A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION .+«"»^ /j*l\ Csic.uis. v r. Data Access Descriptions Economic Censuses Printed Reports Series ECPR-1 DAD No. 31 November 1972 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE • Social and Economic Statistics Administration • BUREAU OF the CENSUS PRINTED REPORTS ISSUED BY THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS FOR THE ECONOMIC, GOVERNMENTS, AND AGRICULTURE CENSUSES Contents Page Introduction 1 Descriptions of Census Programs Economic Censuses Business Commercial Fisheries Construction Industries Manufactures 3 Mineral Industries 3 Transportation 3 Governments 3 Agriculture ' Types of Census Reports Preliminary Reports .^»« . ■ . i ^ .^^ 4 Advance Reports ST^. §4r»TJE. £////*%. 4 Final Reports -X-^ %b ' A* %, Availability of the Publications ¥■ Further Information <# . r^.\3' ^ 4 Listing of Printed Reports ^ 1967 Census of Business /§ 1967 Censuses of Business, Manu- factures, and Mineral Industries ...,,-. ' 1967 Census of Commercial Fisheries .^^i^ 1967 Census of Construction Industries 1967 Census of Manufactures 9 1967 Censuses of Manufactures and Mineral Industries 12 1967 Census of Mineral Industries. ... 13 1967 Census of Transportation 14 1967 Census of Governments 17 1969 Census of Agriculture 18 Reports, by State 20 Introduction The purpose of this Data Access Description is to provide users of census data with a com- prehensive list of printed reports published as a result of the 1967 Economic Censuses (busi- ness, commercial fisheries, construction indus- tries, manufactures, mineral industries, and transportation), the 1967 Census of Governments, and the 1969 Census of Agriculture. Each of these censuses is briefly described. The various types of reports published for these censuses — preliminary, advance, and final (including vol- umes)— are also discussed, to provide users with basic information regarding the purpose, reli- ability, limitations, etc. of each type of report. A future Data Access Descriptions will present a listing of the printed reports resulting from the 1970 Census of Population and Housing. Since the purpose of this Data Access Descrip- tion is primarily to provide a listing of the print- ed reports, the amount of descriptive material on individual reports is minimal. Only the printed reports published as part of the census programs above are included. However, general economic data, as well as current data for agriculture, business, construction, governments, and manu- factures are also published by the Census Bureau. Further information on all Census Bureau reports may be found in the Bureau of the Census Catalog. An order form for the Catalog appears on p. 23 of this issue of Data Access Descriptions. Descriptions of Census Programs A brief history and general description of the information collected and published for the eco- Data Access Descriptions are intended as introductions to means of access to Census Bureau data. nomic, governments, and agriculture censuses are presented below. ECONOMIC CENSUSES An integrated economic census program was begun in 1954, covering the censuses of business, manufactures, and mineral industries. These censuses had been taken previously on an in- dependent basis. Integrated economic censuses were taken covering the years 1954, 1958, 1963, and 1967. The 1963 census was expanded to in- clude censuses of transportation and commercial fisheries, and the 1967 census reinstituted a cen- sus of construction industries, last taken for 1939. The 1967 Economic Censuses comprised the censuses of business, commercial fisheries, construction industries, manufactures, mineral industries, and transportation. Plans are now being finalized for the 1972 Economic Censuses, which will cover activity for calendar year 1972. The coverage and con- tent of the 1972 census will be essentially the same as for the 1967 census. Efforts will be concentrated on assuring release of 1972 census reports on a more timely basis than that achieved in past censuses. Summary tapes containing selected published statistical aggregates are planned for release to users of census data. The' 1972 Economic Censuses data will be based on the revised 1972 edition of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual. Bridge tables linking 1972 and 1967 census data will be provided for States and industries, and, if possible, for standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSA's). Business. --The census of business was con- ducted at irregular intervals from 1929 to 1963. Under legislation enacted in 1964, a census of business is now conducted every five years, covering years ending in 2 and 7. It presents detailed information about the activities and the volume of business for establishments in retail and wholesale trade and in many service industries. The 1967 Census of Business enumerated re- tail, wholesale, and selected service establish- ments in the United States, the Virgin Islands, and Guam; a census of business of Puerto Rico was conducted jointly with the Commonwealth Govern- ment. Law firms, architectural and engineering firms, and travel agencies were included for the first time. The results of the census of business were published in series of subject and area re- ports for the United States as a whole, and for States, standard metropolitan statististical areas (SMSA's), geographic regions, census divisions, counties, and cities. A separate series of reports provided statistics on central business districts and other major retail centers. Reports were also issued on individual subjects such as sales and employment size of establishments, sales by merchandise or commodity lines, and single units and multiunits. In addition, information was published on legal form of organization, whole- salers' sales by class of customer, warehouse space, and storage space of petroleum bulk plants and terminals. Special reports were issued on many industries, including public warehousing, laundries and cleaning plants, hotels and motels, motion pictures, etc. The data collected in the 1967 census are similar to and comparable with the data from earlier censuses of business. Commercial fisheries .-- A census of com- mercial fisheries was conducted in 1908, 1963, and 1967. No census of commercial fisheries was taken between 1908 and 1963, but prior to 1908 there were two surveys of fisheries- -one in 1880 and the other in 1889. The 1963 and 1967 censuses of- commercial fisheries were taken in connection with the censuses of manu- factures and mineral industries, in cooperation with the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, De- partment of the Interior. Construction industries. --The first census of the construction industry covered the year 1929 and was taken in conjunction with the 1930 Decen- nial Census as part of the census of business. Census data for the contruction industry were again collected in 1935 and 1939 and were pub- lished as part of the 1935 and 1939 Census of Business reports. Collection of census data for the construction industry was disrupted by data collection vital to World War II activities and was not reinstated until 1967, when the censuses of business, manufactures, and mineral industries were expanded to include a census of the con- struction industry. A census of the construction industry of Puerto Rico was conducted jointly with the Commonwealth Government as part of the 1967 Census of Business there. The 1967 Census of Construction Industries provided data on construction establishments by area and industry for the United States, and by area and industry for Puerto Rico. Statistics were provided by area and by individual con- struction industry on number of establishments; number of proprietors and working partners; employees; receipts; payrolls; payments for work subcontracted to others; payments for materials, components, and supplies; capital expenditures; value added; payments for rental of machinery; maintenance and repair work; ownership; location; and type of construction work. Data were also in- cluded on type of operation and legal form of organization and on specialization in primary types of construction. Information was provided for the United States as a whole and for geographic regions, census divisions, and States. Manufactures. - -The census of manufactures was first taken in 1810, making this second oldest of the national censuses. In the 1963 census, data were collected from all manufacturing estab- lishments with one or more paid employees. The results provided benchmarks for numerous sta- tistical programs of the Bureau of the Census and are the basis for many detailed studies. Results of the 1967 Census of Manufactures were issued by industry, geographic area, and selected subject areas. Statistics were provided for each manufacturing industry on the value and quantity of individual products shipped and of individual materials consumed in production. Data were also provided on value added by manufacture, costs of fuel and electric energy, expenditures for plant and equipment, and employment, pay- rolls, and man-hours of production workers. Figures were also published on inventories of finished products, work-in-process, materials, supplies, etc. The data were provided for the Nation and for its geographic regions, census divisions, States, and selected SMSA's. The 1967 Census of Manufactures in Puerto Rico was con- ducted jointly by the Bureau of the Census and the Puerto Rico Planning Board of the Common- wealth Government. The data resulting from the 1967 Census of Manufactures are comparable with statistics from the 1963 census. Mineral industries. --The census of mineral industries, first taken in 1840, was conducted at about 10-year intervals during the next hun- dred years. Since 1954, it has been taken every four to five years as part of the integrated census program. be taken at 5-year intervals in years ending in 2 and 7, as part of the group of economic censuses. In the field of transportation statistics, the primary objective of the Bureau of the Census is to narrow the major gaps in the statistical knowledge provided by other agencies. The census is therefore a series of surveys, rather than a single project, bach survey gathers in- formation about a particular area of transporta- tion which is not thoroughly covered in the sta- tistics of other Federal and private agencies. The 1967 Census of Transportation provided data from the National Travel Survey (informa- tion on the volume and characteristics of travel of residents of the United States), the Truck In- ventory and Use Survey (data on the Nation's truck resources, other than vehicles owned by Federal, State, and local government agencies), and the Commodity Transportation Survey (fig- ures on the transportation and geographic distribution of commodities shipped intercity by the industrial sector of the United States). The 1967 figures are comparable to those from the 1963 Census of Transportation, which also in- cluded data from the Motor Carrier Survey (data on motor carriers of property that render trucking services to the public but are not subject to the Interstate Commerce Commission economic reg- ulations). The 1967 Motor Carrier Survey was conducted as part of the 1967 Census of Business and the data were published with the census of business data. GOVERNMENTS a •o g. o" r» o ■o The results of the 1967 Census of Mineral Industries were presented in series of reports by industry, geographic area, and subject. The data provided statistical facts for the Nation and for geographic divisions and States on the value of mineral products; the industrial and geo- graphic structure of mining; the cost of developing and operating mineral properties; and the labor, materials, and capital requirements for mineral operations. The statistics are comparable to those collected in the 1963 Census of Mineral Industries. Transportation. - -The first census of trans- portation was taken in 1963. Prior to 1963, some information on transportation was compiled and published in connection with the decennial cen- suses of 1880 and 1890. In addition, reports on certain aspects of transportation were published at intervals by the Bureau of the Census during the early part of this century. Under legislation enacted in 1964, a census of transportation is to A census of governments has been taken in every decade since 1850, although not at regular 10-year intervals. For instance, the census for the 1940's was taken in 1942, and the census for the 1950's was taken in 1957. The census of govern- ments is now conducted at 5-year intervals in years ending in 2 and 7. The initial phase of the census of governments is to Identify and list all governmental units, including school dis- tricts and special districts such as housing authorities and bridge commissions, as well as general-purpose governments such as counties, municipalities, and townships. From the 1967 Census of Governments, the Bureau of the Census presented detailed statistics on the numbers and characteristics of State and local governments in the United States, elective officials, value of taxable property, public em- ployees and payrolls, and governmental revenues, expenditures, debt, and financial assets. These data were provided for the Nation and for States, SMSA's, counties, cities, municipalities, and townships. The statistics are generally com- parable to those from earlier censuses. AGRICULTURE Agricultural statistics are collected by both the Bureau of the Census and the Department of Agriculture. Close liaison is maintained to co- ordinate their work. A census of agriculture was taken every 10 years from 1840 to 1920, and has been taken every 5 years since then. The quin- quennial census of agriculture is now taken in years ending in 4 and 9. A census of irriga- tion is conducted in conjunction with the census of agriculture for years ending in nine. In 1969, a census of agricultural services was conducted for the first time, as part of the census of agriculture. The 1969 Census of Agriculture provided: a count of farms; data on farm ownership; inven- tories of agricultural land and its uses, of farm production, farm machines, and farm facilities, and of farm labor and expenditures; and data on drainage and irrigation. These figures are pro- vided for the Nation as a whole, for States, and for counties. Since the definition of a farm, as used in 1959 and 1964, remained the same in the 1969 census, the 1969 data are generally comparable to those of earlier censuses. How- ever, changes in enumeration procedures in the 1969 census affected the coverage of low-income farms, nonresident operators, and farms in urban and suburban areas. Types of Census Reports The Bureau of the Census publishes census statistics in various types of reports to provide data users with key census information as quickly as possible. Preliminary reports. --In many cases, census data are presented initially in series of prelimi- nary reports. These reports furnish preliminary summary results and are subject to revision. They provide a limited collection of key data, but are not as detailed, complete, or accurate as following final data. Final data supersede the preliminary reports in the form of advance or final series of reports. Preliminary series of reports were issued for the 1967 Censuses of Commercial Fisheries, Governments, Manufac- tures, and Mineral Industries. Advance reports. --Advance reports contain selected final data, subject to revision. They generally supersede the preliminary series of reports and are followed by final series of reports. However, the advance reports may provide the ini- tial data published as a result of a census, since preliminary series are not published for all cen- suses. In some cases, advance reports are not issued, and the preliminary series are followed immediately by the final reports. Series of advance reports were issed for the 1967 Censuses of Business, Construction Industries, and Transportation. Final reports. --The various series of final reports present detailed census data by subject and, in most cases, by geographic area as well. These are first issued as paperbound reports and contain tabulations of data, subject to pos- sible minor revision. In some cases, issuance of the final series of reports marks the completion of the publication program of a census. In other cases, the final reports are followed by volumes. Series of final reports are published for all censuses. Volumes of census data are usually, although not always, clothbound. They incorporate data previously published in series of final reports including minor revisions, if any. In some cases, they also include data not previously published. The release of the volumes marks the completion of the publication program of a census. Volumes were issued separately for the 1967 Censuses of Business, Construction Industries, Governments, Manufactures, and Transportation. Publication of final data in volume form is also planned for the 1969 Census of Agriculture. Availability of the Publications Most of the reports from these censuses can be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. However, the supply of copies of some 1967 census publications is now exhausted; full-size reproductions of these publications can be made available at cost. Requests for reproduc- tions should be addressed to Publications Distri- bution Section, Social and Economic Statistics Administration, Washington, D.C. 20233. Further Information Inquiries regarding any of the printed reports listed in this Data Access Descriptions should be addressed to: Director Bureau of the Census Washington, D.C. 20233 (Please refer to Data Access DescriptionsNo. 31, Economic Censuses Printed Reports Series ECPR-1.) Listing of Printed Reports (Only final reports, including volumes, are listed below except for a series of advance reports from the census of transportation and a series of preliminary reports from the census of governments.) Series Title Description No. of pages Price 1967 CENSUS OF BUSINESS Volumes : II III IV Retail Trade — Subject Reports Retail Trade — Area Statistics Wholesale Trade — Subject Reports Wholesale Trade — Area Statistics (For the volumes, the Library of Congress card number is 72-608032.) This volume incorporates data previously published in Series BC67-RS (except report No. 5), and U.S. summary data previously issued as part of Series BC67-RA, described below. This volume incorporates data previously published in Series BC67-RA, described be- low. Part 1 United States, Alabama to Indiana Part 2 Iowa to North Carolina Part 3 North Dakota to Wyoming; Guam, Virgin Islands This volume incorporates data previously published in Series BC67-WS, described below, and U.S. summary data previously is- sued as part of Series BC67-WA. This volume incorporates data previously published in Series BC67-WA, described below. 1,080 2,589 864 867 858 926 1 ,072 1.50 1 2 $25 for parts 1-3 1 $8 . 00 '$10. 00 Selected Services — Area Statistics This volume incorporates data previously 2,565 published in Series BC67-SA. 820 Part 1 United States, Alabama to Indiana 877 Part 2 Iowa to North Carolina 868 Part 3 North Dakota to Wyoming; Guam, Virgin Islands 2 $25 for parts 1-3 Reports : BC6 7-RA1 to BC67- RA52 BC6 7-RS2 to BC67- RS57 Retail Trade — Area Statistics Retail Trade — Subject Reports A report for each State, the District of Columbia, and a U.S. summary. Data are presented by kind of business. These data constitute Vol. II, Retail Trade — Area Statistics, 1967 Census of Business. (See table on p. 20 for listing of reports.) Reports on individual subjects of retail trade. Report No. 1, United States Sum- mary, was issued as part of Series BC67-RA. These data, except that in report No. 5, constitute Vol. I, Retail Trade — Subject Reports, 1967 Census of Business. 2 Sales Size 3 Employment Size 4 Single Units and Multiunits 5 Miscellaneous Subjects 6 Eating and Drinking Places and Merchan- dising Machine Operators 7 Gasoline Service Stations and Liquified Petroleum (LP) Gas Dealers 3,685 1.179 286 243 3 73 146 54 77 52 reports, $40.10 6 reports, $9.55 $2.25 2.00 2.75 1.25 .60 .70 See footnotes at end of table. Series Title Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Description No. of pages Price BC6 7-WA1 to BC67- WA52 BC6 7-WS2 to BC67- WS10 Wholesale Trade — Area Statistics Wholesale Trade — Subject Reports 1967 CENSUS OF BUSINESS — Continued A report for each State, the District of 2,063 Columbia, and a U.S. summary. Data are presented on wholesale trade establish- ments. These data constitute Vol. IV, Wholesale Trade — Area Statistics, 1967 Census of Business. (See table on p. 20 f ° r listing of reports.) Reports on individual subjects in wholesale 1,297 trade. Report No. 1, United States Sum- mary, was issued as part of Series BC67-WA. These data constitute Vol. Ill, Wholesale Trade, 1967 Census of Business. 2 Sales Size, Employment Size, Single 169 Units and Multiunits 3 Credit Sales, Receivables, and Bad-Debt 130 Losses 4 Sales by Class of Customer 112 5 Warehouse Storage Space, Warehouse 82 Equipment, and Delivery Equipment 6 Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals 123 7 Commodity Line Sales 424 8 Miscellaneous Subjects 155 9 Public Warehousing 63 10 Value Produced, Capital Expenditures, 39 Fixed Assets and Rental Payments, by Merchant Wholesalers '52 reports, $27.25 9 reports, $11.25 f,l. 25 1.00 .70 .75 1.25 3.75 1.50 .60 .45 BC67-SA1 to BC67- SA52 BC67-SS2 to BC67- SS8 BC67-MLS1 to BC67- MLS52 Selected Services — Area Statistics Selected Services — Subject Reports Retail Trade — Merchondise Line Sales A report for each State, the District of Columbia, and a U.S. summary. Data are presented for selected service trades, by kind of business. These data constitute Vol. V, Selected Services — Area Statistics, 1967 Census of Business. (See table on p. 20 for listing of reports.)" Reports on individual subjects in selected service trades. Report No. 1, United States Summary, was issued as part of Series BC67-SA. 2 Hotels, Motor Hotels, and Motels 3 Laundries, Cleaning Plants, and Related Services 4 Motion Pictures 5 Law Firms 6 Architectural and Engineering Firms 7 Travel Agencies 8 Miscellaneous Subjects A report for each State, the District of Columbia, and U.S. summary. Data on merchandise line detail are presented for SMSA's within the State and for that part of each State not located in any SMSA. (See table on p. 20 for listing of reports. ) 3,877 J 52 reports, $39.05 511 131 3 7 reports, $5.85 $1.25 89 1.25 55 .70 47 .60 47 .60 29 .45 113 1.00 579 3 52 reports, $41.20 See footnotes at end of table. Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Series Title Description ' Price pages 1967 CENSUS OF BUSINESS— Continued BC67-MRC1 Major Retail A report tor each of 47 States, the District 2,304 3 49 reports, to BC67- Centers of Columbia, and a U.S. summary. Includes $29.40 MRC49 data for SMSA's within the State, for each major retail center in the SMSA's, and for each central business district in each city in the SMSA's with 100,000 inhabitants or more. (See table on p. 20 for listing of reports . ) BC67-PR Puerto Rico This report presents data from the 1967 253 $2.25 Census of Business in Puerto Rico. 1967 CENSUSES OF BUSINESS, MANUFACTURES, AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES EC67-1 Virgin Islands This report presents data from the economic of the United censuses for the Virgin Islands. 28 .50 States EC67-2 Guam This report presents data from the economic censuses for Guam. 25 .50 ES67 Enterprise Sta- These reports furnish data on significant tistics: 1967 patterns of American industry and business. Parts 1 and 3 are scheduled for future pub- lication. Part 1 General Report on Industrial Organization Part 2 Central Administrative Offices and Auxiliaries (issued as a prelim- 19 .25 inary report only) Part 3 Link of Census Establishment and IRS Corporation Data 1967 CENSUS OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES FC67-1 1967 Census of Data are presented on fishing vessels and Commercial regions, operators, employment, etc. 19 .30 Fisheries 1967 CENSUS OF CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES (For the volumes, the Library of Congress Volumes: card number is 79-609528.) I Industry Statis- This volume incorporates the data previously 341 ^5.00 tics and published in Series CC67-I and Series CC67- Special Reports S, below. II Area Statistics This volume incorporates the data previously 557 l $6.50 published in Series CC67-A, below. Final Reports : CC67-A Area Reports A report on the construction industries in 4 52 reports each State, the District of Columbia, and a $18.20 U.S. summary. These data comprise Vol. II, Area Statistics, 1967 Census of Construe- 25 pp. 35d each tion Industries. (See table on p. 20 for each listing of reports.) See footnotes at end of table. Series Title Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Description No. of pages Price 1967 CENSUS OF CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES-- Cont inued CC67-I Industry Statis- tics Reports for 23 individual industries and a 2-part U.S. summary. These data are in- cluded in Vol. I, Industry Statistics and Special Reports, 1967 Census of Construc- tion Industries. 1 United States Summary Part A — Statistics for All Construction Establishments Part B — Statistics for Construction Establishments with Payroll 2 General Building Contractors (SIC 1511) 3 Highway and Street Construction Contractors (SIC 1611) 4 Heavy Construction, Except Highway and Street Construction (SIC 1621) 5 Plumbing, Heating (Except Electric), and Air Conditioning Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1711) 6 Painting, Paper Hanging, and Decorating Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1721) 7 Electrical Work Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1731) 8 Masonry, Stone Setting, and Other Stonework Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1741) 9 Plastering and Lathing Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1742) 10 Terrazzo, Tile, Marble, and Mosaic Work Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1743) 11 Carpentering Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1751) 12 Floor Laying and Other Floor Work Special Trade Contractors, n.e.c. (SIC 1752) 13 Roofing and Sheet Metal Work Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1761) 14 Concrete Work Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1771) 15 Water Well Drilling Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1781) 16 Structural Steel Erection Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1791) 17 Ornamental Metal Work Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1792) 18 Glass and Glazing Work Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1793) 19 Excavating and Foundation Work Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1794) 20 Wrecking and Demolition Work Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1795) 21 Installation or Erection of Building Equipment Special Trade Contractors (SIC 1796) 22 Special Trade Contractors, Not Else- where Classified (SIC 1799) 4 25 reports » $8.75 26 pp. 35c? each each 19 29 See footnotes at end of table. Series Title Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Description No. of pages Price 1967 CENSUS OF CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES-- Continued CC67-I-- Con. CC67-S, 1, 2 Industry Statis- tics--Con. Special Reports 23 Subdividers and Developers, Except Cemeteries (SIC 6552) 24 Operative Builders (SIC 6561) These two subject reports are included in Vol. I, Industry Statistics and Special Re- ports, 1967 Census of Construction Indus- tries . 1 Type of Operation and Legal Form of Organization 2 Specialization in Primary Types of Construction 37 48 $.40 .50 CC67-PR Puerto Rico This report presents 1967 Census of Con- struction Industries data for construction establishments in Puerto Rico. Library of Congress card number is 72-609529. 77 .65 196 7 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES (For the volumes, the Library of Congress card number is 74-609524.) Volumes : I Summary and Sub- ject Statistics This volume incorporates the data published in Series MC67(1) and MC67(S) , described below. 940 '9.00 II III Industry Statis- tics Area Statistics This volume incorporates the data published in Series MC67(2), described below. Part 1 Major Groups 20-24 Part 2 Major Groups 25-33 Part 3 Major Groups 34-39 and 19 This volume incorporates the data published in Series MC67(3), described below. Part 1 Alabama -Montana Part 2 Nebraska-Wyoming 898 1,022 1.068 789 665 l 8.75 l 9.50 l 9.75 '8.00 '7.25 Reports : MC67(1)-1 to MC67 U)-8 Summary and Sub- ject Series Reports on individual subjects. These data are incorporated in Vol. I, Summary and Subject Statistics, 1967 Census of Manu- factures . 1 General Summary 2 Size of Establishments 3 Type of Organization 4 Manufacturers' Inventories 5 Expenditures for Plant and Equipment 6 Materials Consumed 7 Water Use in Manufacturing 8 Selected Metalworking Operations 3 8 re ports, $8. 95 85 $1.00 110 1.25 96 1.00 16 .30 24 .40 204 1.75 366 2.75 41 .50 See footnotes at end of table. 10 Series Title Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Description No. of pages Price MC67(2)- 19A to MC67(2) -39D Industry Series 1967 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES --Cont inued This series consists of 80 separate industry reports for groups of related manufacturing industries. These data are incorporated in Vol. II, Industry Statistics, 1967 Census of Manufactures. (This information was first issued in a preliminary series of 413 separate industry reports.) 19A Ordnance and Accessories 20A Meat Products 20B Dairy Products 20C Canned, Cured, and Frozen Foods 20D Grain Mill Products 20E Bakery Products 20F Sugar and Confectionery Products (Revised) 20G Beverages 20H Fats and Oils 201 Miscellaneous Foods and Kindred Products 21A Tobacco Products 22A Weaving Mills 22B Knitting Mills 22C Dyeing and Finishing Textiles, Except Wool Fabrics and Knit Goods 22D Floor Covering Mills 22E Yarn and Thread Mills 22F Miscellaneous Textile Goods 23A Men's and Boys' Apparel 23B Women's and Misses' Outerwear 23C Women's and Children's Underwear, Headwear , Children's Outerwear 23D Miscellaneous Apparel and Accessories 23E Miscellaneous Fabricated Textile Products 24A Logging Camps, Sawmills, and Planing Mills 24B Millwork, Plywood, and Prefabricated Structural Wood Products 24C Wooden Containers and Miscellaneous Wood Products 25A Household Furniture 25B Office, Public Building, and Miscel- laneous Furniture; Office and Store Fixtures 26A Pulp, Paper, and Board Mills 26B Converted Paper and Paperboard Products, Except Containers and Boxes 26C Paperboard Containers and Boxes 27A Newspapers, Periodicals, Books and Miscellaneous Publishing 27B Commercial Printing and Manifold Business Forms 27C Greeting Cards, Bookbinding and Printing Trade Services 3 80 reports, $37.95 34 34 32 49 39 32 35 35 36 33 23 38 44 36 24 32 41 63 48 53 40 39 33 34 37 38 41 46 46 34 47 40 32 .40 .45 .45 .50 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .40 .40 .50 .50 .40 .40 .40 .50 .65 .50 .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .45 .50 .50 .55 .50 .45 .55 .50 .40 See footnotes at end of table. 11 Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Series Title Description " Price 1967 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES —Continued MC67(2)- Industry 28A Industrial Chemicals 53 $.55 19A to Series Con. 28B Plastics Materials, Synthetic Rubber, MC67(2)- anc * Manmade Fibers 35 .40 39D__ 28C Drugs 35 .55 Con. 28D Soap, Cleaners, and Toilet Goods 34 .40 28E Paints and Allied Products; Gum and Wood Chemicals 27 .40 28F Agricultural Chemicals 28 .40 28G Miscellaneous Chemical Products 32 .40 29A Petroleum and Coal Products 36 .50 30A Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastics Products 43 .50 31A Tanning; Industrial Leather Goods; and Shoes 38 .45 31B Leather Gloves; Luggage; and Mis- cellaneous Leather Goods 28 .40 32A Glass Products 31 .40 32B Cement and Structural Clay Products 30 .40 32C Pottery and Related Products 27 .40 32D Concrete, Plaster, and Cut -Stone Products 38 .45 32E Abrasive, Asbestos, and Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Mineral Products 41 .45 33A Blast Furnaces, Steel Works, and Rolling and Finishing Mills 58 .60 33B Iron and Steel Foundries 32 .40 33C Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals and Alloys 43 .50 33D Nonferrous Metal Mill and Foundry Products 64 .60 33E Forgings and Miscellaneous Primary Metal Products 30 .40 34A Metal Cans, Cutlery, Handtools, and General Hardware 37 .45 34B Heating Apparatus (Except Electric) and Plumbing Fixtures 34 .40 34C Fabricated Structural Metal Products 51 .55 34D Screw Machine Products, Fasteners and Washers; Metal Stampings; and Metal Services 35 .50 34E Miscellaneous Metal Products 54 .55 35A Engines and Turbines and Farm Ma- chinery and Equipment 56 .60 35B Construction, Mining, and Materials Handling Machinery and Equipment 54 .55 35C Metalworking Machinery and Equipment 49 .55 35D Special Industry Machinery, Except Metalworking Machinery 42 .50 35E General Industrial Machinery and Equipment 49 .55 35F Office, Computing, and Accounting Machines 35 .40 35G Service Industry Machines and Machine Shops 52 .55, 36A Electrical Measurement and Distribu- tion Equipment 59 .60 36B Household Appliances 42 .55 36C Electric Lighting and Wiring Equip- ment 38 .45 36D Communication Equipment, Including Radio and TV, and Electronic Com- ponents and Accessories 61 .65 See footnotes at end of table. 12 Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Series Title Description No. of pages Price 1967 CENSUS OF MANUFACTURES— Continued MC67(2)- 19A to MC67(2). 39D-- Con. Industry- Series — Con. MC67(3) -1 to MC6 7(3) -51 Area Reports 36E Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Supplies 37A Motor Vehicles and Equipment 37B Aircraft and Parts 37C Ship and Boat Building, Railroad and Miscellaneous Transportation Equip- ment 38A Instruments; Surgical, Dental, and Ophthalmic Equipment and Supplies 38B Photographic Equipment; Clocks, Watches, and Watchcases 39A Jewelry, Silverware, and Plated Ware 39B Musical Instruments and Parts; Toys and Sporting Goods 39C Office Supplies, Costume Jewelry, and Notions 39D Miscellaneous Manufactures A report for each State and the District of Columbia. Data are presented for indus- tries and industry groups. (See table on p. 20 for listing of reports.) 33 38 32 47 51 32 27 32 37 34 $.45 .40 .45 .55 .55 .40 .40 .40 .40 .50 1,664 3 51 reports, $20.90 MC6 7(S) Special Reports Reports on individual subjects. 2.1 2.2 Manufacturing Activity in Government Establishments Concentration Ratios in Manufactur- ing, Part 1 Concentration Ratios in Manufactur- ing, Part 2: Product Class Concen- tration Ratios 3 7 reports, $4.20 13 $.25 43 .50 100 1.00 2.3 Concentration Ratios in Manufactur- ing, Part 3: Employment, Payrolls, Capital Expenditures, and Other General Statistics 3 Distribution of Manufacturers Ship- ments and Sales, by Class of Cus- tomer 4 Fuels and Electric Energy Consumed 5 Selected Materials Consumed 77 67 34 96 ,70 .65 .40 .70 MC67-PR Puerto Rico This report presents 1967 census data on manufacturing industries in Puerto Rico. 145 1.75 1967 CENSUSES OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES These publications were issued as reference manuals and were intended as aids in com- pleting and processing the questionnaires from the censuses of manufactures and min- eral industries. MC67-1 MC6 7-2 Numerical List of Manufactures Products: 1967 Census of Manufactures Alphabetic Index of Manufactures Products: 1967 Census of Manufactures 309 194 1.75 1.50 See footnotes at end of table. 13 Series Title Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Description No. of pages Price 1967 CENSUSES OF MANUFACTURES AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES — Continued MC67-3 MC67-4 MC67-6 MC6 7-5, 7, 8 Numerical List of Mineral Products: 1967 Census of Mineral Industries Alphabetic Index of Mineral Products: 1967 Census of Mineral Industries List of Materials Consumption Items: 1967 Censuses of Manufactures and Mineral Industries (For internal use only.) 1967 CENSUS OF MINERAL INDUSTRIES 14 23 307 £2.25 Final Reports : MIC67(1)- 10A to MIC67(1)- 14E Industry Series MIC67(1)-1 to MIC67 (1)-S Subject Series Data for industries or groups of related industries. (Separate reports for indus- tries or groups of industries for all of the 50 mineral industries were issued as preliminary reports.) 10A Iron Ores 10B Copper, Lead, Zinc, Gold, and Silver Ores IOC Bauxite and Ferroalloy Ores, Except Vanadium 10D Metal Mining Services and Miscel- laneous Metal Ores 11A Anthracite Mining 12A Bituminous Coal and Lignite Mining 13A Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas 13A Supplement. Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas 13B Natural Gas Liquids 13C Oil and Gas Field Services 13C Supplement. Oil and Gas Field Services 14A Stone 14B Sand and Gravel 14C Clay, Ceramic, and Refractory Min- erals 14D Chemical and Fertilizer Mineral Mining 14E Nonmetallic Minerals (Except Fuels) Services and Miscellaneous Non- metallic Minerals Detailed final statistics for individual subjects. 1 General Summary 2 Water Use in Mining 3 Expenditures for Plant and Equipment 4 Size of Establishments 5 Type of Operation 19 35 19 23 24 50 81 7 27 70 3 47 40 36 33 38 ! 12 reports and 2 supp. , $8.10 $.40 .55 .40 .45 .40 .65 1.00 .40 1.00 .70 .60 .50 .50 .55 5 reports, $2.60 79 $1.00 49 .55 14 .25 25 .40 22 .40 See footnotes at end of table. 14 Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Series Title Description No. of pages Price 1967 CENSUS OF MINERAL INDUSTRIES — Continued MIC67(2)- to MIC67 (2) -49 Area Statistics A report for each State and the District of Columbia. (The reports for Maryland, Dela- ware, and the District of Columbia were is- sued in a single binding.) Data are pre- sented for each State on each of the 53 mineral industries, insofar as they have operations within the State. (See table on p. 20 for listing of reports.) 49 reports, $16.80 1967 CENSUS OF TRANSPORTATION Volumes : I II III Reports : TC67-C1-1 to TC67 -CI -24 National Travel Survey Truck Inventory and Use Survey Commodity Trans- portation Survey Commodity Trans- portation Survey — Shipper Group Series (For the volumes, the Library of Congress card number is 76-607509.) Data are presented on the volume and charac- teristics of travel of residents of the United States. Data are presented on the Nation's truck re- sources, other than vehicles owned by Fed- eral, State, and local government agencies. This volume incorporates data previously published in Series TC67(A)-T, below. Data are presented on the transportation and geographic distribution of commodities shipped intercity by the industrial sector of the United States. This volume incor- porates data previously published in Series TC67-C1, TC67-C2, and TC67-C3, below. Part 1 Shipper Groups Part 2 Production Areas and Selected States Part 3 Commodity Groups These reports contain data classified by shipper groups and shipper classes. These data are incorporated in Volume III, Com- modity Transportation Survey, Part 1, Shipper Groups, 1967 Census of Transporta- tion. 1 Meat and Dairy Products 2 Canned and Frozen Foods, and Other Food Products, Except Meat and Dairy Prod- ucts 3 Candy, Beverages, and Tobacco Products 4 Textile Mill and Leather Products 5 Apparel and Related Products 6 Paper and Allied Products 7 Basic Chemicals, Plastics Materials, Synthethic Rubber, and Fibers 8 Drugs, Paints, and Other Chemical Products 9 Petroleum and Coal Products 10 Rubber and Plastics Products 11 Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture 12 Furniture, Fixtures, and Miscellaneous Manufactured Products 99 ^3.00 696 1 $7.25 2,707 1,189 883 635 53 62 64 57 55 63 54 63 43 58 53 57 "3 parts, $25.75 $10.25 8.50 7.00 1,345 3 24 reports, $15.25 j.60 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .60 .65 .55 .65 .60 .65 See footnotes at end of table. Listing of Printed Reports — Continued 15 Series Title Description No. of pages Price 1967 CENSUS OF TRANSPORTATION — Continued TC67-C1-1 to TC67 -C1-24-- Con. Commodity Trans- portation Survey — Shipper Group Series — Con. TC67-C2 -1 to TC67- C2-45 Commodity Trans- portation Survey — Area Series 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 Stone, Clay, and Glass Products Primary Iron and Steel Products Primary Nonferrous Metal Products Fabricated Metal Products, Except Metal Cans and Miscellaneous Metal Cans and Miscellaneous Fabri- cated Metal Products Industrial Machinery, Except Electri- cal Machinery, Except Electrical and In- dustrial Communications Products and Parts Electrical Products and Supplies Motor Vehicles and Equipment Transportation Equipment, Except Motor Vehicles Instruments, Photographic Equipment, Watches, and Clocks Reports for 25 Production Areas and 20 se- lected States. Data are presented on the transportation and geographic distribution of intercity shipments of commodities by manufacturing establishments. These data are incorporated in Volume III, Commodity Transportation Survey, Part 2, Production Areas and Selected States, 1967 Census of Transportation. Production Area 1 Production Area 2 Production Area 3 Production Area 4 Production Area 5 Production Area 6 Production Area 7 Production Area 8 Production Area 9 Production Area 10 Production Area 11 Production Area 12 Production Area 13 Production Area 14 Production Area 15 Production Area 16 Production Area 17 Production Area 18 Production Area 19 Production Area 20 Production Area 21 Production Area 22 Production Area 23 Production Area 24 Production Area 25 26 Alabama 27 California 28 Connecticut 29 Georgia 30 Illinois 69 $.75 52 .60 52 .60 52 .60 60 .65 51 .60 69 .75 49 .60 68 .75 40 .55 53 .60 48 .65 1,090 4 45 reports, $11.25 37 27 33 48 48 18 13 13 13 23 43 23 33 28 73 23 18 18 13 13 23 11 15 23 53 13 31 16 13 31 25^ each See footnotes at end of table. 16 Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Series Title Description No. of pages Price 1967 CENSUS OF TRANSPORTATION--Continued TC67-C2 -1 to TC67- C2-45-- Con. Commodity Trans- portation Survey — Area Series — Con. 31 Indiana 32 Maryland 33 Massachusetts 34 Michigan 35 Minnesota 36 Missouri 37 New Jersey 38 New York 39 North Carolina 40 Ohio 41 Pennsylvania 42 Texas 43 Virginia 44 Washington 45 Wisconsin 19 13 22 22 16 13 25 31 16 31 31 19 13 13 19 TC67-C3 -1 to TC67- C3-4 Commodity Trans- portation Survey — Com- modity Group Series These reports present data for commodity classes. The "U.S. Export Shipments" re- port was issued as an analysis and summary of data from the Commodity Transportation Survey. These data are included in Volume III, Commodity Transportation Survey, Part 3, Commodity Groups, 1967 Census of Trans- portation. 1 U.S. Summary 2 Selected Major TCC 3-Digit Classes 3 Printing, Publishing, and Allied Industries (Except Newspapers and Periodicals) 4 Traffic Patterns of Small Manufacturing Plants U.S. Export Shipments reported in the 1967 Census of Transportation (Included in volume III--Not published separately.) 3 4 reports, 648 $5.30 200 3 74 20 41 $1 .75 2 .75 .30 .50 13 (part of Vol. Ill) (Reports in the following series were issued as advance reports. TC6 7(A)-T1 to TC67 (A)-T61 Truck Inventory and Use Survey A report for each State, the District of Columbia, each of the nine census geo- graphic divisions, and a U.S. Summary. Statistics are provided on the percent distributions of the number of vehicles and also cover selected characteristics. These data are incorporated into Volume II, Truck Inventory and Use Survey, 1967 Census of Transportation. (See table on p. 20 for listing of State reports.) Area reports: 52 New England Division 53 Middle Atlantic Division 54 East North Central Division 55 West North Central Division 56 South Atlantic Division 57 East South Central Division 58 West South Central Division 59 Mountain Division 60 Pacific Division 4 61 reports, $15.50 15 State reports: .25 U.S. Summary: 55 .50 31 pp. 25<< each each See footnotes at end of table. 17 Series Title Listing of Printed Reports — Continued Description No. of pages Price 196 7 CENSUS OF GOVERNMENTS Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Governmental Organization Taxable Property Values (For the volumes, the Library of Congress card number is A68-7201.) This volume includes data previously pub- lished in reports Nos. 2 and 3 of Series CG-P, listed below. This volume includes data previously pub- lished in report No. 4 of Series CG-P, listed below. 464 167 $3.25 1.50 Vol. 3 Public Employ- ment No. 1 Employment of Major Local Governments No. 2 Compendium of Public Employment 185 445 1.50 3.25 Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Government Finances Local Government in Metropolitan Areas No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. Finances of School Districts Finances of Special Districts Finances of County Governments Finances of Municipalities and Township Governments Compendium of Government Finances (One report) 83 82 228 258 628 579 .75 1.00 1.75 2.00 5.50 5.00 Vol. 6 Topical Studies No. No. No. No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 Popularly Elected Officials of State and Local Governments Employee-Retirement Systems of State and Local Governments State Reports on State and Local Government Finances State Payments to Local Governments Historical Statistics on Govern- mental Finances and Employment (No report issued for this number) Graphic Summary of the 1967 Census of Governments 219 62 89 112 138 48 1.50 .45 1.00 1.00 1.25 .50 Vol. 7 State Reports These reports present data, by State, on governmental organization, structure, etc. for State and local governments. (See table on p. 20 for listing of reports.) 3,582 3 52 reports, $35.85 (The following reports were issued in a preliminary series.) CG-P-1 to CG- P-5 5 1967 Census of Governments No. 1 Elective Offices of State and Local Governments No. 2 Governmental Units in 1967. These data are incorporated in Vol. 1, Governmental Organization, 1967 Census of Governments. No. 3 Public School Systems in 1966-67. These data are incorporated in Vol. 1, Governmental Organization, 1967 Census of Governments. 140 10 35 $1.50 .10 .50 See footnotes at end of table. 18 Series Title Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Description No. of pages Price 1967 CENSUS OF GOVERNMENTS— Continued CG-P-1 1967 Census of to CG- Governments — P-5 — Con. Con. No. 4 Assessed Valuations for General Property Taxation. These data are incorporated in Vol. 2, Taxable Property Values, 1967 Census of Governments . No. 5 Property-Tax Rates in Selected Major Cities and Counties 77 13 $.75 .25 Volumes : 1969 CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE State Reports A separate report for each State, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Trust Territory. Reports for States include separate data for all farms and farms with sales of $2,500 or more . Section 1, Chapter Chapter Chapter Section 2. 1. State summary data. 2. County summary data. 3. Specialized county data for commodities not listed in the individual county reports. Detailed county data as pub- lished in the county reports. Individually priced Complete set, $317.50 II III IV U.S. Summary (Scheduled for future publi- cation) Agricultural Services Irrigation (Scheduled for future publi- cation) Special Reports (Scheduled for future publi- cation) Statistics by subject presented in 8 sepa- rate chapters for the United States, re- gions, geographic divisions, and States. Data shown for all farms and farms with sales of $2,500 or more. New report. Contains data relating to the growing field of agricultural services. This report includes data for drainage basins in the United States and for land irrigated production of crops on irrigated land, number of establishments, water con- veyed, users served, water obtained by source, and type of organization. Parts 1 to 9, Type-of-Farm Operations. A report for each type-of-farm classification containing data from supplementary surveys and some data from the regular census form. Part 10, Horticultural Services. Content similar to parts 1 to 9 above. Part 11, Farm Finances. This report shows financial data. Part 12, Ranking Agricultural Counties. This report shows top ranking counties in descending order of importance for various agricultural characteristics, and items of production. Data included for both 1969 and 1964 Censuses of Agriculture. 74 $1.00 See footnotes at end of table. 19 Series Title Listing of Printed Reports— Continued Description No. of pages Price 1969 CENSUS OF AGR ICULTURE--Cont inued Vol. VI Drainage (Scheduled for future publi- cation) This report includes number of farms report- ing and acres drained; numbers of publicly organized drainage projects; and some in- formation for area encompassed, employment revenue, expenditures, and debts for vari- ous groupings of drainage districts. Reports : Individual County Reports and State Sum- maries 5 A report for each county (including a county report text), a State summary of the indi- vidual county reports of the State, and a U.S. summary. Each report presents general data for all farms. These data will be in- cluded in Vol. I, 1969 Census of Agricul- ture. (See table on p. 20 for listing of reports . ) 8 pp. each 4 3,071 county reports , $792; 51 State summary reports , $12.75 25e< each l Cloth. 2 Sold only in sets. 3 The price listed is for the complete set. Prices and number of pages vary for jeach individual report . 4 Price for complete set. 5 This series of reports can be purchased from the Bureau of the Census. 20 Listing of Printed (Reports, Agriculture — County reports and State summaries 1 Busi ness State BC67-MLS BC67-MRC BC67-RA BC67-SA No. of reports Price Report No. No. of pages Price Report No. No. of pages Price Report No. No. of pages Price Report No. No. of pages Price 1 68 5 15 76 57 60 9 4 66 160 5 45 103 93 100 106 121 64 17 24 14 82 87 83 115 57 94 17 11 22 32 58 100 54 89 78 37 68 6 47 68 96 255 30 15 98 40 55 72 24 $.25 17.00 1.25 3.75 19.00 14.25 15.00 2.25 1.00 16.50 40.00 1.25 11.25 25.75 23.25 25.00 26.50 30.25 16.00 4.25 6.00 3.50 20.50 21.75 20.75 28.75 14.25 23.50 4.25 2.75 5.50 8.00 14.50 25.00 13.50 22.25 19.50 9.25 17.00 1.50 11.75 17.00 24.00 63.75 7.50 3.75 24.50 10.00 13.75 18.00 6.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27R 6 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 67 88 38 74 74 187 80 124 57 54 124 94 58 58 118 121 90 75 76 94 69 66 123 129 77 70 91 64 74 64 57 100 60 135 103 56 175 82 80 161 59 75 59 90 206 72 44 93 81 76 92 45 $.60 .75 .50 .65 .65 1.50 .65 1.00 .60 .60 1.00 1.00 .60 .60 1.00 1.00 .70 .65 .70 1.00 .65 .65 1.00 1.00 .65 .65 1.00 .60 .65 .60 .60 1.00 .60 1.25 1.00 .60 1.25 .70 .65 1.25 .60 .65 .60 .75 1.50 .65 .50 1.00 .70 .65 .75 .50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 72 52 31 25 159 30 64 20 24 67 53 20 17 65 75 42 28 27 47 20 24 81 79 34 22 48 20 28 20 17 56 20 111 52 14 116 33 27 104 21 21 14 51 160 38 53 41 21 40 $.65 .65 .50 .40 1.25 .50 .70 .40 .40 .70 .65 .40 .40 .70 .65 .55 .50 .45 .65 .40 .40 1.00 1.00 .50 .40 .65 .40 .50 .40 .40 .65 .40 1.00 .65 .40 1.25 .50 .50 1.00 .40 .40 .40 .60 1.50 .45 .65 .55 .40 .55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21R G 22R 6 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47R G 48 49 50 51 52 178 69 32 46 58 170 57 69 38 32 102 77 37 40 112 93 62 58 65 69 44 54 92 99 62 50 72 40 45 38 40 105 40 148 94 37 141 66 57 136 46 66 40 67 152 44 36 68 66 56 86 34 $2.00 .75 .45 .55 .65 1.50 .60 .75 .50 .45 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 1.25 1.00 .70 .60 .70 .70 .55 .60 1.00 1.00 .65 .60 .70 .55 .55 .50 .50 1.00 .55 1.50 1.00 .50 1.25 .65 .60 1.25 .55 .70 .50 .65 1.50 .55 .50 .70 .65 .65 1.00 .50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 73 70 39 49 61 207 61 72 42 37 119 78 40 45 132 104 66 63 68 71 52 60 100 107 72 55 74 41 51 42 51 109 47 155 93 43 155 69 63 146 49 68 42 73 159 46 38 70 72 56 84 38 $1.75 .70 .50 .55 .60 1.50 .65 .70 .55 .50 1.00 .75 .55 .55 1.25 1.00 .70 .65 .65 .65 .60 .60 1.00 1.00 .70 .55 .70 .55 .55 .55 .55 1.00 .55 1.25 1.00 .50 1.25 .65 .60 1.25 .55 .65 .50 .75 1.25 .55 .50 .65 .65 .60 .75 .50 District of Columbia Utah ^he numbers and prices shown for reports in this series indicate totals for a complete set of county reports, summary, for the given State. Each individual county report and State report is 8 pp., 25ef. 2 Each report in the CC67-A series is 25pp., 35^. 3 Report No. 52, Puerto Rico, 29pp., 4(V, is also included in this series. including the State 21 Reports— Continued by State) Business — Cont nued Con- struction — CC6 7-A 2 Governments- Volume 7 3 Manufactures MC67(3) - Miners 1 Industries — UIC67(2) Trans- portation — TC67(A)-T* BC67-WA State Report No. No. of pages Price Report No. Report No. No. of pages Price Report No. No. of pages Price Report No. No. of pages Price Report No. 1 135 $1.25 1 - - - - - - - - - 61 U.S. 2 37 .50 2 1 70 $.65 1 35 $.40 1 20 $.35 1 Ala. 3 29 .40 3 2 46 .50 2 16 .30 2 17 .30 2 Alaska 4 32 .45 4 3 56 .60 3 19 .35 3 19 .30 3 Ariz. 5 35 .50 5 4 71 .70 4 32 .40 4 15 .35 4 Ark. 6 54 .60 6 5 102 1.00 5 55 .50 5 24 .40 5 Calif. 7 34 .50 7 6 68 .65 6 23 .40 6 22 .35 6 Colo. 8 36 .50 8 7 54 .55 7 34 .40 7 17 .30 7 Conn . 9 27 .45 9 8 44 .50 8 17 .35 - ( 5 ) - 8 Del. 10 27 .45 10 51 20 .30 9 15 .35 - ( 5 ) - 9 D.C. 11 40 .55 11 9 74 .65 10 36 .40 8 20 .30 10 Fla. 12 48 .55 12 10 86 1.00 11 47 .50 9 22 .35 11 Ga. 13 29 .45 13 11 45 .50 12 17 .30 10 16 .30 12 Hawaii 14 35 .50 14 12 61 .60 13 19 .35 11 18 .30 13 Idaho 15 51 .60 15 13 93 1.00 14 58 .55 12 26 .40 14 111. 16 45 .55 16 14 80 .70 15 51 .50 13 24 .35 15 Ind. 17 41 .55 17 15 77 .70 16 33 .40 14 20 .35 16 Iowa 18 37 .55 18 16 80 .75 17 30 .40 15 24 .40 17 Kans. 19 40 .50 19 17 86 1.00 18 36 .40 16 25 .40 18 Ky. 20 36 .50 20 18 73 .70 19 28 .40 17 24 .40 19 La. 21 30 .50 21 19 57 .60 20 21 .35 18 16 .30 20 Maine 22 31 .50 22 20 56 .55 21 28 .40 19 20 .35 21 Md. 23 41 .55 23 21 71 .65 22 47 .45 20 17 .30 22 Mass. 24 45 .55 24 22 83 .75 23 48 .50 21 23 .35 23 Mich. 25 42 .50 25 23 79 .75 24 33 .40 22 19 .35 24 Minn. 26 36 .50 26 24 73 .70 25 31 .40 23 20 .35 25 Miss. 27 40 .55 27 25 85 1.00 26 40 .45 24 18 .35 26 Mo. 28 35 .45 28 26 61 .60 27 19 .35 25 22 .35 27 Mont. 29 36 .50 29 27 75 .70 28 26 .40 26 20 .35 28 Nebr. 30 29 .45 30 28 54 .55 29 16 .30 27 18 .30 29 Nev. 31 29 .45 31 29 56 .55 30 20 .35 28 16 .30 30 N.H. 32 44 .55 32 30 80 .70 31 61 .55 29 19 .30 31 N.J. 33 32 .50 33 31 59 .60 32 18 .35 30 22 .35 32 N. Mex. 34 48 .60 34 32 94 1.00 33 60 .60 31 23 .35 33 N.Y. 35 41 .50 35 33 78 .70 34 42 .45 32 19 .35 34 N.C. 36 34 .50 36 34 64 .65 35 18 .35 33 18 .30 35 N. Dak. 37 53 .60 37 35 86 1.00 36 58 .55 34 26 .40 36 Ohio 38 36 .50 38 36 70 .65 37 27 .40 35 25 .40 37 Okla. 39 35 .50 39 37 62 .60 38 24 .40 36 18 .30 38 Oreg. 40 56 .65 40 38 98 1.00 39 66 .55 37 28 .40 39 Pa. 41 30 .45 41 39 49 .55 40 24 .35 38 16 .30 40 R.I. 42 35 .50 42 40 64 .65 41 29 .40 39 18 .30 41 S.C. 43 33 .50 43 41 61 .60 42 19 .35 40 18 .30 42 S. Dak. 44 36 .50 44 42 76 .70 43 40 .40 41 21 .35 43 Tenn. 45 68 .65 45 43 124 1.25 44 59 .55 42 41 .50 44 Tex. 46 33 .45 46 44 57 .60 45 19 .35 43 21 .35 45 Utah 47 27 .45 47 45 54 .55 46 19 .35 44 17 .30 46 vt . 48 38 .50 48 46 81 .65 47 39 .45 45 23 .35 47 Va. 49 37 .50 49 47 67 .65 48 31 .40 46 19 .30 48 Wash. 50 36 .50 50 48 63 .60 49 26 .40 47 24 .35 49 W. Va. 51 41 .50 51 49 75 .70 50 39 .40 48 20 .35 50 Wise. 52 28 .45 52 50 55 .55 51 16 .30 49 15 .35 51 Wyo. 1 . . 4 Each State report in the TC67(A)-T series is 15 pp., 25£; the U.S. Summary report is 55pp., 50^. This series also includes data for each of the nine census divisions in reports numbered 52-60. Each of these area reports is 31 pp., 25d. 5 The reports for Delaware and the District of Columbia are included in the report for Maryland in this series. "r" indicates that the data in the original report have been revised . ORDER FROM: C 3 .1 63/3 Mall order form with payment to: Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. 20402 Make check payable to Superintendent of Documents Subscription Quantity Price Amount , t _..... 1 Year 3.00 2 Years 3 Years 6.00 9.00 Add $.75 For Foreign Mailing Per Year Enclosed is $ (check, money order, Supt. Docs, coupons lor charge Deposit Account No. Name Street Address . City, State, ZIP Easy To Read Format m or streets covered _ o „ • i*,,m - Construction -« Geography ~ Agriculture Trad e jes _ ° nd S Znt - Manufacturing - "»££ Statisti ca, Governments Transpo rtation - Gene Population • Compendia Lists and o^. — pr a»antinfl Beports and -P^^t^eVS. and SSSiic. from c«*£cansus Bureau- Bureau staff. annual, »Aiith mOntnlY SU P»" . . K ltBd b y Census ^S?r^ M UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE DIVISION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS Washington, D.C. 20402 OFFICIAL BUSINESS FIRST CLASS MAIL PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADD0D7EflSTfilD 375