be placed on a tape(s). The "H" means the output file is still open after this transcription and the tape is not rewound. Thus many tapes may be combined into one file. CH nnn F nnn S nnn H nnn F nnn S nnn H plus PMO Card and TAL Card if required 14.13.3. To combine two or more input records of a certain size nnn into a larger output item, a specification sheet "Variable Parameter-Part 2" must contain the following information. Columns 20-22 of PM0 should contain 3 digits representing the number of items to be combined Into one output item. Column 23 must contain a period . If the combined output item size is greater than 600 words, the table length tag "SIZA" must be increased accordingly. EXAMPLE: If thirty 40-word input items are to be combined as one output item, specify 040S option with PM0 columns 20-23 containing 030. and TAL card containing SIZA/600. See option 2 for the meanings of F,S, and H. Restrictions : a) The input Items must be adjacent. b) Unless the total number of input items is a multiple of the specified combination factor, there will be a loss of items at the end of the file. c) All 3 digits representing size of item or number of items must be present wherever used. Use to fill. CENFOR 14-10 March 1970 14.13.3. Restrictions (Continued) See option 2 for the meanings of F,S, and H . Note: All necessary information should be included on both the "REQUEST FOR SERVICES" and "OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS." If any specification sheets are needed, they should be supplied with the request. 14.14. RUT702 The purpose of this program is to transcribe data from compatible tapes created by the IBM 1013/7702 transmission system, or on occasion by the UNIVAC 1004, to Uniservo IIA or IIIA tape units. See the Computer System Manual Part 12D-SV013 for details. 14.15. UTT4C This routine will transcribe data from either IIA or IIIA tapes onto IBM compatible tapes. See the Computer System Manual Part 12D-SV014 for details. 14.16. MICRO This program transcribes data recorded on a IIA or IIIA tape in BCD language at 556 c.p.i. density in the S/C 4411 Computer Printer tape format. In the next operation each IVC block will be recorded as a frame on microfilm. See the Computer System Manual Part 12D-SV015 for details. 14.17. RUTA19 This routine accepts IIIA tapes recorded in LION Internal Format and reformats the data (with selective conversion) into 20-word lines on IIA tapes for display on the off-line printer. Each original word is displayed as two words, and each new record begins a new line. Options available are : a) no PM card - entire item conversion from binary to BCD-XS3 b) blank PM0 card - no conversion c) PM0 card with selected punches beginning column 12 for word 1, column 13 for word 2, etc. on a one-for-one relationship — 1 means binary to XS3 conversion of a word means octal to XS3 conversion $ means no conversion March 1970 CENFOR 14-11 14.17. RUTA19 (Continued) Columns 12 - 77 of the PMO card represent words - 65 of the item. Columns 12 - 77 of the PM1 card represent words 66 - 131, etc. If PM cards are needed, supply the Information on the specification sheet "VARIABLE PARAMETERS - PART 2." See CSM 12D-SV016. 14.18. SALVAG This program copies HA (Census Compatible) or IIIA LION Internal Format tapes and skips blocks that cannot be read. The programer should supply a record size for HA tapes and the block size for IIIA tapes. See Computer Systems Manual Part 12D SV017 for further details. 14.19. 2 TO 3 This program will copy one or more HA tapes in Census Compatible Format to a IIIA LION Internal Format tape. See Computer Systems Manual Part 12D SV018 for more details. 14.20. 4C TO 4C This program will copy a 4C tape to another 4C tape allowing a change of density. See Computer Systems Manual Part 12D SV020 for further details. 14.21. TP4C This program will print a 4C tape on the on-line high-speed printer (restricted to 5000 lines). See Computer Systems Manual Part 12D-SV022 for further details. 14.22. SUTT1 This is a special version of the RUTTl service routine that transcribes IIIA tapes in LION Internal Format to other IIIA tapes in the same format. It allows the creation of multi files; it allows the bypassing of files or blocks; it allows the copy of a specified number of blocks, it allows for the creation of one file from several, etc. See Computer Systems Manual Part 12D-SV023 for specific details. CENFOR 14-12 March 1970 14.23. PSTRIP (PROGRAM SYMBOLIC TAPE STRIPPER) This is a routine designed to allow the processing of a card deck for assembly which contains control statements not normally found in a program deck. These control statements enable you to retrieve lines of coding from previously assembled program elements, placing them into your program as desired. See Part 12D SV019 of the Computer Systems Manual for details. 14.24. FOIST This is a service program which renumbers FORTRAN source coding statements in an orderly and logical sequence in increments of 10 up to a maximum of 500 statement numbers per program element. See Part 12 SV021 of the Computer Systems Manual for details. 14.25. SR2F0L This is a general stepwise regression program. See Part 14F of the Computer Systems Manual for a complete description. 14.26. MDMIC This routine is a modified version of MICRO with no provision for user's own coding. See 12D-SV025 of the CSM. 14.27. RUTMDS This routine transcribes IIA or IIIA tapes to a IVC tape in a format suitable for printing on the MOHAWK MDS7160. Original data must be in BCDXS3 language. See 12D-SV026 of CSM. 14.28. IMAGER-TWOPAS SYSTEM This system of programs produces formatted tables suitable for off-line double pass printing. Provision is made for 132 lines a page, 185 characters per line, and 30 pages each of left and right pass printing. See 14D of the CSM. March 1970 CENFOR 14-13 14.26. EXERCISES 14.26.1. Whenever the need arises to convert a IIIA tape to a IIA tape, what service routine is available for our use? 14.26.2. The service routine RUTA19 is used for what purpose? 14.26.3. CENSER is the name of the Census Service System we use for on-line card-to-tape, tape-to-print, etc., functions. Which option is used for bi-octal printing? 14.26.4. What is the purpose of the service program PSTRIP? CENFOR 14-14 March 1970 14.26. ANSWERS 14.26.1. RUTT for off-line printing, or the faster routine COPIER. COPIER may be used depending upon the ultimate need. 14.26.2. To prepare a data tape for display printing with or without conversion of selected fields, for octal, 1 for binary to excess - 3, or nothing for no conversion. 14.26.3. BP 14.26.4. To combine pieces of programs to create a new program. 15. DECISION TABLES March 1970 CENFOR 15-1 DECISION TABLES A decision logic table is a table of all contingencies that are to be considered in the description of a problem, together with the actions to be taken. Decision tables are sometimes used in place of flowcharts for problem description and documentation. Decision tables demand that all combinations or conditions be considered and allow irrelevant tests to be omitted. Once a program has been documented in decision table form, it is easy to update the documentation whenever changes in the program are required, because an individual table in the program can easily be changed. 15.1. LIMITED-ENTRY DECISION TABLES In limited-entry form a decision table has four major sections as shown in the following diagram: CONDITION STUB CONDITION ENTRY ACTION STUB ACTION ENTRY The condition stub in the upper left quadrant should contain (in question form) all those conditions being examined for a particular problem segment (for this table). The action stub in the lower left quadrant should contain, in simple narrative form, all possible actions resulting from the conditions listed above. The condition entry section in the upper right quadrant contains the answers to the question asked in the condition stub. Responses may be "Y" for yes and "N" for no. If no response is indicated it may be assumed that the condition was not tested in that particular combination. CENFOR 15- 2 March 1970 15.1. LIMITED-ENTRY DECISION TABLES (Continued) The action entry is in the lower right quadrant. The appropriate action resulting from the various combinations of responses to condition will be indicated here by an entry "X" which means to "take this action." A blank means "do not take the action shown." The various combinations of responses to conditions shown in the condition entry portion of the table and their resulting actions are called rules or paths. Each column encompasses a rule. Each is given a number for identification purposes in the rule header portion of the table. One other element each table requires is the table header or name to identify the table. A collection of tables may comprise the program. The following outline shows all basic elements: TABLE HEADER RULE HEADER 1 2 3 U CONDITIONS ACTIONS EXAMPLE of Limited-Entry Decision Table The standards for approving incoming credit orders are as follows: If an order is for less than $700, it is to be automatically approved, If an order is for more than $700, past records must be examined. If the past credit record is bad, then the order must be referred to the managerwho will decide whether or not to approve the order. Otherwise, the order will be approved. The decision table for this example will look like the sample on next page . March 1970 CENFOR 15- 3 15.1. LIMITED-ENTRY DECISION TABLES (Continued) Sample ; LIMITED-ENTRY TABLE CREDIT 1 2 3 4 IS CREDIT LIMIT OKAY? FAVORABLE PAYMENT RECORD? SPECIAL CLEARANCE OBTAINED? Y N Y N N Y N N N APPROVE ORDER DISAPPROVE ORDER X X X X Notice that if testing of a condition is not necessary in a given situation, the rule entry space for that particular rule is left blank. In rule 1 on the credit table, if the credit limit is okay, the order may be approved without testing conditions 2 and 3. CENFOR 15- 4 March 1970 15.2. EXTENDED-ENTRY DECISION TABLES In extended entry tables the condition stub serves only to identify the variables to be tested, while the condition entry must define the value or state of the variable. This value may be absolute or related to another value. Likewise, in such a table, the action stub only names an action; the action entry will give the specifics for the action names. Use of the extended entry format tends to decrease the number of items listed in both the condition stub and the action stub, thus compressing the table vertically. It also offers the possi- bility of considering more than two responses to a given condition. However, it is often necessary to convert extended entry tables to limited entry form if they are to be programmed. Sample : EXTENDED-ENTRY TABLE RACE/SEX 1 2 3 u PERSON'S RACE? PERSON'S SEX? CAU MALE CAU FEMALE OTHER MALE OTHER FEMALE TALLY A B C D Legend : TALLY A TALLY B TALLY C TALLY D CAUCASIAN MALES CAUCASIAN FEMALES OTHER MALES OTHER FEMALES March 1970 CENFOR 15- 5 15.3. MIXED-ENTRY TABLES When limited-entry form and extended-entry form are combined into a single table, the resulting table is said to be in mixed-entry form. Even though these two forms may be combined, one form must be used exclusively within each horizontal row of a table. Sample : MIXED-ENTRY TABLE race/sex 1 2 3 4 PERSON'S RACE? PERSON'S SEX? CAU MALE CAU FEMALE OTHER MALE OTHER FEMALE TALLY CAUCASIAN MALE TALLY CAUCASIAN FEMALE TALLY OTHER MALE TALLY OTHER FEMALE X X X X 15.4. DETERMINING MAXIMUM TABLE SIZE In limited entry format each condition has one of two possible answers: "Yes" or "No." Based on this fact, the number of conditions in such a table dictates the maximum number of rules possible. The number of conditions in the table becomes the exponent of the number 2 to determine the possible number of „ rules. For example, a table having 3 conditions would have 2 (or 8) rules possible. Note that for each condition added to the table, its possible size doubles. A table with L, conditions would have 2^ (or 16) possible rules. CENFOR 15- 6 March 1970 15.5. A METHOD OF ELIMINATING IRRELEVANT TESTS A table will require the maximum number of rules only when no logical interaction among the various conditions is involved. However, when logical interaction is involved, the table will not use the maximum number of rules possible. If two rules result in the same action (or actions) and there is only one difference in their responses, the condition for which the responses are different should not be tested. Example : The following decision table lists all the rules for issuing cruise tickets (cabin or tourist class) on a steamship: CRUISE (ALL POSSIBLE RULES) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IS REQUEST FOR CABIN CLASS? Y Y Y Y N N N N IS CABIN AVAILABLE? Y Y N N Y Y N N TOURIST AVAILABLE? Y N Y N Y N Y N ISSUE CABIN TICKET, SUB 1 FROM TOTAL X X PLACE ON CABIN WAITING LIST X X ISSUE TOURIST TICKET, SUB 1 FROM TOTAL X X PLACE ON TOURIST WAITING LIST X X March 1970 CENFOR 15-7 15.5. A METHOD OF ELIMINATING IRRELEVANT TESTS (Continued) Notice that for rules 1 and 2 the same action is taken regardless of the last condition test. Therefore, rules 1 and 2 can be combined into one rule and not making the test for "tourist available." Also notice that for rules 3 and 4-, they may be combined into one rule and omitting the test for "tourist available." Note that for rules 5 and 7 the test for "cabin available" may be omitted and then only one rule is required. Also notice that rules 6 and 8 may likewise be combined into one rule. The decision table should then be simplified to look like this : CRUISE (NECESSARY RULES) 1 2 3 U IS REQUEST FOR CABIN CLASS? Y Y N N | IS CABIN AVAILABLE? Y N TOURIST AVAILABLE? Y N ISSUE CABIN TICKET, SUB 1 X PLACE ON CABIN WAITING LIST X ISSUE TOURIST TICKET, SUB 1 X PLACE ON TOURIST WAITING LIST X CENFOR 15- 8 March 1970 15.6. BIFURCATED TABLE ARRANGEMENT A table may be rearranged in any fashion as long as you do not change the responses ("yes" or "no") to any condition within a rule and as long as the path for each rule continues to result in the same action. In a bifurcated table the first condition must have all "yes" responses grouped together and all "no" responses grouped together, with no blanks between the first and last rule of the condition entry. It is allowable to have the "no" responses first. Each following condition must have similar groupings. Since blanks are not permitted in a path, the sequence of the rules and conditions must be changed. The condition having the greatest number of responses must appear first in the table. Then the condition having the second greatest number of responses, etc. After this is done, the rules must be rearranged, There are usually several valid arrangements. An example of a bifurcated table follows (before and after). TABLE BEFORE BIFURCATION 1 2 3 4 5 CONDITION 1 Y Y Y N Y CONDITION 2 N N N Y CONDITION 3 Y N CONDITION 4 Y N N ACTION 1 X X ACTION 2 X ACTION 3 X ACTION 4 X TABLE AFTER BIFURCATION 1 2 3 5 4 CONDITION 1 Y Y Y Y N CONDITION 2 N N N Y CONDITION 4 Y N N CONDITION 3 Y N ACTION 1 X X ACTION 2 X ACTION 3 X ACTION 4 X March 1970 CENFOR 15- 9 15.7. THE ELSE RULE If a table cannot be arranged in bifurcated form, chances are that it contains contradicitions, redundancies, or omissions. In a truly bifurcated table containing 2 n rules, the rules in combination are exhaustive and mutually exclusive. An important exception to this is a table containing an ELSE rule. The ELSE rule, by definition, includes all rules not specifically covered in the table. Usually the rule is nothing more than a rule column with blanks shown as response to all conditions and an appropriate action indicated by an "X". The ELSE rule may be used to detect "illegal" codes. 15.8. SEQUENCE CONTROL DEFINITIONS Sometimes decision tables contain such statements as START, RETURN, EXIT, and GO TO -. When coding for a preprocessor these terms must be expressed in a suitable manner to meet the require- ments of the language. However, a definition of these terms is included merely for information. START - This condition entry indicates action to be taken on each reference to the table from outside. RETURN - The action entry which sends control reference to the first rule and condition in the entry table. EXIT - The action entry which serves as an end point for a table that is referenced by means of a DO statement. EXIT contains a transfer to the table line following the DO statement. This allows one table to reference another as a subroutine. GO TO - This action entry means control will be transferred. CENFOR 15-10 March 1970 15.9. EXAMPLES OF DECISION TABLES Problem 1 : Given an array X of size N, determine whether or not X is in sequence, storing the result in the logical variable ANS. DECISION LOGIC TABLE : START Y N N N I = N Y N N X(I) = X(I+1) Y N 1 = I = 1+1 X X RETURN X X ANS = "YES" X ANS = "NO" X EXIT X X FORTRAN CODING: (a) 1=0 10 1=1+1 IF (I.GE.N) GO TO 20 IF (X(I).LE.X(I+1)) GO TO 10 ANS = .FALSE. GO TO ... 20 ANS = .TRUE. GO TO ... (b) DO 10 I = 2,N IF (X(I-I).GT.X(I)) GO TO 20 10 CONTINUE ANS = .TRUE. GO TO ... 20 ANS = .FALSE. GO TO ... The coding (a) represents a direct translation of the decision table, whereas (b) is less direct but more efficient in terms of execution time. March 1970 CENFOR 15-11 15.9. EXAMPLES OF DECISION TABLES (Continued) Problem 2 : Given an array X of size N, find its maximum and minimum values. DECISION LOGIC TABLE: START Y N N N N I> N Y N N N X(I)J> MAX Y N N X(I)< MIN Y N 1=1 X MAX = X(I) X X MIN = X(I) X X I = 1+1 X X X X RETURN X X X X EXIT X FORTRAN CODING : (a) 1=1 MAX = X(I) 10 MIN = X(I) 20 1=1+1 IF (I.GT.N) GO TO ... IF (X(I).GE.MAX) GO TO 30 IF (X(I).LE.MIN) GO TO 10 GO TO 2D) 30 MAX = X(I) GO TO 20 (b) MAX = X (1) MIN = X(l) DO 10 I = 2,N IF (X(I).GT.MAX) MAX = X(l) IF (X(I).LT.MIN) MIN = X(l) 10 CONTINUE The coding (b) is actually a mistranslation of the decision table, but is more efficient with respect to running time and number of instructions. CENFOR 15-12 March 1970 15.9. EXAMPLES OF DECISION TABLES (Continued) Problem 3: Given a positive integer decimal digits NOD contained in N. N, dete rmine th Examples: N 36 7 1965 100 586^37 NOD 2 1 4 3 6 DECISION LOGIC TABLE: START Y N N N A = A - B X RETURN X DIV = "YES" X DIV = "NO" X EXIT X X FORTRAN CODING : LOGICAL FUNCTION DIV(A,B) INTEGER A,B 10 IF (A-B) 40,30,20 20 A = A-B GO TO 10 30 DIV = .TRUE. RETURN 40 DIV = .FALSE. END CENFOR 15-14 15.9. EXAMPLES OF DECISION TABLES (Continued) March 1970 Problem 5 ' Given an NxN matrix A, obtain its transpose without using an auxiliary array. Note: A "matrix" can be most conveniently represented by a two-dimensional array. The "transpose" of a matrix is the matrix obtained by interchanging rows and columns. For example, the two matrices below are transposes of each other. 12 3 1 4 7 4 5 6 2 5 8 7 8 9 3 6 9 DECISION LOGIC TABLE: 5A Y (a) START N N I=N Y N X DO 5B I = 1+1 RETURN EXIT FORTRAN CODING: (a) 1=0 10 1=1 + 1 IF (I.GE.N) GO TO DECISION LOGIC TABLE: (b) 5B X X X X X X START Y N N J> N Y N TEMP=A(l,J) A(I,J)=A(J,I) A(J,I)=TEMP X X X J=I X J=J+1 X X RETURN X X EXIT X FORTRAN CODING : (b) J = I 20 J = J + 1 IF (J.GT.N) GO TO 10 TEMP = A(lfJ) A(I,J) = A(J,I) A(J,I) = TEMP GO TO 20 March 1970 CENFOR 15-15 15.10. MACHINE PROCESSING OF DECISION TABLES Although many programers still code by hand directly from completed tables, computer processing of the tables is now a reality . The programer codes as usual those segments of the program not covered by decision logic tables. He indicates in his coding which tables are to be inserted and exactly where in the pro- gram they are to be placed. The tables will result in addi- tional coding being generated and inserted into the program. At the Bureau of the Census, a decision table preprocessor is available for use with both FORTRAN and COBOL. The name of this program is TAB^O. The Census original version is referred to as TAB7C for use on the Univac 1107, and that version was later modified and called TAB4IX. A description of TAB4IX follows. 15.11. TAB4IX: A DECISION TABLE PREPROCESSOR FOR THE UNIVAC 1107 FORTRAN IV COMPILER This version of the decision table preprocessor was originally written by Mr. Lewis T. Reinwald while he was with RAC, for use on the IBM 7040. The program was originally known as TAB4.0. Different versions of the program were converted by members of the Computer Sciences Staff for use on the 1107. The current version is known as TAB4IX. On facility AT the decision table preprocessor, TAB4.IX, accepts a card-to-tape input deck made up of TAB4IX control cards, standard FORTRAN IV statements and decision tables formatted for TAB4.IX. There are three outputs: One is a PNCHT tape which can be used as input to an original FORTRAN assembly; another is a PRNTT tape which produces a listing of the input with line numbers (for corrections) and error warnings, and the third which is on facility CT can be used as input to TAB4-IX on facility AT in a correction pass if required. The card-to-tape correction deck is on facility BT. The format for the card-to-tape reel on BT is described in 15.11.9. Essentially, the preprocessor builds FORTRAN statement frag- ments into complete FORTRAN statements and keeps track of label references. A look at a simple example might be more useful than an attempt to list formally all of the features of the decision table preprocessor. CENFOR 15-16 March 1970 15.11. TAB4.I X: A DECISION TABLE PREPROCESSOR FOR THE UNIVAC 1107 FORTRAN IV COMPILER (Continued) 1 AIYP>£ OWN 2 OLRO = DECISION LOGIC TABLE 12 3 Y Y N Y N 1 AIYP -£OWN-» LOWN 2 AIYP + LRO-» LRI 3 LRO +(£ OWN- AIYP) ->LRD 4- GO to Table 2-4- X X X X X Table above formatted as input to TAB4IX .2010 CONTINUE C** TABLE 2-10 2 B T AIYP.GT.ISWN T OLRO .EQ.0 A LOWN =: AIYP - ISWN A LRI = AIYP + LRO A LRO = LRO +- ISWN - AIYP A GO TO 2004 .2011 CONTINUE R .T .T • • .X .X R .X R F X .X March 1^70 CENFOR 15-17 15.11.1. The second line shown has a "C" in column 1 and indicates that what follows is a comment. A comment in the FORTRAN part of a program will appear on the PNCHT and PRNTT tapes, but a com- ment in the table part of the program will appear only on the PRNTT tape. The TAB^IX program "expects" the first card to be a FORTRAN statement if it doesn't have a "table number" in column 1 as described in 15. 11. 2. A. In this case, the comment would be treated as a FORTRAN comment. 15.11.2. The first line of the table (third line shown) formatted as input to TAB41X which reads "2 B R R R ." can be explained as follows : A. Card Column 1 1. The "2" in card column 1, known as the table number, indicates to the preprocessor that this card is the beginning of a table as opposed to a line of FORTRAN coding or a TAB^IX control card. No FORTRAN statement in a program to be preprocessed by TAB4-IX should have a statement number of five digits, as these statement numbers would be inter- preted as table numbers by the preprocessor. 2. Instead of a "2" here, we could have used a "1" or a "3" (See I5.H.7.B. for the limitation on number of ruxes with a table number of 3). The table number need not be unique within a program. A table started with a "0" in card column 1 has a special use explained in I5.II.13.A. B. The "B" in card column 3 indicates to TAB/+IX that the columns between the "B" and the next occurrence on this line (here an "R") are to be used as the beginning part of any FORTRAN statements formatted in this table. It is important to notice that when fragments are combined, they should form legal FORTRAN statements. This explains the use of ".GT." and ".EQ." in T (test) clauses and "=", "+" and "-" in A( action ) clauses. The entries under the B are the result of "factoring out" from the beginning parts of the FORTRAN statements, those parts which are common to a line or clause in this table. C. "R" - same card as above. The "R" stands for the rules of a decision table. Only two columns are required for each of the rules in this table; room enough for ".T", ".F", ".X" or "..". The "." after the third R is an indica- tion to the preprocessor that it need not scan the card for data beyond the " . " . The T or A must not appear on the same margin as the R. However, the table shown could be reversed, with the R on the vertical margin and T and A on the horizontal margin. CENFOR 15-18 mrch 19?0 15.11.3. The first and last lines shown which read ".2010 CONTINUE" and ".2011 CONTINUE" are used as FORTRAN addressable entrances to tables. A. The "2010" line is an entrance to the table shown. The "2011" line is an entrance to the table, or coding, following the table shown. B. The "." in column one for these "CONTINUE" lines is necessary as this is the indication to the preprocessor of the first FORTRAN line following a table. 15.11.4- The two lines which read "T AIYP .GT. ISWN .T .T .F" and "T OLRO.EQ.0 .T .F .." are made up of FORTRAN fragments (the parts occurring under the "B") and implicit entries (".T", ".F" and ".."; the parts occurring under the R's). A. "T" In column 1 indicates to the preprocessor that it is dealing with a test and in this case is concerned with FORTRAN lines of coding which when assembled could read: "IF(. NOT. (AIYP. GT. ISWN)) GO TO 20338" or "IF(. NOT. (OLRO.EQ.0)) GO TO 20236". B. The ".T" under the R's corresponds to the "Y's" or "Yes path" in the decision tables; the ".F" corresponds to the "N's" and ".." is an indication to the pre- processor to ignore a cell. The ".T" and ".F" have meaning only for TESTS ( T ) ; the ignore ( . . ) is applicable to the A( action) also. 15.11.5. The four lines which begin with "A" in column 1 are written In FORTRAN format and are "actions" to be taken if the above rules are "satisfied." The ".X" under the second rule for the first A line indicates that variable LOWN is set equal to AIYP - ISWN. The ".." in the first line, but under the first and third rules indicates that this action is to be ignored for these rules. It is worth noting that a statement (T or A) can be continued on another line as on the third A line. The .X has no meaning for a "T" line. . March 1970 CENFOR 15-19 15.11.6. EXPLICIT ENTRIES The decision table could be rewritten without the use of the B described in I5.H.2.B. Here the FORTRAN fragments appear under the rales. In this table, the entries "AIYP. GT. ISWN" and "GO TO 2044-" are called explicit entries. The implicit entries ( .T, .F, . . , .X) refer to the nearest explicit entry on the left. 2 R R R T AIYP .GT. ISWN .T .F T 0LR0 .EQ.0 .F • • A • • LOWN = AIYP - ISWN • • A LRI = AIYP+ LRO • • A GO TO 2004 ,X LRO = LRO + ISWN- AIYP .X CENFOR 15-20 March 1970 15.11.7. L - Card. The following example illustrates the use of the L - Card. 12 3 1 AIYP^OWN Y Y N 2 OLRO = Y N 1 2"0WN =^0WN - 1 X 2 ^>0WN =^0WN - 2 X 3 ^OWN =«£0WN - 3 X 4 GO to Test 1, Rule 1 X 5 GO to Table 2-2 X 6 GO to Table 2-3 X Table above formatted as input to TAB4-IX 2 B R R R L 201 T AIYP.GT.IOWN .T .T .F T OLRO.EQ.0 .T .F A TOWN = TOWN - 2 13 A GO TO 2 003 002 01 A. The L-card assigns statement number 201 to the first rule and first test of the table. B. FORTRAN FORMAT statements must always be assigned statement numbers with an L-card. If a test and a rule are referenced within a table by a "GO TO," assign an "L-card" to the particu- lar rule as in the example. The statement number assigned should be less than five digits to avoid conflict with the five digit statement numbers assigned by TAB4JX. If any tables use table number "3" there should be less than 27 rules in all. March 1970 CENFOR 15-21 15.11.8. TAB^IX CONTROL STATEMENTS A. There are five TAB4-IX control statements used for the FORTRAN preprocessor and they all have a "-" punch in column 1. B. Two of the control statements are the standard FOR and MAP cards and except for the "-" in column 1, instead of the 7/8 punch, they function as in FORTRAN for the UNI VAC 1107. C. A "-IBSYS" card should be the last card before the Standard Stop card on any input to TAB^IX. D. Some coding which is required at several places in the program, such as COMMON statements,, can be stored initially and called as needed. This is done by the "-TASAV" and "-TARTV" statements. The first card used is the -TASAV card with a name starting in column 16. This name should have six or less characters. The cards that follow contain the images to be stored. A "-TASAV" card with blanks in columns 16-21 ends the deck to be stored. A "-TARTV" card with the same name in columns 16-21 as the "-TASAV" card used, will enter these images into the program at the place the "-TARTV" card appears. 15.11.9. TAB4-IX SETUP The input to TAB4IX (facility AT) is a card-to-tape output, or CT output from TAB^IX. The PNCHT output from TAB4IX can be used as input to an original FORTRAN assembly; the PRNTT facility output is to be printed. CENFOR 15-22 March 1970 15.11.10. CORRECTION PASS A card-to-tape output which is used as input to TAB4IX, facility AT, might need to be changed. The PRNTT tape from TAB4-IX shows card numbers (starting in column 74). A "+" in column 1 can be used as a control punch in the same way as "-" is used in making standard FORTRAN corrections. Insertion "+1" means insert after card number 1, the following corrections. Replacement "+1,1" means delete card number 1, replace with following corrections. Deletion "+1,1" means delete card number 1. The corrections are preceded and followed by standard start and stop cards; the deck is card-to-taped and used as input on facility BT; the output from the prior run, facility CT, is entered on facility AT. 15.11.11. PRNTT TAPE In addition to the listing of the input to TAB4-IX with the card numbers, the PRNTT tape will show some diagnostics for the decision tables. If a table is incomplete (no ".F's" could make a table incomplete) TAB4-IX will generate a "CALL DUMP." This will result in a compiling error unless the input program is provided with a subroutine named DUMP that initiates a core dump operation. (See 15.11.14.B. for example of an incomplete table . ) ELSE Rule - An Else rule does not contain any condition entries. The Else rule, when used, appears as the last rule in the table. If none of the rules on the left of the Else rule have been satisfied, then control is directed to the actions shown in the Else rule. When this condition arises and there Is no else rule provided, the preprocessor will generate "CALL DUMP" to indicate an incomplete table as discussed in 15. 11. 11. March 1970 CENFOR 15-23 15.11.12. BOUNDS A. Number of Input cards. No table should have more than 300 cards as input. B. Number of =TASAV input cards. The sum of the number of cards read in as "-TASAV" cards should be less than 201. C. There should be less than eleven sets of -TASAV cards. D. Punched cards prepared for input to TAB^IX should not use more than 72 columns. E. TAB4IX assigns statement numbers to generated FORTRAN statements by taking the table number as the first digit, the rule number as the next two digits and the clause number as the last two digits. In I5.II.6. the line which reads "LRI=AIYP+LR0" is clause "04". The line which reads "0LR0 .EQ. is clause "02". Clause numbers are numbered consecutively and continuously for each table number. When more than 99 clauses have been encountered, the preprocessor will increase the rule count by the maximum number of rules encountered (plus one) in any previous decision table having the same table number as the current table. The current table and the previous tables must be part of the same sub program. When the number of rules exceeds 99, the preprocessor lists a warning on the PRNTT tape of the possible existence of duplicate statement numbers. By alternating the table numbers used, duplication should be avoided. When a "FOR" card is encountered, statement numbers start over for each table number. The only statement numbers shown are those which are referenced. CENFOR 15-24- March 1970 15.11.13. There are additional codes that can be used on the margins of decision tables. Their use should be limited. The main virtue of the preprocessor is that decision table specifications can be quickly copied in order to get a running program that accurately reflects the job specifications. The use of some of these additional codes can lead to some com- plicated constructions that detract from the simplicity of TAB^IX. Examples for A-G are shown in paragraph 13. A. Table number 0. Table number differs from tables numbered with 1, 2 or 3 mainly in two ways: (1) No FORTRAN IF statements are generated, therefore no conditions are involved. (2) The T for test is omitted. There is an "R-margin" and an "A-margin" . B. E - An "E" is used much as a "B", but the E stands for End. Those fragments which are common to the "End" of a clause are "factored out" and written under an "E". C. K - The K concatenates a fragment to the end of the rule entry. D. "*" - For an action, the "*" is the same as a "K". For a test, an "-" concatenates with an ".AND." connector. E. "/" = Slash is the same as "*" except "/" concatenates with an ".OR." for a test. F. S - or Statement. The "S" appears on the T - margin and indicates an action to be taken regardless of the outcome of the tests. G. P - Procedure. Differs from a rule in that it is con- sidered even if rule on its left is satisfied. See the difference between the coding generated, for examples 15. 11. 14. B. and I5.II.I4.C. March 1970 CENFOR 15-25 15.11.14-. EXAMPLES FOR PARAGRAPH 15.] 1.13 . A. B E A A A A R EQUIVALENCE ( LR LO IR JO K , ) LCL LPH ICL IPH The above would generate these FORTRAN statements: EQUIVALENCE(LR,LCL) EQUIVALENCE ( LO , LPH ) EQUIVALENCE(IR,ICL) EQUIVALENCE(JO,IPH) B. 1 B E R R s X = X + 1. 2. T X.EQ. 1. 2. / Y.EQ. 2. 3. A X = X + 1 3 K 4 5 2 6 The above could generate : X = X + 1. IF(.N0T.(X.EQ.1..0R.Y.EQ.2))G0 TO 10201 X = X + H25 GO TO 10304 10201 X = X + 2. IF( .NOT. (X.EQ.2. .0R.Y.EQ.3. ) )CALL DUMP X = X + 3465 GO TO 10304 10304 CONTINUE CENFOR 15-26 March 1970 15.11.14-. EXAMPLES FOR PARAGRAPH 1 5. 11. 13. (continued ) c. 1 B E R P s X = X + 1. 2. T X.EQ. 1. 2. / Y.EQ. 2. 3. A X = X + 1 3 K U 5 2 6 X = X + 1 IF(.N0T.(X.EQ.1..0R.Y.EQ.2.))G0 TO 10206 x = x + 14.25 GO TO 10206 10206 X = X + 2. IF(.N0T.(X.EQ.2..0R.Y.EQ.3.))CALL DUMP X = 3465 GO TO 10309 10309 CONTINUE March 1970 CENFOR 15-27 15.11.15. COMPARISONS BETWEEN "STRAIGHT FORTRAN" CODING AND THE TAB£EX PREPROCESSOR A. Programing and debug time At this date there is not too much direct comparison between these two forms of programing, but there should be considerable saving (50%) in using TAB4-IX when the specifications are in decision table format. B. Preprocessor time The TAB4-IX decision table preprocessor can be written in about 1500 lines (cards) of decision table format. It takes about three minutes and 4-0 seconds to pre- process this deck. At the present time this is the best estimate we have for preprocessor time per number of cards. C. Core Space At this time it seems that a program which is written in decision table format, processed through TAB4.IX and then compiled, will take twenty to thirty percent more room in core than one which is coded from decision tables in straight FORTRAN. D. Running Time The running time of the compiled program output from TAB4-IX seems to be comparable to that of one coded in straight FORTRAN. CENFOR 15-28 March 1970 15.11.16. 1107 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR TAB4IX form BC-558 (3-17-67) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 1107 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. Div. code G. Program information B. Project number [TEST (Other than s ort/ merge) C. Program name TAB4IX 2. TRANSCRIPTION I I PRIOR TO TEST □ UTT I I RUTT I I AFTER TEST APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF OUTPUTS D. Sponsor's name 3. □ sort Emerge a. option coding used □ own q dummy i i none b. EXTERNAL LIBRARY NAME c. PROGRAM TO BE USED (II other than standard) E. Tel. Ext. F. Job number (PD) 4. LIBRARY MAINTENANCE a. TYPE OF SUBROUTINE I I LOAD TIME I I ASSEMBLY TIME b. NO. OF COPIES REQUIRED c. EXTERNAL LIBRARY NAME TO BE COMPLETED BY PROCESSING DIVISION a. BINARY TAPE NO. b. SOURCE I I FURNISHED I I FROM ASSEMBLY ->. a. OWN CODING TAPE NO. b. SOURCE I I FURNISHED I FROM LIBRARY MAINTENANCE a. OWN CODING TAPE NO. b. SOURCE I FURNISHED 2 FROM ASSEMBLY H. Magnetic tape input(s) I I NONE S3 INDICATE TAPE NUMBER (a) (If servo alternation specify in TRANS. TAPE NO. (DPSD) (b) ASSIGNED FACILITY NAME (c) AT BT EXTERNAL LABEL (d) REMARKS (e) Original card-to-tape or "CT^ output Corrections (if any) from card-to-tape I. Magnetic tape output(s) I Inone POJJNDICATE (If servo alternation specify in "M") ASSIGNED FACILITY NAME (a) EXTERNAL LABEL (b) CT PNCNT PRNTT TAPE NUMBER (DPSD) (c) TRANS. TAPE NO. (DPSD) (d) REMARKS (e) To be used as CT input in nfty+. TATV . TY mm To FORTRAN original assembly PRINT TAPE J. Jump switches CONDITIONS FOR SET AND/OR RELEASE 16. PROGRAMING TECHNIQUES AND TIPS March 1970 CENFOR 16- 1 16.1. FORTRAN: EXTERNALLY EXPANDABLE ARRAYS USING NAMED COMMON The dimensions of Named COMMON areas in FORTRAN programs may be expanded at run time (by the use of schedule TAL cards) without a recompilation step. This technique is useful in general pur- pose programs where the dimensions of certain areas depend on varying externally controlled conditions. Example 1 : If the statement: COMMON/NAME/ JARAY (100) appears in the program, and a schedule TAT, card is used which appears as follows : JRID, TAL, LNAME/300. then the true dimension of JARAY is (400). Note that "NAME" and "LNAME" together with the initial length of the table will all appear under the heading "CORE" in the Elf Facility Synopsis. Example 2 : If the statement: C0MM0N/NAME2/KARAY (2,5,50) appears in the program, and a schedule TAL card is used which appears as follows : JRID, TAL, LUAME2/10. then the true dimensions of KARAY are (2,5,51) Rule: In a multi-dimensioned array of N dimensions, only the Nth dimension is affected by the increase shown on the TAL card. For this reason, the increase must be a multiple of the product of the first N-l dimensions. In the above example, any increase in KARAY must be in multiples of 10 (the product of the first two dimensions). When usinp the TAL card to increase a named COMMON area, the letter "L" must precede the name of the area. CENFOR 16- 2 March 1970 16.1. FORTRAN; EXTERNALLY EXPANDABLE ARRAYS USING- NAMED COMMON (Cont.) Exarrcle 3 : If the statement: C0MM0N/NAME3/LARAY (50, 10) appears in the program, and a schedule TAL card is used which appears as follows : JRID, TAL, LNAME3/500. then the true dimensions of LARAY are (50,20). Example 1 : If the statement : C0MM0N/NAME4/MARAY (50)/NAME5/NARAY (80) appears in the program, and a schedule TAL card is used which appears as follows : JRID, TAL, LN^LRL/LC, LNAXI5/50 then the true dimension of MARAY is (90) and the true dimension of NARAY is (130). If the statement: com::::, ':;a:-z6/jaray (50,1c), raray (30) appears in the program, and a schedule TAL card is used which appears as follows : JRID, TAL, LNAMEc/60. then the true dimensions of JARAY remain at (50,10) and the true dimension of KARAY IS (90). Note that in the case where mere than one array appears in the same COMMON area, only the last array is affected by the increase shown on the TAL card. March 1970 CENFOR 16- 3 16.2. COMPILING LARGE FORTRAN PROGRAMS During the compilation of very large FORTRAN programs, there is a danger of overflowing the capacity of the FORTRAN compiler. However, if the program is well "segmented" into a series of external subroutines (each external subroutine is handled separ- ately by the compiler) , there is actually no practical limit to the size of FORTRAN programs. Large programs should be designed with this in mind from the beginning. Generally, each external subroutine, as well as the main program itself, should be limited to less than 700 FORTRAN statements each. A specific problem has been encountered with programs containing a large number of DATA statements in the body of the main program. To avoid this problem, the DATA statements may be compiled separately from the main program in one or more external subrou- tines. By the use of COMMON statements, the DATA statement contents are made available to the main program or to any other external subroutine in the program. A simplified example showing the use of COMMON and DATA statements in an external subroutine is shown below: /././•* anypro rewint @ map anypro, p. @lip for anypro, anypro, p. common/name/narray( 10 ) CALL SUB (first executable statement) END @lip for sub, sub, q. subroutine sub common/name/narray( 10 ) DATA (NARRAY( J) ,J=l,10)/l,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/ RETURN END )))))) Note the one-time CALL to the data subroutine. This is necessary to cause the data subroutine to be allocated. For a description of "SEGF0R", the propram which provides for drum overlay segmentation, see Part 16. 17- CENFOR 16- 4 March 1970 16.3. DEFINING SUBROUTINE FORMAL ARGUMENTS The following examples suggest a method for defining formal arguments to minimize code generation and execution time. When formal arguments are referenced in the body of a subroutine, each reference is posted with the address of its corresponding actual argument in the subroutine call statement. It therefore becomes desirable to minimize the number of references to the formal arguments of the subroutine. This can be. accomplished by assigning each formal argument to a variable where possible, and then referencing the variable in the body of the subroutine instead of the formal argument. Example : Usual Method CALL PATCH ( II, 12, 13, U) • • • SUBROUTINE PATCH ( J1,J2, J3,J4) DIMENSION J1(J2),J3(J4) • • • IF(N.EQ.J2) GO TO 5 • • • M = J2*J4 5 K = K+J4 • • • MM = J2 MX = J4 Suggested Method SUBROUTINE PATCH ( J1,J2,J3,J4) DIMENSION J1(J2),J3(J4) • • • J = J2 L = J4 • • • IF (N.EQ.J) GO TO 5 • • • M = J*L • • • 5 K = K+L • • • MM = J MX = L March 1970 CENFOR 16- 5 16.4. MULTIPLY/DIVIDE SEQUENCE During a calculation of the type N = I*j/K, the intermediate product of I* J may be desired to a length of 72 bits. Subsequent division by K would produce a 36 bit quotient to be stored in N. When this operation is performed in two statements however, the results may not be desirable. Note the following: M = I* J N = M/K The product of I* J is truncated to the low order 36 bits and stored in M. The division by K may produce an incorrect quotient if the value of I* J is greater than 36 bits. The statement is properly written as N = I*j/K, where a 72 bit product is retained for I* J. This is followed by division on the 72 bit dividend by K to produce the proper result to be stored in N. 16.5. REAL TO INTEGER CONVERSION The following statement is printed in Section 3.2.1 of the FORTRAN IV and V manuals: "If a statement implies conversion of an INTEGER constant to a constant which is either REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, or COMPLEX, or vice versa, then the absolute value of the constant must be less than or equal to 2^7_i = 134,217,72V. " This statement must be observed in all conversions resulting in an INTEGER value. The compiler generated coding does not convert REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION numbers to INTEGER that are within the range of 227 (134,217,728) to 235_i (34,359,738,367). The assumption is that the rule has been observed, therefore the conversion routine proceeds from a possible "maximum" value of 227-1. The effect of this is that a value greater than 227_i would actually be scaled down upon converting it to integer thereby producing an incorrect result. Where this option is desired, the following subroutine will convert real numbers to integers in the range: to 34,359,738,367. Call statement: CALL SLIDE (I, REAL, INTGR, $998) 1=1, when REAL is single precision 2, when REAL is double precision REAL = real or double precision value, positive or negative sign INTGR = signed integer equivalent of REAL $998 = label of statement for error action when the absolute value of REAL exceeds 34,359,738,367. CENFOR 16- 6 March 1970 16.5. REAL TO INTEGER CONVERSION (Continued) Source Coding SUBROUTINE SLIDE (K,ARG,N,$) DIMENSION ARG(2),FP(2),M(2) DATA MX / 0777777777/ DATA HIVAL/ 34359738368./ DATA GOVAL/ 134217728./ DATA X / 1.0 / DATA MC / 0377000000000/ X = SIGN (X,ARG(1)) FP(1) = ABS(ARG(1)) IF(FP(1) - GOVAL) 50, , IF(FP(1) - HIVAL ) 20 , , RETURN U 20 M(l) = FP(1).AND.MX NC = LSRL((FP(1).AND.MC),27) NCD = NC-155 IF(K.NE.2) GO TO 30 FP(2) = .ABS(ARG(2)) M(2) = LSLL(FP(2),9) CALL LDSLL (M(l) ,M(2) ,NCD, J, NULL) GO TO 51 30 J = LSLL(M(1),NCD) GO TO 51 50 J = FP(1) 51 IF(X.LT.O) J = -J N = J RETURN March 1970 CENFOR 16- 7 16.6. INTEGER TO DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION In an arithmetic expression, if the mode of one operand is double precision and the mode of the other operand is integer or real, then the mode of the expression is double precision. This means that all operands will be converted to double precision in order to execute the arithmetic expression. When large integer values in the range 134,217,727 to 34,359,738,367, are converted to single or double precision by the FORTRAN IV compiler, there is a loss of significance. Example : Convert the integer variable N, containing the value 34,359,738,367, to a real number. X = N The value of X will be 34,359,738,112. The loss of 255 is caused by the limit of 27 bits for the mantissa of a real number. This loss of significance may not be acceptable in computations involving a series of arithmetic operations with large integer and double precision numbers. There is no built-in FORTRAN IV function for converting an integer number to double precision where one may retain significance of a large integer number (134,217,727 to 34,359,738,367). The auto- matic conversion of integer values to the double precision mode by the compiler is carried out as a single precision value with the least significant word set to zero. The following function may be used in cases where the loss of significance may be a factor in the conversion of large integer numbers to the real mode. This function divides the integer number into two parts - each is less than the capacity of a single precision real number and retains full significance for each part. The two parts are added to produce a double precision sum. This value may then be used with other double precision terms with no loss in significance from the original large integer value . The name of the function must first be defined as type double precision in the main program: DOUBLE PRECISION DP CENFOR 16- 8 March 1970 16.6. INTEGER TO DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION (Continued) The coding for the function may be formatted as an internal or external subprogram. For an internal subprogram, N should be typed integer to be made a local variable. FUNCTION DP(INT) INTEGER N DATA MSM 10377000000000/ DATA LSM / 0777777777/ N = INT NSIGN = 1 SIGN IF(N),5,5 SIGN NSIGN =0 SIGN N = IABS(N) SIGN 5 1= N. AND. MSM DP = I J = N. AND. LSM DP = DP + J IF(NSIGN.EQ.O)DP = -DP SIGN RETURN The function as written contains fifteen lines. If the sign of the integer value (INT) is not a factor, then the lines labelled SIGN may be removed, leaving ten lines. Usage Example : The expression: XS = N + X where: XS = double precision N = integer X = double precision is now written as : XS = DP(N) + X where: XS = double precision N = converted to double precision by the function DP. X = double precision March 1970 CENFOR 16- 9 16.7. TABLE LOOK-UP TECHNIQUES 16.7.1. DIRECT The table contains as many entries as the value of the highest numeric table code being processed. The code being searched for literally becomes the index for accessing the corresponding table entry. Limitations: (l) The codes being processed must contain entirely numeric digits, (2) since the codes usually are not in straight numeric sequence (e.g., 001, 002, 003,004-, etc. ) gaps occur between codes and the table size becomes prohibitive and (3) input cards must be read at the beginning of each job to fill the table. 16.7.2. SERIAL Searching the table beginning with the first table position with each transaction and incrementing the index by one until the condition being tested equals the corresponding table code is a method. Limitations: (l) When the table size exceeds 20 to 25 entries, the processing time to test all the entries becomes prohibitive, and (2) input cards must be read at the beginning of each job to fill the table. 16.7.3. BINARY In the binary search approach, the argument to be found is first compared against the middle of the table, and on the basis of this comparison, the upper or lower half will be used for comparison. The table will be halved until an equal condition occurs or the size of the table is reduced to zero. The table arguments must be in sequence. A count of the number of entries (easily generated when the table is filled) is also required. 16. 7.4-. LITERAL A table does not appear in the data division, but the codes being searched for appear as literals in the procedure division. A conditional statement must be written for each code to be pro- cessed. When the literal being tested equals the transaction code being processed, the corresponding data appears as a literal and is moved to a common storage area. Limitations: (l) Limited to fixed codes not subject tc change since a literal change requires source language changes and recompilation, and (2) far more coding (programing time) is required than in the other three techniques. CENFOR 16-10 March 1970 16.7.5. EXAMPLES DIRECT LOOK-UP 1. A variable IV with possible binary values of 0-99 is to be used to pick up a code from a table NTABL of 100 entries using the value of IV as the index for locating the code and placing the code into NV: NV = NTABL (IV +1) 2. A variable NX with possible binary values of 0-12 is to be used to recode these values as follows and to store their recode into the variable NY: 0-3 recode 1 4-7 recode 2 8-12 recode 3 NX = NX+1 GO TO (10,10,10,10,20,20,20,20,30,30,30,30,30), NX 10 NY = 1 GO TO 4-0 20 NY = 2 GO TO 4-0 30 NY = 3 GO TO 4.0 SERIAL LOOK-UP A variable IV is to be compared with a list NA of 20 values and when a match is made, a tally is to be made in the corresponding position in table NB. DO 10 J = 1,20 IF (IV - NA(J)) ,20, 10 CONTINUE 20 NB (J) = NB(J)+1 March 1970 CENFOR 16-11 BINARY LOOK-UP A variable IV is to be compared with a list NA of 100 values and when a match is made, a tally is to be made in the cor- responding position in table NB. The list NA has been sorted using a programer written subroutine called SWAP prior to this procedure. A programer written subroutine called SEARCH delivers a subscript NSUB which may be used as required. CALL SWAP (NA,100) CALL SEARCH (NA, 100, IV, NSUB) (See 16.16.) NB(NSUB) = NB (NSUB) + 1 LITERAL LOOK-UP A code NCODE is to be compared against the XS3 literals 0,3,7, and 9 to determine which one it matches. If a match is made, then a recode of 1 is to replace the original code. If no code is found, make the recode 0. IF (NCODE . EQ. 3) GO TO 20 IF (NCODE . EQ. 6) GO TO 20 IF (NCODE . EQ.10) GO TO 20 IF (NCODE . EQ.12) GO TO 20 NCODE = GO TO 30 20 NCODE = 1 30 CONTINUE CENFQR 16-12 March 1970 16.8. A SUBROUTINE FOR SORTING WORDS IN AN ARMY SUBROUTINE SWAP (A,N) Comment - A is the array of size N INTEGER A, TEMP DIMENSION A(N) Nl = N-l DO 20 I = 1,N1 IF (A(I). LE.A (1+1)) GO TO 20 DO 10 J = I, 1, -1 IF (A(J).LE.A(J+1)) GO TO 20 TEMP = A (J) A(J) = A(J+1) 10 A(J+1) = TEMP 20 CONTINUE RETURN END March 1970 CENFOR 16-13 16.9. A RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR ROUTINE (To Generate Numbers as Large as 999 ) DATA T /0244400000000/ DATA MM /0377777777777/ K = 2 ** 18 + 3 IU = UBS (MSR UHDATE)) XM = 999 Comment - ABOVE ESTABLISHES INITIAL VALUES Comment - BELOW GENERATES A RANDOM NUMBER EACH USE IU = MM. AND. (IU*K) V = IU/T Comment - COMPUTE REAL RANDOM NUMBER WITHIN RANGE R = XM * V Comment - FOR INTEGER RANDOM NUMBER IR = XM *V + 1 Comment - XM is upper limit Comment - IU is start for random number, should be large Comment - V is real random fraction Comment - IR is integer random whole number CENFOR 16-14 March 1970 16.10. A SUBROUTINE TO CREATE A CHECK DIGIT FOR A TWELVE-DIGIT NUMBER SUBROUTINE CHKDIG (N,M) N = DO 100 I = 12,2,-2 NT = (IXTRCR (M,I) -3)*2 IF (NT.GT.9) NT=NT+54 100 N = JRS (NT,5)+JRS(NT,6)+(lXTRCR(M,I-l)-3)+N N = MOD (N.10)+3 IF (N.NE.3) N=l6-N RETURN 16.11. METHOD USED TO CREATE CHECK DIGIT FOR XS3 FIELD 1. Multiply by 2 the even digits (or odd digits). 2. As each digit is multiplied, if the sum is 10 or more, create 2 digits. 3. Add all digits together and drop the ten's portion of the total. U. Subtract the remaining unit's position from 10 and the result is the check digit. If the result of step 3 is 0, the check digit is 0. EXAMPLE : A ten-digit field; create check digit. 8735069505 X2 14 X2 10 X2 12 X2 10 X2 10 U + + 2 + + = 6 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 5 8 + 3 + + 9 + = 20 10/31/1 Remainder 10 -1 = 9 the check digit ---__. : _ — . . _ ~ • - :::: :;:: sr,36ooooc ,6oooc :: - — — ... N-SIOS A :: -- - - :ie ; de ] . r r Cle :ie V - *A subroutine :l;:X is available vhich *d " r lAl TIME ZIOCK DPTERBOGATEE Al xx>couc. CENFOR 16-16 March 1970 16. H. 2. INTEGER BB DIMENSION BB(5,6) CALL ZERO (BB,30) CLEARS ALL OF BB. CALL ZERO (BB,5*6) 16. 14.. 3. PARAMETER Nl = 100, N2 = 10, N3 = 25 DIMENSION MAD(N1,N2,N3) CLEARS ALL OF BB. CALL ZERO (MAD,N1*N2*N3) In each case, entire array will be cleared, CALL ZERO (MAD, 100*10*25) CALL ZERO (MAD, 2 5000) 16. 14. 4-. INTEGER VAR • • • CALL ZERO (VAR,1) Note: VAR is a variable here NOT an array. CLEARS VAR. CALL ZERO (VAR, 10) NOTE: CLEARS VAR AND NEXT NINE LOCATIONS. 1. Subroutine expects an array name, but starting location may be given in calling statement. 2. A variable may be given instead of an array in CALL statement. 3. Subroutine is set up in terms of a one-dimensional array, but more-than-one-dimensional arrays may be cleared with the routine. CAUTION: 1. If you are clearing less than an entire array which is more than one-dimensional, be sure you are clearing the area you intend. 2. If value of N exceeds dimension limits, be sure what the following locations are. March 1970 CENFOR 16-17 16.15. SEQUENCE CHECKING Many problems require that the input data be arranged in a logical sequence (ascending or descending) according to desig- nated key words within an item. For example, a file of data may be required to be in state, county sequence. Before processing such data, it is often required as a safeguard that a check be made to insure the fact that a good sorted file is being processed. Therefore, the need to sequence check. The Arithmetic IF is made to order for this kind of checking. An example of sequence checking appears below. Note that if there is a break in sequence, an error condition is noted and the program terminates by calling a programer written subroutine called DUMP containing the single statement RETURN 0. IF (MAJORP - MAJORN) 30, ,20 IF (MINORP - MINORN) 30, 30, 20 20 CALL TYPE (20, 20H SEQUENCE CHECK FAILS) CALL DUMP 30 CONTINUE SUBROUTINE DUMP RETURN 16.16. SEARCH: PROGRAMER 'S SUBROUTINE FOR BINARY SEARCH Purpose — The purpose of this routine is to search a sequenced list of single-word items for equality against a given item or argument. If a match is found, the subscript location where equality occurred in the list is placed in a flag cell. If no match is found, the flag cell will be zero. There will be an execution time advantage over the serial scan method if the list size is 35 or greater. Method — The argument to be found is first compared to the content of the midpoint in the list of items. On the basis of this comparison, the upper or lower half of the table is used to continue the search. The list will be successively halved until an equal condition occurs, or the size of the list reduces to zero. CENFOR 16-18 March 1970 16.16. SEARCH: PROGRAMER'S SUBROUTINE FOR BINARY SEARCH (Continued) Coding SUBROUTINE SEARCH (LIST,N,NFLD,NSUB) INTEGER HE,LE,S DIMENSION LIST(N) HE = N+l LE = 10 S = LSRL ((HE+LE),1) IF (NFLD-LIST(S)) 15,12,11 11 LE = S GO TO 20 12 NSUB = S RETURN 15 HE = S 20 IF ((LE+1)-HE) 10, ,10 NSUB = RETURN Definitions LIST = Sequenced array of single-word items to be searched. N = Number of single-word items in LIST. NFLD = Argument searched for in LIST. NSUB = Flag cell containing the subscript location where equality occurred in LIST, or zero when argument cannot be found in list. December 1970 CEMFOR 16-19 16.17. DRUM USE 16.17.1. FHP80DRUM 16.17.2. FOLION 16.17.3. EX 16.17.4. SCHEDULE CARDS 16.17.5. PRACTICAL USES OF THE DRUM 16.17.6. SEGFOR - DRUM OVERLAY SEGMENTATION CENFQR 16-20 December 1970 Q Z < # III «/> l/> H Z E » *- H X 0) c n M (i E 3 V) « c 01 o 00 03 • u. .- ai CENF0R 16-21 16.17.1. FH880 DRUM The drum is a storage device; it is not part of the central computer. The Census FH880 configuration has two drum units each vdth a capacity of 786,432 computer words (a total of 1,572,864). After the initial access time (average 17 milliseconds) required to find the first location requested in the drum, the transfer rate is 16.5 microseconds per word. Therefore, the time required for a sizable transfer is not - much more than for one word. The Census FH880 drum subsystem consists of a channel synchronizer, a control unit, a power supply and two drum units. The drum and head subassemblies are mounted in the drum cabinet. The drum is an oxide coated cylinder, 30 inches long and 24 inches in diameter. Forty head blocks are positioned around the drum. Mounted in each head block are 22 read/write heads, or 880 heads in all. Each head is associated with one track around the drum. There are 128 6-track recording bands across the drum, accounting for 768 data tracks. Some of the remaining tracks are used for parity, reference, and timing functions. The rest are categorized as spares. Each band is further divided into 2048 angular addresses, around the circumference of the drum. Each address is further divided into three angular sections. The angular section, within any single angular address, represents the location of a 36-bit word. This scheme provides 6144 logical addresses for each band on each drum unit. The 36-bit data word is stored in the form of a 6 x 6 array. The array results from a combination of 6 rows and 6 tracks of data. Each of the three sections of a drum, instead of constituting a single entity, is divided into 2048 segments, one for each angular address, and these segments are arranged around the periphery of the drum in a repetitive pattern: ASO, AS1, AS2.. .etc. Addresses for drum unit range from to 02777777. Addresses for drum unit 1 range from 030000C0 to 05777777. CENFOR 16-22 The three designators for forming the address of the drum are as follows: Decimal Octal Angular Section (Drum 0- 00-02) 00-05 00-05 (Drum 1- 03-05) Band Number 000-127 000-177 Angular Address 0000-2047 0000-3777 The format required by the computer is shown in the following chart: Angular Band Angular Section Number Address Bits 22-18 17-11 10-0 Octal 5 17 7 3 7 7 7 Bits 00 101 1 111 111 11 111 111 111 Address 5 7 7 7 111 The FH880 Magnetic Drum Control Unit controls the flow of information between the drum units and the Channel Synchroniser. It will accept 6-bit output data characters from the synchronizer and distribute them to the drum units as specified by the program. The Control Unit also transmits 6-bit input data characters to the Channel Synchronizer. Transfers between drums and core memory begin at the time the angular position of the drum coincides vdth the specified starting address. CENFOR 16-23 Several errors are detected by the Magnetic Drum Subsystem: Parity Error. Each data word is recorded with odd parity. If even parity is detected during the read operation, a parity error Interrupt occurs. Character Count. Whenever fewer than six characters per word are transferred to or from the drum, a character count error interrupt takes place. Illegal Function. Each operation requested of the drum sub- system is checked for validity. Invalid Address. Any address beyond the capacity of 'the drum subsystem results in an invalid address interrupt. CENFOR 16-24 16.17.2. FOLION Drum files may be read or written sequentially in the same manner as tape files. However, a maximum of 700,000 cells are allowed per program. When a file is closed with a rewind, it may be reopened and read or written from the beginning of the file area. 3. EX Drum files may be read or written in either a sequential or random manner. The programmer must specify exactly how many words to read or write and where they are located. The programmer has complete control and the responsibilities for blocking, item control, etc. The EX subroutine merely delivers n number of words from a specified relative location into a specified location. The CALL line of the EX routine is: CALL EX( function, unit , status, buff er, no. words, relative drum position The most commonly used drum functions are: 3#- - read drum 02 - write drum The unit assignments for drum are: 25 for drum table Dl vith length tag LD1 26 for drum table D2 with length tag LD2 27 for drum table D3 with length tag LD3 28 for drum table D4 with length tag LD4 29 for drum table D5 with length tag LD5 The status variable will contain the status code of the completed function. It whould be checked after every CALL to the EX subroutine. If the code is 0, there was normal completion. The buffer is the area in core into which data will be read from drum or from which data will be written into drum. CENFOR 16-25 The number of words is the number of words to be transferred in either direction. A block size of 256 words is near optimum in timing for drum transfers. The drum position (relative to position 0) is the position within the drum table •where reading or writing will take place. For example, if the drum position is 0, then the first position in the drum table is the starting position of the transfer. If the drum position is 99, then the starting position is the 100th word. The programmer must maintain the variable which specifies the drum position. The EX subroutine does not update the variable. To read a series of 20 word groups from drum (unit 25) and write them out using F0LI0N, the following could be coded: DIMENSION NBUFF(20), NA(605) coding to initialize FCLION tape etc. NN=0 DO 50 J»l,10d CALL EX (34,25,NSTAT,NBUFF,20,NN) IF (NSTAT.NE.0) STOP ERROR CALL ITKOUT (6HANYFIL,MBUFF) 50 NN=NN + 20 CENFOR 16-26 16.17. 4. SCHEDULE CARDS If no drum is used, the FAC card should contain MD0/0. If drum is used, the total number of drum cells required should be included as MD0/xxxxxx. Also, a TAL card should be furnished using the drum length tags and specifying the size of each area. For example. ,TAL, LD1/50000, LD2/l0«0 16.17.5. PRACTICAL USES CF THE DRUM The drum may be used as a scratch pad: to store intermediate files (to conserve tapes and time), to store tally matrices, to disperse files (to eliminate the need for sorting short files), to have random access to information based upon indexed keys in core, or to help in any other way the programmer can envision. In some instances, master files are read in and stored on the drum for unlimited access. Program segmentation is also feasible on the drum. Random Access, Indexed Sequential One example of drum use is: It is desired to store information in the drum and to access records in a random manner. At the time the record is stored, a key and a relative location of drum storage can be placed in a core table. This core table can be sorted, scanned, or processed sequentially or randomly. When the desired key is selected in core memory, then the relative drum location can be placed in a variable before a call to EX. Information may be stored into or read from selected areas in drum. This type of operation should be performed with discretion because of time factors. Too many references to small areas in drum can slow down a program. It is best to use chunks of data in the range of 256 words per reference. CENFOR 16-27 Tally Matrices One use of the drum is to store the matrices developed during a program run. After the data for an area has been summarized at the detail level, the matrix for that specific area can be stored. When all matrices have been stored, it is a simple matter to code a loop to read each matrix, to create cross totals, subtotals and grand totals for all like matrices, and then to produce tables. The same matrices may be used to prepare many different tables depending upon specifications. dispersal by Selection The drum is ideal for dispersing a file into several smaller ones based upon special criteria either before or after initial processing. It often eliminates the necessity for a sort especially if the data is a short file of less than 700,000 words. When there is room in core and when there is a need for a sort, a selected drum area (which has been dispersed) can be brought into core and sorted using the subroutine SORT. The sorted data may then be sent back to drum and later merged with other short drum files. Parameters for Program Execution A program technique is to load the drum with a long list of parameters or selected data which will be tested in the program to direct the sequence of operations, to furnish table specifications, to furnish keys for operation, etc. CENFOR 16-28 Master File Storage When a master tape file of whatever nature (heading, stubs, alphabetical description, codes, table formats, etc.) is needed repeatedly throughout a run, it is definitely an advantage to be able to store this file on drum and to read it either senuentially or randomly as the need arises. The EX routine can be used for this purpose. Program Segmentation It is possible to assemble several independent programs and to call each one as needed into an overlay area for execution under the control of a main segment. See SEGFOR 16.17.6. December 1970 CENFOR 16-29 16.17.6. SEGFOR DRUM OVERLAY SEGMENTATION OF FORTRAN CODED PROGRAMS Bureau of the Census - Paul Friday DRUM OVERLAY SEGMENTATION; - A program may be written in self contained pieces or "segments". - When this program is loaded into the machine, each of these segments reside on drum rather than in core, and may be read into core one by one for execution under control of the running program itself. - Each segment, when called for, will be read into a common core area for execution. This allows any number of segments (up to a maximum of 9) while the core requirements for the overlay area are defined only by the requirements of the largest segment. - The segments are initially coded as free standing independent programs and become part of a master segmentation program when they are loaded into the machine. For this reason, each segment may be tested as an independent program and then, with slight modification, be included as part of the segmented program as a final step. Also, former sequences of independent programs may be modified and defined as drum segments of a single program. This is useful in eliminating intermediate tape handling and operational errors. CENFOR 16-30 Pictoral layout of a segmented program : Program allocation scheme in core: Segments stored on 880 drum: - The above diagram applies to both IBANK and DBANK. - Section "A" consists of the resident segment which is in core at all times. Section "A" contains your resident Fortran coding plus any library routines referenced in that section. - Section "B" initially contains nothing. Section "B" is the area into which the various drum segments will be read and then executed. Each segment read into "B" consists of your Fortran coding for that segment plus any library routines referenced from that segment th at were not previously referenced in the resident section (see belowT m Global and Local Library Routines: - If any drum segment references a library routine (such as Folion) that was also referenced in the resident coding, the reference will be to the library routine allocated in the resident core slot. Thus, any library routine referenced from the resident section will be known as a global routine. - If any drum segment references a library routine that was not referenced in the resident coding, the routine will be allocated in each and every segment that makes reference to it. Thus, any library routine not referenced in the resident section but referenced in a drum segment (or segments) will be known as a local routine. CEMFOR 16-31 Coding of the segments : Each segment in the program, including the resident segment, is coded in the following format: /././.* NAME @ MAP NAME,NAMEB. @LIP FOR NAME, NAME, NAMEB. CALL SUB SUBROUTINE SUB ($,$>M,M,M,$) (YOUR FORTRAN STATEMENTS ARE CODED HERE) * RETURN n (SEE FOLLOWING DISCUSSION OF RETURNS) END )))))) Note that additional segments are coded as separate files on the same tape, each of which is equivalent to an independent program. Only the start card of the last file should contain the REWINT entry in card columns 73-78. CENFQR 16-32 When the segmented program is initiated, the resident segment is given control first. Reading drum segments into core is controlled by the execution of RETURN statements. The legal forms are RETURN and RETURN n (where n is coded as an integer ranging from 1 to 9K The RETURN n statement will cause the drum segment described by n to be read into core (if it is not already there) and executed. The segment previously residing in core is written back to its proper slot on the drum. For example, execution of a RETURN 3 statement from any segment in the program will read segment 3 into core (if it is not already there) and execute it. The RETURN statement executed from any segment in the program will cause control to be transferred to the resident segment. Each segment read in from drum is charged to the program as an I/O request. In other words, shuttling between the segments is not free. Each segment read from dru-n charges 8 u sec per word in the segment to the running time of the program. Therefore, the program should be designed to avoid excessive shuttling between the drum segments. However, if the segment to be read from drum is already in core, no I/O action is required. For example, shuttling between the resident segment and any one drum segment over and over would require no drum action. COMMON AREAS - Any or all of the segments may contain blank COMMON statements. - The area generated by these statements is truly common - that is, data placed in blank COMMON by any segment is available for use in all other segments containing similar blank COMMON statements. - However, no matter where the blank COMMON statements occur, the COMMON area is allocated in the resident segment core area and never becomes part of any drum segment. - Only blank COMMOM (never named COMMON) may be used in a segmented program. CEMFOR 16-33 A Further Discussion of Global and Local Library Routines - The concept of global and local library routines must be considered when setting up a segmented program. - A global library routine is defined as one that is referenced from the resident segment. If that same library routine is referenced from a drum segment, the reference will be to the routine allocated in the resident core area. For example, if a reference is made to Folion from the resident segment (defining it as a global library routine), then any files opened in any segment may be referenced from any other segment in the program. - A local library routine is defined as cne that is referenced from a drum segment or segments but not from the resident segment. In this case, a separate copy of the library routine will be allocated in each drum segment that makes reference to it. For example, if Folion is defined as a local routine, files opened in any one drum segment may not be referenced from any other segment in the program. However, the other segments may maintain unique files on separate units. - In order to allocate a library routine -in the resident segment (defining it as a global routine), it is only necessary to make a reference or call to it. It is not mandatory that referencing statement ever be executed. - The following library routines, because of their design, may be allocated in only one spot in the segmented program. This means that they may be either locally defined in only one drum segment, or that they may be globally defined. The routines are: 1) the double precision library package 2) Fortran formatted writes on units -2,-3f and +6 The double precision routine is referenced by writing a DOUBLE PRECISION type statement. The Fortran formatted write routine is referenced by formatted write statements involving one or more of the units described above. CENFOR 16-34 SCHEDULING PTY CARD: The program name is SEGFOR. (The Fortran coded segments become load time subroutines to the SEGFOR controlling program.) FAC CARD: The IBANK requirement is: The resident segment IBANK + the largest drum segment IBANK + 250, A (or 32? Q ). Note that the IBANK requirements for each 10 o drum segment are not the same as shown on the Elf listing. Any library routines located in the resident segment will be global and therefore not allocated in drum segments which reference them. Because of this, the core requirements for each global routine must be subtracted from each drum segment which references that global routine. For example, if Folion were a globally defined routine, and a drum segment ■contains Folion on its Elf listing, then the core requirements of Folion must be subtracted from the drum segment requirements shown on the Elf listing. — The DBANK requirement is: The resident segment DBANK + LN$BLN + the largest drum segment DBANK + 250., „ (or 372 Q ). LN$BLN is a TAL card increment ex- 10 o plained later. Note that the comments on drum segment IBANK apply to the DBANK computations as well. — The Drum requirements are: ID1 + LD2 + LD3 + U)k + LD5 + sufficient drum to store IBANK and DBANK of all drum segments. LD1 through LD5 are TAL card increments explained later. — Tape facilities are scheduled in the standard manner for Fortran coded programs. TAL CARD: LN$BLN LD1 through LD5 This entry is equal to the value which appears on the Elf facility synopsis opposite "LN$BLN". The entry on the TAL card should be equal to the largest LN$BLN on the Elf listings for the segmented program. These represent the standard Fortran drum table lengths, if used, They correspond to Fortran internal unit numbers 25 through 29. CENFOR 16-35 SUB CARD 50 is the formal name of the resident segment. 51 through S9 are the formal names of the first through the ninth drum segments respectively. To fill out a SUB card, you must equate the formal names of the segments with the second name appearing on the MAP card of each segment. For example, a program containing a resident and two drum segments would be scheduled with a SUB card as follows: JRTD,SUB,S^/NAM1,S1/NAM2,S2/NAM3,S^,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9. Where NAM1, NAM2, and NAM3 are the second names on the MAP card of each segment. Note that the SUB card is the only point in the system where the elements are formally defined a.z drum segments. Because of this, it is possible to construct a tape containing any number of elements which could be used as segments. Then, when the program is scheduled, the SUB card may describe various configurations of the segmented program. For example, your program tape could contain the following named elements (2nd name on the MAP card): NA,NB,NC,ND,NE,NF, and NG Then, one possible configuration of the program defined at schedule time might be: JRID,SUB,S0/NA,Sl/NB,S2/NF,S3/ND,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9. And then, without recompilation, the program configuration could be redefined simply by rescheduling with a different SUB card: JRID,SUB,S^/NA,Sl/NG,S2/NC,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9. CENFOR 16-36 TRIVIA The coded example shown on page 3 may contain references to other internal subroutines or other external subroutines contained within the SERVO start and stop cards. The "CALL SUB" statement is never actually executed when the element becomes part of the segmented program. Howevor, it must be present for loading purposes „ The firsb statement, within subroutine "SUB" will be the initial statement executed in the segment. Note that the "CALL SUB" line could contain return statement number arguments referring to coding following the "CALL SUB" statement. Although this coding would never be executed when the element is part of a segmented program, it would be executed if the element is tested as an -individual program. By coding it this way, the same element may be tested either as an independent program or as a segment of another program without recom- pilation modifications. Segmentation is valuable not only because it offers the ability to code larger programs, but also because it allows the construction of a system which can be varied by SUB card redefinitions at run time. Segments may be added to an existing segmented program tape at any time without touching the rest of the program. This allows the construction of an open-ended system similar in concept to the SORT with its ability to accept option coding subprograms . Any requests to Special Services to compile a segmented program must indicate that a "FORELF-ELF" compiling sequence is desired. An initial typeout indicating the FORTRAN program's name (the main program name is always SEGFOR) and version number is recommended since control is more difficult with programs of this type. CENFOR 16-37 - For practical purposes the number of program elements on a tare should be less than 100. It is possible to design segments in such a way that several may be considered main segments. Then, at load time one of the main segments may be sleected along witn the other segments desired for a run. Thus, similar but different programs may be executed depending upon the need. - The following information is contained in a word within SEGFOR: HI - number of cells in the overlay segment H2 - address of the current overlay segment less one The location of this word may be found in a memory dump by adding the last address of the ELF allocation of the main segment, the loading address of the IBANK, and 133 octal. - The program elements reside in core storage as follows: Main segment SEGFOR Overlay area 17. PROGRAM EXAMPLES March 1970 CENFOR 17- 1 17.1. GENERAL The sample programs which follow have been coded from training problem specifications. The reader should note that there are many ways to code for the solution of a problem. The examples shown here are merely used as illustrations. The control cards required for the assembly of a program are not illustrated here. Refer to Chapter 12: "ASSEMBLY, CORRECTING, AND DEBUGGING. 17.2. PAYROLL PROBLEM SPECIFICATIONS The input reel for this problem is a IIIA in LION External Format (Fieldata card images). The last record contains all 9's. The output reel should contain a table showing for each employee the following: employee number, name, hours worked this week, number of overtime hours worked, gross pay, amount of overtime pay, amount of withholding tax, retirement deductions, amount deducted for health insurance premium, net pay, and pay period. Appropriate headings should be on each output column. The payroll will be computed for a week's work. The regular work week will be 4-0 hours. Any hours worked above this will be considered overtime hours. Retirement is 3% of gross for all employees. The data fields are described as follows: FIELD DESCRIPTION A B C D E F G H I Employee number Employee name Regular hourly rate, 2 implied decimal places Overtime hourly rate, 2 implied decimal places Number of dependents, integer field. The withholding tax is computed on the following basis : to 1 dependents, tax is 20% of gross 2 dependents, tax is 15% of gross 3 dependents, tax is 10% of gross U dependents, tax is 5% of gross 5 or more dependents, no tax is withheld Total number of hours worked, I implied decimal place Health Insurance Option, integer: means no insurance 1 means low option, $1.75 per pay period 2 means high option, $2.85 per pay period Closing date of the pay period in form MO/DA/YR Field I is not used. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 |2|j|<|s 6 M 2 | 3 H 5 I 6 'I 2 ! 3 ! 4 ! 5 ! 6 •I 2 ! 3 ! 4 ! 5 6 'I 2 ! 3 4 5 6 12 3 4 5 I 6 1 1 2 3 4 I 5 I 6 1I2I3 U Is 6 '| 2 I 3 | 4 | 5 I 6 l/p A B C D E F G H I O/P , LANG. riii 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i i i 1 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 F F F F F F F F CENFOR 17- 2 March 1970 17.2. PAYROLL PROBLEM SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) Payroll Coding DIMENSION TAX(6),H(2),B(3) DATE TAX /.2,.2,.15,.1,.05,.0/ 10 F0RMAT(A5,3A6,F4.2,F5.2,I2,F4.1,I1,A6,A2) 20 FORMAT (1H /, A^OH NUMBER NAME NO. HOURS OV, B^OH.TIME GROSS PAY OVER. PAY TAXES RET, C^OHIREMENT INSUR. NET PAY PAY PERIOD//) 30 FORMAT (1X,A6,3A6,4X,F4.1,6X,F4.1,4X,3(F5.2,6X), A F5.2,7X,F^.2,6X,F5.2,5X,A6,A2/) 1 READ (5,10) A,B,C,D,I,F,J,H IF (I.EQ.99) GO TO 999 WRITE (6,20) Q=F-4-0.0 IF (O.LT.0.0) GO TO 35 Z=^0.0 GO TO 36 35 Q=0.0 Z=F 36 Q=D*Q P=C*Z+Q 1=1+1 IF (I.GT.5) 1=6 R=TAX(I)-P S=P*.03 IF (J-l) ,50,60 T=0.0 GO TO 70 50 T=1.75 GO TO 70 60 T=2.85 70 U=P-R-S-T WRITE (6,30) A,B,F,D,P,Q,Q,R,S,T,U,H GO TO 1 999 STOP END March 1970 CENFOR 17- 3 17 . 3 . PROBABILITY OF PURCHASING AN AUTOMOBILE Prepare the following table : PROBABILITY OF PURCHASING AN AUTOMOBILE WITHIN ONE YEAR BY CONDENSED INCOME BY AGE OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD PROBABILITY OF PURCHASE Income Total .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 NA Total Under $3000 $3000-4999 $5000-7499 $7500-9999 $10,000 & Over NA Number should be to nearest thousands Repeat for Age of Head: Under 25 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 + NA Skip non- interview records; i.e., limit universe to records with a code in Word 39, Character 1. CENFOR 17- 4 March 1970 17.3. PROBABILITY OF PURCHASING AN AUTOMOBILE (Continued) Necessary information can be found as follows: DESCRIPTION Word 9 Characters 1-2 AGE of Head of Household (Single years from 15; NN for NA) Word 9 Characters 5-6 INCOME Code 01 UNDER $1000 02 $1000-1999 03 2000-2999 04 3000-3999 05 4000-4999 06 5000-5999 07 6000-7499 08 7500-9999 09 10000-14999 10 15000-24999 11 25000 and over NN NA Word 28 Character 3 Word 26 Characters 1-6 Word 27 Character 1 26 27 PROBABILITY OF PURCHASING AN AUTOMOBILE WITHIN 1 YEAR Code 1 .1 2 .2 3 .3 4 .4 5 .5 6 .6 7 .7 8 .8 9 .9 A 1.0 N NNA WEIGHT (Eacl XXXXXX X similar to the society in general; these weights, rather than 1 are added within the table. There are two assumed decimal places.) March 1970 CENFOR 17-5 17.3 PROBABILITY OF PURCHASING AN AUTOMOBILE (Continued) FORTRAN CODING - DIMENSION NWS ( 640) ,NWDS( 640) ,NTABL( 20,11 ) , A ITEM(60),N25(7),NHDR(20),NAGE(2,10) INTEGER TABL(13,7,8) DATA NA,N25/05050, 0,25, 35, 45, 55,65,200/ DATA((NTAB1( I,J),I=1,20),J=1,9) t 60H 1 PROBABILITY OF ,60H 2 PURCHASE ,60H 3 ,60H 4 ,60H 5INC0ME TOTAL .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 ,60H 6 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 NA ,60H 7 ,60H 8 ,60H 9T0TAL ,60H 1 ,60H 2UNDER $3000 ,60H 3 ,60H 4$3000-4999 ,60H 5 ,60H 6$ 5000-7499 ,60H 7 ,60H 8$7500-9999 ,60H 9 / DATA((NTABL(I,J),I=1,20),J=10,11) /60H 1$ 10, 000 & OVER ,60H 2 ,60H 3NA ,60H 4 / DATA NAGE /60H 1 TOTAL UNDER 25 25-34 35-44 45-54 ,60H 2 55-64 65+ NA / DATA NHDR /60H 1 PROBABILITY OF PURCHASING AN AUTOMOBILE WITHIN ONE YEAR BY ,60H 2AGE OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD / C PROGRAM PROCEDURES START HERE CALL OPNIN (3HNAS, NWS, 640, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) CALL OPNOUT (3H0UT, MWDS, 640, 20, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0) DO 1 1-1,20 DO 1 J=l,ll CENFOR 17- 6 March 1970 17.3. PROBABILITY OF PURCHASING AN AUTOMOBILE (Continued) FORTRAN CODING (Continued) 1 NTABL(I,J)=LFX(NTABL(I,J) DO 10 1=1,20 NHDR(I)=LFX(NHDR(I)) 10 NAGE(l,l)=LFX(NAGE(l,l)) CALL INSERT (31,NHDR,l) CALL ITMOUT (3H0UT,NHDR) CALL ITMOUT (3H0UT,NTABL(l,2) ) CALL ITMOUT (3H0UT,NTABL(l,2) ) 11 CALL ITMIN(3HNAS, ITEM, N, $999) C CHECK TO SEE IF THERE WAS AN INTERVIEW IF (JRS(ITEM(39),1).NE.3) GO TO 11 C C RECODE AGE IF (JRT(ITEM(9),1).EQ.NA) GO TO 20 KAGE=LXB( JRT(ITEM(9) ,1) ) DO 1$ K=2,7 IF (KAGE-N25(K))21, , 15 CONTINUE GO TO 21 20 K=8 C C RECODE INCOMES 21 IF (JNT(ITEM(9),3).EQ.NA) GO TO 30 INC=LXB(JNT(ITEM(9),3)) GO TO (22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 26, 26, 26), INC 22 J=2 GO TO 31 23 J=3 GO TO 31 24 J=4 GO TO 31 25 J=5 GO TO 31 26 J=6 GO TO 31 30 J=7 C C RECODE PROBABILITY 31 NPR0B=JRS(ITEM(28),3) IF (NPROB.EQ.20) GO TO 32 IF (NPROB.EQ.40) GO TO 33 I=NPR0B-1 GO TO ^0 32 1=12 GO TO 40 33 1=13 March 1970 CENFOR 17- 7 17.3. PROBABILITY OF PURCHASING AN AUTOMOBILE (Continued) C GET WEIGHTS 40 NCUM=LXB(ITEM(26)) NCUM=NCUM*10+LXB( JRS(ITEM(27) ,1) ) TABL(l,J,K)=TABL(l,J,K)+NCUM GO TO 11 C C AT END OF FILE, COMPUTE TOTALS 999 DO 51 K=2,8 DO 50 J=2,7 DO 50 1=2,13 50 TABL(1,J,K)=TABL(I,1,K)+TABL(I,J,K) DO 51 J=2,7 DO 51 1=1,13 51 TABL(I,1,K)=TABL(I,1,K)+TABL(I,J,K) DO 60 K=2,8 DO 60.1=1,91 60 TABL(l,l,l)=TABL(l,l,l)+TABL(l,l,K) DO 70 1=1,728 70 TABL(l,l,l)=LBX((TABL(l,l,l)+50000)/l00000 ,0) C ABOVE ROUNDS AND DIVIDES BI 1000.00 C PREPARE THE OUTPUT TABLE DO 100 K=l,8 NTABL(1,2)=NAGE(1,K) NTABL(2,2)=NAGE(2,K) DO 62 NK=1,4 62 CALL ITM0UT(3H0UT,NTABL(1,NK)) C DO 64- J=l,7 DO 63 1=1,13 63 NTABL(I+3,J+4)=TABL(I,J,K) 6^ CALL ITM0UT(3H0UT,NTABL(l,J+4)) 100 CONTINUE CALL IENFIL(3HNAS) CALL 0ENFIL(3H0UT) END CENFOR 17- 8 March 1970 17.4. SORT WITH OPTION CODING FILE DESCRIPTION : Input: Size - variable length records; largest is 80 words Language - all in BCD-XS3 Ilia tape, written with FOLION and buffer of 64.O (605-LION) words Format - see attached record description Output: Sort output is to be blanked I la output 1 — print on off-line printer, board 3, loop 3, paper 14-3-1 Ila output 2 — (same as above) GENERAL DESCRIPTION : Type out: TRAINING SORT PROGRAM List: B-C Type Units; bypass all others. (Type B-C is determined by REC TYPE = 3, and SAMPLE = 1 Sort by: PSU, SERIAL, and SEGMENT as follows: Output 1 : Vacant, Year-round Housing Units Year-round = 1 in "Seasonal Status" Housing Units = 1 through 7 in "Type Qtrs" Create internal label - Vacant Units Sorted : external label - Vacant Format headings : PSU SERIAL SEGMENT TYPE-QTRS VAC. STAT SEAS. STAT Output 2 : All other units (not vacant and/or not year-around and/or not housing units) Create internal label - Not Vacant Units Sorted : external label - Not Vac Format headings : PSU SERIAL SEGMENT TYPE-QTRS VAC STAT SEAS STAT USUAL OCC COND March 1970 CENFOR 17- 9 17. 4-. SORT WITH OPTION CODING (Continued) INPUT RECORD OF FIRST PASS WORD DIGIT(S) 1 1 1 3 1 4,5,6 2 1,2,3,4 5 1,2,3 7 1,2 8 2,3 48 3 48 4 48 5 DESCRIPTION Record Type Sample PSU Serial Segment Vacancy Status Type QTRS. Seas. Status Usual occ. COND. 49-80 Other Information COMMENTS Accept "3", reject all others Accept "1", reject all others Major sort key Intermediate sort key Minor sort key If vacant, codes "01,02,03" If housing unit "01-07" If year round, code "1" Display code if NOT VAC file Display code if NOT VAC file OUTPUT RECORD OF FIRST PASS All fields are right aligned with ignore fill to the left. WORD 1 Record Type 2 Sample 3 PSU 4 Serial 5 Segment 6 Vacancy Status 7 Type Quarters 8 Seas. Status 9 Usual occ. 10 Condition Accept 01-03 as vacant Accept 01-07 as Housing Unit Accept 1 as year round Display code if NOT VAC Display code if NOT VAC CENFOR 17-10 M^ 011 197 ° 17.4. SORT WITH OPTION CODING (Continued) FIRST PASS CODING FOR SORT PROBLEM EXTERNAL FPS 1 CALL OCSUB (|1,$1,FPS) SUBROUTINE FPS ($,$,$) COMMON NENTRY,ITMSIZ,ITEM(80) ,NEA(U) ,NTEM(lO) DATA NEA/l, -13, 1,3, 4, -51, 3, -71, 2, -82, 2,-4.83, 31,0/ IF (NENTRY) 20,20,30 20 RETURN 1 30 IF (K.EQ.O) CALL TYPE (21,21HTRAINING SORT PROGRAM) K=l IF (JRS(ITEM(1),1).NE.6) RETURN 1 IF (JRS(ITEM(1),3).NE.4-) RETURN 1 CALL UNPK (ITEM,NEA,NTEM) DO 31 J=l,10 31 ITEM(J)=NTEM(J) ITMSIZ=10 RETURN 3 END March 1970 CENFOR 17-11 17. 4-. SORT WITH OPTION CODING (Continued) LAST PASS CODING FOR SORT PROBLEM EXTERNAL LPS 1 CALL OCSUB ($1,$1,LPS) SUBROUTINE LPS ($,$,$) COMMON NENTRY,ITMSIZ,ITEM(80),NEA(l3),NTEM(20) 1 LABA(5) ,IABB( 5) ,NBA(155) ,NBB(155) ,NL(20) ,NEB(20) DATA N1,N2,N3,N7 /Q304,Q305, 0306,0312/ DATA LABA /5,6H VACANT, 0,0,0/ DATA LABB /5,10HN0T VACANT, 0,0/ DATA NEB/-H, 3, -31,4-, -4.6, 3, -63, 2, -82, 2, -96,1, A-115, 1,-132, 1,4*0/ DATA NL / A42H PSU SERIAL SEGMENT TYPE-QTRS , B42HVAC STAT SEAS STAT USUAL OCC COND , C36H / IF (NENTRY) 10,20,30 10 RETURN 1 20 CALL OENFIL (4H0UTA) CALL OENFIL (4H0UTB) RETURN 1 30 IF (N.NE.O) GO TO 32 LABA(2)=LFX(LABA(2)) LABB(2)=LFX(LABB(2)) LABB(3)=LFX(LABB(3)) DO 31 J=l,20 31 NL(J)=LFX(NL(J)) CALL INSERT (31,NL,l) CALL OPNOUT(4HOUTA,NBA,155,20,l,0,LABA,0,0) CALL OPNOUT(4HOUTB,NBB,155,20,2,0,LABB,0,0) CALL ITM0UT(4Ji0UTB,NL) NL(11)=0 NL(12)=0 NL(13)=0 CALL ITM0UT(4-H0UTA,NL) N=l 32 IF (ITEM(6).EQ.N1.0R.ITEM(6).EQ.N2.0R. A ITEM(6).EQ.N3) GO TO ^0 33 CALL PACK (ITEM, NEB, NTEM) CALL ITM0UT(4H0UTB,NTEM) RETURN 3 40 IF (ITEM(8).NE.4) GO TO 33 IF (ITEM(7).LT.N1.0R.ITEM(7).GT.N7) A GO TO 33 CALL PACK (ITEM, NEB, NTEM) NTEM(11)=0 NTEM(13)=0 CALL ITMOUT (4H0UTA,NTEM) RETURN 3 END CENFOR 17-12 March 1970 17 . 5 . SPECIFICATIONS FOR MARRIAGE TABLE 7A 1. INPUT FILE: 89,171 27-word records "=67 SEO EDITED-MARITAL" IIIA Tape 2. ALL field values are in XS3. 3. First marriage date is recorded in field no. 7 for persons married more than once, and in field no. 5 for persons married only once. 4-. Tally using weight in field 9. Weight is 6 digits with 2 implied decimals. 5. Output tables should show tally rounded to thousands. 6. Provide table title, stubs and captions as shown except for numbers 1-15 in left-hand margin of stub. 7. "TOTAL" for races includes "OTHER". 8. Survey date is 1967. 9. Tables should include only 1^-69 year olds. March 1970 CENFOR 17-13 17.5- SPECIFICATIONS FOR MARRIAGE TABLE 7A (Continued) 10. INPUT FIELD LOCATIONS: FIELD WORD DIGIT UNIVERSE DESCRIPTION CODES 1 3 3-4 14-69 years AGE 00-99 2 3 5 14+ MARITAL STATUS MARRIED: 4 4 6 14+ 11 1 14+ 4-5 EVER MARRIED 14+ (0-5 in MARITAL STATUS) 6 EVER MARRIED 14+ 5-6 MARRIED MORE THAN ONCE 1 MARRIED MORE THAN ONCE 1-6 14+ Spouse Present Absent (Armed Forces) 1 Absent (Other) 2 WIDOWED: 3 DIVORCED: Divorced Separated 4 5 NEVER MARRIED 6 RACE WHITE NEGRO OTHER 1 2 SEX MALE FEMALE 1 YEAR OF MOST RECENT MARRIAGE OO-99A TIMES MARRIED: Once Twice 1 Three + 2 YEAR OF FIRST MARRIAGE 00-99^ CAUSE OF END OF FIRST MARRIAGE : Death of Spouse Divorce 1 Other 2 PERSON'S WEIGHT /l Anything above 67 is in 1800' s ;enfor 17-14. March 1970 a H Pi en ra a E-t CO Fh bO CD ^5 H CT} -p EH Fh Cm CO crt ■P crt CD 1 CD -P •H H nj •P FH Fh O «H CO crt crt CD ft CD S ■* rH cd •p r-i CD b0 cd •H in Fh 3 •p CO •H C-l 11 a •H CO CO Fi crt CD M 20 and over H 1 O H Less than 10 Total ever married c p CD n Q pJ O CO O H -P • O O O CO CO rH Ch CO m CD rQ •H rH CD Ti Cm crt rX) a fl S •H crt -p CD Cm rH crt cm O r. CD to U ,3 r a - bD O O -P O crt cm crt • -N O C H CD CO a M 2 1 — 1 CO O ,£ co en CD CD cm B-t cm Fh bO bO crt crt crt CO CD • •H •H CD CD • CD >s P Fh Fh bD bD (D £ O s H S crt bD •H rH > E3 1 -P crt HN O € ,£ a -H CD O 0> Fh crt O M +3 +3 bD O H -P O CO CO crt -P m crt ffl •• Fh Fh •H ft •• CD S t> vftX) Fh -h •H U CD O s ft crt H 0.' O <+-! Cm H O -P -p ,cj «m 2 M H H en H T* -P P S CD CD g crt H rH O fi ^ crt crt bD O •H rH Ch crt —I -p •» crt PQ •H cm •H Crt 13 TH CO M .H M -P ^3 ~ -P rH H H i-l H Pi H hJ q t> O O C •H aS ^ EH CD crt CO -H CV EH Cm g | CO b» CD H CO CO H CD rH O CO Fh Fh 4J co ■"* Q bO bD crj H -P crt crt crt crt crt -p fl crt £ Crt CD CD CO EH •H -P CV CD >j >> Fh a u u r^-n ^ S Fh O CV S CD led CD w b O -P crt H L> > CT^ ...h- t> £i r w CO CJ CV O CO r-i c\i O Pi CO CO CD CD +> &q CD - ^1 M •v O H pq -. crt O H ft -• Fh H -P crt -P -P •P O jj -P -p Q +3 -H crt -H crt crt co crt H -P rH H CD -^fCV -00 a) cd ■shO U"N CD O H H ftH O.I CM ft bDrH OJ r\? ftCM Eh -H crt CD cd crt CD O e: Js g Pi Pi Pi s CD CD CD CD CD CD CD bD CD bD CD bD CD bD CD bfl bD 1 ^~\ bD crt bD crt bD crt bD crt bD crt bD crt JS crt •H crt •H crt -H crt •H crt «H crt -H > CD •H !h H H •H in H H crt •H M H H P crt •H H r -H Ch •H Fh F-> Fh Ih crt •H Fh U Fh Fh crt ' CO -P -P 02 -P -P CO i S ^ -P -P CO CO +3 -P CO -P -P CO " -p HP CO '< ch CO f-' CO Fh CO H F| CO H CO Fh co Fh > H •H •H Cm H •H •H ch H «H •H ch •H Fh •H •H Ch Fh -H •H Ch Fh -H •H c M > 0) ch c. ch h ch Fh CD •H !h CD u CD Fh cd Fh m CD Fh CD Fh -P 0) -P -P ch CD p -P ch CD +3 -P ch O -P •P ch CD -P -P ch P -P r -H ! -p CD ch crt ch crt ch crt ch crt e H crt ch crt CD crt O crt crt crt Fh crj crj crt r — O--X •H ■•d T3 rrj T5 Ti Trt TJ 13 crj fl Ti ^-OTi © T^ TS fD © Tf a -1 Ti r— ( ffl TiTi CD CD Ti +-' O Tj TJ CD _p CD CD CJ 03 CD O CJ CD O rcJ T3 > t> t? > CD S •n > Tj T3 > > Tj !> •H H Tl! !> •H crt •H •H •H .—1 •H •H •H -H •H crt — 1 •H •H •H >H >H -H -H H Crt •H •H H js ^3 ft J2 ft O 5 . . ! H 3! \3. C ' ^ S g ^2 Q H H crt M O H r\? C> • ••••» a n ) where name is the symbolic name of the entry point and can be considered an additional name of the subprogram, and a-j_ are the formal arguments. References to an entry are made as to any subprogram. Functions return values and subroutines are called as usual. Example of a function reference : A = name (a^, a£, ...., a n ) 1 February 1971 CENFOR 18- 7 Example of a subroutine call: CALL name (a]_, ao, HI, a n ) Within the body of a subprogram, control flow ignores ENTRY statements . The following example illustrates the use and advantages of multiple entry points. Initialization is done once with the first reference. Thereafter, the function is entered through an optional entry point. C AN EXCERPT FROM A REFERENCING PROGRAM V(l) = SCALAR (l,l,AA,BB,IT,KK,NN,1.0E-3,$5,$6) Do U KK = 2,NN ly V (KK) = FAST (1,KK) GO TO 7 5 STOP 5 6 STOP 6 7 CONTINUE C A SUBPROGRAM WITH ENTRY POINT FAST C FUNCTION SCALAR (l,K,A,B,IMAX,N,TEST,$,|) DIMENSION A(IMAX,KMAX),B(KMAX,IMAX) IF (N.GT.IMAX,OR.N.GT.KMAX,OR.N.LT.l) RETURN 9 DO 1 J=1,N IF (ABS(A(N,N)).LT.TEST.OR.ABS(B(N,N)).LT.TEST)RETURN 10 1 CONTINUE ENTRY FAST (I,K) SCALAR = 0. DO 2 J = 1,N 2 SCALAR = SCALAR + A(J,N)*B(N,K) RETURN 18.10. AUTOMATIC TYPING For the intrinsic function (ABS, MOD, MAX, MIN, DIM, and SIGN) and for the mathematical library functions (SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, ATAN2, SINH, COSH, TANH, EXP, LOG, L0G10, SQRT, and CBRT), the type of the function is determined by the type of the arguments. If arguments of differing type are used, they are combined according to the rules of mixed - type expressions and the function value is of the resulting type. Automatic typing also takes place when these functions are referenced by the alternate library names for specific type (for instance, the alternate library names for SIN are DSIN and CSIN) unless the compiler statement option (MATH = A) is used. This option inhibits automatic typing of the alternate names for mathematical library functions. If the name of a library function is passed as an argument, the type of the accessed function is determined by the type of the access function defined by name. CENFOR 18- 8 February 1971 18.11. FLD FUNCTION and Bit Manipulation The FLD intrinsic function extracts from or inserts into a 36 - bit string, any size byte specified. The typeless functions AND, OR, XOR, BOOL and COMPL manipulate bit strings. The form of the FLD reference is : FLD (i, k, e) where i is the beginning bit (left most bit of a word is bit 0) k is the number of bits (the width) and e is an expression of any type. The FLD function may be used in any arithmetic or relational expressions. The content of the byte extracted from the string is right adjusted in the arithmetic register and the remaining bits of the register are set to 0. The result is considered to be an integer value. The FLD function may appear to the left of the equals sign in an arithmetic expression. In this case, if the expression to the right is not integer, it is converted to integer. The right most bits of the value of the expression are inserted in the byte of the FLD's third argument as specified by the first and second arguments. The remainder of the word is not disturbed. Since the overall content of the third argument is changed, it must not be a constant, a PARAMETER valuable or an expression if the FLD function appears to the left of an equals sign. Examples of the FLD function: Stat emen t Nl = FLD (35, 1, 15) N2 =-FLD (33, 2, 15) N3 = FLD (33, 1, 15) + FLD (34,2,15) H = FLD (35, 1, -1) N5 = FLD (34, 2, -1) N6 = FLD (1, 35, COMPL (0)) A = FLD (1, 4, -1) Final Value Nl = 1 N2 = - 3 N3 = 1 + 3 = 4 N4 = N5 = 2 N6 = 2** 35 -l A = 15.0 (the integer result of FLD is converted to real) Initial Value of N -4 pQrstu 1 FLD statement FLD (34, 2, N) FLD (34, 2, N) = 2.0 FLD (18, 6, N) = ABCDEF' Final value N = 2 N = -1 N = PQRFTU FLD (0, 18, g) = FLD (0,18, Z) 1 (no change) February 1^71 CENFOR 18- 9 Specified COMPILER statements may be requested to control the FLD interpretation and the generated code: (FLD = r) specifies that bits are to be counted from right to left starting with bit 0. (FLD = L) specifies counting from left to right (FLD = Q) causes the compiler to generate optimized code for FLD references when the field specified is one of four quarter- words if the installation has set the quarter-word ability. (FLD = T) causes optimized code for the three third-words if the FLD function is specified to the left of the equals sign and quarter-mode ability is present. In summary, the FLD function permits the extraction of bits from a word and/or the insertion of bits into a specified portion of a word. 18.12. DEFINE A Define procedure is referenced like a function with arguments. It must appear before any executable statements. In line code is generated with each reference. The form of the DEFINE procedure is: DEFINE name (a]_, a P ,...., a n ) = expression It is permissible to omit the word DEFINE if desired. Subscripting of subscripts is, in effect, permitted to any level through use of the DEFINE statement. For example: DIMENSION B (100), I (100) DEFINE BB (K) = B (K) X = BB (I(J)) An example of a prodecure reference is: DEFINE F (X, Y) = X + Y A = F (U * V, V) and the result is A = U * V + V 18.13. MIXED TYPE ARITHMETIC Integer, real, double precision, complex and typeless expressions may be combined by the arithmetic operators including exponentiation. The only exception is that complex and double precision expressions must not be mixed with each other or CENPOR 18-10 February 1971 with typeless expressions. Conversion takes place when the type of the expression differs from the type of the receiving variable. Arithmetic expressions of differing types may also be compared in relational expressions. 18.14. 1108 DOUBLE PRECISION HARDWARE The UNIVAC 1108 hardware allows efficient double precision arithmetic with a resolution to 18 decimal digits. The 1108 double-precision format contains an 11 bit characteristic biased by 1024 (2000g). The mantissa is composed of 60 bits extending into the second word. S ! characteristic i 71 ! 70 60 Mantissa 59 36 35 Mantissa 18.15. PARAMETER VARIABLES PARAMETER variables may be defined by expressions. A PARAMETER variable may not be redefined but it may be used in the definition of subsequent PARAMETER variables. For example: PARAMETER J = 1, ALPHA = U - J, K2 = ALPHA, A K8 = 2 -"-- K2, B K4 = (K8 - 5) /2 + K2/2 + 2 Following the PARAMETER statement, the use of J is equivalent to using the integer constant 1, and using 3 for ALPHA, 3 for K2, 8 for K8, and 4 for K4. 18.16. DATA IN TYPE AND DIMENSION STATEMENTS It is now possible to include data with type and DIMENSION statements as well as in the DATA statement. However, implied DO loops are not allowed for type and DIMENSION statements. The following examples illustrate the different ways of including data: Example 1: DIMENSION R (7) DATA A, R /1.5, 7 * 3.5/ Example 2: REAL A/l.5/ R (7)/7 * 3.5/ Example 3: DIMENSION A (l)/l.5/R (7)/7 * 3.5/ February 1971 CENFOR 18-11 Example k' PARAMETER P -- 3 INTEGER X/4A (P, A), Z (P, 4,)/9, 2 * 5, P * 6/22 As a result of the above: X = u 2 (1, 1) = 9 2 (2, 1) = 5 2 (3, 1) - 5 2 (1, 2) = 6 2 (2, 2) = 6 2 (3, 2) = 6 Y and 22 are unde fined Two COMPILER statements are available for DATA statement specifications : (DATA = SHORT) allows the number of constants to be fewer than the size of an array when the list is unsubscripted. For example, without the option, the following would result in a diagnostic "The list in the above statement is too long." DIMENSION A (10) DATA A. / 1., 2., 3. / (DATA = IBM) allows the insertion of more than 1 word of data into a DATA array when a subscripted reference is made. For example, without this option, the following usually results in a diagnostic: DATA A (3) / 1, 3, 3 / However with the DATA = IBM option, the action is to set 1 in A (3), 2 in A (4), 3 in A (5). 18.17. IMPLICIT The IMPLICIT statement is used to specify that names starting with a certain letter are of a specified type. The IMPLICIT CENFOR 18-12 February 1971 statement overrides the name rule (where names I - N are typed integer and all other real) but is overruled by an explicit type statement. The IMPLICIT statement may appear any place in a FORTRAN V program. The type associated with a letter is in effect until it is redefined by a following IMPLICIT statement. Once the type of a name is set, it cannot be changed. Local - global rules are followed for symbolic names. The form of the IMPLICIT statement is: IMPLICIT type (an, as>, ....)> type (a^, a/,...) where a represents single alphabetic characters or a range of characters denoted by the first and last letters in the range separated by a hyphen. The letters are then associated with the type that precedes the parentheses. For example: IMPLICIT INTEGER (A, X - Z), REAL (M) INTEGER M2 declares that names beginning with A, X, Y, 3 are integer and that names beginning with M (except for M2) are real. The explicit typing may be used to define specific names. FORTRAN V allows for additional form for double precision typing. It is: REAL * 8 namej, name2> 18.18. NAMELIST INPUT/OUTPUT A list of subscripted or unsubscripted variables or arrays may be specified in a NAMELIST statement. When the name of this list appears in a READ or WRITE statement, the entire list of variables may be transmitted. Since no format is specified, standard editing codes are used depending on the type of the list elements. Input - output statements take the form: READ (unit, X, ERR = ± 1 , END = lp) WRITE (unit, X, ERR = 1 ± , END = 1 2 ) where X is a namelist name. The contingency clauses ERR = 1, and END = 1« are optional. The lists of items to be transmitted are void in the above statements, because the NAMELIST statement specifies the items to be transmitted. It is possible to write a simple statement with the same effect as a long list and a reference to a complicated FORMAT statement. On input, the data to be read is identified within the input record itself . Thus, to read the number 1.5 into a variable A, the external input data field contains: A = 1.5 where fields are separated by commas. The type of the data should not conflict with the type of the list item as specified. February 1971 CENFOR 18-13 READ (unit, namelistname) , the first character in each data record to be read is always ignored. The second character of the first record of a group of data records to be read must be a $ (or the character &) immediately followed by the namelist name and a blank. If the name is not the one declared in the READ statement, the input medium is searched for a match. The remainder of the first record with a namelist name and the following records may contain any combination of the legal data items which are separated by commas. The last input record is terminated by a blank followed by $END or &END. The constants used in the data items may be integer, real, double precision, complex, or logical. Logical and complex constants may be associated only with logical and complex variables, respectively. However, other types are converted in accordance with the type of the variable. Blanks may not be embedded in a constant or a repeat constant field, but may be used freely elsewhere. The name of an array and the value of its first elements must appear on the same record. The last item on each record that contains data items must be a constant followed by a comma. The comma is optional in the record that contains or precedes the $END sentinel. Example of input data to be read using a namelist: Columi 12 3 Card 1 $ NAM1 I (2,3) = 5, 7, 9, Card 2 0, 10, L (3) = 4.3, A = 4-, 3, Card 3 8 * 4-3, J = 4.2 Last card $END Example of a namelist and a READ statement to read above input data: DIMENSION A (10), I (5, 5), L (10) NAMELIST/NAMI/A, B, I, J, L (3) READ (5, NAMI) Result of above READ: Integers 5, 7, and 9 are placed in I (2, 3), I (3, 3), and I (4, 3). Integers and 10 are placed in I (5, 3) and I (l, 4). The real constant 4.3 is converted to integer 4 CENFDR 18-14 February 1971 and placed in L (3). Integers 4 and 3 are converted to real constants and placed in A (l) and A (2). Real constant 4.3 is placed in A (3) A (10). Real constant 4.2 is converted to 4 and placed in J. The list of items in the namelist is used on input to specify those items which may have their values defined in the records to be read. Not all items of the namelist need be used in the input records nor must the input fields be in the same order as the list items. If the list item is an array name, data may be assigned to the entire array or any individual elements as specified by the input records. On output, each list item of the namelist is formatted in a standard fashion for output in the order specified by the list. The output data is written such that: 1. The name of a variable and its value are written on one line. 2. The name of an array is written, with the values of the elements of the array written in a convenient number of columns, in the order of the array in main storage, that is, with the left dimension. 3. The data fields are large enough to contain all the significant digits. 4. The output can be read by an input statement referencing the namelist name. The form of the NAMELIST statement is: NAMELIST / X / A, B, ... C/l/D, E, F/z/G, H, I where X, Y, and £ are namelist names and A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I are simple variables, subscripted variables, or array names. Example : DIMENSION A (10), I (5, 5), L (10 ) NAMELIST / NAM1 / A, B, I, J, L (3)/NAM2/ A, C, J, K, I, (2, 3) In the preceding example, arrays A and I, variables B and J, and subscripted variable L (3) are associated with namelist name NAM! and array A and variables C, J, K, and I (2, 3) are associated with namelist name NAM2. February 1971 CENFOR 18-15 Rules for defining and using a namelist: 1. A namelist name consists of from one to six alphanumeric characters, the first of which must be alphabetic. 2. Within a NAMELIST statement, a namelist name is enclosed in slashes. The list of variables associated with a namelist name ends when a new namelist name enclosed in slashes is encountered or with the end of the NAMELIST statement. 3. A namelist name may be defined only once in a routine by its appearance in a NAMELIST statement and it may be used only in input/output statements. U. A. namelist name has the same local-global properties as any variable. 5. A namelist name must be unique in the routine in which it appears. 6. A variable name or an array name may be assigned to one or more namelist names. 7. The subscript (S) of an array element must consist of constants or PARAMETER variables. 8. A variable in a NAMELIST statement may be a formal argument. 9. If a namelist element is an array, its maximum dimension may be transmitted by an argument list or by COMMON variables. 18.19. FORMAT SCAN POINTER T The T editing code selects a given character position for formatted input/output, thereby allowing modification of the normal left to right scan of a record. FORMAT (10X, F10.3) is equivalent to FORMAT (Til, F10.3) On output, the order of a list need not be the same as the printed page. For example: FORMAT (T50, F10.3, T5, F10.2) is valid for printing the first list item in position 50-59 and the second list item in print position 5-14- • CENPOR 18-16 February 1971 18.20. G EDITING CODE This is a general editing code which provides for real, integer, double precision, and logical conversion depending upon the variable types. For real data, various actions occur. If the output is real, an F or E editing cods is used depending on the absolute value of the item. When the F form is used, an scale factor is assumed. For real input, the G editing code is the same as an F editing code without scale factor. 18.21. REREAD An input/output unit number may be assigned for rereading of the last record read. Thus, it is possible to read the last record any number of times. Input items of a card read with editing codes according to their types could, for instance, be reread with an A-type editing code as alphanumeric information. Only subsequent formatted READ and ENCODE statements change the records to be reread. Unit 30 is presently assigned via the NTAB table. 18.22. FREE FORMAT INPUT/OUTPUT For free-field format input, the two external fields are separated by a comma. The end of the input image is a field end. The format specification referenced by the READ statement mist be empty. All types of variables may be read but no Hollerith or octal input is possible. A standard G-type editing code is used. For example: READ (unit, 13) K, V, C (KK (N), N = 1, 7, 2) 13 FORMAT ( ) For free field format output, the WRITE statement references empty format specifications. All five variable types (except alphanumeric information) may be written. A standard G-type editing code is used. For example: WRITE (unit, 31) J, B, D, (AR (M), M = 9, 2, -2) 31 FORMAT ( ) No more than six fields of 13 positions are written in free-field output. Complex variables require two fields, both of which must be written on the same record. 18.23. MASS STORAG E FILES Mass storage files on drum or FASTRAND may be used inter- changeably with tape files. This is a feature implemented in EXEC 8 via the ASG and USE control statemsnts. Refsr to the Programmer's Reference Manual UP - 4144. February 1971 CENFOR 18-17 18.24. ENCODE/DECODE Core-to-core data transfers under format control can be made using ENCODE or DECODE statements. The standard format scanning and editing capabilities of FORTRAN V are utilized. In other words, data can be formatted without the use of I/O. The general forms of the statements are: ENCODE (block, f) list and DECODE (block, f) list In the above statements, list represents a standard input/ output list, f is the format statement number or the name of an array containing format specifications, and block is the name of the array or variable to/from which data is to be transferred. The execution of an ENCODE statement causes the contents of list to be converted according to the specified format and the results to be stored in block. This action is similar to a WRITE statement which generates Fieldata characters. Execution of the DECODE statement causes the contents (in Fieldata) of the block to be moved into list items in accordance with the format specification. This action can be likened to a READ statement except data is moved between areas of core storage. 18.25. OPTIMIZATION The most outstanding feature of the UNIVAC 1108 FORTRAN V compiler is its optimization capability which results in extremely efficient coding. Numerous methods are employed*, local optimization, inters tatement optimization, common expression evaluation, register usage optimization, and inline code generation. 18.26. MASTER SPACE COMMENT If a master space (7/8 punch or @ sign) occurs on a line from column 2-80, then any comment may be placed after the master space on the same line. 18.27. Ru FORMAT CODE This code is similar to Au except that if u is less than 6, the rightmost characters of the list item are transmitted. 18.28 SUBSTITUTION FOR uH If Hollerith characters are to be enclosed in a list, then the character may be enclosed in single quotes as a substitution CENFOR 18-18 February 1971 for uH. If a single quote is to be used as a character, then two quotes must be used for that character. Example: l,M is the same as 1H'. 18.29. C OMPILER STATEMENT Certain options can be declared with this statement to be effective for the entire programs unit. The form of the COMPILER statements: COMPILER (option-i), (option^), ...., (option n ) Some of these options have been defined prior to this section. A summary of these options follows: (FID = L) count bits left to right (35-0) (FLD = R) count bits right to left (0-35) (FLD - Q) quarter word optimization (FLD = T) third word optimization (DATA = SHORT) allows the number of constants to be fewer than the number of variables provided that the list of variables is an unsubs crip ted array (DATA = IBM) allows variables to be placed in consecutive locations of an array although 1 is named in the DATA statement. (MATH = A) used to remove the names of all library functions other than generic names from the list of automatically typed function to prevent sympol table overflow. (ADR = IND) used to generate code for indirect referencing of subprogram arguments to reduce code generated for multiple references to an argument. If used, both referenced and referencing routines should be compiled under their option. The code generated under this option produces subprograms that are re-entrant with respect to subprogram entry, exit, and argument retrieval. Under control of this option, the argument's address is retrieved and stored in NTEMP$ + i. All references to the argument are accomplished by addressing NTEMP$i indirectly. February 1971 CENPOR 18-19 Iff. 30. MATH-PACK AND ST AT -I ACK Of interest to mathematicians and statisticians are the extensive and comprehensive mathematical and statistical library subprograms which are described in Program Abstracts MATH-PACK (UP -4051) and STAT-PACK (UP-4041). This library provides the more frequently used tools of numerical and statistical analysis in order to speed up the preoaration of solutions to many problems encountered in scientific research. MATH-STAT subprograms fall into the following categories: Interpolation Differential Equations Numerical Integration Systems of Equations Solution of Equations Curve Fitting Differentiation Random Number Generators Polynomial Manipulation Specific Functions Matrix Manipulation STAT-PACK provides the following types of subprograms: Descriptive Analysis Elementary Population Statistics Distribution Fitting and Plotting Chi-Square Tests Confidence Intervals Analysis of Va.riance Regression Analysis Time Series Analysis Multivariate Analysis Distribution Functions Inverse Distribution Functions Miscellaneous 19. REFERENCE INFORMATION March 1970 CENFOR 19- 1 19.1. SOURCE PROGRAM ORDERING The following ordering of statements is suggested. Deviation from these rules is not necessarily wrong; however, their observance may prevent some common programing errors . 1. Program declaration statement. a. In a main program, there is no program declaration statement. b. In a subprogram there must be a statement of either: (1) type FUNCTION F (a.,, a , , a ) or (2) SUBROUTINE S (a., a„, , a ) j _ v 1' 2' 7 n 2. PARAMETER Statements. 3. Type Statements. U. DIMENSION and COMMON Statements. 5. EQUIVALENCE Statements. 6. DATA Statements (in any event, must appear before use). 7. FORMAT Statements (may appear anywhere throughout a program) . 8. Statement Functions (must appear before the first executable statement of a program) . 9. Executable Statements. 10. The END Statement (at the end of a program unit only). CENFOR 19- 2 March 1970 19.2. LIMITATIONS Maximum statement number 32767 Maximum continuation cards 19 Maximum number of digits INTEGER 11 Maximum magnitude INTEGER 2 35 " 1 Maximum number of digits REAL 9 Maximum DOUBLE PRECISION 17 Magnitude DOUBLE PRECISION 10 38 Maximum characters in a name 6 Maximum array dimension 7 March 1970 CENFOR 19- 3 19.3. OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE 0000 to 0777 (Octal) Octal 1C00O- 200C0 ■ 30000- 40000 ■ 50000 ■ 60000. 70000 • 0000 to 0511 (Decimal) Decimal 4096 8192 12288 16384 20430 24576 28672 0000 0010 0020 0030 00-10 0050 0060 0070 0100 0110 0120 0130 0140 0150 0160 0170 0200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0260 0270 0300 0310 0320 0330 0340 0350 0360 0370 1 0000 0003 0016 0024 0032 00-10 0048 0056 0064 0072 0080 0001 0009 0017 0025 0033 0041 0049 0057 0002 000,3 0010 0011 0018 0026 0019 0027 0034 0035 0042 004 3 0050 0051 0058 0059 0096 0104 0112 0120 0128 0136 0144 0152 0160 0168 0176 0184 0192 0200 0203 0216 0224 0232 0240 0248 0065 0066 0067 0073 0074 0075 0031 0032 0033 0089 0090 0091 0097 0098 0099 0105 0106 0107 0113 0114 0115 0121 0122 0123 0129 0137 0145 0153 0161 0169 0177 0165 0130 0131 0138 0139 0146 0154 0162 0170 0173 0186 0147 0155 0163 0171 0179 0187 0193 0194 0195 0201 0202 0203 0209 0210 0211 0217 0218 0219 0225 0226 0227 0233 0234 0235 0241 0242 0243 0249 0250 0251 0001 0012 0020 0028 0036 0044 0052 0OG0 0068 0076 0034 0005 0013 0021 0029 0037 004 5 0053 0061 0069 0077 0085 0006 0014 0022 0030 0038 0016 0054 0062 0007 on if, 0023 0031 0030 0047 0055 0063 0092 0093 0100 0101 0108 0109 0116 0117 0124 0125 0070 0071 0078 0079 0086 0087 0094 0095 0102 0103 0110 0111 0118 0119 0126 0127 0132 0140 0148 0156 0164 0172 0130 0188 0133 0141 0149 0157 0165 0173 0131 0189 0134 0142 0150 0158 0166 0174 0182 0190 0135 0143 0151 0159 0167 0175 0183 0191 0196 0197 0204 0205 0212 0213 0220 0221 0228 0229 0236 0237 0244 0245 0252 0253 0198 0199 0206 0207 0214 0215 0222 0223 0230 0231 0238 0239 0246 0247 0254 0255 1 2 3 4 5 '6 7 1 0400 025G 0257 0258 0259 0260 0261 0262 0263 0410 0264 0265 0266 0267 0263 0269 0270 0271 . 6f2Q 0272 0273 0274 0275 0276 0277 0278 0279 0430 0280 0281 0282 0283 0284 0285 0236 0287 0440 0288 0289 0290 0291 0292 0293 0294 0295 0450 0296 0297 0298 0299 0300 0301 0302 0303 0460 0304 0305 0306 0307 0303 0309 0310 0311 0470 0312 0313 0314 0315 0316 0317 0318 0319 0500 0320 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0326 0327 0510 0328 0329 0330 0331 0332 0333 0334 0335 0520 0336 0337 0333 0339 0340 0341 0342 0343 0530 0344- 0345 0346 0347 0343 0349 0350 0351 0540 0352 0353 0354 0355 0356 0357 0358 0359 0550 0360 0361 0362 0363 0364 0365 0366 0367 0560 0368 0369 0370 0371 0372 0373 0374 0375 0570 0376 0377 0378 0379 0380 0381 0382 0383 0600 0384 0385 0386 0337 0338 0389 0390 0391 0610 0392 0393 0394 0395 0396 0397 0398 0399 0620 0400 0401 0402 0403 0404 0405 0406 0407 0630 0408 0409 0410 0411 0412 0413 0414 0415 0640 0416 0417 0418 0419 0420 0421 0422 0423 j 0650 0424 0425 0426 0427 0428 0429 0430 0431 0660 0432 0433 04 34 0435 0436 0437 0438 0439 0670 0440 0441 0442 0443 0444 0445 0446 0447 0700 0448 0449 0450 0451 0452 0453 0454 0455 0710 0456 0457 0458 0459 0460 0461 0462 0463 I 0720 0464 0465 0466 0467 0468 0469 0470 0471 0730 0472 0473 0474 0475 0476 0477 0473 0479 0740 0430 0481 0482 0483 0484 0485 0436 0487 ! 0750 0488 0489 0490 0491 0492 0493 0494 0495 0760 0496 0497 0498 0499 0500 0501 0502 0503 0770 [ 0504 0505 0506 0507 0508 0509 0510 0511 1C00 0512 to to 1777 1023 (Octal) (Decimol) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 1000 0512 0513 0514 0515 0516 0517 0518 0519 1010 0520 0521 0522 0523 0524 0525 0526 0527 1020 0528 0529 0530 .0531 0532 0533 0534 0535 1030 0536 0537 0538 0539 0540 0541 0542 0543 1040 0544 0545 0546 0547 0548 0549 0550 0551 1050 0552 0553 0554 0555 0556 0557 0558 0559 1060 0560 0561 0562 0563 0564 0565 0566 0567 1070 0568 0569 0570 0571 0672 0573 0574 0575 1100 0576 0577 0578 0579 0580 0581 0582 0583 1110 0584 0585 0536 0587 0588 0589 0590 0591 1120 0592 0593 0594 0595 0596 0597 0598 0599 .1130 0600 0601 0602 0603 0604 0605 0606 0607 1140 0608 0609 0610 0611 0612 0613 0614 0615 1150 0616 0617 0618 0619 0620 C621 0622 0623 1160 0624 0625 0626 0627 062(2 0629 0530 0631 1170 0632 0633 0634 0635 0636 0637 0638 0639 1200 0640 0641 0642 0643 0644 0645 0646 0647 1210 0648 0649 0650 0651 0652 0653 0654 0655 1220 0656 0657 0658 0659 0660 0661 0662 0663 1230 0664 0665 0666 0667 0663 0669 0670 0671 1240 0672 0673 0674 0575 0676 0677 0673 0679 } 1250 0680 0681 0682 0683 0684 0635 0636 0687 1260 0688 0539 0690 0691 0692 0693 0694 0695 1270 0696 0697 06S8 0699 0700 0701 0702 0703 1300 0704 0705 0706 0707 0708 .0709 0710 0711 1310 0712 0713 0714 0715 0716 0717 0718 0719 1320 0720 0721 0722 0723 0724 0725 0726 0727 1330 0728 0729 0730 0731 0732 0733 0734 0735 1340 0736 0737 0733 0733 0740 0741 0742 0743 1350 0744 0745 074 6 0747 0748 0749 0750 0751 1360 0752 0753 075-. 0755 0756 0757 0758 0759 1370 0760 0761 0762 0763 0764 0765 0766 0767 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1460 1470 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660 1670 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 j 1750 1760 I 1770 1 0768 0769 0776 0777 0784 0785 0792 0793 0800 0801 0808 0809 0816 0817 0824 0825 0832 0833 0840 0841 0848 0349 0856 0857 0864 0865 0872 0873 0880 0881 0888 0889 0896 0904 0912 0920 0923 0936 0944 0352 0960 0968 0976 0934 0992 1000 1003 1016 0897 0905 0913 0921 0929 0937 0945 0953 0961 0969 0977 0985 0993 1001 1009 1017 0770 0778 0786 0794 0302 0810 0818 0826 0834 0842 0850 0858 0366 0874 0882 0890 0898 0906 0914 0922 0930 0938 0946 0954 0962 0970 0978 0936 0994 1002 1010 1018 0771 0779 0787 0795 0803 0811 0819 0827 0835 0843 0851 0859 0867 0875 0883 0831 0833 0307 0915 0923 0931 0939 0947 0355 0772 0773 0780 0781 07S8 0783 0796 0797 0304 0305 0812 0813 0820 0821 0828 0829 0836 0837 0344 0352 0860 0868 0870 0884 0845 0353 0S61 0S69 0377 0885 0892 0393 0774 0775 0782 0783 0790 0791 0793 0799 0306 0807 0814 0815 0322 0823 0830 0331 0338 0839 0346 0347 0354 0355J 0362 036o! 0870 0871 j 0878 0379: 0836 0337J 0394 0895! 0300 0908 0916 0924 0932 0940 0943 0956 0901 0902 0303 0909 0910 0311 0317 0318 0919 0925 0926 0327 0933 0334 0935 0941 0942 0943 0949 0950 0951 0957 0953 0959 0963 0964 0971 0372 0379 0930 0337 0038 0995 0936 1003 1004 1011 1012 1013 1020 C3G5 0373 0331 0339 0397 1005 1013 1021 0966 0974 0932 0330 0333 1005 1014 1022 0367 0375 0383 0331 0353 10-07 1015 1023 CENFOR 19- 4 March 1970 19.3. OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE (Continued) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2000 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 2010 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 2020 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 2030 1043 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 2040 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 2050 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1009 1070 1071 2060 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 2070 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 2100 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 2110 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 2120 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 2130 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 2140 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 2150 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 2160 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 [ 2170 1144 1145 1140 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151! 2200 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 2210 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 2220 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 j 2230 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183] f 2240 1134 1185 1186 1187 1183 1189 1190 11911 '2250 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 2260 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207; 2270 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215] 2300 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 2310' 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 2320: 2330. 1232 1240 1233 1241 1234 1242 1235 1243 1236 1244 1237 1245 1238 1246 1239! 1247' 12340 ! 1248 1249 1250 1251 2350 j 1256 1257 1258 1259 2360 j 1264 1265 1266 1267 2370 11272 1273 1274 1275 1252 1253 1254 1255; 1250 1261 1252 1263j 1268 1269 1270 1271 1276 1277 1278 1279i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2400! 1280 1281 1232 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 2410! 1288 1239 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 2420 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 2430! 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 2440; 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 2450! 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 2460 ' 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 2470 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 2500 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 2510 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 2520 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366. 1367 2530 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 | 2540 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1332 1383 j 2550 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 2560 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 2570 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 2600! H08 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 2610 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 .2620 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 2630 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 2640 '1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 2650 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 2660 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 2670 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 2700 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 2710 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 2720 j 1483 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 2730 1 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 2740! 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 2750 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 2760 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 2770 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 2000 J 1024 io to 2777 I 1535 (Octol) I (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000- 4096 20000- 8192 30000- 12238 40CG0- 16384 50000-20480 60000-24576 70000-28672 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3000 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 3010 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 3020 1552 1553- 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 3030 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 3040 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 3050 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 3060 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 3070 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 3100 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 3110 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 3120 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 3130 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 3140 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 3150 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 3160 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 3170 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 i663 3200 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 3210 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 3220 j 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 3230 1688 1639 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 3240 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 3250 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 3260J 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 | 3270 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1 3300 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1 17351 3310 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 3320 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 3330 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759] 3340 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 17671 3350 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 3360 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 3370 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 17911 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3400 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 3410 1 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1307 3420 180S 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 3430 1816 V817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 3440 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 3450 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 3460 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 3470 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 3500 1856 1857 1858 1859 i860 1861 1862 18133 3510 1864 1865 1866 1867 J 868 1869 1870 1871 3520 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 3530 1830 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 3540 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 3550 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 3560 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 3570 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 3600 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 3610 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 3620 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 19-43 3630 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 3640 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 3650 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 3660 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 3670 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 | 3700 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 3710i 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 3720 j 2000 200! 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 j 3730 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 13740 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 3750 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 3760 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 3770 2040 2041- 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 3000 1536 to to 3777 2047 'Octal) (Decimal) March 1970 CENFOR 19- 5 19.3. OCTAL- DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSTION TABLE ( Continued) OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE 4000 2048 to to 4777 2559 (Octal) (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000'- 4096 20000 - 8192 30000- 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 - 20480 60000 - 24576 70000 - 28672 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4000 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 14010 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 4020 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 4030 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 4040 2030 2081 2082 2083 2 1 ~'S4 2035 2086' 2087 4050 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 4060 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 4070 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 4100 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 4110 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 4120; 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 4130J 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 4140 2144 2i45 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 4150 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 4160J 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2105 2166 2167 4170 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 4200 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 4210 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 42201 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 4230j 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 4240 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 4250l 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 4260 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 43^0 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239! 4300 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 4310 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255| 4320 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 4330 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 4340 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 4350 2280 2281 2282 2233 2284 2285 2286 2287] 4360 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 4370 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303| 4400 4410 4420 4430 4440 4450 4460 4470 4500 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 4560 4570 4600 4610 4620 4630 4640 4650 4660 4670 4700 4710 4720 4730 4740 4750 4760 4770 1 2304 2312 2320 2328 2336 2344 2352 2360 2368 2376 2384 2392 2400 2408 2416 2424 2432 2440 2448 2456 2464 2472 2480 2488 2496 2504 2512 2520 2528 2536 2544 2552 2305 2313 2321 2329 2337 2345 2353 2361 2369 .2377 2385 2393 2401 2409 2417 2425 2433 2441 2449 2457 2465 2473 2481 2489 2497 2505 2513 2521 2529 2537 2545 2553 2306 2314 2322 2330 2338 2346 2354 2362 2370 2378 2386 2394 2402 2410 2418 2426 2434 2442 2450 2458 2466 2474 2482 2490 2498 2506 2514 2522 2530 2538 2546 2554 2307 2308 2315 2316 2323 2324 2331 2332 2339 2340 2347 2343 2355 2356 2363 2364 2371 2379 2387 2395 2403 2411 2419 2427 2435 2443 2451 2459 2467 2475 2483 2491 2372 2380 2388 2396 2404 2412 2420 2428 2436 2444 2452 2460 2468 2476 2484 2492 2309 2317 2325 2333 2341 2349 2357 2365 2373 2381 2389 2397 2405 2413 2421 2429 2437 2445 2453 2461 2469 2477 2485 2493 2310 2311 2318 2319 2326 2327 2334 2335 2342 2343 2350 2351 2358 2359 2366 2367 2374 2382 2390 2398 2406 2414 2422 2430 2375 2333 2391 2399 2407 2415 2423 2431 2438 2439 2446 2447 2454 2455 2462 2463 2470 2471 2478 2479 2486 2487 2494 2495 2499 2500 2501 2507 2503 2509 2515 2516 2517 2523 2524 2525 2531 2532 2533 2539 2540 2541 2547 2548 2549 2555 2556 2557 2502 2510 2518 2526 2534 2542 2550 2558 2503 2511 2519 2527 2535 2543 2551 2559 5000 to 5777 (Octal) 2560 to 3071 (Decimal) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5000 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 5010 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 5020 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 5030 2534 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 5040 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 5050 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 5060 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 5070 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 £621 2622 .2623 5100 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 5110 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 512C 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 5130 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 5140 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663] 5150 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 5160 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 5170 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 5200 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 5210 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 5220 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 5230 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 5240 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 5250 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 5260 2736 2737 2733 2739 2740 2741 "2742 2743 5270 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 5300 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 5310 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 5320 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 5330 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 5340 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 5350 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 5360 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 5370 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5400 1 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 5410 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 5420:2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 • 2837 2838 2839 5430 | 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 5440 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 5450 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 5460 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 5470 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 5500 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 5510 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 5520 2896 2697 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 5530 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 5540 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 5550 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 5560 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 5570 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 5600 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 5610 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 5620 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 5630 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 5640 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 5650 2984 2985 2986 2937 2988 2989 2990 2991 5660 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2993 2999 1 5670 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 5700 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 5710 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 5720 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 5730 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 5740 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 5750 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 5760 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 5770 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 CENFOR 19-6 March 1970 19.3. OCTAL- DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE (Continued) OCTAL-DECIMAL INTEGER CONVERSION TABLE l | 1 COCO 3072 3073 '6010 1 3080 3081 Io020 I 3088 3089 6030 3096 3097 6040 3104 3105 6050 3112 3113 16060 3120 3121 3074 3082 3090 3093 3106 3114 3122 3075 3033 2091 3099 3107 3115 3123 0070 ; 3128 3129 3130 3131 3076 3077 3034 3085 3092 3093 3100 3101 3108 3109 3116 3117 3124 3125 3132 3133 3078 3070 3036 3087 3094 3095 3102 3103 3110 3111 3118 3119 3126 3127 3134 3135 jeiOO 13136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 314?. [Ci 10 13144 3145 314G 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 IG120J3I52 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 16130 ■ 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 6140 6150 6160 6170 3163 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3173 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3136 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 6200 3200 6210 3208 6220 6230 6240 6250 6260 6270 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 3216 3224 3232 3240 3248 3256 3264 3272 3280 3233 3296 3201 3202 3209 3210 3217 3218 3225 3226 3233 3234 3241 3242 3249 3250 3257 3258 3203 3204 3211 3212 3219 3220 3227 3228 3235 3236 3243 3244 3251 3252 3259 3260 3205 3206 3207 3213 3214 3215 3221 3222 3223 3229 3230 3231 3237 3238 3239 3245 3246 3247 3253 3254 3255 3261 3262 3263 6350 i 3304 6360 ■ 3312 6370 3320 3265 3266 3267 3273 3274 3275 3281 3282 3283 3289 3290 3291 3297 3293 3299 3305 3306 3307 3313 3314 3315 3321 3322 3323 3268 3269 3276 3277 3284 3285 3292 3293 3300 3301 3308 3309 3316 3317 3324 3325 3270 3271 3278 3279 3286 3287 3294 3295 3302 3303 3310 3311 3318 3319 3326 3327 I C400 3328 64101 3336 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 0500 6510 6520 6530 3344 3352 3360 3368 3376 3384 3392 3400 3403 3416 3329 3337 3345 3353 3361 3369 3377 3385 3330 3331 3338 3339 3346 3347 3354 3355 3362 3363 3370 3371 3378 3379 3386 3387 6540! 3424 6550) 3432 6560 1 3440 6570! 3448 3394 3395 3402 3403 6600' 6610 I 6620 I 6630 | 6640 6650 6660i 6670 3456 3464 3472 3480 3488 3496 3504 3512 3393 340J 3409 3410 3411 3417 3418 3419 3425 3426 3427 3433 3434 3435 3441 3442 3443 3449 3450 3451 3457 3458 3459 3465 3466 3467 3473 3474 3475 3481 3482 3483 3489 3490 3491 3497 3498 3499 3505 3506 3507 3513 3514 3515 3332 3333 3340 3341 3348 3349 3356 3357 3364 3365 3372 3373 3380 3381 3388 3389 3396 3397 3404 3405 3412 3413 3420 3421 3428 3429 3436 3437 3444 3445 3452 3453 3460 3461 3468 3469 3476 3477 3484 3485 3492 3493 3500 3501 3508 3509 3516 3517 3334 3342 3350 3358 3366 3374 3382 3390 3335 3343 3351 3359 3367 3375 3383 3391 3393 3399; 3406 3407 j 3414 3415i 3422 3423 | 3430 3431 3438 3439! 3446 3447 3454 3455 3462 3463 3470 3471 3478 3486 3494 3502 3510 3518. 3479 3487 3495 3503 3511 3519 6700 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 6710 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 6720 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 6730 354.4 3545 3546 3547. 3548 3549 3550 3551 6740 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 6750 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 6760 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 6770 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 6000 3072 to to 6777 3583 (Octal) 1 (Decimal) Octal Decimal 10000- 4096 20000- 8192 30000- 12233 400C0- 16334 500C0- 20480- 60000 - 24576 70000 - 28672 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7000 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 7010 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 7020 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 7030 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 7040 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 7050 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 7060 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 7070 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 7100 3643 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 7310 3616 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 7 L- OJ %64 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 713C 3fc7Z 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 'Uuu 3660 3681 3682 3683 3684 3635 3686 3687 7150 2638 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 7160 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 . 7170 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 ! 7200 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 7210 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 7220 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 7230 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 7240 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 7250 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3753 3759 7260 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 7270 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 7300 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 7310 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 7320 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 7330 2800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 7340 3808 3809 2810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 7350 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 7360 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 7370 3832 3333 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 7400 7410 7420 7430 7440 7450 7460 7470 7500 7510 7520 7530 7540 7550 7jj60 7570 1 3340 3841 3848 3849 3856 3857 3364 3865 3872 3373 3830 3881 3888 3889 3896 3897 3842 3850 3858 3866 3874 3882 3890 3898 3904 3912 3920 3928 3936 3944 3952 3960 3905 3906 3913 3914 3921 3922 3929 3930 3937 3938 3945 3946 3953 3954 3961 3962 3843 3851 3859 3867 3875 3883 3891 3899 3907 3915 3923 3931 3939 3947 3955 3963 3844 3852 3860 3868 3876 3884 3392 3900 3845 3346 3853 3854 3861 3362 3869 3870 3877 3873 3885 3886 3893 3894 3901 3902 3847 3855 3863 3871 3879 3887 3895 3903 3908 3909 3916 3917 3924 3925 3932 3933 3940 3941 3948 3949 3956 3957 3964 3965 7600 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 7610 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 7620 3984 3985 3986 3987 3983 3989 3990 7630 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 7640 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4005 4006 7650 4008 4009 4010 4011 4012 4013 4014 7660 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 7670 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 3910 3911 3918 3919 3926 3927 3934 3935 3942 3943 3950 3951 3958 3959 3966 3967 3975 3983 3991 3999 4007 4015 4023 4031 7700 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038 4039 7710 14040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 7720 4043 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 7730 1 4056 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 7740 4064 4065 4066 406" 4068 4069 4070 4071 7750 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 7760 4080 4081 4082 4083 4034 4085 4086 4087 7770 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 7000 3584 to to 7777 4095 (Octal) (Decimal) March 1970 CENFOR 19- 7 19.4-. 1107 OPERATOR TERMINATION CODES CATEGORY TERMINATION CAUSE CODE PD Program/Data Troubles: 1. Program communi cation of inability to continue, or in loop — terminated with dump (Use also for reruns terminated w/o dump if original run was terminated with a dump) 2. Other program/data incompatability (excluding setup or operating instruction problems) PD 1 PD 2 SE Setup Troubles: 1. Program/inputs missing or incorrect 2. Operating instructions missing or incompatable 3. C/r cards incorrectly stacked SE 1 SE 2 SE 3 HE 1 HE 2 HE Human Errors: 1. Technician/Operations personnel error 2. Scheduling error TR Tape Read: All tape read difficulties excepting thos« due to hardware or physical tape defects (x = last four digits of tape number) TR(xxxx) FL(xx| FL Hardward Malfunction: All hardware failures except Servo hardware malfunctions (x = channel I.D. — for central computer^ tyj>e in "Z") SF TB Servo Malfunction: All servo hardware failures (xx = __Servo_I.D.)_ Tape Troubles: All physical tape defects including dirty tapes (x = last four digits of tape number) __SF(xx)_ TB(xxxx) OT Miscellaneous: 1. Function end, or to expedite schedule 2. Termination at request of sponsor OT 1 OT 2 CENFOR 19- 8 March 1970 19.5. ERROR CODES LION FILE CONTROL ERROR EXIT 19.5.1. LION ERROR CODES THAT INDICATE EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION 3A Uniservo 32 In an end-of-reel operation, a request to EXEC I for a rewind 33 (code 32) or a rewind with Interlock (Code 33) results In an error status. This indicates either equipment trouble or that the tape unit is otherwise engaged. No recovery. 37 When opening an output file, the preliminary rewind returned an error status signal from EXEC I. This indicates either equipment trouble or that the tape was otherwise engaged. No recovery. 38 When opening an output file , a read backward operation during the preliminary positioning of the tape returned an error status signal from EXEC I. This indicates either equipment trouble or that the tape unit was otherwise engaged. No recovery. 39 To reposition the tape for a rewrite of a block which has just been written or read in a forward direction, the tape must be moved back two blocks and then forward one block. The move forward is not completed correctly, and an error status signal is received from EXEC I. This is almost invariably caused by equipment trouble No recovery. 4-0 In attempting to reposition the tape for overwriting, a backward read has not been successfully completed. No recovery. 4-1 Failure to read a block after successful repositioning described In error code 4-0. No recovery. 4-2 Incorrect positioning of a tape at the beginning of a reel, probably due to equipment malfunction. No recovery. 4-3 44- 4-5 Incorrect positioning of an input tape at a label block or End-of-File sentinel. No recovery. 2 A Uniservo 108 The rewind after the typeout following a checksum operation has not been completed normally. No recovery. 114- After a write error, an attempt to move the tape backward has indicated another error, other than an end-of-file. No recovery. 115 Tape positioning error in a write operation. No recovery. March 1970 CENFOR 19- 9 19.5.2. LION ERROR CODES CODE USE Octal Decimal 1 1 10 EO ORIGIN IODRUP DESCRIPTION The output file has filled up the available drum table area to a point where another full buffer cannot be written. The last item presented for writing has not been recorded on the drum. The file is left in an open condition. For Internal Format files, the sentinel word will have been recorded, and the drum file can therefore be used successfully as an input file. Recovery may possibly be effected by stor- ing zero in the lower half of pa + 16, lengthening the amount of usable drum area at pa + 20, and re-executing the calling sequence which caused the error. To close the file, a non-zero value should be stored in bits 29-24 of pa + 12. Note that if LION had attempted to write in a drum area not assigned to the pro- gram, the jump would have been to the Write Error Exit. II I0165A The input buffer size is smaller than the block size as recorded on tape or drum. Recovery may possibly be effected by setting bits 11-6 of pa - 26 to a non-zero value, increasing the buffer size, and reopening the input file. Position has not been lost on the input tape or drum. II IOENDF While closing a file, or a reel, the rewind 10 parameter was a six-letter word not ending EI in D, T, or L. LION tests the last letter EO of REWIND, REWINT, or NOREWI to determine the rewind procedure. Any left justified coding of less than six characters will have the same effect as REWINT. To recover, change the code in the appro- priate IBANK macro (e.g., at OENREL + 3), and re-execute the close file or close reel calling sequence. 4 4. 10 OPNOUT An attempt to open an already open output file has been made. No recovery. CENFOR 19-10 March 1970 19.5.2. LION ERROR CODES (Continued) CODE USE ORIGIN Octal Decimal 5 10 6 II 10 11 12 10 II II II 10 13 H 11 12 10 10 15 13 II EI DESCRIPTION IOKBEG An attempt to perform an ITMOUT, BYPASS, OENFIL or OENREL operation has been made, with the file either closed or demanding an OENREL. No recovery. ITMIN An attempt has been made to perform an ITMIN operation with the file not yet opened, or when an End-of-File or End-of- Reel calling sequence is the only legiti- mate operation. No recovery. IENREL An attempt has been made to execute an End-of-Reel procedure on an already closed input file. No recovery. IENFIL An attempt has been made to execute an End-of-File procedure on an already closed input file. No recovery. OPNIN An attempt has been made to open an already open input file. No recovery. OPNOUT When opening an output file, LION has found that the fixed item size is greater than the buffer size. Recovery may be possible by modifying the buffer size in the upper half of pp + 19, setting bits 29-24 of pa + 12 to a non-zero value , and reopening the file. Or, if the buffer had been coded symbolically, it may be increased via the TAL card and the program can be rerun. ITMOUT An Item in a variable item size file is too large for the output buffer. Recovery procedures are similar to code 12^. IOOl^C During the preliminary positioning of an output file, a read backward operation has detected a block which is neither a label block nor an End-of-File sentinel block; indicating that the tape had been improperly positioned by the user prior to opening the file. Normally no recovery is possible. I0165A There is an invalid flag in bits 35-33 of the label block, indicating that probably this tape was not originally written by LION. No recovery. March 1970 CENFOR 19-11 19.5.2. LION ERROR CODES (Continued) CODE USE ORIGIN DESCRIPTION Octal Decimal 16 14- 10 17 20 15 10 EO 16 10 21 22 17 10 18 II EI 23 24 19 I0017A As LION prepared to record a label block, it is found that the size of the File Label (including Free Words) is greater than the maximum allowed for the speci- fied block size, i.e., 113 words for a 120 word tape block, 233 words for a 240 word tape block, and 5 words less than the buffer size for drum files. No recovery. IOTBEG The output file being referenced does not have a tape unit or drum table assigned. No recovery. IOTBEG The buffer size of a tape output file is less than 120 words. Recovery is possible by changing the buffer size in the upper half of pa - 19, setting the close file flag by placing a nonzero value in bits 29-24. of pa - 12, and rerunning. IOTBEG No output buffer address has been specified, No recovery. 101134 An attempt has been made to continue writing at a point other than the end of an exist- ing file, with block size less than 240 words. No recovery. I0DRU3 The buffer size specified is smaller than the block read from drum. 25 26 20 II I0I87A The first block of the file is not a label or sentinel block, since it does not con- tain the sentinel word 757574757475. The tape has not been properly positioned, and recovery is not recommended. However, setting bits 11-6 of pa - 26 to a nonzero value and programing a L0CFIL may in some cases allow continued processsing. 21 II IOI65 In a read forward operation a 50-word EI sentinel block has been read, where a label block of 120 or 240 words is expected. See code 24o for possible recovery. 22 II IOI65 The first block in a file is not a label EI block in the LION format, since the flag in bits 35-33 of the second word is equal to zero. No recovery. CENFOR 19-12 March 1970 19.5.2. LION ERROR CODES (Continued) CODE USE ORIGIN DESCRIPTION Octal Decimal 27 34 35 42 43 44 23 30 24 II 31 25 EI 32 26 33 27 28 29 34 35 36 II 40 32 10 ITMOUT 41 33 EO (1007) (10012) II 10 DATA This indicates a checksum error. A recomputation from the data read in does not agree with the checksum originally recorded. This normally indicates equip- ment malfunction, and recovery is not feasible. IOSEND Each of these error indications results from detection of an invalid flag in a sentinel or label block. No recovery. I0DRU3 The buffer size specified is smaller than the block read from drum. I0I42A Opening file backward on UNISERVO IIIC illegal. No recovery. In an End-of-Reel operation, a request to EXEC I for a rewind (code 32) or a rewind with interlock (code 33) results in an error status. This indicates either equipment trouble or that the tape unit is otherwise engaged. No recovery. I0CHDR The file which is to be written has a buffer length less than 240, and its label block is 120 words in length. This file can be written only at the beginning of a tape, or following the last existing file on the tape. The tape is not properly positioned to meet these requirements. No recovery. I0CHDR When opening an output file, the tape (I0014D) is positioned at a sentinel block, but it is neither an End-of-File sentinel nor the label block of the first file on the tape. No recovery. 10 I0CHDR In attempting to write a file which is to E0 (I0014D) follow any existing files, a read of the last block indicates that it is not an End-of-File sentinel block. The tape is therefore improperly positioned. No recovery. 10 10 E0 March 1970 CENFOR 19-13 19.5.2. LION ERROR CODES (Continued) CODE USE ORIGIN DESCRIPTION Octal Decimal 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 37 38 42 43 44 45 10 IOCHDR When opening an output file, the EO (I0014A) preliminary rewind returned an error status signal from EXEC I. This indi- cates either equipment trouble or that the tape unit was otherwise engaged. No recovery. 10 IOCHDR When opening an output file , a read backward operation during the pre- liminary positioning of the tape returned an error status signal from EXEC I. This indicates either equip- ment trouble or that the tape unit was otherwise engaged. No recovery. 39 10 IOREPO To reposition the tape for a rewrite EO of a block which has just been written or read in a forward direction, the tape must be moved back two blocks and then forward one block. The move is received from EXEC I. This is almost invariably caused by equipment trouble. No recovery. IOREPO In attempting to reposition the tape for overwriting, a backward read has not been successfully completed. No recovery. IOREPO Failure to read a block after successful repositioning described in error code 40. No recovery. 40 10 E0 41 10 10 IOREPO Incorrect positioning of a tape at the E0 beginning of a reel, probably due to equipment malfunction. No recovery. 10 I0RHDR Incorrect positioning of an output tape E0 at a label block or End-of-File sentinel. No recovery. 10 I0RHDR Incorrect positioning of an input tape E0 at a block which is not a label or EOF sentinel block. No recovery. 11 I0187A While positioning the tape for a forward EI read operation, an error status code has been received from EXEC I. This is due either to incorrect positioning or equip- ment malfunction. No recovery. CENFOR 19-14 March 1970 19.5.2. LION ERROR CODES (Continued) CODE USE ORIGIN Octal Decimal 56 57 60 61 62 66 67 70 46 II 47 II 48 II 49 10 50 54 55 56 10 63 51 io CONWRI 64 52 EO IMGOUT IOXITM I0PP2 65 53 10 OENFIL EO I0PP3 EI EI EI DESCRIPTION 10175 During the search for a second BYPASS sentinel, an error status code has been received from EXEC I. No recovery. CONWRI During the positioning of a tape for the continue write function, an error status code has been received from EXEC I. No recovery. IENFIL The attempt to terminate all outstanding requests on this file has resulted in an error status. No recovery. CONWRI Omission of parameter cc in the CONWRI macro specifies that the tape should be positioned at a label block or EOF sentinel block. The error code indicates that the tape is not so positioned. No recovery. CONWRI A backward read operation in the positioning for a continue write results in an error status. No recovery. Same as code 50 except that a forward read caused the error. No recovery. An attempt to punch a card or print a line resulted in an error status signal, No recovery. An attempt to punch any one of the four stop cards resulted in an error status signal. No recovery. I0PP4 With input on punched cards , an attempt to condition the card read for Fieldata input has resulted in an error status signal. No recovery. I0PP4 With input on punched cards, an attempt to read a label card has resulted in an error status signal. No recovery. I0TES2 In attempting to type out, "LABEL CARD WASN'T LOADED PROPERLY," an error status signal was received from EXEC I. No recovery. March 1970 CENFOR 19-15 19.5.2. LION ERROR CODES (Continued) CODE USE ORIGIN Octal Decimal 72 100 101 105 106 107 110 DESCRIPTION 74- 60 75 61 76 62 58 10 IOCHDR During the process of repositioning the EO IOOl^B tape after reading the last block recorded in any preceding file, an attempt to perform a contingency write operation on a UNISERVO IIIA tape unit results in an error status signal. No recovery. 10 I003CC Each of these errors occurs when LION expects to read a sentinel block or label on a IIIC prior to writing the file. No recovery. 64 E0 IMGOUT An IMGOUT has been requested on an output file that has not been opened. No recovery. 65 EI IMGIN An IMGIN has been requested on an input file that has not been opened. No recovery. The a-field of an output operation parameter is zero. No recovery. The a-field of an output operation parameter is greater than 9. No recovery, The number of output characters for a floating point binary to fixed point deci- mal conversion is greater than ten. No recovery. 69 E0 IMGOUT In a floating point binary to fixed point I0TAU6 decimal conversion, the number of digits to the right of the decimal point is greater than the output character count minus 2. No recovery. 70 E0 IMGOUT In a floating point binary fixed point I0TAV decimal conversion, the number of character positions reserved for the integer portion of the converted number is not large enough to contain the generated integer. No recovery. 71 E0 IMGOUT The floating point number is too great 72 I0TAR (code 71) or too small (code 72) for floating point binary to floating point decimal conversion. No recovery. 102 66 E0 IMGOUT I0TAD 103 67 E0 IMGOUT 104 63 E0 IMGOUT I0TAU6 CENFOR 19-16 March 1970 19.5.2. LION ERROR CODES (Continued; CODE USE ORIGIN DESCRIPTION Oc tal Decimal 111 73 EO 112 74 EO 113 75 EO 1U 115 116 117 120 78 79 80 121 81 IOTAFA The attempted execution of an output parameter operation has caused the total number of characters going into the out- put image to exceed the image size speci- fied by parameter pt of the EOCON macro. No recovery. IMGOUT In a fixed point binary to fixed point I0TB06 decimal conversion, the number of output characters is greater than 12. No recovery. IMGOUT In a fixed point binary to fixed point I0TB06 decimal conversion, the number of places specified to move the decimal point to the left, after conversion, is greater than the number of characters which are to be written. No recovery. 76 EO I0TBS2 In a fixed point binary to fixed point decimal conversion, the number of char- acter positions reserved for the integer portion of the converted number is not large enough to contain the generated integer. No recovery. 77 EI IONAFA The attempted execution of an input parameter operation has caused the total number of characters read from the input image to exceed the image size determined by the input medium specified by parameters pi and pk of the EICON macro. No recovery. EI IMGIN An input character is not a valid IONAP Fieldata number. No recovery. EI IMGIN The exponent of a floating point number IONAR does not fall within the range of -38 to + 39. No recovery. EI IMGIN The number of places that the decimal I0NAV2 point is to be moved to the right, before conversion, has exceeded the limit 10-1. No recovery. EI IMGIN In a fixed point decimal to fixed point IONAY binary conversion, the number of bit positions reserved for the integer por- tion of the converted number is not great enough to contain the generated integer. No recovery. March 1970 CENFOR 19-17 19.5.2. LION ERROR CO DES (Continued) CODE USE ORIGIN Octal Decimal 122 123 124 82 83 84 EI EI EI IONTES IONAL IONAM IONBCA DESCRIPTION The first input character of a number whicn is to be converted is neither a sign nor a space. No recovery. The number of input characters for any of the following conversions is too great: floating point to floating point, floating point to fixed point, or fixed point to fixed point. The octal character for either the octal or BCD transfer is incorrect. 140 96 141 97 14.2 98 THE FOLLOWING ERRORS OCCUR ONLY IN FILES USING THE FIXED BLOCK UNISERVO IIA TAPE FORMAT: 10 OPNOUT An attempt has been made to open an already open output file. No recovery. 10 OPNOUT The label image for an output file is too long. No recovery. 10 ITMOUT An output item has been presented to a closed file, or to a file demanding a close file calling sequence. No recovery. 10 0ENFIL An attempt has been made to close an already closed output file. No recovery. 10 0ENFIL A backward read operation in closing a file has not been completed normally. No recovery. 11 0PNIN An attempt has been made to open an already open input file. No recovery. II 0PNIN An error has been detected in the initial forward read of a label block. No recovery. II ITMIN An input item has been requested from a closed file , or from a file demanding a close file calling sequence. No recovery. II IENFIL An attempt has been made to close an already closed input file. No recovery. 143 144 145 146 147 99 100 101 102 103 151 105 CENFOR 19-18 March 1970 19.5.2. LION ERROR CODES (Continued) FIXED BLOCK UNI SERVO HA CODS USE ORIGIN DESCRIPTION Octal 152 153 155 156 160 161 162 163 166 Decimal 106 10 ITMOUT 107 112 113 114- 115 118 10 ITMOUT 108 II ITMIN 10 ITMOUT 109 II ITMIN 110 10 ITMOUT II IOHSKP II IOHSKP 10 10 ITMOUT 10 IO-II ITMOUT 167 119 IO-II 170 120 IO-II 171 121 IO-II 172 122 IO-II A backward read in checksumming an output tape has not been successfully completed. No recovery. A backward read of the last data block in checks umrning an output tape has been successfully completed. No recovery. The rewind after the typeout following a checksum operation has not been completed normally. No recovery. The check read of a tape has not been completed normally. No recovery. A backward read of the label block in checksumming an output tape has not been successfully completed. No recovery An incorrect version of LION has been called for. No recovery. The item size for the file is not a factor of 120. No recovery. After a write error, an attempt to move the tape backward has indicated another error, other than an end-of-file. No recovery. Tape positioning error in a write operation. No recovery. The file data area being requested is occupied by a previously opened file. The number of opened files exceeds 20. When opening a file one of the required arguments was not present. The peripheral equipment definition is not a legal value. In an item read or write, a close reel or file, or an ITMRTN statement, the file data area requested is not defined. March 1970 CENF0R 19 _ 19 19.5-3. JOB REQUEST ERROR CODES An error in the job request format will cause one of the following messages to be typed on the console printer in one of the following forms : SPA*JRID*AERnn or INTASP-JRIIFAERnn The error codes, ERnn, and their description are as follows: ER1 Job request identity of current job too long. Message shows previous job request ID ER2 Card type field too long ER3 Illegal card type ER4. PM cards out of order ER5 TAL name too long ER6 TAL number too long or illegal character on the TAL card ER7 Illegal character on TRN card ER8 TRN field too long ER9 FAC name too long ER10 Reserve on more than one card ER11 Illegal facility requested ER12 Illegal character on FAC ER13 Illegal sequence on FAC ER14 FAC asked for too large a core block ER15 Two FAC card FACILITY REQUIREMENT fields contain asterisks ER16 Job program name too long ER17 Illegal character or sequence on PTY ER18 Illegal number of characters in some field on PTY (Type of Run is indicated as REAL-TIME) ER19 Rerun but no absolute units on PTY ER20 Card count on PTY and cards in job do not match ER21 PTY cards out of grouping ER22 FAC cards out of grouping CENFOR 19-20 March 1970 19.5.3. JOB REQUEST ERROR CODES (Continued) ER23 TAL cards out of grouping ER24 TRN cards out of grouping ER25 First card of new Jrid is not a PTY card ER26 Duplicate request ID ER27 No IBANK specified on FAC card ER28 Illegal RUSH field on the PTY card or FAC card is not the second card of the job request ER29 Job request core storage table filled ER30 PM number is not a numeric ER31 Matched priority and precedence of a job in schedule but no sequence number on new job ER32 Matched priority and precedence of a non-sequence job ER33 Priority and precedence of Z63 but not a permanent job ER34 FAC card ended with colon but next card is not FAC and starting with a tag field ER35 Configuration cannot satisfy FAC request ER36 "Program Medium" or "Library Medium" field of PTY is not part of configuration ER37 Period at an illegal point on any card of the job request ER38 Library input tape symbol of "input Medium" field on PTY card equated to a program symbol and TRN card specifies the same program symbol as a unit to be transferred to another job ER39 SUB cards not grouped together ER40 SUB card field has new name but no old name ER41 Subroutine name or entry point shown on SUB card is longer than six characters ER42 Illegal absolute channel and unit in AB field on FAC card March 1970 CENFOR 19-21 19.5.3. JOB REQUEST ERROR CODES (Continued) ER4-3 None, or more than one, unit tag in AB field on FAC card ERA 5 *JRID* (PTY full) ER4-6 *JRID* (REQT full) ER47 PM. card missing CENFOR 19-22 March 19?0 19.5.4. LOAD ERROR CODES Error or warning conditions other than those connected with insufficient facility requests may be detected during the loading process. When an error or warning condition occurs, the operator is informed by a message on the console printer of the form: LD - ;; "jrid" ER nn or LD ^jrid* WAR nn where nn is a two-digit error or warning code. The ER message causes loading to terminate, but the WAR message does not. The warning or error codes follow: 00 Error in format or read of ROC program file 01 First block of program file not a label block 02 Checksum error on reading program file 03 Attempted to assign a segment storage drum table via a transfer, or to transfer the assignment of a segment drum table to a succeeding program 04 Not EXEC ROC program 05 Table length modification not allowed 06 Jump switch cannot be deleted 07 I/O facility cannot be deleted 10 Illegal systems reference in main program 11 Nonrecoverable I/O condition 12 Machine or peripheral equipment error 13 Program file does not contain symbol of drum table being transferred to program 11+ Program file does not contain symbol of drum table requested for transfer to a succeeding program 15 Program file does not contain symbol of 1/0 facility being transferred to program 16 Program file does not contain symbol of I/O facility requested for transfer to a succeeding program 17 I/O facility requested for transfer to a succeeding program was deleted 20 Table (DALL) containing drum table assignment full, cannot transfer drum table to succeeding program 21 Requested DBANK area too small 22 Requested IBANK area too small 23 $PARAM table too small 24. Segment storage tape assigned to same unit as main or subroutine program file 25 No DBANK requested for load of a complex program 26 S ibroutine requested segment storage 27 Tape from which subroutines are to be loaded is not a library tape 30 Library tape format error 31 Library directory too large for 2K buffer supplied by Loader 32 Subroutine or external reference not in library directory March 1970 CENFOR 19-23 19.5.4. LOAD ERROR CODES (Continued) 33 Total drum area requested not enough to include segment storage 34- Attempted to transfer more than one I/O facility or drum table to same symbolic reference in program 35 External reference or subroutine not found in subroutine library 36 Subroutine medium not defined 37 Subroutine jump switch not defined in main program 40 Unable to assign subroutine i/O facility 4-1 Illegal systems reference in subroutine 4-2 Subroutine drum or core table not defined 4-3 Subroutine drum or core table longer than length of corresponding table of main program 44 Subroutine IBANK or DBANK longer than length given in INFO block of library 4-5 Warning, unable to make all table length changes specified on TAL card 4-6 Segment storage medium deleted 47 Attempted to transfer to an independent drum table, a drum area less than the area specified in a dependent table (a dependent table is one which has the same starting address as an independent one) 50 Core table length increment on TAL card too large (16-bit sum is less than original length) 51 Requested $ERR0R table length greater than length fixed by EXEC (97) 52 The segmented main program cannot be loaded from the subroutine library tape 53 Insufficient drum available to copy the main program from the subroutine library tape 54 Insufficient number of units requested on the logical channel zero 55 Assignment of an absolute facility changed from available between the time of selection and loading 56 Equipment type in modification record differs from equipment type of an absolute facility or a facility being transferred in 57 No subroutine medium defined and not all subroutines are being deleted by a SUB card 60 Too many entry /exit points to subroutine 77 Tape-to-drum copying of a library is using a block of core which had tentatively been assigned for the loading of a selected program. Before replying to the CPY-MORE, the suspended program may be selected in order to re-initiate the loading of that particular program. Also may indicate cross bank loading. CENFOR 19-24 March l97Q 19.5.5. EXEC I/O ERROR MESSAGES Format: I/O ERR *mm*-Ccc-Uuu-Du-Aaaaaaaaa-Fff-Ffff-Gff-Xii-Txxyyzz-b b- N706024 N706054- N004445 All fields which would appear as shown above : usually only 3 or 4 fields are present in an I/O error typeout. If the message originates from the I/O Error Logging, ER is replaced with LOG. (see below) mm - message number indicative of the condition of the error Ccc - channel (decimal) Uuu - unit number (decimal) Du - drum unit number Aaaaaaaaa - drum address (octal) Fff - most recent external function transferred (Ffff for Uni servo IV) Xii - interrupt code Gff - nonsense interrupt (message # 15) ii(from Xii) ii - 01 input monitor ii - 02 output monitor ii - 03 function monitor all other - except interrupt code Txxyyzz - error count for the tape which has just rewound on the channel and unit shown. xx - 70 EI Counts - IIA, IIIA yy - 60 EI Counts - IIA, IIIA yy - 44 (READ) EI - IVC zz _ 24 EI Counts (IIA) zz - 54- EI Counts (IIIA) - write only zz - 44 EI Counts (IVC) - write only N706024 - IIA The interrupt codes shown in the message have reached N706054 - IIIA the limit for the tape UNIT shown. Message format N004445 - IVC Is for the read error count, and the 45 is for the write error count. External Interrupt Codes Displayed by I/O Error Messages : Magnetic Tape 20 - Sequence error; CS 24 - Sequence error (two block read); CU 30 - Character-count; CS 50 - Illegal function (34 code on IVC) 54 - Tape unit select error; Write error (IVC) 60 - Parity error; CU 70 - Character-count; CU 74 - Interlock 44 - Write error (IVC) March 1970 CENFOR 19-25 19.5.5. EXEC I/O ERROR MESSAGES (Continued) External Interrupt Codes Displayed by I/O Error Messages (Continued) Magnetic Drum 06 - Parity error in overflow address 07 - Parity error not during continuous read 14 - Write fault 20 - CS sequence error 30 - CS character-count error 50 - Illegal function 60 - CU sequence error 64 - Parity error during continuous read 70 - CU character-count error 54 - Illegal address - either program or machine produced Cards 20 - CS sequence error 30 - CS character-count error 50 - Illegal function 54 - Read/punch verification error 70 - Illegal character 74 - Interlock High Speed Printer 50 - Illegal function 54 - Unit Select error 74 - Interlock Paper Tape 01 - Punch compare error 02 - End of paper tape or tape motion error Function Codes Displayed by I/O Error Messages : Magnetic Tape IIA (fixed block mode) Read Tape Forward - 52 Read Tape Backward - 72 Search Tape Forward - 56 Search Tape Backward - 76 Read Forward with Sentinel Check - 53 Read Backward with Sentinel Check - 73 Move Tape Forward - 51 Move Tape Backward - 71 Write Tape at Low Density - 03 Write Tape at Low Density - 04 Rewind Tape - 20 Rewind Tape with Interlock - 21 CENFOR 19-26 March 19?0 19.5-5. EXEC I/O ERROR MESSAGES (Continued) Function Codes Displayed by i/O Error Messages : (Continued) Magnetic Tape (Continued) II IA (with interrupt) Write one block 12.5 KC - 11 Write one block 25 KC - 12 Read Forward one block (low) - 51 Read Forward one block (Norm) - 52 Read Forward one block (High) - 53 Read Backward one block (low) - 71 Read Backward one block (Norm) - 72 Read Backward one block (High) - 73 Search Read (low) - 55 Search Read (Norm) - 56 Search Read (High) - 57 Search Read Backward (low) - 75 Search Read Backward (Norm) - 76 Search Read Backward (High) - 77 Rewind - 30 Rewind & Interlock - 31 Terminate - 33 Bootstrap - 50 rxEC _ Hardvare IVC 200p.p.i. 556p.p.i. 800 p.p Write Binary 01-130 02-120 65-120 Write BCD 05-132 06-122 71-122 Write BCD/Translate 27-132 30-122 75-122 Write EOF 03-133 04-123 70-123 Read Binary 37-530 42-520 66-520 Read Binary /Sentinels 40-530 43-520 60-520 Search Read Binary 44--570 46-560 74-560 Read BCD 47-532 52-522 72-522 Read BCD/Sentinels 50-532 53-522 62-522 Search Read BCD 54-572 56-5^2 67-562 Read BCD/Translate 31-532 33-522 73-522 Read BCD/Trans/Sent 32-532 34-522 63-522 Search Read BCD/Trans 35-572 36-562 76-562 Backspace Block 61-303 Backspace File 64-313 Rewind 20-301 Rewind/interlock 21-311 Skip While Erasing 10-103 Remove Logical Interlock 07 Terminate Function 23 March 1970 CENFOR 19-27 19.5.5. EXEC I/O ERROR MESSAGES (Continued) Function Codes Displayed by i/O Error Messages : (Continued) Magnetic Drum 02 - Write Continuously 23/33 - Terminate 40/50 - Bootstrap 42 - Read Continuously 52 - Read Block & Term EOB 45 - SRH; FIND; Term SRH - 46 - SRH Read; FIND, Cont Read 55 - BLK SRH Read; FIND, CONT READ EOB Cards rn T , 51 - Input 52 - Input 53 - Input 70 - Input 71 - Input 72 - Input 73 - Input 74 - Input XFER 1 XFER 1, Trip Fill Trip 1 Select Stacker 1 Select Stacker 2 Enable Translate Read by Column Read by Row High Speed Printer 12 - Print 33 - Terminate Paper Tap =1 04 - Punch On 05 - Reader On 06 - CPR/Error Cl 07 - Punch Off 08 - Reader Off 00 - Read Forward 01 - Read Backward 02 - Fault 03 - Master Clear CENFOR 19-28 March 1970 19.5.6. TERMINATION CODES Upon occurrence of the conditions listed below, the EXEC performs an error termination of the job program and provides a typeout to identify the packet of instruction address causing the error. The error codes listed below are included in the typeout. The format of the EXEC termination as shown on termination log is as follows: EXEC///time EXEC TER *jrid* (the last re-entry point for the program) ERROR CODE 1. Illegal jumps and interrupt lockout Octal code 00 75 77 Meaning Program has executed a jump or return jump to address or 1 Program has jumped to an interrupt location Manual termination of program in instruction loop or in loop with interrupts disabled 2. Internal error interrupt Octal code 01 02 03 05 06 07 51 52 55 56 57 61 65 Meaning Illegal operation Trace Mode Memory lockout Characteristic underflow Characteristic overflow Divide overflow Illegal operation and illegal recovery address in $ERR0R table Trace mode and illegal recovery address in $ERR0R table Characteristic underflow and illegal recovery address in $ERR0R table Characteristic overflow and illegal recovery address in $ERR0R table Divide overflow and illegal recovery address in $ERR0R table Illegal trace mode set in area other than current program or EXEC entrance EXEC termination because " ;; -jrid* exceeded run time For nonrecoverable error interrupt conditions, the appropriate code and P register setting are stored in the B0 film image for the terminated program. March 1970 CENFOR 19-29 19.5.6. TERMINATION CODES (Continued) COMMUNICATIONS Octal Code Meaning 11 Exceeded number of packets allowed for chain 12 Packet or buffer address outside of program limits 14- Illegal unit or channel select 15 Illegal function code For communications error conditions, the appropriate code and packet address are stored in the BO film image for the termi- nated program. PROGRAM RELEASE Octal Code Meaning 16 Illegal release (test instruction error) 17 No outstanding requests at time of release 76 Job program has tested an illegal packet before releasing control to $WAIT1 For program release error conditions, the return address from the Bl register and appropriate code are stored in the BO film image for the terminated program. l/0_ The i/O error termination codes for those persons using EXEC i/O can be found in the Executive I manual, Appendix F. ILLEGAL ADDRESS Octal Code ,, r, , Meaning /4 One or more words of a transfer by the Q0 register lies outside the core area assigned to the job program. CENFOR 19-30 March l9?0 19.5.7. SORT ERROR CODES ERROR NUMBER ERROR DESCRIPTION 00 Overlay segment not read from drum properly. 01 Input label checking requested but label not supplied in schedule for checking. 02 Total of individual key sizes specified on PM1 does not equal the total key size specified on PMO. See also error 12, because if segment 6 is being executed, error 12 is typed out as error 02. 03 Some error was determined in the parameter cards. 04 Parameter for type of input media not a legal code. 0$ UNISERVO HA tape unit specified as input but no HA tape units assigned by EXEC. 06 UNISERVO IIIA tape unit specified as input but no IIIA tape units assigned by EXEC. 07 UNISERVO IIIC tape unit specified as input but no IIIC tape units assigned by EXEC. 08 No input media was specified by this parameter decode routine. 09 Number of UNISERVO HA tape units and UNISERVO IIIC tape units specified by PMO does not equal amount assigned by EXEC. 10 Number of UNISERVO IIIA tape units specified by PMO does not equal amount assigned by EXEC. 11 Non-numeric character in field being converted from Fieldata to binary, parameter decode. 12 External format specified as input but item size not correct. Must be 11+ or 22. 13 Item size too large to be sorted with this amount of core. 14. Did not complete change tape typeout properly; an answer other than Y or YES was returned to the change tape typeouts (input tape; final output). March 1970 CENFOR 19-31 19.5.7. SORT ERROR CODES (Continued) ERROR NUMBER ERROR DESCRIPTION 15 Not enough core is available to handle this type of intermediate storage, because buffer size is below lower limit (120 words). 16 Tapes used as intermediate storage, but not enough core has been assigned to handle all required buffers. 17 Number of tapes specified for merge is greater than the amount of UNISERVO tape units available. 18 Sequence error during Cascade Merge; previous winner was locked and still chosen as winner. 19 Sequence error during Cascade Merge; core location was locked and still chosen as winner. 20 Level count error detected. Maximum number of levels in merge tournament has been exceeded. 21 Sequence error on final output. 22 Merge cannot handle all strings on the drum. 23 Error detected in preparations for handling strings In a partial collation. 21+ Error in partial collation. 25 Error detected in Cascade Merge. Attempt to merge more than the available number of tapes. 26 Error detected in attempting to merge more strings than available during partial collation. 27 Last pass of merge has detected that there are no strings to be merged. 28 Error on converting Fieldata to binary, entire card or field missing, parameter decode routine. 29 EOF exit was taken when the first item was requested from a filo. 30 Read error, if tape mark tape bad. CENFOR 19-32 March 1970 19.5.7. SORT ERROR CODES (Continued) ERROR NUMBER 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ERROR DESCRIPTION Input item size does not correspond to item size on parameter card. Error typeout not completed properly. The sign of the numeric key is not a Fieldata +, -, or space. Illegal key tape Illegal function Trace mode Memory Lockout Not used Character underflow Character overflow Divide overflow Not used > EXEC $ERR0R Table Too many instructions have been generated for Pack and Unpack. Total key from PMO does not equal total of keys on PM1. IBM key format not available. File name of PM3 and PM6 cards (external format) and tape do not match. Reel number on PM3 and PM6 cards and tape do not match. Non-numeric reel number on PM3. PM6 card present when none allowed, or missing when IIA output. Spaces in reel number when reel number is to be checked. Non-numeric reel number on output. March 1970 CENFOR 19-33 19.5.7. SORT ERROR CODES (Continued) ERROR NUMBER ERROR DESCRIPTION 52 First internal error interrupt (unassigned) . 53 No items entered into Sort. 5-4 Illegal parameter (2) on indication of output for external and special external format. 55 Drum only specified, but back up tapes are needed, 56 Call was made on OCFP or OCLP in the SORTN version which does not allow Own Coding. 57 The output media specified on PMO were not assigned to the program. 63 A key specified on the PM1 card extends beyond the length of the item. 64. Duplicate entry on PM2 card. 65 Drum is specified for intermediate storage but no drum table is defined. 66 Drum is specified for final output but no drum table is defined. 67 Tape units are needed as intermediate storage and none are assigned, or not enough tapes. 68 Key fields on PM1 card overlap. 69 No input tape assigned. 76 Error on input positioning of multi-file input. 77 End of tape (IIA internal format) 90 or 128 Non-alpha/numeric on PMO or PM1. (00-77) 91 Merge did not allow enough core for 2 buffers per input and 2 buffers per output file. 92 PM2 is used but total bits are not divisable by six. CENFOR 19-34 March 19?0 19.5.8. ELF ERROR CODES CODES DESCRIPTION 01 Drum read error 02 Checksum Error 03 Machine or peripheral equipment error 04. Drum write error 05 Tape read error 06 Tape write error 10* Drum STABP or ENTRYP not long enough (See next page) 12 Element is not RB 13 Illegal INFO statement 14 Drum logical channel not available 15 FASTRAND not available 16 Negative sign in code 20 Name on control card contains a space 21 Element card format error 22 Element does not contain a preamble 23 Too many characters in a name or control card 24 Control card format error 25 PREAMB core table overflow 26 No valid preamble cards (col 1 neg - element skipped) 27* CRBTLS drum table overflow 30""- DRMPOS drum table overflow 31- DELETE core table overflow 32* STAB core table overflow 33* ENTRY core table overflow 34 SUB core table overflow 35 ENT core table overflow 36 RB entry point not in ENTRY table 37* CRSRF table overflow 40* PROGF table overflow 41 Translation error 42 Entry not in STAB table 43 GSEO table overflow 44 SYS table overflow 45 Element name not an entry point 46* PREAMB table overflow (printing) 47 More than one Map card 50 Reference not defined 51 Right half modification not allowed 52 Left half modification not allowed 53 12 bit modification not allowed 54 I/O table overflow 55 Drum table overflow 56 Core table overflow 57 JS table overflow March 1970 CENFOR 19-35 19.5.8. ELF ERROR CODES (Continued) CODES DESCRIPTION 60 No ROC input tape assigned 61 Alternate ROC input tape assigned and main ROC input not assigned 62 ROC label block checksum error 63 ROC first block not label block 66 ROC block not 256 words 67-"- CRSRF table overflow 70" Preamble table overflow (Library Directory) 71 Too many entry points (more than 50 entry points in element) 72* PLTAB table overflow 73 Illegal equipment type 74. IB, DB, or data table over 65K - ;; "Errors marked - "" in the above list are recoverable through rescheduling. An increase in table length (either core or drum) is required. This is done by a use of a TAL card in the Job Request for ELF. The following table lists those errors which are of the recoverable nature. CODES 10 xy 27 30 31 32 33 xx 37 or 67 4.0 46 or 70 72 x If the length of ENTRYL (core) is increased by an increment at load time, it is also necessary to lengthen ENTRYP (drum) by the same increment. y If the length of STABL (core) is increased by an increment at load time, it is also necessary to lengthen STABP (drum) by the same increment. TABLE TYPE LENGTH TAG DRUM STABP or E DRUM CRBTL CORE DRUMPSL CORE DELETL CORE STABL CORE ENTRYL CORE CRSRFL DRUM PROGFL CORE PRE CORE PLTABL CENFOR 19-36 March 1970 19.5.9. FILE CONTROL ERRORS All file control errors will be displayed on the console typewriter in the format: File-name FC ERR XXX where XXX is the value associated with the particular error. A complete list of file control errors is in the LION - General Reference Manual, UP-2581, Rev. 2. After the typeout has been displayed, LION will either terminate the run or return control to the object program. This action is determined by the open file statement. The following LION file control errors have no recovery pro- cedures available to the FORTRAN program. These errors when detected will result in termination via EXEC $ERR. F. C. ERR CODE DESCRIPTION 5 An attempt to perform a CALL ITMOUT statement has been made, the file closed or demanding a CALL OENREL operation. 6 An attempt to perform a CALL ITMIN statement with the file not yet opened, or when a CALL IENFIL or IENREL is the only legitimate operation. 7 An attempt has been made to execute the End-of-Reel procedure on a closed input file. 8 An attempt has been made to execute the End-of-Reel procedure on a closed output file. 118 The file data area being requested is occupied by a previously opened file. 119 The number of opened files exceeds 20. 120 When opening an output file, one of the required arguments (A,B,C or E) was not pre- sent. For opening an input file (A,B,C, or D) was not present. For ITMIN (A,B, or C) is not present. For ITMOUT (A or B) is not present. For any other operations, Argument A. is not present. 121 The peripheral equipment definition is not a legal value. (Peripheral definitations are defined in NTAB$) 122 In an item read or write, a close reel or file, or an ITMRTN statement, the file data area requested is not defined. March 1970 CENFOR 19-37 19.6. CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS 19.6.1. CENSUS 1107 CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS — 1107A and 1107B The following are the i/O channel assignments as of this date for the Census 1107: Site A = 07 B = 12 Periph e ral Unit FH-880 Drum Uniservo IV C Read/Write Uniservo II A Read/Write Uniservo II A Read/Write Fastrand Mass Storage Uniservo III A Read/Write Uniservo III A Read/Only Uniservo III A Read/Write Uniservo III A Read/Only Paper tape Subsystem High Speed Printer Card Reader Console Channel No. of Assignment Unit s 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 5 3 6 " - same units 7 7- 8 7- 1— same units 9 7- J 11 - 1 reader 11 - 8 1 punch 11 - 9 1 labeier 12 1 13 1 15 1 CENFOR 19-38 March 1970 19.6.2. CENSUS 1108 CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS — 1108C The following are the I/O channel assignments as of this date for the Census 1108C: Site A3 Peripheral Unit FH-432 Drum FH-1782 Uniservo VIII C Read/VJrite Uni servo II A Read/Write Uniservo II A Read/Write FH-880 Drum Fastrand Mass "Storage Uniservo III A Read/Write Uniservo III A Read/Write Uniservo III A Read/Write Uniservo III A Read/Only Paper tape Subsystem High Speed Printer Card Reader Console Channel Assignment 1 2 3 U 5 6 7 8 9 11-0 11-8 11-9 12 13 15 No. of Unit 2 1 2 2 2 2 H _ same units ]- same units 1 reader 1 punch 1 labeler 1 1 1 March 1970 CENFOR 19-39 19.6.3. CENSUS 1108 CHANNEL ASSIGNMENTS — 1108D The following are the I/O channel assignments as of this date for the Census 1108D: Site 37 Peripheral Unit FH-432 Drum FH-1782 Drum Uniservo VIII C Read/Write Uni servo II A Read/Write Uniservo II A Read/Write Fastrand Mass Storage Uniservo III A Read/Write Uniservo III A Read/Only Uniservo III A Read/Write Uniservo III A Read/Only Paper tape Subsystem High Speed Printer Card Reader Console Channe" Assignme :nt No. of Units 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 5 3 6 7 °1 - same units 0-» 8 9 - same units 11 - 1 reader 11 - 8 1 punch 11 - 9 1 labeler 12 1 13 i 15 l * Channel (6) must be downed after booting on this machine. CENFOR 19-40 March 1970 19.7. UNIVAC 1107 STANDARD CODE TRANSLATION UNIVAC 1107 FTftTDATA » 1 M ^UMI if V.VJL/ t 1 HMM JLA 1 IV. /M OCTAL CODE 1107 HSP CHARACTER COOING SYMBOL KEY PUNCH NAME MONITOR OCTAL CODE XS3 CHARACTER NAME KEY-BOARD PRINTER 00 @ @ 7-8 at ~ (IGN) 00 ir ignore 01 [ [ 12-5-8 left bracket UC \ 01 A space 02 ] ] 11-5-8 right bracket LC V. 02 - minus 03 f t 12-7-8 number sign LF (L.F.) 03 04 A A 11-7-8 delta Return (CR.) 04 1 05 (blonk) blank or b space Space Bar (Space) 05 2 06 A A A 12-1 A A 06 3 07 B B B 12-2 B B 07 4 10 C C C 12-3 C C 10 5 11 D D D 12-4 D D 11 6 12 E E E 12-5 E E 12 7 13 F F F 12-6 F F 13 8 14 G G G 12-7 G G 14 9 15 H H H 12-8 H H 15 ' apostrophe 16 1 ± 1 12-9 1 1 16 & ampersand 17 J i J 11-1 J J 17 ( left parenthesis 20 K K K 11-2 K K 20 t- multiline 21 L L L 11-3 L L 21 / comma 22 M M M 11-4 M M 22 period 23 N N N 11-5 N N 23 ; semicolon 24 O O. O 11-6 24 A 25 P P P 11-7 P P 25 B 26 Q Q Q 11-8 Q 26 C 27 R R R 11-9 R R 27 D 30 S 1 S 0-2 S S 30 E 31 T T T 0-3 T T 31 F 32 U U U 0-4 U U 32 G 33 V V V 0-5 V V 33 H 34 w w w 0-6 w w 34 1 35 X X X 0-7 X X 35 # number sign 36 Y Y Y 0-8 Y Y 36 * cent 37 Z Z- z 0-9 Z- I 37 ® FF1 March 1970 CENFOR 19-4.1 19 - 7 - UNIVAC 110 7 STANDARD CODE TRANSLATION (CONTINUED) 40 ) ) H 12-4-8 right parenthesis ) ) 40 *■ tab 41 - - - 11 minus - - 41 H quote 42 + + & 12 plus + + 42 1 FF2 43 < < 12-6-8 less than < < 43 ) right parenthesis 44 = = 1 3-8 equals = = 44 J 45 > > 6-8 greater than > > 45 K 46 & & 2-8 ampersand - - 46 L 47 $ s $ 11-3-8 dollar sign s $ 47 M 50 * * * 11-4-8 osterisk * * 50 N 51 ( ( % 0-4-8 left parenthesis ( ( 51 52 X % 0-5-8 percent " •• 52 P 53 5-8 colon 53 Q 54 ■> ■} 12-0 question mark ■> ■> 54 R 55 ] ; 11-0 exclamation point \ [ 55 $ dollar sign 56 / ' / 0-3-8 comma ' / 56 « asterisk 57 \ \ 0-6-8 left slash © © 57 ? FF3 60 60 Z printer stop 61 1 1 i 1 1 1 61 B break- point 62 2 2 2 2 2 2 62 colon 63 3 3 3 3 3 3 63 + plus 64 4 4 4 4 4 4 64 / slash 65 5 5 5 5 5 5 65 s 66 6 6 6 6 6 6 66 T 67 7 7 7 7 7 7 67 U 70 8 8 8 8 8 8 70 V 71 9 9 9 9 9 9 71 W 72 ; ii @ 4-8 apostrophe I t 72 X 73 ; ; 11-6-8 semi- colon ; i 73 Y 74 / / 0-1 right slash / / 74 Z 75 12-3-8 period 75 % percent 76 n n 0-7-8 lozenge SPEC a 76 = FF5 77 (stop) i •-2-8 + t 77 Not Used (1CN) = Ignored (C.R.) = Carriage Return (F.F.i= Fast Feed (L.F.) = Line Feed 0-3-S ~ Comma 4-8 = Apostrophe CENFOR 19-42 March 1970 19.8. BCD. EXCESS-THREE CODES Numeric Bits 00 01 10 11 0000 i 5 00 r E 20 t N 40 V 60 0001 A 6 01 i 21 41 W 61 0010 02 • • 22 / P 42 • 62 0011 03 • y 23 ) 43 + 63 0100 1 04 A 24 J 44 4* 0101 2 05 B 25 K 45 s 65 0110 3 06 C 26 L 46 T 66 0111 4 07 D 27 M 47 U 67 1000 5 1° E 30 N 50 V 70 1001 6 11 F 31 51 W 71 1010 7 12 G 32 P 52 X 72 1011 8 13 H 33 Q 53 y 73 1100 9 14 I 34 R 54 Z 74 1101 i 15 # 35 $ 55 % 75 1110 & 16 C 36 * 56 T 76 1111 ( 17 @ D 37 ? M 57 NOT USED FIELDS Zone Bits HIGH SPEED PRINTER PRINTING Normal: Prints Field 1 except for non-printing characters (see Computer Digit). Computer Digit; prints Field 1 for printing characters; Field 2 for non-printing characters . ACTION @ Fast Feed Symbol 1 / Fast Feed Symbol 2 ? Fast Feed Symbol 3 = Fast Feed Symbol 4 r Multi-line Symbol i Printer Ignore A Printer Space 3 Breakpoint Stop £ Printer Stop NOTE: The numbers in the lower right hand corner of each box are the octal equivalen of the XS-3 character. March 1970 CENFOR 19-43 19.9. TABLE OF POWERS OF 2 TABLE OF POWERS OF 2 2 n n 2~" 1 1.0 2 1 0:5 4 2 0.25 8 3 0.125 16 4 0.062 5 32 5 0.031 25 64 6 0.015 625 128 7 0.007 812 5 256 8 0.003 906 25 512 9 0.001 953 125 1 024 10 0.000 976 562 5 2 048 11 0.000 488 281 25 4 096 12 0.000 244 140 625 8 192 13 0.000 122 070 312 5 16 384 14 0.000 061 035 156 25 32 768 15 0.000 030 517 578 -125 65 536 16 0.000 015 258 789 062 5 131 072 17 0.000 007 629 394 531 25 262 144 18 0.000 003 814 697 265 625 524 288 19 0.000 001 907 348 632 812 5 1 048 576 20 0.000 000 953 674 316 408 25 2 097 152 21 0.000 000 476 837 158 203 125 4 194 304 22 0.000 000 238 418 579 101 562 5 8 388 608 23 0.000 000 119 209 289 550 78125 16 777 216 24 0.000 000 059 604 644 775 390 625 33 554 432 25 0.000 000 029 802 322 387 695 312 5 67 108 864 26 0.000 000 014 901 161 193 847 656 25 134 217 728 27 0.000 000 007 450 580 596 923 328 125 268 435 456 28 0.000 000 003 725 290 298 461914 062 5 536 370 912 29 0.000 000 001 862 645 149 230 957 031 25 1 073 741 824 30 0.000 000 000 931 322 574 615 478 515 625 2 147 483 648 31 0.000 000 000 465 661 287 307 739 257 812 5 4 294 967 296 32 0.000 000 000 232 830 643 653 869 628 906 25 3 589 934 592 33 0.000 000 000 116 415 321826 934 814 453 125 17 179 869 184 34 0.000 000 000 053 207 660 913 467 407 226 562 5 34 359 738 363 35 0.000 000 000 029 103 830 456 733 703 613 281 25 68 719 476 736 36 0.000 000 000 014 551 915 228 366 851 806 640 625 137 438 953 472 37 0.000 000 000 007 275 957 614 183 425 903 320 312 5 274 877' 906 944 38 0.000 000 000 003 637 973 807 091 712 951 660 156 25 549 755 813 888 39 0.000 000 000 001818 989 403 545 856 475 830 078 125 CENFOR 19-44 March 1970 19.10. CAPACITY OF TAPES WRITTEN WITH FOLION IIA TAPES The block limit is 5000 data blocks. A block contains 120 words. The total word capacity is 600,000. I IIA TAPES There is no specific block limit. Data is written until end-of-tape or a programmed end-of-file sentinel. Recording is 200 words per inch with .75 inch interblock spacing. An 1800' reel with block size of 605 may contain approximately 5000 blocks or 3,000,000 words of data. March 1971 CENFOR 19-45 19.11. STANDARDS FOR OPERATION AND USE OF UNI VAC 1107 SYSTEM Analysis of facility requirements of computer programs utilizing the Univac 1107 system indicates that certain additional facility allowances can be made for individual programs without significant adverse effect on the system's ability to undertake multi-program concurrent operations. Facility allowances The initial standards for 1107 computer use, dated June 4, 1963, are modified, therefore to provide the following maximum allowances for indi- vidual programs using the 1107 under the circumstances indicated. Program Type 1. Production programs other than sorts Core Storage 26 blocks (53,2^8 words) 2. Sorts with no additional 26 blocks option coding outputs (53,24-8 words) 3. Sorts with additional option coding outputs 26 blocks (53,248 words) Drum Storage 1,000,000 words 1,000,000 words 1,000,000 words vine IIIA IIA IVC 1/ 2/ 6 1 1 6 1 1 6 1 1 It should be noted that sorts which depend upon the maximum drum storage allowance of 1,000,000 words may, on occasion, have to be run with reduced drum facility if one of the FH-880 drums is out of service. If the volume being sorted at the time requires the maximum drum storage allowance to eliminate extra merge passes, the running time will be increased during the operation with the reduced drum facility. Run size Normally, a maximum of 4,500,000 words can be sorted efficiently with the maximum facilities indicated, including five intermediate Uniservos. If the data for a single sort exceed that number, the extra merge passes may result in running time in excess of that for two sorts and one merge of the same amount of data. There have been some requests for a recommended maximum run time. One hour of central computer time is the recommended maximum for continuous operation between recovery points. This is not a standard in the same sense as those for maximum facility utilization but it is a practical limit beyond which the user must anticipate a higher rate of non-productive time. l/ IIA tape units will be phased out of the computer systems once replacement high speed printers are installed and FOSDIC-70 tape units are replaced by compatible tape units. Therefore direct use of Uniservo IIA in a production program should be avoided to the extent possible. An exception will be granted for programs using FOSDIC-70 output until hardware revisions are made to the FOSDICs. 2/ Use is restricted to one half the available units (2 at present). CENFOR 19-46 March 1970 19.11. STANDARDS FOR OPERATION AND USE OF UNIVAC 1107 SYSTEM (Continued) On-line printing facilities In order to reduce the volume of "RUTT" translations now required to permit off-line printing of computer output, pro- vision will be made for on-line printing of limited volumes of test and/or production output. Although it will not be possible for a programer to call for assignment of the on-line printer to an individual program, he may cause small quantities of output to be prepared for separately scheduled on-line printing through the CENSER service routine. Provision is being made to print up to a maximum of 5,000 lines in this manner, the maximum to be considered as applying to the total of all the output files of a single run for which this technique for printing is to be used. To use the facility the programer may write the data in one of two ways : 1. In LION external format, Fieldata code, on a Uniservo IIIA; option TP. 2. In Census format LION, BCD XS-3, on a Uniservo HA. The operating instructions for a program must specify on-line printing and must state specifically which of the two formats is to be printed by CENSER. Operations personnel will exercise the option to print some of this work off-line in the event of a backlog of on-line printing. To reduce the possibility of having such a backlog, the facility should be used primarily for limited amounts of test or production printing. Reels normally printed off-line will be printed on-line, at the discretion of scheduling personnel, provided the following conditions are met: 1. A Standard board (1-5), standard loop (1-4), and Forms 143-1, 2, 3, or 4 (or comparable form) are requested. 2. The on-line HSP or HA tape unit are not needed for other processing, including regular on-line printing. 3. The backlog for off-line printing is more than 100 reels. March 1970 CENFOR 19-4.7 19.12. MOST USED BOARDS AND LOOPS FOR OFFLINE HSP BOARD #1 Ten 12-digit words per line - Space between words - No zero suppression. BOARD #2 Ten 12-digit words per line - Space between words - Zero suppression on each word. BOARD #3 Ten 12-digit, or twenty 6-digit, words per line - No space between words - No zero suppression. Ten 12-digit words per line - No space between words - Zero suppression on each word. Twenty 6-digit words per line - No space between words - Zero suppression on each word. Space after six double-spaced print lines - 24- print lines per 11-inch page. Space over fold - 31 double-spaced print lines per 33-line page. Space over fold - 30 double-spaced print lines per 33-line page. Space to new fold for fastfeeds 1, 2, 3, or U There are more than 11 boards and numerous paper loops available upon request. These are the most frequently used. When printing binary data (not XS3 characters), ask for Board 3 and binary loop. It is also possible to ask for computer digit printing where all non-printable characters will be printed on a second line with substitutions made for various bit combina- tions. Custom boards and loops may be requested with discretion. Forms BC-1596 and BC-1170 should be completed to conform to specif- ications. Consult the manual "The High Speed Printer of the UNIVAC System RRU16.1" and contact the shift supervisor in Computer Operations Branch of Processing Division. BOARD #4 1 BOARD #5 PAPER 1 LOOPS LOOP #1 #2 #3 . ] #4 , Note: Ther< CENFOR 19-48 March 1970 19.13. HSP NON-PRINTING CHARACTERS The following characters do not print, however a representative character is printed when Computer Digit is specified, for each of the respective characters. COMPUTER ACTION SYMBOL DIGIT BINARY OCTAL ignore i 5 000000 00 multiline i E 010000 20 tab t N 100000 40 printer's stop i- V 110000 60 space A 6 000001 01 breakpoint / W 110001 61 fastfeed 1 % D 011111 37 fastfeed 2 1 P 100010 42 fastfeed 3 ? M 101111 57 fastfeed 4 = T 111110 76 March 1970 CENFOR 19-4-9 19.14- AMOUNT OF SPACE PER PAGE Printer No. of Characters per Line No. of Lines per Page 1107 On-Line UNI VAC Off- Line IBM HOI 128 120 132 54 60 54 Note: When printing off-line, a "fastfeed" before the first output and after the last output will prevent the sentinels on the HA tape from appearing on the same pages as the output. The octal fastfeed code should be inserted into the first character of a line in order to take effect CENFQR 19-50 March 1970 19.15. DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT AT THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS (Subject to change) 2 UNIVAC 1108 COMPUTERS 131 K (Sys. D) 65 K (Sys. C) Word Core Memory 2 FH4-32 Drums (524,288 words) 1 FH1782 Drum (2,097,152 words) 3 FASTRAND II Units (66,060,288 words shared) U UNISERVO IIIA Tape Units (9-track) 4 UNISERVO HA Tape Units (8-track) 2 UNISERVO VIII C Tape Units (IBM Comp. 7-track) 1 Punch-Card Reader 1 Paper-Tape Reader 1 Paper-Tape Punch 2 High-Speed Printers (755 Sys. C, 758 Sys. D) 1 CONSOLE PRINTER 1 REMOTE TELEPRINTER March 1970 CMF0R 19 _ 5± 19.15. DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT AT THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS (Subject to change) ( Continued ) 2 UNIVAC 1107 COMPUTERS 128-Word Thin Film Memory 65 K Word Core Memory 2 FH 880 Drums (1,572,864- words) 3 FASTRAND II Units (66,060,288 words shared) H UNISERVO IIIA Tape Units (9-track) 4. UNISERVO IIA Tape Units (8- track) 2 UNISERVO IV C TAPE UNITS (IBM Comp. 7-track) 1 Card Reader 1 Paper-Tape Reader 1 Paper-Tape Punch 1 High-Speed Printer 1 CONSOLE PRINTER 1 REMOTE TELEPRINTER 1 LABEL PRINTER CENFOR 19-52 March 1970 19.15. DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT AT THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS (Subject to change) ( Continued ) 4. UNIVAC HIGH SPEED PRINTERS Off-Line IIA Input 2 MOHAWK DATA SCIENCES (MPS) 7160 OFF LINE PRINTER SYSTEMS 1000-1250 lines per minute 132/l60 characters per line 556/800 bits per inch (BPI) densities 1024- character core memory 1 MDS 2207 Magnetic Tape Unit per System 1 STROMBERG- CARLSON SC-4411 (Computer Document Recorder) Converts information on Magnetic IV Tape to microfilm. Translates up to 4- frames (76 lines of 132 characters each) per second. 1 DATAMEC D 3029 4.1,700 CPS transfer rate 556 BPI density 2 KALVAR MICROFILM COPIERS Produce copies of 16 mm microfilm on to Kalvar film (input is produced on SC-4411) Copies at a rate of 60 to 180 feet per minute 1 VISCOMAT PROCESSOR Develops film from SC-44-11 at rate of 36 feet per second March 197 ° CENFOR 19-53 19.15. DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT AT THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS (Subject to change) ( Continued ) 1 IBM 360 MODEL 4-0 COMPUTER 65 K Bytes Core Memory 3 Disk Storage Units (2,250,000 each) 5 2401 Uniservo's (2-7 track, 3-9 track) 1 14-03 Printer (1100 line/min) 1 2540 Punch-Card Reader (Read 1000/min. , Punch 300/min.) 1 Central Processing Unit 1 Console (1052) 1 Data Transmission System 1013-7702 between Jeffersonville and Suitland 1 IBM 1401 TAPE COMPUTER 1 2K Character Core Memory 1 1402 Card-Read Punch 1 1403 Printer 2 7330 Tape Units (7- track) 1 1922 Tape Adapter Unit 2 Uniservo Tape Units (8- track) 1 1407 Console Inquiry Station 1 1627 II Plotter CENFOR 19-54 March 19?0 19.15. DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT AT THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ( Sub.j e c t to change ) ( Continued ) 6 FOSDIC 70 's (Film Optical Sensing Device for Input to Computers) 24 Bit Word Size 8K Word Core Memory 1 A Register 1 Fosdic Scan Unit 2 Mark III Uniservo's (UNIVAC IIA Comp. 8-track) 1 Card Reader 1 Flex-o-writer MISCELLANEOUS ITN REMOTE TERMINALS - CONVERSATIONAL TERMINALS PI GI DATA - Creates a magnetic tape from paper tapes prepared by Teletype CalComp PLOTTER - Draws lines according to plotted positions for use with IBM 14.01 DCT-2000 - UNIVAC remote batch (cards and printer under EXEC 8) March 1970 CENFOR 19-55 19.16. CHARACTER SET FOR INFORMATION INTERCHANGE When preparing data on magnetic tape for sale, or for another form of interchange, the character set should be restricted to those characters which are generally accepted and which are represented by a unique code in any particular coded decimal language. Analysis of the IBM binary coded decimal tape code recognized by eight computer manufacturers on approximately fifteen different computer types reveals a consensus on the ten decimal digits, the twenty-six alphabetic symbols, six special characters and the blank or space. Also, each of these systems recog- nize the Tape Mark. The attached character conversion chart, Appendix I, contains the forty- three character graphics and their coded representation in four languages. The three six-bit languages are shown by their octal representation; the eight-bit language is shown in hexadecimal. Please note that the binary coded decimal, excess three (BCD XS-3), code for space (A), octal 01, is not shown. There is no distinction between blank or space in the other languages. Therefore, when preparing potential interchange data in BCD XS-3 originally, use only the ignore (^), octal 00. Conversion between BCD XS-3 and binary coded decimal (BCD) is performed by hardware on the UNIVAC 1107 or 1108 and on the IBM 1401 on the premises. Conversion between BCD and extended binary coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC) is performed by hardware on the IBM 360, Model 40. Conversion between BCD XS-3 and Fieldata is performed by subroutine ZC01. Conversion between Fieldata and BCD must be programmed. The Tape Mark, which exists on IBM compatible seven or nine channel tapes, is produced by hardware in response to an instruction. It is not obtained by conversion from BCD XS-3 or Fieldata. The six special characters which may be used in data intended for inter- change are indicated below. They appear also in Appendix I. octal character graphic - (minus) , (comma) . (period) $ (dollar sign) ■k (asterisk) / (slash or virgule) BCD octal octal hexa- XS-3 BCD Fieldata decimal 02 40 41 60 21 33 56 6B 22 73 75 4B 55 53 47 5B 56 54 50 5C 64 21 74 61 CENFOR 19-56 March 1970 19.16. CHARACTER SET FOR INFORMATION INTERCHANGE (Continued) APPENDIX I Conversion Code for ^3 Characters in Four Coded Decimal Languages Character Octal 1/ Octal 2/ Octal 3/ Hexadecimal graphic BCD XS3 5_/ 00 BCD 20 5/ 2/ Fieldata 5/ 05 EBCDIC blank (space) 40 - (minus) 02 40 41 60 03 12 60 FO 1 04 01 61 Fl 2 05 02 62 F2 3 06 03 63 F3 4 07 04 64 F4 5 10 05 65 F5 6 11 06 66 F6 7 12 07 67 F7 8 13 10 70 F8 9 14 11 71 F9 , (comma) 21 33 56 6B . (period) 22 73 75 4B A 24 61 06 CI B 25 62 07 C2 C 26 63 10 C3 D 27 64 11 C4 E 30 65 12 C5 F 31 66 13 C6 G 32 67 14 C7 H 33 70 15 C8 I 34 71 16 C9 J 44 41 17 Dl K 45 42 20 D2 L 46 43 21 D3 M 47 44 22 D4 N 50 45 23 D5 51 46 24 D6 P 52 47 25 D7 Q 53 50 26 D8 R 54 51 27 D9 $ (dollar) 55 53 47 5B ir (asterisk) 56 54 50 5C 6/ March 1970 CENFOR 19-57 19.16. CHARACTER SET FOR INFORMATION INTERCHANGE (Continued) Character Octal 1/ Octal 2/ Octal 3/ Hexadecimal V graphic BCD XS3 j>/ BCD 5/ Fieldata 5/ EBCDIC 6/ / (slash or 64 21 74 61 virgule) S 65 22 30 E2 T 66 23 31 E3 U 67 24 32 E4 V 70 25 33 E5 W 71 26 34 E6 X 72 27 35 E7 Y 73 30 36 E8 2 74 31 37 E9 1/ This is a 6-bit code known as binary coded decimal excess three, used in earlier model UNIVAC computers and peripheral devices. 2/ This is a 6-bit code known as binary coded decimal, used originally in earlier model IBM computers and peripheral devices. 3/ This is a 6-bit code which originated from an attempt, by the military, to produce a uniform code. y This is an 8-bit code, known as extended binary coded decimal inter- change code, which originated with IBM Systems 360. £/ In the octal representation of each 6-bit code the three high order bits are represented in the most significant digit of the octal code, and the three low order bits are represented in the least significant digit of the octal code. The range of each octal digits is 0-7. 6/ In the hexadecimal representation of the 8-bit code, the four most significant bits are represented in the most significant position of the hexadecimal code, and the four least significant bits are repre- sented in the least significant position of the hexadecimal code. The value range of each hexadecimal character is 0-15, where the values 10, 11 - - - - 15 are defined by the letters A, B - - - F, respectively. 7/ Octal 20 for blank, in BCD, appears only on tape. Internally this code is 00 and the difference between the internal and external repre- sentations is handled automatically by the hardware. Where BCD is generated internally in the UNIVAC 1107 or 1108, and written to tape without the hardware translation, the octal 20 must be created in core. CENFOR 19-58 March 1970 19.17. Flowchart Symbols Some flowchart symbols are used to indicate the flow and the details of a program. Others are used to indicate in- put-output or specialized functions. Still others are used to indicate the overall systems design where several programs are needed to process information. The most commonly used symbols are described below. PROCESSING A group of program instructions which perform a processing func- tion of the program. DECISION The decision function used to doc- ument points in the program where a branch to alternate paths is possible based upon variable con- ditions. CD TERMINAL The beginning, end, or a point of interruption in a program. CONNECTOR An entry from, or an exit to, another part of the program flow- chart. Names consisting of letters or numerals may be assigned, SYMBOL STRIPING The striping of a symbol indicates that a more detailed representation of the function can be found else- where in the same set of flowcharts. MULTIPLE EXITS Each condition and each connector must be indentified either individ- ually or by means of a table. CODE = TO 1 2 3 CODE = TO GO TO GO TO A B C 1 2 A B March 1970 CENFOR 19-59 PREDEFINED PROCESS A group of program steps that are specified elsewhere, e.g., sub- routine or logical unit. ANNOTATION Addition of descriptive comments or explanatory notes as clarifica- tion. The broken line may be drawn in any direction. Descrip- tive information included with the symbols must read from left to right and from top to bottom. For example : IF OVERDUE CALCULATE SERVICE CHARGE FLOW DIRECTION -> Flow direction is shown by lines drawn between symbols. The normal direction flow is from left to right or top to bottom. When this flow is otherwise, arrowheads should be placed in the reverse direction. INPUT/OUTPUT Making available information for processing or the recording of pro- cessed information. AUXILIARY OPERATION An offline operation not under control of the central processing unit. MANUAL OPERATION Represents any offline process geared to the speed of the human being CENFOR 19-60 SPECIALIZED INPUT OUTPUT-SYMBOLS March 1970 MAGNETIC TAPE X PUNCHED CARD DOCUMENT MANUAL INPUT DISPLAY ONLINE COMMUNICATION LINK ONLINE STORAGE OFFLINE STORAGE March 1970 CENFOR 19-61 MULTIPLE FILES _z: ^1 Construct the first symbol and then offset the succeeding symbols toward one direction. INTERNATIONAL SYMBOLS PREPARATION MAGNETIC DRUM MAGNETIC DISK CORE DECK OF CARDS CENFOR 19-62 March 1970 q FILE OF CARDS MERGE EXTRACT SORT COLLATE PARALLEL MODE March 1971 CENFOR 19-63 19.18 NAMES TO BE AVOIDED FOR EXTERNAL SUBROUTINES Sometimes a FORTRAN IV program compiles with no apparent errors and yet an external subroutine prepared by the programmer is not listed in the ELF allocation. This problem may be caused by a conflict of names with system external labels; therefore, the following labels s ould not be used for subroutine names. A 0E.XP DMIN1 INT LDSRC MOVET SIGN A0 CHANGE DMOD ITMIN LD3RL NFLAG SIN Al CHXDIV DPADD ITMIO LFB NOCHK SINCOS A2 CHSNCO DSIGN ITMOUT LEX NOTAPE SINH A3 CLOCK DSIN ITMRTN LI FIB NRCK SINHCO A/, CLOG DSINCO INSERT LOG OCSUB SLTTE A5 CMPLX DSINH INSRTH LOAD OENFIL SLITET ABS COMPL DSQRT INSRTT LPM0 OENREL SNGL ACOS CONJG DTAN INSRTS LPM1 OPECLO SORT AIMAG COS DTANH ISIGN LPM2 OPNIN SQRT AINT COSH DVCHK IXTRCL LPM3 OPNOUT SSWTCH ALOG CR.IAST ECSCAN IXTRCN LPM4 OR STORE ALOG10 CSIN EOFSET IXTRCR LPM5 OVERFL STRIP AMAX0 CSINCO ERR JAH LPM6 PACK Tl AMAX1 CSINH EX JAT LPM7 PART T2 AMIN0 CSQRT EXIT JNH LPM8 PNCHU T3 AMIN1 CTAN EXP JNS LPM9 PRCNG TAN AMOD CTANH F4FDIT JNT LSLC PRNTU TANH AND D FB JLH LSLL PUTSCH TST0 ASIN DA.BS FDIN JLS LSRA Rl TST1 ATAN DACOS FDOUT JLT LSRC R2 THAN ATAN2 DASIN FLD JRH LSRL R3 TYPE B DATAN FLOAT JRS LS3U READA UNPACK B10 DATAN2 FLOPRP •JRT LSQ3 READC UNPK Bll DBLE FOLION LADD LXB READI UTABLE BF DCBRT FX LWJD LXF REAL XB BOOL DCOS HI LB2F MAX0 REWINT XF BX DEXP H2 LB2X MAX1 SI XLOC CABS DIM IABS LBF MJN0 32 XM CBRT DINT IDIM LBX MINI S3 XOR CCBRT DLOG IENFIL LDSLC MOD S4 XSIN GCOS DLOG10 IENREL LDSLL MOVEH S5 XSOUT CCOSH DMAX1 IFIX LDSRA MOVES S6 XT3 CENFOR 19-64 19.19, LION FORMATS 00 01 02 03 04 35 32 LABEL BLOCK (LION INTERNAL) 12 11110011110111110 111101111100111101 110 BLOCK COUNT BLOCK LENGTH - CURRENT FILE NUMBER OF FILE LABEL WORDS (incl udin g date an d reel §) USABLE TAPE ITEM SIZE - CURRENT FILE NUMBER OF FREE WORDS DATE OF RECORDING (FIELDATA CODE) LANGUAGE OF LABEL - XS3 1 - FIELDATA REEL NUMBER (BINARY) BALANCE OF BLOCK (IF ANY") DISREGARDED 1-2 1-1 BLOCK LENGTH - CURRENT FILE 1 1 -c BLOCK COUNT ITEM SIZE - CURRENT FILE USABLE TAPE File Label 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 233 words for 240 -warcl block 113 words for 120 word bloc! * SORT will typeout up to 21 words for this LION INTERNAL format. CENFOR 19-65 FIXED LENGTH ITEM BLOCK (LION INTERNAL) 35 17 NO. ITEMS IN BLOCK NO. WORDS IN BLOCK DATA ITEM (FIXED LENGTH) DATA ITEM (FIXED LENGTH) i\>/^ ■ — — "" DATA ITEM (FIXED LENGTH) BALANCE (IF ANY) DISREGARDED ■ NO. WORDS DISREGARDED CHECKSUM NO, ITEMS IN BLOCK NO. WORDS IN BLOCK CENFOR 19-66 VARIABLE LENGTH ITEM BLOCK (LION INTERNAL) 35 17 NO. ITEMS IN BLOCK OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NO. WORDS IN BLOCK NO. WORDS, ITEM FOLLOWING DATA ITEM (VARIABLE LENGTH) ST NO. WORDS, ITEM PRECEDING NO. WORDS, ITEM FOLLOWING Item- Count Words NO. WORDS, ITEM PRECEDING NO. WORDS, ITEM FOLLOWING DATA ITEM (VARIABLE LENGTH) NO. WORDS, I?EM PRECEDING OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BALANCE (IF ANY) DISREGARDED NO. WORDS DISGREGARDED CHECKSUM NO. ITEM IN BLOCK NO. WORDS IN BLOCK CENFOR 19-67 00 01 02 03 46. 47 48 49 35 32 END OF REEL SENTINEL BLOCK (LION INTERNAL) 17 111100111101111100111101111100111101 10 0000000000000 00 BLOCK LENGTH - CURRENT FILE 000000000000000000 ITEM SIZE - CURRENT FILE WORD 03 THROUGH 46 DISREGARDED BLOCK LENGTH - CURRENT FILE 10 0000000000000 00 ITEM SIZE - CURRENT FILE 000000000000000000 1111001111011111001111011111001111 01 35 32 END OF FILE SENTINEL BLOCK (LION INTERNAL) 17 00 01 02 03 46 47 48 49 - ■ - 111100111101111100111101111100111101 0- 110" -if last file -* BLOCK COUNT USABLE TAPE BLOCK LENGTH - CURRENT FILE ITEM SIZE - CURRENT FILE „ ^ ^ _ _ WORDS 03 THROUGH 46 ARE DISREGARDED — ^__^ ^ — - — -» — ^ BLOCK LENGTH - CURRENT FILE ITEM SIZE - CURRENT FILE BLOCK COUNT USABLE TAPE 111100111101111100111101111100111101 - ; >if another file follows CENFOR 19-68 Word LABEL BLOCK (IIA COMPATIBLE) 00 747474747474 01 747474747474 02 Label 03 Label 04 Label 05 Label Up to 63 words may be included in file label. (SORT uses only 4) Balance of block through word 118 "Z" filled, (octal 747474747474) 118 747474747474 119 00C00000C060 Printer stop in last word DATA BLOCK (IIA COMPATIBLE) Record 1 Record 2 Record 3 Record 4 etc, Record Size - must be a factor of 120 but greater than 2 Block Size - fixed at 120 words TERMINAL BLOCKS (IIA COMPATIBLE) When items do not fill the block, the block will be filled with terminal records. In the event that the last data record completes a block, the next block is filled with terminal records, TERMINAL RECORD 00 747474747474 01 747474747474 02 60xx>"x>'xxxxx 03 0000C00C0C00 04 0000C00C0000 05 xxxxxxxxxxxx Record Fill - 747474747474 When records are less than 6 words, first 3 words only. xxxxxxxxxx (Record count in XS3) xxxxxxxxxxxx (Checksum in XS3 formed from the sum of left and right half sum of every data word) 06 - 119 terminal records Last block on tape (120 words of "Z's") Note - The input terminal record may consist of all "Z's". If the input checksum location consists of "Z's" or the constant "END P ", it is accepted. CENFOR 19-69 1 — J Eh Eh ! ^! p ° ° C 1 M I P ^ | P ! pJ P ' o 1 o o &h! ! — > P P P P 1 ° O cq rl P c -2 3 P -3j e 1 P P r^ o CO H i> Q tti p ttj P P O P Fh Ph P C£l rV rn MM J>] Th r-> S 8 Fh ! M P] H q & H P P ■=tj p 1— 1 p •oo H I cv p p Eh Eh to p o Eh Eh P -q pq P B p Ph Eh h-1 H P I P H CV P P P CO Fh P o s 5 P P CO P n p P P o p p P P P P =a} H 5 <; P Pi H I 1 r~*-> P 1 P H H P ■=tj P H P ^ P P 1! !' II H Ph P P H H H P H C*> vD o I o^ Of, CSNFOR 19-70 ! Eh Ph CH PH r-D tD P P s — > b o O O a S3 >2; S S o Oh Ph Ph Ph o o O O O Ph Ph S Ph Ph Sh S25 Ph o O O O O o o 1- 1 hH I w h" P^ o 1—1 pr o o ° I Pi -— - *-' Ph •~-^ --' Ph Ph u^ vQ M O tXl >H >H o CQ CQ pq CO Pi Ph PI Oh W pa r^ pq Ph P P EH EH W EH Eh pq pq Eh 1 H 8 a H P p- 1 P id 3 Ph a Ph Ph (^ Ph" Ph Ph Pi Ph Ph a a P H pq n pq H PH Ph Ph i=3 CO o o o H Ph O O Pi pq Eh a Pi H prl pq rxi p pq pq co CO p o o I CV O 0^ \D vO pq Eh O !> P J> F- CENFOR 19-71 o (H (-} O w o pq- o CO b o M pq W M >-} Ph CO o O B H W w 125 O CtD b [o O CO o (H On CO o o H CO EH Si o o p^ o a M CO Q &q Q g Pn CO S3 pq Ph o CO CO e q p^ o EH C3 H CO Q W n s w Eh CO O en I in en o o CV Cn I m en «0 rH I en en o o I !> rH -4" Cn I en 00 rH I en en o o I rH 00 to o o o H o rH o H CENFOR 19-72 O g p M p PL, CO a EH 1=1 Ah Fh [3 O pq En P s EH O O M Q o Q Id Pw CO to H I C<^ H O o I O Ph P O C^\ Pi Q H O Hi cv H P CO o M H O -4- cv i o cv 3 I to I CV CV r-i P fa o p S3 H O CV *>- CV o H Eh O 5 p £5 s P«4 o p o I H rH PL, P Sh CV M Pw CO o [Si CO CV Hi CVl CENFOR 19-73 o M O PH r; CO i-l O Ph pq Q H M Ph CO JU. o O P^ o CO Eh O Q a o O CO Q !=> O w O CV &H =fc H &q Q fin M CO 6 pq o -fe- co o O .a. 1 pq Eh O CO CO Eh S; o o Eh fe; K ED O Eh Ph Ph Eh o o H En H P Eh O <=3 • H H st in H o o I m vO H CENFOR 19-74 Ph o i pq Eh s O o P3 i-q M Cm PT o PC? 1=3 O CO o 3 pq l-H Ph CO CO in EH o O I »,o co i t— h n H H O O I IT\ O o Ph CO CO s s o Of Al Ph pq i pq O CO o *3 o V Cm pq O O to H I >o co CO CO q P3 pq Cm | pq o o o !> O & Ph O Cm O o CO Eh Cd <"1 Ph rsi M CO Oh cq Em B pq to H i >-0 CO C3 pq y pq i EH o Po- st o pq Pm o Eh O O 1> Q cq CO O h-q o H Cm O Ph Heh O Cm Cm 5* o P P CO H o i-P CO Ph 6 CO 6 Ph Ph 1=1 O PQ W Eh O O w 3 rH rH PQ P^ Eh O Ph Ph S Eh Ph H c5 ^ CENFOR 19-78 a M a Ph o Cm o a Pm o Cm o cq a o M I-q o Cm JH PQ Q cq H i-q Pm co 1 a H O £ o O Cm £ JH cq pq PU H - 6 cq CO EH ca PQ EH EH J^ O O cq i-q 1-1 Cm a o o Pm o o Q cq H i-q Cm CO o o Cm O O H Cm 1 cq EH I Pm H cd cq Cm o 6 B pq cq Pm 1 S Cm a o o o a cq H i-l 1 1 M o >* LD -^o^ y cq H h-1 Pm CO $ n & Q 83 cq .-q cq cq rd Cm O cq p M O h-l a 1 O § H pk; H Pq M o o I o CM C> O O ■si" to H I c^ EH H > ca Q o o cq CM ! O CM cq IS] M CO Pm cq Cm pq O o I CM cm o I-q P o Pm" Cq Q H Cq pq h cq pq co co P cq a I HI p § o CENFOR 19-79 pq g o CO Si o H hh O Fh pq Q pq tH k1 Ph Ph CO O o Ph M pq pq M >-q Pn CO £3 S S; O O O 1— 1 H M i-l h-q (-1 O O O Ph Ph Ph N M >H W pq pq Q Q Q W pq W M M H i-l i-q h-J Ph Oh fX, Ph |3 ^ e CO CO co o Ph pq o K y EH £3 Ph Eh hh 1 s EH O O H Ph O H i-q pq 1=3 o CO o I— I pq Q pq H i-q Ph Ph [3 co OA o CO CO o H HH pq Q pq H Ph CO is; s ?3 O o O M i-q a a tH M M m m P-l o Q n N H W M H H i-q i-q h-l Ph Ph Ph £ Ph 1=> £ CO CO CO o pq o H pq co pq EH Is o o pq Q o o Si o H Eh O O M O pq pq i-q pq o P4 o | T{ O Ph O § H CO pq Q pq a Q p^ pq Ph CO Si 2 H Ph p o pq M Ph O EH Is PI pq o EH H CO CO 1-1 CO gpH |S <3 Ph o Eh s M CO &q fi Ph S P^ pq Ph CO CO Ph O Ph PQ co EH M pq o ! o o I o cv cn to H o o I rH I CO rH I o o I p to to o o o o o rH o CENFOR 19-80 CV Ph H 1 O Ph !> CO CO EH CO pq O S3 Es c ,. — , Si p£j S fcg O CO Ph O o M _ H Ph Ph pq _ _ 3 CO O Ch H pq _ M p£j O O {~r| CO p^l pq H EH £h rH M o hn g i H =t*= f= i-q 1 ^_^ Ph- § o Sh pq 3 pq o o Ph ^- — ■> s H ►q H i-q - - i rq o rH p CO 1-3 H Q S O o Ph w D pa O 1*1 e o pq H pq w tz n Pv o- rH PQ f^ rH c^ r^ i-q • • pq PQ Eh C^ rH rH Q pq Ph EH O H rH cv CV o HA C^ c^ 3 rH rH H rH S rH rH rH CENFOR 19-81 o a o Ph &q o Pi !=> O 53 O H 1-3 O pi H Ph Ph P CO >H pq S3 p (25 H pq H 53 H 53 ^ Ph J O Ph o Qh M o P=H feci rx. o CO Ph o o CO Pi w E-i Pi < Ph Ph P P S3 «*! «3J H l-l H EH 3 P3 Eh EH 3 O o w 1-q M 53 O 1-1 Ph O o CO w Eh O S3 CO o o H H Ph O to Pi Ph EH 1 Ph 53 O m o pq H i-q On CO Pi Q CO pq Eh 53 o o pq M Ph Pi n M M pq p o o o M Eh O Ph I dq IS] Pi H o CO Ph s 6 EH r: M CO Eh o l co O o o c\? to H ! ic\ co o o l.r\ co to H c°\ O o I o H O O I to rH I IT\ O o o 13 -4 H H in H £> i> to rH O O CENFOR 19-82 Eh Ph H PQ ■a! En i-q o Ph Eh O O a H Ph o a H o l-l M O hH Ph O Ft, W H n cq po" p Q o m r/) H i-h" Ph p CO o o en o CV O M PQ Q H Ph CO H 3 PQ H M H O O I in en o C\2 Eh w i-q PQ < pcJ Q O H O H O O I m en hi" ev 00 H I in en cv ■to I in en en o o r- H en c\2 CO CO CO Ml CO o H Ph p=; pq s w til o En Eh Eh CO CENTOR 19-83 53 o M fa O w o pi o CO S5 b o fa pq P fa IH fa PL, CO Eh p M pq EH s EH o O W fa M Cm 53 O H fa w o g o CO 53 o M PQ P fa H fa fa & CO CO fa O O CO 53 Ph O Eh H Eh 53 < fa Ph EH 53 M < EH 53 • O en O H i-h Q fa fa H O PQ ii H O w S o 5 fa P^ Ph P o P p £5 53 ■=h «aj •=aj P M rH O O O I in O o cv cv in CV in cv in cv in cv in cv JENFOil 19-84 EH \=3 pq EH s Eh O CP pq H pH • s; vO pq o CV P M o i-q Ph o o ^ Ph S Q o M Cq pq >H CO m tz tz n zz O PC pq ^ !3C E Q n pq Ph s pq i— i o H H i-q =a3 hq PL, — c r: n pq O Ph n fe w fe CO M O >-q § vO CO pq W cv Eh § • o Zz ^ rH O Ph = O S3| -t H CO «aj m= s S3! Eh s o o S3! S o 1-1 = = = - o o 1 = pq pq r: ~ — ^ t-3 CO pq Zl o n g pq l-H Q tD w IH pq o EH Cn pr H- 1 CO i-q CO ^-q Ph =f£= r-ii Ph fe = - - -- tTN pq 1 Ph {=3 - CO o.? CO g H EH . _ o l_^ H > s O ^>\ O p£] O g Ph O a 23 Q Q Q M Q W § Q pq M pq w pq CO o CO CO CO pq II rs CO a Q < M CO q S a pq o O pq g r: Ph o Ph 3 o H o pq o pq CO o »j pq a H pq pq F— 1 r: W pq i-q Eh Ph Q p^ pCJ 9 H M Ph H 1T\ tPv en pq Cn cv rH rH O pq cn Oi EH 9 O Q MD MD vO vO vO £> t> Is CV CV C\2 CV CV cv o( L CENFOR 19-85 EH p H 3 pq EH P g Eh O O H E S3 S3 Jg O o o a H i-q - - = - - = = P o o O E E E M M pq pq r: ^ ~ r: Z2 t: ~ w o p P Ph w pq p H H o (-1 i-q CO Ph 6 CO Ph CO S3 S3 S3 p o o O o H 3 ■" *" = tj ~- = *- H M JH M pq ra c r: n pq ~ zz r: o # Q Q P p pq Eq pq o H CO zz ri H co p Pm p - P Ph 6 PH O -- j. _ e j- -. = co P CO § M < P p O Y-\ O H Eh 1 a ^ EH P >H EH pq^-s p P pq M H P O CO CO o § pan Q eh P P P g o o g O P pq J3 E tD 1 H pD CO g CO w F-i s H CO Q }v^ p EH pej 1 pj p ■< P H pq ,- — x P P o o S3 tq 4S= !2 O o pq o Eh O [V| ^ O H Eh pq o P pq O o E p Q M 93 P P s o Ph P p p£ Pd fav_^ o O pq p£l EH O Ph ^J pq pq pq Q Dq S3 s §H P n a i-q Ph EH tq O CO P pq H pq pq M M < P CO Ph o CO CO C23 El EH PR fo P O pq w p J n pq o Ph Ph Ph 1 } i o S3 H P p Eh s^^- o o LOv m I> ITN f> in ITS trS !X\ PQ H Cn en rH en r-\ en cn en cn pq Eh Q o 5h g» CD !> to O o o O rH CV en -4- !3 C\2 CV CV CV C^ en en en en en 20. SLEUTH II March 1970 CENFOR 20- 1 20.1. INTRODUCTION TO SLEUTH II The SLEUTH II assembler may be called to assemble SLEUTH II* subroutines during the compilation of a FORTRAN program. The requirement is that an ASM card be used instead of a FOR card prior to the SLEUTH II coding. The form of the ASM card under the present system is : @PI ASM name., , name „, name o where name., , name„, and name,-, stand for the source name, the updated source name, and the name attached to the relocatable binary output of the subroutine. In order to write SLEUTH II coding, the programer should have a knowledge of the hardware characteristics of the UNIVAC 1107. It would be helpful to study the 1107 Census Computer Manual and SLEUTH I Programer 's Reference Guide. The SLEUTH II Pro- gramer' s Guide UP-3670, Revision 1, is the UNIVAC general manual. This chapter is a short synopsis of the main elements in SLEUTH II, Appendix C lists the instruction repertoire. 20.2. INSTRUCTION WORD FORMAT The format of the machine language word on a field basis is illustrated below: F J A X H I M Bits 6 4. k k 1 1 16 Where : F indicates the operation code listed in Appendix C J partial word determinant or minor operation code A the register or i/O channel designation field X the index register designation field (sometimes referred to as the B register) H the index register incrementation field I the indirect address designation field M the base operand address field (often called the u field) The format of a symbolic instruction is altered for convenience of programing. Commas are used to separate operand subfields. The basic line of coding is divided into three or fewer fields. They are the LABEL, OPERATION, and OPERAND fields. Each field may be divided into subfields. A subfield is an expression which is terminated by a comma, unless it is the last subfield in the field, In this case a space terminates both the subfield and the field. *A SLEUTH II element may be the main program followed by FORTRAN subroutines or an entire program may be written in SLEUTH II. CENFOR 20- 2 March 1970 20.2. INSTRUCTION WORD FORMAT (Continued) For instructions which involve a control memory location, the following formats are appropriate : LABEL OP F F,J OPERAND A,M,X,J A,M,X For instructions which do not involve a control memory location, the following format is used. LABEL OP F OPERAND M,X The entry in the F field is the instruction mnemonic. Unique mnemonics have been created for each operation code and sub- function code combination. Therefore, the entry in the J field will not be used for sub- function codes. SLEUTH II expects the A field to represent the absolute film memory address of an arithmetic, index or R register, depending upon the instruction mnemonic. The following table supplies the addresses in thin-film memory where the registers are located 1-15 X registers — index registers sometimes called (octal 1-17) B registers. There are 15 index registers on thin-film available to the programer. They are 36 bits in length. Each index register is divided into two portions; the right half 18 bits, or Q portion, and the left half 18 bits, or A portion. The right half (Q portion) is the address modifier. In operations specifying modification of the operand address by the index register, the Q portion is added to the base address shown in the M (or u) field before the operand is referenced. Thus the operand is taken from the modified address (or effective address). This Q portion is a signed number and may be + or -. March 1970 CENF0R 2Q _ 3 20.2. INSTRUCTION WORD FORMAT (Continued) The A portion, the left-hand 18 bits, contains the increment which may be applied to the Q portion if the instruction specifies address incrementation after the Q portion has been used. Thus the incre- mented modifier will be used the next time that index register is used. Index register incremen- tation is indicated by preceding the X field with an asterisk. 12-27 A registers (overlap X 12-15) (octal 14-33) There are 16 thin-film arithmetic registers. Each of these registers is 36 bits in length. They may be used for the accumulation of totals in arithmetic operations, both fixed and floating point. They are also used in load and store instructions, logical instructions, shifting, tests, and searches. Only the input/output and a few other instructions do not use an A register. Certain instructions use two con- secutive A registers: Product of a multiplication, dividend of a division, certain shift instructions, and floating point instructions. The assembler will subtract 12 from the value of the entry for an A register. 64-79 R registers (octal 100-117) There are 16 R registers on thin-film. The first four of these registers are special purpose registers. R64. (0) the real-time clock which is under control of EXEC. R65 (1) the repeat counter which the programer will load before executing a repeated instruction. R66 (2) is the mask register which the programer will load for certain instruc- tions. R67 (3) is the temporary storage for the address of the next instruction. It is used during repeat instructions. The remainder of the R registers may be used as storage areas. The assembler will subtract 64. from the value of the entry for an R register. CENFOR 20-4 March 1970 20.2. INSTRUCTION WORD FORMAT (Continued) Registers and partial word determinants (J field) may be addressed by using mnemonic designators (which are predefined and equated within the Census SLEUTH II Assembler for the 1107). Address 1-15 12-27 Overlap X12-X15 properties of A and X 6^-79 Registers Mnemonic X XI - XI 5 or Bl - B15 A AO - A15 Q QO - Q3 R Rl - R15 Partial Word Determinants Left half Right half Left half, sign extension Right half, sign extension First third, sign extension Second third, sign extension Third third, sign extension Sixth of word Contents of M field is operand Contents of M field with sign extension Mnemonic HI H2 XH1 XH2 Tl T2 T3 SI - S6 U or M XU or XM Octal Code 2 1 U 3 7 6 5 15 - 10 16 17 EXAMPLE: L A0,10,,U may be used instead of L 12, 10,, 016 March 1970 CENFOR 20- 5 20.2. INSTRUCTION WORD FORMAT (Continued) If the instruction mnemonic is such that the A field designates an A, X, or R register, the instruction may be coded to omit the A X, or R and the A field is examined to determine the proper code. Thus, in the following examples, the resultant codes are equivalent. L 17, M is equivalent to LA 17, M L 2,M is equivalent to LX 2,M L 65, M is equivalent to LR 65, M The entry in the M field respresents the base operand address. Indirect addressing is indicated by preceding the M field with an asterisk. The entry in the X field represents the specific index register to be used. The entry in the J field is used to designate partial word transfers to and from the arithmetic unit. 20.3. THE LABEL FIELD The label field in SLEUTH II may consist of a declaration of a specific location counter, a label, or a combination. If the latter is desired, the location counter declaration is the first entry on the symbolic line, and is followed by a comma if a label is also present. In any case, a space in the first position implies that none of the above is present. The existence of a label is indicated by the presence of a valid character (A-Z) in the first position of a symbolic line. A "$" in the first position signifies that a location counter is to be specified. A. Location Counter Declaration 32 location counters are available in SLEUTH II; however, if no location counter Is explicitly used, the program is controlled by location counter zero. The declaration of a specific counter is accomplished by entering $(e) as the first entry in the label field with "e" being a number between and 31. These counters are used to regroup, in any arbitrary manner, lines of coding. It is useful in segmentation (See INFO directive). Each new location counter entry begins the coding relative to zero, and coding under a previously defined counter will con- tinue at the last address specified for that counter. $(e) — "e" may be an expression as well as a hard coded constant. B. Labels A label may be from 1 to 6 characters long, the first character must be pure alphabetic (A-Z). Succeeding character may be any combination — alphabetics, numerics (0-9), or $. A label may be subscripted for uniqueness. The subscript does not count as an integral character of the label (i.e. CAT apart from CAT(l)) The subscript may also represent a dummy value within a procedure or function. CENFOR 20- 6 March 1970 20.3. THE LABEL FIELD (Continued) B. Labels (Continued) An asterisk may be affixed to a label. When this label is defined outside a procedure, it becomes externally defined . This means the label is known outside of the program. The asterisk does not count as a character of the label. (Examples: CAT* or CAT*(l)) If a location counter is to precede a labelled line, a comma and the label must immediately follow the location counter designation. (Example: $(l),CAT) FORMAT IS |(e), LABEL 20. 4-. THE OPERATION FIELD If the first character position of a coded line is blank, the line is considered not to possess a label. The first non- blank char- acter following column one is interpreted to be the start of the OPERATION field (exception is a period, semicolon, or apostrophe) The operation field may contain 4 types of entries: 1. An instruction mnemonic, with a possible j designation (may not be used if that instruction is contained in a literal) . 2. + or -, indicating a data word; or single quotes may surround an alpha constant. 3. An assembler directive . U. A label previously defined as a legitimate entry point to a PROC or FUNC. In all the above cases, except 2 which is optional, a space following any character except a comma ends the OPERATION field. Unless the directive RES is present, the controlling location counter will be incremented by one after each word is generated. 20.5. THE OPERAND FIELD The OPERAND field may contain subfields which are separated by commas. Any operand may contain fewer than the maximum number of subfields, or none. If a subfield other than the normal first or last is to be omitted, two contiguous commas or a comma, zero, comma (,0,) is necessary. If the first normal subfield is to be omitted, a "," must be coded. A period space coded just after the last element will cause scanning to cease and will speed up assembly time. March 1970 CENFOR 20- 7 20.5. THE OPERAND FIELD (Continued) EXAMPLE : ;3),FRD AND 17, TABL, 1,4- XOR 20,WS,,U The missing subfields in the second line have a value of zero to the assembler 20.6. CONTINUATION If a semicolon ( ; ) is encountered outside of an alphabetic item, the current line is continued with the first non-blank on the following line. Any characters on a line after the semicolon are considered to be comments. 20.7. TERMINATION Further operand information is not interpreted when the maximum number of subfields required by the operation have been encountered, or by the assembler's recognition of 80 characters, whichever occurs first. A period space coded after the last subfield will cause scanning to cease and speed up assembly time. Following the information portion of a line , any characters may be entered as comments. Example: LN; A 16, ; TABL, 3,5 2 . THIS WILL LOAD ARITHMETIC REGISTER kU • WITH THE COMPLEMENTED LEFT HALF OF THE • WORD ADDRESSED BY THE LABEL TABL AS • MODIFIED BY INDEX 3 THIS EXPLANATION • WOULD APPEAR AS A COMMENT LINE 20.8. DATA WORD GENERATION A + or - in the operation field, followed by one or more subfields separated by commas in the operand field, may be used to generate a constant word. Optionally, the operand may follow immediately. An alpha constant such as 'ABC coded without the "+" produces a left justified word in contrast to the following rule. CENFOR 20- 8 March 1970 20.8. DATA WORD GENERATION (Continued) If the operand contains one subfield, the value of the subfield will be right-justified in a 36-bit word. Two subfields result in two 18-bit fields. Three subfields result in three 12-bit fields. Six subfields create six 6-bit fields. Each subfield may be signed independently. Subfields may be decimal, octal (precede number by 0), or alpha (enclose in single quotes). Examples : -16384 + »B», -0257 octal 777777737777 octal 000007777520 -56,0407,-313. octal 770704077306 8, -04, 21,-28, 017, -H . The above line produces octal 107325431761 20.9. EXPRESSIONS An expression is an elementary item or a series of elementary items connected by operators. (See Operators.) Blanks are not permitted within an expression. Elementary Items An elementary item may be a label, a location, an octal number, a decimal number, an alphabetic, a floating point number, a line literal, or a parameter. a. Any label may be used as an elementary item. Whenever a label is encountered within an expression, the value equated to the label is substituted for the label within the expression. EXAMPLE : CONST EQU LA,M 010000 16, CONST b. The symbol for a current location counter reference is "$" When $+n is coded, care should be taken so the interval does not extend over a procedure call where the procedure is of variable length. EXAMPLE: March 1970 CENFOR 20- 9 20.9. EXPRESSIONS (Continued) Elementary Items ( Continued ) c. Octal digits (0-7) may be represented as an elementary item by preceding the digits with a' zero. The binary number will be right-justified in a signed field. EXAMPLE : +017 . produces octal 000000000017 -074. . produces octal 777777777703 Decimal values may appear as an elementary item within an expression. The binary number will be right-justified in a signed field. The number must not be preceded by zero. EXAMPLE : +12 . produces octal 000000000014 -12 . produces octal 777777777763 Alphabetics may be represented by enclosing the alphabetic characters with apostrophes. If a + precedes the term, then the value will be right-justified with zero fill to the left. If no + , then the value will be left- justified with Fieldata spacefill to the right. An alphabetic item used as a literal is assumed to have the plus. If a plus precedes the item, the number of characters is limited to six. The CHAR declarative may alter the alphabetic char- acters. EXAMPLE : + 'HEAD' 'HEAD' will produce octal 000015120611 will produce octal 151206110505 Floating Point Numbers are represented by placing a decimal point in the value. The decimal point must be preceded and followed by at least one digit. The value will be repre- sented in the UNIVAC 1107 internal floating point format. EXAMPLE: -16384.0 . floating point 217400000000 CENFOR 20-10 March 1970 20.9. EXPRESSIONS (Continued) Elementary Items (Continued) g. A literal may be represented on an instruction line by enclosing the constant within parentheses in the normal M portion of the instruction word. This will cause the assembler to generate a word containing the constant to be sent to the end of the program and duplicates will be eliminated for a particular counter. In addition to a constant data word, the line item may be an instruction word. A label is not permitted in the case of an instruction word line item. The first character following the left parenthesis must be the start of the OPERATION field. EXAMPLES OF LINE ITEMS: LA TE TNE LA 16, (0^00) 17, ('BRING') 18, (J RAT) 19, (((899))) octal 4-00 alpha 'BRING' instruction word of J RAT the location of the location of . the constant 899 will be . loaded into A7 A 14-, (TE 16,(3)) • two literals will be generated h. An elementary item may be a PR0C or FUNC parameter, and FUNC descriptions. See PR0C 20.10. OPERATORS There are 14. operators which designate the method and sequence of combining elementary items or expressions with a subfield. Blanks are not permitted within an expression. Evaluation of an expression begins with substitution for each element. The operations are then performed from left to right in order of hierarchy. Parentheses may be used with care to alter the order of operations. Note that these are assembly time operators. The value produced by operators should not be confused with the value produced by a literal and therefore is not an address. The order of hierarchy is the highest number first. March 1970 20.10. OPERATORS (Continued) HIERARCHY OPERATOR 6 *+ */ -!C- / // + > CENFOR 20-11 DESCRIPTION a"+b is equivalent to a "10 a*-b is equivalent to a*10 a#/b is equivalent to a*2 arithmetic product arithmetic quotient covered quotient (a//b is equivalent to a+b-1. b ) arithmetic sum arithmetic difference logical product (AND) logical sum (OR) logical difference (Exclusive OR) a=b has the value 1 if true, if otherwise a>b has the value 1 if true, if otherwise a. c. < The assembler makes the comparison between two items. If the value of the first expression is greater than the second, the value of the expression will be 1, otherwise it will be 0. (A>2) *5 . If A is > than 2 the value of the . expre ssion is 5, otherwise the . expre ssion value is 0. The test in this case is less than. +A<2*2 If A is<4. the expression value is 1 otherwise the value is d. ++: The assembler will produce the logical sum of the items or expressions and use the logical sum as the value of the expression. A EQU 4. (A**1=0)* A++1 The value of the expression above is five e. — : The logical difference (EXCLUSIVE OR) produces the logical difference between two expressions or items, A EQU 3 (A**1)*A~1 The value of the expression above is two March 1970 CENFOR 20-13 20.10. OPERATORS (Continued) EXAMPLES Of Operators f. The logical product operator (AND) produces the logical product of the values of two expressions, + / N EQU 17 ; "3 . The value of the expression above • is one The arithmetic sum operator produces the algebraic sum of two items or expressions. LX 8,WS+1 Index register 8 will be loaded with contents of the word following the word labelled WS The arithmetic difference operator produces the algebraic difference between the values of two items or expressions. SA 16,AN-1 . The contents of regis ter A4- will be stored in the word pre< ceding the wc 3rd . labelled AN The value of the expression is the product obtained by the multiplication of the two items. N EQU 17 n-nAh The value of the expression above is one The first expression is the dividend, the second is the division. The result is the quotient. The remainder is discarded. B EQU (B»* 16 3=0) * bA • The value of the expression above • is four CENFOR 20-14 March 1970 20.10. OPERATORS (Continued) EXAMPLES Of Operators: k. // : The covered quotient operates in the same fashion as / (the arithmetic quotient) with the exception that if there is a remainder, the quotient is increased by 1. A EQU 3 (A**370)*A//2 The value of the expression above is two 1. The positive decimal exponent is a method of symbolically creating a floating point constant in UNIVAC 1107 format. a*+b is equivalent to a*10 b . +0.234-*+6 The value of the expression above is octal 222711017776 m. The negative decimal exponent functions in much the same manner as the positive exponent. a*-b is equivalent to a*10 +0.972*-3 The octal value of the expression above is 166775467206 •/ : The shift exponent allows the programer to enter a number and specify its binary positioning to the assembler. The shift may be left or right according to the sign of the exponent (-b will produce a right shift). a*/b is equivalent to a*2P. z DO 36, +04-00000000000 V(l-Z ) . The line above will generate 36 words . The octal value of the first word is . 400000000000 . The octal value of the last l ,/ord is . 777777777777 March 1970 CENFOR 20-15 20.11. SLEUTH II ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES The symbolic assembler directives within SLEUTH II control or direct the assembly processor. These directives are represented by mnemonics which are written in the operation field of a symbolic line of code. The flexibility of each of these directives is the key to the power of the assembler. The directives are used to equate expressions, to adjust the location counter value, and to afford the programer special controls over the generation of object coding. Before the directives within SLEUTH II are defined, it will be necessary to have a further discussion of labels and their areas of existence. As explained before, a label defined in a program proper (outside a procedure or function) is known only within the confines of the program. If an asterisk is affixed to the label, it becomes known outside the program (externally defined). The procedure which will be more clearly defined under PROC can be thought of as a group of lines of symbolic coding independent from the program proper. The level of the procedure is considered to be one higher than the program, or one higher than the procedure within which it is nested. Labels defined within a procedure definition are known only in the procedure unless an asterisk is affixed. The asterisk results in the label being "lowered" a level and is then known to be available or recognizable to the program or to the next lower procedure within which it is nested. Labels in the program are always available to a higher level area. Similarly, labels within a procedure are available to the procedures which are nested within the procedure. The directives are: EQU DO WRD RES PROC CHAR FORM NAME LIST, UNLIST END GO EQUF LIT FUNC INFO 20.11.1. EQJJ The EQU (EQUal) directive equates a label appearing in the label field to the value of the expression in the operand field. FORMAT: LABEL EQU e This value may be referenced in any succeeding line by use of the label equated to it. If a label is to be assigned a value by the programer, it must appear in an EQU line before it is con- sidered defined. CENFOR 20-16 March 1970 20.11.1. EQU (Continued) If a particular expression is used throughout a program or procedure, it is highly expeditious to use the EQU directive and substitute a simple label for the entire expression. A EQU 7/22816*31+ (5//B) LA 16,2*A,,U When procedures are nested, labels which are defined in higher levels by EQU directives may be made available in outer procedures by affixing an asterisk in the innermost procedure in which it is defined. L EQU 010000 M EQU 16 LA A4,L,,U . The load instruction will produce . this c ibject coding 10 16 04- 00 010000 20.11.2. RES The RES (REServe) directive allows a change to be made to the control counter by incrementation or decrementation. The operand field contains a value that may be represented through the use of any expression. FORMAT : LABEL RES e -, The RES directive may be used to create work areas for data or to specify absolute location counter positioning to the assembler. If a label is placed on the RES line, it is equated to the present value of the control counter, which is in effect the address of the first reserved word. BETA RES SA 010 l6,BETA+4- . The line above will store the contents of . register M in the fifth word of the . reserved area BETA March 1970 CENFOR 20-17 20.11.3. FORM The FORM directive is a means of describing a special word format designed by the user. This word format may comprise fields of variable length (within a word). The length in bits of each field is defined by the user through expressions in the operand field of a FORM line. The value of each expression specifies the number of bits desired in its respective field. FORMAT: LABEL FORM e 1> , e The number of bits specified by the sum of the values of the operand expressions cannot exceed 36.* The assembler uses the values of the operand expressions within the FORM line to create a control pattern that dictates a word format. A reference to a word format is accomplished by writing the label of the FORM directive in the operation field followed by a series of expressions in the operand field which specify the value to be inserted in each field of a generated word. A reference to a specific FORM label will always create a word composed of fields in the same format. Of course, the contents of the fields may vary according to the expression values in the referencing line. Truncation will occur and an error flag set if a given value exceeds space permitted for a field as indicated in the FORM directive. If fewer or more than 36 bits are specified, no error flag will be set. INSTR FORM 6,4,4,4,2,16 INSTR 054,0,04,01,0, 010002 . The line above would produce an . edited word as follows : . 54 00 04 01 010002 20.11.4. END The END directive indicates to SLEUTH II that it has reached the end of a logical sequence of coding. In the case of an END directive which terminates a program, the operand field should contain an expression which specifies the starting address of the program. In the case of a procedure, the operand field is ignored. In the case of a function, the expression in the operand field represents the value of the function. There may be no label associated with the END line. FORMAT: END e 1 *This limit of 36 applies only to the 1107 word size. CENFOR 20-18 March 1970 20.11.5. LIT The LIT (LITeral) directive defines a literal table under the control of the location counter in use when this directive is encountered by the assembler. Only one LIT directive is allowed for each location counter. Through the use of LIT directives, a number of separate literal tables can be created. Duplicate literals are eliminated within each unique literal table; how- ever, duplicates may exist in separate literal tables. In the absence of a LIT directive, all literals will be placed in the literal table under control of location counter zero. The entries in the label field of a LIT directive comply with the rules of labeling concerning the location counter declaration and label construction. The label, however, may not be sub- scripted, be affixed by an asterisk, or be referenced. LA 16,(04) . The octal literal 004 will be . placed in the literal table . controlled by location counter zero Use of the label with a literal will place the literal generated in the table of literals associated with the control counter current at the time the related LIT directive was encountered. The origin of the literal table follows the last coding line of the specified location counter. Duplicate literals are dis- carded in each table but may exist in separate literal tables. If a literal table not under control of location zero is required, a LIT directive is used. If a LIT directive has no label, a literal not preceded by a label will be placed in the unlabeled literal table. If desired, unlabeled literals could be made to follow each program segment for which a separate location counter is used. If a LIT directive has a label, all literals to be placed in this literal table must be preceded by the label associated with this LIT directive. FORMAT : LABEL LIT REFERENCE: Label (literal) EXAMPLES : $(2) LIT LA 16 ,(04) . The octal literal 000000000004 will . be ] olaced in the literal table . controlled by location counter two March 1970 CENFOR 20-19 20.11.5. LIT (Continued) EXAMPLES : (Continued) 2), TOM LIT LA 16,(04) LX 3,T0M(01000) The literal 000000000004- will be placed in the literal table controlled by location counter zero The literal 000000001000 will be placed in the literal table controlled by location counter two 20.11.6. INFO The INFO directive can be used to specify the sequence of location counters and their bank placement to the monitor system. An INFO directive is not necessary for program assembly. Without an INFO directive, the even-numbered declared location counters will be assigned sequential addresses in bank two and the odd-numbered location counters in bank one. FORMAT: LABEL INFO 1 2 7 n The label is optional. "a" represents the group number for type of storage. Each of the Cq values will correspond to the location counters and labels $(Cn) coded in the program. The group number has the following meanings : 1,2 5,6 3,7 33,34,37,38 The group will be absolute and no relocation will occur. Bank one or bank two on a dependent basis. This pertains to segments which may be overlayed by previous segments. Bank one or bank two on an independent basis. Drum space is made available for the group, dependent or independent. Common blocks. Block Data. INFO 2 1,10,5,28,30 The Line Above Will Place The Segments Defined By Location Counters 1,10,5,28,30 In Bank Two In The Sequence Given By The Directive CENFOR 20-20 March 1970 20.11.7. DO The DO directive is used to generate a specified value or line of coding a defined number of times. Two entries appear in the operand field of this directive. The second operand entry may be any valid symbolic line with or without a label. The number of times this line will be produced is determined by the value of the expression contained in the first operand entry. The two operand entries are separated by blank comma ( A>)« If there are no intervening blanks between the comma and the first character of the second operand entry, the symbolic line to be produced is assumed to have a label. FORMAT: LABEL DO e-,A,ALINE OF CODING or FORMAT: LABEL DO e-, &, LABEL ^LINE OF CODING A label may be written in the label field of the DO directive. In this case, the label is not equated to the location counter value, but to a counter whose initial value Is always one. Each time the directive is executed this counter is incremented by one until the required limit, specified by the first operand expression, is reached. I DO io A 3 A+I , THE VALUE I WILL BE GENERATED TEN . TIMES THE FIRST VALUE OF I WILL • BE 1 . THE LAST VALUE WILL BE 10 If the number of times the DO is to be executed is negative, an E flag will be set and no lines generated. The DO statement may be a conditional statement. That is, the number of times it is executed may be dependent on previously assigned values being altered. An example is: £)0 a,16 L0AD( '-L0AD(1, : : "3) i-L0AD(l,4) + L0AD(1," ; y, ; L0AD(0,0) is the value (010) on the name line which is the function code of the instruction LA. L0AD(0,1) and L0AD(l,4) are the two arbitrary positions of the J designator. L0AD(l,l) is the expected A designation. L0AD(1,3) is the index designation. L0AD(l,< ; -3) will set A or 1 BIT in the incrementation designator field. L0AD(1,*2) will set A or 1 BIT in indirect addressing field. L0AD(l,2) is the M(or U) portion of the instruction. CENFOR 20-24 March 1970 20.11.8. PROC (Continued) Parameter Reference FORMS or PARAFORMS L is the label on PROC or NAME line. L - The number of fields submitted on call. If entry was made via NAME line, this figure is greater by 1. L(a) - The number of subfields in the ath field (in the case of the FUNC it always refers to the number of subfields in the first and only list) . L(0,0) - operand on NAME line (meaningless if entry was not made via NAME) . L(0,l) - Second subfield of operation field submitted with a NAME directive, given at time of call. L(0,a) - (a+l)th subfield of operation field submitted with a NAME directive. L(n,M) - mth subfield, nth field of input information of call operand. L(n,*M) - equal to 1 if mth subfield of nth field is pre- ceded by asterisk; equal to if not. LABEL 1* PROC LABEL 2* NAME W END . REFERENCES LABEL1 A,B C D E LABEL2,F,G N,0,P (1) Entry Via LABEL1 LABEL1 - 4 (number of fields) LABEL1 (l) = 2 (number of subfields in 1st field) LABEL1 (1,1) = A LABEL1 (2,1) = C LABEL1 (3,1) = D LABEL1 (4,1) = E (2) Entry Via LABEL2 LABEL1 = (number of fields including NAME field) = 2 LABEL1 (0,0) = W LABEL1 (0,1) = F LABEL1 (3,1) = (meaningless) March 1970 CENFOR 20-25 20.11.8. PROC (Continued) Labels On A Reference Line A label may be affixed to the line of reference to a procedure Under normal conditions, this label will become associated with the first line of coding generated. Example : x - ;; - PROC 1,2 ONE LIST AND TWO LINES . OF CODING TO BE GENERATED TLEM X(l,l) 4> , S3 J $+3 END RAM X A2 TWO LINES GENERATED LA A5,RAM • RAM IS FIRST LINE It is possible to associate a label with a line within the procedure other than the first one. This is done by coding an asterisk (*) alone in the label field of that particular line in the procedure definition area. In the above example, if an asterisk had been coded in the label field of the line "J $+3", then this line would have been the one referenced as RAM. Nested Procedures The nesting of procedures can take two forms: 1. If a procedure definition is wholly contained within another procedure definition, it is explicitly nested in the larger and the internal procedure is considered to be one level higher than the procedure which contains it. If no other procedure bounds it, this procedure is considered to be one level higher than the externally bound procedure. This type of procedure may contain other procedures. A level of 63 is maximum. Entrances to internal procedures can be made only through its family of procedures, and never outside the external procedure unless extra asterisks are added to the internal-procedure entry points to raise their level. An internal procedure may only be referenced after a call has been made on the external procedure. CENFOR 20-26 March 1970 20.11.8. PROC (Continued) Nested Procedures (Continued) 2. A procedure which is called upon by another is said to be nested within the calling procedure at the time of reference, This type of referencing is limited to 63 levels. If a GO statement is used in a procedure with an entrance label to another procedure, this is not considered nesting but is a lateral transfer and does not change levels. The externalized labels of the innermost procedure may be referenced outside the procedure sample, i.e., in the pro- gram proper. Any other labels are unknown outside this area of definition. Any of the labels (both unstarred and starred) may be referenced by a nested procedure. If, however, a reference is desired by the outer procedure to a label in the next immediately contained procedures, that label must be suffixed by an asterisk to reduce it to the level of the enclosing procedure. Labels may be redefined on different levels. If more than two levels of nesting take place and a label defined in the innermost level is to be referenced in the outermost level, and then redefined successively upwards. Redefinition on higher levels of a nested procedure entry point is secured by adding as many asterisks to the entry as the number of procedure levels through which the label definition is to be carried. Example of Nested Procedures : y* PROC B* PROC C* PROC LA A2, 1,, 1 Z* EQU 3 cci EQU 3 CC2** EQU END U BB1 EQU 1 BB2* EQU 2 2* EQU END Z CC1 EQU 1 CC4* EQU 2 AA EQU 12 LX Z, U END A2 is known to all Internal procedures Available only to C Procedure Available to C,B,and Y Procedure Terminates C Procedure Available in C and B Procedure Available IN C, B, AND Y Procedure Terminates B Procedure Available in C,B,AND Y Procedure Available in C,B,AND I AND PROGRAM Terminates Y The Outermost Procedure The label Z is brought from the innermost to the outermost by a series of EQU directives. Nesting is time consuming and should be avoided when possible. March 1970 CENFOR 20-27 20.11.9. NAME The NAME line has 3 functions. It provides a local reference point within a given procedure or function. It acts as an alternate entrance (s) into the procedure or function. In any case, it must be located between the PROC or FUNC line and its respective END line. The third function of the NAME line is that it may give a value to a procedure. This value is written as the operand of the NAME line and becomes meaningful as the 0th subfield, 0th field if and only if the procedure is entered at this name line. If such a value exists, this counts as an additional field to the procedure. Additional subfields may be added to this 0th field at the time of call as shown below: The paraform label (a,*b) will produce a 1 if that subfield in the call is preceded by an *. If not, it will produce a 0. Paraform labels may be used as operands on NAME lines only if NAME line is contained in a nested procedure. SEE"- PROC 4 . MAX NO OF FIELDS IS 4 SAW* NAME 2 . VALUE COUNTS AS A FIELD LA SEE(1,1),SEE(1,2),SEE(0,0),SEE(0,1) TLE SEE(2,1),SEE(3,1) GO EYE . U) EAR* NAME U BA SEE(1,1),SEE(0,2) ,SEE(0,0) ,SEE(0,l) DO SEE(3 ,*1) , +3 . (5) EYE* NAME END . PROCEDURE CALLS SEE 16, CAT 17, DOG *43 . (1) SAW 16, CAT 17, DOG U3 • (2) EAR, 6, 7 17 . (3) Line 1 represents a call into the procedure via the PROC line. The subfields represented in the operand filed are SEE(l,l), SEE(1,2),SEE(2,1),SEE(3,1) and SEE(4,l) which will be substi- tuted in corresponding places in the procedure. At this time SEE(0,0) and SEE(0,1) will have values of since the entrance was not made at a NAME line. The DO statement will generate a +3 data word. The Line (2) entrance will provide values for SEE(0,0) ,SEE(0,1) , SEE(1,1),SEE(1,2),SEE(2,1),SEE(2,2), and SEE(3,l). In addi- tion the paraform SEE(0,l) is considered 5, the second subfield of the zeroth field. SEE(0,0) is 2. The DO statement will generate no line of coding. Line(3) causes entrance at the NAME line labeled EAR. SEE(0,0) is 4. SEE(0,1) is 6 and SEE(0,2) is 7. SEE(3,*l) is 0. The label of a NAME line must be made external (LABEL*) if it is to be used as an entrance point or if it is referenced prior to the NAME line in which it was defined. CENFOR 20-28 March 1970 20.11.10. GO This directive transfers control of the assembler to the label in the operand field. This label must be a bona fide NAME line label or PROC label. GO is used within a procedure or function and may be a legitimate directive instruction used in con- junction with a DO statement. Line (4) in the example under 20.11.10, is effectual only if entrance is made at SEE or SAW lines. In this case, the procedure is terminated after the TLE is generated. DONC PROC Dl* NAME D2* NAME 1 DO D0NC(0,0), = -- o , GO OUT SZ GAT OTJT* NAME END If entrance is made at Dl, no code will be generated. If entrance is made at D2, then "SZ CAT" will be generated. 20.11.11. FUNC SLEUTH II enables the user to obtain a value at assembly time contingent upon a set of parameters. The value obtained is substituted for the reference call within the program. The function is different from the procedure in that a value is calculated when a function is referenced and no object lines of coding are ever generated. The general rules of definition are similar to the PROC. A FUNC directive must start the definition area. This line must have a label which may be starred. If this line is an entry point it must be starred. The delineation of code is terminated with an END directive which must have an OPERAND. This OPERAND field will be an expression whose evaluation will result in the proper quantity being substituted into the reference point in the program. NAME lines may be alternate entry points into the FUNC. The labels associated with these NAME lines must be starred in this event. NAME lines may also be used as local reference points within the FUNC. Forward references should be avoided. A single list of n subfields is used. The reference point is of the form LABEL (a,b,...n) where LABEL is the FUNC line label and a,b,...n are input values. This reference point can be found imbedded within an expression or can be the entire expression itself. March 1970 CENFOR 20-29 20.11.11. FUNC (Continued) Label (0) is meaningful as a paraform if entry to the function is made through a NAME line. This input value is the operand of the NAME line. If no values are given and the label alone is coded as a paraform, it represents the total number of sub- fields submitted to the FUNC. A particular subfield within the FUNC list is referenced within a FUNC by writing the FUNC label followed by one expression enclosed in parentheses. This expression specifies the ordinal number of the subfield within the list. PROCS or FUNCS may be nested within a FUNC provided the procedure is not a line generating one. It is usually nested so that the ability to redefine labels at different levels is available. All the rules of nesting as specified in NESTED PROCS apply to FUNC. An example of the function is the case where a particular calculation is made throughout the coding. Providing that all the values are known at assembly time, a FUNC could be coded. Assume in the following example that a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, and d = I+. AVGCOS* FUNC A(l) EQU B(l) EQU cm D(l) EQU EQU END AVGC0S(l)- ;; -AVGC0S(2) AVGCOS(3)*AVGCOS(4) A(l) + B(l) AVGCOS (1)+AVGC0S( 3) C(l)/D(l) LA 12,AVGC0S(1,2,3,4), , 016 THIS LINE CONTAINS THE REFERENCE WHICH WILL CAUSE GENERATION OF VALUE AT ASSEMBLY TIME CENFOR 20-30 March 1970 20.11.11. FUNC (Continued) An example of a FUNC source code statement is written below. It includes examples of FUNC structure, a nested procedure, and function references. The value produced by reference to SQRT FUNC will be the square root of the largest square which is less than or equal to the parameter provided in the refer- ence. LINE SQRT* FUNC A(l) EQU B(l) EQU c- ;; - PROC A*(l) EQU A(1)+2*B(1)+1 B*(D EQU END B(l)+1 D NAME C DO SQRT(1)>A(1) END B(1)-(SQRT(1) . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 .10 .11 + SQRT (64) .12 + 2*SQRT(13) .13 END . 14 The actions taken by the assembler are listed below: Lines 1-11 stored by the assembler for later reference. Line 12 is a reference to SQRT FUNC with one parameter (64). The reference produces a line with octal 000000000010. Line 1 is the entrance to FUNC. Line 2 equates a value of zero to A(l). Line 3 equates a value of zero to B(l). Line 9 is a reference to C PROC. Line 4 is the entrance to C PROC. The first zero operand expression indicates that no list is to be submitted to C PROC when referenced. The second zero operand expression indicates that no object coding will be produced by C PROC. Line 5 equates a value to the label A(n). The value produced is a result of the operand expression, and will be an ascending sequence of squares (1,4,9. • .e ) • March 1970 CENFOR 20-31 20.11.11. FUNC (Continued) Line 6 equates a value to the label B(n). The value produced is a result of the operand expression, and will be an ascending sequence of square roots (1,2,3, . ..e ). Line 7 terminates this iteration of C PROC. Line 10 compares the value of the SQRT parameter (64.) to the nth value of A. If it is greater, the GO line will be executed once. Assembly continues at Line 8. Line 8 is a NAME entry point. Line 9 references C PROC for the second iteration. If the SQRT parameter value is not greater than the value of A, assembly continues at Line 11. Line 11 terminates SQRT FUNC. The operand expression provides the value of SQRT FUNC for this reference. Line 13 is another reference to SQRT FUNC. The execution is identical. The object line produced by this reference would contain an octal value 000000000006. Line 14 terminates the assembly or program. 20.11.12. WRD The WRD directive is used to indicate the object computer word size in bits. When an output word Is generated, it must not exceed the stated output word size, or a truncation error will be noted. This limitation does not have effect during the evaluation of expressions, since values are limited only to the 1107 word size, 36 bits. Only when a "line item" is generated will the defined output word size be considered. The format is : WRD e where e is any expression with a value equal to or less than 36, This directive must precede lines of symbolic code which are to be affected. If coded within a PROC, the procedure must be explicitly referenced by name to get the effect. If a PROC is used, do not code the second operand. Exampl e : DEFS* PROC WRD 30 END After WRD is encountered by the assembler, its effect continues until another is encountered. The WRD directive cannot be used for programs to be executed on the 1107 or 1108. CENFOR 20-32 March 1970 20.11.13. CHAR The CHAR directive is used to alter translation of the 1107 character set to an alternate set of 6-bit equivalents. The translation takes place any time the assembler encounters one or more characters enclosed by apostrophes. The format is: 1' 1' 2' 2' n' n where for each pair of expresions, c is the value of the 1107 character to be replaced by e. The value of both c and e expressions must be between octal and octal 77. EXAMPLE : CHAR 6,024,7,025,010,026 where used, the Fieldata characters "A", "B", and "C" would be given the values 02^,025,026 respectively. Alternately, if I DO 3, CHAR 1+5, 1+023 were used, it would have the same effect. This directive should precede any reference. The rules for WRD placement are the same for this directive. 20.11.U. LI ST, UN LI ST These two directives enable the programer to control the listing of the assembler. The LIST directive negates the effect of an "N" option or a previously used UNLIST directive which suppressed the printing. The "N" option applies to EXEC 8 only. March 1970 CENFOR 20-33 20.11.15. EQUF If repeated reference is made to the M, X and J fields of an instruction word, it may be desirable to have one symbol represent these fields - The EQUF directive builds a nonliteral line item which includes the M, X> J, H, and I subfields in the standard instruction form. A field definition may be created and referred to by label wherever needed. The line item in EQUF is ORed with the referencing line to create an instruction word. The format of the EQUF directive is: LABEL EQUF M,X,J EXAMPLES: FIELD EQUF -0100, *8, 14 LA A 4, FIELD giving 10 00 04 00 00 16 00 10 3 10 16 04 10 000000 from LA line 000100 from EQUF 3 000100 output word FSTR EQU 20 FREGS EQUF FSTR+12, X4 SA A 5, FREGS giving 01 00 00 00 05 00 00 04 000000 000040 from SA line from EQUF output word 01 00 05 04 o 000040 ADDRA EQUF LA TABL, *B4, SI Al, ADDRA assuming that the relative address of TABL is 10164 then: 10 00 01 00 000000 from LA line 00 15 00 04 2 01016^ from EQUF 10 15 01 04 2 010164 output word CENFOR 20-34 March 1970 20.12. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN FORTRAN AND SLEUTH II 20.12.1. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN FORTRAN AND SLEUTH II THROUGH USE OF COMMON AREAS It is possible to communicate information between FORTRAN and SLEUTH elements in a program through use of common areas of data storage. For instance, if a FORTRAN element contained the following statement: COMMON/TAG/A ( 500 ) , B , C ( 5 , 2 ) and it is wished that a SLEUTH II element have access to A and/or B and/or C, then the SLEUTH II element should contain the following coding in the declarative section: TAG INFO 6 £ nn where TAG must be the same as in the FORTRAN Common statement and "nn" is an integer from 0-31 specifying a location counter. In the body of the SLEUTH II element, there should be: $(nn). A RES 500 B RES 1 C RES 10 The RES declaratives for A, B, and C must be the first entries under location counter "nn". Also the size and sequence of the arrays A, B, and C must agree in both the FORTRAN and SLEUTH II elements. However, names A, B, and C need not agree. It is possible to follow this procedure for any number of named Common areas using a different location counter for each INFO statement. If you desire to use Blank Common, e.g. COMMON A(500),B,C(5,2) then the tag on the INFO line in the SLEUTH II element must be 3LNK. An automatic table length tag is generated by any INFO statement that defines a core DTABLE (Group 6) or magnetic drum table (Group 7). This tag consists of L followed by the first 5 char- acters of the table tag. The table length may be incremented at load time by using this table length tag in a TAL card. The length tag may also be referenced in the SLEUTH II coding. March 1970 CENFOR 20-35 20.12.2. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN FORTRAN AND SLEUTH II THROUGH USE OF ARGUMENT LISTS A. General In order to use Argument lists as a means of inter-element communication, it is necessary for the Programer to be familiar with the FORTRAN conventions for generating Sub- routine and Function references. When the compiler encounters a Call statement or a Function reference, the following sequence is generated: LMJ Bll, TAG ARGUMENT LIST NOP where "TAG" is the name of a Function or Subroutine, and entries in the Argument list can be any of three types: VAR where "VAR" is a variable name and the compiler generates the address of that variable. (nn) where "nn" is a constant (either numeric or HOLLERITH (H.A.)) The compiler generates the address of a word containing the constant or the address of the first word of a Hollerith character string. J xxL where "xx" is a statement number corresponding to the number following a "$" in the Argument list. Note: When a subroutine is referenced, values are returned through the Arguments, but when a Function is referenced a one-word result is returned in Register A0, or two-word results (in A0 and Al) will be returned in the case of double precision functions. CENFOR 20-36 March 1970 20.12.2. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN FORTRAN AND SLEUTH II THROUGH USE OF ARGUMENT LISTS (Continued) B. Communication Between SLEUTH II Subroutine (or Function) Called by FORTRAN Element 1. ARGUMENTS are accessed by using Register Bll, e. g. L A0,0,B11 will load the address of the First Argument while, L A0,*0,B11 will load the actual contents of the Argument and J 1, Bll will transfer control to the Statement Number speci- fied by the second Argument in the Call Statement. 2. To exit normally from a SLEUTH II Subroutine (or Function) with n Arguments, code J n+l,Bll 3. FORTRAN assumes that only Registers A0-A5, and R1-R3 will be used by Subroutines or Functions. If any others are used, they must be saved and restored before exiting. 4. When writing a SLEUTH II Subroutine (or Function), the entry point Tag (that is, the name by which the Subroutine /Function will be referenced) must be affixed with an '»*". C. Communication Between FORTRAN Subroutine or Function Called By SLEUTH II element 1. The programer must imitate the coding sequence generated by FORTRAN (See Section A). For example, if the FORTRAN Subroutine statement looked like this SUBROUTINE SUB(A,B,$) then the calling sequence might look like LMJ Bll, SUB + A (0) J TAG NOP Note that, on lines containing Constants, the "+" is not used since this would prevent the generation of a literal. March 1970 CENFOR 20-37 20.12.2. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN FORTRAN AND SLEUTH II THROUGH USE OF ARGUMENT LISTS (Continued) C. Communication Between FORTRAN Subroutine or Function Called By SLEUTH II Element (Continued) 2. The FORTRAN Subroutine/Function will assume that Registers A0-A5 and R1-R3 are available for use and need not be saved and restored. 3. A reference to a FORTRAN Function will return a one-word result in A.0. D. Availability of FORTRAN Library Routines to SLEUTH II Programer 1. All routines resident on the FORTRAN Library (e. g. , SIN, COS, FOLION, LXB, etc.) are available to the SLEUTH II programer. All that need be done is to imitate the FORTRAN calling sequence to access these routines (See Section C). For example, to read an item from tape: LMJ B11,ITMIN ( ' FNAME • ) + ITEM + NN J EOF NOP where "FNAME" is the file name and EOF is the label of an End-Of-File routine, or to convert a word at address ADD from Binary to XS3 with Ignore Fill: LMJ B11,LBX + ADD (0) NOP S A0,ADD 2. The routines in FORLIB also assume that Registers A0-A5 and R1-R3 are available without having to be saved. 3. It must be noted that those Functions defined as Built-in (MOD, MIN0, etc. - See Chapter 6 for complete list of Built-in Functions) may not be referenced by the above method, since references to these Functions in FORTRAN generate in-line code rather than jumps to Library Routines- CENFOR 20-38 March 1970 20.13. APPENDIX C. INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE APPENDIX C. INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE SLEUTH 1 SLEUTH II INSTRUCTION MNEMONIC f J MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION Store Positive STP 01 0-15 SA Store A Store Negative STN 02 0-15 SN SNA Store Negative A Store Magnitude STM 03 0-15 SM SMA Store Magnitude A Store R STR 04 0-15 SR Store R Store Zero STZ 05 0-15 SZ Store Zero Store B STB 06 0-15 SX Store X Load Positive LDP 10 0-17 LA Load A Load Negative LDN 11 0-17 LN LNA Load Negative A Load Magnitude LDM 12 0-17 LM LMA Load Magnitude A Load Negative Magnitude LNM 13 0-17 LNMA Load Negative Magnitude A Add ADD 14 0-17 AA Add to A Subtract SUB 15 0-17 ANA Add Negative A Add Magnitude ADM 16 0-17 AM AMA Add Magnitude to A Subtract Magnitude SBM 17 0-17 ANM ANMA Add Negative Magnitude to A Add and Load ADL 20 0-17 AU Add Upper Subtract and Load SBL 21 0-17 ANU Add Negative Upper Block Transfer BTR 22 0-17 BT Block Transfer Load R LDR 23 0-17 LR Load R Add to B ADB 24 0-17 AX Add to X Subtract from B SBB 25 0-17 ANX Add Negative to X Load B Modifier Only LBM 26 0-17 LXM Load X Modifier Load B LDB 27 0-17 LX Load X Multiply Integer MPI 30 0-17 Ml Multiply Integer Multiply Single MPS 31 0-17 MSI Multiply Single Integer Multiply Fractional MPF 32 0-17 MF Multiply Fractional Divide Integer DVI 34 0-17 Dl Divide Integer Divide Single and Load DVL 35 0-17 DSF Divide Single Fractional Divide Fractional DVF 36 0-17 DF Divide Fractional March 1970 CENFOR 20-39 20.13. APPENDIX C. INSTRUCTIO N REPERTOIRE (Continued) SLEUTH 1 SLEUTH II INSTRUCTION MNEMONIC f J MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION Selective Set SSE 40 0-17 OR Logical OR Selective Complement SCP 41 0-17 XOR Logical Exclusive OR Selective Clear SCL 42 0-17 AND Logical AND Selective Substitute SSU 43 0-17 MLU Masked Load Upper Selective Even Parity Test SEP 44 Of-17 TEP Test Even Parity Selective Odd Parity Test SOP 45 0-17 TOP Test Odd Parity Test Modifier TMO 47 0-17 TLEM TNGM Test Less or Equal to Modifier Test Not Greater than Modifier Test Zero TZR 50 0-17 TZ Test for Zero Test Not Zero TNZ 51 0-17 TNZ Test for Non Zero Test Equal TEQ 52 0-17 TE Test for Equal Test Not Equal TNE 53 0-17 TNE Test for Not Equal Test Less Than or Equal TLE 54 0-17 TLE TNG Test for Less or Equal Test for Not Greater Test Greater Than TGR 55 0-17 TG Test for Greater Test Within Limits TWL 56 0-17 TW Test for Within Range Test Outside Limits TOL 57 0-17 TNW Test for Not Within Range Test Positive TPO 60 0-17 TP Test for Positive Test Negative TNG 61 0-17 TN Test for Negative Search Equal SEQ 62 0-17 SE Search for Equal Search Not Equal SNE 63 0-17 SNE Search for Not Equal Search Less Than or Equal SLE 64 0-17 SLE SNG Search for Less or Equal Search for Not Greater Search Greater Than SGR 65 0-17 SG Search for Greater Search Within Limits SWL 66 0-17 SW Search for Within Range Search Outside Limits SOL 67 0-17 SNW Search for Not Within Range Index Jump IXJP 70 * JGD Jump on Greater and Decrement Masked Search Equal MSEQ 71 00 MSE Masked Search for Equal Masked Search Not Equal MSNE 71 01 MSNE Masked Search for Not Equal Masked Search Less than or Equal MSLE 71 02 MSLE MSNG Masked Search for Less or Equal Masked Search for not Greater Masked Search Greater Than MSGR 71 03 MSG Masked Search for Greater Masked Search Within Limits MSWL 71 04 MSW Masked Search for Within Range Masked Search Outside Limits MSOL 71 05 MSNW Masked Search for Not Within Range The I and a designator* together aerve to apectty any of the 128 word* ol Film Store. CENFOR 20-4-0 March 1970 20.13. APPENDIX C. INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE (Continued) SLEUTH 1 SLEUTH II INSTRUCTION MENMONIC f J MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION Wait for Interrupt WAIT 72 00 W Wait Return Jump RTJP 72 01 SLJ Store Location and Jump Positive Bit Control Jump PBJP 72 02 J PS Jump on Positive and Shift Negative Bit Control Jump NBJP 72 03 JNS Jump on Negative and Shift Add Halves ADDH 72 04 AH Add Halves Subtract Halves SUBH 72 05 ANH Add Negative Halves Add Thirds ADDT 72 06 AT Add Thirds Subtract Thirds SUBT 72 07 ANT Add Negative Thirds Execute Remote Instruction EXRI 72 10 EX Execute Load Memory Lockout Register LMLR 72 11 LL Load Lockout Register Set Trace and Jump STJP 72 12 Disable I/O Interrupts and Jump DIJP 72 13 PAIJ Prevent all Interrupts and Jump Single Right Circular Shift SCSH 73 00 SSC Single Shift Circular Double Right Circular Shift DCSH 73 01 DSC Double Shift Circular Single Right Logical Shift SLSH 73 02 SSL Single Shift Logical Double Right Logical Shift DLSH 73 03 DSL Double Shift Logical Single Right Arithmetic Shift SASH 73 04 SSA Single Shift Algebraic Double Right Arithmetic Shift DASH 73 05 DSA Double Shift Algebraic Scale Factor Shift SFSH 73 06 LSC Load Shift and Count Zero Jump ZRJP 74 00 JZ Jump on Zero Non-Zero Jump NZJP 74 01 JNZ Jump on Non Zero Positive Jump POJP 74 02 JP Jump on Positive Negative Jump NGJP 74 03 JN Jump on Negative Console Selective Jump Unconditional Jump CSJPl JUMP) 74 04 {T Jump on Keys Jump Selective Stop Jump SSJP 74 05 (hkj (HJ Halt on Keys and Jump Halt and Jump No Operation NCOP 74 06 NOP No Operation Enable I/O Interrupts and Jump EIJP 74 07 AAIJ Allow Ail Interrupts and Jump Even Jump EVJP 74 10 JNB Jump on No Low Bit Odd Jump ODJP 74 11 JB Jump on Low Bit Modifier Jump MOJP 74 12 JMGI Jump Modifier Greater and Increment Load Modifier and Jump LMJP 74 13 LMJ Load Modifier and Jump Overflow Jump OVJP 74 14 JO Jump on Overflow No Overflow Jump NOJP 74 15 JNO Jump on No Overflow March 1970 CENFOR 20-4.1 20.13. APPENDIX C. INSTRUCTION REPERTOIRE (Continued) SLEUTH 1 SLEUTH II INSTRUCTION MNEMONIC f J MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION Cany Jump CYJP 74 16 JC Jump on Carry No Carry Jump NCJP 74 17 JNC Jump on No Carry Initiate Input Mode IIPM 75 00 LIC Load Input Channel Initiate Monitored Input Mode IMIM 75 01 LICM Load Input Channel and Monitor Input Mode Jump IMJP 75 02 JIC Jump on Input Channel Busy Terminate Input Mode TIPM 75 03 DIC Disconnect Input Channel Initiate Output Mode 10PM 75 04 LOC Load Output Channel Initiate Monitored Output Mode IMOM 75 05 LOCM Load Output Channel and Monitor Output Mode Jump OMJP 75 06 JOC Jump on Output Channel Busy Terminate Output Mode TOPM 75 07 DOC Disconnect Output Channel Initiate Function Mode IFNM 75 10 LFC Load Function in Channel Initiate Monitored Function Mode IMFM 75 11 LFCM Load Function in Channel and Monitor Function Mode Jump FMJP 75 12 JFC Jump on Function in Channel Force External Transfer FEXT 75 13 AFC Allow Function in Channel Enable All External Interrupts EAEI 75 14 AACI Allow All Channel Interrupts Disable All External Interrupts DAEI 75 15 PACI Prevent All Channel Interrupts Enable Single External Interrupt ESEI 75 16 ACI Allow Channel Interrupt Disable Single External Interrupt DSEI 75 17 PCI Prevent Channel Interrupt Floating Add FLAD 76 00 FA Floating Add Floating Subtract FLSB 76 01 FAN Floating Add Negative Floating Multiply FLMP 76 02 FM Floating Multiply Floating Divide FLDV 76 03 FD Floating Divide Floating Point Unpack FLUP 76 04 LUF Load and Unpack Floating Floating Point Standardize Pack FLNP 76 05 LCF Load and Convert to Floating Floating Characteristic Difference FLCM 76 06 MCDU Magnitude of Characteristic Difference Magnitude to Upper Floating Characteristic Difference FLCD 76 07 CDU Characteristic Difference to Upper 21. GLOSSARY Page 1 GLOSSARY ABSOLUTE ADDRESS : (1) An address that is permanently assigned by the machine designer to a storage location; (2) a pattern of characters that identifies a unique location without further modification. ADDRESS : An identification as represented by a name, label, or number, for a register, location in storage or any other data source or desti- nation. ALPHANUMERIC : Pertaining to a character set that contains both letters and digits and usually other characters such as punctuation marks. Synonymous with alphameric. ANALYSIS : The methodical investigation of a problem, and the separation of the problem into smaller related units for further detailed study. ARGUMENT : An independent variable. ARITHMETIC SHIFT : A shift that does not affect the sign position. ARITHMETIC UNIT : The unit of a computing system that contains the circuits that perform arithmetic operations. ARRAY : An arrangement of elements in one or more dimensions. ASSEMBLE i To prepare a machine language program from a symbolic language program by substituting absolute operation codes for symbolic operation codes and absolute or relocatable addresses for symbolic addresses. AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING : The performance of operations upon information by a system of electronic or electrical machine so interconnected and interacting as to reduce to a minimum the need for human assistance or intervention. BIAS : The amount by which the average of a set of values departs from a reference value. BINARY : Pertaining to a characteristic or property involving a selection, choice or condition in which there are two possibilities. BINARY-CODED DECIMAL NOTATION : A positional notation in which the individual decimal digits expressing a number in decimal notation are each represented by a binary numeral; BCD. BINARY SEARCH : A dichotomizing search in which the number of items of the set is divided into two equal parts at each step of the process. BISTABLE : Pertaining to a device capable of assuming either one of two stable states. Page 2 GLOSSARY (Continued) BIT : An abbreviation of binary digit; a single character in a binary number. BLOCK : A set of things, such as words, characters, or digits handled as a unit. BUFFER : Intermediate storage area used when an item is being transferred from file to computer memory. Data conversion may be performed during the transfer from buffer to the memory. CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT : A unit of a computer that includes the circuits controlling the interpretation and execution of instructions. CHARACTER : A letter, digit, or other symbol that is used as part of the organization, control, or representation of data. CLEAR : To place one or more storage locations into a prescribed state, usually zero or the space character. CODE : To represent data or a computer program in a symbolic form that can be accepted by a data processor. COMPILE : To prepare a machine language program from a computer program written in another programing language by making use of the overall logic structure of the program, or generating more than one machine instruction for each symbolic statement, or both, as well as performing the function of an assembler. COMPUTER, ANALOG : A computer which represents variables by physical analogies. Thus any computer which solves problems by translating physical conditions such as flow, temperature, pressure, angular posi- tion, or voltage into related mechanical or electrical quantities and uses mechanical or electrical equivalent circuits as an analog for the physical phenomenon being investigated. COMPUTER, DIGITAL : A computer which processes data represented by combinations or discontinuous data as compared with an analog computer for continuous data. CONSOLE : That part of a computer used for communication between the operator or maintenance engineer and the computer. CONSTANT : (l) The quantities or messages, which will be present in the machine and available as data for the program and which, usually are not subject to change with time. (2) Information whose value or meaning is fixed for the program to which it belongs. Page 3 GLOSSARY (Continued) CONTROL UNIT : In a digital computer, those parts that effect the retrieval of instructions in proper sequence, the interpretation of each instruction, and the application of the proper signals to the arithmetic unit and other parts in accordance with this interpretation. CONVERT : To change numerical information from one number base to another, and/or from some form of fixed point to some form of floating point representation or vice versa. DATA : A representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by humans or automatic means. DATA BANK : A comprehensive collection of libraries of data. DATA PROCESSING : The execution of a systematic sequence of operations performed upon 'data. DEBUG : To detect, locate and remove mistakes from a routine or malfunctions from a computer. DECK : A collection of punched cards. DECODE : Ascertain the intended meaning of the individual characters or groups of characters in the pseudo-coded program. DOUBLE PRECISION : Pertaining to the use of two computer words to represent a number. DUMMY : An artificial address, instruction, word, item, or other unit of information inserted solely to fulfill certain prescribed require- ments, such as dummy parameters, without affecting operations. DUMP ; To copy the contents of all or part of a storage, usually from an internal storage into an external storage. EDIT : To modify the form or format of data. EFFECTIVE ADDRESS : The address that is derived by applying any specified indexing or indirect addressing rules to the specified address and that is actually used to identify the current operand. ENTRY POINT : In a routine, any place to which control can be passed. FIELD : In a record, a specified area used for a particular category of data. FILE : An organized collection of information on external devices treated as a unit. For example, one line of an invoice may form an item , a complete invoice may form a record , and the complete set of such records may form a file , the collection of inventory control files may form a library and the libraries used by an organization are known as its data bank. Page 4- GLOSSARY (Continued) FIXED POINT REPRESENTATION ; A positional representation in which each number is represented by a single set of digits, the position of the radix point being fixed with respect to one end of the set, according to some convention. FLOWCHART : A graphical representation for the definition, analysis, or solution of a problem, in which symbols are used to represent operations, data, flow, equipment, etc. FORMAT : The arrangement of data. GENERATOR, PROGRAM : A program which permits a computer to write other programs automatically. HARDWARE : Physical equipment used for processing data; e.g. mechanical, magnetic, electrical, or electronic devices. HOLLERITH : Pertaining to a particular type of code or punched card utilizing 12 rows per column and usually 80 columns per card. I/O : Input/Output INDEX : A symbol or a number used to identify a particular quantity in an array of similar quantities. INITIALIZE : To set counters, switches, and addresses to zero or other starting values at the beginning of, or at prescribed points in, a computer routine. INPUT : The transfer of data from an external storage medium into the internal storage of the computer. INSTRUCTION : A statement that specifies an operation and the values or locations of its operands. It, as a unit, causes the computer to perform the operation on the indicated quantities. INTERRUPT : To stop a process in such a way that it can be resumed. JOB : A specified group of tasks prescribed as a unit of work for a computer. A job usually includes all necessary computer programs, linkages, files, and instructions to the operating system. JUMP : A departure from the normal sequence of executing instructions in a computer; transfer. JUSTIFY : (1) To adjust the printing positions of characters on a page so the lines have the desired length and both the left and right hand margins are regular. (2) By extension, to shift the contents of a register so the most or the least significant digit is at some specified position in the register. Page 5 KEY : One or more characters within an item of data that are used to identify it or control its use. KEYPUNCH : A keyboard actuated device that punches holes in a card to represent data. LIBRARY : A collection of related files. LOAD : In programing, to enter data into storage or working registers. LOOP : A sequence of instructions that is executed repeatedly until a terminal condition prevails. MAGNETIC CORE : A configuration of magnetic material that is, or is intended to be, placed in a special relationship to current-carrying conductors and whose magnetic properties are essential to its use. It may be made of such material as iron, iron oxide, or ferrite and in such shapes as wires, tapes, toroids or thin film. MAGNETIC DISK : A flat circular plate with a magnetic surface on which data can be stored by selective magnetization of portions of the flat surface . MAGNETIC DRUM : A right circular cylinder with a magnetic surface on which data can be stored by selective magnetization of portions of the curved surface. MAGNETIC TAPE : A tape with a magnetic surface on which data can be stored by selective polarization of portions of the surface. MAGNETIC THIN FILM : A layer of magnetic material, usually less than one micron thick, often used for logic or storage elements. MASK : A pattern of characters that is used to control the retention or elimination of portions of another pattern of characters. MATRIX : (l) In mathematics, a two-dimensional rectangular array of quantities. (2) In computers, a logic network in the form of an array of input leads and output leads with logic elements connected at some of their intersections. MERGE : To combine items from two or more similarly ordered sets into one set that is arranged in the same order. MICROSECOND : One-millionth of a second. MILLISECOND : One-thousandth of a second. MNEMONIC SYMBOL : A symbol chosen to assist the human memory, e.g. an abbreviation such as "mpy" for "multiply." MONITOR : Software or hardware that observes, supervises, controls or verifies the operations of a system. Page GLOSSARY (Continued) MULTIPLE PUNCHING : Punching more than one hole in the same column on a punched card by means of more than one keystroke. MULTIPROGRAMING : Pertaining to the concurrent execution of two or more programs by a computer. NEST : To imbed subroutines or data in other subroutines or data at a different hierarchal level such that the different levels of routines or data can be executed or accessed recursively. OBJECT PROGRAM : A fully compiled or assembled program that is ready to be loaded into the computer. OFF-LINE : Pertaining to equipment or devices not under direct control of the central processing unit. ON-LINE : Pertaining to equipment or devices under direct control of the central processing unit. OPEN SHOP : Pertaining to the operation of a computer facility where computer programing, coding, and operating can be performed by any qualified employee of the organization. OPERAND : That which is operated upon. OPERATION : A defined action, namely, the act of obtaining a result from one or more operands in accordance with a rule that completely specifies the result for any permissible combination of operands. PACK : To compress data in a storage medium by taking advantage of known characteristics of the data, in such a way that the original data can be recovered. PARAMETER: A variable that is given a constant value for a specific purpose or process. PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT : Any unit of equipment distinct from the central processing unit, which may provide the system with outside communication. PRECISION : The degree of discrimination with which a quantity is stated. PROGRAM: A series of actions proposed in order to achieve a certain result. RADIX POINT : The real or implied character that separates the digits associated with the integral part of a numeral from those associated with the fractional part. READ : To acquire or interpret data from a storage device, a data medium, or any other source. Page 7 GLOSSARY (Continued) RECORD : A collection of related items of data, treated as a unit. ROLL IN : To restore in main storage data which had previously been transferred from main storage to auxiliary storage. ROLL OUT : To record on an auxiliary storage device the contents of main storage. RUN: A single, continuous performance of a computer routine. SCALE : To examine sequentially part by part. SEARCH KEY : Data to be compared to specific parts of each item for the purpose of conducting a search. SENTINEL : A symbol marking the beginning or the end of some piece of information such as a field, item, block, tape, etc. SERIAL : Pertaining to the sequential or consecutive occurrence of two or more related activities in a single device or channel. SERVICE ROUTINE : A routine in general support of the operation of a computer, e.g., an input/output, diagnostic, tracing, or monitoring routine. SHIFT: A movement of data to the right or left. SIGNIFICANT DIGIT : A digit that is needed for a certain purpose, particularly one that must be kept to preserve a specific accuracy or precision. SOFTWARE : A set of computer programs, procedures, rules, and possible associated documentation concerned with the operation of a data pro- cessing system, e.g., compilers, library routines, manuals, circuit diagrams . SORT : To segregate items into groups according to some definite rules. SOURCE LANGUAGE : The language in which the programer codes and which is translated by the compiler into the object language which the computer can comprehend. STORAGE ALLOCATION : The assignment of blocks of data to specified blocks of storage. STRAIGHT LINE CODING : Coding in which loops are avoided by the repetition of parts of the coding when required. SYMBOLIC ADDRESS : An address expressed in symbols convenient to the programer. Page 8 GLOSSARY (Continued) SYMBOLIC CODING : Coding that uses machine instructions with symbolic addresses. SYNTAX : The structure of expressions in a language. SYSTEM, ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING : The general term used to define a system for data processing by means of machines utilizing electronic circuitry at electronic speed as opposed to electromechanical equip- ment . TABLE LOOK-UP : A procedure for obtaining the function value corresponding to an argument from a table of function values. WORD : A character string or a bit string considered as an entity. WRITE : To record data in a storage device or a data medium. BIBLIOGRAPHY UNIVAC 1107 MANUALS: Central Computer UP-24-63 Rev. 2 EXEC I UP-2577 Rev. 2 FORTRAN IV Fundamentals UP-7536 Rev. 1 FORTRAN IV Library Subroutines UP-3947 FORTRAN IV Programmers Guide UP-354-0 D FORTRAN IV Programmers Reference Manual UP-3569 Rev. 1 LION UP-2581 Rev. 2 PROCS General Discussion UP-2593.33 SLEUTH I UP-2574 Rev. 2 SLEUTH II UP-3670 Rev. 1 SORT/MERGE I UP-3958 UNIVAC 1108 MANUALS: FORTRAN V Programmers Reference UP-^060 Rev. 1 STAT-PACK Program Abstracts UP-4.O4.I Rev. 2 MATH-PACK Program Abstracts UP-4-051 Assembler Procedures UP-4.04-2 EXEC 8 Programmers Reference UP-4144- Rev. 1 1106/1108 Assembler Programmers Reference UP-^O^O Rev. 2 BOOKS: McCracken, Daniel D. , A Guide To FORTRAN IV Programming , John Wiley Sons, Inc., New York, New York, 1968. MISCELLANEOUS: Bureau of the Census Memoranda, Notes, Training Material, and Computer Systems Manual. PENN n S .T AT F .WERSITY LIBRARIES AODDD7Dfl c nm43