associations UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE directory of nationa trad e associations By JAY JUDKINS CHIEF, TRADE ASSOCIATION DIVISION Washington :1956 o& U U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Sinclair Weeks, Secretary OFFICE OF TECHNICAL SERVICES John C. Green, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. - Price 40 cents FORWARD In its very first year as a separate agency, the Department of Commerce issued a directory of the associations which businessmen themselves had set up to be the centers of their cooperative activities. Directories of associa- tions of national scope have been issued every five years or so since the first in 1913. The present listing supplements the 700-page directory of 194-9, " National Associations of the United States ." More than 12,000 national and local trade associations and more than 4,000 chambers of commerce or other community development agencies have been covered by various Department of Commerce directories. This report was prepared by Jay Judkins, Chief of the Trade Association Division, with the assistance of V.H. Ketcham and F.G. Horwitz. Aid of various kinds was furnished by the American Society of Association Execu- tives, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, National Association of Manu- facturers, National Research Council, and other leading centers of information. John C. Green, Director June 1956 Office of Technical Services :2673i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION vii The Scope of Trade Associations Association Budgets Staff, Membership, and Local Affiliates Thirty Fields of Trade Associations Activities An Earlier Directory Current Department of Commerce Publications KEY WORD INDEX 1 DIRECTORY Names, Addresses, and Chief Executives of Trade Associations and Allied Organizations. APPENDIXES 35 A. National Societies of Engineers 35 B. Centers of Information on Associations of Businessmen 37 ill INTRODUCTION This is one of a series of directories of coopera- tive organizations of businessmen which have been issued periodically since the establishment of the Department of Commerce in 1913. Listed are more than 2,000 national trade associations and related national organizations of businessmen. Most of the Nation's more than 10,000 local-area associations are affiliated with these na- tional groups. The Scope of Trade Associations A trade association may be defined as a nonprofit, cooperative, organization of business competitors de- signed to assist its members and its industry in deal- ing with mutual business problems in such areas as ac- counting practices, business ethics, commercial and industrial research, standardization, statistics, and trade promotion, and relations with government em- ployees, and the general public. Trade associations in the United States have in- creased rapidly in number, in usefulness, and in respon- sibilities. In 1920, when the Nation's population totaled 106 million, there were approximately 2,000 trade associations. Of these, 600 were of national im- portance and 1,400 were regional, State, or local groups. By 1940, with a 132-million population, there were 8,000 trade associations. Of these, 1,200 were na- tional and 6,800 were local-area associations. In mid- 1956, with a 167-million population, there were some 12,200 trade associations, 1,700 of them national and 10,500 local-area organizations. Most of the Nation's approximately 3 million employing business firms now hold membership in at least one of these 12,200 national and local organiza- tions. Larger firms, with departments handling varied products, usually hold membership in the several associa- tions specializing in those product lines. These 3 mil- lion firms provide most of the 66 million jobs of the Nation's employed labor force. No exact statistics are available on the number of enterprises belonging to these associations. Generally, all medium-size and larger firms are members of several national and local associations. A considerable propor- tion of even the smallest business units are members of the local association in their particular field: grocers, printers, and so on. Association Budgets The cost of membership in a national associations of manufacturers usually is about l/l0th of 1 percent of each firm's annual sales of the products covered by the association. The national association of a $30 mil- lion industry would have a $30,000 annual revenue from membership dues. In some cases, the ratio is 1/2 of 1 percent. Many have set levels for minimum or maximum dues. A small proportion of national associations supple- ment their revenue from dues with income from such sources as management of the industry's trade shows and selling advertising in the association magazine or trade directory. Most associations do not have initiation fees. A large number have various types of non-voting member- ships, usually open to firms whose machinery or raw products are used in the industry. These are generally known as affiliate, associate or contributing member- ships. An average of many typical budgets of medium- sized associations shows the following relationship between staff salaries and other association expendi- tures : Salaries Printing Meetings and conven- tions Rent, etc. All other 40 to 65 percent 10 to 20 " 10 to 15 about 5 " 5 to 15 " The trade association movement is still growing. As yet only about one-third of the 12,200 organizations are considered to be adequately staffed. Thousands of local trade associations have only a part-time secretary, and half of the 1,700 national groups have fewer than four persons on their staffs. Yet most of the smaller national associations are able to carry on clear-cut, aggressive and valuable programs, aided by affiliated local associations, active committees at work in each problem area, and a resourceful paid executive. The bulk of the membership of most trade associa- tions are firms of comparatively small size. Herbert Hoover, when Secretary of Commerce, called trade as- sociations "the safeguards of small business" and re- marked that they "prevent the extinction of competition". Secretary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks has commented on the long cooperation between the Department and non- profit organizations of businessmen, established to pro- vide mutual-aid service under the American free enter- prise system" At the national level, the majority of associations are of manufacturing firms. The actual or potential markets of the some 300,000 manufacturers in the United States are nationwide. In sharp contrast, profitable local-area markets are the goal of most of the almost 4 million retail stores, service enterprises and other commercial establishments. The present breakdown as to the 12,200 trade associations is: National Local-area Total All Groups Manufacturers Distributors Business services, etc. 1,700 950 350 400 10,500 1,050 4,750 4,700 12,200 2,000 5,100 5,100 In many smaller national organizations, the chief executive's annual salary is $15,000 to $20,000, com- pared to $40,000 or more for some of the very large associations. Some associations have heavy expenditures on out- side-headquarters activities, such as cooperative advertising or technical research. Taking the average of a number of associations of manufacturers, the following very general relationships are found: Staff Budget 2 -- $25,000 4 — $50,000 8 --$100,000 Staff Budget 15 — $200,000 30 — $400,000 100 -$1,300,000 Staff, Membership, and Local Affiliates The foremost association as to size of staff is the Association of American Railroads. Formed In 1891, it employs over 600 persons. However, only a score of na- tional trade associations have a staff of more than 100. Forty have from 50 to 100 employees. The "typical" trade association has fewer than 5 on its staff. First in membership is the National Association of Retail Grocers, whose "small business" members own some 110,000 food stores. The NARD, formed in 1892, has a headquarters staff of more than 25 persons. With it are affiliated several hundred local associations of inde- pendent merchants. Most national trade associations are manufacturers however, and membership in these is often fewer than 200 companies. Largest as to Size of Staff . --The 75 largest na- tional associations of businessmen have a total of approximately 8,000 staff employees. Among these are 'the following, which have more than 5,000 employees in all. Aircraft Industries Association of America Air Transport Association of America American Arbitration Association American Bankers Association American Gas Association American Institute of Laundering American Meat Institute American Newspaper Publishers Association American Petroleum Institute American Standards Association American Trucking Associations Association of American Railroads Association of Casualty & Surety Companies Automobile Manufacturers Association Chamber of Commerce of the U. S. Life Insurance Agency Management Association Life Insurance Association of America Motion Picture Association of America National Association of Credit Men National Association of Manufacturers National Association of Real Estate Boards National Board of Fire Underwriters National Canners Association National Electrical Manufacturers Association National Hardwood Lumber Association National Industrial Conference Board National Lumber Manufacturers Association National Retail Dry Goods Association Portland Cement Association Southern Pine Association United States Savings and Loan League U. S. Brewers Foundation West Coast Lumbermens Association state and local scope are affiliated with the following national organizations. American Association of Nurserymen American Bankers Association American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages American Hospital Association American Hotel Association American Mutual Alliance American National Retail Jewelers Association American Petroleum Institute American Retail Federation American Trucking Associations Associated Credit Bureaus of America Associated General Contractors of America Associated Retail Bakers of America Chamber of Commerce of the U. S. Grain & Feed Dealers National Association Motion Picture Association of America National Association of Dental Laboratories National Association of Insurance Agents National Association of Life Underwriters National Association of Manufacturers National Association of Plumbing Contractors National Association of Radio & Television Broadcasters National Association of Real Estate Boards National Association of Retail Grocers National Automobile Dealers Association National Editorial Association National Hairdressers & Cosmetologists Association National Restaurant Association National Retail Hardware Association National Sales Executives, Inc. Printing Industry of America Thirty Fields of Trade Associations Activities Following are 15 typical major areas of activity of national associations. Largest as to number of members . --Among the largest in membership are the following organizations of busi- nessmen with a total of almost 700,000 members. The "underlying" membership of all locals affiliated with the national organizations is considerably greater. Advertising Federation of America American Bankers Association American Trucking Associations Chamber of Commerce of the United States Cooperative Food Distributors of America National Association of Credit Men National Association of Insurance Agents National Association of Life Underwriters National Association of Manufacturers National Association of Plumbing Contractors National Association of Purchasing Agents National Association of Real Estate Boards National Association of Retail Druggists National Association of Retail Grocers National Association of Retail Meat & Food Dealers National Automobile Dealers Association National Hairdressers & Cosmetologists Association National Licensed Beverage Association National Office Management Association National Restaurant Association National Retail Credit Association National Retail Farm Equipment Association National Retail Hardware Association National Retail Lumber Dealers Association National Safety Council Largest as to number of affiliated local associa^ tions . — Several thousand associations of regional. 1. Serving as the industry's center of information on business facts and problems affecting employers, employees, and customers. 2. Frequent bulletins of general interest. 3. Conferences and conventions. 4. Contact with trade and professional associations in related industries. 5. Government relations and legislative research. 6. Studies of trade practices, unfair competition, and business ethics (false advertising, defamation of competitors, etc.). 7. Public relations activities and building up of consumer good will. 8. Sales promotion of the industry's products. 9. Labor relations in general. 10. Statistics (original statistics on current produc- tion, sales, etc.) and economic planning (long range studies of possible future trends as to competition from other industries, raw material supplies, production and distribution improve- ments, etc.). A minority of associations compile current original statistics; a majority republish statistics from all sources which are of special interest to the industry. 11. Commercial research to find wider and more profit- able markets. 12. Industrial research to find new or improved pro- ducts or manufacturing techniques. 13. Uniform cost accounting and industry surveys of costs of production and distribution. 14. Standardization, simplification, inspection, grad- ing, and certification. 15. Commercial arbitration between members or between members and customers. The following 15 services generally are of less importance in the program of a national trade associa- tion than those listed above. 1. Foreign trade promotion and tariff research. 2. Legal advice on broad industry problems (but not in the capacity of general legal adviser for individual members) . 3. Credit reporting and studies of the industry's financing, credit, collection, cash discount practices, etc. 4. Insurance aid and fire and accident prevention studies. 5. Traffic problems (and the preparation of freight rate books) . 6. Warehousing, packaging, and related problems. 7. Patents, copyrights, trademarks and designs. 8. Field services and branch office assistance. 9. Exhibitions of the industry's products. 10. Aid in the exchange or resale of excess machinery and equipment. 11. Employment placement bureaus. 12. Cooperation with trade associations in other countries. 13. Engineering and inspection services. 14. Specialized services: library, visual aids, manage- ment research. 15. Cooperative buying and selling. (Only a few busi- nessmen's associations are active in this field, although these services are performed by many associations of farmers.) An Earlier Directory This directory is confined largely to national organizations of the "trade association" type. It sup- plements National Associations of the United States (700 pp., 1949. Out of print). In addition to the data on national trade and professional associations, that book also included national organizations in other fields of American life -- farm, labor, social welfare, etc. For most of the 4,000 organizations information was given on year formed, size of staff, approximate number of members, description of industry covered, number of affiliated local organizations, and other data. The book is available for reference in most larger public libraries and Department of Commerce field Offices throughout the country. Current Department of Commerce Publications Business Service Checklist, a weekly listing of current publications of the Department of Commerce, Annual subscription at $1.25. Checks should be made payable to the Superintendent of Documents and mailed to the nearest Department of Commerce Field Office or to the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. vi KEY WORD INDEX This index is arranged for the convenience of those who seek to identify associations in any one product or service field. Where necessary, the name of an association is transposed so that the business field covered appears as the first word. For example, "Coated Abrasives Manufacturers Institute" has "been rearranged so that the key word "Abrasives" is first. This brings it to- gether with two other association names which contain the same word. Thus the reader is notified that three associations have "Abrasives" in their names. When the name of the association is transposed, the first word in the name is capitalized in the listing below. In each larger grouping, such as Advertising, below, the key words are listed to correspond with the sequence in the alphabetical directory section. The reader can thus obtain Information on addresses and executives of all associations In any group by going through the directory section in page order. Abrasive Grain Assn 1 Abrasives Manufacturers Institute, COATED 10 Abrasives Corporation, DUREX 11 Abrasives - see Grinding Wheel, Wheel (polishing) 13 Accountancy, AMERICAN Assn. of Professional Schools of 2 Acoustical Materials Assn 1 Adhesives Manufacturers Assn. 1 Adhesives - see Tape Advertisers, ASSOCIATED Motion Picture 6 Advertisers, ASSN. of Insurance 7 Advertisers, ASSN. of National 7 Advertisers ASSN., NATIONAL Industrial 23 Advertising Council 1 Advertising Federation of America 1 Advertising Research Foundation * • .• 1 Advertising Specialty Guild 1 Advertising Specialty National Assn. 1 Advertising Typographers Assn. of America 1 Advertising Agencies; AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Advertising Agencies, Assn. of International 7 Advertising, BUREAU of 8 Advertising Research Institute, INDUSTRIAL 15 Advertising Assn., INTERNATIONAL 15 Advertising Service Assn. International, MAIL 17 Advertising Newspaper Assn., NATIONAL 18 Advertising, NATIONAL Assn. of Transportation 21 Advertising Executives Assn. , NEWSPAPER 27 Advertising Assn. , PAPER Makers 28 Advertising Institute, POINT -OF-PURCHASE 29 Advertising Assn. of America, PREMIUM 29 Advertising Assn. , PUBLIC Utilities 29 Advertising Bureau, RADIO 29 Advertising, TELEVISION Bureau of ' 32 Advertising - see also Direct Mail, Magazine Aeronautic Assn., NATIONAL 18 Aeronautical Training Society 1 Aeronautical Sciences, INSTITUTE of the 35 Agents National Assn. , MANUFACTURERS 17 Agricultural Publishers Assn 1 Agricultural & Chemurgic Research, COUNCIL For 10 Agricultural Chemicals Assn., NATIONAL 18 Agricultural Limestone Institute, NATIONAL 18 Aircoach Transport Assn. 1 Air Compressor Research Council 1 Air Conditioning Refrigeration Institute 1 Air Conditioning Refrigeration Wholesalers Assn. 1 Aircraft Industries Assn. 1 Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn. 1 Aircraft Service Assn. 1 Air Distribution Insitute 1 Air Filter Institute 1 Air Force Assn. 1 Air Freight Forwarders Assn. 1 Airline Ground Transportation Assn 1 Air Moving & Conditioning Assn 1 Air Pollution Control Assn 1 Airport Operators Council 1 Air Transport Assn. of America 1 Air & Gas Institute, COMPRESSED 10 Air Transport Assn. , INDEPENDENT Military 14 Air Transport Assn., INTERNATIONAL 15 Aircraft Assn. , MANUFACTURERS 17 Air Taxi Conference, NATIONAL 18 Aircraft Assn. , NATIONAL Business 22 Air Conditioning Wholesalers, NATIONAL Heating 23 Air Conditioning Assn. , NATIONAL Warm Air Heating & 14 Air Carrier Conference, SUPPLEMENTAL 32 Alaska Salmon Industries -. 1 Alcoholic Driiik - see Beverages, Distilled, Licensed, Wine Alloy Casting Institute Alloy Tank Manufacturers Council 1 Aluminum Assn. 1 Aluminum Extruders Council 1 Aluminum Smelters Research Institute 1 Aluminum Wares Assn, l Aluminum Window Manufacturers Assn 1 Aluminum Distributors; NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Amertool Services, Inc 5 Ammonia Institute, AGRICULTURAL 1 Ammunition Manufacturers Institute, SPORTING Arms 31 Animal Hospital Assn. , AMERICAN 1 Animal Health Institute 5 Anthracite Export Assn 5 Anthracite Institute 5 Anti -Friction Bearing Manufacturers Assn 5 Antique Dealers League of America, ART 5 Apartment Owners Assn. , NATIONAL 18 Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers, Inc 6 Apparel, ASSOCIATED Manufacturers of Washable Service 6 Apparel & Accessories Manufacturers Assn., BOYS 8 Apparel Manufacturers, INDUSTRIAL Assn. of Juvenile 15 Apparel Chain Assn., WOMEN'S 34 Apparel Shoulder Pad Assn., WOMEN'S 34 Apparel - see Athletic Goods, Belts, Blouses, Brassiers, Buttons, Clothing, Coats, Corsets, Dresses, Embroidery, Furs, Garments, Gloves, Handerchiefs, Hats, Hosiery, Jerseys, Knitwear, Linens, Lingerie, Millinery, Neck- wear, Negligees, Outerwear, Pajamas, Pants, Raincoats, Robes, Shirts, Shoes, Skirts, Sportswear, Stockings, Suits, Tailors, Ties, Trousers, Uniforms. Apple Assn. , INTERNATIONAL 15 Apple Institute, PROCESSED 29 Apple Export Assn. , WASHINGTON Evaporated 34 Appliance Parts Jobbers Assn 6 Appliance Manufacturers Assn. , GAS 13 Appliance Manufacturers, INSTITUTE of 15 Appliance & Radio - TV Dealers Assn., NATIONAL 15 Appliance Service Assn., NATIONAL 18 Appraisers, AMERICAN Institute of Real Estate 3 Arbitration Assn. , AMERICAN 2 Architectural Terra Cotta Institute 6 Architectural Metal Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Architectural Woodwork Institute 6 Argentine-American Chamber of Commerce 6 Armed Forces Assns. - see such key words as: Air Force, Armor, Army, Chemical, Communication, Electronics, Ordnance, Quartermaster, Security, Transportation Armored Car Assn., NATIONAL 18 Army, ASSN . of the United States 7 Art & Antique Dealers League of America 6 Art Materials Trade Assn. , NATIONAL 19 Artificial Flower Manufacturers Board of Trade 6 Artificial Limbs - see Orthopedic Appliance & Limb Manufacturers Assn. Art Materials Trade Assn., NATIONAL 19 Asbestos Cement Products Assn 6 Asbestos Textile Institute 6 Asphalt Institute 6 Asphalt Roofing Industry Bureau 6 Asphalt Tile Institute * 6 Athletic Goods Manufacturers Assn 7 Atomic Industrial Forum 7 Auction Assn., NATIONAL Livestock 24 Auctioneers, AMERICAN Society of 5 Auctioneers Society, NATIONAL 21 Audio-Visual Assn. , INDUSTRIAL „ 15 Audio-Visual Assn., NATIONAL 21 Auditorium Managers, INTERNATIONAL Assn. of 15 Australian Trade Assn 7 Austrian Chamber of Commerce, U.S 33 Authors &. Publishers, AMERICAN Society of Composers 5 Auto Wreckers Assn., NATIONAL 21 Auto - see Automobile, car, motor Autoclave Building Products Assn 7 Automatic Phonograph Manufacturers Assn 7 Automatic Merchandising Assn., NATIONAL 21 Automatic Sprinkler & Fire Control Assn. , NATIONAL 21 Automobile Touring Alliance, AMERICAN 2 Automobile Manufacturers Assn 7 Automobile Dealers Assn., NATIONAL. . , . 21 Automobile Theft Bureau, NATIONAL , 21 Automobile Transporters Assn., NATIONAL 21 Automobile - see Auto, Car, Coach Lace, Motor, Seat Cover Automotive Accessories Manufacturers of America 7 Automotive Electric Assn „ . . „ , 7 Automotive Engine Rebuilders Assn „ 7 Automotive Exhaust Research Institute 7 Automotive Lift Institute 7 Automotive Parts Manufacturers Assn 7 Automotive Parts Rebuilders Assn 7 Automotive Safety Foundation a 7 Automotive Trade Assn. Managers 7 Automotive Undercoating Manufacturers Assn 7 Aviation Distributors & Manufacturers Assn 7 Aviation Trades Assn. , NATIONAL „ 21 Aviation - see American Flight Strips 3 Awning Assn., NATIONAL Metal B . 24 Baby Carriage Manufacturers ; NATIONAL Assn 19 Bag & Cover Assn. , INDUSTRIAL 15 Bag Dealers Assn. , NATIONAL Burlap „ 22 Bag Institute, PAPER 28 Bag Manufacturers Assn., TEXTILE 32 Bakers Assn. , AMERICAN 2 Bakers of America, ASSOCIATED RETAIL 6 Bakers Institute, NATIONAL Pretzel 25 Bakers of America Cooperative, QUALITY 29 Bakery Equipment Manufacturers Assn 7 Bakery Supplies Assn. , NATIONAL 21 Bakery Owners of America, SPECIALTY 31 Baking, AMERICAN Institute of 3 Band Saw Manufacturers Assn . 3 Bank Instrument Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Bankers Assn. , AMERICAN 2 Bankers Assn. , AMERICAN Industrial 3 Bankers, ASSN., of Reserve City 7 Bankers Assn. for Foreign Trade 8 Bankers Assn. , CONSUMER 10 Bankers Assn. , INDEPENDENT 14 Bankers Assn. , of America, INVESTMENT 16 Bankers Assn., NATIONAL Negro 24 Bank Executives - see Robert Morris Associates 30 Banking, AMERICAN Institute of 3 Banks, NATIONAL Assn. of Mutual Savings 20 Bar Assn. , AMERICAN 2 Bar Assn. , FEDERAL 2 Barbers and Beauticians of America, ASSOCIATED Master 6 Barber Supply Institute, BEAUTY 4 8 Barber Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL Beauty 21 Barley 4 Malt Institute 8 Barn Equipment Assn 8 Barnyard 4 Poultry Equipment Council, NATIONAL 21 Barrel 4 Drum Assn. , NATIONAL 21 Battery Manufacturers, ASSN . of 6 Bead 4 Stone Importers Assn 8 Bean Council, NATIONAL Dried 23 Bean Group, SEED Pea 4 30 Bearing - see Anti -Friction 5 Beater, Jordan 4 Allied Equipment Manufacturers Assn 8 Beauticians of America, ASSOCIATED Master Barbers 4 6 Beauty 4 Barber Supply Institute 8 Beauty 4 Barber Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL 21 Bedding Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Bee Industries Assn. of America 8 Beer Wholesalers Assn. , NATIONAL. 22 Belgium Chamber of Commerce in the U.S 8 Belt Assn 8 Belt - see V-Belt Belting Manufacturers Assn., WOVEN FABRIC 34 Better Business Bureaus, ASSN. of 6 Better Business Bureau, NATIONAL 21 Better Light Better Sight Bureau 8 Better Vision Institute 8 Beverage Machinery Manufacturers Assn 8 Beverage Institute, CARBONATED 9 Beverage Industries, LICENSED 16 Beverage Importers, NATIONAL Assn. of Alcoholic 19 Beverage Assn. , NATIONAL Licensed 24 Beverage Flavors, NATIONAL Manufacturers of 24 Beverage - see Beer, Canners, Soft Drinks, Alcoholic Beverages, AMERICAN Bottlers of Carbonated 2 Bicycle Institute 8 Billard 4 Bowling Institute 8 Binding Institute .Library 16 Biscuit 4 Craker Manufacturers Assn 8 Bituminous Coal Institute 8 Bituminous Coal Research 8 Bituminous Pipe Institute 8 Blotting Paper Manufacturers Assn 8 Blouse, Skirt 4 Neckwear Contractors Assn., GREATER 13 Blouse Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Blue Print & Allied Industries, INTERNATIONAL Assn. of 15 Blue Print & Diazotype Coaters, NATIONAL Assn. of.. 19 Boat Assn. , AMERICAN Power 4 Boat Builders 4 Repairers Assn., AMERICAN 2 Boat Manufacturers Assn. , OUTBOARD 27 Boat - see Engine, Trailer Bobbin Manufacturers Institute 8 Boiler and Affiliated Industries, AMERICAN 2 Boiler 4 Radiator Manufacturers, INSTUTUTE of 15 Boiler Institute, STEEL 31 Book Binding - see Library Binding Institute 16 Book Publishers Council, AMERICAN 2 Book Manufacturers Institute 8 Book Paper Manufacturers Assn 8 Book Manufacturers Assn. , LOOSE Leaf 4 Blank 17 (Books) American Text Book Publishers Institute 5 Booksellers Assn., AMERICAN 2 Booksellers Assn. , CHRISTIAN 9 (Bottle Caps) - Crown Manufacturers Institute 9 Bottle Fermented Champagne Producers 8 Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages, AMERICAN 2 Bow Tie Manufacturers Assn 8 Bowling Proprietors Assn 8 Bowling - see Billard 8 Box Manufacturers Assn., NATIONAL Paper 25 Box Supplies Assn., NATIONAL Paper 25 Box Assn., NATIONAL Wooden 27 Box Manufacturers Assn., WIREBOUND 34 Box - see Fibre, Paper, Wooden Boys Wear, AMERICAN Institute of Mens 4 3 Brake Lining Manufacturers Assn 8 Brand Names Foundation 3 Brass 4 Bronze Ingot Institute 8 Brass Research Assn. , COPPER 4 10 Brass Warehouse Assn., COPPER 4 , 10 Brass - see Plumbing 28 Brassiere Assn., Corset 4 • 10 Brattice Cloth Manufacturers Assn • 8 Brazl 1 Nut Assn 8 Brazilian Assn., AMERICAN 2 Brewers Assn . of Amerl ca • • 8 Brewers Assn. of America, MASTER 17 Brewers Foundation, U.S 33 Brewers - see Yeast (Brick) Autoclave Building Products Assn., Structural 7 Clay Products Institute 32 Bridge Se Building Assn., AMERICAN Railway 4 Bridge, Tunnel 4 Turnpike Assn., AMERICAN 2 Bridge 4 Building Supply Assn 8 Bright Wire Goods Manufacturers Service Bureau 8 British Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce 8 Broadcast Advertising Bureau 8 Broadcasters, NATIONAL Assn. of Educational 19 Broadcasters, NATIONAL Assn. of Radio & Television 20 Broadcasting Service, CLEAR Channel 9 Bronze Ingot Institute, BRASS & 8 Brokers 4 Forwarders Assn., CUSTOMS 11 Broom Corn 4 Supply Dealers Assn. , NATIONAL 22 Broom Manufacturers 4 Allied Industries Assn., NATIONAL 22 Brush Manufacturers Assn., AMERICAN 2 Buff 4 Polishing Wheel Manufacturers Assn 8 Builders Exchanges, EXECUTIVE Secretaries International Council of 12 Builders - see Contractors, Hardware, Home Builders, Producers Council Building Products Assn., AUTOCLAVE 7 Building Supply Assn. , BRIDGE 4 8 Building Cleaning 4 Waterproofing Contractors Assn 8 Building Material Exhibitors Assn 8 Building Research Institute 8 Building Waterproofers Assn 8 Building Owners 4 Managers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Building Material Distributors Assn. , NATIONAL 22 Burial Vault Assn. , NATIONAL CONCRETE 22 Burlap Council 8 Burlap 4 Jute Assn 9 Burlap Bag Dealers Assn., NATIONAL 22 Burley Auction Warehouse Assn 9 Burley Leaf Tobacco Dealers Assnt 9 Burner Manufacturers Assn., DIST ILLA TE 11 Bus Traffic Assn., NATIONAL 22 Business Forms Institute 9 Businessmen, NATIONAL Associated 19 Butane - see Petroleum, Liquified gas Butter Institute, AMERICAN 2 Butter 4 Egg Association, NATIONAL Poultry 25 Butter Chip Assn., PAPERBOARD 28 Button Mold Manufacturers Assn., AMERICAN 2 Button Assn. of New York, COVERED 10 Button Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Button Assn., NATIONAL 22 Button Manufacturers Assn., OCEAN Pearl 27 Buyers, NATIONAL Assn. of Educational 19 Buying Offices, ASSN. of 6 Cab Research Bureau 9 Cabinet Manufacturers Assn. , STEEL Kitchen 31 Cabinet Institute, WOOD Kitchen 34 Cabinets, NATIONAL Institute of Wood Kitchen 24 Calcium Chloride Institute 9 Camps, ASSN. of Private 7 Can Manufacturers Institute 9 Can 4 Tube Assn., NATIONAL Fibre 23 Candle Manufacturers Assn 9 Candy Wholesalers, NATIONAL 22 Canned Chop Suey Foods Industry 9 Canners, ASSOCIATED Independent 6 Canners League of California 9 Canners Assn., NATIONAL 22 Canners Assn. , NATIONAL Meat 24 (Canners) Mexican-Food Institute 18 Canners Assn., SOFT Drink 31 Canning Machinery 4 Supplies Assn 9 Canvas Water Proof ers Assn 9 Canvas Goods Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL 22 Car Institute, AMERICAN Railway 4 Car Rental System, NATIONAL 22 Car Dealers Assn. , NATIONAL Used 26 Carbide Producers Assn., CEMENTED 9 Carbon Black Export Assn 5 Carbon Paper 4 Inked Ribbon Assn 9 Carbonated Beverages, AMERICAN Bottlers of 2 Carbonated Beverage Institute 9 Card Manufacturers, ASSN. of American Playing 6 Card Clothing Manufacturers Assn 9 Carded Yarn Assn 9 Carnivals Assn., AMERICAN - 2 Carpet Institute 9 Carpet Retailers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Carriage Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Baby 19 (Carriers Conferences) American Trucking Assns 5 Carriers Conference, MOBILE Housing 18 Carriers Assn. , INLAND Water Petroleum 15 Carriers Inc . , NATIONAL Film 23 Carriers Assn. , NATIONAL Water 26 Carriers - see Horse, Lake, Petroleum Carton Assn., PARAFFINED 28 Cash Register Dealers Assn., INDEPENDENT 14 Casing Institute, NATURAL 27 Casket Manufacturers Assn 9 Cast Iron Pipe Research Assn 9 Cast Iron Pressure Pipe Institute 9 Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute 9 Caster 4 Floor Truck Manufacturers Assn 9 Caster Seed Assn. of New York, LINSEED 17 Casting Institute, ALLOY 1 Casting Institute, INVESTMENT 16 Casting Council, NATIONAL 22 Casting - see Die 11 Catholic Hospital Assn 9 Catholic Press Assn 9 Catholic Publishers & Dealers in Church Goods, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 "CED" - see Committee for Economic Development 10 Cedar Lumber Assn. , WESTERN Red 34 Cedar Assn., WESTERN Red & Northern White 34 Cement Products Assn. , ASBESTOS 6 Cement Assn., OXYCHLORIDE 27 Cement Assn., PORTLAND 29 Cemented Carbide Producers Assn. 9 Cemetary Assn. , NATIONAL 22 Central - see Plumbing Equipment Cereal Institute 9 Ceramic Hobby Assn., NATIONAL 22 Certified Cold Fur Storage Assn 9 Certified Milk Producers Assn. 9 Chain Manufacturers, ASSN. of Roller 4 Silent 7 Chain Manufacturers, ASSN. of Sprocket 7 Chain Institute 9 Chain Manufacturers Institute, MALLEABLE 17 Chamber of Commerce Executives, AMERICAN 2 Chamber of Commerce of the United States 9 Chambers of Commerce, COUNCIL of State 10 Chamber of Commerce, U.S. JUNIOR 33 Chambers of Commerce - see Foreign Chamois Institute, SPONGE & 31 Champagne Producers, BOTTLE Fermented 8 Charcoal Assn., NATIONAL 22 Cheese Importers Assn 9 Cheese Institute, NATIONAL 22 Cheese Assn. , SWITZERLAND 32 Chemical Society, AMERICAN 35 Chemical Assn., ARMED Forces 6 Chemical Market Research Assn 6 Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Assn 9 Chemical Manufacturing Assn., EMBALMING 12 Chemical Manufacturers Assn. , SYNTHETIC Organic 32 Chemical Manufacturers Assn., Textile 32 Chemical - see Electrochemical 12 Chemicals Institute, AMERICAN Coke & Coal 2 Chemicals Assn. , NATIONAL Agricultural 18 Chemists Assn. , MANUFACTURING • ■ 17 Chemurgic Research, COUNCIL for Agricultural & 10 Cherry Institute, NATIONAL Red 25 Chewing Gum Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Children's Dress, Cotton Dress, & Sportswear Contractors Assn 9 Children's Wear - see Infants 9 Chile-American Assn 9 Chinese Chamber of Commerce 9 Chlorine Institute 6 Chocolate - see Cocoa 9 Chop Suey Foods Industry, CANNED 9 Chrome Furniture Institute 9 Church Press, ASSOCIATED 6 Church Goods, NATIONAL Assn. of Catholic Publishers & Dealers in 19 Cigar Box Manufacturers, ASSOCIATED 6 Cigar Institute 9 Cigar Manufacturers Assn 9 Cigarette Lighter Manufacturers Assn 9 Cinder Concrete Products Assn. , NATIONAL 22 Cinema Laboratories, ASSN. of 6 Classroom Periodical Publishers Assn 9 Clay Products Assn 9 Clay Sewer Pipe Assn 9 Clay & Shale Assn. , EXPANDED 12 Clay Products Institute, STRUCTURAL 32 Clay Products Traffic Assn., U.S 33 Cleaners - see Dry Cleaners Clean-Up Paint-Up Fix-Up Bureau, NATIONAL 22 (Clip) - Pin, Clip & Fastener Assn 28 Cloak & Suit Manufacturers Assn., AMERICAN 2 Cloak Suit & Skirt Manufacturers, INDUSTRIAL Council of 15 Clock & Watch Manufacturers Assn. 9 Cloth Reel Manufacturers Assn. 9 Clothespin Manufacturers of America 9 Clothiers & Furnishers, NATIONAL Assn. of Retail 20 Clothing Manufacturers, ASSN. of Boys and Students 6 Clothing Manufacturers ASSN 9 Clothing Contractors Assn., GREATER 13 Clothing - see Apparel Club Managers Assn 10 Coach Lace Institute 10 Coal Sales Assn. , AMERICAN 2 Coal Chemicals institute, AMERICAN Coke and . - 2 Coal Assn., AMERICAN Retail 4 Coal Institute, BITUMINOUS 8 Coal Research, BITUMINOUS 8 Coal Exporters Assn 10 Coal Mining Institute 10 Coal Assn. National 22 Coal Lessors, NATIONAL Council of 22 (Coal) - Anthracite Institute 5 Coastwise, Great Lakes & Inland Hull Assn 10 Coat Assn. , INFANTS & Childrens 15 Coat & Suit Industry Recovery Board, NATIONAL 22 Coated Abrasives Manufacturers Institute 10 Coated and Processed Paper Assn -. 10 Cocoa Research Institute, AMERICAN 2 Cocoa & Chocolate Manufacturers, Assn. of 6 Cocoa Merchants Assn 10 Cocoa Exchange, NEW YORK 27 Coffee Brewing Institute io Coffee Assn. of New York City, GREEN 13 Coffee Assn., NATIONAL 22 Coffee Merchants Assn, NATIONAL Retail Tea 25 Coffee and Sugar Exchange, NEW YORK 27 Coffee Bureau, PAN AMERICAN 28 Coil Manufacturers Assn. , HEATING & Cooling 14 Coke 4 Coal Chemicals Institute, AMERICAN 2 Collapsible Tube Manufacturers Assn 10 Collectors Assn. , AMERICAN 2 College Public Relations Assn. , AMERICAN 2 College Stores, NATIONAL Assn. of ." 19 Colleges, AMERICAN Assn. of Commercial 2 Colombian-American Chamber of Commerce 10 Color Assn. of the United States 10 Color Manufacturers Assn. , DRY 11 Combed Yarn Spinners Assn 10 Comics Magazine Assn. of America 10 Commerce Publications, AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Commercial Colleges, AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Commercial Finance Companies, ASSN. of 7 Commercial Refrigeration Manufacturers Assn 10 Commodity Exchange Firms, ASSN. of 7 Commodity Exchange 10 Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce, BRITISH 3 Communications & Electronics Assn. , ARMED Forces 6 Composers Authors & Publishers, AMERICAN Society of Compressed Air & Gas Institute . . '. 10 (Compressor) - Air Compressor Research Council 1 Concrete Institute, AMERICAN 2 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute . „ . . . 10 Concrete Products Assn. , NATIONAL Cinder 12 Concrete Burial Vault Assn., NATIONAL 22 Concrete Masonry Assn., NATIONAL 22 Concrete Assn., NATIONAL Ready Mixed 25 Confectioners, ASSOCIATED Retail 6 Confectioners Assn., NATIONAL 22 Conference Board, NATIONAL Industrial 23 Connector Institute, ELECTRICAL Service 12 Conservation Foundation 10 Construction and Building Materials - see such key words as: Acoustical, Air Conditioning, Air Distribution, Aluminum, Appraisers, Architectural Metal, Asbestos, Asphalt, Autoclave, Boat, Boiler, Bridge, Building, Cedar, Cement, Clay, Clean-Up, Concrete, Construction, Contractors, Convector, Cooling Tower, Copper, Cork, Crane and Shovel, Cypress, Door, Douglas Fir, Edison Electric, Electrical, Elevator, Equipment, Erectors, Fire, Flight Strips, Forest Products, Furnace, Gas, Gas Appliance, Glass, Granite, Gravel, Gypsum, Hard- ware, Hardwood, Heater, Hemlock, Highway, Home, Home Lighting, Hospital, Hotel, Insulation, Iron and Steel, Joist, Level, Lime, Limestone, Locksmiths, Lumber, Mahogany, Maple Flooring, Marble, Mason, Metal Lath, Metal Roof, Millwork, Mineral Fiber, Mineral Wool, Mixer, Mosaic, Oak, Oilwell, Paint, Perlite, Petrol- eum, Pine, Pipe, Pipe Line, Planning, Plumbing, Ply- wood, Port, Prefabricated, Producers, Public Power, Public Roads, Radiator, Railroads, Railway Tie, Real Estate, Real Property, Redwood, Refrigerator, River, Road, Roofing, Sand, Sewage Works, Shale, Sheet Metal, Shingle, Shipbuilders, Silo, Slag, Slate, Sprinkler, Steel, Steel Flooring, Stoker, Stone, Stucco t Supply, Tank, Terrazzo, Tile, Timber, Tools, Truck Mixer, Urban Land, Valve, Vermiculite, Wallpaper, Walnut, Warm Air, Water Well, Water Works, Window, Wire, Wood, Woodwork, Woodworkers . Constructors Assn., NATIONAL 22 Consulting Management Engineers, ASSN. of 6 Consumer Bankers ASSN. 10 Consumer Credit, NATIONAL Foundation for 23 Containers - see such key words as: Aluminum Wares, Bag, Barrel, Boilers, Box, Can, Carton, Cooperage, Crate, Drum, Enameled Utensil, Envelope, Galvanized Ware, Glass, Liquid-Tight, Milk Bottle, Packaging, Pail, Research, Sack, Steel Shipping, Tanks, Tray, Tub, Tube. Contract Information, BUREAU of 8 Contracting Plasterers International Assn 10 Contractors of America, ASSOCIATED General 6 Contractors Pump Bureau 10 Contractors Assn. , GENERAL 13 Contractors Assn. , MASON 17 Controllers Congress 10 Convector Manufacturers Assn. 10 Convention Bureaus, INTERNATIONAL Assn. of 16 Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Assn 10 Cooling Tower Institute 10 Cooperage Industries of America, ASSOCIATED 6 Cooperative Food Distributors of America 10 Cooperative League of the United States 10 Cooperatives) Inc . , NATIONAL 22 Coordinating Research Council of the Petroleum Industry. 10 Copper & Brass Research Assn 10 Copper & Brass Warehouse Assn 10 Copper Institute 10 Copper Assn., U.S 33 Cordage Institute - 10 Corduroy Council 10 Cork Institute 10 Corn Millers Federation, AMERICAN 2 Corn Industries Research Foundation 10 Corset & Brassiere Assn 10 Cosmetologists Assn., NATIONAL Hairdressers & 23 Costume Jewlery Trade Assn 10 Costumers Assn. , NATIONAL 22 Cotton Linter Assn. , AMERICAN 2 Cotton Manufacturers Institute, AMERICAN 2 Cotton Shippers Assn. , AMERICAN 2 Cotton Waste Exchange, AMERICAN 2 Cotton Textile Merchants of New York, ASSN. of 7 Cotton Yarn Distributors, ASSN. of 7 Cotton Importers Assn 10 Cotton Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Cotton Compress 4 Cotton Warehouse Assn. , NATIONAL 22 Cotton Council of America, NATIONAL 22 Cotton Ginners Assn., NATIONAL 22 Cotton Exchange, NEW YORK 27 Cottonseed Products Assn., NATIONAL 22 Council for Agricultural & Chemurgic Research 10 Court & Commercial Newspapers, ASSOCIATED 6 Cover Assn. , INDUSTRIAL Bag & 15 Cracker Manufacturers Assn. , Biscuits & 8 Crane Institute, ELECTRIC Overhead ' 11 Crane - see Power 29 Crate Manufacturers Council, MILK Bottle 18 Crayon Water Color & Craft Institute 10 Creameries Assn. , NATIONAL 22 Credit Bureaus of America, ASSOCIATED 6 Credit Research Foundation 10 Credit Union National Assn 10 Credit Men, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Credit, NATIONAL Foundation For Consumer 23 Credit, NATIONAL Institute of 24 Credit Assn. , NATIONAL Retail 25 Cremation Assn. of America 10 Crop Dryer Manufacturers Assn 10 Crown Manufacturers Institute 11 Crucible Manufacturers Assn 11 Crusher Assn. , ROCK & Ore 30 Cuban Chamber of Commerce 11 Curtain Manufacturers Guild 11 Curtain Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Lace 20 Customs Brokers & Forwarders Assn. of America 11 Cutlery Manufacturers Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Cutting Die Institute 11 Cutting Tool Manufacturers Assn 11 Cypress Manufacturers Assn. , SOUTHERN 31 Dairy Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Dairy Industries Supply Assn 11 Dairy Industry Committee 11 Dairy Products Improvement Institute 11 Dairy Suppliers Foundation 11 Dairy Industries Society International 11 Dairy Equipment Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Dairy Council, NATIONAL 22 Dance Masters of America 11 Decorating Contractors of America, PAINTING & 28 Decorative Fabrics Institute 11 Decorative Lighting Guild of America 11 Decorators, AMERICAN Institute of 3 Decorators Assn. , NATIONAL Metal 24 Defense Transportation Assn. , NATIONAL 22 Dehydration - see Crop Dryer 10 Dehydrators Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Dental Trade Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Dental Dealers of America 11 Dental Laboratory Conference 11 Dental Manufacturers of America 11 Dental Laboratories, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Designers Assn. of America, CUSTOMS Tailors & 11 Designers Assn. , EXHIBIT Producers & 12 Designers Council, PACKAGE 28 Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers Assn 11 Diamond Manufacturers & Importers Assn. of America 11 Diamond Assn. of America, INDUSTRIAL 15 Diaper Service Institute of America 11 Diaper Services, NATIONAL Institute of 24 Diazotype - see Blueprint Die Casting Institute, AMERICAN 3 Die Institute, CUTTING 11 Die Casting Research Foundation - 11 Die Manufacturers Assn., NATIONAL Tool and-. 26 Die - see Metal Cutting 18 Diesel Engine Manufacturers Assn 11 Dietary - see Foods 22 Direct Mail Advertising Assn 11 Direct Selling Companies, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Directory Publishers, ASSN . of North America 7 Discount Merchants, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Display Industries, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Distillate Burner Manufacturers Assn '. 11 Distilled Spirits Institute 11 Distillers Feed Research Council 11 Distributors of America, COOPERATIVE Food 10 Distribution, INSTITUTE of 15 Distributive Education Clubs of America 11 Dog Feed Institute, AMERICAN 3 Doll Supply Manufacturers Assn 11 Doll Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Domestic Water Tank Manufacturers Council 11 Dominican Chamber of Commerce 11 Door institute, FIR 12 Door Institute, NATIONAL Combination Storm Window & 22 Door and Window Institute, SLIDING Glass 31 Door Institute, STEEL 31 Douglas Fir Plywood Assn 11 Dowel Pin Manufacturers Service Bureau 11 Drainage Institute, PLUMBING & 28 Drapery Fixture Manufacturers STATISTICAL Service 11 Drapery Fabrics Manufacturers, UPHOLSTERY & 33 Dress Industry, ADMINISTRATIVE Board of the 1 Dress Manufacturers, Inc., AFFILIATED 1 Dress Institute, HOUSE 14 Dress, Robe & Uniform Manufacturers, INDUSTRIAL Assn 15 of House .' 15 Dress Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL. . , 23 Dress Institute, NEW YORK , , 27 Dress Manufacturers Group, POPULAR Priced 29 Dress Manufacturers Assn., UNITED Better 33 Dress Manufacturers Assn. , United Popular 33 Dress - see House Dress \^ Dried Fruit Assn. of California \\ Dried Fruit Export Assn., NORTHWEST 27 Drill Manufacturers Assn., DIAMOND Core 11 Drilling - see Oilwell, Test Boring (Drive-in-Theaters) Allied States Assn. of Motion Picture Exhibitors Drop Forging Assn 1 Drug Manufacturers Assn. , AMERICAN 11 Drug Stores, NATIONAL Assn. of Chain 3 Drug Trade Conference, NATIONAL 19 Drug Assn., NATIONAL Wholesale 23 Drug Assn., PARENTERAL 26 Druggists Assn., FEDERAL Wholesale 28 Druggists, NATIONAL Assn. of Retail 12 Drugs - see Proprietary Assn 20 Drum Manufacturers Assn., FIBRE 29 Drum Assn., NATIONAL Barrel & 12 Dry Milk Institute, AMERICAN 21 Dry Color Manufacturers Assn 3 Dry Pea Marketing Council 11 Dry Goods Assn. , INDEPENDENT Wholesale. . . , 11 Dry Cleaners Machinery Manufacturers Assn., Laundry & 14 Dry Cleaning, NATIONAL Institute 16 Dry Goods Assn., NATIONAL Retail 24 Dry Goods Assn., RELIGIOUS 25 Dude Ranchers Assn 30 Durene Assn. of America 11 Dyers Guild of America, GARMENT 11 Dyers - see Silk, Skein 13 Economic Assn., AMERICAN 3 Economic & Social Development, AMERICAN International Assn. for '3 Economic Development, COMMITTEE For 10 Economic History Assn 11 Economic Research, NATIONAL Bureau of 22 Economic Council, NATIONAL 23 Economics, BUREAU of Railway 8 Ecuadorean American Assn 11 Ecuadorean American Chamber of Commerce 11 Edison Illuminating Companies, ASSN. of 7 Edison Electric Institute 11 Editorial Assn., NATIONAL 23 Education, AMERICAN Council on 2 Education Clubs of America, DISTRIBUTIVE 11 Education, INSTITUTE of International 15 Educational Film Library Assn 11 Educational Film Producers Assn 11 Educational Jewelry Manufacturers Assn 11 Educational Buyers, NATIONAL Assn 19 Egg Assn. , NATIONAL Poultry, Butter & 29 Egg National Board, POULTRY 8c 29 Elastic Fabric Manufacturers Institute 11 Elastic - see Narrow Fabrics 18 Electric Companies, Assn. of Edison 7 Electric Assn., AUTOMOTIVE 7 Electric Institute, EDISON 11 Electric Fuse Manufacturers Guild 11 Electric Hoist Manufacturers Assn 11 Electric Overhead Crane Institute 11 Electric Tool Institute 11 Electric Water Systems Council 11 Electric Companies, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Electric Sign Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Electric Cooperative Assn., NATIONAL Rural 25 Electric Supply Manufacturers Assn. , RAILWAY 29 Electric Supply Assn. , PETROLEUM 28 Electrical Manufacturers Export Assn 12 Electrical Service Connector Institute 12 Electrical Leagues, INTERNATIONAL Assn 16 Electrical Contractors Assn., NATIONAL 23 Electrical Distributors, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Electrical Manufacturers Assn., NATIONAL 23 Electrical Assn., PETROLEUM Industry 28 Electrochemical Society 12 Electron Microscope Society 12 Electronic Parts & Equipment Manufacturers, ASSN 7 Electronic Parts Manufacturers Assn 11 Electronic Service Assn. , NATIONAL Alliance of TV & 18 Electronic Distributors Assn., NATIONAL 23 Electronics - Television Manufacturers Assn,, RADIO 29 Electroplaters Society, AMERICAN 3 Electrotypers & Sterotypers, INTERNATIONAL Assn. of 16 Elevator Contractors, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Elevator Manufacturing Industry, NATIONAL 23 Elevator Grain Merchants Assn. , TERMINAL 32 Embalming Chemical Manufacturers Assn 12 Embroiderers Assn., PLEATERS, Stitchers & 28 Embroidery Merchants Assn 12 Embroidery Assn. , HAND Loom 14 Embroidery & Novelty Manufacturers Assn., NATIONAL Hand 23 Embroidery Manufacturers Assn. , SCHIFFLI Lace & 30 Employing Photo Engravers Assn. of America 12 Employing Printers of America 12 Employment Agencies Protective Assn 12 Employment Board, NATIONAL 23 Enamel Institute, PORCELAIN 29 Enameled Untensil Manufacturers Council 12 Engine Rebuilders Assn., AUTOMOTIVE , 7 Engine Manufacturers Assn. , DIESEL 11 Engine Institute, INTERNAL Combustion 15 Rtytn» 4 Boat Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Engineers - for more than 60 engineering organizations see appendix A 35 Engraved Stationery Manufacturers Assn 12 Engravers - see Lithographic 17 Enterprise Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Envelope Manufacturers Assn. of America 12 Equipment Distributors, ASSOCIATED 6 Equipment 4 Tool Institute 12 Erectors Assn., NATIONAL 23 Essential Oil Assn 12 Evaporated Milk Assn 12 Exchange, NEW YORK Mercantile 27 Exchange, NEW YORK Produce 27 Exchange NEW YORK Stock 27 Exchange - see Commodity 10 Exchanger Manufacturers Assn. , TUBULAR 33 Executives, AMERICAN Retail Assn 4 Executives, AMERICAN Society of Assn • • • 5 Executives - see Chamber of Commerce Exhaust Research Institute, AUTOMOTIVE , 7 Exhibit Producers 4 Designers Assn 12 Exhibit Managers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Exhibitors Advisory Council 12 Exhibitors Association, MEDICAL 17 Expanded Clay 4 Shale Assn 12 Expanded Shale Institute 12 Expansion Joint Manufacturers Assn 12 Explosives, BUREAU of 8 Explosives, INSTITUTE of Makers of 15 Export Managers Club of New York 12 Export Screw Assn. of the United States 12 Exporters - see such words as Cotton, Evaoprated Apple, Film, Kraft Paper, Leaf Tobacco, Lumber, Machine Tools, Machinery-Metals, Millc, Paper, Pen- cil, Plywood, Potash, Prune, Railway Car, Redwood, Rice, Scientific, Typewritter. (Many of these are marked "Export Act Assn"; formed under the Webb- Pomerene Act of Congress. Most export trade, how- ever, Is handled by members of regular, domestic trade assns.) Exposition Management Assn 12 Exposition Managers, NATIONAL Assn. of Public 20 Expositions, INTERNATIONAL Assn. of Fairs and 16 Fabric Manufacturers Institute, ELASTIC 11 Fabrics Institute, KNITTED 16 Fabrics - see Decorative, Tie, Textile, Upholstery Facing Tile Institute 12 Fair Trade Council, AMERICAN 3 Fairs 4 Expositions, INTERNATIONAL Assn. of 16 Family Flour Institute 12 Far East-America Council of Commerce & Industry 12 Farm Equipment Manufacturers Assn. , ALLIED j . 1 Farm Equipment Institute 12 Farm Equipment Wholesalers Assn 12 Farm Brokers, INSTITUTE of 15 Farm Equipment Assn., NATIONAL Retail 25 Farmers & Manufacturers Beet Sugar Assn 12 Fashion Originators Guild of America 12 Fasterner - see Pin _ 28 •Fasteners Institute, INDUSTRIAL 15 Fastener Assn. , SLIDE 30 Fats 4 Oils Brokers, NATIONAL 23 Federal Reports, ADVISORY Council on 1 Feed Manufacturers Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Feed Research Council, DISTI LLER S 11 Feed Dealers National Assn., GRAIN 4 13 Feed - see Dog Feeds Assn., NATIONAL Mineral 24 Felt and Straw Goods Importers, AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Felt Assn 12 Felt Assn. , PAPERMAKERS 28 Fibre Box Assn 12 Fibre Drum 'Manufacturers Assn 12 Fibre Society 12 Fibre Manufacturers Institute, SOFT 31 Fibre Can 4 Tube Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Fibres Assn. , HARD 14 Film Producers, AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Film Export Assn., AMERICAN 3 Film Library Assn., EDUCATIONAL u Film Producers Assn. , EDUCATIONAL 11 Film Council of America 12 Film Producers Export Corp . , INDEPENDENT 14. Film Carriers, NATIONAL 23 Film Council, NATIONAL Television 26 Film Assn. , PLASTIC Coatings 4 28 Film Producers, UNIVERSITY 33 Film - see Magazine, Motion Picture Finance Conference, AMERICAN 3 Finance Companies, ASSN. of Commercial 7 Finance Conference, NATIONAL Commercial 22 Financial Public Relations Assn 12 Financial Analysts Societies, NATIONAL Federation of 23 Finance Assn. , NATIONAL Consumer 22 Finishers of Textile Fabrics, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Finishers, NATIONAL Assn. of Metal 20 Fir Door Institute 12 Fire Apparatus Manufacturers Assn 12 Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers Assn 12 Fire Control Assn., NATIONAL Automatic Sprinkler 21 Fire Protection Assn., NATIONAL 23 Fire Waste Council, NATIONAL , 23 Fisheries, ASSN. of Pacific 7 Fisheries, Institute, NATIONAL 23 Fishery Council. 12 Fishing Tackle Manufacturers, ASSOCIATED 6 Fittings Industry, MANUFACTURERS Standardization Society of the Valve 4 17 Fittings Manufacturers Assn., PIPE 28 Fixture - see Drapery, Plumbing Flavoring Extract Manufacturers Assn 13 Flavors, NATIONAL Manufacturers of Beverage 24 Flax Institute of the United States 13 (Flax) Soft Fibre Manufacturers Institute 31 Flight Strips Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Floor & Vacuum Machinery Manufacturers Assn 13 Flooring Manufacturers Assn. , MAPLE 17 Flooring Manufacturers Assn., NATIONAL Oak 25 Flooring Institute, OPEN Steel 27 Florists Telegraph Delivery Assn 13 Florists Assn., NATIONAL Retail 25 Florists 4 Ornamental Horticulturists, SOCIETY of American 31 Florists of America, WHOLESALE Commission 34 (Florists) - Telegraph Delivery Service 32 Flour Institute, FAMILY 12 Flour Millers Export Assn 13 Flour Distributors, NATIONAL Assn 19 Flour Institute, SELF -RISING 30 Flour Institute, WHEAT 34 Flowers - see Artificial 6 Fluid Power Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Fluorescent Lighting Assn 13 Foil Manufacturers Assn. , LAMINATED 16' Food Distribution, AMERICAN Institute of 3 Food Service Assn. , AMERICAN School 4 Food Distributors, ASSN. of 7 Food Distributors of America, COOPERATIVE 10 Food 4 Nutrition Board 13 Food Service Equipment Industry 13 Food Tray Assn 13 Food Institute, FROZEN 13 Food Chains, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Food Equipment Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Food Packers, NATIONAL Assn. of Frozen 19 Food Dealers, NATIONAL Assn. of Retail Meat 4 21 Food Brokers Assn., NATIONAL 23 Food Distributors Assn., NATIONAL 23 Food Service Assn., NATIONAL 23 Food Locker Institute, NATIONAL Frozen 23 Food Trade, National Assn. for the Specialty 21 Food 4 Container Institute, RESEARCH 4 Development Associates 30 Foods Industry, CANNED Chop Suey 9 Foods Assn. , NATIONAL Dietary 22 Foods Institute, MEXICAN 18 Foreign Relations, COUNCIL on 10 Foreign Chambers of commerce - see key words Argentine, Australian, Austrian, Belgium, Brazilian, British, Chile, Chinese, Colombian, Cuban, Dominican, Ecuador- ean, French, German, Haitian, Hellenic, Indian, Indo, Indonesian, Italy, Iran, Israel, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Netherlands, Norwegian, Peruvian, Philip- pine, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss, Venezuelan. Foreign Commerce Club of New York 13 Foreign Credit Interchange Bureau 13 Foreign Exchange Brokers of New York City 13 Foreign Trade Council, NATIONAL 23 Foreign - see Bankers, Exporters, Importers, International Forest Products Industries, AMERICAN 3 Forest Industries Council 13 Forest Products Research Society 13 Forest Industries, PACIFIC 28 Forged Tool Society 13 Forging Assn., BRASS 8 Forging Assn. , DROP 11 Forging Manufacturers Assn 13 Formed Steel Tube Institute 13 Forwarders Assn. of America, CUSTOMS Brokers 4 11 Foundations - see list of over 100 in National Assn. of the United States: Founders Society, GRAY IRON 13 Founders Society, MALLEABLE 17 Founders Society, NON-FERROUS 27 Founders Society of America, STEEL 31 Foundry Educational Foundation 13 Foundry Equipment Manufacturers Assn 13 Foundry Facings Manufacturers Assn 13 Foundry Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Foundrymen ' s Society, American 3 Fountain Pen 4 Mechanical Pencil Manufacturers Assn 13 Fragrance Foundation 13 Frame - see Picture 28 Freight Forwarders Institute 13 Freight Brokers Assn., Steamship 31 French Chamber of Commerce 13 Friction Materials Standards Institute 13 Frozen Food Institute 13 Frozen Food Packers, NATIONAL Assn. of. . . '. 19 Frozen Food Lockers Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Frozen Food Distributors, NATIONAL Wholesale 26 Fruit Assn. of California, DRIED 11 Fruit 4 Syrup Manufacturers Assn., NATIONAL 23 Fruit Export Assn., NORTHWEST Dried 27 Fruit 4 Vegetable Assn. , UNITED Fresh 33 Fuels Research Council 13 Fuel Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Packaged 20 Fund-Ralslng Counsel, AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Funeral Directors 4 Embalmers Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Funeral Directors Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Funeral Directors Assn., NATIONAL Negro 24 Fur Liners Contractors Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Fur Merchants Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Fur Manufacturers, ASSOCIATED 6 Fur Storage Assn. , CERTIFIED Cold 9 Fur Dyers Guild 13 Fur Cutters Assn. of the United States, HATTERS 14 Fur 4 Wool Assn. of St. Louis, RAW 29 Fur Manufacturers Assn. , UNITED 33 Furniture Institute, CHROME 9 Furniture Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn 19 Furniture Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Summer 21 Furniture Warehousemens Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Furniture Assn. , NATIONAL Office 25 Furniture Assn., NATIONAL Retail, 25 Furniture Assn. , NATIONAL Wholesale 27 Furniture Manufacturers Assn. , SOUTHERN 31 Furniture Manufacturers Assn. , UPHOLSTERED 33 Furniture Institute, WOOD Office 34 Furriers Guild of America, MASTER 17 Fuse Manufacturers Guild, ELECTRIC 11 Galvanised Ware Manufacturers Council 13 Gal vanizers Assn., AMERICAN Hot Dip 3 Garment Dyers Guild of America 13 Garment Manufacturers, INTERNATIONAL Assn. of 16 Garment Assn., Merchants Ladies 18 Garment Assn., NATIONAL Wholesale 27 Garment Manufacturers, PACIFIC Coast 28 Garment Manufacturers Assn. , SOUTHERN 31 Gas Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Gas Institute, COMPRESSED Air & 10 Gas Assn., COMPRESSED 10 Gas Appliance Manufacturers Assn 13 Gas Assn. of American, INDEPENDENT Natural 14 Gas Assn. , LIQUEFIED Petroleum 17 Gasoline Assn. of America, NATURAL 27 Gasoline Supply Men's Assn., NATURAL 27 Gear Manufacturers Assn., AMERICAN 3 Gem 4 Mineral Suppliers Assn., AMERICAN 3 German-American Trade Promotion Office 13 German Chamber of Commerce, U.S 33 Gift 4 Decorative Accessories Assn 13 Gift 4 Art Assn., NATIONAL 23 Glass Jobbers Assn. , FLAT 12 Glass Container Manufacturers Institute 13 Glass Dealers Assn. , NATIONAL Auto 4 Flat 21 Glass Assn., SAFETY 30 Glass Assn. of America, STAINED 31 Glass Assn. , STAINED 4 Leaded 31 Glass Institute, SUN 32 Glassine 4 Greaseproof Manufacturers Assn 13 Glassware Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Glassware, NATIONAL Assn. of Manufacturers of Pressed 4 Blown 20 Glove Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Leather 20 Glove Institute, WORK ; 34 Glove - see Knit Handwear Glue Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Glycerine - see Soap Golf Ball Manufacturers Assn 13 Gold Mining Assn. of America 13 Golf Club Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Government Officials - See Public Administration Clearing House 29 Governmental Purchasing, NATIONAL Institute of 24 Grain Commission Merchants Assn., FEDERATION of Cash 12 Grain 4 Feed Dealers National Assn 13 Grain Processing Machinery Manufacturers Assn 13 Grain Trade Council, NATIONAL -. 23 Grain Assn. , NORTH American Export 27 Grain Merchants Assn. , TERMINAL Elevator 32 Grain Assn. , UNDERWRITERS 33 Granite Assn., BARKE 8 Granite Quarries Assn., NATIONAL Building 22 Graphic Arts, AMERICAN Institute of 3 Graphic Arts Spray Manufacturers Assn 13 Gravel Assn., NATIONAL Sand & 25 Gravure-Technlcal Assn 13 Gray Iron - see Founders 13 Grease Institute, NATIONAL Lubricating 24 Greeting Card Distributors of America, ASSOCIATED 6 Greeting Card Assn 13 Grinding Wheel Institute 13 Grocers Alliance of America, INDEPENDENT 14 Grocers Assn. , NATIONAL-American Wholesale 18 Grocers, NATIONAL Assn. of Retail 21 Grocers Assn., NATIONAL Institutional Wholesale 24 Grocers Assn., U.S. WHOLESALE 33 (Grocers) National Voluntary Groups Institute 26 Grocery Manufacturers of America 13 Guatemalan - American Chamber of Commerce 14 Gummed Industries Assn 14 Gypsum Assn 14 Hack Saw Manufacturers Assn. of America 14 Hairdressers 4 Cosmetologists Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Haitian - American Assn 14 Handbag Industry, NATIONAL Authority for the Ladles 21 Handkerchief Industry Assn 14 Handwear Assn. , AMERICAN Knit 4 Handle Assn. , HICKORY 14 Harbor Contractors, NATIONAL Assn. of River 4 Hardboard Assn 14 Hard Fibres Assn 14 Hardware Manufacturers Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Hardware Manufacturers Statistical Assn- 14 Hardware Institute, LINE 17 Hardware Assn. , NATIONAL Builders 22 Hardware Assn. , NATIONAL Retail 25 Hardware Assn. , NATIONAL Wholesale 27 Hardware Manufacturers Institute, SADDLERY 30 Hardwood Manufacturers, APPALACHIAN 6 Hardwood Dimension Manufacturers Assn 14 Hardwood Plywood Institute 14 Hardwood Wholesalers, NATIONAL Assn. of- 19 Hardwood Lumber Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Hardwood Manufacturers Assn., NORTHERN Hemlock 4 27 Hardwood Producers, Inc . , SOUTHERN 31 Hardwoods Assn. , FINE '. '. T 12 Hat Institute 14 Hat Manufacturers Assn. of America, WOOL 34 Hatchery - see Poultry Hatters Fur Cutters Assn 14 Haulers Assn. , OIL FIELD 27 Hay Assn. , NATIONAL .' 23 Headwear Assn. , EASTERN Women ' s 11 Health Assn. , AMERICAN Public 4 Health Institute, ANIMAL 5 (Health Foods) National Dietary Foods Assn 22 Hearing Aid Industry Conference 14 Heat Exchange Institute 14 Heat Institute of America, OIL 27 Heater Manufacturers Assn., BLEEDER 8 Heating, Piping & Air Conditioning Contractors National Assn 14 Heating Assn. , NATIONAL District 2 2 Heating & Airconditioning Wholesalers, NATIONAL 23 Heating 4 Air Conditioning Assn. , NATIONAL Warm Air 26 Heating Industries Bureau, PLUMBINE 4 28 Heating Equipment Manufacturers Assn. , STEAM ~ 31 Heel Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Wood , X . . . . ., 21 Helicopter Assn., AMERICAN 3 Hellenic - American Chamber of Commerce 14 Hemlock 4 Hardwood Manufacturers Assn. , NORTHERN 27 (Hemp) - Soft Fibre Manufacturers Institute 31 Hide Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Hides & Skins, NATIONAL Assn. of Importers & Exporters of 20 High Fidelity Manufacturers, INSTITUTE of 15 Highway Steel Transporters, ASSN 7 Highway Research Board 14 Highway Safety Committee, INTER-INDUSTRY , 15 Highway Users Conference, NATIONAL 23 Hobby Industry Assn. 14 Hobby Assn. , NATIONAL Ceramic ...'..'. 22 Hoist Manufacturers Assn. , ELECTRIC n Home Economics Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Home Laundry Manufacturers Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Home Lighting Industry, AMERICAN , ] 3 Home Builders, NATIONAL Assn. of 19 Home Study Council, NATIONAL 23 Home Improvement, OPERATION 27 Home Manufacturers Institute, PREFABRICATED .'.'.'. '. '.'.'.. '. '. '. .'.'...'.'...'.', ', , ', '. '. '. 29 Home - see Nursing Honey Institute, AMERICAN 3 Honey Packers 4 Dealers Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Horological Institute of America 14 Horological Schools, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Horse Carriers Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Horticulturists, SOCIETY of American Florists 4 Ornamental 31 Hosiery Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Hosiery Wholesalers National' Assn 14 Hosiery Institute of America, WOOLEN • 34 Hospital Assn., AMERICAN 3 Hospital Assn. , AMERICAN Protestant 4 Hospital Assn. of the United States, CATHOLIC 9 Hospital Bureau of Standards and Supplies 14 Hospital Industries Assn 14 Hospital - see Animal 1 Hospitals, ASSN. of Private 7 Hot House Vegetable Growers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Hotel Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Hotel Assn., INTER-American 15 Hotel Sales Management Assn 14 House Dress Institute 14 House Magazine Institute 14 House Trailers - see Mobile Homes .' 18 House Dress Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Housewares Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL 23 Housing Conference, NATIONAL 23 Hull Assn. , COASTWISE, Great Lake 4 Inland 10 Hydraulic Institute 14 Hydraulic Jack Institute 14 Ice Cream Manufacturers, INTERNATIONAL Assn. of 16 Ice Industries, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Ice Cream Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Retail 21 Ice Cream Mix Assn., NATIONAL \ 1 23 Illuminating Companies, ASSN. of Edison 7 Importers, NATIONAL Council of American 22 Importers - see such words as Beverage, British Woolens, Cheese, Cotton, Embroidery, Essential Oils, Felt, Lace, Linen, Machinery, Perfumery, Philippine Mahog- any, Rug, Sea Food, Shellac, Steel, Stone, Straw Goods, Wax, Wood Pulp. Incinerator Institute 14 India Chamber of Commerce 14 Lndo-American Assn. of Commerce 14 xii Indonesian Chamber of Commerce, AMERICAN 3 Industrial Bankers Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Industrial Development Council, AMERICAN 3 Industrial Hygiene Assn. , AMERICAN 3 Industrial Audio-Visual Assn 15 Industrial Bag & Cover Assn 15 Industrial Diamond Assn 15 Industrial Fasteners Institute 15 Industrial Heating Equipment Assn 15 Industrial Hygiene Foundation 15 Industrial Lift & Loading Ramp Institute 15 Industrial Management -Society 15 Industrial Medical Assn 15 Industrial Relations Counselors 15 Industrial Research Institute 15 Industrial Truck Assn 15 Industrial Council, NATIONAL 23 Industrial Distributors Assn., NATIONAL 23 (Industrial Plants) National Constructors Assn 22 Industrial Service Assn., NATIONAL 24 Industrial Stores Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Industrial Traffic League, NATIONAL 24 Industrial Council, SOUTHERN States 31 Ink Makers, NATIONAL Assn. of Printing 20 Insecticide - see Chemical Specialties 9 ( Installment Loans) American Finance Conference 3 Installment Companies, NATIONAL Assn. of House to House 20 Insulating Siding Aflsn 15 Insulation Board Institute 15 Insulation Distributor-Contractors National Assn 15 Insulation Manufacturers Assn. , MAGNESIA 17 ( Insulation) National Mineral Wool Assn 24 Inter-American Council, UNITED States 33 Investment Bankers Assn 16 Investment Counsel Assn 16 Investment Companies, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Iran American Chamber of Commerce 16 Irish Linen Guild 16 Iron 4 Steel Institute, AMERICAN 3 Iron Ore Assn. , LAKE Superior 16 Iron - see Scrap Irrigation Assn. , SPRIKLER 31 Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, AMERICAN 3 Italy, AMERICAN Chamber of Commerce for Trade With 2 Japanese Chamber of Commerce 16 Jersey Institute 16 Jewelers Assn. , AMERICAN-National Retail 4 Jewelers of America, ASSOCIATED 6 J ewelers Board of Trade 16 Jewelers Security Alliance of the United States 16 Jewelers Vigilance Committee 16 Jewelers Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Jewelers Assn., NATIONAL Wholesale 27 Jewelers & Silversmiths Assn. , NEW ENGLAND Manufacturing 27 Jewelry Trade Assn. , COSTUME 10 Jewelry Manufacturers Assn. , EDUCATIONAL 11 Jewelry Crafts Assn 16 Jewelry Industrial Council 16 Jewelry - see Metal Finding 18 Joint Manufacturers Assn. , EXPANSION 12 Joist Institute, STEEL 31 Junior Chamber International 16 Junior Chamber of Commerce, UNITED STATES 33 Jute - see Bratice Cloth, Burlap, Hard Fibres, Soft Fibre Jute Boxes - see Automatic Phonograph, Music Operators Jute Packaging & Oakum Institute, TWISTED 33 Kapok Assn 16 Kitchen Cabinets, NATIONAL Institution of Wood 24 Kitchen Cabinet Institute, WOOD 34 Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Assn. , STEEL 31 Kitchenware - see Enameled, GALVANIZED Knife Assn. , MACHINE 17 Knit Handwear Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Knitted Fabrics Manufacturers, ASSN. of 7 Knitted Fabrics Institute 16 Knitted Outerwear Foundation 16 Knitted - see Outerwear Knitting Machine Manufacturers Assn 16 Knitwear Manufacturers League, UNITED 33 Korean-American Chamber of Commerce 16 Kraft Paper Assn 16 Kraut Packers Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Label Manufacturers National Assn 16 Label Institute, SEAL & 30 Labor Unions - see U.S. Dept. of Labor 1955 directory Laboratories, AMERICAN Council of Independent 2 Lace Manufacturers Assn., AMERICAN 4 Lace & Embroidery Assn., of America 16 Lace Institute, COACH 10 Lace Curtain Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Lace & Embroidery Manufacturers Assn. , SCHLTFLI 30 Lacquer Assn., NATIONAL Paint & Varnish 25 Ladder Institute, AMERICAN 4 Lake Carriers Assn 16 Laminated Foil Manufacturers Assn 16 Lamp Manufacturers Assn. , INCANDESCENT 14 Lamp tc Shade Institute of America 16 Landscape - see Nurserymen Last Manufacturers Assn 16 Lath Manufacturers Assn. , Metal 18 Laundering, AMERICAN Institute of 3 derers, Institute of Industrial 15 Laundry Manufacturers Assn., AMERICAN Home 3 Laundry & Cleaners Allied Trade Assn 16 Laundry & Dry Cleaners Machinery Manufacturers Assn 16 Law Assn. , AMERICAN Patent 4 Law League of America, COMMERCIAL 10 Lawn Mower Institute 16 Lead Industries Assn 16 Lead Pencil Manufacturers Assn 16 Leaf Spring Institute 16 Leaf Tobacco Exporters 16 Leather Industries of America 16 Leather Goods Manufacturers Assn. , LUGGAGE & 17 Leather Assn. , New England Shoe & 27 Leather Dealters Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Leather Assn. , NATIONAL Industrial 24 Level Manufacturers Assn. of the United States 16 Library Assn., AMERICAN 4 Library Binding Institute 16 Library Assn., SPECIAL 31 Licensed Beverage Industries 16 Lift Institution, AUTOMOTIVE 7 Lift & Loading Ramp Institute, INDUSTRIAL 15 Lift - see Truck Lighter Manufacturers Assn. , CIGARETTE 9 Lighting Guild of America, DECORATIVE 11 Lighting Assn. , FL0RESCENT 13 Lime Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Limestone Institute, INDIANA 14 Limestone Institute, NATIONAL Agricultural 18 Linen Trade Assn 17 Linen Supply Assn. , of America 17 Linen - see Irish, Paper 17 Lingerie Manufacturers Assn 17 Linseed-Castor Seed Assn. of New York 17 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Assn 17 Liquor Package Stores Assn. , NATIONAL Retail 25 Lithographers National Assn. 17 Lithographic Engravers & Plate Makers Assn 17 Lithographic Technical Foundation 17 Livestock Auction Assn., NATIONAL 24 Live Stock Exchange, NATIONAL 24 Livestock & Meat Board, NATIONAL 24 Loan League, NATIONAL Savings & 25 Loan - see Savings Loading - see Industrial 'Lift, Ramp Locker Institute, NATIONAL Frozen Food 23 Locknut - see Aircraft, Nut, Screws Locksmiths Assn., NATIONAL 24 Lubricating Grease Institute, NATIONAL ■ 24 Luggage & Leather Goods Manufacturers Assn 17 Luggage Dealers Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Lumber Assn., NATIONAL American Wholesale 18 Lumber Assn. , NATIONAL Hardwood 23 Lumber Exporters Assn., NATIONAL 24 Lumber Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Lumber Dealers Assn. , NATIONAL Retail 25 Lumber Distributing Yard Assn., NATIONAL Wholesale 27 Lumber Manufacturers Assn. , NORTHEASTERN 27 Lumber Assn. , WESC0SA 34 Lumber Assn. , WESTERN Red Cedar 34 Lumbermen's Assn., WEST Coast:. 34 Macaroni Manufacturers Assn., NATIONAL 24 Machine Tool Distributors Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Machine Affiliates 17 Machine Knife Assn 17 Machine Tool Builders Assn., NATIONAL 24 Machinery & Allied Products Institute 17 Machinery Dealers National Assn 17 Machinery-Metals Export Club 17 Machinery (Note: a large number of associations in this field do not include the word machinery in their names) Magazine Assn., COMICS Magazine Institute, HOUSE Magazine Publishers Assn 17 Magazine - see Press Magnesia Insulation Manufacturers Assn 17 Magnesium Assn 17 Magnetic Recording Industry -Assn 17 Mahogany Assn 17 Mahogany Assn., PHILIPPINE 28 Mail Users, ASSOCIATED Third Class 6 Mall Advertising Assn. , DIRECT 11 Mail Advertising Service Assn. International 17 Mail Order Assn. . ; 17 Mail, NATIONAL Council of Business 22 Mail Order Nurserymen's Assn., NATIONAL 24 Mail Carriers Assn., NATIONAL Star Route 26 Mailing List Brokers, NATIONAL Council of 22 Malt Institute, Barley and 8 Malt Research Institute 17 Management, AMERICAN Institute of 3 Management Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Management Engineers, ASSN. of Consulting 7 Management, COUNCIL for International Progress in 10 Management Society, INDUSTRIAL 15 Management, NATIONAL Institute for Organization 24 Management Assn. , NATIONAL Office 25 Management, SOCIETY for the Advancement of 31 Manganese Assn., AMERICAN 4 Manicure Implement Manufacturers Assn., SHEARS, Scissors & 30 Manufacturers Agents National Assn .' . 17 Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Maple - see Flooring X1U (Mapping, Air) American Society of Photogrammetry 5 Marble Institute of America 17 Marble Dealers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Margarine Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Marine Supplier, NATIONAL Assn 19 Maritime Assn. of the Port of New York 17 Market Research Assn. , CHEMICAL 9 Market Research Council ; 17 Marketing Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Marking Device Assn 17 Mason Contractors Assn. of America 17 Masonry Assn. , NATIONAL Concrete 22 Match Industry Information Bureau 17 Material Handling Society, AMERICAN 4 Material Handling Equipment Distributors Assn 17 Material Handling Institute 17 Materials Handling - see such key words as: Conveyor, Crane, Elevator, Hoist, Lift Truck, Monorail, Packag- ing, Pallet, Trucks. Mayonnaise and Salad Dressing Manufacturers Assn 17 Meat Institute, AMERICAN 4 Meat Institute Foundation, AMERICAN 4 Meat Machinery Manufacturers Institute 17 Meat 6 Food Dealers, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Meat Purveyors, NATIONAL Assn. of Hotel & Restaurant 20 Meat Packers Assn. , NATIONAL Independent 23 Meat Canners Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Meat Industry Council, NATIONAL 24 Meat - see Livestock Medical Assn. , INDUSTRIAL 15 Medical-Dental Bureaus, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Medical Exhibitors Assn. 17 Mens & Boys Wear, AMERICAN Institute of 3 Merchantile Exchange, CHICAGO 9 Merchantile Exchange, NEW YORK 27 Merchant Marine Institute, AMERICAN 4 Metal Etching Manufacturers Trade Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Metal Statistics, AMERICAN Bureau of 2 Metal Finding Manufacturers Assn IS Metal Powder Assn 18 Metal Roof Deck Technical Institute 18 Metal Treating Institute 18 Metal Finishers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Metal Awning Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Metal Decorators Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Metal Exposition & Congress, NATIONAL 24 Metal Spinners Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Metal Trades Assn., NATIONAL • 24 Metal - see Architectural, Lath, Machinery, Pressed Metals, AMERICAN Society for 5 Mexican Chamber of Commerce 18 Mexican Foods Institute 18 Mica Fabricators Assn 18 Mica Assn., WET Ground 34 Microfilm Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Microscope Society of America, ELECTRON 12 Milk Producers Assn. of America, CERTIFIED 9 Milk Assn. , EVAPORATED 12 Milk Sales, GENERAL .' 13 Milk Bottle Crate Manufacturers Council 18 Milk Can Institute 18 Milk Industry Foundation 18 Milk Sugar Institute 18 Milk Bottle Closure Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Sanitary 21 Milk Producers Federation, NATIONAL 24 Millers Federation, AMERICAN Corn 2 Millers National Federation . . . .' ig Millers Association, NATIONAL Soft Wheat , \ 26 Millers - see Flour 13 Millinery Fashion Bureau 18 Millinery Stabilization Commission IE Millinery Assns., NATIONAL Council of 22 Millinery - see Headwear Millwork Cost Bureau 18 Mine Owners Assn. , PROSPECTORS and 29 Mineral Fiber Institute, INDUSTRIAL 15 Mineral Feeds Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Mineral Wool Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Mining Congress, AMERICAN 4 Mining Institute, COAL 10 Mining Institute, LAKE Superior 16 Mirror Manufacturers Assn 18 Mixer Manufacturers Bureau 18 Mobilehome Dealers National Assn 18 Mobile Homes Manufacturers Assn 18 Mobile Housing Carriers Conference 18 Mobile Radio System, NATIONAL 24 Monorail Manufacturers Assn 18 Monument Assn., AMERICAN 4 Monument Builders of America 18 Monument Institute 18 Mortgage Bankers Assn 18 Morticians, NATIONAL Selected 2t Mosaic Assn., NATIONAL Terrazzo and 2t Motel Assn., AMERICAN 4 Motel: see Motor Hotel Motion Picture Exhibitors, ALLIED STATES Assn. of 1 Motion Picture Advertisers, ASSN 6 Motion Picture Producers, ASSN. of 7 Motion Picture Producers Assn., INDEPENDENT 14 Motion Picture Organizations, COUNCIL of 10 Motion Picture Assn. of America 18 Motion Picture Export Assn 18 Motion Picture Industry Council 18 Motion Picture Research Council 18 Motion Picture Producers, SOCIETY of Independent 31 Motion Picture - see Cinema, Film Motor Hotel Assn., AMERICAN 4 Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Assn 18 Motor & Equipment Wholesalers Assn 18 Motor Bus Operators, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Motor Bus Operators, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Motor Courts - see Ouality Courts United 29 Motor Courts, United : 33 Motorcycle & Allied Trades Assn 18 Movers & Warehoi^emens Assn. 18 Municipal League, NATIONAL 24 Mushroom Institute, CULTIVATED 11 Music Conference, AMERICAN 4 Music Guild, AMERICAN 4 Music Operators of America 18 Music Publishers Assn 18 Music Publishers Protective Assn 18 Music Merchants, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Music, NATIONAL Assn. of Schools of 21 Music Council, NATIONAL 24 Music Printers & Allied Trades Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Musical Merchandise Manuf acturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Musical Merchandise Wholesalers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Nail Manufacturers Assn., UPHOLSTERY 33 Napkin Assn. , PAPER 28 Narrow Fabrics Institute 18 Natural Gas Assn. , INDEPENDENT 14 Natural Gasoline Assn 27 Natural Gasoline Supply Mens Assn 27 Naval Stores Dealers Assn 27 Naval Stores Export Assn. , WOOD 34 Neckwear Contractors Assn. , GREATER BLOUSE, Skirt & 13 Neckwear Manufacturers Institute, MENS 17 Neckwear Assn., NATIONAL 24 Neckwear & Scarf Assn. , NATIONAL Womens 27 Needlecraf t Bureau, NATIONAL 24 Negligee Manufacturers Assn 27 Negro Bankers Assn., NATIONAL 24 Negro Funeral Directors Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Nersica 27 Netherlands Chamber of Commerce 27 Newspaper Representatives, AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Newspaper Publishers Assn., AMERICAN 4 Newspaper Assn. , NATIONAL Advertising 18 Newspaper Promotion Assn. , NATIONAL 24 Newspaper Publishers Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Newspaper Advertising Executives Assn 27 Newspapers, AMERICAN Assn. of English-Jewish 2 Newspapers, ASSN. Court & Commercial 6 Newsprint Service Bureau , 27 Notion Assn., NATIONAL 25 Novelties Contractors Assn., UNITED Pants & 33 Novelty Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL Hand Embroidery & 23 Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce 27 Nurserymen, AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Nurserymen's Assn., NATIONAL Landscape 24 Nurserymens Assn., NATIONAL Mail Order 24 Nursing Homes, AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Nursing Homes, NATIONAL Assn. of Registered 20 Nut Assn., BRAZIL 8 Nut Bureau, MACHINE Screw 17 Nut Salters Assn., PEANUT 28 Nutrition Foundation 27 Oakum Institute, TWISTED Jute Packing & 33 Office Supply Exporters Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Office Furniture Assn., NATIONAL 25 Office Machine Dealers Assn., NATIONAL 25 Office Management Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Office Equipment Manufacturers Institute 27 Office Furniture Institute, WOOD 34 Office - see Furniture - Management - Stationery Officials - see Public Administration Clearing House 29 Oil Assn., ESSENTIAL 12 Oil Compounders Assn. , INDEPENDENT » 14 Oil Equipment Jobbers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Oil Seed Products, NATIONAL Institute of 24 Oil Jobbers Council, NATIONAL 25 Oil Marketers Assn., NATIONAL : 25 Oil Scouts & Landmens Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Oil Field Haulers Assn 27 Oil Heat Institute 27 Oil Insurance Assn 27 Oil Mill Machinery Manufacturers & Supply Assn 27 Oil Trades Assn 27 Oil Assn., PENNSYLVANIA Grade Crude 28 Oil - see Petroleum 28 Oils & Fats Industries, BUREAU of Raw Materials for American Vegetable. 8 Oils, Institute of Shortening ic Edible 15 Oils Brokers Assn., NATIONAL Fats & 27 Oilfield Tank Manufacturers Assn 27 Oilwell Drilling Contractors, AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Olive Assn. , CALIFORNIA 9 Olive Oil Assn 27 Opinion Research Center, NATIONAL 25 Optical Wholesalers, ASSN. of Independent 7 Optical Manufacturers Assn 27 Optical Society of America 27 Optical Wholesalers National Assn 27 Opticians, GUILD of Prescription 14 Optometrists & Opticians, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Ordnance Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Organ Builders Assn 27 XIV Organization Management, NATIONAL Institute for 24 Oriental Rug Importers Assn 27 (Ornamental Metal) - National Assn. of Architectural Metal Manufacturers 19 Orthopedic Appliance & Limb Manufacturers Assn 27 Osteopathic Hospital Assn., AMERICAN 4 Outboard Boat Manufacturers Assn 27 Outboard Motor Manufacturers Assn 27 Outdoor Advertising Assn 27 Outerwear Foundation, KNITTED 16 Outerwear Assn., NATIONAL Knitted 24 Outerwear 4 Sportswear Assn. , NATIONAL 25- Oxychloride Cement Assn 27 Oyster Growers 4 Dealers Assn ." 27 Pacific Fisheries, ASSN. of 7 Pacific American Steamship Assn 27 Package Assn. , AMERICAN Veneer 5 Package Designers Council ■• 28 Packaged Fuel, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Packaging Assn. , NATIONAL Flexible 23 Packaging Institute 28 Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute 28 Packaging Assn. , PRODUCE 29 Packaging 4 OAKUM Institute, TWISTED Jute 33 Packing Assn., MECHANICAL 17 (Packing) - Institute of Thread Machlners, Sanitary Institute Pall Assn., PAPER 28 Pall 4 Tub Assn. , WOODEN 34 Paint 4 Varnish Production Clubs, FEDERATION of 12 Paint, Varnish, and Lacquer Assn., NATIONAL 25 Paint and Wallpaper Distributors, RETAIL 30 Painting 4 Decorating Contractors of America 28 Painting - see Spray Paint-up Fix-up Bureau, NATIONAL Clean-up 22 Pajama, 4 Sportswear Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Shirt 21 Pallet Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL Wooden 27 Pants 4 Novelties Contractors Assn. , UNITED 33 Pants - see Trousers 33 Paper 4 Pulp Assn., AMERICAN 4 Paper Manufacturers Assn. , BLOTTING 8 Paper Manufacturers Assn., BOOK 8 Paper 4 Inked Ribbon Assn. , CARBON 9 Paper Assn., COATED 4 Processed 10 Paper Box Assn. , FOLDING 13 Paper Manufacturers Assn. , GR0UNDW00D 13 Paper Assn., KRAFT 16 Paper Institute, LINEN and Lace 17 Paper Container Assn. , LIQUID-TIGHT 17 (Paper) National Council for Steam Improvement 22 Paper Box Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Paper Box Supplies Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Paper Trade Assn., NATIONAL 25 Paper Manufacturers Assn., ONE-TIME Carbon 27 Paper Bag Institute 28 Paper Cup - Container Institute 28 Paper Makers Advertising Assn 23 Paper Mill Fourdrinler Wire Cloth Manufacturers Assn 28 Paper Napkin Assn 28 Paper Pail Assn 28 Paper Plate Assn 28 Paper Shipping Sack Manufacturers Assn 28 Paper, Stationery, 4 Tablet Manufacturers Assn 28 Paper 4 Twine Assn 28 Paper Mat Lnstutute, PRINTED 29 Paper Machinery Assn., PULP 4 29 Paper & Board Affiliates, SPECIALTY 31 Paper Manufacturers Assn. , SULPHITE 32 Paper Industry, TECHNICAL Assn. of the Pulp 4 32 Paper Exporters Council, UNITED States 33 (Paper) Vegetable Parchment Manufacturers Assn 33 Paper Manufacturers Assn. , WATERPROOFING 34 Paper Institute, WAXED 34 Paper Manufacturers Assn., WRITING 34 Paper - see Container, Wire Cloth, Stationery, Vegetable Paperboard - see Food Tray Assn 13 Paperboard Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Paperboard Butter Chip Assn 28 (Paper Mill Machinery) Beater, Jordan & Allied Equipment Manuf acturers Assn 8 Paraffined Carton Assn 28 Parcel Post Assn 28 Parenteral Drug Assn 28 Parking Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Patent Law Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Patent Council, NATIONAL 25 Pea Marketing Council, DRY 11 Pea Assn. , NATIONAL Split 26 Pea & Bean Group, SEED 30 Peanut Council, NATIONAL 25 Peanut Butter Manufacturers Assn 28 Peanut & Nut Salters Assn 28 Pearl Button Assn. , OCEAN 27 Peat Moss Assn 28 Pecan Shellers 4 Processors Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Pen & Mechanical Pencil Manufacturers Assn. , FOUNTAIN 13 Pencil Manufacturers Assn. , LEAD 16 Pencil Industry Export Assn 28 Pencil Makers Assn 28 Perfumery Importers Assn 28 Perfumery - see Toilet Goods 32 Periodical Publishers Assn. of America 28 Peril te Institute 28 Personnel 4 Guidance Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Peruvian-American Assn 28 |Pest Control Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Pet Industry, NATIONAL Assn. of the 20 Petroleum Industries Committee, AMERICAN 4 Petroleum Institute, AMERICAN 4 Petroleum Re-Refiners, ASSN. of, 7 Petroleum Industry, COORDINATING Research Council of the 10 Petroleum Assn. of America, INDEPENDENT 14 Petroleum Carriers Assn. , INLAND Water 15 Petroleum Gas Assn., LIQUIFIED 17 Petroleum Retailers, NATIONAL Congress of 22 Petroleum Assn., NATIONAL 25 Petroleum Council, NATIONAL 25 Petroleum Electric Supply Assn 28 Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Assn 28 Petroleum Industrial Electrical Assn 28 Petroleum - see Oils, Refiners, Stripper Well Pharmaceutics International 28 Pharmaceutical Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Assn.; AMERICAN 4 Philippine-Ame" lean Chamber of Commerce 28 Philippine Chamber of Commerce 28 Philippine Mahogany Assn 28 Phonograph Manufacturers Assn. , AUTOMATIC 7 (Phonograph, Coin-Operated) Music Operators of America 18 Phonograph - see High Fidelity 15 Photoengravers Assn., AMERICAN 4 Photo-Engravers Assn. of America, EMPLOYING 12 Photo Dealers 4 Finishers Assn., MASTER 17 Photo-Lithographers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Photo Finishing Institute 28 Photogrammetrists, ASSN. of Professional 7 Photogrammetry, American Society of 5 Photographers Assn. , INDUSTRIAL 15 Photographers Assn 28 Photographic Dealers, ASSN. Industrial 6 Photographic Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Photographic Manufacturers 4 Distributors Assn 28 Photographic Society of America 28 Photomount Manufacturers Assn 28 Piano Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Pickle Packers Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Picture & Frame Institute 28 Pie 3akers, National Assn. of Wholesale 21 Pin Manufacturers Service Bureau, DOWELL 11 Pin, Clip 4 Fastener Assn 28 Pine Manufacturers Assn. , NORTHERN 27 Pine Woodwork Assn. , PONDEROSA 29 Pine Assn., SOUTHERN 31 Pine Inspection Bureau, SOUTHERN 31 Pine Assoc . , Western 34 Pineapple Research Institute 28 Pipe Assn. , AMERICAN Concrete 2 Pipe Institute, BITUMINOUS 8 Pipe Research Assn, CAST IRON 9 Pipe Institute, CAST Iron Pressure 9 Pipe Institute, CAST Iron Soil 9 Pipe Assn. , CLAY Sewer 9 Pipe Line Companies, COMMITTEE for 10 Pipe Nipple Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Pipe Manufacturers, NATIONAL Clay 22 Pipe Fabrication Institute 28 Pipe Fittings Manufacturers Assn 28 Pipe Line Contractors Assn 28 Pipe 4 Tobacco Council 28 Pipe Tool Manufacturers Institute 28 Piping 4 Air Conditioning Contractors Assn., HEATING 14 Pipings 4 Trimmings, ASSN. Manufacturers of Tubular 6 Piston Ring Manufacturers Group 28 Planning Assn., NATIONAL 25 Plant Food Institute, NATIONAL 25 Plaque Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Plasterers International Assn. , CONTRACTING 10 Plastic Coatings 4 Film Assn. 28 Plastic Houseware Manufacturers Assn 28 Plastic Materials Manufacturers Assn 28 Plastic Products Manufacturers Assn 28 Plastics Industry, SOCIETY of the 31 Plate, Assn. , PAPER .' 28 Plate Makers Assn. , LITHOGRAPHIC Engravers 17 Plating - see Metal Play Publishers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Playing Card Manufacturers, ASSN. of 6 Playshoe Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Slipper 4 21 Pleaters, Stitchers 4 Embroiderers Assn 28 Plumbing 4 Heating Supply Assn., AMERICAN Institute of Wholesale 3 Plumbing Contractors, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Plumbing Brass Institute 28 Plumbing 4 Drainage Institute 28 Plumbing Fixture Manufacturers Assn 28 Plumbing & Heating Industries Bureau ■ 28 (Plumbing Equipment) Central Supply Assn.; NATIONAL Supply Assn 9 Plywood Assn. , DOUGLAS Fir 11 Plywood Institute, HARDWOOD , 14 Plywood Distributors Assn., NATIONAL 25 Plywood Research Foundation 28 Polishing Wheel Manufacturers Assn., BUFF and 8 Ponderosa Pine Woodwork Assn 29 Pools 4 Beaches, NATIONAL Assn. of Amusement Parks 19 Popcorn Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Popcorn 4 Concessions Assn 29 Popcorn Institute 29 Port Authorities, AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Porcelain Enamel Institute 29 Port Authorities, AMERICAN Assn. of 2 Portland Cement Assn 29 Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, AMERICA- 4 Poster Exchanges of America, INDEPENDENT 14 Potash Institute, AMERICAN 4 Potash Export Assn 29 Potato Chip Institute, NATIONAL 25 Potters Assn., UNITED STATES 33 Poultry 4 Hatchery Federation, AMERICAN 4 Poultry Industries, INSTITUTE of American 15 Poultry Equipment Council, NATIONAL Barnyard & 21 Poultry, Butter 4 Egg Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Poultry 4 Egg National Board 29 Poultry Publishers Assn 29 Powder Actuated Tool Manufacturers Assn 29 Powder Assn. , METAL .' 18 Power Boat Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Power Assn. , AMERICAN Public 4 Power Transmission Assn. , MULTIPLE V-Belt Drive 4 Mechanical 18 Power Assn., NATIONAL Fluid 23 Power Crane 4 Shovel Assn 29 Power Transmission Council 29 Prefabricated Home Manufacturers Institute 29 Premium Advertising Assn. of America 29 Preservers Assn. , AMERICAN Wood 5 Preservers Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Preservers Institute, VACUUM Wood 33 Pressed Metal Institute 29 Presses, ASSN. of American University 6 Pressure Sensitive Tape Council 29 Pretzel Bakers Institute, NATIONAL 25 Print 4 Allied Industries, INTERNATIONAL Assn. of Blue 15 Printed Paper Mat Institute 29 Printers of America, EMPLOYING 12 Printers - see Music, Silk, Textile Printing House Craftsmen, INTERNATIONAL Assn. of 16 Printing Equipment Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Printing Industry of America 29 Printing Assn. , SCREEN Process 30 Printing - see Electrotypers, Graphic Arts, Gravure Private Camps, ASSN. of 7 Private Hospitals, ASSN. of 7 Private Brand Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Procedures Assn. , SYSTEMS 4 32 Processed Paper Assn. , COATED and 10 Processed Apples Institute 29 Produce Exchange, NEW YORK 27 Produce Packaging Assn 29 Producers Council 29 Profit-Sharing Industries, COUNCIL of 10 Profit-Sharing Research Foundation 29 Propeller Club of the United States 29 Proprietary Assn '. 29 Prospectors 4 Mine Owners Assn 29 Protective Assn., EMPLOYMENT Agencies 12 Prune Export Assn., CALIFORNIA 9 Public Relations Assn. , AMERICAN College 2 Public Health Assn., AMERICAN 4 Public Power Assn., AMERICAN 4 Public Relations Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Public Welfare Assn., AMERICAN 4 Public Works Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Public Administration, AMERICAN Society of 5 Public Relations Assn. , FINANCIAL 12 Public Administration Clearing House 29 Public Affairs Information Service 29 Public Relations Society of America 29 Public Utilities Advertising Assn 29 Publications, AMERICAN Assn. of Commerce 2 Publications, ASSOCIATED Business 6 Publications, NATIONAL Business 22 Publishers Assn. , AGRICULTURAL : 1 Publishers, ASSN. of North American Directory 7 Publishers Assn. , CLASSROOM Periodical. . .' 9 Publishers Assn., PERIODICAL 28 Publishers Assn. , POULTRY 29 Publishers Assn. , PROTESTANT Church- Owned 29 Puerto Rican Trade Council 29 Pulp Importers, ASSN. of American Wood 6 Pulp Consumers, ASSN. of 7 Pulp & Paper Machinery Assn 29 Pulp Manufacturers Assn., SODA 31 Pulp Manufacturers Research League, SULPHITE 32 Pulp 4 Paper Industry, TECHNICAL Assn. of the 32 Pulp Producers Assn. , UNITED States 33 Pulp - see Paper Pulpwood Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Pulverizing Machinery & Equipment Assn 29 Pump Bureau, CONTRACTORS 10 Pump Manufacturers Assn., GASOLINE 13 Pump Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Domestic 4 Farm. 19 Pump Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Vertical Turbine 21 Purchasing Agents, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Purchasing Agents, NATIONAL Institute of Governmental 14 Quartermaster Assn .- 29 Racing Assns . , THOROUGHBRED 32 Rack Merchandisers Institute, AMERICAN 4 Radiator Manufacturers, INSTITUTE of Boiler 4 15 Radio-TV Dealers Assn., NATIONAL Appliance 18 Radio 4 Television Broadcasters, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Radio System, NATIONAL Mobile 24 Radio Advertising Bureau 29 Radio- Electronics- Television Manufacturers Assn 29 Radio Service Assn., SPECIAL 31 Radio - see Broadcasting, High Fidelity, Station Representatives Rail Steel Bar Assn 29 Railroad Assn. , AMERICAN Short Line , 4 (Railroad Equipment) Track Supply Assn 32 Railroads, ASSN., of American 6 Railway Supply Assn., ALLIED 1 Railway Bridge 4 Building Assn., AMERICAN 4 Railway Car Institute, AMERICAN 4 Railway Economics, BUREAU of 8 Railway Progress, FEDERATION For 12 Railway Appliance Manufacturers Assn 29 Railway Business Assn 29 Railway Car Export Corporation 29 Railway Electric Supply Manufacturers Assn 29 Railway 4 Industrial Spring Assn 29 Railway Progress Institute 29 Railway Supply Manufacturers Assn 29 Railway Telegraph 4 Telephone Appliance Assn 29 Railway Tie Assn 29 Railway - see Bridge, Car- Track Supply Raincoat Manufacturers Assn. , NEW YORK 27 Ramp Institute, INDUSTRIAL Lift 4 Loading 11 Ranchers Assn. , DUDE 11 Rayon Institute, AMERICAN 4 Rayon 4 Acetate Fiber Producers Group 29 Rayon Manufacturers Assn., SILK 4 30 Rayon Print Institute, SILK 4 30 Rayon Printers 4 Dyers Assn. of America, SILK 4 30 Real Estate Appraisers, AMERICAN Institute of 3 Real Estate Management, INSTITUTE of 15 Real Estate Boards, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Real Estate Brokers, NATIONAL Institute of 24 Real Property Federation, AMERICAN 4 Realtors, SOCIETY of Industrial 31 Reclamation Assn., NATIONAL 25 Record Industry Assn 30 Recorder-Controller Industry 30 Recording Industry Assn., MAGNETIC 17 Records Management Council, NATIONAL 25 Recreation Assn. , NATIONAL Industrial 24 Recreation Assn., NATIONAL 25 Redwood Assn., CALIFORNIA 9 Redwood Export Company 30 Reel Manufacturers Assn. , CLOTH 9 Refiners Assn. , INDEPENDENT 14 Refiners - see Petroleum Refractories Institute 30 Refractories Assn., SPECIAL 31 Refrigeration 4 Air Conditioning Contractors Assn 30 Refrigeration - see Air Conditioning 1 Refrigeration Manufacturers Assn. , COMMERCIAL 10 Refrigerator Sales Assn. , NATIONAL Commercial 22 Register Manufacturers Assn ' 30 Register Dealers Assn. , INDEPENDENT Cash 14 Reinforcing - Concrete, Steel Institute Relay Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Religious Dry Goods 30 Renders Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Rental System, NATIONAL Car 22 Research Institute, INDUSTRIAL 15 Research Council, NATIONAL " 18 Research 4 Development Associates, Food 4 Container Institute 30 Resistance Welder Manufacturers Assn 30 Resources for the Future 30 Restaurant Assn., NATIONAL 25 Restaurant - see Hotel Retail Assn. Executives, AMERICAN 4 Retail Federation, AMERICAN 4 Retail Assns . , CENTRAL Council of National 9 Retail Assns . , NATIONAL Conference of State 22 Retail - see Apparel, Appliance, Automobile, Bakers, Beverage, Booksellers, Buying, Carpet, Clothiers, Coal, College, Confectioners, Credit, Discount, Distribution, Drug, Druggists, Dry Goods, Farm Equipment, Florists, Food, Furniture, Furriers, Gift, Glass, Grocers, Hardware, Jewelers, Liquor, Luggage, Lumber, Main Order, Mailing List, Meat, Mobilehome, Music, Naval Stores, Office Machine, Paint, Petroleum, Photo, Restaurant, Shoe, Sporting Goods, Stamp, Stationery, Super Market, Tea, Theater Equipment, Tire, Tobacco, Used Car, Variety, Wall- paper. Also see Wholesale. Retreaders Assn. , NATIONAL Tire Dealers 4 26 (Ribbon) - Carbon Paper and Inked Ribbon Assn 9 Rice Exporters, CALIFORNIA 9 Rice Millers Assn 30 Rice Export Corporation, SOUTHERN 31 Rice Export Assn. , TEXAS 32 Rim Assn., NATIONAL Wheel 4 26 Rim Assn. , TIRE 4 32 Ring Traveler Manufacturers Assn 30 Rink Operators, UNITED 33 River 4 Harbor Contractors, NATIONAL Assn. of 20 Rivers 4 Harbors Congress, NATIONAL 25 Rivet Council, TUBULAR 4 Split 33 Road Builders Assn., AMERICAN 4 Road Federation, INTERNATIONAL 16 Roadside Business Assn 30 Robe, 4 Uniform Manufacturers, INDUSTRIAL Association of House Dress 15 Robert Morris Associates 30 Rock 4 Ore Crusher Assn 30 Rocket Society, AMERICAN 35 Roll Manufacturers Institute 30 Rolling Mill Machinery 4 Equipment Assn 30 Roof Deck Technical Institute, METAL 18 Roofing Industry Bureau, ASPHALT 6 xvi Roofing Contractors Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Roofing & Sheet Metal Crafts Institute 30 Roofing - see NERSICA 23 Rubber Bureau, NATURAL 27 Rubber Export Assn 30 Rubber Heel & Sole Institute 30 Rubber Manufacturers Assn 30 Rubber Reclaimers Assn 30 Rubber Trade Assn. of New York 30 Rubber - see Tire ^2 Rug Cleaning, National Institute of 24 Rug Importers Assn. , ORIENTAL 27 Rural Electric Cooperative Assn., NATIONAL 25 Sack Manufacturers Assn. , PAPER Shipping 28 Saddlery Hardware Manufacturers Assn. . .- 30 Safe Deposit Assn. , NEW YORK State 27 Safe Manufacturers National Assn 30 Safety Foundation, AUTOMOTIVE 7 Safety Equipment Assn. , INDUSTRIAL 15 Safety Education, NATIONAL Commission of Safety Council, NATIONAL 25 Safety Glass Institute 30 Salad Dressing Manufacturers Assn. , MAYONNAISE 17 Sales & Advertising Clubs, INTERNATIONAL Affiliation of 15 Sales Executives, NATIONAL 25 Sales Training Executives, NATIONAL Society of 26 Salesmens National Assn. , BUREAU of 8 Salesmens Organizations, NATIONAL Council of 22 Salmon Industry, ALASKA 1 Salt Producers Assn 30 Salvage Assn., UNITED States 33 Sand Assn. , NATIONAL Industrial 24 Sand & Gravel Assn., NATIONAL 25 Sanitary Supply Assn. , NATIONAL 25 Sanitary Institute of America 30 Sanitation Foundation, NATIONAL 25 Savings and Loan Institute, AMERICAN 4 Savings Banks, NATIONAL Assn. of Mutual 20 Savings and Loan League, NATIONAL 25 Savings and Loan League, UNITED States 33 Saw Manufacturers Assn. , BAND 8 Saw Manufacturers Assn. , HACK 14- Saw Mill Machinery Manufacturers Assn. 30 Saw Service Assn., UNITED 33 Scale Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Scarf Assn., NATIONAL Women's Neckwear and 27 School Service Institute, NATIONAL 26 School Bus Body Manufacturers Assn 30 Schools of Accountancy, AMERICAN Assn. of Professional 2 Schools of Business, AMERICAN Assn. of Collegiate 2 Schools, NATIONAL Assn. & Council of Business 19 Schools of Music, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Schools, NATIONAL Council of Technical 22 Science, AMERICAN Assn. for the Advancement of 2 Sciences, NATIONAL Academy of (National Research Council) 18 Scientific Apparatus Makers of America 30 Scientific Export Assn. , UNITED STATES 33 Scissors & Manicure Implement Manufacturers Assn., SHEARS, 30 Scrap Iron & Steel, INSTITUTE OF 15 Screen - see Printing, Textile Screw Assn. of the United States, EXPORT 12 Screw Nut Bureau, MACHINE 17 Screw Machine Products Assn., NATIONAL ; 26 Screw Research Assn 30 Screw Products Bureau, SOCKET 31 Screw Service Bureau, TAPPING 32 Screw Service Bureau, UNITED States Cap 33 Screw Service Bureau, UNITED States Machine 33 Screw Service Bureau, UNITED States Wood 33 Seafood Distributors Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Seafood Statistical Bureau 30 Seal & Label Institute 30 Seat Cover Manufacturers Assn. , AUTOMOBILE 7 Securities Dealers, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Security Industrial Assn., NATIONAL 26 Security Traders Assn., NATIONAL 26 Seed Trade Assn. , AMERICAN 4 Seed Assn., GARDEN 13 Seed Pea & Bean Group 30 Service Tools Institute 30 Sewage & Industrial Wastes Assns . , FEDERATION OF 12 Sewage Works Manufacturers Assn., WATER & 34 Sewer Pipe Assn. , CLAY 9 Sewing Machine Distributors, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Sewing Machine Trade Assn 30 Shade Institute of America, LAMP and 16 Shale Assn. , EXPANDED Clay 12 Shale Institute, EXPANDED 12 Shears, Scissors - Manicure Implement Manufacturers Assn 30 Sheet Metal Distributors, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Sheet Metal Crafts Institute, ROOFING, and 30 Sheet Metal Contractors National Assn 30 Shellac Manufacturers Assn. , AMERICAN Bleached 2 Shellac Importers Assn., UNITED States 33 Shingle Bureau, RED Cedar 30 Shingle Industry, UNITED States Red Cedar 33 Ship Chandlers, ASSOCIATED 6 Ship Brokers and Agents, ASSN . of 7 Shipbuilders Council of America 30 Ship Owners, ASSN. of American 6 Shipowners Assn. of the Pacific Coast 30 Shippers Advisory Boards, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Shipping, AMERICAN Bureau of 2 Shipping Container Institute, STEEL 32 Shipping - see Merchant Marine Ships - see Petroleum Carriers Shirt, Pajama, and Sportswear Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Shirt Institute 21 Shoe Manufacturers, GUILD of Better 30 Shoe Chain Stores, NATIONAL Assn. of 14 Shoe Wholesalers, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Shoe Board Conference, NATIONAL 21 Shoe Institute, NATIONAL '. 26 Shoe Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Shoe Pattern Manufacturers Assn., NATIONAL 26 Shoe Retailers Assn., NATIONAL 26 Shoe 8e. Leather Assn. , NEW ENGLAND 26 Shoe Service Institute of America 27 Shoe Shank Manufacturers Group 30 Shoemen, INDEPENDENT 30 Shopping Centers Institute ■ • 14 Shore & Beach Preservation Assn. , AMERICAN 30 Shoulder Pad Assn. , WOMEN 'S Apparel 15 Shovel Assn. , POWER Crane & 34 Shrimp Canners and Packers Assn., NATIONAL 29 Siding - see NERSICA 2. Sign Assn. , NATIONAL Electric 2^ Signal Appliance Assn 23 Silk Council, AMERICAN 30 Silk Assn., INTERNATIONAL 4 SiLk Commission Manufacturers Assn 16 Silk & Rayon Manufacturers Assn 30 Silk and Rayon Print Institute 30 Silk and Rayon Printers and Dyers Assn 30 Silo Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 30 Silver Users Assn 21 Silversmiths Assn., NEW ENGLAND Manufacturing Jewelers & 30 Silversmiths Guild of America, STERLING 27 Skating Rink Operators Assn. of Aaerica, ROLLER 32 Skating Rink - see United Rink Operators 30 Skein Dyers Assn. of America 33 Ski Manufacturers Assn., AMERICAN 30 Skirt & Neckwear Contractors Assn., GREATER Blouse •. 5 Skirt Manufacturers, INDUSTRIAL Council of Cloak, Suit and 15 Skirt Si Sportswear Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Slag Assn., NATIONAL 26 Slate Assn, NATIONAL 26 Slide Fastener Assn , . 30 Sliding Glass Door and Window Institute 31 Slipper 4 Playshoe Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Small Business - see page 31 Soap and Glycerine Producers, ASSN. of American 6 Soda Fountain Manufacturers Assn 31 Soda Pulp Manufacturers Assn 31 Sodium-Silicate Manufacturers Institute 31 Soft Drink Institute, NATIONAL Brands 22 Soft Drinks - see Canners, and Carbonated Beverages Soft Fibre Manufacturers Institute 31 Soup Mix Assn., NATIONAL 26 Soy Bean Assn., AMERICA 5 Soya Food Research Council 31 Soybean Processors Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Spain, American Chamber of Commerce in 2 Specialty Stores Assn 31 Spice Trade Assn., AMERICAN 5 Spinners Assn. , COMBED Yarn 10 Spinners Assn. , NATIONAL Metal 24 Spirits Institute, DISTILLED 11 Spirits Rectifiers, LEAGUE of Distilled 16 Spirits Wholesalers of America, WINE and 34 Split Pea Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Sponge and Chamois Institute 31 Sporting Goods Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute 31 Sporting Goods Jobbers Assn 31 Sportswear Contractors Assn., CHILDREN'S Dress, Cotton Dress, and 9 Sportswear Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of Shirt, Pajama and 21 Sportswear Assn. , NATIONAL Outerwear and 25 Sportswear Contractors Assn., WASHABLE Suits, Novelties and 34 Spray Manufacturers Assn., GRAPHIC Arts 13 Spray Painting and Finishing Equipment Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Sprayer & Duster Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Spring Export Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Spring Institute, LEAF 16 Spring Assn., RAILWAY and Industrial 29 Spring Manufacturers Assn 31 Spring Washer Institute 31 Sprinkler and Fire Control Assn. , NATIONAL Automatic 21 Sprinkler Irrigation Assn 31 Stamp Dealers Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Stamping - see Pressed Metal, National Metal Spinners Standard Parts Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Standards Assn. , AMERICAN 35 Staple and Stapling Machine Manufacturers Assn 31 (Starch) Corn Industries Research Foundation 10 Station Representatives Assn 31 Stationers Assn., WHOLESALE 34 Stationery Manufacturers Assn. , ENGRAVED 12 Stationery and Office Equipment Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Stationery and Tablet Manufacturers Assn. , PAPER 28 Statistical Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Steam Heating Equipment Manufacturers Assn 31 Steamship Assn., PACIFIC American 27 Steamship Freight Brokers Assn 31 Steatite Manufacturers Assn. (Talc) 31 Steel, AMERICAN Institute for Imported 3 Steel Construction, AMERICAN Institute of 3 Steel Institute, AMERICAN Iron and 3 Steel Warehouse A.ssn. , AMERICAN 5 Steel Transporters, ASSN. of Highway 5 Steel Distributors, ASSN. of 7 Steel Institute, CONCRETE Reinforcing 7 Steel Exporters, NATIONAL Assn. of 27 Steel Joist Institute 31 Steel Plate Fabricators Assn 31 Steel Products Warehouse Assn. 31 Steel - see Boiler, Cabinet, Door, Founders, Monorail, Rail Steel Bar, Tank, Window. Sterotypers - see Electrotypers Stock Exchange, AMERICAN 5 Stock Exchange Finns, ASSN. of 7 Stock Exchange, NEW YORK 27 Stock Company Assn 32 Stocking Manufacturers, INDEPENDENT Assn. of U Stockyards Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Stoker Manufacturers Assn 32 Stone Importers Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Stone Assn., NATIONAL Crushed 22 Stone Importers Assn. , BEAD and 8 Storage Assn. , CERTIFIED Cold Fur 9 Stores - see Retail Storm Window and Door Institute, NATIONAL Combination 22 Straw Good Importers, AMERICAN Assn. of Felt 2 Steam Improvement, NATIONAL Council for 22 Stripper Well Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Stucco Manufacturers Assn 32 Sugar Cane League, AMERICAN 5 Sugar Producers of Puerto Rico, ASSN . of 7 Sugar Assn. , FARMERS and Manufacturers Beet 12 Sugar Planters Assn. , HAWAIIAN 14 Sugar Brokers Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Sugar Research Foundation 32 Sugar Assn. , UNITED States Beet 33 Sugar Refiners Assn . , U.S. Cane 33 Sugar Council, UNITED States Cuban 33 Sugar - see Coffee, Milk Suggestion Systems, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Suit and Skirt Manufacturers, INDUSTRIAL Council of Cloak 15 Suit Industry Recovery Board, NATIONAL Coat and 22 Suits, Novelties, and Sportswear Assn., WASHABLE 34 Sun Glass Institute 32 Super Market Institute 32 Supply and Machinery Manufacturers Assn., AMERICAN 5 Supply Assn. , CENTRAL 9 Supply Assn., NATIONAL 26 Surety Bond Producers, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Surgical Trade Assn., AMERICAN 5 Surgical Trade Assn., MANUFACTURERS 17 Surplus Dealers, INSTITUTE of 15 Swedish Chamber of Commerce 32 Swiss Chamber of Commerce, AMERICAN- 5 Switzerland Cheese Assn 32 Syrup Manufacturers Assn., NATIONAL Fruit and 23 Systems and Procedures Assn. of America 32 Tablet Manufacturers Assn. , PAPER, Stationery and 28 Tack Manufacturers, AMERICAN Institute of 3 Tag Manufacturers Institute 32 Tailors and Designers Assn. of America, CUSTOM 11 (Talc) Steatite Manufacturers Assn 31 Tall Oils Assn 32 Tank Manufacturers Council, DOMESTIC Water 11 Tank Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Tank Truck Carriers, Inc., NATIONAL 26 Tank Institute, NATIONAL Truck Tank and Trailer 26 Tank Institute, NATIONAL Wood 27 Tank Manufacturers Assn. , OILFIELD 27 Tank Institute, STEEL 32 Tanners Council of America 32 Tape Council, PRESSURE Sensitive 29 Tapioca Institute 32 Tariff League, AMERICAN 5 Tax Assn., NATIONAL 26 Tax Equality Assn., NATIONAL 26 Tax Foundation 32 Tax Institute 32 Taxlcab Assn . , AMERICAN 5 Taxlcab Owners, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Tea and Coffee Merchants Assn. , NATIONAL Retail 25 Tea Assn. of the United States 32 Tea Council 32 Teachers Agencies, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Technical Schools, NATIONAL Council of 22 Technical Assn., NATIONAL 26 Technical Assn. of the Pulp and Paper Industry 32 Technological Advancement, COUNCIL for 10 Telephone Exchanges, ASSOCIATED 6 Telephone Assn. , UNITED STATES Independent 33 Telegraph Delivery Assn., FLORISTS 13 Telegraph and Telephone Appliance Assn. , RAILWAY 29 Television Broadcasters, NATIONAL Assn. of Radio and ... , 20 Television Assn., NATIONAL Community 22 Television Film Council, NATIONAL 26 Television Manufacturers Assn., RADIO-Electronics- 29 Television Bureau of Advertising 32 Television - and see TV Terra Cotta Institute, ARCHITECTURAL 6 Terrazzo and Mosaic Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Test Boring Contractors Assn 32 Testing Materials, AMERICAN Society for 35 Textbook Publishers Institute, AMERICAN 5 Textile Machinery Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Textile Screen Makers, Printers and Processors, ASSN. of 7 Textile Distributors, INSTITUTIONAL 4 Service 15 Textile Fabrics, NATIONAL Assn. of Finishers of 19 Textile Processors Guild, NATIONAL 26 Textile Traffic Bureau, NATIONAL 26 Textile Bag Manufacturers Assn 32 Textile Chemical Manufacturers Assn 32 Textile Distributors Institute 32 Textile Export Assn 32 Textile Fabrics Assn 32 Textile Refinishers Assn 32 Textile Research Institute 32 Textile Waste Exchange 32 Textile - also see Asbestos, Cloth, Cotton, Fabrics, Machinery Textiles, National Federation of 23 Theatre 4 Academy, AMERICAN National A Theatre, NATIONAL Assn. of the Legitimate 20 Theatre Equipment Dealers Assn 32 Theatre Equipment 4 Supply Manufacturers Assn 32 Theatre Owners of America 32 Third Class Mail Users, ASSOCIATED 6 Thread Machiners, INSTITUTE of 15 Thread Institute 32 Tie Foundation, MENS ' , . . 17 Tie Assn. , RAILWAY 29 Tie Fabrics Assn 32 Tie Manufacturers Assn. , BOW 8 Tile Institute, ASPHALT .........;.... 6 Tile Institute, FACING 12 Tile Contractors Assn 32 Tile Council 32 Tile Manufacturers Assn 32 (Tile) Structural Clay Products Institute 32 Timber Construction, AMERICAN Institute of 3 Tin Trade Assn., AMERICAN 5 Tin Bureau, MALAYAN 17 Tin Research Institute 32 Tire Manufacturers Export Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Tire Dealers & Retreaders Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Tire Retreading Institute 32 Tire & Rim Assn 32 Tissue Assn 32 Title Assn., AMERICAN 5 Tobacco Manufacturers, ASSOCIATED 6 (Tobacco) Bur ley Auction Warehouse Assn., CIGAR Institute 9 Tobacco Dealers Assn. , BURLEY Leaf 9 Tobacco Distributors, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Tobacco Council, PIPE & 28 Tobacco Dealers of America, RETAIL 30 Tobacco Associates 32 Tobacco Association of the United States 32 Tobacco Merchants Association 32 Toilet Goods Assn 32 Toiletry Merchandisers Assn 32 Tool Manufacturers Assn., CUTTING 11 Tool Institute, EQUIPMENT 12 Tool Society, FORGED 13 Tool Institute, METAL Cutting 18 Tool & Die Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Tool Manufacturers Institute, PIPE 28 Tool Manufacturers Assn. , POWDER Actuated 29 Tool and see Amertool, Machine, Tools Institute, SERVICE 30 (Tourists Courts) Quality Courts United, United Motor Courts 29 Toy Wholesalers Assn., NATIONAL 26 Toy Manufacturers Assn 32 Track Supply Assn 32 Trade Assn. Centers - see Appendix Trade - see Executives Trademark Assn. , UNITED States 33 Traffic Clubs of America, ASSOCIATED 6 Traffic League, NATIONAL Industrial 24 Traffic Bureau, NATIONAL Textile 26 Traffic Audit Bureau 32 Traffic Assn., UNITED States Clay Products 33 Trailer Manufacturers Assn., BOAT 8 Trailer Rental System Assn. , NATION-WIDE 18 Trailer Coach Assn 32 Trailer - see Mobile Homes Training Directors, AMERICAN Society of 5 Transit Assn., AMERICAN 5 Transmission Council, POWER 29 Transportation Advertising, NATIONAL Assn. of , 21 Transportation Assn. , NATIONAL Defense '. 22 Transportation Assn. , of America 33 Transportation - see Air, Automobile, Motor Bus, Truck, Railroads, Ships. Transporters, ASSN . of Highway Steel 7 Travel Agents, AMERICAN Society of 5 Travel Organizations, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Trouser Institute •• 33 Truck & Portable Elevator Manufacturers, ASSN. of Lift 7 Truck Manufacturers Assn., CASTER & Floor 9 Truck Assn. , INDUSTRIAL 15 Truck Carriers, NATIONAL Tank 26 Truck Leasing System, NATIONAL 26 Truck Tank & Trailer Tank Institute, NATIONAL 26 Truck Council of America, PRIVATE 29 Truck Body 4 Equipment Assn 33 Truck Mixer Manufacturers Bureau 33 Truck Trailer Manufacturers Assn 33 Trucking Assns . , AMERICAN 5 Trucking - see Oil Field, Cartage, Transporters Tube Manufacturers Assn. , COLLAPSIBLE 10 Tube' Institute, FORMED Steel 13 Tube Assn., NATIONAL Fibre Can & 23 Tub Assn. , WOODEN Pall 34 Tubular Exchange Manufacturers Assn 33 Tubular - see Pipings, Rivet Tufted Textile Manufacturers Assn 33 Tuna Boat Assn., AMERICAN 5 Tung Oil Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Tungsten Institute ^3 Tunnel - see Bridge Turnpike - see Bridge Turpentine Farmers Association Cooperative, AMERICAN 5 TV & Electronic Service Assns., NATIONAL Alliance of 18 TV Dealers Assn. , NATIONAL Appliance & Radio- 18 Typewriter Manufacturers Export Assn 33 Typographers Assn. of America, ADVERTISING 1 Typographic Composition Assn., INTERNATIONAL 16 Twine Assn., PAPER & 28 Underwear Assn., ALLIED 1 Underwear Institute ^ Underwriters Laboratories 33 Uniform Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Uniform Manufacturers Exchange 33 Uniform - see Dress United Rink Operators 33 University - see Colleges, Presses, Film Upholstery & Drapery Fabric Manufacturers Assn 33 Upholstery Nail Manufacturers Assn 33 Upholstery - see Coach Lace Uranium Ore Producers Assn 33 Urban Land Institute 33 Used Car Dealers Assn., NATIONAL 26 Utensil Manufacturers Council, ENAMELED 12 Utilities - see Gas, Electric, Power Vacuum Machinery Manufacturers Assn. , FLOOR & 13 Vacuum Cleaner Manufacturers Assn 33 Valve & Fittings Industry, MANUFACTURERS Standardization Society of the 17 Valve Manufacturers Assn '. ■ ^ Vanilla Bean Assn ^ Variety Stores Assn. , LIMITED Price 17 Variety Stores, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Varnish Production Clubs, FEDERATION of Paint & 12 Varnish & Lacquer Assn. , NATIONAL Paint 25 Varnish - see Paint Vault Assn., NATIONAL Concrete Burial 22 V-Belt Drive & Mechanical Power Transmission Assn., MULTIPLE 18 Vegetable Parchment Manufacturers Assn ^ Vegetable Growers, NATL. Assn. of Hot House - 20 Vegetable Assn. , UNITED Fresh Fruit & 33 Vegetable - see Oils & Fats Vending Machines - see National Automatic Merchandising Assn 21 Veneer Package Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Veneer Produc ts Assn. , FLAT 13 Veneer - see Hardwoods Venetian Blind Assn 34 Venezuelan Chamber of Commerce 34 Vermiculite Institute 34 Veterinary Laboratories, ASSOCIATED 6 Vinegar Institute 34 Vise Assn., MACHINISTS 17 Vision Institute, BETTER 8 Visual Assn. , NATIONAL Audio 21 Visual Presentation Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Vitamin Distributors Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Vitamin Foundation, NATIONAL 26 Vocational Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Voluntary Groups Institute, NATIONAL 26 Wallpaper Distributors of America, RETAIL Paint and 30 Wall Paper Institute 34 Wallpaper Wholesalers Assn 34 Walnut Manufacturers, AMERICAN 5 Walnut Export Sales Co 34 Warehouse Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Warehouse Assn. , NATIONAL Cotton Compress & Cotton 22 Warehouse - see Burley, Steel Products, Steel Warehousemens Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Warehousemens Assn. , NATIONAL Furniture 23 Warehousemens - see Movers 18 Warehouses, NATIONAL Assn. of Refrigerated 20 Warm Air Heating & Air Conditioning Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Waste Exchange, AMERICAN Cotton 2 Washer Institute, SPRING 31 Waste Material Dealers, NATIONAL Assn 21 Waste Exchange, TEXTILE 32 Wastes Assns . , FEDERATION of Sewage and Industrial 12 Watch Assn., AMERICAN 5 Watch Manufacturers Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Watch Manufacturers Assn. of America, CLOCK and 9 Watch Material Distributors Assn 34 (Watches) Horological Institute of America 14 Water Works Assn., AMERICAN 5 Water Proof ers Assn., CANVAS 9 Water Color & Craft Institute, CRAYON 10 Water Systems Council, ELECTRIC . . . 11 Water Tank Manufacturers Council, DOMESTIC 11 Water Conditioning Institute, INDUSTRIAL 15 Water Service Operators, NATIONAL Assn. of Soft 21 Water Carriers Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Water Well Assn., NATIONAL 26 Water Conditioning Foundation 34 Water & Sewage Works Manufacturers Assn 34 Waterproof Paper Manufacturers Assn 34 Waterproof ers Assn. , BUILDINC 8 Waterproofing Contractors Assn., BUILDING Cleaning and 8 Watershed Council, AMERICAN 5 Waterways Operators, AMERICAN 5 Wax Importers & Refiners Assn. , AMERICAN 5 Weatherstrip Research Institute 34 Webbing - see Elastic Fabric Welder Manufacturers Assn. , RESISTANCE 30 Welding Supply Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Well Assn. , NATIONAL Stripper 26 Well Assn., NATIONAL Water 26 Wescosa Lumber Assn 34 Wheat Flour Institute 34 Wheat - see Millers Wheel Manufacturers Assn, Buff & Polishing 8 Wheel & Rim Assn. , NATIONAL 26 Wheels, ASSN . of Manufacturers of Chilled Car , . . 7 Wholesale - all wholesale and retail groups are marked "d" in the directory section. See the key word "Re- tail" for a guide to associations of retailers. Wholesalers, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Window Manufacturers Assn. , ALUMINUM 1 Window & Door Institute, NATIONAL Combination Storm 22 Window Institute, SLIDING Glass Door & 31 Window Institute, STEEL 32 Wine Institute 34 Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America 34 Wire Goods Manufacturers Service Bureau, BRIGHT 8 Wire Manufacturers Assn., FINE & Specialty 12 Wire Cloth Institute, INDUSTRIAL 15 Wire Screening Bureau, INSECT 15 Wire Cloth Manufacturers Assn. , PAPER Mill Fourdrinier 28 Wire Assn 34 Wire Reinforcement Institute 34 Wire Machinery Builders Assn 34 Wire Products Assn. , WOVEN 34 Wirebound Box Manufacturers Assn 34 Wiring Bureau, NATIONAL Adequate 18 Woraens associations: see over 100 in National Assns. of the U.S. Women' s Headwear Assn. , EASTERN 11 Women's National Institute 34 Wood Fabric Institute, AMERICAN 5 Wood Preservers Assn., AMERICAN 5 Wood Window Institute, AMERICAN 5 Wood Pulp Importers, ASSN . of American 6 Wood Tank Institute, NATIONAL , , 27 Wood Preservers Institute, VACUUM 33 Wood Turners Service Bureau 34 Wood - see Heel, Pump, Pulpwood Wooden Box Assn., NATIONAL 27 Wooden Pallet Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL 27 Woodwork Institute, ARCHITECTURAL 6 Woodwork Manufacturers Assn. , NATIONAL 27 Woodwork Assn. , P0NDER0SA Pine 29 Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers Assn. 34 Wool Council, AMERICAN 5 Wool Manufacturers, NATIONAL Assn. of 21 Wool Trade Assn., NATIONAL 27 Wool Assn. of St. Louis, Raw Fur & 29 Wool Bureau 34 Woolen Wholesalers National Assn 34 Woolens, AMERICAN Trade Assn. for British 5 Woolknit Associates 34 Works - see Public, Water Woven Fabric Belting Manufacturers Assn. 34 Writing Paper Manufacturers Assn 34 Yacht Architects & Brokers Assn 34 Yarn Distributors, ASSN. of 7 Yarn Spinners Assn. , COMBED 10 Yarn Assn. , NATIONAL Hand Knitting 23 Yarn Merchants Assn 34 Yarn - see Durene .' 11 Yeast Council, BREWERS 8 Young Presidents Organization 34 Zinc Institute, AMERICAN 5 DIRECTORY Listed in this Directory are approximately 2,000 national organizations of "businessmen, of the 17,000 non-profit agencies of business firms in the United States. Most of the 15,000 regional, State and local organizations are affiliated with these national groups. In addition the listing includes a small num- ber of other organizations with which national trade associations often cooperate. Certain types of associations can be located quickly because of symbols placed after their names in this Section. The designations are general in nature; for example, some producer groups also include whole- salers: 950 marked "p" are of producers: manufacturers and mining companies. 330 marked "d" are of distribu- tors: wholesalers or retailers. 300 marked "f" have a special interest in foreign trade or affairs. 580 marked "1" have larger than average staffs. ABRASIVE GRAIN ASSOCIATION (mfrs. of abrasives) (p-f-l) . W. B. Thomas, mgr., Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio In this office are other national associations start- ing with the following words: Air Distribution, American Supply, Cemented Carbide, Enameled Utensil, Galvanized Ware, Grinding Wheel, Milk Bottle Crate, Milk Can, Steel Door. ACOUSTICAL MATERIALS ASSOCIATION (l) . Wallace Waterfall, ex. sec, 57 E. 55th St., New York 22, N.Y. ADHESIVES MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . (p-1) . Kenyon L. Loomis, industrial consultant. 441 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD OF THE DRESS INDUSTRY (p-l) . Harry Uviller, impartial chmn., 1440 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. ADVERTISING COUNCIL (1). T.S. Repplier, pres., 25 W. 45th St., New York 36, N.Y. ADVERTISING FEDERATION OF AMERICA (l). Elon G. Borton, pres., 250 W 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. ADVERTISING RESEARCH FOUNDATION (l). A.W. Lehman, mg. dir., 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. ADVERTISING SPECIALTY GUILD (d) . J.M. Segel, sec, 6053 Pine Sto, Philadelphia 43, Pa. ADVERTISING SPECIALTY NATIONAL ASSN. (p-d) . Ralph Thomas, ex. dir., 114-5-19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. ADVERTISING TYPOGRAPHERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . Glenn C. Camp ton, ex. sec, 4-61 Eighth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. ADVISORY COUNCIL ON FEDERAL REPORTS. Russell W. Schneider, ex. sec, 1001 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AERONAUTICAL TRAINING SOCIETY. Wayne M. Weishaar, sec, 1115-17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AFFILIATED DRESS MANUFACTURERS, INC. (p-l). Abraham Katz, gen. mgr., 1440 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. AGRICULTURAL AMMONIA INSTITUTE (p) . J.F. Crisweli, sec, Claridge Hotel, Memphis, Tenn. AGRICULTURAL PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (p) „ E.C. Nash, ex. sec, 333 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, 111. AIRC0ACH TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION. A.J. Rome, pres., 777 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. AIR COMPRESSOR RESEARCH COUNCIL (p-f-l). H.P. Dolan, ex. dir., 27 E. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. In this office are other associations, starting with the following words: Caster & Floor Truck, Investment Casting, Multiple V-Belt Drive, Vinegar Institute. AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE (p-f-l) (formerly Air Conditioning & Refrigerating Machinery Assn.). George S. Jones, mg. dir., Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION WHOLESALERS ASSOCIATION (d) . (formerly, Refrigeration Equipment Wholesalers Assn.). A. Starr Hull, ex. sec, 2607 N. High St., Columbus 2, Ohio AIRCRAFT INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-f-l) . DeWitt C. Ramsey, pres., Shoreham Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. AIRCRAFT L0CKNUT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . George P. Byrne, sec, 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. In this office are other associations, starting with the following words: American Institute of Tack, Bleeder Heater, Bright Wire Goods, Decorative Light- ing, Dowel Pin, Drapery Fixture, Electric Fuse, Expansion Joint, Hydraulic Jack, Level Manufacturers, Machine Screw Nut, Pipe Tool, Service Tools, Shears, Scissors, Socket Screw, Steatite, Tapping Screw, Tubular & Split Rivet, Tubular Exchanger, U.S. Cap Screw, U.S. Machine Screw, U.S. Wood Screw, Upholstery Nail. AIRCRAFT SERVICE ASSOCIATION. H.C. Stuart, pres., 1001 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AIR DISTRIBUTION INSTITUTE (p) . (see Abrasive Grain Association). Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio AIR FILTER INSTITUTE (p) . A. Nutting, sec, 215 Central Ave., Louisville 8, Ky. AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION (l) (see Armed Forces-Industrial Assns.). J.H. Straubel, ex. dir., 704-17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AIRLINE GROUND TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION. Herbert J. DeGraff, mg. dir., 501 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL ASSOCIATION. H.C. Balliaan, sec, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh 13, Pa. AIR FREIGHT FORWARDERS ASSOCIATION. H.K. Maclay, ex. v-pres., 1317 F St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. AIR MOVING AND CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION (p-f-l). (formed in 1956 as a merger of Industrial Unit Heater Assn. , National Assn. of Fan Mfrs., and Power Fan Manufactur- ers Assn.). Lewis 0. Monroe, ex. v-pres., 2159 Guard- ian Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. AIRPORT OPERATORS COUNCIL. Everitt T. Burnard, ex. sec, 1700 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (f-l) . Stuart G. Tipton, pres., 1107-16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. ALASKA SALMON INDUSTRY (canners) (p-f-l). W.C. Arnold, mg. 0ir., 200 Colman Bldg., Seattle 4, Wash. ALLIED FARM EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f ) . Harold Halter, mg. dir., 1014 Locust St., St. Louis 1, Mo. ALLIED NON-THEATRICAL FILM ASSOCIATION (Merged with National Audio Visual Assn. ) . ALLIED RAILWAY SUPPLY ASSOCIATION (p) . C.F. Weil, sec, Box 5522, Chicago 80, 111. ALLIED STATES ASSOCIATION OF MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITORS (has a drive-in theater department). A.F. Myers, gen. counsel, Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. ALLIED UNDERWEAR ASSOCIATION (p) . Meyer B. Eliasoph, ex. dir., 152 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. ALLOY CASTING INSTITUTE (p) . S.A. Schoefer, ex. v-pres., 32 Third Ave., Mineola, N.Y. ALLOY TANK MANUFACTURERS COUNCIL (now part of National Assn. of Dairy Equipment Manufacturers) . ALUMINUM ASSOCIATION (p-f). Donald M. White, sec, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ALUMINUM EXTRUDERS COUNCIL (p) . Philip Lemelman, ex. sec. 209 Washington St., Boston 8, Mass. ALUMINUM SMELTERS RESEARCH INSTITUTE (p) (formerly Aluminum Research Institute). Carl H. Burton, sec, 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. ALUMINUM WARES ASSOCIATION (p) (cooking utensils) . Stuart J. Swensson, sec, First National Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. For other associations with the same management, see American Hot Dip Galvanizers and Open Steel Flooring Institute. ALUMINUM WINDOW MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . (Organization Service Corp.). Herbert S. Blake, Jr., sec, 75 West St., New York 6, N.Y. In this office are other associations, starting with the following words: Coach Lace, Felt Assn„, Industrial Wire Cloth, Insect Wire Screen, Pin, Clip & Fastener, Power Crane & Shovel, Saddlery Hardware, School Bus Body, Spring Washer, Staple & Stapling Machine. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF GENERAL PRACTICE (l) . (medical) . M.F. Cahal, ex. sec, Broadway at 34th St., Kansas City 11, Mo. AMERICAN ANIMAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION. Wayne Riser, ex. sec, 5335 Touhy Ave., Skokie, 111. AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION, (f-l) . J. Noble Braden, ex. v-pres., 4-77 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE (f-l). Dr. Dael Wolfle, sec, 1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ADVERTISING AGENCIES (f-l). Frederic R. Gamble, pres., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGIATE SCHOOLS OF BUSINESS. M.R. Greene, ex. sec, 101 N. Skinker St., St. Louis 5, Mo. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE PUBLICATIONS (p) . Chamber of Commerce, Arthur Kochendorfer, pres., Toledo 4, Ohio AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. C.W. Wood- ward, ex. sec, 220 N. Main St., Burlington, Iowa AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ENGLISH-JEWISH NEWSPAPERS (p) . Jacques Back, pres., 730-1/2 Commerce St., Nashville, Tenn. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF FELT & STRAW GOODS IMPORTERS (d-f). Louis Marbe Cohn, dir., 15 West 37th St., New York 18, N.Y. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF FILM PRODUCERS (p) . James E. Holmes, sec, Rt. 1, Blackthorn Rd., Deerfield, 111. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF FUND-RAISING COUNSEL. David M. Church, ex. dir., 500 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MACHINERY IMPORTERS (d-f). G.R. Vonderahe, pres., 115 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MANAGING GENERAL AGENTS (in- surance). Herbert C. Stebbins, sec, 1250 Stout St., Denver 4, Colorado AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVES. Stephen W. Hamlyn, sec, 477 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN (p-l) . Richard P. White, ex. v-pres., Southern Building, N.W., Washing- ton 5, D.C. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSING HOMES. Frank C. Bateman, ex. dir., Hotel Bancroft, Springfield, Ohio AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF OILWELL DRILLING CONTRACTORS. Brad Mills, ex. v-pres., 505 N. Ervay St., Dallas 1, Texas AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PORT AUTHORITIES (f ) . Paul Amundsen, pres., 919 -11th Street, N.W., Washington 1, D.C. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS OF ACCOUNT- ANCY. John T. Kennedy, pres., 1100-16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SMALL BUSINESS (see Small Business) . AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION (l) . Russell E. Singer, ex. v-pres., 1712 G St. N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE TOURING ALLIANCE (f ) . J. Maxwell Smith, pres., 220 S. Broad St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. AMERICAN BAKERS ASSOCIATION (p-l). E.E. Kelley, Jr., pres., 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, 111. AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION (f-l). Merle E. Selechman, ex. mgr., 12 E. 36th St., New York 16, N.Y. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION (l). Joseph Stecher, sec, 1155 E. 60th St., Chicago 37, 111. AMERICAN BLEACHED SHELLAC MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Henry E. Blanchford, sec, 65 Pine St., New York 5, N.Y. AMERICAN BOAT BUILDERS & REPAIRERS ASSOCIATION (p-f ) '. J.F. Healy, Jr., ex. sec, 2382 Grand Concourse, Bronx 58, N.Y. AMERICAN BOILER & AFFILIATED INDUSTRIES (p) . Henry E. Aldrich, mgr., 15 Park Row, New York 38, N.Y. AMERICAN BOILER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION & AFFILIATED INDUSTRIES (p). A.C. Baker, sec, 1571 W. 117th St., Cleveland 7, Ohio AMERICAN BOOK PUBLISHERS COUNCIL (p-l). Dan Lacey, mg. dir. 24 W. 40th St., New York 18, N.Y. AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION (d-l) . Joseph A. Duffy, ex. sec, 452 Fifth Ave., New York 18, N.Y. AMERICAN BOTTLERS OF CARBONATED BEVERAGES (d-l) (soft drinks). John J. Riley, sec, 1128 16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION (f ) . J. Gordon Leahy, ex. sec, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. AMERICAN BRIDGE, TUNNEL & TURNPIKE ASSOCIATION. J. Allyn Stearns, sec, Box 745, White Plains, N.Y. AMERICAN BRUSH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Robert C. Fernley, sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. In this office are other associations, starting with the following words : Aviation Distributors, National Assn. of Aluminum, National Assn. of Sheet Metal, National Commercial Refrigerator, National Industrial Distributors, National Piano, National Welding, National Wholesale Hardware, National Whole- sale Jewelers, Resistance Welder, United Saw, Wood- working Machinery. AMERICAN BUREAU OF METAL STATISTICS (p-f-l). R.R. Eckert, dir., 50 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. For other associa- tions with the same management, see: Copper Institute, U.S. Copper Assn. AMERICAN BUREAU OF SHIPPING (f-l). Daniel L. Parry, sec, 45 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. American Business Congress (See Small Business) . AMERICAN BUTTER INSTITUTE (p-l). Russell Fifer, ex. sec, 110 N. Franklin St., Chicago 6, 111. AMERICAN BUTTON MOULD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Samuel Luloff, sec, 274 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. AMERICAN CARNIVALS ASSOCIATION. Max Cohen, sec, 39 State St., Rochester 14, N.Y. AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXECUTIVES (formerly, National Assn. of Commercial Organization Secretaries) Ralph G. Bradford, mgr., 1615 H St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN SPAIN (f) . 125 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR TRADE WITH ITALY (f ) . Mario F. Hutton, ex. sec, 105 Hudson St., New York 13, N.Y. AMERICAN CLOAK & SUIT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Louis Goldspinner, ex. dir., 450 Seventh Ave., New York 1, N.Y. AMERICAN COAL SALES ASSOCIATION (d). W.W. Bayfield, ex. v-pres., 1625 Eye St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN COCOA RESEARCH INSTITUTE (p-f) . (& Assn. of Cocoa & Chocolate Manufacturers) Gordon P. Peyton, sec, Dupont Circle Bldg. N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN COKE & COAL CHEMICALS INSTITUTE (p-f) . Samuel Weiss, pres., 711-14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. AMERICAN COLLECTORS ASSOCIATION (l) . Glenn B. Sandberg, ex. sec, 5011 Ewing Ave. S., Minneapolis 10, Minn. AMERICAN COLLEGE PUBLIC RELATIONS ASSOCIATION. Marvin W. Topping, ex. sec, 726 Jackson Place, N.W., Wash- ington 6, D.C. AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE (p-l) . William A. Maples, sec, 18263 W. McNichols Rd., Detroit 19, Mich. AMERICAN CONCRETE PIPE ASSOCIATION (p) . Howard F. Peck- worth, mg. dir., 228 N. La Salle St., Chicago 1, 111. (also Office of the American Concrete Pressure Pipe Assn. and American Concrete Agricultural Pipe Assn.) AMERICAN CORN MILLERS FEDERATION (p) . Harry Hunter, sec, 173 West Madison St., Chicago 2, 111. AMERICAN COTTON LINTER ASSOCIATION (p-f). M.E. Mann, sec, Box 1305, Atlanta 1, Ga. AMERICAN COTTON MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p-f-l) . Robert C. Jackson, ex. v-pres., Johnston Bldg., Charlotte 2, N.C. AMERICAN COTTON SHIPPERS ASSOCIATION .(d-f). (exporters, etc.). Sam G. Lorlng, ex. v-pres., Box 1022, Memphis 1, Tenn. AMERICAN COTTON WASTE EXCHANGE (d-f). F.E. Hanington, Jr., sec, 222 Summer St., Boston 10, Mass. AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION (l). Arthur S. Adams, pres., 1785 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN COUNCIL OF INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES. Harold M. Dudley, ex. sec, 4302 East- West Highway, N.W., Wash- ington 14-, D.C. AMERICAN CUTLERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Ray- mond J. Walter, ex. sec, 511 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. In this office are other associations, start- ing with the following words: Bakery Equipment, Grain Processing Machinery, N.Y. State Safe Deposit, Sun Glass. AMERICAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION (l). L.J. Will, gen. mgr., 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, 111. AMERICAN DEHYDRATORS ASSOCIATION (alfalfa meal, etc.). Joseph Chrisman, ex. v-pres., Dwight Building, Kansas City 5, Mo. AMERICAN DENTAL TRADE ASSOCIATION (p-d-l) . WiLmoth C. Mack, sec, 1010 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. AMERICAN DIE CASTING INSTITUTE (p-f-l) . W.J. Parker, sec, 366 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. In this office are other associations, starting with the following words: Automotive Lift, Die Casting Re- search, Forging Manufacturers, Industrial Lift, National Assn. of Lace Curtain, Safe Manufacturers. AMERICAN DOG FEED INSTITUTE (p) . Elliot Balestier, ex. sec, 210 Main St. (Rm. 304), Hackensack, N.J. AMERICAN DRUG MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Karl Bambach, Ex. v-pres., 14-26 G St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. AMERICAN DRY MILK INSTITUTE (p-f-l). B.W. Fairbanks, dir., 221 N. LaSalle St., Chicago 1, 111. AMERICAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION (l). James W. Bell, sec, Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. AMERICAN ELECTROPLATERS SOCIETY (p) . P. Peter Kovatis, ex. sec, 445 Broad St., Newark 2, N.J. AMERICAN ENTERPRISE ASSOCIATION (1). W.J. Baroody, ex. v-pres., 1012-14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. AMERICAN FAIR TRADE COUNCIL. John W. Anderson, pres., 1075 Grant Ave., Gary, Ind. AMERICAN FEED MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . W.E. Glennon, pres., 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. AMERICAN FILM EXPORT ASSOCIATION (f) . (Export Act assn.) K.S. Barefcrd, sec, 321 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. AMERICAN FINANCE CONFERENCE (l) (instalment loans). Thomas W. Rogers, ex. v-pres., 176 W. Adams St., Chicago 3, III. AMERICAN FLIGHT STRIPS ASSOCIATION. S.S. Hanks, trustee, 475 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN FOREST FRODUCTS INDUSTRIES (l) (reforestation & fire prevention services). Charles A. Gillett, mg. dir., 1816 N St., N. W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN FOUNDRYMENS SOCIETY (l) . Wm. W. Maloney, gen. mgr., Golf & Wolf Rds., Des Plaines, 111. AMERICAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS & EMBALMERS ASSOCIATION. M. Riley, sec, Box 1416, Boston, Mass. AMERICAN FUR LINERS CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION. Joseph J. Bernstein, actuary. 370 Seventh Ave., New York 1, N.Y, AMERICAN FUR MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION (d-f-l) . William Kolodney, ex. dir., 224 W. 30th St., New York 1, N.Y. AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Chester S. Stackpole, mg. dir., 420 Lexington Ave,, New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN GEM & MINERAL SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION. Mable Sterns, ex. sec, 1115-17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f ) . John C. Sears, ex. sec, 1 Thomas Circle N.W., Washington 5, D.C. AMERICAN GLASSWARE ASSOCIATION (p-f). H.L. Dillingham, sec, 19 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. AMERICAN HARDWARE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f) . Arthur L. Faubel, sec, 342 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. For other associations with the same manage- ment, see Cork Institute, Manufacturers Surgical Trade Assn. AMERICAN HELICOPTER SOCIETY. Harry Lounsbury, ex. sec, 2 E. 64th St., New York 21, N.Y. AMERICAN HOME ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION (l) . Mildred Horton, ex. sec, 1600 20th St., N.W., Washington 9, D.C. AMERICAN HOME LAUNDRY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f) . {formerly American Washer & Ironer Manufacturers Assn.). Guenther Baumgart, ex. dir., 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, 111. AMERICAN HOME LIGHTING INSTITUTE (p) . Ted Cox, sec, 542 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 11, 111. AMERICAN HONEY INSTITUTE (p-d-l) . Harriett M. Grace, dir., Commercial Bank Bldg., Madison 3, Wis. AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION (l). Edwin L. Crosby, dir., 18 E. Division St., Chicago 10, 111. AMERICAN HOT DIP GALVANIZERS ASSOCIATION (p) . (see Aluminum Wares Assn.). Stuart J. Swensson, sec, First National Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. AMERICAN HOTEL ASSOCIATION (l) . Charles A. Horrworth, ex. v-pres., 221 W. 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. AMERICAN-INDONESIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f). Ladd I. Johnson, ex. sec, 120 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL BANKERS ASSOCIATION (1). Myron R. Bone, ex. v-pres., Lincoln Tower, Fort Wayne 2, Ind. AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. R.D. Siverson, sec, 1615 H St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE ASSOCIATION (l). Henry F. Smyth, Jr., ex. sec, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh 13, Pa. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BAKING (p-l). (the scientific & educational organization of the American Bakers Assn.). H.O. Hunter, pres., 400 E. Ontario St., Chicago 11, 111. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS (l) . Edmund R. Purves, ex. dir., 1735 New York Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING (l). Robert C. Rutherford, sec, 12 E. 36th St., New York 16, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF DECORATORS. William D. Hamilton, ex. sec, 673 Fifth Ave., New York 22, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF FOOD DISTRIBUTION (l). Gordon C. Corbaley, pres., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS (l) (printing). Joyce Morrow, ex. admin., 5 E. 40th St., New York 16, N.Y, AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR IMPORTED STEEL (d-f). Joseph L. Wilmotte, sec, 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS (see Small Business) . AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF LAUNDERING (l). Albert Johnson, gen. mgr., Drawer 1187, Joliet, 111. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT (1). Jackson Martin- dell, dir., 125 E. 38th St., New York 16, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MARINE UNDERWRITERS (f-l) . Carl E. McDowell, ex. v-pres., 99 John St., New York 38, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MENS & BOYS WEAR (p-d-l) . Francis D. Pratt, gen. mfr., 175 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR PROPERTY & LIABILITY UNDER- WRITERS. S.S. Huebner, chmn., 3924 Walnut St., Phila- delphia, Pa. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS. Harry G. Atkinson, ex. v-pres., 36 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION (p-f-l) . L. Abbett Post, ex. v-pres., 101 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TACK MANUFACTURERS (p) . (see Air- craft Locknut Manufacturers Assn. ) . 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION (p) . Frank J. Hanrahan, ex. v-pres., 1757 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF WHOLESALE PLUMBING & HEATING SUPPLY ASSOCIATIONS (d) . G.T, Underwood, ex. sec, 1426 G St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. AMERICAN INSURANCE ASSOCIATION (was Insurance Execu- tives Assn.). J.D. Erskine, sec, 116 John St., New York 38, N.Y. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR ECONOMIC & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (f-i). Walter L. Crawford, dir., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. AMERICAN IRON & STEEL INSTITUTE (p-f-l) . Max D. Howell, ex. dir., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. AMERICAN ISRAEL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (f-l) . Z. Sitchin, ex. dir., 250 W. 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. American Jeweled Watch Manufacturers Association (now American Watch Manufacturers Assn.). AMERICAN KNIT HANDWEAR ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Associa- tion of Knitted Glove & Mitten Manufacturers) Harry A. Moss, ex. sec, 52 S. Main St., Gloversville, N.Y. AMERICAN LACE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . E.F. Wal- ker, ex. dir., 76 Westminister St., Providence 3, R.I. AMERICAN LADDER INSTITUTE (p) . Don E. Mcwry, ex. sec, 666 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 11, 111. American Leather Belting Association (now National Industrial Leather Assn.). AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (l). David H. Clift, ex. sec, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 11, 111. AMERICAN LIFE CONVENTION (1). Claris Adams, ex. v-pres., 230 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, 111. American Machine & Parts Association, (semi -dormant; see Machinery and Allied Products Institute.). AMERICAN MACHINE TOOL DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION (d-f). James C. Kelley, gen. mfr., 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. AMERICAN MACHINE TOOL EXPORT ASSOCIATES (d-f) . (Export Act assn.). Fred M. Read, gen. mgr., 30 Church St., New York 7, N.Y. AMERICAN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (f-l) . Lawrence A. Appley, pres., 1515 Broadway, New York 36, N.Y. AMERICAN MANGANESE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION (p-f ) . J.C. Adkerson, pres., National Pres Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION (l) . William C. Gordon, Jr., ex. dir., 27 E. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. AMERICAN MATERIAL HANDLING SOCIETY. Arthur E. Fryer, adm. sec, 638 Phillips Ave., Toledo 12, Ohio AMERICAN MEAT INSTITUTE (p-f-l) . Wesley Hardehbergh, pres., 59 E. Van Buren St., Chicago 5, 111. AMERICAN MEAT INSTITUTE FOUNDATION (p-l) . H.R. Kray- bill, dir., 939 E. 57 St., Chicago 37, 111. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (l) . G.F. Lull, gen. mgr., 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago 10, 111. AMERICAN MERCHANT MARINE INSTITUTE (f-l) . Ralph E. Casey, pres., 11 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. AMERICAN METAL ETCHING MANUFACTURERS TRADE ASSOCIATION (p). George Summers, sec, 1625 K St., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. AMERICAN MINING CONGRESS (p-f-l) . Julian D. Conover, ex. v-pres., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN MONUMENT ASSOCIATION (p-d) (formerly American Granite Assn.), Walter Lillico, ex. v-pres., 282 Delaware Ave., Buffalo 2, N.Y. AMERICAN MOTEL ASSOCIATION. Arnold W. Kattermann, gen. mgr., 75 N. Maple Ave., Ridgewood, N.J. AMERICAN MOTOR HOTEL ASSOCIATION. Florenz HInz, ex. dir., VFW Bldg., Kansas City 11, Mo. American Municipal Assn. (see Public Administration). AMERICAN MUSIC CONFERENCE. John W. Fulton, ex. v-pres., 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. AMERICAN MUSIC GUILD. Donald H. Sultner, v-pres., 29 W. 65th St., New York 23, N.Y. AMERICAN MUTUAL ALLIANCE (l) . Newell R. Johnson, gen. mgr., 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, 111. For other associations with the same management, see: Federa- tion of Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, National Assn. of Automotive Mutual Insurance, National Assn. of Mutual Casualty Companies. AMERICAN NATIONAL RETAIL JEWELERS ASSOCIATION (d-l) . Charles M. Isaac, ex. v-pres., 551 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN NATIONAL THEATER & ACADEMY. Clarence Derwent, pres., 1545 Broadway, New York 36, N.Y. AMERICAN NEWSPA D ER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Cranston Williams, gen. mgr., 370 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN OFFICE SUPPLY EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION (d-f). David Manley, sec, 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. AMERICAN ORDNANCE ASSOCIATION (l) . L.A. Codd, ex. v-pres. 704 17th St. N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION. R.P. Chapman, ex. sec, 326 W. 3rd St., Davenport, Iowa AMERICAN PAPER & PULP ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . E.W. Tinker, ex. sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN PATENT' LAW ASSOCIATION. Charlotte E. Gauer, ex. sec, National Press Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. AMERICAN PERSONNEL & GUIDANCE ASSOCIATION. Frank L, Sievers, ex. sec, 1534 St. N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN PETROLEUM INDUSTRIES COMMITTEE (p-d). John H. Bivins, dir., 50 W. 50th St., New York 20, N.Y. AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE (p-d-f-l) . Frank Porter, pres., 50 W. 50th St., New York 20, N.Y. AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION (l) . Robert P. Flschelis, gen. mgr., 2215 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington 7, D.C. AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f- 1). J.0. Closs, ex. sec, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. AMERICAN PH0T0ENGRAVERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Frank J. Schreiber, ex. sec, 166 W. Van Buren St., Chicago 4, 111. AMERICAN PLANT FOOD COUNCIL (now National Plant Food Institute) . AMERICAN-PORTUGUESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f ) . David Freiberger, sec, 90 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. AMERICAN POTASH INSTITUTE (p-f-l). H.B. Mann, pres., 1102 16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN POULTRY & HATCHERY FEDERATION (l) (formerly International Baby Chick Assn.). Don M. Turnbull, ex. sec, 521 E. 63rd St., Kansas City 6, Mo. AMERICAN POWER BOAT ASSOCIATION. Carl Johnson, sec, 700 Canton Ave., Detroit 7, Mich. AMERICAN PROTESTANT HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION. Albert G. Hahn, ex. dir., 600 Mary St., Evansville, Ind. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION (I). Reginald M. Atwater, ex. sec, 1790 Broadway, New York 19, N.Y. AMERICAN PUBLIC POWER ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Alex Radin, gen. mgr., 1757 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN PUBLIC RELATIONS ASSOCIATION. Daniel M. Koplik, ex. dir., 1010 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. American Public Welfare Association, (see Public Adminis- tration) . American Public Works Association, (see Public Adminis- tration) . AMERICAN PULPWOOD ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . W.S. Bromley, ex. sec, 220 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN RACK MERCHANDISERS INSTITUTE (d) . L. Bowden DeForest, ex. v-pres., Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, 111. AMERICAN RAILWAY BRIDGE & BUILDING ASSOCIATION (p) . E. LaChance, sec, 431 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, 111. AMERICAN RAILWAY CAR INSTITUTE (p-f-l) . G. Metzman, pres., 19 E. 47th St., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN RAYON INSTITUTE (p) (promotion agency of Rayon & Acetate Fiber Producers Group). Matthew H. O'Brien, sec, 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. AMERICAN REAL, PROPERTY FEDERATION. Herbert U. Nelson, sec, 1028 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN RETAIL ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES (d) . Sadie Hart- man, sec, 315 Fourth Ave., N., Nashville 3, Tenn. AMERICAN RETAIL COAL ASSOCIATION (d) . R.J. Johanson, ex. sec, 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. AMERICAN RETAIL FEDERATION (d-l). Rowland Jones, Jr., pres., 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. (affiliates include Central Council of National Retail Assns., National Conference of State Retail Assns.). AMERICAN ROAD BUILDERS ASSOCIATION (l). Louis W. Pren- tiss, ex. v-pres., 918 16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN SAVINGS & LOAN INSTITUTE. Max E. Lieurance, ex. v-pres., 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago 1, 111. AMERICAN SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE ASSOCIATION. John Perryman, ex. sec, P.O. Box 8811, Denver 10, Colorado AMERICAN SEAFOOD DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION (d-f). Eliza- beth Guhring, Asst. sec, 917 15th St., N.W., Washing- ton 5, D.C. AMERICAN SEED TRADE ASSOCIATION (d-l) . William Heckendorn, ex. sec, 30 N. La Salle St., Chicago 2, 111. American Service Bureau (affiliate of the American Life Convention) . AMERICAN SHORT LINE RAILROAD ASSOCIATION (l). J.M. Hood, pres., 2000 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN SILK COUNCIL (d-f) (importers, etc.). John NcN. Sullivan, pres., 489 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN SKI MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . William Mason, sec, c/o Derby & Ball Co., Waterbury, Vt. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES. "before May 1956, American Trade Association Execu- tives.) Reuel W. Elton, ex. v-pres., 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AUCTIONEERS (d). Jack Stinson, sec, 818 Olive St., St. Louis 1, Mo. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHARTERED LIFE UNDERWRITERS (l) . Leroy G. Steinbeck, mg. dir., 3924 Walnut St., Phila- delphia 4, Pa. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF COMPOSERS, AUTHORS, AND PUBLISHERS (ASCAP) (l). Paul Cunningham, pres., 575 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR METALS (p-l) . W.H. Eisenman, sec, 7301 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio American Society of Planning Officials, (see Public Administration) . American Society of Public Administration, (see Public Administration) . AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TRAINING DIRECTORS. Russell L. Moberly, pres., 2020 University Ave., Madison 5, Wis. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PHOTOGRAMMERTY (air mapping). C.E. Palmer, Sec, 1000 11th St., N.W. Washington 1, D.C. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TRAVEL AGENTS (d-f-l) . William F. McGrath, ex. v-pres., 501 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN SOY BEAN ASSOCIATION (d). George M. Strayer, ex. v-pres., Hudson, Iowa AMERICAN SPICE TRADE ASSOCIATION (d-f ) . Stewart P. Wands, ex. sec, 82 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. AMERICAN SPRING EXPORT ASSOCIATION (p-d-f ) . (Export Act assn.) C.R. Ould, sec, 30 Church St., New York 7, N.Y. AMERICAN STAMP DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d).' Peter G. Keller, sec, 116 Nassau St., New York 38, N.Y. AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION (1) . Donald Riley, sec, 1108 16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN STEEL WAREHOUSE ASSOCIATION (d-f). Walter S. Doxsey, pres., Terminal Tower Bldg., Cleveland 13, Ohio AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE (l) (formerly New York Curb Exchange). Edward T. McCormick, pres., 86 Trinity Place, New York 6, N.Y. AMERICAN STOCKYARDS ASSOCIATION. A.Z. Baker, pres., Terminal Tower Bldg., Cleveland 13, Ohio AMERICAN STONE IMPORTERS ASSOCIATION (d-f) (precious, etc.). Lloyd V. Lassner, sec, 10 W. 47th St., New York 36, N.Y. AMERICAN SUGAR CANE LEAGUE (p) . G.J. Durbin, gen. mgr., Whitney Bldg., New Orleans 12, La. AMERICAN SUPPLY & MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. (p) . (see Abrasive Grain Association). Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio AMERICAN SURGICAL TRADE ASSOCIATION (p-d-f-l) . Frank M. Rhatigan, sec, 176 W. Adams St., Chicago 3, 111. AMERICAN-SWISS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f) . Ernest Buehler, pres., 103 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 3, 111. AMERICAN TARIFF LEAGUE (p-f-l) . Richard H. Anthony, ex. sec, 19 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. AMERICAN TAXICAB ASSOCIATION. M.H. Smith, ex. sec, 4415 N. California Ave,, Chicago 25, 111. AMERICAN TEXTBOOK PUBLISHERS INSTITUTE (p-f ) . Lloyd W. King, ex. sec, 1 Madison Ave., New York 10, N.Y. AMERICAN TEXTILE MACHINERY ASSOCIATION (p-f). (formerly National Assn. of Textile Machinery Manufacturers) . Mildred B. Andrews, ex. sec, Route 4, Box 110, Vienna, Va. AMERICAN TIN TRADE ASSOCIATION (d-f) (Importers, etc). Joan Hill, sec, 24 State St., New York 4, N.Y. AMERICAN TIRE MANUFACTURERS EXPORT ASSOCIATION, (p-d-f) . W.J. Thomson, sec, 30 Church St., New York 7, N.Y. (Export Act assn. ; railroad steel tires) , AMERICAN TITLE ASSOCIATION (l). J.E. Sheridan, ex. v- pres., 3608 Guardian Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. American Toll Bridge Assn. (see American Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Assn.). American Toy Institute (research division, Toy Manu- facturers of the U.S.). AMERICAN TRADE ASSOCIATION FOR BRITISH WOOLENS (d-f). (importers, etc.) Bernard B. Smith, counsel, 460 Park Ave., New York 22, N.Y. 5 American Trade Association Executives (see American Society of Association Executives) AMERICAN TRANSIT ASSOCIATION (l). George W. Anderson, ex. v-pres., 292 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. AMERICAN TRUCKING ASSOCIATIONS (l). John V. Lawrence, mg. air., 1424 16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Within the American Trucking Assns. are many quasi - separate "conference" and "bureau" groups, such as those for automobile transporters, contract carriers, films, household goods, local cartage, movers, muni- tions, oil field equipment, tank trucks, etc., also, regular route common carriers, and irregular route common carriers. AMERICAN TUNA30AT ASSOCIATION (p-f). Harold F. Cary, gen. mgr., Fishermen's Wharf, San Diego, Calif. AMERICAN TUNG OIL ASSOCIATION (p-f). Roland R. Becke, sec, Box 288, Poplarville, Miss. AMERICAN TURPENTINE FARMERS ASSOCIATION COOPERATIVE (p-f). A.R. Shirley, mgr., 108 W. Hill Ave., Valdosta, Ga. AMERICAN VENEER PACKAGE ASSOCIATION (p) . Alvin A. Voges, sec-mgr., 1225-1/2 N. Orange Ave., Orlando, Fla. AMERICAN VOCATIONAL ASSOCIATION (l). M.D. Mobley, ex. sec, 1010 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. AMERICAN WALNUT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f) . Charles H. White, sec-mgr., 666 N. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago 11, 111. AMERICAN WAREHOUSEMENS ASSOCIATION (l). William Dalton, gen., sec, Tower Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. AMERICAN WAREHOUSEMENS ASSOCIATION, Merchandising Division. Donald E. Horton, ex. sec, 222 W. Adams St., Chicago 6, 111. American Washer & Ironer Manufacturers Association. (see American Home Laundry Manufacturers Assn.). AMERICAN WATCH ASSOCIATION (formerly American Watch Assemblers Assn.). Samuel W. Anderson, pres., 1700 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN WATCH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f) (formerly American Jeweled Watch Manufacturers Assn.). Paul F. Mickey, v-pres., Shoreham Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION (l) (a professional assn. of engineers). Harry E. Jordan, sec, 2 Park Ave., New York 16, N.Y. AMERICAN WATERSHED COUNCIL. J.H. Jones, sec, 1320 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN WATERWAYS OPERATORS, INC. Chester C. Thompson, pres., 1319 F St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. AMERICAN WAX IMPORTERS & REFINERS ASSOCIATION (d-f) . Walter Gantenbein, sec, c/o Distributing & Trading Co., 444 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. AMERICAN WOOD PRESERVERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . William A. Penrose, sec, 839 17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. In this office are other associations, starting with the following words: Clothespin, Fine & Specialty Wire, Flat Veneer Products, Paper Mill Fourdrinier Wire. American Wood Window Institute (now a division of the Ponderosa Pine Woodwork Assn.). AMERICAN WOOD FABRIC INSTITUTE (p) . Robert N. Hawes, gen., counsel. 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN WOOL COUNCIL (f ) (a member of the Wool Bureau) . J.M. Jones, sec, Crandall Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah AMERICAN ZINC INSTITUTE (p-f-l). J.L. Kimberley, ex. v-pres., 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. AMERT00L SERVICES, INC. (d-f) (Export Act assn.). E.W. Mueller, sec, 4701 Marburg Ave., Cincinnati 9, Ohio ANIMAL HEALTH INSTITUTE (p) (mfrs. of serums, etc). D.L. Bruner, ex. sec, Des Moines Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa ANTHRACITE EXPORT ASSOCIATION (p-f) (Export Act assn.). John D. Jillson, sec, Old River Rd., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ANTHRACITE INSTITUTE (p-f-l) (coal mining). F.W. Earnest, Jr., pres., 237 Old River Rd., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ANTI-FRICTION BEARING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . H.0. Smith, sec-mgr., 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. APPALACHIAN HARDWOOD MANUFACTURERS, INC. (p-l) . C.H. Clendening, sec, 414 Walnut St., Cincinnati 2, Ohio APPLIANCE PARTS JOBBERS ASSOCIATION (d). Charles S. Skiff, mug. dir., Box 73, Station M, Cincinnati 27, Ohio ARCHITECTURAL TERRA COTTA INSTITUTE (p) (in office of Structural Clay Products). Karl Mathiasen, sec, 1520 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK INSTITUTE (p-d-f-l) . Byrne Marcellus, ex. sec, 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. In this office are other associations, start- ing with the following words : Canned Chop Suey, Dry Pea Marketing, Garden Seed, Hospital Industries, Millwork Cost, Mobile Housing Carriers, National Pecan Shellers, National Split Pea, Popcorn Insitute, Popcorn Processors, Seed Pea, & Bean Group. ARGENTINE -AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f). P.E. Sibilia, sec, 11 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. For other associations with the same management, see Australian Trade Assn., Peruvian- American Assn. ARMED FORCES CHEMICAL ASSOCIATION. O.E. Roberts, sec, 2025 Eye St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. ARMED FORCES COMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS ASSOCIATION (l). George P. Dixon, ex. v-pres., 1624 Eye St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. ARMED FORCES-INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATIONS. The following are composed of present and retired military personnel plus manufacturing companies in the fields which sup- ply materials for national defense needs : Air Force Assn., American Ordnance Assn., Armed Forces Chemi- cal Assn., Armed Forces Communications and Electron- ics Assn., Assn. of the U.S. Army, National Defense Transportation Assn., National Security Industrial Assn., Quartermaster Assn., U.S. Armor Assn. ART & ANTIQUE DEALERS LEAGUE OF AMERICA (d) . James P. Montllor, ex. sec, 629 Lexington Ave., New York 22, N.Y. ARTIFICIAL FLOWER MANUFACTURERS BOARD OF TRADE (p) . Lillian Ungar, ex. sec, 135 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. ASBESTOS CEMENT PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION (p-f) . Chester C. Kelsey, mgr., 509 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. ASBESTOS TEXTILE INSTITUTE (p-f). M.C. Shaw Sec, c/o Philadelphia Textile Institute, Philadelphia 44, Pa. ASPHALT INSTITUTE (p-f-l) . J.E. Buchanan, pres., As- phalt Bldg., University of Maryland, College Park, Md. ASPHALT ROOFING INDUSTRY BUREAU (p) . J.S. Bryant, Mng. dir., 50 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. ASPHALT TILE INSTITUTE (p) . Charles B. Whittelsey, Jr., mng. dir., 101 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATED BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. (p-f-l). William K. Beard, pres., 205 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATED CHURCH FRESS (p) . William B. Lipphard, ex. sec, 152 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. ASSOCIATED CIGAR BOX MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICA (p) . Leon Singer, sec, 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. ASSOCIATED COOPERAGE INDUSTRIES OF AMERICA (p) . Mark Thompson, sec, 408 Olive St., St. Louis 2, Mo. ASSOCIATED COURT & COMMERCIAL NEWSPAPERS (p) . Joseph G. Stadelman, Jr., sec, 34 N. La Salle St., Chicago 2, 111. ASSOCIATED CREDIT BUREAUS OF AMERICA (d-l) . Harold A. Wallace, ex. v-pres., 7000 Chippewa St., St. Louis 19, Mo. ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS (d) . (construction). P.D. Hermann, ex. sec, 30 E. Cedar St., Chicago 11, 111. ASSOCIATED FISHING TACKLE MANUFACTURERS (p) . John M. Holmes, sec, Bond Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. ASSOCIATED FUR MANUFACTURERS (p-f-l) . (formerly Assoc- iated Fur Coat & Trimming Manufacturers) J. George Greenberg, mgr., 101 W. 30th St., New York 1, N.Y. ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA (l). Herbert E. Foreman, mng. dir., Munsey Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. ASSOCIATED GREETING CARD DISTRIBUTORS OF AMERICA (p) . Benjamin Strauss, sec, 96 Fifth Ave., New York 11, N.Y. ASSOCIATED INDEPENDENT CANNERS (p) . H.R. Burr, asst. sec, Box 1229, Madison, Wis. ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALERS (d) . Frank Morgan, sec, 500 Warburton Ave., Yonkers 3, N.Y. ASSOCIATED JEWELERS OF AMERICA (d) . Albert Tralins, pres., 71 W. 47th St., New York 36, N.Y. ASSOCIATED MANUFACTURERS OF TUBULAR PIPINGS & TRIMMINGS (p) . Samuel Scholnick, pres., 590 8th Ave., New York 18, N.Y. ASSOCIATED MANUFACTURERS OF WASHABLE SERVICE APPAREL (p) . Henry J. Fox, gen. counsel, 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. ASSOCIATED MASTER BARBERS & BEAUTICIANS OF AMERICA (l). Blair J. Sharp, gen. sec, 537 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, 111. ASSOCIATED MOTION PICTURE ADVERTISERS. David A. Bader, pres., 130 W. 46th St., New York 36, N.Y. Associated Pants Manufacturers of America, (see Trouser Institute of America) ASSOCIATED RETAIL BAKERS OF AMERICA (d-l). Gertrude J. Schurr, ex. sec, 735 W. Sheridan Rd., Chicago 13, 111. ASSOCIATED RETAIL CONFECTIONERS OF THE UNITED STATES (d). William D. Blatner, sec, 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago 1, 111. Associated Ship Chandlers (see National Associated Marine Suppliers) . Associated Tavern Owners of America (see National. Licensed Beverage Assn) . ASSOCIATED TELEPHONE EXCHANGES, INC. Stella Jenks, ex. sec, 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 2, 111. ASSOCIATED THIRD CLASS MAIL USERS, INC. Harry J. Maginnis, ex. mgr., 1406 G St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. ASSOCIATED TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS (p-f). Edward F. Rag- land, ex. sec, Willard Hotel, N.W., Washington 4, D.C. ASSOCIATED TRAFFIC CLUBS OF AMERICA. Raymond P. DeGroote, sec, 110 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. ASSOCIATED VETERINARY LABORATORIES, INC, E.S. Bott, sec, Box 87, East St. Louis, 111. Associates of the Food and Container Institute (see Re- search & Development Associates, Food & Container Institute) . ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN BATTERY MANUFACTURERS (p) . V.L. Smithers, ex. sec, 70 Cherry St., Akron 8, Ohio ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PLAYING CARD MANUFACTURERS (p) . Charles Rice, ex. sec, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS (l). William T. Faricy, pres., Transportation Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN SHIP OWNERS (f) . George W. Morgan, pres., 76 Beaver St., New York 5, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN SOAP & GLYCERINE PRODUCERS (p- f-1). Roy Peet, mgr., 295 Maidson Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PRESSES (p) . University of North Carolina. Lambert Davis, pres., Chapel Hill, N.C. ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN WOOD PULP IMPORTERS (d-f ) . Per Westad, sec, 290 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF AVERAGE ADJUSTERS OF THE UNITED STATES. Anthony B. Cataldo, sec, 102 Maiden Lane, New York 5, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF BETTER BUSINESS BUREAUS (d-l). Victor H. Nyborg, pres., 405 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF BOYS & STUDENTS CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS (p) . Harry A. Cabrin, ex. sec, 220 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF BUYING OFFICES (d-f). William Burston, sec, 100 W. 31st St., New York 1, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF CASUALTY & SURETY COMPANIES. J.D. Dor- sett, gen. mgr., 60 John St., New York 38, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF CINEMA LABORATORIES (p) . Neal Keehn, pres., 1226 Wisconsin Ave. N.W., Washington 7, D.C. ASSOCIATION OF COCOA & CHOCOLATE MANUFACTURERS OF THE U.S. (p-f). (also office of American Cocoa Research Institute). Gordon P. Peyton, sec, Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Association of Comic Magazine Publishers (see Comics Magazine Assn.)< ASSOCIATION OF COMMODITY EXCHANGE FIRMS. John Pepion, ex. v-pres., 2 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCIAL FINANCE COMPANIES. Herbert A. Buseh, ex. sec, 1270 Broadway, New York 1, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF CONSULTING MANAGEMENT ENGINEERS (manage- ment companies). Philip W. Shay, ex. sec, 34-7 Madi- son Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF COTTON TEXTILE MERCHANTS OF NEW YORK (d-f). W. Ray Bell, pres., 40 Worth St., New York 13, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF COTTON YARN DISTRIBUTORS (d) . Frank E. Slack, pres., 12 S. 12th St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. ASSOCIATION OF EDISON ILLUMINATING COMPANIES (p) . Robert Gale, sec, 51 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRONIC PARTS & EQUIPMENT MANUFAC- TURERS (p). (sales mgrs., etc.). Kenneth C. Prince, ex. sec, 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. Association of Export Advertising Agencies (now Assn. of International Advertising Agencies) . ASSOCIATION OF FOOD DISTRIBUTORS (d-f). (importers, etc.). T.R. Schoonmaker, ex. sec, 100 Hudson St., New York 13, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF HIGHWAY STEEL TRANSPORTERS. J.J. Kuhner, sec, Society for Savings Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT OPTICAL WHOLESALERS (d) . H.G. Wright, ex. sec, 222 W. Adams St., Chicago 6, 111. ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE ADVERTISERS. Charles Rowan, ex. sec, 324 E. Wisconsin Ave. , Milwaukee 2, Wis. ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL ADVERTISING AGENCIES (f) . R.W. Battan, sec, 405 Lexington Ave . , New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE COMPANY BUYERS (l). Donald Sleight, sec, 140 Garden St., Hartford 5, Conn. ASSOCIATION OF KNITTED FABRICS MANUFACTURERS (p) . Jacob P. Rosenbaum, ex. dir., 1450 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. Association of Knitted Glove & Mitten Manufacturers. (see American Knit Handwear Assn.). ASSOCIATION OF LIFT TRUCK & PORTABLE ELEVATOR MANU- FACTURERS (p) . Joel A. Goldthwait, ex. sec, Box 66, Medfield, Mass. ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS OF CHILLED CAR WHEELS (p- 1). CM. Stoner, ex. v-pres., 445 N. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago 12, 111. Association of Manufacturers of Wood-Working Machinery (now Wood-Working Machinery Manufacturers Assn.). ASSOCIATION OF MARINE UNDERWRITERS OF THE UNITED STATES Carl E. McDowell, ex. v-pres., 99 John St., New York 38, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF MOTION PICTURE PRODUCERS (p-l) . James S. Howie, sec, 8480 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 48, Calif. ASSOCIATION OF MILL & ELEVATOR MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANIES. Harry C. Lee, gen. mgr., 400 W. Madison St., Chicago 6, 111. Association of Narrow Fabrics Manufacturers (now Narrow Fabrics Institute) . ASSOCIATION OF NATIONAL ADVERTISERS (f-l) . Paul B. West, pres., 155 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS (p) . E.J. Loranger, v-pres., 244 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF PACIFIC FISHERIES (p-f ) . E.D. Clark, sec, 200 Colman Bldg., Seattle 4, Wash. ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM RE-REFINERS (p) . V.T. Worthing- ton, pres., 1500 N. Quincy St., Arlington 7, Va. ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE CAMPS. Maxwell M. Alexander, ex. sec, 55 W. 42nd St., New York 18, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE HOSPITALS. Oscar Gottfried, ex. sec, 1440 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAMMETRISTS (p) . J.G. Ladd, ex. sec, 17 Dupont Circle, N.W., Washington 6, D.C. ASSOCIATION OF PULP CONSUMERS (p-f) . Reed R. Porter, ex. sec, 250 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF RESERVE CITY BANKERS. Joseph J. Schroeder, sec, 105 W. Adams St., Chicago 3, 111. ASSOCIATION OF ROLLER & SILENT CHAIN MANUFACTURERS (p) . A.L. Taylor, ex. sec, 3343 Central Ave., Indianapolis 5, Ind. ASSOCIATION OF SHIP BROKERS & AGENTS (d-f). John M. Reynolds, sec, 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF SPROCKET CHAIN MANUFACTURERS (p) . Mark L. Patterson, ex. sec, 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. ASSOCIATION OF STATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT AGENCIES. L.H. Prince, sec, 1026 17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. ASSOCIATION OF STEEL DISTRIBUTORS (d-f). Morris Rosoff, gen. counsel, 29 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF STOCK EXCHANGE FIRMS. Henry W. Putnam, ex. dir., 25 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF SUGAR PRODUCERS OF PUERTO RICE (p-f) . Dudley Smith, v-pres., Shoreham Bldg., N.W., Washing- ton 5, D.C. ASSOCIATION OF TEXTILE SCREEN MAKERS, PRINTERS, AND PROCESSORS (p) . Irving D. Goodstein, counsel. 30 Vesey St., New York 7, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S. ARMY (l) (military and manufac- turers). Arthur Symons, sec, 1519 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. ATHLETIC GOODS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (& Athletic Institute) (p) . George J. Herrmann, ex. sec, 209 S. State St., Chicago 4, 111. For other associations with the same management, see Golf Ball Manufacturers, Na- tional Assn. of Golf Club Manufacturers, National Golf Foundation. ATOMIC INDUSTRIAL FORUM (p-f-l) (companies, assns., etc) Charles Robbins, ex. mgr., 260 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. AUSTRALIAN TRADE ASSOCIATION (f ) . P.E. Sibilia, sec, 11 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. AUTOCLAVE BUILDING PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Sand-Lime Brick Assn.). Henry deGues, sec, 4058 Wood St., Saginaw, Mich. AUTOMATIC PHONOGRAPH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Loren P. Meyer, sec, 1603 Orrington Ave., Evanston, 111. AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l). William J. Cronin, mng. dir., New Center Bldg., Detroit 2, Mich. AUTOMOBILE SEAT COVER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Henry Sternberg, pres., 1711 Pratt Blvd., Chicago 26, 111. AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICA (p) . Herman L. Erlichman, mgr. 20 E. Herman St., Phila- delphia 44, Pa. AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION (p-l). S.W. Potter, ex. sec, 16223 Meyers, Detroit 35, Mich. AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE REBUILDERS ASSOCIATION (p) . R.G. Patterson, ex. v-pres., 419 N. Capitol Ave., Indiana- polis 4, Ind. AUTOMOTIVE EXHAUST RESEARCH INSTITUTE (p) . Roy L. Bur- ton, sec, Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio AUTOMOTIVE LIFT INSTITUTE (p) . (see American Die Casting Institute). 366 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . (formerly Automotive & Aviation Parts Manufacturers Assn.). Frank Rising, gen. mgr., 16219 Meyers, Detroit 35, Mich. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS REBUILDERS ASSOCIATION (p) . E.J. 0' Sullivan, ex. sec, 220 S. State St., Chicago 4, 111. AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY FOUNDATION (l). J.O. Mattson, Pres., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AUTOMOTIVE TRADE ASSOCIATION MANAGERS (d) . Frank R. Broadway, sec, 175 W. Bowery St., Akron 8, Ohio AUTOMOTIVE UNDERCOATING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . D.W. Maher, acting sec, 411 Piquette Ave., Detroit 2, Mich. AVIATION DISTRIBUTORS & MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-d) (see American Brush Manufacturers Assn.). H. Donald Richards, ex. sec, 1900 Arch St., Phila- delphia 3, Pa. BAKERY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see American Cutlery Manufacturers Assn.). 511 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. BAND SAW MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Manu- facturers of Hard Edge Flexible Back, Metal Cutting Band Saws). Robert C. Bell, Jr., Mg. dlr., 350 Madi- son Ave., New York 17, N.Y. BANKERS ASSOCIATION FOR FOREIGN TRADE (f ) . G.H. Chittenden, sec, .23 Wall St., New York 8, N.Y. BARLEY & MALT INSTITUTE (p) . A.H. Dyer, gen. mgr. 228 N. La Salle St., Chicago 1, 111. BARN EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION (p) . W. Floyd Keepers, ex. sec, 330 S. Wells St., Chicago 6, 111. For other associations with the same management, see National Barnyard & Poultry Equipment Council and National Sprayer & Duster Assn. BARRE GRANITE ASSOCIATION (p-1) . R.T. McBride, gen. mgr., 51 Church St., Barre, Vt. Batch Pasteurizer Manufacturers Council (merged with National Assn. of Dairy Equipment Manufacturers) . BEAD & STONE IMPORTERS ASSN. (f) . Ben Blank, sec, 171 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. BEATER, JORDAN & ALLIED EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (paper mill machinery) . O.G. Saxon, sec, 53 Edgehill Road, New Haven, Conn. BEAUTY & BARBER SUPPLY INSTITUTE (d). Joseph Byrne, sec, 19 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. BEE INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. R.H. Dadant, sec, Hamilton, 111. BELGIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE U.S. (f ) . Alexander Varchaver, sec, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. BELT ASSOCIATION (p) (personal wear) . Herbert Novick, ex. dlr., 300 W. 40th St., New York 18, N.Y. BETTER LIGHT BETTER SIGHT BUREAU (p) (electrical manufacturers). Edward A. Campbell, mgr., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. BETTER VISION INSTITUTE (p-l) (eyesight conservation) Michael J. Julian, pres., 630 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. BEVERAGE MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . J.R. Pat Gorman, sec, 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. BICYCLE INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (p-d-f ) . John Auerbach, ex. sec, (also of Bicycle Manufacturers Assn.). 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. BILLIARD & BOWLING INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Stanley W. Hoffman, ex. sec, 5921 N. Broad St., Philadelphia 41, Pa. BISCUIT & CRACKER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p). Walter H. Dietz, sec, 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. BITUMINOUS COAL INSTITUTE (a department of National Coal Assn. ; public relations and advertising activities) . BITUMINOUS COAL RESEARCH, INC. (technical research bureau affiliate of National Coal Assn.). C.A. Reed, sec, Southern Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. BITUMINOUS PIPE INSTITUTE (p) . Frank H. Baxter, sec, 370 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. In this office are other associations, starting with the following words: Electrical Service Connector, Line Hardware Institute, Seal & Label Institute, Tag Mfrs. Insti- tute. BLEEDER HEATER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Air- craft Lockout Mfrs. Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. BLOTTING PAPER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . E.G. Lagerloef, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. BOAT TRAILER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Guy W. Hughes, ex. dir., 307 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, 111. BOBBIN MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Matthew E. Ward, sec, Hospital Trust Bldg., Providence 3, R.I. BOOK MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) . 25 W. 43rd St., New York 36, N.Y. BOOK PAPER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Merrill R. Smeeth, ex. sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. BOTTLE FERMENTED CHAMPAGNE PRODUCERS (p) . F.M. Ludwick, ex. v-pres., Barr Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. BOW TIE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Samuel Rothstein, counsel, 51 Chambers St., New York 7, N.Y. BOWLING PROPRIETORS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Howard C. Seehausen, ex. dlr., 185 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago 1, 111. BOYS APPAREL & ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l). Jules Goldstein, counsel. 347 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. In this office are other associations, starting with the following words : International Assn. of Garment Manuf acturers, National Outerwear & Sports- wear, Trouser Institute. Brake Lining Manufacturers Assn. (see Friction Materials Standards Institute) . BRAND NAMES FOUNDATION (p-l) (manufacturers of adver- tised brand-marked products). H.E. Abt, pres., 437 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. BRASS & BRONZE INGOT INSTITUTE (p) . I. Glueck, sec- mgr., 308 W. Washington St., Chicago 6, 111. BRASS FORGING ASSOCIATION (now part of Copper & Brass Research Assn.) . BRATTICE CLOTH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (processors of jute cloth non-inflammable fabric). F.C. Larson, pres., 40 Worth St., New York 13, N.Y. BRAZIL NUT ASSOCIATION (d-f) (importers, etc). T.R. Schoonmaker, ex. sec, 100 Hudson St., New York 13, N.Y. BREWERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-l) (formerly Small Brewers Assn.). W.M. O'Shea, ex. sec, 188 W. Randolph St., Chicago 1, 111. BREWERS YEAST COUNCIL (p) . Elsie Singruen, Tech. dlr., 605 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. BRIDGE & BUILDING SUPPLY ASSOCIATION (p) . Roy Gurley, sec, 201 N. Wells St., Chicago 6, 111. BRIGHT WIRE GOODS MANUFACTURERS SERVICE BUREAU (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn. ) . 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. BRITISH COMMONWEALTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE UNITED STATES (f-1). L.J.N. Blyde, sec, 677 Fifth Ave., New York 22, N.Y. Broadcast Advertising Bureau (now Radio Advertising Bureau) . BUFF & POLISHING WHEEL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . H.L. Gaardsmoe, sec, 110 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. BUILDING CLEANING & WATERPROOFING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIA- TION. Alexander Eltman, ex. dir., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. BUILDING MATERIAL EXHIBITORS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . R.G. Breeden, sec, 530 Echo Lane, Glenview, 111. For other associations with the same management, see Insulating Siding Assn., Insulating Siding Core Board Assn., Pressure Sensitive Tape Council. BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE (of National Research Council). W.H. Scheick, ex. dir., 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington 25, D.C. BUILDING WATERPROOFERS ASSOCIATION. Irving P. Zinbarg, ex. dir., 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. BUREAU OF ACCIDENT & HEALTH UNDERWRITERS (merged with Health Insurance Assn.). J.F. Follmann, gen. mgr., 60 John St., New York 33, N.Y. BUREAU OF ADVERTISING (of American Newspaper Publishers Assn.). (1). Harold S. Barnes, dir., 570 Lexington Ave., New York 22, N.Y. BUREAU OF CONTRACT INFORMATION (l). W.D. Dean, gen. mgr., Tower Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. BUREAU OF EXPLOSIVES (of Assn. of American Railroad) (1). H.A. Campbell, chief inspector, 30 Vesey St., New York 7, N.Y. BUREAU OF RAILWAY ECONOMICS (of the Assn. of American Railroads) (l). J. Elmer Monroe- dir., Transportation Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C.' BUREAU OF RAW MATERIALS FOR AMERICAN VEGETABLE OILS & FATS INDUSTRIES (p) . John B. Gordon, sec, National Press Bldg., Washington 4, D.C. BUREAU OF SALESMEN'S NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS (d-1) . Mar- shall J. Mantler, Mg. dir., Bona Allen Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. BURLAP COUNCIL (of the Indian Jute Mills Assn.) (f) . William A. Nugent, v-pres., 155 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. BURLAP & JUTE ASSOCIATION (d-f) (importers, etc.). R.S. Carraway, sec, 425 W. 25th St., New York 1, N.Y. HURLEY AUCTION WAREHOUSE ASSOCIATION (d) (tobacco). William C. Clay, Jr., counsel. 50 Broadway, Mt. Sterling, Ky. BURLEY LEAF TOBACCO DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d-f). Lorenzo K. Wood, counsel, Louisville Trust Bldg., Louisville 2, Ky. BUSINESS FOEMS INSTITUTE (p) . H.M. Meloney, ex. sec, 20 Church St., Greenwich, Conn. CAB RESEARCH BUREAU. H.I. Gwilym, ex. dir., Leader Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio CALCIUM CHLORIDE INSTITUTE (p-l) (formerly, Calcium Chloride Assn.). G.H. Kimber, pres., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d-f) (Export Act assn.). A.E. Thorpe, exec, v-pres., 1 Drumm St., San Francisco 11, Calif. CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS EXCHANGE (see Sunkist Growers, Inc. ) . CALIFORNIA OLIVE ASSOCIATION (p) . Erline Hevel, sec, 461 Market St., San Francisco 15, Calif. CALIFORNIA PRUNE EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d-f) (Export Act assn.). W.S. Follett, acting sec, 1 Drumm St., San Francisco 11, Calif. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . P.T. Farns- worth, gen. mgr., 576 Sacramento St., San Francisco, 11, Calif. CALIFORNIA RICE EXPORTERS (d-f) (Export Act assn.). Harry M. Creech, chmn., 114 Sansome St., San Fran- cisco 4, Calif. CAN MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p-f-l). H.F. White, ex. v-pres., Shoreham Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. CANDLE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . H.R. Parker, sec, 19 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. CANNED CHOP SUEY FOODS INDUSTRY (p) (see Architectural Woodwork Institute of America). 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. CANNERS LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA (p-f-l) . M.A. Clevenger, ex. v-pres., 215 Market St., San Francisco 5, Calif. CANNING MACHINERY & SUPPLIES ASSOCIATION (p-f ) . W.D. Lewis, sec, 4630 Montgomery Ave., N.W., Washington 14, D.C. CANVAS WATER PROOFERS ASSOCIATION. E.L. Johnson, pres., Box 32, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. CARBON BLACK EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d-f-l) (Export Act assn.). H.L. Titus, pres., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. CAREON PAPER & INKED RIBBON ASSOCIATION. George Link, Jr., sec, 711 Third Ave., New York 17, N.Y. For other associations with the same management, see Coated Abrasives Manufacturers Institute and Durex Abrasives Corporation. CARBONATED BEVERAGE INSTITUTE. M.M. Klein, ex. sec, 122 W. 30th St., New York 1, N.Y. CARD CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. R.C. Bisson- nette, sec, Box J, Stafford Springs, Conn. CARDED YARN ASSOCIATION. E.O. Fitzsimons, ex. v-pres., Johnston Bldg., Charlotte 1, N.C. CARPET' INSTITUTE. Paul M. Jones, pres., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. CARRIERS CONFERENCES (see American Trucking Assns.). CASKET MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-l) . Lawrence 0. Gordon, ex. sec, 461 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati 6, Ohio CAST IRON PIPE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (p) . T.F. Wolfe, Mg. dir., 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 3, 111. CAST IRON PRESSURE PIPE INSTITUTE (p) . S.E. Linderman, ex. v-chmm.. . 425 13th St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. CAST IRON SOIL PIPE INSTITUTE (p) . H.E. Robertson, ex. v-pres., 1627 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. CASTER & FLOOR TRUCK MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Air Compressor Research Council). 27 E. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. CASUALTY REINSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Vincent Cullen, pres., 99 John St., New York 38, N.Y. CATHOLIC HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES. M.R. Kneifl, ex. sec, 1438 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis 4, Mo. CATHOLIC PRESS ASSOCIATION (p) . G.R. Cahaney, ex. sec, 150 E. 39th St., New York 16, N.Y. "CED" (see Committee for Economic Development). CEMENTED CARBIDE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Abrasive Grain Association) . Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio CENTRAL COUNCIL OF NATIONAL RETAIL ASSOCIATIONS (d). James G. Michaux, sec, 1145 19th St., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. CENTRAL SUPPLY ASSOCIATION (d) (plumbing equipment). James H. Peery, sec, 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago 1, 111. CEREAL INSTITUTE (p-l). Andrew Duncan, pres., 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. CERTIFIED COLD FUR STORAGE ASSOCIATION. J. A. Gregory, sec, 500 E. Third St., Kansas City 6, Mo. CERTIFIED MILK PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . Charles Speaks, sec, 405 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. CHAIN. INSTITUTE (p) . R.L. Ekstrand, sec, 111 W. Wash- ington St., Chicago 2, 111. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES (p-d-f-l) (see Appendix for details on this organization) . Arch N. Booth, ex. v-pres., 1615 H St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. CHEESE IMPORTERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (d-f). Martin A. Fromer, counsel, 51 Chambers St., New York 7, N.Y. CHEMICAL MARKET RESEARCH ASSOCIATION. W.D. Morrison, sec, 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. CHEMICAL SPECIALTIES MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly National Assn. of Insecticide & Disinfectant Mfrs.). Estelle D. Sullivan, ex. sec, 50 E. 41st St., New York 17, N.Y. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE (1). Robert C. Liebenow, ex. sec, 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE (l) . Everette B. Harris, pres., 110 N. Franklin St., Chicago 6, 111. CHILDREN'S DRESS, COTTON DRESS, & SPORTSWEAR CONTRAC- TORS ASSOCIATION (p). Jack Barnes, ex. dir., 151 W. 40th St., New York 18, N.Y. CHILE-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION (f) . Percy A. Seibert, dir., 149 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f ) . Wah 0. Lee, sec, 2 Mott St., New York 13, N.Y. CHLORINE INSTITUTE (p) . Robert T, Baldwin, sec, 50 E. 41st St., New York 17, N.Y. CHRISTIAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIATION (d) . W.F. Moore, ex. sec, 820 N. La Salle St., Chicago 10, 111. CHROME FURNITURE INSTITUTE (p) . Marvin Camisky, ex. sec, 1421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. CIDER VINEGAR INSTITUTE (now Vinegar Institute) . CIGAR INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (p) . Eugene L. Raymond, ex. dir., 1250 Sixth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-f-l) . Samuel Blumberg, gen. counsel, 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. CIGARETTE LIGHTER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Bernard Ring, sec, 303 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. Civil Service Assembly, (see Public Administration). CLASSROOM PERIODICAL PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (p) . C.J. McNeill, chmn., 38 W. Fifth St., Dayton, Ohio CLAY PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION (p-l) (vitrified clay sewer pipe). Robert G. Scott, gen. mgr., 100 N. La Salle St., Chicago 2, 111. CLAY SEWER PIPE ASSOCIATION (p) . Maurice Maskrey, pres., 5 E. Long St., Columbus 15, Ohio CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING SERVICE. Hollis M. Seavey, dir., Shoreham Bldg., Washington 5, D.C. CLOCK & WATCH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) (formerly Clock Manufacturers Assn. of America). G.S. Stearns, sec, 215 Church St., New Haven, Conn. CLOTH REEL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (textile reels). John Kunkel, sec, 111 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y, CLOTHESPIN Manufacturers of America (p) (see American Wood Preservers Assn.). 839 17th St., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (p-l). Harry A. Cobrin, ex. sec, 220 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. CLUB MANAGERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Fred H. Bernet, sec, 408 Olive St., St. Louis 2, Mo. COACH LACE INSTITUTE (p) (automobile upholstery trim- ming) (see Aluminum Window Manufacturers Assn.). 75 W. St., New York 6, N.Y. COAL EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (d-f) . F.F. Estes, ex. sec, Southern Bldg., N.W., Washing- ton 5, D.C. COAL MINING INSTITUTE (safety engineers, etc). J.M. Lowe, sec, 813 Mifflin Ave., Pittsburgh 21, Pa. COASTWISE, GREAT LAKES, & INLAND HULL ASSOCIATION. Edward R. King, sec, 99 John St., New York 38, N.Y. COATED ABRASIVES MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) (formerly Coated Abrasives Assn.) (see Carbon Paper & Inked Ribbon Assn.) George Link, Jr., sec, 711 Third Ave., New York 17, N.Y. COATED AND PROCESSED PAPER ASSOCIATION (p) . Arthur A. Thomas, ex. dir., Union Trust Bldg., Providence, 3, R.I. COCOA MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (d-f) (importers, etc). F.J. Brennan, sec, 82-92 Beaver St., New York 5, N.Y. COFFEE BREWING INSTITUTE (p) . Eugene G. Laughery, pres., 551 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. COLLAPSIBLE TUBE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Lester B. Piatt, sec, 19 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. COLOMBIAN -AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f ) . Alfonso Carvajal, sec, 60 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. COLOR ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (l) (formerly Textile Color Card Association) . Estelle M. Tennis, ex. dir., 200 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. COMBED YARN SPINNERS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Southern Combed Yarn Spinners Assn.). C.C. Dawson, ex. sec, 427 W. Franklin Ave., Gastonia, N.C. COMICS MAGAZINE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-l) . Charles F. Murphy, code administrator, 41 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. COMMERCIAL LAW LEAGUE OF AMERICA. Curtis W. Post, ex. sec, 111 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATOR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Paul H. Sullivan, ex. sec, 111 W. Washington St., Chicago 2, 111. COMMITTEE FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (p-f-l) . Wesley F. Rennie, ex. dir., 444 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. COMMITTEE FOR PIPE LINE COMPANIES (p) . Gordon C. Locke, ex. sec, Munsey Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. COMMODITY EXCHANGE (l) (formerly N.Y. Commodity Ex- change). H.J. Fink, sec, 81 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. COMPRESSED AIR & GAS INSTITUTE (p-f-l). Frank P. Ander- son, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. For other associations with the same management, see Diamond Core Drill Manufacturers Assn., Heat Exchange Institute, Hydraulic Institute. COMPRESSED GAS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly, Compressed Gas Manufacturers Assn.). F.R. Fetherston, sec, 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL INSTITUTE (p) . H.C. Delzell, Mg. dir., 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN SMALL BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS (see Small Business). CONFERENCE OF MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANIES. Paul E. Buehler, sec, 78 E. Chestnut St., Columbus 16, Ohio CONSERVATION FOUNDATION (l). Fairfield Osborn, pres., 30 E. 40th St., New York 16, N.Y. CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Construction Industries Assn.). H.F. Hess, ex. v-pres., 135 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. CONSUMER BANKERS ASSOCIATION. Hollis W. Burt, ex. dir., Washington Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. CONSUMER CREDIT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. Reuben J. Darr, sec, 307 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, 111. CONTRACTING PLASTERERS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Joe M. Baker, Jr., ex. sec, 711 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. CONTRACTORS PUMP BUREAU (of Associated General Contrac- tors) (p) . Charlson I. Mehl, sec, Munsey Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. Controllers Congress (part of National Retail Dry Goods Assn.) . CONVECTOR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (heat radia- tors) . Robert E. O'Rourke, sec, Guardian Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. CONVEYOR EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f ) . R.C. Sollenberger, ex. v-pres., 1 Thomas Circle, N.W., Washington 5, D.C. COOLING TOWER INSTITUTE (p) . Raymond C. Kelly, ex. mgr., 444 Emerson St., Palo Alto, Calif. COOPERATIVE FOOD DISTRIBUTORS OF AMERICA (d-l) (and its buying office affiliate, National Retailer-Owned Grocers). Henry B. King, ex. sec, 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. COOPERATIVE LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES (l). Jerry Voorhis, ex. dir., 343 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 4, 111. COORDINATING RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY. M.K. McLeod, mgr., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. COPPER & BRASS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Theodore E. Veltfort, mgr., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. COPPER & BRASS WAREHOUSE ASSOCIATION (d). George W. Proffitt, ex. sec, Investment Bldg., N.W., Washing- ton 5, D.C. COPPER INSTITUTE (p-f-l). (see American Bureau of Metal Statistics). R.R. Eckert, sec, 50 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. CORDAGE INSTITUTE (p-f). DeWItt C. Schieck, sec, 350 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. CORDUROY COUNCIL OF AMERICA (p) . Claire Nelson, dir., 15 E. 53rd St., New York 22, N.Y. CORK INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (p-f) (see American Hardware Manufacturers Assn.). Arthur L. Faubel, dir., 342 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. CORN INDUSTRIES RESEARCH FOUNDATION. Floyd J. Hosking, ex. v-pres., 1001 Connecticut Ave., Washington 6, D.C. CORSET & BRASSIERE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . John C. Conover, ex. dir., 200 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. COSTUME JEWELRY TRADE ASSOCIATION (p-d) . Robert H. Reiter, counsel, 1311 G St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. COTTON IMPORTERS ASSOCIATION (d-f). H.N. Millet, sec, 60 Beaver St., New York 4, N.Y. COTTON INSURANCE ASSOCIATION (l). P.M. Harrison, mgr., Hurt Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. COUNCIL FOR AGRICULTURAL & CHEMURGIC RESEARCH (formerly- National Farm Chemurgic Council) . Wheeler Mc Millen, pres., Washington Square, Philadelphia 5, Pa. COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (f-l) . W.H. Mallory, ex. dir., 58 E. 68th St., New York 21, N.Y. COUNCIL FOR INTERNATIONAL PROGRESS IN MANAGEMENT (f-l) (formerly National Management Council). Philip Garey, v-pres., 51 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. COUNCIL OF MOTION PICTURE ORGANIZATIONS (p-d) . Robert W. Coyne, special counsel, 1501 Broadway, New York 36, N.Y. COUNCIL OF PROFIT SHARING INDUSTRIES (p) . Joseph B. Meier, ex. sec, 337 W. Madison St., Chicago 6, 111. Council of State Governments. See Public Admin. Clearing House. COUNCIL OF STATE CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE. Eugene F. Rinta, dir. of research, 1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Wash- ington 6, D.C. COUNCIL FOR TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT (affiliate of Machinery and Allied Products Institute) . Charles W. Stewart, chmn., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. COVERED BUTTON ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK (p) . Abraham Edelman, ex. dir., 1133 Broadway, New York 10, N.Y. CRAYON WATER COLOR & CRAFT INSTITUTE (p) . Gordon E. James, pres., 511 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. CREDIT RESEARCH FOUNDATION (part of National Assn. of Credit Men) . CREDIT UNION NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Thomas W. Doig, mg. dir., 1617 Sherman Ave., Madison, Wis. CREMATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Herbert R. Hargrave, sec, 1620 W. Belmont Ave., Fresno, Calif. CROP DRYER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p). Frank J. Zink, sec, 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. 10 CROWN MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) . J.R. Pat Gorman, ex. sec, 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. CRUCIBLE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Dora A. Penna, sec, 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. In this office (Penn Affiliates) are other associations, start- ing with the following words : Narrow Fabrics, Special Refractories, Test Boring Contractors, Woven Fabric Belting. CUBAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE UNITED STATES (f). M. Rendueles, sec, 67 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. CULTIVATED MUSHROOM INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (and Mushroom Growers Cooperative Association). W.W. Maule, sec, Kennett Square, Pa. CURTAIN MANUFACTURERS GUILD (p) . Leo Guzik, ex. dir., 150 Broadway, New York 38, N.Y. CUSTOM TAILORS & DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-l) . Chauncey D. Hunter, ex. sec, 4-00 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. CUSTOMS BROKERS & FORWARDERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (d- f ) . John F. Budd, ex. sec, 8-10 Bridge St., New York 4, N.Y. CUTTING DIE INSTITUTE (p) . M.R. Liles, ex. mgr., Na- tional Bank Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. CUTTING TOOL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Martin J. Ewald, ex. sec, Penobscot Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. DAIRY INDUSTRIES SUPPLY ASSOCIATION and DAIRY INDUSTRIES SOCIETY, INTERNATIONAL (p-f-l) . Roberts Everett, ex. v-pres., 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. DAIRY INDUSTRY COMMITTEE (p) (of associations) . M.H. Brightman, ex. sec, Barr Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. DAIRY PRODUCTS IMPROVEMENT INSTITUTE. A.C. Dahlberg, advisor, 302 E. State St., Ithaca, N.Y. DAIRY SUPPLIERS FOUNDATION (p) . Roland H. Hickman, ex. v-pres., 1740 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago 26, 111. DANCE MASTERS OF AMERICA. LeRoy H. Thayer, sec, 601 N. Division St., Salisbury, Md. DECORATIVE FABRICS INSTITUTE (p) . James L. Fri, gen. mgr., 500 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. DECORATIVE LIGHTING GUILD OF AMERICA (p) (lighting equip- ment for Christmas trees, etc.). (see Aircraft Loeknut Mfrs. Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. DENTAL DEALERS OF AMERICA (& Dental Manufacturers of America). Edward B. Shils, ex. sec, Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia 2, Pa. DENTAL LABORATORY CONFERENCE (p) . Felix R. Tyroler, ex. sec, 55 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. DENTAL MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICA (p) . Edward B. Shils, ex. sec, Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia 2, Pa. DIAMOND CORE DRILL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Compressed Air and Gas Institute). Frank P. Anderson, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. DIAMOND MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-d-f). Arthur S. Hirsch, ex. dir., 342 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. DIAPER SERVICE INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Chantry W. Davis, ex. v-pres., Penn Sherwood Hotel, Philadelphia 1, Pa. DIE CASTING RESEARCH FOUNDATION (p) . (see American Die Casting Institute). David Laine, sec, 366 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. DIESEL ENGINE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Harvey T. Hill, ex. dir., 1 N. La Salle St., Chicago 2, 111. DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION (l) . George V. Rumage, mg. dir., 3 E. 57th St., New York 22, N.Y. DISTILLATE BURNER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . E.C. Leach, sec, 17 Willow St., Lynn, Mass. DISTILLED SPIRITS INSTITUTE (p-l) (producers of alcoholic beverages). Howard T. Jones, ex. sec, Pennsylvania Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. DISTILLERS FEED RESEARCH COUNCIL (p) . Lawrence E. Carpenter, ex. sec, Enquirer Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio DISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION CLUBS OF AMERICA. George M. Stone, ex. sec, 1010 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. DOLL SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Harold Warshauer, ex. sec, 11 W. 25th St., New York 10, N.Y. DOMESTIC WATER TANK MANUFACTURERS COUNCIL (p) . c/o Dickler & Halbert Co., 10 E. 40th St., New York 16, N.Y. DOMINICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES (f ) . Gustavo Tolentino, sec . , 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. DOOR EXPORT COMPANY (d-f) (Export Act assn.). H.C. Relf, mg. dir., Washington Bldg., Tacoma 2, Wash. DOUGLAS FIR EXPORT COMPANY (d-f-l) (Export Act assn.). Eliot H. Jenkins, sec, Yeon Bldg., Portland 4, Oreg. DOUGLAS FIR PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION (p-f-l). W.E. Difford, mg. dir., 1119 A St., Tacoma 2, Wash. DOWEL PIN MANUFACTURERS SERVICE BUREAU (p) . (see Air- craft Loeknut Manufacturers Assn.) . 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. DRAPERY FIXTURE MANUFACTURERS STATISTICAL SERVICE (p) (see Aircraft Loeknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. DRIED FRUIT ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA (d-f-l). A.E. Thorpe, ex. v-pres., 1 Drumm St., San Francisco 11, Calif. DROP FORGING ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Edgar L. Harden, ex. v-pres., 419 S. Walnut St., Lansing 33, Mich. DRY COLOR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Clyde D. Marlatt, sec, 55 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. DRIVE-IN THEATERS, (see Allied States Assn. of Motion Picture Exhibitors) . DRY PEA MARKETING COUNCIL (d) (see Architectural Wood- work Institute of America). 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. DUDE RANCHERS ASSOCIATION. Walter C. Nye, ex. sec, Box 1363, Billings, Mont. DURENE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) (mercerized cotton yarn manufacturers) . A.C.L. Newsom, ex. sec, 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. DUREX ABRASIVES CORPORATION (d-f) (Export Act assn.). (see Carbon Paper & Inked Ribbon Assn.). George Link, Jr., counsel, 711 Third Ave., New York 17, N.Y. EASTERN WOMEN'S HEADWEAR ASSOCIATION (p) . Louis Levitan, dir., 1440 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. ECONOMIC HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Ralph Hidy, sec, New York University, Washington Square, New York 3, N.Y. ECUADOREAN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION (f). Arthur B. DeLauro, sec, 535 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ECUADOREAN-AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f ) . Rafael V. Lasso, sec, 2 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE (p-l). Edwin Bernard, mg. dir., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. EDUCATIONAL FILM LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (non- theatrical) . Emily S. Jones, ex. sec, 345 E. 46th St., New York 17, N.Y. Educational Buyers Association (see National Assn. of Educational Buyers) . EDUCATIONAL FILM PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Fletcher Smith, pres., 321 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. EDUCATIONAL JEWELRY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Walter J. Keeley, counsel, 527 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ELASTIC FABRIC MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) (formerly Webbing Manufacturers Institute). Erlton B. Pomeroy, mg. dir., 741 Broad St., New London, Conn. ELECTRIC FUSE MANUFACTURERS GUILD (p) (see Aircraft Loeknut Manufacturers Assn.) . 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. ELECTRIC HOIST MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . E.D. Tolles, sec, 71 W. 35th St., New York 1, N.Y. Electric Industrial Truck Association (see Industrial Truck Assn.) . ELECTRIC OVERHEAD CRANE INSTITUTE (p) . J.H. Peritz, ex. sec, 1 Thomas Circle, N.W., Washington 5, D.C. ELECTRIC WATER SYSTEMS COUNCIL (p) . John Hosford, ex. sec, 39 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. For other associations with the same management, see National Assn. of Domestic & Farm Pump Manufacturers and Water Conditioning Foundation. ELECTRIC TOOL INSTITUTE (p) . L.F. Woolman, ex. mgr., 318 Henrietta St., Kalamazoo, Mich. 11 ELECTRICAL EXPORT CORPORATION (d-f) (Export Act assn.). Albert Olsen, sec, 122 E. 51st St., New York 22, N.Y. ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS EXFORT ASSOCIATION (p-d-f ) (Export Act assn.)- Merritt C. Barrell, ex. sec, 70 Pine St., New York 5, N.Y. ELECTRICAL SERVICE CONNECTOR INSTITUTE (p) (see Bituminous Pipe Institute). 370 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY (1). Harry B. Linford, sec, 216 W. 102nd St., New York 25, N.Y. ELECTRON MICROSCOPE SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Jeanette R. Cooper, sec, General Electric Co., Nela Park, Cleveland 12, Ohio ELECTRONIC PARTS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . J.G. Mayer, gen. counsel., Wyatt Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. EMBALMING CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . George Goodstein, counsel, 369 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Embroidery Manufacturers Bureau (now Schiffli Lace and Embroidery Manufacturers Assn. ) . EMBROIDERY MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION (d) . B.S. Zorwitz, ex. sec, 3<42 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. EMPLOYING PHOTO-ENGRAVERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA and EMPLOYING PRINTERS OF AMERICA (p) . R.S. Hiney, sec, 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES. Grace E. Cooke, ex. sec, 7 Water St., Boston 9, Mass. Enameled Cast Iron Plumbing Fixtures Association (see Plumbing Fixture Manufacturers Assn.). ENAMELED UTENSIL MANUFACTURERS COUNCIL (p) (kitchenware, etc.) (see, Abrasive Grain Assn.). Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio ENGRAVED STATIONERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . (Mrs.) Mary H. Thornton, ex. sec, Tower Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . Roland R. Bliss, ex. sec, 521 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. EQUIPMENT & TOOL INSTITUTE (p) . L.F. Woolman, ex. mgr., 318 Henrietta St., Kalamazoo, Mich. ESSENTIAL OIL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (d-f) (importers). Ray Schlotterer, mg. dir., 2 Lexington Ave., New York 10, N.Y. For other associations with the same management, see Federal Wholesale Druggists Assn.', National Drug Trade Conference, Vanilla Bean Assn. EVAPORATED MILK ASSOCIATION (p-f -1) . E.H. Parfitt, ex. sec, 228 N. La Salle St., Chicago 1, 111. EXHIBIT PRODUCERS & DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Kenneth R. Arvedon, ex. sec, 135 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. For other associations with the same management, 3ee National Visual Presentation Assn., Magnetic Recording Industry Assn., National Assn. for the Specialty Food Trades. EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES, INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF BUILDERS EXCHANGES. Fred M. Fortes, sec, Builders Exchange, Daytona Beach, Fla. EXHIBITORS ADVISORY COUNCIL (p) . OEnone D. Negley, ex. sec, 39 Cortlandt St., New York 7, N.Y. EXPANDED CLAY & SHALE ASSOCIATION (p) . Lucas E. Pfeiffenberger, sec, Box 394, Alton, 111. EXPANDED SHALE INSTITUTE (p) . F.G. Erskine, mg. dir., 501 13th St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. EXPANSION JOINT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p).(see Air- craft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.) . 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. EXPORT MANAGERS CLUB OF NEW YORK (d-f-1) . Helen J. Devlin, sec, 93 Worth St., New York 13, N.Y. EXPORT SCREW ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (d-f) (Export Act assn.). V.J. Roddy, sec, 1670 W. Main St., Willtmantic, Conn. Export Advertising Association (see International Advertising Assn.) . EXPOSITION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION. William Orkin, pres., 19 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. FACING TILE INSTITUTE (p) (in office of Structural Clay Products Institute.) J. Neighbor, dir., 1520 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. FACTORY INSURANCE ASSOCIATION (l). F.D. Ross, gen. mgr., 555 Asylum St., Hartford 2, Conn. FAMILY FLOUR INSTITUTE (p) . Allen R. Cornelius, sec, Nashville Trust Bldg., Nashville 3, Term. FAR EAST-AMERICA COUNCIL OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (l). Mildred Hughes, ex. v-pres., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. FARM EQUIPMENT INSTITUTE (p-f-l) . Robert A. Jones, ex. sec, 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, 111. FARM EQUIPMENT WHOLESALERS ASSOCIATION (d) . Robert L. Shannon, ex. sec, Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis 1, Minn. FARM UNDERWRITERS ASSOCIATION. K.S. Ogilvie, sec, 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. FARMERS & MANUFACTURERS BEET SUGAR ASSOCIATION (p-l) . A. A. Schupp, ex. sec, Second National Bank Bldg., Saginaw 5, Mich. FASHION ORIGINATORS GUILD OF AMERICA (p) . L.W. Gendler, ex. sec, 144C Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. FEDERAL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS ASSOCIATION (d) (see Essential Oil Assn.). Ray C. Schlotterer, ex. sec, 2 Lexington Ave., New York 10, N.Y. FEDERATION OF CASH GRAIN COMMISSION MERCHANTS ASSOCIA- TION (d). Ralph H. Hegman, sec, 480 Grain Exchange, Minneapolis 15, Minn. FEDERATION OF MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Newell R. Johnson, gen. mgr., 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, 111. FEDERATION OF PAINT & VARNISH PRODUCTION CLUBS. C. Homer Flynn, ex. sec, 121 Broad St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. FEDERATION FOR RAILWAY PROGRESS (l). W.R. Merriam, sec, 1430 K St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. Federation of Tax Administrators. See Public Admin. CI. House . FEDERATION OF SEWAGE AND INDUSTRIAL WASTES ASSOCIATIONS (l). Ralph E. Fuhrman, ex. sec, 4435 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington 16, D.C. FELT ASSOCIATION (p) (see Aluminum Window Manufacturers Assn.). 75 West St., New York 6, N.Y. FIBRE BOX ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) (see National Paperboard Assn.). Albert W. Luhrs, ex. mgr., 224 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. FIBRE DRUM MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Glenn Mather, mg. dir., 271 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. FIBRE SOCIETY. John T. Wiggins, Box 151, Clemson, S.C. FILM COUNCIL OF AMERICA (non- theatrical) . Paul A. Wagner, ex. dir., 600 Davis St., Evanston, 111. FINANCIAL PUBLIC RELATIONS ASSOCIATION. Preston E. Reed, ex. v-pres., 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, 111. FINE HARDWOODS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Veneer Assn.). Burdett Green, ex. v-pres., 666 N. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago 11, 111. FINE & SPECIALTY WIRE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . (see American Wood Preservers Assn.). 839 17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. FIR DOOR INSTITUTE (p-f). Ben T. Cardinal, mg. dir., Rust Bldg., Tacoma 2, Wash. FIRE APPARATUS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f) . Edward L. Koepenick, ex. v-pres., 815 15th St., N.W., Wash- ington 5, D.C. FIRE EXTINGUISHER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . R. Kennedy Hanson, sec, 1 Gateway Center, Pittsburgh 22, Pa. In this office (Hanson and Shea, Inc.) are other organizations, starting with the following words : Machine Knife, Material Handling, Pipe Fabrica- tion, Plumbing Brass. FISHERY COUNCIL. John H. Von Glahn, ex. sec, 207 Front St., New York 38, N.Y. FLAT GLASS JOBBERS ASSOCIATION (p-l). Minita Westcott, ex. sec, 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. For other associations with the same management, see Mirror Manufacturers, Shopping Centers, Venetian Blind. 12 FLAT VENEER PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION (p) (see American Wood Preservers Assn.)- 839 17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. FLAVORING EXTRACT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (p) . John S. Hall, sec, First National Bank Bidg., Chicago 3, 111. For other associations with the same management, see National Fruit & Syrup Manufacturers Assn., National Manufacturers of Bever- age Flavors. FLAX INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED STATES. E.J. Mitchell, sec, Baker Bldg., Minneapolis 2, Minn. Flexible Packaging Institute (see National Flexible Packaging Assn.). FLOOR & VACUUM MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Floor Machinery Manufacturers Assn.)- Lyle W. Jones, ex. sec, Warner Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. Florida Citrus Exchange (see Seald Sweet Sales, Inc.). FLORISTS* TELEGRAPH DELIVERY ASSOCIATION (d-l). John Bodette, gen. mgr., 14-9 Michigan Ave., Detroit 26, Mich. FLOUR MILLERS EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d-f) (Export Act assn.). A.C. Bredesen, sec, 5050 France Ave. S., Minneapolis 10, Minn. FLUORESCENT LIGHTING ASSOCIATION (p) . Julian Ross, ex. sec, 220 W. 42nd St., New York 22, N.Y. FOLDING PAPER BOX ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-l) . Gustav L. Nordstrom, ex. dir., 337 W. Madison St., Chicago 6, 111. FOOD & NUTRITION BOARD (National Research Council) . Leroy Voris, ex. sec, 2101 Constitution Ave,, N.W., Washington 25, D.C. FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY, INC. (d). J.V. Hir- lehey, ex. dir,, 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. FOOD TRAY ASSOCIATION (p) (wax-coated paperboard for pre- packaging grocery products, etc), Ben B. Vail, sec, 141 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. FOREIGN COMMERCE CLUB OF NEW YORK (p-d-f ) . William S. Ducey, sec, 30 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. FOREIGN CREDIT INTERCHANGE BUREAU (of National Assn. of Credit Men) (f-1) . Philip J. Gray, dir., 229 Fourth Ave., New York 3, N.Y. FOREIGN EXCHANGE BROKERS OF NEW YORK CITY (f). CM. Glaser, sec, 111 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. FOREST INDUSTRIES COUNCIL (p) . A.Z. Nelson, sec, 1319 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. FOREST PRODUCTS RESEARCH SOCIETY. Frank J. Rovsek, ex. sec, P.O. Box 2010, University Station, Madison, Wis. FORGED TOOL SOCIETY (p) . G.D. Shrum, ex. sec, Law & Finance Bldg,, Pittsburgh 18, Pa. FORGING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) (see American Die Casting Manufacturers). 366 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. FORMED STEEL TUBE INSTITUTE (p) . J.R. Derrickson, ex. sec, Hanna Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio FOUNDRY EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION (p) . E.J. Walsh, ex. dir., Terminal Tower, Cleveland 13, Ohio FOUNDRY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . C.R. Heller, ex. sec, 1 Thomas Circle, N.W., Washington 5, D.C. FOUNDRY FACINGS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . G.D. Shrum, ex. sec, Law & Finance Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. FOUNTAIN PEN & MECHANICAL PENCIL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA- TION (p). F.L. King, ex. v-pres., 1426 G.St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. FRAGRANCE FOUNDATION (Perfume promotion). (Mrs.) Sherry D. Stone, ass't. ex. dir., 1 E 53th St., New York 22, N.Y. FREIGHT FORWARDERS INSTITUTE. Giles Morrow, pres., 1111 E St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. FRENCH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES (f-l) . Pierre G. Martin, ex. v-pres., 29 W. 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. Frequency Modulation Assn. (merged with National Associa- tion of Radio & TV Broadcasters) . FRICTION MATERIALS STANDARDS INSTITUTE (p) (formerly Brake Lining Manufacturers Assn.). Harriet G. Duschek, sec, 370 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. FROZEN FOOD INSTITUTE (l) . M.L. Wallace, ex. sec, 90 W. Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. Frozen Food Locker Institute (see National Frozen Food Locker Institute) . FUELS RESEARCH COUNCIL. T.J. McGrath, gen. counsel, Shoreham Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. FUR DYERS GUILD (p) (also, Fur Dressers & Fur Dyers Assn.). Joseph Katcher, ex. dir., 225 W. 34th St., New York 1, N.Y. GALVANIZED WARE MANUFACTURERS COUNCIL (p) (see Abrasive Grain Assn.), Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio GARDEN SEED ASSOCIATION (d) (see Architectural Woodwork Institute of America). 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. GARMENT DYERS GUILD OF AMERICA (p) . John Egli, pres., 818 Dorman St., Indianapolis, Ind. GAS APPLIANCE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l). H. Leigh Whitelaw, ex. v-pres., 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. GASOLINE PUMP MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Theon Wright, mg. dir., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. GENERAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION. Edward L. Stanton, gen. mgr., 341 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. GENERAL MILK SALES, INC. (d-f) (Export Act assn.). G.E. Sperling, Jr., sec, 450 7th Ave., New York 1, N.Y. GERMAN-AMERICA TRADE PROMOTION OFFICE (f-l) . Harry A. Abt, dir., Empire State Bldg., New York 1, N.Y. GIFT & DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-d) . Claire Flanagan, ex. sec, 212 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N.Y. GLASS CONTAINER MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p-l) . Victor L. Hall, gen. mgr., 99 Park Ave., New York 16, N.Y. GLASSINE & GREASEPROOF MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Charles H. Leach, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. Glycerine Producers Association (part of Association of American Soap and Glycerine Producers) . GOLD MINING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . Donald I. Seger- strom, mgr., 251 Kearney St., San Francisco 8, Calif. GOLF BALL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Athletic Goods Manufacturers Assn.). George J. Herrmann, ex. sec, 209 S. State St., Chicago 4, 111. Governors Conference of "the United States, (see Public Administration) . GRAIN & FEED DEALERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (d-l). R.B. Bowden, ex. v-pres., Merchants Exchange Bldg., St. Louis 2, Mo. GRAIN PROCESSING MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see American Cutlery Manufacturers Assn.). 511 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. GRAPHIC ARTS SPRAY MANirFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . James E. Kendrick, sec, 461 Eighth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. GRAVURE TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION (p) . Edward S. St. John, ex. sec, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. GRAY IRON FOUNDERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Philip Frankel, sec, NBC Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio GRAY IRON FOUNDERS SOCIETY (p-l) . D.H. Workman, ex. v-pres., National City E. 6th Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio GREATER BLOUSE, SKIRT, & NECKWEAR CONTRACTORS ASSOCIA- TION (p). Joseph Cedarbaum, ex. dir., 225 W. 34th St., New York 1, N.Y. GREATER CLOTHING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION (p) . R. Greeff, gen. mgr., 100 Fifth Ave., New York 11, N.Y. GRINDING WHEEL INSTITUTE (p)(see Abrasive Grain Assn.). Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio GREEN COFFEE ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK CITY (d-f). John F. Toomey, sec, 101 Front St., New York 5, N.Y. GREETING CARD ASSOCIATION (p-l) (formerly National Assn. of Greeting Card Publishers). S.Q. Shannon, ex, dir., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. GROCERY MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICA (p-f -l) . Paul S. Willia, pres., 205 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. GR0UNDW00D PAPER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Robert E. Canfield, ex. v-pres., 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. 13 GUATEMALAN-AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f ) . Julio Aparicio, pres., 11 E. 48th St., New York 17, N.Y. GUILD OF BETTER SHOE MANUFACTURERS (p) . John L. Jerro, pres., 4-0 W. 27th St., New York 1, N.Y. GUILD OF PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS OF AMERICA. William R. Foulkes, ex. sec, 110 E. 23rd St., New York 10, N.Y. GUMMED INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION (p-f -1) . Philip 0. Deitsch, mg. dir., 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. For other associations with the same management, see Industrial Bag and Cover Assn., One-Time Carbon Paper Manufacturers Assn., Waterproof Paper Manufac- turers Assn. GYPSUM ASSOCIATION (p-1) . Lloyd H. Yeager, gen. mgr., 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. HACK SAW MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . Rofcert C. Bell, Jr., sec, New York 17, N.Y. HAIL INSURANCE ADJUSTMENT AND RESEARCH ASSOCIATION. H.W. Wyatt, sec, 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. HAITIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION (f). Douglas Bradford, ex. sec, 60 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. HAND LOOM EMBROIDERY ASSOCIATION (p) . William Barlow, ex. sec, 37 W. 26th St., New York 10, N.Y. HANDERCHIEF INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (p) . Martin Blau, ex. sec, 274 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. HARD FIBRES ASSOCIATION (d-f) (sisal, etc. cordage fibers). R.S. Carraway, sec, 425 W. 25th St., New York 1, N.Y. HARDBOARD ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Hardboard Manufac- turers Assn.). Donald LInville, ex. sec, 205 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. HARDWARE MANUFACTURERS STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION (p) . H.A. Parks, sec, 205 Church St., New Haven 6, Conn. HARDWOOD DIMENSION MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . J. Edgar Kennedy, mg. dir., Broadway National Bank Bldg., Nashville 3, Tenn. HARDWOOD PLYWOOD INSTITUTE (p) . Charles E. Close, mg. dir., 600 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 5, 111. HAT INSTITUTE and HAT RESEARCH FOUNDATION (p-l) . Warren S. Smith, sec, 358 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. HATTERS FUR CUTTERS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (p-f). Louis N. Messing, pres., 29 Clover St., Newark 5, N.J. HAWAIIAN SUGAR PLANTERS ASSOCIATION (l) . Ernest W. Greene, v-pres., Investment Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. HEALTH & ACCIDENT UNDERWRITERS CONFERENCE (merged with Health Insurance Assn.). John P. Hanna, mg. dir., 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, 111. HEALTH INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (l). Robert R. Neal, gen. mgr., 1701 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. (1956 merger of Health & Accident Underwriters Con- ference, and Bureau of A. & H. Underwriters.) HEARING AID INDUSTRY CONFERENCE (p) (formed 1956) David H. Barnow, pres., 1900 W 36th St., Chicago 9, 111. HEAT EXCHANGE INSTITUTE (p) (see Compressed Air & Gas Institute). 122 East 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. HEATING & COOLING COIL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Robert E. O'Rourke, sec, Guardian Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. HEATING, PIPING, & AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Lloyd B. Gruman, sec, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. HELLENIC -AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f) . E.V. Starks, ex. sec, 25 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. HICKORY HANDLE ASSOCIATION (p) . Morris Fairhead, pres., Jonesboro, Ark. HIGHWAY RESEARCH BOARD (f-l). Fred Burggraf, dir., 2101 Constitution Ave., N. Y., Washington 25, D.C. HOBBY INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) (formerly Model Industry Assn.). William I. MacMillan, Jr., ex. dir., 1528 Walnut St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. Hoist Builders Assn. (semi -dormant; see Machinery & Allied Products Institute) . HOME OFFICE LIFE UNDERWRITERS ASSOCIATION. Arthur Faulkner, sec, 1295 State St., Springfield 1, Mass HOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (watches, etc.). Arthur F. Beck, ex. sec, 2026 Laurel Court, Falls Church, Va. HOSIERY WHOLESALERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (d) . Leo Guzik, ex. dir., 150 Broadway, New York 38, N.Y. For other associations with the same management, see Religious Dry Goods Assn., Woolen Wholesalers National Assn. HOSPITAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS AND SUPPLIES (1). William A. Gately, ex. dir., 247 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. HOSPITAL INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION (p) . (see Architectural Woodwork Institute of America). 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. HOTEL SALES MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION. Adrian Phillips, ex. v-pres., 1325 Broadwalk, Atlantic City, N.J. HOUSE DRESS INSTITUTE (p) . Max J. Lovell, dir., 112 W. 34th St., New York 1, N.Y. HOUSE MAGAZINE INSTITUTE (p) . 4 Irving Place, New York 3, N.Y. HYDRAULIC INSTITUTE (p) (see Compressed Air & Gas Institute). Frank P. Anderson, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. HYDRAULIC JACK INSTITUTE (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. Ice Cream Merchandising Institute (affiliated with the International Assn. of Ice Cream Manufacturers) . IMPROVED RISK MUTUALS (l). Howard F. Russell, gen. mgr., 15 N. Broadway, White Plains, N.Y. INCANDESCENT LAMP MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Gustav Herzberg, pres., 32 S. Munn Ave., East Orange, N.J. INCINERATOR INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (p) . V.P. Gopcevic, sec, 420 Lexington Ave., N.Y. 17, N.Y. Independent Air Carrier Conference (now Supplemental Air Carrier Conference) . INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION OF STOCKING MANUFACTURERS (p) . Edward M. Rand, ex. sec, 11 N. Juniper St., Phila- delphia 7, Pa. INDEPENDENT BANKERS ASSOCIATION. Ben DuBois, sec, Sauk Centre, Minn. INDEPENDENT CASH REGISTER DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d). Stanley Hayman, sec, 2019 14th St., N.W., Washington 9, D.C, INDEPENDENT FILM PRODUCERS EXPORT CORPORATION (d-f). Marvin L. Faris, ex. sec, 333 S. Beverly Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. INDEPENDENT GROCERS ALLIANCE OF AMERICA (d-l). Don R. Grimes, pres., 131 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 3, 111. INDEPENDENT MILITARY AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION. Francis J. Roach, gen. mgr., 1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. INDEPENDENT MOTION PICTURE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Steve Broidy, pres., 6525 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Independent Movers & Warehousemens Association (see Movers & Warehousemen's Assn. of America). INDEPENDENT NATURAL GAS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-l) . John A. Ferguson, ex. dir., World Center Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. INDEPENDENT OIL COMPOUNDERS ASSOCIATION (p) . R.R. Matthews, sec, 4638 J.C. Nichols Parkway, Kansas City 12, Mo. INDEPENDENT PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-f -d) . I.C. Huff, ex. mgr., Box 1019, Tulsa 1, Okla. INDEPENDENT POSTER EXCHANGES OF AMERICA (p) . Mitchell Pantzer, pres., 1323 Vine St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. INDEPENDENT REFINERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . N.L. Meyer, gen. counsel, Shoreham Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. INDEPENDENT SHOEMEN (d) (retailers). Benjamin L. Finn, ex. dir., Box 2005, Philadelphia 3, Pa. INDEPENDENT WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ASSOCIATION (d) . L.R. Bagge, sec, 200 W. 34th St., New York 13, N.Y. INDIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF AMERICA (f-l). R.D. Wadia, sec, 148 E. 47th St., New York 17, N.Y. INDIANA LIMESTONE INSTITUTE (p-l). M.J. Morgan, pres., Box 471, Bedford, Ind. INDO-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCE (f). B.V. Mukerji, sec, 290 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. 14 Industrial Advertising Research Institute (affiliate of National Industrial Advertising Assn.) INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION OF HOUSE DRESS, ROBE, & UNIFORM MANUFACTURERS, and INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION OF JUVENILE APPAREL MANUFAC- TURERS (p-1) (see also United Infants and Childrens Wear Assn.). Max H. Zuckerman, ex. dir., 1440 Broad- way, New York 18, N.Y. INDUSTRIAL AUDIO-VISUAL ASSOCIATION. William B. Cox, pres., Box 656, Old P.O. Annex, Chicago 90, 111. INDUSTRIAL BAG & COVER ASSOCIATION (p) (see Gummed Industries Assn.) Philip 0. Deitsch, Administrative Officer, 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL OF CLOAK, SUIT, & SKIRT MANUFACTUR- ERS (p-l). Albert Rauch, pres., 225 W. 34th St., New York 1, N.Y. INDUSTRIAL DIAMOND ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-f) . Athos D. Leveridge, ex. mgr., Box 175, Pompton Plains, N.J. INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS INSTITUTE (p-l) (formerly American Institute of Bolt, Nut, & Rivet Manufacturers) Frank J. Masterson, pres., Terminal Tower, Cleveland 13, Ohio INDUSTRIAL HEATING EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Industrial Furnace Manufacturers Assn.). C.L. Ipsen, ex. v-pres., 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE FOUNDATION OF AMERICA (1). C.R. Walmer, mg. dir., 44-00 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh 13, Pa. INDUSTRIAL LIFT & LOADING RAMP INSTITUTE (p) (see American Die Casting Institute). 366 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Edward C. Holmblad, mg. dir., 28 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. INDUSTRIAL MINERAL FIBER INSTITUTE (p) (formerly, Industrial Mineral Wool Institute). J.M. Barnhart, ex. dir., 441 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . Stan Hof schmidt, pres., 1050 Broad St., Newark 2, N.J. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COUNSELORS (l) . 1270 Sixth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE. Charles G. Worthington, sec, 100 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT SOCIETY. Harry J. Hubenthal, pres., 3,5 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago 1, 111. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION (p) . V.P. Gopcevic, sec, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. INDUSTRIAL TRUCK ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly, Electric Industrial Truck Assn.) W. Van C. Brandt, mg. dir., 900 F St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. Industrial Unit Heater Association (1956 merger, see Air Moving and Conditioning Association) . INDUSTRIAL WATER CONDITIONING INSTITUTE (p) (formerly Water Softener & Filter Institute) . George Garrett, sec, 4th & Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia 33, Pa. INDUSTRIAL WIRE CLOTH INSTITUTE (p) (see Aluminum Window Manufacturers Assn.). Ralph W. Bacon, sec, 75 West St., New York 6, N.Y. INFANTS & CHILDRENS COAT ASSOCIATION (p) Charles Baker, ex. dir., 450 Seventh Ave., New York 1, N.Y. INFANTS & JUVENILE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) Aaron L. Solomon, ex. dir., 1450 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. INLAND MARINE INSURANCE BUREAU, and INLAND MARINE UNDERWRITERS ASSOCIATION. H.L. Wayne, gen. mgr., 161 William St., New York 38, N.Y. INLAND WATER PETROLEUM CARRIERS ASSOCIATION. H.A. Gilbert, pres., 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N.Y. INSECT WIRE SCREENING BUREAU (p) (see Aluminum Window Manufacturers Assn.). Ralph W. Bacon, sec, 75 W. St., New York 6, N.Y. INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN POULTRY INDUSTRIES (p) . Cliff D. Carpenter, pres., 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago 1, 111. INSTITUTE OF APPLIANCE MANUFACTURERS (p-l) (formerly Institute of Cooking & Heating Appliance Manufactur- ers) . Samuel Dunckel, mg. dir., Shoreham Hotel, N.W., Washington 8, D.C. INSTITUTE OF BOILER & RADIATOR MANUFACTURERS (p-l) . R.E. Ferry, gen. mgr. 608 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. INSTITUTE OF DISTRIBUTION (d). Gladys M. Kiernan, ex. sec, 25 W. 43rd St., New York 36, N.Y. INSTITUTE OF FARM BROKERS (d). Marguerite Moyer, ex. sec, 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. INSTITUTE OF HOME OFFICE UNDERWRITERS (l) . John F. Duston, sec, 604 Locust St., Des Moines 6, Iowa INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL LAUNDERERS. Bernard H. Ehrlich, mgr., 1346 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. INSTITUTE OF HIGH FIDELITY MANUFACTURERS, (p) . Isidore Minkin, counsel, 25 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION (l) . Kenneth Holland, pres., 1 E. 67th St., New York 21, N.Y. INSTITUTE OF LIFE INSURANCE (l) . Holgar J. Johnson, pres., 488 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. INSTITUTE OF MAKERS OF EXPLOSIVES (p-f). Richard F. Webster, sec, 250 E. 43rd St., New York 17, N.Y. For other associations with the same management, see Powder Actuated Tool Manufacturers Institute, Sporting Arms & Ammunition Manufacturers Institute. INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT. Olive Dyer, ex. sec, 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. INSTITUTE OF SCRAP IRON & STEEL (d-f-l). Edwin C. Barringer, ex. v-pres., 1729 H St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. INSTITUTE OF SHORTENING & EDIBLE OILS (p) . E.W. Brocken- brough, pres., 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. INSTITUTE OF SURPLUS DEALERS (d) . Fred D. Reder, business mgr., 673 Broadway, New York 12, N.Y. INSTITUTE OF THREAD MACHINERS (p) (manufacturers of journal box packing etc.). W.R. Compton, ex. dir., 141 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. INSTITUTIONAL & SERVICE TEXTILE DISTRIBUTORS (d) . James V. McNamara, ex. sec, 140 Market St., Paterson 1, N.J. INSULATION BOARD INSTITUTE (p) . Charles M. Gray, mgr., Ill W. Washington St., Chicago 2, 111. INSULATION DISTRIBUTOR -CONTRACTORS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. L. Howard Kerns, ex. dir., 3420 Dent Place, N.W. , Washington 7, D.C. INSULATING SIDING ASSOCIATION and INSULATING SIDING CORE BOARD ASSOCIATION (p) (see Building Material Exhibitors Assn.). R.G. Breeden, sec mgr., 530 Echo Lane, Glenview, 111. INSURANCE ADVERTISING CONFERENCE. M.C. Ellson, sec, 5203 N. Broad St., Philadelphia 41, Pa. Insurance Executives Assn. (now American Insurance Assn. ) . INSURANCE INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Harry J. Loman, ex. v-pres., 3924 Walnut St., Philadelphia 4, Pa. INTER-AMERICAN HOTEL ASSOCIATION (f). Franklin Moore, pres., Penn-Harris Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. INTER- INDUSTRY HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMITTEE. M.R. Darling- ton, Jr., Mg. dir., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE INSTITUTE (p-f) . Charles G. Spice, ex. sec, 201 N. Wells St., Chicago 6, 111. INTERNATIONAL ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION (f ) . James. L. Gilbert, ex. v-pres., Hotel Roosevelt, New York 17, N.Y. INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATION OF SALES & ADVERTISING CLUBS (regional). Raymond W. Hall, pres., 1022 W. 28th St., Erie, Pa. INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION (U.S.A. sec- tion) (f-1). William P. Hildred, dir. gen., 500 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. (Headquarters are in Toronto, Canada) . INTERNATIONAL APPLE ASSOCIATION (d-l) . Fred W. Borrows, ex. v-pres., 1302 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ACCIDENT & HEALTH UNDER- WRITERS. William G. Coursey, mg. dir., 330 S. Wells St., Chicago 6, 111. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AUDITORIUM MANAGERS. Charles A. McElravy, sec, Memphis Auditorium, Memphis, Term. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLUE PRINT & ALLIED INDUSTRIES (p). Ray Good, ex. sec, 506 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 5, 111. 15 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CONVENTION BUREAUS. J.S. Turner, sec, 53 E. 4th St., Cincinnati 2, Ohio INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRICAL LEAGUES (p-d) . John F. Biggi, sec, 155 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ELECTROTYPERS & STEREO- TYPERS (p) . A. P. Schloegel, ex. sec, Leader Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FAIRS & EXPOSITIONS. Frank H. Kingman, sec, 777 Arbor Road, Winston Salem, N.C. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GARMENT MANUFACTURERS (p). (see Boys Apparel & Accessories Manufacturers Assn.). 347 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ICE CREAM MANUFACTURERS (p-1) . R.C. Hibben, ex. sec, Barr Bldg., Washington 6, D.C. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PRINTING HOUSE CRAFTSMEN. Pearl E. Oldt, ex. sec, 307 E. 4th St., Cincinnati 2, Ohio International City Managers' Assn. (see Public Admin- istration) . INTERNATIONAL CLAIM ASSOCIATION (f ) . L.L. Graham, sec, 215 Pershing Rd., Kansas City, Mo. INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS INSURANCE ORGANIZATIONS (f). John W. Whittemore, sec, 80 Federal St., Boston 10, Mass. INTERNATIONAL LABOR PRESS (p-f ) . L.M. Herrmann, sec, 22 13th St., Newark 3, N.J. International Popcorn Assn. (now Popcorn & Concessions Assn. ) . International Management Assn. (A division of American Management Assn., created in 1956 to be a center of foreign operations management research) . INTERNATIONAL ROAD FEDERATION (f). R.O. Swain, ex. dir., Washington Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. INTERNATIONAL SILK ASSOCIATION (d-f) (formerly Inter- national Silk Guild) George Elbogen, pres., 489 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION ASSOCIATION (p) . F.M. Sherman, ex. dir., 1015 Chestnut St., Philadel- phia 7, Pa. INVESTMENT BANKERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (f-I) . Murray Hanson, mg. dir., 425 13th St., N.W., Washing- ton 4, D.C. INVESTMENT CASTING INSTITUTE (p) . (see Air Compressor Research Council). 27 E. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. INVESTMENT COUNSEL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Javez H. Wood, chmn.. 14 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. IRAN-AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f). L.I. Estrin, pres., Empire State Bldg., New York 1, N.Y. IRISH LINEN GUILD (d-f). Dorothy E. Gatter, sec, 1270 Sixth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. JAPANESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f ) . S. Hamada, sec mgr., 255 California St., San Francisco 11, Calif. JERSEY INSTITUTE (p-l) . Sidney S. Korzenik, ex. dir., 51 Chambers St., New York 7, N.Y. For other associa- tions with the same management, see Knitted Outerwear Foundation, National Knitted Outerwear Assn. JEWELERS BOARD OF TRADE (p-d-l) . Vincent F. Chapman, sec, Turks Head Bldg., Providence 3, R.I. JEWELERS SECURITY ALLIANCE OF THE UNITED STATES (l) . Richard C. Murphy, ex. sec, 535 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. JEWELERS VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. P. Irving Grinberg, ex. v-chmn., 45 W. 45th St., New York 36, N.Y. JEWELRY CRAFTS ASSOCIATION (p) . H.L. Sperling, ex. sec, 20 W. 47th St., New York 36, N.Y. JEWELRY INDUSTRY COUNCIL (p-d-l). A.E. Haase, pree., 608 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (l). David P. Haxton, sec. gen., L200 Fifth St., Miami Beach, Fla. KAOLIN CLAY PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly China Clay Producers Assn.). W.B.S. Winans, pres., Aiken, S.C. KAPOK ASSOCIATION (d-f) (importers etc). S.A. Novak, sec, 550 W. 23rd St., New York 11, N.Y. Kiln Cooler & Dryer Manufacturers Assn. (semi -dormant; see Machinery & Allied Products Institute) . KNITTED FABRICS INSTITUTE (p) . Jacob P. Rosenbaum, ex. dir., 1450 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. KNITTED OUTERWEAR FOUNDATION (p) (see Jersey Institute). Sidney S. Korzenik, ex. dir., 386 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. KNITTING MACHINE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (p) . B.J. Faucette, sec, 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. KOREAN-AMERICAN CHAMBER. OF COMMERCE (f). Arthur S. Kleeman, sec, 1230 Sixth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. KRAFT EXPORT ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (d-f) (Export Act assn.). Israel B. Oseas, sec, 521 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. KRAFT PAPER ASSOCIATION (p-l). Dernell Every, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. LABEL MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (p) . Oscar Whitehouse, ex. dir., 1700 Eye St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. LACE & EMBROIDERY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (d-f-l) (im- porters etc.). Harry S. Radcliffe, ex. dir., 200 Fourth Ave., New York 3, N.Y. For other associations with the same management, see Linen Trade Assn., Na- tional Council of American Importers. LAKE CARRIERS ASSOCIATION (l). Lyndon Spencer, pres., Rockefeller Bldg., Cleveland 13, Ohio LAKE SUPERIOR IRON ORE ASSOCIATION (p) . Franklin G. Pardee, pres., Hanna Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio LAKE SUPERIOR MINING INSTITUTE (p) . Ishpeming, Mich. LAMINATED FOIL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Arthur A. Thomas, ex. dir., Union Trust Bldg., Providence 3, R.I. LAMP & SHADE INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (p) . Doris Herzig, acting sec, 15 E. 26th St., New York 10, N.Y. LAST MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (shoe lasts). Carl S. Whittier, sec, 80 Federal St., Boston 10, Mass. LAUNDRY & CLEANERS ALLIED TRADES ASSOCIATION and LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA- TION (p-f-l). Rodger R. Jackson, mg. dir., 95 Liberty St., New York 6, N.Y. LAWN MOWER INSTITUTE (p) . H.K, Howe, ex. sec, Mills Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. LEAD INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Robert L. Ziegf eld, sec, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. LEAD PENCIL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Clyde T. Nissen, ex. v-pres., 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. LEAF SPRING INSTITUTE (p) (automobile, etc springs) R.L. Burton, ex. sec, Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio LEAF TOBACCO EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION (d-f). J.C. Lanier, gen. counsel, Greenville, N.C. LEAGUE OF DISTI LLE D SPIRITS RECTIFIERS (p-f) (blended whiskeys, cordials etc.). Fred A. Caskey, gen. counsel, 1001 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Leather Industries of America. (In office of Tanners Council of America; activities devoted chiefly to public relations) . LEVEL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. LIBRARY BINDING INSTITUTE (p) . Dadley A. Weiss, ex. dir., 10 State St., Boston 9, Mass. LICENSED BEVERAGE INDUSTRIES, INC. (p-l) (alcoholic beverage industries). Thomas J. Donovan, ex. dir., 155 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. LIFE INSURANCE ADVERTISERS ASSOCIATION. A.H. Thiemann, pres., 51 Madison Ave., New York 10, N.Y. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (l) . Charles J. Zimmerman, mg. dir., 855 Asylum Ave., Hartford 5, Conn. LIFE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (l). Bruce E. Shepherd, mgr., 4S8 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. LIFE INSURERS CONFERENCE. Martin B. Williams, ex. dir., Mutual Bldg., Richmond 19, Va. LIFE OFFICE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (l). Frank L. Row- land, mg. dir., 110 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. 16 LINE HARDWARE INSTITUTE (p) (see Bituminous Pipe Institute). 370 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. LIMITED PRICE VARIETY STORES ASSOCIATION (d-l). Philip W. Schindel, ex. dir., 25 W. 43rd St., New York 36, N.Y. LINEN SUPPLY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (l) . Samuel B. Shapiro, mgr., 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. LINEN TRADE ASSOCIATION (d-f) (importers, etc.) (see Lace & Embroidery Assn. of America). Harry S. Rad- cliffe, sec, 200 Fourth Ave., New York 3, N.Y. LINEN & LACE PAPER INSTITUTE (p) . Herbert E. Raymond, mgr., Home Savings Bank Bldg., Albany 7, N.Y. LINGERIE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Jack Gross, ex. dir., 295 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. LINSEED-CASTOR SEED ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK (d-f). A.P. Mason, sec, 120 Liberty St., New York 6, N.Y. LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Howard D. White, ex. v-pres., 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Tank Fabricators Assn. (see National Tank Manufacturers Assn. ) . LIQUID-TIGHT PAPER CONTAINER ASSOCIATION (p) . George J. Lincoln, ex. sec, Philadelphia National Bank Bldg., Philadelphia 7, Pa. LITHOGRAPHERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (p-l) . W. Floyd Maxwell, ex. dir., 4-20 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. LITHOGRAPHIC ENGRAVERS & PLATE MAKERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Julian Ross, ex. sec, 220 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. LITHOGRAPHIC TECHNICAL FOUNDATION (p-l). W.E. Griswold, ex. dir., 131 E. 39th St., New York 16, N.Y. LOOSE LEAF & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . R.P, Towne, pres., Holyoke, Mass. LUGGAGE & LEATHER GOODS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Jacob Citronbaum, ex. v-pres., 220 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. MACHINE AFFILIATES, INC. (d-f) (Export Act assn.) William S. Maer, sec, 149 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. MACHINE AFFILIATES TRADING CORPORATION (d-f) (Export Act assn.) Edward G. Schultz, sec, c/o LeBlond Machine Tool Co., Hyde Park, Cincinnati 8, Ohio MACHINE KNIFE ASSOCIATION (p) . (see Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers Assn.), 1 Gateway Center, Pittsburgh 22, Pa. MACHINE SCREW NUT BUREAU (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.), 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. MACHINERY & ALLIED PRODUCTS INSTITUTE (p-f-l) . Charles W. Stewart, pres., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Machinery & Allied Products Institute is not a trade association of business competitors in a single product field. It Is a research organization which specializes in long-range economic studies for about 20 associations in the "capital goods" industries. It also provides secretarial headquarters for "relatively inactive" groups of manufacturers of hoists, kiln coolers & dryers, mechanical Lubricators, pulverizing machinery, rock & ore crushers, saw mill machinery, steam engines (and the American Machine & Parts Assn.) . MACHINERY DEALERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (d-f). R.K. Vinson, ex. dir., Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. MACHINERY-METALS EXPORT CLUB (d-f) . F. Joseph Muller, sec, 330 W. 42nd St., N.Y. 36, N.Y. MACHINISTS VISE ASSOCIATION (p) . Campbell Wright, sec, c/o Reed Mfg. Co., Erie, Pa. Magazine Advertising Bureau (in office of Periodical Publishers Assn. of America) . MAGAZINE PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) (formerly Na- tional Assn. of Magazine Publishers) . Arch Crawford, pres., 232 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. MAGNESIA INSULATION MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . M.F. Allen, mgr., 1317 F St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. MAGNESIUM ASSOCIATION (p) . Jerry Singleton, ex. sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. MAGNETIC RECORDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (p) (see Ex- hibit Producers & Designers Assn.). Kenneth R. Arvedon, 135 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. MAHOGANY ASSOCIATION (p-f ) . George N. Lamb, ex. sec, 666 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago 11, 111. MAIL ADVERTISING SERVICE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL. Max T. Lloyd, ex. sec, 18120 Couzens Highway, Detroit 35, Mich. MAIL ADVERTISING SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK CITY (of MAS International). Felix R. Tyroler, mg. dir., 55 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. MAIL ORDER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (d) . Warren A. Clohisy, sec, 612 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. MALAYAN TIN BUREAU (p-d-f ) . Lynn W. Meekins, dir., 1028 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. MALLEABLE CHAIN MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) . Mark L. Patterson, ex. sec, 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. MALLEABLE FOUNDERS SOCIETY (p-l). L.D. Ryan, mg. dir., Cleveland 14, Ohio MALT RESEARCH INSTITUTE (p) . B.A. Burkhart, sec, Box 2039, Madison, Wis. MANUFACTURERS AGENTS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (d) . A.X. Schilling, ex. sec, 1724 W. Main St., Alhambra, Calif. MANUFACTURERS AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION (p-l). J. A. Sanborn, gen. mgr., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. MANUFACTURERS STANDARDIZATION SOCIETY OF THE VALVE & FITTINGS INDUSTRY (p) . Lester W. Benoit, ex. sec, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. MANUFACTURERS SURGICAL TRADE ASSOCIATION (p-d~f) (see American Hardware Manufacturers Assn.). Arthur L. Faubel, ex. dir., 342 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S. (Incl. former Plastic Materials Manufacturers Assn.) (p-f-l). J.E. Hull, pres., 1625 Eye St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. MAPLE FLOORING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . L.M. Clady, sec. mgr., 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago 1, 111, MARBLE INSTITUTE OF AMEP.ICA (p-d-f). Romer Shawhan, mg. dir., 108 Foster Ave., Mt. Vernon, N.Y. MARITIME ASSOCIATION OF THE PORT OF NEW YORK (f-l) . W.F. Giesen, gen. mgr., 80 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. MARKET RESEARCH COUNCIL. Dr. Lyndon 0. Brown, sec, 347 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. MARKING DEVICE ASSOCIATION (p) . Elmer F. Way, gen. mgr. 912 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111. MASON CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. George A. Miller, ex. sec, 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, 111. MASTER BREWERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . Allan E. Beach, ex. sec, 535 W. Arlington PI., Chicago 14, 111. MASTER FURRIERS GUILD OF AMERICA (d) . Henry Rosley, ex. sec, 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. MASTER PHOTO DEALERS & FINISHERS ASSOCIATION (p-d) . R.J. Wilkinson, ex. mgr., 103 W. Michigan Ave., Jackson, Mich. MATCH INDUSTRY INFORMATION BUREAU (p) . Stuart Little, dir., 500 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION (d). William R. Noble, sec, 1028 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. MATERIAL HANDLING INSTITUTE (p) . (see Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers Assn.). Noah F. Young, sec, 1 Gateway Center, Pittsburgh 22, Pa. MAYONNAISE & SALAD DRESSING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . E.J. Martin, ex. sec, 100 E. Ohio St., Chicago 11, 111. MEAT MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) . E.G. Vail, sec, 810 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Mechanical Lubricator Assn. (semi -dormant; see Machinery & Allied Products Institute) . MECHANICAL PACKING ASSOCIATION (p) . F.H. Luhrs, sec, 17 John St., New York 38, N.Y. MEDICAL EXHIBITORS ASSOCIATION (p) (manufacturers, hospital, etc. equip & supplies). H.L. Breining, asst. sec, Box 608, Villanova, Pa. MENS NECKWEAR MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (p) . L. Rabbino, ex. sec, 331 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. MENS TIE FOUNDATION (p) . Myron H. Ackerman, pres., 432 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. 17 MENS WEAR INTER- INDUSTRY COUNCIL (in same office as Wool Bureau). Felix Colangelo, sec, 16 W. 46th St., New York 36, N.Y. MERCHANTS LADIES GARMENT ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Joseph L. Dubow, ex. dir., 225 W. 34th St., New York 1, N.Y. METAL CUTTING TOOL INSTITUTE (p) . Perry L. Houser, pres., 405 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. METAL FINDING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Ben Cate, sec, c/o Samuel Moore Co., Providence, R.I. METAL LATH MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . D.R. Wadle, mg. dir., Engineers Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio METAL POWDER ASSOCIATION (p) . Kempton H. Roll, ex. sec, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. METAL ROOF DECK TECHNICAL INSTITUTE (p) . E.A. Miller, sec, 2250 E. Grand Blvd., Detroit 11, Mich. METAL TREATING INSTITUTE (p) . C.E. Herington, Ex. sec, 271 North Ave., New Rochelle, N.Y. Metal Window Institute (see Steel Window Institute). MEXICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES (f-l) . G. Cordova, sec, 60 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. MEXICAN-FOODS INSTITUTE (p) (canners, etc). Franklin R. Ullrey, sec, 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago 1, 111. MICA FABRICATORS ASSOCIATION (p-f ) . V.P. Gopcevic, ex. v-pres., 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. MILK BOTTLE CRATE MANUFACTURERS COUNCIL, (p) . (see Abrasive Grain Assn.). Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio MILK CAN INSTITUTE (p) (formerly Milk & Ice Cream Can Institute) (see Abrasive Grain Assn.). Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio MILK INDUSTRY FOUNDATION (p-d-l) . Richard J. Werner, ex. dir., 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. MILK SUGAR INSTITUTE (p) . Robert T. Baldwin, sec, 50 E. 41st St., New York 17, N.Y. Mill Mutual Fire Prevention Bureau (see Association of Mill & Elevator Mutual Insurance Companies) . MILLERS NATIONAL FEDERATION (p-f-l) (flour). Herman Steen, v-pres., 309 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 6, 111. MILLINERY STABILIZATION COMMISSION (p-l) . Sam Finkel- stein, ex. dir., 1450 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. Millinery Fashion Bureau (in office of Millinery Stabilization Commission) . MILLWORK COST BUREAU (p) (manufacturers of sash, frames, doors, etc. for special construction proj- ects) (see Architectural Woodwork Institute of America). 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. MIRROR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Flat Glass Jobbers Assn.). Minita Westcott, ex. sec, 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. MIXER MANUFACTURERS BUREAU (p) (Affiliate of Associated General Contractors of America) C.I. Mehl, sec, Munsey Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. MOBILEHOME DEALERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (d-l) (formerly Trailer Coach Dealers National Assn.). Leonard Bantz, ex. dir., 39 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. MOBILE HOMES MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) (formerly Trailer Coach Manufacturers Association) Edward L. Wilson, mg. dir., 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. MOBILE HOUSING CARRIERS CONFERENCE (see Architectural Woodwork Institute of America). 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. Model Industry Association (now Hobby Industry Assn.). MONORAIL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (overhead track for hoists, etc.). John C. Messer, sec, 71 W. 35th St., New York 1, N.Y. MONUMENT BUILDERS OF AMERICA (p-d) . A.L. Green, ex. v-pres., 20 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. MONUMENT INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (p-d-l). Frank E. Foster, ex. v-pres., 282 Delaware Ave., Buffalo 2, N.Y. MORTGAGE BANKERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (l). George H. Patterson, sec, 111 W. Washington St., Chicago 2, 111. MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-f-l) . Eric Johnston, pres., 1600 Eye St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. MOTION PICTURE EXPORT ASSOCIATION (f-l) (Export Act assn.). Sidney Schrieber, sec, 28 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY COUNCIL. Art Arthur, ex. .sec, 357 N. Cannon Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. MOTION PICTURE RESEARCH COUNCIL (l). William F. Kelley, ex. dir., 1421 N. Western Ave., Hollywood 27, Calif. MOTOR & EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) (automotive). Albert H. Eichholz, gen. mgr., 250 W. 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. MOTOR & EQUIPMENT WHOLESALERS ASSOCIATION (d-f-l). B.W. Ruark, gen. mgr., 309 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 6, 111. MOTORCYCLE & ALLIED TRADES ASSOCIATION (p) . E.C. Smith, sec, 106 Buttles Ave., Columbus 8, Ohio MOVERS & WAREHOUSEMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (formerly Independent Movers & Warehousemen) . Carroll F. Genovese, ex. sec, Warner Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. Movers Conference of America (part of the American Trucking Assn.). MULTIPLE V-BELT DRIVE; & MECHANICAL POWER TRANSMISSION ASSOCIATION (see Air Compressor Research Council). 27 E. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. MUSIC OPERATORS OF AMERICA (d) (coin-operated phono- graphs). George A. Miller, pres., 128 E. 14th St., Oakland 6, Calif. Municipal Finance Officers Association (see Public Administration) . MUSIC PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (p) . Amy W. Klingman, admin, sec, 3 E. 71s-t St., New York 21, N.Y. MUSIC PUBLISHERS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION (p) . Walter G. Douglas, chmn., 460 Park Ave., New York 22, N.Y. MUTUAL LOSS RESEARCH BUREAU (l) . Gordon Davis, sec, 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. NARROW FABRICS INSTITUTE (p) (formerly Assn. of Narrow Fabrics Manufacturers) (see Crucible Manufacturers Assn.). 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. NATION-WIDE TRAILER RENTAL SYSTEM ASSOCIATION. Clyde M. Simon, sec, 519 S. Broadway, Wichita, Kans. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (f-l). S. Douglas Cornell, ex. officer, 2101 Constitu- tion Ave., N.W., Washington 25, D.C. NATIONAL ADEQUATE WIRING BUREAU (OF NEMA) (p) . Norman Wicks, sec, 155 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ADVERTISING NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION (p) . W.M. Brown, pres., 1025 Brush St., Detroit 26, Mich. NATIONAL AERONAUTIC ASSOCIATION (f-l). Charles S. Logs- don, ex. sec, 1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS ASSOCIATION, (p-l). L.S. Hitchner, ex. sec, 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE INSTITUTE (p) (formerly National Agricultural Limestone Assn.). Robert M. Koch, ex. sec, 619 F St., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL AIR TAXI CONFERENCE. Evelyn V. Waters, ex. v-pres., Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF TV & ELECTRONIC SERVICE ASSOCIA- TIONS. Frank J. Moch, pres., 5908 S. Troy St., Chicago 29, 111. NATIONAL- AMERICAN WHOLESALE GROCERS ASSOCIATION (d-l) . Ralph B. Johnson, ex. v-pres., 60 Hudson St., New York 13, N.Y. NATIONAL-AMERICAN WHOLESALE LUMBER ASSOCIATION (d-l). Sid L. Darling, sec, mgr., 41 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL APARTMENT OWNERS ASSOCIATION. Douglas Dorr, pres., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL APPLIANCE & RADIO-TV DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d-l) (formerly National Appliance & Radio Dealers Assn.). A.W. Bernsohn, mg. dir., 1141 Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, 111. NATIONAL APPLIANCE SERVICE ASSOCIATION. John McDermott, sec, Merchandise Mart, Kansas City, Mo. NATIONAL ARMORED CAR ASSOCIATION. Lee Bannister, pres., First National Bank Bldg., St. Paul 1, Minn. 18 NATIONAL ART MATERIALS TRADE ASSOCIATION (p) . Daniel B. Edelman, ex. sec, 23 E. 26th St., New York 10, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATED BUSINESSMEN. Loring A. Schuler, ex. dir., 927 15th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATED MARINE SUPPLIERS (d) . C. Wlllman Brown, ex. sec, 1024- Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. National Association of Accident & Health Underwriters (see International Assn. of Accident & Health Under- writers) . National Association of Accredited Commercial Schools (see National Assn. & Council of Business Schools). National Association of Assessing Officers (see Public Administration) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE IMPORTERS (d-f). Harry L. Laurie, ex. v-pres., National Press Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ALUMINUM DISTRIBUTORS (d) (see American Brush Manufacturers Assn.). R. Bruce Wall, sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AMUSEMENT PARKS, POOLS & BEACHES. Paul H. Huedepohl, sec, 203 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago 1, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTURAL METAL MANUFAC- TURERS (p) (merger of the Ornamental Metal, Memorial Bronze etc. assns.). William N. Wilson, ex. sec, 228 N. LaSalle St., Chicago 1, 111. National Association of Attorney Generals (see Public Administration) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AUTOMOTIVE MUTUAL INSURANCE COS. Newell R. Johnson, gen. mgr., 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BABY CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS (p) . W.C. Troendle, pres., O.W. Siebert Co., Gardner, Mass. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BAND INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS (p) . Richard W. Bosse, sec, Box 48, Elkhart, Ind. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BEDDING MANUFACTURERS (p-1) . J. P. Fanning, gen. mgr., 724 9th St., Washington 1, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOUSE MANUFACTURERS (p) . B.H. Lerner, ex. dir., 225 W. 34th St., New York 1, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLUEPRINT & DIAZOTYPE COATERS (p) . Preston B. Bergin, ex. sec, 1001 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. National Association of Broadcasters (see National Assn. of Radio & Television Broadcasters). NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUILDING OWNERS & MANAGERS (l) . Robert B. Beach, ex. v-pres., 134 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BUTTON MANUFACTURERS (p) . William Spieth, pres., Laurel Bldg., Muscatine, Iowa NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CARPET RETAILERS (d) . Edward B. Shils, ex. sec, 820 Commercial Trust Bldg., Phila- delphia 2, Pa. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CASUALTY & SURETY AGENTS. C.F.J. Harrington, ex. v-pres., 112 Water St., Boston, Mass. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CASUALTY & SURETY EXECUTIVES. J.D. Dorsett, sec, 60 John St., New York 38, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC PUBLISHERS & DEALERS IN CHURCH GOODS (p-d) . H.P.C. Howe, ex. sec, 90 W. Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHAIN DRUG STORES (d-l) . Carl Willingham, sec, 4 Park Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS (p) Carlton S. Drolsbaugh, sec, 100 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE STORES (d). Russell L. Reynolds, gen. mgr., 33 W. College St., Oberlin, Ohio National Association of Commercial Organization Secretaries (now American Chamber of Commerce Execu- tives) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COTTON MANUFACTURERS (AND NORTHERN TEXTILE ASSOCIATION) (p-f-l) . Wm. F. Sullivan, pres., 80 Federal St., Boston 10, Mass. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AND COUNCIL OF BUSINESS SCHOOLS (l) (merger of National Assn. of Accredited Commercial Schools and National Council of Business Schools) . H.D. Hopkins, ex. sec,- 601 13th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. National Association of Credit Jewelers (see National Jewelers Assn. ) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CREDIT MEN (f-l) . Henry H. Heimann, ex. mgr., 229 Fourth Ave., New York 3, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DAIRY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS (p). John Marshall, ex. sec, 1012 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DENTAL LABORATORIES (p) . Paul A. Slone, ex. sec, 704 17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DIRECT SELLING COMPANIES (p-d) . J.M. George, gen. counsel, 165 Center St., Winona, Minn. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DISCOUNT MERCHANTS (d). Herbert S. Greenberg, counsel, 551 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DISPLAY INDUSTRIES (p) . John F. Bowman, Jr., mg. dir., 203 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago 1, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DOLL MANUFACTURERS (p) . Marc J. Estern, ex. sec, 200 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DOMESTIC & FARM PUMP MANUFAC- TURERS (p).(see Electric Water Systems Council). 39 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTERS. Harry J. Skornia, ex. dir., 14 Gregory Hall, Urbana, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATIONAL BUYERS (formerly Educational Buyers Assn.). Bert C. Ahrens, ex. sec, 1461 Franklin Ave., Garden City, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRIC COMPANIES (l). Arthur Barnett, dir., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS (d-l). Arthur W. Hooper, ex. dir., 290 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ELEVATOR CONTRACTORS. William C. Sturgeon, ex. sec, 100 N. Water St., Mobile, Ala. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENGINE & BOAT MANUFACTURERS (p-1). Joseph E. Choate, sec, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERING COMPANIES. Robert A. Sullivan, ex. sec, Guardian Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EXHIBIT MANAGERS. Chester L. Wells, sec, 7301 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FAN MANUFACTURERS (1956 merger, see Air Moving and Conditioning Assn.). NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FINISHERS OF TEXTILE FABRICS (p). Joseph E. Hoesl, sec, 40 Worth St., New York 13, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FLOUR DISTRIBUTORS (d). Charles A. Barnes, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FOOD CHAINS (d-l). John A. Logan, pres., 726 Jackson Place, N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FOOD EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS (p). Alfred Fava, pres., 511 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. National Association of Foremen (now National Manage- ment Assn.) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FROZEN FOOD PACKERS (p) . L.S. Martin, sec. mgr., 1415 K St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS (p) . John M. Snow, ex. v-pres., 666 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago 11, 111. National Association of Glass Dealers (see National Auto & Flat Glass Dealers Assn.). NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GLUE MANUFACTURERS (p) . Clyde D. Marlatt, sec, 55 W. 42nd. St., New York 36, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GOLF CLUB MANUFACTURERS (AND NATIONAL GOLF FOUNDATION) (p) (see Athletic Goods Mfrs. Assn.). George J. Herrmann, ex. sec, 209 S. State St., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GREETING CARD PUBLISHERS (now Greeting Card Association) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HARDWOOD WHOLESALERS (d) . Frank T. Jones, pres., 327 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 4, 111. national association of home builders (i). John m. Dickerman, ex. dir., 1625 L St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. 19 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS (p-f-l) . William F. Williamson, pres., -468 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOROLOGICAL SCHOOLS. Orville R. Hagans, ex. sec, 1901 'E. Colfax Ave., Denver 6, Colo. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOT HOUSE VEGETABLE GROWERS. Mildred K. Lake, sec, Public Square Bldg., Cleve- land 13, Ohio NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOTEL & RESTAURANT MEAT PUR- VEYORS (d). Harry L. Rudnick, sec, 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOUSE DRESS MANUFACTURERS (p) . Erwin Feldman, dir-counsel, 1350 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. NATIONAL, ASSOCIATION OF HOUSE TO HOUSE INSTALLMENT COMPANIES. Edward L. Sard, ex. air., 20 E. 50th St., New lork 22, N.Y. National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, (see Public Administration). NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ICE INDUSTRIES (p-l) . Guy W. Jacobs, ex. sec, 810 18th St., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF IMPORTERS & EXPORTERS OF HIDES & SKINS (d-f) (formerly National Association of Im- porters of Hides & Skins). Henry Wirth, sec, 75 Cliff St., New York 38, N.Y. National Association of Independent Business (see Small Business) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT INSURANCE ADJUSTERS. Ralph G. McCallum, gen mgr., 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT INSURERS (l) . Vestal Lemmon, mgr., Ill W. Washington St., Chicago 2, 111. National Association of Independent Tire Dealers (see National Tire Dealers & Retreaders Assn. ) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE AGENTS (l) . George S. Hanson, ex. sec, 96 Fulton St., New York 38, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INSURANCE BROKERS. Barclay Shaw, sec, 57 William St., New York 5, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INVESTMENT COMPANIES. Edward B. Burr, ex. dir., 61 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LACE CURTAIN MANUFACTURERS (p) (see American Die Casting Institute). 366 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LEATHER GLOVE MANUFACTURERS (p) . James H. Casey, ex. sec, 52 S. Main St., Gloversville, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE LEGITIMATE THEATRE. James F. Reilly, ex. dir., 234 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LIFE UNDERWRITERS (l). L.O. Schriver, mg. dir., 1800 H St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. National Association of Magazine Publishers (see Maga- zine Publishers Association) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS (p-l) . Kenneth R. Miller, mg. dir., 2 E. 48th St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS OF PRESSED & BLOWN GLASSWARE (p) . Ralph Lind, dir., 34 Conestoga Bldg., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MARBLE DEALERS (d). Carl V. Stafford, Tennessee Marble Co., Knoxville, Term. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MARGARINE MANUFACTURERS (p) . Siert F. Riepma, pres., Munsey Bldg., N.W., Washing- ton 4, D.C. National Association of Master Plumbers (now National Assn. of Plumbing Contractors) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL-DENTAL BUREAUS (credit). Carl King, ex. sec, 107 Hayden St., Saginaw, Mich. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF METAL FINISHERS (p) (plating). Lewis M. Glassner, acting sec, 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago 1, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MOTOR BUS OPERATORS (l). A.W. Koehler, sec. mgr., 839 17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUSIC MERCHANTS (d-l). W.R. Gard, ex. sec, 25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE MANUFAC- TURERS (p). C.A. Geib, sec, 8040 N. Austin Ave., Morton Grove, 111. .NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE WHOLE- SALERS (d). Rexford C. Hyre, ex. sec, Society for Savings Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUTUAL CASUALTY COMPANIES. Newell R. Johnson, gen. mgr., 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENTS. Philip L. Baldwin, ex. sec, Investment Bldg., N.W., Wash- ington 5, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANIES. Harry P. Cooper, Jr., sec, 2105 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis 7, Ind. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS (l). John W. Sandstedt, ex. sec, 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF OIL EQUIPMENT JOBBERS (d) . Howard Upton, ex. sec, 4620 E. 11th St., Tulsa 12, Okla. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF OPTOMETRISTS & OPTICIANS (was National Retail Optical Assn.). Clarence S. Moses, ex. dir., 1900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 15, Ohio National Association of Ornamental Metal Manufacturers. See National Assn. of Architectural Metal Manufac- turers . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PACKAGED FUEL MANUFACTURERS (p) . Harry Turner, sec, 1801 Gage Blvd., Topeka, Kans. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE PET LNDUSTRY (p-d) . George Winter, sec, 62 E. 8th St., New York 3, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MANUFACTURERS (p) . William C. Babbitt, mg. dir., 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHERS (p-l) . Walter E. Soderstrom, ex. v-pres., 317 W. 45th St., New York 36, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PIPE NIPPLE MANUFACTURERS (p) . H. A. Long, Jr., ex. sec, 501 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PLAY PUBLISHERS (p) . C.R. Van Nostrand, sec, 25 W. 45th St., New York 19, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PLUMBING CONTRACTORS (1). Jerome 0. Hendrickson, ex. sec, 1016 20th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. National Association of Popcorn Manufacturers (see Pop- corn & Concessions Assn.). NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE BRAND MANUFACTURERS (p) . Arthur D. Herrick, ex. dir., 130 E. 59th St., New York 22, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PRINTING INK MAKERS (p) . Herbert B. Livesay, ex. sec, 1440 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC INSURANCE ADJUSTERS. Paul Cordish, ex. dir., Munsey Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC EXPOSITION MANAGERS. H. Ellis Saxton, sec, 312 E. Wisconsin Ave., Mil- waukee 2, Wis. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PURCHASING AGENTS (f-l) . George A. Renard. ex. sec, 11 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RADIO & TELEVISION BROADCASTERS (l). Harold E. Fellows, pres., 1771 N St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BOARDS (l). Eugene P. Conser, ex. v-pres., 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REFRIGERATED WAREHOUSES (l). William Dalton, ex. v-pres., Tower Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REGISTERED NURSING HOMES. Hari Eklund, ex. sec, 25 Ridgeview Ave., White Plains, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RELAY MANUFACTURERS (p) . James V. Rougham, sec, Price Electric Corp., Frederick, Md. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RETAIL CLOTHIERS & FURNISHERS (d-l). Louis Rothschild, ex. sec, Munsey Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RETAIL DRUGGISTS (d-l). John W. Dargavel, ex. sec, 205 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. 20 .NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RETAIL GROCERS (d-l). (Mrs.) Marie Kiefer, sec. mgr., 360 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RETAIL ICE CREAM MANUFACTUR- ERS (p). E.M. Warder, ex. sec, 2223 Detroit Ave., Toledo 6, Ohio NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RETAIL MEAT & FOOD DEALERS (d) (formerly National Assn. of Retail Meat Dealers). Charles H. Bromann, sec, 510 N. Dearborn St., Chicago 10, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RIVER & HARBOR CONTRACTORS. H.O. Locher, sec, 15 Park Row, New York 38, N.X. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SANITARY MILK BOTTLE CLOSURE MANUFACTURERS (p) . George J. Lincoln, ex. sec, Philadelphia National Bank Bldg ., Philadelphia 7, Pa. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCALE MANUFACTURERS (p) . Arthur Sanders, ex. sec, 1 Thomas Circle, N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS OF MUSIC. B.C. Tut- hill, sec, 1822 Overton Park Ave., Memphis, Tenn. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SECURITIES DEALERS (d-l). Wallace H. Fulton, ex. dir., 1625 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SEWING MACHINE DISTRIBUTORS (d-f). Samuel Cohen, sec, 1819 Broadway, New York 23, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHEET METAL DISTRIBUTORS (d) (see American Brush Manufacturers Assn.). Thomas A. Fernley, Jr., ex. sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIPPERS ADVISORY BOARDS. C.L. Denk, Jr., pres., 1070 Boulevard S.E., Atlanta 1, Ga. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHIRT, PAJAMA & SPORTSWEAR MANUFACTURERS (p) (formerly National Assn. of Shirt & Pajama Manufacturers). Max J. Lovell, dir., 112 W. 34th St., New York 1, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHOE CHAIN STORES (d). Edward Atkins, ex. v-pres., 51 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SHOE WHOLESALERS (d). Maxwell Field, ex. v-pres., 210 Lincoln St., Boston 11, Mass. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SILO MANUFACTURERS (p) . Theo- dore A. Meyer, mg. dir., 131 Breckinridge Lane, Louisville 7, Ky. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SLIPPER & PLAYSHOE MANUFAC- TURERS (p) . Harry Pelinger, sec, 295 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOFT WATER SERVICE OPERATORS. Russell D. Lund, ex. sec, Liberty Bldg., Wheaton, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE SPECIALTY FOOD TRADE (p-d) (see Exhibit Producers & Designers Assn.). Kenneth R. Arvedon, ex. sec, 135 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. National Association of State Budget Officers (see Public Administration) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STEEL EXPORTERS (d-l). Morris Rosoff, gen. counsel, 29 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. National Association of State Purchasing Officials (see Public Administration) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SUGGESTION SYSTEMS. G.E. Wash- burn, sec, 25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SUMMER FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS (p) . A.J. Siesel, sec, 216 E. 49th St., New York 17, N.Y. INATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SURETY BOND PRODUCERS. H.P. Smith, ex. dir., 223 Third National Bank Bldg., Nash- ville, Tenn. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TAXICAB OWNERS. H.I. Gwilym, sec, Leader Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS AGENCIES. Hoyt S. Arm- strong, sec, 533 Genesee Valley Trust Bldg., Rochester 4, N.Y. National Association of Textile Machinery Manufacturers (see American Textile Machinery Assn.). NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TOBACCO DISTRIBUTORS (d-l). Joseph Kolodny, mg. dir., 200 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TRANSPORTATION ADVERTISING. George B. MacGlennon, mg. dir., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TRAVEL ORGANIZATIONS (l). James L. Bossemeyer, ex. v-pres., 1424 K St., N.W., Washing- ton 5, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF UNIFORM MANUFACTURERS (p) . Stanley J. Cummings, ex. sec, 112 E. 19th St., New York 3, N.Y. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF VARIETY STORES (d). Marvin E. Smith, mg. dir., Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF VERTICAL TURBINE PUMP MANUFAC- TURERS (p) H. DeVoe Rea, ex. mgr., 458 S. Spring St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. National Association of Visual Education Dealers (see National Audio Visual Assn. ) . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WASTE MATERIAL DEALERS (d-l). Clinton M. White, ex. v-pres., 271 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. National Association of Water Conditioning Equipment Manufacturers (see Water Conditioning Foundation). NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WHOLESALERS (d). Paul H. Bolton, Ex. -v-pres., 1001 Conn. Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WHOLESALE PIE BAKERS (p) . L.W. Fasano, pres., 5101 W. 65xh St., Chicago 38, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOOD HEEL MANUFACTURERS (p) . Walter R. Guild, mg. dir., 80 Federal St., Boston 10, Mass. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WOOL MANUFACTURERS (p-f-l) . Edwin Wilkinson, ex. v-pres., 386 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL AUDIO VISUAL ASSOCIATION (d) (formerly National Assn. of Visual Educational Dealers). Don White, ex. v-pres., 2540 Eastwood Ave., Evanston, 111. NATIONAL AUTHORITY FOR THE LADIES HANDBAG INDUSTRY (p) . Max Berkowitz, dir., 347 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL AUCTIONEERS SOCIETY (d). Bernard Hart, sec, Frankfort, Ind. NATIONAL AUTO WRECKERS ASSOCIATION. Dwight McKay, ex. dir., 11 S. La Salle St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL AUTO & FLAT GLASS DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d). Frederick R. Bolton, ex. sec, Dime Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. NATIONAL AUTOMATIC MERCHANDISING ASSOCIATION (p-d-l) . Clinton S. Darling, ex. dir., 7 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER & FIRE CONTROL ASSOCIATION (p) . Raymond J. Casey, ex. dir., 205 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d-l). Frederick J. Bell, ex. v-pres., 2000 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE THEFT BUREAU (l) . John A. Ganley, sec, 99 John St., New York 38, N.Y. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORTERS ASSOCIATION (l). R.E. Beiser, gen. mgr., Cadillac Tower, Detroit 26, Mich. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITERS ASSOCIATION (l). Howard S. Omsberg, mgr., 99 John St., New York 38, N.Y. NATIONAL AVIATION TRADES ASSOCIATION. Charles A. Parker, ex. dir., Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL BAKERY SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION (d) (formerly National Bakers Supply House Association). Daniel R. Forbes, counsel, Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. NATIONAL BARNYARD & POULTRY EQUIPMENT COUNCIL (p) (see Barn Equipment Assn.). W. Floyd Keepers, ex. sec, 330 S. Wells St., Chicago 6, 111. NATIONAL BARREL & DRUM ASSOCIATION (d). Margaret A. Smith, ex. sec, 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL BEAUTY & BARBER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Jacob Reck, ex. v-pres., National Press Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL BEER WHOLESALERS ASSOCIATION (d) . Russell H. Hopkins, ex. mgr., 203 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago 1, 111. NATIONAL BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU (l). Kenneth B. Will- son, pres., 405 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS (l) . L.A. Vincent, gen. mgr., 85 John St., New York 38, N.Y. 21 NATIONAL BRANDS SOFT DRINK INSTITUTE (p) . Mandel L. Anixter, ex. sec, 79 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL BROOM CORN AND SUPPLY DEALERS ASSOCIATION and NATIONAL BROOM MANUFACTURERS & ALLIED INDUSTRIES AS- SOCIATION (p) . Paul A. Lindenmeyer, sec, Areola, 111. NATIONAL BUILDERS HARDWARE ASSOCIATION (p-l) (formerly National Contract Hardware Assn.). John R. Schoemer, mg. dir., 515 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. NATIONAL BUILDING GRANITE QUARRIES ASSOCIATION (p) . Florence Jones, ex. sec, 1028 Conn. Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL BUILDING MATERIAL DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION (d). S.M. VanKirk, mgr. dir., 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL BUREAU OF CASUALTY UNDERWRITERS. William Leslie, Sr., gen. mgr., 60 John St., New York 38, N.Y. NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH (l). W.U. Carson, ex. dir., 261 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL BURLAP BAG DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d-f). John D. Wilson, ex. sec, 60 Bolivar St., Brooklyn 1, N.Y. NATIONAL BUS TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION (l). P.J. Campbell, chmn., 506 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 5, 111. NATIONAL BUSINESS AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION. Jean H. DuBuque, ex. dir., 425 13th St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS (p-f) (magazines). Robert E. Harper, pres., 1413 K St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. National Butane Propane Association (merged with the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Assn.). NATIONAL BUTTON ASSOCIATION (d). Erwin Feldman, counsel, 1350 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. NATIONAL CANDY WHOLESALERS ASSOCIATION (d-l). CM. McMillan, ex. sec, 1424 K. St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL CANNERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Carlos E. Camp- bell, ex. sec, 1133 20th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL CANVAS GOODS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Donald A. Campbell, National sec, 224 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul 1, Minn. NATIONAL CAR RENTAL SYSTEM, INC. Walter J. Phillips, ex. v-pres., 1209 Washington Ave., St. Louis 3, Mo. NATIONAL CASTINGS COUNCIL (p) . F.G. Steinebeck, sec, 1213 W. 3rd St., Cleveland 13, Ohio NATIONAL CIGAR LEAF TOBACCO ASSOCIATION (p-d) . F.B. Northrup, ex. dir., 1507 M St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. Martin F. Gaudian, ex. v-pres., 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL CERAMIC HOBBY ASSOCIATION (p-d). Edward B. Ross, ex. sec, 8447 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. NATIONAL CHEESE INSTITUTE (p) . E.W. Gaumnitz, ex. sec, 110 N. Franklin St., Chicago 6, 111. NATIONAL CHARCOAL ASSOCIATION (p) . Henry Brown, pres., Fairmont, W. Va. NATIONAL CINDER CONCRETE PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION (p) . H.H. Longenecker, sec, Box 67, Primos, Fa. NATIONAL CLAY PIPE MANUFACTURERS (p) . D.M. Strickland, pres., 1820 N St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL CLEAN-UP PAINT-UP FLX-UP BUREAU, Frank Monaghan, dir., 1500 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Wash- ington 5, D.C. NATIONAL COAL ASSOCIATION (p-f-l). Tom Pickett, ex. v-pres., Southern Bldg . , N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL COAT & SUIT INDUSTRY RECOVERY BOARD (p-l) . Joseph L. Batchker, ex. sec, 450 7th Ave., New York 1, N.Y. NATIONAL COFFEE ASSOCIATION (p-f-l). John E. McKiernan, ex. v-pres., 120 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. NATIONAL COMBINATION STORM WINDOW & DOOR INSTITUTE (p) . Harold R. Giblin, ex. sec, 280 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL COMMERCIAL FINANCE CONFERENCE. William J. Drake, ex. sec, 29 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. NATIONAL COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATOR SALES ASSOCIATION (d) . (see American Brush Manufacturers Assn.). Marie H. Lawton, ex. sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. NATIONAL COMMUNITY TELEVISION ASSOCIATION. E. Stratford Smith, ex. sec, 710 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL CONCRETE BURIAL VAULT ASSOCIATION (p) . W.E. Hollingsworth, sec, 229 E. Water St., Princeton, Ind. NATIONAL CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION (p-l) . E.W. Dlen- hart, ex. sec, 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL CONFECTIONERS ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (p-f-l). Philip P. Gott, pres., 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago 1, 111. NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF STATE RETAIL ASSOCIATIONS (d) (In office of American Retail Federation). Quaife M. Ward, sec, 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL CONGRESS OF PETROLEUM RETAILERS (d-l). J.W. Nerlinger, Jr., sec, Farwell Building, Detroit 26, Mich. NATIONAL CONSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION (industrial plants). C.B. Bronson, sec, 50 E. 41st St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL CONSUMER FINANCE ASSOCIATION (l). Paul L. Selby, ex. v-pres., 815 15th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. National Contract Hardware Association (see National Builders Hardware Assn.). NATIONAL COOPERATIVES, INC. (p-d-l) (merchandising & manufacturing affiliate of Cooperative League of the U.S.). Albert G. Rose, mgr., Albert Lea, Minn. NATIONAL COSTUMERS ASSOCIATION (p-d). Lester C. Essig, sec, 33 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL COTTON COMPRESS & COTTON WAREHOUSE ASSOCIATION. John H. Todd, ex. v-pres., Shrine Bldg., Memphis 3, Tenn. NATIONAL COTTON COUNCIL OF AMERICA (p-d-f-l) . William R. Blake, ex. v-pres., P.O. Box 9905, Binghamton Station, Memphis 12, Tenn. NATIONAL COTTON GINNERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Clifford H. Hardy, ex. sec, P.O. Box 512, Bennettsville, S.C. NATIONAL COTTONSEED PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION (p-d-f-l) . T.H. Gregory, ex. v-pres., 19 S. Cleveland St., Memphis 4, Tenn. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF AMERICAN IMPORTERS (d-f-1) (see Lace & Embroidery Assn. of America). Harry S. Rad- cliffe, ex. v-pres., 200 Fourth Ave., New York 3, N.Y. NATIONAL COUNCIL ON BUSINESS MAIL. John C. Vaughan, pres., 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT. Paul C. Stark, pres., 818 Olive St., St. Louis 1, Mo. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF COAL LESSORS (p-l). R.F. Cooper, pres., Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL COUNCIL ON COMPENSATION INSURANCE. William Leslie, Jr., gen. mgr., 200 Fourth Ave., New York 3, N.Y. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF MAILING LIST BROKERS (d) . Ann Archer, sec, 140 W. 55th St., New York 19, N.Y. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF MILLINERY ASSOCIATIONS (p) . Sam Finkelstein, adm. dir., 1450 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. National Council of Private Motor Truck Owners (see Private Truck Council of America) . NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SALESMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS (d) . L.A. Capaldo, pres., 80 W. 40th St., New York 18, N.Y. NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR STREAM IMPROVEMENT (l). Russell L. Winget, ex. sec, 271 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. George B. Hersh- man, pres., 1507 M St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL CREAMERIES ASSOCIATION (p) . W.A. Gordon, sec, New York Bldg., St. Paul 1, Minn. NATIONAL CRUSHED STONE ASSOCIATION (p) . J.R. Boyd, adm. dir., 1415 Elliot PI., N.W., Washington 7, D.C. NATIONAL DAIRY COUNCIL (p-d-l). Milton Hult, pres., Ill N. Canal St., Chicago 6, 111. NATIONAL DEFENSE TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION (l). Francis W. Crary, ex. dir., 1001 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Wash- ington 6, D.C. NATIONAL DIETARY FOODS ASSOCIATION (p-d). S.N. Phillips, ex. sec, Station A-Box 85, Cincinnati, Ohio NATIONAL DISTRICT HEATING ASSOCIATION. John F. Collins, Jr., sec, 827 North Euclid Ave., Pittsburgh 6, Pa. National Door Manufacturers Association (see National Woodwork Manufacturers Assn.). 22 NATIONAL DRESS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . I. A. Agree, gen. mgr., 1450 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. , NATIONAL DRIED BEAN COUNCIL (d). George Goddard, sec, 1415 Parkwood PI., N.W., Washington 10, D.C. NATIONAL DRUG TRADE CONFERENCE (p-d) (see Essential Oil Assn.). 2 Lexington Ave., New York 10, N.Y. NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL. Merwin K. Hart, pres., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION (p-l) (weekly news- papers) . Don Eok, gen. mgr., 225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, 111. National Egg Products Association (merged with Insti- tute of American Poultry Industries) . NATIONAL ELECTRIC SIGN ASSOCIATION (p) . Maurice R. Ely, ex. sec, 10912 S. Western Ave., Chicago 43, 111. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION (l). Paul M. Geary, ex. v-pres., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Joseph F. Miller, mg. dir., 155 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. National Electrical Wholesalers Association (now Na- tional Assn. of Electrical Distributors) . NATIONAL ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION (d-l). Herbert V. Hedeen, ex. officer, 4704 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago 41, 111. NATIONAL ELEVATOR MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY (p) . John McCardle, com., 101 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT BOARD (an association of private employment agencies). Grace E. Cooke, ex. sec, 7 Water St., Boston 9, Mass. NATIONAL ERECTORS ASSOCIATION (p) . W. Drew, com., 33 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. NATIONAL ESTABLISHED ROOFING, SIDING AND INSULATING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION ("NERSICA, INC."). (l) . C.N. Nichols, mg. dir., 12 E. 41st St., New York 17, N.Y. National Farm Chemurgic Council (now Council for Agri- cultural & Chemurgic Research) . NATIONAL FATS & OILS BROKERS ASSOCIATION (d) . George K. Dahlin, pres., 1135 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, Calif. National Federation of American Shipping (absorbed by American Merchant Marine Institute) . NATIONAL FEDERATION OF FINANCIAL ANALYSTS SOCIETIES. 270 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL FEDERATION OF GRANGE MUTUAL INSURANCE COM- PANIES. Sherman K. Ives, sec, RFD No. 1, Thomaston, Conn. National Federation of Independent Business (see Small Business) . National Federation of Metal Finishers (see National Assn. of Metal Finishers) . NATIONAL FEDERATION OF TEXTILES (p-f-l). Irene L. Blunt, ex. dir., 389 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. National Federation of Sales Executives (now National Sales Executives, Inc.). National Fertilizer Association (see National Plant Food Institute) . NATIONAL FIBRE CAN & TUBE ASSOCIATION (p) . Paul S. Hanway, mg. dir., 274 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL FILM CARRIERS, INC. Clint Weyer, sec, 1239 Vine St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (l). Percy Bugbee, gen. mgr., 60 Batterymarch St., Boston 10, Mass. NATIONAL FIRE WASTE COUNCIL. A.L. Kirkpatrick, sec, 1615 H St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL FISHERIES INSTITUTE (d-l) . Chales E. Jackson, gen, mgr., 1614 20th St., N.W., Washington 9, D.C. NATIONAL FLEXIBLE PACKAGING ASSOCIATION (p) . John M. Cowan, mg. dir., 850 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio NATIONAL FLUID POWER ASSOCIATION (p) . Barrett Rogers, ex. sec, 1618 Orrington Ave., Evanston, 111. NATIONAL FOOD BROKERS ASSOCIATION (d-l). Watson Rogers, pres., Munsey Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL FOOD DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION (d) . E.J. Martin, ex. v-pres., 100 E. Ohio St., Chicago 11, 111. NATIONAL FOOD SERVICE ASSOCIATION (d) . Robert R. Williams, ex. v-pres., 12 N. Third St., Columbus 15, Ohio NATIONAL FOREIGN TRADE COUNCIL (f-l) . William S. Swingle, pres., Ill Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR CONSUMER CREDIT (l) . Wm. J. Cheyney, ex. v-pres., 1627 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL FOUNDRY ASSOCIATION (p-l) (formerly National Founders Assn.). Charles T. Sheehan, ex. sec, 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL FROZEN FOOD LOCKER INSTITUTE. R.L. Madeira, ex. sec, Box 88, Elizabethtown, Pa. NATIONAL FRUIT & SYRUP MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Fruit & Syrup Manufacturers Assn.). (see Flavoring Extract Manufacturers Assn. of the U.S.). John S. Hall, sec, First National Bank Bldg., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION (l) . Howard C. Raether, ex. sec, 135 W. Wells St., Milwaukee 3, Wis. NATIONAL FURNITURE WAREHOUSEMEN'S ASSOCIATION. Edward D. Byrnes, ex. dir., 327 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL GIFT & ART ASSOCIATION. William E. Little, sec, 220 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. NATIONAL GRAIN TRADE COUNCIL (d). William F. Brooks, ex. sec, 723 15th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL HAIRDRESSERS & COSMETOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION (l). L.A. Freiberg, ex. sec, 175 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N.Y. NATIONAL HAND EMBROIDERY & NOVELTY MANUFACTURERS AS- SOCIATION (p). A. Gilman, ex. sec, 202 W. 40th St., New York 18, N.Y. NATIONAL HAND KNITTING YARN ASSOCIATION. Terry M. McKinley, mg. dir., 132 E. 35th St., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL HARDWOOD LUMBER ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Joseph L. Muller, sec. mgr., 59 E. Van Buren St., Chicago 5, 111. NATIONAL HAY ASSOCIATION (d). Fred K. Sale, sec, 600 Board of Trade, Indianapolis 4, Ind. NATIONAL HEATING & AIRCONDITIONING WHOLESALERS (d) . Wilbur R. Bull, ex. dir., 1200 W. 5th Ave., Columbus 12, Ohio National Heavy Outerwear Association (see National Outerwear & Sportswear Assn.). NATIONAL HIDE ASSOCIATION (d-f) . John Minnoch, ex. dir., 130 N. Wells St., Chicago 6, 111. NATIONAL HIGHWAY USERS CONFERENCE (l). Arthur C. But- ler, dir., National Press Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL HOME STUDY COUNCIL (p) . Homer Kempfer, dir., 1420 New York Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL HONEY PACKERS & DEALERS ASSOCIATION (p-d) . R.B. Willson, pres., 250 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL HORSE CARRIERS ASSOCIATION. H.C. Kelting, sec, 301 W. Main St., Louisville 2, Ky. NATIONAL HOUSEWARES MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (chief activity trade shows). Dolph Zapfel, sec, Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, 111. NATIONAL HOUSING CONFERENCE. Lee F. Johnson, ex. v-pres., 1025 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL ICE CREAM MIX ASSOCIATION (p) . Edward L. Koepenick, ex. v-pres., 815 15th St., N.W., Washing- ton 5, D.C. NATIONAL INDEPENDENT MEAT PACKERS ASSOCIATION (p) . John A. Killick, ex. sec, 740 11th St., N.W., Wash- ington 1, D.C. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISERS ASSOCIATION (p-d-f-1) . John C. Freeman, pres., 271 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE BOARD (p-d-f-l) . John S. Sinclair, pres., 460 Park Ave., New York 21, N.Y. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL (p-l) . (affiliated with the National Assn. of Manufacturers). R.T. Compton, ex. dir., 918 16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION (d) (see American Brush Manufacturers Assn.). Henry P.. Rine- hart, ex. sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION. Don L. Neer, ex. sec, 203 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago 1, 111. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL SAND ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Vincent P. Ahearn, ex. sec, 1329 E St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. For other associations with the same management, see National Ready Mixed Concrete Assn., National Sand & Gravel Assn., Truck Mixer Manufacturers Bureau . NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION (p-l). Fred B. Wipperman, ex. sec, 818 Olive St., St. Louis 1, Mo. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL LEATHER ASSOCIATION (p) . Edwin R. Rath, ex. v-pres., 320 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL STORES ASSOCIATION (d-l). Hull Bronson, ex. sec, Southern Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL TRAFFIC LEAGUE (l). Lester J. Dorr, ex. sec, 711 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. National Institute for Commercial & Trade Organization Executives (now National Institute for Organization Management) . NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CREDIT (l) (part of National Association of Credit Men). Carl D. Smith, dir., 229 4th Ave., New York 3, N.Y. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DIAPER SERVICES. Ruth P. Schau - mann, sec, 67 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DRY CLEANING (l) (formerly Na- tional Institute of Cleaning & Dyeing). N.J. Berg, mg. ex., 909 Burlington Ave., Silver Spring, Md. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASING (l). Albert H. Hall, ex. v-pres., 1001 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OIL SEED PRODUCTS (d-l). Howard Boone, sec, Rincon Annex, P.O. Box 3500, San Fran- cisco, Calif. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT (formerly National Institute for Commercial & Trade Organization Executives). Spencer Shaw, mgr., 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF REAL ESTATE BROKERS. Dorothy Hepworth, ex. sec, 22 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RUG CLEANING. Richard M. Powell, mg. dir , 8001 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WOOD KITCHEN CABINETS (d) . Maurice E. Collins, ex. sec, 75 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago 1, 111. NATIONAL INSTITUTIONAL WHOLESALE GROCERS ASSOCIATION (d). D.R. Forbes, counsel. Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION (formerly National Negro Insurance Assn.). Murray J. Marvin, ex. dir., 841 E. 63rd St., Chicago 37, 111. NATIONAL INSURANCE BUYERS ASSOCIATION. Peter A. Burke, mg. dir., Hotel Martinique, New York 1, N.Y. NATIONAL JEWELERS ASSOCIATION (d). William Wagner, ex. sec, 545 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL KNITTED OUTERWEAR ASSOCIATION (p-l) (see Jersey Institute). Sidney S. Korzenik, ex. dir., 386 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL KRAUT PACKERS ASSOCIATION (p) . W.R. Moore, sec, 202 S. Marion St., Oak Park, 111. NATIONAL LANDSCAPE NURSERYMEN'S ASSOCIATION. Lloyd G. Piatt, sec, Route 3, Davenport, Iowa National League of Wholesale Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Distributors (merged with United Fresh Fruit & Vege- table Assn. ) . NATIONAL LEATHER DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d). Mark Water- man, pres., 20 Spruce St., New York 38, N.Y. National Leather Fibre Conference (now National Shoe Board Conference) . National Leather & Shoe Finders Association (now Shoe Service Institute of America) . NATIONAL LICENSED BEVERAGE ASSOCIATION. Paul Jorgensen, coordinator, 420 7th St., Racine, Wis. NATIONAL LIME ASSOCIATION (p-l). Robert J. Riddell, ex. v-pres., 925 15th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION ASSOCIATION (d). C.T. Sanders, sec mgr., 1222 N. 27th St., Billings, Mont. NATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE (d) . Robert J. Riddell, ex. v-pres., Stock Yards, Peoria 2, 111. NATIONAL LIVESTOCK & MEAT BOARD (p-l). Carl F. Neumann, gen. mgr., 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5. 111. NATIONAL LOCKSMITHS ASSOCIATION. S.A. McLean, pres., 2703 E. Third Ave., Denver 6, Colo. NATIONAL LUBRICATING GREASE INSTITUTE (p) . Harry F. Bennetts, ex. sec, 4638 J.C. Nichols Parkway, Kansas City 12, Mo. NATIONAL LUGGAGE DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d). Robert H. Herron, sec, 241 Genesee St., Utica 2, N.Y. NATIONAL LUMBER EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION (d-f). L.J. Heather ly, sec. mgr., Sterick Bldg., Memphis 3, Tenn. NATIONAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Leo V. Bodine, ex. v-pres., 1319 18th St., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. NATIONAL MACARONI MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (& NATIONAL MACARONI INSTITUTE). Robert M. Green, dir., 139 N. Ashland Ave., Palatine, 111. NATIONAL MACHINE TOOL BUILDERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Tell Berna, gen. mgr., 2071 E. 102nd St., Cleveland 6, Ohio NATIONAL MAIL ORDER NURSERYMEN'S ASSOCIATION (p-d) . Robert J. Bauge, sec, Earl May Seed Co., Shenandoah, Iowa National Management Council (now Council for Interna- tional progress in Management) NATIONAL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (formerly National Assn. of Foremen). Marion N. Kerchner, ex. v-pres., 321 W. First St., Dayton 2, Ohio NATIONAL MANUFACTURERS OF BEVERAGE FLAVORS (see Flavor- ing Extract Manufacturers Assn.). John S. Hall, sec, First National Bank Bldg., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL MEAT CANNERS ASSOCIATION (p) . J.H. Moninger, sec, 59 E. Van Buren St., Chicago 5, 111. NATIONAL MEAT INDUSTRY COUNCIL (d) . Jack Kranis, pres., 25 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. National Memorial Bronze Manufacturers Assn. (see Na- tional Assn. of Architectural Metal Manufacturers) . NATIONAL METAL AWNING ASSOCIATION (p) . Stanley W. Hoff- man, ex. sec, 5921 N. Broad St., Philadelphia 41, Pa. NATIONAL METAL DECORATORS ASSOCIATION. H.W. Lee, sec, 2300 Sixth St., Rockford, 111. NATIONAL METAL EXPOSITION & CONGRESS (l) (formerly National Metal Congress). W.H. Eisenman, mg. dir., 7301 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio NATIONAL METAL SPINNERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Max H. Gold- haber, sec, 186 Joralemon St., Brooklyn 2, N.Y. NATIONAL METAL TRADES ASSOCIATION (p-l). George J. Earl, commissioner, 337 W. Madison St., Chicago 6, 111. NATIONAL MICROFILM ASSOCIATION (p) . Vernon D. Tate, ex. sec, 19 Lafayette Ave., Hingham, Mass. NATIONAL MILK PRODUCERS FEDERATION (p-l). E.M. Norton, sec, 1731 Eye St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL MINERAL FEEDS ASSOCIATION (p) . Peter W. Janss, ex. sec, Equitable Bldg., Des Moines, Iowa NATIONAL MINERAL WOOL ASSOCIATION (p) . William K. O'Hara, sec, 1270 Sixth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. NATIONAL MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM. Crawford Goldthwait, sec, 272 Center St., Newton 58, Mass. NATIONAL MUNICIPAL LEAGUE. (l). Alfred Willoughby, ex. sec, 47 E. 68th St., New York 21, N.Y. NATIONAL MUSIC COUNCIL. Edwin Hughes, ex. sec, 117 E. 79th St., New York 21, N.Y. NATIONAL MUSIC PRINTERS & ALLIED TRADES ASSOCIATION (p) . Gilbert J. Clappin, ex. sec, 333 W. 52nd St., New York 19, N.Y. NATIONAL NECKWEAR ASSOCIATION (p) . Samuel Rothstein, counsel, 51 Chambers St., New York 7, N.Y. NATIONAL NEEDLECRAFT BUREAU (p-l). H.B. Osmer, pres., 430 Park Ave., New York 22, N.Y. NATIONAL NEGRO BANKERS ASSOCIATION. M.C. Martin, pres., Box 640, Danville, Va. NATIONAL NEGRO FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION. Robert H. Miller, ex. sec, 730 E. 63rd St., Chicago 37, 111. National Negro Insurance Association (see National In- surance Assn.) . NATIONAL NEWSPAPER PROMOTION ASSOCIATION. Clifford Shaw, pres., Providence Journal, Providence, R.I. 24 NATIONAL NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Negro Newspaper Publishers Assn.)- C.C. Dejoie, Jr., pres., 601 Dryades St., New Orleans 13, La. NATIONAL NOTION ASSOCIATION (p-d) . Arthur I. Mellin, sec, 111 Fourth Ave., New York 3, N.Y. NATIONAL OAK FLOORING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Henry H. Willlns, ex. v-pres., Sterick Bldg., Memphis 3, Term. NATIONAL OFFICE FURNITURE ASSOCIATION (p) . John R. Gray, ex. dir., 327 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL OFFICE MACHINE DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d). Harold Mann, ex. sec, 1542 Hillhurst Ave., Los Angeles 27, Calif. NATIONAL OFFICE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION (l). W.H. Evans, ex. v-pres., 132 W. Chelten Ave., Philadelphia 44, Pa. NATIONAL OIL JOBBERS COUNCIL (d). Chas. W. Chapman, ex. sec, 1001 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL OIL MARKETERS ASSOCIATION (d). Paul E. Hadlick, counsel, National Press Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL OIL SCOUTS & LANDMEN'S ASSOCIATION. E.J. Raisch, gen. sec, P.O. Box 1095, Austin 66, Texas NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH CENTER (1).. Clyde W. Hart, dir., 5711 S. Woodlawn Ave., Chicago 37, 111. NATIONAL OUTERWEAR & SPORTSWEAR ASSOCIATION (p) (see Boys Apparel & Accessories Manufacturers) . 347 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL PAINT, VARNISH & LACOJJER ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Joseph F. Battley, pres., 1500 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL PAPERBOARD ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Albert W. Luhrs, ex. mgr., 80 Jackson Blvd., Chicago 5, 111. NATIONAL PAPER BOX MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Norman T. Baldwin, ex. sec, Liberty Trust Bldg., Philadelphia 7, Pa. NATIONAL PAPER BOX SUPPLIES ASSOCIATION (p) . Harry E. Roden, sec, 210 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N.Y. NATIONAL PAPER TRADE ASSOCIATION (d-l) . J.H. Londergan, ex. sec, 220 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL PARKING ASSOCIATION (l). William G. Barr, ex. dir., 711 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL PARKS ASSOCIATION. F.M. Packard, ex. sec, 2144 P St., N.W., Washington 7, D.C. NATIONAL PATENT COUNCIL (p) . John W. Anderson, pres., 1434 W. 11th St., Gary, Ind. NATIONAL PEANUT COUNCIL (p-d). Wm. F. Seals, pres., Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL PECAN SHE LTER S & PROCESSORS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Architectural Woodwork Institute of America). 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL PEST CONTROL ASSOCIATION. Ralph E. Heal, ex. sec, 30 Church St., New York 7, N.Y. NATIONAL PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION (p-f-l). Fayette B. Dow, gen. counsel, Munsey Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL PETROLEUM COUNCIL (p) (business-government problems). Walter S. Hallanan, chmn., 1625 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL PIANO MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Ameri- can Brush Manufacturers Assn.). George A. Fernley, sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. NATIONAL PICKLE PACKERS ASSOCIATION (p) . W.R. Moore, sec, 202 S. Marion St., Oak Park, 111. NATIONAL PLANNING ASSOCIATION (l) . John F. Miller, ex. sec, 1606 New Hampshire Ave., Washington 9, D.C. NATIONAL PLANT FOOD INSTITUTE (p-f-l) (1955 merger of the American Plant Food Council and the National Fertilizer Assn.). Russell Coleman and Paul T. Truitt, ex. v-presidents, 1700 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL PLAQUE ASSOCIATION (p) . Harold Saber, pres., 202 W. 103rd St., New York 25, N.Y. NATIONAL PLYWOOD DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION (d) . Charles E. Devlin, mg. dir., 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago 6, 111. NATIONAL POTATO CHIP INSTITUTE (p) . Harvey F. Noss, ex. v-pres., Hanna Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio NATIONAL POULTRY, BUTTER & EGG ASSOCIATION (d-l). George C. Witterled, ex. sec, 110 N. Franklin St., Chicago 6, 111. NATIONAL PRESERVERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Richard F. Curry, ex. v-pres., Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL PRETZEL BAKERS INSTITUTE (p) . Alex V. Tisdale, ex. sec, Cherry Lane Farm, Pottstown, Pa. NATIONAL PRINTING EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION (p) . James E. Bennet, sec, 140 Nassau St., New York 7, N.Y. National Rainwear Association (now New York Raincoat Manufacturers Assn.). NATIONAL READY MIXED CONCRETE ASSOCIATION (p) (see National Industrial Sand Assn.). Vincent P. Ahearn, ex. sec, 1329 E St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL RECLAMATION ASSOCIATION. Wm. E. Welsh, sec. mgr., National Press Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT COUNCIL (l) . A. Shiff, ex. dir., 50 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION (l) . Joseph Pendergast, ex. dir., 8 W. 8th St., New York 11, N.Y. NATIONAL RED CHERRY INSTITUTE (p). William B. Powell, ex. sec, 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago 1, 111. NATIONAL RENDERERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Jamie C. Fox. sec, 30 N. LaSalle St., Chicago 2, 111. National Research Council (see National Academy of Sciences) . NATIONAL RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION (d-l). Frank J. Wiffler, ex. v-pres., 8 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL RETAIL CREDIT ASSOCIATION (d-l). L.S. Crowder, gen. mgr., 375 Jackson Ave., St. Louis 5, Mo. NATIONAL RETAIL DRY GOODS ASSOCIATION (d-f-l). J. Gordon Dakins, ex. v-pres., 100 W. 31st St., New York 1, N.Y. NATIONAL RETAIL FARM EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION (d-l). Paul M. Mulliken, ex. dir., 2340 Hampden Ave., St. Louis 10, Mo. NATIONAL RETAIL FLORISTS ASSOCIATION (d) . George K. Johnson, sec, 5503 N. Clark St., Chicago 40, 111. NATIONAL RETAIL FURNITURE ASSOCIATION (d-l). Roscoe R. Rau, ex. v-pres., 666 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago 11, 111. NATIONAL RETAIL HARDWARE ASSOCIATION (d-l). Russell R. Mueller, mg. dir., 964 N. Pennsylvania, Indianapolis 4, Ind. NATIONAL RETAIL LIQUOR PACKAGE STORES ASSOCIATION (d) . Benjamin Josephs, ex. dir. & pres., 29 Pearl St., Worcester, Mass. NATIONAL RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d-l). H.R. Northup, ex. v-pres., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. National Retail Optical Association (now National Assn. of Optometrists & Opticians). NATIONAL RETAIL TEA & COFFEE MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION (d). Oliver J. Corbett, sec, Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, 111. National Retailer-Owned Grocers, Inc. (d-l) (the buying agency for the Cooperative Food Distributors of Ameri- ca) . NATIONAL RIVERS & HARBORS CONGRESS (f ) . Wm. H. Webb, ex. v-pres., 1720 M St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL ROOFING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION. C.C. Figge, ex. sec, 315 W. Madison St., Chicago 6, 111. NATIONAL RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION (l). Clyde T. Ellis, gen. mgr., 1303 New Hampshire, N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL (l). Ned H. Dearborn, pres., 425 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. NATIONAL SALBS EXECUTIVES, INC. (p-d-l) (formerly Na- tional Federation of Sales Executives). Robert A. Whitney, pres., 136 E. 57th St., New York 22, N.Y. NATIONAL SAND & GRAVEL ASSOCIATION (p-l) (see National Industrial Sand Assn.). Vincent P. Ahearn, ex. sec, 1329 E. St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION. Walter F. Synder, ex. dir., School of Pub. Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY ASSOCIATION (d-l). Leo J. Kelly, ex. v-pres., 139 N. Clark St., Chicago 2, 111. NATIONAL SAVINGS & LOAN LEAGUE (1). Harold P. Braman, ex. mgr., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. 25 NATIONAL SCHOOL SERVICE INSTITUTE (p) . David McCurrach, ex. mgr., 27 E. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL SCREW MACHINE PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION (p-f-1) . Orrin B. Werntz, ex. v-pres., 2860 E. 130th St., Cleveland 20, Ohio NATIONAL SECURITY INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION (p-l) (formerly Navy Industrial Assn.). J.K. Richards, ex. dir., 1107 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL SECURITY TRADERS ASSOCIATION (d). John W. Bunn, pres., 231 S. La Salle, Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL SELECTED MORTICIANS, INC. (l) . W.M. Krieger, mg. dir., 1616 Central St., Evanston, 111. NATIONAL SHOE BOARD CONFERENCE (p) (formerly National Leather Fibre Conf.). Campbell Bosson, sec, 10 State St., Boston 9, Mass. NATIONAL SHOE INSTITUTE (public relations division of National Shoe Manufacturers Assn. and the National Shoe Retailers Assn.). 342 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL SHOE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l). Merrill A. Watson, ex. v-pres., 34-2 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL SHOE PATTERN MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Walter R. Guild, mg. dir., 80 Federal St., Boston 10, Mass. NATIONAL SHOE RETAILERS ASSOCIATION (d-l). L.E. Langs- ton, ex. v-pres., 274- Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NATIONAL SHRIMP CANNERS & PACKERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Leonora Decuers, sec, 1343 Granada Dr., New Orleans 22, La. NATIONAL SKIRT & SPORTWEAR ASSOCIATION (p) . B.H. Lerner, ex. dir., 225 W. 34th St., New York 1,N.Y. NATIONAL SLAG ASSOCIATION (p) . E.W. Bauman, mg. dir., Perpetual Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. NATIONAL SLATE ASSOCIATION (p). W.S. Hays, sec, 455 W. 23rd St., New York 11, N.Y. National Small Business Men's Association (see Small Business) . NATIONAL SOCIAL WELFARE ASSEMBLY (l). Robert E. Bondy, dir., 345 E. 46th St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF SALES TRAINING EXECUTIVES. H.E. Campbell, pres., Remington Rand, Inc., 315 Fourth Ave., New York 10, N.Y. NATIONAL SOFT WHEAT MILLERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Paul M. Marshall, v-pres., 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL SOUP MIX ASSOCIATION (p) . Glenn G. Hoskins, mg. dir., 125 E. Church St., Libertyville, 111. NATIONAL SOYBEAN PROCESSORS ASSOCIATION (p) . Robert G. Houghtlin, pres., Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL SPLIT PEA ASSOCIATION (p) (see Architectural Woodwork Institute.). 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL SPORTING GOODS ASSOCIATION (d-l). G. Marvin Shutt, sec, 716 N. Rush St., Chicago 11, 111. NATIONAL SPRAY PAINTING & FINISHING EQUIPMENT ASSOCIA- TION (p). Frank R. Pitt, sec, 300 Phillips Ave., Toledo 12, Ohio NATIONAL SPRAYER & DUSTER ASSOCIATION (p) (see Barn Equipment Assn.). 330 S. Wells St., Chicago 6, 111. NATIONAL STANDARD PARTS ASSOCIATION (p-d-f-l) (auto). J.L. Wiggins, ex. v-pres., 8 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL STAR ROUTE MAIL CARRIERS ASSOCIATION. F.E. Russel, pres., 301 E. Capitol St., N.W., Washington 3, D.C. NATIONAL STATIONERY & OFFICE EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION (p- d-l) (formerly National Stationers Assn.). Paul E. Burbank, ex. v-pres., Investment Bldg., N.W., Washing- ton 5, D.C. NATIONAL STRIPPER WELL ASSOCIATION. J. P. Coleman, pres., First National Bank Bldg., Wichita Falls, Texas NATIONAL SUGAR BROKERS ASSOCIATION (d-f ) . James Harring- ton, ex. sec, 129 Front St., New York 5, N.Y. NATIONAL SUPPLY ASSOCIATION (d). Theodore Feinstein, ex. dir., 185 Devonshire St., Boston 10, Mass. National Supply & Machinery Distributors Association (see National Industrial Distributors Assn.). NATIONAL TANK MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . C.J. Bender, pres., 3301 S. Lamar St., Dallas 15, Texas NATIONAL TANK TRUCK CARRIERS INC. C.A. Sutherland, mg. dir., 14-24 16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. National Tavern Association (see National Licensed Beverage Assn.) . NATIONAL TAX ASSOCIATION. Donald B. Welch, sec, P.O. Box 1799, Sacramento 8, Calif. NATIONAL TAX EQUALITY ASSOCIATION (l). H.V. Scott, v-pres., 231 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION. Curtis G. Elliott, sec, Howard University, N.W., Washington 1, D.C. NATIONAL TELEVISION FILM COUNCIL. Sally Perle, ex. sec, 1501 Broadway, New York 36, N.Y. NATIONAL TERRAZZO & MOSAIC ASSOCIATION (p) . Theodore L. Medford, ex. sec, 711 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL TEXTILE PROCESSORS GUILD (p) . Harold Korzenik, ex. counsel, 51 Chambers St., New York 7, N.Y. NATIONAL TEXTILE TRAFFIC BUREAU (l). John V. Hoey, dir., 40 Worth St., New York 13, N.Y. NATIONAL TIRE DEALERS & RETREADERS ASSOCIATION (1) (formerly National Assn. of Independent Tire Dealers; Tire Retreading Institute is in this office) . Winston W. Marsh, ex. sec, 1012 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL TOOL & DIE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, (p-f-l). George S. Eaton, ex. sec, Public Square Bldg., Cleveland 13, Ohio NATIONAL TOY WHOLESALERS ASSOCIATION (d). Harold C. Whittemore, gen mgr., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. National Trailer Rental Association (see Nation- Wide Trailer Rental System Assn.). National Truck Body Manufacturers & Distributors (see Truck Body & Equipment Assn.). NATIONAL TRUCK LEASING SYSTEM. Martha Dunlap, sec. mgr., 23. E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL TRUCK TANK & TRAILER TANK INSTITUTE (p) . Allan R. Smith, ex. sec, 120 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 3, 111. 'NATIONAL USED CAR DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d). Margaret Correll, ex. sec, Penobscot Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. NATIONAL VISUAL PRESENTATION ASSOCIATION (see Exhibit Producers & Designers Assn.). Kenneth R. Arvedon, ex. sec, 135 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL VTTAMTN DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION (d) . S.C. Fulkerson, ex. sec, 319 Second Ave., S.W. , Cedar Rapids, Iowa. NATIONAL VITAMIN FOUNDATION (l). Robert S. Goodhart, dir., 15 E. 58th St., New York 22, N.Y. National Vocational Guidance Association (a division of American Personnel & Guidance Assn.). NATIONAL VOLUNTARY GROUPS INSTITUTE (d) . Gerard M. Ungaro, sec, 77 W. Washington, Chicago 2, 111. National Wall Paper Wholesalers Association (see Wall- paper Wholesalers Assn. ) . NATIONAL WARM AIR HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ASSOCIA- TION (p-l). George Boeddener, sec, Engineers Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio National Warm Air Register Manufacturers Institute (now Register Manufacturers Assn.). NATIONAL WATER CARRIERS ASSOCIATION. Richard H. Specker, ex. v-pres., Southern Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. NATIONAL WATER WELL ASSOCIATION. Robert R. Storm, ex. sec, Box 222, Urbana, 111. NATIONAL WELDING SUPPLY ASSOCIATION (d) (see American Brush Manufacturers Assn.). Robert C. Fernley, sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. NATIONAL WHEEL & RIM ASSOCIATION (d). H.M. Young, act- ing sec, 3663 Forest Park Ave., St. Louis 8, Mo. NATIONAL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS ASSOCIATION (d-l) . Harry A. Kimbriel, ex. v-pres., 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. NATIONAL WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ASSOCIATION (d-l) (formerly Wholesale Dry Goods Institute) . D. Fred Blackwell, ex. v-pres., 40 Worth St., New York 13, N.Y. NATIONAL WHOLESALE FROZEN FOOD DISTRIBUTORS (d). Harry K. Schauffler, ex. dir., 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. 26 .NATIONAL WHOLESALE FURNITURE ASSOCIATION (d) . Clark B. Kelsey, ex. v-pres., 666 Lake Shore Dr., Chicago 11, 111. NATIONAL WHOLESALE GARMENT ASSOCIATION (d) . Bernard Sands, ex. sec, 1431 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. NATIONAL WHOLESALE HARDWARE ASSOCIATION (d) (see American Brush Manufacturers Assn.). Thomas A. Fernley, Jr., sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. NATIONAL WHOLESALE JEWELERS ASSOCIATION (d) (see American Brush Manufacturers Assn.). Thomas A. Fernley, Jr., sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. NATIONAL WHOLESALE LUMBER DISTRIBUTING YARD ASSOCIA- TION (d). W.E. Drown, sec, 231 Medford St., Charles- twon 29, Mass. NATIONAL WOMEN'S NECKWEAR & SCARF ASSOCIATION (p-1) . George Marlin, counsel. 2 W. 46th St., New York 36, N.Y. NATIONAL WOOD TANK INSTITUTE (p) . R.L. Hauser, sec, 4838 Spring Grove, Cincinnati 32, Ohio NATIONAL WOODEN BOX ASSOCIATION (p-f -1) . CD. Hudson, ex. v-pres., 910 17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NATIONAL WOODEN PALLET MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . W.H. Sardo, Jr., sec. mgr., 910 17th St., N.W., Wash- ington 6, D.C. NATIONAL WOODWORK MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) (formerly National Door Manufacturers Assn.). O.C. Lance, sec, 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. NATIONAL WOOL TRADE ASSOCIATION (d-f) . George C. Abernathy, Jr., sec, 263 Summer St., Boston 10, Mass. NATURAL CASING INSTITUTE (p) . Paul Rosenf eld, pres . , 810 Frelinghuysen, Newark 5, N.J. NATURAL GASOLINE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA and NATURAL GASOLINE SUPPLY MEN'S ASSOCIATION (p-d) . William F. Lowe, sec, Kennedy Bldg., Tulsa 3, Okla. NATURAL RUBBER BUREAU (p-f-l) . H.C. Bugbee, pres., 1631 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. NAVAL STORES DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d-f). Leonard H. Tyler, sec, 300-20 12th St., Jersey City, N.J. NEGLIGEE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Jack Gross, ex. dir., 295 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Negro Newspaper Publishers Association (now National Newspaper Publishers Assn.). NFRSICA - (see National Established Roofing, Siding and Insulating Contractors Assn.). NETHERLANDS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN THE UNITED STATES (f-1). Philip J. Gomperts, ex. sec, 551 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS ASSOCIATION (p-l). G.R. Frankovich, ex. sec, Sheraton- Biltmore Hotel, Providence, R.I. NEW ENGLAND SHOE & LEATHER ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Maxwell Field, ex. v-pres., 210 Lincoln St., Boston 11, Mass. New York Curb Exchange (now American Stock Exchange) . NEW YORK COCOA EXCHANGE (f-l). Robert Cross, sec, 92 Beaver St., New York 5, N.Y. NEW YORK COFFEE AND SUGAR EXCHANGE (f-l) . A.D. Corbett; ex. sec, 113 Pearl St., New York 4, N.Y. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE (f-l). John J. Scanlan, sec, 60 Beaver St., New York 4, N.Y. NEW YORK DRESS INSTITUTE (p) . Adolph Klein, chmn., 1450 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. NEW YORK MERCHANTILE EXCHANGE (f-l). C.B. Rader, mgr., 6 Harrison St., New York 13, N.Y. NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE (f-l). C.R. Berg., sec, 2 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. NEW YORK RAINCOAT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly National Rainwear Manufacturers Assn.). Henry Milner, sec, 225 W. 34th St., New York 1, N.Y. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (f-l). G. Keith Funston, pres., 11 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. N.Y. STATE SAFE DEPOSIT ASSOCIATION (National in scope) (see American Cutlery Manufacturers Assn.). R.J. Walter, ex. sec, 511 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES ASSOCIATION. R.C. Pace, sec, 417 N. Vermilion St., Danville, 111. NEWSPRINT SERVICE BUREAU (p) . John J. ZIma, sec, 342 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NON-FERROUS FOUNDERS SOCIETY (p) . J.W. Wolfe, ex. sec, 192 N. Clark St., Chicago 1, 111. NORTH AMERICAN EXPORT GRAIN ASSOCIATION (d-f). W.C. Rossman, ex. v-pres., 2 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. NORTHEASTERN LUMBER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . R.E. Broderick, sec, 271 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. NORTHERN HEMLOCK & HARDWOOD MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l). Allan S. Haukon, sec, mgr., 46 Washington Blvd., Oshkosh, Wis. NORTHERN PINE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . W.A. Ellinger, sec, 4329 Oakland Ave., Minneapolis 7, Minn. NORTHWEST DRIED FRUIT EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d-f) (Export Act Assn.). A.W. Turville, sec, Hughes Bldg., Port- land 4, Or eg. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f) . Hans H. Dahll, ex. sec, 290 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. NUTRITION FOUNDATION (l). Charles Glen King, ex. dir., 99 Park Ave., New York 16, N.Y. OCEAN PEARL BUTTON MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Henry Schwanda, pres., 1350 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. OFFICE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p-f-l) . E.D. Taylor, adm. v-pres., 777 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. OIL FIELD HAULERS ASSOCIATION. James R. Boyd, sec. mgr., Nash Bldg., Austin 65, Tex. OILFIELD TANK MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . E.H. Zachariae, ex. sec, 4620 E. 11th St., Tulsa 12, Okla. OIL HEAT INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (p-l). R.H.L. Becker, mg. dir., 500 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. OIL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION (l). C.N. Comegys, mgr., 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. OIL MILL MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS & SUPPLY ASSOCIATION (p) . John Grace, sec, Box 307, Forth Worth, Tex. OIL TRADES ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK (p-d). Joseph C. Smith, sec, 15 Moore St., New York 4, N.Y. ONE-TIME CARBON PAPER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Gummed Industries Assn.). Philip 0. Deitsch, mg. dir., 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. OLIVE OIL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (d-f). Pasquale E. Mele, ex. sec, 51 Chambers St., New York 7, N.Y. OPEN STEEL FLOORING INSTITUTE (p) (see Aluminum Wares Assn.). Stuart J. Swensson, sec, First National Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. OPERATION HOME IMPROVEMENT (l) John R. Doscher, ex. dir., 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. OPTICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Charles F. Oddy, sec, 1475 Broadway, New York 36, N.Y. OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA (l). Arthur C. Hardy, sec, Rm. 8-203, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Mass. OPTICAL WHOLESALERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (d) . Stanley E. Wolfe, sec mgr., Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Columbus 15, Ohio ORGAN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . L.C. Odell, sec, 1404 Jesup Ave., New York 52, N.Y. ORIENTAL RUG IMPORTERS ASSOCIATION (d-f). Alvin Hayim, pres., 10 W. 33rd St., New York 1, N.Y. ORTHOPEDIC APPLIANCE & LIMB MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l). Glenn E. Jackson, ex. dir., 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. OUTBOARD BOAT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l). and OUTBOARD MOTOR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. Guy W. Hughes, ex. dir., 307 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, 111. OUTDOOR ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (l) . Karl L. Ghaster, gen. mgr., 24 W. Erie St., Chicago 10, 111. OXYCHLORIDE CEMENT ASSOCIATION (p) . W.C. Marshall, sec, 29-28 41st Ave., Long Island, N.Y. OYSTER GROWERS & DEALERS ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA (d) and OYSTER INSTITUTE (see Sponge Institute). David H. Wallace, dir., 6 Mayo Ave., Bay Ridge, Annapolis, Md. PACIFIC AMERICAN STEAMSHIP ASSOCIATION (f-l). Robert E. Mayer, pres., 16 California St., San Francisco 11, Calif. 27 PACIFIC COAST GARMENT MANUFACTURERS (p-l) . R.W. Pruter, mgr., 704- S. Spring St., Los Angeles 14, Calif. PACIFIC FOREST INDUSTRIES (p-d-f-l) . H.C. Relf, mg. dir., Washington Bldg., Tacoma 2, Wash. PACKAGE DESIGNERS COUNCIL. Miss Elaine Douglas, sec, 12 E. 46th St., New York 17, N.Y. PACKAGING INSTITUTE (p-l). Charles A. Feld, ex. dir., 342 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. PACKAGING MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) . R.L. Sears, ex. dir., 342 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS OF AMERICA (l). Ed S. Torrence, ex. sec, 540 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. PAN AMERICAN COFFEE BUREAU (p-f-l) . Charles G. Lindsay, mgr., 120 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. PAPER BAG INSTITUTE (p-l). W.R. Gardiner, dir., 369 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. PAPERBOARD BUTTER CHIP ASSOCIATION (p) . Ben B. Vail, sec, 141 E. 44-th St., New York 17, N.Y. PAPER CUP & CONTAINER INSTITUTE (p-l). Dale H. Ecker- man, ex. dir., 250 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. PAPER MAKERS ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION. Brad Stephens, editor, 581 Boylston St., Boston 16, Mass. PAPERMAKERS FELT ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Papermakers Woven Felt Assn.). R.E. Putney, sec, Philadelphia Felt Co., 1215 Unity St., Philadelphia 24, Pa. PAPER MILL FOURDRINIER WIRE CLOTH MANUFACTURERS AS- SOCIATION (p) (formerly Paper Mill Wire Cloth Manu- facturers Assn.) (see American Wood Preservers Assn.). 839 17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. PAPER NAPKIN ASSOCIATION (p). Arlo Wilson, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. PAPER PAIL ASSOCIATION (p) . Harvey H. Robbins, ex. sec, 111 W. Washington St., Chicago 2, 111. For other associations with the same management, see Paraffined Carton Assn., Paraffined Carton Research Council. PAPER PLATE ASSOCIATION (p) . Ben B. Vail, sec, 141 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. PAPER SHIPPING SACK MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Frank Pocta, ex. sec, 370 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. PAPER, STATIONERY & TABLET MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p). Edgar P. Eaton, ex. sec, 527 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. PAPER & TWINE ASSOCIATION. John L. Richey, sec, Hotel Sinton, Cincinnati 2, Ohio PARAFFINED CARTON ASSOCIATION and PARAFFINED CARTON RESEARCH COUNCIL (p) (see Paper Pail Assn.). Ill W. Washington St., Chicago 2, 111. PARCEL POST ASSOCIATION. William B. Henderson, ex. v- pres., 925 15th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. PARENTERAL DRUG ASSOCIATION (p) . Arthur D. Herri ck, ex. dir., 130 E. 59th St., New York 22, N.Y. PEANUT BUTTER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION and PEANUT BUTTER SANDWICH & COOKIE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIA- TION (p). James E. Mack, mg. dir., 1028 Conn. Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. PEANUT & NUT SALTERS ASSOCIATION (p) . T. Earle Bourne, acting sec, Schindler Peanut Co., 3711 Rhode Island Ave., Mt. Rainer, Md. PEAT MOSS ASSOCIATION (p) . Mitchell S. Fisher, sec, 25 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. PENCIL INDUSTRY EXPORT ASSOCIATION (p-d-f) (Export Act assn.). H.D. Erickson, sec, 37 Greenpoint Ave., Brooklyn 22, N.Y. PENCIL MAKERS ASSOCIATION (p). George J. Grumbach, sec, 500 Willow Ave., Hoboken, N.J. PENNSYLVANIA GRADE CRUDE OIL ASSOCIATION (p-f-l). W.C. Wenzel, ex. mgr., Box 96, Oil City, Pa. PERFUMERY IMPORTERS ASSOCIATION (d-f). S.L. Mayham, ex. v-pres., 1270 Sixth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. PERIODICAL PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-l). Frank Braucher, pres., 271 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. PERLITE INSTITUTE (p) (used in plaster, etc). Richard S. Funk, adm. sec, 45 W. 45th St., New York 36, N.Y. PERUVIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION (f). P.E. Sibilia, sec, 11 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION (p) . H.R. Safford, ex. sec, Esperson Bldg., Houston 2, Tex. PETROLEUM ELECTRIC SUPPLY ASSOCIATION (p-d) . R.T. Shiels, sec, Fidelity Union Life Bldg., Dallas, Tex. PETROLEUM INDUSTRY ELECTRICAL ASSOCIATION (p-d) . W.H. Massey, sec, Box 1407, Shreveport, La. PHARMACEUTICA INTERNATIONAL (d-f) (Export Act assn.). Albert Viault, sec, 125 E. 46th St., New York 17, N.Y. PHILIPPINE-AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f) . John F. Daye, sec, 50 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. PHILIPPINE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF AMERICA (f). Rufine Ancheta, sec, 24 California St., San Francisco 11, Calif. PHILIPPINE MAHOGANY ASSOCIATION (d-f) (formerly, Philip- pine Mahogany Manufacturers Import Assn.). W.G. Scrim, pres., Ill W. 7th St., Los Angeles 14, Calif. PHOTO FINISHING INSTITUTE (p) . Albert F. Hogle, dir., 119 E. 24th St., New York 10, N.Y. PHOTOGRAPHERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (l). Frederick Quellmalz, Jr., ex. mgr., 152 W. Wisconsin, Milwaukee 3, Wis. PHOTOGRAPHIC MANUFACTURERS & DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION (p-d-f) (formerly Photographic Merchandizing & Dis- tributing Assn.). Wilfred L. Knighton, sec, 303 Lexington Ave., New York 16, N.Y. PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA (l). Randolph Wright, ex. mgr., 2005 Walnut St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. PH0T0M0UNT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Thomas B. Frank, sec, 194 Old Country Rd., Mineola, N.Y. PICTURE & FRAME INSTITUTE (p) . Hyman E. Leichenger, ex. sec, 105 W. Adams St., Chicago 3, 111. PIN, CLIP & FASTENER ASSOCIATION (p) (see Aluminum Win- dow Manufacturers Assn.). H.W. Dailey, sec, 75 West St., New York 6, N.Y. PINEAPPLE RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF HAWAII (1). C.L. Queen, sec, 215 Market St., San Francisco 5, Calif. PIPE FABRICATION INSTITUTE (p) (see Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers Assn.). 1 Gateway Center, Pittsburgh 22, Pa. PIPE FITTINGS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . J.L. Giacomino, sec, 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. PIPE LINE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION. Richard A. Gump, ex. sec, Republic National Bank Bldg., Dallas, Texas PIPE & TOBACCO COUNCIL (p) . Edward F. Ragland, ex. sec, Willard Hotel, N.W., Washington 4, D.C. PIPE TOOL MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) (see Aircraft Lock- nut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. PISTON RING MANUFACTURERS GROUP (p) . Frank M. Speaker, ex. mgr., 412 Fifth St., N.W., Washington 1, D.C. PLASTIC HOUSEWARE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (formerly Proprietary Plastics Manufacturers Assn.). Robert J. Robertson, ex. sec, 5719 W. Chicago Ave., Chicago 51, 111. PLASTIC COATINGS & FILM ASSOCIATION (p) . Paul F. John- son, ex. sec, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. Plastic Materials Manufacturers Assn. (merged with the Manufacturing Chemists Assn.). PLASTIC PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Abraham Edelman, ex. dir., 1133 Broadway, New York 10, N.Y. PLEATERS, STITCHERS & EMBROIDERERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Jack Schwartz, ex. dir., 225 W. 34th St., New York 18, N.Y. PLUMBING BRASS INSTITUTE (p) (formerly Sanitary Brass Inst.) (see Fire Extinguisher Manufacturers Assn.) 1 Gateway Center, Pittsburgh 22, Pa. PLUMBING & DRAINAGE INSTITUTE (p) . R.A. Good, sec, 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. PLUMBING FIXTURE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (merger of Enameled Cast Iron Plumbing Fixtures Assn. and Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures Assn.). William E. Kramer, sec, 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. PLUMBING & HEATING INDUSTRIES BUREAU (p-l). Norman J. Radder, sec, 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago 1, 111. PLYWOOD RESEARCH FOUNDATION (p-l). H.R. Evans, dir., 620 E. 26th St., Tacoma 4, Wash. Pneumatic Automotive Equipment Assn. (now Air Compressor Research Council) . 28 POINT-OF-PURCHASE ADVERTISING INSTITUTE. Norton B. Jackson, ex. dir., 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. PONDEROSA PINE WOODWORK ASSOCIATION (p) . Robert H. Morris, gen. mgr., 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. POPCORN & CONCESSIONS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Inter- national Popcorn Assn.). Thomas J. Sullivan, ex. v- pres., 201 N. Wells St., Chicago 6, 111. POPCORN INSTITUTE and POPCORN PROCESSORS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Architectural Woodwork Institute of America). 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, 111. POPULAR PRICED DRESS MANUFACTURERS GROUP (p-l) . Louis Rubin, ex. chmn., 1440 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. PORCELAIN ENAMEL INSTITUTE (p-l). John C. Oliver, mg. dir. 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION (p-l). G. Donald Kennedy, pres., 33 W. Grand Ave., Chicago 10, 111. POTASH EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d-f) (Export Act assn.). H.V. Demarest, asst. sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. POULTRY & EGG NATIONAL BOARD (d-l) . James M. Gwin, gen. mgr., 185 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago 1, 111. POULTRY PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (p). R.B. Alleman, pres., Everybody's Poultry Magazine, Hanover, Pa. POWER CRANE & SHOVEL ASSOCIATION (p) (see Aluminum Window Manufacturers Assn.). Herbert S. Blake, Jr., sec, 75 West St., New York 6, N.Y. Power Fan Manufacturers Association (1956 merger, see Air Moving and Conditioning Assn.) . POWDER ACTUATED TOOL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Institute of Makers of Explosives). Richard F. Web- ster, sec, 250 E. 43rd St., New York 17, N.Y. POWER TRANSMISSION COUNCIL (p-l). Edwin R. Rath, ex. v-pres., 320 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. PREFABRICATED HOME MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p-l) . Harry H. Steidle, mgr., 908 20th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. PREMIUM ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. George Biderman, dir. of pub. rel., 608 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. PRESSED METAL INSTITUTE (p-l). H.A. Daschner, mg. dir., 3673 Lee Rd., Cleveland 20, Ohio PRESSURE SENSITIVE TAPE COUNCIL (see Building Material Exhibitors Assn.). R.G. Breeden, sec. mgr., 530 Echo Lane, Glenview, 111. PRINTED PAPER MAT INSTITUTE (p) . Herbert E. Raymond, mgr., Home Savings Bank Bldg., Albany 7, N.Y. PRINTING INDUSTRY OF AMERICA (p-l). B.J. Taymans, acting mgr., 5728 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 15, D.C. PRIVATE TRUCK COUNCIL OF AMERICA (l). James D. Mann, mg. dir., 711 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. PROCESSED APPLES INSTITUTE (p) . Mabel G. Flanley, ex. dir., 30 E. 40th St., New York 16, N.Y. Public Administration Service, (see Public Administra- tion) . Processing Oils & Chemicals Assn. (see Textile Chemical Manufacturers Assn.). PRODUCE PACKAGING ASSOCIATION (p) . Robert A. Cooper, sec, 500 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. PRODUCERS COUNCIL (p-l) (building materials, etc.). John L. Haynes, mg. dir., 2029 K St., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. .PROFIT-SHARING RESEARCH FOUNDATION. J.J. Jehring, dir., 1718 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. PROPELLER CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES (f ) . John W. Payne, Jr., nat. sec, 17 Battery Place, New York 4, N.Y. Propeller Fan Manufacturers Assn. (see Power Fan Manu- facturers Assn. ) . PROPRIETARY ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) (drugs). Howard A. Prentice, ex. v-pres., 810 18 th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Proprietary Plastics Manufacturers Assn. (now Plastic Houseware Manufacturers Assn.). PROSPECTORS AND MINE OWNERS ASSOCIATION. Frank Lilly, ex. sec, 300 Columbia Bldg., Spokane, Wash. PROTESTANT CHURCH-OWNED PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION (p) . James H. Cooper, ex. sec, Philadelphia National Bank Bldg., Philadelphia 7, Pa. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CLEARING HOUSE (1). Herbert Emmerich, dir., 1313 East 60th St., Chicago 37, 111. The following 17 affiliated associations are all in this office: American Municipal Assn., American Public Welfare Assn., American Public Works Assn., American Society of Planning Officials, Civil Service Assembly, American Society of Public Administration, Council of State Governments, Federation of Tax Administrators, Governors Conference, International City Managers' Assn., Municipal Finance Officers Assn., National Assn. of Assessing Officers, National Assn. of Housing and Redevelopment Officials, Nation- al Assn. of Attorneys General, National Assn. of State Budget Officers, National Assn. of State Pur- chasing Officials, Public Administration Service. In most cases, each has a separate Secretary. PUBLIC AFFAIRS INFORMATION SERVICE (l). Rollin A. Sawyer, chmn., 11 W. 40th St., New York 18, N.Y. PUBLIC RELATIONS SOCIETY OF AMERICA (l). Robert L. Bliss, ex. sec, 2 W. 46th St., New York 36, N.Y. PUBLIC UTILITIES ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION, (of Advertis- ing Federation of America). C. Fred Westin, pres., Public Service Electric & Gas Co., 80 Park Ave., Newark 1, N.J. Publishers Information Bureau (In office of Periodical Publishers Assn. of America) . PUERTO RICAN TRADE COUNCIL (f). Everett B. Wilson, dir., Shoreham Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. PULVERIZING MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION (semi- dormant) (see Machinery & Allied Products Institute) . PULP & PAPER MACHINERY ASSOCIATION (p) . John Cornell, sec, 1440 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. QUALITY BAKERS OF AMERICA COOPERATIVE (p-l). G.N. Graf, gen. mgr., 120 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. QUALITY COURTS UNITED (motor courts) . Jack W. Nelson, pres., 554 N. Oleander Ave., Daytona Beach, Fla. QUARTERMASTER ASSOCIATION (l). Herman Feldman, ex. v- pres., 1026 17th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. RADIO ADVERTISING BUREAU (formerly Broadcast Advertis- ing Bureau). Kevin B. Sweeney, pres., 460 Park Ave., New York 21, N.Y. RADIO-ELECTRONICS-TELEVISION MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) (formerly Radio Manufacturers Association). James D. Secrest, ex. v-pres., Wyatt Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. RAILROAD INSURANCE ASSOCIATION (l). W. Gordon Drysdale, mgr., 55 John St., New York 38, N.Y. RAIL STEEL BAR ASSOCIATION (p) . W.H. Jacobs, sec, 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. RAILWAY APPLIANCE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . J.F. Marquitz, sec, 600 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 5, 111. Railway Business Association (now Railway Progress Assn.) . RAILWAY CAR EXPORT CORPORATION OF AMERICA (d-f) (Export Act assn.). J. A. Ross, sec, 2600 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. RAILWAY ELECTRIC SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . L.R. Oswald, sec, 1500 S. Western Ave., Chicago 8, 111. RAILWAY & INDUSTRIAL SPRING ASSOCIATION (p) . C.R. Ould, sec, 30 Church St., New York 7, N.Y. RAILWAY PROGRESS INSTITUTE (p-l) . Holcombe Parkes, pres., 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. RAILWAY SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . A.W. Brown, sec, 527 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. RAILWAY TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE APPLIANCE ASSOCIATION (p). G.A. Nelson, sec, 30 Church St., New York 7, N.Y. RAILWAY TIE ASSOCIATION (p) . Roy M. Edmonds, sec, 1221 Locust St., St. Louis 3, Mo. RAW FUR & WOOL ASSOCIATION OF ST. LOUIS (d). Nelsen R. Darragh, pres., 400 S. 7th St., St. Louis 2, Mo. RAYON & ACETATE FIBER PRODUCERS GROUP (p-f-l) (formerly Rayon Yarn Producers Group). Matthew H. T Brien, sec, 350 5th Ave., New York 1, N.Y. 29 RECORD INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . John W. Griffin, ex. sec, 1 E. 57th St., New York 22, N.Y. RECORDER-CONTROLLER INDUSTRY (p) (section of the Scientific Apparatus Makers Assn. ) . Hampton M. Auld, ex. sec, 522 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. RED CEDAR SHINGLE BUREAU (p-1) . Virgil G. Peterson, mgr., White Bldg., Seattle 1, Wash. REDWOOD EXPORT COMPANY (d-f) (Export Act assn. ) . Kathryn Hartman, sec, 405 Montgomery St., San Fran- cisco 4, Calif. REFRACTORIES INSTITUTE (p) . Avery C. Newton, ex. sec, First National Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIA- TION (formerly National Assn. of Refrigeration Con- tractors). W. Ray Kromer, ex. v-pres., 10660 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland 6, Ohio Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers Assn. (merged with Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Institute) . Refrigeration Equipment Wholesalers Assn. (now Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Wholesalers Assn.). REGISTER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Na- tional Warm Air Register Manufacturers Institute) . C.J. Pearson, pres., 5 E. Long St., Columbus 15, Ohio RELIGIOUS DRY GOODS ASSOCIATION (d) (see Hosiery Whole- salers National Assn.). Leo Guzik, ex. dir., 150 Broadway, New York 38, N.Y. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES, FOOD & CONTAINER INSTITUTE (formerly Assn. of Food & Container Insti- tute). Rohland A. Isker, sec, 1849 W. Pershing Rd., Chicago 9, 111. RESISTANCE WELDER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see American Brush Manufacturers Assn.). George A. Fernley, ex. sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. RESOURCES FOR THE FUTURE (1). R.G. Gustavson, pres., 1145 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. Retail Credit Institute of America (merged with Nation- al Foundation for Consumer Credit) . RETAIL PAINT & WALLPAPER DISTRIBUTORS OF AMERICA (d). Irwin E. Douglas, ex. v-pres., 34 N. Brentwood Blvd., St. Louis 5, Mo. RETAIL TOBACCO DEALERS OF AMERICA (d). Eric Calamia, mg. dir., 1 Maiden Lane, New York 38, N.Y. RICE MILLERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . W.M. Reid, pres., National Bank of Commerce Bldg., New Orleans 12, La. RING TRAVELER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Hilda Eisenhardt, sec, 608 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. ROADSIDE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION. Morris B. Mitchell, acting sec, 1133 First National-Soo Line Bldg., Minneapolis 2, Minn. ROBERT MORRIS ASSOCIATES (banks & bank executives). Lawrence T. Knier, ex. mgr., Philadelphia National Bank Bldg., Philadelphia 7, Pa. ROCK & ORE CRUSHER ASSOCIATION, (semi -dormant) (see Machinery & Allied Products Institute) . ROLLER SKATING RINK OPERATORS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (l). R.D. Martin, sec, 17341 Wyoming Ave., Detroit 21, Mich. ROLLING MILL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION, and ROLL MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) . M.K. Ulrich, ex. sec, Farmers Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. ROOFING & SHEET METAL CRAFTS INSTITUTE. Irving P. Zinbarg, ex. dir., 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. RUBBER EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d-f) (Export Act assn.). S. Broers, mg. dir., 1185 E. Market St., Akron 5, Ohio RUBBER HEEL & SOLE INSTITUTE (p) (formerly Rubber Heel & Sole Manufacturers Assn.). Robert A. Winters, ex. dir., 551 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. RUBBER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . R.R. Ormsby, pres., 444 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. RUBBER RECLAIMERS ASSOCIATION (p) . C.T. Jansen, sec, 101 W. 31st St., New York 1, N.Y. RUBBER TRADE ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK (d-f-l) . R.D. Young, pres., 15 William St., New York 5, N.Y. SADDLERY HARDWARE MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) (see Aluminum Window Manufacturers Assn.). M.S. Blake, sec, 75 West St., New York 6, N.Y. SAFE MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (p) (see Ameri- can Die Casting Institute). 366 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. SAFETY GLASS ASSOCIATION (p) . Wilbur M. White, ex. dir., 108 E. Main St., Hillsboro, Ohio SALT PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Frank J. Madden, mg. dir., LaSalle-Wacker Bldg., Chicago 1, 111. Sand-Lime Brick Assn. (see Autoclave Building Products Assn.) . Sanitary Brass Institute, (now Plumbing Brass Institute) SANITARY INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (p) . Edwin D. Szold, sec, 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. SAW MILL MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (semi- dormant) (see Machinery & Allied Products institute). SCHIFFLI LACE & EMBROIDERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p). John M. Malkin, ex. dir., 512 23rd St., Union City, N.J. SCHOOL BUS BODY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Aluminum Window Manufacturers Assn.). H.W. Dailey, sec, 75 West St., New York 6, N.Y. SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS MAKERS OF AMERICA (p-f-l) . Kenneth B. Andersen, ex. v-pres., 20 N. Wacker Dr., Chicago 6, 111. SCREEN PROCESS PRINTING ASSOCIATION, INTERNATIONAL (p). Robert H. Blundred, ex. sec, 549 W. Randolph St., Chicago 6, 111. SCREW RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (p) . Harry Mayoh, pres., Union Trust Bldg., Providence 3, R.I. SEAFOOD STATISTICAL BUREAU (p) . Leonora Decuers, sec, 1343 Granada Drive, New Orleans 22, La. SEAL & LABEL INSTITUTE (p) (see Bituminous Pipe Insti- tute). 370 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. SEALD-SWEET, INC. (formerly Florida Citrus Exchange) ' (1). John T. Lesley, gen. mgr., Box 2349, Tampa, Fla. SEED PEA & BEAN GROUP (see Architectural Woodwork Institute of America). 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 4, ILL. SELF INSURERS ASSOCIATION. James J. Regan, sec, 165 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. SELF -RISING FLOUR INSTITUTE (p) . Allen R. Cornelius, sec, Nashville Trust Bldg., Nashville 3, Tenn. SERVICE TOOLS INSTITUTE (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manu- facturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. SEWING MACHINE TRADE ASSOCIATION (p) . A.G. Osborne, sec, 149 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y. SHEARS, SCISSORS & MANICURE IMPLEMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. SHEET METAL CONTRACTORS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. J.D. Wilder, ex. sec, 170 Division St., Elgin, 111. SHIPBUILDERS COUNCIL OF AMERICA (p-f-l). L.R. Sanford, pres., 21 West St., New York 6, N.Y. SHIPOWNERS ASSOCIATION OF THE PACIFIC COAST (f). George L. Olson, pres., 110 Market St., San Francisco 11, Calif. SHIRT INSTITUTE (p) . M. Rabbino, ex. sec, 331 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. SHOE SERVICE INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (d-l). W.L. Warden, ex. v-pres., 222 W. Adams St., Chicago 6, 111. SHOE SHANK MANUFACTURERS GROUP (p) . A.S. Harding, ind. eng., 80 Federal St., Boston 10, Mass. SHOPPING CENTERS INSTITUTE (d) (see Flat Glass Jobbers Assn.). 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. SIGNAL APPLIANCE ASSOCIATION (p) . G.A. Nelson, sec, 30 Church St., New York 7, N.Y. SILK COMMISSION MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Herbert Susser, ex. sec, 132 Market St., Paterson 1, N.J. SILK & RAYON MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Oscar Berman, counsel, Fabian Bldg., Paterson 1, N.J. SILK & RAYON PRINT INSTITUTE (p) . Clyde E. Murray, pres., 55 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. SILK & RAYON PRINTERS & DYERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p-1). Joseph F. Wildbush, ex. v-pres., 1450 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. SILVER USERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Donald J. Ramsey, counsel, 1612 Eye St., Washington 6, D.C. SKEIN DYERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p). Fred Kern, sec, 418 17th Ave., Paterson 4, N.J. SLIDE FASTENER ASSOCIATION (p) . Dwight M. Allgood, ex. dir., 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. 30 SLIDING GLASS DOOR & WINDOW INSTITUTE. Hugh J. Burras, ex. sec, 74-21 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 36, Calif. Small Brewers Assn. (see Brewers Assn. of America). "SMALL BUSINESS" or "INDEPENDENT" ASSOCIATIONS. The membership of most trade associations is composed, largely, of firms of "small business" size. It is not widely realized that only 1$ of the over 4,000,000 business establishments in the United States have more than 100 paid employees. Only 5$ have more than 20 employees! Consequently, most trade associations (and chambers of commerce) are composed, chiefly, of companies of "small business" size. These are constantly carrying on services to assist smaller firms. In addition, there are several organizations which include such words as "Small Business" in their names; see the 10 listed below: AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SMALL BUSINESS. 404 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans 12, La. AMERICAN BUSINESS CONGRESS. 50 E. 42nd St., New York 18, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS. 1317 K St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN SMALL BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS. 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 5, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS. 35 W. 53rd St., New York 19, N.Y. NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS. Burlingame, Calif. NATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION. 1825 H St., N.W., Washington 25, D.C. SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMIC FOUNDATION. 1825 H St., N.W., Washington 25, D.C. SMALLER BUSINESS OF AMERICA (regional). 406 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio SMALLER BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ENGLAND. 603 Boyls- ton St., Boston, Mass. SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MANAGEMENT (l). Harold R. Bixler, ex. v-pres., 74 Fifth Ave., New York 11, N.Y. SOCIETY OF AMERICAN FLORISTS (p-d). Robert H. Roland ex. sec, 600 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 5, 111. SOCIETY OF ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIAL EDITORS. C.E. Trout, sec, Oklahoma A&M, Stillwater, Okla. SOCIETY OF CHARTERED PROPERTY & CASUALTY UNDERWRITERS. Robert M. Morse, ex. sec, 3924 Walnut St., Phila- delphia 4, Pa. SOCIETY OF INDEPENDENT MOTION PICTURE PRODUCERS (p-l) . Marvin L. Faris, ex. sec, 357 N. Canon Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. SOCIETY OF INDUSTRIAL REALTORS. Carl Lloyd, ex. v-pres., 1300 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. SOCIETY OF THE PLASTICS INDUSTRY (p-l) (manufacturers, technical experts, etc.). William T. Cruse, ex. v- pres., 250 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. SOCKET SCREW PRODUCTS BUREAU (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. SODA FOUNTAIN MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Carl J. Palmer, ex. sec, 898 Grove St., Glencoe, 111. SODA PULP MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . G.A. Vogel, sec, 230 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. SODIUM-SILICATE MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) . John C. Russell, sec, Box 281, Will Perm Annex, Philadelphia 5, Pa. SOFT DRINK CANNERS ASSOCIATION (p) . 270 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. SOFT FIBRE MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) . George F. Quimby, sec, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. Southern Combed Yarn Spinners Association (see Combed Yarn Spinners Assn. ) . SOUTHERN CYPRESS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . J. A. Prestridge, mgr., 2133 Kings Ave., Jacksonville 7, Fla. SOUTHERN FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . J.T. Ryan, ex. v-pres., 209 S. Main St., High Point, N.C. SOUTHERN GARMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . W. Gor- don McKelvey, ex. v-pres., Stahlman Bldg., Nashville 3, Term. 31 SOUTHERN HARDWOOD PRODUCERS, INC. (p-f-l) . L.J. Heatherly, sec. mgr., Sterick Bldg., Memphis 3, Term. SOUTHERN PINE ASSOCIATION (p-f-l). S.P. Deas, sec mgr., National Bank of Commerce Bldg., New Orleans 4, La. SOUTHERN PINE INSPECTION BUREAU (p-l). A.S. Boisfon- taine, sec. mgr., Canal Bldg., New Orleans 4, La. SOUTHERN RICE EXPORT CORPORATION (d-f) (Export Act assn.). Box 839, New Orleans 13, La. SOUTHERN STATES INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL (p-l) . Thurman Sens- ing, ex. v-pres., Stahlman Bldg., Nashville 3, Tenn. SOYA FOOD RESEARCH COUNCIL (formerly Soy Flour Assn.). (p). Douglas Dies, sec, 1026 17th St., N.W., Washing- ton 6, D.C. SPECIAL INDUSTRIAL RADIO SERVICE ASSOCIATION. J.E. Keller, counsel, Munsey Bldg., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION (l). Marian E. Lucius, ex. sec, 31 E. 10th St., New York 3, N.Y. SPECIAL REFRACTORIES ASSOCIATION (p) (see Crucible Manufacturers Assn.). 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. SPECIALTY BAKERY OWNERS OF AMERICA (p-l) . David Dubner, pres., 320 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. SPECIALTY PAPER & BOARD AFFILIATES (p) . George V. Johnson, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. SPECIALTY STORES ASSOCIATION (d-l). Adele C. Elgart, ex. dir., 1441 Broadway, New York 18, N.Y. SPONGE & CHAMOIS INSTITUTE, (see Oyster Growers). David H. Wallace, ex. sec, 6 Mayo Ave., Bay Ridge, Annapolis, Md. SPORTING ARMS & AMMUNITION MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) (see Institute of Makers of Explosives). Richard F. Webster, sec, 250 E. 43rd St., New York 17, N.Y. SPORTING GOODS JOBBERS ASSOCIATION (d). Hugo G. Autz, ex. sec, Box 153, St. Louis 1, Mo. SPRING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . George E. Under- wood, sec, Box 1440, Bristol, Conn. SPRING WASHER INSTITUTE (p) (see Aluminum Window Manufacturers Assn.). Herbert S. Blake, Jr., sec, 75 West St., New York 6, N.Y. SPRINKLER IRRIGATION ASSOCIATION (p) . Joseph T. King, sec, 1028 Conn. Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. STAINED GLASS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . Fred P. Oppliger, gen. sec, 822 Wilmington Ave., St. Louis 11, Mo. STAINED & LEADED GLASS ASSOCIATION (p) . O.W. Heinigke, sec, 26 E. 13th St., New York 3, N.Y. STAPLE & STAPLING MACHINE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Aluminum Window Manufacturers Assn.). Montgomery S. Blake, sec, 75 West St., New York 6, N.Y. STATION REPRESENTATIVES ASSOCIATION (radio-TV). Lawrence Webb, mg. dir., 101 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Steam Engine Manufacturers Assn. (semi -dormant) (see Machinery & Allied Products Institute) . STEAM HEATING EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . S.J. Reid, sec, Barnes & Jones, Inc., Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. STEAMSHIP FREIGHT BROKERS ASSOCIATION (d-f). Harry Fowler, pres., 50 Broad St., New York 4, N.Y. STEATITE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (a form of talc) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. STEEL BOILER INSTITUTE (p) . R.A. Locke, pres., Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia 10, Pa. STEEL DOOR INSTITUTE (p) (see Abrasive Grain Assn.). Keith Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio STEEL FOUNDERS SOCIETY OF AMERICA (p-f-l) . F. Kermit Donaldson, ex. v-pres., Terminal Tower, Cleveland 13, Ohio STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE (p) . C.H. Luedeman, mg. dir., Dupont Circle Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. STEEL KITCHEN CABINET MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Arthur J. Tuscany, Jr., ex. sec, Engineers Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio STEEL PLATE FABRICATORS ASSOCIATION (p) . J. Dwight Evans, ex. dir., 79 W. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. STEEL PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE ASSOCIATION (d) . Clayton Grandy, pres., Union Comm. Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio STEEL SHIPPING CONTAINER INSTITUTE (p) . L.B. Keplinger, pres., 600 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. STEEL TANK INSTITUTE (p) . Allan R. Smith, ex. sec, 120 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 3, 111. STEEL WINDOW INSTITUTE (p) (formerly Metal Window In- stitute) . George HIngston, ex. sec, 806 Rowland Rd., Cheltenham, Pa. STERLING SILVERSMITHS GUILD OF AMERICA (p) . John F. Ambrose, ex. v-pres., 551 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. STOCK COMPANY ASSOCIATION (l). Gale C. Morgan, mgr., 1422 K St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. STOKER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . L.C. Dabs, pres., 307 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, 111. STRUCTURAL CLAY PRODUCTS INSTITUTE (p-l) (brick, tile, etc.). Joe N. Stryker, ex. dir., 1520 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. STRUCTURAL CLAY PRODUCTS RESEARCH FOUNDATION (p) (re- search affiliate of structural Clay Products Insti- tute) . Robert B. Taylor, dir. of research,' Geneva, 111. STUCCO MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. Don Wiltse, ex. sec, 121 S. Alvarado St., Los Angeles 4, Calif. SUGAR RESEARCH FOUNDATION (p-f-l) . Henry B. Hass, pres., 52 Wall St., New York 5, N.Y. In the same office are Sugar Assn., and Sugar Information, Inc. SULPHITE PAPER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Charles H. Leach, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. SULPHITE PULP MANUFACTURERS RESEARCH LEAGUE (p) . John G. Strange, sec, 1101 E. South River, Appleton, Wis. SUN GLASS INSTITUTE (p) (see American Cutlery Manufac- turers Assn.). 511 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. SUPER MARKET INSTITUTE (l). Don Parsons, ex. dir., 500 N. Dearborn St., Chicago 10, 111. SUPPLEMENTAL AIR CARRIER CONFERENCE (formerly Independent Air Carrier Conference). John J. Klak, ex. sec, 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. SURETY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (l). Warren N. Gaffney, gen. mgr., 60 John St., New York 38, N.Y. SWEDISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES (f-l) . William Werner, sec, 630 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. SWITZERLAND CHEESE ASSOCIATION (f). Edward C. Galle, sec, 105 Hudson, New York 13, N.Y. SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S. (p-f). S. Stewart Graff, sec, 41 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. SYSTEMS & PROCEDURES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Dar E. Tisdale, ex. sec, Penobscot Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. SUEDE AND LEATHER REFINISHERS OF AMERICA. Allan S. Cope- land, ex. dir., 100 E. Ohio St., Chicago 11, 111. TAG MANUFACTURERS INSTITUTE (p) (see Bituminous Pipe Institute). 370 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. TALL OIL ASSOCIATION (p) (a pulp by-product used in paint, etc.). Dernell Every, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. TANNERS COUNCIL OF AMERICA (p-f-l). Irving R. Glass, ex. v-pres., 411 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. TAPIOCA INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (p) . Kenyon Loomis, Industrial consultant, 441 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. TAPPING SCREW SERVICE BUREAU (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. TAX FOUNDATION, INC. (l). Herbert J. Miller, ex. dir., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N.Y. TAX INSTITUTE, INC. (l). Mabel L. Walker, ex. dir., 457 Nassau St., Princeton, N.J. TEA ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES (d-f). Catherine Walls, sec, 500 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. TEA COUNCIL OF THE U.S. (p-f-l) (formerly Tea Bureau). Gerald Brant, ex. dir., 500 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY. R.G. Macdonald, sec, 155 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. TELEGRAPH DELIVERY SERVICE (d). 292 LaCienega Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. Television Broadcasters Association (merged with Nation- al Assn. of Radio & Television Broadcasters) . TELEVISION BUREAU OF ADVERTISING, INC. Oliver Treyz, pres., 444 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. TERMINAL ELEVATOR GRAIN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION (d) . F.A. Theis, pres., 100 Board of Trade, Kansas City 5, Mo. TEST BORING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION (see Crucible Manu- facturers Assn.). 11 West 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. TEXAS RICE EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d-f). R.L. Williams, sec, 407 Jensen Drive, Houston 10, Texas TEXTILE BAG MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . H.R. Gill, ex. v-pres., 611 Davis St., Evanston, 111. TEXTILE CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . John M. Jester, sec, 55 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. Textile Color Card Association of the U.S. (now Color Assn.) . TEXTILE DISTRIBUTORS INSTITUTE (d) . Hilda A. Wiedenfeld, ex. sec, 469 7th Ave., New York 18, N.Y. TEXTILE EXPORT ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S. (d-f) (Export Act assn.). J.W. Murray, sec, 40 Worth St., New York 13, N.Y. TEXTILE FABRICS ASSOCIATION (p) . Arthur M. Klurfeld, ex. dir., 40 Worth St., New York 13, N.Y. TEXTILE REFINISHERS ASSOCIATION (p-l). Paul J. Shrier, sec, 437 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. TEXTILE RESEARCH INSTITUTE (l). Paul Alford, Jr., sec, Princeton, N.J. TEXTILE WASTE EXCHANGE (d). J.M. Bell, sec, P.O. Box 4547, Atlanta, Ga. THEATRE EQUIPMENT DEALERS ASSOCIATION (d) . Ray G. Colvin, ex. dir., 3238 Olive St., St. Louis 3, Mo. THEATRE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Merlin C. Lewis, ex. sec, 1475 Broadway, New York 36, N.Y. THEATRE OWNERS OF AMERICA (l). Howard L. Bryant, dir., 1501 Broadway, New York 36, N.Y. THOROUGHBRED RACING ASSOCIATION (1). Spencer J. Dray- ton, ex. sec, Chrysler Bldg., New York 17, N.Y. THREAD INSTITUTE (p) . David Snyder, ex. dir., 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. TIE FABRICS ASSOCIATION (p) . Bernard W. Cohen, counsel, 110 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. TILE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. Fred T. Windsor, ex. sec, 1420 New York Ave., N.W., Washing- ton 5, D.C. TILE COUNCIL OF AMERICA (p-l). Alfred E. McMillan, ex. sec, 10 E. 40th St., New York 16, N.Y. TILE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Katherine Maloney, pres., 50 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. TIN RESEARCH INSTITUTE (p-f-l). R.T. Nekervis, engineer, 492 W. 6th Ave., Columbus 1, Ohio TIRE & RIM ASSOCIATION (p-l). C.G. Hoover, ex. v-pres., First National Tower, Akron 8, Ohio TIRE RETREADING INSTITUTE (part of National Tire Dealers & Retreaders Assn.). William L. Carter, mgr., 1012 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. TISSUE ASSOCIATION (p-l). Ross A. Fife, ex. sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. TOBACCO ASSOCIATES, INC. (f). J.B. Hutson, pres., Ring Bldg., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. TOBACCO ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S. (d). J.C. Lanier, gen. counsel, Greenville, N.C. TOBACCO MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S. (p-d-f-l) . E.A. Gersbach, sec, 341 Madison Ave., New York 17, •N.Y. TOILET GOODS ASSOCIATION (p-f-l). S.L. Mayham, ex. v- pres., 1270 Sixth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. TOILETRY MERCHANDISERS ASSOCIATION (d). L.J. Bertoli, ex. sec, 580 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. TOY MANUFACTURERS OF THE UNITED STATES (p-l) . H.D. Clark, sec, 200 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N.Y. TRACK SUPPLY ASSOCIATION. Lewis Thomas, sec, 59 E. Van Buren St., Chicago 5, 111. TRAFFIC AUDIT BUREAU. V.H. Pelz, mg. dir., 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. TRAILER COACH ASSOCIATION (p) . John O'Connor, ex. dir., 607 S. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles 5, Calif. Trailer Coach Manufacturers Assn. (see Mobile Homes Manufacturers Assn.). 32 Trailer Coach Dealers National Assn. (see Mobile home Dealers National Assn.). TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (l). Harold F. Hammond, ex. v-pres., 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 2, 111. TROUSER INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (formerly Associated Pants Manufacturers of America) (see Boys Apparel & Acces- sories Manufacturers Assn.). 347 Fifth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. TRUCK BODY & EQUIPMENT ASSOCIATION (p-d) (formerly Truck Body Manufacturers & Distributors Assn. ) . Arthur H. Nuesse, ex. mgr., 1616 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. TRUCK MIXER MANUFACTURERS BUREAU (p) (see National In- dustrial Sand Assn.). Vincent P. Ahearn, sec, 1325 E St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. TRUCK-TRAILER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . John B. Hulse, mg. dir., 1426 G. St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. TUBULAR EXCHANGER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. TUBULAR & SPLIT RIVET COUNCIL (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. TUFTED TEXTILE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Henry C. Ball, ex. v-pres., P.O. Box 362, Dalton, Ga. TUNGSTEN INSTITUTE (p-f ) . James A. White, ex. sec, 1757 K. St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. TWISTED JUTE PACKING & OAKUM INSTITUTE (p-f) . Lester B. Piatt, sec, 19 W. 44th St., New York 36, N.Y. TYPEWRITER MANUFACTURERS EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d) (Export Act assn.). Eric T. King, sec, 3733 Albemarle St., N.W., Washington 16, D.C. UNITED FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLE ASSOCIATION (d-l) . Alan T. Rains, ex. v-pres., 777 14th St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. UNDERWEAR INSTITUTE (p-l). Roy A. Cheney, pres., 468 Fourth Ave., New York 16, N.Y. UNDERWRITERS GRAIN ASSOCIATION. C.E. Harbin, mgr., 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. (l). C.R. Welbom, pres., 207 E. Ohio St., Chicago 11, 111. UNIFORM MANUFACTURERS EXCHANGE (p) . Stanley J. Cummings, ex. sec, 112 E. 19th St., New York 3, N.Y. UNITED BETTER DRESS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . David Marmolstein, gen. mgr., 130 W. 42nd St., New York 18, N.Y. UNITED FUR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Peter C. Nicholas, actuary, 370 Seventh Ave., New York 1, N.Y. UNITED INFANTS & CHILDREN'S WEAR ASSOCIATION (p-l) (see Industrial Assn. of House Dress) . Max H. Zuckerman, ex. sec, 225 W. 34th St., New York 1, N.Y. UNITED KNITWEAR MANUFACTURERS LEAGUE (p) . H. Korzenik, ex. counsel, 51 Chambers St., New York 7, N.Y. UNITED MOTOR COURTS, INC. Shirley Miller, ex. sec, 2402 Curtis St., Denver, Colo. UNITED PANTS & NOVELTIES CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION (p) . Philip Resnick, mgr., 31 Union Square, New York 3, N.Y. UNITED POPULAR DRESS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Nat Boriskin, ex. dir., 450 Seventh Ave., New York 1, N.Y. UNITED RINK OPERATORS, James Wall, sec, Rt. 11 at Lima Rd., Fort Wayne, Ind. UNITED SAW SERVICE ASSOCIATION (see American Brush Manufacturers Assn.). H. Donald Richards, ex. sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. U.S. ARMOR ASSOCIATION (l). Wm. H. Zierdt, Jr., sec, 1727 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. UNITED STATES BEET SUGAR ASSOCIATION (p-l) . Robert H. Shields, pres., 1401 K St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION (p-l). Edward B. Lahey, pres., 535 Fifth Ave., New York 17, N.Y. U.S. CANE SUGAR REFINERS ASSOCIATION (p-f). H.M. Bald- rige, gen. counsel., 1001 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. U.S. CAP SCREW SERVICE BUREAU (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. U.S. CLAY PRODUCTS TRAFFIC ASSOCIATION. J. A. Green, dir., 230 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. U.S. COPPER ASSOCIATION (p-f) (see American Bureau of Metal Statistics). R.R. Eckert, sec, 50 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. U.S. AUSTRIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Frederick E. Taylor, ex. v-pres., 165 W. 46th St., New York 36, N.Y. UNITED STATES COUNCIL, INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f-1). Lloyd K. Neidlinger, ex. dir., 103 Park Ave., New York 17, N.Y. U.S. CUBAN SUGAR COUNCIL (p-f). Sherlock Davis, gen. counsel, 801 19th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. U.S. -GERMAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (f). G.A. Gauerke, ex. v-pres., 11 Broadway, New York 4, N.Y. U.S INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION (l). Clyde S. Bailey, ex. v-pres., 425 13th St., N.W., Washington 4, D.C. U.S. INTER-AMERICAN COUNCIL (f). John W. White, ex. dir., 1615 H St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. U.S. JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ( 1) . Roland T. Tibbetts, ex. v-pres., 21st & Main St., Tulsa, Okla. U.S. MACHINE SCREW SERVICE BUREAU (p) (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. UNITED STATES PAPER EXPORTERS COUNCIL (d-f). Harold Held, counsel, 630 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N.Y. U.S. POTTERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Wilbur A. Betz, sec, 104 E. Fourth St., East Liverpool, Ohio UNITED STATES PULP PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION (p-l) . James L. Ritchie, ex. dir., 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. UNITED STATES RED CEDAR SHINGLE INDUSTRY (p) . David M. Williams, sec. mgr., White-Henry-Stuart Bldg., Seattle 1, Wash. U.S. SALVAGE ASSOCIATION (l). J. Paul Thompson, gen. mgr., 99 John St., New York 38, N.Y. U.S. SAVINGS & LOAN LEAGUE (l). Norman Strunk, ex. v- pres., 221 N. La Salle St., Chicago 1, 111. U.S. SCIENTIFIC EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d-f) (Export Act assn.). Virginia M. Head, sec, 633 Greenwich St., New York 14, N.Y. U.S. SHELLAC IMPORTERS ASSOCIATION (d-f). John A. McGee, sec, 155 John St., New York 7, N.Y. U.S. Stone & Bead Importers Assn. (see Bead & Stone Im- porters Assn.) . U.S. TRADEMARK ASSOCIATION. Dorothy Fey, ex. sec, 522 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. U.S. WHOLESALE GROCERS ASSOCIATION (d-l). Harold 0. Smith, Jr., ex* v-pres., Investment Bldg., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. U.S. WOOD SCREW SERVICE BUREAU (p) . (see Aircraft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. UNIVERSITY FILM PRODUCERS (p) . Robert W. Wagner, pres., Ohio State University, Department of Photography, Columbus 10, Ohio UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (re- gional) . Irving R. Kass, ex. sec, 276 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. UPHOLSTERY & DRAPERY FABRIC MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p). James L. Fri, pres., 500 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y. UPHOLSTERY NAIL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Air- craft Locknut Manufacturers Assn.). 53 Park Place, New York 7, N.Y. URANIUM ORE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION (p) . Tom Skidmore, pres., Grand Junction, Colo. URBAN LAND INSTITUTE. Max S. Wehrly, ex. dir., 1200 18th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. VACUUM CLEANER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . C.S. Fetzer, sec, 1070 E. 152nd St., Cleveland 10, Ohio VACUUM WOOD PRESERVERS INSTITUTE (p) . J.M. Reichenstein, Jr., pres., 3121 Grand Ave., Dallas, Tex. VALVE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-f) . George A. Cooper, sec, 60 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. VANILLA BEAN ASSOCIATION OF THE U.S. (d-f) (see Essen- tial Oil Assn.). Ray C. Schlotterer, sec, 2 Lexington Ave., New York 10, N.Y. VEGETABLE PARCHMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION. Thomas J. Burke, sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. 33 Veneer Assn. (see Fine Hardwoods Assn.). VENETIAN BLIND ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) (see Flat Glass Jobbers Assn.). Minita Westcott, nig. dir., 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. VENEZUELAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE U.S. (f). Herbert Walmsley, sec, 19 Rector St., New York 6, N.Y. VERMICULITE INSTITUTE (p) . Edward R. Murphy, mg. dir., 208 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, 111. VINEGAR INSTITUTE (p) (see Air Compressor Research Council). H.P. Dolan, ex. dir., 27 E. Monroe St., Chicago 3, 111. Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures Assn. (see Plumbing Fixture Manufacturers Assn.). WALL PAPER INSTITUTE (p) (Wall Paper Council is also in this office). Joseph Roby, Jr., sec, 509 Madison Ave., New York 22, N.Y. WALLPAPER WHOLESALERS ASSOCIATION (d) (formerly National Wallpaper Wholesalers Assn.). Henry H. Allman, ex. dir., U00 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 10, Pa. WALNUT EXPORT SALES COMPANY (d-f) (Export Act assn.). R.E. Hollowell, pres., 630 N. College Ave., Indian- apolis 2, Ind. WASHABLE SUITS, NOVELTIES & SPORTSWEAR CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION (p). Charles Miller, mgr., 160 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N.Y. WASHINGTON EVAPORATED APPLE EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d-f) (Ex- port Act assn.). Ira D. Cardiff, pres., 709 N. First Ave., Yakima, Wash. WATCH MATERIAL DISTRIBUTORS ASSOCIATION (d-f). Stanley G. House, ex. dir., 1614 K St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. WATER CONDITIONING FOUNDATION (formerly National Assn. of Water Conditioning Equipment Manufacturers) (see Electric Water Systems Council). 39 S. LaSalle St., Chicago 3, 111. WATERPROOF PAPER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Gummed Industries Assn.). Philip 0. Deitsch, Admin- istrative Officer, 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. WATER & SEWAGE WORKS MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) . John G. Stewart, mgr., 170 Broadway, New York 38, N.Y. Water Softener & Filter Institute, (now Industrial Water Conditioning Institute) . WAXED PAPER INSTITUTE (p) . Lawrence T. Herman, ex. dir., 38 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 3, 111. WEATHERSTRIP RESEARCH INSTITUTE (p) . L.G. Klee, sec, Box 128, Riverside, 111. Webbing Manufacturers Institute (see Elastic Fabric Manufacturers Institute) . WESCOSA LUMBER ASSOCIATION (d-f-l) (Export Act assn.). W.E. Rodgers, sec, 2 Pine St., San Francisco 11, Calif. WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . H.V. Simp- son, ex. v-pres., 1410 S.W. Morrison, Portland 5, Oreg. WESTERN PINE ASSOCIATION (p-f-l) . Samuel V. Fullaway, sec. mgr., 510 Yeon Building, Portland 4, Oreg. WESTERN RED CEDAR LUMBER ASSOCIATION (p-l) . A. Ells- worth, sec. mgr., White-Henry-Stuart Bldg., Seattle 1, Wash. WESTERN RED & NORTHERN WHITE CEDAR ASSOCIATION (p) . D.G. Smith, sec, 500 Baker Arcade, Minneapolis 2, Minn. WET GROUND MICA ASSOCIATION (p) . E. Clarkson, sec, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. WHEAT FLOUR INSTITUTE (promotional agency of the Millers National Federation). Howard Lampman, dir., 309 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 6, 111. WHOLESALE COMMISSION FLORISTS OF AMERICA (d). E.R. Hall, sec, 109 W. 28th St., New York 1, N.Y. Wholesale Dry Goods Institute (now National Wholesale Dry Goods Assn.). WHOLESALE STATIONERS' ASSOCIATION OF U.S.A. (d) . Harold C. Whittemore, gen. mgr., 250 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. WINE INSTITUTE (p-l). Don W. McColly, pres., 717 Market St., San Francisco 3, Calif. WINE & SPIRITS WHOLESALERS OF AMERICA (d-l). Fred M. Switzer, ex. v-pres., Security Bldg., St. Louis 2, Mo. WIRE ASSOCIATION (engineers, etc.). Richard E. Brown, ex. sec, 453 Main St., Stamford, Conn. WIREBOUND BOX MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p-l). L.S. Beale, sec, 327 S. La Salle St., Chicago 4, 111. WIRE MACHINERY BUILDERS ASSOCIATION (p) . F.S. Van Valkenburg, pres., 453 Bank St., Waterbury, Conn. WIRE REINFORCEMENT INSTITUTE (p) . Frank B. Brown, mg. dir., National Press Bldg., Washington 4, D.C. WOMEN'S APPAREL CHAINS ASSOCIATION (d). S.M. Wasserman, sec, 11 E. 26th St., New York 10, N.Y. WOMEN'S APPAREL SHOULDER PAD ASSOCIATION (p) . Reuben Marcus, ex. mgr., 202 W. 40th St., New York 18, N.Y. WOMEN'S NATIONAL INSTITUTE (sponsors the annual Women's International Exposition of handicrafts, arts, etc.). Adele Scott, pres., 480 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. WOOD KITCHEN CABINET INSTITUTE (p) . Alexander Eltman, ex. dir., 350 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. WOOD NAVAL STORES EXPORT ASSOCIATION (d-f) (Export Act assn.). E.M. Murphey, ex. sec, Gulfport, Miss. WOOD OFFICE FURNITURE INSTITUTE (p) . Robert A. Spelman, ex. dir., 730 11th St., N.W., Washington 1, D.C. WOOD TURNERS SERVICE BUREAU (p) . Sigrid E. Swanson, ex. sec, 20 Providence St., Boston 16, Mass. WOODEN PAIL & TUB ASSOCIATION (p) . W.M. Barnard, sec, 41 Billings Ave., Keene, N.H. WOODWORKING MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (formerly Association of Manufacturers of Wood-Work- ing Machinery) (see American Brush Manufacturers Assn.). Marie H. Lawton, ex. sec, 1900 Arch St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. WOOL BUREAU (f-l) (an information and promotion agency for wool growers and processors in all countries: USA section is the American Wool Council). Felix J. Col- angelo, sec, 16 W. 46th St., New York 36, N.Y. WOOL HAT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (p) . Walter F. Evertsen, sec, 286 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. WOOLEN HOSIERY INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (p) . R.E. Chesebro, pres., Handknit Hosiery Company, Sheboygan, Wis. WOOLEN WHOLESALERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (d) (see Hosiery Wholesalers National Assn.). Leo Guzik, ex. dir., 150 Broadway, New York 38, N.Y. WOOLKNIT ASSOCIATES (p-d) . 745 Fifth Ave., New York 22, N.Y. WOOVEN FABRIC BELTING MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (p) (see Crucible Manufacturers Assn.). 11 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. WORK GLOVE INSTITUTE (p) . Ada Bonine, sec, 176 W. Adams St., Chicago 3, 111. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION REINSURANCE BUREAU. Francis M. Comer, sec, 60 John St., New York 38, N.Y. WOVEN WIRE PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION. Oscar M. Diezel, sec, 1721 W. School St., Chicago 13, 111. WRITING PAPER MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (l). M.C. Dob- row, ex. sec, 122 E. 42nd St., New York 17, N.Y. YACHT ARCHITECTS & BROKERS ASSOCIATION. R.H. Hale, sec, 6 Church St., New York 6, N.Y. YARN MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION. Ben Blank, ex. sec, 171 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. YOUNG PRESIDENTS ORGANIZATION. William D. Swan, Jr., adm. sec, Savoy Plaza Hotel, New York 22, N.Y. 34 APPENDIX A 63 NATIONAL SOCIETIES OF ENGINEERS Much of the world's outstanding advancement in "Technical Know-How" during the past century has centered in the national organizations of engineers of the major industrial nations, working closely with the trade associations. The 63 American societies listed have about 2,200 affiliated regional, state, and local chapters. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ENGINEERS. M.E. Mclver, sec, 8 S. Michigan Blvd., Chicago 3, 111. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. A.H. Emery, ex. sec, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington 6, D.C. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS. F.J. Van Antwerpen, ex. sec, 25 W. 45th St., New York 36, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS. T.T. McCrosky, sec, 33 W. 39th St., New York 18, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. N.S. Hibsh- man, ex. sec, 33 W. 39th St., New York 18, N.Y. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS. R.N. Lehrer, editor, 145 N. High St., Columbus 15, Ohio AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING & METALURGICAL ENGINEERS. E.O. Kirkendall, sec, 29 W. 39th St., New York 18, N.Y. AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION (includes the former American Society of Municipal Engineers). 1313 E. 60th St., Chicago 37, 111. AMERICAN RAILWAY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION. N.D. Howard, sec, 59 E. Van Buren St., Chicago 5, 111. AMERICAN ROCKET SOCIETY. A.C. Slade, sec, 500 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N. Y. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS. F.B. Lanham, sec, 420 Main St., St. Joseph, Mich. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF BAKERY ENGINEERS. Victor E. Marx, sec, 121 W. Wacker Drive, Chicago 1, 111. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF BODY ENGINEERS. H.V. Atnip, sec, 100 Farnsworth Ave., Detroit 2, Mich. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. W.H. Wisely, ex. sec, 33 W. 39th St., New York 18, N.Y. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR ENGINEERING EDUCATION. W.L. Collins, sec, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING & AIR-CONDITIONING ENGINEERS. A.V. Hutchinson, sec, 62 Worth St., New York 13, N.Y. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF LUBRICATION ENGINEERS. Wm. P. Young - claus, Jr., adm. sec, 84 E. Randolph St., Chicago 1, 111. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. C.E. Davies, sec, 29 W. 39th St., New York 18, N.Y. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NAVAL ENGINEERS. J.E. Hamilton, sec, 605 F St., Washington 4, D.C. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS. Robert C. Cross, sec, 234 Fifth Ave., New York 1, N.Y. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SAFETY ENGINEERS. J.B. Johnson, sec, 425 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SANITARY ENGINEERING. Walter H. Dunn, ex. sec, 4716 Ewing Ave., S, Minneapolis, Minn. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TOOL ENGINEERS. Harry E. Conrad, ex. sec, 10007 Puritan Ave., Detroit 38, Mich. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TESTING MATERIALS. R.J. Painter, ex. sec, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. AMERICAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION. G.F. Hussey, mg. dir., 70 E. 45th St., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF CONSULTING CHEMISTS AND CHEMICAL ENGI- NEERS. Robert T. Baldwin, sec, 50 E.41st St., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF CONSULTING MANAGEMENT ENGINEERS. P.W. Shay, ex. sec, 347 Madison Ave., New York 17, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTING ENGI- NEERS. Robert E. L. Kennedy, sec, 1302 18th St., Washington 6, D.C. ASSOCIATION OF IRON & STEEL ENGINEERS. T.J. Ess, rang. dir., 1010 Empire Bldg., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY. E.J. LeBel, sec, Box 12, Old Chelsea St., New York 11, N.Y. ASSOCIATION OF MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ENGINEERS. CM. Blaesi, sec, 429 N. Pennsylvania, Indianapolis 9, Ind. CONFERENCE OF MUNICIPAL PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERS. H.C. Mitchell, sec, St. Louis County Health Department, Clayton, Mo. CONFERENCE OF STATE SANITARY ENGINEERS. Alfred H. Fletcher, sec, New Jersey State Department Of Health, Trenton 7, N.J. CONFERENCE OF UTILITY COMMISSION ENGINEERS. R.L. Lloyd, sec, National Bureau of Standards, Washington 25, D.C. ENGINEERING COLLEGE RESEARCH COUNCIL. Renato Contini, sec, New York University, University Heights, New York 53, N.Y. ENGINEERING FOUNDATION. John H.R. Arms, sec, 29 W. 39th St., New York 18, N.Y. ENGINEERING TRUSTEES, INC., UNITED. John H.R. Arms, sec, 29 W. 39th St., New York 18, N.Y. ENGINEERS COUNCIL FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. N.S. Hibshman, sec, 29 W. 39th St., New York 18, N.Y. ENGINEERS JOINT COUNCIL. E.P. Lange, sec, 29 W. 39th St., New York 18, N.Y. FOOD FACILITIES ENGINEERING SOCIETY. N.B. Persson, sec, 8032 W. Third St., Los Angeles 48, Calif. ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING SOCIETY. A. Dexter Hinckley, ex. sec, i860 Broadway, New York 23, N.Y. INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES. S.P. Johnston, dir., 2 E. 65th St., New York 21, N.Y. INSTITUTE OF RADIO ENGINEERS. G.W. Bailey, ex. sec, 1 E. 79th St., New York 21, N.Y. INSTITUTE OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERS. M.M. Todd, ex. sec, Strathcona Hall, New Haven, Conn. INSTRUMENT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. W.H. Kushnick, ex. dir., 1319 Allegheny Ave., Pittsburgh 33, Pa. INSULATED POWER CABLE ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION. G.M. Haskell, sec, 283 Valley Road, Montclair, N.J. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. S. Douglas Cornell, ex. officer, Louis Jordan, ex. sec, Division of Engineering and Industrial Research. 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington 25, D.C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CORROSION ENGINEERS. A.B. Campbell, ex. sec, M & M Bldg., Houston 2, Texas NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF POWER ENGINEERS. A.F. Thompson, sec, 176 W. Adams St., Chicago 3, 111. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PRACTICAL REFRIGERATING ENGI- NEERS. J. Richard Kelahan, sec, 435 N. Waller Ave., Chicago 44, 111. NATIONAL COUNCIL OF STATE BOARDS OF ENGINEERING EXAMINERS. T. Keith Legare, ex. sec, Drawer 1404; Columbia, S.C. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CERAMIC ENGINEERS. J.D. Clark, sec, 4055 N. High St., Columbus 14, Ohio NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS. Paul H. Robbins, ex. dir., 2029 K St., N.W., Washington 5, D.C. RAILWAY FUEL AND TRAVELING ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION. L.H. Peters, sec, 139 W. Van Buren St., Chicago 5, 111. REFRIGERATION SERVICE ENGINEERS SOCIETY. H.T. McDermott, sec, 435 N. Waller Ave., Chicago 44, 111. SOCIETY OF AERONAUTICAL WEIGHT ENGINEERS. J. A. Crabtree, pres., Hughes Aircraft Co., Culver City, Calif. SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MILITARY ENGINEERS. F.H. Kohloss, ex. sec, Mills Bldg., Washington 6, D.C. SOCIETY OF INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING & MATERIAL HANDLING ENGINEERS. C.J. Carney, Jr., dir., Ill W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, 111. SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS. John A.C. Warner, sec, 29 W. 39th St., New York 18, N.Y. SOCIETY OF FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERS. R.S. Moulton, sec, 60 Batterymarch St., Boston 10, Mass. 35 SOCIETY OF MOTION PICTURE & TELEVISION ENGINEERS. Boyce Nemec, ex. sec, 55 W. 42nd St., New York 36, N.Y. SOCIETY OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS. W.N. Landers, sec, 74 Trinity Place, New York 6, N.Y. SOCIETY OF PHOTOGRAPHIC ENGINEERS. Leo Pavelle, pres., 533 W. 57th St., New York 19, N.Y. SOCIETY OF PLASTICS ENGINEERS. P.J. Underwood, ex. sec, 34 E. Putnam Ave., Greenwich, Conn. SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS. Lois G. McDowell, sec, 4 Washington Square, N., New York 3, N.Y. STANDARDS ENGINEERS SOCIETY. Charles W. Bowler, sec, Box 281, Camden, N.J. 36 APPENDIX B CENTERS OF INFORMATION ON ASSOCIATIONS OF BUSINESSMEN AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES (formerly, American Trade Association Executives) . associations Building, 1145 19th St., Washington 6, D.C. Reuel W. Elton, Executive Vice President. Founded in 1920, ASAE has a 1956 membership of more than 1,700 trade association executives. Local chapters, in 18 larger cities, hold monthly meetings to discuss current as- sociation management problems. ASAE publishes a monthly bulletin, the "News", and a quarterly "Jour- nal" . In recent years the "Journal" has published over 200 excellent articles on association activities and management. "Trade Association Management" ($5.00), a standard textbook with chapters by 20 experts, was to be revised late in 1956. There are also a "Here's How" series and many committee reports. ASAE sponsors an annual awards contest to encourage constantly in- creasing efficiency in service to industry and the public. Each year the Secretary of Commerce has served as chairman of the Jury of Awards, which includes the presidents of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States and the National Association of Manufacturers. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE . 14th St., and Constitution Ave., Washington 25, D.C. (Trade Associa- tion Division, Jay Judkins, Chief.) Since 1913 surveys covering all types of nonprofit organizations of businessmen have been made by the Trade Association Division, now part of the Office of Technical Services. The reports below marked with an asterisk (*) are now out of print, but reference copies can be consulted at the field offices of the Department of Commerce, located in 32 key cities. "National Associations of the United States," 700 pages.* "United States Associations in World Trade and Affairs,' 130 pages. Available from the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Washington 25, D.C. 30 cents. "Trade Association Opportunities in Marketing Re- search, " 80 pages. Available from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington 25, D.C. 25 cents. "Trade Association Industrial Research," 60 pages.* "State-Local Businessmen's Organizations: 13,000 in 4,000 Cities," 550 pages.* "Conventions, Trade Shows, and Agricultural Fairs," 100 pages. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES . 1615 H St., Washington 6, D.C. (Trade Association Department : Charles Mortensen, Manager.) Among the Trade Associa- tion Department's booklets are those on Association By-Laws, Employer-Employee Relations, Financing, and Survey of Activities. The National Chamber is the nation's largest association of businessmen, formed in 1912. Over 500 associations and 2,700 chambers of commerce are members. Some 20 other departments serving the membership include: Chamber of Commerce Service, Manufacture, Domestic Distribution, Foreign Trade, Finance, Construction, and Civic Development, Insurance, and Labor Relations. Chamber periodicals include the monthly "Nation's Business" ($18 for 3 years) and a number of departmental newsletters. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL , an affiliate of the Nation- al Association of Manufacturers. World Center Building, 918 16th St., Washington 6, D.C. R.T. Compton, Execu- tive Director. About 400 associations of manufacturers, belong to the NIC, formed in 1907. It sponsors frequent conferences in leading industrial centers and is es- pecially active in industrial relations, legislative research, and allied association problems. The National Association of Manufacturers is located at 2 E. 48th St., New York 17, N.Y. Thomas M. Brennan, Secretary, is head of NAM interassociation relations. NAM, formed in 1895, states that its direct and indirect member- ship produces over 75 percent of the annual factory output in this country. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL . 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington 25, D.C. S. Douglas Cornell, Executive Officer. This quasi-official agency, formed in 1863, has long issued standard directories of technical organizations, in which many trade asso- ciations are included if active in industrial research. Some 1,500 organizations are described In its 1955 volume, "Scientific and Technical Societies of the United States and Canada" (440 pages; $7.50). NEW YORK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE . 65 Liberty Street, New York 5, N.Y. B.C. Davis, Executive Vice President. The Nation's oldest organization of businessmen, formed in 1768, issues the only annual directory of USA Chambers of Commerce, covers about 2,500 cities (40 pages) $1.00. AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXECUTIVES . 1615 H. St., Washington 6, D.C. Ralph Bradford, Jr., Executive Manager. The national society of executives of Chambers was formed in 1905. ACCE has about 1,600 members. Publications include a quarterly "Journal", a monthly "The Executive", and frequent special studies. U.S JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 21st & Main Sts., Tulsa, Okla. Roland Tibbetts, Executive Vice Presi- dent. Formed in 1915, the Junior Chamber has a membership exceeding 200,000 men 21 to 35 in age, in 2,800 cities. Among its publications are "Future" ($2.00 a year) and a monthly newsletter "U. S. Jaycee Action". Each local JC fosters Americanization, economic education, local social welfare, etc. 37 6U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1956 O - 391082 \-fci\flord — ray /ore/ - PAMPHLET BINDER Syracuse, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWl ADDDD71Efi77Db