>;C*zgfJ!~ pii/JJ >-"" X Report of «p; % the Conferences,^ J* HO N** \<3ft0 i j^i \a. r^biBm^ & A A TIONAL EANlfcv TELLITE I 03 -^J^U.S. Departmfentjof Commerce ^National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Earth "Satellite Service 1 4? 'O 1^80 ,1 Cover Description Seasat scatterometer coverage of typhoon Wendy over the East China Sea on July 30, 1978, 1056 (GMT). Maximum winds recorded were 35 m/s. This illustra- tion shows all possible wind vector solutions (up to four) wherein vector length is proportional to wind magnitude and the wind direction given by the vector direction. This product is representative of surface wind products potentially achievable from NOSS. Illustration courtesy of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Seasat Project and Dr. Peter Black of NOAA's National Hurricane and Experimental Meteorology Laboratory. REPORT OF THE CONFERENCES ON THE NATIONAL OCEANIC SATELLITE SYSTEM Report Prepared By John W. Sherman, III NOAA/NESS/SPOC Group S/RE x 3, Room 810, WWB Washington, D.C. 20233 Conferences Managed By Human Resources Management, Inc. Suite 301 1101 30th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL EARTH SATELLITE SERVICE SEPTEMBER 1980 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/reportofconferenOOconf PREFACE All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they run again. Ecclesiastes Ancient wisdom included fundamental concepts on the nature of the cycles of the Earth's hydrosphere Well before the introduction of coriolis forces, this same wisdom understood "the wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits." Only in more recent times are concepts forthcoming that define the dynamics of this hydrosphere. Modern science has demonstrated through such satellite systems as SKYLAB, GEOS-3, Seasat and Nimbus-7 that both initial conditions and changes in the hydrosphere can be observed. In particular the oceanic and ice planetary layer characteristics can be quantified. Global assimilation of these measurements, tied with improved computing machines and modern communication techniques, can benefit the ever increasing coastal population, the seafarer, the climatologist, the ship router, the geophysicist, the fisherman, the meteorologist, the recreational boater, the oceanologist, and all who need improved weather forecasts. Plans are being evaluated within the Federal Government of the United States for a National Oceanic Satellite System, a system designed to monitor the hydrosphere, to observe "the place from whence the rivers come, thither they run again." in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The five regional Conferences on the National Oceanic Satellite System involved more than 400 participants who shared in the success of these Conferences and the first steps in determining the nature and scope of the needs and requirements for oceanic data to be derived from this proposed satellite program. To all participants, moderators, presenters and chairs, we extend a sincere "thank you". Special acknowledgement is given to: Arthur G. DeCotiis (NESS) for his early help in organizing and support during the Conferences, Robert L. Mairs (NESS) and Linda K. Glover (NWS) for preparation of the report description of NOAA's oceanic satellite products, and Madelyn Y. Bowman (NESS) for her dedicated and patient typing of the first two drafts of the report. The efficient, timely and professional support provided to the Conferences and the final report preparation by Human Resources Management, Inc., is acknowledged with great appreciation. Rhoda R. Habib of HRM deserves warm praise for her outstanding assistance to the success of this endeavor. W. John Hussey John W. Sherman, III Deputy NOSS Program Manager Conference Coordinator OVERVIEW OF CONFERENCES Approximately 400 persons participated in five Conferences on the potential National Oceanic Satellite System (NOSS). These Conferences were sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the Department of Commerce in fulfillment of its responsibilities to represent the civil marine community in National programs. These five Conferences were held in: Seattle, Washington May 19, 1980 La Jolla, California May 22, 1980 Woods Hole, Massachusetts May 28, 1980 Key Biscayne, Florida June 3, 1980 Bay St. Louis, Mississippi June 5, 1980 Each Conference followed a morning format devoted to NOAA's oceanic space activities, and an afternoon format focused on marine user requirements and the manner in which satellite- derived data and information would address these user needs. The purpose of this report is to document the presentations and discussions at the Conferences and to present the initial analyses of the Conference Worksheets completed by 144 marine operational and research users. The report includes the points raised by these users and presents a series of findings and concerns. These findings and concerns are not necessarily the findings and concerns of the tri-agency NOSS Program sponsored jointly by the Navy, NASA and NOAA, nor any other government agency. The report is published to enhance and continue the dialogue between NOAA and the civil marine community that it represents. Seven major points were common to each of the Conference discussions: 1. Major support exists in the oceanic community for the NOSS concept as a means of addressing marine needs. This support is moderated by the experience of many of these users who wish to have data from existing experimental satellites. This experience has shown that extended lengths of time are required for the data to be obtained in useful formats. 2. This waiting experience creates a credibility problem for the proposed NOSS system delivery times of a few hours. Users would like improved delivery times from other satellites to demonstrate that it can be done. 3. Validation of the NOSS data and information is held essential by users who strongly encourage development of a validation plan. The users believe that the validation plan requires inclusion of actual marine users and therefore, representative user programs should be included. VII The Conference participants believe that the success of NOSS will be judged best by those whom NOSS will serve and not by those who serve NOSS. 4. The users endorse the Conference approach as a means of continuing communication between the NOSS program and the marine community. Other suggestions include an advisory committee, newsletters or bulletins, trade and professional journal publications on state-of-the-art techniques and development, and audio/visual cassettes. Users in the commercial sector wish to serve in a senior advisory capacity to NO A A on NOSS matters, and the R&D community also feels it has an advisory role to both NASA and NOAA. 5. Discussions of data availability include considerations of vessel-at-sea needs, protected retrospective use, compatibility with other data sets, and data source(s) for all forms of oceanic data. NOSS will not have the most rudimentary form of data availability found on previous environmental satellites (i.e., Automatic Picture Transmission capability); they believe such availability is essential to NOSS data use. It is suggested that NOSS planners take an additional step to include the near-real time wind, wave, temperature, ice, and water mass information needs of at-sea users as a key component of the NOSS activity. Users understand the need for protected data (i.e., data withheld for reasons of national security), but would like retrospective use. Additionally, the users believe that NOSS data must be fully compatible with other data, particularly data from other satellites. Currently, different marine information is available from different components of NOAA. Users anticipate that a major success for the NOSS program may not lie in the success of the National Oceanic Satellite System, but in the creation of a national oceanic data system, which includes data and information derived from satellites and other observing platforms such as ships and buoys. 6. Some oceanic data users believe that a commitment is needed beyond the planned five-year demonstration if investments are to be made by the marine community to use NOSS data operationally. 7. Training in oceanic remote sensing for day-to-day use of NOSS-derived data is of concern to users. In addition, research and development users suggest that a national facility is needed to assimilate, process and analyze NOSS data, including the 25^ R&D growth capacity for other oceanic experimentation. Oceanic researchers want to do scientific investigations and not computer studies. The findings and concerns of users, as expressed in the initial analyses of the Conference Worksheets, are generally more specific than the points of commonality cited above. Data and data telemetry, processing and training, dialogue and communications mechanisms, validation, and support to research and development are the main categories of findings and concerns of the Conferences. No summary or conclusions of the Conferences have been prepared beyond this overview. The Report itself is regarded as an element in the continuing dialogue between NOSS planners and NOSS users, and this dialogue has not been concluded. VIII TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE "' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v OVERVIEW OF CONFERENCES vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ix LIST OF FIGURES xili LIST OF TABLES xix INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose, Scope and Objectives of Conferences 2. Report Organization 3. Limitation II. BACKGROUND 3 1. NOAA's New Civil Space Mission 2. NOAA's Existing Satellite Marine Products 3. Current Sources for Satellite-Derived Oceanic Products 4. Seasat and Nimbus-7 Oceanic Applications III. NOSS PROGRAM 17 1 . Introduction 2. NOAA Responsibilities 3. NASA Responsibilities 4. Navy Responsibilities 5. Tri-Agency Program 6. NOAA Oceanic Data System IV. REVIEW OF CONFERENCES 25 1. Structure of Conferences 2. Participation 3. Highlights of Topical Group Meetings 4. Worksheet Analyses and Results 5. Findings and Concerns V. ON CONTINUING A DIALOGUE 4 ? IX APPENDICES Page A. CONFERENCE ATTENDEES 49 1. List of Participants 2. Conference Presenters 3. Conference Management B. CONFERENCE WORKSHEET AND STATISTICAL SUMMARY 83 1. Worksheet 2. Statistical Summary C. SUMMARY OF CONFERENCE DISCUSSION TRANSCRIPTS 95 D. TEMPORAL RESOLUTION CONSTRAINTS OF POLAR ORBITING SATELLITES. .105 E. SENSOR DESCRIPTIONS FOR SEASAT AND NIMPUS-7 ni F. NOSS BASELINE SENSOR DESCRIPTIONS 117 G. GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS 121 H. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 123 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 11-10. Figure H-11. Figure 11-12. Figure 11-13. Figure IM4. Figure Ill— T - Figure 111-2. Figure Ill— 3- Figure IV-1a Figure IV-lb Figure IV-U Figure IV-ld 1-1 . 1-2. 1-4. 1-5. \-6. 1-7. 1-8. 1-9. Page GOSSTCOMP 5 Example of computer analysis combining sea surface temperatures from satellite, ships, and data buoys 5 1-3. Example of Great Lakes surface temperature analysis of Lake Huron 6 Example of Great Lakes ice chart 6 Example of Alaskan ice chart 7 Example of Gulf Stream Wall Bulletin 9 Example of joint NWS/NESS Gulf Stream chart, combining analyses of satellite infrared imagery with sea surface temperature data from ships and data buoys 9 Seattle Ocean Services Unit (SOSU) chart 10 Example of west coast oceanographic analysis combining ocean fronts observed on satellite infrared imagery with sea surface temperature contours from ships and data buoys 10 Queen Elizabeth II (QEII) storm wind vectors 14 Scatter plot of significant waveheight comparisons 14 Difference of Seasat altimeter sea surface height and GEM 10B geoid for North Atlantic Pass 15 Comparison of SMMR and expendable bathythermographics (XBT's) 15 Ocean fronts and chlorophyll-a and phaeophytin-a data for the Gulf of Mexico . . 16 NOSS organization 18 NOSS project organization 19 NOSS End-to-End System 21 Normalized comparison of commercial, academic, and government marine data needs to be addressed by the NOSS tri-agency program 34 Normalized NOSS data requirements for commercial users 34 Normalized NOSS data requirements for academic users 35 Normalized NOSS data requirements for government users 35 XI Figire IV-2a. Distribution of near-real time data acquisition requirements 36 Figure IV-2b. Distribution of non-real time data acquisition requirements 36 Figure IV-3. Analysis of scales of coverage for marine data 38 Figure IV-4. Analysis of NOSS data distribution and communications techniques 38 Figure IV-5. Analysis of engineering data needs and comparison to geophysical data requirements 39 Figure N-6, Continuity of near-real time data/analyses need 39 Figure IV-7. Analysis of combining or merging NOSS data sources 41 Figure IV-8. Experience with other satellites and relationship to marine data needs and NOSS preparation 41 Figure IV-9. Analysis of data cost considerations 42 Figure IV— 10. Analysis of mechanisms for continuing dialogue between NOAA/NOSS and users 42 Figure B-l. Tabulation of Commercial Users' Responses 90 Figure B-2. Tabulation of Academic Users' Responses 91 Figure B-3. Tabulation of Government Users' Responses 92 Figure D-1. Interdependence of altitude and inclination for sun-sychronous polar orbits 1 06 Figure D-2. CZCS global area coverage 106 Figure D-3. LAM MR global area coverage 107 Figure D-4. Scatterometer global area coverage 1° 7 Figure D-5. Scatterometer global area coverage at + 1 5 km 108 Figure E-1. Seasat-A instrument coverage 112 Figure E-2. Altimeter technical summary 112 Figure E-3. SASS technical summary 113 Figure E-4. SM M R technical sum mary 114 Figure E-5. SAR technical summary 114 Figure E-6. CZCS technical summary 11 5 XII Figure E-7. CZCS geometry 116 Figure F-1 . CZCS II baseline description 117 Figure F-2. LAM MR baseline description 118 Figure F-3. ALT baseline description 119 Figure F-4. SCATT baseline description 120 LIST OF TABLES Page Table IIM . NOSS Major Milestone Schedule 18 Table III— 2. Major Functional Ground Components of Tri-Agency NOSS 21 Table III — 3- NOSS Goals for Operational Measurements 22 Table 111-4. NOSS Sensor Characteristics 22 Table III— 5. NOSS Data Types 24 Table IV— 1 . Commercial Users 27 Table IV-2. Academic Institutions 27 Table IV-3. Federal Government Agencies 28 Table IV-4. Topical Group Moderators 32 Table IV-5. Tabulation of the Conference Worksheet Response to Organizational Type 32 XIII I. INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose, Scope and Objectives of Conferences The need for frequent and accurate measurements of the marine environment has increased dramatically during the past decade. Accurate analysis and prediction of oceanic and coastal conditions are essential for supporting rapidly increasing maritime activities The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NO A A) of the Department of Commerce (DOC) recognizes these new requirements for marine data, and is responding through the expansion of existing oceanic services programs and through participation in new programs such as the National Oceanic Satellite System (NOSS) operational demonstration. NOSS is a tri-agency activity supported jointly by the Department of Defense (DOD), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and DOC. NOAA has the lead responsibility for services to civil marine users. NASA research and development spacecraft programs (e.g. Nimbus-7, Seasat) have shown that satellite observations can play an important role in providing data for both the operational analysis of. and research on, oceanic conditions. Building upon these NASA programs. NOSS has been proposed as a limited operational demonstration to test the feasibility of obtaining measurements of surface wind velocity, sea surface temperature, significant waveheight, sea ice conditions, chlorophyll and other optical characteristics, and current measurements from a polar-orbiting satellite. NOAA operational satellite systems now provide sea surface temperature and sea ice data, but only under cloud- free conditions. Because of the ability of microwave sensors to effect surface observations during cloudy conditions, NOSS microwave data are expected to improve significantly the efficiency, safety and effectiveness of marine transportation, off-shore exploration and extraction, platform operations construction, commercial fishing and scientific knowledge of ocean surface dynamics. The NOSS operational demonstration is planned as a five-year program beginning with the launch of the first spacecraft in mid-1986- The four basic sensors that will provide the specified oceanic data are a scatterometer, a microwave radiometer, a microwave altimeter, and an ocean color scanner. Other oceanic research and development sensors may be flown on this system as part of NASA's continuing space research program. Five one-day Conferences were held in May- June, 1980, to inform marine users of the proposed NOSS tri-agency program. The specific objectives of these Conferences were to- o Present the status of NOAA's new space mission and NOSS technology and development; o Provide a description and status of the tri-agency NOSS program; o Obtain comment on user priorities and requirements for NOSS data; and o Develop methods by which the marine community can influence the NOSS data system configuration. 2. Report Organization This report is organized to reflect an overview of the presentations to the Conference participants, the response of the participants to the NOSS marine data goals and the initial analyses of these responses. Specifically, Chapter II defines NOAA's new civil space mission and its relationship to NOSS, NOAA's present-day satellite-derived marine products and the experience derived by the oceanic community from using NASA's research satellites. Chapter III is a summary of the NOSS tri-agency program, including a brief review of program management, sensor descriptions and responsibilities of the three agencies. Chapter IV, Review of Conferences, delineates the real purpose of these Conferences; i.e., to obtain early involvement of potential NOSS data users to define the data products and distribution system. This chapter briefly discusses the organization of the Conferences, then defines the types of participants and their marine data needs as determined from both the topical group meetings and the Conference Worksheets. The initial analyses of these marine data needs form 1 what may be the most interesting element of the report. Chapter IV concludes with a summary of these initial analyses in terms of a series of findings and concerns. Chapter V briefly discusses the methods by which communications between NOSS designers and the oceanic community can be continued. Supporting the Conference Report are appendices which contain information on the Conference attendees, the Conference Worksheets and statistical summary of these Worksheets, a summary transcript of the closing discussions by participants, specific limitations of the frequency of coverage of polar-orbiting satellites, descriptions of the NOSS heritage sensors flown on Seasat and Nimbus-7, and the NOSS baseline sensor descriptions. Closing the appendices are a glossary of acronyms used in the report and a selected bibliography of recent technical publications which provide details on spacecraft oceanology. 3. Limitation It is emphasized that this report documents the events which occurred during the Conferences and summarizes the findings and concerns of the participants. These findings and concerns are not necessarily the findings and concerns of the tri— agency NOSS Program, NASA, DOD/Navy, DOC/NOAA nor any other government agency. The report is published to enhance and continue the dialogue between NOAA and the civil marine community that it represents and serves. II. BACKGROUND 1- NO A As New Civil Space Mission Last November the President of the United States designated NOAA as the single agency to manage the Nation's civil operational land remote sensing activities from space in addition to its ongoing atmospheric and oceanic satellite responsibilities (Presidential Directive NSC-54; Nov. 16, 1979). NOAA's credentials in the field of atmospheric and oceanic sciences and services are well established. For the better part of two decades, NOAA has been routinely managing and operating environmental satellite systems and providing data and products from those systems to users worldwide. In naming NOAA as the civil space program manager for operational land systems, this past performance was certainly noted and NOAA accepted willingly the Presidential decision. With the addition of operational land satellite programs NOAA is now the lead agency for operational, civil, earth satellites. NOAA currently operates two environmental satellite systems- one system (two satellites) in geo-stationary orbit and one system (two satellites) in polar sun-synchronous orbit. Data received from the complement of instruments aboard these spacecraft are used in the production of a host of meteorological and oceanographic products which are available to the civilian user community. NOAA, as a part of its R&D mission, supports many satellite activities of NASA. This NASA-led research has paved the way for NOSS through a rich history of R&D satellite programs. Most noteworthy for the marine community are the 1978 launches of Seasat and Nimbus-7, whose oceanic sensors form the basic instrument package for NOSS. Indeed, with the exception of the Seasat Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) System, NOSS combines the benefits of these two NASA satellites to permit the Navy, NASA and NOAA to conduct a limited operational demonstration beginning in the mid-1980's. The key to NOAA's success in meeting the users' needs for NOSS data is an accurate definition of data requirements. This can only be achieved through close coordination with the marine community throughout the planning and implementation phases of the NOSS program. This close coordination will bring about a marine data system with the capability of meeting the civilian oceanic community's needs throughout the lifetime of the NOSS program and beyond. NOAA's success in its NOSS mission will be the result of full coordination with the efforts of the oceanic community. 2. NOAA's Existing Satellite Marine Products Data from .both the GOES geostationary and the TIROS-N polar-orbiting satellite systems are used to produce several of NOAA's existing operational marine products. These products are produced at the National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS) central facilities, and at the Satellite Field Services Stations and National Weather Service Offices having oceanic support responsibilities. The primary data sources for these products are GOES and TIROS-N infrared and visible data. These data are received at the data receiving locations from the NESS Command and Data Acquisition facilities at Wallops Island, Virginia, and Gilmore Creek, Alaska. They are also acquired directly from the polar orbiting satellites via direct readout, High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT) and Automatic Picture Transmission (APT). Examples of Products Global Operational Sea Surface Temperature Computation (GOSSTCOMP): Global sea surface temperature (SST) observations are obtained daily from the polar-orbiting satellite's Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR). The model used to obtain these temperatures is a fully automated computer procedure. Surface temperatures are derived by a histogram technique applied to a matrix of instrument measurements in 50- and 100-km areas. Corrections for atmospheric attenuation are computed and applied to the temperature retrievals. The model generates 30,000 to 40.000 time- and earth-located values of sea surface temperature daily. The derived observations are stored on computer disk for NOAA 360/195 terminal users, entered onto a magnetic tape for archive at the Environmental Data and Information Services' (EDIS) Satellite Data Services Division (SDSD), and used to produce an observation transmission tape (when required) and a global analyzed field. The global analyzed field is used to produce two types of products, photographic displays and gridded fields. The photographic displays enable the user to view the global SST pattern and the spatial distribution of observations used in the analysis. The gridded fields (Figure 11-1) are contoured displays of sea surface temperatures in intervals of 1 degree C. They are available as Mercator projections from 70 degrees N to 70 degrees S latitude and in polar-stereographic projections for the remainder of the globe. The gridded fields are mailed to users once a week. In December, 1978, NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS) also began producing synoptic, global sea surface temperature analyses. These analyses combine remote measurements made by satellites with direct sea surface temperature reports received from ships and data buoys. A two-step objective analysis is used. The first step is to establish a reliable "first guess" field; this is the sum of the present anomaly field (based upon data from the past 10 days) and the long-term average field. The second step is to correct the "first guess" field with recent observations. A percentage of each correction, depending on distance, is applied to each of the surrounding grid points. A numerical procedure known as "conditional relaxation" is used to spread the influence of the observations over the entire grid. The global analyses are available from NWS by mail. Regional analyses are available for the Atlantic northwest (Figure II-2), the Pacific northeast, and the Gulf of Mexico, by mail and by the National Facsimile (NAFAX) Network. The SST data are used in numerical forecast models as support for other NO A A oceanic products and services, in development of climatology over ocean areas that are inaccessible using conventional observing methods, in various research activities and by commercial fisheries. Great Lakes Surface Temperature Analysis: Analyses of the Great Lakes surface temperatures are produced as observed (whenever cloud free) using the data obtained from the polar-orbiting satellite's AVHRR. The data are computer-analyzed for each of the five Great Lakes, with a contour interval of 2 degrees C. The final product (Figure 11-3) is then manually adjusted for accuracy and mailed to users. The surface temperature analyses are useful in determining the rate of lake freeze and areas of upwelling. With this knowledge, plus observed weather and ice conditions, a forecast can be made for the routing of ships and for predicting the length of the shipping season. The Great Lakes surface temperature analysis is used by NWS, commercial marine transportation, Great Lakes research concerns and internally in NESS. Great Lakes and Alaskan Ice Charts: The Great Lakes and Alaskan ice charts are detailed 1-km resolution analyses of the boundaries and type or age of ice observed from satellite imagery. The Great Lakes' freshwater ice is viewed, when cloud free, by the polar-orbiting satellite's AVHRR. A chart (Figure 11-4) is prepared twice weekly and sent to users via the NAFAX Network and by mail. The chart defines the fast-ice and ice-free areas as well as the ice concentration and leads. The Alaskan sea ice is also viewed, when cloud free, by the polar-orbiting satellite's AVHRR. A chart (Figure 11-5) is prepared once a week and sent to users via NAFAX and by mail. The chart reveals the fast-ice and ice-free areas as well as the ice concentration, age and leads. Both analyses are useful to NWS in its forecasting of ice conditions and ship routing. The Great Lakes ice chart is prepared at NWS' Weather Service Forecast Office (WSFO) at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and updated in the Navy/NOAA Joint Ice Center. The Alaskan ice chart is prepared at the Joint Ice Center in Suitland, Maryland. The ice charts are used by commercial marine transportation, the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard, the National Marine Fisheries Service and various research concerns. Gulf Stream Analysis: The position and current direction of the Gulf Stream and its associated warm and cold eddies are helpful to a number of marine users. The commercial shipping industry can save fuel by steaming in the current o 3 i-f 03 u 09 a E s +■■ CD O" CO «~ t C 3 '- CO V) a 3 ° u> c = o I ° -Q to E > o § u 5 CO ■5 2 o 3 l/l z . o £^ z 2 < <, -£ "I -i UJ — ' in — ^ co "> ul o H ul < < (J |ss U- H •" v U ul ii°;»- "J « ui ui 3 z z f o;< UJ Ul X m h (- H ~- < a. 5 u j; S IZ O ui iu or Z Ul a. o CO "~ < < I- J X ok z ^ > ui ui -J - < CO dm r ui s or 0. in XM Q ul U - < Ul o u. z t- or o 3(J Ul 1/1 u Ul . a. 5 Q _l o<„ eat as ^ Ul — < - a t~ id z ?Qt U)Z < Ul < .„ O 2 u z in 3 ul "Oq KO < Ul °- O - u t/)„ u Z - Q • UlIZ' X H < M U "T" a. or T hi 111 > It ~) in 1- 1- < < < O z < UJ m a\ 5 UJ 1*1 UJ > y Ul Z Ul IX a Ul u D z or l/l CD O Ul H Ul K- < Ul Ul < CO Ul l/l -u 7 l/l a z O 1- (1 a Ul ..1 U > 7 > -J < or or u. < X Ul 1- IY < < a) l^ Ul Q. C F 0) Ul *-> V. 3 4) O U 4-> ID c '*- n 3 U l/l 41 c CO i 3 X -*- IT> 4i 4> -X u CO _l o o (0 TO X c uj co 41 3 01 I50E I55E I75E Figure 11-5. Example of Alaskan ice chart on northbound trips and avoiding it when traveling south along the coast. Commercial fishermen locate some species of fish near thermal boundaries like the Gulf Stream west wall or eddies which influence fish movement. The US. Coast Guard needs Gulf Stream flow information for search- and-rescue operations. Other users include recreational boaters and marine research activities. The Gulf Stream Wall Bulletin (Figure 11-6) informs the mariner of the position of the Gulf Stream's west wall; the fastest currents are usually found about 25 km seaward of this line. The position of the Gulf Stream Wall to 40 degrees N is analyzed three times a week, using geostationary satellite infrared imagery. Bulletins are broadcast twice daily by the U.S. Coast Guard. In April, 1980, NOAA began issuing a handdrawn analysis, prepared jointly by NESS and NWS, of thermal features in the Gulf Stream region. Data used in the analysis include infrared imagery from polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites, sea surface temperature from ships and buoys, subsurface temperature from ships to check structure of surface features and seasonal sea ice analysis from the Joint Ice Center. The analysis is presented in two panels with the Gulf Stream area north of Cape Hatteras (Figure 11-7), updated thrice weekly, and the Gulf of Mexico/Florida Straits area up to 35 degrees N, updated twice weekly. Features shown include position of the Gulf Stream and Loop Current; other major thermal fronts in the area (slope front, subtropical convergence); Gulf Stream and Loop Current eddies, with their size and flow direction; sea ice edge; and spot SST's. These charts are available weekly by mail and daily via NAFAX. West Coast Thermal Front Analysis: The thermal front analysis of the waters off the west coast of the United States is used in locating areas of improved fishing for California fishermen. When upwelling occurs off the coast, the cold waters abound with nutrients, and along the boundaries between cold and warm waters the fish tend to gather to feed. Albacore tuna and salmon fishermen are the primary users of this kind of information. Analyses are performed, cloud cover permitting, as often as possible using satellite infrared imagery from the AVHRR on TIROS-N and from the Visible Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR) on GOES. The thermal fronts are drawn on a gridded chart (Figure 11-8) and sent out via telecopier to locations along the California coast. The normal areas covered are from 50 degrees N to 30 degrees N latitude, 4 degrees off the coast of California, but other areas are available upon request. A plastic overlay showing navigation lines and bathymetric contours is available also on request. NWS' Seattle Ocean Services Unit (SOSU) produces a west coast oceanographic analyis (Figure 11-9). It combines ocean thermal fronts identified from satellite infrared imagery with sea surface temperature contours from ship and data buoy observations. The SOSU chart includes Loran-C navigation lines to aid fishermen in locating the thermal fronts. 3. Current Sources for Satellite-Derived Oceanic Products Near-Real Time Data Services The above listed samples of oceanographic products, derived wholly or in part from operational satellites, have been developed over the past decade by NESS and NWS and are presently produced at regionally located field sites in Anchorage, AK; Seattle, WA; San Francisco, CA; Miami, FL; and Washington, DC. For more information on what may be available by region, please contact either: Mr. Bertrand J. Thompson NOAA/NWS Gramax Bldg., Rm. 1213 Silver Spring, MD 20910 or Mr. Robert L. Mairs NOAA/NESS WWB, Rm. 607 Washington, DC 20233 Non-Real Time Data Services The Environmental Data and Information Service (EDIS) of NOAA is the first Federal organization created specifically to manage environmental data and information. EDIS acquires, processes, archives, analyzes and disseminates world- 8 PTTUZYUW RUEOLMA0021 1891855T UUUUTTRUCLFOA RULYWCA RUCLFLA RUEBBRA RUCBNAF. ZHR UUUUU P 071855Z JUL 30 FM NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE SERVICE TO RUCLFOA/CGRADSTA MIAMI CCGD7 RULYWCA/CGCOMMSTA PORTSMOUTH RUCLFLA/NAVOCEANO BAY ST LOUIS MISS RUEBBRA/PATRON FOUR NINE RUCBNAF/NAVFAC LEWES OE BT un a AS GULF STREAM LOCATION. THE LTNE DESCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE OF POINTS REPRESENTS THE WEST WALL OF THE GULF STREAM. 27.0/80.0 32.2/78.8 36.6/73.0 37.6/69.3 38.6/65.5 29.0/80.0 34.3/76.0 57.5/71.4 38.5/68.6 37.6/63.1 31.5/79.5 35.0/74.7 37.8/70.8 58.4/67.6 THE MAXIMUM CURRENT OF THE 6ULF STREAM LIES BETWEEN 12T15 MILES SEAWARD OF THIS LINE. COLD EDDIES 34.0/72.9/90 NMI. DIAfl WARM EDDIES 39.0/71.5/90 NMI. D IAM 41.4/62.5/80 AMI. DIAM LATEST SATELLITE DATE 7/7/80 12001 Figure 11-6. Example of Gulf Stream Wall Bulletin. Positions coded as follows: 31.5/79.5 means 31.5°N 79.5°W. Location and size of cold and warm Culf Stream eddies are also given. OCEANOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS date 18 June 1980 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE SERVICE Figure 11-7. Example of joint NWS/NESS Culf Stream chart, combining analyses of satellite infrared imagery with sea surface temperature data from ships and data buoys. '%i??n? Ajza a> k- > *- en C0 c CO 0) to a O F n O CD > co o ■a 2 0) u en o 3 -Q c CD 0) 0) 3 co CO ■D 8 o (0 ■o C c irt a c ?, D E .a E o o CO X C c o u Q> 3 CO CO o oo CO en a. c ^ o Ul o (- T) c o 0) LL :> (/) a> n r?> CO ^ oe o* 05 051- 001 OS CO _i / / / o / / / CO O / / c CO III 00 L OS co.^; COO CO °? 3 10 wide environmental (atmospheric, marine, solar and solid earth) data and information for use by commerce, industry, the scientific and engineering communities, and the general public, as well as by Federal, state and local governments. It also assesses the impact of environmental fluctuations on food production, energy production and consumption, environmental quality, and other economic systems; and manages or provides functional guidance for NOAA's scientific and technical publication and library activities. In addition, EDIS operates related World Data Center- A subcenters and participates in other international data and information exchange programs. To carry out its mission, EDIS operates a network of specialized service centers and computerized environmental data and information retrieval services. EDIS' involvement with satellite data services is extensive at present and is expanding to improve support to its users. Satellite Data Services Division (SDSD): SDSD is an arm of the EDIS National Climatic Center and provides operational NOAA environmental satellite data to secondary users once the original collection purposes (i.e., weather forecasting) have been satisfied. The Division also provides some NASA experimental satellite data, including Seasat data. Satellite data available from SDSD include: o Full-disc and sectorized images from the Synchronous Meteorological Satellites (SMS>-1 and -2 and the current operational geostationary spacecraft, GOES. In addition to visible region imagery, infrared data are also available from these satellites. Each day, SDSD receives several hundred negatives from polar-orbiting and geostationary spacecraft and several special negatives and movie film loops. Queries should be addressed to: EDIS, Satellite Data Services Division World Weather Building, Room 100 Washington, DC 20233 (301) 763-81 1 1 EDIS Centers and Services: Many applications of satellite data benefit from comparative data sets ("surface truth"). In the absence of real time comparative data sets, historical data are capable of providing a statistical base for comparison. In many cases, continuing satellite observations can be calibrated using historical data and a minimum of absolute surface data. EDIS operates the following discipline- oriented centers capable of providing historical data and services: Data from the TIROS (Television and Infrared Observational Satellite) series of environmental spacecraft; Imagery gathered by the NASA experimental Nimbus-7 and Seasat spacecraft; Full-earth disk photographs from NASA's Applications Technology Satellites (ATS)-I and -III geostationary research spacecraft; Thousands of images from the original ESSA and NOAA series of Improved TIROS Operational Satellites (ITOS); and National Climatic Center Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 258-2850, Ext. 683 National Oceanographic Data Center 2001 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20235 (202) 634-7500 National Geophysical and Solar-Terrestrial Data Center 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 497-6215 Additionally, the EDIS Center for Environmental Assessment Services (CEAS) is actively involved in the use of meteorological and 11 Landsat satellite data in both research and monitoring activities. For further meteorological information, contact: CEAS Marine Environmental Assessment Division 3300 Whitehaven Street, N.W., Room 162 Washington, DC 20235 (202) 634-7379 Seasat Scatterometer System (SASS) - This 14.5 GHz radar illuminated the ocean surface for a distance up to 1000 km on either side of the sub-satellite track, and recorded the strength of the radar return. Surface wind vectors (up to three aliases) were produced for spatial resolution cells 50 x 50 km. For further Landsat information, contact: EROS Data Center USGS Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (605) 594-6511 The Environmental Science Information Center (ESIC) coordinates NOAA's library and information services and its participation in the national network of scientific information centers and libraries. For further information, contact: ESIC Library and Information Services Division 6O09 Executive Boulevard Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 443-8358 4. Seasat and Nimbus-7 Oceanic Applications Introduction and Sensor Description Seasat, launched in June 1978, was a proof- of-concept ocean-survey satellite instrumented to measure boundary layer winds, waves, ocean surface temperatures and topography, sea ice and coastal environmental factors. The Seasat mission ended prematurely in October 1978, due to a catastrophic power failure. At that time, about 100 days of global data had been recorded. were: Seasat carried five primary sensors. They Altimeter - A nadir-viewing, 3 ns radar operated at 13.5 GHz to measure verticle distance from the spacecraft to the ocean surface, and to measure significant waveheight and surface wind speed. Scanning Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) - This radiometer measured microwave radiation at 6.6, 10.7, 18, 21 and 37 GHz to derive sea surface temperature, surface wind speed (no direction), atmospheric water vapor and liquid water, and sea ice. Only very limited amounts of data have been processed to date. Visible and Infrared Radiometer (VI RR) - The VI RR was a modified version of the earlier TIROS-type satellite Scanning Radiometer (SR). The VIRR provided earth scene images in the visible and infrared wavelength regions for cloud/land feature identification. In the absence of clouds, the infrared channel provided sea surface temperature features over the oceans. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) - The SAR, an L-band radar operated at 1.27 GHz, had excellent cloud and rain penetration capability. It illuminated a swath 100 km wide, and provided spatial resolution of 25 m in both range and azimuth. SAR data were used to measure dominant ocean wavelength and direction, to study coastal processes and to provide information on sea and lake ice dynamics. Nimbus-7 is a research and development satellite for atmospheric sciences, environmental pollution and oceanology. The oceanic instruments aboard this spacecraft are: Scanning Mult i- channel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) - The SMMR on Nimbus-7 is identical to the SMMR on Seasat as described above. 12 Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) - The CZCS measures chlorophyll concentration and the diffuse attenuation coefficient, k. The wavelengths of operation are centered at 443, 520, 550, 670, 750 nm and a thermal channel at 1 1. 5 yum. Spatial resolution is 850 m with a swathwidth exceeding 1500 km. Both Nimbus-7 oceanic instruments are still collecting data. Summary of Applications This section gives examples of measurements taken during the Seasat and Nimbus-7 missions from the heritage instruments for NOSS, i.e., the Altimeter, the SASS, the SMMR and the CZCS. Winds: Seasat scatterometer-derived surface wind vectors, superimposed on a VHRR image, are shown in Figure 11-10 for one of the most intense extratropical cyclones to have occurred over the North Atlantic during the Seasat mission. This storm has been termed the Queen Elizabeth II (QEII) storm since that vessel incurred $50,000 in damage from high seas and injury to more than 20 of the 1213 passengers when it passed through the most intense portion of the storm in a west- bound trans- Atlantic crossing. At the height of the storm, waves in excess of 50 feet and winds of 60-65 knots were observed. Shown in Figure II— 1 are wind vectors reported by Seasat on two consecutive orbits (1 093, 1094), on September 11, 1978, which occurred within hours of 1200 GMT, the time the QEII encountered the worst elements of the storm. Other ships in the vicinity reporting at 1200 GMT on September 11, 1978, established that winds exceeded gale force (35 knots or 18 m/s) at least 550 km in all directions away from the storm center. Comparisons of Seasat wind vectors with analyzed field values show rms errors of 2 m/s in wind speed and 16 degrees in direction. Waves: Studies of Seasat Altimeter data for significant waveheight (H . ) measurements have been carried out using Ocean Weather Station PAPA and NO A A data buoy observations of sea state for comparisons. Figure 11-11 shows a scatter plot of the significant waveheight comparisons. The data are separated into two groups to identify observations taken <80 km and >80 km from the Altimeter measurements. The data show a mean difference of -0.29 m with a standard deviation of ±0.22 m for waveheights ranging from 1 to 5 m. Currents: Studies of radar altimetry for height measurements are illustrated in Figure 11-12 which shows the difference between Seasat Altimeter measurements and a model geoid (GEM 10B) for a 5 x 5 grid. These Seasat data, taken on July 10, 1978, during orbit 191, commence over Puerto Rico and extend to the shores of the United States. Features of interest are the geostrophic current system of the Gulf Stream, identified by a slope slightly greater than 1 m in about 25 km, and the Puerto Rico Trench which shows a 15-m depression over a distance of about 850 km. These examples show the precision with which measurements of ocean surface topography can be made from satellites. This figure also illustrates the requirement to have a good geodetic data base. Sea Surface Temperature: As noted in Section 2 above, SST-related measurements are made on a routine basis from operational satellites. The SMMR instrument on Seasat and Nimbus-7 is the first space attempt to measure SST using the microwave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The inherent advantage of cloud penetration by microwave energy will eliminate a major impediment found in the measurement with infrared (IR) sensors. However, the advantage gained in penetrating clouds is offset by the poorer spatial resolution and thermal sensitivity of microwave radiometers to measure SST. Hence, the real advantage to the oceanic community is anticipated in merging both IR- and microwave- derived SST data. The spatial resolution of SMMR for SST is about 100 km, while typical SST data is collected at a single point. The SST comparison between SMMR and expendable bathythermographs (XBT's) is shown in Figure 11-13. The filtering indicated on this figure for data processing eliminates (1) all data within 200 km of land; (2) all data contaminated by solar reflection from the ocean 13 IT) •v T. (A O IU c o X (0 uu a > E < o u r> > Q O) UJ 0) Oi x: I to < 3 IU *- c -£ (0 CN . u >- s- o c z> '« CO H- \ o 0- o X a — V) CD ■w +-» CO O c/> w '1H0IDH3AVM Q3iinSV3W-H313WinV 3 o u > c E •_ o LU a -Q Implementation Phase II Award J ( 1} NOAA-Unique Installation \\ J Ifl /) 10 / 20 MOrES -J»S« I.HIM l304hUA1IMf 18 ji < Si z z II * I I < ►■ H" z2 (A Z < Z > -• g T3 O u < o WIND CO C 1-t o ID •H g u a c tu oi £4 H T3 (U co > o o u < o SST CO c •H o cu O •H h H b c cu a) M g -a aj g n) > o o (_> < o WAVES fl c •H cj a; ■H g u s 2 cu 0) M p "O tu g to > () o CI u < CJ ICE to e ■rl o 01 V •H R u e C 01 u £ G -o 0) B tO > u o o <: o CHLOROPHYLL to c •H o 01 o ■rt F. U R c 01 a) M H -a 01 R to > o o u < o o u c o tu •H fi R c 0) M ■a IV to > o < u TURBIDITY* CURRENTS * Turbidity is defined to be the diffuse attenuation coefficient. Figure IV-la. NORMALIZED COMPARISON OF COMMERCIAL, ACADEMIC AND GOVERNMENT MARINE DATA NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE NOSS TRI-ACENCY PROGRAM 100 90 80f 70 60 50 40 30 20f 10 . ( 1 1 | rH fO to u •H O -a *-> o. oi to e o) a o) z en H WIND ■a 01 01 z to •H 4J CO a CO SST to M O a. S 01 H XI 01 0) z to a. o a B 01 H WAVES oi z ICE u o a XI B a) 0) 01 H Z to C/J u O e tu CHLOROPHYLL 0J OI z to a CO o a B tu H to M O a. TURBIDITY tu 01 z to 6 a. oi CO H CURRENTS Fiaure IV-1b. NORMALIZED NOSS DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL USERS 34 < EH < a o 2 H a M a u « w w a u M g u W U « w a, 100 90 80 70 60 50 r 40 30 20 101- I, ^H nl ttj u •H •n 4-1 o. 01 n) fci z WIND SST nl M a 6 01 H T—{ m eg >- •H o -T) 4-1 CL 0) n) E 01 a 01 s. (/) H WAVES 0> z o a B 01 H T3 0) 01 z o a E 01 ICE CHLOROPHYLL •r-1 ■a 4-1 a 01 d E Ol O- 0) z m H TURBIDITY ■H T3 4-1 O- 01 n f= 01 c 0J z tn I- CURRENTS Fiaure IV 1c. NORMALIZED NOSS DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR ACADEMIC USERS < < a o 2 H H D O H OS W « W CO. D 2 W 2 a w > o o E-i 2 w u u 04 100 T 90 80 70 60 50 - 40 - 30 - 20 lOf r-H n! ^H CO .—1 to F^ to r- 1 to ^ o ~-i to n) u <0 u to M to Vj to ij CO 4- CO »- •H o •H o •H O •H o ■H ■H C ■H •n 4J & ■a 4-1 a -o ■U a •a 4-1 a T3 4-1 a. T! 4-i a. tj 4J a OJ to E Ol to S Ol to B 01 CO B Ol to B 0) to E Ol 0! B m D. Ol Ol a. 01 Ol a 01 01 a 01 Ol a. 0) OJ O- 01 01 a. oi 7. LO H z c/i H z en WAVES H z t/5 H Z en H CHLOROPHYLL Z en H TURBIDITY z en (-■ WIND SST ICE CURRENTS Figure IV- Id. NORMALIZED NOSS DATA REQUIREMENTS FOR GOVERNMENT USERS 35 50 « H W D < < Q O 2 W u 40 20 10 _1 :•: I 1 o cj 6 ■a u 0) > o o < H O H O CJ S n) u u oi > o o < H O H O a > o cj 3 H O H O CJ E 01 n) CJ CU > o ►J < H O H o s c 01 e c >-l aj > o o H O H O CJ e oi •a ni C oi % u oi > o o H O H WITHIN 3 HRS. WITHIN 6 HRS. WITHIN 12 HRS. WITHIN 24 HRS. 24 HRS. TO 1 WK. OTHER Figure IV-2a. DISTRIBUTION OF NEAR-REAL TIME DATA ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS CO « w co D H o CJ O CJ «: O H 1 TO 2 WEEKS CO C •H o 01 O ■H Ij E H 01 01 c kO E •o 0) H o -J o CJ < CJ H 2 TO 4 WEEKS o CJ 4-1 c cj 01 •H c E c 01 T3 u 0> 3 co > H o O < o H 4 WEEKS OR LONGER ■H CJ 0) CJ •H E u E C OJ 0> >-i ►J E •a oi < £ CO > H CJ O U < CJ H OTHER Figure IV-2b. DISTRIBUTION OF NON-REAL TIME DATA ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS 36 Local and coastal (linear dimensions of 100's of kilometers) Regional Global (linear dimensions of 1,000's of kilometers) (linear dimensions of 10,000's of kilometers) Further, the analysis also includes whether the anticipated coverage (if less than global) is fixed or varies with time. The results of this analysis are presented in Figure IV-3. There appear to be no dominant classes of users, so data distribution must be flexible. A point of interest in Figure IV-3 is that government users have the least interest in global data sets as compared to either commercial or academic users. Data Distribution and Communications (Question 6) The previous discussions of near-real time and retrospective data requirements, as well as the typical scales for area coverage, influence the capabilities and size of the data distribution system. Inherent in the design of the NOSS data distribution system is the manner in which communication is established between the data source and the user; such a communication link must be mutually established. Figure IV-4 is the analysis of the Worksheet responses with regard to data communications. Overall, there is no strong preference for any particular type data system (all totals are between 31% and 53%). Commercial users indicate the highest stated need for near-real time diaNn and computer-to-computer data communications (61% and 56%, respectively). Based on the total in each category of communication, the (decreasing) order of priorities is: Near-real time diaMn, near- real time computer-to-computer, computer compatible tapes (CCT's) via mail, photographic products via mail, non-real time computer-to- computer and non-real time dial-in. Requirements for Engineering Data fLeveH) (Question 7) The following general definitions are used by the NOSS Program to define data types (from Table III— 5): LeveH Calibrated, located and time- tagged engineering units LeveHI Located and time-tagged full resolution geophysical data Level-Ill Value-added geophysical data analysis (grid, contours, etc.) LeveHV Forecasts, Predictions, etc. The designers of the NOSS data distribution system anticipate that there will be similar requirements for Levels-ll, -III and -IV data. However, the potential need for LeveH data has not been established. The Worksheet analysis (Figure IV-5) reveals that the need for LeveH is similar to the need for all forms of geophysical data, both in terms of near-real time and retrospective requirements, as well as the spatial and temporal resolutions, data delivery times after acquisition, and area coverage requirements. Twenty-five percent of the academic users indicate requirements for Level-I which differ in data delivery characteristics from geophysical data requirements. Continuity of Data (Question 8) The satellite component of the NOSS Program will be collecting oceanic data on a continuous basis. The NOSS data processing facility will be providing LeveHI products within three hours after acquisition. Thus, there will be a 24- hour flow of data from the NOSS activity. Many facilities operate on an 8-hour day, 40-hour week basis. If users want the data in near-real time, it will potentially require modification to user facilities/personnel to accommodate data use during non-working hours. The Worksheet analysis of user willingness to incorporate this aspect of NOSS into their planning is shown in Figure IV-6. Less than 10% of the users will operate only during normal working hours with regard to NOSS data. 37 « w w D < Q O U a w 100 90 80 70 ■ 60 - 50 40 30 20 10 rt c 01 c ■H CJ at •r( o 0) (J -H E •H E K E C M s S 0) 0) u ►J HI oi H l-J e "0 0} £h E n) > H o u o o o o O <_) cj •H E IJ E B 01 01 u >J E -a 01 < E to > H O o o O U H E a > H o O O o o O u < o H <_> < u H VARIES FIXED Figure IV-3. ANALYSIS OF SCALES OF COVERAGE FOR MARINE DATA « w w D IS < Q fc, O Eh Z w w 100 90 80 70 6 - 50 40 r 30 20 10 I iiLi i o o c 01 E c 01 > o u DIAL-IN o o C rfl e o 01 •H u 01 •rl R o ■H § R C u B c 01 M 1-1 01 01 IJ .-1 ■n 01 < E T3 01 H E ctf > H a o O o o o < o H o 01 < E -a 01 < m > H E n) > H I 01 > o CCT's VIA MAIL o E s oi > o iJ H cj o O < u H OTHER/ COMMENTS Figure IV-4. ANALYSIS OF NOSS DATA DISTRIBUTION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNIQUES 38 « w w < Q O Eh 25 w PJ 100 90 80 - 70 - 60 50 40 30 20 lOf - is ft 1 o E 01 T3 C 01 I P VJ 0> > o O < H O H NEAR-REAL TIME nl c ■H O 01 U •H § !-i a S 01 01 1- ,-J T> 01 <* § to > H O O O u < o H NON-REAL TIME m c < Q -a 01 < £ n) > H B nj > H o o O o o o o u < o H u < CJ H ENGINEERING ENGINEERING DATA SIMILAR DAT^ DIFFERENT TO GEOPHYSICAL FROM GEOPHYSICAL Figure IV-5. ANALYSIS OF ENGINEERING DATA NEEDS AND COMPARISON TO CEOPHYSICAL DATA REQUIREMENTS w as w to D < Q O 2 W u « w 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1 1 a I u « c •H (J OJ O -H e ^ B c 0> OJ >-■ eJ B "O oi <: B « > H o u O O u -j B -o OJ < 5 n) > H o o O u < o H INTERMITTENTLY ON TASK BASIS 01 < O u < u H DURING NORMAL WORKING HOURS m c ■H O 01 O ■H S >- E C 0) a) >-- ,-J p t> 0) < p n! > H o u o O u < O H OTHER Figure IV-6. CONTINUITY OF NEAR-REAL TIME DATA /ANALYSES NEED 39 Combining and Merging of NOSS Data with Other Data (Question 9) The opportunity exists to combine NOSS data with other data sources. For non-real time data, it might be combined with other data sources at LeveHI, and for near-real time data, it might be combined with other analyses (Level-Ill) to provide a merged data set. Such combining and merging would tend to have a "self-validation" built into the geophysical data. The analysis of user needs to provide such combined and merged data sets is shown in Figure IV-7. It is clear that the NOSS data flow to the civilian community requires combined data for retrospective users and both NOSS-merged and NOSS-only data analyses available on a near-real time basis. Prior Satellite Experience and Satellite Data Needs (Question 10) Figure N-8 presents the summary analysis of prior satellite experience by participants who submitted Worksheets. This analysis shows that the users typically have had prior experience with such satellites as GOES, TIROS-N/NOAA, GEOS- 3, Seasat or Nimbus-7. The Worksheet format did not seek clarification as to whether the general experience was good or bad; however, an overwhelming majority of users indicated that the availability of these data is useful to their marine needs. Considerably less enthusiastic was the response with regard to potential simulations of data to the NOSS formats wherein the users were about equally divided on its usefulness or non- usefulness. Private Enterprise's NOSS Role (Question 12) The number of comments made by Worksheet respondents on the role of private enterprise in providing information-extraction, value- added services, as well as the responsibilities of government in this area, are as follows: User Group Commerce Academia Government Number of Comments Made 28 (68%) 14 (44%) 16 (23%) The analysis of these comments has not been completed because of their diverse nature. It is obvious that commercial and academic users are more concerned with this subject than government users. Dialogue and Interface Considerations (Question 13) A major concern of both the user community and the NOSS Program is the establishment of a mechanism for communication between the marine community and NOAA, as well as the nature of the interface that might be created with academia and commerce. Figure IV-10 illustrates that users most likely will accept any form of communication, but have a preference for the use of on-going publications and continuing the workshop/conference mechanism such as this first series of NOSS Conferences. Awareness of Data Costs (Question 11) Essentially all potential NOSS data users are aware that they must bear part of the costs associated with duplicating, reproducing or transmitting the data, as shown in the analysis presented in Figure IV-9. In general it appears that as long as the NOSS data costs are consistent with now existing user costs associated with other satellite programs, such as the meteorological and land programs, marine users regard the potential NOSS data cost as reasonable. The interface consideration between academic and commercial users and NOSS resulted in 46 comments which require further analysis (59% and 68% from the academic and commercial users, respectively, with only 28% from government users). In general, the comments include: o Recognition within NOAA that the needed interface is larger than just the NOSS Program or NOSS data; 40 100r 90 - w 80 - K H - D 70 - < " H 60 - < Q ti 50 - O - H 40 - 2 U u 30 - w - P. 20 - 10 - - NON-REAL TIME DATA COMBINATION : : \ 1_EL Jj ill NOSS DATA ANALYSES MERGED WITH OTHER ANALYSES (NEAR-REAL TIME) ~1 JL li I to c H u HI c; ■H a |j H c 0) a) l-l 1-1 g Ti- oi < 3 nt > M O C5 t_> < u H to tt rH u Ol o ■H a V4 R c cu 01 u 1-1 a TJ 01 < 1 td > H o o o p _> < o 1- o o c to c V 01 ■H o 01 •H g o ■H hi B c l-l b d 01 1-1 ►4 0J 0) 1j J T3 01 < e T3 0) < en > H a M > H u o o O u o O < o H c_> < o H o c_> c « c cfl c u 0) ■H u 01 •H o 0) •H a o •H F. (J •H a (5 c l-l a c U fc= 3 01 l-l J 01 0) 1J ►J 0) 01 M l-l ■o 01 < a T3 Ol H a « > H a M > ! - o o o u O o O o o < u H u < o H COMBINED NOT COMBINED NO PREFERENCE NOSS DATA ONLY NOSS AND OTHER DATA BOTH OTHER/ COMMENT Figure IV-7. ANALYSIS OF COMBINING OR MERGING NOSS DATA WITH OTHER DATA SOURCES w w D < < Q O Eh W U a 100t 90 - 80 70 ■ 60 - 50 - 40 - 30 20 10 NEED FOR OTHER SATELLITE DATA FOR MARINE APPLICATIONS EXPERIENCE WITH SATELLITE DATA S:l USEFULNESS OF NOSS DATA SIMULATIONS J3_ fl CI PI e 01 C 01 B c u 01 > o o 01 -a cO o < -J < H O H I o o c 01 e c 01 > o o EXPERIENCE NO EXPERIENCE DATA NEEDED e 01 ■a CO c 01 B C ki cu > o o l-l <: H o H DATA NOT NEEDED s ai -a CO o < c CU i c l-l cu > o o (J < H o H OTHER/ COMMENT o •J < H O H USEFUL e cu -a co o o u < H O H OTHER/ COMMENT Figure IV-8. EXPERIENCE WITH OTHER SATELLITES AND RELATIONSHIP TO MARINE DATA NEEDS AND NOSS PREPARATION 41 AWARENESS OF DATA COSTS w X w w D < Eh < Q o 2 U U « U 0. 100 r 90 80 70 60f 50 40 30 20 10 S REASONABLENESS OF POSSIBLE DATA COSTS I ® B 1 j 1 1 _EL i 1 1 JUlJ o a (0 u < u 01 > o O 3 H O H O U a u 53 H O H O B 01 01 > o o H O O u ■H u iH u c rt C nl c o a) •H o 01 ■H 01 ■H 11 O •iH a o •H a f= u a c l-i a £ fl) M 5| H § rt > H a nl > H n o O o O o o o u o < u H u < o H u < o H AWARE NOT AWARE COMMENT MADE REASONABLE UNREASONABLE COMMENT MADE Figure IV-9. ANALYSIS OF DATA COST CONSIDERATIONS w K W w < Eh < a in O w o a w 100 90 ■ 80 • 70 ■ 60 50 40f 30 20 10 o o B 01 •a rt o < c 01 B 3 01 > o u (J < H O H PUBLICATIONS i.e. .QUARTERLY o B 01 -o n) u < c 01 I u 01 > o o < H o H O WORKSHOPS/ CONFERENCES E o) T3 rt c 01 E C tj 01 > o o <: H O H PRESENTATIONS, PROFESSIONAL/ TRADE MEETINGS o o C (0 c 0) •H u 01 p O e B U B c b ,J 01 0) M l-l 01 < E •o H g rt > H O o o O < o H u u u h v h (i -h c > 4 ttb uj; ^ u o c o at w c oo O KUU, B. O M< a® nil i Pw. c - o z Z z z. u m s a a o OS t0 «J o — o II LOU 1HO, « OX I H OP, < a i-i u n b cu ki L. Den II o 41 o z z >■ z C 10 m ai k. 3 *J X O u 3 -rt SO C B C ■rt C >rt M "lit C u U JZ O C O u u m s o a 2 il XIX rH- la XX <■ a U. 1 11 u t% it a l C OJ 01 X >~ >"ZO>-20., >- SB O ft' X t I I. 11 i 1 I I H- 213 x -8 O u Z o ^ X ^ in fi> B a u W 41 U) X O t- -rt " 3 a. aQ UK <<< XI z. % 22 £2 £ & a ak I si IS £2 z J( £2 x' 1 I. * a ^ m 1 a: h( I R a & i VI £ M I Qifl ItX j: at M 1 Figure B-1. Tabulation of Commercial Users' Responses 90 Figure B-2. Tabulation of Academic Users' Responses 91 QJ 3 -H *D iJ ^ 3 I ■ . >, u ;>*ooot.u.c'aa> ex o couwcooou U awk a. o h< uo i • ■ ■ low. • ■ w in w ^ ^; ui VI U1 ^ U k 14 J )J( P t-< t-< x X X U 3 01 xx x O U X fH (fl -H U > tn M c ra c >, -h «j aj o qj o a tg s zz z z z o a- a. B o o - z t- X O w 3 o « z c >< zo , ii-i T; w u c " a a -h ™ O U r-l " x c a u ^ _] in oj -h r 4) 2 Ji Ul u " o u »o hw: z o /}• 3 a, q Q I_ 1 0Q I. 1U _I A 1 zz M I_. wt I X £ II 5" Q ao IK a i i a U v i 1 I i i I in Ix 1 1L x a. M ra X !X w ml 5 i/ Ul I r ak ^ X t £22 A m n A X 5 _o 35 * X A £ A t I M J 5- X A I_U 5G> A a I X! r H. l 5 o ai L X.Jt m m A Aj_A J_JL ± X. Figure B-3. Tabulation of Government Users' Responses 92 rO 01 Ofl u R CU Ot W 01 TD Em n) rH -h ;*, Q R U O M > u 0> -ri 01 h 01 'H R O R Ot *-» R 00 o»!whfcOH<; H u O K * «* u | | -t u 10 a o ■-< u eg H O II tID H ■rl^'H 01 U DO O b X O tlH It -H J « li. 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M lu i -£-i -iiO i ui x lit l L 1 IA > 4_ ft 61 Lx _! il ix LiiA & k H ix x x x x x x f ^ y ^ <0 70 f _JX_ XI ix x~ 1 1 * ii Z £ -i- Xl + 07/ X Zjl 1 i ii x i ii ui x xi II x" il_x _£F x i i i i i i T - - T;r r — . — \ 1 1 1 i iii i ; , M! i '. 1 ! i .illil I | r t | j. i 1 1 1 1 ii ,1,1;! 1 i ... .l ..1 j — l_I ■ I 1 t I I 11 l« IS 14 1* 11 H '0 ii I* \i i. *• »t •■ •> '♦ "| O u z o fr3 c o o £ So Figure B-3 (Cont'd). Tabulation of Government Users' Responses 93 APPENDIX C SUMMARY OF CONFERENCE DISCUSSION TRANSCRIPTS Following summary presentations by the group moderators, Conference participants had an opportunity to ask questions or make any additional comments concerning the day's activities and/or the NOSS Program. Abridged transcripts of these discussion sessions are presented here for each Conference location. Concluding this Appendix is a composite transcript of the Conference closing comments. Seattle Chair: Comment: I'd just like to say from our viewpoint that we've received a lot of useful comments from this Conference, and I thank you for all of them. It has been most helpful. One of the things that we do want to discuss here is our continuing interaction, or your views on how to continue interaction with NOAA people working on the NOSS program. So I'll ask at this time if anybody would like to comment on that particular aspect, and if it is something the staff can provide, we'll designate someone to respond. Certainly your holding of these meetings is a grand first step. Now if you can only find a way to develop some kind of information bulletin that will come back to those of us who have participated in these meetings in order to keep us informed of developments. You've got a long tough "row to hoe" and you're going to make progress step by step. If we know what you have accomplished, it is going to be a great help to us. Comment: The comment came up with the (Chair) operational users — the need for some form of newsletter — and I think that's something we'll certainly take into consideration. We'll see what we hear from all of the five conferences but that would certainly be one way of communicating. However, that is only one-way communication. The other thing we want to do is to establish some method of keeping up a dialogue where we can get input on a regular basis. As the system develops and as we develop our NOAA Oceanic Data System for processing and disseminating the data, we'd also like to get your comments as we go along. As you can see from the presentations that we have made today, what we now have is a concept of a NOAA system, and thafs where we could use your input and the inputs from the other meetings to better define the functions that will take place, how they will take place, and how we will best serve your needs. Question: When will these future conferences take place and where will they be held? Answer: Every year — to discuss the progress and changes that occur as we go along. Comment: I don't know how expensive it is to sponsor these conferences, but it certainly is very useful as a way to keep up with the situation and also to get users' comments. 95 Question: Answer: Comment: Comment: Question <& Comment: What is the expected engineering lifetime of the satellites? We expect the instrument life to be three years, so we are essentially developing two complete spacecraft to cover the five-year operational demonstration period. I might suggest a possibility. The Oceans '80 Conference goes on every year. This year there will be two of them because the Marine Technology Society (MTS) and Oceans '80 meetings are separate, but they will be going back together in future years. We could fix it up so you could have a one-day symposium at that conference — you could arrange a meeting for the day before or after. That might be one vehicle to get this information out once a year. This year the MTS will be having a one-day session on Seasat, Nimbus and the implications with regard to NOSS. I have a feeling you won't hear a whole lot new from what you've heard here today, except for in-depth technical discussions on Seasat and Nimbus-7. The audience will be somewhat different; larger anyway. I have a question with regard to travel. I don't know what the travel problems are for private industry if we schedule conferences every year. I expect we would probably drop one and, instead of trying five, probably go to four conferences. We've had a lot of criticism from people located in Washington, DC, saying that we should have held one of them there. We elected (this year, anyway) not to have one there, but the question remains: Is there a problem for many of you in getting to conferences if we do go ahead with this conference approach for keeping you informed and maintaining this dialogue? I know the situation with the government people, but I'd just like to hear this talked about. It may turn out to be the cheapest way to do it. Comment: Anything is going to cost us money. Question: You're talking about having them all in Washington, DC? Answer: No. We'll probably drop one and go to four, of which we might have to have one in Washington now and then. Washington, after all, is the oceanographic capital of the world, (laughter) Comment: They are the most vocal, anyway. Comment: Yes, that is one thing to consider. A lot of them control the purse strings, whether we like it or not. Comment: Well, a combination of the informational bulletins, supplemented by conferences, seems reasonable. Certainly if you get the informational bulletins out and you encourage responses the way you have here with the questionnaire type approach, you're going to cut down on the need for the frequency of the conferences. Mix them up; use both. Question: Did you get the same number of conference attendees at each meeting? 96 Answer: No, they vary. We have had about 35 preregistered here; we now have about 60 in La Jolla; around the same number in Woods Hole; 12 in Miami; and 105 in Bay St. Louis. Bay St. Louis is kind of an anomaly, like having a meeting in Washington, DC The Navy people overran us down there, which is fine. It's a good thing that they are interested enough to take time to come and drink beer with us and give us an audience. This (Seattle) meeting falls in the middle attendance wise. I think a handicap here was just the nature of setting up the meeting and coming here first. We might not have allowed some people time to respond. If we do it again, for sure we'll try to set these conferences up with a much longer lead time. Question: Regarding the proceedings, will you comment on how and when they will be distributed? Answer: We will put out a report on this meeting and everyone who is registered will get a copy in the mail. We're projecting it will take something on the order of a month to do an analysis of the questionnaires and to come up with some kind of a consistent means of grouping the answers, not only for what's happened here but for the other four conferences. A draft will be available, hopefully, early in July. We will then allow about a month for some sort of official internal approval. It won't be to screen the data; I don't think we are planning to withhold any of the evidence that comes up; that is not the intent. We do have to have a perspective from our management. Hopefully, the final draft will be out about the latter part of August. I would urge you then, if you feel you'd like to come in, to go through the questionnaires yourself and do your own analysis; we'd be glad to work with you. We will use the report as a means of continuing the dialogue and maybe that (the Conference Report) will be our first installation of this newsletter-type approach. Question: I have one question that may have been answered this morning and I didn't hear it. I get the impression that you are talking about sending things you feel comfortable with up in this satellite, and, since it's not impossible to launch a satellite these days, why is it six years "down the pike" that you are talking about? Is it a budgeting cycle? Answer: No. By the time we start the design, build the hardware, make all the tests that they put the instrumentation through — the tremendous quality control that does go into it where they do shake tests, RFI tests, and compatibility tests of one sensor at a time to build up the configuration and make sure the radio frequency interference from, say, the scatterometer, is not bleeding back on the radiometer - - it takes a long tme. Comment: It was mentioned this morning that it takes six to seven years from the conception of a satellite to launch, and we are basing this on experience. TIROS-N also had a new data handling and processing system, but at least we were familiar with the data and we added on to some of the system we 97 Comment: Comment: already had. Here we are talking about a more complex system with NOSS, so that's the time it takes just to go through the procurement process. We're going through a conceptual design for nine months, with parallel contractors competing, and this will be completed in February, 1981. By the time you go through the evaluation and selection process it will be August before you have even identified the mission contractor who's going to build the system, install it, and train the people to operate it. We are, hopefully,talking about having these ground systems installed up to a year before launch so that operators can be hired and trained to operate the system. So, when you put all this together you have six or seven years, although (I admit) it sounds like a long time. We think that, in a lot of our discussions within the program, we are behind time right now in some of the things we are trying to do, so this is certainly an average amount of time for implementing a system of this magnitude, based on our experience. It is about the same amount of time (needed) to build a Navy weapon system. There are a lot of things that must go on. For example, when you are flying strictly radiometer types of instruments that don't radiate, that's one thing. You're pretty much going where you want and expect (them) to go. But none of the frequencies used on Seasat for research purposes have international clearance to be used operationally. So they are having to go through a whole hierarchy of things through the State Department to get allocation clearances to go with these things. It is very time consuming. It takes years. La Jolla (Transcript not available) Woods Hole Comment: LeveH and -II data can be made available to both the Navy at Monterey and NOAA in as real time as we can get it — within say 60 to 80 minutes after we've received it and it has been properly processed. Now at NOAA, we plan to make the data available to anybody that wants it, as soon as we get it. Question: You talked about getting LeveH data available on the ship? Answer: Probably LeveHI on the ship but there are people who want Level- I data. Comment: They want the data to support a mission that they are on. Comment: We will be able to make LeveH and -II data available within 80 minutes after it is received at the primary center. 98 Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Question: I think what they are doing is Answer: expressing their concern ahead of time due to past experiences with data. It's a valid concern because right now we have the same thing in the operational units — how are people on ships going to get the Comment: data? If we talk about making it available to the guy at sea (which is the issue), how is he going to get it? They are worried about this. How long have people waited for CZCS data? Getting data to ships at sea is a significant problem that we haven't really addressed. Comment: I think the other thing that was stressed in the operational area, and I'm not necessarily talking about uniquely NOSS data either, is that you may want data from ships, you may want data from other sources and satellites, and so on. So, we also have to look at this as a NOAA problem, not necessarily a NOSS problem, but one which NOSS can contribute toward solving. The NOAA problem, even now without NOSS, is that we can't get data and, of course, NOSS is going to add tremendously to the data that Comment: is going to be available. I think we have to look at it as a NOAA problem. Were any of the points brought up in the R&D group discussions indicative more of any industry group, research group, etc.? They were not addressed as either, specifically. The group v/as representative of both industry and research, and the concerns were expressed without attaching any specific discipline or type of study to it. There is a sincere interest on the part of NOAA to identify the industry as such and their needs. I'm curious to hear from industry reps who are here. There were several points made which I found extremely interesting. I could identify them all with various research groups; but I don't know if they are characteristics as well of the potential industry units. That point was also brought out in the discussions about archiving data. The request was made that people say what they would like to have kept, but I don't think anybody knows what they will need five years from now. Whatever you are throwing away is precisely what you are going to need later. You can't plan that specifically, whether you're in research or industry, this early in the game. To get back to one point, if they had more experience with the current semi-available data, they would be able to guess better. I don't think there is a difference between industry and research. You seem to be separating them like they are two different worlds. The applications may be different, but the concerns are the same. The concerns for quality and timeliness are the same. It's just the uses of the data that may be different. 99 Comment: (Chair) Question: Answer: (Chair) Comment: Question: (Chair) Answer: Comment: (Chair) Nobody is trying to separate them. The problem has been that nobody could clearly say what the concerns of industry are. Accordingly, it's Comment: worth asking, and in that mode, what specifically does industry feel, so that we can clearly know that we have heard from industry representatives. How do you define industry and how do you define R&D? That's not an easy one as you well know. But in general, let me give one type of definition. I think the industry interests must lie in those areas where they have a shooting opportunity to produce something unique and which they can sell appropriately — in other words, something in which they have some sort of a proprietary lot. When I talk R&D, it's probably an incorrect version of it as far as you are concerned. I'm only thinking about those things that need to be done and which serve the public good, and accordingly, should not have a proprietary lock on it. That's a bad use of R&D, I agree. But in any event, I look at industry as a group of people who somehow want to produce unique, salable products. Is that wrong? I think in the manufacturing industry that's correct; but I think it is hard Comment: to characterize all industry that way. How would you do it? I don't think you can separate industry and R&D because there are a fair number of industries that do the R&D work — except for a profit. In the R&D group, and it was a mixed group, there didn't seem to be any differentiation of opinion at all. Back to that R&D thing. We have a component of NOAA labelled R&D, and that's my hangup! My script says ferret out ideas about how the oceanographic community would like to stay involved with the NOSS program development. A darn good question! Let me just make a few quick comments about the New England area. We have been concerned, as you have heard, and we have produced a newsletter that may be considered by some as quasi-legal/illegal. I'm not sure that we have a good notion yet of the industry interests here. How do we stay involved, generally? I made the comment about the newsletter being quasi-legal because obviously, if we start sending out a thousand copies of it, we have a major problem with OMB. So, I don't think we can expand that to include everybody on the face of the earth. But we have to look at this question. How do we get everybody appropriately involved? Any ideas? I think one good way to get people involved is to make a suggestion in our group. It's one thing to have a NOSS users group and to look six years down the road at what people might need. I would like to identify those people who have a real interest in using the existing data and to share experiences with 100 the existing users of Seasat and GOES data. I would suggest that if the NOSS staff were to hold another of these meetings, let's say in six months or a year, that the meeting be centered around people, papers, and experiences that people have had with the existing data. I'm just finding it very difficult to focus on lots of data that nobody has really had experience with. My suggestion would be not how we relate to NOSS, but how the NOSS staff would relate to us, and how we could work with them; hopefully, using the data and have another conference of people who could present ideas in actual practical applications. that the mailing list has grown to 200 people just in the New England area), the amount and the diversity 13 of interest is incredible. So, maybe following your suggestion, within NOAA we should do our best, too. I think all of us ought to get together at a somewhat higher level and address in different regions of the country the kind of things we can sponsor. In truth, we are interested in NOSS, we're interested in Landsat, we're interested in more orbitors, we're interested in all kinds of things, and one needs to look at the full spread of data that is available and what the potentiality is. Comment: This point has been raised in (Chair) connection with romping around looking at the regional needs, and it was raised last Friday by Professor Joe Berry of Yale. He would like Comment: to convene some kind of a (Chair) reasonable symposium with a strong pragmatic vent to it, sometime next fall, looking generally in his interest now at terrestrial problems and specifically at problems associated with vegetation. The question he was asking, in a way, was "Where can I get funding to help out on this?" He needs 10-20K. The Question: second question he was asking was, "Do you think the time has come to go to the discipline route?" Now, in a way that's part of what you're Answer: saying. We've got to find some different avenue of approach, a different perspective. I'm a little bit surprised, frankly, that this need is here, although I've learned to accept it. Since we started putting the newsletter out (today I heard Key Biscayne I hope that, in filling out the worksheets, the R&D group will focus on specific R&D questions rather than solely operational approaches. We have concentrated on data collection and we need to extend efforts into using the data in the user and operational community. At the end of three years, how do we decide if the program has been successful or not, and who is "we"? We don't have a plan as to "how" yet, though it will be a combination of civilian and military users. The three agencies involved will work up an evaluation criteria ahead of time. We are aware that we have this ahead of us, and people are working in this area now. (Note: 101 The "we" as used here referred explicitly to the tri-agency NOSS program.) Comment: Regarding the specific steps being taken with algorithm development, there needs to be a free flow of information. Also, there needs to be current data and better documentation. Documentation seems to be the key. Comment: The National Weather Service has 13 people who extract information and who may possibly provide valuable feedback to NOSS, though with a bias. Comment: We have Levels-I thru -IV of data. It may prove equally useful to categorize users. Comment: Out of this Conference there are as many questions generated as answers. It may be useful to have another conference or series of conferences where the questions are presented ahead of time. Perhaps a list of questions arising out of this meeting may be compiled and then answered at a subsequent conference. Comment: I see things more clearly now at 4 o'clock than I did at 9 o'clock this morning. Comment: We are aiming for September to discuss what the NOAA Unique System (now designated as the NOAA Oceanic Data System) will do. Before we can go out to industry, however, we need to put together an RFP. Question: Answer: Comment: Question: Answer: Comment: Question: Answer: some input on what this source evaluation material would be. In the R&D meeting, was there any discussion centering around synthetic aperature radar systems? It was not brought up in detail. Not much is happening in this area. Much of the phenomena which has resulted from SAR was not anticipated and, therefore, no ground support was made available. SAR is basically not being considered because we don't have sufficient justification on cost based on the limited, known applications. What is the current cost of NOSS? $800 million for the 5-year period. Bay St. Louis The 2% research capability on NOSS should be considered for improved communications for medical reasons (scuba divers, etc.). Do we know the time delay between direct readout level (DOMSAT) versus LeveHI data from Navy or NOAA processing facilities? LeveHI data will be available by NOAA-unique (now designated as the NOAA Oceanic Data System) as soon as it comes to us. Within milliseconds of when data gets there, it will be available. Comment: It may be important to people outside the government to have Question: Will we have any impact on the NOSS system? 102 Answer: The system is capable of generating many products, but it is important to identify requirements so they can be put into the system. Impact is in the data area and what NOAA will do with that data system. Up to now, the system has been driven by NOAA and Navy requirements. Question: Two universities, Scripps and University of Miami, have their own receiving stations. What is the NOAA position on encouraging or discouraging these two groups? Answer: If you are referring to direct readout, there are no plans for direct readout from NOSS spacecraft to the civilian community. These data are encrypted. (Note: However, the civilian community, if appropriate licensing is obtained,should be able to read out the LeveN and LeveMI data from the NOSS Primary Processing Facility via DOMSAT at the same time that it is read out at the DOC/NOAA User Processing Center located at Suitland, Maryland. See Figure III— 3.) Question: Is there any possibility of getting a NOSS system operating before mid to late 1980's? Answer: No. Not before 1986. It currently takes 6 to 7 years to develop and launch a satellite system. Question: Are there plans to restudy or revalidate the NOSS orbit, or is it fixed? Answer: The orbit is sun-synchronous. Only the altitude is not fixed. Composite Closing Comments Hopefully, everybody is satisfied with the meeting. We are not anxious to conclude this discussion, but if you have specific comments about how we might improve the nature, not only of this Conference, but also those in the other locations, we would like to hear them. It was not clear to us that we necessarily should have broken the topical groups into the "Operational Users" and the "R&D Users," but it was a convenience to us in order to stimulate a dialogue through smaller group sessions. We welcome that kind of feedback. We will take the completed Worksheets, analyze them and compile them into a report. The time frame for the report is such that we will have a closing on the initial Worksheet responses on June 16. We will spend about two weeks doing a fairly quick overview analysis of those responses and try to establish the major concerns and similarities between all topics. The draft report will have to be reviewed by NOAA Management, and then we will publish and distribute copies of that report to you, hopefully by Labor Day. We would like feedback on the conference report. If you feel that we have manipulated the responses in any way, we would also like to know that. However, we have tried to provide a fair appraisal of where NOAA stands, what the appraisal is of the NOSS system and the data sources for you. It was suggested that maybe v/e should have another conference in six months or so, if I heard correctly. But suppose NOAA does take it as an action and agrees to hold regional conferences of some sort, how often should they be? We could not meaningfully have them every quarter. I don't know whether we could even support them on a six month basis. It might be the sort of thing we could schedule in with other types of meetings, such as the annual Marine Technology Society meetings. Perhaps we could put in a day or so on the NOSS status either before that meeting or afterwards. That would minimize travel costs for a lot of the 103 people, both the research group and the commercial interests. We might approach different communities in terms of professional organizations. The Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, for example, might be a good way to deal with the petroleum and offshore platform users. NOAA wants to be a service agency for you, and I do thank each of you for taking the time out of your schedules to come and share your requirements with us. Your comments and requirements will mold the thinking of what goes into the NOSS data distribution activity by NOAA, which involves a continuing dialogue. That is what we do want — a dialogue and not a one-way street. I think the satellite philosophy has changed. If you look at meteorological systems, they have been basically responsible to one customer— the National Weather Service. The oceanic community is certainly far more diverse and made up of many more different groups, both in the government as well as in the private sector, who require marine information. We will do our best to work with you and satisfy the maximum number of requirements. In closing, I would like to especially thank the Conference chairman for his time and support and the moderators for facilitating the discussion groups. I would also like to express our gratitude to Human Resources Management for their efforts in coordinating the logistics of the Conference. Now, if there are no further comments, I will declare the meeting adjourned. 13 This informational newsletter is not a formal publication. It is designated as the "Northeast Area Remote Sensing Notes" (NEARS) and is available by contacting Mrs. Helen Mustafa, c/o Northeast Fisheries Center; NMFS/NOAA; Woods Hole, MA 02543. 104 APPENDIX D TEMPORAL RESOLUTION CONSTRAINTS OF POLAR ORBITING SATELLITES Polar orbiting earth satellites have an inherent capability to make global environmental observations. The time required to achieve global coverage depends primarily on the orbital altitude and inclination and the swathwidth of the sensors onboard the satellite. This discussion is directed toward the anticipated general characteristics of the satellite component of the National Oceanic Satellite System (NOSS). The final altitude has not been selected, but it most probably will be between 600 to 900 km. Further, the NOSS orbit will be sun-synchronous which fixes the orbital inclination as shown in Figure D-1. For purposes of illustration, the surface coverage omitted at the earth poles is not considered, but for the NOSS sensors operating between 600 to 900-km altitude, this is only about 0.1 % or less, for each instrument except the altimeter. The altimeter misses as much as 1.2 % of the global area located at the poles. Because the inclination and altitude are directly coupled for sun-synchronous orbits, their effect is considered together as illustrated in Figure D-1. It is possible to regard all satellite orbits in terms of a ground trace repetition parameter, Q, where Q = 360 / S; S being the longitudinal separation in degrees of descending (or ascending) equatorial crossings between two successive satellite revolutions. S represents the surface trace shift between orbits and is around 24° to 26° for 600 to 900-km orbits under consideration. Thus, Q is typically around 2500 km separation for successive revolutions. In general, Q can be expressed as an integer and a rational fraction reduced to lowest terms. Choosing Q to be an integer results in a trace pattern which repeats itself every day. Thus, for Q = 14 the orbit repeats itself every day and the satellite nadir point trace at the surface is the same every day. The altitude and inclination for this orbit are 894 km and 99.97 , respectively, as indicated by the upper scale in Figure D-1. If Q is not an integer, then the denominator of the fraction defines the number of days it takes the ground trace to repeat itself (cyclic frequency). Thus, there are a large number of possible orbit repeat times between 600 to 900 km. For example, using Figure D-1 an orbit at about 809-km altitude (14.25 = 14-1/4 orbits/day) repeats every 4 days, while an orbit at about 726 km (14.5 = 14-1/2 orbits/day) repeats every 2 days, so that there are certain altitudes that provide "tuned" orbits that repeat often. The cyclic frequency of the exact orbit repetition, when coupled with the sensor swathwidths at the surface, determines the temporal coverage of the satellite system. The NOSS LAMMR, CZCS and scatterometer have essentially the same swathwidths of 1370, 1200, 1320 km, respectively. These swathwidths essentially fill half the distance between successive orbits (i.e., 2500 km between the orbits for the altitudes being considered). Thus, the 14 or so orbits which occur in a 24-hour period will acquire data from about one-half the global area, and hence, about two days are required to view the entire globe. An exact two-day repeat (Q - 14- 1/2) would leave some areas always unobserved by the 1200-km swathwidth of CZCS. The actual build-up of surface coverage is illustrated in Figures D-2, D-3 and D-4 for CZCS, LAMMR and the scatterometer, respectively. For LAMMR and CZCS 90 % global coverage, orbits between 700 to 800 km are somewhat better than all others, requiring about 25 to 26 orbits. However, the coverage is somewhat sensitive to the total global fraction required, because if a 95 "^coverage criteria is used, then the fastest coverage is achieved by orbits between 700 to 750-km altitude. The LAMMR and scatterometer instruments, since neither depend on solar illumination as does the CZCS, can use both 105 0> 00 r- & m «- CO OJ o o o o o o o o o N- o <£> o (/> to m tc 4) o o is *- 4) > u. O o 01 o oc ID rO LJ ro m O 2 0) O OJ 3 in M u - o 3 01 Q3U3A00 V3HV 1V80n9 "IVNOIlDVdd 3 O c o u c >- l/l I c 3 £ c o (0 _c "o c ■D c IB 4) X) 3 u c v . Is a 41 3 0) w>i ni nsdo jo saniinv 106 n — r 1 1 ' 1 I 1 1 1 CO r~ LlI i 1 o CO - 1 *> CO \ & < ttV Q_ co z - *e 2 o o *— ■ » ii i LU ~ tt \ £ LlI Q O CO Q 3 LlI _l K- Q O X H O LlI _ \v* —1 z — < < "0L - °./M^ < o 00 o/ LU < m (J _i h- CO o 1 i l i i < "-in, • 1 1 l~ ■" CL • o I s - o CO 01 en 8 CO 1- re i_ 41 > CD a a: re 01 O o re *- _ u. a o o o lO ce Id L V w 4) CD 2 01 o 3 fD OJ Z to _ o o o < UJ or < < go 3 e> < < .8 20 ALTITUDE (km) A DETAILED LOOK AT THE [685, 715] ALTITUDE BAND • ASCENDING AND DESCENDING PASSES • POLAR "CAPS" EXCLUDED 30 40 NUMBER OF ORBITS 50 60 Figure D-5. Scatterometer global area coverage at +15km 108 An orbital altitude of about 700 km + 10 km appears to be the best overall compromise for three of the four NOSS sensors. Specific orbits at about 703 and 708 km have been noted on Figure D-1 which will have repeats of 7 and 9 days, respectively. For the altimeter, these two potential orbits will have nadir-point trace separations at the equator of 1.77 and 2.75 if both ascending and descending orbits are used, respectively. This results in an altimeter grid system of 177 km and 275 km for the 7- and 9-day repeat orbits, respectively. To further illustrate the extreme sensitivity of designing the 700-km altitude orbit to satisfy various altimeter applications, consider that the original Seasat baseline orbit was designed to provide an 18-km grid at the equator. This Seasat orbit repeated every 152 days. For the NOSS altimeter, an 18-km grid at the equator requires about 2000 orbits. An orbit with a Q 80 of 14-ttz satisfies this requirement, with 2026 orbits separated by 17.78 km at the equator. The precise altitude of this orbit is 701.24 km. In concluding this overview analysis of orbital characteristics, it is important to note that a tuned orbit of 1 or 2 days could be very useful during the initial period of validation after the launch of the NOSS spacecraft. An orbit at about 726 km, illustrated in Figure D-1, is near enough to the 700 km altitude so that a large amount of energy does not have to be expended to change orbits, and as noted above, it provides a 2-day repeat cycle. This feature would allow for ships and buoys to collect surface information every 2 days for NOSS calibration, rather than waiting 7 to 9 days. Hence, it has been proposed that the NOSS orbital altitude initially be placed at about 726 km for validation and subsequently changed to 700 + 10 km. 109 APPENDIX E SENSOR DESCRIPTIONS FOR SEASAT AND NIMBUS-7 Introduction The five principal oceanic sensors carried on Seasat and Nimbus-7 have been briefly discussed in Chapter II, Section 4. Details are provided here on the coverage and characteristics of the Seasat radar Altimeter (ALT), scatterometer (SASS), Scanning Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR), and synthetic aperture radar (SAR), and the Nimbus-7 SMMR (identical to Seasat) and Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS). The foot print comparison of all Seasat sensors is given in Figure E-1. Radar Altimeter (ALT) The altimeter was a nadir-viewing, short- pulse, 3 ns radar operating at 13.5 GHz. This instrument measured the vertical distance from the spacecraft to the ocean surface along the sub-satellite trace with an accuracy of + 10 cm rms. Global coverage required 152 days. The data obtained provides the sea surface geoid and allows mapping of prominent surface depressions, such as deep ocean trenches. Elevations resulting from seamounts, plateaus and ridges, and heights associated with geostrophic currents are also detected. Figure E-2 cites the instrument specifics. Seasat Scatterometer System (SASS) The scatterometer was a dual-polarized system operating at 14.59 GHz. The antenna radiated four fan beams (tv/o orthogonal pairs) which point + 45 deg and _+ 135 deg relative to the direction of flight. These beams illuminated the ocean surface for a distance of 1000 km on either side of the sub-satellite track. Spatial resolution elements, 50 x 50 km, were produced by range gating and the use of fifteen doppler filters along each fan beam as shown in Figure E-3. The resolution cells from the fore and aft beams produced nearly overlapping orthogonal pairs with incident angles almost equal. Scanning Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) The Scanning Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) was a dual-polarized radiometer that measured microwave radiation at five frequencies: 6.63, 10.69, 18, 21, and 37 GHz. This instrument generated a conical scan to the right of the sub-satellite track at an incident angle of about 50 deg. It recorded data in a swath 659 km-wide for a series of elliptically shaped cells of varying sizes, depending on frequency as shown earlier in Figure E-1. The major axis of these elliptical cells varied from 121 km at 6.63 GHz, to 21 km at 37 GHz. The use of five frequencies permitted the radiometer to serve as an intermediate-to-high speed windfield anemometer (no wind direction), to measure sea surface temperature, to estimate corrections for atmospheric water vapor and liquid water, and to monitor sea ice conditions. Additional characteristics are given in Figure E- 4. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) was an L-band 1.27 GHz radar with excellent cloud and rain penetration capability. The antenna illuminated a swath 100 km-wide to the right of the flight track. The design provided spatial resolution of 25 m in both range and azimuth. Figure E-5 shows the principles of surface element resolution. Range resolution was determined by the effective radar pulse length; azimuthal or cross-range resolution was determined by the antenna beamwidth. The image was formed from two bands of information. Range information was derived from the roundtrip travel time of radar echoes 111 o ?.E* or UJ ^ X I ^ X LU UJ 2 1- ^ or o < o "■ u_ UJ UJ o li- ck: U- o x-? u_ 1^1 o o E Z u o *Z r*"\ or - or ID > o U LU UJ o W UJ <-J T LO < o CC UJ id < or Q_ .z y O *- Z 5^ or I o X t UJ S£ < UJ a: < o £ uj *— — ' or So iy* O uj i_ or ££ CD to i = CO U a. " —. <. I— i. ' CD UJ 1 o co UJ -J TD i I -o w K- mm T3 wl ex. O 3 ■ 2 UJ 5 UJ 1- — 1 < Q- CD OMATIC. 01 CKSCATTER YNAMIC RA o ^ O i — < (V z s. O UJ — t— UJ 2 "1 or or UJ 3 O < o INI a: 3 uj lu rr t— t— 32 L re E < 2o O •- S <=> CL or UJ a. a. or ce (^ X UJ H t— i— E 3 in U 5£ LU - Ml <; > uj UJ «=? t_) ^ UJ _j UJ l— r«~\ S c: I or 3 E rsi UJ *" o **> OC §2 +* O r« X <: o o "2 — ns2 rj Q o or o_ X 1— (3 5 o Cut /sec TTED P NPUT - < 1 o r^. LO o l/i 1— LU LU t UJ s , s WIDTH RATE - 1 COMPRE o Q z < —1 —i s O- <. * CM 81 t— *— a. LU > < or 1030 GE TR GE PC 1 UJ to I/O ■ ■ t n iii , a i/i v or or S x zd UJ or > > 0. u. co * — Q- (_> O- J— LU a. o. < < u. E O CM UJ z z or: o o o 5 u u LU o 1/) co U 0£ CO co o z > o UJ 7 o or Z u u_ u O m r » = O c-> • U CN U — o — r 4 o St °« o- t- 7 ^ ro o UJ u no r^ 5 o — CSI i - D _J o o in in in «n ro o Of u o •«t o rsi -no. f— ^ CM ro — to z UJ 7 in in O in ^ m 00 CO u • K • • o O 1 &■ - s : r>J •— CM O CO MMR 4 IRR 5 h- or CO _J < < < CO CO co ;> V 0) re L > 8 *j c « E 3 L ♦J (A c < re wi re ai in i LU « L 3 0) 112 PERFORMANCE • MEASUREMENT INTEGRATION - 1.89 sec • MAXIMUM 8IAS ERRORS - 2 dB • SYSTEM CALIBRATION 10.2 dB • OCEAN SURFACE WIND SPEED - 4 TO >28 m/sec i2 m-'sec OR 10% WHICHEVER IS GREATER • OCEAN SURFACE WIND DIRECTION - 0-300 -20 • SWATH - AS SHOWN IN COVERAGE FIGURE • CELL RESOLUTION - 50 km • CELL GRID SPACING - 50 km x 50 km DOPPLER CELLS TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS EARTH COVERAGE DOPPLER CELLS TYPICAL EACH ANTENNA FOOTPRINT' SATEllITI GROUND TRACK AFT BEAM "t. -FORWARD r 4 1 BEAM -K ISO km- - 140 km NEAR NADIR SURFACE MEASUREMENT SWATH • BACKSCATTER/ RECEIVED SIGNAL BACKSCATTER. dB RECEIVED SIGNAL. dBm WIND ANGLE, deq m/sec 25 55 4 -16 -28 25 -4 -13 48 -7 WIND ANGLE, deq m/sec 25 55 4 -138 -143 25 -126 -128 48 -122 -122 EXTRAPOLATED FROM LOWER WIND SPEED DATA • FREQUENCY - 14. 59927 GHz • BANDWIDTH - ±500 kHz • TRANSMIT TIME/TOTAL TIME - 0.2 • PULSE WIDTH - 4.8 msec • PEAK TRANSMITTED POWER - 110 W • PRF - 34 PULSES/sec • AVERAGE TRANSMITTED POWER - 20 W • AVERAGE RAW POWER - 80 W REGULATED - 85 W UNREGULATED • RECEIVER NOISE TEMP 1250° K • GAIN CONTROL - AUTOMATIC • ANTENNA PEAK GAIN - 32.5 dB • ANTENNA POLARIZATION - HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL • DATA RATE - 540 Dps Figure E-3. SASS technical summary 113 PERFORMANCE • OCEAN SURFACE WIND SPEED FROM 7 m TO 50 m/sec ±2 m/sec OR ±10%. WHICHEVER IS GREATER • OCEAN SURFACE TEMPERATURE TO WITHIN *2°C ABSOLUTE AND ±0.5 J C REATIVE • WIND AND TEMPERATURE RESOLUTION - 121 km • ICE FIELD MAPS. RESOLUTION - 21 km • MEASUREMENT OF INTEGRATED ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR AND LIQUID MATTER IN A COLUMN ALONG THE SIGNAL VECTOR • MEASUREMENT OF RAINDROP SIZE AND DISTRIBUTION IN A COLUMN ALONG THE SIGNAL VECTOR TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS • CLOCK INPUTS - 1 Hz. 10 kHz. 1.6 MHz. SATELLITE TIME • ENG AND SCI DATA RATE - 2 kbps • WEIGHT - 53 kq • PRIME POWER - 61 W (AVERAGE) • FREQUENCY. GHz • ANTENNA DIAMETER, m • ANTENNA BEAMWIDTH. HALF-POWER, deq • POLARIZATION • FOOTPRINT / MAJOR AXIS \ DIMENSIONS \MINOR AXIS/ ' km FULL SWATH ANGLE, deq SWATH ARC WIDTH, km INCIDENCE ANGLE OF BEAM CLNTEK AT SURFACE, deq 6.63 10.69 4.2 121 79 21 18 — 0.79 2.6 1.6 1.4 DUAL LINEAR- 37 0.8 74 49 44 29 -50- -659- -48.8 38 25 21 14 • ORBITAL ALTITUDE, km • RF BANDWIDTH. MHz • DISSIPATIVE LOSSES: /ORTHOMODE TRANSDUCER I WAVEGUIDES V SWITCHES AND ISOLATOR dB TOTAL DISSIPATIVE LOSSES. dB NOISE FIGURE (MIXER + IF AMPI, DSB. dB • SYSTEM NOISE TEMPERATURE REFERRED TO PORT 'OF MODULATOR ), DSB, • PREDETECTION BAM)WIDTH. MHz • INTEGRATION TIME CONSTANT, milliseconds • TEMPERATURE RESOLUTION, K (1 (TH300K TARGET . • ABSaUTE TEMPERATURE ACCURACY. K (lorl • DYNAMIC TEMPERATURE RANGE. K m -794- C>U 0.55 0.37 0.52 1.03 0.3 0.25 0.34 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 1.4 1.21 1.37 1.93 1.2 4 4 5 5 5 490 490 692 703 728 1UU 126 62 62 62 30 0.51 0.72 0.89 — 2 — 1.01 1.23 10-330- Figure E-4. SMMR technical summary PERFORMANCE • RADAR IMAGES AND INTENSITY SPECTRA OF /.AVES IN DEEP OCEAN AND MEAR COASTS • RADAR IMAGES OF SEA ICE AND C RESHWATER ICE • RADAR IMAGES OF LAND AND SNOV.COVER • 100 kn Sv'.ATH \\ IDTH. 4000 kn SiVATH LENGTH IN 10 mm PASS • FOUR INDEPENDENT CELL MEASUREMENTS 14 LOOKS ' • 25 x 25 m CELL RESOLUTION i4 LOOKS i • 0.5 sec INTEGRATION TIME PER CELL MEASUREMENT I PER LOOK i • CELL SNR OF >5 dB OVER 100 km SWATH (4 LOOKS i RESOLUTION CELLS TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS SAT : liGHT f t I I 230 km 330 , I FROM NADIR : tfl , ! i 4000 km 17 deq 23 deq ^ R FROM NADIR 10 mm PASS 100 km SiVATH •25 m x 25 m RESOLUTION CELLS • CENTER FREQUENCY - 1274.8 GHz • BANDWIDTH - 19 MHZ • TRANSMIT TIME 'TOTAL TIME = 0.35 • PULSE WIDTH - 33.8^sec • CHIRP RATE - 0.562 MHz'usec • PULSE COMPRESSION RATIO (TIME BANDWIDTH PRODUCT) - 642 • EFFECTIVE PULSE WIDTH - 53 nsec • PEAK TRANSMITTED POWER - 1125 W NOM • PRF's - 1464, 1540, 1580. 1647 Pulses/sec • AVERAGE TRANSMITTED POWER - 55 W Figure E-5. SAR technical summary 114 from the surface target* Azimuth information was composed of the doppler shift history in the reflected signal from the surface in the direction of spacecraft motion. This information formed lines of constant doppler shift in the azimuth or cross-range direction. The intersection of the two bands of information yielded the surface elements shown. Prime applications of the data are for wave directional spectra, coastal wave refraction analysis, and sea and lake ice dynamics. Because of the very high data rate (120 x 10 b/s), there was no onboard recording of data. As a consequence, earth coverage was limited to swaths approximately 4000-km long in regions adjacent to the five ground receiving stations. No SAR is scheduled to fly on NOSS. Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) The CZCS is an image scanner with six co-registered bands spectrally centered at 443, 520, 550, 670, 750 and 1150 nm (Figure E-6). The instrument utilizes a fully rotating scanner which scans across track at a rate of 8.0808 rev/sec. The Instantaneous Field-of-View (IFOV) Performance Parameters Channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 Scientific Observation Chlorophyll Absorption Chlorophyll Correlation Yellow Stuff Chlorophyll Absorption Surface Vegetation Surface Temperature Center Wavelength ( A Nanometers) 443 (blue) 520 (green) 550 (yellow) 670 (red) 750 (far red) 1150 (infrared) Spectral Bandwidth (A A Nanometers) 433 - 453 510 - 530 540 - 560 660 - 680 700 - 800 1050 - 1250 Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV) . 865 x . 865 Milliradians (. 825 x . 825 km at sea level) Co-registration at NADIR < 0. 15 Milliradians Accuracy of Viewing Position Information at NADIR < 2.0 Milliradians • Signal to Noise Ratio (min. ) at Radiance Input N<(mW/cm . STER . Urn) > 150 | at 5.41 >140 at 3.50 >125 at 2.86 >100 at 1.34 100 at 10.8 NETD of 0. 220" k at 270° k Consecutive Scan Overlap 25T Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) 1 a 1 150 km target size, 0.35 min. at 0.825 km 1 arget size Figure E-6. CZCS technical summary 115 is 0.05 deg, equating to a sea level square of 825 m on a side from the nominal orbital altitude of 955 km (Figure E-7). The active portion of the scan is 78.7 deg which produces a cross track swath of 1566 km. The scan rate and IFOV size are such that each swath overlaps the preceding swath by about 25 % . The scanner mirror is capable of being tilted forward or backward +20 deg line of sight about the spacecraft pitch axis in 2.0 deg increments. This movement is commandable and is used to avoid sun glint while taking advantage of maximum solar elevation angles. a =1.374 RADS (78.72°) -3 0=0. 865x10 RADS (.0496°) d = 0. 825 km orbital altitude = 955 km Ma/- /T D = 1566 km Figure E-7. CZCS geometry 116 APPENDIX F NOSS BASELINE SENSOR DESCRIPTIONS The characteristics of the four primary NOSS instruments determine, to a large extent, the design characteristics of their respective algorithms. Since the design of the hardware proceeds in parallel with the development of the algorithms, baseline instrument characteristics must be assumed for purposes of algorithm development. The assumed baseline descriptions which have been agreed to by NOSS Project Management are presented in Figures F-1 through F-4. The algorithm descriptions in this plan are based on these characteristics. Should subsequent instrument re-design change this information, the algorithm descriptions will be corrected in the next revision to this plan. RESOLUTION 791 S/N ICALC I 180" SOIAR ZENITH! 10.6-1J.5 «b NITD - 0.1 K AT rro K PERFORMANCE . ORBITAL ALTITUDE . WEIGHT . DIMENSIONS . POWER . SCAN RATE • DATA SCAN . SCAN TILT ALONG TRACK . PIXEL SAMPLED PER SCAN IEACH CHANNEll . CLOCK FREO < PHYTOPLANkTON PIGMENT CONCENTRATIONS TO WITHIN A FACTOR Of 2 • DIFFUSE ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT [k] WITHIN A FACTOR OF 2 "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE ACCURATE TO APPROXIMATELY « 2.0"C <0.2°C RELATIVE SENSITIVITY) "RESOLUTION - APPROXIMATELY 800m TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS -28 V « 0.3 V 700 k 44kgm 85. 4 . 40 9. 55.6cm 3 60. 2W 1.13 « l0 6 b/< 53.3 SAMPLES/SECOND 10 BITS (PER CHANNEll 17.8 cm Figure F-1, CZCS II baseline description 117 PERFORMANCE i SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE ACCURATE TO WITHIN * I 5 K AT 25 km RESOLUTION i WIND SPEED 0-50 m i, ACCURATE TO WITHIN i 1 • , OI 10%, WHICHEVER IS GREATER AT 17 km RESOLUTION 1 SEA ICE CONCENTRATION TO WITHIN «I5», AT 9 km RESOLUTION •TYPE CLASSIFICATION - NEW, FIRST-YEAR. MULTI-YEAR •AGE - INFERRED THICKNESS TO WITHIN '2 m ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR TO WITHIN *0.2g cm 2 AT 9km RESOLUTION TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS • ORBITAL ALTITUDE • WEIGHT • DIGITIZATION • DATA RATE • POWER I NOMINAL-AVERAGE' • FREOUENCY 'GHl' • WAVELENGTH icmi • ANTENNA APERTURE -• • POLARIZATION -• • CROSS-POLARIZATION ISOLATION -• • 3 dB 6EAMWIDTH Idegl 1.3 • BEAM, EFFICIENCY "■ • EFFECTIVE SENSITIVITY T„ iKHAVG VALUE! 0.2 • CALIBRATION PRECISION IKI (AVG VALUE! 0.5 • SCAN NADIR ANGLE ■" • VIEWING ZENITH INCIDENCE ANGLE -• • 3-AXIS VIEWING ANGLE KNOWLEDGE -m • FOOTPRINT km < Urn' 23*36 • SCAN RATE — • ACTIVE SCAN ARC .FORWASD. -* • SWATH WIDTH ■ 150° SCAN. ■"> • IFOVi SAMPLED PER SCAN "* iEACH CHANNEL! roo km 320k, 12 bin 64 kb ! 350 W NOMINAL AVERAGE' 4.3 5.1 6.o 10.65 70 5.9 4 5 2.3 . 4 i 21 -3 I 4 3 5 -HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL 17 dB (MINIMUM! 3.9 3 6 3 3 3.26 90°; [MINIMUM! 3 4 1.0 15 1.5 1.0 1.0 15 15 43,6* 50.3° 1 3 BEAMWIDTH 16.25 H-17 5-3 5-7 60 rpm 150" I 372 km Figure F-2. LAMMR baseline description 118 PERFORMANCE REAL TIME ONE SECOND SIGNIFICANT WAVEHEIGHT (H I 31 MEASUREMENT ACCURACY - *0.5 m OR 10% WHICHEVER IS GREATER FOR H 1 3 FROM I TO 20 m SIXTY-EIGHT PERCENT 'IC> OF ONE SECOND ALTITUDE MEASUREMENTS TO LIE WITHIN t 10 cm OF THE FITTED MEAN BACKSCATTER MEASUREMENT PRECISION WITHIN =0. 5 dB FOR WIND SPEED DETERMINATION TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS • ORBITAL ALTITUDE 700km ■ TWO ALTIMETERS 'REDUNDANT FOR 3- YEAR TOTAL DESIGN LIFE ■ (FREQUENCY "PULSE WIDTH 'UNCOMPRESSED) I TRANSMIT TIME -f- TOTAL TIME I PULSE REPETITION RATE > COMPRESSED PULSE WIDTH* i CHIRP "ATE* > ADAPTIVE BANDWIDTH* ' ANTENNA 8EAMWIDTH ■ ANTENNA POLARIZATION ANTENNA GAIN i SYSTEM NOISE TEMP, FIGURE RECEIVER GAIN RECEIVER DYNAMIC RANGE RECEIVER POWER RANGES 13.56 GHz 3.2 „, 3.3 . I0' 3 926 Hz 3.125, 6 25 12 5 25 50 ru 100, 50. 25. 12 5 6 25 MHz 20, 40. 30 160, 320 MHz I 6° LINEAR 40.8 dB II dB 95 d6 63 dB -85 TO -22 dBm • FOOTPRINT DIAMETER • BEAM LIMITED 20 km •PULSE LIMITED iH| ] s 1 • 1 6km •PULSE LIMITED 'H| j * 20 m. 12km • RANGE GATES • FOR PULSE FORM DEFINITION 63 eo • FOR RAIN GATE 2 ea* - * • OUTPUT DATA SATE 20 kb i • DIMENSIONS 'EACH ALTIMETER. •SIGNAL PROCESSOR 34 . 51 ■ 25 •ANTENNA AND rf SECTION 100 . 80 cm • WEIGHT .EACH ALTIMETER'. 100 kg • AVERAGE POWER 'EACH ALT. • STANDBY POv E D 1 02 w •OPERATING 1 77 VI • PEAK rf TRANSMIT POW'ER 2 kw • AVERAGE rf TRANSMIT POWER 6.5 Vi *THE FIVE LEVEL ADAPTIVE RESOLUTION IS TENTATIVELY INCLUDED PEN0ING COST AND ENGINEERING IMPACT DETERMINATION **UNDER STUDY Figure F-3. ALT baseline description 119 SATELLITE GROUND TRACK I VECTOR ZONE 'DIAGNOSTICS! ZONE VECTOR ZONE PERFORMANCE ACCURATE TO WITHIN «2 ■ •OCEAN SURFACE '.VINO SPEED 4 TO 24 10°;. WHICHEVER IS GREATER i OCEAN SURFACE WIND DIRECTION 0-360°. ACCURATE TO WITHIN »20 5 AND WITH DIRECTIONAL AMBIGUITY 66R t CORRECT i WIND VECTOR GRID SPACING - 50 km iGLOBALi. 25 km 'REGIONAL' TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS • ORBITAL ATTITUDE ■00 i - • S'.VATH .' IDTH 1320 km • GRID SPACING a' 10k- • CELL RESOLUTION a" 10 km . 10 km (EQUIVALENT • CELL "ESOLLTION .VINO VECTOR, LEVEL 1 •GLOBAL AT FULL PRECISION 50 km . 50 km • REGIONAL AT REDUCED PRECISION 25 km . 25 km • F'EOUENCY 13.99 GH2 • BANDWIDTH 1 500 k Hi • ANTENNA POLARIZATION HO»IZ VERTICAL • ANTENNA PEAK GAIN 32.5 IB • BEAT/.' IDTH • 2 5 . 25° • MEASUREMENT SAMPLING PERIOD FOR EACH ANTENNA • DIGITIZATION . ;ata = aTE C TRANSMIT TIME £ TOTAL TIME 0.25 > 12 bit, 20 Lb ■. 0.21 ' PULSE .IDTH PULSE REPETITION SATE AVERAGE TRANSMITTED PO"E = PEAK TRANSMITTED POWER RECEIVER NOISE TEMPERATURE GAIN CONTROL MAXIMUM BIAS ERROR SYSTEM PRECISION ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS '2 WEIGHT POWE = • DIMENSIONS •ANTENNAS •ELECTRONICS • EFFECTIVE INTEGRATION PERIOD FOR 10 km « 10 km RESOLUTION CELL 3ACKSCATTER & RECEIVED SIGNAL 5.0 ms 42 puisei % 21 .' 1 00 w 7'0 k AUTOMATIC ;±2 dB to. I dB SIMULTANEOUS OPERATION 3 ANTENNAS EACH SYSTEM1 WITH DUAL POLARIZATION 240 k 9 260 V. REGULATED 170 W UNREGULATED 310 x 10 * 15 cm iEACHI 115 ■ 55 • 31 cm 'EACH' 3ACKSCATTER, ciB ■ IND ANGLE '<, RECEIVED SIGNAL, aBm - 1 25 55" V H V H 4 -14 -13 6 -37 5 -43.0 24 -3.0 -3.6 -U i -19.5 48 1 .2 .35 -6.0 -10 3 IND A MGLE In m s 25' 55 J V H H 4 TBD TBD TBO TBD 24 - - - 43 - - - - Figure F-4. SCATT baseline description 120 APPENDIX G GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS AOML APT ATS AVHRR Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory Automatic Picture Transmission Applications Technology Satellites Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer CEAS CCT CZCS Center for Environmental Assessment Services Computer Compatible Tapes Coastal Zone Color Scanner DOC Department of Commerce DOD Department of Defense DOMSAT Domestic Communication Satellite System EDIS EROS ESIC ESSA FACA Environmental Data and Information Service Earth Resources Observational System Environmental Science Information Center Environmental Science Services Administration (Predecessor to NOAA) Federal Advisory Committee Act GEM-lOb GEOS GMT GOES GOSSTCOMP GSA A geoid model Geodynamics Experimental Oceanographic Satellite (NASA) Greenwich Mean Time Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (NOAA) Global Operational Sea Surface Temperature Computation General Services Administration HRPT High Resolution Picture Transmission IFOV IR ITOS Instantaneous Field of View Infrared Improved TIROS Operational Satellite JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory LAMMR Large Antenna Multichannel Microwave Radiometer LANDSAT Land Observing Satellite (NASA) MTS Marine Technology Society NAFAX NASA NEFC NESS NIMBUS NMFS NOAA NODS NOS National Facsimile Network National Aeronautics and Space Administration Northeast Fisheries Center National Environmental Satellite Service Atmospheric and Oceanic Observing Satellite (NASA) National Marine Fisheries Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Oceanic Data System National Ocean Survey 121 NOSS NSTL NWFC NWS National Oceanic Satellite System National Space Technology Laboratories Northwest Fisheries Center National Weather Service PMEL QEII R&D SAR SASS SEASAT SDSD SEFC SIO SMMR SMS SOSU SST SWFC Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Queen Elizabeth II Research and Development Synthetic Aperture Radar Seasat Scatterometer System Oceanic Observing Satellite (NASA) Satellite Data Services Division Southeast Fisheries Center Scripps Institute of Oceanography Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer Synchronous Meteorological Satellites Seattle's Ocean Services Unit Sea Surface Temperature Southwest Fisheries Center TDRSS TIROS USGS VHRR VI RR VISSR WEFAX WHOI WSFO WWB XBT Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System Television and Infrared Observation Satellite (NASA/NOAA) United States Geological Survey Very High Resolution Radiometer Visible and Infrared Radiometer Visible Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer Weather Facsimile Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Weather Service Forecast Office World Weather Building Expendable Bathythermography 122 APPENDIX H SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY CIRCULATION Byrne, H.M. "Preliminary Comparison of Seasat Altimetry Data and Oceanographic Data Across the Kuroshio." American Geophysical Union (Fall 1978). . "Seasat Altimeter Observations of the Kuroshio Region." Paper delivered at Seasat Colloquium, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 1979. Byrne, H.M. and Pullen, P.E. "Comparison of Sea Surface Slope from the Seasat Altimeter and Coincident Hydrographic Data," American Geophysical Union (Spring 1979). . "Preliminary Analysis of Altimetric Data Across the Gulf Stream during the September Repeat Orbit Period," American Geophysical Union (Fall 1978). . "Radar Altimetry for Use in Measuring Sea Surface Slope." Paper delivered at IEEE/APS/URSI Symposium, June 1979. Clark, D.K. "Photoplankton Algorithms for the Nimbus-7 CZCS." Paper presented at COSPAR/SCOR/IUCRM Symposium, Oceanography from Space, Venice, Italy, May 1980. Clark, D.K., Baker, E.T., and Strong, A.E. "Upwelled Spectral Radiance Distribution in Relation to Particulate Math in Sea Water," Boundary- Layer Meteorology, Vol. 18 (1980) pp. 287-298. Gordon, H., e± _aU_ "Phytoplankton Pigments Derived from the Nimbus-7 CZCS: Initial Comparisons with Surface Measurements." Science, in press. Hovis, W.A. and Leung, K.C. "Remote Sensing of Ocean Color," Optical Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 2 (March/April 1977) pp. 158-166. Hovis, W.A., ^t_ _aJ-_ "Nimbus-7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner: System Description and Initial Imagery," Science (in press). . "Western Boundary Current Variability from Seasat Data," American Geophysical Union (Fall 1979). Byrne, H.M., Pullen, P.E. and Harvey, R.H. "Seasat Derived Ocean Topography: Comparison with Coincident Hydrographic Data." Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research. Gonzalez, F.I. "The Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar for Measurement of Ocean Surface Currents," American Geophysical Union (Fall 1978). CZCS ICE Martin, S. and Kauffman, P. Data Report on the Ice Cores Taken During the March 1979 Bering Sea Ice Edge Field Cruise on the NO A A Ship SURVEYOR (1979). Martin, S. and Bauer, J. "Bering Sea Ice Edge Phenomena." Submitted as a chapter for a proposed Bureau of Land Management book (1980). McNutt, S.L. "Remote Sensing Analysis of Ice Characteristics in the Eastern Bering Sea." Submitted to Monthly Weather Review (1980). Austin, R.W. "The Determination of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient of Sea Water Using the Coastal Zone Color Scanner." Proceedings, COSPAR/SCOR/LUCRM Symposium, Oceanography from Space, Venice, Italy (May 1980) (in press). SST Lipes, R.G., et al. "Seasat Scanning Microwave Radiometer: Results of the Gulf of Alaska Workshop", Science, Vol. 204 (1979), pp. 1415- 1417. 123 . "Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer Mini-Workshop Report." Report 622-208, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, pp. 33. WAVES Alpers, W.R., Ross, D.B., and Rufenach, C.L. "On The Detectability of Ocean Surface Waves by Real and Synthetic Aperture Radar." Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research (December 1979). Alpers, W.R. and Rufenach, C.L. "The Effect of Orbital Motion on Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery of Ocean Waves." IEEE Trans. Antenna Propagation, AP-27 (1979) pp. 685-690. Apel, J.R. "Seasat SAR: Ocean Wave Detection Capabilities." Science, Vol. 204 (June 1979). Beal, R.C. "Ocean Wave Detection Capability," Science, Vol. 204, Mo. 4400 (June 29, 1979). . "Results from Seasat SAR." Paper delivered at NORDA Seasat Conference, Bay St. Louis, MS, November 13, 1979. Measurements." Paper delivered at Spring URSI Meeting, Seattle, WA, June 18-22, 1979. . "Low Energy Wave Detection with Seasat SAR." Paper delivered at special session of URSI, Boulder, CO, November 7, 1979. . "Detection of Low Energy Swell System off the U.S. East Coast with the Seasat SAR." Paper delivered at Seasat Colloquium, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, October 29, 1979. Fedor, L.S., Godbey, T.W., Gower, J.F.R., Guptill, R., Hayne, G.S., Rufenach, C.I., and Walsh, E.J. "Satellite Altimeter Measurements of Sea State: An Algorithm Comparison," Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 04, pp. 3901^001. Fedor, L.S. and Leese, J. A. "The Seasat Radar Altimeter — A Study of Waveheight Gonzalez, F.I. Results." "GOASEX Workshop SAR Panel Oceans 1979 (September, 1979). . "Seasat-A Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery of Ocean Waves." Paper delivered at IEEE/APS/URSI Symposium, Seattle, WA, June 1979. . "Ocean Surface Wave Detection by Seasat SAR." Paper delivered at GOASEX, IUGG, Canberra, Australia, December 1979. Gonzalez, F.I., Beal, R.C, Brown, W.E., Gower, J.F.R., Lichy, D., Ross, D.B., Rufenach, C.L., and Schuchman, R.A. "Seasat Synthetic Aperture Radar: Ocean Wave Detection Capabilities." Science, Vol. 204 (1979) pp. 1418-1421. Jones, W.L. et al. "Seasat Scatterometer: Results of the Gulf of Alaska Workshop." Science, Vol. 204, No. 4400, pp. 1413-1415." McLeish, W. et al. "SAR Imaging of Ocean Waves III: Comparison with Wave Measurements." Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research, November 1979. Rufenach, C.L. and Alpers, W.R. "Influence of Integration Time on Radar Imagery of Moving Ocean Waves." Submitted to IEEE Trans. Antenna Propagation (1979). Schuchman, R.A., Rufenach, C.L., Gonzalez, F.I., Klooster, A. "The Feasibility of Measurement of Ocean Surface Currents Using Synthetic Aperture Radar," Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment Ann Arbor, Ml, Vol. 1 (1979) pp. 93-102. WIND American Meteorological Society. Report on the Fourth Conference on Numerical Weather 124 Prediction. Held in Silver Spring, Maryland, October-29-November 2, 1979. Brucks, J.T., Jones, W.L., and Leming, T.D. "Comparison of Surface Wind Stress Measurements: Airborne Radar Scatterometer versus Sonic Anemometer." (The final manuscript is to be published in a JGR special issue devoted to the Seasat- A West Coast Experiment.) Fedor, L.S., Grantham, W.L., Bracalente, E.M., Swift, C.T., and Cardone, V. "Intercom parison of the Seasat SASS, SMMR, and Altimeter Derived Winds." (Oceans 79, San Diego, CA, September 17-19, 1979). Jarrell, J., Ernst, J., Schacher, G., and Davidson, K. "1980:MABLE-WC and Seasat-1 Observations." Proceedings of the Second Conference on Coastal Meteorology. Held in Los Angeles, CA, January 30-February 1, 1980 (A MS) (in press). Yu, T.W. and McPherson, R.D. "Optimum Interpolation Analysis of Surface Pressure Using Seasat-A Scatterometer Wind Data." NMC Office Note 202 (June 1979). (Also presented at the Fourth Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction of the American Meteorological Society held in Silver Spring, MD, October 29-November 2, 1979). OTHER Brammer, R.F. "Estimation of the Ocean Geoid Near the Blake Escarpment Using GEOS- 3 Satellite Altimetry Data." J ournal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 84, No. B8, (July 1979). . "Processing Seasat Altimeter Data Detect Seamounts." The Analytic to Sciences Corporation, Report No. TP-3099, (November 1979). "The Resolution Capability of the Radar Altimeter." The Analytic Brucks, J.T. "Fisheries Sensing and Resource Assessment." Paper delivered at the First North Atlantic Remote Sensing Workshop sponsored by Center for Ocean Management Studies, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rl, May 30-June 1, 19 7 9. Cheney, R.E., and Marsh, J.G. "Seasat Altimetry Observations of Dynamic Ocean Currents in the Gulf Stream Region." NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD. Fedor, L.S., Swift, C.T., Bracalente, E.M., Grantham, W.L., Brown, G.S., Gonzalez, F. and Beal, R.C. "An Intercomparison of the Wind Measuring Instruments on Seasat." Paper delivered at Fall URSI Meeting, Boulder, CO, Nov. 5-8, 1979. Hoppe, E.R., and Needham, B.H. "Environmental Satellite Data Products and Services." Environmental Data and Information Service, Vol. 10, No. 04 (July 1979). Lipa, B.J. "Statistical Interpretation of Leading Edge Seasat Altimeter Echo." Paper delivered at the Seasat Colloquium, La Jolla, CA, October 24-November 1, 1979. Lipes, R.G. ^jij^ "Seasat Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer: Results of the Gulf of Alaska Workshop." Science, Vol. 204, #4400 (June 24, 1979), pp. 1415-1417. Sailor, R.V., and Brammer, R.F. "Preliminary Estimates of the Resolution Capability of the SEASAT Radar Altimeter." EOS Trans. American Geophysical Union, Vol. 60 (October 1979) p. 736. . "Preliminary Estimates of the Seasat-A Sciences Corporation, Report No. TP-1404- 3 (March 1978). Resolution Capability of the Seasat Radar Altimeter." To be published in Geophysical Research Letters. Tapley, B.D., et al. "Seasat Altimeter Calibration: Initial Results." Science, Vol. 204 (1979), pp. 1410-1412. ■&U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1 9 8 0-3 3 2 " 3 4 6 / 6 8 2 3 125 ,. 4s$5 '-—-.- --- •-„ ■ ■-- f V " -, ; s $\ I ■: . ' PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADDDDTDTMSIS?