' f III Bibliography on Motor Vehicle Traffic Safety Office of Vehicle Systems Research National Bureau of Standards U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Washington, B. C. 2023*+ JUNE 197? a O' u I a. o O t/5 INTRODUCTION The Office of Vehicle Systems Research is conducting the research, development, testing, and evaluation necessary to provide the technical basis for recommended motor vehicle safety performance standards issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, U. S. Department of Transportation. The Technical Information Unit of OVSR serves an important supporting function for the personnel engaged in three areas of research, i.e., tire systems, occupant restraint systems, and braking systems. This Bibliography represents the literature acquired since the establishment of OVSR in the spring of 1967. A large number of the reports were contributed by national and international organizations active in motor vehicle safety, research, and standardization, who generously responded to our initial request for information and reports in our three areas of interest. We have endeavored to make the Bibliography as useful as possible by providing 81 subject breakdowns within the 6 major categories of Brakes, Car Occupant Protection, Human Factors, Tires and Wheels, Traffic and Transportation, and Vehicles—General. It should be noted that a certain amount of overlap occurs between categories. In particular, the searcher will find OVSR areas of interest, Tires, Occupant Restraints, and Brakes, handled separately and not extensively cross-referenced between other categories such as Safe Vehicle Design and Performance, Accident Investigation, Research, and Analysis, etc. This was done in order to avoid excessive cross referencing which would have made the Bibliography more bulky and cumbersome than was considered necessary. Finally, we have tried to supply as complete information as possible with each reference so that the user should have little difficulty obtaining copies of reports desired. As mentioned above, the Technical Information unit supports OVSR personnel rather than functioning as a document lending activity. CONTENTS 1. BRAKES Page Brake Drums 1 Brake Fluids 1 Brake Linings <, 4 Brake Maintenance 5 Brake Noise 5 Brake Performance and Testing 6 Brake Usage 3 Brakes — Miscellaneous 9 Codes and Standards—Miscellaneous 10 Commercial and Utility Vehicle Braking 12 Compliance Test Reports 15 Disc Brakes 13 Emergency Braking and Skid Control 20 Friction and Temperature Studies 22 2. CAR OCCUPANT PROTECTION Automobile Crash Injuries 25 Car Occupant Protection— Miscellaneous 31 Child Restraint Systems 32 Crash Injury Research 33 Human Simulation 40 Injuries from Occupant Restraints 42 Restraint Systems Research, Mechanics and Testing 44 Restraint Systems Use and Effectiveness 54 Safety Seating and Headrests 57 Seat Belt Standards and Specifications 59 3. HUMAN FACTORS Alcohol and Driving 51 Anthropometry 53 Biomechanics gg Driver Age and Sex 30 Driver Psychology and Behavior 30 Driver Training and Licensing 34 Driver Vision gg Driving Simulation gO Drugs and Driving 91 Human Engineering gi Human Factors— Miscellaneous 95 Medical Impairment and Driving gg 4. TIRES AND WHEELS Page Compliance Test Reports gg Radial Tires 99 Retreaded and Regrooved Tires 100 Standards and Specif ications--Miscellaneous 101 Tire Characteristics--Miscellaneous 104 Tire Design and Manufacture 110 Tire Maintenance 111 Tire Noise 111 Tire Rating Systems 113 Tire Reinforcing Systems and Materials 114 Tire Skid Resistance Properties Hg Tire Steering and Lateral Properties 124 Tire Suspension and Vibration Properties 127 Tire Testing 129 Tire Use Surveys 130 Tire Wear and Durability 131 Tires and Wheels—Miscellaneous 135 Winter Tires and Chains 138 5. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION Accident Investigation, Research and Analysis 140 Codes, Laws and Standards ]52 Crash Barriers and Break-away Structures 153 Emergency Services and Rescue 1 54 Highway Planning and Design 155 Highway Saf ety--General igg Highway Safety Organizations and Programs 1g4 Road and Sign Illumination 1gc Road Construction, Performance and Maintenance 1g5 Traffic Control 172 Traffic Studies 1 74 Transportation Economics and Finance 175 Transportation Systems and Research -,-,-, 6. VEHICLES- -GENERAL Electric Cars and Propulsion Systems 17g Exhaust Control 17g Glazing Materials 179 Maintenance Manuals 1g1 Motorcycle Safety 1g1 Safe Vehicle Design and Performance 1g3 Safety Car Studies igg 6. VEHICLES—GENERAL (CONT'D) Page School Bus Safety 196 Signaling and Lighting 196 Standards and Specif ications--Miscellaneous jog Transmission Systems 200 Vehicle Handling Properties 202 Vehicle Inspection and Diagnosis 207 Vehicle Noise--General 209 Vehicles—Miscellaneous 214 IV BRAKES BRAKE DRUMS BRAKE LININGS AS RELATED TO BRAKE DRUMS AND BRAKE PERFORMANCE, Robert E. Nelson, Abex Corporation , American Brakeblok Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670502, 5 pp. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FOUR ALLOYS FOR AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE DRUMS, S. K. Rhee, R. M. Rusnak & W. M. Spurgeon, Bendix Corporation , Research Labs., Southfield, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690443. 21 pp. THERMAL STRESS BEHAVIOUR IN BRAKE DRUMS, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd . , Research Division, Stockport, England; 196 reprint Engineering , March 11, pp. TRANSIENT TEMPERATURES IN BRAKE DRUMS AND LININGS, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd., Research Division, Stockport, England; reprint Proceedings Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1958-59, No. 7, pp. 227-244 BRAKE DRUMS DESIGNED FOR COMPATIBILITY, Paul G. Wilier, Kelsey-Hayes Co. , Gunite Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670500, 6 pp. AN INERTIAL DYNAMOMETER EVALUATION OF THREE ALLOYS FOR AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE DRUMS, S. K. Rhee, J. L. Turak & W. M. Spurgeon, Bendix Corporation , Southfield, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700138, 12 pp. PRUFUNG VON BREMSREIBPAARUNGEN FUR RAD1ALBREMSEN (TESTING OF FRICTION PAIRS FOR CONVENTIONAL MOTOR- VEHICLE BRAKES), P. Koessler, Brunswick Technical College , Institute of Motor Engineering, translated by R. J. H. Milne, The Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, near Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Translation No. 54/67; Deut. Kraft ., Vol. 88, 1955, 72 pp. CONDITIONS UPSETTING BRAKE LINING AND DRUM COMPATIBILITY, Robert W. Kickel, Carlisle Corp ., Molded Materials Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670501, 7 pp. IMPROVED DESIGN AND CHEMISTRY FOR BRAKE DRUM LIFE, William D. Walther, Dayton Steel Foundry Co ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Transportation Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., October 29- November 2, 1962, SAE Report No. 606B, 5 pp. COOLING RATES OF BRAKE DRUMS AND DISCS, T. P. Newcomb, & N. Millner, Ferodo Ltd. , Stockport, England, paper presented at an Ordinary Meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Automobile Div., Chamber of Commerce, Edgbaston, Birmingham, January 18, 1966; reprint IME Proceedings , Vol. 180, Part 2A, 1965-66, 9 pp. HEAT DISSIPATION IN BRAKING, Peter Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd . Stockport, England; reprint Automotive Design Engineer - ing , April 1963, 7 pp. HEAT FLOW RESEARCH- -ANALYSIS OF BRAKE DRUM TEMPERATURES IN RACING CARS, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. , Research Division, Stockport, England; reprint Engineering , May 29, 1959, 3 pp. HOW ARE PERFORMANCE AND FADE INFLUENCED BY BRAKE DRUM WEIGHT, J. A. Main 6. F. J. Weber, Kelsey-Hayes Co. , Romulus, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Detroit, Mich., March 12-16, 1962, SAE Report No. 488B, 5 pp. RELATING BRAKE DRUM WEIGHT TO BRAKE DRUM LIFE, J. F. Beckwith, Motor Wheel Corp. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Transportation Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., October 29-November 2, 1962, SAE Report No. 606C, 2 pp. BRAKE PERFORMANCE AS RELATED TO DRUM DESIGN, C. F. Thornton & F. T. Cox, Jr., Rockwell-Standard Corp ., Brake Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Transportation Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., October 29-November 2, 1962, SAE Report 606A, 5 pp. BRAKE FLUIDS HIGH BOILING POINT BRAKE FLUID--FACTORY FILL SPECIFICATION NUMBER AM 4016, American Motors Corporation , Detroit, Mich.. August 7, 1968 2 pp. HIGH BOILING POINT BRAKE FLUID FOR SERVICE USE ONLY SPECIFICATION NUMBER AM 4018, American Motors Corp. , Detroit, Mich., August 6, 1968, 2 pp. THE LEGISLATIVE PROBLEM OF HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID, Karl M. Richards, Automotive Manufacturer s Ass ociation , Field Services Dept., Detroit, Mich., Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association Proceedings No. 41A, December 1954, pp. 48-55 FLUID LEVEL INDICATORS IN MASTER CYLINDERS OF AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES, S. E. Stone, Bendix Corp ., Hydraulics Div., South Bend, Ind., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690224, 4 pp. TEMPERATURES REACHED IN BRAKING WHEN THE THERMAL PRO- PERTIES OF DRUM OR DISC VARY WITH TEMPERATURE, D.J. Evans & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England; reprint Journal Mechanical Engineering Science , 1961, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 315-317 HYDRAULIC FLUID; BRAKE, Canadian Gover n ment Specifica - tions Board, Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Specification 3-CP-510c, March 25, 1960, 5 pp. THERMAL ASPECTS OF VEHICLE BRAKING, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd . , Stockport, England; reprint Automobile Engineer , July & August I960, pp. 4-19 BRAKE FLUIDS WITH LOW MOISTURE AVIDITY, Alan Ker, Cj.strpl Ltd., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680006, 13 pp. THE DEVELOPMENT OF HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID SPECIFICATIONS FOR SAE STANDARD J70b AND PUBLIC LAW 87-637, John H. Wright, Chrysler Corp. , Detroit, Mich., Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association Proceedings No. 52A, Ceceraber 1965, pp. 114-116 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT --REPORT OF AUTOMOTIVE HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID MOTOR KOOL PRODUCTS -Mk SUPERSONIC SAE 70R3 TESTED TO FMVSS 116, Caulton Ray, Jr., Detroit Testing Laboratory , Detroit, Michigan, Contract No. FH-11-7326, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transporta- tion, Washington, D. C, DTL— 9-116-0O7-907OO1A, March 1970, 44 pp., PB-192588 BOILING POINT PRECISION DATA FOR SAE BRAKE FLUIDS, Ramsey B. Broadwater, Union Carbide Corporation, Tarrytown, N. Y., & Michael Neale, Dow Chemical Company , Midland, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690223, 2 pp. SAMPLING AND TESTING OF MOTOR VEHICLE BRAKE FLUID TAKEN FROM CARS IN SERVICE, Foster D. Snell, Inc. , New York, N. Y., Order No. S-362905-68, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Braking Systems Section, Washington, D. C, September 3, 1969, 180 pp. THE IMPORTANCE OF HEAVY DUTY BRAKE FLUID TO SAFE MOTORING, Francis J. Markey, General Motors Corp., Moraine Products Div., Dayton, Ohio, Chemical Special- ties Manufacturers Association Proceedings No. 43A, cember 1956, pp. 84-89 WHAT THE BRAKE ENGINEER WANTS FROM BRAKE FLUID, R. H. Hellmann, General Motors Corporation , Buick Motor Div., Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690222, 7pp. BRAKE FLUID, AUTOMOTIVE, Federal Specification W-B-680a, General Services Administration , Washington. D. C, October 18, 1967, 17 pp. BRAKE FLUID AND PROPER BRAKE MAINTENANCE, Donald Hanson 6c Stanley W. Coryell, R. M. Hollingshead Corp. , Camden, N. J., Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Associacion ."roceedlngs No. 47A, December 1960, pp. 90-99 EFFECT OF WATER IN AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SYSTEMS, G. F. Sharrard 6c D. H. Hanson, R. M. Hollingshead Corp. . Camden, N. J., Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association ProceedingsNo. 43A, December 1956, pp. 80- 83 TRENDS IN LEGISLATION GOVERNING THE SALE OF HEAVY DUTY BRAKE FLUID, Harold G. Lederer, R. M. Hollingshead, Corp. , Camden, N. J., Chemical Specialties Manu- facturers Association Proceedings No. 42A, December 1955, pp. 95-99 OPERATING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLE BRAKING SYSTEMS AS AFFECTED BY FLUID WATER CONTENT, R. W. Radllnskl, R. J. Forthofer 6c J . L. Harvey, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710253, 11 pp. TRENDS IN MOTOR VEHICLE BRAKE FLUIDS AND THEIR STANDARDS J. L. Harvey, L. T. Milliken 6c R. J. Forthofer, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710251, 17 pp. BRAKE FLUID, Israel Standard S.I. 47, Standards Institution of Israel , Tel-Aviv., Israel, December 1959, 7 pp. BOILING POINT PRECISION DATA FOR SAE BRAKE FLUIDS, Ramsey B. Broadwater, Union Carbide Corporation , Tarrytown, N. Y., & Michael Neale, Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690223, 2 pp. BRAKE FLUID CONTAINER REPORT, R. W. Shiffler, Union Carbide Corp . , Chemicals Div., Research 6i Development Dept., Tarrytown, N. Y., presented to the SAE Hydraulic Brake System Actuating Committee, Philadelphia, Pa., October 26 6c 27, 1966, 3 pp. 3 figs. BRAKE FLUID— HIGH TEMPERATURE SIMULATED SERVICE PER- FORMANCE TEST, R. W. Shiffler 6, R. L. Coffmati, Union Carbide Corp. , Research 6c Developmer. •. Dept., Chemicals Div., Tarrytown, N. Y., presented to SAE Task Group, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Mich., January 11, 1966, 7 pp. BRAKE FLUID CONTAINER REPORT, R. W. Shiffler, Union Carbide Corp. . Chemicals Div., Research 6i Development Dept., Tarrytown, N. Y., presented to the SAE Hydraulic Brake System Actuating Committee, Philadelphia, Pa., October 26 6. 27, 1966, 3 pp. 3 figs. BRAKE FLUID --MOLECULAR SIEVES, P. B. Sullivan, Union Carbide Corp . , Chemicals Div., Research 6c Development Dept., Tarrytown, N. Y., presented at SAE Hydraulic Brake Systems Actuating Committee Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., October 26 6. 27, 1966, 1 p. BRAKE FLUID--VAPOR TRANSMISSION THROUGH C0MMERICAL RUBBER DIAPHRAGMS, P. B. Sullivan, Union Carbide Corp. , Chemicals Div., Research 6c Development Dept., Tarrytown, N. Y., presented at SAE Hydraulic Brake Systems Actuat- ing Committee Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., October 26 Si 27, 1966, 1 p. GENERAL SERVICE AUTOMOTIVE HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID, Indian Standard IS:317-1959, Indian Standards Institution , New Delhi, India, March 1964, 18 pp. CONTAMINATION MEASUREMENT AND ITS RELATION TO FIELD FAILURES, Russell E. Janke, International Harvester Co., Farm Equipment Research 6. Engineering Center, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Combined Farm Construction 6. Industrial Machinery, Powerplant, 6. Transportation Meetings, Milwaukee, Wis., September 9-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680614, 4 pp. THE DIFFUSION OF WATER THROUGH BRAKE FLUIDS, L. J. Ertle 6c P. B. Sullivan, Union Carbide Corp ., Research & Development Dept., Chemicals 6c Plastics, Tarrytown, N. Y., presented at SAE Hydraulic Brake Systems Actuat- ing Committee Meeting, Washington, D. C. April 4, 5, 6, 1967, 2 pp. 1 fig. EFFECT OF HUMIDITY ON HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUIDS, P. B. Sullivan 6c L. J. Ertle, Union Carbide Co rp., Research 6. Development Dept., Chemicals Div., Tarrytown, N. Y., May 23, 1966, 2 pp. 1 fig. THE EFFECT OF MOISTURE ON THE VAPOR LOCKING CHARACTERIS- TICS OF NONPETROLEUM VERSUS PETROLEUM TYPE HYDRAULIC FLUIDS, R. W. Shiftier & R. L. Coffman, Union Carbide Corp-- Chemicals Div., Research & Development Dept., Tarrytown, N. Y., presented to SAE Task Group, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Mich., January 11, 1966, 5 pp. 2 figs. HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID CONTAINER COMPATIBILITY, R. W. Shiffler & R. L. Coffman, Union Carbide Corporation , Chemicals Division, Research & Development Dept., Tarrytown, N. Y., June 3, 1965, 3 pp. 2 figs. A LOOK AT NEW TYPES OF BRAKE FLUIDS, R. W. Shiffler, P. B. Sullivan & L. J. Ertle, Union Carbide Corp.. Research & Development Dept., Tarrytown, N. Y., pre- sented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680007, 9 pp. STORAGE AND HANDLING OF BRAKE FLUIDS, W. R. Niehaus & R. W. Shiffler, Union Carbide Corp. . Chemicals Div., Research & Development Dept., Tarrytown, N. Y., pre- sented at SAE Hydraulic Brake Systems Actuating Committee Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., October 26 & 27, 1966, 17 pp. THE VAPOR LOCKING CHARACTERISTICS OF THREE TYPES OF HYDRAULIC FLUIDS, R. W. Shiffler & R. L. Coffman, Union Carbide Corp. . Chemicals, Div., Research & Development Dept., Tarrytown, N. Y., presented to SAE Task Group, Detroit, Mich., May 24, 1966, 1 p. 4 figs. ANALYSIS OF AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE FLUIDS BY GAS-LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY, George G. Esposito, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army 247, February Project No. 1G024401A108, CCL Report No. 1968, 15 pp., AD 666181 EFFECT OF WATER ON HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID, Charles B. Jordan, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. 1C024401A108, CCL Report No. 198, May 1966, 14 pp. FIELD TESTS OF MIL-H-46046 (ORD), HYDRAULIC FLUID NON- PETROLEUM BASE, AUTOMOTIVE (PRESERVATIVE AND LIMITED OPERATIONALi Charles B. Jordan, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., CCL Report No. 102, March 15, 1961, 14 pp. FIELD TESTS (SEMI-STORAGE) OF MIL-H-46046 (ORD), HYDRAULIC FLUID NON-PETROLEUM BASE, AUTOMOTIVE (PRESER- VATIVE AND LIMITED OPERATIONAL), Charles B. Jordan, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. 593-32-007, CCL Report No. 131, November 16, 1962, 10 pp. FIRST INTERIM REPORT ON DEVELOPMENT OF AN ALL-WEATHER HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID, Charles B. Jordan, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md . , Dept. of the Army Project No. 593-210-61, CCL Report No. 115, February 9, 1962, 6 pp. INFRARED SPECTROGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF SOME PRESERVATIVE, HYDRAULIC, AND SPECIALTY FLUIDS, Bernard J. Bornong, U. S. Army , Rock Island Arsenal, Research & Engineering Div., Rock Island, 111., Report No. 67-354, February 1967, 21 pp. INVESTIGATING FUEL-ALCOHOL EFFECTS ON ELASTOMER COMPONENTS OF DIESEL INJECTOR SYSTEMS, M. E. Lepera & C. A. Vogel, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. 1GO24401A106, CCL Report No. 244, January 1968, 26 pp. AD 665374 ARCTIC FIELD TEST - ALL-WEATHER BRAKE FLUID, Charles B. Jordan, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. l-A-O-24401-108, CCL Report No. 151, November 12, 1963, 26 pp. CHEMICAL ASPECTS OF DECOMPOSITION OF BRAKE FLUIDS-- BRAKE FLUID SEDIMENT CAUSED BY RUBBER CUPS, Jules B. Counts, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. 1C024401A108, CCL Report No. 221, January 1967, 12 pp. PEROXIDE CATALYZED DECOMPOSITION OF HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUIDS AS RELATED TO THE OXIDATION STABILITY TEST AND SHELF STORAGE, Jules B. Counts, U. S. Arm y Coating_& Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Project No. 1C024401A108, CCL Report No. 203, June 1966, 17 pp. A REVIEW OF THE USE OF SODIUM TETRABORATE AS A CORROSION INHIBITOR FOR HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUIDS, Charles B. Jordan, U. S. Armv Coating & Chemical Lab.. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. Report No. 76, May 6, 1959, 5 pp. 593-21-054, CCL DESERT FIELD TEST--ALL WEATHER BRAKE FLUID, Charles B. Jordan, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. l-H-O-24401-108, CCL Report No. 147, August 16, 1963, 36 pp. STORAGE STABILITY OF BRAKE FLUIDS, C. B. Jordan, U. S. Army Coating and Chemical Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. 1C024401A108, CCL Report No. 176, February 23, 1965, 8 pp. 1964 DESERT TESTS - ALL WEATHER BRAKE FLUID, Charles B. Jordan, U. S. Army CoatlnR and Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. 1A024401A108, CCL Report No. 179, April 5, 1965, 32 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF A STABILITY TEST FOR HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUIDS, Charles B. Jordan, U. S. Army, Development & & Proof Services, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Laboratory Service Div. Report No. 187, March 24, 1953, 22 pp. STUDY OF CORROSION INHIBITORS AND ANTIOXIDANTS FOR GLYCOL-ETHERS, C. B. Jordan, U. S. Army Coating {. Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army 23, May 28, 1957, Project No. 28 pp. 593-21-054, CCL Report No. STUDY OF CORROSION INHIBITORS AND ANTIOXIDANTS FOR GLYCOLS, C. B. Jordan, U. S. Army , Development & Proof Services, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Lab. Service Div. Report No. 228, October 7, 1954, 22 pp.. AD 45 640 DEVELOPMENT OF A STORAGE STABILITY TEST FOR BRAKE FLUIDS Eileen Hess, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. 593-21- 094, CCL Report No. 30, June 28, 1957, 15 pp. WATER EQUILIBRATION STUDIES - BRAKE FLUIDS, Edward A. Mains, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab ., Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., CCL Report No. 231, December 1967, 27 pp., AD 663812 DEVELOPMENT OF AN OPERATIONAL PRESERVATIVE HYDRAULIC. BRAKE FLUID, Charles B. Jordan, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. 593-21-054, CCL Report No. 81, August 26, 1959, 18 pp. HYDRAULIC FLUID, POLAR -TYPE AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE, ALL- WEATHER, Military Specification M11-H-13910B, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, February 3, 1967, 16 pp. PRESERVATIVE FLUID, AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SYSTEM AND COMPONENTS, Military Specification MIL-P-46046A(MR) , U. S. Department of Defense, Washington, D. C, August 26, 1964, 8 pp. MECHANISM OF BRAKE FADE IN ORGANIC BRAKE LININGS, James M. Herring, Jr., The Budd Co. , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670146, 6 pp. HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUIDS-- PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, BUSES, TRAILERS AND MOTORCYCLES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 116 RECENT TRENDS IN BRAKE FLUIDS, George L. Doelling, Wagner Electric Corp. , St. Louis, Mo., Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association Proceedings No. 41A, December 1954, pp. 56-59 BRAKE LININGS BRAKE LININGS AS RELATED TO BRAKE DRUMS AND BRAKE PERFORMANCE, Robert E. Nelson, Abex Corporation, American Brakeblok DIv., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670502, 5 pp. SPECIFICATION FOR DESTRUCTIVE TESTING BONDED SHOE AND LINING ASSEMBLIES NUMBER AM 14036, American Motors Corporation , Detroit, Mich., March 3, 1967, 2 pp. CONDITIONS UPSETTING BRAKE LINING AND DRUM COMPATIBILITY, Robert W. Kickel, Carlisle Corp. , Molded Materials Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670501, 7 pp. RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR BMKE LININGS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES-- Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Public Safety, Div. of Accident Control, Frankfort, Kentucky, November 15, 1966. 7 pp. RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR BRAKE LINING FOR MOTOR VEHICLES-- Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Registry of Motor Vehicles, Boston, Mass., August 8, 1966, 7 pp. BRAKE LININGS--NON-COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES-- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , Department of Revenue, Bureau of Traffic Safety, Harrisburg, Pa., Title 18, Regulation 372-495-3, Chapters I, II, III & IV, 22 pp. GARNITURES DE FREINS--BANDES TISSEES OU GARNITURES MOULE'ES (BRAKE LININGS— WOVEN BANDS OR CAST LININGS), French Standard R 126-01, Association Francalse de Normalisation , Paris, France, July 1959, 1 p. PROPOSED RESEARCH PROGRAM TO APPROACH A RATIONAL BASIS FOR BRAKE LINING STANDARDS, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. . Vehicle Research Dept., Full-Scale Div., Buffalo, N. Y., for National Traffic Safety Agency/ Washington, D. C, February 20, 1967, 15 pp. 6 figs. FOUR TESTS FOR CONSISTENCY OF AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE LININGS, A. R. Spencer, W. M. Spurgeon & J. L. Winge, Bendix Corp . , South Bend, Indiana, Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 660412, 18 pp. FRICTION MATERIAL TESTING, R. M. Rusnak, W. M. Spurgeon & F. W. Aldrich, Bendix Corporation , South Bend, Ind., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700517, 9 pp. A REVIEW OF PROGRESS WITH SOME RECENTLY DEVELOPED TECHNIQUES FOR FRICTION MATERIAL EVALUATION, A. R. Spencer & W. M. Spurgeon, Bendix Corporation , Research Laboratories Division, South Bend, Ind., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineer- ing Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670081, 10 pp. THERMAL STABILITY AND FADE CHARACTERISTICS OF FRICTION MATERIALS, M. G. Jacko, W. M. Spurgeon, R. M. Rusnak & S. B. Catalano, Bendix Corporation Research Labs ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680417, 15 pp. THE MANUFACTURE OF BRAKE LININGS, W. G. Carroll, British Resin Products Ltd ., Technical Service Dept. reprint British Plastics , August 1962, pp. 414-417 PRUFUNG VON BREMSREIBPAARUNGEN FUR RADIALBREMSEN (TESTING OF FRICTION PAIRS FOR CONVENTIONAL MOTOR- VEHICLE BRAKES), P. Koessler, Brunswick Technical College , Institute of Motor Engineering, translated by R. J. H. Milne, The Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, near Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Translation No. 54/67; Deut. Kraft ., Vol. 88, 1955, 72 pp. FRICTION MATERIALS FOR ENGINEERS, Ferodo Limited , Chapel-en-le-Frith, via Stockport, England, 1968 79 pp. TRANSIENT TEMPERATURES IN BRAKE DRUMS AND LININGS, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd ., Research Division, Stockport, England; reprint Proceedings Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1958-59, No. 7, pp. 227-244 CHEMICAL AND FUNCTIONAL RESPONSES TO BRAKE LINING CURE VARIATIONS, M. H. Weintraub & J. P. Bernard, Ford Motor Co . , Scientific Research Staff, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680416, 8 pp. IDENTIFICATION OF BRAKE LINING CONSTITUENTS BY PYROLYSIS GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY, Gerald E. Fisher & James C. Neerman, Ford Motor Co. , Dearborn, Mich.; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Product Research & Development, Vol. 5, No. 3, September 1966, pp. 288-292 NEW CHEMICAL TEST FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF ORGANIC BRAKE LININGS--PYROLYTIC GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY, Roy L^ Gealer & Bobby H. Biggers, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., Januarv 9-13, 1967. SAE Reoort No. 670080. 9 pp- A NEW LABORATORY FRICTION AND WEAR TEST FOR THE CHARACTERIZATION OF BRAKE LININGS, A. E. Anderson, Serge Gratch & Hayden P. Hayes, Ford Motor Co. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineer- ing Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670079, 13 pp. 1967 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE LINING AND CLUTCH FACING DATA BOOK, Friction Materials Standards Institute, Inc. , New York, N. Y., 127 pp.; 1968 Supplement, 33 pp.; 1969 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE LINING AND CLUTCH FACING DATA BOOK, 106 pp.; 1970 Supplement, 30 pp. APPLICATION OF INFRARED SPECTROSCOPIC AND GAS CHROMATO- GRAPHIC TECHNIQUES TO BRAKE LINING DEVELOPMENT, George Rappaport & Gerald C. Goldfinger, General Motors Corp. , Inland Mfg. Dlv., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670514, 3 PP. AUTOMOBILE SPARE PARTS: HEAVY DUTY BRAKE LININGS, Israel Standard S.I. 224, Standards Institution of Israel Tel-Aviv, Israel. January 1957, 3 pp. BRAKE LININGS-- State of New York , Department of Motor Vehicles, Albany, N. Y., CR-53, August 1966, 6 pp. CHEMICAL CHANGES AT BRAKE WEAR SURFACES, R. L. Gatrell £, T. P. Schreiber, General Motors Corp. , General Motors Research Labs., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670511, 4 pp. LABORATORY EVALUATION OF BRAKE LINING MATERIALS, Albin J. Burkman & Frank H. Highley, General Motors Corp. . Engineering Staff, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670510, 7 pp. A LABORATORY METHOD FOR TESTING MOISTURE SENSITIVITY OF BRAKE LINING MATERIALS, Albin J. Burkman, General Motors Corp . . Research Labs., Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week Detroit, Mich., March 12-16, 1962, SAE Report No. 488A, 6 pp. NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF BRAKE LINING, G. B. Jacoby, General Motors Corporation , Delco Moraine Div., Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 19- 23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690445, 8 pp. THE STORY OF THE "BETA" GR0UP--AN UNUSUAL ORGANIZATION WORKING ON BRAKE LINING PROBLEMS, Robert E. Anthell, General Motors Corp. , Inland Mfg. Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670509, 10 pp. MOTOR LU ARACLAR FREN BALATALARI (AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE LINING), Turkish Standard 555, Turk Standardlarl Enstltiisu , Ankara, Turkey, 1967, 6 pp., 5 figs. FERAMIC BRAKE LININGS, Headquarters, 310th Strategic Aerospace Wing, United States Air Force , Schilling Air Force Base, Kansas, Report No. AS 62-5, RCS: 2-AFLC E-48, March 25, 1964, 22 pp. FERAMIC BRAKE LININGS, Headquarters, 3510th Flying Training Wing (ATC), ynited States Air Force. Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, Report No. AR 62-5, RCS: 2-AFLC E-48, March 20, 1964, 7 pp. SUL COEFFICIENTE D'ATTRITO DELLE GUARNIZIONI PER FRENI (THE COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION OF BRAKE LININGS), Alessandro Orlandi, Universita Degllstudl , Istituto di Trasporti, Bologna, Italy; from Rivlsta ATA, January 1965, 11 pp. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AND UNIFORM TEST PROCEDURES FOR MOTOR VEHICLE BRAKE LININGS, Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission , Washington, D. C, Regulation V-3, September 17, 1966, 8 pp. BRAKES AND BRAKE LINING CHARACTERISTICS, J. G. Oetzel, Warner Electric Brake Manufacturing Company ; Society of Automotive Engineers Quarterly Transactions , Vol. 4, No. 2, April 1950, pp. 217-231 LINING, FRICTION, AND LINING MATERIAL, FRICTION (BRAKE) (AUTOMOTIVE-USE), Interim Federal Specification HH-L-00361d, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, June 1, 1965, 8 pp. BRAKE MAINTENANCE BRAKE SERVICE MANUALS & GUIDES, Ammco Tools. Inc. Chicago, 111., No. 7003, June 1965, 64 pp. North LINING, FRICTION, (CLUTCH AND BRAKE: METALLIC, METAL- CERAMIC AND SEMIMETALLIC), Federal Specification KKK-L-370c, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, September 26, 1961, 8 pp. AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE LINING, Indian Standard IS: 2742-1964, Indian Standards Institution , New Delhi, India, October 1964, 16 pp. HOW TO PERFORM THE COMPLETE BRAKE JOB, Automotive Parts Rebuilders Association . Rockville, Md . , 1966, 117 pp. 1967 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE LINING AND CLUTCH FACING DATA BOOK, Friction Materials Standards Institute, Inc. , New York, N. Y., 127 pp.; 1968 Supplement, 33 pp.; 1969 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE LINING AND CLUTCH FACING DATA BOOK, 106 pp.; 1970 Supplement, 30 pp. FRICTION MATERIAL, Kirk Othmer; Clyde S. Batchelor Manhattan-Raybestos, Inc ., Raybestos Div., Manheim, Pa.; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Inter science Div., New York, N. Y., Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 2nd Edition, Vol. 10, pp. 124-134 BRAKE FADE— A BRAKE LINING TESTING MACHINE, AND SOME PRELIMINARY RESULTS, Motor Industry Research Association, Llndley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1951/10, 10 pp., 1 fig. CORRELATION OF VEHICLE, DYNAMOMETER AND OTHER LABORATORY TESTS FOR BRAKE FRICTION MATERIALS, J. D. Preston & R. J. Forthofer, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710250, 10 pp. BRAKE SHOE IDENTIFICATION CATALOG, Friction Materials Standards Institute, Inc. , New York, N. Y., 1968, 40 pp.; 1969 Supplement, 19 pp. BRAKE SERVICE MANUAL FOR CARS, TRUCKS, BUSES, Grey-Rock Dlv . , Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc., Manheim, Pa., 1965, 72 pp. BARRETT TRAINING MANUAL ON BRAKES, John Bean Division. FMC Corp., Lansing, Mich., 1964, 108 pp. BRAKE SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM, John Bean Dlv. . FMC Corp., Lansing, Mich., No. L-2339-1, 1966, 32 pp. BONDING OF BRAKE LININGS, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc ., New York, N. Y., SP 242, March 1963, 27 pp. BRAKE DRUM REB0RE LIMIT CHART—ESTABLISHED SAFETY LIMITS, D-47X-1968, National Wheel & Rim Association , Jacksonville, Fla., 1968, 4 pp. LIST OF EXTRA HEAVY DUTY BRAKE DRUMS THAT CAN BE REBCSED SO AS TO USE X, XX, OR XXX OVERSIZE BLOCKS, BD-9T-1968, National Wheel & Rim Association, Jacksonville, Fla., 1968, 8 pp. A SURVEY OF PUBLISHED WORK ON VIBRATIONS IN BRAKING SYSTEMS, M. R. North, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, near Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, M. I. R. A. Bulletin No. 4, 1969, pp. 8-12 INSTALLATION OF METALLIC BRAKE LININGS ON AIR FORCE VEHICLES, U. S. Air Force , Technical Manual T.O. 36Y7-1-181, February 12, 1965, 2 pp. 2 attachments THIRD REPORT ON SQUEAL OF DRUM BRAKES, R. A. C. Fosberry & Z. Holubecki, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1957/3, June 1957, 14 pp. BRAKE NOISE INSTRUMENTATION TECHNIQUES FOR BRAKE NOISE INVESTIGATION, B. R. Teitelbaum, W. C. Suttle & C. B. Sung, Bendlx Corporation, Research Labs. Div., South Bend, Ind., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 650488, 9 pp. LABORATORY TECHNIQUES SOUND OUT BRAKE NOISE, B. R. Teitelbaum, W. C. Suttle & C. B. Sung, Bendix Corporation, South Bend, Ind.; Society of of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 74, No. 3, March 1966, pp. 74-78 ADVANCES IN DESIGN CRITERIA FOR AIRLINE BRAKING SYSTEMS, N. S. Attri & R. L. Amberg, Boeing Company, Rentor., Wash., Report No. D6-58384-17TN, December 16, 1969, 49 pp., AD 699 475 A THEORY OF BRAKE SQUEAL, R. T. Spurr, Ferodo Ltd.. Stockport, England; reprint Proceedings Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1961-62, No. 1 pp. 32-52 BRAKE PERFORMANCE AND TESTING AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp .. Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Pittman, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.; F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, 11 pp., 73 figs. AN AUTOMATICALLY PROGRAMMED QUADRUPLE DYNAMOMETER FOR VEHICLE BRAKE TESTING, D. W. Howard & J. L. Winge, Bendlx Corp. , Bendix Products Automotive Div., South Bend, Ind., presented at Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670144, 14 pp. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODS FOR THE EVALUATION OP VARIABLES IN BRAKES, J. L. Winge, Bendix Corporation , South Bend, Ind., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers 1961 Summer Meeting, SAE Report No. 361B, 19 pp. STUDYING BRAKE NOISE WITH ULTRA SLOW MOTION PHOTOCRAPHY, Jack E. Gieck, Firestone Tire & Rubber Co ., World Bestos Co., Akron, Ohio., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, III., May 17-21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650489, 6 pp. DAMPING CAPACITY OF PEARLITIC GRAY IRON AND ITS INFLUENCE ON DISC BRAKE SQUEAL SUPPRESSION, Edwin Miller, General Motors Corporation , Metallurgical Engineering Dept., Research Labs., Warren, Mich., SAE Report No. 690221, 10 pp. NEW DEVICES TO ASSIST IN FRICTION MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT, Richard A. Muzechuk, General Motors Corp ., Inland Mfg., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670512, 7 pp. DISC BRAKE SQUEAL--ITS MECHANISM AND SUPPRESSION, R. A. C. Fosberry & Z. Holubecki, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1961/2, February 1961, 14 pp. INTERIM REPORT ON DISC BRAKE SQUEAL, R. A. C. Fosberry & Z. Holubecki, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1959/4, October 1959, 13 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF THE CAUSE AND NATURE OF BRAKE SQUEAL, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1955/2, 13 pp. SOME EXPERIMENTS ON THE PREVENTION OF BRAKE SQUEAL, R. A. C. Fosberry &. Z. Holubecki, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1957/1, January 1957, 17 pp. VEHICLE -IN -USE SYSTEM SAFETY ANALYSIS — SAFETY ANALYSIS OF BRAKING SYSTEM, VOLUME III, Booz-Allen Applied Research, Incorporated , Bethesda, Md., Contract No. FH-11-7316, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, September 1970, 158 pp. PRUFUNG VON BREMSREIBPAARUNGEN FL"R RADIALBREMSEN (TESTING OF FRICTION PAIRS FOR CONVENTIONAL MOTOR- VEHICLE BRAKES), P. Koessler, Brunswick Technical College , Institute of Motor Engineering, translated by R. J. H. Milne, The Motor Industry Research Association . Lindley, near Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Translation No. 54/67; Deut. Kraft ., Vol. 88, 1955, 72 pp. BRAKING DISTANCES OF VEHICLES FROM HIGH SPEED AND TESTS OF FRICTION COEFFICIENTS, 0. K. Normann, Bureau of Public Roads, Highway Transport Research Branch, Traffic Operations Section, Washington, D. C; reprint Public Roads, June 1953, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 159-169 BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, Samuel C. Tignor, Bureau of Public Roads . Office of Research 6. Development, Washington, D. C; reprint Public Roads . Vol. 34, No. 4, October 1966, pp. 69-83 — BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES AS FOUND OPERATING ON PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, Samuel C. Tignor, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C; SAE Transactions , Vol. 73, 1965, pp. 416-440 STOPPING ABILITY OF MOTOR VEHICLES SELECTED FROM THE GENERAL TRAFFIC, F. William Petring, Bureau of Public Roads . Washington, D. C; reprint Public Roads, Vol. 29. No. 8, June 1957, pp. 177-196 TAPES RUN FOUR BRAKE TESTS CHECKING ALL WHEELS AT ONCE, R. W. Carson; reprint Product Engineering , Vol. 37, No. 16, August 1, 1966, pp. 29-31 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp . , Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Pittman, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.; F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, 11 pp., 73 figs. THE DEVELOPMENT OF A REALISTIC DEVICE AND TECHNIQUES FOR TESTING AND DIAGNOSING WHEELED VEHICLE BRAKES, Clayton Manufacturing Company. Dynamometer Division, Engineering Department, El Monte, Calif., August 21, 1967, 16 pp. 9 figures ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMICS OF AUTOMOBILE BRAKING, Raymond R. McHenry, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. CC-124, prepared for Kelsey-Hayes Company, Romulus, Mich., CAL Report No. VJ-2195-V 1, May 1966, 77 pp. THE LAW AND YOU, John Dickson-Simpsom February 1967, pp. 34-40 BRAKES FOR CARS AND COMMERCIAL VEHICLES- -WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION AND STABILITY WHEN BRAKING, J. W. Kinchin, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd ., Birmingham, England, presented at the S .B.I .A. /F.I. S.I .T .A. Symposium, Safety through Vehicle Design and Construction, Paper No. 3 F, September 27, 1963, 22 pp. TRAVELING DYNAMOMETER- -A NEW CONCEPT IN RATING BRAKES, Alvin M. Fischer, Mack Trucks, Inc., Washington, D. C.; Herschel J. Anservitz, North American Rockwell Corp., Washington, D. C; & William T. Deibel, Eaton Yale & Towne Inc ., Eaton Marion Div., Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Combined Farm Construction & Industrial Machinery, Powerplant, and Transportation Meetings, Milwaukee, Wis., September 9-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680581, 17 pp. AUTOMOBILE BRAKE USAGE UNDER PRACTICAL CONDITIONS, N. Carpenter and A. P. Lees, Ferodo Limited , Stockport, England, 13 pp. BRAKING OF ROAD VEHICLES, T. P. Newcomb & R. T. Spurr, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England, Chapman & Hall Ltd., Publishers, London, England, 1967, 292 pp. SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT OF BRAKE PERFORMANCE—SKILLED DRIVERS CAN ASSESS DECELERATION ON A SYSTEMATIC AND REPRODUCIBLE BASIS, R. T. Spurr, Ferodo Ltd. . Stockport, England} reprint Automobile Engineer, September 1965, 3 pp. AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Pittman, Ford Motor Co. , Dearborn, Mich.; F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, 11 pp., 73 figs. MARK II GT SPORTS CAR DISC BRAKE SYSTEM, Joseph J. Ihnacik, Jr. & Jerome F. Meek, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich. January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670070, 32 pp. BRAKING IMPROVEMENT, Julian Parraga Garcia ; Automobile Engineer, March 1966, 5 pp. AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Pittman, Ford Motor Corp., Dearborn, Mich.; F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp ., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, 11 pp., 73 fies. MODEL 10 BRAKE TEST INSTRUMENT, C. W. Landon, General Motors Corporation , Proving Ground, Warren, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 288-297; SAE Report No. 700374 PASSENGER CAR BRAKE TESTING, A. E. Llvsey, A. F. Prestidge & D. F. Woor, Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Company , Ltd.; The Engineer , Vol. 211, March 24, 1961, pp. 444- 450 A TEST SCHEDULE FOR PASSENGER-CAR BRAKES, A. E. Livsey, A. F. Prestidge & D. F. Woor, Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., Ltd. & Associated Companies ; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Division, Institution of Mechanical En- gineers , 1960-61, No. 7, pp. 221-235 CAR BRAKE USAGE AND TEST SCHEDULES, D. K. Mackenzie, T. P. Newcomb & B. Watton, Ferodo Ltd ., Research Div., Chapel-en-le-Frith, Stockport, Cheshire, England; reprin Proceedings of the Automobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1962-63, No. 1, pp. 45-64 CONTROL OF BRAKE PERFORMANCE TESTS, Vivienne Leah, Ferodo Ltd. , Stockport, England; reprint Automobile Engineer , May 1964, 4 pp. TRAVELING DYNAMOMETER--A NEW CONCEPT IN RATING BRAKES, Alvin M. Fischer, Mack Trucks, Inc . , Washington, D. C.J Herschel J. Anservitz, North American Rockwall Corp., Washington, D. C; & William T. Deibel, Eaton Yale & Towne Inc., Eaton Marlon Div., Washington D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Combined Farm Construction & Industrial Machinery, Powerplant, and Transportation Meetings, Milwaukee, Wis., September 9-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680581, 17 pp. A EUROPEAN PROVING TRIAL- -OBSERVATIONS ON BRAKE USAGE AND ON THE PERFORMANCE OF DISC BRAKE PADS DURING 3,000 MILES MOTORING ON THE CONTINENT, D. K. Mackenzie, T. P. Newcomb & B. Watton, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England; reprint Automobile Engineer . January 1966, 8 pp. THE PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DISC BRAKE, R. C. Parker & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automobile Week, Detroit, Mich., March 30- April 3, 1964, SAE Report No. 836A, 23 pp. SOME MEASUREMENTS OF BRAKE USAGE IN A HIGH-SPEED SALOON CAR, N. Carpenter, Ferodo Ltd. . Stockport, England, October 18, 1955, 18 pp. TRAVELING DYNAMOMETER- -A NEW CONCEPT IN RATING BRAKES, Alvin M. Fischer, Mack Trucks, Inc., Washington, D. C; Herschel J. Anservitz, North American Rockwell Corp., Washington, D. C; & William T. Deibel, Eaton Yale & Towne Inc., Eaton Marion Div., Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Combined Farm Construction & Industrial Machinery, Powerplant, and Transportation Meetings, Milwaukee, Wis., September 9-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680581, 17 pp. STOPPING DISTANCE PROBLEM STILL PLAGUES US, J. Stannard Baker, Northwestern University , The Traffic Institute, Research Div., Evanston, 111.; reprint Traffic Digest & Review , July 1965, Vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 4-10 BhAKE PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT, R. D. Lister, _Road_ Research Lab. , Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Langley, England; reprint Automobile Engineer , July 1959, Vol. 49, No. 7, 5 pp. BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF CARS WITH DIFFERENT BRAKE AND WEICHT DISTRIBUTIONS, A. L. Alexander, Road Research La boratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthome, England, Report No. LR 130, 1967, 22 pp. THE BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND BRAKE TESTING, H. J. H. Starks, Road Research Laboratory , Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, Road Research Technical Paper No. 26, March 1953, 31 pp, EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS ON THE BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, H. J. H. Starks & R. D. Lister, Ro J Research Lab ., Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Langley, England; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Div., Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1954-55, pp. 31-44 BRAKES, THEORY AND PRACTICE, Ron Wakefield ; Road and Track , Vol. 17, June 1966, pp. 83-86 BRAKE DYNAMICS, Andrew J. White, Motor Vehicle Research of New Hampshire, Lee, N. H., 1963. 550 pp. BRAKE USAGE AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp .. Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Pittman, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.; F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, 11 pp., 73 figs. AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp ., Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Pittman, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.; F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, 11 pp.. 73 figs. STOPPING FROM 100 M. P. H. --PERFORMANCE OF A CAR EQUIPPED WITH DISC BRAKES, R. N. Kemp, Road Research Laboratory , Crowthorne, Berks., England; reprint Automobile Engineer , February 1961, pp. 48-49 BRAKE CAPACITY—WHAT, WHY, HOW? G. P. Mathews, Rockwell - Standard Corp ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Farm, Construction & Industrial Machinery Meeting, Milwaukee, Wis., September 13-16, 1965, SAE Report No. 650668, 5 pp. BRAKE PERFORMANCE AS RELATED TO DRUM DE IGN, C. F. Thornton & F. T. Cox, Jr., Rockwell-Star dard Corp ., Brake Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Transportation Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., October 29-November 2, 1962, SAE Report 606A, 5 pp. COMPONENT DEGRADATION BRAKING SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE, D. Q. Bellinger & R. J. Zenko, TRW Systems Group , Redonodo Beach, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6964, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, December 30, 1969, 473 pp. COMPONENT DEGRADATION BRAKING SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE- SUMMARY, D. Q. Bellinger, TRW Systems Group , Redondo Beach, Calif., FH-11-6964, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, December 30, 1969, 30 pp. BRAKE SYSTEM COMPONENT DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS, D. K. Fisher, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 265-287; SAE Report No. 700373 THE OPTIMAL DESIGN OF AN ELECTROHYDRAULIC CONTROL SYSTEM USING HYBRID COMPUTATION, Dennis K. Fisher, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700153, 10 pp. AUTOMOBILE BRAKE USAGE UNDER PRACTICAL CONDITIONS, N. Carpenter and A. P. Lees, Ferodo Limited , Stockport, England, 13 pp. BRAKE USAGE IN A HEAVY VEHICLE, A. D. M. Frood, D. K. Mackenzie & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. , Research Div., Chapel-en-le-Frith, Stockport, Cheshire, England; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1960-61, No. 11, pp. 351-370 CAR BRAKE USAGE AND TEST SCHEDULES, D. K; Mackenzie, T. P. Newcomb & B. Watton, Ferodo Ltd. , Research Div., Chapel-en-le-Frith, Stockport, Cheshire, England; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1962-63, No. 1, pp. 45-64 A EUROPEAN PROVING TRIAL—OBSERVATIONS ON BRAKE USAGE AND ON THE PERFORMANCE OF DISC BRAKE PADS DURING 3,000 MILES MOTORING ON THE CONTINENT, D. K. Mackenzie, T. P. Newcomb & B. Watton, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England; reprint Automobile Engineer, January 1966, 8 pp. P.S.V. BRAKE USAGE, A. D. M. Frood, D. K. Mackenzie & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport England; reprint Automobile Engineer, October 1962, 8 pp. SUBJECTIVE ASPECTS OF BRAKING--AN EXAMINATION OF THE BEHAVIOUR AND PERFORMANCE OF FIFTEEN DRIVERS WHEN BRAKING R. T. Spurr, Ferodo Ltd ., Chapel-en-le-Frith, Stockport, Cheshire, England; reprint Automobile Engineer , February 1969, 4 pp. SOME MEASUREMENTS OF BRAKE USAGE IN A HIGH-SPEED SALOON CAR, N. Carpenter, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England, October 18, 1955, 18 pp. TESTING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE BRAKES, R. T. Spurr & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Limited , Stockport, Cheshire, England, presented at the Federation Internationale des Societes d'Ingenieurs des Techniques de l'Automobile XII Congres International des Techniques de l'Automobile, Barcelona, Spain, May 19-25, 1968, Report No. 2-09, 24 pp. THE VARIABLE BRAKING VEHICLE.* CONCEPT AND DESIGN, Leonard Segel 6. Ray W. Murphy, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the First International Conference on Vehicle Mechanics, July 16-18, 1968, pp. 276-299, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Pittman, Ford Motor Co . , Dearborn, Mich.; F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp., Warren, Mich. Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, 11 pp., 73 figs. AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Pittman, Ford Motor Corp., Dearborn, Mich.; F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp ., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, II pp., 73 figs. PASSENGER CAR BRAKE TESTING, A. E. Livsey, A. F. Prestidge & D. F. Woor, Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Company , Ltd.; The Engineer . Vol. 211, March 24, 1961, pp. 444- 450 BRAKES--MISCELLANEOUS CHARACTERISTICS AND APPLICATIONS OF TRAILER SURGE BRAKE SYSTEMS, B. L. Douglass, Atwood Vacuum Machine Co. , presented at the Society of .Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670506, 5 pp. METHOD OF INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY AND DURABILITY OF BRAKING DEVICES, B. I. Kostetskiy, F. K. Germanchuk & Ye. A. Bakanov ; translated by J. Sechovicz, edited by U. S. Air Force, Foreign Technology Div., Translation Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, FTD-HT-23- 15-69, May 13, 1969, 2 pp., AD 694 431 CORROSION CUTS BURST RATING OF HYDRAULIC BRAKE LINES, A. G. Imgram, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio; Donald K. Miner, Copper Development Association, Inc., Transportation Marketing Manager; Society of Automotive Engineers Journal, Vol. 78, No. 7, July 1970, pp. 50-51 DETERIORATION OF AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE-LINE TUBES- SUMMARY REPORT, A. G. Imgram, D. H. Fisher & R. E. Maringer, Battelle Memorial Institute , Columbus Labs. Columbus, Ohio, December 31, 1967, 34 pp. CORROSION CUTS BURST RATING OF HYDRAULIC BRAKE LINES, A. G. Imgram, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio; Donald K. Miner, Copper Development Association , Inc , Transportation Marketing Manager; Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 78, No. 7, July 1970, pp. 50-51 HYDRAULIC BRAKE LINE CORROSION: AN INITIAL INVESTIGATION OF THE PROBLEM, A. G. Imgram, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio; & Donald K. Miner, Copper Development Association Inc ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690530, -12 pp. BRAKING OF ROAD VEHICLES, T. P. Newcomb & R. T. Spurr, Ferodo Ltd. , Stockport, England, Chapman & Hall Ltd., Publishers, London, England, 1967, 292 pp. HANDBRAKE PULL MEASURING DEVICE, A. F. Williams, Ferodo Ltd. . Research Division, Stockport, England; reprint Automobile Engineer, March 1963, 1 p. TORQUE OUTPUT OF AN INTERNAL BAND BRAKE, T. P. Newcon.i & H. E. Merritt, Fer odo Lt d., Stockport, England; reprint Engineering , April 26, 1963, 2 pp. LE VIBRAZI0N1 IN FkLNATA DEI FRENI A TAM! i RO (THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVEST1GAT ON ON MOXOB VEHICLE VIBRATIONS IN BRAKING), D. Giacoba & E. Cordiano, Fiat S.p.A. , Turin, Italy, presented at th Ninth F.I.S.I.T.A. Congress. 1962, 13 pp. BRAKING AND STEERING EFFORT CAPABILITIES OF DRIVERS, Dennis A. Eaton & Henry J. Dittmeier, II, Ford Motor Company . Auto. Safety Research, Dearborn, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compend ium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 153-158; S.*E P'nort No. 70036 1 HYDRAULIC BRAKE LINE CORROSION: AN INITIAL INVESTIGATION OF THE PROBLEM, A. G. Imgram, Battelle Memorial Institute , Columbus, Ohio; & Donald K. Miner, Copper Development Association Inc., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690530, 12 pp. THE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION OF BRAKING AND STEERING EQUIPMENT--A MANUAL FOR TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, Bendix Corporation, Bendlx Products Automotive Div., South Bend, Ind., 1966, 21 pp. ANALOG SIMULATION AS A DESIGN TOOL FOR ADVANCED BRAKING CONCEPTS, G. B. Hickner, & D. W. Howard, Bendlx Automotive & Automation Company , Automotive Control Systems Group, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700157, 7 pp. RELIABILITY IN CITY TRANSPORT VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT LIFETIME AND SECURITY, Santiago Estrada Saiz, City Transport Company , Madrid, Spain; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 468-545; SAE Report No. 700384 A COMPARISON OF ACCELERATOR RELEASE AND BRAKE RESPONSE TIMES OF TEN HAND AND FOOT BRAKING METHODS ON A SIMULATOR UNDER THREE EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS, Warren J. Huffman, University of Illinois, Safety & Driver Education Lab., Champaign, 111.; & Gerard R. Hummel, City University of New York , Queens College Flushing, N. Y., October 25, 1967, 19 pp. VEHICLE CONTROL AND ROAD HOLDING, Joseph B. Bidwell, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 192-203; SAE Report No. 700366 METHOD OF INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY AND DURABILITY OF BRAKING DEVICES, B. I. Kostetskiy, F. K. Germanchuk 6< Ye. A. Bakanov; translated by J. Sechovicz, edited by U. S. Air Force, Foreign Technology Div., Translation Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, FTD-HT-23-15-69, May 13, 1969, 2 pp., AD 694 431 GRAPHICAL METHOD FOR SHOE BRAKE DESIGN, R. O. Kroeger, Harnischfeger Corporation , Escanaba, Mich.; Product Engineerin g, Vol. 27, No. 3, March 1956, pp. 142-7 VEHICLE HANDLING: FORCE CAPABILITIES FOR BRAKING AND STEERING, Howard W. Stoudt, Thomas J. Crowley, Barry Gruber & Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health , Guggenheim Center for Aviation Health & Safety, Boston, Mass., Contract No. FH-il-6910, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, May 29, 1969, 26 pp., PB 184 264 CONTROLS FOR AUTOMOTIVE BRAKES, S. Konz, J. Daccarett, & B. Koe, Kansas State University , Manhattan, Kans., 13 pp. HUMAN ENGINEERING DESIGN OF A COMBINED BRAKE- ACCELERATOR PEDAL, S. Konz, G. Kalra & B. Koe, Kansas State University , Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Manhattan, Kansas, presented at 9th Annual Symposium or Human Factors in Electronics, Washington, D. C, May 7, 1968, 34 pp. METHOD OF INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY AND DURABILITY OF BRAKING DEVICES, B. I. Kostetskiy , F. K. Cermanchuk & Ye. A. Bakanov; translated by J. Sechovicz, edited by U. S. Air Force, Foreign Technology Div., Translation Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, FTD-HT-23-15-69, May 13, 1969, 2 pp., AD 694 431 THE BRAKE PEDAL FORCE CAPABILITY OF ADULT FEMALES, Richard W. Radlinski & James I. Price, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, NBS Technical Note 557, October 1970, 23 pp. DEVELOPING STANDARDS TECHNOLOGY FOR AUTOMOTIVE BRAKING SYSTEMS, R. J. Forthofer, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Braking Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting, Standards Engineers Society, Washington, D. C, 1969, pp. 27-41 NEW COPPER ALLOY FOR HYDRAULIC BRAKE LINES, B. J. Slrois, Phelps Dodge Copper Products Corp ., New York, N. Y.; reprint Metal Progress, November 1965, pp. 64- 66 SOME BASIC PROPERTIES OF SHOE BRAKES, G. A. G. Fazekas, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn , Brooklyn, N. Y.} reprint Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 25, No. 1, March 1958, pp. 7-10 THE BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF CARAVANS AT THE 8TH BRITISH CARAVAN CLUB ROAD RALLY, A. L. Alexander, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Traffic & Safety Division, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Lab. Note No. LN/268/A1A, January 1963, 2 pp., 3 figs. AN EVALUATION OF A BRAKELIGHT DISPLAY WHICH INDICATES THE SEVERITY OF BRAKING, K. S. Rutley & D. G. W. Mace, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Road Layout & Lighting Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England RRL ReDort No. LR 287, 1969, 23 pp., PB 189 234 METHUU OF INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY AND DURABILITY OF BRAKING DEVICES, B. I. Kostetskiy, F. K. Germanchuk & Ye. A. Bakanov; translated by J. Sechovicz , edited by U. S. Air Force, Foreign Technology Div., Translation Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, FTD-HT-23-15-69, May 13, 1969, 2 pp., AD 694 431 BIBLIOGRAPHY—SURVEY OF LIBRARY FACILITIES PROJECT: BRAKES, Texas A&M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 0654, November 9, 1966, 17 pp., PB 190 624 A COMPARISON OF ACCELERAiur, RELEASE AND BRAKE RESPONSE TIMES OF TEN HAND AND FOOT BRAKING METHODS ON A SIMULATOR UNDER THREE EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS, Warren J. Huffman, University of Illinois, Safety & Driver Education Lab., Champaign, 111.; & Gerard R. Hummel, City University of New York, Queens College, Flushing, N. Y., October 25, 1967, 19 pp. THE QUICKNESS OF SELECTED RIGHT-FOOT AND LEFT-FOOT BRAKING TECHNIQUES, Edwin G . Belzer, Jr., University of New Mexico; & Warren J. Huffman, University of Illinois , Champaign, 111.; reprint Research Review , September 1966, pp. 72-77 BASIC VEHICLE HANDLING PROPERTIES, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6528, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. 141, November 1967. 67 pp. BRAKE FORCE REQUIREMENT STUDY: DRIVER-VEHICLE BRAKING PERFORMANCE AS A FUNCTION OF BRAKE SYSTEM DESIGN VARIABLES, R. G. Mortimer, L. Segel, H. Dugoff, J. D. Campbell, C. M. Jorgeson & R. W. Murphy, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6952, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, HSRI Report No. HuF-6, April 10, 1970, 200 pp; HSRI Report No. HuF-6a, April 10, 1970, 22 pp. DRIVER BRAKING PERFORMANCE AS A FUNCTION OF PEDAL-FORCE AND PEDAL-DISPLACEMENT LEVELS, Leonard Segel & Rudolf Mortimer, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 159-178; SAE Report No. 700364 THE QUICKNESS OF SELECTED RIGHT-FOOT AND LEFT-FOOT BRAKING TECHNIQUES, Edwin G. Belzer, Jr., University of New Mexico; & Warren J. Huffman, University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.; reprint Research Review, September 1966, pp. 72-77 VEHICLE BRAKING SYSTEMS CAN BE SAFER, Richard C. Bueler, Wagner Electric Corporation, St. Louis, Mo., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Earthmoving Industry Conference Central Illinois Section, Peoria, 111., April 11-12, 1967, SAE Report No. 670283, 7 pp. BRAKES AND BRAKING, Ron Wakefield : reprint Road & Track , Vol. 20, No. 7, March 1969, pp. 112-116 AIRCRAFT BRAKE ENERGY ANALYSIS PROCEDURES, Dale E. Creech, U. S. Air Force , Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Technical Report ASD-TR-63-56, October 1968, 20 pp., AD 685 775 FIELD TEST OF NATURAL RUBBER BRAKE CUPS AND COMMERCIAL SYNTHETIC (GRS) RUBBER BRAKE CUPS, Virgil 0. Hatch, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. 593-21-094, CCL Report No. 19, March 4, 1957, 12 pp. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FRICTION BRAKE SYSTEM, R. Brendemuehl, R. Braukhoff & L. Mihalick, Warner Electric Brake 6. Clutch Co ., Beloit, Wis., Contract No. 3-Z-444, prepared for Parsons, Brinckerhof f-Tudor-Bechtel, February 28, 1967, 44 pp. BRAKE SYSTEMS SFBARTD LABORATORY CARS C-l, B-l, B-2, Westinghouse Air Brake Co. , Wilmerding, Pa., prepared for Parsons Brinckerhof f/Tudor/Bechtel, San Francisco, Calif., 1967, 138 pp., PB-178 205 SINTERED IRON BRAKE CYLINDER PISTONS, Charles B. Jordan, U. S. Army Coating & Chemical Lab. , Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., Army Project No. 1C024401A108, CCL Report No. 216, November 1966, 12 pp. BRAKE DYNAMICS, Andrew J. White , Motor Vehicle Research of New Hampshire, Lee, N. H., 1963, 550 pp. AN ANALYSIS OF THE REDUCTION IN REACTION TIME AND OF THE EFFECT OF SEAT TILT IN A SINGLE-PEDAL AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEM, John Patrick Thomas Sullivan, U. S. Navy , Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif. 1970, 74 pp., AD 715 551 September, CODES AND STANDARDS—MISCELLANEOUS SPECIFICATION FOR DESTRUCTIVE TESTING BONDED SHOE AND LINING ASSEMBLIES NUMBER AM 14036, American Motors Corporation , Detroit, Mich., March 3, 1967, 2 pp. 10 BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa. FREINS A TAMBOUR A FIXATION PAR COLLERETTE (DRUM BRAKES EIXED BY SMALL AND LARGE BACKING PLATES), French Standard R 126-10, Association Francaise de Normalisation, Paris, France, June 1952, 1 p. FREINS A TAMBOUR POUR AUTOMOBILES (DRUM BRAKES FOR AUTOMOBILES—DIAMETERS, WIDTH, LINING), French Standard R 126-05, Association Francaise de Normalisation , Paris, France, June 195 2, 1 p. RESERVOIRS A GRAND RAYON DE CARRE POUR DISPOSITIFS DE FREINAGE PNEUMATIQUE (RESERVOIRS FOR USE IN PNEUMATIC BRAKING), French Standard R 126-31, Association Francaise de Normalisation , Paris, France, March 1963, PASSENGER CAR BRAKE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SAE J843a AND SAE J937, E. E. Prather, Bendlx Corp. . Automotive Development Center, South Bend, Ind., SAE Report No. 680176; Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. SP 299, Service Brake System Performance Requirements for Automotive Vehicles, November 1967, pp. 10-20 PROPOSED LEGISLATION— ITS EFFECT ON HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEMS, R. A. Goepfrich, Bendix Corp ., Automotive Div., South Bend, Ind., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 17-21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650495, 7 pp. HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSES - PASSENGER CARS AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, Canadian Government Specifications Board, Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-106, May 24, 1968, 2 pp. STATUS REPORT ON APPLICATIONS AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS, W. T. Birge, Kelsey-Hayes Co. , Romulus, Mich., SAE Report No. 680177; Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. SP-299, Service Brake System Performance Requirements for Automotive Vehicles, November 1967, pp. 21-26 PNEUMATIC LINES FOR AUTOMOBILE BRAKES— CONNECTORS/ COUPLINGS, TYPES, BASIC DIMENSIONS AND PARAMETERS, COST Standard 4365-67, Komltet Standartov , Mer i Izmeritel 'nyh Priborov pri, Moscow, Russia, 1967, 4 pp. PNEUMATIC LINES FOR AUTOMOBILE BRAKES—COUPLING TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS, Russian Standard COST 4364-67, Komitet Standartov , Mer 1 Izmeritel 'nyh Priborov pri, Moscow, Russia, 1967, 6 pp. UNIFORM VEHICLE CODE AND MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances, Washington, D. C.,.1968, 335 pp. NEW BRAKE SYSTEM ROAD TEST CODE— BACKGROUND AND EVALUATION, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. , New York, N. Y., SP 229, January 1962, 22 pp. SAE HANDBOOK, published annually; HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENT 19--SAE TECHNICAL REPORTS REFERENCED IN FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS, May 18, 1970, 43 pp., Society of Automotive Engineers Inc. , New York, N. Y. SERVICE BRAKE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES, Society of Automotive Engineers , Inc ., New York, N. Y., SP-299, November 1967, 35 pp. STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR THE BRITISH AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders Ltd., London, S. W. 1., 1968 - SERVICE BRAKE, EMERGENCY BRAKE AND PARKING BRAKE SYSTEMS - PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board, Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-105, May 24, 1968, 3 pp. PASSENGER CAR BRAKE SYSTEM ROAD TEST CODE --TENTATIVE SAE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE, H. P. Hayes, Ford Motor Co. , Dearborn, Mich.; & W. T. Birge, Kelsey-Hayes Co., Romulus, Mich.; New Brake System Road Test Code - Background and Evaluation , Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SP 229, January 1962, pp. 18-22 BRAKE SHOE, INTERNALLY ACTUATED, (LINED, REPLACEMENT), Interim Federal Specification KKK-B-00640a, General Services Administration. Washington, D. C, January 6, 1966, 6 pp. HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION LEGISLATION IN 1969, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility, Washington, D. C, 32 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE LAW SERIES, SERVICE NO. 3— EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility , Washington, D. C, 1967 - PASSENGER CAR BRAKE SYSTEM ROAD TEST CODE— TENTATIVE SAE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE, H. P. Hayes, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.; & W. T. Birge, Kelsey-Hayes Co. , Romulus, Mich.; New Brake System Road Test Code - Background and Evaluation, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SP 229, January 1962, pp. 18-22 AUTOMOBILE SPARE PARTS: FLEXIBLE CONDUITS FOR HYDRAULIC BRAKES, Israel Standard S.I. 218, Standards Institution of Israel , Tel-Aviv., Israel, October 1956, 4 pp. BREMSER (BRAKE SPECIFICATIONS), Statens Vegvesen , Vegdirektoratet, Oslo, Norway, May 15, 1970 BRAKE SHOE, INTERNALLY ACTUATED: W/LINING ASSEMBLY-15X 3, Military Standard MS51002, U. S. Department of Defense, Washington, D. C, February 22, 1967, 1 p. BRAKE SHOE, INTERNALLY ACTUATED: W/LINING ASSEMBLY- 16^ X 5^, Military Standard MS51003, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, March 27, 1967, 1 p. CUP, HYDRAULIC BRAKE ACTUATING CYLINDER: SYNTHETIC RUBBER (GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR), Military Specification MIL-C-14055C, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, July 10, 1967, 18 pp. HOSE AND HOSE ASSEMBLY, RUBBER; AIR AND VACUUM BRAKE, AUTOMOTIVE, Military Specification MIL-H-3992C, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C., October 29. 1968, 17 pp. HOSE ASSEMBLY, RUBBER; HYDRAULIC BRAKE, Military Specification MIL-H-13719C, U. S. Department of Defense , March 17, 1969, 13 pp. HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSES--PASSENGER CARS AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 106 HYDRAULIC SERVICE BRAKES, EMERGENCY BRAKE, AND PARKING BRAKE SYSTEMS--PASSENGER CARS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 105 LEGISLATIVE EFFECT ON BRAKE DESIGN, E. G. Vallln, Aktlebolaget Volvo , Sweden, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680017, 11 pp. COMMERCIAL AND UTILITY VEHICLE BRAKING OPTIMUM BRAKING, STABILITY AND STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY FOR LONGER TRUCK COMBINATIONS, Robert E. Nelson, Abex Corp . , American Brakeblok Dlv.; James W. Fitch, Western Highway Institute, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers West Coast Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., August 12-15, 1968, SAE Report No. 680547, 17 pp. PROPORTIONING VALVE TO SKID C0NTR0L--A LOGICAL PROGRESSION, Frederick E. Lueck, William A. Gartland, & Michael J. Denholm, Borg -Warner Corporation, Borg & Beck Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969. SAE Report No. 690456, 9 pp. AUXILIARY BRAKING DEVICES, P. A. C. Brockington; reprint Commercial Motor , Vol. 124, No, December 16, 1966, pp. 42-45 3198, TRUCK DOWNHILL CONTROL— PREDICTION PROCEDURE, Paul G. Hykes, Budd Company , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 14-18, 1963, SAE Report No. 63QA, 11 pp. BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, Samuel C. Tlgnor, Bureau of Public Roads , Office of Research & Development, Washington, D. C.J reprint Public Roads, Vol. 34, No. 4, October 1966, pp. 69-83 BRAKING, STABILITY AND STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF LONGER COMBINATIONS, AMA-TTMA Longer Combinations Task Force, Automobile Manufacturers Association, Detroit, Mich., and Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association, Washington D. C, October 1, 1968, 117 pp. THE NEW TRUCK AND BUS ROAD TEST CODE - APPLICATION AND INTERPRETATION, Bruce W". Klein, Bendix Corporation , South Bend, Ind.; New Brake System Road Test Code - Background and Evaluation, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SP 229, January 1962, pp. 3-17 SPLIT SYSTEMS FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLE HYDRAULIC BRAKES, D. J. Gardner, C. N. French & P. B. Shutt, Bendix Corp . South Bend, Indiana, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1964, SAE Report No. 787A, 9 pp. ADAPTIVE ANT I- LOCK BRAKING A REALITY FOR AIR BRAKED VEHICLES, Bruce E. Latvala & Robert J. Morse, Bendix-Westinghouse Automotive Air Brake Company , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700112, 7 pp BRAKE BALANCE— IT CAN BE IMPROVED, Robert J. Morse, Bendix-Westinghouse Automotive Air Brake Co . , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., June 6-10, 1966, SAE Report No. 660398, 9 pp. BRAKE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AT LOW OPERATING PRESSURES, Robert J. Morse, Bendix-Westinghouse Automotive Air Brake Company ; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700512, 6 pp. DUAL CIRCUIT AIR BRAKE CONTROL SYSTEM, C. F. Smith, Bendix-Westinghouse Automotive Air Brake Company ; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700505, 8 pp. MAKE THE TRUCKS STOP, TOO, Michael J. Uennoim, Frederick E. Lueck & John W. Bush, Borg-Warner Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700114, 6 pp. BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES AS FOUND OPERATING ON PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, Samuel C. Tlgnor, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C; SAE Transactions , Vol. 73, 1965, pp. 416-440 STOPPING ABILITY OF MOTOR VEHICLES SELECTED FROM THE GENERAL TRAFFIC, F. William Petring, Bureau of Public Roads , Washington, D. C; reprint Public Roads , Vol. 29, No. 8, June 1957, pp. 177-196 TRUCK BRAKE TESTING PROCEDURE, W. 0. Robbins & L. L. Beaham, Chevrolet Motor Div ., Chevrolet Engineering Center, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers 1962 International Congress & Exposition of Automotive Engineering, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Mich., January 8-13, 1962, SAE Report No. 471H, 11 pp. VEHICLE BRAKE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION, James E. Nelson, Consolidated Freightways, Incorporated ; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700514, 5 pp. BRAKES FOR CARS AND COMMERCIAL VEHICLES— WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION AND STABILITY WHEN BRAKING, J. W. Kinchin, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd ., Birmingham 24, England, presented at the S.B.I.A./F.I.S.I.T.A. Symposium, Safety through Vehicle Design and Construction, Paper No. 3 F, September 27, 1963, 22 pp. EFFECTS OF SHOE FORCE GEOMETRY ON HEAVY DUTY INTERNAL SHOE BRAKE PERFORMANCE, G. B. Stroh & M. H. Lawrence, Eaton Yale & Towne Inc. , Research Center, W. T. Deibel, Eaton Yale & Towne Inc., Eaton Marion Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680432, 17 pp. DISPOSITXVO DI FRENATURA DI SERVI2I0 CONTINUA ED AUTOMATICA CON TRASMISSIONE PNEUMATICA-POSIZIONE SULLA MOTRICE DELIA SEMITESTA DI ACCOPPIAMENTO FRONTALE (PARTE FISSA) (ARRANGEMENT FOR CONTINUOUS AND AUTOMATIC SERVICE BRAKING WITH PNEUMATIC TRANSMISSION— POSITION ON THE DRIVE VEHICLE OF THE COUPLING HEAD), Italian Standard UNI 4981, Ente Nazlonale Itallano DI Uniflcailone , Milano, Italy, April 1962, 2 pp. DISPOSITIVO DI FRENATURA DI SERVIZIO CONTINUA ED AUTOMATICA CON TRASMISSIONE PNEUMATICA--TESTA DI ACCOPPIAMENTO FRONTALE PER AUTOARTICOLATI (ARRANGEMENT FOR CONTINUOUS AND AUTOMATIC SERVICE BRAKING WITH PNEUMATIC TRANSMISSION— COUPLING FOR TRACTOR TRAILERS), Italian Standard UNI 4979, Ente Nazlonale Itallano Dl Uniflcazlone , Milano, Italy, April 1962, 2 pp. 12 DISPOSITIVO DI FRENATURA DI SERVIZIO CONTINUA ED AUTOMATICA CON TRASMISSIONE PNEUMATICA— TESTA DI ACCOPPIAMENTO FRONTALE PER AUTOTRENI (ARRANGEMENT FOR CONTINUOUS AND AUTOMATIC SERVICE BRAKING WITH PNEUMATIC TRANSMISSION—COUPLING FOR TRAILERS), Italian Standard UNI 4980, Ente Nazlonale Itallano DI Unlf Icazlone, Mllano, Italy, April 1962, 4 pp. BRAKE USAGE IN A HEAVY VEHICLE, A. D. M. Frood, D. K. Mackenzie & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. , Research Div., Chapel-en-le-Frith, Stockport, Cheshire, England; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Division , Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1960-61, No. 11, pp. 351-370 BRAKING OF ROAD VEHICLES, T. P. Newcomb & R. T. Spurr, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England, Chapman & Hall Ltd., Publishers, London, England, 1967, 292 pp. THE INFLUENCE OF REGULATIONS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AIR BRAKE SYSTEMS FOR COMBINATION VEHICLES, R. Almond, Midland-Ross Corp. , Owosso, Mich., presented to Canadian Fleet Maintenance Seminar, The Inn on the Park, Toronto, Canada, October 5, 1965, 13 pp. MODULATED EMERGENCY AIR BRAKE CONTROL ON COMBINATION VEHICLES, Walter E. Nichols, Midland-Ross Corp ., Owosso, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Combined Farm Construction & Industrial Machinery, Powerplant, & Transportation Meetings, Milwaukee, Wis., September 9-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680593, 5 pp. FUTURE COMMERCIAL VEHICLE BRAKING REQUIREMENTS, Hubert Perring, Ministry of Transport , London, England; reprint Commercial Motor , Vol. 120, No. 3084, September 25, 1964, pp. 224, 241-244 & 249-250 DESIGN ANALYSIS OF BRAKE SYSTEMS, T. P. Newcomb & R. T. Spurr, Ferodo Limited , Research Division, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Stockport, Cheshire, England; Automotive Design Engineering, Vol. 8, March 1969, pp. 54-56, 58 P.S.V. BRAKE USAGE, A. D. M. Frood, D. K. Mackenzie {, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. . Stockport England; reprint Automobile Engineer , October 1962, 8 pp. TESTING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE BRAKES, R. T. Spurr & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Limited , Stockport, Cheshire, England, presented at the Federation Internationale des Societes d'Ingenleurs des Techniques de l'Automobile XII Congres International des Techniques de l'Automobile, Barcelona, Spain, May 19-25, 1968, Report No. 2-09, 24 pp. THE 1970 FORD DUAL CIRCUIT AIR BRAKE SYSTEM, Richard W. Hildebrandt, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700504, 14 pp. DYNAMIC BRAKE BALANCE VIA THE COMPUTER, Walter D. Noon, Gary L. Smith & Paul A. Bochnig, General Motors Corp ., GMC Truck & Coach Div., Detroit, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 660399, 9 pp. DEVELOPMENTS TO UTILIZE HYDRAULIC SERVICE BRAKES FOR HEAVY DUTY OR HIGH FREQUENCY PARKING, Fred W. Cords, Minnesota Automotive, Inc. , Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Report No. 680162, 7 pp; SAE SP-296, Utility Vehicle Workshop: Parking Brakes, November 1967 THE HANDLING AND STABILITY OF MOTOR VEHICLES — PART III, THE LATERAL STABILITY OF ARTICULATED VEHICLES UNDER BRAKING CONDITIONS, F. D. Hales, N. F. Barter, I. R. Slack & M. J. Skinner, The Motor Industry Research Association. Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1966/3, January 1966, 37 pp. THE LATERAL STABILITY OF A SIMPLIFIED ARTICULATED VEHICLE, F. D. Hales, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nuneaton, England, presented at the Symposium on Control of Vehicles during Braking & Cornering, held in collaboration with the Road Research Laboratory, London, England, June 11, 1963, 14 pp. LATERAL STABILITY PROBLEMS OF SIMPLY ARTICULATED VEHICLES, F. D. Hales, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nuneaton, England, presented at the Symposium IUTAM sur les Recents Progres de la Mecanique des Vibrations Lineaires de Paris, April 15, 1965, 34 pp. AUTOMATIC BRAKE CONTROL FOR TRUCKS—WHAT GOOD IS IT? G. S. Haviland, Jacobs Manufacturing Co ., West Hartford, Conn., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Combined Farm Construc- tion & Industrial Machinery, Powerplant, & Trans- portation Meetings, Milwaukee, Wis., September 9-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680591, 11 pp. THE JACOBS ENGINE BRAKE APPLICATION AND PERFORMANCE, Don D. Cummins, Jacobs Manufacturing Co. . West Hartford.. Conn., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Combined Powerplant and Transportation Meeting, Chicago, 111., October 17-21, 1966, SAE Report No. 660740, 7 pp. SOME EXPERIMENTS ON THE PREVENTION OF BRAKE SQUEAL, R. A. C. Fosberry & Z. Holubecki, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1957/1, January 1957, 17 pp. POST ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION OF THE BRAKE SYSTEM OF A 1966 IHC TRUCK, G. F. W. McCaffrey, National Research Council. National Aeronautical Establishment, Ottawa, Canada, May 12, 1967, 10 pp., 9 figs. WINTER TEST PROGRAM, National Safety Council , Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Chicago, 111., May 1962, 101 pp. SAFETY BRAKE SYSTEMS FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, R. L. Atkin & J. D. Bennett, Kelsey-Hayes Company, Romulus, Mich., presented at Society of Automotive Engineers, Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., Jan. 13-17, 1964, SAE Report No. 787B, 8 pp. BRAKE PROPORTIONING VALVE, William C. Eaton 6. Ivan J. Schreur, Midland-Ross Corp. . Power Controls Div., Owosso, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., June 6-10, 1966, SAE Report No. 660400, 8 pp. 1968 WINTER TEST REPORT, National Safety Council , Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Stevens Point, Wis. 61 pp. FOUNDATION AIR BRAKE PERFORMANCE AT LOW OPERATING PRESSURES, R. R. Svenson, North American Rockwell Corporation , Transmission & Axle Division; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700513 5 pp. 13 EMERGENCY PARKING BRAKES FOR UTILITY VEHICLES, G. P. Larson & R. J. Sabin, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. , Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Report No. 680164, 5 ppj SAE SP-296, Utility Vehicle Workshop: Parking Brakes, November 1967 COMPRESSION RETARDER, W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University. Dept.. of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Summer Meeting, Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J., June 3-8, 1956, SAE Report No. 786, 8 pp., 2 figs. MANIFOLD BRAKING FOR HEAVY "OVER THE ROAD" TRUCKS--A REVIEW OF EUROPEAN PRACTICES AND EXPERIENCES, W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., SAE Report No. 571, 1955, 7 pp., 4 figs. CAM VERSUS WEDGE BRAKES— LABORATORY COMPARISON, R. R. Svenson, Rockwell-Standard Corp.. Brake Division, pre- sented at Society of Automotive Engineers National Transportation, Powerplant and Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, Baltimore, Md., October 19-23, 1964, SAE Re- port No. 941B, 4 pp. STOPMASTER BRAKE --PARKING AND EMERGENCY BRAKING SYSTEM- -AND HYDRAULIC FAIL-SAFE UNIT, Ralph K. Super 6. John Borbi, Rockwell-Standard Corp ., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Report No. 680163, 5 pp; SAE SP-296, Utility Vehicle Workshop: Parking Brakes, November 1967 UTILITY VEHICLE WORKSHOP: Automotive Engineers, Inc . November 1967, 17 pp. PARKING BRAKES, Society of , New York, N. Y.. SP-296, AN ASSESSMENT OF THE AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS "ANTILOK" ANTI-LOCKING BRAKING SYSTEM FITTED TO AN ARTICULATED VEHICLE, H. A. Wilkins & B. P. Chlnn, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Vehicles Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, RRL Report No. LR 191, 1968, 9 pp., 3 figs. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE DUNLOP ELECTRONIC MAXARET ANTI-LOCKING BRAKING SYSTEM FITTED TO AN ARTICULATED VEHICLE, B. P. Chlnn & H. A. Wilkins, Road Research Laboratory, Ministry of Transport, Vehicles Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, RRL Report No. LR 325, 1970, 12 pp. AN ASSESSMENT OF THE DUNLOP MAXARET ANTI-LOCKING BRAKING SYSTEM FITTED TO AN ARTICULATED VEHICLE, H. A. Wilkins, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 161, 1968, 14 pp. ASSESSMENT OF THE HOPE ANTI-JACK KNIFE DEVICE, H. A. Wilkins, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 163, 1968, 6 pp. AIR BRAKES FOR MOTOR VEHICLES: DIAPHRAGMS, Israel Standard S.I. 320, Standards Institution of Israel , Tel Aviv., Israel, November 1967, 4 pp. AIR BRAKES FOR MOTOR VEHICLES: FLEXIBLE HOSE AND RELATED FITTINGS, Israel Standard S.I. 273, Standards Institution of Israel , Tel Aviv., Israel, March 1966. 6 pp. BRAKES, BRAKE BALANCE AND GCW, Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association . Washington, D. C, presented at the TTMA's 25th Annual Convention, Hollywood Beach Hotel, Hollywood, Fla., March 28, 1966, 48 pp. THE DIRECTIONAL DYNAMICS OF THE COMMERCIAL TRACTOR- SEMITRAILER VEHICLE DURING BRAKING, Philip M. Leucht, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 242-254; SAE Report No. 700371 THE BEHAVIOUR OF VEHICLES WHEN BRAKING IN EMERGENCIES, R. D. Lister, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England; reprint J. Inst. Auto . Assess, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1966, pp. 41-61 THE BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND BRAKE TESTING, H. J. H. Starks, Road Research Laboratory , Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, Road Research Technical Paper No. 26, March 1953, 31 pp. BRAKING CONSIDERATIONS—MEDIUM AND HEAVY DUTY VEHICLES, Wagner Electric Corporation , Saint Louis, Mo., June 1969, 9 pp. TRUCK AND BUS BRAKE SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS (SAE J9'92), Robert 0. Tuegel, Wagner Electric Corp. , SAE Report No. 680175; Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. SP 299, Service Brake System Performance Require- ments for Automotive Vehicles, November 1967, pp. 3-9 EXHAUST BRAKE PERFORMANCE, R. N. Kemp, Road Research Lab. , Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Langley England; reprint Automobile Engineer , October 1957, Vol. XLVII, No. 10, pp. 414-419 WEDGE BRAKES VERSUS CAM BRAKES— THEORETICAL C0MPARSI0N, John W. Kourlk, Wagner Electric Corp. , presented at Society of Automotive Engineers National Transportation, Powerplant & Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, Baltimore, Md., October 19-23, 1964, SAE Report No. 941A, 13 pp. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS ON THE BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, H. J. H. Starks & R. D. Lister, Road Research Lab ., Dept. of Scientific*. Industrial Research, Langley, England; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Dlv., Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1954-55, pp. 31-44 ART AND SCIENCE OF BRAKING HEAVY DUTY VEHICLES, G. P. Mathews, Rockwell Standard Corp ., presented at the Tenth L. Ray Buckendale Lecture, Society of Automotive Engineers, January 1964, SAE No. SP-251, 27 pp. OPERATIONAL TESTS OF LONGER COMBINATIONS, Western Highway Institute , San Francisco, Calif., 24 pp. OPTIMUM BRAKING, STABILITY AND STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY FOR LONGER TRUCK COMBINATIONS, Robert E. Nelson, ' Abex Corp., American Brakeblok Div.; James W. Fitch, Western Highway Institute , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers West Coast Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., August 12-15, 1968, SAE Report No. 680547, 17 pp. 14 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORTS COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—BRAKE COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (I) 1969 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR, NHSB NO. 69101 IN ACCORDANCE WITH FMVSS 105, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Dlv., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7184, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-691186, September 15, 1969, 105 pp., PB 188 365 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT--BRAKE COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1969 MERCURY COUGAR, NHSB NO. 69201 IN ACCORDANCE WITH FMVSS 105, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc. , Testing Labs. Division, Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7184, prepared for the National Highway Safet> Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-691185, September 1969, 94 pp., PB 189 515 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 AMERICAN AMX397 IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681909 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 73 pp., PB 188 128 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Incorporated , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I. N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681903 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 346 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT- -BRAKE , TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681917 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 67 pp., PB 186 600 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 CORVAIR MONZA IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Browh, Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681918 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 413 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT- -BRAKE , TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 AMERICAN REBEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681907 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB 186 607 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 DODGE POLARA IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown , Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681915 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB 186 597 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCt TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 BU1CK SPORT WAGON IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y. , Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681924 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB 187 417 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 FORD FALCON IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown , Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681921 Revision A„ January 29, 1969, 67 pp., PB 187 348 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 BUICK WILDCAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown , Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681902 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 370 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 FORD MUSTANG IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U.. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681908 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 186 602 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Incorporated , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681913 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 64 pp., PB 187 386 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y. , Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681906 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp. PB 186 598 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 CHEVELLE NOMAD IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Incorporated , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681904 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 418 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 MERCURY COLONY PARK IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T . Brown, Inc .. Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681914 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 186 603 15 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT- -BRAKE , TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 MERCURY CYCLONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of ' Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681905 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB 186 599 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110 Edward S. Dale, Dayton T . Brown, Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681916 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 186 601 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I - ., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681923 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB 187 383 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT--BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 RAMBLER ROGUE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc . , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681922 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 344 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 OLDSMOBILE F-85 IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681911 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 64 pp., PB 187 384 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 OLDSMOBILE T0R0NAD0 IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown. Inc. . Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681912 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 68 pp., PB 187 385 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C". , DTB Test Report No. TR-681910 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB 186 604 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—MOTOR VEHICLE BRAKE FLUIDS TEST REPORT, Detroit Testing Laboratory, Inc. , Detroit, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6844, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. 810216G, 1969, 36 pp., pb 187 555 COMPLIANCE TEST REP0RT--REPORT OF TESTSON AUTOMOTIVE HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSES, Detroit Testing Laboratory , Detroit, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6844, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTL Report No. 810215-G, January 1969, 24 pp., PB 187 614 COMPLIANCE TEST REP0RT--REP0RT OF TESTS ON AUTOMOTIVE HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSES, Detroit Testing Laboratory, Inc., Detroit, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6855, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, April 1969, 92 do., PB 187 615 * ** COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105: 1968 AMC REBEL 770, Digltek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, January 6, 1969, 86 pp., PB 187 321 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 PLYMOUTH ROAD RUNNER IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681920 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 186 605 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT- -BRAKE , TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681919 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 186 606 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 PONTIAC EXECUTIVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T'. Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681901 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 345 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105: 1968 BUICK RIVIERA, Digltek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, December 3, 1968, 86 pp., PB 186 588 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105: 1968 CHECKER MARATHON, Digltek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, January 6, 1969, 83 pp., PB 186 590 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS '105 1968 CHEVELLE MALIBU, Digltek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, December 5, 1968, 83 pp., PB 187 325 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105 1968 CHEVY II NOVA, Digltek Corporation, Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, January 6, 1969, 72 pp., PB 187 365 16 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105 1968 CHRYSLER 300 SERIAL NUMBER CM43-K8C-217899, Digitek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, February. 11. 1969, 82 pp., PB 187 364 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSE TEST-- FMVSS 106, ETL, Incorporated, New York, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6948, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ETL Report No. 408635, June 9, 1969, 30 pp., PB 187 593 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105 1968 FORD FAIRIANE 500, Digitek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, December 3, 1968, 78 pp., PB 187 347 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT--HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSE TEST FMVSS 106, Electrical Testing Laboratories, Inc ., New York, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6948, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. 408642, June 9, 1969, 15 pp., PB 187 553 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105 1968 FORD FALCON, Dlgltek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, 83 pp., PB 187 315 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105 1968 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88, Digitek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, November 7, 1968, 85 pp., PB 187 313 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105: 1968 PLYMOUTH VALIANT, Digitek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, December 5, 1968, 85 pp., PB 186 591 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSE TEST FMVSS 106, Electrical Testing Laboratories, Inc ., New York, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6948, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. 408644, June 9, 1969, 15 pp., PB 187 554 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSE FMVSS 106, ETL, Incorporated , New York, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6948, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ETL Report No. 409537, August 25, 1969, 12 pp., PB 187 592 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSES— FMVSS 106, Electrical Testing Laboratories, Inc ., New York, N. Y., prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ETL Report No. 411725, May 1970, 7 pp., PB 191641 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105: 1968 PONTIAC TEMPEST SAFARI, Dlgltek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, January 6, 1969, 86 pp., PB 186 596 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105: 1968 ROVER 2000 TC SERIAL NUMBER 8590-1484B, Dlgltek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, March 25, 1969, 85 pp., PB 186 589 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSES— FMVSS 106, Electrical Testing Laboratories, Inc ., New York, N.. Y., prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ETL Report No. 411726, May 1970, 7 pp., PB 191642 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSES --FMVSS 106, Electrical Testing Laboratories, Incorporated , New York, N. Y., prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ETL Report No. 411727, May 1970, 7 pp., PB 191643 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT --VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 105 1968 VOLVO 144S, Digitek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, 80 pp., PB 187 324 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSES— FMVSS 106, Electrical Testing Laboratories, Inc. , New York, N. Y., prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ETL Report No. 411728, May 1970, 7 pp., PB-191644 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT ON HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSE, ETL Inc. , Automotive Testing Div., New York, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6948, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ETL Report No. 407567, March 4, 1969, 15 pp., PB 187 590 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSES— FMVSS 106 Electrical Testing Laboratories. Incorporated, New York, N. Y., prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ETL Report No. 411729, May 1970, 7 pp., PB 19164 c COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSE TEST— FMVSS 106, ETL, Incorporated , New York, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6948, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ETL Report No. 407569, March 12, 1969, 7 pp., PB 187 604 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSES—FMVSS 106, Electrical Testing Laboratories, Incorporated , New York, N. Y., prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ETL Report No. 411730, May 1970, 8 pp., PB 191646 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— HYDRAULIC BRAKE HOSE TEST FMVSS 106, ETL Incorporated . New York, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6948, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ETL Report No. 407576, March 14, 1969, 7 pp., PB 187 596 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—EVALUATION OF BRAKING SYSTEMS PERFORMED ON MODEL 1968 BUICK SKYLARK, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc ., Monterey Park, Calif., prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20182-2, November 1968, 80 pp., PB 186 564 ' 17 COMPLIANCE TEST RE TORT --EVALUATION OF BRAKING SYSTEMS PERFORMED ON MODEL 1968 BUICK SPECIAL, 2-DOOR SEDAN, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc ., Monterey Park, Calif-, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20182-7, December 1968, 52 pp., PB 186 563 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --EVALUATION OF BRAKING SYSTEMS PERFORMED ON MODEL 1968 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc. , Monterey Park, Calif., prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Tran3portation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20182-1, November 1968, 89 pp., PB 186 560 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT — QUALIFICATION TEST PERFORMED ON AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE HOSES, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc ., Monterey Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6843, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20296-4, March 1969, 153 pp., PB 188 310 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—QUALIFICATION TEST PERFORMED ON AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE HOSES, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc. , Monterey Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6843, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20296-5, April 1969, 151 pp., PB 188 362 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --REPORT OF EVALUATION OF BRAKING SYSTEMS PERFORMED ON MODEL 1968 CHEVROLET IMPALA, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc ., Monterey Park, Calif., prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20182-6, December 1968, 36 pp., PB 187 317 DISC BRAKES THE AMERICAN MOTORS DISC BRAKE, Carl E. Burke, American Motors Corp. . Detroit, Mich., and E. E. Prather, The Bendix Corp., Bendix Products Automotive Div., South Band, Ind., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 1004A, 11 pp. COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --EVALUATION OF BRAKING SYSTEMS PERFORMED ON MODEL 1968 DODGE DART, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc. , Monterey Park, Calif., prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20182-4, December 1968, 75 pp., PB 186 566 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—EVALUATION OF BRAKING SYSTEMS PERFORMED ON MODEL 1968 FORD LTD, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc. , Monterey Park, Calif., prepared for the U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20182-11, December 1968, 87 pp., PB 186 565 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT--EVALUATION OF BRAKING SYSTEMS PERFORMED ON MODEL 1968 OLDSMOBILE VISTA CRUSIER, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc. , Monterey Park, Calif.,' prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. OTL Report No. M-20182-8, December 1968, 82 pp., PB 186 562 C, COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT — QUALIFICATION TEST PERFORMED ON AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE HOSES, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc. , Monterey Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6843, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20296, February 1969, 164 pp., PB 187 875 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— QUALIFICATION TEST PERFORMED ON AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE HOSES, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc., Monterey Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6843, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20296-1, February 1969, 149 pp., PB 187 872 DISC BRAKES ON U. S. PASSENGER CARS ... A STATUS REPORT, Carl E. Burke, American Motors Corp. , E. E. Prather, Bendix Corp., Bendix Products Automotive Div. F. E. Lueck, Ford Motor Co., Arnold R. Brown & Zora Arkus-Duntov, General Motors Corp., Chevrolet Motor Div., & Arthur R. Shaw, General Motors Corp., Delco- Moralne Div.; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , October 1965, Vol. 73, No. 10, pp. 73-76 THE AMERICAN MOTORS DISC BRAKE, Carl E. Burke, American Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich., and E. E. Prather, The Bendix Corp ., Bendix Products Automotive Div., South Bend, Ind., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 1004A, 11 pp. A COMPARISON BY THERMAL ANALYSIS OF ROTOR ALLOYS FOR AUTOMOBILE DISC BRAKES, R. M. Rusnak, H. W. Schwartz & W. P. Coleman, Bendix Corporation, Research Laboratories, Southfield, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotiva Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700137, 10 pp. DISC BRAKES, FAVORITE OF EUROPE, ARE ORPHAN CHILD IN U. S., R. C. Parker & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo, Ltd., Stockport, England; J. L. Wlnge, Bendix Corp ., South Bend, Ind.; & A. E. Samson, Ford Motor Co., Ford Div., Advanced Chassis Dept., Dearborn, Mich.; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal, Vol. 72, No. 8, August 1964, pp. 40-47 DISC BRAKES FOR AMERICAN CARS, J. L. Wlnge, Bendix Corp .. South Bend, Indiana, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Meeting, March 1963, SAE Report No. 659B, 12 pp. COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— QUALIFICATION TEST PERFORMED ON AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE HOSES, Ogden Technology Labs., Inc. , Monterey Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-L1-6843, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20296-2, February 1969, 166 pp., PB 187 873 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT— QUALIFICATION TEST PERFORMED ON AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE HOSES, Ogden Technology Laboratories , Inc ., Monterey Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6843, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, OTL Report No. M-20296-3, March 6, 1969, 176 pp., PB 187 874 DISC BRAKES ON U. S. PASSENGER CARS ... A STATUS REPORT, Carl E. Burke, American Motors Corp., E. E. Prather, Bendix Corp. . Bendix Products Automotive Div. P. E. Lueck, Ford Motor Co., Arnold R. Brown & Zora Arkus-Duntov, General Motors Corp., Chevrolet Motor Div., & Arthur R. Shaw, General Motors Corp., Delco- Moralne Div.; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal, October 1965, Vol. 73, No. 10, pp. 73-76 DISC BRAKES "TWO YEARS AFTER", T. H. Thomas, Bendix Corporation , Brake & Steering Div., South Bend, Ind. presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Detroit, Section, December 12, 1966, SAE Report No. 670197, 9 pp. 18 FRICTION MATERIAL TESTING, R. M. Rusnak, W. M. Spurgeon (t F. W. Aldrlch, Bendix Corporation , South Bend, Ind., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700517, 9 pp. INSTRUMENTATION AND METHODS FOR THE EVALUATION OF VARIABLES IN BRAKES, J. L. Wlnge, Bendix Corporation, South Bend, Ind., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers 1961 Summer Meeting, SAE Report No. 36 IB, 19 pp. DESIGN OF DISC BRAKES FOR AMERICAN AUTOMOBILES, R. H. Vansteenkiste, The Budd Co. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Meeting, Detroit, Mich., March 19-21, 1963, SAE Report No. 659A, 6 pp. AN OLD MATERIAL MEETS A NEW CHALLENGE--INTEGRAL CAST IRON HUB AND DISC DEVELOPMENT, Gerald L. Goldberg & Trevor N. James, Budd Company , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690444, 5 pp. TRENDS IN BRAKING TECHNIQUES OF THE EUROPEAN VEHICLES, Andre Furia, Sully Schachter 6. Pierre Gancel. DBA , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670505, 32 pp. THERMAL ASPECTS OF VEHICLE BRAKING, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd.. Stockport, England; reprint Automgbile Engineer , July & August 1960, pp. 4-19 TRANSIENT TEMPERATURES ATTAINED IN DISK BRAKES, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. . Stockport, England; reprint British Journal of Applied Physics , July 1959, Vol. 10, pp. 339- 340 STUDYING BRAKE NOISE WITH ULTRA SLOW MOTION PHOTOGRAPHY, Jack E. Gieck, Firestone Tire & Rubber Co ., World Bestos Co., Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 17-21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650489, 6 pp. DISC BRAKES, FAVORITE OF EUROPE, ARE ORPHAN CHILD IN U. S., R. C. Parker & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo, Ltd., Stockport, England; J. L. Winge, Bendix Corp., South Bend, Ind.; & A. E. Samson, Ford Motor Co ., Ford Div., Advanced Chassis Dept., Dearborn, Mich.; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 72, No. 8, August 1964, pp. 40-47 DISC BRAKES ON U. S. PASSENGER CARS ... A STATUS REPORT, Carl E. Burke, American Motors Corp., E. E. Prather, Bendix Corp., Bendix Products Automotive- Div. , F. E. Lueck, Ford Motor Co. , Arnold R. Brown & Zora Arkus-Duntov, General Motors Corp., Chevrolet Motor Div., & Arthur R. Shaw, General Motors Corp., Delco- Moraine Div.; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal, October 1965, Vol. 73, No. 10, pp. 73-76 COOLING RATES OF BRAKE DRUMS AND DISCS, T. P. Newcomb, & N. Millner, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England, paper presented at an Ordinary Meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Automobile Div., Chamber of Commerce, Edgbaston, Birmingham, January 18, 1966; reprint IME Proceedings , Vol. 180, Part 2A, 1965-66, 9 pp. DISC BRAKES, FAVORITE OF EUROPE, ARE ORPHAN CHILD IN U. S., R. C. Parker & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo, Ltd ., Stockport, England; J. L. Winge, Bendix Corp., South Bend, Ind.; & A. E. Samson, Ford Motor Co., Ford Div., Advanced Chassis Dept., Dearborn, Mich.; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 72, No. 8, August 1964, pp. 40-47 A EUROPEAN PROVING TRIAL—OBSERVATIONS ON BRAKE USAGE AND ON THE PERFORMANCE OF DISC BRAKE PADS DURING 3,000 MILES MOTORING ON THE CONTINENT, D. K. Mackenzie, T. P. Newcomb & B. Watton, Ferodo Ltd. . Stockport, England; reprint Automobile Engineer , January 1966, 8 pp. FRICTION MATERIALS FOR ENGINEERS, Ferodo Limited , Chapel-en- le-Frlth, via Stockport, England, 1968, 79 pp. HEAT DISSIPATION IN BRAKING, Peter Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd.. Stockport, England; reprint Automotive Design Engineer- ing , April 1963, 7 pp. THE PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DISC BRAKE, R. C. Parker & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automobile Week, Detroit, Mich., March 30- April 3, 1964, SAE Report No. 836A, 23 pp. TEMPERATURES REACHED IN BRAKING WHEN THE THERMAL PRO- PERTIES OF DRUM OR DISC VARY WITH TEMPERATURE, D.J. Evans & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. . Stockport, England; reprint Journal Mechanical Engineering Science , 1961, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 315-317 A THEORY OF BRAKE SQUEAL, R. T. Spurr, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England; reprint Proceedings Institution of Mechanical Engineers . 1961-62, No. 1 pp. 32-52 FORD'S SECOND GENERATION DISC BRAKE, W. M. Beevers & A. V. Hogan, Ford Motor Co. . Ford Div., Dearborn, Mich, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680018, 8 pp. MARK II GT SPORTS CAR DISC BRAKE SYSTEM, Joseph J. Ihnaclk, Jr. & Jerome F. Meek, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich. January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670070, 32 pp. WHY DISC BRAKES, F. E. Lueck, Ford Motor Co ., Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1965, SAE Report No. 650172, 11 pp. DAMPING CAPACITY OF PEARLITIC GRAY IRON AND ITS INFLUENCE ON DISC BRAKE SQUEAL SUPPRESSION, Edwin J. Miller, General Motors Corporation , Metallurgical Engineering Dept., Research Labs., Warren, Mich., SAE Report No. 690221, 10 pp. DISC BRAKES ON U. S. PASSENGER CARS ... A STATUS REPORT, Carl E. Burke, American Motors Corp., E. E. Prather, Bendix Corp., Bendix Products Automotive Div., F. E. Lueck, Ford Motor Co., Arnold R. Brown & Zora Arkus-Duntov, General Motors Corp. , Chevrolet Motor Div., & Arthur R. Shaw, General Motors Corp., Delco- Moraine Div.; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal, October 1965, Vol. 73, No. 10, pp. 73-76 HIGH CALIPER BRAKING --CORVETTE STANDARD 4-WHEEL DISC BRAKES, Zora Arkus-Duntov, Arnold R. Brown & Arthur R. Shaw. General Motors Corp .. Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No.. 650275, 15 pp. PREDICTION OF SURFACE TEMPERATURES IN PASSENGER CAR DISC BRAKES, Robert N. Noyes & Paul T. Vlckers, General Motors Corporation , Research Laboratories, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690457, 6 pp. 19 PERT AS USED IN A DISC BRAKE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, R. D. Dally, Kelsey-Hayes, Co ., Romulus, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1964, SAE Report No. 815A, 5 pp. TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTIONS IN DISC BRAKES, S. A. Abbas, Lanchester College of Technology . Coventry, England; N. J. Cubitt, University of Technology, Loughborough, England; & C. J. Hooke, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, England; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 184, Part 2A, 1969-70, 6 pp. FAILURfc ANALYSIS MODEL 737 BRAKE AND ANTI-SKID SYSTEMS, R. K. Glasenapp & W. C. Gaffney, The Boeing Company , Commercial Airplane Division, Renton, Wash., Report No. D6-14074, February 17, 1967, 68 pp. APPLICABILITY OF BRAKING CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR HIGHWAY VEHICLES, George R. Olsson and Peter G. Fielding, Booz, Allen Applied Research, Inc ., Washington, D. C; Glenn G. Balmer, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700516, 11 pp. DISC BRAKE SQUEAL--ITS MECHANISM AND SUPPRESSION, R. A. C. Fosberry & Z. Holubecki, Motor Industry Research Association, Llndley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1961/2, February 1961, 14 pp. INTERIM REPORT ON DISC BRAKE SQUEAL, R. A. C. Fosberry & Z. Holubecki, Motor Industry Research Association , Llndley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1959/4, October 1959, 13 pp. STOPPING FROM 100 M. P. H. --PERFORMANCE OF A CAR EQUIPPED WITH DISC BRAKES, R. N. Kemp, Road Research Laboratory . Crowthorne, Berks, England; reprint Automobile Engineer, February 1961, pp. 48-49 APPLICABILITY OF BRAKING CONTROL SYSTEMS TO HIGHWAY VEHICLES, George R. Olsson & Peter G. Fielding, Booz, Allen Applied Research, Inc ., Bethesda, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6859, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C, December 1970, 284 pp. HIGHWAY VEHICLE STABILITY IN BRAKING MANEUVERS, Bohyun Yim, George R. Olsson, and Peter G. Fielding, Booz, Allen Applied Research, Inc ., Washington, D. C; Glenn G. Balmer, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970; SAE Report No. 700515, 16 pp. TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTIONS IN DISC BRAKES, S. A. Abbas, Lanchester College of Technology, Coventry, England; N. J. Cubitt, University of Technology, Loughborough, England; & C. J. Hooke, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, England; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 184, Part 2A, 1969-70, 6 pp. PROPORTIONING VALVE TO SKID C0NTR0L--A LOGICAL PROGRESSION, Frederick E. Lueck, William A. Gartland, (t Michael J. Denholm, Borg-Warner Corporation , Borg & Beck Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969. SAE Report No. 690456, 9 pp. BRAKE SYSTEM COMPONENT DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS, D. K. Fisher, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 265-287; SAE Report No. 700373 TEMERATURE DISTRIBUTIONS IN DISC BRAKES, S. A. Abbas, Lanchester College of Technology, Coventry, England; N. J. Cubitt, University of Technology , Loughborough, England; & C. J. Hooke, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, England; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 184, Part 2A, 1969-70, 6 pp. THE SKIDDING BEHAVIOUR OF MOTOR VEHICLES, G. Jones, British Motor Corp ., Car Division, England; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1962-63, No. 1, pp. 65-73 APPLICABILITY OF BRAKING CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR HIGHWAY VEHICLES, George R. Olsson and Peter G. Fielding, Booz, Allen Applied Research, Inc., Washington, D. C; Glenn G. Balmer, Bureau of Public Roads , Washington, D. C; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700516, 11 pp. EMERGENCY BRAKING AND SKID CONTROL AM AMROACH TO LOAD SENSING BRAKE PROPORTIONING FOR EASSEMGER CARS AND LIGHT TRUCKS, R. T. Eddy & R. A. Hilton, Bendlx Corp .. South Bend, Ind., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., June 6-10, 1966, SAE Report No. 660411, 11 pp. DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS FOR A PASSENGER CAR ANTI-SKID SYSTEM, Thomas C. Schafer, Donald W. Howard 6. Ralph W. Carp, Bendlx Corp . , South Bend, Ind. presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680458, 9 pp. BASELINE ANALOG SIMULATION FOR EVALUATION OF BRAKE ANTI-SKID SYSTEMS, R. L. Amberg, Boeing Company , Commercial Airplane Dlv., Renton, Wash., Document No. D6-58384-3TN, 36 pp. HIGHWAY VEHICLE STABILITY IN BRAKING MANEUVERS, Bohyun Yim, George R. Olsson, and Peter G. Fielding, Booz, Allen Applied Research, Inc., Washington, D. C; Glenn G. Balmer, Bureau of Public Roads , Washington, D. C; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700515, 16 pp. STEERING DIAGNOSIS- -A STUDY OF DEGRADED COMPONENTS AFFECTING IN-USE VEHICLE HANDLING, Clayton Manufacturing Company , El Monte, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6629, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, ' Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, December 11, 1969, 114 pp., PB 188 057 STEERING DIAGNOSIS- -A STUDY OF DEGRADED COMPONENTS AFFECTING IN-USE VEHICLE HANDLING, APPENDIX, Clayton Manufacturing Company . El Monte, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6629, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, December 11, 1969, 106 pp., PB 188 058 20 A PROGRAM PLAN FOR DEVELOPING SAFE HANDLING STANDARDS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES, Fred Dell'Amico, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6529, prepared for Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, CAL Report No. VJ-2494-V-1, September 1967, 170 pp. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE DE LA DYNAMIQUE DE L'AUTOMOBILE EN FREINAGE (CONTRIBUTION TO THE STUDY OF THE DYNAMICS OF AUTOMOBILES UNDER BRAKING CONDITIONS), Jean Odier, S.A.F. du Ferodo , Saint. Ouen, France, presented at the Ninth F.I.S.I.T.A. Congress, 1962; reprint Institution of Mechanical Engineers , London, England 35 pp. AUTOMATIC BRAKE PROPORTIONING DEVICES, Giuseppe Puleo, Fiat S.p.A. , Turin, Italy; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 298-323; SAE Report No. 700375 SKID CONTROL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION PROGRESS REPORT NO. 1, Kelsey-Hayes Co ., Research & Development Dept., Romulus, Mich., Contract No. GS-OOS-60857, prepared for General Services Administration, September 1, 1966, 23 pp. SKID-CONTROL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION PROGRESS REPORT No. 2, Kelsey-Hayes Co. , Research & Development Dept., Romulus, Mich., Contract No. GS-OOS-60857, prepared for General Services Administration, October 31, 1966, 7 pp. SKID CONTROL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION PROGRESS REPORT No. 3, Kelsey Hayes Co. , Research & Development Dept., Romulus, Mich., Contract No. GS-OOS-60857, prepared for General Services Administration, December 31, 1966, 12 pp. SKID CONTROL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION FINAL REPORT, Kelsey Haves Co. , Research & Development Dept., Romulus, Mich., Contract No. GS-OOS-60857, prepared for General Services Administration, July 1-March 15, 1967, 39 pp. EVOLUTION OF SURE-TRACK BRAKE SYSTEM, R. H. Madison, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich.; & Hugh E. Riordan Kelsey-Hayes Company, Romulus, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690213, 18 pp. VACUUM-ELECTRONIC DEVICE PROVIDES REAR-WHEEL ANTILOCKING DURING SUDDEN BRAKE APPLICATIONS, R. H. Madison, Ford Motor Company, Advanced Chassis Research & Engineering Department, Dearborn, Mich.; Hugh E. Riordan, Kelsey- Hayes Company , Research Center, Romulus, Mich.; SAE Journal, Vol. 77, No. 11, November 1969, pp. 63-68 VACUUM-ELECTRONIC DEVICE PROVIDES REAR-WHEEL ANTILOCKING DURING SUDDEN BRAKE APPLICATIONS, R. H. Madison, Ford Motor Company, Advanced Chassis Research & Engineering Department, Dearborn, Mich.; Hugh E. Riordan, Kelsey- Hayes Company, Research Center, Romulus, Mich.; SAE Journal, Vol. 77, No. 11, November 1969, pp. 63-68 ANTI-LOCK BRAKES, John L. Harned & Laird E. Johnston, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich., presented at General Motors Corporation Automotive Safety Seminar, July 11-12, 1968, 25 pp. MEASUREMENT OF TIRE BRAKE FORCE CHARACTERISTICS AS RELATED TO WHEEL SLIP (ANTILOCK) CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN, J. L. Harned, L. E. Johnston & G. Scharpf, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690214, 17 pp. INVESTIGATION OF THE HANDLING OF A VEHICLE WITH ANTI-LOCKING DEVICES DURING BRAKING IN A TURN, B. S. Falkevich & B. F. Yudakov, Moscow Automechanical Institute , Moscow, Russia, Avtom. Prom ., No. 5, May 1968, pp. 22-24} translated by A. J. Greening, Motor Industry Research Association, Lindley, Warwickshire, England, MIRA Translation No. 50/68 AN ANALYSIS OF AUTOMOBILE ANTISKID BRAKE CONTROL SYSTEMS, Susumu Kase, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 14, August 1958, 77 pp. CONTROL OF THE VEHICULAR BRAKING PROCESS USING AN OPTI- MALIZING TECHNIQUE, Robert M. Vijuk, Pennsylvania State University, College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 9, September 1963, 100 pp. ROAD TESTING OF WHEEL SLIP CONTROL SYSTEMS IN THE LABORATORY, Edwin E. Stewart & Lauren L. Bowler, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690215, 9 pp. VEHICLE CONTROL AND ROAD HOLDING, Joseph B. Bidwell, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 192-203; SAE Report No. 700366 CONTROLLED ROTATION OF BRAKED WHEELS, Gordon W. Yarber & Franklin B. Airheart, Hurst/Airheart Products, Inc ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700113, 4 pp. EVOLUTION OF SURE-TRACK BRAKE SYSTEM, R. H. Madison, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich.; & Hugh E. Riordan Kelsey-Hayes Company , Romulus, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690213, 18 pp. SELF-OPTIMIZING WHEEL BRAKE SYSTEM, D. R. Custer, A. D. Brickman, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 24, April 1967, 94 pp. A STUDY OF AUTOMATIC BRAKE CONTROL SYSTEMS, R. M. Vijuk, Pennsylvania State University , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 2, April 1962, 8 pp., 2 figs. THE BEHAVIOUR OF VEHICLES WHEN BRAKING IN EMERGENCIES, R. D. Lister, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England; reprint J. Inst. Auto. Assess , Vol. 17, No. 3, 1966, pp. 41-61 BRAKING FORCE/BRAKING SLIP: MEASUREMENTS OVER A RANGE OF CONDITIONS BETWEEN AND 100 PER CENT SLIP, K. E. Holmes, Road Research Laboratory , Vehicles Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 292, 1970, 13 pp., 15 figs. A CAR FITTED WITH AN AUTOMATIC BRAKE PUMPING DEVICE, B. P. Chinn & H. A. Wilkins, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report LR 164, 1968, 13 pp., PB 182 094 21 CRASH STOP--WHICH WAY IS BEST? R. D. Lister & R. N. Kemp, Road Research Lab. . Dept. of Scientific & Indus- trial Research, Crowthorne, Berks, England; reprint The Autocar , December 8, 1961 pp. 962-964 BLOCKIERVERHINDERER--BREMSKRAFTRECLER (BLOCKIERVER- HINDERER--AN ANTISKID DEVICE), Emil Hdrz, Universitat Stuttgart , Forschungsinstitut fur Kraft fahrwesen, Stuttgart, Germany; VDI-Zeltschrlf t , Bd. Ill, Nr. 15, 1969, S. 1088/92 AN INTRODUCTORY DISCUSSION OF THE FACTORS AFFECTING CAR HANDLING, I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Vehicles Section, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 133, 1968, 17 pp., 1 fig. THE OVERTURNING OF CARS AS A RESULT OF SEVERE BRAKING, R. c N. Kemp & I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 103, 1967, 22 pp., 2 figs. RETENTION OF DIRECTIONAL CONTROL WHEN BRAKING, R. D. Lister, Road Research Lab ., Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Langley, England, 16 pp. RESUME OF TESTS ON PASSENGER CARS ON WINTER SURFACES 1939-1966, Gyaneshwar Prased Hajela, University of Wisconsin , Madison, Wis., compiled for National Safet; Council, Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Chicago, 111., 1968, 165 pp. FRICTION AND TEMPERATURE STUDIES BRAKE LININGS AS RELATED TO BRAKE DRUMS AND BRAKE PERFORMANCE, Robert E. Nelson, Abex Corporation , American Brakeblok Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670502, 5 pp. THE SKID-RESISTING PROPERTIES OF LORRY TYRES, T. Williams, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Vehicles Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Technical Note TN 314, June 1968, 14 pp., 24 figs. SOME PROBLEMS OF EMERGENCY BRAKING IN ROAD VEHICLES, R. D. Lister, Road Research Lab . , Dept. of Scientific (x Industrial Research, Langley, England, presented at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Automobile Div. Symposium on Control of Vehicles during Braking & Corner- ing, London, June 11, 1963, 14 pp. ROAD-HOLDING: BRAKING AND TRACTION, Jean Odier, Societe Anonyme Francaise Ferodo ; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 204-209; SAE Report No. 700367 1969 PASSENGER-CAR ENGINEERING TRENDS, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc ., New York, N. Y., SP-343; SAE Journal, Vol. 76, No. 10, October 1968, pp. 29-60 SKIDDING OF VEHICLES DUE TO LOCKED WHEELS, W. T. Koiter & H. B. Pacejka, Technische Hogeschool , Delft, Holland; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions , Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 3-18 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp. , Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Plttman, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.; F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, 11 pp., 73 figs. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FOUR ALLOYS FOR AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE DRUMS, S. K. Rhee, R. M. Rusnak 6. W. M. Spurgeon, Bendix Corporation , Research Labs., Southfleld, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690443, 21 pp. A COMPARISON BY THERMAL ANALYSIS OF ROTOR ALLOYS FOR AUTOMOBILE DISC BRAKES, R. M. Rusnak, H. W. Schwartz & W. P. Coleman, Bendix Corporation , Research Laboratories, Southfleld, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700137, 10 pp. DISC BRAKES, FAVORITE OF EUROPE, ARE ORPHAN CHILD IN U. S., R. C. Parker 6. T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo, Ltd., Stockport, England; J. L. Wlnge, Bendix Corp . , South Bend, Ind.; & A. E. Samson, Ford Motor Co., Ford Div., Advanced Chassis Dept., Dearborn, Mich.; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 72, No. 8, August 1964, pp. 40-47 DER EINFLUSS VON BREMSKRAFTREG LERN AUF DIE BREMS- UND FUKRUNGSKRAFT EINES GUMMIERTEN FAHRZEUGRADS (THE INFLUENCE OF ANTISKID DEVICES ON THE BRAKING AND STEERING OF A RUBBER-COVERED ROADWHEEL), Emil Horz, Technlschen Hochschule, Stuttgart, Germany, 1968, 118 pp. DER ELEKTRONISCHE BREMSREGLER (ELECTRONIC BRAKE REGULATING DEVICE), H. Leiber 6. W. D. Limpert, Teldlx G.M.B.H. , Heidelberg, Germany, ATZ-Automoblltech- nlsche Zeltschrlft , July 1969, 10 pp. ANALYSIS OF OPTIMAL VEHICLE BRAKING SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EFFECTS OF SKIDDING, Sydney R. Parker, U. S. Navy, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif.; & Douglas W. Harold, Jr., Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D. C, presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., November 16-20, 1969, 15 pp. ANFORDERUNGEN AN EINE BREMSKRAFTREGELUNG VON PERSONENWAGEN (REQUIREMENTS FOR ANTI-SKID BRAKING CONTROL OF PASSENGER CAR TIRES), E. Horz, Universitat Stuttgart , Forschungsinstitut fur Kraf tfahrwesen und Fahrzeugmotoren, Stuttgart, Germany; ATZ-Automobll- technlsche Zeltschrlft, July 1969, 11 pp. MECHANISM OF BRAKE FADE IN ORGANIC BRAKE LININGS, James M. Herring, Jr., The Budd Co ., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13,1967, SAE Report No. 670146, 6 pp. THERMAL ASPECTS OF GALLING OF DRY METALLIC SURFACES IN SLIDING CONTACT, Frederick F. Ling, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. ; & Edward Saibel, Carnegie Institute of Technology , Pittsburgh, Pa.; reprint Wear, Vol. I, No. 2, October 1957, pp. 80-91 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp . , Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Pittman, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.; F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp., Warren, Mich. Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, 11 pp., 73 figs. BRAKING OF ROAD VEHICLES, T. P. Newcomb & R. T. Spurr, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England, Chapman & Hall Ltd., Publishers, London, England, 1967, 292 pp. 22 COOLING RATES OF BRAKE DRUMS AND DISCS, T. P. Newcomb, & N. Millner, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England, paper presented at an Ordinary Meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Automobile Div., Chamber of Commerce, Edgbaston, Birmingham, January 18, 1966; reprint IME Proceedings, Vol. 180, Part 2A, 1965-66, 9 pp. AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Pittman, Ford Motor Co ., Dearborn, Mich.; F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, 11 pp., 73 figs. DETERMINATION OF THE AREA OF FRICTION SURFACES OF AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. , Stockport, England; reprint The Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science , December 1960, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 312-324 DISC BRAKES, FAVORITE OF EUROPE, ARE ORPHAN CHILD IN U. S., R. C. Parker & T . P. Newcomb, Ferodo, Ltd. , Stockport, England; J. L. Winge, Bendix Corp., South Bend, Ind.; & A. E. Samson, Ford Motor Co., Ford Div., Advanced Chassis Dept., Dearbcrn, Mich.; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 72, No. 8, August 1964, pp. 40-47 DISC BRAKES, FAVORITE OF EUROPE, ARE ORPHAN CHILD IN U. S., R. C. Parker & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo, Ltd., Stockport, England; J. L. Winge, Bendix Corp., South Bend, Ind.; 6. A. E. Samson, Ford Motor Co. , Ford Div., Advanced Chassis Dept., Dearborn, Mich.; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 72, No. 8, August 1964, pp. 40-47 MARK II GT SPORTS CAR DISC BRAKE SYSTEM, Joseph J. Ihnacik, Jr. & Jerome F. Meek, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich. January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670070, 32 pp. FRICTION MATERIALS FOR ENGINEERS, Ferodo Limited, Chapel-en-le-Frith, via Stockport, England, 1968, 79 pp. FRICTION SURFACE AREA REQUIRED IN BRAKES, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. . Research Division, Stockport, England; reprint Engineering , March 22, 1963, 2 pp. HEAT DISSIPATION IN BRAKING, Peter Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England; reprint Automotive Design Engineer - ing, April 1963, 7 pp. HEAT FLOW RESEARCH— ANALYSIS OF BRAKE DRUM TEMPERATURES IN RACING CARS, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. . Research Division, Stockport, England; reprint Engineering , May 29, 1959, 3 pp. THE PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DISC BRAKE, R. C. Parker & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automobile Week, Detroit, Mich., March 30- April 3, 1964, SAE Report No. 836A, 23 pp. TEMPERATURES REACHED IN BRAKING WHEN THE THERMAL PRO- PERTIES OF DRUM OR DISC VARY WITH TEMPERATURE, D.J. Evans & T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England; reprint Journal Mechanical Engineering Science, 1961, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 315-317 THERMAL ASPECTS OF VEHICLE BRAKING, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England; reprint Automobile Engineer , July & August 1960, pp. 4-19 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE EVALUATION UNDER CUSTOMER USAGE CONDITIONS, W. J. Zechel, American Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. L. Turner, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich.; R. A. Pittman, Ford Motor Corp., Dearborn, Mich. F. M. Coffey, Jr., General Motors Corp ., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Report No. SP-338, 11 pp., 73 figs. NEW DEVICES TO ASSIST IN FRICTION MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT, Richard A. Muzechuk, General Motors Corp. , Inland Mfg., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670512, 7 pp. PREDICTION OF SURFACE TEMPERATURES IN PASSENGER CAR DISC BRAKES, Robert N. Noyes & Paul T. Vickers, General Motors Corporation , Research Labs., Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690457, 6 pp. HOW ARE PERFORMANCE AND FADE INFLUENCED BY BRAKE DRUM WEIGHT, J. A. Main & F. J. Weber, Kelsey-Hayes Co. , Romulus, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Detroit, Mich., March 12-16, 1962, SAE Report No. 488B, 5 pp. TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTIONS IN DISC BRAKES, S. A. Abbas, Lanchester College of Technology , Coventry, England; N. J. Cubitt, University of Technology, Loughborough, England; & C. J. Hooke, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, England; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 184, Part 2A, 1969-70, 6 pp. THERMAL STRESS BEHAVIOUR IN BRAKE DRUMS, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. . Research Division, Stockport, England; reprint Engineering , March 11, 1960, 3 pp. TRANSIENT TEMPERATURES ATTAINED IN DISK BRAKES, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd ., Stockport, England; reprint British Journal of Applied Physics , July 1959, Vol. 10, pp. 339- 340 TRANSIENT TEMPERATURES IN BRAKE DRUMS AND LININGS, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. , Research Division, Stockport, England; reprint Proceedings Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1958-59, No. 7, pp. 227-244 WORK DONE BY BRAKES, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Ltd. . Research Division, Stockport, England; reprint Automobile Engineer , March 1964, 3 pp. FRICTION MATERIAL, Kirk Othmer; Clyde S. Batchelor Manhattan-Raybestos, Inc ., Raybestos Div., Manheim, Pa.; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Interscience Div., New York, N. Y., Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 2nd Edition, Vol. 10, pp. 124-134 BRAKE FADE--A BRAKE LINING TESTING MACHINE, AND SOME PRELIMINARY RESULTS, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1951/10, 10 pp., 1 fig. FRICTION, WEAR, AND THE INFLUENCE OF SURFACES, Edmond E. Bis son, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, presented at American Society of Tool & Manufacturing Engineers Sympoisum on Surface Integrity, Pittsburgh, Pa., January 24-25, 1968, NASA Report No. TM X-52380, 12 pp., 21 figs., N68-13637 23 ON KINETIC FRICTION BETWEEN UNLUBRICATED METALLIC SURFACES, F. F. Ling & Edward Saibel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , Troy, N. Y.; reprint Wear , Vol. 1, No. 3, December 1957, pp. 167-172 THERMAL ASPECTS OF GALLING OF DRY METALLIC SURFACES IN SLIDING CONTACT, Frederick F. Ling, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , Troy, N. Y.; & Edward Saibel, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa.; reprint W»r. Vol. I, No. 2, October 1957, pp. 80-91 TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTIONS IN DISC BRAKES, S. A. Abbas, Lanchester College of Technology, Coventry, England) N. J. Cubitt, University of Technology, Loughborough, England; & C. J. Hooke, University of Birmingham , Edgbaston, England; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 184, Part 2A, 1969-70, 6 pp. TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTIONS IN DISC BRAKES, S. A. Abbas, Lanchester College of Technology, Coventry, England; N. J. Cubitt, University of Technology , Loughborough, England; & C. J. Hooke, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, England; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 184, Part 2A, 1969-70, 6 pp. BRAKES AND BRAKE LINING CHARACTERISTICS, J. G. Oetzel, Warner Electric Brake Manufacturing Company ! Society of Automotive Engineers Quarterly Transactions , Vol. 4, No. 2, April 1950, pp. 217-231 24 2 - CAR OCCUPANT PROTECTION AUTOMOBILE CRASH INJURIES DEVELOPMENT OF A MEDICALLY ACCEPTABLE INJURY SCALE, Harold A. Fenner, Jr., American Medical Association , Committee on Medical Aspects of Automobile Safety, Hobbs, New Mexico; Proceeding: of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 632-646, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. AUTOPSY FINDINGS IN 127 PATIENTS FOLLOWING FATAL TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, John F. Perry, Jr., & R. James McClellan, Ancker Hospital , Departments of Surgery & Pathology, St. Paul, Minn.; Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Vol. 119, September 1964, pp. 586-590 AUTOMOBILE SIDE IMPACTS AND RELATED INJURIES, Mordecal Friedberg, John W. Garrett & Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7098, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2721-R8, December 1969, 82 pp. AUTOMOTIVE CRASH INJURY RESEARCH, John W. Garrett, Richard C. Braisted, Mary Ann Bouchard, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Dept., Accident Research Branch, Buffalo, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 348-390, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. CAR CRASH INJURIES BY SEATING POSITION AND MILES TRAVELLED, L. A. Foldvary, Australian Road Research BoArd : J. C. Lane, Department of Civil Aviation, Australia; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17 1969, pp. 17-72, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. CAUSES OF IMPACT INJURY IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Robert A. Wolf, Cornell University , Automotive Crash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y.; Impact Acceleration Stress--A Symposium, National Academy of Sciences- National Research Council, Washington, D. C., Publication 977, 1962, pp. 45-59 MEDICO-ENGINEERING RESEARCH PR0GRAM--A REPORT ON 15 VEHICLE CRASHES, John R. Finch, James P. Smith 6. Ardis W. White, Baylor University, College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-6798, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, 1969, 425 pp. DRIVER AND HIS RIGHT FRONT PASSENGER IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Cornell University , Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 335-354, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. MEDICO-ENGINEERING TRAINING PROGRAM— FINAL REPORT 1968, Stuart L. Brown, Baylor University , College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-6798, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, 273 pp. EFFICACY OF SEAT BELTS IN INJURY AND NONINJURY CRASHES, IN RURAL UTAH, Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Transporation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7098, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2721-R3, May 1969, 43 pp., PB 191170 THE CAUSES AND THE PREVENTION OF CAR OCCUPANT NECK INJURIES, William Gissane, Birmingham Accident Hospital, Road Injuries Research Group, England; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury April 19-21, 1967, pp. 216-218, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. A FIRST LOOK- -DIFFERENCES IN INJURIES IN 1968 AND PRE- 1968 AUTOMOBILES, John W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Automotive Crash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers West Coast Meeting, San Francisco Calif., August 12-15, 1968, SAE Report 680542, 29 pp. THE NATURE AND CAUSATION OF FATAL ROAD INJURIES TO CAR OCCUPANTS ON VARIOUS TYPES OF BRITISH ROADS, William Gissane & John Bull, Birmingham Accident Hospital , Road Injuries Research Group, Birmingham, England, The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 443-455, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. FLEXION-TORSION NECK INJURY IN REAR IMPACTS, Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. Buffalo, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 2-16, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. PATHOLOGIST'S SUB-LETHAL DETERMINATIONS, Michael A. Luongo, Boston University , Department of Law & Medicine, Boston, Mass.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 324-344, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. HEAD INJURY IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS RELATED TO SEATED POSITION AND AGE,. Jaakko K. Kihlberg 6. Henry K. Gensler, Cornell University . Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., Report No. VJ-1823-R26, July 1967, 73 pp. THE PADDED DASH SYNDROME: BLUNT TRAUMA TO THE LARYNX AND TRACHEA, R. Melvln Butler 6. Fritz H. Moser, Pomona, Calif.; reprint Laryngoscope , Vol. 78, July 1968, pp. 1172-1182 MULTIPLICITY OF INJURY IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y.; Impact Injury and Crash Protection , publisher Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1970, pp. 5-24 25 OCCUPANT INJURY TABULATIONS-- AUTOMOTIVE CRASH INJURY RESEARCH, Cornell University. Cornell Aeronautical Lab. Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., prepared for U. S. Public Health Service, National Center for Urban & Industrial Health, & Automobile Manufacturers Assn., CAL Report No. VJ- 1823-R-27, September 1967, 31 pp. PRELIMINARY RANKING OF INJURY CAUSES IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Seymour Schwimmer 6< Robert A. Wolf, Cornell University , Automotive Crash Injury Research, New York, N. Y.j The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 6-19, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. A REVIEW OF ACIR FINDINGS, B. J. Campbell, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Automotive Crash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y.; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 3-11, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. A STUDY OF OCCUPANT INJURY AND GLASS DAMAGE ASboCIATED WITH THE HIGH PENETRATION RESISTANT WINDSHIELD, Ronald I. Herman & John W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Department, Accident Research Branch, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. P. 0. No. A25494-10, prepared for Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y., CAL Report No. VJ-2928-V1, July 1970, 88 pp. A STUDY OF SPEED IN INJURY- PRODUCING ACCIDENTS: A PRELIMINARY REPORT, John 0. Moore, Cornell University , Automotive Crash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y. ; reprint American Journal of Public Health , Vol. 48, No. 11, November 1958, pp. 1516-1525 A STUDY OF VOLKSWAGEN ACCIDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES, John W. Garrett & Arthur Stern, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Automotive Crash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y., prepared for Volkswagen of America, Inc., CAL Report No. VJ-1823-R32, November 1968, 112 pp. TRUCKS IN RURAL INJURY PRODUCING AND PROPERTY DAMAGE UTAH ACCIDENTS, William E. Schotz 6. Shirley J. Robinson, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory. Inc .. Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH- 11-7098, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2721-R9, December 1969, 102 pp. VEHICLE SPEED AND RURAL AUTOMOTIVE CRASH INJURY, PART I: ESTIMATED TRAVELING SPEED AND FATALITIES, Robert A. Wolf, John W. Garrett, Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Raymond R. McHenry, Richard P. Mayor, & Arthur Stern, Cornell Aeronau tical Laboratory, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7098, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Wash., D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2721-R-1, January 1969, 41 pp. VEHICLE SPEED AND RURAL AUTOMOTIVE CRASH INJURY, PART II" ESTIMATED TRAVELING SPEED AND INJURIES IN SINGLE VEHICLE FRONTAL CRASHES, Roger Fargo, John W. Garrett & Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y , Contract No. FH-11-7098, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Wash., D. C, & Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., Wash., D. C., CAL Report No. VJ-2721-R7, October 1969, 46 pp. WINDSHIELD GLAZING AS AN INJURY FACTOR IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Roger B. Fargo, Cornell Aeronautical Lab ., Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. UI--00053, prepared for National Center for Urban & Industrial Health, Public Health Service, U. S. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare, Cincinnati, Ohio; & Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., Detroit, Mich., CAL Report No. VJ-1823-R25, October 1968, 80 pp. MECHANISMS OF INJURIES TO UNRESTRAINED DRIVERS IN HEAD-ON COLLISIONS, Gerhard E. Voigt, University of Lund, Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Sweden; & Karl Wilfert, Daimler-Benz AG , Passenger Car Body Dev., Germany; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 295-313, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. CAR CRASH INJURIES BY SEATING POSITION AND MILES TRAVELLED, L. A. Foldvary, Australian Road Research Board; J. C. Lane, Department of Civil Aviation , Australia; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 17-72, University ol Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. FRACTURES OF THE SPINE CAUSED BY AUTOMOBILE INJURIES: RELATIVE INCIDENCE AND TYPES, Zigmund Kosicki, El Paso Orthopedic Surgery Group , El Paso, Texas; Proceedings ot the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 68-72, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. TRUCK ACCIDENT STUDY— REPORT OF PROCEDURES AND FINDINGS, Ernst & Ernst, Management Services Division, Cleveland, Ohio, prepared for Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., Detroit, Mich., August 1968, 117 pp. EXPERIMENTAL SAFETY CARS STUDY—FINAL REPORT PHASE I— VOLUME I, Falrchlld-HlUer, Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6820, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. FUR 3653-1, August 26, 1968, 303 pp. FIELD STUDIES OF ROLLOVER PERFORMANCE, G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham, Department of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; & I. D. Tampen, Ford Motor Company , Vehicle Safety Research, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 969-977; SAE Report No. 700417 MULTIDISCIPLINARY ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS, Paul H. Wright, Georgia Institute of Technology , School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, Ga., Contract No. FH-U-7400, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, GIT Report No. CE-PW-F04, August 1970, 63 pp. A STUDY OF SEVERE VEHICULAR ACCIDENTS-PHASE I: MEDICO-ENGINEERING TRAINING PROGRAM, Fleming L. Jolley & Paul H. Wright, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, Ga., contract No. FH-11-6797, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Final Report, Project B-605, June 1968, 117 pp., pb' i-82 262 26 TRAUMATIC RUPTURE OF THE AORTA, I. E. Langbein & P. W. T. Brandt, Green Lane Hospital , Auckland, New Zealand; reprint Australian Radiology , Vol. 12, May 1968, pp. 102-108 WHIPLASH INJURIES OF THE NECK, Ian MacNab ; Paper Presented at the Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Rochester, Minn., October 22 & 23, 1965, pp. 11-15 THE ANATOMY OF DEATH BY DRTVING--A CASE REPORT, Alfred L. Moseley, Murray Burnstine, Murray D. Segal, James C. Tunny, Jr., J. Vincent DiRago & Ellen B. Moseley, Harvard Medical School , Department of Legal Medicine, Boston, Mass.; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 84-133, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROENTGENOGRAPHS FINDINGS IN EXTRACARDIAC INJURY SECONDARY TO BLUNT CHEST AUTOMOBILE TRAUMA, T. A. Freed, National Institutes of Health, Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Clinical Center, Bethesda, Md.; M. P. Neal, Jr., 6. Melvln Vinik, Medical College of Virginia , Dept. of Radiology, Richmond Va.; American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy & Nuclear Medicine , Vol. 104, No. 2, October 1968, pp. 424-432 INJURIES IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, G. Anthony Ryan, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts; reprint New England Journal of Medicine , May 11, 1967, Vol. 276 pp. 1066-1076 INJURIES IN URBAN AND RURAL TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS: A COMPARISON OF TWO STUDIES, G. Anthony Ryan, Harvard University , School of Public Health, Boston, Mass.; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 309-316, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. COMPARISONS OF CAR CRASHES IN THREE COUNTRIES, G. Anthony Ryan, Monash University , Medical School, Dept. of Social & Preventive Medicine, Victoria, Australia; & G. Murray Mackay, University of Birmingham, Dept. of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 336- 352, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SIGNIFICANT TRENDS IN HUMAN FACTORS RESEARCH ON MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard University, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 1-17, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. CERVICAL SPINE INJURIES, Tonu M. Klesel, Roger L. Frerichs & Edward L. Seljeskog, Hennepin County General Hospital , Minneapolis, Minn.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 73- 81, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. SPLENECTOMY FOLLOWING ABDOMINAL TRAUMA, Robert C. Andersen, Dean B. Pratt & Claude R. Hitchcock, Hennepin County General Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 and 17, 1969, pp. 301-311, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. WHIPLASH INJURIES, John J. Dowllng, Jefferson Medical School , Clinical Orthopedics; American Association of Industrial Nurses Journal , Vol. 12, May 1964, pp. 12- 15 «. 34-35 SUBMERGED VEHICLE SURVIVAL, Bernard J. Kuhn; Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Rochester, Minn., October 22 & 23, 1965, pp. 118-126 THE PADDED DASH SYNDROME: BLUNT TRAUMA TO THE LARYNX AND TRACHEA, R. Melvln Butler 6. Fritz H. Moser , Pomona, Calif.; reprint Laryngoscope , Vol. 78, July 1968, pp. 1172-1182 DYNAMIC INJURIES, J. T. Muller; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alacogordo, New Mexico, November 10 6. 11, 1966, pp. 135-140 ROENTGEN OGRAPHIC FINDINGS IN EXTRACARDIAC INJURY SECONDARY TO BLUNT CHEST AUTOMOBILE TRAUMA, T. A. Freed, National Institutes of Health , Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Clinical Center, Bethesda, Md.; M. P. Neal, Jr., & Melvln Vinik, Medical College of Virginia, Dept. of Radiology, Richmond Va.; American Journal of Roentgenology, Radium Therapy & Nuclear Medicine , Vol. 104, No. 2, October 1968, pp. 424-432 COMPACT CAR ACCIDENT STUDY, GARDEN STATE PARKWAY: JANUARY 1968 - JUNE 1969, Robert A. Nelson, New Jersey Highway Authority, Garden State Parkway, Woodbr:dge, N. J., November 7, 1969, 26 pp. ETUDE DETAILLEE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA R0UTE--III. LES VICTIMES (DETAILED STUDIES OF HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS--III. THE VICTIMS), P. Duflot & F. Hoffmann, Organisme National de Securite Routlere , Arcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 10, May 1964, 19 pp. INTERCONNECTED MOTORIST INJURIES OF THE HIP, FEMORAL SHAFT AND KNEE, Jacob Kulowski , Saint Joseph. Missouri; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 105-124, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. A COMPLETE DISCUSSION OF THE PHYSICIAN'S RESPONSI- BILITY IN THE CONTROL OF THE EPIDEMIC OF BODILY INJURIES FROM THE AUTOMOBILE IN AMERICA, Seymour Charles & Arnold Constad, Physicians for Automotive Safety, Springfield, N. J.; Proceedings of the Second Congress of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine—Volume II, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 59-66 27 AN ANALYSIS OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SES'ICE IN FATAL AND NON-FATAL MOTOR VEHICLE INJURIES IN SAN FRANCISCO, Barry Griffith King, Gertrud Weiss & Ellis D. Sox, Public Health Service , Environmental Control Administration, Injury Control Program, U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Arlington, Va.; Pre-Crash Factors In Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 117-139, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. NECK INJURY TO WOMEN IN AUTO ACCIDENTS--A METROPOLITAN PLAGUE, Charles H. Schutt, Radio Corporation of America, Health Services, Woodbridge, N. J.; F. Curtis Dohan, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.; Journal of the American Medical Association , Vol. 206, No. 12, December 16, 1968, pp. 2689-92 MECHANISMS OF SERIOUS LOWER LIMB INJURIES TO MOTCR VEHICLE OCCUPANTS, E. Grattan & J. A. Hobbs, Road Research Laboratory, Ministry of Transport, Crowthome, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 201, 1968, 77 pp., PB 182 810 EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE AND TRAFFIC FATALITIES, H. H. Mitchell, The Rand Corporation , Santa Monica, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6698, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C., Memorandum RM-5637-DOT, April 1968, 30 pp. MODERATE AUTO INJURIES: THE ROLE OF REFLEXES IN PATHOGENESIS AND SYMPTOMATOLOGY, Samuel M. Reichel , Minneapolis, Minnesota; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 121-125 ACCIDENT AND INJURY INVESTIGATIONS BY THE ROAD RESEARCH LABORATORY, H. J. H. Starks, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash & Injury Prevention, July 11 (x 12, 1966, pp. 77-82, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England DETERMINATION OF INJURY THRESHOLD LEVELS OF CAR OCCUPANTS INVOLVED IN ROAD ACCIDENTS, R. D. Lister & J. G. Wall, Road Research laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 818-833; SA£ Report No. 700402 EJECTION IN CAR ACCIDENTS, M. M. Miller 6. H. J. H. Starks, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 190, 1968, 32 pp., PB 182 949 PROTECTION OF CAR OCCUPANTS AGAINST SIDE IMPACTS, R. D. Lister 6. I . D . Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Crowthorr.e, England; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 38- 60, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. FACIAL INJURIES FROM AUTOMOBILE CRASHES: A SURVEY OF 400 CONSECUTIVE CASES, Richard C. Schultz ; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 126-134 TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1955-196' Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, September 1965, 137 pp. A MEDICAL ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF SEVERE VEHICULAR ACCIDENTS OCCURRING IN THE GREATER NEW ORLEANS AREA, Jack K. Wickstrom & John L. Martinez, Tulane University , New Orleans, La., Contract No. FH-11-6794, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 2, July 1969, 184 pp. SERIOUS EYE INJURIES PRODUCED BY WINDSHIELD DAMAGE--AN ACTUAL PROBLEM IN OPHTHALMOLOGY, K. Muller- Jensen & W. Hollweck, Universicgt Munchen , Augenklinik, Munchen, Germany; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 388-396, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. EYE AND EYELID INJURIES FROM WINDSHIELDS AND MEANS TO PREVENT THEM, G. Holland, University Eye Clinic, Diisseldorf, Germany; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1187-1194; SAE Report No. 700431 INJURIES PRODUCED BY MOTOR-CAR WINDSCREENS, J. A. Hobbs, R. E. Allsop & H. J. H. Starks, Road Research Lab. , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 152, 1968, 38 pp. INJURIES TO THE HIP JOINT IN VEHICLE OCCUPANTS, E. Grattan & J. A. Hobbs, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 126, 1967, 31 pp., 12 figs. MECHANISMS OF INJURY TO MOTOR VEHICLE 0CCUPANTS--A PRELIMINARY STUDY, E. Grattan, J. A. Hobbs & A. East, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 109, 1967, 12 pp., 6 figs. COMPARISONS OF CAR CRASHES IN THREE COUNTRIES, G. Anthony Ry Q n, Monash University, Medical School, Dept. of Social & Preventive Medicine, victoria, Australia; & G. Murray Mackay, University of Birmingham, Dept. of Transportation 6. Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 336- 352, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. FIELD STUDIES OF ROLLOVER PERFORMANCE, G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham, Department of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; & I. D. Tampen, Ford Motor Company, Vehicle Safety Research, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 969-977; SAE Report No. 700417 28 INJURY AND COLLISION SEVERITY, G. Murray Mackay, University of Birmingham , Department of Transportation, Birmingham, England: Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 207-219, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Sew York, N. Y. ENGINEERING STUDIES OF MOTORIST INJURY EXPOSURES FROM REAR-END COLLISIONS, Derwyn Severy, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Traffic Safety a National Problem. Eno Foundation for Highway Traffi' Control, Saugatuck, Conn., 19o7, pp. 91-117 SOME ASPECTS OF TRAFFIC LNJURY IN URBAN ROAD ACCIDENTS, G. Murray Mackay & C . P. de Fonseka, University of Birmingham , Dept. of Transportation (x Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 70-78, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. INJURIES TO CHILDREN IN AUTOMOBILE COLLISIONS, Arnold W. Slegel, Alan M. Nahura & Michael R. Appleby, University of California , School of Medicine, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 1-46, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. TEMPERED VERSUS HPR LAMINATED WINDSHIELDS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF UNITED KINGDOM AND UNITED STATES COLLISIONS, G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham , Department of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England; & A. W. Slegel & P. V. Hight, University of California, Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 369-387, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE ACCIDENT AND THE INJURIES, Alan M. Nahum, University of California , Center for the Health Sciences, Vehicular Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif.; Traffic Safety a National Problem , Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control, Saugatuck, Conn., 1967, pp. 118- 146 AUTOMOTIVE CARDIO-THORACIC INJURIES: A MEDICAL- ENGINEERING ANALYSIS, Irving I. Lasky, Arnold W. Slegel & Alan M. Nahum, University of California , School of Medicine, Los Angeles, Calif., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680052, 23 pp. CASE STUDY INVESTIGATION OF HUMAN INJURY PATTERNS AND THE RELATION TO VEHICULAR DESIGN, Alan M. Nahum & Timothy Canty, University of California , Center for the Health Sciences, Los Angeles, Calif.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 519-525, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. CAUSES OF SIGNIFICANT INJURIES IN NONFATAL TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, Alan M. Nahum, Arnold W. Siege 1 & Stanford B. Trachtenberg, University of California, School of Medicine, Dept. of Surgery/Head & Neck, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 295-313, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. LNJURIES TO REAR SEAT OCCUPANTS IN AUTOMOBILE COLLISIONS, Alan M. Nahum, Arnold W. Slegel & Philip V. Hlght, University of California , School of Medicine Dept. of Surgery, Vehicle Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif.; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 159-174, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. INJURY IN NON-FATAL ACCIDENTS, Alan M. Nahum, Arnold W. Siegel & Seward E. Miller, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif.; 8th Stapp Car Crash 6. Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 12-31, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. THE REDUCTION OF COLLISION INJURIES: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE, Alan M. Nahum, Arnold W. Siegel & Samuel Brooks, University of California , Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif., Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 1-43, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. TEMPERED VERSUS HPR LAMINATED WINDSHIELDS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF UNITED KINGDOM AND UNITED STATES COLLISIONS, G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham, Department of Transportation 4> Environmental Planning, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England; & A. W. Siegel & P. V. Hight, University of California , Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 369-387, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE VEHICLE DEFORMATION INDEX: A REPORT FROM THE INTERNATIONAL AD HOC COMMITTEE FOR COLLISION DEFORMATION AND TRAUMA INDICES, Arnold W. Siegel, University of California , Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 654-672, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. ROAD ACCIDENTS, Eberhard Gogler, University of Heidelberg, Surgical Clinic, Heidelberg, Germany, Documenta Geigy, Series Chirurgica Geigy No. 5, 1962, 176 pp. DECLINE IN AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION INJURIES: A TEN YEAR COMPARISON OF CLINICAL CASES, Arnold W. Siegel, Dale E. Runge, & Alan M. Nahum, University of California , School of Medicine, Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 185-195, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. UPPER THIRD OF THE FACE FRACTURES FROM VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Richard C. Schultz, University of Illinois , College of Medicine, Division of Plastic Surgery, Chicago, 111.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 110-130, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 29 MECHANISMS OF INJURIES TO UNRESTRAINED DRIVERS IN HEAD-ON COLLISIONS, Gerhard E. Volgt, University of Lund, Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Sweden; £■ Karl Wilfert, Daimler-Benz AG, Passenger Car Body Dev., Germany; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 295-313, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS OF THE PERFORMANCE CHARAC- TERISTICS OF ENERGY ABSORBING STEERING COLUMNS, Donald F. Huelke & William A. Chewning, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690184, 15 pp. AUTOMOBILE OCCUPANT EJECTION THROUGH THE SIDE DOOR GLASS, D. F. Huelke, & Harold W. Sherman, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710076, 10 pp. FACIAL INJURIES IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Donald F. Huelke, W. C. Grabb, & R. 0. Dingman, University o_f Klckiga.iv, Ann Arbor, Michigan; reprint American Asso- ciation for Automotive Medicine , October 26 and 27, 1964, 3 pp. HOW DO THEY DIE? MEDICAL-ENGINEERING DATA FROM 0N- SCENE INVESTIGATIONS CF FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Donald F. Huelke & Paul W. Gikas, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Michigan; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Transactions, 1966, Vol. 74, pp. 212-216 INJURIES AND DEATHS FROM WINDSHIELD AND INSTRUMENT PANEL IMPACTS, D. F. Huelke, W. C. Grabb, & P. W. Gikas, University of Michigan, Departments of Anatomy, Surgery & Pathology, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 167-184, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. AUTOMOBILE OCCUPANT INJURIES FROM STRIKING THE WIND- SHIELD, Donald F. Huelke, William C. Grabb & Reed 0. Dingman, U niversity of Michigan, Highway Safety Reseaich Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., 79 pp. INVESTIGATION OF FATAL AND NON-FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Donald Huelke, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash and Injury Prevention, July 11 & 12, 1966, pp. 9-15, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England CAN THE EFFECT OF CHANGES IN VEHICLE DESIGN BE SEEN IN MASS ACCIDENT DATA? James 0'Day & Jay S. Creswell, Jr., University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., HIT Lab Reports, February 1971, pp. 1-9 METHODOLOGY OF INJURY CAUSATION INVESTIGATION, Donald F. Huelke & Harold W. Sherman, University of Michigan , Department of Anatomy, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 276-285, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. CAUSES OF DEATHS IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Donald F. Huelke & Paul W. Gikas, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich.; reprint The Journal of The American Medical Association , Vol. 203, No. 13, March 25, 1968, pp. 1100-1107 PATHOGENESIS OF FATAL INJURIES IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Paul W. Gikas & Donald F. Huelke, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine--Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 183-184 EJECTI0N--THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, D. F. Huelke & P. W. Gikas, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., & Veterans Administration Hospital; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 260-294, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. PATHOGENESIS OF FATAL INJURIES TO REAR SEAT OCCUPANTS OF AUTOMOBILES, Paul W. Gikas & Donald F. Huelke, University of Michigan , Medical School, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 355-361, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. THE ENERGY-ABSORBING STEERING COLUMN--A STUDY OF COLLISION PERFORMANCE IN FATAL AND NONFATAL ACCIDENTS, Donald F. Huelke & William A. Chewning, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Report No. Bio-7, 1968, 55 pp. EXTREMITY INJURIES PRODUCED IN MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISIONS, Donald F. Huelke, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Department of Anatomy, Ann Arbor, Mich.; The Journal of Trauma , Vol. 10, No. 3, 1970, pp. 189-200 PATTERNS OF INJURY IN FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS-- A REVIEW OF 235 AUTOPSIES, Donald F. Huelke, Paul W. Gikas & Robert C. Hendrix, University of Michigan, Medical School, Ann Arbor, Mich; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 44-58, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. THE SECOND COLLISION, Donald F. Huelke, University of Michigan, East Lansing, Mich.; reprint Traffic Safety Magazine, 5 pp. FACIAL INJURIES DUE TO WINDSHIELD IMPACTS IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Donald F. Huelke, William C. Grabb, 6. Reed 0. Dingman, UiLi.Y£Xslty_oi_ Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, reprint Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery , 1966, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 324-333 THE TREATMENT OF HIGHWAY INJURY--AN INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, Eric G. Hanitzsch, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1969, 154 pp. 30 ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAMS IN WHIPLASH INJURY, Fernando Torres & Sidney K. Shapiro, University of Minnesota , Div. of Neurology, Minneapolis, Minn.; Archives of Neurology , Vol. 5, July 1961, pp. 40-47 FIELD EXPERIENCE AND EVALUATION OF TAD PROJECT "VEHICLE DAMAGE RATING SCALE", William S. Rouse & Francis Gendre, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 215-236, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. EJECTION--THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, D. F. Huelke & P. W. Gikas, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., & Veterans Administration Hospital ; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 260-294, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. AUTOMOBILE CRASH INJURIES, Preston A. Wade , New York, N. Y.; reprint The American Surgeon , Vol. 34, No. 4, April 1968, pp. 243-251 THE TRAFFIC ACCIDENT DATA PROJECT SCALE, B. J. Campbell, William Rouse & Francis Gendre, University of North Carolina, Highway Safety Research Center, Chapel Hill, N. C. ; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 675-679, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. A DETAILED INJURY SCALE FOR ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, D. J. Van Kirk & W. A. Lange, Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 240-259, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. NECK INJURY TO WOMEN IN AUTO ACCIDENTS--A METROPOLITAN PLAGUE, Charles H. Schutt, Radio Corporation of America, Health Services, Woodbridge, N. J.; F. Curtis Dohan, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, Pa.; Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 206, No. 12, December 16, 1968, pp. 2689-92 FACIAL INJURIES --CAUSES AND PREVENTION, Lawrence M. Patrick, & Volgt R. Hodgson, Wayne State University Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Detroit, Mich., William A. Lange, Wayne State University, College of Medicine; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 541-568, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. THE ABBREVIATED AND THE COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH INJURY SCALES, John D. States, University of Rochester , School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 282-294, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. STEERING WHEEL AND INSTRUMENT PANEL SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS BASED UPON HUMAN TOLERANCE, L. M. Patrick Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich., Contract No. GS-OOS-56359, prepared for General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service, Washington, D. C, February 2, 1970, 149 pp., PB 196 457 CASE STUDIES OF RACING ACCIDENTS, John D. States, University of Rochester, School of Medicine, Rochester, N. Y.; 8th Stapp Car Crash 6. Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 251-257, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. THE ENIGMA OF WHIPLASH INJURIES, John D. States, Martin W. Korn & James B. Masengill, University of Rochester , School of Medicine & Dentistry, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rochester, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 83-108, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. MEDICAL ENGINEERING ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, John D. States, University of Rochester , School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6796, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1, 1968 - June 30, 1969, 85 pp., PB 192 401 WHIPLASH AND WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT IT; Journal of American Insurance, Vol. 45, No. 4, September-October 1969, pp. 29-32 MEDICAL CRITICISM OF MODERN AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING, Fletcher D. Woodward , Charlottesville, Va.j Journal of the American Medical Association , Vol. 138, No. 9, October 30, 1948, pp. 627-631 CAR OCCUPANT PROTECTI0N--MISCELLANE0US IMPACT ACCELERATION STRESS—A SYMPOSIUM, Held at Brooks Air Force Base, November 27-29, 1961, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council , Washington, D.C., Publication 977, 1962, 504 pp. THE FIFTH STAPP AUTOMOTIVE CRASH AND FIELD DEMONSTRA- TION CONFERENCE, Merrill K. Cragun, University of Minnesota, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, Minneapolis, Minn., September 14-16, 1961, 270 pp. THE PATHOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS OF INJURIES CAUSED BY LATERAL IMPACT ACCIDENTS, John D. States & David J. States, University of Rochester , School of Medicine, Rochester, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 72-93, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. WHIPLASH, Ian Macnab, University of Toronto , Dept. of Surgery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; reprint Modern Medicine of Canada , December 1966, pp. 43-55 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH STAPP CAR CRASH AND FIELD DEMONSTRATION CONFERENCE, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, University Micro- films, Ann Arbor, Mich., 181 pp. THE SEVENTH STAPP CAR CRASH CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Derwyn M. Severy, Editor, University of California, Institute of Transportation 6< Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., November 11-13, 1963, Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Springfield, 111., 594 pp. 31 8TH STAPP CAR CRASH AND FIELD DEMONSTRATION CONFERENCE, Lawrence N. Patrick, Wayne State University, Bio- mechanics Research Center, Detroit, Mich., October 21-23, 1964, 434 pp. INFANT SAFETY CARRIER, George W. Slerant, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 213-220, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH STAPP CAR CRASH CONFERENCE, University of Minnesota, October 20-21, 1965, University of Minnesota, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, General Extension Division, Minneapolis, Minn., 466 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF TENTH STAPP CAR CRASH CONFERENCE, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, November 8-9, 1966, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., 344 pp. 11TH STAPP CAR CRASH CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Anaheim, Calif., October 10-11, 1967, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., 316 pp. DYNAMIC TESTS OF RESTRAINTS FOR CHILDREN, Francis A. Appoldt, New York University , School of Engineering & Science, Research Div., New York, N. Y.; 8th Stapp Car Crash 6> Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 329-345, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. MOTOR VEHICLE RESTRAINING DEVICES FOR CHILDREN, Francis A. Appoldt, New York University, School of Engineering & Science, Research Div., New York, N. Y., Contract No. PH86-62-165, for U. S. Public Health Service, U. S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare, N. Y. University Technical Report No. 917.01, May 1964, 55 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWELFTH STAPP CAR CRASH CONFERENCE, Wayne State University, Biomechanics Research Center, Detroit, Mich., October 22-23, 1968, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., 462 pp. A REPORT ON CONSIDERATIONS OF SEAT BELTS FOR INFANTS AND SMALL CHILDREN, Russell J. Neff, Phoenix Trimming Co. , Chicago, 111.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 249-252, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH STAPP CAR CRASH CONFERENCE, Harvard University, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass., December 2-4, 1969, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. 428 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTEENTH STAPP CAR CRASH CONFERENCE, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., November 17-18, 1970, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., 412 pp. IMPACT INJURY AND CRASH PROTECTION, compiled and edited by Elisha S. Gurdjian, William A. Lange, Lawrence M. Patrick & L. Murray Thomas, Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich., publisher Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1970, 566 pp. A SAFETY ENGINEERING APPROACH TO CHILD RESTRAINING DEVICES, Clarence W. Rose, Rose Manufacturing Co ., Denver, Colo.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 432-436, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. A PROTECTIVE SEAT FOR CHILDREN — EXPERIMENTS WITH A SAFETY SEAT FOR CHILDREN BETWEEN ONE AND SIX, Bertll Aldman, Swedish Council on Road Safety Research , Stockholm, Sweden; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 320-328, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEMS THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A MORE EFFECTIVE CHILD RESTRAINT CONCEPT, Samuel A. Heap & Emlle P. Grenier, Ford Motor Co . , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680002, 13 pp. RESEARCH IN CHILD RESTRAINT DEVELOPMENT, R. H. Fredericks ; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 207-212, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. INJURIES TO CHILDREN IN AUTOMOBILE COLLISIONS, Arnold W. Siegel, Alan M. Nahura 6. Michael R. Appleby, University of California , School of Medicine, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 1-46, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. CHILD SEAT AND RESTRAINT SYSTEMS TEST PROGRAM, D. H. Robbins, A. W. Henke & V. L. Roberts, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6962, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, Report No. Bio M-70-1, October 31, 1970, 74 pp. ELEMENTS OF AN EFFECTIVE CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEM, Robert A. Rogers & Jeffrey N. Silver, General Motors Corp . , Proving Ground, Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 172-187, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. , New York, N. Y. CHILD SEAT AND RESTRAINT SYSTEMS TEST RESULTS- APPENDIX D, VOLUME I, D. H. Robbins, A. W. Henke 6. V. L. Roberts, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6962, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Wash., D. C, Report No. Bio M-70-2, October 31, 1970,125 pp. 32 CHILD SEAT AND RESTRAINT SYSTEMS TEST RESULTS-- APPENDIX D, VOLUME II, D. H. Robbins, A. W. Henke & V. L. Roberts, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6962, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, Report No. Bio M-70-2, October 31, 1970, 250 pp. OCCUPANT RESPONSE VERSUS VEHICLE CRUSH: A TOTAL SYSTEM APPROACH, J. E. Thompson, Chrysler Corp. , Product Planning and Development, Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 220-239, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. CHILD SEAT AND RESTRAINT SYSTEMS TEST RESULTS- APPENDIX D, VOLUME III, D. H. Robbins, A. W. Henke & V. L. Roberts, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6962, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, Report No. Bio M-70-2, October 31. 1970, 375 pp. INFANTS AND CHILDREN IN THE ADULT WORLD OF AUTOMOBILE SAFETY DESIGN: PEDIATRIC AND ANATOMICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR DESIGN OF CHILD RESTRAINTS, A. R. Burdi, D. F. Huelke, R. G. Snyder & G. H. Lowrey, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Third Biomechanical & Human Factors Div. Conference at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., June 12-13, 1969; Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 2, 1969, pp. 267-280 A STUDY OF CONCEPTS IN CHILD SEATING AND RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, D. H. Robbins, A. W. Henke & V. L. Roberts, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Biosciences Div., Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700041, 17 pp., 19 figs. A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF AN EFFECTIVE RESTRAINT SYSTEM FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND CHILDREN, Donald J. Van Kirk & Albert I. King, Wayne State University , Biomechanics Research- Center, Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 353-364, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. CRASH INJURY RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT OF A MEDICALLY ACCEPTABLE INJURY SCALE, Harold A. Fenner, Jr., American Medical Association , Committee on Medical Aspects of Automobile Safety, Hobbs, New Mexico; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 632-646, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. EFFECTIVENESS OF SAFETY DEVICES ON COLLISION CONSEQUENCES: A FUNDAMENTAL STUDY, J. Hamon, Automobiles Peugeot , Paris Engineering Center; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 149-166, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. PHOTOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF IMPACT TESTS, S. E. Staffeld, Chrysler Corporation, Product Planning & Development, Engineering Office, Detroit, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 886-900; SAE Report No. 700409 THE SYNTHESIS OF THE OPTIMIZED IMPACT ENVIRONMENT, Robert C. Miley, Chrysler Corp . , Advance Body- Electrical Design Department, Highland Park, Mich.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 403-411, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. APPLICATION OF OPTIMAL CONTROL THEORY TO THE CRASHWORTHINESS OF A PASSENGER VEHICLE MODEL, Howard Kaufman & Duane B. Larson, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract FH-ll-666£ prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2498-V-1, April 15, 1968, 32 pp. AUTOMOBILE STRUCTURAL CRASHWORTHINESS, Raymond R. McHenry & Patrick M. Miller, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo. N. Y.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 913-926; SAE Report No.. 700412 AUTOMOTIVE CRASH INJURY RESEARCH, John W. Garrett, Richard C. Braisted, Mary Ann Bouchard, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Dept., Accident Research Branch, Buffalo, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 348-390, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. BASIC RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE CRASHWORTHINESS --ANALYTICAL STUDIES, Richard P. Mayor, Calvin M. Theiss & Dieterich J. Schuring, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6918, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Wash., D. C, Interim Tech. Report CAL YB-2684-V-5, November 1969, 120 pp. TECHNICAL FINDINGS FROM FULL-SCALE VEHICLE BRIDGE BARRIER IMPACT TESTS, E. F. Nordlin & R. N. Field California Division of Highways , Materials & Research Dept.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 78-126, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. BASIC RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE CRASHWORTHINESS--SUMMARY REPORT, Patrick M. Miller & Richard P. Mayor, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6918, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2684-V-6, November 1969, 126 pp. 33 BASIC RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE CRASHWORTHINESS- -TESTING AND EVALUATION OF ENGINE DEFLECTION CONCEPT, Patrick M. Miller & Richard P. Mayor, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6918, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Wash., D. C, Interim Tech. Report CAL YB-2684-V-2, November 1969, 126 pp. COMPUTER SIMULATION OF THE AUTOMOBILE CRASH VICTIM IN A FRONTAL COLLISION--A VALIDATION STUDY, Raymond R. McHenry & Kenneth N. Naab, Cornell University. Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. PH 108-65-174, prepared for U. S. Public Health Service, Experimental Research Branch, Accident Prevention Div., Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2126-V-1R, July 1966, 126 pp. BASIC RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE CRASHWORTHINESS-TESTING AND EVALUATION OF FORWARD STRUCTURE MODIFICATION CONCEPT, Patrick M. Miller & Kenneth N. Naab, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6918, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2684-V-1, September 1969, 103 pp. AN EVALUATION OF DOOR LOCK EFFECTIVENESS: PRE- 1956 VS. POST- 1955 AUTOMOBILES, John W. Garrett, Cornell University . Automotive Crash Injury, Analysis Branch, New York, N. Y.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 20-31, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. BASIC RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE CRASHWORTHINESS- TESTING AND EVALUATION OF MODIFICATIONS FOR SIDE IMPACTS, Richard P. Mayor & Kenneth N. Naab, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Incorporated, Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6918, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Interim Technical Report, CAL Report No. YB-2684-V-3, November 1969, 144 pp. BASIC RESEARCH INTO CRASHWORTHINESS OF VEHICLE STRUCTURES, Richard P. Mayor, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11- 6668, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2498-V-1, July 1968, 226 pp. CALCULATION OF DECELERATION WAVEFORMS USING OPTIMAL CONTROL THEORY, Howard Kaufman & Duane B. Larson, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6668, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2498-V-1, April 16, 1968, 27 pp. MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR INJURY PREDICTION, Raymond R. McHenry, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Department, Engineering Mechanics Section, Buffalo, N. Y.; Impact Injury and Cra sh Prn rerf Inn, publisher Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1970, pp. 214-233 OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN VEHICLE INTERIOR RECOMMENDED PROGRAMS, R. H. Dufort & R. A. Wolf, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6574, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C,, CAL Report No. YB-2500-V-1, October 1967, 92 pp. RESEARCH IN IMPACT PROTECTION OF AUTOMOBILE OCCUPANTS, Ronald I. Herman, Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Harry W. Johnson, John S. Patten, Richard P. Mayor, Raymond R. McHenry, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6955, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Wash., D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2672-V-1, July 1969, 216 pp. COLLISION DAMAGE SEVERITY SCALE, K. A. Stonex & W. D. Nelson, General Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. W. Siegel, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; J. W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y.; 6. C. S. Michalski, Reid, Cool, 6. Michalski, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700136, 5 pp. COMPUTER SIMULATION OF AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS--A NEW RESEARCH TOOL, Raymond R. McHenry, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., presented at Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. Eastern Simulation Council Meeting, October 17-18, 1967, Buffalo, N. Y., Revised August 19, 1968, 26 pp. COMPUTER SIMULATION OF HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS, Raymond R. McHenry, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc . , Engineering Mechanics Section, Buffalo, N. Y.; Science Journal IPC Business Press Ltd ., London, England, 32 pp. RESEARCH- -VITAL TO THE FORGING PROCESS, Edwin A. Kidd, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., October 29, 1968, 20 pp. ANALYSIS OF OCCUPANT MOVEMENTS IN REAR-END COLLISION- PART I, SIMULATION OF OCCUPANT MOVEMENTS, Hirosuke Furusho, Kazuo Yokoya & Satoshl Fujiki, Daihatsu Kogyo Co., Ltd ., Vehicle Safety Experiment Section, Osaka, Japan, Paper No. 13, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 16 pp. ANALYSIS OF OCCUPANT MOVEMENTS IN REAR-END COLLISION- PART II, ON THE FACTORS AFFECTING MOVEMENT OF OCCUPANT IN REAR-END COLLISION, Hirosuke Furusho, Kazuo Yokoya 6. Syotaro Nishino, Daihatsu Kogyo Co., Ltd ., Vehicle Safety Experiment Section, Osaka, Japan, Paper No. 14, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 14 pp. 34 DETAILED ANALYSES OF VEHICLE IMPACT DECELERATIONS, Ronald D. Kelly & David D. McNeils, Digitek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-7218, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 20501401, February 1970, 123 pp., PB 194 736 INVESTIGATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN VEHICLE INTERIOR, Fairchild Hiller Corp . , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6590, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. 144, September 1967, 355 pp. EVALUATION OF VARIOUS PADDING MATERIALS FOR CRASH PRO- TECTION, John J. Swearingen, Federal Aviation Agency , Office of Aviation Medicine, Civil Aeromedical Insti- tute, Oklahoma City, Okla., Report No. AM 66-40, December 1966, 3 pp., 3 figures BEHAVIOR OF A SPECIFIC BODY STRUCTURE IN CRASH TESTING, F. Cornacchia, Fiat , S .p. A. , Car Engineering Dept., Turin, Italy; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 946-952; SAE Report No. 700415 A BIO-ENGINEERING APPROACH TO CRASH PADDING, Roger P. Daniel, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680001, 10 pp. FORD "S" FRAME, N. Baracos & A. Rhodes, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690004, 22 pp. INSTRUMENT PANEL IMPACT STUDY, Roger P. Daniel, Ford Motor Co . , Detroit, Mich.; L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 165-179, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS FOR THE MOVABLE BARRIER IN VEHICLE CRASH TESTING, Roger J. Berton & Robert B. MacLean, Ford Motor Company , Automotive Safety Research Office, Dearborn, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 879-885; SAE Report No. 700408 CATAPULT CRASH TESTING, Enzo Franchini, Fiat Auto-Avio Research Laboratories , Dynamic Tests Laboratory; reprint Technical Aspects of Road Safety Bulletin d'Information du C.I .D .1 .T.V .A. , No. 20, December 1964, pp. 2.1-2.49 PROGRESS IN SAFE VEHICLE DESIGN, R. H. Fredericks, Ford Motor Co. , Vehicle Safety Section, Dearborn, Mich.: The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 225-240, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. THE CRASH SURVIVAL SPACE, E. Franchini, Fiat Auto- Avio , Research Labs., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690005, 9 pp. CRASH TESTING EVOLUTION AT FIAT, Enzo Franchini, Fiat Auto-Avio . Research Lab., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 10-14, 1966, SAE Report No. 660165, 12 pp. TRUCK CRASH TESTING, E. Franchini, Fiat , Research Laboratories; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 901-912; SAE Report No. 700411 AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION IMPACT PHENOMENA, A. L. Haynes, R. H. Fredericks & W. J. Ruby, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich.; reprint Highway Research Board Bulletin 142, 1956, 10 pp. AUTOMOTIVE IMPACT, A. L. Haynes, Ford Motor Company , Product Study Engineering Office, Dearborn, Mich.; Impact Acceleration Stress--A Symposium, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 977, 1962, pp. 69-82 WHY A SECOND COLLISION? George Muller,' Ford Motor Co. , Light Vehicle Concepts Dept., Dearborn, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967,'. pp. 272-284, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION OF VEHICLE TO BARRIER IMPACT, M. M. Karaal, General Motors Corporation , Research Labs., Warren, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 940-945; SAE Report No. 700414 ANALYTICAL VERSUS INTUITIVE APPROACHES TO REDUCING CRASH INJURY, Charles W. Gadd, General Motors Technical Center , Electro-Mechanics Dept., Research Labs., Warren, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 240-246, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. BARRIER COLLISION AND RELATED IMPACT SLED TESTS ON BUSES IN INTERCITY SERVICE, Donald J. LaBelle, General Motors , Truck & Coach Div., Pontiac, Mich.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 46-53, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. COLLISION DAMAGE SEVERITY SCALE, K. A. Stonex 6. W. D. Nelson, General Motors Corp ., Detroit, Mich.; A. W. Siegel, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; J. W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.; 6. C. S. Michalski, Reid, Cool, & Michalski, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700136, 5 pp. 35 EVALUATING KNEE-TO-INSTRUMENT PANEL IMPACTS, Richard A. Wilson, General Motors Proving Ground , Safety Research and Development Lab., Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 134-148, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. New York, N. Y. IMPACT SLED TESTING AND RELATED BARRIER TESTS, Louis C. Lundstrom, Alonzo H. Kelly, Jr., & Donald J. LaBelle, General Motors Corp. , Warren, Mich.j The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 20-45, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. SAFETY IMPROVEMENT OF THE NEW LAMINATED V.H.R. GLAZING FOR CARS, PART ONE: RESISTANCE TO ABRASION-- PART TWO: BEHAVIOR IN CASE OF IMPACT OF THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC DUMMY DURING SIMULATED CRASHES, E. Pluraat, P. Eloy, L. Leger, F. Toussaint, & R. Van Laethem, Glaverbel. S.A .. Belgium; 1970 International Automotive Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1152-1170, SAE Report No. 700429 AUFFAHRUNFALLE MIT UND 0HNE K0PFSTUTZE (REAR END COLLISIONS WITH AND WITHOUT HEAD REST), Wolfgang Lange, Dortmund, Germany; & Peter Hinz , Frankfurt, Germany; VDI-Z , Vol. 112, No. 20, October 11, 1970, pp. 1357- 1362 A NEW CRASH SIMULATOR AND BIOMECHANICS RESEARCH PROGRAM, Charles K. Kroell, General Motors Corp ., Research Labs., Detroit, Mich.; & Lawrence M. Patrick, Wayne State University, Biomechanics Research Center, Detroit, Mich.; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 185- 228, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. EFFECTIVE IMPACT VELOCITY FROM VEHICLE DEF0RMATI0N-- A PRELIMINARY STUDY, D.J. Van Kirk & J. Hirsch, Wayne State University, Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Detroit, Mich.; T. B. Sato, Keio University , Div. of Mechanical Engineering, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680477, 6 pp. A NEW LABORATORY DEVICE FOR PASSENGER CAR SAFETY STUDIES, W. G. Cichowski, General Motors Corp. , Proving Ground Section, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Meeting, March 19-21, 1963, Detroit, Mich., SAE Report No. 663A, 13 pp. AUFFAHRUNFALLE MIT UND OHNE KOPFSTUTZE (REAR END COLLISIONS WITH AND WITHOUT HEAD REST), Wolfgang Lange , Dortmund, Germany; & Peter Hinz, Frankfurt, Germany; VDI-Z, Vol. 112, No. 20, October 11, 1970, pp. 1357- 1362 POST OFFICE VEHICLE CRASH STUDY, James C. Gilkey, U. S. Post Office Department, Washington, D. C.; & Robert A. Rogers, General Motors Corporation , Proving Ground, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670025, 15 pp. A REVIEW OF VEHICLE IMPACT TESTING: HOW IT BEGAN AND WHAT IS BEING DONE, Richard A. Wilson, General Motors Corporation , Safety Research & Development Lab., Warren, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 834-850; SAE Report No. 700403 SYSTEM VERSUS LABORATORY IMPACT TESTS FOR ESTIMATING INJURY HAZARD, Charles W. Gadd, General Motors Corp ., Research Labs., Detroit, Mich.; & Lawrence M. Patrick, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680053, 8 pp. VEHICLE CRASH RESEARCH AND MANUFACTURING EXPERIENCE, L. C. Lundstrom, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers West Coast Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., August 12- 15, 1968, SAE Report 680543, 8 pp. AUTOMOBILE -CRASH INJURIES, Charles A. Goodwin, Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. , Boston, Mass.; reprint Highway Research Board Bulletin 120 , 1956, pp. 46-54 LIBERTY MUTUAL AUTOMOTIVE CRASH SIMULATOR, Nathaniel H. Pulling, Dennis F. Ray, Donald R. Vaillancourt, Allen L. Cudworth & John B. Creeden, Liberty Mutual Insurance Company , Hopkinton, Mass.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference .Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 858-865; SAE Report No. 700405 VEHICLE ACCELERATOR CRASH SIMULATOR, L. M. Patrick & D. J. Van Kirk, Wayne State University, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Detroit, Mich.; G. W. Nyquist, Michigan State University , East Lansing, Mich.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 402-423, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. AN AUTOMOBILE CRASH SIMULATOR, Monterey Research Laboratory, Inc ., Monterey, Calif., Report No. MRL 372A, October 1966, 32 pp. CRASH SIMULATOR-HIGH ENERGY--SERV0 CONTROLLED, Monterey Research Laboratory, Inc ., Monterey, Calif., Report No. MRL 499, February 1969, 22 pp. IMPAC PORTABLE INTERIOR TESTER, Monterey Research Laboratory, Inc ., Monterey, Calif., Report No. MRL 420, 7 pp., 2 figs. VEHICLE CRUSH AND OCCUPANT BEHAVIOR, D. E. Martin 6. C. K. Kroell, General Motors Corp., Research Labs., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670034, 42 pp. IMPACT-WITH-REBOUND: AN ADVANCED TOOL FOR LABORATORY CRASH SIMULATION, William I. Kipp, Monterey Research Laboratory, Inc ., Monterey, Calif.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 866-875; SAE Report No. 700406 36 NEW MIRA LABORATORY FOR VEHICLE IMPACTING, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Bulletin No. 2, March/April 1968, 20 pp. CONTROLLED VEHICLE IMPACTS - INSTRUMENTATION AND TEST PROCEDURE, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 92, 1967, 20 pp., 3 figs. VEHICLE IMPACT TESTING, R. H. Macmillan, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 851-857; SAE Report No. 700404 ANALYSIS AND BIODYNAMICS OF SELECTED ROCKET-SLED EXPERI- MENTS, J. P. Stapp, J. D. Mosely, C. F. Lombard, G. A. Nelson, G. Nichols & F. Larmie, Northrop Space Labs. , Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. AF4K609 ) — 2317 , for USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace Medical Division (AFSC), Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, July 1964, 148 pp. DETERMINATION OF INJURY THRESHOLD LEVELS OF CAR OCCUPANTS INVOLVED IN ROAD ACCIDENTS, R. D. Lister & J. G. Wall, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 818-833; SAE Report No. 700402 PROTECTION OF CAR OCCUPANTS AGAINST SIDE IMPACTS, R. D. Lister & I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Crowthorne, England; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 38- 60, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN VEHICLE INTERIOR- -VOLUME I, (1) STATE-OF-THE-ART; (2) PUN TO DEVELOP PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, Pioneer Engineering & Manufacturing Co ., Inc., Wettlaufer Engineering Div., Warren, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6593, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, October 12, 1967, 293 pp. OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN VEHICLE INTERIOR- -VOLUME II-- COST PROPOSAL FOR PHASE II --IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAN TO DEVELOP PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, Pioneer Engineering 6. Manufacturing Company, Inc., Wettlaufer Engineering Div., Warren, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6593, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C., October 12, 1967, 5 pp. SAFETY CARS--PRINCIPLES GOVERNING THE DESIGN OF CARS AND SAFETY DEVICES, G. Grime, Road Research Lab. , Ministry of Transport, Harmondsworth, England, Report No. 8, 1966, 44 pp. SIMPLE REPRESENTATIONS OF CAR AND UNRESTRAINED OCCUPANT IMPACTS IN ROAD ACCIDENTS, I. D- Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 249, 1969, 38 pp., 30 figs. SIMULATION OF CRASH CONDITIONS, Bertil Aldman, Swedish Council on Road Safety Research , Bromma, Sweden; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 238-239, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. CORRELATION BETWEEN WINDSHIELD HEAD INJURIES AND LABORATORY TESTS--PART I: FEASIBILITY OF RELATING HEADF0RM IMPACTS TO CLINICAL HEAD INJURIES, Leonard M. Cook & Raymond G. Rieser, PPG Industries, Inc .; & Arnold W. Siegel & Alan M. Nahum, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 167-190, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. COLLISION DAMAGE SEVERITY SCALE, K. A. Stonex & W. D. Nelson, General Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. W. Siegel, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; J. W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.; & C. S. Michalski, Reid, Cool, &. Michalski , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700136, 5 pp. ASPECTS OF PASSENGER SAFETY, K. Burow & E. Fiala, Technical University of Berlin , Institute for Automobile Engineering, Berlin, Germany; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1000-1007; SAE Report No. 700420 EIN KATAPULTPRUFSTAND FUR UNFALLVERSUCHE (A CATAPULT TEST STAND FOR ACCIDENT EXPERIMENTS), E. Fiala & E. G. Zeschmann, Technische Universitat , Berlin, Germany; reprint Automobiltechnische Zeltschrift , V. 69, No. 2, Stuttgart, 1967, pp. 35-38 DESIGN FOR PROTECTION AGAINST IMPACT, John P. Stapp, U. S. Air Force, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash & Injury Prevention, July 11 & 12, 1966, pp. 53-54, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England CONTROLLED IMPACT INVESTIGATIONS OF HEAD-ON IMPACTS OF FOUR SIMILAR CARS FROM DIFFERENT SPEEDS AGAINST A RIGID BARRIER, I. D. Neilson, R. N. Kemp, J. W. Wall, & J. Harris, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, RRL Report No. LR 132, 1968, 72 pp., PB 179 866 IMPACT ATTENUATION FOR OCCUPANTS OF MOTOR VEHICLES, John P. Stapp, U. S. Air Force , Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 317-320, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. CONTROLLED VEHICLE IMPACT EXPERIMENTS AT THE ROAD RESEARCH LABORATORY, R. D. Lister, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash & Injury Prevention, July 11 & 12, 1966, pp. 72-76, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England PROTECTION AND CARE OF THE VEHICLE OCCUPANT (HIGHWAY), Robert Brenner, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the First Department of Transportation Intra-Departmental Safety Seminar, U. S. . Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, January 1969, pp. 234-241 37 POST OFFICE VEHICLE CRASH STUDY, James C. Gilkey, U. S. Post Office Department , Washington, D. C; & Robert A. Rogers, General Motors Corporation, Proving Ground, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670025, 15 pp. CAR COLLISIONS—THE MOVEMENT OF CARS AND THEIR OCCUPANTS IN ACCIDENTS, G. Grime & 1. S. Jones, University College , Research Group in Traffic Studies, London, England; Institution of Mechanical Engineers Proceedings , Automobile Division, Vol. 184, Part 2A, 1969-70, 39 pp. INJURY AND COLLISION SEVERITY, G. Murray Mackay, University of Birmingham, Department of Transportation, Birmingham, England; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 207-219, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS CORRELATED WITH COLLISION EXPERIMENTS: HEAD-ON COLLISIONS, Alan M. Nahum 6, Arnold W. Siegel, University of California , Center for the Health Sciences, Dept. of Surgery, Los Angeles, Calif.; Derwyn M. Severy, University of California, Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Dept. of Engineering; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 303- 316, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. COLLISION DAMAGE SEVERITY SCALE, K. A. Stonex & W. D. Nelson, General Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. W. Siegel, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif.; J. W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.; S. C. S. Mlchalski, Reid, Cool, 5. Michalski, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700136, 5 pp. COLLISION PERFORMANCE OF THE MOTORIST'S COMPARTMENT, Derwyn M. Severy, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Dept. of Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 247-271, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. CORRELATION BETWEEN WINDSHIELD HEAD INJURIES AND LABORATORY TESTS--PART I: FEASIBILITY OF RELATING HEADFORM IMPACTS TO CLINICAL HEAD INJURIES, Leonard M. Cook & Raymond G. Rieser, PPG Industries, Inc.; & Arnold W. Siegel & Alan M. Nahum, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 167-190, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. ENGINEERED COLLISIONS, Derwyn M. Severy & Arnold W. Siegel, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash 6. Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 32-47, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. ENGINEERING STUDIES OF MOTORIST INJURY EXPOSURES FROM REAR-END COLLISIONS, Derwyn Severy, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Traffic Safety a National Problem , Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control, Saugatuck, Conn., 1967, pp. 91-117 MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY PROJECT, University of California, Dept. of Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6690, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 68-52, October 1968, 222 pp. MOTORCYCLE COLLISION EXPERIMENTS, Derwyn M. Severy, Harrison M. Brink & David M. Blalsdell, University of California, Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 66-120, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. PASSENGER PROTECTION FROM FRONT-END IMPACTS, Derwyn M. Severy, Harrison M. Brink & Jack D. Baird, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Dept. of Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690068, 46 pp. CONTROLLED AUTOMOBILE REAR-END COLLISIONS, AN INVESTIGATION OF RELATED ENGINEERING AND MEDICAL PHENOMENA, D. M. Severy, J. H. Mathewson 6. C. 0. Bechtol* University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, Calif.; Canadian Services Medical Journal , Vol. XI, November 1955, pp. 727-759 THE REDUCTION OF COLLISION INJURIES: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE, Alan M. Nahum, Arnold W. Siegel & Samuel Brooks, University of California , Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif., Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 1-43, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. CONTROLLING DECELERATION IN A CRASH-IMPACT SIMULATOR BY METAL CUTTING, J. A. Bates, D. R. Dunlop, D.. M. Finch & D. 0. Horning, Unlvprs-ll-y of Cal ifo rnia, Vehicle Technology Facility, Richmond, Calif., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers, Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670456, 9 pp. SAFETY GLASS BREAKAGE BY MOTORISTS DURING COLLISIONS, Derwyn M. Severy & Harrison M. Brink, University of California . Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 205-236, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. CORRELATES OF 30-MPH INTERSECTION COLLISIONS, Derwyn M. Severy, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 4, 1963, pp. 1-31 THE VEHICLE DEFORMVTION INDEX: A REPORT FROM THE INTERNATIONAL AD HOC COMMITTEE FOR COLLISION DEFORMATION AND TRAUMA INDICES, Arnold W. Siegel, University of California , Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 654-672, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. 38 VEHICLE DESIGN FOR PASSENGER PROTECTION FROM HIGH- SPEED REAR-END COLLISIONS, Derwyn M. Severy, Harrison M. Brink & Jack D. Baird, University of California , Institute of Transportation 6. Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 94-163, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE TRAFFIC ACCIDENT DATA PROJECT SCALE, B.J. Campbell, William Rouse & Francis Gendre, University of North Carolina , Highway Safety Research Center, Chapel Hill, N. C; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 675-679, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. VEHICULAR AND OCCUPANT COLLISION FORCES, Derwyn Severy, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif, j Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash and Injury Prevention, July 11 6. 12, 1966, pp. 16-29, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England EXPERIMENTAL SIMULATIONS OF SECONDARY COLLISIONS INSIDE THE VEHICLE, Donald Huelke, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash & Injury Prevention, July 11 & 12, 1966, pp. 43-44, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England MATHEMATICAL SIMULATION OF COLLISION, Judith M. Becker & D. Hurley Robbins, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6685, prepared for U. S. Department of Trans- portation, National Traffic Safety Bureau, RFP-142, Project No. 7A, 85 pp. MULTIDIMENSIONAL MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF OCCUPANT DYNAMICS UNDER CRASH CONDITIONS, V. L. Roberts & D. H. Robbins, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690248, 11 pp. IMPACT INJURIES IN PREGNANCY— EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES, Warren M. Crosby, Richard G. Snyder, Clyde C. Snow & Peter G. Hanson, University of Oklahoma , Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Oklahoma City, Okla.; reprint American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Vol. 101, No. 1, May 1, 1968, pp. 100-110 THE ABBREVIATED AND THE COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH INJURY SCALES, John D. States, University of Rochester , School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 282-294, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. CRITICAL EVALUATION OF ASSESSMENT METHODS FOR HEAD IMPACT APPLIED IN APPRAISAL OF BRAIN INJURY HAZARD, IN PARTICULAR IN HEAD IMPACT ON WINDSHIELDS, A. Slattenschek & W. Tauf fkirchen, Vienna Institute of Technology , Vienna, Austria; 1970 International Automotive Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1084-1112; SAE Report No. 700426 CADAVER WINDSHIELD IMPACT RESEARCH, L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., reprint Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery , 1966, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp 314-323 A DETAILED INJURY SCALE FOR ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, D. J. Van Kirk & W. A. Lange, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 240-259, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. AUTOMOTIVE HUMAN CRASH STUDIES, James J. Ryan, University of Minnesota , Minneapolis, Minn.; Impact Acceleration Stress--A Symposium, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 977, 1962, pp. 345-353 REDUCTION IN CRASH FORCES, James J. Ryan, University of Minnesota , Automotive Safety Research Project, Minneapolis, Minn.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 48-89, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. EFFECTIVE IMPACT VELOCITY FROM VEHICLE DEFORMATION-- A PRELIMINARY STUDY, D. J. Van Kirk & J. Hirsch, Wayne State University , Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Detroit, Mich.; T. B. Sato, Keio University, Div. of Mechanical Engineering, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., •lay 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680477, 6 pp. HUMAN AND ANIMAL IMPACT STUDIES IN U . S. UNIVERSITIES, Herbert R. Lissner, Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich.; Impact Acceleration Stress--A Symposium, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 977, 1962, pp. 61-67 REDUCTION IN CRASH FORCES, James J. Ryan & James R. Tobias, University of Minnesota , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Minneapolis, Minn.; Proceed- ings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 413-419, Nolte Center for Con- tinuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. INSTRUMENT PANEL IMPACT STUDY, Roger P. Daniel, Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich.; L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 165-179, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. FIELD EXPERIENCE AND EVALUATION OF TAD PROJECT "VEHICLE DAMAGE RATING SCALE", William S. Rouse & Francis Gendre, University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill, N. C; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 215-236, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. LABORATORY RECONSTRUCTION OF OCCUPANT -VEHICLE IMPACTS, L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Biomechanics Research Center, Colleges of Engineering & Medicine, Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 289-O20, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. 39 A NEW CRASH SIMULATOR AND BIOMECHANICS RESEARCH PROGRAM, Charles K. Kroell, General Motors Corp., Research Labs., Detroit, Mich.; & Lawrence M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Biomechanics Research Center, Detroit, Mich.; 8th Stapp Car Crash 6. Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 185- 228, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. BIODYNAMICS AND THE CRASHWORTHINESS OF VEHICLE STRUCTURES—VOLUME III, A. S. Hyde, Wyle Laboratories , Huntsville, Ala., Contract No. FH-11-6669, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 68-3, March 1968, 61 pp., PB 180 468 PREVENTION OF INSTRUMENT PANEL AND WINDSHIELD HEAD INJURIES, Lawrence M. Patrick, Wayne State University, Colleges of Engineering 6> Medicine, Biomechanics Research Center, Detroit, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 169-181, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. IMPACT RESPONSES AND CLASSIFICATIONS OF MOTOR VEHICLE STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS--A SURVEY—VOLUME IV, G. C. Kao & V. M. Conticelli, Wyle Laboratories , Huntsville, Ala., Contract No. FH-11-6669, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, WL Report No. 68-3, March 1968, 153 pp., PB 180 469 SAFETY PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF 30 MIL HPR LAMINATED AND MONOLITHIC DIFFERENTIALLY TEMPERED WINDSHIELDS, L. M. Patrick, K. R. Trosien 6< F. T. DuPont, Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1113-1133; SAE Report No. 700427 RESEARCH IN CRASHWORTHINESS OF VEHICLE STRUCTURES, VOLUME I, D. J. Bozich, Wyle Laboratories, Inc ., Huntsville, Ala., Contract No. FH-11-6669, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, WL Report WR 68-3, March 1968, 82 pp., PB 180 466 STEERING WHEEL AND INSTRUMENT PANEL SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS BASED UPON HUMAN TOLERANCE, L. M. Patrick Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich., Contract No. GS-00S-56359, prepared for General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service, Washington, D. C., February 2, 1970, 149 pp., PB 196 457 A SCALE MODEL STUDY OF CRASH ENERGY DISSIPATING VEHICLE STRUCTURES— VOLUME V, G. C. Kao & G. C. Chan, Wyle Labs ., Huntsville, Ala., Contract No. FH-11-6669, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Traffic Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, WL Report No. WR 68-3, March 1968, 92 pp., PB 180 470 SURVIVAL BY DESIGN--HEAD PROTECTION, Lawrence M. Patrick & Herbert R. Lissner, Wayne State University , Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Detroit, Mich., & E. S. Gurdjian, Wayne State University, Dept. of Neurosurgery; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 483-499, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. SYSTEM VERSUS LABORATORY IMPACT TESTS FOR ESTIMATING INJURY HAZARD, Charles W. Gadd, General Motors Corp., Research Labs., Detroit, Mich.; & Lawrence M. Patrick, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680053, 8 pp. HUMAN SIMULATION THE DEVELOPMENT OF ANTHROPOMORPHIC TEST DUMMIES TO MATCH SPECIFIC HUMAN RESPONSES TO ACCELERATIONS AND IMPACTS, Samuel W. Alderson, Alderson Research Labs ., Inc . ; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 62-67, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE SAE MANIKIN INTERIOR SPACE EVALUATOR, R. C. Bazzell Chrysler Corp . , Engineering, Div., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Meeting, Detroit, Mich., March 19-21, 1963, SAE Report 662A, 5 pp. VEHICLE ACCELERATOR CRASH SIMULATOR, L. M. Patrick 6. D. J. Van Kirk, Wayne State University , Department of Engineering Mechanics, Detroit, Mich.; G. W. Nyqulst, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 402-423, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. TWO ANTHROPOMETRIC TEST FORMS—THE FRONTAL BONE OF THE SKULL AND A TYPICAL FACIAL BONE, Jule Br inn, Chrysler Corporation , Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 381-399, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. New York, N. Y. WINDSHIELD INJURY POTENTIAL AS A FUNCTION OF WINDSHIELD INSTALLATION METHOD, K. R. Trosien 6. L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1171-1186; SAE Report No. 700430 COMPUTER SIMULATION OF THE CRASH VICTIM— A VALIDATION STUDY, Raymond R. McHenry & Kenneth N. Naab, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Transportation Research Dept., New York, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 196b, pp. 126-163, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. MINIMIZATION OF OCCUPANT INJURY BY OPTIMUM FRONT-END DESIGN, D. F. Moore, West Virginia University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Morgantown, W. Va.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 953-968; SAE Report No. 700416 MEASUREMENT OF DETAILED INERTIAL PROPERTIES AND DIMENSIONS OF A 50TH PERCENTILE ANTHROPOMETRIC DUMMY, K. N. Naab, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., New York, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 187-195, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. 40 ANALYSIS OF OCCUPANT MOVEMENTS IN REAR-END COLLISION-- PART I, SIMULATION OF OCCUPANT MOVEMENTS, Hirosuke Furusho, Kazuo Yokoya & Satoshi Fujiki, Daihatsu Kogyo Co., Ltd., Vehicle Safety Experiment Section, Osaka, Japan, Paper No. 13, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 16 pp. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A CRASH DUMMY FOR TESTING SHOULDER HARNESS AND SAFETY BELTS, John J. Swearlngen, Federal Aviation Agency , Aeronautical Center, Oklahoma City, Okla., April 1951, 14 pp. COMPUTER ANIMATION OF THE CRASH VICTIM, Roger Berton, & John P. Connolly, Ford Motor Co . , Dearborn, Mich.; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 32-33, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. APPLICATION OF A DAMPED SPRING -MASS HUMAN VIBRATION SIMULATOR IN VIBRATION TESTING OF VEHICLE SEATS, C. W. Suggs, C. F. Abrams & L. F. Stikeleather, North Carolina State University , Dept. of Biological 6. Agricultural Engineering, Raleigh, N. C, reprint Ergonomics , Vol. 12, No. 1, 1969, pp. 79-90 CORRELATION BETWEEN WINDSHIELD HEAD INJURIES AND LABORATORY TEST--PART I: FEASIBILITY OF RELATING HEADFORM IMPACTS TO CLINICAL HEAD INJURIES, Leonard M. Cook & Raymond G. Rieser, PPG Industries, Inc .; & Arnold W. Siegel & Alan M. Nahura, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 167-190, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE R.A.E. DUMMY OF THE STANDARD AIRMAN, G. Love 11, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Hants., England, Technical Note No. Mech. Eng. 176, May 1954, 14 pp., 24 figs. THE FIRST STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE CRASH DUMMY--ITS MEASUREMENTS, MOVEMENTS AND MASS, PART I, John Starkey, & Joseph Young, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich.; Samuel W. Alderson, Alderson Research Labs., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690218, pp. 1-4 THE FIRST STANDARD AUTOMOTIVE CRASH DUMMY--ITS PARTS, PERFORMANCE AND PURPOSES, PART 2, W. J. Sobkow, Jr. & W. D. Horn, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich.; W. G. Cichowski, General Motors Proving Ground, Warren, Mich., 6. M. T. Krag, Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690218, pp. 4-9 A SENSITIVE MANIKIN FOR EVALUATING SEAT COMFORT, F. D. Cooper & L. Hall, Ford Motor Company, Ltd ., Body Engineering Research Department, Birmingham, England; Ergonomics and Safety in Motor Car Design, Proceedings — Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 181, Part 3D, 1966-1967, pp. 1-8 SOPHISTICATED SAM--A NEW CONCEPT IN DUMMIES, Aaron Bloom, Sierra Engineering Company, Sierra Madre, Calif. ■Jilliam G. Cichowski, General Motors Proving Ground, Safety Test Engineering Dept., Warren, Mich.; & Verne L. Roberts, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680031, 6 pp. AN ENGINEERING APPROACH TO TRAUMA INDICATING ORGANS, Aaron Bloom & Robert W. Duer, Sierra Engineering Co. ; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 876-878; SAE Report No. 700407 SOPHISTICATED SAM--A NEW CONCEPT IN DUMMIES, Aaron Bloom, Sierra Engineering Company , Sierra Madre, Calif. William G. Cichowski, General Motors Proving Ground, Safety Test Engineering Dept., Warren, Mich.; & Verne L. Roberts, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680031, 6 pp. THIRD GENERATION OF AUTOMOTIVE TEST DUMMIES, Peter I. Mate 1 & Leonard E._Popp, Sierra Engineering Company ; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference November 17-18, 1970, pp. 329-340, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SAE HANDBOOK, published annually; HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENT 19--SAE TECHNICAL REPORTS REFERENCED IN FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS, May 18, 1970, 43 pp., Society of Automotive Engineers Inc., New York, N. Y. THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF ANTHROPOMORPHIC DUMMIES, H. T. E. Hertzberg, U. S. Air Force Systems Command, 6570th Aerospace Medical Research Lab.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 201-214, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. New York, N. Y. ANTHROPOMETRIC DUMMIES FOR CRASH RESEARCH, J. A. Searle & C. M. Haslegrave, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, MIRA Bulletin No. 5, 1969, pp. 25-30 ANTHROPOMETRIC DEFINITION/VEHICLE SAFETY (DOT/NHSB) AND AUTOMOBILE SEAT BELT/DYNAMIC TESTING (NBS), U. S. Air Force, Aerospace Medical Div., Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau & National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, September 1969, 96 pp. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF DUMMY PERFORMANCE UNDER -G x IMPACT, Richard F. Chandler & Robert A. Christian, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 61-75, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. COMPARISON OF THE DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF DUMMIES, ANIMALS AND MAN, Rolf R. Coermann, U. S. Air Force , Aerospace Medical Research Labs., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; Impact Acceleration Stress--A Symposium, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 977, 1962, pp. 173-184 41 CORRELATION TESTS OF ANIMALS AND HUMANS, Eli L. Beeding, Jr. & James E. Cook, USAF Aeromedical Field Lab ., Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 125-129, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. DEVELOPMENT OF A MECHANICAL MODEL OF THE HUMAN HEAD-- DETERMINATION OF TISSUE PROPERTIES AND SYNTHETIC SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS, J. W. Melvln, J. H. McElhaney 6. V. L. Roberts, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17- 18, 1970, pp. 221-240, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. MISCONCEPTIONS REGARDING THE DESIGN AND USE OF ANTHROPOMORPHIC DUMMIES, H. T. E. Hertzberg, U. S. Air Force , Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; Motor Industry Research Association , Bulletin No. 4, July/August 1970, pp. 17-20 PROBLEMS AND TECHNIQUES OF HUMAN SLED SUBJECT SELECTION—TECHNICAL DOCUMENTARY REPORT NO. ARL-TDR- 62-, Ellis Taylor, USAF Aerospace Research Lab ., Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 17-24, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. A COMPARISON OF THE RESPONSES OF MEN AND DUMMIES TO SHIP SHOCK MOTIONS, Arthur E Hirsch, U. S. Navy , David Taylor Model Basin, Personnel Protection Section, Washington, D. C.; Impact Acceleration Stress--A Symposium, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 977, 1962, pp. 185-190 ANTHROPOMETRIC DUMMIES, Derwyn M. Severy, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif., presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y., November 29- December 4, 1964, 8 pp. CORRELATION BETWEEN WINDSHIELD HEAD INJURIES AND LABORATORY TESTS — PART I:. FEASIBILITY OF RELATING HEADFORM IMPACTS TO CLINICAL HEAD INJURIES, Leonard M. Cook & Raymond G. Rieser, PPG Industries, Inc.; & Arnold W. Siegel & Alan M. Nahum, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 167-190, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. HUMAN SIMULATION TECHNIQUES BY COLLISION RESEARCHERS, Derwyn M. Severy, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 114-127, Wayne State University Press. Detroit, Mich. PREDICTIONS OF MATHEMATICAL MODELS COMPARED WITH IMPACT SLED TEST RESULTS USING ANTHROPOMETRIC DUMMIES, D. H. Robbins, R. 0. Bennett, A. W. Henke, & N. N. Alem, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 299-328, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SOPHISTICATED SAM--A NEW CONCEPT IN DUMMIES, Aaron Bloom, Sierra Engineering Company, Sierra Madre, Calif.; William G. Cichowski, General Motors Proving Ground, Safety Test Engineering Dept.-, Warren, Mich.; & Verne L. Roberts, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680031, 6 pp. INJURIES FROM OCCUPANT RESTRAINTS UNUSUAL ABDOMINAL INJURIES DUE TO SEAT BELTS, Roy Gerritsen; Alfred S. Frobese, Abington Memorial Hospital , Abington, Pa.; & Pio J. Pezzi; Journal of the Albert Einstein Medical Center , Vol. 14, January 1966, pp. 63-66 PATHOLOGIST'S SUB-LETHAL DETERMINATIONS, Michael A. Luongo, Boston University , Department of Law & Medicine, Boston, Mass.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 324-344, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE SEAT BELT SYNDROME, John W. Garrett & Paul W. Braunstein , presented at the Twenty-first Annual Session of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Chicago, 111., September 28-30, 1961; reprint The Journal of Trauma , May 1962, Vol. 2, No. pp. 220-237 3, THE AUTOMOBILE SEAT BELT AND ABDOMINAL INJURY, Horace E. Campbell . Denver, Colo.; reprint Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics , September 1964, Vol. 119, pp. 591-592 HUMAN SIMULATIONS FOR AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH, Derwyn M. Severy, University of California. Dept. of Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Report No. SP-266, January 1965, 88 pp. RESEARCH ON A DISTRIBUTED PARAMETER MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE HUMAN BODY IN DYNAMIC MECHANICAL ENVIRONMENTS, Horst E. Krause & Mehdi Shirazi, University of Dayton , Research Institute, Dayton, Ohio, Contract No. F33615-69- C-1681, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Air Force Systems Command, Aerospace Medical Div., Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Report No. AMRL-TR-70-113, December 1970, 137 pp., AD 717 764 INTRA-ABDOMINAL INJURIES CAUSED BY AUTOMOBILE SEAT BELTS, John R. LeMlre, Daniel E. Earley & Chapln Hawley Christ Hospital , Department of Radiology, Cincinnati, Ohio; reprint Journal of the American Medical Association , Vol. 201, No. 10, September 4, 1967, pp. 735-737 MESENTERY AND BOWEL INJURY FROM AUTOMOTIVE SEAT BELTS, Charles L. White, U. S. Air Force, Hospital Scott, Scott Air Force Base, Dept. of Surgery, Belleville, 111. City Hospital , St. Louis, Mo.; Annals of Surgery , Vol. 167, No. 4, April 1968, pp. 486-492 42 SEAT BELT USE AND INJURY PATTERNS IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Jaakko K. Kihlberg & Shirley Robinson, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Automotive Crash CAL Report No. Injury Research, Buffalo, N VJ-1823-R30, December 1967, Y. 98 pp. INJURIES DUE TO AUTOMOBILE SEAT BELTS, Frank R . Pi Fiore ; reprint American Surgeon , Vol. 34, No. 11, 1968, pp. 828-830 UNUSUAL ABDOMINAL INJURIES DUE TO SEAT BELTS, Roy Gerritsen ; Alfred S. Frobese; & Pio J. Pezzi; Journal of the Albert Einstein Medical Center , Vol. 14, January 1966, pp. 63-66 INJURIES FROM SEAT BELTS, Klaus D. Backwinkel, Jackson Clinic , Department of Surgery, Madison, Wis.: reprint Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 205, No. 5, July 29, 1968, pp. 305-308 IMPACT INJURY TO THE PREGNANT FEMALE AND FETUS IN LAP BELT RESTRAINT, Richard G. Snyder & Clyde C. Snow, Federal Aviation Agency , Civil Aeromedical Institute, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Warren M. Crosby, University of Oklahoma, School of Medicine, Normal, Okla.; Peter Hanson, Jerry Fineg & Richard Chandler, U. S. Air Force, 657Lst Aeromedical Research Lab.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 249-259, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SEAT-BELT FRACTURES OF THE SPINE AND STERNUM, Barry D. Fletcher & Byron G. Brogdon, Johns Hopkins Hospital , Department of Radiology, Baltimore, Md.; reprint Journal of the American Medical Association , Vol. 200, No. 2, April 10, 1967, pp. 177-178 SEAT-BELT INJURIES, J. B. Hamilton, Lurgan & Portado ur Hospita l, Lurgan, County Armagh, N. Ireland; British Medical Journal , Vol. 4, November 23, 1968, pp. 485-6 PATHOLOGY OF TRAUMA ATTRIBUTED TO RESTRAINT SYSTEMS IN CRASH IMPACTS, Richard G. Snyder & Joseph W. Young, Ford Motor Co., Biomechanics Department, Automotive Safety Research Office, Dearborn, Mich.; Clyde C. Snow & G. Townley Price, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, Oklahoma City, Okla.; & W. M. Crosby, University of Oklahoma, Schoolof Medicine, Oklahoma City, Okla.; reprint Aerospace Medicine, Vol. 39, No. 8, August 1968, pp. 812-829 SEAT BELT INJURIES IN IMPACT, R. G. Snyder & J. W. Young, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.; W. M. Crosby, University of Oklahoma, School of Medicine, Oklahoma City, Okla.; C. C. Snow, Federal Aviation Agency , Civil Aeromedical Research Institute, Oklahoma City, Okla.; P. Hanson, U. S. Air Force, 6571st Aeromedical Research Lab., Holloraan Air Force Base, New Mexico; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 188-210, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. INJURY PRODUCED BY SEAT BELTS- -RE PORT OF 2 CASES, Peter Fisher , Seattle, Wash.; reprint Journal of Occupational Medicine , Vol. 7, May 1965, pp. 211-212 SEAT BELT INJURY: CASE OF COMPLETE TRANSECTION OF PREGNANT UTERUS, R. Dale McCormick, York, Pa.; reprint Journal American Osteopathic Association , Vol. 67, June 1968, pp. 1139-1141 TRANSVERSE PELVIC LOADING DUE TO SEAT BELTS, R. F. Chandler, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Occupant Restraint Systems Section, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 372, November 1970, 15 pp., 5 figs. FULCRUM FRACTURES OF THE LUMBAR SPINE- -TRANSVERSE FRACTURE INDUCED BY AN IMPROPERLY PLACED SEAT BELT, Willard J. Howland, Joseph L. Curry & Carroll B. Buffington, Ohio Valley General Hospital , Wheeling, W. Va.; reprint Journal American Medical Association , Vol. 193, No. 3, July 19, 1965, pp. 240-241 PATHOLOGY OF TRAUMA ATTRIBUTED TO RESTRAINT SYSTEMS IN CRASH IMPACTS, Richard G. Snyder 6. Joseph W. Young, Ford Motor Co ., Biomechanics Department, Automotive Safety Research Office, Dearborn, Mich.; Clyde C. Snow & G. Townley Price, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, Oklahoma City, Okla.; & W. M. Crosby, University of Oklahoma, School of Medicine, Oklahoma City, Okla.; reprint Aerospace Medicine , Vol. 39, No. 8, August 1968, pp. 812-829 SEAT BELT INJURIES IN IMPACT Young, Ford Motor Co . , Dearb University of Oklahoma, Scho City, Okla.; C. C. Snow, Fed Civil Aeromedical Research I Okla.; P. Hanson, U. S. Air Research Lab., Holloman Air Proc. Symposium on the Preve April 19-21, 1967, pp. 188-2 Ann Arbor, Mich. R. G. Snyder & J. W. orn, Mich.; W. M. Crosby, ol of Medicine, Oklahoma eral Aviation Agency, nstitute, Oklahoma City, Force, 6571st Aeromedical Force Base, New Mexico; ntion of Highway Injury, 10, University of Michigan, THE SEAT BELT SYNDROME, John W. Garrett & Paul W. Braunstein, presented at the Twenty-first Annual Session of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Chicago, 111., September 28-30, 1961; reprint The Journal of Trauma , May 1962, Vol. 2, No. pp. 220-237 UNUSUAL ABDOMINAL INJURIES DUE TO SEAT BELTS, Roy Gerritsen; Alfred S. Frobese, Abington Memorial Hospital, Abington, Pa.; & Pio J. Pezzi ; Journal of the Albert Einstein Medical Center , Vol. 14, January 1966, pp. 63-66 CAR SEAT -BELTS --AN ANALYSIS OF THE INJURIES SUSTAINED BY CAR OCCUPANTS, R. D. Lister & Barbara M. Milsom, Road Research Lab ., Department of Scientific & In- dustrial Research, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England; reprint The Practitioner , Vol. 191, September 1963, pp. 332-340 RESTRAINT SYSTEMS IN RACING ACCIDENTS, John D. States, University of Rochester, Orthopaedic Surgery Div., Rochester, N. Y.; David Ryon, Rochester Applied Science Associates, Inc. , New York, N. Y., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690246, 8 pp. SEAT BELT INJURIES AND LEGAL ASPECTS, J. W. McRoberts, Sheboygan Clinic , Sheboygan, Wis.; Industrial Medicine 6. Surgery , Vol. 34, No. 11, November 1965, pp. 866-69 43 IMPACT INJURY TO THE PREGNANT FEMALE AND FETUS IN LAP BELT RESTRAINT, Richard G. Snyder & Clyde C. Snow, Federal Aviation Agency, Civil Aeromedical Institute, Oklahoma City, Okla.; Warren M. Crosby, University of Oklahoma, School of Medicine, Normal, Okla.; Peter Hanson, Jerry Fineg & Richard Chandler, U. S. Air Force , 6571st Aeromedical Research Lab.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 249-259, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. MESENTERY AND BOWEL INJURY FROM AUTOMOTIVE SEAT BELTS, Charles L. White, U.S. Air Force , Hospital Scott, Scott Air Force Base, Dept. of Surgery, Belleville, 111. City Hospital, St. Louis, Mo.; Annals of Surgery , Vol. 167, No. 4, April 1968, pp. 486-492 THE SEAT BELT AS A CAUSE OF INJURY, Richard G. Snyder, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Biomedical Department, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Marquette Law Review , Vol. 53, No. 2, Summer 1970, pp. 211-228 IMPACT INJURY TO THE LAP BELT RESTRAINT, R Federal Aviation Agen Oklahoma City, Okla Oklahoma , School of M Hanson, Jerry Fineg & Force, 6571st Aeromed of the Tenth Stapp Ca 1966, pp. 249-259, So Inc., New York, N. Y PREGNANT FEMALE AND FETUS IN ichard G. Snyder & Clyde C. Snow, cy, Civil Aeromedical Institute, Warren M. Crosby, University of edicine, Normal, Okla.; Peter Richard Chandler, U. S. Air leal Research Lab.; Proceedings r Crash Conference, November 8-9, ciety of Automotive Engineers, SEAT BELT INJURIES IN IMPACT, R. G. Snyder & J. W. Young, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.; W. M. Crosby, University of Oklahoma, School of Medicine, Oklahoma City, Okla.; C. C. Snow, Federal Aviation Agency, Civil Aeromedical Research Institute, Oklahoma City, Okla.; P. Hanson, U. S. Air Force, 6571st Aeromedical Research Lab., Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 188-210, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. PATHOLOGY OF TRAUMA ATTRIBUTED TO RESTRAINT SYSTEMS IN CRASH IMPACTS, Richard G. Snyder & Joseph W. Young, Ford Motor Co., Biomechanics Department, Automotive Safety Research Office, Dearborn, Mich.; Clyde C. Snow & G. Townley Price, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, Oklahoma City, Okla.; & W. M. Crosby, University of Oklahoma , School of Medicine, Oklahoma City, Okla.; reprint Aerospace Medicine, Vol. 39, No. 8, August 1968, pp. 812-829 ACCIDENTS AND INJURIES TO CAR OCCUPANTS WEARING SAFETY BELTS, G. Grime, University College , Research Group in Traffic Studies, London, England, 1967, 12 pp., '7 figs. SEAT BELT INJURIES, Samuel D. Porter & Edward W. Green, University Hospitals , Department of Surgery, Iowa City, Iowa; reprint Archives of Surgery , Vol. 96, No. 2, February 1968, pp. 242-246 SEAT BELT INJURIES IN IMPACT, R. G. Snyder & J. W. Young, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.; W. M. Crosby, University of Oklahoma , School of Medicine, Oklahoma City, Okla.; C. C. Snow, Federal Aviation Agency, Civil Aeromedical Research Institute, Oklahoma City, Okla.; P. Hanson, U. S. Air Force, 6571st Aeromedical Research Lab., Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 188-210, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. THE SEAT BELT SYNDROME--THE SEAT BELT SIGN, INTESTINAL AND MESENTERIC INJURIES, Kemp B. Doersch & William E. Dozier, University of California , School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Davis, Calif.; reprint Americar Journal of Surgery, Vol. 116, December 1968, pp. 831- 833 THE NATURE OF SEAT BELT INJURIES, James S. Williams, University of Rochester , School of Medicine & Dentistry, Department of Surgery, Rochester, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 44-65, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. FATAL NECK INJURIES CAUSED BY USE OF DIAGONAL SAFETY BELTS, Tom Saldeen, University of Lund , Department of Forensic Medicine, Sweden; Journal of Trauma , Vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 856-862 RUPTURE OF THE DUODENUM PRODUCED BY A SAFETY BELT, Brian Buxton, University of Melbourne , Royal Melbourne Hospital, Department of Surgery, Melbourne, Australia; Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery, Vol. 38, No. 4, May 1969, pp. 315-320 RESTRAINT SYSTEMS IN RACING ACCIDENTS, John D. States, University of Rochester , Orthopaedic Surgery Div., Rochester, N. Y.; David Ryon, Rochester Applied Science Associates, Inc., New York, N. Y., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690246, 8 pp. RESTRAINT SYSTEMS RESEARCH, MECHANICS & TESTING LAP SEAT BELT INJURIES: THE TREATMENT OF THE FORTUNATE SURVIVOR, Richard C. Schneider, William S. Smith, William C. Grabb, Jeremiah G. Turcotte & Donald F. Huelke, University of Michigan , Medical School, Ann Arbor, Mich.; reprint Michigan Medicine , Vol. 67, No. 3, February 1968, pp. 171-186 A BRIEF REVIEW OF SAFETY MEASURES IN THE AUTOMOTIVE AND AIRCRAFT FIELDS IN AUSTRALIA, A. Peter Vulcan, Aeronautical Research Labs ., Melbourne, Australia; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 468-469, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. A NEW PATTERN OF SPINE INJURY ASSOCIATED WITH LAP-TYPE SEAT BELTS: A PRELIMINARY REPORTS William S. Smith & Herbert Kaufer, University of Michigan , Department of Surgery, Ann Arbor, Mich.; reprint University of Michigan Medical Center Journal , Vol. XXX1II, May-June 1967, pp. 99-104 INVESTIGATIONS ON LONG -STRETCHING BODY RESTRAINTS, Bertll Aldman , Bromma, Sweden; Impact Acceleration Stress--A Symposium, National Academy of Sciences- National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 977, 1962, pp. 355-360 44 AIRCRAFT CARGO RESTRAINT SYSTEM, A. Russo, AIL_Amer.icai) En gineerin g Company. Wilmington, Delaware, Contract No. DA44-177-AMC-68(T), prepared for U. S. Army Aviation Materiel Lab., Fort Eustis, Va., Project 1F121401A254, USAAVLABS Tech. Report 66-50, September 1966, 171 pp. TECHNICAL FINDINGS FROM FULL-SCALE VEHICLE BRIDGE BARRIER IMPACT TESTS, E. F. Nordlin 6. R. N. Field California Division of Highways , Materials & Research Dept.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 78-126, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. POSTAL VEHICLE RESTRAINT SYSTEM, I. R. Smith, E. J. Fahey & C. J. Daniels, All American Engineering Co. . Wilmington, Del., for Post Office Department, Bureau of Research & Engineering, Washington, D. C, AAE Proposal No. Q-579, S.O. 9433, April 1967, 71 pp. A RESEARCH PROGRAM TO DEVELOP A 60 "G" PERSONNEL RESTRAINT SYSTEM, Howard E. Freeman, Chance Vought Corporation , Vought Astronautics Div.; Impact Acceleration Stress--A Symposium, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 977, 1962, pp. 259-264 DYNAMIC RESEARCH OF HUMAN RESTRAINING DEVICES, Emile L. Provost & John 0. Moore, American Safety Equipment Corp . , New York, N. Y.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Con. ference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 145- 154, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. MOTIONS OF THE HEAD AND TRUNK ALLOWED BY SAFETY BELT RESTRAINT DURING IMPACT, John J. Swear ingen & Dorothy J. Morrow, Civil Aeronautics Administration, Office of Aviation Safety, Dept. of Commerce, Washington, D. C, Project No. 53-204, June 1956, 20 pp. DYNAMIC RESEARCH OF PASSENGER RESTRAINING DEVICES, D. J. Schrum & E. L. Provost, American Safety Equip- ment Corp . ; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 346-351, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. SEAT BELTS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, R. A. Bllancia, Coach ft Car Equipment Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Farm, Construction and Industrial Machinery Meeting, Milwaukee, Wis., September 8-11, 1969, SAE Report No. 690568, 5 pp. DYNAMIC RESEARCH OF UPPER TORSO RESTRAINTS, E. L. Provost & D . J. Schrum, American Safety Equipment Corp . , Rochester, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 83-92, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. PROBLEMS WITH THE THREE-POINT BELT INSTALLATIONS AND POSSIBLE S0LUTI0NS--PART II, Roy Lininger, Colorado Safety Car Committee , Denver, Colo.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 159-162, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. EFFECTIVENESS OF SAFETY DEVICES ON COLLISION CONSEQUENCES: A FUNDAMENTAL STUDY, J. Hamon, Automobiles Peugeot , Paris Engineering Center; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 149-166, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. DESIGN OF FIELD AND CRASH TEST PROGRAMS FOR INFLATABLE OCCUPANT RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, R. D. Leis, C. W. Hamilton & E. S. Cheaney, Battelle Memorial Institute , Columbus Labs., Columbus, Ohio, Contract No. FH-11-75 29, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, Report No. BCL-G-0555, November 12, 1970, 96 pp. AN ENERGY-ABSORBING RESTRAINT SYSTEM, R. W. McLay, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., F. J. Blackstone , Burlington, Vt . ; & P. K. Das, Yale University, New Haven Conn., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710078, 14 pp. COMPILATION OF DATA ON CREW EMERGENCY ESCAPE SYSTEMS, John 0. Bull, Edward L. Serocki & Howard L. McDowell, et al., The Boeing Co . , Renton, Wash., Technical Report No. AFFDL-TR-66-150, September 1966, 337 pp. DYNAMIC TESTS OF AUTOMOBILE PASSENGER RESTRAINING DEVICES, Irving Michelson & Boris Tourin, Consumers Union of U. S., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ; Bertil Aldman, Official Swedish Council on Road Safety Research, Stockholm, Sweden; & Jeremy Mitchell, Consumers' Association , London, England; National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 4, 1963, pp. 62-90 DYNAMIC TESTS OF RESTRAINING DEVICES FOR AUTOMOBILE PASSENGERS, Irving Michelson & Boris Tourin, Consumers Union, Mount Vernon, N. Y.; Bertil Aldman, Official Swedish Council on Road Safety Research, Stockholm, Sweden; Jeremy Mitchell, Consumers' Association , London, England; reprint Public Health Reports , Vol. 79, No. 2, February 1964, pp. 125-135 RESTRAINING CHARACTERISTICS OF HARNESSES, Boris Tourin & Irving Michelson, Consumers Union, Public Service Projects, Mount Vernon, N. Y.; Bertil Aldman, Official Swedish Council on Road Safety Research, Stockholm, Sweden; & Jeremy Mitchell, Consumers' Association . Ltd . , London, England; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 138-149, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. AUTOMATIC LOCKING AND RETRACTABLE BELTS— THEIR USE AND TESTING IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, F. A. Redfern, ^ritigh. Standards Tnst 1 tu t -ton , Hemel Hempstead, Herts, England; reprint Bulletin D 'Information du Centre International de Documentation de L 1 Inspection Techniques des Vehicules Automobiles, March 21, 1965, No. 21, p2.1-2.16 CONSUMERS UNION'S DYNAMIC TESTS OF SEAT BELTS, Irving Michelson & Boris Tourin, Consumers Union of U. S., Inc . Dept. of Public Service Projects, Mount Vernon, N. Y.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash 6* Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 243-248, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 45 DYNAMIC TESTS OF AUTOMOBILE PASSENGER RESTRAINING DEVICES, Irving Michelson & Boris Tourin, Consumers Union of U. S. , Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; Bertil Aldman, Official Swedish Council on Road Safety Research, Stockholm, Sweden; & Jeremy Mitchell, Consumers' Association, London, England; National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 4, 1963, pp. 62-90 DYNAMIC TESTS OF RESTRAINING DEVICES FOR AUTOMOBILE PASSENGERS, Irving Michelson & Boris Tourin, Consumers Union, Mount Vernon, N. Y.; Bertil Aldman, Official Swedish Council on Road Safety Research, Stockholm, Sweden; Jeremy Mitchell, Consumers' Association, London, England; reprint Public Health Reports , Vol. 79, No. 2, February 1964, pp. 125-135 DESIGN OF LOW COST SEATING FOR EFFECTIVE PACKAGING OF VEHICLE OCCUPANTS, Bernard C. Hilton, Cox of Watford Ltd . ; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 207-218, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. ANALYSIS OF OCCUPANT MOVEMENTS IN REAR-END COLLISION- PART II, ON THE FACTORS AFFECTING MOVEMENT OF OCCUPANT IN REAR-END COLLISION, Hirosuke Furusho, Kazuo Yokoya & Syotaro Nlshino, Daihatsu Kogyo Co., Ltd ., Vehicle Safety Experiment Section, Osaka, Japan, Paper No. 14, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 14 pp. RESTRAINING CHARACTERISTICS OF HARNESSES, Boris Tourin & Irving Michelson, Consumers Union , Public Service Projects, Mount Vernon, N. Y.; Bertil Aldman, Official Swedish Council on Road Safety Research, Stockholm, Sweden; & Jeremy Mitchell, Consumers' Association, Ltd., London, England; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 138-149, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMICS OF AUTOMOBILE PASSENGER- RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, Raymond R. McHenry, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 207- 249, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. AN ANALYTICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE CAUSES OF "SUBMARINING" RESPONSES OF ANTHROPOMETRIC DUMMIES IN TESTS OF AUTOMOBILE RESTRAINT HARNESSES, Raymond R. McHenry & Kenneth N. Naab, Cornell University . Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. PH-108-66-98, prepared for U. S. Public Health Service, Experimental Research Branch, Accident Prevention Division, Washington, D. C .. CAL Report No. YM-2250-V-1, December 1966, 78 pp. COMPUTER SIMULATION OF THE AUTOMOBILE CRASH VICTIM IN A FRONTAL COLLISION--A VALIDATION STUDY, Raymond R. McHenry & Kenneth N. Naab, Cornell University , Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. PH 108-65-174, prepared for U. S. Public Health Service, Experimental Research Branch, Accident Prevention Div., Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2126-V-1R, July 1966, 126 pp. AN EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF THE 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 1500 RESTRAINT SYSTEM AND FRONT SEAT ASSEMBLY, N. E. Shoemaker, D. J. Segal, & K. N. Naab, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6918, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2684-V-100, July 11, 1969, 105 pp. INTEGRATED SEAT AND OCCUPANT RESTRAINT PERFORMANCE, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6631, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2499-V-1, September 1967, 132 pp. DESIGN FOR SEAT BELT ANCHORAGE; reprint Automotive Design Engineering, Vol. 7, November 1968, pp. 65-6, 69 AIR PILLOW OCCUPANT RESTRAINT SYSTEM - AUTOMATIC AND EFFECTIVE, D. Peter Hass, Eaton Yale & Towne Inc ., Auto-Ceptor Division, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 221-237, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. AUTOMATIC INFLATABLE OCCUPANT RESTRAINT SYSTEM--PART I, CONCEPT FEASIBILITY AND SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT, R. M. Kemmerer, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich., R. Chute & D. P. Hass, Eaton Yale & Towne, Inc .; PART II, PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS AND PRODUCT IMPLICATIONS, W. K. Slack, Ford Motor Company, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680033, 19 pp. INVESTIGATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR INTEGRATED SEAT AND OCCUPANT RESTRAINT, Fairchild Hiller Corp . , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y. , Contract No. FH-11-6630, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. 142, September 1967, 232 pp. THE ANGLE OF SHOULDER SLOPE IN NORMAL MALES AS A FACTOR IN SHOULDER-HARNESS DESIGN, Clyde C. Snow & A. Howard Hasbrook, Federal Aviation Administration, Civil Aeromedical Research Institute, Office of Aviation Medicine, Oklahoma City, Okla., Report No. AM 65-14, March 1965, 3 pp. BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH STUDIES IN ACCELERATION, IMPACT, WEIGHTLESSNESS, VIBRATION, AND EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESTRAINT SYSTEMS: A COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY, Richard G. Snyder, John Ice & Judith C. Duncan, Federal Aviation Agency , Civil Aeromedical Research Institute, Oklahoma City, Okla., Alvin S. Hyde, Aerospace Medical Research Labs., Aerospace Medical Div., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and Sidney Leverett, Jr., USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace Medical Div., Brooks Air Forqe Base, Texas, December 1963, 3,072 pp. 46 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH STUDIES IN ACCELERATION, IMPACT, WEIGHTLESSNESS, VIBRATION, AND EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESTRAINT SYSTEMS: A COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY, John Ice & Richard G. Snyder, Federal Aviation Agency , Civil Aeromedical Institute, Oklahoma City, Okla., Alvin S. Hyde, USAF Aerospace Medical Research Labs., Aerospace Medical Div., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, & Sidney Leverett, Jr., USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace Medical Div., Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, SUPPLEMENT 1, September 1966, 3,010 pp. EXPERIMENTAL COMPARISON OF TRAUMA IN LATERAL (4€y), REARWARD FACING (+Gx), AND FORWARD FACING (-Cx) BODY ORIENTATIONS WHEN RESTRAINED BY LAP BELT ONLY, Richard G. Snyder, Clyde C. Snow, Joseph W. Young, George T. Price & Peter Hanson, Federal Aviation Agency , Civil Aeromedical Institute, Oklahoma City, Okla.; reprint Aerospace Medicine, September 1967, Vol. 38, No. 9, pp. 889-894 AUTOMATIC INFLATABLE OCCUPANT RESTRAINT SYSTEM--PART I, CONCrPT FEASIBILITY AND SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT, R. M. Kemmerer, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., R. Chute & D. P. Hass, Eaton Yale & Towne, Inc.; PART II, PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS AND PRODUCT IMPLICATIONS, W. K. Slack, Ford Motor Company, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680033, 19 pp. BARRIER COLLISION INVESTIGATION OF HARNESS RESTRAINING SYSTEMS, R. H. Fredericks, Ford Motor Co ., Dearborn, Mich.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 3-17, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. DYNAMIC PROBLEMS WITH AN AIR BAG RESTRAINT SYSTEM, J. A. Pflug, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710021, 5 pp. EXPERIMENTAL IMPACT PROTECTION WITH ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE RESTRAINT SYSTEMS: PRELIMINARY PRIMATE TESTS WITH AIR BAG AND INERTIA REEL/INVERTED-Y YOKE TORSO HARNESS, Richard G. Snyder & Joseph W. Young, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.; Clyde C. Snow, Federal Aviation Administration , Dept. of Transportation, Oklahoma City, Okla.; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 271-285, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. EFFECT OF BODY RESTRAINTS ON DRIVER REACH, John W. Chaffee, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 70-81; SAE Report No. 700359 A FUNCTIONAL COMPARISON OF BASIC RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, Joseph W. Young, F^ej^LAvlatJj>n_AdminJ^tiatJLo_n., Office of Aviation Medicine, Civil Aeromedical Institute, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Report No. AM 67-13, June 1967, 16 pp. CATAPULT CRASH TESTING, Enzo Franchini, Fiat Auto-Avio Research Laboratories, Dynamic Tests Laboratory; reprint Technical Aspects of Road Safety Bulletin d'Information du C .I.D .I.T.V.A. , No. 20, December 1964, pp. 2.1-2.49 EXPERIMENTAL IMPACT PROTECTION WITH ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE RESTRAINT SYSTEMS: PRELIMINARY PRIMATE TESTS WITH AIR BAG AND INERTIA REEL/INVERTED-Y YOKE TORSO HARNESS, Richard G. Snyder & Joseph W. Voung, Ford Motor Co . , Dearborn, Mich.; Clyde C. Snow, Federal Aviation Administration, Dept. of Transportation, Oklahoma City, Okla.; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 271-285, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. ," New York, N. Y. STOPPING THE OCCUPANT OF A CRASHING VEHICLE--A FUNDA- MENTAL STUDY, Adolf Egli, Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670038, 56 pp. CRASH SURVIVAL DESIGN GUIDE, J. W. Turnbow, D. F. Carroll, J. L. Haley, Jr., W. H. Reed, S. H. Robertson & L. W. T. Weinberg, Flight Safety Foundation, Aviation Safety Engineering & Research Div., Phoenix Ariz., Contract No. DA 44-177^AMC-360(T), prepared for U. S. Army Aviation Materiel Labs., Fort Eustis, Va., USAAV- LABS Technical Report 67-22, July 1967, 253 pp. WHY A SECOND COLLISION? George Muller, Ford Motor Co ., Light Vehicle Concepts Dept., Dearborn, Mich.; Proc . Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 272-284, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. EFFECT OF RAPID LOADING RATES ON THE STRESS-STRAIN PROPERTIES OF RESTRAINT WEBBING, Joseph L. Haley, Jr., Flight Safety Foundation, Inc ., Aviation Safety Engineering & Research Div., Phoenix, Ariz.; Proceed- ings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 219-226, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE DYNAMICS OF HUMAN RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, Peter R. Payne, Frost Engineering Development Corporation , Englewood, Colo.; Impact Acceleration Stress--A Symposium, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 977, 1962, pp. 195-257 FUNDAMENTALS OF KINETICS AND KINEMATICS AS APPLIED TO INJURY REDUCTION, Joseph L. Haley, Jr., Flight Safety Foundation, Inc ., Phoenix, Arz.; Impact Injury and Crash Protection, publisher Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1970, pp. 423-441 OPTIMIZATIONS OF HUMAN RESTRAINT SYSTEMS FOR SHORT- PERIOD ACCELERATION, Peter R. Payne, Frost Engineering Development Corporation , Englewood, Colo.; Biomechanics Monograph , American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, N. Y., 1967, pp. 33-56 47 PERSONNEL RESTRAINT AND SUPPORT SYSTEM DYNAMICS, Peter R. Payne, Frost Engineering Development Corp ., Englewood, Colo., Contract No. AF 33 (657) - 9514, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Aerospace Medical Research Labs., Aerospace Medical Div., Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Report No. AMRL-TR-65-127, October 1965, 89 pp. AD 624 487 HUMAN TOLERANCE TO AUTOMATIC RESTRAINT HARNESS ACTIVATOR FORCES, Richard V. Ganslen, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation , Aerospace Medicine, St. Louis, Mo. j Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 13-18, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. A REVIEW OF RESTRAINT SYSTEMS TEST METHODS, Ernest L. Stech, Frost Engineering Development Corporation , Englewood, Colo.; Biomechanics Monograph , American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, N. Y., 1967, pp. 67-81 OPTIMUM OCCUPANT RESTRAINTS, John Searle, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1024-1045; SAE Report No. 700422 CRASH SENSOR DEVELOPMENT, Trevor 0. Jones & Oliver T. McCarter, General Motors Corporation , Electronic Control Systems, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710016, 14 pp. STUDY OF REACH TO CAR CONTROLS WHILE RESTRAINED BY A LAP AND DIAGONAL BELT, CM. Haslegrave, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, near Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England; Motor Industry Research Assn ., Bulletin No. 1, 1970, pp. 11-15 IMPACT DYNAMICS OF UNRESTRAINED, LAP BELTED, AND LAP AND DIAGONAL CHEST BELTED VEHICLE OCCUPANTS, L. M. Patrick & H. J. Mertz, Jr., Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich.; C. K. Kroell, General Motors Corp . , Research Labs., Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 46-93, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. AIRBAG RESTRAINTS AND ALRLITTER SYSTEMS FOR THE ALLEVIATION OF HIGHWAY INJURY, Carl C. Clark, Library of Congress , Science & Technology Div., Washington, D. C; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 221-237, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. THE ANALYTICAL PERFORMANCE OF AN AIRSTOP RESTRAINT SYSTEM IN AN AUTOMOBILE CRASH, Carl Clark, and Carl Blechschmidt , Martin Company, Life Sciences Section, Research Department, Baltimore, Md., Report No. ER 14005, October 1965, 44 pp. HUMAN TRANSPORTATION FATALITIES AND PROTECTION AGAINST REAR AND SIDE CRASH LOADS BY THE AIRSTOP RESTRAINT, Carl Clark & Carl Blechschmidt, Martin Co ., Research Dept., Life Sciences Section, Baltimore, Md.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 19-64, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. AVERAGE 1968 AUTOMOBILE DRIVER'S RESTRAINT ANCHORAGE LOCATIONS, Johnathan A. Haines, National Bureau of Standards , Institute for Applied Technology, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 231, September 17, 1968, 59 pp. AVERAGE 1970 AUTOMOBILE DRIVER'S RESTRAINT ANCHORAGE LOCATIONS, Johnathan A. Haines, Jr., National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Occupant Restraint Systems Section, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 383, November 1970, 10 pp. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF DUMMY PERFORMANCE UNDER -C x IMPACT, Richard F. Chandler & Robert A . 'christian, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle System:; Research, Washington, D. C.j Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 61-75, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. CRASH TESTING OF HUMANS IN AUTOMOBILE SEATS, Richard F. Chandler & Robert A. Christian, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C.j 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 112-132; SAE Report No. 700361 EVALUATION OF THE THREE-POINT SEAT BELT TEST METHOD, R. W. Armstrong, A. B. Castle, Jr., National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Occupant Restraint Systems Section, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 507, January 1971, 6 pp., 5 figs. IMPACT PROTECTION WITH THE "AIRSTOP" RESTRAINT SYSTEM, Carl Clark, Carl Blechschmidt & Fay Gordon, Martin Co., Baltimore, Md . ; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 79-113, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. HUMAN FACTORS RESEARCH IN MOTOR VEHICLE OCCUPANT RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, P. J. Brown, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C; IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine Systems , Vol. MMS-9, No. 3, September 1968, pp. 88-89 BEITRAG ZUR DYNAMISCHEN PRUFUNG VON SICHERHEITSGURTEN (CONTRIBUTIONS TO DYNAMIC TESTING OF SEAT BELTS), R. Coermann & W. Lange, Max-Planck-Instltut fur Arbeitsphyslologie , Dortmund, Germany; reprint Automoblltechnische Zeitschrlft , 70, August 1968, pp. 280-287 A LIMITED INVESTIGATION OF AUTOMOTIVE USED SEAT BELTS, C. H. Melton & A. B. Castle, Jr., National Bureau of Standards , Occupant Restraints Section, Washington, D. C, NBS Project 4080402, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 538, February 1971, 31 pp. 48 NBS DYNAMIC SEAT BELT TESTER, Richard W. Armstrong, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 38-45, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. PROPOSED FEDERAL STANDARD FOR DYNAMIC TESTINC OF SEAT BELT ASSEMBLIES, Richard W. Armstrong, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Occupant Restraint Systems Section, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 385, December 1970, 31 pp. RESTRAINT REQUIREMENTS FOR SIDE AND REAR FACING SEATS, Johnathan A. Haines, Jr., & Hal P. Waters, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Occupant Restraint Systems Section, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 386, January 1971, 15 pp. SEAT BELT RETRACTOR STUDIES CONDUCTED BY THE OFFICE OF VEHICLE SYSTEMS RESEARCH, R. W. Armstrong & A. B. Castle, Jr., National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Occupant Restraint Systems Section, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 537, February 1971, 18 pp. SEAT BELT WEBBING ABRASION RESISTANCE TESTING MACHINE, Alfred B. Castle, Sr., National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C, Technical Note 437, November 1967, 3 pp. SPACE ZONE COMFORT CONCEPT FOR UPPER TORSO RESTRAINT, J. A. Haines, R. W. Armstrong, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Occupant Restraint Systems Section, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 384, November 1970, 21 pp. ANALYSIS AND BIODYNAMICS OF SELECTED ROCKET-SLED EXPERI- MENTS, J. P. Stapp, J. D. Mosely, C. F. Lombard, C. A. Nelson, G. Nichols & F. Larmie, Northrop Space Labs.. Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. AF4K609 )--2317, for USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace Medical Division (AFSC), Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, July 1964, 148 pp. ANALYTICAL EVALUATION OF RESTRAINING HARNESS MATERIALS, P. E. Finwall, Northrop Corp . , Norair Div., Hawthorne, Calif.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 275-283, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. DEVELOPMENT OF SUPPORT AND RESTRAINT TECHNOLOGY, W. A. Robbins, G. L. Potter & C. F. Lombard, Northrop Corporate Laboratories , Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. F33615-67- C-1651, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Report No. AMRL-TR-68-136, April 1969, 61 pp. IMPACT PROTECTION BY ISOVOLUMETRIC CONTAINMENT OF THE TORSO, C. F. Lombard & S. H. Advani, Northrop Corp. , Space Labs., Hawthorne, Calif.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 196-206, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. INSTRUMENTATION AND DROP-TESTING TECHNIQUES FOR INVESTIGATING FLIGHT VEHICLES AND PERSONNEL PROTECTIVE SYSTEMS, Richard Carpenter, Milton 0. Thompson & Joseph H. Bowers, Northrop Corporation , Flight Research Center, Hawthorne, Calif., prepared for National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif., NASA Tech. Memorandum X-2149, January 1971, 18 pp. A STUDY OF SEAT BELT BUCKLE RELEASE METHODS, A. B. Castle, Jr., National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Occupant Restraint Systems Section, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 387, January 1971, 11 pp. "MEGABOOM" LINEAR WINDBIAST TESTS ON SUBJECTS AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, Northrop Corporation , Northrop Space Labs., Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. AF 41 (657)-405, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Aerospace Medical Center, School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, Report No. NSL 62-52, March 15, 1962, 69 pp. TESTING PROGRAMS AND RESEARCH ON RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, R. W. Armstrong & H. P. Waters, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Occupant Restraint Systems Section, Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690247, 52 pp. DYNAMIC TESTS OF AUTOMOBILE PASSENGER RESTRAINING DEVICES, Irving Michelson & Boris Tourln, Consumers Union of U. S., Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; Bertil Aldman, Official Swedish Council on Road Safety Research , Stockholm, Sweden; & Jeremy Mitchell, Consumers' Association, London, England; National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 4, 1963, pp. 62-90 TRANSVERSE PELVIC LOADING DUE TO SEAT BELTS, R. F. Chandler, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Occupant Restraint Systems Section, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 372, November 1970, 15 pp., 5 figs. DYNAMIC TESTS OF RESTRAINTS FOR CHILDREN, Francis A. Appoldt, New York University , School of Engineering & Science, Research Div., New York, N. Y.; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 329-345, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PASSIVE RESTRAINTS, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, May 11-12, 1970, 159 pp., PB 194 027 DYNAMIC TESTS OF RESTRAINING DEVICES FOR AUTOMOBILE PASSENGERS, Irving Michelson & Boris Tourin, Consumers Union, Mount Vernon, N. Y.; Bertil Aldman, Official Swedish Council on Road Safety Research, Stockholm, Sweden; Jeremy Mitchell, Consumers' Association, London, England; reprint Public Health Reports, Vol. 79, No. 2, February 1964, pp. 125-135 REQUIREMENTS FOR TESTING OF INERTIA REELS FOR HARNESSES, Bertil Aldman, Official Swedish Council , Road Safety Research, Stockholm, Sweden; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 533- 540, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. 49 RESTRAINING CHARACTERISTICS OF HARNESSES, Boris Tourin & Irving Mlchelson, Consumers Union, Public Service Projects, Mount Vernon, N. Y.j Bertil Aldman, Official Swedish Council on Road Safety Research , Stockholm, Sweden; & Jeremy Mitchell, Consumers' Association, Ltd., London, England; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 138-149, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. CONCLUSIONS REACHED BY INDEPENDENT PANEL ON AUTOMATIC SAFETY BELTS, Peter Roderick Limited , London, England, presented at the Britax London Ltd. Factory, Byfleet, England, March 20, 1968, 3 pp. OPTIMUM UTILIZATION OF THE VEHICLE AVAILABLE OCCUPANT SPACE TO ENSURE PASSENGER PROTECTION, C. Tarriere & R. Rebiffe, Peugeot-Renault Association , Physiology & Biomechanics Lab.; & J. Hammon & G. Mauron, Peugeot Research Management, Paris Research Center; 1970 International Automotive Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 82-111; SAE Report No. 700360 OPTIMUM UTILIZATION OF THE VEHICLE AVAILABLE OCCUPANT SPACE TO ENSURE PASSENGER PROTECTION, C. Tarriere & R. Rebiffe, Peugeot-Renault Association, Physiology & Biomechanics Lab.; & J. Hammon & G. Mauron, Peugeot Research Management , Paris Research Center; 1970 International Automotive Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings, P-30, pp. 82-111; SAE Report No. 700360 EFFECT OF SEAT HARNESS ON MOVEMENT OF CAR OCCUPANT IN A HEAD-ON COLLISION, G. Grime, Road Research Laboratory , Traffic & Safety, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England; National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 4, 1963, pp. 76-90 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CAR SEAT BELTS, G. Grime, Depart- ment of Scientific and Industrial Research, Road Research Laboratory , Crowthome Berks, England, 3 pp. PERFORMANCE OF SEAT-BELT ASSEMBLIES IN CONTROLLED IM- PACT TESTS, R. D. Lister & B. N. Farr, Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Road Research Labora- tory. Crowthorne Berks, England; reprint Bull. Mot. Ind. Res. Ass ., 1963, Vol. 1 pp. 8-14 THE PROTECTION OF CAR OCCUPANTS IN ACCIDENTS, G. Grime & R. D. Lister, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Ergonomics and Safety in Motor Car Design , Proceedings-Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 181, Part 3D, 1966-1967, pp. 9-18 RESEARCH AT. THE ROAD RESEARCH LABORATORY INTO THE PROTECTION OF CAR OCCUPANTS, I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory, Ministry of Transport, Harmondsworth, England; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 207-219, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. WEBBINGS FOR USE IN AUTOMOBILE SEAT BELTS, Russell J. Neff, Phoenix Trimming Company , Chicago, 111.; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 134-137, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. A COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE RESTRAINT AFFORDED BY THE PRESENT AND TWO MODIFIED COMBINED HARNESSES FOR THE GNAT TRAINER AT HIGH FORWARD AND VERTICAL ACCELERATION, D. C. Reader, RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine , Farnborough, Hants., England, December 1968, 20 pp., N69-39431 AN EVALUATION OF THE RESTRAINT AFFORDED BY A MODIFIED AEW GANNET UNDERWATER ESCAPE HARNESS AT HIGH FORWARD AND VERTICAL ACCELERATION, D. C. Reader & E. P. Beck, RAF Institute of Aviation Medicine , Farnborough, Hants., England, September 1968, 19 pp., N69-39563 ANALYSIS OF INTERRELATION OF VEHICLE TO SEAT BELT AS A FUNCTION OF RIGIDITY OF THE VEHICLE, Claude Tarriere, Regie Natlonale des Usines Renault , Boulogne- Blllancourt (Seine), France; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 188-200, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SAFETY CARS — PRINCIPLES GOVERNING THE DESIGN OF CARS AND SAFETY DEVICES, G. Grime, Road Research Lab., Ministry of Transport, Harmondsworth, England, Report No. 8, 1966, 44 pp. THE USE OF SEAT BELTS IN BRITAIN, G. Grime, Road Research Lab ., Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Crowthorne, Berks, England; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 465-467, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. CONSIDERATIONS FOR A LAP BELT-SHOULDER HARNESS ASSEMBLY, J. E. Sharp, Rose Manufacturing Co. , Denver, Colo.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 253-254, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. PROBLEMS WITH THE THREE-POINT BELT INSTALLATIONS AND POSSIBLE S0LUTI0NS--PART I, Jonathan E. Sharp, Rose Manufacturing Co ., Denver, Colo.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 155-158, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. STRAIN GAUGE BUCKLES FOR MEASURING LOADS IN WEBBING AND CORDAGE, K. James, Royal Aircraft Establishment , Ministry of Technology, Farnborough, Hants., England, Technical Report 69085, April 1969, 19 pp., 12 figs. THE DYNAMICS OF SAFETY BELTS IN MOTOR CAR HEAD-ON IMPACTS, I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Ergonomics and Safety in Motor Car Design , Proceedings-- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 181, Part 3D, 1966-1967, pp. 19-33 APPLICATION OF RESTRAINT SYSTEMS TO USED CARS--SUMMARY, VOLUME I, C. R. Ursell & G. J. Overby, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-7306, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, December 1970, 123 pp 50 APPLICATION OF RESTRAINT SYSTEMS TO USt'D CARS --EXHIBITS AND DRAWINGS, VOLUME II, C. R. Ursell &. C. J Overby, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, T<=**i« Contract No. FH-11-7306, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, December 1970, 427 pp. SAFE AND UNSAFE UPPER TORSO RESTRAINT'S FOR OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN MOTOR VEHICLES, John D. States, Watkins Glen Grand Prix Course, Race Physician, Watkins Glen, N. Y.; James F. Benedict, Sports Car Club of America , Medical-Safety Committee, Westport, Conn.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 312-323, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. PRUFUNG VON SICHERHEITSGURTEN (TESTING OF SEAT BELTS), Ernst Keil & Helmut Werner, Staatliche Material - prlifungsanstalt an der Unlverslt'at Stuttgart , Germany; reprint Zeitschrift Technische Uberwachung , Bd. 4, Nr. 5, 1963, S. 177/80 SICHERHEITSGURTE FUR KRAFTFAHRZEUGE (SEAT BELTS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES), E. Keil & H. Werner, Staatliche Materlalprijfungsanstalt an der Universitat Stuttgart, Germany; reprint ATZ-Automobil technische Zeitschrift , Jahrgang 64, Heft 5, Mai 1962, 4 pp. VERHALTEN VON SICHERHEITSGURTEN BEI DYNAMISCHER BELASTUNG (BEHAVIOUR OF CAR SAFETY BELTS AT DYNAMIC LOADING), Ernst Keil & Helmut Werner, Staatlichen Materialprufungsanstalt an der TH , Stuttgart, Germany; reprint Mater lalprufung , Bd. 6, Nr. 7, S. 229/235, 1964 BIODYNAMIC STUDIES ON IMPACT PROTECTION, Bertil Aldman, Swedish Road Safety Council , Medical Research Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; ACTA Physiologlca Scandlnavlca , Vol. 56, Supplementura 192, April 1962, 80 pp. IMPACT AMPLIFICATION IN EUROPEAN COMPACTS, Bertil Aldman & Arne Asberg, Swedish Council on Road Safety Research, Laboratory for Traffic Medicine, Sweden; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 387-401, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. A BRIEF REPORT ON CAR COLLISIONS- -JAPAN, Juichiro Takada, Takata Kojyo Co., Ltd ., Shiba-Shirogane, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Japan; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 66- 77, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher', Springfield, 111. NEUE ERKENNTNISSE FUR DIE ZWECKMASSIGE PRUFUNG UND ANWENDUNG VON AUTOSICHERHEITSGURTEN (NEW TECHNIQUES FOR PRACTICAL TESTING AND USE OF AUTOMOBILE SEAT BELTS), A. Slattenschek & H. Turk, Technische Versuchs-und Forschungsanstalt der TH , Wien, Austria, presented at the World Congress for Kraf tfahrtmedizln und Verkehrsslcherheit in Vienna, Austria, May 7-13, 1967, 6 pp. UNTERSUCHUNG UND PRUFUNG DES AUTOSICHERHEITSGURTES BEI UNFALLMA'SSIGER BEANSPRUCHUNG MIT HILFE DES FALLMASCHINENVERSUCHS (INVESTIGATION AND TESTING OF THE CAR SAFETY BELT UNDER ACCIDENT-LIKE CONDITIONS BY MEANS OF THE DROP-WEIGHT TEST), A. Slattenschek, W. Tauffkirchen 6c H. Turk, Technische Versuchs-und Forschungsanstalt der TH Wien, Austria; reprint Materialprufung , Bd. 8, 1966, Nr. 1, S. 19/30 DIE BEANSPRUCHUNG VON AUTOSICHERHEITSGURTEN--EINE RECHNERISCHE UNTERSUCHUNG DER EINFLUSSGROSSEN (THE LOADING OF AUTOMOBILE SAFETY BELTS--MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF THE LIMITING QUANTITIES OF SAFETY BELTS), E. Keil & H. Werner, Stuttgart Materials Testing Institution , Stuttgart, Germany; reprint Automobil - technische Zeitschrift , Vol. 66, No. 7, July 1964, pp. 189-197 EINFLUSS DER GURTBANDANORDNUNG AUF KRAFTVERTEILUNG UND VERFORMUNGSGROSSEN VON SICHERHEITSGURTEN (THE INFLUENCE OF SEAT BELT GEOMETRY ON FORCE DISTRIBUTION AND DISTORTION OF SEAT BELTS), Ernst Keil, Helmut Werner & Jiirgen Ewald, Stuttgart Materials Testing Institution , Stuttgart, Germany; reprint Kraftfahrtforschung und Strassenverkehrstechnlk , Heft 185, 1966, S. 5/13 POSSIBILITES D 'UTILISATION DES DISPOSITIFS ABS0RBEURS D'ENERGIE POUR AMELIORER LE FONCTIONNEMENT DES SYSTEMES DE RETENUE DES PASSAGERS D'UN VEHICULE AUTOMOBILE EN CAS DE CHOCS FRONTAUX, (UTILISATION POSSIBILITIES OF ENERGY-ABSORBING DEVICES IN ORDER TO IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF RESTRAINT SYSTEMS INTENDED FOR PASSENGERS OF A MOTOR VEHICLE IN CASE OF FRONTAL IMPACT), M. H. Le Guen, Union Technique de 1 'Automobile du Motocycle et du Cycle ; Proceedings of the Conference on Road Safety, Brussels, Belgium, 1968, pp. A9-1-A9-21 MATERIALS, FABRICATION, AND PACKS FOR AIR CUSHIONS, David Streed & C . B . Rodenbach, UNIROYAL, Incorporated , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich. January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710018, 9 pp. ENTWICKLUNG UND ERPROBUNG EINES STATISCHEN SCHLITTENS ZUR PRUFUNG VON SICHERHEITSGURTEN NACH DEN FORDERUNGEN DER DEUTSCHEN PRUFRICHTLINIEN UND DER ISO-EMPFEHLUNG (THE DEVELOPMENT AND TRIAL OF A STATIC SLED FOR TESTING OF SAFETY BELTS TO SPECIFICATIONS OF THE GERMAN TESTING GUIDELINES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ISO), E. Keil, H. Werner & J. Ewald, Stuttgart Materials Testing Institution , Stuttgart, Germany; reprint Deutsche Kraftfahrtforschung und Strassenvenkehrstechnlk, No. 180, 1965, pp. 5-10 STATISCHE UND DYNAMISCHE PRUFUNG VON SICHERHEITSGURTEN (STATIC AND DYNAMIC TESTS OF SEAT BELTS), H. Werner, Stuttgart Materials Testing Institution , Stuttgart, Germany; reprint ATZ-Automob 11 technische Zeitschrift , 68 Jahrgang, Nr. 3/1966, 3 pp. ANTHROPOMETRIC DEFINITION/VEHICLE SAFETY (DOT/NHSB) AND AUTOMOBILE SEAT BELT/DYNAMIC TESTING (NBS), U. S. Air Force , Aerospace Medical Div., Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau 6. National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, September 1969, 96 pp. BABOON TOLERANCE TO LINEAR DECELERATION (-G x ): AIR BAG RESTRAINT, Thomas D. Clarke, James F. Sprouffske, Edwin M. Trout, C. D. Gragg, William H. Muzzy & Harold S. Klopfenstein, U. S. Air Force , 6571st Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 263-278, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. 51 BABOON TOLERANCE TO LINEAR DECELERATION (-G x ): LAP BELT RESTRAINT, Thomas D. Clarke, James F. Sprouffske, Edwin M. Trout, Harold S. Klopfenstein, William H. Muzzy, C. D. Gragg 6. Charles D. Bendixen, U. S. Air Force , 6571st Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 279-298, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. HUMAN AUDITORY RESPONSE TO AN AIR BAG INFLATION NOISE, Charles W. Nixon, U. S. Air Force , 6570th Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Biological Acoustics Branch, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Contract No. P.O. 9-1-1151, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 7, 1969, 19 pp., 19 figs., PB 184 999 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH STUDIES IN ACCELERATION, IK PACT , WEIGHTLESSNESS, VIBRATION, AND EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESTRAINT SYSTEMS: A COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY, Richard G. Snyder, John Ice & Judith C. Duncan, Federal Aviation Agency, Civil Aeromedical Research Institute, Oklahoma City, Okla., Alvin S. Hyde, U. S. Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Labs ., Aerospace Medical Div., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and Sidney Leverett, Jr., USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace Medical Div., Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, December 1963, 3,072 pp. BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH STUDIES IN ACCELERATION, IMPACT, WEIGHTLESSNESS, VIBRATION, AND EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESTRAINT SYSTEMS: A COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY, John Ice & Richard G. Snyder, Federal Aviation Agency, Civil Aeromedical Institute, Oklahoma City, Okla., Alvin S. Hyde, USAF Aerospace Medical Research Labs ., Aerospace Medical Div., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, & Sidney Leverett, Jr., USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace Medical Div., Brooks Air Force Base, Texas, SUPPLEMENT 1, September 1966, 3,010 pp. HUMAN TOLERANCE TO AIRCRAFT SEAT BELT RESTRAINT, Sidney T. Lewis & John P. -Stapp, U. S. Air Force , Aero Medical Field Laboratory, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Aero Medical Association, Denver, Colo., May 6, 1957; Journal of Aviation Medicine, Vol. 29, No. 3, March 1958. pp. 187-196 HUMAN TOLERANCE 10 LATERAL IMPACT WITH LAP BELT ONLY, Albert B. Zaborowski, USAF 6571st Aeromedical Research Lab . , Aerospace Medical Div., Air Force Systems Command, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 34-71, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. LATERAL IMPACT STUDIES--LAP BELT SHOULDER HARNESS INVESTIGATIONS, Albert V. Zaborowski, U. S. Air Force , 6571st Aeromedical Research Lab., Bioeffects Div., Biodynamics Branch, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 93-128, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. THE EFFECT OF SOLAR RADIATION ON THE BREAKING STRENGTH OF OUTDOOR EXPOSED WEBBINGS, Robert A. Wilkinson, U. S. Air Force, Wright Air Development Center, Air Research & Development Command, Materials Lab., Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, WADC Tech. Report No. 58-201, November 1958, 8 pp., 21 figs. AD 206893 MEDICAL ASPECTS OF SAFETY SEAT BELT DEVELOPMENT, John P. Stapp, U. S . Air Force , Aerospace Medical Div. Brooks Air Force Base, Texas; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 160-166, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. EVALUATION OF THE LAP BELT, AIR BAG, AND AIR FORCE RESTRAINT SYSTEMS DURING IMPACT WITH LIVING HUMAN SLED SUBJECTS, C. D. Gragg, C. D. Bendixen, T. D. Clarke, H. S. Klopfenstein & J. F. Sprouffske, U. S. Air Force , 6571st Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 241-262, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SEAT BELT RETRACTORS, U. S. Ai r Force. 310th Strategic Aerospace Wing, Schilling Air Force Base, Kansas, Report No. MS 64-9, RCS: 3-AFLC E-48, December 10, 1964, 11 pp. SEAT BELT RETRACTORS, U. S. Ai r Force, 3510th Flying Training Wing (ATC), Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, Report No. MR 64-9, RCS: 2-AFLC E-48, January 15, 1965, 4 pp. EVALUATION OF THE LAP-TYPE AUTOMOBILE SAFETY BELT WITH REFERENCE TO HUMAN TOLERANCE, John P. Stapp, U. S. Air Force Aeromedical Labo ratory, Wright Field, t, D. L. Enfield, USAF Aeromedical Field Laboratory, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Summer Meeting, Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J., June 8-13, 1958, SAE Report No. 62A, 10 pp., 2 figs. USE OF CONTOURED RESTRAINT SYSTEMS IN EXPOSURE OF LARGE PRIMATES TO -150 G x IMPACT, R. W. Sonntag, Jr., U . S . Air Force , 6571st Aeromedical Research Lab., Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico; W. A. Newsora, University Hospital, Iowa City, Iowa; & S. D. Leverett, Jr., & V. E. Kirtland, U. S. Air Force , School of Aerospace Medicine; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 201-206, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. EXPERIMENTS CONDUCTED ON A SWING DEVICE FOR DETERMINING HUMAN TOLERANCE TO LAP BELT TYPE DECELERATIONS, Sidney T. Lewis & John P. Stapp, U. S. Air Force , Air Force Missle Development Center, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, Report No. AFMDC TN 57-1 December 1957, 21 pp., AD 135005 PASSIVE RESTRAINTS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, presented at the First Technical Meeting on the U. S. Pilot Study on Road Safety, Brussels, Belgium, March 23, 1970, 32 pp. 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME IV--CRASH SURVIVABILITY, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18-20, 1969, 68 pp., PB 186 271 T0M0RR0W--THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, Dean F. Niedernhofer 6. Robert L. Carter, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690251, 3 pp. OPTIMIZATION OF A STANDARD LINEAR VISCOELASTIC MATERIAL FOR USE IN A SEAT BELT, W. Nachbar (■ J. B. Schipmb'lder, University of California, San Diego , Department of the Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Sciences, La Jolla, Calif., Contract No. N00014-69-A-0200-6007, prepared for U. S. Navy, Office of Naval Research, Washington, D. C, UC Technical Report No. 1, November 1969, 15 pp., AD 697 677 SAFETY HARNESS RESEARCH- -CALIFORNIA , Donald R. Dun lop, University of California , Institute of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Berkeley, California; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 127-137, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. FULL BODY SUPPORT SYSTEMS, R. F. Gray, U. S. Navy , U. S. Naval Air Development Center, Aviation Medical Acceleration Lab., Johnsville, Pa.; Impact Acceleration Stress--A Symposium, National Academy of Sciences- National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 977, 1962, pp. 265-270 TESTING OF SEAT BELTS, D. M. Finch & J. D. Palmer, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Summer Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 5, 1956; SAE Transactions , Vol. 65, 1957, pp. 541-552 APPLICATIONS OF HUMAN TOLERANCE DATA TO PROTECTIVE SYSTEMS: REQUIREMENTS FOR SOFT TISSUE, BONE AND ORGAN PROTECTIVE DEVICES, Lawrence M. Patrick, Wayne State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Detroit Klch.; & Geoffrey Grime, University College London , Research Group in Traffic Studies, London, England; Impact Injury and Crash Protection , publisher Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1970, pp. 444-473 USE OF CONTOURED RESTRAINT SYSTEMS IN EXPOSURE OF LARGE PRIMATES TO -150 G x IMPACT, R. W. Sonntag, Jr., U. S. Air Force, 6571st Aeromedical Research Lab., Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico; W. A. Newsom, University Hospital, Iowa City, Iowa; & S. D. Leverett, Jr., & V. E. Kirtland, U. S. Air Force, School of Aerospace Medicine; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 201-206, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. ACTIVE VERSUS PASSIVE MOTORIST RESTRAINTS, Derwyn M. Severy, Harrison M. Brink, Jack D. Baird, & David M. Blaisdell, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1057-1074; SAE Report No. 700424 COLLISION PERFORMANCE OF THE MOTORIST'S COMPARTMENT, Derwyn M. Severy, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Dept. of Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 247-271, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF INTEGRATED SEAT AND OCCUPANT RESTRAINT DESIGN, University of Michigan. Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6685, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Traffic Safety Bureau, RFP-142, Project No. 7A, 149 pp. BIOENGINEERING OF IMPACT SURVIVAL IN BUSINESS AIRCRAFT, Richard G. Snyder, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Business Aircraft Meeting, Wichita, Kans., March 26-28, 1969, SAE Report No. 690335, 24 pp. INTEGRATED SEAT AND OCCUPANT RESTRAINT PERFORMANCE, University of Michigan^ Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6685, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Traffic Safety Bureau, RFP-142, Project No. 7A, October 11, 1967, 32 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE RESTRAINTS, Verne L. Roberts, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 978-993; SAE Report No. 700418 MULTIDIMENSIONAL MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF OCCUPANT DYNAMICS UNDER CRASH CONDITIONS, V. L. Roberts & D. H. Robbins, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690248, 11 pp. A SURVEY OF AUTOMOTIVE OCCUPANT RESTRAINT SYSTEMS: WHERE WE'VE BEEN, WHERE WE ARE AND OUR CURRENT PROBLEMS, R. G. Snyder, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January. 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690243, 16 pp DYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION OF A VISCOELASTIC STRUCTURE: THE SEATBELT PROBLEM, W. Nachbar 6. J. B. Schipm'dlder, University of California , Dept. of the Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Sciences, La Jolla, Calif., Contract No. N00014-67-A-0109-0003, prepared for U. S. Navy, Office of Naval Research, Washington, D. Technical Report No. 25, November 1968, 39 pp. C. THREE-DIMENSIONAL SIMULATION OF ADVANCED AUTOMOTIVE RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, D. Hurley Robbins, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference , Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1008-1023; SAE Report No. 700421 53 REDUCTION IN CRASH FORCES, James J. Ryan, University of Minnesota , Automotive Safety Research Project, Minneapolis, Minn.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 48-89, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. STEERING WHEEL AIRBAG COLLISION PERFORMANCE, K. R. Trosien & L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Mechanical Engineering Sciences Department, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710020, 10 pp. REDUCTION IN CRASH FORCES, James J. Ryan 6. James R. Tobias, University of Minnesota , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Minneapolis, Minn.; Proceed- ings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 413-419, Nolte Center for Con- tinuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. VOLUNTEER, ANTHROPOMETRIC DUMMY, AND CADAVER RESPONSES WITH THREE AND FOUR POINT RESTRAINTS, L. M. Patrick & K. R. Trosien, Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Contress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710079, 25 pp. AN ENERGY-ABSORBING RESTRAINT SYSTEM, R. W. McLay, Univer sity of Vermont , Burlington, Vt., F. J. Blackstone, Burlington, Vt.; & P. K. Das, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710078, 14 pp. AN ENERGY-ABSORBING RESTRAINT SYSTEM, R. W. McLay, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., F. J. Blackstone, Burlington, Vt.; & P. K. Das, Yale University , New Haven, Conn., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710078, 14 pp. STUDIES OF THREE-POINT RESTRAINT HARNESS SYSTEMS IN FULL-SCALE BARRIER CRASHES AND SLED RUNS, N. I. Bohlin, Volvo Co . , Safety & Interior Trim Section, Gothenburg, Sweden; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 319, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. 258- SAFE AND UNSAFE UPPER TORSO RESTRAINTS FOR OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN MOTOR VEHICLES, John D. States, Watkins Glen Grand Prix Course , Race Physician, Watkins Glen, N. Y.; James F. Benedict, Sports Car Club of America, Medical-Safety Committee, Westport, Conn.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 312-323, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. APPLICATIONS OF HUMAN TOLERANCE DATA TO PROTECTIVE SYSTEMS: REQUIREMENTS FOR SOFT TISSUE, BONE AND ORGAN PROTECTIVE DEVICES, Lawrence M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Detroit, Mich.; & Geoffrey Grime, University College London, Research Group in Traffic Studies, London, England; Impact Injury and Crash Protection , publisher Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1970, pp. 444-473 IMPACT DYNAMICS OF UNRESTRAINED, LAP BELTED, AND LAP AND DIAGONAL CHEST BELTED VEHICLE OCCUPANTS, L. M. Patrick & H. J. Mertz, Jr., Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich.; C. K. Kroell, General Motors Corp., Research Labs., Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 46-93, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. BEITRAG UBER DIE PROBLEME DER MECHANISCHEN WIDERSTANDS- FAHIGKEIT DES MENSCHLICHEN K0RPERS (UND SEINER GEWEBE) UND DIE ANWENDUNG DER FESTIGKEITSBETRACHTUNGEN AUF K0NSTRUKTI0NSFRAGEN VON SCHUTZHELMEN UND SICHERHEITS- GURTZEUGEN FUR AUT0M0BILISTEN (NOTES ON THE MECHANICAL RESISTANCE OF THE HUMAN BODY AND TISSUES. INFLUENCE ON THE MANUFACTURE OF PROTECTIVE HELMETS AND SAFETY BELTS FOR MOTORISTS (PART II), D. Zlffer ; Technical Aspects of Road Safety Bulletin d'Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A., No. 23, September 1965, pp. 4.1-4.31, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securlte Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor RESTRAINT SYSTEMS USE AND EFFECTIVENESS THE AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY BELT STORY, American Safety Belt Council Incorporated , NewRochelle, N. Y., 1970, 13 pp. REVIEW OF THE RELATIVE MERITS OF VARIOUS TYPES OF MOTOR VEHICLE SEAT BELTS, A. P. Vulcan, Australian Road Research Board , Commonwealth Department of Supply, Aeronautical Research Labs., Victoria, Australia; reprint Australian Road Research , Vol. 2, No. 8, June 1966, pp. 33-40 ATTITUDINAL AND SOCIAL FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH USE OF SEAT BELTS, Doriian Apple Sweetser, Boston University , School of Nursing & Graduate School, Boston, Mass.; Journal of Health & Social Behavior, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1967, pp. 116-125 A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF AN EFFECTIVE RESTRAINT SYSTEM FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND CHILDREN, Donald J. Van Kirk & Albert I. King, Wayne State University , Biomechanics Research Center, Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 353-364, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. ANALYSIS OF LAP SHOULDER BELT EFFECTIVENESS IN ACCIDENTS, Jonathan E. Sharp, Rose Manufacturing Co., Denver, Colo.; Horace E. Campbell , Colorado Medical Society, Automotive Safety Committee, Denver, Colo.; Paul Utans, Volvo Inc., Rockleigh, N. J.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 65-81, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. PROJECTED EVOLUTION OF RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690250, 5 pp. THIRTY-THREE FATAL CRASHES WITH SEAT BELTS, Horace E. Cam pbell . Colorado Medical Society, Automotive Safety Committee, Denver, Colo.; reprint Rocky Mountain Medical Journal , August 1964, Vol. 61, No. 8, Pages 27-29 54 TWENTY -THREE FATAL CRASHES WITH SEAT BELTS, Horace E. Campbell , Colorado Medical Society, Automotive Safety Committee, Denver, Colorado; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 526-532, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. EFFICACY OF SEAT BELTS IN INJURY AND NONINJURY CRASHES, IN RURAL UTAH, Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7098, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2721-R3, May 1969, 43 pp., PB 191170 OCCUPANT RESTRAINT SYSTEMS OF AUTOMOTIVE, AIRCRAFT, AND MANNED SPACE VEHICLES: AN EVALUATION OF THE STATE-OF- THE-ART AND FUTURE CONCEPTS, Richard C. Snyder, Ford Motor Company , Biomechanics Department, Office of Automotive Safety Research, Dearborn, Mich.; Impact injur y and Crash Protection , publisher Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1970, pp. 496-561 LAP-SHOULDER RESTRAINT EFFECTIVENESS IN THE UNITED STATES, W. D. Nelson, General Motors Corporation , Safety Research & Development Laboratory, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710077, 8 pp. SEAT BELT EFFECTIVENESS IN THE NON-EJECTION SITUATION, B. J. Campbell & Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Cornell University, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 177-188, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. SEAT BELT USE AND INJURY PATTERNS IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Jaakko K. Kihlberg & Shirley Robinson, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Automotive Grash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y., CAL Report No. VJ-1823-R30, December 1967, 98 pp. A STUDY OF SEAT RESTRAINT USE AND EFFECTIVENESS IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, Highway Safety Foundation , Mansfield, Ohio, January 1970, 17 pp. SEAT BELTS: A HABIT TO LAST A LIFETIME, Susan P. Baker, & Charles S. Springate, John Hopkins University , School of Hygiene & Public Health, Baltimore, Md . ; Maryland State Medical Journal, Vol. 19, No. 5, May 1970, pp. 50-52 COMPACT CAR ACCIDENT STUDY, GARDEN STATE PARKWAY: JANUARY 1968 - JUNE 1969, Robert A. Nelson, New Jersey Highway Authority , Garden State Parkway, Woodbridge, N. J., November 7, 1969, 26 pp. A STUDY OF SEAT BELTS IN WISCONSIN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, John W. Garrett, Cornell University, Cornell Aeronauti- cal Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., Cal Report No. VJ- 1823-R3, September 9, 1963, 24 pp. ATTITUDES TOWARD SEAT BELTS AND SHOULDER RESTRAINTS, Philip K. Raeder, Jr., & Louise Kuziomko, . New York State Department of Motor Vehicles , Albany, N. Y., Research Report No. 1968-1, December 1968, 15 pp. VEHICLE SPEED AND RURAL AUTOMOTIVE CRASH INJURY, PART II: ESTIMATED TRAVELING SPEED AND INJURIES IN SINGLE VEHICLE FRONTAL CRASHES, Roger Fargo, John W. Garrett & Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7098, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Wash., D. C, & Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., Wash., D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2721-R7, October 1969, 46 pp. A PILOT STUDY OF DRIVER ATTITUDES TOWARD SEAT BELTS, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles , Division of Research & Development, Albany, N. Y., Research Report No. 4, 1963, 7 pp.' CEINTURES DE SECURITEi LEUR USAGE CONSTANT FERAIT DIMINUER DE M0ITIE LE N0MBRE DES AUT0M0BILISTES TUES DANS LES COLLISIONS (THE USE OF SAFETY BELTS: A DECREASE BY HALF IN THE NUMBER OF DRIVERS KILLED IN COLLISIONS), Organlsme National de Securlte' Routlere , Arcuell (Seine), France, No. 27, 7 pp. SEAT BELT USERS: AN ANALYSIS OF WHO THEY ARE AND WHY, Rodney H. Dobson, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company , Wilmington, Del., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700451, 2 pp. TRUCK ACCIDENT STUDY--REP0RT OF PROCEDURES AND FINDINGS, Ernst & Ernst , Management Services Division, Cleveland, Ohio, prepared for Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., Detroit, Mich., August 1968, 117 pp. SEAT BELTS AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION, Stig Lindgren, Falu Hospital , Falun, Sweden & Evert Warg, Police Superintendent, Falun, Sweden; reprint Practitioner , Vol. 188, April 1962, pp. 467-473 SEAT BELTS FOR TRUCK OCCUPANT SAFETY, H. George Johannessen, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Hamill Manufacturing Company, Division, Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700347, 6 pp. A COMPARISON OF ATTITUDES TOWARD SEVERAL CROSS -CHEST SAFETY BELT SYSTEMS AFTER OPERATIONAL EXPERIENCE, Robert K. McKelvey, Public Health Service , Injury Control Research Laboratory, U. S. Department of Health, Education, 6. Welfare, Cincinnati, Ohio, ICRL- RR-68-5, 1970, 25 pp. CAR SEAT-BELTS--AN ANALYSIS OF THE INJURIES SUSTAINED BY CAR OCCUPANTS, R. D. Lister & Barbara M. Milsom, Road Research Lab ., Department of Scientific & In- dustrial Research, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England; reprint The Practitioner , Vol. 191, September 1963, pp. 332-340 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CAR SEAT BELTS, G. Grime, Depart- ment of Scientific and Industrial Research, Road Research Laboratory , Crowthorne Berks, England, 3 pp. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SAFETY BELTS, R. D. Lister & I. D. Neilson, Road Research Lab. , Ministry of Transport, Harmondsworth, England, Report No. 16, 1966, 6 pp. 55 THE PROTECTION OF CAR OCCUPANTS AGAINST INJURY IN ROAD ACCIDENTS, G. Grime, Road Research Laboratory, Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash & Injury Prevention, July 11 & 12, 1966, pp. 67-71, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England RESTRAINT SYSTEMS IN RACING ACCIDENTS, John D. States, University of Rochester, Orthopaedic Surgery Div., Rochester, N. Y.; David Ryon Rochester Applied Science Associates, Inc. , New York, N. Y., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690246, 8 pp. CASE COMPARISONS OF RESTRAINED AND NONRESTRAINED OCCUPANTS AND RELATED INJURY PATTERNS, Arnold W. SiegeL Wayne T. VanWagoner & Alan M. Nahum, University of California , School of Medicine, Los Angeles, Calif., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690245, 17 pp. CAUSES OF DEATHS IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Donald F. Huelke & Paul W. Gikas, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; reprint. The Journal of The American Medical Association, Vol. 203, No. 13, March 25, 1968, pp. 1100-1107 ANALYSIS OF LAP SHOULDER BELT EFFECTIVENESS IN ACCIDENTS, Jonathan E. Sharp, Rose Manufacturing Co ., Denver, Colo.; Horace E. Campbell, Colorado Medical Society, Automotive Safety Committee, Denver, Colo.; Paul Utans, Volvo Inc., Rockleigh, N. J.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 65-81, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. INJURY REDUCTION BY DIAGONAL AND OTHER VEHICLE SAFETY BELTS, D. C. Herbert, Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric AnfhorIARY, VOLUME I, Eugene Farber 6. Arno Cassel, Franklin Institute Research Laboratories , Philadelphia, Pa., Contract No. FH-11-6145, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C. Technical Report 1-218, January 1970, 46 pp., PB 184 955 OVERTAKING AND PASSING UNDER ADVERSE VISIBILITY CONDITIONS—DRIVER JUDGMENT AND DECISION-MAKING IN ACCELERATIVE PASSING SITUATIONS ON TWO-LANE RURAL HIGHWAYS, VOLUME II, Eugene Farber, Franklin Institute Research Laboratories , Philadelphia, Pa., Contract No. FH-11-6145, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 1-218, January 1970, 173 pp., PB 184 956 THE PERSONALITY OF THE JUVENILE TRAFF IC -OFFENDER , Elisabeth Nau, Frele Universitat Berlin , Institut fur Gerichtliche und Soziale Medizin, Berlin, West Germany; Proceedings of the Second Congress of the International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine-- Volume II, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 53-58 81 INVESTIGATION OF AN INTERVEHICLE SPACING DISPLAY, kobert L. Blerley, General Motors Corporation , Research Laboratories, Warren, Mich.; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, 1963, pp. 58-75 RESEARCH ON HUMAN VARIABLES IN SAFE MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATION: A CORRELATIONAL SUMMARY OF PREDICTOR VARIABLES AND CRITERION MEASURES, Leon G. Goldstein, George Washington University , Driver Behavior Research Project, Washington, D. C, Research Grant, M-1508, prepared for U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Public Health Service, National Center for Urban & Industrial Health, Arlington, Va., June 1961, 71 pp. FAHRVERHALTENSBEOBACHTUNG UND FAHRERKLASSIFIKAT10N 1M STRASSENVERKEHR (A BEHAVIOR STUDY AND CLASSIFICATION OF DRIVERS IN TRAFFIC), S. W. Quenault, Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, England; & J. F. Fuhrmann, Kuratoriums fur Verkehrssicherheit , Verkehrspsycho- logisches Institut, Olzeltgasse, Osterreich; Zeitschrift fur Verkehrssicherheit , 15 Jahrgang, 1969, Heft 4, Seite 248-261 VALID ITATSUNTERSUCHUNG UND FAKTORENANALYSE VERKEHRSPSY- CHOLOGISCHER DIAGNOSTISCHER METHODEN (INVESTIGATION OF THE VALIDITY OF DIAGNOSTIC TRAFFIC PSYCHOLOGY METHODS), Herbert Kallina, Kuratoriums fur Verkehrssicherheit, Verkehrspsychologischen Institut, Wien, Austria, 15 pp. RESPONSE BLOCKING: A NECESSARY PERFORMANCE CRITERION, Warren H. Teichner, Harvard School of Public Health , Guggenheim Center for Aerospace Health & Safety, Boston, Mass.; Pre-Crash Factors In Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 165-180, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. DRIVER OBEDIENCE TO STOP AND SLOW SIGNS', William T. Jackman, Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff , Cleveland, Ohio; Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 161 , 1957, pp. 9-17 DRIVER PASSING BEHAVIOR ON TWO-LANE HIGHWAYS, Robert S. Hostetter, HRB-Singer, Incorporated , Decision Sciences Laboratory, State College, Pa.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety, 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 39-60, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. DRIVER EDUCATION TASK ANA LYSIS --TASK DESCRIPTIONS, VOLUME I, A. James McKnight & Bert B. Adams, Human Resources Research Organization, Alexandria, Va., Contract No. FH-11-7336, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, HumRRO Tech. Report 70-103, November 1970, 266 pp. ZWEITE VERHALTENSANALYSE VON KRAFTFAHRERN UND VALID ITA'TSUNTERSUCHUNG VERKEHRSPSYCHOLOGISCHER UNTERSUCHUNGSMETHODEN (THE SECOND ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR OF DRIVERS AND EXAMINATION OF THE VALIDITY OF PSYCHO- LOGICAL TRAFFIC EXAMINING METHODS), Dieter v. Klebelsberg, Bernhard Biehl, Gerhard Derflinger, Gerhard Fischer, Janos Fuhrmann & Uwe Seydel, Kuratoriums fur Verkehrssicherheit , Wien, Austria; reprint Zeitschrift fur experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie, Vol. XV, No. 4, 1968, pp. 601-618 PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS AND ROAD SAFETY, L. G. Norman, London Transport Board, London, England; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine--Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 139-149 A STUDY OF HIGHWAY DRIVING--PART I. ANALYSIS OF HEART RATE MONITORING, V. P. Collins, Anna Maxwell £■ Robert M. Adams, Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 5. 11, 1966, pp. 1-7 DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS, NIGHT V1SIBLITY, AND DRIVING SIMULATION, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, Publication 1125, 1963, 109 pp. DRIVER EDUCATION TASK ANALYSIS—TASK ANALYSIS METHODS, VOLUME II, A. James McKnight & Bert B. Adams, Human Resources Research Organization , Alexandria, Va., Contract No. FH-11-7336, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, Report No. HumRRO IR Dl-70-1, November 1970, 41 pp. DIE BEEINFLUSSUNG DES FAHRVERHALTENS DURCH LEIT- UND RANDLINIEN AUF FREILANDSTRASSEN (THE INFLUENCE OF GUIDE STRIPS OF FREEWAYS ON DRIVING BEHAVIOR),. U. Seydel, Kuratoriums fur Verkehrssicherheit , Verkehrspsychologischen Institut in Zusammenarbeit , Wien, Austria; reprint Zeitschrift Fur Verkehrssrecht . Vol. 12, No. 10, 1967, pp. 256-259 ERGEBNIS EINER VERHALTENSANALYSE DES KRAFTFAHRERS (BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE ANALYSIS OF THE DRIVER), Dieter v. Klebelsberg, Kuratoriums fur Verkehrssicherheit , Verkehrspsychologischen Institut, Wien, Austria; reprint Journal of Experimental & Applied Psychology , Vol. X/4, 1963, pp. 597-603 MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY: THE DRIVER, J. Wadsworth, National Research Council of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No. 2, May 1966, 34 pp., 5 figs. APPLICATION DE TECHNIQUES ELECTROPHYSIOLOGIQUES A L'ETUDE DE LA CONDUITE AUTOMOBILE (APPLICATION OF ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES TO THE STUDY OF AUTOMOBILE DRIVING), M. C. Pin, Organlsme National de Se'curite Routiere , Section de Psychophysiologie, Arcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 15, August 1966, 15 pp. CONDUITE AUTOMOBILE ET CHARGE MENTALE (AUTOMOBILE DRIVING AND MENTAL BURDEN), G. Michaut, Organlsme National de Securlte Routiere , Division des Etudes Psychologiques, Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 18, January 1968, 19 pp. CONDUITE AUTOMOBILE ET SECURITE (AUTOMOBILE DRIVING AND SAFETY), Pierre-Henri Giscard, Organlsme National de Securite Routiere , Arcueil (Seine), France, 1st Pa> December 1966, 69 pp. 82 CONDUITE AUTOMOBILE ET SECURITE (AUTOMOBILE DRIVING AND SAFETY), Pierre-Henri Giscard, Organisme National de Se'curlte' Routiere , Arcueil (Seine), France, 2nd Part, March 1967, pp. 75-145 L'ESTIMATION STATISTIQUE DE LA PROPENSION AUX ACCIDENTS (STATISTICAL ESTIMATE OF TENDENCY TOWARD ACCIDENTS), D. Srour, Organisme National de Securite*" Routiere , Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 24, December 1969, 35 pp. RECHERCHE DE CORRELATIONS ENTRE DONNEES DE VIGIUNCE OPERATIONNELLE ET PHYSIOLOGIQUE — L'ELECTROE.NCEPHALO- GRAPHIE COMME SOURCE D 'INFORMATIONS SUR L' EVOLUTION DE L'EFFICIENCE DU CONDUCTEUR, (RESEARCH ON CORRELATIONS AMONG DATA REGARDING OPERATIONAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ALERTNESS--THE ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPH AS A SOURCE OF DATA FOR THE EVALUATION OF DRIVER EFFICIENCY), C. Tarriere, F. Hartemann & M. Niarfeix, Regie Nationale des Usines Renault , Laboratoire de Physiologic et de Biom§canique, Boulogne-Billancourt (Seine), France, prepared for Organisme National de Securite Routiere, Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 16, August 1966, 38 pp. ETUDE DETAILLEE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA ROUTE--II. LES FACTEURS LIES AU CONDUCTEUR ET AU VEHICULE (DETAILED STUDIES OF HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS--1I . FACTORS RELATED TO THE DRIVER AND TO THE VEHICLE), P. Duflot & F. Hoffmann, Organisme National de Securite' Routiere , Arcueil (Seine) France, Bulletin No. 5, June 1963, 18 pp. DRIVER BEHAVIOUR - SAFE AND UNSAFE DRIVERS, S. W. Quenault, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 70, 1967, 58 pp. F^TUDE DU COMPORTEMENT DES CONDUCTEURS D 'AUTOMOBILES : CONDUITE EN SITUATION MONOTONE (STUDY OF THE BEHAVIOR OF AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS: CONDUCT IN A MONOTONOUS SITUATION), G. Michaut & M. Pottier, Organisme National de Securite Routiere , Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 8, May 1964, 11 pp. UN INSTRUMENT D 'ETUDE DU COMPORTEMENT DES CONDUCTEURS D 'AUTOMOBILE: LA V01TURE EQUIPEE (AN INSTRUMENT- EQUIPPED VEHICLE FOR STUDYING THE BEHAVIOR OF AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS), G. Michaut, Organisme National de Securite Routiere , Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 4, September 1962, 8 pp. LES NIVEAUX D 'ACTIVATION LORS DE DIFFERENTES SITUATIONS DE CONDUITE (THE LEVELS OF ACTIVITY OCCURING 'AT THE TIME OF DIFFERENT DRIVING SITUATION), M. C. Pin, F. Lecret & M. Pottier, Organisme National de Securite Routiere , Laboratoire de Psychophysiologic, Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 19, January 1969, 11 pp. PRISE DE RISQUE EN AUTOMOBILE: ETUDE EXPERIMENTALE D'UN PARCOURS ROUTIER (RISK TAKEN IN A CAR: EXPERIMENTAL EXERCISE OF A ROUTINE RUN), M. Monseur & G. Malaterre, Organisme National de Securite Routiere , Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 27, Juillet 1970, 35 pp. REPRESENTATIONS, COMPORTEMENTS ET ATTITUDES DES CONDUCTEURS AVANT UN LONG TRAJET (REPRESENTATION, BEHAVIOR, AND ATTITUDES OF DRIVERS BEFORE LONG JOIFRNEYS) Jean-Michel Villaret, Marc Lucet and Benjamin Matalon, Organisme National de Securite Routiere , Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 22, September 1969, 22 pp. CONFRONTATION DE^DONN^ES OBJECTIVES ET SUBJECTIVES RELATIVES A DES EPREUVES DE VIGILANCE (COMPARISON OF' OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE RESULTS WITH RESPECT TO DIFFERENT SOUND ENVIRONMENTS), C. Tarriere, Rlgie Nationale des Usines Renault , Laboratoire de Physiologie et de Biomecanique, Boulogne-Billancourt (Seine), France, prepared for Organisme National de Securite' Routiere, Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 6, June 1963, 23 pp. THE EFFECT OF SPEED AND SPEED CHANGE ON DRIVERS' SPEED JUDGEMENT, G. G. Denton, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 97, 1967, 6 pp., 2 figs. AN EVALUATION OF A BRAKELIGHT DISPLAY WHICH INDICATES THE SEVERITY OF BRAKING, K. S. Rut ley & D . G. W. Mace, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Road Layout & Lighting Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England RRL Report No. LR 287, 1969, 23 pp., PB 189 234 FAHRVERHALTENSBEOBACHTUNG UND FAHRERKLASSIFIKATION IM STRASSENVERKEHR (A BEHAVIOR STUDY AND CLASSIFICATION OF DRIVERS IN TRAFFIC), S. W. Quenault, Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, England; & J. F. Fuhrmann, Kuratoriums f ur Verkehrssicherheit , Verkehrspsycho- logisches Institut, Olzeltgasse, Osterreich; Zeitschrift fur Verkehr s sicherheit , 15 Jahrgang, 1969, Heft 4, Selte 248-261 THE IMPORTANCE OF DRIVER LIMITATIONS IN VEHICLE CONTROL, A. Irving & T. S. Bowles, Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanicil Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 106-113, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England GROUP THERAPY AMONGST PERSONS INVOLVED IN FREQUENT AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, William A. Tillmann, & Lebert Harris, St. Joseph's Hospital , Dept. of Psychiatry, London, Ontario, Canada; Margaret A. Phipps & John L. Howe, University of Western Ontario, Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, London, Ontario, Canada; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 63-69, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. OBSERVATIONS ON "REACTION TIME'' OF AUTOMOBILE RACE DRIVERS, John C. Scully & David M. Boyd, Jr.; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 31-35 HEADLAMP BEAM USAGE ON U. S. HIGHWAYS, Charles T. Hare & Roger H. Hemion, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. CPR 11-4126, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Report No. Ak-666, December 2, 1968, 8' pp., PB 183 00? 83 CONCEPTUALIZATION OF OVERTAKING AND PASSING ON TWO- LANE RURAL ROADS--VOLUME III DRIVER CONTROL, David H. Weir & Duane T. McRuer, Syst ems Technology, Inc. , Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. CPR-11-2770, prepared for Bureau of Public Roads, Office of Research & Development, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 1-193-III, December 1967, 178 pp. DRIVER CONTROL DURING OVERTAKING AND PASSING UNDER ADVERSE CONDITIONS, David H. Weir, Frederic R. Alex, & Robert F. Ringland, Systems Technology, Inc. , Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6145, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation^ Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 174-1, May 1969, 135 pp. OVERTAKING AND PASSING UNDER ADVERSE VISIBILITY CONDITIONS—DRIVER CONTROL DURING OVERTAKING AND PASSING, VOLUME IV, David H. Weir, Frederic R. Alex & Robert F. Ringland, Systems Technology, Incorporated , Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6145, prepared for Franklin Institute Research Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pa.; & U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 1-218, January 1970, 138 pp., PB 184 958 PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL FACTORS IN MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS- -FOLLOW-UP STUDY, John J. Conger, Herbert S. Gaskill, Donald D. Glad, Linda Hassel, Robert V. Rainey & William L. Sawrey & Eugene S. Turrell, University of Colorado, School of Medicine, Boulder, Colo.; Journal of the American Medical Association , Vol. 169, No. 14, pp. 1581-1587 AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, SUICIDE AND UNCONSCIOUS MOTIVATION Melvin L. Selzer & Charles E. Payne, University of Michigan , Medical School, Ann Arbor, Mich.; American Journal of Psychiatry , .Vol. 119, No. 3, September 1962, pp. 237-240 DRIVING BEHAVIOR AND RELATED PROBLEMS, Bruce D. Greenshields, Univerisity of Michigan , Transportation Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, 1963, pp. 14-32 IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM DRIVER FROM STATE DRIVER RECORDS, William L. Carlson, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., HSRI Research, No. 1, May 1968, 7 pp. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1955-1964, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, September 1965, 137 pp. THE HUMAN FACTOR IN ACCIDENTS, U. S. Air Force , School of Aviation Medicine, Air University, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas; reprinted by U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Public Health Service, Washington, D. C, 1967, 175 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME VI--DRIVER BEHAVIOR, U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18-20, 1969, 95 pp., PB 186 273 THE SAFE VEHICLE OPERATOR (HIGHWAY), Robert Brenner, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the First Department of Transportation Intra-Departmental Safety Seminar, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C., January 1969, pp. 165-194 MAPPING YOUNG DRIVERS IN BEHAVIORAL SPACE, Stanley H. Schuman & Donald C. Pelz, University of Michigan, Highway Safe"ty Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 141-154, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. PSYCHOTECHNICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, NEUROLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND THUS MOTIVATED PREVENTIVE AND PROHIBITIVE MEASURES, Luciano Zanaldi, University of Padova , Department of Forensic Medicine, Padova, Italy; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine--Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 150-157 GROUP THERAPY AMONGST PERSONS INVOLVED IN FREQUENT AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, William A. Tillmann, & Lebert Harris, St. Joseph's Hospital, Dept. of Psychiatry, London, Ontario, Canada; Margaret A. Phipps & John L. Howe, University of Western Ontario , Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, London, Ontario, Canada; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway. Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 63-69, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. THE SKILLS OF THE DRIVER AND THE RESPONSE OF THE VEHICLE, W. T. Singleton, University of Aston, Birmingham, England; Ergonomics and Safety in Motor Car Design , Proceedings--Institut ion of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 181, Part 3D, 1966-1967, pp. 51-55 A STUDY OF HIGHWAY DRIVING — PART II. PERSONALITY PROFILES OF DRIVERS, David B. Vinson; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 8-11 ACCIDENT PRONENESS, THE HISTORY OF AN IDEA, Frank A. Haight, University of California, Institute of Trans- portation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; reprint Automobllismo e Automobilismo Industriale , 1964, No. 4, Lug.-Agos., 14 pp. DRIVER TRAINING AND LICENSING DIGEST OF MOTOR LAWS, American Automobile Association , Legal Department, Washington, D. C. , Thirty-Sixth Edition, 1969, 188 pp. SOME COMPARISONS BETWEEN TRAFFIC DEATH AND SUICIDE, Frank A. Haight, Univers it y of Ca li fornia. Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; reprint Automobilismo e Automobllismo In dustriale, No. 5, Sett.-Ott., 1965, 52 pp. SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION OF DRIVERS' LICENSES--A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF STATE LAWS, Anthony Antony, Automotive Safety Foundation, Laws Division, Washington, D. C, 1966, 124 pp. 84 FIXED BASE SIMULATOR VERSUS SKID PAN PRACTICE IN SKID CONTROL TRAINING, Benjamin C. Duggar, Henry N. Young, Charles R. Budrose, & Edward H. Kanter, Biodynamics Corporat Ion , Contract No. PH 108-66-183, prepared for Public Health Service, Injury Control Research Lab., U. S. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare, Providence, R. I., ICRL-RR-68-3, 1969, 50 pp. LES PRINCIPES DE L' INSTRUCTION PROGRAMMEE ET LEUR APPLICATION AU CODE DE LA ROUTE (THE PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMED TEACHING AND THEIR APPLICATION TO THE HIGHWAY CODE), R. Volders, Bureau Marcel van DIJK , Bruxelles, Belgium; Technical Aspects of Road Safety Bulletin d' Information du C .1 .D .l.T.V.A. , No. 32, December 1967, pp. 4.1-4.18, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securite Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor AUTOMOBILITY, Harold L. Henderson & Theodore Kole; Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Rochester, Minn. October 22 & 23, 1965, pp. 142-153 HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION LEGISLATION IN 1969, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility , Washington, D. C, 32 pp. DRIVER EDUCATION TASK ANALYSIS--TASK DESCRIPTIONS, VOLUME I, A. James McKnight & Bert B. Adams, Human Resources Research Organization , Alexandria, Va., Contract No. FH-11-7336, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, HumRRO Tech. Report 70-103, November 1970, 266 pp. DRIVER LICENSE ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS AND FEES- STATUS AS OF JANUARY 1, 1960, Bureau of Public Roads , U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C. 9 pp. PREVENTIVE MEDICINE: CALIFORNIA'S DRIVER IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, E. Keith Ball, California Department of Motor Vehicles , Division of Drivers' Licenses, Sacramento, Calif.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 203-222, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. DRIVER EDUCATI0N--A SURVEY AND ANALYSIS OF STATE LAWS AND PRACTICES PERTAINING TO NON-PUBLIC SCHOOL AND OUT- 0F-SCH00L YOUTH, Central Missouri State College , Safety Center, Warrensburg, Mo., Contract No. FH-11-7020, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, September 1969, 251 pp. EVALUATION OF DRIVER EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROGRAMS, Harry H. Harman, Dean W. Seibel, Michael Rosenfeld & Benjamin Shimberg, Educational Testing Service , Princeton, N. J., Subcontract No. HRB-48-69-4, prepared for National Academy of Sciences - National Academy of Engineering, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6961, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 31, 1969, 118 pp. DRIVER EDUCATION TASK ANALYSIS--TASK ANALYSIS METHODS, VOLUME II, A. James McKnight & Bert B. Adams, Human Resources Research Organization , Alexandria, Va., Contract No. FH-11-7336, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C., Report No. HumRRO 1R Dl-70-1, November 1970, 41 pp. PROCEEDINGS--NATIONAL DRIVER EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYMPOSIA, Institute for Educational Development , New York, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6947, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, December 1-4, 1968 6. January 26-29, 1969, 387 pp. OPERANT TRAINING OF PROBLEM DRIVERS UNDER STRESS, Donald H. Schuster, Iowa State University , Psychology Department, Ames, Iowa, 1970, 12 pp. AUTOMOBILITY, Harold L. Henderson & Theodore Kole ; Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Rochester, Minn. October 22 6, 23, 1965, pp. 142-153 APTITUDE NORMS FOR DRIVING MOTOR VEHICLES (TAUV0 K) IN THE GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (GDR), H. Mtiller, Berlin, Germany; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine--Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 172-173 IMPROVING THE ENFORCEMENT OF DRIVER LICENSE DENIALS, SUSPENSIONS, AND REVOCATIONS. PART 1: PRELIMINARY GUIDELINES, Exotech Systems, Incorporated , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-7283, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D C, October 1970, 37 pp. UNIFORM VEHICLE CODE AND MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances, Washington, D. C, 1968, 335 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY: THE DRIVER, J. Wadsworth, National R esearch Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No7 2, May 1966, 34 pp., 5 figs. IMPROVING THE ENFORCEMENT OF DRIVER LICENSE DENIALS, SUSPENSIONS, AND REVOCATIONS. PART 2: TECHNICAL REPORT, Oliver Bryk, Exotech Systems, Incorporated , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-7283, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 110 pp. LOGICAL FALLACIES IN RESEARCH ON DRIVER EDUCATION, Gerald J. Driessen, National Safety Council , Chicago, 111.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 259-273, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. THE LEGAL NATURE OF A DRIVER'S LICENSE, John H. Reese, George Washington University , Graduate School of Public Law, Washington, D. C, November 1965, 52 pp.; Bublished by Automotive Safety Foundation, Washington, . C. PROJECT DRIVER, Jerry L. Purswell, Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, Oklahoma City, Okla,, & University of Oklahoma Research Institute, Norman, Okla., Contract No. FH-11-7126, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C., 46 pp. 85 EFFICACITE CCMPAREE DE DIFFERENTS SYSTEMES DE PRESENTATION ET D ' APFRENTISSAGE DES NOTIONS DE PRIORITE (COMPARATIVE EFFICIENCY OF DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF PRESENTATION AND OF LEARNING OF NOTIONS OF PRIORITY), M. Simonnet, Organisme National de Se'curite Routiere , Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 23, September 1969, 16 pp. LA NOTION DE PRIORITE DE PASSAGE SUR ROLTE , ET SON APFRENTISSAGE EN AUTO-ECOLE (THE NOTION OF PASSAGE PRIORITY ON HIGHWAYS AND ITS ADVENT IN DRIVING SCHOOL), M. Simonnet, Organisme National de Se'curite' Routiere , Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 21, March 1969, 17 pp. MEDICAL ASPECTS OF DRIVER LICENSURE: PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE RECOMMENDATIONS, Richard Marland 6c Eugene Lehr, Public Health Service , Environmental Control Administration, Injury Control Program, U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Arlington, Va.; Pre- Crash Factors In Traffic Safety, 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 3-8, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON DRIVER LICENSING, D. C. Jones & S. K. Stouffer, Research Triangle Institute , Operations Research & Economics Div., Research Triangle Park, N. C. Contract No. FH- 11-7253, prepared f or U . S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Final Report FR-OU-472-4, April 1970, 37 pp. OUTLOOK 70' s: DRIVER EDUCATION, Joseph B. Shields; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 197-206, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANUAL—DRIVER EDUCATION, VOLUME 4, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C., January 1969, 42 pp. HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANUAL—DRIVER LICENSING, VOLUME 5, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, January 1969, 53 pp. THE SAFE VEHICLE OPERATOR (HIGHWAY), Robert Brenner, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C.; Proceedings of the First Department of Transportation Intra-Departmental Safety Seminar, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, January 1969, pp. 165-194 THE EFFECT OF QUALITATIVELY DIFFERENT DRIVER EDUCATION PROGRAMS ON FREQUENCY AND SEVERITY OF ACCIDENTS, Frederick L. McCuire, University of California , College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior, Irvine, Calif.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 245-258, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. AN EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF DRIVER EDUCATION— A STUDY OF HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY, RESEARCH METKODOLOCY, AND EFFECTIVENESS IN THE FIELD OF DRIVER EDUCATION, Frederick L. McGuire 6< Ronald C. Kersh, University of California , California College of Medicine, Richmond, Calif., 1968, 172 pp. A REPORT DEVELOPING A COMPREHENSIVE STATE PROGRAM OF MOTORCYCLE DRIVER'S LICENSING. LeGrand L. Malany, University of Illinois , Highway Traffic Safety Center Motorcycle Driver's Licensing Evaluation Committee, Urbana, 111., Research Report No. 3, August 1969, 114 pp DRIVER LICENSING AND PERFORMANCE— RESEARCH REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS, VOLUME I, Louis Miller & John A. Dimling, Jr., Spindletop Research, Inc. , Communications & Systems Div., Lexington, Ky., Contract No. FH-11-6533, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 1969, Report No. 224, 409 pp. AN EVALUATION OF LOCALLY ORIENTED DRIVER EDUCATION THROUGH MASS COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA — PART ONE: ERRATIC VEHICULAR MOVEMENTS, Bennie R. Maffet, University of Kentucky, Department of Civil Engineering, Lexington, Ky., 1967, 64 pp. DRIVER LICENSING AND PERFORMANCE — SURVEY OF STATE PRACTICES, VOLUME II, John A. Dimling, Jr., Spindletop Research, Inc ., Communications & Systems Div., Lexington, Ky., Contract No. FH-11-6533, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 224, October 1, 1968, 120 pp. DRIVER LICENSING AND PERFORMANCE — SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDED STANDARDS, VOLUME III, John A. Dimling, Jr., & Louis Miller, Spindletop Research, Inc ., Communications & Systems Div., Lexington, Ky., Contract No. FH-11-6533, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 224, March 1969, 36 pp. AN EVALUATION OF LOCALLY ORIENTED DRIVER EDUCATION THROUGH MASS COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA— PART TWO: ACCIDENTS, Malcolm F. Howard, University of Kentucky , Dept. of Civil Engineering, Lexington, Ky., 1967, 51 pp. PROJECT DRIVER, Jerry L. Purswell, Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, Oklahoma City. Okla., & University of Oklahoma Research Institute , Norman, Okla. , Contract No. FH-11-7126, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, 46 pp. INTELLIGENSENS OCH OLIKA PERSONLIGHETSDRAGS BETYDELSE FOR UNDERVISNINGEN I EN BILSKOLA (THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE INTELLIGENCE AND SOME PERSONALITY FACTORS FOR THE EDUCATION IN A DRIVING SCHOOL), Anders Tallqvlst, TALJA Central Organization for Traffic Safety In Finland"^ Helsinki, Finland, 1966, No. 3, 57 pp. DRIVER VISION TINTED CONTACT LENSES— A HANDICAP FOR NIGHT DRIVING, Oscar W. Richards, American Optical Company , Southbridge, Mass.; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, 1963, p. 86 86 VISION AT LEVELS OF NIGHT ROAD ILLUMINATION--VIII . LITERATURE 1962, Oscar W. Richards, American Optical Company , Southbrldge, Mass.; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C., Highway Research Record No. 25, 1963, pp. 76-82 VISUAL CONSIDERATIONS OF MAN, THE VEHICLE. AND THE HIGHWAY, Ingeborg Schmidt. Indiana University, iv . oi Optometry, Blooralngton, Ind., i Paul L. Connolly ; Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. 1 SAE Report No. SP-279, March 1966,86 pp. EFFECTIVENESS OF THREE VISUAL CUES IN THE DETECTION OF RATE OF CLOSURE AT NIGHT, James F. Parker, Jr., Robert R. Gilbert & Richard F. Dillon, BioTechnology, Inc. , Arlington, Va., Contract CPR 11-8683, prepared for Bureau of Public Roads, Office of Research & Development Human Factors Branch, BTI Report No. 64-1, March 1964, 45 pp. OVERTAKING AND PASSING UNDER ADVERSE VISIBILITY CONDITIONS--DRIVER JUDGEMENT AND DECISION-MAKING IN OVERTAKING AND FLYING PASS SITUATION, VOLUME III, Raymond E. Reilly & Bernard J. Cameron, Bio Technology, Inc . , Arlington, Va., Contract No. FH-11-6145, prepared for Franklin Institute Research Labs., Philadelphia, Pa. & U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 1-218, January 1970, 139 pp., PB 184 957 THE TRANSLATION OF VISUAL INFORMATION INTO VEHICULAR CONTROL ACTIONS, Raymond E. Reilly, Robert R. Gilbert, Richard F. Dillon & James F. Parker, Jr., BioTechnology , Inc. . Arlington, Va., prepared for Commonwealth of Va., Dept. of Highways & Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads, BTI Report No. 65-2, October 1965, 50 pp. ASSESSMENT OF AUTOMOTIVE VISIBILITY BY A FIGURE OF MERIT, Richard L. Barnoski, Computer Sciences Corporation, Paramus, N. J.; John R. Maurer, Measurement Analysis Corporation, Marina del Rey, Calif.; & B. Andrew Kugler, Bolt, Beranek & Newman, Inc ., Cambridge, Mass.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 644-676; SAE Report No. 700394 AUTOMOTIVE REAR VISION, Charles R. Kelley, Dun lap and Associates , Inc ■ , Western Division, Santa Monica, Calif. 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 690-703; SAE Report No. 700396 MOTOR VEHICLE REAR VISION, Charles R. Kelley (, Daniel J. Prosin, Dunlap & Associates, Inc ., Western Dlv., Santa Monica, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6951, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 194 pp. MESOPIC VISION, GLARE TOLERANCE AND GLARE RECOVERY: A PRELIMINARY REPORT, Arthur H. Keeney & Wayne L. Erdbrink , Philadelphia, Pa.; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 36-39 A HYPEREFFECTIVE VISUAL SIGNAL FOR NIGHT DRIVING WARNING DEVICE, Robert H. Peckhara & William M. Hart, Eye Research Foundation of Bethesda , Bethesda, Md.; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, 1963, pp. 83-85 AUTOMOBILE DRIVER EYE POSITION, James F. Meldrum, Ford Motor Co . , Human Factors Research Dept., Dearborn, Mich., Society of. Automotive Engineers Report No. 650464, 11 pp. VEHICLE-IN-USE SYSTEM SAFETY ANA LYSIS --SAFETY ANALYSIS OF VISIBILITY AND HUMAN IMPAIRMENT, VOLUME IV, Booz-Allen Applied Research, Incorporated, Bethesda, Md . Contract No. FH-11-7316, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, September 1970, 186 pp. PERCEPTUAL AND FIELD FACTORS CAUSING LATERAL DISPLACEMENT, R. M. Michaels & L. W. Cozan, Bureau of Public Roads , Washington, D. C.j National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, 1963, pp. 1-13 DRIVER VISION, John Versace, Ford Motor Company , Automotive Safety Research, Dearborn, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceeaings P-30, pp. 617-628; SAE Report No. 700391 THE EYELLIPSE AND CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DRIVER'S FORWARD FIELD OF VIEW, William A. Devlin, Ford Motor Company , Design Center, Dearborn, Mich.; Ronald W. Roe, General Motors Corporation, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680105, 31 pp. ASSESSMENT OF AUTOMOTIVE VISIBILITY BY A FIGURE OF MERIT, Richard L. Barnoski, Computer Sciences Corporation , Paramus, N. J.; John R. Maurer, Measurement Analysis Corporation., Marina del Rey, Calif.; & B. Andrew Kugler, Bolt, Beranek £■ Newman, Inc., Cambridge, Mass.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 644-676; SAE Report No. 700394 VISION, MAN, VEHICLE AND HIGHWAY, Paul L. Connolly , Bloomfield Hills, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 122-149, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. GEOMETRIC VISION REQUIREMENTS IN THE DRIVING TASK, Lyman M. Forbes, Ford Motor Company , Automotive Safety Research Office, Dearborn, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 677-689; SAE Report No. 700395 OVERTAKING AND PASSING UNDER ADVERSE VISIBILITY CONDITI0NS--SUMMARY, VOLUME I, Eugene Farber & Arno Cassel, Franklin Institute Research Laboratories , Philadelphia, Pa., Contract No. FH-11-6145, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C. Technical Report 1-218, January 1970, 46 pp., PB 184 955 87 3VERTAK.INC AND PASSING JNDE8 ADVERSE VISIBILITY CONDITIONS—DRIVER JUDGMENT AND DECISION-MAKING IN ACCELERATIVE PASSING SITUATIONS ON TWO-LANE RURAL HIGHWAYS, VOLUME II. Eugene Farber, Franklin Inscitute Research Laboratories , Philadelphia, Pa., Contract No. FH-11-6145, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 3ureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 1-218, January 1970, 173 pp., ?B 184 956 THE EYELLIPSE AND CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DRIVER'S FORWARD FIELD OF VIEW, William A. Devlin, Ford Motor Company, Design Center, Dearborn. Mich.; Ronald W. Roe, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich. , -presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968 SAE Report No. 680105, 31 pp. MESOPIC VISION, GLARE TOLERANCE AND CLARE RECOVERY: A PRELIMINARY REPORT, Arthur H. Keeney i Wayne L. Erdbrink, Philadelphia, Pa.; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 6< 11, 1966, pp. 36-39 ASSESSMENT OF AUTOMOTIVE VISIBILITY BY A FIGURE OF MERIT, Richard L. Barnoski, Computer Sciences Corporation, Paramus, N. J.; John R. Maurer, Measurement Analysis Corporation, Marina del Rev., Calif.; & B. Andrew Kugler, bo it, Beranek 6. Newman, Inc., Cambridge, Mass.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 644-676; SAE Report No. 700394 RESEARCH ON HUMAN VARIABLES IN SAFE MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATION: A CORRELATIONAL SUMMARY OF PREDICTOR VARIABLES AND CRITERION MEASURES, Leon G. Goldstein, George Washington University , Driver Behavior Research Project, Washington, D. C, Research Grant, M-1508, prepared for U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Public Health Service, National Center for Urban & Industrial Health, Arlington, Va., June 1961, 71 pp. EVALUATION OF DIRECT VISIBILITY FOR AUTOMOTIVE PASSENGER VEHICLES BY A FIGURE OF MERIT, Richard L. Barnoski, John R. Maurer & B. Andrew Kugler, Measurement Analysis Corp. , Marina Del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6893, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation. National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 65 pp. GLARE AND DRIVER VISION, Howard W. Stoudt, Thomas J. Crowley, Barry Gruber, Anthony J. Morandi, Ernst Wolf, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass., Contract No. FH-11-6904, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, January 1970, 89 pp. EVALUATION OF DIRECT VISIBILITY FOR AUTOMOTIVE PASSENGER VEHICLES BY A FIGURE OF MERIT--APPENDICES , Richard L. Barnoski, John R. Maurer & B. Andrew Kugler, Measurement Analysis Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif. Contract No. FH-11-6893, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 144 pp. VISIBILITY PROBLEMS IN NIGHT DRIVLNG: THE ROLE OF SUBJECTIVE BRIGHTNESS AND CONTRAST, W. D. Wright, Imperial College of Science ^ Technology , Applied Optics Section, London, England; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 93-99, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. IMPROVING VISIBILITY OF THE HIGHWAY AND HIGHWAY SIGNS AS A MEANS OF ACCIDENT PREVENTION, Theodore W. Forbes, Michigan State University , Department of Psychology & Division of Engineering Research, East Lansing, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 113-117, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. ACTUAL PEDESTRIAN VISIBILITY AND THE PEDESTRIAN'S ESTIMATE OF HIS OWN VISIBILITY, Merrill J. Allen, Richard D. Hazlett, Herman L. Tacker & Ben V. Graham, Indiana University , Division of Optometry, Bloomington, Ind.; Proceedings of che Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 293-299, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. DYNAMIC VISIBILITY OF MOTOR VEHICLES, Akira Yamanaka, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd .; & Minoru Kobayashi, National Research Institute of Police Science; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium. Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 631-643; SAE Report No. 700393 GLARE AND DRIVER VISION REPORT, Merrill J, Allen, Indiana University , Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11-6550, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, January 22, 1969, 62 pp. DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS, NIGHT VISIBILITY. SIMULATION, National Academy of Sciences, AND DRIVING National Research Council, Highway Researcn Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, Publication 1125, 1963, 109 pp. VISUAL CONSIDERATIONS OF MAN, THE VEHICLE, AND THE HIGHWAY, Ingeborg Schmidt, Indiana University . Div. of Optometry, Bloomington, Ind., & Paul L. Connolly; Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SAE Report No. SP-279, March 1966, 86 pp. DYNAMIC VISIBILITY OF MOTOR VEHICLES, Akira Yamanaka, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.; & Minoru Kobayashi, National Research Institute of Police Science ; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 631-643; SAE Report No. 700393 THE VISUAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE MODERN AUTOMOBILE, Merrill J. Allen, Indiana University , Bloomington, Ind.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 118-121, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. DRIVERS' EYE MOVEMENTS: AN APPARATUS AND CALIBRATION. T. H. Rockwell, C. Overby & R. R. Mourant, Ohio State University , Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Systems Research Group, Columbus, Ohio, 12 pp. 88 VISUAL INFORMATION SEEKING OF NOVICE DRIVERS, Ronald R. Mourant & Thomas H. Rockwell, Ohio State University , Department of Industrial Engineering, Columbus, Ohio; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 704-711; SAE Report No. 700397 RECOGNITION OF COLOURED LIGHTS 3Y COLOUR DEFECTIVE INDIVIDUALS, S. Y. Shirley 6c R. J. Gauthler, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada , Ottawa, Canada. Project No. 1, 1966, 10 pp., 12 figs.; Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo. New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 40-57 THE IMPORTANCE OF DRIVER LIMITATIONS IN VEHICLE CONTROL, A. Irving & T. S. Bowles, Road Research Laboratory , Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 106-113, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England A PERCEPTUAL FACTOR THAT COULD CONTRIBUTE TO ROAD ACCIDENTS, L. R. Newsome, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 135, 1967, 5 pp. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1955-1964, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, September 1965, 137 pp. ETUDE DE LA VISIBILITE AU SOL DANS LES VEHICULES AUTOMOBILES (STUDY OF VISIBILITY FROM AUTOMOBILES), E. Chapoux, Union Technique de 1 'Automobile, du Motocycle et du Cycle , prepared for Organisme National de Se"curite' Routiere, Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 7, June 1963, 12 pp. SOME HUMAN FACTORS AFFECTING THE DESIGN OF VEHICLES AND ROADS, R. L. Moore, Road Research Laboratory , Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 79-92, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England THE HUMAN FACTOR IN ACCIDENTS, U. S. Air Force , School of Aviation Medicine, Air University, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas; reprinted by U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Public Health Service, Washington, D. C, 1967, 175 pp. VISIBILITY FROM THE DRIVER'S SEAT: THE C0NSPICU0USNESS OF VEHICLES, LIGHTS AND SIGNALS, R. L. Moore 6. H. P. Ruffell Smith, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Ergonomics and Safety in Motor Car Design , Proceedlngs-- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 181, Part 3D, 1966-1967, pp. 56-68 A COMPARISON OF PLANE AND CONVEX REARVIEW MIRRCRS FOR PASSENGER AUTOMOBILES. George E. Rowland, Carl A. Silver Samuel C. Volinsky, Joseph S. Behrman, Norman F. Nichols (x William F. Clisham Jr., Rowland S.. Company , Incorporated , Haddonfield, N. J., Contract No. FH-11- 7382, prepared for U. 5. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, August 1970, 154 pp. THE EFFECT OF HEADLIGHT GLARE ON VEHICLE CONTROL AND DETECTION OF HIGHWAY VISION TARGETS, Roger H. Hemion, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. 11-4126, preparea for Bureau of Public Roads, Federal Highway Administration, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, SwRI Project No. 11-1908, May 1, 1968, 115 pp., PB 179 441 OVERTAKING AND PASSING UNDER ADVERSE VISIBILITY C0NDITI0NS--DRIVER CONTROL DURING OVERTAKING AND PASSING, VOLUME IV, David H. Weir, Frederic R. Alex & Robert F. Ringland, Systems Technology, Incorporated, Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6145, prepared for Franklin Institute Research Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pa.; & U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 1-218, January 1970, 138 pp., PB 184 958 FRONT VISIBILITY STUDY--POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLES, U. S. Post Office Department , Automotive Div., Washington, D. C, April 1964, 14 pp. DRIVER VISION REQUIREMENTS, Erwin Hartmann, Unlversitat Munchen , Institute fur Med. Optik, Germany; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 629-630; SAE Report No. 700392 GLARE AND DRIVER VISION, D. M. Finch, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Vehicle Technology Facility, Berkeley, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6549, prepared for U. 5. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, November 1968, 140 pp. A NOTE ON THE SPEED OF VISUAL PERCEPTION, Mathew Alpern University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 89-92, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE REAR LIGHTING, Rudolf G. Mortimer, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Human Factors Department, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 586-598; SAE Report No. 700388 EVALUATION OF STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE DESIGN CRITERIA, John C. Glennon, Texas A&M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, in cooperation with U. S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Research Study No. 2-8-68-134, Research Report No. 134-3, August 1969, 71 pp. THE REDUCTION OF DISABILITY AND DISC0MFCRT GLARE IN TRAFFIC, Herbert A. W. Schober, University of Munich . Institute of Medical Optics, West Germany; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 100-112, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 89 DRIVING SIMULATION FIXED BASE SIMULATOR VERSUS SKID PAN PRACTICE IN SKID CONTROL TRAINING , Benjamin C. Duggar, Henry N. Young, Charles R. Budrose, & Edward H. Kanter, Blodyn amies Corporation , Contract No. PH 108-66-183, prepared for Public Health Service, Injury Control Research Lab., U. S. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare, Providence, R. I., ICRL-RR-68-3, 1969, 50 pp. PART-TASK SIMULATION IN DRIVING RESEARCH, Richard M. Michaels & Burton W. Stephens, Bureau of Public Roads , Washington, D. C; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, 1963, pp. 87-94 A COMPARISON OF ACCELERATOR RELEASE AND BRAKE RESPONSE TIMES OF TEN HAND AND FOOT BRAKING METHODS ON A SIMULATOR UNDER THREE EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS, Warren J. Huffman, University of Illinois, Safety & Driver Education Lab., Champaign, 111.; & Gerard R. Hummel, City University of New York , Queens College, Flushing, N. Y., October 25, 1967, 19 pp. DRIVER BEHAVIOUR IN CONTROLLING A DRIVING SIMULATOR WITH VARYING STABILITY, F. D. Hales, University of Technology, Loughborough, England; & M. P. Jurkat, Stevens Institute of Technology , Hoboken, N. J.; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions , Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 82-90 EFFECTS OF MODERATE BLOOD ALCOHOL LEVELS ON AUTOMOBILE PASSING BEHAVIOR, William 0. Light & Charles G. Keiper, U. S. Department of Health Education & Welfare , Public Health Service, Environmental Control Administration, Injury Control Research Lab., Providence, R. I.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 239-267, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. THE DRIVING SIMULAT0R--A RESEARCH TOOL, Charles K. Wojcik & Slade F. Hulbert, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Chicago, 111., November 7-11, 1965, ASME Report No. 65-WA/HUF-13, 15 pp. AUTOMOBILE DRIVING SIMULATOR FEASIBILITY STUDY, C. H. Hutchinson, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. SAph 69692, prepared for Department of Health, Education, & Welfare, Division of Special Health Services, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YM-1244-V-6, November 18, 1958, 110 pp., 49 figs. USE OF STRESS IN PART-TASK DRIVING SIMULATORS--A PRELIMINARY STUDY, Myron L. Braunstein, William J. White & Robert C. Sugarman, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory , Buffalo, N. Y.; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, 1963, pp. 95-101 CONTROLS FOR AUTOMOTIVE BRAKES, S. Konz, J. Daccarett, & B. Koe, Kansas State University , Manhattan, Kans., 13 pp. DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS, NIGHT VISIBILITY, AND DRIVING SIMULATION, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, Publication 1125, 1963, 109 pp. HUMAN THRESHOLDS RELATED TO SIMULATION OF INERTIA FORCES, Slade Hulbert & Charles Wojcik, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, 1963, pp. 106-109 INERTIA FORCES IN DRIVING AND THEIR SIMULATION, Charles K. Wojcik & Slade F. Hulbert, University of California, Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting & Energy Systems Exposition, New York, N. Y>, November 27- December 1, 1966, ASME Report No. 66-WA/BHF-ll, 12 pp. A COMPARISON OF ACCELERATOR RELEASE AND BRAKE RESPONSE TIMES OF TEN HAND AND FOOT BRAKING METHODS ON A SIMULATOR UNDER THREE EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS, Warren J. Huffman, University of Illinois , Safety & Driver Education Lab., Champaign, 111.; & Gerard R. Hummel, City University of New York, Queens College, Flushing, N. Y., October 25, 1967, 19 pp. A DRIVING SIMULATOR FOR STABILITY OF A MOTOR VEHICLE, Kazuo Sunaga, Shin I Ida & Shizuo Fujioka, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd ., Chassis Test Section, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 16, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 14 pp. APPLICATIONS OF THE AUTOMOBILE SIMULATOR, E. P. Todosiev, Ohio State University , Antenna Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbus, Ohio; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C., Highway Research Record No. 25, 1963, pp. 102-105 STUDIES OF DRIVER -AUTOMOBILE INTERFACES, Ohio State University , Engineering Experiment Station, Columbus, Ohio, Report No. 202A-10, September 1965, 441 pp. THE QUICKNESS OF SELECTED RIGHT-FOOT AND LEFT-FOOT BRAKING TECHNIQUES, Edwin G. Belzer, Jr., University of New Mexico; & Warren J. Huffman, University of Illinois , Champaign, 111.; reprint Research Review , September 1966, pp. 72-77 THE QUICKNESS OF SELECTED RIGHT-FOOT AND LEFT-FOOT BRAKING TECHNIQUES, Edwin G. Belzer, Jr., University of New Mexico ; & Warren J. Huffman, University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.; reprint Research Review , September 1966, pp. 72-77 DRIVER BEHAVIOUR IN CONTROLLING A DRIVING SIMULATOR WITH VARYING. STABILITY, F. D. Hales, University of Technology , Loughborough, England; & M. P. Jurkat, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J.; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 82-90 90 DRUGS AND DRIVING MEDICAL GUIDE FOR PHYSICIANS IN DETERMINING FITNESS TO DRIVE A MOTOR VEHICLE, Committee on Medical Aspects of Automobile Injuries & Deaths, American Medical Associa- tion ; reprint Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion, March 14, 1959, Vol. 169, pages 1195-1207 GUIDE FOR THE IDENTIFICATION, EVALUATION AND REGULATION OF PERSONS WITH MEDICAL HANDICAPS TO DRIVING, Julian A. Waller, California Dept. of Public Health , Bureau of Chronic Diseases, 1967, 36 pp. MEDIKAMENTE UND VERKEHR (DRUGS AND TRAFFIC), Paul Klelholz (x Jiirg Im Obersteg, La Clinique Psychiatrique, Basel, Switzerland; "Judicial Medicine--The Link between Medicine and Law," Verlag Sta'mpfli & Cie, Bern, Switzerland, publisher, 1968, pp. 86-93 RESEARCH ON THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL AND DRUGS ON DRIVER BEHAVIOUR AND THEIR IMPORTANCE AS A CAUSE OF ROAD ACCIDENTS, Leonard Goldberg & John D. J. Havard, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation & Development , Paris, France, No. 22601, January 1968, 79 pp. DRUGS AND DRIVING, Carlos J. P. Perry & Alan L. Morgenstern; reprint The Journal of The American Medical Association , January 31, 1966, Vol. 195, No. pp. 376-379 MEDICAL PROBLEMS AND PHYSICAL FITNESS AS RELATED TO OCCURRENCE OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, H. H. Mitchell, The Rand Corporation , Santa Monica, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6698, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C., Memorandum RM-5636-DOT, April 1968, 23 pp. LUST VAN GENEESMIDDELEN DIE AUTOMOBILISTEN, Z.G. VEILIGHEIDSPERSONEEL, PILOTEN ENZ. WEL OF NIET TIJDENS HUN WERK KUNNEN GEBRUIKEN (LIST OF DRUGS THAT CAR DRIVERS, SO-CALLED SAFETY PERSONNEL, PILOTS, ETC., CAN OR CANNOT USE DURING THEIR WORK), F. A. Nelemans, Gezondheidsorganlsatle T.N.O. , Afdeling Klinisch Geneesmiddelenonderzoek, Leidschendam, Netherlands, Van Gorcum & Comp. N. V., Assen, Netherlands, publisher, 1966, 32 pp. THE COMBINED EFFECT OF ETHANOL AND OTHER DRUGS, Robert B. Forney, Indiana University , Medical Center, Indianapolis, Ind.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 70-77, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. BEEINFLUSSUNC DES FAHRVERHALTENS DURCH EINEN MEDIUM- TRANQUILLIZER (THE INFLUENCE OF TRANQUILIZERS ON DRIVING BEHAVIOR), von B. Biehl and U. Seydel, Kuratorlums fur Verkehrsslcherhelt , Verkehrspsycholo- gischen Institut, Wien, Austria; reprint Munchener Medlzlnlsche Wochenschrlft , Vol. 109, No. 5, 1967, pp. 253-258 EXPERIMENTAL-PSYCHOLOGISCHE PRUFUNG DER WLRKUNG EINES NEUEN CAMPHAN-DERIVATES (EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF A NEW CAMPHAN DERIVATIVE), Von D. v. Klebelsberg, Kuratorlums fur Verkehrsslcherhelt , Verkehrspsychologischen Institut, Wien, Austria; reprint Arzneimittel-Forschung, Vol. II, 24-27, 1961 ZUR STRASSENFAHIGKEIT NACH INTRAVENOSEN KURZNARKOSEN (THE INFLUENCE OF SHORT-TERM INTRAVENOUS ANESTHESIA ON DRIVING BEHAVIOR), Von D. Klebelsberg, Kuratorlums fur Verkehrsslcherhelt , Verkehrspsychologischen Institut, Wien, Austria; and K. Steinbereithner , Universitat Wien, Institut fur Anaesthesiologie; reprint Wiener Klinische Wochenschrlft , Nr. 47, Seite 840, 1963, 7 pp. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1955-1964, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, September 1965, 137 pp. ZUR STRASSENFAHIGKEIT NACH INTRAVENOSEN KURZNARKOSEN (THE INFLUENCE OF SHORT-TERM INTRAVENOUS ANESTHESIA ON DRIVING BEHAVIOR), Von D. Klebelsberg, Kuratorlums fur Verkehrsslcherhelt, Verkehrspsychologischen Institut, Wien, Austria; and K. Steinbereithner, Universitat Wien , Institut fur Anaesthesiologie; reprint Wiener Klinische Wochenschrlft , Nr. 47, Seite 840, 1963, 7 pp. CARBON MONOXIDE, ALCOHOL AND DRUGS IN FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS--DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA-- 1956- 1968, Joseph H. Davis, University of Miami School of Medicine , Miami, Fla., 12 pp. HUMAN ENGINEERING ANTHROPOMETRY AND HUMAN ENCINEERING--A SYMPOSIUM ON ANTHROPOMETRY, HUMAN ENGINEERING AND RELATED SUBJECTS, Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Scheveningen, Netherlands, May 3 & 4,' 1954, AGARDograph No. 5, 123 pp. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL SYSTEMS--A CRITICAL REVIEW AND EVALUATION—DEVELOPMENTS IN MANUAL CONTROL, Laurence R. Young & Lawrence Stark, Blosystems, Inc . , Cambridge, Mass., Contract No. NAS 2-1372, prepared for National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Washington, D. C, NASA Report No. CR-190, March 1965, 221 pp. MAN AND MOTOR CARS--AN ERGCNOMIC STUDY, Stephen Black , Seeker & Warburg Publisher, London, 1966, 373 pp. UNTERSUCHUNG UBER PSYCHISCHE WIRKUNGEN DES PHENYLPYRROLIDINOPENTANS (INVESTIGATIONS ON PSYCHOBIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF PHENYLPYRROLIDINOPENTANE) , Von H. Kallina & D. v. Klebelsberg, Kuratorlums fur Verkehrsslcherhelt , Verkehrspsychologischen Institut, Wien, Austria; reprint Arzneimittel-Forschung , Vol. 9, 422-427, 1959 AN ERGONOMIC STUDY OF THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE DRIVING POSITION IN MOTOR CARS, R. Rebiffe, Centre Technique Renault , Rueil-Malmaison, France; Ergonomics and Safety in Motor Car Design , Proceedings-Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 181, Part 3D, 1966-1967, pp. 43-50 DRUGS AND DRIVING, Carlos J. P ; Perry & Alan L. Morgenstern ; reprint The Journal of The American Medical Association , January 31, 1966, Vol. 195, No. 5, pp. 376-379 THE MEASURE OF MAN--HUMAN FACTORS IN DESIGN, Henry Dreyfuss , publisher Whitney Library of Design, New York, N. Y., 20 pp., 32 charts 91 A MODEL OF THE OPERATOR IN A MAN/MACHINE MOTOR VEHICLE LOOP, Harold L. Henderson, & Theodore Kole, Drivers Safety Service ; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 100-111 THE EYELLIPSE AND CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DRIVER'S FORWARD FIELD OF VIEW, William A. Devlin, Ford Motor Company, Design Center, Dearborn, Mich.; Ronald W. Roe, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680105, 31 pp. HANDBRAKE PULL MEASURING DEVICE, A. F. Williams, Ferodo Ltd. , Research Division, Stockport, England; reprint Automobile Engineer , March 1963, 1 p. BRAKING AND STEERING EFFORT CAPABILITIES OF DRIVERS, Dennis A. Eaton & Henry J. Dittmeier, II, Ford Motor Company , Auto. Safety Research, Dearborn, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 153-158; SAE Report No. 700363 EFFECT OF BODY RESTRAINTS ON DRIVER REACH, John W. Chaffee, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 70-81; SAE Report No. 700359 THE EYELLIPSE AND CONSIDERATIONS IN THE DRIVER'S FORWARD FIELD OF VIEW, William A. Devlin, Ford Motor Company , Design Center, Dearborn, Mich.; Ronald W. Roe, General Motors Corporation, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680105, 31 pp. ANTHROPOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS, Howard W. Stoudt & Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 57-69; SAE Report No. 700358 ANTHROPOMETRY IN THE DESIGN OF THE DRIVER'S WORKSPACE, Ross A. McFarland, Albert Damon & Howard W. Stoudt, Harvard School of Public Health , Dept. of Ind. Hygiene, Boston, Mass. Anthropology , ; reprint American Journal of Physical March 1958, Vol. 16, No. 1, 23 pp. BIO-TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF DRIVER SAFETY AND COMFORT, R. A. McFarland & R. G. Domey, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass., presented at Society of Automo- tive Engineers, Inc. Annual Meeting, Detroit, Jan. 16, 1958; reprint SAE Transactions , Vol. 66, 1958, pp. 630- 648 ERGONOMICS AND MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY, Ross A. McFarland 6. Roland C. Moore, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 133-152; SAE Report No. 700362 METHODS FOR DETERMINING DRIVER REACH CAPABILITY, J. W. Chaffee, Ford Motor Company , Automotive Safety Research Office, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690105, 12 pp. HUMAN BODY SIZE AND PASSENGER VEHICLE DESIGN, Ross A. McFarland & Howard W. Stoudt, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass., Society of Automotive Engineers, Report No. SP-142A, 8 pp. A SENSITIVE MANIKIN FOR EVALUATING SEAT COMFORT, F. D. Cooper & L. Hall, Ford Motor Company, Ltd. , Body Engineering Research Department, Birmingham, England; Ergonomics and Safety in Motor Car Design , Proceedings--Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 181 Part 3D, 1966-1967, pp. 1-8 HUMAN ENGINEERING GUIDE FOR EQUIPMENT DESIGNERS, Wesley E. Woodson, General Dynamics/Astronautics , San Diego, Calif.; & Donald W. Conover, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, University of California Press, Berkeley/Los Angeles, Calif., 1966, 484pp. ANTHROPOMETRY, Peter Kyropoulos & Ronald W. Roe, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 45-51; SAE Report No. 700356 THE APPLICATION OF ANTHROPOMETRY TO AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN, Ronald W. Roe & Peter Kyropoulos, General Motors Corp. , Styling Staff, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Earthmoving Industry Conference, Central Illinois Section, Peoria, 111., April 14-15, 1970, SAE Report No. 700553, 12 pp. HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health. Boston, Mass., presented at Second Annual Conference of the American Society of Safety Engineers, October 28, 1963, Chicago; reprint A.S.S.E. Journal, Technical Section , February 1964, Vol. IX, No. 2, pp. 9-20 HUMAN FACTORS IN VEHICLE DESIGN AND HIGHWAY SAFETY, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass.; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 99-111 HUMAN LIMITATIONS AND VEHICLE DESIGN, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass., presented at the Symposium on Human Factors in Road Transport of the Ergonomics Research Society, University of Bristol, April 16-19, 1956, 13 pp., 9 figs. MACHINE DESIGN AND HUMAN ENGINEERING, R. A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass.; reprint Modern Trends In Occupational Health , Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1960, pp. 233-248 THE ROLE OF HUMAN ENGINEERING IN HIGHWAY SAFETY, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass.; reprint Human Factors in Technology , McGraw Hill Book Co., Inc., 1963, pp. 207-229 92 STATIC AND DYNAMIC MEASUREMENTS OF MOTOR VEHICLE DRIVERS, Howard W. Stoudt, Thomas J. Crowley, Ross A. McFarland, Anthony Ryan, Barry Gruber & Charlene Ray, Harvard School of Public Health , Guggenheim Center for Aerospace Health 6< Safety, Boston, Mass., 1970, 237 pp., PB 193 605 VEHICLE HANDLING: FORCE CAPABILITIES FOR BRAKING AND STEERING, Howard W. Stoudt, Thomas J. Crowley, Barry Gruber & Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health , Guggenheim Center for Aviation Health & Safety, Boston, Mass., Contract No. FH-11-6910, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, May 29, 1969, 26 pp., PB 184 264 HUMAN FACTORS IN PANEL DESIGN, Eliot Stellar, Johns Hopkins University , Baltimore, Md.; reprint, Chapter 6, Human Factors In Undersea Warfare , National Research Council, 1949, pp. 153-175, AD 657 547 CONTROLS FOR AUTOMOTIVE BRAKES, S. Konz, J. Daccarett, & B. Koe, Kansas State University , Manhattan, Kans., 13 pp. ETUDE DES EFFETS DE L'OXYDE DE CARBONE ET DE LA NICOTINE CONTENUS, DANS LA FUME'e DE TABAC SUR L'EXECUTION D'UNE TACHE SIMULANT LA CONDUITE AUTOMOBILE (STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF CARBON MONOXIDE AND THE NICOTINE CONTAINED IN TOBACCO SMOKE ON THE EXECUTION OF A TASK SIMULATING AUTOMOBILE DRIVING), F. Hartemann & C. Tarriere, Regie Nationale des Uslnes Renault , Laboratoire de Physlologie et Biomecanique, Boulogne- Billancourt (Seine) France, prepared for Organlsme National de Se'curlte Routiere, Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 14, August 1965, 27 pp. RIDE EVALUATION- -ART OR SCIENCE? D. Hodkin & B. D. A. Phillips, The Rootes Group; Advances in Automobile Engineering , Cranfield International Symposium Series-- Vol. 4, 1963, pp. 145-158, Macmlllan Company, New York, N. Y. APPLIED PI LOT -AIRCRAFT CONTROL THEORY, D. T. McRuer & I. L. Ashkenas, Systems Technology, Inc. , Hawthorne, Calif., presented to Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development, Symposium on the Human Operator & Aircraft & Missile Control, September 5, 6, 1966, Paris, France, 29 pp. HUMAN ENGINEERING DESIGN OF A COMBINED BRAKE- ACCELERATOR PEDAL, S. Konz, G. Kalra & B. Koe, Kansas State University , Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Manhattan, Kansas, presented at 9th Annual Symposium on Human Factors in Electronics, Washington, D. C., May 7, 1968, 34 pp. CLOSED-LOOP DIRECTIONAL CONTROL OF AUTOMOBILES, David H. Weir, Systems Technology, Inc. , Hawthorne, Calif., presented at IEEE Eighth Annual Symposium on Human Factors in Electronics, Cabana Motor Hotel, Palo Alto, Calif., May 3-5, 1967, Paper No. 62, 10 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL LOCATION, ACCESSIBILITY AND IDENTIFICATION, W. E. Woodson, D. W. Conover, G. E. Miller & P. H. Selby, Man Factors , Incorporated , San Diego, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-690? prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report MFI 69-106, July 1969, 311 pp. A "CRITICAL" TRACKING TASK FOR MANUAL CONTROL RESEARCH, H. R. Jex, J. D. McDonnell & A. V. Phatak* Systems Tech- nology, Inc., Hawthorne, Calif.; reprint IEEE Trans- actions on Human Factors in Electronics , December 1966, Vol. HFE-7, No. 4, pp. 138-145 STUDY OF REACH TO CAR CONTROLS WHILE RESTRAINED BY A LAP AND DIAGONAL BELT, C. M. Haslegrave, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, near Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England; Motor Industry Research Assn ., Bulletin No. 1, 1970, pp. 11-15 DYNAMICS OF THE AUTOMOBILE RELATED TO DRIVER CONTROL, D. H. Weir, C. P. Shortwell & W. A. Johnson, Systems Technology, Inc. , Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. CPR- 11-2770, prepared for Bureau of Public Roads, Dept., of Commerce, Wash., D. C, Technical Report No. 157-1, July 1966, 124 pp. HUMAN ENGINEERING GUIDE FOR EQUIPMENT DESIGNERS, Wesley E. Woodson, General Dynamics/Astronautics, San Diego, Calif.; & Donald W. Conover, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, University of California Press, Berkeley/Los Angeles, Calif., 1966, 484pp. EFFECTS OF TASK VARIABLES ON PILOT MODELS FOR MANUALLY CONTROLLED VEHICLES, D. T. McRuer & H. R. Jex, Systems Technology, Inc., Hawthorne, Calif., presented to the Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development, Specialists' Meeting on Stability & Control, Cambridge, England, September 24, 1966, 48 pp. THE BRAKE PEDAL FORCE CAPABILITY OF ADULT FEMALES, Richard W. Radlinski & James I. Price, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, NBS Technical Note 557, October 1970, 23 pp. BASIC REFERENCES AND SOURCES OF INFORMATION IN HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING, George A. Peters & Frank S. Hall, North American Aviation, Inc. , Canoga Park, Calif., Report No. RH 3398A, November 1, 1963, 56 pp. THE ROLE OF CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING IN FREEWAY ACCIDENTS, Francis M. Pottenger, Jr .; Papers Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 26-30 HUMAN PILOT DYNAMICS WITH VARIOUS MANIPULATORS, D, T. McRuer & R. E. Magdaleno, Systems Technology, Inc., Hawthorne, Calif., Contract AF 33(657)-10835 , BPS No. 5 (6399-8219-62405364), prepared for Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab., Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Technical Report AFFDL-TR-66-138, December 1966, 42 pp. MANUAL CONTROL OF SINGLE-LOOP SYSTEMS: PARTS I & II, Duane T. McRuer & Dunstan Graham, Systems Technology, Inc. , Hawthorne, Calif., & Ezra S. Krendel, University of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Statistics & Operations Research, Philadelphia, Pa.; reprint Journal of The Franklin Institute , January & February, 1967, Vol. 283, Nos. 1 & 2, 29 pp. 93 MODEL OF HUMAN OPERATOR RESPONSE TO STEP TRANSITIONS IN CONTROLLED ELEMENT DYNAMICS, D. H. Weir 6. A. V. Phatak, Systems Technology, Inc., Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. NAS 2-1868-4, prepared for Ames Research Center, National Aeronautics 6. Administration, Wash., D. C, NASA Report No. CR-671, January 1967, 33 pp. HUMAN STRENGTH: TERMINOLOGY, MEASLTIEMENT , AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA, K. H. Eberhard Kroemer, U. S. Air Force . Aerospace Medical Div., Aerospace Medical Research Lab., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Report No. AMRL-TR-69-9, May 1970, 26 pp. A THEORY FOR DRIVER STEERING CONTROL OF MOTOR VEHICLES, David H. Weir & Duane T. McRuer, Systems Technology, Inc. , Hawthorne, California, presented at the 47th Annual Meeting, Highway Research Board, January 1968, Paper No. 65, 68 pp. SOME CONTRIBUTIONS OF APPLIED PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY TO HUMAN ENGINEERING, H. T. E. Hertzberg, U. S. Air Force , Aerospace Medical Research Labs., Anthropology Branch, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; reprint Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 63, Article 4, November 28, 1955, pp. 616-629 COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF AIRCRAFT SEATING ACCOMMO- DATION, R. F. Slechta, E. A. Wade, W. K. Carter & J. Forrest, Tufts University , Sociology Department, Bio-Mechanics Laboratory, Medford, Mass., Contract No. AF 33(616)-3068, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, WADC Technical Report 57-136, April 1957, 112 pp., AD 118 097 HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING DESIGN STANDARD FOR WHEELED VEHICLES, Robert F. Chaillet & Alfreda R. Honigfeld, U. S. Army , Human Engineering Labs., Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., HEL Standard S-6-66, September 1966, 172 pp., AD 646 681 FORCED-CHOICE RANKING AS A METHOD FOR EVALUATING PSYCHO- PHYSIOLOGICAL FEELINGS--ONE OF A SERIES OF REPORTS PERTAINING TO THE EVALUATION OF MAN'S MINIMUM LIFE-SPACE REQUIREMENTS, Patricia S. Allen, Edward M. Bennett & Dorothy K. Kemler, Tufts University, Department of Sociology, Bio-Mechanics Laboratory, Medford, Mass., Contract No. AF 33(616)-3068, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, WADC Technical Report 58-310, December 1959, 123 pp., AD 240 082 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF REPORTS ISSUED BY THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES LABORATORY: ENGINEERING PSYCHOLOGY, TRAINING PSYCHOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS, SIMULATION TECHNIQUES, & PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, Sandra A. Stevenson & Lavon E. Trygg, U. S. Air Force , Aerospace Medical Research Labs., Aerospace Medical Div., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, June 1966, 140 pp. AN ANALYSIS OF THE REDUCTION IN REACTION TIME AND OF THE EFFECT OF SEAT TILT IN A SINGLE-PEDAL AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEM, John Patrick Thomas Sullivan, U. S. Navy , Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif. 1970, 74 pp., AD 715 551 September, COCKPIT STUDIES - THE BOUNDARIES OF THE MAXIMUM AREA FOR THE OPERATION OF MANUAL CONTROLS, Barry G. King, Dorothy J. Morrow, & Erwin P. Vollmer, U. S. Navy , Naval Medical Research Institute, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, Project X-651, Report No. 3, July 15, 1947, 40 pp. ANTHROPOMETRY AND VEHICLE CONSTRUCTION--A BRIEF SURVEY, E. Flala, University of Berlin , Institute for Motor Vehicles, Berlin, Germany; 1970 International Automotive Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 52-56, SAE Report No. 700357 1966 SUPPLEMENT TO A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF REPORTS ISSUED BY THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES LABORATORY: ENGINEERING PSYCHOLOGY, TRAINING PSYCHOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS, SIMULATION TECHNIQUES, & PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, Sandra A. Stevenson & Ruth A. Johnson U. S. Air Force, Aerospace Medical Research Labs., Aerospace Medical Div., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, April 1967, 14 pp. FOOT OPERATION OF CONTROLS: SPEED OF ACTIVATION AND EXERTION OF FORCE TO PEDALS; PERCEPTION, SPEED AND ACCURACY OF LEG AND FOOT MOTIONS, K. H. E. Kroemer, y. S. Air Force , Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Aerospace Medical Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Report No. AMRL-TR-69-57, February 1970, 33 pp., AD 707 142 CARBON MONOXIDE, ALCOHOL AND DRUGS IN FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS--DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA--1956-1968, Joseph H. Davis, University of Miami School of Medicine , Miami, Fla., 12 pp. BRAKE FORCE REQUIREMENT STUDY: DRIVER-VEHICLE BRAKING PERFORMANCE AS A FUNCTION OF BRAKE SYSTEM DESIGN VARIABLES, R. G. Mortimer, L. Segel, H. Dugoff, J. D. Campbell, CM. Jorgeson 6. R. W. Murphy, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6952, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, HSRI Report No. HuF-6, April 10, 1970, 200 pp; HSRI Report No. HuF-6a, April 10, 1970, 22 pp. HUMAN MECHANICS, FOUR MONOGRAPHS ABRIDGED: CENTER OF GRAVITY OF THE HUMAN BODY, W. Braune & 0. Fischer; THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS FOR A MECHANICS OF LIVING BODIES, 0. Fischer; THE HUMAN MOTOR, J. Araar; & SPACE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SEATED OPERATOR, W. T. Dempster; compiled by Wilton Marion Krograan & Francis E. Johnston, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., for U. S. Air Force , 6570th Aerospace Medical Research Labs., Aerospace Medical Div., Behavioral Sciences Lab., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, under Contract No. AF 33(616)-8091, Report No. AMRL-TDR-63-123, December 1963, 366 pp., AD 600 618 DRIVER BRAKING PERFORMANCE AS A FUNCTION OF PEDAL-FORCE AND PEDAL-DISPLACEMENT LEVELS, Leonard Segel & Rudolf Mortimer, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 159-178; SAE Report No. 700364 RIDING COMFORT AND CUSHIONS, W. E. Lay & L. C. Fisher, University of Michigan . Ann Arbor, Mich.; Society of Automotive Engineers Journal (Transactions) , Vol. 47, No. 5, November 1940, pp. 482-496 SPACE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SEATED OPERATOR— GEOMETRICAL, KINEMATIC, AND MECHANICAL ASPECTS OF THE BODY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE LIMBS, Wilfred Taylor Dempster, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. AF 18(600)-43, prepared for U.S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, WADC Technical Report 55-159, July 1955, 254 pp., AD 87 892 MANUAL CONTROL OF SINGLE-LOOP SYSTEMS: PARTS I & II, Duane T. McRuer & Dunstan Graham, Systems Technology, Inc., Hawthorne, Calif., & Ezra S. Krendel, University of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Statistics & Operations. Research, Philadelphia, Pa.; reprint Journal of The Franklin Institute, January & February, 1967, Vol. '283, Nos. 1 & 2, 29 pp. IMPROVEMENT OF HANDLING CHARACTERISTICS OF THE VEHICLE AS A MAN-MACHINE SYSTEM, Osamu Hirao, Elichi Kikuchi & Naoyuki Yamada, University of Tokyo , Institute of Industrial Science, Tokyo, Japan, Report of the Institute of Industrial Science, Vol. 17, No. 7 (Serial No. 114), May 1967, 18 pp.; NASA Report No. N67-35176 DISSEMINATION OF AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TO HIGHWAY SAFETY AND HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION PROGRAMS- - FINAL REPORT, January 1-April 1, 1968, H. Stlllwell, Wayne State University, Center for Application of Science & Technology, Detroit, Mich., April 1968, 92 pp. THE CALIFORNIA MOTORCYCLE STUDY, DRIVER AND ACCIDENT CHARACTERISTICS, Richard M. Harano & Raymond C. Peck, California State Department of Motor Vehicles , Sacramento, Calif., prepared for Department of Transportation, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Research Report 26, May 1968, 37 pp. HUMAN SENSITIVITY TO MOTION AS A DESIGN CRITERION FOR HIGHWAY CURVES, William A. McConnell, Ford Motor Company , Vehicles Testing Office, Dearborn, Mich.; Highway Research Board Bulletin 149 , 1957, pp. 34-56 A CONTROLLED INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ADULT PEDESTRIANS FATALLY INJURED BY MOTOR VEHICLES IN MANHATTAN, William Haddon, Jr ., Preston Valien, James R. McCarroll & Charles J. Umberger, ' reprint J. Chron. Pis. , December 1961, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 655-678 THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass.; reprint The Journal of The American Medical Association, April 28, 1962, Vol. 180, pp. 289-300 AN EVALUATION OF CURRENT TRENDS AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES IN THE FIELD OF ACCIDENTAL INJURIES AND DEATHS, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass., December 15, 1966, 5 pp. BIQASTRONAUTICS DATA BOOK, Paul Webb, Editor, Webb Associates , Yellow Springs, Ohio, prepared for National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Scientific & Technical Information Division, Washington, D. C, NASA SP-3006, 1964, 400 pp. HUMAN FACTORS IN HIGHWAY SAFETY, Ross A. McFarland 6> Roland C. Moore, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass.; reprint New England Journal of Medicine , Vol. 256, April 25, May 2 & 9, 1957, pp. 792-799, 837- 845, 890-897 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF APPLIED PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY IN HUMAN ENGINEERING, Robert Hansen &■ Douglas Y. Cornog, H. L. Yoh Company , Philadelphia, Pa., Contract No. AF 33(616) 2353, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Aero Medical Lab., Wright Air Development Center, Air Research & Development Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, WADC Tech. Report 56-30, May 1958, 298 pp., AST1A Document No. AD-155622 HUMAN FACTORS- -MISCELLANEOUS HUMAN FACTORS IN HIGHWAY TRANSPORT SAFETY, Ross A. McFarland & Alfred L. Moseley, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass., 1954, 295 pp. SIGNIFICANT TRENDS IN HUMAN FACTORS RESEARCH ON MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard University , Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 1-17, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. HUMAN FACTORS AND ROAD ACCIDENTS, John P. Bull, Birmingham Accident Hospital , Road Injuries Research Group; ■ Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash & Injury Prevention, July 11 £< 12, 1966, pp. 113-117, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England VEHICLE-IN-USE SYSTEM SAFETY ANALYSIS-SAFETY ANALYSIS OF VISIBILITY AND HUMAN IMPAIRMENT, VOLUME IV, Booz-Allen Applied Research, Incorporated , Bethesda, Md., Contract No. FH-11-7316, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, September 1970, 186 pp. VARIABLES IN AUTOMOBILE DEATH CASES, Alfred L. Moseley, Harvard University , Medical School, Boston, Mass.; reprint Aspects Techniques de la Securite Routlere , September 1964, pp. 2.1-2.25 VARIETIES OF AUTOMOBILE DEATH, Alfred L. Moseley, Harvard University , Department of Legal Medicine, Research on Fatal Highway Collisions, Boston, Mass.; the Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 94-104, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. HUMAN FACTORS IN DRIVER RESEARCH, Dennis J. Sullivan & David Meister, Bunker-Ramo Corporation; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 9-37, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. MOTOR-CYCLE ACCIDENTS AMONG ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS SPECIALLY CONSIDERED FROM THE STANDPOINT OF THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL AND INTERNAL DISEASES, D. Leopold , Leipzig, Germany; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine.- -Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 268-269 95 A CONTROLLED INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ADULT PEDESTRIANS FATALLY INJURED BY MOTOR VEHICLES IN MANHATTAN, William Haddon Jr., Preston Valien, James R. McCarroll & Charles J. Umberger, reprint J. Chron. Pis. December 1961, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 655-678 TELEMETRY IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Robert H. F-,denz, University of Southern California , School of Medicine, Pasadena, Calif.; Impact Injury and Crash Protection , publisher Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1970, pp. 145-156 HUMAN FACTORS RESEARCH IN MOTOR VEHICLE OCCUPANT RESTRAINT SYSTEMS, P. J. Brown, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C.; IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine Systems, Vol. MMS-9, No. 3, September 1968, pp. 88-89 A CONTROLLED INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ADULT PEDESTRIANS FATALLY INJURED BY MOTOR VEHICLES IN MANHATTAN, William Haddon, Jr., Preston Valien , James R. McCarroll & Charles J. Umberger, reprint J. Chron. Pis. , December 1961, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 655-678 A CONTROLLED STUPY OF FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS IN NEW YORK CITY, James R. McCarroll & William Haddon, Jr., New York State Department of Health , Albany, N. Y.; reprint J. Chron. Pis ., Vol. 15, pp. 811-826 IMPLANTEP MONITORS, John E. Adams, University of California, San Francisco Medical Center, Pivision of Neurological Surgery, San Francisco, Calif.; & Carter C. Collins, Presbyterian Medical Center , Institute of Medical Sciences, San Francisco, Calif.; Impact Injury and Crash Protection , publisher Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1970, pp. 180-185 MEPICAL IMPAIRMENT AND DRIVING MEDICAL ASPECTS OF DRIVER LIMITATION, Committee on Medical Aspects of Automotive Safety, American Medical Association ; reprint The Journal of The American Medical Association , February 1, 1964, Vol. 187, p. 376 MEPICAL GUIPE FOR PHYSICIANS IN PETERMINING FITNESS TO PRIVE A MOTOR VEHICLE, Committee on Medical Aspects of Automobile Injuries & Peaths, American Medical Associa - tion; reprint Journal of the American Medical Associa - tion, March 14, 1959, Vol. 169, pages 1195-1207 THE PROGRAMMING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF EFFECTIVE PRIVER RESEARCH ANP RELATED COUNTER MEASURES IN PEVELOPING COUNTRIES, Allan Katz, Technlon Research fx Pevelopment Foundation , Road Safety Center, Haifa, Israel; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 28-37, SAE Report No. 700354 THE PYSC0NTR0L SYNPR0ME: A LOOK AT AUTO ACCIPENTS AS A MEDICAL DISEASE, Vernon H. Mark, William Sweet 6. Frank Ervin, Boston City Hospital , Boston, Mass.; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 397-398, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1955-1964, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, September 1965, 137 pp. A CONTROLLER INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ADULT PEOESTRIANS FATALLY INJURED BY MOTOR VEHICLES IN MANHATTAN, William Haddon, Jr., Preston Valien, James R. McCarroll & Charles J. Umberger , reprint J. Chron. Pis. , December 1961, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 655-678 MEPICAL STUDY OF FATAL MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIPENTS IN THE UNITEP STATES ARMY, EUROPE, U. S. Army , Europe, April 30, 1968, 33 pp., AP 691 358 PREVENTIVE MEPICINE: CALIFORNIA'S PRIVER IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, E. Keith Ball, California Pepartment of Motor Vehicles , Pivision of Drivers' Licenses, Sacramento, Calif.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 203-222, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. THE CONTRIBUTION OF MEPICAL IMPAIRMENT TO TRAFFIC ACCIPENTS, Julian A. Waller, California Pepartment of Public Health , Bureau of Chronic Piseases; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 150-156, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. A PARTIAL REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ON PHYSIOLOGICAL DISORDERS RESULTING FROM THE OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES, John W. Lewis, U . S . Army , Human Engineering Labs., Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md . , Technical Memorandum 17-62, August 1962, 18 pp. IMPLANTED MONITORS, John E. Adams, University of California , San Francisco Medical Center, Division of Neurological Surgery, San Francisco, Calif.; & Carter C. Collins, Presbyterian Medical Center, Institute of Medical Sciences, San Francisco, Calif.; Tmparr Injury and Crash Protection , publisher Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1970, pp. 180-185 SYNOPSIS OF ANATOMY ANP MEPICAL TERMINOLOGY, Ponald F. Huelke, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 700195, January 1970, 11 pp. GUIDE FOR THE IDENTIFICATION, EVALUATION AND REGULATION OF PERSONS WITH MEDICAL HANDICAPS TO DRIVING, Julian A. Waller, California Dept. of Public Health, Bureau of Chronic Diseases, 1967, 36 pp. LEAD INTOXICATION IN AUTOMOTIVE SPORTS, Michael A. Polacek & Daniel P. Collins , Milwaukee, Wis.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety, 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 181-191, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. CHARACTERISTICS OF FATALLY INJURED DRIVERS, Susan P. Baker, Johns Hopkins University , School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Md . , Contract No. FH 11-7092, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, February 1970, 63 pp., PB 190 415 9 6 PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS AND ROAD SAFETY, L. G. Norman, London Transport Board , London, England; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine --Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 139-149 THE SLEEPY DRIVER, Robert E. Yoss, Mayo Clinic , Section of Neurology, Rochester, Minn.; Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Rochester, Minn., October 22 6. 23, 1965, pp. 25-30 A TEST TO MEASURE ABILITY TO MAINTAIN ALERTNESS AND ITS APPLICATION IN ASSESSING THE AUTOMOBILE DRIVER, Robert E. Yoss, Mayo Clinic , Section of Neurology, Rochester, Minn.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 6. 17, 1969, pp. 269-292, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY: THE DRIVER, J. Wadsworth, National Research Council of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No. 2, May 1966, 34 pp., 5 figs. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1955-1964, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, September 1965, 137 pp. INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXAMINING PHYSICIAN TO DETERMINE PHYSICAL FITNESS OF DRIVERS ENGAGED IN INTERSTATE OR FOREIGN COMMERCE, U. S. . Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Washington, D. C, April 1970, 13 pp. THE SAFE VEHICLE OPERATOR (HIGHWAY), Robert Brenner, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C.; Proceedings of the First Department of Transportation Intra-Departmenta 1 Safety Seminar, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, January 1969, pp. 165-194 THE RISKS FOR HEALTHY AND FOR SOMATICALLY DISEASED PERSONS TO TAKE PART IN ROAD TRAFFIC AND, VICE VERSA, THE RISKS TO THE TRAFFIC BY THE PARTICIPATION OF DISEASED PERSONS — PROPHYLACTIC MEASURES, Hermann Hoffmann, University Clinic of Medicine , Bonn-Venusberg West Germany; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 125-138 LEAD INTOXICATION IN AUTOMOTIVE SPORTS, Michael A. Polacek & Daniel P. Collins, Milwaukee, Wis.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 181-191, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. HAZARDS, MANAGEMENT AND PREVENTION OF EPISODIC UNCONSCIOUSNESS RESULTING FROM TRAUMA, Kenneth R. Magee, University of Michigan , Medical School, Dept. of Neurology, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 59-67, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. MEDICAL PROBLEMS AND PHYSICAL FITNESS AS RELATED TO OCCURRENCE OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, H. H. Mitchell, The Rand Corporation , Santa Monica, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6698, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, 0. C, Memorandum RM-5636-DOT, April 1968, 23 pp. PSYCHOTECHNICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, NEUROLOGICAL AND PSYCHIATRICAL INVESTIGATIONS AND THUS MOTIVATED PREVENTIVE AND PROHIBITIVE MEASURES, Luciano Zanaldi, University of Padova , Department of Forensic Medicine, Padova, Italy; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine--Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 150-157 MEDICAL FACTORS AND ROAD ACCIDENTS, E. Grattan & G. 0. Jeffcoate, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 143, 1967, 18 pp. THE EFFECT OF DISEASES AND DISABILITIES ON TRAFFIC SAFETY, Birger Herner, Varberg County Hospital , Department of Medicine, Varberg, Sweden; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine--Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 112-124 97 4 -TIRES & WHEELS COMPLIANCE TEST REPORTS COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT - -BRAKE , TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 AMERICAN REBEL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Davton T. Brown. Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681907 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB i86 607 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT — BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 BUICK SPORT WAGON IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681924 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB 187 417 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 BUICK WILDCAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown , Inc . , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681902 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 370 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Incorporated , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681913 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 64 pp., PB 187 386 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 CHEVELLE NOMAD IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Incorporated, Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681904 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 418 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT- -BRAKE , TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Incorporated , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681903 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 346 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T . Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681917 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 67 pp., PB 186 600 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 DODGE POLARA IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown , Inc., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681915 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB 186 597 COMPLIANCE TEST REP0RT--BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 FORD MUSTANG IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681908 Revision A. January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 186 602 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, In c., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681906 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 186 598 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT--BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 MERCURY COLONY PARK IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y. , Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681914 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 186 603 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 MERCURY CYCLONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681905 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB 186 599 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 0LDSM0BILE CUTLASS IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T . Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681923 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB 187 383 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT--BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 OLDSMOBILE F-85 IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681911 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 64 pp., PB 187 384 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 C0RVAIR M0NZA IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown , Inc., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681918 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 413 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 OLDSMOBILE T0R0NAD0 IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681912 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 68 pp., PB 187 385 98 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AKJ RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Day.~n T. Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681910 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 65 pp., PB 186 604 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 PLYMOUTH ROAD RUNNER IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T . Brown, Inc., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportatiot Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681920 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 186 605 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT- -BRAKE , TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681919 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 186 606 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT — BRAKE, TIKE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 PONTIAC EXECUTIVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc. , Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681901 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 345 COMPLIANCE TEST RE PORT --BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110 Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown, Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681916 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 186 601 ON THE STANDING WAVE IN THE RADIAL TIRE, Takashi Akasaka & Yoshihlro Sakai, Chuo University , Faculty of Science & Engineering, Department of Precision Mechanics, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; Journal of Research of Faculty of Science & Engineering , Vol. 12, 1969, pp. 70 55- RADIAL PLY, RIGID BREAKER TIRES, V. E. Gough, F. B. Jones & W. S. Udall, Dun lop Rubber Co., Ltd ., Birmingham, England, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineer- ing Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1965, SAE Report No. 990A, 11 pp. TAKE THE BUS OUT OF TIRES? Arturo Chiesa, Pirelli S.p.A., Italy; V. E. Gough, F. B. Jones & W. S. Udall, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd ., Birmingham, England; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 73, No. 5, May 1965, pp. 32-39 THE0RIE UND BERECHNUNG DER STATISCHEN _KRAFTE UND DER QUERSCHNITTSFORM VON KREUZLAGEN-UND GURTELREIFEN (THEORY AND CALCULATION OF STATIC FORCES AND CROSS SECTION FORMS OF BIAS LAYERED AND RADIAL LAYERED TIRES), F. Frank, Dunlop AG . , Hanau, Germany, presented at the Rubber Conference of the KDG , Berlin, Germany, May 15-17, 1968; translated by National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, 75 pp. FACTORS AFFECTING PASSENGER TIRE TRACTION ON THE WET ROAD, J. D. Kelley, Jr., Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680138, 13 pp. RADIAL TYRES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON POLYMER USAGE, L. R. Mernagh, Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd. , 3 pp. APPLICATION OF RADIAL TIRES FOR AMERICAN CARS, J. L. Martin, Ford Motor Company, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670472, 11 pp.. COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—BRAKE, TIRE AND RIM COMPLIANCE TEST ON ONE (1) 1968 RAMBLER ROGUE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MVSS 105 AND MVSS 110, Edward S. Dale, Dayton T. Brown , Inc ., Testing Labs. Div., Bohemia, L. I., N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6871, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation Washington, D. C, DTB Test Report No. TR-681922 Revision A, January 29, 1969, 66 pp., PB 187 344 COMPLIANCE TEST REPORT—VEHICLE TEST REPORT FMVSS 110 1968 BUICK RIVIERA, Dlgltek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6866, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, 41 pp., PB 187 504 RADIAL TIRES MECHANIK DES GURTELREIFENS (MECHANICS OF THE BELT- TIRE), F. Boehm; reprint Ingenleur-Archiv , Vol. 35, No. 2, 1966, pp. U. reprint Ingenleur-Archiv , Vol. 82-101 SECTION DYNAMICS AND OSCILLATIONS--ROLL-BULGE FORMATION ON THE BELT -TIRE, F. Bohm , presented at a meeting in Darmstadt, Germany 1966, 7 pp. BIAS ANGLE VERSUS RADIAL PLY VERSUS BIAS BELTED TIRES-- MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION COMPARISONS, Kenneth R. Alexander, B. F. Goodrich Tire Co ., Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680386, 5 pp. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS OF RADIAL PASS- ENGER CAR TIRES, F. E. Buddenhagen, B. F. Goodrich Tire Company , presented at the Society of Automotive Engi- neers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670470, 5 pp. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF LOW ASPECT RADIAL TIRES, R. L. Carr, B. F. Goodrich Tire Co ., Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690107, 5 pp. POLYESTER AND BELTED TIRE ROAD TEST EVALUATION, VOLUME I, James E. Dobbins, Nevada Automotive Test Center, Carson City, Nev., Contract No. FH-11-7435, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, November 1970, 75 pp. 99 POLYESTER AND BELTED TIRE ROAD TEST EVALUATIONS, VOLUME II, James E. Dobbins, Nevada Automotive Test Center, Carson City, Nev., Contract No. FH-11-7435, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, November 1970, 104 pp. HIGH PERFORMANCE TIRES, Ron Wakefield ; Road and Track , Vol. 21, No. 1, September 1969, pp. 61-76 RADIAL-PLY TIRES, Ron Wakefield ; reprint Road & Track, April 1966, pp. 27-30 RADIAL TYRES: THE CUSTOMERS' AND MANUFACTURERS' POINTS OF VIEW, G. F. Giancola. Pirelli S.p.A., Italy; reprint Institution of the Rubber Industry Proc , Vol. 13, December 1966, pp. P261-P270 TAKE THE BIAS OUT OF TIRES? Arturo Chiesa, Pirelli S.p.A. , Italy; V. E. Gough, F. B. Jones & W. S. Udall, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Birmingham, England; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 73, No. 5, May 1965, pp. 32-39 TRANSMISSION OF TYRE VIBRATIONS, A. Chiesa, L. Oberto & L. Tamburini, Pirelli S.p.A , Rubber Labs., Milan, Italy; Automobile Engineer , Vol. 54, No. 13, December 1964, pp. 520-530 VIBRATIONAL PERFORMANCE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TIRES WITH CROSS-BIASSED PLIES AND RADIAL PLIES, Arturo Chiesa, Pirelli S .p.A. , Rubber Labs., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1965, SAE Report No. 990B, 12 pp. RETREADED AND REGROOVED TIRES REVIEW OF POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR REBUILDING USED MOTOR VEHICLE TIRES, BY- SELECTED CIVIL AGENCIES--REPORT TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Comptroller General of the United States . Washington, D. C, July 1967, 40 pp. TIRE, PNEUMATIC: RETREADED AND REPAIRED, Federal Speci- fication ZZ-T-00441c, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, December 31, 1969, 39 pp. TIRE REBUILDING AND TIRE AND TUBE REPAIR MATERIALS, Federal Specification ZZ-T-416d, General Services Administration, Washington, D. C., October 27, 1967, 27 pp. RECAPPING AND REPAIR OF TRUCK TIRES, C. W. Adams, B. F. Goodrich Tire Company , Retread & Repair Material Devel6pment, Brecksville, Ohio; Truck Tire Trends , Society of Automotive Engineers, SP-244, 1963, pp. 19-2 BRAKING FORCE COEFFICIENTS OBTAINED WITH A SAMPLE OF CURRENTLY AVAILABLE RADIAL PLY AND CROSSED PLY CAR TYRES, J. K. Meades, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 73, 1967, 17 pp. THE EFFECT OF TYRE CONSTRUCTION ON BRAKING FORCE COEFFICIENTS, J. K. Meades, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 224, 1969, 14 pp. RADIALE SCHWINGUNGEN VON GURTEL-RADIALREIFEN (RADIAL VIBRATION OF RADIALLY BELTED TIRES), E. Fiala & H. P. Willumeit, Technischen Universltat , Berlin, Germany; ATZ-Automobiltechnische Zeltschrift , Vol. 68, No. 2, February 1966, pp. 33-38 BUS TIRE SKID TEST, National Association of Motor Bus Owners , Raleigh, N. C, January 1960, 25 pp. BUS TIRE SKID TEST, National Association of Motor Bus Owners , Baltimore, Md., June 1960, 27 pp. REGROOVED PNEUMATIC TIRE WITH REMOVABLE INSERTS, F. Cecil Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Technical Note 536, June 1970, pp. 6-7 RETREAD SHOP OPERATING MANUAL, National Tire Dealers & Retreaders Association, Inc. , Washington, D. C, 1967, 92 pp. PHILOSOPHY OF RADIAL PLY TIRES, Edward H. Wallace & William J. Milllgan, U. S. Rubber Co .; reprint Rubber World , Vol. 152, No. 6, September 1965, pp. 73-75 RETREADING CAR, TRUCK, AND BUS TYRES, New Zealand Standard Specification 2219: 1968, New Zealand Standards Institute , Wellington, New Zealand, April 1968, 16 pp. THE UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RADIAL WIRE TIRE, H. B. Hinden, U. S. Rubber Co ., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Congress & Exposition of Automotive Engineering, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1961, SAE Report No. 278A, 7 pp., & 7 figs. RETREADING INDUSTRY ACTION COMMITTEE—RETREADING SPECIFICATIONS, Retreading Industry Action Committee , Engineering Committee, Washington, D. C., November 1, 1968, 17 pp. MANUFACTURING COMPARISONS—BIAS ANGLE, BIAS BELTED, AND RADIAL PLY TIRES, A. J. Saulino, U. S. Rubber Tire Co ., Div. of UNIR0YAL, Inc., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680387, 4 pp. REPORT OF TIRE WEAR TEST--RETREADS VS ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT NEW TIRES, Retreading Research Associates , Inc ., McLean, Va., 1967, 5 pp., 2 figs. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS—RADIAL PLY TIRES, W. K. Klamp and W. J. Milligan, U. S. Rubber Tire Company , Division of UNIR0YAL, Inc., presented at Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111. May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670471, 10 pp. COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON RETREADED TIRES- PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, BUSES AND MOTORCYCLES (23 CFR Part 255, Docket No. 1-8, Notice No. 67-5), Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., November 8, 1968, 2 pp. 100 RMA RECOMMENDED MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR RETREADED AND REPAIRED TIRES FOR PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, BUSES AND MOTORCYCLES—RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INITIAL SAFETY STANDARDS FOR NEWLY RETREADED PASSENGER CAR TIRES, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., November 6, 1968, 2 pp. INITIAL TESTS ON STOPPING DISTANCE AND SPIN OUT CHARACTERISTICS OF REGROOVED TIRES ON BUSES, Texas A & M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Contract No. CST-418, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C, 1968, 30 pp. NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR TREADING AUTOMOBILE AND TRUCK TIRES, Tire Retreading Institute , National Tire Dealers & Retreaders Association, Inc., Washington, D. C, May 1, 1966, 8 pp. TIRE, PNEUMATIC: RETREADED AND REPAIRED, Military Specification MIL-T-62016(MO), U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, December 17, 1964, 24 pp. CONSIDERATIONS IN TRUCK TIRE RETREADING, W. S. McDowell & C. I. Reynolds, U. S. Rubber Tire Company , Detroit, Mich., SAE Report No. 650061; Truck Tire Economics, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SP-265, pp. 21-24 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS AND UNIFORM TEST PROCEDURES FOR RETREADED TIRES FOR PASSENGER CARS AND STATION WAGONS, Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission, Washington, D. C, Regulation V-2, approved September 17, 1966. 4 pp. AN ANALYSIS OF THE DOMESTIC RETREADING INDUSTRY, H. M. Braner, Volkswagen of America, Inc ., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Ranno Printing Company, Inc., Englewood, N. J., 109 pp. STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS—MISCELLANEOUS TIRE SPECIFICATION NUMBER AM 3008, American Motors Corporation , Detroit, Michigan, March 18, 1968, 11 pp. BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS, American Society for Testing and Materials , Philadelphia, Pa. PNEUMATIQUES POUR VEHICULES UTILrTAIRES (TIRES FOR UTILITARIAN VEHICLES--TIRES FOR NORMAL LOAD CAPACITY), French Standard R 127-08, Association Francalse de Normalisation , Paris, France, January 1962, 1 p. PNEUMATIQUES POUR VOITURES PARTICULIERES (TIRES FOR SPECIAL VEHICLES), French Standard R 127-33, Association Francalse de Normalisation , Paris, France, January 1962, 2 pp. PROFILS DE JANTES ET ROUES POUR VEHICULES UTILITAIRES (PROFILES OF THE RIMS AND WHEELS FOR UTILITARIAN VEHICLES), French Standard R 127-10, Association Francalse de Normalisation , Paris, France, January 1962, 1 p. VALVES POUR PNEUMATIQUES--AUTOMOBILE ET MOTOCYCLE (VALVES FOR TIRES OF AUTOMOBILES AND MOTORCYCLES- CHARACTERISTICS OF THE THREADING), French Standard R 127-01, Association Francalse de Normalisation , Paris, France, December 1955, 1 p. TYRE AND WHEEL DATA--B.S. AU 50: PART 1:1964 TYRES, 50 pp.; B.S. AU 50:PART 2:1964 WHEELS AND RIMS, 113 pp.; B.S. AU 50:PART 3: 1964 VALVES, 11 pp., British Standards Institution , London, England NEW PNEUMATIC TIRES - PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-109, May 24, 1968, 36 pp. TIRE SELECTION AND RIMS - PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-110, May 24, 1968, 5 pp. TIRES, PNEUMATIC: TUBELESS, FOR AUTOMOBILES AND STATION WAGONS, Canadian Government Specifications Board, Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Specification 20-GP-26, November 3, 1967, 10 pp., 2 figs. TIRES: PNEUMATIC, VEHICLE AND MOBILE GROUND EQUIPMENT, Canadian Government Specifications B oard, Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Specification 20-GP-5c, April 1962, 20 pp. PNEUMATIQUES POUR MOTOCYCLES (TIRES FOR MOTORCYCLES), French Standard R 227-31, Association Francalse de Normalisation , Paris, France, February 1952, 1 p. WHEEL NUTS, WHEEL DISCS AND HUB CAPS - PASSENGER CARS AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-211, May 24, 1968, 2 pp. PNEUMATIQUES POUR VEHICULES UTILITAIRES LEGERS (TIRES FOR LIGHT UTILITARIAN VEHICLES—METRIC SERIES), French Standard R 127-21, Association Francalse de Normalisation , Paris, France, January 1962, 1 p. NEW PNEUMATIC TIRES FOR PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Standards Association , Ottawa, Canada, Standard D238. 1-1968, 30 pp. PNEUMATIQUES POUR VEHICULES UTILITAIRES LEGERS (TIRES FOR LIGHT UTILITARIAN VEHICLES— SERIES IN INCHES), French Standard R 127-22, Association Francalse de Normalisation , Paris, France, January 1962, 1 p. TIRE SELECTION AND RIMS FOR PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Standards Association , Ottawa, Canada, Standard D238. 2-1968, 8 pp. PNEUMATIQUES POUR VEHICULES UTILITAIRES (TIRES FOR UTILITARIAN VEHICLES—TIRES FOR LARGE LOAD CAPACITY), French Standard R 127-09, Association Francalse de Normalisation , Paris, France, January 1962, 1 p. REIFEN FUR KRAFTFAHRZEUGE , ARBEITSKRAFTMASCHINEN UND ANHANGER IN DER IANDWIRTSCHAFT, FORSTWIRTSCHAFT UND GEWERBLICHEN W1RTSCHAFT (TIRES FOR MOTOR VEHICLES), German Standard DIN 7793, Deutscher Normenausschuss ^ Berlin, Germany, October 1961, 2 pp. 101 REIFEN FUR KRAFTRADER UND BEIWAGEN FELGENDURCHMESSER 16", 18" UND 19" (TIRES FOR MOTORCYCLES WITH SIDE CARS) German Standard DIN 7802, Deutscher Normenausschuss, Berlin, Germany, November 1956, 1 p. REIFEN FUR PERSONENKRAFTWAGEN, KOMBINATIONS- UND LIEFERKRAFTWACEN AUF PERSONENKRAFTWAGEN-FAHRCESTELL (TIRES FOR PICKUP VEHICLES AND DUMP TRUCKS), German Standard DIN 7803, Deutscher Normenausschuss , Berlin, Germany, October 1964, 5 pp. REIFEN UND RADER BENENNUNGEN UND BEGRIFFE (DEFINITION OF WHEEL AND TIRE TERMINOLOGY), German Standard DIN 7791, Deutscher Normenausschuss , Berlin, Germany, April 1966, 4 pp. TIRES FOR LIGHT TRUCKS AND BUSES, German Standard DIN 7804, Blatt 1--REIFEN FUR LEICHTLASTKRAFTWAGEN UND OMNIBUSSE (TRANSPORTREIFEN), October 1964, 2 pp.; Blatt 2--REIFEN FUR LEICHTIASTKRAFTWAGEN UND OMNIBUSSE (TRANSPORTREIFEN MITTENABSTXNDE FUR DOPPELBEREIFUNG), October 1963, 1 p.; Deutscher Normenausschuss, Berlin, Germany TIRES FOR TRUCKS AND LARGE BUSES, German Standard DIN 7805, Blatt 1— REIFEN FUR LASTKRAFTWAGEN, KRAFT- OMNIBUSSE, STRASSENZUGMASCHINEN UND DEREN ANhXnGER, April 1965, 3 pp.; Blatt 2--REIFEN FUR LASTKRAFTWAGEN, KRAFTOMNIBUSSE, STRASSENZUGMASCHINEN UND DEREN ANHANCER MITTENABSTANDE FUR DOPPELBEREIFUNG, March 1961, 1 p.; Deutscher Normenausschuss, Berlin, Germany TIRE ADVERTISING AND LABELING GUIDES, Federal Trade Commission , Bureau of Industry Guidance, Washington, D. C, Adopted July 5, 1966 (except Guide 15, adopted March 3, 1966), 17 pp. INNER TUBE, PNEUMATIC TIRE, Federal Specification ZZ-I-550b, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, July 1, 1962, 13 pp. PATCH, REPAIR., ( SELF -VULCANIZING , HOT, FOR INNER TUBES AND TUBELESS TIRES), Federal Specification ZZ-P-112c, General Services Administration , August 17, 1967, 8 pp. TIRE, PNEUMATIC: RETREADED AND REPAIRED, Federal Speci- fication ZZ-T-00441c, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, December 31, 1969, 39 pp. HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION LEGISLATION IN 1969, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility , Washington, D. C, 32 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE LAW SERIES, SERVICE NO. 3--EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility , Washington, D. C, 1967 - DIMENSIONS OF TIRES FOR AUTOMOBILES, Japanese Standard; Association , Tokyo, Japan, Japanese Industrial Standard D 4202, March 1, 1966, 22 pp. HEAVY TIRES, G0ST 5883-65, Komltet Standartov , Mer i Izmeritel 'nyh Priborov pri, Moscow, Russia, 1965, 10 pp. VALVES FOR PNEUMATIC TYRES WITH CONSTANT PRESSURE, GOST 8107-64, Komltet Standartov , Mer i Izmeritel 'nyh Priborov pri, Moscow, Russia, 1964, 20 pp. TREATMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE TIRES, Ministry of Trans- portation , Motor Vehicle DIv., Tokyo, Japan, October. 1966, 4 pp. AUTOMOBILE (OUTER) TIRES, Chinese Standard 1431 K414, National Bureau of Standards , Tainan, Taiwan, China, August 21, 1964, 3 pp. TUNER TIRES FOR AUTOMOBILES, Chinese Standard 1432 K415, National Bureau of Standards , Tainan, Taiwan, China, October 14, 1967, 2 pp. VARIOUS TYPES OF AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, Chinese Standard 1430 K413, National Bureau of Standards , Tainan, Taiwan, China, August 21, 1964, 20 pp. UNIFORM VEHICLE CODE AND MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances , Washington, D. C, 1968, 335 pp. COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS: CONSUMER INFORMATION, (23 CFR Part 275, Docket No. 28-2), Rubber Manufacturers Association Neu York, N. Y., November 8, 1968, 43 pp. TIRE REBUILDING AND TIRE AND TUBE REPAIR MATERIALS, Federal Specification ZZ-T-416d, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, October 27, 1967, 27 pp. TIRES AND TUBES (INNER), PNEUMATIC, INDUSTRIAL, Federal Specification ZZ-T-410/ General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, February 15, 1950, 9 pp. COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON INITIAL FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS N0S . 109 AND 110 (23 CFR Part 255, Dockrt No. 18 Notice No. 67-4), Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., August 21, 1967, 62 pp. COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON TIRES--PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, BUSES AND MOTORCYCLES (23 CFR Part 255, Docket No. 1-6, Notice No. 67-5), Rubber Manufacturers Association, New York, N. Y., 1968, 44 pp. TIRES, PNEUMATIC, LOW SPEED, OFF HIGHWAY AND INDUSTRIAL Interim Federal Specification ZZ-T-001083, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, December 30, 1966, 23 pp. COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON UNIFORM TIRE QUALITY GRADING SYSTEM- -PASSENGER CARS (23 CFR Part 255, Docket No. 25, Notice No. 1), Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., July 15, 1968, 7 pp. TIRES, PNEUMATIC, VEHICULAR (HIGHWAY), Interim Federal Specification ZZ-T-00381K, General Services Administra - tion, Washington, D. C, Febraury 27, 1970, 46 pp. RMA RECOMMENDED MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR NEW PASSENGER CAR TIRES, PROCEDURAL GUIDE FOR PARTICIPANTS, CERTIFI- CATION AND COMPLIANCE PROGRAM, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., Revision Number 1, Jan- uary 1966, 16 pp. 102 RMA RECOMMENDED MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR NEW PNEUMATIC TRUCK IIRES— TRUCKS, TRAILERS, BUSES AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES FOR NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., October 30, 1968, 16 pp. REIFEN UND FELGEN--LUFTDRUCK UND BELASTUNG FUR NIEDERQUERSCHNITT -REIFEN (TIRES AND RIMS — PRESSURE AND LOAD FOR LOW PROFILE TIRES), Swiss Standard SNV 42402, Blatt 3, Schwelzerlsche Normen-Verelnlgung , Zurich, Switzerland, July 1966, 2 pp. RMA RECOMMENDED MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR NEW TIRES FOR MOTORCYCLES AND MOTOR DRIVEN CYCLES, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., April 3, 1968, 8 pp. RMA RECOMMENDED MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR RETREADED AND REPAIRED TIRES FOR PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, BUSES AND MOTORCYCLES—RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INITIAL SAFETY STANDARDS FOR NEWLY RETREADED PASSENGER CAR TIRES, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., November 6, 1968, 2 pp. RMA STANDARDS FOR NEW PASSENGER CAR TIRES—RECOMMENDED MINIMUM DIMENSIONAL AND LABORATORY TEST PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., Revision Number 1, January 1, 1966, 11 pp. RMA STANDARDS FOR NEW PASSENGER CAR TIRES—RECOMMENDED MINIMUM DIMENSIONAL AND LABORATORY TEST STANDARDS, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., Supplement January 20, 1967, 16 pp. REIFEN UND FELGEN— LUFTDRUCK UND BELASTUNG FUR NORMALE UND VERSTARKTE REIFEN FUR LASTWAGEN, AUTOBUSSE UND ANHANGER (TIRES AND RIMS— PRESSURE AND LOAD FOR NORMAL AND REINFORCED TIRES FOR TRUCKS, BUSES AND TRAILERS), Swiss Standard SNV 42401, Blatt 2, Schwelzerlsche Normen-Verelnlgung, Zurich, Switzerland, September 1963, 1 p. REIFEN UND FELGEN — LUFTDRUCK UND BELASTUNG FUR PERSONEN-, KOMBI- UND LIEFERWAGEN (TIRES AND RIMS- PRESSURE AND LOAD FOR PASSENGER CARS, KOMBI -CARS, AND PICKUP TRUCKS), Swiss Standard SNV 42402, Blatt 4, Schwelzerlsche Normen-Vereinigung , Zurich, Switzerland, July 1966, 1 p. REIFEN UND FELGEN-LUFTDRUCK UND BELASTUNG FUR SUPER NIEDERQUERSCHNITT -REIFEN (TIRES AND RIMS — PRESSURE AND LOAD FOR SUPER LOW PROFILE TIRES), Swiss Standard SNV 742402, Blatt 7, Schwelzerlsche Normen-Vereinlgung , Zurich, Switzerland, January 1968, 2 pp. RMA RECOMMENDED STANDARDS FOR TIRE SELECTION AND RIMS-- TRUCKS, TRAILERS AND BUSES FOR NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., April 3, 1968, 1 p. REIFEN UND FELGEN— MITTENABSTANDE FUR DOPPELBEREIFUNG FUR LASTWAGEN, AUTOBUSSE UND ANHANGER (TIRES AND RIMS- CENTER DISTANCES FOR DUAL TIRES FOR TRUCKS, BUSES, AND TRAILERS), Swiss Standard SNV 42401, Blatt 4, Schwelzerlsche Normen-Vereinigung , Zurich, Switzerland, September 1963, 1 p. RMA STANDARDS FOR NEW TIRES FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES- RECOMMENDED MINIMUM DIMENSIONAL & LABORATORY TEST STAN- DARDS FOR TRUCK, BUS, TRAILER & SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE TIRES, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y. October 4, 1967, 11 pp. RMA TIRE INSPECTION GUIDE, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., January 1970, 4 pp. REIFEN UND FELGEN— BETRIEBSVORSCHRIFTEN FUR PERS0NEN-, KOMBI- UND LIEFERWAGEN (TIRES & RIMS—INDUSTRIAL REGULATIONS FOR PASSENGER CARS, KOMBI -CARS, AND PICKUP TRUCKS), Swiss Standard SNV 42402, Blatt 5, Schwelzerlsche Normen-Vereinigung , Zurich, Switzerland, July 1966, 1 p. REIFEN UND FELGEN HOCHDRUCKREIFEN— FUR LASTWAGEN (TIRES AND RIMS— HIGH PRESSURE TIRES FOR TRUCKS), Swiss Standard SNV 42420, Blatt 1, Schwelzerlsche Normen - Vereinigung, Zurich, Switzerland, September 1963, 1 p. REIFEN UND FELGEN— LUFTDRUCK UND BELASTUNG FUR HOCHDRUCKREIFEN (TIRES AND RIMS — PRESSURE AND LOAD FOR HIGH PRESSURE TIRES), Swiss Standard SNV 42420, Blatt 2, Schwelzerlsche Normen-Vereinigung , Zurich, Switzerland, September 1963, 1 p. REIFEN UND FELGEN — LUFTDRUCK UND BELASTUNG FUR MULTIPLY- REIFEN FUR LASTWAGEN, AUTOBUSSE UND ANHANGER (TIRES AND RIMS — PRESSURE AND LOAD FOR MULTI-PLY TIRES FOR TRUCKS, BUSES AND TRAILERS), Swiss Standard SNV 42401, Blatt 3, Schwelzerlsche Normen-Vereinigung , Zurich, Switzerland, September 1963, 1 p. REIFEN UND FELGEN— MITTENABSTANDE FUR DOPPELBEREIFUNG MIT HOCHDRUCKREIFEN FUR LASTWAGEN (TIRES AND RIMS- CENTER DISTANCE FOR DUAL HIGH PRESSURE TIRES FOR TRUCKS) Swiss Standard SNV 42420, Blatt 3, Schwelzerlsche Normen-Vereinigung, Zurich, Switzerland, September 1963, 1 p. REIFEN UND FELGEN NIEDERQUERSCHNITT -REIFEN FUR PERSONEN-, KOMBI- UND LIEFERWAGEN (TIRES AND RIMS- LOW PROFILE TIRES FOR PASSENGER CARS, KOMBI-CARS, AND PICKUP TRUCKS), Swiss Standard SNV 42402, Blatt 1, Schwelzerlsche Normen-Verelnlgung, Zurich, Switzerland, July 1966, 1 p. REIFEN UND FELGEN— REIFEN FUR LASTWAGEN, AUTOBUSSE UND ANHANGER (TIRES FOR TRUCKS, BUSES AND TRAILERS), Swiss Standard SNV 42401, Blatt 1, Schwelzerlsche Normen - Vereinigung , Zurich, Switzerland, September 1963, 1 p. REIFEN UND FELGEN— REIFEN FUR PERSONEN-, KOMBI- UND LIEFERWAGEN (TIRES FOR PASSENGER CARS, KOMBI-CARS AND PICKUP TRUCKS), Swiss Standard SNV 42402, Blatt 2, ^liup^crKi-lic Nn-rmpn-Vprp -Inking, Zurich, Switzerland, July 1966, 1 pp. REIFEN UND FELGEN— SUPER NIEDERQUERSCHNITT-REIFEN FUR PERSONEN-, KOMBI- UND LIEFERWAGEN (TIRES AND RIMS- SUPER LOW PROFILE TIRES FOR PASSENGER CARS, KOMBI-CARS, AND PICKUP TRUCKS), Swiss Standard SNV 742402, Blatt 6, Schwelzerlsche Normen-Vereinigung, Zurich, Switzerland, January 1968, 1 p. SAE HANDBOOK, Society of Automotive Engineers , Two Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, N. Y., published annually 103 S. M. M. T. TYRE AND WHEEL ENGINEERING MANUAL, The Society of Motor Manufacturers and T raders, Ltd., Standards and Technical Department, London, S.W.I . , England TIRE SELECTION AND RIMS — PASSENGER CARS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 110 STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR THE BRITISH AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY, Society of Motor Manufacturers 6. Traders Ltd., London, S. W. 1., 1968 - MEDDELELSE OM KORETOJERS INDRETNING OG UDSTYR M.V.— GUMMIMONTERING (CIRCULAR ON CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIP- MENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES—RUBBER MOUNTING), Statens Blltllsyn , Copenhagen, Denmark, Circular No. 1057, January 29, 1968, 2 pp. MEDDELELSE TIL JUSTITSMINISTERIETS MOTORSAGKYNDIGE-- SLIDBANEMONSTER PA LUFTGUMMIRINGE, HALVMASSIVE RINGE OG DAEK PA BLOKVOGNE (CIRCULAR TO MOTOR EXPERTS OF THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE—THREAD ON PNEUMATIC TIRES, SEMI- PNEUMATIC TIRES, AND TIRES ON WAGONS), Statens Blltllsyn , Copenhagen, Denmark, Circular No. 874, June 15, 1961, 1 p. GUMMIBELASTNING: ALMINNELIGE OPPLYSNINGER; LASTEBILDEKK; VAREBILDEKK; PERSONBILDEKK; INDUSTRIDEKK; TRAKTORDEKK; LANDBRUKSDEKK (TIRE SPECIFICATIONS: GENERAL INFORMATION; TRUCK TIRES; DELIVERY TRUCK TIRES; PASSENGER CAR TIRES; INDUSTRIAL TIRES; TRACTOR TIRES; AGRICULTURAL TIRES), Statens Vegvesen , Vegdlrektoratet, Oslo, Norway, March 10 & April 20, 1968 COMPILATION OF CURRENT TIRE AND RIM STANDARDS— U. S. A., WESTERN EUROPE, EASTERN EUROPE, SOUTH AFRICA, AUSTRALIA AND JAPAN, ISO/TC-31, Tire 6. Rim Association , Akron, Ohio, May 1969 1970 YEAR BOOK, The Tire and Rim Association, Inc. Akron, Ohio, 242 pp. INNER TUBE: PNEUMATIC TIRE, Military Standard MS 35392, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. February 17, 1967, 6 pp. TIRE, PNEUMATIC: BICYCLE, MOTORCYCLE, AND MOTOR SCOOTER, Military Standard MS 35391, U. S. Department of Defense, Washington, D. C, February 17, 1967, 2 pp. TIRE, PNEUMATIC: FOR MILITARY GROUND VEHICLES, Military Specification MIL-T-12459C , U. S. Department of Defense, Washington, D. C, January 8, 1965, 36 pp. TIRE, PNEUMATIC: PASSENGER CAR, LIGHT TRUCK, TRUCK AND BUS, Military Standard MS 35388, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, March 7, 1968, 8 pp. WHEEL NUTS, WHEEL DISCS, AND HUB CAPS--PASSENGER CARS AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 211 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS AND UNIFORM TEST PROCEDURES FOR NEW TIRES FOR PASSENGER CARS AND STATION WAGONS, Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission , Washington, D. C, Regulation V-l, September 17, 1966, 24 pp., 3 figs. TIRE CHARACTERISTICS— MISCELLANEOUS TIRES FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE CARS, T. J. P. Joy, D. C. Hartley & D. M. Turner, Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Golden Anniversary Summer Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 15, 1955; reprint SAE Transactions, Vol. 64, 1956, pp. 319-333 AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman , R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev 6. S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific 6. Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 METHODS FOR MEASURING LOAD TRANSFER THROUGH VEHICLE TIRES TO THE ROAD SURFACE, R. C. Hopkins 6. H. H. Boswell, Bureau of Public Roads , Division of Highway Transport Research, Washington, D. C, presented at the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, October 1957, 13 pp. DYNAMICS OF THE TIRE— THIRD REPORT — STANDING WAVES OF A HIGH-SPEED TIRE, Takashi Akasaka, Chuo University , Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 1959, 15 pp. RECENT ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL MECHANICS OF TIRES, Takashi Akasaka, Chuo University , Department of Precision Mechanics, Structural Mechanics Lab., Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 1970, 15 pp. A DEVICE FOR MEASURING MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TYRES ON THE ROAD, William Close & Clifford L. Muzzey, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Vehicle Dynamics Department, Buffalo, N. Y.; Research in Automobile Stability and Control and in Tyre Performance , Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1956, 142 pp. TIRE, PNEUMATIC: RETREADED AND REPAIRED, Military Specification MIL-T-62016(MO), U. S. Department of i Defense , Washington, D. C, December 17, 1964, 24 pp. VISUAL INSPECTION GUIDE FOR PNEUMATIC TIRES (NONAIRCRAFT), MIL-STD- 1224, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, September 15, 1960, 134 pp. NEW PNEUMATIC TIRES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 109 A PROPOSAL FOR THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN ADVANCED TIRE FORCE AND MOMENT TEST FACILITY, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Vehicle Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., prepared for The Tire and Automobile Manufacturers of America, CAL Proposal No. 577-68, May 3, 1968, 98 pp., 6 figs. BEWEGUNGSGLEICHUNGEN UND ERSATZMODELLE DES KRAFTFAHRZEUGS IN IHRER BEZIEHUNG ZU DEN MESSERGEBNISSEN DES R0LLTROMMELVERSUCHS (LAW OF MOTION 6c SPACE MODEL OF THE AUTOMOBILES IN THEIR RESPECT TO THE MEASUREMENT OF THE ROLL DRUM TRIAL), A. Slibar & K. Desoyer ; ATZ-Automobiltechnische Zeitschrlft , Jahrgang 68, Numraer 1/1966, 8 pp. 104 MECHANICS OF THE PNEUMATIC TIRE, F. Frank 6. W. Hofferberth, Deutsche Dunlop Gummi Compagnle , Hanau, Germany, reprint Rubber Chemistry and Technology , February 1967, pp. 271-322 ABOUT THE SELECTION AND EVALUATION OF TIRE PARAMETERS, Yu A. Dolmatovskiy ; reprint Avtomobllnaya I Traktornaya Promyshlennost' , No. 5, May 1956, pp. 13-15 MATHEMATICS OF MODELLING OF TYRE PERFORMANCE, C. W. Barson, Dunlop Limited , Tyre Technical Division, Birmingham, England, presented at the Tire Mathematics Symposium, Akron Rubber Group, Akron, Ohio, April 23, 1971, 6 pp., 3 figs. FORCE AND MOMENT CHARACTERISTICS OF ROLLING TIRES, Donald L. Nordeen & Anthony D. Cortese, General Motors Corp . , Research Labs., Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Summer Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 10-14, 1963, GM Report No. 404, 20 pp., 22 figs. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND UNIFORMITY OF 18 X 5.5 RIB AND DIMPLE AIRCRAFT TIRES. F. H. Ho, B. F. Goodrich Research Center , Brecksville, Ohio, Contract No. AF42600-67-C-3430, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Aerospace Vehicle Alighting Systems Br., Service Engineering Dlv., Hill Air Force Base, Utah, December 1969, 126 pp. DER MECHANISCHE AUFBAU DES LUFTREIFENS (A MECHANICAL MODEL OF THE. PNEUMATIC TIRE), W. Hofferberth, Deutsche Dunlop Cumml Compagnle AG. . Hanau, Germany; reprint Kautschuk Und Gummi • Kunststoffe • Asbest Berlin- Borsigwalde, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 225-233, 1963 ROAD CONTACT FORCES OF TRUCK TIRES AS MEASURED IN THE LABORATORY, James L. Ginn 6. R. L. Marlowe, B. F. Goodrich Co. , Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670493, 10 pp. TAKE THE BIAS OUT OF TIRES? Arturo Chiesa, Pirelli S.p.A., Italy; V. E. Gough, F. B. Jones 6. W. S. Udall, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd ., Birmingham, England; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 73, No. 5, May 1965, pp. 32-39 TIRE LOAD DETERMINATION, F. S. Vukan, B. F. Coodrlch Company, Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Tire Mathematics Symposium, Akron Rubber Group, Akron, April 23, 1971, 7 pp., 5 figs. Oh,lo, THE0RIE UND BERECHNUNG DER STATISCHEN, KRAFTE UND DER QUERSCHNITTSFORM VON KREUZLAGEN-UND GURTELREIFEN (THEORY AND CALCULATION OF STATIC FORCES AND CROSS SECTION FORMS OF BIAS LAYERED AND RADIAL LAYERED TIRES), F. Frank, Dunlop AG . , Hanau, Germany, presented at the Rubber Conference of the KDG , Berlin, Germany, May 15-17, 1968; translated by National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, 75 pp. LOW POWER LOSS TIRES, W. W. Curtiss, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690108, 14 pp. MATHEMATICS UNDERLYING THE DESIGN OF PNEUMATIC TIRES, John F. Purdy, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Development Department, Akron, Ohio, 1963, 230 pp. TYRE FIRES, CAUSE AND PREVENTION, E. S. Tompkins, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. , Birmingham, England; reprint Transactions of the Rubber Industry , Vol. 41, No. 5, October 1965, pp. 178-189 TYRE-TO-GROUND CONTACT STRESSES, V. E. Gough, Dunlop Research Center , Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, England, presented to the Stress Analysis Group Conference on Contact Stresses, London, May 14, 1958; reprint Wear , 1958-59, Vol. 2, pp. 107-126 CORD LOAD CHARACTERISTICS IN BIAS AND BELTED-BIAS TIRES, Joseph D. Walter & George L. Hall, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Central Research Labs., Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 6905 22, 9 pp. AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser , S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242, pp., N70-16410 THE MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PNEUMATIC TYRES, R. Hadekel , for Ministry of Supply, London, England, S (, T Memorandum No. 10/52, November 1952, 79 pp., 152 figures EXPERIMENTS ON THE STANDING WAVES OF CAR TIRES, R. Hattori , N. Miyake, Y. Ichimura & M. Sakamoto, presented at the Society of Automotive-Engineers, Nagoya, Japan, 1964, Paper No. 7, 13 pp. LOW ASPECT RATIO PASSENGER CAR TIRE FROM A VEHICLE MANUFACTURER'S POINT OF VIEW, Jacques Bajer, Ford Motor Company, Ford Division, presented to the International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Michigan, January 11-15, 1965, Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 983B, 14 pp. ON THE STANDING WAVES OF TIRES, R. Hattori, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers, Japan, 1965, Paper No. 11, 10 pp. THE EFFECT OF CERTAIN TIRE-ROAD INTERFACE PARAMETERS ON FORCE AND MOMENT PERFORMANCE, R. E. Rasmussen & A. D.. Cortese, General Motors Corporation , General Motors Proving Ground, Milford, Mich., Report No. A-2526, July 1969, 24 pp. ZUR FESTIGKEIT DES LUFTREIFENS (THE STRENGTH OF THE PNEUMATIC TIRE), W. Hofferberth , Hanau, Germany, talk presented at the German Natural Rubber Conference, . Hamburg, June 6-9, 1956; reprint Kautschuk und Gummi, 9th year, No. 9. 1956, pp. WT 225-WT 231 105 ZUR STATIC DES LUFTREIFENS (THE STATICS OF PNEUMATIC TIRES), W. Hofferberth , Hochst, Germany, a Calk present- ed at the German Natural Rubber Conference, Munich, Germany, October 21-23, 1954; reprint Kautschuk und Gumml , 8th year, No. 5, 1955, pp. 124 WT-129 WT EXPERIMENTS ON THE STANDING WAVES OF CAR TIRES, R. Hattorl, N. Mlyake, Y. Ichimura & M. Sakamoto, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers, Nagoya, Japan, 1964, Paper No. 7, 13 pp. TRACTIVE RESISTANCE AS RELATED TO ROADWAY SURFACES AND MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATION, R. G. Paustian, Iowa State College , Iowa Engineering Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa, Bulletin No. 119, August 1, 1934, Vol. 33, No. 9, 64 pp. ZASTOSOWANIE MASZYNY MATEMATYCZNEJ DO OBLICZANIA DUZYCH TRZEMIESZCZEN ORTOTROPOWEJ NIELINIOWEJ MEMBRANY (THE APPLICATION OF A COMPUTER FOR CALCULATING LARGE DISPLACEMENTS OF ORTHOTROPIC NONLINEAR MEMBRANE), W. Kobza ; translated by Chemical Translation Service, Division of Trans-Chem, Knoxville, Tenn., 1966, 16 pp. INVESTIGATIONS OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES (UNTERSUCHUNGEN AN KRAFTFAHRZEUGREIFEN), G. Krempel , Hannover, Germany, ATZ 69 (1967) 1 & 8; translated by Eugen Funer & S. K. Clark, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 1968, 56 pp. RESEARCH ON AUTOMOBILE TIRES (UNTERSUCHUNGEN AN KRAFTFAHRZEUGREIFEN), G. Krempel , Hannover, Germany, ATZ 69 (1967) 8; translated by Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., August 1967, 16 pp. INFLUENCE OF TIRE TREAD PATTERN AND RUNWAY SURFACE CONDITION ON BRAKING FRICTION AND ROLLING RESISTANCE OF A MODERN AIRCRAFT TIRE, Walter B. Home & Trafford J. W. Leland, National Aeronautics & Space Administra- tion , Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va., TND-1376, September 1962, 190 pp. AN APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING THE ACTUAL FOOTPRINT AREA OF TIRES, R. S. Pizer & S. Spinner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C.j Material Research & Standards , Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 20-23 EFFECT OF CROSS-CUTTING TREAD ON POWER LOSS OF TIRES, R. D. Stiehler, P. M. Ku, and E. Bryant, National Bureau of Standards , for Reconstruction Finance Corpo- ration, Office of Synthetic Rubber, NBS Project No. 0705-20-3809, NBS Report No. 2066, November 17, 1952, 4 pp. LABORATORY MEASUREMENTS OF AIR CAVITY TEMPERATURE IN A PASSENGER CAR TIRE, B. G. Simson & J. Mandel, National Bureau of Standards , Institute for Applied Technology, Washington, D. C.; Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards--C . Engineering & Instrumentation , Vol. 73C, Nos. 1 and 2, January-June 1969, pp. 21-24 ■ POWER LOSS AND OPERATING TEMPERATURE OF TIRES, R. D. Stiehler, M. N. Steel, G. G. Richey, J. Mandel & R. H. Hobbs, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C, presented at the International Rubber Conference, Washington, D. C, November 8-13, 1959; reprint NBS Journal of Research, January-March 1960, Vol. 64C, No. 1> 11 PP. THE MECHANICS OF TIRES, R. S. Rivlin, Lehigh University , Center for the Application of Mathematics, Bethlehem, Pa., Contract No. CST-466, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, December 1970, 20 pp. DETERMINATION OF SIZE OF 18.00 x 25 TIRE IMPRINTS UNDER VARIOUS LOADS AND PRESSURES, S. W. Pearce, Lockheed Aircraft Corp . , Georgia Div., Engineering Research Lab., Marietta, Ga., Report No. ER 8542, June 8, 1966, 4 pp. TEMPERATURE STUDIES OF THE AIR IN A TRUCK TIRE, G. G. Richey, R. B. Hobbs & R. D. Stiehler, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C . ; reprint Rubber Age , May 1956, 4 pp. PHYSICS AT THE NATURAL RUBBER PRODUCERS' RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, A. Schallamach, Natural Rubber Producers ' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England; reprint Bulletin of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society , July 1967, pp. 215-221 THE DRAG OF A LARGE AND SMALL PNEUMATIC TYRE TRAVELLING THROUGH WATER, SLUSH AND SNOW, R. W. Sugg, Ministry of Aviation , Technical Information & Library Services, Great Britain, S & T Memo 9/66 October 1966, 8 pp., 22 figs., AD 646464 EXPERIMENTS ON THE STANDING WAVES OF CAR TIRES, R. Hattori, N. Miyake , Y. Ichimura & M. Sakamoto, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers, Nagoya, Japan, 1964, Paper No. 7, 13 pp. AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov , I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF RIM WIDTH ON DEFORMATIONS IN THE TIRE, G. V. Nadezhdln ; reprint Kauchuk I Reiina , 5, 1966, pp. 36-39, translated by Chemical Translation Service, Division of Trans-Chem, Knoxville, Tenn., 9 pp. MATHEMATICAL PREDICTION OF DYNAMIC TIRE BEHAVIOR, Carl F. Zorowski, North Carolina State University , Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department, Raleigh, N. C, presented at the Tire Mathematics Symposium, Akron Rubber Group, Akron, Ohio, April 23, 1971, 17 pp., 13 figs. THE ROLLING FRICTION OF SEVERAL AIRPLANE WHEELS AND TIRES AND THE EFFECT OF ROLLING FRICTION ON TAKE-OFF, J. W. Wetmore, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics , Langley Memorial Aeronautical Lab., Langley Field, Va., Report No. 583, September 19, 1936, 8 pp. MEASUREMENT OF PNEUMATIC TIRE CONTACT PRESSURE FOR STATIC LOADING, Ernest William O'Neil, Jr., North Carolina State University , Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Raleigh, N. C, Contract No. ERD-268, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, June 1969, 79 pp. 106 A STUDY OF INTERNAL STRESSES IN STATICALLY DEFORMED PNEUMATIC TIRES--A MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR THE PNEUMATIC TIRE, Carl F. Zorowski & Stanley E. Dunn, Jr., North Carolina State University, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department, Raleigh, N. C, Contract No. CST 376, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, November 1970, 103 pp. AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. BIderman, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov , B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 A STUDY OF INTERNAL STRESSES IN STATICALLY DEFORMED PNEUMATIC TIRES--GENERALIZED EQUILIBRIUM EQUATIONS FOR THE MEMBRANE SOLUTION OF CIRCULARLY SYMMETRIC DEFORMATION OF BIAS PLY PNEUMATIC TIRES, Carl F. Zorowski, Stanley E. Dunn, Jr., & Narendra M. Shah, North Carolina State University , Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dept., Raleigh, N. C, Contract No. CST 376, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, November 1970, 32 pp. TAKE THE BIAS OUT OF TIRES? Arturo Chiesa, Pirelli S.p.A. , Italy; V. E. Gough, F. B. Jones & W. S. Udall, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Birmingham, England; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal, Vol. 73, No. 5, May 1965, pp. 32-39 THE TYRE IS A LINK BETWEEN THE VEHICLE AND THE ROAD, P. Bandel, F. Celeri, A. Chiesa & C. Mazza, Pirelli S.p.A. , Milano, Italy; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Automobile Division, Conference on Drive-Line Engineering, April 13-17, 1970, Paper 40, 19 pp. CAN DYNAMIC TIRE FORCES BE USED AS A CRITERION OF PAVEMENT CONDITION? B. E. Quinn & C . C . Wilson, Purdue University , Civil Engineering School, Joint Highway Research Project, Lafayette, Ind.; reprint Highway Research Record 46 , 1964, pp. 88-100 DESIGN OF EQUIPMENT FOR DETERMINING SUSPENSION CHARACTERISTICS OF HEAVY VEHICLES, James Wilson McLemore, Purdue University , Civil Engineering School, Joint Highway Research Project, Lafayette, Ind., Project No. C-36-52F, August 2, 1963, 53 pp. RESEARCH ON ROLLING RESISTANCE OF TIRE, Rokuro Masaki, Science University of Tokyo , Faculty of Engineering, Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 3, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 15 pp. PRESSURE AND SHEAR FORCE DISTRIBUTION IN THE CONTACT PATCH OF A TIRE AT HIGH SPEEDS (DIE DRUCK - UND SCHUBVERTEILUNG IN DER AUFSTANDSFLACHE EINES SCHNELL ROLLENDEN REIFENS), N. Seitz , Munich, Germany, ATZ 69 (1967) 8; translated by Fred Belsdorf, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Buffalo, N. Y., August 1967, 11 pp. AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific 6. Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 BEWEGUNGSCLEICHUNCEN UND ERSATZMODELLE DES KRAFTFAHRZEUGS IN IHRER BEZIEHUNG ZU DEN MESSERGEBNISSEN DES ROLLTROMMELVERSUCHS (LAW OF MOTION & SPACE MODEL OF THE AUTOMOBILES IN THEIR RESPECT TO THE MEASUREMENT OF THE ROLL DRUM TRIAL), A. Sllbar & K. Desoyer; ATZ-Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift , Jahrgang 68, Nummer 1/1966, 8 pp. CORRELATION OF PROTOTYPE AND SCALE MODEL VEHICLE PERFORMANCE IN CUV SOILS, John M. Clark, Jr., Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas; H. P. Simon & Carlo Roma, U. S. Army, Transportation Research Command, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1964, SAE Report No. 782J, 18 pp. CONTACT AREAS OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE TYRES, N. W. Lister St D. E. Nunn, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire,* England, Report No. LR 172, 1968, 16 pp. SCALE MODEL AND FULL-SCALE VEHICLE TESTING IN COHESIVE CLAY SOILS, Southwest Research Institute , Dept. of Automotive Research, San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. DA 44-177-TC-788, prepared for U. S. Army Transportation Research Command, Fort Eustis, Va. TRECOM Technical Report 64-6, May 1964, 46 pp. PHOTOGRAPHY OF THE REAL CONTACT AREA OF TYRES DURING MOTION, Barbara E. Sabey, & G. N. Lupton, Road Research Lab . , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 64, 1967, 18 pp. STANDING WAVE OF THE TIRE, H. Sakai ; reprint Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan , Vol. 19, 1965, p. 504 EXPERIMENTS ON THE STANDING WAVES OF CAR TIRES, R. Hattori, N. Miyake, Y. Ichlmura & M. Sakamoto , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers, Nagoya, Japan, 1964, Paper No. 7, 13 pp. STUDY OF AIRCRAFT TIRES' STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES, R. K. Gregory, L. U. Rastrelli & J. E. Minor, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. AF33(657 )-12861, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Div., Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, SwRI Project No. 03-1522, July 31, 1967, 195 pp. DIE DEFORMATIONEN DES LUFTREIFENS UNTER ROTATIONSSYMMETRISCHER BELASTUNG (THE DEFORMATION OF THE PNEUMATIC TIRE UNDER ROTATION—SYMMETRICAL LOAD), A. SprlnRer ; reprint Plaste und Kautschuk , 14, (9) ( 1967, pp. 679-683, translated by Chemical Translation Service, Division of Trans-Chem, Knoxville, Tenn., 19 pp. 107 TYRE ROLLING RESISTANCE—AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE EFFECTS OF VARIOUS FACTORS ON THE ROLLING RESISTANCE OF CAR TYRES, Koji Seki, Shiro Sasaki & Hajime Tsunoda, Toyo Rubhpr Industry Company, T.t-ri., Nishl-ku, Osaka, Japan; reprint Automobile Engineer , Vol. 59, No. 3, March 1969, pp. 88-91 FORCES ON THE CONTACT PATCH OF THE TYRE, S. Iritani & T. Baba, Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. , Toyota, Japan, presented at the FISITA Tenth International Automobile Technical Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 1964, Paper B-6, 16 pp. AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, I.I. Seleznev 6. S. M. Tsukerberg , Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 MODELLING OF TYRES, R. K. Gordon, Tyre Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, translated by M. E. Jolley, 3 pp. EQUIPMENT FOR MEASURING FORCES AND MOMENTS ON PASSENGER TIRES, H. D. Tarpinian, UNIROYAL Tire Company , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690077, 7 pp. LOW PRESSURE TIRE DYNAMICS STUDY--PART I, 49 x 17/24FR AND 17.00-20/22PR TIRES, Charles E. Booker, U. S. Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory , Research & Technology Div., Air Force Systems Command, Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, AFFDL-TR-65-215, February 1966, 43 pp. STRESSES AND DEFORMATIONS IN MULTI-PLY AIRCRAFT TIRES SUBJECT TO INFLATION PRESSURE LOADING, Howell K. Brewer, U. S. Air Force , Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Technical Report AFFDL-TR-70-62, June 1970, 197 pp. CORRELATION OF PROTOTYPE AND SCALE MODEL VEHICLE PERFORMANCE IN CLAY SOILS, John M. Clark, Jr., Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas; H. P. Simon & Carlo Roma, U. S. Army , Transportation Research Command, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1964, SAE Report No. 782J, 18 pp. DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS OF LOAD SINKAGE RELATIONSHIPS IN SOILS AND SNOW, R. A. Liston 6. E. Hegedus, U. S. Army Tank Automotive Center , Components Research & Develop- ment Labs., Land Locomotion Lab., Warren, Mich., Technical Report No. 8692 (LL 100), Project No. AMCMS 5016.11.84400, D/A Project. 1-A-O-137001-A-039, December 1964, 54 pp. EVALUATION OF CONDUAL TIRE MODEL, E. Hegedus, U. S. Army Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command , Detroit Arsenal, Land Locomotion Lab., Center Line, Mich., Contract No. DA-20-089-ORD-39246, Dept. of the Army Project No. 5B70-05-001, Project No.' TB1-0007, March 1960, 28 pp. NORMAL STRESSES AT THE TIRE-SOIL INTERFACE IN YIELDING SOILS, A. J. Green, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station , Vicksburg, Miss., December 1963, 16 pp., 15 figs. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A DRIVEN NON-DEFLECTING TIRE IN SOIL, Zoltan J. Janosi, U. S. Army Tank-Automotive Center , Land Locomotion Lab., Detroit Arsenal, Center Line, Mich., Project No. 5016.11.84400, Dept. of the Army Project No. 597-01-006, Report No. 8091, June 1963, 54 pp. STRESSES UNDER MOVING VEHICLES --DISTRIBUTION OF STRESSES ON AN UNYIELDING SURFACE BENEATH STATIONARY AND TOWED PNEUMATIC TIRES, J. L. McRae & N. R. Murphy, Jr., U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station , Vicksburg, Miss., Project No. 1-T-O-21701-A-046, prepared for U. S. Army Materiel Command, Washington, D. C, Report No. 4, Technical Report No. 3-545, July 1964, 23 pp., 11 figs. A STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF WET SURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS. ON THE PERFORMANCE OF A SINGLE PNEUMATIC -TIRED WHEEL,' J. L. Smith, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station , Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Miss., Tech. Report No. 3-703, November 1965, 55 pp., 23 figs. HIGH PROFILE INDUSTRIAL SOLID TIRES--ROLLING RESISTANCE AND SKID CHARACTERISTICS, U. S. Naval Supply Research & Development Facility , Supply Engineering Division, Bayonne, N. J., Engineering Report No. 2.4141, Project Group No. NT-003-005, July 1951, 23 pp. NEW EQUIPMENT FOR EXPLORING THE DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF TIRES, Seymour A. Lippmann, U. S. Rubber Tire Company, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1964, SAE Report No. 794A, 5 pp. •A PILOT STUDY ON A J. Green, Jr., U. S. Army DEFLECTION OF MOVING TIRES- 12 X 22.5 TUBELESS TIRE, A. Engineer Waterways Experiment Station , Vicksburg, Miss., Report No. 1, Technical Report No. 3-516, July 1959, 19 pp., 15 figs. AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE DYNAMIC STABILITY OF STEERING SYSTEMS, R. P. LaBarre & B. Mills, University of Birmingham , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Report No. 86, 20 pp., 10 figs. DEFLECTION OF MOVING TIRES --CENTER -LINE DEFLECTION STUDIES THROUGH JULY 1963, M. E. Smith & D. R. Freitag, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station , Vicksburg, Miss., Project No. 1-V-O-21701-A-046, pre- pared for U. S. Army Materiel Command, Washington, D. C. Report No. 3, Technical Report No. 3-516, May 1965, 11 pp. DEFLECTION OF MOVING TIRES--TESTS WITH A 12.00-22.5 TUBELESS TIRE ON ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SAND, AND SILT, 1959-1960, A. J. Green, Jr., U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station , Vicksburg, Miss., Report No. 2, Technical Report No. 3-516, August 1961, 23 pp., 23 figs. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF INFLATED MEMBRANES REINFORCED WITH EXTENSIBLE CORDS, PARTS I AND II, W. H. Walston and W. F. Ames, University of Delaware , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; reprint Textile Research Journal , Vol. 35, No. 12, December 1965, pp. 1078-1098 ON THE LONGITUDINAL WAVE PROPAGATION ON A TRAVELING THREADLINE, W. F. Ames, University of Iowa; & A. A. Vlcario, Jr., University of Delaware , Newark, Del., NBS Contract No. CST-435, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.; Developments In Mechanics , Vol. 5, Proceedings of the 11th Midwestern Mechanics Conference: 44, 1969, 16 pp. 108 STRESSES IN CYLINDRICALLY SYMMETRIC MEMBRANES REIN- FORCED WITH EXTENSIBLE CORDS, W. F. Ames, University of Delaware , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Newark, Del.) reprint Journal of the Franklin Institute , Septem- ber 1961, Vol. 272, No. 3, pp. 185-190 INTERNAL CHARACTERISTICS OF 0RTHOTR0PIC LAMINATES, S. K. Clark, University of Michigan , Dept. of Engineer- ing Mechanics, Ann Arbor, Mich.; reprint Textile Research Journal , Vol. 33, No. 11, November 1963, pp. 935-953 A LITERATURE SURVEY ON TRAVELING WAVES FOR WAVE PHENOMENA IN TIRES, W. F. Ames, University of Iowa , Department of Mechanics & Hydraulics, Iowa City, Iowa, Contract No. CST-435, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 3, October 15, 1968, 17 pp. A MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR A TIRE SIDEWALL, S. K. Clark & I. K. Mclvor, University of Michigan , Department of Engineering Mechanics, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. CST - 379, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, February 1970, 31 pp. \ ON THE LONGITUDINAL WAVE PROPAGATION ON A TRAVELING THREADLINE, W. F. Ames, University of Iowa; & A. A. Vicario, Jr., University of Delaware, Newark, Del., NBS Contract No. CST-435, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.; Developments in Mechanics , Vol. 5, Proceedings of the 11th Midwestern Mechanics Conference: 44, 1969, 16 pp. MEASUREMENT OF AIRCRAFT TIRE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES USED IN SHIMMY ANALYSIS BY MEANS OF SCALE MODELS, C. H. Nybakken, R. N. Dodge & S. K. Clark, University of Michigan, Department of Engineering Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering, Tire & Suspension Systems Research Group, Ann Arbor, Mich., Grant No. NGL 23-005-010, supported by National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 11, September 1970, 29 pp. WAVE PHENOMENA IN TIRES, W. F. Ames, University of Iowa , Department of Mechanics & Hydraulics, Iowa City, Iowa, Contract No. CST-435, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 1, December 31, 1967, 12 pp. MEASUREMENT OF TIRE SHEAR FORCES, Howard Dugoff & B. J. Brown, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700092, 9 pp. WAVE PHENOMENA IN TIRES, W. F. Ames, University of Iowa , Department of Mechanics & Hydraulics, Iowa City, Iowa, Contract No. CST-435, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 2, July 15, 1968, 20 pp. NEW AREAS FOR TIRE PERFORMANCE METHODS, L. Segel, K. C. Ludema & H. J. Dugoff, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the American Society for Testing and Materials Winter Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., January 28-February 2, 1968, 16 pp. WAVE PHENOMENA IN TIRES, William F. Ames, University of Iowa, Department of Mechanics & Hydraulics, Iowa City, Iowa, NBS Contract No. CST-435, prepared for the National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Interim Report No. 4, May 1969, 16 pp. WAVE PHENOMENA IN TIRES, William F. Ames, University of Iowa , Department of Mechanics & Hydraulics, Iowa City, Iowa, Contract No. CST-435, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, July 1, 1970, 7 pp. THE ROLLING TIRE UNDER LOAD, Samuel K. Clark, University of Michigan , Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, East Lansing, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 650493, 9 pp. SIMPLE APPROXIMATIONS FOR FORCE-DEFLECTION CHARACTERISTICS OF AIRCRAFT TIRES, Samuel K. Clark, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., Grant No. NsG-344, prepared for National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Washington, D. C, NASA Report No. CR-439, May 1966, 65 pp. ON WAVE PROPAGATION IN ONE DIMENSIONAL RUBBERLIKE MATERIALS, William F. Ames, University of Iowa, Department of Mechanics & Hydraulics, Iowa City, Iowa, Contract No. CST-435, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Interim Report No. 5, June 1, 1970, 13 pp. VERTICAL AND LATERAL STIFFNESS CHARACTERISTICS OF AIRCRAFT TIRES, G. H. Nybakken 6. S. K. Clark, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., Grant No. NGR 23-005-010, prepared for National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va., NASA CR-1488, December 1969, 20 pp. THE DYNAMIC STIFFNESS OF A PNEUMATIC TIRE MODEL, Richard N. Dodge, University of Michigan , Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, East Lansing, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 650491, 7 pp. CONTACT STRESSES IN TOROIDS UNDER RADIAL LOADS, H. Fessler & E. Ollerton, University of Nottingham , Departments of Civil & Mechanical Engineering; reprint British Journal of Applied Physics , Vol. 8, October 1957, pp. 387-393 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS IN TIRE MECHANICS, Samuel K. Clark, University of Michigan , Departments of Engineering, Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Tire Mathematics Symposium, Akron Rubber Group, Akron, Ohio, April 23, 1971, 19 pp. WHEEL LOADS AND CONTACT PRESSURES--A THEORETICAL COMPARISON OF STRESSES IN ROAD PAVEMENT STRUCTURES CAUSED BY SINGLE AND DUAL TYRES, Harry Taylor, The University of Sydney , School of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Labs., Sydney, Australia, Research Report No. R 53, August 1965, 28 pp. 109 A DIMENSIONLESS CONSOLIDATION OF WES DATA ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SAND UNDER TIRE LOADS, C. J. Nuttall, Jr. Wilson, Nuttall, Ralmond Engineers, Inc ., Chestertown, Md., Contract No. DA-22-079-eng-262, prepared for U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., Project No. 1-V-O-21701-A-046, Report No. 3-130, December 1965, 67 pp., AD 626993 EXTRA WIDE TIRE DEVELOPMENT, James Sidles 6. John F. Heimovics, Jr., B. F. Goodrich Co . , Brecksville, Ohio, Contract No. AF33(615 )-2036, prepared for Air Force Flight Dynamics Lab., Research & Technology Div., Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio., AFFDL-TR-65-217, April 1966, 34 pp., AD 483 295 TIRE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE RUBBER A $16 BILLION INDUSTRY TURNS ON TIRES, Earl V. Anderson , Senior Editor; Chemical & Engineering News , July 14, 1969, pp. 39-83 HIGH-SPEED TIRE PERFORMANCE, T. J. P. Joy, D. C. Hartley & D. M. Turner, Avon India Rubber Company, Ltd. ; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 64, No. 4, March 1956, pp. 26-27 AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman , R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70- 16410 FACTORS OF TIRE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE AFFECTING UNIFORMITY, J. A. Davisson, Goodyear Tire 6. Rubber Co . Akron, Ohio, presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 17-21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650521, 10 pp. IMPROVEMENTS IN MATERIALS IN PASSENGER CAR TIRES, J. A. Davisson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., June 6-10, 1966, SAE Report No. 660377, 11 pp. MATHEMATICS UNDERLYING THE DESIGN OF PNEUMATIC TIRES, John F. Purdy, Goodyear Tire 6. Rubber Company , Development Department, Akron, Ohio, 1963, 230 pp. MATHEMATICS UNDERLYING THE DESIGN OF TIRES, W. W. Curtiss, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented to the Tire Mathematics Symposium, Akron Rubber Group, Akron, Ohio, April 23, 1971, 37 pp. EQUILIBRIUM CASING SHAPES— THE COMPUTER APPROACH TO TYRE DESIGN, Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd. , Fort Dunlop Birmingham, England, Company Information Article No. 1262, September 1965, 4 pp. THE ROLE OF TYRES IN AUTOMOBILE DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE, T. French & V. E. Gough, Dunlop Rubber Company, Limite d, Birmingham, England, 20 pp. THE TYRE AND ITS TREAD PATTERN, Dunlop Rubber Company , Ltd . , Technical Presentation Marketing Div., Birmingham, England, prepared for U. K. Tyre Group, Fort Dunlop, Erdlngton, Birmingham, England, Serial No. 1338H, April 1966, 9 pp. TYRE DESIGN, G. F. Morton, Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd., Tyre Materials & Testing, Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, England; reprint Institution of the Rubber Industry Proc , Vol. 13, December 1966, pp. P214-P247 TIRE ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT --TIRE DESIGN, PART I, M. A. Wilson & W. G. Burket, Goodyear Tire 6. Rubber Company , Tire Engineering, Akron, Ohio, 17 pp. AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser , S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, 1. I. Seleznev 6. S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov , I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 ECONOMIC REPORT ON THE MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, Federal Trade Commission , Washington, D. C, March 1966, 117 pp. FACTORS AFFECTING PASSENGER TIRE TRACTION ON THE WET ROAD, J. D. Kelley, Jr., Firestone Tire & Rubber Co ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680138, 13 pp. RECENT TRENDS IN TYRE COMPOUNDING, reprint Institution of the Rubber Industry Proc . Vol. 13, December 1966, pp. P248-P260 BIAS ANGLE VERSUS RADIAL PLY VERSUS BIAS BELTED TIRES- MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION COMPARISONS, Kenneth R. Alexander, B. F. Goodrich Tire Co ., Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680386, 5 pp. AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov , B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12, 382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, I.I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific 6> Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 TYRE CONSTRUCTION ADVANCES SIGNIFICANT TO THE DESIGNER, L. J. K. Setrlght ; Automotive Design Engineering , Vol. 8, April 1969, pp. 36-40 110 AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg , Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 WHEEL AND STEERING ALIGNMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL, John Rpan D1V., FMC Corp., Lansing, Mich., 1967, 111 pp. TIRES--THEIR SELECTION AND CARE, F. C. Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, November 1970, 28 pp. PROBLEMS OF OBTAINING MULTIPLE OPTIMA IN PASSENGER CAR TIRE PERFORMANCE, W. J. Dobie, UNIROYAL, Inc ., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690511, 4 pp., 8 figs. GEARING THE VEHICLE TO THE ROAD, E. F. Burton, H. B. Hindin & W. S. McDowell, U. S. Rubber Co ., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National West Coast Meeting, Portland, Ore., August 1961, SAE Report No. 387B, 5 pp. MANUFACTURING COMPARISONS—BIAS ANGLE, BIAS BELTED, AND RADIAL PLY TIRES, A. J. Saulino, U. S. Rubber Tire Co., Div. of UNIROYAL, Inc., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680387, 4 pp. WHEEL MANUFACTURERS OFFICIAL SAFETY STANDARDS CHART, N ational Wheel & Rim Asso ciation. Jacksonville, Fla., No. J3, 1964, 2 pp. TIRE REPAIR METHODS AND MATERIALS, Calvin W. Cole, Retreading Research Associates, Inc ., McLean, Va., Contract No. FH-11-7196, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. FHW-1028, October 1, 1970, 40 pp. CARE AND SERVICE OF PASSENGER CAR TIRES, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., 1968, 23 pp. CARE AND SERVICE OF TRUCK TIRES, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., 1969, 35 pp. TIRE MAINTENANCE WHEEL ALIGNMENT MANUAL, Ammco Tools. Inc. . North Chicago 111., No. 1300, January 1966, 44 pp. HOW TO PERFORM THE COMPLETE WHEEL ALIGNMENT JOB, Automotive Part s Rebuilders Association. Inc ., Rockville, Md., 1967, 103 pp. HOW TO GET EXTRA SERVICE FROM FARM TIRES, Rnhher Manufacturers Association . New York, N. Y., 1966, 19 pp. INDUSTRIAL AND SPECIAL SERVICE TIRES, Rubber Man u- facturer s Association . New York, N. Y., 1966, 23 pp. OFF THE HIGHWAY TIRES --MAINTENANCE MANUAL, RubhfiX Manufacturers AssoHaHnn, New York, N. Y., 1965, 40 pp. PATCH, REPAIR, (SELF-VULCANIZING, HOT, FOR INNER TUBES AND TUBELESS TIRES), Federal Specification ZZ-P-112c, General Services Administration, August 17, 1967, 8 pp. RMA MANUAL FOR PUNCTURE REPAIR OF PASSENGER CAR TIRES, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., 1968, 6 pp. TIRE, PNEUMATIC: RETREADED AND REPAIRED, Federal Speci- fication ZZ-T-00441c, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, December 31, 1969, 39 pp. TIRE REBUILDING AND TIRE AND TUBE REPAIR MATERIALS, Federal Specification ZZ-T-416d, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, October 27, 1967, 27 pp. EFFECT OF TIRE MAINTENANCE, George A. Kling, General Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, SAE Report No. 650059; Truck Tire Economics , Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SP 265, pp. 12-16 RECAPPING AND REPAIR OF TRUCK TIRES, C. W. Adams, B. F. Goodrich Tire Company , Retread & Repair Material Development, Brecksville, Ohio; Truck Tire Trends, Society of Automotive Engineers, SP-244, 1963, pp. 19-22 RMA RECOMMENDED MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR RETREADED AND REPAIRED TIRES FOR PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, BUSES AND M0TORCYCLES--RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INITIAL SAFETY STANDARDS FOR NEWLY RETREADED PASSENGER CAR TIRES, Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., November 6, 1968, 2 pp. RMA TIRE INSPECTION GUIDE, Rubber Manufacturers Association, New York, N. Y., January 1970, 4 pp. TIRE, PNEUMATIC: RETREADED AND REPAIRED, Military Specification MIL-T-62016(MO), U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, December 17, 1964, 24 pp. VISUAL INSPECTION GUIDE FOR PNEUMATIC TIRES (NONALRCRAFT), MIL-STD-1224, U. S. Department of Defense Washington, D. C, September 15, 1960, 134 pp. ALIGNMENT SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAM, Tnhn Rgan lHv. , FMC Corp., Lansing, Mich., 1964, 28 pp., 27 figs. OFFICIAL TRUCK AND BUS WHEEL ALIGNING SPECIFICATIONS, John Bean Div ., FMC Corp., Lansing, Mich., No. L-2611- 67, 1967, 101 pp. TIRE NOISE WHEEL ALIGNMENT MANUAL FOR 1967 PASSENGER CARS, .Tnhn Bfiau-DJUi., FMC Corp., Lansing, Mich., No. 1067, 91 pp. THE NOISE TRUCKS MAKE--REPORT OF TESTS, Lewis C. Kibbee, American Trucking Associations, Inc ., Washington, D. C, September 1964, 16 pp., 11 figs. 111 AN INVESTIGATION OF THE CONTROL OF TIRE THUMP BY TIRE SHAPE, Guy J. Sanders, Armour Research Foundation , Illinois Institute of Technology; Society of Automotive Engineers Transactions, Vol. 67, 1959, pp. 44-50 THE MECHANISM OF TIRE THUMP AND ROUGHNESS, H. S. Radt, Jr., Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mich., March 13-17, 1961, Report No. 322C, 28 pp. HIGH-SPEED TIRE PERFORMANCE, T. J. P. Joy, D. C. Hartley & D. M. Turner, Avon India Rubber Company, Ltd . ; reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 64, No. 4, March 1956, pp. 26-27 THE SOUND OF TYRES, Dunlop Rubber Company, Marketing Div., Birmingham, England, 8 pp. Ltd., TIRES FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE CARS, T. J. P Joy, D. C. Hartley & D. M. Turner, Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Golden Anniversary Summer Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 15, 1955; reprint SAE Transactions , Vol. 64, 1956, pp. 319-333 TYRE TREAD PATTERN NOISE, J. R. K. Parry, Avon Rubber Company, Ltd .; Motor Trader , September 1968, p. 68 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE AIRBORNE NOISE GENERATED BY PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE TIRES, Francis M. Wiener, Bolt Beranek 6« Newman Inc ., Cambridge, Mass.; reprint Noise Control , July/August 1960, pp. 161-64 TIRE NOISE PROBLEM - I, Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc. , Cambridge, Mass., prepared for E. I. du Pont de Nemours Co., Industrial Products Lab., Newport, Del., Job No. 5011, Report No. 458, January 31, 1957, 19 pp., 23 figs. TIRE NOISE PROBLEM - II, Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc. , Cambridge, Mass., prepared for E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Industrial Products Lab., Newport, Del., Job. No. 20024, Report No. 523, October 16, 1957, 19 pp., 1 fig. TIRE NOISE PROBLEM -- III, Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., prepared for E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Industrial Products Lab., Newport, Del., Job No. 20088, Report No. 545, February 12, 1958, 16 pp. TIRE NOISE RESEARCH--THE DETERMINATION OF THE DAMPING CHARACTERISTICS OF TIRE CORD AND TIRE RUBBER, Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc ., Cambridge, Mass., prepared for E. I. du Pont de Nemours 6< Company, Industrial Products Lab., Newport, Del., Job. No. 20,156, Report No. 597, November 18, 1958, 36 pp., 21 figs. URBAN HIGHWAY NOISE: MEASUREMENT, SIMULATION AND MIXED REACTIONS, William J. Galloway, Welden E. Clark & Jean S. Kerrick, Bolt Beranek Si Newman, Inc., Cambridge, Md . , Report No. 1505, Report of Project NCHRP 3-7, November 1968, 268 pp. THE QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF ROAD SURFACE NOISE, J. S. Pollard, British Pavements , Canterbury, England, presented at the New Zealand Roading Conference, June 1961, 10 pp. SQUEAL OF TIRES ROUNDING CURVES, Joseph Barnett, Bureau of Public Roads , Urban Highway Branch, Washington, D. C; Highway Research Board Bulletin , Vol. 51, 1952, pp. 1-16 VEHICLE SENSITIVITY TO TIRE DISTURBANCES, L. M. Wallace, Chrysler Corp . , Detroit, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 17- 21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650520, 8 pp. TIRE DYNAMICS- -EFFECT ON NOISE AND VIBRATION, J. W. Liska & J. Sidles, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mich., March 13-17, 1961, SAE Report No. 322F, 12 pp., 7 figs. TRUCK TIRE N0ISE--PR0BLEMS AND SOLUTIONS, T. A. Robertson & J. H. Cox, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Summer Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 8-13, 1958, SAE Report No. 56B, 7 pp. TOOLS AND METHODS FOR AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLE NOISE AND VIBRATION TESTING, A. M. Sogoian & W. V. Paliga, Ford Motor Company , Test Engineering Department, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670162, 20 pp. QUIETER AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES, David C. Apps, General Motors Proving Ground , Noise and Vibration Lab., Warren, Mich.; reprint Noise Control , Vol. 1, No. 2, March 1955, pp. 41-44, 64 QUIETING NOISE MATHEMATICALLY--ITS APPLICATION TO SNOW TIRES, John H. Varterasian, General Motors Corp. Research Labs., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 690520, 12 pp. TIRE THUMP: ITS MECHANISM AND MEASUREMENT, David C. Apps & George M. Vanator, General Motors Proving Ground , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Golden Anniversary Passenger-Car Meeting, Detroit, Mich, March 1, 1955; SAE Transactions , Vol. 63, 1955, pp. 787-802 TRUCK TIRES --EFFECTS OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ON WEAR AND NOISE, R. H. Spelman, General Tire & Rubber Company , Warren, Mich.; Truck Tire Trends , Society of Automotive Engineers, SP-244, 1963, pp. 1-4 MECHANICS OF TIRE SQUEAL, R. F. Miller, B. F. Goodrich Company , Research Center, Brecksville, Ohio; & J. G. Slaby, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Summer Meeting, Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, 111., June 5-10, 1960, SAE Report No. 186D, 10 pp. THE ORIGIN OF TIRE SQUEAL-II. TIRE SQUEAL CALCULATION FROM MATERIALS PROPERTIES, N. M. Trivisonno, J. R. Beatty 6. R. F. Miller, B. F. Goodrich Company, Research Center, Brecksville, Ohio; Kautschuk und Gummi Kunststoffe , 20 Jahrgang, Nr. 5/1967, pp. 278-288 TIRE NOISE, W. F. Perkins & W. F. Billingsley, B. F. Goodrich Company , Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Passenger Car, Body, and Materials Meeting, Detroit, Mich., March 6-8, 1951, SAE Report No. 593, 7 pp. 112 DESIGN AND APPLICATION OF COMMERCIAL TYPE TIRES, J. A. Davlsson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Tire Development Div., Tire Design Research, Akron, Ohio, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. SP-344, January 1969, 39 pp. TIRE UNIFORMITY, M. G. Anderson, Goodyear Tire 6. Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Sheraton- Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mich., March 13-17, 1961, SAE Report No. 322B, 5 pp., 2 figs. THE QUEST FOR QUIET, Bernle Swart ; reprint Fleet Owner, Vol. 60, No. 2, February 1965, pp. 85-92 TRANSPORTATION NOISE ENVIRONMENTS OF THE TRAVELER AND THE SPECTATOR, William H. Close, U. S. Department of Transportation , Office of Noise Abatement, Environmental Research Div., Washington, D. C, presented at the Institute of Environmental Sciences 15th Annual Meeting, April 20-24, 1969, 16 pp., 8 figs., PB 183 549 TRENDS IN TRUCK TIRE TRACTION, NOISE, AND FUEL CONSUMPTION, D. H. Carson, Goodyear Tire 6. Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; Truck Tire Trends, Society of Automotive Engineers, SP-244, 1963, pp. 5-10 TIRE TREAD NOISE ANALYZER, S. A. Lippmann & K. A. Ferguson, U. S. Rubber Company , Tire Development Department, Detroit, Mich.; reprint Electronics , Vol. 23, November 1950, pp. 84-87 REIFENGERAUSCHE - FAHRZEUGGERAUSCHE (TIRE NOISE — VEHICLE NOISE), H. Luetgebrune , Hannover; Automobil - technlsche Zeltschrift, Vol. 57, No. 6, June 1955, pp. 170-2 TIRES IN AUTOMOTIVE VIBRATION PROBLEMS, Seymour A. Lippmann, United States Rubber Company , Detroit, Mich.; reprint Noise Control , Vol. 2, May 1956, pp. 41-43 UBER DEN LARM DES STRASSENVERKEHRS (ON THE NOISE OF STREET TRAFFIC), E. J. Rathe', Materialprufungsanstalt , Abteilung fur Akustik und Larmbek'ampfung, Dubendorf, Germany; reprint Acustlca , Vol. 17, 1966, pp. 268-277 PLANE VIBRATION CHARACTERISTICS OF A PNEUMATIC TIRE MODEL, J. T. Tielking, University of Michigan , Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 17-21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650492, 6 pp. THE INFLUENCE OF DESIGN PARAMETERS ON THE SHOCK- ABSORBING CAPACITY, ROAD-HOLDING AND NOISE-LEVEL OF CAR TYRES, B. Yurkovski, V. A. Astrov & A. V. Ivanteev, Moscow Tyre Works ; translated by P. G. Williams; Kauchuk 1 Rezlna , Vol. 26, No. 5, 1967, pp. 30-33 THE REDUCTION OF ROAD-NOISE IN A SMALL SALOON CAR, J. C. Dixon & J. West, The Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1965/3, December 1964, 14 pp. EINFLUSSGRO'SSEN DES RADGERAUSCHES (FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO WHEEL NOISE), Gunther Engler, VEB Wissenschaftlich - Technisches Zentrum Automobilbau; Kraft fahrzeugtechnik , Vol. 14, No. 12, December 1964, pp. 443-446; translated by W. D. Arnot, Motor Industry Research Association, Lindley, near Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, M.I.R.A. Translation No. 21/65 TIRE RATING SYSTEMS MECHANICS OF TIRE SQUEAL, R. F. Miller, B. F. Goodrich Company, Research Center, Brecksville, Ohio; & J. G. Slaby, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Summer Meeting, Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, 111., June 5-10, 1960, SAE Report No. 186D, 10 pp. THE NOISE OF TYRES; Mileage , December 1968, pp. 8-10 NOISE REDUCTION- -A SERIES OF ARTICLES DEVOTED TO CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALL SECTIONS OF VEHICLE DESIGN; Automobile Engineer , Vol. 59, No. 11, October 1969, pp. 396-412 TRANSMISSION OF TYRE VIBRATIUNS, A. Chiesa, L. Oberto & L. Tamburinl, Pirelli S.p.A, Rubber Labs., Milan, Italy; Automobile Engineer , Vol. 54, No. 13, December 1964, pp. 520-530 A TIRE PERFORMANCE RATING SYSTEM FOR VEHICLE SAFETY, E. J. Heitzman, Automobile Development Associates , Princeton, N. J., New York, N. Y., Report No. 4-1, March 1966, 29 pp. DISCUSSION OF SOME PROBLEMS IN THE UNIFORM QUALITY GRADING OF TIRES AND SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS, F. Cecil Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH- 11-6090, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 535, June 5, 1970, 18 pp. INVESTIGATION OF SYSTEMS TO REPLACE PLY RATING/LOAD RANGE FOR TRUCK, BUS, AND TRAILER TIRES, F. C. Brenner & A. Kondo, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6090, prepared for Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, National Highway Safety Research Center, Washington, D. C, May 1969, 5 pp. REDUCING ROAD N0ISE--AN INTERESTING TECHNIQUE TO OBTAIN OBJECTIVE RESULTS; The Autocar , June 28, 1957, pp. 918- 919 EVALUATION— STUDDED TIRES, J. L. A. Salois & A. R. Cousins, Royal Canadian Air Force , Central Experimental and Proving Establishment, Report No. 1782, 3 pp. SIMULATION OF TYRE TREAD PATTERN NOISE; Plastics & Rubber Weekly , October 1968 RESEARCH FOR A UNIFORM QUALITY GRADING SYSTEM FOR TIRES — PART I. BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE, F. Cecil Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6090, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal tfighway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 066, July 1969, 8 PP« Rubber Chemistry & Technology . Vol. 42, No. 5, December 1969, pp. 1446-1449 113 RESEARCH FOR A UNIFORM QUALITY GRADING SYSTEM FOR TIRES--PART II. WHEEL SPEED CAPABILITY TEST, F. C. Brenner, J. Mandel & B. G. Slmson, National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6090, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 067, July 1969, 19 pp« Rubber Chemistry & Technology , Vol. 42, No. 5, December 1969, pp. 1450-1461 RESEARCH FOR A UNIFORM QUALITY GRADING SYSTEM FOR TIRES III. BREAKING ENERGY, B. G. Slmson, J. Mandel & F. C. Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C.J Rubber Chemistry 6. Technology , Vol. 43, No. 2, March 1970, pp. 356-369 COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON UNIFORM TIRE QUALITY GRADING SYSTEM--PASSENGER CARS (23 CFR Part 255, Docket No. 25, Notice No. 1), Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, N. Y., July 15, 1968, 7 pp. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEANINGFUL TIRE PERFORMANCE MEASURE- MENTS, Irmin 0. Kamm, Stevens Institute of Technology, Davidson Lab., Hoboken, N. J., Report No. 751, December 1966, 21 pp. TIRE REINFORCING SYSTEMS AND MATERIALS EFFECT OF CROSSLINKING ON FLATSPOTTING OF NYLON 6 TIRE YARN, C. Cipriani, P. V. Papero & M. S. Moore, Allied Chemical Corporation , Fibers Division, Petersburg, Va., & J. Menkart, Harris Research Laboratories, Incorpo- rated, Allied Chemical Corporation Report No. M-4, October 1965, 22 pp. EFFECTS OF TIRE CONSTRUCTION ON FLATSPOTTING by H. E. Muller, Allied Chemical Corporation , Fibers Division, Petersburg, Virginia, Report No. M-ll, May, 1967, 10 pp. FACTORS AFFECTING STRENGTH OF NYLON 6, B. T. Hayes, P. V. Papero & D. C. Prevorsek, Allied Chemical Corpo- ration, Fibers Division, Petersburg, Va., Report No. M-12, May 1967, 13 pp. CALCULATION OF STRESS AND DEFORMATION APPEARING IN PNEUMATIC TIRES UNDER ROTATION, B. L. Bukhin ; reprint Reschet na Prochnost, No. 6, 56, Moscow 1960 ENERGY METHOD FOR CALCULATING STRESSES IN RUBBERIZED CYLINDRICAL PLY CASINGS, V. L. Biderman & B. L. Bukhin ; reprint Teck. Nauk. Mekh. Mashlnostroenie , No. 6, 77, 1959 TEXTILES IN TYRES, Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd ., Fort Dunlop, Technical Presentation Marketing Dlv. Birmingham, England, Serial No. 1259, March 1965, 8 pp. CHARACTERIZATION OF CORD FATIGUE IN TIRES, K. R. Williams, J. W. Hannell & J. M. Swanson, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co . , Textile Fibers Dept., Rayon Research Div., Richmond, Va.; reprint Industrial and Engineering Chemistry , April 1953, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 796-800 CORD STRESSES IN INFLATED TIRES, Herbert G. Lauterbach it William F. Ames. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Inc. , Wilmington, Del.; reprint Textile Research Journal, November 1959, Vol. XXIX, No. 11, pp. 890-900 FATIGUE FAILURE IN NYLON REINFORCED TIRES, Ralph G. Patterson & Robert K. Anderson, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. , Textile Fibers Dept. Wilmington, Del., of Rubber Chemistry, presented at a meeting of the Div American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, Florida, May 4-7, 1965; reprint Rubber Chemistry and Technology , November 1965, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 832-839 MECHANISM OF BIAS FILAMENT RUPTURE IN FATIGUE OF NYLON, Ralph G. Patterson, E.I, du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Textile Fibers Department, Wilmington, Del.; reprint Rubber Chemistry and Technology , December 1966, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 1382-1389 METHODS FOR MEASURING STATIC STRAINS IN AUTOMOBILE TIRES, Bernhard Weickert, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. , Textile Fibers Dept., Industrial Products Research Lab., Wilmington, Delaware; reprint Textile Research Journal , Vol. 32, September 1962, pp. 705-710 FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTY CONSIDERATIONS IN TAILORING A NEW FIBER —A NEW APPROACH TO TIRE YARN, P. V. Papero, R. B. Mumford & E. T. Kubu, Allied Chemical Corporation. Fibers Division, Petersburg, Va., Report No. M-l, April, 1965, 8 pp. NEW AND IMPROVED TIRE FIBERS FOR THE 1970'S, John W. Hannell, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc. , Textile Fibers Department, Wilmington, Del., January 23, 1970, 8 pp. THE MECHANISM OF TIRE FLATSPOTTING AND ITS RELATION TO FIBER PROPERTIES, H. J. Oswald, P. V. Papero & R. C. Wlncklhofer, Allied Chemical Corporation , Fibers Division, Petersburg, Va., Report No. M-2, July 1965, 14 pp. RESPONSES TO ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES AND AN EQUATION OF STATE FOR NYLON YARN, Bernard H. Eckstein, Earl H. Olson & William F. Ames, E. I. d u Pont de Nemours & Co .i Inc., Wilmington, Del. Journal, Vol. 28, No. reprint Textile Research 8, August 1958, pp. 701-707 A FLYWHEEL IMPACT TEST FOR MEASURING PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF TIRE CORDS, J. P. Parker & C. S. Kemic, American Enka Corporation , Enka, N. C; reprint Journal of Applied Polymer Science , Vol. 6, No. 21, 1962, pp. 255-263 STRESSES IN DEFLECTED TIRES, William F. Ames & Herbert G. Lauterbach, E. I. du Pont de Nemours &■ Company, Inc . Wilmington, Del., 7 pp. ENERGY METHOD FOR CALCULATING STRESSES IN RUBBERIZED CYLINDRICAL PLY CASINGS, V. L. Biderman & B. L. Bukhin; reprint Teck. Nauk. Mekh. Mashlnostroenie , No. 6, 77, 1959 AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF TIRE CORD FATIGUE, by W. G. Klein, M. M. Piatt, and W. J. Hamburger, Fabric Research Laboratories. Incorporated. Dedham, Massachu- setts; reprint Textile Research Journal , Vol. 32, No. 5, Hay, 1962, 16 pp. 114 FAILURE PHENOMENA IN TIRE REINFORCING SYSTEMS, G. A. M. Butterworth, Milton M. Piatt, Robert E. Erlandson & Leo Barish, Fabric Research Laboratories , Inc., Dedham, Mass., prepared under Contract No. CST 378, National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C; presented at the Akron Rubber Group, Inc. Winter Meeting, January 23, 1970, 13 pp., 22 figs. PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON FAILURE MECHANISMS OF CORD REINFORCED RUBBER SYSTEMS, G. A. M. Butterworth, M. M. Piatt, R. E. Erlandson & S. D. Hoenshell, Fabric Research Labs., Inc., Dedham, Mass., Contract No. CST 378, prepared for U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, Progress Report No. 1, November 1, 1967, 6 pp. PB 185 107 PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON FAILURE MECHANISMS OF CORD REINFORCED RUBBER SYSTEMS, G. A. M. Butterworth, M. M. Piatt, R. E. Erlandson, S. D. Hoenshell, & L. Barish, Fabric Research Labs., Inc ., Dedham, Mass., Contract No. CST 378, prepared for U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, FRL Case No. C67891, Progress Report No. 2, October 1, 1968, 66 pp., PB 185 107 EFFECT OF CR0SSL1NKING ON FLATSPOTTING OF NYLON 6 TIRE YARN, C. Cipriani, P. V. Papero & M. S. Moore, Allied Chemical Corporation, Fibers Division, Petersburg, Va., and J. Menkart, Harris Research Laboratories , Incorpo- rated, Allied Chemical Corporation Report No. M-4, October 1965, 22 pp. THE EFFECT OF THE DESIGN OF TYRES ON THEIR STRENGTH AND FATIGUE LIFE, B. Yurkovski, Moscow Tyre Works , Motor Transport Research Institute, translated by P. G. Williams, 2 pp. MEASUREMENT AND PREDICTION OF CORD STRAINS AND LOADING IN INFLATED PNEUMATIC TIRES, Carl F. Zorowski & Stanley E. Dunn, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N. C, Contract No. ERD-242, prepared for Chemstrand Research Center, Triangle Park, Durham, N. C, November 1967, 65 pp. A STUDY OF INTERNAL STRESSES IN STATICALLY DEFORMED PNEUMATIC TIRES, Carl F. Zorowski, North Carolina State University , Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Raleigh, N. C, Interim Progress Report CST-376, February 1969, 15 pp. PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON FAILURE MECHANISMS OF CORD REINFORCED RUBBER SYSTEMS: AN EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUE FOR THE OBSERVATION AND MEASUREMENT OF CORD DEFORMATION BEHAVIOR, Leo Barish, G. A. M. Butterworth, & M. M. Piatt, Fabric Research Labs., Inc. Dedham, Mass., Contract No. CST378, prepared for U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, Progress Report No. 3, January 15, 1969, 5 pp., 6 figs. TRUCK TIRE CONSTRUCTION--TUBELESS--DUPLEX, A. Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; F. Weber, Truck Tire Trends , Society of Automotive Engineers, SP-244, 1963, pp. 11-14 GLASS-FIBER CORDS AND THEIR USE AS REINFORCEMENT FOR MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS, A. Marzocchi, Owens-Corning Flberglas Corporation , Industrial Product Development Section, Ashton, R. I., presented at The American So- ciety of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., November 17-22, 1963, ASME Paper No. 63-WA-309, 4 pp. GLASS FIBER REINFORCED RUBBER PRODUCTS, Alfred Marzocchi and Robert G. Henderson, Owens-Corning Flber- glas Corporation , presented to Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Michigan, January 11-15, 1965, SAE Report No 977A, 5 pp. DYNACOR RAYON TIRE CORD, FMC Corporation , American Viscose Division, Marcus Hook, Pa., Technical Service Bulletin V-24R, 1966, 21 pp. RAYON TIRE CORD, FMC Corporation , American Viscose Division, Marcus Hook, Pa., Technical Service Bulletin V-2LR, 1966, 48 pp. GLASS FIBERS AS A TEXTILE FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, Alfred Marzocchi, Owens-Corning Flberglas Cor poration , Industrial Product Development Laboratory, Ashton, R. I., presented at a meeting of The American Associa- tion of Textile Chemists and Colorists, Cranston, R. I. February 1, 1963; reprint American Dyestuff Reporter , July 8, 1963, pp. 40-48 STRESS-STRAIN PROPERTIES OF TIRE CORDS AS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE AND RATE OF EXTENSION, E. W. Lothrop, Jr., FMC Corporation , American Viscose Division, Marcus Hook, Pa.) reprint Applied Polymer Symposia , John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Vol. 5, pp. 111-124, 1965 GLASS FIBERS IN INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS, A. Marzocchi, and M. J. Rooney, Owens-Corning Flberglas Corporation , Ashton, R. I., American Chemical Society, Phoenix, Arizona, January 19, 1966, 11 pp., 9 figures HIGH SPEED TENSILE TESTING OF TIRE TEXTILES, K. B. O'Neil, M. F. Dague & J. E. Kimmel, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; Applied Polymer Symposia , No. 5, 1967, pp. 41-51 IMPROVEMENTS IN MATERIALS IN PASSENGER CAR TIRES, J. A. Davisson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., June 6-10, 1966, SAE Report No. 660377, 11 pp. TIRE REINFORCING SYSTEMS, F.J. Kovac, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. , Akron, Ohio, University of Akron Lecture Series, April 9, 1968, 63 pp. GLASS IMPREGNATED FIBRES FOR DYNAMIC APPLICATIONS, Alfred Marzocchi & Roland K. Gagnon, Owens-Corning Flberglas Corp., Ashton, R. I.; reprint Proceedings of the International Rubber Conference 1967 , The Institution of the Rubber Industry, London, England, pp. 427-444 IMPREGNATED GLASS FIBER YARNS—THE NEW REINFORCEMENT FOR DYNAMIC APPLICATIONS, A. Marzocchi and D . E. Leary, Owen3-Corning Flberglas Corporation , Ashton, R. I., pre- sented at a meeting of The American Association of Tex- tile Chemists and Colorists, Washington, D. C, March 5, 1965; reprint American Dyestuff Reporter , October 11, 1965, pp. 43-50 115 PROPERTIES AND USE OF CUSS FIBERS IN PLASTICS AND RUBBER APPLICATIONS, A. Marzocchi, and R. G. Henderson, Owens-Corning Flberglas Corporation, Textile Product Development Laboratory, Ashton, R. I., presented to The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter Meeting 1964, 13 pp., 14 figures PRELIMINARY STUDY OF ROAD-TIRE INTERACTION UNDER WET OR DAMP CONDITIONS, J. C. Bell, J. W. Kannel, J. N. Anno & D, B. Hamilton, Battelle Memorial Institute , Columbus Labs., Columbus, Ohio, January 23, 1969, 67 pp. 1969 PASSENGER-CAR ENGINEERING TRENDS, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc ., New York, N. Y., SP-343; SAE Journal, Vol. 76, No. 10, October 1968, pp. 29-60 A THEORY OF VISCOUS HYDROPLANING, Desmond F. Moore, Battelle Memorial Institute , Geneva, Switzerland; reprint Int. J. Mech. Sci ., Pergamon Press, Ltd., Vol. 9, 1967, pp. 999-000 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS WITH TIRE CORDS AND CORD-TO-RUBBER BONDING, T. Takeyama & J. Matsui, Toyo Rayort Company , Industrial Products Research Laboratory, Otsu, Japan; reprint Rubber Reviews , Vol. 42, No. 1, February 1969, pp. 159-256 AIRPLANE STOPPING CAPABILITY ON WET AND DRY RUNWAY SUR- FACES, Kenneth W. Hoefs, Boeing Airplane Company , Transport Dlv., Renton, Wash., Report No. D6-7442, June 16, 1961, 33 pp. CALIBRATION OF A TEXTILE CORD LOAD TRANSDUCER--FINAL REPORT, S. K. Clark 6. R. N. Dodge, University of Michigan , College of Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Office of Research Administration, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6090, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, April 1969, 10 pp. CORD LOADS IN CORD-RUBBER LAMINATES, S. K. Clark, University of Michigan , Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Technical Report No. 4, Project No. 02957, October 1960, 17 pp. CORRELATION OF CORD LOADS IN TIRES ON R0ADWHEEL AND HIGHWAY, Samuel K. Clark & Richard N. Dodge, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700093, 8 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF A TEXTILE CORD LOAD TRANSDUCER, S. K. Clark &R. N. Dodge, University of Michigan , College of Engineering, Tire & Suspension System Research Group Office of Research Administration, Ann Arbor, Mich., 0RA Project 01193, May 1968, 34 pp. A LOAD TRANSDUCER FOR TIRE CORD, Samuel K. Clark & Richard N. Dodge, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 6905 21, 7 pp. THE PLANE ELASTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF CORD-RUBBER LAMINATES, S. K. Clark, University of Michigan , Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Ann Arbor, Mich.; reprint Textile Research Journal , Vol. 33, No. 4, April 1963, pp. 295-313 THE BRAKING CHARACTERISTICS OF AIRPLANE TIRES, H. Domandl Boeing Company , Commercial Airplane Div., Renton, Wash., Document No. D6-58384-1TN, January 28, 1969, 65 pp. THE INTERACTION OF BRAKING AND SIDE FORCES IN THE CONTACT AREA OF AN AIRPLANE TIRE ROLLING UNDER LOAD, H. Domandl, Boeing Company, Commercial Airplane Div., Renton, Wash., Document No. D6-58384-2TN , September 20, 1968, 24 pp. HIGHWAY VEHICLE STABILITY IN BRAKING MANEUVERS, Bohyun Yim, George R. Olsson, and Peter G. Fielding, Booz, Allen Applied Research, Inc ., Washington, D. C; Glenn G. Balmer, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700515, 16 pp. WET SKIDDING MEASUREMENTS, Hideki Yamada, Bridgestone Tire Co., Ltd . , Tire Testing Dept., Kodaira-shi, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 5, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 11 pp. THE INFLUENCE OF LOAD AND SURFACE ROUGHNESS ON THE FRICTION OF RUBBER-LIKE MATERIALS, D. F. Denny, British Hydromechanics Research Association , Harlow, Essex, England; Proceedings of the Physical Society , 66B, 1953, pp. 721-727 THE SKIDDING BEHAVIOUR OF MOTOR VEHICLES, G. Jones, British Motor Corp ., Car Division, England; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1962-63, No. 1, pp. 65-73 BRAKING DISTANCES OF VEHICLES FROM HIGH SPEED AND TESTS OF FRICTION COEFFICIENTS, 0. K. Nermann, Bureau of Public Roads , Highway Transport Research Branch, Traffic Operations Section, Washington, D. C.j reprint Public Roads, June 1953, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 159-169 TIRE SKID RESISTANCE PROPERTIES MEASURING ROAD SURFACE SLIPPERINESS--SIXTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING PAPERS, American Society for Testing & Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 366, June 26, 1963, 108 pp. HIGHWAY VEHICLE STABILITY IN BRAKING MANEUVERS, Bohyun Yim, George R. Olsson, and Peter G. Fielding, Booz, Allen Applied Research, Inc., Washington, D. C.J Glenn G. Balmer, Bureau of Public Roads , Washington, D. C; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700515, 16 pp. INFLUENCE OF ROAD-SURFACE TEXTURE ON TIRE-ROAD INTERFACE TRACTION LIMITS, K. C. Ludema, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, N. Y. ; & Chul Soo Lee, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., ASME Report No. 69-Lub-20, 1969, 7 pp. THE MECHANISM OF ROLLING FRICTION, D. Tabor, Cambridge University , Department of Physical Chemistry, Cambridge England; reprint Philosophical Magazine , Vol. xliil, Ser. 7, October 1952, pp. 1055-1059 116 FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS IN VEHICLE DYNAMICS, Edward Saibel & M. C. Tsao, Carnegle-MeUon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700173, 11 pp. THE SKIDDING OF VEHICLES--A DYNAMIC ANALYSIS, REPORT NO. 1, Edward Saibel & M . C . Tsao, Carnegie-Mellon University , Pittsburgh, Pa., National Bureau of Standards Contract No. CST-430, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, November 6, 1968, 83 pp., PB 185 160 DECREASE TIRE INFLATION PRESSURE:, INCREASE TRACTIVE FORCE IN TRACTOR APPLICATIONS, J. B. Liljedahl, Purdue University, Agricultural Engineering Dept., Lafayette, Ind.; Stanley J. Clark, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo.; & David L. Apple, Deere & Company , Engineering Research; Society of Automotive Engineers Journal, Vol. 74, No. 4, April 1966, pp. 95-97 SKIDDING AND SKID RESISTANCE--A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE, Thomas I. Csathy, Department of Highways , Materials & Research Div., Research Section, Ontario, Canada, Report No. 46, March 1964, 85 pp. THE SKIDDING OF VEHICLES, A DYNAMIC ANALYSIS, Edward Saibel & Shang Li Chiang, Carnegie-Mellon University , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pa., Contract No. CST-430, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Report No. 3, September 1970, 90 pp. THE SKIDDING OF VEHICLES, A DYNAMIC ANALYSIS (A DYNAMICAL ANALYSIS OF A TOWED TWO-WHEEL TRAILER), Edward A. Saibel & Shang-H Chiang, Carnegle-MeUon University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pa., Contract No. CST - 430, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Report No. 4, March 1971, 17 pp., 8 figs. WATER PRESSURE BENEATH A SKIDDING TYRE, K. B. Wallace & D. H. Trollope, City University, Civil Engineering Department, London, & University College of Townsville, Engineering Department, Australia; Wear, Vol. 13, No. 2, 1969, pp. 109-118 DECREASE TIRE INFLATION PRESSURE, INCREASE TRACTIVE FORCE IN TRACTOR APPLICATIONS, J. B. Liljedahl, Purdue University, Agricultural Engineering Dept., Lafayette, Ind.; Stanley J. Clark, Colorado State University , Fort Collins, Colo.; & David L. Apple, Deere & Company, Engineering Research; Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 74, No. 4, April 1966, pp. 95-97 VERHALTEN DER LUFTREIFEN AUF NASSER STRASSE (THE BEHAVIOR OF THE PNEUMATIC TIRE ON THE WET ROAD), W. Hofferberth, Deutsche Dunlop Gummi Compagnle AG. , Hanau, Germany; reprint Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift , 67th year, Vol. 9, 1965, 7 pp. ADVANCES IN WET TYRE TRACTION, T. French, Dunlop Company Limited, Birmingham, England, 10 pp., 6 figs. AQUAPLANING—CARS AND COMMERCIAL VEHICLES by Dunlop Company, Limi ted. U. K. Tyre Group, Birmingham 24, England, February 1967, 8 pp. DESIGN FOR SAFETY, Harry M. Keen, Dunlop Tire & Rubb er Corp . , North American Tire Development Group; Highway Research Record, Number 214, 1968, pp. 7-12 FRICTION OF RUBBER, V. E. Gough, Dunlop Rubber Com pany, Birmingham, England; reprint The Engineer , October 31 6. November 7, 1958, 13 pp. FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES OF THE FRICTION AND WEAR OF RUBBER COMPOUNDS, M. H. Walters, Dunlop Company, Ltd ., Central Research & Development Division, Birmingham, England; Proceedings of the D. Mat (Av) Conference on "Friction and Wear in Tyres", June 1969, pp. 29-38, Ministry of Technology, London, S.W.I, England DRAINAGE CRITERIA FOR RUNWAY SURFACE ROUGHNESS, Desmond F. Moore, Cornell Aeronauti cal Lab., Inc., Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y.; reprint Journal of The Royal Aeronautical Society , Vol. 69, No. 653, May 1965, pp. 337-342 GRIPPING A WET ROAD, Tom French, Dunlop Company Ltd . U. K. Tyre Group, Birmingham, England; reprint New Scientist , Vol. 11, July 1968, pp. 89-91 A MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF HYDROPLANING PHENOMENA, H. Daughaday & C. Tung, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory , Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6659, prepared Tor U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, January 1969, 140 pp. THE LINK BETWEEN TYRES, VEHICLES AND ROADS, V. E. Gough & B. J. Allbert, Dunlop Company Limited , U.K. Tyre Group, Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, England, presented at the Advanced School of Automobile Engineering, Cranfield, sponsored by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Automobile Div., July 3-4, 1968, 12 pp. A REVIEW OF SQUEEZE FILMS, D. F. Moore, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., September 1964, 30 pp. A STUDY OF TIRE-SURFACE INTERACTION FOR THE CASE OF ROLLING ON A WET SURFACE, Desmond F. Moore, Cornell University, Cornell Aeronautical Lab oratory, Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. CPR 11-1058, for U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads, Wash- ington, D. C, July 1965, CAL Report No. YD-1969-V-2, 73 pp. ROAD AND LABORATORY STUDIES OF FRICTION OF ELASTOMERS, D. Bulgin, G. D. Hubbard & M. H. Walters, Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd ., Central Research Division, Birmingham, England, presented at the Fourth Rubber Technology Conference, London, England, 1962, 14 pp. TIRES AND HYDROPLANING, B.J. Allbert, Dunlop Co., Ltd. Birmingham, England, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680140, 11 pp. 117 1HB TYRE AND SAFETY, V. E. Gough and D. W. badger, Dunlop Rubber Company, Limited , U. K. Tyre Group, Birmingham 24, England, Simplified version of TYRES AND ROAD SAFETY presented to the Fifth world Meeting of the International Road Federation, London, September 18-24, 1966, 16 pp. TYRE DESIGN AND SAFETY, E. S. Tompkins, Dunlop Company Limited , U. K. Tyre Group, Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, presented to the British Academy of Forensic Sciences- Science Section, at a Meeting on Road Accidents, Birmingham, England, March 30, 1968, 20 pp. TYRE TO WET ROAD FRICTION AT HIGH SPEEDS by B. J. Allbert and J. C. Walker, Dunlop Rubber Company, Limited, Tyre Technical Division, Birmingham, England, presented at an Ordinary Meeting of Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Automobile Division, London, December 14, 1965; reprint Institution of Mechanical Engineers Proceedings , 1965-66, Volume 180, Part 2A TYRES AND ROAD SAFETY, D. W. Badger, Dunlop Company Limited , Tyre Technical Div., Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, England, presented at the International Road Federation and African Highway Association Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 20-25, 1969, 20 pp. TYKES AND ROAD SAFETY, V. E. Gough and D. W. Badger, Dunlop Rubber Company, Limited , Tyre Technical Division, Birmingham 24, England, paper presented at Session D5 on Safety at Fifth World Meeting of the International Road Federation, London, September 18-24, 1966, 32 pp. TYRES AND ROAD SAFETY--DEVELOPMENTS IN TYRES RELATING TO VEHICLE SAFETY AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION, T. French, Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd ., Erdington, Birmingham, England, presented to F.I.E.A. Conference, The Hague, Holland, Friday, May 1, 1964, 12 pp. SAE STUDY--WET PAVEMENT BRAKING TRACTION, R. H. S[elman, General Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio; H. D. Tarpinian, UNIROYAL Tire Company, Detroit, Mich.; D. E. Johnson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio; & K. L. Campbell, Firestone Tire t» Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22 1970, SAE Report No. 700462, 26 pp. PROPOSAL FOR A PROCEDURE FOR EVALUATING WET SKID RESISTANCE OF A ROAD-TIRE-VEHICLE SYSTEM, J. J. Bajer, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Midyear Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969 SAE Report No. 690526, 14 pp. TIRE TRACTION MEASUREMENT ON THE ROAD AND IN THE LABORATORY, Walter Bergman, Harold R. Clemett, & Narendra J. Sheth, Ford Motor Company , Product Test Operations, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the 1971 Annual Meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710090, 60 pp. TRACTION AND BRAKING CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES, W. A. McConnell, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich. presented at the First International Skid Prevention Conference, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. September 9, 1958, 7 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF INTERCITY HIGHWAY TRUCK DRIVE TRACTION, Michael C. Kaye, Freightliner Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers West Coast Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., August 12-15, 1968, SAE Report No. 680548, 21 pp. ANTI-LOCK BRAKES, John L. Harned & Laird E. Johnston, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich., presented at General Motors Corporation Automotive Safety Seminar, July 11-12, 1968, 25 pp. TYRES AND SKIDDING FROM A EUROPEAN VIEW POINT, V. E. Gough & T. French, Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd ., Birmingham, England, presented to the First Inter- national Skid Prevention Conference, Charlottesville, U.S.A., September 1958, 38 pp. TYRES AND THE DESIGN OF VEHICLES AND ROADS FOR SAFETY, V. E. Gough & B. J. Allbert, Dunlop Company, Ltd ., Birmingham, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 154-163, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England FACTORS AFFECTING PASSENGER TIRE TRACTION ON THE WET ROAD, J. D. Kelley, Jr., Firestone Tire & Rubber Co ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680138, 13 pp. FRICTION STUDIES ON RUBBERLIKE MATERIALS, F. S. Conant J. W. Liska, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Chemical (x Physical Research Laboratories, Akron, Ohio; Rubber Chemistry & Technology, Vol. 33, No. 5, December 1960, pp. 1218-1258 MEASUREMENT OF TIRE BRAKE FORCE CHARACTERISTICS Aj RELATED TO WHEEL SLIP (ANTILOCK) CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN, J. L. Harned, L. E. Johnston & G. Scharpf, General Motors Corporation, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive "Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690214, 17 pp. TIRE-ROAD FRICTION MEASURING SYSTEM--A SECOND GENERATION, Gary L. Goodenow, Thomas R. Kolhoff, 6. Fraser D. Smlthson, General Motors Corp ., Proving Ground Section, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680137, 17 pp. SAE STUDY--WET PAVEMENT BRAKING TRACTION, R. H. Spelman, General Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; H. D. Tarpinian, UNIROYAL Tire Company, Detroit, Mich.; D. E. Johnson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio; & K. L. Campbell, Firestone Tire 6. Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700462, 26 pp. FRICTIONAL PROPERTIES OF TREAD-TYPE COMPOUNDS ON ICE, F. S. Conant, J. L. Dum & C. M. Cox, Firestone Tire 6. Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry , Vol. 41, January 1949, pp. 120-126 HYDRODYNAMICS OF TIRE HYDROPLANING, C. S. Martin, Georgia Institute of Technology , School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, Ga . , Grant NCR- 11-002-033, pre- pared for National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Washington, D. C, Project B-608, June 1966, 50 pp. 118 BASIC TEST METHODS FOR EVALUATING TIRE TRACTION, J. A. Davisson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680136, 11 pp. DETERMINATION OF PASSENGER TIRE PERFORMANCE LEVELS- TRACTION, J. F. Hutchinson & H. D. Becker, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690510, 7 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE D. MAT (AV ) CONFERENCE ON "FRICTION AND WEAR IN TYRES" HELD AT E.R.D.E. WALTHAM ABBEY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2ND 1968, edited by W. H. Edwards, Ministry of Technology , Materials Division, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, S.W.I, England, D. Mat. Report No. 157, June 1969, 129 pp., N 70 21606 THE INFLUENCE OF DESIGN PARAMETERS ON THE SHOCK- ABSORBING CAPACITY, ROAD-HOLDING AND NOISE-LEVEL OF CAR TYRES, B. Yurkovski, V. A. Astrov 6, A. V. Ivanteev, Moscow Tyre Works ; translated by P. G. Williams; Kauchuk i Rezina, Vol. 26, No. 5, 1967, pp. 30-33 FACTORS AFFECTING TIRE TRACTION, Walter E. DeVinney, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, presented at Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670461, 8 pp. PHYSICS OF THE SLIPPING WHEEL—PART II, SLIP UNDER BOTH TRACTIVE AND LATERAL FORCES, D. I. Livingston & J. E. Brown, Jr., Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Research Div., Akron, Ohio; Rubber Chemistry 6. Technology, Vol. 43, No. 2, March 1970, pp. 244-261 SAE STUDY—WET PAVEMENT BRAKING TRACTION, R. H. Spelman, General Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio; H. D. Tarpinian, UNIROYAL Tire Company, Detroit, Mich.; D. E. Johnson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; & K. L. Campbell, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700462, 26 pp. STUDY OF THE ADHESION OF CAR TYRES TO THE ROAD SURFACE, M. A. Parshln, B. Yurkovski, I. M. Karpinskaya, A. T. Epifantsev & L. D. Slyudikov, Moscow Tyre Works, Motor Transport Research Institute, translated by P. G. Williams, August 12, 1964, 4 pp. EFFECTS OF TREAD WEAR ON THE WET RUNWAY BRAKING EFFECTIVENESS OF AIRCRAFT TIRES, Trafford J. W. Leland 6. Glenn R. Taylor, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Hampton, Va . , presented at the 1st American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C, June 29-July 2, 1964 AIAA Paper No. 64-346, 7 pp. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF SEVERAL AIRCRAFT TIRES DURING THE APPLICATION OF BRAKING LOADS, John A. Tanner & Sidney A. Batterson, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va . , Langley Working Paper 592, May 6, 1968, 10 pp., 15 figs TRENDS IN TRUCK TIRE TRACTION, NOISE, AND FUEL CONSUMPTION, D. H. Carson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. Akron, Ohio; Truck Tire Trends , Society of Automotive Engineers, SP-244, 1963, pp. 5-10 EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DAS AUFSCHWIMMEN VON KRAFT FAHRZEUGREIFEN AUF NASSER FAHRBAHN (EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE AQUAPLANING OF VEHICLE TIRES ON WET ROADS), W. Gengenbach, Karlsruhe University, Karlsruhe, Germany; reprint Automobll-Industr le , Vol. 12, No. 4, November 1967, pp. 74-79 DAS VERHALTEN VON KRAFTFAHRZEUGREIFEN AUF TROCKENER UND INSBESONDERE NASSER FAHRBAHN (THE EFFECT OF WET PAVEMENT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES), Werner Gengenbach, Karlsruhe University , Karlsruhe, Germany, July 1967; translated by Manfred R. W. Belsdorf, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Vehicle Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., 147 pp. INFLUENCE OF TIRE TREAD PATTERN AND RUNWAY SURFACE CONDITION ON BRAKING FRICTION AND ROLLING RESISTANCE OF A MODERN AIRCRAFT TIRE, Walter B. Home & Trafford J. W. Leland, National Aeronautics & Space Admini stra- tion . Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va., TND-1376, September 1962, 190 pp. INTERACTIONS BETWEEN A PNEUMATIC TIRE AND A PAVEMENT SURFACE, Walter B. Home, National Aeronautics 6. Space Administration, Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va . , presented at the Bureau of Public Roads Program Review Meeting, Gaithersburg, Md., December 6-8, 1966, 9 pp., 13 figs. INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF WHEEL BRAKING ON SIDE- FORCE CAPABILITY OF A PNEUMATIC TIRE, Thomas A. Byrdsong, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va., NASA TN D-4602, June 1968, 21 pp. SKID TESTING WITH AN AUTOMOBILE, Rolands L. Rizenbergs, & Hugh A. Ward, Kentuck y Depa rtment of Hi ghways, Div. of Research, Lexington, Ky., presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Wash., D. C, January 1967, 61 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF AIRCRAFT TIRE- TREAD WEAR ON WET -RUNWAY BRAKING, Trafford J. W. Leland & Glenn R. Taylor, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va., TN D-2770, April 1965, 21 pp. L'EAU, LA ROUTE, LE PNEUMATIQUE QUELQUES DONNEES (WATER, THE ROAD, TIRES--S0ME RESULTS), J. Berthier, Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris, France; reprint Bull. Liaison Labo. Routier P. et ch., No. 26, Juil.- Aout 1967, Ref. 369, pp. 1-1-1-24 A NEW METHOD FOR MEASURING SLIPPERINESS OF AIRPORT RUNWAYS AND OTHER PAVED SURFACES, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Technology Utilization Office, Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va., Tech. Brief 70-10712, 44 pp. MEASUREMENTS OF "AQUAPLANING HEIGHT" ON A METEOR AIRCRAFT, AND PHOTOS OF FLOW PATTERN UNDER A MODEL TYRE, W. E. Gray, Ministry of Aviation , Aeronautical Research Council, London, England, C.P. No. 717, November 1962, 6 pp . , 4 figs. PHENOMENA OF PNEUMATIC TIRE HYDROPLANING, Walter B. Home & Robert C. Dreher, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va., TN D-2056, November 1963, 52 pp. 119 PNEUMATIC TIRE HYDROPLANING AND SOME EFFECTS ON VEHICLE PERFORMANCE, Walter B. Home & Upshur T. Joyner, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1965, SAE Report No. 970C, 15 pp., 39 figs. PASSENGER CAR AND FRICTION TRAILER TESTS, National Safety Council , Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Stevens Point, Wis., Final Report 1966, 46 pp. 1968 WINTER TEST REPORT, National Safety Council , Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Stevens Point, Wis., 61 pp. PNEUMATIC TIRE HYDROPLANING CAN BE CONTROLLED, Walter B. Home & Upshur T. Joyner, National Aeronautics 6< Space Administration , Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va.; reprint SAE Journal , Vol. 73, No. 12, December 1965, pp. 70-74 METHOD AND EQUIPMENT FOR CONTINUOUS MEASURING OF THE COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION AT INCIPIENT SKID, Gosta Kullberg, National Swedish Road Research Institute , Stockholm, Sweden; Highway Research Board Bulletin 348 , 1962, pp. 18-35 REVIEW OF CAUSES AND ALLEVIATION OF LOW TIRE TRACTION ON WET RUNWAYS, Walter B. Home, Thomas J. Yager & Glenn R. Taylor, National Aeronautics 6» Space Administration , Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va., NASA TN D-4406, April 1968, 36 pp. FRICTION AND FRICTIONAL RISE OF WEDGE SLIDERS ON RUBBER, A. Schallamach, Natural Rubber Producers ' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England; reprint Wear , Vol. 13, 1969, pp. 13-25 SOME PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE PERFORMANCE OF PNEUMATIC TIRES ON WET PAVEMENT, Trafford J. W. Leland, National Aeronautics 6c Space Administration , Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 383-402, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. TIRE HYDROPLANING AND ITS EFFECTS ON TIRE TRACTION, Walter B. Home, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va.; Highway Research Record, Number 214, 1968, pp. 24-33 INFLUENCE OF TEST CONDITIONS ON THE WET SKID RESISTANCE OF TYRE TREAD COMPOUNDS, K. A. Grosch, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association ; G. Maycock, Road Research Laboratory, Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England; reprint Transactions of the Institution of the Rubber Industry , Vol. 42, No. 6, December 1966, pp. T280-T306 PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH ANTI-SKID PROGRAM MANAGEMENT, E. A. Whitehurst, Ohio State University , Transportation Research Center, Columbus, Ohio, presented at the 50th Annual Meeting, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, January 1971, 18 pp. TIRE-TO-SURFACE FRICTION-COEFFICIENT MEASUREMENTS WITH A C-123B AIRPLANE ON VARIOUS RUNWAY SURFACES, Richard H. Sawyer & Joseph J. Kolnlck, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Langley Research Center, Langley Field, Va., Technical Report R-20, January 23, 1959, 32 pp. BUS TIRE SKID TEST, National Association of Motor Bus Owners , Raleigh, N. C, January 1960, 25 pp. A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF HYSTERESIS EFFECTS WITH APPLI- CATION TO RUBBER AND THE PNEUMATIC TIRE, D. F. Moore, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 3, October 1962, 27 pp., Appendix THE CONTRIBUTION OF DEFORMATION LOSSES TO RUBBER FRICTION, R. R. Hegmon, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 29, July 1968, 106 pp. BUS TIRE SKID TEST, National Association of Motor Bus Owners, Baltimore, Md., June 1960, 27 pp. SUMMARY OF BUS TIRE TRACTION TESTING, National Association of Motor Bus Owners , Tire Committee, Washington, D. C, presented to the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C, January 1965, 18 pp. FRICTIONAL PROPERTIES OF RUBBER, Frank L. Roth, Raymond L. Driscoll & William L. Holt, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C; reprint Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards , Research Paper RP1463, Vol. 28, April 1942, pp. 439-462 INTERACTION OF VEHICLE AND ROAD SURFACE, Don L. Ivey & Charles J. Keese, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas; & F. Cecil Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, presented at the Workshop on Anti-Skid Program Management, 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 18, 1971, 45 pp. WET TRACTION OF TRaCTIONIZED TIRES, A. H. Neill, Jr., National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, NBS Technical Note 566, February 1971, 13 pp. CONTROL OF THE VEHICULAR BRAKING PROCESS USING AN OPTI- MALIZING TECHNIQUE, Robert M. Vijuk, Pennsylvania State University , College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 9, September 1963, 100 pp. THE COULOMB CONTRIBUTION TO RUBBER HYSTERESIS, Patrick J. Carroll, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 18, August 1965, 87 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF A FRICTION ANALYZER AND STUDY ON THE FRICTION OF LUBRICATED RUBBER, Rudolph R. Hegmon, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 20, September 1965, 103 pp. THE EFFECT OF ROADSTONE MICROROUGHNESS ON RUBBER FRICTION, David L. White, Pennsylvania State University, Automotive Safety Research Program, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., PDH Agreement No. 08-30802F, Joint Road Friction Program, Pennsylvania Dept. of Highways, U. S. Bureau of Public Roads & Pennsylvania State University, Report No. J16, November 1968, 80 pp. 120 FRICTION AND DEFORMATION CAUSED BY A LUBRICATED CYLINDER SLIDING ON A VISCOELASTIC MATERIAL, W. R. Schleramer, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. S44, September 1970, 54 pp. FRICTION AND SLIPPERINESS , W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University , Automotive SaTety Research Program, University Park, Pa.; Highway Research Record, Number 214, 1968, pp. 13-17 LOOKING AT THE TROUBLE SPOT WHERE THE RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD, Wolfgang E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University , College of Engineering & Architecture, University Park, Pa.; reprint SAE Journal , Vol. 72, No. 10, October 1964, pp. 36-40 MEASUREMENT OF SKID RESISTANCE, H. W. Kuramer & W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa.; reprint American Society for Testing and Materials , 1962, Special Technical Publication No. 326, pp. 3-28 MECHANISM OF FORCE TRANSMISSION BETWEEN TIRE AND ROAD, W. E. Meyer & H. W. Kummer, Pennsylvania State University , University Park, Pa., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Detroit, Mich., March 12-16, 1962, SAE Report No. 490A, 18 pp NEW THEORY PERMITS BETTER FRICTIONAL COUPLING BETWEEN TIRE AND ROAD, H. W. Kummer & W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Safety Research Program, University Park, Pa., presented at the International Automotive Technical Congress, June 12-16, 1966, Munchen, Germany, 37 pp. PAVEMENT SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AND THEIR CORRELATION WITH SKID RESISTANCE, T. D. Gillespie, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 12, June 1965, 100 pp. SKID OR SLIP RESISTANCE? H. W. Kummer & W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa., presented at the American Society for Testing & Materials Fifth Pacific Area National Meeting, Seattle, Wash., October 31-November 5, 1965; reprint Journal of Materials September 1966, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 667-688 SOME FRICTION DATA ON MICROSIPED TIRES, H. Domandl, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. S27, March 1968, 8 pp. TENTATIVE SKID-RESISTANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR MAIN RURAL HIGHWAYS, H. W. Kummer & W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 37, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C, 1967, 80 pp. TIRE FRICTION.A STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW, W. E. Meyer & M. 0. Schrock, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Contract No. CST-429, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, Washington, D. C, Report No. S34, April 1969, 69 pp. UNIFIED THEORY OF RUBBER AND TIRE FRICTION, Hartwig W. Kummer, Pennsylvania State University , College of Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Engineering Research Bulletin B-94, July 1966, 135 pp. VERBESSERTER KRAFTSCHLUSS ZWISCHEN REIFEN UND FAHRBAHN-- ERGEBNISSE EINER NEUEN REIBUNGSTHEORIE (IMPROVED POWER COUPLING BETWEEN TIRES & ROAD--RESULTS OF A NEW FRICTION THEORY), H. W. Kummer & W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University , Automotive Safety Research Program, University Park, Pa.; reprint Automobiltechnische Zeltschrift , 69th year, No. 8, August 1967, pp. 245-251 PAVEMENT WETTING AND SKID RESISTANCE, H. W. Kummer, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 8, December 1963, 27 pp. RESEARCH EQUIPMENT FOR THE STUDY OF RUBBER FRICTION AND SKID RESISTANCE, H. W. Kummer, Pennsylvania State Unl- versity, Automotive Safety Research Program, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 11, July 1966, 76 pp. REPORT BY TECHNICAL COMMITTEE ON SLIPPERINESS, Permanent International Association of Road Congresses , Proc. Xlllth Congress, Tokyo, 1967, 90 pp.; Secretary General, 43, Avenue du President-Wilson, Paris, 16, France DECREASE TIRE INFLATION PRESSURE, INCREASE TRACTIVE FORCE IN TRACTOR APPLICATIONS, J. B. Liljedahl, Purdue University , Agricultural Engineering Dept., Lafayette, Ind.; Stanley J. Clark, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo.; & David L. Apple, Deere & Company, Engineering Research; Society of Automotive Engineers Journal, Vol. 74, No. 4, April 1966, pp. 95-97 REVIEW OF TEST METHODS FOR TIRE FRICTION CHARACTERISTICS, W. E. Meyer & M. 0. Schrock, Pennsylvania State University , University Park, Pa.; Journal of Materials , Vol. 4, No. 1, March 1969, pp. 44-61 ON THE EFFECTS OF SURFACE ROUGHNESS IN THE HYDR0DYNAMIC LUBRICATION THEORY OF A SHORT JOURNAL BEARING, S. T. Tzeng & E. Saibel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , Troy, New York; reprint Wear , Vol. 10, 1967, pp. 179-184 RUBBER AND TIRE FRICTION, H. W. Kummer & W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University, College of Engineering & Architecture, University Park, Pa., Engineering Research Bulletin B-80, December 1960, 96 pp. BRAKING FORCE/BRAKING SLIP: MEASUREMENTS OVER A RANGE OF CONDITIONS BETWEEN AND 100 PER CENT SLIP, K. E. Holmes, Road Research Laboratory , Vehicles Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 292, 1970, 13 pp., 15 figs. THE SINKAGE OF FLAT PLATES ON SMOOTH AND ROUGH SURFACES, Desmond F. Moore, Pennsylvania State University , The Graduate School, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 10, December 1963, 142 pp. BRAKING FORCE COEFFICIENTS OBTAINED WITH A SAMPLE OF CURRENTLY AVAILABLE RADIAL PLY AND CROSSED PLY CAR TYRES, J. K. Meades, Road Research Lab . , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 73, 1967, 17 pp. THE EFFECT OF TYRE CONSTRUCTION ON BRAKING FORCE COEFFICIENTS, J. K. Meades, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 224, 1969, 14 pp. EXPERIMENTS ON TYRE TREAD PATTERNS, C. Maycock, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 122, 1967, 11 pp. 10 figs. FACTORS AFFECTING THE FRICTION OF TIRES ON WET ROADS, Barbara E. Sabey, T. Williams, & G. N. Lupton, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 324-340; SAE Report No. 700376 SKIDDING IN PERSONAL-INJURY ACCIDENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN IN 1965 AND 1966, Barbara E. Sabey (. Valerie J. Storie, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. 173, 1968, 19 pp. SKIDDING ON WET ROADS, Barbara E. Sabey, Road Research Lab . , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; reprint Traff. Engn. & Control , Vol. 8, No. 12, April 1967, pp. 718-720 THE SKIDDING RESISTANCE OF WET RUNWAY SURFACES WITH REFERENCE TO SURFACE TEXTURE AND TYRE CONDITIONS, F. T, W. Lander & T. Williams, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 184, 1968, 22 pp. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE FRICTION BETWEEN TYRE AND ROAD UNDER WET CONDITIONS, C. G. Giles, Road Research Lab. , Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, presented at the Symposium on Control of Vehicles during Braking and Cornering, London, June 11, 1963; reprint Institution of Mechani- cal Engineers , 1964, pp. 12-19 INFLUENCE OF TEST CONDITIONS ON THE WET SKID RESISTANCE OF TYRE TREAD COMPOUNDS, K. A. Grosch, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association; G. Maycock, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England; reprint Transactions of the Institution of the Rubber Industry , Vol. 42, No. 6, December 1966, pp. T280-T306 RECENT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE ROLE OF RUBBER HYSTERESIS IN SKIDDING RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS, C. G. Giles, 6. Barbara E. Sabey, Road Research Laboratory, Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Proc . of the First International Skid Prevention Conference , Charlottesville, Va., Part I, August 1959, pp. 219-225 THE RELATION BETWEEN BRAKING FORCE COEFFICIENT AND SLIP FOR AN AIRCRAFT TYRE BRAKED ON FOUR WET SURFACES, T. Williams, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. 50, 1966, 28 pp. THE ROAD SURFACE IN RELATION TO FRICTION AND WEAR OF TYRES, Barbara E. Sabey, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Proceedings of the D. Mat (Av) Conference on "Friction and Wear in Tyres", June 1969, pp. 15-27, Ministry of Technology, London, S.W.I, England SOME MEASUREMENTS OF BRAKING FORCE COEFFICIENT ON SIX AIRFIELD TEST SURFACINGS, G. C. Staughton, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 225, 1969, 23 pp., PB 184 170 SOME RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN WORK ON SKIDDING PROBLEMS AT THE ROAD RESEARCH LABORATORY, C. G. Giles, Road Research Lab. . Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England; reprint Highw. Res. Rec , 1964, Vol. 46, pp. 43-59 STUDIES ON THE SKIDDING RESISTANCE OF PASSENGER CAR TYRES ON WET SURFACES, G. Maycock, Road Research Lab. , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, presented at an Ordinary Meeting of the Automobile Div., London, December 14, 1965, reprint Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1965-66, Vol. 180, Part 2A, 20 pp. A TEST VEHICLE FOR STUDYING THE SKID RESISTING PROPERTIES OF TYRES AND ROAD SURFACES DURING CON- TROLLED CORNERING AND BRAKING, C. G. Giles, F. T. W. Lander & K. E. Holmes, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England. Report No. 99, 1967, 7 pp., 10 figs. TYRE FORCES AS FUNCTIONS OF CORNERING AND BRAKING SLIP ON WET ROAD SURFACES, K. E. Holmes & R. D. Stone, Road Research Laboratory, H J '.stry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions , Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 35-55 ROAD SURFACE TEXTURE AND THE SLIPPERINESS OF WET ROADS, A. J. Harris, Road Research Lab .. Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Highway Research Record, Number 214, 1968, pp. 18-23 A VEHICLE FOR MEASURING THE SKIDDING RESISTANCE OF ROADS AND RUNWAYS UNDER HEAVY LOADING CONDITIONS, F. T. W. Lander, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 56, 1967, 11 pp. THE SKID-RESISTING PROPERTIES OF LORRY TYRES, T. Williams, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Vehicles Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Technical Note TN 314, June 1968, 14 pp., 24 figs. THE SKID-RESISTING PROPERTIES OF WET SURFACES AT HIGH SPEEDS: EXPLORATORY MEASUREMENTS WITH A SMALL BRAKING FORCE TRAILER, C. G. Giles & F. T. W. Under, Road Research Laboratory , Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society , Vol. 60, February 1956, pp. 83-94 AIRCRAFT TYRES — INTRODUCTORY REVIEW OF WEAR AND FRICTION, B. Shilling & J. R. Barnes, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Ministry of Technology, Farnborough, Hants., England; Proceedings of the D. Mat (Av) Conference on "Friction and Wear in Tyres", June 1969, pp. 3-14, Ministry of Technology, London, S.W.I, England PROPOSAL FOR A VEHICLE FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF TYRE/ RUNWAY FRICTION, B. Shilling, Royal Aircraft Establishment , Ministry of Technology, Farnborough, Hants., England, Technical Report 67244 (Rev.), September 1967, 22 pp., 4 figs., AD 700899 122 COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON TLRF TRACTION — PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, BUSES AND MOTORCYCLES (23 CFR Part 255, Docket No. 1-7 Notice No. 67-5), Rubber Manufacturers Association , New York, New York, March 18, 1968, 11 pp. DUBBADE DACK UNDERSOKNINGAR 1963-1964 (DOUBLE TIRES INVESTIGATIONS 1963-1964), G. Kullberg & E. Ohlsson, Statens Vaginstltut , Stockholm, Sweden, Special Report 38, 1965, 47 pp., 6 figs. HYDRODYNAMICS OF AIRCRAFT TIRE HYDROPLANING, S. Tsakonas, C. J. Henry & W. R. Jacobs, Davidson Lab. Stevens Institute of Technology , Hoboken, N. J., Contract No. NSR 31-003-016, prepared for National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Washington, D. DL Report No. 1238, October 1967, 42 pp. LABORATORY-SCALE MODEL EXPERIMENTS TO INVESTIGATE AIRCRAFT TIRE HYDROPLANING, Howard Dugoff & I. Robert Ehrlich, Davidson Lab., Stevens Institute of Technolo gy, Hoboken, N. J.; reprint Proc. of the Seventh Annual National Conference on Environmental Effects on Aircraft and Propulsion Systems , 67-ENV-20, pp. 183-191 SOME ASPECTS OF FRICTION AND WEAR OF TYRES ARISING FROM DEFORMATIONS, SLIP AND STRESSES AT THE GROUND CONTACT, A. R. Savkoor, Technological University , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Vehicle Research Lab., Delft, Netherlands; reprint Wear , Vol. 9, 1966, pp. 66-78 INTERACTION OF VEHICLE AND ROAD SURFACE, Don L. Ivey 6. Charles J. Keese, Texas A 6. M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas; & F. Cecil Brenner, National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, presented at the Workshop on Anti-Skid Program Management, 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 18, 1971, 45 pp. TRACTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES, A. J. Stocker, B. M. Gallaway, D. L. Ivey, Gilbert Swift & J. G. Darroch, Texas A&M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, NBS Contract No. CST-451, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, November 1968, 61 pp., PB 189 272 A LABORATORY SCALE MODEL TECHNIQUE FOR INVESTIGATING PNEUMATIC TIRE HYDROPLANING, H. Dugoff & I. R. Ehrlich, Davidson Lab., Sl-evpns Institute of Tech nology. Hoboken, N. J., Contract No. NSR 31-003-016, prepared for National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Washington, D. C, NASA CR-1074, May 1968, 29 pp. PREDICTING TIRE TREAD PERFORMANCE FROM COMPOSITION. I, J. H. Lane, C. A. McCall, & P. F. Gunberg, Texas-U. S. Chemical Company , Texas Research Center, Parsippany, N. J.; Rubber Chemistry 6. Technology , Vol. 43, No. 5, September 1970, pp. 1070-1081 STROEFHEIDSMETINGEN EN DRAINAGEMETINGEN OP VERSCHILLENDE KWALITEITEN SCHUURPAPIER (FRICTION AND DRAINAGE MEASUREMENTS ON ABRASIVE PAPERS OF DIFFERENT QUALITIES), G. N. Spaink, Technical High School , Laboratory for Vehicle Techniques, Mekelweg, Delft, Netherlands, Report No. 391, April 1967; translated by Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., 101 pp. FRICTION BETWEEN TYRES AND PAVEMENT, M. Peleg, Technlon - Israel Institute of Technology , Faculty of Civil Engineering, Haifa, Israel, Publication No. 57, November 1964, 9 pp., 1 fig. FACTORS IN TIRES THAT INFLUENCE SKID RESISTANCE, Tire and Rim Association, Inc ., Technical Advisory Committee, Akron, Ohio, presented at the First International Skid Prevention Conference held at the University of Virginia, September 8-12, 1958, 49 pp. APPARATUS FOR STUDYING THE WORK OF A TYRE TREAD IN CONTACT WITH A FLAT LOAD-BEARING SURFACE, V.I. Novopol'skli & 0. B. Tret'yakov, Tyre Research Institue, Moscow, Russia, translated by P. G. Williams; Kauchuk 1 Rezina, Vol. 26, No. 5, 1967, pp. 34-37 ROAD FRICTION TESTS IN ISRAEL, M. Peleg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Haifa, Israel; reprint The Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel , Vol. 8C, No. 3., October 1960, pp. 81-88 STUDY OF ROAD FRICTION OBSERVATION REPORT 1959 (I), M. Peleg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Faculty of Civil Engineering, Haifa, Israel, 50 pp., 6 figs. STUDY OF ROAD FRICTION OBSERVATION REPORT 1960 (II), M. Peleg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Faculty of Civil Engineering, 7 figs. Haifa, Israel, 14 pp. STUDY OF ROAD FRICTION OBSERVATION REPORT 1963 (III), M. Peleg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Haifa, Israel, 37 pp., 9 figs. STUDY OF ROAD FRICTION OBSERVATION REPORT 1967 - (IV), M. Peleg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Faculty of Civil Engineering, Haifa, Israel, 17 pp. CHANGE IN WET FRICTIONAL PROPERTIES OF TEST STRIPS LOCATED AT TEXAS TRANSPORTATION INSTITUTE, BRYAN, TEXAS, E. P. Percarpio, UNIROYAL, Incorporated, Research Center, Wayne, N. J., Purchase Order No. S-370717-69, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, December 31, 1968, 11 pp. CONTRIBUTION OF THE RUBBER COMPOUND TO THE WET SKID RESISTANCE OF TIRES, C. I. Carr, UNIROYAL, Inc ., Detroit, Mich.; Highway Research Record, Number 214, 1968, pp. 1-6 FRICTION OF RUBBER ON WET SURFACES, E. M. Bevilacqua & E. P. Percarpio, UNIROYAL Research Center , Wayne, N. J.; reprint Science , Vol. 160, May 31, 1968, pp. 959-964 LUBRICATED FRICTION OF RUBBER — PARTS I -VII, E. M. Bevilacqua & E. P. Percarpio, UNIROYAL, Inc. , Research Center, Wayne, N. J.; reprint Rubber Chemistry & Technology , Vol. 41, No. 4, September 1968, pp. 832- 894, presented at a meeting of the Division of Rubber Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Cleveland, Ohio, April 23-26, 1968 123 SAE STUDY- -WET PAVEMENT BRAKING TRACTION, R. H. Spelman, General Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio; H. D. Tarpinian, UNIROYAL Tire Company , Detroit, Mich.; D. E. Johnson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio; 6. K. L. Campbell, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700462, 26 pp. SKID CORRELATION STUDY, Robert E. Braeutlgam, U. S. Air Force , Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, October 30, 1968, 15 pp., AD 714 572 RESUME OF TESTS ON PASSENGER CARS ON WINTER SURFACES 1939-1966, Gyaneshwar Prased Hajela, University of Wisconsin , Madison, Wis., compiled for National Safety Council, Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Chicago, 111., 1968, 165 pp. EFFECT OF TIRE TREAD PATTERN TO SKID ON WET ROAD, Yukio Maeda, Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd ., Tire Testing Dept . , Kanagawa-Ken, Japan, Paper No. 2, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 8 pp. FRICTION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN TIRES AND PAVEMENT SURFACES, H. Tomita, U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Lab . , Port Hueneme, Calif., Report No. R 303, June 15, 1964, 71 pp. HIGH PROFILE INDUSTRIAL SOLID TIRES--R0LLING RESISTANCE AND SKID CHARACTERISTICS, U. S. Naval Supply Research & Development Facility , Supply Engineering Division, Bayonne, N. J., Engineering Report No. 2.4141, Project Group No. NT-003-005, July 1951, 23 pp. DEFINITION OF PROBLEMS IN TIRE SKID AND TRACTION, C. I. Carr, U. S. Rubber Tire Co ., Uniroyal, Inc., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680135, 6 pp. SKID RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS WITH A NEW TORQUE DEVICE, Ralph A. Moyer, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, Calif.; Highway Research Board Bulletin 348 , 1962, pp. 44-77 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF TIRE SHEAR FORCE MECHANICS, P. S. Fancher, Jr., H. Dugoff, K. C. Ludema & L. Segel, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. CST-928-5, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, July 30, 1970, 16 op. FORE-AND-AFT STIFFNESS CHARACTERISTICS OF PNEUMATIC TIRES, R. N. Dodge, David Orne 6, S. K. Clark, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., for National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Washington, D. C, NASA Contractor Report No. CR-900, Technical Report No. 6, October 1967, 34 pp. TIRE STEERING AND LATERAL PROPERTIES TIRES FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE CARS, T. J. P. Joy, D. C. Hartley & D. M. Turner, Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Golden Anniversary Summer Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 15, 1955; reprint SAE Transactions, Vol. 64, 1956, pp. 319-333 TYRE CHARACTERISTICS AS APPLICABLE TO VEHICLE STABILITY PROBLEMS, T. J. P. Joy & D. C. Hartley, Avon India Rubber Company, Ltd .; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Automobile Division, 1953-54, pp. 113-133 THE INTERACTION OF BRAKING AND SIDE FORCES IN THE CONTACT AREA OF AN AIRPLANE TIRE ROLLING UNDER LOAD, H. Domandl, Boeing Company , Commercial Airplane Dlv., Renton, Wash., Document No. D6-58384-2TN, September 20, 1968, 24 pp. FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS IN VEHICLE DYNAMICS, Edward Salbel & M. C. Tsao, Carnegie-Mellon University , Pittsburgh, Pa., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700173, 11 pp. AN ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMICS OF AUTOMOBILES DURING SIMULTANEOUS CORNERING AND RIDE MOTIONS, R. R. McHenry, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions , Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 61-81 INFLUENCE OF ROAD-SURFACE TEXTURE ON TIRE-ROAD INTERFACE TRACTION LIMITS, K. C. Ludema, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, N. Y. ; & Chul Soo Lee, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., ASME Report No. 69-Lub-20, 1969, 7 pp. LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS ON REVERTED RUBBER FRICTION, G. H. Nybakken, R. J. Staples & S. K. Clark, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., Grant No. NGR-23-005-010, prepared for National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Washington, D. C, Report No. NASA CR-1398, Technical Report No. 7, August 1969, 54 pp. TIRE PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS AFFECTING VEHICLE RESPONSE TO STEERING AND BRAKING CONTROL INPUTS, Howard Dugoff, Paul S. Fancher & Leonard Segel, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. - 460, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research Tire System Section, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 105 pp., PB 187 667; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , SAE P-30, pp. 341-366, SAE Report No. 700377 ANALYSIS OF THE STEADY-STATE TURNING BEHAVIOUR OF AN AUTOMOBILE, Hugo S. Radt, Cornell Aeronautical Lab ., Inc . , Vehicle Dynamics Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Ir. Hans B. Pacejka, Technische Hogeschool, Laboratorium Noor Voertulgtechniek, Delft, Holland; reprint Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers , Paper 8, 1963, pp. 66-79 FORCE AND MOMENT RESPONSE OF PNEUMATIC TIRES TO LATERAL MOTION INPUTS, L. Segel, Cornell Aeronautical Lab. , Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Aviation & Space Conference, Los Angeles, Calif., March 16-18, 1965, ASME Paper No. 65-AV-2, 8 pp. A STUDY OF EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF STATIC AND DYNAMIC TIRE PARAMETERS RELATED TO NOSEGEAR SHIMMY, Albert G. Fonda, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. AF 33(616)- 3540, prepared for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, WADC Report No. 57-390, August 1957, 37 pp., 20 figs. 124 THEORETICAL PREDICTION AND EXPERIMENTAL SUBSTANTIATION OF THE RESPONSE OF THE AUTOMOBILE TO STEERING CONTROL, Leonard Segel, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y.; Research in Automobile Stability and Control and In Tyre Performance , Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1956, 142 pp. TYRE TESTS AND INTERPRETATION OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA, Albert C. Fonda, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Vehicle Dynamics Dept., Buffalo, N. Y.; Research in Automobile Stability and Control and in Tyre Performance, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1956, 142 pp. CORNERING CHARACTERISTICS OF TYRES--AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR THEIR DETERMINATION, V. E. Gough, Dunlop Research Centre , Physical Research Division, Birmingham, England; Automobile Engineer , Vol. 44, April 1954, pp. 137-141 DIRECT ON-THE-ROAD MEASUREMENT OF TIRE LATERAL CHARACTERISTICS, FMC Corporation , American Viscose Dlv., Fibers Technical Dept., Product Information, Marcus Hook, Pa., Technical Service Bulletin G-22, April 1969, 43 pp. DYNAMICS OF AN AUTOMOBILE IN A CORNERING MANEUVER ON AND OFF THE HIGHWAY, W. Bergman, Ford Motor Co. , Dearborn, Mich., E. A. Fox & E. Saibel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., presented at the 1st International Conf. on Mechanics of Soil-Vehicle Systems, Turin-St. Vincent, June 1961, 28 op. LABORATORY DETERMINATION OF TIRE FORCES, J. R. Nothstlne and F. N. Beauvais, Ford Motor Company , presented at Society of Automotive Engineers International Summer Meeting, June 10-14, Montreal, Canada, SAE Report No. 713B, 15 pp. GRUNDLAGEN ZUR BERECHNUNG DER SEITENFUHRUNGSKENNLINIEN VON REIFEN (BASIS FOR CALCULATING LATERAL DEFLECTING CHARACTERISTICS OF TIRES), F. Frank, Deutsche Dunlop Gummi Compagnie AG ., Hanau, Germany, presented at the International Conference of the German Rubber Society in Munich, October 9-11, 1965; reprint Kautschuk und Gummi Kunststoffe, Vol. 18, No. 8, 1965, pp. 515-533 LATERAL FORCES ON VEHICLES DURING DRIVING, J. G. Smith & J. E. Smith, Dunlop Company, Ltd ., Physical Research Department, Birmingham, England; Automobile Engineer , December 1967, 7 pp. THEORETICAL PREDICTION OF THE EFFECT OF TRACTION ON CORNERING FORCE, Walter Bergman, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Michigan, presented at the Society of Auto- motive Engineers Summer Meeting, Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, June 5-10, 1960, SAE Report No. 186A, 24 pp. TIRE TRACTION MEASUREMENT ON THE ROAD AND IN THE LABORATORY, Walter Bergman, Harold R. Clemett, 6. Narendra J. Sheth, Ford Motor Company , Product Test Operations, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the 1971 Annual Meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971, SAE Report No. 710090, 60 pp. THE LINK BETWEEN TYRES, VEHICLES, AND ROADS, V. E. Gough & B. J. Allbert, Dunlop Company Limited , U.K. Tyre Group, Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, England, presented at the Advanced School of Automobile Engineering, Cranfield, sponsored by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Automobile Dlv., July 3-4, 1968, 12 pp. THE FORCED LATERAL OSCILLATIONS OF TRAILERS, A. Sllbar, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; P. R. Paslay, General Electric Company , Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Schenectady, N. Y., presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Applied Mechanics Division Summer Conference, Berkeley, Calif., June 13-15, 1957, Paper No. 57--APM-4, 5 pp. PRACTICAL TIRE RESEARCH, V. E. Gough, Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd ., Birmingham, England, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Golden Anniversary Summer Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 15, 1955; reprint SAE Transactions, Vol. 64, 1956, pp. 311-347 THE TYRE AND SAFETY, V. E. Gough and D. W. Badger, Dunlop Rubber Company. Limited , U. K. Tyre Group, Birmingham 24, England, Simplified version of TYRES AND ROAD SAFETY presented to the Fifth world Meeting of the International Road Federation, London, September 18-24, 1966, 16 pp. ANALYSIS OF TIRE LATERAL FORCES AND INTERPRETATION OF EXPERIMENTAL TIRE DATA, Donald L. Nordeen, General Motors Corporation , Engineering Mechanics Department, Warren, Michigan, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Meeting, January 9-13, 1967, Report No. GMR-575, 29 pp; also SAE Report No. 670173, 12 pp. APPLICATION OF TIRE CHARACTERIZING FUNCTIONS TO TIRE DEVELOPMENT, Donald L. Nordeen, General Motors Corp ., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680409, 14 pp. TYRE-TO-GROUND CONTACT STRESSES, V. E. Gough, Dunlop Research Center , Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, England, presented to the Stress Analysis Group Conference on Contact Stresses, London, May 14, 1958; reprint Wear , 1958-59, Vol. 2, pp. 107-126 FORCE AND MOMENT CHARACTERISTICS OF ROLLING TIRES, Donald L. Nordeen & Anthony D. Cortese, General Motors Corp. , Research Labs., Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Summer Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 10-14, 1963, GM Report No. 404, 20 pp., 22 figs. TYRES AND ROAD SAFETY, V. E. Gough and D. W. Badger, Dunlop Rubber Compan y . Limited , Tyre Technical Division, Birmingham 24, England, paper presented at Session D5 on Safety at Fifth World Meeting of the International Road Federation, London, September 18-24, 1966, 32 pp. ROAD CONTACT FORCES OF TRUCK TIRES AS MEASURED IN THE LABORATORY, James L. Ginn & R. L. Marlowe, B. F. Goodrich Co. , Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670493, 10 pp. HIGH-SPEED CORNERING FORCES, J.J. Robson, Firestone Tire & Rubber Co ., Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Golden Anniversary Summer Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 15, 1955; reprint SAE Transactions , Vol. 64, 1956, pp. 335-337 PHYSICS OF THE SLIPPING WHEEL--PART II, SLIP UNDER BOTH TRACTIVE AND LATERAL FORCES, D. I. Livingston 6. J. E. Brown, Jr., Goodyear Tire 6t Rubber Company . Research Dlv., Akron, Ohio; Rubber Chemistry & Technology, Vol. 43, No. 2, March 1970, pp. 244-261 125 PHYSICS OF THE SLIPPING WHEEL. III. SLIP UNDER CAMBER AND OTHER FORCES IN PNEUMATIC TIRES, D.I. Livingston, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, presented at a meeting of the Division of Rubber Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C., May 5-8, 1970; Rubber Chemistry & Technology , Vol. 43, No. 5, September 1970, pp. 981-994 PROPERTIES OF TIRES AFFECTING RIDING, STEERING AND HANDLING, R. D. Evans, Goodyear Tire {. Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 36, No. 2, February 1935, pp. 41-49 EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER SEITENKRAFTE AN ROLLENDEN LUFTREIFEN (EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS OF LATERAL FORCES ACTING ON ROLLING TYRES), Norbert Seitz, Institut fur Verbrennungskraf tmaschinen und Kraf tfahrzeuge , Technischen Hochschule, Munchen, Germany; Automobll-Industrie , Vol. 14, No. 4, November 24, 1969, pp. 71-77 CORNERING ABILITY ANALYSIS BASED ON VEHICLE DYNAMICS SYSTEM, Takeshi Nakatsuka & Katsuji Takanami, Isuzu Motors Ltd . , Tokyo, Japan; 1970 International Automotive Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 210-225; SAE Report No. 700368 CORNERING CHARACTERISTICS OF AUTOMOBILES, Takeshi Nakatsuka & Katsuji Takanami, Isuzu Motors, Ltd. , Vehicle Dynamics and Safety Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 8, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 42 pp. THEORETICAL STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF TRACTIVE AND BRAKING FORCES ON CORNERING CHARACTERISTICS OF TIRE, Hideo Sakai, Japan Automobile Research Institute, Inc ., Yatabe-cho, Tsukubagun, Ibaragi, Japan, Paper No. 4, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 16 pp. EFFECT OF A TIME-VARYING LOAD ON SIDE FORCE GENERATED BY A TIRE OPERATING AT CONSTANT SLIP ANGLE, Walter H. Metcalf, Lessells and Associates, Inc ., Waltham, Mass., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Summer Meeting, Montreal, Canada, June 10-14, 1963, SAE Report No. 713C, 9 pp. TRACTION EFFECTS WHILE CORNERING, F. D. Hales, LouRhborough University of Technology , Loughborough, Leicestershire, England; N. F. Barter, Motor Industry Research Association, Warwickshire, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 255-264; SAE Report No. 700372 SOME EXPERIMENTS ON HANDLING PERFORMANCE OF INTERCITY BUS, Katsu Toida, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd ., Kawasaki Motor Vehicle Works, Technical Dept., Kawasaki, Japan, Paper No. 11, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 8 pp. TRACTION EFFECTS WHILE CORNERING, F. D. Hales, Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, Leicestershire, England; N. F. Barter, Motor Industry Research Association , Warwickshire, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 255-264; SAE Report No. 700372 INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF WHEEL BRAKING ON SIDE- FORCE CAPABILITY OF A PNEUMATIC TIRE, Thomas A. Byrdsong, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va., NASA TN D-4602, June 1968, 21 pp. A NEW LOOSE INVERSE PROCEDURE FOR MATCHING TYRES AND CAR USING A MATHEMATICAL MODEL, A. Chiesa & L. Rinonapoli, Pirelli S.p.A. , Milan, Italy; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions , Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 93-108 VEHICLE STABILITY STUDIED WITH A NON-LINEAR SEVEN DEGREE MODEL, A. Chiesa & L. Rinonapoli, Pirelli S.p.A., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670476, 16 pp. DYNAMICS OF AN AUTOMOBILE IN A CORNERING MANEUVER ON AND OFF THE HIGHWAY, W. Bergman, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich., E. A. Fox & E. Saibel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , Troy, N. Y., presented at the 1st International Conf . on Mechanics of Soil-Vehicle Systems, Turin-St. Vincent, June 1961, 28 pp. BRAKING FORCE/BRAKING SLIP: MEASUREMENTS OVER A RANGE OF CONDITIONS BETWEEN AND 100 PER CENT SLIP, K. E. Holmes, Road Research Laboratory , Vehicles Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 292, 1970, 13 pp., 15 figs. AN INTRODUCTORY DISCUSSION OF THE FACTORS AFFECTING CAR HANDLING, I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Vehicles Section, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 133, 1968, 17 pp., 1 fig. CAR HANDLING CHARACTERISTICS- -DIRECTIONAL STABILITY AND CONTROL OF A FOUR-WHEEL VEHICLE IN A FLAT TURN, Martin Goland 6. Frederick Jindra, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas; reprint Automobile Engineer , Vol. 51, No. 8, August 1961, pp. 296-302 THE FORCED LATERAL OSCILLATIONS OF TRAILERS, A. Slibar, Technical University of Vienna , Vienna, Austria; P. R. Paslay, General Electric Company, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Schenectady, N. Y. , presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Applied Mechanics Division Summer Conference, Berkeley, Calif., June 13-15, 1957, Paper No. 57--APM-4, 5 pp. ANALYSIS OF THE STEADY-STATE TURNING BEHAVIOUR OF AN AUTOMOBILE, Hugo S. Radt, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Vehicle Dynamics Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Ir. Hans B. Pacejka, Technische Hogeschool, Laboratorium Noor Voertuigtechniek, Delft, Holland; reprint Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers , Paper 8, 1963, pp. 66-79 CORNERING CHARACTERISTICS OF TYRES, T. Okada 6. T. Takagi, Toyo Industries , Hiroshima, Japan, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Spring Meeting, May 15, 1963, 6 pp. EFFECT OF TRACTIVE FORCE ON DIRECTIONAL STABILITY AND CONTROLLABILITY OF VEHICLES, Tadashi Okada & Takeo Sagishima, Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd ., Testing 6. Research Div, Hiroshima, Japan, Paper No. 10, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct.- Nov. 1969, 33 pp.; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690527, 18 pp. 126 ON THE VEHICLE DYNAMIC RESPONSE TO THE STEERING CONTROL, T. Kohno, S. Tsuchiya, N. Komoda & H. Iwase, Toyota Motor Co. , Ltd . , Toyota-shi, Aichi, Japan, Paper No. 7, Safety Research Tour in U. S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 17 pp. EFFECT OF CROSSLINKING ON FLATSPOTTING OF NYLON 6 TIRE YARN, C. Cipriani, P. V. Papero & M. S. Moore, Allied Chemical Corporation , Fibers Division, Petersburg, Va., & J. Menkart, Harris Research Laboratories, Incorpo- rated, Allied Chemical Corporation Report No. M-4, October 1965, 22 pp. CAR STABILITY AND TRANSIENT TIRE FORCES, S. A. Lippmann, U. S. Rubber Company , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Passenger Car Body & Materials Meeting, Detroit, Mich., March 2-4, 1954, SAE Report No. 269, 14 pp. EFFECTS OF TIRE CONSTRUCTION ON FLATSPOTTING by H. E. Muller, Allied Chemical Corporation , Fibers Division, Petersburg, Virginia, Report No. M-ll, May, 1967, 10 pp. TIRE BEHAVIOR IN STEERING, A. W. Bull, U. S. Rubber Company , Detroit, Mich.; Society Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 45, No. 2, 1939, pp. 344-350 THE MECHANISM OF TIRE FLATSPOTTING AND ITS RELATION TO FIBER PROPERTIES, H. J. Oswald, P. V. Papero & R. C. Wincklhofer, Allied Chemical Corporation , Fibers Division, Petersburg, Va., Report No. M-2, July 1965, 14 pp. A LABORATORY EVALUATION OF TIRES FOR DIRECTIONAL CONTROL, Thomas P. Baker, U. S. Rubber Tire Company , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1964, SAE Report No. 794B, 5 pp. SENKRECHTE KRAFTE ZWISCHEN STRASSE UND REIFEN (VERTICAL FORCES BETWEEN ROAD SURFACES AND TIRES), W. Endres & J. Bomhard ; translated by A. C. Benkelman, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, 3 pp. STRUCTURAL MECHANISMS OF TIRES LEADING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF STEERING FORCES, Seymour A. Lippmann, U. S. Rubber Tire Company , Detroit, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 794C, January 1964, 8 pp. AN ANALYSIS OF TIRE TRACTION PROPERTIES ANT) THEIR INFLUENCE ON VEHICLE DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE, Howard Dugoff, P. S. Fancher & Leonard Segel, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium . Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 341-366; SAE Report No. 700377 EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF TIRE SHEAR FORCE MECHANICS, P. S. Fancher, Jr., H. Dugoff, K. C. Ludema & L. Segel, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. CST-928-5, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, July 30, 1970, 16 pp. TIRE PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS AFFECTING VEHICLE RESPONSE TO STEERING AND BRAKING CONTROL INPUTS, Howard Dugoff, Paul S. Fancher & Leonard Segel, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. - 460, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research Tire System Section, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 105 pp., PB 187 667; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , SAE P-30, pp. 341-366, SAE Report No. 700377 UBER DEN RUNDLAUF VON FAHRZEUGRADERN (ON THE TRUE RUNNING OF VEHICLE WHEELS), Albrecht Liiders, Otto Hofmann & Heinz Brinkmann ; Automobil-Industrie , Vol. No. 2, April 24, 1970, pp. 93-100 15, VEHICLE SENSITIVITY TO TIRE DISTURBANCES, L. M. Wallace, Chrysler Corp . , Detroit, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 17- 21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650520, 8 pp. THE MECHANISM OF TIRE THUMP AND ROUGHNESS, H. S. Jr., Cornell Aeronautical Lab. , Inc. , Buffalo, N Radt, Y., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mich., March 13-17, 1961, Report No. 322C, 28 pp. A METHOD OF SIMULATING TIRE ENVELOPING POWER IN CALCULATIONS OF VEHICLE RIDE PERFORMANCE, C.J. Albert, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Vehicle Dynamics Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. DA-30-069-ORD-2913, prepared for U. S. Army Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command, Dynamic Simulation Lab., CAL Report No. YM-1424-V-300, November 17, 1961, 34 pp. TYRE AND VEHICLE VIBRATION, V. E. Gough, C. W. Barson, J. C. Hutchinson & D. H. James, Dunlcp Rubber Company , Limited , Birmingham, England, paper presented to Auto- mobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers; reprint Proc . Instn. Mech. Engrs ., 1964-65, Vol. 179, Part 2A No. 7, 29 pp. THE LATERAL FLEXIBILITY OF PNEUMATIC TIRE AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE LATERAL ROLLING CONTACT PROBLEM, A. R. Savkoor, University of Technology , Holland; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 367-381; SAE Report No. 700378 TIRE SUSPENSION AND VIBRATION PROPERTIES EXPERIMENTAL CONFIRMATION OF RIDE THEORY, J. R. Ellis, Advanced School of Automobile Engineering, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England; Advances in Automobile Engineering , Cranfield International Symposium Series Vol. 4, 1963, pp. 123-137, Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y. TYRE UNIFORMITY, Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd ., Technical Presentation Marketing Div., Birmingham, England, prepared for U. K. Tyre Group, Fort Dunlop, Erdington, Birmingham, England, Serial No. 1350H, February 1967, 8 pp. TYRE UNIFORMITY GRADING MACHINE, V. E. Gough, C. W. Barson, S. W. Gough & W. D. Bennett, Dunlop Rubber Company, Limited , Birmingham, England; reprint The Engineer , April 27, 1962, 11 pp. TYRES AND AlR SUSPENSION, V. E. Gough, Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd ., Birmingham, England; Advances in Automobile Engineering , Cranfield International Symposium Series--Vol. 4, pp. 59-81, Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y. , 1963 127 SENKRECHTE KRAFTE ZWISCHEN STRASSE UND REIFEN (VERTICAL FORCES BETWEEN ROAD SURFACES AND TIRES), W. Endres 6< J. Bomhard; translated by A. C. Benkelman, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, 3 pp. TIKE DYNAMICS --EFFECT ON NOISE AND VIBRATION, J. W. Liska & J. Sidles, Firestone Tire 6. Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Societv of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mich., March 13-17, 1961, SAE Report No. 322F, 12 pp., 7 figs. THE CONTROL OF TIRE NON -UNIFORMITY AND A PASSENGER CAR MANUFACTURER'S POINT OF VIEW, J. Bajer, Ford Motor Company , presented at the National Automobile Meeting, March 19-21, 1963, Detroit, Michigan, SAE Report No. 667B, 15 pp. TOOLS AND METHODS FOR AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLE NOISE AND VIBRATION TESTING, A. M. Sogoian & W. V. Paliga, Ford Motor Company, Test Engineering Department, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670162, 20 pp. APPLICATION OF TIRE CHARACTERIZING FUNCTIONS TO TIRE DEVELOPMENT, Donald L. Nordeen, General Motors Corp. , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680409, 14 pp. DYNAMIC SPRING RATE PERFORMANCE OF ROLLING TIRES, Richard E. Rasmussen & Anthony D. Cortese, General Motors Corp . , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680408, 7 pp. THE EFFECT OF LOADED RADIAL RUNOUT ON TIRE ROUGHNESS AND SHAKE, L. M. Morrish & R. R. Haist, General Motors Corporation , Buick Motor Division, Flint, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mich., March 13-17, 1961, SAE Report No. 322E, 9 pp., 4 figs. EFFECT OF WHEEL NONUNIFORMITIES ON THE TIRE-WHEEL ASSEMBLY AND THE VEHICLE, A. Lloyd Nedley, General Motors Corporation , Chevrolet Motor Div., Detroit, Mich. presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680005, 6 pp. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE MEASUREMENT OF TIRE UNIFORMITY, Donald L. Nordeen & Richard E. Rasmussen, General Motors Corp . ■ Research Labs., Engineering Mechanics Dept., Warren, Mich., GMR-477, April 6, 1965, 25 pp. RADICAL IMPROVEMENTS IN TIRE AND WHEEL MANUFACTURE-- THEIR EFFECTS UPON RADIAL FORCE VARIATION OF THE ASSEMBLY, A. Lloyd Nedley & Deane M. Gearig, General Motors Corporation , Chevrolet Motor Division, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700089, 6 pp. UNIFORMITY CONTROL OF CURED TIRES, Clarence Hofelt, Jr. General Tire (x Rubber Company , Experimental Testing Section, Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690076, 5 pp. ELIMINATION OF TEMPERATURE INDUCED N0NUNIF0RMITY IN TIRES BY AIR RING CONTROL, Frank J. Ciraprich, B ■ F. Goodrich Co . , Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690075, 9 pp. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND UNIFORMITY OF 18 X 5.5 RIB AND DIMPLE AIRCRAFT TLRES, F. H. Ho, B. F. Goodrich Research Center , Brecksville, Ohio, Contract No. AF42600-67-C-3430, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Aerospace Vehicle Alighting Systems Br., Service Engineering Div., Hill Air Force Base, Utah, December 1969, 126 pp. MEASURING TIRE UNIFORMITY, Clarence Hofelt, Jr., General Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio; H. D. Tarpinian, U. S. Rubber Tire Co., Detroit, Mich.; & C. Z. Draves, Jr., B. F. Goodrich Tire Co. , Brecksville, Ohio, Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 650522, May 1965 FACTORS OF TJRE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE AFFECTING UNIFORMITY, J. A. Davisson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co ., Akron, Ohio, presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 17-21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650521, 10 pp. TIRE UNIFORMITY, M. G. Anderson, Goodyear Tire 6. Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Sheraton- Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mich., March 13-17, 1961, SAE Report No. 322B, 5 pp., 2 figs. EFFECT OF CROSSLINKING ON FLATSPOTTING OF NYLON 6 TIRE YARN, C. Cipriani, P. V. Papero & M. S. Moore, Allied Chemical Corporation, Fibers Division, Petersburg, Va., and J. Menkart, Harris Research Laboratories, Incorpo- rated, Allied Chemical Corporation Report No. M-4, October 1965, 22 pp. UBER DEN RUNDLAUF VON FAHRZEUGRADERN (ON THE TRUE RUNNING OF VEHICLE WHEELS), Albrecht Lu'ders, T3tto Hofmann & Heinz Brinkmann; Automobil-Industrie, Vol. 15, No. 2, April 24, 1970, pp. 93-100 UBER DEN RUNDLAUF VON FAHRZEUGRADERN (ON THE TRUE RUNNING OF VEHICLE WHEELS), Albrecht Luders , Otto Hofmann 6c Heinz Brinkmann; Automobil-Industrie, Vol. ,15, No. 2, April 24, 1970, pp. 93-100 THE INFLUENCE OF DESIGN PARAMETERS ON THE SHOCK- ABSORBING CAPACITY, ROAD-HOLDING AND NOISE-LEVEL OF CAR TYRES, B. Yurkovski, V. A. Astrov & A. V. Ivanteev, Moscow Tyre Works ; translated by P. G. Williams; Kauchuk 1 Rezina, Vol. 26, No. 5, 1967, pp. 30-33 MEASURING TIRE UNIFORMITY, Clarence Hofelt, Jr., Gener al Tir e & Rubber Co. . Akron, Ohio; H. D. Tarpinian, U. S. Rubber Tire Co., Detroit, Mich.; '6. C. Z. Draves, Jr., B. F. Goodrich Tire Co., Brecksville, Ohio, Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 650522, May 1965 TRANSMISSION OF TYRE VIBRATIONS, A. Chiesa, L. Oberto 6. L. Tamburlni, Pirelli S.p.A , Rubber Labs., Milan, Italy; Automobile Engineer , Vol. 54, No. 13, December 1964, pp. 520-530 128 VEHICLE VERTICAL VIBRATION AND TIRE PERFORMANCE, Arturo Chiesa, Pirelli Rubber Laboratories , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Detroit, Mich., March 12-16, 1962, SAE Report No. 490C, 14 pp. VIBRATIONAL PERFORMANCE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TIRES WITH CROSS-BIASSED PLIES AND RADIAL PLIES, Arturo Chiesa, Pirelli S ,p.A. , Rubber Labs., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1965, SAE Report No. 990B, 12 pp. FORCES AND TORQUES ASSOCIATED WITH ROUGHNESS IN TIRES, S. A. Lippmann, U. S. Rubber Company , Tire Div., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Automobile Week, Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mich., March 13-17, 1961, SAE Report No. 322D, 6 pp., 4 figs. A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE ENVELOPING FORCES OF PASSENGER TIRES, S. A. Lippmann and J. D. Nanny, U. S. Rubber Co. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engi- neers, Automotive Engineering Congress, Det oit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670174, 10 pp. TIRES IN AUTOMOTIVE VIBRATION PROBLEMS, Seymour A. Lippmann, United States Rubber Company , Detroit, Mich, reprint Noise Control , Vol. 2, May 1956, pp. 41-43 AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman , R. L. Guslitser; S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 SURFACE TEMPERATURE OF RUNNING TIRES USING INFRARED SCANNING, F. S. Conant, G. L. Hall 6< J. D. Walter, Firestone Tire &. Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700475, 7 pp. HOLOGRAPHIC NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (HNDT) IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY, R. M. Grant & G. M. Brown, GC Optroni c s, Incorporated , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690051, 17 pp. AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser , S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 MEASURING TIRE UNIFORMITY, Clarence Hofelt, Jr., General Tire 6. Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio; H. D. Tarpinian, U. S. Rubber Tire Co. , Detroit, Mich.; & C. Z. Draves, Jr., B. F. Goodrich Tire Co., Brecksville, Ohio, Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 650522, May 1965 ENVELOPING CHARACTERISTICS OF TRUCK TIRES--A LABORATORY EVALUATION, S. A. Lippmann, W. A. Piccin & T. P. Baker, U. S. Rubber Tire Company , Detroit, Mich., SAE Report No. 650184, 5 pp., presented at SAE International Automotive Engineering Congress & Exposition, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1965; Tandem Truck Ride & Vibration Problems, SP 260 REAL LIFE SIMULATION--A CHALLENGE TO OVER-THE-ROAD TIRE TESTING, Henry C. Hodges, Hodges Transportation Inc., & Nevada Automotive Test Center, Carson City, Nevada, 11 pp. INVESTIGATIONS OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES (UNTERSUCHUNGEN AN KRAFTFAHRZEUGREIFEN), G. Krempel , Hannover, Germany, ATZ 69 (1967) 1 & 8; translated by Eugen Funer & S. K. Clark, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 1968, 56 pp. RESEARCH ON AUTOMOBILE TIRES (UNTERSUCHUNGEN AN KRAFTFAHRZEUGREIFEN), G. Krempel , Hannover, Germany, ATZ 69 (1967) 8; translated by Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., August 1967, 16 pp. PLANE VIBRATION CHARACTERISTICS OF A PNEUMATIC TIRE MODEL, J. T. Tielklng, University of Michigan , Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 17-21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650492, 6 pp. DYNAMOMETER TESTS OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES, W. L. Holt & P. L. Wormeley, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C.; reprint Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards , No. T240, Vol. 17, 1922-24, pp. 559-579 TIRE TESTING SPINVISION: A NEW LOOK AT DYNAMIC TIRE TEMPERATURE, John E. Corl & Chester F. Schwall, Jr., Armstrong Rubber Company , Research & Development, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700473, 9 pp. TIRES FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE CARS, T. J. P. Joy, D. C. Hartley & D. M. Turner, Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Golden Anniversary Summer Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 15, 1955; reprint SAE Transactions , Vol. 64, 1956, pp. 319-333 "PROOF TESTING" RUBBER TIRES--IMPORTANT FUNCTION OF THE NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS, R. D. Stiehler, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C.J reprint The Journal of the American Ordnance Association , May-June 1952, 4 pp. RESEARCH FOR A UNIFORM QUALITY GRADING SYSTEM FOR T1RES--PART II. WHEEL SPEED CAPABILITY TEST, F. C. Brenner, J. Mandel & B. G. Simson, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C., Contract No. FH-11-6090, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C., NBS Report No. 10 067, July 1969, 19 pp; Rubber Chemistry & Technology , Vol. 42, No. 5, December 1969, pp. 1450-1461 129 RESEARCH FOF A UNIFORM QUALITY GRADING SYSTEM FOR TIRES. III. BREAKING ENERGY, B. G. Simson, J. Mandel & F. C. Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C.; Rubber Chemistry 6. Technology, Vol. 43, No. 2, March 1970, pp. 356-369 AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Bidennan, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov , I.I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg , Moscow, State Scientific & Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES FOR EXAMINING THE FILAMENT- WOUND TIRE, T. R. Henderson, University of Dayton, Research Institute, Dayton, Ohio; J. A. Holloway & H. P. McMakin, U. S. Air Force, Air Force Materials Lab., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Technical Report AFML-TR-68-275, November 1968, 28 pp. HIGH SPEED TEST PROGRAM ON TWO GROUPS OF 8.15-15 TIRES, Nevada Automotive Test Center , Carson City, Nevada, for FMC Corporation, American Viscose Division, Final Report, Project No. 20-1-209, Purchase Order No. MH82- 5940, June 1965, 12 pp., 9 figures POLYESTER AND BELTED TIRE ROAD TEST EVALUATION, VOLUME I, James E. Dobbins, Nevada Automotive Test Center , Carson City, Nev., Contract No. FH-11-7435, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, November 1970, 75 pp. AN INFRARED DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUE FOR EVALUATION OF AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, David K. Wilburn, U. S. Army Tank Automotive Command , Propulsion Systems Laboratory, Warren, Mich., Technical Report No. 11154, December 1970, 60 pp. PROGRAMMABLE TIRE TESTING MACHINE OFFERS REALISM AND VERSATILITY, Seymour A. Lippmann, U. S. Rubber Tire Company , Applied Physics Department, Detroit, Mich.j reprint Society of Automotive Engineers Journal, Vol. 73, No. 9, 1965, pp. 86-89 POLYESTER AND BELTED TIRE ROAD TEST EVALUATIONS, VOLUME II, James E. Dobbins, Nevada Automotive Test Center , Carson City, Nev., Contract No. FH-11-7435, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, November 1970, 104 pp. THE USE OF ULTRASONICS IN THE RUBBER INDUSTRY, University of Akron , Rubber Chemistry Division Library, Akron, Ohio, Bibliography No. 72, November 1966, 23 pp. REAL LIFE SIMUIATI0N--A CHALLENGE TO OVER-THE-ROAD TIRE TESTING, "Henry C. Hodges, Hodges Transporat ion Inc., & Nevada Automotive Test Center , Carson City, Nevada, 11 pp. AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov , B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific &. Technical Press for Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 A STATUS REPORT ON ULTRASONIC INSPECTION METHODS FOR RUBBER BOND CONDITION, G. H. Halsey, Scientific Testing Laboratory , Indiana, Pa., presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting and Energy Systems Exposition, New York, N. Y., December 1-5, 1968, ASME Report No. 68-WA/RP-5, 4 pp. RADIOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES FOR EXAMINING THE FILAMENT- WOUND TIRE, T. R. Henderson, University of Dayton, Research Institute, Dayton, Ohio; J. A. Holloway & H. P. McMakin, U. S. Air Force, Air Force Materials Lab., Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Technical Report AFML-TR-68-275, November 1968, 28 pp. TIRE USE SURVEYS CONDITION OF TIRES AFTER AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS IN NORTH DAKOTA, Jaakko K. Klhlberg & Arthur Stern, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Automotive Crash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y., Grant No. UI - 00053, prepared for National Center for Urban & Industrial Health, Public Health Service, Cincinnati, Ohio; U. S. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare, Washington, D. C; & Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-1823-R20, October 1968, 22 pp. AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, TESTING AND OPERATION, V. L. Biderman, R. L. Guslitser, S. P. Sakharov, B. V. Nenakhov, I. I. Seleznev & S. M. Tsukerberg, Moscow, State Scientific 6. Technical Press for .Chemical Literature, pp. 1-171, 291-383, 1963; National Aeronautics & Space Administration Technical Translation TT F-12,382, September 1969, 242 pp., N70-16410 TIRE USE SURVEY--THE PHYSICAL CONDITION, USE, AND PERFORMANCE OF PASSENGER CAR TIRES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, J. L. Harvey & F. C. Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Institute for Applied Technology, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, Technical Note 528, May 1970, 43 pp. ULTRASONIC NONDESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION OF AUTOMOTIVE TIRES--AN EXPLORATORY FEASIBILITY STUDY, R. N. Pierce & L. U. Rastrelll, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, NBS Contract No. CST-399, prepared for the U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, February 1969, 23 pp. FREQUENCY OF TIRE DISABLEMENTS AMONG FOUR-TIRED VEHICLES ON THE ILLINOIS T0LLWAY, G. Declan Mcllraith & J. Stannard Baker, Northwestern University , Traffic Institute, Evanston, 111., Tire Study No. 1, 1968, 84 pp. also Highway Research Record No. 272, Publication 1649, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C, pp. 24-38 130 TIRE DISABLEMENTS FOLLOWED BY ACCIDENTS AMONG FOUR- TIRED VEHICLES ON THE ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, J. Stannard Baker & G. Declan Mcllraith, Northwestern University, Traffic Institute, Evanston, 111., Tire Study Number •4, 1968, 74 pp.; also Highway Research Record No. 272, Publication 1649, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C, pp. 24-38 TIRE DISABLEMENTS NOT FOLLOWED BY ACCIDENTS AMONG FOUR-TIRED VEHICLES ON THE ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, J. Stannard Baker & G. Declan Mcllraith, Northwestern University , Traffic Institute, Evanston, Illinois, Tire Study Number 3, 1968, 50 pp.; also Highway Research Record No. 272, Publication 1649, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C, pp. 24-38 USE AND CONDITION OF TIRES AMONG FOUR-TIRED VEHICLES ON THE ILLINOIS TOLLWAY, J. Stannard Baker & G. Declan Mcllraith, Northwestern University , Traffic Institute, Evanston, 111., Tire Study Number 2, 1968, 47 pp.; also Highway Research Record No. 272, Publication 1649, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C. pp. 24-38 RESEARCH REPORT ON THE PHYSICAL CONDITION OF PASSENGER VEHICLE TIRES IN HIGHWAY USE, Paul R. Lepisto, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. CST-399, prepared for Office of Vehicle Systems Research, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, September 30, 1968, 99 pp., PB 189 271 PASSENGER TIRE USE SURVEY- -CONSOLIDATED REPORT, I. R. Ehrlich, M. P. Jurkat, A. R. Schaefer, I. 0. Kamm, and F. Parsons, Stevens Institute of Technology , Davidson Laboratory, Hoboken, N. J., Contract No. CST-398, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section Washington, D. C., March 1969, 96 pp., PB 189 487 TIRE WEAR AND DURABILITY SPINVISION: A NEW LOOK AT DYNAMIC TIRE TEMPERATURE, John E. Corl & Chester F. Schwall, Jr., Armstrong Rubber Company , Research & Development, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700473, 9 pp. CALCULATION OF STRESS AND DEFORMATION APPEARING IN PNEUMATIC TIRES UNDER ROTATION, B. L. Bukhln ; reprint Reschet na Prochnost, No. 6, 56, Moscow 1960 ENERGY METHOD FOR CALCULATING STRESSES IN RUBBERIZED CYLINDRICAL PLY CASINGS, V. L. Biderman & B. L. Bukhln ; reprint Teck. Nauk. Mekh. Mashinostroenie , No. 6, 77, 1959 TIRE WEAR MODEL, Edward A. Saibel, Carnegie-Mellon University , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering-, Pittsburgh, Pa., NBS Contract No. CST-854-5, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 19 pp., PB 185 544 "IRE WEAR MODEL, Edward Saibel & Chenglung Tsai, Carnegie-Mellon University , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pa., NBS Contract No. CST-854-5, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, CMU Interim Report No. 2, November 1969, 38 pp., AD 699 806 TIRE WEAR MODEL, Edward Saibel 6. Chenglung Tsai, Carnegie-Mellon University , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pa., NBS Contract No. CST-854-5, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, CMU Interim Report No. 3, February 1970, 32 pp.,. AD 701 254 INFORMATION ON THE VALIDITY OF ACCELERATED TREADWEAR TESTS, Jesse R. West & C. E. McCormick, Continental Carbon Company , Research Division, Houston, Texas, presented at the A. C. S. Rubber Division Meeting, Buffalo, N. Y., October 14-17, 1969, 17 pp. ABRASION OF ELASTOMERS UNDER LABORATORY AND SERVICE CONDITIONS, D. Bulgin & M. H. Walters, Dunlop Company Limited , Dunlop Research Centre, Physical Research Department, Birmingham, England; reprint The Proceeding; of the International Rubber Conference , 1967, pp. 445- 469 FACTORS INFLUENCING CUT GROWTH TESTING, W. A. Gurney & 1. C. Cheetham, Dunlop Research Centre , Birmingham, England, I. R. I. Transactions, 1959, pp. 45-62 CALCULATION OF CRITICAL SPEED FOR ROTATING PNEUMATIC TIRES, V. L. Biderman & B. L. Bukhin; reprint Teck. Nauk. Mekh. Mashinostroenie, No. 1, 52, 1961 CRITICAL SPEED OF A 'ROTATING PNEUMATIC TIRE: BASIC EXPERIMENTAL DATA, V. L. Biderman ; reprint Raschet na Prochnost, No. 7, Part 3, 324, 1961 ENERGY METHOD FOR CALCULATING STRESSES IN RUBBERIZED CYLINDRICAL PLY CASINGS, V. L. Biderman & B. L. Bukhin; reprint Teck. Nauk. Mekh. Mashinostroenie , No. 6, 77, 1959 ON THE ABRASION OF RUBBER, A. Schallamach, The British Rubber Producers' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England; reprint Proc. Phys. Soc , Vol. 67, Pt. 12-B, pp. 883-891 FRICTION AND WEAR IN TYRES, T. Holmes & V. E. Gough, Dunlop Company Ltd. , Tyre Technical Division, Birmingham, England; Proceedings of the D. Mat (Av) Conference on "Friction and Wear in Tyres", June 1969, pp. 39-57, Ministry of Technology, London, S.W.I, England FRONT SUSPENSION AND TYRE WEAR, V. E. Gough, & G. R. Shearer, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd ., Birmingham, England; reprint Proc. of the Automobile Div., Institute of Mechanical Engineers, No. 9, 1955-56, pp. 171-216 FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES OF THE FRICTION AND WEAR OF RUBBER COMPOUNDS, M. H. Walters, Dunlop Company, Ltd. , Central Research & Development Division, Birmingham, England; Proceedings of the D. Mat (Av) Conference on "Friction and Wear in Tyres", June 1969, pp. 29-38, Ministry of Technology, London, S.W.I, England CALCULATION OF CRITICAL SPEED FOR ROTATING PNEUMATIC TIRES, V. L. Biderman & B. L. Bukhln ; reprint Teck. Nauk. Mekh. Mashinostroenie , No. 1, 52, 1961 WEAR AND FRICTION OF AIRCRAFT TYRES, T. Holmes & V. E. Gough, Dunlop Company Limited , U. K. Tyre Group, Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, England, Technical Marketing Div. Serial No. SA.144, December 1968, 28 pp. 131 CHARACTERIZATION OF CORD FATIGUE IN TIRES, K. R. Williams, J. W. Hannell & J. M. Swanson, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co . , Textile Fibers Dept . , Rayon Research Div., Richmond, Va.; reprint Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, April 1953, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 796-800 AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF TIRE CORD FATIGUE, by W. G. Klein, M. M. Piatt, and W. J. Hamburger, Fabric Research Laboratories, Incorporated , Dedham, Massachu- setts; reprint Textile Research Journal , Vol. 32, No. 5, May, 1962, 16 pp. CORD STRESSES IN INFLATED TIRES, Herbert G. Lauterbach & William F. Ames, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company , Inc., Wilmington, Del.; reprint Textile Research Journal, November 1959, Vol. XXIX, No. 11, pp. 890-900 FATIGUE FAILURE IN NYLON REINFORCED TIRES, Ralph G. Patterson & Robert K. Anderson, E. I. du Pcmt de Nemours & Co. , Inc. , Textile Fibers Dept., Wilmington, Del., presented at a meeting of the Div. of Rubber Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Miami Beach, Florida, May 4-7, 1965; reprint Rubber Chemistry and Technology , November 1965, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 832-839 FAILURE PHENOMENA IN TIRE REINFORCING SYSTEMS, G. A. M. Butterworth, Milton M. Piatt, Robert E. Erlandson & Leo Barish, Fabric Research Laboratories , Inc., Dedham, Mass., prepared under Contract No. CST 378 National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C; presented at the Akron Rubber Group, Inc. Winter Meeting January 23, 1970, 13 pp., 22 figs. DETERMINATION OF PASSENGER CAR TIRE PERFORMANCE LEVELS-- TREADWEAR, K. L. Campbell, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690507, 7 pp. METHODS FOR MEASURING STATIC STRAINS IN AUTOMOBILE TIRES, Bernhard Weickert, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc ., Textile Fibers Dept., Industrial Products Research Lab., Wilmington, Delaware; reprint Textile Research Journal, Vol. 32, September 1962, pp. 705-710 STRESSES IN DEFLECTED TIRES, William F. Ames & Herbert G. Lauterbach, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc. , Wilmington, Del., 7 pp. SPEED AND LOAD PROGRAMMING OF ENDURANCE TYPE TIRE TEST MACHINES, Richard L. Bock, Eagle Picher Industries , Incorporated , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700090, 6 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH TEMPERATURE RESISTANT RUBBER COMPOUNDS, Robert A. Hayes, Floyd M. Smith, Ward A. Smith, & Leland J. Kitchen, Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. , Chemical & Physical Research Labs., Akron, Ohio, Contract No. AF 33(616)-3953, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, WADC Technical Report 56-331, February 1958, 172 pp., PB 131, 924 DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH TEMPERATURE RESISTANT RUBBER COMPOUNDS, Floyd M. Smith, Thomas F. Lavery, Robert A. Hayes, Leland J. Kitchen, Sydney Smith, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Chemical & Physical Research Labs., Akron, Ohio, Contract No. AF 33(616)-3108, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, WADC Technical Report 56-331, December 1956, 248 pp., PB 131 923 THE EFFECT OF INTRACARCASS PRESSURE BUILD-UP ON TUBELESS TIRE PERFORMANCE, S. A. Banks, F. Brzenk 6. J. A. Rae, Enjay Laboratories , Linden, N. J.; C. S. Hwa, Esso Research & Engineering Co., Linden, N. J., present- ed to the 89th Meeting of the Division of Rubber Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Chicago, 111., September 2-4, 1964, 18 pp., 28 figs. NEW APPROACH TO TIRE DURABILITY TESTING, D. M. Coddington & W. D. Marsh, En lay Labs. , Linden, N. J.; & H. C. Hodges, Nevada Automotive Test Center, Carson City, Nevada; reprint Rubber Chemistry & Technology , Vol. 38, No. 4, November 1965, pp. 741-756 TUBELESS TIRE PERFORMANCE RELATED TO INNERLINER PRO- PERTIES, R. H. Dudley, Enjay Labs. , Linden, N. J, 6. J. V. Fusco, Enjay Chemical Co ., Elizabeth, N. J., presented to the 79th Meeting of the Div. of Rubber Chemistry, American Chemical Society, April 21, 1961, Report No. ELD-26055, 23 pp. THE EFFECT OF INTRACARCASS PRESSURE BUILD-UP ON TUBELESS TIRE PERFORMANCE, S. A. Banks, F. Brzenk & J. A. Rae, Enjay Laboratories, Linden, N. J.; C. S. Hwa, Esso Research & Engineering Co ., Linden, N. J., presented to the 89th Meeting of the Division of Rubber Chemistry, American Chemical Society, Chicago, 111., September 2-4, 1964, 18 pp., 28 figs. CORD FATIGUE IN FLEET -TESTED TIRES, W. G. Klein, M. M. Piatt 6. W. J. Hamburger, Fabric Research Labs., Inc. , Dedham, Mass., 10 pp. EFFECT OF VEHICLE MAINTENANCE, Lloyd L. Baldwin, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, SAE Report No. 650060; Truck Tire Economics , Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SP 265, pp. 17-20 SURFACE TEMPERATURE OF RUNNING TIRES USING INFRARED SCANNING, F. S. Conant, G. L. Hall 6. J. D. Walter, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700475, 7 pp. IMPACT RESISTANCE OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES, E. W. Lothrop, Jr., FMC Corporation , American Viscose Div., Marcus Hook, Pa.; Applied Polymer Symposia , No. 5, 1967 pp. 53-70 DETERMINATION OF PASSENGER TIRE PERFORMANCE LEVELS-- HIGH SPEED, R. H. Spelman, General Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690508, 6 pp. TRUCK TIRES--EFFECTS OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ON WEAR AND NOISE, R. H. Spelman, General Tire & Rubber Company , Warren, Mich.; Truck Tire Trends , Society of Automotive Engineers, SP-244, 1963, pp. 1-4 DETERMINATION OF PASSENGER TIRE PERFORMANCE LEVELS-TIRE STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE, F. S. Vukan & T. P. Kuebler, B. F. Goodrich Company , Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690509, 7 pp. 132 THE PICO LABORATORY ABRASION TEST, Edwin B. Newton & Hershel W. Grinter, B. F. Goodrich Research Center , Brecksville, Ohio; & D. Scott Sears, Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp., Richmond, Va.; reprint Rubber Chemistry & Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January-March, 1961, 15 pp. TREAD WEAR INDEXES OF VARIOUS SYNTHETIC ELASTOMERS- MEASURED IN VARYING SEVERITY ROAD TESTS, J. L. Ginn, R. L. Marlowe, R. F. Miller, B. F. Goodrich Company , Research Center, Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Second International Synthetic Rubber Symposium, London, England, October 11-13, 1960, 8 pp., 2 figs. TREAD WEAR OPERATING VARIABLES AND INDEX DETERMINATION, J. L. Ginn, R. L. Marlowe 6. R. F. Miller, B. F. Goodrich Company , Research Center, Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Summer Meeting, Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, 111., June 5-10, 1960, SAE Report No. 186C, 5 pp., 1 fig. PHYSICS OF THE SLIPPING WHEEL--PART II, SLIP UNDER BOTH TRACTIVE AND LATERAL FORCES, D.I. Livingston 6. J. E. Brown, Jr., Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Research Div., Akron, Ohio; Rubber Chemistry & Technology, Vol. 43, No. 2, March 1970, pp. 244-261 TIRE WEAR AND COST ON SELECTED ROADWAY SURFACES, R. A. Moyer & Glen L. Tesdall, Iowa State College, Iowa Engineering Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa, in cooperation with Public Roads Administration, Federal Works Agency, Washington, D. C., Iowa State College Bulletin 161, Vol. XLIV, No. 9, August 1, 1945, 127 pp. , PB 191 040 TIRE WEAR AND TIRE FAILURES ON VARIOUS ROAD SURFACES, R. A. Moyer, Iowa State College , Iowa Engineering Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa, in cooperation with Public Roads Administration, Federal Works Agency, Washington, D. C, June 1943, 44 pp., PB 191 039 TIRE-TREAD MEASUREMENT IN AN AUTOMATED AUTOMOBILE - INSPECTION SYSTEM FOR TURNPIKE ENTRANCES, Michael Deutsch, Massachusetts Institute Technology , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge, Mass., August 21, 1967, 53 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE D. MAT (AV) CONFERENCE ON "FRICTION AND WEAR IN TYRES" HELD AT E.R.D.E. WALTHAM ABBEY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2ND 1968, edited by W. H. Edwards, Ministry of Technology , Materials Division, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, S.W.I, England, D. Mat. Report No. 157, June 1969, 129 pp., N 70 21606 THE EFFECT OF THE DESIGN OF TYRES ON THEIR STRENGTH AND FATIGUE LIFE, B. Yurkovski, Moscow Tyre Works , Motor Transport Research Institute, translated by P. G. Williams, 2 pp. ANALYSIS OF AIRCRAFT TIRE FAILURE, Samuel D. Toner, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C, prepared for National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, D. C, Project 3120412, NBS Report No. 10 098, October 8, 1969, 3 pp. CUTS AND CUT GROWTH IN TIRES, F. C. Brenner & F. W. Barton, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH- 11-6090, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C, NBS Report No. 10 047, May 1969, 6 pp; Rubber Chemistry & Technology , Vol. 42, No. 5, December 1969, pp. 1462-65 ENDURANCE TESTS OF TIRES, W. L. Holt 6, P. L. Wormeley, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C; reprint Technologic Papers of the Bureau of Standards , No. T318, Vol. 20, 1925-1926, pp. 545-551 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE ROAD WEAR OF TYRES, R. D. Stiehler, M. N. Steel & J. Mandel, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C, presented at the Conference on Abrasion and Wear, Delft, Holland, November 14 it 15, 1951; Engineering, February 15, 1952, 4 pp. AN INDOOR TESTER FOR MEASURING TIRE TREAD WEAR, G. G. Richey, J. Mandel & R. D. Stiehler, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C; reprint Proceedings of International Rubber Conference , November 1959, pp. 104-110 LABORATORY MEASUREMENTS OF AIR CAVITY TEMPERATURE IN A PASSENGER CAR TIRE, B. G. Simson & J. Mandel, National Bureau of Standards , Institute for Applied Technology, Washington, D. C.j Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards--C . Engineering & Instrumentation , Vol. 73C, Nos. 1 and 2, January-June 1969, pp. 21-24 MEASUREMENT OF TREADWEAR OF COMMERCIAL TIRES, R. D. Stiehler, G. G. Richey & J. Mandel, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C; reprint Rubber Age , Vol. 73, No. 2, May 1953, 8 pp. MEASURING THE RATE OF WEAR OF TIRE TREADS, Frank L. Roth & William L. Holt, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C, Research Paper RP1574; Jou rnal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards , Vol. February 1944, pp. 61-65 32, RESEARCH FOR A UNIFORM QUALITY GRADING SYSTEM FOR T1RES--PART II. WHEEL SPEED CAPABILITY TEST, F. C. Brenner, J. Mandel & B. G. Simson, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6090, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C., NBS Report No. 10 067, July 1969, 19 pp; Rubber Chemistry & Technology , Vol. 42, No. 5, December 1969, pp. 1450-1461 RESEARCH FOR A UNIFORM QUALITY GRADING SYSTEM FOR TIRES. III. BREAKING ENERGY, B. G. Simson, J. Mandel & F. C. Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington,' D . C; Rubber Chemistry & Technology , Vol. 43, No. 2, March 1970, pp. 356-369 SOME PROBLEMS IN MEASURING TREAD WEAR OF TIRES, S. Spinner & F. W. Barton, National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, Technical Note 486, August 1969, 25 pp. TEMPERATURE STUDIES OF THE AIR IN A TRUCK TIRE, G. G. Richey, R. B. Hobbs & R. D. Stiehler, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C.; reprint Rubber Age , May 1956, 4 pp. TREAD WEAR OF TIRES--INFLUENCE OF TYPE OF RUBBER AND BLACK, John Mandel, Mary N. Steel 6. Robert D. Stiehler, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C; reprint Industrial and Engineering Chemistry , Vol. 4J, December 1951, pp. 2901-2908 133 ABRASION, FATIGUE, AND SMEARING OF RUBBER, A. Schallamach, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England; reprint Journal of Applied Polymer Science , Vol. 12, 1968, pp. 281-293 APPLICATION OF FRACTURE MECHANICS TO FAILURE IN RUBBER ARTICLES, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO GROOVE CRACKING IN TYRES, G. J. Lake, Natural Rubber Producers ' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts., England, presented at the Conference on the Yield, Deformation & Fracture of Polymers, Cambridge, 1970, Reprint No. 0207 THE EFFECT OF TYRE SURFACE TEMPERATURE ON THE WEAR RATING OF TREAD COMPOUNDS, K. A. Grosch, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts., England; Journal of the Institution of the Rubber Industry , Vol. 1, No. 1, January/February 1967, 5 pp. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE RELATIVE WEAR RATING OF TREAD COMPOUNDS, K. A. Grosch, Natural Rubber Producers ' Research Association, Ministry of Technology, London, England; Proceedings of the D. Mat (Av) Conference on "Friction and Wear in Tyres", June 1969, pp. 69-73 FATIGUE OF RUBBER, G. J. Lake & P. B. Lindley, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England, 11 pp. FRACTURE OF RUBBER, A. G. Thomas, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England, 10 pp. TEAR, CRACK GROWTH AND FATIGUE OF RUBBER, G. J. Lake, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England, 10 pp. TYRE WEAR AT CONTROLLED SLIP, K. A. Grosch & A. Schallamach, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association . Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England; reprint Wear, Vol. 4, 1961, pp. 356-371 NEW APPROACH TO TIRE DURABILITY TESTING, D. M. Coddington & W. D. Marsh, Enjay Labs., Linden, N. J.; & H. C. Hodges, Nevada Automotive Test Center . Carson City, Nevada; reprint Rubber Chemistry f. Technology, Vol. 38, No. 4, November 1965, pp. 741-756 MEASUREMENT AND PREDICTION OF CORD STRAINS AND LOADING IN INFLATED PNEUMATIC TIRES, Carl F. Zorowski & Stanley E. Dunn, North Carolina State University , Raleigh, N. C, Contract No. ERD-242, prepared for Chemstrand Research Center, Triangle Park, Durham, N. C, November 1967, 65 pp. A STUDY OF INTERNAL STRESSES IN STATICALLY DEFORMED PNEUMATIC TIRES, Carl F. Zorowski, North Carolina State University , Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Raleigh, N. C, Interim Progress Report CST-376, February 1969, 15 pp. REPORT OF TIRE WEAR TEST- -RETREADS VS ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT NEW' TIRES, Retreading Research Associates , Inc ., McLean, Va., 1967, 5 pp., 2 figs. THE LOAD DEPENDENCE OF LABORATORY ABRASION AND TYRE WEAR, K. A. Grosch & A. Schallamach, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England; reprint Kautschuk und Gumml, Kunstoffe , Vol. 22, No. 6, 1969, pp. 288-292 THE MECHANISM OF TYRE WEAR, A. Schallamach, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts., England; Proceedings of the D. Mat (Av) Conference on "Friction and Wear in Tyres", June 1969 pp. 65-67, Ministry of Technology, London, S.W.I, England THE EFFECT OF ROAD SURFACE TEXTURE ON TYRE WEAR, R. W. Lowne, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 265, 1969, 19 pp., PB 186 180 THE ROAD SURFACE IN RELATION TO FRICTION AND WEAR OF TYRES, Barbara E. Sabey, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Proceedings of the D. Mat (Av) Conference on "Friction and Wear in Tyres", June 1969, pp. 15-27, Ministry of Technology, London, S.W.I, England A NOTE ON THE FRICTIONAL TEMPERATURE RISE OF TYRES, A. Schallamach, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England; reprint Journal of the Institution of the Rubber Industry , Vol. 1, No. 1, January/February, 1967, 4 pp. AIRCRAFT TYRES--INTRODUCTORY REVIEW OF WEAR AND FRICTION, B. Shilling & J. R. Barnes, Royal Aircraft Establishment . Ministry of Technology, Farnborough, Hants., England; Proceedings of the D. Mat (Av) Conference on "Friction and Wear In Tyres", June 1969, pp. 3-14, Ministry of Technology, London, S.W.I, England PHYSICS OF FAILURE IN RUBBER, Graham J. Lake & Alan G. Thomas, Natural Rubber Producers Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England; Kautschuk und Gumml Kunststoffe , Vol. 20, No. 4, 1967, pp. 211-217 TYRE WEAR TESTS ON AN OPEN GRADED MACADAM RUNWAY FRICTION COURSE, E.J. Key, Royal Aircraft Establishment Ministry of Technology, Farnborough, Hants, England; Technical Report 67178, August 1967, 15 pp., 7 figs. RECENT ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE OF RUBBER FRICTION AND TIRE WEAR, A. Schallamach, Natural Rubber Producers ' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England; reprint Rubber Chemistry & Technology , Vol. 41 No. 1, 1968, pp. 209-244 STRESS SOFTENING IN NATURAL RUBBER VULCANIZATES-- PART V--THE ANOMALOUS TENSILE BEHAVIOR OF NATURAL RUBBER, J. A. C. Harwood & A , R . Payne, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, England; reprint Journal of Applied Polymer Science , Vol. 11, 1967, pp. 1825-1834 LABORATORY TESTING OF TREAD STOCK (PART II)--A NEW LABORATORY ABRASION INSTRUMENT, S. Davison, M. A. Deisz, D. J. Meir, R. J. Reynolds & R. D. Cook, Shell Development Company , Emeryville, Calif.; reprint Rubber World , Vol. 151, No. 6, March 1965, pp. 79-88 PROBABILITY CONDITIONS FOR THE FATIGUE FAILURE OF TYRE CARCASSES, F. N. Tavlybaev ; translated by P. G. Williams; reprint Soviet Rubber Technology , Vol. 26, No. 2, February 1967, pp. 34-37 134 SOME ASPECTS OF FRICTION AND WEAR OF TYRES ARISING FROM DEFORMATIONS, SLIP AND STRESSES AT THE GROUND CONTACT, A. R. Savkoor, Technological University, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Vehicle Research Lab., Delft, Netherlands; reprint Wear , Vol. 9, 1966, pp. 66-78 STUDY OF VARIOUS FACTORS INVOLVED IN THE RESISTANCE OF ELASTOMERIC VULCANIZATES TO ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS, Donald G. Poer, and E. G. Partridge, University of Southern California, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Tlargi Rubber Technology Foundation, Los Angeles, Calif. USCEC Report No. 94-101, October 1962, 70 pp. PREDICTING TIRE TREAD PERFORMANCE FROM COMPOSITION, I, J. H. Lane, C. A. McCall, & P. F. Cunberg, Texas-U. S. Chemical Company , Texas Research Center, Parsippany, N. J.J Rubber Chemistry 6. Technology, Vol. 43, No. 5,' September 1970, pp. 1070-1081 THE PICO LABORATORY ABRASION TEST, Edwin B. Newton & Hershel W. Grinter, B. F. Goodrich Research Center, Brecksville, Ohio; & D. Scott Sears, Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corp. , Richmond, Va.; reprint Rubber Chemistry {. Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January-March, 1961, 15 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF THE OPTIMUM CONDITIONS FOR STORING VEHICLE TYRES ON THE BASIS OF ASSESSMENT OF THEIR OPERATING PROPERTIES, L. K. Uspenskii, Tyre Research Institute , Moscow, Russia, translated by P. G. Williams, June 5, 1965, 3 pp. A STUDY OF TRUCK TIRE WEAR ON THE PAVEMENT TEST TRACK, Milan Krukar, Washington State University , College of Engineering, Pullman, Washington, Circular 27, 1966, 18 pp. DEMOGRAPHIC STUDY OF TIRE HAZARD FAILURES AND THEIR EFFECT ON TIRE LIFE, W. J. Dobie, UNIROYAL, Inc ., Detroit, Mich., 9 pp., 12 figs. TESTING TIRES FOR RESISTANCE TO IMPACT, SHOCK, AND CUTS, W. J. Dobie, UNIROYAL, Incorporated , Detroit, Mich., 1968, 10 pp., 16 figs. ENDURANCE TEST OF PASSENGER CAR TIRES, Edward Draw 6< Andrew W. Kails, U. S. Army Tank-Automotive Command , Vehicular Components & Materials Lab., Automotive Components Div., Mechanical Br., Report No. 10114 (F), July 1, 1968, 15 pp. OPERATION OF PASSENGER TIRES AT HIGH SPEEDS, E. H. Wallace & S. A. Lippmann, U. S. Rubber Co . presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Golden Anniversary Summer Meeting, Atlantic City, June 15, 1955; reprint SAE Transactions , Vol. 64, 1956, pp. 339-347 A THEORY OF RUBBER ABRASION, F. W. Boggs, U_. Rubber Company , Research Center, Wayne, N. J S. 13 pp. CORRELATION OF CORD LOADS IN TIRES ON ROADWHEEL AND HIGHWAY, Samuel K. Clark 6. Richard N. Dodge, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 70009 H, 8 pp. CONTINUATION OF STUDY OF VARIOUS FACTORS INVOLVED IN THE RESISTANCE OF ELASTOMERIC VULCANIZATES TO ATMO- SPHERIC CONDITIONS, Johnny Ong, and E. G. Partridge, University of Southern California , Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Tlargi Rubber Technology Foundation, Los Angeles, Calif., USCEC Report No. 94-102, July 1963, 66 pp . A STATISTICAL STUDY OF THE VARIABLES ASSOCIATED WITH THE OZONE CRACKING OF ELASTOMERIC VULCANIZATES, Donald E. Morris, and E. G. Partridge, U niversity of Southern Calif . . Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Tlargi Rubber Technology Foundation, Los Angeles, Calif., USCEC Report No. 94-104, July 1965, 89 pp. STUDY OF VARIOUS FACTORS INVOLVED IN THE RESISTANCE OF ELASTOMERIC VULCANIZATES TO ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS, Yong Che Kim, and E.G. Partridge, University of South- ern California , Dept. of Chemical Enginee'ring, Tlargi Rubber Technology Foundation, Los Angeles, Calif., USCEC Report 94-103, July 1964, 98 pp. TIRES AND WHEELS--MISCELIANEOUS GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATING TO RUBBER AND RUBBER-LIKE MATERIALS, American Society for Testing Materials) Philadelphia, Pa., Special Technical Publication No. 184, 1956, 121 pp. SYMPOSIUM ON THE APPLICATIONS OF SYNTHETIC RUBBERS, American Society for Testing Materials , Philadelphia, Pa., Proceedings of the Cincinnati Spring Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, March 2, 1944, 134 pp. RUBBER A $16 BILLION INDUSTRY TURNS ON TIRES, Earl V. Anderson , Senior Editor; Chemical & Engineering News , July 14, 1969, pp. 39-83 TIRE SAFETY SHORTCOMINGS- -A LOOK AT TIRE SAFETY PROBLEMS WITH SOME RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SAFER TIRES IN THE FUTU1U , Automobile Club of New York, Research Dept., New York, N. Y., February 1969, 38 dp. FLEET OPERATORS' EXPERIENCE, J. C. Paterson, Ryder System, Incorporated; & Charles J. Palisano, Boss-Llnco Lines, Inc ., SAE Report No. 650062; Truck Tire Economics, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SP-265, pp. 25-27 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MODERN TRUCK DISC WHEEL, J. N. Bradley, Budd Company , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700057, 5 pp. RUBBER IN THE 70' S--KEEN COMPETITION IN TIRE TECHNOLOGY, Ernest L. Carpenter , Washington, D. C; Chemical & Engineering News , April 27, 1970, pp. 31-56 WHEEL DEVELOPMENT AT CHRYSLER, L. D. Gschwind, Chrysler Corporation , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700446, 7 pp. FACTORS INFLUENCING TYRE DEVELOPMENT, G. F. Morton, Dunlop Company, Ltd ., Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, England; Journal of the IRI , August 1970, 8 pp. 135 THE FUTURE OF THE PNEUMATIC TYRE (Simplified version of the paper "Tyre Development & Application"), T. French £. W. Hofferberth, Dunlop Company, Limited , U. K. Tyre Group, Birmingham, England, presented to the Interna- tional Rubber Conference, Brighton, May 15-18, 1967, 12 pp. THE "LXX"--A NEW CONCEPT IN TIRES, John D. Kelley & William R. Woodall, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690106, 8 pp. PNEUMATIC TYRES, Tom French, Dunlop Company Limited , Tyre Technical Div , Fort Dunlop, Erdington, Birmingham, England; Science Journal , Vol. 5A, No. 5, November 1969, pp. 34-39 TALKING TYRES--SIMPLE EXPLANATIONS OF A FEW TECHNICAL TERMS USED IN TALKING ABOUT TYRE PERFORMANCE, Dunlop Rubber Company , Birmingham, England, Information Article Serial No. 1248, December 1966, 33 pp. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR PASSENGER CAR TIRES, John J. Goudie, Jr., Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., June 6-10, 1966, SAE Report No. 660375, 3 pp. TRUCK TIRE CONSTRUCTION--TUBELESS--DUPLEX, A. F. Weber, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; Truck Tire Trends , Society of Automotive Engineers, SP-244, 1963, pp. 11-14 TYRE DESIGN AND SAFETY, E. S. Tompkins, Dunlop Company Limited , U. K. Tyre Group, Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, presented to the British Academy of Forensic Sciences- Science Section, at a Meeting on Road Accidents, Birmingham, England, March 30, 1968, 20 pp. TYRES AND ROAD SAFETY, D. W. Badger, Dunlop Company Limited , Tyre Technical Div., Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, England, presented at the International Road Federation and African Highway Association Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 20-25, 1969, 20 pp. TYRES AND ROAD SAFETY—DEVELOPMENTS IN TYRES RELATING TO VEHICLE SAFETY AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION, T. French, Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd. , Erdington, Birmingham, England, presented to F.I.E. A. Conference, The Hague, Holland, Friday, May 1, 1964, 12 pp. TYRES AND ROAD SAFETY--PARTS I i II, B. Dreyfus, W. Hofferberth & G. F. Morton, Dunlop Company Limited Birmingham, England; reprint Road International , No. 72, March 1969, pp. 39-42, & No. 73, June 1969, pp. 16-21 TYRES AND SAFE DRIVING, Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd. Marketing Division, Birmingham, England, 16 pp. LOW ASPECT RATIO PASSENGER CAR TIRE FROM A VEHICLE MANUFACTURER'S POINT OF VIEW, Jacques Bajer, Ford Motor Company , Ford Division, presented to the International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Michigan, January 11-15, 1965, Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 983B, 14 pp. BETRIEBSBEANSPRUCHUNG VON RADFELGEN (SERVICE CONDITIONS OF WHEEL RIMS), 0. Svenson, Gemeinnutziges Forschungsinstitut der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft , Laboratorium fur Betriebsf estigkeit , Darmstadt-Eberstadt, Germany; ATZ-Automobiltechnische Zeltschrift , 67/8, pp. 245-250 DYNAMIC MEASUREMENT OF VEHICLE FRONT WHEEL LOADS USING A SPECIAL PURPOSE TRANSDUCER, Sonny G. Edwards, General Motors Corp ., General Motors Proving Ground, Milford, Mich.; reprint General Motors Engineering Journal , Fourth Quarter, 1964, pp. 15-18 EFFECT OF WHEEL N0NUNIF0RMITIES ON THE TIRE-WHEEL ASSEMBLY AND THE VEHICLE, A. Lloyd Nedley, General Motors Corporation , Chevrolet Motor Div., Detroit, Mich, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680005, 6 pp. TYMS FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, D. R. Henson, Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd ., Fort Dunlop, Erdington, Birmingham, England; reprint Rubber & Plastics Age , Vol. 45, No. 11, 1964, pp. 1331-1334 RADICAL IMPROVEMENTS IN TIRE AND WHEEL MANUFACTURE-- THEIR EFFECTS UPON RADIAL FORCE VARIATION OF THE ASSEMBLY, A. Lloyd Nedley & Deane M. Gearig, General Motors Corporation , Chevrolet Motor Division, -Detroit , Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report Ho. 700089, 6 pp. TYRES FOR MODERN ROADS, E. S. Tompkins, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. , Tyre Technical Div., Birmingham, England; reprint Proc. Institution of the Rubber Industry , Vol. 12, No. 2, April 1965, pp. 69-84 A SURVEY OF PRACTICES IN AUTOMOBILE TIRE INFLATION PRESSURES, Paul L. Olson & Herbert J. Bauer, General Motors Corp . , Engineering Mechanics Dept., Research Labs., Warren, Mich., Report No. 433, October 6, 1964, 5 pp. ECONOMIC REPORT ON THE MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF AUTOMOTIVE TIRES, Federal Trade Commission , Washington, D. C, March 1966, 117 pp. HIGHWAY SAFETY--DREAM OR REALITY? James E. Corey, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 82- 88 BETRIEBSBEANSPRUCHUNG UND PRUFUNG VON RADSCHEIBEN (SERVICE STRAINING AND TESTING OF WHEEL DISKS), A. Lueders, 0. Hofman & R. Gieseler , Solingen, Germany; ATZ-Automobiltechnische Zeltschrift , Part 1, 71 Jahrgan; Nr. 11, November 1969, pp. 379-385; Part 2, 71 Jahrgang No. 12, December 1969, pp. 438-446 A NEW SPARE TIRE, James Sidles & Armando Cardenas, B. F. Goodrlch-Co. . Brecksville, Ohio, Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 670460, May 1967 136 SELECTION OF TIRES FOR OVER-THE-ROAD VEHICLES, William Denton, B. F. Goodrich Company , Brecksville, Ohio, SAE Report No. 650058; Truck Tire Economics , Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SP-265, pp. 8-11 DESIGN AND MEASUREMENT OF TRUER RUNNING WHEELS, John A. Main, Motor Wheel Corp ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680004, 5 pp. DESIGN AND APPLICATION OF COMMERCIAL TYPE TIRES, J. A. Davisson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Tire Development Div., Tire Design Research, Akron, Ohio, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. SP-344, January 1969, 39 pp. THE ACCURACY OF AIR TOWER PRESSURE GAGES IN SUBURBAN WASHINGTON, D. C, B. G. Simson & R. W. Radlinski, National Bureau of Standards , Institute for Applied Technology, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, Technical Note 512, December 1969, 9 pp. SYMBIOTIC RELATIONS BETWEEN NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC RUBBER, James D. D'lannl, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co . Akron, Ohio.; reprint Proceedings of Natural Rubber Conference Kuala Lumpur 1968 , 11 pp. STATISTICS--A TOOL IN TESTING RUBBER, John Mandel & Robert D. Stiehler, National Bureau of Standards , Washington, D. C.J reprint ASTM Bulletin, No. 204, February 1955, pp. 44-50 TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING: TIRES, Frederick J. Kovac, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented to the American Chemical Society, Washington, D. C, May 6, 1970, 22 pp. TIRES--THEIR SELECTION AND CARE, F. C. Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C., November 1970, 28 pp. TIRE COST, W. L. Campbell, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. , Akron, Ohio, SAE Report No. 650057; Truck Tire Economics , Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SP-265, pp. 1-7 VALUES OF PHYSICAL CONSTANTS OF DIFFERENT RUBBERS, Lawrence A. Wood, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, prepared for the Smithsonian Physical Tables, 9th Edition, 1954, 21 pp. TIRE PROGRESS --PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE, M. A. Wilson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National West Coast Meeting, Seattle, Washington, August 19-22, 1963, SAE Report No. 721A, 7 pp. SOME FACTORS AFFECTING THE SERVICE LIFE OF NATURAL RUBBER ARTICLES, C. J. Derham, G. J. Lake & A. G. Thomas, Natural Rubber Producers' Research Association , Welwyn Garden City, Herts., England; Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya , Vol. 22, Part 2, 1969, pp. 191-200 TRENDS IN TRUCK TIRE TRACTION, NOISE, AND FUEL CONSUMPTION, D. H. Carson, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; Truck Tire Trends , Society of Automotive Engineers, SP-244, 1963, pp. 5-10 BETRIEBSBEANSPRUCHUNG UND PRUFUNC VON RADSCHEIBEN (SERVICE STRAINING AND TESTING OF WHEEL DISKS), A. Lueders, 0. Ho f man & R. Gieseler, Solingen, Germany; ATZ-Automobiltechnische Zeitschrlft , Part 1, 71 Jahrgang Nr. 11, November 1969, pp. 379-385; Part 2, 71 Jahrgang, No. 12, December 1969, pp. 438-446 MORE ACCURATE WHEELS AND WHEEL MOUNTINGS, Douglas D. Maclntyre, Kelsey-Hayes Co ., Romulus, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report 680003, 4 pp. TIRES FOR YOUR CAR, Jan P. Norbve . Jim Dunne & V. Lee Oertle; reprint Popular Science, April 1968, pp. 134-148 COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF TIRE RECALL CAMPAIGNS, Lee T. Keenen, Princeton University , Department of Aerospace & Mechanical Sciences, Princeton, N. J., Report No. 842, June 1968, 69 pp. THE LANGUAGE OF THE INDUSTRIAL RUBBER PRODUCTS INDUSTRY- A GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN HOSE, BELTING, ROLLS AND CITHER INDUSTRIAL RUBBER PRODUCTS, Rubber Manufacturers Association, New York, N. Y.; Rubber Age , October 1969, 17 pp. RUBBER INDUSTRY FACTS (INCLUDING U. S. A. VEHICLE AND TIRE STATISTICS), Rubber Manufacturers Association, New York, N. Y., 1967, 52 pp. BETRIEBSBEANSPRUCHUNG UND FRUFUNG VON RADSCHEIBEN (SERVICE STRAINING AND TESTING OF WHEEL DISKS), A. Lueders , 0. Hofman & R. Gieseler, Solingen, Germany; ATZ-Automobiltechnische Zeitschrlft , Part 1, 71 Jahrgang, Nr. 11, November 1969, pp. 379-385; Part 2, 71 Jahrgang, No. 12, December 1969, pp. 438-446 FLEET OPERATORS' EXPERIENCE, J. C. Pater son, Ryder System, Incorporated; & Charles J. Palisano, Boss-Linco Lines, Inc., SAE Report No. 650062; Truck Tire Economics , Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SP-265, pp. 25-27 INVESTIGATION OF AN ADVANCED VEHICLE INSPECTION SYSTEM, James Weigl, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge, Mass., June 1967, 67 pp. AN APPROACH TO HIGH SPEED WHEEL TESTING, Elvin E. Tuttle, Motor Wheel Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detorit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700445, 4 pp. TRUCK TIRE ECONOMICS, Society of Automotive Engineers, Incorporated , New York, N. Y., SP-265, 1965, 27 pp. TRUCK TIRE TRENDS, Society of Automotive Engineers , Incorporated , New York, N. Y., SP-244, 1963, 22 pp. TYRES--A REVIEW OF CURRENT CONSTRUCTIONS, DEVELOPMENTS, PERFORMANCE; Automobile Engineer , Vol. 59, No. 8, July 1969, pp. 274-288 137 ANTIOXIDANTS AND ANTIOZONANTS , Robert R. Barnhart, UNIROYAL, Inc ., Chemical Division, Naugatuck, Conn. 1966, 18 pp. EVALUATION OF STUDDED TIRES, Department of Defence Production , Chief Information Division, Ottawa, Ontario. Canada, March 14, 1967, 40 pp. CONSUMER APPRAISALS OF NATURAL RUBBER, N. P. Bekema, UNIROYAL Inc . , Plantation Div., Detroit, Mich.; reprint Proceedings of Natural Rubber Conference Kuala Lumpur 1968, 13 pp. PAVEMENT WEAR DUE TO STUDDED TIRES AND THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES IN ONTARIO, P. Smith & R. Schonfeld, Department of Highways , Ontario, Canada, Report No. RR152, November 1969, 65 pp. REPORT ON COMBAT TIRES AND 129TH REPORT ON ORDNANCE PROGRAM NO. 5229, U. S. Army , Automotive Testing & Research Div., Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen, Md., October 30, 1941, 16 pp., AD 471 599 FRICTIONAL PROPERTIES OF TREAD-TYPE COMPOUNDS ON ICE, F. S. Conant, J. L. Dum & C. M. Cox, Firestone Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; Industrial &■ Engineering Chemistry , Vol. 41, January 1949, pp. 120-126 RI&J.D WHEEL STUDIES BY MEANS OF DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS, E. T. Vincent, H. H. Hicks, Jr., E. I. Oktar & D. K. Kapur, U. S. Army Tank-Automotive Center , Land Loco- motion Lab., Center Line, Mich., Project No. 5510.11. 82200, Dept. of the Army Project No. 570-05-001, Report No. 7841, April 1, 1963, 103 pp. QUIETING NOISE MATHEMATICALLY--ITS APPLICATION TO SNOW TIRES, John H. Varterasian, General Motors Corp. Research Labs., Warren, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 690520, 12 pp. HOW MAY THE SPARE TIRE BE ELIMINATED? H. B. Hindin, U. S. Rubber Company , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Summer Meeting Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N. J., June 14- 19, 1959, SAE Report No. 79W, 11 pp. NEW SYNTHETIC RUBBERS IN TRK-K TIRES, E. H. Wallace, U. S. Rubber Company , Detroit, Mich.; Truck Tire Trends , Society of Automotive Engineers, SP-244, 1963, pp. 15-18 SATISFYING THE JET AGE CHALLENGE IN AIRCRAFT TIRES, H. B. Hindin, E. M. Menard, & E. H. Wallace, U. S. Rubber Co ., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1962, SAE Report No. 460B, 6 pp. PERFORMANCE C0MPARIS0N--2-PLY VERSUS 4-PLY PASSENGER CAR TIRES, R. F. Bogan & W. J. Dobie, U. S. Rubber Tire Co., Div. of UNIROYAL, Inc., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich. June 6-10, 1966, SAE Report No. 660378, 6 pp. HIGH PERFORMANCE TIRES, Ron Wakefield ; Road and Track , Vol. 21, No. 1, September 1969, pp. 61-76 WINTER TIRES AND CHAINS TIRES: STUDDED, Canadian Government Specifications Board, Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Specification 20-GP-31P, November 30, 1967, 10 pp. EVALUATION OF STUDDED TIRE PERFORMANCE, K. D. Bird & F. R. Haselton, Cornell University, Cornell Aerona utical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Report No. 159, September 1967, 72 pp. PERFORMANCE OF STUDDED TIRES ON ICE, A. L. Pulley & F. Dell'Amlco, Cornell Aeronautical Lab. . New York, N. Y.; prepared for Dunlop Tire 6. Rubber Corp., Buffalo, N. Y., CAL Report No. VJ-2204-V-1, March 1966, 26 pp. EFFECTIVENESS OF STUDDED TIRES, Damas 6. Smith, Ltd. , prepared for Canada Safety Council, Ottawa, Canada, 1970, 34 pp. ICE AND SNOW TIRE TRACTION, T. Sapp, B. F. Goodrich Tire Co. , Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680139, 6 pp. THE WINTER TIRE STUD, W. P. Miller, II, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company , Akron, Ohio; Highway Research Record No. 136, 1966, pp. 1-6 SAFETY OF METAL-STUDDED TIRES ON BARE PAVEMENT SURFACES, Donald R. Schwartz & Philip G. Dierstein, Illinois Department of Public Works 6. Buildings , Illinois Division of Highways, Bureau of Research & Development, Research & Development Report No. 13, March 1967, 21 pp. SOME TESTS OF STUDDED TIRES IN ILLINOIS, John E. Burke & Lloyd J. McKenzie, Illinois Division of Highways , Springfield, 111.; Highway Research Record No. 136, 1966, pp. 42-58 EFFECTS OF CARBIDE STUDDED TIRES ON ROADWAY SURFACES, Allan Lee, Thomas A. Page 6> Rafael DeCarrera, Maryland State Roads Commission , Bureau of Research, Baltimore, Md.; Highway Research Record No. 136 , 1966, pp. 59-77 EFFECT OF STUDDED TIRES ON AGGREGATE WEAR RATES AND RELATED EFFECTS ON SKID RESISTANCE, C. K. Preus, Minnesota Department of Highways , presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 12-16, 1970, 7 pp. PRELIMINARY STUDIES OF EFFECT OF STUDDED TIRES ON HIGHWAY PAVEMENTS, P. A. Jensen 6. G . R . Korfhage, Minnesota Department of Highways, Materials and Research Section, St. Paul, Minn.; Highway Research Record, No. 136, 1966, pp. 8-23 STUDDED TIRES, National Academy of Sciences , Highway Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C; Highway Research Record No. 136 , 1966, 77 pp. STUDDED TIRES, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 171, 1967, 51 pp. 138 AN EVALUATION OF STUDDED TIRE PERFORMANCE, E. A. Whitehurst & A. H. Easton, National Safety Council , Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Stevens Point, Wis. Highway Research Record No. 171, 1967, pp. 14-27 PASSENGER CAR AND FRICTION TRAILER TESTS, National Safety Council , Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Stevens Point, Wis., Final Report 1966, 46 pp. WINTER TEST PROGRAM, Nation?.! Safety Council , Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Chicago, 111., May 1962, 101 pp. JARRUTUSKOKEITA NASTA-, TALVI- JA KESARENKAILLA KF.SA- JA TALVITIEOLOISSA (STUDDED TIRE BRAKING TESTS- WINTER AND SUMMER TIRES UNDER SUMMER AND WINTER ROAD CONDITIONS), Veikko Ahola, Hannu Hiirla & Kaarlo Leinonen, TALJA, (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1967, No. 10, pp. 50-72 NASTARENKAIDEN KAYTON YLEISYYS JA AUTOILIJOIDEN MIELIPITEET NASTARENKAIDEN KAYTOSTA (POPULARITY OF STUDDED TIRES AND MOTORISTS' COMMENTS ON STUDDED TIRE BEHAVIOR), Veikko Ahola, Kaarlo Leinonen 6. Liisa Ratilainen, TALJA , (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1967, No. 10, pp. 1-49 1968 WINTER TEST REPORT, National Safety Council , Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Stevens Point, Wis., 61 pp. METHOD AND EQUIPMENT FOR CONTINUOUS MEASURING OF THE COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION AT INCIPIENT SKID, Gosta Kullberg, National Swedish Road Research Institute , Stockholm, Sweden; Highway Research Board Bulletin 348, 1962, pp. 18-35 STUDDED TIRE EVALUATION IN NEW JERSEY, W. R. Be Ills & J. T. Dempster, Jr., New Jersey Department of Transportation , Trenton, N. J.; Highway Research Record No. 171 , 1967, pp. 28-50 STUDDED TIRES--SKID RESISTANCE AND PAVEMENT DAMAGE, W. B. Burnett & E. J. Kearney, New York State Department of Public Works , Bureau of Physical Research, Albany, N. Y., presented at the Highway Research Board Forty- fifth Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C, January 17-21, 1966; Highway Research Record No. 136 , 1966, pp. 24-30 TEST OF STEEL STUDDED SNOW TIRES, Oscar A. White & John C. Jenkins, O regon State Highway Department , MaterialsDivision, Salem, Ore.; Highway Research Record No. 136, 1966, pp. 31-41 DAMAGE TO ROADS BY STUDDED TYRES, L. E. Hogbin, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 208, 1968, 9 pp. THE EFFECT OF TYRE CONSTRUCTION ON BRAKING FORCE COEFFICIENTS, J. K. Meades, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 224, 1969, 14 pp. EVALUATION- -STUDDED TIRES, J. L. A. Salois & A. R. Cousins, Royal Canadian Air Force , Central Experimental and Proving Establishment , Report No. 1782, 3 pp. UNDERSOKNING AV VINTERDACK OCH SLIRSKYDD UR FRIKTIONSSYNPUNKT (INVESTIGATION OF FRICTION PROPERTIES OF WINTER TYRES AND ANTI-SKID DEVICES), G. Kullberg & B. Kihlgren, Statens Vaginstitut , Stockholm, Sweden, Report No. 36, 1960, 39 pp. PRINCIPLES OF WINTER TIRE STUDS, W. Peter Miller, II, Studebaker Corporation ; Highway Research Record No. 171 , 1967, pp. 1-13 FACTORS IN TIRES THAT INFLUENCE SKID RESISTANCE, Tire and Rim Association, Inc ., Technical Advisory Committee, Akron, Ohio, presented at the First International Skid Prevention Conference held at the University of Virginia, September 8-12, 1958, 49 pp. FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS OF LUBRICATED FRICTION OF RUBBER-- PART VIII. FRICTION ON ICE, E. M. Bevilacqua 6. E. P. Percarpio, UNIROYAL, Inc ., Research Center, Wayne, N. J., September 19, 1967, 23 pp., 1 fig. THE CORNERING CAPACITY OF STUDDED TIRES, E. A. Whitehurst, University of Tennessee, Tennessee Highway Research Program; Highway Skid Resistance--A Symposium, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., Special Technical Publication 456, 1969, pp. 144-158 PERFORMANCE OF STUDDED TIRES ON ICE, A. H. Easton, University of Wisconsin , College of Engineering, Madison, Wis.; Highway Research Record No. 13b, 1966, pp. 7 RESUME OF TESTS ON PASSENGER CARS ON WINTER SURFACES 1939-1966, Gyaneshwar Prased Hajela, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., compiled for National Safety Council, Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Chicago, 111., 1968, 165 pp. 139 5-TRAFFK& TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS DRIVES BEHAVIOR AND HIGHWAY CONDITIONS AS CAUSES OF WINTER ACCIDENTS, Theodore W. Forbes & Milton S. Katz, American Institute for Research , Pittsburgh, Pa.; Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 161, 1957, pp. 18-29 MEDICO-ENGINEERING TRAINING PROGRAM— FINAL REPORT 1968, Stuart L. Brown, Baylor University , College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-6798, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, 273 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF A MEDICALLY ACCEPTABLE INJURY SCALE, Harold A. Fenner, Jr., American Medical Association, Committee on Medical Aspects of Automobile Safety, Hobbs, New Mexico; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 632-646, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. MULT DISCIPLINARY INVESTIGATIONS TO DETERMINE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS, FAILURES AND VEHICLE CRASHES, John R. Finch & James P. Smith, Baylor College of Medicine , Department of Psychiatry, Houston, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-7254, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, April 30, 1970, 219 pp. METHOD OF RECORDING AND MEASURING MOTOR VEHICLE FLEET ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE, American National Standards Institute , New York, N. Y., USA Standard D 15. 1-1968, September 10, 1968, 11 pp. METHOD OF RECORDING AND MEASURING MOTOR VEHICLE FLEET AND PASSENGER ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE, American National Standards Institute, New York, N. Y., USA Standard Dl5. 2-1968, September 10, 1968, 12 pp. ARIZONA'S TRAFFIC ACCIDENT SUMMARY FOR 1968, Arizona Highway Department , Traffic Safety Division, Records Section, Phoenix, Ariz., 26 pp. ARIZONA'S TRAFFIC ACCIDENT SUMMARY FOR 1969, Arizona Highway Department , Traffic Safety Division, Records Section, Phoenix, Ariz., 30 pp. PSYCHOLOGICAL AUTOPSY, John R. Finch, Baylor College of Medicine , Houston, Texas; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 183-227, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York. N. Y. THE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION OF BRAKING AND STEERING EQUIPMENT—A MANUAL FOR TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, Bendlx Corporation , Bendix Products Automotive Div., South Bend, Ind., 1966, 21 pp. HUMAN FACTORS AND ROAD ACCIDENTS, John P. Bull, Birmingham Accident Hospital , Road Injuries Research Group; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash 6> Injury Prevention, July 11 6. 12, 1966, pp. 113-117, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England ACCIDENT RISK DUE TO AGE AND YEAR OF MANUFACTURE OF THE CAR, L. A. Foldvary, D. W. Potter 6. M. H. Cameron, Australian Road Research Board , Victoria, Australia; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1303-1316; SAE Report No. 700442 CAR CRASH INJURIES BY SEATING POSITION AND MILES TRAVELLED, L. A. Foldvary, Australian Road Research Board; J. C. Lane, Department of Civil Aviation, Australia; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 17-72, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn ALCOHOL SAFETY STUDY— THE SOCIAL ECOLOGY OF VIOLENT DEATH IN A METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY--A COMPARISON OF TRAFFIC FATALITIES AND OTHER CAUSES OF DEATH, Robert E. Roberts & George W. McBee, Baylor University , College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-6603, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, 1968, 75 pp. LEGAL ASPECTS OF DATA COLLECTION IN AUTOMOBILE COLLISION INVESTIGATIONS, James Patrick Smith, Jr., Baylor College of Medicine , Houston, Texas; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp 753-760, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. MEDICO-ENGINEERING RESEARCH PROGRAM— A REPORT ON 15 VEHICLE CRASHES, John R. Finch, James P. Smith & Ardis W. White, Baylor University , College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-6798, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, 1969, 425 pp. DISABLED DRIVERS AND ELDERLY PERSONS INJURED IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, Georg Bllkra & Rolf Ringkjob, Oslo, Norway; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine—Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 159-160 TRAFFIC INJURIES L'; CHILDREN, Georg Bllkra & Rolf Ringkjob, Oslo, Norway, Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 239-240 TEN FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Boston University , Law- Medicine Institute, Forensic Sciences-Section, Boston, Mass., Contract No. FH-11-6795, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Highway Safety, Washington, D. C, 55 pp. DRIVEWAYS, Paul C. Box and Associates , Washington, D. C; Chapter 5 of TRAFFIC CONTROL & ROADWAY ELEMENTS— THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY/REVISED, Highway Users Federation for Safety & Mobility, Washington, D. C, 1970, 8 pp. INTERSECTIONS, Paul C. Box and Associates , Washington, D. C.J Chapter 4 of TRAFFIC CONTROL 6. ROADWAY ELEMENTS- THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY/REVISED, Highway Users Federation for Safety & Mobility, Washington, D. C, 1970, 12 pp. FATAL AND INJURY ACCIDENT RATES- -ON FEDERAL-AID AND OTHER HIGHWAY SYSTEMS, Bureau of Public Roads , Washington, D. C, 1968, 36 pp. THE INTERSTATE HIGHWAY ACCIDENT STUDY, Morton S. Raff, Bureau of Public Roads , Washington, D. C.J reprint Public Roads , Vol. 27, No. 8, June 1953, pp. 170-186 140 TRAFFIC SENSING AND SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM EXPERIMENTAL INSTALLATION, WASHINGTON, D. C, Uwrence D. Powers & Merton J. Rosenbauni, Jr., Bureau of Public Roads , Washington, D. C.; Proceedings of Che Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 436-461, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. MECHANICAL FACTORS IN FATAL SINGLE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS STUDY DURING 1968, California Highway Patrol , Operational Planning & Analysis Dlv., Operational Analysis Section, Sacramento, Calif., prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, January 1969, 33 pp. COLLISION DAMAGE SEVERITY SCALE, K. A. Stonex & W. D. Nelson, General Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. W. Siegel, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; J. W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y.; & C. S. Mlchalski, Reid, Cool, & Michalski, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report Mo. 700136, 5 pp. COMPUTER SIMULATION OF AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS--A NEW RESEARCH TOOL, Raymond R. McHenry, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y. , presented at Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. Eastern Simulation Council Meeting, October 17-18, 1967, Buffalo, N. Y., Revised August 19, 1968, 26 pp. MECHANICAL FACTORS STUDY, California Highway Patrol , Sacramento, Calif., February 1970, 99 pp. A DETERMINATION OF NEEDED MINOR HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS THROUGH AN ANALYSIS OF FATAL ACCIDENT REPORTS, Robert E. Conner, Catholic University , School of Engineering & Architecture, Washington, D. C. June 1967, 51 pp. ANALYSIS OF MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS INVOLVING AIR FORCE PERSONNEL, Nancy D. Bailey & James E. Hall, Caywood-Schiller Associates , Chicago, 111., Contract No. FH-11-6969, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1969, 175 pp. A STUDY OF THE PROBLEM OF HOT PURSUIT BY THE POLICE, Edmund F. Fennessy, Thomas Hamilton, Kent B. Joscelyn & John S. Merritt, Center for the Environment & Man , Incorporated, Hartford, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-7220 prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 4022-409, July 1970, 252 pp. ACCIDENT SIMULATION BY COMPUTER, Norman J. DeLeys, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Dept . , Vehicle-Occupant Simulation Section, Buffalo, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 475-494, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. APPLICATION OF SELECTED TECHNOLOGY TO ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, VOLUME III, Robert A. Wolf & John W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6651, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2515-V-3, October 1968, 238 pp. AUTOMOTIVE CRASH INJURY RESEARCH, John W. Garrett, Richard C. Bralsted, Mary Ann Bouchard, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Dept., Accident Research Branch, Buffalo, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 348-390, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. COMPUTER SIMULATION OF SINGLE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, Raymond R. McHenry, David J. Segal & Norman J. Deleys, Cornell University , Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., New York, N. Y.; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 1-34, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLISION INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY SYMPOSIUM, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No FH-11-7153, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, August 24-28, 1969, 797 pp. A PROGRAM PLAN FOR INVESTIGATING WARRANTS FOR SAFETY STANDARDS ON MOTOR VEHICLE SPEED, Rodolfo D. Vergara, Cornell University, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6529, prepared for Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, CAL Report No. VJ-2494-V-2, September 1967, 68 pp. RESEARCH TO IMPROVE THE PROCESS OF ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, J. M. Keryeski & J. W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6651, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2515-V-1. January 5, 1968, 66 pp. RESEARCH TO IMPROVE THE PROCESS OF ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, VOLUME II, J. M. Keryeski & J. W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Accident Research Br., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6651, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C., CAL Report No. VJ-2515-V-2, October 1968, 237 pp. A STUDY OF SPEED IN INJURY-PRODUCING ACCIDENTS: A PRELIMINARY REPORT, John 0. Moore, Cornell University , Automotive Crash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y.; reprint American Journal of Public Health , Vol. 48, No. 11, November 1958, pp. 1516-1525 A STUDY OF VOLKSWAGEN ACCIDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES, John W. Garrett & Arthur Stern, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Automotive Crash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y., prepared for Volkswagen of America, Inc. CAL Report No. VJ-1823-R32, November 1968, 112 pp. A BRIEF HISTORY OF MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, Robert A. Wolf & John C. Fralish, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 69-108, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES FOR ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, Kenneth J. Tharp & John M. Keryeski, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 232-271, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , New York, N. Y 141 TRUCK ACCIDENTS AND TRAFFIC SAFETY— AN OVERVIEW, Robert A. Wolf, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory. Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., presented at the Society of Automotive engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968. SAE Report No. 680491, 19 pp. TRUCKS IN RURAL INJURY PRODUCING AND PROPERTY DAMAGE UTAH ACCIDENTS, William E. Schotz & Shirley J. Robinson, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7098, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2721-R9, December 1969, 102 pp. VALIDATION OF A COMPUTER SIMULATION OF SINGLE-VEHICLE ACCIDENTS BY FULL-SCALE TESTING, Norman J. DeLeys, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., presented at the First International Conference on Vehicle Mechanics, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., July 16-18, 1968, 52 pp. VEHICLE DYNAMICS IN SINGLE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS—VALIDATION AND EXTENSIONS OF A COMPUTER SIMULATION, Raymond R. McHenry &. Norman J. Deleys, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. CPR-11-3988, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Public Roads, Traffic Systems Div., Office of Res. & Development, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2251-V-3, December 1968, 276 pp., PB 182 663 VEHICLE SPEED AND RURAL AUTOMOTIVE CRASH INJURY, PART I: ESTIMATED TRAVELING SPEED AND FATALITIES, Robert A. Wolf, John W. Garrett, Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Raymond R. McHenry, Richard P. Mayor, & Arthur Stern, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7098, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Wash., D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2721-R-1, January 1969, 41 pp. TRUCK ACCIDENT STUDY—REPORT OF PROCEDURES AND FINDINGS, Ernst 6. Ernst , Management Services Division, Cleveland, Ohio, prepared for Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., Detroit, Mich., August 1968, 117 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT DATA, L. L. Jensen & W. J. Ruby, Ford Motor Company , Automotive Safety Research Office, Dearborn, Mich., Report No. S-68-15, November 1968, 20 pp. COLLISION DAMAGE SEVERITY SCALE, K. A. Stonex 6. W. D. Nelson, General Motors Corp ., Detroit, Mich.; A. W. Siegel, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; J. W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.s 6< C. S. Michalski, Reid, Cool, & Michalski, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700136, 5 pp. GM-ADAP—AN EFFICIENT SYSTEM FOR THE COLLECTION, STORAGE, AND RETRIEVAL OF ACCIDENT INFORMATION, Robert A. Rogers, Wilton D. Nelson & Arline R. Rininger, General Motors Proving Ground , Safety Research & Develop, ment Laboratories, Milford, Mich.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 682-699, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. MOTOR -VEHICLE INDUSTRY COLLISION DATA NEEDS, Louis C. Lundstrom, General Motors Technical Center , Warren, Mich.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 12-21, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. MULTIDISCIPLINARY ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS, Paul H. Wright, Georgia Institute of Technology , School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, Ga., Contract No. FH-11-7400, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, GIT Report No. CE-PW-F04, August 1970, 63 pp. CAR CRASH INJURIES BY SEATING POSITION AND MILES TRAVELLED, L. A. Foldvary, Australian Road Research Board; J. C. Lane, Department of Civil Aviation , Australia; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 17-72, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. STATISTICAL OBSERVATIONS ON ROAD ACCIDENT INJURIES AMONG ELDERLY PEOPLE, P. Dl Leo & P. T. Ricclardi Polllni, Rome, Italy; Proceedings of the Interantlonal Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, p. 165 STATISTICAL OBSERVATIONS ON VICTIMS OF ROAD ACCIDENTS AMONG CHILDREN, P. T. Ricclardi Polllni & P. Dl Leo, Rome, Italy; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine—Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, p. 271 AN EPIDEMIOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE CONTROL OF AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS: EXPERIMENTAL PATROL INTENSIFICATION AT A MILITARY BASE, Thomas S. Irby & Herbert H. Jacobs, Dunlap & Associates, Inc. , Stamford, Conn., Traffic Safety Research Review, March 1960, pp. 4-7 A STUDY OF SEVERE VEHICULAR ACCIDENTS — PHASE I: MEDICO-ENGINEERING TRAINING PROGRAM, Fleming L. Jolley & Paul H. Wright, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, Ga., Contract No. FH-11-6797, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Final Report, Project B-605, June 1968, 117 pp., PB 182 262 VEHICULAR COLLISION RESEARCH AT THE GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Paul H. Wright, Georgia Institute of Technology , Office of Research Administration, Atlanta, Ga.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 138-152, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. ACCIDENT RESEARCH--METHODS AND APPROACHES, William Haddon. Jr .. Edward A. Suchman & David Klein, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, Evanston, & London, 1964, 752 pp. A CONTROLLED INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ADULT PEDESTRIANS FATALLY INJURED BY MOTOR VEHICLES IN MANHATTAN, William Haddon, Jr. , Preston Valien, James R. McCarroll 6. Charles J. Umberger, reprint J. Chron- Pis. , December 1961, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 655-678 PEDESTRIAN REGULATION ENFORCEMENT AND THE INCIDENCE OF PEDESTRIAN ACCIDENTS, Sidney Singer, Dunlap 6. Associates , Inc., Darien, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-6968, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, SSD Report No. 69-726, August 1969, 79 pp. CONCEPTUAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN ACCIDENT RESEARCH, Herbert H. Jacobs, Hallmark Cards, Inc ., Research & Development, Kansas City, Mo.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 111-133, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. 142 COLLISION INVESTIGATION IN AUSTRALIA, A. J. McLean, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 533-561, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. A CRITIQUE OF ACCIDENT RESEARCH, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard Scho ol of Public Health, Boston, Mass., reprint Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences , May 22, 1963, Vol. 107, Article 2, pp. 686-695 INDEPTH ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROGRAM—CASE STUDY REPORTS, Highway Safety Foundation , Crash Research Team, Mansfield, Ohio, 1969, 1970 PEDESTRIANS, Edward A. Mueller, Highway Research Board, Engineer of Traffic 6« Operations, Washington, D. C; Woodrow W. Rankin, Highway Users Federation for Safety 6. Mobility , Washington, D. C; Chapter 8 of TRAFFIC CONTROL & ROADWAY ELEMENTS—THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY/REVISED, Highway Users Federation for Safety & Mobility, Washington, D. C, 1970, 11 pp. THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, Ross A. MfcFarland, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, M»ss.; reprint The Journal of The American Medical Association, April 28, 1962, Vol. 180, pp. 289-300 AN EVALUATION OF CURRENT TRENDS AND PREVENTIVE MEASURES IN THE FIELD OF ACCIDENTAL INJURIES AND DEATHS, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Pu blic Health. Boston, Mass., December 15, 1966, 5 pp. THE EXTERIOR COLLISION, A. J. McLean, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass.; G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1214-1221; SAE Report No. 700434 MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS- -A STUDY FOR THE SELECTION OF MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS, VOLUME I, Kent B. Joscelyn, Ralph K. Jones & Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University, Institute for Research in Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11-7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 233 pp. MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS—THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEED LIMITS: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE, VOLUME II, Kent B. Joscelyn& Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University , Institute for Research in Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11-7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 140 pp. HUMAN FACTORS IN HIGHWAY SAFETY, Ross A. McFarland & Roland C. Moore, Harvard School of Public Health. Boston, Mass.; reprint New England Journal of Medicine , Vol. 256, April 25, May 2 & 9 , 1957, pp. 792-799, 837- 845, 890-897 HUMAN FACTORS IN HIGHWAY TRANSPORT SAFETY, Ross A. McFarland & Alfred L. Moseley, Harvard School of Public Health. Boston, Mass., 1954, 295 pp. INJURIES IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, G. Anthony Ryan, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Massachusetts; reprint New England Journal of Medicine , May 11, 1967, Vol. 276, pp. 1066-1076 SIGNIFICANT TRENDS IN HUMAN FACTORS RESEARCH ON MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard University , Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 1-17, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS- -A PROGRAMMED IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL FOR SETTING A SPEED LIMIT BASED ON THE 85TH PERCENTILE, VOLUME III, Kent B. Joscelyn (x Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University, Institute for Research in Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11- 7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 103 pp. MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS— AN IMPLEMENTATION METHOD FOR SETTING A SPEED LIMIT BASED ON THE 85TH PERCENTILE SPEED, VOLUME IV, Kent B. Joscelyn & Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University , Institute for Research in Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11-7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 22 pp. PREDICTING ACCIDENT TRENDS AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT, Clifford 0. Swanson & A. R. Lauer, Iowa State College , Ames, Iowa; Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 161 , 1957, pp. 48-54 VARIABLES IN AUTOMOBILE DEATH CASES, Alfred L. Moseley, Harvard University, Medical School, Boston, Mass.; reprint Aspects Techniques de la Securite Routlere , September 1964, pp. 2.1-2.25 VARIETIES OF AUTOMOBILE DEATH, Alfred L. Moseley, Harvard University , Department of Legal Medicine, Research on Fatal Highway Collisions, Boston, Mass.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 94-104, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. PEDESTRIANS, Edward A. Mueller, Highway Research Board , Engineer of Traffic & Operations, Washington, D. C; Woodrow W. Rankin, Highway Users Federation for Safety (, Mobility, Washington, D. C; Chapter 8 of TRAFFIC CONTROL 6. ROADWAY ELEMENTS— THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY/REVISED, Highway Users Federation for Safety 6. Mobility, Washington, D. C , 1970, 11 pp. CHARACTERISTICS OF FATALLY INJURED DRIVERS, Susan P. Baker, Johns Hopkins University , School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Md . , Contract No. FH 11-7092, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, February 1970, 63 pp., PB 190 415 EFFECTIVE IMPACT VELOCITY FROM VEHICLE DEFORMATION — A PRELIMINARY STUDY, D.J. Van Kirk & J. Hirsch, Wayne State University, Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Detroit, Mich.; T. B. Sato, Keio University , Div. of Mechanical Engineering, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680477, 6 pp. ACCIDENT RESEARCH- -METHODS AND APPROACHES, William Haddon, Jr., Edward A. Suchman & David Klein , Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, Evanston, & London, 1964, 752 pp. 143 ACCIDENTS REDUCTION DUE TO THE TRAFFIC SAFETY DEVICES IN KOBE CITY, Toshlro Edamura 6. Takeshi Otsuka, Kobe University , Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku Kobe, Japan, Report No. 12, Construction Engineering Research Institute Foundation, November 1969, 14 pp. AN ANALYSIS OF FREEWAY MEDIAN ACCIDENTS, Toshlro Edamura 6. Mamoru Hlsal, Kobe University, Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan, Report No. 11, Construction Engineering Research Institute Foundation, May 1968, 11 pp. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS AMONG CHILDREN, G. Ekstrb'm, U. Gastrin & 0. Qvist, Kronprinsessan Lovisas Barnsjukhus , Department of Paediatrlc Surgery, Stockholm, Sweden; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 212-225 TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS AMONG CHILDREN--A CRITICAL SURVEY ANE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ARTICLES REPORTED IN THE INDEX MEDICUS FROM 1957 TO 1965, Gunnel Magnusson , Stockholm, Sweden; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medlcine--Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 256-259 ACCIDENT PATHOLOGY, REGISTRY AND TRAINING—IN DEPTH INVESTIGATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE FATALITIES, Russell S. Fisher, Maryland Medical-Legal Foundation, Inc ., Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Maryland, Baltimore, Md., Contract No. FH- 11-6595, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, September 3, 1969, 31 pp. A CONTROLLED INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ADULT PEDESTRIANS FATALLY INJURED BY MOTOR VEHICLES IN MANHATTAN, William Haddon Jr., Preston Valien, James R. McCarroll & Charles J. Umberger, reprint J. Chron. Pis. , December 1961, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 655-678 COMPARISONS OF CAR CRASHES IN THREE COUNTRIES, G. Anthony Ryan, Monash University , Medical School, Dept. of Social & Preventive Medicine, Victoria, Australia; & G. Murray Mackay, University of Birmingham, Dept. of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 336- 352, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. INVESTIGATING AND FORECASTING TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C., Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 1957, HRB Bulletin 161, 54 pp. COLLISION INVESTIGATIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, J. R. Odendaal, National Institute for Road Research ; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 562-631, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE EFFECT OF CONVENTIONALLY ENFORCED MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS ON MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, J. Wadsworth, National Research Council of Canada. Motor Vehicle Accident Study Group, Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No. 9, November 1966, 27 pp., 17 figs. MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY: ACCIDENT CONTROL, A. H. Hall, National Re search Co uncil _of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No. 8, May 1966, 36 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY: THE SYSTEM, W. F. Campbell, National Research Council of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No. 1, May 1966, 31 pp., 6 figs. MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY: THE VECTORS, J. Wadsworth, National Research Council of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No. 6, May 1966, 6 pp., 3 figs. A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF ROAD ACCIDENTS IN 1967," Metropolitan Police District , London, England, 49 pp. 12 figs. A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF ROAD ACCIDENTS IN 1968, Metropolitan Police District , London, England, 48 pp., 13 figs. IMPROVING VISIBILITY OF THE HIGHWAY AND HIGHWAY SIGNS AS A MEANS OF ACCIDENT PREVENTION, Theodore W. Forbes, Michigan State University , Department of Psychology 6. Division of Engineering Research, East Lansing, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 113-117, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. POST-ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION OF A 1954 FORD-COACH, G. F. W. McCaffrey, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, Report LTR-MVA-1, February 7, 1967, 9 pp., 6 figs. POST ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION OF THE BRAKE SYSTEM OF A 1966 IHC Truck, G. F. W. McCaffrey, National Research Council , National Aeronautical Establishment, Ottawa, Canada, May 12, 1967, 10 pp., 9 figs. REPORT OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT STUDY GROUP, W. F. Campbell, R. J. Carson, G. F. W. McCaffrey, F. R. Thurston & J. Wadsworth, National Resear ch Council of Canada . Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No. 7, May 1966, 24 pp., 3 figs. PUBLIC OPINION IN MICHIGAN ON TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PREVENTION, Verling C. Troldahl & R. Vincent Farace, Michigan State University , Dept. of Communication, East Lansing, Mich., January 1966, 39 pp. A COMPUTER STUDY INTO THE CAUSES OF 1965-66 TRAFFIC DEATHS IN JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, Floyd A. Miller , Jacksonville, Florida, August 1966, 35 pp. ACCIDENT FACTS, National Safety Council , Chicago, 1970, 96 pp. 111., AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY, William L. Halnon, National Transportation Safety Board , Operations Branch, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 155-182, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. ROAD ACCIDENT STATISTICS — INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE COMPLETION OF ROAD ACCIDENT REPORTS (FORMS STATS. 19, 19A and 19B), Ministry of Transport 6. Civil Aviation Scottish Home Department, London, England, Report No. 20, 1959, 36 pp. COMPACT CAR ACCIDENT STUDY, GARDEN STATE PARKWAY: JANUARY 1968 - JUNE 1969, Robert A. Nelson, New Jersey Highway Authority , Garden State Parkway, Woodbrldge, N. J., November 7, 1969, 26 pp. 144 A CONTROLLED STUDY OF FATAL AUTOMOBILE '.CCIDENTS IN NEW YORK CITY, James R. McCarroll & William Haddon, Jr. New York State Department o f Health, Albany N. Y.; reprint J. Chron, Pis ., Vol. 15, pp". 811-826 FIRE AS A FACTOR IN MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS IN NEW YORK STATE, MARCH AND SEPTEMBER 1968, Uohn 0. Moore & Donald Barry Negri, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles , Albany, N. Y., Research Report 1969-2, October 1969, 29 pp. A NOTE CONCERNING ACCIDENT THEORY AND RESEARCH WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, William Raddon, Jr., New York State Department of Health , Epidemiology Residency Program, Albany, N. Y.; reprint Annals New York Academy of Sciences , Vol. 107, 1963, pp. 635-646 PRESENT AND FUTURE TRAFFIC ACCIDENT RECORDS SYSTEM IN NEW YORK STATE'S EFFORTS TO COMPLY WITH FEDERAL STANDARDS, Basil Y. Scott, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles , Program Development, Albany, N. Y.; reprint Safety , summer/ fall, Vol. 55, No. 3, 1968, pp. 10-14 THE PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS, William Haddon, Jr., New York State Department of Health , Division of Chronic- Disease Services, Albany, N. Y.; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 62-97; also Preventive Medicine , Duncan W. Clark (x Brian MacMahon, publisher Little, Brown and Co., Boston, Mass., 1967, pp. 591-621 CAUSAL FACTORS IN SINGLE VEHICLE FATAL ACCIDENTS, George G. Snively, Snell Memorial Foundation, Sacramento, Calif.; Robert M. Phillips & George L. Nielsen ; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 6c 11. 1966, pp. 12-18 THE ROAD ACCIDENT RISKS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE— THE MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY PATTERN, Bert 11 Aldman, Official Council on Road Safety Research , Stockholm, Sweden; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Mediclne--Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 203-206 A METHOD OF INVESTIGATING HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, Thomas G. Brittenham, David M. Clancy & Emmett H. Karrer, Ohio State University , Columbus, Ohio; Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 161 , 1957, pp. 30-47 ETUDE CLINIQUE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA CIRCULATION ROUTIERE— INTR0DUCTI0N, FINS ET MOYENS DE LA RECHERCHE, FASCICULE I (CLINICAL STUDY OF ROAD ACCIDENTS — INTRODUCTION, ENDS AND MEANS OF THE RESEARCH, VOLUME I), Organ lsme National de Se'curlte Routiere , Arcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 25, April 1970, 14 pp. ETUDE CLINIQUE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA CIRCULATION ROUTIERE — DOSSIER DE L'ACCIDENT 15, PREMIERE PARTIE: LISTES DE CONTROLE, FASCICULE II (CLINICAL STUDY OF ROAD ACCIDENTS—FILE ON ACCIDENT 15, FIRST PART: REGISTRATION LISTS, VOLUME II), Organlsme National de Securite Routiere , Arcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 25, April 1970, 86 pp. ETUDE CLINIQUE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA CIRCULATION ROUTIERE — DOSSIER DE L'ACCIDENT 15, DEUXIEME PARTIE: FORMULAIRE, DESCRIPTION, SYNTHESE, FASCICULE III (CLINICAL STUDY OF ROAD ACCIDENTS--FILE ON ACCIDENT 15, SECOND PART: FORMULARY, DESCRIPTION, SYNTHESIS, VOLUME III), Organlsme National de Securite Routiere , Arcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 25, 15 pp. ETUDE CLINIQUE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA CIRCULATION ROUTIERE-- QUELQUES DONNEES NUMERIQUES BRUTES ET LEUR ELABORATION SIMPLE, FASCICULE IV (CLINICAL STUDY OF ROAD ACCIDENTS-- SOME RAW NUMERICAL DATA AND SIMPLE HANDLING OF THEM, VOLUME IV), Organlsme National de Securltl Routiere , Arcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 25, April 1970, 27 pp. ETUDE CLINIQUE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA CIRCULATION ROUTIERE-- JALONS POUR UNE FUTURE SCIENCE, THESES SUR LA GENESE ET LA PREVENTION DES ACCIDENTS, FASCICULE V (CLINICAL STUDY OF ROAD ACCIDENTS—REFERENCE POINTS FOR A FUTURE SCIENCE, THESES ON THE ORIGIN AND PREVENTION OF ACCIDENTS, VOLUME V), Organlsme National de Securite' Routiere , Arcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 25, April 1970, 14 pp. ETUDE CLINIQUE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA CIRCULATION ROUTIERE — PROPOSITIONS DE RECHERCHE, FASCICULE VI (CLINICAL STUDY OF ROAD ACCIDENTS— RESEARCH PROPOSALS, VOLUME VI), Organlsme National de Securite Routiere , Arcuell, (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 25, April 1970, 10 pp. ETUDE CLINIQUE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA CIRCULATION ROUTIERE, RESUME, FASCICULE VII (CLINICAL STUDY OF ROAD ACCIDENTS, SUMMARY, VOLUME VII), Organlsme National de Securite Routiere , Arcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 25, April 1970, 5 pp. PEDESTRIAN SAFETY: THE IDENTIFICATION OF PRECIPITATING FACTORS AND POSSIBLE COUNT ERMEASURES , VOLUME I, Monroe B. Snyder & Richard L. Knoblauch, Operations Research, Incorporated , Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-7312, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, January 1971, 105 pp. ETUDES DETAILLEES D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA ROUTE— I. LES FACTEURS LIES A L ' INFRASTRUCTURE (DETAILED STUDIES OF HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS--I. THE FACTORS RELATED TO ROAD STRUCTURE), S. Goldberg, Catherine Plantevin & P. Duflot, Organlsme National de Securite Routiere , Arcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 3, September 1962, 15 pp. PEDESTRIAN SAFETY: THE IDENTIFICATION OF PRECIPITATING FACTORS AND POSSIBLE COUNTERMEASURES --APPEND ICES , VOLUME II, Monroe B. Snyder & Richard L. Knoblauch, Operations Research, Incorporated , Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-7312, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, January 1971, 350 pp. ETUDE DETAILLEE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA RO^UTE— II. LES FACTEURS LIE'S AU CONDUCTEUR ET AU Ve'hICULE (DETAILED STUDIES OF HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS— II. FACTORS RELATED TO THE DRIVER AND TO THE VEHICLE), P. Duflot 6. F. Hoffmann, Organlsme National de Se'curlte" Routiere , Arcuell (Seine) France, Bulletin No. 5, June 1963, 18 pp. CAUSES OF CAR ACCIDENTS, F. Leygue & Jean L'Hoste, Organlsme National de Se'curlte' Routiere , Arcuell (Seine), France ; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1299-1302; SAE Report No. 700441 ETUDE DETAILLEE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA ROUTE — III. LES VICTIMES (DETAILED STUDIES OF HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS— III. THE VICTIMS), P. Duflot & F. Hoffmann, Organlsme National de Securite Routiere , Arcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 10, May 1964, 19 pp. 145 ETUDE SUR L'EFFICACITE D' operations de secukite (1959-60-61) (STUDY ON THE EFFICACY OF SAFETY MEASURES DJ THE ROAD NETWORK (1959-60-61), F. Leygue & P. Duflot, Organlsme National de Se'curltl Routlere , Axcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 17, January 1968, 15 PP. THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE VIEWS AUTO SAFETY, Robert L. Price, Pub lic Health Service , Injury Control Program, U. S. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare, Arlington, Va.; reprint Journal of the Louisiana State Medical Society , Vol. 119-, No. 9, September 1967, pp. 355-357 LIMITATION DE VITESSE A 110JCM A L'HEURE- -RAPPORT PROVISOIRE (AVRIL 1970 - AOUT 1970) (LIMITATION OF SPEED AT 110 KM AN HOUR—PRELIMINARY REPORT) (APRIL 1970 - AUGUST 1970), Organlsme National de Securlte' Routlere , Arcuell (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 33, 4 pp. RESEARCH IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENT PREVENTION: AN OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SUPPORTED BY THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, Leon C. Goldstein, Public Health Service , U. S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare, Washington, D. C; reprint Traffic Safety Research Review , Vol. 11 # 2, June 1967, pp. 50-56 NEUF MOIS D' EXPERIENCE DE LIMITATION DE LA VITESSE SUR 1.600 KM (NINE MONTHS OF EXPERIENCE OF LIMITATION OF^ THE SPEED ON 1.600 KM), Organlsme National de Securlte -Routlere , Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 32 5 pp. AN ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS ON COUNTY ROADS, D. F. Petty & H. L. Michael, Purdue University , Engineering Experiment Station, Lafayette, Ind., County Highway Series No. 5, December 1962, 27 pp. LE POINT SUR LES ROUTES A TROIS VOIES ET SUR LES AUTOROUTES (THE SITUATION ON ROADS OF THREE LANES AND ON DIVIDED HIGHWAYS), Organlsme National de Se'curite Routlere, Arcueil (Seine), France, No. 30, 3 pp. EVALUATION OF SAFETY AT RAILROAD -HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSINGS IN URBAN AREAS, William D. Berg, Purdue University . School of Civil Engineering, Lafayette, Ind., Project No. C-36-59I, September 22, 1966, 90 pp. REGLEMENTATION DE LA VITESSE: OPINION DES USAGERS (REGULATION OF SPEED: OPINION OF USERS), Organlsme National de Securlte' Routlere , Arcueil (Seine), France, No. 28, 3 pp. UNE VASTE ETUDE CLINIQUE DES ACCIDENTS DE LA CIRCULATION ROUTIERE (A COMPREHENSIVE CLINICAL STUDY OF ACCIDENTS ON ROADWAYS), Organlsme National de Securlte Routlere , Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 29, December 1969, 3 pp. THE COLLISION DATA NEEDS OF STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, Edmund R. Ricker, Pennsylvania Department of Highways , Highway Safety Group, Harrisburg, Pa.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 54-61, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. CAUSAL FACTORS IN SINGLE VEHICLE FATAL ACCIDENTS, George G. Snively, Snell Memorial Foundation, Sacramento, Calif.; Robert M. Phillips & George L. Nielsen; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloraan Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 12-18 MODELING THE TRAFFIC -SAFETY SYSTEM, B. F. Goeller,- The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6698, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Memorandum RM- 5633-DOT, April 1968, 66 pp. COLLISION DAMAGE SEVERITY SCALE, K. A. Stonex & W. D. Nelson, General Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. W. Siegel, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; J. W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.; & C. S. Mlchalski, Reid, Cool, 6. Michalski . presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700136, 5 pp. CASUALTY RATES AT THE EASTER, WHTTSUN AND AUGUST PUBLIC HOLIDAYS, J. C. Tanner, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 74, 1967, 33 pp. A COMPARISON OF SHOPPING TIMES IN 'HIGH-STREET' AND 'PRECINCT' TYPES OF SHOPPING AREA, G. D. Jacobs, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 150, 1968, 16 pp., 4 figs. MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDY OF VEHICLE ACCIDENTS IN NORTH CAROLINA, FINAL REPORT, H. H. Hill, R. E. Kirk 6. F. C. Tyner, Research Triangle Institute , Statistics Research Division, Research Triangle Park, N. C, Contract No. FH-11-7215, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Administration Washington, D. C, Report No. SU-467-I, December 1970, 152 pp. STATISTICAL OBSERVATIONS ON ROAD ACCIDENT INJURIES AMONG ELDERLY PEOPLE, P. Di Leo & P. T. Rlcciardl Polllnl , Rome, Italy; Proceedings of the International A»«ociation for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, p. 165 STATISTICAL OBSERVATIONS ON VICTIMS OF ROAD ACCIDENTS AMONG CHILDREN, P. T. Rlcciardl Polllnl & P. Dl Leo, Rome, Italy; Proceedings of the International Aiiociation for Accident & Traffic Medicine—Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, p. 271 COST OF ROAD ACCIDENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN, R. F. F. Dawson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 79. 1967, 68 pp. THE IMPORTANCE OF LOSS OF DIRECTIONAL CONTROL IN CAR ACCIDENTS, G. Grime, Road Research Lab ., Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Langley, England, presented at the Symposium on Control of Vehicles during Braking and Cornering, in London, June 11, 1963; reprint The Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1964, 7 pp. RESEARCH ON ROAD TRAFFIC, Road Research Lab ., Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Harmondsworth, Middlesex; Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Publisher, London, England, 1965, 505 pp. SKIDDING IN PERSONAL-INJURY ACCIDENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN IN 1965 AND 1966, Barbara E. Sabey & Valerie J. Storle, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. 173, 1968, 19 pp. 146 A STUDY OF PEDESTRIAN RISK IN CROSSING BUSY ROADS IN FOUR TOWNS, G. D. Jacobs & D. G. Wilson, Road Research laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 106, 1967, 23 pp., 5 figs. A SURVEY INTO THE ACCIDENT RATES OF ARTICULATED AND RIGID COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, B. N. Farr 6. I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory, Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, RRL Report No. LR 197, 1968, 16 pp. DISABLED DRIVERS AND ELDERLY PERSONS INJURED IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, Georg Bllkra & Rolf Rlngkjdb , Oslo, Norway; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine- -Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12. 1966, pp. 159-160 TRAFFIC INJURIES IN CHILDREN, Georg Blikra & Rolf Rlngkjp'b , Oslo, Norway; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 239-240 HOW CAN TOWN PLANNING CONTRIBUTE TOWARDS CREATING A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR CHILDREN IN RESPECT TO ROAD ACCIDENTS? Sune Llndstrom, SCAFT Chalmers Institute of Technology , Gothenburg, Sweden; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine --Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 236-238 CAUSAL FACTORS IN SINGLE VEHICLE FATAL ACCIDENTS, George G. Snively, Snell Memorial Foundation , Sacramento, Calif.; Robert M. Phillips & George L. Nielsen; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 12-18 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS AND VEHICLE CRASHES, VOLUME II: TECHNICAL REPORT, David N. Schmidt, Stanford Research Institute , Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-7302, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1970, 219 pp. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS AND VEHICLE CRASHES, VOLUME III: AN INVESTIGATOR'S GUIDE, Stanford Research Institute , Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-7302, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1970, 192 pp. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS AND VEHICLE CRASHES, VOLUME IV: CASE SUMMARIES, Stanford Research Institute , Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-7302, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1970, 183 pp. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS AND VEHICLE CRASHES, VOLUME V: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, Mary Ann Robertson, Stanford Research Institute , Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-7302,' prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1970, 90 pp. CAUSES OF HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS: UNITED STATES EXPERIENCE, Libert Ehrman, Stuart Rice Associates, Incorporated , Washington, D. C, presented at the International Statistical Institute Thirtieth Biennial Session, Stockholm, Sweden, August 1957; reprint Traffic Quarterly , January 1958, pp. 30-57 MAXIMUM DESIGN TOP SPEED--PHASE I, Roy W. Hull, J. Robert Cromack & E. J. Wolfe, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-6526, prepared for Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C.SwRI Project No. 11-2161, July 1-September 30, 1967, 60 pp. MULTIDISCIPLINARY ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, J. Robert Cromack, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-7219, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, SwRI Project No. 11-2632, August 1, 1970, 113 pp. STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF SCHOOL BUS ACCIDENT DATA, Roy W. Hull & George W. Knebel, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-6824, prepared for Federal Highway Administration, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, SwRI Project No. 11-2328, Report No. AR-655, July 31, 1968, 53 pp., PB 180 111 VIDEO INVESTIGATION FOR URBAN FREEWAY COLLISIONS, Bruce W. Pince, Space/Defense Corporation , Birmingham, Mich.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 462-474, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. ACCIDENT RESEARCH--METHODS AND APPROACHES, William Haddon, Jr., Edward A . Suchman & David Klein, Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, Evanston, & London, 1964, 752 pp. DATA CODING SYSTEM FOR HIGHWAY ACCIDENT REPORTS, Surveys & Research Corporation , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6927, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 130 pp. INJURY PATTERNS IN ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS--AN ANALYSIS OF 5291 CASES RECORDED IN FINLAND DURING THREE MONTHS IN 1962, Par Slatis, TALJA (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1967, No. 5, 39 pp. IASTEN LIIKENNEONNETTOMUUDET HELSINGISSA' VUONNA 1965 JA 0NNETT0MUUTEEN JOUTUNEIDEN SOSIAALINEN TAUSTA (TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS INVOLVING CHILDREN IN HELSINKI DURING 1965 AND ACCIDENT VICTIMS' SOCIAL BACKGROUND), Liisa Ratilainen, TALJA (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1968, No. 11, 91 pp. DRASTIC MEASURES FOR REDUCING TRAFFIC CASUALTIES, Richard L. Goen, Stanford Research Insti tute, Menlo Park, Calif., December 1965, 42 pp. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS AND VEHICLE CRASHES VOLUME I: SUMMARY REPORT, Stanford Research Institute , Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-7302, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1970, 30 pp. RESEARCH ON SPEED LIMIT IN HIGHWAY TRAFFIC IN 1962, Sauli Hakkinen, Kaarlo Leinonen & Liisa Ratilainen, TALJA (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1966, No. 2, 23 pp., 54 figs. TEMPORARY SPEED LIMITS IN FINLAND 1963-1964, Sauli Hakkinen, TALJA (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1966, No. 4, pp. 11-21 147 TIELIIKENNEONNETTOMUUDET PIMEANA' AIKANA (TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS DURING DARKNESS), Sauli Hakkinen & Urpo Leppanen, TALJA (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1967, No. 9, 18 pp., 7 figs. TILASTOLLINEN TUTKIMUS SUOMESSA VUOSINA 1962-1965 TIELIIKENTEESSA TAPAHTUNEISTA RISTEYSONNETTOMUUKSISTA (STATISTICAL STUDIES IN FINLAND FOR THE YEARS 1962- 1965 INVOLVING ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS AT CROSS ROADS), Urpo Leppanen, TALJA (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1967, No. 7, 89 pp., 3 figs. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN FINLAND INVOLVING FOREIGNERS 1963, Liisa Ratilainen, TAUT A (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1966, No. 4, pp. 1-10 YLEISEN NOPEUSRAJOITUKSEN VAIKUTUS TIELIIKENNEONNET- TOMUUSMXXRIIN VUONNA 1966 LOKA- JA MARRASKUUSSA VOIMASSA OLLEEN NOPEUSRAJOITUKSEN 90 km/t PERUSTEELLA (SPEED LIMITING EXPERIMENTS IN COUNTRY TRAFFIC DURING FEBRUARY AND MARCH 1966); I OSA: YLEISEN NOPEUSRA- JOITUKSEN VAIKUTUS ONNETTOMUUSM&AP.IIN (PART I: EFFECTS OF PUBLIC SPEED LIMITS ON THE DEGREE OF ACCIDENTS), Sauli Hakkinen & Urpo Leppanen; & II OSA: TUTKIMUS- MENETELMIEN TARKASTELU JA TUTKIMUKSEN YKSITYISKOHTAISET TULOKSET (PART II: RESEARCH METHODS, CRITICAL EXAMI- NATION, AND INDIVIDUAL RESULTS), Urpo Leppanen, TALJA (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1968, No. 12, 139 pp. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS AND ROAD LAYOUT--THE USE OF ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING ON ACCIDENT INFORMATION, Ole Thorson, Technical University of Denmark. Copenhagen, Denmark, 1967, 167 pp. ESTABLISHING MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT INVOLVEMENT- -AN EPIDEMIOLOGICAL APPROACH, Anthony Peranio & Allan Katz, Technlon, Israel Istltute of Technology , Haifa, Israel; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1288-1298; SAE Report No. 700440 A STATE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROGRAM, VOLUME I, M. Blumenthal & H. Wuerdemann, Travelers Research Center, Inc. , Hartford, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-6688, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. 162, January 1968, 341 pp., PB 177 770 A STATE ACCIDENT TRAFFIC COLLISION TO ACCOMPANY THE REPORT, M. B lumen Travelers Reseaic Contract No. FH-1 Safety Bureau, U. Washington, D. C. 79 pp., PB 177 77 INVESTIGATION PROGRAM, VOLUME II— A MANAGEMENT AND INVESTIGATION MANUAL STANDARD POLICE TRAFFIC COLLISION thai, H. Wuerdemann & J. A. Manseau, h Center, Inc . , Hartford, Conn., 1-6688, prepared for National Highway S. Department of Transportation, , Report No. 162, February 1968, 1 A STATE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROGRAM, VOLUME III— STANDARD TRAFFIC COLLISION INVESTIGATION DATA ENCODING MANUAL, M. Blumenthal, A. M. Pavlowitz & H. Wuerdemann, Travelers Research Center, Inc. , Hartford, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-6688, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. 162, February 1968, 87 pp., PB 177 772 A STATE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROGRAM—PHASE II, A TEST OF DEVELOPED AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT REPORT FORMS- VOLUME I, FINAL REPORT, M. Blumenthal & H. Wuerdemann, Travelers Research Corporation , Hartford, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-6926, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C„ RFP 91, 7349-355a, July 1969, 218 pp., PB 177 770 A STATE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROGRAM --PHASE II, A TEST OF DEVELOPED AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT REPORT FORMS- VOLUME II, A REVISED TRAFFIC CRASH MANAGEMENT AND INVESTIGATION MANUAL TO ACCOMPANY THE UNIFORM POLICE CRASH REPORT, M. Blumenthal, H. Wuerdemann & J. A. Manseau, Travelers Research Corporation, Hartford, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-6926, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, RFP 91, 7349-355b, July 1969, 88 pp. , PB 177 771 RESULTS OF ON-THE-SCENE INVESTIGATIONS OF ACCIDENTS, Helgo Schneider, Technlscher Uberwachungsverein Bayern e.V. , Munchen, Germany; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car C).--s;h Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 252- 269, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. FREEWAY RAMP CONTROL REDUCES FREQUENCY OF REAR-END ACCIDENTS, Milton L. Radke, Texas A & M Unive rsity, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 24-21, November 1966, 24 pp. RAILROAD GRADE CROSSINGS, Hoy A. Richards & G. Sadler Bridges, Texas A&M University, Texas Transportation Institute, Department of Transport Operations, College Station, Texas; Chapter 1, TRAFFIC CONTROL AND ROADWAY ELEMENTS— THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY, Automotive Safety Foundation, Washington, D. C, 1968, 9 pp. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1955-1964, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, September 1965, 137 pp. FINDINGS IN THE INVESTIGATIONS OF FIFTY TRAFFIC DEATH CASES, Alfred L. Moseley, James C. Tunny, Jr., Murray Burnstine & Murray D. Segal, Trauma Research Institute , Cambridge, Mass.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference, Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 269-274, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. A STATE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROGRAM --PHASE II, A TEST OF DEVELOPED AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT REPORT FORMS- VOLUME III, A REVISED DATA ENCODING MANUAL TO ACCOMPANY THE UNIFORM POLICE TRAFFIC CRASH REPORT, M. Blumenthal, H. Wuerdemann & A. Pavlowitz, Travelers Research Corporation , Hartford, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-6926, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, RFP 91, 7349-355c, July 1969, 114 pp., PB 177 772 A MEDICAL ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF SEVERE VEHICULAR ACCIDENTS OCCURRING IN THE GREATER NEW ORLEANS AREA, Jack K. Wickstrom & John L. Martinez, Tulane University , New Orleans, La., Contract No. FH-11-6794, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 2, July 1969, 184 pp. A MEDICAL ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF TEN SEVERE VEHICULAR ACCIDENTS OCCURRING IN THE GREATER NEW ORLEANS AREA, Jack K. Wickstrom & John L. Martinez, Tulane University , School of Medicine, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, New Orleans, La., Contract No. F-ll-6794, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, September 1968, 109 pp. A CONTROLLED INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ADULT PEDESTRIANS FATALLY INJURED BY MOTOR VEHICLES IN MANHATTAN, William Haddon, Jr., Preston Valien, James R. McCarroll & Charles J. Umberger , reprint J. Chron. Pis. , December 1961, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 655-678 148 THE HUMAN FACTOR IN ACCIDENTS, U. S. Air Force , School of Aviation Medicine, Air University, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas; reprinted by U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Public Health Service, Washington, D. C, 1967, 175 pp. MEDICAL STUDY OF FATAL MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, EUROPE, U. S. Army , Europe, April 30, 1968, 33 pp., AD 691 358 MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS--A DEFENSE DOCUMENTATION CENTER BIBLIOGRAPHY, U. S. Department of Defense , Defense Documentation Center, Alexandria, Va., Report No. DDC-TAS-69-34, April 1969, 253 pp., AD 852 000 A NATIONAL COLLISION DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM, Eugene E. Flamboe, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Accident Investigation Systems Design Group, Washington, D. C.J Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 731-738, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc.. New York , N. Y. THE PRECRASH, CRASH, AND POSTCRASH PARTS OF THE HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM, William Haddon, Jr., U. S . Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Joint Meeting of SAE South Texas Group & Bexar County Medical Society, February 13, 1968. SAE Report No. 680237, 5 pp. APPLICATION OF BENEFIT -COST ANALYSIS TO MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare , Office of Assistant Secretary for Program Coordination, Washington, D. C, August 1966, 183 pp. ANALYSIS AND SUMMARY OF ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS-1969, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Washington, D. C, November 30, 1970, 99 pp. ANALYSIS OF DEFECTIVE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS OF MOTOR CARRIERS-- 1959- 1962, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Washington, D. C, 21 pp. 1969 ANALYSIS OF MOTOR CARRIER ACCIDENTS INVOLVING VEHICLE DEFECTS OR MECHANICAL FAILURE, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Washington, D. C, 18 pp. THE CHANGING APPROACH TO THE EPIDEMIOLOGY, PREVENTION, AND AMELIORATION OF TRAUMA: THE TRANSITION TO APPROACHES ETI0LOGICALLY RATHER THAN DESCRIPTIVELY BASED, William Haddon, Jr., U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Miami Beach, Fla., October 26, 1967, 15 pp., 3 figs. DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES, Donald F. Mela, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, National Highway Safety Institute, Washington, D. C.J Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 722-726, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S COLLISION DATA NEEDS, Wendell G. Etmes, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, National Highway Accident & Injury Analysis Center, Washington, D. C.J Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 29-37, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANUAL—IDENTIFICATION AND SURVEILLANCE OF ACCIDENT LOCATIONS, VOLUME 9, U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, January 1969, 34 pp. MAXIMUM SAFE SPEED FOR MOTOR VEHICLES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Office of Research & Program Synthesis, Washington, D. C, NHSB Staff Report, January 31, 1969, 81 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME V--SPEED-RELATED ACCIDENT COUNTERMEASURES AND THEIR PRIORITIES, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18-20, 1969, 89 pp., PB 186 272 SUMMARY OF 1968-1969 MULTIDISCIPLINARY ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C.,. December 1969, 89 pp. ROAD ACCIDENTS AND THE INTERACTION BETWEEN VEHICLE AND ROAD, R. J. Smeed & G. Grime, University College , London, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 1-14, Institution of Mprhanical Engineers, London, England FATAL TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN ADELAIDE, P. R. Hodge, University of Adelaide , Dept. of Pathology, Adelaide, Australia; reprint The Medical Journal of Australia , Vol. I, No. 9, March 3, 1962, pp. 309-314 COMPARISONS OF CAR CRASHES IN THREE COUNTRIES, G. Anthony Ryan, Monash University, Medical School, Dept. of Social & Preventive Medicine, Victoria, Australia; & G. Murray Mackay, University of Birmingham , Dept. of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 336- 352, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE EXTERIOR COLLISION, A. J. McLean, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass.; G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham , Birmingham, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1214-1221; SAE Report No. 700434 INJURY AND COLLISION SEVERITY, G. Murray Mackay, University of Birmingham , Department of Transportation, Birmingham, England; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 207-219, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. METHODOLOGY OF COLLISION INVESTIGATIONS AT BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY, ENGLAND, G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham , Birmingham, England; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24- 28, 1969, pp. 498-532, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE OTHER ROAD USERS, G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham , Department of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 327- 345, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 149 SOME ASPECTS OF TRAFFIC INJURY IN URBAN ROAD ACCIDENTS, G. Murray Mackay & C . P. de Fonseka, University of Birmingham, Dept. of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 70-78, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. ANALYSIS OF ACCIDENT LITERATURE, Harry W. Case, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., prepared for California Transportation Agency State of California Standard Agreement No. RIA 13945-13093, August 30, 1968, Part 1: 348 pp., PB 184 881; Part 2: 342 pp., PB 184 882 AUTO-PEDESTRIAN IMPACT EXPERIMENTS, Derwyn M. Severy, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 345-373, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. COLLISION DAMAGE SEVERITY SCALE, K. A. Stonex & W. D. Nelson, General Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.; A. W. Siege 1, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif.; J. W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.; & C. S. Michalski, Reid, Cool, & Michalski, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700136, 5 pp. THE USE OF MASS, NON-SPECIFIC ACCIDENT DATA IN RESEARCH, Robert Brenner & Walter W. Mosher, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 189-206, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher. Springfield, 111. THE VEHICLE DEFORMATION INDEX: A REPORT FROM THE INTERNATIONAL AD HOC COMMITTEE FOR COLLISION DEFORMATION AND TRAUMA INDICES, Arnold W. Siegel, University of California , Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 654-672, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. A THEORETICAL MODEL FOR ENHANCING TRANSPORTATION SAFETY, P. J. Stlnson, University of Denver , Denver Research Institute, Denver, Colo., presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting & Energy Systems Exposition, Pittsburgh, Pa., November 12-17, 1967, ASME Report No. 67-WA/BHF-4, S pp. THE ROAD ACCIDENT RISKS LN CHILDREN AND Y0UTH--THE MORBIDITY PATTERN, Roland Gadeke, University of Freiburg , Children's Clinic, Freiburg/Breisgau, West Germany; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 189-202 ON THE EFFECT OF REMOVING PERSONS WITH N OR MORE ACCIDENTS FROM AN ACCIDENT PRONE POPULATION, Frank A. Haight, University of California, Institute of Trans- portation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; reprint Blometrika , 1965, Vol. 52, Nos. 1 & 2, pp. 298- 300 CROSS SECTION AND PAVEMENT SURFACE, John A. Dearinger & John W. Hutchinson, University of Kentucky , Dept. of Civil Engineering, Lexington, Ky.; Chapter 7 of TRAFFIC CONTROL & ROADWAY ELEMENTS—THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY/REVISED, Highway Users Federation for Safety & Mobility, Washington, D. C, 1970, 11 pp. HEAD LIGHT -TAILLIGHT ANALYSES FROM COLLISION RESEARCH, D. M. Severy, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 14-37, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. PATTERNS OF ACCIDENTS AND POSSIBILITIES OF PREVENTION, John Cohen, University of Manchester , Department of Psychology, Manchester, England; Proceedings of the Second Congress of the International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine—Volume II, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 81-94 INDEXES OF MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT LIKELIHOOD, J. H. Mathewson & R. Brenner, University of California, Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, * Los Angeles, Calif.; Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 161 , 1957, pp. 1-8 ANALYSES OF TRUCK CRASH DATA, James O'Day, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Systems Analysis Group, Ann Arbor, Mich., HIT Lab Reports October 1970, pp. 1-3 MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY PROJECT, University of California , Dept. of Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6690, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 68-52, October 1968, 222 pp. PREDICTION OF RECORDED ACCIDENTS AND VIOLATIONS USING NON-DRIVING PREDICTORS, Edward Levonlan, Harry W. Caae & Raymond Gregory, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif.; National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 4, 1963, pp. 50-61 AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS—WHERE WE'VE BEEN, WHERE WE ARE, WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE, Donald F. Huelke, University of Michigan , Medical School, Ann Arbor, Mich.; reprint The Journal of Risk 6. Insurance , Vol. XXXV, No. 1, March 1968, pp. 61-66 DAMAGE PATTERNS FOR PASSENGER SEDANS AND TRUCKS, Robert E. Scott, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; HIT Lab. Reports, November 1970, pp. 5-6 THE EFFECT OF SALT ON THE NUMBER OF WINTER ACCIDENTS, Ernest Stephen Arvai, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., HIT Lab Reports, January 1971, pp. 9-11 SOME COMPARISONS BETWEEN TRAFFIC DEATH AND SUICIDE, Frank A. Haight, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; reprint Automoblllsmo e Automoblllsmo Industrlale , No. 5, Sett.-Ott., 1965, 52 pp. AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF ACCIDENT DATA USING INDUCED EXPOSURE, William K. Hall, University, of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; HIT Lab. Reports, September 1970, pp. 6-12 150 HSRI ACCIDENT DATA BANKS, James O'Day 6. Ralph E. Darby, Jr., University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; HIT Lab. Reports, September 1970, pp. 3-5 INDUCED EXPOSURE AS A TOOL TO DETERMINE PASSENGER CAR AND TRUCK INVOLVEMENT IN ACCIDENTS, Donald D. van der Zwaag, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., HIT Lab Reports, January 1971, pp. 1-8 INDUCED EXPOSURE REVISITED, William L. Carlson, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute Ann Arbor, Mich.; HIT Lab. Reports, November 1970, pp. 1-4 INJURY LEVEL BY VEHICLE AGE, Ralph E. Darby, Jr., & James O'Day, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; HIT Lab. Reports, September 1970, pp. 13-15 A STUDY OF PEDESTRIAN FATALITIES IN WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN, Donald F. Huelke & Rollin A. Davis, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., HSRI Report No. Bio-9, 1969, 52 pp. TRAFFIC VOLUME, Gilbert T. Slatterly, Jr. 6. Donald E. Cleveland, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Department of Civil Engineering, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Chapter 2 of TRAFFIC CONTROL AND ROADWAY ELEMENTS--THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY, Automotive Safety Foundation, Washington, D. C, 1968, 8 pp. MULTIDISCIPLINARY ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, University of New Mexico , Medical School, New Mexico Accident Investigation Program, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Contract No. FH-11-7216, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, September 1970, 99 pp. INVESTIGATIONS OF FATAL AND NON-FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Donald F. Huelke & Paul W. Gikas, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich.; reprint Transcript of the Nineteenth Annual Convention of the American Trial Lawyers Association , 1965, pp. 396-403 INVESTIGATIONS OF FATAL AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS FROM THE FORENSIC POINT OF VIEW, Donald F. Huelke, & Paul W. Gikas, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, presented at the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, February 24, 1966, Chicago, 111.; reprinted Journal of Forensic Sciences, October 1966, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 474-484 FIELD EXPERIENCE AND EVALUATION OF TAD PROJECT "VEHICLE DAMAGE RATING SCALE", William S. Rouse & Francis Gendre, University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill, N. C; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 215-236, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York,.N. Y. THE TRAFFIC ACCIDENT DATA PROJECT SCALE, B. J. Campbell, William Rouse & Francis Gendre, University of North Carolina , Highway Safety Research Center, Chapel Hill, N. C; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 675-679, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. METHODOLOGY FOR ESTABLISHING AND OPERATING PRODUCTIVE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION PROGRAMS, Donald F. Huelke, 6. Harold W. Sherman, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1280-1287; SAE Report No. 700439 THE ABBREVIATED AND THE COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH INJURY SCALES, John D. States, University of Rochester , School of Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 282-294, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. METHODOLOGY OF INJURY CAUSATION INVESTIGATION, Donald F. Huelke & Harold W. Sherman, University of Michigan, Department of Anatomy, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 276-285, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. MEDICAL ENGINEERING ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, John D. States, University of Rochester , School of Medicine 6. Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6796, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1, 1968 - June 30, 1969, 85 pp., PB 192 401 MODERN ACCIDENT DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES, James O'Day, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 704-721, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE MULTI-DISCIPLINARY ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION (MDAI) DATA BANK, Joseph C. Marsh, TV., University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; HIT Lab Reports, December 1970, pp. 9-11 SMALL-CAR ACCIDENT INVOLVEMENT, Barbara Brown, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; HIT Lab. Reports, November 1970, pp. 11-12 PILOT MEDICAL ENGINEERING ACCIDENT ANALYSIS STUDY, John D. States, University of Rochester , School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Research Accident Investigation Team, Rochester, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6796, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, February 12-June 30, 1968, 100 pp. VEHICLE DETERIORATION ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, John D. States & John C. Balcerak, University of Rochester , School of Medicine, Research Accident Investigation, Rochester, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7329, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, VDS-Technical-1, July 1, 1969 - June 30, 1970, 206 pp. SPEED AND SPEED CONTROL, Donald E Cleveland, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Chapter 6 of TRAFFIC CONTROL & ROADWAY ELEMENTS--THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY/REVISED, Highway Users Federation for Safety & Mobility, Washington, D. C, 1970, 13 pp. INTERCHANGES, Joseph C. Oppenlander & Robert F. Dawson, University of Vermont , Dept. of Civil Engineering, Burlington, Vt.; Chapter 9 of TRAFFIC CONTROL & ROADWAY ELEMENTS--THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY/REVISED, Highway Users Federation for Safety & Mobility, Washington, D. C, 1970, 11 pp. 151 THE ROLE OF THE POLICE IN COLLISION INVESTIGATION, E. M. Pitcher, Utah Highway Patrol , Salt Lake City, Utah; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 740-752, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. A CONTROLLED INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ADULT PEDESTRIANS FATALLY INJURED BY MOTOR VEHICLES IN MANHATTAN, William Haddon, Jr., Preston Valien , James R. McCarroll & Charles J. Umberger, reprint J . Chron. Pis. , December 1961, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 655-678 A DETAILED INJURY SCALE FOR ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, D. J. Van Kirk & W. A. Lange, Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 240-259, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. STRASSENVERKEHRSRECHT (TRAFFIC VEHICLE LAW), R_. B,ru, 5f 1e1n. Helbing & Lichtenhahn, Basel, Switzerland Publisher, February 24, 1967, 312 pp. DRIVER LICENSE ADMINISTRATION REQUIREMENTS AND FEES- STATUS AS OF JANUARY 1, 1960, Bureau of Public Roads, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, 9 pp. THE LEGAL NATURE OF A DRIVER'S LICENSE, John H. Reese, George Washington University , Graduate School of Public Law, Washington, D. C, November 1965, 52 pp.; published by Automotive Safety Foundation, Washington, D. C. HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION LEGISLATION IN 1969, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility , Washington, D. C, 32 pp. EFFECTIVE IMPACT VELOCITY FROM VEHICLE DEFORMATION — A PRELIMINARY STUDY, D.J. Van Kirk & J. Hirsch, Wayne State University , Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Detroit, Mich.; T. B. Sato, Keio University, Div. of Mechanical Engineering, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680477, 6 pp. LABORATORY RECONSTRUCTION OF OCCUPANT -VEHICLE IMPACTS, L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University, Biomechanics Research Center, Colleges of Engineering & Medicine, Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 289-320, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. UNIFORM VEHICLE CODE AND MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances, Washington, D. C, 1968, 335 pp. STATE LAWS GOVERNING MOTOR VEHICLE SPEED LIMITS, National Highway Users Conference , Washington, D. C, Motor Vehicle Laws Digest Series, November 1969, 17 pp. TRAFFIC LAW. AS UNCOMMON LAW, J. Wadsworth, National Research Council of Ca nada, Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No. 10, November 1966, 18^pp., 3 figs. USE OF PH0T0GRAMMETRY IN COLLISION INVESTIGATION, Dietrich W. Berllng, Karl Zeiss, Department of Surveying & Photograrametry, Oberkocken, West Germany; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 402-430, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. CODES, LAWS AND STANDARDS DIGEST OF MOTOR LAWS, American Automobile Association , Legal Department, Washington, D. C, Thirty-Sixth Edition, 1969, 188 pp. REGISTRATION AND LICENSE LAWS FOR PASSENGER CARS- UNITED STATES, TERRITORIES AND CANADA, American Automobile Association , Legal Department, Washington, D. C, January 1969, Chart HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANUALS: VOLUME 0, PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION, January 1969; VOLUME 1, PERIODIC MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION, January 1969; VOLUME 2, MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION, January 1969; VOLUME 3, MOTORCYCLE SAFETY, January 1969; VOLUME 4, DRIVER EDUCATION, January 1969; VOLUME 5, DRIVER LICENSING, January 1969; VOLUME 6, CODES AND LAWS, January 1969; VOLUME 7, TRAFFIC COURTS, January 1969; VOLUME 8, ALCOHOL IN RELATION TO HIGHWAY SAFETY, January 1969; VOLUME 9, IDENTIFICATION AND SURVEILLANCE OF ACCIDENT LOCATIONS, January 1969; VOLUME 10, TRAFFIC RECORDS, January 1969; VOLUME 11, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, January 1969; VOLUME 14, PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, April 1969; VOLUME 15, POLICE TRAFFIC SERVICES, April 1969; VOLUME 16, DEBRIS HAZARD CONTROL AND CLEANUP, April 1969, U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C. MISSOURI IMPLIED CONSENT STATUTES, Edward H. Hunvald, Jr., & Franklin E. Zimring, American Bar Foundation , Chicago, 111., Contract No. FH-11-6687, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, August 1968, 122 pp. HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM STANDARDS, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, February 1969, 32 pp. SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION OF DRIVERS' LICENSES--A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF STATE LAWS, Anthony Antony, Automotive Safety Foundation , Laws Division, Washington, D. C, 1966, 124 pp. ESCAPE AND SPILLAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND VAPORS FROM MOTOR CARRIERS: A STUDY OF THE INFORMATION BASE FOR APPRAISAL OF REGULATIONS RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BY HIGHWAY VEHICLES, Booz, Allen Applied Research Inc ., Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6628, prepared for Federal Highway Administration U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C., November 1967, 151 pp., PB 178 182 REPORT ON THE HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM STANDARDS DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE HIGHWAY SAFETY ACT OF 1966, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1, 1967, 104 pp. THE ENFORCEMENT OF TRAFFIC LAWS—SOME CURRENT LEGAL PROBLEMS, Stewart Pringle, John F. Mclntyre, Joel E. Krissoff, Frank Grossi & Stephen L. Schaeffer, University of Michiga n. Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., October 1967, 45 pp. 152 CRASH BARRIERS AND BREAK-AWAY STRUCTURES HYDRAULIC -PIASTIC CUSHIONS FOR ATTENUATION OF ROADSIDE BARRIER IMPACTS, Charles Y. Warner, Brlgham Young University . Provo, Utah; Highway Research Record No. 259, 1969, pp. 24-34 DYNAMIC TESTS OF FIVE BREAKAWAY LIGHTING STANDARD BASE DESIGNS, E. F. Nordlln, W. H. Ames 6. R. N. Field, California Division of Highways , Sacramento, Calif.; Highway Research Record No. 259 , 1969, pp. 6-23 DYNAMIC TESTS OF SHORT SECTIONS OF CORRUGATED METAL BEAM GUARDRAIL, Eric F. Nordlln, Robert N. Field, 6. J. J. Folsom, California Division of Highways, Sacramento, Calif.; Highway Research Record No. 259 , 1969, pp. 35-50 TECHNICAL FINDINGS FROM FULL-SCALE VEHICLE BRIDGE BARRIER IMPACT TESTS, E. F. Nordlln & R. N. Field California Division of Highways , Materials & Research Dept.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 78-126, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. DEVELOPMENT OF SAFER ROADSIDE STRUCTURES AND PROTECTIVE SYSTEMS, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 259, 1969, 60 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ANALYTICAL APPROACH TO HIGHWAY BARRIER DESIGN AND EVALUATION, New York Stat e Dept. of Public Works, Bureau of Physical Research, State Campus, Albany, N. Y., Report No. 63-2, Project No. 15, May 196^. 286 pp. NEW HIGHWAY BARRIERS DECREASE ACCIDENT SEVERITY, John Van Zweden, New York State Departm ent of Public Works, State Campus, Albany, N. Y., Report No. 67^T, Project No. 15, May 1967, 22 pp. NEW HIGHWAY BARRIERS--THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THEORETICAL DESIGN, Malcolm D. Graham, William C. Burnett, John L. Gibson & Robert H. Freer, New Y ork State Dept. of Public Work s. State Campus, Albany, N. Y presented at the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, January 16-20, 1967, Report No. 67-1, Project No. 15, May 1967, 155 pp. DIE SCHUTZEINRICHTUNGEN DES SOLITUDE-RINGS (THE PROTECTIVE DESIGN OF RACE COURSES), Deutschen Automobll-Club , Stuttgart, Germany, 1963, 11 pp. OPTIMUM CRITERIA OF GUARDRAILS, Toshiro Edamura & T. Yamamoto, Kobe University, Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan; & K. Shigetomi, Kawasaki Heavy Industry , Japan, presented at the General Meeting of J. S. C. E., Nagoya, Japan, May 2 pp. 1968, ON THE DESIGN OF MEDIAN GUARD RAILS, Toshiro Edamura, Kobe University , Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan, paper presented at the Western J. S. C. E. Meeting, May 1969, 2 pp. ON THE GUARDRAILS, Toshiro Edamura, Kobe University , Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan, presented at the Western Branch of J. S. C. E. Seminar on Recent Problems in Traffic Engineering and Highway Engineering, Osaka, Japan, 1966, 7 pp. RESEARCH ON CRASH BARRIERS--THEIR DESIGN, WARRANTS FOR USE, SAFETY ASPECTS, TESTING AND RESEARCH, V.J. Jehu & Charles W. Prisk, Organisation for Economic Co-Operatlon & Development , Paris, France, No. 22603, December 1967, 65 pp. THE CABLE AND CHAIN- LINK CRASH BARRIER, V. J. Jehu & I. B. Laker, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report LR 105, 1967, 15 pp., 11 figs. CRASH BARRIER DEVELOPMENTS, V. J. Jehu, Road Research Laboratory , Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 93-101, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England THE D.A.V. AND BLOCKED -OUT BEAM CRASH BARRIERS, V. J. Jehu, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 104, 1967, 18 pp. OPTIMUM CRITERIA FOR GUARDRAILS, Toshiro Edamura 6. T. Yamamoto, Kobe University, Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan; Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers , Vol. 54, No. 8, August 1969, pp. 60-67 OPTIMUM CRITERIA OF GUARDRAILS, Toshiro Edamura & T. Yamamoto, Kobe University , Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan; & K. Shigetomi, Kawasaki Heavy Industry, Japan, presented at the General Meeting of J. S. C. E., Nagoya, Japan, May 1968, 2 pp. OPTIMUM DESIGN OF THE GUARDRAIL, Toshiro Edamura, Kobe University , Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan; Dobokugijutsushiryo , Vol. 8, No. 10, October 1966, pp. 28-40 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF RUNOUT ACCIDENTS IN RATIONALIZING THE WARRANT FOR A GUARDFENCE, Toshiro Edamura, Kobe University , Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan; Journal of Research , Public Works Research Institute , Vol. 10, 1965, pp. 47- •9T5 " HIGH SPEED IMPACT TEST ON A 40FT LIGHTING COLUMN FITTED WITH A BREAK-AWAY JOINT, H. J. Hlgnett, Road Research Lab. , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, RRL Report No. LR 67, 1967, 7 pp., 11 figs. PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION FOR A WIRE-ROPE CRASH BARRIER, L. C. Pearson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 98, 1968, 14 pp., 21 figs. THE WIRE-ROPE SLOTTED-POST CRASH BARRIER, V. J. Jehu & I. B. Laker, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 127, 1967, 16 pp., 28 figs. AN AEROSPACE ENERGY ABSORBER APPLIED TO HIGHWAY SAFETY, William E. Woolam, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas; Shock and Vibration Bulletin , Bulletin 40, Part 5, December 1969, pp. 115-133 CONCEPTS AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SAFER LUMINAIRE SUPPORTS, Thomas C. Edwards, Texas A&M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas; Highway Research Record No. 259 , 1969, pp. 1-2 153 DEFUSING ROADSIDE BOOBY TRAPS, T. J. Hirsch, Texas A6M University , Texas Transportation Institute, Structural Research Div., College Station, Texas; Proceedings of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, D. C, June 9-10, 1970, pp. 105-131 IMPACT BEHAVIOR OF SIGN SUPPORTS, Charles H. Samson, Jr., Neilon J. Rowan, Robert M. Olson 6. Danny R. Tldwell, Texas A & M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 68-1, March 1965, 46 pp. IMPACT BEHAVIOR OF SIGN SUPPORTS-II, Neilon J. Rowan, Robert M. Olson, Alvis M. Gaddis, Thomas C. Edwards, Thomas G. Williams & D. L. Hawkins, Texas A 6. M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 68-2, September 1965, 115 pp. INSTRUMENTATION AND PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES FOR DETER- MINING DISPLACEMENT, VELOCITY CHANGE, AND DECELERATION OF VEHICLES WITH BREAK-AWAY SIGN STRUCTURES, Robert M. Olson & Neilon J. Rowan, Texas A & M University, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 68-3, September 1966, 119 pp. PARAMETER STUDY OF THE DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF LUMINAIRE SUPPORT STRUCTURES, J. E. Martinez & B. E. Morgan, Texas A&M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas; Highway Research Record No. 259, 1969, pp. 3-5 HIGHWAY SAFETY, DESIGN AND OPERATIONS—ROADSIDE HAZARDS, Hearings before the Special Subcommittee on the Federal-Aid Highway Program of the Committee on Public Works, U. S. House of Representatives , Washington D. C, (90-21), May 23-25; June 6, 8, 20-23, 27-29; July 18, 20, 1967, 1,243 pp. EMERGENCY SERVICES AND RESCUE POST-CRASH COMMUNICATIONS, Harold Lunefeld, Robert G. Varady & Gerald N. Newburg, AIL , Division of Cutler- Hammer, Deer Park, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7335, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 9362-1, July 1970, 187 pp. AIR MEDICAL EVACUATION SYSTEM--DEMONSTRATION PROJECT, APPENDICES, Arizona State University , College of Engineering Sciences, Tempe, Ariz., Contract No. FH-11-7090, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. ERC-FH-11-7090, May 1970, 66 pp. MODERN EMERGENCY CARE DURING AMBULANCE TRANSPORTATION TO THE HOSPITAL, M. Halmagyi, Johannes Gutenberg- University, Department of Anaesthesiology, Mainz; F. W. Ahnefeld, Federal Central Hospital, Department of Anaesthesiology, Koblenz, West Germany; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident 6. Traffic Medicine--Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 18-26 VEHICLE POST -CRASH CONSIDERATIONS, Luigi Locati, Flat, S.p.A. , Turin, Italy; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1250-1253; SAE Report No. 700436 AN INTEGRATED VEHICULAR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM USING THE FORD RADIO ROAD ALERT, F. Bauer, Ford Motor Co. , Dearborn, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detorit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670113, 13 pp. A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR DRIVER AID, INFORMATION, AND ROUTING, Eugene A. Hanysz, General Motors Corp., Research Labs., Warren, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670111, 8 pp. TREATMENT OF THE INJURED, Henry H. Balch, Georgetown University , School of Medicine, Washington, D. C; Traffic Safety a National Problem , Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control, Saugatuck, Conn., 1967, pp. 147- 159 MODERN EMERGENCY CARE DURING AMBULANCE TRANSPORTATION TO THE HOSPITAL, M. Halmagyi, Johannes Gutenberg - University , Department of Anaesthesiology, Mainz; F. W. Ahnefeld, Federal Central Hospital, Department of Anaesthesiology, Koblenz, West Germany; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 18-26 MEANS OF LOCATING AND COMMUNICATING WITH DISABLED VEHICLES—INTERIM REPORT, F. Pogust, A. Kuprijanow & H. Forster, Airborne Instruments Laboratory , Deer Park, N. Y.; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 6, 1964, 56 pp. AIR MEDICAL EVACUATION SYSTEM- -DEMONSTRATION PROJECT, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, Arizona State University , College of Engineering Sciences, Tempe, Ariz., Contract No. FH-11-7090, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. ERC-FH-11-7090, May 1970, 24 pp. AIR MEDICAL EVACUATION SYSTEM--DEM0NSTRATI0N PROJECT, FINAL REPORT, Arizona State University . College of Engineering Sciences, Tempe, Ariz., Contract No. FH-11-7090, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. ERC-FH-11-7090, May 1970, 207 pp. SUBMERGED VEHICLE SURVIVAL, Bernard J. Kuhn ; Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Rochester, Minn., October 22 & 23, 1965, pp. 118-126 HOSPITAL CASUALTY SERVICES, Stig Lindgren, National Board of Health , Hospital Division, Stockholm, Sweden; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 27-35 pp. CITY OF NEW YORK EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICE-- DEMONSTRATION PROJECT, Leonora Burkholz, New York City Office of the Mayor , Office of Administration, New York, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6930, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C, April 1970, 125 pp. DISPERSAL OF EMERGENCY AMBULANCES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK: A DEMONSTRATION AND ANALYSIS, Eugene L. Klemens & Richard P. Kuo, New York City Office of the Mayor , Office of Administration, New York, N. Y., March 1970, 81 pp. 154 EXTRICATION METHODS AND AMBULANCE OPERATIONAL GUIDE- LINES—PART I, EXTRICATION METHODS, North American Rockwell , Autonetics, Life Sciences Operations, Contract No. FH-11-6943, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, April 1969, 438 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME III--EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va . , July 18- 20, 1969, 25 pp., PB 186 270 EXTRICATION METHODS AND AMBULANCE OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES—PART II, AMBULANCE OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES, North American Rockwell , Autonetics, Life Sciences Operations, Anaheim, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6943, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, April 1969, 110 pp. VEHICLE POSTCOLLISI0N CONSIDERATIONS, Arnold W. Slegel & Alan M. Nahum, University of California , School of Engineering, Applied Science & Medicine, Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1222-1249; SAE Report No. 700435 FEASIBILITY STUDY OF BALLISTIC CUTTING OF VEHICLE STRUCTURES, R. E. Miller & P. B. Woerner, Jr., Ordnance Engineering Associates, Inc ., Des Plaines, 111. Contract No. FH- 11-6887, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C, OEA Project 2173, NHSB HS-800 161, May 12, 1969, 34 pp. EMERGENCY SERVICES--AN EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT RECORD FORM, Charles F. Frey, University of Michigan , Medical Center, Dept. of Surgery, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, October 16 & 17, 1969, pp. 313- 326, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. COMMUNITY-WIDE EMERGENCY CARE FOR ACUTELY LIFE- THREATENING CONDITIONS, Peter Safar, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Pittsburgh, Pa.; & Presbyterian - University Hospital , Pittsburgh, Pa.; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine—Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 9-17 AN ANALYSIS OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE IN FATAL AND NON-FATAL MOTOR VEHICLE INJURIES IN SAN FRANCISCO, Barry Griffith King, Gertrud Weiss & Ellis D. Sox, Public Health Service , Environmental Control Administration, Injury Control Program, U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Arlington, Va.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 117-139, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE AND TRAFFIC FATALITIES, H. H. Mitchell, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6698, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Memorandum RM-5637-DOT, April 1968, 30 pp. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1955-1964, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, September 1965, 137 pp. VEHICLE ACCIDENTS: IMMEDIATE CARE TO BACK INJURIES, Louis C. Kossuth, U. S. Air Force , Medical Service School, Gunter, Ala.; Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Rochester, Minn. October 22 & 23, 1965, pp. 154-158 EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE, Frank Palmer, U. S. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare , Traffic Safety Branch,, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 29-35, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. RESUSCITATION AND SURVIVAL IN MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, Charles F. Frey, Donald F. Huelke & Paul W. Gikas, University of Michigan, Departments of Surgery, Anatomy, & Pathology, Ann Arbor, Mich.; The Journal of Trauma , Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 292-310 THE TREATMENT OF HIGHWAY INJURY- -AN INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, Eric G. Hanitzsch, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1969, 154 pp. COMMUNITY-WIDE EMERGENCY CARE FOR ACUTELY LIFE- THREATENING CONDITIONS, Peter Safar, University of Pittsburgh , School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Pittsburgh, Pa.; & Presbyterian- University Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 9-17 HIGHWAY PLANNING AND DESIGN DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS AND TRANS- MISSION TECHNIQUES FOR HIGHWAY USERS—VOLUME I, G. J. Alexander, G. F. King & M. A. Warskow, Airborne Instruments Lab ., Deer Park, N. Y., Contract No. HR 3-12, prepared for National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington, D. C, AIL Project No. 2024-1, November 1967, 281 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS AND TRANS- MISSION TECHNIQUES FOR HIGHWAY USERS— VOLUME II APPENDIXES, H. Lunenfeld, G. J. Alexander, B. Adler, R. G. Varady, P. Abramson, G. F. King, A. Kuprijanow, & R. Luke, Airborne Instruments Lab. , Deer Park, N. Y., Contract No. HR 3-12, prepared for National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington, D. C, AIL Project No. 2024-1, November 1967, 177 pp. HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANUAL- -EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, VOLUME 11, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, January 1969, 122 pp. HIGHWAY DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL PRACTICES RELATED TO HIGHWAY SAFETY, American Association of State Highway Officials , Washington, D. C, February 1967, 71 pp. 155 JOINT PROJECT CONCEPT— INTEGRATED TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS, Bari-.on-Aschman Associates , Chicago, 111., prepared for U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Washington, D. C, January 1968, 129 pp., PB 180 227 TRAFFIC NOISE EXPECTED FROM THE PROPOSED BEVERLY HILLS FREEWAY, Bolt Beranek & Newman, Incorporated , Cambridge, Mass., prepared for City of Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills, Calif., Report No. 1089, Job No. 163409, June 1964, 30 pp. URBAN HIGHWAY NOISE: MEASUREMENT, SIMULATION AND MIXED REACTIONS, William J. Galloway, We'lden E. Clark & Jean S. Kerrick, Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc. , Cambridge, Md., Report No. 1505, Report of Project NCHRP 3-7, November 1968, 268 pp. ABATEMENT OF HIGHWAY NOISE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ROADSIDE DESIGN, Wilbur H. Simonson, Bureau of Public Roads, Roadside Section, Washington, D. C.; Abatement of Highway Noise and Fumes, Highway Research Bulletin 110, Publication 363, 1955, pp. 1-14 LITERATURE REFERENCES TO HIGHWAYS AND THEIR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS, Bureau of Public Roads , Office of Right-of-Way and Location, Environmental Development Div., Washington, D. C, July 1, 1969, 80 pp. OFFTRACKING CALCULATIONS FOR TRAILER COMBINATIONS, Hoy Stevens, Samuel C. Tignor & James F. Lojacono, Bureau of Public Roads , Washington, D. C, presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, January 1966; reprint Public Roads, Vol. 34, No. 4, October 1966, pp. 89-100 COMPUTER SIMULATION OF AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS--A NEW RESEARCH TOOL, Raymond R. McHenry, Cornell Aeronautical Lab . , Inc . Buffalo, N Aeronautical Lab., Inc Y., presented at Cornell Eastern Simulation Council Meeting, October 17-18, 1967, Buffalo, N. Y., Revised August 19, 1968, 26 pp. COMPUTER SIMULATION OF SINGLE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, Raymond R. McHenry, David J. Segal & Norman J. Deleys, Cornell University , Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., New York, N. Y.; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 1-34, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. VALIDATION OF A COMPUTER SIMULATION OF SINGLE-VEHICLE ACCIDENTS BY FULL-SCALE TESTING, Norman J. DeLeys, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., presented at the First International Conference on Vehicle Mechanics, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., July 16-18, 1968, 52 pp. VEHICLE DYNAMICS IN SINGLE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS—VALIDATION AND EXTENSIONS OF A COMPUTER SIMULATION, Raymond R. McHenry & Norman J. Deleys, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. CPR-11-3988, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Public Roads, Traffic Systems Div., Office of Res. & Development, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2251-V-3, December 1968, 276 pp., PB 182 663 ROAD DESIGN AND SAFETY, S. M. Lovell, County Council , West Riding, Yorkshire, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 102-105,. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England SECOND REPORT OF SPECIAL TASK COMMITTEE ON ROADSIDE DESIGN TO REDUCE TRAFFIC NOISE, DUST, AND FUMES, Wilbur H. Simonson, Bureau of Public Roads , Roadside Section, Washington, D. C.; Abatement of Highway Noise and Fumes, Highway Research Bulletin 110, Publication 363, 1955, pp. 34-47 SQUEAL OF TIRES ROUNDING CURVES, Joseph Barnett, Bureau of Public Roads , Urban Highway Branch, Washington, D. C.| Highway Research Board Bulletin , Vol. 51, 1952, pp. 1-16 TRAFFIC NOISE, Peter Kyropoulos, California Institute of Technology , Mechanical Engineering Laboratory; Traffic Quarterly , Vol. 2, January 1948, pp. 31-43 DESIGNING THE 100 MPH EXPRESSWAY, reprint Highway Research News , No. 34, winter 1969, pp. 48-52 THE NUISANCES _0F TRAFFIC IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS, David M. Winterbottom, Essex County Council , England; reprint Traffic Quarterly , Vol. 19, No. 3, July 1965, pp. 384- 395 HUMAN SENSITIVITY TO MOTION AS A DESIGN CRITERION FOR HIGHWAY CURVES, William A. McConnell, Ford Motor Company, Vehicles Testing Office, Dearborn, Mich.; Highway Research Board Bulletin 149 , 1957, p"p. 34-56 A DETERMINATION OF NEEDED MINOR HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS THROUGH AN ANALYSIS OF FATAL ACCIDENT REPORTS, Robert E. Conner, Catholic University, School of Engineering & Architecture, Washington, D. June 1967, 51 pp. AN INTEGRATED VEHICULAR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM USING THE FORD RADIO ROAD ALERT, F. Bauer, Ford Motor Co. , Dearborn, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670113, 13 pp. Connolly, VISION, MAN, VEHICLE AND HIGHWAY, Paul L Bloomfleld Hills, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 122-149, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. VISUAL CONSIDERATIONS OF MAN, THE VEHICLE, AND THE HIGHWAY, Ingeborg Schmidt, Indiana University, Div. of Optometry, Bloomington, Ind., & Paul L. Connolly ; Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SAE Report No. SP-279, March 1966, 86 pp. THOUGHTS ON VEHICLE AND ROAD DESIGN FOR SAFETY, W. T. F. Austin, Freeman, Fox & Partners , London, England; & H. E. C. Nash, The Plessey Company, Ltd.; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 62-67, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England AUTOMOTIVE TEST TRACK DESIGN, K. A. Stonex, General Motors Proving Ground , Technical Data Department, Milford, Mich.; Highway Research Board Bulletin 149 , 1957, pp. 1-33 156 A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR DRIVER AID, INFORMATION, AND ROUTING, Eugene A. Hanysz, General Motors. Corp. . Research Labs., Warren, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670111, 8 pp. A STUDY OF THE FEASIBILITY OF USING ROADSIDE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND DRIVER INFORMATION (PROGRESS REPORT NUMBER TWO), Donald 0. Covault, Georgia Institute of Technology , School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, Ga.; Turgut Dervish, Traffic Planning Associates, Atlanta, Ga.; & Andrew Kanen, Traffic Research Corp., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, presented at the Annual Meeting of Highway Research Board, January 1967, 134 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE USE CHARACTERISTICS, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 1963, Highway Research Record No. 26, 78 pp. SURVEY OF THE TRAFFIC NOISE PROBLEM, G. J. Thiessen, National Research Council , Division of Applied Physics, Ottawa, Canada, 1965, 14 pp. ,12 figs. LE DANGER DES ACTIONS AERODYNAMIQUES POUR LA CONDUTTE (THE DANGERS OF AERO-DYNAMIC EFFECTS ON DRIVING), F. Leygue & P. Duflot, Organisme National de Securite' Routiere, Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 20, February 1969, 23 pp. TRAFFIC NOISE, R. J. Stephenson & G. H. Vulkan, Greater London Council , Scientific Branch, County Hall, London, S.E.I, England; reprint Journal of Sound (* Vibration. Vol. 7, No. 2, 1968, pp. 247-262 VISUAL CONSIDERATIONS OF MAN, THE VEHICLE, AND THE HIGHWAY, Ingeborg Schmidt, Indiana University , DIv. of Optometry, Bloomington, Ind., & Paul L. Connolly; Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SAE Report No. SP-279, March 1966, 86 pp. RCADSIDE HAZARDS: AN INTRODUCTION, Jackson Wong, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety , Research Staff, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, D. C, June 9-10, 1970, pp. 79-104 THE HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT IN A LONG EXPRESSWAY TUNNEL, Toshiro Edamura, Kobe University , Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan; Journal of the Japan Society of Ergonomics, Vol. 5, No. 3, June 1969, pp. 175> TS1 A SIMULATION FOR THE DESIGN OF A RIGHT TURNING LANE, Toshiro Edamura, Kobe University , Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan; Dobokugljutsushlryo, Vol. 6, No. 7, 8 pp. NOISE TREMOR DUE TO TRAFFIC— FROM AN ENGINEER'S POINT OF VIEW, R. K. Bernhard, Pennsylvania State College, Department of Engineering Mechanics, State College, Pa.; reprint Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 12, January 1941, pp. 338-47 THOUGHTS ON VEHICLE AND ROAD DESIGN FOR SAFETY, W. T. F. Austin, Freeman, Fox & Partners, London, England; & H. E. C. Nash, Plessey Company, Ltd .; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 62-67, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England THE MOTION AND STABILITY OF A VEHICLE MOVING OVER SURFACES WHICH ARE BUMPY, SLOPING OR CAMBERED, I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 145-153, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England RESEARCH ON ROAD TRAFFIC, Road Research Lab. , Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Harmondsworth, Middlesex; Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Publisher, London, England, 1965, 505 pp. TECHNICAL REPORT ON THE EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED RIVERFRONT EXPRESSWAY--VIEUX CARRE HISTORIC DISTRICT DEMONSTRATION STUDY, Marcou, O'Leary 6. Associates , Washington, D. C, prepared for City of New Orleans, December 1968, 194 pp. IMPROVING VISIBILITY OF THE HIGHWAY AND HIGHWAY SIGNS AS A MEANS OF ACCIDENT PREVENTION, Theodore W. Forbes, Michigan State University , Department of Psychology & Division of Engineering Research, East Lansing, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 113-117, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. ENGINEERING THE ROAD FOR SAFETY, J. E. P. Darrell, Minnesota State Automobile Association ; Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Rochester, Minn., October 22 & 23, 1965, pp. 134-137 STREET AND HIGHWAY TRAFFIC N0ISE--WASHINGT0N, D. C. Sexton - Sexton & Associates , Washington, D. C, Agreement No. 1581, prepared for Department of Highways & Traffic, District Building, Washington, D. C, December 1961, 99 pp. TRAFFIC NOISE, Burton H. Sexton, Sexton-Sexton Associates ; reprint Traffic Quarterly , Vol. 23, No. 3, July 1969, pp. 427-439 SCALE MODEL INVESTIGATION OF OFF-TRACKING OF TRAILER TRAINS, Frederick Jindra, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, presented at the Society of Auto- motive Engineers National Transportation Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., October 29--November 2, 1962, SAE Report 607A, 10 pp. ABATEMENT OF HIGHWAY NOISE AND FUMES, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, HRB Bulletin 110, Publication 363, 1955, 47 pp. CALCULATING METHOD OF REQUIRED AIR VOLUME OF VEHICULAR TUNNELS IN JAPAN, Yutaka Hiruraa, Technical Committee on Road Tunnels , Tokyo, Japan, May 1967, 40 pp. HIGHWAY CURVES AND TEST TRACK DESIGN, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Proceedings of the Thirty- Fifth Annual Meeting, January 17-20, 1956, HRB Bulletin 149, 1957, 56 pp. INFORMATION ON ROAD TUNNELS IN JAPAN, Yutaka Hiruraa, Technical Committee on Road Tunnels , Tokyo, Japan, August 1966, 114 pp. 157 A COMPUTER TECHNIQUE FOR PERSPECTIVE PLOTTING OF ROADWAYS, Ross A. Park & Neilon J. Rowan, Texas A & M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 19-3, July 1967, 29 pp., 4 figs. EVALUATION OF STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE DESIGN CRITERIA, John C. Glennon, Texas A&M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, in cooperation with U. S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Research Study No. 2-8-68-134, Research Report No. 134-3, August 1969, 71 pp. A STUDY OF THE FEASIBILITY OF USING ROADSIDE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND DRIVER INFORMATION (PROGRESS REPORT NUMBER TWO), Donald 0. Covault, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, Ga.; Turgut Dervish, Traffic Planning Associates , Atlanta, Ga.; & Andrew C. Kanen, Traffic Research Corp., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, presented at the Annual Meeting of Highway Research Board, January 1967, 134 pp. A STUDY OF THE FEASIBILITY OF USING ROADSIDE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND DRIVER INFORMATION (PROGRESS REPORT NUMBER TWO), Donald 0. Covault, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, Ga.; Turgut Dervish, Traffic Planning Associates, Atlanta, Ga.; & Andrew C. Kanen, Traffic Research Corp ., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, presented at the Annual Meeting of Highway Research Board, January 1967, 134 pp. LOCATION-DESIGN CONTROL OF TRANSPORTATION NOISE, Alexander Cohen, U. S. Department of Health, Education , & Welfare , Public Health Service, National Center for Urban & Industrial Health, Cincinnati, Ohio; Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers , Vol. 93, No. UP4, December 1967, pp. 63-86 HIGHWAY SAFETY, DESIGN AND OPERATIONS --ROADS IDE HAZARDS, Hearings before the Special Subcommittee on the Federal-Aid Highway Program of the Committee on Public Works, U. S. House of Representatives , Washington, D. C, (90-21), May 23-25; June 6, 8, 20-23, 27-29; July 18, 20, 1967, 1,243 pp. NOISE MEASUREMENTS ON EXPRESSWAY-TYPE FACILITIES, D. M. Finch & W. A. Partridge, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, California, Research Report No. 15, February 1954, 22 pp. NOISE MEASUREMENTS ON EXPRESSWAY-TYPE FACILITIES — APPENDICES, D. M. Finch 6. W. A. Partridge, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, Calif., Research Report No. 15-A, February 1954, 46 pp. OPERATIONAL TESTS OF LONGER COMBINATIONS, Western Highway Institute , San Francisco, Calif., 24 pp. HIGHWAY SAFETY- -GENERAL PAPERS GIVEN AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR AUTOMOTIVE MEDICINE , Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, ISO pp. PAPERS GIVEN AT THE MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR AUTOMOTIVE MEDICINE, American Association for A uto- motive Medicine. Rochester, Minn., October 22 S. 23, 1965, 158 pp. PRE-CRASH FACTORS IN TRAFFIC SAFETY, American Association for Automotive Medicine , Sacramento Inn, Calif.; 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, 305 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR AUTOMOTIVE MEDICINE , University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn., October 16 & 17, 1969, 372 pp. SOCIETY'S RESPONSIBILITY IN TRAFFIC SAFETY: A PANEL DISCUSSION, Lloyd M. Rockne, Licensed Beverage Industries, Sacramento, Calif.; Douglas A. Fraser, U.A.W. International Union, Detroit, Mich.; Russell E. MacCleery, Automobile Manufacturers Association , Washington, D. C; Harry M. Philo, Detroit, Mich.; & Nils A. Lofgren, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, D. C; Pre-Crash Factors In Traffic Safety, 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 281-305, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. REGIONAL SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SEMINARS— VOLUMES I AND II, Automotive Safety Foundation , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6537, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 140, August 30, 1968 AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING STUDY, Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc ., Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11- 6589, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, December 31, 1967, 342 pp., PB-178 327; Supplementary Report, March 12, 1968, 45 pp., PB-178 328 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS STUDY- -ANALYSIS OF FACILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TRAFFIC SAFETY RESEARCH CENTER, VOLUME I, Booz, Allen Applied Research Incorporated , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6563, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, October 31, 1967, 224 pp. N0N-INTERSECTI0NAL AUTOMOBILE FATALITIES--A PROBLEM IN ROADWAY DESIGN, Donald F. Huelke 6. Paul W. Gikas, University of Michigan . Ann Arbor, Mich.; reprint HlRhway Research Record 152 , 1967, pp. 103-118 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS STUDY—CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF TRAFFIC SAFETY RESEARCH CENTER, VOLUME II, Booz, Allen Applied Research Incorporated , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6563, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, October 31, 1967, 151 pp. INTERCHANGES, Joseph C. Oppenlander & Robert F. Dawson, University of Vermont , Dept. of Civil Engineering, Burlington, Vt.; Chapter 9 of TRAFFIC CONTROL & ROADWAY ELEMENTS—THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY/REVISED, Highway Users Federation for Safety & Mobility, Washington, D. C, 1970, 11 pp. FACILITY REQUIREMENTS STUDY— RECOMMENDED TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM ACTIVITIES FOR THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU, VOLUME III, Booz, Allen Applied Research Incorporated. Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6563 prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, October 31, 1967, 296 pp. 158 SAFETY SPECIALIST MAN POWER --MAN POWER REQUIREMENTS, VOLUME I, Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc ., Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH- 11-6496, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, October 14, 1968, 579 pp. SAFETY SPECIALIST MAN POWER - -MAN POWER RESOURCES AND MANPOWER TRAINING, VOLUME II AND VOLUME III, Booz , Allen & Hamilton, Incorporated , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6496, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, October 14, 1968, 243 pp. SAFETY SPECIALIST MANPOWER CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS, VOLUME IV, Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc. Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6496, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, October 14, 1968, 539 pp. NATIONAL TRAFFIC SAFETY DATA CENTER PROJECT DEFINITION PHASE, Jack Moshman & Lester A. Barrer, EBS Management Consultants, Inc. , Management Sciences Div., Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6521, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C., EBSMC Report No. 45-0920, November 1967, Vol. 1, 190 pp.; Vol. 2, 54 pp. PROBLEMS OF AUTO-SAFETY ON THE BRITISH SIDE OF THE ATLANTIC, E. H. Ellis, Ellis Research & Testing Labs ., Albury, Guildford, England; Paper Given at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Holloman Air Force Base, Alamogordo, New Mexico, November 10 & 11, 1966, pp. 58-81 TRAFFIC SAFETY- -A NATIONAL PROBLEM, Eno Foundation for Highway Traffic Control , Saugatuck, Conn., Proceedings of a Symposium sponsored by the National Academy of Engineering, Washington, D. C, April 28, 1966, 164 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PROGRAM REVIEW MEETING--RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF TRAFFIC SYSTEMS, December 6, 7, 6. 8, 1966, Gaithersburg; Md., conducted by Bureau of Public Roads , Office of Research & Development, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, 418 pp. PB 174 746 ROUTE AND TERMINAL SAFETY (HIGHWAY), James D. Lacy, Bureau of Public Roads, Office of Traffic Operations, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the First Department of Transportation Intra-Departmental Safety Seminar, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, January 1969, pp. 31-43 1970 INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SAFETY CONFERENCE COMPENDIUM, Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., and Federation Internationale des Societies d'Ingenieurs des Techniques de 1 'Automobile ; held in Detroit, Mich., May 13-15, 1970 & Brussels, Belgium, June 8-11, 1970; Conference Proceedings P-30, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1319 pp. VEHICLE ACCIDENT STUDIES, K. J. B. Teesdale, Ford of Europe Inc. ; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1266-1279; SAE Report No. 700438 GUIDE TO TRAFFIC SAFETY, Canadian Government Specifications B oard, Ottawa, Canada, 97-GP, December 1966, 53 pp. A STUDY OF THE PROBLEM OF HOT PURSUIT BY THE POLICE, Edmund F. Fennessy, Thomas Hamilton, Kent B. Joscelyn it John S. Merritt, Center for the Environment & Man, Incorporated, Hartford, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-7220 prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 4022-409, July 1970, 252 pp. NATIONAL SURVEY OF TRANSPORTATION ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR--PHASE I SUMMARY REPORT, Robert K. McMillan & Henry Assael, Chilton Research Services , Philadelphia, Pa., prepared for National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 49, NAS-NRC Publication 1583, NCHRP Project 20-4 FY '65 & FY '66, 1968, 71 pp. PROJECT DEFINITION PHASE STUDY FOR THE NATIONAL TRAFFIC SAFETY DOCUMENTATION CENTER, General Elec tr ic Company , Santa Barbara, Calif., Contract No. DOT/FHA FH-11-6548, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. 159 (NHSB-4), December 1967, 120 pp. PROJECT DEFINITION PHASE STUDY FOR THE NATIONAL TRAFFIC SAFETY DOCUMENTATION CENTER, General Electric - TEMPO , Santa Barbara, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6548, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 1S9 (NHSB-4), April 1968, 284 pp. THE NEED FOR UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SAFETY STANDARDS, Robert E. Woolcott & Timothy A. Hunter, General Motors Corporation of Canada, presented at General Motors Corp. Automotive Safety Seminar, July 11-12, 1968, 6 pp. COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLIC SUPPORT IN HIGHWAY SAFETY, Dudley-Anderson-Yutzy , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-7069, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 15, 1969, 138 pp. SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT, Louis C. Lundstrom, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1-17; SAE Report No. 700350 A PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF THE HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS PROBLEM, Dudley-Anderson-Yutzy , New York, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6874, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Public Affairs, Washington, D. C, November 1, 1968, 235 pp. THE ROLE OF CRUSADER-TRIGGERED CONTROVERSY IN TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT: AN ANALYSIS OF THE MASS MEDIA RESPONSE TO SILENT SPRING AND UNSAFE AT ANY SPEED, Denis W. Brezina, George Washington University , Program of Policy Studies in Science & Technology, Washington, D. C, Staff Discussion Paper 203, April 11, 1968, 42 pp. 159 MAXIMUM SPEED L1MITS--A STUDY FOR THE SELECTION OF MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS, VOLUME I, Kent B. Joscelyn, Ralph K. Jones & Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University , Institute for Research in Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11-7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 233 pp. MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS--THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEED LIMITS: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE, VOLUME II, Kent B. Joscelyn & Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University , Institute for Research in Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11-7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 140 pp. MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS--A PROGRAMMED IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL FOR SETTING A SPEED LIMIT BASED ON THE 85TH PERCENTILE, VOLUME III, Kent B. Joscelyn & Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University, Institute for Research In Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11- 7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington. D. C, October 1970, 103 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF VIOLATION SAMPLING AND REC0RMNG TECHNIQUES, H. Bissell, K. Courage & R. Eckert, Kelly Scientific Corporation , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-7294, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, August 1970, 254 pp. SOME QUANTIFICATION TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO TRAFFIC SAFETY AND TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, Toshiro Edamura, Kobe University , Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan, presented at the Japan Society of Civil Engineering Third Symposium on Planning Methodology in Civil Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, January 28, 1969, 14 pp. OVERVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY PROBLEMS, Leasco Systems & Research Corporation , Management Systems Group, Bethesada, Md . , Contract No. FH-11-6920, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, LSRC Technical Report MSG 104/69, June 30, 1969, 306 pp., PB 187 861 MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS--AN IMPLEMENTATION METHOD FOR SETTING A SPEED LIMIT BASED ON THE 85TH PERCENTILE SPEED, VOLUME IV, Kent B. Joscelyn & Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University, Institute for Research in Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11-7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 22 pp. VEHICLE AND ROAD DESIGN FOR SAFETY, Institution of Mechanical Engineers , London, England; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, 186 pp. MAN AND THE TRAFFIC PROCESS, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety , Washington, D. C, Proceedings of the Third IIHS Traffic Safety Research Conference", Chicago, 111., January 27-28, 1969, 163 pp. SOCIETY'S RESPONSIBILITY IN TRAFFIC SAFETY: A PANEL DISCUSSION, Lloyd M. Rockne, Licensed Beverage Industries, Sacramento, Calif.; Douglas A. Fraser, U.A.W. International Union, Detroit, Mich.; Russell E. MacCleery, Automobile Manufacturers Association, Washington, D. C; Harry M. Philo, Detroit, Mich.; & Nils A. Lofgren, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety , Washington, D. C; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 281-305, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR ACCIDENT AND TRAFFIC MEDICINE --V0LUME I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, 288 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND CONGRESS OF THE INTER- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR ACCIDENT AND TRAFF IC MEDICINE--VOLUME II, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, 181 pp. SOCIETY'S RESPONSIBILITY IN TRAFFIC SAFETY: A PANEL DISCUSSION, Lloyd M. Rockne, Licensed Beverage Industries , Sacramento, Calif.; Douglas A. Fraser, U.A.W. International Union, Detroit, Mich.; Russell E. MacCleery, Automobile Manufacturers Association, Washington, D. C.j Harry M. Philo, Detroit, Mich.; & Nils A. Lofgren, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington,' D. C.J Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 281-305, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. THE STATE OF THE ART OF TRAFFIC SAFETY--A CRITICAL REVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF THE TECHNICAL INFORMATION ON FACTORS AFFECTING TRAFFIC SAFETY, Arthur D. Little , Inc . , Acorn Park, Cambridge, Mass., June 1966, 624 pp. WHAT WE KNOW AND DON'T KNOW ABOUT TRAFFIC SAFETY, David M. Boodman, Arthur D. Little, Inc ., Acorn Park, Cambridge, Mass., presented to the Travelers Research Center, Inc. Traffic Safety Conference, Hartford, Conn. January 15-17, 1967, 19 pp. A STUDY TO IMPLEMENT, TEST, EVALUATE, AND MODIFY THE INTERIM SYSTEM DESIGN—NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY DOCUMENTATION CENTER—FINAL REPORT: PHASE II, Management Technology Inc ., Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH- 11-6806, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, National Highway Safety Documentation Center, Washington, D. C, December 26, 1968, 108 pp. HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY WITH ANNOTATIONS- -A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1956-1960, John L. Whitelaw, Michigan State Universi ty, Highway Traffic Safety Center, East Lansing, Mich.", 1961, 110 pp. POLICE TRAFFIC RESPONSIBILITIES, R. Dean Smith, Brian Keenan, Robert Shamberger & John A. Karmasek, International Association of Chiefs of Police , Management & Research Division, Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6934, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1969, 230 pp. RATIONAL PREPARATION OF DECISIONS CONCERNING ROAD SAFETY, M. Baudouln, Mlnlst'ere de l'Equipement , Paris, France, C. Berlioz, Organisme National de Se'curite Routlere, Arcueil (Seine), France; & M. Ternier, Ministere des Finances, Paris, France; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 21-27; SAE Report No. 700353 160 RATIONAL PREPARATION OF DECISIONS CONCERNING ROAD SAFETY, M. Baudouin, Ministere de l'Equipement, Paris, France, C. Berlioz, Organisme National de Se'curite' Routiere, Arcueil (Seine), France; & M. Ternier, Ministere des Finances , Paris, France; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 21-27; SAE Report No. 700353 SAFETY PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT, Hubert Perring, Ministry of Transport, London, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 18-20; SAE Report No. 700351 A STUDY OF TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Contract No. DOT-OS-A9-106, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Office of Hazardous Materials, Washington, D. C, May 7-9, 1969, 263 pp., AD 692 182 AN EVALUATION OF THE N0RTHWAY EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM, Ronald W. Tweedie & John E. Taylor, New York State Dept. of Public Works , State Campus, Albany, N. Y. presented at the Highway Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C, January 15-20, 1967, Publication No. TP00-926-01, 28 pp. EXPLORATION OF ENGINEERING EFFORTS HAVING MAXIMAL CONTRIBUTORY POTENTIAL TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY, P. D. Cribbins, North Carolina State University , Raleigh, North Carolina, Report No. 0786, June 1966, 47 pp., PB 177 345 HIGHWAY SAFETY MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR STATE GOVERNMENTS, Peat, Marwick, Livingston & Company , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6627, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, June 1968, 144 pp. PB 179 019 NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING SYSTEM- -SYSTEM DESCRIPTION, VOLUME I, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company , Washington, D. C., Contract No. FH-11-6925, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 1, 1970, 131 pp. NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING SYSTEM— FORMATS AND PROCEDURES, VOLUME II, Peat, Marwick . Mitchell & Company , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6925, prepared for U. S, Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 1, 1970, 44 pp. NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING SYSTEM- -CONCEPTS, VOLUME III, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6925, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 1, 1970, 91 pp. NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING SYSTEM—IMPLEMENTATION, VOLUME IV, Peat , Marwick, Mitchell & Company , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6925, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 1, 1970, 63 pp. FACILITY REQUIREMENTS STUDY— SUMMARY, VOLUME I, Operations Research Incorporated , Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6565, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 457, October 31, 1967, 25 pp. NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR LOCALITIES—STUDY REPORT, VOLUME I, Peat, Marwick, Livingston & Company , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6924, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 1969, 61 pp. FACILITY REQUIREMENTS STUDY—TECHNICAL REPORT, VOLUME II, Operations Research Incorporated, Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6565, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 457, October 31, 1967, 237 pp. NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR LOCALITIES— SURVEY AND METHODOLOGY, VOLUME II, Peat, Marwick, Livingston &■ Company , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6924, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 1969, 55 pp. FACILITY REQUIREMENTS STUDY— APPENDICES VOLUME III, Operations Research Incorporated , Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6565, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 457, October 31, 1967, 211 pp. A BACKSEAT DRIVERS GUIDE OR WOMEN'S ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY IN THE TRAFFIC MORTALITY PROBLEM, R. K. Y. Dusinberre, Physicians for Automotive Safety, Wellsboro, Pa., 1969, 142 pp. INTERNATIONAL ROAD SAFETY RESEARCH DIRECTORY, Organisation for Economic Co-Operatlon & Development , Paris, France, Second Edition, 1966, 358 pp. PUBLIC HEALTH ASPECTS OF AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION, Paul Jollet, Public Health Service , U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare, Washington, D. C; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 90-93, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. RATIONAL PREPARATION OF DECISIONS CONCERNING ROAD SAFETY, M. Baudouin, Ministere de l'Equipement, Paris, France C. Berlioz, Organisme National de Se'curite Routiere , Arcueil (Seine), France; & M. Ternier, Ministere des Finances, Paris, France; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 21-27; SAE Report No. 700353 PUTTING THE ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF TRAFFIC SAFETY MEASURES INTO PERSPECTIVE, Martin Wohl, The Rand Corporation , Santa Monica, Calif., Contract No. FH-11- 6698, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Memorandum RM- 5631-DOT, April 1968, 42 pp. 161 VEHICLE SAFETY WHY THE MARKET DID NOT ENCOURAGE IT AND HOW IT MIGHT BE MADE TO DO SO, Alan Carlin, The Rand Corporation , Santa Monica, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6698, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Memorandum RM-5634- DOT, April 1968, 21 pp. NATIONAL TRAFFIC SAFETY DOCUMENTATION CENTER PROJECT DEFINITION STUDY—FINAL REPORT, Dennis A. Katter, Ruth M. Katz & John L. Scroggins, System Development Corporation, Falls Church, Va., Contract No. FH-11-6545 prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Memorandum WD- 1700/002/00, April 29, 1968, 195 pp., PB 179 156 A STUDY PLAN FOR THE PREPARATION OF A HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM FOR THE U. S. FOREST SERVICE, A. L. Finkner, A. Carl Nelson, Jr., & S. B. White, Jr., Research Triangle Institute , Research Triangle Park, N. C, Contract No. FH-11-7468, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, RTI Project SU-539, August 27, 1970, 67 pp. SYMPOSIUM ON ROAD SAFETY AND ITS TECHNICAL AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, May 4, 1967, 38 pp. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1955-1964, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, September 1965, 137 pp. RESOLUTIONS DU V C0NGRES INTERNATIONAL DE IA POLICE DE LA CIRCULATION (RESOLUTIONS OF THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF TRAFFIC POLICE), May 31-June 4, 1965, Paris; Technical Aspects of Road Safety Bulletin d'Informatton du C.I.D.I.T .V.A. , No. 23, September 1965, pp. 3.3-3.13, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securlte Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor POLICE TRAFFIC SERVICES AND ROAD SAFETY: AN EVALUATION OF THE LITERATURE, E. F. Fennessy, Jr., & H. C. Joksch, Travelers Research Center, Inc ., Hartford, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-6604, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Interim Report 1, January 1968, 156 pp., PB 177 863 1970 INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SAFETY CONFERENCE COMPENDIUM, Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc . , and Federation Internationale des Societies d'Ingenieurs des Techniques de 1 'Automobile; held in Detroit, Mich., May 13-15, 1970 & Brussels, Belgium, June 8-11, 1970; Conference Proceedings P-30, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1319 pp. THE TECHNICAL CONTENT OF STATE AND COMMUNITY POLICE TRAFFIC SERVICES PROGRAMS, Edward F. Fennessy, Jr., Robert L. Borkenstein, Hans C. Joksch, Frank J. Leahy, Jr., & Kent B. Joscelyn, Travelers Research Center, Inc . Hartford, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-6604, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 161, September 1968, 510 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE ON VEHICLE CRASH AND INJURY PREVENTION, held at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, July 11 & 12, 1966, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd ., London, England, 128 pp. TRAFFIC SAFETY--STRATEGIES FOR RESEARCH AND ACTION, Travelers Research Center, Inc. , Hartford, Conn., Proceedings of a Conference held In Hartford, Conn., January 16-17, 1967, 179 pp. THE FEASIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING HIGHWAY SAFETY MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH CENTERS AT UNIVERSITY- LEVEL INSTITUTIONS—VOLUME I: STUDY REPORT, Maury H. Chorness, Richard P. Howell, John J. McAuliffe, Kendall D. Moll, Milan Radovic & Henry E. Pedraza, Stanford Research Institute , Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH- 11-69 17, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1969, 330 pp. SOCIETY'S RESPONSIBILITY IN TRAFFIC SAFETY: A PANEL DISCUSSION, Lloyd M. Rockne, Licensed Beverage Industries, Sacramento, Calif.; Douglas A. Fraser, U.A.W. International Union , Detroit, Mich.; Russell E. MacCleery, Automobile Manufacturers Association, Washington, D. C; Harry M. Philo, Detroit, Mich.; 6. Nils A. Lofgren, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, D. C . ; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 281-305, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. THE FEASIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING HIGHWAY SAFETY MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH CENTERS AT UNIVERSITY-LEVEL 1NSTITUTI0NS--V0LUME II: APPENDIXES, Maury H. Chorness, Richard P. Howell, John J. McAuliffe, Kendall D. Moll, Milan Radovic & Henry E. Pedraza, Stanford Research Institute , Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6917, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1969, 157 pp. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC SAFETY, U. S. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare, Washington, D. C, February 29, 1968, 147 pp. THE EVOLVING ROLE OF THE ENGINEERING PROFESSION IN MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY, Robert Brenner, U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 690143, 5 pp. YOUNG CHILDREN'S ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND TRAFFIC EDUCATION, Stlna Sandels, University of Stockholm, Institute for Child Development Research, & Stockholm School of Education , Stockholm, Sweden; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 230-235 EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES—NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU CONTRACTORS REPORT JANUARY 1968-FEBRUARY 1969, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, 195 pp. 162 HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANUALS: VOLUME 0, PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION, January 1969; VOLUME 1, PERIODIC MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION, January 1969; VOLUME 2, MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION, January 1969; VOLUME 3, MOTORCYCLE SAFETY, January 1969; VOLUME 4, DRIVER EDUCATION, January 1969; VOLUME 5, DRIVER LICENSING, January 1969; VOLUME 6, CODES AND LAWS, January 1969; VOLUME 7, TRAFFIC COURTS, January 1969; VOLUME 3, ALCOHOL IN RELATION TO HIGHWAY SAFETY, January 1969; VOLUME 9, IDENTIFICATION AND SURVEILLANCE OF ACCIDENT LOCATIONS, January 1969; VOLUME 10, TRAFFIC RECORDS, January 1969; VOLUME 11, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, January 1969; VOLUME 14, PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, April 1969; VOLUME 15, POLICE TRAFFIC SERVICES, April 1969; VOLUME 16, DEBRIS HAZARD CONTROL AND CLEANUP, April 1969, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C. HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM STANDARDS, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, February 1969, 32 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT STUDIES, Wendell G. Eames, Scott N. Lee & James C. Fell, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D, C.j 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1254-1265; SAE Report 700437 NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY, Alan S. Boyd, U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C.J reprint, The Police Chief , Vol. 35, No. 12, December 1968, pp. 41-43 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME V--S PEED-RELATED ACCIDENT COUNTERMEASURES AND THEIR PRIORITIES, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18-20, 1969, 89 pp., PB 186 272 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME VI--DRIVER BEHAVIOR, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18-20, 1969, 95 pp., PB 186 273 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME VII--ENFORCEMENT, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18-20, 1969, 52 pp., PB 186 274 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME VIII--COMPLIANCE, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18- 20, 1969, 34 pp., PB 186 275 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME IX--DATA CONTRIBUTION, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18-20, 1969, 58 pp., PB 186 276 NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU C0NTRACTS--FY 1968, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, 111 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INTRA-DEPARTMENTAL SAFETY SEMINAR, U. S. Department of Transportation , Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C, January 1969, 251 pp. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME I--BACKGROUND AND SUMMARY EXPECTATIONS AND LIMITATIONS FINAL SESSION, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18- 20, 1969, 56 pp., PB 186 268 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME II--ALCOHOL AND HIGHWAY SAFETY COUNTERMEASURES, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va . , July 18-20, 1969, 79 pp., PB 186 269 PROCEEDINGS OF, THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME III--EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18- 20, 1969, 25 pp., PB 186 270 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME TV--CRASH SURVIVABILITY, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg. Va., July 18-20, 1969, 68 pp., PB 186 271 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME X--PUBLIC INFORMATION AND HIGHWAY SAFETY, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18-20, 1969, 32 pp., PB 186 277 REPORT ON THE HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM STANDARDS DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE HIGHWAY SAFETY ACT OF 1966, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1, 1967, 104 pp. VEHICLE SAFETY (HIGHWAY), William Haddon, Jr., U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C.J Proceedings of the First Department of Transportation Intra-Departmental Safety Seminar, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, January 1969, pp. 99-118 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ROAD TRAFFIC AND SAFETY, Frank A. Haight, University of California, Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; reprint Operations Research, Vol. 12, No. 6, November-December 1964, pp. 976-1039 THE DOGMAS OF TRAFFIC SAFETY--A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC SAFETY MESSAGES APPEARING IN THE PRINT MEDIA OF MASS COMMUNICATION, Harold Mendelsohn, University of Denver , Communication Arts Center, Denver, Colo., Contract No. CPR-11-4194, prepared for Bureau of Public Roads, Office of Highway Safety, Washington, D. C, March 31, 1967, 124 pp., PB-178 233 163 AUTOMOBILE SAFETY IN THE MEDICAL CURRICULUM, Donald F. Huelke, Paul W. Gikas & Charles J. Tupper, University of Michigan, Medical School, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 73-75, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PUBLICATIONS ON HIGHWAY SAFETY--1966 TO MAY 1970, Kathleen Weber, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., 21 pp. KEY ISSUES IN HIGHWAY LOSS REDUCTION, editor Charles W. Wlxom -, Proceedings of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, D. C, June 9-10, 1970, 292 pp. TEST FACILITY INVENTORY FOR THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION—FINAL REPORT, Wyle Labs ., Huntsville Facility, Huntsville, Ala., Contract No. FH-11-6566, prepared for the National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C, Facility Inventory Study Report No. 54600, October 31, 1967, Eight Volumes, PB 180326-180333 DOCUMENTATION CENTER, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6689, prepared for Federal Highway Admin- istration, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. 159, December 1967, 79 pp. AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING STUDY, Arthur Young , & Company , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6591, prepared for National Traffic Safety Institute, National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, January 1968, 103 pp. DOCUMENTATION CENTER FINAL REPORT, James O'Day, Joseph C. Marsh IV & Rameshwar N. Paul, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract FH-11-6689, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C, May 31, 1968, 310 pp., PB 179 155 THE PREVENTION OF HIGHWAY INJURY, edited by Melvin L. Selzer, Paul W. Gikas & Donald F. Huelke, Proceedings of a Symposium held April 19-21, 1967, and sponsored by the University of Michigan Medical School and the Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich. 293 pp. AN EVALUATION OF THE OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY OF "VASCAR"—A SPEED MEASURING DEVICE, Patricia F. Waller, Forrest M. Council, Patricia Z. Barry, and William S. Rouse, University of North Carolina , Highway Safety Research Center, Chapel Hill, N. C, January 1968, 24 pp. RETESTING OF VASCAR OPERATORS: THE EFFECT OF A ONE-YEAR PERIOD OF USE, Forrest M. Council, University of North Carolina , Highway Safety Research Center, Chapel Hill, N. C, October 1969, 40 pp. SAFETY RESEARCH MANPOWER— FINAL REPORT, B. J. Campbell, University of North Carolina , Highway Safety Research Center, Chapel Hill, N. C, Contract No. FH-11-6482, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 1968, 92 pp. COST -EFFECTIVENESS OF MASS MEDIA COMMUNICATIONS AS RELATED TO HIGHWAY SAFETY, G. A. Fleischer, University of Southern California , Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6800, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 70-3, May 1970, 132 pp. YOUNG CHILDREN'S ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND TRAFFIC EDUCATION, Stina Sandels, University of Stockholm, Institute for Child Development Research, & Stockholm School of Education, Stockholm, Sweden; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine--Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 230-235 HIGHWAY SAFETY ORGANIZATIONS AND PROGRAMS EUROPEAN RESEARCH, STANDARDIZATION AND REGULATIONS ON PROTECTIVE DEVICES, J. P. De Coster, Fonds d 'Etudes et de Recherches pour la Securite Routlere , Brussels, Belgium; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 61-96, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. WORLD^SURVEY OF CURRENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ON ROADS AND ROAD TRANSPORT—AN INTERIM REPORT COVERING A 17-COUNTRY INVENTORY, International Road Federation , Washington, D. C, Contract No. CPR-11-2665, prepared for Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, April 1966, 410 pp. 1965-1967 WORLD SURVEY OF CURRENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ON ROADS AND ROAD TRANSPORT, International Road Federation , Washington, D. C, Contract No. CPR-11-2665, prepared for Bureau of Public Roads, Federal Highway Administration, Dept. of Transportation, Washington, D. C, August 1967, 272 pp. WORLD SURVEY OF CURRENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ON ROADS AND ROAD TRANSPORT—A REPORT COVERING AN INVENTORY OF 40 COUNTRIES, International Road Federation , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6744, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, December 1968, 531 pp. OVERVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY PROBLEMS, Leasco Systems 6» Research Corporation , Management Systems Group, Bethesada, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6920, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, LSRC Technical Report MSG 104/69, June 30, 1969, 306 pp., PB 187 861 MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY: THE ORGANIZATIONS, R. J. Carson, National Research Council of Can ada, Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No. 5, May 1966, 66 pp. SAFETY IN CANADA— ORGANIZATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, R. J. Carson, National Research Council of Canada , Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No. 11, December 1966, 87 pp. HIGHWAY SAFETY 1960-1965--AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, Laura R. Turner 6. Louise Philpot, Virginia Highway Research Council , Charlottesville, Va., April 1966, 82 pp. DIRECT6RY OF NATIONAL TRAFFIC SAFETY ORGANIZATIONS WITH FULL TIME FIELD STAFFS, National Safety Council , Chicago, 111., September 1968, 28 pp. 164 INTERNATIONAL ROAD SAFETY RESEARCH DIRECTORY, Organisation for Economic Co-Operatlon 6. Development , Paris. France, Second Edition, 1966, 358 pp. SURVEY OF SPECIALIZED TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTERS, Safety Management Institute , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6911, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Documentation Center, Washington, D. C, September 30, 1968, 114 pp. COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES HIGHWAY TRAFFIC AND SAFETY CENTERS, edited by James E. Aaron & Dale 0. Ritzel, Southern Illinois University , Department of Health Education, Carbondale, 111., Monograph No. 24, 1968, 47 pp. SURVEY OF USERS AND SOURCES OF TRAFFIC SAFETY INFORMATION, Dennis A. Katter, Ruth M. Katz & John L. Scroggins, System Development Corp ., Falls Church, Va . , Contract No. FH-11-6545, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. TM-WD- 1700/001/00, December 29, 1967, 84 pp. THE AAAM - ITS EDUCATIONAL POTENTIAL IN THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY, Donald F. Huelke, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 275- 279, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. INTERSECTION AND SIGN ILLUMINATION FOR HIGHWAY SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY, Charles J. Keese, Donald E. Cleveland & Neilon J. Rowan, Texas A & M Un iversity, Texas Trans- portation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 5-9, August 1966, 60 pp. PHOTOMETRIC STUDIES OF THE AUSTIN "MOONLIGHT" TOWER LIGHTING SYSTEMS, Neilon J. Rowan & Ned E. Walton, Texas A & M Universit y, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 75-4, October 1966, 15 pp. ILLUMINATION, Donald E. Cleveland, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Department of Civil Engineering, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Chapter 3 of TRAFFIC CONTROL AND ROADWAY ELEMENTS—THEIR RELATION- SHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY, Automotive Safety Foundation, Washington, D. C, 1968, 9 pp. ROAD CONSTRUCTION, PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE RELATION OF ASPHALT RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES TO PAVEMENT DURABILITY, A. W. Sisko & L. C. Brunstrum, American Oil Company , Whiting, Ind., National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 67, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, 1969, 45 pp. BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS, American Society for Testing and Materials , Philadelphia, Pa. ROAD AND SIGN ILLUMINATION SIGN BRIGHTNESS IN RELATION TO LEGIBILITY, T. M. Allen, G. M. Smith, M. H. Janson & F. N. Dyer, Michigan Dept. of State Highways , Lansing, Mich., Research Project 62 G-118, Report No. R-581, August 1966, 37 pp. EFFECTS OF ILLUMINATION ON OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OF FREEWAYS, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 60, NAS-NRC Publication 1714, 1968, 148 pp. RAILING TYPE BRIDGE LIGHTING, J. G. Fred Hiss, Jr., & J. Robert Lambert, New York State Department of Public Works . State Campus, Albany,, N. Y., Report" No. RR 65-7, Project No. 36, November 1965, 95 pp. HIGHWAY SKID RESISTANCE, American Society for Testing and Materials , Philadelphia, Pa., Special Technical Publication 456, September 1969, 176 pp. MEASURING ROAD SURFACE SLIPPERINESS--SIXTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING PAPERS, American Society for Testing {. Materials , Philadelphia, Pa., ASTM Special Technical Publication No. 366, June 26, 1963, 108 pp. INFLUENCE OF ROAD-SURFACE TEXTURE ON TIRE-ROAD INTERFACE TRACTION LIMITS, K. C. Ludema, American Society of Mechanical Engineers , New York, N. Y. ; & Chul Soo Lee, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., ASME Report No. 69-Lub-20, 1969, 7 pp. EVALUATION OF INTERSECTION ILLUMINATION, J. C. Oppen lander & J. M. Wright, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.; reprint Highway Research News , 1965, No. 17, pp. 43-74 THIN HOT -MIX WEARING COURSES--AN ADVISORY, The Asphalt Institute, Asphalt Institute Building, College Park, Md., MISC-68-3, March 1968, 20 pp. A MODIFIED FORMULA FOR CALCULATING THE DISABILITY GLARE EFFECT FROM STREET LIGHTING LANTERNS, R. L. Watson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 102, 1968, 14 pp. KRAFTSCHLUSSMESSUNGEN AUF FAHRBAHNEN BEI SALSTREUUNG (MEASUREMENTS OF FRICTION ON SALT COVERED ICE), Bauer, Bauhofes fur den Wlnterdlenst , Inzell, Germany; Arbeitsberlcht G 12, Schlussbericht zur Forschungsarbeit 3.89, March 1, 1967, 28 pp. AN INTERIM REPORT ON A STUDY OF DISABILITY VEILING BRIGHTNESS, Neilon J. Rowan, Hans C. Jensen & Ned E. Walton, Texas A & M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 75-5, June 1967, 16 pp., 30 figs. AIRPLANE STOPPING CAPABILITY ON WET AND DRY RUNWAY SUR- FACES, Kenneth W. Hoefs, Boeing Airplane Company , Transport Div., Renton, Wash., Report No. D-6-7442,- June 16, 1961, 33 pp. AN INTERIM REPORT ON A STUDY OF ROADWAY LIGHTING SYSTEMS, Neilon J. Rowan & Patrick T. McCoy, Texas A & M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 75-1, August 1966, 89 pp. APPLICATION OF SKID RESISTANT SURFACES TO NEW AND EXISTING PAVEMENT, Bureau of Public Roads , Office of Engineering & Operations, Office of Highway Safety, and Office of Research & Development, Washington, D. C, March 1967, 22 pp. 165 METHODS FOR MEASURING LOAD TRANSFER THROUGH VEHICLE TIRES TO THE ROAD SURFACE, R. C. Hopkins 6. H. H. Boswell, Bureau of Public Roads , Division of Highway Transport Research, Washington, D. C, presented at the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, October 1957, 13 pp. CORRELATION BETWEEN CALIFORNIA AND BPR SKID TESTERS, John B. Skog, Melvin H. Johnson & Gene S. Stucky, California Department of Public Works , Division of Highways, Sacramento, Calif., Interim Report M&R No. 633126-5, July 1969, 21 pp., PB 190 549 THE SKIDDING OF VEHICLES, A DYNAMIC ANALYSIS (A DYNAMICAL ANALYSIS OF A TOWED TWO-WHEEL TRAILER), Edward A. Saibel & Shang-Li Chiang, Carnegie-Mellon University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pa., Contract No. CST - 430, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Report No. 4, March 1971, 17 pp., 8 figs. STATE OF THE ART OF SKID RESISTANCE RESEARCH, T. I. Csathy, International Business Machines Corp., Armonk, N. Y. ; W. C. Burnett, New York State Department of Public Works, Albany, N. Y.; & M. D. Armstrong, Department of Highways , Ontario, Canada; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, HRB Special Report 95, pp. 34-48 THE LINK BETWEEN TYRES, VEHICLES AND ROADS, V. E. Gough & B. J. Allbert, Dunlop Company Limited , U.K. Tyre Group, Fort Dunlop, Birmingham, England, presented at the Advanced School of Automobile Engineering, Cranfield, sponsored by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Automobile Div., July 3-4, 1968, 12 pp. TYRES AND THE DESIGN OF VEHICLES AND ROADS FOR SAFETY, V. E. Gough & B. J. Allbert, Dunlop Company, Ltd. , Birmingham, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 154-163, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England RECHERCHES SUR LA GLISSANCE EFFECTUEES AU CENTRE EXPERIMENTAL DE RECHERCHES ET D 'ETUDES DU BATIMENT ET DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS (RESEARCH ON SKID RESISTANCE AT CENTRE EXPERIMENTAL DE RECHERCHES ET D' ETUDES DU BATIMENT ET DES TRAVAUX PUBLICS), Y. Tcheng & R. Majcherczyk, Centre Experimental de Recherches et d'Etudes du Batiment et des Travaux Publics , Paris, France; reprint Annales de l'Instltut Technique du Batiment et des Travaux Publics , Vingtieme Annee, No. 230, February 1967, pp. 298-320 MEANS FOR MEASURING SURFACE SMOOTHNESS, Colorado State Department of Highways , Planning & Research Division, Research Unit, Denver, Colo., July 1968, 32 pp. DRAINAGE CRITERIA FOR RUNWAY SURFACE ROUGHNESS, Desmond F. Moore, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y.; reprint Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society , Vol. 69, No. 653, May 1965, pp. 337-342 VEHICULAR MEASUREMENTS OF EFFECTIVE RUNWAY FRICTION, Jack J. Shrager, Federal Aviation Administration , Systems Research & Development Service, Atlantic City, N. J., Project No. 308-3X, Amendment No. 1, May 1962, 74 pp. FLORIDA SKID CORRELATION STUDY OF 1967 - SKID TESTING WITH TRAILERS, L. L. Smith & S. L. Fuller, Florida State Road Department , Research Section, Gainesville, Fla.; Highway Skid Resistance—A Symposium, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., Special Technical Publication 456, 1969, pp. 4-101 MEASUREMENT OF TIRE BRAKE FORCE CHARACTERISTICS AS RELATED TO WHEEL SLIP (ANTILOCK) CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN, J. L. Harned, L. E. Johnston & G. Scharpf, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690214, 17 pp. LOCKED WHEEL FRICTION TESTS ON WET PAVEMENTS, William Close, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Vehicle Dynamics Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., presented at the Highway Research Board 40th Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C, January 11, 1961, 22 pp., 23 figs. THE PREDICTION OF SKID -RESISTANCE GRADIENT AND DRAINAGE CHARACTERISTICS FOR PAVEMENTS, Desmond F. Moore, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., presented to the Highway Research Board, January 1966, 31 pp. A STUDY OF TIRE-SURFACE INTERACTION FOR THE CASE OF ROLLING ON A WET SURFACE, Desmond F. Moore, Cornell University, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. CPR 11-1058, for U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public Roads, Wash- ington, D. C, July 1965, CAL Report No. YD-1969-V-2, 73 pp. PAVEMENT WEAR DUE TO STUDDED TIRES AND THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES IN ONTARIO, P. Smith & R. Schonfeld, Department of Highways , Ontario, Canada, Report No. RR152, November 1969, 65 pp. SKIDDING AND SKID RESISTANCE--A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE, Thomas I. Csathy, Department of Highways, Materials & Research Div., Research Section, Ontario, Canada, Report No. 46, March 1964, 85 pp. SERVO-SEISMIC METHOD OF MEASURING ROAD PROFILE, Elson B. Spangler 6> William J. Kelly, General Motors Corporation , Research Laboratories, Warren, Mich.; Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 328 , 1962, pp. 33-51 SURFACE CONTROL METHODS EMPLOYED ON GENERAL MOTORS PROVING GROUND CIRCULAR TEST TRACK, Louis C. Lundstrom & Paul C. Skeels, General Motors Proving Ground , Milford, Mich., May 14, 1964, 13 pp., 8 figs. TIRE-ROAD FRICTION MEASURING SYSTEM--A SECOND GENERATION, Gary L. Goodenow, Thomas R. Kolhoff, & Fraser D. Smithson, General Motors Corp ., Proving Ground Section, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680137, 17 pp. EXPERIENCE WITH A BPR-TYPE R0AD0METER IN ILLINOIS, W. E. Chastain, Sr. & John E. Burke, Illinois Division of Highways , Springfield, 111.; Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 328 , 1962, pp. 52-58 SOME TESTS OF STUDDED TIRES IN ILLINOIS, John E. Burke 6. Lloyd J. McKenzie, Illinois Division of Highways , Springfield, 111.; Highway Research Record No. 136, 1966, pp. 42-58 STATE OF THE ART OF SKID RESISTANCE RESEARCH, T.I. Csathy, International Business Machines Corp ., Arraonk, N. Y.; W. C. Burnett, New York State Department of Public Works, Albany, N. Y.; & M. D. Armstrong, Department of Highways, Ontario, Canada; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, HRB Special Report 95, pp. 34-48 TRACTIVE RESISTANCE AS RELATED TO ROADWAY SURFACES AND MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATION, R. G. Paustian, Iowa State College, Iowa Engineering Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa, Bulletin No. 119, August 1, 1934, Vol. 33, No. 9, 64 pp . EFFECTS OF CARBIDE STUDDED TIRES ON ROADWAY SURFACES, Allan Lee, Thomas A. Page & Rafael DeCarrera, Maryland State Roads Commission , Bureau of Research, Baltimore, Md.; Highway Research Record No. 136, 1966, pp. 59-77 APPLICATION OF INSTRUMENTAL METHODS FOR EVALUATING HIGHWAY MATERIALS--PYROLYSIS GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY--THIRD PROGRESS REPORT, J. T. Ellis & W. L. Frederick, Michigan Department of State Highways , Research Lab. Section, Testing & Research Division, Lansing, Mich., prepared for Bureau of Public Roads, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C., MDSH Research Report R-666, August 1968, 23 pp., PB 179 877 THE IOWA SKID TEST DEVICE, Iowa State Highway Commission ; Highway Focus, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1969, pp. 26-28 FLORIDA SKID CORRELATION STUDY OF 1967 SKID TESTING WITH AUTOMOBILES, R. L. Rizenbergs, Kentucky Department of Highways, Division of Research, Lexington, Ky.; Highway Skid Resistance—A Symposium, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., Special Technical Publication 456, 1969, pp. 102-143 SKID TESTING WITH AN AUTOMOBILE, Rolands L. Rizenbergs, 6. Hugh A. Ward, Kentucky Department of Highways , Div. of Research, Lexington, Ky., presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Wash., D. C, January 1967, 61 pp. ANALYSEUR DYNAMIQUE DE PROFIL EN LONG (DYNAMIC ANALYZER OF LENGTH PROFILE), D. Sadoul, Laboratolre Central des Ponts & Chaussees , Departement des Chausse'es, Caracteristiques de Surface, Paris, France; Bull. Liaison Labo. Routiers P. et Ch., Ref. 659, No. 37, Mars-Avril 1969, pp. 73-82 RUGOSITE GEOMETRIQUE ET CONDITIONS D'ECOULEMENT DE L'EAU SUR LES CHAUSSEES (GEOMETRIC ROUGHNESS AND DRAINAGE CONDITIONS OF WATER ON HIGHWAYS), J. Lucas, Laboratolre Central des Ponts & Chausse'es , Departement des Chaussees, Caracteristiques de Surface, Paris, France; Bull. Liaison Labo. Routiers P. et Ch ., Ref. 660, No. 39, Juil.-Aout 1969, pp. 73-84 A PROGRESS REPORT ON THE EVALUATION AND APPLICATION STUDY OF THE GENERAL MOTORS RAPID TRAVEL ROAD PROFILOMETER, J. R. Darlington & P. Milllman, Michigan Department of State Highways , Testing & Research Div., Research Laboratory Section; Highway Research Record, Number 214, 1968, pp. 50-66 MESURE DU COEFFICIENT DE FROTTEMENT LONGITUDINAL D'UN REVETEMENT AVEC LA REMORQUE L.P.C. (MEASUREMENT OF THE COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION OF ROAD SURFACES WITH ,THE L.P.C. TRAILER), J. Berthier, Mlnist'ere de l'Equlpement et du Logement , Laboratolre Central des Ponts et Chaussees, France, April 20, 1970, 15 pp. EFFECT OF STUDDED TIRES ON AGGREGATE WEAR RATES AND RELATED EFFECTS ON SKID RESISTANCE, C. K. Preus, Minnesota Department of Highways, presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 12-16, 1970, 7 pp. PRELIMINARY STUDIES OF EFFECT OF STUDDED TIRES ON HIGHWAY PAVEMENTS, P. A. Jensen 6. G. R. Korfhage, Minnesota Department of Highways , Materials and Research Section, St. Paul, Minn.; Highway Research Record, No. 136 , 1966, pp. 8-23 NEW SOVIET DEVICE FOR MEASURING SKID RESISTANCE OF ROAD SURFACES, Robert Lukashuk, Moscow Automobile 6. Road Construction Institute ; Traffic Engineering & Control, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 603-5 RUISSELLEMENT SUR DES ELEMENTS ARTIFICIELS DE CHAUSSEE (SHEDDING OF WATER ON ARTIFICIAL PAVING MATERIALS), J. Le franc, Laboratolre Central des Ponts & Chaussees, Departement des Chaussees, Caracteristiques de Surface, Paris, France, Dossier No C/CS/I04, Fevrier 1968, 46 pp., 10 figs. EFFECT OF PAVEMENT CONDITION ON DYNAMIC VEHICLE REACTIONS, Bayard E. Qulnn, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.; & David R. Thompson, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation , Burbank, Calif.; Highway Research Board , Bulletin No. 328, 1962, pp. 24-32 MEASUREMENT OF ROAD SURFACES, M. A. Macaulay, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Near Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England; Advances in Automobile Engineering , Cranfield International Symposium Series- Vol. 4, 1963, pp. 93-112, Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y. MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT — PROCEEDINGS OF A WORKSHOP HELD JULY 22-24, 1968 AT THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS, OHIO, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Engineering, Div. of Engineering, Washington) D. C., HRB Special Report 100, Publication 1458, 204 pp. SKID RESISTANCE STUDY, Hollis B. Rushing, Louisiana Department of Highways , Research & Development Section, La., Research Report No. 31, October 1968, 26 pp., PB 189 355 PAVEMENT ROUGHNESS—MEASURING TECHNIQUE AND CHANGES, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting, January 8-12, 1962, HRB Bulletin 328, 58 pp. PAVEMENT FRICTION AS MEASURED BY THE BRITISH PORTABLE TESTER AND BY THE STOPPING-DISTANCE METHOD, D. C. Mahone; Materials Research & Standards , Vol. 2, March 1962, pp. 187-192 SKIDDING MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES-- 1962 DEVELOPMENTS, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C., Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting, January 8-12, 1962, HRB Bulletin 348, 77 pp. 167 STATE OF THE ART: RIGID PAVEMENT DESIGN--RESEARCH ON SKID RESISTANCE — PAVEMENT CONDITION EVALUATION, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Special Report 95, 1968, 68 pp. STUDDED TIRES — SKID RESISTANCE AND PAVEMENT DAMAGE, W. B. Burnett & E. J. Kearney, New York State Department of Public Works, Bureau of Physical Research, Albany, N. Y., presented at the Highway Research Board Forty- fifth Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C, January 17-21, 1966; Highway Research Record No. 136 , 1966, pp. 24-30 NEW METHODS FOR RATING, PREDICTING, AND ALLEVIATING THE SLIPPERINESS OF AIRPORT RUNWAYS, Walter B. Home, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va . ; & Howard C. Sparks, U. S. Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Air Transportation Meeting, New York, N. Y., April 20-23, 1970, SAE Report No. 700265, 33 pp., 11 figs. TIRE HYDROPLANING AND ITS EFFECTS ON TIRE TRACTION, Walter B. Home, National Aeronautics & Space Administration , Langley Research Center, Langley Station, Hampton, Va.; Highway Research Record, Number 214, 1968, pp. 24-33 CONSTRUCTION CONTROL OF RIGID PAVEMENT ROUGHNESS, John E. Haviland & Robert W. Rider, New York State D epartment of Transportation , Engineering Research & Development Bureau, State Campus, Albany, N. Y., in cooperation with U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Research Report 69-5, December 1969, 43 pp. PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH ANTI-SKID PROGRAM MANAGEMENT, E. A. Whitehurst, Ohio State University , Transportation Research Center, Columbus, Ohio, presented at the 50th Annual Meeting, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, January 1971, 18 pp. SUMMARY OF BUS TIRE TRACTION TESTING, National Association of Motor Bus Owners , Tire Committee, Washington, D. C., presented to the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C, January 1965, 18 pp. INTERACTION OF VEHICLE AND ROAD SURFACE, Don L. Ivey & Charles J. Keese, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas; & F. Cecil Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, presented at the Workshop on Anti-Skid Program Management, 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 18, 1971, 45 pp. N0NSKID ROAD OR RUNWAY, F Cecil Brenner, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Technical Note 536, June 1970, pp. 4-5 1968 WINTER TEST REPORT, National Safety Council , Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Slevens Point, Wis., 61 pp. METHOD AND EQUIPMENT FOR CONTINUOUS MEASURING OF THE COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION AT INCIPIENT SKID, Gb'sta Kullberg, National Swedish Road Research Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; Highway Research Board Bulletin 348 , 1962, pp. 18-35 STATE OF THE ART: THEORY AND APPLICATION OF SONIC TESTING TO BITUMINOUS MIXTURES, H. Hong, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, HRB Special Report No. 94, 1968, 17 pp. TEST OF STEEL STUDDED SNOW TIRES, Oscar A. White & John C. Jenkins, Oregon State Highway Department , Materials Division, Salem, Ore.; Highway Research Record No. 136 , 1966, pp. 31-41 STATE OF KNOWLEDGE-CORRECTIVE PROGRAMS FOR IMPROVING SKID RESISTANCE, David C. Mahone, Virginia Highway Research Council, Charlottesville, Va.; Richard K. Shaffer, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation , Harrisburg, Pa., presented at the Anti-Skid Program Management Workshop at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, January 18, 1971, 9 pp. USE OF ACCIDENT DATA TO IDENTIFY WET-PAVEMENT ACCIDENT LOCATIONS IN PENNSYLVANIA, Edmund R. Ricker, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation , Highway Safety Group, presented at the Anti-Skid Program Management, 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 18, 1971, 6 pp. STUDDED TIRE EVALUATION IN NEW JERSEY, W. R. Bellis & J. T. Dempster, Jr., New Jersey Department of Transportation. Trenton, N. J.; Highway Research Record No. 171 , 1967, pp. 28-50 SKID TEST TRAILER— DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION, New York Department of Public Works , Bureau of Physical Research, Albany, N. Y., Report No. RR 61-7, December 1961, 27 pp. STATE OF THE ART OF SKID RESISTANCE RESEARCH, T.I. Csathy, International Business Machines Corp., Arraonk, N. Y.; W. C. Burnett, New York State Department of Public Works , Albany, N. Y.; & M. D. Armstrong, Department of Highways, Ontario, Canada; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, HRB Special Report 95, pp. 34-48 THE EFFECT OF ROADSTONE MICROROUGHNESS ON RUBBER FRICTION, David L. White, Pennsylvania State University , Automotive Safety Research Program, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., PDH Agreement No. 08-30802F, Joint Road Friction Program, Pennsylvania Dept. of Highways, U. S. Bureau of Public Roads & Pennsylvania State University, Report No. J16, November 1968, 80 pp. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ANTISKID MATERIALS AS MEASURED ON A CIRCULAR TRACK APPARATUS, R. R. Hegmon & W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania S tate University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 22, November 1966, 36 pp. FRICTION AND SLIPPERINESS, W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University , Automotive Safety Research Program, University Park, Pa.; Highway Research Record, Number 214, 1968, pp. 13-17 168 MEASUREMENT OF SKID RESISTANCE, H. W. Rummer 6. W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa.; reprint American Society for Testing and Materials , 1962, Special Technical Publication No. 326, pp. 3-28 MEASURING TIRE FRICTION UNDER SLIP WITH THE PENN STATE ROAD FRICTION TESTER, Herbert Domandl & W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University , Automotive Safety Research Program, University Park, Pa.; Highway Research Record, Number 214. 1968, pp. 34-41 ARE BITUMINOUS ROADS DAMACED BY SALT, P. J. Williamson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 148, 1968, 5 pp. BRAKING FORCE COEFFICIENTS OBTAINED WITH A SAMPLE OF CURRENTLY AVAILABLE RADIAL PLY AND CROSSED PLY CAR TYRES, J. K. Meades, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 73, 1967, 17 pp. PAVEMENT SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AND THEIR CORRELATION WITH SKID RESISTANCE, T. D. Gillespie, Pennsylvania State University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 12, June 1965, 100 pp. DAMAGE TO ROADS BY STUDDED TYRES, L. E. Hogbin, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 208, 1968, 9 pp. THE PENN STATE ROAD FRICTION TESTER, H. W. Kummer & W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 4, January 1963, 39 pp. THE DAMPING PROPERTIES OF PLAIN CONCRETE: EFFECT OF COMPOSITION AND RELATIONS WITH ELASTICITY AND STRENGTH, R. Jones, & G. B. Welch, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report LR ill, 1967, 16 pp. THE PENN STATE ROAD FRICTION TESTER AS ADAPTED TO ROUTINE MEASUREMENT OF PAVEMENT SKID RESISTANCE, Hartwig W. Kummer & Wolfgang E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa.; Highway Research Record No. 28 . 1963, pp. 1-31 THE EFFECT OF FLUX-OIL AND TRINIDAD LAKE ASPHALT CONTENT ON THE PHOTO-OXIDATION OF ASPHALTIC CEMENTS, C. F. Shields, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 120, 1967, 10 pp. THE PERFORMANCE OF ANTISKID MATERIALS ON ICE AND SNOW, R. R. Hegmon & N. Frangesh, Pennsylvania State University. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 26, April 1967, 20 pp. THE ESTIMATION OF HEAT OUTPUTS FOR ROAD HEATING INSTALLATIONS, P. J. Williamson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 77, 1967, 41 pp., 34 figs. REQUIREMENTS OF A STANDARD TRAILER FOR RESEARCH AND GENERAL FIELD TESTING, H. W. Kummer, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., presented at the 66th Annual Meet- ing of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 26, 1963, Report No. 8, 21 pp. FACTORS AFFECTING THE FRICTION OF TIRES ON WET ROADS. Barbara E. Sabey, T. Williams, & G. N. Lupton, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 324-340; SAE Report No. 700376 TENTATIVE SKID-RESISTANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR MAIN RURAL HIGHWAYS, H. W. Kummer & W. E. Meyer, Pennsylvania State University , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 37, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C, 1967, 80 pp. REPORT BY TECHNICAL COMMITTEE ON SLIPPERINESS, Permanent International Association of Road Congresses , Proc. Xlllth Congress, Tokyo, 1967, 90 pp.; Secretary General, 43, Avenue du President-Wilson, Paris, 16, France FACTORS INFLUENCING THE FRICTION BETWEEN TYRE AND ROAD UNDER WET CONDITIONS, C. G. Giles, Road Research Lab ., Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, presented at the Symposium on Control of Vehicles during Braking and Cornering, London, June 11, 1963; reprint Institution of Mechani- cal Engineers, 1964, pp. 12-19 GAS-FIRED ('INFRA-RED') HEATER FOR USE ON THE JOINTS IN WEARING -COURSE ROLLED ASPHALT, B. F. Buglass, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 123, 1967, 8 pp. CAN DYNAMIC TIRE FORCES BE USED AS A CRITERION OF PAVEMENT CONDITION? B. E. Quinn & C. C. Wilson, Purdue University , Civil Engineering School, Joint Highway Research Project, Lafayette, Ind.; reprint Highway Research Record 46 , 1964, pp. 88-100 INTENSIVE BITUMINOUS PAVING TRIAL ON THE WARWICK BY-PASS, K. Booth & P. J. F. Wingate, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 121, 1967, 18 pp., 3 figs. DESIGN OF EQUIPMENT FOR DETERMINING SUSPENSION CHARACTERISTICS OF HEAVY VEHICLES, James Wilson McLemore, Purdue University , Civil Engineering School, Joint Highway Research Project, Lafayette, Ind., Project No. C-36-52F, August 2, 1963, 53 pp. INVESTIGATIONS INTO ROAD BUILDING PRACTICE IN THE TR0PICS--A STUDY OF THE COMPACTION OF EARTHWORKS AT THE NEW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FOR KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, J. N. Bulman, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 115, 1967, 21 pp. EFFECT OF PAVEMENT CONDITION ON DYNAMIC VEHICLE REACTIONS, Bayard E. Quinn, Purdue University , Lafayette, Ind.; & David R. Thompson, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif.; Highway Research Board , Bulletin No. 328 , 1962, pp. 24-32 A LABORATORY INVESTIGATION OF THE PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF BURNT COLLIERY SHALE, C. K. Fraser & J. R. Lake, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 125, 1967, 11 pp., 7 figs. 169 LOW FRICTION SLIDING SURFACES FOR BRIDGE BEARINGS: PTFE WEAVE, M. E. Taylor, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 101, 1967, 26 pp. SOME MEASUREMENTS OF BRAKING FORCE COEFFICIENT ON SIX AIRFIELD TEST SURFACINGS, G. C. Staughton, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 225, 1969, 23 pp., PB 184 170 MEASUREMENT OF ROAD SURFACE TEXTURE USING PHOTOGRAMMETRY Barbara E. Sabey & G. N. Lupton, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 57, 1967, 21 pp. SOME RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN WORK ON SKIDDING PROBLEMS AT THE ROAD RESEARCH LABORATORY, C. G. Giles, Road Research Lab ., Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England; reprint Highw. Res. Rec, 1964, Vol. 46, pp. 43-59 A METHOD OF MEASURING THE TENSIONS IN BOLTS, D. S. Moss, Road Research Laboratory, Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 100, 1968, 12 pp. STUDIES OF THE KEUPER MARL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES, A. D. Marsh, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 116, 1967, 13 pp., 8 figs. A REVIEW OF ROAD TRAFFIC N0ISE--THE WORKING GROUP ON RESEARCH INTO ROAD TRAFFIC NOISE, Road Research Laboratory, Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire England, RRL Report LR 357, 1970, 94 pp., 13 figs. THE ROAD SURFACE AND SAFETY OF VEHICLES, B. E. Sabey, Road Research Laboratory , Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 68-78, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England ROAD SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AND SKIDDING RESISTANCE, Barbara E. Sabey, Road Research Lab. , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; reprint Journal of the British Granite & Whinstone Federation, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1965, 12 pp. STUDIES ON THE SKIDDING RESISTANCE OF PASSENGER CAR TYRES ON WET SURFACES, G. Maycock, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, presented at an Ordinary Meeting of the Automobile Div., London, December 14, 1965, reprint Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1965-66, Vol. 180, Part 2A, 20 pp. A STUDY OF A LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST USING A SWEDISH VIBRATORY APPARATUS, T. 0. Odubanjo, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 129, 1968, 12 pp. SUB-SOIL DRAINAGE AND THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF ROADS, K. Russam, Road Research Laboratory, Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 110, 1967, 10 pp., 2 figs. THE ROAD SURFACE IN RELATION TO FRICTION AND WEAR OF TYRES, Barbara E. Sabey, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Proceedings of the D. Mat (Av) Conference on "Friction and Wear in Tyres", June 1969, pp. 15-27, Ministry of Technology, London, S.W.I, England A TEST VEHICLE FOR STUDYING THE SKID RESISTING PROPERTIES OF TYRES AND ROAD SURFACES DURING CON- TROLLED CORNERING AND BRAKING, C. G. Giles, F. T. W. Lander & K. E. Holmes, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. 99, 1967, 7 pp., 10 figs. ROAD SURFACE TEXTURE AND THE SLIPPERINESS OF WET ROADS, A. J. Harris, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Highway Research Record, Number 214, 1968, pp. 18-23 THE UNIFORMITY OF DISTRIBUTION OF COATED CHIPPINGS BY MECHANICAL SPREADERS, W. L. Russell, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 83, 1967, 12 pp. ROAD SURFACES, J. H. Nicholas, Road Research Lab ., Construction Division, Crowthorne, England, presented at the Third International Construction Conference, October 3, 1967, Paper No. 3, 6 pp. SKIDDING ON WET ROADS, Barbara E. Sabey, Road Research Lab. , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; reprint Traff. Engn. 6. Control , Vol. 8, No. 12, April 1967, pp. 718-720 THE SKID-RESISTING PROPERTIES OF LORRY TYRES, T. Williams, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Vehicles Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Technical Note TN 314, June 1968, 14 pp., 24 figs. THE SKID -RESISTING PROPERTIES OF WET SURFACES AT HIGH SPEEDS: EXPLORATORY MEASUREMENTS WITH A SMALL BRAKING FORCE TRAILER, C. G. Giles &= F. T. W. Lander, Road Research Laboratory , Department of Scientific 6c Industrial Research, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society , Vol. 60, February 1956, pp. 83-94 THE USE OF DICHLOROMETHANE IN THE RECOVERY OF BITUMEN FROM ROAD MATERIALS, G. D. Goodsall, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 94, 1967, 7 pp. A VEHICLE FOR MEASURING THE SKIDDING RESISTANCE OF ROADS AND RUNWAYS UNDER HEAVY LOADING CONDITIONS, F. T. W. Lander, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 56, 1967, 11 pp. WET ROAD SKIDDING RESISTANCE AT HIGH SPEEDS ON A VARIETY OF SURFACES ON Al, Barbara E. Sabey, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Vehicles Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, RRL Report LR 131, 1968, 14 pp., 9 pp. SKID CHARACTERISTICS OF FLORIDA PAVEMENTS DETERMINED BY TAPLEY DECELEROMETER AND ACTUAL STOPPING DISTANCES, A. F. Marshall, Jr. & W. Gartner, Jr., State Road Department of Florida ; Highway Research Board Bulletin 348 , 1962, pp. 1-17 BETONGVAGARS FRIKTIONSEGENSKAPER (FRICTI0NAL PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE ROADS), G. Kullberg & E. Ohlsson, Statehs Vaglnstitut , Stockholm, Sweden, Report 39, 1961, 43 pp. in mi cos 170 ANALYSIS OF PAVEMENT SKID NUMBERS FOR SELECTED LOCATIONS ON THE NEW JERSEY STATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM, M. Peter Jurkat, Stevens Institute of Technology , Davidson Lab., Hoboken, N. J., NJDT Project 7710, prepared for New Jersey Department of Transportation, Letter Report 1339, January 1969, 7 pp. NEW JERSEY PAVEMENT SKID TESTER EVALUATION, M. Peter Jurkat, Stevens Institute of Technology , Davidson Lab., Hoboken, N. J., Letter Report 1301, May 1968, 5 pp. EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL ADMIXTURES IN CONCRETE AND MORTAR, Don L. Ivey & Teddy J. Hirsch, Texas A 6. M University, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 70-3, March 1967, 30 pp. FLEXURAL FATIGUE DURABILITY OF SELECTED UNREINFORCED STRUCTURAL LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETES, J. C. Chakrabarti & W. B. Ledbetter, Texas A & M University , Texas Trans- portation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 81-4, July 1967, 23 pp. STROEFHEIDSMETINGEN EN DRAINAGEMETINGEN OP VERSCHILLENDE KWALITEITEN SCHUURPAPIER (FRICTION AND DRAINAGE MEASUREMENTS ON ABRASIVE PAPERS OF DIFFERENT QUALITIES), G. N. Spaink, Technical High School, Laboratory for Vehicle Techniques, Mekelweg, Delft, Netherlands, Report No. 391, April 1967; translated by Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., 101 pp. INTERACTION OF VEHICLE AND ROAD SURFACE, Don L. Ivey & Charles J. Keese, Texas A & M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas; & F. Cecil Brenner, National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, presented at the Workshop on Anti-Skid Program Management, 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 18, 1971, 45 pp. FRICTION BETWEEN TYRES AND PAVEMENT, M. Peleg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Faculty of Civil Engineering, Haifa, Israel, Publication No. 57, November 1964, 9 pp., 1 fig. ROAD FRICTION TESTS IN ISRAEL, M. Peleg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Haifa, Israel; reprint The Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel , Vol. 8C, No. 3., October 1960, pp. 81-88 STUDY OF ROAD FRICTION OBSERVATION REPORT 1959 (I), M. Peleg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Faculty of Civil Engineering, Haifa, Israel, 50 pp., 6 figs. INTERIM REPORT ON THE LABORATORY CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE USE OF SYNTHETIC AGGREGATES FOR HOT -MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENTS, Bob M. Gallaway & William J. Harper, Texas A & M Universit y, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 51-3, November 1966, 32 pp. A LABORATORY AND FIELD EVALUATION OF LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATES AS COVERSTONE FOR SEAL COATS AND SURFACE TREATMENTS, Bob M. Gallaway & William J. Harper, Texas A & M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 51-2, April 1966, 121 pp. STUDY OF ROAD FRICTION OBSERVATION REPORT 1960 (II), M. Peleg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Faculty of Civil Engineering, Haifa, Israel, 14 pp., 7 figs. STUDY OF ROAD FRICTION OBSERVATION REPORT 1963 (III), M. Peleg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Faculty of Civil Engineering, Haifa, Israel, 37 pp., 9 figs. STUDY OF ROAD FRICTION OBSERVATION REPORT 1967 - (IV), M. Peleg, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Faculty of Civil Engineering, Haifa, Israel, 17 pp. A LABORATORY STUDY OF DYNAMIC LOAD -DEFORMATION AND DAMPING PROPERTIES OF SANDS CONCERNED WITH A PILE-SOIL SYSTEM, Paul C, Chan, T. J. Hirsch & Harry M. Coyle, Texas A & M Unive rsity, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 33-7, June 1967, 41 pp. SKID RESISTANCE MEASURED ON POLISHING TYPE AGGREGATES, Bob M. Gallaway, Texas A&M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas; Journal of the American Society of Safety Engineers , Vol. 14, No. 9, September 1969, pp. 6-11 MESSUNG VON STRASSENUNEBENHEITEN UND DEREN EINFLUSS AUF FAHRZEUG UND FAHRBAHN (MEASUREMENT OF STREET ASPERITIES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON VEHICLE AND HIGHWAY) Manfred Mltschke, Technlschen Hochschule Carolo- Wllhelmlna zu Braunschweig , Germany, 1957, 32 pp. SOME RECENT FINDINGS IN FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT RESEARCH, F. H. Scrivner & W. M. Moore, Texas A & M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 32-9, July 1967, 46 pp. AGGREGATE ABSORPTION FACTOR AS AN INDICATOR OF THE FREEZE-THAW DURABILITY OF STRUCTURAL LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE, W. B. Ledbetter & Eugene Buth, Texas A & M University. Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 81-3, February 1967, 15 pp. CLAY, AGGREGATE, AND CONCRETE, Eugene Buth, Don L. Ivey & Teddy J. Hirsch, Texas A 6c M Univ ersity, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 71-3, March 1967, 34 pp. EFFECT OF DEGREE OF SYNTHETIC LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE PRE-WETTING ON THE FREEZE-THAW DURABILITY OF LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE, C.N. Kanabar & W. B. Ledbetter, Texas A & M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 81-2, December 1966, 20 pp. STANDARD MEASUREMENTS FOR SATELLITE ROAD TEST PROGRAM, F. H. Scrivner & W. M. Moore, Texas A&M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, prepared for National Academy of Sciences, National' Research Council, Highway Research Board, Div. of Engineering, Washington, D. C .-, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 59, NAS-NRC Publication 1713, 1968, 78 pp. TRACTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES, A. J. Stocker, B. M. Gallaway, D. L. Ivey, Gilbert Swift & J. G. Darroch, Texas A&M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, NBS Contract No. CST-451, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, November 1968, 61 pp., PB 189 272 171 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN AIRPORT RUNWAY SURFACE TRACTION MEASURING DEVICE, W. E. Meyer, H. W. Kumraer & F. J. Lynch, John I. Thompson & Company , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FA-WA-4236, prepared for Federal Aviation Agency, Washington, D. C, JIT & Co. Report No. ADS-55, January 1966, 37 pp. INFLUENCE OF ROAD-SURFACE TEXTURE ON TIRE-ROAD INTERFACE TRACTION LIMITS, K. C. Ludema, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, N. Y.; & Chul Soo Lee, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich., ASME Report No. 69-Lub-20, 1969, 7 pp. NEW METHODS FOR RATING, PREDICTING, AND ALLEVIATING THE SLIPPERINESS OF AIRPORT RUNWAYS, Walter B. Home, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Langley Research Center, Hampton, Va . ; & Howard C. Sparks, U. S. Air Force , Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Air Transportation Meeting, New, York, N. Y., April 20-23, 1970, SAE Report No. 700265, 33 pp., 11 figs. PRELIMINARY REPORT ON SKID RESISTANCE OF LINSEED OIL-COATED CONCRETE, W. L. Kubie, L. E. Gast & J. C. Cowan, U. S. Department of Agriculture , Northern Regional Research Laboratory, Peoria, 111.; Highway Research Record, Number 214, 1968, pp. 42-49 FRICTION COEFFICIENTS BETWEEN TIRES AND PAVEMENT SURFACES, H. Tomita, U. S. Naval Civil Engineering Lab ., Port Hueneme, Calif., Report No. R 303, June 15, 1964, 71 pp. WHEEL LOADS AND CONTACT PRESSURES--A THEORETICAL COMPARISON OF STRESSES IN ROAD PAVEMENT STRUCTURES CAUSED BY SINGLE AND DUAL TYRES, Harry Taylor, The University of Sydney , School of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Labs., Sydney, Australia, Research Report No. R 53, August 1965, 28 pp. PAVEMENT SKID TESTING--RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND PRESENT STATUS, E. A. Whitehurst, University of Tennessee , Knoxville, Tenn., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1965, SAE Report No. 970B, 8 pp. RESUME OF TESTS ON PASSENGER CARS ON WINTER SURFACES 1939-1966, Gyaneshwar Prased Hajela, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., compiled for National Safety Council, Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Chicago, 111., 1968, 165 pp. SKID RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS WITH A NEW TORQUE DEVICE, Ralph A. Moyer, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, Calif.; Highway Research Board Bulletin 348 , 1962, pp. 44-77 MEASURING PAVEMENT SLIPPERINESS WITH A PENDULUM DECELEROMETER, J. H. Dillard, Virginia Council of Highway Investigation & Research ; Highway Research Board Bulletin 348 , 1962, pp. 36-43 THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PAVEMENT TEST TRACK--A TOOL FOR EVALUATING HIGHWAY PAVEMENTS, Harold L. Ahlberg & Ernest J. Barenberg, University of Illinois , Civil Engineering Department, Urbana, 111.; Flexible Pavement Design, Highway Research Record, No. 13, pp. 1-21 CROSS SECTION AND PAVEMENT SURFACE, John A. Deafinger 6. John W. Hutchinson, University of Kentucky , Dept. of Civil Engineering, Lexington, Ky.; Chapter 7 of TRAFFIC CONTROL & ROADWAY ELEMENTS--THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO HIGHWAY SAFETY/REVISED, Highway Users Federation for Safety & Mobility, Washington, D. C, 1970, 11 pp. STATE OF KNOWLEDGE-CORRECTIVE PROGRAMS FOR IMPROVING SKID RESISTANCE, David C. Mahone, Virginia Highway Research Council , Charlottesville, Va.; Richard K. Shaffer, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Harrisburg, Pa., presented at the Anti-Skid Program Management Workshop at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, January 18, 1971, 9 pp. SPOTTING SKID-PRONE SITES ON WEST VIRGINIA HIGHWAYS, M. Earl Campbell & Robert E. Titus, West Virginia Department of Highways , presented at the 50th Annual Meeting, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, January 1971, 24 pp. MODIFIED KENTUCKY ROCK ASPHALT (GRIPSTOP), HOT -MIX, SKID-RESISTANT, ROAD SURFACING MATERIAL, Jerry G. Rose, University of Kentuc ky, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Lexington, Ky., 1967, 144 pp. PAVEMENT DYNAMIC PERMEABILITY TESTING, J. W. Hutchinson, T. Y. Kao & L. C. Pendley, University of Kentucky , Civil Engineering Department, Lexington, Ky. ; Highway Skid Resistance--A Symposium, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., Special Technical Publication 456, 1969, pp. 159-176 CUMULATIVE CHANGES IN RIGID PAVEMENTS WITH AGE IN SERVICE, William S. Housel, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich.; Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 328, 1962, pp. 1-23 THE EFFECT OF SALT ON THE NUMBER OF WINTER ACCIDENTS, Ernest Stephen Arvai, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., HIT Lab Reports, January 1971, pp. 9-11 PREDICTION OF THE DEPTH OF FROST PENETRATION: A REVIEW OF LITERATURE, Lyle K. Moulton, West Virginia University , Engineering Experiment Station, Morgantown, West Va., Report No. 5, March 1968, 115 pp." TRAFFIC CONTROL ADJUSTABLE FACE VEHICLE TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL HEAD STANDARD, D-10. 1-1966, American National Standards Institute , New York, N. Y.j Institute of Traffic Engineers, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 1, 1966, 15 pp. MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES--FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, American National Standards Institute , New York, N. Y., Standard D-6. 1-1961, June 1961, 333 pp. PRE-TIMED, FIXED CYCLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLERS, D-ll. 1-1958, American National Standards Institute , New York, N. Y. ; Institute of Traffic Engineers, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 2, 1958, 16 pp. 172 TRAFFIC -ACTUATED TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS AND DETECTORS, D-13. 1-1958, American National Standards Institute , New York, N. Y.; Institute of Traffic Engineers, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 3, 1958, 22 pp. DIRECTIONAL PAINT APPLICATOR DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION, New York State Dept. of Publ ic Works, Bureau of Physical Research, State Campus, Albany, N. Y., Report No. RR 61-6, Project No. 7, September 1961, 35 pp. A HYPEREFFECTIVE VISUAL SIGNAL FOR NIGHT DRIVING WARNING DEVICE, ROBERT H. Peckhara & William M. Hart, Eye Research Foundation of Bethesda , Bethesda, Md.; National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 25, 1963, pp. 83-85 HOLOSIGNS, Harry Forster, Forster Industries , Glen Cove, N. Y.; reprint Traffic Engineering , April 1968, 5 pp. A STUDY OF THE FEASIBILITY OF USING ROADSIDE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND DRIVER INFORMATION (PROGRESS REPORT NUMBER TWO), Donald 0. Covault, Georgia Institute of Technology , School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, Ga.; Turgut Dervish, Traffic Planning Associates, Atlanta, Ga.; & Andrew Kanen, Traffic Research Corp., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, presented at the Annual Meeting of Highway Research Board, January 1967, 134 pp. GLASS BEADS FOR TRAFFIC PAINTS, J. G. Fred Hiss, Jr., & William M. McCarty, New York State Department of Public Works . State Campus, Albany, N. Y., Report RR 66-4, December 1966, 21 pp THE GLASGOW EXPERIMENT: IMPLEMENTATION AND ASSESSMENT, Joyce Almond & R. S. Lott, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 142, 1968, 15 pp., 4 figs. RESEARCH ON ROAD TRAFFIC, Road Research Lab ., Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Harmondsworth, Middlesex; Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Publisher, London, England, 1965, 505 pp. CRITERIA FOR THE DESIGN AND DEPLOYMENT OF ADVANCED GRAPHIC GUIDE SIGNS, Wallace G. Berger, Serendipity, Incorporated , Arlington, Va., Contract No. FH-11-7284, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, September 1970, 122 pp. DRIVER OBEDIENCE TO STOP AND SLOW SIGNS, William T. Jackman, Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff , Cleveland, Ohio; Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 161, 1957, pp. 9-17 ADJUSTABLE FACE VEHICLE TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL HEAD STANDARD, D-10. 1-1966, American National Standards Institute, New York, N. Y.; Institute of Traffic Engineers , Washington, D. C., Technical Report No. ] 1966, 15 pp. PRE-TIMED, FIXED CYCLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLERS, D-ll. 1-1958, American National Standards Institute, New York, N. Y.; Institute of Traffic Engineers , Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 2, 1958, 16 pp. TRAFFIC-ACTUATED TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS AND DETECTORS, D-13. 1-1958, American National Standards Institute, New York, N. Y.; Institute of Traffic Engineers , Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 3, 1958, 22 pp. DESIGN OF THE TRAFFIC SIGNS OF MEISHIN EXPRESSWAY, Toshiro Edamura & S. Ibuki, Kobe University , Department of Civil Engineering, Nada-Ku, Kobe, Japan; D&ro, November 1963, pp. 893-898 PROBLEM ON THE DESIGN OF TRAFFIC SIGNS AND THE VISIBILITY ON MOVING TARGETS, Toshiro Edamura, Kobe University , Department of Civil Engineering, Nada- Ku, Kobe, Japan, 2 pp. GUIDELINES FOR ADVANCED GRAPHIC GUIDE SIGNING, Wallace G. Berger, Serendipity, Incorporated , Arlington, Va., Contract No. FH-11-7284, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, September 1970, 19 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF IMPROVED PAVEMENT MARKING MATERIALS-- LABORATORY PHASE, John M. Dale, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, prepared for National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 45, NAS- NRC Publication 1549, NCHRP Project 5-5 FY '65, 1967, 24 pp. THE CONSPICUITY OF TRAFFIC SIGNS AND FACTORS AFFECTING IT, Karl Eklund, TALJA (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1968, No. 6, pp. 1-34 EFFECT OF POLICE SUPERVISION ON THE PERCEPTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNS AND DRIVING HABITS, Matti Syvanen, TALJA (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1968, No. 6, pp. 35-57 LIIKENNESAANTOJEN JA-MERKKIEN TUNTEMINEN (TRAFFIC SOUNDS AND SIGN RECOGNITION), Liisa Ratilainen, TALJA (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1965, No. 2, 45 pp. OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF REFLEX -REFLECTORS AND THE USE OF COLOR IN TRAFFIC GUIDANCE, John 0. Elstad, 3M Company , St. Paul, Minn.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 155- 163, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. PERCEPTION OF HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SIGNS, Sauli Hakkinen, TALJA (Central Organisation for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1965, No. 1, 37 pp., 2 figs, SYMPOSIUM ON ROAD MARKINGS, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology , Technion Research & Development Foundation Ltd., Haifa, Israel, May 10, 1967, 48 pp. IMPROVED STREET UTILIZATION THROUGH TRAFFIC ENGINEERING- PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE HELD MAY 22-24, 1967, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Engineering, Div. of Engineering, Washington, D. C, Special Report 93, Publication 1550, 234 pp. EVALUATION OF THE TELEVISION SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM FOR THE BAYT OWN -LA PORTE TUNNEL, Milton L. Radke, William R. McCasland & Charles Pinnell, Texas A & M Universi ty, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 47-1, February 1966, 40 pp., 15 figs. 173 A STUDY OF THE FEASIBILITY OF USING ROADSIDE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND DRIVER INFORMATION (PROGRESS REPORT NUMBER TWO), Donald 0. Covault, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, Ga.; Turgut Dervish, Traffic Planning Associates , Atlanta, Ga.; & Andrew Kanen, Traffic Research Corp., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, presented at the Annual Meeting of Highway Research Board, January 1967, 134 pp. A STUDY OF THE FEASIBILITY OF USING ROADSIDE RADIO COMMUNICATIONS FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND DRIVER INFORMATION (PROGRESS REPORT NUMBER TWO), Donald 0. Covault, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering, Atlanta, Ga.; Turgut Dervish, Traffic Planning Associates, Atlanta, Ga.; & Andrew C. Kanen, Traffic Research Corp ., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, presented at the Annual Meeting of Highway Research Board, January 1967, 134 pp. THE RESEARCHABLE ASPECTS OF NO-PASSING ZONE SIGNING AND MARKING, Don C. Kelly 6. John E. D. Sidnell, University of Kent ucky. Dept. of Civil Engineering, Lexington, Ky., 1967, 182 pp. TRAFFIC STUDIES VARIATION OF DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS AT INTERSECTIONS, Mathew J. Betz & Richard D. Bauman, Arizona State University , Engineering Research Center, Tempe, Ariz., June 1966, 74 pp. TRAFFIC SENSING AND SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM EXPERIMENTAL INSTALLATION, WASHINGTON, D. C, Lawrence D. Powers & Merton J. Rosenbaura, Jr., Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the Collision Investigation Methodology Symposium, August 24-28, 1969, pp. 436-461, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., New York, N. Y. MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS--THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEED LIMITS: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE, VOLUME II, Kent B. Joscelyn & Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University , Institute for Research in Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11-7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 140 pp. MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS— A PROGRAMMED IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL FOR SETTING A SPEED LIMIT BASED ON THE 85TH PERCENTILE, VOLUME III, Kent B. Joscelyn & Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University , Institute for Research in Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11- 7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 103 pp. MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS— AN IMPLEMENTATION METHOD FOR SETTING A SPEED LIMIT BASED ON THE 85TH PERCENTILE SPEED, VOLUME IV, Kent B. Joscelyn & Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University , Institute for Research in Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11-7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 22 pp. DISPLAY SUBSYSTEM EVALUATION— MERGE — PAS— ERGS , Keydata & Adams Associates Incorporated, Watertown, Mass., Contract No. FH-11-6882, prepared for Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, October 1968, 83 pp. PB 180 229 TRAFFIC IN TOWNS—A STUDY OF THE LONG TERM PROBLEMS OF TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS, Report of the Steering Group & Working Group Appointed by the Minister of Transport , Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, England, 1963, 224 pp. A PROGRAM PLAN FOR INVESTIGATING WARRANTS FOR SAFETY STANDARDS ON MOTOR VEHICLE SPEED, Rodolfo D. Vergara, Cornell University, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6529, prepared for Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, CAL Report No. VJ-2494-V-2, September 1967, 68 pp. HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ESTIMATION, Robert E. Schmidt & M. Earl Campbell, Eno Foundatio n for Highway Traffic Control, Saugatuck, Conn., 1956, 247 pp. ASPECTS OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 211, 1967, 75 pp. IMPROVED STREET UTILIZATION THROUGH TRAFFIC ENGINEERING- PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE HELD MAY 22-24, 1967, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Engineering, Div. of Engineering, Washington, D. C, Special Report 93, Publication 1550, 234 pp. STATISTICS WITH APPLICATIONS TO HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ANALYSES, Bruce Douglas Greenshields & Frank Mark Weida, Eno Foundatio n for H i ghway Traffic Control, Saugatuck, Conn., 1952, 238 pp. ORIGIN AND DESTINATION TECHNOLOGY, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C., Highway Research Record No. 250, 1968, 96 pp. TRAFFIC ATTRACTION OF RURAL OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL AREAS, Andrew Ungar, I IT Research Institute , Chicago, 111., prepared for National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 44, NAS-NRC Publication 1548, NCHRP Project 7-2 FY '64, 1967, 28 pp. MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS- -A STUDY FOR THE SELECTION OF MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS, VOLUME I, Kent B. Joscelyn, Ralph K. Jones & Patricia A. Elston, Indiana University , Institute for Research in Public Safety, Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11-7275, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, October 1970, 233 pp. TRAFFIC SYSTEMS REVIEWS AND ABSTRACTS--TRAFFIC FLOW THEORY, COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS, COST EFFECTIVENESS METHODOLOGY, Research Triangle Institute , Research Triangle Park, N. C., Contract No. FH 11-6610, prepared for Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, 1967- C0MPUTER SIMULATION OF AN UNCONTROLLED T-JUNCTION, D. A. Scraggs, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 124, 1968, 15 pp. EFFECT OF THE ADVISORY "GIVE-WAY" RULE AT UXBRIDGE CIRCUS ROUNDABOUT, C. R. Faulkner, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 118, 1967, 11 pp., 3 figs. 174 50-POINT TRAFFIC CENSUS-RESULTS FOR 1966, J. B. Dunn, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 119, 1967, 34 pp. RESEARCH ON ROAD TRAFFIC, Road Research Lab . , Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Harmondsworth, Middlesex; Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Publisher, London, England, 1965, 505 pp. RESEARCH ON SPEED LIMIT IN HIGHWAY TRAFFIC IN 1962, Sauli Hakkinen, Kaarlo Leinonen & Liisa Ratilainen, TALJA (Central Organization for Traffic Safety in Finland), Helsinki, Finland, 1966, No. 2, 23 pp., 54 figs THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN AUTOMATIC FREEWAY MERGING CONTROL SYSTEM, Donald R. Drew, William R. McCasland, Charles Pinnell & Joseph A. Wattleworth, Texas A & M Unive rsity, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 24-19, November 1966, 58 pp. EFFECTS OF OFF-RAMPS ON FREEWAY OPERATION, William E. Tipton, James D. Carvell & Charles Pinnell, T exas A & M Un iversity , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas, Report No. 59-4, October 1965, 131 pp. RUNNING COST OF MOTOR VEHICLES AS AFFECTED BY HIGHWAY DESIGN—INTERIM REPORT, Paul J. Claffey, Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 13, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C., 1965, 43 pp. NATIONAL SURVEY OF TRANSPORTATION ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR, PHASE II--ANALYSIS REPORT, Robert K. McMillan (x Henry Assael, Chilton Research Services, Philadelphia, Pa., National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 82, 1969, 89 pp. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH NEEDS RELATED TO CIVIL ENGINEERING, Robert F. Baker & Charles W. Thomas, Colorado State University , Fort Collins, Colo., Report No. CER69-70CWT41, June 1970, 270 pp., PB 193 388 A PROGRAM PLAN FOR INVESTIGATING WARRANTS FOR SAFETY STANDARDS ON MOTOR VEHICLE SPEED, Rodolfo D. Vergara, Cornell University, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6529, prepared for Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, CAL Report No. VJ-2494-V-2, September 1967, 68 pp. ACCELERATION NOISE AND TRAFFIC CONGESTION, R. T. Underwood , Victoria, Aust.; Traffic Engineering & Control , Vol. 10, No. 3, July 1968, pp. 120-123 & 130 MOTOR VEHICLE STANDARDS COST ESTIMATING SYSTEM, Management Software Development Corp ., Washington, D. C. Contract No. FH-11-6914, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 16, 1969, 434 pp. TRANSPORTATION ECONOMICS AND FINANCE AUTOMOBILE FACTS AND FIGURES 1970, Automobile Manufacturers Association, Detroit, Mich., 70 pp. MOTOR TRUCK FACTS 1970, Automobile Manufacturers Association, Detroit, Mich., 58 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF TOP SPEED LIMITING CONCEPTS- VOLUME I, J. T. Herridge, J. B. Day, & G. A. Francis, Battelle Memorial Institute , Columbus Labs., Columbus, Ohio*, Contract No. FH-11-6902, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 12, 1969, 15 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF TOP SPEED LIMITING CONCEPTS — VOLUME II, J. T. Herridge, J. B. Day & G. A. Francis, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus Labs., Columbus, Ohio, Contract No. FH-11-6902, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 12, 1969, 71 pp. HIGHWAY RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT STUDIES—USING FEDERAL- AID RESEARCH AND PLANNING FUNDS, Bureau of Public Roads . Office of Research and Development, Federal Highway Administration, U. S. Department of Trans- portation, Washington, D. C, November 1967, 164 pp. HIGHWAY STATISTICS/ 1968, Bureau of Public Roads , U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C; 191 pp.; Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. A PROGRAM OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION, Bureau of Public Roads , Office of Research & Develop- ment, Washington, D. C., 50 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE STANDARDS COST ESTIMATING SYSTEM, VOLUME II, COST ESTIMATES, Management Software Development Corp . , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6914, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C., June 16, 1969, 69 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE STANDARDS COST ESTIMATING SYSTEM, VOLUME III, APPENDICES, Management Software Development Corp., Washington, D. C , Contract No. FH-11-6914, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 16, 1969, 89 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE STANDARDS COST ESTIMATING SYSTEM, VOLUME IV, MVSPS COST ESTIMATOR'S GUIDE, Management Software Development Corp .. Washington, D. C, Contract No., FH-11-6914, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 16, 1969, 95 pp. CONFERENCE ON TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH--REPORT OF A STUDY CROUP CONVENED BY THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AT WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 1960, VOLUME I, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Washington, D. C., Publication 840, 1960, 88 pp. TRANSPORTATION DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS—SELECTIONS FROM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE CONVENED BY THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AT WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 1960, VOLUME II, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 841, 1961, 243 pp. U. S. TRANSPORTATION RESOURCES, PERFORMANCE AND PROBLEMS— A COLLECTION OF PAPERS PREPARED FOR THE TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE CONVENED BY THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AT WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 1960, VOLUME II SUPPLEMENT, National Aca demy of Sciences. National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 841-S, 1961, 319 pp. 175 BUS FACTS, National Association of Motor Bus Owner s, Washington, D. C, 34th Editlon--1966, 48 pp. NOTES ON THE STATE-OF-THE ART OF BENEFIT -COST ANALYSIS AS RELATED TO TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, Joseph D. Crumllsh, National Bureau of Standards , Institute for Applied Technology, Technical Analysis Dlv., Washington, D. C, Technical Note 294, November 1, 1966, 41 pp. HOW TO DO A COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT COUNTERMEASURES, J. L. Recht, National Safety Council , Statistics Dlv., Chicago, 111., -September 1966, 54 pp. APPLICATION OF THE ORI COST-EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM TO ARIZONA, NEW JERSEY, NORTH CAROLINA, AND UTAH, VOLUME I, Lawrence H. Revzan & Harry Denning, Operations Research , Incorporated , Silver Spring, Md. , Contract No. FH-11-6495, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 1970, 101 pp. APPLICATION OF THE ORI COST-EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM TO ARIZONA, NEW JERSEY, NORTH CAROLINA, AND UTAH, VOLUME II, APPENDICES, Operations Research, Inc ., Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6495, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 30, 1970, 126 pp. APPLICATION OF THE ORI COST-EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM TO THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, William J. Leininger, Operations Research, Inc ■ , Economic Analysis Division, Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6495, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 30, 1970, 150 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF A COST-EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM FOR EVALUATING ACCIDENT COUNTERMEASURES--VOLUME V: OPERATOR'S MANUAL, W. J. Leininger & D. S. Orkand, Operations Research Inc ., Management Systems Dlv., Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6495, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 505, December 31, 1968, 22 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF A COST-EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM FOR EVALUATING ACCIDENT COUNTERMEASURES--VOLUME VI: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS, W. J. Leininger & D. S. Orkand, Operations Research Inc ., Management Systems Dlv., Silver Spring, Md . , Contract No. FH-11-6495, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 505, December 31, 1968, 120 pp. A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR EVALUATING TRAFFIC SAFETY SYSTEM MEASURES, Martin Wohl, The Rand Corporation , Santa Monica, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6698, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Memorandum RM-5632-DOT, April 1968, 35 pp. PUTTING THE ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF TRAFFIC SAFETY MEASURES INTO PERSPECTIVE, Martin Wohl, The Rand Corporation , Santa Monica, Calif., Contract No. FH-11- 6698, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Memorandum RM- 5631-DOT, April 1968, 42 pp. COST OF ROAD ACCIDENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN, R. F. F. Dawson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 79, 1967, 68 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF A COST-EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM FOR EVALUATING ACCIDENT COUNTERMEASURES--VOLUME I: TECHNICAL REPORT, W. J. Leininger & D. S. Orkand, Operations Research Inc ., Management Systems Div., Silver Spring, Md . , Contract No. FH-11-6495, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 505, December 31, 1968, 249 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF A COST-EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM FOR EVALUATING ACCIDENT COUNTERMEASURES--VOLUME II: APPENDICES, W. J. Leininger & D. S. Orkand, Operations Research Inc. , Management Systems Div., Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6495, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 505, December 31, 1968, 118 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF A COST-EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM FOR EVALUATING ACCIDENT COUNTERMEASURES --VOLUME III: USER'S MANUAL, W. J. Leininger & D. S. Orkand, Operations Research Inc. , Management Systems Div., Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6495, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 505, December 31, 1968, 46 pp. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE ON ROAD TRANSPORT IN GREAT BRITAIN IN 1965 AND IN 1966, R. F. F. Dawson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 134, 1967, 8 pp. RESEARCH ON ROAD TRAFFIC, Road Research Lab. , Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Harmondsworth, Middlesex; Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Publisher, London, England, 1965, 505 pp. TRAFFIC SYSTEMS REVIEWS AND ABSTRACTS—TRAFFIC FLOW THEORY, COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS, COST EFFECTIVENESS METHODOLOGY, Research Triangle Institute , Research Triangle Park, N. C, Contract No. FH 11-6610, prepared for Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, 1967- SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FACTORS AFFECTING CURRENT AND FUTURE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, K. Philip Rahbany, Texas A&M University , College Station, Texas, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690042, 7 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF A COST-EFFECTIVENESS SYSTEM FOR EVALUATING ACCIDENT C0UNTERMEASURES--V0LUME IV: PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL, W. J. Leininger & D. S. Orkand, Operations Research Inc ., Management Systems Dlv., Silver Spring, Md . , Contract No. FH-11-6495, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report No. 505, December 31, 1968, 188 pp. RESEARCH NEEDS IN HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION, Bertram D. Tallamy Associates, Washington, D. C.j 6. Wilbur Smith & Associates , New Haven, Conn., prepared for National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Engineering, Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 55, NAS-NRC Publication 1589, 1968, 66 pp. 176 RESEARCH NEEDS IN HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION, Bertram P. Tallamy Associates , Washington, D. C . ; & Wilbur Smith & Associates, New Haven, Conn., prepared for National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Engineering, Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 55, NAS-NRC Publication 1589, 1968, 66 pp. APPLICATION OF BENEFIT-COST ANALYSIS TO MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS, U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare , . Office of Assistant Secretary for Program Coordination, Washington, D. C, August 1966, 183 pp. CONFERENCE ON TRANSPORTATION RE SEARCH --REPORT OF A STUDY GROUP CONVENED BY THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AT WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 1960, VOLUME I, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 840, 1960, 88 pp. TRANSPORTATION DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS— SELECTIONS FROM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE CONVENED BY THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AT WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 1960, VOLUME II, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 841, 1961, 243 pp. ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF CARRYING OUT THE PROVISIONS OF THE HIGHWAY SAFETY ACT OF 1966, Alan S. Boyd, U. S . Department of Transportation , Washington, D. C, October 1968, 112 pp. OPERATING COSTS OF CARS IN URBAN AREAS, E. Pelensky, W. R. Blunden & R. D. Munro, University of New South Wales , Kensington, N.S.W., Australia; reprint from the Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the Australian Road Research Board, Vol. 4, Part 1, 1968, pp. 475-504 COST-EFFECTIVENESS AND HIGHWAY SAFETY-FEBRUARY 1, 1968 TO JANUARY 31, 1969, G. A. Fleischer, University of Southern California , Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6800, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, USCISE Report No. 100, February 1969, 219 pp. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AND RESEARCH A PROGRAM OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION, Bureau of Public Roads , Office of Research & Develop- ment, Washington, D. C, 50 pp. U. S. TRANSPORTATION RESOURCES, PERFORMANCE AND PROBLEMS— A COLLECTION OF PAPERS PREPARED FOR THE TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH CONFERENCE CONVENED BY THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AT WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 1960, VOLUME II SUPPLEMENT, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 841-S, 1961, 319 pp. RESEARCH NEEDS IN HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION, Bertram D. Tallamy Associates, Washington, D. C.j & Wilbur Smith & Associates , New Haven, Conn., prepared for National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Engineering, Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 55, NAS-NRC Publication 1589, 1968, 66 pp. CASE STUDIES OF SEVEN NEW SYSTEMS OF URBAN TRANSPORTATION, Eugene T. Canty, General Motors Corp., Transportation Res. Dept., Res. Labs., Warren, Mich., & Albert J. Sobey, Sverdrup & Parcel & Associates , Transportation Technology Div., Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690038, 17 pp. NATIONAL SURVEY OF TRANSPORTATION ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR, PHASE II--ANALYSIS REPORT, Robert K. McMillan & Henry Assael, Chilton Research Services , Philadelphia, Pa., National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 82, 1969, 89 pp. RESEARCH NEEDS IN HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION, Bertram D. Tallamy Associates , Washington, D. C.j & Wilbur Smith & Associates, New Haven, Conn., prepared for National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Engineering, Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 55, NAS-NRC Publication 1589, 1968, 66 pp. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH NEEDS RELATED TO CIVIL ENGINEERING, Robert F. Baker & Charles W. Thomas, Colorado State University , Fort Collins, Colo., Report No. CER69-70CWT41, June 1970, 270 pp., PB 193 388 DESIGNING THE 100 MPH EXPRESSWAY, reprint Highway Research News, No. 34, winter 1969, pp. 48-52 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC FACTORS AFFECTING CURRENT AND FUTURE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, K. Philip Rahbany, Texas A&M University , College Station, Texas, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690042, 7 pp. CASE STUDIES OF SEVEN NEW SYSTEMS OF URBAN TRANSPORTATION, Eugene T. Canty, General Motors Corp ., Transportation Res. Dept., Res. Labs., Warren, Mich.; & Albert J. Sobey, Sverdrup & Parcel & Associates, Transportation Technology Div., Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690038, 17 pp. COMMUNITY VALUES AS AFFECTED BY TRANSPORTATION, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 1963, Highway Research Record No. 2, 100 pp. HIGH-SPEED GROUND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING STUDY: TRACKED AIR CUSHION VEHICLE SYSTEMS, TRW Systems Group , Redondo Beach, Calif., Contract No. C-353-66, prepared U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, May 1970, 623 pp., PB 195 030 AN EVALUATION OF AN AUTOMATED MASS TRANSIT SYSTEM (WESTINGHOUSE TRANSIT EXPRESSWAY, SKYBUS), Jerome F. Chmielewski, University of Pitt sburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa., presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting & Energy Systems Exposition, Pittsburgh, Pa., November 12-17, 1967, ASME Report No. 67-WA/BHF-8, 19 pp. 177 6- VEHICLES-GENERAL ELECTRIC CARS AND PROPULSION SYSTEMS QUESTIONS TO ASK ABOUT BATTERIES PROPOSED FOR ELECTRIC CARS, Frank E. Ammermann, Chrysler Corporation , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700021, 7 pp. THE CHRYSLER CLEANER AIR SYSTEM FOR 1970, R. E. Goodwillie, N. M. Jacob & E. W. Beckman, Chrysler Corporation , Product Planning & Development Staff, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700151, 12 pp. AN EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF THE MARS II ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILE, James E. Greene, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Vehicle Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. CC-140, prepared for General Motors Corp., General Motors Technical Center, Warren, Mich., CAL Report No. VJ-2623-K-1, February 1969, 138 pp. MINIMUM ROAD LOAD FOR ELECTRIC CARS, David M. Tenniswood & Helmut A. Graetzel, Ford Motor Co. . Dearborn, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670177, 10 pp. A SODIUM-SULFUR SECONDARY BATTERY, Joseph T. Kummer 6. Neill Weber, Ford Motor Co. . Scientific Lab., Dearborn, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670179, 7 pp. ELECTROVAIR—A BATTERY ELECTRIC CAR, E. A. Rishavy, W. D. Bond & T. A. Zechin, General Motors Corp. , Power Development Group, Detroit, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress & Exposition, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670175, 12 pp. A HIGH PERFORMANCE AC ELECTRIC DRIVE SYSTEM, Paul D. Agarwal & I. M. Levy, General Motors Corp.. GM Defense Research Labs., & Delco Products Div., Detroit, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress & Exposition, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670178, 10 pp. A VEHICLE FUEL CELL SYSTEM, Floyd A. Wyczalek, Daniel L. Frank 6. Gene E. Smith, general Motors Corp. . Detroit, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress & Exposition, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670181, 17 pp. CARS FOR CITIES--A STUDY OF TRENDS IN THE DESIGN OF VEHICLES WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THEIR USE IN TOWNS, Minister of Transport , Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, England, 1967, 107 pp., 2 charts U. S. ARMY RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL PROPULSION, Terence G. Kirkland 6. Ralph E. Hopkins, U. S. Army Engineer Research & Development Lab. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111. May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670454, 15 pp. A RECOMMENDED FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR PROCEDURE FOR AUTOMOTIVE EXHAUST HYDROCARBONS, D. Maxwell Teague, E. J. Lesniak, Jr., & E. H. Loeser, Chrysler Corporation , Chemical Research, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700468, 10 pp. AN ADSORPTION-REGENERATION APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM OF EVAPORATIVE CONTROL, P. J. Clarke, J. E. Gerrard, C. W. Skarstrom, J. Vardi & D. T. Wade, Esso Research & Engineering Co. , Products Research Div., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670127, 14 pp. FACTORS INFLUENCING VEHICLE EVAPORATIVE EMISSIONS, D. T. Wade, Esso Research & Engineering Co. , Products Research Div., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670126, 13 pp. LES M0TEURS DE VEHICULES EN TANT QUE SOURCE DE POLLUTION ATMOSPHERIQUE EXTERIEURE (MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINES AS A SOURCE OF OUTSIDE AIR P0LUTI0N), E. Coucke, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Se'curlte Routiere , Bruxelles, Belgium; Technical Aspects of Road Safety Bulletin d' Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A. , No. 32, December 1967, pp. 3.1-3.29, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Se'curite Routiere, editor THE EFFECT OF FUEL ANTI-KNOCK COMPOUNDS AND DEPOSITS ON EXHAUST EMISSIONS, J. C. Gagliardi, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670128, 25 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ON-LINE EXHAUST GAS DATA REDUCTION SYSTEM, R. M. Cobb & F. Perna, Jr., General Motors Corp. , Detroit, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670164, 19 pp. MEASURING THE TOTAL HYDROCARBONS IN DIESEL EXHAUST, H. W. Pearsall, General Motors Corp. , Research Labs., Detroit, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670089, 11 pp. EXHAUST CONTROL NOISE AND FUME CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC VEHICLES, Richard B. Engdahl, Battelle Memorial Institute , Columbus, Ohio; American Public Works Aasoclatlon Yearbook , 1967, pp. 111-116 ABILITY OF GASOLINE ADDITIVES TO CLEAN ENGINES AND REDUCE EXHAUST EMISSIONS, K. L. Kipp, J. C. Ingamells, W. L. Richardson 4. C . E . Davis, Chevron Research Co. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700456, 21 pp. A STATISTICAL APPROACH TO DESCRIBING VEHICULAR DRIVING CYCLES, F. Beckley Smith, Jr., & W. A. P. Meyer, Gulf Research & Development Company ; & R. U. Ayres, International Research & Technology Corporation, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690212, 13 pp. THE ENVIRONMENTAL DECADE AND THE HIGHWAY USER, Highway Users Federation for Safety & Mobility , Washington, D. C. November 1970, 31 pp. 178 MOTOR VEHICLE LAW SERIES, SERVICE NO. 3--EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility , Washington, D. C, 1967 - A STATISTICAL APPROACH TO DESCRIBING VEHICULAR DRIVING CYCLES, F. Beckley Smith, Jr., & W. A. P. Meyer, Gulf Research & Development Company; & R. U. Ayres, International Research & Technology Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690212, 13 pp. CARS FOR CITIES--A STUDY OF TRENDS IN THE DESIGN OF VEHICLES WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THEIR USE IN TOWNS, Minister of Transport , Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, England, 1967, 107 pp., 2 charts THE AUTOMOBILE AND AIR POLUTION: A PROGRAM FOR PROGRESS, PART I, Richard S. Morse, Panel on Electrically Powered Vehicles , presented to the U. S. Department of Commerce, Commerce Technical Advisory Board, Washington, D. C, October 1967, 51 pp. THE AUTOMOBILE AND AIR POLUTION: A PROGRAM FOR PROGRESS, PART II, Richard S. Morse, Panel on Electrically Powered Vehicles , presented to the U. S. Department of Commerce, Commerce Technical Advisory Board, Washington, D. C, December 1967, 160 pp. DIESEL ENGINE EXHAUST SMOKE - ITS MEASUREMENT, REGULATION, AND CONTROL, M. Vulliamy 6. J. Spiers, Perkins Manufacturing Co. Ltd. . presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670090, 21 pp. UNE EXPERIENCE INTERESSANTE DE REDUCTION DU TAUX D'OXYDE DE CARB0NE EMIS PAR LES MOTEURS A ESSENCE MENEE SUR LE PARC AUTOMOBILE DE LA PREFECTURE DE POLICE PARISIENNE (AN INTERESTING EXPERIMENT, MADE WITH THE VEHICLES OF THE PARISIAN PREFECTURE DE POLICE, IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE RATE OF CARBON MONOXIDE EMITTED BY PETROL ENGINES), R. Thiebault, Prefecture de Police , Services Techniques, Paris, France; Technical Aspects of Eoad Safety Bulletin d' Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A. No. 23, September 1965, pp. 2.1-2.11, Fonds d'Etudes •t de Recherches sur la Securite Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor DENSITY OF SMOKE EXHAUSTED FROM VEHICLES WITH DIESEL ENGINES WITH RESPECT TO ATTITUDE, Research Investigation Committee on Expressways , Tunnel Ventilation Subcommittee Tokyo, Japan, February 1970, 87 pp. AUTOMOBILE EMISSIONS--A STUDY IN ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS VERSUS TECHNOLOGICAL COSTS, P. S. Myers, U niversity of Wisconsin , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Madison, Wis., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 700182, 1969, 19 pp. THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ETHYLENE, PROPYLENE, n-BUTANE, AND 1-BUTANE IN SPARK-IGNITION ENGINE EXHAUST, H. W. Sigworth, Jr., P. S. Myers, & 0. A. Uyehara, University of Wisconsin , Madison, Wis., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700472, 11 pp. GLAZING MATERIALS SAFETY GLAZING MATERIALS FOR GLAZING MOTOR VEHICLES OPERATING ON LAND HIGHWAYS, American National Standards Institute , New York, N. Y., Standard Z26. 1-1966, July 15, 1966, 29 pp. GLAZING MATERIALS - PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, MOTORCYCLES, TRUCKS AND BUSES, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-205a, December 6, 1968, 2 pp. THE INFLUENCE OF FASTENING ON THE IMPACT BEHAVIOR OF SAFETY GLASS, F. Bruckner & H. Krings, Central Labs. of the Vereinlgte Glaswerke , Germany; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 352-359, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. A STUDY OF OCCUPANT INJURY AND GLASS DAMAGE ASSOCIATED WITH THE HIGH PENETRATION RESISTANT WINDSHIELD, Ronald I. Herman & John W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Department, Accident Research Branch, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. P. O. No. A25494-10, prepared for Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y., CAL Report No. VJ-2928-V1, July 1970, 88 pp. WINDSHIELD GLAZING AS AN INJURY FACTOR IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, Roger B. Fargo, Cornell Aeronautical Lab ., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. UI--00053, prepared for National Center for Urban & Industrial Health, Public Health Service, U. S. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare, Cincinnati, Ohio; & Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc., Detroit, Mich., CAL Report No. VJ-1823-R25, October 1968, 80 pp. AUTOMOTIVE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL, Harry F. Barr, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc ., New York, N. presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Sections during 1970, SAE Report No. 700248, 9 pp. GELUIDS- EN R00KMETING IN UE KEURINGSSTATIONS (NOISE AND SMOKE MEASUREMENT IN INSPECTION STATION), H. Van Speybroeck, Studlebureel voor Automobleltransport , Belgle, presented at the 1968 Conference on Road Safety, Brussels, Belgium, 23 pp. CALCULATING METHOD OF REQUIRED AIR VOLUME OF VEHICULAR TUNNELS IN JAPAN, Yutaka Hiruma, Technical Committee on Road Tunnels, Tokyo, Japan, May 1967, 40 pp. INFORMATION ON ROAD TUNNELS IN JAPAN, Yutaka Hiruma, Technical Committee on Road Tunnels , Tokyo, Japan, August 1966, 114 pp. A NEW LAMINATED WINDSHIELD DESIGNED TO MINIMIZE LACERATION, John R. B lizard & John S. Howitt, Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1134-1151; SAE Report No. 700428 THIN-STRONG GLASS FOR AUTOMOBILE GLAZING, John R. Blizard, Corning Glass Works , Specialized Products, Corning, N. Y.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 138-144, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. CONDITIONS OF THE PERFECT WINDSHIELD, G. Rodloff & G. Breitenburger, Deutsche Tafelglas AG, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineer- ing Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670191, 8 pp. 179 SAFETY OF WINDSHIELD AGAINST FLYING STONES, G. Rodloff & G. Breitenburger, Deutsche Tafelglas AG ; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 53-61, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. COMPARISON OF STANDARD AND EXPERIMENTAL WINDSHIELDS, Lawrence M. Patrick, Wayne State University, Biomechanics Research Center, Detroit, Mich.; & Roger P. Daniel, Ford Motor Co ., Detroit, Mich.; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 147-166, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. INJURIES PRODUCED BY MOTOR-CAR WINDSCREENS, J. A. Hobbs, R. E. Allsop & H. J. H. Starks, Road Research Lab ., Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 152, 1968, 38 pp. SAE HANDBOOK, published annually; HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENT 19--SAE TECHNICAL REPORTS REFERENCED IN FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS, May 18, 1970, 43 pp., Society of Automotive Engineers Inc., New York, N. Y. VINDU M. V. (WINDSHIELD SPECIFICATIONS), Statens Vegvesen , Vegdirektoratet , Oslo, Norway, March 19, 1970 SAE TEST PROCEDURE FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF WINDSHIELDS, Earl R. Smith, Ford Motor Co . , Glass & Chemical Products Div., Glass Technical Center, Lincoln Park, Mich.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 277-281, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minn., Minneapolis, Minn. BEITRAG ZUR WIRKLICHKEITSNAHEN PRUFUNG VON KRAFTFAHRZEUG - WINDSCHUTZSCHEIBEN (ADDENDUM TO TESTING OF VEHICLE WINDSHIELDS), W. Tauffkirchen & A. Slattenschek, Technische Versuchs-und Forschungsanstalt der TH , Wien, Austria, presented at the World Congress for Kraftfahrtmedizin und Verkehrssicherheit in Vienna, Austria, May 7-13, 1967, 9 pp. A NEW HIGH-SAFETY GLAZING FOR AUTOMOBILES AND OTHER VEHICLES, R. Van Laethem, Glaverbel, S.A. , Belgium; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 360-386, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SAFETY IMPROVEMENT OF THE NEW LAMINATED V.H.R. GLAZING FOR CARS, PART ONE: RESISTANCE TO ABRASION- PART TWO: BEHAVIOR IN CASE OF IMPACT OF THE ANTHROPOMORPHIC DUMMY DURING SIMULATED CRASHES, E. Plumat, P. Eloy, L. Leger, F. Toussaint, & R. Van Laethem, Glaverbel, S.A. , Belgium; 1970 International Automotive Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1152-1170; SAE Report No. 700429 THE PERFORMANCE OF AUTOMOBILE GLAZING IN URBAN ACCIDENTS, A. J. McLean, Harvard University , Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2i4, 1969, pp. 237-251, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. MOTOR VEHICLE LAW SERIES, SERVICE NO. 3--EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility , Washington, D. C, 1967 - VERHALTEN VON KRAFTFAKRZEUG-WINDSCHUTZSCHEIBEN BEI SCHLAGVERSUCHEN MIT DEM PHANTOM-KOPF (THE BEHAVIOR OF MOTOR VEHICLE WINDSHIELDS DURING IMPACT EXPERIMENTATION WITH THE HEAD OF A DUMMY), A. Slattenschek, Technische Versuchs-und Forschungsanstalt der TH, Wien, Austria; reprint ATZ, 70, Nr. 7, Jahrgang 1968, S. 233/241 DESIGN FOR VISION, Harold Gough, Triplex Safety Glass Company, Ltd .; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash & Injury Prevention, July 11 & 12, 1966, pp. 108- 112, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England GLAZING MATERIALS — PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, MOTORCYCLES, TRUCKS AND BUSES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 205 SERIOUS EYE INJURIES PRODUCED BY WINDSHIELD DAMAGE—AN ACTUAL PROBLEM IN OPHTHALMOLOGY, K. Muller-Jensen & W. Hollweck, University Munchen , Augenklinik, Munchen, Germany; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 388-396, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. UNIFORM VEHICLE CODE AND MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances , Washington, D. C, 1968, 335 pp. FACTORS IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF SAFER GLAZING, R. G. Rleser & G. E. Michaels, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co ., Glass Research Center, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 181-204, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University, of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. LABORATORY STUDIES ON LAMINATED SAFETY GLASS AND INSTALLATIONS ON PERFORMANCE, R. G. Rieser 6. J. Chabal, PPG Industries, Inc ., Glass Research Center; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 76-116 pp., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SAFETY PERFORMANCE OF LAMINATED GLASS CONFIGURATIONS, R. G. Rieser & J. Chabal, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co ., Glass Research Center, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 86-105, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. TEMPERED VERSUS HPR LAMINATED WINDSHIELDS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF UNITED KINGDOM AND UNITED "STATES COLLISIONS, G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham , Department of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England; & A. W. Siegel & P. V. Hlght, University of California, Trauma Research Group, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18, 1970, pp. 369-387, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. AUTOMOTIVE SIDE-WINDOW GLASS IMPACT STUDY, Harrison M. Brink, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 250-268, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. SAFETY GLASS BREAKAGE BY MOTORISTS DURING COLLISIONS, Derwyn M. Severy 6< Harrison M. Brink, University of California, Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 205-236, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. 180 DAS VERHALTEN DER HALSWTRBELSXULE IN VERBINDUNG MIT DER SCHADELBASIS UND DER OBEREN BRUSTWIRBELSXuLE BE I STURZEN AUF SICHERHEITSGLAS FUR AUTOMOBIL-FRONTSCHEIBEN (EINSCHEIBENSICHERHEITSCLAS-VERBUNDSCHEIBENSICHERHETTS- GLAS) (KINEMATICS OF CERVICAL SPINE INJURIES ON IMPACT- ING DIFFERENT TYPES OF SAFETY GLASS), Von D. Ziffer, University of Freiburg , Institute of Forensic Medicine, Freiburg, Germany, presented at the American Association for Automotive Medicine, 11th Annual Meeting; reprint Zbl. Verkehrs-Med. , Vol. 13, No. 4, 1967, THE NEW AUTOMOBILE WINDSHIELD AND ITS EFFECTIVENESS IN REDUCING FACIAL LACERATIONS, Donald F. Huelke, William C. Grabb, Reed 0. Dingman & Robert M. Oneal, University of Michigan , Department of Anatomy & Surgery, Ann Arbor, Mich.; reprint Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Vol. 41, No. 6, June 1968, pp. 555-559 HIGH AMPERACE ALTERNATORS (TRUCKS-BUSES-SPECIAL APPLICATIONS-OFF-THE ROAD EQUIPMENT) --TRAINING MANUAL, Automotive Electric Association, Detroit, Mich., 1967, 138 pp. STANDARD DUTY ALTERNATORS (PASSENGER CAR AND LIGHT TRUCK)— TRAINING MANUAL, Automotive Electric Association , Detroit, Mich., 1967, 135 pp. TRANSISTOR IGNITION SYSTEMS—TECHNICAL TRAINING MANUAL, Automotive Electric Association, Detroit, Mich., 1964, 67 pp. TUNE-UP MANUAL, Automotive Electric Association , Detroit, Mich., 1961, 17 pp. IMPACTS ON PLATES, PARTICULARLY GLASS PLATES, H. P. Siemonsen & F. Bruckner, Vereinigte Glaswerke , Central Labs.; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 293-298, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. CADAVER WINDSHIELD IMPACT RESEARCH L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich., reprint Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery , 1966, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 314-323 COMPARISON OF STANDARD AND EXPERIMENTAL WINDSHIELDS, Lawrence M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Biomechanics Research Center, Detroit, Mich.; & Roger P. Daniel, Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich.; 8th Stapp Car Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, October 21-23, 1964, pp. 147-166, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, Mich. AUTO TUNE-UP MADE SIMPLE!, Automotive Parts Rebullders Association, Rockville, Md . , 1965, 125 pp. THE THREE R'S OF AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE, Automotive Parts Rebullders Association , Rockville, Md., 1964, 188 pp. AUTOMOTIVE ROAD TEST INSTRUMENTATION HANDBOOK- -SECTION 1, FIFTH WHEEL SYSTEMS FOR MEASUREMENT OF SPEED, DISTANCE, AND ACCELERATION, Roy F. Knudsen, Editor, Instrument Society of America , Pittsburgh, Pa., 1963 n pp., n figs. AUTOMOTIVE ROAD TEST INSTRUMENTATION HANDBOOK- -SECTION 2, FUEL MEASURING SYSTEMS, Arnold Seligson, Editor, Instrument Society of America , Pittsburgh, Pa., 1966, 21 pp., 26 figs. PREVENTION OF INSTRUMENT PANEL AND WINDSHIELD HEAD INJURIES, Lawrence M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Colleges of Engineering & Medicine, Biomechanics Research Center, Detroit, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 169-181, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. FRAME STRAIGHTENER AND BODY PRESS— OPERATORS MANUAL, John Bean Div ., FMC Corporation, Lansing, Mich., No. L-1715, 1958, 48 pp. OFFICIAL BALL JOINT CHECKING PROCEDURE, John Bean Div. , FMC Corporation, Lansing, Mich., No. L-3012 ; 2 pp. SAFETY PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF 30 MIL HPR LAMINATED AND MONOLITHIC DIFFERENTIALLY TEMPERED WINDSHIELDS, L. M. Patrick, K. R. Trosien & F. T. DuPont, Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1113-1133; SAE Report No. 700427 VEHICLE TESTING— THE TESTER'S MANUAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES ON THE STATUTORY PROVISIONS & REGULATIONS, Ministry of Transport , London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, England, 1960, 43 pp. TRAILER MAINTENANCE MANUAL, Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association, Washington, D. C, 1965, 82 pp. MAINTENANCE MANUALS MOTORCYCLE SAFETY AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS— TECHNICAL TRAINING MANUAL, VOL. 1, Automotive Electric Association, Detroit, Mich., 1954, 103 pp. AUTOMOTIVE FUEL SYSTEMS— TECHNICAL TRAINING MANUAL, VOL. 2, Automotive Electric Association, Detroit, Mich. 1955, 56 pp. COURSE IN AUTOMOTIVE TUNE -UP- -TRAINING MANUAL, Automotive Electric Association, Detroit, Mich., 1968, 122 pp. MOTORCYCLE SAFETY— FINAL REPORT, Martin L. Relss & Joseph A". Haley, Airborne Instruments Lab ., Deer Park, Long Island, N. Y., Contract No. 11-6543, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, AIL Project No. 3684-1, May 1968, 139 pp. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR MOTORCYCLIST HELMETS, H. Lunenfeld & R. G. Varady, AIL, Cutler-Hammer, Long Island, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6903, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, AIL Project No. 4628, June 1970, 209 pp. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS HANDBOOK, Automotive Electric Association. Detroit, Mich., March 1967, 271 pp. PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR FOR VEHICULAR USERS, American National Standards Institute . New York, N. Y., Standard Z90. 1-1966, June 22, 1966, 15 pp. 181 THE CALIFORNIA MOTORCYCLE STUDY, DRIVER AND ACCIDENT CHARACTERISTICS, Richard M. Harano 6. Raymond C. Peck, California State Department of Motor Vehicles , Sacramento, Calif., prepared for Department of Transportation, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, Research Report 26, May 1968, 37 pp. BRAKE LININGS--NON-COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES-- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , Department of Revenue, Bureau of Traffic Safety, Harrisburg, Pa., Title 18, Regulation 372-495-3, Chapters I, II, III & IV, 22 pp. INVESTIGATION OF VIBRATION AND IMPACT PROTECTION OF THE HUMAN HEAD AND NECK, T. E. Mattingly, J. W. Felder 6. C. F. Lombard, Northrop Corporate Laboratories, Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. AF 33(615 )-5119, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, NCL Report No. AMRL-TR-69-112, December 1969, 80 pp. MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT STUDY, Noel F. Kaestner, Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles , Salem, Oregon, March 17, 1964, 7 pp. MOTORCYCLIST ANTHROPOMETRICS, David C. Pool & Douglas Gordon, Dunlap & Associates, Inc. , Darien, Conn., Contract No. FH- 11-7249, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. SSD 69-737, March 6, 1970, 122 pp. DAYTIME MOTORCYCLE HEADLIGHT AND TAILLIGHT OPERATION, Michael S. Janoff, Arno Cassel, Kenneth S. Fertner, Edward S. Smierciak, Franklin Institute Research Labs. , Philadelphia, Pa., Contract No. FH-11-7311, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. F-C2588, August 1970, 213 pp. LES ACCIDENTS SUR PISTES CYCLABLES (ACCIDENTS ON MOTORCYCLES), S. Goldberg & J. C. Gazeres, Organlsme National de Se'curite'' Routiere, Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 1, September 1962, 12 pp. THE DEADLIEST VEHEMENCE- -A PAPER ON MOTORCYCLE SAFETY, Stuart Munro, Ottawa Safety Council , Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, November 1967, 31 pp. CYCLE INJURIES- -A COMPARATIVE STUDY, Ernest A. Pellegrlno, Jr. , Madison, Wis., presented at the Annual Fall Meeting of the Wisconsin Orthopedic Society, . Racine, Wis., October 20, 1967; Wisconsin Medical Journal Vol. 67, No. 9, September 1968, pp. 413-417 THE EXTERIOR COLLISION, A. J. McLean, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass.; G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1214-1221; SAE Report No. 700434 INJURIES IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, G. Anthony Ryan, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Massachusetts; reprint New England Journal of Medicine , May 11, 1967, Vol. 276, pp. 1066-1076 / X EXPERIMENTAL COLLISION TEST ON MOTORCYCLES WITH PASSENGER CARS, Takeshi Inoue & Kimio Miura, Honda R&D Co., Ltd ., Research & Experimental Dept., Paper No. 15, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 28 pp. CASQUES DE PROTECTION POUR CONDUCTEURS ET PASSAGERS DE CYCLOMOTEURS ET DE MOTOCYCLETTES (CRASH HELMETS FOR DRIVERS AND PASSENGERS OF MOTORCYCLES AND MOTOR SCOOTERS), Belgian Standard NBN 626, Institut Beige de Normalisation , Bruxelles, Belgium, October 1963, 12 pp. MOTORCYCLES, MOTORSCOOTERS AND POWERED BICYCLES- ARRANGEMENT OF CONTROLS AND RULES FOR THEIR USE, Russian Standard GOST 3185-65, Komltet Standartov , Mer i Izmeritel 'nyh Priborov pri, Moscow, Russia, 1965, 2 pp. MOTOR-CYCLE ACCIDENTS AMONG ADOLESCENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS SPECIALLY CONSIDERED FROM THE STANDPOINT OF THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL AND INTERNAL DISEASES, D. Leopold , Leipzig, Germany; Proceedings of the International Association for Accident & Traffic Medicine — Volume I, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 268-269 THE COST AND BENEFIT OF ANTI-LOCKING BRAKES ON MOTOR CYCLES, H. A. Wilkins, Road Research Laboratory, Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 261, 1969, 7 pp. COSTS AND BENEFITS ARISING IF ALL MOTORCYCLISTS WORE SAFETY HELMETS, R. E. Allsop, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. 72, 1967, 17 pp., 3 figs. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS ON THE BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, H. J. H. Starks & R. D. Lister, Road Research Lab. , Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Langley, England; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Dlv., Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1954-55, pp. 31-44 EVALUATION AND DESIGN CRITERIA OF PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR, George G. Snively, Sacramento County Hospital , Sacramento, Calif.; C. 0. Chichester, University of California, Davis, Calif.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 182-190, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. SAE HANDBOOK, published annually; HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENT 19--SAE TECHNICAL REPORTS REFERENCED IN FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS, May 18, 1970, 43 pp., Society of Automotive Engineers Inc .. New York, N. Y. MOTORCYCLE, CHAIN DRIVE, SOLO, COMMERCIAL, Military Specification MIL-M-1320B, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, September 29, 1964, 4 pp. MOTORCYCLES, MOTOR SCOOTERS, AND BICYCLES: STANDARD MODELS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, MIL-STD- 1274, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, March 2, 1965, 3 pp. UNIFORM VEHICLE CODE AND MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances, Washington, D. C, 1968, 335 pp. SCOOTER, MOTOR: 2 WHEEL, CROSS COUNTRY, SOLO, COMMERCIAL, Military Specification MIL-S-62031 (M0), U. S. Department of Defens e. Washington, D. C, November 23, 1965, 6 pp. 182 SCOOTER, MOTOR: THREE WHEEL, COMMERCIAL, Military Specification MIL-S-45324E, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, August 15, 1967, 9 pp. HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANUAL--MOTORCYCLE SAFETY, VOLUME 3, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, January 1969, 54 pp. PERFORMANCE DATA FOR NEW PASSENGER CARS AND MOTORCYCLES- CONSUMER INFORMATION SERIES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C. Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1970, 304 pp. SAFE VEHICLE DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT OF STANDARDS FOR A HEAVY VEHICLE UNDERSIDE GUARD, Aerospace Research Associates, Inc ., West Covin*, Calif., Contract No. FH 11-6878, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, ARA Report No. 98, December 1968, 106 pp. ANTIGLARE FINISHES FOR AUTOMOTIVE STAINLESS STEEL TRIM, M. J. Johnson, Allegheny Ludlum Steel C orp,, presented at Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670488, 8 pp. THE EXTERIOR COLLISION, A. J. McLean, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Mass.; G. M. MacKay, University of Birmingham , Birmingham, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1214-1221; SAE Report No. 700434 SOME ASPECTS OF TRAFFIC INJURY IN URBAN ROAD ACCIDENTS, G. Murray Mackay & C . P. de Fonseka, University of Birmingham, Dept. of Transportation & Environmental ' Planning, Birmingham, England; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 70-78, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. THE PROBLEM OF MOTOR-CYCLE ACCIDENTS, P. W. Bothwell, University of Bristol , Bristol, England; reprint Practitioner, Vol. 188, April 1962, pp. 474-488 EVALUATION AND DESIGN CRITERIA OF PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR, George G. Snively, Sacramento County Hospital, Sacramento, Calif.; C. 0. Chichester, University of California , Davis, Calif.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash 6. Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 182-190, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. MATHEMATICAL SIMULATION MODELS FOR CRASHWORTHINESS QUALIFICATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE STRUCTURES, American Machine 6. Foundry Company , Advanced Systems Lab., Santa Barbara, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6576, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, AMF Engineering Report No. ASL/E153 - 1120 - 1, January 29, 1968, 114 pp. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR DOORS, DOOR RETAINING DEVICES AND ADJACENT STRUCTURES, J. Bartol, W. Wingenbach & F. Hodosy, American Machine & Foundry 'Co. , Advanced Systems Laboratory, Industrial Products Group, Santa Barbara, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6891, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. ASL-E-176, July 1969, 442 pp., PB 193 379 VEHICLE BUMPER PERFORMANCE STUDY--FINAL REPORT FOR PERIOD JULY-NOVEMBER 1968, W. J. Rup, J. M. Daly & M. Erten, American Machine & Foundry Co. , Advanced Systems Lab., Industrial Products Group, Santa Barbara, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6905, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. ASL - E - 177, December 1968, 280 pp. MOTORCYCLE COLLISION EXPERIMENTS, Derwyn M. Severy, Harrison M. Brink & David M. Blaisdell, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Fourteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 17-18 1970, pp. 66-120, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. New York, N. Y. MEDICAL-ENGINEERING PANEL: THE STORY OF AN ACCIDENT, Harold A. Fenner, Jr., American Medical Association; W. Jack Ruby, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich.; Donald F. Huelke, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. & Arnold Siegel, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , pp. 223-244, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. A REPORT DEVELOPING A COMPREHENSIVE STATE PROGRAM QF MOTORCYCLE DRIVER'S LICENSING, LeGrand L. Malany, University of Illinois , Highway Traffic Safety Center Motorcycle Driver's Licensing Evaluation Committee, Urbana, 111., Research Report No. 3, August 1969, 114 pp. THE AMERICAN MOTORS UNITIZED BODY DESIGN--THE FIRST QUARTER CENTURY, L. H. Nagler, American Motors Corp. , Detroit, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers San Diego Chapter, April 13, 1965, 11 pp. MOTORCYCLES: RANDOM PARTICLES IN THE TRAFFIC STREAM, Thomas L. McDole, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; HIT Lab Reports, December 1970, pp. 1-8 PASSENGER CAR DESIGN AND HIGHWAY SAFETY — PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH, Association for the Aid of Crippled Children , New York, N. Y.; &. Consumers Union of U. S., Inc., Mount Vernon, N. Y., 1962, 290 pp. BEITRAG UBER DIE PROBLEME DER MECHANISCHEN WIDERSTANDS- FAHIGKEIT DES MENSCHLICHEN K0RPERS (UND SEINER GEWEBE) UND DIE ANWENDUNG DER FESTIGKEITSBETRACHTUNGEN AUF KONSTRUKTIONSFRAGEN VON SCHUTZHELMEN UND SICHERHEITS- GURTZEUGEN FUR AUTOMOBILISTEN (NOTES ON THE MECHANICAL RESISTANCE OF THE HUMAN BODY AND TISSUES. INFLUENCE ON THE MANUFACTURE OF PROTECTIVE HELMETS AND SAFETY BELTS FOR MOTORISTS (PART II), D. Ziffer ; Technical Aspects of Road Safety Bulletin d'Inforraation du C.I.D.I.T.V.A., No. 23, September 1965, pp. 4.1-4.31, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securite Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor A REPORT ON DEFECTS IN AUTOMOBILES AND THE QUALITY OF REPAIR WORK, Automobile Club of Missouri , St. Louis, Mo., presented to the Subcommittee on Antitrust & Monopoly, Senate Judiciary Committee, May 1969, 58 pp. USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS (VEHICLE SAFETY STATUS) VOLUME I, F. B. Oldham, Automobile Club of Missouri , St. Louis, Mo., Contract No. FH-11-6915, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 31, 1969, 40 pp. 183 USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS (VEHICLE SAFETY STATUS) VOLUME II, F. B. Oldham, Automobile Club of Missouri , St. Louis, Mo., Contract No. FH-11-6915, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, July 31, 1969, 280 pp; VOLUME II A (SN 11 A) 763 pp.; VOLUME II B (SN 11 B) pp. 764-1591 VEHICLE STRUCTURAL CRASHWORTHINESS, M. P. Rapin, Automobiles Peugeot , France; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 927-939; SAE Report No. 700413 CRASHWORTHY FUEL SYSTEM DESIGN, S. Harry Robertson & G. J. Walhout, Aviation Safety Engineering & Research , fiioenix, Ariz., May 6, 1966, 50 pp. COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES STUDY, Barnes & Reinecke, Inc ., Chicago, 111., Contract No. FH-11-6544, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, November 20, 1967, 108 pp. ESCAPE AND SPILLAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND VAPORS FROM MOTOR CARRIERS: A STUDY OF THE INFORMATION BASE FOR APPRAISAL OF REGULATIONS RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BY HIGHWAY VEHICLES, Booz, Allen Applied Research Inc. , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6628, prepared for Federal Highway Administration U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, November 1967. 151 pp., PB 178 182 VEHICLE-IN-USE SYSTEM SAFETY ANALYSIS—SUMMARY REPORT, VOLUME I, Booz, Allen Applied Research. Incorporated . Bethesda, Md., Contract No, FH-11-7316, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, Report No. 9073-026-001, September 1970, 47 pp. VEHICLE-IN-USE SYSTEM SAFETY ANALYSIS—BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW, VOLUME II, Booz-Allen Applied Research, Inc . Bethesda, Md., Contract No. FH-11-7316, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, September 1970, 144 pp. VEHICLE DESIGN TO REDUCE ACCIDENTS, D. Bastow , Mells, Frome, Somerset, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 114-123, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England VEHICLE-IN-USE SYSTEM SAFETY ANALYSIS—SAFETY ANALYSIS OF BRAKING SYSTEM, VOLUME III, Booz-Allen Applied Research , Incorporated, Bethesda, Md., Contract No. FH-11-7316, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, September 1970, 158 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF TOP SPEED LIMITING CONCEPTS- VOLUME I, J. T. Herridge, J. B. Day, & G. A. Francis, Battelle Memorial Institute , Columbus Labs., Columbus, Ohio, Contract No. FH-11-6902, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 12. 1969. 15 pp. VEHICLE-IN-USE SYSTEM SAFETY ANALYSIS- -SAFETY ANALYSIS OF VISIBILITY AND HUTCAN IMPAIRMENT, VOLUME IV, Booz-Allen Applied Research, Incorporated, Bethesda, Md., Contract No. FH-11-7316, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, September 1970, 186 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF TOP SPEED LIMITING CONCEPTS- VOLUME II, J. T. Herridge, J. B. Day & G. A. Francis, Battelle Memorial Institute , Columbus Labs., Columbus, Ohio, Contract No. FH-11-6902, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 12, 1969, 71 pp. VEHICLE-IN-USE SYSTEM SAFETY ANALYSIS — SAFETY ANALYSIS OF STEERING SYSTEM, VOLUME V, Booz-Allen Applied Research , Incorporated , Bethesda, Md., Contract No. FH-11-7316, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, September 1970, 141 pp. MEDICO-ENGINEERING TRAINING PROGRAM—FINAL REPORT 1968, Stuart L. Brown, Baylor University , College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-6798, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, 273 pp. MULTIDISCIPLINARY INVESTIGATIONS TO DETERMINE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS, FAILURES AND VEHICLE CRASHES, John R. Finch & James P. Smith, Baylor College of Medicine , Department of Psychiatry, Houston, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-7254, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, April 30, 1970, 219 pp. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS AND VEHICLE CRASHES --ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, John R. Finch & James P. Smith, Baylor College of Medicine , Houston, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-7254, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 1970, 51 pp., PB 192 323 MAN AND MOTOR CARS--AN ERG0N0MIC STUDY, Stephen Black, Seeker & Warburg Publisher, London, 1966, 373 pp. COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES STUDY, Booz, Allen, & Hamilton , Inc. , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6497, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, October 1967, 168 pp., 2 figs. VEHICLE-IN-USE SYSTEM SAFETY ANALYSIS— SAFETY ANALYSIS OF POWER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, VOLUME VI, Booz, Allen Applied Research, Incorporated , Bethesda, Md., Contract No. FH-11-7316, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, September 1970, 293 pp. MECHANICAL FACTORS IN FATAL SINGLE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS STUDY DURING 1968, California Highway Patrol , Operational Planning & Analysis Div., Operational Analysis Section, Sacramento, Calif., prepared for U. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, January 1969, 33 pp. MECHANICAL FACTORS STUDY, California Highway Patrol , Sacramento, Calif., February 1970, 99 pp. THIRTY-THREE FATAL CRASHES WITH SEAT BELTS, Horace E . Campbell , Colorado Medical Society, Automotive Safety Committee, Denver, Colo.; reprint Rocky Mountain Medical Journal , August 1964, Vol. 61, No. 8, pages 27-29 TWENTY-THREE FATAL CRASHES WITH SEAT BELTS, Horace E. Campbell , Colorado Medical Society, Automotive Safety Committee, Denver, Colorado; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 526-532, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. 184 CRASHWORTHINESS AND BIOMECHANICS OF VEHICLE IMPACT, Nicholas Perrone, Catholic University , Washington, D. C, presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Annual Meeting on Dynamic Response of Biomechanical Systems , New York, N. Y., December 2, 1970, 42 pp., PB 194 820 A POSITION PAPER ON VEHICLE SAFETY, Nicholas Perrone, Catholic University of America , Washington, D. C, September 1970, 45 pp. APPROACHES AND TRENDS IN AUTOMATIC SPEED CONTROLS, J. T. Ball, Chrysler Corp. , presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Detroit Section, Detroit, Mich., March 14, 1966, SAE Report No. 670195, 9 pp. AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH ENGINEERING ANALYSIS OF THE DESIGN POTENTIALS FOR REDUCING INJURY, Roy Haeusler, Chrysler Corporation , Engineering Div., Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 76-82, University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. COMPUTER IMPLEMENTED DESIGN OF AUTOMOBILE INTERIORS, C. E. Austin, R. A. Brauburger & S. C. Kansal, Chrysler Corp . , Advance Body-Electrical Design Dept., Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 116-125, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. y. CONSUMER'S GUIDE TO AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY FEATURES, Chrysler Corporation , Automotive Safety Engineering Office, Detroit, Mich., 1961, 26 pp. THE DESIGN ENGINEER AND THE VEHICLE, R. A. Brauberger, Chrysler Corp. , Advance Body Electrical Design, Detroit, Mich., presented at the American Society of Body Engineers, Inc. Twentieth Annual Technical Convention, Cobo Hall, Detroit, October 6, 7, 8, 1965, 6 pp., 7 figs. INSTRUMENT PANEL IMPACT CHARACTERISTIC STUDIES--G LOADINGS, AND FORCE-DEFLECTION ANALYSES, Charles E. Austin, George 0. Buesking, Jack B. Lutz, Chrysler Corporation , Engineering Office, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690067, 60 pp. SAE TEST PROCEDURE FOR INSTRUMENT PANELS --AN IMPACT PENDULUM FOR TESTING SAFETY CHARACTERISTICS OF PADDED INSTRUMENT PANELS AND OTHER PASSENGER COMPARTMENT COMPONENTS, A. M. Hansen, Chrysler Corp ., Engineering Office, Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 265-276, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. VEHICLE ROLLOVER DYNAMICS PREDICTION BY MATHEMATICAL MODEL, J. E. Ford & J. E. Thompson, Chrysler Corporation , Product Planning & Development Staff, Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 191-200, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. VISION, MAN, VEHICLE AND HIGHWAY, Paul L. Connolly , Bloomfield Hills, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 122-149, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. VISUAL CONSIDERATIONS OF MAN, THE VEHICLE, AND THE HIGHWAY, Ingeborg Schmidt, Indiana University, Div. of Optometry, Bloomington, Ind., & Paul L. Connolly ; Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SAE Report No. SP-279, March 1966, 86 pp. PASSENGER CAR DESIGN AND HIGHWAY SAFETY — PROCEEDINGS OF A CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH, Association for the Aid of Crippled Children, New York, N. Y.; & Consumers Union of U. S., Inc., Mount Vernon, N. Y., 1962, 290 pp. AUTOMOBILE SIDE IMPACTS AND RELATED INJURIES, Mordecai Friedberg, John W. Garrett & Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Cornell-Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7098, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2721-R8, December 1969, 82 pp. AUTOMOBILE STRUCTURAL CRASHWORTHINESS, Raymond R. McHenry & Patrick M. Miller, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Transportation Research Dept., Buffalo, N. Y.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 913-926; SAE Report No. 700412 BASIC RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE CRASHWORTHINESS--ANALYTICAL STUDIES, Richard P. Mayor, Calvin M. Theiss & Dieterich J. Schuring, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6918, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Wash., D. C, Interim Tech. Report CAL YB-2684-V-5, November 1969, 120 pp. BASIC RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE CRASHWORTHINESS --SUMMARY REPORT, Patrick M. Miller & Richard P. Mayor, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6918, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2684-V-6, November 1969, 126 pp. BASIC RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE CRASHWORTHINESS--TESTING AND EVALUATION OF ENGINE DEFLECTION CONCEPT, Patrick M. Miller & Richard P. Mayor, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6918, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Wash., D. C, Interim Tech. Report CAL YB-2684-V-2, November 1969, 126 pp. BASIC RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE CRASHWORTHINESS"TESTING AND EVALUATION OF FORWARD STRUCTURE MODIFICATION CONCEPT, Patrick M. Miller & Kenneth N. Naab, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6918, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2684-V-1, September 1969, 103 pp. BASIC RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE CRASHWORTHINESS-- TESTING AND EVALUATION OF MODIFICATIONS FOR SIDE IMPACTS, Richard P. Mayor & Kenneth N. Naab, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Incorporated , Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6918, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Interim Technical Report, CAL Report No. YB-2684-V-3, November 1969, 144 pp. BASIC RESEARCH INTO CRASHWORTHINESS OF VEHICLE STRUCTURES, Richard P. Mayor, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11- 6668, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2498-V-1, July 1968, 226 pp. 185 AN EVALUATION OF DOOR LOCK EFFECTIVENESS: PRE- 1956 VS. POST-1955 AUTOMOBILES, John W. Garrett, Cornell University, Automotive Crash Injury, Analysis Branch, New York, N. Y.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 20-31, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. A FIRST LO0K--DIFFERENCES IN INJURIES IN 1968 AND PRE-1968 AUTOMOBILES, John W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Automotive Crash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers West Coast Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., August 12-15, 1968, SAE Report 680542, 29 pp. FULL-SCALE CRASH TESTS OF RIGID SIMULATED HEAVY VEHICLE UNDERRIDE GUARD, Norman J. DeLeys & Kenneth N. Naab, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7317, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C., CAL Report No. VJ-2844-V-1, March 1970, 75 pp. OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN VEHICLE INTERIOR RECOMMENDED PROGRAMS, R. H. Dufort & R. A. Wolf, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6574, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, CAL Report No. YB-2500-V-1, October 1967, 92 pp. A PROGRAM PLAN FOR INVESTIGATING WARRANTS FOR SAFETY STANDARDS ON MOTOR VEHICLE SPEED, Rodolfo D. Vergara, Cornell University, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6529, prepared for Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, CAL Report No. VJ-2494-V-2, September 1967, 68 pp. RESEARCH IN IMPACT PROTECTION OF AUTOMOBILE OCCUPANTS, Ronald I. Herman, Jaakko K. Kihlberg, Harry W. Johnson, John S. Patten, Richard P. Mayor, Raymond R. McHenry, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6955, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Wash., D. C, CAL Report No. VJ-2672-V-1, July 1969, 216 pp. A STUDY OF ROLLOVER IN RURAL UNITED STATES AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS, John W. Garrett, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Automotive Crash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 47-71, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. A STUDY OF VOLKSWAGEN ACCIDENTS IN THE UNITED STATES, John W. Garrett 5. Arthur Stern, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Automotive Crash Injury Research, Buffalo, N. Y., prepared for Volkswagen of America, Inc. CAL Report No. VJ-1823-R32, November 1968, 112 pp. TRUCK ACCIDENTS AND TRAFFIC SAFETY- -AN OVERVIEW, Robert A. Wolf, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680491, 19 pp. COMPREHENSIVE VEHICLE SAFETY DEVELOPMENT, DAIMLER-BENZ A. G., Karl Wilfert, Daimler-Benz, A. G .; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 94-115, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. INSPECTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR ACCIDENT -CAUSING DEFECTS, Wolfgang Rosig, Deutscher Kraf tfahrzeug Uberwachungs Verein e. V ., Germany; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 407-444; SAE Report No. 700382 AUTOMOTIVE REAR VISION, Charles R. Kelley, Dunlap and Associates, Inc ., Western Division, Santa Monica, Calif. 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 690-703; SAE Report No. 700396 MOTOR VEHICLE REAR VISION, Charles R. Kelley & Daniel J. Prosin, Dunlap & Associates, Inc ., Western Div., Santa Monica, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6951, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 194 pp. PREVENTION OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM IGNITION OF AUTOMOTIVE CRASH FIRE, Clifford I. Gatlin & Neva B. Johnson, Dynamic Science, Phoenix, Ariz., Contract No. FH-11-7347, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. VvSER 2310/20-70-7, March 1970, 161 pp. AUTOMOTIVE SUSPENSION BUMPERS--A CORRELATION OF PARAMETERS AFFECTING IMPACT RESPONSE AND A TECHNIQUE FOR ACHIEVING EFFECTIVE DESIGN, Donald F. Kruse, Enlay Polymer Labs. , Linden, N. J.; & Richard C. Edwards, Enjay Chemical Co., Elizabeth, N. J., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680471, 35 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE STANDARDS FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION, L. M. Krasner, Factory Mutual Research Corporation , Norwood, Mass., Contract No. FH-11-6897, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. FMRC Serial No. 18696, January 1970, 28 pp. FUEL TANK PR0TECTI0N--AN INVESTIGATION OF FUEL, EXHAUST AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AS RELATED TO POST CRASH FIRE SAFETY, Fairchlld Hiller , Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6919, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. FHR 3771, June 30, 1969, 185 pp., PB 191 148 INVESTIGATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR CRASHWORTHINESS OF VEHICLE STRUCTURE, N. Nissel, Fairchlld Hiller Corporation , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6575, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Midterm Progress Report FHR 3040-14, September 29, 1967, 48 pp. INVESTIGATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR FUEL TANK PROTECTION, Fairchlld Hiller , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y., Contract No. FH- 11-6608, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C., September 29, 1967, 72 pp., PB 177 690 INVESTIGATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN VEHICLE INTERIOR, Fairchlld Hiller Corp . , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6590, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C. Report No. 144, September 1967, 355 pp. 186 EVALUATION OF VARIOUS PADDING MATERIALS FOR CRASH PRO- TECTION, John J. Swearingen, Federal Aviation Agency . Office of Aviation Medicine, Civil Aeromedlcal Insti- tute, Oklahoma City, Okla., Report No. AM 66-40, December 1966,3 pp., 3 figures BEHAVIOR OF A SPECIFIC BODY STRUCTURE IN CRASH TESTING, F. Cornacchia, Flat, S.p.A. , Car Engineering Dept., Turin, Italy; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 946-952; SAE Report No. 700415 THE CRASH SURVIVAL SPACE, E. Franchini, Fiat Auto- Avlo, Research Labs., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690005, 9 pp. TRUCK CRASH TESTING, E. Franchini, Flat , Research Laboratories; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 901-912; SAE Report No. 700411 MEDICAL-ENGINEERING PANEL: THE STORY OF AN ACCIDENT, Harold A. Fenner, Jr., American Medical Association; W. Jack Ruby, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich.; Donald F. Huelke, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. & Arnold Siegel, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety, pp. 223-244, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. PROGRESS IN SAFE VEHICLE DESIGN, R. H. Fredericks, Ford Motor Co. , Vehicle Safety Section, Dearborn, Mich. The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 225-240, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. SAE TEST PROCEDURE FOR STEERING WHEELS, R. H. Fredericks, Ford Motor Co . , Safety Engineering Dept., Engineering Staff, Dearborn, Mich.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 261-263, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. A NEW LOOK AT FUEL SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA, S. Harry Robertson, Flight Safety Foundation Inc ., Aviation Safety Engineering & Research, Phoenix, Ariz.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 175-186, Society of Automotivt Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. A SIMULATION OF THE DYNAMIC PROPRIETIES OF ENERGY ABSORBING MATERIALS, William R. S. Fan, Ford Motor Company , Automotive Safety Research Office, Dearborn, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1075-1083; SAE Report No. 700425 INTERIOR SAFETY OF VEHICLES, J. P. De Coster, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches pour la Securlte Routlere, Bruxelles, Belgium; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1211-1213; SAE Report No. 700433 THE TOTAL SAFETY FACTOR IN PRODUCT DESIGN, Harley Copp, Ford Motor Company, Ltd . ; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash & Injury Prevention, July 11 & 12, 1966, pp. 96-104, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England A BIO-ENGINEERING APPROACH TO CRASH PADDING, Roger P. Daniel, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presentee at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680001, 10 pp. DESIGN ASPECTS OF AUTOMOBILE SAFETY, A. L. Haynes, Ford Motor Co. , Product Research Engineering & Resaarch Staff, Dearborn, Mich.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 166-173, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. ENGINEERING TO MEET FEDERAL VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS, Harold C. MacDonald, Ford Motor Co . , Product Develop- ment Group, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Detroit Section, October 9, 1967, SAE Report No. 680193, 7 pp. FIELD STUDIES OF ROLLOVER PERFORMANCE, G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham, Department of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; & I. D. Tampen, Ford Motor Company , Vehicle Safety Research, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 969-977; SAE Report No. 700417 FORD "S" FRAME, N. Baracos & A. Rhodes, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690004, 22 pp. VEHICLE INTERIOR SAFETY CONSTRAINT SYSTEMS, Roger P. Daniel, Ford Motor Company , Automotive Safety Research Office, Dearborn, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society. of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1046-1056; SAE Report No. 700423 BARRIER COLLISION AND RELATED IMPACT SLED TESTS ON BUSES IN INTERCITY SERVICE, Donald J. LaBelle, General Motors , Truck & Coach Div., Pontlac, Mich.; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 46-53, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. COLLISION SIMULATION USING THE GM PROVING GROUND IMPACT SLED, D. L. Veenstra, General Motors Corporation , Proving Ground Section, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680482, 12 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF CRASH RESEARCH TECHNIQUES AT THE GENERAL MOTORS PROVING GROUND, K. A. Stonex, General Motors Engineering Staff, Technical Liaison Section, Warren, Mich.; & P. C. Skeels, General Motors Proving Ground, Engineering Services, Milford, Mich.; National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, Highway Research Record No. 4, 1963, pp. 32-49 INSTRUMENT PANEL IMPACT STUDY, Roger P. Daniel, Ford Motor Co . , Detroit, Mich.; L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 165-179, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. THE GENERAL MOTORS ENERGY ABSORBING COLUMN, Donald P. Marguis, General Motors Corp ., Saginaw Steering Gear Div., Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670039, 13 pp. 187 THE GENERAL MOTORS ENERGY ABSORBING STEERING COLUMN, Paul C. Skeels, General Motors Corp ., General Motors Proving Ground, Warren, Mich.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 1-13, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. A LOOK AT AUTOMOTIVE PROVING GROUND INSTRUMENTATION, Paul C. Skeels, General Motors Proving Ground , Milford, Mich.; presented at the Summer Instrument- Automation Conference & Exhibit, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 5-8, 1961, Preprint No. 4-TC-61, 21 pp. GLARE AND DRIVER VISION REPORT, Merrill J. Allen, Indiana University , Bloomington, Ind., Contract No. FH-11-6550, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, January 22, 1969, 62 pp. VISUAL CONSIDERATIONS OF MAN , THE VEHICLE, AND THE HIGHWAY, Ingeborg Schmidt, Indiana Uni versity. Div. of Optometry, Bloomington, Ind., & Paul L. Connolly; Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SAE Report No. SP-279, March 1966, 86 pp. MANAGEMENT OF AN AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY ENGINEERING PROGRAM, K. A. Stonex, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich.] 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 38-44; SAE Report No. 700355 THE VISUAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE MODERN AUTOMOBILE, Merrill J. Allen, Indiana University , Bloomington, Ind.; Proc . Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 118-121, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. PASSENGER CAR INSTRUMENT PANEL HAVING IMPROVED ENERGY ABSORBING CHARACTERISTICS, Vernon D. Halliday, Harry G. Holcombe, Donald R. Hoover & Ben C. Parr, General Motors Corp ., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680478, POST OFFICE VEHICLE CRASH STUDY, James C. Gilkey, U. S. Post Office Department, Washington, D. C; 6. Robert A. Rogers, General Motors Corporation , Proving Ground, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670025, 15 pp. SIDE IMPACT STRUCTURES, C. E. Hedeen & D . D . Campbell, General Motors Corp ., Fisher Body Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690003, 5 pp. VEHICLE CRASH RESEARCH AND MANUFACTURING EXPERIENCE, L. C. Lundstrom, General Motors Corporation, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers West Coast Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., August 12- 15, 1968, SAE Report 680543, 8 pp. THE LOW SPEED CRASH TESTS--SOME SURPRISES, John T. Holloway, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety , Research Division, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, D. C, June 9-10, 1970, pp. 215-228 VEHICLE DESIGN LOSS FACTORS: THE CRASH TESTS OF 1970 MODELS, John T. Holloway, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety , Research Division, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, D. C, June 9-10, 1970, pp. 161-169 MOTOR VEHICLE OWNER MAINTENANCE PRACTICES, H. L. Henderson, J. J. Dunstone, P. I. Hettich, W. R. Hartsough, N. A. Carter & R. G. Wanschura, Intext , Transportation Research Div., Scranton, Pa., Contract No. FH-11-6939, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, April 1970, 201 pp., PB 194 513 VEHICLE-IN-USE SAFETY STANDARDS— ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF DIAGNOSTIC TESTS OF AUTOMOBILES AND THEIR RELATION TO VEHICLE-IN-USE SAFETY, PART II, Eugene R. Christie, John I. Thompson & Company , Rockville, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6928, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, November 13, 1970, 100 pp. VEHICLE CRUSH AND OCCUPANT BEHAVIOR, D. E. Martin & C. K. Kroell, General Motors Corp. , Research Labs., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670034, 42 pp. FEDERAL PROGRAM OF AUTOMOTIVE STANDARDS, H. A. Abersfeller, General Services Administration , Federal Supply Service, Washington, D. C; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 287-300, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. HUMAN ENGINEERING DESIGN OF A COMBINED BRAKE- ACCELERATOR PEDAL, S. Konz, G. Kalra & B. Koe, Kansas State University , Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Manhattan, Kansas, presented at 9th Annual Symposium on Human Factors In Electronics, Washington, D. C, May 7, 1968, 34 pp. THE ITALIAN WAY TO SAFETY, Mario Bencini, Lancia , Turin, Italy, presented at an Ordinary Meeting of the Automobile Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Unione Industriale, Turin, Italy, June 19, 1970, 6 pp.; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers , Vol. 184, Part 2A, 1969-70, 6 pp. GLARE AND DRIVER VISION, Howard W. Stoudt, Thomas J. Crowley, Barry Gruber, Anthony J. Morandi, Ernst Wolf, Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, Mass., Contract No. FH-11-6904, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, January 1970, 89 pp. STEERING WHEEL IMPACT, Murray Burnstine, Harvard University . Harvard Medical School, Dept. of Legal Medicine; Impact Acceleration Stress — A Symposium, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D. C, Publication 977, 1962, pp. 135-139 AUTOMOBILE -CRASH INJURIES, Charles A. Goodwin, Liberty Mutual Insurance Co ., Boston, Mass.; reprint Highway Research Board Bulletin 120 , 1956, pp. 46-54 MOTOR VEHICLE INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL LOCATION, ACCESSIBILITY AND IDENTIFICATION, W. E. Woodson, D. W. Conover, G. E. Miller & P. H. Selby, Man Factors , Incorporated, San Diego, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6907, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report MFI 69-106, July 1969, 311 pp. 188 MOTOR VEHICLE STANDARDS COST ESTIMATING SYSTEM, Management Software Development Corp ., Washington, D. C. Contract No. FH-11-6914, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 16, 1969, 434 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE STANDARDS COST ESTIMATING SYSTEM, VOLUME II, COST ESTIMATES, Management Software Development Corp ., Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6914, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 16, 1969, 69 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE STANDARDS COST ESTIMATING SYSTEM, VOLUME III, APPENDICES, Management Software Development Corp ., Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6914, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 16, 1969, 89 pp. ESSAIS DE COLLISION SUR DES MAQUETTES DE VEHICLES A L'ECHELLE (TESTS ON COLLISIONS FOR SCALE MODELS OF VEHICLES), A. Morelll , presented at the Sociedad de Technicos de Automocion XII Congres International des Techniques de l'Automobile, Federation Inter- nationale des Societes d'Ingenieurs des Techniques de l'Automobile, Barcelona, Spain, May 19-25, 1968; translated by National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, 14 pp. SAFETY LAST— AN INDICTMENT OF THE AUTO INDUSTRY, Jeffrey O'Connell & Arthur Myers ; Published by Random House, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1966, 226 pp. UNSAFE AT ANY SPEED— THE DESIGNED-IN DANGERS OF THE AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE, Ralph Nader , Published by Grossman Publishers, Inc., New York, N. Y. , 1965, 365 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE STANDARDS COST ESTIMATING SYSTEM, VOLUME IV, MVSPS COST ESTIMATOR'S GUIDE, Management Software Development Corp ., Washington, D. C, Contract No., FH-11-6914, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 16, 1969, 95 pp. EVALUATION OF DIRECT VISIBILITY FOR AUTOMOTIVE PASSENGER VEHICLES BY A FIGURE OF MERIT, Richard L. Barnoskl, John R. Maurer & B. Andrew Kugler, Measurement Analysis Corp . , Marina Del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6893, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 65 pp. EVALUATION OF DIRECT VISIBILITY FOR AUTOMOTIVE PASSENGER VEHICLES BY A FIGURE OF MERIT --APPENDICES, Richard L. Barnoski, John R. Maurer & B. Andrew Kugler, Measurement Analysis Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif. Contract No. FH-11-6893, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 144 pp. VEHICLE HANDLING, ACCELERATION, AND SPEED MAINTENANCE, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, A. D. St. John & W. D. Glauz, Midwest Research Institute , Kansas City, Mo., Contract No. FH-11-6908, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, National Highway Safety Institute, Washington, D. C, MRI Project No. 3225-E, June 25, 1968 - June 27, 1969, 16 pp. VEHICLE HANDLING, ACCELERATION, AND SPEED MAINTENANCE, TECHNICAL VOLUME, A. D. St. John & W. D. Glauz, Midwest Research Institute , Kansas City, Mo., Contract No. FH 11-6908, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, National Highway Safety Institute, Washington, D. C, MRI Project No. 3225-E, June 25, 1968 - June 27, 1969, 207 pp. THE MEASURE OF A SAFER BUS, National Association Motor Bus Owners , Washington, D. C, 19 pp. THE ROLE OF NBS IN MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY RESEARCH, Paul J. Brown, National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Joint Meeting of Washington, Baltimore & Virginia Sections, April 18, 1967, SAE Report 670204, 3 pp. TO SAVE YOUR LIFE, Paul Brown, National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Washington, D. C, Proceedings of the 54th National Conference on Weights and Measures 1969, U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, June 9-13, 1969, NBS Special Publication 318, November 1969, pp. 17-24 MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY: THE VEHICLE, G. F. W. McCaffrey, National Research Council of Canada. Ottawa, Canada, Technical Note No. 4, May 1966, 22 pp. POST -ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION OF A 1954 FORD-COACH, G. F. W. McCaffrey, National Research Council of Cana da, Ottawa, Canada, Report LTR-MVA-1, February 7, 1967, 9 pp., 6 figs. DYNAMIC VISIBILITY OF MOTOR VEHICLES, Akira Yamanaka, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.; & Minoru Kobayashi, National Research Institute of Police Science ; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 631-643; SAE Report No. 700393 THE ROLES OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IN MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS- -SPECIAL STUDY, National Transportation Safety Board , Bureau of Surface Transportation Safety, Washington, D. C, Report Number NTSB HSS 70 1, June 3, 1970, 22 pp., PB 191 908 A LEGISLATIVE APPROACH TO AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY, A. J. Mirk In , Cumberland, Md.; reprint World Medical Journal , Vol. 12, No. 5, September-October 1965, pp. 136-138, 156 COMPACT CAR ACCIDENT STUDY, GARDEN STATE PARKWAY: JANUARY 1968 - JUNE 1969, Robert A. Nelson, New Jersey Highway Authority , Garden State Parkway, Woodbridge, N. J., November 7, 1969, 26 pp. DYNAMIC VISIBILITY OF MOTOR VEHICLES, Akira Yamanaka, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. ; & Minoru Kobayashi, National Research Institute of Police Science; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society, of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 631-643; SAE Report No. 700393 LATE MODEL MOTOR VEHICLE DEFECT STUDY, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles , Division of Research & Development, Albany, N. Y., Research Report No. 2, 1963, 9 pp. 189 DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY -ABSORBING STEERING COLUMN ASSEMBLY FOR SMALL PASSENGER CARS, J. Banshoya, H. Okoshi, S. Asano 6. K. Okamoto, Nippon Seiko Kabushlki Kalsha . General Parts Engineering Dept., Japan; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 118-128, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS --SAFETY INDEX—SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION, VOLUME I, E. N. Wells, J. P. Fltzmaurlce, C. E. Guilllams, S. R. Kalin & P. D. Williams, Operations Research, Incorporated , Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6921, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 553, September 12, 1969, 26 pp. DEFOG AND DEFROST SYSTEMS, T. A. Blatt, W. L. Brassert 6. P. L. Duffleld, Northern Research & Engineering Corp. , Cambridge, Mass., Contract No. FH- 11-6906, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, National Highway Safety Institute, Washington, D. C, Report No. 1138-1, June 2, 1969, 318 pp. DEFOG AND DEFROST SYSTEMS—EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, T. A. Blatt, W. L. Brassert & P. L. Duffleld, Northern Research & Engineering Corporation , Cambridge, Mass., Contract No. FH- 11-6906, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, National Highway Safety Institute, Washington, D. C, Report No. 1138-2, July 30, 1969, 35 pp. SAFETY LAST— AN INDICTMENT OF THE AUTO INDUSTRY, Jeffrey O'Connell & Arthur Myers j Published by Random House, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1966, 226 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS— SAFETY INDEX- -DEGRADATION, FAILURE AND CRITICALITY OF MOTOR VEHICLE SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS, VOLUME II, E. N. Wells, J. P. Fitzmaurice, C. E. Guilllams, S. R. Kalin & P. D. Williams, Operations Research, Incorporated , Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6921, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 553, September 12, 1969, 87 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS—SAFETY INDEX— THE IMPACT OF MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION, VOLUME III, E. N. Wells, J. P. Fitzmaurice, C. E. Guilllams, T. L. Shaffer & P. D. Williams, Operations Research, Incorporated , Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6921, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 553, September 12, 1969, 86 pp. EUROPEAN VIEWS ON INTERIOR SAFETY, Bertil Aldman, Official Council on Road Safety Research , Stockholm, Sweden; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 994-999; SAE Report No. 700419 AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY— SUMMARY AND PROGRAM PLAN VOLUME I, H. Eisner, S. R. Kalin, E. N. Wells, & P. D. Williams, Operations Research Inc ., Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6522, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ORI Technical Report 504, HS 800 001, June 30, 1968, 153 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY— QUALITATIVE EVALUATION VOLUME II, H. Eisner, S. R. Kalin, E. N. Wells, 6: P. D. Williams, Operations Research Inc. , Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6522, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ORI Technical Report 504, HS 800 002, June 30, 1968, 76 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY- -QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION VOLUME III, TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS PART I, H. Eisner, S. R. Kalin, E. N. Wells, & P. D. Williams, Operations Research Inc ., Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6522, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Department of Transportation, Washington, D . C ., ORI Technical Report 504, HS 800 003, June 30, 1968, 104 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY— QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION VOLUME IV, ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS PART 2, H. Eisner, S. R. Kalin, E. N. Wells, & P. D. Williams, Operations Research Inc ., Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6522, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, ORI Technical Report 504, HS 800 004, June 30, 1968, 79 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY— APPENDICES VOLUME V, H. Eisner, S. R. Kalin, E. N. Wells, & P. D. Williams, Operations Research Inc .. Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6522, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C. f ORI Technical Report 504, HS 800 005, June 30, 1968, 236 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS— SAFETY INDEX- -VEHICLE COMPONENT RENEWAL SIMULATION: USER'S MANUAL, VOLUME IV, F. Rizzardi 6< P. D. Williams, Operations Research, Incorporated , Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6921, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 553, September 12, 1969, 225 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS— SAFETY INDEX: APPENDICES A-F, VOLUME V, E. N. Wells, J. P. Fitzmaurice, C. E. Guilllams, S. R. Kalin & P. D. Williams, Operations Research, Incorporated , Silver Spring, .Md., Contract No. FH-11-6921, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 553, September 12, 1969, 191 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS— SAFETY INDEX, APPENDICES G-L, VOLUME VI, E. N. Wells, J. P. Fitzmaurice, C. E. Guilliams, S. R. Kalin & P. D. Williams, Operations Research, Incorporated , Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6921, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 553, September 12, 1969, 143 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS --SAFETY INDEX— APPENDICES M-T, VOLUME VII, E. N. Wells, J. P. Fitzmaurice, C. E. Guilllams, S. R. Kalin & P. D. Williams, Operations Research, Incorporated, Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6921, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 553, September 12, 1969, 262 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS— SAFETY INDEX— APPENDICES U-Z, VOLUME VIII, E. N'. Wells, J. P. Fitzmaurice, C. E. Guilliams, S. R. Kalin & P. D. Williams, Operations Research Inc ., Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6921, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 553, September 12, 1969, 57 pp. 190 A STUDY OF GARAGE REPAIR AND DEALER WARRANTY PRACTICES, B. H. Love Joy, R. Woodhead, M. Harmon & T. Howard, Operations Research, Inc ., Sliver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6922, prepared for the U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, ORI Technical Report No. 562, September 26, 1969, 89 pp. ETUDE DETAILLEE D 'ACCIDENTS DE LA ROUTE--II. LES FACTEURS LIES AU CONDUCTEUR ET AU VEHICULE (DETAILED STUDIES OF HIGHWAY ACCIDENTS--II. FACTORS RELATED TO THE DRIVER AND TO THE VEHICLE), P. Duflot & F. Hoffmann, Organlsme National de Se'curite' Routiere , Arcueil (Seine) France, Bulletin No. 5, June 1963, 18 pp. OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN VEHICLE INTERIOR --VOLUME I, (1) STATE-OF-THE-ART j (2) PLAN TO DEVELOP PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, Pioneer Engineering & Manufacturing Co. , Inc. , Wettlaufer Engineering Div., Warren, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6593, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, October 12, 1967, 293 pp. OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN VEHICLE INTERIOR- -VOLUME II-- COST PROPOSAL FOR PHASE II--IMPLEMENTATION OF PLAN TO DEVELOP PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, Pioneer Engineering & Manufacturing Company, Inc ., Wettlaufer Engineering Div., Warren, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6593, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, October 12, 1967, 5 pp. CONTROLLED IMPACT INVESTIGATIONS OF HEAD-ON IMPACTS OF FOUR SIMILAR CARS FROM DIFFERENT SPEEDS AGAINST A RIGID BARRIER, I. D. Neilson, R. N. Kemp, J. W. Wall, & J. Harris, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, RRL Report No. LR 132, 1968, 72 pp., PB 179 866 THE PROBLEM OF WATER THROWN UP BY VEHICLES ON WET ROADS, G. Maycock, Road Research Laboratory , Haraondsworth, England, RRL Report No. 4, 1966, 20 pp., 14 figures PROTECTION OF CAR OCCUPANTS AGAINST SIDE IMPACTS, R. D. Lister & I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, England; Proceedings of the Thirteenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, December 2-4, 1969, pp. 38- 60, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. RESEARCH AT THE ROAD RESEARCH LABORATORY INTO THE PROTECTION OF CAR OCCUPANTS, I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Harmondsworth, England; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 207-219, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. SAFETY CARS—PRINCIPLES GOVERNING THE DESIGN OF CARS AND SAFETY DEVICES, G. Grime, Road Research Lab. , Ministry of Transport, Harmondsworth, England, Report No. 8, 1966, 44 pp. SIMPLE REPRESENTATIONS OF CAR AND UNRESTRAINED OCCUPANT IMPACTS IN ROAD ACCIDENTS, I. D. Neilson, Road Research ljhnrai-nry Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire England, Report No. LR 249, 1969, 38 pp., 30 figs. VISIBILITY FROM THE DRIVER'S SEAT: THE CONSPICUOUSNESS OF VEHICLES, LIGHTS AND SIGNALS, R. L. Moore & H. P. Ruffell Smith, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Ergonomics and Safety in Motor Car Design, Proceedings- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 181, Part 3D, 1966-1967, pp. 56-68 DESIGN FOR SAFETY, H. I. F. Evernden, Rolls-Royce Ltd. , reprint Proceedings, 6th International Congress , pp. 14- 24 SAFETY FEATURES ON THE ROVER 2000, Peter Wilks, The Rover Company, Ltd .; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash and Injury Prevention, July 11 & 12, 1966, pp. 86-95," Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England A COMPARISON OF PLANE AND CONVEX REARVIEW MIRRORS FOR PASSENGER AUTOMOBILES, George E. Rowland, Carl A. Silver Samuel C. Volinsky, Joseph S. Behrman, Norman F. Nichols 6. William F. Clisham Jr., Rowland & Company , Incorporated, Haddonfleld, N. J., Contract No. FH-11- 7382, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, August 1970, 154 pp. IS MOLDED PLASTISOL MEETING AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS? H. W. Weinberg & A. F. Reilly, She Her Manufacturing Corp ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670005, 4 pp. INVENTORY OF SAE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE STANDARDS, RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND CURRENT PROJECTS RELATED TO MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY, Society of Automotive Engineers , Inc ., New York, N. Y., March 1970, 33 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY—POTENTIALS FOR PROGRESS, Society of Automotive Engineers, Incorporated , New York, N. Y., prepared for Presidential Task Force on Highway Safety, Washington, D. C, December 1, 1969, 193 pp. 1969 PASSENGER-CAR ENGINEERING TRENDS, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc ., New York, N. Y., SP-343; SAE Journal, Vol. 76, No. 10, October 1968, pp. 29-60 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS AND VEHICLE CRASHES, VOLUME I: SUMMARY REPORT, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-7302, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1970, 30 pp. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS AND VEHICLE CRASHES, VOLUME II: TECHNICAL REPORT, David N. Schmidt, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-7302, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1970, 219 pp. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS AND VEHICLE CRASHES, VOLUME III: AN INVESTIGATOR'S GUIDE, Stanford Research Institute , Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-7302, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1970, 192 pp. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS AND VEHICLE CRASHES, VOLUME IV: CASE SUMMARIES, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-7302, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 197.0, 183 pp. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VEHICLE DEFECTS AND VEHICLE CRASHES, VOLUME V: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY, Mary Ann Robertson, Stanford Research Institute , Menlo Park, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-7302, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1970, 90 pp. 191 THE AVANTI BY STUDEBAKER, E. J. Hardig & M. P. deBlumenchal, Studebaker Corp ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 14-18, 1963, SAE Report No. 611A, 16 pp. MOTOR VEHICLES: POINTS TO WATCH--SEPARATE ACCOUNT OF THE FAULTS IN 1965 MODELS, AB Svensk Bllprovning, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1968, 124 pp. CONVEX SAFETY MIRRORS, U. S. Air Force, 2850th Air Base Wing (AMC), Brookley Air Force Base, Ala., Report No. MB-64-15, RCS: 3-AFLC E-48, July 1, 1965, 7 pp. 4 figs. CONVEX SAFETY MIRRORS, U. S. Air Force , Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, 4th Tactical Fighter Wing (TAC), N. C, Report No. MJ-64-15, RCS: 3-AFLC-E-48, July 1, 1965, 12 pp., 10 figures SAFETY FOR THE DISABLED AND THE AGED IN TRAFFIC, Arnold Torell, Swedish Road Federation , Stockholm, Sweden; Proceedings of the Second Congress of the International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine — Volume II, Stockholm, Sweden, August 9-12, 1966, pp. 35-42 IMPACT ATTENUATION FOR OCCUPANTS OF MOTOR VEHICLES, John P. Stapp, U. S. Air Force, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D. C.j Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 317-320, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. SAFETY AND COMMERCIAL VEHICLE DESIGN, J. M. Dickson-Simpson, Transport Press Services , London, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings, of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 124-132, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England ESTIMATING THE EFFECTS OF CRASH PHASE INJURY COUNTERMEASURES , H. C. Joksch &. H. Wuerdemann, Travelers Research Corporation , Hartford, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-7228, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 1970, 147 pp. USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS—FINAL REPORT--DATA, Jonas Beraru, TRW Systems Group , Redondo Beach, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6938, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 11786-6003-RO-00, October 6, 1969 USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS— FINAL REPORT—SUMMARY, Jonas Beraru, TRW Systems Group , Redondo Beach, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6938, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 11786-6001-RO-00, October 6, 1969, 34 pp. USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS --FINAL REPORT—TECHNICAL, Jonas Beraru, TRW Systems Group, Redondo Beach, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6938, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 11786-6002-RO-OO, October 6, 1969, 369 pp. DE L'EFFET DES DISPOSITIFS DE PROTECTION DITS "BAVETTES" SUR LES PROTECTIONS D'EAU DES VEHICULES AUTOMOBILES (CONCERNING THE EFFECT OF PROTECTIVE DEVICES CALLED "FENDERFLAPS" ON THE PROJECTION OF WATER BY MOTOR-VEHICLES), E. Chapoux, Union Technique de 1'Automoblle, du Motocycle et du Cycle ; Technical Aspects of Road Safety Bulletin d'Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A., No. 32, December 1967, pp. 2.1-2.30, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securite' Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor ETUDE DE LA VISIBILITE AU SOL DANS LES VEHICULES AUTOMOBILES (STUDY OF VISIBILITY FROM AUTOMOBILES), E. Chapoux, Union Technique de 1'Automoblle, du Motocycle et du Cycle , prepared for Organlsme National de Securite Routiere, Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 7, June 1963, 12 pp. ETUDE DES PROJECTIONS DE GRAVILLONS PAR LES VEHICULES AUTOMOBILES (STUDY OF THE PROJECTION OF GRAVEL BY AUTOMOBILES), H. Le Guen, Union Technique de 1'Automoblle. du Motocycle et du Cycle , prepared for Organlsme National de Securite Routiere, Arcueil (Seine) Trance, Bulletin No. 9, May 1964, 14 pp. KOMPENSATOR 5TH WHEEL, Headquarters, 310th Strategic Aerospace Wing, U. S. Air Force , Schilling Air Force Base, Kansas, Report No. MS 63-3, RCS: 3-AFLC E-48, October 31, 1963, 7 pp., 2 figs. DYNAMIC TESTING OF VEHICLES FOR SAFETY, Lawrence G. Harshfield, U. S. Army Tank-Automotive Command , Center Line, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Combined Farm Construction & Industrial Machinery, Powerplant, & Transportation Meetings, Milwaukee, Wis., September 9- 12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680557, 3 pp. REPORT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INITIAL FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS ISSUED JANUARY 31, 1967, U. S. Department of Commerce , National Traffic Safety Agency, Washington, D. C, March 17, 1967, 124 pp. ANALYSIS OF DEFECTIVE VEHICLE ACCIDENTS OF MOTOR CARRIERS--1959-1962, U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Washington, D. C, 21 pp. 1969 ANALYSIS OF MOTOR CARRIER ACCIDENTS INVOLVING VEHICLE DEFECTS OR MECHANICAL FAILURE, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Washington, D. C, 18 pp. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS, H. M. Jacklin, Jr., U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Motor Vehicle Programs, Washington, D. C, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. Report No. 700653 THE ISSUES OF COMPLYING WITH FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS, Francis Armstrong, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineer- ing Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690147, 6 pp. MAXIMUM SAFE SPEED FOR MOTOR VEHICLES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Office of Research & Program Synthesis, Washington," D. C, NHSB Staff Report, January 31, 1969, 81 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION, Robert Brenner, Lynn Bradford & George Parker, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 382-406; SAE Report No. 700380 192 MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY DEFECT RECALL CAMPAIGNS—REPORTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, September 9, 1966 - PERFORMANCE DATA FOR NEW PASSENGER CARS AND MOTORCYCLES- CONSUMER INFORMATION SERIES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1970, 304 pp. PLANNING FOR QUALITY IN MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS, H. M. Jacklin, Jr., U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Motor Vehicle Safety Performance Service, Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers, International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690145, 11 pp. DISTRIBUZIONE DELLE MASSE DI UN AUTOVEICOLO E SICUREZZA NELL'URTO (DISTRIBUTION OF VEHICLE MASSES AND COLLISION SAFETY), G. Mazzuolo, Universita dl Napoli , Istituto di Tecnica ed Economia del Trasportl, Naples, Italy; ATA , Vol. 43, No. 5, May 1965, 11 pp. SULL'URTO FRONTALE DI UN AUTOVEICOLO (VEHICLE HEAD-ON COLLISIONS), G. Mazzuolo, Universita dl Napoli , Istituto di Tecnica ed Economia del Trasporti, Naples, Italy; ATA, Vol. 43, No. 2, February 1965, 11 pp. PEDESTRIAN SURVIVAL, G. A. Ryan & A. J. McLean, University of Adelaide , Adelaide, South Australia; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 321-334, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY BUREAU PRIORITIES SEMINAR, VOLUME VIII--COMPLIANCE, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, held at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18- 20, 1969, 34 pp., PB 186 275 PROGRAM PLAN FOR MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS, U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Motor Vehicle Programs, Washington, D. C June 1970, 153 pp , PB 193 497 PROGRAM PLAN FOR MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS: 1970-1972, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Revised September 1, 1970, 149 pp., PB 196 093 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS IN SUPPORT OF THE RULE-MAKING PROCESS, John T. Holloway, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, National Highway Safety Institute, Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690146, 7 pp. CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF ROAD ACCIDENTS, PART III--THE VEHICLES, G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham , Department of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Road Accident Research Unit, Birmingham, England, Departmental Publication No. 33, June 1969, 135 pp. FIELD STUDIES OF ROLLOVER PERFORMANCE, G. M. Mackay, University of Birmingham , Department of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; & I. D. Tampen, Ford Motor Company, Vehicle Safety Research, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 969-977; SAE Report No. 700417 SOME ASPECTS OF TRAFFIC INJURY IN URBAN ROAD ACCIDENTS, G. Murray Mackay & C. P. de Fonseka, University of Birmingham , Dept. of Transportation & Environmental Planning, Birmingham, England; 11th Stapp Car Crash- Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 70-78, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. ACCIDENTAL MOTORIST EJECTION AND DOOR LATCHING SYSTEMS, Arthur G. Gross, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, January 1964, SAE Report No. 817A, 16 pp. SAFETY FOR MOTOR VEHICLES IN USE--A REPORT TO THE CONGRESS FROM THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION, Alan S. Boyd, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, June 1968, 107 pp. SOME TRENDS AND VIEWS ON NEW CAR AND USED CAR SAFETY PERFORMANCE STANDARDS, Robert Brenner, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, presented at the Detroit Section, Regional Meeting, Society of Automotive Engineers, Toledo, Ohio, April 15, 1968, 18 pp. FRONT VISIBILITY STUDY--POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLES, U. S. Post Office Department , Automotive Div., Washington, D. C, April 1964, 14 pp. POST OFFICE VEHICLE CRASH STUDY, James C. Gilkey, U. S. Post Office Department , Washington, D. C; & Robert A. Rogers, General Motors Corporation, Proving Ground, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670025, 15 pp. SAFETY STUDY \ - TON VEHICLE, U. S. Post Office Department, Automotive Div., Washington, D. C, 1966, 21 pp. January ACTIVE VERSUS PASSIVE MOTORIST RESTRAINTS, Derwyn M. Severy, Harrison M. Brink, Jack D. Baird, 6. David M. Blalsdell, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1057-1074; SAE Report No. 700424 THE AUTO- PEDESTRIAN COLLISION PROBLEM, Derwyn Severy, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash & Injury Prevention, July 11 & 12, 1966, pp. 45-52, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England COLLISION PERFORMANCE OF THE MOTORIST'S COMPARTMENT, Derwyn M. Severy, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Dept. of Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proc . Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 247-271, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. GLARE AND DRIVER VISION, D. M. Finch, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Vehicle Technology Facility, Berkeley, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6549, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, November 1968, 140 pp. 193 MEDICAL-ENGINEERING PANEL: THE STORY OF AN ACCIDENT, Harold A. Fenner, Jr., American Medical Association; W. Jack Ruby, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich.; Donald F. Huelke, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. & Arnold Siegel, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety, pp. 223-244, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. PASSENGER PROTECTION FROM FRONT-END IMPACTS, Derwyn M. Severy, Harrison M. Brink & Jack D. Baird, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Dept. of Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690068, 46 pp. VEHICLE DESIGN FOR PASSENGER PROTECTION FROM HIGH- SPEED REAR-END COLLISIONS, Derwyn M. Severy, Harrison M. Brink & Jack D. Baird, University of California, Institute of Transportation 6c Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Twelfth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 22-23, 1968, pp. 94-163, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. VEHICLE EXTERIOR SAFETY, Derwyn M. Severy, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1195-1210; SAE Report No. 700432 THE STATE OF THE ART OF SAFETY IN DESIGN—CONTINENTAL PRACTICE, F. P. Malschaert, University of Ghent , Belgium, Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 15-33, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England THE INFLUENCE OF PERIODIC MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION ON MECHANICAL CONDITION, Robert W. McCutcheon 5. Harold W. Sherman, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., July 1968, 68 pp., PB 182 346 MEDICAL-ENGINEERING PANEL: THE STORY OF AN ACCIDENT, Harold A. Fenner, Jr., American Medical Association; W. Jack Ruby, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich.; Donald F. Huelke, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. & Arnold Siegel, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif.; Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety , pp. 223-244, American Association for Automotive Medicine, Sacramento, Calif. THE HYDRAULIC BUMPER--AUTOMATIC SEAT BELT PACKAGE ON GROUND VEHICLES, James J. Ryan, University of Minnesota , Minneapolis, Minn.; 11th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, October 10-11, 1967, pp. 68- 69, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. REDUCTION IN CRASH FORCES, James J. Ryan, University of Minnesota , Automotive Safety Research Project, Minneapolis, Minn.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961. pp. 48-89, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. REDUCTION IN CRASH FORCES, James J. Ryan & James R. Tobias, University of Minnesota , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Minneapolis, Minn.; Proceed- ings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 413-419, Nolte Center for Con- tinuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. ROAD ACCIDENTS, Eberhard Gbgler, University of Heidelberg , Surgical Clinic, Heidelberg, Germany, Documenta Geigy, Series Chirurgica Geigy No. 5, 1962, 176 pp. ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS OF THE PERFORMANCE CHARAC- TERISTICS OF ENERGY ABSORBING STEERING COLUMNS, Donald F. Huelke & William A. Chewning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690184, 15 pp. CRASH PERFORMANCES OF THE NEW AUTOMOBILE SAFETY FEATURES, Donald F. Huelke 4. William A. Chewning, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; reprint Pre-Crash Factors in Traffic Safety ; 12th Annual Symposium, October 17-18, 1968, pp. 97-115 MEDICAL ENGINEERING ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, John D. States, University of Rochester , School of Medicine 6i Dentistry, Rochester, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6796, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1, 1968 - June 30, 1969, 85 pp., PB 192 401 VEHICLE DETERIORATION ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION, John D. States & John C. Balcerak, University of Rochester , School of Medicine, Research Accident Investigation, Rochester, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-7329, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, VDS-Technical-1, July 1, 1969 - June 30, 1970, 206 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY DEFECT RECALL CAMPAIGNS, Volkswagen of America, Inc ., Englewood Cliffs, N. J. January 1, 1968-March 31, 1968, 204 pp., PB 178 521 THE ENERGY-ABSORBING STEERING C0LUMN--A STUDY OF COLLISION PERFORMANCE IN FATAL AND NONFATAL ACCIDENTS, Donald F. Huelke & William A. Chewning, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Report No. Blo-7, 1968, 55 pp. SYSTEMATIC AUTOMOBILE DESIGN FOR PEDESTRIAN INJURY PREVENTION, Henry H. Wake land . Automotive Consultant, New York, N. Y.; The Fifth Stapp Automotive Crash & Field Demonstration Conference, September 14-16, 1961, pp. 193-218, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. EXPERIMENTAL SIMULATIONS OF SECONDARY COLLISIONS INSIDE THE VEHICLE, Donald Huelke, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich.; Proceedings of the Conference on Vehicle Crash & Injury Prevention, July 11 & 12, 1966, pp. 43-44, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders, Ltd., London, England THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CURRENT METHODS AND SYSTEMS USED TO REDUCE INJURY, William A. Lange 6. Donald J. Van Kirk, Wayne State University . Detroit, Mich.; Impact Injury and Crash Protection , publisher Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1970, pp. 475-493 194 FACIAL INJURIES—CAUSES AND PREVENTION, Lawrence M. Patrick, & Voigt R. Hodgson, Wayne State University Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Detroit, Mich., William A. Lange, Wayne State University, College of Medicine; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 541-568, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. INSTRUMENT PANEL IMPACT STUDY, Roger P. Daniel, Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich.; L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Detroit, Mich.; Proceedings of the Ninth Stapp Car Crash Conference, October 20-21, 1965, pp. 165-179, Nolte Center for Continuing Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. PREVENTION OF INSTRUMENT PANEL AND WINDSHIELD HEAD INJURIES, Lawrence M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Colleges of Engineering & Medicine, Biomechanics Research Center, Detroit, Mich.; Proc. Symposium on the Prevention of Highway Injury, April 19-21, 1967, pp. 169-181, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. STEERING WHEEL AND INSTRUMENT PANEL SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS BASED UPON HUMAN TOLERANCE, L. M. Patrick Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich., Contract No. GS-00S-56359, prepared for General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service, Washington, D. C.i February 2, 1970, 149 pp., PB 196 457 SURVIVAL BY DESIGN--HEAD PROTECTION, Lawrence M. Patrick & Herbert R. Lissner, Wayne State University , Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Detroit, Mich., & E. S. Gurdjlan, Wayne State University, Dept. of Neurosurgery; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 483-499, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. WINDSHIELD INJURY POTENTIAL AS A FUNCTION OF WINDSHIELD INSTALLATION METHOD, K. R. Trosien & L. M. Patrick, Wayne State University , Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 1171-1186; SAE Report No. 700430 MINIMIZATION OF OCCUPANT INJURY BY OPTIMUM FRONT-END DESIGN, D. F. Moore, West Virginia University , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Morgantown, W. Va.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 953-968; SAE Report No. 700416 FEASIBILITY STUDY OF TURBINE FUEL GELS FOR REDUCTION OF CRASH FIRE HAZARDS, Ken Posey, Jr., & Richard Schleicher, The Western Co. , Dallas, Texas, Contract No. FA64WA-5053, prepared for the Federal Aviation Agency, Washington, D. C, February 1966, 56 pp. RAPID GELLING OF AIRCRAFT FUEL, A. R. Schleicher, The We3tem Company , Dallas, Texas, Contract No. DA 44-177- AMC-112(T), prepared for U. S. Army Aviation Materiel Lab., Fort Eustis, Va., Task 1D121401A14216, USAAML Technical Report 65-18, 26 pp. SAFETY CAR STUDIES EXPERIMENTAL SAFETY CAR STUDY— FINAL REPORT: PHASE I, American Machine & Foundry Company , York Div., Advanced Systems Lab., Santa Barbara, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6821, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, AMF Engineering Report No. ASL-E- 168-5, August 1968, 536 pp. THE EVALUATION OF PHASE I REPORTS ON THE EXPERIMENTAL SAFETY VEHICLES PROGRAM, R. D. Leis, E. S. Cheaney, G. A. Francis, G. H. Alexander, C. E. Fedderson, J. D. McGill, J. C. Minor, L. B. Myers & R. A. Wright, Battelle Memorial Institute , Columbus, Ohio, Contract No. FH-11-7201, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, February 10, 1970, 131 pp., PB 190414- EXPERIMENTAL SAFETY VEHICLE PROGRAM- -TECHNICAL ELEMENTS, VOLUME II, Digltek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6822, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, December 15, 1968, 572 pp. EXPERIMENTAL SAFETY VEHICLE PROGRAM- -VEHICLE DESIGNS, VOLUME III, Digitek Corporation , Marina del Rey, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6822, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, December 15, 1968, 86 pp., PB 183 853 EXPERIMENTAL SAFETY CARS STUDY—FINAL REPORT PHASE I — VOLUME I, Fairchild-Hiller , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6820, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. FHR 3653-1, August 26, 1968, 303 pp. EXPERIMENTAL SAFETY CARS STUDY— FINAL REPORT PHASE I — VOLUME II, Fairchild-Hiller , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6820, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. FHR 3653-2, August 26. 1968, 473 pp. EXPERIMENTAL SAFETY CARS STUDY—FINAL REPORT PHASE I— VOLUME III, Fairchlld Hlller , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6820, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. FHR 3653-3, August 26, 1968, 492 pp. EXPERIMENTAL SAFETY CARS STUDY— FINAL REPORT PHASE I — VOLUME IV, Fairchild-Hiller , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6820, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. FHR 3653-4, August 26, 1968, 229 pp. MEDICAL CRITICISM OF MODERN AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING, Fletcher D. Woodward, Charlottesville, Va.; Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 138, No. October 30, 1948, pp. 627-631 9, IMPACT RESPONSES AND CLASSIFICATIONS OF MOTOR VEHICLE STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS--A SURVEY— VOLUME TV, G. C. Kao & V. M. Conticelli, Wyle Laboratories , Huntsville, Ala., Contract No. FH-11-6669, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, WL Report No. 68-3, March 1968, 153 pp., PB 180 469 FEASIBILITY STUDY- -NEW YORK STATE SAFETY CAR PROGRAM, Fairchlld Hiller , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y., Contract No. C-19435, prepared for State of New York, Dept. of Motor Vehicles, Albany, N. Report FHR 3040-3, August 31, 1966, 264 pp. FEASIBILITY STUDY OF NEW YORK STATE SAFETY CAR PROGRAM, Fairchlld Hiller , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y., Contract No. C-19435, prepared for State of New York, Dept. of Motor Vehicles, Albany, N. Y., FHR Report No. 3040-1, January 15, 1966, 191 pp. 195 THE SAFETY SEDAN—SUMMARY OF FINAL REPORT, Falrchild Hlller Corp . , Republic Aviation Div., Farmingdale, Long Island, N. Y., Contract No. C-0956, prepared for New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, FHR Report No. 3526A, September 1967, 62 pp. EMERGENCY BRAKING SYSTEMS FOR SCHOOL BUSES, R. K. Super, Rockwell-Standard Corp ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Combined Powerplant & Transportation Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, October 18- 21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650716, 7 pp. PACKAGING THE PASSENGER--DESIGN FOR COLLISION PROJECT- SURVIVAL CAR II, Frank J. Crandell, Arthur Gordon, Frank E. Burkett & Charles F. Sparrell, Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. , Loss Prevention Dept., Boston, Mass., 86 pp. BIBLIOGRAPHY— NEW YORK STATE SAFETY CAR PROJECT, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles , Division of Research & Development, Research Library, Albany, N. Y., May 1966, 58 pp. SCHOOL BUS TIRE INFLATION CHART, Engineering Committee, School Bus Manufacturers Institute , Truck Body and Equipment Association, Inc., Washington, D. C, Issue No. 1, 2 pp. BUS, MOTOR, SCHOOL: 10- PASSENGER, 4X2, COMMERCIAL (FOR 100 POUNDS AVERAGE PASSENGER WEIGHT), Military Specification MIL-B-62022(MO), U. S. Department of Defense, Washington, D. C, March 15, 1965, 8 pp. SAFETY ASSURANCE AND THE DESIGN PROCESS IN A PUBLIC- RESPONSIBLE SAFETY CAR, Henry H. Wakeland, Garden City, N. Y.; & William I. Stieglitz , Huntington, N. Y.; Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Rochester, Minn., October 22 & 23, 1965. pp. 127-133 EXPERIMENTAL SAFETY VEHICLES (ESV) PROGRAM, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, presented at the First Techni- cal Meeting on the U. S. Pilot Study on Road Safety, Brussels, Belgium, March 23, 1970, 47 pp. COLLISION PERFORMANCE, LM SAFETY CAR, Derwyn M. Severy, Harrison M. Brink & Jack D. Baird, University of California, Institute of Transportation 6c Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago,' 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670458, 79 pp. SAFE AUTOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION, James J. Ryan, University of Minnesota , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Minneapolis, Minn.; Proceedings of the Sixth Stapp Car Crash and Field Demonstration Conference, November 7, 8, 9, 1963, pp. 11-14', University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich. SAFETY ASSURANCE AND THE DESIGN PROCESS IN A PUBLIC- RESPONSIBLE SAFETY CAR, Henry H. Wakeland , Garden City, N. Y.; & William I. Stieglitz, Huntington, N. Y.; Paper presented at the Meeting of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, Rochester, Minn., October 22 & 23, 1965, pp. 127-133 SCHOOL BUS SAFETY SCHOOL BUS SAFETY— OPERATOR AGE IN RELATION TO SCHOOL BUS ACCIDENTS, David M. Promisel, Richard D.. Blomberg, Michael L. Nacht & Stephen Silver, Dunlap & Associates, Incorporated , Darien, Conn., Contract No. FH-11-6933, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. ED 69-21, December 1969, 97 pp. MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR SCHOOL BUSES, National Education Association . Washington, D. C, 1964, 100 pp. INADEQUATE STRUCTURAL ASSEMBLY OF SCH00LBUS BODIES — THE ACCIDENTS AT DECATUR AND HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA- SPECIAL STUDY, National Transportation Safety Board , Bureau of Surface Transportation Safety, Washington, D. C, Report No. NTSB-HSS-70-2, July 29, 1970, 25 pp. HOW SAFE IS PUPIL TRANSPORTATION? Annemarle Shelness, Physicians for Automotive Safety , Springfield, N. J., October 1967, 33 pp. BUSES, MOTOR: SCHOOL, FORWARD CONTROL, WITH HIGH HEADROOM, 37, 44, AND 45 PASSENGER, 4X2, Military Specification MIL-B-45367H, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, August 15, 1969, 29 pp. BUSES, MOTOR: SCHOOL, WITH HIGH HEADROOM, 20 AND 28 PASSENGER, 4X4, Military Specification MIL-B-46730G, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, August 15, 1969, 20 pp. BUSES, MOTOR: SCHOOL, WITH HIGH HEADROOM, 20, 28, 36, 44, AND 60 PASSENGER, 4X2, Military Specification MIL-B-45368J, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, August 15, 1969, 22 pp. EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES FOR EVALUATION OF SCHOOL BUS PASSENGERS' COLLISION INJURIES, SERIES I, D. M. Severy, H. M. Brink, & J. D. Baird, University of California , Department of Engineering, Institute of Transporation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., April 5, 1966, 9 pp. SCHOOL BUS PASSENGER PROTECTION, Derwyn M. Severy, Harrison M. Brink, & Jack D. Baird, University of California, Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engi- neering"! Cos Angeles, Calif., presented at Society of Automotive Engineers, Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670040, 165 pp. SIGNALING AND LIGHTING IE IROBLEME DE L'EXAMEN OBJECTIF DES FEUX. (VEHICLE LIGHTS— AIMING AND TESTING), J. B. Cornells, Auto Inspection Bureau Veritas, Bruxelles, Belgium; J. P. de Coster, Fonds D 'Etudes et de Recherches Pour La Securite Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium, presented at the 1968 Conference on Road Safety, Brussels, Belgium, 23 pp. INVESTIGATION OF SOME OF THE PROBLEMS OF VEHICLE REAR LIGHTING, R. S. Nickerson, S. Baron, A. M. Collins, & C. G. Crothers, Bolt, Beranek & Newman, Incorporated , Cambridge, Mass., Contract No. FH-11-6558, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 1586, March 1968, 250 pp. EVALUATION OF MARKET SAMPLES OF MOTOR VEHICLE LIGHTING AND SAFETY DEVICES, C. 0. Jones, California Highway Patrol , Sacramento, Calif., D. R. Dunlop 6. D. M. Finch, University of California, Institute of Transportation 6 Traffic Engineering, Richmond, Calif., presented at Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670457, 7 pp. 196 HEADLAMP CONCEALMENT DEVICES - PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, BUSES AND MOTORCYCLES, Canadian Government Specifications Board, Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-112, May 24, 1968, 3 pp. OPTIMUM SIZE OF HEADLAMPS FOR THE EUROPEAN LOWER BEAM, Gerhard Lindae, Robert Bosch GmbH , Stuttgart, Germany; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 608-616; SAE Report No. 700390 LAMPS, REFLECTIVE DEVICES, AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT - PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, BUSES, TRAILERS AND MOTORCYCLES, Canadian Government Specifications Board, Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-108a, September 23, 1968, 14 pp. ANALYTIC ASSESSMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE REAR SIGNAL SYSTEMS, Theodore H. Projector, Kenneth G. Cook & Leslie 0. Peterson, Century Research Corporation , Arlington, Va., Contract No. FH-11-6602, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, January 1969, 205 pp DAY AND NIGHT INTENSITIES OF REAR SIGNAL SYSTEM LIGHTS, Kenneth G. Cook, Century Research Corporation, Arlington, Va., Contract No. FH-11-6602, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 46 pp. LE PR0BLEME DE L'EXAMEN 0BJECTIF DES FEUX (VEHICLE LIGHTS—AIMING AND TESTING), J. B. Cornells, Auto Inspection Bureau Veritas, Bruxelles, Belgium; J. P. de Coster, Fonds D 'Etudes et de Recherches Pour la Securlte Routlere , Bruxelles, Belgium, presented at the 1968 Conference on Road Safety, Brussels, Belgium, 23 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE LIGHTING AND SELF LEVELLING DEVICES FOR HEADLAMPS, Pierre Clbie, Socle'te' Projecte-urs Clbie' ; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 599-607; SAE Report No. 700389 SAE HANDBOOK, published annually; HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENT 19--SAE TECHNICAL REPORTS REFERENCED IN FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS, May 18, 1970, 43 pp., Society of Automotive Engineers Inc., New York, N. Y. STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR THE BRITISH AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY, Society of Motor Manufacturers 6. Traders Ltd., London, S. W. 1., 1968 - DISABILITY GLARE EFFECTS DURING A TRANSITION TO POLARIZED VEHICLE HEADLIGHTS, Roger H. Hemion, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. CPR 11-4126, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, January 15, 1969, 18 pp., PB 183 003 LYS, LYSSIGNAL OG REFLEKS (LIGHTS, SIGNALS, AND REFLECTOR SPECIFICATIONS), Statens Vegvesen, Vegdirektoratet, Oslo, Norway, May 20, 1970 MOTOR VEHICLE LAW SERIES, SERVICE NO. 3--EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility , Washington, D. C, 1967 - SIGNALING AND LIGHTING, Pierre Devaux, International Commission on Illumination (C.I.E.) ; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 555-580; SAE Report No. 700386 NEW DEVELOPMENTS_ IN AUTOMOTIVE LIGHTING, K. J. Jones, Joseph Lucas (Electrical) Ltd. , presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670086. 6 pp. UNIFORM VEHICLE CODE AND MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances , Washington, D. C, 1968, 335 pp. EXPERIMENTAL HIGHWAY TESTING OF ALTERNATIVE VEHICLE REAR LIGHTING SYSTEMS, Thomas H. Rockwell & Robert C. Banaslk, Ohio State University , Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Systems Research Group, Columbus, Ohio, Contract No. FH-11-6552, prepared for u". S. Department of Transporation, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D. C, July 1968, 149 pp. THE EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF VEHICLE LIGHTING ON A DRIVER'S ABILITY TO SEE DARK OBJECTS IN WELL LIT STREETS, C. R. Faulkner & S. J. Older, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 113, 1967, 11 pp., 6 figs. AN EVALUATION OF A BRAKELIGHT DISPLAY WHICH INDICATES THE SEVERITY OF BRAKING, K. S. Rutley (x D. G. W. Mace, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Road Layout & Lighting Section, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England RRL Report No. LR 287, 1969, 23 pp., FB 189 234 REAR LIGHTING SYSTEM CHANGEOVER STUDY, VOLUME I, Thomas F. Coleman, Systems Associates, Inc ., Long Beach, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6542, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Publication No. R-10235, December 1967, 208 pp. REAR LIGHTING SYSTEM CHANGEOVER STUDY —TECHNICAL STUDY, VOLUME II, Systems Associates, Inc. , Long Beach, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6542, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Publication No. R-10237-2, May 31, 1968, 245 pp. REAR LIGHTING SYSTEM CHANGEOVER STUDY— CHANGEOVER COMPUTER MODEL DEVELOPMENT, VOLUME III, Systems Associates, Inc ., Long Beach, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6542, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Publication No. R-102316, December 12, 1968, 239 pp. INVESTIGATION OF SOME OF THE PROBLEMS OF VEHICLE REAR LIGHTING: APPENDICES A AND B, P. G. Ronco, E. M. Anderson, S. Llppert, & M. W. Raben, Tufts University, Human Engineering Information & Analysis Services, Medford, Mass., Contract No. FH-11-6558, prepared for Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc., Cambridge, Md., submitted to U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 1586, March 1968, 174 pp. THE CONTROVERSY OVER REAR LIGHTING AND SIGNALING ON MOTOR VEHICLES, Lewis C. Owen, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 581-585; SAE Report No. 700387 197 HEADLAMP CONCEALMENT DEVICES — PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE FASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, BUSES AND MOTORCYCLES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 112 LAMPS, REFLECTIVE DEVICES AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT-- PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, BUSES, TRAILERS AND MOTORCYCLES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108 AUTOMOTIVE SIGNALING AND LIGHTING, D. M. Finch, University of California , College of Engineering, Berkeley, Calif.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 546-554; SAE Report No. 700385 DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF VEHICLE REAR LIGHTING SYSTEMS, Harry W. Case & Slade F. Hulbert, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Department of Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6551, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 68-24, May 1968, 165 pp., PB 179 924 EVALUATION OF MARKET SAMPLES OF MOTOR VEHICLE LIGHTING AND SAFETY DEVICES, C. 0. Jones, California Highway Patrol, Sacramento, Calif., D. R. Dunlop & D. M. Finch, University of California , Institute of Transportation 6 Traffic Engineering, Richmond, Calif., presented at Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670457, 7 pp. HEADLIGHT-TAILLIGHT ANALYSES FROM COLLISION RESEARCH, D. M. Severy, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Proceedings of the Tenth Stapp Car Crash Conference, November 8-9, 1966, pp. 14-37, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y. STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS—MISCELLANEOUS RECOMMENDED POLICY ON MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS OF MOTOR VEHICLES TO BE OPERATED OVER THE HIGHWAYS OF THE UNITED STATES, Committee on Highway Transport, American Association of State Highway Officials , Washington, D. C, January 15, 1968, 20 pp. BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS, American Society for Testing and Materials , Philadelphia, Pa. AUTHORITIES RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ISSUE AND THE ENFORCE- MENT OF TECHNICAL REGULATIONS AFFECTING MOTOR VEHICLES CONSTRUCTION, Bureau Permanent International des Constructeurs d 'Automobiles . Paris, France, January 1963, 49 pp. CONTROL LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION - PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-101, May 24, 1968, 2 pp. DOOR LATCHES, HINGES AND LOCKS - PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-206a September 23, 1968, 3 pp. FUEL TANKS, FUEL TANK FILLER PIPES, AND FUEL TANK CONNECTIONS - PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-301, May 24, 1968, 2 pp. HOOD LATCH SYSTEMS - PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS AND BUSES, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-113, May 24, 1968, 2 pp. IMPACT PROTECTION FOR THE DRIVER FROM THE STEERING CONTROL SYSTEM - PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board, Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-203, May 24, 1968, 2 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE REAR LIGHTING AND SIGNALLING, D. M. Finch, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Vehicle Technology Facility, Berkeley, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6553, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, May 1968, 263 pp., PB 179 923 SELECTION OF VEHICLE REAR LIGHTING SYSTEMS, H. W. Case, S. F. Hulbert, J. H. Lyman, P. O'Brien, 0. E. Patterson, University of California, School of Engineering & Applied Science, Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif., Contract No. FH-11- 6937, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 70-9, August 1969, 91 pp. DYNAMIC EVALUATION OF AUTOMOBILE REAR LIGHTING CONFIGURATIONS, Rudolph G. Mortimer, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Human Factors Department, Ann Arbor, Report No. 4, March 1969, 8 pp. PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN AUTOMOBILE REAR LIGHTING, Rudolf G. Mortimer, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Human Factors Department, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 586-598; SAE Report No. 700388 OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN INTERIOR IMPACT - PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-201a, December 6, 1968, 5 pp. REARVIEW MIRRORS - PASSENGER CARS AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP 111, May 24, 1968, 3 pp. REFLECTING SURFACES - PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS AND BUSES, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-107, May 24, 1968, 2 pp. STEERING CONTROL REARWARD DISPLACEMENT - PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-204, May 24, 1968, 3 pp. THEFT PROTECTION - PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-114, May 24, 1968, 2 pp. VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER—PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-115, December 6, 1968, 2 pp. 198 WINDSHIELD DEFROSTING AND DEFOGGING - PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS AND BUSES, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP- 103a, September 23, 1968, 3 pp. WINDSHIELD MOUNTINC--PASSENGER CARS, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-212, December 6, 1968, 2 pp. WINDSHIELD WIPING AND WASHING SYSTEMS - PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS AND BUSES, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-104a September 23, 1968, 6 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE AND HIGHWAY SAFETY ACTS OF 1966 WITH EXPLANATION, Commerce Clearing House, Inc ., New York, N. Y., September 9, 1966, 143 pp. TRADE PRACTICE RULES FOR THE REBUILT, RECONDITIONED AND OTHER USED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS INDUSTRY, Federal Trade Commission. Washington, D. C, June 30, 1962, 5 pp. AUTOMOBILE (106- TO 149-INCH WHEELBASE), Federal Specification KKK-A-00811J , General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, August 11, 1969, 6 pp. AUTOMOBILE, STATION WAGON, (4 X 2, 1C6- TO 123-INCH WHEELBASE), Federal Specification KKK-A-00850g, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, August 11, 1969, 7 pp. AUTOMOBILES, STATION WAGONS, CARRYALLS, AND TRUCKS: (LIGHT); STANDARD UNITS, Interim Federal Standard No. 00122k, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, August 11, 1969, 11 pp. SAFETY REGULATIONS FOR VEHICLES FOR ROAD TRANSPORTATION Ministry of Transport , Road Transport Bureau, Tokyo, Japan, Ministry of Transport Ordinance No. 67, with amendments, July 28, 1951 - VEHICLE LIMITS FOR ROAD SAFETY AND ROAD PROTECTION, National Association of Australian State Road Authorities, Sydney, Australia, January 1968, 14 pp. UNIFORM VEHICLE CODE AND MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances, Washington, D. C, 1968, 335 pp. SAE HANDBOOK, published annually; HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENT 19--SAE TECHNICAL REPORTS REFERENCED IN FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS, May 18, 1970, 43 pp., Society of Automotive Engineers Inc ., New York, N. Y. TUBE, PIPE, HOSE, AND LUBRICATION FITTINGS, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc ., New York, N. Y., Handbook Supplement 150, 1969, 80 pp. VEHICLE DYNAMICS TERMINOLOGY, SAE J670b, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. , New York, N. Y., Handbbok Supplement, May 1970, 19 pp. STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR THE BRITISH AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders Ltd., London, S. W. 1., 1968 - A SUMMARY OF MOTOR VEHICLE CONSTRUCTION AND USE REGULATIONS OVERSEAS, Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders Ltd ., London S.W.I. , England, October 1966, 72 pp. SPEIL (MIRROR SPECIFICATIONS), Statens Vegvesen , Vegdirektoratet, Oslo, Norway, June 25, 1970 TRUCK, (GASOLINE ENGINE, 4X2, 3,200 UP TO AND INCLUDING 10,000 POUNDS G.V.W.), Federal Specification KKK-T-00723g, General Services Administration, Washington, D. C, August 11, 1969, 10 dp. 1968 HIGHWAY STATUS REPORT: MOTOR VEHICLE SIZE AND WEIGHT LIMITATIONS, Traffic Service Corp ., Washington, D. C; reprint Transportation {. Distribution Management , Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1968, pp. 27-30 TRUCK, GASOLINE ENGINE, 4X4, G.V.W. UP TO AND INCLUDING 10,000 POUNDS, Federal Specification KKK-T- 00645e, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C, October 15, 1969, 18 pp. MOTOR VEHICULAR SAFETY STANDARDS GUIDE--F0R THE TRUCK BODY AND EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY, Truck Body & Equipment Association, Inc. , Washington, D. C, May 1, 1968, 109 pp. TRUCK, GASOLINE OR DIESEL ENGINES, 4X2, G.V.W. 10,500 TO 22,500 POUNDS, Federal Specification KKK-T-00720d, General Services Administration , Washington. D. C, January 15, 1970, 16 pp. OVER AUTOMOBILES, SEDAN: EXECUTIVE, Military Specification MIL-A-45365H, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, August 15, 1969, 9 pp. TRUCKS: GASOLINE OR DIESEL ENGINE, (4 X 2, 6 X 4), OVER 16,000 POUNDS G.V.W., Federal Specification KKK-T-00701c, General Services Administration. Washington, D. C, January 31, 1966, 11 pp. AUTOMOBILES, SEDANS AND STATION WAGONS, Military Specification MIL-A-45168K, U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C, August 15, 1969, 10 pp. TRUCKS, (GASOLINE OR DIESEL ENGINE, ALL-WHEEL DRIVE, (4x4, 6x6) GVW 10,100 POUNDS AND OVER), Federal Specification KKK-T-706a, General Services Administra- tion. Washington, D. C, July 30, 1956, 16 pp. HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION LEGISLATION IN 1969, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility , Washington, D. C, 32 pp. BUS, MOTOR: 12-PASSENGER STATION-WAGON, Military Specification MIL-B-46700E, U. S. Department of Defense, Washington, D. C, August 15, 1969, 13 pp. SEDANS, STATION WAGONS, AMBULANCES AND BUSES: STANDARD MODELS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, MIL-STD- 640E(AT), U. S. Department of Defense , Washington, D. C. May 24, 1967, 6 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE LAW SERIES, SERVICE NO. 3— EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility , Washington, D. C, 1967 - VEHICLES, WHEELED; DEFINITION OF TERMS RELATED TO, MIL-STD-1273, U. S. Department of Defense, Washineton. D. C, July 24, 1963, 49 pp. 199 CONTROL LOCATION AND 1DENTIFICATION--PASSENCER CARS, U. 5. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 101 DOOR LATCHES, HINGES, AND LOCKS--PASSENGER CARS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 206 FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS WITH AMENDMENTS AND INTERPRETATIONS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 25, 1969, + SUPPLEMENTS, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, 220 pp. FUEL TANKS, FUEL TANK FILLER PIPES, AND FUEL TANK CONNECTIONS — PASSENGER CARS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 301 HOOD LATCH SYSTEMS— PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, AND BUSES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 113 WINDSHIELD WIPING AND WASHING SYSTEMS-PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, AND BUSES, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 104 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR MOTOR VEHICLE CONNECTING DEVICES AND TOWING METHODS, Vehicle Equipment Safety Commission, Washington, D. C, Regulation V-5, July 17, iyb8, 11 pp. TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS CENTRIFUGAL CLUTCHES FOR AUTOMOTIVE USE, C. W. Trldgell, British Leyland Power Jacks Ltd ., Acton, London, England, presented at the First Spring Conference of the Automobile Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, St Heller, Jersey, England, April 13-17, 1970, Session 1, Paper No. 3, 18 pp. TRANSMISSION SHIFT LEVER SEQUENCE, STARTER INTERLOCK, AND TRANSMISSION BRAKING EFFECT - PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS AND BUSES, Canadian Government Specifications Board , Department of Defence Production, Ottawa, Canada, Standard 97-GP-102, May 24, 1968, 2 pp. IMPACT PROTECTION FOR THE DRIVER FROM THE STEERING CONTROL SYSTEM-- PASSENGER CARS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 203 OCCUPANT PROTECTION IN INTERIOR IMPACT --PASSENGER CARS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 201 REARVIEW MIRR0RS--PASSENGER CARS AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. Ill THE CHRYSLER TORQUEFLITE AND AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID, Raymond A. Kobe & James C. Wagner, Chrysler Corp ., Engineering Office, presented at the Society of Auto- motive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680036, 7 pp. MEASURING FRICTION OF SINGLE AND MULTIPLE WRAP TRANSMISSION BANDS, W. D. Ross, Ford Motor Company, Transmission & Chassis Div., Dearborn, Mich.; E. M. Sharer & W. B. Herndon, General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich.; A. P. Blomquist, Chrysler Corporation , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680424, 6 pp. REFLECTING SURFACES — PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, AND BUSES, U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 107 STEERING CONTROL REARWARD DISPLACEMENT — PASSENGER CARS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 204 PUTTING AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CLUTCH FRICTION RESEARCHERS ON SPEAKING TERMS, G. R. Smith 6. W. B. Herndon, General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich.; W. D. Ross, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich.; & P. L. Sllbert, Chrysler Corp . , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670051, 14 pp. THEFT PROTECTION — PASSENCER CARS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Wash., D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 114 VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER— PASSENGER CARS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 115 WINDSHIELD DEFROSTING AND DEF0GGING SYSTEMS--PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, AND BUSES, U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 103 WINDSHIELD MOUNTING — PASSENGER CARS, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 212 TRANSMISSIONS AND DRIVELINES FOR HIGHWAY TURBINE TRUCKS: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS, Myron M. Schall, Warren W. Rasmussen, & Kenneth Rober, Dana Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National West Coast Meeting, Seattle, Wash., August 11-14, 1969, SAE Report No. 690549, 12 pp. CLUTCH TEMPERATURES, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Limited , Research Division, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Stockport, Cheshire, England; reprint Automobile Engineer , April 1964, 3 pp. EFFECT OF SPLINE FRICTION ON THE TORQUE CAPACITY AND INTERFACE TEMPERATURES REACHED DURING A MULTI-DISC CLUTCH ENGAGEMENT, T. P. Newcomb & H. E. Merritt, Ferodo Ltd. , Stockport, England; reprint The Journal of Mechani. cal Engineering Science , December 1962, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 353-355 200 FRICTION FACINGS FOR CLUTCHES, A. Jenkins, T. P. Newcomb & R. C. Parker, Ferodo Ltd. , Research & Development Division, Stockport, Cheshire, England, presented at the First Spring Conference of the Automobile Division of the Institution of Mechani-al Engineers, St Heller, Jersey, England, April 13-17, 1970, Session 1, Paper No. 2, 21 pp. FRICTION MATERIALS FOR ENGINEERS, Ferodo Limited, Chapel-en -le-Frith, via Stockport, England, 1968, 79 pp. TEMPERATURES REACHED IN FRICTION CLUTCH TRANSMISSIONS, T. P. Newcomb, Ferodo Limited, Stockport, England; reprint The Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science , December 1960, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 273-287 ATF--TYPE F KEEPS PACE WITH FILL-FOR-LIFE REQUIREMENTS, W. D. Ross & B. A. Pearson, Ford Motor Company, Transmission & Chassis Div., Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680037, 20 pp. THE FORD ALUMINUM BEAKER TEST: A NEW TOOL FOR THE STUDY OF ATF OXIDATION, B. A. Pearson & J. L. Thompson, Ford Motor Co. , Dearborn, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670023, 7 pp. MEASURING FRICTION OF SINGLE AND MULTIPLE WRAP TRANSMISSION BANDS, W. D. Ross, Ford Motor Company , Transmission & Chassis Div., Dearborn, Mich.; E. M. Sharer & W. B. Herndon, General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich.; A. P. Blomqulst, Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680424, 6 pp. PUTTING AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CLUTCH FRICTION RESEARCHERS ON SPEAKING TERMS, G. R. Smith & W. B. Herndon, General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich.; W. D. Ross, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich.; & P. L. Silbert, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670051, 14 pp. MEASURING FRICTION OF SINGLE AND MULTIPLE WRAP TRANSMISSION BANDS, W. D. Ross, Ford Motor Company, Transmission 6. Chassis Div., Dearborn, Mich.; E. M. Sharer & W. B. Herndon, General Motors Corporation , Detroit, Mich.; A. P. Blomquist, Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 630424, 6 pp. 2,000,000 MILES OF FLUID EVALUATION IN CITY BUS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS, M. L. Haviland & J. J. Rodgers, .General Motors Corp. Research Labs., Detroit, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670185, 11 pp. PUTTING AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CLUTCH FRICTION RESEARCHERS ON SPEAKING TERMS, G. R. Smith & W. B. Herndon, General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Mich.; W. D. Ross, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich.; & P. L. Silbert, Chrysler Corp., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670051, 14 pp. LINING, FRICTION, (CLUTCH AND BRAKE: METALLIC, METAL- CERAMIC AND SEMIMETALLIC ) , Federal Specification KKK-L-370c, General Services Administration , Washington, D. C. September 26, 1961, 8 pp. DETERMINING THE STATIC AND DYNAMIC COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION AND ITS CAUSES FOR VARIATION, Saul Herscovici, John Deere Waterloo Tractor Works , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Farm, Construction & Industrial Machinery Meeting, Milwaukee, Wis., September 8-11, 1969, SAE Report No. 690570, 5 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF TYPE F AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUIDS, L. E. Coleman, The Lubrizol Corp . , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680039, 10 pp. FRICTION MATERIAL, Kirk Othmer; Clyde S. Batchelor Manhattan-Raybestos, Inc. , Raybestos Div., Manheim, Pa.; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Interscience Div., New York, N. Y., Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology , 2nd Edition, Vol. 10, pp. 124-134 1967 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE LINING AND CLUTCH FACING DATA BOOK, Friction Materials Standards Institute, Inc. , New York, N. Y., 127 pp.; 1968 Supplement, 33 pp.; 1969 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE LINING AND CLUTCH FACING DATA BOOK, 106 pp.; 1970 Supplement, 30 pp. DEXRON AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID, Robert L. Anderson & Norman A. Hunstad, General Motors Corp ., Fuels & Lubricants Dept., Research Labs., Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit ," Mich. , January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680038, 9 pp. EVALUATING THE EFFECT OF FLUIDS ON AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PISTON SEAL MATERIALS, George A. Peters, Robert L. Anderson & Norman A. Hunstad, General Motors Corporation , Research Laboratories, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Summer Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 11-15, 1962, SAE Report No. 542B, 7 pp. EVALUATION OF THE FOAMING TENDENCIES OF AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUIDS, Bernard E. Nagel, General Motors Corporation , Research Laboratories, Warren, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, Tulsa, Okla., October 30-31, 1963, SAE Report No. 774C, 7 pp. CONSIDERATIONS IN DESIGN OF A TYPE F AUTOMATIC TRANS- MISSION FLUID, James M. Stanek & David B. Smith, Mobil Research & Development Corp. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680040, 8 pp. MODERN HYDRAULIC AND HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION FLUIDS, C. L. Middleton & R. R. McCoy, Mobil Oil Corporation ; & J. M. Stanek, Mobil Res. & Dev. Corporation, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700130, 7 pp. VISCOSITY STABILITY OF POLYMER-THICKENED OILS, N. V. Messina & H. H. Radtke, Rohm & Haas Company ,' presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700053, 10 pp. FACTORY-SERVICE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID REQUIREMENTS, S. R. Sprague & R. L. Woodruff, Shell Oil Company , Research Laboratory, Wood River, 111., presented at the American Society for Testing 6. Materials Symposium on Lubricants for Automotive Equipment; Papers & Discussions, Los Angeles, Calif., October 1962, ASTM Tech. Publication 334, pp. 142-161 201 DESIGN PRACTICES- -PASSENGER CAR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS-- PARTS I & II, Society of Automotive Engineers , Design Standards Subcommittee & SAE Transmission Committee, New York, N. Y., Advances in Engineering Vol. 1, 231 pp., Advances In Engineering Vol. 2, 120 pp., 1962 SAE HANDBOOK, Society of Automotive Engineers , Two Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, N. Y., published annually AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID--COMPONENT EFFECTS ON FRICTION, T. D. Newingham, Sun Oil Company , Research & Development Division, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, Tulsa, Okla., October 30-31, 1963, SAE Report No. 774A, 8 pp. DESIGNING AN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID, A. J. Bozzelli, Sun Oil Company , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Annual Meeting, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1959, SAE Report No. 13t, 33 pp. EVALUATING AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUIDS, William H. Kite, Jr., & E. F. Koenlg, Texaco , Technical Services Div., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Annual Meeting, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1959, SAE Report No. 13R, 44 pp. TRANSMISSION SHIFT LEVER SEQUENCE, STARTER INTERLOCK AND TRANSMISSION BRAKING EFFECT --PASSENGER CARS, MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES, TRUCKS, AND BUSES, U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 102 THE SKIDDING BEHAVIOUR OF MOTOR VEHICLES, G. Jones, British Mot-nr Corp. . Car Division, England; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1962-63, No. 1, pp. 65-73 OFFTRACKING CALCULATIONS FOR TRAILER COMBINATIONS, Hoy Stevens, Samuel C. Tignor & James F. Lojacono, Bureau of Public Roads , Washington, D. C, presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, January 1966; reprint Public Roads, Vol. 34, No. 4, October 1966, pp. 89-100 FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS IN VEHICLE DYNAMICS, Edward Salbel 6. M. C. Tsao, Carnegie-Mellon University , Pittsburgh, Pa., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE. Report No. 700173, 11 pp. THE SKIDDING OF VEHICLES— A DYNAMIC ANALYSIS, REPORT NO. 1, Edward Saibel & M. C. Tsao, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa., National Bureau of Standards Contract No. CST-430, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, November 6, 1968, 83 pp., PB 185 160 THE SKIDDING OF VEHICLES, A DYNAMIC ANALYSIS, Edward Salbel & Shang Li Chiang, Carnegie-Mellon University , Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pa., Contract No. CST-430, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, Report No. 3, September 1970, 90 pp. VEHICLE HANDLING PROPERTIES OPTIMUM BRAKING, STABILITY AND STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY FOR LONGER TRUCK COMBINATIONS, Robert E. Nelson, Abex Corp . , American Brakeblok Div.; James W. Fitch, Western Highway Institute, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers West Coast Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., August 12-15, 1968, SAE Report No. 680547, 17 pp. APPLICAZIONE DI CRITERI STATISTICI ALLO STUDIO DELLE VIBRAZIONI VERTICALI DELLE S0SPENSI0NI (APPLICATION OF STATISTICAL CRITERIA TO INVESTIGATION OF VERTICAL VIBRATIONS OF THE SUSPENSION SYSTEM), L. Rostl Rossini, Alfa Romeo , Servizio Studi e Ricerche, Milan, Italy; A.T.A.-Assoclazione Tecnlca Dell' Automobile , Vol. 22, No. 10, October 1969, pp. 513-521 TYRE CHARACTERISTICS AS APPLICABLE TO VEHICLE STABILITY PROBLEMS, T. J. P. Joy & D. C. Hartley, Avon India Rubber Company, Ltd. ; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Automobile Division, 1953-54, pp. 113-133 STEERING DIAGNOSIS—A STUDY OF DEGRADED COMPONENTS AFFECTING IN-USE VEHICLE HANDLING, Clayton Manufacturing Company , El Monte, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6629, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, December 11, 1969, 114 pp., PB 188 057 STEERING DIAGNOSIS— A STUDY OF DEGRADED COMPONENTS AFFECTING IN-USE VEHICLE HANDLING, APPENDIX, Clayton Manufacturing Company , El Monte, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6629, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, December 11, 1969, 106 pp., PB 188 058 AN ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMICS OF AUTOMOBILES DURING SIMULTANEOUS CORNERING AND RIDE MOTIONS, R. R. McHenry, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Transportation Research Department, Buffalo, N. Y.; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions , Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 61-81 VEHICLE HANDLING— SUMMARY, VOLUME I, Bendlx Corporation , Research Laboratories, Southfield, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6946, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No 5152, April 30, 1970, 38 pp. ANALYSIS OF THE STEADY-STATE TURNING BEHAVIOUR OF AN AUTOMOBILE, Hugo S. Radt, Cornell Aeronautical Lab. , Tnr. ■ , Vehicle Dynamics Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Ir. Hans B. Pacejka, Technische Hogeschool, Laboratoriuro Noor Voertuigtechnlek, Delft, Holland; reprint Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers , Paper 8, 1963, pp. 66-79 VEHICLE HANDLING— TECHNICAL, VOLUME II, Bendlx Corporation , Research Laboratories, Southfield, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6946, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Report No. 5152, April 30, 1970, 159 pp. DESIGN IMPLICATIONS OF A GENERAL THEORY OF AUTOMOBILE STABILITY AND CONTROL, David W. Whitcomb & William F. Milliken, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y.; Research In Automobile Stability and Control and In Tyre Performance , Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1956, 142 pp. 202 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO A PROGRAMME OF DYNAMIC RESEARCH, William F. Milliken & David W. Whitcomb, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y.j Research in Automobile Stability and Control and in Tyre Performance , Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1956, 142 pp. BRAKES FOR CARS AND COMMERCIAL VEHICLES—WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION AND STABILITY WHEN BRAKING-, J. W. Kinchin, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. , Birmingham 24, England, presented at the S .B.I .A. /F.I. S.I. T .A. Symposium, Safety Through Vehicle Design and Construction, Paper No. 3 F, September 27, 1963, 22 pp. ON THE LATERAL STABILITY AND CONTROL OF THE AUTOMOBILE AS INFLUENCED BY THE DYNAMICS OF THE STEERING SYSTEM, Leonard Segel, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, 111., November 7-11, 1965, ASME Paper No. 65-WA/MD-2, 12 pp. A PROGRAM PLAN FOR CONDUCTING HANDLING QUALITIES RESEARCH FOR MOTOR VEHICLES, Roy S. Rice, Jr., Cornell University, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6529, prepared for Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, CAL Report No. VJ-2494- V-3, September 1967, 114 pp. A PROGRAM PLAN FOR DEVELOPING SAFE HANDLING STANDARDS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES, Fred Dell'Amlco, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y., Contract No. FH-11-6529, prepared for Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, CAL Report No. VJ-2494-V-1, September 1967, 170 pp. A REVIEW OF THE STATE OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE DIRECTIONAL BEHAVIOUR OF AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES, Leonard Segel, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. STANDARDS FOR SAFE HANDLING CHARACTERISTICS OF AUTOMOBILES, W. F. Milliken, Jr., & F. Dell'Amlco, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc ., Buffalo, N. Y.; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 34-57, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England THEORETICAL PREDICTION AND EXPERIMENTAL SUBSTANTIATION OF THE RESPONSE OF THE AUTOMOBILE TO STEERING CONTROL, Leonard Segel, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc. , Buffalo, N. Y.; Research in Automobile Stability and Control and In Tyre Performance , Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1956, 142 pp. THE VARIABLE-STABILITY AUTOMOBILE—CONCEPT AND DESIGN, Leonard Segel, Cornell Aeronautical Lab.. Inc. , Buffalo N. Y., presented at a meeting of the Society of Auto- motive Engineers Detroit Section, Detroit, Mich., February 1965, SAE Report No. 650658, 10 pp.; THE VARIABLE STABILITY AUTOMOBILE, Society of Automotive Engineers, New York, N. Y., SP-275, November 1965 THE ROLE OF TYRES IN AUTOMOBILE DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE, T. French & V. E. Cough, Dunlop Rubber Company, Limited , Birmingham, England, 20 pp. DYNAMICS OF AN AUTOMOBILE IN A CORNERING MANEUVER ON AND OFF THE HIGHWAY, W. Bergman, Ford Motor Co. , Dearborn, Mich., E. A. Fox & E. Saibel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., presented at the 1st International Conf. on Mechanics of Soil-Vehicle Systems, Turln-St. Vincent, June 1961, 28 pp. EFFECTS OF COMPLIANCE ON VEHICLE HANDLING PROPERTIES, Walter Bergman, Ford Motor Company , Engineering Technology Office, Dearborn, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium, Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 226-235; SAE Report No. 700369 A NEW PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING 0N-THE-R0AD VEHICLE DIRECTIONAL RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS, Joseph T. O'Hagan, Jr., & John J. King, Ford Motor Company , Automotive Safety Research Office, Dearborn, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 236-241; SAE Report No. 700370 OBJECTIVE TESTING IN HANDLING RESEARCH, T. J. Hlldebrandt & A. R. Poskocil, Ford Motor Company , Human Performance Department, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968 SAE Report No. 680015, 6 pp. THEORETICAL PREDICTION OF THE EFFECT OF TRACTION ON CORNERING FORCE, Walter Bergman, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Michigan, presented at the Society of Auto- motive Engineers Summer Meeting, Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, June 5-10, 1960, SAE Report No. 186A, 24 pp. TRAILING ARM SUSPENSION, Mitsuo Takahashi, Fuji Heavy Industries, Ltd ., Automobile Technical Dept., Ota-shi, Gunma, Ken, Japan, Paper No. 9, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct.- Nov. 1969, 6 pp. THE FORCED LATERAL OSCILLATIONS OF TRAILERS, A. Slibar, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; P. R. Paslay, General Electric Company , Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Schenectady, N. Y. , presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Applied Mechanics Division Summer Conference, Berkeley, Calif., June 13-15, 1957, Paper No. 57-APM-4, 5 pp. DRIVER'S TRACKING CHARACTER UNDER WIND GUST CONDITION, Hirosuke Furusho, & Teruo Akiyama, Daihatsu KoRyo Co., Ltd . , Osaka, Japan, Paper No. 6, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 15 pp. RESEARCH IN VEHICLE HANDLING PROPERTIES, Douglas Aircraft Division , McDonnell Douglas Corp., Long Beach, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6527, prepared for Dept. of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, DAC-66636, September 1967, 309 pp. THE INFLUENCE OF VEHICLE DESIGN PARAMETERS ON CHARACTER- ISTIC SPEED AND UNDERSTEER, R. Thomas Bundorf, General Motors Corp. , presented at Society of Automotive Engi- neers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670078, 10 pp. THE USE OF A VARIABLE-STABILITY VEHICLE IN HANDLING RESEARCH, R. Thomas Bundorf, General Motors Corp. . Research Labs., Warren, Mich., presented at a meeting of the Society of Automotive Engineers Detroit Section, Detroit, Mich., February 1965, SAE Report No. 650659, 9 pp.; THE VARIABLE STABILITY AUTOMOBILE, Society of Automotive Engineers, New York, N. Y., SP-275, November 1965 203 VEHICLE CONTROL AND ROAD HOLDING, Joseph B. Bidwell, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 192-203; SAE Report No. 700366 VEHICLE HANDLING: FORCE CAPABILITIES FOR BRAKING AND STEERING, Howard W. Stoudt, Thomas J. Crowley, Barry Gruber & Ross A. McFarland, Harvard School of Public Health , Guggenheim Center for Aviation Health & Safety, Boston, Mass., Contract No. FH-11-6910, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, May 29, 1969, 26 pp., PB 184 264 CORNERING ABILITY ANALYSIS BASED ON VEHICLE DYNAMICS SYSTEM, Takeshi Nakatsuka & Katsuji Takanami, Isuzu Motors Ltd ., Tokyo, Japan; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 210-225; SAE Report No. 700368 CORNERING CHARACTERISTICS OF AUTOMOBILES, Takeshi Nakatsuka & Katsuji Takanami, Isuzu Motors, Ltd ., Vehicle Dynamics and Safety Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 8, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 42 pp. STEERING AND RELATED ACTIONS AND CURVE NEGOTIATING FORCES OF AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES, T. Sugi, Isuzu Motor Company , Tokyo, Japan, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Summer Meeting, August 8, 1963, 14 pp. AUTOMATIC BRAKE CONTROL FOR TRUCKS— WHAT GOOD IS IT? G. S. Haviland, Jacobs Manufacturing Co ., West Hartford, Conn., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Combined Farm Construc- tion & Industrial Machinery, Powerplant, & Trans- portation Meetings, Milwaukee, Wis., September 9-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680591, 11 pp. VEHICLE HANDLING, ACCELERATION, AND SPEED MAINTENANCE, TECHNICAL VOLUME, A. D. St. John & W. D. Glauz, Midwest Research Institute , Kansas City, Mo., Contract No. FH- 11-6908, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, National Highway Safety Institute, Washington, D. C, MRI Project No. 3225-E, June 25, 1968 - June 27, 1969, 207 pp. AN EVALUATION METHOD OF CAR HANDLING BY SIX SUSPENSION PARAMETERS, Sunao Chikamori, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. , Nagoya Motor Vehicle Works, Technical Dept., Nagoya, Japan, Paper No. 12, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct.- Nov. 1969, 10 pp. SOME EXPERIMENTS ON HANDLING PERFORMANCE OF INTERCITY BUS, Katsu Toida, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Kawasaki Motor Vehicle Works, Technical Dept., Kawasaki, Japan, Paper No. 11, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 8 pp. THE HANDLING AND STABILITY OF MOTOR VEHICLES — PART III, THE LATERAL STABIL T TY OF ARTICULATED VEHICLES UNDER BRAKING CONDITIONS, F. D. Hales, N. F. Barter, I. R. Slack 6. M. J. Skinner, The Motor Industry Research Association , Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1966/3, January 1966, 3- pp. THE LATERAL STABILITY OF A SIMPLIFIED ARTICULATED VEHICLE, F. D. Hales, Motor Industry Research Association, Lindley, Nuneaton, England, presented at the Symposium on Control of Vehicles during Braking & Cornering, held in collaboration with the Road Research Laboratory, London, England, June 11, 1963, 14 pp. LATERAL STABILITY PROBLEMS OF SIMPLY ARTICULATED VEHICLES, F. D. Hales, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nuneaton, England, presented at the Symposium IUTAM sur les Re'cents Progres de la M^canique des Vibrations Line'alres de Paris, April 15, 1965, 34 pp. MANEUVERABILITY OF AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES VIEWED FROM THE SYSTEM, E. Kikuchl , Tokyo, Japan, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Summer Meeting, August 8, 1963, 6 pp. TRACTION EFFECTS WHILE CORNERING, F. D. Hales, Loughborough University of Technology , Loughborough, Leicestershire, England; N. F. Barter, Motor Industry Research Association, Warwickshire, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 255-264; SAE Report No. 700372 TORSIONAL STIFFNESS OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE CHASSIS FRAMES, P. H. Marshall , A. H. Roach & G. H. Tidbury, presented at the Socledad de Technicos de Automocion XII Congres International des Techniques de l'Automoblle, Federation Internationale des Socletes d'Ingenleurs des Techniques de l'Automoblle, Barcelona, Spain, May 19-25, 1968, Paper No. 3-04, 33 pp. TRACTION EFFECTS WHILE CORNERING, F. D. Hales, Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, Leicestershire, England; N. F. Barter, Motor Industry Research Association , Warwickshire, England; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 255-264; SAE Report No. 700372 INTERACTION OF VEHICLE AND ROAD SURFACE, Don L. Ivey 6. Charles J. Keese, Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas; & F. Cecil Brenner , National Bureau of Standards , Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, presented at the Workshop on Anti-Skid Program Management, 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 18, 1971, 45 pp. WINTER TEST PROGRAM, National Safety Council , Comm'ittee on Winter Driving Hazards, Chicago, 111., May 1962, 101 pp. VEHICLE HANDLING, ACCELERATION, AND SPEED MAINTENANCE, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, A. D. St. John 6. W. D. Glauz, Midwest Research Institute , Kansas City, Mo., Contract No. FH-11-6908, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, National Highway Safety Institute, Washington, D. C, MRI Project No. 3225-E, June 25, 1968 - June 27, 1969, 16 pp. A DRIVING SIMULATOR FOR STABILITY OF A MOTOR VEHICLE, Kazuo Sunaga, Shin Iida 6< Shizuo Fujioka, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd ., Chassis Test Section, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan, Paper No. 16, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 14 pp. 204 THE FULL SCALE WIND TUNNEL OF NISSAN MOTOR COMPANY, Kenichi Ohtani, Michio Takei 6. Hikota Sakamoto, Nissan Motor Company, Ltd ., Oppama Proving Ground, Natsushlma Cho, Yokosuka, Japan, Paper No. 17, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct.- SJov. 1969, 15 pp. THE MOTION AND STABILITY OF A VEHICLE MOVING OVER SURFACES WHICH ARE BUMPY, SLOPING OR CAMBERED, I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Vehicle and Road Design for Safety , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 183, Part 3A, 1968-69, pp. 145-153, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, England LE DANGER DES ACTIONS AERODYNAMIQUES POUR LA. CONDUITE (THE DANGERS OF AERO-DYNAMIC EFFECTS ON DRIVING), F. Leygue & P. Duflot, Organisme National de Securite'' Routiere, Arcueil (Seine), France, Bulletin No. 20, February 1969, 23 pp. AN ANALYSIS OF AUTOMOBILE ANTISKID BRAKE CONTROL SYSTEMS, Susumu Kase, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Park, Pa., Report No. 14, August 1958, 77 pp. A NEW LOOSE INVERSE PROCEDURE FOR MATCHING TYRES AND CAR USING A MATHEMATICAL MODEL, A. Chiesa & L. Rinonapoli, Pirelli S.p.A., Milan, Italy; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions, Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 93-108 VEHICLE STABILITY STUDIED WITH A NON-LINEAR SEVEN DEGREE MODEL, A. Chiesa & L. Rinonapoli, Pirelli S.p.A. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670476, 16 pp. THE OVERTURNING OF CARS AS A RESULT OF SEVERE BRAKING, R. N. Kemp & I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 103, 1967, 22 pp., 2 figs. RETENTION OF DIRECTIONAL CONTROL WHEN BRAKING, R. D. Lister, Road Research Lab ., Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Langley, England, 16 pp. SOME PROBLEMS OF EMERGENCY BRAKING IN ROAD VEHICLES, R. D. Lister, Road Research Lab. , Dept. of Scientific &■ Industrial Research, Langley, England, presented at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Automobile Div. Symposium on Control of Vehicles during Braking & Corner- inn. London, June 11, 1963, 14 pp. VEHICLE BEHAVIOUR IN COMBINED CORNERING AND BRAKING, A. J. Harris & B. S. Riley, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions, Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 19-34 DYNAMICS OF AN AUTOMOBILE IN A CORNERING MANEUVER ON AND OFF THE HIGHWAY, W. Bergman, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich., E. A. Fox & E. Saibel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , Troy, N. Y., presented at the 1st International Conf. on Mechanics of Soil-Vehicle Systems, Turin-St. Vincent, June 1961, 28 pp. TORSIONAL STIFFNESS OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE CHASSIS FRAMES, P. H. Marshall, A. H. Roach & G. H. Tidbury, presented at the Socledad de Technlco3 de Automocion XII Congres International des Techniques de l'Automobile, Federation Internationale des Societes d'Ingenieurs des Techniques de l'Automobile, Barcelona, Spain, May 19-25, 1968, Paper No. 3-04, 33 pp. ASSESSMENT OF THE HOPE ANTI-JACK KNIFE DEVICE, H. A. Wilkins, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 163, 1968, 6 pp. THE BEHAVIOUR OF VEHICLES WHEN BRAKING IN EMERGENCIES, R. D. Lister, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, England; reprint J. Inst. Auto. Assess, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1966, dp. 41-61 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS ON THE BRAKING PERFORMANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, H. J. H. Starks & R. t> . Lister, Road Research Lab .. Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Langley, England; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Div., Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1954-55, pp. 31-44 THE IMPORTANCE OF LOSS OF DIRECTIONAL CONTROL IN CAR ACCIDENTS, G. Grime, Road Research Lab. , Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Langley, England, presented at the Symposium on Control of Vehicles during Braking and Cornering, in London, June 11, 1963; reprint The Institution of Mechanical Engineers , 1964, 7 pp. AN INTRODUCTORY DISCUSSION OF THE FACTORS AFFECTING CAR HANDLING, I. D. Neilson, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Vehicles Secti6n, Crowthorne, England, Report No. LR 133, 1968, 17 pp., 1 fig. THE VARIABLE -STABILITY AUTOMOBILE, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. , New York, N. Y., Report No. SP-275, November 1965, 19 pp. CAR HANDLING CHARACTERISTICS—DIRECTIONAL STABILITY AND CONTROL OF A FOUR-WHEEL VEHICLE IN A FLAT TURN, iartin Goland & Frederick Jindra, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas; reprint Automobile Engineer , Vol. 51, No. 8, August 1961, pp. 296-302 SCALE MODEL INVESTIGATION OF OFF-TRACKING OF TRAILER TRAINS, Frederick Jindra, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, presented at the Society of Auto- motive Engineers National Transportation Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa., October 29— November 2, 1962, SAE Report 607A, 10 pp. AUTOMOBILE STABILITY— CONCEPTS OF AUTOMOBILE STEADY- STATE HANDLING PART II, F. D. Hales, Stevens Institute of Technology , Davidson Lab., Hoboken, N. J., Technical Memorandum 151, June 1968, 95 pp. DRIVER BEHAVIOUR IN CONTROLLING A DRIVING SIMULATOR WITH VARYING STABILITY, F. D. Hales, University of Technology, Loughborough, England; & M. P. Jurkat, Stevens Institute of Technology , Hoboken, N. J.; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions , Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 82-90 STUDIES OF MOBILITY AND STABILITY CHARACTERISTICS OF A TRUCK TRAIN, Howard J. Dugoff & H. M. Parekh, Stevens Institute of Technology , Davidson Lab., Hoboken, N. J., Contract No. DA30-069-ord-1763, prepared for U. S .• Army Tank-Automotive Command, SIT Report No. 1175, November 1967, 43 pp. A THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE STABILITY OF THE M151 i-TON MILITARY TRUCK, M. Peter Jurkat, Stevens Institute of Technology, Davidson Lab., Hoboken, N. J. Contract No. DAAE07-69-C-0356, prepared for U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command, Warren, Mich., Report No. 1420, September 1969, 19 pp., 6 figs. 205 DYNAMICS OF THE AUTOMOBILE RELATED TO DRIVER CONTROL, D. H. Weir, C. P. Shortwell & W. A. Johnson, Systems Technology, Inc ., Hawthorne, Calif., Contract No. CFR- 11-2770, prepared for Bureau of Public Roads, Dept., of Commerce, Wash., D. C, Technical Report No. 157-1, July 1966, 124 pD- DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF A CAR WHEN ONE TYRE IS PUNCTURED SUDDENLY, Masaichi Kondo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan; Tsutomu Nagaishi, Toyota Motor Company, Ltd.; Koji Seki, Toyo Rubber Industry Company, Ltd., Nishi-ku, Osaka, Japan & Teruo Takeda, Takeda Manufacturing Company, Ltd ., presented at the 12th FISITA Congress, Barcelona, Spain, May 1968, 43 pp. THE FORCED LATERAL OSCILLATIONS OF TRAILERS, A. Slibar, Technical University of Vienna , Vienna, Austria; P. R. Paslay, General Electric Company, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Schenectady, N. Y. , presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Applied Mechanics Division Summer Conference, Berkeley, Calif., June 13-15, 1957, Paper No. 57--APM-4, 5 pp. ANALYSIS OF THE STEADY-STATE TURNING BEHAVIOUR OF AN AUTOMOBILE, Hugo S. Radt, Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Vehicle Dynamics Dept., Buffalo, N. Y., Ir. Hans B. Pacejka, Technische Hogeschool , Laboratorium Noor Voertuigtechniek, Delft, Holland; reprint Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers , Paper 8, 1963, pp. 66-79 EFFECT OF TRACTIVE FORCE ON DIRECTIONAL STABILITY AND CONTROLLABILITY OF VEHICLES, Tadashl Okada & Takeo Sagishima, Toyo Kogyo Co. , Ltd ., Testing & Research Div. Hiroshima, Japan, Paper No. 10, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct.- Nov. 1969, 33 pp.; presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690527, 18 pp. DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF A CAR WHEN ONE TYRE IS PUNCTURED SUDDENLY, Masaichi Kondo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan; Tsutomu Nagaishi, Toyota Motor Company, Ltd.; Koji Seki, Toyo Rubber Industry Company, Ltd ., Nishi-ku, Osaka, Japan & Teruo Takeda, Takeda Manufacturing Company, Ltd., presented at the 12th FISITA Congress, Barcelona, Spain, May 1968. 43 pp. DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF A CAR WHEN ONE TYRE IS PUNCTURED SUDDENLY, Masaichi Kondo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan; Tsutomu Nagaishi, Toyota Motor Company, Ltd .; Koji Seki, Toyo Rubber Industry Company, Ltd., Nishi-ku, Osaka, Japan & Teruo Takeda, Takeda Manufacturing Company, Ltd., presented at the 12th FISITA Congress, Barcelona, Spain, May 1968, 43 pp. ON THE VEHICLE DYNAMIC RESPONSE TO THE STEERING CONTROL, T. Kohno, S. Tsuchiya, N. Komoda & H. Iwase, Toyota Motor Co., Ltd ., Toyota-shi, Alchi, Japan, Paper No. 7, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 17 pp. SKIDDING OF VEHICLES DUE TO LOCKED WHEELS, W. T. Kolter & H. B. Pacejka, Technische Hogeschool , Delft, Holland; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions , Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 3-18 BRAKING, STABILITY AND STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF LONGER COMBINATIONS, AMA-TTMA Longer Combinations Task Force, Automobile Manufacturers Association, Detroit, Mich., and Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association , Washington D. C, October 1, 1968, 117 pp. INTERACTION OF VEHICLE AND ROAD SURFACE, Don L. Ivey 6. Charles J. Keese, Texas A & M University , Texas Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas; & F. Cecil Brenner, National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research, Tire Systems Section, Washington, D. C, presented at the Workshop on Anti-Skid Program Management, 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, January 18, 1971, 45 pp. CAR STABILITY AND TRANSIENT TIRE FORCES, S. A. Lippmann, U. S. Rubber Company , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Passenger Car Body & Materials Meeting, Detroit, Mich., March 2-4, 1954, SAE Report No. 269, 14 pp. AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE DYNAMIC STABILITY OF STEERING SYSTEMS, R. P. LaBarre & B. Mills, University of Birmingham , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Report No. 86, 20 pp., 10 figs. TORSIONAL STIFFNESS OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE CHASSIS FRAMES, P. H. Marshall, A. H. Roach & G. H. Tldbury , presented at the Sociedad de Technicos de Automocion XII Congres International dea Techniques de 1' Automobile, Federation Internationale des Socletes d'Ingenleurs des Techniques da l'Automobile, Barcelona, Spain, May 19-25, 1968, Paper No. 3-04, 33 pp. AN ANALYSIS OF TIRE TRACTION PROPERTIES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON VEHICLE DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE, Howard Dugoff, P. S. Fancher & Leonard Segel, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 341-366; SAE Report No. 700377 DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR OF A CAR WHEN ONE TYRE IS PUNCTURED SUDDENLY, Masaichi Kondo, Tokyo Institute of Technology , Tokyo, Japan; Tsutomu Nagaishi, Toyota Motor Company, Ltd.; Koji Seki, Toyo Rubber Industry Company, Ltd., Nishi-ku, Osaka, Japan & Teruo Takeda, Takeda Manufacturing Company, Ltd., presented at the 12th FISITA Congress, Barcelona, Spain, May 1968, 43 pp. BASIC VEHICLE HANDLING PROPERTIES, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-6528, prepared for'National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, Report No. 141, November 1967, 67 pp. THE EFFECT OF BODY ROLL ON AUTOMOBILE CONTROL AND STABILITY, T. Okada 6. T. Takagi, Toyo Industries , Hiroshima, Japan, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Spring Meeting, May 15. 1963, 8 pp. THE DIRECTIONAL DYNAMICS OF THE COMMERCIAL TRACTOR- SEMITRAILER VEHICLE DURING BRAKING, Philip M. Leucht, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 242-254; SAE Report No. 700371 206 TIRE PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS AFFECTING VEHICLE RESPONSE TO STEERING AND BRAKING CONTROL INPUTS, Howard Dugoff, Paul S. Fancher & Leonard Segel, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. - 460, prepared for National Bureau of Standards, Office of Vehicle Systems Research Tire System Section, Washington, D. C, August 1969, 105 pp., PB 187 667; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , SAE P-30, pp. 341-366, SAE Report No. 700377 VEHICLE HANDLING TEST PROCEDURES, Howard Dugoff, R. D. Ervin & Leonard Segel, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Contract No. FH-11-7297, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, HSRI Report No. PF-lOOa, November 1970, 38 pp. DRIVER BEHAVIOUR IN CONTROLLING A DRIVING SIMULATOR WITH VARYING STABILITY, F. D. Hales, University of Technology , Loughborough, England; & M. P. Jurkat, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J.; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1968-69, Handling of Vehicles Under Emergency Conditions, Vol. 183, Part 3H, pp. 82-90 EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL STUDIES ON THE STEERING TORQUE OF AUTOMOBILES— PART III, T. Oguchi, University of Tokyo , Institute for Manufacturing Technology, Tokyo, Japan, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Fall Meeting, October 25, 1963, 5 pp. LOAD-DEFLECTION CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLE SUSPENSION SYSTEMS, Donald F. Livermore, University of Wisconsin . presented at Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670022, 13 pp. RESUME OF TESTS ON PASSENGER CARS ON WINTER SURFACES 1939-1966, Gyaneshwar Prased Hajela, University of Wisconsin , Madison, Wis., compiled for National Safety Council, Committee on Winter Driving Hazards, Chicago, 111., 1968, 165 pp. STATION REQUIREMENTS FOR INSPECTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS, AND SEMITRAILERS IN STATIONS OWNED AND OPERATED BY REGULATORY AUTHORITY, American National Standa rds Institute, New York, N. Y., Standard D7. 2-1968, pp. October 10, 1968, 7 LE PROBLEME DE L'EXAMEN OBJECTIF DES FEUX (VEHICLE LIGHTS—AIMING AND TESTING), J. B. Cornells, Auto Inspection Bureau Veritas , Bruxelles, Belgium; J. P. de Coster, Fonds D 'Etudes et de Recherches Pour la Se'curite Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium, presented at the 1968 Conference on Road Safety, Brussels, Belgium, 23 pp. REASONS FOR REJECTION-CARS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN INSPECTED PREVIOUSLY, REPRODUCTION OF PMVI PRINTOUTS, VOLUME II, SECTION VII, Automobile Club of Missouri , St. Louis, Mo. Contract No. FH-11-7330, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, pp. 1-256 REPRODUCTION OF DIAGNOSTIC CENTER MASTER PRINTOUT, VOLUME II, SECTION VI, Automobile Club of Missouri , St. Louis, Mo., Contract No. FH-11-7330, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Part 1, pp. 1-996; Part 2, pp. 997-2196 VEHICLES IN USE, AND STATE COMPULSION VEHICLE INSPECTION, VOLUME I, F. B. Oldham, Automobile Club of Missouri , St. Louis, Mo., Contract No. FH-11-7330, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, August 6, 1970, 24 pp. VEHICLES IN USE, AND STATE COMPULSION VEHICLE INSPECTION, VOLUME II, F. B. Oldham, Automobile Club of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo., Contract No. FH-11-7330, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, August 6, 1970, 306 pp. HIGHWAY PATROL MANUAL 83.2, California Highway Patrol , Safety Services Division, Sacramento, Calif., 1968 - OPERATIONAL TESTS OF LONGER COMBINATIONS, Western Highway Institute, San Francisco, Calif., 24 pp. OPTIMUM BRAKING, STABILITY AND STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY FOR LONGER TRUCK COMBINATIONS, Robert E. Nelson, Abex Corp., American Brakeblok Div.; James W. Fitch, Western Highway Institute , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers West Coast Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., August 12-15, 1968, SAE Report No. 680547, 17 pp. VEHICLE INSPECTION AND DIAGNOSIS DIGEST OF MOTOR LAWS, American Automobile Association , Legal Department, Washington, D. C, Thirty-Sixth Edition, 1969, 188 pp. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS, AND SEMITRAILERS OPERATED ON PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, American National Standards Institute , New York, N. Y., Standard D7. 1-1968, October 9, 1968, 47 pp. STATION REQUIREMENTS FOR INSPECTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS, AND SEMITRAILERS IN STATIONS APPOINTED AND LICENSED BY REGULATORY AUTHORITY, American National Standards Institute . New York, N. Y., Standard D7. 3-1968, October 9, 1968, 7 pp. AUTOMOTIVE INSPECTION FACILITIES, Clayton Manufacturing Co., Dynamometer Div.. Cincinnati, Ohio, prepared for U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C, October 18, 1966, 56 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNIQUES AND EQUIPMENT TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY OF AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSIS, E. L. Cline, Clayton Manufacturing Co. . Cincinnati, Ohio, presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 15-19, 1967, SAE Report No. 670517, 15 pp. INSPECTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR ACCIDENT-CAUSING DEFECTS, Wolfgang Rosig, Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug Uberwachungs Verein e. V. , Germany, 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 407-444; SAE Report No. 700382 SUCCESS AND RECOGNITION OF THE VOLUNTARY VEHICLE INSPECTION PROGRAM IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, Rolf Moll 6. Ernst Halbgewachs, Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug - Uberwachungs-Vereln e. V. , Germany; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 445-467; SAE Report No. 700383 207 LE PROBLEME DE L'EXAMEN OBJECTIF DES FEUX (VEHICLE LIGHTS --AIMING AND TESTING), J. B. Cornells, Auto Inspection Bureau Veritas, Bruxelles, Belgium; J. P. de Coster, Fonds D 'Etudes et de Recherches Pour la Secu r lte' Routlere , Bruxelles, Belgium, presented at the 1968 Conference on Road Safety, Brussels, Belgium, 23 pp. VEHICLE FITNESS, Edouard Coucke, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches Relatives au Probleme de la Securlte' Routlere , Bruxelles, Belgium; Technical Aspects of Road Safety, Bulletin d' Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A. , No. 22, June 1965, pp. 3.1-3.29, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securlte Routlere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor UNIFORM VEHICLE CODE AND MODEL TRAFFIC ORDINANC, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances , Washington, D. C, 1968, 335 pp. LATE MODEL MOTOR VEHICLE DEFECT STUDY, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, Division of Research & Development, Albany, N. Y., Research Report No. 2, 1963, 9 pp. DIAGNOSTIC CENTER, T. A. Blatt, K. M. Chng & H. B. Goodman, Northern Research & Engineering Corporation, Cambridge, Mass., Contract No. FH-11-7287, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, July 1, 1970, 419 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE LAW SERIES, SERVICE NO. 3--EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility , Washington, D. C, 1967 - INSTRUMENTATION FOR DYNAMIC VEHICLE DIAGNOSIS, John St. John, Marquette Corp. , Minneapolis, Minn., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Chicago Section, Chicago, 111., May 10, 1966, SAE Report No. 670202, 3 pp. AN INVESTIGATION OF USED CAR SAFETY STANDARDS — SAFETY INDEX--THE IMPACT OF MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION, VOLUME III, E. N. Wells, J. P. Fitzmaurice, C. E. Guilliams, T. L. Shaffer & P. D. Williams, Operations Research, Incorporated , Silver Spring, Md., Contract No. FH-11-6921. prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, Technical Report 553, September 12, 1969, 86 pp. TIRE-TREAD MEASUREMENT IN AN AUTOMATED AUTOMOBILE- INSPECTION SYSTEM FOR TURNPIKE ENTRANCES, Michael Deutsch, Massachusetts Institute Technology , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge, Mass., August 21, 1967; 53 pp. INVESTIGATION OF AN ADVANCED VEHICLE INSPECTION SYSTEM, James Weigl, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cambridge, Mass., June 1967, 67 pp. LE CODE DE BONNE PRATIQUE DE L' INSPECTION TECHNIQUE AUTOMOBILE (A CODE OF GOOD PRACTICE IN TECHNICAL INSPECTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES), Yves Verlinden, Mlnlstere des Communications , Bruxelles, Belgium; Technical Aspects of Road Safety--Inspection Techniques, Bulletin d' Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A., No. 15, September 1963, pp. 5.1-5-11, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securlte' Routlere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor STATISTIQUES DES DEFECTUOSITES EN BELGIQUE EN 1962 (BELGIAN STATISTICS OF DEFECTS IN 1962), Albert Horion, Mlnlstere des Communications , Bruxelles, Belgium; Technical Aspects of Road Safety — Inspection Techniques, Bulletin d'Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A., No. 15, September 1963, pp. 6.1-6.26, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securlte' Routlere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor LE C0NTR0LE TECHNIQUE DES VEHICULES EN CIRCULATION EN TTALIE (TECHNICAL INSPECTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN ITALY), Francesco Saverio Ferraro, Mlnlstere des Transports et de l'Avlation Civile ; Technical Aspects of Road Safety — Inspection Techniques, Bulletin d' Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A., No. 15, September 1963, pp. 3.1-3-14, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securlte' Routlere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor INSPECTION LAWS ANNOTATED, National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws & Ordinances , Washington, D. 1969 + supplements, 304 pp. L' INSPECTION TECHNIQUE DES VEHICULES AUX ETATS-UNIS (TECHNICAL INSPECTION OF VEHICLES IN THE U.S.A.), Albert Halleux, Jr., Organisme d' Inspection Technique , Autosecurite - Belgique; Technical Aspects of Road Safety — Inspection Techniques, Bulletin d'Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A., No. 15, September 1963, pp. 4.1-4.20, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securlte' Routlere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor STATISTIQUES CONCERNANT DIVERS ASPECTS DE L' INSPECTION TECHNIQUE DES VEHICULES AUTOMOBILES (STATISTICS CONCERNING DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF TECHNICAL INSPECTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES), Albert Halleux, Jr., Organisme d'Inspection Technique, Autosecurite -Belgique ; Technical Aspects of Road Safety — Inspection Techniques, Bulletin d'Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A., No. 15, September 1963, pp. 7.1-7.10, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securlte' Routlere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor POUR ET C0NTRE L' INSPECTION TECHNIQUE (FOR AND AGAINST TECHNICAL INSPECTION), F. P. Malschaert, Organlsmes de Controle Automobile. A. s. b. 1. , Technical Aspects of Road Safety — Inspection Techniques, Bulletin d' Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A., No. 15, September 1963, pp. 2.1-2.8, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securlte Routlere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor MOBILE INSPECTION EQUIPMENT AND TECHNIQUES—DETAILED REPORT, VOLUME II, Howard C. Lawrence, RCA Service Company , Cherry Hill, Camden, N. J., Contract No. FH-11-7291, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D. C, June 30, 1970, 182 pp. MOBILE INSPECTION EQUIPMENT AND TECHNIQUES—OPERATING MANUAL, VOLUME III, Howard C. Lawrence, RCA Service Company , Cherry Hill, Camden, N. J., Contract No. FH-11-7291, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Research Institute, Washington, D. C, June 30, 1970, 46 pp. 208 INSPECTION OF VEHICLES FOR ROAD WORTHINESS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO METHODS AND EQUIPMENT, G. Crime 6. R . D . Lister, Road Research Lab., Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Harmondsworth, England; reprint Proceedings of the Automobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1957-8,. No. 5, pp. 129-158 MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION, Robert Brenner, Lynn Bradford & George Parker, U. S. Department of Transportation , National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 382-406; SAE Report No. 700380 ALTERNATIVE INSPECTION POLICIES FOR COLLISION DAMAGED VEHICLES AND INSPECTION OF SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLES- VOLUME I, ALTERNATIVE INSPECTION POLICIES FOR COLLISION DAMAGED VEHICLES, Roy W. Hull, J. Robert Cromack & Raymond G. Ward, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-6886, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 1, 1969, 114 pp. ALTERNATIVE INSPECTION POLICIES FOR COLLISION DAMAGED VEHICLES AND INSPECTION OF SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLES — •VOLUME II, SPECIAL VEHICLE INSPECTION, Roy W. Hull, J. Robert Cromack & Raymond G. Ward, Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. FH-11-6886, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, June 13, 1969, 94 pp. SAFETY FOR MOTOR VEHICLES IN USE--A REPORT TO THE CONGRESS FROM THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION, Alan S. Boyd, U. S. Department of Transportation , Washington, D. C, June 1968, 107 pp. SELECTED SAFETY ROAD CHECKS, MOTOR CARRIERS OF PROPERTY— FISCAL YEAR 1969, U. S. Department of Transportation , Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Washington, D. C, Fiscal Year 1969, 4 pp., 13 figs. RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE FOR FRE-TRIP INSPECTION OF COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES, National Conference of State Transportation Specialists , Safety Committee, with cooperation of U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Washington, D. C, February 1970, 12 pp., PB 189 223 L'EQUIPEMENT DES STATIONS D' INSPECTION BELGES POUR VEHICULES AUTOMOBILES (EQUIPMENT OF THE BELGIAN MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION STATIONS), Herman Van Speybroeck, Studiebureel Voor Automobieltransport ; Technical Aspects of Road Safety — Inspection Techniques, Bulletin d' Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A. , No. 15, September 1963, pp. 8.1-8.23, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securite Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor CONTROL INSPECTIONS JANUARY 1-JUNE 30, 1966, AB Svensk Bllprovning , Stockholm, Sweden, 56 pp. MOTOR VEHICLES: POINTS TO WATCH--SEPARATE ACCOUNT OF THE FAULTS IN 1965 MODELS, AB Svensk Bllprovning , Stockholm, Sweden, September 1968, 124 pp. AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS—VEHICLE INSPECTION—FINAL REPORT! PHASE I, Jonas Beraru, TRW Systems Group , Redondo Beach, Calif., Contract No. FH- 11-6538, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, March 26, 1968, 212 pp., PB 178 230; SUMMARY— FINAL REPORT: PHASE I, 29 pp., PB 178 229 THE INFLUENCE OF PERIODIC MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION ON MECHANICAL CONDITION, Robert W. McCutcheon 6. Harold W. Sherman, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., July 1968, 68 pp., PB 182 346 A MODELING APPROACH TO MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION, James O'Day & Jay S. Creswell, Jr., University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., presented at The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter Annual Meeting & Energy Systems Exposition, Pittsburgh, Pa., November 12-17, 1967, ASME Report No. 67-WA/BHF-3, 9 pp. PERIODIC MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION AND PREDICTIVE ANALYTICAL MODELING, James O'Day & Jay S. Creswell, University of Michigan , Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., HSRI Research No. 3, October 1968, 8 pp- POLITICS AND VEHICLE INSPECTION, Joseph W. Little, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich., Report No. PuF-8, September 1968, 20 pp., PB 183 489 Jr. AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS— VEHICLE INSPECTION- FINAL REPORT: PHASE II— VOLUME I, George Champion, TRW Systems Group , Redondo Beach, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6538, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, November 28, 1968, 155 pp. AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS— VEHICLE INSPECTION- COMPUTER PROGRAMS— FINAL REPORT: PHASE II— VOLUME II, George Champion, TRW Systems Group , Redondo Beach, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6538, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, November 28, 1968, 111 pp. VEHICLE NOISE--GENERAL MEASUREMENTS OF TRAFFIC NOISE IN WEST GERMANY, F. J. Meister, Akustlsches Laboratorlum der Medlzinlschen Akademie , Dusseldorf, Germany; reprint Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , Vol. 29, No. 1, January 1957, pp. 81-84 NOISE AS A PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARD — PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE, W. Dixon Ward & James E. Fricke, American Speech and Hearing Association, Washington, D. C., June 13-14, 1968, ASHA Report No. 4, February 1969, 384 pp. HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM MANUAL— PERIODIC MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION, VOLUME 1, U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, January 1969, 61 pp. THE NOISE TRUCKS MAKE— REPORT OF TESTS, Lewis C. Kibbee, American Trucking Associations, Inc ., Washington, D. C., September 1964, 16 pp., 11 figs. 209 A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO THE TRUCK NOISE PROBLEM, Lewis C. Kibbee, American Trucking Associations, Inc ., Equipment & Operations Section, Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Golden Anniversary West Coast Meeting, Portland, Ore., August 15-17, 1955, 7 pp. LEVELS AND SPECTRA OF TRAFFIC, INDUSTRIAL, & RESIDENTIAL AREA NOISE, G. L. Bonvallet, Armour Research Foundation, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 111.; reprint The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , Vol. 23, No. 4, July 1951, pp. 435-439 LEVELS AND SPECTRA OF TRANSPORTATION VEHICLE NOISE, G. L. Bonvallet, Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology , Chicago, 111.; reprint Journal of the Acoustical Society of America , Vol. 22, No. 2, March 1950, pp. 201-205 DEVELOPMENT OF A TRUCK MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY SPECIFICATION FOR MUFFLER PERFORMANCE—HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINE, E.J. Bush, Automobile Manufacturers Association , Motor Truck Committee, Detroit, Mich.; reprint Noise Control , Vol. 2, May 1956, pp. 10-12 TRAFFIC NOISE EXPECTED FROM THE PROPOSED BEVERLY HILLS FREEWAY, Bolt Beranek & Newman, Incorporated, Cambridge, Mass., prepared for City of Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills, Calif., Report No. 1089, Job No. 163409, June 1964, 30 pp. URBAN HIGHWAY NOISE: MEASUREMENT, SIMULATION AND MIXED REACTIONS, William J. Galloway, Welden E. Clark & Jean S. Kerrick, Bolt Beranek & Newman, Inc ., Cambridge, Md., Report No. 1505, Report of Project NCHRP 3-7, November 1968, 268 pp. THE QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF ROAD SURFACE NOISE, J. S. Pollard, British Pavements , Canterbury, England, presented at the New Zealand Roading Conference, June 1961, 10 pp. METHOD FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF NOISE EMITTED BY MOTOR VEHICLES, B.S. 3425: 1966, British Standards Institution, Inc., British Standards House, London, England, 10 pp. SPECIFICATION FOR SOUND LEVEL METERS FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF NOISE EMITTED BY MOTOR VEHICLES, B.S. 3539:1962, British Standards Institution, Inc . British Standards House, Lonson, England, 12 pp. VEHICLE NOISE LEGISLATION: A PARADOX OF PERPLEXITIES, Karl M. Richards, Automobile Manufacturers Association , Detroit, Mich.; reprint Noise Control , Vol. 2, May 1956, pp. 28-33 & 77 CAR VIBRATION AND N0ISE--THEIR STUDY AND ISOLATION, Rene Bouquet, S.A. Automobiles Peugeot ; Auto Air Conditioning Forum, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1961, pp. 1-6 NOISE AND FUME CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC VEHICLES, Richard B. Engdahl, Battelle Memorial Institute , Columbus, Ohio; American Public Works Association Yearbook , 1967, pp. 111-116 HIGHWAY NOISE MEASUREMENT, SIMULATION, AND MIXED REACTIONS, William J. Galloway, Welden E. Clark & Jean S. Kerrick, Bolt Beranek & Newman, Incorporated , Van Nuys, Calif.; prepared for National Academy of Sciences, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 78, 1969, 78 pp. NOISE IN URBAN AND SUBURBAN AREAS: RESULTS OF FIELD STUDIES, Bolt Beranek 6. Newman, Inc ., Los Angeles, Calif., prepared for U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development & Federal Housing Administration, Washington, D. C, January 1967, 49 pp. ABATEMENT OF HIGHWAY NOISE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ROADSIDE DESIGN, Wilbur H. Simonson, Bureau of Public Roads , Roadside Section, Washington, D. C; Abatement of Highway Noise and Fumes, Highway Research Bulletin 110, Publication 363, 1955, pp. 1-14 SECOND REPORT OF SPECIAL TASK COMMITTEE ON ROADSIDE DESIGN TO REDUCE TRAFFIC NOISE, DUST, AND FUMES, Wilbur H. Simonson, Bureau of Public Roads , Roadside Section, Washington, D. C; Abatement of Highway Noise and Fumes, Highway Research Bulletin 110, Publication 363, 1955, pp. 34-47 FREEWAY NOISE, Louis Bourget, California Division of Highways , Materials & Research Department, Western Association of State Highway Officials Planning Conference Proceedings, 1962, pp. 236-249 MOTOR VEHICLE NOISE: ITS MEASUREMENT AND PREDICTION, Louis Bourget, California Division of Highways , Materials and Research Department, Sacramento, Calif. i Proceedings of the 15th California Street & Highway Conference, University of California, January 1963, pp. 187-191 MOTOR VEHICLE NOISE: ENFORCEMENT OF LEGAL CONTROLS, Warren M. Heath, California Highway Patrol , Sacramento, Calif; Proceedings of the 15th California Street & Highway Conference, University of California, January 1963, 4 pp. OBJECTIVE LIMITS FOR MOTOR VEHICLE NOISE, Bolt, Beranek & Newman, Inc ., Cambridge, Mass., Job No. 163327, prepared for California Highway Patrol, Sacramento, Calif., Report No. 824, December 1962, 94 pp. TRAFFIC NOISE, Peter Kyropoulos, California Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory; Traffic Quarterly , Vol. 2, January 1948, pp. 31-43 A SAMPLING OF NEW YORK CITY TRAFFIC NOISE, Laymon N. Miller, Bolt Beranek 6c Newman, Inc ., Cambridge, Mass. reprint Noise Control , Vol. 6, May/June 1960, pp. 39- 43 VEHICLE SENSITIVITY TO TIRE DISTURBANCES, L. M. Wallace, Chrysler Corp . , Detroit, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 17- 21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650520, 8 pp. SOUND PROPAGATION IN URBAN AREAS, Francis M. Wiener, Charles I. Malme 6. Creighton M. Gogos, Bolt Beranek & Newman, Incorporated , Cambridge, Mass.; reprint The Jjurnal of the Acoustical Society of America , Vol. 37, No. 4, April 1963, pp. 738-747 WIND N0ISE--A PRACTICAL APPROACH, J. R. Thomson, Chrysler Corporation , Engineering Proving Grounds, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automobile Week, Detroit, Mich., March 30 - April 3, 1964, SAE Report No. 840B, 3 pp. 210 LES METHODES DE DETERMINATION DE L'INTENSITE SUBJECTIVE DES BRUITS A PARTIR DE LEUR ANALYSE SPECTRALE (METHODS OF DETERMINING THE SUBJECTIVE INTENSITY OF NOISE BY MEANS OF SPECTRAL ANALYSIS), R.' Lehmann, College Scientif ique Unlversltalre du Mans , Faculte' des Sciences de Caen, France; reprint Applied Acoustics , Vol. 1, No. 2, April 1968, pp. 101- 114 NOISE--FINAL REPORT, Committee on the Problem of Noise , Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, England, 1968, 235 pp. THE MEASUREMENT OF NOISE INSIDE CARS, R. D. Ford & D. J. Saunders, University of Salford, Acoustics Group Department of Pure & Applied Physics, Salford, Lanes, England; G. M. Hughes, Consmr.;rs ' Association ; Applied Acoustics, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 1970, pp. 69-84 CONTROL OF FARM TRACTOR INTAKE AND EXHAUST NOISE, Douglas W. Rowley, Donaldson Company, Incorporated , Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 660598, 1966, 13 pp. TYRE AND VEHICLE VIBRATION, V. E. Gough, C. W. Bar son, J. C. Hutchinson & D. H. James, Dunlop Rubber Company , Limited , Birmingham, England, paper presented to Auto- mobile Division, Institution of Mechanical Engineers; reprint Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs. , 1964-65, Vol. 179, Part 2A No. 7, 29 pp. THE NUISANCES OF TRAFFIC IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS, David M. Winterbottom, Essex County Council, England; reprint Traffic Quarterly , Vol. 19, No. 3, July 1965, pp. 384- 395 THE AMA 125-SONE NEW-VEHICLE NOISE SPECIFICATION, David C. Apps, General Motors Corporation , Warren, Mich.; reprint Noise Control , Vol. 2, May 1956, pp. 13-16 CARS, TRUCKS, AND TRACTORS AS NOISE SOURCES, David C. Apps, General Motors Proving Ground , Milford, Mich.; Noise as a Public Health Hazard--Proceedings of the Conference, American Speech & Hearing Association, Washington, D. C, Report No. 4, February 1969, pp. 317- 320 HUSHING AUTOMOTIVE NOISES, D. W. McDaniel, General Motors Corporation , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1962, SAE Report No. 477A, 9 pp. QUIETER AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES, David C. Apps, General Motors Proving Ground , Noise and Vibration Lab., Warren, Mich.; reprint Noise Control , Vol. 1, No. 2, March 1955, pp. 41-44, 64 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN TRAFFIC NOISE CONTROL, David C. Apps, General Motors Corporation , Proving Ground Section, Noise and Vibration Lab., Warren, Mich.; Noise Control, Vol. 3, No. 5, September 1957, pp. 34-36, & 60 A TECHNIQUE FOR REDUCTION OF AXLE GENERATED NOISES, Dan Hajduk, General Motors Corporation, Cadillac Motor Car Div., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700102, ll pp. N0ISE--S0UND WITHOUT VALUE, Donald F. Hornig, Federal Council for Science & Technology , Committee on Environmental Quality, Washington, D. C, September 1968, 56 pp. TRAFFIC NOISE, R. J. Stephenson & G. H. Vulkan, Greater London Council , Scientific Branch, County Hall, London, S.E.I, England; reprint Journal of Sound & Vibration , Vol. 7, No. 2, 1968. op. 247-262 UNE METH0DE "A PR0XIMITE" POUR LA MESURE DE L'EVOLUTION, DANS LE TEMPS, DU BRUIT EMIS PAR UN VEHICULE STATI0NNAIRE (A "PROXIMITY" METHOD FOR MEASURING THE EVOLUTION, AS TIME ELAPSES, OF THE NOISE EMITTED BY A STATIONARY VEHICLE), J. P. De Coster, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches Relatives au Probleme de la Se'curite' Routier e, Bruxelles, Belgium; W. Simoens, Universite de Gand, Laboratoire de Technique Automobile; Technical Aspects of Road Safety, Bulletin d' Information du C.I.D.I.T.V.A., No. 22, June 1965, pp. 4.1-4.29, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Se'curite Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor THE ENVIRONMENTAL DECADE AND THE HIGHWAY USER, Highway Users Federation for Safety & Mobility , Washington, D. G November 1970, 31 pp. NOISE POLLUTION: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PROBLEM AND AN OUTLINE FOR FUTURE LEGAL RESEARCH, James L. Hildebrand ; Columbia Law Review , Vol. 70, No. 4, April 1970, pp. 652- 692 TRUCKS DON'T HAVE TO BE NOISY, Robert E. Howell ; reprint Commercial Car Journal , March 1969, pp. 98- 99, 100, 101 THE CONTROL OF TIRE NON-UNIFORMITY AND A PASSENGER CAR MANUFACTURER'S POINT OF VIEW, J. Bajer, Ford Motor Company, presented at the National Automobile Meeting, March 19-21, 1963, Detroit, Michigan, SAE Report No. 667B, 15 pp. REPORT OF AUTOMOTIVE TRAFFIC NOISE SUBCOMMITTEE, Paul Huber , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Transportation Meeting, New York, N. Y., October 16, 1950; SAE Quarterly Transactions, Vol. 5, No. 4, October 1951, pp. 532-543 EVALUATION OF ACOUSTICAL MATERIALS FOR AUTOMOBILE BODIES, D. L. Jones, Ford Motor Company , Body Materials Engineering Dept., Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automobile Week, Detroit, Mich., March 30-April 3, 1964, SAE Report No. 833A, 6 pp. PRACTICAL METHODS FOR CAR NOISE REDUCTION, R. H. Bollinger & H. N. McGregor, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Annual Meeting, Sheraton-Cadillac & Statler Hotels, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1958, SAE Report No. 2, 10 pp. CHICAGO CONDUCTS A NOISE SURVEY, G. L. Bonvallet, Illinois Institute of Technology , Armour Research^ Foundation, Chicago, 111; The American City , August 1951, pp. 108-110 AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON NOISE, ITS MEASUREMENT, EFFECTS AND CONTROL, Industrial Hygiene Foundation of America, Inc ., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1955, 364pp. MEASUREMENT OF NOISE EMITTED BY VEHICLES, ISO Recotnendation R362-1964, International Organization for Standardization , Geneva, Switzerland, February 1964, 8 pp. 211 NOISE LEVEL STANDARDS AND VIBRATION PROBLEMS ON SMALL ENGINES, S. C. Heth, Jacobsen Manufacturing Company, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Farm, Construction & Industrial Machinery Meeting, Milwaukee, Wis., September 12-15, 1966, SAE Report No. 660597, 5 pp. A SURVEY OF NOISE MEASUREMENT METHODS, James R. Ranz, Lau Blower Company , Dayton, Ohio; Machine Design , Vol. 38, No. 26, November 10, 1966, pp. 199-206 SOME ASPECTS OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLE NOISE, C. H. G. Mills & D. T. Aspinall, Motor Industry Research Association . Lindley, Warwickshire, England; Applied Acoustics , Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1968, pp. 47-66 SOME EXPERIMENTS ON NOISE IN VEHICLES, J. R. Bristow & J. G. Woodgate, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, June 1950, 11 pp. MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL OF ROAD TRAFFIC NOISE, C. G. Bottom & D. M. Waters, Loughborough University of Technology , Department of Transport Technology, Loughborough, Leicestershire, England; Traffic Engineering & Control (London), Vol. 10, No. 11, March 1969, pp. 550-553 THE LEGAL ASPECTS OF NOISE CONTROL, Donald P. Love. presented at the Second West Coast Noise Symposium, Los Angeles, Calif., December 2, 1955; reprint Noise Control , Vol. 2, July 1956, pp. 56-60 MUCH NEEDED MOTOR VEHICLE NOISE CONTROL, Donald P . Loye, Los Angeles, Calif.; reprint Noise Control , Vol. 5, No. 1, July 1959, pp. 30-35 TECHNICAL REPORT ON THE EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED RIVERFRONT EXPRESSWAY--VIEUX CARRE HISTORIC DISTRICT DEMONSTRATION STUDY, Marcou, O'Leary & Associates , Washington, D. C, prepared for City of New Orleans, December 1968, 194 pp. UBER DEN LARM DES STRASSENVERKEHRS (ON THE NOISE OF STREET TRAFFIC), E. J. Rathe', Mater ialprufungsansta It , Abteilung fur Akustik und La'rmbekampfung, Dubendorf, Germany; reprint Acustlca , Vol. 17, 1966, pp. 268-277 CARS FOR CITIES--A STUDY OF TRENDS IN THE DESIGN OF VEHICLES WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THEIR USE IN TOWNS, Minister of Transport , Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, England, 1967, 107 pp., 2 charts AN ANALYSIS OF THE DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A SALOON CAR STRUCTURE APPLIED TO THE GENERATION OF LOW FREQUENCY NOISE (INTERIM REPORT), J. W. Dunn, The Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1967/8, June 1967, 25 pp. NOISE MEASUREMENT --SOME NOTES ON DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF NOISE EMITTED BY VEHICLES, C. H. G. Mills, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, near Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England; Automobile Engineer , Vol. 60, No. 3, March 1970, pp. 111-113 THE SUBJECTIVE RATING OF MOTOR VEHICLE NOISE, C. H. G. Mills, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England; & D. W. Robinson, National Physical Laboratory, Middlesex, England} The Engineer , Vol. 211, No. 5501, 1961, pp. 1070-1074 MUFFLERS: PART I, VEHICLE N0ISE--PUBLIC iNEMY N0.1; reprint Commercial Car Journal , Vol. 108, No. 5, January 1965, pp. 69-79 ABATEMENT OF HIGHWAY NOISE AND FUMES, National Academy of Sciences , National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, HRB Bulletin 110, Publication 363, 1955, 47 pp. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHIES ON VEHICLE NOISE AND FUMES, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C, HRB Bibliography 22, 1958, 10 pp. NOISE: EFFECTS ON MAN AND MATERIALS--A SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY, National Aeronautics 5. Space Administration Kennedy Space Center Library, Kennedy Space Center, Fla., Report No. GP-464, February 15, 1968, 30 pp. THE CONCEPT OF NOISE POLLUTION LEVEL, D. W. Robinson, National Physical Laboratory , Aerodynamics Division, Middlesex, England, AERO Report Ac 38, March 1969, 14 pp., 11 figs. THE EVALUATION OF NOISE FROM FREELY FLOWING ROAD TRAFFIC, D. R. Johnson & E . G . Saunders, National Physical Laboratory , Aerodynamics Div., Teddington, Middlesex, England; Journal of Sound and Vibration , Vol. 7, No. 2, 1968, pp. 287-309 MOTOR VEHICLE NOISE MEASUREMENT, D. W. Robinson, W. C. Copeland & A. J. Rennie, National Physical Lab ., Applied Physics Div., Middlesex, England; The Engineer , Vol. 211, No. 5488, March 31, 1961, pp. 493-497 A NOTE ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NOISE EXPOSURE AND NOISE PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION, D. R. Johnson, National Physical Laboratory , Aerodynamics Div., Middlesex, England, AERO Report Ac 40, May 1969, 6 pp., 3 figs. A PORTABLE TAPE RECORDER FOR AUTOMOBILE NOISE MEASUREMENTS, C. H. G. Mills, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1954/5, December 1954, 5 pp., 1 fig. THE REDUCTION OF ROAD -NOISE IN A SMALL SALOON CAR, J. C. Dixon & J. West, The Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr . Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1965/3, December 1964, 14 pp. AN OUTLINE GUIDE TO CRITERIA FOR THE LIMITATION OF URBAN NOISE, D. W. Robinson, National Physical Lab. , Aerodynamics Div., Middlesex, England, AERO Report No. Ac 39, March 1969, 43 pp. THE SUBJECTIVE RATING OF MOTOR VEHICLE NOISE, C. H. G. Mills, Motor Industry Research Association, Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England; & D. W. Robinson, National Physical Laboratory , Middlesex, England; The Engineer, Vol. 211, No. 5501, 1961, pp. 1070-1074 THE REDUCTION OF THE EXTERNAL NOISE OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES BY ENGINE ENCLOSURE, D. T. Aspinall & J. West, The Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1966/17, November 1966, 21 pp. A BRIEF STUDY OF A RATIONAL APPROACH TO LEGISLATIVE CONTROL OF NOISE, National Research Council of Canada , Division of Applied Physics, Acoustics Section, Ottawa, Canada, Report No. APS - 467, N.R.C. 10577, 1968, 34 pp., 6 figs. 212 COMMUNITY NOISE LEVELS, G. J. Thiessen, National Research Council , Ottawa, Canada, 9 pp., 11 figs. SAE HANDBOOK, Society of Automotive Engineers , Two Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, N. Y., published annually COMMUNITY NOISE--SURFACE TRANSPORTATION, C.J. Thiessen & N. Olson, National Research Council , Ottawa, Canada; Sound & Vibration , April 1968, pp. 10-16 SURFACE TRANSPORTATION NOISE--A REVIEW, Vincent Salmon, Stanford Research Institute , Menlo Park, Calif.; reprint Noise Control , Vol. 2, July 1956, pp. 21-27 & 94 SNOWMOBILE NOISE-^TS SOURCES, HAZARDS AND CONTROL, National Research Council of Canada , Division of Physics, Acoustics Section, Ottawa, Canada, Report No. APS-477, N.R.C. 11272, 1970, 36 pp. STATISTICAL STUDY OF TRAFFIC NOISE, N. Olson, National Research Council of Canada , Division of Physics, Acoustics Section, Ottawa, Canada, Report No. APS-476, N.R.C. 11270, 1970, 99 pp. GELUIDS- EN ROOKMETING IN DE KEURINGSSTATIONS (NOISE AND SMOKE MEASUREMENT IN INSPECTION STATION), H. Van Speybroeck, Studiebureel voor Automobieltransport , Belgie, presented at the 1968 Conference on Road Safety, Brussels, Belgium, 23 pp. THE QUEST FOR QUIET, Bernie Swart ; reprint Fleet Owner , Vol. 60, No. 2, February 1965, pp. 85-92 SURVEY OF THE TRAFFIC NOISE PROBLEM, G.J. Thiessen, National Research Council , Division of Applied Physics, Ottawa, Canada, 1965, 14 pp., 12 figs. TRUCK NOISE CONTROL: DECIBELS, DOLLARS, AND YOU, Bernie Swart ; Fleet Owner , Vol. 58, No. 1, January 1963, pp. 57-70 THEORETICAL MODEL FOR STEADY STATE URBAN NOISE, E. A. G. Shaw & N. Olson, National Research Council, Division of Applied Physics, Ottawa, Canada, 10 pp., 8 figs. TRUCK MUFFLER DESIGN, C. E. Nelson, Nelson Muffler Corporation; reprint Noise Control , Vol. 2, May 1956, pp. 24-27, 77 NOISE REDUCTI0N--A SERIES OF ARTICLES DEVOTED TO CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALL SECTIONS OF VEHICLE DESIGN; Automobile Engineer , Vol. 59, No. 11, October 1969, pp. 396-412 NOISE TREMOR DUE TO TRAFFIC--FROM AN ENGINEER'S POINT OF VIEW, R. K. Bernhard, Pennsylvania State College, Department of Engineering Mechanics, State College, Pa.; reprint Journal of Acoustical Society of America , Vol. 12, January 1941, pp. 338-47 WHY NOT QUIET THOSE TRUCKS? Ernest J. Abbott, Physicists Research Company , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Transportation Meeting, Hotel Statler, New York, N. Y., October 16-18, 1950, SAE Report No. 520, 6 pp. THE NOISE PRODUCED BY THE INJECTION PUMP AND ITS RELATION TO TOTAL DIESEL ENGINE NOISE, Klaus D. Zimmermann, Robert Bosch GmbH Stuttgart , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690449, 16 pp. A STUDY OF THE MAGNITUDE OF TRANSPORTATION NOISE GENERATION AND POTENTIAL ABATEMENT --MEASUREMENT CRITERION, VOLUME II, Serendipity, Incorporated , Eastern Operations Division, Arlington, Va., Contract No. DOT-OS-A9-018, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Office of Noise Abatement, Washington, D. C, Report No. OST-ONA- 71-1, November 1970, 106 pp. STREET AND HIGHWAY TRAFFIC N0ISE--WASHINGT0N , D. C, Sexton - Sexton & Associates, Washington, D. C., Agreement No. 1581, prepared for Department of Highways 6. Traffic, District Building, Washington, D. C, December 1961, 99 pp. TRAFFIC NOISE, Burton H. Sexton, Sexton-Sexton Associates : reprint Traffic Quarterly , Vol. 23, No. 3, July 1969, pp. 427-439 ACCELERATION NOISE AND TRAFFIC CONGESTION, R. T. Underwood , Victoria, Aust.; Traffic Engineering & Control , Vol. 10, No. 3, July 1968, ppT 120-123 & 130 NOISE REDUCTION IN MILITARY VEHICLES (SPECIFICATION FOR AURAL SECURITY), George L. Bonvallet & Donald W. Rees, U. S. Army Tank Automotive Center , Components Research & Development Laboratories, Physical Sciences Laboratory, Warren, Mich., Technical Report No. 9467, January 1967, 66 pp. CORRELATION OF OBJECT IONAB I LITY RATINGS OF NOISE WITH PROPOSED NOISE-ANNOYANCE MEASURES, Alexander Cohen & Richard F. Scherger, U. S. Department of Health , Education, & Welfare , Division of Occupational Health, Cincinnati, Ohio, Report No. RR-3, May 1964, 9 pp. LOCATION-DESIGN CONTROL OF TRANSPORTATION NOISE, Alexander Cohen, U. S. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare , Public Health Service, National Center for Urban & Industrial Health, Cincinnati, Ohio; Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 93, No. UP4, December 1967, pp. 63-86 TRANSPORTATION NOISE ENVIRONMENTS OF THE TRAVELER AND THE SPECTATOR, William H. Close, U. S. Department of Transportation , Office of Noise Abatement, Environmental Research Div., Washington, D. C, presented at the Institute of Environmental Sciences 15th Annual Meeting, April 20-24, 1969, 16 pp., 8 figs. PB 183 549 VERTEILUNG UND MINDERUNG DES VERKEHRSIARMS IN EINER GROSSSTADT, (DISTRIBUTION AND LOCATION OF THE TRAFFIC NOISE IN A LARGE CITY), Edmund Buchta, Universitat- skllnik fur HNO-Krankheiten, Forschungslaboratorlum filr Medizinische Akustik, Dusseldorf, Germany, presented at the 6th International Congress on Acoustics, Tokyo, Japan, August 21-28, 1968, 5 pp. UNE METHODE "A PROXIMITE" POUR LA MESURE DE L' EVOLUTION, DANS LE TEMPS, DU BRUIT EMIS PAR UN VEHICULE STATIONNAIRE (A "PROXIMITY" METHOD FOR MEASURING THE EVOLUTION, AS TIME ELAPSES, OF THE NOISE EMITTED BY A STATIONARY VEHICLE), J. P. De Coster, Fonds d' Etudes et de Recherches Relatives au Probleme de la Se'curite' Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium; W. Simoens, Universlte de Gand , Laboratolre de Technique Automobile; Technical Aspects of Road Safety, Bulletin d'Informat ion du C.I.D.I.T.V.A., No. 22, June 1965, pp. 4.1-4.29, Fonds d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Securite Routiere, Bruxelles, Belgium, editor 213 AUTOMOTIVE PISTON-ENGINE NOISE AND ITS REDUCTION--A LITERATURE SURVEY, Walter W. Soroka & Chi-Shlng F. Chien University of California , Berkeley, Calif., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690452, 48 pp. HIGHWAY NOISE AND ITS MEASUREMENTS, D. M. Finch & Basil Andrews, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, Calif., Report No. 6, March 1951, 6 pp. NOISE AND ENGINEERING DESIGN, T. Priede, University of Southampton , Institute of Sound & Vibration Research, England; reprint Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, Vol. 263, pp. 461- 480, 1968, RELATION BETWEEN NOISE AND BASIC STRUCTURAL VIBRATION OF DIESEL ENGINES, T. Priede, E. C. Grover & N. Lalor, University of Southampton , England, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690450, 26 pp. MOTOR VEHICLE NOISE STUDIES, D. M. Finch, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Abatement of Highway Noise and Fumes, Highway Research Bulletin 110, Publication 363, 1955, pp. 15-33 A REVIEW OF NOISE AND VIBRATION IN MOTOR CARS, G. M. L. Gladwell, University of Southampton , Institute of Sound & Vibration Research, England; Journal of Sound Vibration , Vol. 1, No. 2, 1964, pp. 202-210 NOISE MEASUREMENTS ON EXPRESSWAY-TYPE FACILITIES, D. M. Finch & W. A. Partridge, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, California, Research Report No. 15, February 1954, 22 pp. REPORT OF MOTOR VEHICLE NOISE RESEARCH COMMITTEE, V. L. Henderson, University of Toronto , Motor Vehicle Noise Research Committee, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, prepared for Department of Transport, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 1961, 67 pp. NOISE MEASUREMENTS ON EXPRESSWAY-TYPE FACILITIES- APPENDICES, D. M. Finch & W. A. Partridge, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, Calif., Research Report No. 15-A, February 1954, 46 pp. MEASUREMENT OF VEHICLE NOISE AND CONTROL BY LEGISLATION, Bernard O'Connor & James J. Schuster, Vlllanova University , Institute for Transportation Studies, Villanova, Pa., April 1968, 29 pp. THE REGULATORY ASPECTS OF SURFACE TRANSPORTATION NOISE, D. M. Finch, University of California , Los Angeles, Calif.; reprint Noise Control , Vol. 2, July 1956, pp. 28-31, 94 TRANSPORTATION NOISE SOURCES, R. C. Potter, Wyle Laboratories , El Segundo, Calif.; Audio Engineering Society Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2, April 1970, pp. 119-127 TRUCK-NOISE MEASUREMENT, Basil Andrews & Dan M. Finch, University of California, Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Los Angeles, Calif.; Highway Research Board Proceedings, December 1951, Reprint No. 17, pp. 457-465 VEHICLE NOISE STUDIES --FIRST PROGRESS REPORT, A. P. Wagner & D. M. Finch, University of California, Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, Calif., Research Report No. 2-1, May 19, 1950, 4 pp., 6 figs. VEHICLE NOISE STUDIES—SECOND PROGRESS REPORT, A. P. Wagner & D. M. Finch, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, Calif., Research Report No. 2-2, August 22, 1950, 9 pp., 3 figs. THE CONTROL OF VIBRATION AND NOISE, Theodore P. Yin ; Scientific American, January 1969, pp. 98-106 VEHICLES—MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTAL CONFIRMATION OF RIDE THEORY, J. R. Elli», Advanced School of Automobile Engineering , Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England; Advances in Automobile Engineering , Cranfield International Symposium Series — Vol. 4, 1963, pp. 123-137, Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y. DOOR LOCKING SYSTEMS STUDY, American Machine & Foundry Company , Advanced Systems Lab., Santa Barbara, Calif., Contract No. FH-11-6576, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, AMF Engineering Report No. ASL/E153 1020 - 1, January 22, 1968, 145 pp. VEHICLE NOISE STUDIES— THIRD PROGRESS REPORT, Basil Andrews 6. D. M. Finch, University of California, Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, Calif., Research Report No. 2-3, November 1951, 9 pp. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON RELIABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITY, Irwin F. Goodman, American Society for Quality Control , Automotive Div., Milwaukee, Wis., July 1968, 136 pp. THE MEASUREMENT OF NOISE INSIDE CARS, R. D. Ford & D. J. Saunders, University of Salford , Acoustics Group Department of Pure & Applied Physics, Salford, Lanes, England; G. M. Hughes, Consumers' Association; Applied Acoustics, Vol. 3, No. 1, January 1970, pp. 69-84 SYMPOSIUM ON HYDRAULIC FLUIDS, American Society for Testing Materials , Philadelphia, Pa., Special Technical Publication No. 267, Proceedings of the Third Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, Calif., October 13, 1959, 102 pp. NOISE FROM RACING VEHICLES, R. D. Ford, University of Salford , Department of Pure & Applied Physics, Acoustics Group, Salford, Lancashire, England; Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 6, No. 3, November 1967, pp. 296-301 SYMPOSIUM ON SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS, American Society for Testing & Materials , Philadelphia, Pa., Fiftieth Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 16-20, 1947, Publication No. 77, 33 pp. 214 THREE ASPECTS OF MOTOR OIL THICKENING, W. C. Edmisten, J. V. Peterson 5. R. A. Sholts, Amoco Chemicals Corp., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700509, 9 pp. THE BASIC THEORY OF HYDRAULIC DYNAMOMETERS AND RETARDERS, N. N. Narayan Rao, Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute , India, presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineer- ing Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680178, 18 pp. PERFORMANCE TESTING OIL FILTERS, I. W. Folk, H. Howarth & G. B. Kilbride, Atlas Supply Company. Springfield, N. J., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Detroit Section, December 14, 1964, 9 pp. AUTOMOBILE FACTS AND FIGURES 1970, Automobile Manufacturers Association , Detroit, Mich., 70 pp. LABORATORY TESTING OF HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS—METHODS & ADVANTAGES, Sherrill Bredfeldt, Cessna Aircraft Co ., Experimental Laboratory, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Combined Farm Construction & Industrial Machinery, Powerplant, & Transportation Meetings, Milwaukee, Wis., September 9-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680613, 6 pp. MOTOR TRUCK FACTS 1970, Automobile Manufacturers Association , Detroit, Mich., 58 pp. AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING STUDY, Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc. , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11- 6589, prepared for National Highway Safety Bureau, Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, December 31, 1967, 342 pp., PB-178 327; Supplementary Report, March 12, 1968, 45 pp., PB-178 328 VEHICLE FACTORS: MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION AND TITLING STUDY, VOLUME I, Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Incorporated, Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-7327, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, April 20, 1970 218 pp. VEHICLE FACTORS: MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION AND TITLING STUDY, VOLUME II, Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Incorporated , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-7327, prepared for U. S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D. C, April 20, 1970, 66 pp. SUPERPLASTIC ZINC-ALUMINUM ALLOYS IN AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS, Louis T. Feng, Borg-Warner Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700133, 17 pp. AMBULANCE DESIGN, P. W. Bothwell , Bristol, England; The Seventh Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings, November 11-13, 1963, pp. 324-344, Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, 111. HIGHWAY STATISTICS/ 1968, Bureau of Public Roads, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C; 191 pp.; Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. RELATIONS OF GROSS WEIGHTS AND HORSEPOWERS OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, John M. Wright & Samuel C. Tignor, Bureau of Public Roads, Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. National Transportation, Powerplant, & Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, Baltimore, Md., October 1964; reprint Public Roads, Vol. 34, No. 4, October 1966, pp. 84-88 SPARK PLUG DESIGN FACTORS AND THEIR EFFECT ON ENGINE PERFORMANCE, Robert J. Craver, Richard S. Podiak, & Reginald D. Miller, Champion Spark Plug Company, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700081, 11 pp. ABILITY OF GASOLINE ADDITIVES TO CLEAN ENGINES AND REDUCE EXHAUST EMISSIONS, K. L. Kipp, J. C. Ingamells, W. L. Richardson & C. E. Davis, Chevron Research Co., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid- Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE* Report No. 700456, 21 pp. ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES FOR DESIGNING RIDING QUALITY INTO AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES, Bruce D. Van Deusen, Chrysler Corp. , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670021, 11 pp. CHRYSLER'S GAS TURBINE CAR- -MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS, Amedee Roy, Frederick A. Hagen & Claude Belleau, Chrysler Corporation , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress & Exposition, Cobo Hall, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1964, SAE Report No. 777C, 15 pp. CRANKSHAFT STRENGTH THROUGH LABORATORY TESTING, E. J. Jensen, Chrysler Corporation , Engineering Staff, Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700526, 7 pp. THE USE OF SEALANTS IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY, Robert W. Harries & Ted Skonieczny, Chrysler Corporation , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700072, 37 pp. VEHICLE SENSITIVITY TO TIRE DISTURBANCES, L. M. Wallace, Chrysler Corp. , Detroit, Mich., presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 17- 21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650520, 8 pp. RELIABILITY IN CITY TRANSPORT VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT LIFETIME AND SECURITY, Santiago Estrada Saiz, City Transport Company , Madrid, Spain; 1970 International Automobile Safety Conference Compendium , Society of Automotive Engineers Conference Proceedings P-30, pp. 468-545; SAE Report No. 700384 RUNNING COST OF MOTOR VEHICLES AS AFFECTED BY HIGHWAY DESIGN --INTERIM REPORT, Paul J. Claffey, Catholic University of America , Washington, D. C, National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 13, Highway Research Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D. C, 1965, 43 pp. STAINLESS STEELS IN AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS—CORROSION STUDIES, L. S. Redmerskl & A. Moskowitz, Crucible Steel Company of America , Hunter Research Lab., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineer- ing Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680143, 8 pp. 215 ROAD SIMULATOR TESTING OF LARGE VEHICLES, M. B. Madden, Dana Corporation, Parish Division, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700455, 7 pp. COMFORT PACKAGES FOR DIVERSE PASSENGER CAR OBJECTIVES, F. G. Olsen, Ford Motor Company , Ford Division, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 17-21, 1965, SAE Report No. 650463, 15 pp. SUMMARY OF RECENT RESEARCH MADE BY PROFESSOR EMERITUS M. RONDO'S LABORATORY, Masaichi Kondo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan; & Kazue Togo, Defense Academy , Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa, Japan, Paper No. 1, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 20 pp. THE EFFECT OF ETHYLENE GLYCOL AND METHOXYPROPANOL- BASED COOLANTS ON ELASTOMERS, James E. Miller & Turner Alfrey, Jr., Dow Chemical Company , Midland, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 20-24, 1968, SAE Report No. 680496, 7 pp. SILICONE ANTIFOAMS FOR LUBRICATING OILS, R. W. Awe, Dow Corning Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, Tulsa, Okla., October 30-31, 1963, SAE Report No. 774D, 4 pp. DYNAMOMETER TESTING UNDER COMPUTER CONTROL, Louis S. Leonard, Ford Motor Co . , Dearborn, Mich; Frank E. LaVerghetta, Philco-Ford Corp., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680131. 22 pp. FULL SCALE ROAD SIMULATED ENDURANCE TEST, B. K. Barrowcliff & R. E. Ehlert, Ford Motor Co. . Engineering Staff, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680148, 8 pp. PERSPECTIVE - CORRELATION OF LABORATORY, PROVING GROUND, AND CUSTOMER TESTING, W. G. Dixon & G. J. Kuchera, Ford Motor Co. , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670076, 8 pp. CURRENT VIEWS ON MECHANISMS OF ADHESION, J. R. Huntsberger, E.I, du Pont De Nemours & Company , Wilmington, Del., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700066, 3 pp. SIMULATION, DUPLICATION, AND SYNTHESIS OF FATIGUE LOAD HISTORIES, H. R. Jaeckel, Ford Motor Company , Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700032, 13 pp. LUBRICATION OF TEFLON, Robert Bee Lewis, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Incorporated , Wilmington, Del., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Combined Fuels & Lubricants & Transportation Meetings, Houston, Texas, November 4-7, 1969, SAE Report No. 690777, 9 pp. TYRES AND AIR SUSPENSION, V. E. Gough, Dun lop Rubber Company, Ltd. , Birmingham, England; Advances in Automobile Engineering , Cranfield International Symposium Series--Vol. 4, pp. 59-81, Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y., 1963 AN INTEGRATED DATA ACQUISITION, SAFETY MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATED TESTS, Vern C. Vanderbilt, Jr., William Van Ostrand & Clarence L. Zimmer, Dynamic Precision C ontrols Corp. , presented to the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670028, 21 pp. A DISCUSSION ON COMMON THERMOCOUPLE CALIBRATION PROBLEMS, D. A. Toenshoff, Engelhard Industries, Inc ., Instruments (x Systems Dept., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Air Transportation Meeting, New York, N. Y., April 21-24, 1969, SAE Report No. 690429, 3 pp. SOME ASPECTS OF VEHICLE RIDE, E. E. Boden, Ford Motor Company Limited ; Advances in Automobile Engineering , Cranfield International Symposium Series--Vol. 4, 1963, pp. 167-180, Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y. AN INVESTIGATION OF INTERCITY HIGHWAY TRUCK DRIVE TRACTION, Michael C. Kaye, Freightllner Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers West Coast Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., August 12-15, 1968, SAE Report No. 680548, 21 pp. HOLOGRAPHIC NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING (HNDT) IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY, R. M. Grant & G. M. Brown, GC Optronics, Incorporated , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690051, 17 pp. A NEW TYPE OF ENGINE GOVERNOR, Robert D. Kern, Generac Corp. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich. January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680159, 6 pp. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE PERFORMANCE AND FUEL ECONOMY, Gary L. Smith, General Motors Corporation , Truck & Coach Division, Detroit, Mich., Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. SP-355, 1970, 23 pp. THE ACCELERATION OF MILITARY VEHICLES DURING CROSS COUNTRY OPERATION, D. Cardwell, Fighting Vehicles Research & Development Establishement , Research; Advances in Automobile Engineering, Cranfield International Symposium Series--Vol. 4, 1963, pp. 3-32, Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y. AERODYNAMIC INPUTS TO A PARKED VEHICLE CAUSED BY A PASSING BUS, F. N. Beauvais, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700037, 9 pp. CORROSION EVALUATION OF PHOSPHATE COATED FASTENERS BY FERROTEST, Jun L. Kojima, General Motors Corp ., Truck & Coach Div., Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700007, 7 pp. DYNAMIC MEASUREMENT OF VEHICLE FRONT WHEEL LOADS USING A SPECIAL PURPOSE TRANSDUCER, Sonny G. Edwards, General Motors Corp ., General Motors Proving Ground, Mllford, Mich.; reprint General Motors Engineering ' Journal , Fourth Quarter, 1964, pp. 15-18 216 EXPERIENCE WITH A COMPUTER CONTROLLED DATA SYSTEM IN AN ENGINEERING LABORATORY, Roger Wellington & John Henderson, General Motors Corp ., Detroit Diesel Engine Dlv., Warren, Mich.; Michael H. Cole, Systems Engineer- ing Labs., Inc., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, bHrh.. Januarv 8-n. 1968, SAE Report No. 680132, 9 pp. PLASTIC MODELS FOR DYNAMIC STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS, W. A. Elliott, General Motors Corporation , Chevrolet Division, Detroit, Mich.; The Shock and Vibration Bulletin , Bulletin 40, Part 4, December 1969, pp. 89-96 HOSE, TUBE ASSEMBLIES, AND RELATED HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS, Michael A. Chermak, I-T-E Imperial Corporation, Eastman Dlv., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Earthmoving Industry Conference, Central Illinois Section, Peoria, 111., April 15-16, 1969, SAE Report No. 690368, 5 pp. SPECIAL "TORQUE MEASURING DYNAMOMETER" FOR SLOW SPEED AXLES, Kermit 0. Allard, John Deere Waterloo Tractor Works , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineer' Mississippi Valley Section, Dubuque, Iowa, October 17, 1968, SAE Report No. 690439, 3 pp. SPECIAL PURPOSE CAR FOR COMMUTING, E. A. Rishavy, General Motors Corporation , Detroit, Mich., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Chicago, 111., May 19-23, 1969, SAE Report No. 690462, 12 pp. THE WANKEL ENGINE--A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1960-1970, Dorothy M. Harby, General Motors Corporation , System on Automotive Safety Information, Warren, Mich., Report No. SASI 71-381, Febraury 1971, 22 pp. THE ECONOMICS OF AUTOMOTIVE WEIGHT REDUCTION, Kenneth D. Marshall, B. F. Goodrich Company , Brecksville, Ohio, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700174, 6 pp. HIGH PERFORMANCE EPICHLOROHYDRIN ELASTOMERS FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS, Robert W. Turner, Hercules Incorporated , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700478, 20 pp. ERGONOMICS AND SAFETY IN MOTOR CAR DESIGN--A Symposium' Arranged by the Automobile Div., Institution of Mechanical Engineers , London, England, September 27, 1966, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs ., Vol. 181, Part 3D, 1966-1967, 75 pp. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF HIGH-SPEED, HIGH-PERFORMANCE, SMALL DISPLACEMENT HONDA ENGINES, Shizuo Yagi, Akira Ishizuya & Isao Fujii, Honda R 6. D Company, Ltd. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700122, 14 pp. THE LOW SPEED CRASH TESTS--S0ME SURPRISES, John T. Holloway, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety , Research Division, Washington, D. C.j Proceedings of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, D. C, June 9-10, 1970, pp. 215-228 SOME CALCULATIONS OF STREAM LINES ON TWO-DIMENSIONAL POTENTIONAL FLOWS, Masatoshi Yoshida, Kanto Auto Works , Technical Dept., Minatomachi, Yokosuka-shi, Japan, Paper No. 18, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 10 pp. RUBBER SPRINGING OF VEHICLES, A. J. Hirst, Metalastlk Limited; Advances in Automobile Engineering , Cranfield International Symposium Serles--Vol. 4, 1963, pp. 37-52, Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y. CARS FOR CITIES--A STUDY OF TRENDS IN THE DESIGN OF VEHICLES WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THEIR USE IN TOWNS, Minister of Transport , Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, England, 1967, 107 pp., 2 charts MODERN HYDRAULIC AND HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION FLUIDS, C. L. Middleton & R. R. McCoy, Mobil Oil Corporation; & J. M. Stanek, Mobil Res. 6t Dev. Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700130, 7 pp. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYMER COMPOSITES RELATED TO ADHESION, Lawrence E. Nielsen, Monsanto Company , St. Louis, Mo., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700068, 5 pp. THE CORRELATION BETWEEN SLBJECTIVE ASSESSMENTS AND PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS OF THE VIBRATORY MOTION IN A SALOON CAR, D. T. Asplnall & R. J. Oliver, Motor Industry Research Association , LIndley, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England; Ergonomics and Safety in Motor Car Design , Proceedings-Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 181, Part 3D, 1966-1967, pp. 34-42 VEHICLE DESIGN LOSS FACTORS: THE CRASH TESTS OF 1970 MODELS, John T. Holloway, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety , Research Division, Washington, D. C.J Proceedings of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Washington, D. C, June 9-10, 1970, pp. 161-169 THE INFLUENCE OF ROAD SALT ON THE CORROSION OF UNDERBODY MATERIALS AND FINISHES—THIRD REPORT, J. Nixon, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1965/5, December 1964, 13 pp. WHY THE ISSUE IS LOSS REDUCTION RATHER THAN ONLY CRASH PREVENTION, William Haddon, Jr., Insurance Institute for Highway Safety , Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700196, 16 pp. TRACTIVE RESISTANCE AS RELATED TO ROADWAY SURFACES AND MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATION, R. G. Paustian, Iowa State College , Iowa Engineering Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa, Bulletin No. 119, August 1, 1934, Vol. 33, No. 9, 64 pp. THE INFLUENCE OF ROAD SALT ON THE CORROSION OF UNDERBODY MATERIALS AND FINISHES—FOURTH REPORT, J. Nixon, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1965/18, November 1965, 17 pp. A METHOD OF ESTIMATING AUTOMOBILE DRAG COEFFICIENTS, R. G. S. White, Motor Industry Research Association , Lindley, Nr . Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1969, SAE Report No. 690189, 7 pp. 217 A 250 H.P. CHASSIS DYNAMOMETER, R. A. C. Fosberry & R. G. S. White, Motor Industry Research Association , Llndley, Nr. Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England, Report No. 1963/9, March 1963, 16 pp. BUS FACTS , National Association of Motor Bus Owners , Washington, D. C, 34th Edition-- 1966, 48 pp. BERYLLIUM OXIDE INSULATORS IN HYPER-ENVIRONMENTAL THERMOCOUPLE APPLICATION, Peter L. Fleischner, Jay R. Hodshon, & Karsten H. Styhr, National Beryllia Corp ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Air Transportation Meeting, New York, N. Y., April 21-24, 1969, SAE Report No. 690427, 4 pp. TRACEABILITY--WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT, J. M. Cameron & Harmon Plumb, National Bureau of Standards , Institute for Basic Standards, Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Air Transportation Meeting, New York, N. Y., April 21-24, 1969, SAE Report No. 690428, 11 pp. ENGINE GOVERNORS TO MAXIMIZE USE OF UTILITY EQUIPMENT, Harold A. Sackett, Northeast Utilities Service Co ., Transportation Dept., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680158, 6 pp. CORROSION CONSIDERATIONS IN THE SELECTION OF MATERIALS IN AUTOMOTIVE TERMINAL SYSTEMS, S. H. Butt & J. M. Popplewell, Olin Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit', Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700031, 9 pp. VISCOSITY STABILITY OF POLYMER -THICKENED OILS, N. V. Messina & H. H. Radtke, Rohm & Haas Company , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700053, 10 pp. RIDE EVALUATION- -ART OR SCIENCE? D. Hodkin & B. D. A. Phillips, The Rootes Group; Advances in Automobile Engineering , Cranfield International Symposium Series-- Vol. 4, 1963, pp. 145-158, Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y. A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO FILTRATION FOR HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS, A. R. Schroeder, Schroeder Brothers Corporation, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700129, 5 pp. AN ADVANCED RADIOTRACER TECHNIQUE FOR ASSESSING AND PLOTTING OIL CONSUMPTION IN DIESEL AND GASOLINE ENGINES, Frank Warrick & Roger Dykehouse, Sealed Power Corp. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700052, 11 pp. AUTO AIR CONDITIONING FORUM, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., New York, N. Y., SP-185, 1961, 49 pp. DESIGN AND MODIFICATION OF INDUSTRIAL VEHICLES FOR OPERATION AT LOW TEMPERATURES, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc ., New York, N. Y., SP-346, 1968, 85 pp. FACILITIES FOR ENGINE TESTING OF FUELS AND LUBRICANTS, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc ., New York, N, Y., SP-350, 1969, 54 pp. DYNAMOMETER TESTING UNDER COMPUTER CONTROL, Louis S. Leonard, Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich; Frank E. LaVerghetta, Philco-Ford Corp ., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680131, 22 pp. BRITISH COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ARE TAILORED FOR INTERNATIONAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS, Maurice Piatt , London, England; Society of Automotive Engineers Journal. Vol. 74, No. 12, December 1966, pp. 36-43 FATIGUE DESIGN HANDBOOK, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. , Iron & Steel Technical Committee, New York, N. Y., Advances in Engineering Vol. 4, 1968, 132 pp. PLANNING A PRODUCT, V. G. Raviolo, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc ., New York, N. Y., SP-341, May 1968, 18 pp. PLASTICS AND PLASTIC PROCESSING FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEER, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc ., New York, N. Y., SP-291, November 1967, 29 pp. FUTURE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS IN GOODS VEHICLES, H. C. Redburn, L. T. Redburn Ltd. , Enfield, Middlesex, England; reprint Commercial Motor , Vol. 120, No. 3084, September 25, 1964, pp. 221-224 STATISTICS FOR THE ENGINEER, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc ., New York, N. Y., Report No. SP-250, December 1963, 45 pp. FOR PASSENGER CARS DIESELS MUST BE BETTER, C. J. Walder, Rlcardo & Company Engineers, Ltd. ; Society of Automotive Engineers Journal , Vol. 73, No. 11, November 1965, pp. 78-82 CORROSION OF MOTOR VEHICLES BY DE-ICING SALT--RESULTS OF A SURVEY, R. R. Bishop, Road Research Laboratory , Ministry of Transport, Crowthorne, Berkshire, England, Report No. LR 232, 1968, 12 pp. CORRELATION OF PROTOTYPE AND SCALE MODEL VEHICLE PERFORMANCE IN CLAY SOILS, John M. Clark, Jr., Southwest Research Institute , San Antonio, Texas; H. P. Simon & Carlo Roma, U. S. Army, Transportation Research Command, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1964, SAE Report No. 782J, 18 pp. POLYMETHACRYLATES FOR TOMORROW'S MULTIGRADE OILS? Ulrich Sch'o'del, Rohm & Haas GMBH , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700054, 7 pp. SCALE MODEL AND FULL-SCALE VEHICLE TESTING IN COHESIVE CLAY SOILS, Southwest Research Institute, Dept. of Automotive Research, San Antonio, Texas, Contract No. DA 44-177-TC-788, prepared for U. S. Army Transportation Research Command, Fort Eustis, Va., TRECOM Technical Report 64-6, May 1964, 46 pp. 218 A TEMPERATURE TELEMETRY TECHNIQUE FOR RECIPROCATING ENGINES, G. C. Lawrason & W. L. Rollwitz, Southwest Research Institute , presented at Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670026, 8 pp. SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS, W. E. McTurk, Standard Oil Development Company , Materials Lab. , Contract No. AF 33(038)-14593, prepared for U. S. Air Force, Air Research & Development Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, WADC Technical Report 53-88, October 1953, 155 pp. CORRELATION OF PROTOTYPE AND SCALE MODEL VEHICLE PERFORMANCE IN CLAY SOILS, John M. Clark, Jr., Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Tex?s; H. P. Simon & Carlo Roma, U. S. Army , Transportation Research Command, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 13-17, 1964, SAE Report No. 782J, 18 pp. EVALUATION OF VEHICLE CORROSION PREVENTIVES, Harry C. Muff ley, U. S. Army Weapons Command, Research & Engineering Div., Rock Island Arsenal, 111., Technical Report No. 65-3305, December 1965, 31 pp. INTERMOLECULAR FORCES ACROSS AN INTERFACE, Robert J. Good, State University of New York, Buffalo, N. Y., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 12-16, 1970, SAE Report No. 700065, 3 pp. STUDY OF PRESERVATIVES IN STAND-BY STORAGE OF AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT --RUST PREVENTIVES, STUDY OF PRESERVATIVES IN ■ STAND-BY STORAGE OF AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT, V. G. Hatch, U. S. Army, Development & Proof Services, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md . , Laboratory Service Div. Report No. 128, April 20, 1951, 50 pp. THE PLACE OF MODEL TESTS IN VEHICLE DEVELOPMENT, I. Robert Ehrlich, Stevens Institute of Technology , Davidson, Lab., Hoboken, N. J., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670169, 6 pp. EXPERIENCE WITH A COMPUTER CONTROLLED DATA SYSTEM IN AN ENGINEERING LABORATORY, Roger Wellington & John Henderson, General Motors Corp., Detroit Diesel Engine Div., Warren, Mich.; Michael H. Cole, Systems Engineer- ing Labs. , Inc . , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-13, 1968, SAE Report No. 680132, 9 pp. WINTERIZATION OF VEHICLES TO -50F, John Bell, U. S . Army, Mobility Equipment Research & Development Center, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers ■ National Farm, Construction & Industrial Machinery Meeting, Milwaukee, Wis., September 8-11, 1969, SAE Report No. 690580, 13 pp. DANGER OF IGNITION OF GROUND COVER FUELS BY VEHICLE EXHAUST SYSTEMS, Rob Harrison, U. S. Department of Agriculture , Forest Service, Equipment Development Center, San Dimas, Calif., Equipment Development & Test Report 5100-15, November 1970, 35 pp. ADVANCES IN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, G. H. Tldbury , Editor, Proceedings of a Symposium on Vehicle Ride, held at the Advanced School of Automobile Engineering, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England; Cranfield International Symposium Series, Vol. 4, Macmillan Company, New York N. Y., 1963, 188 pp. DEVELOPMENT OF A ROUGH-ROAD SIMULATOR AND SPECIFICATION FOR TESTING OF EQUIPMENT TRANSPORTED IN WHEELED VEHICLES Harold M. Forkois, U. S. Department of Navy , Ocean Technology Division, Ocean Structures Branch, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D. C, NRL Memorandum Report 2100, March 1970, 58 pp., AD 705 053 SUMMARY OF RECENT RESEARCH MADE BY PROFESSOR EMERITUS M. RONDO'S LABORATORY, Masalchi Kondo, Tokyo Institute of Technology , Tokyo, Japan; & Kazue Togo, Defense Academy, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa, Japan, Paper No. 1, Safety Research Tour in U.S.A., Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Stability and Control Committee, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. -Nov. 1969, 20 pp. MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF ACCELERATION ENVIRONMENTS GENERATED BY NRL ROUGH ROAD SIMULATOR, E. W. Clements, U. S. Department of the Navy , Ocean Technology Div., Ocean Structures Branch, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D. C, NRL Memorandum Report 2097, February 1970, 54 pp., AD 704 468 HIGH TEMPERATURE EVAPORATION TESTER AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING VOLATILITY OF FLUIDS AND SEMISOLID MATERIALS, John B. Christian, U. S. Air Force , Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, Technical Report AFML-TR-65-370, November 1965, 15 pp. ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND FACILITIES FOR TESTING MILITARY VEHICLES, William A Gross, Jr., U.S. Army Materiel Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Mid-Year Meeting, Detroit, Mich., May 18-22, 1970, SAE Report No. 700523, 25 pp., DELIVERING THE MAIL WITH DIESELS--THE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT LOOKS AT DIESEL ENGINES, George C. Nield, U. S. Post Office Department , Washington, D. C, Society of Automotive Engineers Report No. 650710, 1965, 16 pp. FIELD EVALUATION OF LABORATORY MECHANICAL TESTS, .T.N. Nock, D. R. Dun lop & D. M. Finch, University of California , Institute of Transportation & Traffic Engineering, Berkeley, Calif., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 8-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680142, 9 pp. THE AUTOMOTIVE ASSEMBLY, U. S. Army Materiel Command, Washington, D. C, Engineering Design Handbook AMCP 706-355, Automotive Series, February 1965, 472 pp. DEDUCTIONS FROM THE SPECTRA OF VEHICLE RESPONSE DUE TO ROAD PROFILE EXCITATION, J. D. Robson, University of Glasgow , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Scotland; Journal of Sound and Vibration , Vol. 7, No. 2, March 1968, pp. 156-158 219 AN EVALUATION OF REFLECTORIZED ANNUAL LICENSE PLATE MATERIALS, Robert H. Wortman, University of Illinois , Highway Traffic Safety Center, Urbana, 111., Research Report No. 2, May 1968, 13 pp. RIDING COMFORT AND CUSHIONS, W. E. Lay & L. C. Fisher, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich.; Society of Automotive Engineers Journal (Transactions) , Vol. 47, No. 5, November 1940, pp. 482-496 CORRELATION OF VERTICAL ACCELERATION AND HUMAN COMFORT IN A PASSENGER CAR, Richard Fine, University of Wisconsin , Madison, Wis., presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Farm, Construction and Industrial Machinery Meeting, Milwaukee, Wis., September 9-12, 1963, SAE Report No. 733C, 4 pp. THE ECONOMICS OF TURBINE POWERPLANTS FOR TRUCKS, R. B. Singer & N. J. Beck, White Motor Corporation , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National West Coast Meeting, Seattle, Washington, August 11-14, 1969, SAE Report No. 690548, 11 pp. A WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE HYDRAULIC FLUID, L. D. Dromgold, R. F. Harris & W. Hart, Wltco Chemical Corp. , Kendall Refining Div., Washington, D. C, presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Combined Farm Construction & Industrial Machinery, Powerplant & Transportation Meetings, Milwaukee, Wis., September 9-12, 1968, SAE Report No. 680606, 8 pp. TECHNICAL DICTIONARY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING-- CONTAINING ABOUT 10,000 TECHNICAL TERMS IN ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH AND RUSSIA, Wolfgang Muller ; published by Macmillan Company, New York, 1964, 1,009, pp. PLASTISOL COATINGS AS PACKAGING MATERIAL, Jack S. Panzer & Robert Jurczyszyn, Wyandotte Paint Products Co. , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 9-13, 1967, SAE Report No. 670074, 4 pp. THE EMF STABILITY OF TYPE K THERMOCOUPLE ALLOYS, Teh Po Wang, Arnold J. Gottlieb & C. Dean Starr, Wilbur B. Driver Company , presented at the Society of Automotive Engineers National Air Transportation Meeting. New York, N. Y., April 21-24, 1969, SAE Report No. 690426, 12 pp. AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING STUDY, Arthur Young , & Company , Washington, D. C, Contract No. FH-11-6591, prepared for National Traffic Safety Institute, National Highway Safety Bureau, U. S. Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C, January 1968, 103 pp. 220 4-U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1971 'ni-999/333 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADDDD7D 1 blQMl