EARTHQUAKE INVESTIGATION in the United States C&GS SPECIAL PUBLICATION NO. 282 Revised (1969) Edition U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Environmental Science Services Administration Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2012 witfi funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation that will give satisfactory recordings of high-frequency waves. Until recently, all earthquake epicenters were located on large terrestrial globes by swinging arcs around several observa- tory locations, using as radii the epicentral distances deter- mined from the station records (see fig. 5). This method is still utilized for fast, on-the-spot locations of earthquakes of unusual interest, but for more precise locations, modem elec- tronic computer techniques are used. The computer pemiits the determination of many more earthquake locations in an equivalent amount of time. The epicenter determination pro- gram is conducted at the Coast Survey's National Earthquake Information Center established in August 1966 and described in an earlier section of this report. Figure 5. — Geophysicists of the National Earthquake Information Center illustrating technique of locating an earthquake on a 3 2 -inch globe. 29 Seismographs Seismographs, basically, are nothing more than carefully constructed pendulums. When the ground vibrates the instru- ment, the pendulum mass tends to remain immovable so that a measurable differential motion results. Many seismograph pendulums take 10 or even 20 seconds to make a complete swing. The reason for this is that most waves from distant earthquakes have long periods and long wavelengths, and it requires a long-period pendulum to obtain a measurable dif- ference between the moving pendulum and the moving ground. In nearby earthquakes, however, the ground vibrations are of short period, and almost any simple short-period pendulum would suffice. A long period can be obtained by swinging the pendulum in a nearly horizontal plane about a nearly upright post, like a gate or door that is slightly tilted. It always takes a steady position in the direction in which the hinges are tilted. These are called horizontal pendulums. It requires two such pendulums, and another that measures vertical motion to obtain the complete motion of the ground at a seismograph station. The second important requirement of a seismograph pendu- lum is that it must be damped to prevent swinging mostly in its own free period and obscuring other shorter and longer pe- riods that are present in the ground motion. Some seismographs are damped with oil; i.e., a vane or paddle fixed rigidly to the pendulum mass moves to and fro in a container full of oil whenever the pendulum moves, relative to the earth. If such a pendulum is pulled to one side 1 inch and released, and it then overshoots the original position of rest by 0.1 inch, the dampn ing ratio is 10 to 1 which is about proper. Such a pendulum will give a good record of the ground motion. The great majority of modem seismographs (see fig. 6), however, are not damped with oil. Instead, a metal plate that passes closely between the poles of a powerful magnet fixed to the instrument frame is used. The third requirement of a seismograph pendulum is that its motion, relative to the ground, must usually be magnified many times by a mechanical lever system, optical levers, or electrical 30 jJk Q, |J| b w^ ^1^ ^^ Figure 6. — Modern seismograph system as used in the Network of Standard Seismograph Stations. methods. Mechanical lever systems that magnify the pendulum motion from 10 to several hundred times are used on most older-type seismographs. In principle, such a lever rotates horizontally on a pivoted, vertical spindle, set in jewel bearings fixed to the instrument frame. The short end is connected to the pendulum mass, while the long end, which rotates through a much greater distance, carries a delicately mounted steel pin or stylus that scratches a fine line on a sheet of smoked paper moving beneath it. In making records of this kind, a strip of paper about a yard long and 6 inches wide is wound around a drum, then covered with a fine smoke film over a "sooty" flame and the drum set back on the seismograph recording mechanism. The drum usually turns through one revolution an hour, and at the same time moves sideways in a spiral so that 24 lines can be scratched on the paper without the lines overlapping. When an earthquake vibrates the ground beneath the stationary pendulum a wavy line is scratched on the paper. 31 This is the seismograph record and on it can be seen the princi- pal seismic wave groups explained in the preceding section. Figure 7 shows a visible-recording seismograph; figure 8 dis- plays a tracing of a typical record. Greater magnification is obtained by dispensing with cum- bersome mechanical levers and smoked paper and using beams of light that write fine lines on a sheet of photographic paper. This requires operating the seismographs in dark rooms, now a part of many seismological stations. Such instruments are designed so that a mirror in the pendulum system rotates with the pendulum; consequently, when a fixed beam of light is reflected from the mirror onto the photographic recording paper, it traces a wavy line during an earthquake just like the record made by the smoked paper recorder (see fig. 8). Most seismographs using such systems magnify the pendulum motion one or two thousand times. Figure 7. — An assembly for visible-recording seismograph. A — control box. B — galvanometer and recording pen. C — revolving drum that registers all movements of writing pen. 32 The greatest magnifications are ordinarily obtained with electromagnetic seismographs. In most of these, a coil made of many turns of fine wire is fixed to the seismograph pendulum and forced by the earthquake motion to oscillate between the poles of powerful magnets connected to the instrument frame. The current thus generated is sent through a sensitive galvanom- eter that makes a continuous record on photographic paper, a mirrior, or hot stylus. With such instruments the ground motion can be magnified several hundred thousand times. Special seismographs that record destructive earthquake motions usually have very short-period pendulums. In fact, they are more like weighted springs. They record the accelera- tion, or force, of the motion on photographic paper. Instead of operating continuously like regular seismographs, they re- main inoperative until a strong earthquake starts them. A starting pendulum closes an electrical circuit that causes the entire recording mechanism to operate for about 1 J/2 minutes (see fig. 9). Seismographs do not record the motion of the ground di- rectly. The relationship between the actual ground movement and the movements shown on a seismograph record is very complex and will not be discussed here. It will suffice to say that when a seismograph is properly calibrated, the seismol- ogist knows how much his instrument will magnify ground waves ot all periods. This depends primarily on the pendulum Figure 8. — College, Alaska, seismogram showing recording of earthquake on February 22, 1958, in Aleutian Islands. 33 Figure 9. — Coast and Geodetic Survey accelerograph. period, the period of waves in the earth beneath, and a number of other factors, and explains why records of the same ground motion made with various types of instruments are so different. Most important to the seismograph station director is the matter of keeping his time controls accurate to a fraction of a second. Earthquake waves pass the station at speeds as high as 5, 10, and 15 miles per second ; to determine earthquake distances from the arrival times of various wave groups, he must therefore be diligent with regard to time accuracy. In the United States, about 250 seismograph stations are in continuous operation (see table 1). Throughout the world there are approximately 900 stations. The Network of Stand- ard Seismographs, which was initiated in 1961, now has 115 operating stations. The records from this network are submitted to the Data Center in Asheville, N.C., where permanent file copies are made. At present, the Data Center is reproducing over 100,000 copies of seismograms per month to fill requests of seismologists throughout the world. 34 VD ^ CO < /^"^ z • / X TO O ^ X ^ . +-' y E x^ ; ^O E / M . o — I- ^ < ~77 — E Tr>r — ) :ii. my/ ^V^^ o .^ 4 'nT/ / > r'o < 1 i / \ 1 • vJ i 1 » > °oi"\ X to Z ^ /y^ " 7 . i) / / 1 XlT) /o < / t o o o o ° o_o^^ / I / > oZ /o > ? _ jn O o b ■- i 1 O O ^ ■ -T*^ 1 o • — 1 O o .° °/ ? 00 \ o ■g-' \ « o ^«o ?o^y A ^ So O • e / -g» tZ^ o o\ o \o ooe, \ o o / S o 2 : i 3 8 Ni-e nj '"' . <^5 - o (/) CM . • 1 o ^O 00 CO 35 Descriptive Reports on Earthquakes One of the important functions of the Coast and Geodetic Survey is to collect descriptive information on earthquakes that occur in the United States. The information is obtained from questionnaires sent to volunteer observers immediately after any felt earthquake, from field investigations after destructive earthquakes, and from the news media. These historic earth- quake descriptions are published quarterly in Abstracts of Earthquake Reports for the United States and summarized annually in United States Earthquakes. These publications not only present detailed information on earthquakes, but they also summarize information on stronger earthquakes in the concise form of intensity distribution maps. A typical map is shown in figure 10. For this purpose, intensity is defined as the apparent violence of an earthquake at any loca- tion as determined from a scale based on observed effects. At any given distance from the epicenter, intensity depends on the strength of the earthquake at the focus, the depth of focus, local geological factors, and in populated areas, on the type and quality of construction. In this country, the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale of 193P is used to evaluate earthquake intensity. In abridged form, criteria for this scale are : I. Not felt except by a very few under specially favorable circumstances. (I Rossi-Forel Scale) II. Felt only by a few persons at rest, especially on upper floors of buildings. Delicately suspended objects may swing. (I to II Rossi-Forel Scale) III. Felt quite noticeably indoors, especially on upper floors of buildings, but many people do not recognize it as an earthquake. Standing motorcars may rock slightly. Vi- bration like passing of truck. Duration estimated. (Ill Rossi-Forel Scale) ^ Harry O. Wood and Frank Neumann^ in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 21, No. 4, December 1931. 36 IV. During the day, felt indoors by many, outdoors by few. At night, some awakened. Dishes, windows, doors dis- turbed; walls make creaking sound. Sensation like heavy truck striking building. Standing motorcars rocked noticeably. (IV to V Rossi-Forel Scale) V. Felt by nearly everyone, many awakened. Some dishes, windows, etc., broken; a few instances of cracked plas- ter; unstable objects overturned. Disturbances of trees, poles, and other tall objects sometimes noticed. Pen- dulum clocks may stop. (V to VI Rossi-Forel Scale) VI. Felt by all, many frightened and run outdoors. Some heavy furniture moved ; a few instances of fallen plaster or damaged chimneys. Damage slight. (VI to VII Rossi- Forel Scale) VII. Everybody runs outdoors. Damage negligible in build- ings of good design and construction; slight to moderate in well-built ordinary structures; considerable in poorly built or badly designed structures; some chimneys bro- ken. Noticed by persons driving motorcars. (VIII Rossi- Forel Scale) VIII. Damage slight in specially designed structures; consider- able in ordinary, substantial buildings, with partial col- lapse ; great in poorly built structures. Panel walls thrown out of frame structures. Fall of chimneys, factory stacks, columns, monuments, walls. Heavy furniture over- turned. Sand and mud ejected in small amounts. Changes in well water. Persons driving motorcars dis- turbed. (VIII + to IX- Rossi-Forel Scale) IX. Damage considerable in specially designed structures; well-designed frame structures thrown out of plumb; great in substantial buildings, with partial collapse. Buildings shifted off foundations. Ground cracked con- spicuously. Underground pipes broken. (IX+ Rossi- Forel Scale) X. Some well-built wooden structures destroyed; most masonry and frame structures destroyed with their foun- dations; ground badly cracked. Rails bent. Landslides considerable from river banks and steep slopes. Shifted sand and mud. Water splashed (slopped) over banks. (X Rossi-Forel Scale) 37 XL Few, if any, (masonry) structures remain standing. Bridges destroyed. Broad fissures in ground. Under- ground pipelines completely out of service. Earth slumps and land slips in soft ground. Rails bent greatly. XII. Damage totaL Waves seen on ground surfaces. Lines of sight and level distorted. Objects thrown upward into air. Earthquake intensity is frequently confused with another measure of earthquakes called magnitude. As indicated by the preceding intensity scale, intensity is a measure of effects ob- served by people in any part of the shaken area during an earthquake. Magnitude, on the other hand, is a measure of earthquake size observed on seismograph records, and relates to the total seismic energy released by an earthquake. For any earthquake there are many intensities, but only one magnitude. An earthquake magnitude is usually reported first since it is quickly determined from the measured amplitudes on seismo- grams. On the magnitude scale the size of an earthquake is defined as the logarithm of amplitude. Thus, each whole num- ber step-up in magnitude represents a 10-fold increase in earthquake size. Engineering Seismology All parts of the Survey's seismology program have engineer- ing application to some degree. Location of epicenters provides knowledge of seismicity. Descriptive reports provide knowledge of earthquake effects. However, the phase of the program most closely associated with engineering and usually thought of as engineering seismology is the measurement, and subsequent analysis, of strong and damaging motion during earthquakes. To make such measurements the Survey maintains a net- work of specially designed strong-motion recording seismo- graphs with the cooperation of other agencies, universities, engineers, and building owners. At the end of 1968 the network included 262 instruments and extended from Alaska to South America. Most of the instruments in the network record motion in terms of acceleration, but at a number of stations, transient displacements are also recorded. A typical acceleration record is shown in figure 1 1 . 38 r^ VD 1— 0^ (?) ""^ Q_ o 00 O lO CI) o kO F o CD ^ o o CD o CO VD o ro V O Qfl ^•^ c > 1 a E ±1 r 0) ro ^^. s ■s ^zs-Ck- Figure 13. — Seismoscope record produced by the instrument in fig. 12. Record was written during the Parkfield, Calif., earthquake in June 1966. A great percentage of damage and loss of life is undoubtedly caused by poor judgment in use of building materials. Unrein- forced brick or stone walls, poorly mortared and topped by heavy roofs, for example, have caused thousands of deaths during earthquakes. However, the same materials, when ade- quately reinforced and tied together as a unit, make reasonably earthquake-resistant structures. The geometric shape of buildings is also important. A simple rectangular shape is perhaps the best, but even for this shape, the possibility of hammering between buildings must be con- sidered since it is unlikely that two buildings or parts of irregular buildings will vibrate in unison under seismic forces. 42 Microseisms The land surfaces of the world are no more in a state of absolute quiet than the water surfaces. Minute waves, called microseisms, are continuously moving through the rocks over the entire surface of the earth. This is evident when examining a sensitive seismograph record obtained in any part of the world. The most prominent and important waves have periods from about 4 to 7 seconds. In amplitude they range from ap- proximately 0.00004 inch to 0.001 inch. There are others of much shorter period and smaller amplitude and more localized character. These waves are all called microseisms (see fig. 14) . Microseismic waves are of meteorological origin just the same as ocean waves; in fact, ocean waves may play an im- portant part in their generation. Regardless of the mechanism of their origin, it is a fact that storms and low-pressure areas at sea are always accompanied by great increases in the amplitudes of microseismic waves recorded at seismographic stations in the surrounding coastal areas. In the West Indies microseisms have been recorded from hurricanes as far as 2,000 miles from the recording station. U — 2 Min. — J ^ ^ ^ Figure 14. — Seismogram showing microseismic storm in December 1956 at Sitka, Alaska. 43 Cold wave fronts and other forms of meteorological changes cause various unique types of microseismic disturbances that have been the subject of much interest and investigation among seismologists. The basic concepts that will satisfactorily explain the generation and propagation of microseismic waves are yet to be advanced. 44 APPENDIX Table 1 . — Active teleseismic stations of the United States COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND COOPERATING STATIONS- Adak, Alaska Coast and Geodetic Survey. Albuquerque, N. Mex Do. Baker, Oreg Do. Barrow, Alaska Do. Biorka, Alaska Do. Boulder City, Nev Bureau of Reclamation. Butte, Mont Montana School of Mines. Byrd, Antarctica Coast and Geodetic Survey. Castle Rock, Calif Earthquake Mechanisms Laboratory (ESSA). Do. Chamberlain, Calif College, Alaska (2) Coast and Geodetic Survey. Columbia, S.C University of South Carolina. Eureka, Nev Eureka Corporation, Ltd. Fayetteville, Ark.i University of Arkansas. Flaming Gorge, Utah Bureau of Reclamation. Gilmore Creek, Alaska . Coast and Geodetic Survey. Glen Canyon, Ariz Bureau of Reclamation. Guam, Mariana Islands Coast and Geodetic Survey. Holy Cross, Calif Earthquake Mechanisms Laboratory (ESSA). Coast and Geodetic Survey. Bureau of Reclamation. Honolulu, Hawaii (4) Hungry Horse, Mont Kipapa, Hawaii Coast and Geodetic Survey. Kodiak, Alaska Do. Las Vegas, Nev Do. McMinnville, Tenn Do. Middleton Island, Alaska Do. Mt. Diablo, Calif Earthquake Mechanisms Laboratory (ESSA). Newport, Wash Coast and Geodetic Survey. Nordman, Idaho Do. Olema, Calif Earthquake Mechanisms Laboratory (ESSA). Coast and Geodetic Survey. Palmer, Alaska (3) Rapid City, S. Dak South Dakota State School of Mines and Technology. Rincon, Calif Earthquake Mechanisms Laboratory (ESSA). Salt Lake City, Utah University of Utah. See footnotes at end of table. 45 Table 1. — ^Active teleseismic stations of the United States — Con. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY AND COOPERATING STATIONS Continued San Andreas Lake, Calif San Francisco, Calif San Juan, Puerto Rico Do. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Do. San Luis, Calif Sitka, Alaska South Pole, Antarctica Stone Canyon, Calif Tucson, Ariz Ukiah, Calif Washington, D.C Bureau of Reclamation. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Do. Earthquake Mechanisms Laboratory (ESSA). Coast and Geodetic Survey. Do. Do. Washington Science Center, Rockville, Md. (3). Do. JESUIT SEISMOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION STATIONS Berlin, N.H Berryman, Mo Buffalo, N.Y Cape Girardeau, Mo Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Denver, Colo Flat River, Mo Florissant, Mo Greenville, Mo Maiden, Mo Milford, Ohio New Madrid, Mo New York, N.Y Portageville, Mo Rochester, N.Y St. Louis, Mo Spokane, Wash Spring Hill (Mobile Co.), Ala Tyson Valley, Mo Washington, D.C Weston, Mass See footnotes at end of table. Weston Observatory. St. Louis University. Canisius College. St. Louis University. Loyola University. Xavier University. John Carroll University. Regis College. St. Louis University. Do. Do. Do. Xavier University. St. Louis University. Fordham University. St. Louis University. McQuaid Jesuit High School. St. Louis University. Mount St. Michaels College of Gonzaga University. Spring Hill College. St. Louis University. Georgetown University. Weston Observatory. 46 Table 1. — Active teleseismic stations of the United States — Con. PASADENA SEISMOLOGICAL LABORATORY STATIONS (CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) 2 Barrett, Calif China Lake, Calif Cottonwood Creek, Calif. El Centro, Calif Fort Tejon, Calif Glamis, Calif Goldstone, Calif Hayfield, Calif Isabella, Calif Lake Hughes, Calif Mount Wilson, Calif. . . . Palomar, Calif Pasadena, Calif Riverside, Calif Santa Barbara, Calif. . . . Santa Ynez, Calif Tinemaha, Calif Woody, Calif Barrett Reservoir, City of San Diego. Naval Ordnance Test Station, Inyokern. Department of Water and Power, City of Los Angeles. Imperial Irrigation District. Division of Beaches and Parks, State of California. California Institute of Technology. Jet Propulsion Lab. Metropolitan Water District, City of Los Angeles. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacra- mento. California Institute of Technology. Mount Wilson Observatory. Palomar Observatory. Kresge and Donnelley Labs. City of Riverside. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. California Institute of Technology. Bureau of Water Works and Supply, City of Los Angeles. Kern County Forestry and Fire Dept. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA STATIONS ^ Areata, Calif Berkeley (Haviland), Calif. . . Byerly (Berkeley Strawberry), Calif. Concord, Calif Fresno, Calif Granite Creek, Calif Hollister, Calif. (5) Jamestown, Calif Llanada, Calif Manzanita Lake, Calif Mineral, Calif Mount Hamilton, Calif Oroville, Calif Paraiso, Calif Pilarcitos Creek, Calif Priest, Calif See footnotes at end of table. Humboldt State College. University of California . Do. Diablo Valley College. Fresno City College. University of California. Do. California State Department of Water Resources. University of California . Lassen Volcanic National Park. Do. Lick Observatory. University of California. Do. Do. Do. 47 Table 1. — Active teleseismic stations of the United States — Con. INDEPENDENT STATIONS Anchorage, Alaska Ann Arbor, Mich Anzar Reservoir, Calif. (9) Atlanta, Ga Balboa Heights, Canal Zone 2. . . Bellingham, Wash Bethesda, Md Big Mountain, Alaska Black Rapids, Alaska Blacksburg, Va Bloomington, Ind Boulder, Colo Bowling Green, Ohio Canyon Junction, Wyo. (5). . . . Chapel Hill, N. C Chesbro Reservoir, Calif. (7). . . Corvallis, Oreg Dallas, Tex Dubuque, Iowa Dugway, Utah East Aurora, N.Y El Paso, Tex Feather Falls, Calif Flagstaff, Ariz Fort Sill, Okla Glen Cove, N.Y Golden, Colo Hawaiian Volcanic Observatory, Hawaii (16). Honolulu, Hawaii Do Houston, Tex Junction, Tex Kentfield, Calif Klamath Falls, Oreg Laramie, Wyo Lawrence, Kans Leonard, Okla Logan, Utah Longmire, Wash Los Angeles, Calif Los Trancos Woods, Calif. (10). Lubbock, Tex See footnotes at end of table. Alaska Methodist University. University of Michigan. U.S. Geological Survey. Georgia Institute of Technology. The Panama-Canal Company. Western Washington State College. Bureau of Standards. Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska. Do. Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Indiana University. University of Colorado. Bowling Green State University. U.S. Geological Survey. University of North Carolina. U.S. Geological Survey. Oregon State University. Southern Methodist University. Lor as College. University of Utah. East Aurora High School. Texas Western College of the University of Texas. California State Department of Water Resources. U.S. Geological Survey. Wichita Mountains Observatory, Vela- Uniform (Technical direction by AFTAC). Private station, Victor Aiello. Colorado School of Mines. U.S. Geological Survey. Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii. University of Hawaii, Manoa Valley. William Marsh Rice University. Texas A. & M. University. College of Marin. Oregon Technical Institute. University of Wyoming. University of Kansas. University of Oklahoma. Utah Agriculture College. University of Washington. Griffith Observatory and Planetarium. U.S. Geological Survey. Texas Technological College. 48 Table 1. — Active teleseismic stations of the United States — Con. INDEPENDENT STATIONS — Continued Madison, Wise Madison Junction, Wyo. (5). . . Magalia, Calif Manhattan, Kans . . McKinley, Alaska Miles City, Mont Morgan town, W. Va Mullan, Idaho New York, N.Y. North Reno, Nev Oak Ridge, Tenn Ogdensburg, N.J Oxford, Miss Palisades, N.Y Parkfield, Calif. (3) Payson, Ariz Pedro Dome, Alaska Philadelphia, Pa.2 Portland, Oreg Price, Utah Reno, Nev Rolla, Mo San Diego, Calif Scottsdale, Ariz Seattle, Wash Do Sheep Creek Mountain, Alaska Socorro, N. Mex Sparrevohn, Alaska State College, Pa Sterling Forest, N.Y Sunnyside, Utah (6) See footnotes at end of table. University of Wisconsin. U.S. Geological Survey. California State Department of Water Resources. Kansas State University. Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska. LASA Data Center, Vela-Uniform (Technical direction by AFTAC). West Virginia University. U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Spokane Mining Research Laboratory. City College of New York. University of Nevada. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Lamont Geological Observatory of Columbia University. University of Mississippi. Lamont Geological Observatory of Columbia University. U.S. Geological Survey. Tonto Forest Observatory, Vela-Uni- form (Technical direction by AFTAC). Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska. The Franklin Institute. Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. Carbon College of the University of Utah. University of Nevada. Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. San Diego State College. Private station, Willard Groene. Private station, Gerald Marshall. University of Washington. Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska. Pennsylvania State University. Lamont Geological Observatory of Columbia University. U.S. Geological Survey. 49 Table 1. — Active teleseismic stations of the United States — Con. INDEPENDENT STATIONS — Continued Tanana, Alaska Geophysical Institute, University of Terre Haute, Ind Private station, Gerald Shea. Tonopah, Nev University of Nevada. Trinidad, Colo Trinidad Junior College. Troy, N.Y Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Tumwater, Wash University of Washington. Unionville, Nev University of Nevada. Vernal, Utah Uinta Basin Observatory, Vela- Uniform (Technical direction by AFTAC). Wallace, Idaho U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Spokane Mining Research Lab. Washington, D.C Carnegie Institution of Washington, Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism. Waterville, Maine Colby College. 1 Publishes own station bulletin. 2 Results published by the Coast and Geodetic Survey. 3 Correspondence with reference to Pasadena and Berkeley network of stations should be addressed to: Seismological Laboratory, 220 North San Rafael Ave., Pasadena, Calif. 91105, or to Seismographic Stations, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. 94720. ( ) The number in parentheses indicates close-in stations at the site. 50 Table 2. — Lives lost in major United States earthquakes LOCALITY LIVES LOST ►New Madrid, Mo San Juan Gapistrano, Calif. Hayward, Calif Owens Valley, Calif Charleston, S.C San Jacinto, Calif San Francisco, Calif Imperial Valley, Calif Puerto Rico (killed by tsunami from earthquake in Mona Passage) Santa Barbara, Calif Do Humboldt Co., Calif Long Beach, Calif Kosmo, Utah Helena, Mont Imperial Valley, Calif Hawaii (killed by tsunami from earthquake in Aleutians) . . Puget Sound, Wash Kern Co., Calif Eureka-Arcata, Calif Oakland, Calif Khantaak Island and Lituya Bay, Alaska Hebgen Lake, Mont Hilo, Hawaii (killed by tsunami from earthquake off the coast of Chile) Prince William Sound, Alaska (tsunami claimed nearly all those killed along Gulf of Alaska and west coast of the United States) Puget Sound, Wash Several 40 51 Table 3. — Damage (in dollars) caused by strong United States earthquakes LOCALITY 1865 1868 1872 1886 1892 1898 1906 1915 1918 1918 1925 1933 1935 1940 1941 1941 1944 1946 1949 1949 1951 1952 1954 1954 1955 1955 1957 1957 1959 1960 1961 1964 1965 1966 San Francisco, Calif do Owens Valley, Calif Charleston, S.C Vacaville, Calif Mare Island, Calif San Francisco, Calif Fire loss Imperial Valley, Calif Puerto Rico (tsunami damage from earthquake in Mona Passage) San Jacinto and Hemet, Calif Santa Barbara, Calif Long Beach, Calif Helena, Mont Imperial Valley, Calif Santa Barbara, Calif Torrance-Gardena, Calif Cornwall, Canada-Massena, N.Y Hawaii (tsunami damage from earthquake in Aleu- tians) Puget Sound, Wash Terminal Island, Calif, (oil wells only) do Kern County, Calif Eureka-Arcata, Calif Wilkes-Barre, Pa .• Terminal Island, Calif, (oil wells only) Oakland-Walnut Creek, Calif Hawaii (tsunami damage from earthquake in Aleu- tians) San Francisco, Calif Hebgen Lake, Mont, (damage to timber and roads). . Hawaii and west coast of United States (tsunami damage from earthquake off the coast of Chile) . . . Terminal Island, Calif, (oil wells only) Alaska and west coast of United States (tsunami damage from earthquake near Anchorage, Alaska; includes earthquake damage in Alaska) Puget Sound, Wash Dulce, N.Mex Dollars 500, 000 350, 000 250, 000 23, 000, 000 225, 000 1, 460, 000 24, 000, 000 500, 000, 000 900, 000 4, 000, 000 200, 000 8, 000, 000 40, 000, 000 4, 000, 000 6, 000, 000 100, 000 1,000,000 2, 000, 000 25, 000, 000 25, 000, 000 9, 000, 000 3, 000, 000 60, 000, 000 2, 100, 000 1, 000, 000 3, 000, 000 1, 000, 000 3, 000, 000 1, 000, 000 11,000,000 25, 500, 000 4, 500, 000 500, 000, 000 12,500,000 200, 000 52 SEISMOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS of the NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE INFORMATION CENTER The following list of publications relates to the earthquake investigation activities of the National Earthquake Information Center and may be obtained at the stipulated prices from the sources indicated. Remittance may be made by postal money order, express money order, or check. Postage stamps cannot be accepted. Foreign remittance must be by international money order. Although the publications are partially technical in character, many of them are readily understandable by the layman, or educator interested in the more general aspects of earthquake in- formation and present-day research. There is much information of interest to actuaries, and to architects and engineers interested in the design of earthquake-resistive structures. The reports cover all seismic activity observed or recorded in the United States and outlying possessions, or give references to publications issued by other organizations in which such information may be found. Because this list is constantly changing, a separate report entitled List of Seismological Publications may be obtained each year by writing to this Center. The present publication. Earthquake In- vestigation in the United States^ is revised about every 5 years. 53 List of Seismological Publications TITLE OF REPORT Price United States Earthquakes, 1928-1935 (Reprint) United States Earthquakes, 1936-1945 (Reprint) United States Earthquakes, 1946 United States Earthquakes, 1947 United States Earthquakes, 1948 United States Earthquakes, 1949 United States Earthquakes, 1950 United States Earthquakes, 1951 United States Earthquakes, 1 952 United States Earthquakes, 1953 United States Earthquakes, 1954 United States Earthquakes, 1955 United States Earthquakes, 1956 United States Earthquakes, 1957 United States Earthquakes, 1958 United States Earthquakes, 1959 United States Earthquakes, 1960 United States Earthquakes, 1961 United States Earthquakes, 1962 United States Earthquakes, 1963 United States Earthquakes, 1964 _ United States Earthquakes, 1965 United States Earthquakes, 1966 United States Earthquakes, 1967 Earthquake History of the United States, Part I — Stronger Earth* quakes of the United States (exclusive of California and Western Nevada). Pub. 41-1 (Revised 1963 Edition) Earthquake History of the United States, Part II — Stronger Earthquakes of California and Western Nevada. Pub. 41-1 (Revised 1963 Edition). Earthquake Investigations in the Western United States, 1931- 1964, Pub. 41-2 Principles Underlying the Interpretation of Seismograms, Special Publication 254 (Revised 1966 Edition) Tsunami — The Story of the Seismic Sea Wave Warning System The Puget Sound, Washington, Earthquake of April 29, 1965. . The Parkfield, California, Earthquake of June 27, 1966 The Fairbanks, Alaska, Earthquakes of June 21, 1967 The Prince William Sound, Alaska, Earthquake of 1964 and Aftershocks, Volume I The Prince William Sound, Alaska, Earthquake of 1964 and Aftershocks, Volume II, Part A A Preliminary Study of Engineering Seismology Benefits The Tsunami of March 28, 1 964, as Recorded at Tide Stations . $1.75** 1.25 .30* .35* .30* .35* .25* .25* .60* .35* .55* .30* .45* .60* .40* .70* .50* .55* .60** .40** .55** .55** .70** 2.25 .70* .30** 2. 75** 2.00** .35** .40** .45** .45** 6. 50** 5. 50** .35** .50** *Available from the National Earthquake Information Center, ESS A, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Rockville, Md. 20852. **Available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 54 The publications listed in the United States Earthquakes series, the annual seismological report of the National Earthquake Infor- mation Center, are primarily statistical. They are catalogs, beginning in 1928, of earthquakes in the United States and outlying territories, in this respect adding materially to the re- stricted territory covered by Publication 41-1, Parts I and II. Beginning with the 1933 report, a section on the results of the strong-motion work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey was added. This section is designed primarily to furnish structural engineers, and other interested groups, with precise data on destructive ground motions. Also included are sections discussing geodetic work of seismological interest; tidal disturbances of seismic origin ; and fluctuations in well-water levels that correspond to earthquake occurrences. Publication 41-1 {Revised 1963 Edition) , Earthquake History of the United States, Part I, is a catalog of the most important shocks of historical record through 1963. It contains descriptive text on all shocks listed, in addition to regional tables which list earth- quakes chronologically with their locations, aff'ected areas, and intensities. Epicenter maps are included that show earthquake distribution in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. Publication 41-1 {Revised 1963 Edition), Earthquake History of the United States, Part II, is a 48-page summary of the stronger earthquakes of California and western Nevada through 1963. Parts I and II are similar in extent of detail. Publication 41-2, Earthquake Investigations in the Western United States, 1931-1964, is a 256-page report describing the seismological work carried out under the auspices of the Federal Government during this period. It is primarily of engineering in- terest as it concerns the precise measurement of ground and build- ing motion resulting from natural and artificial causes. The publication describes in considerable detail the development of instruments, the organization of field parties, the analysis of records, and the collection of noninstrumental seismic data. A large quantity of observational data is given, including information on normal and forced vibrations of buildings, elevated water tanks, bridges, and other structures. Structural damage resulting from earthquakes of the western U.S. since 1933 is described in the last section. Special Publication 254, Principles Underlying the Interpreta- tion of Seismograms, is a 50-page publication designed to meet the needs of the student. Included are sections on seismic waves 55 and earth structure, the response of seismographs to seismic waves, travel-time tables and charts, interpretation of seismograms, and other items such as intensity and magnitude. There are 13 illus- trations and four large travel-time charts. Tsunami — The Story of the Seismic Sea Wave Warning Sys- tem, is a brochure describing the operation of the System in the Pacific. It includes the methods employed to warn residents of a possible seismic sea wave (tsunami) and outlines cautionary steps to be taken when an alarm is given. The Puget Sound, Washington, Earthquake of April 29, 1965, gives a detailed description of the seismological and engineering aspects of this earthquake. Included are the geology and seismic history of the Puget Sound region and a discussion of the intensity, direction of faulting, and foreshocks and aftershocks. The report is highlighted by a descriptive analysis of the damage incurred (including 16 photos of damage), and a discussion of strong- motion measurements. Eighteen additional illustrations concerning various aspects of the earthquake are included. The Parkfield, California, Earthquake of June 27, 1966, contains information very similar to the report described above. However, included in this report are 26 damage photos and an additional 35 illustrations concerning various aspects of the shock. The Fairbanks, Alaska, Earthquakes of June 21, 1967, similar in content to the two previously described, details the effects of the earthquake series in Fairbanks in June 1967. It contains 10 photos of earthquake effects and 31 line-cut illustrations of other aspects of the principal shock and aftershocks. The Prince William Sound, Alaska, Earthquake of 1964 and Aftershocks, Volume I, describes the equipment, instrumentation, survey systems, and specific procedures used in the Coast and Geodetic Survey's investigations of this earthquake. It sum- marizes the procedures used in coordinated seismological, geodetic, photogrammetric, oceanographic, hydrographic, and cartographic studies directed toward determining both the causal factors and associated effects of this earthquake series. Also included is a large section discussing the geology and seismic history of Alaska, includ- ing tables covering felt Alaskan earthquakes since 1786. This 263-page book contains 179 illustrations. The Prince William Sound, Alaska, Earthquake of 1964 and Aftershocks, Volume II, Part A, is directed toward engineers, architects, builders, and all others seriously interested in the rea- sons for the extensive damage to buildings and other properties 56 in Anchorage from the 1964 earthquake. The mode of failure for most major buildings in Anchorage is described, and the dam- age analysis clearly indicates danger points in some modern design methods and construction practices. The resulting damage pat- terns to modern construction are clear indications of what can be expected should another such shock strike elsewhere in the popu- lated United States. The report contains 392 pages, 599 illustra- tions, 59 tables, and a phonograph record in the end pocket that relates a personal, on-the-spot description of the earthquake as it was occurring. A Preliminary Study of Engineering Seismology Benefits is a report that analyzes the usefulness of seismological information available to the construction industry, as well as the economic consequences of ignoring such information. The report examines in some measure how engineering seismology and the use of Coast and Geodetic Survey data have affected building codes, and in- vestigates the benefits derived from the incorporation of earth- quake-resistive features into the construction of public buildings, particularly schools. Included are eight photos of earthquake damage to California schools, several diagrams and charts, and two tables. The Tsunami of March 28, 1964, as Recorded at Tide Stations, C&GS 33, is an 86-page report describing the tsunami generated by the great Prince William Sound earthquake. The report con- tains 105 reproductions of tide curves showing the tsunami, and eight curves showing oscillations induced by the long-period seismic waves — six in the Gulf of Mexico and two at Arkansas damsites. A brief history of the Tsunami Warning System and a report of its operation during the tsunami warning action are included. Note — The Coast and Geodetic Survey maintains mailing lists for issuing notices of reports. If you desire to receive notices of seismological publications as they are issued, address your request to the National Earthquake Information Center (see address in footnote on page 54) . The following processed reports issued by the National Earth- quake Information Center are not available to the general public. They are primarily intended for cooperating seismological groups, research institutions, universities, and libraries. Those within these categories who desire to receive these reports as issued may re- quest addition of their names to the mailing lists indicated below. 57 1. Preliminary Determination of Epicenters. These reports list the approximate epicentral locations of earthquakes occurring in any area of the world. They give origin time of the earthquakes, latitude and longitude, region of occurrence and comments, depth, magnitude, and other miscellaneous information. They are issued biweekly on the "PDE Mailing List." 2. Earthquake Data Report. This report contains data used in the computation of the PDE cards above. It is issued twice weekly on the "EDR Mailing List," to those having need for station arrival times, individual distances, azimuths, and travel-time residuals. 3. Seismological Bulletin. This publication is a register of seis- mogram interpretations for 24 regular and cooperating seismo- graph stations. Refined epicenters are listed in this monthly bul- letin. It is available on the "CGS-7 Mailing List." 4. Abstracts of Earthquake Reports for the United States. This quarterly report originally summarized the earthquake formation furnished by various institutions and observers on the Pacific Coast and in the Western Mountain region of the United States. In January 1967, the report was expanded to include coverage of the complete United States, Canal Zone, Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. The information is quite detailed, listing each earth- quake reported felt and its effects. The report is available on the "CGS-3 Mailing List." 5. Quarterly Engineering Seismology Bulletin. This report per- tains to the strong-motion earthquake work of the Coast and Geo- detic Survey on the Pacific Coast of the United States and in other regions. It contains analyses of all accelerograph records obtained during the quarter, and may be obtained through the "CGS-5 Mailing List." 58 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1969 O— 335-146 PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES AQQDa7nOMD3